"""This script uses Plotly to visualize benchmark results. To use this script run ```shell .venv/bin/python ./scripts/plot_results.py ``` """ import os import plotly.express as px import polars as pl from common_utils import DEFAULT_PLOTS_DIR, INCLUDE_IO, TIMINGS_FILE, WRITE_PLOT # colors for each bar COLORS = { "polars": "#f7c5a0", "dask": "#87f7cf", "pandas": "#72ccff", # "modin": "#d4a4eb", } # default base template for plot's theme DEFAULT_THEME = "plotly_dark" # other configuration BAR_TYPE = "group" LABEL_UPDATES = { "x": "query", "y": "seconds", "color": "Solution", "pattern_shape": "Solution", } def add_annotations(fig, limit: int, df: pl.DataFrame): # order of solutions in the file # e.g. ['polar', 'pandas', 'dask'] bar_order = ( df["solution"].unique(maintain_order=True).to_frame().with_row_count("index") ) # every bar in the plot has a different offset for the text start_offset = 10 offsets = [start_offset + 12 * i for i in range(0, bar_order.height)] # we look for the solutions that surpassed the limit # and create a text label for them df = ( df.filter(pl.col("duration[s]") > limit) .with_columns( pl.when(pl.col("success")) .then( pl.format( "{} took {} s", "solution", pl.col("duration[s]").cast(pl.Int32) ).alias("labels") ) .otherwise(pl.format("{} had an internal error", "solution")) ) .join(bar_order, on="solution") .groupby("query_no") .agg([pl.col("labels"), pl.col("index").min()]) .with_columns(pl.col("labels").list.join(",\n")) ) # then we create a dictionary similar to something like this: # anno_data = { # "q1": (offset, "label"), # "q3": (offset, "label"), # } if df.height > 0: anno_data = { v[0]: (offsets[int(v[1])], v[2]) for v in df.select(["query_no", "index", "labels"]) .transpose() .to_dict(False) .values() } else: # a dummy with no text anno_data = {"q1": (0, "")} for q_name, (x_shift, anno_text) in anno_data.items(): fig.add_annotation( align="right", x=q_name, y=LIMIT, xshift=x_shift, yshift=30, font=dict(color="white"), showarrow=False, text=anno_text, ) def write_plot_image(fig): if not os.path.exists(DEFAULT_PLOTS_DIR): os.mkdir(DEFAULT_PLOTS_DIR) file_name = f"plot_with_io.html" if INCLUDE_IO else "plot_without_io.html" fig.write_html(os.path.join(DEFAULT_PLOTS_DIR, file_name)) def plot( df: pl.DataFrame, x: str = "query_no", y: str = "duration[s]", group: str = "solution", limit: int = 120, ): """Generate a Plotly Figure of a grouped bar chart diplaying benchmark results from a DataFrame. Args: df (pl.DataFrame): DataFrame containing `x`, `y`, and `group`. x (str, optional): Column for X Axis. Defaults to "query_no". y (str, optional): Column for Y Axis. Defaults to "duration[s]". group (str, optional): Column for group. Defaults to "solution". limit: height limit in seconds Returns: px.Figure: Plotly Figure (histogram) """ # build plotly figure object fig = px.histogram( x=df[x], y=df[y], color=df[group], barmode=BAR_TYPE, template=DEFAULT_THEME, color_discrete_map=COLORS, pattern_shape=df[group], labels=LABEL_UPDATES, ) fig.update_layout( bargroupgap=0.1, paper_bgcolor="rgba(41,52,65,1)", yaxis_range=[0, limit], plot_bgcolor="rgba(41,52,65,1)", margin=dict(t=100), legend=dict(orientation="h", xanchor="left", yanchor="top", x=0.37, y=-0.1), ) add_annotations(fig, limit, df) if WRITE_PLOT: write_plot_image(fig) # display the object using available environment context fig.show() if __name__ == "__main__": print("write plot:", WRITE_PLOT) e = pl.lit(True) max_query = 8 if INCLUDE_IO: LIMIT = 15 e = e & pl.col("include_io") & ~(pl.col("solution") == "vaex_feather") else: LIMIT = 15 e = e & ~pl.col("include_io") df = ( pl.scan_csv(TIMINGS_FILE) .filter(e) # filter the max query to plot .filter((pl.col("query_no").str.extract("q(\d+)", 1).cast(int) <= max_query)) # create a version no .with_columns( [ pl.when(pl.col("success")).then(pl.col("duration[s]")).otherwise(0), pl.format("{}-{}", "solution", "version").alias("solution-version"), ] ) # ensure we get the latest version .sort(["solution", "version"]) .groupby(["solution", "query_no"], maintain_order=True) .last() .collect() ) order = pl.DataFrame( { "solution": [ "polars", "duckdb", "pandas", "fireducks", "dask", "spark", "vaex_parquet", "modin", ] } ) df = order.join(df, on="solution", how="left") plot(df, limit=LIMIT, group="solution-version")