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- {"text": "In PLoS Biology, volume 1, issue 1:In PLoS Biology, volume 1, issue 1:PLoS Biology,The Roles of APC and Axin Derived from Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of the Wnt PathwayEthan Lee, Adrian Salic, Roland Kr\u00fcger, Reinhart Heinrich, Marc W. KirschnerEthan Lee, Adrian Salic, Roland Kr\u00fcger, Reinhart Heinrich, Marc W. KirschnerDOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0000010DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0000010Table 1: In the legend, the words fluxes and flux appeared without the fl .fluxesfluxflTable 3: In the legend, the word coefficients appeared without the fi . In the table, some numbers in the section \u201cBinding, dissociation\u201d were marked with a \u00b1 sign that should have been a \u2213.coefficientsfiTable 4: In the legend, the word coefficients appeared without the fi .coefficientsfiPlease see the corrected legends and table below.Table 1. Numeric Values of Input Quantities of the Model for the Reference StateTable 1.The data are grouped into concentrations of pathway components, dissociation constants of protein complexes, concentration ratios, fluxes and flux ratios, and characteristic times of selected processes. Experimental evidence for these data is discussed in the text. From these data, the following rates and rate constants are calculated: v \n 12 = 0.42 nM \u00b7 min \u22121 (rate of \u03b2-catenin synthesis), v \n 14 = 8.2 \u00b7 10 \u22125 \u00b7 nM \u00b7 min \u22121 (rate of axin synthesis), k \n 4 = 0.27 min \u22121 , k \n 5 = 0.13 min \u22121 , k \n 6 = 9.1 \u00b7 10 \u22122 nM \u22121 \u00b7 min \u22121 , k \n \u22126 = 0.91 \u00b7 nM \u22121 \u00b7 min \u22121 , k \n 9 = 210 min \u22121 , k \n 10 = 210 min \u22121 , k \n 11 \u00b7 0.42 min \u22121 , k \n 13 = 2.6 \u00b7 10 \u22124 min \u22121 , k \n 15 = 0.17 \u00b7 min \u22121 . See Table S2, found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.0000010.t002 , for more precise numbers used in the calculations.vvkkkkkkkkkBold: Measured values, Italics: Estimated values.Bold:Italics:DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0000010.t001Control Coefficients for the Total Concentrations of \u03b2-Catenin and Axin and Parameters Quantifying the Sensitivity and the Robustness of the Wnt/\u03b2-Catenin Pathway\nTable 4. Concentration Control Coefficients for the Total Concentrations of \u03b2-Catenin and Axin Relative to Changes in the Concentrations of Pathway ComponentsTable 4.The control coefficients were obtained by numerical determination of the response to a change of total concentrations by 1%. Coefficients are given for the reference state and for the standard stimulated state.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0000010.t004The full text XML and HTML versions of the article have been corrected online. This correction note may be found at DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020089.", "filepath": "xml_files/PMC000xxxxxx/PMC368181.xml"}