diff --git "a/PMC_clustering_717.jsonl" "b/PMC_clustering_717.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/PMC_clustering_717.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,511 @@ +{"text": "This case report highlights the clinical efficacy of endoscopic transpapillary drainage for gallbladder perforation in a high\u2010risk surgical patient with a history of steroid treatment for interstitial pneumonia. The usefulness of endoscopic transpapillary gallbladder drainage in high\u2010risk surgical patients with acute cholecystitis has not been established. In difficult cases of emergent surgery, such as described here, endoscopic transpapillary drainage is a promising method to manage gallbladder perforation and acute cholecystitis recurrence. A 74\u2010year\u2010old woman who had been treated with prednisolone for interstitial pneumonia was referred to our department because of complaints of severe abdominal pain and high fever. Physical examination revealed tenderness in the right upper quadrant with positive Murphy's sign. Blood tests showed elevated white blood cell count and C\u2010reactive protein level. Computed tomography (CT) revealed an enlarged gallbladder with pericholecystic inflammation Fig. ; therefoThe standard treatment for perforated cholecystitis is emergent cholecystectomy.Video Clip S1 Successful treatment with endoscopic transpapillary drainage for gallbladder perforation.Click here for additional data file."} +{"text": "Erythroblastic islands (EBIs) were first described by Marcel Bessis in 1958 .We found a picturesque erythroblastic island with a central macrophage encircled by a garland of erythroid cells in the bEarly descriptions of EBIs did not receive much attention because of their infrequent occurrence in BMA due to their distortion during smear preparation . Some re"} +{"text": "In the Acknowledgement Section, the author wrote ``Hyogo Prefectural Particle Beam Medical Care Center'', but it should be ``Hyogo Ion Beam Medical Center''. This has now been corrected. The author apologizes for this error."} +{"text": "The original version of this article did not include Kyung-Won Hong's affiliation with Theragen Etex Bio Institute or Jongpill Choi's affiliation with Thermo Fisher Scientific Solutions, and incorrectly stated that Hyo-Jeong Ban was affiliated with both Theragen Etex and Thermo Fisher. These errors have now been corrected."} +{"text": "Fixpoint logics have recently been drawing attention as common foundations for automated program verification. We formalize fold/unfold transformations for fixpoint logic formulas and show how they can be used to enhance a recent fixpoint-logic approach to automated program verification, including automated verification of relational and temporal properties. We have implemented the transformations in a tool and confirmed its effectiveness through experiments."} +{"text": "A robust body of literature has found birdirectional associations between sleep quality and marital quality in couple relationships . Additionally, dyadic research shows that differences in couples\u2019 bed time routines and habits is associated with mental health outcomes , however the literature has not connected them with other marital processes that are mutable and clinically relevant. Attachment theory provides a clinically relevant framework that captures both interpersonal marital processes such as relationship conflict as well intrapersonal processes of individual emotional safety\u2014essentially individuals\u2019 personal strategies to balance closeness and distance in a relationship . The two main attachment styles related to sleep processes are attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety . Utilizing data from 234 couple dyads, we investigated if differences in partners\u2019 bed times is associated with conflict frequency and attachment avoidance using a structural equation modeling approach. We controlled for a number of important factors and tested our hypothesized model against two plausible alternative models. Results revealed that greater difference in partners\u2019 bed times was associated with higher conflict frequency for both husbands and wives through higher men\u2019s attachment avoidance. Our findings highlight previous research on matched vs. unmatched couples on sleep routines, habits, and chronotypes but highlight mutable and clinically relevant constructs for intervention. Implications for health promotion and marital therapy will be discussed."} +{"text": "There is an error in the title of the paper . The autChange the title from \u201cCryopreserved Human Natural Killer Cells Exhibit Potent Antitumor Efficacy against Orthotopic Pancreatic Cancer through Efficient Tumor-Homing and Cytolytic Ability (Running Title: Cryopreserved NK Cells Exhibit Antitumor Effect)\u201d to \u201cCryopreserved Human Natural Killer Cells Exhibit Potent Antitumor Efficacy against Orthotopic Pancreatic Cancer through Efficient Tumor-Homing and Cytolytic Ability\u201d. We apologize for this error and state that the scientific conclusions are unaffected. The original article has been updated."} +{"text": "Neighborhood experiences may have a cumulative effect on cognitive health outcomes across the lifespan. We investigated independent and combined associations between current and retrospective childhood neighborhoods and daily cognitive function in 209 adults who participated in a 14-day ecological momentary assessment study. Participants reported perceptions of their current neighborhood and the neighborhood they lived in at age 5; including neighborhood cohesion, safety, violence, and physical conditions. Greater current neighborhood violence was independently associated with poorer spatial working memory. Childhood neighborhood violence was not significantly associated with performance. The interaction between current and childhood neighborhood ratings was significant: individuals who reported greater childhood neighborhood violence, but lower current violence had better performance than those who experienced consistently high or low neighborhood violence. Effects for other neighborhood domains were not significant. Results indicate that neighborhood influences on cognition in adulthood may be moderated by childhood neighborhood experiences."} +{"text": "Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) are considered a relevant therapeutic product for various clinical applications. They have generated great interest as cell therapies for a range of inflammatory and autoimmune conditions . Residin"} +{"text": "We describe a patient with incidental endobronchial synchronous hamartoma and typical carcinoid with different management strategy. We describe a patient with incidental endobronchial synchronous hamartoma and typical carcinoid and the management strategy. A 49\u2010year\u2010old woman was admitted to our hospital due to paroxysmal dry cough and mild dyspnoea. She was treated with inhaled steroid and bronchodilator for asthma. On contrast\u2010enhanced chest computed tomography (CT) scan, a solid endobronchial lesion totally occluding the right upper bronchus and an incidental triangular\u2010shaped lesion on intermedius bronchus were shown Fig. . FibrobrAppropriate written informed consent was obtained for publication of this case report and accompanying images."} +{"text": "The kinematics of the right ventricle (RV) are not well understood due to its thin wall and asymmetric geometry . Cine dith order Polynomial functions. Lagrangian strain taken tangential to the midwall (Ett) was computed from both the left ventricle (LV) and RV motion trajectories [In accordance with protocols approved by the UCT Research Ethics Committee, 3 confirmed, 6 suspected ARVC cases and 4 normal volunteers were scanned using cine DENSE. ARVC diagnosis was based on standard clinical criteria . DisplacExample basal slice cine DENSE magnitude images and corresponding end systolic tangential strain maps are shown for a normal volunteer Figure and a coPreliminary results indicate that cine DENSE CMR is useful in detecting abnormal myocardial strain in ARVC. Due to improved SNR and motion properties, cine DENSE using spiral data acquisition may impr"} +{"text": "In order to elucidate the mechanism showing false\u2010positive MIBG examination in RCC, further accumulation will be desirable.Chromophobe RCC oncocytic variant is an extremely rare renal neoplasm and there are such previously reported six cases.The author declares no conflict of interest."} +{"text": "GSA COVID-19 Task Force members worked with organizational leaders and special interest groups to ascertain areas where further research about COVID-19 and older adults would be helpful. The responses were compiled into a single document to create a research agenda. Processes to share the agenda with federal agencies and partners will be shared."} +{"text": "The effective use of radiofrequency thermal energy for the palliative relief of cervical facet pain has been known for decades . The radAs illustrated by the following images obtained from a single cadaveric specimen, a simple process yields precise \u201ctrue\u201d lateral imaging during cannula positioning . First,"} +{"text": "To the Editor: We would like to retract our article Novel Orthobunyavirus Causing Severe Kidney Disease in Broiler Chickens, Malaysia, 2014\u20132017 from the June 2019 issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases ("} +{"text": "After publication of the original article , the autThe incorrect author name is:Marlene J.Le BerThe correct author name is:Marlene JanzenLe BerThe original article has been corrected."} +{"text": "Najafi has published a letter about our published article regarding the comparison of SORT maneuver versus a conventional technique of neck flexion lateral pressure (NFLP) for nasogastric tube (NGT) insertion in ICU admitted patients . He mentHe also mentioned SORT maneuver as an ideal technique for NGT insertion in critically ill patients with COVID-19. As this technique considers anatomical characteristics, it can be an ideal option for health care workers who are familiar with this technique and airway anatomy. Moreover, every physician/nurses should notice the fact that NGT insertion is an aerosol producing technique and every one should consider full protection during its insertion with every technique . So, SOR"} +{"text": "Two infants aged 11 and 5 months consulted for eczematous plaques on the nape. Their parents reported that the lesions had developed over previous erythematous stains. Both cases corresponded to eczematous changes over nevus simplex, known as Meyerson phenomenon .Meyerson phenomenon is defined as a spontaneous eczematous reaction within an overlying skin lesion. This phenomenon was first reported in melanocytic lesions ; however"} +{"text": "The original publication of Healey et al. containeThe full correct title is \u201cCAEP Position Statement \u2013 Management of devastating brain injuries in the emergency department: Enhancing neuroprognostication and maintaining the opportunity for organ and tissue donation.\u201dThe publisher regrets this error. The original article has been updated."} +{"text": "This manuscript has been updated in order to amended incorrect affiliation indices for several authors. The publisher apologies for any confusion caused."} +{"text": "Due to a production error, the Data Availability Statement was not included in the article. The Data Availability Statement appears below. The publisher apologizes for this mistake.\u201c16S rRNA gene sequencing data and metatranscriptome data were submitted to the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) with the accession number PRJEB15104.\u201dThe original article has been updated."} +{"text": "Androglossini is one of four tribes recognized within a neotropical parrot subfamily Arinae. The tribe includes 10 genera of which Pionus is represented by eight species. However, its evolutionary diversification and relationship with other Androglossini members are still unclear. Depending on studied molecular markers, Pionus is closely related with Amazona genus or two monotypic genera Alipiopsitta and Graydidascalus or the clade in which Amazona genus is sister to Alipiopsitta and Graydidascalus. Therefore, we sequenced Pionus menstruus menstruus mitogenome to gain molecular data appropriate for future studies to resolve these discrepancies obtained in various phylogenetic analyses published so far. Arinae subfamily, in which four tribes were recognized was absolutely typical for other P. menstruus menstruus individuals, we proved its taxonomic affiliation in phylogenetic analyses of nd2 sequences including all available Pionus taxa with confirmed geographic origins. The obtained tree (rubrigularis and reichenowi.The sequence of ned tree revealed"} +{"text": "These values should have appeared as means with standard deviations instead of medians with interquartile ranges and means with 95% confidence intervals. This article has been corrected. In the Original Investigation titled \u201cComparison of Office-Based Physician Participation in Medicaid Managed Care and Health Insurance Exchange Plans in the Same US Geographic Markets,\u201d"} +{"text": "Older adults frequently experience daily stressors and are at increased risk of adverse health consequences. Emerging studies have focused on factors that may buffer older adults\u2019 well-being and strengthen their resilience to stress. This symposium adds to this burgeoning literature and presents studies that identify a wide range of such stress-buffering factors, including individual characteristics and daily social and emotional experiences. Huo et al. considered older adults\u2019 empathy and found that more empathic individuals tended to use constructive strategies but not destructive strategies when coping with interpersonal tensions. When daily tensions occurred, more empathic individuals were also better at maintaining their mood. Kim et al. showed that older adults\u2019 marital status influenced their irritable encounters with grown children. Although irritable encounters were associated with increased daily negative mood, this link varied by parents\u2019 marital status. Hong et al. assessed the link between daily stressors and negative affect among older adults with varying levels of loneliness. They found that positive interpersonal encounters were particularly protective for lonely older adults\u2019 daily affect. Leger et al. further examined the buffering effects of trait level and same-day positive emotions during times of stress. Higher trait and same-day levels of positive emotions reduced negative emotions on the day following a stressor. Together, findings might inform future interventions aimed at increasing the daily experience of older adults. Dr. Hoppmann will serve as the Discussant and summarize the theoretical and methodological contributions of these studies. She will discuss challenges in this field and directions for future research."} +{"text": "The paper shares the same ethical approval number and trial registration as an article previously published in Plos One. After investigation, it was determined that authors did not receive proper ethics approval and did not register the trial for the study published in Medicine.The article \u201cCONSORT-epidural dexmedetomidine improves gastrointestinal motility after laparoscopic colonic resection compared with morphine\u201d,"} +{"text": "While affordable housing typically describes housing costs that fall within 30 percent of total income, older adult spending systematically differs from younger cohorts. For instance, budgets may skew away from mortgages and towards home modifications while medical or personal care expenses can drive monthly costs. This research uses the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) to explore various older adult housing cost burden measures and identify their relative advantages. Measures of cost burden are applied to HRS respondents and different cost burdened groups are defined. The welfare of each group is then assessed using metrics such as unmet need and caregiver stress. Findings suggest that traditional cost burden measures identify many vulnerable older adults. However, other measures of cost burden can highlight older adults who are disproportionately impacted by medical cost. This research should help professionals better align the metric that defines their target population members with their policy area."} +{"text": "Merging digital technologies with neuropsychological testing allows for collection of novel metrics that may reveal early, subtle differences in cognitive functioning. We examined whether digital pen metrics from the Clock Drawing Test (CDT) differentiate healthy agers from spouses and individuals by APOE genotype. We used generalized estimating equations adjusted for sociodemographics, familial longevity, and APOE genotype. Among 1974 participants with correct clocks (mean age 71\u00b110 years), familial longevity was associated with better cognitive processing whereas the e4 allele was associated with smaller clock diameter and longer latencies. The e2 allele was negatively associated with total time and latencies. Therefore, digital metrics captured differences in cognitive processing among individuals with correct clocks and thus may be more sensitive than traditional scores. Additionally, familial longevity may confer cognitive advantages that are distinct from the risk/protection afforded by APOE genotype."} +{"text": "Subjective age bias suggests that middle-aged and older adults feel relative younger, whereas adolescents and young adults often feel older than their chronological age. However, we still know very little about its social conditions and consequences across the life span particularly within the work domain. Across three studies , we show that feeling older (among younger adults) and younger (among older adults) is triggered by undesirable age stereotypes concerning competence and status of young and later adulthood and desirable age stereotypes of midlife. We further demonstrate that feeling relatively older among young adults and younger among older adults increases individuals\u2019 self-perceived competence at work and predicts proactive behavior such as speaking up. We discuss subjective age bias as socially-mediated phenomenon and how it affects behavior at work across the life span."} +{"text": "A recent paper comparedA recent review on ML methods in a clinical epidemiological context shows that benefits of ML tend to arise in biased comparisons . In the"} +{"text": "China*Contributed equallyThe authors regret their oversight in this regard, and apologize for any inconvenience caused."} +{"text": "We will present the implementation approach used to evaluate a novel mobile health exercise intervention designed to improve older adult\u2019s fitness and brain health. A randomized controlled trial design evaluated if the use of mHealth strategies improved walking speed in real world environments to help participants achieve current physical activity guidelines. Cognitively healthy older adults were randomized to a 12-week, unsupervised, exercise prescription condition or to a healthy aging education condition. Participants used a heart rate tracker programmed to provide haptic feedback when they fell outside of their prescribed heart rate target during an exercise session. Participant\u2019s perceptions regarding the mHealth technology device, as well as their feedback regarding the privacy of their data when using mHealth devices will be presented. Recommendations to improve the design of future mHealth exercise trials will be discussed."} +{"text": "He was 0%-34%) .(2). This case showed two important issues: harlequin syndrome may be caused by tumors and patients with harlequin syndrome may exhibit cardiac sympathetic hyperactivity.Although no report has described the cardiac sympathetic function of harlequin syndrome, our patient likely presented with cardiac sympathetic hyperactivity, as indicated by the increased washout rate NoneYT wrote the manuscript. KS supervised all procedures.This manuscript is a case report.Informed consent was obtained from the patient."} +{"text": "Subgroup analyses assess whether a given effect measure differs according to baseline characteristics . In geneNEJM, a review of the last 100 randomized trials reporting subgroup analyses was performed were performed using data from SPRINT and PARAMeta-epidemiological studies suggest that relative effects are generally more constant across baseline risk as compared to absolute effects \u20136. Some Additional file 1."} +{"text": "In this paper, we demonstrate our independent replication of the original experimental results. We implemented Statistical model checking uses Monte Carlo simulation to analyse stochastic formal models. It avoids state space explosion, but requires rare event simulation techniques to efficiently estimate very low probabilities. One such technique is"} +{"text": "Positive affect is beneficial for regulating negative emotional responses to stressful events. Yet, few studies have examined if positive affect may attenuate negative affect the following day. We examined how both trait positive affect and state positive affect are associated with next day stressor-related negative emotions. Participants from the National Study of Daily Experiences II (NSDE II) and the Midlife in the United States survey (MIDUS II) answered questions about stressors and emotion across eight days. People high on trait positive affect reported less negative affect the day following a stressor. On days when people experienced a stressor and higher than average state positive affect, they experienced less negative emotion the following day. This held true regardless of whether people were high or low on trait positive affect. Positive affect can help explain both who and when people will have attenuated emotional responses to stressful events."} +{"text": "The current study investigated older parents\u2019 practices and plans to support their own autonomous lives with/without children\u2019s living assistance and how these parents negotiate autonomous lives with their adult children among three racial/ethnic groups. The study participants were older parents who resided in the Southern California who were recruited through local senior centers . Content analysis revealed that Caucasian American parents supported their autonomous lives by using friend networks and professional caregivers rather than depending on their children. Parents with Mexican origin emphasized that their children well took care of them and there were no conflicts with their children. Filipino parents planned to migrate to the Philippines where professional services were affordable so that they would not rely on their children\u2019s care. Similarities and differences in older parents\u2019 need among different racial/ethnic groups will be discussed."} +{"text": "In the original article, there was an error. Sentences include misinformation.**CURRENT LIMITATIONSAND FUTURE DIRECTIONS**, **Sensor Configuration ofTwo Different Devices**, **FirstParagraph**A correction has been made to ORIGINAL SENTENCES\u201cHowever, because light leakage from an fNIRS system can contaminate EEG signals, it is necessary to block this leakage when combining the two devices. One study (Koo et al., CORRECTED AS FOLLOWS\u201cOne study (Koo et al., The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated."} +{"text": "Nezu et al. reported a case of mucinous urethral adenocarcinoma in which targetable EGFR amplification led to successful treatment with erlotinib.Mucinous urethral adenocarcinoma has no standard treatment approach. The authors suggested that erlotinib might be effective because epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) immunostaining was strongly positive in this case. Bryce The authors declare no conflict of interest."} +{"text": "The differential diagnosis of scrotal masses includes testicular cancer. Serum parameters can be helpful in distinguishing a scrotal mass from testicular cancer, but a testicular biopsy is currently required to completely rule out malignancy. Kimura The periductal distribution of granulomas might cause ductal compression or Leydig cell damage.The authors declare no conflict of interest."} +{"text": "Although the majority of our cohort were rescanned at 3-6 months after the index event, some patients were scanned up to a year later. Reduced myocardial manganese uptake was apparent irrespective of the time period of the second scan . We agreAlthough possible, we believe it is unlikely that absent manganese uptake would occur if we had imaged our patients earlier in the hyperacute phase. Many patients had completely akinetic left ventricular segments but continued to have demonstrable uptake . We believe that absent uptake would be more indicative of a completely infarcted or fibrosed myocardium which is not the case for patients with takotsubo syndrome.A recent ischaemia reperfusion animal model reported that manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging is an early biomarker of final infarct size after permanent coronary occlusion . Spath eWe believe that reduced myocardial manganese uptake reflects abnormal myocardial calcium handling rather than ischemia per se. We excluded patients with obstructive coronary disease although we cannot exclude a contribution of ischemia from microvascular dysfunction or impaired vasoreactivity. Our previous studies have demonstrated reduced manganese uptake patients with acute myocardial infarction, chronic myocardial ischaemia, and those with cardiac risk factors as well as those with dilated cardiomyopathy . HoweverWe demonstrated elevated T1 and T2 values in remote myocardium of patients with takotsubo syndrome reflecting myocardial edema. Due to the nature of quantifying manganese uptake, we captured only a single short-axis slice ["} +{"text": "The use of thermal radiofrequency (RF) energy to destroy medial branch nerves innervating specific lumbar facet joints for the palliative relief of chronic low back pain has been described extensively . PreciseA \u201ctrue\u201d lateral fluoroscopic imaging technique has been proposed for confirmation of correct cannula placement before initiation of destructive thermal energy . Each luThe use of the proposed features for \u201ctrue\u201d lateral lumbar imaging may enhance thermal RF lumbar medial branch neurotomy technique, as the final position of the RF cannula in relation to its target structures is more accurately visualized at each segment."} +{"text": "A 34 year old female presented with upper abdominal pain and nausea. Her medical history included alcoholic chronic pancreatitis. Computed tomography angiography revealed a gastroduodenal artery pseudoaneurysm with a portal fistula associated with chronic pancreatitis. Angiography showed an eccentric sac measuring 26 x 38 mm (asterisk) with a small fistula to the portal vein (red arrow). Front and back door embolisation was performed using Amplatzer Vascular Plugs , excluding the pseudoaneurysm while preserving the anterior pancreaticoduodenal artery and common hepatic artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery. The patient was asymptomatic one month after the procedure."} +{"text": "The retraction has been agreed following an investigation into concerns raised by a third party, which revealed inappropriate duplications between this and previously published articles [The above article, published online on 28 June 2019 in Wiley Online Library ("} +{"text": "PLOS ONE Editors retract this article [The article because article . These cZL and JS did not agree with the retraction. All other authors either did not respond directly or could not be reached."} +{"text": "PLOS Biology found fluctuations increased parasite transmission instead, highlighting questions about how climate change will impact infectious diseases.Theory predicts that temperature fluctuations should reduce performance near an organism\u2019s thermal optimum. A new study in Theory predicts that temperature fluctuations should reduce performance near an organism\u2019s thermal optimum. This Primer explores a new study in PLOS Biology showing that fluctuations increased parasite transmission instead, highlighting questions about how climate change will impact infectious diseases. PLOS Biology by Krichel and colleagues . How. How2]. Fluctuations around a mean temperature\u2014an inherent part of most natural environments\u2014add yet another layer of complexity to predicting organismal performance and species interactions across temperature gradients. It is generally infeasible to conduct experiments with treatments at enough relevant combinations of mean temperature and fluctuation size. Thus, ideally there would be a modeling approach that could accurately predict organismal performance and ecological outcomes in fluctuating environments based on performance observed in constant temperatures. Nonlinear averaging is a commonly used method that asOrdospora colligata that infects freshwater zooplankton Daphnia magna) responds unimodally to constant temperatures [In their recent paper, Krichel and colleagues investigeratures . Thus, neratures . Few otheratures ,11), alteratures . Observaeratures ).Ordospora-Daphnia disease system used consistent \u201cdaily\u201d fluctuations that changed the temperature each hour (So what could possibly be driving the disparity between theoretical predictions and empirical results in this case? One potential answer is acclimation, which allows organisms to maintain high levels of performance in variable environments. The temperature variability hypothesis suggests that parasites can gain an advantage in fluctuating thermal environments because they are smaller than their hosts and therefore can acclimate faster to changing temperatures . This hyOverall, the study by Krichel and colleagues demonstr"} +{"text": "Due to a production error, the contributions of authors Rim Diab and Federica Pilotto were not included in the author contributions in the published article. The corrected Author Contributions Statement appears below.\u201cSS wrote the review with equal contributions from FP and RD. FP designed all figures. All authors read and approved the submitted version.\u201dThe publisher apologizes for this mistake. The original article has been updated."} +{"text": "Catatonia due to cerebrovascular stroke is a rare condition that needs further observation and research.To review the opinions of psychotic disorders experts worldwide as to this issue based on evidence and clinical experience and to consider strategies for future investigations.This case shows a 64 years old female who suddenly developed wish for isolation, followed 10 days later by discontinuity of ideas, hallucinatory behavior and food refusal. She had verbal and physical aggression due to a fixed belief that family members are conspiring somehow to harm her.On examination she was mute with waxy flexibility and negativism. Extensor plantar reflex was evident. MRI Brain showed small vessel disease and right basal ganglia acute ischemic infarction. On IV midazolam 7.5 mg, patient\u2019s mutism, negativism and waxy flexibility improved. Lower limb Venous Duplex revealed acute right popliteal and left soleal veins thrombosis. CT angiography showed Bilateral pulmonary embolism with no pulmonary infarction. D dimer was positive.Early diagnosis and intervention improves outcome if psychiatric teams gives attention and has enough awareness with warning symptoms and prompt necessary interventions.None Declared"} +{"text": "An omission to the funding section of the original article was made in error. The following sentence has been added: \u201cOpen access funding was provided by ETH Zurich.\u201dThe original article has been updated."} +{"text": "This is a peer-review report submitted for the paper \u201cLeft Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction in Patients Treated With Milrinone for Cerebral Vasospasm: Case Report and Literature Review.\u201dThis paper deals wiThe rationale for radioembolization of aneurysms needs to be elaborated.The probable differential diagnosis of stunned myocardium syndrome in the acute phase needs to be mentioned."} +{"text": "PLOS ONE Editors retract this article [The article because BX, CZ, and SJ either did not respond directly or could not be reached. KK responded but expressed neither agreement nor disagreement with the editorial decision."} +{"text": "Helsinki, FI: ECHA.).\u2019These details have been corrected only in this correction notice to preserve the published version of record."} +{"text": "Pregnant women with depression face complicated treatment decisions, either because of the risk associated with not treating depression or because of the risks associated with antidepressant use. Approximately 1 in 5 women experience depressive symptoms during pregnancy. This information suggests that many women may take an antidepressant at some time during pregnancy. Once pregnant women initiate antidepressant prescription pharmacotherapy, medication treatment persistence plays an important role in managing depression, yet little is known regarding antidepressant use behavior in pregnant women.To determine antenatal antidepressant treatment nonpersistence and associated factors in low-income, insured pregnant women.We identified eligible pregnant women (\u226518 years) diagnosed with major depression who initiated antidepressant medications during pregnancy from South Carolina Medicaid claims data (2004-2009). Our main outcome measure was treatment nonpersistence to antidepressant therapy during pregnancy. We defined treatment nonpersistence to antidepressant pharmacotherapy as having a gap between 2 consecutive prescriptions lasting at least 15 days during pregnancy. We applied a proportional hazards model to identify predictors associated with the risk for antidepressant nonpersistence during pregnancy.Of 804 pregnant women meeting study criteria, nearly 45% of this cohort did not continue to use antidepressant pharmacotherapy, showing a gap \u226515 days between 2 prescriptions, after initiating antidepressant therapy during pregnancy. Women reporting nonwhite race were 36% more likely to show a gap in antidepressant medication use during pregnancy than white women. Women with a history of antidepressant use before pregnancy were 44% more likely to discontinue the antidepressant therapy during pregnancy.Treatment persistence to antidepressant medications was poor during pregnancy in low-income, insured pregnant women. Individualized treatment might be considered to reduce the risks of untreated depression and antenatal antidepressant use in vulnerable women."} +{"text": "Next, local anesthetic is injected and a shallow incision (scoring) is made around the tumor borders with a scalpel . CarefulThe technique is most helpful where both the tumor appears clinically well defined and additionally where there are risk factors for epidermal shearing, such as significant actinic damage or corticosteroid exposure causing atrophic skin, or thin periocular or genital skin. While tactile feedback of the curettage technique is important, sclerotic tumors have notoriously needed a sharp debulk. This technique provides tumor delineation via curettage and avoids excessive epidermal shearing which can unnecessarily enlarge the Mohs defect.None disclosed."} +{"text": "With this notice, Frontiers states its awareness of serious allegations surrounding the institutional review board Centro Internacional de Vacunas cited in this article. These allegations are being investigated in line with COPE guidelines. The situation will be updated as soon as the investigation is complete."} +{"text": "Corrections to percentages, point estimates, and confidence intervals did not affect the study findings or conclusions. This article was corrected online.In the original investigation titled \u201cEvaluation of Potentially Avoidable Acute Care Utilization Among Patients Insured by Medicare Advantage vs Traditional Medicare,\u201d"} +{"text": "PLOS ONE Editors retract this article [The article because article and Fig article . These cAll authors either did not respond directly or could not be reached."} +{"text": "After the publication, we realizedthat the clinical trial name mentioned in the \u201cPatient Samples\u201dsection is not correct. The \u201cPatient Samples\u201d sectionshould read as below:From the prospective radical prostatectomydatabase maintainedby Dr. Kryvenko, we obtained patient samples from treatment na\u00efveand salvage radical prostatectomies with preoperative neoadjuvantandrogen deprivation therapy or chemotherapy. All tissue samples submittedto the research lab were deidentified. An arbitrary identifier wasassigned to each specimen so that all recipients were blinded to informationthat identifies or could be used to identify the donor subject fromwhom the material was obtained."} +{"text": "Endoscopic resection of giant pedunculated colorectal polyps (PCPs) with large heads and thick stalks can be technically difficult with conventional snare polypectomy and involves the risk of clinically significant bleedingA safe therapeutic strategy is used to resect a giant pedunculated colorectal polyp with a thick stalk.Video 1A 61-year-old man underwent colonoscopy for intermittent hematochezia for 3 months; the results revealed a giant PCP in the sigmoid colon that was almost completely blocking the lumen . ComputPlanned treatment strategies are essential in the prevention of intraoperative complications associated with giant PCPs with thick stalks.Endoscopy_UCTN_Code_TTT_1AQ_2AD"} +{"text": "I agree with the authors that oldhamite could have been involved as a transient phase in important geological processes [Oldhamite . ThisConflict of interest statement. None declared."} +{"text": "With this notice, Frontiers states its awareness of serious allegations surrounding the institutional review board Centro Internacional de Vacunas cited in this article. These allegations are being investigated in line with COPE guidelines. The situation will be updated as soon as the investigation is complete."} +{"text": "In this fourth session of our motivational interviewing workshop, we will go from theory to practice through simple and direct examples from clinical practice. The participants will be able to watch previously filmed clinical cases and participate in role plays, where they can practice using different motivational interviewing techniques that they had learned before.None Declared"} +{"text": "This is a peer-review report submitted for the paper \u201cExploring the Reasons for Low Cataract Surgery Uptake Among Patients Detected in a Community Outreach Program in Cameroon: Focused Ethnographic Mixed Methods Study.\u201dDear Authors,Thank you very much for this interesting paper about caKind regards!"} +{"text": "The Editorial Board has retracted this article. After publication concerns were raised aboutthe data reported for this study. The authors provided the raw data which was examined by twoindependent experts who concluded that the data contain serious anomalies. The Editorial Boardtherefore no longer has confidence in the results presented."} +{"text": "PLOS ONE Editors retract this article [The article because article , and Fig article . These cAll authors either did not respond directly or could not be reached."} +{"text": "Inflammatory processes related to vascular damage may have key biomarkers and pathways that correlate with infiltrating immune cells and systemic autoimmune diseases are dominant in women . As is wne cells . Since tne cells . Last bune cells . FurtherThe author confirms being the sole contributor of this work and has approved it for publication."} +{"text": "With this notice, Frontiers states its awareness of serious allegations surrounding the institutional review board Centro Internacional de Vacunas cited in this article. These allegations are being investigated in line with COPE guidelines. The situation will be updated as soon as the investigation is complete."} +{"text": "This should read \"Abdul K Qadree\" instead of \"Abdul K Qadri\". This is emended in the article.This error has been corrected (online)."} +{"text": "Initiatives to harmonise clinical research methods have been primarily focused on Caucasian populations, neglecting underrepresented populations.The authors declare no conflicts of interest."} +{"text": "Crohn's disease (CD), a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), is an ongoing clinical challenge. Tight disease monitoring is increasingly recognized as a key strategy to achieve optimal disease control.The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare."} +{"text": "Designing biological sequences is an important challenge that requiressatisfying complex constraints and thus is a natural problem to address withdeep generative modeling. Diffusion generative models have achievedconsiderable success in many applications. Score-based generative stochasticdifferential equations (SDE) model is a continuous-time diffusion modelframework that enjoys many benefits, but the originally proposed SDEs are notnaturally designed for modeling discrete data. To develop generative SDE modelsfor discrete data such as biological sequences, here we introduce a diffusionprocess defined in the probability simplex space with stationary distributionbeing the Dirichlet distribution. This makes diffusion in continuous spacenatural for modeling discrete data. We refer to this approach as Dirchletdiffusion score model. We demonstrate that this technique can generate samplesthat satisfy hard constraints using a Sudoku generation task. This generativemodel can also solve Sudoku, including hard puzzles, without additionaltraining. Finally, we applied this approach to develop the first human promoterDNA sequence design model and showed that designed sequences share similarproperties with natural promoter sequences."} +{"text": "Shared decision making (SDM) has found its way into mental health care to a limited extent only, and especially \u201cchallenging\u201d patients do not benefit from this approach. In this lecture we will describe barriers to shared decision making among mental health professionals and among patients. Integrative approaches will be presented that meet the needs of patients and mental health staff when aiming at implementing SDM in acute mental health settings. Finally, best practice examples will illustrate that SDM actually can be implemented in the very acute settings/treatment phases and yields positive results.None Declared"} +{"text": "PLOS ONE Editors retract this article [The article because article , and bet article and Fig article , 3. ThesAll authors either did not respond directly or could not be reached."} +{"text": "An omission to the funding section of the original article was made in error. The following sentence has been added: \u201cOpen access funding was provided by ETH Zurich.\u201dThe original article has been updated."} +{"text": "An omission to the funding section of the original article was made in error. The following sentence has been added: \u201cOpen access funding was provided by ETH Zurich.\u201dThe original article has been updated."} +{"text": "Unavoidable flaring in downstream oil industry causes pollutant emission in large amounts which is potentially harmful to nearby cities or farms. Hence one must manage exhaust toxic gases to raise enough in atmosphere or redirect from such places. Since Kirkuk refinery in north Iraq is next-door to agricultural farms on west yet to residential areas on east optimizing its layout for flare stacks is something acute. In this work we wrote codes in MATLAB software to simulate incomplete rather than complete oxidation as well as pollutant generation reactions. Then we made use of FLEUENT software to simulate pollutant propagation in Kirkuk oil purifier complex yet also farther to city as well as farms with respect to seasonal air currents on lowest troposphere layer. Finally, we set neural network approach to train on simulation data thereafter to unify outcomes to turn into a fast technique for layout optimization. Results show that optimization process efficiency relies on air current velocities as well as its direction. At intermediate air flow rates optimum layout includes only a selective portion of existent flare stacks. Outcomes also illustrate that heuristic techniques that have stronger local search such as particle swarm or artificial immune system can improve flare layout in seasons with intermediate air currents here summer plus early months in autumn while approaches with weak local search like Monte Carlo are more appropriate in winter for which we have no or low air flows in Kirkuk governorate. It was shown that air pollutant emission is firmly dependent on flue gas flow rate rather than airflow velocity as well as distance from flare stacks1. Alameddine et al.2 made use of an industrial complex air pollutant dispersion model to estimate sulfur oxide concentrations in a power distillation plant in an industrial area. It was shown that whenever flare stacks have different heights or in situations with low or no air currents more contaminants emit in near environment2. Yassin et al.3 set tunnel apparatus to simulate pollutant dispersion in a residential area in Japan under various air flow conditions. Outcomes show that under low or no air flow condition pollutant diffusion was high in comparison to situations with high air currents3. Lee4 developed several codes in FORTRAN language to simulate pollutants emission via diffusion on an uneven surface under turbulent condition. Outcomes display that local pollutant mass fractions are highly sensitive to location of pollution source as well as existent structures4. Nazirdoust et al.5 made use of FLUENT software to simulate pollutant dispersion in residential areas with tall structures. Results show that the windy face of constructions is has less pollutant mass fractions yet structure heights are effective on pollutant propagation5. Perez-Roa et al.6 set artificial neural network to train on several pollutant measurement data plus simulation results thereafter made use of this intelligent network to trace 6. Kahforoshan et al.7 developed codes in MATLAB software to study to what extent factors like flare height or air conditions can affect pollutant emission in an industrial area in Africa. It was shown that forecasts from simulations were in nice agreement with experimental information on 7. Edokpa et al.8 did several sensitivity analyses on parameters like air flow velocity rather than direction in Niger delta of Nigeria via employing a commercial simulator. It was shown that higher air flow velocity as well as lower sour gas flow rate causes higher pollutant concentrations near the flare rather than farther locations8. Alkaim et al.9 set data mining technique down with optimization algorithms which relies on multivariate adaptive regression technique to achieve optimal gas flaring rate with respect to costs. It was shown that this approach was very fast yet powerful since it applies integration function9. Fawole et al.10 did an study to discover to what extent stack height or gas composition influences pollutant emission in the Niger delta. Outcomes illustrate that the density of fuel has reverse relation with zero level pollutants concentration while authors propose using a taller flare stack in lieu of a shorter one10. Zoeir et al.11 wrote several codes in MATLAB software to model complete rather than incomplete oxidation reaction then to minimize pollutants in flue gases. Outcomes illustrate that there is specific value for excess air for which mass fractions of air contaminants namely 11. Baroutian et al.12 made use of Gaussian plume model to forecast pollutant dispersion from cement plant to residential areas of Kerman city in southeastern Iran thereafter did a comparison with real data that came from measurements. Since predictions via Gaussian plume model were in nice agreement with data it was a proof that this approach is rational elsewhere under low air currents12. Abiye et al.13 set sensors to measure air pollutants in an iron recycling factory that uses fossil fuels as main energy source thereafter made estimations via plume dispersion simulation in other places for which sensors did not exist. Sensitivity analyses to air temperature in addition to net radiation illustrate that that locations with intermediate distance from the scrap-iron recycling factory were most prone to the impacts of the gaseous releases from the factory\u2019s operations13. Ismail et al.14 wrote several computer programs to simulate incomplete rather than complete oxidations in addition to pollutant generation reactions for 14.In 2010 ten countries were at fault for 72% of total sour gas flares internationally. Top four countries were Russia (27%) then Nigeria (11%) thereafter Iran (8%) yet at last Iraq (7%). Data from Satellites show that overall gas flaring fell to about 80% in recent few years. The most significant reductions in terms of volume were made in Russia (up to 40%) then Nigeria (up to 29%). One can expect Iraq to run up the list in next few years. Kirkuk refinery as largest oil complex in northern Iraq emits more than 70\u00a0million Main novelties of this study in comparison to other works in the literature are that here we employ heuristic optimization techniques to detect monthly optimal flare layout in Kirkuk governorate. Here we concern not only the air currents in lowest troposphere layer yet also simulate pollutant migration through an upper layer with powerful air currents that do not sense earth\u2019s features. In addition to that we develop an intelligent technique namely neural network to rapidly forecast optimum layout for any specific daily air current without requiring to perform computational dynamics. Moreover, we do several sensitivity analyses on factors like air flow air flow characteristics or sour gas flow rates to investigate to what extent each optimization algorithm is efficient.In this section we firstly explain our industrial case study in northern Iraq with further details on stack locations in addition to average sour gas composition. Then we report information on local seasonal rather than permanent air currents that are taken from NASA online site Fig.\u00a0. To coinTo speak on data, one must firstly explain the case study for which we want to optimize flare stack layout. Kirkuk refinery meets residential areas on its east to south east as well as farms on west. Both areas suffer from air pollutants in high concentration due to their proximity if air currents in troposphere cannot effectively carry contaminants away. Pollutant emission with high mass fractions in Kirkuk city causes several diseases such as stroke or cancer in society thus directly affects lives. This is while high pollutant concentrations in plantations or farms indirectly influence fauna with taint on crops. Our further data is on locations of flare stacks that are currently set in place in Kirkuk refinery limits. In order to represent locations, we use global positioning system that employs geographical factors namely latitudinal values for distances from equator line in addition to longitudinal values for distances from prime meridian line as well as altitudinal amounts for height from free sea level. Here mainly due to economical purposes we perform optimization computations on existent flares via changing they\u2019re on or off status rather than excess air to detect layouts that minimize pollutant mass fraction in two target areas. Certainly, one can even consider potential to place new stacks in refinery limits which surely increases capital investments. Further details on flare positions plus their current status is shown in Table To discuss seasonal local air currents in Kirkuk governorate we use data from NASA online site that not only includes surface air currents yet also explains air flow velocities in higher troposphere layers. Information tells us that during early spring in lowest troposphere layer we see no or extremely low air currents while after two- or three-months seasonal air flows start to rush from northwest. In summer we have powerful flows with high velocities from north to south for 2\u00a0months after that air currents weaken for 1\u00a0month. In autumn delicate air currents direct from northeast to southwest. Finally in winter air currents slow down to reach trivial velocities prior to spring. This is while in upper troposphere layers air flows are not so much relevant to seasons. In contrast there we have extremely powerful air currents that are always from west to east. If one wants to explain why air flows near the surface are so uncertain the answer lies under local topological features such as mountain or plateaus.Since provincial hills or valleys are always there, we can expect local air currents to do not undergo significant yearly changes. Anyway, daily currents may not exactly follow this algorithm due to impermanent reasons such as unusual temperature profiles or other factors. Here we introduce two exemplar air current maps for April rather than June as shown in Fig.\u00a0Since Kirkuk complex is the largest oil clarifier unit in northern Iraq it vents large amounts of sour gas each year. Corrosive components in streamline prior to oxidation reaction are Further details on sour gas compositions are shown in Table To compute the amount of greenhouse gases as well as air pollutants that emit from flare stacks, we simulate fuel oxidation reaction to attain flue gas composition. Each hydrocarbon component within inlet sour gaseous phase participates in an exothermic reaction which in the presence of enough excess air will go through complete oxidation that yields only Conversely in situations with less than enough oxidant hydrocarbon components go through incomplete oxidation that produces One must calculate enthalpy changes relevant to each fuel component from thermodynamics that concerns difference in free energy that determines whether reaction is exothermic or not. Conversely reaction rates for reactants come from kinetics via considering especial orders yet constants for each fuel component within its cremation. Enthalpy values for all hydrocarbon components are negative which exhibits exothermic oxidations whereas also reaction rates show their instant conversion. Conversely While slow spontaneous conversion of nitric oxide to nitrogen dioxide takes place in small amounts according to exothermic equation of form:It is noticeable that the overall Sour flares intake In order to perform reaction calculations, one has two alternatives. First way is to write an independent program or apply a convenient software for such purpose. Next option is to do oxidation calculations in the same software that performs computational dynamics. Here we chose to develop an in-house MATLAB program that gives us flame temperature as well as flue gas composition with respect to excess air as shown in Fig.\u00a0In this step we know flame temperature for each flare in addition to information on flue gas composition for all existent stacks with known locations. Now is the time to simulate pollutant dispersion from Kirkuk refinery to its environs namely adjacent city on east as well as farms on west. To do this one must employ computational dynamics that unites mass with energy conservation equations to predict flow specifications in systems. For this purpose, we use GAMBIT software that designs structures in accompaniment with Fluent software that employs dominant laws to do computational dynamics. In this section we develop a three-dimensional prototype that simulates to what extent air contaminant can reach residential area or agricultural farms. Main reason to use spatial geometry rather than two dimensional areal models is that we want to know how each pollutant component lowers its height when cools down in environment. In addition to that since here we have several flare stacks at once one cannot use vertical cross section geometry in this study. Therefore, we prepare three dimensional prototypes that considers not only refinery limits yet urban regions on Kirkuk city as well as next door agricultural farms as shown in Fig.\u00a0All our simulations in this case study undergo steady state condition since times to turn on or off flares are extremely small in comparison to operation times. By applying computational dynamics, we appraise average concentration for each contaminant component namely Monte Carlo technique relies on fortuitous sampling from solution space in overall scale which is here statuses of flares. Two crucial issues that appear in applying this technique are weak local search as well as requirement for massive random tries to detect an optimal solution. This is while genetic algorithm starts with an initial random try to set flare statuses thereafter evaluates target functions to select top candidates among all initial tries. Process continues with changing statuses for one next-door flare stack from layout that comes from previous step. Genetic algorithm improves layout with advancing local search rather than overall that may result premature solutions. Particle swarm optimization randomly places set values for flare statuses in each layout to discover most valuable layout via evaluating pollutant concentrations. This metaheuristic technique defines a velocity vector for each flare stack with respect to its status in interim optimal layout that updates after each try.In last step of our computations, we made use of neural network approach to unify monthly information that came from search in our case study for optimal layout. This approach is a pure mathematical therefore fast technique which exactly relates intake factors to outlet results. Since neural network neglects all the previous conceptual laws it is most useful in solution spaces with unknown governing equations. Here we use seasonal air direction rather than average monthly velocities as two most significant inputs. Beside them we also import excess air for each flare that computes flame temperature together with statuses of flare stacks in each optimal layout. One can expect more accurate outcomes with less intake parameters yet respectively more train or test instances. Here we employ 80% of exemplar data taken from monthly searches as train data while leaving 20% for test. Finally, we employ this intelligent network to perform sensitivity analyses on mean air flow velocity rather than its direction in addition to total intake volumetric flow rate.In this section firstly we verify our outcomes against routine pattern for which all flares are inline. In order to do this, we draw seasonal pollutant concentrations in two target regions namely city on east as well as farms on west. Thereafter we illustrate two exemplar optimal layouts for two specific circumstances for local seasonal air currents. After that we explore to what extent each search algorithm optimizes alive flare pattern as iterations go on. Farther in this section we perform several sensitivity analyses over air current velocity rather than direction as well as intake sour gas flow rate via applying neural network approach.In order to verify our outcomes on optimal flare layouts most correct way is to evaluate pollutant concentrations in target areas versus normal situations in which all flares work. For an easy comparison one can report an average value for each air pollutant in residential area as well as farms. Two main air contaminants that show high amounts are Outcomes illustrate that whenever currents are in route to our two target areas their consequences on pollutant mass fractions for optimal flare layout deviates significantly from normal flare pattern. For example, in summer that seasonal air currents are from northwest to southeast applying optimization algorithms seriously improves process performance that cause crucial reduction in pollutant emission in Kirkuk city. In another case we have autumn in which weaker air currents flow from Kirkuk refinery to farms on west. Here one can see smaller yet still important difference among pollutant mass fractions when optimal flares are inline versus normal pattern whenever all flare stacks work. Conversely during spring or winter season that we have trivial or no air flows in Kirkuk governorate air contaminants in two target areas due to sour gas flares are insignificant. In such circumstances pollutants freely arise in atmosphere to reach higher troposphere air layers with larger velocities. Surely for more accurate forecasts one can advise to concern temperature inversion for winter season which we did not include in our computations. Anyway, in slow or no air flows not only pollutant diagrams are smaller yet also difference of outcomes for two scenarios namely normal minus optimal flare layouts is unimportant. Here we schematically display two exemplar monthly optimal flare layouts for April as well as June in Kirkuk refinery as shown in Fig.\u00a0Graphical results on optimum layout in April illustrate that more than 90% of existent stacks participates in sour gas oxidation. This is while in June when we have air flows direct to residential areas refinery must turn on only carefully chosen stacks up to 60% to reduce pollutant mass fractions. To discuss optimum layout for alive flares in June one can say that specific flares that sets down nearer to Kirkuk city push up pollutant gases that come from other flares. Alive stacks in optimal layout let to freely carry unequal sour gas volumetric flow rates more than minimum yet less than maximum values that flare stack can work. In addition to that each flare can have its own excess air thus specific flame temperature. One can see schematic flare layout as shown in Fig.\u00a0At low or no air flow conditions optimization process works almost similar we mean more accurate flare stack locations attains at higher iterations except that here genetic algorithm plus artificial immune system that have strong local search impressively refine flare layout at fewer tries. In addition to that such algorithms more accurately discover optimal flare layout after achieving convergence. This is while Monte Carlo or particle swarm optimization fail to compete the two other optimization approaches from convergence viewpoint. One can look at Fig.\u00a0From flow direction point of view whenever air currents are from Kirkuk refinery to target areas namely city on east as well as farms on west pollutant mass fractions are high yet optimization process is effective. Conversely whenever seasonal air flows are not in direction of target areas low mass fractions appear thus one do not require any optimization process. In order to speak on results for sour gas volumes one can tell that at situations with high intake flow rates search for an optimal flare layout is more crucial that when refinery vents less sour gas. For further details on our analyses see Table Either pollutant mass fractions in target areas or optimization process efficiency rely on air current velocities as well as its direction. At no or low air flows or when air velocities are extremely high optimum layout includes almost all existent flares.Heuristic techniques that have stronger local search such as particle swarm or artificial immune system can improve flare layout in seasons with intermediate air currents here summer plus early months in autumn accurately at less iteration.Optimization approaches which express weak local search like Monte Carlo help to detect optimal layout for flare stacks in circumstances with low or no air currents. These approaches are more appropriate in winter or spring for which we have low or no air flows in lowest troposphere layer in Kirkuk governorate.Fast simulation approaches such as neural network is several times faster than full computational dynamics specially when working with large volume data whereas convergence times are almost same when working with small volume data.Several key findings from present article are as follows:"} +{"text": "In malignant pleural mesothelioma patients, pleural effusion may improve during the course of the disease. Pleural effusion with nodular shadows bordering the pleura should be followed up even if the pleural effusion improves. In malignant pleural mesothelioma patients, pleural effusion may improve during the course of the disease. Pleural effusion with nodular shadows bordering the pleura should be followed up even if the pleural effusion improves. A 69\u2010year\u2010old, male patient visited our hospital 4\u2009years ago after a chest x\u2010ray found a right pleural effusion during a physical review Figure\u00a0. He had In the advanced stages of malignant pleural mesothelioma, pleural effusion may occasionally improve when tumour cells cause adhesion of the pleura.Sayaka Nishida and Kazutoshi Toriyama collected the clinical data and drafted the original manuscript. Makiko Yomota and Yukio Hosomi were in charge of patient care, obtained informed consent from the patient and revised the original manuscript. All authors have confirmed the final manuscript and agreed to publication.None declared.The authors declare that appropriate written informed consent was obtained for the publication of this manuscript and accompanying images."} +{"text": "Dear Editor,\u201cSharing microphotographs of histopathological or cytological cases via WhatsApp is a very easy and fast method to obtain a second opinion in pathology practice and also to discuss difficult cases (We read the publication named \u201cUsefulness of WhatsApp for Discussing Difficult Cases in Pathology Practice: A Moroccan Experience.\u201d with great interest . Bennanilt cases .\u201d We woult cases . Neverthlt cases . Protectlt cases . Crane alt cases . The dev"} +{"text": "Redo mitral valve surgery using resternotomy after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is challenging as previous CABG with patent internal thoracic artery (ITA) poses a risk of injury due to dense adhesion. It is paramount to have alternative method to minimize this risk.: We report a case of redo mitral and tricuspid valve repair via right thoracotomy under hypothermia and systemic potassium administration with axillary artery cannulation in a patient after CABG with patent bilateral ITA grafts crossing over the sternum. Herein, critical dissection around the aorta and functioning ITA grafts was avoided by performing the procedure under systemic hypothermia via thoracotomy. Furthermore, considering the presence of atheroma in the aorta, the axillary artery was used as a perfusion route to prevent stroke events. Postoperative course was uneventful and echocardiography demonstrated preserved cardiac function.Performing axillary artery cannulation and right thoracotomy under hypothermic cardiac arrest with systemic hyperkalemia without clamping the patent bilateral ITAs and aorta allowed us to perform redo mitral valve surgery after CABG without major postoperative cardiac or cerebral complications. Mitral valve surgery in patients with a history of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) can be challenging for cardiac surgeons. As patent internal thoracic artery (ITA) graft injury during reoperation via resternotomy in the setting of dense adhesion is often fatal, it is essential to establish an alternative protocol to minimize potential injury to ITA grafts. Previous studies have reported that redo mitral valve surgery can be safely performed via right thoracotomy without clamping ITAs under hypothermic cardiac arrest after initial CABG with patent ITA grafts . Here, wA 77-year-old woman who had undergone CABG with bilateral ITAs 6 years ago, with right ITA to left anterior descending artery and left ITA to obtuse marginal artery, presented to our hospital with symptoms of heart failure and was diagnosed with severe mitral and tricuspid regurgitation Fig.\u00a0a\u2013c. EchoThoracotomy rather than resternotomy was performed because the patent ITA graft crossed over the sternum Fig.\u00a0a, c. An The optimal strategy for myocardial protection during reoperative cardiac surgery after initial CABG with patent ITA graft remains controversial. Some researchers believe that ITA dissection and clamping should be avoided as the risk of ITA injury outweighs the benefits of identifying and controlling the ITA graft ; conversThe right minithoracotomy approach provides an excellent operative view of the mitral valve without requiring the dissection of the adhesion and ITA grafts after CABG with median sternotomy. Evidence also shows that redo mitral surgery via the right thoracotomy reduces mortality as well as shorter hospital stay compared with remedian sternotomy .Owing to the antegrade perfusion of the brain, axillary artery cannulation is more effective than femoral artery cannulation in protecting the brain and preventing stroke events during aortic surgeries requiring hypothermic circulatory arrest . Also, SIn this case, the combination of axillary artery cannulation and right thoracotomy under hypothermic cardiac arrest with systemic hyperkalemia without clamping the patent bilateral ITAs and aorta enabled safe surgery without major postoperative cardiac or cerebral complications in a patient with atheromatous aorta and previous CABG with patent bilateral ITAs."} +{"text": "Chronic wound infection has become a major healthcare burden globally. The colonized microbiome features and correlation between bacteria and fungi have not been listed.In this study, we enrolled 38 acute wound infection and 28 chronic wound infection patients. The wound swabs sampling at admission were tested by metagenomic next-generation sequencing. Microbial community characteristics in wound infection patients and bacteria-fungi correlations in chronic wound infection patients were analyse after filtering background organisms.We found that wound microbiome in chronic wound infection patients had higher abundance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa than that in acute wound patients. Meanwhile, microbes with high relative abundant in chronic infection wounds were less significantly association with plasma inflammation factors compared with those in acute infection wounds. Finally, we investigated the association between fungi and bacteria in chronic infection patients and found that relative abundance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was negatively associated with that of Candida albicans.Our metagenomic sequencing results of wound supported that Pseudomonas aeruginosa may be the biomarker of chronic wound infection and have interaction with candida albicans.All Authors: No reported disclosures"} +{"text": "Most metacarpal fractures produce a flexion deformity and often minimal shortening. Reduction can frequently be achieved by exerting pressure on the metacarpal head from the palmar aspect, either directly or using the proximal phalanx as a piston. The main issue with the closed technique is maintaining the reduced position in a plaster cast once moulding is complete, thereby commonly necessitating surgical stabilisation. We describe a novel and useful technique that maintains the reduction in the intrinsic plus (Edinburgh) position with the wrist at 20\u201330\u00ba of extension .Figure First, a Tubigrip\u2122 elasticated tubular bandage is applied. An Actimove\u00ae Alufoam aluminium finger splint is bent into the intrinsic plus position and applied to the volar aspect of the hand and forearm, bridging the fractured metacarpals. The fracture is then reduced as described above. An Actimove\u00ae Manus Eco wrist brace is applied snuggly over this. The injured metacarpal fingers are buddied up to the Actimove\u00ae Alufoam aluminium finger splint with tape. Finally, a Hospicrepe\u00ae Type II cotton cr\u00eape bandage is applied to prevent the patient interfering with the splint .Figure This technique allows bony union without the need for changing immobilisation materials throughout the fracture healing process, thus enabling continuous stabilisation through conservative management."} +{"text": "Authors David Abraham and Kithiganahalli Narayanaswamy Balaji should not have been attributed equal contributions to the article. Shalu Verma-Kumar is the only first author."} +{"text": "Footwear is an effective biomechanical solution to lower extremity joint problems. Variable stiffness shoe (VSS) is designed. It has been proved to reduce knee internal abduction moment . This he15 female and 15 male subjects walked in 2 conditions: VSS and Control. VSS had a lateral sole 1.6 times stiffer than medial (Figure Increased posterior force during running and stop jumping Table ensured The study demonstrated great potential of VSS in improving sports achievement and protecting knee. Outsole configuration can be further modified by varying outsole stiffness along anteroposterior axis for better performance and protection."} +{"text": "Patients who are critically injured with imminent cardiac arrest may require immediate thoracotomy as an integral component of their initial resuscitation in the emergency department. Fluid resuscitation can be difficult owing to a shutdown state. A simple method for fluid delivery in patients requiring emergency department clamshell thoracotomy entails the insertion of a large bore venous catheter directly into the right atrium at its appendage and using it for fluid resuscitation . This me"} +{"text": "Sensors recently [We found that the affiliation of author Vasu Chakravarthy was incorrect in our paper published in recently . Therefo"} +{"text": "In Figure 4, the results labelled TTM should be labelled DLM and vice versa. Please view the correct figure here: ."} +{"text": "The soft tissue injury associated with Pilon fractures is significant. Fixation using minimally invasive techniques allows for early ankle mobilisation while protecting the soft tissue envelope. Ligamentotaxis using an ankle distractor is a non-invasive reduction technique that protects the soft tissue and maintains access for minimally invasive fixation. The patient is positioned supine with a bolster under the knee. The sterile Guhl Non-Invasive Ankle Distractor is applied and attached to the table using an extension bar under the drapes. Traction is applied. An upturned bowl under the calcaneus avoids sag."} +{"text": "Pharmacophore models play an essential role in drug discovery. Generating pharmacophore models which encode accurate molecular recognition features are highly dependent on properly defined annotations. Simplistic or ill-defined pharmacophore annotations which do not capture subtle electronic or geometric effects lead to many inaccuracies. SMARTS patterns which are often used to specify annotation \"rules\" are subject to such inaccuracies.The application of Extended Huckel Theory (EHT) to pharmacophore annotations compensates for deficiencies observed in \"rule\" based methods by taking into account electron withdrawal and resonance effects and treating these effects in a consistent manner independent of structural depiction. The application of the EHT approach will be further described and discussed through a number of case studies."} +{"text": "There is a typographical error in the funding statement. Grant NS060885 is incorrectly published as NS06885."} +{"text": "Dear Editor,There is an important point related to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) injuries and derangement due to trauma from dental extractions by dental students. This subject should be an utmost cause for concern for dentists and dental practitioners. Because if not treated it may become chronic. This issue has been noted by many researchers in academic dental training centers worldwide. The results of many studies in this field have shown surprisingly high prevalence rates of TMJ injuries 50-63 %) after extracting mandibular teeth by dental students . About 6 % after"} +{"text": "After the publication of this work , we becaTranscript derived fragments (TDFs) from Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici infected wheat leaves with altered expression patterns and their closest matches in the GenBank database.Click here for file"} +{"text": "Older patients with stroke to either hemisphere had a higher frequency of deficits in the verbal working memory task compared to older TIA patients. Additionally, the deficits in older stroke patients were mainly in retrieval time while the deficits in younger stroke patients were mainly in accuracy. These data suggest that bihemispheric activity is necessary for older adults to successfully perform a verbal working memory task.Functional imaging studies consistently find that older adults recruit bilateral brain regions in cognitive tasks that are strongly lateralized in younger adults, a characterization known as the Hemispheric Asymmetry Reduction in Older Adults model. While functional imaging displays what brain areas are active during tasks, it cannot demonstrate what brain regions are necessary for task performance. We used behavioral data from acute stroke patients to test the hypothesis that older adults need both hemispheres for a verbal working memory task that is predominantly left-lateralized in younger adults. Right-handed younger (age \u2265 50,"} +{"text": "Whole blood experiments suggest that cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) causes red blood cell (RBC) trauma and changes in deformability that may contribute to postoperative microcirculatory dysfunction. We used a novel fluctuation microscopy technique to quantify the effects of CPB on RBC elasticity at a cellular level.We collected blood samples from elective cardiac surgery patients pre (at induction) and post CPB. Thermal fluctuations of individual RBCs were recorded using a high-frame-rate camera allowing a complete analysis of RBC shape variation over time. Mean elasticity of the cell membrane was then quantified for each sample collected.Fifteen patients were recruited. Table RBC thermal fluctuation analysis quanties the impact of CPB on erythrocyte membrane elasticity. We clearly identified two separate RBC elasticity responses to CPB. This finding is contrary to traditional flow measurement techniques that suggest CPB impairs whole blood flow and reduces RBC deformability."} +{"text": "Author Soon Gyu Hong should have been noted as a Corresponding Author, with the email address polypore@kopri.re.kr"} +{"text": "Heart valve injuries due to non-penetrating blunt thoracic trauma are rare with aortic valve being the most vulnerable. Tricuspid valve injury resulting in severe regurgitation is unusual after blunt chest trauma. Two major issues for the management of traumatic tricuspid regurgitation are timing and type of the operation. Valve repair is naturally the first choice but valve replacement may be required in severely destructed valves with good surgical outcomes.A 61 years old man who suffered a car accident was admitted to emergency department with multiple traumas. He had costal fractures, bilateral pneumothorax and left femur fracture. Chest auscultation revealed 3/6\u00b0 systolic murmur. Transthoracic echocardiography demonstrated chordal ruptures for anteroseptal leaflet, causing severe tricuspid regurgitation. He was hospitalized in the intensive care unit. Chest tubes were inserted for pneumothorax with orthopedical retraction applied for left femur fracture. He did not develop any symptoms related to severe tricuspid regurgitation and valve surgery was postponed to full recovery of other system injuries. Three months later he was scheduled for elective tricuspid surgery. Median sternotomy and standard aorto-bicaval cannulation was performed. Tricuspid valve was severely destructed with multiple leaflet lacerations, chordae and papillary muscle ruptures. Tricuspid repair was not possible and valve replacement with 31mm bioprosthesis was performed.Intensive care unit and subsequent ward follow up was uneventful. He was discharged at postoperative 6th day. His nine months follow up revealed an asymptomatic patient with a functional capacity of NYHA 1.Although rare, heart valve injuries may occur following blunt thoracic trauma. Transthoracic echocardiography is a must for evaluating such patients. Surgery if necessary can then be planned either urgent or electively according to each patient situation."} +{"text": "This work presents a simulator that facilitates dynamic neural field (DNF) calculations obeying models of the typeinvolving axonal finite transmission speed c. The underlying numerical computation method utilizesThe simulator consists of a window where one can choose DNF parameters and the output format. The parameter window Figure consistsThe options for output include text based notifications and graphical visualization in 3 dimensions Figure . These o"} +{"text": "Lens epithelial cells are well coupled by conneTo further test this hypothesis, we have been developing methods to quantitatively measure the permeation of relevant second messengers such as cAMP through gap junction channels."} +{"text": "The article Hendra Virus Outbreak with Novel Clinical Features, Australia contained several errors related to specific case descriptions and spillover events. The article has been corrected online"} +{"text": "The term \"moderate-intermediate\" has been incorrectly printed without a hyphen in multiple places through the article. It should have a hyphen."} +{"text": "Several errors were introduced in the preparation of this article for publication.The word \"connexin\" has been incorrectly substituted by \"connection\" throughout the article."} +{"text": "The bottom set of graphs in Figure 2 was labelled incorrectly. It should read UKRAGG rather than WTCCC. Please download the correct file here:"} +{"text": "The CONSORT checklist and trial protocol that accompany this study were erroneously omitted during the production process. Please view the files here:Click here for additional data file.Click here for additional data file."} +{"text": "Dear Editor,I thank Chowdhury for the Pleomorphic adenoma arising from an ectopic lacrimal gland is a rarity. The literature search did not yield any results of recurrent pleomorphic adenoma arising from an ectopic lacrimal gland."} +{"text": "There was an error in the Author Contributions. LZL SLN SP XZ TRO conceived and designed the experiments."} +{"text": "Removal of broken locking bolts requires careful planning. The following tips facilitate the procedure and reduce operation time.Positioning the patient supine without traction allows optimal adduction. Early screw removal will leave the nail rotationally unstable; apply the jig beforehand. If direct palpation is not possible, access the end cap by a guided drill . Use scr"} +{"text": "Efforts to develop congenital heart surgery programs are numerous but few view the concomitant development of interventional cardiology as a critical component of these efforts.A case series describing perioperative complications of the first Fontan procedures performed in a developing congenital heart surgery program.Two patients underwent the first Fontan palliations while participating in a development program for congenital heart surgery. Both presented at 32-33 months of age with baseline oxygen saturations of 82-84%. Patient 1 underwent an extracardiac Fontan with a GoreTex conduit larger than the IVC due to limited supplies. Postoperatively, the patient decompensated to a low cardiac output state with elevated Fontan pressures and significant edema that did not resolve despite fenestration creation. Catheterization demonstrated inferior conduit anastomotic stenosis and right pulmonary artery (RPA) obstruction by compression. Angioplasty of the extracardiac conduit distal anastomosis and RPA stent implant reduced Fontan pressures. The patient was extubated in 3 days and discharged home at 21 days. Patient 2 underwent a lateral tunnel Fontan and extubated 2 hours after surgery, but developed desaturation and low cardiac output within 24 hours. Catheterization revealed elevated Fontan pressures and a large SVC to pulmonary vein collateral. After coil embolization, the patient slightly improved, but underwent subsequent catheterization several days later where an Amplatzer duct occluder was used to obstruct significant antegrade flow through a previously banded pulmonary valve resulting in acute clinical improvement.Availability of interventional cardiology allowed early intervention to perioperative complications, reducing the need for repeat surgery and facilitating good clinical outcomes. Development of combined congenital heart surgery and interventional cardiology programs can be of great benefit for patients."} +{"text": "Many insects manage their foraging behaviors or prey detection based on resource information. Their brain system should encode the resource location efficiently. Honeybees remember the nectar source location and communicate with their colleagues using their own dance language . Desert"} +{"text": "Migraine end epilepsy have common pathophysiologic mechanisms and share essential and defining attributes which distinguish them from other common neurological disorders. They are both characterized by paroxysmal symptoms and are, therefore, episodic disorders. Occipital lobe to be the brain structures most responsible for development of migraine and occipital lobe epilepsies Both are characterized by visual symptoms followed by headache and other autonomic symptoms. Recognition of headache as an epileptic manifestation per se still represents a challenge.This study included consecutive 89 patients with IEH= ictal epileptic headache,at our hospital and our diagnostical department \u2013 MRI and EEG.EEG recordings high voltage rhythmic 11-12 Hz activity with intermingled spikes over the right TO regions. Other \u2013high voltage theta activity intermingled with sharp waves over occipital region. And third bilateral SWC.Brain MRI showed secondary brain lesion in the right TPO region with restricted diffusion in the right occipital region.IEH be used to classify the events in wich headache represent the only ictal epileptic feature These rare cases should be classified as autonomic epilepsy."} +{"text": "Dear Editor,We read with great interest the recent published outstanding article in your esteemed journal by Rostami et al. entitledThe impact of gender on quality of life (QoL) has remained a challenge yet. Although Rostami and coworkers showed tAlthough Rostami et al. showed nWe agree that QoL in HD patients are poorer than normal population. It seems that besides preparing these patients for kidney transplantation and treatment of biochemical disorders, HD patients counseling can improve QoL. Abraham and coworkers conducte"} +{"text": "The equal contributions statement was omitted. Dajun Liu, Luping Huang and Yanlin Wang contributed equally to the manuscript."} +{"text": "Takayasu arteritis is an idiopathic chronic inflammatory disease affecting frequently the aorta-big arteries and may cause stenosis, occlusion or aneursymatic degeneration. Coarctation or aneurysm formation may be seen due to aortitis. We present a patient with severe aortic regurgitation and ascending aorta dilatation we treated surgically.A 38 years old man with diagnose of Takayasu arteritis was admitted to our hospital with chest pain. Echocardiography revealed severe aortic regurgitation + ascending aorta dilatation. Computed tomographic angiography showed ascending aorta was 44 mm. He was scheduled for elective cardiac operation. His medication was adjusted as Addison protocol for operation. Axillary artery cannulation and median sternotomy was performed. Ascending aorta was aneursymatic up to truncus brachiocephalicus. Coronary ostia were prepared as buttons. Aortic valve and ascending aorta was resected and replaced with a valved conduit including a 25 # St Jude mechanical prosthetic valve and 30 mm Dacron tube graft. The left and the right coronary ostia were anastomosed on the Dacron tube graft. Bentall procedure was completed with the distal anastomosis of Dacron graft strengthened with Teflon strip to aorta beyond truncus cephalicus. Cardiopulmonary bypass was terminated without inotropic support.Intensive care unit and hospital follow-up was uneventful. He was discharged with low dose corticosteroids at postoperative sixth day. Although surgical therapies for patients with chronic vasculitis may be challenging due to chronic inflammatory influences on vessels, a meticulous approach with supporting the anastomosis with additive surgical materials may improve surgical success.Although surgery in Takayasu arteritis is known to be complicated because of vessel structure due to chronic inflammation. A radical and elaborate approach may ease an uneventful operation when surgery is mandatory."} +{"text": "Not all tumor cells are created equal when it comes to telomere biology. Tumor cells that do not express telomerase appear to utilize a telomerase-independent process to maintain telomere length, known as ALT for alternative lengthening of telomeres . Althoug"} +{"text": "Lentiviral entry to quiescent lymphocytes represents a 'time bomb' waiting for cellular activation to spread infection. In order to undergo immune activation T cells interact with dendritic cells presenting peptide:MHC complexes 'sampling' them to look for agonist peptides and receiving survival signals from self peptides. This makes the dendritic cell:T cell interaction an ideal checkpoint to contain lentiviral infection of quiescent lypmhocytes.We have used replication defective lentiviral vectors expressing reporter genes and/or HIV proteins to study the innate immune response to lentiviral infection in vitro using primary mouse and human cells and in vivo in B6 mice. We have used flow cytometry and PCR to quantify the infection rates in various culture and adoptive transfer conditions to identify conditions where successful viral infection is inhibited.Activating T cells exposed to dendritic cells display inhibited lentiviral vector infection compared to activated control cells. This infection reduction is mediated by dendritic cell:T cell contact. Dendritic cell mediated inhibition of infection reduces over time as cells become fully activated and proliferate. When using lentiviral vectors similar results are seen in primary human T cells in culture. However when replication defective vectors expressing HIV proteins are used to infect T cells de novo expression of HIV proteins in the host cell prevents DC mediated inhibition. We have gone on to use knockout mice to assess the role of established innate immune sensing pathways in DC mediated inhibition but have not yet identified the molecular sensor mediating this phenomenon.The inhibition of productive T cell infection by lentiviral vectors caused by contact with dendritic cells represents a previously undescribed innate immune response which we have called DC mediated inhibition. The successful lentiviral pathogen HIV overcomes DC mediated inhibition enhancing its replication and obscuring this immune response."} +{"text": "The equal contributions designation was inadvertently omitted. Brooks B. Pond and Shankar Sadasivan contributed equally to this manuscript."} +{"text": "The requirement to wear gloves when caring for patients on contact precautions may cause personnel to neglect hand hygiene before aseptic procedures, thereby increasing infection transmission.The aim of this study was to assess the compliance with hand hygiene before and after eliminating mandatory glove use for patients on contact precaution at our institution.We assessed hand hygiene compliance of HCW taking care of 50 adult patients colonized with MDR microorganisms before (2009) and six months after (2012) eliminating the mandatory wearing of gloves. This policy change was implemented by our infection control team and communicated to all hospital floors. Along with this policy change, we routinely provided hand hygiene training to HCW on all floors. Hand hygiene observation was performed by two trained infection control nurses during routine care using a standardized questionnaire.after patient contact remained high . During the same period, we observed a smaller increase in hand hygiene compliance for the entire hospital .We observed 426 hand hygiene indications before the policy change and 492 six months after policy change. Compared to 2009, we observed a significantly higher compliance with hand hygiene in patients colonized with MDR microorganism in 2012 . In particular, compliance improved before performing invasive procedures: , and before patient contact . Hand hygiene compliance Eliminating mandatory glove use in contact with isolated patients increased hand hygiene compliance, particularly before invasive procedures and before patient contacts. Glove use may cause healthcare workers to bypass hand hygiene. The potential impact on the risk of MDR organism transmission should be determined next.None declared."} +{"text": "These days cochlear implantation is the accepted modality to rehabilitate deafened people. Meningitis is still a life threatening disease which may lead to deafness due to sole disease or secondary to ototoxic drugs used to stop the disaster . Sepsis The cornerstone to rehabilitate deaf victims is cochlear implantation. Time to perform bilateral implantation is a challenging issue. Cochlear obliterance after bacterial meningitis enhances electrode insertion and efficiency. This case report confirms the idea of bilateral cochlear implantation as early as possible.In Sep 2010 a 4 month girl was brought to our cochlear implant centre after discharging from another hospital with deafness after proven pneumococcal meningitis. She took Imipenem\u00ae and Vancomycin\u00ae during hospital course without harsh on kidney, liver or blood. There was not any familial history of deafness or proven history of TORCH infection. TEOAE after birth was passed but new TEOAE after meningitis was failed and ABR could not detect any wave at 90 dB Hearing Level. Second ABR two months later was same as before. Her family accepted the suggestion for cochlear implantation and she was taken to operating room just three months after meningitis recovery. Unfortunately family found for CI was restricted to do bilateral implantation at that time. One year later when family could prepare for second ear surgery new CT scan revealed ossification and near complete obliteration of cochlea .Now her Although our patient\u2019s general health condition and hearing and speech rehabilitation is favorable, she might have lost the chance to have bilateral hearing . Some da"} +{"text": "The letter \"m,\" used as an abbreviation of \"meter,\" appears incorrectly throughout the manuscript. The correct abbreviation should be \"um,\" to indicate micrometer(s)."} +{"text": "A frequent hypothesis in theoretical neuroscience is that cognitive entities are represented and processed by attracting states of the underlying neural system . For insUsing state space reconstruction theorems and statintrinsic dimensionality which is relevant to the animal\u2019s arm choices could be computed [Results showed cognitive-epoch-specific neural ensemble states in ACC computed . Results"} +{"text": "There was a typographical error in the first sentence in the second paragraph under the \"Population dynamics on RNA neutral networks\" heading. \"limi\" should be \"limit\"."} +{"text": "We report a case of a young patient presenting concomitant pulmonary artery embolism and an intra-aortic thrombus occluding the left subclavian artery due to a patent foramen ovale. This patient was treated under short circulatory arrest and unilateral cerebral perfusion allowing aortic and pulmonary embolectomy and closure of the small PFO. Follow up was uneventful so this case shows a successful treatment of a massive paradoxical aortic embolism and pulmonary embolism. Complete preoperative imaging is necessary to choose the safest cannulation option."} +{"text": "The striatum forms the main input structure to the Basal Ganglia (BG), a subcortical structure involved in the selection and reinforcement learning of action sequences. It is 90% composed of medium spiny neurons (MSNs) which inhibit each other through collaterals, receive excitatory projections from cortex and are the only cells projecting outside the striatum. Because of its inhibitory structure the MSN network is often thought to act selectively, transmitting the most active cortical inputs downstream in the BG while suppressing others. However studies show that local MSN network connections are too sparse and weak to perform global selection and their function remains puzzling. Here we suggest that rather than generating a static stimulus dependent activity pattern the MSN network is optimized to generate stimulus dependent dynamical population activity patterns for extended time periods after variations in cortical excitation. Indeed MSNs form cell assemblies whose population firing rates vary coherently on slow behaviourally relevant timescales . Further"} +{"text": "Cutaneous leishmaniasis is an endemic disease of Iran. Unfortunately, there is no definite treatment for this disease.Leishmaniasis scars are usually depressed and atrophic. Patients affected by these scars usually have psychosocial and cosmetic complains."} +{"text": "Allrgic reaction to natural rubber latex have increased during past 10 years especially among health worker and patients with high exposure to latex allergen. Latex allergy is associsted with clinical or serological cross reactivity to plant derived food allergcn especially tropical fruit for example avocado bannana chestnut kiwi papaya potato and peaches. In this study on health worker among 580 participants 104(17.9 %) who were positive to latex skin prick test.Of 464 patients with negative skin prick test to latex are have 12 patiets with positive skin prick test to kiwi and in 197 patiens with positive skin prick test to latex 7 patients had positive skin prick test to kiwi( p<0.05). In this study difference of sensivity to banana and potato in both groups were not significant according to this study kiwi hypersensivity is important problem among health worker with sensivity to latex.latex Allergy -kiwi \u2013 skin prick test"} +{"text": "Equal contribution was unassigned. Tini Garske and Hongjie Yu contributed equally to this work."} +{"text": "Recent advances in reproductive medicine havecreated a demand for more accurate and safe imaging modalities before assisted reproductive treatment (ART) . GradualThe aim of this article is to evaluate a communicated uterus through 3D image, while to compare this result with quite similar images of thispatient with hysterosalpingography .Thepati"} +{"text": "Sir,Nanobiotechnology is the assembling of biological molecules into 1\u2013100 nm dimensions. These dimensions can be the diameter of nanodimension artificial cells or particles; membranes with nanodimension thickness or nanotubules with nanodimension diameter. Past exp"} +{"text": "Recent studies suggest that the functional organization of brain networks is altered in patients with severe disorders of consciousness (DOC), including coma . A betteThe major findings are summarized in Figure"} +{"text": "The equal contributions statement was omitted. Virginie Lvovschi and Laurent Arnaud contributed equally to this work."} +{"text": "The last sentence of the section \"Total Circulating Leukocytes\" should have cited reference 8 instead of 51.The correct sentence should read: However, bats typically rewarm to euthermia more rapidly than other hibernators and may have arousal bouts under 90 minutes [8] making it difficult to predict changes in circulating leukocytes given the extent to which they differ from other taxa."} +{"text": "Standard Titanium Elastic Nail fixation requires a 2.5mm drilled entry point at the base of the metacarpal. This can damage soft tissues including the extensor tendon and also risks breaching the volar cortex. We recommend opening the dorsal metacarpal cortex with a curved artery clip . Initial"} +{"text": "Although apoplexy and cystic formation are common inside the pituitary adenoma and hemorrhage with different times of occurrence as revealed by magnetic resonance imaging sequences can be seen within a pituitary macroadenoma, a classic saccular aneurysm and its association with carotid artery haven\u2019t been yet reported. A 52 years old woman was referred for visual loss and headache accompanied by pituitary adenoma. She has no particular past medical history was operated her huge pituitary macroadenoma was resected by endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery.During surgery we encountered a tough saccular mass and checking imaging brought the conjecture of a thrombosed aneurysm. By careful dissection and use of intranasal Doppler sonography its association with left internal carotid was revealed. After coagulation of its main branch that was probably a tumor feeder aneurysm resected totally and we proceed for further tumor removal.Up to our knowledge and review of the related literatures it is the first time that intra adenoma thrombosed aneurysm is reported. Intra adenoma thrombosed aneurysm, Classic saccular aneurysm, Case report, Doppler Sonography"} +{"text": "There is an error in the article title, which is missing the word \"binding\". The title should instead read:\"Therapeutic Efficacy of Antibodies Lacking Fc\u03b3 Receptor Binding against Lethal Dengue Virus Infection Is Due to Neutralizing Potency and Blocking of Enhancing Antibodies\""} +{"text": "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a highly advanced and sophisticated imaging modality for cardiac motion assessment and quantitative analysis. The myocardial tagging techniques have seen wide applications for cardiac deformation analysis . A rotation motion phantom and a healthy volunteer were imaged using OCSPAMM. First row in Figure We have proposed a new tagging sequence and cardiac deformation can be extracted from OCSPAMM tagged images. The images results showed good tag persistence and motion field verified the effectiveness of cardiac deformation analysis from OCSPAMM tagging technique."} +{"text": "Although rare, popliteal artery aneurysms form the majority of peripheral arterial aneurysms and are generally asymptomatic. They usually cause embolic events such as extremity ischemia. In this paper, we present a patient successfully treated with endovascular stent grafting for bilateral popliteal artery aneurysm.A 67-year-old woman presented to our clinic with pain at the back of bilateral knee joints. Physical examination showed manually palpable distal arterial pulses and a pulsatile mass at bilateral popliteal fossae. Arterial Doppler ultrasonography revealed bilateral popliteal arterial aneurysms. Multislice computerized tomography showed an aneurysm starting from distal femoral artery and involving entire popliteal artery at the left side and aneurysmal dilatation in both popliteal artery and proximal segment of the anterior tibial artery at the right side. Screening tests failed to show any additional aneurysms at other sites.Both popliteal artery and right tibial artery aneurysms were successfully treated with stent grafts at one month interval. The patient was discharged with full recovery after an uneventful postoperative course.Management of popliteal artery aneurysms are very important because the complications threaten both limb and life."} +{"text": "Increasing alcohol consumption among older individuals in the UK is a public health concern. Although brief interventions (BIs) can effectively reduce heavy drinking in older age groups generally, social and contextual factors may influence implementation and effectiveness. Identities offer a useful theoretical concept to explain why the potential for public health messages to reduce rates of heavy drinking in this sector has not been realised, and can inform preventive approaches. A qualitative study explored older people\u2019s reasoning about drinking in later life and how this interacted with health concerns, to inform future, targeted prevention in this group. A diverse sample of older adults in North East England (ages 51-90) participated in interviews and three focus groups (participants n=27). Data were analysed using grounded theory and discursive psychology methods. Older adults portrayed drinking less alcohol as an appropriate response if one experienced impaired health. However continued heavy drinking could be presented as normal behaviour for someone experiencing relative wellbeing in later life, or if ill health was construed as unrelated to alcohol consumption. When talking about alcohol use older people oriented strongly towards opposed identities of normal or problematic drinker, defined by propriety rather than health considerations. These identities were flexible in older people\u2019s talk since they could be applied to either moderate or heavy drinking. Older people displayed scepticism about health advice on alcohol when avoiding stigmatised identity as a drinker. Findings indicate that older UK adults do not recognise unhealthy drinking as distinct from dependent drinking, and are highly sensitive to stigma when discussing alcohol consumption. Preventive strategies should encourage older people\u2019s identification of heavy drinking as neither healthy nor synonymous with dependence. BIs for heavy drinkers in later life should be tailored to address lay reasoning that is resistant to recognition of health risks."} +{"text": "A decoding algorithm is tested that mechanistically models the progressive alignments that arise as the mRNA moves past the rRNA tail during translation elongation. Each of these alignments provides an opportunity for hybridization between the single-stranded,"} +{"text": "Decision makers commit the sunk cost fallacy when they are influenced by previous investments instead of estimated future returns . As resoWe tested the extent to which rats are influenced by previous investment and expected future gains in a naturalistic foraging context. Rats foraged for food on a circular path outfitted with three equidistant feeder sites. Each feeder was associated with a delay that remained fixed within a session. Six sets of delays were chosen to create six session types, across which the opportunity cost of time varied. We computed the optimal strategy for each session type following the prey selection model of foraging theory . Each feWe tested several possible explanations for rats\u2019 behavior on this task, including satisficing , operantA to model subjects\u2019 reluctance to skip feeder sites. Subjects\u2019 unwillingness to abandon sites varied across session types, indicating energetic expenditure cannot fully account for their suboptimal behavior. Interestingly, we found that A correlated positively with opportunity cost. These data suggest that rats\u2019 decisions are influenced by sunk costs, and that the investment they track likely incorporates both energetic costs and the reinforcement statistics of the environment.The sunk cost effect predicts that as investment in a option increases, willingness to abandon that option decreases. Running between feeder locations entails an energetic investment that could bias subjects towards waiting out long delays despite the resulting decrease in reward rate. We fit an aversion parameter"} +{"text": "Traditionally, excision of forehead lipomas is performed via a transverse incision camouflaged in a forehead crease. This approach necessarily violates the frontalis, under which these lipomas reside.The border of the lipoma is marked ; dots anWhile similar results can be achieved with liposuction"} +{"text": "Salamanders typically use a traveling wave of body curvature during swimming, and a standing wave during terrestrial stepping. This pattern is reflected in EMG recordings . A previThe model suggests that salamanders can modulate their intersegmental coordination by modulating the stiffness of their trunk musculature. Salamanders are known to stiffen their trunk during walking. In the"} +{"text": "Operative treatment of comminuted, osteoporotic distal fibula fractures is challenging due to poor bone stock. Conventional plates provide inadequate fixation. We describe treatment using the Proximal Humeral Interlocking System (PHILOS) plate . Following adequate exposure and reduction of the fracture, the PHILOS plate applied to the fibula in an inverted position. Proximal plate fixation using a compression screw is followed by distal fixation using locking screws. An image intensifier ensures satisfactory screw length. The PHILOS fixation is strong and provides angular stability. This technique has been used successfully in three patients with osteoporotic fibula fractures . The pla"} +{"text": "Stochastic gradient ascent learning exploits correlations of parameter variations with overall success of a system. This algorithmic idea has been related to neuronal network learning by postulating eligibility traces at synapses, which make them selectable for synaptic changes depending on later reward signals ( and 2]))2]). For"} +{"text": "Severe sepsis has a high mortality and high healthcare costs. Rapid recognition and treatment can save lives but requires a coordinated response . HospitaPatients admitted to any critical care unit with a primary admission diagnosis of infection were screened for severe sepsis. The pre-ICU care of patients who met the criteria was then audited against the Surviving Sepsis Guidelines . Time zeSince November 2011 we have provided feedback on over 300 severe sepsis cases. Antibiotic administration in <1 hour has risen from 35% to 75% (Figure Individualised feedback on sepsis care has led to substantial improvements in guideline compliance."} +{"text": "The Basal Ganglia represent subcortical structures that have a crucial role in determining when a given motor program should be selected and called into action . The inpWe simultaneously recorded local field potentials (LFPs) in the cortex and striatum in order to determine how striatum processes cortical neuronal avalanches. Cortical neuronal avalanches represent activity clusters with a cluster size distribution that follows a power law with exponent -1.5 . To unde"} +{"text": "Computation in the brain is often thought of as being carried out solely by neurons without regards to their supporting cells. Recent work suggests that astrocytes may play a role alongside neurons in information processing. We investigated what types of spatio-temporal patterning can be supported for such a network. Namely the astrocyte networks contained both fast speed direct connections, representing gap junction coupling, and slower speed extracellular connections, representing local ATP diffusion or changes in local potassium concentration. We investigated what spatio-temporal dynamics results from the interplay between these two processes. We observed each process individually drive network activity and saw competition between the local and direct connections."} +{"text": "A 63 year old male had a sudden episode of cardiac arrest during travel. He was resuscitated and cardioverted successfully with a semi-automatic defibrillator. The first ECG showed atrial fibrillation with inferior Q waves and he spontaneously reverted to sinus rhythm over the next few hours. The patient had been asymptomatic up to the episode of cardiac arrest and referred no prior history of ischemic heart disease. An acute ischemic event was ruled out because there was neither ST segment elevation on the surface electrocardiogram nor cardiac enzyme elevation. An echocardiogram showed localized inferior akinesia and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction. While being monitored over the next 2 days we documented recurrent episodes of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) that converted to sinus rhythm after carotid sinus massage. On three occasions these episodes of SVT degenerated to syncopal polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT) that had to be cardioverted . The patThis case illustrates the unusual case of a supraventricular tachycardia degenerating to VT in a patient with ischemic heart disease. Tachycardia-induced tachycardia is a rare condition. Cases have been described of AVNRT coincident with right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia or with left ventricular tachycardia . In some"} +{"text": "Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato species in ticks presented in the article was originally developed and published by Sjoerd Rijpkema and colleagues [This article has beenlleagues . The aut"} +{"text": "The cox1 accession number for Kenya on page 6 (\"JQ397340\") is incorrect. The correct accession number is \"JQ397370.\" Additionally, this line is incorrectly printed twice.The correct Supporting Information, Table 1 can be viewed here: Click here for additional data file."} +{"text": "The accession numbers were not provided in the manuscript text. Genome regions containing open reading frames for genes and proteins identified in this study have been deposited at NCBI with accessions JQ677126-JQ677134."} +{"text": "Cataglyphis fortis) and honeybees can return their home after foraging. Desert ants choose a direct path to return home after a long journey, and it is believed that they use path integration approach. Path integration process needs internal integrator to accumulate their traveled distance and direction to estimate the homing vector. Biologists showed that Cataglyphis fortis uses a step integrator as an odometer [Many insects including desert ants (odometer . The patodometer showed todometer found thodometer proposedodometer showed a"} +{"text": "DNA damage elicits a cellular signaling response that initiates cell cycle arrest and DNA repair. The metabolic response to DNA damage is largely unknown. Here we report a novel metabolic response to genotoxic stress. DNA damage triggers a critical block in the uptake of glutamine, a mitochondrial substrate essential for cellular proliferation. Sirtuins regulate both cellular metabolism and stress responses. We found mitochondrial SIRT4 is involved in the metabolic response to DNA damage. These results suggest that the metabolic adaptation is important for cellular DNA damage response."} +{"text": "Deepwater Horizon oil spill.The Natural Resources Defense Council reports the FDA underestimated seafood consumption by Gulf Coast residents in developing their June 2010 protocol for determining safe seafood levels of toxic PAHs following the BP On 1\u20132 February 2011 the Federal Bed Bug Workgroup will sponsor the second national bedbug summit in Washington, DC.USGS researchers used a chemical mass-balance model to show that coal tar pavement sealants were the chief source of PAHs flowing into 40 U.S. urban lakes.Ford Motor Company recently announced its 2012 Ford Focus models will use carpet backing and soundproofing materials made from recycled cotton denim.4\u201cGreenwashing\u201d is the term for ads and labels that promise more environmental benefit than they deliver."} +{"text": "One classic explanation is that mechanisms like neuronal adaptation underlie the switching phenomenon . On the We use Deep Boltzmann Machines (DBMs) as models of cortical processing . DBMs arHere, we make this connection explicit. Using a DBM model that has learned to represent toy images of unambiguous cubes, we show how a sampling algorithm similar to can be u"} +{"text": "Traditional whole blood experiments suggest that sepsis causes abnormal red blood cell (RBC) deformability. To investigate this at the cellular level, we employed a novel biophysical method to observe individual RBC membrane mechanics in patients with septic shock.We collected blood samples from patients with septic shock until either death or day 5 of admission. Thermal influctuations of individual RBCs were recorded allowing a complete analysis of RBC shape variation over time. Mean elasticity of the cell membrane was then quantified for each sample collected.We recruited nine patients with septic shock. Table RBC thermal fluctuation analysis allows variations in RBC elasticity during sepsis to be quantified at a cellular level. We could not identify any specific trend between sepsis severity and erythrocyte elasticity. Cells demonstrated both increases and decreases in fluctuation independent of SOFA score. This is contrary to current evidence that suggests RBC deformability is reduced during sepsis."} +{"text": "Various techniques for quadriceps tendon repair have been described with biomechanical studies suggesting greater failure threshold with longitudinally placed drill holes.\u00ae Director\u2122 Drill Guide , the desired entry and exit locations for drill holes are selected on the patella (\u00ae (Smith & Nephew) cannulated drill bit. The free ends of suture are passed through the eyes of the 2.4mm drill tip passing pins (Satisfactory hold is achieved in the quadriceps tendon with sutures. Using the Acufex patella . Three t patella . Each paing pins and pulling pins . The repThe ability to drill parallel longitudinal transpatellar bone tunnels accurately freehand avoiding the articular surface while maintaining accurate exit points can pose a technical challenge. Coupled with difficulties encountered in passing the sutures through the tunnels, this can result in prolonged operative time with an associated increase in morbidity and needless frustration for the operating surgeon. The technique described here overcomes these difficulties while achieving gold standard repair."} +{"text": "Chemists working in biomolecular application projects are usually looking at many related molecules . For a convenient visual analysis of this data it is essential that differences between molecules are easily detectable. This can be quite difficult if structural similarities are not taken into account while creating molecule structure diagrams. We present a method for generating globally aligned structure diagrams for two molecules following IUPAC standards . Using a"} +{"text": "Hand hygiene is a simple yet often omitted gesture to prevent pathogen transmission and healthcare-associated infections. Training healthcare workers in hand hygiene is a key element in any multifaceted promotion strategy. Physicians are notoriously known for their underperformance in this field. We sought to design a natural immersive environment to improve physicians\u2019 hand hygiene performance.We inserted filmed sequences based on a plot of two physicians interacting with different patients during ward rounds into an interactive computer interface allowing the physician 'gamer' to decide where to use hand hygiene and disposable gloves. Hand hygiene being a very repetitive and often subconsciously executed task, virtual immersion might increase learning and improve long-term retention. Thus, we used both an emotionally engaging but also distracting plot to create role identity and simulate mental load typical for medical activity on the ward. Design features were refined through individual think-aloud protocols and target group testing. Immediate feedback messages and a result tracking mechanism were added.The design specifications could all be met. The resulting application proofed equally suitable for the training of hand hygiene observers. Computing the user\u2019s results allows for benchmarking.A serious game was successfully launched immersing the \u2018gamer\u2019 into the real-life challenge of hand hygiene. Post-launch evaluation and clinical effectiveness have to be performed in a next step.None declared."} +{"text": "Motor neurons are frequently overlooked as critical contributors to the programming of motor output except where they directly play a role in central pattern generators (CPGs). Leech heart motor neurons have been shown to contribute significant phase shifts to the rhythmic motor patterns they produce -3, altho"} +{"text": "Bone cysts are commonly found when preparing the acetabulum during a total hip replacement . We descThe Exeter\u2122 plug trials used to measure cement restrictors can be employed to pack bone graft into cysts. They are supplied in diameters from 6mm to 20mm and allow the surgeon to choose the appropriate sized plug trial to fit the bone cyst for optimal impaction. The long T-handle allows this technique to also be applied in overweight patients with deeply located acetabuli."} +{"text": "The equal contributions designation was incorrectly assigned. Clarisse A. Roth and Melanie Busch-Dienstfertig should be noted as having contributed equally to this work."} +{"text": "Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has a dismal survival rate. Patients are diagnosed at either a local invasive or metastatic stage, but will ultimately dye within five years after diagnosis. This dismal prognosis is first the result of a late diagnosis. Symptoms appear when the primary tumor has already spread out and specific diagnosis tools such as imaging techniques or biomarkers enabling the detection of early lesions are not available yet. Dissemination to distant organs occurs early, as revealed by using mouse models that spontaneously develop PDAC and reproducibly recapitulate both preneoplastic and neoplastic changes observed during human PDAC . Such gein-cellulo activation of the chemotherapeutic drug gemcitabine are eagerly awaited.Laval and al. report t"} +{"text": "Suturing incisions deep inside the nose can be difficult and knot tying risks \u2018cheese wiring\u2019 the skin of the nasal vestibule. We have found using a Jobson Horne ring probe useful . This in"} +{"text": "Distal femoral replacement is becoming an increasingly common procedure for patients with distal femoral fractures above a total knee arthroplasty and as revision knee arthroplasty becomes more complex.The senior author sites a corkscrew device transversely across the remaining bone of the femoral condyles inside the femoral prosthesis. The device is routinely used for removing the femoral head during hemiarthroplasty for fractured neck of femur. This provides excellent purchase on the fragment. The distal fragment may then be manipulated effectively to peel the distal femur out of its soft tissue envelope.Distal femoral replacement is a challenging procedure that may require extensive operative time."} +{"text": "The following information disclosure by the author was omitted from the article: \"Raj K. Batra is an inventor on a relevant patent application PCT/US2013/050712 entitled METHODS OF BIOMARKER VALIDATION AND TARGET DISCOVERY filed in July 2013.This patent application does not alter the authors' adherence to all the Plos ONE policies on sharing data and materials. Therefore all materials presented in the manuscript will be freely available to the scientific community although not for commercial purposes.\u201d"} +{"text": "K-wires may be used to maintain fracture reduction for several weeks in orthopaedic surgery. Exposed sharp ends are a potential risk to the surgeon and patient. Covering the exposed wire end with a 1ml syringe gasket (black bung located at plunger tip) provides secure protection . This is"} +{"text": "To the Editor: Martina et al. reported that domestic cats and ferrets are susceptible to infection by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)\u2013associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) isolated from a patient infected with SARS. These infected animals could efficiently transmit the virus to uninfected animals housed with them ("} +{"text": "After publication of the original article , the autThe association between gender and malaria knowledge score was wrongly reported. The correct interpretation of multiple linear regression analysis is that female workers displayed poor malaria knowledge scores when compared to males.The Results section should therefore have read as follows:Multiple linear regression analysis (Table\u00a05) showed that female construction-site workers displayed poor malaria knowledge scores when compared to males. Workers who reported suffering from malaria within 1\u00a0year and those who preferred allopathic/modern medicine displayed higher knowledge scores."} +{"text": "We read with great interest the pilot study on fracture risk in 46 critically ill patients by Rawal and colleagues . Bone mi"} +{"text": "The development of technologies that enable bioactive molecules with low membrane permeability to effectively penetrate biological membranes is one of the greatest challenges in the pharmaceutical field. The HIV-1 transactivating transcriptor (TAT) peptide is one of the most widely used molecular beacons for drug delivery. Cationic antimicrobial peptides have received increasing attention due to their broad spectrum activities and ability to combat multi drug resistant microbes. Our aim is to develop cationic cell penetrating peptide nanoparticles which could efficiently deliver antimicrobial agents against infectious diseases.The cationic TAT peptides were synthesized by Fmoc solid phase peptide synthesis and were purified by semi preparative RP-HPLC. The molecular mass of peptides was confirmed by MALDI TOF-MS. The purified peptides were modified into self assembled nanoparticles (micelles) and structural characterization was done by a particle size analyzer and TEM. The antimicrobial activity evaluation was done against both Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial strains.We have designed and synthesized arginine and lysine rich cationic TAT peptides and modified them into nanoparticles. These nanoparticles were structurally and functionally characterized. Some analogues of these nanoparticles cargoes showed significant antimicrobial activity against Gram positive and negative bacterial strains especially those cause brain infections with low MIC values. These were shown relatively low haemolysis.The findings of this study revealed the improved antimicrobial activity of modified cationic TAT peptide nanoparticles against different bacterial strains. This could revolutionize in the field of chemotherapy and can be efficiently used to treat brain infections and other diseases."} +{"text": "Dear Editor,Foreign body aspiration FBA) is a common problem among children or infants. Nearly 85% of all FB aspiration occurs in childhood. Common organic aspirated materials include nuts and seeds while inorganic materials include plastic pieces or parts of toys . In adulA is a coWhile wearing turban using their two hands to fix the headscarf, some women prefer to hold the pins between their lips . Actions"} +{"text": "Myelin is a membrane characterized by high lipid content to facilitate impulse propagation. Changes in myelin fatty acid (FA) composition have been associated with peripheral neuropathy , but the"} +{"text": "Neurons in the hippocampal formation exhibit a variety of spatially tuned firing patterns. The mechanisms by which these different patterns emerge are not fully resolved, although competing computational models exist for several of them. Here we present a new model that can generate all observed spatial firing patterns by a single mechanism. The model consists of a feedforward network with a single output neuron. Its essential ingredients are i) spatially tuned excitatory and inhibitory inputs and ii) interacting excitatory and inhibitory Hebbian plasticity. The inhibitory plasticity homeostatically controls the output firing rate by balancing excitation and inhibition . We showIn conclusion, we propose a feedforward network model that generates all known spatial firing patterns in the hippocampal formation through a single self-organizing mechanism."} +{"text": "Congenital anomalies which do not cause functional or cosmetic problems are usually incidentally identified at diagnostic researches or surgical explorations.Our case was 54 year-old male patient. He had cerebral ischemic attack a year ago and amaurosis fugax 2 months ago, in his medical history.Patient's coronary angiography and selective arcus aortography revealed 50% stenosis at left main coronary artery and serious three-vessel disease. Cardiology and Cardiovascular surgery council decided that ulcerous lesion at left carotid artery has priority. Patient underwent coronary revascularization three weeks after left carotid endarterectomy.Under general anesthesia, median sternotomy was performed. LIMA graft preparation and great saphenous vein preparation from right lower extremity were maintained together. Three separate accessory saphenous veins were visualized below knee level. The medial one was thin but other two had optimal diameter. For reducing incision length and surgical wound size, both accessory saphenous veins were prepared by controlled saline infusion and collaterals were ligated. Three coronary arteries were successfully revascularized. The patient recovered uneventfully. Patient is still followed up by our outpatient clinic.As in our case, latent congenital anomalies are usually incidentally identified at surgical explorations. Sometimes this situation may be altered for patient's advantage and be beneficial for patient even by reducing tissue damage.Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this Case report and any accompanying images. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal"} +{"text": "FindZebra.com is a tool for generating hypotheses about rare disease diagnosis. It uses freely available high quality curated information on rare diseases and open source information retrieval software (Apache Lucene Solr) tailored to the problem. FindZebra is intended primarily for physicians and other professionals concerned with diagnosis of rare diseases. Our benchmarking against several search tools (Google search, PubMed and symptoms ,2. Our f"} +{"text": "The authors would like to correct The authors confirm that these changes do not alter their findings. The authors have provided raw, uncropped blots as Supporting Information.S1 FigOriginal unmodified blots used for the assembly of (TIF)Click here for additional data file."} +{"text": "Greater Occipital Nerve (GON) and Multiple Cranial Nerve (MCN) blocks using local anaesthetics and corticosteroids have been used to treat various headache syndromes including Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalgias (TAC). We report cases where low cortisol levels have been seen in patients with TAC treated with GON/MCN blocks that included triamcinolone.We report four cases of adrenal suppression in TAC patients treated with GON/MCN blocks.The cases were collected retrospectively from a specialist headache clinic. Pituitary function tests prior to GON/MCN blocks were undertaken as part of their routine work up for TAC. Cortisol levels were repeated in the patients reported here due to varied nonspecific medical complaints.Our cases include a 25 year old female with TAC who reported weight loss and leg pain following three MCN blocks in three weeks. Cortisol levels were found to be low on two separate occasions.Another case is a 33 year old female treated with MCN blocks for TAC who was found to have low cortisol; the patient\u2019s cortisol also failed to respond adequately to synthetic ACTH.We aim to present another two patients, under ongoing investigation, who have had low cortisol levels associated with GON/MCN blocks for TACs.Whilst adrenal suppression is a known side effect of steroid use, it has not been widely described in patients treated with GON/MCN blocks. These cases suggest that professionals using local nerve blocks containing steroids should be cautious of the potential for adrenal suppression, particularly when used on a repeated basis.No conflict of interest."} +{"text": "Traumatic cerebral venous sinus injuries are usually managed conservatively, however sinus thrombosis and obstruction can result in refractory intracranial hypertension.We retrospectively analysed CT venograms performed on 29 patients who had sustained a skull fracture that crossed a venous sinus at a London Major Trauma Centre.18 of the 29 patients studied had either venous sinus thrombosis (14) or significant sinus caliber compromise (+/- thrombosis). Three mechanisms of sinus injury were noted in this group (Figure CT Venography should be considered in patients with fractures overlying a venous sinus especially in cases with refractory or disproportionate intracranial hypertension or headache out of keeping with imaging appearances. We demonstrate different types of injury and management options."} +{"text": "Recently, novel image processing and analysis software named TiQuant has been published that allows for reconstruction and quantification of biological tissue from common confocal laser scans . TiQuan"} +{"text": "This erratum supplies corrected statements and proofs of an error made during publishing process.Hereby, Publisher declares that the corrected email address of the corresponding author is: editor@hepatmon.comPublishing Corporation."} +{"text": "The rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI) is considered a good parameter to predict mechanical ventilator liberation. We hypothesized that the RSBI provides no benefit when clinical readiness criteria are met.Adults with acute respiratory who required MV for more than 24 hours, excluding COPD, were assessed daily as a liberation protocol Figure . During P = 0.43).Analysis of 120 cases with clinical characteristics as presented in Table The inclusion of RSBI in our standard mechanical ventilator liberation protocol for patients who met the clinical readiness criteria did not significantly increase the success rate of mechanical ventilator liberation."} +{"text": "We are interested in explaining neuronal network development through visualizations that summarize trends in large data. We utilized previously-recorded spiking patterns of embryonic rat cortex cells grown on multielectrode arrays . We pres"} +{"text": "The authors would like to correct The authors confirm that these changes do not alter their findings. The authors have provided raw, uncropped blots as Supporting Information.S1 Fig(TIF)Click here for additional data file."} +{"text": "Overlapping immune signatures are observed among cancers with a better prognostic connotation and those with an increased likelihood to respond to immunotherapeutic approaches ,2. Such"} +{"text": "Penicillium marneffei can cause a fatal systemic mycosis in patients infected with the HIV. Infections are endemic in the tropical regions of southeast Asia. Here, we report the genome sequences of the type strains of P.\u00a0marneffei and its avirulent near relative, Talaromyces stipitatus. Penicillium marneffei is the third most prevalent opportunistic infectious microbe of HIV positive patients in northern Thailand and is associated with a high mortality rate master record accession number is ABAR00000000. The annotated genome sequence of T.\u00a0stipitatus ATCC10500 has been deposited under accession number EQ962652 and EQ963471. The WGS master record accession number is ABAS00000000.The annotated genome sequence of"} +{"text": "Peanut allergy is increasing Food allergy has a huge impact on Quality of Life for the patients and their families. Allergy is seldom reported as emergencies from Commercial Airlines but many peanut allergic patients\u2019 reports symptoms during air flight by ingestion of peanuts but mostly by inhalation.Many peanut allergic patients avoid travelling by airplane. The risk for reaction is controversial.From opening peanut bags and stirring in peanut bowl. No severe reaction was observed. 23 children were tested. Nine patients had a mild reaction like itching of skin, eyes or mouth or urticaria. Three patients received treatment with antihistamine and one with oral steroid. Only one had objectively observed symptoms.Air travel seems to be safe with only risk of mild symptoms in peanut allergic patient even when peanuts are served during flight."} +{"text": "Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice would like to thank all our reviewers who have contributed to the journal in 2015.The editors of Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice. We look forward to your continued support in 2016.Without the participation of skilful reviewers, no academic journal could succeed, and we are grateful to the committed individuals who have given their time and expertise to the peer review of manuscripts for Stefan AretzGermanyGabriela BaloghArgentinaElizabeth BancroftUKMorgan ButrickUSABerta CamposSpainJohn V ConaglenNew ZealandCezary CybulskiPolandTadeusz DebniakPolandPawel DomagalaPolandThilo DorkGermanyDagmara DymerskaPolandD Gareth EvansUKThomas HansenDenmarkShirley HodgsonUKFrans HogervorstNetherlandsEvgeny ImyanitovRussiaArvids IrmejsLatviaAnna JakubowskaPolandWojciech Klu\u017aniakPolandKristina Lagerstedt RobinsonSwedenMarcin LenerPolandAnnika LindblomSwedenFinlay MacraeAustraliaDiptasri MandalUSAAlexandra MartinsFranceCliff MeldrumAustraliaJanusz MenkiszakPolandCaterina MianItalyPal MollerNorwaySteven NarodCanadaJan OosterwijkNetherlandsCarmen Radecki BreitkopfUSAMalgorzata Stawicka NielacnaPolandBente Talseth-PalmerAustraliaAmanda TolandUSAAnnemieke van der HoutNetherlandsRob van der LuijtNetherlandsMichelle Wong-BrownAustraliaXingnan ZhengUSA"} +{"text": "Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a serious neurological condition. Common cause of SAH is vascular origin. Gnathostomiasis is also a common disease in Thailand and may cause SAH.This study aimed to find clinical differences between SAH caused by both causes.This was a retrospective study and collected data from medical charts of patients diagnosed as SAH at Srinagarind Hospital during 2009 and 2011. SAH caused by vascular causes diagnosed by cerebral angiogram, while cerebral gnathostomiasis diagnosed by negative cerebral angiogram with positive gnathostoma antibody. Clinical features between both groups were compared by descriptive statistics.There were 18 patients in vascular group and 10 patients in gnathostomiasis group. Most variables between both groups were comparable except cerebrospinal fluid glucose/plasma glucose. This ratio in gnathostomiasis group was significantly higher than vascular group .Cerebrospinal fluid glucose/plasma glucose ratio was significantly higher in SAH patients caused by gnathostomiasis than vascular group.No conflict of interest."} +{"text": "The sentence should read as follows: \u201cDespite consistent guidelines by three national organizations recommending against routine screening for cervical cancer posthysterectomy, the proportion of women aged"} +{"text": "There are different possible temporal associations between epileptic seizures andheadache attacks wich have given rise to uncleare or controversal terminologies. Migraine endepilepsy have common pathophysichologic mechanisms and share essential anddefining attributes which distinguish them from other common neurologicaldisorders. They are both characterized by paroxysmal symptoms and episodic disorders. Occipital lobe to be thebrain structures most responsible for development of migraine and occipitallobe epilepsies Both are characterized by visual symptoms followed by headacheand other autonomic symptoms. Recognition of headache as an epilepticmanifestation per se still represents a challenge.The classification of the international league AgainstEpilepsy does not refer to this type of disorder, while the International Classification of headache Disorderdefines kinds of association _ migraine triggered seizures hemicrania epilepticaand post ictal headache.Epileptic headache or ictal epileptic headache is anepileptic manifestation per se, with onset and cessation if isolated ,coinciding with EE patern of an epileptic seizures EH maybe followed by other epleptic i manifestation /motor/ sensory/ autonomic/.Hemicrania epileptica is very rare variant . Post ictalor pre ictal headache _ when headache is followed during or short time aftertypical epi seizures Migraine attac maybe with or without aura, and seizures triggerring role is stole a subjectdebate.No conflict of interest."} +{"text": "Dyslexics are diagnosed for their poor reading skills. Yet, they characteristically also suffer from poor verbal memory, and often from poor auditory skills. We now hypothesize that dyslexia can be understood computationally as a deficit in integrating prior information with noisy observations. To test this hypothesis we analyzed performance in two tones pitch discrimination task using a two-parameter computational model. One parameter captures the internal noise in representing the current event and the other captures the impact of recently acquired prior information . We foun"} +{"text": "Dear Editor,I read with interest the article by Bayrami et al., reporting the predictive ability of drug use for subjects with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms . The tar"} +{"text": "Bleeding has always been an alarming clinical symptom in all human societies, and physicians have had varying degrees of success in diagnosing and treating bleeding patients . Because"} +{"text": "We read with great interest the review by Scholzel et al. , about cCould these abnormalities play a role in recurrent pulmonary hypertension after pulmonary endarterectomy?"} +{"text": "Brucellosis is a common zoonotic infection caused by bacterial genus brucella. Brucellosis is an old disease known by various names including undulant fever or Mediterranean fever. This is one of the infectious diseases transmissible between animals and humans. Brucella bacteria multiply inside the body in some ways like swallowing, breathing, contact between damaged skin and slinked fetus or amniotic fluid of septic animals , 2. This"} +{"text": "Errors were introduced to The authors confirm that these changes do not alter their findings. The authors have provided raw, uncropped blots as Supporting Information.S1 File(PPTX)Click here for additional data file."} +{"text": "Pleura effusion in post cardiac surgery is the one of problems in management of cardiac surgery patients. Large amounts of pleura effusion may affect the recovery period requiring a longer hospital stay. Early diagnosis and quantification of pleural effusion is important to be ideal postoperative adequate treatment. Ultrasound shows better sensitivity and reliability for diagnosis pleural effusion than physic diagnostic and X-ray. Ultrasound can be repeated serially at bedside without any radiation risk. Procedure perform under ultrasound guided showed a reduction of complication rate.We report 60 patients with pleural effusion after cardiac surgery. We perform tapping of fluid under guiding ultrasound. Before procedure we calculate amount of pleural effusion and make decision where site of needle will inserted. Regarding the literature we make intraclavicula line as a guided. Tapping procedure will perform if fluid more than 450 cc. Tapping procedure use abbocate needle no 14 or 16fr. Amount of perithoracosistesis fluid is almost same with fluid prediction of before +/- 50 cc, depend on body weight and size of heart if pleural effusion on left thorax. There are not complications after the procedure. Patient experiences were feel convenient and with minimal pain. After procedure patients can complete mobilization and if indication to discharge patients can discharge directly.our experience show the ultrasound guided procedure for tapping pleura effusion easy to do, make patient convenient, safe and shorten hospitalization after cardiac surgery."} +{"text": "The immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment perturbs numerous immune regulatory networks and usurps host antitumor immunity. We discovered that tumor interferes with host hematopoietic Notch system in lung cancer patients . The res"} +{"text": "Contrary to ThyA, ThyX generates tetrahydrofolate rather than dihydrofolate upon catalysis and therefore does not require high dihydrofolate reductase activity to provide sufficient levels of tetrahydrofolate . Assumiack thyA . Consequpossible .thyX compared to what was observed for the two closely related Peruvian control strains \u201325. Alth\u2013"} +{"text": "Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) is the most aggressive and highly metastatic form of breast cancer -3. In a Transcriptomic data from 197 breast tumours were used for this analysis (GEO GSE23720) . All tumWe provide evidence that NFAT5 transcription factor could constitute a novel IBC biomarker that could help to identify the most aggressive forms of BC into routine clinical practice."} +{"text": "An inexpensive and readily available material for practising tendon repair sutures is dental rolls. Two dental rolls secured to a table and placed longitudinally opposite each other can simulate the cut ends of a tendon . The siz"} +{"text": "Clinically, late preterm infants have more apnea and periodic breathing than term infants and immature coordination of sucking, swallowing and breathing often delay their ability to feed without episodes of bradycardia, desaturation and even apnea [Late preterm infants have been called \u201cgreat imposters\u201d because en apnea .Clinical data indicate that late preterm are also predisposed to wheezing in infancy and early childhood although not exposed to excessive supplemental oxygen or ventilator support . Exposur"} +{"text": "Characterizing neural spiking covariability is essential for understanding the collective activity of neural populations. Recent experiments have provided evidence of statistical dependencies among groups of neurons beyond that expected by the firing rates and pairwise correlations alone -3. These"} +{"text": "In the published articlePembrolizumab has not yet received FDA approval for NSCLC patients. In October 2014 pembrolizumab received FDA breakthrough therapy designation for lung cancer treatment supported by data from a phase Ib trial in previously treated NSCLC patientsThe authors apologize for the errors and for any confusion it may have caused."} +{"text": "JH-/- mouse that had been exposed to prion infectivity containing aerosols, can be seen here. The authors also wish to clarify that the original blots for Figs The authors would like to correct Figs The corrected versions of Figs S1 FileIndividual blots at various exposure times are shown.(TIF)Click here for additional data file.S2 FileIndividual blots at various exposure times are shown.(TIF)Click here for additional data file."} +{"text": "The UBIOPRED study (Unbiased BIOmarkers for the Prediction of REspiratory Diseases) is a longitudinal asthma research study. It will identify phenotype/\u2019omic handprints to improve our understanding of severe asthma and identify potential targets for new pharmacotherapies.The aim of this poster is to illustrate how the research team successfully recruited and retained the Southampton portion of the paediatric UBIOPRED cohort using an acronymic approach.A simple acronym was developed by the NIHR Southampton Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility (WTCRF) nurses to enable successful recruitment and retention of participants:Approach \u2013Participants were usually approached during their outpatients\u2019 appointment. This ensured neutral ground, so the study could be discussed with their consultant.\u2022 Belief \u2013 The research nurses believed in UBIOPRED, which instilled confidence when discussing the study with potential recruits.\u2022 Commitment \u2013 Retention was only possible through the commitment of participants and nurses. Study visits were coincided with clinic appointments whenever possible to reduce inconvenience.\u2022 Dedication \u2013 The research nurses went to great lengths to ensure the participants\u2019 needs were met.\u2022 Experience \u2013 The participants\u2019 research experience needed to be positive to ensure retention. Participants were supported if they had anxieties and were never pressurised to undertake research procedures.\u2022 Fun \u2013Age appropriate fun was key to each study appointment.\u2022 The final recruitment figures for the UBIOPRED paediatric cohort at Southampton exceeded the target set figure . At presUsing an ABCDEF approach, the children\u2019s asthma and allergy research nurses have exceeded their recruitment target and successfully followed up participants on the UBIOPRED study."} +{"text": "Drosophila brains were taken from confocal laser scanning microscope [Quantitative analysis of neurons is a very important issue in neural science especially after numerous three-dimensional neural images in croscope . Howevercroscope and moducroscope methods"} +{"text": "Critical Care reported that plasma [Two recent studies published in t plasma and urint plasma levels oThe investigators assessed NGAL elimination during continuous venovenous hemofiltration and hemoThese membranes are increasingly applied for hemofiltration in critically ill patients . Thus, i"} +{"text": "Columba livia) and humans in formally identical choice tasks where all outcomes were learned from experience. Both species were more risk seeking for larger rewards than for smaller ones. The data suggest that the largest and smallest rewards experienced are overweighted in risky choice. This observed bias towards extreme outcomes represents a key step towards a consilience of these two disparate literatures, identifying common features that drive risky choice across phyla.Whereas humans are risk averse for monetary gains, other animals can be risk seeking for food rewards, especially when faced with variable delays or under significant deprivation. A key difference between these findings is that humans are often explicitly told about the risky options, whereas non-human animals must learn about them from their own experience. We tested pigeons ( Collapsed across the final two blocks and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada.This study was financially supported by the"} +{"text": "Following publication of the original article in Stem Cell Research & Therapy , we woulThe corrected title reads: Retinoic acid receptor signaling preserves tendon stem cell characteristics and prevents spontaneous differentiation in vitro.The original article has been updated with the corrected title. The publisher apologizes for the inconvenience this may have caused."} +{"text": "Esophageal strictures commonly complicate radiation therapy for neck and thoracic malignancies. We here report a case of radiation induced stricture esophagus and illustrate the classical barium esophagogram in this condition. 58 year old male with past history of carcinoma esophagus treated with radiotherapy had presented with recurrence of dysphagia. Dysphagia was insidious in onset and was predominantly for solids than liquids. Physical examination was normal except for gross emaciation. Hemogram and routine biochemical panel were within normal limits. Barium swallow revealed significant mid-esophageal luminal narrowing with significant contrast pooling above. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed luminal narrowing at 25cms from the incisors; it was not possible to negotiate through the stricture. At endoscopy mucosa appeared normal except for minimal erythema. Mucosal biopsies revealed only normal stratified squamous epithelium and no evidence of neoplasm. Contrast computed tomography revealed no evidence of tumor recurrence or metastasis or lymphadenopathy. Patient was managed with serial dilatation with Savary Guillard dilators. Patient improved with treatment and is currently able to take oral feeds. Stricture is commonly reported to develop in 2-3 weeks to 4-8 months after radiation exposure, though late presentations also can occur. In patients presenting with dysphagia following radiotherapy for carcinoma esophagus it is always important to rule out residual or recurrent neoplasm with endoscopy and imaging. Esophageal dilatation with or without stenting is the current treatment of choice."} +{"text": "Dear Sir,,Skin stapling devices are widely used to secure skin graft because they are easy to use and useful\u2014especially for large grafting areas. They can save operating time and improve graft taking.3"} +{"text": "Homeostatic regulation of neuronal firing rates has been reliably observed in response to chronic manipulation of neural activity. From such experiments a variety of putative homeostatic mechanisms have been reported, including compensatory changes for several synapse types . Unfortu"} +{"text": "Combination of metformin and garlic extract may ameliorate diabetic nephropathy.et al. further attests our results and those published by previous investigators which garlic extract protects against tubular injury by restoring the biochemical alterations and modulation of oxidative stress on the tubules have been completely observed by the author.None."} +{"text": "Potential kidney protective effects of metformin, might have synergistic effect with some other antioxidants such as medicinal plants.et al. observed that gentamicin-induced renal tubular injury is ameliorated by metformin have been completely observed by the authors.None."} +{"text": "A central pattern generator (CPG) is a population of neurons producing rhythmic or repetitive behavior without requiring rhythmic input to the population. Turtles are observed to produce several rhythmic motor patterns in response to stimuli, in particular rostral scratch and pocket scratch (see Figure"} +{"text": "This project helps address concerns about reproducibility by providing unique searchable identifiers, or Research Resource Identifiers (RRIDs), for critical reagents and tools. RRIDs link readers to external resources and enable search engines to return all papers utilizing a particular antibody, organism, or tool. Using RRIDs, authors can easily track all papers using various antibodies and assess how well the antibody works in different scenarios. eNeuro joins other neuroscience publications currently employing RRIDs. A complete listing of journals utilizing RRIDs can be found in Google Scholar or PubMed. This initiative is completely voluntary for eNeuro authors. RRIDs offer an important means for ensuring reproducible methods and providing critical data to help researchers identify suitable reagents and tools. We encourage all eNeuro authors to participate."} +{"text": "The publisher apologizes for this error.The corresponding author indication is incorrect. The correct corresponding author is Martijn Timmermans ("} +{"text": "Her correct title is associate professor.EHP regrets the error."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "Digital conversational agents (DCAs) have become extraordinarily ubiquitous. Researchers envision the prospects of using DCAs to monitor health among older adults. However, older adults show hesitation to engage with DCAs. It is possible older adults prefer receiving human assistance rather than getting help from a machine. Another potential explanation is that communicative cues of DCAs such as voice need to be further optimized to invoke behavioral engagement. To understand how DCAs can better support older adults, we develop an experiment with three scenarios in which an agent shares active aging information. We manipulate the agent\u2019s voice in terms of age . We investigate how the interplay of agent categories and intragenerational/intergenerational voice cues affect older adult participants\u2019 evaluation of information and intention to adopt DCAs. Our study will contribute to DCAs design for older clients."} +{"text": "PLOS ONE Editors retract this article [The article because RS, ATKZ, and AMES did not agree with the retraction. MRY and HMS either did not respond directly or could not be reached."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "PLOS ONE Editors retract this article [The article because KAB, SF, and EAR did not agree with the retraction. HAF responded but expressed neither agreement nor disagreement with the editorial decision. All other authors either did not respond directly or could not be reached."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "Antidepressant withdrawal manic states are rare and controversial phenomena. The underlying pathophysiology and the clinical implications have not been thoroughly discussed in the literature.We aimed to review reports of antidepressant discontinuation manic states and to discuss the different hypothetical pathophysiological changes underlying this phenomenon. We also argued in favor of its inclusion in the bipolar spectrum.We searched Pubmed using the key words: \u2018antidepressant withdrawal\u2019 or \u2018antidepressant discontinuation\u2019 plus \u2018mania\u2019 or \u2018hypomania\u2019 from January 2008 until January 2018.Twenty-nine cases of antidepressant discontinuation manic states were identified. Hypotheses involve the implication of Catecholamines, Acetylcholine and Serotonin in the pathophysiology of this paradoxical phenomenon. The search for red flags for bipolar disorder in these case reports revealed psychiatric histories in favor of a bipolar spectrum disorder in 12 individuals while five were already known to have bipolar disorder.Antidepressant discontinuation mania should be considered on the bipolar spectrum.No significant relationships."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "Psychiatric emergency visits have been associated to several climate variables. However, the influence of relative humidity has been not well stablished.The analyse the influence of relative humidity on emergency care visits.Daily urgency visits were extracted from electronic medical records of Hospital Universitario La Paz from 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019. Relative humidity data (%) was obtained from a local climate station. A negative binomial multivariate regression model was performed with relative humidity, weekday and month as covariates.Relative humidity was not associated with number of psychiatric emergency department visits Relative humidity did not influence emergency help seeking for patients suffering from suicidal phenomenaNo significant relationships."} +{"text": "Systemic mastocytosis is a neoplastic proliferation of mast cells that most frequently involves cutaneous sites. Mastocytosis involves various extracutaneous sites, but the lymph node is rare. We present an interesting image of systemic mastocytosis in the lymph node with marked eosinophilia. It is a rare subtype of systemic mastocytosis requiring high suspicion levels for the correct diagnosis."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "Suicidal seeking help seeking behaviour has with associated with seasonal pattern that reflect an array of psychosocial factors. Its understanding is paramount for improving psychiatric emergency care.Our aim was to analyse weekly and monthly seasonality on emergency department visits due to autolytic phenomenaDaily urgency visits from suicidal phenomena (including suicide attempt and ideation) were extracted from electronic medical records of Hospital Universitario La Paz from 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019. A poisson multivariate model was performed with day of the week and month as covariates. Predictive margins were estimatedPsychiatric emergency visits due to suicidal phenomena were less frequent in Saturday and Sunday (1.8 visits per day) than weekdays (2.5 visits per day). Peaks were observed in February and September, being April and May the months with fewer visitsA weekly season pattern was observed with less psychiatric emergency visits due to suicidal phenomena during weekends. They picked during colder months and were less frequent during spring timeNo significant relationships."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "The authors have retracted this article. Following publication, errors were identified affecting Figs.\u00a04 and 6. The values of mean total chlorophyll concentration in control plants and individual leaves reported in the article were several fold higher than those from other reports. Moreover, the chlorophyll a/b ratios of control plants presented in Fig.\u00a04c were also much higher than reported values for tree seedlings. The authors believe these discrepancies are due to technical errors and intend to submit a revised manuscript which will undergo peer review. All authors agree with this retraction."} +{"text": "HoweverClinical trials of inactivated vaccines report antigen\u2010specific humoural and cellular immune responses and protective efficacy against pandemics caused by the Wuhan strain.In conclusion, all of these data support the conclusion that boosting previously inactivated vaccine\u2010immunized individuals with an mRNA vaccine is a promising strategy for increasing population\u2010level immunity against the rising pandemic caused by variants.The authors declare no competing interests.Supporting InformationClick here for additional data file."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Pathogens Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "Many observational studies have documented that hyperglycemia frequently occurs among patients hospitalized with the acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and without diabetes mellitus . Epidemi"} +{"text": "A middle aged adult with a nearly 3\u2010year history of stage III follicular lymphoma experienced progressive abdominal pain and distention\u00a0before collapsing suddenly. The patient was resuscitated and underwent emergency laparotomy that showed copious intraperitoneal blood originating from a rupture of a markedly enlarged spleen. Despite splenectomy, hemostasis could not be achieved and the patient was pronounced deceased.The resected spleen was diffusely enlarged and disrupted by a large irregular laceration (Figure\u00a0Low\u2010grade follicular lymphoma is typically clinically indolent and minimally symptomatic. Atraumatic splenic rupture secondary to massive splenomegaly in follicular lymphoma is uncommon but can be fatal even with urgent medical intervention. Close monitoring for ongoing or rapid splenic enlargement and appropriate patient education may therefore be warranted in patients with follicular lymphoma.MX wrote the manuscript. CO, DL, and JR edited and revised the manuscript. All authors performed the pathologic assessment on the case reported.The authors declare no conflict of interest."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "Older adults in the U.S. are increasingly using cannabis as a method to manage pain. Some studies have linked increased cannabis use with an increase in prescription opioid use while others have suggested that older adults may be using cannabis as a way reduce/replace opioids. From April 2018 - January 2019 we conducted 12 focus groups throughout Illinois with 82 cannabis users aged 60+. To examine the relationship between cannabis and opioid use we used an inductive thematic analysis to code and theme the focus group transcripts. We found three themes 1) medical culture around opioids influences cannabis use; 2) past negative experiences with opioids influences cannabis use, and 3) aversion to ever trying opioids out of fear of an anticipated harm that may be brought about by opioid use such as overdose. In this session we present these findings and discuss cannabis use relative to opioids by older adults."} +{"text": "Swallowed rice cake (mochi) without chewing retained in the stomach intactly. We successfully treated the hardened mochi without surgery. Eye\u2010catching images showed as many as 10 intact mochi in the stomach and endoscopic crushing procedure. Misconception that gastric acid can dissolve rice cake (mochi) leads to retention of mochi in the stomach. Although mochi is soft in a hot soup dish, it can get much harder in the stomach temperature. Swallowed mochi without chewing can be resolved only by endoscopic procedure. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) revealed multilayer arc\u2010like high\u2010density objects in the stomach Figure\u00a0, which rAlthough airway obstruction by mochi is well recognized, a gastro\u2010intestinal foreign body associated with mochi is poorly recognized because of its rarity. Retained mochi can cause severe gastric ulcer which possibly leads to gastric perforation. Accordingly, retained mochi requires an endoscopic procedure as soon as possible.All authors contributed significantly toward the completion of this case report.The authors declare no conflict of interest.None.Written informed consent was obtained from the patient to publish this report in accordance with the journal's patient consent policy."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "Visual agnosia was noticed after blood pressure oscillations, during immunoglobulin therapy for suspected autoimmune encephalitis. Brain magnetic resonanbce imaging scans before and after visual agnosia are presented in"} +{"text": "Akiskal proposed the bipolar spectrum concept with the aim of including those patients with atypical depressive presentations and mood temperaments. Also Koukopoulos accepted this proposal in those patients with poor response to antidepressants or highly recurrent course. Concretely bipolar disorder type IV was defined as clinical depression based on a lifelong hyperthymic temperament. Some years after DSM-III several experts in bipolar disorder continued in this work line even though DSM-IV and most recent DSM-V not considered to include this concept as a new diagnostic category.To present a theoretical and practical review about bipolar spectrum and its relationship with hyperthymic traits.We carry out a literature review about bipolar spectrum, accompanied by the clinical description of one patient with major depressive disorder and hyperthymic traits base.45 years old female referred to our outpatient mental health service after episode of voluntary drug overdose. She presented long evolution depressive symptoms with onset in postpartum. She reported a previous depressive episode 9 years ago with good response to fluoxetine. Hyperthimic traits were described but no history of manic symptoms. An erratic evolution was observed with various antidepressant treatment and finally improved adding mood stabilizer.We must propose to consider the diagnosis of bipolar spectrum in order to treat effectively patients with major depression dissorder and hyperthymic temperament in absence of manic symptoms.No significant relationships."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the The journal has been informed that corresponding author CD is deceased."} +{"text": "Following publication of the original article 1], there is formatting error in Tables , there iThe original article has been corrected."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "Suicidal phenomena help seeking depends on a broad array of factors, which include climatic variables. Our aim was to analyse the effect of precipitation with help seeking in patients suffering from suicidal behaviourOur aim was to analyse the effect of precipitation with help seeking in patients suffering from suicidal behaviourDaily urgency visits from suicidal phenomena (including suicide attempt and ideation) were extracted from electronic medical records of Hospital Universitario La Paz from 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019. Precipitation data (measured as accumulated litres per square meter) was obtained from a local climate station. Spearman correlation was estimatedThe Spearman correlation coefficient was 0.04(p = 0.48)Precipitation did not influence help seeking for patients affected by suicidal phenomenaNo significant relationships."} +{"text": "Psychiatric emergency visits have with associated with seasonal pattern that reflect psychosocial factors. Its knowledge could proving valuable insight about help seeking behaviour of patiens suffering with mental illness.Our aim was to analyse weekly and monthly seasonalityDaily urgency visits were extracted from electronic medical records of Hospital Universitario La Paz from 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019. A poisson multivariate model was performed with day of the week and month as covariates. Predictive margins were estimatedPsychiatric emergency visits were less frequent in Saturday and Sunday (5.5 visits per day) than weekdays (7.5 visits per day). Not differences were observed among months.A weekly season pattern was observed with less psychiatric emergency visits during weekends.No significant relationships."} +{"text": "These should have been given as 3358 participants excluded and 1549 without data in the CHARLS 2014 survey. This article has been corrected.1In the Original Investigation titled \u201cAdverse Childhood Experiences and Subsequent Chronic Diseases Among Middle-aged or Older Adults in China and Associations With Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics,\u201d"} +{"text": "We thank Dr. Mraz for insightful comments that provide additional context to the findings in our study, in particular bringing to the forefront studies in other B cell malignancies including chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) . As poin"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the The journal has been informed that third author CD is deceased."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "The 7th author name has been incorrectly published in the original publication. The complete correct name should read as follows Dinesh Kumar ChellappanThe original article has been corrected."} +{"text": "However, I believe it is worthwhile to discuss possible treatment options for patients whose lives are at grave risk in the COVID-19 era."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "Following publication, the publisher has uncovered conclusive evidence that false identities were used as peer reviewers for this article. These reviewers were not suggested by the authors. These peer reviewers have now been removed.This article is currently under post publication assessment. This expression of concern has been posted while Frontiers awaits the outcome of this assessment and will then be updated accordingly."} +{"text": "She had dull aching pain in the leg with slight swelling. Thephysical examination of her leg revealed swelling and mildly painful movement withlimitation. The radiological study revealed multiple diffuse lytic areas withsurrounding sclerosis distal to the tibia extending from the metaphysis to the diaphysisand pathological fracture . Magneti"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "We sought to provide an overview of the literature on decision aid interventions for family caregivers of older adults with advanced dementia regarding decision-making around tube feeding. The process was guided by Arksey and O\u2019Malley\u2019s methodological framework. Six publications reporting on four unique decision aid interventions were included. All the interventions targeted caregivers of older adults with advanced dementia. Three of decision aids were culturally adapted from existing ones. The Ottawa Decision Support Framework and the International Patient Decision Aid Standards Framework were used in these studies. Interventions aimed to improve decision-making regarding tube feeding for caregivers through static delivery methods. Caregivers rated these decisions as helpful and acceptable. Reduction in decisional conflict and increase in knowledge were consistently found among dementia caregivers, but no intervention effects were found on preferences for use of tube feeding. Culturally adapted decision aids effectively improve decision-making regarding tube feeding among the target population."} +{"text": "Breast core biopsies show a diffuse sheet of neoplastic cells with round nuclear contour, open chromatin, eccentric nuclei with distinct nucleolus and relatively abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm Figure\u00a0, immunogThe authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.The authors received no specific funding for this work.This case followed the University Health Nerwork and patients' ethics."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "PLOS ONE Editors retract this article [The article because SS either did not respond directly or could not be reached. KM and MUS responded but expressed neither agreement nor disagreement with the editorial decision. ASA, KGR, and MH did not agree with the retraction."} +{"text": "Despite significant and urgent mental health needs among low-income homebound older adults, the existing mental health service systems\u2019 reach for these older adults is almost nonexistent. Given the current and projected geriatric mental health workforce shortages, innovative approaches are needed to better serve these underserved older adults. This presentation will focus on a series of randomized clinical trials that tested acceptable and feasible mental health service delivery models for homebound older adults who are served by aging service network agencies that provide hot meals and case management. Findings from the real-world effectiveness trials of tele-delivered behavioral activation treatment for depression and loneliness by bachelor\u2019s-level lay counselors who are embedded in aging service agencies will be shared. Ways to promote a wider adoption of scalable and sustainable mental health service delivery models for homebound older adults will be discussed."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "To ensure autististic prisoners are understood and receive necessary support in custodial environment.Prison healthcare staff and discipline staff jointly trained about autism and how it is best managed in prison setting.Promotion re-education aids for prisons visually and verbally.Prison staff as autistic champions.Accessible autistic spectrum lead in healthcare team to coordinate need.priority that prison becomes autism accredited by national autistic society in progress.There is increase of prisoners with neurodevelopmental disorders and ensuring their needs met in prison and this is CAT A challenging prison environment."} +{"text": "Since the discovery of vitamin D a century ago, a great number of metabolites, analogs, hybrids and nonsteroidal VDR ligands have been developed. An enormous effort has been made to synthesize compounds which present beneficial properties while attaining lower calcium serum levels than calcitriol. This structural review covers VDR ligands published to date. KK-052 serves as a valuable compound for interrogating SREBP/SCAP in vivo and may represent an unprecedented translational opportunity for synthetic vitamin D analogs.1746) , was fouA century has passed since vitamin D was discovered. The structural diversity achieved among vitamin D receptor ligands . Seeing as vitamin D plays a ubiquitous role in human physiology, VDR ligands have been found to cure or ameliorate the symptoms of various diseases. It is disheartening to note that for more than twenty years no drug based on a VDR ligand has been placed on the market because the structural diversity achieved in the VDR ligands might encode new therapies for other illness different than the calcium\u2013phosphorous homeostasis."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "PLOS ONE Editors retract this article [The article because AMAS agreed with the retraction. MR, SA, SAA and MA either did not respond directly or could not be reached. MFA and MJA did not agree with the retraction."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the First author ST has informed the journal that corresponding author CD is deceased."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "Following publication, the publisher has uncovered conclusive evidence that false identities were used as peer reviewers for this article. These reviewers were not suggested by the authors. These peer reviewers have now been removed.This article is currently under post publication assessment. This expression of concern has been posted while Frontiers awaits the outcome of this assessment and will then be updated accordingly."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "Usually, superior vena cava (SVC) entrance block is confirmed when SVC potentials disappear during sinus rhythm. We present a case of pseudo SVC entrance block during sinus rhythm, which was uncovered by continuous atrial pacing. Under coronary sinus pacing, SVC potentials disappeared by adding RF application at the anterolateral side catheter ablation including pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) and superior vena cava (SVC) isolation. After completing the PVI, we proceeded with empiric SVC isolation because he had a long SVC sleeve.Figure\u00a0. Under e Figure\u00a0. Circumfe Figure\u00a0 to elimiThis case indicated that a careful investigation should be performed to confirm the SVC entrance block. Recently, a novel method for SVC isolation utilizing intrinsic conduction block area has been conceived.These results indicated that the intrinsic conduction block area of the RA\u2010SVC junction could present persistent conduction by atrial pacing even after achieving the SVC entrance block during sinus rhythm. Therefore, the SVC entrance block during sinus rhythm might not be enough to confirm the true SVC entrance block. The sinus node has been reported to be located on the epicardial side of the terminal crest and insulated by the transitional cells, and sinus impulse exits from the node via the multiple preferential pathways.This case illustrated a risk of misdiagnosing with superior vena cava entrance block when omitting RF applications at the intrinsic conduction block area close to the sinus node. Confirming the SVC entrance block both during sinus rhythm and continuous atrial pacing away from the sinus node might be necessary in the situation.Authors declare no conflict of interests for this article.N/A ."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Genetics Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "Following publication, the publisher has uncovered conclusive evidence that false identities were used as peer reviewers for this article. These reviewers were not suggested by the authors. These peer reviewers have now been removed.This article is currently under post publication assessment. This expression of concern has been posted while Frontiers awaits the outcome of this assessment and will then be updated accordingly."} +{"text": "Although rates of major depressive disorder are lower among older adults, depressive symptoms are a common presentation for aging individuals in medical settings. Unique challenges arise when treating depressive symptoms co-occurring with brain health concerns in older adults with a complex medical history. This presentation reviews how cognitive behavioral interventions for later-life depression are relevant for mental health practitioners who work in primary care and general medical settings. Specific clinical and multicultural considerations will be highlighted to support clinicians and interdisciplinary teams to work effectively with older adults who have co-existing depressive symptoms and cognitive concerns."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "PLOS ONE Editors retract this article [The article , 2 becauSB and MH did not agree with the retraction. MZuH and FM either did not respond directly or could not be reached."} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "This article has beenPLOS ONE Editors issue this Expression of Concern.PLOS will be investigating these concerns in accordance with COPE guidance and journal policies. Meanwhile, the"} +{"text": "Guided by Lyons and Lee\u2019s (2018) Dyadic Theory of Illness Management, the current study explored covariation in dyadic health management behaviors within a sample of seventeen older African American married couples . We also examined if spouses agreed on how they took care of each other\u2019s health and whether these patterns changed after couples participated in a health-focused intervention together. Prior to beginning a 12-week walking plus resistance training exercise intervention, spouses completed questionnaires asking them to list the common things they did to help take care of their partner\u2019s health as well as what their partner did for them. Thirteen couples completed these questionnaires post-intervention. Data from both waves were analyzed using thematic analysis . Five health management behaviors domains were identified . Although both partners reported encouraging healthier diets and exercise, wives also reported promoting other health management behaviors. Couples had greater congruence in their appraisals of wives\u2019 health management behaviors compared to husbands\u2019, as wives recognized many things husbands did to take care of them that husbands did not report themselves. Patterns appeared stable over time. Findings suggest the incongruence in couples\u2019 health management behaviors represented complementary efforts to support each other and revealed that husbands may be underestimating how much care they are providing to their wives. A promising method for addressing health disparities in this population may involve capitalizing on this clear investment that older African American couples have in each other\u2019s health."} +{"text": "Endoscopic scissors have the advantage of preventing potential complications associated with thermal and mechanical damage to surrounding structuresA middle-aged man presented to the emergency department with abdominal pain for the past eight days. He disclosed that he had ingested a long plastic tube trapped with a silk line after drinking two years ago. Physical examination was normal, as was his routine blood test. Computed tomography scans showed multiple tubular objects in the stomach and duodenum . GastroVideo\u20061\u2002Endoscopic scissors for removal of plastic tubes trapped with silk lines.We highlight the role of endoscopic scissors in cutting through silk line in this challenging case, which prevented further surgical removal of the foreign bodies. Endoscopic scissors, originally designed for cutting the nasobiliary duct in vivoEndoscopy_UCTN_Code_TTT_1AO_2AL"} +{"text": "The effect of subjective views of aging (VoA) on health outcomes is well established, yet this effect was rarely examined among older adults undergoing hospitalization or rehabilitation. Moreover, the additive effect of healthcare personnel\u2019s ageist attitudes on treatment outcomes is unknown. Accordingly, these effects were examined within older adults hospitalized for osteoporotic fractures \u2013 a frequent late-life condition with cardinal functional implications. Study 1 found that feeling younger at admission predicted better rehabilitation outcomes. The reverse effect of functional independence at admission on subjective age at discharge was non-significant. Study 2 replicated these findings with additional VoA indices, and further demonstrated that rehabilitation outcomes were better when occupational and physical therapists reported low levels of ageist attitudes. Findings suggest that successful rehabilitation may be promoted by reducing negative VoA among patients as well as healthcare personnel."} +{"text": "PLOS ONE Editors retract this article [The article because ABG and MAA did not agree with the retraction. JL and ME responded but expressed neither agreement nor disagreement with the editorial decision. RMA and SMA either did not respond directly or could not be reached."} +{"text": "Rhodnius brethesi appears incorrectly throughout the article due to misidentification during the breeding process. The correct species name verified by genotyping is Rhodnius neglectus, which lives also in sylvatic areas (such as the Cerrado (savanna) region in Central Brazil) and nests on several species of palm trees. Both species share many similarities.The species name"} +{"text": "As the pandemic caused widespread disruption across the world, studies suggested younger adults were faring more poorly than other adults. We hypothesized that younger adults might possess fewer emotion regulation resources and skills, accounting for their greater distress. In a national sample of 1528 adults, we examined how baseline resources predicted distress five weeks later, when states began initial reopenings. Younger adults reported greater distress and less social support, mindfulness, and emotion regulation skills than did middle aged and older adults.. Controlling for stress exposure, younger adults\u2019 distress was predicted by impulsivity and lack of perceived strategies while middle-aged and older adults\u2019 distress was predicted by acceptance of negative emotions; perceived social support was related to lower distress for both groups but mindfulness was unrelated. Results suggest that emotion regulation skills are a promising prevention and intervention focus."} +{"text": "In the original version of this article, the given and family names were incorrectly structured.The correct given and family names should be:Tobias ZrzavyAlice WielandnerLukas HaiderSophie BartschFritz LeutmezerThomas BergerKarl Heinz NenningAlexander RauscherPaulus RommerGregor KasprianThe original article has been corrected."} +{"text": "To the editor,We appreciate very much your comment about our paper published recently in Int Braz J Urol . In respThe Authors"} +{"text": "Introduction: Many studies have investigated the risk factors associated with progression from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to cognitive impairment, while it is unclear which lifestyle factors are associated with cognitive recovery among those who have mild cognitive impairment. Methods: The study includes 7,422 participants above 65 years old with MCI from The Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS). Cox regression analysis was adopted to investigate the association between cognitive recovery and selected lifestyle factors. LASSO was applied to select the variables. Results: Daily consumption of fresh fruits is associated with higher possibility of cognitive recovery while daily consumption of meat show opposite influence . Smoking and alcohol consumption are both negatively associated with cognitive recovery. Daily engagement in reading , housework as well as mahjong and other card games are associated with higher possibility of cognitive recovery. Conclusion: This study has identified important modifiable lifestyle factors associated with natural cognitive recovery from MCI. The findings have considerable implications for dementia prevention."} +{"text": "Following publication of the original article [1], the authors flagged that the author name Fabiana Trentacosti had been erroneously spelled as Fabiana Trenatacosti.The published article has since been corrected.The authors apologize for any inconvenience caused."} +{"text": "These images have now been replaced with equivalent images from the same experiment, but that have not been published previously.While selecting representative images for publication from the same time-lapse experiment, the authors mistakenly selected images they had published previously"} +{"text": "Following publication of the original article [1], the authors identified an error in the author name of SeyedAhmad SeyedAlinaghi and in the author name of Mohammad\u2011Mehdi Mehrabi Nejad.The incorrect author name is: Seyed Ahmad SeyedalinaghiThe correct author name is: SeyedAhmad SeyedAlinaghiThe incorrect author name is: Mohammad-Mehdi MehrabinejadThe correct author name is: Mohammad\u2011Mehdi Mehrabi NejadThe original article has been corrected."} +{"text": "Booker and Christopher L. Haga should have been denoted as equally contributing authors. The original article has been corrected."} +{"text": "Sustainability in livestock production systems will play a critical role in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals developed by the United Nations . Globall"} +{"text": "The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. Author name Titus Watrin was incorrectly written as Titus Vatrin."} +{"text": "Excessive light exposure before bedtime can disrupt one\u2019s circadian rhythm and can lead to poor sleep. The purpose of this study was to describe the relationship between evening light exposure and subjective sleep measures in people living with dementia (PLWD). We conducted secondary data analysis using the baseline data from Healthy Patterns Clinical Trial (N=137). We used Actiwatch Spectrum Plus to collect light data over three consecutive days. We defined evening light exposure as the average white light intensity for 4 hours before sleep. Sleep measures included Epworth Sleepiness Scale and PROMIS Sleep-Related Impairment. We used univariate regression analysis. We found that that greater evening intensity of light exposure was associated with higher daytime sleepiness and more sleep impairment . The results of our study suggest that exposure to bright light during evening can disturb nighttime sleep and increase daytime sleepiness in PLWD."} +{"text": "Authors would like to update below as article note which was missed out in original publication. The original article has been corrected.Haoming Ma and Guo Yu contributed equally to this manuscript."} +{"text": "When this paper was originally published, Valerio DiNicola was originally missing as the fourth author. This has now been corrected online."} +{"text": "The development of brain metastases from primary cancer profoundly impacts patient prognosis. Up to one quarter of lung cancers develop brain metastases and subsequent median overall survival is one year. Although clinical factors do not reliably predict brain metastasis development, DNA methylation signatures have been recently shown to predict outcomes in other cancers. It is hypothesized that DNA methylation signatures predicting brain metastasis development from lung cancer will be identified. This work may allow for treatment strategies that prevent brain metastasis development in high risk lung cancer patients.DNA methylation profiling was undertaken on N=124 lung adenocarcinoma patients. In a randomly selected 70% training cohort, differentially methylated CpG sites between patients developing and not developing brain metastases were identified and used to build a generalized boosted regression model. Patients in the independent 30% testing cohort were assigned brain metastasis risk scores by the model.Brain metastases developed in 49/124 (39.5%) of patients and 2.3K CpG sites were significantly differentially methylated between patients developing and not developing metastases. Methylation-based brain metastasis risk scores predicted time to brain metastasis development in the testing cohort . A multivariate cox analysis assessing tumor size and nodal positivity together with methylation scores as covariates identified methylation scores as the only independent predictor of brain metastasis development in the testing cohort .DNA methylation signatures in lung adenocarcinomas predict brain metastasis development independently from the non-metastatic components of cancer stage. Future work developing a comprehensive nomogram utilizing methylation scores together with clinical factors to determine patient specific risk values may aid in treatment decisions and patient prognosis counselling."} +{"text": "As the mainstay of curative treatment for esophageal cancer, surgery increases survival but entails impaired health-related quality of life (HRQL).The current Swedish nationwide longitudinal studyStudies elucidating potential effective interventions to improve postoperative HRQL are warranted. It might be worth examining whether increasing dispositional optimism could improve postoperative HRQL. Identifying the potential modifiable mediators between dispositional optimism and HRQL may also be valuable because some potential mediators such as coping strategy and social support may be easier to be\u00a0modified than dispositional optimism. In addition, interventions to prevent or relieve psychological distress may also help improve HRQL after esophageal cancer surgery.5"} +{"text": "This paper consists of a clinical image of a complex developmental anomaly that is usually diagnosed prenatally or during childhood. Its detection in adult life is very rare, as happened in the present case. Surgical biopsy was performed, demonstrating cavities covered with respiratory epithelium exhibiting mucinous cell hyperplasia, consistent with a type 1 congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM) scan showed right apical and middle lobe polylobulated consolidations (Figure\u00a0None declared.The authors declare that appropriate written informed consent was obtained for the publication of this manuscript and accompanying images."} +{"text": "Physical examination of her wrist revealed swelling and mildly painful movement with minimal limitation. The patient was living in a region endemic for hydatid disease. A radiological study revealed soft tissue swelling of the wrist with no bone erosion or calcification . Magneti"} +{"text": "Research has shown cognitive ability in older age is associated with activity engagement, but little is known about what psychological mechanisms are linking the two constructs. This study investigates an emotional pathway, in which affective states mediate the temporal associations between momentary working memory and momentary activities in older age. We examined data from 153 healthy older adults aged 65 to 91 who completed a smartphone-based ambulatory assessment survey seven times a day over 15 days. In each assessment point, participants reported their momentary activities and affective states and took a working memory task. Initial results suggest that during an approximate time period of six hours , working memory performance influences subsequent likelihood of social activity engagement. Moreover, positive affect mediates this temporal association. Results will be discussed in the context of cognitive aging research."} +{"text": "DOI: 10.1039/C3RA23176CCorrection for \u2018Nanochannel conduction in piezoelectric polymeric membrane using swift heavy ions and nanoclay\u2019 by Karun Kumar Jana This correction does not alter the conclusions presented in this The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers."} +{"text": "Research suggests that marital quality may buffer the impact of sensory impairments in later life, and that marital quality relates to cognitive functioning. This study explored how marital quality moderated links between sensory impairments and cognitive functioning. We used data from 723 paired marital dyads from two cohorts in the NHATS and NSOC studies across three-year periods . Growth curve models of executive functioning indicated that marital quality moderated effects of both hearing and vision impairment on changes in cognitive functioning longitudinally. Specifically, higher marital quality was associated with higher executive functioning across time. Results suggested no improvement in executive functioning among those with average or lower marital quality. Although cognition declines with advanced age and with sensory impairments, results suggest that older adults with higher marital quality may improve in some aspects of cognition longitudinally."} +{"text": "Ureteral stent catheterization is a common procedure in urological practice. Although ureteral stents have undergone notable technological advancements in the past few decades, numerous side effects exist and affect the patient physically and psychologically.In this case report, a ureteral stent for cutaneous ureterostomy was changed every month. One paper showed that the catheter\u2010free rate was 70%\u201380% for cutaneous ureterostomy.In this case report, the author changed the ureteral stent without fluoroscopy. Sometimes, experienced urologists change a ureteral stent without fluoroscopy. A recent paper regarding the techniques and tips for ureteral stent placement demonstrated that a ureteral stent is changed under fluoroscopy and retrograde pyelography.So far, 30 reports about the knotting stent have been reported.The authors declare no conflict of interest."} +{"text": "The original article contained two errors whereby both equation 1 and supplementary files were presented incorrectly.The original article has since been updated to correct these errors ."} +{"text": "In The authors have provided a corrected version of In the Results subsection \u2018Lack of statistical power suggests spurious evidence for silent representations of unattended memories,\u2019 sentence 9 should be removed. The correct sentence series is:We found that unattended memories could be robustly decoded during the whole delay and in particular immediately before pinging from high-decoding sessions, while discarded memories could not (both p>0.45,"} +{"text": "When this paper first published online, the author name Rei Mastueda was incorrect. It should have been Rei Matsueda. This has now been corrected online."} +{"text": "In our previous report, deep invasion in urothelial carcinoma within a pyelocalyceal diverticulum was discussed.The author declares no conflict of interest."} +{"text": "Tricuspid valvectomy occasionally might be a temporizing bridge treatment in extremely ill and hemodynamically unstable patients who are prepared for eventual tricuspid valve repair/replacement.65.See Article page Three decades ago, tricuspid valvectomy was the last resort in certain cases of infective endocarditis associated with septic shock in patients with mostly intravenous illicit drug addiction. Excision of infected tricuspid valve is well known to all the cardiac surgeons. The topic is perhaps timely, as recreational drug use has become an alarming national epidemic. In the recent years, the feasibility of tricuspid valve repair or tricuspid valve replacement has been compared with the valve excision option."} +{"text": "Hypothetical mechanisms in the development of mixed tumors have been described.Methotrexate (MTX)\u2010associated lymphoproliferative disorders (LPDs) can be considered in patients undergoing long\u2010term MTX treatment, because these patients have a relatively high risk of lymphoma.The authors declare no conflict of interest."} +{"text": "Lower pre-chemotherapy night time cortisol excretion predicted more severe cisplatin induced nausea and vomiting in 42 ovarian cancer patients receiving ondansetron as a single antiemetic agent. Dexamethasone administration added to the antiemetic effect of ondansetron principally in patients who had low excretion of cortisol."} +{"text": "Dr. Levine's comments are greaThe patient presented in the case study had an The modern dual chamber detection algorithms have significantly improved specificity for ventricular arrhythmia detection. I am in total agreement with Dr. Levine regarding the programming of monitoring zones in the early post implant period. When done correctly, such programming can provide a great deal of information on arrhythmia characteristics and accuracy ofdiscrimination algorithms."} +{"text": "Objective: To determine the rate of positive group B streptococcus (GBS) cultures at 35\u201337 weeks gestationin women who have first trimester asymptomatic GBS bacteriuria.Methods: Pregnant women with asymptomatic first trimester GBS bacteriuria had genital cultures for GBSperformed at 35\u201337 weeks gestational age. Serotyping was performed by the standard Lancefield capillaryprecipitin method.Results: Fifty-three women with positive urine cultures had genital cultures performed at 35\u201337 weeks. Sixteenof the 53 third trimester vaginal cultures were positive for GBS.Five of eight (63%) of the women with typable urine serotypes had the same typable serotype in the thirdtrimester genital culture.Conclusion: Genital tract cultures at 35\u201337 weeks for GBS correlate poorly with first trimester asymptomatic GBSbacteriuria. Recommendations for GBS prophylaxis in labor in women who have first trimester asymptomaticGBS bacteriuria should be investigated further and reconsidered."} +{"text": "Seven out of 18 assessable patients (39%) responded with minimal toxicity. Endocrine studies demonstrated that the drug produced significant initial falls in oestradiol and oestrone levels, but that these levels rose toward pretreatment levels as the study progressed. Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels gradually fell during the study suggesting that the drug has a minor degree of androgenic activity albeit of no clinical significance. There was a transient reduction of adrenal steroid levels, which remained however within the normal range. There were no symptoms of adrenal insufficiency."} +{"text": "This very encouraging article is basedI recently reported that many detained psychiatric inpatients had not been fully investigated to exclude organic causes of their seeming first episode of schizophrenic-like psychosis .These authors state that their patients had DSM-IV\u2013diagnosed schizophrenia, which excludes organic causation. What investigations did they do to ensure that their clinical sample had no organic precipitants?"} +{"text": "Incorporation of cytotoxic drugs into microspheres reduces but does not eliminate systemic toxicity. The extent of liver to lung shunt was measured in 26 patients with colorectal liver metastasis. Liver to lung shunting correlated with proportion of liver replacement but did not exceed 4.4% and therefore is unlikely to cause systemic toxicity."} +{"text": "Sixteen patients with advanced and recurrent malignant salivary gland tumours were admitted to a randomised trial and the response assessed. Seven patients received Epirubicin/5-Fluorouracil and none of these patients responded. Nine patients received Cisplatinum and only one patient had a partial response. The trial suggests that chemotherapy has no place in the treatment of advanced salivary gland malignant tumours."} +{"text": "Premorbid personality characteristics could have a pathoplastic effect on behavioral symptoms and personality changes related to neurodegenerative diseases. Patients with personality disorders, in particular of the dramatic cluster, may present functional frontolimbic abnormalities. May these neurobiological vulnerabilities linked to a premorbid personality disorder predispose or represent a risk factor to subsequently develop a neurodegenerative disorder? Are subjects with personality disorders more at risk to develop a dementia than mentally healthy subjects? This topic is discussed presenting the clinical case of a patient who suffered of a probable Narcissistic Personality Disorder and subsequently developed a clinically diagnosed Frontotemporal Dementia."} +{"text": "Patients with transient ischemic stroke and patients with non-cortical stroke did not have significant deficits in working memory in either modality.Functional imaging studies indicate that the left hemisphere mediates verbal working memory, while the right hemisphere mediates both verbal and spatial working memory. We evaluated acute stroke patients with working memory tests and imaging to identify whether unilateral dysfunction causes deficits in spatial and/or verbal working memory deficits. While left cortical stroke patients had verbal working memory impairments ("} +{"text": "Robotic technology for use in surgery has advanced considerably in the past 10 years. This has become particularly apparent in urology where robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy using the da Vinci surgical system has become very popular. The use of robotic assistance for benign urological procedures is less well documented. This article considers the current robotic technology and reviews the situation with regard to robotic surgery for benign urological conditions."} +{"text": "It is acceptable to interpret that metformin has three different responsibilities including: blood glucose regulatory effect, renal tubular cell protection by acting as an effective antioxidant and finally protective effect on diabetic nephropathy through saving the podocytes. Hence, diabetic patients may benefit from all of these three distinct ameliorative effects. et al. found that gentamicin-induced kidney tubular damage is attenuated by metformin have been completely observed by the authors.None declared."} +{"text": "Minimally invasive urological procedures have gained in popularity and replaced open surgery in various urological procedures. Although considered minimally invasive, these procedures are not free from complications, and life-threatening hemorrhage may occur. Herein we describe 3 case series of patients who underwent minimally invasive urological surgeries that were complicated with bleeding. In all 3 patients we used super selective angiographic embolization to stop hemorrhage. Minimally invasive urological surgeries carry the risk of hemorrhage, and patients should be informed about this possibility. In hemodynnmic stable patients endovascular embolization allowed bleeding cessation with maximal preservation of the bleeding kidney tissue."} +{"text": "While increased renal venous and direct renal parenchymal pressure may cause renal insufficiency, there are no prior reports of hypersplenism secondary to chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) doing so. This first report of massive splenomegaly leading to marked compression of the left kidney associated with renal insufficiency that resolved after splenectomy illustrates that profound extrinsic renal compression from splenomegaly may significantly compromise left renal function and splenectomy should be considered in this situation."} +{"text": "The authors regret that Kenneth Mellits\u2019 middle initial was listed incorrectly in their paper. The correct initial appears above.The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused."} +{"text": "Anosognosia for cortical blindness, also called Anton\u2019s syndrome, is a rare neurological disorder usually following bilateral lesions to occipital cortices. Neuropsychological, morphological and functional neuroimaging (SPECT and fMRI) findings are reported in a patient who incurred Anton\u2019s syndrome after an ischaemic lesion confined to the left occipital lobe involving the corpus callosum. The present case study suggests that Anton's syndrome may also follow from lesions disconnecting the occipital cortices."} +{"text": "Numerous studies have shown a correlation between high autoantibody titers and subsequent autoimmune disease in patients with psychiatric disorders compared to healthy individuals. In this study we used a targeted affinity proteomics approach to investigate these autoantibody repertoires. We therefore obtained serum samples from patients diagnosed with various psychiatric disorders and compared these with samples of healthy volunteers. Additionally we used our approach to identify autoantibodies in post mortem brain tissue from patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.In this study we utilized a well characterized cohort of patients with psychiatric disorder to study the autoantibody repertoire. From this sample set we analysed more than 600 serum in a first discovery approach. Based on the in-house screening and previous external published studies of autoantibodies within psychiatry we selected a set of 231 protein fragments from the Human Protein Atlas with a length of roughly 80 amino acids. With this selected panel we screened additional 130 post mortem brain tissue samples. Autoantibody profiling was performed using suspension bead array technology and IgG reactivity was measured in patients and controls.Our findings could indicate altered immune response in patients with psychiatric disorders compared to healthy controls. In our study we identified potential predictive autoimmune signatures. Those were presented with higher IgG reactivity in patients compared to healthy control samples.With our approach we were able to profile autoantibody repertoires in patients with psychiatric disorders. Additionally, we were able to use our approach to profile brain tissue using a multiplexed affinity proteomics approach. By further validating these putative autoimmunity targets, we could gain insights into the autoantigens associated to chronical mental illnesses."} +{"text": "The antibiotic name amoxicillin appears incorrectly throughout the article. The correct antibiotic name is amoxicillin-clavulanate.The antibiotic name amoxicillin appears incorrectly in Tables The antibiotic name amoxicillin appears incorrectly in"} +{"text": "Pathological laughter is an uncommon symptom usually caused by bilateral, diffuse cerebral lesions. It has rarely been reported in association with isolated cerebral lesions. Midbrain involvement causing pathological laughter is extremely unusual. We describe three patients who developed pathological laughter after midbrain and pontine-midbrain infarction. In two patients a small infarction in the left paramedian midbrain was detected, whereas the third one sustained a massive bilateral pontine infarction extending to the midbrain. Laughter heralded stroke by one day in one patient and occurred as a delayed phenomenon three months after stroke in another. Pathological laughter ceased within a few days in two patients and was still present at a two year follow-up in the patient with delayed-onset laughter. Pathological laughter can herald midbrain infarction or follow stroke either shortly after onset of symptoms or as a delayed phenomenon. Furthermore, small unilateral midbrain infarctions can cause this rare complication."} +{"text": "In Sectipovirus . Thus, mThe authors apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. The changes do not significantly affect the scientific results however rectify the taxonomic inaccuracies."} +{"text": "In our discussion we erronThe observed difference in costs per average CAP patients can be partly explained by the younger cohort in the Spoorenberg et al. study (m"} +{"text": "The assessment of male patients with lower urinary tract symptoms presents a common urological request and prostatic surgery places heavy demands on Health Service resources. Sixty male patients attended a urine flow clinic during their preliminary clinical assessment, to identify those with objective evidence of bladder outflow obstruction. Nineteen were shown to have a reduced urine flow rate and of these 13 proceeded to prostatectomy. The clinic has a useful role as a screening investigation."} +{"text": "We describe a technique for protecting and cooling soft tissues while using cement in bony defects. Internal fixation using cement to augment neoplastic lesions is a recognised technique but the resulting exothermic reaction risks the surrounding tissues. We have used a surgical glove partially filled with water to protect volar structures of the wrist while cementing a distal radial lesion . Through"} +{"text": "We report a case of spontaneous superior pole renal artery dissection in a healthy forty-one year old man. Spontaneous renal artery dissection is a rare event occurring in patients with hypertension or renovascular disease such as fibromuscular dysplasia. This case demonstrates the importance of maintaining renovascular accidents as part of the differential diagnosis of abdominal pain."} +{"text": "Arterial spin labeling of the heart has been shown to estimate myocardial perfusion and perfusion reserve at a single short-axis slice for coronary artery disease assessment. However, current spatial labeling methods suffer from transit delay effects when imaging is extended to more than a single slice. Velocity selective (VS) labeling is a promising alternative that does not suffer from transit delay effects.Eight healthy volunteers were scanned using a 3T GE Signa Excite HD scanner with an 8-channel cardiac coil. Myocardial ASL measurements were made at a single short axis slice using both VSASL and conventional flow alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) ASL as a reference. VS labeling was performed using an adiabatic BIR4 pulse with bipolar gradients as shown in Figure Figure We have successfully labeled coronary blood based on velocity and demonstrated that VSASL is sensitive to myocardial perfusion. We believe that VSASL has the potential to become a more sensitive labeling scheme than spatial labeling sequences because of its insensitivity to transit delay and because it is inherently compatible with whole heart coverage."} +{"text": "Corrigendum:After publication, the authors noticed that five authors\u2019 names were listed incorrectly. The author list and author contributions have been amended so that: Xuan Hong Sun is now listed as Hongxuan Sun. Wen Ya Liu is now listed as Yawen Liu. Qin Ya Yu is now listed as Yaqin Yu. Feng Xu Huang is now listed as Xufeng Huang. Yang Xiang Zhang is now listed as Xiangyang Zhang."} +{"text": "Pruritus was assessed in plaque psoriasis, atopic eczema and acne vulgaris using visual analogue scales. The results demonstrate that itch is a common and frequently troublesome symptom in plaque psoriasis. This observation should be more widely recognised in textbooks and publications."} +{"text": "The originally published Figure 6 had several mis-drawn structures with charges in incorrect locations. These errors have been corrected in the new version see ."} +{"text": "Acquired stuttering is a disorder of the fluency of speech. The mechanism underlying stuttering is unknown. It may occur after bilateral and unilateral cortical or subcortical brain damage. We report two cases who had stuttering resulting from left parietal infarction."} +{"text": "An 8 years old girl suffers from strabismus since her first months of life. Her visual acuity was very low and could only see fingers moving in her left eye. Her left eye fundus showed a chorioretinal scar in the macula due to congenital toxoplasmosis. The biological findings proved the diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis. Functional prognosis of macular scars is very dark."} +{"text": "The supernumerary kidney is an accessory organ with its own blood supply and collecting system. It is a very rare type of congenital renal anomaly with fewer than 100 cases reported since firstly described at 1656 . It may We aimed to present a rare case of supernumerary fused and malrotated kidney. Thirty-seven year-old woman was admitted to our clinic with left flank pain. CT scan demonstrated multiple calculi in the left kidney and supernumerary fused kidney and 2. TGrieshammer and colleagues showed that mutant mice lacking either SLIT2 or its receptor ROBO2 develop supernumerary ureteric buds that are correlated with abnormal maintenance of Gdnf expression in anterior metanephric mesenchyme . The SLI"} +{"text": "Diabetes mellitus are rising rapidly in worldwide despite advancing diabetes modalities and services. Many researches are in charge to provide unique healthcare system for diabetic condition management.Diabetes mellitus are rising rapidly in worldwide despite advancing diabetic modalities and services. This is depicted by a recent study were conducted to improve presented services for diabetic children . In thisSimilarly, a cross sectional study was conducted between April 2008 and January 2009 have been completely observed by authors.None."} +{"text": "An unexpected diagnosis of metastatic RCC after excision biopsy of a skin nodule can bring uncertainty. A case of isolated scalp metastasis from undiagnosed RCC was noted and a review of the literature was undertaken to aid management. RCCs often present with distant disease involving multiple organ systems. Single metastasis to the scalp region without other organ involvement is uncommon. Cytoreductive nephrectomy and limited metastectomy offer survival advantage in physically fit patients with RCC."} +{"text": "CT imaging. This case also highlights the need for immunohistochemical analysis of unusual tumor deposits facilitating appropriate treatment.Colonic metastases from lung cancer are rare . Presentation of an abdominal mass in the setting of a new lung cancer diagnosis should prompt complete evaluation including endoscopic and CT imaging confirmed a colonic lesion during staging investigations of a 56\u2010year\u2010old female smoker with lung adenocarcinoma and mediastinal lymphadenopathy Fig.\u00a0. ImmunohGF: drafted submission and submitted case report for publication. EO: performed literature review and assisted with drafting of submission. MF: obtained and prepared radiology and endoscopic images for case report. CR: is respiratory physician responsible for diagnosing and managing patient's lung adenocarcinoma. FB: is pathologist who reported on colonic biopsy samples and who obtained pathology slides contained in this case report. KB: is general surgeon responsible for investigating patient's colonic lesion through performing colonoscopy and obtaining colonic biopsy samples, assisted with drafting of submission and literature review.None declared."} +{"text": "Segmental testicular infarction is a rare entity with fewer than 40 cases documented in the literature. It frequently mimics an acute scrotum presenting with pain and swelling. Difficulty distinguishing benign from malignant lesions on imaging has led to radical orchiectomy in the past. With improvements in imaging, this condition may be treated more conservatively. We present the first case of bilateral segmental testicular infarction and discuss management options."} +{"text": "Conventional management of acute left sided colonic obstruction employs some form of proximal colostomy. Intraoperative antegrade colonic irrigation relieves proximal faecal loading and may permit safer primary resection and anastomosis. The results of a pilot study are presented, and are shown to be favourable."} +{"text": "This error appears only in PDF versions downloaded on or before January 31, 2018. Rockefeller University Press apologizes for this regrettable error."} +{"text": "A survey was carried out of three hundred general practice patients who were questioned about recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort and other related symptoms. Patients who responded positively to the questionnaire fell into three main groups.Twenty two patients (7%) were found to have previously diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome. A further twenty patients (7%) had similar symptoms but had not sought medical help for them. Finally there were twenty eight (9%) patients with abdominal pain due to miscellaneous organic diseases.Age-sex matched controls were selected from the two hundred and thirty patients who responded negatively to assess the rate of consultation and the rate of prescribing benzodiazepines and antidepressants."} +{"text": "We present a female patient who developed mucosal and skin hyperpigmentation due to metastatic malignant melanoma. Diffuse cutaneus melanosis is a rare entity that complicates a small percentage of metastatic melanomas, confering a fatal prognosis. We discuss briefly the current evidence on pathogenesis of melanosis arising from metastatic melanoma."} +{"text": "An English speaking women developed a French accent, without any aphasic syndromes, in conjunction with multiple left sided cranial nerve deficits, temporally related to cranial trauma. Extensive testing with multimodality magnetic resonance imaging, cerebrospinal fluid and laboratory analysis was unremarkable. She was followed over a 3 year period during which her French accent resolved as did the majority of her multiple unilateral cranial neuropathies. The neurological diagnoses included a foreign accent syndrome attributed to a reversible Garcin syndrome."} +{"text": "In patients with no history of trauma, nasal leakage is often overlooked. In our case, we diagnosed it accurately and successfully cured this patient with a transnasal transsphenoidal neuroendoscopic surgery approach."} +{"text": "Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a benign fibroosseous bone disorder. It has poliostotic and monostotic patterns. Monostotic FD is frequently asymptomatic and is usually discovered incidentally by radiologic imaging performed for other reasons. Bone scintigraphy is valuable for identifying disease extent. Craniofacial FD (CFD) is a form of the disease where lesions are limited to contiguous bones of the craniofacial skeleton. We presented a case with monostotic CFD who was detected incidentally on bone scintigraphy single-photon emission computed tomography/computerized tomography while being investigated for inflammatory arthropaties."} +{"text": "KX757840 was listed incorrectly in Puumala Virus in Bank Voles, Lithuania . The article has been corrected online ("} +{"text": "We describe four patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) who experienced a relapse with acute onset of painful sensations. Pain sensations disappeared in two of them and markedly reduced in the other ones after repeat application of intrathecal triamcinolone acetonide (TCA) following a prior unsuccessful treatment with intravenous steroids. TCA administration was well tolerated and no serious side effects occurred. Repeated intrathecal TCA injection may provide a substantial benefit in RRMS patients with acute onset of pain due to an inflammatory lesion within the spinal cord."} +{"text": "Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) occurs in most infections with Sin Nombre virus and other North American hantaviruses. We report five cases of acute hantavirus infection that did not fit the HPS case definition. The patients had characteristic prodromal symptoms without severe pulmonary involvement. These cases suggest that surveillance for HPS may need to be expanded."} +{"text": "Dear Editor,In their recent article entitled 'Temporary ectropion therapy by adhesive taping: a case study', Drs Schrom and Habermann 'propose a simple method to correct temporary ectropion in facial palsy by applying an adhesive strip' . The aut"} +{"text": "Ontologies are becoming increasingly important for the efficient storage, retrievaland mining of biological data. The description of phenotypes using ontologies is aparticularly complex problem. We outline a schema that can be used to describephenotypes by combining orthologous axiomatic ontologies. We also describe tools forstoring, browsing and searching such complex ontologies. Central to this approach isthat assays (protocols for measuring phenotypic characters) describe what has beenmeasured as well as how this was done, allowing assays to link individual organisms toontologies describing phenotypes. We have evaluated this approach by automaticallyannotating data on 600 000 mutant mice phenotypes using the SHIRPA protocol. Webelieve this approach will enable the flexible, extensible and detailed description ofphenotypes from any organism."} +{"text": "A case of a 70 year old man who was found to have an extrahepatic portal vein aneurysm during an evaluation for hematuria is reported. Extrahepatic portal vein aneurysms are rare with only twenty cases reported in the literature. Typically, patients present with hemorrhage requiring surgical exploration or the aneurysm is discovered during evaluation of another abdominal process. Management includes careful follow-up in the asymptomatic patient without underlying liver disease or portal hypertension."} +{"text": "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a diploid virus: each virion carries two complete RNA genomic strands. Homologous recombination can occur when a cell is coinfected with two different but related strains. Naturally occurring recombinant HIV strains have been found in infected patients in regions of the world where multiple genotypic variants cocirculate. One recombinant HIV strain has spread rapidly to millions of persons in Southeast Asia. Recombination is a mechanism whereby high level and multidrug-resistant strains may be generated in individual treated patients. Recombination also poses theoretical problems for the development of a safe HIV vaccine. Certain features of HIV replication, such as syncytium formation and transactivation, may be best understood as components of a sexual reproductive cycle. Recombination may be an important HIV evolutionary strategy."} +{"text": "Techniques are described for hapten attachment to the cell membranes of mouse tumour cells. Dinitrophenylation and tyrosylation could be achieved without substantial loss of viability as measured by dye exclusion. In addition hapten coated tumour cells were capable of initiating new tumour formation in syngeneic hosts. Pre-immunization of recipient mice with hapten coated tumour cells did not increase their resistance to tumour formation upon subsequent challenge with graded doses of untreated tumour cells."} +{"text": "The resultsshow that the complexes retain Keggin structure. The complexes exhibit antitumoral activity in vitro as shown by MTT experiment.Six new compounds [(CpTi)X, Cp=\u03cb"} +{"text": "Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHCC) is avariant of hepatocellular carcinoma, which mainly affectsa young age group and carries a relatively goodprognosis. It is widely accepted that aggressive curativeresection is still the best option for FHCC. Wereport here a case of successful arterialisation of theportal vein with an aortoportal jump graft for portalvein thrombosis, which developed postoperatively inan already comprised portal vein with tumour invasionfollowing an extensive liver resection for FHCC."} +{"text": "Therapeutic nuclear medicine is less advanced but can provide significant benefits provided the radionuclide is accurately targetted.Radiometals are the mainstay of both diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine because the choice of radionuclide is primarily dictated by nuclear decay characteristics rather than chemistry."} +{"text": "A patient is described with a synchronous intraluminal squamous cell carcinoma of theleft upper lobe carina. He refused photodynamic therapy after sleeve lobectomy of theright upper lobe. The intraluminal tumor was treated with fiberoptic bronchoscopicelectrosurgery. Complete remission was achieved, at the moment already for 36 months."} +{"text": "Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) in workers exposed to metal removal fluids (MRFs) is increasing. This study supports the hypothesis that aerosolized mycobacteria colonizing the MRFs likely cause the disease. Three case studies of HP outbreaks among metal workers showed potentially high exposures to a rare and newly proposed Mycobacterium species. Retrospective review of samples submitted to our laboratory showed an association between presence of mycobacteria and HP."} +{"text": "To the Editor: Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) can cause severe hemorrhagic colitis characterized by gastrointestinal symptoms and bloody diarrhea as well as hemolytic uremic syndrome domestic animals such as cats ("} +{"text": "Diffuse biliary papillomatosis is a rare bile duct tumour. We report a case of multiple biliarypapillomatosis treated surgically with a transhepatic stent. Diffuse biliary papillomatosis involving intra and extrahepatic bile ducts is extremely rare. It isregarded as having low grade malignant potential. In this report a case of diffuse biliary papillomatosiswith obstructive jaundice is presented."} +{"text": "Arias et al in the article 'A narrow QRS complex tachycardia with an apparently concentric retrograde atrial activation sequence' describe a case with spontaneous intra atrial block along the mitral isthmus to explain the change in atrial activation . This ph"} +{"text": "Several compoundsexhibit excellent antitumour activities. in vivo screening also gave very promising results.An overview of the"} +{"text": "A case of fibrous histiocytoma of low grade malignancy arising from the uncinate lobe of the pancreas isreported. This is an unusual site for these extremely rare tumours. Survival up to 4 years has been achievedin our patient following surgical resection."} +{"text": "The present study investigates the prognostic value of immunohistochemically detected cathepsin D expression in endometrial adenocarcinoma. Patients with surgically treated endometrial adenocarcinoma FIGO stages I-III and consecutive irradiation therapy were included in the study. When we performed immunohistochemistry to detect cathepsin D in 115 tissue specimens 35 cases showed a positive reaction. In the univariate analysis cathepsin D expression showed significant prognostic value for overall survival . In the multivariate analysis with established prognostic parameters we found an independent prognostic value for cathepsin D . Immunohistochemical detection of cathepsin D could aid in predicting prognosis and planning therapy for patients with endometrial adenocarcinoma."} +{"text": "We present a case of giant cavernous hemangioma ofthe liver with disseminated intravascular coagulopathy(Kasabach\u2013Merritt syndrome) which wascured by enucleation. The 51 year old womanpresented with increased abdominal girth and easybruisability. Workup elsewhere revealed a massivehepatic hemangioma and she was started on radiationtherapy to the lesion and offered an orthotopicliver transplant. After careful preoperative preparation,we felt that resection was possible and sheunderwent a successful enucleation. The operationand postoperative course were complicated bybleeding but she recovered and remains well infollowup after 6 months. All coagulation parametershave returned to normal. Enucleation shouldbe considered the treatment of choice for hepatichemangiomas, including those presenting withKasabach\u2013Merritt syndrome. The benefits of enucleationas compared to liver transplantation forthese lesions are discussed."} +{"text": "Leucocyte migration inhibition by autologous breast tumour cell fractions was mediated by a soluble factor synthesized and released by mononuclear leucocytes and active against migrating granulocytes. This mechanism is similar to that previously described in respect to cell-mediated sensitivity to microbial antigens. Alternative mechanisms involving directly reactive granulocytes or cytophilic antibodies were rarely operative in the migration tests."} +{"text": "The presence of soft tissue edema around a malignant musculoskeletal neoplasm can interfere with accurate local tumorstaging at magnetic resonance imaging. This article discusses and illustrates such edema, emphasizing means for avoidingmisinterpretation of edema and subsequent overstaging."} +{"text": "Indirect evidence suggests that cancer anorexia is associated with specific aversions to macronutrients. To investigate this, patients with cancer anorexia and hospitalized control subjects devised 3-day menus comprising foods that they wished to eat. These foods were then provided for 3 days and the intakes of each food carefully measured. As expected, patients with cancer anorexia consumed substantially less energy than hospitalized control subjects . However, macronutrient composition was consistently maintained in the patients with cancer anorexia. These data argue against cancer anorexia representing a state of macronutrient aversion."} +{"text": "Isolated bile duct injuries after blunt abdominal trauma are rare. Surgery is the usual mode of treatment. We report a patient with a right hepatic duct injury following blunt abdominal trauma who was managed successfully by endoscopic papillotomy."} +{"text": "The survival of 64 consecutive patients with disseminated midgut carcinoid tumours was compared in a retrospective study with that of 25 consecutive patients with sporadic malignant endocrine pancreatic tumours treated according to similar surgical principles. The presence of hepatic metastases implied a worse prognosis in neuroendocrine tumours of pancreatic rather than midgut origin. This infers that these tumour types must be separated when treatments are evaluated. \u00a9 1999 Cancer Research Campaign"} +{"text": "Pulmonary lymphangitis carcinomatosa is an unusalcause of death in a young adult. This case describesan apparently healthy young woman who presentedwith severe acute pancreatitis, which is a recognizedcomplication of a choledochal cyst. Autopsy examinationrevealed advanced malignancy with poorlydifferentiated adenocarcinoma penetrating the wallof the choledochal cyst and metastatic adenocarcinomain the lymph nodes, lungs and kidneys. Thiscase emphasises the unusual presentation of acholedochal cyst with acute pancreatitis and theaggressive nature of malignancy associated with thiscongenital anomaly."} +{"text": "Background: Disseminated coccidiomycosis during pregnancy can lead to both maternal and neonatal mortality. Placentitis is an uncommon sequelae and its effect on placental function remains speculative. The present report describes our management of such a case and describes serial umbilical artery velocimetry of an affected placenta. Case: A pregnant woman with coccidioidal placentitis confirmed histologically was treated with systemic and intrathecal amphotericin B starting at 28 weeks gestation. Serial umbilical artery velocimetry revealed that all systolic/diastolic ratios remained normal, and a normal infant was delivered at term. Conclusion: Coccidioidal placentitis was successfully treated with amphotericin B; serial umbilical artery velocimetry monitoring exhibited no abnormalities and, along with other reassuring fetal parameters, allowed continuation of the pregnancy to term."} +{"text": "Peliosis hepatis is defined as the appearance ofblood filled lakes in the hepatic parenchyma. It hasbeen associated with various pharmacologicalagents and infections. Treatment has been primarilysymptomatic and includes discontinuation of offendingmedications, partial hepatectomy or occasionallyliver transplantation. We report a 58 yearold white female on hormone replacement therapywho developed symptomatic peliosis hepatis andunderwent successful superselective hepatic arteryembolization with control of bleeding."} +{"text": "Famciclovir is an antiviral with efficacy and safety comparable to aciclovir, but famciclovir's more favorable pharmacokinetic profile enables a less frequent dosing regimen. Future trials will likely determine famciclovir's role in the suppression of HBV."} +{"text": "A method has been devised to calculate breast volumes from mammograms. This has been applied to mammograms from 42 women with breast cancer and 42 age-matched normal controls. No difference in breast volumes was noted."} +{"text": "The only curative treatment for proximal bile duct cancer with involvement of both main hepatic ducts isliver transplantation. Most patients do not fulfill the requirements for liver transplantation. Ourtreatment strategy in appropriate cases is palliative tumor resection and reconstruction of the biliarypassage by sutureless bilioenteric anastomosis. We have treated 12 patients, 5 in combination withintraluminal and percutaneous radiotherapy. Our results indicate that this strategy leads to effectivepalliation in some cases provided that only microscopic residual tumor is left in-situ. Our survival timescompare favourably with survival after liver transplantation."} +{"text": "Cholesterol gallstone disease is extremely common. Three major stages are recognized for stoneformation, namely bile that becomes supersaturated with cholesterol, cholesterol nucleation leading tocrystal formation and finally retention of the crystals in the gallbladder resulting in stone formation.Supersaturation is common but nucleation into crystals probably requires protein nucleating factors.Impaired motility of the gallbladder causes crystal retention and is probably very important in stoneformation."} +{"text": "Yanrui Li is incorrectly listed as a corresponding author for this manuscript. Instead, Yanrui Li should be listed as having contributed equally with Jincheng Li and Stefan Donath."} +{"text": "A 29 year old morbidly obese patient suffered injury to his common bile duct during cholecystectomy.Subsequent access to the biliary tree was obtained by using a long heavy gauge needle afterfirst opacifying the system with contrast injection through a nasobiliary tube. It is now twenty sixmonths after initial percutaneous biliary drainage placement and eighteen months after removalof all biliary access. The patient is asymptomatic and has normal liver function tests. Thistechnique can be useful in morbidly obese patients who are at increased risk from surgical repairof biliary duct injuries."} +{"text": "A novel method of repeated hepatic dearterialization was evaluated in five patients with multiplemetastases from gastric cancer in both hepatic lobes. After gastrectomy with extensive lymph nodedissection (R2/3), all patients underwent implantation of a vascular occluder around the hepaticartery. Cannulation of the hepatic artery was added for later chemotherapy. The hepatic artery wasoccluded repeatedly for 1 hour twice daily in combination with intrahepatic infusion of anticancerdrugs for as long as possible. Three of five patients demonstrated marked tumour regression withunexpectedly long survival .Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) levels decreased to almost normal in four patients who had initiallyhigh levels. The present experiences seems to indicate that long survival can be hoped for in patientswith advanced gastric cancer with unresectable liver metastases."} +{"text": "Because the author Christos C. Zouboulis was added to the author byline after publication, the Author Contributions section does not correctly reflect the new authorship. There should be an additional section which reads: Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: CCZ"} +{"text": "We report a case of a pigmented gallstone which formed around a surgical staple in the bile duct. Thestone was removed and retrieved endoscopically. A brief review of bile duct foreign bodies andgallstones is presented."} +{"text": "Computed tomography and sonography allowed excellent preoperative assessmentbut to attempt a distinction between the histological variants may be hazardous. Two tumourswere only autopsy findings and 5 patients underwent laparotomy. It is confirmed that potentiallymalignant mucinous cystadenomas and cytadenocarcinomas should be resected whenever possible;serous cystadenomas are always benign and should therefore be resected only when the diagnosis isdoubtful or if they cause symptoms.Cystic neoplasms of the pancreas are rare and their diagnosis and treatment can be difficult. This reportdetails 7 patients who had histologically proven serous cystadenoma"} +{"text": "PLoS Medicine Editors discuss what role food aid should play in addressing the global childhood malnutrition crisis.The The Economist made the case that childhood hunger and malnutrition have a far greater impact upon child health than was previously thought emergency\u201d . The rea"} +{"text": "Cultured rat liver cells induced a strong antibody response in syngeneic rats, directed against foetal calf serum components which were incorporated into the liver cell surface from the cell-culture medium. This antibody could be removed by absorption with liver cells or glutaraldehyde-fixed foetal calf serum. It is possible that the antigenic cross-reactivity observed in earlier studies with cultured cells treated with carcinogens could be due to this foetal calf serum component."} +{"text": "Fludarabine is a comparatively new drug for the treatment of low-grade lymphoid malignancy. This report describes five cases of unusual neurological illnesses occurring after treatment with fludarabine. These suggest that caution should be exercised in patients receiving fludarabine who develop neurological abnormalities, with prompt investigation and if necessary cessation of the drug."} +{"text": "The paper describes the development of periodic modules used for the peptide synthesis of hydroxamic acid. A powder conveyor using the principle of positive weighing distribution is described. Purification is provided using automatic filtration and a liquid\u2014 liquid extraction module separation device. Device quality is improved using failure mode and effects analysis."} +{"text": "Sir,I read with great interest the case reported by Drs Saini and Khurana titled \"Chronic relapsing inflammatory optic neuropathy\". I do rea24This is why steroid sparing agents should be strongly considered for the management of this condition."} +{"text": "We investigated two fatal cases of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) infection in a community nursing home in western Sydney, Australia. Two elderly women had lived in the same room, and the onset of their illness was 5 days apart. Hib isolates from blood cultures showed identical profiles by pulsed field gel electrophoresis. These findings suggest that Hib infection was transmitted within this nursing home. Serious Hib disease may be underrecognized in this setting. Continued surveillance and serotyping of invasive H. influenzae disease is essential for identifying groups at increasing risk that may benefit from immunization against Hib."} +{"text": "Gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to splenic artery aneurysm pancreatic duct fistula in chronic pancreatitisis rare. It is, however, important to diagnose this condition particularly in patients having chronicpancreatitis, since it may result in a life-threatening situation. The diagnosis is usually difficult toestablish and it may take repeated admissions for intermittent gastrointestinal bleeding until the realsource is recognized. Clinical attacks of epigastric pain followed by GI-bleeding 30\u201340 minutes later arecharacteristic. Occasionally these attacks are followed by transient jaundice. The present case reportdescribes this rare complication and reviews the current literature."} +{"text": "There is a wide array of endoscopic lithotriptors presently available. Each of these hasits own advantages and disadvantages. No single lithotriptor is suitable for all applicationsand none can meet the goal of fragmenting all calculi while remaining harmless totissue."} +{"text": "Subcutaneous growth of immunogenic chemically induced rat sarcomata and a hepatoma was restricted when cells were injected into syngeneic animals in admixture with MER. Rats rejecting mixed inocula were immune to further challenge with the same tumour. Growth of a chemically induced mammary carcinoma which lacks detectable immunogenicity was suppressed when low cell inocula were injected in admixture with MER or intact BCG organisms, although animals were not immune to re-challenge. These studies indicate that clinically MER may be a suitable alternative to BCG for contact suppression of tumour growth or incorporation into tumour cell:adjuvant vaccines for active immunotherapy."} +{"text": "We describe two unusual cases in sheep of subclinical mastitis caused by Streptococcus parasanguinis. This bacterium has been associated with the development of experimental endocarditis; its presence at relatively high concentrations in apparently healthy sheep milk may pose a health risk in persons with predisposing heart lesions."} +{"text": "There was an error in the published title of this manuscript. The correct title is: \"Citral Sensing by Transient Receptor Potential Channels in Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons.\""} +{"text": "The publisher wishes to note that the \"Accept\" date on this article reflects the \"Production Accept\" date. This article was accepted by the editor on 16 April 2010, while its companion article Cryptococcal Cell Morphology Affects Host Cell Interactions and Pathogenicity. PLoS Pathog 6(6):"} +{"text": "Sir,et al. on cardiac Candida krusei infection presenting as a right ventricular mass with great interest.[et al. have mentioned that necrotizing enterocolitis and disseminated fungal infection result in an adverse outcome as was seen in their case.[Candida krusei infection is difficult to treat. Majority of the reported cases with hematogenous spread have died[I read the report by Patted interest. Patted eeir case. Indeed, have died Basic anhave died In the chave died Intravenhave died"} +{"text": "Nosocomial viral respiratory infections cause considerable illness and death on pediatric wards. Common causes of these infections include respiratory syncytial virus and influenza. Although primarily a community pathogen, rhinovirus also occasionally results in hospitalization and serious sequelae. This article reviews effective infection control interventions for these three pathogens, as well as ongoing controversies."} +{"text": "A simple liquid culture technique has been used to study peripheral blood from patients with acute myelogenous leukaemia. Evidence is presented that cells from morphologically identical types of leukaemia have differing capacity for \"differentiation\" from free floating blast cells into plastic-adherent phagocytic, trypsin-resistant macrophage-like cells with Fc and C3 receptors. Preliminary analysis suggests that patients whose cells have the greatest capacity for \"differentiation\" have a better chance of achieving complete remission."} +{"text": "A 65 year old patient with polycystic liver disease presented with obstructive jaundice thought to be a cholangiocarcinoma. Subsequent investigations demonstrated a large cyst compressing the confluence of the hepatic ducts. Percutaneous decompression of the biliary tree led to a complication necessitating surgery. Treatment options for symptomatic polycystic liver disease are reviewed."} +{"text": "Sir,Anastomotic stricture following complex esophageal and urethral anastomosis is often a distressing problem. Transanastomotic stenting and postoperative dilatation appears to be a useful adjunct in the management of this problem. Combined antegrade and retrograde dilatation is a very useful technique for difficult strictures.\u20133 We hav"} +{"text": "The benefits of laparoscopic trainers in the improvement of laparoscopic surgical skills are well established. Unfortunately simulators and trainers are expensive and sparsely available in surgical departments. Home built laparoscopic trainers on much smaller budgets have been described. The base"} +{"text": "Because two authors were added to the author byline, the Author Contributions do not correctly reflect the new authorship. The \"Conceived and designed the experiments\" statement should now include the following: SF EG MG JYG. The \"Performed the experiments\" statement should now include the following: SC SF EG JYG."} +{"text": "Controlled vocabularies are common within bioinformatics resources. They can be used togive a summary of the knowledge held about a particular entity. They are also used toconstrain values given for particular attributes of an entity. This helps create a sharedunderstanding of a domain and aids increased precision and recall during querying ofresources. Ontologies can also provide such facilities, but can also enhance their utility.Controlled vocabularies are often simply lists of words, but may be viewed as a kind ofontology. Ideally ontologies are structurally enriched with relationships between termswithin the vocabulary. Use of such rich forms of vocabularies in database annotation couldenhance those resources usability by both humans and computers. The representation ofthe knowledge content of biological resources in a computationally accessible form opensthe prospect of greater support for a biologist investigating new data."} +{"text": "This effect we have shown to be solely in the 19s fraction after Sephadex G-200 separation.Cell-free lymph from immunized rats was shown to be cytotoxic to the tumour cells This 19s fraction conferred partial protection to tumour bearing mice when given shortly after transplantation, but had negligible effect against late well established tumour."} +{"text": "Dr. Schweitzer submitted this article to BMC MThe pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:"} +{"text": "Adult CBA mice thymectomized, treated with antilymphocytic globulin (ALG) and inoculated with human leprosy organisms were accidentally infected with polyoma virus and all developed tumours. After cessation of ALG administration, some animals were given spleen cells from syngeneic donors immunized with polyoma virus; none developed tumours. Similar results were obtained in mice deliberately infected with polyoma virus but not with leprosy organisms. Passive transfer of antibody before but not after virus inoculation prevented tumour formation in immunosuppressed recipients. Virus infection in thymectomized, lethally irradiated and bone marrow reconstituted mice resulted in only a very low incidence of tumours. These results emphasize the role of immunological surveillance in preventing polyoma tumour formation under natural conditions."} +{"text": "A prolonged ascitic leak through abdominal drains is a source of postoperative complications and ofprolonged postoperative hospital stay after liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) incirrhotic patients. Therefore we elected to abstain from routine abdominal drainage in the last 14resections in cirrhotic livers. A significantly smaller number of patients had postoperative complicationsfollowing liver resections without drainage (7%) than historical controls with abdominal drainage . The number of complications related to ascites was significantly greater in patients withabdominal drainage (76%) than without . Postoperative hospital stay was also significantlylonger following resections with abdominal drainage (19 \u00b1 4 days) than in patients without . The long postoperative hospital stay in patients with abdominal drainage wasrelated to ascitic discharge for a mean period of 13 \u00b1 10 days. No clinically significant accumulationof ascites was noted in patients without drainage. A more frequent utilization of hepatic vascular inflowocclusion did not account for the better results in the group of patients without drainage. These resultssuggest that routine abdominal drainage should not be used following liver resection for HCC incirrhotic patients. This appears to be another of the technical details improving postoperative resultsin these patients."} +{"text": "A 51 year old lady with chronic active hepatitis presented with massive lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding. Angiography demonstrated a solitary varix in the caecum which was found at laparotomy to be entering the bowel wall at the site ofadhesions from a previous appendicectomy. The portal pressure was found to be raised.Aright hemicolectomy stopped the blood loss, but she subsequently died ofliver failure. Solitary colonic varicesassociated with adhesions are extremely rare and their optimal management has not been established."} +{"text": "Increasing experience with major hepatic resections has stimulated the development of improvedresectional techniques and tools. A new high velocity water jet dissector is reported which offerssignificant advances over previously developed ultrasonic and low pressure water jet machines. It hasbeen successfully used in 8 major hepatic resections with minimal blood loss, excellent visibility andwithout complications. The dissector is also of value in the exposure of intrahepatic bile ducts for biliaryentericanastomosis."} +{"text": "The concentration of circulating ferritin was measured in 250 normal adult women and 229 women presenting with early breast cancer. Ferritin concentrations are higher in cancer patients than in normal women. Patients with an intial circulating ferritin concentration above 200 mug/1 have a higher tumour recurrence rate during the subsequent 4 years."} +{"text": "Idarubicin is a highly lipophilic anthracycline and appears effective against tumours resistant to conventional anthracyclines. Confocal microscopy demonstrates predominantly cytoplasmic idarubicin accumulation. This distribution is unaltered by resistance status or the resistance reversing agent verapamil. Our results contrast with studies on conventional anthracyclines and suggest that nuclear accumulation may not be a prerequisite for anthracycline cytotoxicity."} +{"text": "A randomized cross-over clinical and endoscopic evaluation of 85 Ugandan patients showed that esophageal candidiasis in AIDS patients with oral candidiasis could be managed without endoscopy and biopsies. Oral lesions, especially when accompanied by esophageal symptoms, were sufficient for diagnosis. Miconazole was more effective than nystatin in treating esophageal candidiasis and could be a valid alternative to more expensive azolic drugs in developing countries."} +{"text": "Thirteen patients underwent hepatic cryotherapyand synchronous colonic resection. Two of the ninepatients developed hepatic abscess \u2013 this is a rarecomplication of cryotherapy alone."} +{"text": "Ziprasidone, an atypical antipsychotic, widely in use because of its better side effect profile. Recently some researchers have raised doubts about their association with sudden cardiac death. Here the authors present such a case report with Ziprasidone in a Schizophrenic patient and it is being suggested that psychiatrist must remain vigilant about cardiac harmful effects with newer antipsychotics for the better care of patient."} +{"text": "Coturnix coturnix Japonica) by intra-testicular injections of 3% zinc chloride solution during a period of testicular growth artificially stimulated by increased photoperiod. These tumours resemble those previously induced by similar methods in domestic fow1 and have histological features in common with spontaneous testicular teratomas in man.Teratomas have been induced in Japanese quail ("} +{"text": "We describe a case of giant cavernous haemangioma of the liver with disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (Kasabach-Merritt syndrome) which was cured by orthotopic liver transplant.A 47 year old man presented with bleeding and tender massive hepatomegaly after tooth extraction. Investigations showed disseminated intravascular coagulopathy and a giant hepatic haemangioma involving both lobes of the liver. Initial treatment failed to resolve the coagulopathy and liver resection was attempted. At laparotomy the turnout was unresectable and the only option for cure was to offer a liver transplantation. The orthotopic liver transplant was performed 20 days after initial laparotomy. Subsequently, all coagulation parameters returned to normal and the patient remains well after 12 months. Orthotopic liver transplant can be considered for giant hepatic haemangioma with Kasabach-Merritt syndrome when resection is necessary and a partial hepatectomy is not technically feasible."} +{"text": "Hepatic angiomyolipomas are rare benign tumours. First reported by Ishak in 1976. Since then, theworld literature showed only 32 cases including 8 autopsy findings. In this paper a retrospective analysisof the published data will be presented and the first report ofthe preoperative colour doppler andintraoperative sonography appearances will also be described."} +{"text": "Drug therapy may be effective in controlling symptoms but thefrequent coexistence of endometriosis and the lack of controlledstudies make their efficacy difficult to quantify. Danazol IUD hasbeen shown to reduce symptoms. Conservative surgery involvingendomyometrial ablation, laparoscopic myometrialelectrocoagulation or excision has proven to be effective in morethan 50% of patients, although follow up has been restrictedto three years. Arterial uterine artery embolization is a newtechnique which may be tried before considering hysterectomy.Hysterectomy may still be necessary in severe cases ofadenomyosis."} +{"text": "Our results suggest thatthe additional signals provided by costimulatory ligands are not required for TCR-mediatedpositive selection, although other ancillary signals provided by thymic epithelial cells maybe involved.We have investigated the possibility that the costimulatory signals required for activation ofmature T cells also play a role in providing differentiation signals for positive selectionduring T-cell development. We show that purified MHC Class II"} +{"text": "ICRF 159 and Triton WR 1339 have been examined for their ability to suppress subcutaneous growth and pulmonary metastases from a transplanted rat epithelioma. Neither compound influenced subcutaneous tumour development or reduced the propensity to metastasize when administered in regimens reported to suppress pulmonary, lymph node or intracerebral metastases in other experimental system."} +{"text": "Splenic arteriovenous fistula is a rare but curable cause of portal hypertension. This report describes apatient with such a disorder, presenting with bleeding esophageal varices and ascites. It emphasises theimportance of performing selective catheterization of the celiac and superior mesenteric artery in allpatients with signs of portal hypertension without evidence of chronic liver disease. Etiopathology andmanagement are discussed."} +{"text": "Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) has been widely accepted for patients who haveno swallowing ability but have an intact gut. Its clinical application is mainly for nutritionalsupport and decompression of the intestine in patients with bowel obstruction. In this paper, wereport external pancreatic juice drainage through a percutaneous endoscopic drainage tube ina patient with postoperative pancreatic juice leakage. Soon after this procedure, pancreaticjuice leakage subsided. This procedure was minimally invasive for the patient and may be anew application of PEG to maintain the good quality of life (QOL) in a patient with pancreaticjuice leakage."} +{"text": "An immunoadsorbent technique is described whereby tumour-specific antibodies may be isolated. Extracts from normal human lung tissue were pooled and bound to cyanogen bromide activated Sepharose 4B. Antisera raised in rabbits to a variety of extracts from human bronchogenic carcinoma were passed through these immunoadsorbent columns to yield antisera specific for tumour-associated antigens as demonstrated by immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis."} +{"text": "Factors other than antimicrobial activity of soaps and antiseptic agents used for hand hygiene by health personnel play a role in compliance with recommendations. Hand hygiene products differ considerably in acceptance by hospital personnel. If switching from a nonmedicated soap to an antiseptic agent or increased use of an existing antiseptic agent for hand hygiene prevented a few more infections per year, additional expenditures for antiseptic agents would be offset by cost savings."} +{"text": "In panels A and B of Figure 2, the legend symbols have been switched. Filled squares should represent Alkaline CFGE and filled triangles should represent Neutral CFGE. Please view the correct figure here:"} +{"text": "We report a case of fulminant supraglottitis with dramatic external cervical swelling due to associated cellulitis. Blood cultures were positive for Neisseria meningitidis. The patient recovered completely after emergency fiberoptic intubation and appropriate antibiotic therapy. We summarize five other cases of meningococcal supraglottitis, all reported since 1995, and discuss possible pathophysiologic mechanisms."} +{"text": "Gene regulatory networks are a major focus of interest in molecular biology. Acrucial question is how complex regulatory systems are encoded and controlled by thegenome. Three recent publications have raised the question of what can be learnedabout gene regulatory networks from microarray experiments on gene deletionmutants. Using this indirect approach, topological features such as connectivity andmodularity have been studied."} +{"text": "Expert opinion backed by an evidence base of limited quantity and quality would suggest that dismembered pyeloplasty using an open or laparoscopic approach represents optimum treatment for patients with primary PUJ obstruction. For thos"} +{"text": "This contraction caused deformation of neighbouring cells leading to a heterogeneous strain field throughout the monolayer. Quantification of the strain fields in the monolayer using digital image correlation revealed local strains much higher than threshold values typically reported to stimulate extracellular bone matrix productionin vitro. This use of point targeting with femtosecond pulse lasers could provide a new method for stimulating cell activity in orthopaedic tissue engineering.A study demonstrating how ultrafast laser radiation stimulates osteoblasts is presented. The study employed a custom made optical system that allowed for simultaneous confocal cell imaging and targeted femtosecond pulse laser irradiation. When femtosecond laser light wasfocused onto a single cell, a rise in intracellular Ca"} +{"text": "Shared authorship was inadvertently omitted for the first two authors. Yuehui Wang and Sarbani Ghoshal should be listed as co-first authors on this article."} +{"text": "Our preliminary results suggest that laparoscopiccholecystectomy is of clinical benefit as compared to classic cholecystectomy since it reduces the surgicaltrauma, limiting weight loss and shortening the hospital stay.Twelve selected patients undergoing cholecystectomy were operated in a prospective randomised studyby laparoscopy (CO"} +{"text": "Dear Editor,et al.,[We read with interest the article by Panda et al., wherein 3F8 gas exchange and postoperative prone positioning. This prevents recurrent macular detachment, which is common in this condition.Fibrin glue has exciting intraoperative applications during vitreoretinal surgeries as well. It has been found to not have any toxic effects on retinal function or structure in a rabbit model. The intr3Fibrin glue has also been used to stabilize keratoprosthetic devices during vitreoretinal surgeries."} +{"text": "The retrospective analysis of 250 breast cancer patients with disseminated disease provided evidence that the increase in CA 125 serum levels in these patients was caused by lung metastases or pleural effusions. Seven patients with lung metastases and pleural involvement had elevated CA 125 levels, while in four patients with lung metastases but without pleural effusions CA 125 levels remained normal. In patients with only bone or liver metastases CA 125 levels were usually not elevated. If these results are confirmed, CA 125 would be the first tumour marker in breast cancer whose levels could be associated with one single site of metastases."} +{"text": "BR6 female mice treated with a mixture of hormones, developed mammary tumours earlier than untreated virgin animals. Implantation of ectopic pituitaries also increased tumour incidence and reduced the age at which tumours first appeared. This effect was obtained even in the absence of ovaries. Neither hormone treatment nor ectopic pituitaries succeeded in producing tumours as early as they appear in breeding females."} +{"text": "Four persons became ill with trichinellosis after eating meat from a wild boar hunted in Camargue, France. Nonencapsulated larvae of Trichinella pseudospiralis were detected in meat and muscle biopsy specimens. The diagnoses were confirmed by molecular typing. Surveillance for the emerging T. pseudospiralis should be expanded."} +{"text": "There is conflicting evidence concerning the effects of portal hypertension on the gastric mucosa. Thispaper summarises the histological and haemodynamic alterations which are present in both human andexperimental portal hypertension. Despite the fact that histological studies suggests that the gastricmucosa is an oedematous plethoric structure in portal hypertension, haemodynamic studies show thatgastric mucosal blood glow is at least maintained if not increased in portal hypertension. The term\u201cactive\u201d rather than \u201cpassive\u201d congestion is a more appropriate description of the basic change presentin the gastric mucosa in portal hypertension."} +{"text": "Benigncomplications were equally frequent in both Groups,although additional sedation was more common inthe sclerotherapy Group. We concluded that bothtreatments are equally effective in the eradication ofoesophageal varices, although banding ligation isbetter tolerated by the patient and probably faster.Endoscopic sclerotherapy and banding ligation arethe two preferred methods to treat oesophagealvariceal bleeding. There are many reports dealingwith such treatment in cirrhotic patients but we do notknow how good they are to treat varices secondary toother forms of portal hypertension. Schistosomiaismansoni is the main cause of portal hypertension andoesophageal varices in Brazil. We performed aprospective randomised study to compare: 1) theefficacy of both treatments in eradicating oesophagealvarices, and 2) complications secondary to bothtreatments. Forty patients were divided in twoGroups. Both sclerotherapy and banding ligationwere performed until variceal eradication. There wereno severe complications. Variceal eradication wasfaster obtained with banding ligation than sclerotherapyalthough there was no statistical difference (meannumber of sessions 3.05"} +{"text": "A questionnaire was sent to 53 patients who had undergone an upper gastrointestinalendoscopy under total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) using intermittent Propofol. All of thepatients would accept the same technique again. Out of 20 patients who had previously had theprocedure performed under Diazepam sedation, 18 preferred the use of Propofol.This technique can only be used with an anaesthetist present."} +{"text": "Granulosa cell tumors are rare benign tumors which may be found throughout the body. Rare cases areisolated within the biliary tree. If completely resected, surgical excision is curative.\t\tA case of biliary duct granulosa cell tumor is presented with review of the world\u2019s literature on thistopic."} +{"text": "Salmonella typhi have been well documented. There are onlytwo previous case reports of intrauterine infection with non-typhoidal species. This paper presents athird case of maternal septicemia followed by neonatal sepsis with Salmonella heidelberg.Maternal and neonatal infections with"} +{"text": "We propose a denoising algorithm for medical images based on acombination of the total variation minimization scheme and thewavelet scheme. We show that our scheme offers effective noiseremoval in real noisy medical images while maintaining sharpnessof objects. More importantly, this scheme allows us to implementan effective automatic stopping time criterion."} +{"text": "Survival following major juxtahepatic venous injury is rare in blunt liver trauma despite the use ofintracaval shunting. Prolonged liver arterial inflow control, total hepatic venous isolation and lobectomywithout shunting was used in a patient to repair a combined vena caval and hepatic venous injury afterblunt liver injury. An extended period of normothermic hepatic ischemia was tolerated. Earlyrecognition of retrohepatic venous injury and temporary liver packing to control bleeding and correcthypovolemia are essential before caval occlusion. Hepatic vascular isolation without shunting is aneffective simple alternative technique allowing major venous repair in complex liver trauma."} +{"text": "Mycobacterium butyricum gave better transplant immunity to tumour cell challenge than tumour extracts alone. Mice immunized with Mycobacterium butyricum alone prior to challenge with tumour cells, did not show any significant difference in the incidence of tumours from control mice.Transplant immunity to adenovirus 12-induced tumour cells was demonstrated in CBA mice which had been previously immunized with extracts of homologous tumour cells. Immunization of mice with tumour cell extract together with heat-killed"} +{"text": "The relative efficacies of cytotoxic chemotherapy regimens in the treatment of advanced breast cancer are generally assessed by comparing response rates in randomised trials. Treatment attempts to prolong survival but trials rarely demonstrate a statistically significant survival advantage: it has been argued that chemotherapy does not prolong survival. The correlation between response rates and survival has been examined by reviewing 79 comparisons between arms with unequal response rates in 50 published trials of chemotherapy in advanced breast cancer. In 73% of comparisons the group with the higher response rate also demonstrated the longer median survival (P less than 0.001). Weighted linear regression showed a statistically significant relationship between relative response rates and survival (P less than 0.001). The number of patients in a comparison did not influence this relationship."} +{"text": "Serum retinol levels were determined by a fluorometric method in patients with colorectal cancer or polyps and those with inflammatory bowel disease. Serum retinol levels in patients with benign or malignant colorectal polyps and stage B cancer (modified Dukes' classification) were similar to those found in controls. By contrast, serum retinol levels were significantly lower in patients with Dukes' stage C or D. Among cancer patients that were followed after surgical treatment serum retinol levels did not differ significantly from those found in controls. Patients who died of metastases during follow-up possessed very low serum retinol levels. These findings suggest that a decreased serum retinol level in cancer patients is a consequence rather than a precursor of the neoplastic process. Furthermore, this study suggests that the marked decrease in serum retinol level might be an indicator of poor prognosis in colorectal cancer patients after surgery."} +{"text": "Acute acalculous cholecystitis may develop in patients suffering from necrotizing pancreatitis.Conversely, acute pancreatitis may complicate acute gallbladder disease. We present a case that lendssupport to the existence of another possibility: gallbladder necrosis caused by direct extension of thenecrotizing pancreatitic process."} +{"text": "We present a case of adult hepatoblastoma. This young female presented with severe acutecholangitis. Preoperative diagnosis was common bile duct (CBD) obstruction with portal veinthrombosis. On exploration she had a tumor mass in the CBD. The unusual features of this caseare discussed in this report."} +{"text": "Life course perspectives suggest that the consequences of being mothers\u2019 favorite children will vary, depending on the expectations associated with that status at different points in mothers\u2019 lives. We propose that maternal favoritism predicts depressive symptoms only when mothers are older and at greater risk of facing losses for which favored children perceive they should provide additional emotional support. To address this question we used mixed-methods panel data collected from 479 adult children as part of the Within-Family Differences Study. Multi-level regression analyses revealed that perceiving oneself as the child most emotionally close to the mother did not predict depressive symptoms for daughters or sons at T1, but was a predictor of daughters\u2019 depressive symptoms at T2. Qualitative analyses revealed that by T2, favored daughters had begun perceiving themselves as emotional caregivers when mothers faced age-related losses, whereas favored sons did not hold these role perceptions at either wave."} +{"text": "Following publication of the original article , the autThe names appeared on the article as follows:Ippoliti RobertoFalavigna GretaMontani FlorianaRizzi SilviaThey correct names are as follows:Roberto IppolitiGreta FalavignaFloriana MontaniSilvia Rizzi"} +{"text": "Initials were used instead of full author names in the above mentioned article.Cambridge University Press apologises for this error, which has since been rectified."} +{"text": "It was highlighted that the original article was missDetails as to simulationsSupporting Information.docxPython scripts for running analysisUtilities.zipThis Correction article includes the missing Additional files Additional file 2. Simulations details.Additional file 3. Python scripts for running analysis."} +{"text": "In recent years, several studies have addressed the positive effects of levosimendan upon renal function. We sought to summarize the recent findings in order to understand by which mechanism levosimendan is improving renal function. In acute decompensated heart failure, levosimendan has an immediate renoprotective effect by increasing renal blood flow (RBF) through selective renal arterial and venous vasodilation . In a re"} +{"text": "In recent years evidence has accumulated that genes involved in circadian clock control play a role as tumor suppressors. Strong evidence has been presented by Broadberry and colleagues who published an article about disrupted circadian clocks in breast cancer (Broadberry et al., 2018; Grundy"} +{"text": "The human liver consists of approximately one million liver lobules, which are known to show metabolic zonation . It wilThe author declares no conflict of interest."} +{"text": "Flotation through a slightly hyperosmotic discontinuous gradient iodixanol achieves a much higher recovery of islets of an improved viability than the customary method using sedimentation on to a diatrizoate/polysaccharide barrier. Flotation techniques achieve an enhanced separation of the islets from any residual digestive enzymes and from acinar cells. The method has been extended to human pancreas."} +{"text": "To evaluate the impact of early life racial discrimination (ELRD) on mental health among Black adults. Data were from the Nashville Stress and Health Study (n=618). OLS regression models examined the relationship between ELRD and adult psychological distress; logistic regression estimated the probability of past-year major depressive disorder (MDD). We also assessed whether ELRD moderated the relationship between adult discrimination and mental health. Childhood and adolescent ELRD were associated with adult distress. Individuals who experienced childhood ERLD had 88% lower odds of adult MDD than individuals with no ELRD. Significant interaction analyses showed that ELRD was generally protective against adult discrimination. While ELRD importantly shapes distress and MDD among Black adults, patterns vary by outcome. Results indicate that adult distress and MDD develop through cumulative adversity processes that are further influenced by sensitive periods in the life course."} +{"text": "Dear Editor,The study by Kurtz et al. shed ligThe mixed methods study highlighted that students found writing questions a beneficial tool . HoweverMaximum benefit from these devised questions would require questions to cover universally challenging themes identified by students. As question authors have researched their difficult topic in detail, relevant information found should be included alongside answers. Students benefit from collaborative reviews so may aIn addition to concerns about time spent writing questions, there may be limitations with different question styles. Imperial College School of Medicine regularly tests students with Single Best Answer questions (SBAs) rather than MCQs. SBAs are an excellent tool to consider similar differentials and focus on the most likely and \u2018best\u2019 option. However, developing these questions is difficult and students may have insufficient knowledge to consider which option is first-line and appropriate plausible detractors . HoweverTo conclude, as highlighted by Kurtz et al , creatin"} +{"text": "A surgical procedure may lead to unusual and unexpected clinical scenario. Good medical practice should always keep it in mind. So, a broken sternal steel wire was the rare cause of massive emphysema. A surgical procedure may lead to unusual and unexpected clinical scenario. Good medical practice should always keep it in mind. So, a broken sternal steel wire was the rare cause of massive emphysema. Robicsek closure is frequently used to restore sternal integrity after wound complications. We report an unusual case of massive subcutaneous emphysema following Robicsek closure that required urgent surgical revision.A 71\u2010year\u2010old diabetic woman, with a recent history of coronary artery bypass graft using the left internal mammary artery, was re\u2010admitted two weeks after surgery for aseptic sternal wound dehiscence and treated using the Robicsek technique.Postoperative chest X\u2010ray had shown the integrity of the Robicsek closure Figure A. SeveraNatalia Pavone and Federico Cammertoni: wrote the paper. Massimo Massetti and Piergiorgio Bruno: supervised the paper. Giovanni Alfonso Chiariello e Giovanni Graziano: collected data and images."} +{"text": "China*Contributed equallyThe authors regret their oversight in this regard, and apologize for any inconvenience caused."} +{"text": "The literature documents mixed findings regarding how helping others influences individuals\u2019 mental and physical health. We assessed various types of support that older adults offered and examined how helping others was associated with older adults\u2019 daily mood and physical activity. This study utilized data from the Daily Experiences and Well-being Study, where 293 participants aged 65+ reported on their helping behaviors and mood at the end of each day across 5 days. Participants also wore Actical accelerometers to track physical activity. Multilevel models revealed that older adults reported greater negative mood and less physical activity on days when they provided emotional support. Yet, giving advice was associated with increased positive mood that day. Moreover, older adults spent less time being sedentary on days when they offered practical help. This study offers insights into psychological and health consequences of helping others by examining older adults\u2019 everyday lives."} +{"text": "This paper describes data of post-release mitigation strategy and its effect for chemical process. The data in this paper is associated with the article entitled \u201cDamage reduction strategies against chemical accidents by using a mitigation barrier in Korean chemical risk management\u201d. The data includes computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation result for vapor cloud explosion accident scenarios. Simulations with suggested mitigation strategy and without the mitigation strategy were conducted. The data is expected to good reference for developing chemical plant mitigation plan. VCE accident is also important consideration for developing chemical accident mitigation strategy. The article entitled \u201cDamage reduction strategies against chemical accidents by using a mitigation barrier in Korean chemical risk management\u201d 22.1Simulation conditions for column are shown in The explosion accident occurs when composition of xylene is within LFL and UFL. 2.2With the developed VCE scenario, explosion simulation is conducted. Two simulation is shown in this study. One is explosion simulation without the mitigation barrier, the other is explosion simulation with the mitigation barrier."} +{"text": "The literature links social integration to better physical health, but little research asks how contact with diverse social partners influences older adults\u2019 physical activity in a daily context. We examined this link using the Daily Experiences and Well-being Study and explored whether this link varied by gender. The sample included 175 older women and 138 older men who reported their contact with close partners and not-close partners throughout each day across 5 days. Participants also wore Actical accelerometers to track physical activity. Multilevel models revealed significant gender differences. Older men had reduced physical activity when having contact with close partners, whereas older women maintained physical activity during such contact. Both older men and women had increased physical activity when having contact with not-close partners, but this link was stronger for men. This study advances our understanding of gender differences in older adults\u2019 social experiences and well-being."} +{"text": "Next generation sequencing has provided important insight into genome dynamics during cancer progression, reflected in consecutive acquisition of mutations and chromosomal aberrations and expansion of particular cancer subclones based on a distinctive genomic profile . Alongsi"} +{"text": "Each of these factors may impact on CT prevalence among those tested in GP surgeries or GUM clinics.White and Lewis comment"} +{"text": "The Funding statement is incorrect. The correct Funding statement is as follows: Rodoniki Athanasiadou was partially supported by RiskEcon\u00ae Lab for Decision Metrics @ Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences NYU."} +{"text": "Following publication of the original article , the autIncorrect name in the original article:\u2003Antoninus Obinna Ezekwu.Correct name:\u2003Antoninus Obinna Ezeukwu.The original article has been corrected."} +{"text": "Complete immunization against hepatitis A requires 2 doses of a monovalent vaccine or 3 doses of a combined hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine; approximately 90% of vaccinated persons achieve protective antibody levels after a single dose of either product occurred among persons with HIV infection, six of whom had received a partial or complete vaccination series before acute HAV infection . All sixPrevious vaccination for hepatitis did not reliably provide protection among some persons with HIV infection. Approximately half of the patients with HAV and HIV infections were previously vaccinated. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices does not currently address specific PEP considerations for persons with HIV infection who have been fully vaccinated against hepatitis A ("} +{"text": "We read the paper by Oliveira C et al. The authors' findings regarding maternal position contradict much published studies, which demonstrate that compared to the left lateral position, a supine maternal position results in reduced maternal cardiac output"} +{"text": "Cold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies, we have included the first publication or request a custom report from ClinGen , which will also highlight variants in which the submitter has an outlier interpretation compared to other submitters (Cold Spring Harbor Molecular Case Studies.Clinical laboratories can obtain reports of their variant interpretation differences from the ClinVar Miner website (bmitters . Studiesbmitters . We encoThe author has declared no competing interest."} +{"text": "This case illustrates surgical technique for wide neck aneurysm clipping in a rotated complex and how to manage intraoperative aneurysm rupture while maintaining hemostasis . This case is a presentation of one possible approach for repair of an unruptured rotated anterior communicating artery aneurysm.This video was deemed IRB exempt by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) as it is considered a case report, which does not require IRB approval or patient consent. All ethical rules and guidelines were followed.None declared.OC: performed the procedure and provided video narration. GG: performed critical video editing and preparation for publication.\u00a0Click here for additional data file."} +{"text": "A rare case of benign peritoneal strumosis was screened for driver mutations in genes relevant to currently approved cancer therapies. Therefore, three formalin fixed paraffin embedded issue sections were screened with the GeneReader Actionable Insights NGS panel for the occurrence of driver mutations. Several mutations were identified in drug-targetable genes, such as ALK, EGFR, and BRAF. The majority of identified mutations were single nucleotide variant, but also a insertion/deletion mutation was identified. The presented dataset is the first NGS dataset available from a patient with benign peritoneal strumosis. Specifications TableValue of the data\u2022The knowledge on molecular alterations occurring in benign peritoneal strumosis is limited, the present data extent this limited knowledge.\u2022The presented data could trigger further (multicenter) studies on benign strumosis.\u2022The data show that no benign peritoneal strumosis can occur without \u201cclassical\u201d targetable mutations.1A dataset obtained by next generation sequencing of drug-targetable genes of a clinical case with benign peritoneal strumosis is presented. Benign peritoneal strumosis is a clinical condition that is rarely observed The dataset was obtained from histologically confirmed formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue samples of a 33 year old Caucasian woman with benign peritoneal strumosis. To date there were no datasets available that reported the mutational landscape of drug-targetable genes in clinical cases of benign peritoneal strumosis.We identified several mutations that to date are classified as mutations with uncertain pathogenic role . In part2In order to identify putative therapy targets and to further characterize this rare clinical condition we have performed a Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) analyses using the GeneReader Actionable Insights panel as recently described"} +{"text": "Not all complications from transradial access can be prevented, even with diligent patient selection and preprocedure planning. This brief visual report offers technical suggestions to reverse knots and kinks encountered during catheter manipulation for endovascular transradial cerebral procedures. Not all complications from transradial access can be prevented, even with diligent patient selection and preprocedure planning. This brief visual report offers technical suggestions to reverse knots and kinks encountered during catheter manipulation for endovascular transradial cerebral procedures. A growing body of evidence supports the adoption of transradial artery access in cerebral interventions due to reduced rates of complications, bleeding, and improved patient satisfaction when compared to transfemoral approaches.None declared.All three authors were operators in these cases and assisted in manuscript and image preparation."} +{"text": "Dear Editor:We thank Rahman and Ireen for their interest in our recent publication . Indeed,"} +{"text": "Corrigendum: A previous version of this article contained a wrong affiliation of Kamal Niaz. Please refer only to these revised affiliations which are corrected accordingly."} +{"text": "NMR spectroscopic studies revealed that the glycoconjugate consists of two diastereomers of -open mono-adducts. The electronic properties were characterized using Vis/NIR absorption spectroscopy and electrochemical measurements. This study demonstrates that glycosylidene carbene is useful to incorporate carbohydrate moieties onto endohedral metallofullerene surfaces.Endohedral metallofullerene glycoconjugates were synthesized under mild conditions by carbene addition using appropriate glycosylidene-derived diazirine with La We believe that this work paves the way for development of functionalized EMFs for biological and pharmacological applications.The results of this study demonstrate clearly that addition of electrophilic carbene is a powerful means to functionalize EMFs. The glycosilydene carbene generated"} +{"text": "Drosophila. We review what is known about how cells translate an unknown signal into asymmetric cytoskeletal reorganization. We then discuss how the vertebrate processes of convergent extension and cochlear hair-cell development may relate to Drosophila PCP signaling.Epithelial cells and other groups of cells acquire a polarity orthogonal to their apical\u2013basal axes, referred to as Planar Cell Polarity (PCP). The process by which these cells become polarized requires a signaling pathway using Frizzled as a receptor. Responding cells sense cues from their environment that provide directional information, and they translate this information into cellular asymmetry. Most of what is known about PCP derives from studies in the fruit fly,"} +{"text": "Hearing care services for older adults with hearing aids are underutilized and are not covered by the Medicare program. Little information exists to the value of hearing care services for older adults with hearing aids. Using the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey 2013, we conducted a cross-sectional analysis of the impact of hearing care services use on Medicare spending among those with hearing aids. Older Medicare beneficiaries with hearing aids that received hearing care services in the previous 12 months were propensity score matched to those who did not receive services. Average annual Medicare spending was $8196 (CI:$6670-$9723) among Medicare beneficiaries who used hearing care services and $10,709 (CI:$8878-12541) among matched controls. Spending differences were driven by higher skilled nursing facility and home health spending among matched controls. Increasing access to hearing care services among Medicare beneficiaries with hearing aids may provide value to the health care system and Medicare program."} +{"text": "The eighth author\u2019s name was entered into the submission system incorrectly and therefore was indexed incorrectly on PubMed. The correct name is Mohammad Hassan Murad. The correct indexing in PubMed should read Murad MH."} +{"text": "Following publication of the original article [1], an error in one of the author names was reported. In this Correction the incorrect and correct author name is listed. The original article has been updated.Woo Wan KimIncorrect author name upon publication:Soo Wan KimThe correct author name:"} +{"text": "The top blot shown in The supplemental PDF has been corrected. These errors appear only in PDF versions downloaded on or before March 8, 2019."} +{"text": "China*Contributed equallyThe authors regret their oversight in this regard, and apologize for any inconvenience caused."} +{"text": "Studies suggest conversation improves cognitive skills among older adults. While contact with family members is common in late life, contact with friends and acquaintances is relatively less frequent. Yet, we know little about how often older adults engage in conversation when they have contact with different social partners. This study used data from the Daily Experiences and Well-being Study to investigate how older adults talk with different social partners on a daily basis. Participants (N = 303) completed an initial interview about their social partners and reported on their contact with each social partner in ecological momentary assessments every 3 hours across 5 to 6 days. Participants also wore Electronically Activated Recorders (EAR), which captured snippets of their daily conversation. Findings revealed that contact with family members occurred most often, with less frequent contact with other social partners , and then friends. Multilevel models also revealed that participants talked more when they had contact with their friends than when they had contact with family members or other social partners. Results from these multiple methods suggest that daily contact with friends could potentially encourage conversation that may facilitate cognitive functioning among older adults."} +{"text": "Xu et al. conclude that changes in gut microbiota in neurocritically ill patients seem to have an impact on their mortality . We woulXu also suggested that critical illness could lead to microbial translocation, potentially explaining the association between specific pathogens and mortality . Another"}