3beQQD16MI4-00000-00000000-00000200 Good. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00000-00000000-00000635 I can't sleep, what should I do? How to fall asleep easily, deeply, wake up refreshed, and not shabby. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00001-00000635-00001032 In today's clip, the topic is insomnia. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00002-00001032-00001337 Insomnia is something that many people experience nowadays. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00003-00001337-00001842 We have under the pressure from work, economic, political conditions, etc. that make us stressed. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00004-00001842-00002092 It presses us until it affects our lives. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00005-00002092-00002343 The effect that is easily seen is insomnia. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00006-00002343-00002601 Stress makes us overthinking, keep thinking about something over and over, 3dwhNMNZTxg-00007-00002601-00002792 think about them all night long, and make us unable to sleep. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00008-00002792-00003286 When we can't sleep, it affects our body and mind in our daily life. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00009-00003289-00003540 We will not be able to learn and work effectively. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00010-00003540-00003809 And the important thing is that the face will look very shabby like a zombie. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00011-00003809-00004072 All of these are something that I have already experienced. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00012-00004072-00004347 I have been experiencing insomnia for a very long time. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00013-00004348-00005045 Since I was in university, in a year there must be a month or two that I can't sleep for a long time. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00014-00005045-00005598 And it will be like this every year. When I can't sleep, my skin and face will be shabby. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00015-00005598-00005867 I will not be able to learn and work effectively and can’t do much of anything. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00016-00005867-00006292 I think I have weak immunity, on days when I don't have enough rest, 3dwhNMNZTxg-00017-00006292-00006770 my brain will be so blurry that I can't do much of anything, can’t carry a proper conversation, 3dwhNMNZTxg-00018-00006770-00007033 have no strength at all, and my face will look very shabby. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00019-00007033-00007346 If I only sleep for about 3-4 hours that night then I won’t feel very okay. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00020-00007346-00007770 So, I try to find different ways to make me sleep well and sleep better. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00021-00007770-00008357 The first thing is to make the atmosphere of the bedroom to be comfortable, warm, and peaceful. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00022-00008357-00008617 I believe that many people must be like me 3dwhNMNZTxg-00023-00008617-00008962 that in everyday life the bedroom is very cluttered. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00024-00008962-00009308 There's a lot of stuff looking cluttered and messy. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00025-00009308-00010080 If at any point you feel uncomfortable, stressed, or can't sleep, I recommend cleaning up the bedroom. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00026-00010080-00010396 Making the room look comfortable and clean, we will feel more relaxed. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00027-00010396-00010860 And the selection of the lights, I would choose to use the warm-light lightbulb to make the room look warmer. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00028-00010860-00011301 The atmosphere in the room will look calm and suitable for relaxation. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00029-00011301-00012016 The mattresses and blanket must be clean. Using cotton sheets, your skin will feel more comfortable. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00030-00012016-00012273 It will make us feel that we are sleeping comfortably. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00031-00012273-00012577 The scent in the bedroom is also important, 3dwhNMNZTxg-00032-00012577-00013031 like me, I also use this scented candle. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00033-00013031-00013734 This one is an aromatic candle that I use for bedtime. I’m very addicted to scented candles. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00034-00013734-00014032 When we light a scented candle, it will make us feel good. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00035-00014032-00014500 Another thing is the temperature in the room. The temperature in the room is also very important. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00036-00014500-00014919 If we are in a temperature that is too hot or too cold, we won't be sleeping well or can’t sleep. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00037-00014919-00015452 When we sleep our body temperature will drop. So, if we want to sleep comfortably 3dwhNMNZTxg-00038-00015452-00016000 we have to adjust the temperature in our room to cool down according to body temperature. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00039-00016000-00016269 We will be able to sleep more comfortably and sleep more easily. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00040-00016269-00016648 Next, taking a shower before bed. This is important as well. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00041-00016648-00017112 I recommend taking a warm shower before bed as it will make you feel more relaxed. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00042-00017112-00017662 If you have a bathtub, I recommend you soak in warm water before bed. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00043-00017662-00017887 You might get sleepy since you are in the bathtub. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00044-00017887-00018087 It will feel very relaxing. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00045-00018087-00018680 Even better if you light an aromatic candle in the bathroom and turn on some soft music. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00046-00018680-00019056 I guarantee that it will feel really good, it will be very relaxing. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00047-00019056-00019331 But if you don’t have a bathtub, just take a hot shower. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00048-00019331-00019795 Since taking a cold shower will make us feel refreshed and wake up. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00049-00019795-00020340 Some people go to work outside, come home sleepy, then take a cold shower and feel wake up immediately. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00050-00020340-00020834 It's really like this, so I recommend taking a warm shower as it will make it easier for you to sleep. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00051-00020834-00021306 During university, there was a time when I felt that I couldn't sleep. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00052-00021306-00021666 It's the first time I learn to have insomnia, yeah, actually learning to have insomnia. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00053-00021666-00022075 At that time, I couldn't sleep for a month. I can't sleep no matter what. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00054-00022075-00022480 Saying that I can't sleep, it feels like I haven't slept at all for months. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00055-00022480-00022793 I feel that it is not OK anymore. My body isn’t feeling good at all. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00056-00022793-00023325 So, I went to post on Facebook and asked my friends if there is a way to make me sleep because I haven't slept for months. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00057-00023325-00024000 It appears that a friend suggested that drinking warm milk with honey before bedtime will make it easier to fall asleep. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00058-00024000-00024304 It's the way a doctor recommends to my friend. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00059-00024304-00024883 So, I tried it and it turned out that that night I drank the whole glass of warm milk with honey and immediately fell asleep. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00060-00024883-00025332 And that night was the first night I slept after not sleeping for months. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00061-00025332-00025532 This is a true story, I swear. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00062-00025532-00026359 After that, I believe that whatever we drink or eat before bed, really affects our sleep and body. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00063-00026359-00026977 After that, I went and find various drinks that make me sleep more easily. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00064-00026977-00027538 I found that they recommend drinking chamomile tea before bed will make us feel relaxed. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00065-00027538-00028166 Because the substances in chamomile help us relieve stress and calm us. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00066-00028166-00028592 When drinking, makes us feel relaxed, relieves stress, and sleep more easily. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00067-00028592-00028906 Since then, I will drink chamomile tea alternating with warm milk with honey. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00068-00028906-00029599 After that, I recently found a supplement. We can call it the ideal dietary supplement. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00069-00029599-00030136 This is a skin-nourishing supplement that helps us sleep easier. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00070-00030136-00030686 Here, this one. I will put them next to the bed so, I can take them before going to bed. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00071-00030686-00031237 I will take it before bedtime then, doing this and that before and for a moment I will feel sleepy and fall asleep. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00072-00031238-00031866 This is a supplement from Colly. Most people will know Colly as a collagen brand, right? 3dwhNMNZTxg-00073-00031866-00032174 But this is their new product that came out and it's really wow. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00074-00032174-00032719 Colly B-Chamomile is a collagen supplement mixed with chamomile. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00075-00032719-00033336 This one is collagen tripeptide from fish. And the amount of their collagen is 350 mg. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00076-00033336-00033784 It is the amount of collagen in a normal skincare supplement. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00077-00033784-00034207 And this one is known as collagen that helps us sleep more comfortably. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00078-00034207-00035062 because besides collagen there is also a fish oil that helps nourish the nervous system, brain, and eyes. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00079-00035062-00035753 When we wake up, we will feel refreshed and not drowsy. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00080-00035753-00036427 And the chamomile that is added will help reducing anxiety and make us calmer. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00081-00036427-00036627 So, it makes us sleep deeply and well. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00082-00036627-00037081 I am usually a person who sleeps much later than my boyfriend 3dwhNMNZTxg-00083-00037081-00037403 and don’t sleep very well, always get up at night to go to the bathroom. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00084-00037403-00037850 When I first eating this supplement, my boyfriend asked if there is a sleeping med in this supplement. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00085-00037850-00038259 Why are you sleeping so deep and fell asleep very quickly? It became that I fell asleep before my boyfriend. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00086-00038259-00038514 This supplement doesn't mix any sleeping pills at all. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00087-00038514-00038660 They are all herbs. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00088-00038660-00039114 Chamomile is an herb that helps us relieve stress, 3dwhNMNZTxg-00089-00039114-00039329 make us fall asleep easily, and sleep deeply. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00090-00039329-00039837 So, this one can be taken continuously without drug resistance because it is not a drug. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00091-00039837-00040500 In addition to that, the rest will be various vitamins. Vitamins B1, B3, and B6, which help with the skin. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00092-00040500-00040879 It helps nourish the nervous system and brain as well. It's very covered 3dwhNMNZTxg-00093-00040879-00041079 In terms of skincare, I can see the results as well 3dwhNMNZTxg-00094-00041079-00041583 because collagen tripeptide is very small molecule collagen and can be absorbed very well. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00095-00041585-00041935 But I have to tell you that result of taking collagen supplements doesn’t make your skin lighter. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00096-00041935-00042567 But it will make our skin not looking shabby. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00097-00042567-00043215 In addition to helping the skin not to look shabby, collagen also helps with hair and nails. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00098-00043215-00043750 If you have dry and brittle hair, collagen could help you with this. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00099-00043750-00044092 The first packet that I took, I took for less than a month. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00100-00044094-00044509 But I would say that it works fast. I can see results from the first day I took it. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00101-00044509-00044807 The first day I took two pills before bed and wake up to my boyfriend asking 3dwhNMNZTxg-00102-00044807-00045075 that if this supplement is mixed with sleeping pills or not? 3dwhNMNZTxg-00103-00045075-00045373 Why do you sleep early, sleep easily, and fall asleep very fast? 3dwhNMNZTxg-00104-00045373-00045573 And when we wake up, we won't be drowsy at all. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00105-00045573-00045964 We will feel that our brain is fresh and bright. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00106-00045964-00046251 For sleeping, I saw results from the first time I took them. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00107-00046251-00046619 But in terms of skin, I probably can’t say that results can be seen from the first day. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00108-00046620-00046990 Because taking collagen for skincare takes time. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00109-00046990-00047449 It doesn't seem to have shown any reduction in wrinkles or the skin becomes tighter 3dwhNMNZTxg-00110-00047449-00048227 because these things take time. But to wake up to a brighter face is the result of the first try. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00111-00048227-00048521 For this packet, one packet contains 30 capsules, 3dwhNMNZTxg-00112-00048521-00048877 I bought it for 390 baht, an average of 13 baht per day. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00113-00048877-00049168 If you take a capsule a day, you can take it for a month. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00114-00049169-00049604 But if like me, some days I will take 1 capsule some days I will take 2 so, it won't last a month. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00115-00049605-00050000 The price is a good, affordable price, not expensive at all. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00116-00050000-00050389 And Colly's products can be purchased via their dealers. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00117-00050389-00050935 Colly is already a famous brand, so there are many dealers and make it very easy to buy. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00118-00050935-00051093 Anyway, let's go check it out. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00119-00051093-00051398 I will leave Colly's Instagram and Facebook under this clip. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00120-00051398-00051598 You can find more information there. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00121-00051600-00052240 So, for this clip, I've shared all the techniques that I used when I can't sleep or have a hard time sleeping. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00122-00052240-00052394 They are these techniques that I have mentioned. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00123-00052394-00052697 And review the supplement that I have been taking recently as well. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00124-00052697-00053065 It is a skin-nourishing supplement that helps us sleep more comfortably. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00125-00053065-00053265 I hope it will be useful to many people out there. 3dwhNMNZTxg-00126-00053265-00053536 And that’s it for today. See you next time, bye-bye. 3eL8lQyUkbu-00000-00000821-00001536 at the end of time towards that era the Prophet (saw) tells us about a very 3eL8lQyUkbu-00001-00001536-00002514 strange man who will rule the earth an Abyssinian (Ethiopia) king will rule the earth his 3eL8lQyUkbu-00002-00002514-00003000 name as the Prophet (saw) describes him Dhu'l-Suwayqatayn it's a name in the 3eL8lQyUkbu-00003-00003000-00003813 description the Dhu'l-Suwayqatayn means the man of the peculiar-looking 3eL8lQyUkbu-00004-00003813-00004730 shins they're thin and the short Dhu'l-Suwayqatayn he will come from Abyssinia 3eL8lQyUkbu-00005-00004730-00005367 Al-Habasha, Ethiopia and he will destroy the Ka'bah not the Madinah. The Ka'bah itself 3eL8lQyUkbu-00006-00005367-00006003 the holiest symbol of the Muslims today he will destroy the Ka'bah in order to 3eL8lQyUkbu-00007-00006003-00006486 steal its treasure and clothe covering what I understand from that is the 3eL8lQyUkbu-00008-00006486-00006918 covering they have on it today the Ka'bah is the ancient building which 3eL8lQyUkbu-00009-00006918-00007431 was built by Ibrahim (as) and his foundations were laid by Adam this 3eL8lQyUkbu-00010-00007431-00007879 is the hadith of the Prophet (saw) 3eL8lQyUkbu-00011-00007879-00008268 Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says in the Qur'an 3eL8lQyUkbu-00012-00008281-00008772 that is reported from Ka'ab Al-Ahbar the Dhu'l-Suwayqatayn will first emerge 3eL8lQyUkbu-00013-00008772-00009484 at the end of a Isa (as) time. Allah will send Isa (as) at the head 3eL8lQyUkbu-00014-00009484-00010135 of a vanguard of between seven and eight hundred while they are marching towards 3eL8lQyUkbu-00015-00010135-00010582 the Dhu'l-Suwayqatayn in his special army of about 500/800 special 3eL8lQyUkbu-00016-00010582-00011178 which Isa (as) will take with him to fight Dhu'l-Suwayqatayn Allah will send a 3eL8lQyUkbu-00017-00011178-00011928 breeze from the direction of Yemen which will take the soul of every believer 3eL8lQyUkbu-00018-00011975-00012606 only the worst of people will be left and they will begin to live like animals 3eL8lQyUkbu-00019-00012606-00013165 or copulate like animals Ka'ab (ra) said at that time the hour will be 3eL8lQyUkbu-00020-00013165-00013695 close at hand,now that we know this Dhu'l-Suwayqatayn will come and grab the Ka'bah 3eL8lQyUkbu-00021-00013695-00014166 at break it brick by brick and no one will be able to stop him no one will 3eL8lQyUkbu-00022-00014166-00014832 stop him because they'll be no one to stop him either he'll be so powerful but 3eL8lQyUkbu-00023-00014832-00015301 Allahu A'lam about that but what the Hadees indicate is that there will be no 3eL8lQyUkbu-00024-00015301-00015683 believers on that time, 3eL8lQyUkbu-00025-00015683-00016022 when that happens my dear brothers and sisters and ka'bah it is destroyed 3eL8lQyUkbu-00026-00016022-00016637 therefore no believers, you heard the hadith earlier that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala 3eL8lQyUkbu-00027-00016637-00017297 will send in the breeze before the Muslims reach Dhu'l-Suwayqatayn and every 3eL8lQyUkbu-00028-00017297-00017822 believer in another hadith Prophet (saw) said every believer, 3eL8lQyUkbu-00029-00017822-00018416 who is monotheists believes in only one God and doesn't make any shirk will die will die 3eL8lQyUkbu-00030-00018416-00019058 peacefully from this breeze and only the disbelievers and the tyrants and the 3eL8lQyUkbu-00031-00019058-00019439 criminals will stay on earth the Ka'bah is destroyed the symbols of Islam are 3eL8lQyUkbu-00032-00019439-00019828 destroyed the Quran has been lifted there is no more Islamic knowledge 3eL8lQyUkbu-00033-00019828-00020492 what's left Ad-Dunya the world and the Prophet (saw) said, 3eL8lQyUkbu-00034-00020492-00021365 Ad-Dunya is cursed everything in it is 3eL8lQyUkbu-00035-00021365-00021815 cursed except for the remembrance of allah and whoever 3eL8lQyUkbu-00036-00021815-00022166 are the allies of the remembrance of Allah so the beasts and creatures are allies of 3eL8lQyUkbu-00037-00022166-00022472 the remembrance of allah because allah says in the quran there isn't anything 3eL8lQyUkbu-00038-00022472-00022952 on earth other than the humans and jinns except that it glorifies in the name of 3eL8lQyUkbu-00039-00022952-00023420 allah but you cannot understand their praise and other verses in the quran 3eL8lQyUkbu-00040-00023420-00023720 allah talks about mountains and trees and all that that glorify Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala 3eL8lQyUkbu-00041-00023720-00024395 the point is Allahu A'lam what will happen to the animals will they die 3eL8lQyUkbu-00042-00024395-00024820 before the end of time Allah knows best but the point is everything on earth is 3eL8lQyUkbu-00043-00024820-00025220 cursed that does not follow the allegiance of the remembrance of 3eL8lQyUkbu-00044-00025220-00025777 Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and a final sign before the day of destruction is the 3eL8lQyUkbu-00045-00025777-00026227 Fire "An Naar". The Messenger of Allah (saw) tells us find this hadith 3eL8lQyUkbu-00046-00026227-00026481 Sahih Muslim you'll find it in Bukhari you'll find it 3eL8lQyUkbu-00047-00026481-00027033 in almost all the books of Hadith.The six books major books of Hadees a fire will 3eL8lQyUkbu-00048-00027033-00027819 come out from where exactly we don't know but it comes from towards the the 3eL8lQyUkbu-00049-00027819-00028647 northern part of the of the world and it will spread through the world could be 3eL8lQyUkbu-00050-00028647-00029052 acid it could be something from the earth volcanic eruptions only Allah 3eL8lQyUkbu-00051-00029052-00029484 knows exactly the point is it burns and the people of the world will run away 3eL8lQyUkbu-00052-00029484-00029772 from their fire because it'll take over their homes and lands it's no longer 3eL8lQyUkbu-00053-00029772-00030333 livable can't live there anymore is it a meteorite that will hit the earth Allahu A'lam 3eL8lQyUkbu-00054-00030333-00030795 only Allah knows exactly the point is it's now and it will gather the people 3eL8lQyUkbu-00055-00030795-00031344 The Messenger of Allah (saw) said it'll gather the people to their gathering 3eL8lQyUkbu-00056-00031344-00031818 some scholars say this means that it will gather them to the place 3eL8lQyUkbu-00057-00031818-00032169 where they will be resurrected on a day of judgement that's the place 3eL8lQyUkbu-00058-00032169-00032622 some other scholars say no it'll gather them together in a place in one place 3eL8lQyUkbu-00059-00032622-00032876 and that's where the world will end they'll all die there 3eL8lQyUkbu-00060-00032876-00033630 Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala knows best then the first moments of the destruction of the 3eL8lQyUkbu-00061-00033630-00033893 world begins 3fPSKgZJ7WI-00000-00000052-00000284 Whos that Pokemon!? 3h8waS4tpPu-00000-00000808-00001597 lamiaceae e family which includes mint basil marjoram and rosemary however its most closely 3h8waS4tpPu-00001-00001597-00002437 related to oregano there are about 350 different varieties of time of which garden time and wild 3h8waS4tpPu-00002-00002437-00002950 thyme are the ones most often used for cooking time originates from the western Mediterranean 3h8waS4tpPu-00003-00002950-00003711 region and it was first found around Italy Spain Greece and southern France when it comes to hell 3h8waS4tpPu-00004-00003711-00004228 time got its name you've got your choice of three fabulous doors all with unique and interesting 3h8waS4tpPu-00005-00004228-00004921 processes behind door number one is the belief that it originates from the greek word lumen or 3h8waS4tpPu-00006-00004921-00005512 through most which means courage greek men would rub the herb on their chest romans would add it 3h8waS4tpPu-00007-00005512-00006283 to their bathwater to prepare for battle woohoo who's up for a time bubble bath party huh roman 3h8waS4tpPu-00008-00006283-00006922 soldiers would also burn time bundles to amp up their courage and bravery which brings us to door 3h8waS4tpPu-00009-00006922-00007438 number two which says that it could come from the Greek word diamond or thigh me Anna which 3h8waS4tpPu-00010-00007438-00008044 means to fumigate whoo or maybe we can use it to make some nice homemade jerky this is also 3h8waS4tpPu-00011-00008044-00008608 fitting because the Greeks and Romans use time to help refresh their homes with its odor which also 3h8waS4tpPu-00012-00008608-00009373 could chase away insects and finally door number 3 where we find the Greek word bio meaning perfume 3h8waS4tpPu-00013-00009373-00010051 again because of its sexy sexy smell now this is also very plausible because the Greek expression 3h8waS4tpPu-00014-00010051-00010678 to smell of time was a sincere compliment and highest praise of someone's gracefulness and 3h8waS4tpPu-00015-00010678-00011977 elegance the Romans also used it to give a nice aromatic flavor to cheese and liquor hmm so which 3h8waS4tpPu-00016-00011977-00012969 one will you choose courage fumigation or perfume but choose wisely for false definition will lead 3h8waS4tpPu-00017-00012969-00014260 to certain death guess what all this guessing could actually be moot because going back to 3h8waS4tpPu-00018-00014260-00015157 somewhere between 3500 and 2750 BC we find the ancient Sumerians who called time fam and used 3h8waS4tpPu-00019-00015157-00015778 it for an antiseptic so the name could very well originate from there there is also evidence that 3h8waS4tpPu-00020-00015778-00016486 the ancient Babylonians used time in their time as an antiseptic as well sorry I was really trying to 3h8waS4tpPu-00021-00016486-00017449 avoid doing any cheesy puns or time jokes and I just really blew it this time sorry no in that 3h8waS4tpPu-00022-00017449-00018166 period of existence the ancient Egyptians also use time in their ultra herbaceous embalming 3h8waS4tpPu-00023-00018166-00019075 fluid this fluid also contained other herbs like basil sage and rosemary do not drink it though it 3h8waS4tpPu-00024-00019075-00019696 is not as tasty as you think the next instance of time doesn't appear until we find it in the 3h8waS4tpPu-00025-00019696-00020536 Ebers papyrus which said that it could be used as a pain relief getting back to the time Wow era era 3h8waS4tpPu-00026-00020536-00021241 of The Grapes dramatist ebolas recommended that ladies wear a wreath of time saying for who would 3h8waS4tpPu-00027-00021241-00022117 forbear to kiss a girl who's wearing this Dionysus of Syracuse known for his wild wild parties strode 3h8waS4tpPu-00028-00022117-00022684 his palace with wild time before entertaining partly because this naughty boy knew that time 3h8waS4tpPu-00029-00022684-00023395 was considered an aphrodisiac about 300 BC Thea fastest noticed that an abundance of time blossoms 3h8waS4tpPu-00030-00023395-00024112 indicated a large harvest for beekeepers Roman poet Ovid also wrote about these same blossoms 3h8waS4tpPu-00031-00024112-00024877 near the purple hills of flowering hema tous is a sacred spring and earth soft with green grass 3h8waS4tpPu-00032-00024877-00025456 now this actually refers to the wild thyme that's found near her mouth Metis and the honey that's 3h8waS4tpPu-00033-00025456-00026086 made in that area but then and now is actually considered some of the best in the world moving 3h8waS4tpPu-00034-00026086-00026713 into the Middle Ages the notion of time being good for courage persistent and European lady's 3h8waS4tpPu-00035-00026713-00027327 embroidered scarves with a be hovering around a sprig of thyme to give to chivalrous Knights 3h8waS4tpPu-00036-00027327-00028099 heading off to battle the soldiers were then cram these charms into pockets purses vests gauntlets 3h8waS4tpPu-00037-00028099-00028695 jock straps candy containers or more often than not just attach them to their clothing as a 3h8waS4tpPu-00038-00028695-00029437 visible badge of honor time was also extensively used as protection against the Black Plague of 3h8waS4tpPu-00039-00029437-00030208 the 1340s begone foul play you shall not in fact me it was also during the Middle Ages that the 3h8waS4tpPu-00040-00030208-00030889 Romans introduced time to the rest of Europe and England and by the 16th century Girard mentions 3h8waS4tpPu-00041-00030889-00031522 time in the herbal as being naturalized throughout Europe while time didn't get much press outside 3h8waS4tpPu-00042-00031522-00031999 of the standard herbal guides for some reason it does get mentioned by several high-profile 3h8waS4tpPu-00043-00031999-00032758 authors like Francis Bacon Alexandre Dumas Thomas Hardy D H Lawrence and Shakespeare that takes us 3h8waS4tpPu-00044-00032758-00033633 up to 1719 when German chemist Caspar Newman makes the important discovery of this is the main active 3h8waS4tpPu-00045-00033633-00034167 ingredient in time which is responsible for many of its key health benefits French chemist 3h8waS4tpPu-00046-00034167-00034824 a or em loud mom whose first name is apparently lost to history as far as I can tell determined 3h8waS4tpPu-00047-00034824-00035604 thymos empirical formula in 1853 and this allowed Swedish chemist Oskar vite Mon to synthesize it 3h8waS4tpPu-00048-00035604-00036183 in 1882 in the book the herb garden lady Roslyn Northcote talks about how in the South of France 3h8waS4tpPu-00049-00036183-00036927 wild thyme was a symbol of extreme republicanism and Tufts of it were often sent with a summons 3h8waS4tpPu-00050-00036927-00037614 to attend secret Republican meetings herbalist mod Greve wrote a lot about time and how it was 3h8waS4tpPu-00051-00037614-00038211 used during World War one she talks about how is often used as an antiseptic and an anesthetic on 3h8waS4tpPu-00052-00038211-00038973 the battlefields finally in 1997 time receives the prestigious international orab association's 3h8waS4tpPu-00053-00038973-00039552 herb of the Year award and thus we reached the time where we have no more time to talk 3h8waS4tpPu-00054-00039552-00040395 about time perhaps next time we shall discuss other aspects of time but this time oh thanks 3h8waS4tpPu-00055-00040395-00040953 I needed that thanks so much for watching if you like this video go ahead and hit that like button 3h8waS4tpPu-00056-00040953-00041559 subscribe and please share it with your friends my question for today is what are your favorite 3h8waS4tpPu-00057-00041559-00042069 herbs are there any particulars that you'd like to see me cover like this one if so let me know 3h8waS4tpPu-00058-00042069-00042459 in the comment section if you're interested about finding out the history of other cool herbs like 3h8waS4tpPu-00059-00042459-00042966 basil and sage go ahead and click on the videos over here to the right until next time be kind to 3h8waS4tpPu-00060-00042966-00043623 each other I remember time is precious don't waste it that doesn't count as a pun does it 3heK6Klvz4U-00000-00000000-00000270 Ask me any question what do you want to 3heK6Klvz4U-00001-00000270-00000521 know what are you struggling 3heK6Klvz4U-00002-00000521-00000717 first question 3heK6Klvz4U-00003-00000717-00001250 what is it for you doing that 3heK6Klvz4U-00004-00001250-00001991 what motivates me to do that I very 3heK6Klvz4U-00005-00001991-00002180 simple yesterday I was in an industry 3heK6Klvz4U-00006-00002180-00002520 part because all the main company 3heK6Klvz4U-00007-00002520-00002904 I work with that multinationals they are 3heK6Klvz4U-00008-00002904-00003390 based huge industry parks and you know 3heK6Klvz4U-00009-00003390-00003726 it next to Amsterdam's Schiphol like it 3heK6Klvz4U-00010-00003726-00003957 little town called wolf form 3heK6Klvz4U-00011-00003957-00004307 so is their company in tidy and a lot of 3heK6Klvz4U-00012-00004307-00004432 students what 3heK6Klvz4U-00013-00004432-00004541 sounds 3heK6Klvz4U-00014-00004541-00004955 so what do I have benefit one of the 3heK6Klvz4U-00015-00004955-00005150 things that i shared my 30-day challenge 3heK6Klvz4U-00016-00005150-00005390 to the recording last one is to have the 3heK6Klvz4U-00017-00005390-00005570 power insistence 3heK6Klvz4U-00018-00005570-00005774 the only thing that will trigger you as 3heK6Klvz4U-00019-00005774-00006038 an entrepreneur and give you success so 3heK6Klvz4U-00020-00006038-00006302 one thing that I do no matter what is 3heK6Klvz4U-00021-00006302-00006554 every thursday i show up here if i'm 3heK6Klvz4U-00022-00006554-00006734 showing up here anyway so might as well 3heK6Klvz4U-00023-00006734-00006976 probably so 3heK6Klvz4U-00024-00006976-00007206 and then meet you and more personal and 3heK6Klvz4U-00025-00007206-00007393 know what your problem is 3heK6Klvz4U-00026-00007393-00007702 plus the second thing which is I you 3heK6Klvz4U-00027-00007702-00007956 guys are the people i'm trying to help 3heK6Klvz4U-00028-00007956-00008257 in my second company even though we had 3heK6Klvz4U-00029-00008257-00008367 already a lot of you 3heK6Klvz4U-00030-00008367-00008615 help it's still good to learn and know 3heK6Klvz4U-00031-00008615-00008814 what you're struggling you're struggling 3heK6Klvz4U-00032-00008814-00009153 right now we've got to be something that 3heK6Klvz4U-00033-00009153-00009396 were struggling struggling with last 3heK6Klvz4U-00034-00009396-00009686 year and next year's something else to 3heK6Klvz4U-00035-00009686-00009864 have all the benefit and protection get 3heK6Klvz4U-00036-00009864-00009954 to know you 3heK6Klvz4U-00037-00009954-00010118 and see what you're struggling with 3heK6Klvz4U-00038-00010118-00010364 and to create a space where you can open 3heK6Klvz4U-00039-00010364-00010829 up and ask with what it is that you want 3heK6Klvz4U-00040-00010829-00011033 instead of making survey on facebook and 3heK6Klvz4U-00041-00011033-00011183 asked me what your problem is 3heK6Klvz4U-00042-00011183-00011382 so there's a lot of benefits 3heK6Klvz4U-00043-00011382-00011802 and then the biological part of it give 3heK6Klvz4U-00044-00011802-00012094 it 3heK6Klvz4U-00045-00012094-00012458 actually why six percent of energy 3heK6Klvz4U-00046-00012458-00012813 environment 3heK6Klvz4U-00047-00012813-00013233 right you get the energy back plus men 3heK6Klvz4U-00048-00013233-00013527 eating 3heK6Klvz4U-00049-00013527-00013860 alright violent people 3heK6Klvz4U-00050-00013860-00014349 yeah bless my mentor always shared if 3heK6Klvz4U-00051-00014349-00014474 you want something you have to 3heK6Klvz4U-00052-00014474-00014882 if you want more money 3heK6Klvz4U-00053-00014882-00015135 that's how it works and so 3heK6Klvz4U-00054-00015135-00015351 the things the one-liners that's on my 3heK6Klvz4U-00055-00015351-00015822 whiteboard back at home is give more 3heK6Klvz4U-00056-00015822-00016091 fine winding to my girlfriend oh I want 3heK6Klvz4U-00057-00016091-00016219 more money 3heK6Klvz4U-00058-00016219-00016379 more connections overworking bigger 3heK6Klvz4U-00059-00016379-00016667 companies then I shouldn't be whining 3heK6Klvz4U-00060-00016667-00016980 about I wanted it's more like what 3heK6Klvz4U-00061-00016980-00017521 and then give to get closer to that 3heK6Klvz4U-00062-00017521-00017740 so my mind is always like we're to thank 3heK6Klvz4U-00063-00017740-00017860 you and 3heK6Klvz4U-00064-00017860-00018128 if this is the part where I'm giving 3heK6Klvz4U-00065-00018128-00018411 they're asking I'm 3heK6Klvz4U-00066-00018411-00018788 our at the end of my day so this 3heK6Klvz4U-00067-00018788-00019450 yes 3i8GLTHsnMu-00000-00000003-00000488 because that must mean I don't like him because I don't want to be there that's 3i8GLTHsnMu-00001-00000488-00001269 like a cold for the interview Shane Dawson did with Nick Crompton the former 3i8GLTHsnMu-00002-00001269-00002742 business manager of team 10 it leaves us asking his team ten a cult what is up 3i8GLTHsnMu-00003-00002742-00003134 everybody this is Chris from the rewired saw where we talk about the problem but 3i8GLTHsnMu-00004-00003134-00003477 focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is all about 3i8GLTHsnMu-00005-00003477-00003857 helping you to improve your mental health and what I like to do is I like 3i8GLTHsnMu-00006-00003857-00004209 to take things from the YouTube community or pop culture and try to use 3i8GLTHsnMu-00007-00004209-00004553 that to teach you how to improve your mental health and a big part of that is 3i8GLTHsnMu-00008-00004553-00004898 relationships with friends and other people and stuff so if you're into that 3i8GLTHsnMu-00009-00004898-00005237 make sure you subscribe and bring that notification belt because I make a ton 3i8GLTHsnMu-00010-00005237-00005751 of videos I have been recapping all of the Shane Dawson episodes and talking 3i8GLTHsnMu-00011-00005751-00006123 about different mental health subjects but before I get started with this video 3i8GLTHsnMu-00012-00006123-00006512 and talking about the cult aspects and friendship and things like that I do 3i8GLTHsnMu-00013-00006512-00006923 want to give a shout out to Danielle right here check this out she tagged 3i8GLTHsnMu-00014-00006923-00007242 melt Instagram me and her we're actually matching today we're both wearing the 3i8GLTHsnMu-00015-00007242-00007638 same rewired soul shirt I will provide a link to the shop or you can check the 3i8GLTHsnMu-00016-00007638-00007895 description but yeah my beautiful girlfriend 3i8GLTHsnMu-00017-00007895-00008646 Tristan she made a bunch of design so or a coffee mug there's also coffee mugs so 3i8GLTHsnMu-00018-00008646-00009218 anyways the enemies of Jake Paul Shane interviewed Nick Crompton and I want to 3i8GLTHsnMu-00019-00009218-00009693 focus on the part where Nick talks about how pretty much the weight that Tim 10 3i8GLTHsnMu-00020-00009693-00010167 operates they sever ties with anybody who leaves and Jake might take it 3i8GLTHsnMu-00021-00010167-00011054 personally and all of that now I just want to touch on this just need to be 3i8GLTHsnMu-00022-00011054-00011361 with all the reviews and my people are saying like Oh Shane like maybe you know 3i8GLTHsnMu-00023-00011361-00011889 episode two way too dramatic like listen listen that's Shane that's just what he 3i8GLTHsnMu-00024-00011889-00012239 is and like so I'm not gonna like harp on him like what did the pet peeves I 3i8GLTHsnMu-00025-00012239-00012647 have is like when people call things cults and I'll splat towards the end of 3i8GLTHsnMu-00026-00012647-00012969 the video but like that's just what Shane did like Shane's like oh that 3i8GLTHsnMu-00027-00012969-00013276 sounds like a cult who sounds like a cult like 3i8GLTHsnMu-00028-00013276-00013651 us or you're against us when you leave you disassociate you don't talk to them 3i8GLTHsnMu-00029-00013651-00014086 like but you blocked me you wouldn't talk to me that is he that he did he cut 3i8GLTHsnMu-00030-00014086-00014493 communication from Tessa and all the other people their wound and that's like 3i8GLTHsnMu-00031-00014493-00015009 a cold like it like the aspect of it sounds like the aspect of a cold but 3i8GLTHsnMu-00032-00015009-00015432 it's not a frickin cult but more importantly like the topic I want to 3i8GLTHsnMu-00033-00015432-00015868 bring up with you is like these these kind of severing ties relationships 3i8GLTHsnMu-00034-00015868-00016179 because I I can definitely relate to that and I'm somebody who has trust 3i8GLTHsnMu-00035-00016179-00016665 issues and I don't let people get in too close because I've been hurt like that 3i8GLTHsnMu-00036-00016665-00017115 so when it comes to Jake Paul and Tim ten it's hard to say without knowing 3i8GLTHsnMu-00037-00017115-00017898 them why why it is like why it is that they do that Jake in his case from what 3i8GLTHsnMu-00038-00017898-00018442 I've seen it seems like an ego problem it really does seem like an ego problem 3i8GLTHsnMu-00039-00018442-00018990 but I think most of us like me and you we deal with this in a different way and 3i8GLTHsnMu-00040-00018990-00019587 the best thing that can related to is like work right one of my personal 3i8GLTHsnMu-00041-00019587-00020091 experiences that I had was at a job I had before the treatment center the 3i8GLTHsnMu-00042-00020091-00020451 place I was working I worked there for a while it was the first job I had after 3i8GLTHsnMu-00043-00020451-00020985 getting sober and like man like I built like really strong relationships with 3i8GLTHsnMu-00044-00020985-00021345 the people that I worked there for about a year and a half almost two years and 3i8GLTHsnMu-00045-00021345-00021831 we built really strong relationships like we hung out talked about work you 3i8GLTHsnMu-00046-00021831-00022912 know they all of that and when I ended up leaving that company I was like I was 3i8GLTHsnMu-00047-00022912-00023445 shocked and hurt because so many people just would not talk to me like they 3i8GLTHsnMu-00048-00023445-00024066 wouldn't talk to me and it it hurts so so so much and I'm like okay well this 3i8GLTHsnMu-00049-00024066-00024369 is why I don't get close to people because I don't want to get hurt and 3i8GLTHsnMu-00050-00024369-00024928 like that's not healthy for us you know what I mean so what one of the things I 3i8GLTHsnMu-00051-00024928-00025297 want to say is you know especially looking at somebody like Nick Crompton 3i8GLTHsnMu-00052-00025297-00025687 if things like that if any of you deal with this in your life like with kind of 3i8GLTHsnMu-00053-00025687-00026133 like cliques or little groups or even if it's work like there's an old saying 3i8GLTHsnMu-00054-00026133-00026632 that when people show you who they are believe them that's really important so 3i8GLTHsnMu-00055-00026632-00027049 like I want you to evaluate the food friendships that you have like like 3i8GLTHsnMu-00056-00027049-00027427 don't think for one minute if you have somebody in your circle who's treating 3i8GLTHsnMu-00057-00027427-00027676 somebody else poorly and maybe it's cutting off a friendship or never 3i8GLTHsnMu-00058-00027676-00027988 talking to them again like don't think that they won't do that to you in a 3i8GLTHsnMu-00059-00027988-00028395 heartbeat like I made a video not long ago about L mills and terminal you make 3i8GLTHsnMu-00060-00028395-00028738 this this is a great example like oh it wouldn't happen to me that would never 3i8GLTHsnMu-00061-00028738-00029269 happen to me a great example is a relationship let's say a relationship 3i8GLTHsnMu-00062-00029269-00029652 where you got with somebody and the way you started that relationship was them 3i8GLTHsnMu-00063-00029652-00029952 cheating on somebody else right and you're like oh well they would never do 3i8GLTHsnMu-00064-00029952-00030322 that to me and then later down the line they cheat on you like no they showed 3i8GLTHsnMu-00065-00030322-00030952 you who they were believe them all right I could do a million videos about trust 3i8GLTHsnMu-00066-00030952-00031594 issues what I would say is is this like my standard my standard of people who 3i8GLTHsnMu-00067-00031594-00032045 are close to me is pretty high it's pretty high I'm a very sociable 3i8GLTHsnMu-00068-00032045-00032637 charismatic outgoing guy but I have very few people who I keep close to me I 3i8GLTHsnMu-00069-00032637-00033085 would say the only time this would affect you negatively and your mental 3i8GLTHsnMu-00070-00033085-00033610 health is if it's becoming isolative if it's fueling your depression but the 3i8GLTHsnMu-00071-00033610-00034147 best suggestion I have for you like is to take baby steps with trust like let 3i8GLTHsnMu-00072-00034147-00034516 people in a little bit have them earn your trust let people in a little bit 3i8GLTHsnMu-00073-00034516-00034762 more have them earn your trust and things like that 3i8GLTHsnMu-00074-00034762-00035290 because if we keep this wall up constantly like isolation isolation is 3i8GLTHsnMu-00075-00035290-00035725 just the worst thing you can do for your depression you have to have people who 3i8GLTHsnMu-00076-00035725-00036475 you can turn off not turn on turn 2 and that can be through Facebook groups if 3i8GLTHsnMu-00077-00036475-00036940 you don't have people like in your area or like look on meetup calm whatever it 3i8GLTHsnMu-00078-00036940-00037416 is have a lot of friends who I've met through gaming we're close we're not 3i8GLTHsnMu-00079-00037416-00037803 like super close you know but I have conversations with them a lot but I 3i8GLTHsnMu-00080-00037803-00038230 think it's important to recognize like when this is happening to other people 3i8GLTHsnMu-00081-00038230-00038713 and that's that's a good time for you to evaluate like is this a good friendship 3i8GLTHsnMu-00082-00038713-00038977 or relationship that I want to be in right now 3i8GLTHsnMu-00083-00038977-00039333 right so the other thing that shame kind of 3i8GLTHsnMu-00084-00039333-00039594 brought up was like the rules the rules of the house 3i8GLTHsnMu-00085-00039594-00040935 but I in my years on YouTube have never seen a squad have a house have rules in 3i8GLTHsnMu-00086-00040935-00042390 the beginning but they they were in kind of like cultish no it's not you have a 3i8GLTHsnMu-00087-00042390-00042879 bunch of young people moving into a house you want rules so I did not go to 3i8GLTHsnMu-00088-00042879-00043242 treatment I did not go to a drug and alcohol rehab center when I got sober I 3i8GLTHsnMu-00089-00043242-00043599 went through a sober living home those who don't know what that is it's a house 3i8GLTHsnMu-00090-00043599-00044070 it can be owned by a company or by a person and it's where sober people live 3i8GLTHsnMu-00091-00044070-00044610 people trying to stay clean and sober and there were rules that's the way it 3i8GLTHsnMu-00092-00044610-00044931 was there were rules there were guidelines it was to keep order in it it 3i8GLTHsnMu-00093-00044931-00045330 was to make sure that people cleaned up after themselves and also I'm not really 3i8GLTHsnMu-00094-00045330-00045798 surprised about rules even though Nick kind of said you know that was just 3i8GLTHsnMu-00095-00045798-00046347 mainly for the beginning but yeah rules are there for a reason and I know a lot 3i8GLTHsnMu-00096-00046347-00046677 of us like hate rules but like if you're somebody like me especially people like 3i8GLTHsnMu-00097-00046677-00047163 who are in recovery from addiction like especially early recovery like we're not 3i8GLTHsnMu-00098-00047163-00048090 very responsible people like responsible we need rules we need guidelines like I 3i8GLTHsnMu-00099-00048090-00048912 hate a daily chore I hate I hate having a curfew and all these other things like 3i8GLTHsnMu-00100-00048912-00049401 left to my own devices in early recovery I would have been a hot mess I would 3i8GLTHsnMu-00101-00049401-00050049 have I would have done all sorts of crazy things with the wrong people and 3i8GLTHsnMu-00102-00050049-00050718 all sorts of stuff so here's my little thing about cult all right and this 3i8GLTHsnMu-00103-00050718-00051270 video is gonna take a turn but surprise we're gonna talk 12-step recovery so I 3i8GLTHsnMu-00104-00051270-00051704 have a whole playlist about like getting clean and addiction and 12-step programs 3i8GLTHsnMu-00105-00051704-00052221 but you know my relationship to 12-step programs has has changed over the years 3i8GLTHsnMu-00106-00052221-00052638 I'm not used to be for different reasons maybe I'll make some videos about that 3i8GLTHsnMu-00107-00052638-00053145 but what are my main gripes is when people say that 12-step programs are 3i8GLTHsnMu-00108-00053145-00053599 like a cult I'm not you are out of your minds like the reason why this is a pet 3i8GLTHsnMu-00109-00053599-00054066 peeve for me is because like there's a few things I'm fascinated with okay one 3i8GLTHsnMu-00110-00054066-00054501 of them is serial killers the other one is cults like there are 3i8GLTHsnMu-00111-00054501-00054724 some great documentaries like I don't know if any of you watch that 3i8GLTHsnMu-00112-00054724-00055056 documentary wild wild country on Netflix that's a cult 3i8GLTHsnMu-00113-00055056-00055608 all right there's also this great show on hulu called the path or did a view 3i8GLTHsnMu-00114-00055608-00055932 watch that one show with Kevin Bacon called the following and it was like 3i8GLTHsnMu-00115-00055932-00056304 that was perfect for me because it was like serial killers combined with a cult 3i8GLTHsnMu-00116-00056304-00056613 very interesting stuff so what people say like 12-step programs are like a 3i8GLTHsnMu-00117-00056613-00057057 cult like they are out of their minds like like when Shane was talking about 3i8GLTHsnMu-00118-00057057-00057250 this and like oh you know it's kind of like a cult-like 3i8GLTHsnMu-00119-00057250-00057673 cult side either sever ties with you or they try to like chase you down and get 3i8GLTHsnMu-00120-00057673-00058060 you to come back and stuff like that like if I miss 12-step meetings like 3i8GLTHsnMu-00121-00058060-00058743 nobody comes looking for me like I will say this and this is for any of you out 3i8GLTHsnMu-00122-00058743-00059252 there who are in recovery or you know somebody in recovery I share this story 3i8GLTHsnMu-00123-00059252-00059844 okay like it's important to understand that every 12 set fellowship every 3i8GLTHsnMu-00124-00059844-00060207 12-step meeting is gonna be different and I like using my platform to share 3i8GLTHsnMu-00125-00060207-00060591 about this like I want to educate people about this a lot of people do not go to 3i8GLTHsnMu-00126-00060591-00061070 12-step programs because of misconceptions and all sorts of stuff so 3i8GLTHsnMu-00127-00061070-00061488 every fellowship is different and there was one fellowship I was going to which 3i8GLTHsnMu-00128-00061488-00061954 I loved I loved it it was every single Friday night I absolutely loved it no 3i8GLTHsnMu-00129-00061954-00062289 matter how my day was going in early recovery I knew I can go to that meeting 3i8GLTHsnMu-00130-00062289-00062650 on a Friday and somebody was gonna say some stuff in there that just really 3i8GLTHsnMu-00131-00062650-00063138 lifted me up and gave me motivation gave me inspiration you know like it was 3i8GLTHsnMu-00132-00063138-00063567 amazing I absolutely loved that group but I wasn't like too involved with it I 3i8GLTHsnMu-00133-00063567-00063852 just went to the meetings well as I started to meet people and know people 3i8GLTHsnMu-00134-00063852-00064293 like they were for back lack of better words and here's me being hypocritical 3i8GLTHsnMu-00135-00064293-00064861 they were running their specific fellowship like a cult right in certain 3i8GLTHsnMu-00136-00064861-00065222 aspects in certain aspects they were running a locket called 3i8GLTHsnMu-00137-00065222-00065705 just for example I remember them just saying people were no longer welcome at 3i8GLTHsnMu-00138-00065705-00065975 the meetings and I just completely disagree with that I'm like are you 3i8GLTHsnMu-00139-00065975-00066395 serious right now like are you seriously these are people who are fighting to 3i8GLTHsnMu-00140-00066395-00066845 stay alive and you're not welcoming them back to the meeting it was for stupid 3i8GLTHsnMu-00141-00066845-00067340 stupid stuff like one guy just did something that his 3i8GLTHsnMu-00142-00067340-00067781 sponsor told him not to do and this is why I educate people in early recovery 3i8GLTHsnMu-00143-00067781-00068150 about 12-step programs sponsors are there to give you suggestions only 3i8GLTHsnMu-00144-00068150-00068636 that's it you know like my sponsor for example back in the day you gave me a 3i8GLTHsnMu-00145-00068636-00069008 ton of suggestions some of them I took some of them I threw in the garbage you 3i8GLTHsnMu-00146-00069008-00069383 know but he didn't just like banned me from like a meeting you know what I mean 3i8GLTHsnMu-00147-00069383-00069920 but I told this story because okay so here's a great example yesterday I made 3i8GLTHsnMu-00148-00069920-00070364 a video about better help and this conspiracy that better help is a scam 3i8GLTHsnMu-00149-00070364-00070835 I'll always be honest with you guys I'll always be honest like I'll be honest 3i8GLTHsnMu-00150-00070835-00071368 that some 12-step meetings suck so you know what I did I was in a city with 3i8GLTHsnMu-00151-00071368-00071825 probably a hundred meetings a week so I just quit going to that meeting that's 3i8GLTHsnMu-00152-00071825-00072302 it like I was fighting to stay alive I wasn't gonna let this one meeting take 3i8GLTHsnMu-00153-00072302-00072746 this thing that I had away from me I was gonna let one meeting lead me back out 3i8GLTHsnMu-00154-00072746-00073127 so I don't have a son anymore so I don't have my life anymore so I lose my family 3i8GLTHsnMu-00155-00073127-00073559 again you know what I mean like in early recovery I get it too because I used to 3i8GLTHsnMu-00156-00073559-00073895 be the type of person where I was just waiting I was waiting for somebody to 3i8GLTHsnMu-00157-00073895-00074507 give me an excuse to just leave and never ever ever come back again so I 3i8GLTHsnMu-00158-00074507-00074909 just want to let you know so like I know a lot of you who are new to my channel 3i8GLTHsnMu-00159-00074909-00075224 you are not addicts or alcoholics in recovery you know I do kind of a broader 3i8GLTHsnMu-00160-00075224-00075764 kind of mental health discussion on my channel but like I think it's important 3i8GLTHsnMu-00161-00075764-00076307 to learn this stuff because addiction affects one out of every 12 people in 3i8GLTHsnMu-00162-00076307-00076697 the world right so if you know 12 people you know an addict or an alcoholic so 3i8GLTHsnMu-00163-00076697-00076988 now you have just a little bit of knowledge that you can keep in your 3i8GLTHsnMu-00164-00076988-00077369 pocket so the addict or alcoholic in your life when they're trying to say oh 3i8GLTHsnMu-00165-00077369-00077807 12-step meetings are like and all that nonsense you link them to this video or 3i8GLTHsnMu-00166-00077807-00078155 you haven't shoot me an email and I'll drop some knowledge on them alright 3i8GLTHsnMu-00167-00078155-00078623 but let's do this down in the comments below like going back to the whole like 3i8GLTHsnMu-00168-00078623-00079097 severing ties like have you been a part of any group or the or like an 3i8GLTHsnMu-00169-00079097-00079558 experience like mine with work where after you left people just severed ties 3i8GLTHsnMu-00170-00079558-00080069 with you how did you overcome that are you still trying to heal from it let's 3i8GLTHsnMu-00171-00080069-00080360 have the conversation down below in the comments alright but that's all I got 3i8GLTHsnMu-00172-00080360-00080632 for you with this video so if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up 3i8GLTHsnMu-00173-00080632-00080924 and if you're new I'm always making videos to help you out with your mental 3i8GLTHsnMu-00174-00080924-00081289 health so make sure you subscribe and ring that notification bell and a huge 3i8GLTHsnMu-00175-00081289-00081650 thank you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon and if you would 3i8GLTHsnMu-00176-00081650-00082027 like to get a shirt like me and Danielle you can click or tap on that little shop 3i8GLTHsnMu-00177-00082027-00082520 icon right there alright thanks so much for watching don't use the word call too 3i8GLTHsnMu-00178-00082520-00082885 much I'll see you next time 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00000-00000030-00000200 Hello, okay. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00001-00012860-00013160 Okay, can you hear me? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00002-00013910-00014280 Hello. Okay. Good afternoon everyone. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00003-00015300-00015790 so, it's great seeing you guys and welcome to 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00004-00015960-00016560 Your second thermodynamics for a flight thermodynamics to. So you all are in the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00005-00016560-00017150 right, lecture room, right? Is it far quite thermodynamics to air on mechanical? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00006-00017340-00017520 Yes, good. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00007-00017760-00018340 So this is our first lecture and my first time, lecturing in this building. So I 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00008-00018340-00019280 have issues with these Technologies here, but hopefully we sort out for today. My 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00009-00019280-00019920 name is Yasser mod Lori. Me is a long name. You can't call Simply called me yassa. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00010-00019950-00020670 That should be okay. And I'm a senior lecturer in mace. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00011-00020990-00021460 I'm most at ease deal with thermodynamics. My research is on thermodynamics. My 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00012-00021460-00022150 lectures was always on thermodynamics, but before coming to, Manchester was working 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00013-00022150-00022820 at Queen's University Belfast. And again, I was teaching Thermo and propulsion propulsion 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00014-00022820-00023090 to arrow, and Thermo to Mechanical students. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00015-00023480-00024100 This lecture after this course is shared between myself and my colleague. Dr. J. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00016-00024100-00024820 Harush, who will be mostly helping you with the six tutorial sessions. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00017-00024920-00025620 and with your Labs, although for labs, we have technical support from technicians 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00018-00025830-00026600 And also number of GTA SA and you will be divided into group of, I don't know, maybe, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00019-00026600-00027339 five or ten. I think we are nearly 400 something this year if I'm not mistaken and 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00020-00027339-00028020 then we'll be working with one GTA helping you with the labs, may I ask you to please 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00021-00028110-00028700 sit quickly and come earlier to the lecture. Your I mean, it's a very large 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00022-00028710-00029130 Um, if you're going to come until to the end of the lecture, if with the disturbing 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00023-00029130-00029610 for all your classmates. So please make sure that you are arriving to the lecture 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00024-00029650-00029810 room at to, okay. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00025-00032160-00032750 Would you mind closing that door, please? Yeah. Shut the door. Yeah, just one person. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00026-00032850-00033180 They come in and shut the door. You don't have to go up. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00027-00033550-00033600 Okay. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00028-00033990-00034740 So the main objective in this unit would be, the will be the flowing, your fundamental 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00029-00034740-00035460 knowledge on thermodynamic. One Terminal 1 and we're trying to analyze some thermodynamic 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00030-00035460-00036330 Cycles while you're dealing. I think it's six or seven cycles and we will try to 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00031-00036330-00036490 analyze them one by one. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00032-00040700-00041040 If this is my she's my wife tell her that I'm not here, okay? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00033-00041200-00042150 Please. Okay, I will be dealing with the two sessions will be dedicated to please 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00034-00042150-00042660 have a seat guys. Okay, excuse me. Have a seat please. Yes. Could you I'm going 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00035-00042660-00043010 to repeat this again? Could you please try make sure that you're here in the lecture 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00036-00043010-00043530 on my to, okay, because then until you see it and then prepare them, we start the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00037-00043530-00043720 lecture at the 2:05. Okay. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00038-00043940-00044580 Now, two sessions would be dedicated and reviewing the thermodynamic, one specific 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00039-00044580-00045320 this lecture. I will be going over the slice with more fast but when we come into 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00040-00045320-00045980 the thermo to materials and starting looking to Cycles. So we'll have a more piece 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00041-00046050-00046780 anyway. So for this unit thermodynamics in general so I need you to 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00042-00046850-00047330 maybe if you don't remember those but would be nice if you go back and take a look 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00043-00047330-00047950 at your thermal one materials, specifically the first and second laws of thermodynamics 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00044-00048150-00048520 know about the specific heat capacity and 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00045-00048630-00049420 No about thermodynamic diagrams, temperature, entropy pressure-volume, PV, TS diagram 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00046-00049420-00049960 like this, and also, the concept of entropy and what is entrepreneur will be using 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00047-00049960-00050650 a lot on true Pig. This parameter when we are analyzing Cycles, let mechanics, we 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00048-00050650-00051130 don't do that much on fluid mechanics, but the knowledge of fluid mechanics is really 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00049-00051130-00051510 would be nice to have and also heat transfer. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00050-00051700-00052190 In this unit, we don't really deal with how heat will be transferred, but we don't 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00051-00052190-00052710 really underlies the mechanism of heat transfer. What we actually do we are, we 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00052-00052710-00053160 what we need to know the amount and the value or the amount of heat, which has been 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00053-00053160-00053620 transferred from one medium to another medium. So, the amount of heat which has 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00054-00053620-00054140 been transfers needed, but it would be nice if you know, how heat can potentially 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00055-00054140-00054610 transfer between two medium conduction, convection or 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00056-00054629-00054740 or radiation. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00057-00055060-00055540 So the aim is is mentioned that we will be looking into different thermodynamic 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00058-00055540-00056429 Cycles. We start with the steam cycle or rankine cycle and then we will be looking 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00059-00056429-00056590 into gas power Cycles. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00060-00056760-00057570 Refrigeration and heat pump will be also giving also touch on those Cycles as well. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00061-00057690-00058170 So we'll be mostly using mathematical formula again. Don't worry about mathematics, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00062-00058170-00058870 it would be mostly first and second law of Thermodynamics and trying to analyze 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00063-00058870-00059520 the system in terms of my most either performance and also understanding how we 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00064-00059520-00059660 can improve the performance. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00065-00059670-00060250 Or months efficiency of the Cycles by controlling the system parameters such as 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00066-00060250-00060450 pressure temperature. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00067-00060679-00061170 And as I mentioned, we will be mostly using first and second law of Thermodynamics, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00068-00061410-00062029 there are textbooks. What I will be delivering to you in the lecture materials, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00069-00062100-00062850 those are enough for you to be prepared for the exams. However, I recommend you 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00070-00062850-00063529 to take a look at the text books which are available in the, in the, in the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00071-00063540-00064229 Library the examples and teaching materials comes from different sources, different 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00072-00064229-00065040 textbooks. So it's a mixture of those but that book there and thermodynamics engineering 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00073-00065040-00065710 approach, 9th Edition by human essential, some substantial Central follower. I think 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00074-00065710-00066210 that's a good one. This is going to be your main textbook. I'm assuming that you 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00075-00066210-00066510 have. You were using this one for your thermal one. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00076-00066540-00066600 Correct. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00077-00066800-00067470 Yes. So we'll be using the. Another textbook is also about more honest, more Anna, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00078-00067470-00068060 Shapiro, fundamental thermodynamics. When I was an undergrad, many years ago, I 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00079-00068060-00068860 was using this one and believe me or not. I solve all problems in that thermodynamic 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00080-00068860-00069710 book to prepare for the exam thermal ones were moved to all of them. Yeah but here 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00081-00069710-00069730 you don't 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00082-00069740-00070280 Not have to deal with them all all these lectures and all the materials are available 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00083-00070280-00070860 on blackboard, assuming that you can see the materials on the Blackboard, right? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00084-00071050-00071760 Yes. Okay. And you can also have access to the textbook through cortex or the library 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00085-00071760-00072640 that page, huh? Okay. So the topics that we will be covering basic thermodynamics 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00086-00072640-00073330 will I will be mostly dedicating to lectures, two sessions that and the vapor power 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00087-00073330-00073880 Cycles or ranking Cycles. Again, two lectures, I will not be covering all power 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00088-00073880-00074010 Cycles context here. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00089-00074130-00074710 Because of thing for your a mix of air and mechanical. So I had to make it balance 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00090-00074710-00075500 between the Cycles which would be more relevant to your cohort. So mechanical then 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00091-00075530-00076210 if you do the term of three in your third year, you will be giving more cycle for 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00092-00076220-00076970 waivers. But gas turbines, both industrial and Aerospace application will be looking 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00093-00076970-00077080 into those. It's a 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00094-00077090-00077560 Skating engines such as internal combustion engines and and Refrigeration Cycles. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00095-00077770-00078390 So, similar motor, most of the other units, 80% is an exam and 20% or labs and Report 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00096-00078430-00078770 you will be submitting exam. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00097-00079100-00079840 There would be three or four questions for the final exam from the cycles that we 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00098-00079840-00080790 will be looking into. I cannot tell you which cycle you will be assessed based on 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00099-00080790-00081210 because I cannot assess you for all the Cycles with the selective. Yet you need 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00100-00081210-00081680 to be prepared for the exam from all the lectures that we will be giving to you 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00101-00081690-00082060 right at timetable has been prepared. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00102-00082080-00082850 it's also uploaded on the Blackboard, I think your laughs or 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00103-00082990-00083670 I don't know if they are sometimes in February a start but again GTA san dr. Ajay 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00104-00083670-00084290 will be helping you with are urging for an orangey for the labs, right? There's 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00105-00084290-00084890 a deadline to submit your lab report, which is actually group report and that says 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00106-00085000-00085280 tells of met at 5 p.m. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00107-00085500-00085680 Okay, any question. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00108-00085850-00085910 Yes, please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00109-00086030-00086070 Yes. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00110-00086840-00087140 Oh gosh, I cannot hear you to be honest. Can you speak a bit louder? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00111-00088130-00088890 I hear you. Okay, are you okay? And no we will not be dealing with those in this 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00112-00088890-00089450 unit cut. This is thermodynamic you need but I think for third or fourth year you 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00113-00089450-00090000 will have a unit called heat transfer and you will be or maybe you had in your one. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00114-00090000-00090290 Have you had any that transfer unit here? One, I don't think so. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00115-00090440-00091130 Okay, we don't really need them if you know would be okay, but we really don't use 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00116-00091130-00091180 them. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00117-00091450-00091890 I'm going to say it for the third time guys. Please make sure you're in the leg. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00118-00091900-00092010 Let him join. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00119-00092150-00092590 Yes, it's taking off the headset. Could you please make sure you arrive into the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00120-00092590-00093350 lecture. Hall are two. It is now 2:15 and you're still coming to the lecture room. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00121-00093350-00093640 It would be disturbing for the session. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00122-00093800-00094260 Nobody listens to me. Yeah, sorry, let me finish this one. Are we okay with your 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00123-00094260-00094520 question? You mentioned you have to because she was the second one. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00124-00095070-00095370 Say it again. Beat the lovely for a group work. Yes, yes they are. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00125-00095630-00096040 Why. I mean, is it something that you have comments on? You're not happy with the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00126-00096280-00096330 Okay. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00127-00096490-00096850 Yes, please do that. That gentleman was the second person. Go ahead 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00128-00097750-00097800 Mmm. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00129-00097980-00098920 What the hell? Tutorials are and Fridays. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00130-00099040-00099480 And the lectures on Thursdays. But yeah, I should have met. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00131-00099880-00100310 Yeah, that's not 9th of February. Hey, Jay, and I checked it three times and we 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00132-00100310-00100810 didn't notice that we should have checked with you before, uploading this. Now over. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00133-00100810-00101250 I will correct that. Thanks, thanks so much. Would you mind emailing me about this 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00134-00101250-00101700 guy? Keep forgetting this will you do that please? Yeah, do it and I will update 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00135-00101700-00102070 it tonight the lecture and on blackboard. Yes, please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00136-00102730-00103080 Because sorry, I didn't hear you quiet, please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00137-00103909-00104350 Oh yes. Yes, we will be doing basic Thermo. I mean, but I mean, lecture is actually 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00138-00104350-00105040 session. One thing I should mention is that or that is very important and I need 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00139-00105040-00105800 you to listen to me very carefully. Your tutorial sessions are one hour long but 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00140-00105800-00106400 thermodyne analyzing thermodynamic cycles and lecturing that it takes more than 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00141-00106400-00106850 one hour to analyze the cycle from A to B specifically when we do. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00142-00106870-00107490 Deal with the gas turbines or turbojet engines. It takes much longer than that. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00143-00107490-00107880 That's why I'm editor mode that you will. I will be teaching you the, in the lectures 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00144-00107909-00108720 it includes dealing with solving problems. Now there is that's why sometimes or 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00145-00108720-00109140 some of the lectures we may not really finish. Let's say Vapor Cycles into it might 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00146-00109140-00109630 take two and a half sessions or the other ones but it should be more or less like 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00147-00109630-00109859 this. Hopefully it depend on. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00148-00109870-00110390 On how you guys actually follow me depend on what time you come to lecture like 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00149-00110390-00110709 today, if you're going to, you're going to wait, 20 minutes, everybody come to the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00150-00110709-00111240 lecture. Certainly I won't be able to deliver everything in one session, so and 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00151-00111240-00111859 also a lot of factors involved. But I do my best to follow this plan. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00152-00112259-00112340 Is that okay? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00153-00112640-00112730 Any more questions? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00154-00112980-00113530 Nope, okay, now let's now go. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00155-00113720-00113780 Pepsi. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00156-00114400-00114950 I will go very quickly over this one on the basics of thermodynamics the bar. You 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00157-00114950-00115740 can't take a look at your Dynamic text books, or that the takes here. We know that 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00158-00115740-00116470 actually thermodynamics is actually a science of Science of energy. And as you know, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00159-00116470-00116650 energy is actually the ability of 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00160-00116740-00117309 making a causing change. And the third name, thermodynamic comes from a Greek quartermaine's 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00161-00117309-00117970 heat and Dynamics means power, right? This is actually what we do. We dealing with 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00162-00117970-00118590 the conservation of energy, this is a very important and the first rule a low that 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00163-00118590-00119120 we use, which is actually based on the first law of thermodynamics is based on that. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00164-00119120-00119490 So conservation, energy says, energy doesn't actually store. It just goes from one 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00165-00119650-00119700 form to another 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00166-00119720-00120220 Therefore and the first law of thermodynamics effectively an expression of this 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00167-00120220-00120970 energy conservation, right? So the second law of Thermodynamics is also very interesting, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00168-00121009-00121580 let me ask put it that way. If I tell you that somebody's waiting outside and it 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00169-00121580-00122040 says that I have 1 Mega watt of energy in the back of my truck. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00170-00122130-00122490 Would you like to take it or not? What will your answer be? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00171-00123109-00123150 Again. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00172-00123800-00124150 But what is actually energy per unit time? Yes. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00173-00124590-00124750 Yeah, it's radius, that's correct. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00174-00124850-00125359 So what would your answer would be? If somebody says that I have a dinner one megawatt 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00175-00125359-00125600 energy in the back of my truck. Would you take it or not? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00176-00125780-00126030 Say something yes. Or no. Yes please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00177-00126290-00126370 It is what? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00178-00126750-00127440 Yeah, okay from thermodynamic point of view. Okay. My question is can you make use 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00179-00127440-00127580 of 1 Mega watt of energy? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00180-00128030-00128520 Excellent. That's actually that's a very good point. That's where the second law 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00181-00128520-00129100 of Thermodynamics comes in. It says that energy in addition to his quantity. It 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00182-00129100-00129700 also has a quality. So one megawatt at the temperature of let's say 20 degrees C 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00183-00129700-00130309 is of no use for us. But one, megawatt-hour, the turn temperature of 500 degrees 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00184-00130309-00130750 C. That's totally different because you can use that high-quality energy and generate 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00185-00130750-00130809 power. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00186-00130840-00131370 Electricity. That's why the second law says, is that the mean? It's not only the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00187-00131370-00132060 quantity to Quality is also important. So that's the phenomena that occur actually 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00188-00132060-00132440 in the direction that the quality of the energy also decreases. So there are two 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00189-00132440-00132910 ways that we can lock in to analyze thermodynamic cycle. One of the classical thermodynamics. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00190-00132910-00133400 So we don't really care about how the molecules are in track at the molecular level. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00191-00133420-00133760 We look into the park or 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00192-00133840-00134280 Should have molecules and how they behave in a system. Which I will explain what 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00193-00134280-00134740 we mean by System but they statistical thermodynamics actually dealing with the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00194-00134740-00135310 behavior of the individual molecules or particles. You know that there's statistical 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00195-00135310-00135790 thermodynamics would be more accurate because you look into very fine. Particles 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00196-00135790-00136540 scale analyzing them but would be very costly in terms of very expensive, way of 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00197-00136540-00136810 analyzing the system, classical 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00198-00136830-00137720 One is could be less less accurate, but it is not that less difficult and less time-consuming. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00199-00137770-00138360 Especially when you deal with the thermodynamic cycle, but you have few components 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00200-00138360-00139320 involved, such as compressor, turbine boiler, or combustion chamber condenser statistical 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00201-00139320-00139730 thermodynamics would be very difficult to analyze this. That's why you look into 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00202-00139730-00139810 classical one. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00203-00139890-00140300 You've done more or less the same in your thermodynamic one you will be using a 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00204-00140300-00140830 classical thermodynamics for that and the same we do here in terms of to so system. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00205-00140860-00141360 We Define system the thermodynamic as a region or a body which is our interest and 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00206-00141360-00142170 we're going to analyze that that body is called system. Anything beyond that? That 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00207-00142170-00142690 system we looking into school surrounding right. And we also Define a boundary which 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00208-00142690-00142810 is actually a 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00209-00142970-00143580 And an imaginary surface that we draw around our system. We differentiate that from 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00210-00143580-00144110 the boundary is called and what sorry from the surroundings called boundary. Look 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00211-00144110-00144630 at this, look, if you look at the gas in here, if you don't need to analyze, the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00212-00144630-00145300 gas behavior in this cylinder, piston configuration. If I draw a line here, this 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00213-00145300-00145640 dash line around this. This is the boundary is that each line? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00214-00146020-00146480 So this dash line here is the boundary and outside the surrounding and inside the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00215-00146480-00147110 gonna be my system system, could be, we have two types of system thermodynamics. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00216-00147110-00147430 One of them is a closed system. Tell me what's closed system. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00217-00147540-00147730 Thermal one, but it's closed system. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00218-00148020-00148360 That's correct. Well done is actually. Oh yes. Yes. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00219-00148640-00148870 Let me know what. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00220-00149210-00149900 The other way only heat let's say only energy can transfer a cross the boundary 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00221-00149900-00150610 you got fifty percent. Correct so only energy can transfer. Yes please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00222-00151720-00152450 Isolated system. Yes. Yes, there is. Yeah, well do but yeah. But here what we mean 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00223-00152450-00152990 by closed system is actually as it is a system that energy can transfer a cross 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00224-00152990-00153770 the boundary but Mass cannot very similar to this cylinder and piston configuration 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00225-00153770-00154410 you see here, right? When you add heat to the gas inside, these the chamber, the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00226-00154410-00154630 Piston go up and down so actually he 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00227-00154650-00155210 Will be added to the system and the pissed since the Piston moves up, thermodynamic 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00228-00155210-00155760 if you say that work is done, but the amount of mass inside doesn't change, that's 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00229-00155760-00156370 the closed system, right? And in comparison we have an open system where in turmoil 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00230-00156370-00156940 to we will be dealing with mostly open systems in addition to energy Mass can also 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00231-00156940-00157460 transfer across the boundary of the system. Such as a nozzle or turbine or compressor, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00232-00157520-00157630 they deal with heat 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00233-00157640-00158090 They did with work or energy at the same time, mask comes in on mass leaves the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00234-00158090-00158670 system, all right? You also define properties, exactly, characteristic of a system 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00235-00158700-00159290 that we're dealing with the pressure temperature density, we also have intensive 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00236-00159290-00159890 properties. Those where the property of the system is not the function of size or 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00237-00159890-00160190 mass of the system such as pressure, temperature and density. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00238-00160340-00160860 In comparison, we also have extensive properties where the property of the system 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00239-00160870-00161190 is a function of size such as volume. Many of you 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00240-00161310-00161820 Don't know if this is my mobile. It has a mass. If I break it to to to mass would 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00241-00161820-00162230 be divided to two. Right? What if it has a temperature of let's say 20 degrees C? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00242-00162230-00162670 If I make it to, to each piece, going to have a temperature of 20 degrees C. Hence, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00243-00162690-00163090 temperature is not a function of size and that's going to be an intensive property. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00244-00163160-00163710 And so what is expense? A specific property will be using this term. A lot is actually 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00245-00163740-00164260 extensive property per unit Mass such as volume volume is actually 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00246-00164270-00164800 really an extensive property because it depends on the size. What if you divide 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00247-00164800-00165440 the volume by mass of the system is called a specific volume and that's going to 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00248-00165440-00165560 be a specific property. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00249-00165670-00166180 So we'll be dealing with the specific volume specific arm faulty specific, internal 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00250-00166180-00166850 energy, specific entropy. Okay? I'm sure that you've done this interval 1 density 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00251-00166860-00167600 is mass per volume and specific volume is reversed for entropy is actually V over 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00252-00167600-00168280 em or volume over Mass process and cycle. So, you know, I'm sure you remember that 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00253-00168280-00168630 will be using cycle, mostly what we will be analyzing processes. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00254-00168720-00169220 So any chain from a system, if a system goes from one equilibrium state to another 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00255-00169220-00169930 equilibrium state is called process right now? If that system undergoes many processes 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00256-00169940-00170470 but eventually it comes back to where the system was that's called the psych, for 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00257-00170470-00170830 example, here, you see that we go from 1 to 2? This is called a process. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00258-00170950-00171380 But here we go from 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 4 and then comes back to one that's going 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00259-00171380-00171870 to be a psych. But this is an example of Brighton, cycle for gas turbine. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00260-00171990-00172460 Now for a long two, other friend just mentioned about the definition of the systems. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00261-00172510-00172960 We will use in many of these terms isothermal process. Can I can somebody tell you 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00262-00172960-00173130 what is an isothermal process? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00263-00173360-00173420 Yes, please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00264-00174090-00174680 That's very good. Yes. You want say same thing? Right. Okay. Well done to both of 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00265-00174680-00175450 you soon. He actually spend energy. You might going to pay him. What is an isobaric 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00266-00175450-00176000 process? Then you can go for that one. Isobaric. Fantastic. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00267-00176100-00176530 Say faith. And then in a process where the pressure doesn't change. I'm your server 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00268-00176530-00176920 eyes are toric. Did I pronounce it correctly? Or is it Corey called you pronounce 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00269-00176920-00177300 it as a correct? We don't have as a toric know. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00270-00177500-00178020 You guys have enough English proficiency to come in to select your right? The native 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00271-00178020-00178520 English speaker like me so isochoric. Okay, what that process is. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00272-00178630-00179270 Excellent. But the volume remains constant, you also have adiabatic. So adiabatic 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00273-00179270-00179330 process. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00274-00179700-00180280 Fantastic. Yes heat is not be transferred across the boundary or the tree during 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00275-00180280-00180920 that process is called isobaric. Yeah. Now very important assumption that we make 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00276-00180960-00181540 in analyzing thermal cycle is that you can look into the processes in different 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00277-00181540-00182190 term to be in two ways to be a steady state, or transient a city said process. Do 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00278-00182190-00182300 you remember what that was? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00279-00182450-00182940 Excellent. It's a process wherein the property of the system doesn't change with 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00280-00182940-00183270 time. So property are not time dependent. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00281-00183430-00183830 What? In reality, the property actually changes with time. So let me give you an 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00282-00183830-00184470 example. For example, the temperature in this in the, in the hole, right? If it 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00283-00184470-00184890 takes, only one value for the temple assume, they see thermal equilibrium everywhere. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00284-00185140-00185710 The temperature going to be 20 degrees C, or 30 degrees C, if in one hour or ten 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00285-00185710-00186110 minutes, whatever. If you come back and measure the temperature if they still 20 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00286-00186110-00186330 degrees C or 30 degree C. That means that 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00287-00186340-00186450 Since steady-state process. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00288-00186580-00186980 If something happened outside, it's raining snowing or you add heat to this room, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00289-00186980-00187480 the temperature still 20 after some time, so that means a city-state. But remember 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00290-00187480-00187990 that in reality within the system, the temperature might change with position. For 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00291-00187990-00188470 example, up there and what you don't know 40 degrees C down here, going to be 10 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00292-00188470-00189100 degrees C. So within a system, the temperature property can change with position. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00293-00189120-00189510 What if you come back one hour later or any are any anytime after 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00294-00189600-00190130 That is the C 4 T and here is still 10 that Mississippi State. Although, this is 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00295-00190130-00190620 not, this is not the case in reality. I mean, that most of the real estate system, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00296-00190620-00191090 they would be transient, but there are systems operate on the city-state base. Let 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00297-00191090-00191460 me give you another example when you turn on your your car and you're going to drive 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00298-00191460-00191930 and then let's go go to Bear man gum and while you're in the city your ass feet 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00299-00191930-00192400 might vary over time, right? You're in the transient or time-dependent period. But 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00300-00192400-00192560 when you got to the motor where you 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00301-00192570-00192960 You will be going at the, the constant speed, I don't know, 100 miles per hour, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00302-00192980-00193460 so that would be a steady state. So you reached into this city state process. Now, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00303-00193460-00193970 the main assumption that we make here, in terms of to is that all the processes 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00304-00193970-00194450 that we have within different components of the cycle or system, they operate under 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00305-00194450-00194620 STD State basis. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00306-00194720-00195420 Okay. So accordingly to the city-state process will be dealing with turbans compressors. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00307-00195420-00195950 We assume their sadistic. This is an example here. If this is my control volume 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00308-00195950-00196590 or open system, a city state says, if 10 kilograms of mass comes into the system, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00309-00196640-00197230 10 kg should leave. The should not be any accumulation of mass inside the system. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00310-00197240-00197670 The same applies to energy, right? If one unit of energy comes in, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00311-00197700-00198170 Unit should leave right? That would be cities. So the process that you guys to this 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00312-00198170-00198740 lecture room that I have to actually monitor for 30 minutes. So during the 30 minutes 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00313-00198740-00199210 time, the mass in the lecture-room was changing, right? You started so we having 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00314-00199210-00199680 people coming one by one, one by one. So that's actually is it a city state or unsteady 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00315-00199680-00199730 process? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00316-00199910-00199940 See. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00317-00200160-00200550 Yeah, you can say yes honestly because the number of people in the lecture room 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00318-00200550-00200880 is increasing even after 30 minutes. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00319-00200970-00201760 That's very transient process, right? Very transient. So I'm hoping that from now 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00320-00201760-00202580 on 2:30 on to it for probably we will be dealing with a steady state system are 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00321-00202640-00203220 no more mass will come some of you might leave the still going to be an honesty 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00322-00203220-00203510 process. What let's say during the next half an hour, which we are going to. I'm 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00323-00203510-00203930 going to give you a break time, then the system is this steady? Hopefully. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00324-00204150-00204610 Now boys law, you know that says the volume and pressure are could be an inverse 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00325-00204610-00205180 relationship on the constant pressure process or Charles Lewis has that for a constant 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00326-00205180-00205640 pressure. Sorry for constant, temperature is a boy, slow. And Charter says, under 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00327-00205640-00206019 constant pressure, the volume and temperature are inversely proportional. And then 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00328-00206019-00206500 accordingly, we can Define the state of equation. Says that P over V is constant 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00329-00206500-00206950 or PV equal to MRT. So we will be using this equation. A lot while we're dealing 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00330-00206950-00206990 with the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00331-00207090-00207819 Gas power cycles. And you know that in aerodynamics that V PV is equal to RT. V. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00332-00207819-00208530 Just rearrange the equation. We can write it. 2 EP / role to brt and row is actually 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00333-00208610-00209180 the density. So it's an ideal gas law. But on different presentation. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00334-00209380-00209919 Now, heat and work. There are two very important. Actually, processed our parameter 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00335-00209919-00210410 will be using thermodynamics heat is actually form of energy transferred it into 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00336-00210410-00211060 system. As a result of temperature difference, we have actually a specific heat, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00337-00211060-00211430 which is going to be the total heat divided by mass and the unit is kilojoule per 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00338-00211430-00212030 kg. So we'll be using this term a lot. The same applies to work and also a specific 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00339-00212030-00212319 work which is a w divided by m. And again, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00340-00212340-00212790 Going to be kilojoule per kg. I know that you have done this in thermal one. We 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00341-00212790-00213369 also have these agreements of the sign convention. If a heat added to the system, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00342-00213380-00213850 we take it positive and he'd been rejected. We take it has to be negative. And the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00343-00213850-00214360 other way around for work, the work been taken from a system is positive and the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00344-00214360-00215050 word given to the system is - all right. For example, in turbine turbine produced 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00345-00215050-00215310 power for us, it gives work to us. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00346-00215330-00215930 So for Turbo and work is positive power for compressor. It requires work to do the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00347-00215930-00216510 compression for us and that their work would be negative term thermodynamically. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00348-00216790-00217390 This is again a very interesting the way that we can link what your conventional 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00349-00217390-00218250 understanding of workers and Link it to thermodynamic work, if I can make a notation 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00350-00218250-00218650 here, let's see. Yes. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00351-00218850-00219419 Are you still with me guys tired? Nope, good. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00352-00219650-00220480 So you know that but by definition work, is actually is a force times distance move. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00353-00220480-00220810 If you if you imagine I take the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00354-00220969-00221280 Gas whatever. Inside the cylinder piston is my system. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00355-00221430-00221910 And you should, you would love my handwriting. So that's the best I can do guys. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00356-00221910-00222390 Always get this comment at the end, but it's very much like my age. You know, cannot 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00357-00222390-00223200 say that I'm more than 30 but and this is a piston, right? If I just add a force 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00358-00223200-00223619 here and move the piston for a distance of Delta X or DX, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00359-00223740-00223950 the gas will exert a pressure on the piston. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00360-00224160-00224700 So the force is actually going to be pressure times area that the pressure times 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00361-00224700-00225150 the area of the cylinder. So sorry area the center or the area of the Piston, you 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00362-00225150-00225690 agree with me on FPA and those, so Delta X is actually the distance that would be 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00363-00225730-00226310 the work done during this short distance. If I rearrange, that means I take a and 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00364-00226310-00226900 right the Disco I'm skip, the P here is going to be P adx area times. This stunt 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00365-00226900-00226940 is 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00366-00227219-00227850 So it's going to be P DV or if you take the integral work going to be pressure time, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00367-00227850-00228319 changing volume. So it's very interesting. It says that thermodynamically, if the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00368-00228319-00228919 volume of your system, if it doesn't change, then the word no work will be done. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00369-00229019-00229810 And that's why we say that we have expansion in turbines or they call expander. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00370-00229850-00230069 The reason is that because gas 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00371-00230080-00230550 Pan's gas expansion. Means the volume increases and the volume Rises you. Get the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00372-00230550-00231169 work from the system for power from the system for compressor. Again, the gas is 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00373-00231169-00231990 compressed, so it's actually the volume decreases work is done there but the, the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00374-00231990-00232480 work there is - what if you have a system where in the volume doesn't change, then 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00375-00232480-00232730 that would be the no work will be done or be given. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00376-00232980-00233030 Okay. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00377-00233150-00233219 Any question. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00378-00233360-00233890 Now lets us chairman interesting one was in job interview years ago. When I was 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00379-00233890-00234250 graduated from the crowd and the company asked me, what's the difference between 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00380-00234250-00234550 a pump and a compressor? The see this 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00381-00234710-00235169 valid, your first-year knowledge difference between the pump and a compressor or 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00382-00235169-00235290 similarity between them, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00383-00235440-00235500 Yes, please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00384-00239160-00240119 Excellent. Excellent well. So I agree with the little friend that both of them, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00385-00240119-00240960 they actually increase pressure. Let's say so both also need work, but the difference 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00386-00240960-00241480 between them is from the application. Can somebody says, except you please I know, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00387-00241480-00241619 you know, the answer for some of us. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00388-00241700-00242060 That's a similar to say, they both increase the pressure, right? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00389-00242200-00242340 What what the difference is? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00390-00242660-00243240 I mean, you cannot really use compressor to deal with liquids. Right compressors 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00391-00243240-00243719 deals with gases and Palmdale speed actually liquids. Yes, please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00392-00244469-00244950 Exactly compressor deals with, actually, we compressing the gas itself and hence, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00393-00244950-00245360 raising the pressure. But for gas, I would say. When you say move your increase 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00394-00245360-00245950 their head of the of your working, fluid us why you have a high pressure. Okay, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00395-00246010-00246660 now enthalpy is, and a very important parameter will be using in thermodynamics. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00396-00246660-00247090 Sometimes we deal with the combination of some thermodynamic properties, and in 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00397-00247090-00247169 this case, we do, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00398-00247180-00247910 With the internal energy pressure and volume. Right? This internal energy pressure 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00399-00247910-00248269 and volume. If you combine them all together, it will be on top P. We will be using 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00400-00248269-00248790 mostly specific on topic which is actually the total enthalpy divided by mass of 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00401-00248790-00249700 the system, right? That's so far here, any more questions on this thermal one stuff? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00402-00249710-00249740 Nope. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00403-00250019-00250480 Let's do a bit on. Let's take it more to the person. Next month are the first law 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00404-00250480-00250919 of thermodynamics. Okay, I'm going to play a video here before I go full screen. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00405-00250919-00251410 It doesn't play at the gentleman came in to help me but didn't help. But I'm going 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00406-00251410-00251930 to play this video and I would like you to tell me how why this is happening, okay? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00407-00252050-00252419 I showed this to my son is also 7 years old and he loved it very much. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00408-00252519-00253000 So let's see if I get the similar Joy from you guys. Have you seen this before? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00409-00253110-00253180 Thermal one. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00410-00253760-00253780 Here. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00411-00257880-00258369 So the poacher inside another thing, converted to twist gas for request occupied 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00412-00258369-00258600 the whole Barrel. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00413-00258780-00259100 I don't want to do it. That's fine. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00414-00259580-00259669 Squeeze. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00415-00260010-00260080 Insurance. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00416-00261200-00261869 Patient, trying to cool this down. See what happens? I don't think is going to help 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00417-00261869-00262990 get that and I thought, oh my God. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00418-00263590-00263930 Now, throw the throw some water on it. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00419-00264380-00265690 I'll just grab the ice Union with your hands that is so wimpy. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00420-00266620-00266670 Do it. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00421-00268700-00269000 Okay. Any idea? Why is this so 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00422-00269320-00269570 I've got Mike to you. You keep your answer anyone else? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00423-00269780-00269830 No. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00424-00270150-00270220 Yes, please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00425-00270980-00271640 Exactly. Pressure difference is the reason I agree. And why? Why why your pressure 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00426-00271640-00271690 drop? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00427-00272500-00272960 Excellent. So okay. You go ahead please. I'm going to hear. I would like to hear 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00428-00272960-00273040 your answer. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00429-00273190-00273680 Hello. Yes, please. Yeah, you raise your hand right. I'm gonna also hear your answer. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00430-00276610-00277400 Accident accident. Your hands are. Okay. Right good. You did it very yeah. Thanks. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00431-00277400-00277780 Thanks both of you. Okay, side comes back. So we'll come back to this house. Really 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00432-00277780-00278170 more last link to the first law of thermodynamics which actually says that the energy 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00433-00278170-00278680 coming to the system minus the energy leaving the system is equal to the change 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00434-00278680-00279180 of the energy inside the system or Delta s system which is equation that I'm showing 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00435-00279180-00279400 the but the energy of a system. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00436-00279420-00279930 Mm could be having different forms. So we like to see that it's giving the form 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00437-00279930-00280440 of internal energy of you or the kinetic energy or the potential energy of the system. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00438-00280530-00281130 Internal energy of the system is actually is an microscopic form of energy at the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00439-00281130-00281730 molecular level. Right? So it deals with the internal kinetic energy, potential 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00440-00281730-00282260 energy, or bitten at the molecular level that we all comes in the category of internal 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00441-00282260-00282310 energy. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00442-00282420-00282980 For a closed system that we were just describing. That is a system where we can 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00443-00282980-00283540 Mask doesn't leave or coming to the system except for energy. And remember that 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00444-00283540-00283950 the two forms of energy that are in thermodynamic will believe that they can across 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00445-00283950-00284380 the boundary or heat and work. So, these are two forms of energy that are crossed 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00446-00284380-00284780 a boundary, either for open or closed system. However, Court closed system there. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00447-00284780-00285250 Only this only energy that Heats and work can go in and out. There is no mass at 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00448-00285250-00285400 such, the first law of thermodynamics. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00449-00285410-00286000 Madonna Mia is written in that form that Q in or qnet minus W. Net is equal to Delta 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00450-00286000-00286480 e of system and can be written in a different form. So, if you get this right, this 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00451-00286480-00287480 Delta e in terms of internal energy in terms of this, is this pain? Yeah, this could 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00452-00287480-00287970 be written in internal energy, kinetic energy and potential energy and if the system 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00453-00287970-00288400 is a stationary, it doesn't move actually your internal 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00454-00288420-00289080 Kinetic energy or 0 and hence could be Delta U, right? I'm course written in this 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00455-00289100-00289550 differential form and also maybe eat that's for the sorry for per unit mass or a 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00456-00289550-00290110 specific form. And this is in the differential form right now. I'm going to tell 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00457-00290110-00290620 you, I usually have the cup of coffee or something. In me, for example, this bottle 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00458-00290620-00291400 here right assume that it's a mass of gas or liquid inside, right? Remember that. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00459-00291410-00292020 That the internal energy deals with the kinetic and potential energy of the molecules 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00460-00292020-00292760 inside this system. That's part of this Delta U. However, this system is a stationary, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00461-00292780-00293230 it doesn't move. It doesn't get any velocity as a whole, or it doesn't lift up or 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00462-00293230-00293880 down. And that's why I Delta K and Delta PE for the system or zero while molecules 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00463-00293880-00294320 inside. They could have a change in kinetic energy and potential energy but that 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00464-00294320-00294400 is Will Come. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00465-00294410-00295020 I'm into this form of internal energy or you. Are we clear here? The difference 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00466-00295020-00295440 between these two sets? Yes. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00467-00295550-00296210 I use you bought them as an example now, so that's the force. Now, we're looking 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00468-00296210-00296670 to the first of our open system, remember that in open system. The first thing that 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00469-00296670-00297160 we need to make sure is a mass balance. Remember that we mentioned the main assumption 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00470-00297160-00297800 here. Is that the system. The process are a steady state means. There would be no 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00471-00297800-00298430 mass or energy accumulation within the system. That's why the first, the mass balance 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00472-00298430-00298460 or the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00473-00298520-00298990 UT says that mass coming into the system should be equal to the Mass live in the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00474-00298990-00299720 system, okay. So Sigma m dot in should be equal to Sigma m dot out and thermodynamically 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00475-00299720-00299970 also we would say that 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00476-00300260-00300940 The heat in - each one is work which are the energy at the boundary should be called 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00477-00300940-00301380 to the amount of heat energy leaving the system. Minus the amount of energy coming 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00478-00301380-00302090 to the system, right? The term Sigma, it's actually represent multiple inputs or 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00479-00302090-00302680 multiple outputs from the system. However, most of the, I'm actually all the system 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00480-00302680-00303090 that will be looking into it. The circus will be looking into or each individual 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00481-00303090-00303260 component such as turbine compressor. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00482-00303270-00303900 Several pumps. They have one Inlet and one Outlet. That's what we can drop the sigma. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00483-00304020-00304470 And since the system is city state such as turbine, whatever must comes in the same 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00484-00304470-00305050 mass will leave the system. Thus for this m dot can also be taken out of this coma. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00485-00305090-00305590 I would be simplified in the form of the second equation that I have here, right? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00486-00306660-00307290 So, for a, for, if this is the the turbine that you have expansion in, right? The 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00487-00307290-00307870 gas is coming at am since it's under steady state system, the same m dot should, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00488-00307870-00308470 leave the system. However, the the flow that comes into the system, it has its own 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00489-00308470-00308960 energies but energy in and it's also has the energy leaving us. So it's going to 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00490-00308960-00309150 be e e dot out. Sorry. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00491-00309350-00309900 And this be in is actually written in the form of here. This is the energy coming 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00492-00309900-00309980 to the system. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00493-00310150-00311050 And the EA out, is this term here. Now, in addition to the masses in and out, they 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00494-00311050-00311610 transfer energy, energy or heat can also be transferred through the boundary of 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00495-00311610-00311670 the system. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00496-00311870-00312400 At the same time actually a turbine produced work for us work. So we get W power 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00497-00312400-00312530 from the from the system. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00498-00312630-00313550 So the have four sources of energy, the heat the work energy leaving energy coming 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00499-00313550-00314110 in, so this should be in one form of in the form of conservation of energy. But 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00500-00314110-00314700 as I said, we have one Inlet and only one out there, so this Sigma term can be dropped. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00501-00314760-00315180 And since the mass coming in, is they call to the mass rate leaving the system, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00502-00315200-00315590 so we can have only one and Dot here. So if I rearrange these two weeks, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00503-00315610-00316170 Come up with this equation here. Now, this is per unit, mass is all per unit Mass 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00504-00316170-00316620 so this m dot has been coming here. This is not let me take this. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00505-00317120-00317700 So if I take this m dot 2 here so it's going to be Q dot over m dot w dot over and 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00506-00317700-00318490 dots, going to be a small q, small W and the sky here. Remember that for compressors 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00507-00318490-00319160 and turbines, right? And also for boilers pumps 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00508-00319330-00319820 The change in the potential energy, kinetic energy and the change in the potential 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00509-00319820-00320300 energy of the flow coming in and out there negligible compared to the change of 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00510-00320300-00321130 on faulty. Remember that the gas velocity coming to the turbine. It has a kinetic 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00511-00321130-00321650 energy with itself and leaving one. There are not the same right there are different 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00512-00321660-00322130 what this Delta, the difference compared to the difference in their own therapy 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00513-00322130-00322200 is negligible. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00514-00322210-00322810 You are such these two could be taken out and we will be having this simple form 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00515-00322810-00323420 of and first law, which can be written. Let me 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00516-00323540-00323650 clear this out. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00517-00323810-00324810 That q- W going to be h 2, minus H 1. So we'll be using this one a lot. Weíll be 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00518-00324820-00325210 looking into a compressor turbine pump. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00519-00325380-00325460 Any question. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00520-00325590-00326060 Sure that you looked into and you analyze them in terms of want. So you want me 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00521-00326060-00326200 continue? You're going to take a break. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00522-00326580-00327320 Break. Can we come back at 3 and 6 minutes or let's start at three guys. Okay. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00523-00329350-00329810 I just didn't. Listen, what was that? What was the stuff? That was bombed with, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00524-00329810-00330350 in the barrel in the experiment? Yes, they have put something in the bottle. What 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00525-00330350-00331040 was it? Oh, the barrel, was some water in this in the barrel. So they added the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00526-00331040-00331630 added heat it and then the water being converted to wait. Yeah. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00527-00331640-00332340 Yeah. So we're price inside the barrel and they close the top and they called it 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00528-00332440-00333060 so because of the pressure difference. Yeah. When you cool it, the volume is constant. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00529-00333220-00334350 Imagine PV equal to MRT, right? PV M RT. M is constant or is constant temperature? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00530-00334360-00334990 These constant, this is one body. If you reduce the temperature, you reduce the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00531-00335080-00335940 pressure inside reduce outside is higher pressure bum. But in this case, I mean, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00532-00335940-00336160 after the storm, now that volume 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00533-00336210-00336480 Of the part of the surface difference. Oh, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00534-00337060-00337560 So in study from resume that mass flow rate in is equal to the mass Rod city-states. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00535-00337560-00338180 Yeah. Okay you said it change with the sea from discreetly change. In the position, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00536-00338230-00338910 the division with the Masters. Canelo, I'm saying that at each equilibrium State 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00537-00339010-00339580 temperature, within the system could be different from one position to another position. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00538-00339580-00339780 Although thermodynamically 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00539-00339880-00340470 The assume that a system has temperature everywhere is the same but a city is said 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00540-00340470-00341030 is not the term use only from a diner. So softly other Sciences such a place I'm 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00541-00341030-00341670 saying that temperature here is 10 here is 50, right? But if you come back in one 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00542-00341670-00342330 hour, if you do something in the room, if the sill here is 10 and here is 50, this 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00543-00342330-00342840 is a silly silly estate system. We can assume the flow inside. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00544-00342850-00343410 Whatever flows going what other devices compressor inside reason, Bond, will come 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00545-00343410-00344050 from because it's still changing already position for the compressor. Then the flow 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00546-00344050-00344670 comes or turbine right at different stages of turbine. You have a different pressure 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00547-00344670-00345360 value, you have different temperature. You have different on top. However, this 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00548-00345400-00345790 temperature is positional volume of air pressure at this position doesn't change 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00549-00345790-00345840 with time. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00550-00345930-00346910 It's only changed its position within the yes it is. None could flow is non-uniform 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00551-00346910-00347390 but the massive mass flow rate in is equal to the mass of it all. Wouldn't the mass 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00552-00347390-00347960 flow rate of the change? The flow is not uniform. Well non-uniformity actually mean, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00553-00347960-00348540 if you going to refrain non uniformity to the scientific or fluid mechanics perspective 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00554-00348590-00348870 is actually is the flow or your, as you said. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00555-00348890-00349510 Ed coming to the system which all points of your flow has the same velocity. Let's 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00556-00349510-00349680 say that is for uniform. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00557-00349840-00350360 Remember that mass flow rate is actually is a mass per unit time, right? Is it kilograms 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00558-00350360-00351050 per second? So, the mass as a whole whatever must comes into the system. If the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00559-00351050-00351500 same amount of mass leaves that system at that rate this is called 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00560-00352930-00353460 Yeah microscopic again you need to Define where in the system you're going to measure 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00561-00353460-00354020 the mass but this again remember that we Define our system is what the boundary 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00562-00354020-00354730 that we defined around that. So to do this probability of any particular, maybe 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00563-00354790-00355230 we're not going but we're not going to deal with my cloud. We don't deal with microscopic 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00564-00355230-00355260 level. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00565-00356230-00356860 How can we assume that? Yeah. I mean why are you assuming that? Well if you if you 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00566-00356860-00357550 think about the turbine may be like this, right? As a whole, if I take this point 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00567-00357550-00358060 of the flow respect to a date. This one too. Is they have a different height or 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00568-00358060-00358380 the velocity velocity here in at the inlet? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00569-00358410-00358970 Might be 100 meters per second at the exit must be 50 meters per second, right? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00570-00359000-00359850 100 square. Minus 50 squared, divided by 2, gives you a value for that value compared 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00571-00359850-00360540 to the change of enthalpy is very smooth. It's negligent for example, if this depth 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00572-00360540-00360980 of va squared is 1, Delta H is 10 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00573-00361260-00362020 But remember that for diffusers or four nozzles. We can't make this assumption because 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00574-00362020-00362740 their main job is changing the velocity if users actually a device, which reduces 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00575-00362740-00363510 the velocity and also increases their the change in the kinetic energy is bigger 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00576-00363510-00364020 than the change in office. So we neglect that but we keep the change. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00577-00364040-00364310 In out. Sorry, the changing together. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00578-00364770-00364820 Salaam. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00579-00368470-00368530 Okay. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00580-00368910-00369050 Shall be a salt, please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00581-00370360-00370420 Okay. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00582-00371150-00371780 Well, another term that would like you to introduce. You is actually a specific 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00583-00371780-00372030 heat and a specific heat is actually a 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00584-00372300-00372420 It has a definition. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00585-00372550-00373160 And the Finish is actually comes into. This formula itself, is the is the amount 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00586-00373160-00374200 of energy that is needed to increase the temperature of a unit of mass by one degree. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00587-00374490-00375160 That is going to be Q is amount of energy. M is the mass and delta. T is a change 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00588-00375160-00375220 in temperature. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00589-00375340-00375810 Right? So, and it's a term, it's an acceptable term, internal Dynamics, and the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00590-00375810-00376710 property of any substance because any substance they have would need. One unit of 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00591-00376710-00377220 mass of any substance would need different amounts of energy to increase the temperature, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00592-00377220-00377810 by 1 degree mean the aluminium or compared to air or don't vote. Are they certainly 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00593-00377810-00378290 would need different amount of energy to change the temperature. Now, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00594-00378320-00379080 As such then we will have two ways actually or to terms with a specific heat. So 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00595-00379080-00379680 material also mainly gases or liquids, they will behave differently if you add heat 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00596-00379680-00380160 to them to change the temperature on the constant pressure or constant volume process 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00597-00380240-00380790 lasts for we have a CP and CV. So CP is actually is the day amount of heat. You 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00598-00380790-00381300 need to increase the temperature, we unit of a mass by one degree under. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00599-00381310-00381970 some pressure condition and CV is set similar term, but on the constant volume process, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00600-00382110-00382690 Now, I'm going to ask you a question, which one do you think would be higher a bigger 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00601-00382690-00383110 CP or CV? Can you give me your understanding of that? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00602-00383280-00383770 For doesn't matter sometimes with PCP could be bigger. So you could be bigger any 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00603-00383770-00384150 idea on CP and CV, you know what I'm talking about, right? You have deal with you 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00604-00384150-00384320 dealt with that, in terms of one, huh? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00605-00384440-00384530 Yes, or no. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00606-00384910-00385260 Anybody's here. Never heard that. See if your CV before, you know. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00607-00385400-00386080 I don't know who has not heard English. Is the anybody that doesn't know what to 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00608-00386080-00386410 see if your CV, please raise your hand and don't be shy. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00609-00386530-00387020 No. Okay then tell me the deaf. Which one would you expect to be bigger? So if your 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00610-00387020-00387060 CV 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00611-00387420-00387480 Why? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00612-00388200-00388320 I'm talking the functional. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00613-00388880-00389540 Yes. Yeah but thermodynamically tell me why that this is a question. Why the energy 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00614-00389540-00389980 needed to increase of one unit of mass of a substance at constant pressure? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00615-00390180-00390700 Is more than that energy needed for that substance at constant volume. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00616-00390840-00390950 So that's my question. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00617-00391550-00391620 Say it again, please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00618-00392610-00393100 Okay yeah yes yes please wait just jumping off. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00619-00393230-00393380 Hopefully, it doesn't shoot me up. Okay? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00620-00394740-00394890 Say the first part again. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00621-00395810-00396400 Seventy percent. Correct. Seventy percent correct. Yes, I'll come back to this. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00622-00396400-00396490 Yes. Go ahead please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00623-00397430-00397970 Excellent. That's the same thing that this lady was saying about. So you want to 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00624-00397970-00398390 say something, somebody raise your hand here, no, okay. Yes, exactly. That's the. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00625-00398410-00399320 That's the case at constant volume, volume process like a such as the one here. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00626-00399320-00399890 Like you see a cylinder piston and cylinder if you pin the piston and doesn't 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00627-00399960-00400640 Try to fix it when you add heat to the gas inside this since the volume doesn't 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00628-00400640-00401220 change, no work is done. So, all the energy given is used to increase the temperature. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00629-00401270-00401810 What will be used for internal energy of the system right while if you allow the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00630-00401810-00402010 system to move up and down? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00631-00402170-00402820 But at constant pressure means that you put the weight on the Piston but you allow 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00632-00402820-00403380 it to move up and down part of the energy that you give results in case the temperature, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00633-00403410-00403930 but partly resulted to do work for us but actually change the volume of the system. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00634-00404000-00404570 As such you need to add more heat in the second case to get to your desired temperature. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00635-00404720-00405090 That's why at constant pressure. More heat is needed. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00636-00405190-00405680 To get to a higher power term particular one because part of the energy will be 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00637-00405680-00406240 used to actually move the piston. That's why CP is always bigger than C. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00638-00406380-00406480 Are we clear on this? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00639-00406660-00406700 No. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00640-00406920-00407070 Yes or no? Say something, please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00641-00407260-00407550 Okay, thanks my. Thank you. Now. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00642-00407800-00408230 So that again, this is a first law for an open closed system that you see here. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00643-00408230-00408420 Q minus W, is 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00644-00408850-00409370 Chemotherapy Delta U Delta ke. And if you just assume that these two are negligible, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00645-00409400-00410180 then we will have q. Minus W, is Delta. You remember that in constant volume process 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00646-00410210-00410670 which we are. We're trying to find out CV under constant volume process, the volume 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00647-00410670-00410950 doesn't change, meaning that no work will be done. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00648-00411089-00411350 And as such Q will be Delta, you 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00649-00411550-00412200 and in terms of the but they say the definition of q is at the same time is MC. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00650-00412200-00412570 V delta T. This comes from this equation. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00651-00412670-00413870 Q is m. C times. Delta T. Right. So if I replace this, this one here, then I'll 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00652-00413870-00414480 get an F rearrange that you suddenly we get to be cvsd. You over. DT. This is for 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00653-00414480-00414620 ideal gases. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00654-00414750-00415110 Although it's a general form but we'll come back to that one for. I do, go can simplify 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00655-00415110-00415710 this. And for if you do the same for CP, it could be a Delta H and H is on top p 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00656-00415739-00416370 over T at constant pressure, that's it to definition. So we can also show that CP. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00657-00416370-00416930 Minus CV is our, I'm sure you heard of this is further. Show that CP is always bigger 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00658-00416930-00417470 than c p. So you can use this to formula and you can easily can prove that CP minus 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00659-00417470-00417560 CV czar. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00660-00417639-00417850 Do you want me to show this on? You know how to do this? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00661-00418010-00418039 ah, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00662-00418389-00418750 do you want me to do this or you would like to do it at home yourself? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00663-00418880-00419060 Thanks Maya. Please say something. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00664-00420080-00420489 well, if Mike was okay no, I need to 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00665-00420639-00421530 Come out to full screen mode. Okay? So what we do, what I would like you to do is 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00666-00421530-00422180 that if I just simply for PV and this PV I'm going to replace RT then I can write 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00667-00422180-00422870 H is equal to U plus RT. Right. You know that this is a definition of on top p and 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00668-00422870-00423410 this is p v equal to RT is the one that we know for ideal gas, right? Friday I guess 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00669-00423410-00423600 PV is RT. So 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00670-00423620-00424080 I'm replacing 4 PDF from this RT. Now what I do, I'm just going to take a derivative 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00671-00424080-00424789 of both sides. So I'm going to say that d h is going to be equal to d u, plus d, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00672-00424789-00425750 RT and R is constant. So it's sort of coming coming out of this. So DH 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00673-00425870-00426789 You better do the other formulas but also, before I go for that, pardon, so let 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00674-00426789-00427470 me just go back to this one. You also know that this I'm going to go back to the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00675-00427470-00427920 other side. So if I write it the other way around, can I say that DH is equal to 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00676-00427920-00428000 CP? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00677-00428080-00428510 Oh gosh, DT. And can I also use this one? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00678-00428660-00429600 Can I say d u equal to c.v.? DT. You agree with me? Yes. So, will you remember these 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00679-00429600-00429789 two and take to the other slide? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00680-00429910-00430060 So, what I'm going to do here, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00681-00430330-00430560 Good eraser. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00682-00430760-00431439 So what I'm doing is that instead of this guy I'm writing cpdt instead of this fellow, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00683-00431439-00432289 I'm going to write CV, DT. + r is constant. This is going to be DT. So if I just 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00684-00432289-00433110 cancel out, the DT is then I will have CP equal to CV + or or CP minus CV equal 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00685-00433110-00433639 to R. It is very easy peasy. I'm sure that you've seen this formula before. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00686-00433710-00433770 Okay. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00687-00433939-00434770 Yes, some of you are taking naps please. You wanna keep the voice down, friends 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00688-00434770-00434900 or pretty tired. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00689-00435089-00435760 no, I wasn't ancient pointing to you and okay, so let's take a look at another nice 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00690-00435770-00435910 experiment that 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00691-00436110-00436630 Is the opposite of what we've seen for the barrel experiment. My son like this one 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00692-00436639-00436720 even more. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00693-00441910-00442230 Okay. Any idea? Why is this so 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00694-00442370-00442439 Yes, please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00695-00445060-00445730 How can we link this to these first? For example, the first law of thermodynamics 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00696-00448520-00449020 Okay, so how can we link to this one here? We don't have burner here, right? So 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00697-00449089-00449130 yeah. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00698-00449439-00450089 Yes. Yeah. That's well done. Well done. So it's it says Q minus W. Equal to Delta 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00699-00450089-00450920 U, right? So, when you add heat to the system is positive based on all notation. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00700-00450970-00451680 So you would expect that work to be done by the system and thermodynamically work 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00701-00451680-00452239 definition is that the volume changes. So if you have a increase in the volume of 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00702-00452239-00452400 the gas or the system means, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00703-00452420-00452839 Work is positive and that's the reason here, that you add heat, you expect that 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00704-00452839-00453330 your system should generate work for you and work in. Thermodynamic means a change 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00705-00453330-00453830 of the volume or here in this case expansion. So the plastic part of this empty 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00706-00453830-00454370 by its ultimate to a stiff to actually expand but the balloon is actually easy and 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00707-00454389-00454820 it's not expand easy, right? Okay, now, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00708-00455110-00455770 This is a very interesting and important parameter that I will be looking into. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00709-00455770-00456500 We just said that. CV is the U, delta T, CP s DH DH DT. And if you take the integral 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00710-00456500-00456960 on both sides, you could say that Delta U which is u 2. Minus u 1 is integral CV, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00711-00456960-00457489 delta T and the same way for Delta H, we can write to be CP, delta, T. So these 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00712-00457489-00457970 are again some general background, you can lock into in the course here or maybe 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00713-00457970-00458080 on from the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00714-00458089-00458489 Again, I mean all the materials needed are here, so you don't really need to refer 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00715-00458489-00459170 to the textbook. So this is very important how we going to deal with with this term. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00716-00459320-00459889 These two guys, because when we, when we will be analyzing the gas power Cycles, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00717-00460110-00460560 we will be dealing a lot with the change of enthalpy in different components of 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00718-00460560-00461080 the system, for example, in, in turbojet engine or maybe an hour. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00719-00461110-00461739 Gasps sir, 14 station application. There is a compressed set is Bernhard is a boiler 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00720-00461810-00462480 absurd. There is a turbine. So if we wanted to find out the work generated by the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00721-00462480-00463170 turbine, we need to deal with the change of Unsolved, P of the flow, or the gas 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00722-00463239-00463900 into the turbine and exit the terminal as such. These H2, minus H1, we will be using 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00723-00463900-00464000 them a lot. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00724-00464060-00464500 But for ideal gas, it have not in general for gas. It can be written to be integral, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00725-00464500-00465260 CP DT. Now, how we treat this term cpdt, it actually determines the amount of work 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00726-00465260-00465750 that we need to put in more effort within to analyze the system. There are different 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00727-00465750-00465830 ways 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00728-00465930-00466470 From DS place. You always too small. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00729-00466789-00467460 Yeah, it's a good point. When I go full screen, my annotation is weird. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00730-00467589-00467650 What? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00731-00468139-00468710 How can I go further up? Okay. Is it okay? You see guys from the back, you see this. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00732-00468770-00469400 Now the question is, how we going to deal with this integral? But this is the, that's 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00733-00469400-00469889 the thing, that's the bottleneck here. There are three ways that we can do. One 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00734-00469889-00470410 of them is that you write this change of on top p with respect to 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00735-00470689-00471250 a reference temperature, which is T, no. So this integral mathematically, it could 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00736-00471250-00471500 be written T, note to T1 cpdt. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00737-00471610-00471830 - Tino TuTiTu cpdt. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00738-00471980-00473020 Or this term is written to be H T2 and this time is going to be H T1. Now H T2 and 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00739-00473020-00473810 ht1 they can be found in thermodynamic tables for different substances in the one 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00740-00473810-00474310 that are, what should I mention to you about the thermo table? You're uh, you're 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00741-00474310-00474600 familiar with thermodynamic table, right? The steam tables. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00742-00474670-00475600 Right in the resources folder on blackboard, I've uploaded a thermodynamic table 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00743-00475600-00476120 which I will be using here. This the table as I will be using this for lecturing, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00744-00476120-00476850 thus a nice table. That is easier for teaching purposes, but in the exam you will 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00745-00476850-00477380 be given a table will be provided to you by the exam office. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00746-00477480-00478050 The format is different from this table here but again, is, can that table and I 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00747-00478050-00478810 uploaded onto Blackboard so you can make yourself familiar with that table while 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00748-00478810-00479100 you're doing the exam. Okay. Yes, please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00749-00479460-00479539 Say it again, please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00750-00479780-00480310 On blackboard, there is a folder called resources. Can you can somebody check if 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00751-00480310-00480500 you have that access to that folder? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00752-00480720-00480900 On blackboard for this unit. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00753-00481120-00481970 You have you see the table? You see the, okay. Now this hey, Chester, that we were 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00754-00481970-00482120 just talking about. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00755-00482570-00483370 This H2 + + H, T2, + H T1, they are found in table. A 17-4 are remember the gas 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00756-00483370-00483939 power Cycles. We're dealing with them, gas turbine. So the main working fluid is 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00757-00483939-00484630 air. As such area is actually the substance that we need that. So if you go to table 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00758-00484650-00484789 a 17, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00759-00485210-00485780 So you can see that for each temperature, we need this H value is written here, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00760-00485839-00486330 right? So we read these this hechas, you see the hand here, right? For different 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00761-00486330-00486680 temperature, that's one way of dealing with that. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00762-00486839-00486980 Another approach. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00763-00487160-00487989 Another yeah another approach is that if we know how see p varies with temperature 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00764-00488039-00488570 but we can't take the integral, the mathematically just just an example. If you 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00765-00488570-00489630 know that this could be written at don't know from T1 to T2 or a team plus b t 2 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00766-00489630-00490120 plus c t 3, something times DT and this 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00767-00490170-00490889 A b c or constant so we can easily do the integral and then calculate h. 2, minus 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00768-00490889-00490939 H, 1, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00769-00491089-00491250 You follow me in on this. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00770-00491389-00492030 Yes, if we know now for different substance, this polynomial function is actually 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00771-00492030-00492460 provided in thermodynamic tables. So if I go to table, a to c, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00772-00493989-00494350 Yeah, this is here. You see that for different substances? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00773-00494480-00495330 The polynomial form of the CP is written ABC and D. Okay. And ABCD constants are 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00774-00495330-00496060 also provided here. ABC, and d and the temperature range were we're in this. This 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00775-00496060-00496610 formula applies also given here for example, for are here, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00776-00497050-00497080 No. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00777-00497489-00498339 So for are we see that a b c and d, they can come into this formula and then we 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00778-00498339-00498780 do the interval. That's the second way. The third one. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00779-00498900-00499650 Is that we don't do that. We just assume that CP is constant. This guy is constant 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00780-00499710-00500270 and we just take this out of integral and we simply write that h 2, minus H, 1 2, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00781-00500270-00500510 B, CP times, T, 2 minus t, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00782-00500660-00501039 I'm sure that you've seen this formula before, right? But remember that, this is 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00783-00501039-00501250 an assumption that we make here. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00784-00501410-00501650 That we assume that c p, doesn't change the temperature. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00785-00501810-00502480 You following me, there is one example. I'm trying to show you. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00786-00502789-00503270 Impact of this assumption on calculating Delta h. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00787-00503500-00504080 So you agree with me if I'm going to use this polynomial form of or approach be 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00788-00504080-00504660 your approach. A, it would be very time consuming while you're analyzing a cycle 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00789-00504660-00505139 because you need to apply this formula and different components that would be time 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00790-00505139-00505700 consuming. So we are will be using this one. Here is easier to do but since this 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00791-00505700-00506289 is an assumption an example, I provided here and to show you what is the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00792-00506350-00506850 Would be the error of calculating, Delta h. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00793-00507030-00507120 Yes, go ahead. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00794-00507860-00508080 The polynomial function. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00795-00508339-00509139 In table, a to see here or this, this CP is written here. That's this is the polynomial 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00796-00509139-00509410 format of abct, three. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00797-00509710-00509770 Say it again. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00798-00510050-00510880 Now know this is the CP only what we need to do the integral. For example if if 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00799-00510880-00511720 say that you have are at temperature of 300 K, T1 it goes to temperature but don't 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00800-00511720-00512250 know. 1000 Kelvin tell me. What's the difference between the untold pi/2 minus on 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00801-00512250-00512970 Topia one, right? What you need to do? You need to do the integral from 300 to 1000. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00802-00513050-00513739 Of this polynomial function of a which is this coefficient B is this is going to 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00803-00513739-00514070 be a plus BT. Plus CT Plus dt3 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00804-00514360-00514550 X DT. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00805-00514780-00514980 This will be 80. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00806-00515120-00516239 Plus behalf t squared plus C over 3 pi over 3 plus 3 over 4 to the power 4 from 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00807-00516239-00516450 300 to 1,000. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00808-00516670-00516939 now, you need to put 1000 in this equation once 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00809-00517080-00517370 - put 300 in this one. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00810-00517500-00517700 It's the simple integral, right? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00811-00517800-00518460 Ah, but you know that if I'm going to do this for every component of the cycle that 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00812-00518460-00519050 I'm dealing with compressor, terabytes going to take a lot of my time. That's why 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00813-00519070-00519620 we want to explore, what will be the error. If assume that CP is constant and don't 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00814-00519620-00520270 bother with this integral and accordingly we have. Did it go? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00815-00520600-00521280 This this formula it's like this example era, 300, Kelvin and 200 kilo Pascal is 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00816-00521280-00521910 heated at constant pressure to 600 K. You wanted to find out the change in the enthalpy 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00817-00522070-00522839 of this process. Using this different approaches, the solution is uploaded on blackboard 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00818-00522839-00523289 so I'm going to bring up the solution here. Since again is part of thermal one thing. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00819-00523289-00523470 I don't want to really spend time 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00820-00523480-00523980 time now and redo the solution. However, I'm going to show you that. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00821-00524340-00524680 I think that's the one I believe. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00822-00524810-00524850 Yeah. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00823-00525070-00525350 so, if you remember approach approach a 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00824-00525720-00526570 in our, in our approach, a, a approach was the H2. Minus H1 going to be H at the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00825-00526570-00527280 reference temperature - Paige T1. And this ht2 and ht1 are found in table. A 17 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00826-00527390-00527990 Remember temperature, 300 to 600. So, what I do, I can read the HTS at these two 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00827-00527990-00528130 temperature from this table, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00828-00528240-00528530 So I go to this table, a 17 Again. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00829-00528980-00529130 At 300. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00830-00529340-00529600 This is 300 and this is the h. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00831-00529720-00529820 I read this one. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00832-00529960-00530390 And for 600 is here, and I'll eat this one. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00833-00530560-00531240 The difference between these two going to be the Delta H and that's what has really 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00834-00531240-00531580 happened here. This 2 and the 309 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00835-00531830-00532740 Right approach a using Thermo Dynamic table. The Delta H value is 3 or 9.02 kg per 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00836-00532740-00532800 kg. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00837-00532990-00533340 Kelly is a k. Correct for this. The things of the year. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00838-00533460-00534090 So that's approach. A, what was the approach be? Is that I use this that polynomial 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00839-00534090-00534810 function for a for are at CP for are? And that's a polynomial. Remember, derived 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00840-00534810-00535320 from table A2 with the coefficients, which are provided in that table, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00841-00535480-00536000 And then do this nasty integral that I just told you about. So it's from 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00842-00537000-00537100 where did it go? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00843-00537340-00538140 Yeah, this one here. So, this polynomial function for are the coefficient of a b, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00844-00538140-00538990 c and d are here. And what I'm doing. Now, I'm actually doing this integral from 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00845-00538990-00539790 300 to 600. When I do the inter goal, once you replace 40 substitute for T of 600 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00846-00539790-00540080 and other time, you substitute to be 300. If you do this 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00847-00540190-00540800 you will end up with this value, which is kg per kilo mole, because in this table, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00848-00540940-00541220 It gives you see B2B kg per, kmol Kelvin. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00849-00541350-00541810 So how can I convert kg or kmol to be kg per kilogram? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00850-00542270-00543280 Please just allow me to finish this few seconds. Thank you. Gosh, in table. 14 are 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00851-00543440-00543940 We have the molar mass to be 28-point 97. I'm sure you're familiar with this number. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00852-00544090-00544550 so, what happens is that you divide this value which is kg per kilo mole 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00853-00544690-00544900 We divide this by the molar mass. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00854-00544990-00545270 And it gives you the value in kg per kilogram. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00855-00545510-00546360 Now, 30 864 approach, be 309 approach a now. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00856-00546530-00546910 If you bear with me, a few more minutes with you complete me finish this off. Now, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00857-00546910-00547390 the third approach was that we don't do these, we just assume that CP is constant 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00858-00547390-00547830 and take it out. Now, the question is that, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00859-00548000-00548800 You go from 300 to 600. We know that CPR 300 is different from CPS 600 but me show 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00860-00548800-00548910 you in this table. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00861-00549390-00549560 Yeah, this is for 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00862-00549770-00550540 Ideal gas. Common is continued. Which one is? This is error. 300, Kelvin, I'm looking 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00863-00550540-00550820 for her. Okay, this is are here. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00864-00551080-00551230 This is a CP value. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00865-00551350-00551950 300 is one point double 05 as 600 is 1.05, one. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00866-00552100-00552590 Now, if we're going to assume that CP is constant and take it out of integral, simply 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00867-00552590-00553090 say, CP times, delta T. So which one of these two CP values I need to take. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00868-00553240-00553900 So maybe not to have a fight between these two temperatures. We will say, okay, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00869-00553900-00554740 take the average temperature average between 300 and 600 is 450 and I take for 450, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00870-00554740-00554990 I take the CP to be 1.02. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00871-00555120-00555260 Write the average value. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00872-00555460-00555910 And this is what has happened here. Is that I took the CPR 1.02 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00873-00556030-00556220 And the answer is 306. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00874-00556420-00556870 Another thing is if someone like me okay I don't mind about I don't care about the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00875-00556870-00557360 integral, I don't care about HT to http one. I don't want to take an average value. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00876-00557360-00557570 I'm going to use the easiest way. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00877-00557730-00558660 Air temperature. 300 Kelvin. I know that is 1.05, the CP value, CP value, 300, 01 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00878-00558660-00559440 .05. I'm going to take this value and I do this. If I do this can be simply this 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00879-00559440-00559960 105 times. 600 minus 300, the answer would be 3 0 1. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00880-00560080-00560820 So this is the c 2. Is the easiest one bite has most assumptions in it. First, we 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00881-00560820-00561270 assume CP is constant and not on this constant. Yes, UND. ICP doesn't even change 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00882-00561270-00561920 with temperature, right? What the answer 301, while in the more accurate case, they 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00883-00561920-00562410 were 309. For example, if you just look at the error that you get is just on the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00884-00562410-00563000 2.5%. So, that's my point. To point, to point to 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00885-00563050-00563630 Two percent error. I actually I accept this Earth but I don't bother doing integral 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00886-00563630-00564130 and looking into table stuff like that. So in analyzing the gas power Cycles, which 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00887-00564130-00564610 we will be dealing with them. We will be taking up prophecy to unless 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00888-00564740-00565100 You are told which CP value unit to use. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00889-00565320-00565930 following me so far, the reason is that for combustion chamber specifically 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00890-00566060-00566860 The temperature rise can go around 1000 degrees C, sorry 1000 or 1000 1000, couple 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00891-00566860-00567750 of hundred and that region. You see that CP is a lot more bigger than the CPS 1.05. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00892-00567900-00568470 So in that case, you will be given the value of CP. If the temperature is too high, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00893-00568540-00569120 just in order to overcome the too many errors, we have, are we happy guys with this 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00894-00569120-00569210 EP thing? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00895-00569320-00569560 Okay, now if you have questions, please go ahead. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00896-00569690-00569970 Somebody wanted to ask question, no. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00897-00570390-00570450 Yes, please. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00898-00571080-00571200 I took the wrong. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00899-00571780-00571850 Did I? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00900-00572180-00572730 Maybe you're mistaken. Who says that? I'm wrong. I was in table, right? Table is 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00901-00572730-00573120 different 298 oopsy. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00902-00573580-00573900 and there is we we stable was that 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00903-00574080-00574150 17. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00904-00574730-00575380 It is very likely that when I was solving that problem, I used another thermodynamic 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00905-00575380-00575450 table 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00906-00575600-00576080 and that's why the values are different. But I need to explain that to you as well. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00907-00576100-00576230 Oh gosh. Where is 7? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00908-00577100-00577990 Yeah, 319 okay, I agree with you. Could you please correct this, this one and your 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00909-00577990-00578580 solution if you have this should be 39, 300-point 19 now. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00910-00578770-00579570 I need your attention here guys, and it's very important. If you solve a thermodynamic 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00911-00579570-00580310 problem, such that this one using another thermodynamic table, for example, such 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00912-00580320-00580630 like the one that which is uploaded on blackboard. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00913-00580750-00580940 This. Hey, h values. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00914-00581350-00581720 That you read are different. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00915-00581820-00581870 Right. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00916-00581990-00582550 Here. I took 298 from a table but here was 398. But this one is also would be different 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00917-00582550-00583250 in under the table. However, the Delta, which is what we need in analyzing cycle 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00918-00583280-00583840 are the same between different thermal tables. The reason is that they these tables 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00919-00583840-00584470 are be prepared based on a reference value or reference condition. Some tables might 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00920-00584470-00584900 use a different reference condition and that's why you come up with different values 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00921-00584900-00584960 in the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00922-00584970-00585620 Oil, however, as I said, again, Delta wouldn't change Delta s, Delta, H, Delta, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00923-00585620-00585820 you are going to be the same. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00924-00586050-00586150 Does it make sense? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00925-00586400-00586450 Okay. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00926-00586650-00586730 Any question. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00927-00586960-00587380 No, what do you mean? You want me to do? You want me to continue you? Want to go 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00928-00587380-00587430 home? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00929-00587800-00588010 if you dare say that you want to go home, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00930-00588160-00588250 Who said though? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00931-00588490-00588590 Raise your hand. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00932-00588780-00588840 It was you. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00933-00589050-00589980 I'll give you five marks at the end could being so brave. Gosh, I have a bad neck 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00934-00589980-00590550 pain. Okay, I have a few couple of more slides, another example, but I don't do 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00935-00590550-00591240 those examples that one it has to do with your thermal one, that example is actually 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00936-00591240-00591800 used to help you to get your hands and yourself again, more familiar with using 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00937-00591800-00592010 Thermo Dynamic table. But 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00938-00592020-00592580 But since it's due to Thermal one I live it for you. Yeah. Please bear with me a 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00939-00592580-00592980 few more minutes. I know you're tired but please few more minutes. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00940-00593090-00593430 Do you want to take a few minutes break, or you want me to finish this to the slides 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00941-00593430-00593520 and then you go home? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00942-00593730-00593840 No, thanks. Thanks man. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00943-00594040-00594580 But I need you to be quiet guys. If I'm you want me to finish the Sun and lesson? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00944-00594610-00594880 Right. Remember that I did not. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00945-00595130-00595200 Thank you guys. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00946-00595530-00596240 I did not include anything from thermal one here. These are only terminologies or 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00947-00596240-00596990 terms and and contents which we will be using them in turmoil to mostly. Now I'm 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00948-00596990-00597560 going to introduce you with 22 of these processes that we've just talked about them. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00949-00597560-00598170 In one of the earlier slides is one of them is the constant volume process is very 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00950-00598170-00598450 much like the case that you have gas. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00951-00598890-00599070 you have a gas here in the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00952-00599200-00599540 You don't seem like a laser pointer. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00953-00599650-00600120 Yeah, the gas here, there is a piston but it's been pinned here. So the Piston doesn't 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00954-00600120-00600640 move up and you are the gas to this. So you actually a pressure changes from 1 to 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00955-00600640-00600910 2 for constant volume, right. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00956-00601110-00601830 Now, since the volume is constant, no work will be done. So w is 0 and the system 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00957-00601830-00602400 is closed. Only Heats can be added. No, mass will actually depart or comes into 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00958-00602400-00602990 the system. As such the first law is written in this form. Q minus W. Delta you 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00959-00603000-00603510 remember that here? We assume that this chamber is a stationary, so no change in 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00960-00603510-00603840 kinetic or potential energy of the system as a whole. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00961-00603910-00604430 I cite the first low simplified to this and since its constant volume, the work 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00962-00604430-00604950 is also 0. And hence, Q would be equal to Delta U 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00963-00605280-00605830 And in the unit mass is small q is Delta is small you or due to - you want. So Q 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00964-00605830-00606500 is U2 minus U1. It's very easy peasy thing. So the first law of thermodynamics for 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00965-00606500-00606620 a closed system 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00966-00606870-00607570 A simplified to be due to - see you want. I'll remember that for ideal gas. Now 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00967-00607580-00608420 I can write Delta U to be CV, delta T, and if I take the output C assume that CV 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00968-00608420-00609240 is also constant. Take it out of integral Delta, you would be CV. Delta T. And as 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00969-00609240-00609590 such I have here that Q going to be CV that 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00970-00609810-00610430 You can also play around with these ideal gas law, formulas for a constant volume 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00971-00610430-00611120 process, PV is equal to MRT and if you write it for a state one and state two, if 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00972-00611120-00611770 you divide them together for constant volume process, the ratio of pressure is equal 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00973-00611770-00612180 to the ratio temperature, right? As for ID, I guess, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00974-00612500-00613000 At the same time for constant pressure process of the pressure remains constant 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00975-00613060-00613520 again. This integral the p is constant is taking out of the integrals. Going to 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00976-00613520-00614160 be P times V 2, minus V 1. So work would be P times change of pressure. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00977-00614330-00614630 I put this into the first law of thermodynamics. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00978-00614770-00615230 And it's kind of, let me just write it myself. I don't like that way. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00979-00615420-00615510 Oopsie. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00980-00615730-00616320 Lock. This is the work formula General. If the pressure is constant, it comes out 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00981-00616320-00616580 here. Delta V is V 2 - View. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00982-00616800-00616850 This. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00983-00617070-00617160 Comes here. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00984-00617470-00617710 Delta U is also u 2 minus u 1. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00985-00617880-00618410 I take this guy to be here. P times V 2 minus V 1. I rearrange them. I write you 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00986-00618410-00618990 with PV and you want with this Phoebe you to pvu 1pv. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00987-00619120-00619870 We Define that internal energy plus PV is unfold P. So Q would be h. 2, minus H, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00988-00619870-00619890 1, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00989-00620220-00620800 For ideal gas, the Delta H is actually CP delta T, so it's going to be CP times. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00990-00620800-00621560 Delta T, this is for hit trunk, heat, transfer or less. The first law of thermodynamics. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00991-00621730-00621960 For a constant pressure process. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00992-00622190-00622840 For constant volume is actually you to minus CV. Times T, 2 minus t. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00993-00623310-00623480 Or we happy guys so far. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00994-00623600-00624080 Yes. Now, this is an example. I took it from one of those textbooks. It's a very 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00995-00624080-00624880 interesting example because it shows you how important it is that the system that 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00996-00624880-00625650 you define for your problem in order to analyze it. This boundary that you drool 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00997-00625780-00626070 I'm not going to solve this and I'll leave it to you. How I'm going to explain to 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00998-00626070-00626250 you why it is important. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-00999-00626550-00627040 This system is says that it's a container is a closed container with water in it 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01000-00627040-00627820 and at the top is empty and you add heat to this. So what happens is that it will 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01001-00627820-00628770 actually occupied part of this but this a space right in here. So we wanted to find 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01002-00628770-00629200 analyze the system, find the tank volume. And also find out how much heat is been 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01003-00629200-00629490 added to this system. To take the vulture 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01004-00629510-00629830 air pressure and temperature from a value to another value. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01005-00629980-00630530 One way to analyze this sister, you draw your control control system or the boundary 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01006-00630530-00630590 to be. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01007-00630780-00630910 Around this guy here. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01008-00631190-00631630 But when we add heat here, if my system is this, this is bombed removes because 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01009-00631630-00631700 expands 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01010-00631820-00632030 I need to calculate the work as well. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01011-00632340-00632930 however, if I take my system to unload, be the whole time, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01012-00633110-00633630 Including both of these two guys. Then I don't have to be worried about. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01013-00633840-00634200 The boundary of my system. It is a rigid boundary. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01014-00634340-00634970 Whatever happens inside. It doesn't affect the boundary of my system. The volume 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01015-00634970-00635200 doesn't change as work is zero. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01016-00635320-00635760 And the first low will simplify to be Q equal to Delta U. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01017-00636070-00636520 While, if I would take the boundary to be here, I should have dealt with the q- 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01018-00636520-00637020 w, go to Delhi and it would make the problem solving problem, more complex. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01019-00637160-00637760 By just choosing the right system. I'm actually making it simpler. So this one out 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01020-00637760-00638280 and I looking into this one anyway, the solution for this is uploaded on blackboard 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01021-00638420-00638940 and you can try it at home and solve this. I have I need a few more minutes, I'm 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01022-00638940-00639120 not going to lecture but I need your attention. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01023-00639300-00640000 Next week, we will be looking into I think second low briefly on Second Law, and 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01024-00640000-00640320 the efficiency & Co p and then on trophy. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01025-00640460-00641140 Now a few points dice. As the as be monitored today, this is again very important 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01026-00641140-00641600 and my apology from just repeating this again and again, please come to the class 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01027-00641600-00642160 at the right time. If you come, I mean we are we are one and a half hours, the 1 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01028-00642160-00642660 hour and 30 we lecture. If you can be for 30 minutes, the class going to be disturbed 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01029-00642660-00643080 by coming people in and out then with a memory efficient. So please come into the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01030-00643080-00643260 class at the right time. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01031-00643450-00643840 Another thing I should have mentioned to you about the thermo Unity. So I know that 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01032-00643840-00644510 it's a challenging unit is the dry unit is hard. It was for me, but I enjoyed it 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01033-00644510-00645010 very much because I do research on that. However, I mean, if you come to the lecture, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01034-00645100-00645650 if you understand the lecture materials and if you do the tutorials and some extra 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01035-00645650-00646180 examples or problem that we will give to you, I'm confident that you will not have 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01036-00646180-00646300 any problem for the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01037-00646320-00646380 a exam. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01038-00646490-00647210 I have many students that they achieve hundred lost you. The exam many got first 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01039-00647290-00648060 so just follow your normal activity and dedication to dinner. Thanks very much and 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01040-00648060-00648150 I'll see you next week. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01041-00649650-00650690 CPU. Can it's a constant, right? As I said, again, two ways you can, you can either 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01042-00650690-00651290 take the value at the average, temperature of 300 and 600, or you can take the value 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01043-00651290-00651380 of 300. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01044-00651920-00652450 Why not? See you can you can't hear you can't do that. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01045-00652700-00653210 Yeah, that's what we have look. The first thing is that we will using this approach 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01046-00653210-00653800 right now for this approach, which value take 300, or season, or the value between 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01047-00653800-00653850 them. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01048-00653980-00654640 It's again, depending on the complexity 300 CPR, 300 is a noun parameter. Everyone 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01049-00654640-00655390 was 1.05. So I don't bother be table at all. I gave 1.0 but I did you say yes, but 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01050-00655390-00655930 in the exam are we give you the CP values? I brought this up to tell you that. This 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01051-00655930-00656370 is an assumption that you make but it's going to be different seek a different temperature. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01052-00656370-00656700 I will let you know, you will be given that value in the exam. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01053-00656920-00657260 But you can't take, for example, there's no problem. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01054-00657540-00659000 Yeah, that means bringer. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01055-00659630-00659740 but the lecture two, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01056-00660120-00660820 Now the lecture number is 2 but the first ones introduction. So that zero was dark 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01057-00660820-00661220 all the time. Wasn't, I should have turned away. Do you know how to turn the lights 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01058-00661220-00661370 on? Do you see anything here? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01059-00661560-00661670 Sounds of Lights. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01060-00662090-00663110 Well yeah, okay so it's not yeah. So we're solid line a dashed line. That's the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01061-00663110-00663660 solid the dash line. Oh I thought that you know, these from thermal one. You don't 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01062-00663660-00664460 know these. You don't know this Vapor Doom. No. This is called Vapor Doom in Terminal. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01063-00664460-00664890 1 unit, you don't know guys. Join me. There's this side. Please join me this. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01064-00664930-00665170 Yeah, yeah, come here. So I'm showing you here. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01065-00665560-00666110 look, if you go your terminal one, right, then you have this, thermodynamic diagram 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01066-00666110-00666210 of things, one of the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01067-00666440-00667110 That is my phone. I mean, I done if you don't remember, these demos using that line 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01068-00667180-00668150 systems, okay? So let me explain to you than here, look, thermodynamic tables as 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01069-00668150-00668870 so diagrams. But you can write P VTS, whatever there are very few sections involves. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01070-00668870-00669320 So we draw them like this. And this line differentiate different phases within our 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01071-00669330-00669890 Our system. Because what we have here is actually everything is solid inside the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01072-00669890-00670670 Dome, we have sorry this is pure liquids or liquid here. We have Liquid Plus vapor 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01073-00670670-00671230 and get it Pure Vapor. This is called saturated Vapor Line. This is called saturated, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01074-00671230-00671790 liquid line and want to to is the process for this example that goes from one a 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01075-00671790-00672230 dispersion temperature to to, which we are given the condition. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01076-00672910-00673680 You do pt you do PV but I mostly use TSR use a lot, TS diagram, some people even 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01077-00673680-00674220 use HS diagram. There are very different diagrams, okay. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01078-00674480-00674950 If you look at Terminal 1 content, I'm sure you will see. PV PV is the very the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01079-00674950-00675260 very first Darkness ep 1. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01080-00675410-00675890 Is not PT PV is mostly used but Pete he's also there. Yeah, if you look at Terminal 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01081-00675890-00676380 1 content, you take a book, you can see these, do they have a lecture? You have 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01082-00676380-00676630 a lecturer at 4:00 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01083-00676780-00677100 Yes. Okay, so we still have time. Yeah, no worries. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01084-00678010-00678120 Yes, for sure. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01085-00679990-00680170 to allow you to give you access to the 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01086-00680440-00681540 Yes, yes, absolutely, yeah, sure. Oh, sorry, Gilligan. And that was my first lecture 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01087-00681540-00682060 here, so it was a struggling with this in this in this room. Yeah. Initially struggled 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01088-00682060-00682670 with this technology. Sorry for that. And then, okay, you have questions, right? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01089-00684110-00684220 Speak, what we believe. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01090-00684450-00684980 Does this work is this working today? Yes, yes. Yes, it does here, but it's muted 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01091-00684980-00685310 at the moment and there is this yet. If you press that one, 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01092-00685780-00687350 Actually get the technology is supposed to work. Hello. Hello. Can you get me, check? 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01093-00687420-00687570 I'm not gonna start all that Jasmine. 3mM8RXz4f3Q-01094-00687850-00687960 I'm going to end it. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00000-00000001-00000105 (male narrator) In this video, 3n8QPLIjkVY-00001-00000105-00000301 we will look at solving equations 3n8QPLIjkVY-00002-00000301-00000701 that have radicals in them-- specifically, odd roots. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00003-00000701-00001101 The opposite of taking a root is to do an exponent. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00004-00001401-00001706 In other words, if we have the cube root of x equals 4, 3n8QPLIjkVY-00005-00001706-00002004 we need to do the opposite of a cube root 3n8QPLIjkVY-00006-00002004-00002200 to remove the radical. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00007-00002200-00002307 The opposite of a cube root 3n8QPLIjkVY-00008-00002307-00002704 would be a 3rd power on both sides: 3n8QPLIjkVY-00009-00002704-00003309 4 to the 3rd is 64, so x-- our variable--would be 64. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00010-00003309-00003607 Let's take a look at some more involved problems 3n8QPLIjkVY-00011-00003607-00003908 that require us to get rid of an odd root 3n8QPLIjkVY-00012-00003908-00004108 by using an exponent. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00013-00004208-00004606 In this problem, we have a cube root of 2x minus 5. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00014-00004606-00004804 To get rid of that radical, 3n8QPLIjkVY-00015-00004804-00005008 so we can access the inside part, 3n8QPLIjkVY-00016-00005008-00005207 we do the exponent. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00017-00005207-00005509 The opposite of cube root is 3rd power. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00018-00005509-00005803 Doing the same thing on both sides, 3n8QPLIjkVY-00019-00005803-00006106 cube root and 3rd power will be inverses, 3n8QPLIjkVY-00020-00006106-00006809 leaving just 2x minus 5, equals 6 cubed, or 216. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00021-00007002-00007208 We can quickly solve this remaining equation 3n8QPLIjkVY-00022-00007208-00007908 by adding 5 to both sides; giving us 2x equals 221; 3n8QPLIjkVY-00023-00007908-00008201 and finally, dividing by 2. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00024-00008405-00008807 x is equal to 221, over 2, 3n8QPLIjkVY-00025-00008807-00009107 or you can make that into a decimal... 3n8QPLIjkVY-00026-00009303-00009709 by dividing 221 by 2 to get 110.5. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00027-00010106-00010506 Let's try another example where we get rid of an odd root 3n8QPLIjkVY-00028-00010506-00010706 by using an odd exponent. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00029-00011000-00011208 In this problem, we have a 5th root. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00030-00011208-00011805 We can get rid of a 5th root with a 5th power on both sides. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00031-00011805-00012102 Fifth power and fifth roots are inverses, 3n8QPLIjkVY-00032-00012102-00012406 leaving just the 4x minus 7, 3n8QPLIjkVY-00033-00012406-00012904 equals 2 to the 5th, which is 32. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00034-00012904-00013305 We can then solve by adding 7 to both sides, 3n8QPLIjkVY-00035-00013305-00013706 and 4x is equal to 39. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00036-00013706-00014406 Finally, dividing by 4 tells us that x is equal to 39 over 4. 3n8QPLIjkVY-00037-00014802-00015109 By remembering that the opposite of a root is an exponent, 3n8QPLIjkVY-00038-00015109-00015407 we can quickly solve problems with odd roots 3n8QPLIjkVY-00039-00015407-00015807 by using exponents to clear the radical. 4oPwK_gQrf4-00000-00000110-00000273 (I pretend to be lying when he comes back) 4oPwK_gQrf4-00001-00000577-00000686 Long 4oPwK_gQrf4-00002-00001389-00001465 Sho-chan? 4oPwK_gQrf4-00003-00001465-00001594 Sho-chan? 4oPwK_gQrf4-00004-00001753-00001840 What are you doing? 4oPwK_gQrf4-00005-00001840-00001947 What are you doing? 4oPwK_gQrf4-00006-00001947-00002038 Get up now 4oPwK_gQrf4-00007-00002038-00002252 You'll get a cold if you are lying here 4oPwK_gQrf4-00008-00002252-00002448 I know you're smiling 4oPwK_gQrf4-00009-00002604-00002701 What? 4oPwK_gQrf4-00010-00002701-00002893 You were supposed to get surprised 4oPwK_gQrf4-00011-00002893-00002943 What!? 4oPwK_gQrf4-00012-00002979-00003058 Sho-chan!? 4oPwK_gQrf4-00013-00003058-00003176 Sho-chan!! 4oPwK_gQrf4-00014-00003176-00003273 Are you OK? 4oPwK_gQrf4-00015-00003273-00003362 OK, that's enough 40OVfGyTY2u-00000-00000088-00000531 Hi everybody my name is Emily Ford and I’m the Urban & Public Affairs Librarian here 40OVfGyTY2u-00001-00000531-00000688 at Portland State University. 40OVfGyTY2u-00002-00000688-00001074 I‘m really sorry I can’t be here with you today, I’m on vacation. 40OVfGyTY2u-00003-00001074-00001896 But I’m here with you virtually, so I wanted to welcome you. 40OVfGyTY2u-00004-00001896-00002334 In my role at PSU as the Urban & Public Affairs Librarian I do a variety of things. 40OVfGyTY2u-00005-00002334-00002773 I work mostly with people in CUPA, the College of Urban & Public Affairs. 40OVfGyTY2u-00006-00002773-00003409 So that includes Political Science, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Urban Studies & Planning, 40OVfGyTY2u-00007-00003409-00003647 Community Health, and Public Administration. 40OVfGyTY2u-00008-00003647-00004136 I work with all of the students, faculty, and I also work with Research Centers and 40OVfGyTY2u-00009-00004136-00004400 Institutes within the CUPA umbrella. 40OVfGyTY2u-00010-00004400-00005100 So I work with a lot of people, and if we’ve met before and you see me, say hi. 40OVfGyTY2u-00011-00005100-00005538 I may not know who you are so please tell me how I know you and I would love to say 40OVfGyTY2u-00012-00005538-00005674 hi back. 40OVfGyTY2u-00013-00005674-00006260 True story, somebody came up to me in yoga class the other day, so no place is too weird 40OVfGyTY2u-00014-00006260-00006483 for you to say hello. 40OVfGyTY2u-00015-00006483-00006884 I’ve even had students who’ve watched recordings of me at orientation say hello 40OVfGyTY2u-00016-00006884-00007302 to me even though I’d never met them and I always really appreciate that. 40OVfGyTY2u-00017-00007302-00007900 One of the things I really love about my job is connecting with students so please please 40OVfGyTY2u-00018-00007900-00008113 say hi. 40OVfGyTY2u-00019-00008113-00008450 Today I want to talk about three different areas. 40OVfGyTY2u-00020-00008450-00009029 One, are the three things I want you to know at the end of me talking at you on this video. 40OVfGyTY2u-00021-00009029-00009421 And then I’ll be talking about library services and I’ll be talking about some of our research 40OVfGyTY2u-00022-00009421-00009521 sources. 40OVfGyTY2u-00023-00009521-00009753 Again I really only want you to know the first three things. 40OVfGyTY2u-00024-00009753-00010214 The rest is like the gravy on top of your breakfast biscuit. 40OVfGyTY2u-00025-00010214-00010335 So. 40OVfGyTY2u-00026-00010335-00010495 What are those three things? 40OVfGyTY2u-00027-00010495-00010953 First, I want you to know that no one expects you to be an expert. 40OVfGyTY2u-00028-00010953-00011300 You’re a student and you don’t have to have all of the answers. 40OVfGyTY2u-00029-00011300-00011899 So that being said, if it takes you more than 15 minutes to figure something out, ask somebody. 40OVfGyTY2u-00030-00011899-00012167 Don’t perform an exercise in frustration. 40OVfGyTY2u-00031-00012167-00012639 We’re all busy, and I bet if you ask somebody they might be able to point you in the right 40OVfGyTY2u-00032-00012639-00012739 direction. 40OVfGyTY2u-00033-00012739-00013113 That goes for research, that goes for something in your class, etc. 40OVfGyTY2u-00034-00013113-00013366 Just make efficient use of your time. 40OVfGyTY2u-00035-00013366-00013783 Second, never pay for anything related to your research. 40OVfGyTY2u-00036-00013783-00014228 Particularly if you’re looking for journal articles, or newspaper articles or something 40OVfGyTY2u-00037-00014228-00014758 like that you might what we call a “paywall” where you’re being asked to pay $40 to access 40OVfGyTY2u-00038-00014758-00014858 an article. 40OVfGyTY2u-00039-00014858-00015225 Don’t do that because as students you’re paying tuition and fees, and there are ways 40OVfGyTY2u-00040-00015225-00015566 for the library to be able to get you the resources you need. 40OVfGyTY2u-00041-00015566-00015696 So don’t pay it. 40OVfGyTY2u-00042-00015696-00016183 You’re a student, you’re paying for school, we should get it for you. 40OVfGyTY2u-00043-00016183-00016601 And then finally the third major thing that I’d like for you to know is how to get a 40OVfGyTY2u-00044-00016601-00016820 hold of me and how to ask the library for help. 40OVfGyTY2u-00045-00016820-00017223 I’ll put something up on this video that has the information and there should be information 40OVfGyTY2u-00046-00017223-00017526 on your hand out with that information. 40OVfGyTY2u-00047-00017526-00017854 So now on to library services. 40OVfGyTY2u-00048-00017854-00018161 The library has stuff that libraries, have, right? 40OVfGyTY2u-00049-00018161-00018552 And probably more stuff than you might not have even considered a library having. 40OVfGyTY2u-00050-00018552-00018744 You know, we have a coffee cart in the library. 40OVfGyTY2u-00051-00018744-00019198 We have collaborative work spaces, we have books, we have journals, we have newspapers, 40OVfGyTY2u-00052-00019198-00019746 we have music scores, so if you’re like me and you want to get back into being a musician 40OVfGyTY2u-00053-00019746-00020425 and check out some scores or duets or whatever you want and have at it. 40OVfGyTY2u-00054-00020425-00020759 Also, a lot of you are working. 40OVfGyTY2u-00055-00020759-00020911 Probably full time, or more. 40OVfGyTY2u-00056-00020911-00021131 And you might have families, so you have a lot going on in your lives. 40OVfGyTY2u-00057-00021131-00021532 So you don’t physically have to be on campus to access all of the things that the library 40OVfGyTY2u-00058-00021532-00021756 has for you. 40OVfGyTY2u-00059-00021756-00022198 Just know that you can access stuff with your ODIN username and password. 40OVfGyTY2u-00060-00022198-00022828 So typically you should be able to get almost everything that you need. 40OVfGyTY2u-00061-00022828-00023328 Students who live more than 30 miles from campus qualify as distance students for the 40OVfGyTY2u-00062-00023328-00023428 Portland State Library. 40OVfGyTY2u-00063-00023428-00023984 And what that means for you is that we can physically mail you books and resources to 40OVfGyTY2u-00064-00023984-00024103 your home. 40OVfGyTY2u-00065-00024103-00024548 So if you live more than 30 miles away be sure and register with us that way and there’s 40OVfGyTY2u-00066-00024548-00024913 information again on our website, and on your handout for that. 40OVfGyTY2u-00067-00024913-00025420 And then finally I want to impress upon you that the PSU Library is not all that you can 40OVfGyTY2u-00068-00025420-00025648 get in terms of library materials. 40OVfGyTY2u-00069-00025648-00026363 We’re part of a consortium of Summit libraries in the Northwest and we can get you books 40OVfGyTY2u-00070-00026363-00027110 and materials from Reed, Lewis & Clark, UW, Oregon State, so 37 academic libraries in 40OVfGyTY2u-00071-00027110-00027235 the Northwest. 40OVfGyTY2u-00072-00027235-00027810 Actually if you live close to a library that’s in our Alliance, then you could also go check 40OVfGyTY2u-00073-00027810-00028370 out materials physically at that library as well with your PSU ID. 40OVfGyTY2u-00074-00028370-00029088 And then finally be sure to know that you can ask us anything via a web form, 24/7 chat, 40OVfGyTY2u-00075-00029088-00029581 email, phone, there are all sorts of ways to get a hold of us. 40OVfGyTY2u-00076-00029581-00030116 So finally I just want to highlight some research resources that may be helpful to you down 40OVfGyTY2u-00077-00030116-00030324 your path as a student. 40OVfGyTY2u-00078-00030324-00030816 On our website you’ll find links to the library catalog, that search box on our home 40OVfGyTY2u-00079-00030816-00031107 page searches the catalog. 40OVfGyTY2u-00080-00031107-00032766 We have subject guides that are organized by the political and the 40OVfGyTY2u-00081-00032766-00033188 disciplinary subjects taught at PSU. 40OVfGyTY2u-00082-00033188-00033898 And we also have databases for you to be doing research on any variety of things. 40OVfGyTY2u-00083-00033898-00034561 They might contain articles, conference proceedings, but also things like the Congressional Record, 40OVfGyTY2u-00084-00034561-00034812 government documents, and things like that. 40OVfGyTY2u-00085-00034812-00035309 So it was really wonderful to meet you all via this video and I look forward to meeting 40OVfGyTY2u-00086-00035309-00035409 you again. 40OVfGyTY2u-00087-00035409-00035723 I’ll see you in your research methods class. 40OVfGyTY2u-00088-00035723-00036059 Between now and then feel free to make an appointment with me, send me an email and 40OVfGyTY2u-00089-00036059-00036159 say hi. 40OVfGyTY2u-00090-00036159-00036211 Good luck! 413d45Lw6Ak-00000-00000028-00000222 Like and Subscribe 413d45Lw6Ak-00001-00000672-00001019 Please Alarm settings 413d45Lw6Ak-00002-00001210-00001340 GO-STOP Mission! 413d45Lw6Ak-00003-00001340-00001490 It will probably come? 413d45Lw6Ak-00004-00001544-00001982 If Top 10, 300 Balloon!! Go or Stop If win, 1000 Ballon! But, If failure 0 Ballon 413d45Lw6Ak-00005-00002084-00002284 one.. two.. 413d45Lw6Ak-00006-00002386-00002584 one two three four (a nearby enemy 4) 413d45Lw6Ak-00007-00002608-00002738 one next to me 413d45Lw6Ak-00008-00002738-00002864 Go to the warehouse, 413d45Lw6Ak-00009-00002864-00002930 I will kill you! 413d45Lw6Ak-00010-00002930-00002980 Follow! 413d45Lw6Ak-00011-00003240-00003370 Gun x4 413d45Lw6Ak-00012-00003370-00003510 Vector 413d45Lw6Ak-00013-00003688-00003888 Sound of footstep the house in front! 413d45Lw6Ak-00014-00004744-00004920 (Outside..?) 413d45Lw6Ak-00015-00004920-00005140 why he run away?he had a gun 413d45Lw6Ak-00016-00005624-00005780 Super low energy~! 413d45Lw6Ak-00017-00006500-00006700 Oh?.. I have no bullets 413d45Lw6Ak-00018-00006720-00006842 (If she had fought,It's going to be a big deal.....) 413d45Lw6Ak-00019-00006842-00007026 I thought that i have bullets. 413d45Lw6Ak-00020-00007026-00007176 he run away because he had a M16A4 413d45Lw6Ak-00021-00007176-00007422 M16A4 should not trusted. 413d45Lw6Ak-00022-00007834-00007950 I have to go! 413d45Lw6Ak-00023-00007950-00008042 (Talented sister is coming) 413d45Lw6Ak-00024-00008042-00008154 Enemy got him.Vector 413d45Lw6Ak-00025-00008154-00008250 He have a vector, be careful 413d45Lw6Ak-00026-00008898-00009004 Nice~ 413d45Lw6Ak-00027-00009004-00009102 Subscribe! 413d45Lw6Ak-00028-00009530-00009730 um? I guess kill log appeared? 413d45Lw6Ak-00029-00010608-00010774 Is it for real? 413d45Lw6Ak-00030-00010976-00011176 Groza get! 413d45Lw6Ak-00031-00011310-00011464 (Which one do you like better? AK? Groza?) 413d45Lw6Ak-00032-00011464-00011750 um...personally, I like more AK than Groza. 413d45Lw6Ak-00033-00011762-00012066 When i shoot gun,I know what it feels like the gun recoil 413d45Lw6Ak-00034-00012090-00012314 I havent use much Groza,so feel awkward 413d45Lw6Ak-00035-00012470-00012670 I feet it, red dot is placed on more high. 413d45Lw6Ak-00036-00012722-00012966 Just.. Sometimes, Gun recoil not fit? 413d45Lw6Ak-00037-00013002-00013247 I think it's because I haven't used it much before 413d45Lw6Ak-00038-00014126-00014326 oh.. Im suprised. 413d45Lw6Ak-00039-00014697-00014897 wow... Groza is powerfull. 413d45Lw6Ak-00040-00014968-00015134 Thank 50 Balllon~^^ 413d45Lw6Ak-00041-00015160-00015330 There's nothing to throw. 413d45Lw6Ak-00042-00015540-00015740 I heared sound of footsteps one more 413d45Lw6Ak-00043-00016594-00016794 wow.. Groza recoil is..so... 413d45Lw6Ak-00044-00016794-00016940 I dont know if it's okay 413d45Lw6Ak-00045-00016940-00017052 Im confused.. 413d45Lw6Ak-00046-00017090-00017234 I heared another footsteps 413d45Lw6Ak-00047-00017374-00017768 (Please more upload youtube!, I came to see you because its not upload!) 413d45Lw6Ak-00048-00017816-00018066 So i dont upload, watch my broadcasting 413d45Lw6Ak-00049-00018066-00018166 (Its planned~) 413d45Lw6Ak-00050-00018166-00018248 (I'll do my best.- Editor) 413d45Lw6Ak-00051-00018258-00018414 I'll upload little by little from now on 413d45Lw6Ak-00052-00018478-00018558 huh.... 413d45Lw6Ak-00053-00018580-00018742 It was hard on me.. 413d45Lw6Ak-00054-00018768-00018958 Shouldn't i stop? 413d45Lw6Ak-00055-00018970-00019068 (far away magnetic field...) 413d45Lw6Ak-00056-00019080-00019260 1000 Ballons...Im going.. 413d45Lw6Ak-00057-00019438-00019786 Will you GO or Stop? (Get 300 ballons or Challnge 1000 ballons) 413d45Lw6Ak-00058-00019786-00019912 There's no need to say it. x2 413d45Lw6Ak-00059-00019974-00020080 Of couse GO x3 413d45Lw6Ak-00060-00020080-00020292 and i'll dont shoot anybody! 413d45Lw6Ak-00061-00020368-00020718 I think that it better not notify where i am when top 10 413d45Lw6Ak-00062-00020904-00021034 Sound! 413d45Lw6Ak-00063-00021034-00021208 Somebody coming 413d45Lw6Ak-00064-00021264-00021442 I must take advantage of him 413d45Lw6Ak-00065-00021458-00021666 If i dont shoot, he think nobody here 413d45Lw6Ak-00066-00021666-00021838 (Battleground is strategy game) 413d45Lw6Ak-00067-00022170-00022370 It's not bad to kill him 413d45Lw6Ak-00068-00022712-00022912 Just take advantage of him 413d45Lw6Ak-00069-00023740-00023940 (If you fail, like this) 413d45Lw6Ak-00070-00023950-00024038 You've seen it 413d45Lw6Ak-00071-00024136-00024336 (coming grenade!!) 413d45Lw6Ak-00072-00025188-00025388 three... four 413d45Lw6Ak-00073-00028268-00028530 Last 1 : 1 situation! 413d45Lw6Ak-00074-00028606-00028760 its over there 413d45Lw6Ak-00075-00028868-00029068 one.. two..three 413d45Lw6Ak-00076-00029406-00029580 isnt it? (It can't be) 413d45Lw6Ak-00077-00029600-00029762 Did i see it wrong? 413d45Lw6Ak-00078-00029802-00029970 its over there?? 413d45Lw6Ak-00079-00030066-00030214 I think i saw it.. 413d45Lw6Ak-00080-00030214-00030332 be careful grenade 413d45Lw6Ak-00081-00032122-00032322 over there in the tree 413d45Lw6Ak-00082-00032382-00032532 catch fire 413d45Lw6Ak-00083-00032602-00032708 nice! 413d45Lw6Ak-00084-00032708-00033156 WOW Im so good (Neatly Mission succes!) 413d45Lw6Ak-00085-00033410-00033610 Teemo song of victory 413d45Lw6Ak-00086-00034346-00034546 yeah~~ 413d45Lw6Ak-00087-00035062-00035482 WOW... Thank you! 413d45Lw6Ak-00088-00035518-00035734 Its okay, give me later 413d45Lw6Ak-00089-00035746-00035840 Thanks~~~ 413d45Lw6Ak-00090-00035896-00036046 (hang in there..meow..) 413d45Lw6Ak-00091-00036056-00036244 If i put up with it, she will give me rice... 413d45Lw6Ak-00092-00036258-00036388 Heart♥ (resignation) 413d45Lw6Ak-00093-00036394-00036548 (an instant old Coco) 413d45Lw6Ak-00094-00036572-00036766 Thanks for giving mission 413d45Lw6Ak-00095-00036910-00037110 Hooray~~ 43nVl_opi9Q-00000-00000003-00000344 one of the beautiful things about life is like sometimes you're going through 43nVl_opi9Q-00001-00000344-00001001 something and you see or hear or even both the exact thing that you need to 43nVl_opi9Q-00002-00001001-00002241 see what is everybody this is Chris from the rewired so where we talk about the 43nVl_opi9Q-00003-00002241-00002618 problem but focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is 43nVl_opi9Q-00004-00002618-00002964 all about mental health and what I like to do is pull different topics from the 43nVl_opi9Q-00005-00002964-00003279 YouTube community to try to teach you how to improve your mental and emotional 43nVl_opi9Q-00006-00003279-00003684 well-being so into that stuff make sure you subscribe and ring that notification 43nVl_opi9Q-00007-00003684-00004161 bell so yeah I am super super super grateful 43nVl_opi9Q-00008-00004161-00004521 um because I love you guys like if you're not yet follow me on Twitter 43nVl_opi9Q-00009-00004521-00005046 about the reward so you got some video suggestions and topics all day and I 43nVl_opi9Q-00010-00005046-00005385 usually I'm like okay yeah I'll check it out and I try to see if I can fit in but 43nVl_opi9Q-00011-00005385-00005810 also you know part of what I try to do with my channels like I try to make 43nVl_opi9Q-00012-00005810-00006180 something that I feel like making that day you know what I mean like I just 43nVl_opi9Q-00013-00006180-00006663 kind of do what I want to do it's my channel you know and you know just now 43nVl_opi9Q-00014-00006663-00007223 not all about 30 minutes ago someone sent me a video and they said talk about 43nVl_opi9Q-00015-00007223-00007728 kal-el kal-el and I'm like who the heck is that right anyways hold on I promise 43nVl_opi9Q-00016-00007728-00008442 to give this person to shout out but I need my phone well when I got that phone 43nVl_opi9Q-00017-00008442-00009443 I actually got two tweets so one of them was at bat in some am I even saying oh 43nVl_opi9Q-00018-00009443-00010485 bad dim sum Oh Chris and then the other one is rofl sir that's a great name both 43nVl_opi9Q-00019-00010485-00011025 of them suggest today I watched this kalel video and okay cool my son I just 43nVl_opi9Q-00020-00011025-00011499 got home I was about to make him dinner and yeah kalel I don't I don't know 43nVl_opi9Q-00021-00011499-00011957 where I've literally never seen any of her content and she has like 1.9 million 43nVl_opi9Q-00022-00011957-00012497 subscribers so kalel if you see this you go girl uh-huh anyways her videos 43nVl_opi9Q-00023-00012497-00013003 title like I gained 15 pounds in a month so I started watching it and yeah it 43nVl_opi9Q-00024-00013003-00013429 seems I'm not I'm not here to diagnose anybody you know that's not what I do 43nVl_opi9Q-00025-00013429-00013915 but she she says she's been feeling depressed and this is one of the 43nVl_opi9Q-00026-00013915-00014316 symptoms of depression is excessive weight loss or excessive weight gain all 43nVl_opi9Q-00027-00014316-00014856 right and I was like ha but then like I went to go check out some more of her 43nVl_opi9Q-00028-00014856-00015388 stuff and she had another video posted not too long ago that said why I'm sad 43nVl_opi9Q-00029-00015388-00015751 and I started watching that and she started talking about the comments 43nVl_opi9Q-00030-00015751-00016138 getting toward stuff and I'm like holy crap so thank you bad 43nVl_opi9Q-00031-00016138-00016773 dim sum and rofl sir I really needed to see this today so you guys know what I 43nVl_opi9Q-00032-00016773-00017181 do here I use a youtuber that you're familiar with to give you context and 43nVl_opi9Q-00033-00017181-00017598 then I try to teach you some stuff so I'm gonna be talking about myself but 43nVl_opi9Q-00034-00017598-00018070 man like what I'm trying to teach you guys to do is to take what you're 43nVl_opi9Q-00035-00018070-00018501 watching and see if you can relate and you know I guess the first thing I'll 43nVl_opi9Q-00036-00018501-00019048 say is one of the best things that helps people who are struggling with you know 43nVl_opi9Q-00037-00019048-00019567 just feeling not great whether it's depression anxiety trauma whatever it is 43nVl_opi9Q-00038-00019567-00020353 is not feeling alone and today was a really messed up day for me and you guys 43nVl_opi9Q-00039-00020353-00020820 who tweeted this at me you helped me because I watched Cal's video I'm like 43nVl_opi9Q-00040-00020820-00021535 dang like I can relate and it really helped me out so thank you to kal-el if 43nVl_opi9Q-00041-00021535-00021931 you ever see this video thank you for getting on a camera getting vulnerable 43nVl_opi9Q-00042-00021931-00022395 and sharing this but yeah I just want to talk to you about my day so some of you 43nVl_opi9Q-00043-00022395-00022831 who know like I've had some stuff going on right people calling me out and 43nVl_opi9Q-00044-00022831-00023529 things like that and it's it's rough because I'm the mental health guy right 43nVl_opi9Q-00045-00023529-00023881 and I'm trying to teach you how to improve your mental health but like I 43nVl_opi9Q-00046-00023881-00024432 never want to make any of you think that my life is perfect and I've figured 43nVl_opi9Q-00047-00024432-00024820 everything out you know I kind of teach you what I've learned and go from there 43nVl_opi9Q-00048-00024820-00025104 you know but I never want to give you the impression that my life is either a 43nVl_opi9Q-00049-00025104-00025733 perfect or B that I know everything but today was rough and I actually 43nVl_opi9Q-00050-00025733-00026213 actually vented to Tristan and God let me tell you I love that girl I love that 43nVl_opi9Q-00051-00026213-00026862 girl so much I just you know we sat down and I just and he said hey sorry I got a 43nVl_opi9Q-00052-00026862-00027188 vent I need to processing things and she just sat there and listened and that's 43nVl_opi9Q-00053-00027188-00027768 one of the best things Tristan asked me earlier today we were 43nVl_opi9Q-00054-00027768-00028086 talking about 12-step meeting says those of you who don't know I got clean 43nVl_opi9Q-00055-00028086-00028455 through 12-step meetings and she was asking me like do you still practice 43nVl_opi9Q-00056-00028455-00028929 what you learned in those meetings and I said okay like you want an answer and 43nVl_opi9Q-00057-00028929-00029316 like I don't know Tristan and I haven't had like a deep conversation like that 43nVl_opi9Q-00058-00029316-00029810 and you know in a little while but basically well I was telling her as yes 43nVl_opi9Q-00059-00029810-00030330 yes I do to the best of my ability when I go into the shower that's my that's my 43nVl_opi9Q-00060-00030330-00030654 meditation time player time whatever you want to call it that's my quiet time 43nVl_opi9Q-00061-00030654-00031062 right check in with myself and I check in with my motives what am i doing what 43nVl_opi9Q-00062-00031062-00031566 am i doing because you guys like I was a garbage human being for almost a decade 43nVl_opi9Q-00063-00031566-00032061 in my drug addiction I was so selfish I'm so so self-centered everything was 43nVl_opi9Q-00064-00032061-00032556 about me I was constantly using people to get what I wanted what I needed 43nVl_opi9Q-00065-00032556-00033030 screw your feelings it's all about me right one of the reasons I talked about 43nVl_opi9Q-00066-00033030-00033369 selfishness and self-centeredness so much on my channel is because that was 43nVl_opi9Q-00067-00033369-00033759 destroying my life and then when you pile on top of that my pride in my ego 43nVl_opi9Q-00068-00033759-00034263 so I was explaining to Tristan yes whenever I take a shower and I get quiet 43nVl_opi9Q-00069-00034263-00034659 I asked myself and I set my intention today and the other day I'm like what am 43nVl_opi9Q-00070-00034659-00035268 i doing what am i doing today why am i doing it what are my motives and I am 43nVl_opi9Q-00071-00035268-00035963 just now it is just now hitting me right now that I'm at 92 thousand subscribers 43nVl_opi9Q-00072-00035963-00036450 like I am a workhorse you guys know that I work and work and work and work and 43nVl_opi9Q-00073-00036450-00036855 it's like help people help people help people help more people help more people 43nVl_opi9Q-00074-00036855-00037212 and then like as I get closer I'm like oh crap I'm almost at a hundred thousand 43nVl_opi9Q-00075-00037212-00037575 cool only eight thousand more crisp all you need is eight thousand more crisp 43nVl_opi9Q-00076-00037575-00038297 and the last day or two it's really just hit me like Chris you are at almost a 43nVl_opi9Q-00077-00038297-00038765 hundred thousand subscribers this week alone I've had two people out in public 43nVl_opi9Q-00078-00038765-00039205 I don't go out too much you're in Vegas and to people in public recognize me 43nVl_opi9Q-00079-00039205-00039922 right and it's really hitting me that how big this channel is get it right and 43nVl_opi9Q-00080-00039922-00040552 I'm starting to reflect and even though I make videos you know using youtubers 43nVl_opi9Q-00081-00040552-00041098 for contacts and things like that I'm really starting to feel what they feel 43nVl_opi9Q-00082-00041098-00041761 and it's making more sense to me yes reminding me it's reminding me of my 43nVl_opi9Q-00083-00041761-00042447 second year sober right first year I thought was rough second year was way 43nVl_opi9Q-00084-00042447-00042925 harder than my first year because things are really hitting you and I thought the 43nVl_opi9Q-00085-00042925-00043447 hard part was growing this channel but now what I'm noticing is is what 43nVl_opi9Q-00086-00043447-00043843 youtubers talk about what kal-el talked about kal-el talked about in her video 43nVl_opi9Q-00087-00043843-00044266 about why she savages people say the most brutal things online who don't even 43nVl_opi9Q-00088-00044266-00044884 you know know you or anything like that and I get a lot of people assuming my 43nVl_opi9Q-00089-00044884-00045678 intentions and that's that's my issue my issue is like I was just I was actually 43nVl_opi9Q-00090-00045678-00046036 gonna make a video about Anna Akana cuz she made a video about self-love and I 43nVl_opi9Q-00091-00046036-00046416 really wanted to do that to do kind of a positive video but you guys who tweeted 43nVl_opi9Q-00092-00046416-00046909 that this kal-el video I'm like now I can relate way too much to this but I 43nVl_opi9Q-00093-00046909-00047257 forgot where I was going with that I'm sorry this unedited I'm just trying to 43nVl_opi9Q-00094-00047257-00047528 get these thoughts off my head so you guys have a better understanding of 43nVl_opi9Q-00095-00047528-00048310 what's going on and oh oh anyways one of my biggest fears is that people might be 43nVl_opi9Q-00096-00048310-00048516 right and that's something that Anna Akana 43nVl_opi9Q-00097-00048516-00048838 actually talks about when we had negative self-talk like let's like check 43nVl_opi9Q-00098-00048838-00049294 this out the worst comments on earth that I get my brain tells me so much 43nVl_opi9Q-00099-00049294-00049768 worse my brain tells me Chris you're a fraud you're fake Chris your motives 43nVl_opi9Q-00100-00049768-00050056 aren't good you aren't this right so I'm constantly checking in with myself 43nVl_opi9Q-00101-00050056-00050533 because I know for me personally well will take me back to the terrible person 43nVl_opi9Q-00102-00050533-00051022 that I used to be is if I stray off the path why if I start making YouTube about 43nVl_opi9Q-00103-00051022-00051378 money if I start making YouTube about popularity and stuff 43nVl_opi9Q-00104-00051378-00052012 if this channel turns into not trying to reach as many people as possible by 43nVl_opi9Q-00105-00052012-00052385 helping them I can turn into a terrible terrible 43nVl_opi9Q-00106-00052385-00052901 human being right so when I see these comments and as much as I preach don't 43nVl_opi9Q-00107-00052901-00053450 care so much what people think as I get bigger it gets harder I was telling 43nVl_opi9Q-00108-00053450-00053933 Tristan this morning it's kind of like going to the gym which I've been doing I 43nVl_opi9Q-00109-00053933-00054182 haven't been getting back into weights because my shoulder it's getting messed 43nVl_opi9Q-00110-00054182-00054710 up but anyways I was telling her it's kind of like when you're maxing out at 43nVl_opi9Q-00111-00054710-00055103 the gym right first you get on you're like okay I can do this right and then 43nVl_opi9Q-00112-00055103-00055405 you put on more weight you're like okay that's not too hard you put more weight 43nVl_opi9Q-00113-00055405-00055694 more weight and then like it gets harder but you're like feeling like kind of 43nVl_opi9Q-00114-00055694-00056072 like a badass like yeah I could do this and then it gets to a point where it is 43nVl_opi9Q-00115-00056072-00056810 just too heavy in your like and you reach your max and today I felt like I 43nVl_opi9Q-00116-00056810-00057461 reached a breaking point because as a lot of you know I try to reply and read 43nVl_opi9Q-00117-00057461-00057869 all of your comments and a lot of people have said Oh Chris that's not 43nVl_opi9Q-00118-00057869-00058337 sustainable that's not sustainable I'm like watch me I'm gonna be different I'm 43nVl_opi9Q-00119-00058337-00058745 gonna be the youtuber where no matter how big I get I'm just gonna keep doing 43nVl_opi9Q-00120-00058745-00059266 it keep doing it keep doing it right and today that breaking point hit so when 43nVl_opi9Q-00121-00059266-00059651 you combine you know people making videos about me questioning my motives 43nVl_opi9Q-00122-00059651-00060200 question my intentions then you get a mob of people coming in and the thing is 43nVl_opi9Q-00123-00060200-00060704 is I understand how my brain works I understand how the brain works you might 43nVl_opi9Q-00124-00060704-00061178 be able to relate to what I'm saying kal-el might be able to relate to what 43nVl_opi9Q-00125-00061178-00061717 I'm saying okay all brain has a negative bias our brain 43nVl_opi9Q-00126-00061717-00062651 is is designed to focus on the negative I have so many of you who who tell me 43nVl_opi9Q-00127-00062651-00063128 how much I'm helping you I even included it in my priming chrous panse video 43nVl_opi9Q-00128-00063128-00063554 right I talked about how many of you tell me that I'm helping you but my 43nVl_opi9Q-00129-00063554-00064133 brain will just hyper focus on the people who think they know my motives 43nVl_opi9Q-00130-00064133-00064526 who think they know my intentions right and then I feel like I got to defend 43nVl_opi9Q-00131-00064526-00065141 myself and my brain has just been a mess and I can relate to what kal-el talking 43nVl_opi9Q-00132-00065141-00065594 about because in case you didn't notice you know something that I'm dealing with 43nVl_opi9Q-00133-00065594-00065969 that I mentioned in a video the other day is that although I'm going to the 43nVl_opi9Q-00134-00065969-00066427 gym and eating healthier I still have unhealthy eating habits and 43nVl_opi9Q-00135-00066427-00067148 Callao is talking about how she's been turning to food for depression you know 43nVl_opi9Q-00136-00067148-00067791 I turned to food for a variety of emotions sometimes sometimes I'm able to 43nVl_opi9Q-00137-00067791-00068207 avoid it and do something more productive maybe make a video or journal 43nVl_opi9Q-00138-00068207-00068564 or meditate right but sometimes and I don't know if you can relate to this I 43nVl_opi9Q-00139-00068564-00069020 get a case of the ethics right gotta get this video monetize so we'll call it the 43nVl_opi9Q-00140-00069020-00069437 case of the efforts Oh Mike screw it screw it you know what I'm just gonna go 43nVl_opi9Q-00141-00069437-00069782 by the gas station get some donuts you know I've been acting which I'm like oh 43nVl_opi9Q-00142-00069782-00070226 god Chris why did you do that you know what I'm trying so hard and then they 43nVl_opi9Q-00143-00070226-00070958 almost like negates you know the time I put into the gym but anyways anyways you 43nVl_opi9Q-00144-00070958-00071483 know I am starting to realize that as my channel gets bigger you know I'm gonna 43nVl_opi9Q-00145-00071483-00071717 change I got a you know I gotta work on myself 43nVl_opi9Q-00146-00071717-00072368 and the collabs that I'm doing in LA next week I've just got an idea today of 43nVl_opi9Q-00147-00072368-00072641 how I'm gonna do it I'll announce that on Sunday and by the way I'm gonna 43nVl_opi9Q-00148-00072641-00073067 clickbait you on Sunday I apologize in advance but I'm gonna 43nVl_opi9Q-00149-00073067-00073508 explain how these collabs are gonna work but I want to turn this into a process 43nVl_opi9Q-00150-00073508-00074195 of self-reflection and growth and I have some really cool stuff planned but 43nVl_opi9Q-00151-00074195-00074666 anyways I hope kal-el you know she talks about in her new video about gaining 15 43nVl_opi9Q-00152-00074666-00075035 pounds that also get through it things are gonna be better and you know and all 43nVl_opi9Q-00153-00075035-00075467 that and I really hope they do for and I hope you guys all realize whenever I 43nVl_opi9Q-00154-00075467-00075833 talk about you know other youtubers on my channel I always hope for the best 43nVl_opi9Q-00155-00075833-00076341 I hope that was clear in my video about stop please stop shaming Trisha Paytas 43nVl_opi9Q-00156-00076341-00077183 you know because I you know I have a certain personality I come off tough I 43nVl_opi9Q-00157-00077183-00077552 come off harsh you know but at the end of the day I really want people to do 43nVl_opi9Q-00158-00077552-00078023 well and be happy and get better and stuff anyways again we talk about the 43nVl_opi9Q-00159-00078023-00078345 solution here so what am i doing what am i doing a few 43nVl_opi9Q-00160-00078345-00078924 things I talked to Tristan today about limiting how often I reply to comments 43nVl_opi9Q-00161-00078924-00079388 and how often I check comments so all of you who have grown accustomed to me 43nVl_opi9Q-00162-00079388-00079776 being really active in the comment section I'm gonna try to win back and 43nVl_opi9Q-00163-00079776-00080475 this is for my mental health you know like I said it's not sustainable and I 43nVl_opi9Q-00164-00080475-00080865 love you guys you know interact with me on Twitter and things but you know my 43nVl_opi9Q-00165-00080865-00081384 channel is almost at a hundred freakin thousand subscribers and I'm I'm 43nVl_opi9Q-00166-00081384-00081894 conceding that it is not sustainable so that's one thing that I'm doing the 43nVl_opi9Q-00167-00081894-00082380 other thing that I'm doing you know is my normal routine of you know writing 43nVl_opi9Q-00168-00082380-00082776 things down really processing things opening up to my beautiful girlfriend 43nVl_opi9Q-00169-00082776-00083115 Christy and I've been talking to my friends a lot more my mom is a great 43nVl_opi9Q-00170-00083115-00083514 part of my support group twisting and I were talking about how big my channels 43nVl_opi9Q-00171-00083514-00083916 getting and I've had a channel when I first started this where none of my 43nVl_opi9Q-00172-00083916-00084273 friends or family members would watch it but now a lot of the people who love me 43nVl_opi9Q-00173-00084273-00084606 the most are really getting into it and I'm really grateful I'm really fortunate 43nVl_opi9Q-00174-00084606-00085026 for those people in my life so if any of you are watching this I appreciate you 43nVl_opi9Q-00175-00085026-00085419 so I'm using all of the tools like I try to give you guys a million tools because 43nVl_opi9Q-00176-00085419-00085881 sometimes you just got to keep trying but I think the most important thing not 43nVl_opi9Q-00177-00085881-00086280 the most important one of the most important things is is that I'm actually 43nVl_opi9Q-00178-00086280-00086841 in therapy now and talk about timing - I started therapy when things were going 43nVl_opi9Q-00179-00086841-00087555 good so now I have somebody there and yes I use better help therapy alright I 43nVl_opi9Q-00180-00087555-00088263 have a licensed therapist and today I was talking to her and I don't think 43nVl_opi9Q-00181-00088263-00088668 until it was until today that I told me that I'm a youtuber so I told her about 43nVl_opi9Q-00182-00088668-00089073 everything that's going on I asked her her thoughts you know and opinions I 43nVl_opi9Q-00183-00089073-00089871 sent her a link to one of my videos she actually told me to to not respond to 43nVl_opi9Q-00184-00089871-00090608 prim Inc I was like yo Katrina sorry but I saw this after I responded remake 43nVl_opi9Q-00185-00090608-00091107 but anyways therapy is important and I hope more youtubers are doing it and 43nVl_opi9Q-00186-00091107-00091425 getting help like it is one of the biggest suggestions 43nVl_opi9Q-00187-00091425-00091962 and I can you know really give to people I also before I in this video I want to 43nVl_opi9Q-00188-00091962-00092373 shout out Meghan tonjes I'm going to watch her video right now - 43nVl_opi9Q-00189-00092373-00092949 she just made a video about her experience with therapy she made a video 43nVl_opi9Q-00190-00092949-00093351 not that long ago about her first therapy session so this seems like a 43nVl_opi9Q-00191-00093351-00093819 follow up so shout out to Meghan tonjes her and I have a little bit of a history 43nVl_opi9Q-00192-00093819-00094212 go through my channel you'll see what I made a public apology to Meghan talk 43nVl_opi9Q-00193-00094212-00094770 this I'll tweet it out - just to let her know that I gave her a shout out in this 43nVl_opi9Q-00194-00094770-00095256 corner cool now but yeah if you want a story about how I used to be an awful 43nVl_opi9Q-00195-00095256-00095685 human being watch my video about apologizing to big and tall just if you 43nVl_opi9Q-00196-00095685-00096022 want another story about how like a lot of you asked me for more story time 43nVl_opi9Q-00197-00096022-00096610 sorry this is getting a little ram bleah watch my video about me going after the 43nVl_opi9Q-00198-00096610-00096966 weather man okay I played that on livestream a few months ago and people 43nVl_opi9Q-00199-00096966-00097449 loved it so go watch that I if you think I'm crazy now check out some of that 43nVl_opi9Q-00200-00097449-00098211 stuff but anyways bye all the best wishes to kal-el if she does see this if 43nVl_opi9Q-00201-00098211-00098661 you want to tweet it out or go for it III know that my platform is getting 43nVl_opi9Q-00202-00098661-00099077 bigger and more youtubers are gonna see this and I do need to keep that in mind 43nVl_opi9Q-00203-00099077-00099633 more but don't worry tough love Kris ain't going anywhere 43nVl_opi9Q-00204-00099633-00100169 alright anyways I really appreciate all of you for watching this long-ass video 43nVl_opi9Q-00205-00100169-00100611 thanks again to kal-el for opening up getting vulnerable I'm gonna I'm gonna 43nVl_opi9Q-00206-00100611-00100941 start learning more from other youtubers who have been through what I'm going 43nVl_opi9Q-00207-00100941-00101361 through as I grow and I even want to at some point start like a youtuber like 43nVl_opi9Q-00208-00101361-00101820 support group you know what I mean because a lot of people feel very 43nVl_opi9Q-00209-00101820-00102261 isolated and alone I think I think we all need to rely on each other you know 43nVl_opi9Q-00210-00102261-00102612 you got to be around people who understand what you're going through 43nVl_opi9Q-00211-00102612-00103158 alright but anyways anyways let me in this video again thanks for watching 43nVl_opi9Q-00212-00103158-00103779 give this video a thumbs up if you liked it if you haven't already make sure you 43nVl_opi9Q-00213-00103779-00104115 subscribe to wring the notification belt because I make a ton of videos I have a 43nVl_opi9Q-00214-00104115-00104491 lot of cool stuff and collabs coming up soon so make sure notifications are on 43nVl_opi9Q-00215-00104491-00104965 huge thank you to everybody who supports the channel over on patreon I get love 43nVl_opi9Q-00216-00104965-00105505 you guys because a lot of you like your purely only being a patron to support 43nVl_opi9Q-00217-00105505-00105805 what I'm doing and I really really appreciate you all right but thank you 43nVl_opi9Q-00218-00105805-00106134 all just for watching you support me as well I love you all 43nVl_opi9Q-00219-00106134-00106398 I'll see you soon 443uuYGRKNI-00000-00000000-00000484 Respiration 443uuYGRKNI-00001-00000484-00001296 In this section we will learn about cellular respiration, which is different than breathing from the lungs. In layman language ... 443uuYGRKNI-00002-00001296-00002096 respiration refers to inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. This process will take place, but we will see the process ... 443uuYGRKNI-00003-00002096-00002226 at a cellular level. 443uuYGRKNI-00004-00002264-00003270 The first part of respiration is also called as aerobic respiration. This section requires oxygen to be present at all ... 443uuYGRKNI-00005-00003270-00004250 times within the cell. This section is divided into three main stages; glycolysis (is the only part of this section ... 443uuYGRKNI-00006-00004250-00005059 which can happen without oxygen), Krebs cycle and electron transport chain both require oxygen. 443uuYGRKNI-00007-00005120-00006177 A summary of cellular respiration shown in the slide, presents a glucose molecule reacting with six oxygen molecules to form ... 443uuYGRKNI-00008-00006177-00007141 six carbon dioxide molecule and six water molecule. A lot of energy is stored in this glucose molecule hence when ... 443uuYGRKNI-00009-00007141-00007846 it breaks down it releases a lot of energy some of it is stored in the form of ATP. 443uuYGRKNI-00010-00007920-00008871 Glycolysis refers to break down of the six carbon glucose molecule to two three carbon molecules. The process requires some ... 443uuYGRKNI-00011-00008871-00009737 energy. Think of investing in in a business, you require some seed money. Similar analogy here is shown. Two ATP ... 443uuYGRKNI-00012-00009737-00010603 molecules are required to initiate the entire process, the product which we will see later as a larger number of ... 443uuYGRKNI-00013-00010603-00011086 ATP molecules released by the end of the cellular respiration. 443uuYGRKNI-00014-00011148-00012224 In glycolysis alone four ATP molecules are formed, hence net gain of two ATP molecules. The reaction is at least ... 443uuYGRKNI-00015-00012224-00013349 13 steps and at the end one glucose molecule yields two pyruvate molecules. The pyruvate molecule is the three carbon ... 443uuYGRKNI-00016-00013349-00014416 molecule. Two NADH, electron carriers are also released. At the end of respiration these NADH will be used in a ... 443uuYGRKNI-00017-00014416-00014804 process called electron transport chain. 443uuYGRKNI-00018-00014876-00016222 The pyruvate molecule just formed by glycolysis enters the citric acid cycle. Various configurational changes take place and various side ... 443uuYGRKNI-00019-00016222-00017113 products are released such as three NADH, 1 FADH, two carbon dioxide, and one ATP molecule. 443uuYGRKNI-00020-00017152-00018040 Since there were two pyruvate molecule at the end of glycolysis hence there are two Krebs cycle for each glucose ... 443uuYGRKNI-00021-00018040-00018112 molecule. 443uuYGRKNI-00022-00018132-00019285 The third series of events in cellular respiration involves electron carriers. These series of reactions can be compared to a ... 443uuYGRKNI-00023-00019285-00020568 bucket brigade. Electrons move through different carrier molecules and are finally accepted by the oxygen molecule to form water molecules. 443uuYGRKNI-00024-00020600-00021564 In in these reactions the energy of the electron was carried by the NADH and the FADH molecules. Both these ... 443uuYGRKNI-00025-00021564-00022702 molecules hence become NAD and FAD. These series of steps are also called as chemiosomosis. Reference to osmosis of electrons. 443uuYGRKNI-00026-00022736-00023943 In the absence of oxygen the glucose molecule has a different fate. Since Krebs cycle and electron transport chain requires ... 443uuYGRKNI-00027-00023943-00025141 oxygen, when no oxygen is present pyruvate the end product of glycolysis forms lactic acid in muscle cells., and alcoholic ... 443uuYGRKNI-00028-00025141-00025458 and products in bacterial cells. 443uuYGRKNI-00029-00025524-00026552 When you exercise and feel a lump on your muscle, this is due to lactic acid accumulation. This is because ... 443uuYGRKNI-00030-00026552-00027229 you don’t breathe long enough to provide oxygen to those muscle cells. 443uuYGRKNI-00031-00027260-00028811 Besides glucose other organic molecules such as carbohydrates proteins and lipids can also enter the mainstream cellular respiration pathway. Some ... 443uuYGRKNI-00032-00028811-00030074 amino acids can convert directly into pyruvate. Certainly lipids can directly enter the citric acid or the Krebs cycle. 443uuYGRKNI-00033-00030108-00031430 These anaerobic process are also referred to as fermentation. The end product of fermentation is based on the kind of ... 443uuYGRKNI-00034-00031430-00031487 cell. 443uuYGRKNI-00035-00031520-00032536 The entire process of cellular respiration is very complex. The main organelle within the cell where cellular respiration takes place ... 443uuYGRKNI-00036-00032536-00033375 is the mitochondria. By the end of cellular respiration there are an average of 36 ATP molecules formed by one ... 443uuYGRKNI-00037-00033375-00034076 glucose molecue. The process utlilized 2 ATP molecules in the initation stage of glycolysis. 46mB9TJ30iy-00000-00001104-00001401 Kwong Nui Sim: Kia ora. Good afternoon everyone. Thank you to 46mB9TJ30iy-00001-00001401-00001880 see so many of you here. As we all know, this is the part two 46mB9TJ30iy-00002-00001923-00002313 from the last year's panel discussion, which was very well 46mB9TJ30iy-00003-00002313-00002724 received. So we thought you'll be nice to have the second part 46mB9TJ30iy-00004-00002724-00003024 of the discussion and thank you very much to all the speakers 46mB9TJ30iy-00005-00003102-00003759 willingly participate in today's discussion again. So I'm Kwong 46mB9TJ30iy-00006-00003759-00004044 Nui. I'm a Senior Lecturer at Auckland University of 46mB9TJ30iy-00007-00004044-00004497 Technology. In a minute, I will ask our speakers to briefly 46mB9TJ30iy-00008-00004497-00004905 introduce themselves as I can see, there are quite a few new 46mB9TJ30iy-00009-00004905-00005193 audience in the group for this session. 46mB9TJ30iy-00010-00005322-00005646 Before that, I would like to say this session will be recorded. 46mB9TJ30iy-00011-00005667-00006024 So if you would like to turn off your camera, feel free to do 46mB9TJ30iy-00012-00006024-00006444 that. And we do have the live transcription function being 46mB9TJ30iy-00013-00006444-00006773 turned on, and we will check through the transcription before 46mB9TJ30iy-00014-00006773-00007293 we share that in public later. So yes, over to you, Claire, 46mB9TJ30iy-00015-00007295-00007428 would you like to say a few words? 46mB9TJ30iy-00016-00007461-00007764 Claire Amos: Good afternoon. Kia ora. My name is Claire Amos, and 46mB9TJ30iy-00017-00007764-00008214 I am the Principal / Timuaki of Albany Senior High School here 46mB9TJ30iy-00018-00008214-00008715 in Auckland and have also sat on a number of reference groups and 46mB9TJ30iy-00019-00008715-00009045 advisory boards in the educational technology space and 46mB9TJ30iy-00020-00009045-00009426 serve on the NetSafe Board and the N4L Advisory Board. 46mB9TJ30iy-00021-00009564-00009789 Kwong Nui Sim: Thank you, Claire. Stephen. 46mB9TJ30iy-00022-00009903-00010128 Stephen Marshall: Hi everyone. I'm Professor Stephen Marshall. 46mB9TJ30iy-00023-00010128-00010455 I'm the Director for the Centre for Academic Development at 46mB9TJ30iy-00024-00010455-00010833 Victoria University of Wellington, been in the sector 46mB9TJ30iy-00025-00010836-00011388 for decades. And my interests are in how the whole tertiary 46mB9TJ30iy-00026-00011388-00011871 system operates as a system and also the role that technology 46mB9TJ30iy-00027-00011871-00012336 plays in helping us see new ways that we might enact tertiary 46mB9TJ30iy-00028-00012336-00012495 education in the future. 46mB9TJ30iy-00029-00012603-00012837 Kwong Nui Sim: Thank you, Stephen. And Steve. 46mB9TJ30iy-00030-00012935-00013172 Steve Leichtweis: Tēnā koutou. Good afternoon everyone. My name 46mB9TJ30iy-00031-00013172-00013682 is Steve Leichtweis. I am the Head of the E-Learning Group at 46mB9TJ30iy-00032-00013682-00014165 the University of Auckland. And that is a central learning and 46mB9TJ30iy-00033-00014165-00014882 design team for the university. My interests are in technology 46mB9TJ30iy-00034-00014882-00015397 enhanced learning. I also have an interest in the use of data 46mB9TJ30iy-00035-00015401-00016052 to inform better learning design, and I also have 46mB9TJ30iy-00036-00016094-00016688 connections in a vice presidential role with ACODE 46mB9TJ30iy-00037-00016688-00017018 which is the Australasian Council for Online, Distance, 46mB9TJ30iy-00038-00017051-00017591 and eLearning and routinely have conversations with our peers at 46mB9TJ30iy-00039-00017591-00017963 the Australian and other New Zealand universities around some 46mB9TJ30iy-00040-00017963-00018266 of the very issues that we're going to hopefully delve into 46mB9TJ30iy-00041-00018266-00018311 today. 46mB9TJ30iy-00042-00018429-00018822 Kwong Nui Sim: Thank you all. As we all can hear, all three 46mB9TJ30iy-00043-00018822-00019341 speakers are the experts in flexible learning for our 46mB9TJ30iy-00044-00019341-00019854 schools or tertiary education sector, both at the national and 46mB9TJ30iy-00045-00019857-00020310 international level. So what we are going to do is, I'm going to 46mB9TJ30iy-00046-00020316-00020859 ask the panel to share their perspective on the questions. 46mB9TJ30iy-00047-00020883-00021306 But for the audience, feel free to jump in by raising your hands 46mB9TJ30iy-00048-00021339-00021765 or put in the chat box or turn on your mic. If you want to say 46mB9TJ30iy-00049-00021765-00022197 something or ask a question. I will keep an eye and we do have 46mB9TJ30iy-00050-00022197-00022614 Kristina in the background, helping me to organise 46mB9TJ30iy-00051-00022650-00022698 everything. 46mB9TJ30iy-00052-00022755-00023166 So the first question is, as we all know, this is the third year 46mB9TJ30iy-00053-00023166-00023565 now into global pandemic or maybe we shall say is 46mB9TJ30iy-00054-00023619-00024177 post-pandemic not sure. So, for all the speakers today are the 46mB9TJ30iy-00055-00024177-00024762 challenges from the start in 2020s still important today, 46mB9TJ30iy-00056-00024771-00025203 especially in the New Zealand context? This is especially when 46mB9TJ30iy-00057-00025203-00025680 New Zealand was kind of having COVID-free for one year in 46mB9TJ30iy-00058-00025680-00026160 between. So who would like to start sharing? 46mB9TJ30iy-00059-00026238-00026736 Steve Leichtweis: I can kick off. So the short answer is no. 46mB9TJ30iy-00060-00026841-00027567 I would argue that one year of being COVID-free has not given 46mB9TJ30iy-00061-00027567-00028032 us any special advantage whatsoever. And in fact, it may 46mB9TJ30iy-00062-00028032-00028386 have - it might make the discussion a little bit more 46mB9TJ30iy-00063-00028386-00028872 difficult because we actually haven't been under the same 46mB9TJ30iy-00064-00028872-00029337 level of stress and really haven't necessarily had the 46mB9TJ30iy-00065-00029337-00029793 risks of what this means for learning and teaching going 46mB9TJ30iy-00066-00029793-00030111 forward. Whether that's secondary or tertiary going 46mB9TJ30iy-00067-00030111-00030882 forward. And I think what we would have seen initially, at 46mB9TJ30iy-00068-00030882-00031364 the start of the pandemic, was a very reactive stance from every 46mB9TJ30iy-00069-00031364-00031812 education provider. And what that meant is a lot of staff 46mB9TJ30iy-00070-00031812-00032367 went above and beyond what is normally expected. It was pretty 46mB9TJ30iy-00071-00032367-00032702 much all hands on deck to make sure that teaching continued, 46mB9TJ30iy-00072-00032781-00033255 and that required extra time and effort from everyone going 46mB9TJ30iy-00073-00033255-00033321 forward. 46mB9TJ30iy-00074-00033543-00034140 We can't keep asking our staff to behave in the same way, with 46mB9TJ30iy-00075-00034185-00034536 expectations for heightened workload, and the stress that 46mB9TJ30iy-00076-00034536-00034794 comes with that, and the different ways of delivering. 46mB9TJ30iy-00077-00034842-00035280 And so thinking, going forward, it's more about being proactive 46mB9TJ30iy-00078-00035283-00035796 and making this sustainable in a way that people can make it work 46mB9TJ30iy-00079-00035799-00036249 within their normal lives without that extra all consuming 46mB9TJ30iy-00080-00036249-00036753 workload that most of us experienced. And that requires 46mB9TJ30iy-00081-00036753-00037401 focusing on staff and capability development and growing their 46mB9TJ30iy-00082-00037401-00037992 comfort and capability at doing this long term. 46mB9TJ30iy-00083-00038215-00038596 Stephen Marshall: I think we've - I agree completely. And I 46mB9TJ30iy-00084-00038596-00038917 think we've burned through a number of different types of 46mB9TJ30iy-00085-00038917-00039289 capital in the last couple of years. We've burned through the 46mB9TJ30iy-00086-00039385-00039673 sort of pent up capacity for people to, as you say, to do 46mB9TJ30iy-00087-00039673-00040150 above and beyond, and now just weary and exhausted. We've 46mB9TJ30iy-00088-00040150-00040567 burned through capital in terms of financial resources for the 46mB9TJ30iy-00089-00040567-00041185 universities, particularly where we've had some amount of a 46mB9TJ30iy-00090-00041185-00041443 buffer because of international students that were present 46mB9TJ30iy-00091-00041443-00041800 domestically, that's essentially dried up for this year. 46mB9TJ30iy-00092-00041863-00042151 We're starting to see real challenges right across the 46mB9TJ30iy-00093-00042151-00042490 sector in terms of domestic enrollments and people's 46mB9TJ30iy-00094-00042490-00043147 behaviours. But more generally, I think we've lost the 46mB9TJ30iy-00095-00043147-00043786 willingness to do things differently because of the sense 46mB9TJ30iy-00096-00043786-00044011 that this was only going to be for a short time, and I think 46mB9TJ30iy-00097-00044011-00044413 people have now crystallised into a view that there are 46mB9TJ30iy-00098-00044413-00044722 things that are going to continue to be disruptive and to 46mB9TJ30iy-00099-00044722-00045280 affect us for years to come. And that's quite confronting as 46mB9TJ30iy-00100-00045280-00045631 people have found the last couple of years disorienting and 46mB9TJ30iy-00101-00045817-00046087 unaligned to how they believe they should be doing their job 46mB9TJ30iy-00102-00046087-00046282 and what they believe their job involved. 46mB9TJ30iy-00103-00046384-00046795 So I think we're going to start seeing an increase in people 46mB9TJ30iy-00104-00046813-00047056 finally, just leaving the system, particularly as the 46mB9TJ30iy-00105-00047056-00047416 borders open, and it's possible for particularly, Victoria has a 46mB9TJ30iy-00106-00047416-00047761 very high proportion of international staff. I won't be 46mB9TJ30iy-00107-00047761-00048136 at all surprised to see a number of those people simply go back 46mB9TJ30iy-00108-00048136-00048487 home to the countries that have come from in order to recover 46mB9TJ30iy-00109-00048598-00048997 purely because they've lost the capacity to continue to be part 46mB9TJ30iy-00110-00048997-00049096 of the system we're in. 46mB9TJ30iy-00111-00049156-00049531 And we continue to have completely random disruptions 46mB9TJ30iy-00112-00049537-00049771 that we haven't experienced previously that are more 46mB9TJ30iy-00113-00049771-00050041 challenging. And as Steve says, we had a year of relative 46mB9TJ30iy-00114-00050056-00050572 quietness. We've had an invasion of a third of our campus and the 46mB9TJ30iy-00115-00050575-00050872 impact of that on the rest of the operations of the 46mB9TJ30iy-00116-00050872-00051301 university. We've had essentially all of the students 46mB9TJ30iy-00117-00051301-00051595 in our halls of accommodation locked in their rooms for a 46mB9TJ30iy-00118-00051595-00052039 fortnight while they recover from COVID. And that's been 46mB9TJ30iy-00119-00052039-00052341 incredibly disruptive to the well being of the students and 46mB9TJ30iy-00120-00052525-00052798 really is disrupting staff's sense of what it is that they 46mB9TJ30iy-00121-00052798-00053032 can achieve in their courses this year. So people, I think 46mB9TJ30iy-00122-00053032-00053379 there's a sense that this is possibly going to be the hardest 46mB9TJ30iy-00123-00053379-00053788 year of the time since the pandemic hit us. 46mB9TJ30iy-00124-00053853-00054210 Claire Amos: Yeah. And I would add to that in the sense that I 46mB9TJ30iy-00125-00054210-00054696 think one of the biggest changes we've seen in recent times is 46mB9TJ30iy-00126-00054699-00055137 we've shifted from complex to more complex in the sense that 46mB9TJ30iy-00127-00055233-00055679 we were doing complex work, learning how to move our 46mB9TJ30iy-00128-00055679-00056103 learning online. But at least up until very recently, it was 46mB9TJ30iy-00129-00056103-00056412 discrete: We were either face-to-face, or we were all 46mB9TJ30iy-00130-00056412-00056799 working with all of our students online. And what has been the 46mB9TJ30iy-00131-00056799-00057174 most challenging part of this year so far, is having to 46mB9TJ30iy-00132-00057177-00057669 escalate genuinely hybridised learning and getting your head 46mB9TJ30iy-00133-00057669-00058113 around what that looks like in a secondary context, and doing it 46mB9TJ30iy-00134-00058113-00058437 in such a way that was clear enough for the students but also 46mB9TJ30iy-00135-00058437-00058800 sustainable practice for the teachers when you've got very 46mB9TJ30iy-00136-00058800-00059304 active unions and other parties also speaking up to make sure 46mB9TJ30iy-00137-00059304-00059664 that there was never an expectation for teachers to be 46mB9TJ30iy-00138-00059666-00060207 going above and beyond their workload expectations. As both 46mB9TJ30iy-00139-00060207-00060537 the Steven's have mentioned that idea of that sort of resource 46mB9TJ30iy-00140-00060537-00060990 and capital and goodwill that we saw people dipping into for the 46mB9TJ30iy-00141-00060990-00061326 last two years has really come to a bit of an end. 46mB9TJ30iy-00142-00061300-00061757 And, you know, I'm concerned about what I think is more of a 46mB9TJ30iy-00143-00061764-00062199 wellbeing pandemic [chuckle] really than a COVID pandemic 46mB9TJ30iy-00144-00062206-00062671 that we're stepping into now. And the increased sort of, like 46mB9TJ30iy-00145-00062679-00063090 how, like, I've seen staff wobbly that I've never seen 46mB9TJ30iy-00146-00063098-00063563 wobbling in the last few months, and I've seen staff who have 46mB9TJ30iy-00147-00063571-00064035 come down with COVID and have been knocked sideways by what I 46mB9TJ30iy-00148-00064043-00064455 assume is the impact of long COVID on their health and 46mB9TJ30iy-00149-00064462-00064866 wellbeing. And these are teachers who managed complex 46mB9TJ30iy-00150-00064874-00065308 situations with ease, who, you know, I'm lucky to be in a 46mB9TJ30iy-00151-00065316-00065712 school where we've got one-to-one devices and highly 46mB9TJ30iy-00152-00065720-00066146 skilled staff and pretty competent group of students who 46mB9TJ30iy-00153-00066154-00066634 have been supported to work both face-to-face and online. But I 46mB9TJ30iy-00154-00066642-00067122 don't think we have necessarily been prepared for the impact of 46mB9TJ30iy-00155-00067130-00067610 the illness on those players in this piece as well. So it's not 46mB9TJ30iy-00156-00067617-00068052 just about getting your head around hybrid learning, it's 46mB9TJ30iy-00157-00068059-00068501 about how do we support a workforce and a student body who 46mB9TJ30iy-00158-00068509-00069043 are actually both physically and emotionally unwell a lot of the time. 46mB9TJ30iy-00159-00069045-00069465 I also worry about the fact that the thing that hasn't changed is 46mB9TJ30iy-00160-00069465-00069900 the digital divide. And if anything, us going back into 46mB9TJ30iy-00161-00069900-00070290 school, and school being open, and us simply just being 46mB9TJ30iy-00162-00070290-00070521 responsive to students who are at home because they're 46mB9TJ30iy-00163-00070521-00070809 isolating because of family members or because they are 46mB9TJ30iy-00164-00070809-00071334 themselves unwell, doesn't shine a light on those students who 46mB9TJ30iy-00165-00071334-00071781 don't have universal WiFi access and don't have universal device 46mB9TJ30iy-00166-00071781-00072060 access because quite frankly, if they go a week with some 46mB9TJ30iy-00167-00072123-00072423 worksheets in a workbook, they'll be fine, they'll come 46mB9TJ30iy-00168-00072423-00072750 back into the system radiradira. So I don't - I think the 46mB9TJ30iy-00169-00072750-00073149 pressure and the heat has come off that issue a little bit, and 46mB9TJ30iy-00170-00073149-00073644 actually, it's the worst time for it to come off that issue. I 46mB9TJ30iy-00171-00073644-00074067 think that we need to ensure that we're still having that 46mB9TJ30iy-00172-00074067-00074481 conversation in terms of ensuring that there is universal 46mB9TJ30iy-00173-00074481-00074826 basic WiFi for every New Zealander, that there is 46mB9TJ30iy-00174-00074928-00075345 adequate appropriate device for every student in their high 46mB9TJ30iy-00175-00075345-00075606 school and that teachers are actually proactively being 46mB9TJ30iy-00176-00075606-00076119 supported to get their head around strategic approaches to 46mB9TJ30iy-00177-00076119-00076620 hybrid learning rather than ad hoc, poorly designed approaches 46mB9TJ30iy-00178-00076620-00076692 to learning. 46mB9TJ30iy-00179-00076692-00077025 And all of this is happening while our leaders are being 46mB9TJ30iy-00180-00077025-00077538 diverted into being managers of vaccine mandates, or up until 46mB9TJ30iy-00181-00077538-00078024 very recently, we've been given the job of managing masks and 46mB9TJ30iy-00182-00078024-00078438 enforcing mask wearing in our schools. I've been walking 46mB9TJ30iy-00183-00078438-00078864 around the school with a CO2 monitor [chuckle]. And doing 46mB9TJ30iy-00184-00078864-00079227 that work and being engaged in conversations around 46mB9TJ30iy-00185-00079227-00079548 ventilation. So just at a time when we actually need to 46mB9TJ30iy-00186-00079548-00079998 probably doing some of the most sophisticated, complex work that 46mB9TJ30iy-00187-00079998-00080358 you can ask for, i.e. really well designed hybrid teaching 46mB9TJ30iy-00188-00080358-00080730 and learning, there's actually a whole lot else that's being 46mB9TJ30iy-00189-00080733-00081117 asked of our school leaders, and a whole lot of challenges that 46mB9TJ30iy-00190-00081117-00081528 both our students and our teachers are facing that meaning 46mB9TJ30iy-00191-00081528-00081867 that that isn't necessarily feeling like it should be as 46mB9TJ30iy-00192-00081867-00082182 much of a priority as it needs to be, if that makes sense. 46mB9TJ30iy-00193-00082217-00082508 Stephen Marshall: Yeah and I think you're highlighting that 46mB9TJ30iy-00194-00082511-00082817 one of the challenges we face, and I would say this is across 46mB9TJ30iy-00195-00082817-00083357 the educational system in New Zealand, is a relatively weak 46mB9TJ30iy-00196-00083366-00083984 organisational structure and the capacity to enact systems that 46mB9TJ30iy-00197-00083990-00084236 do a bit of the heavy lifting for people in terms of 46mB9TJ30iy-00198-00084236-00084611 understanding how to solve some of these problems, rather than 46mB9TJ30iy-00199-00084620-00084839 putting it on to people that they have to make their own 46mB9TJ30iy-00200-00084839-00085136 individual solutions, either at a school level or classroom 46mB9TJ30iy-00201-00085136-00085523 level, or within an academic situation as individual 46mB9TJ30iy-00202-00085523-00086099 academics. And historically, we have had, particularly in the 46mB9TJ30iy-00203-00086099-00086591 university system, a culture of great independence of action, 46mB9TJ30iy-00204-00086693-00087203 which is all very well, when we're talking about relatively 46mB9TJ30iy-00205-00087206-00087470 forgiving environments like physical classrooms. 46mB9TJ30iy-00206-00087545-00087953 And long experience working with digital technologies, 46mB9TJ30iy-00207-00087953-00088517 particularly, has taught me that you can't focus on turning 46mB9TJ30iy-00208-00088517-00088766 everybody into technical experts. You can't focus on 46mB9TJ30iy-00209-00088766-00089111 everybody having particular tools and technologies. You have 46mB9TJ30iy-00210-00089111-00089486 to think about the thing as a complete system and put in place 46mB9TJ30iy-00211-00089486-00089876 the dynamics that allow things to work well, even for the 46mB9TJ30iy-00212-00089876-00090251 people who are not able or interested or willing to engage 46mB9TJ30iy-00213-00090254-00090596 in, in detail professional development and training for 46mB9TJ30iy-00214-00090596-00090899 people who don't have always the latest and greatest, both in 46mB9TJ30iy-00215-00090899-00091217 terms of bandwidth for device or even particular types of 46mB9TJ30iy-00216-00091217-00091781 devices. And solving those problems is not something that 46mB9TJ30iy-00217-00091781-00092120 we can do as individual academics, as individual 46mB9TJ30iy-00218-00092120-00092639 teachers, they have to be things that we act on collectively. And 46mB9TJ30iy-00219-00092639-00093149 that requires a certain willingness to engage with this 46mB9TJ30iy-00220-00093149-00093677 problem collectively rather than defending the ditch on a 46mB9TJ30iy-00221-00093677-00093926 particular way of doing things that historically may well have 46mB9TJ30iy-00222-00093926-00094187 worked, and worked extremely well. 46mB9TJ30iy-00223-00094235-00094493 Claire Amos: And I think as well, we see the the real 46mB9TJ30iy-00224-00094532-00094859 tension that we see in a lot of areas, particularly in secondary 46mB9TJ30iy-00225-00094973-00095537 education, with the concept of self governing schools, and the 46mB9TJ30iy-00226-00095567-00096086 desire to hold on to this real sense of how we do things here 46mB9TJ30iy-00227-00096161-00096560 at this school, and you then combine that with an education 46mB9TJ30iy-00228-00096560-00097154 system that has become nearly consultative to a point. And 46mB9TJ30iy-00229-00097154-00097637 until the point of just like paralysis, you know, where we 46mB9TJ30iy-00230-00097637-00097997 constantly seeing, you know, questionnaires, surveys, 46mB9TJ30iy-00231-00098042-00098468 research groups, discussions about what we could possibly do 46mB9TJ30iy-00232-00098468-00098972 and there's this desire to make everyone feel like everyone has 46mB9TJ30iy-00233-00098972-00099443 been heard, ad nauseam, but then actually very little happens 46mB9TJ30iy-00234-00099569-00099875 because actually, you ran out of runway, when you consulted for 46mB9TJ30iy-00235-00099875-00099929 so long [chuckle]. 46mB9TJ30iy-00236-00100010-00100727 Stephen Marshall: Yeah. It's - people often become very upset 46mB9TJ30iy-00237-00100733-00101195 when the conversation of larger scale thinking has bought into 46mB9TJ30iy-00238-00101198-00101585 to any area, particularly in the education space. And a lot of 46mB9TJ30iy-00239-00101585-00102023 people react very badly to ideas of sort of standards and common 46mB9TJ30iy-00240-00102023-00102443 systems. And they believe that that dehumanises what we're 46mB9TJ30iy-00241-00102443-00102704 doing and takes away the creative component of their 46mB9TJ30iy-00242-00102704-00103115 work. And I, I don't, I'm not convinced by that argument 46mB9TJ30iy-00243-00103115-00103400 because I don't think people's creativity is enacted through 46mB9TJ30iy-00244-00103400-00103558 the organisational systems. 46mB9TJ30iy-00245-00103500-00103824 Claire Amos: And they can become enabling constraints... 46mB9TJ30iy-00246-00103840-00103876 Stephen Marshall: Exactly. 46mB9TJ30iy-00247-00103879-00104190 Claire Amos: ... they can become the mechanism that then frees 46mB9TJ30iy-00248-00104191-00104597 people up to focus on what really does matter. And I often 46mB9TJ30iy-00249-00104604-00105025 say, and I don't know if it's the same in your sectors, that 46mB9TJ30iy-00250-00105032-00105425 actually, we have a lot of educational leaders that step 46mB9TJ30iy-00251-00105432-00105838 away from being the leader of teaching and learning within 46mB9TJ30iy-00252-00105845-00106287 their school. And actually, the way that we're designed and the 46mB9TJ30iy-00253-00106294-00106749 fact that you are running around looking after your buildings and 46mB9TJ30iy-00254-00106756-00107198 CO2 and ventilation and X Y, Z, actually becomes a really handy 46mB9TJ30iy-00255-00107205-00107633 out for educational leaders who don't wish to be or don't see 46mB9TJ30iy-00256-00107640-00108060 that their core job is actually being the leader of learning 46mB9TJ30iy-00257-00108067-00108509 within their school. And I think with technologies, there could 46mB9TJ30iy-00258-00108516-00108950 have easily been some systemic decisions that, you know, we've 46mB9TJ30iy-00259-00108958-00109350 that we've seen in our spaces around things like student 46mB9TJ30iy-00260-00109357-00109743 achievement data and the centralisation of student data 46mB9TJ30iy-00261-00109750-00110205 and what have you, and what that then would have enabled us to do 46mB9TJ30iy-00262-00110212-00110654 in terms of working smarter and more quickly with how we manage 46mB9TJ30iy-00263-00110661-00111117 assessments online. And track progress and those sorts of things. 46mB9TJ30iy-00265-00115350-00115661 Stephen Marshall: Interestingly, I would suggest that in many 46mB9TJ30iy-00266-00115661-00116205 cases, I've seen more pushback from change from managers and 46mB9TJ30iy-00267-00116205-00116658 leaders who are concerned that change compromises their comfort 46mB9TJ30iy-00268-00116658-00117006 and control of something as opposed to the change being 46mB9TJ30iy-00269-00117006-00117219 experienced by the people who are actually doing the thing 46mB9TJ30iy-00270-00117219-00117710 affected by the change. And I'm a large proponent of distributed 46mB9TJ30iy-00271-00117710-00118146 leadership and this idea that we take our ego a little bit out of 46mB9TJ30iy-00272-00117911-00118377 in a position where you're being forced to consider all sorts of 46mB9TJ30iy-00273-00118146-00118377 some of these things and stop worrying about the fact that 46mB9TJ30iy-00274-00118377-00118634 we're calling the shots or telling people what they should 46mB9TJ30iy-00275-00118377-00118764 new things, which you might not be comfortable or capable of 46mB9TJ30iy-00276-00118634-00119060 be doing and controlling and managing and micro reviewing 46mB9TJ30iy-00277-00118764-00119091 using, it's kind of the first expectation of a change 46mB9TJ30iy-00278-00119060-00119526 every decision that's being made and except that we can put in 46mB9TJ30iy-00279-00119091-00119466 management processes that there will be resistance. And if you 46mB9TJ30iy-00280-00119466-00119955 can't, as an organisation, explain and articulate the why 46mB9TJ30iy-00281-00119526-00119949 place good systems that delegate leadership and responsibility 46mB9TJ30iy-00282-00119958-00120297 we need to do this as an institution to move from point A 46mB9TJ30iy-00283-00120000-00120432 closer to the people who are directly doing the work. And you 46mB9TJ30iy-00284-00120297-00120678 to point C, and you can't get people on board, you're going to 46mB9TJ30iy-00285-00120432-00120690 trust that people will do the right thing provide you with the 46mB9TJ30iy-00286-00120678-00121167 see that kind of resistance and pushback about all the things 46mB9TJ30iy-00287-00120690-00121131 right tools. And then with good systems, you're collecting 46mB9TJ30iy-00288-00121131-00121535 information that allows you to see patterns, which might not be 46mB9TJ30iy-00289-00121167-00121590 that would make it possible as an institution to move forward 46mB9TJ30iy-00290-00121542-00121854 good outcomes and then concentrate on helping people 46mB9TJ30iy-00291-00121590-00121713 in this new environment. 46mB9TJ30iy-00292-00121854-00121950 would trace those. 46mB9TJ30iy-00293-00122043-00122517 So I think that the whole change resistance narrative, it's 46mB9TJ30iy-00294-00122517-00122711 really depressing, actually going into the leadership 46mB9TJ30iy-00295-00122711-00123033 literature and education and seeing so many people writing 46mB9TJ30iy-00296-00123033-00123509 about essentially strategies that create false agendas. So 46mB9TJ30iy-00297-00123509-00123765 creating a narrative of a crisis, well, we don't have to 46mB9TJ30iy-00298-00123765-00124254 create one, we've got one at the moment. But all too often people 46mB9TJ30iy-00299-00124257-00124722 create or put themselves in a situation where they can as a 46mB9TJ30iy-00300-00124722-00124958 leader say, oh, 'It's not my fault. It's the money, we don't 46mB9TJ30iy-00301-00124958-00125157 have enough money.' Therefore, it's very sad, but we're not - 46mB9TJ30iy-00302-00125196-00125834 they're not prepared to engage even without that crouch to 46mB9TJ30iy-00303-00125834-00126144 basically open up to the people that they're working with and 46mB9TJ30iy-00304-00126144-00126489 have an open conversation about the things that can be done and 46mB9TJ30iy-00305-00126489-00126699 help people co-discover solutions for them. 46mB9TJ30iy-00306-00126777-00127083 And it's been interesting with the project I'm leading at the 46mB9TJ30iy-00307-00127083-00127413 moment to redo our learning management system. We started 18 46mB9TJ30iy-00308-00127413-00127709 months ago going around the university running workshops 46mB9TJ30iy-00309-00127709-00127905 with people. We said, 'Don't worry about what technology we 46mB9TJ30iy-00310-00127905-00128133 buy, just tell us what you'd like to do.' And that was 46mB9TJ30iy-00311-00128133-00128445 students, academics, professional staff in different 46mB9TJ30iy-00312-00128445-00128763 places, managers at different levels. And we just tried to get 46mB9TJ30iy-00313-00128763-00129069 them to think about what it is we could do, particularly with 46mB9TJ30iy-00314-00129069-00129393 the experience of the pandemic coloring the view of the world 46mB9TJ30iy-00315-00129393-00129942 and giving it some spice, but really being very open to 46mB9TJ30iy-00316-00129942-00130182 hearing from other people what it is that they'd like to see 46mB9TJ30iy-00317-00130182-00130575 happen. And we developed the project, a set of requirements 46mB9TJ30iy-00318-00130575-00130965 and a plan and an agenda for an acting that plan with those 46mB9TJ30iy-00319-00130965-00131088 people in a co-developed way. 46mB9TJ30iy-00320-00131181-00131406 The people that we're getting pushback from are senior leaders 46mB9TJ30iy-00321-00131406-00131718 who don't feel that they were in control of that. And that to me 46mB9TJ30iy-00322-00131718-00132174 is a cultural problem. And I think we are at risk - I see 46mB9TJ30iy-00323-00132174-00132615 this withTe Pūkenga where rather than let things work through 46mB9TJ30iy-00324-00132615-00132915 with the polytechnic sector, the minister has taken all of the 46mB9TJ30iy-00325-00132915-00133266 things into the middle and imposed something and is now 46mB9TJ30iy-00326-00133266-00133545 trying to work out how to make that work. I think there's some 46mB9TJ30iy-00327-00133545-00134115 real challenges in how we enact change. And some of our models 46mB9TJ30iy-00328-00134115-00134244 are not helping us in that space. 46mB9TJ30iy-00329-00134350-00134713 Claire Amos: Do you think we've got a challenge as well, where I 46mB9TJ30iy-00330-00134713-00135214 think because we've been in slight sort of crisis mode, that 46mB9TJ30iy-00331-00135214-00135568 there's been a focus a bit of a focus on what we can do to get 46mB9TJ30iy-00332-00135568-00135925 by at the moment before we return to some sort of norm, 46mB9TJ30iy-00333-00135958-00136444 rather than saying, let's be excited about what we're 46mB9TJ30iy-00334-00136444-00136678 learning at the moment as a foundation of where we want to 46mB9TJ30iy-00335-00136678-00136921 go. Like I don't know about you, but I feel like we've lost all 46mB9TJ30iy-00336-00136921-00137179 of those futures thinkings conversations that we used to 46mB9TJ30iy-00337-00137179-00137539 have, like, I feel like five, six years ago used to be all of 46mB9TJ30iy-00338-00137539-00137881 this aspirational thinking about anytime, anywhere assessment, 46mB9TJ30iy-00339-00137968-00138214 you know, flexible learning inside and out of the school, 46mB9TJ30iy-00340-00138214-00138457 you don't need to be based in school to learn well, you know, 46mB9TJ30iy-00341-00138460-00138760 we've proven that you don't need to be in school to learn. But 46mB9TJ30iy-00342-00138763-00139060 actually, we're fixating on and it feels like the government is 46mB9TJ30iy-00343-00139060-00139234 fixated on getting kids back into school. 46mB9TJ30iy-00344-00139234-00139654 And you know that doesn't mean that I don't value having our 46mB9TJ30iy-00345-00139654-00139942 young people face to face. I absolutely do. Like I think the 46mB9TJ30iy-00346-00139942-00140377 wellbeing, their social connection is at the heart of 46mB9TJ30iy-00347-00140377-00140755 them feeling good about the community they're in and doing 46mB9TJ30iy-00348-00140755-00141040 really powerful learning. But I don't think they need to be in 46mB9TJ30iy-00349-00141040-00141490 school 100% of the time. Like I actually think that we've done 46mB9TJ30iy-00350-00141490-00141814 incredible learning over the last two years where we'd set up 46mB9TJ30iy-00351-00141820-00142258 a really nice clear structure, where we built flexibility into 46mB9TJ30iy-00352-00142258-00142525 the DNA of our teaching and learning: Monday and Tuesday 46mB9TJ30iy-00353-00142525-00142945 structured, more direct, more direct instruction, more 46mB9TJ30iy-00354-00142966-00143320 directed classes, were going on online, Thursday and Friday, 46mB9TJ30iy-00355-00143320-00143599 you're expected to get on with your learning, and your teacher 46mB9TJ30iy-00356-00143599-00143920 then was switched to coach mode and can support you and help you 46mB9TJ30iy-00357-00143920-00144337 out. You know, in my ideal world, we would have had 46mB9TJ30iy-00358-00144340-00144775 permission to come back into school and be encouraged to, in 46mB9TJ30iy-00359-00144775-00145141 essence, keep going with it. And yes, we could. And we have done 46mB9TJ30iy-00360-00145141-00145417 that. And we do have flexible learning days and rostered at 46mB9TJ30iy-00361-00145417-00145810 home days and all the rest of it. But it's seen as a mechanism 46mB9TJ30iy-00362-00145876-00146140 that we can do for now because it's how we're coping with 46mB9TJ30iy-00363-00146140-00146593 staffing and staffing shortages. It's not seen as well, we've 46mB9TJ30iy-00364-00146593-00146914 done you know, we've made some real headway and have some real 46mB9TJ30iy-00365-00146914-00146983 learnings. 46mB9TJ30iy-00366-00147004-00147733 We would like to now support our schools to amplify and sort of 46mB9TJ30iy-00367-00147784-00148276 use as a foundation for where to next and you know, and I know 46mB9TJ30iy-00368-00148276-00148753 that one of my dear colleagues Maurie Abraham is on the call 46mB9TJ30iy-00369-00148753-00149131 today and he's watching along and we've had these discussions 46mB9TJ30iy-00370-00149131-00149554 for years in terms of leaving to learn and creating school 46mB9TJ30iy-00371-00149554-00150022 campuses that are far more sort of flexible in terms of our 46mB9TJ30iy-00372-00150022-00150520 young people coming and going. And I haven't seen, I haven't 46mB9TJ30iy-00373-00150520-00150994 seen from a national level a sense of excitement of how we 46mB9TJ30iy-00374-00150994-00151435 could harness our learnings and how we could use that to move to 46mB9TJ30iy-00375-00151435-00151849 a more flexible tomorrow. 46mB9TJ30iy-00376-00151860-00152115 Like, actually, I look at what we're doing within NCEA and it 46mB9TJ30iy-00377-00152115-00152514 feels like a step backwards. It feels like a return to basic. I 46mB9TJ30iy-00378-00152514-00152934 hear narratives around concerns around literacy and numeracy, 46mB9TJ30iy-00379-00152961-00153612 and the subtext is a need to go back to basics. I see the stuff 46mB9TJ30iy-00380-00153612-00153912 that's happening of the review of the New Zealand Curriculum, 46mB9TJ30iy-00381-00153933-00154218 and there's a subtext that we need to go back to basics and 46mB9TJ30iy-00382-00154218-00154497 more structured, significant learning that makes sure we are 46mB9TJ30iy-00383-00154497-00155028 all learning the same things. And there is a determination to 46mB9TJ30iy-00384-00155028-00155472 look at young people who are hemorrhaging in terms of their 46mB9TJ30iy-00385-00155472-00155784 literacy and numeracy, and they're pinning that on the 46mB9TJ30iy-00386-00155835-00156132 potentially poor teaching and learning. And they've got their 46mB9TJ30iy-00387-00156132-00156525 head in the sand about the fact that it's poverty. It's about 46mB9TJ30iy-00388-00156525-00157107 disenfranchisement. It's about all sorts of social and health 46mB9TJ30iy-00389-00157110-00157458 and economic issues that these young people are finding 46mB9TJ30iy-00390-00157458-00157755 themselves in those positions. It doesn't mean that there isn't 46mB9TJ30iy-00391-00157755-00158040 always things we need to revisit and review and make sure that 46mB9TJ30iy-00392-00158040-00158346 people are learning the skills that they need to learn. 46mB9TJ30iy-00393-00158400-00158847 What I worry is that we've missed a very real opportunity 46mB9TJ30iy-00394-00158874-00159426 to have laid the foundations for an even more exciting future. 46mB9TJ30iy-00395-00159444-00159777 Rather than it being sort of oh shit, shit, we've done what we 46mB9TJ30iy-00396-00159777-00159999 can we've done what we can, quick get the kids back into 46mB9TJ30iy-00397-00159999-00160230 school, quick, let's make sure this structure and make sure 46mB9TJ30iy-00398-00160230-00160689 there's rigor. And, and we're not, we're not using this 46mB9TJ30iy-00399-00160689-00160974 opportunity in the way that we might as a system, I think some 46mB9TJ30iy-00400-00160974-00161301 of us are doing it anyway, I would count me and Maurie that 46mB9TJ30iy-00401-00161304-00161550 sort of camp, I think we just get on and we do what we think 46mB9TJ30iy-00402-00161553-00161871 is right for our young people. And we do as much as we can get 46mB9TJ30iy-00403-00161871-00162240 away with and still keep our community on board. But I don't 46mB9TJ30iy-00404-00162240-00162594 know if it's necessarily being supported and encouraged on the 46mB9TJ30iy-00405-00162594-00162693 systemic level. 46mB9TJ30iy-00406-00162780-00163002 Steve Leichtweis: I think from our perspective, I can speak 46mB9TJ30iy-00407-00163002-00163593 from Auckland's experience in the last two years. It's either 46mB9TJ30iy-00408-00163593-00164019 by - it's our good fortune or just dumb luck that our 10-year 46mB9TJ30iy-00409-00164022-00164325 learning and teaching and university vision came up for 46mB9TJ30iy-00410-00164325-00164889 renewal. So we have new senior leadership, a new VC, new top 46mB9TJ30iy-00411-00164889-00165315 level decision making group who undertook and have been 46mB9TJ30iy-00412-00165315-00165849 undertaking a review of who we are as an institution and how we 46mB9TJ30iy-00413-00165849-00166155 teach and how we deliver and how we research obviously, as well. 46mB9TJ30iy-00414-00166251-00166626 And that's all been informed by the experiences of the last two 46mB9TJ30iy-00415-00166626-00167118 years with the pandemic. And, you know, we're in a position 46mB9TJ30iy-00416-00167118-00167388 now where the recommendations are going out for consultation 46mB9TJ30iy-00417-00167388-00167892 to the wider university. And specifically things like less 46mB9TJ30iy-00418-00167967-00168408 direct instruction, if it can be recorded and made available for 46mB9TJ30iy-00419-00168408-00168717 students to engage with asynchronously however that 46mB9TJ30iy-00420-00168717-00169074 suits that's the way it should be done. If the students come on 46mB9TJ30iy-00421-00169074-00169386 to campus, it should be for the higher metacognitive kind of 46mB9TJ30iy-00422-00169407-00169797 learning opportunities, the application, the analysis, that 46mB9TJ30iy-00423-00169797-00170268 kind of top level stuff. And that is, you know, the attempt 46mB9TJ30iy-00424-00170268-00170667 there is to provide more flexible options for how 46mB9TJ30iy-00425-00170667-00170979 students engage with their learning because living in 46mB9TJ30iy-00426-00170979-00171357 Auckland is not a cheap experience for students, and 46mB9TJ30iy-00427-00171357-00171720 they are making strategic decisions on a daily basis of do 46mB9TJ30iy-00428-00171720-00172134 I work? Do I stay home to look after the family? Or do I go on 46mB9TJ30iy-00429-00172134-00172572 to campus and the price of getting on campus and staying on 46mB9TJ30iy-00430-00172572-00173115 campus for a couple of hours is a real cost. And if we're only 46mB9TJ30iy-00431-00173115-00173430 getting them in there to aggregate around a lecture 46mB9TJ30iy-00432-00173430-00173718 theatre where somebody talks about them, that's a complete 46mB9TJ30iy-00433-00173718-00174114 waste of time. Now, we're in a position now where we have a lot 46mB9TJ30iy-00434-00174114-00174759 of academics who grew up within that camp that solely campus 46mB9TJ30iy-00435-00174759-00174894 based experience. 46mB9TJ30iy-00436-00174939-00175269 And, you know, these recommendations go before the 46mB9TJ30iy-00437-00175269-00175719 university community and while I'm expecting that there will be 46mB9TJ30iy-00438-00175719-00176298 a lot of pushback because the resilience is wafer thin. The 46mB9TJ30iy-00439-00176301-00177054 change fatigue is is real, and many are just hoping that we can 46mB9TJ30iy-00440-00177054-00177609 return to normal [laughter] and like because, you know, you 46mB9TJ30iy-00441-00177609-00178005 know, you know teacher presents for a blended or online space is 46mB9TJ30iy-00442-00178005-00178338 a completely different set of skills than the teacher presents 46mB9TJ30iy-00443-00178338-00178731 required for face to face instruction, or teaching. 46mB9TJ30iy-00444-00178730-00178962 Stephen Marshall: I think it's also - I think there's a 46mB9TJ30iy-00445-00178968-00179337 complete complex problem of identity going on here as well. 46mB9TJ30iy-00446-00179344-00179738 And I'd say this would probably be true as much for teachers as 46mB9TJ30iy-00447-00179744-00180132 it is for academics, which is that we have a very, very strong 46mB9TJ30iy-00448-00180139-00180514 sense of what it is to be an academic. And each person has a 46mB9TJ30iy-00449-00180520-00180871 slightly different sense of that. I'm sure each teacher, 46mB9TJ30iy-00450-00180877-00181278 similarly, very strong sense of being a teacher and constructing 46mB9TJ30iy-00451-00181284-00181653 that identity in a particular way in terms of relationships 46mB9TJ30iy-00452-00181659-00182035 with other people. And I think part of the challenge we face 46mB9TJ30iy-00453-00182041-00182398 and helping people continue to keep up with the necessary 46mB9TJ30iy-00454-00182404-00182780 changes that we're going to be experiencing, is showing them 46mB9TJ30iy-00455-00182786-00183155 how they can strengthen their identity in new and important 46mB9TJ30iy-00456-00183161-00183518 ways and not lose the things that they really hold at the 46mB9TJ30iy-00457-00183524-00183894 heart as to why they're even here in the first place. And I 46mB9TJ30iy-00458-00183900-00184288 think it's a - we shouldn't be treating this as a conversation 46mB9TJ30iy-00459-00184294-00184632 about people being change resistant or about technical 46mB9TJ30iy-00460-00184638-00185014 skills. We need to recognise that we're a values driven part 46mB9TJ30iy-00461-00185020-00185383 of society. We exist to make the world a better place with 46mB9TJ30iy-00462-00185389-00185771 without any humility in that. And that strong passion for the 46mB9TJ30iy-00463-00185778-00186128 subjects we teach for the students we engage with that's 46mB9TJ30iy-00464-00186134-00186516 something that we have to try and sustain even as we look at, 46mB9TJ30iy-00465-00186522-00186898 well, do we really need to be worrying about those buildings 46mB9TJ30iy-00466-00186904-00187305 that we've used historically to create that dynamic? And I think 46mB9TJ30iy-00467-00187311-00187693 the real challenge there and was we experienced this a bit in 46mB9TJ30iy-00468-00187699-00188087 conversations on the university about returning to travel, and 46mB9TJ30iy-00469-00188093-00188481 there's a lot of angst about the the international conference, 46mB9TJ30iy-00470-00188487-00188807 for example, as a tool for helping new and emerging 46mB9TJ30iy-00471-00188813-00189107 academics develop their identity. And the model 46mB9TJ30iy-00472-00189113-00189514 historically has been you go to conferences, you meet peers, you 46mB9TJ30iy-00473-00189520-00189871 meet more experienced people, you build connections, you 46mB9TJ30iy-00474-00189877-00190234 develop your identity and your branding. And there's some 46mB9TJ30iy-00475-00190240-00190597 really challenging questions about how do we do that in a 46mB9TJ30iy-00476-00190603-00190985 world in which we don't do that physical travel quite as much 46mB9TJ30iy-00477-00190991-00191379 that we find other forums and other ways of engaging with each 46mB9TJ30iy-00478-00191385-00191748 other. And I've been telling people around our campus that 46mB9TJ30iy-00479-00191754-00192117 it's as basic as doing things like introducing your junior 46mB9TJ30iy-00480-00192124-00192474 colleagues or even their PhD students to how you use and 46mB9TJ30iy-00481-00192480-00192812 tools like Twitter and connecting them up with peers, 46mB9TJ30iy-00482-00192818-00193138 just to keep up with what's happening in the social 46mB9TJ30iy-00483-00193144-00193494 conversation in the scholarly area as much as the formal 46mB9TJ30iy-00484-00193501-00193901 published conversation. I think we have to get better at helping 46mB9TJ30iy-00485-00193907-00194270 people build their sense of belonging in a space, which is 46mB9TJ30iy-00486-00194277-00194658 which feels fragile and broken, and if we can't do that, I'll 46mB9TJ30iy-00487-00194665-00194852 respect the old fashioned way. 46mB9TJ30iy-00488-00194854-00195166 The other point I was going to make though is that, as well as 46mB9TJ30iy-00489-00195166-00195454 sort of selling that hope, and having a sense of how we try and 46mB9TJ30iy-00490-00195454-00195868 get there, I think one of the things that it's really 46mB9TJ30iy-00491-00195868-00196168 important for people in leadership roles to be thinking 46mB9TJ30iy-00492-00196168-00196705 about now is we believe the world will improve in terms of 46mB9TJ30iy-00493-00196729-00196999 our capacity to do the things we want to do, we're not constantly 46mB9TJ30iy-00494-00196999-00197260 going to be stuck in lockdown, we're not constantly going to be 46mB9TJ30iy-00495-00197296-00197701 challenged by financial constraints and other controls 46mB9TJ30iy-00496-00197701-00197974 that are disrupting our world. Sometime in the next two or 46mB9TJ30iy-00497-00197974-00198268 three years, I expect the world is going to be a better fun, 46mB9TJ30iy-00498-00198286-00198661 more fun place to be in and to do the work that we do. The 46mB9TJ30iy-00499-00198661-00198859 institutions and the organisations that do what 46mB9TJ30iy-00500-00198862-00199177 you're talking about, Steve, right now, in terms of building 46mB9TJ30iy-00501-00199177-00199675 the capacity to be actively present in that space, two or 46mB9TJ30iy-00502-00199675-00199939 three years from three years from now, are really going to 46mB9TJ30iy-00503-00199939-00200365 push through that and make great gains very rapidly. The 46mB9TJ30iy-00504-00200365-00200650 organisations that draw their head in and become very 46mB9TJ30iy-00505-00200650-00201175 defensive but don't try and do that work, that just try to get 46mB9TJ30iy-00506-00201175-00201667 by and and cope with the most expedient strategy are going to 46mB9TJ30iy-00507-00201667-00202063 find themselves quite broken and then have to discover how to do 46mB9TJ30iy-00508-00202063-00202354 things while everybody else is moving ahead beyond them. 46mB9TJ30iy-00509-00202357-00202759 So I think you mentioned the futurism conversations Claire, I 46mB9TJ30iy-00510-00202759-00203092 think right now is the time that we're talking about futures, but 46mB9TJ30iy-00511-00203092-00203452 also to do that in a smart way to be drawing on people like 46mB9TJ30iy-00512-00203452-00203764 Nicholas Taleb's concept of the black swan, which is that the 46mB9TJ30iy-00513-00203764-00203983 future is going to have things that are really going to throw 46mB9TJ30iy-00514-00203983-00204310 you for six - genuinely things that you just couldn't possibly 46mB9TJ30iy-00515-00204316-00204805 predict the pattern. But if you design your thinking, if you 46mB9TJ30iy-00516-00204805-00205017 think about the models of teaching or things that you want 46mB9TJ30iy-00517-00205017-00205444 people to achieve, without committing yourself to very 46mB9TJ30iy-00518-00205444-00205846 specific mechanisms and very specific ways of enacting 46mB9TJ30iy-00519-00205846-00206257 resolve to get that, I think you are then much more capable of 46mB9TJ30iy-00520-00206257-00206554 coping with an unpredicted future. When we're planning for 46mB9TJ30iy-00521-00206554-00206892 our new learning platform, we don't have a single model that 46mB9TJ30iy-00522-00206892-00207262 we're planning to enact. I have a capability that I want to give 46mB9TJ30iy-00523-00207262-00207703 our organisation that will play out in ten different ways. 46mB9TJ30iy-00524-00207763-00208225 Hopefully, one of those sustains itself to pay the bills, but I 46mB9TJ30iy-00525-00208225-00208344 don't know which one it's going to be. 46mB9TJ30iy-00526-00208426-00208786 Claire Amos: Yeah, I do think there's an opportunity for us to 46mB9TJ30iy-00527-00208873-00209329 make sure that we designe some optimism into these discussions 46mB9TJ30iy-00528-00209329-00209614 as well. Like I noticed the other day when I was talking to 46mB9TJ30iy-00529-00209614-00210175 my middle leaders so all my HODs and actually all of my staff at 46mB9TJ30iy-00530-00210175-00210511 sub briefing and I was talking about, you know why it is we 46mB9TJ30iy-00531-00210511-00210802 have to double down on our hybrid teaching and learning 46mB9TJ30iy-00532-00210802-00211000 strategies, you know that we need to make sure that we're 46mB9TJ30iy-00533-00211000-00211354 doing that really effectively. But also talking about the very 46mB9TJ30iy-00534-00211354-00211855 discrete structuring that we're doing to try and sort of ingrain 46mB9TJ30iy-00535-00211855-00212371 and embed behaviors that support students becoming more self 46mB9TJ30iy-00536-00212371-00212742 directed and to develop learning agency, i.e. designing for 46mB9TJ30iy-00537-00212742-00213061 students to be leading their own learning on a Thursday and 46mB9TJ30iy-00538-00213061-00213586 Friday. I kept highlighting that because this is the first step 46mB9TJ30iy-00539-00213586-00213994 of a really exciting, whole lot of other steps we can then take. 46mB9TJ30iy-00540-00214030-00214429 And I think that it's important that whilst we know, our 46mB9TJ30iy-00541-00214561-00214966 teachers and our educators and our academics are feeling 46mB9TJ30iy-00542-00214969-00215641 exhausted and are at the end of the the energy in terms of what 46mB9TJ30iy-00543-00215641-00216073 they can do, actually, optimism and excitement about where we 46mB9TJ30iy-00544-00216073-00216409 might go to beyond here can actually also be really re 46mB9TJ30iy-00545-00216409-00217123 energising. And I think we run the risk of getting caught in a 46mB9TJ30iy-00546-00217123-00217534 really sort of negative hole otherwise [laughter]. Look, I 46mB9TJ30iy-00547-00217591-00217837 actually think we're in a desperately exciting time within 46mB9TJ30iy-00548-00217837-00218434 our particular school. I am concerned though, that it isn't 46mB9TJ30iy-00549-00218455-00218800 system wide that that conversation isn't system wide, 46mB9TJ30iy-00550-00218823-00219265 that we aren't all getting a you know, we're so busy going oh my 46mB9TJ30iy-00551-00219265-00219541 god, getting through it all and feeling like we're being 46mB9TJ30iy-00552-00219541-00219907 hammered to do all sorts of administrative roles around 46mB9TJ30iy-00553-00219946-00220405 COVID and pandemic management that we've lost sight of the 46mB9TJ30iy-00554-00220405-00221083 importance of optimism and curiosity and where we might go 46mB9TJ30iy-00555-00221086-00221182 from here. 46mB9TJ30iy-00556-00221100-00221529 Kwong Nui Sim: Yeah, thank you so much, all three. 46mB9TJ30iy-00557-00221532-00221673 Claire Amos: Isn't that a nice caveat for having [inaudible; 46mB9TJ30iy-00558-00221673-00222213 laughter]. Nice, nice to where we are going? Sorry. 46mB9TJ30iy-00559-00222180-00222503 Steve Leichtweis: I was just gonna say. I was just gonna say 46mB9TJ30iy-00560-00222511-00222950 before we got to the second question [laughter] that, you 46mB9TJ30iy-00561-00222957-00223427 know, I think all three of us probably have a really positive 46mB9TJ30iy-00562-00223435-00223882 view of where this could all go, whether it's secondary or 46mB9TJ30iy-00563-00223890-00224275 tertiary. And my fear, my personal fear, within my 46mB9TJ30iy-00564-00224282-00224760 institution, I guess this might be similar for others in their 46mB9TJ30iy-00565-00224768-00225191 various places is that in our drive to get to this more 46mB9TJ30iy-00566-00225199-00225684 student centric, flexible space, we forget the first thing that 46mB9TJ30iy-00567-00225692-00226131 is being staff centric and providing all of the resources 46mB9TJ30iy-00568-00226139-00226593 and capacities and support so that the staff themselves can 46mB9TJ30iy-00569-00226601-00227079 help get us to that place that shiny better place that we want 46mB9TJ30iy-00570-00227086-00227133 to be. 46mB9TJ30iy-00571-00227187-00227415 Kwong Nui Sim: Yeah, thank you, Steve, that actually leads into 46mB9TJ30iy-00572-00227415-00227685 the second question quite nicely. And thank you for 46mB9TJ30iy-00573-00227688-00228048 unpacking the challenges in such a detailed manner, and I'm sure 46mB9TJ30iy-00574-00228048-00228537 the list goes on. And especially if I may some of the challenges 46mB9TJ30iy-00575-00228546-00229169 actually existed before COVID, but the COVID and large size of 46mB9TJ30iy-00576-00229169-00229788 the challenges to today's situation. So quite a few - all 46mB9TJ30iy-00577-00229788-00230250 of you have touched on about moving forward and the 46mB9TJ30iy-00578-00230253-00230826 challenges of wellbeing, support to enact the change, and so on, 46mB9TJ30iy-00579-00230826-00231231 so forth. So what do you think could be or should be done 46mB9TJ30iy-00580-00231234-00231759 better to support our students and staff and whānau? 46mB9TJ30iy-00581-00231700-00232465 Claire Amos: I actually think we need to do some really boring 46mB9TJ30iy-00583-00232481-00233419 pragmatic things like I, if I was the Minister of Education, 46mB9TJ30iy-00584-00233435-00234435 and I was hitting into this next budget, I would just get rid of 46mB9TJ30iy-00585-00234451-00235248 the discussion around the provision of internet and 46mB9TJ30iy-00586-00235264-00236248 devices. And because that can be solved with money for the most 46mB9TJ30iy-00587-00235848-00236476 supporting our teachers and upskilling them because 46mB9TJ30iy-00588-00236264-00237202 part. I know we've got some rural properties, and we do have 46mB9TJ30iy-00590-00237218-00238140 some challenges with our grid and, and reach in some areas, 46mB9TJ30iy-00591-00238156-00239047 but universal basic WiFi being like water, like you know, 46mB9TJ30iy-00592-00239062-00239969 power, like something that everyone has access to. I would 46mB9TJ30iy-00593-00239985-00240876 also make sure that there are resources for - we have the 46mB9TJ30iy-00594-00240682-00241180 until we've all reached a base level of digital literacy and 46mB9TJ30iy-00595-00240891-00241861 healthy lunches program in the Ministry of Education where are 46mB9TJ30iy-00596-00241180-00241477 learning design competency. I actually think we've forgot the 46mB9TJ30iy-00597-00241477-00241846 learning design competency part of it. I think we focus very 46mB9TJ30iy-00598-00241846-00242212 much on the technical skills and that is part of learning design 46mB9TJ30iy-00599-00241876-00242783 communities that need it have been given resources to work 46mB9TJ30iy-00600-00242212-00242575 competency, but I talk to teachers day in and day out and 46mB9TJ30iy-00601-00242575-00242905 often discover that they don't actually really understand what 46mB9TJ30iy-00602-00242798-00243783 with their community partners to resolve the poverty and hunger 46mB9TJ30iy-00603-00242905-00243271 it is to be a learning and assessment designer because if 46mB9TJ30iy-00604-00243271-00243694 you want to have co-constructed creative learning programs that 46mB9TJ30iy-00605-00243694-00244021 are really relevant and exciting for our young people, and you 46mB9TJ30iy-00606-00243799-00244690 issue so that they can work with partners to provide free 46mB9TJ30iy-00607-00244021-00244453 want to design genuinely responsive assessment processes 46mB9TJ30iy-00608-00244486-00244939 and design assessment processes that really do reflect the 46mB9TJ30iy-00609-00244706-00245691 lunches. I would love to see the equivalent of that for devices 46mB9TJ30iy-00610-00244954-00245263 curriculum and the levels of the curriculum and an understanding 46mB9TJ30iy-00611-00245263-00245596 of what it is they're actually assessing, there's a whole lot 46mB9TJ30iy-00612-00245596-00246088 of learning design literacy that goes into that. And so I would 46mB9TJ30iy-00613-00245706-00246613 in schools and where it is needed. They're just being very 46mB9TJ30iy-00614-00246088-00246601 be pouring a shitload of time and resources and giving staff 46mB9TJ30iy-00615-00246625-00246982 embedded time. Like I know, in other countries, they have, you 46mB9TJ30iy-00616-00246629-00247598 real targeted funding to make sure schools can work with their 46mB9TJ30iy-00617-00246982-00247381 know, far more noncontact time built in because you realise 46mB9TJ30iy-00618-00247381-00247639 that the best professional development is often done in 46mB9TJ30iy-00619-00247613-00248583 communities to find a solution that's appropriate for them and 46mB9TJ30iy-00620-00247639-00248094 house, we just need more flexibility around noncontact 46mB9TJ30iy-00621-00248094-00248394 time of teachers and how we can upskill them and support them 46mB9TJ30iy-00622-00248419-00248544 within their own thing. 46mB9TJ30iy-00623-00248544-00248860 So I would do those three things: Let's sort of solve the 46mB9TJ30iy-00624-00248598-00249552 their context. Not a one size fits all, not rolling out iPads 46mB9TJ30iy-00625-00248860-00249171 WiFi issue, let's solve the device issue, and let's put a 46mB9TJ30iy-00626-00249171-00249640 shitload of resourcing and to giving people time and potential 46mB9TJ30iy-00627-00249567-00250396 or Chromebooks to the entire country. Let's make it a 46mB9TJ30iy-00628-00249640-00250081 resources and access to the right facilitators to really 46mB9TJ30iy-00629-00250081-00250375 upskill people and get them to do it quickly. I know from 46mB9TJ30iy-00630-00250378-00250792 leading ICT PD contracts years ago, if you have a plan, and you 46mB9TJ30iy-00631-00250412-00251053 community and partnership based solution. 46mB9TJ30iy-00632-00250792-00251053 have the resources, you can shift people quickly. 46mB9TJ30iy-00633-00251000-00251480 Steve Leichtweis: [multiple speakers] That is the same for 46mB9TJ30iy-00634-00251480-00251537 tertiary. 46mB9TJ30iy-00635-00251500-00251946 Stephen Marshall: I'd argue that one of our biggest problems is 46mB9TJ30iy-00636-00251946-00252342 that with - New Zealand sort of very neoliberal country, it's in 46mB9TJ30iy-00637-00252342-00252664 its DNA of thinking about how the world operates, the market 46mB9TJ30iy-00638-00252667-00253060 has tanked. And we've allowed a market model of what it is that 46mB9TJ30iy-00639-00253060-00253411 education should be doing to pervade us to the point where we 46mB9TJ30iy-00640-00253411-00253894 don't even realise that we're using market language and models 46mB9TJ30iy-00641-00253896-00254338 to frame up the problems that we have. I'd love to see the 46mB9TJ30iy-00642-00254338-00254721 entirety of the education system in New Zealand, treated as a 46mB9TJ30iy-00643-00254721-00255037 public infrastructure. Now, that's that's a problem because, 46mB9TJ30iy-00644-00255037-00255286 frankly, particularly in Wellington, our water and our 46mB9TJ30iy-00645-00255286-00255703 sewerage not so hot these days. But I think there's a concept 46mB9TJ30iy-00646-00255703-00255723 there. 46mB9TJ30iy-00647-00255723-00256267 And if you thought about our place as a social institution 46mB9TJ30iy-00648-00256309-00256630 and thought about our collective responsibility as a country to 46mB9TJ30iy-00649-00256630-00257035 enact that infrastructure well, then we look at a funding model 46mB9TJ30iy-00650-00257035-00257416 that's about the needs and the scale of the populations that we 46mB9TJ30iy-00651-00257416-00257983 have, not just the employers, and that isn't based on how many 46mB9TJ30iy-00652-00257983-00258379 students I can get, this is how many students you can get. It's 46mB9TJ30iy-00653-00258379-00258805 based on this population needs this level of education and fund 46mB9TJ30iy-00654-00258823-00259189 to that level of education to the standard that we want to 46mB9TJ30iy-00655-00259189-00259542 achieve for the country. And decouple ourselves from these 46mB9TJ30iy-00656-00259542-00259746 market models. Because right now, what's happening in the 46mB9TJ30iy-00657-00259746-00260113 university system is that we have a government who's managing 46mB9TJ30iy-00658-00260113-00260548 the pricing model to try and deal with the debt issues. 46mB9TJ30iy-00659-00260626-00260887 They've given most of the money to the students as living costs 46mB9TJ30iy-00660-00260887-00261160 because they're aware of the cost of living issues. But we're 46mB9TJ30iy-00661-00261160-00261573 being eroded in terms of the resources that we have available 46mB9TJ30iy-00662-00261573-00261907 inside the university to work with them. And so our teachers 46mB9TJ30iy-00663-00261988-00262279 find themselves with larger and larger teaching loads, larger 46mB9TJ30iy-00664-00262279-00262723 and larger classes, more and more pressure to work with 46mB9TJ30iy-00665-00262723-00263140 students without the supporting resources to enable those people 46mB9TJ30iy-00666-00263140-00263608 to be well prepared and well enabled to succeed. And that's 46mB9TJ30iy-00667-00263608-00263953 degrading the nature of the experience that people are able 46mB9TJ30iy-00668-00263953-00264013 to achieve. 46mB9TJ30iy-00669-00264061-00264310 And referring to the conversation I made earlier, the 46mB9TJ30iy-00670-00264310-00264688 passion and the commitment about individuals means that's part of 46mB9TJ30iy-00671-00264688-00264973 the problem. They are trying desperately to make this work so 46mB9TJ30iy-00672-00264973-00265318 that they deliver an educational outcome for the people that they 46mB9TJ30iy-00673-00265318-00265639 have in their classes to the extent that they believe should 46mB9TJ30iy-00674-00265639-00266029 be achieved. And yet, we're not enabling them to do that because 46mB9TJ30iy-00675-00266029-00266407 the the entire funding model, the entire management of the 46mB9TJ30iy-00676-00266407-00266884 system, is set up to just edge away at that year after year 46mB9TJ30iy-00677-00266884-00266938 after year. 46mB9TJ30iy-00678-00267025-00267283 And at some point, if you overreach and then it just 46mB9TJ30iy-00679-00267283-00267529 collapses away, and you suddenly realise that for the last five 46mB9TJ30iy-00680-00267529-00267784 years, we literally haven't been able to do anything, we just 46mB9TJ30iy-00681-00267817-00268201 deluded ourselves. And I really do think there's some risks that 46mB9TJ30iy-00682-00268201-00268546 we're getting close to that point. Not only in New Zealand, 46mB9TJ30iy-00683-00268546-00268963 I would say that this unsustainable vision of what it 46mB9TJ30iy-00684-00268963-00269521 is that education does is true in many countries that have 46mB9TJ30iy-00685-00269521-00269788 thought of themselves as having very good education systems and 46mB9TJ30iy-00686-00269788-00269914 are discovering that maybe they don't and... 46mB9TJ30iy-00687-00270080-00270227 Steve Leichtweis: and, of course, what did we do at the 46mB9TJ30iy-00688-00270227-00270464 start of the pandemic? Most tertiaries turned around and 46mB9TJ30iy-00689-00270464-00270923 said, 'Hey, we're going to take a hit to our budget, our income, 46mB9TJ30iy-00690-00270923-00271265 so we're going to set up a voluntary leave scheme, and 46mB9TJ30iy-00691-00271265-00271499 we're gonna get people to retire,' which of course, then 46mB9TJ30iy-00692-00271499-00271754 they didn't fill those positions, which is a, you know, 46mB9TJ30iy-00693-00271754-00272081 a vicious cycle that we've just set up where that heightened 46mB9TJ30iy-00694-00272081-00272483 expectation and workload on staff is only magnified by the 46mB9TJ30iy-00695-00272483-00272690 fact that they're now potentially doing one and a half 46mB9TJ30iy-00696-00272708-00272849 jobs, and ... 46mB9TJ30iy-00697-00272849-00273161 Stephen Marshall: ... then we lost the tutors, we lost a lot 46mB9TJ30iy-00698-00273161-00273392 of professional staff because those tended to be the people 46mB9TJ30iy-00699-00273392-00273803 who left rather than people in permanent academic roles. So 46mB9TJ30iy-00700-00273803-00274268 that there isn't that team enabling teaching to take place 46mB9TJ30iy-00701-00274268-00274526 to make the organisation successful, and we're 46mB9TJ30iy-00702-00274526-00274835 essentially having to rebuild those things. And then those are 46mB9TJ30iy-00703-00274835-00275096 a consequence of a broken funding model. They're a 46mB9TJ30iy-00704-00275096-00275519 consequence of a broken regulatory model in the way that 46mB9TJ30iy-00705-00275519-00275963 the TEC in the M are thinking about the tertiary system is 46mB9TJ30iy-00706-00275963-00276212 that they're losing sight of that necessity. 46mB9TJ30iy-00707-00276956-00277421 Kwong Nui Sim: Anything to add, Steve or Claire before the final 46mB9TJ30iy-00708-00277421-00277754 question maybe [chuckle] just looking at the time [laughter]. 46mB9TJ30iy-00709-00277700-00278207 Claire Amos: I wonder if we are actually getting anywhere close? 46mB9TJ30iy-00710-00278225-00279005 Kwong Nui Sim: Yeah. The last one is just, I suppose. Yes, 46mB9TJ30iy-00711-00279020-00279533 global pandemic is a crisis, but I wonder if you have seen any 46mB9TJ30iy-00712-00279536-00279953 silver lining in terms of innovation that we can progress 46mB9TJ30iy-00713-00280022-00280505 from the current situation onwards? Or what sort of 46mB9TJ30iy-00714-00280508-00281006 economic innovation that you think could be, could we have 46mB9TJ30iy-00715-00281090-00281306 within the flexible learning aspect? 46mB9TJ30iy-00716-00281330-00281678 Claire Amos: I think the silver lining is the voice that's been 46mB9TJ30iy-00717-00281678-00282146 gathered from students about how much they relish the actual 46mB9TJ30iy-00718-00282146-00282518 flexibility of what went on over the last two years. So we've 46mB9TJ30iy-00719-00282518-00282899 actually got a shitload of evidence that backs up hunches 46mB9TJ30iy-00720-00282899-00283322 we always had about students wanting to have more choice over 46mB9TJ30iy-00721-00283322-00283595 how they use their time, how much ownership they have of 46mB9TJ30iy-00722-00283595-00284087 their learning. I think the risk that we run is not listening to 46mB9TJ30iy-00723-00284087-00284486 the voices, that we, we don't actually take that and learn 46mB9TJ30iy-00724-00284486-00284828 from it, and instead, we listen to some other voices over here 46mB9TJ30iy-00725-00284828-00285278 that are worried about a loss of rigor and standards, and 46mB9TJ30iy-00726-00285278-00285674 actually, we disregard the voices of our young people who 46mB9TJ30iy-00727-00285674-00286031 have, I think, been really loud and clear about what they have 46mB9TJ30iy-00728-00286031-00286238 enjoyed. But there's other things I haven't enjoyed. They 46mB9TJ30iy-00729-00286238-00286424 didn't like having to be at home, they want to be able to 46mB9TJ30iy-00730-00286424-00286736 have social connection, and come in and all do all of that. But 46mB9TJ30iy-00731-00286736-00286985 it doesn't have to be one thing or the other. We can have social 46mB9TJ30iy-00732-00286985-00287324 connection, we can have these physical bricks and mortar 46mB9TJ30iy-00733-00287324-00288086 communities that are thriving. But we can also set up protocols 46mB9TJ30iy-00734-00288086-00288452 and processes and mechanisms whereby we can encourage greater 46mB9TJ30iy-00735-00288452-00288797 flexibility and student choice about what they learn and where 46mB9TJ30iy-00736-00288797-00289052 they learn and the timelines by which they learn. 46mB9TJ30iy-00737-00289070-00289415 It's bonkers, that we're going back to a far more structured, 46mB9TJ30iy-00738-00289421-00289811 in terms of timeline NCEA, for instance, at a time when we 46mB9TJ30iy-00739-00289811-00290363 should be double downing on fixable assessment practices. It 46mB9TJ30iy-00740-00290363-00290642 was only five years ago, six years ago that we used to be at 46mB9TJ30iy-00741-00290642-00291017 national conferences and had really exciting talks from the 46mB9TJ30iy-00742-00291017-00291377 then head Chair of the NCQA that used to talk often about 46mB9TJ30iy-00743-00291377-00291743 anywhere, anytime assessment and secondary education. Now should 46mB9TJ30iy-00744-00291743-00292064 be the time we we're going back to those conversations and 46mB9TJ30iy-00745-00292064-00292496 saying, we've learned kids love flexibility. We learned that 46mB9TJ30iy-00746-00292496-00292880 they love being face to face with their teachers, but that 46mB9TJ30iy-00747-00292880-00293132 doesn't need to come at the expense of the flexibility that 46mB9TJ30iy-00748-00293132-00293396 we discovered was really powerful over lockdowns. 46mB9TJ30iy-00749-00293300-00294293 Steve Leichtweis: I'd say that student centric desire is 46mB9TJ30iy-00750-00294293-00294692 certainly well and truly ensconced at Auckland. That's 46mB9TJ30iy-00751-00294692-00295061 the that's the target that we're aiming for. The process to which 46mB9TJ30iy-00752-00295061-00295553 we get there or how we get there is yet to be decided. And what 46mB9TJ30iy-00753-00295556-00295931 does flexible or student centric look like for a University of 46mB9TJ30iy-00754-00295931-00296324 Auckland student? I'm not quite sure. Ask me this question in a 46mB9TJ30iy-00755-00296324-00296675 year's time and I'll tell you how we we've gone with, with 46mB9TJ30iy-00756-00296675-00297041 this consultation of our new learning and teaching vision and 46mB9TJ30iy-00757-00297047-00297242 education vision for the university. 46mB9TJ30iy-00758-00297362-00297632 We will probably still have plenty of students who want to 46mB9TJ30iy-00759-00297632-00297893 come to the University of Auckland, and they will probably 46mB9TJ30iy-00760-00297893-00298385 still be entirely successful, despite possibly the best or 46mB9TJ30iy-00761-00298385-00298787 worst efforts of some of our academic staff who will also 46mB9TJ30iy-00762-00298787-00299303 have as part of their their workload, a major expectation 46mB9TJ30iy-00763-00299303-00299711 around research and I you know, I have to be completely mindful 46mB9TJ30iy-00764-00299711-00300062 that some people come to this university to work because of 46mB9TJ30iy-00765-00300062-00300506 the affordances that it provides to their particular research 46mB9TJ30iy-00766-00300506-00300914 agenda ot that focus and that teaching is very much a side 46mB9TJ30iy-00767-00300914-00301595 project for them. And but, you know, I'm really hopeful that 46mB9TJ30iy-00768-00301631-00302039 the conversation that has been opened up by the awareness and 46mB9TJ30iy-00769-00302039-00302441 the risk that the pandemic has signaled to us as a university, 46mB9TJ30iy-00770-00302489-00302933 is going to change the way that we work with students. And that 46mB9TJ30iy-00771-00302933-00303374 will be far less of a campus only based learning experience, 46mB9TJ30iy-00772-00303401-00303833 and far more of a flexible and blended style of engagement. 46mB9TJ30iy-00773-00303950-00304124 Stephen Marshall: I think one of the things that's come out of 46mB9TJ30iy-00774-00304124-00304472 this is that I'm hoping for an elevated level of discussion now 46mB9TJ30iy-00775-00304472-00304793 as we try and continue to draw on some of the things that we've 46mB9TJ30iy-00776-00304793-00305078 experienced over the last couple of years. Historically, I've had 46mB9TJ30iy-00777-00305078-00305243 a number of conversations with people saying, well, that 46mB9TJ30iy-00778-00305243-00305525 possibly couldn't work that's just it's science fiction, what 46mB9TJ30iy-00779-00305525-00305738 you're talking about. Well, funnily enough, I've experienced 46mB9TJ30iy-00780-00305738-00305948 something that they said couldn't happen in the last 46mB9TJ30iy-00781-00305948-00306266 couple of years and that has basically worked. So I'm hoping 46mB9TJ30iy-00782-00306266-00306731 that that will will help us have better conversations about our 46mB9TJ30iy-00783-00306731-00307004 potential, in fact, to do greater things, and for people 46mB9TJ30iy-00784-00307004-00307211 will be more confident that we can do those things. 46mB9TJ30iy-00785-00307263-00307881 But I also think we've learned how important it is that we pay 46mB9TJ30iy-00786-00307881-00308286 attention to the whole thing that we pay attention to all of 46mB9TJ30iy-00787-00308286-00308640 our students and to all of our staff. And we think about the 46mB9TJ30iy-00788-00308640-00309051 collective relationships we have across that system. The last 46mB9TJ30iy-00789-00309051-00309375 couple of years have made it very hard for people to hide 46mB9TJ30iy-00790-00309375-00309807 away in a physical classroom and not have to worry about what 46mB9TJ30iy-00791-00309807-00310050 anyone else is doing in their classroom. Things have become 46mB9TJ30iy-00792-00310050-00310350 much more connected and much more visible and much more 46mB9TJ30iy-00793-00310350-00310770 consequential in a larger scale. And I think that's an important 46mB9TJ30iy-00794-00310845-00311283 thing to lean into and to experience for a while. And I'm 46mB9TJ30iy-00795-00311283-00311451 hoping that that will continue to happen. 46mB9TJ30iy-00796-00311589-00311967 I think it's also made - it's actually really important to pay 46mB9TJ30iy-00797-00311967-00312312 attention to the fact that we should celebrate some great 46mB9TJ30iy-00798-00312312-00312747 successes. I have no clue how we would have been able to do what 46mB9TJ30iy-00799-00312747-00313017 we've been able to do in the last couple of years, even five 46mB9TJ30iy-00800-00313017-00313464 years ago. Five years ago, we didn't have large scale video 46mB9TJ30iy-00801-00313479-00313908 platforms in order to manage the lectures. Yes, there's a little 46mB9TJ30iy-00802-00313908-00314091 bit of stuff around the edges, but there's no way in hell I 46mB9TJ30iy-00803-00314091-00314457 could have coped with the scale of demand. We didn't have Zoom, 46mB9TJ30iy-00804-00314481-00314829 we didn't have the debate, we had Skype. Does anyone remember 46mB9TJ30iy-00805-00314829-00315264 how bad Skype is? Imagine doing a class with 400 students 46mB9TJ30iy-00806-00315264-00315696 attending a lecture in Skype: wasn't going to happen. So we've 46mB9TJ30iy-00807-00315696-00316161 been incredibly fortunate that - even the Rugby World Cup. And as 46mB9TJ30iy-00808-00316161-00316485 much as I know that there are problems with the bandwidth for 46mB9TJ30iy-00809-00316485-00317031 some of our schools, many of the cities have coped with a massive 46mB9TJ30iy-00810-00317031-00317292 deployment of people back into their home and working, using 46mB9TJ30iy-00811-00317334-00317691 video conferencing and other tools because the infrastructure 46mB9TJ30iy-00812-00317691-00318093 was present and capable of serving that need. That was the 46mB9TJ30iy-00813-00318093-00318330 Rugby World Cup that created that infrastructure. 46mB9TJ30iy-00814-00318378-00318924 So some of these things, we do need to be able to acknowledge 46mB9TJ30iy-00815-00318924-00319116 we've done them well, we've done them better than we could have 46mB9TJ30iy-00816-00319116-00319620 possibly expected. We were able to sustain some forward momentum 46mB9TJ30iy-00817-00319620-00319821 for many of our courses and programmes, even for our 46mB9TJ30iy-00818-00319821-00320190 students overseas that couldn't come to us and country. So I 46mB9TJ30iy-00819-00320190-00320556 think we need to get better at celebrating those if we want 46mB9TJ30iy-00820-00320556-00320934 people recognise the value in them and continue to reflect on 46mB9TJ30iy-00821-00320934-00321333 them moving forward. So that's that's the other key message, I 46mB9TJ30iy-00822-00321333-00321354 guess. 46mB9TJ30iy-00823-00321471-00321801 Claire Amos: I would also love to know how we can re-stoke 46mB9TJ30iy-00824-00321918-00322290 teachers excitement around futures thinking as well because 46mB9TJ30iy-00825-00322320-00322635 I do feel like you know, I understand we've been absorbed 46mB9TJ30iy-00826-00322635-00323013 by dealing with what we're doing and in essence, realising a lot 46mB9TJ30iy-00827-00323013-00323313 of those things we talked about at past futures thinking 46mB9TJ30iy-00828-00323316-00323778 conferences. But I do think there's an opportunity for us to 46mB9TJ30iy-00829-00323802-00324279 to reignite those discussions and hopefully reconnect, talking 46mB9TJ30iy-00830-00324282-00324738 and getting excited about where this all could go and should go. 46mB9TJ30iy-00831-00324954-00325341 Steve Leichtweis: On a highly transactional kind of way of 46mB9TJ30iy-00832-00325341-00325626 thinking, I think the only thing that would excite a lot of the 46mB9TJ30iy-00833-00325626-00325989 staff that I work with right now is if I came to them with a tool 46mB9TJ30iy-00834-00325989-00326385 that reduced their workload by about half. That would be an 46mB9TJ30iy-00835-00326385-00326718 exciting conversation, but I'm not sure what that tool is yet. 46mB9TJ30iy-00836-00326817-00327024 Stephen Marshall: General purpose AI. It's not that far 46mB9TJ30iy-00837-00327024-00327057 away [laughter]. 46mB9TJ30iy-00838-00327327-00327576 Kwong Nui Sim: Great. Thank you all three speakers, Claire, 46mB9TJ30iy-00839-00327576-00327888 Steve, and Stephen, very, very good insights, as you can see 46mB9TJ30iy-00840-00327897-00328470 lots of positive comments in the chat box. And so last one 46mB9TJ30iy-00841-00328470-00329007 minute, maybe, any question or thoughts from the audience? 46mB9TJ30iy-00842-00329235-00329307 Anyone? 46mB9TJ30iy-00843-00329300-00329825 Stephen Marshall: There is a question in the chat about how I 46mB9TJ30iy-00844-00329825-00330200 feel about the new tertiary education strategy objectives. 46mB9TJ30iy-00845-00330380-00330782 Yeah, by the way, I just want to preface this by this is me as an 46mB9TJ30iy-00846-00330782-00331100 academic speaking and not my university. Just because I'm 46mB9TJ30iy-00847-00331106-00331346 pretty confident that my university's senior leadership 46mB9TJ30iy-00848-00331346-00331604 team would want to express things differently. I think the 46mB9TJ30iy-00849-00331604-00331847 current tertiary education strategy objectives are 46mB9TJ30iy-00850-00331853-00332294 dreadful. I think they are lacking in ambition. I think 46mB9TJ30iy-00851-00332294-00332630 they lack an awareness of the rich complexity and future 46mB9TJ30iy-00852-00332630-00333038 potential of the tertiary system. I think they are 46mB9TJ30iy-00853-00333065-00333521 neo-liberally defined in ways that are performative and 46mB9TJ30iy-00854-00333521-00334136 regulatory rather than ambitious and setting in place an agenda 46mB9TJ30iy-00855-00334136-00334562 for a powerful tertiary system really driving success for New 46mB9TJ30iy-00856-00334562-00334958 Zealanders. I think it was a dreadful job. And it just 46mB9TJ30iy-00857-00334958-00335402 continues, unfortunately, a succession of incredibly badly 46mB9TJ30iy-00858-00335402-00335822 framed tertiary strategies. I think the school system, as 46mB9TJ30iy-00859-00335822-00336182 somebody not in that system, at least has seen evidence of 46mB9TJ30iy-00860-00336182-00336572 ambition for great improvements in that system, but occasionally 46mB9TJ30iy-00861-00336572-00337058 in the language. I'm afraid to show the tertiary ones - I gave 46mB9TJ30iy-00862-00337058-00337388 this feedback when the Ministry came calling a while back about 46mB9TJ30iy-00863-00337388-00337760 this. I am not inspired by that strategy. 46mB9TJ30iy-00864-00337907-00338402 Kwong Nui Sim: Cool. Any last piece of words of wisdom, Claire 46mB9TJ30iy-00865-00338402-00338660 or Steve, before we close the webinar? 46mB9TJ30iy-00866-00338879-00339083 Steve Leichtweis: I think we've covered everything except the 46mB9TJ30iy-00867-00339083-00339296 other a couple of questions that we never got to. 46mB9TJ30iy-00868-00339314-00339635 Kwong Nui Sim: Oh, is it privately message to you because 46mB9TJ30iy-00869-00339635-00339935 I didn't get any here? Oh, must be. 46mB9TJ30iy-00870-00340025-00340211 Stephen Marshall: In the original email. There is still a 46mB9TJ30iy-00871-00340211-00340817 place for face-to-face. I think and I absolutely. We just have 46mB9TJ30iy-00872-00340817-00341210 to maximise the impact of it and do the things that we do well 46mB9TJ30iy-00873-00341213-00341615 face-to-face, and not waste that because it's an incredibly 46mB9TJ30iy-00874-00341615-00342137 expensive business thing to do. But if it's necessary, and 46mB9TJ30iy-00875-00342137-00342392 that's you do the necessary things, you don't hide them. 46mB9TJ30iy-00876-00342300-00342708 Claire Amos: And if anyone happens to be an architect of 46mB9TJ30iy-00877-00342708-00343062 the upcoming budget and is in a position to make sure we get 46mB9TJ30iy-00878-00343062-00343521 universal, basic WiFi, devices for all students, and a whole 46mB9TJ30iy-00879-00343521-00343836 lot of resourcing for our staffing that'd be awesome. 46mB9TJ30iy-00880-00343836-00344295 Thank you. [laughter] 46mB9TJ30iy-00881-00344526-00344718 Kwong Nui Sim: Thank you, Claire, thank you, Steve, and 46mB9TJ30iy-00882-00344718-00345156 thank you, Stephen, and for your time and your insights, very 46mB9TJ30iy-00883-00345156-00345381 useful, and I'm sure the audience will find it very 46mB9TJ30iy-00884-00345381-00345708 beneficial as well. And thank you so much to all the audience 46mB9TJ30iy-00885-00345735-00346284 for attending this session. Wish you all the best and stay safe. 46mB9TJ30iy-00886-00346359-00346434 See you next time. 46mB9TJ30iy-00887-00346434-00346458 Stephen Marshall: Thank you. 46mB9TJ30iy-00888-00346600-00346618 Claire Amos: Thank you. 46mB9TJ30iy-00889-00346618-00346633 Steve Leichtweis: Kia ora. 46mB9TJ30iy-00890-00346633-00346681 Stephen Marshall: Have a great day. 47nsyNVh71A-00000-00000014-00000531 Lateefah Gold Wedding Jewelry Rings for Women Two-tone Color Marquise Cubic Zirconia Big 47nsyNVh71A-00001-00000531-00000794 Engagement Ring Anillos Mujer Bague 47nsyNVh71A-00002-00000794-00001725 Item Type:RingsFine or Fashion:FashionOccasion:WeddingGender:WomenShape\pattern:GeometricSurface Width:6mmSetting Type:Prong SettingStyle:TrendyRings 47nsyNVh71A-00003-00001725-00002372 Type:Cocktail RingMaterial:Cubic ZirconiaMetals Type:BrassCompatibility:NoneFunction:NoneGender:WomenMetal 47nsyNVh71A-00004-00002372-00003754 Type:BrassStone:Cubic ZirconiaSize:6/7/8/9Plating:Two-tone PlatingStyle:TrendyItem Name:Wedding RingPattern:GeometricDropshipping:AcceptWholesale:Accept 49YgSXS1Tqg-00000-00002000-00002800 Hello, so we have now come to the end of the course. This is going to be my last lecture; 49YgSXS1Tqg-00001-00003009-00003709 trying to wind up whatever we had started about the electric field and magnetic field. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00002-00003717-00004417 In our last lecture, we had taken one example and discussed the electric field and magnetic 49YgSXS1Tqg-00003-00004422-00005480 field transformation. We had said that, what appears to be a purely a magnetic field or 49YgSXS1Tqg-00004-00005480-00005952 an electric field in the frame may appear to be combination of electric field and magnetic 49YgSXS1Tqg-00005-00005952-00006472 field in a different frame. So, whether you term a field as electric or 49YgSXS1Tqg-00006-00006472-00006970 magnetic or partly electric or partly magnetic, it could depend on the frame of reference 49YgSXS1Tqg-00007-00006970-00007597 from which you are observing. Today what we will try to do is try to analyze the situation 49YgSXS1Tqg-00008-00007597-00008253 little bit more and try to see how we can think about the presence of these fields or 49YgSXS1Tqg-00009-00008253-00008932 change these fields, by taking one simple example of a current carrying wire or current 49YgSXS1Tqg-00010-00008932-00009632 carrying conductor. Then eventually will show, I will not really be able to show because 49YgSXS1Tqg-00011-00009711-00010411 you know this is actually beyond the scope of this particular lecture series, that Maxwell’s 49YgSXS1Tqg-00012-00010424-00010946 equations which are supposed to be the basic equations in electrodynamics, they remain 49YgSXS1Tqg-00013-00010946-00011611 unaltered even after special theory of relativity. So, there those equations do not change once 49YgSXS1Tqg-00014-00011611-00012239 that special theory of relativities also introduced. So, they are invariant under special theory 49YgSXS1Tqg-00015-00012239-00012825 of relativity. So as I said this particular aspect will not be able to be prove, as it 49YgSXS1Tqg-00016-00012825-00013338 is beyond scope of this particular course, but we will just take one equation and try 49YgSXS1Tqg-00017-00013338-00013994 to sort of convince I would say, try to convince that for one equation will sort of say that 49YgSXS1Tqg-00018-00013994-00014648 you know, you can sort of see that Maxwell’s equation is expected to be obeyed. So, this 49YgSXS1Tqg-00019-00014648-00015035 is what we are going to do in our last lecture today. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00020-00015035-00015569 So, this is what we have said we recapitulate; we discussed an example using electric and 49YgSXS1Tqg-00021-00015569-00015794 magnetic field transformation in our last lecture. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00022-00015794-00016469 To get a physical feeling how the fields could change in different frames, we discuss a new 49YgSXS1Tqg-00023-00016469-00017157 concept today which you call as a current density four-vector. As I said, we want to 49YgSXS1Tqg-00024-00017157-00017669 discuss little bit more physically by taking current carrying conductor but before we come 49YgSXS1Tqg-00025-00017669-00018369 to that situation, we will define what we call as a current density four-vector. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00026-00018454-00019073 Before we do that, let us first take traditionally what we mean by a current density. In physics 49YgSXS1Tqg-00027-00019073-00019715 generally, current density is considered a little more fundamental than the current and 49YgSXS1Tqg-00028-00019715-00020415 current density is always a vector quantity. This concept of current density emerges more 49YgSXS1Tqg-00029-00020476-00021176 from the fundamental aspects of how the motion of charge carriers takes place in a particular 49YgSXS1Tqg-00030-00021290-00021990 wire or particular conductor. So, let us assume that we have n charge carriers per unit volume 49YgSXS1Tqg-00031-00022068-00022766 in a given conductor or given wire which is carrying current. Now of course, we know that 49YgSXS1Tqg-00032-00022766-00023385 is actually the electrons which carry the current which are negatively charged particle. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00033-00023385-00023851 But somehow traditionally the direction of the current has been always defined to be 49YgSXS1Tqg-00034-00023851-00024416 opposite direction of the flow of the electron. So, if the electrons sort of flow in the negative 49YgSXS1Tqg-00035-00024416-00025116 x-direction, we define the standard traditional current in the positive x-direction. As we 49YgSXS1Tqg-00036-00025151-00025788 said let us assume that there are n charge carriers per unit volume and each one of them 49YgSXS1Tqg-00037-00025788-00026366 is carrying a charge of plus e. So, I am just assuming that the charge carriers are positive, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00038-00026366-00027066 though as I have said that actually the charge carriers in a real conductor is posed to be 49YgSXS1Tqg-00039-00027077-00027504 electrons which are negative charge carriers. But just for defining the concept of current 49YgSXS1Tqg-00040-00027504-00028204 density, I take this as positive charge carriers. Now we evolve the concept of what we call 49YgSXS1Tqg-00041-00028226-00028895 is the drift velocity. Actually once we apply electric field, these charge carriers start 49YgSXS1Tqg-00042-00028895-00029458 accelerating under the influence of the force which is created by this particular electric 49YgSXS1Tqg-00043-00029458-00030158 field, but because of the scattering that these electrons or the charge carriers, whatever 49YgSXS1Tqg-00044-00030200-00030688 they are, freeze within a metal or within a conductor. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00045-00030688-00031141 They are not able to move too much ahead, they go little bit ahead and then they get 49YgSXS1Tqg-00046-00031141-00031806 scattered; then they again accelerate and then they get scattered and if you remember, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00047-00031806-00032400 what we can define that under the influence of electric field, these electrons will eventually 49YgSXS1Tqg-00048-00032400-00033100 develop what we call as the drift velocity. It is something like the motion of air, breeze, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00049-00033490-00034166 the molecules in air may be moving with very large speeds, but we do not feel it. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00050-00034166-00034682 Only when the overall air drifts, which may be drifting with very small speed in comparison 49YgSXS1Tqg-00051-00034682-00035175 to the actual speed of the molecules; that we feel that there is a breeze. So, that is 49YgSXS1Tqg-00052-00035175-00035683 what is the drift of this whole air. So, similarly is the concept of electrons; the electrons 49YgSXS1Tqg-00053-00035683-00036176 could be moving in very large speed inside a conductor, but if there is one electron 49YgSXS1Tqg-00054-00036176-00036671 is way, another electron is moving this way. So, eventually you do not see any drift; only 49YgSXS1Tqg-00055-00036671-00037203 when there is net flow of electron in a particular direction, then only we see the current and 49YgSXS1Tqg-00056-00037203-00037649 that happens when we apply an electric field and then we define what we call as a drift 49YgSXS1Tqg-00057-00037649-00037773 velocity. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00058-00037773-00038473 Now current density vector J is defined in terms of this drift velocity as follows. J 49YgSXS1Tqg-00059-00038549-00039121 is equal to ne times drift velocity, where as I have said n is the total number of charge 49YgSXS1Tqg-00060-00039121-00039734 carriers per unit volume, E is the charge of each of the carrier which I am assuming 49YgSXS1Tqg-00061-00039734-00040291 at the moment to be positive; actually it makes no difference if we take for an electron. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00062-00040291-00040812 We have to take care of science properly; otherwise, this equation which defines the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00063-00040812-00041512 current density inside the metal or inside the conductor. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00064-00041527-00042227 Now if the situation is viewed from a different frame, then obviously we expect that the velocity 49YgSXS1Tqg-00065-00042270-00042705 of the electron would not be same, because we have discussed number of times that the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00066-00042705-00043227 velocity is actually frame dependent quantity. So if I go to a different frame, the drift 49YgSXS1Tqg-00067-00043227-00043927 velocity that you are seeing in a given frame may turn out to be different; it is very well 49YgSXS1Tqg-00068-00044004-00044566 expected. Also I would like to emphasize that even the current density or charge density, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00069-00044566-00045028 not sorry current density, the charge density would be different and that is mainly because 49YgSXS1Tqg-00070-00045028-00045454 of the length contraction. Because once we have come to the case of relativity 49YgSXS1Tqg-00071-00045454-00046154 theory, we will find that there is a contraction of length; and that itself would change the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00072-00046186-00046713 charge density, and if charge density change, the drift velocity change. So when I look 49YgSXS1Tqg-00073-00046713-00047355 into a different frame of reference, the current density is also expected to change. Therefore, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00074-00047355-00048019 I must look on in relativity, how this current density will change if I change my frame of 49YgSXS1Tqg-00075-00048019-00048294 reference; that is what is the question that we are going to answer now. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00076-00048294-00048994 That is what I said; let us examine this concept from the point of view of relativity. For 49YgSXS1Tqg-00077-00049215-00049798 that particular thing, let us assume comparatively simpler picture. Let us not bother about the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00078-00049798-00050347 drift velocities and other things. We will just take comparative, very very simple picture 49YgSXS1Tqg-00079-00050347-00050890 and try to see how this current densities will transform if I go from one particular 49YgSXS1Tqg-00080-00050890-00051105 frame of reference to another frame of reference. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00081-00051105-00051804 So, let us assume that we have a volume which contains all the positive charges; each one 49YgSXS1Tqg-00082-00051976-00052655 of which has a value of q which moves with a velocity u. So, let us assume that all of 49YgSXS1Tqg-00083-00052655-00053058 them move with the same velocity because there is no question of drift here; I do not want 49YgSXS1Tqg-00084-00053058-00053672 to confuse, will about drift little later. So, let us assume that they all of them moving 49YgSXS1Tqg-00085-00053672-00054372 with the same velocity u as seen in the given frame S; obviously, when these charges move 49YgSXS1Tqg-00086-00054416-00055041 in a particular direction, this will constitute current or eventually current density. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00087-00055041-00055449 Let n be the number of charge carriers per unit volume as seen in this frame. We have 49YgSXS1Tqg-00088-00055449-00055927 just now said that this n is also likely to be frame dependent; I would discuss this point 49YgSXS1Tqg-00089-00055927-00056477 little more in detail little later. So, we have a frame; as we are always telling, we 49YgSXS1Tqg-00090-00056477-00057091 have to be consistent in our frame. So, there is an observer sitting in s frame, which absorbs 49YgSXS1Tqg-00091-00057091-00057694 the velocity of the charge carrier to be u and first he calculates the total charged 49YgSXS1Tqg-00092-00057694-00058221 number density or charge density, if you call it as number density; then that is the number 49YgSXS1Tqg-00093-00058221-00058921 of charge carriers per unit volume. He absorbs that number to be equal to n. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00094-00059176-00059845 Now let us define a four scalar; we have used the concept of four scalar earlier. This is 49YgSXS1Tqg-00095-00059845-00060357 the quantity which does not change, when we change our frame of reference. See like we 49YgSXS1Tqg-00096-00060357-00061020 have defined, when from velocity to momentum; at the time, we multiplied by four scalar 49YgSXS1Tqg-00097-00061020-00061720 which we called as the rest mass of the particle. Similarly here, we define a four scalar n 49YgSXS1Tqg-00098-00061763-00062439 naught which does not change on frame of reference. This of course is going to be different from 49YgSXS1Tqg-00099-00062439-00063099 n and this is the number density; that is the number of charge carriers per unit volume 49YgSXS1Tqg-00100-00063099-00063579 in a frame of reference in which these charges are at rest. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00101-00063579-00064246 See like rest mass, we define that this is the mass what we call in a frame of reference. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00102-00064246-00064946 When the particular mass is at rest, take analogy from the particular concept. Similarly 49YgSXS1Tqg-00103-00064967-00065429 we define a number density, total number of charge carriers per unit volume as evaluated 49YgSXS1Tqg-00104-00065429-00066130 in a frame of reference in which these charges are at rest; this n that a person is going 49YgSXS1Tqg-00105-00066173-00066689 to find out in S is going to be different from n naught as we will see just now. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00106-00066689-00067389 Now the charge density in the frame S is higher from the proper one; this number n, I can 49YgSXS1Tqg-00107-00067502-00068130 call as a proper number density, n naught sorry, this n naught we can call as a proper 49YgSXS1Tqg-00108-00068130-00068536 number density because this is evaluated in a frame of reference in which these charges 49YgSXS1Tqg-00109-00068536-00069236 are at rest. Now what I insist that, the n that I am evaluating in S; S is the frame 49YgSXS1Tqg-00110-00069243-00069736 in which the charges are actually moving. In this frame, the number density would be 49YgSXS1Tqg-00111-00069736-00070433 different from its proper density n naught mainly because of this length contraction; 49YgSXS1Tqg-00112-00070433-00070881 and this length contraction always occurs along the relative velocity direction. So, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00113-00070881-00071367 let us look in to this particular picture. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00114-00071367-00072067 Let suppose we have a wire or a conductor like this and let us assume that this is in 49YgSXS1Tqg-00115-00072433-00072866 the x-direction. Now they are charge carriers here; that is the negative charge carriers 49YgSXS1Tqg-00116-00072866-00073373 whatever are. Here we have assumed positive, so let us assume positive. Let us assume that 49YgSXS1Tqg-00117-00073373-00073892 they are moving in a particular direction x. Now if I view this particular thing from 49YgSXS1Tqg-00118-00073892-00074472 a different frame of reference, then in that particular case and let us assume that this 49YgSXS1Tqg-00119-00074472-00074877 particular frame of reference; let us say as prime or whatever is that particular frame 49YgSXS1Tqg-00120-00074877-00075577 of reference. A person sitting in that frame views these charge carriers, then that particular 49YgSXS1Tqg-00121-00075675-00076298 person would find that this length is contracted. I am assuming that this particular frame is 49YgSXS1Tqg-00122-00076298-00076841 actually moving in the same direction as x. So, we know that standard length contraction 49YgSXS1Tqg-00123-00076841-00077320 formula. So according to this person, the length will turn out to be smaller and the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00124-00077320-00077795 dimensions would not change. And this length will become smaller by a factor of gamma u; 49YgSXS1Tqg-00125-00077795-00078372 new length or the length as seen in different frame of reference will be gamma u times the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00126-00078372-00079072 original or the proper length. Therefore, the volume of this particular material will 49YgSXS1Tqg-00127-00079208-00079908 also go down by gamma u, because no other dimensions change. So, if you have let us 49YgSXS1Tqg-00128-00080027-00080470 say now the dimensions are a, b, c, then only one of them becomes gamma a and b and c remains 49YgSXS1Tqg-00129-00080470-00080745 same. So when I take the volume, volume goes down 49YgSXS1Tqg-00130-00080745-00081222 by a factor of gamma u and therefore charge density, the total number of charge carriers 49YgSXS1Tqg-00131-00081222-00081911 per unit volume go up by a factor of gamma u. So, that is what I say that if I have come 49YgSXS1Tqg-00132-00081911-00082463 to this particular frame of reference S in which I find that these charges are moving, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00133-00082463-00083063 then this number density that will be evaluated by the frame will be different from its proper 49YgSXS1Tqg-00134-00083063-00083589 number density because of the length contraction and therefore, this particular factor will 49YgSXS1Tqg-00135-00083589-00084199 get modified or get multiplied by a factor of gamma u. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00136-00084199-00084786 Hence the current density if I have to write in S frame, I have to write the total number 49YgSXS1Tqg-00137-00084786-00085348 of charge carriers per unit volume which I know; I have earlier written as n, will actually 49YgSXS1Tqg-00138-00085348-00086048 be gamma u times and not where n naught is actually four-scalar. This factor is n and 49YgSXS1Tqg-00139-00086283-00086983 this n is gamma u times n naught. Using the definition of charge density that we had used 49YgSXS1Tqg-00140-00087001-00087483 earlier, this equation we can write that current density is total number of charge carriers 49YgSXS1Tqg-00141-00087483-00088137 per unit volume, which is gamma u times n naught multiplied by the q multiplied by the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00142-00088137-00088406 velocity; I am assuming all of them are moving in the same velocity. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00143-00088406-00089041 So, this will be the current density as seen in this particular frame of reference. So, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00144-00089041-00089458 the only reason why I am writing this equation in this particular form is because I am using 49YgSXS1Tqg-00145-00089458-00090158 a four scalar here. If I would have written just n, this n would have changed if I would 49YgSXS1Tqg-00146-00090202-00090902 have want different frame of reference, while this n naught is going to be the same in all 49YgSXS1Tqg-00147-00091163-00091697 the frames. Now instead of number density sometimes we define charge density. This charge 49YgSXS1Tqg-00148-00091697-00092220 density is very simple; just multiply whatever is the n naught multiply by the charge which 49YgSXS1Tqg-00149-00092220-00092356 is q. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00150-00092356-00092829 So, this is a very simple definition; most of the time we talk in terms of charge density 49YgSXS1Tqg-00151-00092829-00093494 rather than number density. So we define the charge density rho and like we have defined 49YgSXS1Tqg-00152-00093494-00094139 a proper number density, we can define a proper charge density rho naught as follows. So, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00153-00094139-00094655 rho naught whatever was the number density multiplied by charge; it is very simple it 49YgSXS1Tqg-00154-00094655-00095136 is the charge density. The total number multiplied by charge. Similarly, the charge density in 49YgSXS1Tqg-00155-00095136-00095758 a particular frame is the total number density as seen in that frame multiplied by q. So, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00156-00095758-00096370 this rho is equal to n q and rho naught which is the proper charge density is n naught q 49YgSXS1Tqg-00157-00096370-00096774 and because as we have discussed n is equal to gamma u n naught. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00158-00096774-00097437 So, this particular factor rho naught and this equation rho can be written as gamma 49YgSXS1Tqg-00159-00097437-00098036 u rho naught, because this is n naught q. This n I can write this as gamma u n naught, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00160-00098036-00098618 n naught if I observe here this becomes rho naught. So, this becomes gamma u rho naught. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00161-00098618-00099243 So, rho charge density in a particular frame of reference can be written as gamma u rho 49YgSXS1Tqg-00162-00099243-00099807 naught and only thing that I insist, that this rho naught is also a four scalar because 49YgSXS1Tqg-00163-00099807-00100507 n naught is a four scalar. And q the charge in relativity we do not expect this to change, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00164-00100593-00101176 first we change the frame of reference. This point we have not specifically mentioned earlier, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00165-00101176-00101876 but let us emphasize it now. The charges do not change once we change the frame of reference. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00166-00101992-00102692 Therefore, this quantity rho naught is also a four scalar. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00167-00102697-00103397 So, we can write the current density now in terms of this equation J is gamma u rho naught 49YgSXS1Tqg-00168-00103448-00104148 u is what we have written here earlier; except this gamma u n naught. This n naught, I am 49YgSXS1Tqg-00169-00104184-00104673 sorry, have been written in terms of rho naught; that is all have done in this equation. So, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00170-00104673-00105266 this is J is equal to gamma u rho naught u. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00171-00105266-00105966 Now I am in a position to define current density four-vector. If you remember in one of our 49YgSXS1Tqg-00172-00106122-00106822 earlier lectures, we have talked about the velocity four-vector. We have said that U 49YgSXS1Tqg-00173-00106942-00107642 x, U y, U z, they are not the components of the four-vector or the velocity four-vector. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00174-00107784-00108333 See remember P x, P y, P z are the first three components of the momentum four-vector, but 49YgSXS1Tqg-00175-00108333-00108898 U x, U y, U z are not the component or not the first three components of velocity four-vector. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00176-00108898-00109423 In fact, what are actually the first three components? They are gamma u U x, gamma u 49YgSXS1Tqg-00177-00109423-00109999 U y gamma u U z. This aspect we have discussed much more in detail when we were discussing 49YgSXS1Tqg-00178-00109999-00110548 the velocity four-vector. So, this velocity four-vector, the components 49YgSXS1Tqg-00179-00110548-00111132 are given gamma u times U x; this is the first component. Second component is U y, third 49YgSXS1Tqg-00180-00111132-00111761 component is U z. This is iC; all have to be multiplied by gamma u. So, strictly that 49YgSXS1Tqg-00181-00111761-00112276 mean that the first component of velocity four-vector will be gamma u U x; second will 49YgSXS1Tqg-00182-00112276-00112976 be gamma u U y; third will be gamma u U z; and the fourth component will be I gamma u 49YgSXS1Tqg-00183-00113090-00113682 C. This is what we have defined earlier. Now I can use this particular thing to define 49YgSXS1Tqg-00184-00113682-00114284 charge density four-vector; all I have to do is to multiply by a four scalar which I 49YgSXS1Tqg-00185-00114284-00114808 can do by multiplying by rho naught, because we have earlier said that 0rho naught is actually 49YgSXS1Tqg-00186-00114808-00115058 a four scalar. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00187-00115058-00115758 So, we define the components of current density four-vector by multiplying this u four-vector 49YgSXS1Tqg-00188-00115824-00116442 by a four scalar which is rho naught. This has been multiplied by rho naught. All other 49YgSXS1Tqg-00189-00116442-00116974 components are exactly same; only thing this has been multiplied by rho naught. Now we 49YgSXS1Tqg-00190-00116974-00117523 realize, if you look back at the equation of current density this I can write component 49YgSXS1Tqg-00191-00117523-00118035 wise; I if write component wise, it will become J x or the x component become J x gamma u 49YgSXS1Tqg-00192-00118035-00118548 rho naught U x. The y component of this equation becomes J y is equal to gamma u rho naught 49YgSXS1Tqg-00193-00118548-00119192 U y and things like that. So, once I write here rho naught gamma u U 49YgSXS1Tqg-00194-00119192-00119869 x, this will become J x. Once I say rho naught gamma u U y, this will comes J y; rho naught 49YgSXS1Tqg-00195-00119869-00120409 gamma u U z, this will comes J z and I am retaining this particular thing writing this 49YgSXS1Tqg-00196-00120409-00121109 rho naught gamma u as rho which is the charge density. This becomes i times rho multiplied 49YgSXS1Tqg-00197-00121109-00121809 by C. So what we see, that the first three components of current density four-vector 49YgSXS1Tqg-00198-00122020-00122638 are actually the real current density as seen in that particular frame; it is like momentum, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00199-00122638-00123011 momentum four-vector. The first three components are the momentum as absorbed in a particular 49YgSXS1Tqg-00200-00123011-00123489 frame of reference. Similarly current density components are the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00201-00123489-00124015 first three components of the current density four-vector and the fourth component, like 49YgSXS1Tqg-00202-00124015-00124521 in the case of momentum four-vector depended on the energy of the system. Here the fourth 49YgSXS1Tqg-00203-00124521-00125059 component of the current density four-vector depends on the charge density. So, the fourth 49YgSXS1Tqg-00204-00125059-00125633 component is rho. See like in that particular case of momentum, it was I E upon C; the fourth 49YgSXS1Tqg-00205-00125633-00126120 component dependent on the energy. Here the fourth component depends on the charge density. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00206-00126120-00126820 Now once we have found this particular four-vector, we know how to transform it. If I go for particular 49YgSXS1Tqg-00207-00126958-00127403 frame of S to any other frame S prime and if I know the relative velocity between S 49YgSXS1Tqg-00208-00127403-00128103 and S prime to be V, I can always transform this particular four-vector components into 49YgSXS1Tqg-00209-00128160-00128666 any other frame by using this standard matrix equation which we have been doing earlier 49YgSXS1Tqg-00210-00128666-00129196 number of times. So, the current density will obey the following transformation rule if 49YgSXS1Tqg-00211-00129196-00129704 we go to another frame S prime. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00212-00129704-00130373 This is the current density transformation. So we have in S frame, these are the components. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00213-00130373-00130951 The current density is J x, J y, J z; these are the x, y and z components of the current 49YgSXS1Tqg-00214-00130951-00131479 density. The fourth component is I rho upon C where rho is the charge density as seen 49YgSXS1Tqg-00215-00131479-00131985 in the particular frame of reference. I want to find out the current density and the charge 49YgSXS1Tqg-00216-00131985-00132553 density in a different frame as prime frame of reference. And let those current densities 49YgSXS1Tqg-00217-00132553-00133242 be give or the components of the current densities in as prime be given by J x, prime, J y prime, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00218-00133242-00133791 J z prime, and let the charge density be given by rho prime. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00219-00133791-00134491 Then these J x prime, J y prime, J z prime, rho prime would depend on J x, J y, J z and 49YgSXS1Tqg-00220-00134671-00135371 rho by this particular matrix equation transformation equation. Here of course, this gamma, beta, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00221-00135508-00135994 all these depends on the v the relative velocity between the frame between S and S prime; the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00222-00135994-00136560 standard way we have been dealing in relativity so far. So, now, I can expand this particular 49YgSXS1Tqg-00223-00136560-00137047 thing; we have done it a number of times. So, we have to spend too much of time in expanding 49YgSXS1Tqg-00224-00137047-00137562 this particular thing. I will just write the explanation of this particular equation which 49YgSXS1Tqg-00225-00137562-00137946 I shall deal in the next class. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00226-00137946-00138646 This is what it becomes. J x prime becomes equal to gamma times J x minus v rho, J y 49YgSXS1Tqg-00227-00138778-00139478 prime remains equal to J y, J z prime remains equal to J z, and the charge density now will 49YgSXS1Tqg-00228-00139553-00140059 be different in a different frame S prime as given by this particular equation rho prime 49YgSXS1Tqg-00229-00140059-00140759 will be gamma times rho minus V J x upon C square. So, this is somewhat like your x, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00230-00140894-00141366 y, z and if you want to remember; somewhat like x, y, z, t-transformation where x prime 49YgSXS1Tqg-00231-00141366-00141907 turned out to be gamma x minus V t. So, it is a similar type of equations if you go back 49YgSXS1Tqg-00232-00141907-00142494 in that particular case J x prime is gamma times J x minus V rho and rho prime is rho 49YgSXS1Tqg-00233-00142494-00142842 gamma minus V upon C square J x. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00234-00142842-00143542 I can always write the inverse transformation equation. For that particular thing as we 49YgSXS1Tqg-00235-00143650-00144350 have said, change prime to unprimed quantities and vice versa; make v as minus V. So, this 49YgSXS1Tqg-00236-00144361-00144805 is what happens. As the inverse transformation, it means that if I know the current densities 49YgSXS1Tqg-00237-00144805-00145336 and the charge densities in S prime frame of reference, I can find out the current density 49YgSXS1Tqg-00238-00145336-00145996 and the charge density in S frame of reference by using these inverse transformation equations. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00239-00145996-00146696 So, this is what has happened to my transformation of current density. Now let us come back to 49YgSXS1Tqg-00240-00147247-00147697 the situation of current carrying conductor. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00241-00147697-00148397 My idea of using this particular example of giving current carrying conductor is only 49YgSXS1Tqg-00242-00148420-00149120 to look little more deeply into the origin of these electric fields and magnetic fields 49YgSXS1Tqg-00243-00149487-00150015 as we change from one frame to another frame of reference. And this particular example, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00244-00150015-00150471 generally reasonably illustrative because many times we have a question; that suppose 49YgSXS1Tqg-00245-00150471-00150905 there is a particular frame of reference in which we see only magnetic field and you say 49YgSXS1Tqg-00246-00150905-00151376 that you go to a different frame of reference. Now in addition to this magnetic field, you 49YgSXS1Tqg-00247-00151376-00151807 also have an electric field. So, from where this electric field has come? Because once 49YgSXS1Tqg-00248-00151807-00152276 we say that the equation, the Maxwell’s equation which are the basic equations do 49YgSXS1Tqg-00249-00152276-00152642 not change the relativity. So, what is the origin of this electricity 49YgSXS1Tqg-00250-00152642-00153182 field? So, let us what we are trying to do is by giving this particular example to go 49YgSXS1Tqg-00251-00153182-00153666 little deeper into this particular aspect, try to somewhat understand these things. So 49YgSXS1Tqg-00252-00153666-00154366 now, let us come to a realistic conductor and let us assume that it is carrying a current 49YgSXS1Tqg-00253-00154373-00155073 in plus x-direction as seen in frame S. So, there is a frame S in which you see a current 49YgSXS1Tqg-00254-00155089-00155789 flowing in a particular wire or a conductor along the x-direction. Let us assume that 49YgSXS1Tqg-00255-00156044-00156528 charge carriers are actually the electrons. It means actually the electrons must be drifting 49YgSXS1Tqg-00256-00156528-00157228 in minus x-direction and that is the reason that the current is actually in the plus x-direction. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00257-00157277-00157684 As we have said, the direction of the motion direction of the drift of the electron is 49YgSXS1Tqg-00258-00157684-00158074 opposite to the direction of the conventional current. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00259-00158074-00158774 Now when we talk about the current we do not talk about this so clearly but let us be very 49YgSXS1Tqg-00260-00158964-00159627 very specific. I am looking this particular thing from a frame S and in this frame S, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00261-00159627-00160002 I assume that the positive charge carriers; remember the conductor overall is electrically 49YgSXS1Tqg-00262-00160002-00160566 neutral. It is a slightly different situation from what we have discussed now. I am talking 49YgSXS1Tqg-00263-00160566-00161074 now a realistic conductor. See, if there was no electric field, this particular conductor 49YgSXS1Tqg-00264-00161074-00161537 was electrically neutral and the negative charges are there, the positive charges both 49YgSXS1Tqg-00265-00161537-00162237 are there. Now these electrons tend to be somewhat free or approximately free and when 49YgSXS1Tqg-00266-00162315-00162677 we apply these electric fields, these electrons are the one which actually give rise to the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00267-00162677-00163034 current. But those positive charges which are sort 49YgSXS1Tqg-00268-00163034-00163734 of immobile which are ions which have been left behind; they remain at rest, that is 49YgSXS1Tqg-00269-00163739-00164296 what is the normal picture of current which is always told when I was in high school. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00270-00164296-00164967 So, I am looking at the same frame in which this picture is correct. It means I am assuming 49YgSXS1Tqg-00271-00164967-00165355 that the positive charges are at rest and it is the negative charges which are drifting 49YgSXS1Tqg-00272-00165355-00165894 in negative x-direction to give rise to a current in the plus x-direction. That is what 49YgSXS1Tqg-00273-00165894-00166594 I have said here; in this frame, the positive charges are at rest and electrons drift in 49YgSXS1Tqg-00274-00166662-00167362 negative x-direction giving a current in positive x-direction, alright. Now let me assume we 49YgSXS1Tqg-00275-00167796-00168332 all of us know that, if there is a current carrying conductor; let us assume that is 49YgSXS1Tqg-00276-00168332-00168847 a long conductor. This conductor will generate electric magnetic field around it. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00277-00168847-00169377 So because of this particular current, there is a magnetic field which is created around 49YgSXS1Tqg-00278-00169377-00170077 it. We know how to find out the direction of the magnetic field if the current going 49YgSXS1Tqg-00279-00170274-00170974 like this and you can find out. The magnetic field lines of forces may be circular with 49YgSXS1Tqg-00280-00171389-00171821 the wire passing through the center of the circles. These are well known; actually it 49YgSXS1Tqg-00281-00171821-00172353 is not discussed in detail. What I am also insisting is that all is generating only the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00282-00172353-00173009 magnetic field without any electric field. So, there is no electric field and the reason 49YgSXS1Tqg-00283-00173009-00173140 there is no electric field because they are positive charge carriers as well as negative 49YgSXS1Tqg-00284-00173140-00173563 charge carriers and in a given volume whatever small elements we have taken, we assume that 49YgSXS1Tqg-00285-00173563-00173892 there are same number positive charge carriers and same number of negative charge carriers. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00286-00173892-00174592 So, the net, let me just write it here. If we take a small element in a wire, in this 49YgSXS1Tqg-00287-00175330-00175735 element negative charge carriers or positive charge carriers, both are same. Therefore, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00288-00175735-00176182 if you take a small section of the wire, you do not find net charge density here and therefore, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00289-00176182-00176542 there is no electric field which is generated outside. There is only a flow of electron 49YgSXS1Tqg-00290-00176542-00177069 and at all the times, this charge neutrality is maintained in a small section of this particular 49YgSXS1Tqg-00291-00177069-00177613 wire. Therefore, there is no electric field, but there is a magnetic field. So, this is 49YgSXS1Tqg-00292-00177613-00178023 picture with which we are quite familiar in our high school, when we have discussing various 49YgSXS1Tqg-00293-00178023-00178723 laws related to magnetism; at that time we have been talking about this type of behavior. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00294-00178809-00179509 So, this is what I said. Let the negative and positive charge densities in frame S be 49YgSXS1Tqg-00295-00179546-00180246 rho e and rho p; this e symbol I have said for negative charge carriers, and this p symbol 49YgSXS1Tqg-00296-00180394-00181094 I have said for positive charge carriers. So, let us assume that the charge density 49YgSXS1Tqg-00297-00181159-00181859 for negative charge carriers is rho e and for positive charge carriers is rho p; of 49YgSXS1Tqg-00298-00181900-00182404 course, because this is charge density. So, this is negative because the charge is negative, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00299-00182404-00183002 the number density is not negative. Number density has to be always positive. While positive 49YgSXS1Tqg-00300-00183002-00183630 charge density is positive because this charge is positive, and because we are saying that 49YgSXS1Tqg-00301-00183630-00184044 there is no electric field in this particular frame of reference, I expect that if I take 49YgSXS1Tqg-00302-00184044-00184615 any small unit volume, necessarily a small; in fact it is a very small volume. You always 49YgSXS1Tqg-00303-00184615-00184976 find that this rho p plus rho e is equal to zero. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00304-00184976-00185411 So, there is no charge density in a smallest volume; a small volume which you take along 49YgSXS1Tqg-00305-00185411-00185857 the wire. I am not writing in the differential format sector because that is not the idea. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00306-00185857-00186478 We want to make thing simple; so just want to say that I expect that this rho p plus 49YgSXS1Tqg-00307-00186478-00186999 rho e must be 0 in this particular frame because I do not see any electric field, I see only 49YgSXS1Tqg-00308-00186999-00187579 the magnetic field. There is a current, there is a current density, but there is no electric 49YgSXS1Tqg-00309-00187579-00188279 field. This current and current density causes the magnetic field. Now we realize that because 49YgSXS1Tqg-00310-00188438-00188985 in this particular frame, it is only the negative charges which are moving. So the current density, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00311-00188985-00189442 the net current density is being caused only by the motion of negative charge carriers; 49YgSXS1Tqg-00312-00189442-00189947 positive charge carrier would not contribute to any current density which is obvious, because 49YgSXS1Tqg-00313-00189947-00190295 they are not moving in this particular frame of reference. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00314-00190295-00190995 So, this is what I said. In this frame S, the current density is solely due to the electrons. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00315-00191064-00191713 Therefore, net current density I can write as equal to J xe; I am writing only x component 49YgSXS1Tqg-00316-00191713-00192113 because current density current I have been told that is only in the x-direction, current 49YgSXS1Tqg-00317-00192113-00192813 density also in the x-direction. J xe I am using to mention the x component of the current 49YgSXS1Tqg-00318-00193048-00193722 density for negative charge carriers and as we have said and J x is the overall net; the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00319-00193722-00194247 total current density. As we have said because positive charges are immobile, so this J x 49YgSXS1Tqg-00320-00194247-00194947 is solely because of J xe and that will be given by rho e multiplied by the drift velocity 49YgSXS1Tqg-00321-00195098-00195611 of the electrons or negative charge carriers; negative charge carriers we mean electron. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00322-00195611-00196182 So, this is what it will be given as rho e times U de where rho is the charge density, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00323-00196182-00196835 U de is the drift velocity we have already defined; this particular thing is exactly 49YgSXS1Tqg-00324-00196835-00196997 the same thing. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00325-00196997-00197697 Now let us go to a different frame of reference S prime in which the drift velocity of electron 49YgSXS1Tqg-00326-00197699-00198165 is found to be zero. So, I have already found out what is the drift velocity. If I know 49YgSXS1Tqg-00327-00198165-00198638 the current density, I know what is the drift velocity; if I know the drift velocity, I 49YgSXS1Tqg-00328-00198638-00199204 can always go to a frame of reference, an inertial frame of reference which has their 49YgSXS1Tqg-00329-00199204-00199688 same relative velocity with respect to S as the drift velocity of the electrons. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00330-00199688-00200388 What it means is that, if we have wire in which these electrons are moving in this particular 49YgSXS1Tqg-00331-00201133-00201833 direction; this is plus x-direction. Let us consider one electron which has exactly the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00332-00201891-00202540 same speed; let us not bother about that. Just consider a drift velocity and assume 49YgSXS1Tqg-00333-00202540-00203032 that overall electrons are drifting in this particular way. I go to a particular frame 49YgSXS1Tqg-00334-00203032-00203420 of reference which has exactly the same velocity; of course this frame of reference also has 49YgSXS1Tqg-00335-00203420-00204029 move in this particular direction so that they find that overall, there is no drift 49YgSXS1Tqg-00336-00204029-00204596 of electrons in this particular frame of reference. So in this particular S prime frame of reference, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00337-00204596-00205054 I am defining this particular frame of reference S prime as one frame of reference which of 49YgSXS1Tqg-00338-00205054-00205475 course is inertial frame of reference, because drift velocity is supposed to be constant 49YgSXS1Tqg-00339-00205475-00206058 for a given electric field. So long, current density is constant; the drift velocity is 49YgSXS1Tqg-00340-00206058-00206640 also constant. So, I am looking at this particular aspect from a frame of reference S prime in 49YgSXS1Tqg-00341-00206640-00207340 which electrons are not found to be drifting. So that is what I said, let us observe this 49YgSXS1Tqg-00342-00207832-00208364 wire from a frame S prime in which the drift velocity of the electron is found to be zero. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00343-00208364-00208989 Let us see what an observer in S prime frame would notice; would it notice that the current 49YgSXS1Tqg-00344-00208989-00209689 has become zero and therefore, there should not be any magnetic field. No, that is not 49YgSXS1Tqg-00345-00209769-00209992 a correct picture. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00346-00209992-00210607 Actually in this frame, the positive charges will be observed to be moving in plus x-direction. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00347-00210607-00211126 See remember, it was in S frame that your electrons were drifting at the positive charges 49YgSXS1Tqg-00348-00211126-00211759 were stationary. But once I have changed my frame of reference to make the electrons stationary 49YgSXS1Tqg-00349-00211759-00212182 in that particular frame of reference; in that particular frame of reference, the positive 49YgSXS1Tqg-00350-00212182-00212882 charges will move and because as we have said here, this velocity is in the negative direction. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00351-00212938-00213434 So, the positive charges which were mobile earlier which would appear to a person sitting 49YgSXS1Tqg-00352-00213434-00214134 here to be moving in positive x-direction. Therefore, an observer in S prime would feel 49YgSXS1Tqg-00353-00214355-00214894 that all these positive charge carriers are moving in plus x-direction. So, there is a 49YgSXS1Tqg-00354-00214894-00215381 current in that particular frame of reference but that current is being caused by the positive 49YgSXS1Tqg-00355-00215381-00216081 charge carriers and this positive charge carrier will actually produce a magnetic field. Therefore, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00356-00216461-00217161 a magnetic field is expected to be present also in S prime frame of reference. What about 49YgSXS1Tqg-00357-00217200-00217462 electric field? 49YgSXS1Tqg-00358-00217462-00218106 If you look at these equations, these are the transformation equation which I have written 49YgSXS1Tqg-00359-00218106-00218469 from S to S prime frame of reference. Of course in this case, we have x to be negative; lets 49YgSXS1Tqg-00360-00218469-00218984 forgot about it and I am just writing in the number form. If you look at this particular 49YgSXS1Tqg-00361-00218984-00219421 equation, of course E x prime will turn out to be equal to Ex, but E y prime will depend 49YgSXS1Tqg-00362-00219421-00220075 on V B z. E z prime will depend on V B y. Depending upon which point you are looking 49YgSXS1Tqg-00363-00220075-00220775 or you are looking at the field which point; of course the current in the x-direction. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00364-00220810-00221510 You will always find; you may always find at least a component of B y or B z or both. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00365-00221594-00222190 Even though E y and E z are zero because we have said in S frame there is no electric 49YgSXS1Tqg-00366-00222190-00222632 field. But there is a magnetic field and this magnetic field has to be in some direction; 49YgSXS1Tqg-00367-00222632-00223182 of course it cannot be in x-direction because the current flows in the x-direction. And 49YgSXS1Tqg-00368-00223182-00223729 the magnetic field is being caused only by that current flow and I am assuming this to 49YgSXS1Tqg-00369-00223729-00224429 be infinite wires or sought of infinite wire. So therefore, at least one of these will be 49YgSXS1Tqg-00370-00224439-00224931 non-zero. It means in this particular frame in addition to the magnetic field, the observer 49YgSXS1Tqg-00371-00224931-00225614 would also find electric field. This is going to happen if my transformation equations are 49YgSXS1Tqg-00372-00225614-00226071 correct. So, these electric fields are present in the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00373-00226071-00226771 particular frame of reference. From where are they arising? Earlier we have said that 49YgSXS1Tqg-00374-00226778-00227456 their charge densities were just neutralizing at each small volume of the wire and therefore, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00375-00227456-00228107 there was no net charge in any small section of the wire and therefore, there was no electric 49YgSXS1Tqg-00376-00228107-00228807 field earlier. From where the electric field is coming; so now we will realize, that is 49YgSXS1Tqg-00377-00228929-00229169 what we will do just now, to show that it was too earlier in S frame. In S prime frame 49YgSXS1Tqg-00378-00229169-00229869 of reference, if you take a small section of the wire; now you will find it to be charged 49YgSXS1Tqg-00379-00229882-00230356 and if you find it to be charged, it is this charge which will generate this electric field. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00380-00230356-00230859 So, electric field will be present in this frame of reference because that particular 49YgSXS1Tqg-00381-00230859-00231458 section; I mean sections of wire being charged. How do I do that? For particular I must know 49YgSXS1Tqg-00382-00231458-00232158 a charge density transformation; that is what I am going to do next. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00383-00232202-00232902 For that let us evaluate the charge densities in S prime frame of reference. I have just 49YgSXS1Tqg-00384-00232938-00233638 now evaluated; I just now found out the transformation equation relating to the charge densities. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00385-00233692-00234336 Let us do the same thing here, find out what will be rho prime if I know rho and S, what 49YgSXS1Tqg-00386-00234336-00234617 will be rho prime. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00387-00234617-00235163 Of course, relative velocity of between the frames I have taken specifically equal to 49YgSXS1Tqg-00388-00235163-00235634 U de; of course I have reserved symbol U instead of V. Though when we originally defined charge 49YgSXS1Tqg-00389-00235634-00236148 densities we had used symbol V, but I am using U because V we have as I will say always reserved 49YgSXS1Tqg-00390-00236148-00236617 for the relative velocity between the frames. Of course in this specific example, I am taking 49YgSXS1Tqg-00391-00236617-00237182 V is equal to U de because only in that particular case, the electrons or the negative charge 49YgSXS1Tqg-00392-00237182-00237826 carriers will be at rest. So, this is my transformation equation for the negative charge carriers 49YgSXS1Tqg-00393-00237826-00238526 rho e prime is equal to gamma and rho e minus U de because V is equal to U de J xe whatever 49YgSXS1Tqg-00394-00238636-00239306 was the current density divided by C square. So, this is gamma rho J xe I can write as 49YgSXS1Tqg-00395-00239306-00239804 rho e into U de. So, this rho e I have written here, this becomes U de square divided by 49YgSXS1Tqg-00396-00239804-00240482 C square. This rho e I can take it out, this will become gamma rho e multiplied by one 49YgSXS1Tqg-00397-00240482-00241182 minus U de divided by C square; put this is also squared; U de is the drift velocity of 49YgSXS1Tqg-00398-00241196-00241714 electrons as was seen in S frame. So this will be the charge density of electron which 49YgSXS1Tqg-00399-00241714-00242414 will be seen in S prime frame of reference. What will happen to the charge density of 49YgSXS1Tqg-00400-00242489-00243189 positive charge carriers? I will write exactly the same equation, gamma rho p minus V J x 49YgSXS1Tqg-00401-00243406-00244100 p divided by C square where J x p is the current density of positive charge carriers in S frame. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00402-00244100-00244694 But I know that this J x p is zero because the charges are not moving in S frame of reference; 49YgSXS1Tqg-00403-00244694-00245186 therefore, current density of that particular frame has to be zero. Therefore, this quantity 49YgSXS1Tqg-00404-00245186-00245886 will be zero and this I can write as gamma rho p. As we can seen that the charge densities 49YgSXS1Tqg-00405-00246094-00246617 as seen in S prime frame of reference are not same because of this transformation; therefore, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00406-00246617-00247176 this is not equal to this. They were earlier same; the magnitudes were earlier same, of 49YgSXS1Tqg-00407-00247176-00247742 course signs were different. Their magnitudes were same in S frame, but in S prime frame 49YgSXS1Tqg-00408-00247742-00248387 of reference even their magnitudes have become different. So, let us evaluate the net charge 49YgSXS1Tqg-00409-00248387-00248881 density in S prime frame of reference which is just the sum of these two which earlier 49YgSXS1Tqg-00410-00248881-00248976 was zero. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00411-00248976-00249654 So, I have just used this particular equation which is from this particular transparency 49YgSXS1Tqg-00412-00249654-00250354 this plus this; this is what I have written here. This gamma rho E would cancel out here. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00413-00250487-00251187 Remember this rho E was equal to minus rho p in S prime frame of reference. So this rho 49YgSXS1Tqg-00414-00251194-00251784 e has been changed as minus rho p here. So, once I do that this gamma rho p and this will 49YgSXS1Tqg-00415-00251784-00252484 cancel out and this will become gamma rho p U de square upon C square. So, we find that 49YgSXS1Tqg-00416-00252594-00253144 there is a net charge density in this particular wire. So in S prime frame of reference, it 49YgSXS1Tqg-00417-00253144-00253762 will find that the wire is charged’ if you take one particular section of the wire, it 49YgSXS1Tqg-00418-00253762-00254462 will be charged and if it charged of course, we generate electric field. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00419-00254528-00255060 Now what happens to charge conservation? Some of you may ask that, does it mean to say that 49YgSXS1Tqg-00420-00255060-00255694 this wire overall has become electrically non-neutral. Originally we have said that 49YgSXS1Tqg-00421-00255694-00256187 the conductor was electrically neutral. Now we are saying that there is a net charge density. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00422-00256187-00256754 Does it mean to say that, it is no longer electric neutral? What happens; from where 49YgSXS1Tqg-00423-00256754-00257303 we got the additional charges? Is the charge conservation obeyed or not? The question is 49YgSXS1Tqg-00424-00257303-00257488 that see normally you will not have, strictly speaking, infinite wire. You will always have 49YgSXS1Tqg-00425-00257488-00258155 a loop. So once you are supplying the current, now there will be current flowing and then 49YgSXS1Tqg-00426-00258155-00258394 eventually the current has to flow back into a particular direction. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00427-00258394-00259006 So, whatever is the situation, you will always have situation somewhere where you have wire 49YgSXS1Tqg-00428-00259006-00259706 and this wire eventually has to close. Here there has to be some current source. Now as 49YgSXS1Tqg-00429-00260081-00260413 you can see, the current direction in this section of the wire is going to become different 49YgSXS1Tqg-00430-00260413-00260939 from whatever is here. If I am looking at positive x-direction, the charges are going; 49YgSXS1Tqg-00431-00260939-00261508 let us say the current is going on this particular direction on this way, while here going this 49YgSXS1Tqg-00432-00261508-00261991 way. So inverse section of the wire if I am finding it positively charged; the other section 49YgSXS1Tqg-00433-00261991-00262497 of the wire I will find negatively charged. So, overall the wire will still remain to 49YgSXS1Tqg-00434-00262497-00262978 be electrically neutral. So nothing happens to that particular thing once we realize that 49YgSXS1Tqg-00435-00262978-00263494 thing. But if you take a specific section the way we have happen defining this particular 49YgSXS1Tqg-00436-00263494-00263950 thing, we feel only because of this particular wire that comes, because of this positive 49YgSXS1Tqg-00437-00263950-00264523 charges which are being in that particular frame; we use the particular charge carrier, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00438-00264523-00265061 this particular wire as a charged charge now. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00439-00265061-00265761 Now with this particular thing as I said, this is probably the last section that we 49YgSXS1Tqg-00440-00265851-00266429 have wanted to cover formally; I want to just introduce how the Maxwell’s equation we 49YgSXS1Tqg-00441-00266429-00267062 expect them to remain invariant. In fact if you remember the electric field and magnetic 49YgSXS1Tqg-00442-00267062-00267668 field transformation, we had obtained from the force equation; the Lorentz force equation 49YgSXS1Tqg-00443-00267668-00268195 and saying that this force must obey a force transformation law. In fact, they can also 49YgSXS1Tqg-00444-00268195-00268895 be derived by maintaining that the Maxwell’s equations are unaltered or unaffected when 49YgSXS1Tqg-00445-00268984-00269391 I change my frame of reference. We do not change any magnetic equations unlike we have 49YgSXS1Tqg-00446-00269391-00270071 changed many of the classical mechanics equation; the equations pertaining to electromagnetic, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00447-00270071-00270523 electromagnetic theory. They do not change, must be changed by frame 49YgSXS1Tqg-00448-00270523-00270838 of reference. The equations which are the basic Maxwell’s equation, four Maxwell’s 49YgSXS1Tqg-00449-00270838-00271326 equation, they do not change. So, I will not proving general in general which is beyond 49YgSXS1Tqg-00450-00271326-00271741 the outcome of this course which is required; if you want a general proof much more, many 49YgSXS1Tqg-00451-00271741-00272369 more details. We will just take one simple example and convince you and I am always trying 49YgSXS1Tqg-00452-00272369-00272878 to say that I am trying to convince that Maxwell’s equations are expected; nothing like that, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00453-00272878-00273506 nothing more than that. So, this is what I have said in relative to the Maxwell’s equations 49YgSXS1Tqg-00454-00273506-00274074 are unaffected; we shall not give the general proof, we are just trying to convince you. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00455-00274074-00274734 So, these are the four Maxwell’s equations which are very very standard equations. The 49YgSXS1Tqg-00456-00274734-00275342 first equation in essentially what we call as a Gauss’s law which talks of divergence 49YgSXS1Tqg-00457-00275342-00276042 of electric field in terms of the charge density. This is a similar Gauss’s law for the magnetostatics 49YgSXS1Tqg-00458-00276253-00276708 which is divergence of B equal to 0 and this quantity 0 because it always says that there 49YgSXS1Tqg-00459-00276708-00277408 is no monopole. This is what is the curl of electric field which is called Faraday’s 49YgSXS1Tqg-00460-00277517-00278089 laws of electromagnetic induction and this is Ampere’s law with the connection of Maxwell 49YgSXS1Tqg-00461-00278089-00278697 pertaining to the displacement current which gives you current B, so the two equations 49YgSXS1Tqg-00462-00278697-00279270 are having divergence. There are two equations which are having curl, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00463-00279270-00279844 and these are the four equations which we call as Maxwell’s equation. So, I will take 49YgSXS1Tqg-00464-00279844-00280381 one of these equations; this particular equation, the third equation and out of that I will 49YgSXS1Tqg-00465-00280381-00280980 take one component and try to convince you that this does not alter once I go for a frame 49YgSXS1Tqg-00466-00280980-00281575 S to S prime frame of reference. So, this is what I am trying to do in this particular 49YgSXS1Tqg-00467-00281575-00281971 way as a last part of this particular course 49YgSXS1Tqg-00468-00281971-00282671 So we said, we shall take third equation and try to write this in S prime frame. But before 49YgSXS1Tqg-00469-00282723-00283374 we do that, let us expand this curl into individual components; remember it has a curl here. There 49YgSXS1Tqg-00470-00283374-00283804 is a curl of electric field and here you have derivative of time, derivative of magnetic 49YgSXS1Tqg-00471-00283804-00284504 field. So, let us first write this into the component form. Then this components will 49YgSXS1Tqg-00472-00284555-00285116 of course be in the form of x, y, and z and on the right-hand side, you will have time 49YgSXS1Tqg-00473-00285116-00285700 derivative. Now I will change these x, y, z to x prime, y prime, and z prime; this t 49YgSXS1Tqg-00474-00285700-00286083 to t prime. Assuming that x prime, y prime, z prime, t 49YgSXS1Tqg-00475-00286083-00286503 prime, are related to x, y, z, t by Lorentz transformation because that is what is the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00476-00286503-00287193 relativistic transformation. And try to see that I can write exactly similar equation 49YgSXS1Tqg-00477-00287193-00287679 in S prime frame of reference where E will be replaced by E prime and B will be replaced 49YgSXS1Tqg-00478-00287679-00288196 by B prime and this curl will be all with respect to x prime, y prime, z prime, and 49YgSXS1Tqg-00479-00288196-00288689 this t will be with respect to t prime. First I may have to write that, I have show that 49YgSXS1Tqg-00480-00288689-00289124 is Maxwell’s equation remain invariant. Of course, we can do similar type of things 49YgSXS1Tqg-00481-00289124-00289661 for all other equations. We know how the charge density transforms; we have just now discussed. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00482-00289661-00290224 We have also known how current density transforms, that also we have discussed. So, we know the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00483-00290224-00290533 transformation of all these equations. So in principle, you could have taken any equation 49YgSXS1Tqg-00484-00290533-00291064 and try to proof it. But as I said I am not doing that in general, just taking this particular 49YgSXS1Tqg-00485-00291064-00291586 equation trying to convince you. So, let us first expand the curl del cross E. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00486-00291586-00292242 So, left hand side of that equation had just curl of E; that is del cross E. Of course, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00487-00292242-00292602 you can use any method of expanding it; some people will try to write in form of determinant; 49YgSXS1Tqg-00488-00292602-00293224 then try to expand it. I have written in a particular vector form which I find generally 49YgSXS1Tqg-00489-00293224-00293743 much more easy to remember but in any way one prefers for this you can write; this particular 49YgSXS1Tqg-00490-00293743-00294367 way also we can expand this curl. So, this del operator as we call can be written as 49YgSXS1Tqg-00491-00294367-00294996 i del del x plus j del del y plus k del del z, where I, j, k are the unit vectors. Then 49YgSXS1Tqg-00492-00294996-00295620 cross E i can write in the vector form as i E x plus j E y plus k E z; again i, j, k 49YgSXS1Tqg-00493-00295620-00296065 are unit vectors in the x-, y-, and z-direction, this standard way. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00494-00296065-00296587 So, I have to expand this curl; it means I have to take, this cross this, this cross 49YgSXS1Tqg-00495-00296587-00296999 this, this cross this, then plus this cross this, plus this cross this, plus this cross 49YgSXS1Tqg-00496-00296999-00297672 this, then this cross this, this cross this, this cross this. If I take first term i del 49YgSXS1Tqg-00497-00297672-00298372 del x, when you take i cross i, I will get zero; i cross j will give me k; and i cross 49YgSXS1Tqg-00498-00298446-00299102 k will give me minus j. Similarly j cross i will give minus k; j cross j will give me 49YgSXS1Tqg-00499-00299102-00299587 zero; and j cross k will give me i. Here also k cross k will give me zero. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00500-00299587-00300127 So all I wanted to say that normally if you would have expanded this, you will have got 49YgSXS1Tqg-00501-00300127-00300577 nine terms; because one has to operate on three, second also has to operate on three, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00502-00300577-00301083 third also has to operate on three; we will get nine terms. But out of those, three terms 49YgSXS1Tqg-00503-00301083-00301548 will be terms zero. One because of i cross i, another because of j cross j, and third 49YgSXS1Tqg-00504-00301548-00302222 will be because of k cross k. So, eventually you will be landing only with these six terms. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00505-00302222-00302652 I am not giving the details of these things, I can think it and mark out simply and try 49YgSXS1Tqg-00506-00302652-00303178 to convince yourself that whatever I have written is probably correct. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00507-00303178-00303750 So, these are my cross products and all I have done is expanded into this particular 49YgSXS1Tqg-00508-00303750-00304450 form. As I have said that this explanation you could have your doubt in any other way 49YgSXS1Tqg-00509-00304457-00305157 which is comfortable to you. So all I have written is six terms and content kept those 49YgSXS1Tqg-00510-00305166-00305866 terms along the x-direction here, y-direction here, and the z-direction here. So, this del 49YgSXS1Tqg-00511-00305953-00306469 cross E i can writen like this; that this has to be equated to the right-hand side which 49YgSXS1Tqg-00512-00306469-00307169 had del B del t. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00513-00307213-00307894 The x component and y component and z component of this equation, in fact can be written as 49YgSXS1Tqg-00514-00307894-00308594 i del B x del t plus j del B y del t plus k del B z del t. Then this x component can 49YgSXS1Tqg-00515-00309695-00310139 be equated to x component of the curl that we have obtained; y component can be equated 49YgSXS1Tqg-00516-00310139-00310839 to the y component of the curl that I have found out; z component can be equated to the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00517-00310877-00311333 z component. So, I will get three equations which I am writing in the next transparency. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00518-00311333-00311793 So, these are collecting them; we have collected all the components and equated to the right-hand 49YgSXS1Tqg-00519-00311793-00312493 side. So, I get these three equations. Now I will use only one of this equation; this 49YgSXS1Tqg-00520-00312589-00313166 particular equation, the second equation. Try to transform into S prime frame of reference 49YgSXS1Tqg-00521-00313166-00313865 by using this standard equation corresponding to the partial derivatives. I will not go 49YgSXS1Tqg-00522-00313865-00314301 into the details because this requires lot of time but as I say my idea is only to convince 49YgSXS1Tqg-00523-00314301-00314761 you and not to give you too much of details of the mathematics, which I say that is beyond 49YgSXS1Tqg-00524-00314761-00315061 the scope of this particular course. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00525-00315061-00315640 So, we will use the standard partial differentiation formula and use it along with the Lorentz 49YgSXS1Tqg-00526-00315640-00315879 transformation. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00527-00315879-00316473 What is this particular formula? This del del x can be written as del x prime del x 49YgSXS1Tqg-00528-00316473-00317135 del del x prime plus del y prime del x del del y prime plus del z prime del x del del 49YgSXS1Tqg-00529-00317135-00317689 z prime plus del t prime del x del del t prime. This is the standard partial derivative formula. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00530-00317689-00318191 Then you have therefore variables on which it is dependent. I know from Lorentz transformation 49YgSXS1Tqg-00531-00318191-00318852 x prime is equal to gamma x minus V t, y prime is equal to y, z prime is equal to z, t prime 49YgSXS1Tqg-00532-00318852-00319472 is equal to gamma t minus Vx upon C square. So, let us examine this particular term. If 49YgSXS1Tqg-00533-00319472-00319993 I take del x prime del x, this is x prime, this is partial derivative; it means all other 49YgSXS1Tqg-00534-00319993-00320509 variables I have take them as constant. So, t will turn on constant. Once I take the partial 49YgSXS1Tqg-00535-00320509-00320958 derivative of x with respect to x prime with respect to x, so I will just get gamma. This 49YgSXS1Tqg-00536-00320958-00321658 term will give be zero. So, this becomes gamma into del del x prime. Similarly del y prime 49YgSXS1Tqg-00537-00321792-00322311 del x if I take partial derivative with respect to x, it means y has to be treated as constant. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00538-00322311-00322918 So, this will give me zero, del z prime del x will give me zero. Here del t prime del 49YgSXS1Tqg-00539-00322918-00323584 x, t prime does depend on x. Once I take partial derivative, t has to be taken as constant. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00540-00323584-00324284 I take derivative, so I will get minus gamma t V upon C square. So this is gamma not t, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00541-00324295-00324995 minus gamma V upon C square. So, minus gamma V upon C square into del del t prime. So, 49YgSXS1Tqg-00542-00325047-00325547 this operator del del x can be replaced by this operator once I change my frame from 49YgSXS1Tqg-00543-00325547-00325938 S to S prime frame of reference. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00544-00325938-00326456 I can write similar equations for y which will give me very clearly del y is equal to 49YgSXS1Tqg-00545-00326456-00326906 del y prime. This you can write to work it out yourself and exactly, similarly I will 49YgSXS1Tqg-00546-00326906-00327518 get del del z is equal to del del z prime. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00547-00327518-00328016 Again del del t will be different from del t prime. I use exactly the same thing, again 49YgSXS1Tqg-00548-00328016-00328570 you can work it out yourself; del del t will turn out to be equal to gamma del del t prime 49YgSXS1Tqg-00549-00328570-00329270 minus V del del x prime. So now, I know how to replace these partial derivatives from 49YgSXS1Tqg-00550-00329306-00329649 S frame to S prime frame of reference. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00551-00329649-00330331 So, these things I will substitute in this particular equation. So this del del z prime 49YgSXS1Tqg-00552-00330331-00330748 del del z, I will replace by whatever we have valued it earlier. Of course as delta z is 49YgSXS1Tqg-00553-00330748-00331114 concerned, it is just that z becomes z prime. Here there is a partial derivative with respect 49YgSXS1Tqg-00554-00331114-00331746 to x. So this once I change to del x prime, I will get another term. Similarly when this 49YgSXS1Tqg-00555-00331746-00332160 partial derivative with respect to time, I will get another term which I am doing in 49YgSXS1Tqg-00556-00332160-00332346 the next class we will see. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00557-00332346-00332836 I am rather going fast, but idea as I have to say is to convince you. So, this equation 49YgSXS1Tqg-00558-00332836-00333473 as I said remain identical; del del x I am replacing by this equation. So, once I go 49YgSXS1Tqg-00559-00333473-00333915 to prime frame of reference, this will become del E z del x prime minus V upon C square 49YgSXS1Tqg-00560-00333915-00334615 del E z del t prime. This del t also gets changed and this becomes del B y del t prime 49YgSXS1Tqg-00561-00334651-00335351 minus V del B y del x prime. So, this equation now becomes in this particular form. What 49YgSXS1Tqg-00562-00335479-00335948 I will do, I will collect terms correspond to partial derivative with respect to x and 49YgSXS1Tqg-00563-00335948-00336483 with respect to partial derivative with respect to t. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00564-00336483-00337183 So if I do that, this equation becomes in this form. This is interesting because normally 49YgSXS1Tqg-00565-00337255-00337654 if a similar equation has to be obeyed in S prime frame of reference. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00566-00337654-00338354 I expect del E x prime is equal to del z prime minus del E t prime by del x prime is equal 49YgSXS1Tqg-00567-00339242-00339942 to del B y by del t prime. This is an equation which I expect to be true because this is 49YgSXS1Tqg-00568-00340596-00340959 exactly the same equation. I am sorry there should be a prime here. Because this what 49YgSXS1Tqg-00569-00340959-00341391 I expect if the same equation I am able to write in S prime frame of reference, I will 49YgSXS1Tqg-00570-00341391-00341902 be able to say that things are consistent in S prime frame of reference. This is the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00571-00341902-00342352 equation which I have written here. So if I write this equal to this, this happens to 49YgSXS1Tqg-00572-00342352-00342915 be equal to E z prime and this happens to be equal to B y prime, I know that these equations 49YgSXS1Tqg-00573-00342915-00343481 will be identical in S prime frame of reference and this is precisely what I know is true 49YgSXS1Tqg-00574-00343481-00343781 from electric field and magnetic field transformation. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00575-00343781-00344481 And of course, E x must be equal to S prime. So, from this I can write these equations. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00576-00344614-00345226 So, these equation will be consist ant in S prime provided we have these equations valid. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00577-00345226-00345634 I know from electric field and magnetic field of transformation that these equations are 49YgSXS1Tqg-00578-00345634-00346141 correct. So, I expect this equation to be valid also in S prime frame of reference. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00579-00346141-00346550 So, what I have only done is shown only for one equation. You can try to show for other 49YgSXS1Tqg-00580-00346550-00347048 equation; you have to know somewhat more mathematics and try to convince yourself that Maxwell’s 49YgSXS1Tqg-00581-00347048-00347686 equations are actually consistent in all both the frames. They remain unaltered; we do not 49YgSXS1Tqg-00582-00347686-00348195 change Maxwell’s equation once I go from S frame to S prime frame of reference. 49YgSXS1Tqg-00583-00348195-00348649 So, this is my summary. We discussed current density four-vector. We tried to analyze the 49YgSXS1Tqg-00584-00348649-00349069 current carrying conductor in two frames. Especially discussed how the electric field 49YgSXS1Tqg-00585-00349069-00349663 is generated in that particular frame of reference and given a hint how Maxwell’s equation 49YgSXS1Tqg-00586-00349663-00350148 remain unaltered. So, this happens to be the end of the course. Best of luck all the best. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00000-00000362-00000528 Hello everyone. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00001-00000967-00001167 My name is Antonio Juarez. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00002-00001328-00001519 I am 38 years old. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00003-00001797-00002331 I am a Software Engineer by occupation. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00004-00002551-00003062 I have worked with Google for seven years. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00005-00003167-00003400 I now work in a robotics company. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00006-00003830-00004446 My peers believe me to be somewhat, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00007-00004446-00004955 a clear-minded person, if sometimes absent-minded. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00008-00005605-00006292 I studied Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00009-00006322-00006696 Actually, Machine Learning at Carnegie Mellon University, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00010-00006717-00006845 and Computer Science in Guatemala. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00011-00007540-00007591 And... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00012-00008128-00008855 I, I'm here today to say that 4u8g8JZiRNE-00013-00009340-00009857 I know that the inner world exists. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00014-00010870-00011000 The inner world. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00015-00011252-00011603 The esoteric realms that 4u8g8JZiRNE-00016-00011712-00011915 many different disciplines 4u8g8JZiRNE-00017-00011940-00012139 and teachings and religions 4u8g8JZiRNE-00018-00012139-00012389 and people speak about. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00019-00012799-00013374 The Divinity that religions point to, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00020-00013939-00014238 the Kingdom of God that Christianity talks about, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00021-00014428-00014938 the God Within that the Eastern 4u8g8JZiRNE-00022-00015097-00015294 scriptures and teachings talk about, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00023-00015468-00015833 the energetic centers 4u8g8JZiRNE-00024-00015833-00016271 that many teachings teach are in our bodies. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00025-00017194-00017709 The dream worlds that Carl Jung 4u8g8JZiRNE-00026-00017709-00017880 pointed to, I believe. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00027-00017973-00018144 The ecstasies that the 4u8g8JZiRNE-00028-00018144-00018776 whirling dervishes of the Middle East experience. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00029-00018970-00019769 The outlandish experiences that, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00030-00019769-00020197 that people consuming psychedelic substances 4u8g8JZiRNE-00031-00020379-00020472 also report. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00032-00020814-00020902 So many of these. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00033-00021341-00021587 I cannot claim truth to all of them 4u8g8JZiRNE-00034-00021587-00021745 or sincerity to all of them. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00035-00021977-00022352 I just know for certain that, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00036-00022609-00022904 that it exists. Ah. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00037-00022980-00023735 And I prefaced saying this now by my 4u8g8JZiRNE-00038-00023828-00024045 professional status in the world 4u8g8JZiRNE-00039-00024045-00024247 and my educational status in the world 4u8g8JZiRNE-00040-00024416-00025018 because I have seen in the world that that is 4u8g8JZiRNE-00041-00025254-00025751 rarely or never a combination ever acknowledged. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00042-00025928-00026210 The bringing together of 4u8g8JZiRNE-00043-00026315-00026747 the modern westernized rational education 4u8g8JZiRNE-00044-00026886-00027210 and the esoteric, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00045-00027290-00027693 intangible, unproven... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00046-00028085-00028573 um, beliefs... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00047-00029978-00030424 Facts, words, truths, I will call them truths... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00048-00030478-00030979 the truths that the Eastern beliefs talk about. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00049-00031051-00031191 Um, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00050-00031191-00031549 or Western Mysticism, for that case, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00051-00031549-00031852 because there has been mysticism all over the place. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00052-00031852-00032252 The truths that mythologies talk about, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00053-00032387-00032710 the creations of the world, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00054-00033110-00033322 there are so many things that exist in the world 4u8g8JZiRNE-00055-00033322-00033654 that talk about esoteric realities. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00056-00034098-00034277 and I don't know the... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00057-00034472-00035034 I don't hold... personal, empirical experience 4u8g8JZiRNE-00058-00035034-00035478 to verify each and every one of these things that I'm saying, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00059-00035757-00036306 but what I can verify now, with the most certainty that my 4u8g8JZiRNE-00060-00036306-00036638 mind has been able to, to grasp 4u8g8JZiRNE-00061-00036836-00037088 is that the inner world is real. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00062-00037088-00037428 It is REAL, it is IN US. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00063-00037428-00038003 It is not just in us, it is... around us, through us, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00064-00038003-00038348 IS us. It GENERATES US! 4u8g8JZiRNE-00065-00038508-00038622 Continuously! 4u8g8JZiRNE-00066-00039892-00040206 And I find it so very important in the world 4u8g8JZiRNE-00067-00040269-00040429 that this be acknowledged 4u8g8JZiRNE-00068-00040610-00040812 with absolute certainty. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00069-00041183-00041444 Not necessarily with tangible proof 4u8g8JZiRNE-00070-00041490-00041730 that says "Here! Look at this evidence!" 4u8g8JZiRNE-00071-00042456-00042616 There is barely any evidence to be brought 4u8g8JZiRNE-00072-00042616-00042856 into the physical world from those realms. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00073-00043025-00043284 But they exist. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00074-00043347-00043568 They affect us. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00075-00043648-00043763 They... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00076-00043978-00044200 They manifest through us. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00077-00045722-00045772 and 4u8g8JZiRNE-00078-00046419-00046661 I wish it to be said in the world. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00079-00046661-00046947 I wish it to be acknowledged in the world. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00080-00046947-00047131 That this is true. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00081-00047131-00047631 Because I know that there are people, there are many many people, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00082-00047631-00047782 who hold these beliefs. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00083-00048187-00048530 Who know this who have experienced this and they are 4u8g8JZiRNE-00084-00048673-00049185 many of them are not willing to state out explicitly 4u8g8JZiRNE-00085-00049337-00049613 those experiences and those truths. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00086-00049613-00049940 I have heard it spoken in whispers in 4u8g8JZiRNE-00087-00049940-00050187 little silent corners and special events 4u8g8JZiRNE-00088-00050187-00050658 and only to certain people, only whenever you know that certain trust exists, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00089-00050894-00051219 for different reasons. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00090-00051219-00051854 because perhaps, fear of rejection because uh the fear of shame, because perhaps the 4u8g8JZiRNE-00091-00051854-00052278 because there is no proof to be able to be had, to be offered. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00092-00052798-00052928 It's not spoken openly. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00093-00053144-00054034 Particularly by people who have a, uh... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00094-00054034-00054252 firm westernized, uh... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00095-00054632-00055045 what is it... growing up? (I meant "upbringing") 4u8g8JZiRNE-00096-00055087-00055269 Life? 4u8g8JZiRNE-00097-00055713-00056074 A firm westernized role in society. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00098-00056221-00056421 By westernized I mean the modern world 4u8g8JZiRNE-00099-00056421-00056925 the one with where technology and science and the mind and rational part are 4u8g8JZiRNE-00100-00056925-00057354 (laughter) 4u8g8JZiRNE-00101-00057354-00057866 the most high. the things to be revered. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00102-00057866-00058016 Oh, Intelligence! Is it not 4u8g8JZiRNE-00103-00058088-00058579 the important thing in this world? Because with intelligence we can make 4u8g8JZiRNE-00104-00058579-00059227 technology, and we can understand and it is important and yes! That is all important. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00105-00059227-00059490 It is all important, it's not to be rejected, it's 4u8g8JZiRNE-00106-00059966-00060428 that very often also people who 4u8g8JZiRNE-00107-00060614-00061287 who live in, who who live in this westernized mode 4u8g8JZiRNE-00108-00061287-00062050 and just, uh... did this just turn off? 4u8g8JZiRNE-00109-00062050-00062145 Did you turn off? 4u8g8JZiRNE-00110-00062648-00063069 Did it stop recording? Hello? 10:28. Oh, okay. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00111-00063204-00063776 I'll continue. Um, what was I talking about? 4u8g8JZiRNE-00112-00063890-00064591 Westernized role, science, yes, rational minds! Rational mind wants proof! Science wants proof! 4u8g8JZiRNE-00113-00064676-00065109 I think it's a completely right way to go about things because 4u8g8JZiRNE-00114-00065109-00065545 in the past it has not been the case that proof has been given and 4u8g8JZiRNE-00115-00065545-00065950 things have been believed when they have not had any firm 4u8g8JZiRNE-00116-00065950-00066626 cause to be believed. So, completely yes, yes! Science rejects that that which is not 4u8g8JZiRNE-00117-00066626-00066883 proven? Great! Great. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00118-00067018-00067458 However, often at times these uh these 4u8g8JZiRNE-00119-00067458-00068052 offers of other realities that exist in, in experiences that don't fit in with 4u8g8JZiRNE-00120-00068052-00068452 the what, the rational mind has, has... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00121-00068697-00068867 Uh, what's the word? 4u8g8JZiRNE-00122-00069150-00069379 Like when like when wine drops and makes a... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00123-00069379-00070087 a when... has been distilled! Into which the into which human experience has been distilled. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00124-00070087-00070538 If when new experiences come up and they don't fit in with that which has been distilled 4u8g8JZiRNE-00125-00070538-00070651 from human observation 4u8g8JZiRNE-00126-00070651-00070975 into the science and technology that we have today, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00127-00070975-00071277 it is... it is, it is rejected not only is it 4u8g8JZiRNE-00128-00071277-00071944 rejected, it is shamed. It is shamed, and it is ostracized out from society, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00129-00071944-00072464 and said "no that's not true! What, are you crazy?" And... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00130-00072545-00073015 and with this shame, then naturally their reaction with people who have these experiences 4u8g8JZiRNE-00131-00073015-00073142 is not to talk about. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00132-00073142-00073748 To talk about it, especially if they have a role in society that requires that shame 4u8g8JZiRNE-00133-00073748-00074012 not to be there, like a... a profession. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00134-00074012-00074633 A profession, a respected profession to hold in the world to, uh... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00135-00074633-00075058 acquire income and to uh, to be respected by my peers and to 4u8g8JZiRNE-00136-00075058-00075634 have friends who also need to respect me for me to be to fit in their social circle. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00137-00075765-00076065 And with this shame, with this um... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00138-00076209-00076439 this culture of shame of new realities 4u8g8JZiRNE-00139-00076439-00077047 that has happened in the last, I don't know, one century 4u8g8JZiRNE-00140-00077085-00077337 two, three centuries, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00141-00077944-00078296 well, the new experiences and the new realities don't dare to come out. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00142-00078490-00078904 The new evidence doesn't dare to be shown out to the world 4u8g8JZiRNE-00143-00079000-00079430 because they're afraid of of being rejected from society, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00144-00079430-00079769 which is a pretty bad thing to have happen to us in a 4u8g8JZiRNE-00145-00079769-00080086 such a tight-knit society as today where we 4u8g8JZiRNE-00146-00080187-00080493 rely on everyone else for our survival. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00147-00080615-00080928 For our shelter, for our food, for our clothes, for our everything. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00148-00081164-00081837 I mean, most of us are specialized in one field that alone would not provide for our survival, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00149-00081837-00082079 Uh, almost at all. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00150-00082505-00083162 And of course then, it is, it is natural that these 4u8g8JZiRNE-00151-00083318-00083866 experiences of new realms of, of... unknown... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00152-00083968-00084474 of, wide widely unknown realms are not presented to the world. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00153-00084625-00085184 Because people are afraid that they will be shamed. That they will be pushed out 4u8g8JZiRNE-00154-00085184-00085927 of society, rejected out of from society. Seen as unfit to think. Seen as unfit to 4u8g8JZiRNE-00155-00086045-00086782 to, to to, to fit in society. In society that does not 4u8g8JZiRNE-00156-00086782-00087325 include, does not explicitly include, these 4u8g8JZiRNE-00157-00087325-00087479 these inner realities. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00158-00087829-00088105 Where is the role of a person that does? 4u8g8JZiRNE-00159-00088235-00088466 That does accept these inner realities exist? 4u8g8JZiRNE-00160-00088597-00089726 That claims truth to, openly to, the chakras and to, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00161-00090219-00090700 and to the, well, the deep truth that is to be 4u8g8JZiRNE-00162-00090700-00091000 found through dance, or through singing 4u8g8JZiRNE-00163-00091060-00091485 or through psychedelic substances or through meditation. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00164-00091701-00092215 All of these practices, practices that exist. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00165-00092274-00092610 They do exist and and they are, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00166-00092610-00093083 um... slowly creeping into society. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00167-00093083-00093413 Yoga has become fairly well accepted, an exercise 4u8g8JZiRNE-00168-00093413-00093966 of the physical body, you know good, good. That is good and it has been accepted 4u8g8JZiRNE-00169-00093966-00094670 accepted in open society. Only because, only because 4u8g8JZiRNE-00170-00094670-00095163 it also it has produced evidence that it, that it's good enough for, for society. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00171-00095163-00095711 "Oh, it relieves stress! Okay, stress is, it's a proven enough thing. Okay well, then 4u8g8JZiRNE-00172-00095711-00096011 then yoga, it's a good thing because it relieves stress. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00173-00096011-00096205 We will allow it to be in us." 4u8g8JZiRNE-00174-00096399-00096799 And slowly things are being accepted in the world, I see. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00175-00096891-00097183 And I feel it is, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00176-00097225-00097491 it is slower than... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00177-00097579-00097974 than I would like. It is slower than I think it needs to be. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00178-00098211-00098657 Because new evidences and new experiences are coming up 4u8g8JZiRNE-00179-00098792-00099398 I'm sure day by day, week by week, hour by hour by throughout 4u8g8JZiRNE-00180-00099398-00099830 millions and billions of people all around the world. I don't 4u8g8JZiRNE-00181-00100088-00100666 know about most of them, I'm sure. What I know is that I 4u8g8JZiRNE-00182-00100772-00101462 have sought these experiences from a 4u8g8JZiRNE-00183-00101610-00101979 natural urge to know what is the truth. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00184-00102473-00102776 And... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00185-00103265-00103778 I am here to verify, no, to testify to that truth. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00186-00103942-00104098 To the truth that... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00187-00104418-00104665 that that thing that people call God 4u8g8JZiRNE-00188-00104753-00104825 exists. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00189-00105589-00106129 That that aspect and quality that people talk 4u8g8JZiRNE-00190-00106129-00106390 about as love exists. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00191-00106597-00107379 That the... these intangible things of the human experience 4u8g8JZiRNE-00192-00107379-00108044 like emotions and thoughts and apparent crazinesses 4u8g8JZiRNE-00193-00108044-00108618 that exist, that exist, they, I want to testify that they are, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00194-00108745-00108845 URMPH 4u8g8JZiRNE-00195-00109026-00109173 That they are part of our world. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00196-00109338-00109639 That they are not things that occur merely in our 4u8g8JZiRNE-00197-00110023-00110690 arrangement of net, of neural cells. Not just here, perhaps all over in the body, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00198-00110690-00111227 but it's, it's not, it's not isolated, little experiences and glitches. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00199-00111227-00112507 They correspond to a wider truth of reality that we all are. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00200-00113408-00113514 God 4u8g8JZiRNE-00201-00114016-00114527 gives us Life continuously 4u8g8JZiRNE-00202-00115237-00115924 into and through our human channels that we have grown 4u8g8JZiRNE-00203-00116709-00117341 and it is our responsibility 4u8g8JZiRNE-00204-00117363-00117894 to flow it through to the rest of the world. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00205-00118316-00118855 We humans are, are, relatively special 4u8g8JZiRNE-00206-00119020-00119577 in this world that we know, because we are the only beings with 4u8g8JZiRNE-00207-00119577-00120040 physical form, this material form, dense physical form, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00208-00120286-00121174 and the ability to contact our rationality. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00209-00121250-00121795 The realm of the mind, and the higher realms through the mind. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00210-00123936-00124173 I've felt how important it is that 4u8g8JZiRNE-00211-00124448-00124630 at each moment in our lives... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00212-00124690-00124950 Did you turn off again? 4u8g8JZiRNE-00213-00125296-00125666 Again, are you running? 20:53? I hope your audio is still running. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00214-00126161-00126268 It's every ten minutes. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00215-00127071-00127121 Trust. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00216-00127700-00128172 I feel it highly important that at each moment in our lives 4u8g8JZiRNE-00217-00128270-00128648 we develop the ability, the capacity to trust 4u8g8JZiRNE-00218-00128880-00129236 in, in US. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00219-00129384-00129801 And in what is happening at each moment. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00220-00131303-00131446 Because this trust 4u8g8JZiRNE-00221-00131678-00132127 can allow the whole of us the entirety of us to relax. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00222-00132350-00132552 To relax our physical body, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00223-00132641-00133242 to relax our emotional body, to relax our mental body. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00224-00133499-00133592 Each of them 4u8g8JZiRNE-00225-00133820-00134156 subtler, lighter than the last. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00226-00134810-00134906 But they all 4u8g8JZiRNE-00227-00135269-00135493 need this relaxation 4u8g8JZiRNE-00228-00135641-00136283 so that the fluids, the energies, the... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00229-00136798-00137414 the influences from the higher realms can flow into us and through us. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00230-00137587-00138317 Because these energies and fluids are, as far as I've experienced it 4u8g8JZiRNE-00231-00138372-00138470 beneficent. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00232-00138816-00139294 Not specifically to each individual human, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00233-00139362-00139686 but to the entirety of human... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00234-00139741-00140505 of human, of humanity. And not just to humanity, of beneficence to the entirety of existence. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00235-00140619-00141465 And what this... flow is intending to, to do through us, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00236-00141465-00141906 through us, is to... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00237-00142155-00142741 to flow Life into us. Beneficent Life into us 4u8g8JZiRNE-00238-00142741-00142894 that allows us to grow. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00239-00143081-00143450 Each of us humans, and yes, the rest of the world as well. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00240-00143599-00144103 In ways that may seem paradoxical for uh, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00241-00144209-00144677 for a human to say when it seems that humanity is, is... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00242-00144977-00145317 damaging and destroying the, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00243-00145667-00146080 the physical kingdoms. The physical kingdoms, the 4u8g8JZiRNE-00244-00146207-00146608 mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, and the animal kingdom. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00245-00147325-00147659 But as far as I've experienced it, it is beneficent. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00246-00147798-00148514 And one is asked to trust continuously by these forces 4u8g8JZiRNE-00247-00148751-00149017 so that one's role, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00248-00149017-00149329 one's, in our case, one's human role 4u8g8JZiRNE-00249-00149459-00149623 can be fulfilled 4u8g8JZiRNE-00250-00149757-00150293 in this life that we are in. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00251-00150858-00151284 Human life, human life. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00252-00151588-00152080 Humans, human growth. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00253-00152219-00152679 When we grow, our growth is, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00254-00152764-00153441 our growth and our maturity is closely tied in 4u8g8JZiRNE-00255-00153441-00153655 with the concept of regulation. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00256-00153951-00154489 Of regulating these bodies that we are given. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00257-00154544-00154949 Or that we are we grew, or were grown. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00258-00155232-00155826 And I say it in these uncertain pronouns because, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00259-00156189-00156956 in the context of the higher realms the individual merges into the whole, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00260-00157103-00157497 and the concept of who does what to whom 4u8g8JZiRNE-00261-00157611-00158166 is different and I don't understand it. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00262-00158566-00158793 But coming back to regulation, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00263-00159000-00159381 I believe, and believe, by believe I mean, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00264-00159537-00160182 I mean, regardless of whether it is etymologically the correct uh, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00265-00160182-00160327 correct root, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00266-00160327-00160968 I believe I mean that I live by, I live as if assuming that this is true, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00267-00161000-00161397 with the assumption this is true, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00268-00161548-00161667 is that um, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00269-00161975-00162078 regulation, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00270-00162498-00163299 Yes. I believe that this maturity, our growth is tied up with regulation. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00271-00163350-00163439 With... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00272-00163886-00164554 the training/taming/controlling 4u8g8JZiRNE-00273-00164635-00165000 of these bodies that we've built/grown. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00274-00165767-00166186 When our consciousness comes into being, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00275-00166292-00166619 as I've read, at birth, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00276-00166729-00167070 we are given a fully formed physical body 4u8g8JZiRNE-00277-00167175-00167609 but a very seemingly incoherent 4u8g8JZiRNE-00278-00167719-00167894 way to manage it we are 4u8g8JZiRNE-00279-00168051-00168375 basically helpless with ourselves. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00280-00168573-00169065 And so our task for the following few years of our lives 4u8g8JZiRNE-00281-00169065-00169391 is to learn how to regulate our physical bodies. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00282-00169455-00169545 Our... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00283-00169628-00170469 well, in the terms of some literature that I've read, it's actually the training of our 4u8g8JZiRNE-00284-00170469-00170671 etheric bodies, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00285-00170671-00171240 that are closely linked to our nervous systems, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00286-00171240-00171447 where we are learning motricity. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00287-00171515-00171850 Where we are learning the, the... how to regulate 4u8g8JZiRNE-00288-00171850-00172127 the, the things that we do for our physical body. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00289-00172127-00172798 How to regulate the way we eat, how to regulate the way we excrete, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00290-00172852-00173009 when do we excrete, how do we excrete, when is it... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00291-00173009-00173624 when is it comfortable? When not? Where is it correct to do so? 4u8g8JZiRNE-00292-00173675-00174451 How to, how to regulate the strength that we, that we exert so that it, so that it is 4u8g8JZiRNE-00293-00174451-00174551 not 4u8g8JZiRNE-00294-00174551-00175108 too strong that it damages others, and not too weak that it's, that we're unable to take 4u8g8JZiRNE-00295-00175108-00175236 care of ourselves. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00296-00175536-00175715 Physical regulation. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00297-00175934-00176442 Um, that happens for a few years and that, I've seen in the world 4u8g8JZiRNE-00298-00176442-00176603 that's it that is uh, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00299-00176734-00176838 usually well done. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00300-00177116-00177637 And then afterwards as I continue to say, I believe, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00301-00177659-00178227 that the next natural step for us to organically grow into is to be 4u8g8JZiRNE-00302-00178227-00178456 able to regulate our emotional bodies. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00303-00178755-00178916 And um... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00304-00179072-00179713 this I see as less effective, less widespread in our society. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00305-00180679-00181058 It is somewhat taken care of, at least externally, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00306-00181058-00181601 whereas a crying child will at least know not to cry on certain occasions or 4u8g8JZiRNE-00307-00181601-00181892 not to be too aggressive on certain occasions, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00308-00182018-00182083 but... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00309-00182175-00182821 very often rather than actually processing the emotion and actually knowing how to, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00310-00182821-00182955 how to um, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00311-00183192-00183594 how to truly process, how to truly regulate oneself, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00312-00183594-00184000 because people believe that emotions are this 4u8g8JZiRNE-00313-00184199-00184962 ethereal wishy-washy non-existent thing, it is ignored, and the 4u8g8JZiRNE-00314-00185498-00185820 the general consensus is that, "oh! If they they stopped crying, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00315-00185820-00186052 that's almost good enough." 4u8g8JZiRNE-00316-00186154-00186538 "Oh, they stopped being damaging and angry? Oh, that's almost 4u8g8JZiRNE-00317-00186538-00186652 good enough." 4u8g8JZiRNE-00318-00186719-00186898 And we... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00319-00187189-00187718 fail to process these emotions and we carry them through our lives. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00320-00187848-00188504 And I see that in the world, many many many, if not most, if not all 4u8g8JZiRNE-00321-00188588-00188937 of us humans carry emotional wounds 4u8g8JZiRNE-00322-00189059-00189348 that make us 4u8g8JZiRNE-00323-00189684-00190263 unable to correctly take care of us and of each other in the long run. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00324-00190660-00191101 I believe that emotional regulation is 4u8g8JZiRNE-00325-00191397-00191491 the one 4u8g8JZiRNE-00326-00191888-00191973 critical 4u8g8JZiRNE-00327-00192100-00192188 practice 4u8g8JZiRNE-00328-00192652-00192774 that we humans, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00329-00193090-00193461 if we included them in our, in our cultures 4u8g8JZiRNE-00330-00193562-00193827 they would cause the most 4u8g8JZiRNE-00331-00194072-00194524 positive impact, at least (most) releasing impact 4u8g8JZiRNE-00332-00194895-00194973 in the world. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00333-00195096-00195281 Because what I see in the world is, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00334-00195327-00195830 conflicts, unhappinesses, lonelinesses, hurts, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00335-00195956-00196431 vengeances, revenges, both... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00336-00196761-00197093 Frustrations, resentments, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00337-00197131-00197785 lifelong resentments, generations of resentments and of hurt and of 4u8g8JZiRNE-00338-00198177-00198337 sadnesses. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00339-00198446-00198539 Wars, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00340-00198919-00199047 selfishnesses 4u8g8JZiRNE-00341-00199418-00199673 between individuals, between families, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00342-00199779-00200157 between countries, between continents, between genders. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00343-00200199-00200492 We have hurt each other for so long. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00344-00201085-00201390 And I think that it is supremely important 4u8g8JZiRNE-00345-00201500-00201920 that we learn how to stop doing this to ourselves. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00346-00203312-00203423 So I speak. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00347-00203840-00203933 And I try. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00348-00204613-00205234 Because I have not seen public acknowledgment of these things or 4u8g8JZiRNE-00349-00205234-00205676 a clear statement about these things, at least not from, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00350-00205887-00206462 not from people who also claim to be traditionally 4u8g8JZiRNE-00351-00206462-00206641 well fit in with society. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00352-00207152-00207579 And I don't wish to apply blame or or, or anything of the sort, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00353-00207579-00207973 but I just see, there is a gap there. There is a gap. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00354-00208019-00208508 There are people who grow on the rational side of things. Great, that is good. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00355-00208508-00208952 There are people who grow on the esoteric side of things. Good, that is great. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00356-00208952-00209550 That their own people who do both things, good. And they're, but and they they they 4u8g8JZiRNE-00357-00209550-00210144 they they they they they they express their interest in one of them only in certain circles 4u8g8JZiRNE-00358-00210144-00210244 and they express 4u8g8JZiRNE-00359-00210244-00210688 their interest in other, in other uh topics but only in 4u8g8JZiRNE-00360-00210688-00210863 certain circles, only in certain 4u8g8JZiRNE-00361-00210863-00211392 circumstances and in contexts, and perhaps when when one has already rejected one side 4u8g8JZiRNE-00362-00211392-00211528 then one goes to the 4u8g8JZiRNE-00363-00211528-00211892 other and allows oneself to fully, to fully accept the other. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00364-00211892-00212214 And I what I see the gap is that there is no gap (bridge) that 4u8g8JZiRNE-00365-00212214-00212381 joins the two and acknowledges 4u8g8JZiRNE-00366-00212381-00212969 IT IS ALL THE SAME. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00367-00212969-00213509 It is all the same and one doesn't need to 4u8g8JZiRNE-00368-00213509-00213803 to be crazy to be able to say this. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00369-00214444-00214661 And one doesn't need to be afraid 4u8g8JZiRNE-00370-00215036-00215182 that one will be ostracized 4u8g8JZiRNE-00371-00215731-00215912 from society. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00372-00216039-00216315 Well fear, that's another topic. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00373-00216617-00217207 But I see that gap. And that is why I am here to say this. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00374-00217279-00217444 To say it is all true. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00375-00217706-00217955 To say that the rational deserves focus. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00376-00217955-00218236 To say that the esoteric deserves focus. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00377-00218556-00219330 And whoever is interested in it, may they have the openness as well to, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00378-00219330-00219465 to show themselves. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00379-00219665-00219852 Both to themselves and to others. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00380-00221132-00221359 Because only then, I believe, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00381-00221559-00221852 will this acceptance of 4u8g8JZiRNE-00382-00222301-00222793 the need for, of the inner realities come. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00383-00222971-00223621 Many people these days speak of the coming higher energies and that the 4u8g8JZiRNE-00384-00223621-00224116 world is changing and that we will there is a revolution coming in that we 4u8g8JZiRNE-00385-00224116-00224653 are evolving into something. I don't know about all that. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00386-00224848-00225071 I know that 4u8g8JZiRNE-00387-00225332-00225629 that we are growing, Humanity. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00388-00225763-00225899 Rapidly. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00389-00226068-00226348 And... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00390-00226652-00227152 and whether this is a critical point in our development, I don't know. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00391-00227891-00228000 It feels like it. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00392-00228486-00228977 What I know is that there are gaps in our cultures and our societies, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00393-00229192-00229696 very often because of this uh culture of shame that we have against each other 4u8g8JZiRNE-00394-00229696-00230118 and against our different, our different parts of our cultures, truly. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00395-00230190-00230673 The divide between science and religion has been enormous 4u8g8JZiRNE-00396-00230825-00231327 for a long time, centuries now, I think? 4u8g8JZiRNE-00397-00232581-00233171 And I believe it is critical for us as Humanity 4u8g8JZiRNE-00398-00233171-00233409 to bridge them again. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00399-00234338-00234785 That is why I am explicit with my statement. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00400-00234785-00235529 I work professionally in software engineering. I have studied machine learning, computer 4u8g8JZiRNE-00401-00235529-00235629 science. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00402-00235629-00236094 I know the concepts of physics and chemistry and organic chemistry and 4u8g8JZiRNE-00403-00236094-00236959 the processes that make our weather occur and uh, the reasons why... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00404-00237182-00237242 uh... 4u8g8JZiRNE-00405-00237444-00237820 why science has ridiculed, at times, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00406-00238048-00238302 traditional ways of thinking, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00407-00238348-00238791 traditional attributions of the why of things to one another. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00408-00238980-00239807 I want to acknowledge that, and fully knowing that there perhaps is shame or not, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00409-00239807-00240029 no, there is no shame from my side. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00410-00240181-00240477 That perhaps that there is a rejection to be had from society, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00411-00240477-00240794 That there is to be ostracizing from society, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00412-00241233-00241632 that I want to say that the inner realities exist. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00413-00241771-00242028 The esoteric realities if, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00414-00242429-00242929 if it tries to be a more complete way of expressing, 4u8g8JZiRNE-00415-00242956-00243171 um oneself. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00416-00243496-00243650 I think this is a 4u8g8JZiRNE-00417-00243852-00243941 a good 4u8g8JZiRNE-00418-00244202-00244357 first part of this video. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00419-00244433-00244574 I will continue talking. 4u8g8JZiRNE-00420-00245051-00245291 I probably will place this in other videos. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00000-00000010-00000350 BAIL SET AT $50,000 WITHOUT 4FjCxFXbxBc-00001-00000350-00000357 BAIL SET AT $50,000 WITHOUT 4FjCxFXbxBc-00002-00000357-00000393 BAIL SET AT $50,000 WITHOUT CONDITION. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00003-00000393-00000400 BAIL SET AT $50,000 WITHOUT CONDITION. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00004-00000400-00000540 BAIL SET AT $50,000 WITHOUT CONDITION. >>> LIBRARY CAN TURN INTO A SAFE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00005-00000540-00000547 CONDITION. >>> LIBRARY CAN TURN INTO A SAFE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00006-00000547-00000797 CONDITION. >>> LIBRARY CAN TURN INTO A SAFE PLACE FOR PEOPLE IN NEED. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00007-00000797-00000804 >>> LIBRARY CAN TURN INTO A SAFE PLACE FOR PEOPLE IN NEED. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00008-00000804-00001381 >>> LIBRARY CAN TURN INTO A SAFE PLACE FOR PEOPLE IN NEED. HOW THE EXERCISES AN OPEN DOOR 4FjCxFXbxBc-00009-00001381-00001388 PLACE FOR PEOPLE IN NEED. HOW THE EXERCISES AN OPEN DOOR 4FjCxFXbxBc-00010-00001388-00001688 PLACE FOR PEOPLE IN NEED. HOW THE EXERCISES AN OPEN DOOR POLICY. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00011-00001688-00001695 HOW THE EXERCISES AN OPEN DOOR POLICY. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00012-00001695-00001838 HOW THE EXERCISES AN OPEN DOOR POLICY. >> WE'VE HEARD NEVER JUDGE A 4FjCxFXbxBc-00013-00001838-00001845 POLICY. >> WE'VE HEARD NEVER JUDGE A 4FjCxFXbxBc-00014-00001845-00001941 POLICY. >> WE'VE HEARD NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00015-00001941-00001948 >> WE'VE HEARD NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00016-00001948-00002178 >> WE'VE HEARD NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER. >> I COME EVERY DAY BECAUSE I'M 4FjCxFXbxBc-00017-00002178-00002185 BOOK BY ITS COVER. >> I COME EVERY DAY BECAUSE I'M 4FjCxFXbxBc-00018-00002185-00002225 BOOK BY ITS COVER. >> I COME EVERY DAY BECAUSE I'M HOMELESS. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00019-00002225-00002232 >> I COME EVERY DAY BECAUSE I'M HOMELESS. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00020-00002232-00002402 >> I COME EVERY DAY BECAUSE I'M HOMELESS. I DON'T HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO GO. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00021-00002402-00002409 HOMELESS. I DON'T HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO GO. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00022-00002409-00002639 HOMELESS. I DON'T HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO GO. >> ROGER JACKSON USED THE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00023-00002639-00002645 I DON'T HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO GO. >> ROGER JACKSON USED THE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00024-00002645-00002829 I DON'T HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO GO. >> ROGER JACKSON USED THE LIBRARY AS SOMEWHAT OF A 4FjCxFXbxBc-00025-00002829-00002836 >> ROGER JACKSON USED THE LIBRARY AS SOMEWHAT OF A 4FjCxFXbxBc-00026-00002836-00002869 >> ROGER JACKSON USED THE LIBRARY AS SOMEWHAT OF A SHELTER. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00027-00002869-00002876 LIBRARY AS SOMEWHAT OF A SHELTER. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00028-00002876-00003036 LIBRARY AS SOMEWHAT OF A SHELTER. HE TOLD ME HE WAS THROWN OUT OF 4FjCxFXbxBc-00029-00003036-00003043 SHELTER. HE TOLD ME HE WAS THROWN OUT OF 4FjCxFXbxBc-00030-00003043-00003269 SHELTER. HE TOLD ME HE WAS THROWN OUT OF A BAR, BUT HE BELIEVES IT'S 4FjCxFXbxBc-00031-00003269-00003276 HE TOLD ME HE WAS THROWN OUT OF A BAR, BUT HE BELIEVES IT'S 4FjCxFXbxBc-00032-00003276-00003346 HE TOLD ME HE WAS THROWN OUT OF A BAR, BUT HE BELIEVES IT'S BECAUSE HE'S HOMELESS. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00033-00003346-00003353 A BAR, BUT HE BELIEVES IT'S BECAUSE HE'S HOMELESS. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00034-00003353-00003513 A BAR, BUT HE BELIEVES IT'S BECAUSE HE'S HOMELESS. >> JUST COMING HERE TO KEEP 4FjCxFXbxBc-00035-00003513-00003520 BECAUSE HE'S HOMELESS. >> JUST COMING HERE TO KEEP 4FjCxFXbxBc-00036-00003520-00003546 BECAUSE HE'S HOMELESS. >> JUST COMING HERE TO KEEP WARM. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00037-00003546-00003553 >> JUST COMING HERE TO KEEP WARM. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00038-00003553-00003626 >> JUST COMING HERE TO KEEP WARM. YOU KNOW? 4FjCxFXbxBc-00039-00003626-00003633 WARM. YOU KNOW? 4FjCxFXbxBc-00040-00003633-00003977 WARM. YOU KNOW? AND READ BOOKS AND COMPUTER AND 4FjCxFXbxBc-00041-00003977-00003983 YOU KNOW? AND READ BOOKS AND COMPUTER AND 4FjCxFXbxBc-00042-00003983-00004007 YOU KNOW? AND READ BOOKS AND COMPUTER AND STUFF. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00043-00004007-00004014 AND READ BOOKS AND COMPUTER AND STUFF. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00044-00004014-00004107 AND READ BOOKS AND COMPUTER AND STUFF. EVERYBODY HAS BEEN RESPECTFUL. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00045-00004107-00004114 STUFF. EVERYBODY HAS BEEN RESPECTFUL. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00046-00004114-00004324 STUFF. EVERYBODY HAS BEEN RESPECTFUL. >> ACCORDING TO THE BRANCH 4FjCxFXbxBc-00047-00004324-00004330 EVERYBODY HAS BEEN RESPECTFUL. >> ACCORDING TO THE BRANCH 4FjCxFXbxBc-00048-00004330-00004517 EVERYBODY HAS BEEN RESPECTFUL. >> ACCORDING TO THE BRANCH MANAGER, THE LIBRARY IS A SAFE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00049-00004517-00004524 >> ACCORDING TO THE BRANCH MANAGER, THE LIBRARY IS A SAFE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00050-00004524-00004674 >> ACCORDING TO THE BRANCH MANAGER, THE LIBRARY IS A SAFE PLACE AND OPEN TO ANYONE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00051-00004674-00004681 MANAGER, THE LIBRARY IS A SAFE PLACE AND OPEN TO ANYONE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00052-00004681-00004974 MANAGER, THE LIBRARY IS A SAFE PLACE AND OPEN TO ANYONE REGARDLESS IF THEY'RE HOMELESS 4FjCxFXbxBc-00053-00004974-00004981 PLACE AND OPEN TO ANYONE REGARDLESS IF THEY'RE HOMELESS 4FjCxFXbxBc-00054-00004981-00005371 PLACE AND OPEN TO ANYONE REGARDLESS IF THEY'RE HOMELESS OR NOT. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00055-00005371-00005378 REGARDLESS IF THEY'RE HOMELESS OR NOT. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00056-00005378-00005445 REGARDLESS IF THEY'RE HOMELESS OR NOT. >> WE HAVE YOUNG PEOPLE THAT 4FjCxFXbxBc-00057-00005445-00005452 OR NOT. >> WE HAVE YOUNG PEOPLE THAT 4FjCxFXbxBc-00058-00005452-00005522 OR NOT. >> WE HAVE YOUNG PEOPLE THAT WILL COME IN AND THERE ARE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00059-00005522-00005528 >> WE HAVE YOUNG PEOPLE THAT WILL COME IN AND THERE ARE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00060-00005528-00005835 >> WE HAVE YOUNG PEOPLE THAT WILL COME IN AND THERE ARE PEOPLE OF ALL AGES THAT DON'T 4FjCxFXbxBc-00061-00005835-00005842 WILL COME IN AND THERE ARE PEOPLE OF ALL AGES THAT DON'T 4FjCxFXbxBc-00062-00005842-00006529 WILL COME IN AND THERE ARE PEOPLE OF ALL AGES THAT DON'T HAVE HOMES AND THEY'RE WELCOME 4FjCxFXbxBc-00063-00006529-00006536 PEOPLE OF ALL AGES THAT DON'T HAVE HOMES AND THEY'RE WELCOME 4FjCxFXbxBc-00064-00006536-00006840 PEOPLE OF ALL AGES THAT DON'T HAVE HOMES AND THEY'RE WELCOME HERE. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00065-00006840-00006846 HAVE HOMES AND THEY'RE WELCOME HERE. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00066-00006846-00007874 HAVE HOMES AND THEY'RE WELCOME HERE. >> THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO IN THE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00067-00007874-00007881 HERE. >> THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO IN THE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00068-00007881-00008001 HERE. >> THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO IN THE LIBRARY. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00069-00008001-00008007 >> THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO IN THE LIBRARY. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00070-00008007-00008208 >> THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO IN THE LIBRARY. >> SOME OTHER SHELTERS HAVE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00071-00008208-00008214 LIBRARY. >> SOME OTHER SHELTERS HAVE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00072-00008214-00008401 LIBRARY. >> SOME OTHER SHELTERS HAVE RULES, OR THEY HAVE DIFFERENT 4FjCxFXbxBc-00073-00008401-00008408 >> SOME OTHER SHELTERS HAVE RULES, OR THEY HAVE DIFFERENT 4FjCxFXbxBc-00074-00008408-00008568 >> SOME OTHER SHELTERS HAVE RULES, OR THEY HAVE DIFFERENT HOURS AND THEY'RE NOT AVAILABLE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00075-00008568-00008575 RULES, OR THEY HAVE DIFFERENT HOURS AND THEY'RE NOT AVAILABLE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00076-00008575-00008718 RULES, OR THEY HAVE DIFFERENT HOURS AND THEY'RE NOT AVAILABLE DURING THAT TIME. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00077-00008718-00008725 HOURS AND THEY'RE NOT AVAILABLE DURING THAT TIME. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00078-00008725-00008895 HOURS AND THEY'RE NOT AVAILABLE DURING THAT TIME. BECAUSE OF CHOICES THEY'VE MADE. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00079-00008895-00008902 DURING THAT TIME. BECAUSE OF CHOICES THEY'VE MADE. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00080-00008902-00009145 DURING THAT TIME. BECAUSE OF CHOICES THEY'VE MADE. THEY'RE NOT ABLE TO GO TO THOSE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00081-00009145-00009152 BECAUSE OF CHOICES THEY'VE MADE. THEY'RE NOT ABLE TO GO TO THOSE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00082-00009152-00009192 BECAUSE OF CHOICES THEY'VE MADE. THEY'RE NOT ABLE TO GO TO THOSE FACILITIES. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00083-00009192-00009199 THEY'RE NOT ABLE TO GO TO THOSE FACILITIES. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00084-00009199-00009522 THEY'RE NOT ABLE TO GO TO THOSE FACILITIES. SO REALLY THE LAST RESORT IS A 4FjCxFXbxBc-00085-00009522-00009529 FACILITIES. SO REALLY THE LAST RESORT IS A 4FjCxFXbxBc-00086-00009529-00009679 FACILITIES. SO REALLY THE LAST RESORT IS A PLACE LIKE THE LIBRARY. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00087-00009679-00009686 SO REALLY THE LAST RESORT IS A PLACE LIKE THE LIBRARY. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00088-00009686-00010023 SO REALLY THE LAST RESORT IS A PLACE LIKE THE LIBRARY. >> HE SAYS ISSUES LIKE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00089-00010023-00010030 PLACE LIKE THE LIBRARY. >> HE SAYS ISSUES LIKE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00090-00010030-00010243 PLACE LIKE THE LIBRARY. >> HE SAYS ISSUES LIKE INTOXICATION OR SOMEONE SLEEPING 4FjCxFXbxBc-00091-00010243-00010250 >> HE SAYS ISSUES LIKE INTOXICATION OR SOMEONE SLEEPING 4FjCxFXbxBc-00092-00010250-00010407 >> HE SAYS ISSUES LIKE INTOXICATION OR SOMEONE SLEEPING OUTSIDE VIOLATES RULES, BUT IT'S 4FjCxFXbxBc-00093-00010407-00010413 INTOXICATION OR SOMEONE SLEEPING OUTSIDE VIOLATES RULES, BUT IT'S 4FjCxFXbxBc-00094-00010413-00010600 INTOXICATION OR SOMEONE SLEEPING OUTSIDE VIOLATES RULES, BUT IT'S NOT CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00095-00010600-00010607 OUTSIDE VIOLATES RULES, BUT IT'S NOT CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00096-00010607-00010794 OUTSIDE VIOLATES RULES, BUT IT'S NOT CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. >> IT'S COMFORTABLE AND WARM. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00097-00010794-00010800 NOT CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. >> IT'S COMFORTABLE AND WARM. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00098-00010800-00010914 NOT CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. >> IT'S COMFORTABLE AND WARM. AND HAS GOT WI-FI. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00099-00010914-00010920 >> IT'S COMFORTABLE AND WARM. AND HAS GOT WI-FI. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00100-00010920-00011000 >> IT'S COMFORTABLE AND WARM. AND HAS GOT WI-FI. AND IT'S PUBLIC. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00101-00011000-00011007 AND HAS GOT WI-FI. AND IT'S PUBLIC. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00102-00011007-00011184 AND HAS GOT WI-FI. AND IT'S PUBLIC. THEY HAVE ABILITY TO GO THERE. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00103-00011184-00011191 AND IT'S PUBLIC. THEY HAVE ABILITY TO GO THERE. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00104-00011191-00011294 AND IT'S PUBLIC. THEY HAVE ABILITY TO GO THERE. YOU KNOW, AND THEY NEED TO 4FjCxFXbxBc-00105-00011294-00011301 THEY HAVE ABILITY TO GO THERE. YOU KNOW, AND THEY NEED TO 4FjCxFXbxBc-00106-00011301-00011398 THEY HAVE ABILITY TO GO THERE. YOU KNOW, AND THEY NEED TO FOLLOW RULES OF THE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00107-00011398-00011404 YOU KNOW, AND THEY NEED TO FOLLOW RULES OF THE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00108-00011404-00011448 YOU KNOW, AND THEY NEED TO FOLLOW RULES OF THE ESTABLISHMENT. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00109-00011448-00011454 FOLLOW RULES OF THE ESTABLISHMENT. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00110-00011454-00011541 FOLLOW RULES OF THE ESTABLISHMENT. AND THAT IS WHERE THEY'RE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00111-00011541-00011548 ESTABLISHMENT. AND THAT IS WHERE THEY'RE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00112-00011548-00011941 ESTABLISHMENT. AND THAT IS WHERE THEY'RE RUNNING INTO ISSUES. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00113-00011941-00011948 AND THAT IS WHERE THEY'RE RUNNING INTO ISSUES. 4FjCxFXbxBc-00114-00011948-00012062 AND THAT IS WHERE THEY'RE RUNNING INTO ISSUES. >>> ANYONE NOT FOLLOWING RULES 4FjCxFXbxBc-00115-00012062-00012068 RUNNING INTO ISSUES. >>> ANYONE NOT FOLLOWING RULES 4FjCxFXbxBc-00116-00012068-00012238 RUNNING INTO ISSUES. >>> ANYONE NOT FOLLOWING RULES THAT ARE POSTED THROUGHOUT THE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00117-00012238-00012245 >>> ANYONE NOT FOLLOWING RULES THAT ARE POSTED THROUGHOUT THE 4FjCxFXbxBc-00118-00012245-00012312 >>> ANYONE NOT FOLLOWING RULES THAT ARE POSTED THROUGHOUT THE LIBRARY MAY BE ASKED TO LEAVE OR 4LkoFCClPxg-00000-00000567-00001130 Both are fit and athletic and like to start the day with a spurt of exercise 4LkoFCClPxg-00001-00001247-00001860 Avid foodie Meghan likes to dine at chic Italian restaurant Bocca di Lupo in Soho 4LkoFCClPxg-00002-00001977-00002525 Sources say Prince Harry is partial to some fish pie and beef Wellington 4LkoFCClPxg-00003-00002642-00003250 The pair regularly watch Netflix box sets and enjoyed BBC show McMafia 4LkoFCClPxg-00004-00003367-00003935 They charmed the crowds in Brixton this week with their second official public engagement 4LkoFCClPxg-00005-00004052-00004696 But when not on royal duties, how do Prince Harry and Meghan Markle spend their days? 4LkoFCClPxg-00006-00004813-00005841 With four months to go until the wedding, we reveal the couple's daytime routine, from exercise regimes to cosy date nights and their favourite Italian restaurant.. 4LkoFCClPxg-00007-00005958-00007301 Eating out in trendy Soho Meghan is an avid foodie and likes to dine at Bocca di Lupo, a chic Italian restaurant in Soho, London, whose celebrity clientele includes actors James McAvoy and Ralph Fiennes 4LkoFCClPxg-00008-00007418-00008931 For 'flexitarian' Meghan (she sometimes follows a vegetarian diet), there are plenty of mouth-watering dishes: from truffled radish, celeriac and pomegranate salad (£14) to sea bream carpaccio (£18) 4LkoFCClPxg-00009-00009048-00010196 She and Harry regularly return to Dean Street Townhouse, a Georgian-style venue owned by the Soho House group (of which the pair are VIP members), where they had their first date 4LkoFCClPxg-00010-00010313-00011706 In the Twenties, Fred Astaire, Noel Coward and Dylan Thomas were guests; today, cocktails - among them a 'Soho Negroni', made from gin, martini and bitters - cost £11 apiece 4LkoFCClPxg-00011-00011823-00012753 A few doors down is Soho House, where low-lit dining rooms, a private cinema and fireside snug offer a perfect retreat for the couple 4LkoFCClPxg-00012-00012869-00014363 They've also been seen at Little House, another private club in Mayfair, where Meghan brunches on £11 avocado and poached eggs, washed down with a £7.50 'Glow' juice, containing ginger, lime and guava 4LkoFCClPxg-00013-00014481-00014883 'They share plates,' says a member approvingly 4LkoFCClPxg-00014-00015000-00015352 'The lighting's low and they don't get bothered.' 4LkoFCClPxg-00015-00015469-00016171 Yoga and jogging Both Meghan and Harry are fit and athletic, and like to start the day with exercise 4LkoFCClPxg-00016-00016288-00017931 While Harry heads off to the KX Health Club in Chelsea - a gym that costs £575 a month and whose members include actors Eddie Redmayne and Hugh Grant - Meghan prefers running six-mile circuits around Kensington Gardens twice or three times a week 4LkoFCClPxg-00017-00018048-00019050 Recently, she has confined her outings to Kensington Palace Green, where she is protected from sightseers by a newly planted screen of hedgerow 4LkoFCClPxg-00018-00019167-00020253 She's not thought to have a personal trainer and instead devotes her time to yoga, which she's been practising for several years (her mother, Doria, worked as a yoga teacher) 4LkoFCClPxg-00019-00020370-00021850 She's also a fan of workout DVDs, including Tracy Anderson's - a favourite of Gwyneth Paltrow and Kim Kardashian - and Pilates Platinum, an American cardio and strength workout which she credits for her toned limbs and taut abs 4LkoFCClPxg-00020-00021967-00023300 Meghan has promised pal Millie Mackintosh, the Made In Chelsea star and Quality Street heiress, she'll attend one of her SBC ('Skinny Bitch Collective') sessions - 'the most exclusive fitness class on the planet' 4LkoFCClPxg-00021-00023417-00024479 Invitation-only, the classes are full of supermodels and A-listers, involve high-intensity 'animalistic' exercises and cost about £40 a session. 4LkoFCClPxg-00022-00024596-00025591 Beauty rituals As she prepares for life as a princess, Meghan has been taking time out to pamper herself and ensure she looks her best for every public appearance 4LkoFCClPxg-00023-00025708-00027252 Royal sources say her dewy complexion is down to Sarah Chapman, who owns the Skinesis clinic in Sloane Square, London, and counts actresses Naomi Watts, Uma Thurman and supermodels Gigi Hadid and Jourdan Dunn among her devotees 4LkoFCClPxg-00024-00027369-00028868 Sarah - whose hands are reportedly insured for £1 million - is a skincare supremo whose treatments include a £220 LED light therapy facial and 60-minute skin resurfacing therapy for £450 4LkoFCClPxg-00025-00028985-00030412 There is reportedly a six-month waiting list for her services, but Meghan - who swears by Sarah's £149 Stem Cell Collagen Activator Duo and £44 Ultimate Cleanse - seems to have skipped the queue 4LkoFCClPxg-00026-00030529-00030801 She counts on Sherri 4Lopg3vGM9k-00000-00000051-00001051 The Clever Little Honey Bee 4M35FMvsPBo-00000-00000070-00001110 5월 25일 양이는 산으로 산책가고 어머니께서 4M35FMvsPBo-00001-00001230-00001836 직접 아이들 밥을 챙겨주시네요^^ 4MZnxd0rZ-y-00000-00000000-00000200 My best Amazon wigs 4PdgTPTGRgg-00000-00000016-00000664 the drop shippers guide to sourcing from aliexpress part one of two hey guys welcome 4PdgTPTGRgg-00001-00000664-00001208 to this video i wanna teach you how to use aliexpress this is a great guide for aliexpress 4PdgTPTGRgg-00002-00001208-00001688 if you've been wanting to use aliexpress for this this is the video for you so watch until the very 4PdgTPTGRgg-00003-00001688-00002112 end now i will tell you this is a two-part video you're going to want to watch part two also 4PdgTPTGRgg-00004-00002112-00002496 they're both very short and to the point and they're going to educate you so that you don't 4PdgTPTGRgg-00005-00002496-00002944 have any problems and you actually make some money so before we get started if you're brand 4PdgTPTGRgg-00006-00002944-00003320 new don't forget to subscribe hit that subscribe button down there don't forget to ring the bell 4PdgTPTGRgg-00007-00003320-00003824 turn on all bell notifications so you're notified each and every time i do one of these videos and 4PdgTPTGRgg-00008-00003824-00004272 yeah give me a thumbs up too if you don't mind all right let's get going first off let's talk about 4PdgTPTGRgg-00009-00004272-00004824 what drop shipping is what drop shipping is drop shipping is actually selling a product that you 4PdgTPTGRgg-00010-00004824-00005312 don't own okay that you don't own so essentially you're going out and you're selling a product 4PdgTPTGRgg-00011-00005384-00005872 and you don't have it yet but when somebody pays you you pay the manufacturer or the distributor 4PdgTPTGRgg-00012-00005928-00006288 for the product and then they're going to actually mail it out to your customer now the advantages to 4PdgTPTGRgg-00013-00006288-00006792 this is that you don't have to stock any inventory you don't have to put stuff in packages you don't 4PdgTPTGRgg-00014-00006792-00007231 have to put labels on stuff you could do this from anywhere in the world too that's the cool thing 4PdgTPTGRgg-00015-00007231-00007728 because you don't have to be around anything but a laptop here to actually run your business 4PdgTPTGRgg-00016-00007728-00008128 now the next question is what is aliexpress okay there's a good question 4PdgTPTGRgg-00017-00008128-00008944 aliexpress is a site that has over 100 million products now aliexpress was founded in 2010 4PdgTPTGRgg-00018-00008944-00009360 and his parent company is alibaba where you would actually go and buy some of the same products but 4PdgTPTGRgg-00019-00009360-00009864 you would buy them in quantity so maybe 100 or a thousand of something or 10 pallets of something 4PdgTPTGRgg-00020-00009864-00010288 you would go to alibaba if you want that particular product shipped out to your customer 4PdgTPTGRgg-00021-00010288-00010752 individually you would go to aliexpress now what's the difference in the two well the difference is 4PdgTPTGRgg-00022-00010752-00011168 one of them you're buying in bulk and you're going to get better pricing that's alibaba this video is 4PdgTPTGRgg-00023-00011168-00011592 about aliexpress you're going to pay a little bit more for the product however you don't have 4PdgTPTGRgg-00024-00011592-00011968 to ship it out to the product which can be a real advantage for those of you who don't want to buy 4PdgTPTGRgg-00025-00011968-00012528 inventory now since most of these companies are overseas they have cheaper labor over there and 4PdgTPTGRgg-00026-00012528-00013024 you can buy some of the same products you'd find in the u.s for a whole lot less money now they're 4PdgTPTGRgg-00027-00013024-00013463 very competitive there too so they're always competing with each other to have the best price 4PdgTPTGRgg-00028-00013463-00013952 which allows you to sell products to your customer at a really fair price now the question is does 4PdgTPTGRgg-00029-00013952-00014376 ali express allow drop shipping are you allowed to buy something and send it to somebody else 4PdgTPTGRgg-00030-00014376-00014824 the answer is yes you're allowed to do it they do it every day all day long and you can certainly 4PdgTPTGRgg-00031-00014824-00015304 do that and you can build your business on that it's really a simple four-step product you're 4PdgTPTGRgg-00032-00015304-00015944 going to add your product to your store maybe it's shopify a lot of you use shopify and use oberlo 4PdgTPTGRgg-00033-00015944-00016416 to integrate aliexpress with your store once you add it there you sell it to your customer 4PdgTPTGRgg-00034-00016416-00016888 once you collect the money step three go ahead and pay the manufacturer distributor for the product 4PdgTPTGRgg-00035-00016888-00017336 step four they send it out to your customer you're done it's that easy you didn't have 4PdgTPTGRgg-00036-00017336-00017688 to touch a product you didn't have to pack a product you didn't have to ship a product 4PdgTPTGRgg-00037-00017688-00018304 now the cool thing about aliexpress is it's very easy to use years ago it used to be there was some 4PdgTPTGRgg-00038-00018304-00018768 problems with some manufacturers distributors they weren't reliable but pretty much all that's been 4PdgTPTGRgg-00039-00018768-00019144 cleaned up now so it's a great site to use you don't have to pay any fees you don't have any 4PdgTPTGRgg-00040-00019144-00019752 percentages or anything like that you can just buy products it's billed as a retail site however the 4PdgTPTGRgg-00041-00019752-00020128 average customer never goes to aliexpress they just don't do it they don't go there 4PdgTPTGRgg-00042-00020232-00020616 and you can go there and you can drop your products which is really the majority of 4PdgTPTGRgg-00043-00020616-00021128 their business on aliexpress now now the question arises why wouldn't people just go to aliexpress 4PdgTPTGRgg-00044-00021128-00021728 and buy products it's not really designed for the average consumer most average consumers don't even 4PdgTPTGRgg-00045-00021728-00022248 know about aliexpress so your advantage is really your marketing skills and your customer support 4PdgTPTGRgg-00046-00022304-00022816 when you are selling products from aliexpress you're maybe running ads on facebook or youtube 4PdgTPTGRgg-00047-00022816-00023272 or google ads and you're catching them at a time where they're interested in a particular thing 4PdgTPTGRgg-00048-00023272-00023728 and it's more of an impulse buy so they'll buy from you because this is not a product they've 4PdgTPTGRgg-00049-00023728-00024200 normally seen so that's why i always try to look for very unique products on aliexpress now i 4PdgTPTGRgg-00050-00024200-00024728 always get people asking me can you use aliexpress to sell things on amazon the answer is yes and no 4PdgTPTGRgg-00051-00024792-00025496 if you look at amazon's requirements for shipping out products most of the aliexpress shippers will 4PdgTPTGRgg-00052-00025496-00025960 not follow that criteria and since they won't follow that criteria i think it's a bad idea to 4PdgTPTGRgg-00053-00025960-00026439 really sell your products to amazon plus the fees are going to eat up most of your profits on amazon 4PdgTPTGRgg-00054-00026439-00026816 i just don't think it's a good idea now the best thing to do once you have your niche in mind and 4PdgTPTGRgg-00055-00026816-00027383 a niche of course is a very specialized interest that you've identified that would be a good market 4PdgTPTGRgg-00056-00027383-00028024 once you've done that i suggest that you find you know 10 20 products on aliexpress and offer those 4PdgTPTGRgg-00057-00028024-00028536 on your store or send them out in emails or run ads or whatever you want to do and you always want 4PdgTPTGRgg-00058-00028536-00028904 to start with 10 to 20 products the reason being is some of them are going to do well some aren't 4PdgTPTGRgg-00059-00028904-00029312 going to do well and if you start with a whole bunch of products you have a much better chance 4PdgTPTGRgg-00060-00029312-00029704 and keep in mind it's not like you've got to buy inventory for these products before you know if 4PdgTPTGRgg-00061-00029704-00030104 they're going to sell all you have to do is offer them to your customers that's it that's all you 4PdgTPTGRgg-00062-00030104-00030704 got to do and the ones that they land on the ones that they like you can then of course run ads send 4PdgTPTGRgg-00063-00030704-00031120 more emails about those products run specials do whatever you want and then once you've identified 4PdgTPTGRgg-00064-00031120-00031656 a few that work out there i would suggest that you try to find some more and keep adding to it 4PdgTPTGRgg-00065-00031712-00032183 the one thing i would be really careful for on aliexpress is don't buy any brand name 4PdgTPTGRgg-00066-00032183-00032704 anything it's almost assuredly a fake or a counterfeit product so never buy anything 4PdgTPTGRgg-00067-00032704-00033296 that has any type of branding or you know logos or anything like that that is identifiable in the us 4PdgTPTGRgg-00068-00033352-00033744 if you do so that you're going to risk actually selling counterfeit items and actually getting 4PdgTPTGRgg-00069-00033744-00034280 in trouble so don't ever do that make sure it's not a branded item don't try to sell disney stuff 4PdgTPTGRgg-00070-00034280-00034760 or anything like that or nfl or you know whatever it is don't try to sell any branded stuff from 4PdgTPTGRgg-00071-00034760-00035312 aliexpress because it's likely going to be a fake now shipping can be quite long on aliexpress 4PdgTPTGRgg-00072-00035312-00035808 for a long time we had e packet on aliexpress and our government changed things and we don't 4PdgTPTGRgg-00073-00035808-00036208 have epacket anymore and a lot of people said oh my gosh drop shipping is dead it's not dead 4PdgTPTGRgg-00074-00036208-00036544 this is going to take a little bit longer and the shipping costs a little bit more 4PdgTPTGRgg-00075-00036544-00036992 i think epacket will probably come back at some point right now it's just not available now the 4PdgTPTGRgg-00076-00036992-00037480 next thing i would look at when i'm at aliexpress i would look at the number of orders that a 4PdgTPTGRgg-00077-00037480-00038096 manufacturer or a distributor has shipped out the greater that number of orders the more reputable 4PdgTPTGRgg-00078-00038096-00038640 that company probably is not that a company that shipped out 10 orders is not reputable 4PdgTPTGRgg-00079-00038640-00039096 but you don't really know you don't have enough data to really tell about that company you know 4PdgTPTGRgg-00080-00039096-00039464 if they're going to be good in the long run if they you know have the supply of stuff they need 4PdgTPTGRgg-00081-00039464-00039968 when you have a company that's sent out hundreds of a particular product you know two things you 4PdgTPTGRgg-00082-00039968-00040384 know what number one they can send out hundreds of products or thousands of products whatever it is 4PdgTPTGRgg-00083-00040384-00040968 and number two they have the supply a lot of the people on aliexpress maybe only have access to 100 4PdgTPTGRgg-00084-00040968-00041424 of a product or 50 of a product uh and if you want to scale your business that's not going to help 4PdgTPTGRgg-00085-00041424-00041912 you out if they've run out of product i also like to look at the reviews and the star ratings that's 4PdgTPTGRgg-00086-00041912-00042480 super important if i'm going to buy anything from aliexpress it's going to have to have a 4.5 rating 4PdgTPTGRgg-00087-00042480-00043080 or higher 4.5 radio or higher uh the closer i get to 5 the better off i feel but that tells me that 4PdgTPTGRgg-00088-00043080-00043776 that's a reputable seller on aliexpress and you may be tempted to go with one that has a 3.9 or 4PdgTPTGRgg-00089-00043776-00044248 a 3.7 because the price is so low well there's probably a reason why it's low and if you look 4PdgTPTGRgg-00090-00044248-00044704 at the reviews you'll probably figure out why now what price range do you look for i look for 4PdgTPTGRgg-00091-00044704-00045264 products anywhere from 1 to twenty dollar price range i think that's a good price range especially 4PdgTPTGRgg-00092-00045264-00045712 if you're selling to a cold market that way i can sell that product for anywhere from twenty 4PdgTPTGRgg-00093-00045712-00046312 dollars to say you know sixty dollars uh if i'm selling it to the general public i'm going to 4PdgTPTGRgg-00094-00046312-00046840 look for at least a 50 or 60 profit margin you're going to need that profit margin that sounds great 4PdgTPTGRgg-00095-00046840-00047144 but you've got shipping that's going to come out of that if you're offering free shipping 4PdgTPTGRgg-00096-00047144-00047488 you also have all your marketing fees that are going to come out of that so you need to be 4PdgTPTGRgg-00097-00047488-00047968 able to make a profit and to do so i think you're going to need at least a 50 to 60 4PdgTPTGRgg-00098-00047968-00048448 profit margin on anything you sell now i think two things that people don't do that they should 4PdgTPTGRgg-00099-00048448-00049016 do on aliexpress is number one ask a question of the seller up front this is really important 4PdgTPTGRgg-00100-00049016-00049400 because if they don't respond or they take too long to respond that's how they're going to 4PdgTPTGRgg-00101-00049400-00049792 handle you from that point forward you'll know you'll know up front okay if you ask a question 4PdgTPTGRgg-00102-00049792-00050224 and they're not responding or they take too long to respond the other thing i would tell you to do 4PdgTPTGRgg-00103-00050224-00050584 is to order one of the products and have it sent to you i think that's super important 4PdgTPTGRgg-00104-00050648-00051048 that does you a couple things you can look at the quality of the product you can also take 4PdgTPTGRgg-00105-00051048-00051560 pictures of the product for your sales page too many people will buy stuff from aliexpress and 4PdgTPTGRgg-00106-00051560-00052040 the pictures they put on their sales page or the exact pictures that were on aliexpress generally 4PdgTPTGRgg-00107-00052040-00052552 those pictures aren't that great on top of the fact that everybody else has the same pictures 4PdgTPTGRgg-00108-00052552-00052920 and if your picture looks like everybody else's pitcher then you're going to be competing on 4PdgTPTGRgg-00109-00052920-00053304 price and that's not the position you want to be in so i would get the product i would check it 4PdgTPTGRgg-00110-00053304-00053800 out i would make sure it is up to your standards whatever those standards are and you can also see 4PdgTPTGRgg-00111-00053800-00054144 how long it's going to take to get to you you can see where the communication is going to be 4PdgTPTGRgg-00112-00054144-00054672 then you can rule out or use a manufacturer or distributor on aliexpress with a little bit more 4PdgTPTGRgg-00113-00054672-00055296 confidence that's not to say that you shouldn't use a tool to bring in some of that information 4PdgTPTGRgg-00114-00055296-00055784 to your shopify store a tool if you have a shopify store a tool that i like to use is oberlo 4PdgTPTGRgg-00115-00055879-00056344 burlo is a great tool that actually integrates with aliexpress and will pull over all the 4PdgTPTGRgg-00116-00056344-00056800 pertinent information now it's going to pull over the description it's going to pull over all the 4PdgTPTGRgg-00117-00056800-00057255 photos it's going to pull over everything but you'll want to take that information and you'll 4PdgTPTGRgg-00118-00057255-00057655 want to make it better so whatever the description is you're probably going to want to rewrite it 4PdgTPTGRgg-00119-00057655-00058144 keep in mind that description was probably written by somebody whose english is not their first 4PdgTPTGRgg-00120-00058144-00058632 language okay so it may not even really make sense but it does have good information in there maybe 4PdgTPTGRgg-00121-00058632-00059064 the specs of the product the size the measurements of the product the weight of the product you're 4PdgTPTGRgg-00122-00059064-00059600 going to need all of those specifications on your product sheet anyhow so bring all that in 4PdgTPTGRgg-00123-00059600-00060160 add to the description order the product take your own pictures and then you're going to have a whole 4PdgTPTGRgg-00124-00060160-00060720 lot better sales than you would without doing that now this is the end of part one but this 4PdgTPTGRgg-00125-00060720-00061224 is not the end of the training okay in the next part part two of this video i'm going to show you 4PdgTPTGRgg-00126-00061224-00061744 how to bring those products over to your website how to integrate those products to your website 4PdgTPTGRgg-00127-00061744-00062216 and how to set them up so that you're going to be successful so go to part two of this video 4PdgTPTGRgg-00128-00062216-00062728 right after this there's gonna be a link in the description below watch part two of this video 4PdgTPTGRgg-00129-00062728-00063144 and then you'll have the complete story and you'll be able to sell products and source them from 4PdgTPTGRgg-00130-00063144-00063640 aliexpress thanks so much for watching this video don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done so 4PdgTPTGRgg-00131-00063640-00064072 hit that subscribe button down there don't forget to ring the bell turn on all bell notifications so 4PdgTPTGRgg-00132-00064072-00064648 you're notified each and every time i go live um yeah and don't forget give me a thumbs up too okay 4PdgTPTGRgg-00133-00064648-00065160 i need that thumbs up i did prepare a 97 course but you know what i'm going to give it to you for 4PdgTPTGRgg-00134-00065160-00065696 free it's in the description below just click the link and learn 97 course 100 yours i want 4PdgTPTGRgg-00135-00065696-00066168 to get your comments on this have you dealt with aliexpress have you dealt with other drop shippers 4PdgTPTGRgg-00136-00066168-00066608 put that information in the comments section below what luck did you have did you have good 4PdgTPTGRgg-00137-00066608-00067048 luck did you have bad luck what happened tell me all about it and if you have any questions about 4PdgTPTGRgg-00138-00067048-00067432 starting running and growing an online business please put those in the comments below thanks 4PdgTPTGRgg-00139-00067432-00067992 so much for watching this video i'll see you in the next one hey thanks for watching my video 4PdgTPTGRgg-00140-00067992-00068544 don't forget to subscribe to my channel and click that little bell right here so you can be notified 4PdgTPTGRgg-00141-00068544-00069688 every time i do a new video also click on one of those videos there keep watching on my channel 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00000-00000053-00000422 Marketing On Yelp And Other Review Sites 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00001-00000422-00000955 Review websites like Yelp.com and Review.com have become widely used in a lot of areas, 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00002-00000955-00001517 mainly due to the huge growth in mobile internet devices like the iPhone and iPad. These smartphones 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00003-00001517-00001897 and other portable devices let people access these sites on the go, which is when they 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00004-00001897-00002227 are often looking for reviews and ratings. 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00005-00002227-00002672 As a business owner, you need to be sure that your company has a presence on these sites. 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00006-00002672-00003018 In this article, we're going to look at several strategies for getting the most out of review 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00007-00003018-00003306 sites. 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00008-00003306-00003675 The first step in the process is to create an account for your business on the site(s) 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00009-00003675-00004185 you plan to use. This lets you ensure the accuracy of your business listing by correcting 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00010-00004185-00004616 any errors. It also gives you the ability to interact with anyone who posts on your 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00011-00004616-00004857 profile. 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00012-00004857-00005319 It's important to engage people on these sites. Some of those people will be existing customers, 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00013-00005319-00005689 while others will be people who might be considering doing business with you and are looking for 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00014-00005689-00005914 more information. 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00015-00005914-00006250 Either way, if they see that you're active on the site and especially that you respond 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00016-00006250-00006825 to questions or complaints quickly, that will help to reassure them. 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00017-00006825-00007256 Complaints, bad reviews and low ratings are especially important to respond to. If you 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00018-00007256-00007645 show a genuine interest in correcting problems, it's going to go a long way towards building 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00019-00007645-00007900 trust. 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00020-00007900-00008322 In fact, having a negative review with a positive outcome is often more valuable than having 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00021-00008322-00008857 no bad reviews at all. That can look "manufactured" as if you had friends or family leave a bunch 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00022-00008857-00009101 of good reviews. 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00023-00009101-00009609 Another effective way to use these sites is by offering deals or coupons to their users. 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00024-00009609-00009987 You can offer exclusive deals to users on these sites, so anyone who checks out your 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00025-00009987-00010318 listing can get the deal. 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00026-00010318-00010681 This can be a good way to generate more business, particularly if you are in a business where 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00027-00010681-00011136 this makes sense. For example, it would work very well for a restaurant or pub, where you 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00028-00011136-00011681 could offer some sort of discount or other special to anyone who brings in the coupon. 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00029-00011681-00012193 Many of these sites, such as Yelp.com, also offer a feature called "check ins". This lets 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00030-00012193-00012586 anyone who is using their mobile app on an iPhone or other device check in when they 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00031-00012586-00013057 visit your business. You can tie your coupon offers to these check-ins so they only get 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00032-00013057-00013379 them when they check in. 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00033-00013379-00013741 The advantage here is that those check-ins will be seen by other people in their network, 4Rb3JVS4C8I-00034-00013741-00013981 creating a type of viral marketing for your business. 4UkPIWkFIRE-00000-00000202-00000731 Lori Ballen: hey everybody welcome to this week's show I'm excited to have you guys all on 4UkPIWkFIRE-00001-00000731-00001092 here and for those of you they're listening for the first time this is a 4UkPIWkFIRE-00002-00001092-00001659 podcast and I also have a blog video series it goes along with it where we 4UkPIWkFIRE-00003-00001659-00002268 are talking specifically about lead generation for real estate and so I 4UkPIWkFIRE-00004-00002268-00002543 don't know all things about lead generation 4UkPIWkFIRE-00005-00002543-00003021 my specialty is generating leads from the internet but there's a lot out there 4UkPIWkFIRE-00006-00003021-00003567 that I haven't learned yet and so by bringing on other real estate agents 4UkPIWkFIRE-00007-00003567-00004116 that specialize in a specific type of lead generation or have had some success 4UkPIWkFIRE-00008-00004116-00004446 with something new that they're trying I like to bring them on to have them share 4UkPIWkFIRE-00009-00004446-00004875 with us what it is that they're doing and some of the agents that we interview 4UkPIWkFIRE-00010-00004875-00005448 are doing 24 transactions a year and some are doing several hundred a year 4UkPIWkFIRE-00011-00005448-00005928 and today happens to be one of the several hundred I have John Verdeaux on 4UkPIWkFIRE-00012-00005928-00006380 the call with me today and he is partners with Holli McCray they're 4UkPIWkFIRE-00013-00006380-00007170 actually married and they are the number one team in Tennessee and last year they 4UkPIWkFIRE-00014-00007170-00007625 did four hundred and six transactions which is super exciting 4UkPIWkFIRE-00015-00007625-00008268 they're so they're big big producers and John is somebody a lot like me generates 4UkPIWkFIRE-00016-00008268-00008990 a lot of his leads on the internet and so John welcome to the show thanks Lori 4UkPIWkFIRE-00017-00008990-00009513 appreciate that all right so you are this is very interesting is I know you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00018-00009513-00009932 guys personally so it helps me a little bit with knowing how your team is wired 4UkPIWkFIRE-00019-00009932-00010532 a little bit so you guys have several streams of leads coming in several 4UkPIWkFIRE-00020-00010532-00011082 several different sources and web is one of the larger ones that you guys do you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00021-00011082-00011550 also do radio you have an is a team and of course you're doing sphere of 4UkPIWkFIRE-00022-00011550-00011904 influence and agent referrals is there anything major that I missed 4UkPIWkFIRE-00023-00011904-00012582 out pay-per-click marketing there anything I didn't mention no those are 4UkPIWkFIRE-00024-00012582-00012917 the top sources those are those are the places we generate the vast majority of 4UkPIWkFIRE-00025-00012917-00013272 our business so I think you pretty much covered it 4UkPIWkFIRE-00026-00013272-00013994 all right so you told me that 20% of all of your buyer leads are coming from 4UkPIWkFIRE-00027-00013994-00014957 social media ads and 6% of your listing leads are coming from 4 also from social 4UkPIWkFIRE-00028-00014957-00015515 ads which is also huge for the people that they might hear 20% and 6% in and 4UkPIWkFIRE-00029-00015515-00015920 automatically favor the buyer side but most of us would would would raise our 4UkPIWkFIRE-00030-00015920-00016326 hands all day long for 6% of the listing site to be generated right because 4UkPIWkFIRE-00031-00016326-00016631 that's we all know that's where the money is so that's also really 4UkPIWkFIRE-00032-00016631-00017409 incredible so when you see social ads what are you referring to okay so for us 4UkPIWkFIRE-00033-00017409-00018093 specifically we focus mainly and through Instagram and Facebook and so we create 4UkPIWkFIRE-00034-00018093-00018806 our own ads on both platforms routinely we have our own system of ways of 4UkPIWkFIRE-00035-00018806-00019395 generating buyer and seller leads we treat each as its own almost apartment 4UkPIWkFIRE-00036-00019395-00019769 per se because the value proposition is completely different and the ad 4UkPIWkFIRE-00037-00019769-00020223 structures are completely different when you're focusing your attention to try to 4UkPIWkFIRE-00038-00020223-00020784 generate buyer or seller leads but like I said we we are very consistent and 4UkPIWkFIRE-00039-00020784-00021309 we're very focused on those two platforms for for lead generation okay 4UkPIWkFIRE-00040-00021309-00021948 so these are this is Facebook and an Instagram are you running the Instagram 4UkPIWkFIRE-00041-00021948-00022694 ads from the Facebook platform yes so Instagram works a little bit 4UkPIWkFIRE-00042-00022694-00023159 differently because there's ways of doing it you know if you're going to 4UkPIWkFIRE-00043-00023159-00023582 that the way that a lot of people do it is they they promote posts so they post 4UkPIWkFIRE-00044-00023582-00024173 a video of their listing or they post some sort of content on Instagram and 4UkPIWkFIRE-00045-00024173-00024512 then you can promote that post directly from the post which you have to do 4UkPIWkFIRE-00046-00024512-00025037 through Instagram now once you've created that ad you can go into your ads 4UkPIWkFIRE-00047-00025037-00025356 manager their account and then edit it from there 4UkPIWkFIRE-00048-00025356-00025910 but in order to create the ad you've got to go through Instagram push put the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00049-00025910-00026371 post on Instagram and then create the ad now that's that's one way of doing it 4UkPIWkFIRE-00050-00026371-00026811 the other way of doing it is actually creating a campaign like you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00051-00026811-00027452 would for Facebook ads through your ads manager account on Facebook and you can 4UkPIWkFIRE-00052-00027452-00027977 set up campaigns and ad groups for things like Instagram stories which we 4UkPIWkFIRE-00053-00027977-00028518 started doing - okay so tell me about Instagram story because I'm not really 4UkPIWkFIRE-00054-00028518-00029045 familiar with what that is okay so Instagram stories have your 4UkPIWkFIRE-00055-00029045-00029816 account and you you're looking at it and there's there's those little stories at 4UkPIWkFIRE-00056-00029816-00030212 the top of your account and there are like little circles and they show 4UkPIWkFIRE-00057-00030212-00030677 different people that you follow and if they've posted an Instagram story you'll 4UkPIWkFIRE-00058-00030677-00031188 see it up at the top of your account there they're a popular way of getting 4UkPIWkFIRE-00059-00031188-00031674 information out to your followers and to keep in touch with people and what you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00060-00031674-00032090 can do now what Instagram is done fairly recently it allowed you to create ads 4UkPIWkFIRE-00061-00032090-00032552 that run specifically with those stories at the top and the reason being is 4UkPIWkFIRE-00062-00032552-00032799 because there's a lot more eyes on Instagram stories and are on the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00063-00032799-00033269 traditional posts based on the statistics so Instagram is now monetize 4UkPIWkFIRE-00064-00033269-00033890 that or Facebook I guess they're one in the same in terms of the paid business 4UkPIWkFIRE-00065-00033890-00034494 portion of it and so you can run those ads on the stories and get a really 4UkPIWkFIRE-00066-00034494-00035007 great audience and in terms of eyes looking at those 4UkPIWkFIRE-00067-00035007-00035538 ads on Instagram is Facebook for those ads okay so let me understand so I'm 4UkPIWkFIRE-00068-00035538-00036306 scrolling on Instagram and I see the Instagram stories and I click on an 4UkPIWkFIRE-00069-00036306-00036690 Instagram story first of all what is that story containing that would be 4UkPIWkFIRE-00070-00036690-00037305 worth running out on for you guys so Instagram stories ads work just like 4UkPIWkFIRE-00071-00037305-00037968 Facebook ads you can create a specific audience that you that you can you can 4UkPIWkFIRE-00072-00037968-00038352 get that ad out to same structure you would here you're going to go through 4UkPIWkFIRE-00073-00038352-00038709 the the ads manager create the campaign you're gonna create your audience just 4UkPIWkFIRE-00074-00038709-00039102 like you would on Facebook the only difference in that is is instead of your 4UkPIWkFIRE-00075-00039102-00039843 placement being on say mobile facebook mobile or you know the audience network 4UkPIWkFIRE-00076-00039843-00040224 or something like that you're specifically the creating an ad for 4UkPIWkFIRE-00077-00040224-00040629 store it's going to say stories on Instagram and when you're creating the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00078-00040629-00041118 campaign so everything for that campaign is done through ads manager and then 4UkPIWkFIRE-00079-00041118-00041496 you're just basically creating that campaign gram stories now there's a lot 4UkPIWkFIRE-00080-00041496-00041910 more requirements that go with that but when you're creating it that's the way 4UkPIWkFIRE-00081-00041910-00042231 you go so your audience could be whatever it wants it can be a location 4UkPIWkFIRE-00082-00042231-00042765 specific it can be demographic specific all of the tools that are available on 4UkPIWkFIRE-00083-00042765-00043308 Facebook for refining your audience are available for these ads too so what is 4UkPIWkFIRE-00084-00043308-00044159 so okay so it's it's not a story plus an ad the ad is the story 4UkPIWkFIRE-00085-00044159-00044640 so how it works is someone scrolling through someone goes onto their 4UkPIWkFIRE-00086-00044640-00045045 Instagram account they go up to the stories they click on one and they start 4UkPIWkFIRE-00087-00045045-00045569 scrolling through their Instagram stories by swiping left or right and 4UkPIWkFIRE-00088-00045569-00045975 they also scroll through on their own and so you're scrolling through your 4UkPIWkFIRE-00089-00045975-00046434 stories or you're looking through your daily updates from all of your followers 4UkPIWkFIRE-00090-00046434-00046995 or the people that you follow and then within that action of moving through the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00091-00046995-00047622 different stories your ad will pop up if that person fits your fits the audience 4UkPIWkFIRE-00092-00047622-00048299 that that you're targeting okay so the same as a sponsored ad would be like on 4UkPIWkFIRE-00093-00048299-00049211 Facebook but it's showing up in the stories section you got it okay Wow 4UkPIWkFIRE-00094-00049211-00049812 interesting and what kind of ads okay this is I'm fascinated by who responds 4UkPIWkFIRE-00095-00049812-00050181 to Instagram ads and what the age demographic is and all that as well but 4UkPIWkFIRE-00096-00050181-00050619 whose recent movements are you targeting buyer's or seller's primarily with 4UkPIWkFIRE-00097-00050619-00051113 Instagram stories so we this is fairly new for us we've only been doing this 4UkPIWkFIRE-00098-00051113-00051554 about 90 days Instagram story's ads aren't that old and in the world of 4UkPIWkFIRE-00099-00051554-00052089 sponsored ads so right we've been testing a lot and we were running both 4UkPIWkFIRE-00100-00052089-00052875 so I can tell you based on the last 60 days of data the buyer ads that we're 4UkPIWkFIRE-00101-00052875-00053340 running or doing much better than the seller ads um we didn't 4UkPIWkFIRE-00102-00053340-00053792 there's our seller ads on Facebook do very very well but so far we haven't 4UkPIWkFIRE-00103-00053792-00054336 quite found the the secret sauce on the Instagram stories ads for sellers but 4UkPIWkFIRE-00104-00054336-00054804 for buyers we're getting a lot of rigid registrations from our Instagram stories 4UkPIWkFIRE-00105-00054804-00055161 ads and what is that ad kind of look like I know I don't have it maybe you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00106-00055161-00055505 can send me a screenshot if you want to for the actual write-up but what is it 4UkPIWkFIRE-00107-00055505-00055977 look what's the value proposition what's the offer it's real basic and and I 4UkPIWkFIRE-00108-00055977-00056523 encourage anybody that is interested in doing this to just to when you want to 4UkPIWkFIRE-00109-00056523-00056879 get started and trying to get ideas for ads what I did is I just googled 4UkPIWkFIRE-00110-00056879-00057351 Instagram stories ads and looked at what some of the tops you know companies out 4UkPIWkFIRE-00111-00057351-00057888 there like Coke Pepsi are using for their ads yeah and kind of get a gauge 4UkPIWkFIRE-00112-00057888-00058362 of structure from there it's very simple I mean for instance the one we're 4UkPIWkFIRE-00113-00058362-00058794 running right now just says ready to buy a home search now and it's got a nice 4UkPIWkFIRE-00114-00058794-00059175 picture of a kitchen and then there's obviously the swipe up option at the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00115-00059175-00059574 bottom which is allowing you that'll take you to how the ad works is a swipe 4UkPIWkFIRE-00116-00059574-00060045 so they swipe up and a take your right be whatever site you're generating 4UkPIWkFIRE-00117-00060045-00060426 you're you're trying to get traffic to so it's the home search site for us it 4UkPIWkFIRE-00118-00060426-00060864 doesn't need to be wordy it doesn't need to have tons of content far less content 4UkPIWkFIRE-00119-00060864-00061314 than Facebook Ads but it's just very basic and it's very 4UkPIWkFIRE-00120-00061314-00061635 right to the point solid right now it's not picture right 4UkPIWkFIRE-00121-00061635-00062019 and then it called action if the pictures probably right so you want a 4UkPIWkFIRE-00122-00062019-00062504 high-res you know you can do a video too but for you know for this I've noticed 4UkPIWkFIRE-00123-00062504-00063054 we tried the video and and it did okay but the high resolution picture of a 4UkPIWkFIRE-00124-00063054-00063680 kitchen or a really nice home and then you know basic text you know like for 4UkPIWkFIRE-00125-00063680-00064113 instance search now ready to buy a home that's all we've got you know you can do 4UkPIWkFIRE-00126-00064113-00064371 a little more a little less you can see what other people are doing and I'll 4UkPIWkFIRE-00127-00064371-00065082 send you a picture of the screenshot of our current ad so you can see it on your 4UkPIWkFIRE-00128-00065082-00065667 link where you have searched all homes now are you sending them to like a an 4UkPIWkFIRE-00129-00065667-00066159 ITX link with a map are you did you customize a particular link to track it 4UkPIWkFIRE-00130-00066159-00066508 were they going that they're registering yeah 4UkPIWkFIRE-00131-00066508-00066980 so we were basically going to a very generic a link that's going to get them 4UkPIWkFIRE-00132-00066980-00067387 to start searching for properties within the audience area that we're targeting 4UkPIWkFIRE-00133-00067387-00067831 so for instance we live in Knoxville so say we're looking you know the link that 4UkPIWkFIRE-00134-00067831-00068093 they're gonna go to will take them immediately to homes that are for sale 4UkPIWkFIRE-00135-00068093-00068383 in Knoxville we don't want to get too specific because we don't really know 4UkPIWkFIRE-00136-00068383-00068893 yeah that's what my price point they're looking at but it you got to make sure 4UkPIWkFIRE-00137-00068893-00069325 that wherever you're sending them it's it's giving them immediately what 4UkPIWkFIRE-00138-00069325-00069694 they're looking for so for home search they should easily click this white box 4UkPIWkFIRE-00139-00069694-00070144 homes to look at and should have the search customization features on your 4UkPIWkFIRE-00140-00070144-00070675 idx page available so they can start customizing alright so they're taken to 4UkPIWkFIRE-00141-00070675-00071066 a page it has a list of homes for sale in Knoxville but then they also have a 4UkPIWkFIRE-00142-00071066-00071522 little area where they can custom they can enter their own preferences to get a 4UkPIWkFIRE-00143-00071522-00071968 search matching their price ranges or office or whatnot is there a membership 4UkPIWkFIRE-00144-00071968-00072568 is there a mail we don't have we have a map option but it's it does not it does 4UkPIWkFIRE-00145-00072568-00072952 not translate as well on mobile as it does on desktop so he gets them right to 4UkPIWkFIRE-00146-00072952-00073474 a list of homes because obviously Instagram is all mobile so it's very 4UkPIWkFIRE-00147-00073474-00074002 mobile friendly and then you know they have the map option feature on there but 4UkPIWkFIRE-00148-00074002-00074419 I just don't like it as much Molk on mobile as i do yeah it's all 4UkPIWkFIRE-00149-00074419-00074980 maps to me on my on mobile on mobile are not quite as effective yet did Jim and 4UkPIWkFIRE-00150-00074980-00075262 move him around try to get to the spots I was just curious how that was working 4UkPIWkFIRE-00151-00075262-00075652 I've been testing a lot with Maps lately and on desktop exactly they're doing 4UkPIWkFIRE-00152-00075652-00076312 much better okay so so it's very sounds I mean gosh I'm gonna have to afterward 4UkPIWkFIRE-00153-00076312-00076675 get off this calm and have to go run one myself and see how this works 4UkPIWkFIRE-00154-00076675-00077314 are you um notice seeing okay so you said you can target it the same way does 4UkPIWkFIRE-00155-00077314-00077689 that mean you can actually select people that are in Knoxville and everything the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00156-00077689-00078311 same way you would with Facebook yes the campaign set up is almost same structure 4UkPIWkFIRE-00157-00078311-00078739 and everything except you're running into stories ad so you know that the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00158-00078739-00079325 setup part is almost identical in terms of setting up the audience so you can if 4UkPIWkFIRE-00159-00079325-00079582 you don't understand how to do that on Facebook this should be a breeze for you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00160-00079582-00079859 that where it gets it's different is actually when you're create 4UkPIWkFIRE-00161-00079859-00080582 the actual ad so the size of the photo is a lot different so you're gonna have 4UkPIWkFIRE-00162-00080582-00080810 to keep that in mind when you're creating your because you're gonna have 4UkPIWkFIRE-00163-00080810-00081074 to do some Photoshop ahead of time if you're gonna do a photo for example 4UkPIWkFIRE-00164-00081074-00081521 you've got to put your text on that photo and do a photo and Photoshop it on 4UkPIWkFIRE-00165-00081521-00082250 there before you actually option to add words all right so you've got to do all 4UkPIWkFIRE-00166-00082250-00082757 that ahead of time so you've got to basically create your ad on Photoshop 4UkPIWkFIRE-00167-00082757-00083288 before you can upload it hand vy4 though my listeners john from my listeners that 4UkPIWkFIRE-00168-00083288-00083780 aren't on photoshop don't have photoshop canva is a great free option to create 4UkPIWkFIRE-00169-00083780-00084374 things like this it's got a perfect yeah view here of its exactly yeah so you're 4UkPIWkFIRE-00170-00084374-00084746 just putting out and you're putting search all homes now and that's all 4UkPIWkFIRE-00171-00084746-00085184 that's going on that you have your logo on the picture well it does at the top 4UkPIWkFIRE-00172-00085184-00085520 you know because at the top of the show it says hi Lena calling me Craig rips 4UkPIWkFIRE-00173-00085520-00085799 our Instagram account so it shows your Instagram account at the top which has 4UkPIWkFIRE-00174-00085799-00086564 our logo on it so oh yeah yeah you can put your logo on any do whatever you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00175-00086564-00086984 want and that's why I said it's always good to just Google Instagram stories as 4UkPIWkFIRE-00176-00086984-00087533 yeah that's a great way to get some ideas have you um have you tested the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00177-00087533-00087890 images or have you just been running one right now have you tested the difference 4UkPIWkFIRE-00178-00087890-00088202 between like a kitchen or the outside of a house or the living room or anything 4UkPIWkFIRE-00179-00088202-00088811 like that yes I am we are I've run all sorts of different ads at this way and 4UkPIWkFIRE-00180-00088811-00089201 you know just like Facebook you've got a reef you got every few days you got to 4UkPIWkFIRE-00181-00089201-00089654 change them up anyway because they get stale so we don't run an add more than 4UkPIWkFIRE-00182-00089654-00090098 or we we don't run it in the same add more than five days after five days 4UkPIWkFIRE-00183-00090098-00090502 we're gonna change it up with a new photo and a new value proposition maybe 4UkPIWkFIRE-00184-00090502-00091112 so you know because what happens is is the same people are seeing those ads a 4UkPIWkFIRE-00185-00091112-00091463 lot of times and it's the same thing over and over again its effectiveness 4UkPIWkFIRE-00186-00091463-00091802 begins to deteriorate so you want to change it up are you changing the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00187-00091802-00092309 traction or just just the image the call-to-action is the same how we 4UkPIWkFIRE-00188-00092309-00092657 presented sometimes is different you know what I'm saying instead of ready to 4UkPIWkFIRE-00189-00092657-00093083 buy a home searching for a house you know you cannot claim all of the value 4UkPIWkFIRE-00190-00093083-00093394 propositions always same for home search or home our or 4UkPIWkFIRE-00191-00093394-00093787 sellers but you weren't it just joins up how we're I'm correct 4UkPIWkFIRE-00192-00093787-00094525 how about cause that's very good as far as photos go just answer your question I 4UkPIWkFIRE-00193-00094525-00094891 don't have not seen a noticeable difference in the type of photos we're 4UkPIWkFIRE-00194-00094891-00095733 using yet okay are you doing stock art are you using your own listings right so 4UkPIWkFIRE-00195-00095733-00096229 we're using professional photos from our own listings okay nice ones gotcha good 4UkPIWkFIRE-00196-00096229-00096631 stuff tell me about cost per click cost per lead like are you seeing a 4UkPIWkFIRE-00197-00096631-00097099 difference between your cost for Instagram story ads versus your Facebook 4UkPIWkFIRE-00198-00097099-00097825 ads yeah it's infinitely cheaper super cheap yeah and I think that's because 4UkPIWkFIRE-00199-00097825-00098308 there's not a lot of people doing it you have far less competition sure no I 4UkPIWkFIRE-00200-00098308-00098923 think now this interview gets out we're all in trouble the reality social media 4UkPIWkFIRE-00201-00098923-00099562 advertising is so ridiculously cheap for what value it brings that it's that it's 4UkPIWkFIRE-00202-00099562-00100188 insane if you're not doing it is the ease that terms of ROI and in terms of 4UkPIWkFIRE-00203-00100188-00100918 effectiveness for loo-li gen it is the best deal out there by far yes still wet 4UkPIWkFIRE-00204-00100918-00101419 I mean I've seen people put some ridiculous amounts of money and lead ads 4UkPIWkFIRE-00205-00101419-00101833 and things are paying through the roof on lead ads because they don't 4UkPIWkFIRE-00206-00101833-00102258 understand how to set the audience up correctly or or they're choosing their 4UkPIWkFIRE-00207-00102258-00102475 choosing too many demographics and their audience 4UkPIWkFIRE-00208-00102475-00102940 their pan too much or their landing page is terrible so their relevant score goes 4UkPIWkFIRE-00209-00102940-00103308 down so there is a little you're right it is it's definitely more affordable 4UkPIWkFIRE-00210-00103308-00103753 you still got to have a little bit of a handle on what you're doing yeah that's 4UkPIWkFIRE-00211-00103753-00104254 true and it takes a lot of TLC so that's always good to get somebody like like 4UkPIWkFIRE-00212-00104254-00104767 like Ballen Brands to come in and do that for you if you don't want 4UkPIWkFIRE-00213-00104767-00105159 to fool with it because it does require a lot of attention or if you do when 4UkPIWkFIRE-00214-00105159-00105727 you're doing your all yours yourself right yes and how often do you actually 4UkPIWkFIRE-00215-00105727-00106246 so let me ask you so we'll go back to cost but how many how many Instagram 4UkPIWkFIRE-00216-00106246-00106546 story has been running at a time one and you change every five 4UkPIWkFIRE-00217-00106546-00107446 if you have multiple between one and two will run a seller and a buyer yeah go 4UkPIWkFIRE-00218-00107446-00107634 ahead you're running Facebook Ads at the same 4UkPIWkFIRE-00219-00107634-00108240 time as well oh yeah for sure okay and so are you looking at this every day 4UkPIWkFIRE-00220-00108240-00108900 once a week how often do you visit your account three three to four times a week 4UkPIWkFIRE-00221-00108900-00109426 and on the side we're always do a lot of things you know we're running you know 4UkPIWkFIRE-00222-00109426-00109800 we're running boosted listing video posts you know those are really 4UkPIWkFIRE-00223-00109800-00110460 effective these for getting registered on face both Facebook and Instagram you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00224-00110460-00110782 know we're doing some other stuff while we're doing these so so tell me about 4UkPIWkFIRE-00225-00110782-00111114 that it's what you say it's a listing video so it's one of your current 4UkPIWkFIRE-00226-00111114-00111772 listings yeah professionals will do a video of our listings the nice ones at 4UkPIWkFIRE-00227-00111772-00112114 least the ones that garner that would that would that would benefit from that 4UkPIWkFIRE-00228-00112114-00112696 and then we're just posting it on Facebook along with them along with the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00229-00112696-00113190 on Instagram with the video along with a link back to the actual listing with all 4UkPIWkFIRE-00230-00113190-00113889 the details on our idx site and easting it the video ads our team yeah I mean I 4UkPIWkFIRE-00231-00113889-00114366 mean just to give you some perspective we're getting on the last one we went 4UkPIWkFIRE-00232-00114366-00115308 over 25 bucks for four days we got 5,000 views we got 128 clicks and 12 4UkPIWkFIRE-00233-00115308-00115633 registrations Wow and that was for 25 bucks 4UkPIWkFIRE-00234-00115633-00116292 Wow that was for 25 bucks so a couple bucks Alicia right that's 4UkPIWkFIRE-00235-00116292-00116614 been that's fantastic yeah and our sellers are thrilled 4UkPIWkFIRE-00236-00116614-00117033 because they're getting tons of exposure on their on their listing too so it's a 4UkPIWkFIRE-00237-00117033-00117558 win-win yeah okay so let me ask you on those demographics so you've got a new 4UkPIWkFIRE-00238-00117558-00118083 listing and it's in Knoxville and it's I don't even know your guys's price range 4UkPIWkFIRE-00239-00118083-00118509 eight hundred thousand dollar house whatever um it's a nice wine that you do 4UkPIWkFIRE-00240-00118509-00118908 the virtual tour on it you run the video ads it has a link back to more 4UkPIWkFIRE-00241-00118908-00119211 information and that's what they register to be coming at I've become a 4UkPIWkFIRE-00242-00119211-00119998 lead right so hmm when you run that ad who is your target audience 4UkPIWkFIRE-00243-00119998-00120577 so this has been this is where the the the grinding comes in and this is where 4UkPIWkFIRE-00244-00120577-00121042 having guys like you come in and do it for you is important because it's taking 4UkPIWkFIRE-00245-00121042-00121486 a long time to figure out what this secret sauce is and really it's not any 4UkPIWkFIRE-00246-00121486-00122329 more difficult than we've really just narrowed it down to a radius around the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00247-00122329-00122648 property how the Xavier L City is how far the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00248-00122648-00123055 radius it depends on the city like for instance if it's in Knoxville we're 4UkPIWkFIRE-00249-00123055-00123475 gonna do 40 miles oh it's in a smaller satellite city than maybe we might do 4UkPIWkFIRE-00250-00123475-00124084 more it depends on where it is you know and what's around it so we do 40 miles 4UkPIWkFIRE-00251-00124084-00124733 in Knoxville and people who have you have three options you have live in or 4UkPIWkFIRE-00252-00124733-00125238 recently been to are currently in yeah so we do people who are currently in 4UkPIWkFIRE-00253-00125238-00125833 that area and that's it I mean that there really nothing are complicated 4UkPIWkFIRE-00254-00125833-00126526 than that with you know because good good it's I we've tried to narrow it 4UkPIWkFIRE-00255-00126526-00126934 down and refining the range and it's absolutely killed our conversion yeah 4UkPIWkFIRE-00256-00126934-00127445 yeah that's what I was gonna say I I am there's a couple things that I'm seeing 4UkPIWkFIRE-00257-00127445-00127867 with with the target demographics and I think there's a time for it I think 4UkPIWkFIRE-00258-00127867-00128297 especially with with certain seller ones or you're trying to reach like I want to 4UkPIWkFIRE-00259-00128297-00128830 reach teachers and I want to promote the you know the home for Heroes program or 4UkPIWkFIRE-00260-00128830-00129210 the teachers program I'm gonna target fire fighters or I'm gonna target 4UkPIWkFIRE-00261-00129210-00129608 teachers or things like that here in Nevada but when you're talking about 4UkPIWkFIRE-00262-00129608-00129974 people that potentially might buy a house the second you check off that 4UkPIWkFIRE-00263-00129974-00130472 little box is likely to move the cost-per-click those through the roof 4UkPIWkFIRE-00264-00130472-00130825 and it completely changes the demographic based on their lifestyle 4UkPIWkFIRE-00265-00130825-00131200 situations which may or may not be about then you add age you had income guys 4UkPIWkFIRE-00266-00131200-00131665 male you got female every time you add an audience you're at you're changing 4UkPIWkFIRE-00267-00131665-00132161 your cost-per-click for those demographics so now you get 4UkPIWkFIRE-00268-00132161-00132560 less clicks you you're not reaching as many people and it doesn't necessarily 4UkPIWkFIRE-00269-00132560-00133036 add up to a higher conversion rate either unless it's a really specialty 4UkPIWkFIRE-00270-00133036-00133385 thing if it's a specialty thing in your really need to you know if somebody's 4UkPIWkFIRE-00271-00133385-00133871 gonna mark market cat products there they really should choose people that 4UkPIWkFIRE-00272-00133871-00134440 have a cat that makes complete sense yeah but it's gonna buy a house I think 4UkPIWkFIRE-00273-00134440-00135016 somebody in the area is your is your absolute best candidate I mean I do 4UkPIWkFIRE-00274-00135016-00135487 think to myself sometimes like okay if this is a million dollar home or even a 4UkPIWkFIRE-00275-00135487-00135877 five hundred thousand dollar home in Vegas which is you know in the mid range 4UkPIWkFIRE-00276-00135877-00136402 for us I to select all the income because I only wanted people that could 4UkPIWkFIRE-00277-00136402-00136777 qualify for that price range but then I realized I'm actually shooting myself in 4UkPIWkFIRE-00278-00136777-00137140 the foot because what we really want is kind of like if you sit an open house 4UkPIWkFIRE-00279-00137140-00137546 you're probably not going to sell that house your goal is to pick up the buyers 4UkPIWkFIRE-00280-00137546-00137842 that come in there and sell them a different you're probably gonna sell 4UkPIWkFIRE-00281-00137842-00138107 them a different house because that house isn't going to match something 4UkPIWkFIRE-00282-00138107-00138523 that they want well the it's a these Facebook ads if you don't give them the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00283-00138523-00138949 ability to click through and start shopping for homes even if they're in a 4UkPIWkFIRE-00284-00138949-00139235 different price range you've never gotten the opportunity to actually 4UkPIWkFIRE-00285-00139235-00139540 capture that person's interest that might actually want to buy a house he 4UkPIWkFIRE-00286-00139540-00140005 just might not be in that price range right and you never know if mom's on 4UkPIWkFIRE-00287-00140005-00140401 Facebook and sees the house and maybe their kids looking for a house or uncle 4UkPIWkFIRE-00288-00140401-00140941 or relative and oh my gosh we a lot of times you see people tag other people on 4UkPIWkFIRE-00289-00140941-00141335 your yeah the posts and that's because they know somebody who might be 4UkPIWkFIRE-00290-00141335-00141782 interested in that property you really never know yeah see you with those tags 4UkPIWkFIRE-00291-00141782-00142208 do you do you communicate with the people they tag at all we we try to 4UkPIWkFIRE-00292-00142208-00142486 respond to everybody sometimes those tags are a little weird because you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00293-00142486-00143023 really don't know um what what their purpose is but generally we'll respond 4UkPIWkFIRE-00294-00143023-00143305 back and say hey if you need any more information about this property or ones 4UkPIWkFIRE-00295-00143305-00143921 like it let us know and we'll post will reply back to it and you know I would 4UkPIWkFIRE-00296-00143921-00144545 say 2 to 3 times out of 10 will get a response did you how small can you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00297-00144545-00144932 target in the radius for the Instagram story do you know is it is it like 4UkPIWkFIRE-00298-00144932-00145561 Facebook has a mile as a model so it's the slowest way Wow interesting I'm 4UkPIWkFIRE-00299-00145561-00145997 curious because I've got one I ran yesterday on Facebook I'm testing a new 4UkPIWkFIRE-00300-00145997-00146420 thing I'm doing real estate market reports because that's been such a hot 4UkPIWkFIRE-00301-00146420-00146744 item for me with ranking on the search engines for that 4UkPIWkFIRE-00302-00146744-00147248 term so now I'm taking the individual neighborhoods the smaller neighborhoods 4UkPIWkFIRE-00303-00147248-00147662 and I'm doing market reports for just that neighborhood and then I'm running a 4UkPIWkFIRE-00304-00147662-00148234 Facebook ad just within one mile around an address within that neighborhood 4UkPIWkFIRE-00305-00148234-00148616 trying it now is brand new I'm just now starting this but I'm gonna have like 4UkPIWkFIRE-00306-00148616-00149006 probably 20 ads running at the same time for different neighborhoods and I would 4UkPIWkFIRE-00307-00149006-00149510 I would think if Instagram stories is similar that might be an opportunity as 4UkPIWkFIRE-00308-00149510-00150284 well yeah I think so there's a lot of the things you got to 4UkPIWkFIRE-00309-00150284-00150650 think about are this when you're targeting your neighborhood think of the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00310-00150650-00150917 age range and then the price range of your neighborhood he's gotta remember 4UkPIWkFIRE-00311-00150917-00151364 Instagram is a much younger crowd you know if you look at the demographics you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00312-00151364-00152102 know our average age of that are looking at our ads is still under 30 4UkPIWkFIRE-00313-00152102-00152755 so there's generating a lot of yeah that's why they're buyers 4UkPIWkFIRE-00314-00152755-00153245 yeah I mean it doesn't that's fine it's great but you know are you gonna are you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00315-00153245-00153683 gonna do well luxury homeless things on Instagram probably not God you know you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00316-00153683-00154097 know or luxury on neighborhoods but like starter neighborhoods in Vegas probably 4UkPIWkFIRE-00317-00154097-00154514 do well on Instagram yeah but the market really wouldn't then I would be better 4UkPIWkFIRE-00318-00154514-00155189 off probably running ads to say see all homes for sale under 200,000 right those 4UkPIWkFIRE-00319-00155189-00155654 would probably be better for that for that or how about this homes around 4UkPIWkFIRE-00320-00155654-00156125 Zappos you know like Zappos is this is everybody knows who's Apple is I think 4UkPIWkFIRE-00321-00156125-00156647 and everybody you know did there's a you know people bicycle around there and you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00322-00156647-00157034 got condos and things like that are homes around UNLV these would be younger 4UkPIWkFIRE-00323-00157034-00157445 you know that type of demographic and if I'm giving them an option that's nearby 4UkPIWkFIRE-00324-00157445-00157883 where they work or we're where they go to school that's probably more likely to 4UkPIWkFIRE-00325-00157883-00158504 capture an Instagram per person and it's not to say that there aren't people who 4UkPIWkFIRE-00326-00158504-00158894 are older we're on it I mean we do capture pretty well up to 45 and after 4UkPIWkFIRE-00327-00158894-00159739 45 it drops off like a it falls off a cliff in terms well I'm not a big 4UkPIWkFIRE-00328-00159739-00159975 personally I don't like it either but I underst 4UkPIWkFIRE-00329-00159975-00160569 and it's relevant so that's why we and it's it's going to be increasingly 4UkPIWkFIRE-00330-00160569-00161034 relevant because our Millennials now are becoming our homebuyers you know so I 4UkPIWkFIRE-00331-00161034-00161433 get the importance of it and where it's going I even though I don't personally 4UkPIWkFIRE-00332-00161433-00161862 enjoy scrolling Instagram yeah yeah I do too 4UkPIWkFIRE-00333-00161862-00162078 you know you talk to a lot of people a lot of people like it better than 4UkPIWkFIRE-00334-00162078-00162495 Facebook who were younger yeah I think that you listen to the people that are 4UkPIWkFIRE-00335-00162495-00162840 credible in the world they think that it'll eventually overtake snapchat you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00336-00162840-00163326 know with its with the evolution so not say that's gonna happen but I've heard 4UkPIWkFIRE-00337-00163326-00163962 that so it's it's important and again it's now's the time to get in get your 4UkPIWkFIRE-00338-00163962-00164517 feet wet and get smart about you know this is totally going down another road 4UkPIWkFIRE-00339-00164517-00165051 but I think over time as larger companies realize that spending their 4UkPIWkFIRE-00340-00165051-00165375 marketing dollars on social media is better than spending it on TV 4UkPIWkFIRE-00341-00165375-00165747 commercials which I think will happen in the near future you're gonna start 4UkPIWkFIRE-00342-00165747-00166443 seeing the cost of the stuff going up there but the ad spend for online 4UkPIWkFIRE-00343-00166443-00166953 marketing is already surpassed television so they're people right 4UkPIWkFIRE-00344-00166953-00167409 definitely figuring this stuff out I think I think search versus social will 4UkPIWkFIRE-00345-00167409-00167859 be the very interesting challenge of where people end up spending their money 4UkPIWkFIRE-00346-00167859-00168243 as things change I personally feel more and more dollars will go to social 4UkPIWkFIRE-00347-00168243-00168699 instead of search because I think I think things are changing quickly and 4UkPIWkFIRE-00348-00168699-00169122 people like you that are early adopters that are getting on here and testing it 4UkPIWkFIRE-00349-00169122-00169479 you're winning early figuring it out where later it'll be a much more 4UkPIWkFIRE-00350-00169479-00169950 competitive landscape well and it'll be like we're pay-per-click is now a ten 4UkPIWkFIRE-00351-00169950-00170438 years ago if you did pay-per-click it was next to nothing in terms of cost but 4UkPIWkFIRE-00352-00170438-00171105 now it's expensive and we've we've shifted a lot of money away from 4UkPIWkFIRE-00353-00171105-00171608 pay-per-click in the last I would say six to eight months into social because 4UkPIWkFIRE-00354-00171608-00171975 not only is it cheaper but our conversion rates are starting to improve 4UkPIWkFIRE-00355-00171975-00172359 on social to the point where it's not making less and less sense for us to 4UkPIWkFIRE-00356-00172359-00172878 spend the money on pay-per-click you believe that you're converting higher on 4UkPIWkFIRE-00357-00172878-00173346 social versus well the numbers are telling us that you know 4UkPIWkFIRE-00358-00173346-00173733 what we're getting more and more registrations from our ads we're 4UkPIWkFIRE-00359-00173733-00174282 converting more business we're getting don't you think it's probably because 4UkPIWkFIRE-00360-00174282-00174729 your ad spend your your ad spends lower your reach is larger so it's not 4UkPIWkFIRE-00361-00174729-00175005 necessarily the conversion rates higher but you're getting more conversions 4UkPIWkFIRE-00362-00175005-00175506 because your money is going farther does that make sense 4UkPIWkFIRE-00363-00175506-00175911 yeah but the actual number of people registrations that were getting every 4UkPIWkFIRE-00364-00175911-00176616 month on Facebook is growing and growing and growing as with that platform is 4UkPIWkFIRE-00365-00176616-00177180 growing for you specifically yeah so if you look at Facebook and Instagram and 4UkPIWkFIRE-00366-00177180-00177801 we combined them together you know and you take our pay-per-click and you look 4UkPIWkFIRE-00367-00177801-00178506 at that and if you get the total number of registrations over the course of a 4UkPIWkFIRE-00368-00178506-00179043 month the one of the socials could is almost is over taking apart our 4UkPIWkFIRE-00369-00179043-00179562 pay-per-click whereas a year ago was the opposite yeah well it can be quite 4UkPIWkFIRE-00370-00179562-00180240 simple to run it like you said with your $25 and getting 12 leads it isn't super 4UkPIWkFIRE-00371-00180240-00180669 challenge I think the difference is whether or not those people are really 4UkPIWkFIRE-00372-00180669-00181080 buyers versus somebody on Google who's gonna type something in like homes for 4UkPIWkFIRE-00373-00181080-00181524 sale with a pool under 300,000 or under 400,000 that person is actually looking 4UkPIWkFIRE-00374-00181524-00181965 to buy where your social registrations that you just having to interrupt their 4UkPIWkFIRE-00375-00181965-00182511 feed and they register may not actually be real buyers only time will tell with 4UkPIWkFIRE-00376-00182511-00183051 that right because we need more time to test those conversions to closing versus 4UkPIWkFIRE-00377-00183051-00183666 conversion to becoming a lead eventually it'll be correct that that cause we have 4UkPIWkFIRE-00378-00183666-00184116 three theories of measurement here you've got well and you can dig as deep 4UkPIWkFIRE-00379-00184116-00184518 as you want but I look at it as you look at first of all you look at clicks you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00380-00184518-00184803 know how effective are you getting clicks then you look at registrations 4UkPIWkFIRE-00381-00184803-00185367 and then of those registrations looking at we go right to fire reps and listing 4UkPIWkFIRE-00382-00185367-00185781 agreements not necessarily closings then I then I can measure the effectiveness 4UkPIWkFIRE-00383-00185781-00186246 of the ad itself yeah there's a lot of variables once they go once they're 4UkPIWkFIRE-00384-00186246-00186597 listed to when they're closed so obviously gotta measure an ROI that's 4UkPIWkFIRE-00385-00186597-00186907 important too but as far as the effectiveness of that ad I 4UkPIWkFIRE-00386-00186907-00187378 get all the way drilled down to doing business with and then I realize how 4UkPIWkFIRE-00387-00187378-00187711 effective the idea is about man like what quality of leaves are we getting 4UkPIWkFIRE-00388-00187711-00188067 and you're still and you're seeing good quality with your social ads obviously 4UkPIWkFIRE-00389-00188067-00188667 if 20% of your closings are coming from there yes so it's it's doing really 4UkPIWkFIRE-00390-00188667-00189117 really well now variable this is how well your team converts how well your 4UkPIWkFIRE-00391-00189117-00189511 agents and your ISAs are converting because you can have the best ads and 4UkPIWkFIRE-00392-00189511-00189889 you can be generating thousands of leads a month and if your team can't convert 4UkPIWkFIRE-00393-00189889-00190423 then those numbers are going to suck that's right so that's you know again 4UkPIWkFIRE-00394-00190423-00190807 you got to be careful because if you're you could have really good ads and you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00395-00190807-00191050 could be doing really really well and be really discouraged because you're not 4UkPIWkFIRE-00396-00191050-00191449 getting any business but it may not be the ads fault it may be your team's 4UkPIWkFIRE-00397-00191449-00191817 ability convert needs to be improved yeah and I think everybody who's 4UkPIWkFIRE-00398-00191817-00192117 listening needs to really understand because because sometimes this stuff can 4UkPIWkFIRE-00399-00192117-00192766 sound so easy that conversion of web leads let's just give you a one to five 4UkPIWkFIRE-00400-00192766-00193258 percent general aggregate of all cold leads of all ad spend of all organic 4UkPIWkFIRE-00401-00193258-00193654 leaves let's just say you convert one to five and it's hard to find five as an 4UkPIWkFIRE-00402-00193654-00194161 aggregate total maybe for one source but total so let's just say you're gonna run 4UkPIWkFIRE-00403-00194161-00194647 all of these ads and you're you're gonna convert at a few percent you're gonna 4UkPIWkFIRE-00404-00194647-00195289 have to put in time money energy consistency and see and follow up and 4UkPIWkFIRE-00405-00195289-00195778 systems all the way through to get those two closings out of those 100 leads 4UkPIWkFIRE-00406-00195778-00196402 right and that's where most people actually fail don't you agree yeah and 4UkPIWkFIRE-00407-00196402-00196891 and really with these types of leads if you have a good follow-up system whether 4UkPIWkFIRE-00408-00196891-00197221 it be automated or through your is a department and whatnot 4UkPIWkFIRE-00409-00197221-00197920 and a good touch program that number goes up dramatically yeah still still as 4UkPIWkFIRE-00410-00197920-00198364 industry averages it's ridiculously low and I think that's that's what people 4UkPIWkFIRE-00411-00198364-00198919 don't realize that there really has to be there just has to be a system in 4UkPIWkFIRE-00412-00198919-00199216 place to actually see these all the way through you wind up spending a bunch of 4UkPIWkFIRE-00413-00199216-00199609 money you might be able to capture a lot of ads a lot of leads on one particular 4UkPIWkFIRE-00414-00199609-00200030 app but if you don't have the systems and processes in place if 4UkPIWkFIRE-00415-00200030-00200480 makes it very challenging to get those to the closing table for for the other 4UkPIWkFIRE-00416-00200480-00200897 good yeah you get the Scourge to start spending a lot of money and you're not 4UkPIWkFIRE-00417-00200897-00201515 seeing the results and it's just you know doing this so absolutely let me ask 4UkPIWkFIRE-00418-00201515-00201973 you a question out of all of your lead sources what do you believe is your best 4UkPIWkFIRE-00419-00201973-00202871 is your best source and best source of closing business of everything you do is 4UkPIWkFIRE-00420-00202871-00203300 it Radio Saiga the left side all depends on if you're talking about buyer's or 4UkPIWkFIRE-00421-00203300-00203639 seller's tell me it's different tell me both separately I know I have to let you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00422-00203639-00204200 go soon but tell me each okay well for sellers you know we're following 4UkPIWkFIRE-00423-00204200-00204569 business is always the best this terms of sturms of strength in terms of your 4UkPIWkFIRE-00424-00204569-00204860 conversion rate it's always gonna be the highest but if you're going to take that 4UkPIWkFIRE-00425-00204860-00205184 out of the equation and strictly from a lead generation standpoint from there 4UkPIWkFIRE-00426-00205184-00205730 yeah I would say that I would say radio and TV those are those are give us our 4UkPIWkFIRE-00427-00205730-00206342 highest conversion rates in terms of contact to appointment okay and then on 4UkPIWkFIRE-00428-00206342-00207538 the buyer side assualt referrals aside our best conversion rate he sign calls 4UkPIWkFIRE-00429-00207538-00207892 people who are calling for more information people are who are 4UkPIWkFIRE-00430-00207892-00208310 contacting us through a website that getting our number to try to get more 4UkPIWkFIRE-00431-00208310-00208703 information on a property the phone calls that come in typically have the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00432-00208703-00209092 highest conversion rate so hats so still for you it's having that inventory 4UkPIWkFIRE-00433-00209092-00209513 having those listings and generating the interest for those specific listings are 4UkPIWkFIRE-00434-00209513-00209884 still your which makes perfect sense 4UkPIWkFIRE-00435-00210025-00210731 yeah yeah I mean the phone ringing I mean I the phone is gold in our office 4UkPIWkFIRE-00436-00210731-00211085 on the buy side that phone generates a lot of business fair for our agents and 4UkPIWkFIRE-00437-00211085-00211628 it still rings and people still call and those people who actually pick up the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00438-00211628-00212210 phone dial the number and want to speak to us are generally at least moderately 4UkPIWkFIRE-00439-00212210-00212663 interested in buying a house yeah I always say I've said that forever and 4UkPIWkFIRE-00440-00212663-00213125 ever and ever somebody actually takes the time in this day and age to pick up 4UkPIWkFIRE-00441-00213125-00213594 the phone and call that is you generally your strongest potential 4UkPIWkFIRE-00442-00213594-00214094 appointment waiting to happen yeah yeah I totally agree we call it the 4UkPIWkFIRE-00443-00214094-00214457 money line if the phone rings it's you know as long other than a sales other 4UkPIWkFIRE-00444-00214457-00214952 than a junk sales spammy call is if it's if it's a buyer or seller that that's 4UkPIWkFIRE-00445-00214952-00215384 your best chance right there all right John well you've been fantastic and this 4UkPIWkFIRE-00446-00215384-00215738 was this was really good now I know I've got a good a much better understanding 4UkPIWkFIRE-00447-00215738-00216107 of it I'm actually gonna go test one test one or two myself and get those 4UkPIWkFIRE-00448-00216107-00216607 running so that we can share that more with everybody and you're just always 4UkPIWkFIRE-00449-00216607-00217160 III would love you have so much to give us since I've had you on twice already 4UkPIWkFIRE-00450-00217160-00217592 so because there's so much I love that you and Holly are doing out there so you 4UkPIWkFIRE-00451-00217592-00218392 guys remember Holli McCray team for your referrals to Knoxville Tennessee and and 4UkPIWkFIRE-00452-00218392-00218969 and they'll take very good care of your clients all right John all right thanks 4UkPIWkFIRE-00453-00218969-00219594 Lori appreciate the time this was part thank you talk to you soon about this 4UbyUJOaKCg-00000-00000531-00001509 hi thank you so much um i'll just share my screen 4UbyUJOaKCg-00001-00001509-00002198 and yes say again that um i am extremely pleased to be here so thank you so much for the opportunity 4UbyUJOaKCg-00002-00002198-00002867 to speak at this conference um my name is bridget visna and i'm the director of policy 4UbyUJOaKCg-00003-00002867-00003454 at creative commons so my background is in in copyright law and so it's from that perspective 4UbyUJOaKCg-00004-00003454-00004043 that i'll be speaking to today about open content but more specifically creative commons 4UbyUJOaKCg-00005-00004043-00004774 license content and artificial intelligence so there's actually many questions that we 4UbyUJOaKCg-00006-00004774-00005208 need to find answers to and many problems that we need to find solutions to but i'll 4UbyUJOaKCg-00007-00005208-00006050 focus on one today and that's can or or should openly license content and by that i mean 4UbyUJOaKCg-00008-00006050-00006786 photographs or artworks text or music especially creative commons license content should it 4UbyUJOaKCg-00009-00006786-00007515 be used as an input to train ai and to answer these questions we have to take a look at 4UbyUJOaKCg-00010-00007515-00008173 the the cc licenses and tools themselves but even before that um let me share a real life 4UbyUJOaKCg-00011-00008173-00008924 example maybe some of you have heard of it in 2019 uh we at creative commons learned 4UbyUJOaKCg-00012-00008924-00009536 that researchers at companies like ibm were training their facial recognition ai programs 4UbyUJOaKCg-00013-00009536-00010197 by feeding their algorithms with cc license photos that were publicly available um on 4UbyUJOaKCg-00014-00010197-00010733 flickr for example so i think there was about one million sorry let me go back there was 4UbyUJOaKCg-00015-00010733-00011438 about one million photos uh taken from flickr website uh used to to train this uh facial 4UbyUJOaKCg-00016-00011438-00012007 recognition program uh those photos were openly accessible through creative commons licenses 4UbyUJOaKCg-00017-00012007-00012805 um and ibm had not told or even asked permission from the people that were either photographed 4UbyUJOaKCg-00018-00012805-00013566 or from the photographers however some flickr users were dismayed to learn that ibm had 4UbyUJOaKCg-00019-00013566-00014204 used their cc license photos to train the ai all the more so as it was done for commercial 4UbyUJOaKCg-00020-00014204-00014937 advantage they had questions about the ethics and the privacy implications of such a data 4UbyUJOaKCg-00021-00014937-00015715 set being used for algorithmic training so the question was well do the terms of the 4UbyUJOaKCg-00022-00015715-00016459 cc licenses allow the open content to be used as input to train ai without any further permission 4UbyUJOaKCg-00023-00016459-00017151 from the licensor and to get a sense of the various views on this question we launched 4UbyUJOaKCg-00024-00017151-00018126 a twitter poll back in january and nearly half of the respondent says it depends and 4UbyUJOaKCg-00025-00018126-00018790 we agree and here's why it depends i'm hearing a bit of background noise and maybe it's just 4UbyUJOaKCg-00026-00018790-00019667 me um it's like yes i'm better um so on the one hand uh creative commons is dedicated 4UbyUJOaKCg-00027-00019667-00020212 to facilitating greater access and openness for the common good so we believe that the 4UbyUJOaKCg-00028-00020212-00020857 use of openly accessible content can lead to greater innovation collaboration and creativity 4UbyUJOaKCg-00029-00020857-00021531 we also believe that the limitations within copyright law which generally privilege their 4UbyUJOaKCg-00030-00021531-00022112 reuse of the facts and the ideas that are embodied in creative works contribute to a 4UbyUJOaKCg-00031-00022112-00023006 rich and generative public domain so we support in principle broad access and use of copyright 4UbyUJOaKCg-00032-00023006-00023645 works including openly licensed content to train artificial intelligence systems because 4UbyUJOaKCg-00033-00023645-00024520 such access can for instance help reduce bias it can enhance inclusivity and inclusion it 4UbyUJOaKCg-00034-00024520-00025168 can promote important activities like education and research and it can also foster beneficial 4UbyUJOaKCg-00035-00025168-00026102 innovation in the development of ai but on the other hand with new patterns of online 4UbyUJOaKCg-00036-00026102-00026739 sharing billions upon billions of copyrighted works that have become the basis of business 4UbyUJOaKCg-00037-00026739-00027558 models including those that are built about processing all that content turned data copyright 4UbyUJOaKCg-00038-00027558-00028300 licensing becomes inextricably linked to privacy and ethical concerns and something that the 4UbyUJOaKCg-00039-00028300-00029008 licenses were not originally designed to address so as people share vacation photos online 4UbyUJOaKCg-00040-00029008-00029594 for example on flickr they're contributing to a massive trove of data that's processed 4UbyUJOaKCg-00041-00029594-00030236 by potentially you know a lot of machine learning or algorithms and i should note that this 4UbyUJOaKCg-00042-00030236-00030783 is likely to be the case whether or not they're these photos are shared using cc licensing 4UbyUJOaKCg-00043-00030783-00031575 or not because in many jurisdictions at least in the united states copyright has very limited 4UbyUJOaKCg-00044-00031575-00032291 purview over machine learning and also to the extent that copyright can be leveraged 4UbyUJOaKCg-00045-00032291-00032881 to restrict invasive machine learning over content uh creative commons is is reluctant 4UbyUJOaKCg-00046-00032881-00033511 to kind of encourage weaponizing copyright law for purposes that are far outside the 4UbyUJOaKCg-00047-00033511-00034503 original goals of copyright so um i i think it's important to recall at this point that 4UbyUJOaKCg-00048-00034503-00035166 creative commons licenses are copyright licenses they're designed to give creators of all types 4UbyUJOaKCg-00049-00035166-00036008 of work a simple way to grant public permissions um to use their works these tools were or 4UbyUJOaKCg-00050-00036008-00036544 licenses and tools they were a response to overly restrictive copyright laws in the context 4UbyUJOaKCg-00051-00036544-00037298 of a digital ecosystem where sharing and remix were easy and ubiquitous but where copyright 4UbyUJOaKCg-00052-00037298-00038016 was imposing unnecessary barriers to the exchange of knowledge and culture so what does this 4UbyUJOaKCg-00053-00038016-00038697 mean in the context of ai training well quick refresher about the cc licenses three three 4UbyUJOaKCg-00054-00038697-00039315 main points the first one is that our licenses they don't restrict the reuse to any particular 4UbyUJOaKCg-00055-00039315-00040006 types of reuse or technologies so long as the the terms of the license are respected 4UbyUJOaKCg-00056-00040006-00040856 so that's the attribution requirement so cc by the share alike or sa no derivatives or 4UbyUJOaKCg-00057-00040856-00041740 nd and non-commercial nc so from a strictly copyright perspective there's no special or 4UbyUJOaKCg-00058-00041740-00042228 explicit permission that's required from the license store to use the cc license content 4UbyUJOaKCg-00059-00042228-00042834 to train the ai applications to the extent that covered permission is required at all 4UbyUJOaKCg-00060-00042834-00043493 and that brings me to the second point which is that the licenses do not override limitations 4UbyUJOaKCg-00061-00043493-00044319 and exceptions like fair use so if a use is not one that requires permission under copyright 4UbyUJOaKCg-00062-00044319-00044965 or suicionaris database rights for example if it's if it's text and data mining that's 4UbyUJOaKCg-00063-00044965-00045594 allowed under an exception to copyright one may conduct the ai training activity without 4UbyUJOaKCg-00064-00045594-00046344 regard to the cc license and the third point is it's also report important to recall that 4UbyUJOaKCg-00065-00046344-00047162 our licenses operate within the copyright system so privacy personality publicity and 4UbyUJOaKCg-00066-00047162-00047893 other types of rights or even ethical considerations are not covered by the licenses they're not 4UbyUJOaKCg-00067-00047893-00048568 universal policy tools they're they're limited to the confines of copyright law and copyright 4UbyUJOaKCg-00068-00048568-00049246 is the primary obstacle to reuse that the licenses solve but there are many other issues 4UbyUJOaKCg-00069-00049246-00049830 that are related to the reuse of content that our licenses do not address and that re-users 4UbyUJOaKCg-00070-00049830-00050533 have to be aware of and like i said this includes privacy rules governing ethical research the 4UbyUJOaKCg-00071-00050533-00051239 collection the use of data data protection and these have to be addressed and respected 4UbyUJOaKCg-00072-00051239-00051834 separate and apart from the copyright issues that the licenses cover so we do our best 4UbyUJOaKCg-00073-00051834-00052510 to ensure that those releasing their creations under cc licenses understand the scope of 4UbyUJOaKCg-00074-00052510-00053091 the copyright right that are managed under the licenses so if a license may offer users 4UbyUJOaKCg-00075-00053091-00053748 permission to reuse a photo it would not offer the permission to make the use of the the 4UbyUJOaKCg-00076-00053748-00054438 personal likeness of the people in the photos which might be governed by image or personality 4UbyUJOaKCg-00077-00054438-00055241 rights so whether one has to comply with the copyright regime and hence with the the cc 4UbyUJOaKCg-00078-00055241-00055765 license terms will depend on whether the type of ai training activity is an exercise of 4UbyUJOaKCg-00079-00055765-00056657 a right reserve to the rights holder this is a very useful um workflow if you if you 4UbyUJOaKCg-00080-00056657-00057207 really are facing this question i encourage you to take a screenshot right now i won't 4UbyUJOaKCg-00081-00057207-00057937 be going through every single um tree branch but i think it's a good representation of 4UbyUJOaKCg-00082-00057937-00058473 the many situations might one might encounter 4UbyUJOaKCg-00083-00058473-00059075 and one of the the main difficulties that there remains significant legal uncertainty 4UbyUJOaKCg-00084-00059075-00059719 about whether copyright applies to ai training which means it's not always clear whether 4UbyUJOaKCg-00085-00059719-00060360 a cc license applies so in other words there is no consensus on whether the use of copyright 4UbyUJOaKCg-00086-00060360-00061077 words as inputs to train an ai system is an exercise of an exclusive right right it doesn't 4UbyUJOaKCg-00087-00061077-00061672 involve reproduction of the work does it um does it involve its adaptation et cetera does 4UbyUJOaKCg-00088-00061672-00062364 it trigger some kind of exercise of an exclusive right i'm happy to go through this in the 4UbyUJOaKCg-00089-00062364-00062962 q a if we have time at the end by the way and like i said the situation is likely to 4UbyUJOaKCg-00090-00062962-00063651 vary across jurisdictions because countries are now progressively regulating the copyright 4UbyUJOaKCg-00091-00063651-00064276 ai nexus like i mentioned in the u.s the use of warps to train ai is likely considered 4UbyUJOaKCg-00092-00064276-00065079 fair use and in the eu there's article uh three and four of the dsm directives that 4UbyUJOaKCg-00093-00065079-00065795 i would refer to uh that's on text and data mining that um that foresees a a regime that's 4UbyUJOaKCg-00094-00065795-00066433 a bit different whether the tdm is done for commercial or non-commercial purposes but 4UbyUJOaKCg-00095-00066433-00066961 as a matter of copyright law so the we believe that the use of works to train ai should be 4UbyUJOaKCg-00096-00066961-00067523 considered not infringing by default assuming that access to the works was lawful at the 4UbyUJOaKCg-00097-00067523-00068145 point of input so to give you an example if someone conducts text and data mining in the 4UbyUJOaKCg-00098-00068145-00068845 context of research or education and that's allowed under an exception following the adduct 4UbyUJOaKCg-00099-00068845-00069305 that the the right to read is the right to mine then the licenses would not be triggered 4UbyUJOaKCg-00100-00069305-00070326 however uh we do recognize that today every act of online sharing potentially implicates 4UbyUJOaKCg-00101-00070326-00071087 privacy or ethical concerns and some believe that this is an inevitability that foregoing 4UbyUJOaKCg-00102-00071087-00071648 personal privacy is necessary when sharing content online but we still imagine a world 4UbyUJOaKCg-00103-00071648-00072197 where sharing and privacy can co-exist and that this coexistence is paramount to sustaining 4UbyUJOaKCg-00104-00072197-00072935 free and democratic societies and this is why our new strategy um i have a little excerpt 4UbyUJOaKCg-00105-00072935-00073651 up there on the screen um it recognizes that we need an approach that transcends copyright 4UbyUJOaKCg-00106-00073651-00074243 so the conversation on artificial intelligence within copyright policy must be held also 4UbyUJOaKCg-00107-00074243-00074774 in a coordinated and inclusive manner and through the lens of ethics responsibility 4UbyUJOaKCg-00108-00074774-00075358 sustainability also cultural rights and human rights and personality rights and privacy 4UbyUJOaKCg-00109-00075358-00076343 rights and data protection um yeah as with any fundamental ideal the openness of data 4UbyUJOaKCg-00110-00076343-00076938 is should not be considered an absolute end in and of itself but it has to be balanced 4UbyUJOaKCg-00111-00076938-00077493 with equally valid considerations the ones that i just mentioned to ensure that sharing 4UbyUJOaKCg-00112-00077493-00078085 ultimately benefits the public right we want to promote better sharing for a brighter future 4UbyUJOaKCg-00113-00078085-00078795 and that might be where the future of open is so beyond copyright issues um artificial 4UbyUJOaKCg-00114-00078795-00079271 intelligence is likely to affect the sharing of creative content and the open community 4UbyUJOaKCg-00115-00079271-00079936 in general and this legal uncertainty that i mentioned caused by the ethical concerns 4UbyUJOaKCg-00116-00079936-00080757 about ai the lack of transparency of ai algorithms and the patterns of privatization and enclosure 4UbyUJOaKCg-00117-00080757-00081443 of ai outputs all together they constitute yet another obstacle to better sharing because 4UbyUJOaKCg-00118-00081443-00082191 for many creators these concerns are a reason not to share so while we we do support broad 4UbyUJOaKCg-00119-00082191-00082689 access to content we also aim to increase our understanding of the ethical concerns 4UbyUJOaKCg-00120-00082689-00082948 that may constitute barriers to open sharing 4UbyUJOaKCg-00121-00082948-00083688 Hi. Thank you so much. I'll just share my screen. And yeah. So, again, that I'm extremely 4UbyUJOaKCg-00122-00083688-00084288 pleased to be here. So, thank you so much for the opportunity to speak at this conference. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00123-00084288-00085307 My name is Brigitte Vezina and I'm the director of policy at Creative Commons. So, my background 4UbyUJOaKCg-00124-00085307-00085876 is in copyright law. It's from that perspective I'll be speaking today about open comment, 4UbyUJOaKCg-00125-00085876-00086436 but mostly creative license comment and artificial intelligence. There's answers and problems 4UbyUJOaKCg-00126-00086436-00087106 we need to find answers to. But I'll focus on one today and that's, can or should openly 4UbyUJOaKCg-00127-00087106-00087435 licensed content -- by that I mean photographs or artworks, text or music, especially Creative 4UbyUJOaKCg-00128-00087435-00087893 Commons licensed content -- should it be used as an input to train AI? 4UbyUJOaKCg-00129-00087893-00088554 And to answer these questions, we have to take a look at the CC licenses and tools themselves. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00130-00088554-00088857 But even before that, let me share a real life example. Maybe some of you have heard 4UbyUJOaKCg-00131-00088857-00089474 of it. In 2019, we at Creative Commons learned that researchers at companies like IBM were 4UbyUJOaKCg-00132-00089474-00089937 training their facial recognition AI programs by feeding their algorithms with CC-licensed 4UbyUJOaKCg-00133-00089937-00090355 photos that were publicly available on Flickr, for example. So, I think there was about 1 4UbyUJOaKCg-00134-00090355-00090455 million -- sorry -- let me go back. There was about 1 million photos taken from Flickr 4UbyUJOaKCg-00135-00090455-00090676 website used to train this facial recognition program. Those photos were openly accessible 4UbyUJOaKCg-00136-00090676-00090969 through Creative Commons licenses. And IBM had not told or even asked permission from 4UbyUJOaKCg-00137-00090969-00091309 the people that were either photographed or from the photographers. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00138-00091309-00091409 However, some Flickr users were dismayed to learn that IBM had used their CC licensed 4UbyUJOaKCg-00139-00091409-00091509 photos to train AI. All the more so, as it was done for commercial advantage. They had 4UbyUJOaKCg-00140-00091509-00091774 questions about the ethics and the privacy implications of such a dataset being used 4UbyUJOaKCg-00141-00091774-00092172 for algorithmic training. So, the question was, well, do the terms of the CC licenses 4UbyUJOaKCg-00142-00092172-00092411 allow the open content to be used as input to train AI without any further permission 4UbyUJOaKCg-00143-00092411-00092623 from the licensor? To get information on the various views of this question, we launched 4UbyUJOaKCg-00144-00092623-00092723 a Twitter poll back in January. And nearly half of the respondents says, "It 4UbyUJOaKCg-00145-00092723-00092823 depends." And we agree. And here's why it depends. I'm hearing a bit of background noise. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00146-00092823-00092923 Maybe it's just me. Yes. Better. So, on the one hand, Creative Commons is dedicated to 4UbyUJOaKCg-00147-00092923-00093341 facilitating greater access and openness for the common good. So, we believe that the use 4UbyUJOaKCg-00148-00093341-00093602 of openly-accessible content can lead to greater innovation, collaboration, and creativity. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00149-00093602-00094150 We also believe that the limitations within copyright law, which generally privilege their 4UbyUJOaKCg-00150-00094150-00094810 reuse of the facts and the ideas that are embodied in creative works, contribute to 4UbyUJOaKCg-00151-00094810-00095468 a rich and generative public domain. So, we support, in principle, broad access 4UbyUJOaKCg-00152-00095468-00096066 and use of copyright works. Including openly-licensed content to train artificial intelligence systems. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00153-00096066-00096713 Because such access can, for instance, help reduce bias. It can enhance inclusivity and 4UbyUJOaKCg-00154-00096713-00097194 inclusion. It can promote important activities like education and research. And it can also 4UbyUJOaKCg-00155-00097194-00097294 foster beneficial innovation in the development of AI. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00156-00097294-00097593 But on the other hand, with new patterns of online sharing billions upon billions of copyrighted 4UbyUJOaKCg-00157-00097593-00097829 works that have become the basis of business models, including those that are built upon 4UbyUJOaKCg-00158-00097829-00098025 processing all that content turned data, copyright licensing becomes inextricably linked to privacy 4UbyUJOaKCg-00159-00098025-00098428 and ethical concerns. And something that the licenses were not originally designed to address. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00160-00098428-00098528 So, as people share my vacation photos online, for example, on Flickr, they're contributing 4UbyUJOaKCg-00161-00098528-00098628 to a massive trove of data that's processed by potentially, you know, a lot of machine 4UbyUJOaKCg-00162-00098628-00098838 learning algorithms. And I should note that this is likely to be the case whether or not 4UbyUJOaKCg-00163-00098838-00099148 these photos are shared using CC licensing or not. Because in many jurisdictions, at 4UbyUJOaKCg-00164-00099148-00099248 least in the United States, copyright has very limited purview over machine learning. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00165-00099248-00099647 And also, to the extent that copyright can be leveraged to restrict invasive machine 4UbyUJOaKCg-00166-00099647-00100025 learning over content, Creative Commons is reluctant to kind of encourage weaponizing 4UbyUJOaKCg-00167-00100025-00100488 copyright law for purposes that are far outside the original goals of copyright. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00168-00100488-00100630 So, I -- I think it's important to recall at this point that Creative Commons licenses 4UbyUJOaKCg-00169-00100630-00100944 are copyright licenses. They're designed to give creators of all types of work a simple 4UbyUJOaKCg-00170-00100944-00101285 way to grant public permissions to use their works. These tools were -- or licenses and 4UbyUJOaKCg-00171-00101285-00101385 tools, they were a response to overly-restrictive copyright laws in the context of a digital 4UbyUJOaKCg-00172-00101385-00101591 ecosystem where sharing and remix were easy and ubiquitous, but where copyright was imposing 4UbyUJOaKCg-00173-00101591-00101804 unnecessary barriers to the exchange of knowledge and culture. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00174-00101804-00101939 So, what does this mean in the context of AI training? Well, a quick refresher about 4UbyUJOaKCg-00175-00101939-00102039 the CC licenses. Three main points. The first one is that our licenses, they don't restrict 4UbyUJOaKCg-00176-00102039-00102139 their reuse to any particular types of reuse or technologies so long as the terms of the 4UbyUJOaKCg-00177-00102139-00102239 license are respected. So, that's the attribution requirement, CC, BY, the share, SA, nonderivatives, 4UbyUJOaKCg-00178-00102239-00102528 ND, and noncommercial, NC. So, there's no special or explicit permission required from 4UbyUJOaKCg-00179-00102528-00102679 the licensor to train the CC licenses to override the licenses. That's not that government permission 4UbyUJOaKCg-00180-00102679-00103135 is required at all. The second point is the licenses do not override 4UbyUJOaKCg-00181-00103135-00103377 limitations and exceptions like fair use. If a use is not one that requires permission 4UbyUJOaKCg-00182-00103377-00103477 under copyright or the database rights. For example, if it's -- if it's text and data 4UbyUJOaKCg-00183-00103477-00103577 mining that's allowed under an exception to copyright, one may conduct the AI training 4UbyUJOaKCg-00184-00103577-00103677 activity without regard to the CC license. And the third point is it's also important 4UbyUJOaKCg-00185-00103677-00103777 to recall that our licenses operate within the copyright system. So, privacy, personality, 4UbyUJOaKCg-00186-00103777-00103877 publicity, and other types of rights or even ethical consideration are not covered by the 4UbyUJOaKCg-00187-00103877-00103977 licenses. They're not universal policy tools. They're limited to the confines of copyright 4UbyUJOaKCg-00188-00103977-00104077 law. And copyright is the primary obstacle to reuse 4UbyUJOaKCg-00189-00104077-00104177 that the licenses solve. But there are many other issues that are related to the reuse 4UbyUJOaKCg-00190-00104177-00104277 of content that our licenses do not address and that re-users have to be aware of. Like 4UbyUJOaKCg-00191-00104277-00104377 I said, this includes privacy, rules with ethical research, and protection. And these 4UbyUJOaKCg-00192-00104377-00104477 have to be addressed and respected, separate and apart from the copyright issues that the 4UbyUJOaKCg-00193-00104477-00104601 licenses cover. So, we do our best to ensure that those releasing their creations under 4UbyUJOaKCg-00194-00104601-00104701 CC licenses understand the scope of the copyright right that are managed under the licenses. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00195-00104701-00104950 So, if a license may offer users permission to reuse a photo, it would not offer the permission 4UbyUJOaKCg-00196-00104950-00105313 to make the use of the personal likeness of the people in the photos. Which might be governed 4UbyUJOaKCg-00197-00105313-00105554 by image or personality rights. So, whether one has to comply with the copyright 4UbyUJOaKCg-00198-00105554-00105952 regime and hence with the CC license terms will depend on whether the type of AI training 4UbyUJOaKCg-00199-00105952-00106052 activity is an exercise of a right reserved to the rights holder. This is a very useful 4UbyUJOaKCg-00200-00106052-00106152 workflow if you really are facing this question. I encourage you to take a screenshot right 4UbyUJOaKCg-00201-00106152-00106252 now. I won't be going through every single tree branch. But I think it's a good representation 4UbyUJOaKCg-00202-00106252-00106352 of the many situations one might encounter. And one of the main difficulties that there 4UbyUJOaKCg-00203-00106352-00106793 remains significant legal uncertainty about whether copyright applies to AI training. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00204-00106793-00106939 Which means it's not always clear whether a CC license applies. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00205-00106939-00107069 So, in other words, there's no consensus on whether the use of copyright works as inputs 4UbyUJOaKCg-00206-00107069-00107169 to train an AI system is an exercise of an exclusive right, right? It doesn't involve 4UbyUJOaKCg-00207-00107169-00107269 reproduction of the work. Does it involve its adaptation? Et cetera. Does it trigger 4UbyUJOaKCg-00208-00107269-00107369 some kind of exercise of an exclusive right? I'm happy to go through this in the Q&A if 4UbyUJOaKCg-00209-00107369-00107469 we have time at the end, by the way. And like I said, the situation is likely to 4UbyUJOaKCg-00210-00107469-00107569 vary across jurisdictions because countries are now progressively regulating the copyright 4UbyUJOaKCg-00211-00107569-00107669 AI Nexus. Like I mentioned in the US, the use of works to train AI is likely considered 4UbyUJOaKCg-00212-00107669-00107769 fair use. And in the EU, there's Article 3 and 4 of the DSM directives that I would refer 4UbyUJOaKCg-00213-00107769-00107869 to that's on text and data mining that -- that foresees a regime that's different. Whether 4UbyUJOaKCg-00214-00107869-00107969 the TDM is done for a commercial or non-commercial purposes. But as a matter of copyright law, 4UbyUJOaKCg-00215-00107969-00108069 we believe the use of works to train AI should be not infringing by default. Assuming that 4UbyUJOaKCg-00216-00108069-00108169 access to the works was lawful at the point of input. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00217-00108169-00108269 So, to give you an example, if someone conducts text and data mining in the context of research 4UbyUJOaKCg-00218-00108269-00108369 or education and that's allowed under an exception following the right to read it, the right 4UbyUJOaKCg-00219-00108369-00108469 to mine. Then the licenses would not be triggered. However, we do recognize that today every 4UbyUJOaKCg-00220-00108469-00108569 act of online sharing potentially implicates privacy or ethical concerns. And some believe 4UbyUJOaKCg-00221-00108569-00108669 this is an inevitability, that foregoing personal privacy is necessary when sharing content 4UbyUJOaKCg-00222-00108669-00108769 online. But we still imagine a world where sharing and privacy can co-exist and this 4UbyUJOaKCg-00223-00108769-00108869 coexistence is paramount to sustaining free and democratic societies. And this is why 4UbyUJOaKCg-00224-00108869-00108969 our new strategy, I have a little excerpt up on the screen, it recognizes that we need 4UbyUJOaKCg-00225-00108969-00109069 an approach that transcends copyright. So, the conversation on artificial intelligence 4UbyUJOaKCg-00226-00109069-00109169 within copyright policy must be held also in a coordinated and inclusive manner and 4UbyUJOaKCg-00227-00109169-00109269 through the use of ethics, sustainability, and privacy rights and data protection. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00228-00109269-00109369 Yeah. As with any fundamental ideal, the openness of data is -- should not be considered an 4UbyUJOaKCg-00229-00109369-00109469 absolute end in and of itself. But it has to be balanced with equally valid considerations. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00230-00109469-00109569 So, ones I just mentioned. To ensure that sharing ultimately benefits the public, right? 4UbyUJOaKCg-00231-00109569-00109669 We want to promote better sharing for a brighter future. And that might be where the future 4UbyUJOaKCg-00232-00109669-00109769 of open is. So, beyond copyright issues, artificial intelligence is likely to affect the sharing 4UbyUJOaKCg-00233-00109769-00109869 of creative content and the open community in general. And this legal uncertainty that 4UbyUJOaKCg-00234-00109869-00109969 I mentioned caused by the ethical concerns about AI, the lack of transparency of AI algorithms 4UbyUJOaKCg-00235-00109969-00110069 and the patterns of privatization and enclosure of AI outputs all together they constitute 4UbyUJOaKCg-00236-00110069-00110169 yet another obstacle to better sharing. Because for many creators, these concerns 4UbyUJOaKCg-00237-00110169-00110269 are a reason not to share. So, while we do support brad access to content, we also aim 4UbyUJOaKCg-00238-00110269-00110369 to increase our understanding of the ethical concerns that may constitute barriers to open 4UbyUJOaKCg-00239-00110369-00110469 sharing. So, I would invite you to join this conversation. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00240-00110469-00110569 We -- we want to promote the use of CC license content to train AI. But we think that we 4UbyUJOaKCg-00241-00110569-00110669 need a community-led, coordinated and inclusive approach to not only consider the copyright 4UbyUJOaKCg-00242-00110669-00110769 system, but also these other issues of responsibility, accountability, sustainability, et cetera. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00243-00110769-00110869 So, we're one actor in a vibrant community of open advocates that promote the interests 4UbyUJOaKCg-00244-00110869-00110969 of the millions of people who use CC licenses. And we want to engage in rich conversations 4UbyUJOaKCg-00245-00110969-00111069 on AI's multiple facets to promote better sharing in the public interest. And to that 4UbyUJOaKCg-00246-00111069-00111169 end, the Creative Commons copyright platform working groups have been set up. And throughout 4UbyUJOaKCg-00247-00111169-00111269 the year, they will examine the intersection of AI and open content as well as the ethics 4UbyUJOaKCg-00248-00111269-00111369 of open sharing. And through these discussions and collective action, we look forward to 4UbyUJOaKCg-00249-00111369-00111469 identifying options in licensing and infrastructure, policy, norm-building and also awareness-raising. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00250-00111469-00111569 So, I would invite you to join them. They're two that you might be interested in. AI and 4UbyUJOaKCg-00251-00111569-00111669 open content. Or the ethics of open sharing. There will -- they will be presenting the 4UbyUJOaKCg-00252-00111669-00111769 outcomes of their work at a public webinar on November 9th. So, if you're interested, 4UbyUJOaKCg-00253-00111769-00111869 please do mark your calendars and get in touch for any further information. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00254-00111869-00111969 So, with this, I thank you for your attention and I look forward to any questions that you 4UbyUJOaKCg-00255-00111969-00112069 may have. Thank you. Serah: Fantastic. Thank you so much if this 4UbyUJOaKCg-00256-00112069-00112169 presentation, Brigitte. We do have questions. And I think we have at least time for one. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00257-00112169-00112269 So, Jeremy asks, does it seem from your user community that there's interesting in deriving 4UbyUJOaKCg-00258-00112269-00112369 a new CC license with no machine learning or artificial intelligence? 4UbyUJOaKCg-00259-00112369-00112469 Brigitte: I think this is one of the options being explored is to see whether there is 4UbyUJOaKCg-00260-00112469-00112569 a need for -- to develop a new type of license that would regulate -- or that would give 4UbyUJOaKCg-00261-00112569-00112669 permissions based not on copyright, but on ethical considerations. That's one option 4UbyUJOaKCg-00262-00112669-00112769 that's being looked at, at the moment. Another one is an ethical layer built into the existing 4UbyUJOaKCg-00263-00112769-00112869 licenses. So, not a separate license, but that each license would include some kind 4UbyUJOaKCg-00264-00112869-00112969 of layer in addition to the existing conditions that would take into account privacy or ethical 4UbyUJOaKCg-00265-00112969-00113069 concerns. But these are -- these are all open questions that we are beginning to explore. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00266-00113069-00113169 And I think that if -- if you would like to learn more, the working groups are probably 4UbyUJOaKCg-00267-00113169-00113269 the best way to -- to do -- to do so. Serah: All right. Thank you. And another question: 4UbyUJOaKCg-00268-00113269-00113369 What do you think about the development of structured data and Wiki data used as basis 4UbyUJOaKCg-00269-00113369-00113469 for commercial applications? That is machine learning plus crowd sourcing. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00270-00113469-00113569 Brigitte: Yeah. I don't have any specific knowledge about that -- those datasets. But 4UbyUJOaKCg-00271-00113569-00113669 I think that, yeah. On the principle, Creative Commons would support access to open data 4UbyUJOaKCg-00272-00113669-00113769 to the largest extent possible because we think there are many benefits to using as 4UbyUJOaKCg-00273-00113769-00113869 diverse and varied data. But at the same time, I want to point to these limits that I -- that 4UbyUJOaKCg-00274-00113869-00113969 I mentioned where I think that openness maybe stops to be the -- the driving focus and that 4UbyUJOaKCg-00275-00113969-00114069 there are other perhaps equally important considerations that need to be taken into 4UbyUJOaKCg-00276-00114069-00114169 account. Serah: Great. And the last question, because 4UbyUJOaKCg-00277-00114169-00114269 we have time for it. And Lee asks: How do these licenses apply in the context of other 4UbyUJOaKCg-00278-00114269-00114369 data that is non-creative like geolocation? And he's thinking of Open Street Maps here. 4UbyUJOaKCg-00279-00114369-00114469 Brigitte: That's an important question. And the Creative Commons licenses only apply to 4UbyUJOaKCg-00280-00114469-00114569 copyrighted licenses. If it's not original in the copyright sense and does not constitute 4UbyUJOaKCg-00281-00114569-00114669 a copyright work, one cannot attach a Creative Commons license to it. So, we wouldn't advise 4UbyUJOaKCg-00282-00114669-00114670 applying any Creative Commons license on material that's not copyright-protected. 4XoK8dTNQyg-00000-00001229-00001481 I have always been very intrigued by that 4XoK8dTNQyg-00001-00001481-00001839 apparent disconnection between people saying 4XoK8dTNQyg-00002-00001839-00002368 that they want to support a societal goal or achievement 4XoK8dTNQyg-00003-00002368-00002755 and then not really acting on it. How is that possible? 4XoK8dTNQyg-00004-00002755-00003163 Until I started to think about this issue through the 4XoK8dTNQyg-00005-00003163-00003626 lenses of the dilemma structures which showed me how 4XoK8dTNQyg-00006-00003626-00004000 in some cases you need to open up new alternatives 4XoK8dTNQyg-00007-00004000-00004312 which are implementable for people to really act 4XoK8dTNQyg-00008-00004312-00004658 on issues, you need to coordinated their efforts 4XoK8dTNQyg-00009-00004658-00005162 and I do believe that if more people were to know how to use this type of thinking 4XoK8dTNQyg-00010-00005228-00005639 we would be much better at approaching and solving a lot of the 4XoK8dTNQyg-00011-00005639-00006010 societal challenges that we are facing 4XoK8dTNQyg-00012-00007024-00007078 some 4XoK8dTNQyg-00013-00007078-00007627 consider the Duomo of Milan in Italy to be the most spectacular cathedral of Europe 4XoK8dTNQyg-00014-00007675-00008017 Some do not. Oscar Wilde 4XoK8dTNQyg-00015-00008017-00008431 in the year 1875 wrote that the cathedral 4XoK8dTNQyg-00016-00008431-00008990 would be an awful failure. Like so many European cathedrals 4XoK8dTNQyg-00017-00008990-00009309 it took many centuries to complete the building. 4XoK8dTNQyg-00018-00009309-00009654 Construction time of the Duomo was from 4XoK8dTNQyg-00019-00009654-00009996 1386 to 1965 - almost 600 years. 4XoK8dTNQyg-00020-00009996-00010470 but unlike most of these 4XoK8dTNQyg-00021-00010470-00010781 other projects, construction of the Duomo 4XoK8dTNQyg-00022-00010781-00011154 went on almost continuously throughout that time 4XoK8dTNQyg-00023-00011154-00011645 this presented a dilemma for the architects an artists 4XoK8dTNQyg-00024-00011645-00012036 should they continue to build along the completely 4XoK8dTNQyg-00025-00012036-00012361 out of fashion style of centuries ago 4XoK8dTNQyg-00026-00012361-00012950 or should they build according to the styles of their contemporary times 4XoK8dTNQyg-00027-00012950-00013329 the dilemma was solved by doing both 4XoK8dTNQyg-00028-00013329-00013718 and thus, the cathedral integrates elements 4XoK8dTNQyg-00029-00013718-00014026 from Gothics, Baroque, Renaissance 4XoK8dTNQyg-00030-00014026-00014459 and even Classicistic creating the overall 4XoK8dTNQyg-00031-00014459-00014957 ensemble it it is today. Sylvia Castellazzi 4XoK8dTNQyg-00032-00014957-00015309 lives and works in the city of Milan, her hometown 4XoK8dTNQyg-00033-00015309-00015760 her research is about the value of dilemmas structures 4XoK8dTNQyg-00034-00015760-00016275 she will tell us about how a dilemma can be a source of inspiration 4XoK8dTNQyg-00035-00016275-00016975 and innovation. 4XoK8dTNQyg-00036-00016975-00017056 We will be discussing one main question during this 4XoK8dTNQyg-00037-00017056-00017404 video: how is it possible that third-term 4XoK8dTNQyg-00038-00017404-00017740 societal initiatives or things which could 4XoK8dTNQyg-00039-00017740-00018115 bring about benefit for a large number of people 4XoK8dTNQyg-00040-00018115-00018595 and which was the same to enjoy a certain consensus by the parties and the 4XoK8dTNQyg-00041-00018595-00018706 actors involved 4XoK8dTNQyg-00042-00018706-00019070 how's it possible that this initiative and situations 4XoK8dTNQyg-00043-00019070-00019506 then do not get implemented in practice? 4XoK8dTNQyg-00044-00019506-00019939 Is it because of a lack of knowledge on what to do or 4XoK8dTNQyg-00045-00019939-00020217 is it a lack of willingness to act 4XoK8dTNQyg-00046-00020217-00020606 in that direction. Or is it because things get 4XoK8dTNQyg-00047-00020606-00020948 framed in a trade-off form and then we always lose on 4XoK8dTNQyg-00048-00020948-00021381 one of the two ends. We will try to address this question from a 4XoK8dTNQyg-00049-00021381-00021819 rather different perspective which will help us to identify more implementable 4XoK8dTNQyg-00050-00021819-00021901 solutions in the end. 4XoK8dTNQyg-00051-00021901-00022226 We will do this through the structures of the 4XoK8dTNQyg-00052-00022226-00022781 social dilemmas which stress in particular the aspect of coordination 4XoK8dTNQyg-00053-00022781-00022911 and cooperation 4XoK8dTNQyg-00054-00022911-00023437 within this type of initiative. Most of you probably know somebody 4XoK8dTNQyg-00055-00023437-00023570 who just started 4XoK8dTNQyg-00056-00023570-00023882 working after having finished high school or 4XoK8dTNQyg-00057-00023882-00024182 University or who is not in a 4XoK8dTNQyg-00058-00024182-00024498 long-term contract but rather in a temporary 4XoK8dTNQyg-00059-00024498-00024867 working agreement. We know that many people 4XoK8dTNQyg-00060-00024867-00025248 find themselves in this type of situation and we also know that they 4XoK8dTNQyg-00061-00025248-00025370 don't always get 4XoK8dTNQyg-00062-00025370-00025672 the proper learning and working conditions 4XoK8dTNQyg-00063-00025672-00026082 that other people enjoy and they would and that they would also 4XoK8dTNQyg-00064-00026082-00026418 deserve. What this does in this case 4XoK8dTNQyg-00065-00026418-00026777 even though we know that it would be beneficial for them 4XoK8dTNQyg-00066-00026777-00027225 it would be beneficial for the companies to have better trained 4XoK8dTNQyg-00067-00027225-00027553 and better motivated people in their workforce 4XoK8dTNQyg-00068-00027553-00028002 and, to a certain extent, it will also be more beneficial for society 4XoK8dTNQyg-00069-00028002-00028457 to have a workforce wihch is more employable potentially in the next year 4XoK8dTNQyg-00070-00028457-00028819 we look at the question of how comes that 4XoK8dTNQyg-00071-00028819-00029234 investments in training and employability for this 4XoK8dTNQyg-00072-00029234-00029638 top part of the workforce do not take place even though 4XoK8dTNQyg-00073-00029638-00029968 there are reasons for thinking that it should actually be done 4XoK8dTNQyg-00074-00029968-00030297 let's imagine the following situation: 4XoK8dTNQyg-00075-00030297-00030675 there are two companies and they are each deciding whether 4XoK8dTNQyg-00076-00030675-00031080 we want to allocate some budget for our skills program 4XoK8dTNQyg-00077-00031080-00031494 for the interns and for temporary workers or whether they will not 4XoK8dTNQyg-00078-00031494-00031836 invest in this type of program 4XoK8dTNQyg-00079-00031836-00032302 the two companies do not communicate with each other and there is also no past history of 4XoK8dTNQyg-00080-00032302-00032605 interactions or communication between the two of them 4XoK8dTNQyg-00081-00032605-00032905 each company has two alternatives: 4XoK8dTNQyg-00082-00032905-00033043 they can 4XoK8dTNQyg-00083-00033043-00033358 decide to invest, or they can decide not to invest 4XoK8dTNQyg-00084-00033358-00033697 let's think through a first scenario 4XoK8dTNQyg-00085-00033697-00034121 where the first company takes up an investment in these people 4XoK8dTNQyg-00086-00034121-00034553 and the other company decides not to do so 4XoK8dTNQyg-00087-00034553-00034946 would we have as a outcome of these decisions 4XoK8dTNQyg-00088-00034946-00035361 we would see that the first company has decided to invest 4XoK8dTNQyg-00089-00035361-00035719 because they think that there will be a benefit from doing so 4XoK8dTNQyg-00090-00035719-00036084 for their organization or for the people involved and also 4XoK8dTNQyg-00091-00036084-00036462 possibly for society at large and they would 4XoK8dTNQyg-00092-00036462-00036916 take up the cost of this investment even though they don't really know 4XoK8dTNQyg-00093-00036916-00037246 whether these people will stay longer enough 4XoK8dTNQyg-00094-00037246-00037666 in their organization, whether they will decide to go to another company, 4XoK8dTNQyg-00095-00037666-00038031 or whether they will just leave in the end to take up other challenges 4XoK8dTNQyg-00096-00038031-00038591 what would happen with the other company which has decided not to invest 4XoK8dTNQyg-00097-00038591-00038974 they would be able theoretically to 4XoK8dTNQyg-00098-00038974-00039400 take some of the people with a better skills and better competency from 4XoK8dTNQyg-00099-00039400-00039530 the first company 4XoK8dTNQyg-00100-00039530-00039894 and just take them all over in their organization 4XoK8dTNQyg-00101-00039894-00040246 this would leave us with the first company 4XoK8dTNQyg-00102-00040246-00040593 having invested in the training and having lost 4XoK8dTNQyg-00103-00040593-00041086 the return on their investment because the people have gone away 4XoK8dTNQyg-00104-00041086-00041484 and with the second company which although it has not invested 4XoK8dTNQyg-00105-00041484-00041852 with a better trained and skilled people which 4XoK8dTNQyg-00106-00041852-00042265 is getting from the other company, the second company will, in the end, be better 4XoK8dTNQyg-00107-00042265-00042402 off than the first one 4XoK8dTNQyg-00108-00042402-00042844 they will have all their return without having had to bear the cost 4XoK8dTNQyg-00109-00042844-00043322 for the training. A similar scenario would happen 4XoK8dTNQyg-00110-00043322-00043691 if we just invert the decisions that the two companies 4XoK8dTNQyg-00111-00043691-00044106 take 4XoK8dTNQyg-00112-00044106-00044437 let's see what would happen if both companies would decide to 4XoK8dTNQyg-00113-00044437-00045012 invest in this program. We would have a situation where 4XoK8dTNQyg-00114-00045012-00045365 both companies would have to take a part of the 4XoK8dTNQyg-00115-00045365-00045778 cost for this program and they would sort of invest in a 4XoK8dTNQyg-00116-00045778-00046188 pool of shared resources. We have seen that we never really know 4XoK8dTNQyg-00117-00046188-00046253 whether 4XoK8dTNQyg-00118-00046253-00046691 people and employees will stay in our organization so we always have to assume 4XoK8dTNQyg-00119-00046691-00046912 that they might be going to somebody else 4XoK8dTNQyg-00120-00046912-00047531 respective of this, each company decides to invest in this program 4XoK8dTNQyg-00121-00047531-00047990 because they assume that if the other campaign does so too 4XoK8dTNQyg-00122-00047990-00048297 they could somehow get part of their return from 4XoK8dTNQyg-00123-00048297-00048603 taking over the people from the other organization 4XoK8dTNQyg-00124-00048603-00049124 so in the end of this scenario we would have two companies which 4XoK8dTNQyg-00125-00049124-00049543 both decide to invest - we would have a 4XoK8dTNQyg-00126-00049543-00049877 better and a bigger number of people 4XoK8dTNQyg-00127-00049877-00050375 trained, with respect of the type of organization they will in the end be in 4XoK8dTNQyg-00128-00050375-00050703 this would assume though that 4XoK8dTNQyg-00129-00050703-00051108 each company can take with a certain 4XoK8dTNQyg-00130-00051108-00051528 degree of certainty that the other company will invest as well 4XoK8dTNQyg-00131-00051528-00051983 now what we see that usually happens in reality, though 4XoK8dTNQyg-00132-00051983-00052315 is the opposite case -- this is our last 4XoK8dTNQyg-00133-00052315-00052754 possible scenario where neither of the company decides to invest 4XoK8dTNQyg-00134-00052754-00053098 Since I do not know as a company what 4XoK8dTNQyg-00135-00053098-00053560 other companies and other actors in the labor market might do 4XoK8dTNQyg-00136-00053560-00053902 and since I know that there is a chance they will cast 4XoK8dTNQyg-00137-00053902-00054239 profited from my investment without having taken up the costs 4XoK8dTNQyg-00138-00054239-00054539 I might decide to just do not take action 4XoK8dTNQyg-00139-00054539-00055025 this would minimize my risk irrespective of what the other company 4XoK8dTNQyg-00140-00055025-00055079 would do 4XoK8dTNQyg-00141-00055079-00055589 what we have just seen is that there is the potential for 4XoK8dTNQyg-00142-00055589-00056016 greater collective benefits and for a situation which can put 4XoK8dTNQyg-00143-00056016-00056416 more people better off. This would be in a situation where 4XoK8dTNQyg-00144-00056416-00056784 both companies decide to invest 4XoK8dTNQyg-00145-00056784-00057136 which is also to a certain extent a situation where both companies decide to 4XoK8dTNQyg-00146-00057136-00057238 cooperate 4XoK8dTNQyg-00147-00057238-00057740 and take action on this issue. However, we know the two companies can't 4XoK8dTNQyg-00148-00057740-00057847 communicate 4XoK8dTNQyg-00149-00057847-00058262 and they also don't have any opportunity to judge how the other 4XoK8dTNQyg-00150-00058262-00058405 company will react 4XoK8dTNQyg-00151-00058405-00058951 or even how they would behave. This is why the normal outcome from a 4XoK8dTNQyg-00152-00058951-00059414 situation which is framed this way is that in the end, none the company 4XoK8dTNQyg-00153-00059414-00059841 invests and also now the company takes action 4XoK8dTNQyg-00154-00059841-00059925 leaving us with a situation which is 4XoK8dTNQyg-00155-00059925-00060391 suboptional toward the potential gain and their potential benefit for the 4XoK8dTNQyg-00156-00060391-00060490 collectivity would be. 4XoK8dTNQyg-00157-00060490-00060958 we can define dilemma structures 4XoK8dTNQyg-00158-00060958-00061502 as problems which are rooted in interactions and in the coronation 4XoK8dTNQyg-00159-00061502-00061886 of such interactions - this is why the solution 4XoK8dTNQyg-00160-00061886-00062217 of a dilemma structure always has to be 4XoK8dTNQyg-00161-00062217-00062679 brought about by a concerted action of individual organizations 4XoK8dTNQyg-00162-00062679-00063158 a dilemma structure cannot be solved by only one 4XoK8dTNQyg-00163-00063158-00063748 of the people or the organizations involved 4XoK8dTNQyg-00164-00063748-00063829 what we need to do is change 4XoK8dTNQyg-00165-00063829-00064186 the outcomes and the behaviors in order to achieve that 4XoK8dTNQyg-00166-00064186-00064594 potential collective game that we saw before in the structure 4XoK8dTNQyg-00167-00064594-00064907 and to do so we have two main leverages 4XoK8dTNQyg-00168-00064907-00065241 the first one are insitutions 4XoK8dTNQyg-00169-00065241-00065763 and institutional arrangements. We define them broadly by 4XoK8dTNQyg-00170-00065763-00066245 indicating systems of rules both formal and informal 4XoK8dTNQyg-00171-00066245-00066779 which can help us to modify the behaviors and the decisions 4XoK8dTNQyg-00172-00066779-00067079 which people and organizations take 4XoK8dTNQyg-00173-00067079-00067397 institutions help us to 4XoK8dTNQyg-00174-00067397-00067783 steer behaviors in a different way by making 4XoK8dTNQyg-00175-00067783-00068216 certain behaviors more appealing and by sanctioning or making 4XoK8dTNQyg-00176-00068216-00068658 other behaviors less appealing. We have already an 4XoK8dTNQyg-00177-00068658-00069077 practice examples of institutions which for instance helps us 4XoK8dTNQyg-00178-00069077-00069607 to solve or, to a certain extent, to facilitate cooperation 4XoK8dTNQyg-00179-00069607-00070030 in the concrete example which we have seen before 4XoK8dTNQyg-00180-00070030-00070215 we can think, for instance, that those platforms which help 4XoK8dTNQyg-00181-00070215-00070542 companies to achieve a certain standard 4XoK8dTNQyg-00182-00070542-00071062 in the working conditions which we offer 4XoK8dTNQyg-00183-00071062-00071196 this platform offers an incentive to companies 4XoK8dTNQyg-00184-00071196-00071524 to raise their standards for instance to 4XoK8dTNQyg-00185-00071524-00071851 invest in temporary workers or in the interns 4XoK8dTNQyg-00186-00071851-00072239 in the organization. What companies receive 4XoK8dTNQyg-00187-00072239-00072583 is the reputational game or improved image 4XoK8dTNQyg-00188-00072583-00072923 by being certified through the these platforms for the 4XoK8dTNQyg-00189-00072923-00073492 increased quality of their working environment and also see that it's not 4XoK8dTNQyg-00190-00073492-00073694 enough that only one company 4XoK8dTNQyg-00191-00073694-00074002 signs up to this top-flight platforms 4XoK8dTNQyg-00192-00074002-00074307 but we need that more companies do so 4XoK8dTNQyg-00193-00074307-00074721 in order for the platform to become credible and to become an established 4XoK8dTNQyg-00194-00074721-00075072 institution and this is an example of how 4XoK8dTNQyg-00195-00075072-00075484 through this type of arrangements we can facilitate cooperation 4XoK8dTNQyg-00196-00075484-00075854 because we both provide incentive for better behavior 4XoK8dTNQyg-00197-00075854-00076332 and will also make sure that more companies and more organizations participate 4XoK8dTNQyg-00198-00076332-00076873 with us achieving that concerted effort and that coordination 4XoK8dTNQyg-00199-00076873-00077483 that we were addressing before. The other leverage that we have is trust 4XoK8dTNQyg-00200-00077483-00078063 trust helps us to overcome part of the problem we saw in the structure before 4XoK8dTNQyg-00201-00078063-00078629 when I don't know how the other act or the other part or the other 4XoK8dTNQyg-00202-00078629-00078986 company acts, that's also because I don't have a 4XoK8dTNQyg-00203-00078986-00079343 history or a quarter of interactions with them 4XoK8dTNQyg-00204-00079343-00079834 that means I can't trust them - I don't have any signal on how they will behave 4XoK8dTNQyg-00205-00079834-00080189 and so I didn't know whether they will exploit my investment or not 4XoK8dTNQyg-00206-00080189-00080493 trust is a leverage in this case 4XoK8dTNQyg-00207-00080493-00080963 because it helps to facilitate different parties to come to a 4XoK8dTNQyg-00208-00080963-00081375 shared understanding and the example we mentioned before 4XoK8dTNQyg-00209-00081375-00081734 trust would help us for instance in discussing 4XoK8dTNQyg-00210-00081734-00082207 if we are a company with our employees how to move forward in the future 4XoK8dTNQyg-00211-00082207-00082305 and so having 4XoK8dTNQyg-00212-00082305-00082623 an idea of whether these people will stay with us or will 4XoK8dTNQyg-00213-00082623-00083144 rather go to another company and to a certain extent as long as its 4XoK8dTNQyg-00214-00083144-00083510 within a legal framework, trust can also help 4XoK8dTNQyg-00215-00083510-00083885 agreements among companies in order to set higher standards 4XoK8dTNQyg-00216-00083885-00084320 or to take initiatives, we just set the bar higher than what he would be 4XoK8dTNQyg-00217-00084320-00084698 without this type of coordination or this type of dialogue 4XoK8dTNQyg-00218-00084698-00085041 you can apply the model that we have just seen 4XoK8dTNQyg-00219-00085041-00085444 to other issues and situations that you are aware of 4XoK8dTNQyg-00220-00085444-00085785 both in your general life or in your organization 4XoK8dTNQyg-00221-00085785-00086231 or a society at large and when you reflect on these type of 4XoK8dTNQyg-00222-00086231-00086681 issues you can follow the next three steps - first of all, 4XoK8dTNQyg-00223-00086681-00086994 it's important that you identify the relevant actors 4XoK8dTNQyg-00224-00086994-00087460 who is really involved in the situation who is involved in this problem 4XoK8dTNQyg-00225-00087460-00087834 this might require you to look a bit outside 4XoK8dTNQyg-00226-00087834-00088218 the common description on the situation to understand really 4XoK8dTNQyg-00227-00088218-00088533 who is impacted in this issue also in an interact way 4XoK8dTNQyg-00228-00088533-00088957 the second element is to 4XoK8dTNQyg-00229-00088957-00089381 identify what drives the behaviors and the decisions which are taken by 4XoK8dTNQyg-00230-00089381-00089484 these actors 4XoK8dTNQyg-00231-00089484-00089869 which means there are patterns, there are rules, there are 4XoK8dTNQyg-00232-00089869-00090329 institutions and structures which create a situation 4XoK8dTNQyg-00233-00090329-00090733 the dilemma structure, in which are not easy to be changed 4XoK8dTNQyg-00234-00090733-00091163 we need first of all to identify how they impact and how the influence 4XoK8dTNQyg-00235-00091163-00091740 the actors involved the third step is the step which requires more 4XoK8dTNQyg-00236-00091740-00092144 creativity and innovative thinking from your side 4XoK8dTNQyg-00237-00092144-00092546 because the patterns and the structures which are there 4XoK8dTNQyg-00238-00092546-00092923 are not easy to be changed - they are the first reason 4XoK8dTNQyg-00239-00092923-00093259 why the dilemma structure is there in the first place 4XoK8dTNQyg-00240-00093259-00093648 so they're not easy to be changed. We need to think about it 4XoK8dTNQyg-00241-00093648-00094071 in a broader way to think of innovative ways to organize 4XoK8dTNQyg-00242-00094071-00094613 and coordinate decisions and behaviors in order to facilitate the corporation and 4XoK8dTNQyg-00243-00094613-00094710 the coordination 4XoK8dTNQyg-00244-00094710-00095104 that we want to achieve in the end 4XoK8dTNQyg-00245-00095104-00095438 if you follow these three steps, you will be able to reflect and think 4XoK8dTNQyg-00246-00095438-00095600 through similar issues 4XoK8dTNQyg-00247-00095600-00096083 on your own and identify what type of potentials are there and how the situation 4XoK8dTNQyg-00248-00096083-00096179 could be improved 4XoK8dTNQyg-00249-00096179-00096560 with the instruments of the dilemma structures 4XoK8dTNQyg-00250-00096560-00096904 you can think autonomously about these type of issues 4XoK8dTNQyg-00251-00096904-00097464 and there are many samples out there - you can think about action on climate change 4XoK8dTNQyg-00252-00097464-00097904 where many of the challenges which have been brought about by globalisation 4XoK8dTNQyg-00253-00097904-00098223 with long and complex production chains 4XoK8dTNQyg-00254-00098223-00098614 and with their standards, even tax evasion is a problem which can be 4XoK8dTNQyg-00255-00098614-00098692 framed through dilemma structures 4XoK8dTNQyg-00256-00098692-00099251 in all these cases it's not enough to just appeal 4XoK8dTNQyg-00257-00099251-00099633 to responsibility or to the good will of the 4XoK8dTNQyg-00258-00099633-00100069 actors involved, and it's also not enough to provide technological 4XoK8dTNQyg-00259-00100069-00100585 or knowledge-based solution. For all these cases we need to 4XoK8dTNQyg-00260-00100585-00100886 coordinate actions in order to achieve that 4XoK8dTNQyg-00261-00100886-00101287 potential collective game which we know is possible 4XoK8dTNQyg-00262-00101287-00101760 we just need to be organized 4XoK8dTNQyg-00263-00101760-00101816 thank you for staying with me, and goodbye 4XQGyx44OG8-00000-00000000-00000307 Hi my name is Ryane Needles and I'm a junior at North Star 4XQGyx44OG8-00001-00000307-00000762 (sing poet) and my poem is called size 9 4XQGyx44OG8-00002-00000762-00001452 My whole life I have been taught to do big things 4XQGyx44OG8-00003-00001518-00001797 dream big achieve big 4XQGyx44OG8-00004-00001797-00001962 be big so 4XQGyx44OG8-00005-00001962-00002406 you can imagine my surprise when I realized that being big was wrong 4XQGyx44OG8-00006-00002406-00002769 I grew up with a pretty face and tight jeans 4XQGyx44OG8-00007-00002769-00003168 I grew up with my mom's shape and my brothers didn't 4XQGyx44OG8-00008-00003168-00003564 I grew up crying silently in the passenger seat after leaving the mall empty-handed 4XQGyx44OG8-00009-00003564-00003825 I grew up with a hatred for dressing rooms 4XQGyx44OG8-00010-00003825-00004059 I grew up going to the doctor for a sinus 4XQGyx44OG8-00011-00004059-00004305 infection and getting an hour long talk about healthy eating 4XQGyx44OG8-00012-00004359-00004740 I grew up counting calories and the number of girls that were prettier than me 4XQGyx44OG8-00013-00004740-00005196 I grew up using the entire class period before lunch to decide if I should eat or not 4XQGyx44OG8-00014-00005196-00005532 I grew up hearing "you look like you're losing weight" 4XQGyx44OG8-00015-00005532-00005799 and "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" 4XQGyx44OG8-00016-00005799-00006126 from people who have clearly never experienced pepperoni pizza rolls 4XQGyx44OG8-00017-00006126-00006579 I grew up seeing boys obsessed over girls whose waists were smaller than their heads 4XQGyx44OG8-00018-00006579-00006855 I grew up with thigh gaps and perfectly sculpted ABS 4XQGyx44OG8-00019-00006855-00007173 force-fed to me like empty calories every single day 4XQGyx44OG8-00020-00007173-00007314 I grew up gasping for air 4XQGyx44OG8-00021-00007314-00007781 I grew up with society telling me that I am flawed 4XQGyx44OG8-00022-00007781-00008106 and now I'm telling society to look in a mirror 4XQGyx44OG8-00023-00008106-00008316 because it's made me afraid to 4XQGyx44OG8-00024-00008316-00008355 it's like 4XQGyx44OG8-00025-00008355-00008574 playing tug of war with the whole world and with 4XQGyx44OG8-00026-00008574-00009009 that many people pulling from the other side even your extra weight won't help you win 4XQGyx44OG8-00027-00009009-00009108 and as I grew up 4XQGyx44OG8-00028-00009108-00009318 I realized that fitting into our culture 4XQGyx44OG8-00029-00009318-00009534 is as hard as fitting into a size 9 4XQGyx44OG8-00030-00009534-00009843 I grew up hearing my thin friends calling themselves fat 4XQGyx44OG8-00031-00009843-00010038 and wondering what that made me 4XQGyx44OG8-00032-00010038-00010275 I grew up spending hours in front of the mirror 4XQGyx44OG8-00033-00010275-00010557 wishing I could shrink myself into society's tiny glass 4XQGyx44OG8-00034-00010557-00011052 box of perfection that would surely suffocate me but at least I'd fit 4XQGyx44OG8-00035-00011052-00011478 in I grew up with skinny friends I grew up obsessed with a number on the scale 4XQGyx44OG8-00036-00011478-00011838 I walked through life as though it was printed across my forehead 4XQGyx44OG8-00037-00011838-00012210 I believed my weight was the antagonist in every book ever written about me 4XQGyx44OG8-00038-00012210-00012429 they couldn't see my straight A's 4XQGyx44OG8-00039-00012429-00012531 or my first place 4XQGyx44OG8-00040-00012531-00012834 they only saw the way my bra squeezed my sides 4XQGyx44OG8-00041-00012834-00013074 or how my jeans squeezed my stomach 4XQGyx44OG8-00042-00013074-00013313 not the way their words squeezed my heart 4XQGyx44OG8-00043-00013313-00013538 and my heart is a grenade ticking faster 4XQGyx44OG8-00044-00013538-00013782 with each full on stare, each crude comment 4XQGyx44OG8-00045-00013782-00013857 eachdiscouraging way 4XQGyx44OG8-00046-00013857-00014031 and all leading up to the blast 4XQGyx44OG8-00047-00014031-00014334 until finally I'll scream out "I am beautiful" 4XQGyx44OG8-00048-00014334-00014655 even though I don't believe it 4XQGyx44OG8-00049-00014655-00014988 but maybe if I yelled it to a big enough crowd 4XQGyx44OG8-00050-00014988-00015354 even just one person would stand up and say "yes, you are" 4XQGyx44OG8-00051-00015354-00015555 not that it would changed my mind 4XQGyx44OG8-00052-00015555-00015762 but maybe somebody would see 4XQGyx44OG8-00053-00015762-00015947 that the big shoes that I have to fill 4XQGyx44OG8-00054-00015947-00016161 are the same size as anyone else's 4XQGyx44OG8-00055-00016161-00016458 that my dreams are big and so are my thighs 4XQGyx44OG8-00056-00016458-00016749 but those two things are not related 4XQGyx44OG8-00057-00016749-00016971 yousee I grew up with a heart fatter than me 4XQGyx44OG8-00058-00016971-00017325 I grew up being taught that being who you are 4XQGyx44OG8-00059-00017325-00017523 is the most important thing a person can be 4XQGyx44OG8-00060-00017523-00017880 I could be mean, dishonest, or hateful 4XQGyx44OG8-00061-00017880-00018306 so if big is really the worst thing that comes to mind when people meet me 4XQGyx44OG8-00062-00018306-00018522 I'll start writing it on my nametag 4ccCuzz3f7g-00000-00000044-00000446 Who wouldn’t be tempted if they received an email from as prominent a journalist as now 4ccCuzz3f7g-00001-00000446-00000988 slain Jamal Khashoggi? Saudi dissident journalist Ali Al-Ahmed received such emails from 4ccCuzz3f7g-00002-00000988-00001364 someone posing as the late journalist, insisting on clicking on malicious links. 4ccCuzz3f7g-00003-00001500-00001876 How did this happen? Can anyone send an email from anybody? 4ccCuzz3f7g-00004-00002202-00002688 So emails are basically like letters. Anyone can put anything on them as sender address. 4ccCuzz3f7g-00005-00002714-00003148 You cant really trust what your email programme is showing you and in addition to that 4ccCuzz3f7g-00006-00003148-00003620 you can also just open up another Gmail Account that has the name of another person in it. 4ccCuzz3f7g-00007-00003697-00004032 We show you the most common tricks attackers use to fake the sender’s address. 4ccCuzz3f7g-00008-00004076-00004574 Essentially anyone can register an email address under any name. That’s how the attackers 4ccCuzz3f7g-00009-00004574-00004774 wrote to Al-Ahmed from Khashoggi’s name. 4ccCuzz3f7g-00010-00004806-00005410 Using another name is quite common and I don’t expect this to go away anytime in the future. But if you 4ccCuzz3f7g-00011-00005410-00005730 search for the person that you're suspecting has sent you this email 4ccCuzz3f7g-00012-00005730-00006126 it's usually pretty easy to verify and find out the true email address of a person. 4ccCuzz3f7g-00013-00006166-00006620 In another trick, attackers abuse that most email programmes by default display names 4ccCuzz3f7g-00014-00006620-00006972 instead of full email addresses. For example, if someone selects 4ccCuzz3f7g-00015-00006972-00007708 “Joe Biden” <attacker@example.org> as the sender, most email clients will still display just the name “Joe Biden” as the sender. 4ccCuzz3f7g-00016-00007738-00008236 So there are multiple ways on how you can forge sender email addresses and for one simple trick 4ccCuzz3f7g-00017-00008248-00008614 that's actually very easy to detect if someone has been doing . 4ccCuzz3f7g-00018-00008614-00009188 The only thing you have to do is to tell your email programme to show you the full email address instead of just the short name. 4ccCuzz3f7g-00019-00009270-00009728 In this trick’s most extreme form, attackers can even spoof the entire sender address. 4ccCuzz3f7g-00020-00009728-00010308 So there are some technologies out there that try to fix this problem. But it will be a long, long time 4ccCuzz3f7g-00021-00010308-00010832 until this will be fixed in a practical manner and the reason is that basically every email 4ccCuzz3f7g-00022-00010832-00011356 provider out there has to deploy the same kind of technology and that's a very, very difficult and lengthy process. 4gPgRCfJVk0-00000-00000433-00001063 Good morning, yes it's practically 10 here and as I say in these cases, certainly not 4gPgRCfJVk0-00001-00001063-00001163 one 4gPgRCfJVk0-00002-00001163-00002119 very early morning, a late morning but still morning, mr, master, maestro 4gPgRCfJVk0-00003-00002119-00002402 or simply or 4gPgRCfJVk0-00004-00002402-00002665 simply David Lynch? 4gPgRCfJVk0-00005-00002665-00003122 It's May 30th, 2022 and it's a Monday. 4gPgRCfJVk0-00006-00003122-00003351 Here in Naples a clear, clear 4gPgRCfJVk0-00007-00003351-00003769 morning in this moment, very still right now, 4gPgRCfJVk0-00008-00003769-00004821 78.8 fahrenheit around 26 celsius and this means that it's that day really, really, really, 4gPgRCfJVk0-00009-00004821-00005296 really soft like in these days and in this period and also over because it seems more 4gPgRCfJVk0-00010-00005296-00006071 a Summer climate than Spring climate, on the other hand we are moving towards June and 4gPgRCfJVk0-00011-00006071-00006362 so this is normal, because we are heading towards the summer. 4gPgRCfJVk0-00012-00006362-00006462 As regard the 4gPgRCfJVk0-00013-00006462-00006852 video-thoughts I don't know if I'll do it but it I'll do it as always it's separate 4gPgRCfJVk0-00014-00006852-00006952 from this, so 4gPgRCfJVk0-00015-00006952-00007264 eyes open. 4gPgRCfJVk0-00016-00007264-00008086 Anyway, as he and you all just see from the window: 4gPgRCfJVk0-00017-00008086-00008939 today you can't see anything because in these days you can see only the green roller shooter 4gPgRCfJVk0-00018-00008939-00009892 because as I have already explained yesterday in the summer we open the curtain thus putting 4gPgRCfJVk0-00019-00009892-00009992 on display 4gPgRCfJVk0-00020-00009992-00010414 the green roller shooter to let in some more air, since it's summer and it's hot 4gPgRCfJVk0-00021-00010414-00010896 compared to the tent and therefore in the summer you will see more of the green roller 4gPgRCfJVk0-00022-00010896-00010996 shooter, 4gPgRCfJVk0-00023-00010996-00011386 given also that it may be that I will stop at some point. 4gPgRCfJVk0-00024-00011386-00011531 It is not said that 4gPgRCfJVk0-00025-00011531-00011631 I continue. 4gPgRCfJVk0-00026-00011631-00011835 Maybe a year after the channel (June 17th) I'll stop, but we'll see, I don't know. 4gPgRCfJVk0-00027-00011835-00012118 However I believe that this afternoon the temperature could also rise, for sure 4gPgRCfJVk0-00028-00012118-00012564 it will stay on the same level, but we will see anyway. 4gPgRCfJVk0-00029-00012564-00012906 But the really important thing 4gPgRCfJVk0-00030-00012906-00013990 with this atmosphere is that today we have, today we have those beautiful, those beautiful 4gPgRCfJVk0-00031-00013990-00015209 those beautiful, those beautiful, those beautiful blue skies and golden sunshine and I think 4gPgRCfJVk0-00032-00015209-00015325 all along the way. 4gPgRCfJVk0-00033-00015325-00015666 Obviously all along the way here always a few degrees less, I mean 4gPgRCfJVk0-00034-00015666-00016101 especially compared to American friends because as you know we have a full schedule 4gPgRCfJVk0-00035-00016101-00016201 different. 4gPgRCfJVk0-00036-00016201-00016401 Well, we can't complain because in this month of May we had 4gPgRCfJVk0-00037-00016401-00016712 almost always those beautiful blue skies and golden sunshine and we hope to continue like 4gPgRCfJVk0-00038-00016712-00016812 this 4gPgRCfJVk0-00039-00016812-00017113 also tomorrow, with this trend that we have already had for two days if I'm not mistaken. 4gPgRCfJVk0-00040-00017113-00017213 Although in 4gPgRCfJVk0-00041-00017213-00017668 these days during the afternoon, usually around five or six, then it gets cloudy 4gPgRCfJVk0-00042-00017668-00018379 I hope that it does not do this today, maybe then I will update you in tomorrow's Report 4gPgRCfJVk0-00043-00018379-00018479 or 4gPgRCfJVk0-00044-00018479-00018579 in description. 4gPgRCfJVk0-00045-00018579-00018679 So, said this: 4gPgRCfJVk0-00046-00018679-00019531 so from the mythical window with the orange, red, blue, green water courtain, behind me 4gPgRCfJVk0-00047-00019531-00019801 in these days 4gPgRCfJVk0-00048-00019801-00020006 and its green 4gPgRCfJVk0-00049-00020006-00020329 roller shooter near me 4gPgRCfJVk0-00050-00020329-00020537 and finally from my mythical keyboard Yamaha DGX 640, YPG, YPG-625 4gPgRCfJVk0-00051-00020537-00022486 have a great day him, all the people who follow the channel and the reports, yes a greeting 4gPgRCfJVk0-00052-00022486-00023006 really everyone and also I hope you all have a great breakfast, I'll do it soon, my stomach 4gPgRCfJVk0-00053-00023006-00023181 grumbles, I don't know if you hear it. 4gPgRCfJVk0-00054-00023181-00023454 But above all I hope you can console yourself if the weather were to 4gPgRCfJVk0-00055-00023454-00023629 be ugly in your part than here. 4gPgRCfJVk0-00056-00023629-00024034 Not that we don't console ourselves even when the weather 4gPgRCfJVk0-00057-00024034-00024579 it is beautiful, indeed, but as far as I'm concerned when the weather is bad I console 4gPgRCfJVk0-00058-00024579-00024679 myself even more, 4gPgRCfJVk0-00059-00024679-00025049 on the other hand, the two words consolation and breakfast in Italian also rhyme. 4gPgRCfJVk0-00060-00025049-00025471 I'll see you in the video-thoughts if I'll do it or tomorrow! 4hDHmkm-ncY-00000-00000000-00000157 Tired of the eternal drinking? 4hDHmkm-ncY-00001-00000165-00000329 Busty sluts are not fun? 4hDHmkm-ncY-00002-00000347-00000476 Got tired of the body guards? 4hDHmkm-ncY-00003-00000486-00000756 Business trips don't bring enough money? 4hDHmkm-ncY-00004-00000765-00001064 Tired of the cars being updated every month? 4hDHmkm-ncY-00005-00001087-00001287 Throw away your dangerous motorcycles! 4hDHmkm-ncY-00006-00001309-00001550 Burn your luxury sportcars! 4hDHmkm-ncY-00007-00001560-00001818 And also get rid of your personal planes 4hDHmkm-ncY-00008-00001818-00002283 Made of pure gold worth several tens of million dollars! 4hDHmkm-ncY-00009-00002290-00002983 Buy a Picador straight from the factory or take a used version cheaper with little mileage. 4hDHmkm-ncY-00010-00003009-00003209 Now it's time to find YOUR unity! 4hDHmkm-ncY-00011-00003231-00003585 Go to a quiet town on the edge of Paleto-Bay County 4hDHmkm-ncY-00012-00003585-00003878 And be sure the Picador will always be faithful to you. 4hDHmkm-ncY-00013-00003878-00004142 He will leave the police and protect you from bullets! 4hDHmkm-ncY-00014-00004202-00004505 Buy Cheval Picador for only 17.000 dollars 4hDHmkm-ncY-00015-00004505-00004785 From the official Cheval dealer on Adams Apple Boulevard! 4hDHmkm-ncY-00016-00005191-00005241 Fuck the niggers! 4hE9tiPxzCy-00000-00000050-00000191 Hello, I'm Ozan 4hE9tiPxzCy-00001-00000204-00000520 and in this episode we will look at the fourth and fifth species which consitute the modes. 4hE9tiPxzCy-00002-00000525-00000908 Differing from the modern tonal system of major minor duality... 4hE9tiPxzCy-00003-00000908-00001329 there was an eig ht tone system from middle ages until the mid 16. century. 4hE9tiPxzCy-00004-00001337-00001470 These tones are called "modes". 4hE9tiPxzCy-00005-00001512-00001941 In western Europe, the eight mode system appears first in the 9. century 4hE9tiPxzCy-00006-00001950-00002358 Adapted from the "octoekhos" (eight tones) system of Byzantine Empire... 4hE9tiPxzCy-00007-00002387-00002850 it was used to group chants that were similar and finished the same way. 4hE9tiPxzCy-00008-00002937-00003395 These endings (finales) are: D E F G 4hE9tiPxzCy-00009-00003454-00003941 Each mode has two versions, so we end up having eight modes from four finales. 4hE9tiPxzCy-00010-00004004-00004254 Species of fourth and fifth 4hE9tiPxzCy-00011-00004266-00004400 When defining the modes... 4hE9tiPxzCy-00012-00004400-00004662 species of fourth and fifths are mentioned. 4hE9tiPxzCy-00013-00004666-00005095 These species deal with the order of the tones and semitones which constitute the fourths and fifths. 4hE9tiPxzCy-00014-00005116-00005645 Check these episodes if you need more information about intervals. 4hE9tiPxzCy-00015-00005675-00006175 Let's start with the fourths: In a perfect fourth there are two tones and a semitone. 4hE9tiPxzCy-00016-00006212-00006612 We can see them as building blocks. If there are two tones and a semitone... 4hE9tiPxzCy-00017-00006612-00006950 we can have a total of three species of fourth. 4hE9tiPxzCy-00018-00007008-00007366 Namely, having the semitone at the beginning, in the middle or at the end 4hE9tiPxzCy-00019-00007625-00007925 The interval succesion of the so called first species is: 4hE9tiPxzCy-00020-00007958-00008150 Tone, semitone, tone 4hE9tiPxzCy-00021-00008170-00008566 This is a symmetric beginning, in which the semitone is in the middle 4hE9tiPxzCy-00022-00008600-00008858 For example: D E F G (re mi fa sol) 4hE9tiPxzCy-00023-00008875-00009429 Any fourth with the same "tone semitone tone" plan would be an example of the first species 4hE9tiPxzCy-00024-00010795-00011108 With the solmisation prevailing from 11. century onwards... 4hE9tiPxzCy-00025-00011108-00011404 and semitone being expressed as "mi fa"... 4hE9tiPxzCy-00026-00011404-00011704 it was possible to use the same syllables for each fourth species. 4hE9tiPxzCy-00027-00011795-00012191 Those who are unfamiliar with solmisation can check "Mi Fa and Hexachords" episode 4hE9tiPxzCy-00028-00012295-00012791 Second species of fourth has a semitone and two tones in ascending order 4hE9tiPxzCy-00029-00012820-00013120 For example: E F G A (mi fa sol la) 4hE9tiPxzCy-00030-00013154-00013537 Again, following the same interval progression, it could be formed on different pitches. 4hE9tiPxzCy-00031-00015000-00015641 The third and the last species of fourth has two tones and a semitone, again in ascending order 4hE9tiPxzCy-00032-00015641-00015920 Namely the inversion of the second species order 4hE9tiPxzCy-00033-00015962-00016262 For example: C D E F (ut re mi fa) 4hE9tiPxzCy-00034-00017770-00018233 As seen, the three species of fourth can be expressed in a single hexachord 4hE9tiPxzCy-00035-00018625-00018820 Concerning the species of fifth 4hE9tiPxzCy-00036-00018820-00019120 These are formed by adding a whole tone to the species of fourth. 4hE9tiPxzCy-00037-00019120-00019604 First two species of fifth arise from the first two species of fourth 4hE9tiPxzCy-00038-00020341-00020491 Second species of fifth 4hE9tiPxzCy-00039-00021141-00021520 As you see, the same syllable may be used in fifth jumps while solmising. 4hE9tiPxzCy-00040-00021520-00021912 If we add a whole tone below the third species of fourth, we get the thirds species of fifth... 4hE9tiPxzCy-00041-00021912-00022270 and if we add a whole tone above, we get the fourth species of fifth 4hE9tiPxzCy-00042-00022287-00022416 Third species of fifth: 4hE9tiPxzCy-00043-00022995-00023137 Fourth species of fifth: 4hE9tiPxzCy-00044-00023766-00024170 So we got to know the three species of fourth and four species of fifth. 4hE9tiPxzCy-00045-00024208-00024562 In Musica Enchiriadis, where we discussed primitive polyphony... 4hE9tiPxzCy-00046-00024604-00024954 there are examples of the same melody, adapted to each species of fifth. 4hE9tiPxzCy-00047-00025050-00025504 Let's have a look at these examples before we finish: First species (Protus) 4hE9tiPxzCy-00048-00026441-00026741 Second (Deuterus) 4hE9tiPxzCy-00049-00027725-00027966 Third (Tritus) 4hE9tiPxzCy-00050-00028950-00029250 Fourth (Tetrardus) 4hE9tiPxzCy-00051-00030245-00030683 In the next episode, we will have a look at the Dorian mode (Protus)... 4hE9tiPxzCy-00052-00030683-00031083 which consists of the first species of fifth and fourth. Goodbye! 4lC9zwMhZyg-00000-00000520-00001296 dear affectionate learners and respected viewers advan memorial galaxy school and 4lC9zwMhZyg-00001-00001360-00002112 police online class 2002 i am server english teacher urban memorial girls experience 4lC9zwMhZyg-00002-00002440-00003176 dear students and respected viewers assalamu alaikum i hope you are well i am 4lC9zwMhZyg-00003-00003856-00004040 i hope you are well 4lC9zwMhZyg-00004-00004336-00004776 today's topic is transformation of sentence 4lC9zwMhZyg-00005-00005192-00006024 dear students transformation of sentence learning outcomes after completing the lessons 4lC9zwMhZyg-00006-00006080-00006792 students will be able to identify simple complex and compound sentence 4lC9zwMhZyg-00007-00006856-00007808 same sentence simple simple complex complex to compound and compound to complex and simple 4lC9zwMhZyg-00008-00008144-00008232 dear students 4lC9zwMhZyg-00009-00008456-00008506 follow the 4lC9zwMhZyg-00010-00014072-00014184 foreign 4lC9zwMhZyg-00011-00023776-00023984 is 4lC9zwMhZyg-00012-00026600-00026783 that is 4lC9zwMhZyg-00013-00030872-00030983 complex 4lC9zwMhZyg-00014-00032312-00033072 positive or subject of he even is fool though he is poor he is 4lC9zwMhZyg-00015-00033072-00033416 honest 4ndfapyjqt4-00000-00000070-00001000 White background 4ndfapyjqt4-00001-00001118-00002018 Solid color background 4ndfapyjqt4-00002-00002316-00003206 Video background 4ndfapyjqt4-00003-00003514-00004204 Background effects 52eCRsv0FDM-00000-00000000-00000200 4 Moods | The Muscle Minds - Best Workout Shorts #shorts 53XZdSKWkt4-00000-00000010-00000273 AVAILABLE TO TO PROVIDE PEOPLE 53XZdSKWkt4-00001-00000273-00000280 AVAILABLE TO TO PROVIDE PEOPLE 53XZdSKWkt4-00002-00000280-00000417 AVAILABLE TO TO PROVIDE PEOPLE WITH USEFUL INFORMATION ON 53XZdSKWkt4-00003-00000417-00000423 WITH USEFUL INFORMATION ON 53XZdSKWkt4-00004-00000423-00000467 WITH USEFUL INFORMATION ON PUBLIC SAFETY. 53XZdSKWkt4-00005-00000467-00000473 PUBLIC SAFETY. 53XZdSKWkt4-00006-00000473-00000627 PUBLIC SAFETY. THE REWARD FOR INFORMATION 53XZdSKWkt4-00007-00000627-00000633 THE REWARD FOR INFORMATION 53XZdSKWkt4-00008-00000633-00000740 THE REWARD FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO THE WHEREABOUTS OF 53XZdSKWkt4-00009-00000740-00000747 LEADING TO THE WHEREABOUTS OF 53XZdSKWkt4-00010-00000747-00000844 LEADING TO THE WHEREABOUTS OF A 13-YEAR-OLD WISCONSIN GIRL 53XZdSKWkt4-00011-00000844-00000850 A 13-YEAR-OLD WISCONSIN GIRL 53XZdSKWkt4-00012-00000850-00000924 A 13-YEAR-OLD WISCONSIN GIRL WHOSE PARENTS WERE KILLED HAS 53XZdSKWkt4-00013-00000924-00000930 WHOSE PARENTS WERE KILLED HAS 53XZdSKWkt4-00014-00000930-00001154 WHOSE PARENTS WERE KILLED HAS BEEN DULLED TO $50,000. 53XZdSKWkt4-00015-00001154-00001161 BEEN DULLED TO $50,000. 53XZdSKWkt4-00016-00001161-00001334 BEEN DULLED TO $50,000. -- DOUBLED TO $50,000. 53XZdSKWkt4-00017-00001334-00001341 -- DOUBLED TO $50,000. 53XZdSKWkt4-00018-00001341-00001398 -- DOUBLED TO $50,000. BARRON COUNTY SHERIFF'S 53XZdSKWkt4-00019-00001398-00001404 BARRON COUNTY SHERIFF'S 53XZdSKWkt4-00020-00001404-00001618 BARRON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SAID IN A STATEMENT 53XZdSKWkt4-00021-00001618-00001624 DEPARTMENT SAID IN A STATEMENT 53XZdSKWkt4-00022-00001624-00001811 DEPARTMENT SAID IN A STATEMENT FRIDAY THAT THE JENNIE-O 53XZdSKWkt4-00023-00001811-00001818 FRIDAY THAT THE JENNIE-O 53XZdSKWkt4-00024-00001818-00001951 FRIDAY THAT THE JENNIE-O TURKEY STORE JAMES AND DENISE 53XZdSKWkt4-00025-00001951-00001958 TURKEY STORE JAMES AND DENISE 53XZdSKWkt4-00026-00001958-00002078 TURKEY STORE JAMES AND DENISE CLOSS WORKED AT HAS HELPED 53XZdSKWkt4-00027-00002078-00002085 CLOSS WORKED AT HAS HELPED 53XZdSKWkt4-00028-00002085-00002225 CLOSS WORKED AT HAS HELPED RAISE THE REWARD FROM THE 53XZdSKWkt4-00029-00002225-00002232 RAISE THE REWARD FROM THE 53XZdSKWkt4-00030-00002232-00002442 RAISE THE REWARD FROM THE $25,000 OFFERED EARLIER BY THE 53XZdSKWkt4-00031-00002442-00002449 $25,000 OFFERED EARLIER BY THE 53XZdSKWkt4-00032-00002449-00002469 $25,000 OFFERED EARLIER BY THE FBI. 53XZdSKWkt4-00033-00002469-00002475 FBI. 53XZdSKWkt4-00034-00002475-00002572 FBI. THE COUPLE WAS FOUND DEAD IN 53XZdSKWkt4-00035-00002572-00002579 THE COUPLE WAS FOUND DEAD IN 53XZdSKWkt4-00036-00002579-00002776 THE COUPLE WAS FOUND DEAD IN THEIR HOME ON OCTOBER 15TH, 53XZdSKWkt4-00037-00002776-00002782 THEIR HOME ON OCTOBER 15TH, 53XZdSKWkt4-00038-00002782-00002849 THEIR HOME ON OCTOBER 15TH, AND INVESTIGATORS BELIEVE 53XZdSKWkt4-00039-00002849-00002856 AND INVESTIGATORS BELIEVE 53XZdSKWkt4-00040-00002856-00002906 AND INVESTIGATORS BELIEVE THEIR DAUGHTER, JAYME CLOSS, 55lHj_7_Zd8-00000-00000000-00000200 1/1 55lHj_7_Zd8-00001-00000200-00000400 1/1/1 55lHj_7_Zd8-00002-00000400-00000600 1/1/1/1 55lHj_7_Zd8-00003-00000600-00000800 1/1/1/1/1 56zqK3JmqgA-00000-00000039-00000462 I want to tell my story, quickly, about what was influential for me 56zqK3JmqgA-00001-00000462-00000975 to become committed to this work. And my story actually is probably different 56zqK3JmqgA-00002-00000975-00001171 than most people's in the room because 56zqK3JmqgA-00003-00001171-00001517 I got really really really interested in this work 56zqK3JmqgA-00004-00001517-00001878 when I was 24 years old and in graduate school 56zqK3JmqgA-00005-00001878-00002297 and developed a social and emotional learning curriculum—a social problem 56zqK3JmqgA-00006-00002297-00002471 solving skills curriculum. 56zqK3JmqgA-00007-00002471-00002806 It was so good for me, so beneficial for me 56zqK3JmqgA-00008-00002806-00003122 and I saw it benefiting teachers and kids, 56zqK3JmqgA-00009-00003122-00003685 and I got so excited about that (and now I i will confess I'm about to be 56zqK3JmqgA-00010-00003685-00004089 62) so this has been 38 years that I have been 56zqK3JmqgA-00011-00004089-00004578 wildly intrested and fanatical in social and emotional learning, 56zqK3JmqgA-00012-00004578-00004987 with the strong feeling that it's never too late. 56zqK3JmqgA-00013-00004987-00005328 That it's also probably never too early. 56zqK3JmqgA-00014-00005328-00005657 But I have a confidence almost prenatally 56zqK3JmqgA-00015-00005657-00006153 through through for as long as we're around, and maybe 56zqK3JmqgA-00016-00006153-00006490 beyond, that these are important capacities 56zqK3JmqgA-00017-00006490-00006976 and competencies to enhance. Another Association I had is 56zqK3JmqgA-00018-00006976-00007313 why, why with limited time, 56zqK3JmqgA-00019-00007313-00007668 what got me so excited about coming here 56zqK3JmqgA-00020-00007668-00008140 to make a presentation today? And I'd like to come it that 56zqK3JmqgA-00021-00008140-00008454 in--from a couple of different directions. 56zqK3JmqgA-00022-00008454-00008797 First of all, the fact that there's a three-year 56zqK3JmqgA-00023-00008797-00009172 initiative in this work that is supported 56zqK3JmqgA-00024-00009172-00009692 makes a big, big deal to me, because I know that one-shot deals don't work. 56zqK3JmqgA-00025-00009692-00009925 So when I hear about a three-year commitment, 56zqK3JmqgA-00026-00009925-00010320 I think it's extraordinary and it's important and it's an opportunity; 56zqK3JmqgA-00027-00010320-00010682 and the things that you'll be doing three years from now 56zqK3JmqgA-00028-00010682-00011000 are going to be so much more developed 56zqK3JmqgA-00029-00011000-00011386 than what exists now because you have that long-term commitment. 56zqK3JmqgA-00030-00011386-00011929 The other thing is great people have to lead this work 56zqK3JmqgA-00031-00011929-00012289 in a variety of ways, and I've had great respect for Dale Blyth 56zqK3JmqgA-00032-00012289-00012663 for more years than you can know, 56zqK3JmqgA-00033-00012663-00012966 but for a really long time. 56zqK3JmqgA-00034-00012966-00013450 And also, some of the other people sitting around the table, people who you'll 56zqK3JmqgA-00035-00013450-00013750 hear from today, and whether 56zqK3JmqgA-00036-00013750-00014087 its Dean Freeman, and then we went out and had a great 56zqK3JmqgA-00037-00014087-00014475 breakfast this morning; we talked about faith and the importance of faith and 56zqK3JmqgA-00038-00014475-00014716 the role of faith in helping us to achieve, and 56zqK3JmqgA-00039-00014716-00015047 covered all kinds of different topics. 56zqK3JmqgA-00040-00015047-00015347 Terrence Kwame-Ross, a who 56zqK3JmqgA-00041-00015347-00015650 runs the--one of the best middle school 56zqK3JmqgA-00042-00015650-00015962 SEL programs in the country is here, and 56zqK3JmqgA-00043-00015962-00016384 and Gene Roehlkepartain from Search Institute-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00044-00016384-00016712 you know these people I've known, I've respected 56zqK3JmqgA-00045-00016712-00017105 for for so many years. And then Jane Eastwood, I just met 56zqK3JmqgA-00046-00017105-00017430 at the table and we're already old friends scheming about how to 56zqK3JmqgA-00047-00017430-00017800 transform this kind of work in after-school programming,during-school 56zqK3JmqgA-00048-00017800-00017890 programming 56zqK3JmqgA-00049-00017890-00018344 in Saint Paul, across Minnesota, and across the United States. So we have big 56zqK3JmqgA-00050-00018344-00018720 visions and big things that we can accomplish, so it's always fun to connect with people. 56zqK3JmqgA-00051-00018720-00019025 And I should also say that I 56zqK3JmqgA-00052-00019025-00019423 love Minnesota. It happened very early 56zqK3JmqgA-00053-00019423-00019809 on, with interest in the Twins and the Vikings growing 56zqK3JmqgA-00054-00019809-00020223 up, and are also with many of the politicians here, 56zqK3JmqgA-00055-00020223-00020584 whether it's Hubert Humphrey or whether it's Gene McCarthy and 56zqK3JmqgA-00056-00020584-00020951 and others over the years. 56zqK3JmqgA-00057-00020951-00021350 But it was interesting, because when Gene--when Dale mentioned 56zqK3JmqgA-00058-00021350-00021650 we live on the shoulders of 56zqK3JmqgA-00059-00021650-00022026 giants, there are three Minnesota 56zqK3JmqgA-00060-00022026-00022498 giants, who aren't with us anymore and I just wanted to say 56zqK3JmqgA-00061-00022498-00022928 who they are briefly, and the impact they had on me. 56zqK3JmqgA-00062-00022928-00023245 One is a guy name a Norm Garmezy. 56zqK3JmqgA-00063-00023245-00023634 Norm was a professor of psychology at the University of Minnesota, 56zqK3JmqgA-00064-00023634-00023948 who a taught me and 56zqK3JmqgA-00065-00023948-00024261 the world more about issues of 56zqK3JmqgA-00066-00024261-00024565 resilience and competence. And he started 56zqK3JmqgA-00067-00024565-00024881 really, doing a great deal at work in the area of 56zqK3JmqgA-00068-00024881-00025383 people with schizophrenia, but evolved to recognize the importance of prevention, 56zqK3JmqgA-00069-00025383-00025725 and just an extraordinary person 56zqK3JmqgA-00070-00025725-00026113 and scholar. The second is Peter Benson, who I know 56zqK3JmqgA-00071-00026113-00026463 many of you know. What a leader of 56zqK3JmqgA-00072-00026463-00026824 out-of-school school programming, but also 56zqK3JmqgA-00073-00026824-00027283 an advocate for youth in the highest possible way, when he's talking about 56zqK3JmqgA-00074-00027283-00027491 sparks and about assets. 56zqK3JmqgA-00075-00027491-00027943 He so influenced how we think positively about children and youth and 56zqK3JmqgA-00076-00027943-00028208 what they're capable of doing and contributing. 56zqK3JmqgA-00077-00028208-00028536 And then finally my closest collaborator 56zqK3JmqgA-00078-00028536-00028947 was born in Minnesota Mary Utne O’Brien, who passed away about 56zqK3JmqgA-00079-00028947-00029522 two years ago from breast cancer. Mary and I worked for 15 years together. 56zqK3JmqgA-00080-00029522-00029981 So I can tell you, if she were here, 56zqK3JmqgA-00081-00029981-00030305 I she'd be co-presenting this with me today. 56zqK3JmqgA-00082-00030305-00030653 And I think in many ways, whether it's the influence 56zqK3JmqgA-00083-00030653-00030989 Norm Garmezy or Peter Benson or 56zqK3JmqgA-00084-00030989-00031313 Mary Utne O'Brien, all great Minneso-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00085-00031313-00031577 tans? 56zqK3JmqgA-00086-00031577-00031950 You know, they're they're all with us 56zqK3JmqgA-00087-00031950-00032288 in a variety ways. Now there's 56zqK3JmqgA-00088-00032288-00032725 new, innovative ways to do surveys and then there are old ways to do surveys, 56zqK3JmqgA-00089-00032725-00033088 so it was great to see and get the data that 56zqK3JmqgA-00090-00033088-00033602 you covered today. I just want to say a couple things about those data, if I can 56zqK3JmqgA-00091-00033602-00033663 find them. 56zqK3JmqgA-00092-00033663-00034165 I think SEL--the most important thing about SEL is healthy relationship so 56zqK3JmqgA-00093-00034165-00034311 I was very happy to see that 56zqK3JmqgA-00094-00034311-00034672 be up there. Wen it came to 56zqK3JmqgA-00095-00034672-00034991 'can this stuff be taught?' and most people think it can be 56zqK3JmqgA-00096-00034991-00035490 taught, there were 22 percent in the room who I think said, 'well maybe.' 56zqK3JmqgA-00097-00035490-00035849 One of the messages I want to give is the stuff definitely-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00098-00035849-00036194 social and emotional skills can definitely be taught, and there's thirty years of 56zqK3JmqgA-00099-00036194-00036443 research really to document that that's the case. 56zqK3JmqgA-00100-00036443-00036933 When it came to 'Who do I think most people in the country 56zqK3JmqgA-00101-00036933-00037405 think are doing this work?", what did I answer? I answered parents and families 56zqK3JmqgA-00102-00037405-00037828 because I think that's the case. On the other hand, 56zqK3JmqgA-00103-00037828-00038259 it was great to see the distribution, because some people believe that 56zqK3JmqgA-00104-00038259-00038643 if this is really to work, it's going to be in schools, it's going to be in out-of-school 56zqK3JmqgA-00105-00038643-00038857 programs, it's going to be with families. 56zqK3JmqgA-00106-00038857-00039265 and the answer is, obviously, (nd they don't let us do this), 'All of the above.' 56zqK3JmqgA-00107-00039265-00039559 And one of my messages is gonna be how to connect 56zqK3JmqgA-00108-00039559-00039930 and have things be all of the above. 56zqK3JmqgA-00109-00039930-00040338 So the old fashioned surveys that I want to do, thoug,h just to get me oriented 56zqK3JmqgA-00110-00040338-00040590 a little bit more in terms of getting to know you and we can do this 56zqK3JmqgA-00111-00040590-00041013 private--not with the online audience-- at least I won't see the online audience, 56zqK3JmqgA-00112-00041013-00041162 but we could do it here. 56zqK3JmqgA-00113-00041162-00041582 How many have you have been to the CASEL web page? 56zqK3JmqgA-00114-00041582-00042083 And if you have been--okay, great--looks about 56zqK3JmqgA-00115-00042083-00042433 half, but it's not as accurate as the... There were 56zqK3JmqgA-00116-00042433-00043133 232 respondents in the room, and I think it was a 115 who said yes to that. 56zqK3JmqgA-00117-00043165-00043375 How about how many of you 56zqK3JmqgA-00118-00043375-00043697 have been to the George Lucas Educational Foundation 56zqK3JmqgA-00119-00043697-00044100 web page, Edutopia. Okay so fewer there 56zqK3JmqgA-00120-00044100-00044574 and so one thing I can be very helpful with is to say to people is 56zqK3JmqgA-00121-00044574-00044997 go to both of those web pages because they both have a lot of resources, a 56zqK3JmqgA-00122-00044997-00045084 lot of ways 56zqK3JmqgA-00123-00045084-00045466 that can benefit and influence work. And 56zqK3JmqgA-00124-00045466-00045809 I'll show one video from out the Edutopia web page 56zqK3JmqgA-00125-00045809-00046450 in a while today. So you can see 56zqK3JmqgA-00126-00046450-00046791 whenever I give a talk, I get distracted I want to respond to the things that 56zqK3JmqgA-00127-00046791-00046963 have just happened, And 56zqK3JmqgA-00128-00046963-00047290 it's part of wanting to be a lifelong, continuous learner, 56zqK3JmqgA-00129-00047290-00047671 and it's not an accident that I run something called the Collaborative 56zqK3JmqgA-00130-00047671-00048071 for Academic Social and Emotional Learning, Everything we do 56zqK3JmqgA-00131-00048071-00048419 with CASEL--we're not a center, we're a collaborative, and we try and think 56zqK3JmqgA-00132-00048419-00048505 broadly and 56zqK3JmqgA-00133-00048505-00048806 a lot of this is through interaction with others. 56zqK3JmqgA-00134-00048806-00049106 Learning from others, working with others, 56zqK3JmqgA-00135-00049106-00049512 and by style, inevitably when I come to give a talk, 56zqK3JmqgA-00136-00049512-00049896 I focus on the thing that I'm 56zqK3JmqgA-00137-00049896-00050331 most preoccupied by, okay, in the week before the talk. 56zqK3JmqgA-00138-00050331-00051031 And here's what I'm most preoccupied by. Some of you--and I'm gonna 56zqK3JmqgA-00139-00051038-00051446 read this-- I am I am preoccupied by the shooting 56zqK3JmqgA-00140-00051446-00051828 in Sparks Middle School in 56zqK3JmqgA-00141-00051828-00052165 Reno Nevada. And I'm preoccupied 56zqK3JmqgA-00142-00052165-00052589 by that for a few reasons. One is, you'll hear a little bit, 56zqK3JmqgA-00143-00052589-00052935 maybe too little bit, about CASEL's Collaborating 56zqK3JmqgA-00144-00052935-00053469 Districts Initiative, and Washoe County, which is a fantastic school system 56zqK3JmqgA-00145-00053469-00053816 is a CASEL collaborating district, 56zqK3JmqgA-00146-00053816-00054244 and this shooting occurred in that district. 56zqK3JmqgA-00147-00054244-00054623 And so this says a 56zqK3JmqgA-00148-00054623-00055012 teacher was a hero in Sparks Middle School Tragedy, and I'm going to read 56zqK3JmqgA-00149-00055012-00055072 this one 56zqK3JmqgA-00150-00055072-00055601 and and the next one. This was on--if you go to the Washoe County web page, 56zqK3JmqgA-00151-00055601-00055998 you'll see this on their webpage, I I took it off it there. 56zqK3JmqgA-00152-00055998-00056473 It says, "Michael Landsberry, a Sparks Middle School math teacher, 56zqK3JmqgA-00153-00056473-00056776 was killed during yesterday's shooting at the school. 56zqK3JmqgA-00154-00056776-00057206 Landsberry is being remembered by school district and community leaders 56zqK3JmqgA-00155-00057206-00057558 as a hero following yesterday's tragic events. 56zqK3JmqgA-00156-00057558-00057941 Police say Landsberry calmly approach the student 56zqK3JmqgA-00157-00057941-00058248 gunmen in an effort to protect other students, 56zqK3JmqgA-00158-00058248-00058570 saving many innocent lives with his heroism. 56zqK3JmqgA-00159-00058570-00058974 And I think that's what he did. My understanding is he walked towards the 56zqK3JmqgA-00160-00058974-00059093 student with his hands up, 56zqK3JmqgA-00161-00059093-00059681 tried to create calm. There were other students there who had cell phones, who 56zqK3JmqgA-00162-00059681-00059841 were calling 911, 56zqK3JmqgA-00163-00059841-00060156 and the police responded very quickly 56zqK3JmqgA-00164-00060156-00060568 to the situation; and the fact that they did, I think 56zqK3JmqgA-00165-00060568-00060922 saved a many, many lives. And he 56zqK3JmqgA-00166-00060922-00061266 is a hero in many, 56zqK3JmqgA-00167-00061266-00061676 many ways. And the sad and tragic thing is he was a veteran who 56zqK3JmqgA-00168-00061676-00061976 came back from Afghanistan, so if you can think about 56zqK3JmqgA-00169-00061976-00062351 having gone through wars there and then to come back 56zqK3JmqgA-00170-00062351-00062817 and be shot on a playground is incredibly 56zqK3JmqgA-00171-00062817-00063136 overwhelming and powerful, 56zqK3JmqgA-00172-00063136-00063460 I think, to experience. Then the other thing, 56zqK3JmqgA-00173-00063460-00064016 and this came from Michael Landsberry's teaching website 56zqK3JmqgA-00174-00064016-00064552 for the kids, where he said, "You are asking yourself what annoys me. 56zqK3JmqgA-00175-00064552-00065125 It depends on any given day. Just like you I have good days and bad days... 56zqK3JmqgA-00176-00065125-00065504 A very good skill to learn its reading people and their moods... 56zqK3JmqgA-00177-00065504-00065904 one of my goals is to earn respect while you earn mine. 56zqK3JmqgA-00178-00065904-00066411 I believe with mutual respect that the classroom environment will run smoothly." 56zqK3JmqgA-00179-00066411-00066671 Well what a powerful message, and 56zqK3JmqgA-00180-00066671-00067047 you know he obviously--the things that people are saying--he was a good guy. 56zqK3JmqgA-00181-00067047-00067347 And the way he worked with kids seems-- and I don't-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00182-00067347-00067823 I didn't know him personally--I'm just picking up things, and being influenced 56zqK3JmqgA-00183-00067823-00068174 powerfully by his messages. 56zqK3JmqgA-00184-00068174-00068595 I'll say something else, in this is just quickly about the CASEL 56zqK3JmqgA-00185-00068595-00068991 collaborating districts. One of the things we do with our collaborating districts 56zqK3JmqgA-00186-00068991-00069174 work is we have two consultants 56zqK3JmqgA-00187-00069174-00069681 who are SEL consultants to the district. One, a former superintendent 56zqK3JmqgA-00188-00069681-00070054 who knows about change management processes at the district level. 56zqK3JmqgA-00189-00070054-00070424 The other, really somebody with great expertise in SEL. 56zqK3JmqgA-00190-00070424-00070754 And when this happened, we 56zqK3JmqgA-00191-00070754-00071255 immediately the two SEL consultants went to the district and have been 56zqK3JmqgA-00192-00071255-00071647 working with the district in a variety of ways. 56zqK3JmqgA-00193-00071647-00072075 I could spend the whole time up here just talking about the work that they 56zqK3JmqgA-00194-00072075-00072496 did out there. I'll say two things--three things: 56zqK3JmqgA-00195-00072496-00072936 They gave people in the district a chance to 56zqK3JmqgA-00196-00072936-00073300 share their worries, their concerns, their 56zqK3JmqgA-00197-00073300-00073730 anxieties in a variety of facilitated meetings. 56zqK3JmqgA-00198-00073730-00074195 And they are also gave people a chance 56zqK3JmqgA-00199-00074195-00074496 to identify and recognize certain 56zqK3JmqgA-00200-00074496-00075012 acts of heroism, certain acts of caring, certain positive things that people 56zqK3JmqgA-00201-00075012-00075469 had done. And they just allowed and created the space for this to happen, 56zqK3JmqgA-00202-00075469-00075674 which I think was enormously powerful 56zqK3JmqgA-00203-00075674-00075986 for the students, the 56zqK3JmqgA-00204-00075986-00076450 educators in Washoe County. 56zqK3JmqgA-00205-00076450-00076859 The other thing, and I spoke to one of our consultants on Sunday before coming 56zqK3JmqgA-00206-00076859-00076934 here, I said, 56zqK3JmqgA-00207-00076934-00077276 "Tony, what was the most powerful thing you know, 56zqK3JmqgA-00208-00077276-00077633 a lesson you learned from doing this work?" And he said something that was 56zqK3JmqgA-00209-00077633-00077723 really 56zqK3JmqgA-00210-00077723-00078042 I think important. 56zqK3JmqgA-00211-00078042-00078420 He said that within the schools, 56zqK3JmqgA-00212-00078420-00078807 when this happens they go into a mode 56zqK3JmqgA-00213-00078807-00079099 of action. 56zqK3JmqgA-00214-00079099-00079398 They try and figure out how to take care of things 56zqK3JmqgA-00215-00079398-00079904 and they don't really have time to think about people's feelings 56zqK3JmqgA-00216-00079904-00080238 and their worries and their concerns, or 56zqK3JmqgA-00217-00080238-00080612 to acknowledge the importance of relationships, because they're so busy 56zqK3JmqgA-00218-00080612-00081069 doing. And one of the things he said is people that he talked to 56zqK3JmqgA-00219-00081069-00081477 were incredibly appreciative from the notes, 56zqK3JmqgA-00220-00081477-00082003 the calls that they got from people in the community, from around the country 56zqK3JmqgA-00221-00082003-00082505 to just say, "We're there with you; we want to be supportive." 56zqK3JmqgA-00222-00082505-00082855 And I think one of the most important things--and I've worked in schools for a 56zqK3JmqgA-00223-00082855-00082954 long time now-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00224-00082954-00083407 being a teacher, being a principal, being a superintendent--it is very 56zqK3JmqgA-00225-00083407-00083906 tough work and they need support. And don't underestimate the power, 56zqK3JmqgA-00226-00083906-00084267 when you can share something positive and caring 56zqK3JmqgA-00227-00084267-00084726 and supportive to them, that that has. And I think that that's part of social and 56zqK3JmqgA-00228-00084726-00084836 emotional learning. 56zqK3JmqgA-00229-00084836-00085340 The relationships, the connections that can happen. So 56zqK3JmqgA-00230-00085340-00085737 I have to be careful Mary Utne O'Brien used to say that sometimes I would 56zqK3JmqgA-00231-00085737-00086052 give a talk and I'd spend the whole time on the first slide, 56zqK3JmqgA-00232-00086052-00086397 and so I'm going to start moving ahead 56zqK3JmqgA-00233-00086397-00086748 a bit,but I want to, I if we can, 56zqK3JmqgA-00234-00086748-00087120 I do wanna show at least a bit of a video. 56zqK3JmqgA-00235-00087120-00087462 Michael Landsberry was a math teacher. 56zqK3JmqgA-00236-00087462-00087822 This is about math as a social activity. I wanted to show 56zqK3JmqgA-00237-00087822-00088146 SEL as-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00238-00088146-00088564 how it's done when I math instruction is 56zqK3JmqgA-00239-00088564-00088926 integrated with social and emotional development, so let's let's just watch a 56zqK3JmqgA-00240-00088926-00089153 little of this, and again, it would be great to-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00241-00089153-00089511 we won't be able to debrief, but I wanted to share the experience and also excite 56zqK3JmqgA-00242-00089511-00089543 you, 56zqK3JmqgA-00243-00089543-00089984 because GLEF [George Lucas Educational Foundation] has a you know 56zqK3JmqgA-00244-00089984-00090335 many, many social-emotional learning videos 56zqK3JmqgA-00245-00090335-00090864 on on their website that you could see and learn from. 56zqK3JmqgA-00246-00090864-00091192 [Narrator] Chris Opitz is a Master Teacher at Bowman 56zqK3JmqgA-00247-00091192-00091711 Elementary School in Anchorage, Alaska. He views math as a social activity 56zqK3JmqgA-00248-00091711-00092064 and believes taking time to impart the skills required for 56zqK3JmqgA-00249-00092064-00092493 cooperative learning can lead to to calmer classrooms and more rigorous studies. 56zqK3JmqgA-00250-00092493-00093028 Why is private think time important before we have our discussions? Sadie, 56zqK3JmqgA-00251-00093028-00093092 what are you thinking? 56zqK3JmqgA-00252-00093092-00093460 This fifth-grade math class was recorded during the first month 56zqK3JmqgA-00253-00093460-00093900 of the school year. 56zqK3JmqgA-00254-00093900-00094287 [Chris Opitz] At the beginning of the year, we established a set of working agreements, that I provided 56zqK3JmqgA-00255-00094287-00094639 four categories. I provided Speaking, Listening, Thinking 56zqK3JmqgA-00256-00094639-00094971 and Behavior, and that's really social-emotional learning. 56zqK3JmqgA-00257-00094971-00095304 Then we did an exercise where the kids thought about 56zqK3JmqgA-00258-00095304-00095710 and kind of imagined a great classroom, like the best place where they could 56zqK3JmqgA-00259-00095710-00096171 possibly be learning. And what would that look like in each of those categories? 56zqK3JmqgA-00260-00096171-00096595 And so we we took all of those ideas and we developed what's called our Working Agreement. 56zqK3JmqgA-00261-00096595-00097047 Ad then kids can look at that consistently and set goals from that. 56zqK3JmqgA-00262-00097047-00097450 And then they rate themselves, you know, 'Today I did a great job,' and they provide 56zqK3JmqgA-00263-00097450-00097541 an explanation and 56zqK3JmqgA-00264-00097541-00097841 evidence of their rating in terms of those goals. 56zqK3JmqgA-00265-00097841-00098189 Also we do a lot of discussion, and that's another area-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00266-00098189-00098463 Kids did the same thing, they worked together 56zqK3JmqgA-00267-00098463-00098790 and thought of what a great discussion is. It wasn't 56zqK3JmqgA-00268-00098790-00099090 kids raising their hands. It was kids bouncing ideas off each other. 56zqK3JmqgA-00269-00099090-00099414 I personally believe when kids have some 56zqK3JmqgA-00270-00099414-00099721 say in making those rules and those 56zqK3JmqgA-00271-00099721-00100250 routines, and those working agreements, they're going to own them. 56zqK3JmqgA-00272-00100380-00100840 I'm going to give you your first model. We're probably going to go around and do a fish bowl, 56zqK3JmqgA-00273-00100843-00101143 where we stand around the outside, and we're going to watch 56zqK3JmqgA-00274-00101143-00101454 and really think about what a good discussion 56zqK3JmqgA-00275-00101454-00101917 looks like. How we talk and how we liste, how we ask questions--all those good things that 56zqK3JmqgA-00276-00101917-00102049 you guys do very, very well. 56zqK3JmqgA-00277-00102049-00102377 So here's your first model: To honor the private think time. 56zqK3JmqgA-00278-00102377-00102748 (Do you want me to read it with you?) Mike has has eight dollars. 56zqK3JmqgA-00279-00102748-00103094 Kelly has twice as much as Mike. 56zqK3JmqgA-00280-00103094-00103219 Do you know what that word 56zqK3JmqgA-00281-00103219-00103509 twice as much means? 56zqK3JmqgA-00282-00104082-00104143 Hey, Riley? [Hmm?] 56zqK3JmqgA-00283-00104143-00104551 Could you and Laura work together as a team on this one? Would that be okay with you? 56zqK3JmqgA-00284-00104551-00104601 [Riley]: Sure. 56zqK3JmqgA-00285-00104601-00104700 [Chris Opitz] OK. 56zqK3JmqgA-00286-00104700-00104870 So Mike has 8 dollars. 56zqK3JmqgA-00287-00104875-00105120 Is this Mike? [Laura] Yeah. 56zqK3JmqgA-00288-00105120-00105200 [Chris Opitz] In any classroom, 56zqK3JmqgA-00289-00105283-00105601 anywhere you go, you're going to have an incredibly broad range 56zqK3JmqgA-00290-00105601-00105960 of kids. Socially, academically, all across the 56zqK3JmqgA-00291-00105960-00106421 spectrum. And so how does a single person, as a teacher as a manager, 56zqK3JmqgA-00292-00106421-00106825 teach 20-30 kids in a single classroom when 56zqK3JmqgA-00293-00106825-00107288 that ability range is so wide? I personally believe that 56zqK3JmqgA-00294-00107288-00107607 the social skills and and, more importantly, the 56zqK3JmqgA-00295-00107607-00107926 students building social skills to help them work together, 56zqK3JmqgA-00296-00107926-00108250 to talk about math, to explain their thinking, 56zqK3JmqgA-00297-00108250-00108633 to offer help when another student is struggling, 56zqK3JmqgA-00298-00108633-00108969 and just as importantly for that child to be able to accept help--that's a 56zqK3JmqgA-00299-00108969-00109080 really difficult 56zqK3JmqgA-00300-00109080-00109417 part of that equation--all of those skills are part of the social 56zqK3JmqgA-00301-00109417-00109740 arena that we're working in. And without them, I don't know how you could 56zqK3JmqgA-00302-00109740-00109792 teach a 56zqK3JmqgA-00303-00109792-00110355 classroom with such a broad range of abilities. 56zqK3JmqgA-00304-00110355-00110722 Kids ideas matter. 56zqK3JmqgA-00305-00110722-00111076 Thank you for sharing your idea. When we pay attention to their ideas, 56zqK3JmqgA-00306-00111076-00111466 not necessarily saying that's a good idea or that's a bad idea, but we say thank you for 56zqK3JmqgA-00307-00111466-00111539 your idea. 56zqK3JmqgA-00308-00111539-00111980 They're more willing to share it. They probably care a little bit more. 56zqK3JmqgA-00309-00111980-00112428 It probably feels a little bit safer to share that idea. Because no matter what I 56zqK3JmqgA-00310-00112428-00112478 say or 56zqK3JmqgA-00311-00112478-00112933 try to push, unless the kids own it, it's not going to matter. 56zqK3JmqgA-00312-00113150-00113594 I took your ideas about discussions--what makes a really great discussion--and I wrote 56zqK3JmqgA-00313-00113594-00113742 them on the board for today. 56zqK3JmqgA-00314-00113742-00114081 And so when we go to fishbowl, we're going to choose a team like we do. 56zqK3JmqgA-00315-00114081-00114509 We're going to go around, and we're going to make these observations, and your job as an audience 56zqK3JmqgA-00316-00114525-00114940 is to listen very closely to see if every voice is heard at that table. 56zqK3JmqgA-00317-00114940-00115283 I want you to listen for thoughtful questions 56zqK3JmqgA-00318-00115283-00115609 and look for this evidence. You ready? Okay. 56zqK3JmqgA-00319-00115609-00115948 Remember give them space, give them space 56zqK3JmqgA-00320-00115948-00116320 and if you're in front, what can you do to let everybody see? 56zqK3JmqgA-00321-00116320-00116718 Audience: our voices are off. We're just going to look for evidence of a really great 56zqK3JmqgA-00322-00116718-00116914 discussion and we're going to talk about that 56zqK3JmqgA-00323-00116914-00117293 afterwards. I beganusing the fishbowl, having kids 56zqK3JmqgA-00324-00117293-00117790 really closely observe other kids in discussion, identifying particular types 56zqK3JmqgA-00325-00117790-00117896 of language, 56zqK3JmqgA-00326-00117896-00118241 ways to ask questions, how do you use manners when 56zqK3JmqgA-00327-00118241-00118763 disagreeing, how to choose--as simply as how to choose who speaks first. 56zqK3JmqgA-00328-00118850-00118950 I'll start. 56zqK3JmqgA-00329-00118950-00119257 In a fifth and sixth grade classroom, we wouldn't expect fact that, but boy, 56zqK3JmqgA-00330-00119257-00119735 it can derail a classroom instantly, if they don't have those basic skills. 56zqK3JmqgA-00331-00119735-00120122 And once that foundation is built, then the academics 56zqK3JmqgA-00332-00120122-00120482 can be seen so much more thoughtful, so much more 56zqK3JmqgA-00333-00120482-00120856 intense--and that's what we're shooting for. 56zqK3JmqgA-00334-00120856-00121199 Mike started with 8, Kelly had twice as much as Mike, 56zqK3JmqgA-00335-00121199-00121540 and Joe had half as much as Kelly. 56zqK3JmqgA-00336-00121540-00121853 Every teacher out there has probably said, at some point in time, turn to your neighbor 56zqK3JmqgA-00337-00121853-00121955 and talk about this idea. 56zqK3JmqgA-00338-00121955-00122408 Look at your teammates and talk about this idea. [Boy talking] Actually, I'm not quite getting-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00339-00122408-00122789 why don't you do those shapes? 56zqK3JmqgA-00340-00122789-00123133 [Girl] Because it looked cool. 56zqK3JmqgA-00341-00123133-00123500 [Chris Opitz] if they are talking about the topic that you've asked them to talk about 56zqK3JmqgA-00342-00123500-00123861 if they're actually listening to each other and using that language and those 56zqK3JmqgA-00343-00123861-00123950 social skills, 56zqK3JmqgA-00344-00123950-00124254 then all the sudden have an environment with 30 kids 56zqK3JmqgA-00345-00124254-00124594 who are all learning at the same time. [Girl talking] And how would you get 3 even if you did 56zqK3JmqgA-00346-00124594-00125133 the half of 8? That's 4. 56zqK3JmqgA-00347-00125133-00125248 [boy] I don't know how I got 3. 56zqK3JmqgA-00348-00125248-00125655 {Chris Opitz] It's not gonna happen at the beginning of the year 56zqK3JmqgA-00349-00125655-00126034 but in my opinion, the efficiences that you'll gain 56zqK3JmqgA-00350-00126034-00126413 later by far outweigh the time that you spend at the 56zqK3JmqgA-00351-00126413-00126600 beginning teaching those basics. 56zqK3JmqgA-00352-00126750-00127228 Kaylee, I was standing behind you and I kept hearing a lot of questions coming your way. 56zqK3JmqgA-00353-00127228-00127786 How did that make you feel? [Kaylee] I don't know. [Chris Opitz] I know that sometimes when people ask me a lot of questions 56zqK3JmqgA-00354-00127786-00128188 fast, in a row, get kinda nervous. You know what I mean? 56zqK3JmqgA-00355-00128188-00128556 And I can't-- my thoughts--I kind of lose my own thinking. Does that happen to anybody else? 56zqK3JmqgA-00356-00128556-00128586 When 56zqK3JmqgA-00357-00128586-00128961 somebody says, "Hey, Riley, hey, Riley--what's the answer to--." if 56zqK3JmqgA-00358-00128961-00129381 But do you know what I mean? Yeah, and you get a little nervous. 56zqK3JmqgA-00359-00129381-00129718 But that's alright, that's part of our learning. And so, 56zqK3JmqgA-00360-00129718-00130077 I want you to feel comfortable with that. That's okay to feel that way. 56zqK3JmqgA-00361-00130120-00130546 Right now we're going to have--the observers are going to discuss a little 56zqK3JmqgA-00362-00130546-00130681 bit and make some comments. 56zqK3JmqgA-00363-00130681-00130995 Audience, what are some things that you know... 56zqK3JmqgA-00364-00130995-00131463 [Roger Weissberg] OK, maybe we could stop the tape at this point. 56zqK3JmqgA-00365-00131463-00131956 My main goal is actually to interest you in going to the GLEF webpage. 56zqK3JmqgA-00366-00131956-00132260 They have many, many good videos including this one. 56zqK3JmqgA-00367-00132260-00132560 This is just an example that 56zqK3JmqgA-00368-00132560-00132923 I think is important. Again, we're the collaborative for 56zqK3JmqgA-00369-00132923-00133344 academic social and emotional learning. There are all kinds of ways to teach 56zqK3JmqgA-00370-00133344-00133808 SEL skills, some through direct instruction, 56zqK3JmqgA-00371-00133808-00134268 but a lot of the work being done now is through integration with academic 56zqK3JmqgA-00372-00134268-00134360 instruction, 56zqK3JmqgA-00373-00134360-00134827 and it's very important. One of our big emphases is this isn't an add-on, 56zqK3JmqgA-00374-00134827-00135177 this is a way of, I think, doing business broadly, 56zqK3JmqgA-00375-00135177-00135731 whether it's during school, after school, in a lot of ways, and this teacher 56zqK3JmqgA-00376-00135731-00136243 who's a great teacher, is is in Anchorage, Alaska, another one of our collaborating 56zqK3JmqgA-00377-00136243-00136320 districts. 56zqK3JmqgA-00378-00136320-00136687 So what I'm gonna do now—with apologies 56zqK3JmqgA-00379-00136687-00137136 from the outset—I've been in this field now for 38 years. I teach a course 56zqK3JmqgA-00380-00137136-00137555 in social and emotional learning; it's a 15-week course. 56zqK3JmqgA-00381-00137555-00137969 And so what I'm gonna do is take you 56zqK3JmqgA-00382-00137969-00138369 on a journey which is a 56zqK3JmqgA-00383-00138369-00138721 high-level journey, I think, in a way, 56zqK3JmqgA-00384-00138721-00139033 with just a smattering of 56zqK3JmqgA-00385-00139033-00139517 ideas, so you get a sense of how the work is unfolding 56zqK3JmqgA-00386-00139517-00139889 really nationally. And if you end up 56zqK3JmqgA-00387-00139889-00140291 having enough interest in certain elements, which I'm only going 56zqK3JmqgA-00388-00140291-00140785 and inch deep into, there's a lot of follow-up and back-up for these things. 56zqK3JmqgA-00389-00140785-00141178 So I want to go through and I'm going to 56zqK3JmqgA-00390-00141178-00141493 basically summarize things, 56zqK3JmqgA-00391-00141493-00141844 and Kate and I worked to develop some of this work. 56zqK3JmqgA-00392-00141844-00142295 One of the things, because I don't know if people have power points 56zqK3JmqgA-00393-00142295-00142752 for this, but I share everything, okay? CASEL shares everything. 56zqK3JmqgA-00394-00142752-00143112 So if you look at this and say, "Oh, we'd like this," 56zqK3JmqgA-00395-00143112-00143539 this probably a dangerous thing to say, but the field to the SEL-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00396-00143539-00143929 I hope you understand me correctly--is based on sharing and stealing, 56zqK3JmqgA-00397-00143929-00144250 okay? So just 56zqK3JmqgA-00398-00144250-00144692 if you want some of this PowerPoint, we;ll try and figure out a way to have it 56zqK3JmqgA-00399-00144692-00144829 arranged so people can get it, 56zqK3JmqgA-00400-00144829-00145378 okay? Great. 56zqK3JmqgA-00401-00145378-00146078 So— 56zqK3JmqgA-00402-00146221-00146524 (my thing's not advancing, so I'm going to look up there a little bit with this 56zqK3JmqgA-00403-00146524-00147159 until it starts to.) So I discovered my question in 1976. I went to an APA 56zqK3JmqgA-00404-00147159-00147540 conference; I heard my advisers say there are too many kids who have problems, 56zqK3JmqgA-00405-00147540-00147855 there are never going to be enough professional resources to help these 56zqK3JmqgA-00406-00147855-00147911 kids. 56zqK3JmqgA-00407-00147911-00148317 What we should do is figure out how the star--from the start we promote 56zqK3JmqgA-00408-00148317-00148454 competence in kids. 56zqK3JmqgA-00409-00148454-00148871 We help them be their best through working with schools and families and 56zqK3JmqgA-00410-00148871-00148944 communities. 56zqK3JmqgA-00411-00148944-00149284 And literally, I heard his presentation and I said, 56zqK3JmqgA-00412-00149284-00149604 "That's what I'm going to do for the rest of my life." So this is 56zqK3JmqgA-00413-00149604-00150112 the only professional question I have cared about since 1976 is how to schools 56zqK3JmqgA-00414-00150112-00150299 and families and communities work together 56zqK3JmqgA-00415-00150299-00150615 to support positive outcomes in kids? 56zqK3JmqgA-00416-00150615-00151010 I'm going to tell you everything I learned 56zqK3JmqgA-00417-00151010-00151371 in one slide. 56zqK3JmqgA-00418-00151371-00151605 The first thing is: kids do better 56zqK3JmqgA-00419-00151605-00151909 when and they have support 56zqK3JmqgA-00420-00151909-00152457 and if you can strengthen family functioning, and if they have sustained, 56zqK3JmqgA-00421-00152457-00152951 positive relationships with caring adults. Kids 56zqK3JmqgA-00422-00152951-00153273 do better when they're provided with high quality education 56zqK3JmqgA-00423-00153273-00153703 and when kids are connected to their schools and feel positively about the 56zqK3JmqgA-00424-00153703-00153840 educational experience, 56zqK3JmqgA-00425-00153840-00154466 they're going to be more successful. If communities are safe and supportive for 56zqK3JmqgA-00426-00154466-00154795 children. that's good. And if you have high quality out-of-school 56zqK3JmqgA-00427-00154795-00155266 programs, it's positive. And then the only thing that I add to that, which is a 56zqK3JmqgA-00428-00155266-00155407 little bit of a wrinkle 56zqK3JmqgA-00429-00155407-00155729 from the CASEL perspective, 56zqK3JmqgA-00430-00155729-00156057 is you need to provide children and youth with opportunities to build their 56zqK3JmqgA-00431-00156057-00156251 social and emotional competencies. 56zqK3JmqgA-00432-00156251-00156702 So if you're doing things on the family and adult level and mentor level, if 56zqK3JmqgA-00433-00156702-00156795 you're doing things 56zqK3JmqgA-00434-00156795-00157359 to improve quality education, if you do things to have kids engage and be excited 56zqK3JmqgA-00435-00157359-00157479 about learning, if you do 56zqK3JmqgA-00436-00157479-00157864 quality after-school work, and you're concentrating on their 56zqK3JmqgA-00437-00157864-00158310 social, emotional and cognitive moral and physical development, and 56zqK3JmqgA-00438-00158310-00158670 that's what we need, that's the roadmap. Okay? So that's 56zqK3JmqgA-00439-00158670-00159029 that's based on a lot of science, not just my science but 56zqK3JmqgA-00440-00159029-00159553 many people in the field. If you 56zqK3JmqgA-00441-00159553-00160003 look, and again, I don't want to make this about a bunch of statistics in different ways, 56zqK3JmqgA-00442-00160003-00160096 but 56zqK3JmqgA-00443-00160096-00160421 these are mostly from the Center for Disease Control. 56zqK3JmqgA-00444-00160421-00160730 And one of the things that happens, we look 56zqK3JmqgA-00445-00160730-00161085 and we see negative outcomes 56zqK3JmqgA-00446-00161085-00161395 in kids, and it leads to a war-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00447-00161395-00161704 a war on violence, a war on bullying. 56zqK3JmqgA-00448-00161704-00162130 But you can imagine, and if you think about that the situation I showed from 56zqK3JmqgA-00449-00162130-00162528 Sparks Middle School, as soon as there are fights, as soon as you think people 56zqK3JmqgA-00450-00162528-00162710 are carrying weapons, as soon as you 56zqK3JmqgA-00451-00162710-00163051 see the bullying, it's hard to learn in school, and these things really have to be 56zqK3JmqgA-00452-00163051-00163134 addressed. 56zqK3JmqgA-00453-00163134-00163467 But not necessarily through categorical approaches. 56zqK3JmqgA-00454-00163467-00163791 Because if you go on and look at other 56zqK3JmqgA-00455-00163791-00164134 things, you know--kids drink too much, 56zqK3JmqgA-00456-00164134-00164541 or there are many who are depressed and attempt suicide, or 56zqK3JmqgA-00457-00164541-00164946 there are people who engage in high-risk sexual behavior. And you can't have a war 56zqK3JmqgA-00458-00164946-00164986 about 56zqK3JmqgA-00459-00164986-00165292 each of these things. And finally, and this is 56zqK3JmqgA-00460-00165292-00165666 from work of other people Connell and Clem, among 56zqK3JmqgA-00461-00165666-00165977 others, Forty to sixty percent of 56zqK3JmqgA-00462-00165977-00166342 high school students, they say are chronically disengaged from school. 56zqK3JmqgA-00463-00166342-00166817 So one way to look at this and it's been the way that I think dominates most 56zqK3JmqgA-00464-00166817-00167352 government initiatives is there's a high-profile thing that happens, there's 56zqK3JmqgA-00465-00167352-00167541 an agenda that's gets advanced 56zqK3JmqgA-00466-00167541-00167913 and there's prevention, and one negative categorical outcome, and it leads to 56zqK3JmqgA-00467-00167913-00168005 fragmentation. 56zqK3JmqgA-00468-00168005-00168402 I was always influenced a lot by the Search Institute 56zqK3JmqgA-00469-00168402-00169025 and I and some of the surveys that they did, and this is from one of the 56zqK3JmqgA-00470-00169025-00169147 national surveys, 56zqK3JmqgA-00471-00169147-00169464 where they asked kids to comment on 56zqK3JmqgA-00472-00169464-00169787 --for people who know you, how many look at-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00473-00169787-00170138 would rate you on thinking through the results 56zqK3JmqgA-00474-00170138-00170494 of your choices, or caring about others' feelings, or respecting the values and 56zqK3JmqgA-00475-00170494-00170553 beliefs of 56zqK3JmqgA-00476-00170553-00171114 others? Or even asking the question: my school provides a caring, 56zqK3JmqgA-00477-00171114-00171240 encouraging environment? 56zqK3JmqgA-00478-00171240-00171609 And for all of these, the kids—less than, fewer than 50 percent of the kids 56zqK3JmqgA-00480-00171637-00172119 acknowledge this is who they are. So you can think about what problems do we want 56zqK3JmqgA-00481-00172119-00172400 to prevent? But you can also think about what competencies 56zqK3JmqgA-00482-00172400-00172766 do you want to encourage, and what kind of environments do we want to create? 56zqK3JmqgA-00483-00172766-00173225 And how do we get kids to understand that there is caring, because it's one 56zqK3JmqgA-00484-00173225-00173420 thing--and we've done surveys on this, too-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00485-00173420-00173925 kids don't perceive as much caring as the adults feel they're trying to convey. 56zqK3JmqgA-00486-00173925-00174025 So how do you 56zqK3JmqgA-00487-00174025-00174483 bridge that divide? is part of the work, and we think in certain ways that an 56zqK3JmqgA-00488-00174483-00174749 emphasis on social and emotional learning can help. 56zqK3JmqgA-00489-00174749-00175052 So when we work with any community, when 56zqK3JmqgA-00490-00175052-00175463 the work that we've done over the years with any school, 56zqK3JmqgA-00491-00175463-00175798 we always start basically with two sets of questions. 56zqK3JmqgA-00492-00175798-00176215 What do we want our children to be, to know, and to be able to do when they 56zqK3JmqgA-00493-00176215-00176294 graduate? 56zqK3JmqgA-00494-00176294-00176677 And how can the entire community be organized to ensure that students reach 56zqK3JmqgA-00495-00176677-00176873 those stated goals? 56zqK3JmqgA-00496-00176873-00177127 And that's the interest. And very often, 56zqK3JmqgA-00497-00177127-00177539 when you find out what people's highest dreams are for their kids, 56zqK3JmqgA-00498-00177539-00177988 what they want them to develop, or if you look what the business community 56zqK3JmqgA-00499-00177988-00178062 wants, 56zqK3JmqgA-00500-00178062-00178372 you can go on a lot of things that get 56zqK3JmqgA-00501-00178372-00178715 identified are social and emotional competencies. 56zqK3JmqgA-00502-00178715-00179086 So we have advanced work in this 56zqK3JmqgA-00503-00179086-00179410 area, and we were influenced by 56zqK3JmqgA-00504-00179410-00179746 initially four questions. 56zqK3JmqgA-00505-00179746-00180161 The first one, are people with better social and emotional skills more likely 56zqK3JmqgA-00506-00180161-00180320 to succeed in school and life? 56zqK3JmqgA-00507-00180320-00180795 I can tell you there's probably thousands of correlational studies 56zqK3JmqgA-00508-00180795-00181114 that show if you're socially and emotionally competent, you do better in 56zqK3JmqgA-00509-00181114-00181301 school, you do better in work, you do better 56zqK3JmqgA-00510-00181301-00181754 with your families and so on and so forth. The key question, and this is what 56zqK3JmqgA-00511-00181754-00181986 there's thirty years of research that talks about 56zqK3JmqgA-00512-00181986-00182294 is can social and emotional skills be taught? 56zqK3JmqgA-00513-00182294-00182789 And now we have to catch up with the research that shows 56zqK3JmqgA-00514-00182789-00183202 that they can be taught, how they can be taught, with the best practice that 56zqK3JmqgA-00515-00183202-00183304 demonstrates this 56zqK3JmqgA-00516-00183304-00183674 every day, and have people understand that this is the case. 56zqK3JmqgA-00517-00183674-00184027 A next question is: will teachers--will students, 56zqK3JmqgA-00518-00184027-00184412 children be better prepared for college and careers? 56zqK3JmqgA-00519-00184412-00184774 If we teach these competencies, will they be more successful as adults? And 56zqK3JmqgA-00520-00184774-00185089 I'm just going to say something from the perspective of a college professor, which 56zqK3JmqgA-00521-00185089-00185247 I've been for 33 years. 56zqK3JmqgA-00522-00185247-00185715 The kids who have problems in my classes are not the ones who struggle 56zqK3JmqgA-00523-00185715-00185803 academically. 56zqK3JmqgA-00524-00185803-00186220 The ones who have problems are the ones who disappear; the ones who don't know 56zqK3JmqgA-00525-00186220-00186683 how to self-advocate; who don't know how to express a challeng or a problem that they 56zqK3JmqgA-00526-00186683-00187211 have; who who don't know how to use a TA for support, or a helping service and 56zqK3JmqgA-00527-00187211-00187549 things like that. These are all social and emotional competencies 56zqK3JmqgA-00528-00187549-00187959 that again a lot of kids come to college and -- you'll hear the news--oh, they're 56zqK3JmqgA-00529-00187959-00188258 not reading at the right level, they're not doing math at the right level. 56zqK3JmqgA-00530-00188258-00188653 Well, some of these social and emotional competencies can help them 56zqK3JmqgA-00531-00188653-00188825 to 56zqK3JmqgA-00532-00188825-00189202 navigate systems so that they can get the help and support they need. 56zqK3JmqgA-00533-00189202-00189510 And at the same time there's the support from the environment that has to be 56zqK3JmqgA-00534-00189510-00189580 conveyed. 56zqK3JmqgA-00535-00189580-00190029 And then finally, a big question that we've been involved with is how 56zqK3JmqgA-00536-00190029-00190400 can we ensure that educators and families and 56zqK3JmqgA-00537-00190400-00190765 you know, community organizations and the like 56zqK3JmqgA-00538-00190765-00191109 teach the skills well? So that's what we have been focused on. 56zqK3JmqgA-00539-00191109-00191653 CASEL--and there's a long CASEL story-- we've been around for twenty years at 56zqK3JmqgA-00540-00191653-00191729 this point. 56zqK3JmqgA-00541-00191729-00192365 It was developed in 1994. Dan Goleman was writing a book on emotional 56zqK3JmqgA-00542-00192365-00192623 intelligence and said it was a different way being smart 56zqK3JmqgA-00543-00192623-00192939 and that could be taught, and schools should do it in evidence-based ways and there 56zqK3JmqgA-00544-00192939-00193160 should be an organization devoted to promoting 56zqK3JmqgA-00545-00193160-00193495 these competencies. We were a little concerned we didn't like the term 56zqK3JmqgA-00546-00193495-00193579 emotional 56zqK3JmqgA-00547-00193579-00193995 competence--emotional intelligence. We think some people have a misperception 56zqK3JmqgA-00548-00193995-00194220 about intelligence that it's fixed 56zqK3JmqgA-00549-00194220-00194647 rather than malleable. There's a lot of research now from Carol Dweck and others 56zqK3JmqgA-00550-00194647-00194716 that says 56zqK3JmqgA-00551-00194716-00195029 that intellige--you actually get smarter. We believe we get smarter 56zqK3JmqgA-00552-00195029-00195386 every day. And 56zqK3JmqgA-00553-00195386-00195726 so--and we thought there was a social dimension, and we thought was important to 56zqK3JmqgA-00554-00195726-00195814 to emphasize learning. 56zqK3JmqgA-00555-00195814-00196204 We thought it was important to build all this work from a social development 56zqK3JmqgA-00556-00196204-00196550 perspective, and emotional development perspective, from a cognitive development 56zqK3JmqgA-00557-00196550-00196626 perspective. 56zqK3JmqgA-00558-00196626-00196940 So as we thought about this we said okay, we want to emphasize-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00559-00196940-00197274 schools are focused on cognitive, we want to emphasize 56zqK3JmqgA-00560-00197274-00197601 social and emotional dimensions of development and learning, and 56zqK3JmqgA-00561-00197601-00197937 we want to emphasize that these things can be learned. So social and emotional 56zqK3JmqgA-00562-00197937-00198032 learning, 56zqK3JmqgA-00563-00198032-00198389 the history of it--and we wrote the first book 56zqK3JmqgA-00564-00198389-00198732 in 1997, an ASCD [Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development] book called 56zqK3JmqgA-00565-00198732-00199151 Promoting Social Emotional Learning: Guidelines for Educators, that ASCD sent 56zqK3JmqgA-00566-00199151-00199189 out to 56zqK3JmqgA-00567-00199189-00199529 100,000 educators. And like all of a sudden, there was a field and this 56zqK3JmqgA-00568-00199529-00199596 was a term. 56zqK3JmqgA-00569-00199596-00199929 Why is there confusion, a bit, about social and emotional learning? 56zqK3JmqgA-00570-00199929-00200249 One person's perspective is because we made up the term. 56zqK3JmqgA-00571-00200249-00200762 Okay? And I mean maybe some other people used it, but we tried to use it,we tried to 56zqK3JmqgA-00572-00200762-00201010 develop it, we tried to popularize it 56zqK3JmqgA-00573-00201010-00201168 at CASEL, and 56zqK3JmqgA-00574-00201168-00201656 and it has gone beyond our wildest dreams-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00575-00201656-00202083 the interest in the work at this point. And when there's great 56zqK3JmqgA-00576-00202083-00202527 interest there are a lot of people who come on, who do things in all kinds of ways, 56zqK3JmqgA-00577-00202527-00202923 and the question is can we provide any kind of structures, 56zqK3JmqgA-00578-00202923-00203442 definitions, frameworks and things like that, so people 56zqK3JmqgA-00579-00203442-00203782 can look at what they're doing, which is very often addressing 56zqK3JmqgA-00580-00203782-00204168 people's social and emotional development. And is there a way to create 56zqK3JmqgA-00581-00204168-00204386 structure so people look at it and say 56zqK3JmqgA-00582-00204386-00204789 wait, this is what I do. And seeing it this way can help me even do the work better 56zqK3JmqgA-00583-00204789-00204977 in some ways. That's what we're trying to 56zqK3JmqgA-00584-00204977-00205415 accomplish with the effort. So CASEL has focused 56zqK3JmqgA-00585-00205415-00205764 on social and emotional learning research, 56zqK3JmqgA-00586-00205764-00206156 on expanding evidence-based SEL practiced throughout the country. Our 56zqK3JmqgA-00587-00206156-00206213 mission 56zqK3JmqgA-00588-00206213-00206556 really is to have SEL be in every preschool through high school 56zqK3JmqgA-00589-00206556-00206991 in the United States right now, and we work a lot on federal and state policies. 56zqK3JmqgA-00590-00206991-00207054 So we're 56zqK3JmqgA-00591-00207054-00207432 we're a collaborator, we're a convener, we try and bring people together 56zqK3JmqgA-00592-00207432-00207809 to work--to advance this work. 56zqK3JmqgA-00593-00207809-00208217 If you said, what do we really want in our heart of hearts> How do we envision this 56zqK3JmqgA-00594-00208217-00208282 work? 56zqK3JmqgA-00595-00208282-00208775 We want educators and students and families and researchers 56zqK3JmqgA-00596-00208775-00208971 and community members to come together 56zqK3JmqgA-00597-00208971-00209396 to support the healthy development of students. We want students who are 56zqK3JmqgA-00598-00209396-00209621 engaged learners, who are self-aware, 56zqK3JmqgA-00599-00209621-00209990 who who can self-ma--they're self- disciplined, they're caring, 56zqK3JmqgA-00600-00209990-00210409 responsible, decision-makers. We have certain outcomes that we want 56zqK3JmqgA-00601-00210409-00210848 for students. And then finally, we want students who are contributing in 56zqK3JmqgA-00602-00210848-00211075 positive ways to their schools and communities. 56zqK3JmqgA-00603-00211075-00211461 So if you think about this the model here really is how do all of the members of 56zqK3JmqgA-00604-00211461-00211607 the community come together? 56zqK3JmqgA-00605-00211607-00211930 What are the outcomes they're trying to achieve? And how do we, 56zqK3JmqgA-00606-00211930-00212267 as an important outcome, recognize that students--that 56zqK3JmqgA-00607-00212267-00212717 kids, what they ma--feel what they think matters a lot, 56zqK3JmqgA-00608-00212717-00213040 and they can make things a lot better? We have--this is a core belief 56zqK3JmqgA-00609-00213040-00213740 that CASEL has. I mentioned the book-- this was in 1997 when we wrote the ASCD book. 56zqK3JmqgA-00610-00213755-00214209 We defined social and emotional learning at that point as a process through 56zqK3JmqgA-00611-00214209-00214315 which children and 56zqK3JmqgA-00612-00214315-00214855 adults learn to recognize and manage emotions, demonstrate care and 56zqK3JmqgA-00613-00214855-00214942 concern for 56zqK3JmqgA-00614-00214942-00215528 others, develop positive relationships, make good decisions and behave ethically 56zqK3JmqgA-00615-00215528-00215704 responsibly and respectfully. 56zqK3JmqgA-00616-00215704-00216090 So this was the broad, general definition. 56zqK3JmqgA-00617-00216100-00216530 We have focused a lot on 5 competencies: 56zqK3JmqgA-00618-00216530-00216846 self-awareness and self-management 56zqK3JmqgA-00619-00216846-00217175 social awareness and relationship skills 56zqK3JmqgA-00620-00217175-00217591 and responsible decision-making. When we came up with this 56zqK3JmqgA-00621-00217591-00218096 idea we thought it was clever, and we thought it was going to be unifying 56zqK3JmqgA-00622-00218096-00218450 for the field. Because we said, okay so what you need to know? 56zqK3JmqgA-00623-00218450-00218785 You need to know yourself, you need to manage yourself, you need to 56zqK3JmqgA-00624-00218785-00219135 have empathy or concern or compassion and understand others. 56zqK3JmqgA-00625-00219135-00219453 You need to have good relationship skills, and when you make 56zqK3JmqgA-00626-00219453-00219848 decisions, that if they're responsible decisions, you wanna make about yourself 56zqK3JmqgA-00627-00219848-00220266 or about relationships with others. So we thought we kinda had it here. 56zqK3JmqgA-00628-00220266-00220771 Oh, okay so these five competencies can help to guide 56zqK3JmqgA-00629-00220771-00221121 work, and people can look at this and even ask simple questions. 56zqK3JmqgA-00630-00221121-00221536 What are we doing to promote somebody's self-awareness? What are we doing so that 56zqK3JmqgA-00631-00221536-00221635 they become better 56zqK3JmqgA-00632-00221635-00222067 self managers--more persistent more self-disciplined? 56zqK3JmqgA-00633-00222067-00222450 What are we doing to promote their social awareness? What are we doing 56zqK3JmqgA-00634-00222450-00222864 to make them better at relating and having healthier relationships with others? 56zqK3JmqgA-00635-00222864-00223366 And to be good active agents who make good decisions and contribute? So that was 56zqK3JmqgA-00636-00223366-00223419 kind of 56zqK3JmqgA-00637-00223419-00223864 the umbrella model that I think has been 56zqK3JmqgA-00638-00223864-00224278 helpful in a variety of ways for people to think about this work. 56zqK3JmqgA-00640-00224350-00224829 And we've tried to change it over time; we bring together groups, we reevaluate, 56zqK3JmqgA-00641-00224829-00225236 but so far we really haven't—at least for us—found a better framework 56zqK3JmqgA-00642-00225236-00225575 around which to organize some of these things. 56zqK3JmqgA-00643-00225575-00225919 So the basic model that we work with 56zqK3JmqgA-00644-00225919-00226236 again is: How do you get schools and families and communities 56zqK3JmqgA-00645-00226236-00226731 coordinated in their programming? How do you make social and emotional learning a 56zqK3JmqgA-00646-00226731-00227129 core part of the work? And part of the reason schools have been interested in 56zqK3JmqgA-00647-00227129-00227181 this 56zqK3JmqgA-00648-00227181-00227581 is because of increasing research that if you have kids who are socially and 56zqK3JmqgA-00649-00227581-00227702 emotionally skilled, 56zqK3JmqgA-00650-00227702-00228103 they not only have better relationships, but they do better academically. 56zqK3JmqgA-00651-00228103-00228453 And I'll share brief data about that. But to tell you the truth, 56zqK3JmqgA-00652-00228453-00228781 this is only part of what we're interested in. When we think about the 56zqK3JmqgA-00653-00228781-00228992 outcomes we think about what it means 56zqK3JmqgA-00654-00228992-00229314 to educate somebody who is going to be healthy, who's going to have good social 56zqK3JmqgA-00655-00229314-00229573 relationships and who are going to be engaged citizens. 56zqK3JmqgA-00656-00229573-00229969 So there might be battles that people have about what's the goal of education, 56zqK3JmqgA-00657-00229969-00230269 what kind of outcomes do we want to produce? But our bigger 56zqK3JmqgA-00658-00230269-00230712 argument, I think in some ways, is we want kids to be academically successful, 56zqK3JmqgA-00659-00230712-00231017 but we care about these other dimensions and development as well. 56zqK3JmqgA-00660-00231017-00231358 And we think that schools and families and communities can work together 56zqK3JmqgA-00661-00231358-00231792 to achieve this with many more kids in many more positive ways. 56zqK3JmqgA-00662-00231792-00232217 How do I bring excitement to a meta-analysis? 56zqK3JmqgA-00663-00232217-00232589 is one of the questions. Well 56zqK3JmqgA-00664-00232589-00232954 so here I am gonna give you data from a meta-analysis it took us five years to 56zqK3JmqgA-00665-00232954-00233178 carry out. CASEL likes to say we carry-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00666-00233178-00233623 we do things that nobody else would be willing to do. So in this meta-analysis 56zqK3JmqgA-00667-00233623-00234117 we said, well the field is developing, let's look at all the research 56zqK3JmqgA-00668-00234117-00234563 that exists in universal, school-based programs that addresses kids' social and 56zqK3JmqgA-00669-00234563-00234680 emotional development. 56zqK3JmqgA-00670-00234680-00235119 And this has been published in the journal called Child Development. I'll tell you, it 56zqK3JmqgA-00671-00235119-00235304 was one of the most painful experiences 56zqK3JmqgA-00672-00235304-00235569 of our lives. 56zqK3JmqgA-00673-00235569-00235891 I want you to have empathy about this research article. 56zqK3JmqgA-00674-00235891-00236300 You know, they had five reviewers; we went through multiple 56zqK3JmqgA-00675-00236300-00236625 revisions, but it this is a very important study 56zqK3JmqgA-00676-00236625-00236982 I think, that we've developed, that has looked at SEL. 56zqK3JmqgA-00677-00236982-00237367 And here's the basic data: when programs are doing a good job 56zqK3JmqgA-00678-00237367-00237810 on creating positive nurturing learning environments, when they teach kids social 56zqK3JmqgA-00679-00237810-00237973 emotional competencies, 56zqK3JmqgA-00680-00237973-00238376 kids develop better social and emotional skills. 56zqK3JmqgA-00681-00238376-00238763 They have more positive attitudes about themselves, about schools. 56zqK3JmqgA-00682-00238763-00239196 They have more prosocial behavior, they have fewer conduct problems, they have 56zqK3JmqgA-00683-00239223-00239582 less emotional distress. And one of the things we found— and we didn't expect it 56zqK3JmqgA-00684-00239582-00239696 going into the study, 56zqK3JmqgA-00685-00239696-00240075 necessarily—was that there was an 11 percentile point 56zqK3JmqgA-00686-00240075-00240448 increase in academic achievement test score performance 56zqK3JmqgA-00687-00240448-00240841 just focusing on the kids' social and emotional development. And this has been 56zqK3JmqgA-00688-00240841-00240935 a powerful 56zqK3JmqgA-00689-00240935-00241275 finding that has really, I think, perked up 56zqK3JmqgA-00690-00241275-00241679 interest in schools around the country, in the US Department of Education where 56zqK3JmqgA-00691-00241679-00241885 we're working actively with them on things, 56zqK3JmqgA-00692-00241885-00242344 and to have interest in this work in saying, yeah, schools should be part of 56zqK3JmqgA-00693-00242344-00242879 the groups that do this, and advance this work. There are longitudinal studies. We're in 56zqK3JmqgA-00694-00242879-00243248 the midst of another meta-analysis right now looking at the longitudinal studies. 56zqK3JmqgA-00695-00243248-00243603 But there's programs like the Seattle Social Development Program 56zqK3JmqgA-00696-00243603-00243942 that looked at social and emotional competence promotion, 56zqK3JmqgA-00697-00243942-00244317 family engagement for kids in 56zqK3JmqgA-00698-00244317-00244619 first through fifth grade. Actually, now we're following them 56zqK3JmqgA-00699-00244619-00244940 up to thirty, and it's been a longitudinal study. 56zqK3JmqgA-00700-00244940-00245276 But there are long-term benefits of multi-year interventions 56zqK3JmqgA-00701-00245276-00245742 and also there is a new type of work that we're involved with—it's too much to get 56zqK3JmqgA-00702-00245742-00246130 into right now, but we're very interested in cost-benefit analysis 56zqK3JmqgA-00703-00246130-00246439 and making an economic case for the importance of this work. 56zqK3JmqgA-00704-00246439-00246786 We looked and asked the question, is 56zqK3JmqgA-00705-00246786-00247111 SELmore effective more consistently 56zqK3JmqgA-00706-00247111-00247450 when it's conducted by school staff or outside 56zqK3JmqgA-00707-00247450-00247756 people? And I think that this is an important 56zqK3JmqgA-00708-00247756-00248063 message that I don't want to have be confused. 56zqK3JmqgA-00709-00248063-00248432 When teachers--when school staffs 56zqK3JmqgA-00710-00248432-00248753 do this work, the data in our analyses showed 56zqK3JmqgA-00711-00248753-00249094 greater impact more consistently. 56zqK3JmqgA-00712-00249094-00249469 It's not to say that we shouldn't have collaborative work that people from 56zqK3JmqgA-00713-00249469-00249829 outside agencies and the like shouldn't be in and 56zqK3JmqgA-00714-00249829-00250266 involved with the partnership, but it's not surprising, if you think about it 56zqK3JmqgA-00715-00250266-00250646 that a teacher who's with the kids every single day, if they learn if they're 56zqK3JmqgA-00716-00250646-00250780 engaged, that 56zqK3JmqgA-00717-00250780-00251063 this stuff doesn't just happen at certain times in the day it happens 56zqK3JmqgA-00718-00251063-00251252 throughout the days, and there's more power 56zqK3JmqgA-00719-00251252-00251582 when somebody has the mastery. Not just what I'm doing in the classroom, 56zqK3JmqgA-00720-00251582-00251998 but what are we doing as a school throughout the day? The other thing is 56zqK3JmqgA-00721-00251998-00252219 that the quality of implementation 56zqK3JmqgA-00722-00252219-00252696 really matters. Okay, so if you have a great program 56zqK3JmqgA-00723-00252696-00253051 and it's poorly designed--er, uh--and its poorly implemented, 56zqK3JmqgA-00724-00253051-00253351 the results aren't as positive. And that's something important to think 56zqK3JmqgA-00725-00253351-00253683 about, because that means we need good professional development, we need good 56zqK3JmqgA-00726-00253683-00253758 support. 56zqK3JmqgA-00727-00253758-00254113 We can't just do all of this with mirrors. 56zqK3JmqgA-00728-00254113-00254456 One of the things that people have looked at is the impact. This has to be a 56zqK3JmqgA-00729-00254456-00254687 two-fer, and it's something to think about in your 56zqK3JmqgA-00730-00254687-00255042 own work as well. We, of course, want kids to have better outcomes. 56zqK3JmqgA-00731-00255042-00255367 We also want people who are implementing these programs 56zqK3JmqgA-00732-00255367-00255806 to have better outcomes for them--to feel more positively that doing this is not just 56zqK3JmqgA-00733-00255806-00255925 good for me it's good 56zqK3JmqgA-00734-00255925-00256348 good for the kids, it's good for me. So some studies increasingly, and this is one 56zqK3JmqgA-00735-00256348-00256919 from a long time ago, talked about i become a better problem-solver in my own 56zqK3JmqgA-00736-00256919-00257261 life. I communicate better with students. 56zqK3JmqgA-00737-00257261-00257635 I deal better with stress in my own life. This is from a 56zqK3JmqgA-00738-00257635-00257982 an array of six and ninth-grade teachers who implemented 56zqK3JmqgA-00739-00257982-00258332 SEL, so think about that in terms of the work you're providing. 56zqK3JmqgA-00740-00258332-00258682 If you're saying, when I do this it's good for kids, 56zqK3JmqgA-00741-00258682-00259137 but I also know it's good for me, you have to have that two-fer. 56zqK3JmqgA-00742-00259137-00259477 Okay, and if we design programs 56zqK3JmqgA-00743-00259477-00259952 that are not good for the implementers, or implementers have jobs where 56zqK3JmqgA-00744-00259952-00260011 they're not 56zqK3JmqgA-00745-00260011-00260253 feeling nurtured, supported, 56zqK3JmqgA-00746-00260253-00260625 and their competencies are increasing, it's gonna be time-limited 56zqK3JmqgA-00747-00260625-00260957 in a lot of ways. We do 56zqK3JmqgA-00748-00260957-00261308 principal training, emotional intelligence groups and things like that 56zqK3JmqgA-00749-00261308-00261669 and a lot of times principals say, hey this has been good for me, I 56zqK3JmqgA-00750-00261669-00262033 have recaptured my vision of what education should be, and also I've learned 56zqK3JmqgA-00751-00262033-00262380 I have to to make this work in my schools, I have to learn a little bit 56zqK3JmqgA-00752-00262380-00262426 about 56zqK3JmqgA-00753-00262426-00262809 systems transformation as well as personal transformation 56zqK3JmqgA-00754-00262809-00263161 in the work. We've also done meta-analyses of 56zqK3JmqgA-00755-00263161-00263530 after-school programs, and I will just say 56zqK3JmqgA-00756-00263530-00263963 quickly in one of the readings that's on the web page, we'lll talk about this, 56zqK3JmqgA-00757-00263963-00264279 but when you look at out-of-school time, 56zqK3JmqgA-00758-00264279-00264611 out-of-school programming 56zqK3JmqgA-00759-00264611-00264926 that focuses on social development is beneficial for 56zqK3JmqgA-00760-00264926-00265305 students. But it's not as beneficial as it could be, okay? 56zqK3JmqgA-00761-00265305-00265791 And not all programs are created equally. So one of the things that we 56zqK3JmqgA-00762-00265791-00266142 focused on, an analysis of these programs, is 56zqK3JmqgA-00763-00266142-00266557 do the programs have some kind of sequential 56zqK3JmqgA-00764-00266557-00267065 programming to develop kids competencies? Are there clear places where kids are 56zqK3JmqgA-00765-00267065-00267232 actively involved 56zqK3JmqgA-00766-00267232-00267545 practicing and using the skills in daily life? 56zqK3JmqgA-00767-00267545-00267927 Is there a focus on social and emotional development 56zqK3JmqgA-00768-00267927-00268458 that is really highlighted? And are we specific about what skills we want 56zqK3JmqgA-00769-00268458-00268568 kids to develop? 56zqK3JmqgA-00770-00268568-00268932 Better problem-solving skills better decision-making skills. 56zqK3JmqgA-00771-00268932-00269322 How do we want to approach this? And the bottom line is when we looked across 56zqK3JmqgA-00772-00269322-00269699 all be out-of-school programs focusing on social and emotional development, 56zqK3JmqgA-00773-00269699-00270117 if they had the SAFE features in the programs, they produce benefits. 56zqK3JmqgA-00774-00270117-00270430 If they didn't have the features, 56zqK3JmqgA-00775-00270430-00270839 they didn't have positive impact on kids. So its something to think about and 56zqK3JmqgA-00776-00270839-00270890 again 56zqK3JmqgA-00777-00270890-00271282 this is a model. It's only worth thinking about as you do your work. 56zqK3JmqgA-00778-00271282-00271695 Is there a sequence? Is there active involvement with the kids? 56zqK3JmqgA-00779-00271695-00272009 Are they more focused? Are you clear on what skills you really want them to 56zqK3JmqgA-00780-00272009-00272076 develop? 56zqK3JmqgA-00781-00272076-00272410 The more that's the case, I think the stronger the impact will be. 56zqK3JmqgA-00782-00272410-00272713 So what's the impact of all this 56zqK3JmqgA-00783-00272713-00272784 on 56zqK3JmqgA-00784-00272784-00273182 on our thinking? We think that there's a lot of research now that shows that 56zqK3JmqgA-00785-00273182-00273496 SEL works and produces positive outcomes. 56zqK3JmqgA-00786-00273496-00273825 Across grades, in urban, suburban, rural schools. 56zqK3JmqgA-00787-00273825-00274126 It can be--it's doable, 56zqK3JmqgA-00788-00274126-00274531 and this is something from the school-based perspective. 56zqK3JmqgA-00789-00274531-00275009 But SEL needs support. It needs federal and state support. It needs leadership. It 56zqK3JmqgA-00790-00275009-00275273 needs good professional development. Because implementation 56zqK3JmqgA-00791-00275273-00275593 really matters. So what what 56zqK3JmqgA-00792-00275593-00275930 with all the stuff, in 2010 CASEL got together-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00793-00275930-00276250 and I'm just going to go through this quickly to highlight a few things--we 56zqK3JmqgA-00794-00276250-00276333 came together 56zqK3JmqgA-00795-00276333-00276634 and we said okay, so now we want to support a national 56zqK3JmqgA-00796-00276634-00276935 initiative in social and emotional learning. We want this 56zqK3JmqgA-00797-00276935-00277260 evidence-based work in every preschool through high school 56zqK3JmqgA-00798-00277260-00277775 in in the country. We want it in every classroom; we want it in every school; we 56zqK3JmqgA-00799-00277775-00277842 want it in 56zqK3JmqgA-00800-00277842-00278178 every community. How do we go about accomplishing that? 56zqK3JmqgA-00801-00278178-00278509 And we've worked with the NOVO Foundation on 56zqK3JmqgA-00802-00278509-00278879 basically six areas--six 56zqK3JmqgA-00803-00278879-00279311 initiatives, six strategies. On the one hand we're working with collaborating 56zqK3JmqgA-00804-00279311-00279689 districts. Because we're trying to think about large urban districts-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00805-00279689-00280112 how do you do this systemically? We're trying to create tools, 56zqK3JmqgA-00806-00280112-00280621 whether they be district toolkits, school toolkits, 56zqK3JmqgA-00807-00280621-00281087 program guides, assessments toolkits. How do we create tools that 56zqK3JmqgA-00808-00281087-00281388 are how-to guides about how to accelerate 56zqK3JmqgA-00809-00281388-00281788 this kind of work to other districts nationwide? 56zqK3JmqgA-00810-00281788-00282159 We focus on state standards and guidelines and federal policies. 56zqK3JmqgA-00811-00282159-00282473 I don't know about the numbering on this-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00812-00282473-00282800 we we focus on numbers! But 56zqK3JmqgA-00813-00282800-00282885 ah... 56zqK3JmqgA-00814-00282885-00283236 We partner with all kinds of people to advance the work and we're working on 56zqK3JmqgA-00815-00283236-00283567 strategic communications in this area. 56zqK3JmqgA-00816-00283567-00283878 We work--in our district work right now-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00817-00283878-00284383 with Anchorage Alaska, Austin Texas, Cleveland, Chicago, 56zqK3JmqgA-00818-00284383-00284715 Nashville, Oakland, Sacramento 56zqK3JmqgA-00819-00284715-00285142 and Washoe County are our collaborating districts. We're in about the second 56zqK3JmqgA-00820-00285142-00285446 year of hopefully a multi-year 56zqK3JmqgA-00821-00285446-00285865 demonstration project with these districts, and the goal is to have this 56zqK3JmqgA-00822-00285865-00286199 be in every school across the districts over the next couple of years, with a 56zqK3JmqgA-00823-00286199-00286264 rollout. 56zqK3JmqgA-00824-00286264-00286676 When we think about the work and what it requires, there's work in the classroom, 56zqK3JmqgA-00825-00286676-00287220 there's work with school climate, there's work with school-family partnerships, there's 56zqK3JmqgA-00826-00287220-00287322 work with 56zqK3JmqgA-00827-00287322-00287707 coordinating with mental health and health services. And there's the 56zqK3JmqgA-00828-00287707-00288040 importance of after-school and community activities, so our model, when 56zqK3JmqgA-00829-00288040-00288171 we're working with districts, 56zqK3JmqgA-00830-00288171-00288570 is saying, how do all these elements come together with synergy, 56zqK3JmqgA-00831-00288570-00288873 with coordination? 56zqK3JmqgA-00832-00288873-00289287 We're being--- this is being externally evaluated by the American Institutes for 56zqK3JmqgA-00833-00289287-00289563 Research, where they look at the implementation practices, 56zqK3JmqgA-00834-00289563-00289905 influence on climate, on competencies, on some student behaviors 56zqK3JmqgA-00835-00289905-00290339 and on academic performance--it's a multi-site, multi-year study that we're 56zqK3JmqgA-00836-00290339-00290429 in the midst of-- 56zqK3JmqgA-00837-00290429-00290814 trying to figure out if it works, how does it work? 56zqK3JmqgA-00838-00290814-00291188 And it's better to have somebody from the outside so that kind of 56zqK3JmqgA-00839-00291188-00291646 work. We're working on a school kit, how did school teams 56zqK3JmqgA-00840-00291646-00292097 work together to advance SEL? We think again 56zqK3JmqgA-00841-00292097-00292490 the messages should be everywhere, not just in the classroom, 56zqK3JmqgA-00842-00292490-00292864 but in every aspect of school. We work on 56zqK3JmqgA-00843-00292864-00293301 guides, and were trying to identify 56zqK3JmqgA-00844-00293301-00293637 well-designed programs. Some 56zqK3JmqgA-00845-00293637-00294008 involve, as I said earlier, explicit skills training. Some talk about new 56zqK3JmqgA-00846-00294008-00294211 strategies for instruction. Some 56zqK3JmqgA-00847-00294211-00294533 focus on how to integrate SEL with curriculum. 56zqK3JmqgA-00848-00294533-00295065 And when we pick a program, and there are many out there that are CASEL-select 56zqK3JmqgA-00849-00295065-00295529 programs, we say, are the programs well designed? Are they will evaluated? Do 56zqK3JmqgA-00850-00295529-00295721 they have good professional development 56zqK3JmqgA-00851-00295721-00296146 to support implementation? We have completed our preschool 56zqK3JmqgA-00852-00296146-00296485 and elementary school guide. We're in the middle of the middle and high school 56zqK3JmqgA-00853-00296485-00296538 guide 56zqK3JmqgA-00854-00296538-00296916 right now. We have not done an after-school program guide 56zqK3JmqgA-00855-00296916-00297212 in terms of the work that we do, but that's something that I think could be 56zqK3JmqgA-00856-00297212-00297328 enormously helpful, 56zqK3JmqgA-00857-00297328-00297829 if it happened. Again, when we do this stuff CASEL doesn't have our own 56zqK3JmqgA-00858-00297829-00297913 programs; 56zqK3JmqgA-00859-00297913-00298373 we try and create standards for the field. We frameworks criteria 56zqK3JmqgA-00860-00298373-00298746 and we rate people--programs on these efforts 56zqK3JmqgA-00861-00298746-00299055 to make sure they're doing things well. We've worked 56zqK3JmqgA-00862-00299055-00299503 a lot on state policy. Illinois we worked with him 2005. 56zqK3JmqgA-00863-00299503-00299906 They were the first state in the country to develop preschool through high school 56zqK3JmqgA-00864-00299906-00300391 social and emotional learning standards. Around these learning goals 56zqK3JmqgA-00865-00300391-00300884 there are 10 development standards. We have developmentally-based benchmarks, we 56zqK3JmqgA-00866-00300884-00301076 have performance descriptors at every 56zqK3JmqgA-00867-00301076-00301605 grade level. The work in Illinois has excited other states around the country 56zqK3JmqgA-00868-00301605-00301705 other, 56zqK3JmqgA-00869-00301705-00302202 indeed other countries--Singapore has standards. Kansas just developed social and 56zqK3JmqgA-00870-00302202-00302252 emotional 56zqK3JmqgA-00871-00302252-00302618 character development standards. Pennsylvania has 56zqK3JmqgA-00872-00302618-00303009 interpersonal development standards as well. 56zqK3JmqgA-00873-00303009-00303284 We're doing right now a scan 56zqK3JmqgA-00874-00303284-00303590 of all 50 states. Interestingly enough, 56zqK3JmqgA-00875-00303590-00304063 all 50 states at the preschool level have social and emotional development 56zqK3JmqgA-00876-00304063-00304133 standards. 56zqK3JmqgA-00877-00304133-00304484 Forty out of the fifty states actually call them social-emotional development 56zqK3JmqgA-00878-00304484-00304593 standards. 56zqK3JmqgA-00879-00304593-00304952 Others call them things like personal and social development, but I think this is 56zqK3JmqgA-00880-00304952-00305091 important to emphasize, 56zqK3JmqgA-00881-00305091-00305506 K to 12 there's mainly an academic focus, 56zqK3JmqgA-00882-00305506-00305940 although there are places across all the states. There are some freestanding standards 56zqK3JmqgA-00883-00305940-00306035 that are developing; 56zqK3JmqgA-00884-00306035-00306442 some being integrated with Common Core; some being integrated with health 56zqK3JmqgA-00885-00306442-00306660 education and the like, and we're just trying 56zqK3JmqgA-00886-00306660-00307037 to take things that are the missing piece, that are hidden, and make them more 56zqK3JmqgA-00887-00307037-00307204 explicit where they appear, 56zqK3JmqgA-00888-00307204-00307506 and give people options for how they might develop 56zqK3JmqgA-00889-00307506-00307835 policies and programming to emphasize 56zqK3JmqgA-00890-00307835-00308307 social and emotional development and workto be done. There's federal policy, there 56zqK3JmqgA-00891-00308307-00308659 is the Academic Social and Emotional Learning Act of 56zqK3JmqgA-00892-00308659-00309052 HR.18.75. Call 56zqK3JmqgA-00893-00309052-00309424 Congressman Klein and tell him you want support. 56zqK3JmqgA-00894-00309424-00309890 Actually ,this has been introduced over the years in a bipartisan way, 56zqK3JmqgA-00895-00309890-00310341 and there is some bipartisan support, but we need a lot of sponsors. 56zqK3JmqgA-00896-00310341-00310842 The more people are supportive of this work, then it's going to get into ESEA 56zqK3JmqgA-00897-00310842-00311323 reauthorization, assuming that No Child Left Behind will be reauthorized at some 56zqK3JmqgA-00898-00311323-00311689 point. And we also do a lot of work with the US Department of Education. You're 56zqK3JmqgA-00899-00311689-00311968 going to see social and emotional learning, social emotional 56zqK3JmqgA-00900-00311968-00312283 development, and more initiatives like in Race to the Top and 56zqK3JmqgA-00901-00312283-00312677 other things that they're advancing. It's being included in the legislation. 56zqK3JmqgA-00902-00312677-00313033 So future priorities for CASEL, where we're going 56zqK3JmqgA-00903-00313033-00313431 we're collaborating with the eight large districts and other socio-demographically 56zqK3JmqgA-00905-00313471-00313852 diverse district. We're evaluating 56zqK3JmqgA-00906-00313852-00314181 the CDI and creating tools at this point. 56zqK3JmqgA-00907-00314181-00314458 We're identifying the best evidence-based programs that are 56zqK3JmqgA-00908-00314458-00314542 school-based at 56zqK3JmqgA-00909-00314542-00314820 this point. We're working on a whole thing on 56zqK3JmqgA-00910-00314820-00315145 SEL assessments. We work on state and 56zqK3JmqgA-00911-00315145-00315518 federal policies, and we work on communications.There is a big 56zqK3JmqgA-00912-00315518-00315707 communications problem with people 56zqK3JmqgA-00913-00315707-00316024 talking about the same thing, but using different language 56zqK3JmqgA-00914-00316024-00316363 I think, very often. So in conclusion 56zqK3JmqgA-00915-00316363-00316895 here are some of the core beliefs we have. The first one is that relationships are the 56zqK3JmqgA-00916-00316895-00317016 foundation for learning. 56zqK3JmqgA-00917-00317016-00317356 People learn from who they care about. 56zqK3JmqgA-00918-00317356-00317800 If they if you--I'll learn from you if I think you care about me and I care about you. 56zqK3JmqgA-00919-00317804-00318158 It's part of the message. Emotions affect 56zqK3JmqgA-00920-00318158-00318300 how and what we learn. 56zqK3JmqgA-00921-00318300-00318800 Emotion drives attention, and attention drives learning. 56zqK3JmqgA-00922-00318800-00319451 This is required by employers, more and more, and CASEL's going to start to make 56zqK3JmqgA-00923-00319451-00319760 a much stronger connection at this point, 56zqK3JmqgA-00924-00319760-00320169 to the business community. The business community may call this soft skills, 56zqK3JmqgA-00925-00320169-00320367 they may call it 21st century skills, 56zqK3JmqgA-00926-00320367-00320692 but one of the things that's clear is: technical 56zqK3JmqgA-00927-00320692-00321058 and academic competence might get you a job, 56zqK3JmqgA-00928-00321058-00321490 but what keeps you the job is social and emotional 56zqK3JmqgA-00929-00321490-00321872 competence. What gets you advanced in many jobs 56zqK3JmqgA-00930-00321872-00322248 is having these competencies, and we're hearing that more and more from the 56zqK3JmqgA-00931-00322248-00322359 business community. 56zqK3JmqgA-00932-00322359-00322670 And finally, the skills can be taught. 56zqK3JmqgA-00933-00322670-00323014 And the question is how to do it, and how to do it well. 56zqK3JmqgA-00934-00323014-00323329 So I leave you with just two take-home 56zqK3JmqgA-00935-00323329-00323790 messages. The first came a long time ago from Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 56zqK3JmqgA-00936-00323790-00324132 where he said, "We can not always build the future for our youth, but 56zqK3JmqgA-00937-00324132-00324310 we can build the youth for our future." 56zqK3JmqgA-00938-00324310-00324630 One of the things is, who knows what 56zqK3JmqgA-00939-00324630-00325081 the world's going to be like five years from now? Ten years from now? 56zqK3JmqgA-00940-00325081-00325442 Fifty years from now? Who knows what education is going to be about? 56zqK3JmqgA-00941-00325442-00325870 We need to educate kids who can be lifelong learners, who are 56zqK3JmqgA-00942-00325870-00326182 responsive, who can function societally, 56zqK3JmqgA-00943-00326182-00326538 globally, as effectively as possible and part of 56zqK3JmqgA-00944-00326538-00326929 building the youth is an emphasis on social and emotional competence. 56zqK3JmqgA-00945-00326929-00327311 And then I'd like to say why I've been involved in this work for so long 56zqK3JmqgA-00946-00327311-00327678 and with an emphasis on 56zqK3JmqgA-00947-00327678-00328129 education systems. You know Nelson Mandela's quotation, "Education is the 56zqK3JmqgA-00948-00328129-00328395 most powerful weapon you can use to change the world."? 56zqK3JmqgA-00949-00328395-00328696 I truly believe that. Education, though, 56zqK3JmqgA-00950-00328696-00329017 happens in schools, it happens in families, 56zqK3JmqgA-00951-00329017-00329369 it happens in the community. So how we all work together 56zqK3JmqgA-00952-00329369-00329739 to establish the most powerful, best education for 56zqK3JmqgA-00953-00329739-00330152 our students, it will be beneficial for them and it's going to be beneficial for 56zqK3JmqgA-00954-00330152-00330240 our communities. 56zqK3JmqgA-00955-00330240-00330407 Indeed, beneficial for the world. 58cdO3GWI94-00000-00000013-00000148 SASTRA FILM & BAYON TV 58cdO3GWI94-00001-00000263-00000363 Present 58cdO3GWI94-00002-00013480-00013580 Life Series 58cdO3GWI94-00003-00013634-00013766 The Mistress 58cdO3GWI94-00004-00014134-00014526 He looks amazing. You have to think of something, CHORDA 58cdO3GWI94-00005-00014526-00014704 How are you? 58cdO3GWI94-00006-00014704-00014766 I'm just kidding 58cdO3GWI94-00007-00014766-00015086 I just want to know what a responsible man is 58cdO3GWI94-00008-00015186-00015597 Dad! If mom cheats on you as you cheat on her, do you feel hurt 58cdO3GWI94-00009-00015597-00015791 The worker called to me that our farm is damaged 58cdO3GWI94-00010-00015791-00016116 Don't tell me that you didn't go to visit our farm 58cdO3GWI94-00011-00016116-00016272 you can open your eyes 58cdO3GWI94-00012-00016313-00016512 OMG! My husband! 58cdO3GWI94-00013-00016658-00016858 We're both mistresses 58cdO3GWI94-00014-00016858-00016972 Why don't I get anything and you got 58cdO3GWI94-00015-00017012-00017196 Hm! Why am I so clumsy today? 58cdO3GWI94-00016-00017196-00017566 The woman like you might not exist anymore, 58cdO3GWI94-00017-00017566-00017760 If you exist, you soon will be killed 58cdO3GWI94-00018-00018341-00018445 Life Series 58cdO3GWI94-00019-00018582-00018682 The Mistress 58cdO3GWI94-00020-00019676-00019790 Take the money! 58cdO3GWI94-00021-00019860-00020122 and move out of my rent house 58cdO3GWI94-00022-00020184-00020406 Stop accusing my 58cdO3GWI94-00023-00020406-00020550 family 58cdO3GWI94-00024-00020590-00020836 I already knew your background 58cdO3GWI94-00025-00020878-00021084 Your neighbor 58cdO3GWI94-00026-00021114-00021254 told me that 58cdO3GWI94-00027-00021318-00021634 you're the one who tries to attract my husband 58cdO3GWI94-00028-00021710-00021894 Please be soft for me! 58cdO3GWI94-00029-00021950-00022104 You said like this 58cdO3GWI94-00030-00022168-00022460 seem like you're the one who 58cdO3GWI94-00031-00022460-00022632 sent that bitch to hurt me 58cdO3GWI94-00032-00022704-00022986 I told you, I would complain to the police 58cdO3GWI94-00033-00023070-00023170 Do whatever you want! 58cdO3GWI94-00034-00023226-00023454 because I didn't do anything wrong 58cdO3GWI94-00035-00023500-00023698 A shameless woman, 58cdO3GWI94-00036-00023740-00023950 who tried to steal others' husband 58cdO3GWI94-00037-00024024-00024186 but you act like are good 58cdO3GWI94-00038-00024290-00024442 I'm here 58cdO3GWI94-00039-00024474-00024650 with the money 58cdO3GWI94-00040-00024716-00024936 which I compensated you 58cdO3GWI94-00041-00024976-00025126 to move out of this house 58cdO3GWI94-00042-00025200-00025314 As I know, 58cdO3GWI94-00043-00025370-00025656 you already had 2-3 boyfriends 58cdO3GWI94-00044-00025688-00025992 before being my husband's mistress 58cdO3GWI94-00045-00026052-00026376 Oh-oh! You're a good spy. 58cdO3GWI94-00046-00026454-00026639 If you still act like this 58cdO3GWI94-00047-00026704-00026868 you won't get anything from me 58cdO3GWI94-00048-00026898-00027080 even 100 Riel 58cdO3GWI94-00049-00027172-00027468 I'm here because you're a woman too 58cdO3GWI94-00050-00027468-00027644 and I tried to be nice to you 58cdO3GWI94-00051-00028954-00029152 What do you want me to do? 58cdO3GWI94-00052-00029152-00029574 you have to live a video and talk nicely 58cdO3GWI94-00053-00029595-00029898 before you move out of this house 58cdO3GWI94-00054-00030932-00031120 What should I do? 58cdO3GWI94-00055-00031530-00031842 I should change my direction now 58cdO3GWI94-00056-00031926-00032198 I should take the money 58cdO3GWI94-00057-00032198-00032498 to build a new future. At least I have RITH now 58cdO3GWI94-00058-00032660-00032854 I'll call to RITH now 58cdO3GWI94-00059-00032898-00033158 This woman is not quite gentle 58cdO3GWI94-00060-00036622-00036868 My face is a little bit injured 58cdO3GWI94-00061-00036868-00037028 it'll recover soon. 58cdO3GWI94-00062-00037408-00037632 It's my luck 58cdO3GWI94-00063-00037668-00037966 I have much money now 58cdO3GWI94-00064-00037966-00038296 I can buy whatever I want 58cdO3GWI94-00065-00039966-00040192 Hello all viewers! 58cdO3GWI94-00066-00040218-00040484 I'm the one who posted a video 58cdO3GWI94-00067-00040484-00040674 related to sister MONIKA's husband 58cdO3GWI94-00068-00040674-00040838 last time 58cdO3GWI94-00069-00040968-00041252 I live stream today because I have something to explain 58cdO3GWI94-00070-00041272-00041554 Actually, they are good people 58cdO3GWI94-00071-00041606-00041766 they did everything well to me 58cdO3GWI94-00072-00041826-00042156 I get wrong with them 58cdO3GWI94-00073-00042266-00042542 It's all my fault 58cdO3GWI94-00074-00042698-00042886 I'm the one who is foolish 58cdO3GWI94-00075-00042924-00043134 that want to steal other's husband 58cdO3GWI94-00076-00043194-00043470 You can curse or blame me 58cdO3GWI94-00077-00043528-00043652 but don't hate me 58cdO3GWI94-00078-00043756-00044068 I don't want to do that but 58cdO3GWI94-00079-00044068-00044216 I can't control my feeling 58cdO3GWI94-00080-00044316-00044462 I can't control my heart 58cdO3GWI94-00081-00044940-00045150 I know stealing other's husband is not good 58cdO3GWI94-00082-00045344-00045602 and I don't want to do it as well 58cdO3GWI94-00083-00045824-00045972 I did wrong 58cdO3GWI94-00084-00046036-00046136 I knew it 58cdO3GWI94-00085-00046430-00046684 I'm trying to make myself right 58cdO3GWI94-00086-00046786-00047184 I'm not the same as others who steal other's husband 58cdO3GWI94-00087-00047360-00047566 and don't understand their fault 58cdO3GWI94-00088-00047606-00047926 Everyone has made a mistake in their life 58cdO3GWI94-00089-00048010-00048274 but the important is making it right 58cdO3GWI94-00090-00048312-00048628 I'm here not to drama 58cdO3GWI94-00091-00048944-00049182 As women the same, 58cdO3GWI94-00092-00049328-00049592 please don't hate me! Let me have a chance to change 58cdO3GWI94-00093-00049714-00049880 to a better version of me 58cdO3GWI94-00094-00050460-00050664 I want to tell you once again 58cdO3GWI94-00095-00050696-00050974 Don't be because of my assumption 58cdO3GWI94-00096-00051026-00051132 to MONIKA 58cdO3GWI94-00097-00051204-00051305 make you hate her 58cdO3GWI94-00098-00051486-00051728 and judge her wrongly 58cdO3GWI94-00099-00051938-00052038 I'm not happy too 58cdO3GWI94-00100-00052326-00052510 Thanks for watching 58cdO3GWI94-00101-00052652-00052855 I want to end it here 58cdO3GWI94-00102-00052922-00053140 and I want to tell you that 58cdO3GWI94-00103-00053226-00053429 her family is good 58cdO3GWI94-00104-00053491-00053650 I'm the one who is bad 58cdO3GWI94-00105-00053838-00053938 I'm sorry sister MONIKA 58cdO3GWI94-00106-00053944-00054044 PHEAKDEY 58cdO3GWI94-00107-00054088-00054316 I'm sorry everyone 58cdO3GWI94-00108-00054482-00054582 Goodbye! 58cdO3GWI94-00109-00059008-00059108 Don't come near me! 58cdO3GWI94-00110-00059305-00059405 Because of your mistress, 58cdO3GWI94-00111-00059554-00059654 I can't 58cdO3GWI94-00112-00059732-00059884 make a new plan 58cdO3GWI94-00113-00059932-00060108 for building the house 58cdO3GWI94-00114-00060138-00060441 I've planned it many years 58cdO3GWI94-00115-00060441-00060750 but I waste all my money for a video 58cdO3GWI94-00116-00061079-00061266 You can sleep outside 58cdO3GWI94-00117-00061341-00061441 Life Series 58cdO3GWI94-00118-00061582-00061682 The Mistress 58cdO3GWI94-00119-00068117-00068217 Life Series 58cdO3GWI94-00120-00068401-00068505 The Mistress 58cdO3GWI94-00121-00071048-00071148 Don't come closer 58cdO3GWI94-00122-00071346-00071446 Because of your mistress 58cdO3GWI94-00123-00071594-00071694 I can't 58cdO3GWI94-00124-00071772-00071924 run my new 58cdO3GWI94-00125-00071972-00072148 business 58cdO3GWI94-00126-00072178-00072482 I've planned it for many years 58cdO3GWI94-00127-00072482-00072790 but I've wasted my money on this video 58cdO3GWI94-00128-00073120-00073306 Go to sleep outside 58cdO3GWI94-00129-00073406-00073556 Honey! I'm sorry. 58cdO3GWI94-00130-00073856-00074107 Do you think your apology 58cdO3GWI94-00131-00074108-00074442 can change anything? 58cdO3GWI94-00132-00074628-00074772 If you think that, 58cdO3GWI94-00133-00074926-00075254 take it back 58cdO3GWI94-00134-00075478-00075628 I promise 58cdO3GWI94-00135-00075866-00075968 that 58cdO3GWI94-00136-00076036-00076162 I won't cheat on you again 58cdO3GWI94-00137-00076198-00076312 I promise 58cdO3GWI94-00138-00076426-00076598 I won't have a mistress again 58cdO3GWI94-00139-00076666-00076778 Trust me! 58cdO3GWI94-00140-00076910-00077158 If you don't, I'll swear for you 58cdO3GWI94-00141-00077248-00077512 I swear, If I have another mistress, 58cdO3GWI94-00142-00077512-00077916 May god ruin my life 58cdO3GWI94-00143-00077994-00078126 What do you mean? 58cdO3GWI94-00144-00078206-00078344 If you can't? 58cdO3GWI94-00145-00078492-00078820 If you have any problems regarding your own speech, 58cdO3GWI94-00146-00078898-00079014 what will I do? 58cdO3GWI94-00147-00079578-00079682 I told you 58cdO3GWI94-00148-00079744-00079874 I won't cheat on you 58cdO3GWI94-00149-00080072-00080230 I dare to do it 58cdO3GWI94-00150-00080370-00080470 I'm scared 58cdO3GWI94-00151-00080686-00080786 It's okay 58cdO3GWI94-00152-00080800-00081144 Don't worry! From now on, I'll bring you 58cdO3GWI94-00153-00081222-00081422 happiness 58cdO3GWI94-00154-00081688-00081840 I'll make you laugh 58cdO3GWI94-00155-00082082-00082228 I won't let you down again 58cdO3GWI94-00156-00083616-00083718 Please don't cry! 58cdO3GWI94-00157-00085752-00085852 What? 58cdO3GWI94-00158-00085926-00086112 It's been just a week after broke up 58cdO3GWI94-00159-00086168-00086312 and she has another man 58cdO3GWI94-00160-00086604-00086894 because she thinks that you won't 58cdO3GWI94-00161-00086894-00087008 be serious with her 58cdO3GWI94-00162-00087104-00087284 That's why she has another man 58cdO3GWI94-00163-00087422-00087702 the same as you 58cdO3GWI94-00164-00088666-00088894 We haven't finished yet 58cdO3GWI94-00165-00088980-00089214 There is no money in your bank account 58cdO3GWI94-00166-00089276-00089402 It's my saving account 58cdO3GWI94-00167-00089454-00089688 that I want to repay our debt 58cdO3GWI94-00168-00089710-00089904 you did a good job 58cdO3GWI94-00169-00089976-00090088 your mistress 58cdO3GWI94-00170-00090120-00090320 is going with her new boyfriend 58cdO3GWI94-00171-00090412-00090522 and you 58cdO3GWI94-00172-00090586-00090708 have nothing left 58cdO3GWI94-00173-00094112-00094416 The number you are calling cannot be reached at this time 58cdO3GWI94-00174-00094416-00094710 Please try again later 58cdO3GWI94-00175-00095236-00095557 The number you are calling cannot be reached at this time 58cdO3GWI94-00176-00095558-00095860 Please try again later 58cdO3GWI94-00177-00096232-00096551 The number you are calling cannot be reached at this time 58cdO3GWI94-00178-00096552-00096846 Please try again later 58cdO3GWI94-00179-00097824-00097938 Where did you come from? 58cdO3GWI94-00180-00098048-00098244 I just came back from work 58cdO3GWI94-00181-00098288-00098420 Work? 58cdO3GWI94-00182-00098420-00098670 You work so hard lately. 58cdO3GWI94-00183-00098766-00099080 I have to try hard for our family 58cdO3GWI94-00184-00099152-00099386 I won't hate being poor 58cdO3GWI94-00185-00099422-00099724 but I'm afraid of being poor 58cdO3GWI94-00186-00099784-00100092 No one came back from work at this time 58cdO3GWI94-00187-00100926-00101030 What is it? 58cdO3GWI94-00188-00101162-00101266 Explain yourself! 58cdO3GWI94-00189-00101420-00101520 Nothing! 58cdO3GWI94-00190-00101664-00101764 I go upstairs first 58cdO3GWI94-00191-00101860-00101960 I'm tired 58cdO3GWI94-00192-00102036-00102244 You're trying hard doing all of this 58cdO3GWI94-00193-00102276-00102426 until you got tired 58cdO3GWI94-00194-00102504-00102616 I beg you 58cdO3GWI94-00195-00102878-00102998 I work really hard 58cdO3GWI94-00196-00103040-00103238 everyday 58cdO3GWI94-00197-00103274-00103572 in order to expand our business 58cdO3GWI94-00198-00103572-00103794 and gain a good reputation 58cdO3GWI94-00199-00103959-00104154 I'm trying alone, 58cdO3GWI94-00200-00104190-00104404 we can't reach our destination 58cdO3GWI94-00201-00104766-00104866 I'm trying hard too. 58cdO3GWI94-00202-00104898-00105226 you also knew it. If I don't work hard, 58cdO3GWI94-00203-00105226-00105396 we won't have today 58cdO3GWI94-00204-00105646-00105746 thank you 58cdO3GWI94-00205-00105790-00105952 for your help 58cdO3GWI94-00206-00106148-00106435 you've worked hard for our family 58cdO3GWI94-00207-00106518-00106776 since we were poor until we have today 58cdO3GWI94-00208-00106904-00107048 but I beg you 58cdO3GWI94-00209-00107126-00107252 I beg you 58cdO3GWI94-00210-00107335-00107526 Can you stop cheating on me? 58cdO3GWI94-00211-00107666-00107864 I asked you do you ever have 58cdO3GWI94-00212-00107933-00108042 good ending 58cdO3GWI94-00213-00108078-00108178 when you have a mistress? 58cdO3GWI94-00214-00108402-00108516 No! You're only making troubles 58cdO3GWI94-00215-00109685-00110061 When we were poor, we have only two of us 58cdO3GWI94-00216-00110388-00110666 We worked hard together 58cdO3GWI94-00217-00110744-00110983 We can do anything to get money 58cdO3GWI94-00218-00111088-00111354 We wouldn't be afraid of tired 58cdO3GWI94-00219-00111432-00111598 no matter how hard it was 58cdO3GWI94-00220-00111738-00111866 Where were 58cdO3GWI94-00221-00111928-00112080 your mistress at that time 58cdO3GWI94-00222-00112272-00112435 and what did they help you? 58cdO3GWI94-00223-00112620-00112720 Nothing! 58cdO3GWI94-00224-00112856-00112998 When we were poor 58cdO3GWI94-00225-00113094-00113478 We went through a tough time together 58cdO3GWI94-00226-00113654-00113832 We ate a box of rice together 58cdO3GWI94-00227-00114108-00114406 however, we can afford anything and why 58cdO3GWI94-00228-00114406-00114508 do you need a mistress? 58cdO3GWI94-00229-00115202-00115338 I think 58cdO3GWI94-00230-00115370-00115564 you forget everything 58cdO3GWI94-00231-00115790-00115890 Life Series 58cdO3GWI94-00232-00116073-00116177 The Mistress 58cdO3GWI94-00233-00122565-00122665 Life Series 58cdO3GWI94-00234-00122850-00122954 The Mistress 58cdO3GWI94-00235-00123220-00123320 I can't imagine 58cdO3GWI94-00236-00123374-00123624 you completely change like this 58cdO3GWI94-00237-00123738-00123864 When we were poor, 58cdO3GWI94-00238-00123944-00124098 we worked hard 58cdO3GWI94-00239-00124209-00124374 but you 58cdO3GWI94-00240-00124526-00124722 had never cheated on me 58cdO3GWI94-00241-00124761-00124883 as you do now 58cdO3GWI94-00242-00125254-00125368 Why do you 58cdO3GWI94-00243-00125454-00125554 forget everything? 58cdO3GWI94-00244-00125782-00125882 I just want 58cdO3GWI94-00245-00125961-00126082 you to stop cheating 58cdO3GWI94-00246-00126208-00126366 Is it hard to do so? 58cdO3GWI94-00247-00126414-00126514 Is it? 58cdO3GWI94-00248-00130648-00130748 Honey! 58cdO3GWI94-00249-00130804-00131082 What should we do?? 58cdO3GWI94-00250-00131130-00131452 Because we have nothing to do right now 58cdO3GWI94-00251-00132052-00132328 Don't worry too much, honey! 58cdO3GWI94-00252-00132328-00132532 Every problem always has a solution. 58cdO3GWI94-00253-00132662-00132956 I think we might starve to die before 58cdO3GWI94-00254-00132956-00133176 finding a solution 58cdO3GWI94-00255-00133450-00133626 I'll be fine 58cdO3GWI94-00256-00133718-00133898 I'll find a job 58cdO3GWI94-00257-00133956-00134134 I can carry a sake of rice 58cdO3GWI94-00258-00134192-00134296 We'll get some money 58cdO3GWI94-00259-00134352-00134498 they might 58cdO3GWI94-00260-00134552-00134730 give us some rice to eat 58cdO3GWI94-00261-00134874-00135172 I don't want you to work too hard for me 58cdO3GWI94-00262-00135252-00135542 I can do everything for my beloved one 58cdO3GWI94-00263-00136136-00136271 If you work hard, 58cdO3GWI94-00264-00136320-00136512 I'll work hard too 58cdO3GWI94-00265-00136582-00136918 Whatever you do, I'll do with you 58cdO3GWI94-00266-00136944-00137058 Don't think too much 58cdO3GWI94-00267-00137180-00137454 You might be hungry because you haven't eaten anything since the morning 58cdO3GWI94-00268-00137586-00137702 We have a box of rice 58cdO3GWI94-00269-00137734-00137878 Let me feed you! 58cdO3GWI94-00270-00138420-00138520 Here! 58cdO3GWI94-00271-00138834-00139128 We'll eat together. Although we aren't full, 58cdO3GWI94-00272-00139128-00139266 at least it prevents us from starving 58cdO3GWI94-00273-00139490-00139610 It's delicious. 58cdO3GWI94-00274-00139692-00139792 Please eat! 58cdO3GWI94-00275-00140428-00140704 Please eat more! It's delicious. 58cdO3GWI94-00276-00140704-00140786 You have to eat too 58cdO3GWI94-00277-00140840-00141046 You must be hungry 58cdO3GWI94-00278-00141142-00141270 I'm not hungry 58cdO3GWI94-00279-00141306-00141470 I want you to eat more 58cdO3GWI94-00280-00141620-00141720 Please eat more! 58cdO3GWI94-00281-00142108-00142392 If you don't eat, I won't eat too 58cdO3GWI94-00282-00142426-00142654 I don't want to eat anymore 58cdO3GWI94-00283-00142654-00142856 Okay! Okay! let's eat together! 58cdO3GWI94-00284-00142980-00143080 This rice 58cdO3GWI94-00285-00143122-00143272 will be more delicious 58cdO3GWI94-00286-00143634-00143734 It's so delicious 58cdO3GWI94-00287-00146934-00147056 Let's do exercise together! 58cdO3GWI94-00288-00147962-00148224 I want like this 58cdO3GWI94-00289-00148308-00148610 When both of you're sweet, it's lovely 58cdO3GWI94-00290-00149034-00149232 You're so cute 58cdO3GWI94-00291-00149454-00149748 let me pick up the phone! I'll go after you 58cdO3GWI94-00292-00150222-00150496 I'm so sick of my husband. 58cdO3GWI94-00293-00150496-00150790 He acts strangely lately. 58cdO3GWI94-00294-00150790-00150900 I don't know what to say 58cdO3GWI94-00295-00150960-00151240 Ido'tknow whether he has a mistress or not. 58cdO3GWI94-00296-00151360-00151490 Pull yourself together! 58cdO3GWI94-00297-00151528-00151712 How can I? 58cdO3GWI94-00298-00151742-00152064 I'm hurt. You used to be cheated 58cdO3GWI94-00299-00152064-00152356 many times until it's usual for you 58cdO3GWI94-00300-00152356-00152636 but I can do like you 58cdO3GWI94-00301-00152662-00152950 You used to experience it 58cdO3GWI94-00302-00152972-00153280 Can you tell me what can I do right now 58cdO3GWI94-00303-00153422-00153758 You have to think again and again before doing anything 58cdO3GWI94-00304-00153758-00153948 because you married each other for years 58cdO3GWI94-00305-00153948-00154234 Don't argue over a small thing 58cdO3GWI94-00306-00154288-00154578 Don't speak this way to your husband 58cdO3GWI94-00307-00154578-00154758 he might get angry with you 58cdO3GWI94-00308-00154808-00155108 My husband smiled when he played his phone 58cdO3GWI94-00309-00155108-00155390 it's weird. 58cdO3GWI94-00310-00155496-00155768 Don't assume wrongly! 58cdO3GWI94-00311-00155784-00156050 You might take it wrong by yourself. 58cdO3GWI94-00312-00156140-00156476 Don't think too much! You are the one who suffers 58cdO3GWI94-00313-00156528-00156806 Hm! KA! I thought you were smart 58cdO3GWI94-00314-00156806-00157102 that's why I asked you but you are a fool 58cdO3GWI94-00315-00157226-00157688 When a husband is a cheater. he won't show you 58cdO3GWI94-00316-00157688-00157982 you might trust your husband too much 58cdO3GWI94-00317-00157982-00158220 That's why he has a mistress 58cdO3GWI94-00318-00160174-00160298 You might be tired of working 58cdO3GWI94-00319-00160340-00160566 Please come to rest in my heart 58cdO3GWI94-00320-00160656-00160756 in order to be more productive 58cdO3GWI94-00321-00160820-00160922 honey 58cdO3GWI94-00322-00161050-00161240 I'm always in your heart. 58cdO3GWI94-00323-00161378-00161712 If you stay with me, I can take care of you 58cdO3GWI94-00324-00161716-00161892 and I can see you every day, 58cdO3GWI94-00325-00161892-00162234 My life would be lively 58cdO3GWI94-00326-00162266-00162566 but I don't have a chance 58cdO3GWI94-00327-00162956-00163200 Honey! Don't be disappointed 58cdO3GWI94-00328-00163212-00163396 I have something to surprise you 58cdO3GWI94-00329-00163598-00163698 What is it? 58cdO3GWI94-00330-00163714-00164032 Please tell me! Don't let me wait so long! 58cdO3GWI94-00331-00164846-00164946 Life Series 58cdO3GWI94-00332-00165130-00165234 The Mistress 58cdO3GWI94-00333-00171528-00171728 Life Series 58cdO3GWI94-00334-00171728-00171828 The Mistress 58cdO3GWI94-00335-00172414-00172514 Honey! 58cdO3GWI94-00336-00172556-00172836 Here is sweet that I made it myself 58cdO3GWI94-00337-00172836-00173070 Wow! It looks delicious 58cdO3GWI94-00338-00173106-00173220 let me try one! 58cdO3GWI94-00339-00173452-00173560 It's so delicious 58cdO3GWI94-00340-00173606-00173918 Whatever you do, 58cdO3GWI94-00341-00173918-00174152 I like them all 58cdO3GWI94-00342-00174342-00174596 Honey! Have you went through all 58cdO3GWI94-00343-00174596-00174752 documents yet? 58cdO3GWI94-00344-00174812-00175014 Do you think 58cdO3GWI94-00345-00175014-00175290 we should add something or not? 58cdO3GWI94-00346-00175290-00175524 If there anything, please let me know 58cdO3GWI94-00347-00175752-00176074 Don't worry! I've almost done 58cdO3GWI94-00348-00176074-00176228 Honey! Don't cook for dinner today 58cdO3GWI94-00349-00176266-00176642 If you want to cook, I'll be your assistant 58cdO3GWI94-00350-00176776-00176876 Or 58cdO3GWI94-00351-00176910-00177034 we can go to eat out 58cdO3GWI94-00352-00177720-00177826 Honey! 58cdO3GWI94-00353-00177893-00178130 What did you do before I come here. 58cdO3GWI94-00354-00178154-00178496 Why did you smile while playing your phone 58cdO3GWI94-00355-00178554-00178852 Or! Nothing much, honey! 58cdO3GWI94-00356-00178852-00179128 I was happy because our plan is running again 58cdO3GWI94-00357-00179250-00179442 I think 58cdO3GWI94-00358-00179474-00179616 it's not it. 58cdO3GWI94-00359-00179708-00180012 Actually, I have something to surprise you 58cdO3GWI94-00360-00180362-00180512 Here! 58cdO3GWI94-00361-00180684-00181032 Do you want it? It's a new brand car 58cdO3GWI94-00362-00181080-00181304 If you want, I'll change for you. 58cdO3GWI94-00363-00181510-00181610 Honey! 58cdO3GWI94-00364-00181722-00181940 We shouldn't waste our money 58cdO3GWI94-00365-00181946-00182220 on something useless 58cdO3GWI94-00366-00182242-00182526 because we have to invest our money 58cdO3GWI94-00367-00182526-00182832 with other company 58cdO3GWI94-00368-00183490-00183750 Everyone wants a brand car 58cdO3GWI94-00369-00183750-00184014 but before wanting it 58cdO3GWI94-00370-00184014-00184312 we have to think about what is needed first 58cdO3GWI94-00371-00184312-00184454 and what should buy 58cdO3GWI94-00372-00184620-00184860 If you waste money like this, 58cdO3GWI94-00373-00184860-00185092 how can we become rich 58cdO3GWI94-00374-00185242-00185552 I'm lucky that I have you as my wife who 58cdO3GWI94-00375-00185558-00185816 think wisely before doing anything 58cdO3GWI94-00376-00185936-00186242 You can continue working, 58cdO3GWI94-00377-00186242-00186476 I'll cook for you 58cdO3GWI94-00378-00186514-00186812 we have to learn to save 58cdO3GWI94-00379-00186812-00187100 No matter how wealthy we are, 58cdO3GWI94-00380-00187100-00187268 we should learn to save 58cdO3GWI94-00381-00187466-00187654 Sure, my dear! 58cdO3GWI94-00382-00187746-00187864 I'll go now 58cdO3GWI94-00383-00189288-00189402 Honey! 58cdO3GWI94-00384-00189494-00189658 Please let me in! 58cdO3GWI94-00385-00189774-00189874 I'm sleepy. 58cdO3GWI94-00386-00190250-00190356 Honey! 58cdO3GWI94-00387-00191098-00191406 Honey! Please open the door for me 58cdO3GWI94-00388-00191506-00191840 Let's talk in the morning! I'm sleepy right now 58cdO3GWI94-00389-00191842-00192078 I beg you 58cdO3GWI94-00390-00192078-00192264 Please open the door for me! 58cdO3GWI94-00391-00192306-00192608 Although you let me sleep on the sofa, I also agreed 58cdO3GWI94-00392-00193942-00194042 Honey! 58cdO3GWI94-00393-00194076-00194234 Yes, honey! 58cdO3GWI94-00394-00194360-00194590 Can I go to meet you now? 58cdO3GWI94-00395-00194590-00194926 Did your wife leave you outside again? 58cdO3GWI94-00396-00194988-00195332 Why did she so cruel? I don't understand 58cdO3GWI94-00397-00195408-00195666 you are so lovely. Your wife shouldn't 58cdO3GWI94-00398-00195666-00195890 do like this to you. 58cdO3GWI94-00399-00195890-00196326 The fast you come, the better I feel. I'm waiting for you 58cdO3GWI94-00400-00196530-00196840 My wife saw our chat 58cdO3GWI94-00401-00196906-00197194 Come on, honey! We haven't done anything fun with each other 58cdO3GWI94-00402-00197194-00197484 for a while. If you come, 58cdO3GWI94-00403-00197484-00197747 I will comfort you 58cdO3GWI94-00404-00197748-00197934 I'll take good care of you 58cdO3GWI94-00405-00197976-00198236 I won't let you down, honey. 58cdO3GWI94-00406-00200488-00200588 You kissed me 58cdO3GWI94-00407-00200634-00200912 I should kiss you too 58cdO3GWI94-00408-00201332-00201680 You made me feel very happy last might 58cdO3GWI94-00409-00201686-00201980 I want to do that with you every day 58cdO3GWI94-00410-00202022-00202236 Although I don't know which 58cdO3GWI94-00411-00202236-00202532 position I am in your heart 58cdO3GWI94-00412-00202532-00202726 You're special in my heart 58cdO3GWI94-00413-00203208-00203484 I'm just your mistress who can comfort you 58cdO3GWI94-00414-00203484-00203736 I feel satisfied already 58cdO3GWI94-00415-00204568-00204724 Why do you look like this? 58cdO3GWI94-00416-00205014-00205323 I'm afraid that one day you will get bored with me 58cdO3GWI94-00417-00205323-00205646 and stop seeing me forever 58cdO3GWI94-00418-00205646-00206066 you break up with me 58cdO3GWI94-00419-00206176-00206312 It won't happen 58cdO3GWI94-00420-00206414-00206517 Don't be afraid 58cdO3GWI94-00421-00206571-00206971 I'll love you like this forever 58cdO3GWI94-00422-00207092-00207438 If that happens, I would kill myself 58cdO3GWI94-00423-00207536-00207671 DOn't speak like that 58cdO3GWI94-00424-00207732-00207984 Because I can't live without you 58cdO3GWI94-00425-00208967-00209178 You're not my toy 58cdO3GWI94-00426-00209221-00209354 that I want to play 58cdO3GWI94-00427-00209412-00209648 you are the one that I want to eat every time 58cdO3GWI94-00428-00209714-00209832 I can't live without you 58cdO3GWI94-00429-00209956-00210258 If I don't, I will be sick 58cdO3GWI94-00430-00210258-00210519 because you are young 58cdO3GWI94-00431-00210523-00210800 and good at thing like this 58cdO3GWI94-00432-00210876-00211008 I can do everything 58cdO3GWI94-00433-00211142-00211371 as your needs 58cdO3GWI94-00434-00212021-00212290 Honey! I saw a new model 58cdO3GWI94-00435-00212290-00212471 of iPhone. I want it 58cdO3GWI94-00436-00212586-00212760 I'll buy it for you 58cdO3GWI94-00437-00214340-00214656 If you're mistress, but you don't cruel, 58cdO3GWI94-00438-00214656-00214960 his wife would still smile. 58cdO3GWI94-00439-00214960-00215190 I don't deserve to be a mistress 58cdO3GWI94-00440-00215278-00215550 I have to play hard 58cdO3GWI94-00441-00215550-00215850 to hurt his wife. I want her to suffer crazily 58cdO3GWI94-00442-00217704-00217908 Hello, MALIKA! 58cdO3GWI94-00443-00217908-00218192 Today, PHEAKDEY and I change the environment 58cdO3GWI94-00444-00218192-00218496 to do something in a car. It's a new feeling 58cdO3GWI94-00445-00218496-00218698 I hope you don't 58cdO3GWI94-00446-00218758-00218866 angry 58cdO3GWI94-00447-00220910-00221110 Next Episode: 58cdO3GWI94-00448-00221156-00221464 I don't think you're this much 58cdO3GWI94-00449-00221464-00221756 You can do it even in the car 58cdO3GWI94-00450-00222262-00222516 I don't want to see both of you argue with each other 58cdO3GWI94-00451-00222600-00222726 Why is PHEAKDEY so fast? 58cdO3GWI94-00452-00222780-00223064 Or he might want to surprise me 58cdO3GWI94-00453-00223132-00223238 Why are you so fast? 58cdO3GWI94-00454-00223690-00223850 Please stop contacting my husband 58cdO3GWI94-00455-00223882-00224040 Is it that easy? 58cdO3GWI94-00456-00224084-00224400 Why do you tell straightly? 58cdO3GWI94-00457-00224402-00224660 Is my wife do like this to you? 58cdO3GWI94-00458-00224660-00224940 SASTRA FILM 5qY_UOsF-mc-00000-00000016-00000576 welcome everybody welcome thanks for coming you've read all our stuff you know my sortino ratio 5qY_UOsF-mc-00001-00001016-00001592 proves that we get a higher rate of return with less downside ball 5qY_UOsF-mc-00002-00002984-00004384 how we avoided the xiv liquidation by selling our vix positions two weeks before everybody else did 5qY_UOsF-mc-00003-00008984-00009200 and you know who made sure we did that 5qY_UOsF-mc-00004-00009384-00010336 Fintechorama 5soBa77oOjM-00000-00000115-00000354 I have conducted an ethnographic fieldwork 5soBa77oOjM-00001-00000370-00000616 in a public school 5soBa77oOjM-00002-00000628-00001058 in a reception class, with children aged 7 - 9 5soBa77oOjM-00003-00001090-00001396 I now have a lot of empirical material to analyze 5soBa77oOjM-00004-00001420-00002050 I have fieldnotes, sound recordings, some photos etc. 5soBa77oOjM-00005-00002090-00002546 I have a question to you, and I need your help 5soBa77oOjM-00006-00002576-00002990 I am going to do a 'traditional' ethnographic analysis .. 5soBa77oOjM-00007-00003016-00004070 .. where you mostly use language as a tool, using codes, categories, etc. 5soBa77oOjM-00008-00004090-00004424 I would like to use some other methods as well 5soBa77oOjM-00009-00004452-00004680 One method, I would like to try is 5soBa77oOjM-00010-00004680-00005310 to use my own body as an analytical tool 5soBa77oOjM-00011-00005310-00005438 What does that mean? 5soBa77oOjM-00012-00005438-00005896 It means that I for example listen to a sound recording 5soBa77oOjM-00013-00005896-00006186 of children eating fruit during the morning break 5soBa77oOjM-00014-00006214-00006852 By listening to this recording, in a large room, with space for movement 5soBa77oOjM-00015-00006852-00007126 I am going to do a video recording of my movements 5soBa77oOjM-00016-00007148-00007684 This way, I am using my body as an analytical tool 5soBa77oOjM-00017-00007686-00008212 in the sense that I listen to the sound from my field recording, and move my body accordingly 5soBa77oOjM-00018-00008212-00008840 I want to do this, firstly because I am interested in movement as a phenomenon 5soBa77oOjM-00019-00008862-00009490 Secondly, I think that by starting the analysis by 5soBa77oOjM-00020-00009508-00009772 applying terms, codes and categories 5soBa77oOjM-00021-00009772-00009916 there are many important things left out 5soBa77oOjM-00022-00009916-00010212 So my question to you is: 5soBa77oOjM-00023-00010228-00010858 Do you know of anyone who has worked with a similar approach? 5soBa77oOjM-00024-00010874-00011352 Someone who has used movement, maybe dance, or choreography 5soBa77oOjM-00025-00011370-00011754 with the analysis of ethnographic data? 5soBa77oOjM-00026-00011754-00011936 ... or something along these lines 5soBa77oOjM-00027-00011936-00012074 Thanks! 5soBa77oOjM-00028-00012092-00012392 You might wonder why I am stading here.. 5soBa77oOjM-00029-00012392-00012564 I am in the Winter Bath 5soBa77oOjM-00030-00012602-00012802 I've just been to the sauna and I'm feeling great 5soBa77oOjM-00031-00012802-00012986 It's a snowstorm 5soBa77oOjM-00032-00013010-00013232 My point by choosing this place is that it makes sense 5soBa77oOjM-00033-00013232-00013502 as a place to ask this question about the body and 5soBa77oOjM-00034-00013516-00013763 what the body can do, and so on. 5soBa77oOjM-00035-00013772-00014122 Thanks for listening and watching 5soBa77oOjM-00036-00014169-00014512 I hope you will share your knowledge 5soBa77oOjM-00037-00014518-00014688 Now, I'll jump into the water 5w88gOreVE4-00000-00000163-00000763 Here we are using the Cambodia picture part two 5w88gOreVE4-00001-00000763-00001163 We use content aware in the last lesson 5w88gOreVE4-00002-00001163-00001463 We're going to use hue-saturation 5w88gOreVE4-00003-00001463-00002063 And we're going to give a new sky, we're going to use a layer mask 5w88gOreVE4-00004-00002063-00002363 for the new sky in here 5w88gOreVE4-00005-00002363-00002663 Also we're going to use a few new tools. 5w88gOreVE4-00006-00002663-00002963 There's so many tools in Photoshop. 5w88gOreVE4-00007-00002963-00003263 We're going to use this purple sky this time 5w88gOreVE4-00008-00003263-00003863 And the attribution for this is 5w88gOreVE4-00009-00003863-00004363 Asuyuka -Kimeno 5w88gOreVE4-00010-00004363-00004763 Got this from Creative Commons 5w88gOreVE4-00011-00004763-00005063 I'm going to turn that off 5w88gOreVE4-00012-00005063-00005363 Remember here's the Cambodia picture 5w88gOreVE4-00013-00005363-00005963 But I got it but I still want to make sure the Dennis Jarvis gets his attribution 5w88gOreVE4-00014-00005963-00006363 But I have changed since I first attributed to him. 5w88gOreVE4-00015-00006363-00006663 so maybe not for the better 5w88gOreVE4-00016-00006663-00006963 for my teaching purposes yes. 5w88gOreVE4-00017-00006963-00007263 I'm going to select the sky 5w88gOreVE4-00018-00007263-00007563 so that we can see the purple sky 5w88gOreVE4-00019-00007563-00007863 through here. 5w88gOreVE4-00020-00007863-00008263 Whoops so I'm going to go to the magic wand 5w88gOreVE4-00021-00008263-00008563 Magic wand tool tends to work well with color 5w88gOreVE4-00022-00008563-00008863 I'm going to hold the shift key and select a few things 5w88gOreVE4-00023-00008863-00009263 And then a nice little feature under the drop-down select menu 5w88gOreVE4-00024-00009263-00009563 is Select >Similar 5w88gOreVE4-00025-00009563-00009963 Selective of stuff down here that we don't want 5w88gOreVE4-00026-00009963-00010363 I can also see him I have to hold the shift key right there and right there 5w88gOreVE4-00027-00010363-00010763 Sometimes it does really well and sometimes it's a little imperfect 5w88gOreVE4-00028-00010763-00011063 But all the rest of this is easy to get rid of 5w88gOreVE4-00029-00011063-00011363 Get my rectangular marquee tool 5w88gOreVE4-00030-00011363-00011663 Well my option key in the Mac 5w88gOreVE4-00031-00011663-00011963 On the PC it's the alt key 5w88gOreVE4-00032-00011963-00012263 And there's our sky 5w88gOreVE4-00033-00012263-00012563 I'm going to create a layer mask by going over to this icon here 5w88gOreVE4-00034-00012563-00012863 in the layers panel 5w88gOreVE4-00035-00012863-00013163 And there's the layer mask only it's backwards 5w88gOreVE4-00036-00013163-00013463 So when you want to invert colors 5w88gOreVE4-00037-00013463-00013763 Whether it's on a picture or a layer mask 5w88gOreVE4-00038-00013763-00014363 It's Command i or Control i on the PC 5w88gOreVE4-00039-00014363-00014763 I can move my purple sky around 5w88gOreVE4-00040-00014763-00015063 go to the move tool 5w88gOreVE4-00041-00015063-00015463 I've been messing around with it so it's kind of distorted 5w88gOreVE4-00042-00015463-00015763 a little bit 5w88gOreVE4-00043-00015763-00016063 I usually just like to Free Transform 5w88gOreVE4-00044-00016063-00016363 Well there I am going to distort it a little bit. 5w88gOreVE4-00045-00016363-00016663 I want some more of that white in there. 5w88gOreVE4-00046-00016663-00016963 There is a distort in Free Transform 5w88gOreVE4-00047-00016963-00017263 Except this isn't the perfect scenario 5w88gOreVE4-00048-00017263-00017563 So we'll do more of that later 5w88gOreVE4-00049-00017563-00018063 I don't know if it's in any earlier versions than the CC. 5w88gOreVE4-00050-00018063-00018363 It might be in 6 5w88gOreVE4-00051-00018363-00018663 But I'm not so sure 5w88gOreVE4-00052-00018663-00019063 I do have 6 so if anybody's out there on 6 and can't do this 5w88gOreVE4-00053-00019063-00019363 You're okay don't worry 5w88gOreVE4-00054-00019363-00020163 So I'm just messing around bringing it back to a little less distorted 5w88gOreVE4-00055-00020163-00020463 And then I'm going to hit the checkmark 5w88gOreVE4-00056-00020463-00020763 Or the enter key on the extended keyboard 5w88gOreVE4-00057-00020763-00021463 If you're on a laptop you can hit the fn Key and hit enter 5w88gOreVE4-00058-00021463-00021763 So there we go we got our sky 5w88gOreVE4-00059-00021763-00022563 So now we need to color as the buildings so it looks like lighting looks similar when they were taken 5w88gOreVE4-00060-00022563-00022863 I'm going to get the adjustment 5w88gOreVE4-00061-00022863-00023163 over here pull out the Adjustment Panel 5w88gOreVE4-00062-00023163-00023463 By grabbing a little tab that says adjustment 5w88gOreVE4-00063-00023463-00023763 Remember this bar moves the window 5w88gOreVE4-00064-00023763-00024063 there's only one here now 5w88gOreVE4-00065-00024063-00024463 you can move the separate panels out by grabbing the name tab 5w88gOreVE4-00066-00024463-00024763 I'm going to get Hue-Saturation 5w88gOreVE4-00067-00024763-00025063 I'm going to bring the Properties panel over here 5w88gOreVE4-00068-00025063-00025363 and I'm going to 5w88gOreVE4-00069-00025363-00025663 clip this to the layer below it 5w88gOreVE4-00070-00025663-00025963 We did that we filled letters with a picture 5w88gOreVE4-00071-00025963-00026263 Now rather than make a layer mask 5w88gOreVE4-00072-00026263-00026663 Because I'm going to do it here I'm going to go to Create Clipping Mask 5w88gOreVE4-00073-00026663-00026963 With my fly out menu 5w88gOreVE4-00074-00026963-00027263 Or I can go here to the Properties panel 5w88gOreVE4-00075-00027263-00027663 and it'll do the same thing notice it shifted right 5w88gOreVE4-00076-00027663-00027963 and there's our little arrow again 5w88gOreVE4-00077-00027963-00028363 So now I have to move the color sliders 5w88gOreVE4-00078-00028363-00028663 I'm going to move down this way to the purples 5w88gOreVE4-00079-00028663-00029063 And I'm going to change the saturation 5w88gOreVE4-00080-00029063-00029463 I don't want to change the saturation too much 5w88gOreVE4-00081-00029463-00029863 Or it will look like it's completely tinted 5w88gOreVE4-00082-00029863-00030213 I'm going to change the opacity a little bit here 5w88gOreVE4-00083-00030213-00030513 Oops! that's too much. 5w88gOreVE4-00084-00030513-00030813 We have to split the difference here. 5w88gOreVE4-00085-00030813-00031413 To show that yes this is the light is hitting it but there's still some other color underneath 5w88gOreVE4-00086-00031413-00031713 Let's see if I shift 5w88gOreVE4-00087-00031713-00032013 the saturation back up a little bit. 5w88gOreVE4-00088-00032013-00032313 It's a little too pink 5w88gOreVE4-00089-00032313-00032663 There we go that looks right. 5w88gOreVE4-00090-00032663-00033063 You can send your Hue-Saturation preset 5w88gOreVE4-00091-00033063-00033463 I'm going to do that right now 5w88gOreVE4-00092-00033463-00033763 Because I'm going to bring in the sea monster 5w88gOreVE4-00093-00033763-00034063 I'm going to put it in behind the buildings 5w88gOreVE4-00094-00034063-00034563 As we wait for the twirling ball 5w88gOreVE4-00095-00034563-00034963 I'm going to call it s e a m o n s t e r 5w88gOreVE4-00096-00034963-00035363 seamonster.ahu, I'm just putting it on my desktop right now. 5w88gOreVE4-00097-00035363-00035663 And I'm going to 5w88gOreVE4-00098-00035663-00036063 Here, it's a giant octopus statue, I'v already cut it out. 5w88gOreVE4-00099-00036063-00036363 And I'm going to drag it up here 5w88gOreVE4-00100-00036363-00036763 until that lights up and then I have to drag it back down 5w88gOreVE4-00101-00036763-00037063 For it to actually copy into here. 5w88gOreVE4-00102-00037063-00037663 I want it to be behind the building, there it is 5w88gOreVE4-00103-00037663-00037963 I also want to be smaller just a little 5w88gOreVE4-00104-00037963-00038263 So we can see it 5w88gOreVE4-00105-00038263-00038663 And I wanted to be the color of the sky 5w88gOreVE4-00106-00038663-00038963 So how do that? Well 5w88gOreVE4-00107-00038963-00039463 Now that I was able - not all Color Corrections let you save 5w88gOreVE4-00108-00039463-00039763 these settings but Hue-Saturation does. 5w88gOreVE4-00109-00039763-00040063 So I'm going to add another Hue-Saturation 5w88gOreVE4-00110-00040063-00040363 I'm going to add another clipping mask 5w88gOreVE4-00111-00040363-00040863 And I can got here to the fly out menu on the properties 5w88gOreVE4-00112-00040863-00041163 of Hue-Saturation, Load Hue-Saturation 5w88gOreVE4-00113-00041163-00041563 seamonstr.ahu open 5w88gOreVE4-00114-00041563-00041863 and it will have the same settings. 5w88gOreVE4-00115-00041863-00042163 as the other 5w88gOreVE4-00116-00042163-00042563 I think maybe I'll give it a little bit of the drop shadow 5w88gOreVE4-00117-00042563-00042863 Let's see where is the drop shadow down here 5w88gOreVE4-00118-00042863-00043463 If I increase the size of the drop shadow it will just make it pop a little bit 5w88gOreVE4-00119-00043463-00043863 Here's the preview yes so that works 5w88gOreVE4-00120-00043863-00044163 There's our Sea Monster 5w88gOreVE4-00121-00044163-00044563 We used the various things 5w88gOreVE4-00122-00044563-00044863 we used clipping mask 5w88gOreVE4-00123-00044863-00045363 And layer masks and saved our settings for color correction 5w88gOreVE4-00124-00045363-00045763 I often have my students put boats in the water 5w88gOreVE4-00125-00045763-00046163 I have student's but swans and boats and alligators 5w88gOreVE4-00126-00046163-00046563 and flying dinosaurs. 5w88gOreVE4-00127-00046563-00046863 I like when I get an assignment like this 5w88gOreVE4-00128-00046863-00047313 I like for people to take it from the very minimum to really having fun with it 5w88gOreVE4-00129-00047313-00047563 And that's that!😉 5wrD-opy5Ig-00000-00000977-00001103 "What’s the Ideal BMI?" 5wrD-opy5Ig-00001-00001103-00001607 We seem to have become inured to the mortal threat of obesity. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00002-00001607-00001903 If you go back in the medical literature a half century or so 5wrD-opy5Ig-00003-00001903-00002175 when obesity wasn’t just run-of-the-mill, 5wrD-opy5Ig-00004-00002176-00002392 the descriptions are much more grim: 5wrD-opy5Ig-00005-00002392-00002976 “Obesity is always tragic, and its hazards are terrifying.” 5wrD-opy5Ig-00006-00002976-00003360 But it’s not just obesity. Of the 4 million deaths every year 5wrD-opy5Ig-00007-00003360-00003688 attributed to excess body fat, nearly 40% of the victims 5wrD-opy5Ig-00008-00003688-00003984 are just overweight, not obese. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00009-00003984-00004264 According to two famous Harvard studies, weight gain 5wrD-opy5Ig-00010-00004264-00004624 of as little as 11 pounds from early adulthood through middle age 5wrD-opy5Ig-00011-00004624-00004856 increases the risk of major chronic diseases, 5wrD-opy5Ig-00012-00004856-00005335 such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00013-00005335-00005647 The flipside, though, is that even modest weight loss 5wrD-opy5Ig-00014-00005647-00005919 can have major health benefits. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00015-00005920-00006200 What’s the optimal BMI? 5wrD-opy5Ig-00016-00006200-00006456 The largest studies in the United States and around the world 5wrD-opy5Ig-00017-00006456-00006856 found that having a normal body mass index, a BMI from 20 to 25, 5wrD-opy5Ig-00018-00006856-00007087 is associated with the longest lifespan. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00019-00007087-00007367 Put all the best available studies with the longest 5wrD-opy5Ig-00020-00007368-00007792 follow-up together and that can be narrowed down even further 5wrD-opy5Ig-00021-00007792-00008279 to a BMI of 20 to 22. That would be about 5wrD-opy5Ig-00022-00008279-00008775 between 124 to 136 pounds for someone who stands five-foot-six. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00023-00008776-00009216 You can pause the video here to use this unisex chart 5wrD-opy5Ig-00024-00009215-00009767 to see what your optimal weight might be based on your height. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00025-00009768-00010136 But, even within a normal BMI, the risk of developing 5wrD-opy5Ig-00026-00010135-00010407 chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, 5wrD-opy5Ig-00027-00010407-00010815 and several types of cancer starts to rise towards the upper end, 5wrD-opy5Ig-00028-00010815-00011095 even starting as low as a BMI of 21. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00029-00011095-00011687 A BMI of 18.5 and 24.5 are both considered within the normal range, 5wrD-opy5Ig-00030-00011687-00011975 but a BMI of 24.5 may be associated with twice 5wrD-opy5Ig-00031-00011976-00012288 the heart disease risk compared 18.5. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00032-00012287-00012631 Look at this diabetes graph among women, a five-fold difference 5wrD-opy5Ig-00033-00012631-00013215 in diabetes rates all within the so-called ideal range under 25. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00034-00013215-00013591 Just as there are gradations of risk within a normal BMI range, 5wrD-opy5Ig-00035-00013591-00013839 there is a spectrum within obesity. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00036-00013840-00014168 Class III obesity, a BMI over 40, can be associated 5wrD-opy5Ig-00037-00014168-00014615 with the loss of a decade of life or more. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00038-00014615-00014975 At a BMI greater than 45, such as a five-foot-six person 5wrD-opy5Ig-00039-00014975-00015295 at 280 pounds, life expectancy may shrink 5wrD-opy5Ig-00040-00015296-00015671 to that of a cigarette smoker. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00041-00015671-00016040 There are, however, so-called “obesity skeptics” 5wrD-opy5Ig-00042-00016040-00016336 that argue that the health consequences of obesity are unclear 5wrD-opy5Ig-00043-00016336-00016808 or even greatly exaggerated. They are a motley bunch, 5wrD-opy5Ig-00044-00016808-00017088 ranging from feminists, queer theorists, and new ageists 5wrD-opy5Ig-00045-00017087-00017391 to “far right wing, pro-gun, pro-America websites 5wrD-opy5Ig-00046-00017391-00017728 where the idea [is] that obesity alarmists are nanny-state 5wrD-opy5Ig-00047-00017728-00018225 communists who simply want to stop us from having fun….” 5wrD-opy5Ig-00048-00018247-00018543 Unlike activists who, for example, organized to raise 5wrD-opy5Ig-00049-00018543-00018807 consciousness and stamp out the AIDS epidemic, 5wrD-opy5Ig-00050-00018808-00019192 the size acceptance movement appears to have the opposite goal, 5wrD-opy5Ig-00051-00019191-00019631 rallying for less public awareness and treatment of the problem. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00052-00019631-00019815 (They do have good slogans though: 5wrD-opy5Ig-00053-00019815-00020189 “We’re here, we’re spheres, get used to it!”) 5wrD-opy5Ig-00054-00020200-00020512 I’m all for fighting size stigma and discrimination— 5wrD-opy5Ig-00055-00020512-00020840 I have a whole section on weight stigma in my new book— 5wrD-opy5Ig-00056-00020840-00021152 but the adverse health consequences of obesity 5wrD-opy5Ig-00057-00021152-00021592 are an established scientific fact. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00058-00021600-00021863 Can’t you be fat but fit? 5wrD-opy5Ig-00059-00021863-00022071 In a study of more than 600 centenarians 5wrD-opy5Ig-00060-00022071-00022391 (those living over 100) only about 1% of the women 5wrD-opy5Ig-00061-00022391-00022728 and not a single one of the men were obese. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00062-00022728-00023056 But there does appear to be a rare subgroup of obese individuals 5wrD-opy5Ig-00063-00023056-00023319 who don’t suffer the typical metabolic costs 5wrD-opy5Ig-00064-00023319-00023535 such as high blood pressure and cholesterol. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00065-00023536-00023896 This raises the possibility that there may be such thing as 5wrD-opy5Ig-00066-00023896-00024224 “benign obesity” or “healthy obesity.” 5wrD-opy5Ig-00067-00024224-00024448 It may just be a matter of time, though, 5wrD-opy5Ig-00068-00024447-00024631 before the risk factors develop. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00069-00024631-00024847 And even if they don’t, followed long enough, 5wrD-opy5Ig-00070-00024847-00025207 even quote-unquote “metabolically healthy” obese individuals 5wrD-opy5Ig-00071-00025208-00025743 are at increased risk of diabetes, and fatty liver disease 5wrD-opy5Ig-00072-00025743-00026007 and cardiovascular events such as heart attacks, 5wrD-opy5Ig-00073-00026007-00026183 and/or premature death. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00074-00026183-00026447 Bottom line: there is strong evidence 5wrD-opy5Ig-00075-00026448-00026864 that so-called “healthy obesity” is a myth. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00076-00026863-00027239 Many “fat-activists” try to downplay the risks of obesity, 5wrD-opy5Ig-00077-00027239-00027639 even as they may be among the epidemic’s greatest victims. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00078-00027639-00027975 Lynn McAfee is the director of medical advocacy 5wrD-opy5Ig-00079-00027975-00028295 for the Council on Size and Weight Discrimination 5wrD-opy5Ig-00080-00028295-00028551 and routinely takes part in obesity conferences 5wrD-opy5Ig-00081-00028551-00028751 and government panels on obesity. 5wrD-opy5Ig-00082-00028751-00029087 “I’m not actually particularly that interested in [health],” 5wrD-opy5Ig-00083-00029087-00029583 she is quoted as saying, “and God I hate science.” 5-ePGDoEsUu-00001-00000401-00000801 We've decided we want to move to Australia 5-ePGDoEsUu-00002-00000802-00001201 for the opportunities for the children and the outdoor lifestyle 5-ePGDoEsUu-00003-00001203-00001602 that Australia can offer us as a family. 5-ePGDoEsUu-00004-00001604-00002003 It's just everything about it, we just think 5-ePGDoEsUu-00005-00002005-00002403 it can offer us so much more. It's a really big leap for us 5-ePGDoEsUu-00006-00002405-00002804 and the decision hasn't come lightly. It's a huge move 5-ePGDoEsUu-00007-00002806-00003204 and we are at a point now where we're really happy with the 5-ePGDoEsUu-00008-00003206-00003604 decision and we are so sure that this is where our life is meant to be. 5-ePGDoEsUu-00009-00003607-00004004 Just feels now like the time is right, the children are at a good age, they are going to 5-ePGDoEsUu-00010-00004007-00004406 respond to it, we think, probably the best that they will do. It just feels right. 5-ePGDoEsUu-00011-00004408-00004808 We would hope to settle in Perth. We have travelled 5-ePGDoEsUu-00012-00004810-00005208 around most of Australia and Perth is just really 5-ePGDoEsUu-00013-00005210-00005609 homely and because my dad is there as well and 5-ePGDoEsUu-00014-00005611-00006012 we just fell in love with it. I first went when I was thirteen and I just adored it and 5-ePGDoEsUu-00015-00006014-00006412 and always knew that I would come back again and again and now, we've decided 5-ePGDoEsUu-00016-00006414-00006813 we want to stay there permanently. 5-ePGDoEsUu-00019-00007616-00008014 I'm here really to investigate the possibility of moving to 5-ePGDoEsUu-00020-00008016-00008415 Western Australia with my family, obviously as an electrician. 5-ePGDoEsUu-00021-00008417-00008815 A skills visa is what we are hoping to acheive 5-ePGDoEsUu-00022-00008817-00009216 and sponsored ideally through the state or through an employer. 5-ePGDoEsUu-00023-00009218-00009617 With Dawn's father living in Australia already we have obviously 5-ePGDoEsUu-00024-00009619-00010017 the family sponsorship open to us as well. 5-ePGDoEsUu-00025-00010019-00010418 I'm definitely hoping a job opportunity presents itself on the back 5-ePGDoEsUu-00026-00010420-00010820 of today's visit. Speaking to a few of the guys on a few of the stalls there seems to be, 5-ePGDoEsUu-00027-00010822-00011221 they seem keen to take details and try to marry employers 5-ePGDoEsUu-00028-00011223-00011622 and employees together so, it's positive and hopeful 5-ePGDoEsUu-00029-00011624-00012024 that something may come out of today's event. 5DvffWqA-SY-00000-00000000-00000200 South Africa vs Brazil A tale of two rainbow nations 5DvffWqA-SY-00001-00000200-00000728 seems like a fitting enough title to describe both South Africa and Brazil in the same context, 5DvffWqA-SY-00002-00000728-00001296 due to their ethnic diversity and multicultural demographic landscape. One being on the southern 5DvffWqA-SY-00003-00001296-00001848 edge of the African continent and the other on the east coast of south America. today we’re 5DvffWqA-SY-00004-00001848-00002408 going to explore exactly what makes either south Africa or Brazil better than the other and you can 5DvffWqA-SY-00005-00002408-00002992 let us know in the comments who you think is truly better. But before we get into any other of that, 5DvffWqA-SY-00006-00002992-00003447 please take a second to like this video as it enables more people view our content. 5DvffWqA-SY-00007-00003447-00004200 Ok its South Africa Vs Brazil and where better to begin than GDP? The GDP or Gross 5DvffWqA-SY-00008-00004200-00005184 Domestic Product is important becauseit gives information about the size of the economy and how 5DvffWqA-SY-00009-00005648-00008189 an economy is performing. The growth rate of real GDP is often used as an indicator of the 5DvffWqA-SY-00010-00008189-00008768 general health of the economy. In broad terms, an increase in real GDP is interpreted as a sign 5DvffWqA-SY-00011-00008768-00009560 that the economy is doing well. South Africa has GDP of 813.1 billion dollars and Brazil 5DvffWqA-SY-00012-00009648-00010480 has a GDP of 3.4 trillion dollars. Also known as government debt or national debt, 5DvffWqA-SY-00013-00010480-00010944 public debt refers to the sum of all government borrowings owed to lenders within the country. 5DvffWqA-SY-00014-00011016-00011736 South Africa’s public debt is 84% of GDP and Brazil has a public debt of 53% of GDP. 5DvffWqA-SY-00015-00011824-00012424 The GDP per capita is calculated by dividing the total GDP by the number of people living in the 5DvffWqA-SY-00016-00012424-00013088 country. A higher GDP per capita indicates a superior standard of living. South Africa 5DvffWqA-SY-00017-00013088-00013976 has a GDP per capita of 13,865 dollars and Brazil has GDP per capita of 16,662 dollars. 5DvffWqA-SY-00018-00014056-00014488 The inflation rate represents the annual price increase for goods and services, 5DvffWqA-SY-00019-00014672-00015016 indicating a decrease in the purchasing power of a country’s currency. 5DvffWqA-SY-00020-00015104-00015952 South Africa has an inflation rate of 5.3% and Brazil has an inflation rate 5DvffWqA-SY-00021-00015952-00016152 of 3.4%. The real GDP growth rate represents the year-over-year GDP growth, calculated by taking 5DvffWqA-SY-00022-00016152-00016194 into account the price fluctuations caused by inflation. South Africa has a real GDP growth 5DvffWqA-SY-00023-00016194-00016496 of 1.3% and Brazil has a real GDP growth of 1%. The unemployment rate is probably the best-known 5DvffWqA-SY-00024-00016496-00016984 labour market measure and certainly one of the most widely quoted by media in many countries. 5DvffWqA-SY-00025-00017096-00017552 The unemployment rate is a useful measure of the underutilization of the labour supply. 5DvffWqA-SY-00026-00017616-00018056 It reflects the inability of an economy to generate employment for those persons who 5DvffWqA-SY-00027-00018056-00018584 want to work but are not doing so, even though they are available for employment and actively 5DvffWqA-SY-00028-00018584-00019192 seeking work. It is thus seen as an indicator of the efficiency and effectiveness of an economy 5DvffWqA-SY-00029-00019192-00019568 to absorb its labour force and of the performance of the labour market. 5DvffWqA-SY-00030-00019656-00020392 South Africa has an unemployment rate of 27.5% and Brazil has an unemployment rate of 12.8%. 5DvffWqA-SY-00031-00020520-00021184 The number of young people with ages between 15-24 who are unemployed during a specific year. 5DvffWqA-SY-00032-00021184-00021776 The youth unemployment rate is calculated as a percent of the total youth labor force. South 5DvffWqA-SY-00033-00021776-00022480 Africa has a youth unemployment rate of 53.4% and Mexico has a youth unemployment rate of 28.5%. 5DvffWqA-SY-00034-00022480-00023200 The total surface is a very important metric as more land means more allocation of space 5DvffWqA-SY-00035-00023200-00023656 towards sectors like agriculture, real estate and living space. It can be nice to live in big cities 5DvffWqA-SY-00036-00023656-00024256 or countries, as a larger space may offer more options for residents and visitors. South Africa 5DvffWqA-SY-00037-00024256-00025208 has a total surface area of 1 219 090 km² and Brazil has a total surface area of 8 515 770 km². 5DvffWqA-SY-00038-00025296-00025783 The average temperature of a country is very important as high temperatures are known to harm 5DvffWqA-SY-00039-00025783-00026320 crop productivity, but they also harm people’s ability to work. People are known to be very 5DvffWqA-SY-00040-00026320-00026968 sensitive to temperature, So as a country warms up, millions of people start to experience warmer 5DvffWqA-SY-00041-00026968-00027552 temperatures and their productivity starts to decline. The average temperature of South Africa 5DvffWqA-SY-00042-00027552-00028183 is 17.5 degrees Celsius and the average temperature of is 22 degrees Celsius. 5DvffWqA-SY-00043-00029632-00030439 The percentage of land covered by forests. Forests have a key role in removing pollutants 5DvffWqA-SY-00044-00030439-00031048 and cleansing the air. Forests serve multiple environmental, socio-economic, and cultural roles 5DvffWqA-SY-00045-00031048-00031712 in many countries. They are among the most diverse and widespread ecosystems of the world. Forests 5DvffWqA-SY-00046-00031712-00032264 provide many significant resources and functions including wood products and non-wood products, 5DvffWqA-SY-00047-00032264-00032920 recreational opportunities, habitat for wildlife, conservation of biological diversity, water and 5DvffWqA-SY-00048-00032920-00033584 soil, and play a crucial role in the global carbon cycle. the percentage of South Africa’s 5DvffWqA-SY-00049-00033584-00034352 land covered by forest is 7.6% and the percentage of land covered by forest in Brazil is 61.9%. 5DvffWqA-SY-00050-00034480-00034976 The percentage of land dedicated to agricultural use, including arable land, 5DvffWqA-SY-00051-00034976-00035448 permanent crops, and permanent pasture is known as the country’s agricultural land. 5DvffWqA-SY-00052-00035528-00036032 Agricultural landprovides the largest share of food supplies and ensures an essential 5DvffWqA-SY-00053-00036032-00036624 number of ecosystem services. The percentage of South Africa’s land dedicated to agricultural 5DvffWqA-SY-00054-00036624-00037432 use is 79.4% and the percentage of Brazil’s land dedicated to agricultural use is 32.9%. 5DvffWqA-SY-00055-00037568-00038024 Coasts are important zones in natural ecosystems,often home to a wide range 5DvffWqA-SY-00056-00038024-00038552 of biodiversity. On land, they harbor important ecosystems such as freshwater 5DvffWqA-SY-00057-00038552-00039096 or estuarine wetlands, which are important for bird populations and other terrestrial animals. 5DvffWqA-SY-00058-00039176-00040008 South Africa has a coastline of 2,798 km and Brazil has a coastline of 7,491km. 5DvffWqA-SY-00059-00040168-00040720 Water is also a critical input to production in a number of economic sectors. Water is used 5DvffWqA-SY-00060-00040720-00041352 to extract energy and mineral resources from the earth, refine petroleum and chemicals, roll steel, 5DvffWqA-SY-00061-00041352-00041896 mill paper, and produce uncounted other goods, from semiconductors to the foods and beverages 5DvffWqA-SY-00062-00041896-00042504 that line supermarket shelves. South Africa’s total water area, summing up all inland waters 5DvffWqA-SY-00063-00042504-00043376 including lakes, rivers, reservoirs and wetlands is 4 620 km² and Brazil’s total water area, 5DvffWqA-SY-00064-00043376-00044256 summing up all inland waters including lakes, rivers, reservoirs and wetlands is 157 630 km². 5DvffWqA-SY-00065-00044344-00044776 Populous cities or countries usually offer better employment opportunities 5DvffWqA-SY-00066-00044776-00045256 because of their large economies. Big cities attract companies and business investment, 5DvffWqA-SY-00067-00045256-00045808 and are usually important cultural centers and research hubs. South Africa has a total 5DvffWqA-SY-00068-00045808-00046536 population of 57.73 million people and Brazil has a total population of 210.15 million people. 5DvffWqA-SY-00069-00046536-00046920 Population density shows how cramped or spread out inhabitants are. 5DvffWqA-SY-00070-00046984-00047456 Cities or countries with high population densities can be considered overpopulated, 5DvffWqA-SY-00071-00047456-00048008 which can be a problem if the infrastructure is underdeveloped. South Africa has a population 5DvffWqA-SY-00072-00048008-00048608 density of 47 people/km² and Brazil has a population density of 25 people/km². 5DvffWqA-SY-00073-00048816-00049288 The average life expectancy at birth is the number of years that the population of a 5DvffWqA-SY-00074-00049288-00049960 country is expected to live. This metric reflects the overall quality of life. South Africa has an 5DvffWqA-SY-00075-00049960-00050584 average life expectancy of 64.1 years and Brazil has an average life expectancy of 74.3 years. 5DvffWqA-SY-00076-00050688-00051272 The average life expectancy at birth for the South Africa’s female population is 65.6 years 5DvffWqA-SY-00077-00051272-00051840 and the average life expectancy at birth for the Brazil’s female population is 78 years. 5DvffWqA-SY-00078-00051928-00052520 The average life expectancy at birth for the South Africa’s male population is 62.7 years 5DvffWqA-SY-00079-00052520-00053048 and the average life expectancy at birth for the Brazil’s male population is 70.7 years. 5DvffWqA-SY-00080-00053136-00053704 The death rate, also called crude death rate, represents the number of annual deaths per 1,000 5DvffWqA-SY-00081-00053704-00054312 people at midyear. South Africa has a death rate of 9.3 deaths per thousand and Brazil 5DvffWqA-SY-00082-00054312-00055008 has a death rate of 6.7 deaths per thousand. The birth rate, also known as crude birth rate, 5DvffWqA-SY-00083-00055008-00055528 refers to the annual number of births per 1,000 people. Calculated midyear, 5DvffWqA-SY-00084-00055528-00056055 it is one of the main factors used to determine the population growth rate. South Africa has a 5DvffWqA-SY-00085-00056055-00056608 birth rate of 19.9 births per thousand and Brazil has a birth rate of 13.9 deaths per thousand. 5DvffWqA-SY-00086-00056696-00057296 The average number of children born to each woman. For calculating the total fertility rate, it is 5DvffWqA-SY-00087-00057296-00057808 assumed that all women live to the end of their childbearing years and give birth in alignment 5DvffWqA-SY-00088-00057808-00058320 with the prevailing age-specific fertility rates in the country. On this scale South 5DvffWqA-SY-00089-00058320-00059079 Africa has a fertility rate of 2.26 and Brazil has a fertility rate of 1.75 on the same scale. 5DvffWqA-SY-00090-00059176-00059664 Cities or countries with younger population have usually better development perspectives. 5DvffWqA-SY-00091-00059752-00060255 Because young societies are more dynamic and creative. South Africa’s population 5DvffWqA-SY-00092-00060255-00060848 has a median age of 27.4 years and Brazil’s population has a median age of 32.4 years. 5DvffWqA-SY-00093-00060920-00061432 Generally, a lower median age is considered better because a younger population is healthier. 5DvffWqA-SY-00094-00061496-00062079 However, countries with an extremely low median age are often facing socio-economic problems, 5DvffWqA-SY-00095-00062079-00062736 especially poverty. South Africa’s has a median female population age of 27.6 years and Brazil 5DvffWqA-SY-00096-00062736-00063391 has a median female population age of 33.3 years. South Africa’s has a median male population age 5DvffWqA-SY-00097-00063391-00064040 of 27.2 years and Brazil has a median male population age of 31.5 years. The total 5DvffWqA-SY-00098-00064040-00064584 labor force of a country represents the number of people working or willing to work. South Africa 5DvffWqA-SY-00099-00064584-00065288 has a labor force of 22.19 million people And Brazil has a labor force of 104.2 million people. 5DvffWqA-SY-00100-00065400-00065848 Electricity is an essential part of modern life and important of any economy. 5DvffWqA-SY-00101-00065912-00066440 People use electricityfor lighting, heating, cooling, and refrigeration and for operating 5DvffWqA-SY-00102-00066440-00066976 appliances, computers, electronics, machinery, and public transportation systems. 5DvffWqA-SY-00103-00067064-00067752 South Africa has an electrification rate of 84.2% and Brazil has an electrification rate of 98%. 5DvffWqA-SY-00104-00067888-00068360 Roads make a crucial contribution to economic development and growth and bring important 5DvffWqA-SY-00105-00068360-00068848 social benefits. They are of vital importance in order to make a nation grow and develop. 5DvffWqA-SY-00106-00068912-00069456 In addition, providing access to employment, social, health and education services makes a 5DvffWqA-SY-00107-00069456-00070056 road network crucial in fighting against poverty. The total length of South Africa’s paved and 5DvffWqA-SY-00108-00070056-00071240 unpaved roads is 20 986 km and the total length of Brazil’s paved and unpaved roads is 29 850 km. 5DvffWqA-SY-00109-00071240-00071784 The number of physicians (generalist and specialist medical doctors) per 1,000 people. 5DvffWqA-SY-00110-00071856-00072120 According to the World Health Organization, there should be 5DvffWqA-SY-00111-00072120-00072640 more than 2.3 health workers per 1,000 people in order to cover the primary healthcare needs. 5DvffWqA-SY-00112-00072720-00073416 South Africa has 0.91 physicians per thousand and Brazil has 2.15 physicians per thousand. 5DvffWqA-SY-00113-00073504-00074016 The percentage of South Africa’s population with access to improved drinking water sources, 5DvffWqA-SY-00114-00074016-00074696 such as piped water or protected wells is 93.2% and the percentage of Brazil’s population with 5DvffWqA-SY-00115-00074696-00075312 access to improved drinking water sources, such as piped water or protected wells is 98.1%. 5DvffWqA-SY-00116-00077976-00078344 In hindsight Brazil shapes up pretty well against south Africa. 5DvffWqA-SY-00117-00078424-00078768 But we’ll leave that for you to decide in the comment section below. 5DvffWqA-SY-00118-00078856-00079312 If you aren’t subscribed to our channel yet, you can do that now and officially become part of our 5DvffWqA-SY-00119-00079312-00080944 community of touristers here on the new tourist. Thanks for watching and see you in another video. 5FPIgTlG97y-00000-00000000-00000200 Alter recors in table in SQL 5GgZmF7Fcqu-00000-00000000-00000200 That's the first smart choice you made today. 5Ge6m1lVbBo-00000-00000000-00000200 R7 5800X3D vs R7 5800X RTX 3090 5GX-fjOFUe8-00000-00000366-00000839 Today I'm going to spend some time in the harbour, because I'm writing a novel and it's 5GX-fjOFUe8-00001-00000841-00001170 set in Wollongong Harbour. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00002-00001172-00001365 So this is quite important. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00003-00001367-00001953 It's like going there and just thinking about the things that brought me a lot of comfort 5GX-fjOFUe8-00004-00001955-00002645 when I first arrived in Australia - the water, the lighthouse, and, of course, the people 5GX-fjOFUe8-00005-00002647-00003111 and all those different voices speak in different language, having a good time together 5GX-fjOFUe8-00006-00003113-00003264 on the beach. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00007-00003265-00003749 And it reminds you, yeah, Wollongong is such a multicultural city. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00008-00003751-00003933 It's a new way of looking at the world. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00009-00003935-00004732 It's exciting. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00010-00006444-00006923 I grew up in at the foot of an active volcano - Mt Mayon. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00011-00006926-00007220 That is in the Philippines. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00012-00007223-00007737 And I'm the eldest in a family of four children. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00013-00007739-00008090 My parents nurtured in us the love for stories, for books. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00014-00008092-00008280 Probably that's why I became a writer. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00015-00008282-00008882 We didn't have much money to go around but they made sure we had books. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00016-00008884-00009440 I came to Wollongong in 1991 to do my doctorate at the University of Wollongong because I 5GX-fjOFUe8-00017-00009442-00009717 received an Australian study grant. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00018-00009719-00010326 And when I first arrived, I realized that, in a way, the landscape of Wollongong mirrors 5GX-fjOFUe8-00019-00010328-00010642 my original home. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00020-00010644-00011328 Wollongong is also a regional, coastal city - sitting between the escarpment and the 5GX-fjOFUe8-00021-00011330-00011588 Pacific. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00022-00011590-00012163 The study grant that I received from Australia and the fact that I was already working 5GX-fjOFUe8-00023-00012165-00012760 for 10 years as an academic in the Philippines facilitated my coming to Australia. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00024-00012762-00013460 Everyone was helpful and eventually I did my three years here and when I was finishing my 5GX-fjOFUe8-00025-00013462-00013902 degree there was a teaching position open in creative writing. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00026-00013904-00014279 I applied for it, I got it. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00027-00014281-00014493 First year I could not write. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00028-00014494-00014651 I had a writer's block. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00029-00014653-00014857 I found the winter too cold. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00030-00014859-00015304 And when you're cold physically, you're lonely, it was just so hard. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00031-00015306-00015644 The way I dealt with that, is to run. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00032-00015646-00016031 Every day I ran to the lighthouse so that helped me survive. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00033-00016033-00016506 But there were moments when I'd just sit in my empty flat crying. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00034-00016508-00017269 So I have great sympathy - who leave home to strange territory - it takes a lot. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00035-00017271-00017821 Some people come to Australia, hang on to their permanent residencies and then keep 5GX-fjOFUe8-00036-00017823-00018112 their citizenship from the original country. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00037-00018114-00018425 My belief is that Australia's been good to me. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00038-00018427-00018655 I believe that you have to give it some loyalty. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00039-00018657-00018918 It's also the feeling of belonging. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00040-00018920-00019425 I'm an Australian but that doesn't make me any less of a Filipino. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00041-00019427-00020200 One has to remember this: the heart has enough space to accommodate the two languages, 5GX-fjOFUe8-00042-00020202-00020922 the two sensibilities and the idea of being transnational. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00043-00020924-00021335 Being a transnational is like being a river flowing between two banks. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00044-00021337-00021886 You get, you know, nurtured by the two banks but the water has its own life. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00045-00021888-00022281 You are able to create new stories. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00046-00022283-00022902 I went to the Illawarra Fly Tree-Top Walk; it's a fascinating place. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00047-00022904-00023389 You're literally walking on top of trees. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00048-00023391-00023532 It's incredible. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00049-00023534-00024329 Here in the tree tops I run into one of my students from 25 years ago in the Philippines, 5GX-fjOFUe8-00050-00024331-00024653 at the University of Santo Tomas, and she recognised me. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00051-00024655-00024863 Incredible, isn't it? 5GX-fjOFUe8-00052-00024865-00025249 I'd like to believe that my greatest contribution is not so much as a writer, but as a 5GX-fjOFUe8-00053-00025251-00025642 teacher of creative writing. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00054-00025644-00026364 As a teacher of creative writing, I nurture sensibilities of Australia's students and 5GX-fjOFUe8-00055-00026366-00026748 help them tell their own stories. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00056-00026750-00027422 I have been successful in my writing and performance in Australia. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00057-00027424-00027848 I think career-wise, I have been quite blessed and I got that in Australia. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00058-00027850-00028458 I'm very grateful for that, but, of course, you know, I'd like to believe that Australia 5GX-fjOFUe8-00059-00028461-00028900 is getting something back from me and from all its migrants. 5GX-fjOFUe8-00060-00028902-00030002 We all contribute to the community. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00000-00000013-00000446 Hey, friends, big news. Everybody gets a free new synth. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00001-00000453-00001010 No, I'm serious. Everybody who has Lite, Intro, Standard or Ableton suite gets a free new synth. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00002-00001016-00001493 And it's actually amazing. It's like Ableton is Oprah and you just won the Olympics 5IdFgjiG9d0-00003-00001500-00001906 and the lottery on your birthday and it's Christmas. Are you ready? Ready. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00004-00001939-00002160 Check out the all new Ableton Drift. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00005-00008033-00008446 You might be looking at this thing and thinking, "But my synth has more modulation, filters, oscillators 5IdFgjiG9d0-00006-00008453-00008736 and can do so much more." And you'd be right. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00007-00008743-00009250 There's literally a synth plugin feature arms race happening right now where most all synth developers 5IdFgjiG9d0-00008-00009256-00009526 are trying to make their feature list longer than the competitions. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00009-00009546-00009926 The idea is, the more features that they cram into the thing, the more money they'll get out of it. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00010-00009976-00010476 But before all the noise of modern day markets, guys like the late Dave Smith and the late Bob Moog 5IdFgjiG9d0-00011-00010483-00010856 used to sit in quiet rooms for years and years tweaking the voltages 5IdFgjiG9d0-00012-00010863-00011146 swapping components and perfecting the interface 5IdFgjiG9d0-00013-00011153-00011553 so no matter what settings you dial in on your instrument, it sounds great. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00014-00011573-00012166 Basically, they made it hard to make the synth sound bad. And that's exactly the idea behind Ableton Drift. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00015-00012173-00012420 This little cutie pie is blowing my mind. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00016-00012426-00012869 Now, full disclosure, Ableton is sponsoring this video and they sent me Drift early for review. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00017-00012876-00013219 But they have no say over what I'm about to say about this device. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00018-00013226-00013826 The idea behind Drift is to behave like an old analog synthesizer where the oscillators, the tunings, the filters, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00019-00013833-00014269 they drift in and out of phase, causing that all elusive but so musical thing 5IdFgjiG9d0-00020-00014276-00014550 that only vintage analog synthesizers could provide. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00021-00014556-00014880 I've heard a lot of simulations of this vibe, and a lot of them are pretty good. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00022-00014886-00015303 But I have to say that Drift nails it and does it without using a lot of resources. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00023-00015310-00015763 Now, you could just load up an instance of Drift and get great tones, just tweaking stuff in it. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00024-00015769-00016130 But there are some things to know about this little guy that will really unlock its potential. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00025-00016136-00016443 So let's take a dive into Ableton Drift. Let's check it out. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00026-00016500-00017120 Okay, so as you can see, in true Ableton fashion, Drift has a gloriously minimalistic user interface. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00027-00017126-00017590 But just like almost all Ableton devices, there's a lot more under the hood, you just have to look. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00028-00017596-00017966 The first time I opened up Drift, I was a little concerned. I was like, what is this thing? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00029-00017973-00018356 Why would anyone care about a two-oscillator synthesizer? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00030-00018363-00018936 But once you start to really get into this thing and you start to open it up and see the possibilities and listen to what it does 5IdFgjiG9d0-00031-00018943-00019406 it consistently rewards you with amazing tones. So let's go ahead and check this thing out. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00032-00019413-00019916 So in this first little section here, these are oscillators. So when I play, you can hear... there are two oscillators. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00033-00019926-00020253 There's a sine waveform, that's an octave below a saw waveform. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00034-00020260-00020483 It's kind of a classic synth tone, right? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00035-00020490-00020810 And when you click on this drop-down list, you can see all these different waveforms 5IdFgjiG9d0-00036-00020816-00021056 and you might be thinking, that's all, that's all that I get? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00037-00021063-00021510 Well, what you have to do is explore each one of these because each one of these have different options. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00038-00021516-00021996 So we have this Shape control, and what this does depends upon the waveform that you choose. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00039-00022003-00022523 So the first waveform, this saw waveform, when you start to turn up Shape, take a listen. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00040-00022820-00023203 We have this glorious and beautiful hard zinc kind of sound, right? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00041-00023470-00023786 So each one of these waveforms that you choose, Shape does something totally different. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00042-00023793-00024156 So here's the sine waveform and I'll go ahead and turn off Oscillator 2 for now. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00043-00024410-00024790 We can hear that Shape on the sine waveform adds a wave folding. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00044-00024900-00025246 Kind of like a sine wave folding. And if we go to the Triangle... 5IdFgjiG9d0-00045-00025403-00025643 you kind of have a harsher wave folding, right? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00046-00025650-00025906 And then if we go over to this shape... 5IdFgjiG9d0-00047-00026023-00026443 we have what kind of sounds like saw wave, like, pulse width modulation, right? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00048-00026663-00027063 Adds a little bit of pitch drift, too. A really, really pleasing sound there. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00049-00027153-00027463 There the next wave form's really interesting. As we turn Shape up, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00050-00027470-00027970 kind of add these harmonics and make the wave shape thinner. Pretty cool thing. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00051-00028006-00028636 You've seen Saw, now going over to this square wave, this is more of like yet another hard zinc kind of sound. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00052-00028853-00029416 Pretty sweet. And then finally, of course, we have a square wave. And guess what? Pulse width modulation. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00053-00029430-00029766 Now, why should you care about this synthesizer? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00054-00029773-00030133 Check this out. So I'm going to go ahead and go to Oscillator 2 and turn it on. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00055-00030139-00030353 And let's put it on Square wave. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00056-00030360-00030693 So now we have two square waves and let's just go ahead and play them at the same octave. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00057-00030700-00030866 So take a listen to this. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00058-00031466-00031706 Do you hear that changing over time? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00059-00031713-00032153 There was this kind of like high-pitched frequency that kind of came in after a little bit. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00060-00032160-00032530 What's up with that? Well, essentially, the oscillators are always on. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00061-00032536-00032806 You just can't hear them unless you play a note. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00062-00032813-00033083 Okay, so this is how synthesis works in the analog realm. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00063-00033090-00033496 Now, why this matters to you is that if you have two waveforms that are identical, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00064-00033503-00034246 but they're not spinning at exactly the same time or at exactly the same pitch, you get this interesting kind of alive breathing 5IdFgjiG9d0-00065-00034253-00034420 moving kind of sound, right? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00066-00034426-00034806 This is what happens when two oscillators are out of phase with each other. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00067-00034813-00035180 The beating heart of Drift is this control right here: Drift. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00068-00035186-00035453 So if I turn Drift all the way to zero, take a listen. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00069-00035740-00036043 Nothing's changing. As I turn this up, take a listen. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00070-00036950-00037636 Essentially, the idea is that what the Drift control will do is it will make tiny fluctuations to the phase of the waveforms, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00071-00037643-00038113 to the tuning of the waveforms and the filter position and all kinds of other little tiny changes. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00072-00038120-00038630 And those little tiny changes will have huge ramifications as you start to use this instrument 5IdFgjiG9d0-00073-00038636-00038843 and get into the different things that it does. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00074-00038850-00039173 So getting back to Oscillator 2, you can detune it. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00075-00039360-00039830 ...and really get that beautiful sound, or you can turn it all the way up to plus 7 and get these kind of... 5IdFgjiG9d0-00076-00040066-00040376 musical ratios, right? Okay, so I'm going to bring this back to the center. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00077-00040383-00040756 Now, none of the waveforms on Oscillator 2, as you can see there's a bit less, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00078-00040763-00041126 can be changed with the Shape control, that's only the Oscillator 1, okay? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00079-00041140-00041460 Let's go ahead and switch this back to the saw waveform. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00080-00041516-00041723 I'll put this back on maybe Triangle or something. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00081-00041883-00042520 Okay, so like I was saying before, Drift was designed to behave like a real analog synthesizer, okay? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00082-00042530-00043003 So the settings that you have in one section can have big changes over the settings in another section. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00083-00043010-00043303 For example, the filter. In this case, we have two different types of filters. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00084-00043310-00043813 We have a classic 12 decibel filter and a 24 decibel filter, right. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00085-00043826-00044250 These aren't modeled after any specific filter. They're designed just for Drift, right? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00086-00044376-00044853 So the filter has two different types: There is a 12 decibel and a 24 decibel filter. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00087-00044860-00045330 You can see the slope changes as I click on this. Now just like on an analog synthesizer, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00088-00045336-00045813 the amount of the oscillator signal that's being fed into the filter will yield different results. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00089-00045820-00046176 So this filter will sound totally different depending upon where you have it. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00090-00046306-00046690 So that's the sound, kind of like the vanilla sound. But if I turn up this oscillator, take a listen, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00091-00046986-00047210 Notice that it sounds like the resonance got quieter. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00092-00047216-00047616 So the oscillator is up all the way up. I have resonance all the way up. Take a listen to this. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00093-00047873-00048246 You can hear kind of like this really pleasing background distortion, right? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00094-00048436-00048773 Now take a listen to what happens. I'm going to go ahead and turn off Oscillator 2. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00095-00048900-00049350 Take a listen to what happens to this filter as I turn Oscillator 1 back down. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00096-00049700-00049820 Wow. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00097-00050056-00050373 Super pleasing sounds coming out of this thing, right? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00098-00050516-00051030 It's almost like the filter will take off more if you have less oscillator signal going into it, right? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00099-00051596-00051970 That's because we're distorting the filter. We're sending so much oscillator signal 5IdFgjiG9d0-00100-00051976-00052296 into the filter that it's causing harmonics to be made. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00101-00052303-00052656 We could go over to Oscillator 1, for example, and turn it on a sine waveform. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00102-00052663-00052916 I'm going to turn the resonance all the way down. Now take a listen to this. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00103-00053266-00053660 So right now that sine waveform sounds like you would expect it to, but as I turn it up, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00104-00053963-00054366 we can hear harmonics being added. That's because we're distorting this filter stage, right? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00105-00054373-00054779 So that's really great. I'm going to go ahead and turn the filter frequency back up. Now check this out. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00106-00054803-00055173 I'm going to bring this oscillator back to a respectable negative 6. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00107-00055316-00055593 Now, we don't have that many harmonics in the signal right now. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00108-00055600-00056176 Let's add harmonics in an interesting way. So your classic pitch mod, we could use the LFO, for example, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00109-00056183-00056446 here's the LFO, and we could change the pitch of this. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00110-00056690-00057093 And you can see the LFO gets real slow here. So you can get that kind of drunk synth sound. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00111-00057329-00057823 But what's really interesting about Drift is that you may be looking at this thing and thinking, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00112-00057829-00058293 well, wait, there's no FM synthesis - how am I going to do any FM tones? Well, you actually can. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00113-00058300-00058596 The LFO has all these different interesting modes that you can do with the rate. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00114-00058603-00058833 So right now this is a normal frequency-based rate. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00115-00058840-00059270 This is a millisecond-based rate, and then this is a sync rate, so syncing to the DAW. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00116-00059276-00060000 But this one is really interesting. This is a audio rate ratio based on the pitch of the original oscillator. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00117-00060006-00060133 So check this out. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00118-00060503-00060783 Notice that we're bringing harmonics in because what are we doing? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00119-00060790-00061000 This is frequency modulation or FM synthesis. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00120-00061383-00061593 And of course, we can change the ratio. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00121-00062020-00062603 Super awesome. So the next thing we can do is we could actually use Envelope 2, for example, to modify this. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00122-00062610-00062986 So let's go to Envelope 2, and I'm going to turn the sustained stage all the way down. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00123-00062993-00063386 These are our two envelopes. Obviously, this one, this top one, is for the volume. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00124-00063536-00064203 But if I use envelope two to change the LFO amount over the pitch, we can control this FM synthesis. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00125-00064290-00064423 Check this out. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00126-00065029-00065623 So of course, different ratios are going to give you different sounds, and we can even go under the original pitch 5IdFgjiG9d0-00127-00065630-00065940 to make the FM oscillator be an octave lower. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00128-00066586-00066810 And maybe we want more harmonics in a different way. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00129-00066816-00067213 Instead of adding them here, we could add them by just driving the filter more. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00130-00067456-00067860 And that effect is kind of more mid-rangy, right? Let's try it with a different filter. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00131-00068416-00068733 Now, of course, we can mess with the filter frequency over here. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00132-00068740-00069136 These are two different mod sources you can mess with the filter frequency with. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00133-00069143-00069356 So let's go ahead and use Envelope 2, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00134-00071330-00071796 Right? Super awesome. Now check this out. Listen to how different this sounds as I turn Oscillator 1 down. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00135-00072200-00072400 You can compensate over here. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00136-00072703-00073140 Now, as you can see, both the Oscillators section and the Filter section look very similar, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00137-00073146-00073353 and the way that they're modulated is very similar. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00138-00073360-00073716 You have two different sources right here for the pitch of the oscillators, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00139-00073723-00074050 and you have two different sources for the frequency of the filter. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00140-00074056-00074420 So you'll also notice that we have LFO here in the Filter Frequency Mod. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00141-00074426-00074786 So what we could do here is we could turn the envelope effect off. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00142-00074793-00075126 We could turn the LFO pitch modulation all the way down, and instead, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00143-00075133-00075676 we could use the LFO's audio rate modulation over the filter frequency. Take a listen to this. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00144-00078470-00078940 So you can see there's so much more under the hood on this thing. And that's just one example, right? Insane. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00145-00078946-00079156 Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and grab a new instance. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00146-00079163-00079350 This time, let's take a look at something totally different. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00147-00079356-00079893 So right now... this is the vanilla setting that you get with Drift. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00148-00079956-00080230 So what we're going to do this time is we're going to take a look at something else - 5IdFgjiG9d0-00149-00080236-00080513 on Envelope 2 you can see that we used it earlier, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00150-00080520-00080820 but if you click on this button, you make it cycling or looping. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00151-00080826-00081390 And essentially you turn this envelope into its own kind of LFO because it's looping over time. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00152-00081396-00081686 Let's go ahead and choose that to mess with the Filter frequency. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00153-00082160-00082576 And of course, you can also see whoa, wait a minute, you can send it into Audio Rate. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00154-00082780-00083116 Pretty awesome, right? But let's focus on this mode for now. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00155-00083123-00083573 Something else you can do with this that you can't do with the standard LFOs, you can actually tilt the shape, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00156-00083580-00083710 so check this out. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00157-00085030-00085233 Let's go ahead and put it into Audio Rate. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00158-00085663-00085826 OK so check this out. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00159-00085833-00086306 When you have it in Audio Rate you can get some really interesting results happening by changing the Tilt. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00160-00087133-00087563 Pretty awesome, right? All right, I'll put this back on a standard mode. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00161-00088000-00088280 Now I want to show you something else. I'm going to turn off the Pitch Mod here. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00162-00088286-00088610 We also have a Noise oscillator here. So check this out. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00163-00088776-00089013 What I'm going to do is I'm going to turn the oscillators all the way down. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00164-00089086-00089270 So now we just have this noise. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00165-00089340-00089783 You could actually use the filter to play notes as well, so you can turn the Resonance up, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00166-00089943-00090233 and then you can turn this control up for key following. So check this out. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00167-00090473-00090770 So essentially, I'm using the filter as an oscillator, right? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00168-00091396-00091613 And so you could run an oscillator through it too. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00169-00092286-00092783 For some totally different tones, right? So I'll go and make a more pretty sound. I'll open up the release a bit. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00170-00093043-00093573 So now that I've done this, if I go back to my Envelope 2, and put it back at Audio Rate, check this out. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00171-00094196-00094356 Turn the noise down a bit. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00172-00094996-00095403 Just amazing tones you can get with just the smallest little adjustments, right? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00173-00095410-00095936 Cool. So I'll go ahead and turn Noise down. I'm going to turn this envelope effect off of the filter frequency. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00174-00095943-00096096 And now we get... 5IdFgjiG9d0-00175-00096380-00096843 I'll go ahead and introduce Oscillator 2. This time let's choose a saw waveform. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00176-00097390-00097560 Now let's go ahead and turn up Drift. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00177-00098126-00098406 And we just get that instant, beautiful kind of sound, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00178-00098413-00098723 where those oscillators are just slightly out of phase with each other. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00179-00099000-00099283 Okay, so this is a perfect opportunity to show you the modes. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00180-00099290-00099906 So over here at this section, we have the ability to change the mode the way that Drift is handling the voices. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00181-00099913-00100340 So Poly mode is kind of how you'd expect. You can limit the voices to like, four for example. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00182-00100490-00100840 In the case that your CPU is spiking, right, you're really doing a lot. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00183-00100846-00101276 Now the next mode is called Mono and essentially this is nice because it brings your voice count down to zero 5IdFgjiG9d0-00184-00101283-00101553 and so you can do leads and basslines. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00185-00101610-00102273 Let's work on a bass tone. Maybe we'll put the LFO on half, add it to the pitch mod. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00186-00103283-00103613 But check this out. Now this next slider, they call it 'Mono Thickness' 5IdFgjiG9d0-00187-00103620-00104006 but essentially what this does is it adds a bunch of sub oscillators as you turn it up. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00188-00104046-00104600 I think the total is 3 to the original voice and you get this huge thick sound. Take a listen. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00189-00104983-00105273 And then if Drift is all the way at zero, you just get a stack 5IdFgjiG9d0-00190-00105416-00105740 and it's all perfectly in phase. But of course, as you turn up Drift... 5IdFgjiG9d0-00191-00107040-00107323 … just huge, huge sounds from there. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00192-00107386-00107866 Right? Now the next mode is amazing. Let's go ahead and I'm going to turn this effect off. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00193-00107873-00108326 And what we're going to do is we're going to listen to this just with the Drift all the way down on 32 voices. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00194-00108333-00108443 So take a listen. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00195-00108906-00109393 So that's kind of what you'd expect out of kind of any synth plugin. But check this out. I'll turn up Drift. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00196-00109716-00110209 Still what you would expect. But now there's this percentage that you can add of stereo spread. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00197-00110216-00110583 And what this does is it takes the voices and moves them across the stereo field. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00198-00110633-00110876 If you have Drift all the way at zero, it doesn't do anything. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00199-00111106-00111406 But once you start to drift stuff, this is where all the magic happens. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00200-00112353-00112896 It's so cool. Now check this out. Another thing you can do is as you detune things, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00201-00113483-00113823 it almost sounds like Detune is adding more stereo spread. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00202-00113830-00114436 That's because it's interacting with the Drift control and interacting with this to cause that kind of effect. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00203-00115106-00115659 Just amazing sounds you can get from this. Let's go ahead and use Envelope 2 to open up our filter a little bit. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00204-00116513-00116786 So that's the stereo mode and man is it pleasing. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00205-00116800-00117390 Now we also have Unison mode, and essentially this is sort of the same thing except it takes four voices 5IdFgjiG9d0-00206-00117396-00117690 of each note that you play and it detunes them against themselves. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00207-00117696-00117870 So one note sounds like this... 5IdFgjiG9d0-00208-00118090-00118373 and it will be totally mono unless you turn up Drift. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00209-00119283-00119663 Now if you bring this down to four voices, you'll only be able to play one note at a time 5IdFgjiG9d0-00210-00119670-00120020 because Unison is using four voices up to do its detuning. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00211-00120576-00120946 So this can be useful to make like big sounding basslines and stuff like that. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00212-00121643-00121803 Just so much fun. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00213-00121809-00122313 So you definitely need to get into the modes when using Drift to get this really interesting result happening. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00214-00122380-00122843 Now let's look at something else. So right now we're using the LFO, or at least we were using the LFO at Audio Rate. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00215-00122850-00123253 Let's switch it back to its normal rate and maybe we'll apply it to the Pitch. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00216-00123259-00123390 So now we get a nice... 5IdFgjiG9d0-00217-00124073-00124290 kind of drunk synth sound. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00218-00124430-00124776 Now you have all the waveforms that you'd normally expect, like Triangle. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00219-00125246-00125526 Let's go ahead and put this on the filter frequency, why not. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00220-00126096-00126253 Go ahead and put this on Triangle, for example. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00221-00126436-00126809 You'll notice that it's free running. You can always hit this R right here and this will retrigger 5IdFgjiG9d0-00222-00126816-00127043 the LFO every time you play a note. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00223-00127853-00128223 Now these are all the expected waveforms, but if you go down to this one Sample & Hold, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00224-00128230-00128566 essentially this is a random source. So as I turn up Rate, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00225-00129276-00129403 I'll turn my voice count up. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00226-00129853-00130266 You can hear that we're just choosing different held modulations depending upon the rate. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00227-00130280-00130659 And of course, you can use this as noise. Let's go ahead and switch this back over to Stereo. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00228-00131476-00131906 So right now I'm using this on the filter, but if I use this instead on Pitch, take a listen. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00229-00132483-00132750 Adds a really pleasing grit to the sound, right? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00230-00132853-00133256 Okay, next we have Wander. And what Wander is is it's sort of the Sample & Hold, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00231-00133263-00133776 but instead what we've done is kind of slewed the beginning and end of it to get more of a warbly sound. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00232-00134210-00134556 So if you're really looking for that drunk synth sound, this is a great way to get it. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00233-00134886-00135326 Just super great, right? And then finally we have Linear & Exponential envelope. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00234-00135333-00135826 This basically does the opposite of what we did earlier with Envelope 2, turning it into an LFO. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00235-00135833-00136060 We're now turning the LFO, guess what, into an envelope. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00236-00136066-00136553 So yeah, you can use this to, for example, let's do a pitch-drop with this. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00237-00136863-00137050 So you'll notice that the LFO is not repeating, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00238-00137056-00137343 so you can do that with a Linear and an Exponential envelope. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00239-00137350-00137766 OK, so here's a fresh instance of Drift. And one more thing I want to show you is the Mod Matrix. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00240-00137773-00138366 So essentially, you could take any of these modulators and apply them to any of these destinations. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00241-00138373-00138676 So for example, I could take Pressure, which is aftertouch, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00242-00138683-00139006 and what I could do is I could add that to the low-pass frequency. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00243-00139013-00139526 So I'm going to turn this down a bit. Now depending upon how hard I push... 5IdFgjiG9d0-00244-00139676-00139986 So there's a bunch of different things that you can do that are kind of under the hood, 5IdFgjiG9d0-00245-00139993-00140253 you just have to kind of get into this area right here. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00246-00140276-00140603 Cool. So as you can see in here, Drift is an amazing instrument. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00247-00140610-00140920 It sounds really good, really, no matter what settings you put on it. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00248-00140926-00141590 And it really excels at doing melodic duties like basslines and melodies and chords and stuff like that. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00249-00141600-00142103 Of course, it's not designed to do some crazy, super nutso, EDM ultra-drop, right? 5IdFgjiG9d0-00250-00142110-00142233 It's not really for that. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00251-00142240-00142700 It's for beautiful unfolding tones that have a really strong fundamental pitch. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00252-00142706-00143226 Now, if you like my teaching style, I'm going to be adding Drift to my Sound Design and Synthesis with Ableton Live 5IdFgjiG9d0-00253-00143233-00143383 online course that you can take. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00254-00143390-00143770 I'm also going to be giving you all the presets that I used in this tutorial 5IdFgjiG9d0-00255-00143776-00144026 up here for free, so go ahead and check those out. 5IdFgjiG9d0-00256-00144033-00144566 Thanks for watching everybody. If you like this kind of thing: Like, Comment, Subscribe. Much love. I'll see you next time. 5KDDOe_WQ5c-00000-00000000-00000348 Sheksh Chilli Latest moral story in English 2023 5KDDOe_WQ5c-00001-00000348-00000548 in this story he obey his mother and rewarded from Allah 5Lzjho_UuQu-00000-00000014-00000258 Hi Guys, this is Tremulous Russian 5Lzjho_UuQu-00001-00000258-00000344 and me NewSource 5Lzjho_UuQu-00002-00000344-00000544 And tooday we gonna very interesting topic 5Lzjho_UuQu-00003-00000544-00001016 Installing Tremulous 1.0 (Not 1.1!!!) on Android 5Lzjho_UuQu-00004-00001016-00001610 Important, we gonna doing it via OpenArena 5Lzjho_UuQu-00005-00001610-00002020 We gonna run it as quake3 mod 5Lzjho_UuQu-00006-00002020-00002676 OpenArena...it not quake3 clone...but 5Lzjho_UuQu-00007-00002822-00003740 but he using same qvm assmbling, and he too in id tech3 it mean, you can run q3 mods into oa, and oa mods into q3 5Lzjho_UuQu-00008-00003997-00005000 We Download trem 1.0, and run it into OA 5Lzjho_UuQu-00009-00005116-00005380 and.. OK , Start 5Lzjho_UuQu-00010-00005474-00005736 1st. Open Google Play 5Lzjho_UuQu-00011-00007231-00007464 In Search type "OpenArena" 5Lzjho_UuQu-00012-00007957-00008157 Install. 5Lzjho_UuQu-00013-00008963-00009163 Ok, now open 5Lzjho_UuQu-00014-00009164-00009894 and you can see, started downloading, wait when it end (i gonna boost video, because it long procces for me) 5Lzjho_UuQu-00015-00010126-00010176 *microphonelag* 5Lzjho_UuQu-00016-00010176-00010680 In Google Type "Tremulous 1.0 sourceforge" 5Lzjho_UuQu-00017-00011777-00011977 and open fisrt link 5Lzjho_UuQu-00018-00012518-00012826 don't wait download start...press in Tremulous 5Lzjho_UuQu-00019-00013623-00013823 ok, now open "Files" 5Lzjho_UuQu-00020-00014931-00015147 Click in "tremulous" 5Lzjho_UuQu-00021-00015472-00015672 open "1.0" 5Lzjho_UuQu-00022-00016282-00016786 and download 2nd file in list (he size 95 mb) 5Lzjho_UuQu-00023-00018522-00019014 now we gonna extract downloaded archive 5Lzjho_UuQu-00024-00019134-00019404 for it i gonna use X-Plore, you can use any file manager/archiver 5Lzjho_UuQu-00025-00019858-00020168 wel...he reqest root....ok 5Lzjho_UuQu-00026-00020520-00020820 ok...here our archive...what we downlaoded... 5Lzjho_UuQu-00027-00021078-00021942 now extract it into android/data/ws.openarena.sdl/files 5Lzjho_UuQu-00028-00021988-00022238 ok from archive copy folder Tremulous 5Lzjho_UuQu-00029-00023116-00023316 and procces in progress :P 5Lzjho_UuQu-00030-00023990-00024656 Sorry....it long...because archive 95 mb...... 5Lzjho_UuQu-00031-00025908-00026108 Now we run OpenArena 5Lzjho_UuQu-00032-00027365-00027565 now press "MODS" 5Lzjho_UuQu-00033-00027566-00028020 select tremulous and press load 5Lzjho_UuQu-00034-00028189-00028572 and we see Tremulous menu, sounds (you now don't listen sounds..because i am use shit androd video capturer) 5Lzjho_UuQu-00035-00029137-00029337 Server list doesn't work.... 5Lzjho_UuQu-00036-00029530-00029882 ok now make empty server... 5Lzjho_UuQu-00037-00031044-00031474 now we can see, map loading in progress 5Lzjho_UuQu-00038-00031564-00032860 Also it work and in old devices, but don't try set max settings in old devices, it make crush client 5Lzjho_UuQu-00039-00033064-00033264 we can see..... 5Lzjho_UuQu-00040-00033316-00033460 all work...... 5Lzjho_UuQu-00041-00033506-00033864 noone lag....(but in video it lag...because AGAIN, i use bad video recorder in android) 5Lzjho_UuQu-00042-00033894-00034194 now i had fps ~40 5Lzjho_UuQu-00043-00034376-00034696 sorry....here awful controlls.... 5Lzjho_UuQu-00044-00034808-00035112 we can see all is work... 5Lzjho_UuQu-00045-00035562-00036078 but controls is a rlly fucked up.... 5Lzjho_UuQu-00046-00038558-00038994 ok we try kill some acidtubs :P 5Lzjho_UuQu-00047-00041312-00041822 well.....play just as fun is possible.... 5Lzjho_UuQu-00048-00042634-00043226 we can see no sounds (reason i said 2 times in subtittles) 5Lzjho_UuQu-00049-00043596-00044096 ok now i try set max settings (same settings in a PC) 5Lzjho_UuQu-00050-00045608-00045808 and apply... 5Lzjho_UuQu-00051-00047544-00047744 Ta-dam all is work :PPP 5Lzjho_UuQu-00052-00048722-00049168 wel...so it we not big tutorial "How Run Tremulous in Android".... 5Lzjho_UuQu-00053-00049470-00050758 now i don't use openarena missery, what had support openarena pc servers...anyway all is work 5Lzjho_UuQu-00054-00050888-00051429 All GoodBye:D 5MemLXSCuG0-00000-00000006-00000474 Salman Khan 5MemLXSCuG0-00001-00000474-00000674 Donation 5MemLXSCuG0-00002-00000674-00000874 Martyrs CRPF Family 5MemLXSCuG0-00003-00000874-00001074 Pulwama Attack 5Q0suE-0zwY-00000-00000000-00000480 Hey utube! :) 5RyzmtmLNG0-00000-00000220-00000596 What makes the school a great school? 5RyzmtmLNG0-00001-00000678-00000910 Caring for the whole child. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00002-00000984-00001230 Expanding the horizons of learning. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00003-00001398-00001668 Building relationships with families. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00004-00001730-00002076 Working together to realize a shared vision. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00005-00002142-00002664 This is the school every student needs. This is a community school. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00006-00002728-00002964 Community schools are public schools that partner with stakeholders 5RyzmtmLNG0-00007-00003014-00003342 to create the condition students need to thrive. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00008-00003370-00003702 Community Schools can be found across the United States, 5RyzmtmLNG0-00009-00003702-00003964 and their numbers are growing fast. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00010-00004014-00004394 But what exactly makes a school a community school? 5RyzmtmLNG0-00011-00004450-00004658 They integrate student supports. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00012-00004698-00004912 Clinics, counselors, and other services 5RyzmtmLNG0-00013-00004912-00005216 ensure each and every student is ready to learn. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00014-00005292-00005546 They expand and enrich learning. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00015-00005592-00005996 Extended school days, summer programs, and real-world experiences 5RyzmtmLNG0-00016-00005996-00006280 help students reach their full potential. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00017-00006346-00006622 They engage families and communities. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00018-00006672-00007026 Partnering with residents to identify and meet community needs 5RyzmtmLNG0-00019-00007031-00007459 makes everyone feel safe, welcome, and involved in school. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00020-00007502-00007708 They lead in collaboration. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00021-00007731-00008068 Inclusive decision-making and peer learning builds trust 5RyzmtmLNG0-00022-00008068-00008516 among students, educators, families, and communities. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00023-00008544-00008836 When a school stands on these four pillars, 5RyzmtmLNG0-00024-00008876-00009056 it's a community school. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00025-00009078-00009412 Research supports this four pillar approach, 5RyzmtmLNG0-00026-00009412-00009692 but there's no one-size-fits-all model. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00027-00009692-00009896 Every community school is different 5RyzmtmLNG0-00028-00009896-00010126 because each community is different. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00029-00010140-00010420 Figuring out what it looks like in your community 5RyzmtmLNG0-00030-00010420-00010760 starts by getting actual community members involved. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00031-00010808-00011232 That's the full-time job of Community School Coordinators. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00032-00011248-00011384 They're the human bridge 5RyzmtmLNG0-00033-00011384-00011632 connecting all the partners and stakeholders 5RyzmtmLNG0-00034-00011632-00011856 that make Community Schools possible. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00035-00011940-00012250 So that's what makes a school a community school. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00036-00012250-00012396 Now how do you pay for it? 5RyzmtmLNG0-00037-00012412-00012716 Startup costs like hiring a full-time coordinator 5RyzmtmLNG0-00038-00012716-00013046 can be raised from foundations or state and local governments. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00039-00013084-00013446 Tapping into existing funding and partnering with local businesses 5RyzmtmLNG0-00040-00013446-00013669 can bring in service providers. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00041-00013690-00013936 Sharing resources and staff with partners 5RyzmtmLNG0-00042-00013936-00014147 can help everyone do more. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00043-00014174-00014486 And as a community school becomes more established, 5RyzmtmLNG0-00044-00014486-00014896 leaders can advocate for budgets that sustain their impact 5RyzmtmLNG0-00045-00014896-00015150 and new funding to expand it. 5RyzmtmLNG0-00046-00015180-00015608 Every Community School is different. What will yours be like? 5RyzmtmLNG0-00047-00015608-00016428 Get started at communityschools.futureforlearning.org 5YRcMcyIhGg-00000-00000160-00000488 SUBSCRIBE 5fb9VHgiRcy-00000-00000390-00000590 Hi everyone! I'm MUKPPO~^^ 5fb9VHgiRcy-00001-00000590-00001070 please subscribe and click the likes button ♥ 5fb9VHgiRcy-00002-00001070-00001470 I'll try to eat 'ice cream' today. 5fb9VHgiRcy-00003-00001470-00001768 Hershey chocolate ice cream 5fb9VHgiRcy-00004-00002032-00002646 The vanilla ice cream inside is very chewy! 5fb9VHgiRcy-00005-00003692-00004128 I love the crispy chocolate. 5fb9VHgiRcy-00006-00006236-00006828 Vanilla ice cream is really delicious. 5fb9VHgiRcy-00007-00007078-00007518 It tastes so luxurious. 5fb9VHgiRcy-00008-00009384-00009974 Do you like Hershey chocolate ice cream? 5fb9VHgiRcy-00009-00013240-00013730 My teeth are freezing.Hahahaha; 5fb9VHgiRcy-00010-00014024-00014388 Lotte Crunchy Ice Cream 5fb9VHgiRcy-00011-00014388-00014936 It's made of crunky chocolate on top. 5fb9VHgiRcy-00012-00015308-00015784 It's cookie and cream ice cream inside. 5fb9VHgiRcy-00013-00016246-00016676 I thought the chocolate would be crispy, but it wasn't. 5fb9VHgiRcy-00014-00017768-00018468 I thought the corn on the outside would be crispy. It was a shame. 5fb9VHgiRcy-00015-00018954-00019452 It didn't sound crispy.ᅮ 5fb9VHgiRcy-00016-00019452-00020058 But the cookie and cream ice cream inside is delicious. 5fb9VHgiRcy-00017-00021062-00021658 Have you ever seen such an unusual-looking ice cream? 5fb9VHgiRcy-00018-00022416-00022926 Haagen-Dazs Raspberry Ice Cream 5fb9VHgiRcy-00019-00023314-00023810 Hmm! I've never tried raspberry flavored ice cream before. 5fb9VHgiRcy-00020-00024198-00024622 It's sour and delicious!! 5fb9VHgiRcy-00021-00025438-00026064 There are chopped raspberries on top of the ice cream! 5fb9VHgiRcy-00022-00026986-00027724 If you look closely, you'll see pink! I think this part also tastes like raspberry! 5fb9VHgiRcy-00023-00029042-00029845 I love chocolate ice cream, but I think I prefer this kind of fruit-like fresh ice cream! 5fb9VHgiRcy-00024-00033278-00033478 Mmm! It was delicious! 5fb9VHgiRcy-00025-00033798-00034172 Natuur Milk & Cookiva 5fb9VHgiRcy-00026-00034542-00034742 Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 5fb9VHgiRcy-00027-00034774-00035272 There is cookie and cream ice cream inside. 5fb9VHgiRcy-00028-00036496-00036900 The texture is unique when you chew! 5fb9VHgiRcy-00029-00036900-00037528 Chocolate isn't crispy, and the ice cream is soft? It feels like... 5fb9VHgiRcy-00030-00038012-00038454 I feel like I'm disappearing! 5fb9VHgiRcy-00031-00039176-00039730 I don't know how to put it in words.Haha 5fb9VHgiRcy-00032-00041534-00042022 It's an unusual ice cream!Hahaha 5fb9VHgiRcy-00033-00046114-00046610 I think I'll be full even if I eat just one because I'm tall. 5fb9VHgiRcy-00034-00050790-00051158 I ate well today! Thank you for watching my video^^ 5hTBN_rX6HI-00000-00000137-00000329 - Hi everybody, I'm Phillip Goodman. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00001-00000329-00000445 - And I am Heather McVeigh. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00002-00000445-00000657 - And we are from the Nevada Real Estate Group 5hTBN_rX6HI-00003-00000657-00000910 at Keller Williams Group One, Inc in Reno Nevada. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00004-00000910-00001095 Today Heather and I are gonna take a look back 5hTBN_rX6HI-00005-00001095-00001382 at the April 2019 real estate market activity 5hTBN_rX6HI-00006-00001382-00001652 for the Reno 100s. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00007-00001652-00001797 - If this is your first time watching 5hTBN_rX6HI-00008-00001797-00001976 please hit the subscribe button 5hTBN_rX6HI-00009-00001976-00002133 in the notification bar below. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00010-00002133-00002312 We're always putting out new content. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00011-00002312-00002399 - We absolutely are. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00012-00002399-00002607 All right Heather, are you ready to take a look 5hTBN_rX6HI-00013-00002607-00002842 inside market insights and our featured property? 5hTBN_rX6HI-00014-00002842-00002935 - I can't wait. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00015-00002935-00003018 - Let's do it. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00016-00003018-00003287 (dramatic music) 5hTBN_rX6HI-00017-00003697-00003885 We are looking at single family homes 5hTBN_rX6HI-00018-00003885-00004190 in the Reno 100s for the last 12 months 5hTBN_rX6HI-00019-00004190-00004350 to give you a good snapshot 5hTBN_rX6HI-00020-00004350-00004620 of the cycle that has happened from April to April. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00021-00004620-00004995 So Heather, tell us what happened last month. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00022-00004995-00005130 - [Heather] The Reno real estate market 5hTBN_rX6HI-00023-00005130-00005323 is definitely warming up again. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00024-00005323-00005802 357 homes sold in April, 17 more than last April 5hTBN_rX6HI-00025-00005802-00006188 and 61 more than March, a 25% jump. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00026-00006188-00006509 Along with this uptick, the median price climbed back up 5hTBN_rX6HI-00027-00006509-00007009 to 400,000 after bottoming out at 380,000 in January. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00028-00007084-00007361 Percent of ask received has only gone up 5hTBN_rX6HI-00029-00007361-00007627 about a half percent since December 5hTBN_rX6HI-00030-00007627-00008073 and this is only down half a percent since April 2018. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00031-00008073-00008518 Based on median prices, this difference is about $2,000 5hTBN_rX6HI-00032-00008518-00008730 which isn't a huge concession for sellers. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00033-00008730-00008913 - [Phillip] And sellers set the price of a home 5hTBN_rX6HI-00034-00008913-00009136 as well choosing their final accepting price 5hTBN_rX6HI-00035-00009136-00009320 not the realtors, right? 5hTBN_rX6HI-00036-00009320-00009461 - [Heather] That's correct Phillip. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00037-00009461-00009693 Days on market at 101 5hTBN_rX6HI-00038-00009693-00009957 is still a little higher than normal for April, 5hTBN_rX6HI-00039-00009957-00010202 but we had a longer winter through March. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00040-00010202-00010371 Plus there are new developments 5hTBN_rX6HI-00041-00010371-00010571 in South Meadows and Caughlin Ranch 5hTBN_rX6HI-00042-00010571-00010810 that are causing longer days on market. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00043-00010810-00010989 - [Phillip] And to see that South Meadows market report 5hTBN_rX6HI-00044-00010989-00011265 click the link you see in the upper right corner now. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00045-00011265-00011570 - [Heather] The 774 units in available inventory 5hTBN_rX6HI-00046-00011570-00011877 is 37% more than last April 5hTBN_rX6HI-00047-00011877-00012065 but just barely more than March, 5hTBN_rX6HI-00048-00012065-00012404 February and January of 2019. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00049-00012404-00012703 When you factor how many new listings are coming on 5hTBN_rX6HI-00050-00012703-00012900 with the pace of properties are selling 5hTBN_rX6HI-00051-00012900-00013309 that equates to only 2.2 months supply of inventory. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00052-00013309-00013644 The market is not as swift as last year's 1.7 5hTBN_rX6HI-00053-00013644-00013879 but it's still a fast seller's market. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00054-00013988-00014287 - [Phillip] We are on our website seerenohomeseforsale.com 5hTBN_rX6HI-00055-00014287-00014467 for our featured property this month which is 5hTBN_rX6HI-00056-00014467-00014791 512 Alpine Rose Court in Reno. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00057-00014791-00014949 Tell us about it Heather. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00058-00014949-00015091 - [Heather] Well this is a four bedroom, 5hTBN_rX6HI-00059-00015091-00015488 two and a half bath home with a three car garage. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00060-00015488-00015965 It's 2,050 square feet and listed at 549,000. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00061-00016107-00016266 It's a relatively new build. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00062-00016266-00016515 It was built in 2017 5hTBN_rX6HI-00063-00016515-00016845 and it's almost on a quarter of an acre at 0.21. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00064-00016956-00017247 This home has a large kitchen with a quartz counter top 5hTBN_rX6HI-00065-00017247-00017465 and beautiful backsplash. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00066-00017465-00017649 The kitchen opens up to the living room 5hTBN_rX6HI-00067-00017649-00017830 creating a wonderful open floor plan, 5hTBN_rX6HI-00068-00017830-00017965 great for entertaining. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00069-00017965-00018164 - [Phillip] And it makes it nice when you're washing dishes. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00070-00018164-00018335 You can watch your favorite game. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00071-00018335-00018455 - [Heather] I love that. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00072-00018552-00018830 The hot tub is included in the listed price. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00073-00018830-00019147 It is so inviting being able to relax after a hard day 5hTBN_rX6HI-00074-00019147-00019405 and look at the amazing view of the mountains. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00075-00019405-00019636 - [Phillip] You ever been in a hot tub in the snow? 5hTBN_rX6HI-00076-00019636-00019850 - [Heather] Yes, fantastic. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00077-00019850-00020028 - One of the most unique experiences ever. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00078-00020028-00020346 Absolutely a great reason just to buy this house. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00079-00020346-00020544 Well then on to see more listings 5hTBN_rX6HI-00080-00020544-00020657 by the Nevada Real Estate Group 5hTBN_rX6HI-00081-00020657-00020947 click the link you see in the upper right corner now. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00082-00020947-00021070 Well there's your look back 5hTBN_rX6HI-00083-00021070-00021373 at the April 2019 real estate market activity 5hTBN_rX6HI-00084-00021373-00021512 in the Reno 100s. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00085-00021512-00021595 And if you're ready 5hTBN_rX6HI-00086-00021595-00021926 to take a tour of that fantastic property in South Reno 5hTBN_rX6HI-00087-00021926-00022079 you can contact Heather. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00088-00022079-00022327 Her information is in the YouTube description below. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00089-00022327-00022487 Hopefully you found this information helpful 5hTBN_rX6HI-00090-00022487-00022570 and if you did, 5hTBN_rX6HI-00091-00022570-00022875 please give it a share and a like on your social media too. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00092-00022875-00023007 For the Nevada Real Estate Group 5hTBN_rX6HI-00093-00023007-00023232 at Keller Williams Group One, Inc in Reno, Nevada, 5hTBN_rX6HI-00094-00023232-00023329 I'm Phillip Goodman. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00095-00023329-00023448 - And I'm Heather McVeigh. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00096-00023448-00023578 - We'll see you next time. 5hTBN_rX6HI-00097-00023720-00023995 (dramatic music) 5mooKV1ebEA-00000-00000177-00000377 Hi guys! Welcome to my Channel! 5mooKV1ebEA-00001-00000377-00001235 Please subscribe to my channel if you want more! ^w^ 5moT9t8Uq9U-00000-00000000-00000540 [Subtitles by Carmelo Massimo Tidona] 5moT9t8Uq9U-00001-00000596-00001673 Will it be worth buying a box of the History pack 1? Will the value coming from the pulls of the individual elements justify the cost of the item? And, in such a wide 5moT9t8Uq9U-00002-00001673-00002647 assortment of cards, won’t there be the risk to find nothing worth, ending up with nothing? In today’s video, you are going to find the answers to these questions. 5moT9t8Uq9U-00003-00003413-00004466 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to our channel, to the usual weekly appointment. In last Sunday’s video we talked about the best five cards of the History 5moT9t8Uq9U-00004-00004466-00005477 Pack 1 according to Zach from the TCG Player web site, who illustrated some milestones of the New Zealand game that still make a lot of mouths water. 5moT9t8Uq9U-00005-00005500-00006423 Since those are by now historical staples of Flesh and Blood, available on the market for quite high prices, especially for those who want to set foot for the first time on the 5moT9t8Uq9U-00006-00006423-00007516 sands of Rathe’s arenas, LSS decided to reprint each individual element into the set called indeed History pack 1. 5moT9t8Uq9U-00007-00007516-00008437 But there have been several questions about it. The first drew the attention on the absence of foils in the expansion, which made several veteran fighters turn up their 5moT9t8Uq9U-00008-00008437-00009894 noses, since they didn’t see a good price-to-quality ratio. Others complained about the excessive number of cards in the set, over 400, and so forth until they saturated each 5moT9t8Uq9U-00009-00009894-00010584 complaint to which the game aficionados, along with the manufacturer, have been able to give an answer. 5moT9t8Uq9U-00010-00010584-00011875 So what’s the use for this video, Arconte? What are you getting at? I will simply make a comparison so to give a marginal answer – since for sure a single box cannot be 5moT9t8Uq9U-00011-00011875-00012925 deemed as a sure statistic – to the dilemma that is tormenting several fighters, veterans and not. Before we begin, I know that many of you watch the videos by 5moT9t8Uq9U-00012-00012925-00014010 Arconte del Crogiolo, but haven’t subscribed yet. Imagine that, if you all subscribed now… we could be over ten thousand subscribers, so your support is fundamental, help 5moT9t8Uq9U-00013-00014010-00015242 us. I also invite you to click on the bell in order to be always informed about new weekly releases, to like us and comment or share this contents with your friends. 5moT9t8Uq9U-00014-00015242-00016262 And now, how will we find out together whether it is worth buying the History pack 1 of Flesh and Blood? And will the contents of a box be worth more than the purchase 5moT9t8Uq9U-00015-00016262-00016957 price? All we have to do is discover it in practice. Let’s take a look! 5moT9t8Uq9U-00016-00017157-00017357 PLEASE NOTE: 5moT9t8Uq9U-00017-00017357-00018632 This video will consider two different prices, the pre-order one and the public one, so to have a more general and detailed view of the end result. 5moT9t8Uq9U-00018-00098209-00099545 Actually, as you have seen, it wasn’t that bad. I even found Enlightened Strike, which is one of the five cards we want to find according to Zach from the TCG Player site. Now 5moT9t8Uq9U-00019-00099545-00101008 all I have to do is find the remaining four, and it sure won’t be a walk in the park! But let’s talk about figures: With an overall value of 191,36 €, in this specific instance, since 5moT9t8Uq9U-00020-00101008-00102232 I bought it in pre-sale, the History Pack 1 generated a value of 96,36€ no less. This means that if I had resold at full price each of the valued elements, I could have 5moT9t8Uq9U-00021-00102232-00103009 purchased, subject to previous agreements with the seller, two more boxes at the fixed price of 95€. 5moT9t8Uq9U-00022-00103029-00104314 While, had I decided to buy this product at the public sale price, the generated value would have been 51,37€, which is not the same as 96,36 €, but it surely represent a 5moT9t8Uq9U-00023-00104314-00104609 margin not to be frown upon. 5moT9t8Uq9U-00024-00104642-00105839 So… is it worth buying a box of the History Pack 1? The answer, at least in my case, is yes… of course it was worth… but once again… it is not possible to create a surefire 5moT9t8Uq9U-00025-00105839-00107128 statistic with a single item, we should open at least a dozen to understand the true potential of this product. And you? Will you buy this item, looking for lost treasures that 5moT9t8Uq9U-00026-00107128-00108075 saw the light again thanks to this set? Or will you wait for the relevant Italian version which will be on sale on the first of July? As usual, let me know in the comment 5moT9t8Uq9U-00027-00108075-00109281 section. I hope you appreciated this video, and before we part I invite you to click on the left if you want to discover more interesting contents about the world of CCGs. 5moT9t8Uq9U-00028-00109281-00109540 Thank you for being with me, 5moT9t8Uq9U-00029-00109540-00109853 see you in next video! [Subtitles by Carmelo Massimo Tidona] 5n8eOIZf_EY-00000-00001229-00001463 My connection to the arts can be traced 5n8eOIZf_EY-00001-00001467-00001625 back to my grandfather Carlos Zurita. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00002-00001628-00002056 He was an artist with a focus on sculptures and plastic art. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00003-00002058-00002308 It was thanks to him that I fell in love with art 5n8eOIZf_EY-00004-00002310-00002527 because, one day, I saw him down on the floor, 5n8eOIZf_EY-00005-00002529-00002814 literally just playing around with some modeling clay 5n8eOIZf_EY-00006-00002815-00003032 and I think that was a bit of a shock for me. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00007-00003035-00003282 He was the “grown-up” but there he was on the floor 5n8eOIZf_EY-00008-00003285-00003505 surrounded by colors and that’s how I got pulled in. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00009-00003506-00003744 That was my first real experience and it was from there that I 5n8eOIZf_EY-00010-00003745-00003888 fell in love with creating plastic arts. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00011-00004314-00004487 As I was growing up my grandfather passed away 5n8eOIZf_EY-00012-00004490-00004879 but I continued painting and when I was 14 I discovered theatre 5n8eOIZf_EY-00013-00004883-00005107 and found a new way of expressing myself. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00014-00005108-00005403 Even so, I went back to plastic art and my original inspiration 5n8eOIZf_EY-00015-00005403-00005642 for working with plastics was that, being from Mexico City, 5n8eOIZf_EY-00016-00005642-00005783 I feel suffocated. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00017-00005785-00006087 I go out to the street and I always feel like we’re too many people. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00018-00006092-00006501 So my paintings were really infused with these feelings. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00019-00006975-00007440 This is my previous project. It has to do with agglomerations 5n8eOIZf_EY-00020-00007441-00007565 of people in small spaces. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00021-00007568-00007806 It’s about these notions of how human beings 5n8eOIZf_EY-00022-00007809-00008377 have found ways to stay and grow, living in tight spaces. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00023-00008380-00008665 Finding order within chaos. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00024-00008831-00009142 This is another mural and it’s all about these notions 5n8eOIZf_EY-00025-00009145-00009359 of one human grazing against another human and another human, 5n8eOIZf_EY-00026-00009360-00009532 plus another human within another human. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00027-00009535-00009947 And through it all we just think of ourselves as the dominant species. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00028-00010290-00010596 “Headphones” was conceived as a way to break away from the mold 5n8eOIZf_EY-00029-00010599-00010893 so that I could focus on subjects that had been 5n8eOIZf_EY-00030-00010896-00011136 breaking me down and really bothering me. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00031-00011136-00011686 I was able to talk about suicide, talk about compassion, pedophilia. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00032-00011686-00011931 So, I have this piece, titled “Holy Selfie” 5n8eOIZf_EY-00033-00012021-00012356 which talks about the Church, it has that long priest’s robe 5n8eOIZf_EY-00034-00012359-00012674 and yet you can also glimpse these little sets of children’s feet. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00035-00012676-00012937 You can’t see his face, he’s taking a picture of himself 5n8eOIZf_EY-00036-00012939-00013170 and he’s got headphones on. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00037-00013172-00013478 In my work, the headphones represent an attitude of saying 5n8eOIZf_EY-00038-00013478-00013878 “I don’t care what you think of me” because when we put on headphones 5n8eOIZf_EY-00039-00013880-00014104 we choose what music we want to hear 5n8eOIZf_EY-00040-00014106-00014376 and distance ourselves fully from reality. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00041-00014379-00014511 People have become more and more morbid 5n8eOIZf_EY-00042-00014512-00014770 and I wanted to take advantage of that by 5n8eOIZf_EY-00043-00014772-00015007 using these large penises to create a bridge 5n8eOIZf_EY-00044-00015012-00015215 from the sexual to the social realm. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00045-00015216-00015313 If I it was the other way around, 5n8eOIZf_EY-00046-00015319-00015618 then people wouldn’t come to my gallery and wouldn’t see my work 5n8eOIZf_EY-00047-00015622-00015856 because people aren’t interested in taking time to reflect. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00048-00015859-00016070 And I really have seen it. It’s a trap that people do fall for. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00049-00016072-00016378 They come in thinking that their just going to find 5n8eOIZf_EY-00050-00016380-00016627 gigantic vaginas and penises 5n8eOIZf_EY-00051-00016630-00016826 but then they realize that they’re in a trap: 5n8eOIZf_EY-00052-00016826-00017098 that what they are seeing is someone sprawled on the street calling out 5n8eOIZf_EY-00053-00017198-00017345 for help to who, instead of helping, 5n8eOIZf_EY-00054-00017346-00017577 are just filming him to share the whole thing on social media. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00055-00018124-00018555 I’ve done work in photography for about 10 years now. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00056-00018558-00018813 Though I’ve really only been an “accidental” photographer 5n8eOIZf_EY-00057-00018814-00019075 for about 5 years. My style of photography has to do with 5n8eOIZf_EY-00058-00019078-00019311 the communication that exists between people and objects 5n8eOIZf_EY-00059-00019314-00019579 and how these start to take on new meanings 5n8eOIZf_EY-00060-00019583-00019747 when they go from 5n8eOIZf_EY-00061-00019748-00020274 just serving one person to entering a whole new context. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00062-00021195-00021354 The truth is I don’t understand society. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00063-00021358-00021509 I don’t understand the world around me. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00064-00021509-00021662 Which is why I’m on this constant journey 5n8eOIZf_EY-00065-00021665-00022019 to explore the human being and its imprints. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00066-00022019-00022347 I find it challenging to feel that I fit in with society. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00067-00022349-00022694 My mother has told me that even as a boy at children’s parties, 5n8eOIZf_EY-00068-00022696-00022824 I was never very sociable. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00069-00022826-00023009 I wouldn’t chase a soccer ball and go play with others. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00070-00023010-00023377 Instead I was just the boy with a cape, a magician’s cape. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00071-00023377-00023476 Because I really loved the idea of magic 5n8eOIZf_EY-00072-00023480-00023778 so I’d take my cape and my magician’s wand with me everywhere. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00073-00023782-00024014 So I’d say that my way of navigating life was a bit lonely 5n8eOIZf_EY-00074-00024016-00024232 but it allowed me to thrive on the concept 5n8eOIZf_EY-00075-00024234-00024630 that I could create things with my imagination. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00076-00025060-00025340 This is the wand I was telling you about. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00077-00025342-00025605 It’s a magic wand that I’ve had since I was about 5n8eOIZf_EY-00078-00025608-00025940 two or three years old. It was a gift from an aunt of mine. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00079-00025942-00026258 And I always carry it with me. It’s my good-luck charm. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00080-00026413-00026747 Plastic art for me, is something that allows me to express myself 5n8eOIZf_EY-00081-00026747-00027100 through colors, through that connection between 5n8eOIZf_EY-00082-00027103-00027349 my mind and my hands and my whole body. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00083-00027351-00027743 The sensation I experience when I touch paints or clay. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00084-00027746-00027876 I actually have a lot of artworks. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00085-00027879-00028229 Like murals from when I worked in Spain. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00086-00028229-00028605 Murals that I made out on the streets because I needed them. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00087-00028607-00029207 Not so much to make money or to win a scholarship but to leave my mark. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00088-00029223-00029543 It was really important to me to leave my own mark 5n8eOIZf_EY-00089-00029545-00030073 on society so I left a lot of my work etched out on those walls. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00090-00030209-00030553 The “Klandestine Gallery” project was born 5n8eOIZf_EY-00091-00030554-00030920 as a response to censorship. When I was working on “Headphones”, 5n8eOIZf_EY-00092-00030922-00031190 I had my art pieces and started looking around for a space for them 5n8eOIZf_EY-00093-00031193-00031486 only to find that all the people and locations I approached 5n8eOIZf_EY-00094-00031490-00031882 wanted to censure them, literally because of the openness 5n8eOIZf_EY-00095-00031885-00032287 that “Headphones” has and the conversations it looks to stir up. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00096-00032288-00032615 They all said “no” but, as an artist 5n8eOIZf_EY-00097-00032617-00032845 I took up the initiative to find my own space. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00098-00032848-00033193 To show my own work as well as to give other artists 5n8eOIZf_EY-00099-00033194-00033508 the opportunity to exhibit their artworks. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00100-00033509-00033707 I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00101-00033709-00033967 I just want others to question the world around them. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00102-00033967-00034540 People living on the streets, the effect of human waste on the planet, 5n8eOIZf_EY-00103-00034541-00034951 the effect of technology on people. At the end of the day, 5n8eOIZf_EY-00104-00034953-00035223 we are all clogs in the same piece of machinery. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00105-00035225-00035658 We’re all connected, so what one person does should matter to others. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00106-00035659-00035995 We’re all parts that exist within the “machine” that is society 5n8eOIZf_EY-00107-00035995-00036180 but it is important that we constantly question that. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00108-00036249-00036831 I find daily motivation by reflecting on my life. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00109-00036833-00037421 Reflecting on where I am and what I’m doing. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00110-00037422-00037776 I know that I still have a lot left to give and share. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00111-00037776-00038129 So that’s my drive. I have so many thoughts 5n8eOIZf_EY-00112-00038129-00038374 that I want to visually set down. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00113-00038378-00038698 And I feel that time goes by so very quickly. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00114-00038701-00039031 Over time I have allowed myself to linger over certain places 5n8eOIZf_EY-00115-00039034-00039191 and certain ideas that have been helpful to me 5n8eOIZf_EY-00116-00039191-00039789 but now it’s time for me to recap everything I’ve experienced in life 5n8eOIZf_EY-00117-00039792-00040024 and translate it all into the realm of 5n8eOIZf_EY-00118-00040029-00040338 plastics, theatre, videos, photography. 5n8eOIZf_EY-00119-00040340-00040629 So each day I wake up with the feeling 5n8eOIZf_EY-00120-00040630-00040890 that there’s still so much left to do and so much I can give of myself. 6090EAdH1vI-00000-00000050-00000312 Consider the polyhedron drawn in 2 dimensions here. 6090EAdH1vI-00001-00000409-00000716 There are 4 maximal proper faces of this polyhedron. 6090EAdH1vI-00002-00000798-00001058 Here is one of them and here's another. 6090EAdH1vI-00003-00001120-00001436 Here's the third one and here is the fourth one. 6090EAdH1vI-00004-00001552-00001800 Now it seems that if you take a look at this closely, 6090EAdH1vI-00005-00001801-00002009 in order to define the polyhedron 6090EAdH1vI-00006-00002009-00002263 we have to include an inequality that induces 6090EAdH1vI-00007-00002263-00002389 each of these faces. 6090EAdH1vI-00008-00002428-00002708 For example, that doesn't seem to be a way for us to avoid 6090EAdH1vI-00009-00002709-00002943 any inequality that looks like this. 6090EAdH1vI-00010-00003008-00003234 And the same for each of these three other faces. 6090EAdH1vI-00011-00003340-00003588 Now, let's take a look at this polytope here. 6090EAdH1vI-00012-00003611-00003834 It's basically a line segment. 6090EAdH1vI-00013-00003915-00004116 In order to define this polytope 6090EAdH1vI-00014-00004117-00004261 using inequalities, 6090EAdH1vI-00015-00004261-00004523 we first need inequalities that define the line 6090EAdH1vI-00016-00004523-00004663 this linesman lies on. 6090EAdH1vI-00017-00004704-00004872 But we also need inequalities 6090EAdH1vI-00018-00004873-00005315 that basically stop the ends from extending further. Something like this. 6090EAdH1vI-00019-00005412-00005656 But there doesn't seem to be a unique way to pick 6090EAdH1vI-00020-00005657-00005765 such an inequality. 6090EAdH1vI-00021-00005804-00005996 For example, I can as well pick 6090EAdH1vI-00022-00005996-00006436 this inequality and that will stop this line from extending further. 6090EAdH1vI-00023-00006545-00006658 And by unique 6090EAdH1vI-00024-00006658-00007130 we allow non-negative scalar multiples of the inequality to denote the same inequality. 6090EAdH1vI-00025-00007262-00007552 So what's the difference between these two polytopes. 6090EAdH1vI-00026-00007645-00007923 The one on the right has dimension 2 6090EAdH1vI-00027-00007923-00008179 whereas the one on the left has dimension 1. 6090EAdH1vI-00028-00008344-00008568 It turns out that a polyhedron 6090EAdH1vI-00029-00008568-00008931 in R^n with dimension n, which is called full-dimensional, 6090EAdH1vI-00030-00008931-00009097 has some really nice properties. 6090EAdH1vI-00031-00009140-00009358 And they're completely defined by their facets. 6090EAdH1vI-00032-00009462-00009582 So what is a facet? 6090EAdH1vI-00033-00009782-00010082 A face F of a polyhedron P is a facet 6090EAdH1vI-00034-00010082-00010216 if the dimension of F 6090EAdH1vI-00035-00010216-00010456 is one less than the dimension of the polyhedron. 6090EAdH1vI-00036-00010650-00010918 Let a transpose x greater than or equal to beta 6090EAdH1vI-00037-00010918-00011126 be a valid inequality for the polyhedron P. 6090EAdH1vI-00038-00011204-00011396 We say that this inequality is 6090EAdH1vI-00039-00011396-00011812 facet-defining if it induces a facet of P. 6090EAdH1vI-00040-00011968-00012129 So for our example here, 6090EAdH1vI-00041-00012129-00012395 an inequality that looks like this 6090EAdH1vI-00042-00012395-00012595 is facet-defining. 6090EAdH1vI-00043-00012786-00013118 A polyhedron P in R^n is full-dimensional 6090EAdH1vI-00044-00013212-00013428 if the dimension of P is equal to n. 6090EAdH1vI-00045-00013526-00013730 Clearly, n is the largest possible value 6090EAdH1vI-00046-00013730-00013897 for the dimension of any polyhedron. 6090EAdH1vI-00047-00014047-00014372 So there are a couple of nice facts about full-dimensional polyhedra. 6090EAdH1vI-00048-00014434-00014796 Suppose that P is a full-dimensional polyhedron given in this form. 6090EAdH1vI-00049-00014852-00015126 Now, if one of these inequalities is non-redundant, 6090EAdH1vI-00050-00015127-00015515 in other words, removing that inequality will no longer define P, 6090EAdH1vI-00051-00015515-00015838 then this inequality is actually facet-defining. 6090EAdH1vI-00052-00015916-00016336 Another fact is, if all the inequalities defining P here 6090EAdH1vI-00053-00016336-00016456 are non-redundant, 6090EAdH1vI-00054-00016462-00016662 and if you take any facet of P, 6090EAdH1vI-00055-00016662-00017065 then that facet is actually induced by one of these inequalities. 6090EAdH1vI-00056-00017146-00017430 Combining these facts, what we can say is that 6090EAdH1vI-00057-00017430-00017764 if P is defined by a minimal system of inequalities, 6090EAdH1vI-00058-00017836-00018012 and if P is full-dimensional, 6090EAdH1vI-00059-00018012-00018290 then each inequality must be facet-defining. 6090EAdH1vI-00060-00018290-00018666 And for every facet of P, we'll have an inequality that induces it. 6090EAdH1vI-00061-00018750-00018984 Therefore, a minimal defining system 6090EAdH1vI-00062-00018984-00019289 is uniquely determined by the facet-defining inequalities 6090EAdH1vI-00063-00019289-00019449 up to scale a multiples. 6090EAdH1vI-00064-00019624-00019748 We're now going to give a sketch 6090EAdH1vI-00065-00019748-00019900 of the proof of the first fact. 6090EAdH1vI-00066-00020202-00020294 The fact that 6090EAdH1vI-00067-00020295-00020642 this inequality is non-redundant means that there's an element 6090EAdH1vI-00068-00020642-00021066 in R^n that violates this but satisfies all the remaining inequalities. 6090EAdH1vI-00069-00021400-00021612 Now because P is full-dimensional, 6090EAdH1vI-00070-00021613-00022063 we can find a point in P that satisfies all these inequalities strictly 6090EAdH1vI-00071-00022295-00022539 So let's look at a sketch of what is happening here. 6090EAdH1vI-00072-00022586-00022684 So suppose this is 6090EAdH1vI-00073-00022684-00023142 my inequality a^k transpose x >= beta k. 6090EAdH1vI-00074-00023142-00023431 And we'll have other inequalities defining P. 6090EAdH1vI-00075-00023626-00023865 So our u will be somewhere here 6090EAdH1vI-00076-00023988-00024195 And our z will be somewhere here. 6090EAdH1vI-00077-00024332-00024612 What we're going to do is, we're going to look at the intersection of the 6090EAdH1vI-00078-00024612-00024770 line segment between u and z 6090EAdH1vI-00079-00024770-00025240 with the boundary of the half-space defined by this inequality. 6090EAdH1vI-00080-00025406-00025742 And we'll call it is point x'. 6090EAdH1vI-00081-00025900-00026245 So x' is the intersection of the line segment between u and z 6090EAdH1vI-00082-00026245-00026550 with the hyperplane defined by this equation. 6090EAdH1vI-00083-00026698-00027045 Now x' is in P because 6090EAdH1vI-00084-00027045-00027241 it satisfies all the inequalities. 6090EAdH1vI-00085-00027312-00027666 Also, x' satisfies these inequalities. 6090EAdH1vI-00086-00027726-00028072 That's because z satisfies all of these strictly 6090EAdH1vI-00087-00028144-00028398 and u satisfies all of these. 6090EAdH1vI-00088-00028504-00028648 Now what we're going to do is, 6090EAdH1vI-00089-00028650-00028818 we're going to show that the face 6090EAdH1vI-00090-00028818-00029077 induced by this inequality 6090EAdH1vI-00091-00029077-00029326 has dimension n -1. 6090EAdH1vI-00092-00029376-00029541 And we'll do this by construction. 6090EAdH1vI-00093-00029541-00029809 Because if you look at this picture here, 6090EAdH1vI-00094-00029810-00030032 there's some room to move around on the boundary 6090EAdH1vI-00095-00030033-00030277 of the half-space defined by this inequality. 6090EAdH1vI-00096-00030342-00030450 And the directions in which 6090EAdH1vI-00097-00030450-00030614 we can move in are precisely 6090EAdH1vI-00098-00030614-00030838 the the null space of a^k transpose. 6090EAdH1vI-00099-00030916-00031174 So we're going to let d^1 up to 6090EAdH1vI-00100-00031266-00031368 d^l 6090EAdH1vI-00101-00031368-00031515 be a basis for the null space of 6090EAdH1vI-00102-00031515-00031615 a^k transpose. 6090EAdH1vI-00103-00031674-00031956 And here, l is going to be n - 1 6090EAdH1vI-00104-00031956-00032145 because this is a rank-one matrix. 6090EAdH1vI-00105-00032344-00032602 Now, if we look at these vectors 6090EAdH1vI-00106-00032650-00032820 where epsilon is positive 6090EAdH1vI-00107-00032892-00033086 if epsilon is sufficiently small 6090EAdH1vI-00108-00033087-00033273 all these will lie in P. 6090EAdH1vI-00109-00033326-00033525 And they are affinely independent. 6090EAdH1vI-00110-00033590-00033860 In fact, these vectors all lie in the face 6090EAdH1vI-00111-00033861-00034053 induced by this inequality. 6090EAdH1vI-00112-00034172-00034324 Since they are affinely independent 6090EAdH1vI-00113-00034324-00034446 and there are n of them, 6090EAdH1vI-00114-00034498-00034886 the face induced by this inequality must have dimension n -1. 6090EAdH1vI-00115-00034886-00035108 And so the face must be a facet of P. 64vzSOg7mEQ-00000-00000093-00000160 (animation whooshing) ♪ Hey ♪ 64vzSOg7mEQ-00001-00000160-00000283 (upbeat music) 64vzSOg7mEQ-00002-00000283-00000377 - [Narrator] If you have a passion 64vzSOg7mEQ-00003-00000377-00000497 for teaching and technology, 64vzSOg7mEQ-00004-00000497-00000777 then join the ViewSonic Educator Community, 64vzSOg7mEQ-00005-00000777-00000924 where you can collaborate 64vzSOg7mEQ-00006-00000924-00001164 with like-minded educators from around the globe. 64vzSOg7mEQ-00007-00001164-00001408 You'll be able to share ideas and lesson plans, 64vzSOg7mEQ-00008-00001408-00001658 participate in key edtech discussions, 64vzSOg7mEQ-00009-00001658-00001855 and attend exclusive events 64vzSOg7mEQ-00010-00001855-00002112 to learn trends, tips, and tricks. 64vzSOg7mEQ-00011-00002112-00002245 You'll also enjoy continuous 64vzSOg7mEQ-00012-00002245-00002445 personal and professional growth 64vzSOg7mEQ-00013-00002445-00002619 by accessing our Learning Center 64vzSOg7mEQ-00014-00002619-00002826 for effective teaching strategies, 64vzSOg7mEQ-00015-00002826-00003139 improving creativity and gaining confidence, 64vzSOg7mEQ-00016-00003139-00003410 and benefiting from the support of your peers. 64vzSOg7mEQ-00017-00003410-00003593 But perhaps most importantly, 64vzSOg7mEQ-00018-00003593-00003880 you'll help transform the future of education, 64vzSOg7mEQ-00019-00003880-00004214 develop better edtech from your input and suggestions, 64vzSOg7mEQ-00020-00004214-00004521 drive your school forward with the latest innovations, 64vzSOg7mEQ-00021-00004521-00004878 and open a new world of learning for your students. 64vzSOg7mEQ-00022-00004878-00005181 Join the ViewSonic Educator Community today. 64vzSOg7mEQ-00023-00005181-00005435 (bright music) 66AmoDJUQfu-00000-00000990-00001370 Hello everyone and welcome to the second assignment! 66AmoDJUQfu-00001-00001379-00001855 First of all, thank you very much for your great engagement in the previous phase. 66AmoDJUQfu-00002-00001939-00002232 I hope you enjoyed working on the first assignment 66AmoDJUQfu-00003-00002233-00002746 and became even more interested in the psychology of negotiations on Commons. 66AmoDJUQfu-00004-00002746-00003193 You were asked to look at a multitude of Commons projects 66AmoDJUQfu-00005-00003193-00003627 and identify resources that can be used in these projects. 66AmoDJUQfu-00006-00003627-00004123 You also came up with many ideas, how these resources are related to people's 66AmoDJUQfu-00007-00004123-00004399 interests, motives and needs. 66AmoDJUQfu-00008-00004490-00004702 In the second phase of this course 66AmoDJUQfu-00009-00004702-00005042 you will experience different psychological processes, 66AmoDJUQfu-00010-00005042-00005459 that play a fundamental role when people interact with each other and their 66AmoDJUQfu-00011-00005460-00005587 Commons projects. 66AmoDJUQfu-00012-00005587-00006026 A very basic psychological experience in this context 66AmoDJUQfu-00013-00006026-00006326 is the impact of our social motivation. 66AmoDJUQfu-00014-00006376-00006634 Social motivation is an important factor 66AmoDJUQfu-00015-00006634-00007170 when people start work together in order to create or maintain shared resources. 66AmoDJUQfu-00016-00007170-00007690 Specifically people may not only experience a social conflict with others, 66AmoDJUQfu-00017-00007690-00008008 but also a psychological conflict within themselves. 66AmoDJUQfu-00018-00008008-00008450 We are torn between two motives when handling shared resources. 66AmoDJUQfu-00019-00008450-00008788 On the one hand we have a pro-social motive 66AmoDJUQfu-00020-00008788-00009125 to cooperate with others, to create and maintain Commons. 66AmoDJUQfu-00021-00009125-00009575 But on the other hand we also have a selfish motive 66AmoDJUQfu-00022-00009575-00009920 to satisfy our egoistic concerns and needs. 66AmoDJUQfu-00023-00009920-00010298 I'll give you an example: Have you ever been tempted 66AmoDJUQfu-00024-00010298-00010648 to use public transportation without buying a ticket 66AmoDJUQfu-00025-00010648-00011136 even though public transportation is dependent from this revenues for maintenance? 66AmoDJUQfu-00026-00011137-00011648 Or how about when you decide between walking or riding your bike to the 66AmoDJUQfu-00027-00011648-00011893 supermarket instead of using a car? 66AmoDJUQfu-00028-00011893-00012612 In both examples this internal conflict is rooted in the struggle between our pro-social motives, 66AmoDJUQfu-00029-00012613-00013116 to preserve shared resources, such as public transportation or our environment. 66AmoDJUQfu-00030-00013169-00013737 And the egoistic motive to save money or drive to the supermarket in a convenient way. 66AmoDJUQfu-00031-00013737-00014095 In the second assignment you will experience 66AmoDJUQfu-00032-00014095-00014401 psychological conflicts on a very basic level. 66AmoDJUQfu-00033-00014401-00015055 First you are asked to participate in a classical psychological task from academic research, 66AmoDJUQfu-00034-00015108-00015382 the so called social dilemma games. 66AmoDJUQfu-00035-00015382-00015729 There are many different types of social dilemma games 66AmoDJUQfu-00036-00015729-00016056 and as you will see some of these games 66AmoDJUQfu-00037-00016056-00016359 focus on the distribution of shared resources 66AmoDJUQfu-00038-00016359-00016918 while others concentrate on the contribution of individual resources to Commons. 66AmoDJUQfu-00039-00016918-00017348 At first sight these games with a very basic rules 66AmoDJUQfu-00040-00017348-00017724 don't seem to be strongly related to real-world Commons. 66AmoDJUQfu-00041-00017800-00018020 However, you will soon see 66AmoDJUQfu-00042-00018020-00018614 that these dilemma games are strongly linked to our psychological experiences and behaviors. 66AmoDJUQfu-00043-00018614-00018990 We feel very similar psychological conflicts between 66AmoDJUQfu-00044-00018990-00019268 corporation and egoism, 66AmoDJUQfu-00045-00019268-00019631 within our selfs when creating and maintaining Commons. 66AmoDJUQfu-00046-00019631-00020109 Keeping this interpersonal psychological conflict in mind 66AmoDJUQfu-00047-00020109-00020576 I want you to think about the Commons project from your first assignment and 66AmoDJUQfu-00048-00020576-00020798 ask yourself the following questions: 66AmoDJUQfu-00049-00020798-00021292 First: Imagine yourself as one of the actors from your project. 66AmoDJUQfu-00050-00021292-00022068 What conditions would be necessary for you to cooperate in the creation and maintenance of Commons? 66AmoDJUQfu-00051-00022068-00022382 Under which conditions would you not be willing to cooperate? 66AmoDJUQfu-00052-00022430-00023208 Are there any conditions under, which you would have acted in an egoistic way, using Commons for selfish reasons? 66AmoDJUQfu-00053-00023308-00023868 And second: In your opinion how important is communication between actors 66AmoDJUQfu-00054-00023868-00024104 participating in your project? 66AmoDJUQfu-00055-00024104-00024445 Do you think that communication can help 66AmoDJUQfu-00056-00024445-00024645 to create and maintain Commons? 66AmoDJUQfu-00057-00024704-00025513 How can communication help actors to solve their conflict in interest and how can you force the trust between the actors? 66AmoDJUQfu-00058-00025513-00026004 In assignment two you will play different social dilemma games 66AmoDJUQfu-00059-00026004-00026375 and you will gain first experiences in intra-personal 66AmoDJUQfu-00060-00026375-00026752 and interpersonal conflicts on Commons. 66AmoDJUQfu-00061-00026752-00027300 As communication has proved to impact our behaviors in social dilemma games 66AmoDJUQfu-00062-00027300-00027870 you will play the provided social dilemma games with and without communication. 66AmoDJUQfu-00063-00027870-00028266 I'm very curious to read about your personal experiences, 66AmoDJUQfu-00064-00028266-00028789 especially how the process of communication changed your own and your teammates 66AmoDJUQfu-00065-00028789-00028966 cooperation and egoism. 66AmoDJUQfu-00066-00029000-00029491 On a last note, we are aware of the fact that social dilemma games 66AmoDJUQfu-00067-00029491-00030009 can never reflect the complexity and the transition of real world Commons. 66AmoDJUQfu-00068-00030038-00030322 Thus, the purpose of the second assignment 66AmoDJUQfu-00069-00030322-00030691 is not to simulate real-world Commons and some kind of 66AmoDJUQfu-00070-00030691-00031064 gaming task but instead the second assignment 66AmoDJUQfu-00071-00031064-00031578 aims of experience of some very fundamental psychological process 66AmoDJUQfu-00072-00031578-00031925 which do even occur in this minimalistic games 66AmoDJUQfu-00073-00031925-00032256 and those will most likely affect our behaviors 66AmoDJUQfu-00074-00032256-00032741 and even stronger and real-world social conflicts on Commons. 66AmoDJUQfu-00075-00032741-00033259 Therefor it is very important that you think about your psychological experience, 66AmoDJUQfu-00076-00033261-00033800 when you interact with your teammates in the provided social dilemma games. 66AmoDJUQfu-00077-00033800-00034196 With your focus on psychological processes I'm quite sure 66AmoDJUQfu-00078-00034196-00034643 that you enjoy assignment two and you will certainly gain interesting insights 66AmoDJUQfu-00079-00034643-00035034 in psychological processes, both within your team 66AmoDJUQfu-00080-00035034-00035178 and within your self. 67JPvrCCoiA-00000-00000000-00000132 What's up you guys!! 67JPvrCCoiA-00001-00000168-00000554 and welcome to another month's favorites video 67JPvrCCoiA-00002-00000554-00000824 today is May Favorites 67JPvrCCoiA-00003-00001430-00001630 first thing first 67JPvrCCoiA-00004-00001718-00001832 this product 67JPvrCCoiA-00005-00002166-00002532 the brand is Ducray, I never heard it before 67JPvrCCoiA-00006-00002568-00002862 is a cleanser for your skin 67JPvrCCoiA-00007-00002866-00003054 is like a gel 67JPvrCCoiA-00008-00003106-00003596 you have to use it in the morning and evening, when you wash your face 67JPvrCCoiA-00009-00003618-00003961 this particular one is for 67JPvrCCoiA-00010-00004050-00004154 acne 67JPvrCCoiA-00011-00004302-00004514 skin with acne problems 67JPvrCCoiA-00012-00004542-00005006 luckily I don't have acne problems 67JPvrCCoiA-00013-00005006-00005326 maybe just some break out now and then 67JPvrCCoiA-00014-00005326-00005640 but this is so good, I use it all the time 67JPvrCCoiA-00015-00005640-00005816 especially in the morning 67JPvrCCoiA-00016-00005830-00006136 because I really like the consistency 67JPvrCCoiA-00017-00006150-00006598 I think you can find this brand online, without problems 67JPvrCCoiA-00018-00006604-00006723 second product 67JPvrCCoiA-00019-00006880-00006950 this one 67JPvrCCoiA-00020-00007026-00007118 this bottle 67JPvrCCoiA-00021-00007148-00007681 if you follow my videos, you probably saw that this was a gift 67JPvrCCoiA-00022-00007681-00007864 from my German friend 67JPvrCCoiA-00023-00007988-00008123 for Christmas 67JPvrCCoiA-00024-00008184-00008330 he said to me 67JPvrCCoiA-00025-00008346-00009198 that I have to put inside, written on piece of paper, everything that makes me happy 67JPvrCCoiA-00026-00009248-00010154 what happen in a day or in my life that makes me particularly happy 67JPvrCCoiA-00027-00010188-00010690 and when the bottle will be full I have to re-read them 67JPvrCCoiA-00028-00010690-00011216 so I can remember all the beautiful things that happened to me 67JPvrCCoiA-00029-00011258-00011642 I started to do it in December 67JPvrCCoiA-00030-00011642-00012082 is not that I'm not happy 67JPvrCCoiA-00031-00012138-00012880 probably I put things that are very peculiar and not so common 67JPvrCCoiA-00032-00012880-00013126 for this reason is so empty 67JPvrCCoiA-00033-00013152-00013784 you'd say: "Why in May if you received it in December?" 67JPvrCCoiA-00034-00013784-00013930 I tell you why 67JPvrCCoiA-00035-00013930-00014356 because this month I started to do meditation 67JPvrCCoiA-00036-00014356-00014782 I started to meditate and being interested in this kind of stuff 67JPvrCCoiA-00037-00014782-00015041 mindfulness, head space and so on 67JPvrCCoiA-00038-00015041-00015472 and one of the suggestions I heard in a poadcast about meditation 67JPvrCCoiA-00039-00015472-00015662 is this thing 67JPvrCCoiA-00040-00015662-00016450 to put your happy thoughts and happy things in a bottle or in a jar 67JPvrCCoiA-00041-00016450-00016830 and then once full...re-read them 67JPvrCCoiA-00042-00016830-00017010 to remember everything 67JPvrCCoiA-00043-00017010-00017262 third thing, is a TV Series 67JPvrCCoiA-00044-00017262-00017418 is "Lie To Me" 67JPvrCCoiA-00045-00017418-00017780 I don't know if you already saw it 67JPvrCCoiA-00046-00017780-00017964 but is pretty cool 67JPvrCCoiA-00047-00017964-00018164 basically the plot says: 67JPvrCCoiA-00048-00018164-00018566 'The main character is Dr. Cal Lightman 67JPvrCCoiA-00049-00018566-00018910 he teaches a course in body languages, 67JPvrCCoiA-00050-00018910-00019486 he's employed by various public authorities in various investigations 67JPvrCCoiA-00051-00019486-00020350 so he can afford to constitute a team of his own, which like clients and others has to put up with his mind-games. 67JPvrCCoiA-00052-00020350-00020764 it's inspired by a true person, which is Paul Ekman 67JPvrCCoiA-00053-00020764-00021210 I read that Paul Ekman helped during this movie 67JPvrCCoiA-00054-00021210-00021474 because it's about his life 67JPvrCCoiA-00055-00021474-00022036 I studied about Paul Ekman, he's an amazing person 67JPvrCCoiA-00056-00022036-00022492 he studied all the muscles we have in our face 67JPvrCCoiA-00057-00022510-00022818 he analyzed every single one 67JPvrCCoiA-00058-00022818-00023246 and every single expression with that muscle 67JPvrCCoiA-00059-00023326-00023666 also with electric stimulation 67JPvrCCoiA-00060-00023814-00024066 so it's pretty interesting 67JPvrCCoiA-00061-00024194-00024626 and I love body languages and non verbal languages 67JPvrCCoiA-00062-00024628-00024850 there are 3 seasons 67JPvrCCoiA-00063-00025054-00025626 and it's pretty interesting..so, if you don't know it..go watch it 67JPvrCCoiA-00064-00025638-00026210 and leave me a comment if you liked it or which one was your favorite episode 67JPvrCCoiA-00065-00026264-00026606 fourth product, which is an app 67JPvrCCoiA-00066-00026694-00027198 as I told you I'm really into meditation 67JPvrCCoiA-00067-00027262-00027454 and this kind of stuff 67JPvrCCoiA-00068-00027454-00027989 the app I downloaded is this one, called Meditation music 67JPvrCCoiA-00069-00028038-00028710 you can choose different kind of music, like this one 67JPvrCCoiA-00070-00028762-00028812 play 67JPvrCCoiA-00071-00028858-00029158 it's like 23 mins long 67JPvrCCoiA-00072-00029227-00029462 here you can set... 67JPvrCCoiA-00073-00029572-00029795 ...the timer, if you want 67JPvrCCoiA-00074-00029910-00030306 then you can move to the next one 67JPvrCCoiA-00075-00030712-00031408 the fifth and last and my favorite of all this stuff: 67JPvrCCoiA-00076-00031408-00031636 The Sherlock App 67JPvrCCoiA-00077-00031650-00031874 I'm so excited to show you this 67JPvrCCoiA-00078-00031894-00032270 is made my BBC, is the original game 67JPvrCCoiA-00079-00032406-00032720 you have to solve 10 cases 67JPvrCCoiA-00080-00032720-00032950 well, 2 are for free 67JPvrCCoiA-00081-00032950-00033392 and if you wanna continue with the others you have to pay 67JPvrCCoiA-00082-00033392-00033912 the whole pack is 10 cases for 2.70€ 67JPvrCCoiA-00083-00033926-00034122 I have to admit it... 67JPvrCCoiA-00084-00034122-00034484 is the only app I payed for 67JPvrCCoiA-00085-00035434-00036110 you receive messages, videos or audios from the actors 67JPvrCCoiA-00086-00036142-00036360 like this is a text from Sherlock 67JPvrCCoiA-00087-00040504-00041034 ok, so these where my 5 May Favorites 67JPvrCCoiA-00088-00041034-00041266 I hope you enjoyed it 67JPvrCCoiA-00089-00041266-00041418 and see you next week 67JPvrCCoiA-00090-00041432-00041522 bye. 69VQnYxSdr4-00000-00001500-00001932 For career and tech ed we are so excited to be a part of the strategic 69VQnYxSdr4-00001-00001932-00002380 planning process and focusing on the area of preparing kids to be successful 69VQnYxSdr4-00002-00002380-00002815 in college career and life. We've got a construction pathway and a welding 69VQnYxSdr4-00003-00002815-00003193 pathway that have been in development for a couple of years now where students 69VQnYxSdr4-00004-00003193-00003601 can earn college credit as a part of their high school experience. Construct 69VQnYxSdr4-00005-00003601-00004063 tomorrow's event is where there's different trades represented. Kids can go 69VQnYxSdr4-00006-00004063-00004557 and sample those trades with a hands-on activity and just see what really takes 69VQnYxSdr4-00007-00004557-00005101 their interest. We're featuring a virtual welding segment here with our students 69VQnYxSdr4-00008-00005101-00005530 today to introduce them to the welding side of the carpenters career. That's the 69VQnYxSdr4-00009-00005530-00005896 angle that you want to have. I learned a lot of good things about a lot of 69VQnYxSdr4-00010-00005896-00006420 pathways that you could take with welding, like pipe fitters, iron workers 69VQnYxSdr4-00011-00006420-00006817 - there are several different trades I've seen that has some components of welding 69VQnYxSdr4-00012-00006817-00007339 in there. We got to learn how to lay the bricks 69VQnYxSdr4-00013-00007339-00007631 down and that was like really interesting that see that there's the 69VQnYxSdr4-00014-00007631-00008125 actual process to laying the bricks down there's a proper way to do it. In 69VQnYxSdr4-00015-00008125-00008590 three years we would teach you how to put in reinforcements. I think it's cool 69VQnYxSdr4-00016-00008590-00008978 that the people at the job are experienced than they'd like to talk 69VQnYxSdr4-00017-00008978-00009410 about it. Our trades people are explaining the classes that high 69VQnYxSdr4-00018-00009410-00009803 schoolers can take to help them in this pathway with the earnings and what other 69VQnYxSdr4-00019-00009803-00010259 pathways post-secondary that they would need to take or if it's college if it's 69VQnYxSdr4-00020-00010259-00010600 an apprenticeship, what internships are available. The nice thing about the 69VQnYxSdr4-00021-00010600-00011014 Carpenters Union is that you do have the education part there already and you're 69VQnYxSdr4-00022-00011014-00011422 constantly making money and basically going to school at the same time. One of 69VQnYxSdr4-00023-00011422-00011965 my discoveries was a need for women in the trades and how inclusive it 69VQnYxSdr4-00024-00011965-00012386 is for women. Going into these trade opportunities trade apprenticeships, I 69VQnYxSdr4-00025-00012386-00012793 can get paid while learning on hands-on experience - an amazing outlook on what I 69VQnYxSdr4-00026-00012793-00013166 could do after high school. 6qG067Q8b7c-00000-00000916-00001258 Thanks for continuing to watch 12pm Tutorials. 6qG067Q8b7c-00001-00001258-00001720 Today’s tutorial is going to teach you to use a tool that protects your privacy online 6qG067Q8b7c-00002-00001720-00002183 by making it difficult for websites and online snoopers to find out your information. 6qG067Q8b7c-00003-00002183-00002450 This tool is called Tor. 6qG067Q8b7c-00004-00002450-00002887 In addition to ensuring your privacy, Tor makes it possible for you to view information 6qG067Q8b7c-00005-00002887-00003183 online that may be restricted in your area. 6qG067Q8b7c-00006-00003183-00003583 Tor works by routing your connection and information through a system of randomly 6qG067Q8b7c-00007-00003583-00003954 selected relays before it ever reaches the Internet. 6qG067Q8b7c-00008-00003954-00004379 This ensures that your information is next to impossible to obtain by the people you don’t 6qG067Q8b7c-00009-00004379-00004560 want to have it. 6qG067Q8b7c-00010-00004560-00004912 Now that you know how Tor works, let’s go get the software. 6qG067Q8b7c-00011-00004912-00005828 Open up a web browser and go to www.torproject.org 6qG067Q8b7c-00012-00005828-00006216 Go ahead and look around Tor’s website a little before we continue. 6qG067Q8b7c-00013-00006216-00006433 Now, click on “Download.” 6qG067Q8b7c-00014-00006433-00006829 Here you can download versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux. 6qG067Q8b7c-00015-00006829-00007645 Click on “Installation Bundle for Windows” and save the file to your computer. 6qG067Q8b7c-00016-00007645-00008941 Once the file finishes downloading go to where you saved it and double click the file. 6qG067Q8b7c-00017-00008941-00009275 The installation program will ask you to choose a language 6qG067Q8b7c-00018-00009275-00009458 from the drop down menu. 6qG067Q8b7c-00019-00009458-00009895 Choose your language and then click OK. 6qG067Q8b7c-00020-00009895-00010095 Click next. 6qG067Q8b7c-00021-00010095-00010445 The programs listed here are what Tor uses to run its service. 6qG067Q8b7c-00022-00010445-00010916 You can get an idea of what each program does by running your mouse over it. 6qG067Q8b7c-00023-00010916-00011266 The only program here that we have to mention is the Torbutton. 6qG067Q8b7c-00024-00011266-00011804 If you are using FireFox as your web browser, Tor will want to install the Torbutton 6qG067Q8b7c-00025-00011804-00012204 for Firefox while the regular installation is happening. 6qG067Q8b7c-00026-00012204-00012418 Okay, click next. 6qG067Q8b7c-00027-00012418-00012779 Now choose where you would like to install the program. 6qG067Q8b7c-00028-00012779-00013319 Once the installation is complete it will ask me to install the Torbutton for Firefox. 6qG067Q8b7c-00029-00013319-00014354 I’m going to agree to install that now and then I’m going to click “Restart Firefox”. 6qG067Q8b7c-00030-00014354-00014744 Now, if you look down here in the lower right hand corner of your browser you’ll see the 6qG067Q8b7c-00031-00014744-00014908 Tor Button. 6qG067Q8b7c-00032-00014908-00015075 We’ll come back to that later. 6qG067Q8b7c-00033-00015075-00015441 For now, go back to the installation wizard and click next. 6qG067Q8b7c-00034-00015441-00015766 Tor will ask you if you want to run the installed components now, 6qG067Q8b7c-00035-00015766-00016066 but I prefer to run it manually. 6qG067Q8b7c-00036-00016066-00017075 Now, go to start, programs, Vidalia bundle, and open Vidalia. 6qG067Q8b7c-00037-00017075-00017545 This launches the user interface and allows Tor to start connecting to the service. 6qG067Q8b7c-00038-00017545-00018012 It can take a moment or two for Tor to connect, so let me tell you about the different 6qG067Q8b7c-00039-00018012-00018137 buttons you see here. 6qG067Q8b7c-00040-00018137-00018445 “Stop Tor” will disconnect you from the service. 6qG067Q8b7c-00041-00018445-00018845 Setup Relaying gives you the opportunity to use your computer as part 6qG067Q8b7c-00042-00018845-00019150 of Tor’s relay network. 6qG067Q8b7c-00043-00019150-00019625 Use a new identity will route you through the relay network in a new way. 6qG067Q8b7c-00044-00019625-00020034 View the network will allow you to see the different connections. 6qG067Q8b7c-00045-00020034-00020572 Settings allows you to configure a couple of different options for Tor. 6qG067Q8b7c-00046-00020572-00020887 Once you see the green onion you know you have successfully connected 6qG067Q8b7c-00047-00020887-00021065 to the Tor network. 6qG067Q8b7c-00048-00021065-00021533 Speaking of the green onion, if you look down here in your task bar you’ll see a green 6qG067Q8b7c-00049-00021533-00021666 onion icon. 6qG067Q8b7c-00050-00021666-00022095 You can right click the icon and it gives you the same options as you have in 6qG067Q8b7c-00051-00022095-00022558 the user interface. 6qG067Q8b7c-00052-00022558-00022870 Now, we’re going to go back to our web browser again. 6qG067Q8b7c-00053-00022870-00023025 Look at the Tor Browser button. 6qG067Q8b7c-00054-00023025-00023210 Its still disabled. 6qG067Q8b7c-00055-00023210-00023633 We’re connected to the Tor network but we haven’t turned on the service in Firefox yet. 6qG067Q8b7c-00056-00023633-00023891 Go ahead and click the button. 6qG067Q8b7c-00057-00023891-00024250 It if now says “Tor Enabled” then you are successfully using Firefox 6qG067Q8b7c-00058-00024250-00024462 with the Tor service. 6qG067Q8b7c-00059-00024462-00024710 Want to check to make sure that the Tor service is working? 6qG067Q8b7c-00060-00024710-00025031 Go ahead and disable Tor again by clicking on the button. 6qG067Q8b7c-00061-00025031-00025509 Now go to www.checkip.org. 6qG067Q8b7c-00062-00025509-00026113 This is my unprotected ip address. 6qG067Q8b7c-00063-00026113-00026654 Now I’m going to go to www.google.com, switch the service back on by pressing the 6qG067Q8b7c-00064-00026654-00027291 button, and then go back to www.checkip.org. 6qG067Q8b7c-00065-00027291-00027850 Well, that definitely looks different from my real ip address. 6qG067Q8b7c-00066-00027850-00028200 Now you know how to install and use Tor. 6rqOCPANcEy-00000-00000120-00000445 Hey guys what's going on? Josh here from Polymathics and today 6rqOCPANcEy-00001-00000445-00000867 I wanna talk about social media and why social media 6rqOCPANcEy-00002-00000867-00001178 plays such a huge role and being 6rqOCPANcEy-00003-00001178-00001562 a modern-day polymath 6rqOCPANcEy-00004-00001562-00001973 so let's let's take a look at this for a quick 6rqOCPANcEy-00005-00001973-00002342 the whole premise 6rqOCPANcEy-00006-00002342-00002797 being a polymath is to find connections 6rqOCPANcEy-00007-00002797-00003243 in seemingly unrelated topics in the its and one other things 6rqOCPANcEy-00008-00003243-00003629 that are a lot of businesses 6rqOCPANcEy-00009-00003629-00004092 and of earners and just people in general 6rqOCPANcEy-00010-00004092-00004455 I'll across-the-board all different ages 6rqOCPANcEy-00011-00004455-00004787 of different you know racism religions 6rqOCPANcEy-00012-00004787-00005164 when other things that sometimes the tea for granted social media 6rqOCPANcEy-00013-00005164-00005607 in home port is not just for making friends in 6rqOCPANcEy-00014-00005607-00005980 posting ridiculous videos but also 6rqOCPANcEy-00015-00005980-00006404 for helping build your costs 6rqOCPANcEy-00016-00006404-00006786 and helping get the word out and home 6rqOCPANcEy-00017-00006786-00007109 for a business you know 6rqOCPANcEy-00018-00007109-00007514 getting your ran up there there's there's so many 6rqOCPANcEy-00019-00007514-00007825 benefits do this in the unfortunate 6rqOCPANcEy-00020-00007825-00008215 thing is that so many people don't understate 6rqOCPANcEy-00021-00008215-00008645 she don't understand how or chrome interconnected it will open it 6rqOCPANcEy-00022-00008645-00008971 in her can help so 6rqOCPANcEy-00023-00008971-00009365 I'm thank you guys a couple interesting tidbits 6rqOCPANcEy-00024-00009365-00009846 then maybe you're gonna be you know going to affect you and 6rqOCPANcEy-00025-00009846-00010178 you'll say wow I didn't know that or maybe he won't care 6rqOCPANcEy-00026-00010178-00010564 but the thing is so these numbers vary from day to day 6rqOCPANcEy-00027-00010564-00010870 but s you know overall 6rqOCPANcEy-00028-00010870-00011322 you have roughly 1.7 billion people 6rqOCPANcEy-00029-00011322-00011764 in the world using some form of social media now 6rqOCPANcEy-00030-00011764-00012167 that's an incredible number last I checked I'll 6rqOCPANcEy-00031-00012167-00012586 their own roughly seven billion people on the planet so if you take into 6rqOCPANcEy-00032-00012586-00012646 account 6rqOCPANcEy-00033-00012646-00012997 those who are children those who were 6rqOCPANcEy-00034-00012997-00013556 elderly those who living in third world countries where 6rqOCPANcEy-00035-00013556-00013934 technology isn't quite up to par yet 6rqOCPANcEy-00036-00013934-00014384 Wii U we take all those people and you take a look at it 6rqOCPANcEy-00037-00014384-00014826 home its that such a huge number of people 6rqOCPANcEy-00038-00014826-00015209 that'd huge percentage of the world's population 6rqOCPANcEy-00039-00015209-00015629 use social media now not all the music well 6rqOCPANcEy-00040-00015629-00015998 but the point is their on it their dare 6rqOCPANcEy-00041-00015998-00016306 dear attention 6rqOCPANcEy-00042-00016306-00016828 is if you're trying to get it for whatever reason for whatever cause you 6rqOCPANcEy-00043-00016828-00017095 happy that's where you can go 6rqOCPANcEy-00044-00017095-00017642 to you gay someone to listen to you some wanted to look at you 6rqOCPANcEy-00045-00017642-00017962 someone to you understanding people to connect with 6rqOCPANcEy-00046-00017962-00018390 and Dom in as a polymer 6rqOCPANcEy-00047-00018390-00018975 those of us were trying to you develop 6rqOCPANcEy-00048-00018975-00019351 answers and solutions to big problems people 6rqOCPANcEy-00049-00019351-00019820 social intelligence and social dexterity is one of the 6rqOCPANcEy-00050-00019820-00020462 most critical feels perhaps the most critical field in almost 6rqOCPANcEy-00051-00020462-00020842 any problem any any solution to any problem 6rqOCPANcEy-00052-00020842-00021381 that's where that's where you're going to get the biggest bang for your buck 6rqOCPANcEy-00053-00021381-00021467 because 6rqOCPANcEy-00054-00021467-00021914 as a society everything we do is driven 6rqOCPANcEy-00055-00021914-00022301 by people not buy computers not buy paper 6rqOCPANcEy-00056-00022301-00022693 not by not by bits in bytes 6rqOCPANcEy-00057-00022693-00023059 it's translated and transferred through those things 6rqOCPANcEy-00058-00023059-00023648 but the the ones who are making those decisions the ones who emotions are 6rqOCPANcEy-00059-00023648-00023729 behind it 6rqOCPANcEy-00060-00023729-00024212 are people and so if you're trying to get people to your heart's 6rqOCPANcEy-00061-00024212-00024542 you gotta go where they are 6rqOCPANcEy-00062-00024542-00025242 and arm the social aspect of any problem is the most important 6rqOCPANcEy-00063-00025245-00025620 because we see so many times 6rqOCPANcEy-00064-00025620-00025937 in politics any in law 6rqOCPANcEy-00065-00025937-00026275 that's it is the will of the people 6rqOCPANcEy-00066-00026275-00026825 it is the how 6rqOCPANcEy-00067-00026825-00027211 how people are reacting to a certain controversial topic 6rqOCPANcEy-00068-00027211-00027511 that ultimately me provides 6rqOCPANcEy-00069-00027511-00027869 enough momentum to either send it on its way 6rqOCPANcEy-00070-00027869-00028247 or crush it down to the ground so 6rqOCPANcEy-00071-00028247-00028577 on couple other statistics unit you might wanna know 6rqOCPANcEy-00072-00028577-00029138 roughly 98 percent its a people who are using social media 6rqOCPANcEy-00073-00029138-00029612 are in the 18:02 like 20 me five ish 6rqOCPANcEy-00074-00029612-00029950 arm age range 6rqOCPANcEy-00075-00029950-00030345 so there you had people who 6rqOCPANcEy-00076-00030345-00031027 are so what what does it say that tells that a lot of people who are on 6rqOCPANcEy-00077-00031027-00031452 social media are younger departed the 6rqOCPANcEy-00078-00031452-00031763 Gen Y are 6rqOCPANcEy-00079-00031763-00032306 generation and so 6rqOCPANcEy-00080-00032306-00032727 with that comes whole different how the man with a lot of 6rqOCPANcEy-00081-00032727-00033215 what a lot of people from earlier generations 6rqOCPANcEy-00082-00033215-00033590 arm are familiar with their use to you and so 6rqOCPANcEy-00083-00033590-00034041 the thing is though as these individuals get older 6rqOCPANcEy-00084-00034041-00034347 and they continue to use this and proliferate room 6rqOCPANcEy-00085-00034347-00034666 proliferate even burner 6rqOCPANcEy-00086-00034666-00034993 home be's the devices 6rqOCPANcEy-00087-00034993-00035584 these are the mediums the platforms in which you're going to be able to get 6rqOCPANcEy-00088-00035584-00036122 their attention in bill meaningful relationships with them 6rqOCPANcEy-00089-00036122-00036428 and help them understand who you are 6rqOCPANcEy-00090-00036428-00036775 watcher Witcher for gets 6rqOCPANcEy-00091-00036775-00037122 I'll another interesting saying 6rqOCPANcEy-00092-00037122-00037478 that I thought was very very cool 6rqOCPANcEy-00093-00037478-00037887 is so YouTube i think is the greatest because if your gonna let people know 6rqOCPANcEy-00094-00037887-00037983 about you 6rqOCPANcEy-00095-00037983-00038312 and yes there's multiple medium out there but 6rqOCPANcEy-00096-00038312-00038853 you too is up up a platform that allows you to you 6rqOCPANcEy-00097-00038853-00039318 to let people it's the closest thing to a face to face conversation could 6rqOCPANcEy-00098-00039318-00039669 you guys consumer terrorism you can see a little bit into you 6rqOCPANcEy-00099-00039669-00040011 where r from my house you to learn about me might 6rqOCPANcEy-00100-00040011-00040490 now any I'll how I dress I present myself as a person 6rqOCPANcEy-00101-00040490-00040902 and so just as you would in real life 6rqOCPANcEy-00102-00040902-00041394 you know gravitate towards people that are 6rqOCPANcEy-00103-00041394-00041738 home sort of like-minded and 6rqOCPANcEy-00104-00041738-00042119 your way from those that are you too 6rqOCPANcEy-00105-00042119-00042611 in video in particular allow that to be a much more organic process as it would 6rqOCPANcEy-00106-00042611-00042756 be a real 6rqOCPANcEy-00107-00042756-00043297 in so you too arm according to recent estimates that Tuesday's 6rqOCPANcEy-00108-00043297-00043683 has $490 million 6rqOCPANcEy-00109-00043683-00044031 unique visits every single day 6rqOCPANcEy-00110-00044031-00044387 to you that's say 6rqOCPANcEy-00111-00044387-00044865 so you're talking about millions upon millions upon millions of viewers 6rqOCPANcEy-00112-00044865-00045209 on YouTube every day people it's like a huge 6rqOCPANcEy-00113-00045209-00045556 information highway he was going back for for 6rqOCPANcEy-00114-00045556-00046019 the question is how are you going to get their attention 6rqOCPANcEy-00115-00046019-00046363 and number two 6rqOCPANcEy-00116-00046363-00046778 for you woohoo are you who are looking for 6rqOCPANcEy-00117-00046778-00047311 right i'm looking for partner people were like minds who believe that 6rqOCPANcEy-00118-00047311-00047703 it takes a multi-faceted approach in mind set 6rqOCPANcEy-00119-00047703-00048021 and cross pollinated person to you 6rqOCPANcEy-00120-00048021-00048375 help solve some of these bigger issues in the world 6rqOCPANcEy-00121-00048375-00049037 and whatever it is where your messages whatever it is that you believe 6rqOCPANcEy-00122-00049037-00049369 $490 million people that's plenty of fish in the sea 6rqOCPANcEy-00123-00049369-00049816 fine a few that believes in pink you'd energy fine enough home 6rqOCPANcEy-00124-00049816-00050146 any getting together you start reading them 6rqOCPANcEy-00125-00050146-00050541 as Seth Gordon will tell you started try and 6rqOCPANcEy-00126-00050541-00050962 and start you know this is where can all begin 6rqOCPANcEy-00127-00050962-00051396 this is working all-star arm 6rqOCPANcEy-00128-00051396-00052096 muncie what other interesting Statistics committee 6rqOCPANcEy-00129-00052226-00052583 2.9 billion hours on YouTube every day 6rqOCPANcEy-00130-00052583-00052920 people spend 2.9 billion hours watching you 6rqOCPANcEy-00131-00052920-00053229 every day wrap your mind around 6rqOCPANcEy-00132-00053229-00053667 thats a lot the allotted time people are spending 6rqOCPANcEy-00133-00053667-00054198 watching videos just like this normally how to use or 6rqOCPANcEy-00134-00054198-00054657 or just energy me the point is 6rqOCPANcEy-00135-00054657-00054988 people's attention is here so 6rqOCPANcEy-00136-00054988-00055289 home for those of you who who 6rqOCPANcEy-00137-00055289-00055663 want their intention one of many keeps the 6rqOCPANcEy-00138-00055663-00056004 why aren't you using YouTube right 6rqOCPANcEy-00139-00056004-00056441 and then arm last thing I want to talk about 6rqOCPANcEy-00140-00056441-00057141 is home 6rqOCPANcEy-00141-00057255-00057560 well so each if you take all their 6rqOCPANcEy-00142-00057560-00057887 into consideration 6rqOCPANcEy-00143-00057887-00058317 you have been given 6rqOCPANcEy-00144-00058317-00058826 a wonderful opportunity through social media and I use YouTube as an example 6rqOCPANcEy-00145-00058826-00058941 but Twitter 6rqOCPANcEy-00146-00058941-00059264 and Facebook am reading 10 6rqOCPANcEy-00147-00059264-00059626 all these different platforms have their own 6rqOCPANcEy-00148-00059626-00060029 particular benefits to 6rqOCPANcEy-00149-00060029-00060416 to what they bring to the table my fourteen years 6rqOCPANcEy-00150-00060416-00060804 you find out how you fit into those home 6rqOCPANcEy-00151-00060804-00061183 different realms and what your purposes 6rqOCPANcEy-00152-00061183-00061576 on their what what are you going to provide and you 6rqOCPANcEy-00153-00061576-00062098 arm for other people on there to help them get associated with your costs 6rqOCPANcEy-00154-00062098-00062407 up because as a polymath 6rqOCPANcEy-00155-00062407-00062791 and I can't stress this enough chrome without people 6rqOCPANcEy-00156-00062791-00063195 you not be able to do a lot when we look at all the greats 6rqOCPANcEy-00157-00063195-00063594 in the past in modern-day they still had to have 6rqOCPANcEy-00158-00063594-00064095 art patrons right Weiner adventurous whole life and some sort of Peachtree 6rqOCPANcEy-00159-00064095-00064470 or in the beginning his career it was more up 6rqOCPANcEy-00160-00064470-00065039 he had a mentor but people who were there to help support his cause 6rqOCPANcEy-00161-00065039-00065376 and his is art and 6rqOCPANcEy-00162-00065376-00065685 home christopher Columbus is another great example 6rqOCPANcEy-00163-00065685-00066086 someone who used kings and queens to help get his mission 6rqOCPANcEy-00164-00066086-00066482 on accomplished 6rqOCPANcEy-00165-00066482-00066845 nowadays we don't have to go to some super rich 6rqOCPANcEy-00166-00066845-00067343 person to be a feature all we have to do is find like-minded people 6rqOCPANcEy-00167-00067343-00067850 who believe the same thing and we do and what let them understand what are causes 6rqOCPANcEy-00168-00067850-00068237 enable they will continue to support you 6rqOCPANcEy-00169-00068237-00068545 because they believe it may wanna see to fruition as well 6rqOCPANcEy-00170-00068545-00069160 the party it harder they want to become a par de klerk to store the tribe story 6rqOCPANcEy-00171-00069160-00069576 on so that in their life they can look back and say 6rqOCPANcEy-00172-00069576-00069945 I was I did this and meaning to be 6rqOCPANcEy-00173-00069945-00070289 I built something my life was in rich 6rqOCPANcEy-00174-00070289-00070800 because it back so of course one the most important things is 6rqOCPANcEy-00175-00070800-00071142 having a dreamer all or objective 6rqOCPANcEy-00176-00071142-00071535 that other people are going to rally towards but 6rqOCPANcEy-00177-00071535-00071838 the next thing in a point in this video is 6rqOCPANcEy-00178-00071838-00072220 finding those people and an 6rqOCPANcEy-00179-00072220-00072533 getting the information out you have to have a 6rqOCPANcEy-00180-00072533-00072914 a venue for you have to have some some sort of weighty 6rqOCPANcEy-00181-00072914-00073325 to do this and no better time 6rqOCPANcEy-00182-00073325-00073630 there has been no better time than now with 6rqOCPANcEy-00183-00073630-00074042 although the tools and opportunities that you have a bill to you 6rqOCPANcEy-00184-00074042-00074372 to reach out and connect people worldwide 6rqOCPANcEy-00185-00074372-00074797 world why not thousands 6rqOCPANcEy-00186-00074797-00075226 now hundreds of thousands millions of people 6rqOCPANcEy-00187-00075226-00075530 you can connect with a click on the 6rqOCPANcEy-00188-00075530-00075955 so I hope this has been helpful and 6rqOCPANcEy-00189-00075955-00076455 once you give a thought today just ask you thought you know what 6rqOCPANcEy-00190-00076455-00076843 what platform is best suited towards my skills and abilities 6rqOCPANcEy-00191-00076843-00077214 well platform is best suited towards people were like minded 6rqOCPANcEy-00192-00077214-00077755 on and and don't try to jump into all of them at once just focus on one at a time 6rqOCPANcEy-00193-00077755-00078076 do 11 months the next month focus on another one 6rqOCPANcEy-00194-00078076-00078567 into you build enough momentum and just keep returning back to those ones that 6rqOCPANcEy-00195-00078567-00079083 those platforms that that bit should you the best for your mission 6rqOCPANcEy-00196-00079083-00079479 and continued bill and and push 6rqOCPANcEy-00197-00079479-00079880 and grow and go home 6rqOCPANcEy-00198-00079880-00080247 annual I think you'll do great so 6rqOCPANcEy-00199-00080247-00080714 Until until I see you guys next time 6rqOCPANcEy-00200-00080714-00081175 if this has has been helpful if you could give me a like, 6rqOCPANcEy-00201-00081175-00081730 share it, subscribe to my channel see you can get more great content like this 6rqOCPANcEy-00202-00081730-00082049 okay I'll catch you next tim 6vKIer4YOKk-00000-00000000-00000200 Erd1 & Marin Hoxha - Time 6xhI66K-tx8-00000-00000000-00000423 hello and welcome to politicked off show where I ramble about politics with hopes 6xhI66K-tx8-00001-00000423-00000747 that you understand them a little bit better. This week we'll be discussing the 6xhI66K-tx8-00002-00000747-00001200 23 people that are running for president of the United States. Here's a list of them! 6xhI66K-tx8-00003-00001200-00001907 With 19 Democrats and 4 Republicans the race has been... a lot. From spiritual leader 6xhI66K-tx8-00004-00001907-00002259 Marianne Williamson to (former) Massachusetts governor William Weld 6xhI66K-tx8-00005-00002259-00002646 here are all the presidential nominees in alphabetical order and what they stand 6xhI66K-tx8-00006-00002646-00003223 for 6xhI66K-tx8-00007-00003271-00003794 starting off: Michael Bennett. he's a Democrat... statistically... 6xhI66K-tx8-00008-00003794-00004495 he's a Colorado senator, who co-sponsored equality act Joe Biden 6xhI66K-tx8-00009-00004495-00004994 He's a democrat, former vice president. Biden is currently in a lot of heat for his 6xhI66K-tx8-00010-00004994-00005355 son being mentioned and a conversation between Trump and the President of Ukraine 6xhI66K-tx8-00011-00005355-00005972 did you like the years 2008 to 2016? you'll probably be PRETTY OKAY with Biden! 6xhI66K-tx8-00012-00005972-00006598 Corey Booker. Democrat. first african-american senator from New Jersey the Humane 6xhI66K-tx8-00013-00006598-00007139 Society really REALLY really likes him he's also one of the original 6xhI66K-tx8-00014-00007139-00007694 co-sponsors of Medicare for all. *sigh* still going Democrats because there's so many of 6xhI66K-tx8-00015-00007694-00008432 them Steve Bullock Democrat, governor of Montana. he really really likes financial reform to 6xhI66K-tx8-00016-00008432-00008609 the point where he sued to the Supreme Court 6xhI66K-tx8-00017-00008609-00009058 an American tradition partnership incorporated versus Bullock and lost 6xhI66K-tx8-00018-00009058-00010196 Didja get it? And Lost! 'k. Pete but-e-judge.. but-edge-egg...buttigieg. Mayor Pete! Democrat, mayor 6xhI66K-tx8-00019-00010196-00010463 of South Bend Indiana you probably know him because he was the 6xhI66K-tx8-00020-00010463-00010925 first major openly gay candidate But did you know he also served in Afghanistan? 6xhI66K-tx8-00021-00010925-00011426 Wants to end gerrymandering too - which is pretty cool. Julian Castro, Democrat, former 6xhI66K-tx8-00022-00011426-00011831 Secretary of Housing and Development under Obama his twin brother is almost 6xhI66K-tx8-00023-00011831-00012236 a senator. He wants to make the first two years of college free and wants 6xhI66K-tx8-00024-00012236-00012997 universal pre-k! John Delaney *chaos* 6xhI66K-tx8-00025-00012997-00013481 John Delaney. Maryland representative, he wants universal health care but not 6xhI66K-tx8-00026-00013481-00013829 Universal Medicare. Delaney with the first Democrat to announce he was running for 6xhI66K-tx8-00027-00013829-00014508 president on July 20th 2017 that's like six months after Trump was president 6xhI66K-tx8-00028-00014508-00014734 Delaney what 6xhI66K-tx8-00029-00014734-00015066 Tulsi Gabbard, Democrat, first Hindu Congressman 6xhI66K-tx8-00030-00015066-00015381 She's from hawaii, and a veteran! she's a self-described anti 6xhI66K-tx8-00031-00015381-00015828 interventionist in populist. Kamala Harris; junior senator from California and former 6xhI66K-tx8-00032-00015828-00016194 attorney general of California renters relief is a thing she wants to do which 6xhI66K-tx8-00033-00016194-00016692 is kinda cool. Amy Kloboucher, Democrat, Minnesota's first female senator 6xhI66K-tx8-00034-00016692-00017238 she also only has four sentences under her Wikipedia policy so yeah. 6xhI66K-tx8-00035-00017240-00017498 Wayne Messam! 6xhI66K-tx8-00036-00017498-00017964 Democrat, former wide receiver for the Florida State Seminoles 6xhI66K-tx8-00037-00017964-00018462 he's a former mayor of Miramar Florida and he's never polled more than one percent 6xhI66K-tx8-00038-00018462-00019190 Beto O'Rourke! Texas representative, he's a Democrat, and... he's a libertarian (kinda, sorta, it's weird) 6xhI66K-tx8-00039-00019190-00019554 Tim Ryan! Democrat, 6xhI66K-tx8-00040-00019562-00019988 Ohio Representative, loves union rights. 6xhI66K-tx8-00041-00019988-00020118 And, you know what? 6xhI66K-tx8-00042-00020118-00020654 guess who's back? Bernie's back. he had a heart attack but his campaign is basically the same as 6xhI66K-tx8-00043-00020655-00021345 it was in 2016. Mark Sanford, our first Republican! and speaking of the GOP 6xhI66K-tx8-00044-00021345-00021801 Sanford wants to talk about what it means to be Republican. He also wants to 6xhI66K-tx8-00045-00021801-00021910 talk about TAXES! 6xhI66K-tx8-00046-00021910-00022389 Sestak, Democrat, former navy admiral 6xhI66K-tx8-00047-00022389-00022761 who delayed his presidential campaign to help his daughter fight a brain tumor 6xhI66K-tx8-00048-00022761-00023206 he has 100% approval rating from narrow pro-choice America. 6xhI66K-tx8-00049-00023206-00023331 Tom Steyer 6xhI66K-tx8-00050-00023331-00023778 Democrat billionaire former hedge fund executive who spent millions and 6xhI66K-tx8-00051-00023778-00024098 millions of dollars on the impeach Trump ad campaign. 6xhI66K-tx8-00052-00024098-00024447 you know him, 6xhI66K-tx8-00053-00024447-00024909 you definitely know him Donald Trump Republican current president 6xhI66K-tx8-00054-00024909-00025342 I... what... YOU KNOW WHO HE IS! 6xhI66K-tx8-00055-00025342-00025866 Elizabeth Warren! Democrat, she's your senator! 6xhI66K-tx8-00056-00025866-00026264 whatever you're worried about, Warren has the plan for it. That's what her campaign 6xhI66K-tx8-00057-00026264-00026712 slogan says she's also taking like forty thousand selfies if that matters 6xhI66K-tx8-00058-00026712-00027237 to you. Joe Walsh, Republican, former congressman from Illinois who rode the 6xhI66K-tx8-00059-00027237-00027452 Tea Party Act to office 6xhI66K-tx8-00060-00027452-00027798 Good evening, Mr. Walsh 6xhI66K-tx8-00061-00027798-00028419 it's William Weld! If there's one thing Massachusetts loves more than a Democratic 6xhI66K-tx8-00062-00028419-00028911 Senator, it's a Republican governor! uh Weld was named the most fiscally 6xhI66K-tx8-00063-00028911-00029212 conservative governor according to the Cato Institute at that. 6xhI66K-tx8-00064-00029230-00030232 Marianne Williamson. Oh Marianne.. go read her Twitter here are some examples. 6xhI66K-tx8-00065-00030239-00030570 Running out of tape... 6xhI66K-tx8-00066-00030622-00031254 Andrew Yang! Democrat, it's unclear whether or not he committed voter fraud by trying out his universal 6xhI66K-tx8-00067-00031254-00031652 basic income theory where he gave seven families a thousand dollars a month per 6xhI66K-tx8-00068-00031652-00031820 year. 6xhI66K-tx8-00069-00031820-00032108 And that's all! Minus people running as independents because I don't have 6xhI66K-tx8-00070-00032108-00032612 time for that, you don't have time for that... 6xhI66K-tx8-00071-00032622-00032958 But please note, this is a very basic description of all these candidates. 6xhI66K-tx8-00072-00032958-00033114 I highly encourage you to do 6xhI66K-tx8-00073-00033114-00033969 your own research and form your own opinions on these people, because this... 6xhI66K-tx8-00074-00033969-00034432 anyway, thanks for watching see you next time 6zx43ZrQBO4-00000-00000000-00000237 Fishing Lunch Bag! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00001-00000237-00000394 A bag on the bag... 6zx43ZrQBO4-00002-00000821-00001016 Hi, it's Yosuke Awata! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00003-00001016-00001373 Today, I'm gonna paint on a bag! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00004-00001373-00001584 I got a bag like this, 6zx43ZrQBO4-00005-00001584-00001837 it's pretty convenient sized bag! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00006-00001837-00001945 The other day, 6zx43ZrQBO4-00007-00001945-00002253 I wanted one like this for my lunch, 6zx43ZrQBO4-00008-00002253-00002479 and I'll paint on this! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00009-00002479-00002621 I'm using 6zx43ZrQBO4-00010-00002621-00002778 T Pen 6zx43ZrQBO4-00011-00002778-00002880 Ta-dah! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00012-00002880-00003074 and acrylic paints 6zx43ZrQBO4-00013-00003200-00003287 Acrylic paints! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00014-00003492-00003650 On this lunch bag, 6zx43ZrQBO4-00015-00003650-00003788 I should say an eco bag? 6zx43ZrQBO4-00016-00003788-00004058 I'm gonna paint on this eco bag, 6zx43ZrQBO4-00017-00004058-00004244 I put a board in the bag 6zx43ZrQBO4-00018-00004244-00004405 and make it easier to paint. 6zx43ZrQBO4-00019-00004405-00004644 this board is too big... 6zx43ZrQBO4-00020-00004972-00005140 Something like this! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00021-00005140-00005283 This is side. 6zx43ZrQBO4-00022-00005283-00005463 Well, let's paint! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00023-00005542-00005750 Sliding a board like this. 6zx43ZrQBO4-00024-00005750-00006004 Then it's easy to paint on! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00025-00006059-00006467 First, I use navy blue pen! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00026-00007055-00007234 It's a picture of eco bag. 6zx43ZrQBO4-00027-00007298-00007429 I drew a bag, but 6zx43ZrQBO4-00028-00007429-00007676 maybe not very cool!? 6zx43ZrQBO4-00029-00007839-00007973 What I should do now 6zx43ZrQBO4-00030-00007973-00008109 changing color! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00031-00010307-00010418 Here it is, 6zx43ZrQBO4-00032-00010418-00010648 I drew lines with T Pen. 6zx43ZrQBO4-00033-00010648-00010937 Now I'm using acrylic paints! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00034-00011040-00011113 Here you are!! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00035-00017912-00018091 I finished! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00036-00018311-00018484 A bag on a bag, 6zx43ZrQBO4-00037-00018484-00018671 I wasn't sure, but 6zx43ZrQBO4-00038-00018671-00018838 it came out like this! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00039-00018885-00019017 Open it up, 6zx43ZrQBO4-00040-00019017-00019303 it looks like this. 6zx43ZrQBO4-00041-00019303-00019532 it looks like this! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00042-00019532-00019889 Now practice bags at stores are not free, 6zx43ZrQBO4-00043-00019889-00020160 I guess many people carry their own bags. 6zx43ZrQBO4-00044-00020160-00020326 Even before they charge, 6zx43ZrQBO4-00045-00020326-00020596 I know many people carry eco bags. 6zx43ZrQBO4-00046-00020596-00020772 I was one of them. 6zx43ZrQBO4-00047-00020772-00021014 There are many artists 6zx43ZrQBO4-00048-00021014-00021253 who paint on eco bags. 6zx43ZrQBO4-00049-00021253-00021536 Each artists paint their own style, 6zx43ZrQBO4-00050-00021536-00021914 I showed my own style today! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00051-00021914-00022018 Well, 6zx43ZrQBO4-00052-00022018-00022256 thank you for watching! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00053-00022256-00022447 See you next time! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00054-00022447-00022598 Bye bye!! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00055-00022598-00022933 If you like this video 6zx43ZrQBO4-00056-00022933-00023221 I appreciate if you give me thumb up! 6zx43ZrQBO4-00057-00023221-00023545 It'll become motivation to make videos. 6zx43ZrQBO4-00058-00023545-00023840 I'll make more videos, so 6zx43ZrQBO4-00059-00023840-00024309 please subscribe to my channel!! 6_UoCwl76Lk-00000-00000164-00000577 Even though the penthouse drama has ended and aired its last episode, there are still 6_UoCwl76Lk-00001-00000577-00001311 lots of questions asked by fans regarding some things that are felt to be unclear in the penthouse drama. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00002-00001311-00002007 In this video, the drama update tries to explain some things that are still a question for fans. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00003-00002007-00002526 the first is related to Ma Do Ki who was previously a teacher at Chong Ah High School. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00004-00002526-00003411 as we have seen in episode 13, Ma Do Ki offers Ha Eun Byeol a job to become a singer and gets paid handsomely. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00005-00003411-00004017 Ma Do Ki works as a producer of songs thatare usually played by truck drivers in Korea. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00006-00004017-00004639 So Ma Do Ki is not a teacher anymore, but Ma Do Ki is a producer for street music. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00007-00004639-00005245 Next, Yoo Dong Pil goes back to prison for his crimes against Oh Yoon Hee. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00008-00005245-00005854 Yoo Dong Pil again turns himself in to the police station regarding the crime he committed against Oh Yoon Hee. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00009-00005854-00006391 It is true that Yoo Dong Pil was not the one who killed Oh Yoon Hee, but Yoo Dong Pil had 6_UoCwl76Lk-00010-00006391-00006891 corrupted the evidence contained in Oh Yoon Hee's corpse by dragging her and throwing her into the lake. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00011-00006891-00007383 this indirectly makes Yoo Dong Pil an accomplice to the murderers, namely 6_UoCwl76Lk-00012-00007383-00007664 Joo Dan te and Cheon Seo Jin. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00013-00007664-00008274 Then Jo Hye In, as we know before when Bae Ro Na was about to study abroad, Shim Su Ryeon 6_UoCwl76Lk-00014-00008274-00008649 said that Hye In would pick her up at the airport. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00015-00008649-00009208 this shows that Hye In already has a life in America and is independent. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00016-00009208-00009831 in addition, previously Logan lee and Shim Su Ryeon had also entrusted the hye in to Alex Lee. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00017-00009831-00010247 so Alex Lee will be in charge of Hye In. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00018-00010247-00010672 Then the ten billion dollar check belonging to the never-seen Logan Lee. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00019-00010672-00011259 This check was used by Logan Lee to build a foundation for the victims who suffered 6_UoCwl76Lk-00020-00011259-00011561 losses due to the destruction of the Hera Palace building. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00021-00011561-00012222 You can see this in scene when Shim Su Ryeon and Logan Lee had an interview in episode 13. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00022-00012222-00012735 There Logan Lee said that he would donate 10 billion dollars to create a foundation 6_UoCwl76Lk-00023-00012735-00013028 for the victims of Hera Palace. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00024-00013028-00013727 Next is Baek Jun Ki, Baek Jun Ki is doing treatment or healing for his gambling madness, 6_UoCwl76Lk-00025-00013727-00014222 and again Alex Lee is the one who is in charge of keeping an eye on Baek Jun Ki. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00026-00014222-00014760 So Baek Jun Ki is taking medication to stop gambling continuously. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00027-00014760-00015269 The next most frequently asked question is related to the presence of Shim Su Ryeon and 6_UoCwl76Lk-00028-00015269-00015480 Logan Lee at Bae Ro Na's concert. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00029-00015480-00015900 Shim Su Ryeon and Logan Lee were not present at the concert at all. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00030-00015900-00016422 then why is there a sin that shows the presence of Shim Su Ryeon and Logan Lee at the concert? 6_UoCwl76Lk-00031-00016422-00016959 this is because the last episode has 2 kinds of viewpoints that occur. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00032-00016959-00017691 The first point of view is the point of view when the spirits of Logan Lee and Shim Su Ryeon are in the middle of the concert. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00033-00017691-00018403 this actually only happened from Shim Su Ryeon and Logan Lee's point of view, which meant 6_UoCwl76Lk-00034-00018403-00018694 that it was what Shim Su Ryeon and Logan Lee wanted. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00035-00018694-00019271 if you've ever watched the drama Hotel De Luna, you'll understand what really happened, 6_UoCwl76Lk-00036-00019271-00019864 because the sin is the point of view of a curious spirit who can't find his way home. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00037-00019864-00020250 Logan Lee is still waiting for the arrival of the deceased Shim Su Ryeon. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00038-00020250-00020962 while Shim Su Ryeon is also still a curious spirit because she didn't tell everything to Logan Lee. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00039-00020962-00021566 so they both still have things to do and do in the world. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00040-00021566-00021952 and it is the common thread of destiny that unites them. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00041-00021952-00022506 and that was the only place they could meet after becoming curious spirits. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00042-00022506-00023179 In Korean dramas, curious spirits are always described as spirits who don't know the way and are always lost. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00043-00023179-00023635 So Bae Ro Na's Concert is a way for the two of them to meet. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00044-00023635-00024175 So the first scene regarding Bae Ro Na's concert is fantasy scene or not real. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00045-00024175-00024819 while the second scene where Logan Lee and Shim Su Ryeon are not present is the actual scene. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00046-00024819-00025415 which means if Logan Lee and Shim Su Ryeon really died and could not come back again. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00047-00025415-00025965 then who did Kang Ma Ri see? didn't Kang Ma Ri see Shim Su Ryeon's shadow? 6_UoCwl76Lk-00048-00025965-00026480 It was just a reflection of Kang Ma Ri who really missed Shim Su Ryeon. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00049-00026480-00027047 so it's as if Kang Ma Ri saw Shim Su Ryeon but actually not there at all. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00050-00027047-00027469 In other words, Logan Lee and Shim Su Ryeon are just memories. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00051-00027469-00028212 those are some things that drama updates can explain regarding things that may still be unclear about penthouse dramas. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00052-00028212-00028822 I hope this video is enough to explain some of the oddities regarding the penthouse drama. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00053-00028822-00029326 and for now it is not known for sure whether there will be a season 4 or not. 6_UoCwl76Lk-00054-00029326-00029831 so please don't receive false information regarding the penthouse drama season 4, because 6_UoCwl76Lk-00055-00029831-00030281 there has been no confirmation from the author or SBS.