U5_nrCVPIVY-00000-00000000-00000465 Since 1442 years, Mecca had become tight on him. U5_nrCVPIVY-00001-00000475-00000720 He'd migrated from it on night time. U5_nrCVPIVY-00002-00000720-00001120 8 years later, he came back to it on day light. U5_nrCVPIVY-00003-00001120-00001714 A religion that once started from a man coming out of a dark cave in Mecca, bringing light to this word... U5_nrCVPIVY-00004-00001714-00002050 ...is believed in by 1.5 billion human. U5_nrCVPIVY-00005-00002050-00002250 His name is repeated by minarets. U5_nrCVPIVY-00006-00002250-00002645 I bear witness Muhammad is the Messenger of God. U5_nrCVPIVY-00007-00002645-00002800 Pray upon him. U5_nrCVPIVY-00008-00003475-00003720 Mecca had become tight on him. U5_nrCVPIVY-00009-00003720-00004170 His wife Khadija, his home front, died. U5_nrCVPIVY-00010-00004170-00004565 His uncle, Abi Taleb, which raised and cared about him, died. U5_nrCVPIVY-00011-00004565-00004850 Mecca is still in the shadows. U5_nrCVPIVY-00012-00004850-00005185 It didn't believe in the Prophet, and still taking him for a liar. U5_nrCVPIVY-00013-00005190-00005610 The Prophet (Peace upon him) decided, after he'd been treated as a liar in Mecca... U5_nrCVPIVY-00014-00005610-00006020 ...to go to Ta'if to spread his Call there. U5_nrCVPIVY-00015-00006020-00006345 He might find kinder hearts than Quraysh's. U5_nrCVPIVY-00016-00006345-00006680 He suggested the Call to its chief Ibn Abd-Ya-Layl. U5_nrCVPIVY-00017-00006684-00007465 He found him as rough as Abu Jahl, as lying as Abu Lahab, and as harmful as Umayyah ibn Khalaf. U5_nrCVPIVY-00018-00007465-00007975 Not only that, but when the Prophet was going back, they sent after him some lunatics. U5_nrCVPIVY-00019-00007975-00008560 They stoned him till his holy feet started to bleed. U5_nrCVPIVY-00020-00008560-00008660 Peace upon him U5_nrCVPIVY-00021-00008660-00008880 He'd suffered so we get a religion. U5_nrCVPIVY-00022-00008880-00009470 Always remember these moments so you feel and hold onto this religion. U5_nrCVPIVY-00023-00009470-00009835 Anyway, the days have come, and the Prophet's life proved us that... U5_nrCVPIVY-00024-00009835-00010135 "When comes the Help of Allah, and Victory" If fact, it did came. U5_nrCVPIVY-00025-00010135-00010335 The Prophet (Peace upon him) released Mecca. U5_nrCVPIVY-00026-00010335-00010620 The people started to enter Allah's Religion in crowds U5_nrCVPIVY-00027-00010620-00010995 Here came Aisha (May God be pleased with her) asking the Prophet (Peace upon him) U5_nrCVPIVY-00028-00010995-00011505 Which day was the hardest in your life? Is it Uhud day? U5_nrCVPIVY-00029-00011510-00012295 Because she knew that the day of Uhud's battle, the Prophet was so sad. U5_nrCVPIVY-00030-00012295-00012770 Because he'd lost his bravest warrior and his commander Hamza. U5_nrCVPIVY-00031-00012770-00013190 He'd also lost 70 of his best companions. U5_nrCVPIVY-00032-00013190-00013535 He'd been head injured and his front teeth had been broken. U5_nrCVPIVY-00033-00013535-00013994 He suffered in the battle of Uhud, physically and mentally. U5_nrCVPIVY-00034-00014000-00014260 I swear to be faithful toward the Prophet of God. U5_nrCVPIVY-00035-00014260-00014675 He told her: "No! It's not Uhud day, but Ta'if day." U5_nrCVPIVY-00036-00014675-00015005 I walked out from Ta'if all worried. U5_nrCVPIVY-00037-00015005-00015375 I didn't realize till I reached Qarn Taalib. U5_nrCVPIVY-00038-00015375-00015744 Remember this sentence, don't worry about the story. Just remember this. U5_nrCVPIVY-00039-00015744-00016155 I walked out all worried. I didn't realize till I reached Qarn Taalib. U5_nrCVPIVY-00040-00016155-00016425 This Qarn Taalib is far from Ta'if. U5_nrCVPIVY-00041-00016425-00016925 The Prophet (Peace upon him) started to talk without knowing where his feet are leading him to. U5_nrCVPIVY-00042-00016925-00017345 He walking worried till Qarn Taalib, which is a location far from Ta'if. U5_nrCVPIVY-00043-00017345-00018075 If the faith of the Prophet (Peace upon him) was put into a scale, that this religion will last at the end. U5_nrCVPIVY-00044-00018145-00018460 As he knows, it'll last. He won't be worried. U5_nrCVPIVY-00045-00018460-00018895 If our faith was put into a scale that this religion will last. U5_nrCVPIVY-00046-00018895-00019165 The scale of the Prophet (Peace upon him) would be heavier. U5_nrCVPIVY-00047-00019165-00019520 But he'd got worried and sad even though he was aware of it. U5_nrCVPIVY-00048-00019520-00019940 Why? Because he's a human being just like us. U5_nrCVPIVY-00049-00019940-00020045 I mean... U5_nrCVPIVY-00050-00020215-00020760 I mean, these stories, I like them because they show the Prophet as a human being. U5_nrCVPIVY-00051-00020760-00021020 You feel him close to you, a human being that gets sad. U5_nrCVPIVY-00052-00021020-00021310 God Almighty sent us a Prophet just like us. U5_nrCVPIVY-00053-00021310-00021535 The Prophet (Peace upon him) was sad. U5_nrCVPIVY-00054-00021535-00021890 So, don't we have the right to be broken sometimes? U5_nrCVPIVY-00055-00021890-00022385 Don't we have the right that people care about this feeling? U5_nrCVPIVY-00056-00022385-00022660 Sometimes one gets hurt from the inside. U5_nrCVPIVY-00057-00022660-00023390 One doesn't need to listen to a word, or meet somebody, or listen to an advise. U5_nrCVPIVY-00058-00023390-00023740 So, why do we take these kind of things personal? U5_nrCVPIVY-00059-00023740-00024075 Don't take it personally, care about mental. U5_nrCVPIVY-00060-00024075-00024485 As the body gets ill or as the spirit gets ill. U5_nrCVPIVY-00061-00024485-00024755 Just like body gets ill, the spirit does too. U5_nrCVPIVY-00062-00024755-00025210 When you visit somebody sick, the doctor would ask you not to talk too much with him. U5_nrCVPIVY-00063-00025215-00025650 Let your visit to these people suffering mentally right now be light. U5_nrCVPIVY-00064-00025650-00025795 Don't add more troubles to them. U5_nrCVPIVY-00065-00025795-00026070 As a sum up to take from this video. U5_nrCVPIVY-00066-00026070-00026395 Respect the sadness the person in front of you feels. U5_nrCVPIVY-00067-00026395-00026600 Give him the time to calm down. U5_nrCVPIVY-00068-00026600-00027055 When he's calm, go to see him, hit him on the shoulder... U5_nrCVPIVY-00069-00027055-00027510 ...tell him words from a spirit to a spirit. U5_nrCVPIVY-00070-00027510-00028189 Sometimes a person doesn't need a speech or an advise, but a hug. U5_nrCVPIVY-00071-00028195-00028495 When the spirit gets lost and we feel tight. U5_nrCVPIVY-00072-00028495-00028830 We just need sometimes a hug, not a speech. U5_nrCVPIVY-00073-00028830-00029360 The best example is how God dealt with the sadness of the Prophet (Peace upon him). U5_nrCVPIVY-00074-00029360-00029664 He didn't ask him about the reason of this faith loss or this sadness. U5_nrCVPIVY-00075-00029664-00030214 Or why you lacked of faith that this religion will win at the end. U5_nrCVPIVY-00076-00030214-00030620 Because God Almighty knows the Prophet is just a human like us. U5_nrCVPIVY-00077-00030620-00030795 He gets sad like us. U5_nrCVPIVY-00078-00030795-00031245 God Almighty didn't blame him. He sent him Angles to protect him. U5_nrCVPIVY-00079-00031245-00031539 Sometimes we need a loving and caring heart. U5_nrCVPIVY-00080-00031539-00031739 Not a philosopher's brain. U5_nrCVPIVY-00081-00031739-00031939 Or a speaker's tongue. U5_nrCVPIVY-00082-00031939-00032139 Peace! U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00000-00000515-00000615 >Um... U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00001-00000615-00000715 Gender? U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00002-00000715-00001327 I could sit here and be like "Gender is a social construct" blah blah U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00003-00001327-00001427 blah... U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00004-00001427-00001619 But it's not going to take the "male" and "female" signs off the bathrooms, U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00005-00001619-00001719 so, although I do believe that like, y'know "sex" U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00006-00001719-00002107 is your genitals and "gender" is how you act on that. U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00007-00002107-00002657 Like how you play out a certain role. U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00008-00002657-00003127 Like you can play at being female, you can play at being male. U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00009-00003127-00004419 Um, this is something I'm actually like very into. U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00010-00004419-00005651 Like the whole transgendered, transexual ideas. U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00011-00005651-00005935 I think that it's really important for people to understand what it means like, in society U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00012-00005935-00006035 for people to be male or female. U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00013-00006035-00006135 Knowing that, you know, you don't have to be, U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00014-00006135-00006235 like it doesn't have to be a rigid thing. U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00015-00006235-00006335 Maybe in New York, um... U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00016-00006335-00006572 In certain, in certain like, niches, like you can find U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00017-00006572-00007123 a place for that sort of expression but not... U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00018-00007123-00007800 I mean if you go to Idaho and like, if I went to Idaho and you U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00019-00007800-00008242 know, dressed as a guy and talking in a deep voice and like playing at being a U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00020-00008242-00008342 man it wouldn't exactly be... U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00021-00008342-00008442 It wouldn't be accepted I don't think. U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00022-00008442-00008542 I mean, I don't know, I've never been to Idaho so I U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00023-00008542-00008642 can't speak for all of them, so... U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00024-00008642-00008911 I think gender is, you know, a continuum. U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00025-00008911-00009255 Like there is like extreme female, extreme male U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00026-00009255-00009599 and then like all these ambiguities in between. U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00027-00009599-00009771 >>Like biological, you mean? U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00028-00009771-00009894 >I mean biologically... U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00029-00009894-00010109 >>Or psychological? U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00030-00010109-00010468 >...like your sex is important to reproduce, but U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00031-00010468-00010660 like, psychologically, gender is just something that narrows U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00032-00010660-00010854 your mind, I guess. U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00033-00010854-00011449 Something that, it makes you feel like you have to be one U6dNYRJ9eqQ-00034-00011449-00011497 thing or another... U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00001-00001089-00001798 I actually want to turn the water on right now, and there's nothing coming out because the water is actually turned off at the wall U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00002-00001798-00002038 So right now I then open the water U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00003-00002100-00002591 faucet so that when I do turn the water on it will come out of the machine and not get backed up in the U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00004-00002610-00002861 the tube from the wall to the machine U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00005-00002916-00003419 This is the plastic tube from the wall to the machine U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00006-00003455-00003955 if I had the machine valve off and turn this water on at the U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00007-00004014-00004664 wall then I'm going to build up water pressure in this tube behind the valve in the machine and U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00008-00004701-00004898 What happens is if it's strong enough U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00009-00004898-00005287 there's enough water pressure you basically blow this tube out meaning you'll U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00010-00005330-00005671 Bust a hole in it or at one of the joints where it's week U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00011-00005672-00005968 and then you get a big flood... so we don't want to do that U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00012-00006008-00006598 So what we're going to do instead is turn the machine on open this valve. So we know the water will come out U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00013-00006598-00007054 where it's supposed to on the machine and then I will turn on U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00014-00007109-00007769 the water at the wall this one actually has two valves, so I'll turn the first one on all the way down here its U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00015-00007929-00008094 valve and U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00016-00008094-00008425 the metal pipes here, and then you can actually see U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00017-00008529-00008752 this valve is already leaking U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00018-00008826-00009548 so this is the reason why we want to be careful about the order. Turn this on a little bit and now U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00019-00009639-00009911 the water is coming out of the instruments U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00020-00010014-00010369 The one thing I really don't want to do in the situation U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00021-00010437-00010891 when I'm done is I don't want to turn the water off at the machine first U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00022-00010932-00011237 because if I do that if I turn the water off right here U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00023-00011247-00011917 then all that water pressure is still coming through this tube up to the machine and that might cause this U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00024-00012012-00012364 pipe or tube to blow out or leak or U7hO2XJZ2Ek-00025-00012402-00012966 the valve to leak (even worse), and you'll create a flood and also ruin the piping. U8jUDS-CBqg-00000-00000048-00000628 TechPanther, here with a glitch I discovered in the latest 1.9 snapshot. (16w02a) Go into U8jUDS-CBqg-00001-00000628-00001087 creative mode, make an upside down L shape like this, step under it, and while flying tap U8jUDS-CBqg-00002-00001087-00001530 shift and...you go right through. Some blocks are harder to go through than others, cobblestone U8jUDS-CBqg-00003-00001530-00001936 for example pushes you around, which is why you need a more enclosed space. U8jUDS-CBqg-00004-00001936-00002297 This is caused by a change to how crouching works. It always moved your camera down, but U8jUDS-CBqg-00005-00002297-00002638 only now does it actually make you shorter, specifically about the thickness of a snow U8jUDS-CBqg-00006-00002638-00003009 layer. It doesn't mean much in survival, but it does allow you to get slightly closer to U8jUDS-CBqg-00007-00003009-00003442 the celing in creative. When you let go of shift, your head intersects the celing, and U8jUDS-CBqg-00008-00003442-00003763 you can go right through because this is a video game. Once you're in, you're through. U8jUDS-CBqg-00009-00003763-00004406 You can make tunnels that require crouching, but if you jump in them...you basically blink. U8jUDS-CBqg-00010-00004406-00004842 And if you fly here: SEISURE WARNING. I'm not kidding, this might be even worse than U8jUDS-CBqg-00011-00004842-00005424 that Pokemon episode. Here it goes. Yeah, it's sort of an optical illusion, because it looks like U8jUDS-CBqg-00012-00005424-00005852 we're sinking downward when we're not. I'll see you in my next video, whenever that is. UsXX3V5Zebk-00000-00000222-00000508 SARAH SMITHSON: I'm a counselor because I care about students. UsXX3V5Zebk-00001-00000508-00000998 And my desire is to build relationships with them and meet them where they are UsXX3V5Zebk-00002-00001008-00001358 and figure out what their needs are and make sure those needs are met, UsXX3V5Zebk-00003-00001362-00001800 and then take the next steps to be the best that they can be. UsXX3V5Zebk-00004-00001830-00002156 DEANNA BAKER: My favorite part of my job is being with kids every day UsXX3V5Zebk-00005-00002166-00002534 — that's why we get into the profession: we love kids. UsXX3V5Zebk-00006-00002534-00002874 But I also get to see the other side of students; UsXX3V5Zebk-00007-00002878-00003184 I get to build really meaningful relationships with them. UsXX3V5Zebk-00008-00003184-00003832 I get to learn a lot about their families, and I get to work with them in a way that UsXX3V5Zebk-00009-00003832-00004130 sometimes teachers can't and help remove those barriers. UsXX3V5Zebk-00010-00004188-00004698 AMY RODRIGUEZ: The majority of the stuff that I do is probably academic planning with students, UsXX3V5Zebk-00011-00004698-00005223 and I absolutely love doing academic planning with students, but I think the part I love UsXX3V5Zebk-00012-00005223-00005543 most is getting to know the students, the relationship piece. UsXX3V5Zebk-00013-00005543-00005842 That is why I got into counseling in the first place. UsXX3V5Zebk-00014-00005842-00006414 And I feel like everything revolves around that relationship — trying to advocate for them, UsXX3V5Zebk-00015-00006422-00006944 encourage them to reach their dreams, but take those tiny steps. Utan82vI6N0-00000-00000000-00000388 Money can't buy you happiness - but it can buy you success. Utan82vI6N0-00001-00000388-00001002 To be successful, one must be willing to sacrifice time, energy, and other resources. Utan82vI6N0-00002-00001002-00001574 A successful life is not a life of leisure; it is a life of hard work. Utan82vI6N0-00003-00001574-00001855 There are no shortcuts to success. Utan82vI6N0-00004-00001855-00002354 One must be prepared to work the hours and make the necessary sacrifices. Utan82vI6N0-00005-00002354-00003418 This is not to say that success is not worth the price; instead, it is essential to understand the cost of a successful life before embarking on the journey. Utan82vI6N0-00006-00003418-00003578 Defining success. Utan82vI6N0-00007-00003578-00004382 What is success? This is a question that has been asked throughout history and one that still lacks a clear answer. Utan82vI6N0-00008-00004382-00005014 Success could mean reaching personal goals, working well, or being happy and satisfied with your life. Utan82vI6N0-00009-00005014-00005702 However, success means different things to different people, and there is no single definition that can be universally applied. Utan82vI6N0-00010-00005702-00006562 Everyone has their ideas and aspirations of what success looks like, and it is up to each individual to decide what they want to achieve. Utan82vI6N0-00011-00006562-00007012 For some people, success might mean making a lot of money or climbing the corporate ladder. Utan82vI6N0-00012-00007012-00007380 For others, it might mean raising a happy and healthy family. Utan82vI6N0-00013-00007380-00008070 There is no single blueprint for success, but there are some essential ingredients that can help you achieve it: Utan82vI6N0-00014-00008070-00008392 It would be best if you had a clear and attainable goal. Utan82vI6N0-00015-00008392-00008722 It would be best if you had a plan of action to get there. Utan82vI6N0-00016-00008722-00009256 It would be best if you had the discipline to stick to your plan and see it through to the end. Utan82vI6N0-00017-00009256-00009790 Of course, success is only guaranteed with the right ingredients. Utan82vI6N0-00018-00009790-00010450 But if you want to give yourself the best chance of achieving your dreams, then these are the things you need to do. Utan82vI6N0-00019-00010450-00010808 The price of time: How successful people use their time. Utan82vI6N0-00020-00010808-00011454 How do successful people use their time? This question has been asked throughout history and remains a mystery to many. Utan82vI6N0-00021-00011454-00012318 While some may believe that the answer lies in working hard or taking advantage of opportunities, managing your time is the real key to success. Utan82vI6N0-00022-00012318-00012822 Time management is a vital skill that successful people have mastered. Utan82vI6N0-00023-00012822-00013362 But, unfortunately, time is a precious commodity, and it's one that we can never get back. Utan82vI6N0-00024-00013362-00013810 The price of energy: How successful people use their energy. Utan82vI6N0-00025-00013810-00014196 The average person has about 50,000 thoughts per day. Utan82vI6N0-00026-00014196-00014862 Successful people use their energy to focus on what's important and don't waste time on things that don't matter. Utan82vI6N0-00027-00014862-00015282 They also know how to rest and recharge to be at their best when it matters most. Utan82vI6N0-00028-00015282-00015704 Here are some tips on how you can use your energy more effectively. Utan82vI6N0-00029-00015704-00016116 The price of focus: How successful people stay focused. Utan82vI6N0-00030-00016116-00016984 In a world where we are constantly bombarded with information and distractions, it is more important than ever to know how to stay focused. Utan82vI6N0-00031-00016984-00017464 Successful people have learned to filter out the noise and focus on what is essential. Utan82vI6N0-00032-00017464-00018096 They set clear goals, break big projects into smaller tasks, and eliminate distractions. Utan82vI6N0-00033-00018096-00018758 Whether you're trying to succeed in school, work, or personal life, focusing is key to achieving your goals. Utan82vI6N0-00034-00018758-00019166 So how do successful people stay focused? Here are four tips: Utan82vI6N0-00035-00019166-00019402 1. They set priorities and then stick to them. Utan82vI6N0-00036-00019402-00019576 2. They eliminate distractions. Utan82vI6N0-00037-00019576-00019752 3. They take breaks and relax when needed Utan82vI6N0-00038-00019752-00019898 4. They stay organized. Utan82vI6N0-00039-00019898-00020416 By staying focused, successful people can get more done in less time. Utan82vI6N0-00040-00020416-00020836 The price of learning: How successful people never stop learning. Utan82vI6N0-00041-00020836-00021214 Most people would agree that success takes hard work and dedication. Utan82vI6N0-00042-00021214-00021668 But what many need to realize is that successful people always continue learning. Utan82vI6N0-00043-00021668-00022570 People must always continue learning because the world is constantly changing and evolving; if people keep up with the changes, they will quickly become outdated. Utan82vI6N0-00044-00022570-00023162 One of the keys to success is always keeping an open mind and expanding your knowledge. Utan82vI6N0-00045-00023162-00023798 The more you know, the better equipped you are to handle any situation that comes your way. Utan82vI6N0-00046-00023798-00024400 We must never be satisfied with just being "good enough" — we must always strive to be the best we can be. Utan82vI6N0-00047-00024400-00024766 In conclusion, the road to success is challenging but ultimately worthwhile. Utan82vI6N0-00048-00024766-00025706 Personal stories and experiences of people who have made it to the top show that success is possible at any cost if you are willing to work hard and keep going. Utan82vI6N0-00049-00025706-00027085 No matter what you want to achieve in life, whether developing a successful business, becoming a professional athlete, or simply finding happiness, you will have to put in the hard work and dedication required to achieve your goals. Utan82vI6N0-00050-00027085-00027819 And while the journey to success can be long and difficult, it's important to remember that the rewards are ultimately worth it. Uy5P0gn5Zau-00000-00000000-00000684 Activating Prior-knowledge Uy5P0gn5Zau-00001-00000822-00001022 Students are giving their own opinion and ideas. Uy5P0gn5Zau-00012-00007212-00007338 Pre-reading Discussion Uy5P0gn5Zau-00013-00007338-00007640 Students were given a think-time to write their answer. Uy5P0gn5Zau-00046-00025610-00025954 During Reading: Discussion, Cause and Effect, Crirical Analysis, graph interpretation Uy5P0gn5Zau-00048-00054857-00055374 Reflections and Applications UDoal_xdgRk-00001-00012734-00012834 me UDoal_xdgRk-00002-00012834-00012934 god UDoal_xdgRk-00003-00012934-00013343 [Music] UDoal_xdgRk-00004-00013343-00013838 [Music] UDoal_xdgRk-00005-00013838-00015941 is UDoal_xdgRk-00006-00015941-00016041 foreign UDoal_xdgRk-00007-00016041-00016711 [Music] UDoal_xdgRk-00008-00016711-00017425 [Music] UDoal_xdgRk-00009-00017425-00017525 foreign UDoal_xdgRk-00010-00017525-00018334 [Music] UDoal_xdgRk-00012-00025981-00026714 [Music] UDoal_xdgRk-00013-00026714-00027449 [Music] UDoal_xdgRk-00014-00027449-00028183 [Music] UDoal_xdgRk-00015-00028183-00028283 huh UDoal_xdgRk-00016-00028283-00030244 [Music] UDoal_xdgRk-00017-00030244-00032252 [Music] UDoal_xdgRk-00018-00032252-00033819 um UDoal_xdgRk-00019-00033819-00035306 by UDoal_xdgRk-00020-00035306-00035459 Pokey [music] UEozwM8DKju-00000-00000512-00000886 THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS TESTIFIED IN FRONT OF THE SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE UEozwM8DKju-00001-00000886-00000986 TUESDAY. UEozwM8DKju-00002-00000986-00001488 THE DOD'S PROPOSED COMPENSATION REFORMS COULD SAVE THE NAVY 123 MILLION DOLLARS IN FISCAL UEozwM8DKju-00003-00001488-00001968 YEAR 2015 AND 3.1 BILLION DOLLARS OVER THE FUTURE YEARS DEFENSE PLAN. UEozwM8DKju-00004-00001968-00002446 CNO SAID HE INTENDS TO REINVEST SAVINGS INTO SAILOR QUALITY OF SERVICE ENHANCEMENTS LIKE UEozwM8DKju-00005-00002446-00002759 INCREASING INCENTIVE PAYS, AND IMPROVING FACILITIES. UEozwM8DKju-00006-00002759-00003165 UNDER THE CURRENT BUDGET, HE EXPLAINED, THESE CHOICES ARE NECESSARY TO BALANCE SAILORS' UEozwM8DKju-00007-00003165-00003480 NEEDS TO ENSURE THE NAVY'S READINESS. UEozwM8DKju-00008-00003480-00003882 MAY IS NATIONAL PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MONTH, AND IT'S A GOOD TIME TO REEVALUATE UEozwM8DKju-00009-00003882-00004057 YOUR CURRENT WORKOUT ROUTINE. UEozwM8DKju-00010-00004057-00004548 WRITE DOWN YOUR EXERCISE PLAN TO MAKE IT EASIER TO KEEP YOUR GOALS AND TRACK YOUR PROGRESS. UEozwM8DKju-00011-00004548-00004980 FOR FITNESS TIPS OR WORKOUT ROUTINES YOU CAN VISIT THE NPC WEBSITE. UEozwM8DKju-00012-00004980-00005183 READ MORE ABOUT THESE STORIES AT NAVY.MIL. UEozwM8DKju-00013-00005183-00005360 FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING. UG-ljgrqm7y-00000-00000063-00000650 Firefox Sync lets you access your bookmarks, history, passwords and more from any device. UG-ljgrqm7y-00001-00000650-00001056 To get started, open the menu and click sign in to sync. UG-ljgrqm7y-00002-00001056-00001450 Then click get started and create a Firefox Account. UG-ljgrqm7y-00003-00001543-00001750 We'll send you a confirmation email. UG-ljgrqm7y-00004-00001750-00002156 When you get the email, click the link and you'll be all set. UG-ljgrqm7y-00005-00002156-00002666 Now you can sign in to your account on another device and access all of your data. UG-ljgrqm7y-00006-00002666-00002950 Here's Firefox on my Android device. UG-ljgrqm7y-00007-00002950-00003320 I tap the menu, settings and then sync. UG-ljgrqm7y-00008-00003320-00003675 Press get started, choose the sign in link UG-ljgrqm7y-00009-00003729-00003870 and then I'm done. UG-ljgrqm7y-00010-00003900-00004250 Now I can find that tab I had open on my computer! UG-ljgrqm7y-00011-00004250-00004710 Sync is great on the go and even makes it easy to transfer your info UG-ljgrqm7y-00012-00004710-00004950 when setting up Firefox on a new computer. UJSRAiUQrMy-00000-00000000-00000352 If you want to know if you're learning spiritual things in the physical world UJSRAiUQrMy-00001-00000352-00000830 there's one criteria. UJSRAiUQrMy-00002-00000830-00001173 If you think you're learning spiritual things for the UJSRAiUQrMy-00003-00001173-00001778 physical world there's one criteria and that is a change in your behavior UJSRAiUQrMy-00004-00001778-00002353 and that can be seen by anybody who looks at you from the previous behavior UJSRAiUQrMy-00005-00002353-00002997 to the new behavior. You people understand 10% level? UJSRAiUQrMy-00006-00002997-00003596 The physical, emotional, imagination, everything you can see touch or taste feel is the 10% level UJSRAiUQrMy-00007-00003596-00004191 your body, red shoes, brown shoes, socks, shorts, shirts, tie, the color all that is UJSRAiUQrMy-00008-00004191-00004776 your business. 90% level is invisible and what we're UJSRAiUQrMy-00009-00004776-00005205 doing now is bringing you into the awareness of what that is and as that UJSRAiUQrMy-00010-00005205-00005638 awareness gets more and more you think you're getting more spiritual, all I could do UJSRAiUQrMy-00011-00005639-00006150 is waking you up from a long winter sleep you've been hibernating. So we've got to UJSRAiUQrMy-00012-00006150-00006867 pay attention to what the environment is speaking to us it will reflect back our UJSRAiUQrMy-00013-00006867-00007445 inner environment but it won't be the same because in there is a very pure UJSRAiUQrMy-00014-00007445-00008271 divine essence. The magic there is not sleight of hand. It's what we all say is UJSRAiUQrMy-00015-00008271-00009054 magic it is that moment when the Spirit of God and the Holy Spirit comes forth UJSRAiUQrMy-00016-00009054-00009531 inside of you and at that moment you know that everything is absolutely UJSRAiUQrMy-00017-00009531-00009800 perfect. UMBL7uITdsU-00000-00000000-00000096 This is how to order. UMBL7uITdsU-00001-00000384-00000546 As you can see here are the times. UMBL7uITdsU-00002-00000546-00000731 It's really been a bit hit or miss. UMBL7uITdsU-00003-00000731-00001190 Like yesterday I was absolutely starving for breakfast it didn't come to like 8:30. UMBL7uITdsU-00004-00001190-00001328 Where the lunch came like UMBL7uITdsU-00005-00001400-00001647 12:38 or something. UMBL7uITdsU-00006-00001647-00001949 I think dinner was the same it was like right on 6. UMBL7uITdsU-00007-00002051-00002419 I will say with the cereal box that's what we got on the first day. UMBL7uITdsU-00008-00002419-00002538 Choose that one. UMBL7uITdsU-00009-00002538-00002788 Lunch is really not good really. UMBL7uITdsU-00010-00002788-00003249 Struggling with the serving sizes they're quite small. UMBL7uITdsU-00011-00003249-00003462 And I certainly don't want a sandwich. UMBL7uITdsU-00012-00003462-00004168 Because it's the sandwiches if you've seen the rest of my video, sandwiches are not that big. UMBL7uITdsU-00013-00004168-00004518 Like I would have to ask for like two or three. UMBL7uITdsU-00014-00004518-00004767 And you can see that there is comment here. UMBL7uITdsU-00015-00004767-00005132 So one could say can I have two sandwiches? UMBL7uITdsU-00016-00005132-00005215 I guess. UMBL7uITdsU-00017-00005215-00005784 Neither of these appeal to me but what I will do... UMBL7uITdsU-00018-00006096-00006310 hot dog please. UMBL7uITdsU-00019-00006310-00006486 These are terrible choices. UMBL7uITdsU-00020-00006486-00006578 It's terrible. UMBL7uITdsU-00021-00006578-00007070 And this is where I'm like I'm so hungry all the time, I'm constantly like I'm hungry. UMBL7uITdsU-00022-00007070-00007349 Now this sounds good carrot cake sizing. UMBL7uITdsU-00023-00007349-00007639 I'm actually gonna ask for two pieces of carrot cake. UMBL7uITdsU-00024-00007639-00008220 Because they the container last night with the chocolate cake was so tiny. UMBL7uITdsU-00025-00008220-00008760 And you would never buy that size and you would never cut that size for yourself at home. UMBL7uITdsU-00026-00008760-00009394 I think as well because I'm really cold in the room I don't want to choose a salad because I'm cold. UMBL7uITdsU-00027-00009394-00009935 I've put no rice, extra vegetables please I hope that that's fine. UMBL7uITdsU-00028-00009968-00010199 And then I'll put two pieces of dessert please. UMBL7uITdsU-00029-00010199-00010522 It's very much the same there's clearly a rotation going on. UMBL7uITdsU-00030-00010522-00010948 But I don't know how they're gonna make a fattoush salad. UMBL7uITdsU-00031-00010948-00011305 How can you have the fattoush salad as the whole meal? UMBL7uITdsU-00032-00011305-00011539 All items come with juice and snack item like. UMBL7uITdsU-00033-00011633-00011950 Even if it's a piece of fruit or if it's UMBL7uITdsU-00034-00012032-00012217 that standard bag of chips, UMBL7uITdsU-00035-00012315-00012570 I have to argue that's not a meal. UMBL7uITdsU-00036-00012689-00013197 The container sizes are not big enough for the salad like. UMBL7uITdsU-00037-00013197-00013806 I love salad, and I will have it as a meal but like that's gonna be some Kardashian size salad. UMBL7uITdsU-00038-00013861-00014062 Two salads please. UMBL7uITdsU-00039-00014062-00014867 The dinner yeah again like salad okay so we've had salad for lunch why would we want salad for dinner? UMBL7uITdsU-00040-00014912-00015132 This was what we got on the first day. UMBL7uITdsU-00041-00015132-00015601 So that's why I know that they put an obscene amount of rice with it. UMBL7uITdsU-00042-00015601-00015890 So I'm just gonna say again no rice. UMBL7uITdsU-00043-00015890-00016034 And see the same again. UMBL7uITdsU-00044-00016122-00016426 I mean we'll see with the waffles this is not America, UMBL7uITdsU-00045-00016426-00016615 even though that's where I've just come from. UMBL7uITdsU-00046-00016615-00016983 This is gonna be one. UMBL7uITdsU-00047-00017107-00017847 And can I also say when they say vegetables so far that's meant one piece of cauliflower, one piece of broccoli so because. UMBL7uITdsU-00048-00017847-00018763 I'm gonna have hopefully some leftover salad from the previous day I don't want more salad. UMBL7uITdsU-00049-00018888-00019632 Meals are served with coleslaw and potato salad, and the dessert is pavlova with kiwi fruit. UMBL7uITdsU-00050-00019632-00020192 I definitely am gonna ask for two, two desserts again I love pavlova. UMBL7uITdsU-00051-00020309-00020470 The next day UMBL7uITdsU-00052-00020470-00020914 and again with these so you can see a rotation here. UMBL7uITdsU-00053-00020914-00021161 For people in their room to be hungry., UMBL7uITdsU-00054-00021192-00021395 falafel wrap UMBL7uITdsU-00055-00021395-00021912 Gosh look at this is I didn't notice this the first time I ordered this is lamingtons. UMBL7uITdsU-00056-00021976-00022554 They was literally one lamington in the little dessert container. UMBL7uITdsU-00057-00022554-00022752 And then submit. UMBL7uITdsU-00058-00022952-00023280 Right so it's been ordered. UOLRGImb96g-00000-00000574-00000916 Charles said, "You've got to figure out what you need." UOLRGImb96g-00001-00000916-00001232 If you need it, be it. UOLRGImb96g-00002-00001232-00001433 If you need encouragement, encourage somebody. UOLRGImb96g-00003-00001433-00002110 If you are feeling hopeless, give somebody else hope. UOLRGImb96g-00004-00002110-00002886 And it may not be in how they pour back into you, but the activity and the process of encouraging UOLRGImb96g-00005-00002886-00003315 somebody else will bring you encouragement. UOLRGImb96g-00006-00003315-00003586 So what's something that you have felt that you've needed in your life that you've had UOLRGImb96g-00007-00003586-00003693 the first give? UOLRGImb96g-00008-00003693-00004148 I think clarity, and purpose and clarity in purpose. UOLRGImb96g-00009-00004148-00004637 It's kind of like a two part like, you want people to have clarity. UOLRGImb96g-00010-00004637-00005043 You want people to have purpose, but you ultimately want people to have a lot of clarity on their UOLRGImb96g-00011-00005043-00005143 purpose. UOLRGImb96g-00012-00005143-00005524 And that's something that I've struggled with is figuring out like, what my purpose is and UOLRGImb96g-00013-00005524-00005891 getting more clear on the things that I'm supposed to be doing. UOLRGImb96g-00014-00005891-00006559 But by taking other people through that process, it's made my purpose become a lot more clear. UOLRGImb96g-00015-00006559-00006980 Which is like a really, weird, roundabout way of saying this. UOLRGImb96g-00016-00006980-00007643 But it's like, I discovered that part of my purpose is helping other people discover their UOLRGImb96g-00017-00007643-00007822 purpose. UOLRGImb96g-00018-00007822-00008367 And part of me becoming more clear was helping other people become more clear on their purpose. UOLRGImb96g-00019-00008367-00008646 Because that is actually my purpose. UOLRGImb96g-00020-00008646-00009128 And so that's, you know, one example. UOLRGImb96g-00021-00009128-00009779 I think another example, would be, you know, quite simply just success. UOLRGImb96g-00022-00009779-00010430 And, you know, fulfillment, that with what I'm doing in training. UOLRGImb96g-00023-00010430-00011090 You know, my goal is for me to go out and train this person to be able to have the same UOLRGImb96g-00024-00011090-00011423 story that I had. UOLRGImb96g-00025-00011423-00011999 But the second part to that is if they do that, and they have success, it's going to UOLRGImb96g-00026-00011999-00012263 make me successful as well. UOLRGImb96g-00027-00012263-00012568 And so it's that old quote, "Help enough people get what they want, you'll have everything UOLRGImb96g-00028-00012568-00012761 you want." UOLRGImb96g-00029-00012761-00013259 That is that kind of self fulfilling prophecy of if I can help other people become successful, UOLRGImb96g-00030-00013259-00013594 then there's no possible way that I won't be successful. UOLRGImb96g-00031-00013594-00014058 And so in order for me to be successful, I have to pour that into other people first. UOLRGImb96g-00032-00014058-00014551 Because really, that's what the fulfillment comes, is in helping other people get what UOLRGImb96g-00033-00014551-00014847 they want, that you'll have everything you want. UOLRGImb96g-00034-00014847-00015286 And so I think that's probably the most tangible thing that I could say. UPy0pJtDtXu-00000-00000233-00000696 They’re always putting me against old farts and the young boys. UPy0pJtDtXu-00001-00000733-00001030 Don’t think Suzuki-gun will keep quiet. UPy0pJtDtXu-00002-00001050-00001270 The boss picked up a title yesterday. UPy0pJtDtXu-00003-00001323-00001463 Don’t think that’s all. UPy0pJtDtXu-00004-00001693-00001863 Get me a lawyer. I’m suing. UPy0pJtDtXu-00005-00001886-00002106 I’m going to sue Taguchi and New Japan. UPy0pJtDtXu-00006-00002203-00002443 Just because it’s in the ring doesn’t make it legal. UPy0pJtDtXu-00007-00002443-00002793 New Japan, call your lawyers. UPy0pJtDtXu-00008-00002806-00002920 I’m serious. UPy0pJtDtXu-00009-00003110-00003420 Taichi vs New Japan. UPy0pJtDtXu-00010-00003436-00003836 I’ll take you guys for everything you’re worth. UPy0pJtDtXu-00011-00003866-00004163 What happens if she’s pregnant? What will you do? UPy0pJtDtXu-00012-00004206-00004400 He might have done it. UPy0pJtDtXu-00013-00004410-00004530 Coach pervert. UPy0pJtDtXu-00014-00004563-00004920 Go ahead, keep doing that act. UPy0pJtDtXu-00015-00004926-00005120 Stay away from my girl. UPy0pJtDtXu-00016-00005130-00005450 Just take of yourself, privately, beforehand. UPy0pJtDtXu-00017-00005456-00005750 Just do it by yourself, behind closed doors. UPy0pJtDtXu-00018-00005753-00005863 Disgusting. UPy0pJtDtXu-00019-00005963-00006090 I’m going to sue. UPy0pJtDtXu-00020-00006123-00006336 I’m going to sue New Japan. UPy0pJtDtXu-00021-00006576-00006770 Stop hiding, bastard. UPy0pJtDtXu-00022-00006843-00007066 Damn you, you bastard. UPy0pJtDtXu-00023-00007086-00007276 I’ll get an attorney, and sue you guys. UPy0pJtDtXu-00024-00007280-00007416 Come on, punk! UPy0pJtDtXu-00025-00007423-00007633 Next time, I’ll finish the job. UPy0pJtDtXu-00026-00007680-00007913 You were shaking it in front of everyone! UPy0pJtDtXu-00027-00008166-00008270 Dummy. UPy0pJtDtXu-00028-00008453-00008626 I’ll go all the way, next time. UPy0pJtDtXu-00029-00008693-00009053 Next time, I’m getting everywhere I can. UPy0pJtDtXu-00030-00009333-00010066 Even though I got a couple of wins in the Young Lion’s cup, UPy0pJtDtXu-00031-00010163-00010400 That doesn’t satisfy me. UPy0pJtDtXu-00032-00010446-00010720 I need to find a way to feed myself. UPy0pJtDtXu-00033-00010740-00011346 Suzuki-gun, I’ll get you for what you did to Tanahashi. URZd_VTLtmY-00000-00000048-00000528 when we say the easiest way for you to have non-resistive thought URZd_VTLtmY-00001-00000528-00001080 is to get out ahead of it oh we'll say it to you even in a more blunt way the easiest way for you URZd_VTLtmY-00002-00001080-00001600 to have non-resistant thought is to hang out with a new person that you don't know the less URZd_VTLtmY-00003-00001600-00002168 you know about them the less resistant thought is within you oh you're a stranger i love you URZd_VTLtmY-00004-00002576-00002984 oh you killed your entire family oh URZd_VTLtmY-00005-00003336-00003736 we're just playing with you a little bit here but we want you to just for a moment URZd_VTLtmY-00006-00003736-00004376 try to feel the power of this non-resistive thought so we've been saying recently what URZd_VTLtmY-00007-00004376-00004888 you want to do is get out ahead of it you want to get out ahead of your thoughts and people URZd_VTLtmY-00008-00004888-00005384 want to get out ahead of it they just don't know what that means and we gave one example already URZd_VTLtmY-00009-00005384-00005936 segment intending means i'm in a new segment new people just walked into the room and do you know URZd_VTLtmY-00010-00005936-00006384 that our segment just changed because they have no idea what we've been talking about URZd_VTLtmY-00011-00006504-00007264 and so the energy of the room has just shifted now not a problem to all of us because we're in the URZd_VTLtmY-00012-00007264-00007776 vortex yes we're in that empowerment might be a little while for them to catch up with it but the URZd_VTLtmY-00013-00007776-00008280 segment did just shift and therefore you are going to notice a little repetition that you wouldn't URZd_VTLtmY-00014-00008280-00008840 have noticed before had new people not walked into the room following what we're getting at getting URZd_VTLtmY-00015-00008840-00009360 out ahead of it don't want confusion on the part of those that haven't been here so when you get URZd_VTLtmY-00016-00009360-00009824 into your automobile it's a new segment when a new person joins you at the dinner table a new segment URZd_VTLtmY-00017-00009824-00010400 begins and if you will take just a moment we're talking about a few seconds to acknowledge ah URZd_VTLtmY-00018-00010400-00011176 new segment and what i intend is because if you get out ahead of it what i intend is to have fun URZd_VTLtmY-00019-00011176-00011752 if you're out ahead of it even though somebody who joined your dinner table who was in a bad mood and URZd_VTLtmY-00020-00011752-00012264 wasn't planning on having any fun if you got out ahead of it with your intent to have fun you're URZd_VTLtmY-00021-00012264-00012832 more likely to have fun even though he isn't this is powerful stuff because you are we love you so URZd_VTLtmY-00022-00012832-00013791 much you are indeed jerkers you have knee-jerk reactions to life and that holds you in mundane URZd_VTLtmY-00023-00013791-00014576 creation it holds you in less powerful creation it doesn't let you feel your absolute power now URZd_VTLtmY-00024-00014576-00015128 here's another thing we're going to stay with you for a little while on this conversation until URZd_VTLtmY-00025-00015128-00015696 we can feel that you're grasping it because this process you've heard the words before URZd_VTLtmY-00026-00015776-00016552 daydream do you remember when you were kids before you were responsible before you felt responsible URZd_VTLtmY-00027-00016736-00017248 before you were resistant before you were defensive some of you can remember those moments URZd_VTLtmY-00028-00017248-00018104 in time some of them you've been living recently but it's a little snatch of time where somehow URZd_VTLtmY-00029-00018200-00018936 you're not resisting in thought and your mind is just receiving the ingredients of your vortex URZd_VTLtmY-00030-00019008-00019656 they're putting themselves together with the tutelage or tutoriage or tutorial edge with URZd_VTLtmY-00031-00019656-00020360 the help of your inner being who knows where you stand in relationship to everything that you want URZd_VTLtmY-00032-00020360-00020920 and knows what the ingredients that you put into your vortex is so knows what the path URZd_VTLtmY-00033-00020920-00021536 of least resistance is for you to receive a thought so do you think that you're here URZd_VTLtmY-00034-00021624-00022056 to create your own reality you are but do you think that the reason that you are here URZd_VTLtmY-00035-00022056-00022584 to create your own reality is that when you create your own reality you will like it better URZd_VTLtmY-00036-00022680-00023240 well that's one reason but it isn't the reality that you are creating that you are here about URZd_VTLtmY-00037-00023296-00023896 it's the thrill of reality creating that you're here about it's the thrill of lining up with your URZd_VTLtmY-00038-00023896-00024448 true power and watching what you desire flow to you through the power of your own focus URZd_VTLtmY-00039-00024544-00025056 it's the journey now you've heard that your whole life the joy is in the journey almost everybody URZd_VTLtmY-00040-00025056-00025536 is saying it and nobody knows even what they mean when they're talking about the joys in the journey URZd_VTLtmY-00041-00025536-00025992 but we want you to know that what we mean by the joys in the journey is that you did a lot URZd_VTLtmY-00042-00025992-00026320 of the journey when you knew what you didn't want and therefore knew what you did want you URZd_VTLtmY-00043-00026320-00026856 say well that was not all that joyful and we say well it was to your inner being because URZd_VTLtmY-00044-00026856-00027408 you were identifying who you are when someone was rude you said i like nicer when somebody URZd_VTLtmY-00045-00027408-00027976 was hateful you want more love when somebody is diminished in some way you want upliftment URZd_VTLtmY-00046-00027976-00028552 when someone is sick you want well when someone's confused you want clarity when it's you even more URZd_VTLtmY-00047-00028552-00029336 you've been isolating and identifying and there is this extraordinary grouping of ingredients that URZd_VTLtmY-00048-00029336-00030048 are the making of an ecstatic life experience for you but you've got to find a way to be in URZd_VTLtmY-00049-00030048-00030504 the vibrational vicinity of it now we've been telling you this story in lots of different ways URZd_VTLtmY-00050-00030576-00031095 we've been saying to you step one is you ask that's the contrast part of it know what i URZd_VTLtmY-00051-00031095-00031824 don't want ask for what i do want whether you put it in words or not step two is that's the source URZd_VTLtmY-00052-00031824-00032239 energy part of it that's your inner being part of it that's the vortex part of that's the gathering URZd_VTLtmY-00053-00032239-00032808 of the cooperative components part of it step two when you ask it is given it's in vibrational form URZd_VTLtmY-00054-00032808-00033264 and you say i don't want it to be in vibrational form i want it to be out where i can see it i'd URZd_VTLtmY-00055-00033264-00033784 like to park it in my garage i'd like to take it to my bed i would like to go to the movies with it URZd_VTLtmY-00056-00033848-00034568 i don't want this vibrational reality creation and we say but it is that way in the beginning and so URZd_VTLtmY-00057-00034568-00035104 if you will accept that the ingredients are there and that you will be guided you will be led you'll URZd_VTLtmY-00058-00035104-00035696 be called you are being guided you are being led you are being called to your path of least URZd_VTLtmY-00059-00035696-00036232 resistance but what we're saying to you here today is you've got some whopping resistance going on URZd_VTLtmY-00060-00036288-00036992 because you have played the objective game so much that you hardly ever put yourself in a position URZd_VTLtmY-00061-00036992-00037512 where you can receive an impulse that's on the path of least resistance and feel URZd_VTLtmY-00062-00037512-00038192 the empowerment of your inner being about it so as we're moving forward in this day URZd_VTLtmY-00063-00038248-00038864 we'll play some of this with you if you want to we want this to just not be something that sort of is URZd_VTLtmY-00064-00038920-00039512 intellectually satisfying or even something that makes some sense to you if you've been studying URZd_VTLtmY-00065-00039512-00040000 the law of attraction we want it to be something that feels real to you we want it to be something URZd_VTLtmY-00066-00040000-00040656 that you say all day long as esther often does oh i've got that magical thing going because if URZd_VTLtmY-00067-00040656-00041288 you take 10 seconds here and 10 seconds there and 10 seconds here to let yourself dream free if you URZd_VTLtmY-00068-00041288-00041824 will allow yourself to just dream free esther's been playing this game we'll tell you some of URZd_VTLtmY-00069-00041824-00042288 it will tell you some of the amazing things that have been happening as a result of it but here's URZd_VTLtmY-00070-00042288-00042904 one really extraordinary manifestation that came about as a result of esther hearing what we're URZd_VTLtmY-00071-00042904-00043536 saying about daydream and by daydream we mean you're not asleep by daydream we mean you're awake URZd_VTLtmY-00072-00043536-00044080 and by daydream we mean it hasn't manifested yet still it's still a dream and by daydream we mean URZd_VTLtmY-00073-00044080-00044616 you're in your day you're wide awake but what's in your vortex which you are still calling a dream URZd_VTLtmY-00074-00044616-00045192 is visualized by you it's felt by you it's known by you you know it even though it hasn't come out URZd_VTLtmY-00075-00045192-00045656 to play to you these thoughts have not yet turned to things where you and everyone else can see them URZd_VTLtmY-00076-00045656-00046192 but they are real and they are unfolding and they will come out and play with you where you will see URZd_VTLtmY-00077-00046192-00046616 them there's power in this but if you daydream a little and then you kill it with reality and URZd_VTLtmY-00078-00046616-00046992 then you daydream a little and then you kill it with reality and you daydream a little and then URZd_VTLtmY-00079-00046992-00047392 you contradict it with some other fact then you're going back and forth and back and forth and back URZd_VTLtmY-00080-00047392-00047920 and forth and you're never allowing the true power of this to culminate into something that manifests URZd_VTLtmY-00081-00048000-00048632 there are people in your world that are doing that there are masters of science and masters URZd_VTLtmY-00082-00048632-00049240 of mathematics and masters of music and masters of all kinds of things there are inventors of URZd_VTLtmY-00083-00049240-00049712 things there are all kinds of people that have allowed these thoughts to turn to things in URZd_VTLtmY-00084-00049712-00050208 their mind who have been willing to follow that non-resisted path who have been willing here it is URZd_VTLtmY-00085-00050208-00051000 to pay the great big price of happiness we know we're being sarcastic it's a lot to ask of you URZd_VTLtmY-00086-00051072-00051591 to want to feel good enough that you will isolate some thoughts and allow yourself to URZd_VTLtmY-00087-00051591-00052016 be that dreamer so here we're just going to tell you one of the things that happened to esther URZd_VTLtmY-00088-00052072-00052576 and as we move forward if there's time and if we're not full of all what you are asking for URZd_VTLtmY-00089-00052648-00053104 then we'll tell you what esther's been doing but we'd rather talk about what you are asking for URZd_VTLtmY-00090-00053104-00053808 but there's so much good stuff going on so esther said abraham what do you mean by a daydream URZd_VTLtmY-00091-00053808-00054360 and we said it's a thought that just occurs to you and when it does is so delicious you don't URZd_VTLtmY-00092-00054360-00054920 want to take your attention from it and when you allow yourself to just softly receive it URZd_VTLtmY-00093-00054920-00055440 this is not a thought you think this is a thought you receive this is not you making something URZd_VTLtmY-00094-00055440-00056391 happen this is not you setting goals this is you receiving clues and ideas and impulses about URZd_VTLtmY-00095-00056391-00056840 the goals you've already set this is about having masters of the universe URZd_VTLtmY-00096-00057040-00057624 focusing to you and you being in a place of receiving the thought and it being pleasant URZd_VTLtmY-00097-00057624-00058264 while we receive it and not too long after you knowing that that was a piece and that URZd_VTLtmY-00098-00058264-00058816 was a piece and that was a piece and that was a piece and oh wow look at this so esther went to URZd_VTLtmY-00099-00058816-00059591 nashville for the first time to visit some friends she bought a jeep drove it home it was so fun URZd_VTLtmY-00100-00059744-00060416 and while she was there they went to dinner and on their way to dinner they saw a building URZd_VTLtmY-00101-00060416-00061000 and her friend said our friend has been in this building for many many years she's sort URZd_VTLtmY-00102-00061000-00061416 of like the heart of the community but she and her husband are moving out of town now URZd_VTLtmY-00103-00061416-00061784 and so she's selling everything in the building want to go in esther said yes URZd_VTLtmY-00104-00062008-00062455 so she went in and there were all kinds of beautiful things there were crystals URZd_VTLtmY-00105-00062455-00063184 for sale and jewelry for sale and art work of all fashion and all kinds of really beautiful things URZd_VTLtmY-00106-00063240-00063784 and esther got fixated on her friend pointed it out to her and then esther couldn't take URZd_VTLtmY-00107-00063784-00064360 her eyes off of it it's a painting a man from vietnam painted it the colors are soft URZd_VTLtmY-00108-00064416-00065216 and lovely but it is a painting of a lake most beautiful soft colors it's oil but it's so URZd_VTLtmY-00109-00065216-00065968 soft it looks like pastels and in the sky are two owls esther likes owls and in the lake is a bed URZd_VTLtmY-00110-00065968-00066752 just sitting on the water with a red bed spread and a woman sitting on it sitting and esther said URZd_VTLtmY-00111-00066864-00067480 she's got to be daydreaming nothing else makes sense if she was dreaming she'd be laying down URZd_VTLtmY-00112-00067696-00067872 what's that bed doing on the lake anyway URZd_VTLtmY-00113-00068160-00068520 i'm gonna frame that and i'm gonna put a little plaque on it and it's gonna say URZd_VTLtmY-00114-00068520-00069184 daydream now don't you think that's nice that esther would find somethings maybe it's not URZd_VTLtmY-00115-00069184-00069752 ringing your bells but it rang her bells it rang her belt what else could this possibly be URZd_VTLtmY-00116-00069816-00070416 this is someone wide awake in the middle of the day sitting on her bed in the middle of a lake URZd_VTLtmY-00117-00070592-00071152 what do you want to talk about a lot of trouble in this room US_fOEgQN8o-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi everyone US_fOEgQN8o-00001-00000200-00000400 Banknifty 1 mins chart US_fOEgQN8o-00003-00003717-00004503 89 point first target US_fOEgQN8o-00004-00004503-00005423 Whenever trend changes u will receive calls in live US_fOEgQN8o-00005-00005423-00006748 Previous call is buy call so, now Sell call US_fOEgQN8o-00006-00006748-00008597 mins completed now started to fall US_fOEgQN8o-00007-00008771-00010267 New candle opened 100 point movement US_fOEgQN8o-00010-00017428-00018845 For automatic calls subscription details WhatsApp - 9488462166 UTuY8F_3-qy-00000-00000216-00000516 On all multi-lane streets... UTuY8F_3-qy-00001-00000538-00000838 ... in case of slow traffic... UTuY8F_3-qy-00002-00000860-00001160 ... immediately form the Rescue Lane! UTuY8F_3-qy-00003-00001473-00002073 - Completely independent from any rescue vehicles! - UTuY8F_3-qy-00004-00003392-00003715 Also called 'auxiliary vehicles' such e.g. tow trucks... UTuY8F_3-qy-00005-00003750-00004050 ... are dependent on the alley. UTuY8F_3-qy-00006-00004128-00004428 So that they can help quickly... UTuY8F_3-qy-00007-00004450-00004750 ... and ensure a free travel for all. UTuY8F_3-qy-00008-00004950-00005250 Slogan: Rescue Lane – at traffic jam – UTuY8F_3-qy-00009-00005270-00005570 – always – immediately – form – NOW! UdCOFTSvumc-00000-00000078-00000497 How's it going? Good afternoon, welcome to my channel Dr. RCC my name is Iván UdCOFTSvumc-00001-00000497-00000891 Silván and I am the technician on this channel. Today we are going to be seeing what is a UdCOFTSvumc-00002-00000891-00001379 review of what the Magma Tool is, for you to consider or UdCOFTSvumc-00003-00001379-00001905 assess, how is this tool? And in this way, do not waste your money and do not UdCOFTSvumc-00004-00001905-00002373 lose and see what is in it and what is not, okay? So, then UdCOFTSvumc-00005-00002373-00003510 we started [Music] UdCOFTSvumc-00006-00003521-00003981 [Applause] [Music] UdCOFTSvumc-00007-00003981-00004338 Before continuing, I would like to tell you that if you have not subscribed to my channel, UdCOFTSvumc-00008-00004338-00004656 click the subscribe button and activate the notification bell, UdCOFTSvumc-00009-00004656-00005283 so that this content, I frequently get to your YouTube notifications UdCOFTSvumc-00010-00005283-00005847 , when I upload content to my channel, okay? then we will continue. UdCOFTSvumc-00011-00005847-00006282 We are going to stop by here for you to see and we are going to be evaluating. This is UdCOFTSvumc-00012-00006282-00006998 the official page of Magma, yes? this is magma-tool.com there is no other page UdCOFTSvumc-00013-00006998-00007523 as such from which you can have something official and, this is where we UdCOFTSvumc-00014-00007523-00007941 will have access to the download of the tool, "download", yes? It has three UdCOFTSvumc-00015-00007941-00008613 parts "Magma Network Unlock Tool", "Magma FRP Unlock Tool" and "Magma MSL Unlock Tool" Ok? UdCOFTSvumc-00016-00008613-00009006 they are three. It is as such, it helps us to make releases, to make UdCOFTSvumc-00017-00009006-00009570 unlocks or company changes, yes? but in a direct way. It is here, because it UdCOFTSvumc-00018-00009570-00010047 is obviously, then to remove Google account, FRP. And it's here to UdCOFTSvumc-00019-00010047-00010518 do IMEI repairs, okay? then we are going to go, as such, from the UdCOFTSvumc-00020-00010518-00010920 bottom up, so that you can see, what does it contain? Yes? UdCOFTSvumc-00021-00010920-00011559 What I have here is the Magma IMEI Tool or MSL Tool, yes? Is this one that I have UdCOFTSvumc-00022-00011559-00011801 here? UdCOFTSvumc-00023-00011870-00012242 If it is this one that is here, here they give you download, and you are going to install this UdCOFTSvumc-00024-00012242-00012725 tool that I have here, yes? So, open, they already have their account and everything, ahh, if UdCOFTSvumc-00025-00012725-00012997 I would like to clarify, this is not a video of how you are going to use it, UdCOFTSvumc-00026-00012997-00013363 because if they have to know how to use the tool, they have to know what UdCOFTSvumc-00027-00013363-00013763 they are doing, how does it work? So that you do not lose your money, do not waste it or UdCOFTSvumc-00028-00013763-00014204 not ... as such, do not get frustrated by something that does not come UdCOFTSvumc-00029-00014204-00014666 out, because you have to know how to use it, for that I have courses available here, on UdCOFTSvumc-00030-00014666-00015050 my platform, there in the description I will be leaving what is the link, UdCOFTSvumc-00031-00015050-00015533 the link, sorry, to access my course, but also on the internet you will find UdCOFTSvumc-00032-00015533-00015953 various tutorials, if you want to risk venturing into UdCOFTSvumc-00033-00015953-00016553 the use of Magma without prior training, ok? So let's go back UdCOFTSvumc-00034-00016553-00016981 here, I want you to see, this is how such, the IMEI tool, there are many UdCOFTSvumc-00035-00016981-00017332 who have asked me, hey, a tab type, a price list type, here UdCOFTSvumc-00036-00017332-00017854 yourselves, for example if I search the j610g, the j610g tells me it UdCOFTSvumc-00037-00017854-00018225 is priced at 14 credits to do the IMEI repair, UdCOFTSvumc-00038-00018225-00018900 ok? So, that's what I get, if I look for, for example, a j810, the j810 UdCOFTSvumc-00039-00018900-00019740 comes out in 29 credits, right? Now what is the advantage and disadvantage of doing it? Magma UdCOFTSvumc-00040-00019740-00020127 as such makes permanent repairs, it is not like UdCOFTSvumc-00041-00020127-00020718 when we do with Chimera or with Z3x, that when it is updated, or UdCOFTSvumc-00042-00020718-00021335 when we restore, the IMEI as such is lost, but here it UdCOFTSvumc-00043-00021335-00021860 is ... practically permanent, but they have to do it Well if not it will not UdCOFTSvumc-00044-00021860-00022202 work for you, that's what I tell you that you have to have UdCOFTSvumc-00045-00022202-00022709 adequate training , okay? Now, here he is saying, How many credits does a certain task consume? UdCOFTSvumc-00046-00022709-00023495 With me, here with me, each credit has a cost of 30 pesos, yes? 30 UdCOFTSvumc-00047-00023495-00024107 Mexican pesos, they have been approximately 1.5 dollars, is what it has been UdCOFTSvumc-00048-00024107-00024557 costing, yes? and you can acquire the credits with me or with any UdCOFTSvumc-00049-00024557-00024980 seller that you prefer. The advantage of buying them with me is that I, UdCOFTSvumc-00050-00024980-00025502 the minimum recharge I ask is 4 credits and there are resellers that as such, this ... they UdCOFTSvumc-00051-00025502-00025991 sell them to you from 50 credits or if they sell them for less than they give them UdCOFTSvumc-00052-00025991-00026543 a little more expensive, they give you almost two dollars, or 1.8, 1.7 dollars, yes? UdCOFTSvumc-00053-00026543-00026972 So, this ... is not to brag me, but then I have good UdCOFTSvumc-00054-00026972-00027419 prices there, yes? then this is the tool, Magma allows you to make changes or UdCOFTSvumc-00055-00027419-00027833 IMEI repairs, from, this third tool, this is the one that should be UdCOFTSvumc-00056-00027833-00028322 used to make IMEI repairs, yes? As such, then we have the UdCOFTSvumc-00057-00028322-00028841 second one, which is the FRP Tool. The FRP Tool, is This one that I have here, it takes a UdCOFTSvumc-00058-00028841-00029192 little while to open, so that you do not despair, obviously all this depends UdCOFTSvumc-00059-00029192-00029882 on, as such, it is ... the operation that you have in your machine, there it is, and ... this is UdCOFTSvumc-00060-00029882-00030608 my tool FRP, and FRP, have a cost of 0.25 credits, yes? That UdCOFTSvumc-00061-00030608-00031187 means, if you process, a ... phone with Magma to remove Google account UdCOFTSvumc-00062-00031187-00031702 , they should go out approximately 8 pesos to remove the Google account, UdCOFTSvumc-00063-00031702-00032333 right? As in 8 pesos, imagine, that is, 8 pesos and, practically you do it in a UdCOFTSvumc-00064-00032333-00032810 matter of 30 seconds, and I am telling you now, it is a very, very long task. UdCOFTSvumc-00065-00032810-00033299 Yes? Now, if you check here on the Magma support page, if I go to UdCOFTSvumc-00066-00033299-00033748 supported models, and FRP, it practically tells me, aahh, you are not UdCOFTSvumc-00067-00033748-00034267 seeing it, I pass it here, yes? He says; It supports all the devices, all the UdCOFTSvumc-00068-00034267-00034977 securities, all the countries, and it costs you .25 credits, that is, UdCOFTSvumc-00069-00034977-00035600 as I told you 8 pesos, which have been, I don't know, less than half a dollar, UdCOFTSvumc-00070-00035600-00035978 approximately. take into consideration. It is a professional UdCOFTSvumc-00071-00035978-00036505 tool , you don't have to be fighting with downgrading, with this ... UdCOFTSvumc-00072-00036505-00036972 [Music] fight with ... go back, with the binaries, UdCOFTSvumc-00073-00036972-00037405 with it remaining in the logo, nothing. You simply connect, you click here, UdCOFTSvumc-00074-00037405-00037900 you click here, and practically problem solved in a matter of 15 UdCOFTSvumc-00075-00037900-00038401 seconds, 30 seconds at the most, you have it, it consumes you .25 credits. UdCOFTSvumc-00076-00038401-00038911 Yes? So there it is, for you to take into consideration, if this UdCOFTSvumc-00077-00038911-00039586 tool as such is your responsibility, or is it convenient for you, right? I would like to tell you this far UdCOFTSvumc-00078-00039586-00039910 , again that if you have not subscribed, click the UdCOFTSvumc-00079-00039910-00040399 subscribe button , and if you are liking the video, give it a like, so that the UdCOFTSvumc-00080-00040399-00040810 YouTube algorithm can help me reach more people, please! help me!. UdCOFTSvumc-00081-00040810-00041269 Currently I am, almost nothing from reaching the goal of 1000 subs, so that I can UdCOFTSvumc-00082-00041269-00041827 continue creating free content, this ... and, well, YouTube begins to pay me, yes? UdCOFTSvumc-00083-00041827-00042178 So ... we are going to see the third tool, which UdCOFTSvumc-00084-00042178-00042715 is this, which is, supported, sorry, we are going to go this way, and you are not seeing it, and we are going UdCOFTSvumc-00085-00042715-00043249 to go to Magma Network Unlock Tool, okay? and this is to do, practically UdCOFTSvumc-00086-00043249-00043721 releases, yes? and we are going to go to this one, and this is practically the UdCOFTSvumc-00087-00043721-00044233 main tool , with which it came out as such, yes? UdCOFTSvumc-00088-00044342-00044750 It does the unlocking directly, if your phone does not support unlocking UdCOFTSvumc-00089-00044750-00045254 by IMEI, or as such, it does not ask you for a code, or the attempts have already been spent, you can UdCOFTSvumc-00090-00045254-00045782 try this as such, and here it comes to you, and here it also tells you How much does it UdCOFTSvumc-00091-00045782-00046252 charge ?, For example, we are going to look for a J410, UdCOFTSvumc-00092-00046252-00046935 J410, it consumes 3 credits, that is, 90 pesos, but it frees you fully, UdCOFTSvumc-00093-00046935-00047803 practically in seconds, and this ... it is super fast, and very very Sure, I UdCOFTSvumc-00094-00047803-00048181 highly recommend them, I've been using it, and the advantage of magma is that UdCOFTSvumc-00095-00048181-00048700 it allows you to do remotes, right? You are not going to have the risk as with Chimera, or as UdCOFTSvumc-00096-00048700-00049216 with, this ... Sigma, that they leave you ... ah well, Sigma does not process Samsung right, well with UdCOFTSvumc-00097-00049216-00049879 Chimera or Z3x, that, this one will ban you The tool, with this ... Magma Tool UdCOFTSvumc-00098-00049879-00050299 if you can do remotes, then ... well there it is, for those who have been UdCOFTSvumc-00099-00050299-00050857 asking me, if you look there in the, in the tool as such, the device, that UdCOFTSvumc-00100-00050857-00051217 you want process, there it tells you exactly how many credits it consumes, UdCOFTSvumc-00101-00051217-00051587 so that you don't go around asking questions, or don't go looking on the internet, and they give you bad UdCOFTSvumc-00102-00051587-00051883 information, and well, this way you mess around. UdCOFTSvumc-00103-00051883-00052304 Yes? So ... any questions you have, remember that UdCOFTSvumc-00104-00052304-00052654 here are the comments, you can ask me everything you want, UdCOFTSvumc-00105-00052654-00053072 if you want to buy credits, ehh, there on my page, here I leave the same in the UdCOFTSvumc-00106-00053072-00053387 description, I leave you what it is, the page where you can buy credits UdCOFTSvumc-00107-00053387-00053791 with me, and if you want a course to learn how to handle it , anyway, UdCOFTSvumc-00108-00053791-00054365 there I leave the link, and well, ehhh, I think practically that would be it for today. UdCOFTSvumc-00109-00054365-00054817 So, this ... well I hope you liked this video, don't forget to like to UdCOFTSvumc-00110-00054817-00055301 subscribe, and share it so that we reach many more people, I hope UdCOFTSvumc-00111-00055301-00055774 you liked it, and see you in a next video, until next time! UdCOFTSvumc-00112-00055774-00056849 [Music] [Applause] UdCOFTSvumc-00113-00056849-00057264 [Music] Uen9mgHSaYg-00000-00000000-00000669 We had a guest on the Sales Wolves podcast one time a guy by the name of Jeremiah Dew or Uen9mgHSaYg-00001-00000669-00000990 J Dew if you live in Greenville. He talked about being in the corporate Uen9mgHSaYg-00002-00000990-00001430 world and he was in a position where he was putting in a ton of effort a ton of Uen9mgHSaYg-00003-00001430-00001955 work ton of hours more than the other people and you know he was getting these Uen9mgHSaYg-00004-00001955-00002340 minuscule bonuses. It was like, you know, each year was like an increase of like Uen9mgHSaYg-00005-00002340-00002786 you know a two percent raise. He said something extremely profound that I've Uen9mgHSaYg-00006-00002786-00003288 never heard. He said he didn't understand the game and he was hating on the player. Uen9mgHSaYg-00007-00003288-00004020 Being like his boss. The game was as as a W-2 salary employee you were only worth, Uen9mgHSaYg-00008-00004020-00004830 not what the job that you're doing you, are worth what the job is worth what can Uen9mgHSaYg-00009-00004830-00005303 you be replaced by somebody else to do the exact same job that you're doing and Uen9mgHSaYg-00010-00005303-00005582 when he read that realization he's like yep that's when everything changed. Uen9mgHSaYg-00011-00005582-00006182 That's when he became an entrepreneur. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00000-00000000-00000279 I think Falcons fans are going to see a player who plays extremely UeCpQ_cjHAk-00001-00000279-00000750 hard, you know, somebody who really is competitive UeCpQ_cjHAk-00002-00000779-00000880 and cares about winning. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00003-00000880-00001155 someone who's gonna be excited for his teammates when, UeCpQ_cjHAk-00004-00001155-00001313 you know, we have success. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00005-00001330-00001422 But just kind of the old competitor. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00006-00001547-00001793 Troy Andersen from Montana State. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00007-00001793-00002043 Bobcat was a quarterback, then a running back, then an outside UeCpQ_cjHAk-00008-00002043-00002569 linebacker, then an inside linebacker and he is fun to watch. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00009-00002569-00002744 He just pulverizes blockers. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00010-00002744-00002919 Some of these college linebackers don't take on. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00011-00002919-00003036 He does. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00012-00003165-00003553 Oh ho! 4.41. Great way to start. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00013-00003553-00003741 The pre-draft process. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00014-00003741-00003916 You know, it was it was unique. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00015-00003916-00004149 Everybody goes through at one time in their career. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00016-00004149-00004546 But I think that it it went well coming from a place like Montana State. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00017-00004546-00004708 It is a there's a smaller school. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00018-00004708-00005055 And I feel like you know, you always have that chip on your shoulder UeCpQ_cjHAk-00019-00005226-00005588 to kinda prove yourself and improve your worthy of being there and being, UeCpQ_cjHAk-00020-00005588-00005980 you know, selected or picked up or whatever. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00021-00005980-00006431 As the game is evolving to where we're seeing these, decathletes UeCpQ_cjHAk-00022-00006431-00006815 playing defense, Andersen, is someone that is really intriguing. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00023-00006815-00007011 I believe he is going to come off the board in the second round UeCpQ_cjHAk-00024-00007011-00007423 and a team is going to use him as a Swiss Army knife UeCpQ_cjHAk-00025-00007423-00007807 because he brings so many talents and tools to the table. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00026-00007820-00008116 You don't, I guess, know how to react. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00027-00008116-00008350 You know, I looked at my phone. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00028-00008350-00008537 It was like Atlanta, Georgia. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00029-00008537-00008800 I looked on the TV and they're picking next UeCpQ_cjHAk-00030-00008800-00009054 Man! Gotta answer that. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00031-00009054-00009551 Troy! How're you doing, this is Terry Fontenot with the Falcons UeCpQ_cjHAk-00032-00009551-00009922 A whole, whole mixed emotions kind of running through your head. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00033-00009922-00010168 It's it's crazy and surreal in the moment. And you know... UeCpQ_cjHAk-00034-00010168-00010539 being with your family and friends makes it all the more special. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00035-00010539-00011282 With the 58th pick in the 2022 NFL Draft, Atlanta Falcons select UeCpQ_cjHAk-00036-00011282-00011770 Troy Andersen. Linebacker, Montana State UeCpQ_cjHAk-00037-00012187-00012491 You know, somebody said that Montana is a small state UeCpQ_cjHAk-00038-00012491-00012725 with one long main road. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00039-00012725-00012908 There's only a million people in the state. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00040-00012933-00013213 I mean, I've been reached out to by people from, UeCpQ_cjHAk-00041-00013213-00013559 you know, Billings, Missoula, Helena, everywhere around the state. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00042-00013559-00013897 It's it's kind of a small, tight knit community. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00043-00013897-00014105 Family and friends have been awesome. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00044-00014176-00014485 You're kinda a madman! All gas, no brakes. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00045-00014485-00014731 It's your playing style, which is what makes it so much fun. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00046-00014731-00014973 Daniel Jeremiah talked about your take-on, which is less of a take-on UeCpQ_cjHAk-00047-00014973-00015344 A torpedoing of blocks that are coming after you. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00048-00015344-00015582 Is that just your mindset? Did you grow up? UeCpQ_cjHAk-00049-00015582-00015648 Were you like that? UeCpQ_cjHAk-00050-00015653-00016099 Is as a kid on the playground, just 100% straight ahead. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00051-00016099-00016291 It's kind of a hell or high water mentality. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00052-00016408-00016524 Yeah, I think so. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00053-00016524-00016912 We had like football growing up and you know, if you miss the playing, UeCpQ_cjHAk-00054-00016916-00017046 you're going to tackle. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00055-00017046-00017283 Sometimes that gets you in trouble with some of the other parents. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00056-00017367-00017751 But yeah, I mean, it's it's always that's what I wanted to play is defense. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00057-00017751-00017842 It's that mentality. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00058-00017842-00018218 The physicality of it has always been enjoyable to me UeCpQ_cjHAk-00059-00018218-00018531 getting down here and meeting the guys and meeting the coaches UeCpQ_cjHAk-00060-00018531-00018864 and getting to work It's been, you know, it's been a dream. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00061-00018864-00019265 And I'm really looking forward to continuing to work hard and learn UeCpQ_cjHAk-00062-00019335-00019711 you know, take it day by day and try to embrace it and have fun with it. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00063-00019790-00020095 Obviously, it's going to be a challenge, but it's a tremendous opportunity UeCpQ_cjHAk-00064-00020095-00020503 that I'm really excited for, whether it be training camp or preseason UeCpQ_cjHAk-00065-00020503-00020866 games or, you know, hopefully eventually the regular season. UeCpQ_cjHAk-00066-00020933-00021267 It's been my lifelong dream and you know, I hopefully it comes to fruition UeCpQ_cjHAk-00067-00021267-00021546 and I'm really, really excited for that opportunity. UgsM1BYw41y-00000-00000000-00000504 what's up guys welcome back to like my TV Mark here with another exciting Delights and a much UgsM1BYw41y-00001-00000504-00001182 interesting video here on the channel this one is from P-Square yes touchdown London and it's UgsM1BYw41y-00002-00001182-00001872 about to be a big one you know if oga Polo is involved the CEO of one African music it's always UgsM1BYw41y-00003-00001872-00002478 a beautiful one he is also the person managing kiss Daniel and he's doing a good job for the UgsM1BYw41y-00004-00002478-00002988 guys doing a very very fantastic job for the guy they are all in London and they are about UgsM1BYw41y-00005-00002988-00003594 to kill this particular show sold out back to back it's a festival for them somehow P-Square UgsM1BYw41y-00006-00003594-00004079 with the new songs they release and the energy they always put in their concert is always in UgsM1BYw41y-00007-00004079-00004530 blue listen enjoy these highlight with fans don't forget to subscribe if you are new here UgsM1BYw41y-00008-00004812-00004824 yeah UgsM1BYw41y-00009-00005106-00005206 yeah UgsM1BYw41y-00010-00005106-00006858 oh I've been sleeping all day today UgsM1BYw41y-00012-00010818-00011682 we're outside UgsM1BYw41y-00013-00013740-00014322 thank you UhSC4SmhyGE-00000-00000210-00001155 you came into this environment specifically todiscern your personal and important preferences UhSC4SmhyGE-00001-00001224-00001944 and once you figure it out and it isn't hard isit because when you know what you don't want you UhSC4SmhyGE-00002-00001944-00002595 know what you do want so once you have an ideaonce you've launched that vibrational rocket ofdesire UhSC4SmhyGE-00003-00002735-00003270 everything in the universe moves forwardto assist you in having it UhSC4SmhyGE-00004-00003270-00004038 you are avibrational being and when you launch this veryheartfelt very sincere very personal rockets ofdesire UhSC4SmhyGE-00005-00004068-00004716 about what matters to you source hears andeverything moves into place in order to fulfillyour desire UhSC4SmhyGE-00006-00004836-00005325 when you are moving down the path of least resistance which is the path of most UhSC4SmhyGE-00007-00005325-00006000 allowance to a vibrational stance or practice behaviors practice state a vibrational flow that UhSC4SmhyGE-00008-00006000-00006753 hold you consistently in a vibrational pattern of allowing what you want then you are in what UhSC4SmhyGE-00009-00006753-00007359 we want to call the receiving mode you are in the receptive mode you're in the mode where that UhSC4SmhyGE-00010-00007359-00007854 thought can turn to the thing you want that vibrations can turn to the thought you want UhSC4SmhyGE-00011-00007854-00008343 that thought can turn to the word you want that word concerns to the exposure to the experience UhSC4SmhyGE-00012-00008343-00009114 to the evolution of the desires until you have a full-blown manifestation of what you want we want UhSC4SmhyGE-00013-00009114-00009702 you to understand that there are manifestations all along the way that that vibration itself is UhSC4SmhyGE-00014-00009702-00010335 a manifestation while it's so subtle that you are usually not perceiving it but once that vibration UhSC4SmhyGE-00015-00010335-00010824 that you are holding or that combination of vibrations that you are holding once you've UhSC4SmhyGE-00016-00010824-00011403 held them long enough that they begin by law of attractions to gain enough momentum that you begin UhSC4SmhyGE-00017-00011403-00012115 to feel an emotion around them that emotion isa manifestation over practiced vibration you took UhSC4SmhyGE-00018-00012133-00012745 you're so much more than this physical body thatyou have dragged you you're so much more you UhSC4SmhyGE-00019-00012745-00013588 were vibration you were consciousness you were source energy before you got here and you still UhSC4SmhyGE-00020-00013588-00014371 are that non-physical part of you still exists and is giving you feedback all the time feedback UhSC4SmhyGE-00021-00014371-00015499 meaning a vibrational oddly about true you now are who you now really are that larger part of UhSC4SmhyGE-00022-00015499-00016495 you since it still exists and still is offering a clear signal can be felt by you through your UhSC4SmhyGE-00023-00016495-00017170 emotions because when you are a wavelength ofthat clear signal you feel the flow you feel the UhSC4SmhyGE-00024-00017170-00017683 connection you feel the wholeness the fullness what you might call love what we like to call UhSC4SmhyGE-00025-00017683-00018500 appreciation we want to awaken within you a king awareness of your own guidance we want you UhSC4SmhyGE-00026-00018538-00019279 to understand that your emotions guide you to whatwe consider to be the most important concept ofeverything UhSC4SmhyGE-00027-00019279-00020035 that we teach here and that is the path of least resistance we want to put the emphases UhSC4SmhyGE-00028-00020035-00021057 not upon what you're doing we want to put the emphasis upon the basis of how you feel because ifyou can get a handle on taking the path of least UhSC4SmhyGE-00029-00021071-00021388 resistance which means the path of the thoughts UhSC4SmhyGE-00030-00021388-00022249 that feels the best early on then what happens is you join forces with the whole of who you are you UhSC4SmhyGE-00031-00022249-00022930 offer a vibrational signal that is irrefutable that is undeniable that brings about harmonics UhSC4SmhyGE-00032-00022930-00023635 of this universe in a fashion that few of you are yet to understand and very few of you are yet to UhSC4SmhyGE-00033-00023635-00024325 experience on an ongoing basis while every single one of you could do it today you create your own UhSC4SmhyGE-00034-00024325-00024907 reality and the way you do that is by offering the vibrations and you offer your vibration by the UhSC4SmhyGE-00035-00024907-00025540 attention that you give to things once you have defined what you want if you could just decide UhSC4SmhyGE-00036-00025540-00026427 that you are going to give your attention to what you want and spend no time defending anything so UhSC4SmhyGE-00037-00026427-00027022 that your path is this clear path then you'll have it because when you're on the wavelength UhSC4SmhyGE-00038-00027022-00027694 of that clear signal you feel the flow you feel the connection you feel the wholeness the fullness UhSC4SmhyGE-00039-00027694-00028489 what you might call love what we like to call appreciation you are an eternal consciousness UhSC4SmhyGE-00040-00028489-00029422 return we can't find a bigger longer word than that you are forever you never cease to be you UhSC4SmhyGE-00041-00029422-00030156 are a consciousness that expands and it is the expansion gives you the most delight it's how we UhSC4SmhyGE-00042-00030156-00030989 all go we are all that consciousness and we cannot really accurately separate the consciousness that UhSC4SmhyGE-00043-00030989-00031683 is us from the consciousness relationship we are consciousness delighted in the expansion UhSC4SmhyGE-00044-00031683-00032442 humans call that consciousness God but you mess it up when you do you stand in this non-physical UhSC4SmhyGE-00045-00032442-00033315 consciousness and you decide to focus yourself into an environment that is more tangible and UhSC4SmhyGE-00046-00033315-00034239 because you're so good it becomes a physical fetus and then a physical human being and you were UhSC4SmhyGE-00047-00034239-00035064 born into an environment that is substantial that has a platform that you can bounce off of and you UhSC4SmhyGE-00048-00035064-00035760 bring this pure consciousness that is you into this environment cause you know those that have UhSC4SmhyGE-00049-00035760-00036438 been living before you came into your body have created an environment that will stimulate you to UhSC4SmhyGE-00050-00036438-00037209 new ideas and you took the light in that so you comeinto that body and you sift and sort and without UhSC4SmhyGE-00051-00037209-00037863 even consciously knowing you're doing it because your human brain and your human personality has UhSC4SmhyGE-00052-00037863-00038430 not matured to the place that you're really making big comparisons with lots of momentum you just UhSC4SmhyGE-00053-00038430-00038928 live living in this by environment of well-being but you are perceiving and you are coming to your UhSC4SmhyGE-00054-00038928-00039561 own conclusions and you are launching vibrational rockets of desire and you are expanding so the UhSC4SmhyGE-00055-00039561-00040107 consciousness that was you before you came into this body is expanding now that you are in this UhSC4SmhyGE-00056-00040107-00040969 body and because you are in this body so now you have become so much more as consciousness UhSC4SmhyGE-00057-00040969-00041578 since you've been in this body and that source that is you feels the fullness of what you have UhSC4SmhyGE-00058-00041578-00042526 become and revels in it constantly the lights in it continuously best in the perfection so then UhSC4SmhyGE-00059-00042526-00043165 we want to ask you why do you define yourself through lateral terms when you've become all of UhSC4SmhyGE-00060-00043165-00043702 this well it's because you've trained yourself to look through physical eyes we are wanting to train UhSC4SmhyGE-00061-00043702-00044299 you to feel through vibrational senses we want you to feel your way to it not think your way to it UhSC4SmhyGE-00062-00044299-00044866 find the feeling and then let the thoughts follow that's what that student is and so you say how do UhSC4SmhyGE-00063-00044866-00045655 I do it you do it by saying it's alright I'm just fine all is well they are there everything's all UhSC4SmhyGE-00064-00045655-00046390 right it's perfect place perfect time this is who I am I was born to be here I'm on my path this is UhSC4SmhyGE-00065-00046390-00046942 the trajectory of Who I am I'm pure positive energy everything's just right I could not be UhSC4SmhyGE-00066-00046942-00047428 doing it better I'm following the inspiration and getting better at that at the time sure positive UhSC4SmhyGE-00067-00047428-00048120 energy I'm adored this environment that surrounds me inspires me to more I'm constantly achieving it UhSC4SmhyGE-00068-00048120-00048702 I never get it done I can't get it wrong all is really well with me I feel good so much at the UhSC4SmhyGE-00069-00048702-00049368 time pure positive energy surrounds me all as well it's all right it's all right everything's UhSC4SmhyGE-00070-00049368-00050034 all right I'm doing just fine I'm doing really good source adores me I feel the inspiration all UhSC4SmhyGE-00071-00050034-00050718 the time ideas are flowing I receive the ideas I get inspiration sometimes I don't feel like doing UhSC4SmhyGE-00072-00050718-00051333 something that's inspiration too sometimes I want risk that's inspiration too sometimes there's more UhSC4SmhyGE-00073-00051333-00051822 resistance than I could overcome that's alright it will return there's an even flowing allof these UhSC4SmhyGE-00074-00051822-00052323 sometimes I have more resistance I know it I feel it sometimes I have less resistance I UhSC4SmhyGE-00075-00052323-00052947 know if I feel it everything's working out justfine I've put it in the vortex it is inevitable UhSC4SmhyGE-00076-00052947-00053538 my well-being is assured I'm supposed to be havingfun here life is supposed to be fun my inner beam UhSC4SmhyGE-00077-00053538-00054084 is delighting in the life that I have carved out it's time to meet a flight in the life that I've UhSC4SmhyGE-00078-00054084-00054657 carved down in other words it's just talking to yourself like that no specific terms just general UhSC4SmhyGE-00079-00054657-00055359 terms they want to ask all of you do you create your own reality is this a vibrational universe UhSC4SmhyGE-00080-00055359-00056322 yes are you singular here in your physical body are you more if there if this are your emotions UhSC4SmhyGE-00081-00056322-00057159 are your emotions an indication of the blend of the perspectives of you that's the thing that UhSC4SmhyGE-00082-00057159-00057810 you got to get your head around you have a source energy perspective that you've got to blend with UhSC4SmhyGE-00083-00057810-00058539 if you are to be happy oh we can't stay it more clear you have a source energy perspective of UhSC4SmhyGE-00084-00058539-00059310 everything and especially a perspective of you that you have got to in your now blend with if UhSC4SmhyGE-00085-00059310-00060120 you are to be happy you cannot look at yourself in bogus ways and be happy you cannot argue for UhSC4SmhyGE-00086-00060120-00060582 your limitations and be happy you cannot beat up on yourself about what you should have done UhSC4SmhyGE-00087-00060582-00061116 or even what you should be doing right now and be happy you've got to make peace with UhSC4SmhyGE-00088-00061116-00061653 yourself you've got to make it all right where you are it has to be all right that you don't UhSC4SmhyGE-00089-00061653-00062028 make your bed and it has to be alright that you lay there all day if you feel like it it UhSC4SmhyGE-00090-00062028-00062547 has to be alright you have to stop letting other humans who need you to do conditional UhSC4SmhyGE-00091-00062547-00063416 things so that they can be conditionally happy guide you away from what true love is as you say UhSC4SmhyGE-00092-00063944-00064544 as you get there more often you'll stay there more and then those moments when you're UhSC4SmhyGE-00093-00064544-00064946 not there will just be the freaky moments that they are and you'll just laugh about it you'll UhSC4SmhyGE-00094-00064946-00065534 find yourself laughing at things that you used to get mad at yeah they'll just be funny they'll UhSC4SmhyGE-00095-00065534-00065933 just be funny that you'll laugh at things that used to irritate you because because UhSC4SmhyGE-00096-00065933-00066833 your energy will just keep shifting and even shifting the source your source your inner view UhSC4SmhyGE-00097-00067005-00067935 never take eyes or attention from you now that could make you feel a little on the spark UhSC4SmhyGE-00098-00068424-00069251 in other words everything that we are is happening right here in this moment where you are right here UhSC4SmhyGE-00099-00069251-00070034 in this moment where you are and so we want you to sort of get used to the importance that you UhSC4SmhyGE-00100-00070034-00071024 are through through what you are we're perceiving life and you can't mess it up for us but the fact UhSC4SmhyGE-00101-00071024-00071495 that we're perceiving so strongly through you if you're not on our wavelength you won't feel good UhSC4SmhyGE-00102-00071495-00072692 so what do I do you say chill out chill out be easier have more fun try to feel about yourself UhSC4SmhyGE-00103-00072692-00073601 like we do when when when you don't get out of bed we don't care we don't care we're not saying UhSC4SmhyGE-00104-00073601-00074153 oh she didn't get out of bed again she didn't get out of bed again we had such high hopes UhSC4SmhyGE-00105-00074327-00075002 we had such high hopes for her and there she is not living up to her potentials how much potentials UhSC4SmhyGE-00106-00075002-00075635 can she possibly live up to if she doesn't get out of bed that's your translation and I couldn't feel UhSC4SmhyGE-00107-00075635-00076193 that way if we if we were not there loving you anyway in other words that that's that contrast UhSC4SmhyGE-00108-00076193-00076610 that we're talking about don't you feel like letting yourself off the hook don't you feel like UhSC4SmhyGE-00109-00076610-00077102 letting everybody else off of them yeah don't you feel like just go looking for love in the right UhSC4SmhyGE-00110-00077102-00077882 places for a while you're not being so conditional and everything that you're doing and just you came UhSC4SmhyGE-00111-00077882-00078611 for fun you came for that when you're really good at something and you are wouldn't you want to be UhSC4SmhyGE-00112-00078611-00079112 born in an environment where you could be really good at it look at the resources that surround you UhSC4SmhyGE-00113-00079112-00079847 don't you want to let them formulate to please you we are looking so hard to get on your path UhSC4SmhyGE-00114-00079847-00080501 you're putting up resistance that keeps you from finding it if you can take this worthiness that we UhSC4SmhyGE-00115-00080501-00081053 accomplished here together you were feeling that you were you were feeling it and you can accept UhSC4SmhyGE-00116-00081053-00081548 that that's your point of attraction and that your path is coming to you and that your singular work UhSC4SmhyGE-00117-00081548-00082088 is to keep from putting the resistance up which means whenever you feel a little resistance going UhSC4SmhyGE-00118-00082088-00082721 up soothe that suit it soothes it as best you can if thoughts come to you like I should be doing UhSC4SmhyGE-00119-00082721-00083189 different stay right out loud to yourself I'm doing just fine if someone else says you should UhSC4SmhyGE-00120-00083189-00083672 be different than you are say right out loud I'm doing just fine I'm on my path my path that's UhSC4SmhyGE-00121-00083672-00084308 coming to me everything is unfolding perfectly you see these things we know about you we know the UhSC4SmhyGE-00122-00084308-00084701 contrast that you've been sifting and we know what you put in your vortex but even more than that we UhSC4SmhyGE-00123-00084701-00085271 know who you were coming in that source that is you feels the fullness of what you have become UiEomUxIzYc-00000-00000421-00000836 Hi, I'm Randy Orndorff, a geologist with U.S. Geological Survey survey. UiEomUxIzYc-00001-00000836-00001299 Lately there've been quite a few sinkholes that have developed across the United States—one UiEomUxIzYc-00002-00001299-00001453 recently has taken a life. UiEomUxIzYc-00003-00001453-00001970 I'd like to take a moment just to talk about what sinkholes are and where they occur. UiEomUxIzYc-00004-00001970-00002281 Sinkholes generally occur in what we call karst terrains. UiEomUxIzYc-00005-00002281-00002761 Karst terrains are basically areas that are underlain by soluble rock—rocks that can UiEomUxIzYc-00006-00002761-00003213 dissolve like limestone, gypsum, and salt. UiEomUxIzYc-00007-00003213-00003725 Rainwater is naturally is acidic when he gets underground into these rocks over long periods UiEomUxIzYc-00008-00003725-00004360 of times—hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of years the rocks will dissolve and will UiEomUxIzYc-00009-00004360-00004609 leave caverns and voids underground. UiEomUxIzYc-00010-00004609-00005133 As these voids grow upward, the soil on top can no longer sustain itself and we get these UiEomUxIzYc-00011-00005133-00005276 catastrophic collapses. UiEomUxIzYc-00012-00005276-00006017 Now, about 20% of the United States is underlain with this karst terrain—areas such as Florida UiEomUxIzYc-00013-00006017-00006252 almost the entire state is under limestone. UiEomUxIzYc-00014-00006252-00006659 But there are many other areas, just about every other state, has some sort of soluble UiEomUxIzYc-00015-00006659-00006770 rock. UiEomUxIzYc-00016-00006770-00007270 Now karst sinkholes, there are also other types of sinkholes, sinkholes that are man-induced. UiEomUxIzYc-00017-00007270-00007902 Cities, urban areas, are underlain by pipelines, by sewer lines, by water mains, and things UiEomUxIzYc-00018-00007902-00008173 like that are basically man-made caves. UiEomUxIzYc-00019-00008173-00008610 So anytime you have a void underground, just like the natural cave system, you have the UiEomUxIzYc-00020-00008610-00008785 potential for collapse. UiEomUxIzYc-00021-00008785-00009268 As our aging infrastructure deteriorates, we're finding that cracks in these sewer lines UiEomUxIzYc-00022-00009268-00009929 and water mains will cause the soil to leak down into those also causing collapse. UiEomUxIzYc-00023-00009929-00010433 Now at the U.S. Geological Survey, one of our big tools to try and understand where UiEomUxIzYc-00024-00010433-00010713 sinkholes occur are geologic maps. UiEomUxIzYc-00025-00010713-00011294 By mapping the geology of an area we can determine where the limestone, the salt or gypsum—these UiEomUxIzYc-00026-00011294-00011752 soluble rocks—are both at the surface and the subsurface and that's a first step in UiEomUxIzYc-00027-00011752-00012245 understanding what areas are at risk and risk is the first thing we need to look at before UiEomUxIzYc-00028-00012245-00012540 we can actually look at individual areas. UiEomUxIzYc-00029-00012540-00013028 For more information on sinkholes, on geologic maps, and other natural hazards please visit UiEomUxIzYc-00030-00013028-00013141 USGS.gov. UlAEGL7TCmy-00000-00000159-00000864 [ __ ] everyone knows shenron is green UlAEGL7TCmy-00001-00000463-00000864 show me this brown shenron what UlAEGL7TCmy-00002-00000880-00001488 you weren't ready UlAEGL7TCmy-00003-00001025-00001664 [Music] UlAEGL7TCmy-00004-00001488-00001943 buddy my name is shay too sweet and UlAEGL7TCmy-00005-00001664-00002080 today we're gonna be reacting to ssj UlAEGL7TCmy-00006-00001943-00002288 cheating ball z UlAEGL7TCmy-00007-00002080-00002519 part street i already uploaded part one UlAEGL7TCmy-00008-00002288-00002711 and two i hope you all enjoyed that but UlAEGL7TCmy-00009-00002519-00002880 i needed to see part three because of UlAEGL7TCmy-00010-00002711-00003064 the fact of the matter is it had android UlAEGL7TCmy-00011-00002880-00003376 18 in it and UlAEGL7TCmy-00012-00003064-00003376 and of course krillin UlAEGL7TCmy-00013-00003392-00003823 okay calm down UlAEGL7TCmy-00014-00003552-00004039 grandma wish baby daddy okay i should UlAEGL7TCmy-00015-00003823-00004248 not have said baby daddy but frieza UlAEGL7TCmy-00016-00004039-00004407 always has some big ass toes bro that's UlAEGL7TCmy-00017-00004248-00004680 one flaw about his character in my UlAEGL7TCmy-00018-00004407-00004944 opinion oh my god it's a link UlAEGL7TCmy-00019-00004680-00004944 you got it UlAEGL7TCmy-00020-00004952-00005503 all right krillin you little ball [ __ ] UlAEGL7TCmy-00021-00005144-00005800 are you ready to get cheated on wow um UlAEGL7TCmy-00022-00005503-00006055 i don't understand why you're gonna UlAEGL7TCmy-00023-00005800-00006376 because obviously 18 is catching some d UlAEGL7TCmy-00024-00006055-00006592 today oh hey what the [ __ ] king kai i UlAEGL7TCmy-00025-00006376-00006695 mean look at you krillin why are you UlAEGL7TCmy-00026-00006592-00006943 here UlAEGL7TCmy-00027-00006695-00007247 you're bored and UlAEGL7TCmy-00028-00006943-00007543 little also you're ugly well i'm not UlAEGL7TCmy-00029-00007247-00007736 little everywhere you know oh UlAEGL7TCmy-00030-00007543-00008064 go get it UlAEGL7TCmy-00031-00007736-00008064 send them in bubbles UlAEGL7TCmy-00032-00008072-00008475 who's she gonna cheat on him with UlAEGL7TCmy-00033-00009943-00010328 miss 18 that was a UlAEGL7TCmy-00034-00010143-00010575 illustrious kick UlAEGL7TCmy-00035-00010328-00010888 goku UlAEGL7TCmy-00036-00010575-00010975 no your hair is nappy and your big skin UlAEGL7TCmy-00037-00010888-00011175 is UlAEGL7TCmy-00038-00010975-00011504 different hey that ain't all this UlAEGL7TCmy-00039-00011175-00011504 different do you know what UlAEGL7TCmy-00040-00012043-00012575 [Applause] UlAEGL7TCmy-00041-00012328-00012911 what else is different what you better UlAEGL7TCmy-00042-00012575-00013168 not say it broke dad never mind stop UlAEGL7TCmy-00043-00012911-00013295 wasting my time tell me what's different UlAEGL7TCmy-00044-00013168-00013504 now UlAEGL7TCmy-00045-00013295-00013687 oh he's in for it now UlAEGL7TCmy-00046-00013504-00014016 my uh UlAEGL7TCmy-00047-00013687-00014372 my uh you know your buttons um she's UlAEGL7TCmy-00048-00014016-00014372 gonna kill him UlAEGL7TCmy-00049-00015072-00015680 oh my god UlAEGL7TCmy-00050-00015304-00015680 jesus brown shenron brown UlAEGL7TCmy-00051-00015904-00016480 [ __ ] everyone knows shenron is green UlAEGL7TCmy-00052-00016208-00016784 show me this brown shenron what oh my UlAEGL7TCmy-00053-00016480-00017184 god way too far oh my god UlAEGL7TCmy-00054-00016784-00017184 oh my god huh UlAEGL7TCmy-00055-00017231-00017623 i thought you had more sweat than this UlAEGL7TCmy-00056-00017440-00017864 vocal UlAEGL7TCmy-00057-00017623-00018040 i thought that if anyone could get UlAEGL7TCmy-00058-00017864-00018359 eighteenth walls UlAEGL7TCmy-00059-00018040-00018568 it was you oh i thought that why did i UlAEGL7TCmy-00060-00018359-00018928 say all to that that's not that's not UlAEGL7TCmy-00061-00018568-00019184 good for all like the master of draws UlAEGL7TCmy-00062-00018928-00019431 and you can just get all the draws UlAEGL7TCmy-00063-00019184-00019608 if you put your mind to it UlAEGL7TCmy-00064-00019431-00019880 let me give it my dwarves i don't know UlAEGL7TCmy-00065-00019608-00019880 the point is UlAEGL7TCmy-00066-00020126-00020447 [Music] UlAEGL7TCmy-00067-00020528-00021092 [ __ ] i ain't even use my ultra gang UlAEGL7TCmy-00068-00020704-00021092 stink technique yet UlAEGL7TCmy-00069-00021102-00022037 [Music] UlAEGL7TCmy-00070-00022168-00022500 what's happening UlAEGL7TCmy-00071-00022992-00023464 but suddenly i find you UlAEGL7TCmy-00072-00023240-00023664 attractive what the [ __ ] UlAEGL7TCmy-00073-00023464-00024184 okay so am i alone or did that not UlAEGL7TCmy-00074-00023664-00024184 explain anything don't believe it UlAEGL7TCmy-00076-00027952-00028356 what the [ __ ] just happened UlAEGL7TCmy-00077-00029247-00029644 that's [ __ ] up UlAEGL7TCmy-00078-00029673-00029987 [Music] UlAEGL7TCmy-00079-00030424-00030863 oh my god UlAEGL7TCmy-00080-00030608-00031056 i cannot wait until episode 4 comes out UlAEGL7TCmy-00081-00030863-00031408 of cheating ballsy i don't even know UlAEGL7TCmy-00082-00031056-00031575 who's the next relationship on there UlAEGL7TCmy-00083-00031408-00031752 i have no idea because those are the UlAEGL7TCmy-00084-00031575-00031944 main three UlAEGL7TCmy-00085-00031752-00032191 that i know of UlAEGL7TCmy-00086-00031944-00032552 shoot i can't wait i can't wait to cheat UlAEGL7TCmy-00087-00032191-00032712 about the episode four because um UlAEGL7TCmy-00088-00032552-00032991 i'm gonna be honest i have no idea what UlAEGL7TCmy-00089-00032712-00033175 the [ __ ] froku said but hey it worked on UlAEGL7TCmy-00090-00032991-00033416 android 18 so UlAEGL7TCmy-00091-00033175-00033712 yeah and then let me just say UlAEGL7TCmy-00092-00033416-00033944 [ __ ] her because she was hitting vegeta UlAEGL7TCmy-00093-00033712-00034112 she was hitting vegeta the whole time UlAEGL7TCmy-00094-00033944-00034280 that the breaking the arm thing you UlAEGL7TCmy-00095-00034112-00034503 think i forgot [ __ ] UlAEGL7TCmy-00096-00034280-00034760 it's not cute okay UlAEGL7TCmy-00097-00034503-00035103 but she is cute okay she's a crazy UlAEGL7TCmy-00098-00034760-00035336 [ __ ] little robot [ __ ] but yeah so i UlAEGL7TCmy-00099-00035103-00035496 will i will talk to y'all later again my UlAEGL7TCmy-00100-00035336-00035656 name is shay too sweet thank you so much UlAEGL7TCmy-00101-00035496-00035960 for watching my videos it means a lot to UlAEGL7TCmy-00102-00035656-00036380 me um all links will be down below and UlAEGL7TCmy-00103-00035960-00036380 i'll talk to y'all later bye UlAEGL7TCmy-00104-00036957-00037463 [Applause] UlAEGL7TCmy-00105-00037272-00037763 it was a nightmare nightmare nightmare UlAEGL7TCmy-00106-00037463-00037763 nightmare V03dWDuwD1U-00000-00000120-00000648 as some of you that have been subscribed to this channel for quite a while may already know i am a V03dWDuwD1U-00001-00000648-00001208 big fuji fan so recently fuji reached out to me and offered me to review some of their products V03dWDuwD1U-00002-00001208-00001823 so for today's review i know i'm a little bit late to the party but better late than never and here's V03dWDuwD1U-00003-00001823-00002520 my short take on the little gem of the camera the Fuji X100v full disclosure the camera was V03dWDuwD1U-00004-00002520-00003080 known to me by fuji but they didn't tell me what to say and i'm pretty much free to say whatever V03dWDuwD1U-00005-00003080-00003592 i want to say about this camera okay so first let's talk about the build quality of the fuji V03dWDuwD1U-00006-00003592-00004272 x100v as you would expect all fuji products have just got this remarkable quality about them V03dWDuwD1U-00007-00004272-00004976 and it is something that i'm just amazed i mean they really feel premium and yeah i don't have V03dWDuwD1U-00008-00004976-00005576 any complaints the knobs and the dials all work fine they feel really solid and this camera really V03dWDuwD1U-00009-00005576-00006136 does feel very metallic it doesn't feel plasticky at all so yeah i'm really happy about this camera V03dWDuwD1U-00010-00006136-00006800 and how it feels it's not too heavy and nor is it too light as well so yeah it's got a right V03dWDuwD1U-00011-00006800-00007272 balance of heaviness and lightness at the same time i don't know whether that makes sense but V03dWDuwD1U-00012-00007272-00007695 yeah you get what i mean okay so let's now talk about the specs of this camera anyway for today's V03dWDuwD1U-00013-00007695-00008168 review i'm not gonna go too much in depth with the specs but yeah here are some of the specs the V03dWDuwD1U-00014-00008168-00009136 camera weighs around 478 grams the fuji x100v is a 26.1 megapixel camera and it uses the same x-trans V03dWDuwD1U-00015-00009136-00009736 cmos sensor found in the fuji XT-3 and i think the X-T4 too it comes with a fixed 23 millimeter V03dWDuwD1U-00016-00009736-00010296 f2 built-in lens which has the equivalent focal length of about 35 millimeters on a full-frame V03dWDuwD1U-00017-00010296-00010848 sensor camera the lens has a closest focusing distance of around 10 centimeters and so far V03dWDuwD1U-00018-00010848-00011280 i've been really liking the fact that i can really get close to my subjects with this lens the camera V03dWDuwD1U-00019-00011280-00011952 also can record videos up to a maximum resolution of 4k 30p and it can record up to 120 frames per V03dWDuwD1U-00020-00011952-00012648 second in full hd like all fujifilm cameras too this camera also does come with film simulations V03dWDuwD1U-00021-00012648-00013296 they include classic chrome eterna prover and across yeah that's the one yeah so that's just V03dWDuwD1U-00022-00013296-00013800 to name a few but there's a lot more than that the camera also comes with a tilty screen however it V03dWDuwD1U-00023-00013800-00014447 doesn't flip sideways like the Fuji X-T3 does Fuji X100v comes with a really unique hybrid V03dWDuwD1U-00024-00014447-00014912 optical viewfinder too and i must say i was really impressed with the optical viewfinder as V03dWDuwD1U-00025-00014912-00015536 well because it has this sort of hybrid thing with overlays graphics onto that optical viewfinder so V03dWDuwD1U-00026-00015536-00016032 it is really quite nice okay so now that we've talked about the specs let's go into some of V03dWDuwD1U-00027-00016032-00016576 the usability and experience that i had with this camera in terms of usability and experience using V03dWDuwD1U-00028-00016576-00017072 this camera i would say it was pretty much the same like using any other fuji cameras V03dWDuwD1U-00029-00017072-00017560 it was pretty intuitive and the button layout seems to be quite well placed although i do miss V03dWDuwD1U-00030-00017560-00018224 having a d-pad like the one on Fuji X-T3 while i was shooting i did find that the tilty screen was V03dWDuwD1U-00031-00018224-00018872 useful however i did find that i was constantly wishing that the tilty screen could flip sideways V03dWDuwD1U-00032-00018872-00019456 to like the Fuji X-T3 could that feature being able to flip sideways is so useful especially when V03dWDuwD1U-00033-00019456-00020072 you need to shoot subjects vertically from a lower angle or when you have a slightly difficult angle V03dWDuwD1U-00034-00020072-00020568 to shoot with anyway yeah i guess that's one thing i really wish that this screen had anyway before V03dWDuwD1U-00035-00020568-00021024 i waffle for too long here are just some image samples i managed to shoot with it i must say V03dWDuwD1U-00036-00021024-00021480 i do love the images that come out from this camera let me just capture by this camera really V03dWDuwD1U-00037-00021480-00022048 has some character in it and it really does have that old-school kind of vibe somehow it feels very V03dWDuwD1U-00038-00022048-00022544 filmic-like and i'm not just talking about the film simulation it's just the way the images are V03dWDuwD1U-00039-00022544-00023024 rendered yeah i mean it's just nice right then so what's my conclusion after using this camera for V03dWDuwD1U-00040-00023024-00023528 a few weeks now what do i think about it and who do i think should really get this camera okay i V03dWDuwD1U-00041-00023528-00024080 don't know where to start but here goes the first time i saw this camera i have to admit it was love V03dWDuwD1U-00042-00024080-00024608 at first sight to me this camera is truly gorgeous and i'm happy to say that its gorgeousness is not V03dWDuwD1U-00043-00024608-00025104 just skin deep thank god this little camera really inspires me to bring it out every single time just V03dWDuwD1U-00044-00025104-00025592 because of how unfussy it is to shoot with when i bring this camera up i'm never worried about V03dWDuwD1U-00045-00025592-00026120 what lens combo i want to bring along as there's no need to think about all those sort of things V03dWDuwD1U-00046-00026120-00026616 since it's a fixed lens camera and i guess that fixed lens forces me to be a bit more creative and V03dWDuwD1U-00047-00026616-00027120 work with whatever i'm presented with in front of me and for me i like that because there are days V03dWDuwD1U-00048-00027120-00027760 that i just want to go out and just bring a camera that just allows me to shoot great quality photos V03dWDuwD1U-00049-00027760-00028320 and videos too on the side without feeling weighed down to me if i have the extra cash i wouldn't V03dWDuwD1U-00050-00028320-00028983 really think much and i would just buy this camera as a spare camera to use during times when i just V03dWDuwD1U-00051-00028983-00029592 want to be carefree and have a gorgeous camera too to shoot with i guess looks does matter too if it V03dWDuwD1U-00052-00029592-00030088 inspires you to pick it up and want to use it even more more often than not it is the camera that you V03dWDuwD1U-00053-00030088-00030624 want to pick up the most that will provide you with the most fun in my opinion because how a V03dWDuwD1U-00054-00030624-00031168 camera makes you feel is just as important in my opinion Fuji cameras in my opinion just have that V03dWDuwD1U-00055-00031168-00031808 emotive quality and tactileness that makes them so irresistible to use right so that's it then V03dWDuwD1U-00056-00031808-00032208 i hope you guys found this short review helpful and if you did please don't forget to give me a V03dWDuwD1U-00057-00032208-00032616 like share and subscribe to my channel so if you do feel like supporting this channel by making a V03dWDuwD1U-00058-00032616-00033120 small contribution i have left a link to my buy me a copy down in the description below also i V03dWDuwD1U-00059-00033120-00033536 did leave links in the description down below to all the gears that i use to make these videos V03dWDuwD1U-00060-00033536-00035184 right then thanks so much for watching and i'll see you guys in the next video peace V03dWDuwD1U-00061-00035984-00035992 you V0HlZf2ONhc-00000-00000488-00000748 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00001-00000748-00000948 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00002-00000948-00000998 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00003-00000998-00001048 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00004-00001104-00001154 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00005-00001154-00001204 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00006-00001204-00001254 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00007-00001254-00001304 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00008-00001347-00001397 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00009-00001397-00001447 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00010-00001447-00001497 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00011-00001497-00001547 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00012-00001581-00001781 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00013-00001781-00001831 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00014-00001873-00002073 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00015-00002073-00002123 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00016-00002155-00002355 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00017-00002355-00002405 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00018-00002405-00002455 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00019-00002457-00002657 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00020-00002657-00002707 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00021-00002707-00002757 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00022-00002762-00002962 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00023-00002962-00003012 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00024-00003012-00003062 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00025-00003067-00003267 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00026-00003267-00003317 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00027-00003317-00003367 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00028-00003384-00003434 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00029-00003434-00003484 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00030-00003484-00003534 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00031-00003534-00003584 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00032-00003620-00003820 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00033-00003820-00003870 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00034-00003870-00003920 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00035-00003925-00004125 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00036-00004125-00004175 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00037-00004175-00004225 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00038-00004229-00004429 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00039-00004429-00004479 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00040-00004479-00004529 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00041-00004537-00004737 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00042-00004737-00004787 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00043-00004812-00005012 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00044-00005012-00005062 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00045-00005090-00005290 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00046-00005290-00005340 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00047-00005380-00005580 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00048-00005580-00005630 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00049-00005630-00005680 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00050-00005682-00005882 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00051-00005882-00005932 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00052-00005932-00005982 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00053-00005997-00006197 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00054-00006197-00006247 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00055-00006292-00006492 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00056-00006492-00006542 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00057-00006583-00006783 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00058-00006783-00006833 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00059-00006869-00007069 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00060-00007069-00007119 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00061-00007119-00007169 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00062-00007177-00007377 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00063-00007377-00007427 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00064-00007427-00007477 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00065-00007480-00007680 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00066-00007680-00007730 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00067-00007730-00007780 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00068-00007796-00007996 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V0HlZf2ONhc-00069-00007996-00008046 Man Vs Wild 12 August Episode V7wYfSv44gk-00000-00000894-00000998 icybee's intro V7wYfSv44gk-00001-00001604-00001932 Todays topic : Search Engine Optimization (SEO) V7wYfSv44gk-00002-00003302-00003382 what is SEO? V7wYfSv44gk-00003-00003382-00003754 SEO is the process of growing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or V7wYfSv44gk-00004-00003918-00004182 a webpage to users of web search engine. V7wYfSv44gk-00005-00005002-00005106 Just like this: V7wYfSv44gk-00006-00005106-00005302 when your company does an SEO, V7wYfSv44gk-00007-00005530-00006202 your costumers will be able to get your company ranked on top while they just search for your category V7wYfSv44gk-00008-00006640-00006976 hence, for your company to grow, you must do an SEO! V7wYfSv44gk-00009-00011228-00011532 Subscribe and press the bell icon down below. V9SQT3gMfRY-00000-00000000-00000200 Me eating VrxKmW9atg4-00000-00000000-00000354 the easiest genshin impact achievement part two. VrxKmW9atg4-00001-00000456-00000852 complete any domain with any four characters of the same element. VrIklU8FCkU-00000-00000000-00000395 hello and welcome to British English pro VrIklU8FCkU-00001-00000395-00000830 my name is Anna and that's right it's VrIklU8FCkU-00002-00000830-00001088 nearly Christmas so I thought why not VrIklU8FCkU-00003-00001088-00001280 put together a list of words that you VrIklU8FCkU-00004-00001280-00001578 may have to use over the festive period VrIklU8FCkU-00005-00001578-00001818 firstly let's talk about the word VrIklU8FCkU-00006-00001818-00002153 Christmas in lots of cases where we see VrIklU8FCkU-00007-00002153-00002517 C and H together we would pronounce it VrIklU8FCkU-00008-00002517-00002865 like cheese VrIklU8FCkU-00009-00002865-00003311 however in this word CH is pronounced VrIklU8FCkU-00010-00003311-00003707 k and we have Christmas VrIklU8FCkU-00011-00024612-00024980 That concludes my festive list if there are any words VrIklU8FCkU-00012-00024981-00025137 that I haven't included that you would VrIklU8FCkU-00013-00025137-00025341 like to hear then please place it in the VrIklU8FCkU-00014-00025341-00025593 comments box below and i will make every VrIklU8FCkU-00015-00025593-00025895 effort to add it to my live work clinic VrIklU8FCkU-00016-00025895-00026126 which happens every week on my facebook VrIklU8FCkU-00017-00026126-00026420 page so please do visit that all the VrIklU8FCkU-00018-00026420-00026595 links to my social media platforms will VrIklU8FCkU-00019-00026595-00026910 be in the description box below if VrIklU8FCkU-00020-00026910-00027089 you're not already a subscriber to this VrIklU8FCkU-00021-00027089-00027285 channel then please because it's VrIklU8FCkU-00022-00027285-00027477 Christmas just press the big red VrIklU8FCkU-00023-00027477-00027807 subscribe button and make me very happy VrIklU8FCkU-00024-00027807-00028113 if i don't see beforehand have a VrIklU8FCkU-00025-00028113-00028789 wonderful Christmas lots of love...bye VsNCCWJtl7k-00000-00000408-00000555 Welcome back to Humans of Microsoft. VsNCCWJtl7k-00001-00000556-00000733 This is a segment where we talk VsNCCWJtl7k-00002-00000733-00000899 to people just like you and me, VsNCCWJtl7k-00003-00000900-00001115 but they all happen to work for Microsoft VsNCCWJtl7k-00004-00001115-00001352 and today I have a guest who is not really VsNCCWJtl7k-00005-00001352-00001539 just like you and me because it's a, VsNCCWJtl7k-00006-00001540-00001695 it's an actual rock star and I'm VsNCCWJtl7k-00007-00001695-00001884 so happy to welcome my good friend VsNCCWJtl7k-00008-00001884-00002007 Abel Wang to the show. VsNCCWJtl7k-00009-00002007-00002130 Hello Abel, how are you? VsNCCWJtl7k-00010-00002217-00002497 I'm doing really good. Thank you so much for VsNCCWJtl7k-00011-00002498-00002622 having me. Oh absolutely VsNCCWJtl7k-00012-00002622-00002810 such a pleasure to have you. VsNCCWJtl7k-00013-00002810-00003090 And as a first guest of Season 2, Abel, VsNCCWJtl7k-00014-00003091-00003282 you are a Principal Program Manager and VsNCCWJtl7k-00015-00003282-00003496 you work for Azure Incubations, right? VsNCCWJtl7k-00016-00003496-00003635 Yes, that is correct. VsNCCWJtl7k-00017-00003635-00003809 I'm officially the technical VsNCCWJtl7k-00018-00003809-00003963 advisor to the CTO of Azure, VsNCCWJtl7k-00019-00003964-00004183 so to Mark Russinovich. So Abel I VsNCCWJtl7k-00020-00004183-00004402 know that a few years ago you were VsNCCWJtl7k-00021-00004402-00004673 living in Houston and you moved to the VsNCCWJtl7k-00022-00004673-00004868 Pacific Northwest where you are now. VsNCCWJtl7k-00023-00004869-00005122 So in the region of Seattle, which is, VsNCCWJtl7k-00024-00005122-00005321 you know, the headquarters of Microsoft. VsNCCWJtl7k-00025-00005322-00005501 Why did you decide to move VsNCCWJtl7k-00026-00005501-00005694 and how do you feel that VsNCCWJtl7k-00027-00005694-00005818 it impacted your career? VsNCCWJtl7k-00028-00005818-00005942 That's a great question. VsNCCWJtl7k-00029-00005942-00006152 I actually, I've always wanted to make VsNCCWJtl7k-00030-00006152-00006419 it to the West Coast. Well I grew up VsNCCWJtl7k-00031-00006419-00006654 in the Midwest in the United States, VsNCCWJtl7k-00032-00006655-00006872 but I wanted to be in California, VsNCCWJtl7k-00033-00006872-00007058 'cause clearly that's where I belong. VsNCCWJtl7k-00034-00007058-00007244 Or somewhere on the West Coast. VsNCCWJtl7k-00035-00007244-00007461 I definitely didn't belong in the Midwest, VsNCCWJtl7k-00036-00007461-00007647 but when I graduated from college, VsNCCWJtl7k-00037-00007647-00007864 I already had my son then. VsNCCWJtl7k-00038-00007864-00008019 So money was really tight. VsNCCWJtl7k-00039-00008019-00008173 And you know, I got, VsNCCWJtl7k-00040-00008173-00008357 I got a CS degree, VsNCCWJtl7k-00041-00008357-00008539 And I got job offers on the East VsNCCWJtl7k-00042-00008539-00008680 Coast, West Coast, everywhere, VsNCCWJtl7k-00043-00008681-00008924 but they all paid the same amount of money. VsNCCWJtl7k-00044-00008924-00009059 But living in Houston, TX, VsNCCWJtl7k-00045-00009059-00009279 that was, the cost of living is VsNCCWJtl7k-00046-00009279-00009517 so cheap, it was kind of a no brainer. VsNCCWJtl7k-00047-00009518-00009722 So my plan was, move to Houston and VsNCCWJtl7k-00048-00009722-00009943 then in a couple years I'll find a VsNCCWJtl7k-00049-00009943-00010165 job somehow and get to the West Coast. VsNCCWJtl7k-00050-00010166-00010328 But what I didn't realize is VsNCCWJtl7k-00051-00010328-00010436 once you have children, VsNCCWJtl7k-00052-00010436-00010623 you're kind of stuck in a place, right? VsNCCWJtl7k-00053-00010623-00010800 So as soon as my son graduated VsNCCWJtl7k-00054-00010800-00010895 from high school, VsNCCWJtl7k-00055-00010895-00011030 I looked at my wife. VsNCCWJtl7k-00056-00011030-00011219 She looked at me and we said, VsNCCWJtl7k-00057-00011219-00011365 now is the time right? VsNCCWJtl7k-00058-00011365-00011574 And I knew I wanted to spend a VsNCCWJtl7k-00059-00011574-00011755 little bit of time in Redmond, VsNCCWJtl7k-00060-00011756-00011955 at least just because that's the VsNCCWJtl7k-00061-00011955-00012088 corporate headquarters for Microsoft VsNCCWJtl7k-00062-00012093-00012285 and I wanted to be where the action was. VsNCCWJtl7k-00063-00012286-00012508 I wanted to see what it was like. VsNCCWJtl7k-00064-00012509-00012703 You know, I knew that I could compete VsNCCWJtl7k-00065-00012703-00012816 in Microsoft everywhere else, VsNCCWJtl7k-00066-00012816-00012982 right around the world, doing services, VsNCCWJtl7k-00067-00012983-00013038 doing sales. VsNCCWJtl7k-00068-00013038-00013151 But I was like, VsNCCWJtl7k-00069-00013151-00013345 can I compete with those Redmond people, VsNCCWJtl7k-00070-00013346-00013575 but then, can I join, like, a product VsNCCWJtl7k-00071-00013575-00013791 group? Can I? Am I at that level? VsNCCWJtl7k-00072-00013791-00014197 Can I do this? It was like a challenge. VsNCCWJtl7k-00073-00014197-00014491 And it was a strategic move on my part VsNCCWJtl7k-00074-00014491-00014826 in terms of what I wanted for my career. VsNCCWJtl7k-00075-00014827-00015290 So I actually got a job in product marketing. VsNCCWJtl7k-00076-00015291-00015522 And I moved over to Seattle and VsNCCWJtl7k-00077-00015522-00015750 it was amazing coming into work, VsNCCWJtl7k-00078-00015751-00016033 going into campus every single day, it was, VsNCCWJtl7k-00079-00016034-00016247 it was freaking amazing. VsNCCWJtl7k-00080-00016247-00016464 The amount of connections that I built VsNCCWJtl7k-00081-00016464-00016635 was invaluable, right, VsNCCWJtl7k-00082-00016636-00016740 the face-to-face time. VsNCCWJtl7k-00083-00016740-00017028 I think it was a huge positive influence VsNCCWJtl7k-00084-00017028-00017286 on my career and I'm not saying VsNCCWJtl7k-00085-00017286-00017556 that it's the only way to do things, VsNCCWJtl7k-00086-00017557-00017734 but for me, I'm VsNCCWJtl7k-00087-00017734-00017981 I'm glad I made the move. What production VsNCCWJtl7k-00088-00017981-00018193 software that you wrote are you VsNCCWJtl7k-00089-00018194-00018311 the proudest of? VsNCCWJtl7k-00090-00018311-00018467 That's another great question. VsNCCWJtl7k-00091-00018468-00018778 I think I need to go all the way back in time VsNCCWJtl7k-00092-00018778-00019074 to, this was my third year out of college. VsNCCWJtl7k-00093-00019074-00019242 I somehow fooled Chase Bank into VsNCCWJtl7k-00094-00019242-00019424 thinking that I was actually like VsNCCWJtl7k-00095-00019424-00019618 a software architect of some sort, VsNCCWJtl7k-00096-00019619-00019861 and at that time, this was during the dotcom boom. VsNCCWJtl7k-00097-00019862-00020094 So everybody was getting jobs, but I was, VsNCCWJtl7k-00098-00020094-00020284 we were trying to get bank information VsNCCWJtl7k-00099-00020289-00020514 except they stored all their bank VsNCCWJtl7k-00100-00020514-00020652 information on mainframes, right? VsNCCWJtl7k-00101-00020652-00020852 So in order to have web servers that VsNCCWJtl7k-00102-00020852-00021060 could serve a webpage that would pull VsNCCWJtl7k-00103-00021060-00021256 that live information from the mainframe. VsNCCWJtl7k-00104-00021256-00021399 Well, that was really tough. VsNCCWJtl7k-00105-00021399-00021627 They didn't have a way to do that, VsNCCWJtl7k-00106-00021628-00021771 so if you remember back, VsNCCWJtl7k-00107-00021771-00022169 I guess this would be the early 90s, VsNCCWJtl7k-00108-00022170-00022272 Or mid 90s there, VsNCCWJtl7k-00109-00022272-00022458 There really was very few ways that VsNCCWJtl7k-00110-00022458-00022653 you could remote and do things right, VsNCCWJtl7k-00111-00022654-00022832 so I ended up having to write VsNCCWJtl7k-00112-00022832-00022950 a bridge using CORBA. VsNCCWJtl7k-00113-00022950-00023128 That would talk to both the mainframe VsNCCWJtl7k-00114-00023128-00023344 and to, like, the web servers to pull VsNCCWJtl7k-00115-00023344-00023510 data from the main frames. And it's VsNCCWJtl7k-00116-00023510-00023675 still being used by Chase today. VsNCCWJtl7k-00117-00023676-00023900 So it was one of my first big projects VsNCCWJtl7k-00118-00023900-00024080 and one of the funnest things VsNCCWJtl7k-00119-00024080-00024214 I've done. Wow, CORBA, it's like VsNCCWJtl7k-00120-00024214-00024349 a horror show for me. VsNCCWJtl7k-00121-00024482-00024843 Oh it was horrible. But I didn't know better back VsNCCWJtl7k-00122-00024844-00024926 then. Well yeah, VsNCCWJtl7k-00123-00024926-00025162 I mean back then it was the way, right? VsNCCWJtl7k-00124-00025162-00025394 So quickly to finish and we could talk, VsNCCWJtl7k-00125-00025394-00025595 you know, for many more hours probably, VsNCCWJtl7k-00126-00025596-00025791 but how do you stay positive throughout VsNCCWJtl7k-00127-00025791-00025942 everything that you're going through? VsNCCWJtl7k-00128-00025943-00026029 Very good question. VsNCCWJtl7k-00129-00026029-00026202 So for those that don't know, VsNCCWJtl7k-00130-00026202-00026389 I was diagnosed with cancer about VsNCCWJtl7k-00131-00026389-00026606 three years ago and then I beat it. VsNCCWJtl7k-00132-00026607-00026788 And then in March I was diagnosed VsNCCWJtl7k-00133-00026788-00026939 with stage four cancer and VsNCCWJtl7k-00134-00026939-00027069 it spread everywhere, right? VsNCCWJtl7k-00135-00027069-00027213 So people often ask me, VsNCCWJtl7k-00136-00027214-00027358 how do you stay positive? VsNCCWJtl7k-00137-00027358-00027695 But the truth is, life is hard for all of us. VsNCCWJtl7k-00138-00027695-00027833 All of us, it's hard, right? VsNCCWJtl7k-00139-00027833-00028008 in in in some certain ways, VsNCCWJtl7k-00140-00028008-00028191 and you can't wait until life isn't VsNCCWJtl7k-00141-00028191-00028374 hard enough to decide to be happy. VsNCCWJtl7k-00142-00028375-00028662 So I decide to be happy every day that I can. VsNCCWJtl7k-00143-00028662-00028751 Wow. This is fantastic. VsNCCWJtl7k-00144-00028751-00028956 Positivity as a decision, as VsNCCWJtl7k-00145-00028956-00029131 a conscious decision. I love that. VsNCCWJtl7k-00146-00029131-00029235 Well, this was fantastic. VsNCCWJtl7k-00147-00029236-00029366 Thank you so much for VsNCCWJtl7k-00148-00029366-00029497 coming on the show today, Abel, VsNCCWJtl7k-00149-00029497-00029602 it was amazing. VsNCCWJtl7k-00150-00029602-00029760 Thank you so much to all the viewers VsNCCWJtl7k-00151-00029765-00029917 for watching and we'll see you VsNCCWJtl7k-00152-00029917-00030090 next time on Humans of Microsoft. VxB51a6h1eE-00000-00000025-00000432 Have you ever wanted to experience New Orleans Mardi Gras but can't travel? VxB51a6h1eE-00001-00000493-00000661 MardiMe has you covered. VxB51a6h1eE-00002-00000671-00001065 Our "jesters" will deliver the whole Mardi experience directly to you. VxB51a6h1eE-00003-00001085-00001600 Just open the MardiMe app, select your experiences, and wait for the jester to come to you. VxB51a6h1eE-00004-00001861-00002488 Whether you want beads pelted at your face, random jello shots, or even a custom drink spilled on you, VxB51a6h1eE-00005-00002569-00002824 MardiMe sure isn't going to disappoint. VzZvQJxOdkE-00000-00000567-00001552 Kylie Jenner's sweet gift to her older sisterKim Kardashian has been after Kanye West's wife welcomed her third child via a surrogate earlier this week. VzZvQJxOdkE-00001-00001669-00002733 The 20-year-old,who is said to be pregnant with her first child, is rumoured to be due to give birth any day now, but took a moment to congratulate Kim on the arrival. VzZvQJxOdkE-00002-00002850-00003828 It's the first time in several weeks that the Kardashian family have made a mention of the Lip Kit mogul after months out of the spotlight during her rumoured pregnancy. VzZvQJxOdkE-00003-00003945-00005000 The snap comes after Kylie's baby newsappeared to be confirmed after pictures emerged of workmen assembling a baby crib outside her mansion ahead of the arrival of the baby. VzZvQJxOdkE-00004-00005117-00005721 Some fans even have a conspiracy theory that she might have already given birth. VzZvQJxOdkE-00005-00005838-00006600 These rumours were rife when Travis shared a photo of him on a private jet where he said: 'Make it home to you one way or another.' VzZvQJxOdkE-00006-00006717-00007381 It was also claimed that Kylie and Kim are locked in a bitter battle over a particular baby name VzZvQJxOdkE-00007-00007498-00008030 According to Radar Online, the pair both want to name their tots 'Love'. VzZvQJxOdkE-00008-00008147-00009204 However, the report also claims that Kylie could be the winner of the moniker war - as Kanye West wants something a little closer to his heart to call their newborn daughter. VzZvQJxOdkE-00009-00009321-00010042 He apparently wants to name the tot Donda, after his late mum - but it seems his wife doesn't agree. VzZvQJxOdkE-00010-00010159-00010731 'Kim didn't want to name the baby Donda because she just didn't like the name itself VzZvQJxOdkE-00011-00010848-00011423 It is nothing against his mother at all,' a family insider told the site. V-lEyUGwsIA-00000-00000000-00000200 يتم الان اختراق قناة السعيدة V-lEyUGwsIA-00001-00000200-00000400 اختراق قناة السعيدة V-lEyUGwsIA-00002-00000400-00000600 الهكر اليمني 🇾🇪 V-lEyUGwsIA-00003-00000600-00000800 وميض المدمر V-lEyUGwsIA-00004-00000800-00001000 اختراق قناة السعيدة ☠️🇾🇪 V-lEyUGwsIA-00005-00001000-00001200 الهكر اليمني 🇾🇪 V-lEyUGwsIA-00006-00001200-00001400 وميض المدمر VFic-y8YsKo-00000-00000045-00000154 Hello everybody! VFic-y8YsKo-00001-00000154-00000545 Watch this video to find out how to recover lost data from a NAS storage system, with VFic-y8YsKo-00002-00000545-00000858 the example of D-link DSN-1100. VFic-y8YsKo-00004-00005548-00005962 As we know, NAS is a server for storing data at the file level. VFic-y8YsKo-00005-00005962-00006419 In fact, this is a computer with an array of disks, which is connected to a network. VFic-y8YsKo-00006-00006419-00007018 The data stored on such device can be shared and used by all members of such network. VFic-y8YsKo-00007-00007018-00007442 Data storage systems like that are becoming more and more popular, as most of them are VFic-y8YsKo-00008-00007442-00007923 using this or another type of RAID technology to achieve better fault tolerance and protection VFic-y8YsKo-00009-00007923-00008156 for the information stored inside. VFic-y8YsKo-00010-00008156-00008657 However, when it comes to data recovery, it’s not always clear what to do with such an array. VFic-y8YsKo-00011-00008657-00008956 Problems with data recovery from NAS Most devices of this type don’t have any VFic-y8YsKo-00012-00008956-00009379 operating system, and the RAID array is created with the help of a controller. VFic-y8YsKo-00013-00009379-00009788 That is why you can’t choose the easy way - install and run a data recovery tool on VFic-y8YsKo-00014-00009788-00009888 the NAS device. VFic-y8YsKo-00015-00009888-00010332 Instead, you’ll have to take the disks out of the storage system and connect them to VFic-y8YsKo-00016-00010332-00010497 a computer directly. VFic-y8YsKo-00017-00010497-00010959 But still, you can’t just plug the data cables into your computer’s ports and copy VFic-y8YsKo-00018-00010959-00011309 the information without using specialized software tools. VFic-y8YsKo-00019-00011309-00011735 When the disks are connected to the computer, the operating system won’t be able to recognize VFic-y8YsKo-00020-00011735-00012204 them, and it will suggest to initialize the disks for further use. VFic-y8YsKo-00021-00012204-00012743 However, initialization will erase all the data which is still on the disk, and any recovery VFic-y8YsKo-00022-00012743-00013115 operations you conduct later can hardly be successful. VFic-y8YsKo-00023-00013115-00013551 So never initialize such disks if you still want to extract that data. VFic-y8YsKo-00024-00013551-00013913 Recovering data from NAS To recover lost information from a NAS system, VFic-y8YsKo-00025-00013913-00014101 use Hetman RAID Recovery. VFic-y8YsKo-00026-00014101-00014604 This utility supports data recovery from almost all existing RAID types, and the lost information VFic-y8YsKo-00027-00014604-00014782 will be back in a moment. VFic-y8YsKo-00028-00014782-00015344 It supports the file systems used in Windows, MacOS, Linux and Unix; the program will fix VFic-y8YsKo-00029-00015344-00015816 any errors in the logical structure of the hard disk and recover all of its contents. VFic-y8YsKo-00030-00015816-00016294 If the program failed to build and display a RAID system automatically (which is what VFic-y8YsKo-00031-00016294-00016804 happened in our case), you can help it by specifying additional properties in the Constructor VFic-y8YsKo-00032-00016804-00017115 app to get that array created in the right way. VFic-y8YsKo-00033-00017115-00017637 I will show you how it’s done with the example of a hardware RAID 5 consisting of five hard VFic-y8YsKo-00034-00017637-00018134 disks and based on a D-link DSN-1100 storage device. VFic-y8YsKo-00035-00018134-00018575 If you want to see the process of building and configuring the RAID system in detail, VFic-y8YsKo-00036-00018575-00019034 follow the link in the description for a dedicated video on that topic. VFic-y8YsKo-00037-00019034-00019537 Let’s simulate a situation when a NAS system breaks down: as a result, all that we have VFic-y8YsKo-00038-00019537-00019812 is 5 hard disks full of data. VFic-y8YsKo-00039-00019812-00020137 Let’s connect them directly to a Windows computer. VFic-y8YsKo-00040-00020137-00020651 The operating system identifies them as uninitialized drives. VFic-y8YsKo-00041-00020651-00021678 Start Hetman RAID Recovery: the program can see all the disks but it’s unable to rebuild VFic-y8YsKo-00042-00021678-00022179 the damaged RAID array automatically; it means we’ll have to create it manually. VFic-y8YsKo-00043-00022179-00022646 How to locate the beginning of the disk This NAS model is based on the following principle: VFic-y8YsKo-00044-00022646-00023094 at the beginning of the disk, the controller writes various service information, after VFic-y8YsKo-00045-00023094-00023670 that - the partition style, MBR or GPT, - and this is what makes it different from other VFic-y8YsKo-00046-00023670-00023891 controllers. VFic-y8YsKo-00047-00023891-00024394 As the beginning of the disk is not a specific value, you’ll have to find it manually. VFic-y8YsKo-00048-00024394-00024868 There are certain signatures which can be useful to find the beginning of the disk. VFic-y8YsKo-00049-00024868-00025281 For MBR it looks like this (33c08ed0 bc007c8e c08ed8be 007cbf00), and for GPT - like this VFic-y8YsKo-00050-00025281-00025426 (45464920 50415254). VFic-y8YsKo-00051-00025426-00025979 However, as this specific controller type writes data in its own way - it takes every VFic-y8YsKo-00052-00025979-00026469 4 bytes and places them in a reversed manner - we’ll have to change those signatures VFic-y8YsKo-00053-00026469-00026950 (d08ec033 8e7c00bc bed88ec0 00bf7c00). VFic-y8YsKo-00054-00026950-00027383 Depending on the RAID type, the beginning of the disk can be located on one or even VFic-y8YsKo-00055-00027383-00027550 on several drives. VFic-y8YsKo-00056-00027550-00028007 In our case with RAID 5, the beginning of the disk is on one of the drives. VFic-y8YsKo-00057-00028007-00028461 If you know the partition style and the order of the disks that were included into your VFic-y8YsKo-00058-00028461-00028989 array, start searching from the first drive; if you don’t know this information, search VFic-y8YsKo-00059-00028989-00029512 every drive - at first by the MBR signature, and then by the GPT signature. VFic-y8YsKo-00060-00029512-00030027 Open the disk in HEX editor - it is integrated into the program, so you don’t need to look VFic-y8YsKo-00061-00030027-00030244 for extra tools. VFic-y8YsKo-00063-00033713-00034071 Service information doesn’t take up much space so don’t wait for the search to be VFic-y8YsKo-00064-00034071-00035468 complete: after waiting a little, try searching another drive. VFic-y8YsKo-00065-00035468-00035940 If you couldn’t find the beginning of the disk by MBR signature, repeat the search by VFic-y8YsKo-00066-00035940-00036627 GPT, and if the search gives no result, try searching by the reversed 4-byte sequence. VFic-y8YsKo-00067-00036627-00037099 In our case, the beginning of the array was discovered on the second drive; judging from VFic-y8YsKo-00068-00037099-00037627 the signature we have found, this drive has MBR partition style, and it’s time to memorize VFic-y8YsKo-00069-00037627-00037887 the number of the sector. VFic-y8YsKo-00070-00037887-00039481 Building a RAID system manually with the Constructor Now we can start building the array. VFic-y8YsKo-00071-00039481-00040196 Open the RAID Constructor - Next - Manual mode - and specify all the properties you VFic-y8YsKo-00072-00040196-00040527 know: • RAID type, VFic-y8YsKo-00073-00040527-00040924 • Block order, • Block size, VFic-y8YsKo-00074-00040924-00041713 • add the disks included into the array and specify their order. VFic-y8YsKo-00075-00041713-00042253 In my case, the NAS controller writes every 4 bytes in a reversed format, so I specify VFic-y8YsKo-00076-00042253-00042469 this property accordingly. VFic-y8YsKo-00077-00042469-00042964 One more property to specify is the offset by which the disk beginning can be identified VFic-y8YsKo-00078-00042964-00043234 (we’ve already done that). VFic-y8YsKo-00079-00043234-00043612 Right-click on the disk - Change disk offset / size. VFic-y8YsKo-00080-00043612-00044809 In the line Offset, give the number of the sector for all the disks. VFic-y8YsKo-00081-00044809-00045825 Then click Add. VFic-y8YsKo-00082-00045825-00046252 If you don’t know all properties of the array, it is OK to only specify the RAID type VFic-y8YsKo-00083-00046252-00046843 and offset, and other properties will be selected automatically, but it’s going to take much VFic-y8YsKo-00084-00046843-00046943 longer. VFic-y8YsKo-00085-00046943-00047234 Recovering data with Hetman RAID Recovery After adding, the RAID array will appear on VFic-y8YsKo-00086-00047234-00047637 the Drive List and in the Drive Manager: scan it. VFic-y8YsKo-00087-00047637-00048199 Right-click on the drive - Open, select Fast scan - if the operation is successful, it VFic-y8YsKo-00088-00048199-00048475 will take less time to complete. VFic-y8YsKo-00089-00048475-00049115 When the scan is over, the program will display the results in in this window. VFic-y8YsKo-00090-00049115-00050953 But if the Fast scan can’t find the information, then go for Full analysis. VFic-y8YsKo-00091-00050953-00051557 Now select the files you want to restore, and click Recovery. VFic-y8YsKo-00092-00051557-00053048 Choose the path where to save them and click Recovery again. VFic-y8YsKo-00093-00053048-00053579 When the process is over, you will find the recovered files in the folder you have chosen. VFic-y8YsKo-00094-00053579-00054394 Recovery result for a system with two damaged disks VFic-y8YsKo-00095-00054394-00054716 Even with two damaged disks, the program managed to recover a certain amount of files which VFic-y8YsKo-00096-00054716-00057464 are still healthy and intact. VFic-y8YsKo-00097-00057464-00057895 In the course of building the array with the RAID Constructor, you should add a few empty VFic-y8YsKo-00098-00057895-00058502 disks - the number equal to the number of the disks that have failed before. VFic-y8YsKo-00099-00058502-00059012 As we know, losing more than one disk renders this RAID type completely inoperable, so it VFic-y8YsKo-00100-00059012-00059470 is a really good result that our program managed to find and restore quite a good amount of VFic-y8YsKo-00101-00059470-00059677 the information. VFic-y8YsKo-00102-00059677-00060088 Conclusion Recovering data from NAS-type RAID arrays VFic-y8YsKo-00103-00060088-00060289 is quite a complicated process. VFic-y8YsKo-00104-00060289-00060748 It is extremely important to know what you’re doing and use reliable software tools because VFic-y8YsKo-00105-00060748-00061290 even a slight error may result in losing all the information in a second. VFic-y8YsKo-00106-00061290-00061784 Always remember to back up regularly - it can protect your files against data loss. VFic-y8YsKo-00107-00061784-00062200 Luckily, regardless of the device you’re using and the controller type that your RAID VFic-y8YsKo-00108-00062200-00062688 system is based on, you can still recover your data as long as you follow the steps VFic-y8YsKo-00109-00062688-00062995 described in this video. VFic-y8YsKo-00110-00062995-00063095 That is all for now! VFic-y8YsKo-00111-00063095-00063284 Hopefully, this video was useful. VFic-y8YsKo-00112-00063284-00063573 Remember to click the Like button and subscribe to our channel. VFic-y8YsKo-00113-00063573-00063935 Push the bell button to receive notifications and never miss new videos. VFic-y8YsKo-00114-00063935-00064098 Leave comments to ask questions. VFic-y8YsKo-00115-00064098-00064198 Thank you for watching. VFic-y8YsKo-00116-00064198-00064246 Good luck. VGPlXdZVOtU-00000-00000354-00000618 Hello, this is START taxi! VGPlXdZVOtU-00001-00001474-00001660 One second please... VGPlXdZVOtU-00002-00001676-00001960 Q9 block, on the other side VGPlXdZVOtU-00003-00001960-00002076 of the supermarket VGPlXdZVOtU-00004-00002340-00002560 83 will go from the bridge, Odobescu VGPlXdZVOtU-00005-00002614-00002752 83 will arrive in one minute VGPlXdZVOtU-00006-00002834-00003176 The start was a pure coincidence VGPlXdZVOtU-00007-00003246-00003790 I was looking for a flexible job that I can do aside University... VGPlXdZVOtU-00008-00003806-00004282 a job that I would like and will also give me some income VGPlXdZVOtU-00009-00004338-00004474 ... and in the end, VGPlXdZVOtU-00010-00004500-00004796 this job turned out to be true love for my whole life! VGPlXdZVOtU-00011-00004880-00005090 Once you enter VGPlXdZVOtU-00012-00005142-00005464 this magical circle of taxi drivers, VGPlXdZVOtU-00013-00005464-00005816 or dispatchers it's something that you'll never leave VGPlXdZVOtU-00014-00005828-00006062 A lot of people tried to escape this circle, VGPlXdZVOtU-00015-00006082-00006180 but they've returned. VGPlXdZVOtU-00016-00006194-00006326 It's like a virus... VGPlXdZVOtU-00017-00006426-00006692 It's love that stays and persists VGPlXdZVOtU-00018-00006723-00006976 and you do this job with love, this is the truth... VGPlXdZVOtU-00019-00006986-00007620 even if the start looks like a pure coincidence, this job stays with you forever VGPlXdZVOtU-00020-00007648-00007909 it's beautiful, and I like it... VGPlXdZVOtU-00021-00007923-00008059 this is the truth! VGPlXdZVOtU-00022-00008084-00008214 START taxi, hello! VGPlXdZVOtU-00023-00008434-00008538 one second please VGPlXdZVOtU-00024-00008538-00008738 Piata Creanga, Oftalmo Laser... VGPlXdZVOtU-00025-00009322-00009528 Maric, be in front of Oftalmo Laser please... VGPlXdZVOtU-00026-00009728-00009906 52 will arive in two minutes VGPlXdZVOtU-00027-00009992-00010196 Goodbye! Have a beautiful day! VGPlXdZVOtU-00028-00010322-00010552 It's a job where you can never get bored, VGPlXdZVOtU-00029-00010558-00010784 where you feel the pulse of the town, VGPlXdZVOtU-00030-00010866-00011116 and I would add, from my point of view, VGPlXdZVOtU-00031-00011130-00011396 that I beautify the day for many customers VGPlXdZVOtU-00032-00011430-00011650 because you're on the other side of the line... VGPlXdZVOtU-00033-00011708-00012038 because the same customers will contact you every day VGPlXdZVOtU-00034-00012050-00012226 you help them with love VGPlXdZVOtU-00035-00012270-00012662 and at some point, they are like an extended family VGPlXdZVOtU-00036-00012712-00013158 besides taxi drivers family, your own family, there's the town family VGPlXdZVOtU-00037-00013178-00013406 that knows us and call us joyfully each day VGPlXdZVOtU-00038-00013462-00013604 and I think that this is something really beautiful... VGPlXdZVOtU-00039-00013638-00014016 Besides the fact that you don't have holidays, VGPlXdZVOtU-00040-00014056-00014341 you don't have Saturdays, you don't have Sundays... VGPlXdZVOtU-00041-00014463-00014632 there are no other disadvantages I would say VGPlXdZVOtU-00042-00014660-00014962 The relationship with the public is excellent, VGPlXdZVOtU-00043-00014988-00015316 otherwise, we won't be here for so many years... VGPlXdZVOtU-00044-00015346-00015469 and the boys feel the same, VGPlXdZVOtU-00045-00015491-00016022 when there's an event we know first what's happening, where, how many people will participate... VGPlXdZVOtU-00046-00016022-00016332 it's like we are the heart of the town VGPlXdZVOtU-00047-00016347-00016534 people feel this, exactly... VGPlXdZVOtU-00048-00016544-00016648 this is what's happening, VGPlXdZVOtU-00049-00016664-00017024 and probably this is why we receive so many calls for so many years... VGPlXdZVOtU-00050-00017080-00017220 START taxi, hello! VGPlXdZVOtU-00051-00017232-00017452 The story of a colleague, VGPlXdZVOtU-00052-00017474-00017768 that took from Crisul (river) VGPlXdZVOtU-00053-00017786-00018204 he should have taken from Crisul a client that was in a big rush to the train station VGPlXdZVOtU-00054-00018234-00018452 she came, she asked... is it free? VGPlXdZVOtU-00055-00018452-00018546 Sure it is! VGPlXdZVOtU-00056-00018564-00018790 She throws her luggage in the back, on the bench VGPlXdZVOtU-00057-00018826-00019262 She goes around the car wanting to get in the car on the opposite side VGPlXdZVOtU-00058-00019294-00019656 The driver was stressed out, because of the client, to act quickly and not lose the train... VGPlXdZVOtU-00059-00019686-00019936 he started his car in a big rush and left towards the train station... VGPlXdZVOtU-00060-00019968-00020128 with clients luggage in the back VGPlXdZVOtU-00061-00020150-00020306 The client was left behind outside... VGPlXdZVOtU-00062-00020330-00020642 Meanwhile, because I was doing my shift, I get a phone call VGPlXdZVOtU-00063-00020668-00021002 The client called 112 (emergency call) that her luggage was stolen VGPlXdZVOtU-00064-00021028-00021148 The cop called VGPlXdZVOtU-00065-00021216-00021682 Hello, one of your taxi drivers stole some luggage from a customer VGPlXdZVOtU-00066-00021708-00022118 I'm sorry, in my company the drivers are not stealing. I'm sure it's a misunderstanding! VGPlXdZVOtU-00067-00022160-00022278 On the other phone line VGPlXdZVOtU-00068-00022290-00022578 the client was desperately calling about her stolen luggage... VGPlXdZVOtU-00069-00022658-00022884 In the meantime, I was communicating to my colleagues through the station VGPlXdZVOtU-00070-00022918-00023520 to stop if anyone took a client's luggage and went towards the train station... VGPlXdZVOtU-00071-00023542-00023990 Of course, when my colleague turned towards the customer to ask where to stop, VGPlXdZVOtU-00072-00023990-00024380 he realised that he took only the luggage, but not the client. VGPlXdZVOtU-00073-00024400-00024716 He turned and the action finished like this VGPlXdZVOtU-00074-00024724-00025054 The client took another taxi from our company VGPlXdZVOtU-00075-00025054-00025222 really, really quick she came to our office VGPlXdZVOtU-00076-00025234-00025692 and we also called the colleague that took by mistake the luggage, VGPlXdZVOtU-00077-00025710-00026089 they meet here, the lady took her luggage really agitated she throw them in the other taxi VGPlXdZVOtU-00078-00026126-00026432 she disappeared happily towards the train station... VGPlXdZVOtU-00079-00026444-00026614 Problem solved! VGPlXdZVOtU-00080-00026630-00026886 We also carry luggage, not only clients... VGPlXdZVOtU-00081-00026886-00027162 It happens sometimes when we are in a rush VGPlXdZVOtU-00082-00027508-00027608 Cartier Europa VGPlXdZVOtU-00083-00027762-00027918 Henry Coanda, 4 VGPlXdZVOtU-00084-00027994-00028204 You're welcome! Goodbye! VGPlXdZVOtU-00085-00028204-00028345 START taxi, hello! VNSD5n2MJPE-00000-00000000-00000600 ♫ Title music VNSD5n2MJPE-00001-00000800-00001200 Yes, but still about the functions. There are others. VNSD5n2MJPE-00002-00001200-00001400 If you're thinking about the movie now. VNSD5n2MJPE-00003-00001400-00001800 There was a journalist at this press conference. VNSD5n2MJPE-00004-00001800-00002100 He has asked Mrs. Merkel something. VNSD5n2MJPE-00005-00002100-00002350 Can you remember that in the movie? VNSD5n2MJPE-00006-00002350-00002700 What was he pointing out to her? Neele. VNSD5n2MJPE-00007-00002700-00003100 I don't know exactly, but whether a person who somehow forgets, VNSD5n2MJPE-00008-00003100-00003450 to have hidden 10.000 Euro in his drawer... VNSD5n2MJPE-00009-00003450-00003700 (smiling) Yes, exactly. That's how he put it. VNSD5n2MJPE-00010-00003700-00003900 ...is good as finance minister. VNSD5n2MJPE-00011-00003900-00004000 Exactly. VNSD5n2MJPE-00012-00004000-00004350 Do you think that's right, that he asked Mrs. Merkel that? VNSD5n2MJPE-00013-00004350-00004650 So, is that also a function of the media? VNSD5n2MJPE-00014-00004700-00005100 Yes, I think that's right, because then the readers, too, so to speak, VNSD5n2MJPE-00015-00005100-00005500 or those who watch television, for example, or who read about it, VNSD5n2MJPE-00016-00005500-00005900 would still be informed and perhaps also bring in their opinion with it. VNSD5n2MJPE-00017-00005900-00006000 Yeah, mmm. VNSD5n2MJPE-00018-00006000-00006250 So everybody sees it that way, VNSD5n2MJPE-00019-00006250-00006600 that this was right and important, that she asked this question? VNSD5n2MJPE-00020-00006700-00006800 Marvin. VNSD5n2MJPE-00021-00006800-00007000 Yes, the media must be persistent. VNSD5n2MJPE-00022-00007100-00007200 Exactly. VNSD5n2MJPE-00023-00007200-00007400 There's a certain word for that. VNSD5n2MJPE-00024-00007400-00007700 What are the functions of the media? VNSD5n2MJPE-00025-00007700-00007800 Paula? VNSD5n2MJPE-00026-00007800-00008100 (hesitating) So, mhm... that they then put them under pressure VNSD5n2MJPE-00027-00008100-00008300 also, a bit like, mhm... VNSD5n2MJPE-00028-00008300-00008500 Yes, pressurize, yes.... VNSD5n2MJPE-00029-00008500-00008800 But putting under pressure would also perhaps be something, VNSD5n2MJPE-00030-00008800-00009000 which could become problematic. VNSD5n2MJPE-00031-00009000-00009400 So, would you say pressuring is a function of the media? VNSD5n2MJPE-00032-00009500-00009900 No, rather not. Because it is again already a bit... VNSD5n2MJPE-00033-00009950-00010100 no idea. VNSD5n2MJPE-00034-00010100-00010500 So that might be another one of those things, that we could write in red, VNSD5n2MJPE-00035-00010500-00010900 because that is of course a function, that they can have. VNSD5n2MJPE-00036-00010900-00011300 They certainly have the power to put pressure on the politicians. VNSD5n2MJPE-00037-00011300-00011600 But should they really... have... in a democracy, VNSD5n2MJPE-00038-00011600-00012000 for democracy to work or is that really important? VNSD5n2MJPE-00039-00012100-00012500 I'll put that there. That would be exerting pressure. VNSD5n2MJPE-00040-00012500-00012700 But what are they for? VNSD5n2MJPE-00041-00012700-00013100 So, exerting pressure only up to a certain degree, of course. VNSD5n2MJPE-00042-00013200-00013300 Yes? VNSD5n2MJPE-00043-00013400-00013500 Transparency. VNSD5n2MJPE-00044-00013500-00013700 Exactly. Create transparency. VNSD5n2MJPE-00045-00013700-00014100 And I’ll tell you now the term. VNSD5n2MJPE-00046-00014100-00014500 So very important is, that the media control politics. VNSD5n2MJPE-00047-00014550-00014650 So, VNSD5n2MJPE-00048-00014650-00015050 by asking such questions, as you have just seen there. VNSD5n2MJPE-00049-00015100-00015500 And this of course also creates transparency. VNSD5n2MJPE-00050-00015500-00015900 By keeping nothing the politicians are doing hidden. VNSD5n2MJPE-00051-00015900-00016200 The public should and may of course learn everything, VNSD5n2MJPE-00052-00016200-00016400 what is happening in politics. VNSD5n2MJPE-00053-00016500-00016850 And yes, there is also a bit of criticism. VNSD5n2MJPE-00054-00016850-00017200 Are they allowed to express criticism in a democracy? VNSD5n2MJPE-00055-00017200-00017500 Is this also a function? Yes? VNSD5n2MJPE-00056-00017500-00017600 Of course. VNSD5n2MJPE-00057-00017600-00018000 Would you also call that as a function of the media? VNSD5n2MJPE-00058-00018100-00018200 Yes? VNSD5n2MJPE-00059-00018200-00018400 So, they can clearly do that. VNSD5n2MJPE-00060-00018400-00018600 But I don't think that's part of it that way, VNSD5n2MJPE-00061-00018600-00019000 because... that's also a bit of manipulation. I'd say. VNSD5n2MJPE-00062-00019000-00019400 Because if they now say: Yes, that is so and so... VNSD5n2MJPE-00063-00019400-00019800 that they then rather, so one could... VNSD5n2MJPE-00064-00019800-00020100 I don't know exactly what it is called. VNSD5n2MJPE-00065-00020100-00020300 So, it must at least be justified criticism? VNSD5n2MJPE-00066-00020300-00020400 Yes. VNSD5n2MJPE-00067-00020400-00020600 Okay. Yes. VNSD5n2MJPE-00068-00020600-00021000 So, criticism is but, is also one of the functions of the media. VNSD5n2MJPE-00069-00021000-00021200 Of course, Joshua is right. VNSD5n2MJPE-00070-00021200-00021550 Of course, this criticism must not turn into manipulation, VNSD5n2MJPE-00071-00021550-00021900 but of course, it must be justified criticism. VNSD5n2MJPE-00072-00022000-00022200 But in general, VNSD5n2MJPE-00073-00022200-00022600 if Angela Merkel does anything now that you do not agree with, VNSD5n2MJPE-00074-00022600-00022950 or the press does not agree, they are allowed to do so, of course, VNSD5n2MJPE-00075-00022950-00023150 they are allowed to say that. VNSD5n2MJPE-00076-00023300-00023700 Then one more thing... maybe if you, um... VNSD5n2MJPE-00077-00023700-00024100 There was also shown a small historical review. VNSD5n2MJPE-00078-00024100-00024400 That was about the Third Reich. VNSD5n2MJPE-00079-00024400-00024700 What was different then than it is today? VNSD5n2MJPE-00080-00024800-00024900 Yes, Marius. VNSD5n2MJPE-00081-00024900-00025200 There was no freedom of expression allowed. VNSD5n2MJPE-00082-00025200-00025400 Exactly. Right. VNSD5n2MJPE-00083-00025400-00025600 So, in Germany. VNSD5n2MJPE-00084-00025600-00025900 Mmm... Marvin. VNSD5n2MJPE-00085-00025900-00026250 Uh, the media were used specifically to manipulate. VNSD5n2MJPE-00086-00026250-00026350 Right. VNSD5n2MJPE-00087-00026350-00026650 Yeah, well, I was going to say something similar to Marvin, VNSD5n2MJPE-00088-00026650-00026900 that the media are only allowed to write that, VNSD5n2MJPE-00089-00026900-00027400 what, uh, the politicians, let's say... wanted to convey to people. VNSD5n2MJPE-00090-00027500-00027700 Mmm. Exactly. VNSD5n2MJPE-00091-00027700-00027900 So, the press was not free, VNSD5n2MJPE-00092-00027900-00028300 but it was given to them by the politicians what they should write. VNSD5n2MJPE-00093-00028300-00028700 And of course, what is also important in a democracy... VNSD5n2MJPE-00094-00028800-00029200 Should everyone write the same thing? Or how should the reporting be? VNSD5n2MJPE-00095-00029250-00029400 Yes, Pascal. VNSD5n2MJPE-00096-00029400-00029800 Shall always, so that they are always written the same way. VNSD5n2MJPE-00097-00029800-00030200 (with emphasis) Should every newspaper write the same thing on the same subject? VNSD5n2MJPE-00098-00030200-00030350 Is that good? VNSD5n2MJPE-00099-00030350-00030750 So yes, not exactly the same, but close. VNSD5n2MJPE-00100-00030800-00031000 Yes, what do the others say? Vpi1NVKtYF8-00000-00000874-00001162 Let’s start with downloading software. Vpi1NVKtYF8-00001-00001182-00001528 Now, on the screen, you see the download button. Vpi1NVKtYF8-00003-00001812-00002084 Also, you can see what Vpi1NVKtYF8-00004-00002084-00002418 can be done with Camtasia on this site. Vpi1NVKtYF8-00005-00002462-00002712 All links Vpi1NVKtYF8-00006-00002712-00003015 will be posted on the description Vpi1NVKtYF8-00007-00003016-00003284 Through the course, the trial version will be used. Vpi1NVKtYF8-00008-00003284-00003570 Download the software, setup. Next, Next, Next. Vpi1NVKtYF8-00010-00004006-00004248 Also, you are able to register on the TechSmith Vpi1NVKtYF8-00011-00004248-00004465 website in order to use templates. VOgh48O8w_A-00000-00000088-00000188 Hey there! VOgh48O8w_A-00001-00000188-00000294 Quick question: VOgh48O8w_A-00002-00000294-00000501 When you're trying to get someone's attention, VOgh48O8w_A-00003-00000501-00000701 or move past them? VOgh48O8w_A-00004-00000701-00000801 Do you say... VOgh48O8w_A-00005-00000801-00000930 "Excuse" me? VOgh48O8w_A-00006-00000930-00001163 or "Pardon" me? VOgh48O8w_A-00007-00001163-00001237 I'm just wondering. VOJTsu9xOIU-00000-00000160-00000680 guys welcome back to the channel in this video you will see bitcoin price action and we will VOJTsu9xOIU-00001-00000680-00001288 go through all the details what bitcoin want to do next as you can see this is bookmap then VOJTsu9xOIU-00002-00001288-00001928 we will go through liquidation levels using the hyperblockcapital.com and then we will see VOJTsu9xOIU-00003-00002007-00002640 bitcoin price action as you can see here in thecharts and then we also see the open interest here VOJTsu9xOIU-00004-00002640-00003272 so we can start from bookmap as you can seecurrently, bitcoin is moving around 34 000 okay VOJTsu9xOIU-00005-00003328-00004047 and the next limit buy order is here at 32 which you can see 636 bitcoins next order you VOJTsu9xOIU-00006-00004047-00004736 can see at 30k okay 832 so there are limit order players here it doesn't mean it will go there okay VOJTsu9xOIU-00007-00004736-00005472 but we as i see most probability of going is 32 000 why i'm seeing this i will show you VOJTsu9xOIU-00008-00005608-00006104 so let's come to the chart so this is bitcoin price action as you can see this is four hour VOJTsu9xOIU-00009-00006104-00006992 chart you can see this is the last chart where youcan see um this is last price action for 21 july VOJTsu9xOIU-00010-00006992-00007800 okay so you can see this is the most interestedarea after which bitcoin went from here to 69k VOJTsu9xOIU-00011-00007800-00008560 okay so what we are looking here okay so you can see this is a liquidity pool if bitcoin is coming VOJTsu9xOIU-00012-00008560-00009120 down as you can see this is the bitcoin currentlevel okay and it's coming down towards 32k level VOJTsu9xOIU-00013-00009224-00009768 this is the main reason this is coming towardsthe interested area last time where it went from VOJTsu9xOIU-00014-00009768-00010456 here to 69k and now it's coming back here at samearea it will check what the interest of people VOJTsu9xOIU-00015-00010512-00011224 second, it have liquidity here you can see thisgreen box this is the liquidity pool very coming VOJTsu9xOIU-00016-00011224-00011952 i have another reason also like you can see bookmarkyou can see 636 bitcoin limit order is there at 32k VOJTsu9xOIU-00017-00011952-00012704 you can see if you drop your fib tool also you will see most levels coming nearby this okay VOJTsu9xOIU-00018-00012704-00013496 as you can see here 32 15 31 497 you can see this is one day chart you can see liquidity pull here VOJTsu9xOIU-00019-00013496-00014336 but why I'm saying 32 is the most powerful level why you can we can go back to the bitcoin chart here you VOJTsu9xOIU-00020-00014336-00014991 can see this is monthly poc of bitcoin which is and this is june line and this is july and VOJTsu9xOIU-00021-00015096-00015808 and this was MAY line okay you can see the MAY poc point of control line already broken here so VOJTsu9xOIU-00022-00015808-00016512 next point of control is this line okay two linescoming together here which is July and June okay VOJTsu9xOIU-00023-00016664-00017376 so June and July both POC levels are here at 32near about 32 okay it's not exactly if you zoom out VOJTsu9xOIU-00024-00017376-00018136 here you will see the exact levels okay like thisif you see this level is at 32 to 157 this is at VOJTsu9xOIU-00025-00018312-00018736 32907 okay so most probably i will say thirty two thousand okay VOJTsu9xOIU-00026-00018736-00019328 and and this is bitcoin perpetual chart of binanceso you can see all things here so this is the most VOJTsu9xOIU-00027-00019328-00019928 probable area next i will show you why it's mostpopular now we will go to liquidity level chart or VOJTsu9xOIU-00028-00019928-00020752 liquidation you can see so this is heavy websitestaking time to load okay so as you can see where VOJTsu9xOIU-00029-00020752-00021576 bitcoin can go and this area is all about 34 and32 below okay why people went long from here okay VOJTsu9xOIU-00030-00021576-00022256 and now the lick positions will be closed if it went down again so what will happen next so next VOJTsu9xOIU-00031-00022256-00022976 will happen many people are going short fromhere here here I mean 40 38 36 and now two VOJTsu9xOIU-00032-00023032-00023720 so what will happen price will reverse and price will liquidate all of them okay so VOJTsu9xOIU-00033-00023720-00024344 this is the next scenario we are looking for okayso what will support after 32 you can see again VOJTsu9xOIU-00034-00024560-00024752 after this level 32 level VOJTsu9xOIU-00035-00024872-00025472 which is this scenario after 32 we are lookingfor price reversal okay why because there are VOJTsu9xOIU-00036-00025472-00026024 a lot of liquidity to the top side as you can see the red box here let me go again VOJTsu9xOIU-00037-00026664-00027216 as you can see these red boxes above okay so thesered boxes are liquidity which are which can be VOJTsu9xOIU-00038-00027216-00027848 taken above okay these liquidity is what peoplewent short from there okay so we will go again VOJTsu9xOIU-00039-00027848-00028408 there and take their liquidity so we want to moveagain according to market makers who make the VOJTsu9xOIU-00040-00028408-00029168 market okay so you have to think like that so whatanother level which we are favoring at 32 is the VOJTsu9xOIU-00041-00029168-00030104 cme gap okay so i sold three four strong point whyi'm favoring 32 you can see that this is cme which VOJTsu9xOIU-00042-00030104-00030976 left on 24 July you can see this is the price of32480 so this gap is still pending okay so what VOJTsu9xOIU-00043-00030976-00031639 i'm looking here on monday cme exchange will open and price will reverse from here okay so till now VOJTsu9xOIU-00044-00031712-00032352 till that time again we are looking for 32k after that price will reverse and we VOJTsu9xOIU-00045-00032352-00032968 can see what scenario will happen at that time so let me open it in one hour chart VOJTsu9xOIU-00046-00033608-00034024 so you can see this is the current this is the current price action okay VOJTsu9xOIU-00047-00034624-00035072 so currently this is the chart what i'm looking here i'm looking here this VOJTsu9xOIU-00048-00035072-00035920 okay this will strike here it will come again here okay so then it will found support here VOJTsu9xOIU-00049-00035920-00036584 and you can see already there are a lot of support here as i showed in previous examples VOJTsu9xOIU-00050-00036776-00037152 then what we are expecting we are expecting this favor VOJTsu9xOIU-00051-00037216-00037984 okay 50 ma will be here at that time then you will see like this behavior okay VOJTsu9xOIU-00052-00038376-00038984 so this type of behavior we will see okay so thiswill not be the state like this there will be VOJTsu9xOIU-00053-00038984-00039488 a lot of price action will be there okay so afterthis much projection we will see the behavior okay VOJTsu9xOIU-00054-00039560-00040024 so this is current price action what we are looking for next if you are a long-term holder VOJTsu9xOIU-00055-00040024-00040688 or if you are long-term sync trader okay so whatyou want you want that this is one-hour chart okay VOJTsu9xOIU-00056-00040752-00041104 what price you want okay let me show you so we want this VOJTsu9xOIU-00057-00041296-00042016 5 or 13 line to curl like this okay or goes like this then 50 will come so 50 will be here then VOJTsu9xOIU-00058-00042016-00042888 200 will be downside to 50 okay so 5 13 50 so 200 , like this you will seeprice VOJTsu9xOIU-00059-00042888-00043712 projection in future okay it will take 10 15 days or maybe 20 days also okay so what will VOJTsu9xOIU-00060-00043712-00044352 happen further you can see these will come likethis 50 will be here 200 will be there then 800 VOJTsu9xOIU-00061-00044352-00044984 will be like this then we will see complete upwardmoment here okay till that time we can't say VOJTsu9xOIU-00062-00045168-00045824 that bitcoin is ready to move forward okay but forthe short time or day trading you can see this is VOJTsu9xOIU-00063-00045824-00046288 this level is good support you can take the interior or if you want to do the dollar cost VOJTsu9xOIU-00064-00046288-00046976 averaging okay this is the time this area is the time for you to do the dc okay so you can go long VOJTsu9xOIU-00065-00046976-00047784 here so this is all about bitcoin price action now we will talk about ethereum so let's go to it VOJTsu9xOIU-00066-00048104-00049048 so if you talk about ethereum you can see this area okay last time 21st july was the VOJTsu9xOIU-00067-00049048-00049648 good support for this so this is the liquidation or you can say the liquidity level for ethereum okay VOJTsu9xOIU-00068-00049712-00050344 but this area is acting as a good support we can see if bitcoin go to 32 it will come on VOJTsu9xOIU-00069-00050344-00051080 over this zone again 800 and 2000 john okay ifwe see the POC level for this let's go to this VOJTsu9xOIU-00070-00051504-00051984 so i open ethereum chart you can see and this is you can see this is the exact uc level VOJTsu9xOIU-00071-00052064-00053055 from the may and next poc will be here of juneokay so this is the june poc which is 1960 VOJTsu9xOIU-00072-00053055-00053567 so this will be very strong strong support level okay for ethereum so if you are going VOJTsu9xOIU-00073-00053567-00054264 for ethereum these are the levels you can look forif you talk about ethereum here okay let's go for VOJTsu9xOIU-00074-00054264-00054960 ethereum here you can you can see ethereum havingsame projection okay and the levels i showed you VOJTsu9xOIU-00075-00054960-00055696 here are the levels okay ethereum is getting support here it it will retouch again dispute VOJTsu9xOIU-00076-00055696-00056232 rejected then we will see what we can do next okay till now what i'm seeing or what we want VOJTsu9xOIU-00077-00056304-00057040 so ethereum will go here and to the 50ma and then it will come and then it will decide what it want VOJTsu9xOIU-00078-00057040-00057688 okay it want to go up or what okay so this willthis will be the projection you will see here VOJTsu9xOIU-00079-00057688-00058400 okay so you have to focus on this you can kind of be harry and take the action i hope you like VOJTsu9xOIU-00080-00058400-00058855 the video if you like the video make sure to subscribe the channel and see you next video VP0XA1UIHQY-00000-00000006-00000660 Hi everybody, Scott Bintz here with another entrepreneurial skill VP0XA1UIHQY-00001-00000664-00001172 Perseverance VP0XA1UIHQY-00002-00001172-00001902 Most people want to tell you why something won't work VP0XA1UIHQY-00003-00001902-00002638 You must wire your mind to figure out the ways something CAN be done VP0XA1UIHQY-00004-00002638-00003252 Be the one determined enough to figure it out VP0XA1UIHQY-00005-00003252-00003874 Determination is huge for entrepreneurs. VP0XA1UIHQY-00006-00003874-00004208 Till next time, Smile! VPZD6pBHs58-00000-00001206-00001577 So, before we get into computer storage, we need to fill in some gaps. VPZD6pBHs58-00001-00001577-00001946 I'm referring to things like gigabytes, bits, etc. VPZD6pBHs58-00002-00001946-00002307 But we actually haven't talked at all about what those metrics mean. VPZD6pBHs58-00003-00002307-00002605 Sorry, I kind of get a bit ahead of myself. VPZD6pBHs58-00004-00002605-00002958 As you might have guessed, these terms refer to data sizes. VPZD6pBHs58-00005-00002958-00003284 The smallest unit of a data storage is a bit. VPZD6pBHs58-00006-00003284-00003740 A bit can store one binary digit, so it can store a one or zero. VPZD6pBHs58-00007-00003740-00004284 The next largest unit of storage is called a byte, which is comprised of 8 bits. VPZD6pBHs58-00008-00004284-00004633 A single byte can hold a letter, number or symbol. VPZD6pBHs58-00009-00004633-00004965 The next largest unit is refer to as kibibyte, but VPZD6pBHs58-00010-00004965-00005211 we typically use the term kilobyte. VPZD6pBHs58-00011-00005333-00005732 A kilobyte is made up of 1,024 bytes. VPZD6pBHs58-00012-00005732-00006211 If you're curious why 1 kilobyte refers to as 1,024 bytes and not 1,000 bytes, VPZD6pBHs58-00013-00006211-00006542 you can read more about that in the next supplemental reading. VPZD6pBHs58-00014-00006542-00006793 For now, here's a quick data conversion chart. VPZD6pBHs58-00015-00007036-00007330 How much does 500 gigabytes even mean? VPZD6pBHs58-00016-00007330-00007563 Let's take a look at the size of an average music file, VPZD6pBHs58-00017-00007563-00007795 which is about three megabytes. VPZD6pBHs58-00018-00007795-00008301 On a 500 gigabyte machine, that's approximately 165,000 music files. VPZD6pBHs58-00019-00008301-00008465 That's a lot of music. VPZD6pBHs58-00020-00008465-00008811 We store all of our computer's data on our hard drive, VPZD6pBHs58-00021-00008811-00009227 which allows us to store our programs, music, pictures, etc. VPZD6pBHs58-00022-00009227-00009449 Have you ever had an issue with your computer and VPZD6pBHs58-00023-00009449-00009707 lost all the data that was on your hard drive? VPZD6pBHs58-00024-00009707-00009927 Yeah, me too, it was the worst. VPZD6pBHs58-00025-00009927-00010086 This actually happens a lot and VPZD6pBHs58-00026-00010086-00010391 you'll probably encounter it as an IT support specialist. VPZD6pBHs58-00027-00010391-00010691 Make sure you backup your data to be safe. VPZD6pBHs58-00028-00010691-00011033 This means you should copy or save your data somewhere else, VPZD6pBHs58-00029-00011033-00011335 just in case something goes wrong and your hard drive crashes. VPZD6pBHs58-00030-00011335-00011566 That way, you won't lose all your data. VPZD6pBHs58-00031-00011566-00011874 There are two basic hard drive types used today. VPZD6pBHs58-00032-00011874-00012179 Hard disk drives, or HDDs, use a spinning platter and VPZD6pBHs58-00033-00012179-00012476 a mechanical arm to read and write information. VPZD6pBHs58-00034-00012476-00012966 The speed that the platter rotate allows you to read and write data faster. VPZD6pBHs58-00035-00012966-00013513 This is commonly referred to as RPM, or revolution per minute. VPZD6pBHs58-00036-00013513-00013921 A hard drive with a higher RPM is faster, so if you go out and buy a hard VPZD6pBHs58-00037-00013921-00014462 drive today, you might see something like a 500 gigabyte with 5400 RPM. VPZD6pBHs58-00038-00014462-00014921 HDDs are prone to a lot more damage because there are a lot of moving parts. VPZD6pBHs58-00039-00014921-00015374 This susceptibility to damage went away with a new type of storage called VPZD6pBHs58-00040-00015374-00015729 solid state drive, or SSD. VPZD6pBHs58-00041-00015729-00015953 SSDs have no moving parts. VPZD6pBHs58-00042-00015953-00016168 Are you familiar with a USB stick? VPZD6pBHs58-00043-00016168-00016395 SSDs are created in a similar way. VPZD6pBHs58-00044-00016395-00016912 The information is stored on microchips and data travels a lot faster than HDDs. VPZD6pBHs58-00045-00016912-00017484 The form factor for SSDs is also slimmer compared to their HDD cousins. VPZD6pBHs58-00046-00017484-00017617 Sounds great, doesn't it? VPZD6pBHs58-00047-00017617-00017847 So why doesn't everyone use SSDs? VPZD6pBHs58-00048-00017847-00018094 Well, both have their pros and cons. VPZD6pBHs58-00049-00018094-00018535 HDDs are more affordable, but they're more prone to damage. VPZD6pBHs58-00050-00018535-00018830 SSDs are less risky when it comes to losing data, but VPZD6pBHs58-00051-00018830-00019058 they're also more expensive. VPZD6pBHs58-00052-00019058-00019599 So you may not buy as much memory storage in SSDs than what you can get in HDDs. VPZD6pBHs58-00053-00019599-00020061 Believe it or not, there are even hybrid SSD and HDD drives out there. VPZD6pBHs58-00054-00020061-00020273 They offer SSD performance where you need it. VPZD6pBHs58-00055-00020273-00020569 For things like system performance, such as booting your computer, VPZD6pBHs58-00056-00020569-00020999 along with hard disk drives for less important stuff, like basic file storage. VPZD6pBHs58-00057-00020999-00021358 There are a few interfaces that hard drives use to connect to our system. VPZD6pBHs58-00058-00021358-00021681 ATA interfaces are the most common ones. VPZD6pBHs58-00059-00021681-00022005 The most popular ATA drive is a serial ATA, VPZD6pBHs58-00060-00022005-00022475 or SATA, which uses one cable for data transfers. VPZD6pBHs58-00061-00022475-00022640 SATA drives are hot swappable. VPZD6pBHs58-00062-00022640-00022767 Great term, don't you think? VPZD6pBHs58-00063-00022767-00023115 It means you don't have to turn off your machine to plug in a SATA drive. VPZD6pBHs58-00064-00023115-00023503 SATA drives move data faster and use a more efficient cable, like this one, VPZD6pBHs58-00065-00023503-00023675 than it's predecessors. VPZD6pBHs58-00066-00023675-00024046 SATA has been the de facto interface for HDDs today. VPZD6pBHs58-00067-00024046-00024474 But people quickly found that using a SATA cable wasn't good enough for VPZD6pBHs58-00068-00024474-00024860 some of the blazing fast SSDs that were coming on the market. VPZD6pBHs58-00069-00024860-00025225 The interface couldn't keep up with speed of the newest SSDs. VPZD6pBHs58-00070-00025225-00025764 So another interface standard was created called NVM Express, or NVMe. VPZD6pBHs58-00071-00025867-00026133 Instead of using a cable to connect your drive to your machine, VPZD6pBHs58-00072-00026133-00026438 the drive was added as an expansion slot, which allows for VPZD6pBHs58-00073-00026438-00026674 greater throughput of data and increased efficiency. VVcPJCJxF3Y-00000-00000000-00000086 A new home! VVcPJCJxF3Y-00001-00000086-00000130 There's the food VWuhm1Kt7A0-00000-00000500-00000750 When we look at Ready Together, VWuhm1Kt7A0-00001-00000760-00000950 it’s culturally appropriate. VWuhm1Kt7A0-00002-00000960-00001190 You know it has been designed and developed by VWuhm1Kt7A0-00003-00001200-00001450 local people that are at the grass roots level. VWuhm1Kt7A0-00004-00001454-00001710 There’s a lot of information, so there’s information on VWuhm1Kt7A0-00005-00001710-00002150 a child’s milestones, on child development, on brain development. VWuhm1Kt7A0-00006-00002155-00002590 How the brain develops over time from VWuhm1Kt7A0-00007-00002600-00002950 being in your womb to the age of five. VWuhm1Kt7A0-00008-00002955-00003150 I honestly think it’s amazing, VWuhm1Kt7A0-00009-00003155-00003450 it’s something that can really be used within VWuhm1Kt7A0-00010-00003454-00003790 community, not just within Indigenous communities, like VWuhm1Kt7A0-00011-00003790-00004090 all over Australia. It’s easy to understand. VWuhm1Kt7A0-00012-00004100-00004390 We can take this resource out to our community. VWuhm1Kt7A0-00013-00004395-00004800 It integrates the Indigenous knowledge that was already there VWuhm1Kt7A0-00014-00004805-00004999 and the Indigenous approaches that have already been used VWuhm1Kt7A0-00015-00005000-00005250 and it values that knowledge and uses it as a framework VWuhm1Kt7A0-00016-00005255-00005690 and then integrates you know, people like me with the latest science. VWuhm1Kt7A0-00017-00005690-00006200 This resource is a deadly resource, VWuhm1Kt7A0-00018-00006210-00006600 and that should stay around for many years to come, VWuhm1Kt7A0-00019-00006605-00007000 for encouragement for our young and old. VffgRIA-UWo-00000-00000084-00000596 HOTEL MAKEDONIJA "Black She Did Wear" VffgRIA-UWo-00001-00000778-00001220 In a crystal fortress Five cameras record VffgRIA-UWo-00002-00001260-00001714 She who came to destroy Monetary world VffgRIA-UWo-00003-00001807-00002246 She’s a solo player Doesn’t care for teams VffgRIA-UWo-00004-00002300-00002716 Just like her old mentor, Greengrocer from Greece VffgRIA-UWo-00005-00003532-00004014 Seventeenth November, One minute past three VffgRIA-UWo-00006-00004079-00004498 By the lift, some yuppies Huddled silently. VffgRIA-UWo-00007-00004584-00005018 She sneaked to the doorman Snapped his spinal cord VffgRIA-UWo-00008-00005092-00005526 Out of love she led this Androgynous war. VffgRIA-UWo-00009-00005848-00006050 Oh, black she did wear VffgRIA-UWo-00010-00006118-00006306 Blowing people in the air VffgRIA-UWo-00011-00006354-00006581 Oh, black she did wear VffgRIA-UWo-00012-00006623-00006828 And was leftist here and there VffgRIA-UWo-00013-00006880-00007102 Logistics is arranged VffgRIA-UWo-00014-00007126-00007320 Crutches, stretchers and wheelchairs VffgRIA-UWo-00015-00007370-00007586 Oh, she was dressed in black VffgRIA-UWo-00016-00007634-00007873 Launching manure bomb attack VffgRIA-UWo-00017-00008660-00009124 Some plastic explosive And her Grandpa’s watch VffgRIA-UWo-00018-00009166-00009574 Deafening explosion Thundered through the block. VffgRIA-UWo-00019-00009670-00010128 Executive board and Human resource team VffgRIA-UWo-00020-00010164-00010602 Were soaring through space like Yuri Gagarin VffgRIA-UWo-00021-00010674-00011106 As the smoke devoured Corporate domain VffgRIA-UWo-00022-00011188-00011620 Creative think tank screamed From their open plane. VffgRIA-UWo-00023-00011700-00012154 Business concerns, cartels, Loaners, agencies, VffgRIA-UWo-00024-00012208-00012646 Were soaring through air like Punctured zeppelin. VffgRIA-UWo-00025-00012972-00013191 Oh, black she did wear VffgRIA-UWo-00026-00013230-00013406 Wreaking mayhem everywhere VffgRIA-UWo-00027-00013480-00013716 Oh, black she did wear VffgRIA-UWo-00028-00013750-00013912 And was leftist here and there VffgRIA-UWo-00029-00014012-00014224 Right now, evacuate VffgRIA-UWo-00030-00014238-00014418 Off the roofs, don’t hesitate VffgRIA-UWo-00031-00014504-00014708 Oh, she wore black attire VffgRIA-UWo-00032-00014744-00014963 Give her credit, she’s on fire VffgRIA-UWo-00033-00015008-00015250 Oh, she was dressed in black VffgRIA-UWo-00034-00015263-00015458 Small survival dividend VffgRIA-UWo-00035-00015506-00015741 Oh, she was dressed in black VffgRIA-UWo-00036-00015768-00016010 Due date’s here, It’s time to pay! VffgRIA-UWo-00037-00016790-00017250 As the teller handed Her a money sack VffgRIA-UWo-00038-00017296-00017738 Limping black cat guaranteed That she’d be back VffgRIA-UWo-00039-00017800-00018244 While she played some pinball At an ATM VffgRIA-UWo-00040-00018318-00018754 She was feeding raven Golden M&M’s VffgRIA-UWo-00041-00019574-00020026 Helicopters whirring While the sirens blared VffgRIA-UWo-00042-00020090-00020516 Blast of wind exposed her Black-laced underwear VffgRIA-UWo-00043-00020606-00021046 Just around the corner Her bike had been parked VffgRIA-UWo-00044-00021096-00021568 Where her noble Blackie would Greet her with a bark VffgRIA-UWo-00045-00021860-00022854 Oh, black she did wear Blowing people in the air Oh, black she did wear And was leftist here and there... Vf-sWnO7SzE-00000-00000131-00000294 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00001-00000294-00000344 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00002-00000344-00000394 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00003-00000394-00000444 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00004-00000444-00000494 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00005-00000594-00000644 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00006-00000644-00000694 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00007-00000694-00000744 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00008-00000825-00000875 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00009-00000875-00000925 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00010-00000925-00000975 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00011-00000975-00001025 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00012-00001025-00001075 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00013-00001075-00001125 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00014-00001144-00001194 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00015-00001194-00001244 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00016-00001244-00001294 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00017-00001294-00001344 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00018-00001344-00001394 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00019-00001394-00001444 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00020-00001446-00001496 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00021-00001496-00001546 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00022-00001546-00001596 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00023-00001596-00001646 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00024-00001646-00001696 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00025-00001696-00001746 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00026-00001865-00001915 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00027-00001915-00001965 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00028-00001965-00002015 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00029-00002015-00002065 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00030-00002065-00002115 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00031-00002152-00002202 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00032-00002202-00002252 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00033-00002252-00002302 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00034-00002302-00002352 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00035-00002352-00002402 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00036-00002402-00002452 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00037-00002465-00002515 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00038-00002515-00002565 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00039-00002565-00002615 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00040-00002615-00002665 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00041-00002665-00002715 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00042-00002757-00002807 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00043-00002807-00002857 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00044-00002857-00002907 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00045-00002907-00002957 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00046-00002957-00003007 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00047-00003007-00003057 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00048-00003057-00003107 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00049-00003112-00003162 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00050-00003162-00003212 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00051-00003212-00003262 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00052-00003262-00003312 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00053-00003312-00003362 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00054-00003410-00003460 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00055-00003460-00003510 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00056-00003510-00003560 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00057-00003560-00003610 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00058-00003610-00003660 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00059-00003671-00003721 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00060-00003721-00003771 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00061-00003771-00003821 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00062-00003821-00003871 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00063-00003920-00003970 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00064-00003970-00004020 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00065-00004020-00004070 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00066-00004070-00004120 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00067-00004120-00004170 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00068-00004218-00004268 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00069-00004268-00004318 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00070-00004318-00004368 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00071-00004368-00004418 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00072-00004418-00004468 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00073-00004505-00004555 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00074-00004555-00004605 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00075-00004605-00004655 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00076-00004655-00004705 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00077-00004705-00004755 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00078-00004867-00004917 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00079-00004917-00004967 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00080-00004967-00005017 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00081-00005017-00005067 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00082-00005067-00005117 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00083-00005117-00005167 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00084-00005184-00005234 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00085-00005234-00005284 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00086-00005284-00005334 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00087-00005334-00005384 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00088-00005384-00005434 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00089-00005456-00005506 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00090-00005506-00005556 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00091-00005556-00005606 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00092-00005606-00005656 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00093-00005656-00005706 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00094-00005743-00005793 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00095-00005793-00005843 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00096-00005843-00005893 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00097-00005893-00005943 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00098-00005943-00005993 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00099-00006024-00006074 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00100-00006074-00006124 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00101-00006124-00006174 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00102-00006174-00006224 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00103-00006224-00006274 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00104-00006274-00006324 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00105-00006339-00006389 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00106-00006389-00006439 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00107-00006439-00006489 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00108-00006535-00006585 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00109-00006585-00006635 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00110-00006635-00006685 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00111-00006685-00006735 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00112-00006735-00006785 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00113-00006832-00006882 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00114-00006882-00006932 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00115-00006973-00007023 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00116-00007023-00007073 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00117-00007073-00007123 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00118-00007123-00007173 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00119-00007173-00007223 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00120-00007223-00007273 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00121-00007273-00007323 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00122-00007323-00007373 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00123-00007373-00007423 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00124-00007423-00007473 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00125-00007473-00007523 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00126-00007523-00007573 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00127-00007577-00007627 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00128-00007627-00007677 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00129-00007677-00007727 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00130-00007727-00007777 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00131-00007777-00007827 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00132-00007873-00007923 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00133-00007923-00007973 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00134-00007973-00008023 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00135-00008023-00008073 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00136-00008073-00008123 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00137-00008170-00008220 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00138-00008220-00008270 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00139-00008270-00008320 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00140-00008320-00008370 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00141-00008370-00008420 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00142-00008452-00008502 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00143-00008502-00008552 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00144-00008552-00008602 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00145-00008602-00008652 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00146-00008652-00008702 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00147-00008702-00008752 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00148-00008753-00008803 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00149-00008803-00008853 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00150-00008853-00008903 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00151-00008903-00008953 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00152-00008963-00009013 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00153-00009013-00009063 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00154-00009063-00009113 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00155-00009113-00009163 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00156-00009203-00009253 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00157-00009253-00009303 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00158-00009303-00009353 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00159-00009353-00009403 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00160-00009403-00009453 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00161-00009488-00009538 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00162-00009538-00009588 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00163-00009588-00009638 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00164-00009638-00009688 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00165-00009688-00009738 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00166-00009774-00009824 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00167-00009824-00009874 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00168-00009874-00009924 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00169-00009924-00009974 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00170-00009974-00010024 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00171-00010024-00010074 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00172-00010075-00010125 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00173-00010125-00010175 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00174-00010175-00010225 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00175-00010225-00010275 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00176-00010275-00010325 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00177-00010350-00010400 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00178-00010400-00010450 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00179-00010524-00010574 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00180-00010574-00010624 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health Vf-sWnO7SzE-00181-00010624-00010805 Red Chilli Health benefits in Hindi | Ghamasan Health VfN1DdL4c_M-00000-00001872-00002984 wow VfN1DdL4c_M-00001-00003824-00004384 this VfN1DdL4c_M-00002-00007623-00008584 oh VfN1DdL4c_M-00003-00009440-00009984 oh VfN1DdL4c_M-00004-00010264-00011384 so VfN1DdL4c_M-00005-00012336-00012784 what VfN1DdL4c_M-00006-00013072-00014184 oh VfN1DdL4c_M-00007-00016136-00016984 quick VgUh0ArrO0A-00000-00000000-00000650 Christina asks, "Regarding the matter of QuadrigaCX and the funds lost, as the owner died holding the keys, VgUh0ArrO0A-00001-00000650-00001360 can you see this affecting encryption and regulation?" This is an interesting question, Christina. VgUh0ArrO0A-00002-00001360-00001926 QuadrigaCX is a Canadian exchange that recently went into bankruptcy proceedings, VgUh0ArrO0A-00003-00001926-00002560 in order to protect itself legally while it tries to find [a way to] pay back its customers. VgUh0ArrO0A-00004-00002560-00003460 The story at the moment, as far as we know, is that the owner of the exchange had sole control over keys... VgUh0ArrO0A-00005-00003460-00004754 to the cold storage, which is long-term storage of [cryptocurrency] that is offline for security reasons. VgUh0ArrO0A-00006-00004754-00005362 [Allegedly], the owner of QuadrigaCX was the only person with access to these keys. VgUh0ArrO0A-00007-00005362-00005752 They died recently. As a result, those keys are now "lost." VgUh0ArrO0A-00008-00005752-00006130 It appears they were stored on an encrypted laptop. VgUh0ArrO0A-00009-00006130-00006772 This is a perfect example of the risks [around] third-party custody over keys. VgUh0ArrO0A-00010-00006772-00007330 I've used an expression many times. You have probably heard it being chanted as a mantra: VgUh0ArrO0A-00011-00007330-00007980 not your keys, not your coins, or not your keys, not your bitcoin. VgUh0ArrO0A-00012-00007980-00008446 Not your keys, not your crypto. VgUh0ArrO0A-00013-00008446-00009180 The idea is, you should be very careful with trusting third parties to hold your money. VgUh0ArrO0A-00014-00009180-00009906 This applies to any domain of money, but it applies especially to [cryptocurrencies]... VgUh0ArrO0A-00015-00009906-00010650 because it is easier to steal or lose bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies when you put it all in one place, VgUh0ArrO0A-00016-00010650-00011080 under the control of one person. VgUh0ArrO0A-00017-00011080-00012094 Bitcoin maintains its security through decentralization. In order to rob a thousand people, you would need to... VgUh0ArrO0A-00018-00012094-00012813 break into a thousand wallets on different computers, which are on mobile, desktop, or hardware wallets, etc. VgUh0ArrO0A-00019-00012813-00013322 That is very difficult to do. Essentially, you would need to pull off a thousand heists. VgUh0ArrO0A-00020-00013322-00014066 But if those one thousand people deposit their crypto with one person who controls all the keys, VgUh0ArrO0A-00021-00014066-00014990 now you only need to hack or lose one wallet to get one set of keys, and those thousand people lose their money. VgUh0ArrO0A-00022-00014990-00015518 This is exactly what has happened in this case. How does it affect encryption and regulation? VgUh0ArrO0A-00023-00015518-00016418 It doesn't really change anything about either of those categories. Arguably, as I said in... VgUh0ArrO0A-00024-00016418-00017090 my testimony to the Canadian Senate, it is important to [be skeptical of] institutions that hold bitcoin... VgUh0ArrO0A-00025-00017090-00017684 on behalf of other people in custodial accounts, in a very similar way to banks. VgUh0ArrO0A-00026-00017684-00018300 We should put them under the same type of scrutiny. They concentrate risk when they have control... VgUh0ArrO0A-00027-00018300-00018812 over people's funds, significant risks to resilience. VgUh0ArrO0A-00028-00018812-00019224 [There should be] contingency planning, disaster recovery, and business continuity... VgUh0ArrO0A-00029-00019224-00019680 in the event of a founders death, theft, or hacking. VgUh0ArrO0A-00030-00019680-00020260 Reserves [should be audited regularly to determine] whether they actually have the money they claim to. VgUh0ArrO0A-00031-00020260-00021014 As I have suggested, regulating the decentralized control of [cryptocurrency] keys is unnecessary. VgUh0ArrO0A-00032-00021014-00021904 Regulating the centralized control of keys is necessary and something the government should be doing, VgUh0ArrO0A-00033-00021904-00022510 but of course in the space there is a lot of sloppy security. VgUh0ArrO0A-00034-00022510-00023432 Hopefully, this doesn't change encryption or regulation, but it teaches people the lesson that apparently... VgUh0ArrO0A-00035-00023432-00024192 needs to be told again and again, when exchanges fail again and again. VgUh0ArrO0A-00036-00024192-00024974 People [need to] learn the fundamental lesson of not trusting third parties with their cryptocurrency. Vi6lETLGWBU-00000-00000238-00000340 Hello! Vi6lETLGWBU-00001-00000618-00000726 Look! Vi6lETLGWBU-00002-00001514-00001614 Look! Vi6lETLGWBU-00003-00001822-00001954 I'm Sally! Vi6lETLGWBU-00004-00002110-00002238 And I'm Possum! Vi6lETLGWBU-00005-00002334-00002450 Hello! Vi6lETLGWBU-00006-00003552-00003758 Oh, hello. Vi6lETLGWBU-00007-00003897-00003978 Hold on. Vi6lETLGWBU-00008-00004597-00004820 My fingers were stuck together, Vi6lETLGWBU-00009-00004822-00005030 I couldn't say hello properly. Vi6lETLGWBU-00010-00005072-00005314 Now they're nice and clean. Hello everyone! Vi6lETLGWBU-00011-00005360-00005806 I'm making some glue - it's very, very sticky. Vi6lETLGWBU-00012-00006869-00007061 I'm making this glue Vi6lETLGWBU-00013-00007070-00007323 because I want to make a paper ball Vi6lETLGWBU-00014-00007330-00007520 and I'm going to use the glue Vi6lETLGWBU-00015-00007538-00007764 to stick the paper together. Vi6lETLGWBU-00016-00007945-00008294 I'm sure Possum would love to help make this ball. Vi6lETLGWBU-00017-00008446-00008628 I wonder if he’s awake. Vi6lETLGWBU-00018-00008778-00008923 I'll go and see. Vi6lETLGWBU-00019-00008962-00009108 Come on let’s have a look. Vi6lETLGWBU-00020-00010583-00010722 Where is Possum? Vi6lETLGWBU-00021-00012034-00012460 Sally … my door was so hard to open, Vi6lETLGWBU-00022-00012509-00012654 I don't know why. Vi6lETLGWBU-00023-00012728-00012904 Was it stuck, Possum? Vi6lETLGWBU-00024-00012985-00013163 Sally, what does stuck mean? Vi6lETLGWBU-00025-00013210-00013640 It's like your door was so hard to open, it was sticking. Vi6lETLGWBU-00026-00013772-00014102 Like this morning when I was making glue, Vi6lETLGWBU-00027-00014187-00014470 my fingers were sticking together. Vi6lETLGWBU-00028-00014482-00014847 I couldn't open them, because they were all sticky. Vi6lETLGWBU-00029-00014889-00015116 That was because of the sticky glue. Vi6lETLGWBU-00030-00015185-00015391 Did you get glue on your door, Possum? Vi6lETLGWBU-00031-00015413-00015582 Ah ha, I remember. Vi6lETLGWBU-00032-00015594-00015946 Last night I got into my comfy bed, Vi6lETLGWBU-00033-00015969-00016354 I got a jar of honey and I was eating it Vi6lETLGWBU-00034-00016358-00016542 and I got it all over me Vi6lETLGWBU-00035-00016554-00016882 and all over the tree house. Mm mm. Vi6lETLGWBU-00036-00016950-00017454 Possum, did you have a jar of honey and didn't give me any? Vi6lETLGWBU-00037-00017498-00017873 You know I love sticky, sticky honey. Vi6lETLGWBU-00038-00017951-00018081 Oh well. Vi6lETLGWBU-00039-00018302-00018546 Oh well, never mind. Vi6lETLGWBU-00040-00018618-00018934 Inside I was making a paper ball … Vi6lETLGWBU-00041-00018949-00019104 do you want to come and help me? Vi6lETLGWBU-00042-00019203-00019370 Yeah, I’ll help, but … Vi6lETLGWBU-00043-00019441-00019786 how do you make the paper ball stick together? Vi6lETLGWBU-00044-00020058-00020430 The glue that I was making was very sticky. Vi6lETLGWBU-00045-00021014-00021342 So I dip the paper in the glue, Vi6lETLGWBU-00046-00021349-00021664 and used that to make the ball. Vi6lETLGWBU-00047-00021822-00022014 Oh yeah! I’ll help yeah. Vi6lETLGWBU-00048-00022026-00022158 Well come on then. Vi6lETLGWBU-00049-00022214-00022386 Oh! Possum! Vi6lETLGWBU-00050-00022390-00022458 What is it? Vi6lETLGWBU-00051-00022458-00022598 I have an idea. Vi6lETLGWBU-00052-00022642-00022974 Why don't we pretend that our feet are really sticky Vi6lETLGWBU-00053-00022978-00023430 and that the grass is all sticky, all the way back to the kitchen? Vi6lETLGWBU-00054-00023457-00023698 Oh yeah, come on. Copy us kids! Vi6lETLGWBU-00055-00031130-00031383 Well Sally, I'm ready to make the glue, Vi6lETLGWBU-00056-00031395-00031512 how do we make it? Vi6lETLGWBU-00057-00031529-00032106 Well, to make our sticky, sticky glue, we need four things. Vi6lETLGWBU-00058-00032117-00032289 We need flour. Vi6lETLGWBU-00059-00032298-00032398 Yep! Vi6lETLGWBU-00060-00032418-00032602 We need water … Vi6lETLGWBU-00061-00032609-00032718 There it is. Vi6lETLGWBU-00062-00032746-00032882 We need a bowl … Vi6lETLGWBU-00063-00032929-00033032 Got it! Vi6lETLGWBU-00064-00033078-00033284 And we need a spoon … Vi6lETLGWBU-00065-00033414-00033860 No, that's too small! We need a bigger spoon. Vi6lETLGWBU-00066-00033888-00033986 Oh, ah ha! Vi6lETLGWBU-00067-00033990-00034166 Yes, that's right. Vi6lETLGWBU-00068-00034190-00034606 We have our four things - that means we can start making our glue. Vi6lETLGWBU-00069-00034692-00035014 We need one cup of flour, in the bowl. Vi6lETLGWBU-00070-00035035-00035134 Okie doke … Vi6lETLGWBU-00071-00035562-00035874 And now we need a cup of water. Vi6lETLGWBU-00072-00035888-00036006 Right. Vi6lETLGWBU-00073-00036650-00036756 Look Possum, Vi6lETLGWBU-00074-00036758-00037058 you can see there the flour is sitting on the bottom Vi6lETLGWBU-00075-00037069-00037288 and the water is on the top. Vi6lETLGWBU-00076-00037344-00037430 Yeah. Vi6lETLGWBU-00077-00037467-00037922 We need to use our spoon to mix it all together and make it nice and sticky. Vi6lETLGWBU-00078-00037930-00038036 Oh. Vi6lETLGWBU-00079-00038135-00038274 Can you do that please? … Vi6lETLGWBU-00080-00038452-00038816 While you’re doing that, I'm going to tear up some strips of paper... Vi6lETLGWBU-00081-00039441-00039702 Possum, are you stuck? Vi6lETLGWBU-00082-00039814-00040120 He he he he he! Vi6lETLGWBU-00083-00040142-00040416 You're playing tricks on me. Vi6lETLGWBU-00084-00040446-00040710 Oh, that glue looks ready, Possum. Vi6lETLGWBU-00085-00040829-00041092 Now, we need to blow up a balloon. Vi6lETLGWBU-00086-00042107-00042252 Ok, that's enough. Vi6lETLGWBU-00087-00042968-00043164 Now, place it in the bowl, Vi6lETLGWBU-00088-00043221-00043508 and what we do is we get our paper, Vi6lETLGWBU-00089-00043518-00043678 we dip it in the glue Vi6lETLGWBU-00090-00043698-00043896 and then we stick it on the balloon. Vi6lETLGWBU-00091-00044961-00045070 That’s looking good. Vi6lETLGWBU-00092-00045074-00045464 Why don’t we watch some children making papier-mâché balloons? Vi6lETLGWBU-00093-00045610-00045720 Yeah, let’s watch! Vi6lETLGWBU-00094-00055241-00055854 Oh wow, those children make great papier-mâché balloons! Vi6lETLGWBU-00095-00055937-00056202 Yes, they were beautiful weren't they, Possum? Vi6lETLGWBU-00096-00056253-00056470 Yours is beautiful, too, though. Vi6lETLGWBU-00097-00056624-00056854 We should paint ours as well, Vi6lETLGWBU-00098-00057002-00057290 but it’s still wet. Vi6lETLGWBU-00099-00057434-00057832 Why don’t we go outside and hang it up so it can dry. Vi6lETLGWBU-00100-00057934-00058150 Yeah, good idea, come on let’s go! Vi6lETLGWBU-00101-00063926-00063993 Hello! Vi6lETLGWBU-00102-00063996-00064079 Oh, hello. Vi6lETLGWBU-00103-00064318-00064546 Possum, your ball looks great. Vi6lETLGWBU-00104-00064638-00064976 It's not sticky anymore, it's nice and dry, Vi6lETLGWBU-00105-00065021-00065240 and when it's painted it'll look beautiful. Vi6lETLGWBU-00106-00065346-00065540 Hey Sally! Have a look at my door, Vi6lETLGWBU-00107-00065620-00065762 it’s not sticky anymore. Vi6lETLGWBU-00108-00065773-00065876 I’ve cleaned it. Vi6lETLGWBU-00109-00065917-00066289 Yes, I saw you mopping and now all the honey's gone. Vi6lETLGWBU-00110-00066598-00066694 Sally, Vi6lETLGWBU-00111-00066756-00067011 I do love eating honey Vi6lETLGWBU-00112-00067014-00067256 and playing with sticky, sticky things. Vi6lETLGWBU-00113-00067321-00067590 Yes, I know you do Possum Vi6lETLGWBU-00114-00067610-00067868 and I have something else that's sticky for you; Vi6lETLGWBU-00115-00067872-00067949 just wait. Vi6lETLGWBU-00116-00068906-00069094 Sally, what does it say? Vi6lETLGWBU-00117-00069173-00069466 It says "don’t get honey on the door!" Vi6lETLGWBU-00118-00069474-00069806 Oh, ha ha ha ha! Vi6lETLGWBU-00119-00069810-00070014 Oh Sally, you're funny. Vi6lETLGWBU-00120-00070250-00070466 Well, our time is up. Vi6lETLGWBU-00121-00070514-00070630 Oh, thanks for watching. Vi6lETLGWBU-00122-00070644-00070768 See you next time. Vi6lETLGWBU-00123-00070790-00070976 Bye! Bye! Vk3dJicxImA-00000-00000137-00000668 Welcome to the Library Media Center’s tutorial on creating citations for websites. Vk3dJicxImA-00001-00000668-00001067 In this tutorial, you will learn how to find the information needed to create a citation Vk3dJicxImA-00002-00001067-00001693 for a website, no matter if you are using MLA, APA, Chicago, or another citation style Vk3dJicxImA-00003-00001693-00002093 to create your bibliography or works cited list. Vk3dJicxImA-00004-00002093-00002566 Citing a website or webpage might seem trickier than citing a book or article, but essentially Vk3dJicxImA-00005-00002566-00003084 you need the same information: the author or organization that created the webpage, Vk3dJicxImA-00006-00003084-00003542 the title of the website, the title of the webpage, the date of publication, and the Vk3dJicxImA-00007-00003542-00003642 URL. Vk3dJicxImA-00008-00003642-00004278 Let’s create a citation for this webpage: “The ATU Fable Index: Like the Dewey Decimal Vk3dJicxImA-00009-00004278-00004754 System, But With More Ogres” from the website Atlas Obscura. Vk3dJicxImA-00010-00004754-00005346 First, let’s find the title of the website and the title of the webpage; think of this Vk3dJicxImA-00011-00005346-00005692 like finding the title of a chapter within a book. Vk3dJicxImA-00012-00005692-00006182 The title of this website--Atlas Obscura-- is located in the upper left corner of the Vk3dJicxImA-00013-00006182-00006330 page. Vk3dJicxImA-00014-00006330-00006876 You can also scroll all the way to the bottom of a webpage to find the title of a website, Vk3dJicxImA-00015-00006876-00007159 as well as the copyright date. Vk3dJicxImA-00016-00007159-00007850 The webpage title is the page header or article title: “The ATU Fable Index: Like the Dewey Vk3dJicxImA-00017-00007850-00008114 Decimal System, But With More Ogres.” Vk3dJicxImA-00018-00008114-00008888 Next, let’s locate the author of this webpage: in this case, that’s the author of the article, Vk3dJicxImA-00019-00008888-00009394 Cara Giaimo, who is given a byline just below the article title. Vk3dJicxImA-00020-00009394-00009796 An author’s byline is often linked so that you can look at all of the work an author Vk3dJicxImA-00021-00009796-00010104 has produced for that website. Vk3dJicxImA-00022-00010104-00010692 If no author/creator is listed for a webpage, this could be a page published by an organization, Vk3dJicxImA-00023-00010692-00010993 such as the Department of Licensing. Vk3dJicxImA-00024-00010993-00011559 In that case, you would include the organization in place of an author for that website. Vk3dJicxImA-00025-00011559-00012099 If you cannot locate an author or creator for a website, you can still create a citation. Vk3dJicxImA-00026-00012099-00012693 Refer to the citation style you’re using for an example of how to do this correctly. Vk3dJicxImA-00027-00012693-00013174 The date of publication for this example is listed next to the author byline, just below Vk3dJicxImA-00028-00013174-00013444 the page title. Vk3dJicxImA-00029-00013444-00013951 If you are looking at a webpage that does not have a post or article with a date, scroll Vk3dJicxImA-00030-00013951-00014343 all the way down to the bottom of the webpage, to the copyright date. Vk3dJicxImA-00031-00014343-00015001 The last item you will need for a citation is the URL of the webpage, which is the full Vk3dJicxImA-00032-00015001-00015234 line of text in the browser bar. Vk3dJicxImA-00033-00015234-00015653 You’re now ready to start creating citations for websites! Vk3dJicxImA-00034-00015653-00016140 If you have any questions, or need additional support in creating citations, please contact Vk3dJicxImA-00035-00016140-00016268 the Library Media Center. VkL4fkch18Q-00000-00000017-00000552 We start with a puzzle. If I fire an arrow at a ball at the moment the ball VkL4fkch18Q-00001-00000552-00000989 is dropped will the arrow hit the ball? VkL4fkch18Q-00002-00001517-00001980 Welcome to this NothingNerdy video on projectile motion. VkL4fkch18Q-00003-00001980-00002565 Here is the statement from the IB physics guide. You should be able to analyze projectile motion VkL4fkch18Q-00004-00002565-00002789 including the resolution of the vertical and horizontal components of VkL4fkch18Q-00005-00002789-00002920 acceleration, velocity and displacement. VkL4fkch18Q-00006-00002920-00003408 This means that you have to have a good idea of how to use vectors. VkL4fkch18Q-00007-00003408-00004006 Here is a typical multiple-choice question on this topic. You should be able to answer it by the end of the video. VkL4fkch18Q-00008-00004006-00004752 When an object falls under the influence of gravity but also has some sideways velocity, VkL4fkch18Q-00009-00004752-00005691 it follows a distinctive path called a parabola. This is a combination of an VkL4fkch18Q-00010-00005691-00005741 acceleration vector vertically downwards and a uniform velocity horizontally. VkL4fkch18Q-00011-00005741-00006245 In this video I shall be using the online simulations from the PHET website. VkL4fkch18Q-00012-00006245-00006831 you will learn a lot from exploring these simulations. VkL4fkch18Q-00013-00006831-00007829 This simulation on the PHET website will help you to understand the motion of a pumpkin shot out of a VkL4fkch18Q-00014-00007829-00008187 cannon at an angle so that its path is a parabola. VkL4fkch18Q-00015-00008187-00008889 The parabola is a special curve, not the same as a circle. It is steeper at the edges and is the motion of an VkL4fkch18Q-00016-00008889-00009432 object in a uniform gravitational field. When an object flies through the VkL4fkch18Q-00017-00009432-00009954 air, if we neglect air resistance, as many Physics exam questions do, there is only VkL4fkch18Q-00018-00009954-00010493 one force acting on the object and that is its weight, the downward force exerted VkL4fkch18Q-00019-00010493-00010971 on it by the gravitational attraction of the earth, and so its acceleration is VkL4fkch18Q-00020-00010971-00011392 also vertically downwards and constant at all times as shown by the yellow arrow here. VkL4fkch18Q-00021-00011392-00012093 Now we will look at the motion of a pumpkin fired straight VkL4fkch18Q-00022-00012093-00012582 upwards with a constant gravitational acceleration downwards. When we look at VkL4fkch18Q-00023-00012582-00013028 the velocity vector instead we see that as the pumpkin rises it is pointing VkL4fkch18Q-00024-00013028-00013372 upwards and reduces to zero at the top and then VkL4fkch18Q-00025-00013372-00013912 points downwards as the pumpkin accelerates to the ground. Now we incline VkL4fkch18Q-00026-00013912-00014319 the cannon at an angle so we can study the motion of the pumpkin when it is VkL4fkch18Q-00027-00014319-00014860 shot with the horizontal component of velocity. Firstly the only force on the VkL4fkch18Q-00028-00014860-00015307 pumpkin as it flies is its weight which causes it to accelerate vertically VkL4fkch18Q-00029-00015307-00015793 downwards. The pumpkin does not fall straight down because it also has a VkL4fkch18Q-00030-00015793-00016450 horizontal component to its velocity so it flies in a parabolic path. The VkL4fkch18Q-00031-00016450-00016954 velocity is a bit less simple however because the pumpkin has both horizontal VkL4fkch18Q-00032-00016954-00017509 and vertical components to its motion. The vertical component follows just the VkL4fkch18Q-00033-00017509-00017974 same pattern as when the pumpkin was shot straight upwards. It points upwards VkL4fkch18Q-00034-00017974-00018673 and decreases to zero and then points down and increases. At the same time the VkL4fkch18Q-00035-00018673-00019126 horizontal component just stays the same there is no force in the horizontal VkL4fkch18Q-00036-00019126-00019753 direction, so nothing to make the pumpkin speed up or slow down. When these two VkL4fkch18Q-00037-00019753-00020185 velocities are combined using the parallelogram rule to add vectors, we VkL4fkch18Q-00038-00020185-00020590 achieve the resultant vector you can see here which forms the diagonal of the VkL4fkch18Q-00039-00020590-00021079 rectangle of the components of the velocity. Now we can see all of the VkL4fkch18Q-00040-00021079-00021469 vectors and their components which work together to make every object moving VkL4fkch18Q-00041-00021469-00021917 under the force of gravity follow the same type of path: a parabola. VkL4fkch18Q-00042-00021917-00022516 This question is about a ball falling under gravity and also having an initial VkL4fkch18Q-00043-00022516-00022966 horizontal speed of 12 meters per second so that we know that the path is going VkL4fkch18Q-00044-00022966-00023445 to be a parabola. We can separate the vertical and the horizontal motions and VkL4fkch18Q-00045-00023445-00023944 the variable that we know that links those two together is t because it's the VkL4fkch18Q-00046-00023944-00024292 same time for both, so vertically we know there's no VkL4fkch18Q-00047-00024292-00024790 initial vertical velocity. So s = ut + 1/2 a t^2. The first term VkL4fkch18Q-00048-00024790-00025134 can disappear and we can reorganize s = 1/2 gt^2 into VkL4fkch18Q-00049-00025134-00025858 t = the square root of 2s / g. When we substitute in there we find that the VkL4fkch18Q-00050-00025858-00026320 time taken until it hits the bottom is 3 seconds. We now substitute that VkL4fkch18Q-00051-00026320-00026656 time, 3 seconds into the horizontal motion where we know VkL4fkch18Q-00052-00026656-00027108 there is no acceleration horizontally so the second term is zero, and when we VkL4fkch18Q-00053-00027108-00027512 substitute that in, traveling at 12 m/s for 3 seconds, we find VkL4fkch18Q-00054-00027514-00027936 that the distance traveled is 36 meters. VkL4fkch18Q-00055-00027936-00028194 The answer to this puzzle is that VkL4fkch18Q-00056-00028194-00028735 neglecting air resistance I will hit the ball because both it and the arrow are VkL4fkch18Q-00057-00028735-00029389 accelerating downwards from the same height with an initial vertical velocity of zero. VkLVWU4MckI-00000-00001584-00001592 foreign VkLVWU4MckI-00001-00005392-00006040 well mary smith i've heard some funny alibis but yours takes the prize VkLVWU4MckI-00002-00006264-00006672 you were waiting on a street corner for a man who was going to marry you VkLVWU4MckI-00003-00006792-00007376 are you sure he knew which corner you were going to be on we see i had been standing on the corner VkLVWU4MckI-00004-00007376-00007992 sometime when a man came along and asked me if i could use some money he smiled so kindly that i VkLVWU4MckI-00005-00007992-00008680 thought for he actually realized that i needed some you see i've been out of work a long time VkLVWU4MckI-00006-00008680-00009376 but if you knew you were going to be married what did you want money for well i had waited so long VkLVWU4MckI-00007-00009376-00009984 i was beginning to think he wasn't going to come how long have you been doing this sort of thing VkLVWU4MckI-00008-00010096-00010424 don't answer that tell me you got a sick mother in candace VkLVWU4MckI-00009-00010648-00011336 ordering a court i told you the truth judge but that was last night why hasn't he shown up VkLVWU4MckI-00010-00011336-00011864 they let you phone you a rooming house he hasn't shown up there hasn't even phoned well i i don't VkLVWU4MckI-00011-00011864-00012304 know i i guess something must have happened but if you let me go i'm sure you'll come back VkLVWU4MckI-00012-00012304-00013168 sorry young woman your story's too thin i this is a minute judge i'm the man she was waiting for VkLVWU4MckI-00013-00013344-00014040 i got blotto last night and missed her this morning i was still a little well you know how it VkLVWU4MckI-00014-00014040-00014872 is quarter in the court young man will you please step inside the railing certainly but pleasure VkLVWU4MckI-00015-00015104-00015656 hey listen was your story on the level or what never saw him before in my life VkLVWU4MckI-00016-00015912-00016112 well that guy must be nurse VkLVWU4MckI-00017-00016368-00016984 so you're the man miss smith was waiting for why didn't you speak up sooner well see judge VkLVWU4MckI-00018-00016984-00017704 i was afraid after being so late last night that she wouldn't want to marry me she's a nice girl VkLVWU4MckI-00019-00017704-00018320 all charming but temperamental decidedly temperamental do you know judge she once VkLVWU4MckI-00020-00018320-00018816 told me we won't go into that oh is this the man you were going to marry VkLVWU4MckI-00021-00018904-00019720 yes judge then of course you know this man very well yes what's his name she calls me jimmy judge VkLVWU4MckI-00022-00019720-00020272 my name's james martin but she will call me jimmy please be still don't answer till you're VkLVWU4MckI-00023-00020272-00020768 asked a question sorry judge it's my impulsive nature i thought you wanted to know my name VkLVWU4MckI-00024-00021008-00021800 mr martin did you by any chance ever play a game called poker oh often judges VkLVWU4MckI-00025-00021800-00022168 anyway two or three times well i'm going to call your bluff VkLVWU4MckI-00026-00022240-00023088 are you ready to marry this girl certainly judge certainly if she'll have me mary will you marry me VkLVWU4MckI-00027-00023376-00023456 yes jimmy VkLVWU4MckI-00028-00023736-00023984 well i'm a dirty so-and-so VkLVWU4MckI-00029-00024464-00024888 i don't care what time he comes home jimmy martin's up to noah VkLVWU4MckI-00030-00024888-00025448 marges i know that much oh mrs perkins he's having a bit of fun i guess VkLVWU4MckI-00031-00025448-00025888 and i can't says that i blame him here look what they marry them off to VkLVWU4MckI-00032-00026680-00027336 stiffest piece of good you know but obvious she's a very proper person a real lady VkLVWU4MckI-00033-00027472-00028336 only archers well i like them to be ladies but not too proper the proper ones are VkLVWU4MckI-00034-00028336-00028872 hard on a man well his mother seems to think that miss marge is the right kind for him VkLVWU4MckI-00035-00028872-00029536 you know he's a queer kind of a land mrs perkins and believe me and i calls him always mixing with VkLVWU4MckI-00036-00029536-00030160 the working classes that's why they're marrying him off hodgins uh yes melody have you heard from VkLVWU4MckI-00037-00030160-00030776 james no my lady he wasn't home all night i think i'll call her police oh a bigger pardon my lady VkLVWU4MckI-00038-00030776-00031360 may i suggest well oh i wouldn't call the police my lady it has a way of getting into the papers VkLVWU4MckI-00039-00031439-00032039 oh very well but if you hear from him report to me instantly yes VkLVWU4MckI-00040-00032272-00033064 or what how did yes have you tried to find him oh yes the lady i've called up all the VkLVWU4MckI-00041-00033064-00033424 speakeasies don't be vulgar hotties no VkLVWU4MckI-00042-00033424-00033784 milady VkLVWU4MckI-00043-00034608-00036240 oh what are you feeling any better mr martin yes thanks what time is it nine o'clock VkLVWU4MckI-00044-00036336-00037216 yeah what day wednesday same week yeah same week and you better go home now VkLVWU4MckI-00045-00037320-00037984 they might start worrying about you sure that's a habit with them by this time VkLVWU4MckI-00046-00038176-00038752 oh could i use your phone miss smith please certainly mr martin but it's a pay phone it's VkLVWU4MckI-00047-00038752-00039568 down the hall i have any small change right now oh that's okay i guess i got a nickel left somewhere VkLVWU4MckI-00048-00039752-00040152 oh say would you do me a favor and call it the number for me see i might get the VkLVWU4MckI-00049-00040152-00041328 wrong person certainly what number is it it's um algonquin three four six two two VkLVWU4MckI-00050-00041800-00042568 hello here he is oh thanks hello hodges this is me VkLVWU4MckI-00051-00042856-00043600 riots and things oh tell mother i'm i'm in where can i be VkLVWU4MckI-00052-00043600-00044240 hodges no no not the horticultural exhibition that isn't open at night VkLVWU4MckI-00053-00044456-00045200 boston that's a great idea yes tell her i'm in boston and i'm well i'm writing i'm writing an VkLVWU4MckI-00054-00045200-00045744 historical novel that's it owen hodges uh could you manage a suit of clothes for me VkLVWU4MckI-00055-00045920-00046216 all right take them down to the post office and mail them to boston VkLVWU4MckI-00056-00046448-00046776 what is the address 614 prospect avenue thank you mr smith VkLVWU4MckI-00057-00046832-00047272 the address is 614 prospect avenue right goodbye VkLVWU4MckI-00058-00047672-00048272 but aren't you going home i can't go home like this mother would require some very VkLVWU4MckI-00059-00048272-00048848 tall explanations incidentally aren't you rather in a hurry to get rid of me oh no VkLVWU4MckI-00060-00048960-00049408 only i've caused you enough trouble already trouble think nothing of it VkLVWU4MckI-00061-00050272-00050608 i'll bet that judges saw you weren't expecting anybody on that corner were you VkLVWU4MckI-00062-00050680-00051384 no i wasn't but i'm not oh i know i know that's all right i'm not the judge oh please believe me VkLVWU4MckI-00063-00051455-00051904 i was out of work i was desperate a man came along and VkLVWU4MckI-00064-00051904-00052608 asked me if i could use some money i was so broke i said yes he was a detective but i didn't know it VkLVWU4MckI-00065-00052967-00053079 have you ever been hungry VkLVWU4MckI-00066-00053344-00053672 only thirsty you don't believe me VkLVWU4MckI-00067-00053920-00054191 i suppose i shouldn't believe you but i do VkLVWU4MckI-00068-00054416-00054952 you know you've got very nice eyes two of you huh VkLVWU4MckI-00069-00055200-00055448 yeah i never heard a girl do that before i mean VkLVWU4MckI-00070-00055584-00056576 crack right back like that that's a great idea smith i approve of you VkLVWU4MckI-00071-00056848-00057616 why are we in that courtroom well i'll tell you i was out on a bender soon and going to VkLVWU4MckI-00072-00057616-00058208 a party and taxi got a flat tire right outside the courthouse so i sort of wandered in and sat VkLVWU4MckI-00073-00058208-00058984 down why'd you marry me just to get you out of the jam and get divorced right away you know VkLVWU4MckI-00074-00059208-00060008 see got a whole kitchen stove and everything here let's have dinner all right but i VkLVWU4MckI-00075-00060216-00060496 oh sure i understand well i'll go to the store and get some VkLVWU4MckI-00076-00060632-00061264 what would you like uh t-bone steak salami and dill pickles and potato chips VkLVWU4MckI-00077-00061336-00061872 yeah sure kind of don't bend oh please if you've got a comb oh sure help yourself VkLVWU4MckI-00078-00062048-00062504 oh do you like chocolate eclairs yeah i like the custard ones not the cream ones VkLVWU4MckI-00079-00062608-00062944 say you don't know what you're talking about the cream ones are much better oh VkLVWU4MckI-00080-00062944-00063336 i'll get both kinds i won't eat the custard ones see where's my head over here VkLVWU4MckI-00081-00063784-00064096 what are you laughing at i'm just trying to picture their faces VkLVWU4MckI-00082-00064160-00064584 when you walk into the delicatessen with that on and ask what times was it potato chips VkLVWU4MckI-00083-00064679-00065032 all right i'll live up to their expectations and order some fatty foie gras VkLVWU4MckI-00084-00065264-00065712 when get cancer oh i don't like tomatoes well you've got to have them before your dinner VkLVWU4MckI-00085-00065768-00066096 you shouldn't drink like that all right i'll get them to cut out the lecture VkLVWU4MckI-00086-00066096-00066568 i'm not lecturing you shut up oh say do you want some coffee coffee and cream VkLVWU4MckI-00087-00066992-00067672 just notice something is that door being open all the time sure learn about it why because you're VkLVWU4MckI-00088-00067672-00068360 here well we're married aren't we well i didn't tell her that why not i didn't want to get you VkLVWU4MckI-00089-00068360-00069056 in trouble oh miss smith i have something to say to you are you the lame lady i am and what's more VkLVWU4MckI-00090-00069056-00069528 are you a minute wait a minute did you ever see a marriage certificate certainly take a look at that VkLVWU4MckI-00091-00069992-00070472 well miss smith why didn't you tell me this before oh i guess she was a little shy about it VkLVWU4MckI-00092-00070472-00071264 you see i was kind of crocked at the time kind of young man you are paralyzed well i guess you VkLVWU4MckI-00093-00071264-00072064 can close the door now um oh uh miss smith um uh i beg your pardon mrs martin if it is mrs VkLVWU4MckI-00094-00072176-00072848 what about your rent not now mrs banks please how much is it 18 for this dump VkLVWU4MckI-00095-00072904-00073624 and no baby grand and no light women well i prefer brunettes myself yeah VkLVWU4MckI-00096-00074144-00074616 the old dragon mr martin you shouldn't have done that VkLVWU4MckI-00097-00074856-00075784 you have one bad habit you will argue go and put the water onto the coffee VkLVWU4MckI-00098-00076056-00076792 the dear boy has gone to boston he's writing he's writing an historical novel well at least VkLVWU4MckI-00099-00076792-00077480 the subject is dignified this time but why choose boston well he's probably writing VkLVWU4MckI-00100-00077480-00078120 something about the revolutionary days one of mr martin's ancestors was at bunker hill you know VkLVWU4MckI-00101-00078192-00078616 well it still doesn't sound like jimmy will he be back in time for the dance VkLVWU4MckI-00102-00078616-00079032 oh yes he told hodges over the phone that he'd be back in a day or two VkLVWU4MckI-00103-00079136-00079984 my dear i shall be so happy when you and james are married he needs a steadying hand VkLVWU4MckI-00104-00080464-00081376 nice fresh violet bonus so you see how you must take him home right away he's only being nice VkLVWU4MckI-00105-00081376-00082160 to me i take it that i can speak freely miss oh surely go right here you see i'm only mr martin's VkLVWU4MckI-00106-00082160-00082768 butler and i take it upon myself to say that we're good friends you know he's an odd kind VkLVWU4MckI-00107-00082768-00083520 of a person but awfully nice hodges oh yes miss you know i expected to find him with a young woman VkLVWU4MckI-00108-00083608-00084256 oh oh please don't misunderstand me miss he's not that sort it's under the marrying him after VkLVWU4MckI-00109-00084256-00084824 a young lady and mr james is not keen on the wedding and so i thought that when he didn't VkLVWU4MckI-00110-00084824-00085536 come home that he'd uh uh well you know how the boys were during the war on the last night of the VkLVWU4MckI-00111-00085536-00086376 league this sort of uh well i dare say you read the papers was he going to marry her tomorrow oh VkLVWU4MckI-00112-00086376-00086984 no miss no it was only that i thought that he was realizing his impending responsibilities VkLVWU4MckI-00113-00087120-00087640 is the water boiling yet oh hello hodges did you bring my suit uh yes sir and i brought your roads VkLVWU4MckI-00114-00087640-00088288 to sir oh i don't want the car yet uh i'm having dinner here very good sir what time would you like VkLVWU4MckI-00115-00088288-00088936 the car sir oh about eleven o'clock and how just don't come upstairs uh toot the horn a few times VkLVWU4MckI-00116-00088936-00089560 i'll hear it yes and will you be going home sir oh no hodges i couldn't get back from boston in VkLVWU4MckI-00117-00089560-00090120 such a short time i'll stay in hotel very very good sir and uh will you pardon me miss if i VkLVWU4MckI-00118-00090120-00090736 take the liberty of saying it's been a very great pleasure to have met you thank you goodbye hodges VkLVWU4MckI-00119-00091176-00091752 no i like old hodges he gets me out of an awful lot of scrapes oh that was sweet i thought you'd VkLVWU4MckI-00120-00091752-00092224 like him well miss smith how about dinner and say how about cutting out this miss smith business VkLVWU4MckI-00121-00092224-00092664 do you mind if i call you mary no i'd love it okay and how about you calling me jimmy VkLVWU4MckI-00122-00092736-00093984 good but come on then let's get dinner i'm famous as hungry as a wolf VkLVWU4MckI-00123-00094960-00095216 hodges will be here soon you better be getting ready VkLVWU4MckI-00124-00095304-00095752 what's the idea you're trying to get rid of me oh no but he will be here walty VkLVWU4MckI-00125-00096096-00096784 he won't be back for an hour yet VkLVWU4MckI-00126-00097136-00097512 lovely evening isn't it well how can i tell with you hogging the whole window VkLVWU4MckI-00127-00097512-00097768 move over i will not go on i said move VkLVWU4MckI-00128-00097768-00098184 over VkLVWU4MckI-00129-00098696-00099352 pardon me i i made a mistake um that was no mistake come here timmy get your hat VkLVWU4MckI-00130-00099352-00100112 and coat you have to go why you heard me you have to go all right all right i'm going mary VkLVWU4MckI-00131-00100416-00101312 we are married you know jimmy now you've spoiled everything i'm sorry really i am VkLVWU4MckI-00132-00101456-00102112 well we wait for hodges downstairs he'll be along go right away will you you gonna kiss me goodbye VkLVWU4MckI-00133-00102216-00103783 no yes no yes i said no no um VkLVWU4MckI-00134-00105128-00105183 oh VkLVWU4MckI-00135-00109144-00109504 jimmy you've got to go home and never come back here again i can't go home VkLVWU4MckI-00136-00109504-00109848 i'm supposed to be in boston you and i just can fix up some story VkLVWU4MckI-00137-00109992-00110783 well why can't i go to a hotel because i'm afraid you'll come back here again that's not a bad idea VkLVWU4MckI-00138-00110904-00111544 this can't go on it you might get to like me or something well if i did what then well it VkLVWU4MckI-00139-00111544-00112216 just wouldn't work out that's why will nothing change your mind no but even if i kiss you again VkLVWU4MckI-00140-00112216-00112752 oh no i i know better than to let you kiss me again all right i'll go but first of all VkLVWU4MckI-00141-00112752-00113352 i want you to do me a favor sure i'll do anything except let you stay here something you won't like VkLVWU4MckI-00142-00113432-00113896 promise i'll do anything in the world for you hey wait a minute that's taking in a lot VkLVWU4MckI-00143-00113896-00114311 of territory you know don't you want to insert a weather permitting clause or something like that VkLVWU4MckI-00144-00114311-00114983 well stop acting silly i promise now what is it first of all close your eyes kiss me again who me VkLVWU4MckI-00145-00115192-00115535 all right i'll close my eyes now hold out your hand VkLVWU4MckI-00146-00116152-00116432 oh jimmy you didn't play fair remember your promise VkLVWU4MckI-00147-00116488-00117911 please go i'm sorry mary i didn't mean to hurt you goodbye VkLVWU4MckI-00148-00118688-00119183 cream eclairs are much better than the custard ones VkLVWU4MckI-00149-00119544-00120583 so VkLVWU4MckI-00150-00121696-00122296 he's been going around like a man in a daze for almost a week now several people have commented VkLVWU4MckI-00151-00122296-00122888 on it he's been acting like this ever since he came back from boston he seems all right VkLVWU4MckI-00152-00122888-00123472 to me dear boston is a very quiet place you know do you mind if we cut this down VkLVWU4MckI-00153-00124240-00125216 what's the matter where is no thanks how's your novel coming along what novel the historical one VkLVWU4MckI-00154-00125311-00126080 oh there oh not so good can't settle down to it the heroine locks her door too often what VkLVWU4MckI-00155-00126080-00126783 on earth do you mean oh that's just a figure of speech just can't make up my mind about it i see VkLVWU4MckI-00156-00127488-00128144 marjorie you have very pretty eyes you're not very original tonight after all i've heard that before VkLVWU4MckI-00157-00128304-00128359 didn't work VkLVWU4MckI-00158-00128672-00128983 you like the way i talk not particularly darling VkLVWU4MckI-00159-00129272-00129744 well do you prefer cream eclairs or custard eclairs VkLVWU4MckI-00160-00129744-00130383 are you going crazy i happen to prefer cream eclairs fine custard eclairs are much better VkLVWU4MckI-00161-00130600-00131784 have you been drinking no VkLVWU4MckI-00162-00131904-00132328 do you think you could bear to lose me for about 33 seconds jimmy wants me to rescue VkLVWU4MckI-00163-00132328-00132824 him no i don't mind but i think you'd leave your bride on your wedding night if jimmy wanted you VkLVWU4MckI-00164-00132824-00133528 well not all depends marjorie i've been looking for you all evening run along jimmy i'm going to VkLVWU4MckI-00165-00133528-00134584 dance with marjorie did it occur to you to ask me no i never ask it's a waste of time he's my friend VkLVWU4MckI-00166-00135528-00136568 yes if anyone asks for me i've gone away very good sir but have you thought it over sir i've VkLVWU4MckI-00167-00136568-00136960 been thinking of nothing else uh but if your mother asked were you writing to say that VkLVWU4MckI-00168-00136960-00137592 you've gone to boston again that's right uh to get material uh for the historical novel sir exactly VkLVWU4MckI-00169-00138648-00140184 who is it better to get downstairs mr house is on fire VkLVWU4MckI-00170-00140480-00141584 oh jimmy why'd you frighten me so it was the only way i could think of to get you to open the door VkLVWU4MckI-00171-00141912-00142984 jimmy you gotta start getting a divorce today you can't go on like this VkLVWU4MckI-00172-00143280-00143328 stop it VkLVWU4MckI-00173-00144016-00144384 come on in here i want to talk to you VkLVWU4MckI-00174-00144440-00144816 i've heard all you have to say over and over but you haven't heard this before VkLVWU4MckI-00175-00145312-00146288 just exactly how does a man propose to his own wife stop it if you say that again mary i love VkLVWU4MckI-00176-00146288-00147384 you and if you'll have me i want to stay around for keeps well come on answer me hmm don't cry VkLVWU4MckI-00177-00147648-00147680 what VkLVWU4MckI-00178-00148016-00148384 listen you've said that twice it's getting monotonous i do love you so VkLVWU4MckI-00179-00148512-00149352 i guess i love you all alone but you don't love me i do too we began overall it isn't real love VkLVWU4MckI-00180-00149424-00150328 darling it's the only way i know to be in love say that again will ya what call me darling again VkLVWU4MckI-00181-00150568-00151384 oh don't be silly VkLVWU4MckI-00182-00151728-00152280 hello there jack what are you doing here why oh by the way i wanted to meet mrs VkLVWU4MckI-00183-00152280-00152832 martin mary this is my best friend jack haynes how do you do anything wrong jack VkLVWU4MckI-00184-00152952-00153240 well your mother found out that you're married hodges phoned me VkLVWU4MckI-00185-00153240-00153624 told me to come over here and tell you i'm afraid your mother's on her way over VkLVWU4MckI-00186-00153864-00154200 are you busy this morning no not particularly come on in VkLVWU4MckI-00187-00154296-00154696 and sit down now you've got to stay here with mary first i go down and head mother off VkLVWU4MckI-00188-00154752-00155280 i hate scenes and at times mother can be well i'd better go well i'd be glad to stay VkLVWU4MckI-00189-00155504-00155584 i won't be long honey VkLVWU4MckI-00190-00156240-00156704 well this was quite a surprise you mean you're surprised jimmy married VkLVWU4MckI-00191-00156832-00157560 or are you surprised jimmy married me oh no i didn't mean that i think he showed very good taste VkLVWU4MckI-00192-00158024-00158896 just a minute george i was talking mother yes sir james how dare you do such a thing VkLVWU4MckI-00193-00159520-00160128 what time is it about 12 o'clock yeah five minutes after it's been gone an hour VkLVWU4MckI-00194-00160192-00161184 i know he's not coming back now don't worry mary you may just be delayed VkLVWU4MckI-00195-00161312-00161720 you're just trying to be kind to me i know what's happened well you see they can make VkLVWU4MckI-00196-00161720-00162600 it pretty difficult for him he doesn't come into his money his own i mean for two years VkLVWU4MckI-00197-00162600-00163464 never thought of that it does make a difference doesn't it yes it does i mean it it made it him VkLVWU4MckI-00198-00163664-00164424 and you i don't care you see i never even thought of it i love him now now VkLVWU4MckI-00199-00164528-00165024 don't get too fond of him well only this morning he was telling me he really loved me VkLVWU4MckI-00200-00165104-00165768 but my dear girl don't expect too much of him he's awfully impulsive that's the trouble with VkLVWU4MckI-00201-00165768-00166272 these idealists they're always so magnificent then just when people begin to get used to their VkLVWU4MckI-00202-00166272-00166856 grand gestures they rush off to be magnificent somewhere else very upsetting on the bystanders VkLVWU4MckI-00203-00167168-00167920 now don't cry maybe he's coming back oh no i i know he isn't i know he isn't coming back VkLVWU4MckI-00204-00168096-00168528 hey please don't fry what you make me feel as if it were my fault VkLVWU4MckI-00205-00169224-00169584 oh jimmy VkLVWU4MckI-00206-00170016-00170408 hi i've got the goal now goodbye mary goodbye jack VkLVWU4MckI-00207-00170912-00170984 see you later jimmy VkLVWU4MckI-00208-00172240-00172384 jack just told me about the money VkLVWU4MckI-00209-00172600-00172952 what money that you wouldn't get any of your own for two years VkLVWU4MckI-00210-00173200-00173520 it does older things doesn't it VkLVWU4MckI-00211-00173760-00173856 i suppose so VkLVWU4MckI-00212-00174184-00174760 well don't you think you better be going sure i should have gone a long time ago VkLVWU4MckI-00213-00175112-00175368 of course i'll make a decent settlement on you after the divorce VkLVWU4MckI-00214-00176512-00178472 when aren't you going to say goodbye mother i don't see what you expected to VkLVWU4MckI-00215-00178472-00179040 accomplish by seeing mary i went there with the full intention of trying to buy her off VkLVWU4MckI-00216-00179232-00179384 and did she say she'd accept a settlement VkLVWU4MckI-00217-00179680-00180144 i don't think you need worry about that the first thing the young lady said to your mother was VkLVWU4MckI-00218-00180264-00180744 did you tell jimmy this morning that if he stayed married to me his father would cut off his income VkLVWU4MckI-00219-00180744-00181408 did mary really say that the moment you entered the room yes james you mind if i go VkLVWU4MckI-00220-00181712-00182312 brandon can settle this thing without me certainly but where are you going oh i don't know VkLVWU4MckI-00221-00182608-00182712 i'm just going out VkLVWU4MckI-00222-00183464-00183888 women women are all like me VkLVWU4MckI-00223-00184112-00184664 yeah but there was my mamie as beautiful VkLVWU4MckI-00224-00184904-00185984 as as rose but raymie why maybe she didn't care that for money not VkLVWU4MckI-00225-00186064-00186384 that VkLVWU4MckI-00226-00187088-00188064 yes my me didn't care that that's enough of that stop it well my mimi she didn't care that VkLVWU4MckI-00227-00188192-00188768 well i don't believe in you mamie i don't believe in anybody's name hey how many VkLVWU4MckI-00228-00188928-00189584 yeah i guess you're right my mimi wasn't any better than the rest when i get two VkLVWU4MckI-00229-00190104-00191176 i just thought of something isn't maybe a nickname for mary sure sure say i resent that VkLVWU4MckI-00230-00191944-00192720 i'm hello jack hello mary may i come in yes come in i i promise to come up this VkLVWU4MckI-00231-00192720-00193336 afternoon but i was delayed so i came tonight what for well mrs martin was worried about you VkLVWU4MckI-00232-00193336-00193920 afraid you didn't have any money i don't want that money well listen mary don't be mad with me you VkLVWU4MckI-00233-00193920-00194616 understand how i feel about it don't you of course only well how are you going to live i'll get a job VkLVWU4MckI-00234-00194616-00195144 i've always worked well jobs are pretty hard to find right now what do you do in the meantime VkLVWU4MckI-00235-00195200-00195944 i don't know but i don't want money from him mary do you know what you need right now no what a good VkLVWU4MckI-00236-00195944-00196576 time let me take you out to dinner and we'll dance a bit how about it oh i don't know here VkLVWU4MckI-00237-00196720-00197384 let me bribe you thank you did i understand you to say you were coming splendid while you're VkLVWU4MckI-00238-00197384-00198000 dressing i'll run down and get some cigarettes and hurry up will you i don't like to be kept waiting VkLVWU4MckI-00239-00198216-00198376 well looks like i'm going out VkLVWU4MckI-00240-00198760-00199208 how much do i owe you 43 dollars VkLVWU4MckI-00241-00199480-00200384 so this gentleman here that's no gentleman it's just a hole in the floor VkLVWU4MckI-00242-00201048-00201784 just as beautiful as zero VkLVWU4MckI-00243-00206160-00206512 mind if i come in a while well i don't think you better i've got VkLVWU4MckI-00244-00206512-00207384 to get up here in the morning to look for a job VkLVWU4MckI-00245-00207823-00207904 don't wait for me VkLVWU4MckI-00246-00208504-00209112 you know i like you like me at all yes why VkLVWU4MckI-00247-00209256-00210000 well i was just thinking you're pretty sure aren't you that jimmy isn't coming back yes i'm sure VkLVWU4MckI-00248-00210128-00210384 i guess i was sure he'd never come back even before he left VkLVWU4MckI-00249-00211423-00211992 why did you do that oh i yes just because i've wanted to ever since i first saw you VkLVWU4MckI-00250-00212119-00212384 now don't be angry but i'm not pretending that i'm in love with you VkLVWU4MckI-00251-00212519-00212984 i don't believe anyone ever was in love but i am very fond of you VkLVWU4MckI-00252-00213216-00213584 jimmy has left you i don't want you to go to work and VkLVWU4MckI-00253-00213664-00214008 i might be able to thanks i know what you're going to say but i just couldn't do it VkLVWU4MckI-00254-00214248-00214800 i think you better run along now all right let me know if you change your mind VkLVWU4MckI-00255-00215319-00216280 go ahead and kiss him see if i can kiss the whole world kiss that cop on the beat i should worry VkLVWU4MckI-00256-00217048-00217880 why hello jimmy what are you doing here lee oh i i just came to see if she was gonna take that VkLVWU4MckI-00257-00217880-00218384 check my lawyer santa well if you're going up there you better hurry i think he's going to bed VkLVWU4MckI-00258-00218456-00218952 he changed my mind hey you weren't thinking of going back to her were you VkLVWU4MckI-00259-00218952-00219240 if you're wearing naturally oh don't be silly don't be silly VkLVWU4MckI-00260-00219360-00220071 what were you doing up there oh i i just took her out to dinner say she dances marvelously she does VkLVWU4MckI-00261-00220240-00220640 never dance with her hey come over to tony's let's have a couple huh VkLVWU4MckI-00262-00220640-00221200 all right you know i'm gonna take care of her from now on and she'll let me think she will VkLVWU4MckI-00263-00221200-00221760 i think so we got along famously and say jimmy that would adjust things nicely all VkLVWU4MckI-00264-00221760-00222784 around wouldn't it you wouldn't object to that would you hmm i think it would be a swell idea VkLVWU4MckI-00265-00224608-00226023 who is it bring it down hey babe get out of here you're drunk VkLVWU4MckI-00266-00226440-00226840 door andrew i was drunk the day i married you remember that hmm VkLVWU4MckI-00267-00226896-00227496 oh jimmy don't be a care now don't be shy just go with your type VkLVWU4MckI-00268-00228200-00228904 get out of here oh come on be nice give me a little kiss will you oh that's all right VkLVWU4MckI-00269-00228904-00229560 you didn't even worry i'll give you some money get out of here i'll uh well what will you do VkLVWU4MckI-00270-00229680-00230048 i'll call the police go ahead call the police VkLVWU4MckI-00271-00230048-00230496 who cares it kinda arrests a man for making love to his own wife VkLVWU4MckI-00272-00230904-00231560 well that's great you can fight it you can fight you can dance and everything VkLVWU4MckI-00273-00231784-00232584 come here oh jimmy please now it's no good arguing because i've made up my mind VkLVWU4MckI-00274-00238312-00238504 does she want more money than the check i gave you VkLVWU4MckI-00275-00238767-00239032 it so happens that she doesn't want any money at all VkLVWU4MckI-00276-00239208-00239840 are you serious quite serious mr martin she refuses to accept a penny from him VkLVWU4MckI-00277-00240344-00240984 listen brandon i'm going to ask you something and you'd better tell me the truth VkLVWU4MckI-00278-00241240-00241648 did mary agree to a settlement when mother went to see her months ago VkLVWU4MckI-00279-00241952-00242519 well if that oh handsome me no she didn't VkLVWU4MckI-00280-00242871-00243280 did she say at that time that she wouldn't take any money from me at all VkLVWU4MckI-00281-00243480-00243992 yes she did you lied to me for your own good VkLVWU4MckI-00282-00244119-00244504 your mother and i thought if you had known the truth you might have gone back to her VkLVWU4MckI-00283-00244767-00245184 i ought to suck you in the nose and i think i will VkLVWU4MckI-00284-00245696-00246584 give me brian nine one four eight six VkLVWU4MckI-00285-00246960-00247984 hello oh miss smith all right i'll call her omi smith VkLVWU4MckI-00286-00248192-00248623 what is it ms banks you're wanted on the phone it's mr martin calling VkLVWU4MckI-00287-00248896-00249056 all right i'll be right down VkLVWU4MckI-00288-00249328-00249680 oh miss me did you see this in the paper uh ain't that VkLVWU4MckI-00289-00249680-00250784 the rich young fellow that used to call here a lot VkLVWU4MckI-00290-00251304-00251967 oh what's the matter dearie i didn't mean to upset you you haven't you made me change my mind VkLVWU4MckI-00291-00252048-00253728 mrs banks tell mr martin i don't wish to speak to him now at any other time know how i feel about VkLVWU4MckI-00292-00253728-00254352 you i don't know why you want to take me out well just to eat some of the best people do it VkLVWU4MckI-00293-00254952-00255328 pretty girl jack's dancing with yeah she is charming isn't she VkLVWU4MckI-00294-00255392-00255960 just lucky i believe half the beautiful girls in town have been out with him i knew herself once VkLVWU4MckI-00295-00256319-00256576 that's not the historical novel is it VkLVWU4MckI-00296-00257008-00257504 well she certainly doesn't look like a night court stray surprising isn't it that she didn't VkLVWU4MckI-00297-00257504-00258040 cause any trouble about the divorce oh shut up don't be rude jimmy we're not married yet VkLVWU4MckI-00298-00258160-00259184 i'm sorry marjorie yeah i've got a headache tonight left sit down surely VkLVWU4MckI-00299-00260888-00261392 he doesn't look very well has he been sick or something no just supporting half the VkLVWU4MckI-00300-00261392-00261984 speakeasies isn't tom but why did he do it i don't think he's exactly crazy about marrying marjorie VkLVWU4MckI-00301-00262071-00262472 well then why is he going through with it he doesn't have to does he oh he rather likes his VkLVWU4MckI-00302-00262472-00263024 mother she's awfully keen on it by the way are you still refusing a settlement from jimmy's lawyers VkLVWU4MckI-00303-00263160-00263840 yes but i'd rather not talk about it listen mary i'm awfully fond of you thanks VkLVWU4MckI-00304-00263960-00264816 and you know i might even marry you if you push me far enough oh don't worry you can stay single what VkLVWU4MckI-00305-00264816-00266184 what's the matter i don't know i feel awful take me home quickly will you surely i'm awfully sorry VkLVWU4MckI-00306-00266912-00267128 isn't it a bit late for you to be so solicitous VkLVWU4MckI-00307-00267376-00267584 yes it is VkLVWU4MckI-00308-00268120-00268296 oh wait till i put on my row VkLVWU4MckI-00309-00268448-00269320 oh never mind that doesn't matter is it sir sit down i want to talk to you yes sir VkLVWU4MckI-00310-00269856-00270120 i've got to talk to somebody or i'll go crazy yes VkLVWU4MckI-00311-00270184-00270648 you're my friend aren't you well i've always been honored by thinking so sir you've been my friend VkLVWU4MckI-00312-00270648-00271264 ever since i was a kid in knee pants oh you're an attractive little chapster oh they let me talk yes VkLVWU4MckI-00313-00271320-00272048 i want to tell you something awful i did something so terrible that i ought to be horse whip for it VkLVWU4MckI-00314-00272264-00272752 i was all wrong about mary mother and that brandon fellow kept me wrong about her VkLVWU4MckI-00315-00272928-00273184 i thought she was after her money VkLVWU4MckI-00316-00273392-00273488 i went there one night VkLVWU4MckI-00317-00273784-00274584 drunk VkLVWU4MckI-00318-00274840-00275168 well hodges and what do you think of me now VkLVWU4MckI-00319-00275280-00275712 i'm begging your pardon sir i agree with you i think you should have been horse whip VkLVWU4MckI-00320-00275712-00276256 and i think that miss smith was quite right oh i beg your pardon sir i i'm forgetting my place VkLVWU4MckI-00321-00276320-00276848 oh cut this place business hardies i'm sick and tired of it i'm talking to you now as man to man VkLVWU4MckI-00322-00277056-00277664 well this man to man let me tell you sir that i consider your conduct most reprehensible VkLVWU4MckI-00323-00277664-00278232 no and i wish you'd go out now so i can't help it but i'm terribly angry with you VkLVWU4MckI-00324-00278496-00279576 and she was such a nice girl yes i know how just she was wonderful so sweet and pretty VkLVWU4MckI-00325-00279720-00280600 understanding a girl in a million oh gosh i just what'll i do what can i do VkLVWU4MckI-00326-00280840-00281584 oh there there there there don't take on so perhaps something can be done about it VkLVWU4MckI-00327-00282792-00283088 when's the feature start in about 10 minutes we're late tonight VkLVWU4MckI-00328-00283280-00283992 well for crying i must think hello you remember me yeah sure hey say listen VkLVWU4MckI-00329-00283992-00284416 bill uh i think the doorman's waving to you won't you scram over there that city once huh VkLVWU4MckI-00330-00284688-00285136 i'm nelly garden you remember i wasn't caught that day that looney offered to marry you VkLVWU4MckI-00331-00285136-00285816 oh yeah say do you know that judge gave me six months oh that's too bad yeah VkLVWU4MckI-00332-00285816-00286080 say listen how did that thing of yours ever turn out VkLVWU4MckI-00333-00286352-00286896 oh gee i i i guess i pulled a fox pass i i wouldn't hurt you for the warrior VkLVWU4MckI-00334-00287016-00287624 oh that's all right nelly i guess i'm just not feeling very well oh it's too bad so you know i VkLVWU4MckI-00335-00287688-00288208 i'd love to come up and see you sometime you you might not believe it but i get pretty lonesome VkLVWU4MckI-00336-00288208-00288784 sometimes i wish you know that that boyfriend of mine sailing tomorrow oh she would come up VkLVWU4MckI-00337-00288784-00289248 tomorrow afternoon will you oh i'd love to i'll give you the address well i'll be there VkLVWU4MckI-00338-00289776-00290512 hello mary no may i take you home after the show no thanks all right little red riding hood but VkLVWU4MckI-00339-00290512-00291208 here's one wolf is going to keep howling around your door goodbye gee how you doing VkLVWU4MckI-00340-00291352-00291672 must be swelling a lot of guys like that you know i wish i VkLVWU4MckI-00341-00291736-00292312 oh but give me the navy anytime that guy didn't want to see me for nothing what's the big idea he VkLVWU4MckI-00342-00292312-00292840 didn't no i could have sworn he was waving at you oh he didn't want nothing hey listen this VkLVWU4MckI-00343-00292840-00293632 is my boyfriend bill bill casey he's a navy man but i want you to meet mr smith uh smith pleased VkLVWU4MckI-00344-00293632-00294568 to meet you say i know more girls by the name of smith well it's still smith well come on bye bye VkLVWU4MckI-00345-00294936-00295640 come in hello hello nelly well i showed up pretty good VkLVWU4MckI-00346-00295880-00296536 well my goodness what the family was that thing it's for a baby whose baby mine VkLVWU4MckI-00347-00296624-00297448 oh my goodness that's awful i mean it's nice but um well it's kind of a heck of a fix to well VkLVWU4MckI-00348-00297552-00298184 pull up a chair now and sit down will you you look good anyway say listen costs money to have VkLVWU4MckI-00349-00298184-00298944 babies where you go duper doe i don't know yet you know i i'd love to help you out but cheap business VkLVWU4MckI-00350-00298944-00299456 has been awful tough well i mean with you know the depression and everything going on oh sure VkLVWU4MckI-00351-00299456-00300152 i know say that looney did marry you didn't he have you seen him well of course she must have i VkLVWU4MckI-00352-00300392-00300888 well yeah i've seen him you know i was crazy enough to think it'd last for a while but VkLVWU4MckI-00353-00300984-00301344 well you got marriage out of it and that makes the kid regular VkLVWU4MckI-00354-00301344-00302056 say what are you going to call it jimmy well what if i ate a jimmy gee never thought of that say VkLVWU4MckI-00355-00302112-00302696 you know you're not going to be able to work much longer are you no i had to quit today oh VkLVWU4MckI-00356-00302856-00303488 you know you might think it's kind of funny but i i don't know i kind of like to stay here and help VkLVWU4MckI-00357-00303488-00304160 you know be something new for me i i never been around anything like that before that well you VkLVWU4MckI-00358-00304160-00304688 care oh i love it i haven't been busy anyway and i mean i might as well be doing something VkLVWU4MckI-00359-00304768-00305232 what kind of a lawyer are you anyway you can't get it to take some money i've written her several VkLVWU4MckI-00360-00305232-00305744 times but she never answers why don't you visit her personally she might accept something from you VkLVWU4MckI-00361-00305864-00306424 uh i can't do that she hates me call nonsense women of that class forget very VkLVWU4MckI-00362-00306424-00306904 easily you take that back brandon and quick too i pick your partner VkLVWU4MckI-00363-00306976-00307344 oh that's okay we'll call her up right away and see what she says certainly VkLVWU4MckI-00364-00307712-00308192 you know i was just thinking that guy you married why doesn't he give you some money VkLVWU4MckI-00365-00308192-00308696 we're divorced now besides this baby's gonna be all mine i wouldn't take a cent from him VkLVWU4MckI-00366-00308760-00309696 gee you must be sorry him no i love him oh that's awful well now listen he's left VkLVWU4MckI-00367-00309696-00310032 you i mean why don't you try and forget him aren't you going to be awful unhappy VkLVWU4MckI-00368-00310296-00310632 nelly you can't forget people you love even if they stop loving you VkLVWU4MckI-00369-00310744-00311352 yeah gee ain't it tough being a woman yeah here in i'll go VkLVWU4MckI-00370-00311888-00312448 thomas smith just wanted out of the home who is it ms bangs they didn't say nellie will you VkLVWU4MckI-00371-00312448-00312992 go unanswered and if it's mr haynes uh tell him i'm not feeling very well and i can't see him for VkLVWU4MckI-00372-00312992-00313784 some time will you oh sure i'll tell him what do i say is the matter with you uh appendicitis huh VkLVWU4MckI-00373-00314320-00314704 hello this is uh miss gordon miss smith can't come to the phone VkLVWU4MckI-00374-00314704-00315616 uh no she's um well she's been disposed yeah what you want to give her some money VkLVWU4MckI-00375-00315616-00315840 say listen will you hold the phone just a minute i'll be right back VkLVWU4MckI-00376-00316344-00316760 oh listen there's a lawyer by the name of brand on the phone he wants to give you some money honest VkLVWU4MckI-00377-00316760-00317184 i'm not fooling him that's jimmy's lawyer i've told you already i don't want any money from him VkLVWU4MckI-00378-00317248-00317624 oh don't be a fool you're gonna be needing that money pretty soon VkLVWU4MckI-00379-00317624-00318256 nelly tell him i don't want it and furthermore to stop bothering me oh okay but gee when i think of VkLVWU4MckI-00380-00318256-00318624 all the things i've done for less than a thousand dollars it kind of makes me sick VkLVWU4MckI-00381-00319272-00319608 my i can't get shot for trying anyway VkLVWU4MckI-00382-00319912-00320704 hello well she can't come to the phone she's got appendicitis oh no no the doctor said just had to VkLVWU4MckI-00383-00320704-00321424 take his course yeah but she said she'd take the doe uh well i mean the money huh oh no no she's um VkLVWU4MckI-00384-00321488-00321912 she's moving away from here she's uh she's gonna move with a friend until she feels better yeah VkLVWU4MckI-00385-00322008-00322480 but listen she wants you to send that money general delivery to the post office VkLVWU4MckI-00386-00322600-00323680 in greenbacks yeah huh say listen excuse me mister but she won't cash a check with his name on her VkLVWU4MckI-00387-00323752-00324608 no no that's the only way she'll take it is in cash yeah yeah i'll hold the phone some woman VkLVWU4MckI-00388-00324608-00325096 there says miss smith wants the money sent by mail all in currency to general delivery VkLVWU4MckI-00389-00325096-00325696 at the post office what's the idea she says ms smith is unwilling to cash one of your checks VkLVWU4MckI-00390-00325960-00326384 boy she sure is mad at me you don't want me to send a thousand dollars to a mere VkLVWU4MckI-00391-00326384-00326776 general delivery address do you i should strongly advise against such proceedings VkLVWU4MckI-00392-00326856-00327464 you advise okay go ahead and send it in what way she wants it and to any place she wants it VkLVWU4MckI-00393-00327464-00328296 i've had enough of your advice very well yeah oh you're gonna do it huh how much will it be VkLVWU4MckI-00394-00328520-00329184 what oh mister i'm gonna have to hang up something happened oh my goodness i VkLVWU4MckI-00395-00329624-00330312 well you see it it's like this you know i i want to get 500 of this in small bills uh well VkLVWU4MckI-00396-00330312-00330712 it's it's kind of for an emergency you know and and then the other 500 i VkLVWU4MckI-00397-00330712-00331216 want to put in the bank for the kid i see you want to start an account for a child VkLVWU4MckI-00398-00331216-00331984 yeah that's it and uh what is the child's name jimmy jimmy and the last name VkLVWU4MckI-00399-00332160-00333064 oh uh well i um i ain't exactly sure uh you know he he he he's only a a little tiny baby and and VkLVWU4MckI-00400-00333064-00333600 he's not old enough to have the full name but madam you know uh really i would do it VkLVWU4MckI-00401-00333600-00334440 all right andy mellon his name is jimmy smith now listen it started out to be jimmy martin VkLVWU4MckI-00402-00334440-00335032 but then um well something happened and uh he's just jimmy smith that's that's that's all right VkLVWU4MckI-00403-00335464-00335928 oh mary have i got good news what's all the excitement well i was so surprised you're VkLVWU4MckI-00404-00335928-00336336 gonna knock me over with a feather well what's the good news well uh don't you remember me telling VkLVWU4MckI-00405-00336336-00336872 you about my aunt sophie from alabama no you don't remember me telling you about my aunt sophie that VkLVWU4MckI-00406-00336872-00337344 had the plantation with all the mammies and things on it and didn't you know my folks were southern VkLVWU4MckI-00407-00337344-00337936 that i'm southern too no haven't you ever noticed how i say four instead of four and when i get all VkLVWU4MckI-00408-00337936-00338696 excited i say you all what about jan sophie she died oh i'm so sorry oh well it's all right she VkLVWU4MckI-00409-00338696-00339088 left 500 bucks and now we don't have to worry we got enough money for the doctor and everything VkLVWU4MckI-00410-00339088-00339576 over nelly i couldn't let you do that oh now don't be silly there's plenty more of where VkLVWU4MckI-00411-00339576-00339960 that came from you know it's kind of one of those estates that they have down stop VkLVWU4MckI-00412-00340080-00340608 i'll take a look at these four tanks hey pipe down you guys what remember that jane upstairs VkLVWU4MckI-00413-00340608-00341064 the stork's coming but don't look at me i've never even seen her well pipe down she might VkLVWU4MckI-00414-00341064-00341784 hear you oh here's your first deal here first honest deal tonight boys come on ndf everybody VkLVWU4MckI-00415-00342176-00343184 oh nelly they don't have that noise i'll go crazy they've been keeping it up all night VkLVWU4MckI-00416-00343656-00344584 listen i'll make them shut up VkLVWU4MckI-00417-00345472-00345912 if you don't keep quiet i'm gonna throw you out of here one by one hello beautiful have VkLVWU4MckI-00418-00345912-00346592 a chair yeah to crown you with say listen ain't you got no respect for a mother that reminds me VkLVWU4MckI-00419-00346592-00347120 i have written to my mother for five years well that's a very good idea each one of you get a VkLVWU4MckI-00420-00347120-00347592 pencil and paper and write your mother a letter come on what are we going to say it don't make VkLVWU4MckI-00421-00347592-00349168 any difference as long as you put love and kisses on the end of it thanks nelly gee i VkLVWU4MckI-00422-00349168-00349896 must be going crazy or something why what's wrong you know i was just thinking maybe if VkLVWU4MckI-00423-00349896-00350416 jimmy knew about this it might change him oh i don't know he's pretty sore at that haines guy VkLVWU4MckI-00424-00350416-00350848 and maybe he thinks you're not any good and he'll probably think the baby doesn't belong to him VkLVWU4MckI-00425-00351016-00351656 well i hope it looks like him gee that would be nice say listen you want me to go phone him anyway VkLVWU4MckI-00426-00351656-00352176 oh no nellie if i am going to see him i'd rather wait till it's big enough so it'll look nice VkLVWU4MckI-00427-00352176-00352720 you know they say they don't look very good at first gee that's funny my mother said i was VkLVWU4MckI-00428-00352720-00353280 beautiful the first day i was born yeah i guess i'll be getting goofy too though i know you won't VkLVWU4MckI-00429-00353344-00354392 oh oh oh dear oh nelly oh when i don't get excited ah i think you better go get them oh uh VkLVWU4MckI-00430-00354392-00354880 well i wonder where i put dr kulinski's telephone number all guesses here VkLVWU4MckI-00431-00355160-00355784 oh hurry oh listen don't let me happen till i get back VkLVWU4MckI-00432-00356080-00356544 oh gee i forgot a nickel oh say mister would you love me a nickel please VkLVWU4MckI-00433-00356832-00357912 thank you yeah wait a minute uh um uh bryant96842 yeah will you hurry VkLVWU4MckI-00434-00358168-00358888 oh oh hello say listen uh them down mr 614 prospect yeah and send it fast VkLVWU4MckI-00435-00358888-00359632 and when i say fast i mean fast yeah jimmy's on his way yeah please god VkLVWU4MckI-00436-00359752-00360560 will you make it look like jimmy you know dark hair and big blue eyes VkLVWU4MckI-00437-00361072-00362528 oh there you're all polished up just like new now come on oh what a handsome boy you are jimmy VkLVWU4MckI-00438-00362528-00363088 gee you're good looking come on smile huh say listen you know i want you to be awful good to VkLVWU4MckI-00439-00363088-00363784 your mama today you know why because she's awful blue about your old man look at that finger in VkLVWU4MckI-00440-00363784-00364336 your mouth go on with that little figure what's your own finger you can do as you want with it VkLVWU4MckI-00441-00364560-00365584 nelly where's my son oh he's here and he still has his finger in his mouth oh you sweet darling VkLVWU4MckI-00442-00365840-00366568 here he is did he behave like a perfect gentleman yes and he gained a whole ounce i got his back VkLVWU4MckI-00443-00366568-00367096 there well i'll see what that is VkLVWU4MckI-00444-00367568-00367856 good morning madam i'm the mueller bryce man well just brush yourself VkLVWU4MckI-00445-00367856-00368384 right on down the stairs stay i'd like to leave you a sample VkLVWU4MckI-00446-00368816-00369080 did you notice this in the paper this morning no what VkLVWU4MckI-00447-00369144-00369400 that boyfriend that used to call here to see mrs smith so much VkLVWU4MckI-00448-00369720-00370280 he's getting married today say listen you two cent broadcasting station if you even VkLVWU4MckI-00449-00370280-00371184 peep one word of that to her the only thing you're going to be reading the hospital chart VkLVWU4MckI-00450-00373496-00374008 oh no do you know that kid didn't bring the paper not a single person the house received one maybe VkLVWU4MckI-00451-00374008-00374456 the pool fell overslept yeah uh haven't you knows what a sleepy looking kitty is VkLVWU4MckI-00452-00375352-00375712 what do you mean by hitting me on the head with the newspaper i was drying my hair and VkLVWU4MckI-00453-00375712-00376224 you threw this paper out of the window would you please explain don't get excited now VkLVWU4MckI-00454-00376280-00376752 um nelly i thought you told me the morning paper hadn't come yet VkLVWU4MckI-00455-00376752-00377168 well i uh um listen uh you go on and i'll explain to you later VkLVWU4MckI-00456-00377456-00377488 go on VkLVWU4MckI-00457-00377992-00378464 nelly why'd you throw that paper out the window well i um well i was just through VkLVWU4MckI-00458-00378464-00378960 reading it i think i know there must be something in there you don't want me to see give it to me VkLVWU4MckI-00459-00379032-00379584 oh now now listen mary uh there is something i didn't want you to see jimmy's being married today VkLVWU4MckI-00460-00380096-00380488 what are you going to do well nelly quick get me my clothes my best clothes VkLVWU4MckI-00461-00380488-00380808 don't stand there looking at me hurry will you i don't know what's wrong with you VkLVWU4MckI-00462-00380880-00381312 well listen tell me what are you gonna do anyway well i've just changed my mind VkLVWU4MckI-00463-00381312-00381704 what am i going to do no woman's going to marry my baby's father oh i know but don't you think VkLVWU4MckI-00464-00381704-00382096 you better wait and kind of no don't don't argue with me go down and get jimmy's address out of VkLVWU4MckI-00465-00382096-00382520 the telephone book for you and then order a cab and get the babies blanket hurry yeah uh VkLVWU4MckI-00466-00382624-00383120 well now she's gonna make a fool out of herself these giant man make me sick VkLVWU4MckI-00467-00383392-00383824 poor kid be all broken up when he finds out you don't want her VkLVWU4MckI-00468-00383824-00384016 probably forgotten what she looks like even VkLVWU4MckI-00469-00384640-00385184 men make me sick because more unhappiness and trouble at martin martin VkLVWU4MckI-00470-00385608-00386184 you're gonna see your father yes sir i haven't been doing the right thing by you i'm so i've been VkLVWU4MckI-00471-00386184-00386816 thinking only myself what i'm not going to let that woman cheat you no sir jimmy belongs to you VkLVWU4MckI-00472-00386944-00387360 or because i've been acting a little crazy not even listening to the things that VkLVWU4MckI-00473-00387360-00388304 he had to say but put hyperion oh your father oh he's wonderful yeah your father i mean but VkLVWU4MckI-00474-00388304-00388880 drinks a little too much but we'll put a stop to that oh jimmy take your finger out of your mouth VkLVWU4MckI-00475-00388880-00389376 oh and don't cry today no sir you and i have just got to put this thing over VkLVWU4MckI-00476-00389376-00389856 well here's the address and here's the blanket i think you're awful silly to be doing this VkLVWU4MckI-00477-00389856-00390240 oh no no nellie i've got to go i made up my mind now and i've got her when i wait a minute you're VkLVWU4MckI-00478-00390240-00390752 going to take the baby oh so excited i forgot something i stick it in here oh come on donny VkLVWU4MckI-00479-00390752-00391272 oh don't drop it oh all right i'm so excited well i'll be seeing you yeah well VkLVWU4MckI-00480-00391504-00391544 wait a minute VkLVWU4MckI-00481-00392000-00392352 did you order a cab lady yes and i want you to break every speed record has ever VkLVWU4MckI-00482-00392352-00392648 been broken well i can sure do that this baby father is going to marry some other VkLVWU4MckI-00483-00392648-00393584 woman and i've got to stop but here's the address you're practically there now lady VkLVWU4MckI-00484-00396576-00397784 oh there he goes turn around chasing i'll get him VkLVWU4MckI-00485-00400504-00401984 jimmy look VkLVWU4MckI-00486-00402456-00403384 mary jimmy this is ours isn't he lovely jimmy okay take your finger out your mouth oh VkLVWU4MckI-00487-00403568-00403976 oh jimmy you couldn't have been so mad at me mary you named the baby after me VkLVWU4MckI-00488-00403976-00404120 he's kind of like me too don't you think VkLVWU4MckI-00489-00404512-00404968 do you james martin take this woman mary smith for your awful wedded wife i do VkLVWU4MckI-00490-00405624-00406184 baby getting married VkLVWU4MckI-00491-00407984-00407992 you Vl77J0crF9I-00000-00001506-00001672 Critical + AUTO Vl77J0crF9I-00001-00001684-00001970 is one of the most renowned autoflowering plants by Dinafem. Vl77J0crF9I-00002-00001972-00002266 So, we´ve decided to make a CBD version now. Vl77J0crF9I-00003-00002270-00002698 The Critical + Auto CBD comes from the cross Vl77J0crF9I-00004-00002722-00003060 of a Critical + 2.0 and an Auto CBD. Vl77J0crF9I-00005-00003378-00003747 One of the main characteristics of Critical + Vl77J0crF9I-00006-00003778-00003890 is its smell. Vl77J0crF9I-00007-00003924-00004252 And in this case we can also smell the skunky notes. Vl77J0crF9I-00008-00004280-00004606 So same flavour and same aroma as Critical +, Vl77J0crF9I-00009-00004630-00004872 but with a more moderate effect. Vl77J0crF9I-00010-00004900-00005142 If you don't tolerate high levels of THC, Vl77J0crF9I-00011-00005166-00005374 don´t worry because now you can also enjoy Vl77J0crF9I-00012-00005398-00005596 the amazing traits of Critical. Vl77J0crF9I-00013-00005638-00005870 Did you like the Critical + Auto CBD? Vl77J0crF9I-00014-00005870-00006150 Then get more information on our website Vl77J0crF9I-00015-00006164-00006370 and leave your comments below. Vl77J0crF9I-00016-00006394-00006609 Thanks for having the Dinafem Girls. Vl77J0crF9I-00017-00006622-00006780 And remember: we´ll be waiting for you on our social media. Vl77J0crF9I-00018-00006809-00006906 See you there! W3joBoFBOju-00000-00000674-00000811 xin chào W3joBoFBOju-00001-00000850-00000995 hôm nay tôi sẽ W3joBoFBOju-00002-00001053-00001210 trang tí sổ W3joBoFBOju-00003-00001433-00001621 ok bắt đầu thôi! W3joBoFBOju-00004-00001857-00002051 trang này nè W3SV3yvPJV0-00000-00000905-00001416 The hardest part for this class for most people is just getting started. W3SV3yvPJV0-00001-00001416-00001563 Where do you begin? W3SV3yvPJV0-00002-00001563-00001685 How do you do it? W3SV3yvPJV0-00003-00001685-00002191 Alright, well, I've given you an example that I've put up describing what I want you to W3SV3yvPJV0-00004-00002191-00002364 put into lab 1. W3SV3yvPJV0-00005-00002364-00003215 I've give you a link so what I really recommend that you do is that you look at my sample, W3SV3yvPJV0-00006-00003215-00004090 which is out at meri.mccdgm.net and if you get really bored I have the other classes W3SV3yvPJV0-00007-00004090-00004214 as well. W3SV3yvPJV0-00008-00004214-00004605 So this is where I'm starting, you can see I'm early in putting the class together and W3SV3yvPJV0-00009-00004605-00004991 my sample video is starting out with text. W3SV3yvPJV0-00010-00004991-00005521 Now, how would I go about doing this homework assignment? W3SV3yvPJV0-00011-00005521-00005701 Let's take a look. W3SV3yvPJV0-00012-00005701-00006160 This is lots of different types and it says "For lab 1, create a document that is 4-5 W3SV3yvPJV0-00013-00006160-00006291 paragraphs long. W3SV3yvPJV0-00014-00006291-00006731 Use it to introduce yourself to the class, make sure to properly set up the code. W3SV3yvPJV0-00015-00006731-00007095 Use all of the text formatting techniques listed in this page." W3SV3yvPJV0-00016-00007095-00007539 Well, step 1 and I'm going to tell you right now, there is good arguments for both Chrome W3SV3yvPJV0-00017-00007539-00008200 and Firefox, I like them both, I like the web tools in Firefox, I've downloaded a lot W3SV3yvPJV0-00018-00008200-00008691 of plug-ins and add-ons, and they're really handy. W3SV3yvPJV0-00019-00008691-00009100 I actually recommend that you do some of the same things. W3SV3yvPJV0-00020-00009100-00010081 So if you're interested I'll put links into the course but if you just seach for "firefox W3SV3yvPJV0-00021-00010081-00010828 plugins web", there is all sorts of add-ons in Firefox. W3SV3yvPJV0-00022-00010828-00011194 And I think that this is incredibly useful, and will help you a lot. W3SV3yvPJV0-00023-00011194-00011916 My favorite is Firebug, but they have Web Developer and all sorts of Firefox add-ons. W3SV3yvPJV0-00024-00011916-00012671 So if you choose "Add to Firefox", it will add it and install it. W3SV3yvPJV0-00025-00012671-00012800 Then you can tell it to restart. W3SV3yvPJV0-00026-00012800-00013166 So I'm going to go ahead and have Firefox restart. W3SV3yvPJV0-00027-00013166-00013555 Ok, so I've got all sorts of cool, cool tools here. W3SV3yvPJV0-00028-00013555-00013881 And I'm going to go back to meri.mccdgm.net. W3SV3yvPJV0-00029-00013881-00014774 By the way I hope that you're a familiar web user, but you'll notice I have all of my common W3SV3yvPJV0-00030-00014774-00015109 things that I use a lot, so this will tell you a little bit about me, mostly I'm using W3SV3yvPJV0-00031-00015109-00015572 my computer for work, but I like to listen to Pandora Radio when I'm not recording. W3SV3yvPJV0-00032-00015572-00016837 And you can add, by choosing Bookmark This Page, and you can put it in the bookmark menu, W3SV3yvPJV0-00033-00016837-00016966 or you can put it in a bookmark toolbar. W3SV3yvPJV0-00034-00016966-00017381 And I have my stuff that I use all the time in my bookmark toolbar, which has gotten a W3SV3yvPJV0-00035-00017381-00017888 little bit out of hand, so you can see I have lots of stuff, including all sorts of things W3SV3yvPJV0-00036-00017888-00018095 I'm following. W3SV3yvPJV0-00037-00018095-00018340 So my toolbar has gotten too big for this. W3SV3yvPJV0-00038-00018340-00018440 Which is ok. W3SV3yvPJV0-00039-00018440-00018689 I use it a lot. W3SV3yvPJV0-00040-00018689-00019459 Then when you go to my class, if you did not download the web developer tools, you can W3SV3yvPJV0-00041-00019459-00019877 just right click and you can choose View Page Source. W3SV3yvPJV0-00042-00019877-00020644 That is going to show you exactly what my code looks like. W3SV3yvPJV0-00043-00020644-00020982 This is the top level page, that's not actually what I want you to look at. W3SV3yvPJV0-00044-00020982-00021681 So we'll go here, and then we'll do View Page Source, and so this shows you what's here. W3SV3yvPJV0-00045-00021681-00022342 You'll notice that it's going to give you an error here, with the paragraph, here and W3SV3yvPJV0-00046-00022342-00022442 here. W3SV3yvPJV0-00047-00022442-00022731 I probably should have closed my paragraph heading here. W3SV3yvPJV0-00048-00022731-00023500 When I'm grading your work, I actually grade it in Firefox, so that I can see if there W3SV3yvPJV0-00049-00023500-00023618 are any errors. W3SV3yvPJV0-00050-00023618-00023866 So this is a typo here, it works. W3SV3yvPJV0-00051-00023866-00024321 I wouldn't take off points for it but this helps you make better formatted code, if you W3SV3yvPJV0-00052-00024321-00024427 check this. W3SV3yvPJV0-00053-00024427-00025037 You can check it on your computer too by right clicking and opening it in your computer. W3SV3yvPJV0-00054-00025037-00025882 But they also have sorts of cool tools here, I can validate my HTML, it's going to check, W3SV3yvPJV0-00055-00025882-00026358 I have one error. W3SV3yvPJV0-00056-00026358-00026818 And this is my error right here, that the p tag is not in scope. W3SV3yvPJV0-00057-00026818-00027483 So this will help you find errors as well. W3SV3yvPJV0-00058-00027483-00028499 And it will let you view the source, which is pretty much, this is not the page. W3SV3yvPJV0-00059-00028499-00028658 I don't want to go to this page. W3SV3yvPJV0-00060-00028658-00028758 I want to go back. W3SV3yvPJV0-00061-00028758-00029389 Basic text, I can hit View Source right here, it does the same thing as the other one does. W3SV3yvPJV0-00062-00029389-00029638 It just puts it right up here in the corner. W3SV3yvPJV0-00063-00029638-00030187 Now, this is my most useful view and there is all sorts of things I do with Firefox that W3SV3yvPJV0-00064-00030187-00030671 has Firebug and lots of other tools, that you're going to see me using later. W3SV3yvPJV0-00065-00030671-00031152 So you'll see that I'm using the tools in Firefox, there are similar or almost identical W3SV3yvPJV0-00066-00031152-00031306 tools in Chrome. W3SV3yvPJV0-00067-00031306-00031618 Just to keep things simple I'm going to be using the same one throughout. W3SV3yvPJV0-00068-00031618-00032339 Now, that I've got what it looks like, what my code is, I'm going to open up Aptana and W3SV3yvPJV0-00069-00032339-00032891 so my index page here in folder 1 and each folder is going to be a project. W3SV3yvPJV0-00070-00032891-00033761 It seems a little crazy a first, when I start doing this that I've created a folder for W3SV3yvPJV0-00071-00033761-00034036 just one file. W3SV3yvPJV0-00072-00034036-00034534 It's going to make a lot more sense in the next few projects. W3SV3yvPJV0-00073-00034534-00034921 Because as I do projects, I am usually adding more pages. W3SV3yvPJV0-00074-00034921-00035463 Ultimately you are going to end up with at least two files for every project and normally W3SV3yvPJV0-00075-00035463-00035959 5, 6, 10 or more, because you want to put all of the images in a folder, you're going W3SV3yvPJV0-00076-00035959-00036407 to have an external Cascading Style Sheet and at some point we're even going to get W3SV3yvPJV0-00077-00036407-00036716 into a little bit of JavaScript, which we can do externally. W3SV3yvPJV0-00078-00036716-00037284 So you're going to name yours "index", I'm going to do pretty much your homework assignment, W3SV3yvPJV0-00079-00037284-00037484 I'm just going to call it "lab01" here. W3SV3yvPJV0-00080-00037484-00037812 Though you should name it "index", and put it in the file. W3SV3yvPJV0-00081-00037812-00037912 I'm going to start. W3SV3yvPJV0-00082-00037912-00038569 And where you should start is you should right click, and you should choose New, File, or W3SV3yvPJV0-00083-00038569-00039715 you might find it better to do New From Template, HTML, and you want to do HTML5. W3SV3yvPJV0-00084-00039715-00040916 I'm going to call mine "lab01", and I'm going to put it in my 01 folder. W3SV3yvPJV0-00085-00040916-00041341 I'm doing this because I've already created an index.html, that I don't want to get rid W3SV3yvPJV0-00086-00041341-00041441 of. W3SV3yvPJV0-00087-00041441-00041727 Yours should actually be named index.html. W3SV3yvPJV0-00088-00041727-00042044 I'm going to hit Finish. W3SV3yvPJV0-00089-00042044-00042815 Now, this actually puts in a lot of stuff that you don't always need. W3SV3yvPJV0-00090-00042815-00043515 So sometimes it's better to start on your own and it actually doesn't hurt, I think W3SV3yvPJV0-00091-00043515-00043652 this is actually a bit overkill. W3SV3yvPJV0-00092-00043652-00044936 I mean you can do this and it has everything you need in it but we don't need everything. W3SV3yvPJV0-00093-00044936-00045736 we don't need the favicon stuff so I'm going to clear off the stuff that I don't actually W3SV3yvPJV0-00094-00045736-00047149 need and I'm going to leave the stuff that is useful. W3SV3yvPJV0-00095-00047149-00047621 This isn't the bad idea to leave that in, not really necessary but ok. W3SV3yvPJV0-00096-00047621-00047746 You really need the title. W3SV3yvPJV0-00097-00047746-00047861 I'm just going to simplify this. W3SV3yvPJV0-00098-00047861-00048224 This isn't a bad idea but I'm going to keep it as simple as possible. W3SV3yvPJV0-00099-00048224-00048853 And what I typically do, when I'm doing homework like this, I set up basically a template file W3SV3yvPJV0-00100-00048853-00049011 for myself. W3SV3yvPJV0-00101-00049011-00049328 So that I know I have the things set up the right way. W3SV3yvPJV0-00102-00049328-00050152 And so, while we'll use some of these things, this is really your template. W3SV3yvPJV0-00103-00050152-00052240 We'll put in some blank lines here, you don't need them, but I'm also going to put in a W3SV3yvPJV0-00104-00052240-00052769 comment. W3SV3yvPJV0-00105-00052769-00053117 So this is how you do a comment, and that's just information to yourself because someday W3SV3yvPJV0-00106-00053117-00053397 you may come back and wonder why you did things this way. W3SV3yvPJV0-00107-00053397-00053497 It's just helping you. W3SV3yvPJV0-00108-00053497-00053805 It's ignored by the browser, so this information for you. W3SV3yvPJV0-00109-00053805-00054255 This is actually a template that you might choose to save. W3SV3yvPJV0-00110-00054255-00054925 It's not a bad idea, so I'm going to choose File, Save As, and I'm going to put it in W3SV3yvPJV0-00111-00054925-00055611 web115, and I'm going to call it "template.html". W3SV3yvPJV0-00112-00055611-00056077 And that way, from now on whenever I want to go start something, I can close this here, W3SV3yvPJV0-00113-00056077-00057748 go to template, and choose Copy, and I can go into here, and I can choose Paste, and W3SV3yvPJV0-00114-00057748-00058292 then I can rename this. W3SV3yvPJV0-00115-00058292-00059247 And so I could call it "lab01b", again this would be "index.html" for you. W3SV3yvPJV0-00116-00059247-00059530 And I can delete this, because I don't need it. W3SV3yvPJV0-00117-00059530-00059877 Ok, so this is pretty much, if you've created this template. W3SV3yvPJV0-00118-00059877-00059999 This is where you start. W3SV3yvPJV0-00119-00059999-00060402 And this is important because this is all the key elements that you need in every web W3SV3yvPJV0-00120-00060402-00060652 page, and I'm going to be looking for these. W3SV3yvPJV0-00121-00060652-00061254 Every page, we're working in HTML5, starts with <!DOCTYPE html>, then we say that it's W3SV3yvPJV0-00122-00061254-00061441 an html page. W3SV3yvPJV0-00123-00061441-00061906 And we have an opening and a closing tag for html. W3SV3yvPJV0-00124-00061906-00062612 You'll notice that it also announces our language as English, and when I hover over it, it tells W3SV3yvPJV0-00125-00062612-00062966 me, that it's a language code for the content of the element. W3SV3yvPJV0-00126-00062966-00063210 And that's a good thing to do, it's a usability issue. W3SV3yvPJV0-00127-00063210-00063545 You should announce that it's using English. W3SV3yvPJV0-00128-00063545-00063785 Then we have our head information. W3SV3yvPJV0-00129-00063785-00064302 The only part of this that actually appears visually, is the lab01, which is fine for W3SV3yvPJV0-00130-00064302-00064455 the title on this. W3SV3yvPJV0-00131-00064455-00064954 And that would appear in the tab in your browser. W3SV3yvPJV0-00132-00064954-00065441 And then we have the head ends, the body begins, and this is where the content would go. W3SV3yvPJV0-00133-00065441-00067454 It's not a bad idea, I'm going to open up another Firefox window, and I'm going to, W3SV3yvPJV0-00134-00067454-00068563 that's actually not the easiest way, I can usually go to File and find it. W3SV3yvPJV0-00135-00068563-00069488 I think the easiest way for me to do this here is to go into my web115, 01, and just W3SV3yvPJV0-00136-00069488-00070343 right click here, where it says lab01b and choose Open With, Firefox. W3SV3yvPJV0-00137-00070343-00070751 You'll see here that it says lab01 but there is nothing else going on, which is fine. W3SV3yvPJV0-00138-00070751-00071397 I'm just going to, you'll notice this is going to my C Drive, that's where my file is saved, W3SV3yvPJV0-00139-00071397-00071711 and I'm going to refer back to this, because this is actually how I'm going to test things. W3SV3yvPJV0-00140-00071711-00071986 Now, you can test things when you save them. W3SV3yvPJV0-00141-00071986-00072724 You can test them here by hitting Preview, which works just fine, but I like to see how W3SV3yvPJV0-00142-00072724-00072893 it really looks in the browser. W3SV3yvPJV0-00143-00072893-00073317 Alright, so now let's take a look, I have a bunch of stuff that I need to create in W3SV3yvPJV0-00144-00073317-00073417 here. W3SV3yvPJV0-00145-00073417-00073870 So this is the sample code that's telling you what you have to do. W3SV3yvPJV0-00146-00073870-00073994 So we're going to compare it. W3SV3yvPJV0-00147-00073994-00074818 The <!DOCTYPE html>, language equals English, we've got our head tag, we've also got the W3SV3yvPJV0-00148-00074818-00074952 content, the author. W3SV3yvPJV0-00149-00074952-00075258 You can put this in or not, your first name is enough for this class. W3SV3yvPJV0-00150-00075258-00075563 It's ok if you leave that one out too. W3SV3yvPJV0-00151-00075563-00075674 Then we've got the body. W3SV3yvPJV0-00152-00075674-00076924 And in here we're supposed to do a, I can hide that, we're supposed to create a document W3SV3yvPJV0-00153-00076924-00077145 that is four - five paragraphs long. W3SV3yvPJV0-00154-00077145-00077571 Use it to introduce yourself to the class, make sure to properly set up the code, use W3SV3yvPJV0-00155-00077571-00077758 all the formatting techniques. W3SV3yvPJV0-00156-00077758-00078250 Well, I've got a lot of formatting techniques which I haven't use because there is h1 through W3SV3yvPJV0-00157-00078250-00078677 h6, but I'm really looking for you to use h1, as your first title. W3SV3yvPJV0-00158-00078677-00079454 The reason that we do that is because on the web, h1 is used by search engines and when W3SV3yvPJV0-00159-00079454-00079916 you're working for search engines, it's called Search Engine Optimization and it looks for W3SV3yvPJV0-00160-00079916-00080294 whatever is in h1 tag to say what the page is about. W3SV3yvPJV0-00161-00080294-00081700 So I'm just going to put in "WEB 115 homework: Lab 01 - text", and that describes what the W3SV3yvPJV0-00162-00081700-00081943 page is about. W3SV3yvPJV0-00163-00081943-00082456 If I was really interested as far as what it's doing, honestly the more frequently you W3SV3yvPJV0-00164-00082456-00082687 test things the better off you're going to be. W3SV3yvPJV0-00165-00082687-00083104 Because you'd rather look for needle in four or five pieces of hay, than a needle in a W3SV3yvPJV0-00166-00083104-00083204 hay stack. W3SV3yvPJV0-00167-00083204-00083514 So that's fine because we're not getting into making it pretty yet. W3SV3yvPJV0-00168-00083514-00083648 Pretty comes next week. W3SV3yvPJV0-00169-00083648-00083838 We're just giving content on the screen. W3SV3yvPJV0-00170-00083838-00084012 That's fine for a start. W3SV3yvPJV0-00171-00084012-00084287 Ok, so I'm going to want to put it in several paragraphs. W3SV3yvPJV0-00172-00084287-00084620 So I'm going to put in, and I expect you to write a little bit more than me, I just think W3SV3yvPJV0-00173-00084620-00085099 that it's boring for you guys to watch me type. W3SV3yvPJV0-00174-00085099-00085545 So I'm going to start in my paragraph, I'm going to use the bold tag. W3SV3yvPJV0-00175-00085545-00086731 And I'm going to put in "Meri's epic journey through life", yes I am quite a bit of a ham. W3SV3yvPJV0-00176-00086731-00087262 Ok, then I'm going to keep talking about myself a little bit. W3SV3yvPJV0-00177-00087262-00089249 "Meri started", I probably should put an exclamation point here, "Meri started programming when", W3SV3yvPJV0-00178-00089249-00089579 you can hit Enter here, it doesn't matter, it's not going to show up on the screen, and W3SV3yvPJV0-00179-00089579-00090033 you should do this to make it easy for you to read. W3SV3yvPJV0-00180-00090033-00090757 "she was only 9 years old. W3SV3yvPJV0-00181-00090757-00092727 Meri fell in love with programming and started taking classes when she was in seventh grade." W3SV3yvPJV0-00182-00092727-00093370 What I find is the easiest thing for this particular assignment, is to type your content, W3SV3yvPJV0-00183-00093370-00093556 then go back and format it. W3SV3yvPJV0-00184-00093556-00094380 So I can do bold in here, so let's say I want to do bold for "she was only 9 years old". W3SV3yvPJV0-00185-00094380-00095742 So this one we're going to try with emphasis, and then I can move that over here, or maybe W3SV3yvPJV0-00186-00095742-00096125 a little bit further. W3SV3yvPJV0-00187-00096125-00096823 Ok, so at this point I'm going to save and I can test it here. W3SV3yvPJV0-00188-00096823-00097424 I've got be honest with you, I hate the size of this font. W3SV3yvPJV0-00189-00097424-00097983 I'm going to put some styling in here because I can't resist. W3SV3yvPJV0-00190-00097983-00100933 Alright, so I'm doing to add to my paragraph style, equals W3SV3yvPJV0-00191-00100933-00102608 font, size, and I'm going to say 14px. W3SV3yvPJV0-00192-00102608-00103265 Let's make sure this works, I'm going to save this, ok, that didn't work, and that's ok W3SV3yvPJV0-00193-00103265-00104027 because I'm trying to do something off the top of my head that isn't working. W3SV3yvPJV0-00194-00104027-00105032 So my favorite resource "inlinestyle font size", my favorite resource is Google. W3SV3yvPJV0-00195-00105032-00105383 So if you want to do something I haven't shown you, google it! W3SV3yvPJV0-00196-00105383-00106599 So we're going to do HTMLStyles - CSS, inline. W3SV3yvPJV0-00197-00106599-00106756 This should have worked. W3SV3yvPJV0-00198-00106756-00107393 styles, equals quote, colon, oh, I did spacing wrong. W3SV3yvPJV0-00199-00107393-00108018 So I'm going to go back, and I'm going to look at Aptana, and I'm going to go back into W3SV3yvPJV0-00200-00108018-00108118 code side. W3SV3yvPJV0-00201-00108118-00108516 I'm going to do style, equals, not I shouldn't have a space here, and I shouldn't have a W3SV3yvPJV0-00202-00108516-00109677 space here, and let's take a quick look here, it's actually a CSS style, which I'm using, W3SV3yvPJV0-00203-00109677-00110227 so I'm sort of taking it a little bit ahead. W3SV3yvPJV0-00204-00110227-00110663 Color blue, margin left, 20 pixels, ok. W3SV3yvPJV0-00205-00110663-00111243 Let's take a quick look, save this, see if that fixed it. W3SV3yvPJV0-00206-00111243-00111442 Nope. W3SV3yvPJV0-00207-00111442-00112028 It's ignoring it. W3SV3yvPJV0-00208-00112028-00113266 Sometimes, let's take a look, let's compare, HTML Styles, so let's see what I'm doing. W3SV3yvPJV0-00209-00113266-00114518 p, style, equals, yes that's fine, font size, and maybe I was supposed to do this is quotes. W3SV3yvPJV0-00210-00114518-00114786 I don't think so. W3SV3yvPJV0-00211-00114786-00114991 It should've just been 20 pixels. W3SV3yvPJV0-00212-00114991-00115658 Here we go, font family, font size, 20 pixels, no, see, no quotes. W3SV3yvPJV0-00213-00115658-00115915 So I did it right. W3SV3yvPJV0-00214-00115915-00116697 It always concerns me when I'm doing something right, and google knows everything, so style W3SV3yvPJV0-00215-00116697-00117009 font, dash, size, colon, 20px. W3SV3yvPJV0-00216-00117009-00117322 Font, dash, size, 14px, semicolon. W3SV3yvPJV0-00217-00117322-00117500 So I did that right. W3SV3yvPJV0-00218-00117500-00117855 And sometimes I'm fining, and this is what I like Firefox out here. W3SV3yvPJV0-00219-00117855-00118274 So I'm showing you the actual process, which is a little tedious, but I think it's honest W3SV3yvPJV0-00220-00118274-00118461 to show you that I don't know everything. W3SV3yvPJV0-00221-00118461-00119289 So I'm going to go back out to Firefox, here lab01, and to see what's happened I hit Refresh. W3SV3yvPJV0-00222-00119289-00119722 I can't tell if that's a 14 size font or not. W3SV3yvPJV0-00223-00119722-00119860 Let's make it larger. W3SV3yvPJV0-00224-00119860-00120359 Let's make this a little bit outrageous, let's make it 24. W3SV3yvPJV0-00225-00120359-00120488 That will be obvious. W3SV3yvPJV0-00226-00120488-00120821 So I'm going to save, and I'm going to Preview. W3SV3yvPJV0-00227-00120821-00121163 Oh, ok, so 14 was just not that big. W3SV3yvPJV0-00228-00121163-00121718 So alright, I need a space after my exclamation point there. W3SV3yvPJV0-00229-00121718-00122204 So I have to put my space on either side of the bold. W3SV3yvPJV0-00230-00122204-00122732 And I think 24 is a little bit big, so we're going to say 20. W3SV3yvPJV0-00231-00122732-00123847 We're going to Save, we're going to View, and I'm ok with that, and I'm ok with that W3SV3yvPJV0-00232-00123847-00123947 too. W3SV3yvPJV0-00233-00123947-00124214 Alright, so you'll see this is the way I really work. W3SV3yvPJV0-00234-00124214-00124511 I try something, and then I test it. W3SV3yvPJV0-00235-00124511-00124811 So I thought it wasn't working, it really was working, I just didn't make the change W3SV3yvPJV0-00236-00124811-00125068 big enough to see it. W3SV3yvPJV0-00237-00125068-00125350 Oh, so I've done that. W3SV3yvPJV0-00238-00125350-00126012 And this is what is called a Cascading Style Sheets, or style, because years ago, they W3SV3yvPJV0-00239-00126012-00126913 separated HTML, which is the content you see, from CSS, Cascading Style Sheets, so the styles W3SV3yvPJV0-00240-00126913-00127013 were separate. W3SV3yvPJV0-00241-00127013-00127413 No we're going to get into doing it where you style the whole page, but here you can W3SV3yvPJV0-00242-00127413-00127575 just style a paragraph. W3SV3yvPJV0-00243-00127575-00128193 And here is where I end my paragraph, so you see I've got a bunch of nested elements. W3SV3yvPJV0-00244-00128193-00128618 Elements are the beginning and ending tag, and everything in between. W3SV3yvPJV0-00245-00128618-00128795 So here is your title element. W3SV3yvPJV0-00246-00128795-00129208 The html element is actually the whole page with other things nested in it. W3SV3yvPJV0-00247-00129208-00129626 The head element is nested inside it, the body element, and then we can nest things W3SV3yvPJV0-00248-00129626-00130695 inside of the paragraphs. W3SV3yvPJV0-00249-00130695-00131302 So I'm going to add a new paragraph and we're going to do this one as strong, "Meri goes W3SV3yvPJV0-00250-00131302-00131478 to college!". W3SV3yvPJV0-00251-00131478-00132004 And then in the same paragraph, I'm going to keep it in the same paragraph, but I'm W3SV3yvPJV0-00252-00132004-00132142 going to put in a break. W3SV3yvPJV0-00253-00132142-00132730 And a break is basically empty or self-closing. W3SV3yvPJV0-00254-00132730-00132911 This is going to create a new line. W3SV3yvPJV0-00255-00132911-00134532 And so in the break tag I'm going to put "Meri started college at McHenry County College W3SV3yvPJV0-00256-00134532-00137166 when she was 18 years old, she then married, and had two kids before returning to MCC at W3SV3yvPJV0-00257-00137166-00137335 23. W3SV3yvPJV0-00258-00137335-00139446 When Meri was 25, she realized how much she loved programming, and transferred to Rockford W3SV3yvPJV0-00259-00139446-00139643 College (University)". W3SV3yvPJV0-00260-00139643-00140374 It was Rockford College when I went there, it is Rockford University now. W3SV3yvPJV0-00261-00140374-00141146 "to pursue a degree in Computer Science." W3SV3yvPJV0-00262-00141146-00141246 True story. W3SV3yvPJV0-00263-00141246-00141609 I really went to MCC, and that's why I came back to teach here, because I love it. W3SV3yvPJV0-00264-00141609-00142004 Ok, so again we can start adding some things in here. W3SV3yvPJV0-00265-00142004-00142902 So I'm going to go back and look at my code and see some of the things I'm supposed to W3SV3yvPJV0-00266-00142902-00143002 use. W3SV3yvPJV0-00267-00143002-00143661 So I've used strong, I haven't used italics, so I'll put that around "McHenry County College". W3SV3yvPJV0-00268-00143661-00145295 And we'll do it, again, here, except for italics here, we're going to use, I've already done W3SV3yvPJV0-00269-00145295-00147362 emphasis, bold, strong, let's do superscript, sup. W3SV3yvPJV0-00270-00147362-00147672 And you would keep going, and you would do three or four paragraphs, and you just keep W3SV3yvPJV0-00271-00147672-00147831 adding things this way. W3SV3yvPJV0-00272-00147831-00148438 Now you can, if you wish, add in a ordered list. W3SV3yvPJV0-00273-00148438-00148796 It didn't like it when I put this all as a part of one paragraph. W3SV3yvPJV0-00274-00148796-00149519 One of the bad things is that I've been programming since web pages, since 1997, and sometimes W3SV3yvPJV0-00275-00149519-00150065 I've got some bad habits to unlearn, from the way this used to be done, that are not W3SV3yvPJV0-00276-00150065-00150327 really the way they are supposed to be done in HTML5. W3SV3yvPJV0-00277-00150327-00150620 So I'm going to do it the correct way this time. W3SV3yvPJV0-00278-00150620-00151175 I'm going to put a paragraph and I'm going to put in, actually I don't even think I want W3SV3yvPJV0-00279-00151175-00151353 to do a paragraph here. W3SV3yvPJV0-00280-00151353-00152123 I showed you that we've had a header1, we're going to do an h3 here, header3. W3SV3yvPJV0-00281-00152123-00152709 "Programming languages Meri knows:". W3SV3yvPJV0-00282-00152709-00153230 So here I'm going to use the list and you can choose between an unordered and an ordered W3SV3yvPJV0-00283-00153230-00153330 list. W3SV3yvPJV0-00284-00153330-00153598 You'll see "ol" here, that stands for ordered list. W3SV3yvPJV0-00285-00153598-00154106 I'm going to do a "ul", unordered list. W3SV3yvPJV0-00286-00154106-00154234 Basically bulleted. W3SV3yvPJV0-00287-00154234-00154704 I like to hit enter here and tab in and have everything neatly organized. W3SV3yvPJV0-00288-00154704-00155548 So I have a list here and I'm going to say I know "Java", which I do, "HTML", now, this W3SV3yvPJV0-00289-00155548-00155690 is kind of goofy. W3SV3yvPJV0-00290-00155690-00155906 Is HTML a programming language? W3SV3yvPJV0-00291-00155906-00156031 Not really. W3SV3yvPJV0-00292-00156031-00156367 This isn't one either ("CSS"). W3SV3yvPJV0-00293-00156367-00156514 Why isn't that a programming language? W3SV3yvPJV0-00294-00156514-00156733 In my mind it's a formatting language. W3SV3yvPJV0-00295-00156733-00156969 It a data description language. W3SV3yvPJV0-00296-00156969-00157374 If it doesn't have if, then, else, then to me it's not really programming. W3SV3yvPJV0-00297-00157374-00158134 I also know "COBOL", haven't used it in years, it's sort of a dead language. W3SV3yvPJV0-00298-00158134-00159763 I know "JavaScript", I use that all the time, "C++" of course, "ActionScript" and the one W3SV3yvPJV0-00299-00159763-00160654 I'm working in these days "Objective C", because I'm learning to program for iPhones to make W3SV3yvPJV0-00300-00160654-00160754 apps. W3SV3yvPJV0-00301-00160754-00160947 So that's pretty much what your homework assignment would be. W3SV3yvPJV0-00302-00160947-00161334 And I'd like you to have a couple more paragraphs but you can see I'm going back and forth, W3SV3yvPJV0-00303-00161334-00161766 and I'm testing things and I'm looking things up online, and so I'll save it here, and I'll W3SV3yvPJV0-00304-00161766-00162925 test it here, and it still looks a little small here but when I test it on my Firefox W3SV3yvPJV0-00305-00162925-00163291 browser, I'm actually pretty ok with that. W3SV3yvPJV0-00306-00163291-00163754 I didn't include everything you're supposed to include, but it shows you how I work. W3SV3yvPJV0-00307-00163754-00164150 The next step is: how the heck do I get it uploaded? W3SV3yvPJV0-00308-00164150-00164915 There is a separate tutorial, I'm using Core FTP, you can go see the separate tutorial, W3SV3yvPJV0-00309-00164915-00165044 but I'm going to put it right in here. W3SV3yvPJV0-00310-00165044-00165406 I'm not going to install it, I've got Core installed. W3SV3yvPJV0-00311-00165406-00165855 It's not in my shortcut menu so, using Windows 8, I'm just going to do a quick search for W3SV3yvPJV0-00312-00165855-00166318 it, "coreftp". W3SV3yvPJV0-00313-00166318-00166874 Core FTP Lite, which is the version I'm using is free and it works really well. W3SV3yvPJV0-00314-00166874-00167272 I've obviously been helping some other people up here. W3SV3yvPJV0-00315-00167272-00167372 Let's change this. W3SV3yvPJV0-00316-00167372-00168802 The site name for this is "WEB 115", my ftp is "ftp.meri.mccdgm.net", my username is "meri", W3SV3yvPJV0-00317-00168802-00169051 my password name is none of your business. W3SV3yvPJV0-00318-00169051-00169529 I hope I remember what it was. W3SV3yvPJV0-00319-00169529-00169761 I've been doing this way too much lately. W3SV3yvPJV0-00320-00169761-00170375 I'm going to hit Connect and try to connect. W3SV3yvPJV0-00321-00170375-00170722 This is actually a little bit easier than some ways in Dreamweaver. W3SV3yvPJV0-00322-00170722-00171139 On each side, this is what's out on my web server. W3SV3yvPJV0-00323-00171139-00171518 And everything is in my public_html folder. W3SV3yvPJV0-00324-00171518-00172131 So you'll see I have web115, web105, I'm working on lots of different classes. W3SV3yvPJV0-00325-00172131-00172777 You may or may not have done Web Fundamentals first, so you might have already use the server. W3SV3yvPJV0-00326-00172777-00173239 So then I've got on this side, I've got to go find it and I'm going to be in Documents, W3SV3yvPJV0-00327-00173239-00173761 which is where I'm at, and I should be in web115b. W3SV3yvPJV0-00328-00173761-00173861 Why web115b? W3SV3yvPJV0-00329-00173861-00174461 Because I'm doing the same exercise in both, Dreamweaver and in Aptana. W3SV3yvPJV0-00330-00174461-00174906 So index exists, and if I wanted to update it, which I don't need to because they are W3SV3yvPJV0-00331-00174906-00175173 the same date, I could just click it and send it over. W3SV3yvPJV0-00332-00175173-00175805 So I'm going to click here, choose lab01b, and I'm going to hit the arrow here and that W3SV3yvPJV0-00333-00175805-00175905 moves it over. W3SV3yvPJV0-00334-00175905-00176498 If I were to change computers, say be working at MCC, come home, and I want to download W3SV3yvPJV0-00335-00176498-00176662 it, and this was up on the server. W3SV3yvPJV0-00336-00176662-00177089 If I wanted to bring it back I just hit the arrow that way and it doesn't matter if I W3SV3yvPJV0-00337-00177089-00177358 overwrite, they should be exactly the same right now. W3SV3yvPJV0-00338-00177358-00177782 So you can move it either up to the server or down from the server. W3SV3yvPJV0-00339-00177782-00178254 And this works significantly better than the ftp in Aptana right now, so I'm not even showing W3SV3yvPJV0-00340-00178254-00178449 you how to use that. W3SV3yvPJV0-00341-00178449-00178562 So that's it. W3SV3yvPJV0-00342-00178562-00178672 That would be your assignment. W3SV3yvPJV0-00343-00178672-00179041 Now, the next question is: what's my address? W3SV3yvPJV0-00344-00179041-00179558 Alright, your address should be, because I want to go out and test this now, I'm going W3SV3yvPJV0-00345-00179558-00180041 to go into Firefox, and I really want to go out to the web, because you see, here I'm W3SV3yvPJV0-00346-00180041-00180194 locally on my desk. W3SV3yvPJV0-00347-00180194-00180445 This is not what you hand in. W3SV3yvPJV0-00348-00180445-00180864 What you hand in needs to be out on the Internet. W3SV3yvPJV0-00349-00180864-00181509 Mine is at meri.mccdgm.net and if you go to mine you see I've put links in to go to everything, W3SV3yvPJV0-00350-00181509-00181745 you're probably not going to do that. W3SV3yvPJV0-00351-00181745-00183289 If you set yours up the way that I did, and we want to see file structure here, and I W3SV3yvPJV0-00352-00183289-00183475 want to be in web115. W3SV3yvPJV0-00353-00183475-00183678 So this is my path. W3SV3yvPJV0-00354-00183678-00184301 Everything is in public_html but you don't type that. W3SV3yvPJV0-00355-00184301-00184933 So I'm in web115, that's the top level folder, and then I'm in web01 after that. W3SV3yvPJV0-00356-00184933-00185593 Your is going to be your first initial, your last name, my is meri.mccdgm.net, that's going W3SV3yvPJV0-00357-00185593-00186400 to be the same for you, slash, and I named my top folder web115, and then my inner folder W3SV3yvPJV0-00358-00186400-00186563 for this is lab01. W3SV3yvPJV0-00359-00186563-00187107 If I just do that, that takes me to index, which is what should work for you. W3SV3yvPJV0-00360-00187107-00187858 I did not named mine index, mine is, and here I can check because sometimes I don't remember, W3SV3yvPJV0-00361-00187858-00188184 mine is lab01b.html. W3SV3yvPJV0-00362-00188184-00189052 So I want to call it lab01b.html and hit Enter, and it's not there. W3SV3yvPJV0-00363-00189052-00189714 Ok, so now I have to see what did I do wrong. W3SV3yvPJV0-00364-00189714-00191057 lab01b.html, so I'm going to take a quick check here, lab01b.html, and I'm in web115. W3SV3yvPJV0-00365-00191057-00191549 Ok, I didn't put it in the right folder. W3SV3yvPJV0-00366-00191549-00191649 This is common. W3SV3yvPJV0-00367-00191649-00192060 I need it to be in the 01 folder and I left this out. W3SV3yvPJV0-00368-00192060-00192660 So I can now transfer that over, and then I can go up a level here, because you should W3SV3yvPJV0-00369-00192660-00193122 clean up, and I can delete that. W3SV3yvPJV0-00370-00193122-00193561 So I make mistakes too, leave it open until you test it. W3SV3yvPJV0-00371-00193561-00193670 Bingo! W3SV3yvPJV0-00372-00193670-00193770 It's here. W3SV3yvPJV0-00373-00193770-00194520 So now this is my path to my file, which I will copy and paste into the Canvas site to W3SV3yvPJV0-00374-00194520-00194629 hand it in. W3SV3yvPJV0-00375-00194629-00194900 So that's how you should go about doing your homework. W3SV3yvPJV0-00376-00194900-00195329 Look at the example, view the source code, if you want to do something you don't know W3SV3yvPJV0-00377-00195329-00195928 how to do, w3schools site is my favorite and when it comes to HTML5, google knows everything. W3SV3yvPJV0-00378-00195928-00196273 Thanks a lot and I'll see you next time. W4BsLTKCvf4-00000-00000056-00000408 i got a bunch of comments over the last couple of minutes, W4BsLTKCvf4-00001-00000408-00001072 because i had promoted my video from luke davidson, and it still works. so as a result, i got W4BsLTKCvf4-00002-00001072-00001584 even more new comments, and some extra replies, which i haven't yet responded to. W7nU2pyu0QU-00001-00002287-00002985 working alone the only the Narda sees the home W7nU2pyu0QU-00002-00002985-00003794 I'm getting stronger step-by-step seeking Baptist W7nU2pyu0QU-00003-00005201-00005504 the eye W7nU2pyu0QU-00004-00005953-00006253 we're W7nU2pyu0QU-00005-00009847-00010096 died W7nU2pyu0QU-00006-00010103-00010468 ready to slow W7nU2pyu0QU-00007-00010485-00010826 I need you feel W7nU2pyu0QU-00008-00010940-00011281 and oh joy and W7nU2pyu0QU-00009-00011364-00011831 from W7nU2pyu0QU-00010-00013794-00014079 No W7nU2pyu0QU-00011-00015023-00015323 feeling W7nU2pyu0QU-00012-00020469-00021336 downtown from London to Simon I've been honor W7nU2pyu0QU-00013-00021336-00022578 trying to protect yourself W7nU2pyu0QU-00014-00023751-00024051 yeah W83QPQwvETy-00000-00000114-00001718 [Music] WqvRu1o6lnk-00000-00000065-00000336 >> Okay, we're gonna look at another one with an exponent, WqvRu1o6lnk-00001-00000355-00000511 except this one I've thrown in a variable. WqvRu1o6lnk-00002-00000519-00000850 We've got to make a general case for these types of problems. WqvRu1o6lnk-00003-00000893-00001466 So, what we've got is 3Y squared minus C equals zero. WqvRu1o6lnk-00004-00001522-00001749 Again, doesn't matter that it's a variable. WqvRu1o6lnk-00005-00001753-00001956 Last example I did, I had a number. WqvRu1o6lnk-00006-00001989-00002224 Variables, numbers, the math is still the same. WqvRu1o6lnk-00007-00002224-00002348 That's the important thing. WqvRu1o6lnk-00008-00002436-00002573 So, what I got to do? WqvRu1o6lnk-00009-00002606-00003088 I got to get Y on its own ultimately, solve for Y. Well, reverse that math, I look, WqvRu1o6lnk-00010-00003088-00003534 I've got to do subtraction, then the multiplication, then the exponent. WqvRu1o6lnk-00011-00003599-00003683 So, I'm going to cancel it. WqvRu1o6lnk-00012-00003683-00003904 In order to cancel the subtraction, what am I going to do? WqvRu1o6lnk-00013-00003904-00004127 I'm going to add C to both sides. WqvRu1o6lnk-00014-00004221-00004734 So, I get 3Y squared equals C. Great. WqvRu1o6lnk-00015-00004771-00004829 Those cancelled. WqvRu1o6lnk-00016-00004932-00005129 Well, now you're going to get rid of the multiplication. WqvRu1o6lnk-00017-00005129-00005337 To do that, I've got to divide both sides by 3. WqvRu1o6lnk-00018-00005524-00005934 I get Y squared equals C over 3. WqvRu1o6lnk-00019-00006038-00006564 And again, to get rid of a squared, we take the square root or put it to the power of 1/2. WqvRu1o6lnk-00020-00006564-00007129 In this case, I would use the square root because it is the same as point 1/2. WqvRu1o6lnk-00021-00007188-00007801 So we get Y, and then remember, we get two solutions, because square root C WqvRu1o6lnk-00022-00007818-00008094 over 3 squared would give C over 3. WqvRu1o6lnk-00023-00008162-00008823 But minus the square root of C over 3 times the minus the square root of C over 3, WqvRu1o6lnk-00024-00008823-00009028 or squared, would also give C over 3. WqvRu1o6lnk-00025-00009071-00009640 So, it might sound ugly, me reading out those numbers, or saying those numbers, WqvRu1o6lnk-00026-00009676-00009945 but these would be the two solutions. WqvRu1o6lnk-00027-00010005-00010458 And whatever C turned out to be, remember it doesn't matter that it's a variable. WqvRu1o6lnk-00028-00010458-00010559 The math was the same. WqvRu1o6lnk-00029-00010577-00010987 Later on we might plug in a number, maybe later we say C is 27. WqvRu1o6lnk-00030-00011018-00011488 Well, .7 divided by 3 is 9, square root of that is 3. WqvRu1o6lnk-00031-00011511-00011789 So, 3 and minus 3 would both be the solutions. WqvRu1o6lnk-00032-00011852-00012155 So, this just shows you a general case, and hopefully helps. WqvRu1o6lnk-00033-00012198-00012251 Thank you. WqG0SKspZ6Y-00000-00000679-00001188 "My name is Robert Shade. The study that we were shown I believe proved WqG0SKspZ6Y-00001-00001188-00001914 conclusively that the program that you have here for - not only providing WqG0SKspZ6Y-00002-00001914-00002468 us with income but even growing our money the resource was impeccable. One of WqG0SKspZ6Y-00003-00002468-00002786 the big points to me was the fact that you could actually grow your money and WqG0SKspZ6Y-00004-00002786-00003279 outperform the market. A lot of people would say well that's a pipe dream but WqG0SKspZ6Y-00005-00003279-00003753 the studies that I was shown show conclusively over the long haul that it WqG0SKspZ6Y-00006-00003753-00004167 is exactly that that you can grow your money and you cannot perform the market WqG0SKspZ6Y-00007-00004167-00004703 and with complete and utter safety. I can't imagine anybody having a program WqG0SKspZ6Y-00008-00004703-00005142 that would exceed those specifications. I believe anybody would pretty much do the WqG0SKspZ6Y-00009-00005142-00005711 same thing we did and said you know yes this is so what we want to do." WsYLHmvl8DQ-00000-00000072-00000708 it's been around four hours since my last video, but I have to tell you something I've just created WsYLHmvl8DQ-00001-00000708-00001512 a website. and this has currently gone four links in it, and I just really wanted to show it to you. WsYLHmvl8DQ-00002-00001590-00002202 I think what I want to do is later, I'll be adding like and dislike buttons, and WsYLHmvl8DQ-00003-00002202-00002580 I might add a comment box so that you can react to my shape. WvZMyeNhW_Q-00000-00000020-00000202 wild animals WvZMyeNhW_Q-00001-00000624-00000824 elephant WvZMyeNhW_Q-00003-00002066-00002276 leopard WvZMyeNhW_Q-00005-00002972-00003198 buffalo WvZMyeNhW_Q-00008-00004170-00004334 lioness WvZMyeNhW_Q-00011-00005744-00005950 rhinoceros WvZMyeNhW_Q-00016-00007309-00007642 antelope WvZMyeNhW_Q-00020-00008190-00008368 zebra WvZMyeNhW_Q-00024-00009372-00009530 a lion WvZMyeNhW_Q-00025-00010458-00010634 tiger WvZMyeNhW_Q-00028-00011744-00011920 bear WvZMyeNhW_Q-00032-00012888-00013140 wolf WvZMyeNhW_Q-00034-00013652-00013819 deer WvZMyeNhW_Q-00039-00014766-00014932 Fox WvZMyeNhW_Q-00045-00015884-00016038 end Ww4A9ab7V9o-00000-00000000-00000200 ፈትራ ዜና፡- የጨረታ አሸናፊው 850 ሚሊዮን ዶላር ለመንግስት ገቢ አደረጋ / በግብፅ በህፃናት ማገገሚያ በተነሳ እሳት 6 ህፃናት ሞቱ WzaIz6ubB6k-00000-00000986-00001258 mine is a water sign WzaIz6ubB6k-00001-00001352-00001634 I get wet, I get dry WzaIz6ubB6k-00002-00001684-00002000 it's all just a state of mind WzaIz6ubB6k-00003-00002078-00002354 mine is a water sign WzaIz6ubB6k-00004-00002482-00002770 full moon is high WzaIz6ubB6k-00005-00002816-00003100 I feel the pull of the tide WzaIz6ubB6k-00006-00003138-00003424 levee's busted open wide WzaIz6ubB6k-00007-00003524-00003772 flooding this old heart of mine WzaIz6ubB6k-00008-00004224-00004598 liquid is light WzaIz6ubB6k-00009-00004625-00004825 I seen 'em both in her eyes WzaIz6ubB6k-00010-00004914-00005192 in the folds of her mind WzaIz6ubB6k-00011-00005240-00005528 in the soul of her thighs WzaIz6ubB6k-00012-00005578-00005908 I feel the pull of the tide WzaIz6ubB6k-00013-00005944-00006270 it cuts like ice WzaIz6ubB6k-00014-00006322-00006558 carving up this glacial night WzaIz6ubB6k-00015-00006622-00006940 opening up the great divide WzaIz6ubB6k-00016-00007342-00007612 swimming in the mystery WzaIz6ubB6k-00017-00007652-00007976 fishing 'neath a shady tree WzaIz6ubB6k-00018-00008054-00008364 sipping from a slippery stream WzaIz6ubB6k-00019-00008416-00008871 rolling like a stone across the belly of the beast WzaIz6ubB6k-00020-00008871-00009022 in the mystery WzaIz6ubB6k-00021-00009098-00009414 sitting on a fallen tree WzaIz6ubB6k-00022-00009466-00009816 slithering through the swampy weeds WzaIz6ubB6k-00023-00009816-00010064 skipping like a stone WzaIz6ubB6k-00024-00010064-00010386 washing up on the beach WzaIz6ubB6k-00025-00010748-00011044 there's a path, there's a current WzaIz6ubB6k-00026-00011054-00011376 visciously determined WzaIz6ubB6k-00027-00011503-00011703 frothing and churning WzaIz6ubB6k-00028-00011748-00012188 raw meat in the broth of learning WzaIz6ubB6k-00029-00012208-00012514 soft curve of a wave WzaIz6ubB6k-00030-00012538-00012816 cuts like a knife WzaIz6ubB6k-00031-00012830-00013452 washing away and rearranging the lines of a life WzaIz6ubB6k-00032-00013510-00014156 the bones of a man fold and crumble like sand WzaIz6ubB6k-00033-00014168-00014482 in the palm of a plan WzaIz6ubB6k-00034-00014504-00014840 in the ducts and channels of a hand WzaIz6ubB6k-00035-00015190-00015462 swimming in the mystery WzaIz6ubB6k-00036-00015466-00015863 fishing 'neath a shady tree WzaIz6ubB6k-00037-00015863-00016276 sipping from a slippery stream WzaIz6ubB6k-00038-00016276-00016724 rolling like a stone cross the belly of the beast WzaIz6ubB6k-00039-00016724-00016880 in the mystery WzaIz6ubB6k-00040-00016880-00017236 sitting on a fallen tree WzaIz6ubB6k-00041-00017236-00017726 slithering through the swampy weeds WzaIz6ubB6k-00042-00017726-00018324 rolling like a stone washing up on the beach WzaIz6ubB6k-00043-00018587-00018787 mine is a water sign WzaIz6ubB6k-00044-00018965-00019165 I get wet I get dry WzaIz6ubB6k-00045-00019270-00019558 absolved of a state of mind WzaIz6ubB6k-00046-00019640-00019928 mine is a water sign W_RGmIIOLcI-00000-00000058-00000510 - Now, I know I definitely have many times where I feel like, W_RGmIIOLcI-00001-00000512-00000972 dude, are male humans, like, another species, entirely? W_RGmIIOLcI-00002-00000975-00001281 Like, where do these things come from? W_RGmIIOLcI-00003-00001283-00001622 And I'm sure that the feeling is mutual. W_RGmIIOLcI-00004-00001625-00002097 But the fact is that up until-- W_RGmIIOLcI-00005-00002099-00002460 like, if you looked at a little baby--like, W_RGmIIOLcI-00006-00002462-00002739 we just made a baby, that was awesome. W_RGmIIOLcI-00007-00002741-00002972 It happened in the fallopian tubes. W_RGmIIOLcI-00008-00002975-00003335 That little zygote is now down in the uterus. W_RGmIIOLcI-00009-00003337-00003531 It is growing every day, W_RGmIIOLcI-00010-00003533-00003847 going through mitosis, becomes an embryo. W_RGmIIOLcI-00011-00003850-00003997 When that little guy W_RGmIIOLcI-00012-00004000-00004281 is six weeks old, if you looked in there, W_RGmIIOLcI-00013-00004283-00004443 there is nothing that would tell you W_RGmIIOLcI-00014-00004445-00004618 whether it was male or female. W_RGmIIOLcI-00015-00004620-00004810 And, in fact, if you could treat it W_RGmIIOLcI-00016-00004812-00005235 with boy hormones, you could make it a boy. W_RGmIIOLcI-00017-00005237-00005797 If you treat it with not boy hormones, it will be a girl. W_RGmIIOLcI-00018-00005799-00006081 Which is kind of an interesting thing to start thinking about, W_RGmIIOLcI-00019-00006083-00006601 let's try to avoid that. They all look like this. W_RGmIIOLcI-00020-00006604-00007181 They have a structure called a bipotential gonad that will, W_RGmIIOLcI-00021-00007183-00007626 under the influence of boyness-- what is boyness? W_RGmIIOLcI-00022-00007629-00007897 What does that even mean? How do you--what's the-- W_RGmIIOLcI-00023-00007899-00008285 what's the actual difference between males and females? W_RGmIIOLcI-00024-00008287-00008585 The source of all differences between males W_RGmIIOLcI-00025-00008587-00008831 and females is the Y chromosome. W_RGmIIOLcI-00026-00008833-00009181 The fellas have one, the ladies lack one. W_RGmIIOLcI-00027-00009183-00009531 We have two Xs, the fellas have an X and a Y. W_RGmIIOLcI-00028-00009533-00010189 The presence of the Y chromosome gives you male characteristics. W_RGmIIOLcI-00029-00010191-00010876 The Y chromosome acts on the bipotential gonad and causes it W_RGmIIOLcI-00030-00010879-00011518 to descend, with the help of the gubernaculum, into the scrotum. W_RGmIIOLcI-00031-00011520-00011797 The Y chromosome-- take a look at this. W_RGmIIOLcI-00032-00011800-00012397 This bipotential gonad is going to be just-- W_RGmIIOLcI-00033-00012400-00012576 well, if nothing-- W_RGmIIOLcI-00034-00012579-00012918 if the Y chromosome isn't there, it's going to become an ovary. W_RGmIIOLcI-00035-00012920-00013410 You see these two sets of tubes that are traveling down, W_RGmIIOLcI-00036-00013412-00013901 and they're kind of associated with the bipotential gonad? W_RGmIIOLcI-00037-00013904-00014114 If there is a Y chromosome, W_RGmIIOLcI-00038-00014116-00014556 one of the sets of tubes kind of disintegrates, it goes away. W_RGmIIOLcI-00039-00014558-00015064 And the other set of tubes becomes the vas deferens, W_RGmIIOLcI-00040-00015066-00015243 the epididymis, all of the structures W_RGmIIOLcI-00041-00015245-00015685 that are required for maleness. W_RGmIIOLcI-00042-00015687-00015918 If there is no Y chromosome, W_RGmIIOLcI-00043-00015920-00016276 then the other set of tubes disintegrates, W_RGmIIOLcI-00044-00016279-00016489 and the remaining tube becomes W_RGmIIOLcI-00045-00016491-00016818 the fallopian tubes and part of the uterus. W_RGmIIOLcI-00046-00016820-00017097 Seriously, how awesome is that? W_RGmIIOLcI-00047-00017099-00017397 We actually were identical up-- W_RGmIIOLcI-00048-00017399-00017689 all the way to six weeks in utero. W_RGmIIOLcI-00049-00017691-00017964 Now what that means is that this W_RGmIIOLcI-00050-00017966-00018597 bipotential gonad that we speak of is actually-- W_RGmIIOLcI-00051-00018599-00018868 they're homologous structures. W_RGmIIOLcI-00052-00018870-00019281 And so let's take a second to think about the homologies. W_RGmIIOLcI-00053-00019283-00019847 So, if you have an X and Y, your gonad is going to be what? W_RGmIIOLcI-00054-00019850-00020097 The testes. W_RGmIIOLcI-00055-00020099-00020456 That bipotential gonad is going to become testes. W_RGmIIOLcI-00056-00020458-00021122 If you are a X and a X, W_RGmIIOLcI-00057-00021125-00021610 then your bipotential gonad is going to become an ovary. W_RGmIIOLcI-00058-00021612-00022105 Your bipotential gonads are going to become ovaries. W_RGmIIOLcI-00059-00022108-00022460 Are you good? W_RGmIIOLcI-00060-00022462-00023176 If you have an X and a Y, your testes will produce sperm. W_RGmIIOLcI-00061-00023179-00023701 If you have two Xs, your ovaries will produce eggs. W_RGmIIOLcI-00062-00023704-00024193 Should we just say oocytes of some flavor? W_RGmIIOLcI-00063-00024195-00024497 Because eggs we produce only if we fertilize. W_RGmIIOLcI-00064-00024499-00024689 That works for me. W_RGmIIOLcI-00065-00024691-00025056 Now, this is the most interesting part. W_RGmIIOLcI-00066-00025058-00025397 If you have a Y chromosome, W_RGmIIOLcI-00067-00025399-00025601 then you're going to produce a structure. W_RGmIIOLcI-00068-00025604-00025947 Your testes are going to be pulled out of your body cavity W_RGmIIOLcI-00069-00025950-00026464 through your inguinal canal, out into this little-- W_RGmIIOLcI-00070-00026466-00026797 in fact, I'm going to start with the ladies. W_RGmIIOLcI-00071-00026799-00027156 The ladies leave their bipotential gonads W_RGmIIOLcI-00072-00027158-00027526 in their peritoneal cavities, W_RGmIIOLcI-00073-00027529-00028276 and they have labia majora. W_RGmIIOLcI-00074-00028279-00028897 Aw, I just made it blue. I can't have that. W_RGmIIOLcI-00075-00028899-00029368 They have labia majora in green. W_RGmIIOLcI-00076-00029370-00030010 And remember, labia majora was the big outer lips W_RGmIIOLcI-00077-00030012-00030397 that have hair on them after puberty. W_RGmIIOLcI-00078-00030399-00030614 Labia majora, two flaps. W_RGmIIOLcI-00079-00030616-00030922 Guess what, if you have a Y chromosome, W_RGmIIOLcI-00080-00030925-00031347 your labia major zips up. W_RGmIIOLcI-00081-00031350-00031497 What? It does. W_RGmIIOLcI-00082-00031499-00032018 It zips up closed and forms the scrotum. W_RGmIIOLcI-00083-00032020-00032547 These are homologous structures. W_RGmIIOLcI-00084-00032550-00032951 Guess what? It gets cooler. W_RGmIIOLcI-00085-00032954-00033297 Labia minora has to become something. W_RGmIIOLcI-00086-00033299-00033481 Remember labia minora? W_RGmIIOLcI-00087-00033483-00034264 Labia minora is the inner little flaps lateral to the vagina, W_RGmIIOLcI-00088-00034266-00034410 and they do not have hair on them, W_RGmIIOLcI-00089-00034412-00035297 because their homologous pair is the ventral side W_RGmIIOLcI-00090-00035299-00035497 of the penis. W_RGmIIOLcI-00091-00035499-00035797 So, labia majora zips up and becomes the scrotum. W_RGmIIOLcI-00092-00035799-00036185 Labia minora zips up and becomes the ventral side of the penis. W_RGmIIOLcI-00093-00036187-00036397 Now, the ventral side of the penis-- W_RGmIIOLcI-00094-00036399-00036593 you have to point the penis straight up, W_RGmIIOLcI-00095-00036595-00036797 and then that surface that's facing you, W_RGmIIOLcI-00096-00036800-00036972 that's the ventral side of the penis. W_RGmIIOLcI-00097-00036975-00037497 And you can see there's just like a little zip line. W_RGmIIOLcI-00098-00037500-00038018 And there's one more. Oh, this one is super important. W_RGmIIOLcI-00099-00038020-00038197 This one is, like, the most important. W_RGmIIOLcI-00100-00038200-00038343 What about the penis? W_RGmIIOLcI-00101-00038345-00038568 No, what about the glans of the penis? W_RGmIIOLcI-00102-00038570-00039360 This is, I think-- the glans of the penis, W_RGmIIOLcI-00103-00039362-00039693 who would you guess is homologous to? W_RGmIIOLcI-00104-00039695-00040322 The clitoris. All right. W_RGmIIOLcI-00105-00040325-00040464 You're not so different W_RGmIIOLcI-00106-00040466-00040997 from those with differing chromosomes. W_RGmIIOLcI-00107-00040999-00041418 Dense lecture, but let me just tell you this. W_RGmIIOLcI-00108-00041420-00041610 It's dense because a lot W_RGmIIOLcI-00109-00041612-00041851 of this conversation would be happening in lab, W_RGmIIOLcI-00110-00041854-00042097 because a lot of this conversation W_RGmIIOLcI-00111-00042099-00042414 is dealing with lab structures that we would be looking at. W_RGmIIOLcI-00112-00042416-00042797 So, all I've done is I've taken all of that and given it to you, W_RGmIIOLcI-00113-00042799-00043051 which means, essentially, if you've completed this lecture, W_RGmIIOLcI-00114-00043054-00043456 you've totally prepped for lab, right. W_RGmIIOLcI-00115-00043458-00043589 You know you prepped for lab. W_RGmIIOLcI-00116-00043591-00043891 Okay, I'm out of here. Yeah. Bye-bye, now. WBCdgGUQ4Ty-00000-00000008-00000976 let's go look outside shall we yeah [ __ ] this WD-8UbnrEwI-00000-00001624-00001870 To be continued... WD-8UbnrEwI-00001-00001870-00002070 Right now WD-8UbnrEwI-00002-00002070-00002387 Wojciech Lepczyński https://lepczynski.it/en WD-8UbnrEwI-00003-00002493-00002703 hello, hello, is 6:00 AM WD-8UbnrEwI-00004-00002790-00003047 and today I going to conference WD-8UbnrEwI-00005-00003052-00003355 I going to AWS COMMUNITY DAY in Wasaw WD-8UbnrEwI-00006-00003355-00003600 but first I need catch my train WD-8UbnrEwI-00007-00004973-00005412 I like to travel by train because I have few extra hours for myself WD-8UbnrEwI-00008-00005412-00007808 and I can for example writ a new blog article or edit my video WD-8UbnrEwI-00009-00007808-00008209 I arrived one day early one day before AWS commuted WD-8UbnrEwI-00010-00008209-00008309 why WD-8UbnrEwI-00011-00008309-00008558 because I want rest and see the city WD-8UbnrEwI-00013-00015081-00015316 Why is worth going to conference? WD-8UbnrEwI-00014-00015316-00015566 I'm also curious why these all people came here WD-8UbnrEwI-00015-00015566-00016027 I'm going to go ask a few people and we'll find out. WD-8UbnrEwI-00016-00016027-00017115 lots of people come to learn new things and learn about practical things about real life WD-8UbnrEwI-00017-00017115-00017437 case study. WD-8UbnrEwI-00018-00017437-00018606 if you think you need to know something about the cloud before going to the conference WD-8UbnrEwI-00019-00018606-00018722 you are totally wrong WD-8UbnrEwI-00020-00018722-00019176 there are a lot of people here who are just starting to learn about the cloud WD-8UbnrEwI-00021-00019176-00019395 and don't know much about it WD-8UbnrEwI-00022-00019395-00019593 in my opinion it's a great place to learn WD-8UbnrEwI-00023-00019593-00019811 in my opinion is a great place to learn WD-8UbnrEwI-00024-00019811-00019988 in my opinion is a great place to learn WD-8UbnrEwI-00025-00019988-00020984 wait, wait, wait, it's not over WD-8UbnrEwI-00026-00020984-00021647 I have some swags WD-8UbnrEwI-00027-00021647-00022000 stickers yeah I just love it WD-8UbnrEwI-00028-00022000-00022675 wait wait it's not over as I said it's a great place to learn but people are here not only WD-8UbnrEwI-00029-00022675-00022787 from that reason WD-8UbnrEwI-00030-00022787-00023194 for example I like meeting other people and talking face to face WD-8UbnrEwI-00031-00023194-00023623 you know exchange experience you get to know their point of view WD-8UbnrEwI-00032-00023623-00024037 everyone has different experience that's why it's so important WD-8UbnrEwI-00033-00024037-00024369 we are actually a group of people with similar passion WD-8UbnrEwI-00034-00024369-00024665 we like new technology and we like of course Cloud WD-8UbnrEwI-00035-00024665-00025036 so we will always have something to talk about WD-8UbnrEwI-00036-00025036-00025555 hey are you still there whoa thanks for your time and see you in next video WD-8UbnrEwI-00037-00025555-00025995 now it's 6 a.m and today I'm going to conference WD-8UbnrEwI-00038-00025995-00026288 there are a lot of people who work WD-8UbnrEwI-00039-00026288-00026585 for example edit my my... WD-8UbnrEwI-00040-00026585-00026841 edit my video WD-8UbnrEwI-00041-00026841-00027120 thanks for your time and see you in next video WGznnJAhXHU-00000-00000174-00001200 [[ Kindergarten ]] Fire/electricity/Gas Indoor Safety WGznnJAhXHU-00001-00001485-00001616 Hello, everyone. WGznnJAhXHU-00002-00001616-00002100 Today, we are going to learn about prevention and action of safety accident in the Kindergarten. WGznnJAhXHU-00003-00002210-00002562 Do you want to prevent the safety accident in the Kindergarten? WGznnJAhXHU-00004-00002571-00002757 Not that hard ! WGznnJAhXHU-00005-00002885-00003083 Let's get started! WGznnJAhXHU-00006-00003206-00003567 [[ Chapter 1. Fire Safety #Remember! ]] We are going to learn about how to act at fire situation. WGznnJAhXHU-00007-00003567-00003870 First, we need to inspect the fire-fighting equipments. WGznnJAhXHU-00008-00003934-00004200 The fire extinguisher should be placed WGznnJAhXHU-00009-00004200-00004463 every classroom for acting faster. WGznnJAhXHU-00010-00004561-00004829 Check the expiration date and pressure gauge. WGznnJAhXHU-00011-00004865-00005156 Inspect the spring cooler if it works well. WGznnJAhXHU-00012-00005196-00005400 It is easy, right? WGznnJAhXHU-00013-00005479-00005780 This is a fire alarm apparatus that notices when the fire occurs. WGznnJAhXHU-00014-00005879-00006304 Check if the bell rings well in case of the fire situation. WGznnJAhXHU-00015-00006395-00006687 Where should we evacuate when the fire breaks out? WGznnJAhXHU-00016-00006744-00007053 Attach the evacuation plan, that marked the route and fire extinguisher well, WGznnJAhXHU-00017-00007053-00007296 wherever everyone can see easily. WGznnJAhXHU-00018-00007296-00007800 Don't place anything on the emergency staircase to evacuate in safe. WGznnJAhXHU-00019-00007825-00008079 It is easy, right? WGznnJAhXHU-00020-00008123-00008610 Inspect the evacuation instruments if they work normally! WGznnJAhXHU-00021-00008700-00008893 It is easy, right? WGznnJAhXHU-00022-00008964-00009182 Is there the sudden outbreak of fire ? WGznnJAhXHU-00023-00009182-00009449 You must be louder to notice to everyone ! WGznnJAhXHU-00024-00009449-00009541 Fire! WGznnJAhXHU-00025-00009720-00009828 Fire! WGznnJAhXHU-00026-00009941-00010396 Quickly call 911 and report the exact location and the situation. WGznnJAhXHU-00027-00010514-00010955 Double check if there are someone left and evacuate by using staircase. (DO NOT USE elevator.) WGznnJAhXHU-00028-00011064-00011306 It is easy, right? WGznnJAhXHU-00029-00011400-00011700 Now, let's learn how to use the fire extinguisher. WGznnJAhXHU-00030-00011795-00012062 Put the fire extinguisher down on the ground and pull out the safety pin. WGznnJAhXHU-00031-00012105-00012323 Grab a nozzle and a handle on each hands. WGznnJAhXHU-00032-00012323-00012582 Then spray it to the fire. WGznnJAhXHU-00033-00012636-00013011 You must use it by standing with your back toward the gateway when you are inside. WGznnJAhXHU-00034-00013019-00013236 It is easy, right? WGznnJAhXHU-00035-00013381-00013847 [[ Chapter 2. Electricity Safety #Remember! ]] We are going to learn about how to prevent and act at electric accident. WGznnJAhXHU-00036-00013912-00014091 4 things to remember ! WGznnJAhXHU-00037-00014091-00014329 Take care of concentric plug, connecting wiring, WGznnJAhXHU-00038-00014329-00014591 panel board, and heating and cooling equipments. WGznnJAhXHU-00039-00014687-00014874 Let's take a look at the concetric plug. WGznnJAhXHU-00040-00014874-00015101 Check the concentric plug if it is plugged on normally, WGznnJAhXHU-00041-00015101-00015292 and if there is no tanning spots. WGznnJAhXHU-00042-00015356-00015516 Don't use wet hands ! WGznnJAhXHU-00043-00015567-00015809 Safety cover is good to use. WGznnJAhXHU-00044-00015900-00016144 Do you wonder about caring the heating and cooling equipments? WGznnJAhXHU-00045-00016214-00016525 You must cover the heating and cooling equipments WGznnJAhXHU-00046-00016525-00016750 after disconnecting the electric power. WGznnJAhXHU-00047-00016780-00017080 Be careful ! KEEP THE DISTANCE the heating equipments WGznnJAhXHU-00048-00017080-00017407 from the flammable substance as the curtain, or venetian blind. WGznnJAhXHU-00049-00017487-00017781 This is a panel board that installed a current breaker. WGznnJAhXHU-00050-00017781-00018045 You must be careful because of electric shock. WGznnJAhXHU-00051-00018045-00018543 It is important to keep the distance between children and the electric panel board. WGznnJAhXHU-00052-00018644-00019008 REMEMBER! the leakage breaker, concentric plug, and electric wiring WGznnJAhXHU-00053-00019008-00019358 need to be inspected regularly. WGznnJAhXHU-00054-00019358-00019684 It is easy, right? WGznnJAhXHU-00055-00019800-00020034 [[ Chapter 3. Gas Safety #remember ]] Do you want to use gas in safe ? WGznnJAhXHU-00056-00020034-00020159 Don't worry! WGznnJAhXHU-00057-00020202-00020551 Open the window and let some fresh air in before use the gas. WGznnJAhXHU-00058-00020591-00020908 Have you checked if there is fire on normally when you ignite ? WGznnJAhXHU-00059-00020965-00021240 Turn off the valve after use. WGznnJAhXHU-00060-00021278-00021509 Ouch! Is the gas lacking? WGznnJAhXHU-00061-00021509-00022000 Turn off the burner, intervening valve, and container valve and get fresh air in. WGznnJAhXHU-00062-00022039-00022190 Call the Korea Gas Safety Corporation, WGznnJAhXHU-00063-00022190-00022568 or gas supplier for the inspection to use in safe. WGznnJAhXHU-00064-00022612-00022870 It is easy, right? WGznnJAhXHU-00065-00023037-00023115 Great! WGznnJAhXHU-00066-00023172-00023406 Fire safety, Electric Safety, and Gas Safety! WGznnJAhXHU-00067-00023406-00023705 It is not hard if you follow me, right? WGznnJAhXHU-00068-00023747-00024221 If you prevent early, you could do indoor activities safely in the kindergarten! WGznnJAhXHU-00069-00024235-00024593 For the last, Let's subscribe the channel and like the video :) WGznnJAhXHU-00070-00024593-00024846 It is easy, right? WI5y6vE9F8Q-00000-00000009-00000391 parad1gm: ... about epidemics past and future or something, but i mean it just documents how WI5y6vE9F8Q-00001-00000391-00000699 you know as soon as they try to implement vaccines in one country in WI5y6vE9F8Q-00002-00000699-00000866 England or in one um... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00003-00000866-00001096 subset of the uh... of the country WI5y6vE9F8Q-00004-00001096-00001436 they would have like a county over there that was just WI5y6vE9F8Q-00005-00001436-00001803 you know that the death rate goes way up and also when they make it illegal in that county WI5y6vE9F8Q-00006-00001803-00002056 the death rate goes back down it just happens like this left and right WI5y6vE9F8Q-00007-00002056-00002239 in the philippines e.t.c WI5y6vE9F8Q-00008-00002239-00002772 also if you look at the history of vaccines, you may want to check this out WI5y6vE9F8Q-00009-00002772-00003275 i don't think irritable bowel syndrome was so much of a problem thirty, forty WI5y6vE9F8Q-00010-00003275-00003393 years ago WI5y6vE9F8Q-00011-00003393-00003645 same with cancers WI5y6vE9F8Q-00012-00003645-00004092 i really do think that vaccines do cause a lot of bad side effects as an WI5y6vE9F8Q-00013-00004092-00004404 addition to what paradigm just said WI5y6vE9F8Q-00014-00004404-00004768 another thing if you you look at, ive been recently looking into WI5y6vE9F8Q-00015-00004768-00004984 pet vaccinations and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00016-00004984-00005352 it's really funny because they have these ridiculous recommendations like WI5y6vE9F8Q-00017-00005352-00005658 you know have a booster shot every other year you know and and you know WI5y6vE9F8Q-00018-00005658-00005911 it's like there's no science behind it whatsoever there and you know if you WI5y6vE9F8Q-00019-00005911-00006016 look in WI5y6vE9F8Q-00020-00006016-00006205 the actual veterinarian WI5y6vE9F8Q-00021-00006205-00006400 uh... you know associations bible WI5y6vE9F8Q-00022-00006400-00006684 right there the specific book that that everyone goes off of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00023-00006684-00006976 even there it's not stated as a necessity it's just like recommendations WI5y6vE9F8Q-00024-00006976-00007106 you know why? well because WI5y6vE9F8Q-00025-00007106-00007404 more vaccines you get the more money generated WI5y6vE9F8Q-00026-00007404-00007770 uh... and what ends up happening is with pets they do things like this WI5y6vE9F8Q-00027-00007770-00008091 they will start to vaccinate pets in their tails now WI5y6vE9F8Q-00028-00008091-00008448 and the reason is there's so many cancers that occur at the site of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00029-00008448-00008564 injection WI5y6vE9F8Q-00030-00008564-00008827 which is not some sort of anomaly it's like a statistically WI5y6vE9F8Q-00031-00008827-00009206 significant relationship between the site of injection & cancers WI5y6vE9F8Q-00032-00009206-00009517 they do it in the tail and they do it in the tip working their way WI5y6vE9F8Q-00033-00009517-00009569 up WI5y6vE9F8Q-00034-00009569-00009704 and every time WI5y6vE9F8Q-00035-00009704-00009990 if there is a cancer they just cut off a part of the tail that's the way they deal WI5y6vE9F8Q-00036-00009990-00010334 with it rather than saying maybe there's something wrong with vaccination maybe WI5y6vE9F8Q-00037-00010334-00010505 there's something wrong with the idea that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00038-00010505-00010728 our immune systems aren't OK until WI5y6vE9F8Q-00039-00010728-00010895 we inject them with uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00040-00010895-00011212 foreign objects foreign material. There really is no WI5y6vE9F8Q-00041-00011212-00011489 uh... need for doing that i mean if you're a healthy individual whether or WI5y6vE9F8Q-00042-00011489-00011767 not you vaccinated wHether not an animal or human being WI5y6vE9F8Q-00043-00011767-00011895 you're going to be fine WI5y6vE9F8Q-00044-00011895-00012203 you know that's that that's the thing that most people don't understand and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00045-00012203-00012480 again there's a lot of quote-unquote science behind it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00046-00012480-00012708 but how many times HAVE theY ever actually WI5y6vE9F8Q-00047-00012708-00012964 analyzed two similar groups WI5y6vE9F8Q-00048-00012964-00013255 they rarely have done this in fact they've never done this WI5y6vE9F8Q-00049-00013255-00013424 they look at WI5y6vE9F8Q-00050-00013424-00013735 the justification based on historical models saying WI5y6vE9F8Q-00051-00013735-00013898 look at the people back then WI5y6vE9F8Q-00052-00013898-00014181 now we don't have the same diseases but yeah the people back then were vastly WI5y6vE9F8Q-00053-00014181-00014304 malnourished WI5y6vE9F8Q-00054-00014304-00014610 they didn't have the same public health services etc etc WI5y6vE9F8Q-00055-00014610-00014913 and to put it all on vaccines and saying like that's what caused WI5y6vE9F8Q-00056-00014913-00015121 there to be health WI5y6vE9F8Q-00057-00015121-00015247 is really a WI5y6vE9F8Q-00058-00015247-00015431 trick. Its just a scam WI5y6vE9F8Q-00059-00015431-00015677 anon: as far as i know with polio WI5y6vE9F8Q-00060-00015677-00015853 just let me test my knowledge WI5y6vE9F8Q-00061-00015853-00016173 mario you can correct me if i'm wrong WI5y6vE9F8Q-00062-00016173-00016387 polio was a seasonal WI5y6vE9F8Q-00063-00016470-00016682 disease right where WI5y6vE9F8Q-00064-00016682-00016871 the cases surged WI5y6vE9F8Q-00065-00016871-00017397 during fruit season when they used to spray the crops with certain pesticides WI5y6vE9F8Q-00066-00017561-00017706 and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00067-00017706-00018006 they try to say it was just WI5y6vE9F8Q-00068-00018006-00018337 a coincidence & when WI5y6vE9F8Q-00069-00018337-00018633 when they introduced a vaccine for polio WI5y6vE9F8Q-00070-00018633-00018785 and when people got sick WI5y6vE9F8Q-00071-00018785-00018961 from the vaccine they would WI5y6vE9F8Q-00072-00018961-00019266 diagnose it as a different disease and they wouldnt WI5y6vE9F8Q-00073-00019266-00019840 say it was polio they would say it was like meningitis c or something WI5y6vE9F8Q-00074-00019840-00019982 all sorts of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00075-00019982-00020070 corrupt WI5y6vE9F8Q-00076-00020070-00020421 fucked up things have happened from what ive learnt WI5y6vE9F8Q-00077-00020421-00020554 pac3mak3r: yeh its a multi WI5y6vE9F8Q-00078-00020554-00021117 billion dollar industry just like war of course theyre going to say that it's necessary WI5y6vE9F8Q-00079-00021117-00021426 but unless you're a chemical scientist which im not WI5y6vE9F8Q-00080-00021426-00021676 it's very very difficult to resist WI5y6vE9F8Q-00081-00021676-00022174 uh... traditional and cultural kind of momentum that drags you towards WI5y6vE9F8Q-00082-00022174-00022610 getting your children vaccinated i mean to even question it just caused uproar WI5y6vE9F8Q-00083-00022610-00023101 amongst my family amongst my friends amongst the medical staff at the hospital WI5y6vE9F8Q-00084-00023101-00023574 theY dont have a clue the woman that gave the tb jab told my wife that there was WI5y6vE9F8Q-00085-00023574-00023969 more danger from pollutants in the air from cars than there would be from WI5y6vE9F8Q-00086-00023969-00024357 injecting mercury into my childs bloodstream, thats the woman giving the vaccination WI5y6vE9F8Q-00087-00024357-00024776 they are completely brainwashed, just follow the leader, just do what they're told, they dont ask WI5y6vE9F8Q-00088-00024776-00025185 any questions and they think by doing that they've been a model citizen its just WI5y6vE9F8Q-00089-00025185-00025365 beyond WI5y6vE9F8Q-00090-00025365-00025517 beyond description WI5y6vE9F8Q-00091-00025517-00025972 parad1gm: yeh it's a big problem you know and even if you're one of the people WI5y6vE9F8Q-00092-00025972-00026280 uh... ive heard a couple people in here mention that they think they agree with the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00093-00026280-00026729 general concept of vaccination they just don't agree with the fact that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00094-00026729-00027110 vaccines are'nt safe or they have too many additives you're never gonna find WI5y6vE9F8Q-00095-00027110-00027252 a safe vaccine first of all WI5y6vE9F8Q-00096-00027252-00027490 never because you cannot make it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00097-00027490-00027947 you cannot stabilize the vaccine and make it such that it will take.. WI5y6vE9F8Q-00098-00027947-00028191 you know and actually that's what they tried to do sometimes they try to make it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00099-00028191-00028389 quote unquote safe but what they find WI5y6vE9F8Q-00100-00028389-00028543 is that it doesn't stimulate WI5y6vE9F8Q-00101-00028543-00028653 the production WI5y6vE9F8Q-00102-00028653-00028990 of antibodies and so what they have to do is start adding other agents that are WI5y6vE9F8Q-00103-00028990-00029333 actually irritants they actually irritate your immune system WI5y6vE9F8Q-00104-00029333-00029737 and they force it to like hyper secrete a bunch of uh... antibodies WI5y6vE9F8Q-00105-00029737-00030049 in order to say that okay now you're protected but really what it's doing is WI5y6vE9F8Q-00106-00030049-00030352 it's damaging it's damaging and then they're saying well WI5y6vE9F8Q-00107-00030352-00030720 you got damaged & you got a big scar now, a metabolic scar WI5y6vE9F8Q-00108-00030720-00030886 uh... so now you're protected WI5y6vE9F8Q-00109-00030886-00031150 the problem with that is if you look at actual WI5y6vE9F8Q-00110-00031150-00031506 you know fully vaccinated populations you would expect them to have WI5y6vE9F8Q-00111-00031506-00031947 drastically drastically reduced disease incidence or in fact zero disease WI5y6vE9F8Q-00112-00031947-00032083 incidence and you don't find that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00113-00032083-00032334 you don't even find that even with the flu vaccine and the flu vaccine is one of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00114-00032334-00032539 the best to look at because WI5y6vE9F8Q-00115-00032539-00032837 everybody gets it. There's there's poor people that get it theres WI5y6vE9F8Q-00116-00032837-00033046 elites that get it everybody gets it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00117-00033046-00033283 and there's no correlation with WI5y6vE9F8Q-00118-00033283-00033481 getting the vaccine and actually having WI5y6vE9F8Q-00119-00033481-00033947 less days off at work from being sick or actually having a manifested illness WI5y6vE9F8Q-00120-00033947-00034283 what they do is they give you the vaccine and they test your body WI5y6vE9F8Q-00121-00034283-00034458 for antibody tears WI5y6vE9F8Q-00122-00034458-00034777 right which means just your blood and they test it for how many antibodies WI5y6vE9F8Q-00123-00034777-00034961 are in there per a certain amount of volume WI5y6vE9F8Q-00124-00034961-00035284 and if there's a certain amount in there they say okay you're protected and then WI5y6vE9F8Q-00125-00035284-00035496 they never actually look at you WI5y6vE9F8Q-00126-00035496-00035801 and determine okay after six months did they get any WI5y6vE9F8Q-00127-00035801-00035890 illness WI5y6vE9F8Q-00128-00035890-00036169 that's the way you have to do it you have to actually WI5y6vE9F8Q-00129-00036169-00036286 get a vaccine WI5y6vE9F8Q-00130-00036286-00036675 take two equal groups right? that are randomly assigned & WI5y6vE9F8Q-00131-00036675-00037068 vaccinate one of them not vaccinate the other and then look at them over a WI5y6vE9F8Q-00132-00037068-00037500 course of say six months or a year & say which ones actually get sick. I don't WI5y6vE9F8Q-00133-00037500-00037802 care about how many anybodies they produce i don't wanna know WI5y6vE9F8Q-00134-00037802-00037999 because the whole purpose of vaccination is WI5y6vE9F8Q-00135-00037999-00038108 not getting sick WI5y6vE9F8Q-00136-00038108-00038394 so let's look at that let's look at who gets sick but that's not what they look WI5y6vE9F8Q-00137-00038394-00038449 at WI5y6vE9F8Q-00138-00038449-00038659 they look at the production of antibodies you see? WI5y6vE9F8Q-00139-00038659-00038987 when they do look at who gets sick they find absolutely no WI5y6vE9F8Q-00140-00038987-00039149 correlation in fact WI5y6vE9F8Q-00141-00039149-00039399 they find the opposite that the people that get vaccinated WI5y6vE9F8Q-00142-00039399-00039488 typically WI5y6vE9F8Q-00143-00039488-00039959 have more complications and a little bit of uh... more hospitalization time WI5y6vE9F8Q-00144-00039959-00040106 that's the funny thing about vaccines WI5y6vE9F8Q-00145-00040106-00040243 anon: er Mario WI5y6vE9F8Q-00146-00040243-00040761 wasn't polio a neuro disease... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00147-00040761-00041162 its not infectious, you cant catch it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00148-00041162-00041316 so WI5y6vE9F8Q-00149-00041316-00041719 when they inject you with the polio vaccine WI5y6vE9F8Q-00150-00041719-00041897 what they're actually doing is WI5y6vE9F8Q-00151-00041897-00042055 using... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00152-00042055-00042273 no i cant remember. what is it..? WI5y6vE9F8Q-00153-00042273-00042575 that it can paralyze you or something? WI5y6vE9F8Q-00154-00042575-00042910 parad1gm: there is a side effect of paralysis from the actual polio vaccine although that's WI5y6vE9F8Q-00155-00042910-00043224 not as common. What ended up happening is WI5y6vE9F8Q-00156-00043224-00043564 uh... they would inject you in your arm or whatever you would get like a dead arm WI5y6vE9F8Q-00157-00043564-00043822 for a while or something like that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00158-00043822-00043938 the problem with it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00159-00043938-00044139 is just the fact that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00160-00044139-00044212 i mean WI5y6vE9F8Q-00161-00044212-00044528 the problem with polio is that it's a misdiagnosed WI5y6vE9F8Q-00162-00044528-00044637 epidemic i mean WI5y6vE9F8Q-00163-00044637-00044925 nobody was looking at.. & this is this is one of the things that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00164-00044925-00045091 we have to understand WI5y6vE9F8Q-00165-00045091-00045285 as far as the chemical industry WI5y6vE9F8Q-00166-00045285-00045433 we had WI5y6vE9F8Q-00167-00045433-00045569 since the the the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00168-00045569-00045826 you know nineteen hundred's the early nineteen hundreds we started using WI5y6vE9F8Q-00169-00045826-00045965 organic chemistry WI5y6vE9F8Q-00170-00045965-00046166 started understanding how to manipulate WI5y6vE9F8Q-00171-00046166-00046393 right uh... chemical agents that were WI5y6vE9F8Q-00172-00046393-00046667 based on petroleum actually thats where we started getting all this from WI5y6vE9F8Q-00173-00046667-00046986 we start learning how to manipulate organic chemistry or WI5y6vE9F8Q-00174-00046986-00047191 chemicals through organic chemistry WI5y6vE9F8Q-00175-00047191-00047525 and we started producing all sorts of different chemicals right WI5y6vE9F8Q-00176-00047525-00047825 we didnt test any of them we didnt test any of the pesticides WI5y6vE9F8Q-00177-00047825-00048143 every single time that something happened it was a result of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00178-00048143-00048419 our failure to test our failure to have any sort of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00179-00048419-00048697 you know oversight or or WI5y6vE9F8Q-00180-00048697-00048812 safety measures WI5y6vE9F8Q-00181-00048812-00049012 concerns, because of money WI5y6vE9F8Q-00182-00049012-00049327 there was huge money in pesticides there's huge money in all this other stuff WI5y6vE9F8Q-00183-00049327-00049559 so when we started having diseases because of it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00184-00049559-00049875 we just blame it on something else and polio was a great example of it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00185-00049875-00050102 polio and pesticides are WI5y6vE9F8Q-00186-00050102-00050399 absolutely inextricably linked they're linked together like WI5y6vE9F8Q-00187-00050399-00050674 you know white on rice and you can't you can't separate the two WI5y6vE9F8Q-00188-00050674-00051030 unless you're in the medical industry & you try to separate them & show that's its a WI5y6vE9F8Q-00189-00051030-00051304 virus that causes it but in reality WI5y6vE9F8Q-00190-00051304-00051788 polio paralysis is a result of a neuro-toxin and neuro-toxins aren't viruses and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00191-00051788-00051891 and bacteria WI5y6vE9F8Q-00192-00051891-00052227 they are not infectious agents neuro-toxins like that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00193-00052227-00052380 are are derived from WI5y6vE9F8Q-00194-00052380-00052673 from pesticides and from things that we produced through chemical means WI5y6vE9F8Q-00195-00052673-00053187 anon: so theres no uh... there cant be a live polio vaccine then? WI5y6vE9F8Q-00196-00053187-00053382 or a dead one? WI5y6vE9F8Q-00197-00053382-00053616 parad1gm: yeah in reality there is no such thing WI5y6vE9F8Q-00198-00053616-00053842 anon: well ok, then i want you to explain something WI5y6vE9F8Q-00199-00053842-00054214 to me WI5y6vE9F8Q-00200-00054214-00054679 my eldest daughter she got the polio vaccine and what i was told; it came from WI5y6vE9F8Q-00201-00054679-00054904 a dead WI5y6vE9F8Q-00202-00054904-00055106 polio virus WI5y6vE9F8Q-00203-00055106-00055254 right? WI5y6vE9F8Q-00204-00055254-00055408 thats what they made the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00205-00055408-00055748 vaccine with and it was an injection WI5y6vE9F8Q-00206-00055748-00056230 but then there was a problem with supply so they changed the vaccine to a WI5y6vE9F8Q-00207-00056230-00056457 oral one and i was told that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00208-00056457-00056629 it was actually a live WI5y6vE9F8Q-00209-00056629-00056804 polio vaccine WI5y6vE9F8Q-00210-00056804-00057216 now my friend who was actually Croatian she never got the polio WI5y6vE9F8Q-00211-00057216-00057441 uh... vaccine when she was young WI5y6vE9F8Q-00212-00057441-00057799 so when her daughter and my daughter got the live one WI5y6vE9F8Q-00213-00057799-00058440 she actually got a mild case of polio from that vaccine because it was a live one WI5y6vE9F8Q-00214-00058440-00058691 now she had two vaccines before that for WI5y6vE9F8Q-00215-00058691-00059061 her oldest the daughter and older son WI5y6vE9F8Q-00216-00059061-00059547 they were the same injection i had with my oldest daughter and she never had a reaction WI5y6vE9F8Q-00217-00059547-00059811 only when they changed to the live vaccine WI5y6vE9F8Q-00218-00059811-00060079 that she caught it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00219-00060079-00060401 but hasn't the filtration methods because when you're doing a lot of polio WI5y6vE9F8Q-00220-00060401-00060663 vaccine in a sort of live vaccination WI5y6vE9F8Q-00221-00060663-00060916 what you're doing is essentially not destroying WI5y6vE9F8Q-00222-00060916-00061256 no viruses that's going to princes there's no such thing as a live virus WI5y6vE9F8Q-00223-00061256-00061607 that's why i said no they're all dead because there's no such a virus is not a WI5y6vE9F8Q-00224-00061607-00061694 lot WI5y6vE9F8Q-00225-00061694-00062079 anymore than let's say uh... the hormone in your body is alive it's just a bunch WI5y6vE9F8Q-00226-00062079-00062254 of proteins WI5y6vE9F8Q-00227-00062254-00062617 hehehe virus is not a live in any way shape before nobody WI5y6vE9F8Q-00228-00062617-00062954 that's that's credible even virologist if you do if you sit there and really WI5y6vE9F8Q-00229-00062954-00063044 like star WI5y6vE9F8Q-00230-00063044-00063308 you know putting their head to the grindstone same would tell me the truth WI5y6vE9F8Q-00231-00063308-00063391 is it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00232-00063391-00063703 now they'll say no it's not alive it can be a lot is not metabolism doesn't have WI5y6vE9F8Q-00233-00063703-00063875 any uh... aspects of life WI5y6vE9F8Q-00234-00063875-00064086 so don't know no viruses or WI5y6vE9F8Q-00235-00064086-00064274 what you're talking about his enemies WI5y6vE9F8Q-00236-00064274-00064637 that are either intact or broken apart into their capitals which is their WI5y6vE9F8Q-00237-00064637-00064740 individual WI5y6vE9F8Q-00238-00064740-00065090 uh... pieces that the body can respond to think that that the chemical level WI5y6vE9F8Q-00239-00065090-00065205 so yes WI5y6vE9F8Q-00240-00065205-00065471 what happens is when you do a different WI5y6vE9F8Q-00241-00065471-00065824 it different filtration process where you are not concerned about keeping the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00242-00065824-00065973 virus is intact WI5y6vE9F8Q-00243-00065973-00066457 then you uh... and up eliminating a lot of other things when you do to alive WI5y6vE9F8Q-00244-00066457-00066789 what you end up doing is letting a lot of things filter through that would WI5y6vE9F8Q-00245-00066789-00066880 otherwise WI5y6vE9F8Q-00246-00066880-00067165 you would otherwise not one of their you never gonna give everything to filter WI5y6vE9F8Q-00247-00067165-00067282 out that you don't want him WI5y6vE9F8Q-00248-00067282-00067392 it's impossible WI5y6vE9F8Q-00249-00067392-00067649 but what ends up happening is a lot of other things WI5y6vE9F8Q-00250-00067649-00068001 that you've used in order to stimulate the production of that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00251-00068001-00068291 polio or whatever 'cause that virus exists now not say that doesn't exist WI5y6vE9F8Q-00252-00068291-00068449 the virus israel WI5y6vE9F8Q-00253-00068449-00068536 my point WI5y6vE9F8Q-00254-00068536-00069044 is that the virus the polio virus is actually a response of the body WI5y6vE9F8Q-00255-00069044-00069347 and environmentalists all and that's a very WI5y6vE9F8Q-00256-00069347-00069722 controversial point i would say depan mata well accepted WI5y6vE9F8Q-00257-00069722-00069860 you know uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00258-00069860-00070182 truism that that the medical industry embraces but that's because WI5y6vE9F8Q-00259-00070182-00070476 they embrace the monetary system and they're not they're not concerned with WI5y6vE9F8Q-00260-00070476-00070799 looking at reality they're not concerned with looking at causing the fact WI5y6vE9F8Q-00261-00070799-00070995 they're looking at and they're concerned with WI5y6vE9F8Q-00262-00070995-00071516 blaming every disease under the sun on infectious genetic WI5y6vE9F8Q-00263-00071516-00071837 uh... or some sort of microbial uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00264-00071837-00072236 cause they're not looking at nutritional causes toxicological causes WI5y6vE9F8Q-00265-00072236-00072347 and things that are WI5y6vE9F8Q-00266-00072347-00072620 within our realm of control they're looking at things that take the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00267-00072620-00072812 individual out of the control WI5y6vE9F8Q-00268-00072812-00072954 of the health picture WI5y6vE9F8Q-00269-00072954-00073079 you go to them WI5y6vE9F8Q-00270-00073079-00073258 in order to get healthy rather than WI5y6vE9F8Q-00271-00073258-00073654 yugo yourself and you are you going you you know change your exposure to things WI5y6vE9F8Q-00272-00073654-00073791 in the environment and whatever WI5y6vE9F8Q-00273-00073791-00073941 that's the whole idea WI5y6vE9F8Q-00274-00073941-00074216 pieces and the frank WI5y6vE9F8Q-00275-00074216-00074514 it detect all the lights did WI5y6vE9F8Q-00276-00074514-00074750 gets a fair to say overhead WI5y6vE9F8Q-00277-00074750-00075288 act that i think because i i think it's was so WI5y6vE9F8Q-00278-00075288-00075590 uh... expected there is lot WI5y6vE9F8Q-00279-00075590-00075905 right but that's what it's very easy to make those distinctions and that that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00280-00075905-00075998 assertion WI5y6vE9F8Q-00281-00075998-00076067 uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00282-00076067-00076307 you know you made a lot of comments mean you're saying WI5y6vE9F8Q-00283-00076307-00076701 i did get the vaccine my friend didn't get the vaccine and my friend got sick WI5y6vE9F8Q-00284-00076701-00076900 and i didn't get sick therefore WI5y6vE9F8Q-00285-00076900-00077087 the vaccine is the reason for that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00286-00077087-00077365 they could have been just chance now could have been that you happen to not WI5y6vE9F8Q-00287-00077365-00077687 be exposed to a lot of pesticide residue on environmental toxins WI5y6vE9F8Q-00288-00077687-00077795 and she was WI5y6vE9F8Q-00289-00077795-00078238 it could also be that your body had and we know this for a fact and in fact in WI5y6vE9F8Q-00290-00078238-00078411 autism we know for a fact that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00291-00078411-00078724 the genetic link in autism right everyone that this does a genetic link WI5y6vE9F8Q-00292-00078724-00078845 there right WI5y6vE9F8Q-00293-00078845-00079042 the genetic link is any WI5y6vE9F8Q-00294-00079042-00079325 predisposition towards not being able to metabolize WI5y6vE9F8Q-00295-00079325-00079686 or i should say produce adequate amounts of blue phylum WI5y6vE9F8Q-00296-00079686-00079920 and detoxification enzymes in the body WI5y6vE9F8Q-00297-00079920-00080233 people that have a genetic predisposition to not be able to do that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00298-00080233-00080578 have a really difficult i limiting had heavy metals in pesticide residue stuff WI5y6vE9F8Q-00299-00080578-00080659 like that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00300-00080659-00080906 and therefore they're gonna be much more susceptible WI5y6vE9F8Q-00301-00080906-00081243 right to getting an insult and not being able to deal with it and therefore it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00302-00081243-00081514 causing internal our problems rather than it being eliminated through the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00303-00081514-00081606 hair or WI5y6vE9F8Q-00304-00081606-00081774 scanner feces et cetera WI5y6vE9F8Q-00305-00081774-00082122 so it's very possible that you for instance had these inbuilt mechanisms in WI5y6vE9F8Q-00306-00082122-00082315 your body WI5y6vE9F8Q-00307-00082315-00082664 your friend in or there's many other explanations not just definitely the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00308-00082664-00082956 vaccine and and and not because i can show you many people that didn't get WI5y6vE9F8Q-00309-00082956-00083074 vaccinated WI5y6vE9F8Q-00310-00083074-00083166 that were WI5y6vE9F8Q-00311-00083166-00083294 diagnosed WI5y6vE9F8Q-00312-00083294-00083676 with non polio but the symptoms were the exact same if only they had been WI5y6vE9F8Q-00313-00083676-00083867 diagnosed let's say five years ago WI5y6vE9F8Q-00314-00083867-00084143 five years before they had been diagnosed because what they did WI5y6vE9F8Q-00315-00084143-00084437 when they released a vaccine as they said okay WI5y6vE9F8Q-00316-00084437-00084722 we're releasing the vaccine for polio now anything WI5y6vE9F8Q-00317-00084722-00085013 that occurs that looks like polio after this vaccine has been administered WI5y6vE9F8Q-00318-00085013-00085123 somebody WI5y6vE9F8Q-00319-00085123-00085282 cannot be polio y WI5y6vE9F8Q-00320-00085282-00085645 because we know that the vaccine works how do we know that it works because we WI5y6vE9F8Q-00321-00085645-00085968 know the polly was caused by poliovirus and we know that the vaccine is gonna WI5y6vE9F8Q-00322-00085968-00086042 get rid of it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00323-00086042-00086372 and so therefore there's no way that andy's cases can be real polio WI5y6vE9F8Q-00324-00086372-00086630 therefore they're gonna get we categorize so what happened after the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00325-00086630-00086783 vaccine came about WI5y6vE9F8Q-00326-00086783-00087274 polio cases dropdown but every other case of disease that mimics polio WI5y6vE9F8Q-00327-00087274-00087567 was reclassified and they were at the same amount WI5y6vE9F8Q-00328-00087567-00087906 it was just a shift in in diagnosis but it was a shift in actual physical WI5y6vE9F8Q-00329-00087906-00088091 manifestation of disease WI5y6vE9F8Q-00330-00088091-00088183 that's where WI5y6vE9F8Q-00331-00088183-00088281 the problem lies WI5y6vE9F8Q-00332-00088281-00088618 and and of course the bureau public is blind about because a large numbers and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00333-00088618-00088759 population figures WI5y6vE9F8Q-00334-00088759-00089190 now are going to be very difficult for the average individual see from there WI5y6vE9F8Q-00335-00089190-00089528 porch at their home you know they're not going to live recognize that that big WI5y6vE9F8Q-00336-00089528-00089719 frog going on WI5y6vE9F8Q-00337-00089719-00089839 that's where the money's at WI5y6vE9F8Q-00338-00089839-00090038 it's it's in you know WI5y6vE9F8Q-00339-00090038-00090212 twisting and controlling reality WI5y6vE9F8Q-00340-00090212-00090420 based on what you want to be WI5y6vE9F8Q-00341-00090420-00090778 usn simpson about causes of autism WI5y6vE9F8Q-00342-00090778-00090895 what was WI5y6vE9F8Q-00343-00090895-00091361 how she was itself that by the way well cult sulfates buskers are happy and i WI5y6vE9F8Q-00344-00091361-00091736 know you cover you sell that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00345-00091736-00092089 you really can actually there's definitely lots of ways to solve it i WI5y6vE9F8Q-00346-00092089-00092320 mean it's different for every person obviously but WI5y6vE9F8Q-00347-00092320-00092446 in reality WI5y6vE9F8Q-00348-00092446-00092724 what autism appears to be WI5y6vE9F8Q-00349-00092724-00092961 a neurological problem that's brought upon WI5y6vE9F8Q-00350-00092961-00093130 by some sort of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00351-00093130-00093308 environmental slash genetic WI5y6vE9F8Q-00352-00093308-00093415 interaction right WI5y6vE9F8Q-00353-00093415-00093730 you have to have susceptible jeans you have to have the right WI5y6vE9F8Q-00354-00093730-00093943 insult from the environment WI5y6vE9F8Q-00355-00093943-00094353 i think that there's a huge uh... group of evidence that uh... that indicates WI5y6vE9F8Q-00356-00094353-00094543 that vaccines have a role to play WI5y6vE9F8Q-00357-00094543-00094842 i don't think that they have the only role to play i don't think that there WI5y6vE9F8Q-00358-00094842-00095141 necessary and sufficient but i think that they are WI5y6vE9F8Q-00359-00095141-00095261 in some cases WI5y6vE9F8Q-00360-00095261-00095491 necessary especially but not in all cases WI5y6vE9F8Q-00361-00095491-00095827 and i think the idea is to detoxify yourself to get rid of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00362-00095827-00096052 the things that are stuck in your body in the way to do that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00363-00096052-00096392 is indeed the stimulate your own bodies ability to get rid of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00364-00096392-00096647 to get rid of this stuff uh... one-way WI5y6vE9F8Q-00365-00096647-00096920 is here's the there's one thing about the bombing WI5y6vE9F8Q-00366-00096920-00097177 when you're not eating correctly when you're not living WI5y6vE9F8Q-00367-00097177-00097421 into with what you're buying used to be WI5y6vE9F8Q-00368-00097421-00097580 the level that it needs to be at WI5y6vE9F8Q-00369-00097580-00097897 you are not able to kill yourself you're not able to deal with problems like WI5y6vE9F8Q-00370-00097897-00098113 especially problems where WI5y6vE9F8Q-00371-00098113-00098385 you know the there's not a lot of blood flow to the areas of the body like the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00372-00098385-00098471 joints WI5y6vE9F8Q-00373-00098471-00098844 uh... or or ligaments where there is very little withers any vascular WI5y6vE9F8Q-00374-00098844-00099165 position but there's not a lot of of blood flow to their it happens all that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00375-00099165-00099222 stuff WI5y6vE9F8Q-00376-00099222-00099655 yasuo problems with immune function where china detoxify because that's not WI5y6vE9F8Q-00377-00099655-00099821 something that the body does WI5y6vE9F8Q-00378-00099821-00100088 uh... that uh... spends a lot of energy on WI5y6vE9F8Q-00379-00100088-00100376 if it doesn't have to have another of its not given the opportunity to discuss WI5y6vE9F8Q-00380-00100376-00100522 my much more energy on WI5y6vE9F8Q-00381-00100522-00100761 maintaining your blood flow maintaining a heartbeat WI5y6vE9F8Q-00382-00100761-00101083 stuff like that that's absolutely messing relevant WI5y6vE9F8Q-00383-00101083-00101467 but if you if you try to do things like uh... nutritional changes WI5y6vE9F8Q-00384-00101467-00101808 getting more vitamin d uh... you know working with your body trying to get the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00385-00101808-00102180 stimulate the production of these detox flying at enzymes and then and products WI5y6vE9F8Q-00386-00102180-00102357 like who filed WI5y6vE9F8Q-00387-00102357-00102511 then you'll find that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00388-00102511-00102943 uh... if you if it's given him uh... the chance it will start to given us some of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00389-00102943-00103234 these things there that are inside for instance heavy metals or WI5y6vE9F8Q-00390-00103234-00103635 you know residues of various chemicals excited so there's definitely ways to WI5y6vE9F8Q-00391-00103635-00103681 get it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00392-00103681-00103775 i didn't know that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00393-00103775-00104052 i really did not know that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00394-00104052-00104300 right and there's a there's definitely connection between WI5y6vE9F8Q-00395-00104300-00104645 gluten consumption of blue containing grains and authors and there's a WI5y6vE9F8Q-00396-00104645-00104767 connection between WI5y6vE9F8Q-00397-00104767-00104899 artisan dearie WI5y6vE9F8Q-00398-00104899-00105161 and there's definitely connection between autism and vitamin d deficiency WI5y6vE9F8Q-00399-00105161-00105322 in fact if you google WI5y6vE9F8Q-00400-00105322-00105676 vitamin d theory of autism you'll find a lot of information in fact i think WI5y6vE9F8Q-00401-00105676-00105999 there's even some peer reviewed dot literature on this documenting but WI5y6vE9F8Q-00402-00105999-00106096 there's a link WI5y6vE9F8Q-00403-00106096-00106412 not documenting that there's any sort of absolutely uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00404-00106412-00106776 juror based on vitamin d therapy but definitely that there's a link so WI5y6vE9F8Q-00405-00106776-00106971 it's interesting to take a look at us WI5y6vE9F8Q-00406-00106971-00107240 do you think they have in WI5y6vE9F8Q-00407-00107240-00107728 the reason why didn't does have been in delaying his because aloft people think WI5y6vE9F8Q-00408-00107728-00107944 that um... alternates WI5y6vE9F8Q-00409-00107944-00108447 results uh... united heavy metals and any responses in the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00410-00108447-00108782 chemicals inconsistency and stuff and uh... vivendi WI5y6vE9F8Q-00411-00108782-00108913 acts as a WI5y6vE9F8Q-00412-00108913-00109043 ash WI5y6vE9F8Q-00413-00109043-00109158 and analytical way WI5y6vE9F8Q-00414-00109158-00109486 matisse is having a house in the body does not WI5y6vE9F8Q-00415-00109486-00109753 it axes indirectly later WI5y6vE9F8Q-00416-00109753-00110143 uh... and one big way that it does that is it helps stimulate blue defined in WI5y6vE9F8Q-00417-00110143-00110465 the body and blue defined as like the body's major antioxidant WI5y6vE9F8Q-00418-00110465-00110563 slash WI5y6vE9F8Q-00419-00110563-00110770 uh... detoxify rce slash WI5y6vE9F8Q-00420-00110770-00111014 uh... heavy metal key later ex-senator WI5y6vE9F8Q-00421-00111014-00111328 and the cool thing and i will find as its only something that you can produce WI5y6vE9F8Q-00422-00111328-00111642 inside ourselves there's no way to get it into your body WI5y6vE9F8Q-00423-00111642-00112041 because if you take it like let's say you take a little filed in a pill WI5y6vE9F8Q-00424-00112041-00112420 it'll be destroyed by the time it gets into your cells because it is only is WI5y6vE9F8Q-00425-00112420-00112778 only utilized in yourselves and it can only be made in yourselves WI5y6vE9F8Q-00426-00112778-00113164 and so the only thing you can do support your body in order WI5y6vE9F8Q-00427-00113164-00113333 right and that means you just gotta give it the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00428-00113333-00113748 the correct amino acid ratio uh... and and and make sure to stimulate with WI5y6vE9F8Q-00429-00113748-00113995 vitamin d and and things like that and then it will WI5y6vE9F8Q-00430-00113995-00114248 get produced make sure you have a lot of seeking your body WI5y6vE9F8Q-00431-00114248-00114523 but not too much don't go take a supplement get it from natural sources WI5y6vE9F8Q-00432-00114523-00114640 that way or not WI5y6vE9F8Q-00433-00114640-00114860 you know overflowing a body with uh... because that's another problem that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00434-00114860-00115208 people make dole look at information and i'll say all selenium is really WI5y6vE9F8Q-00435-00115208-00115538 important for immune function and so we'll start taking selenium supplements WI5y6vE9F8Q-00436-00115538-00115652 mental health problems WI5y6vE9F8Q-00437-00115652-00115986 it doesn't happen if you just look at natural foods that someone in them WI5y6vE9F8Q-00438-00115986-00116347 because you will not actually your body one absorb as much as it needs to her WI5y6vE9F8Q-00439-00116347-00116731 won't hyper absorb right like that when you do it from food WI5y6vE9F8Q-00440-00116731-00117009 pathogens WI5y6vE9F8Q-00441-00117009-00117488 everyone at heavenly for discussing the leaving to discuss it usa it's difficult WI5y6vE9F8Q-00442-00117488-00117660 to tell you because WI5y6vE9F8Q-00443-00117660-00117934 you know it's controversial subject and uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00444-00117934-00118272 i think it takes a look at this evening to you know justice to talk about it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00445-00118272-00118697 uh... are ineffective several fertile geograph WI5y6vE9F8Q-00446-00118697-00118985 this right in my heart and i did it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00447-00118985-00119317 organization which improves the chances of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00448-00119317-00119767 you know that people want us to go through this much in the future WI5y6vE9F8Q-00449-00119767-00120081 that's not so i plan on starting myself actually i'm about to get into the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00450-00120081-00120416 national patting medical school one of the theories of the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00451-00120416-00120649 focus now on i have is pretty WI5y6vE9F8Q-00452-00120649-00120905 conceptual and uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00453-00120905-00121240 pregnant pregnancy uh... health basically because that's when actually WI5y6vE9F8Q-00454-00121240-00121398 starts work it's like WI5y6vE9F8Q-00455-00121398-00121734 you had a if you want to have a really health acute it's got to be from WI5y6vE9F8Q-00456-00121734-00121990 before you even decide to have a really uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00457-00121990-00122297 because a lot of things that are happening anything actually uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00458-00122297-00122541 person that many people might be familiar with robert's upholstery i WI5y6vE9F8Q-00459-00122541-00122669 don't know if you guys have WI5y6vE9F8Q-00460-00122669-00123008 read a lot of his uh... information or sing a lot of his of lectures x ever but WI5y6vE9F8Q-00461-00123008-00123169 i mean i'm really familiar pierre WI5y6vE9F8Q-00462-00123169-00123400 and he does a lot of really good work shown how WI5y6vE9F8Q-00463-00123400-00123772 prenatal or or pre conceptual health is actually WI5y6vE9F8Q-00464-00123772-00124159 a determinant of uh... a child's circumstances and then just as far as WI5y6vE9F8Q-00465-00124159-00124475 one variable to doesn't look at everything but it just looks at one WI5y6vE9F8Q-00466-00124475-00124677 thing and it's just amazing the kind of uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00467-00124677-00124833 affects you can have and that is WI5y6vE9F8Q-00468-00124833-00125275 uh... the uh... the effect of course all production if you have a highly stressed WI5y6vE9F8Q-00469-00125275-00125433 situation when you're pregnant WI5y6vE9F8Q-00470-00125433-00125746 your secreting massive amounts of uh... of stress hormones right now of course WI5y6vE9F8Q-00471-00125746-00125973 i'll be in uh... major one WI5y6vE9F8Q-00472-00125973-00126331 and that affects a child drastically doesn't allow for the child to develop WI5y6vE9F8Q-00473-00126331-00126543 properly cuz it inhibits growth WI5y6vE9F8Q-00474-00126543-00126689 accord us all WI5y6vE9F8Q-00475-00126689-00127006 uh... does a lot of things that inhibit a lot of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00476-00127006-00127300 optimal function that doesn't have a when you're when you're hyper secreting WI5y6vE9F8Q-00477-00127300-00127484 course all your body sam WI5y6vE9F8Q-00478-00127484-00127932 okay were in stress load what we need do is not worry about repairing tissue WI5y6vE9F8Q-00479-00127932-00128276 or you know optimal function we need to worry about being able to get the hell WI5y6vE9F8Q-00480-00128276-00128341 out of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00481-00128341-00128528 you know out of the situation because WI5y6vE9F8Q-00482-00128528-00128814 in nature when you're doing that it's you're hyper screen course of because WI5y6vE9F8Q-00483-00128814-00129042 you've been chased by a tiger or something like WI5y6vE9F8Q-00484-00129042-00129236 but let's persist in constant WI5y6vE9F8Q-00485-00129236-00129404 uh... and and and stressed WI5y6vE9F8Q-00486-00129404-00129624 you know nutritionally stressed as well WI5y6vE9F8Q-00487-00129624-00129946 during pregnancy that really has no effect on a child and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00488-00129946-00130186 suppose ke shows that can actually be passed on WI5y6vE9F8Q-00489-00130186-00130496 so it can become genetic even though it's an vira mentally can become genetic WI5y6vE9F8Q-00490-00130496-00130700 and that's action the case of many things WI5y6vE9F8Q-00491-00130700-00130809 so WI5y6vE9F8Q-00492-00130809-00131112 a lot of these things are important to know and definitely WI5y6vE9F8Q-00493-00131112-00131281 the whole thing about WI5y6vE9F8Q-00494-00131281-00131533 numbers look as though they got it goes into this kind of stuff too and i i WI5y6vE9F8Q-00495-00131533-00131808 agree with a lot of things he says to WI5y6vE9F8Q-00496-00131808-00132011 because in in truth the way that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00497-00132011-00132340 the way that our genes work is that they're not stagnant they're not like WI5y6vE9F8Q-00498-00132340-00132655 it's not like urgings just sit there and then they decide to transcribe whatever WI5y6vE9F8Q-00499-00132655-00132969 they decide argues urges blueprints that's all they are WI5y6vE9F8Q-00500-00132969-00133253 our environment is what triggers those things to turn on or off and we know WI5y6vE9F8Q-00501-00133253-00133607 this from like the china studyin from a lot of other publications it show WI5y6vE9F8Q-00502-00133607-00133932 you eat something or the whole the whole field of nutrition are mixture WI5y6vE9F8Q-00503-00133932-00134059 or major genetics WI5y6vE9F8Q-00504-00134059-00134254 you need something depending on what you eat WI5y6vE9F8Q-00505-00134254-00134417 your genes are gonna react differently WI5y6vE9F8Q-00506-00134417-00134835 because the genes are the drivers it's the actual environment that's the driver WI5y6vE9F8Q-00507-00134835-00135087 you know and this is really interesting 'cause this is what this is totally WI5y6vE9F8Q-00508-00135087-00135270 online as it happens to be WI5y6vE9F8Q-00509-00135270-00135587 with the social logical aspects of this movement to where it's like WI5y6vE9F8Q-00510-00135587-00135889 it's not your genetics to make you a bad person that cytogenetics that make you WI5y6vE9F8Q-00511-00135889-00135982 pull the trigger WI5y6vE9F8Q-00512-00135982-00136298 it's your environment right yes genes have a small role WI5y6vE9F8Q-00513-00136298-00136499 they're mostly just the the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00514-00136499-00136742 you know the trigger they're not the thing that pulls it though WI5y6vE9F8Q-00515-00136742-00137012 right the environment is always the trigger almost all its you know what WI5y6vE9F8Q-00516-00137012-00137158 it's like that with health WI5y6vE9F8Q-00517-00137158-00137341 well it's not psyche parat WI5y6vE9F8Q-00518-00137341-00137762 para ti gamble all icy usage in ames marry i 'cause that was actually quite WI5y6vE9F8Q-00519-00137762-00138189 form itself is cute look some of the things you said WI5y6vE9F8Q-00520-00138189-00138378 please do i i don't WI5y6vE9F8Q-00521-00138378-00138567 i don't want anyone to WI5y6vE9F8Q-00522-00138567-00138865 blindly believe anything i say because i might be wrong about some other things WI5y6vE9F8Q-00523-00138865-00139050 but i mean i know that i've been WI5y6vE9F8Q-00524-00139050-00139188 looking at these things for WI5y6vE9F8Q-00525-00139188-00139457 quite a few years and i've been looking at them from WI5y6vE9F8Q-00526-00139457-00139786 uh... our standpoint that's not interested in what other people think WI5y6vE9F8Q-00527-00139786-00140069 about my opinions or how i'm gonna be perceived WI5y6vE9F8Q-00528-00140069-00140413 i'm just simple interest in what's true what's real and what can be proved WI5y6vE9F8Q-00529-00140413-00140605 and i definitely have like WI5y6vE9F8Q-00530-00140605-00140981 you know uh... my scope is uh... is point at the monetary system and i'm WI5y6vE9F8Q-00531-00140981-00141307 always keeping an eye out for for who's profiting because i've not play such a WI5y6vE9F8Q-00532-00141307-00141402 huge role WI5y6vE9F8Q-00533-00141402-00141755 and when you ignore that and that you would just assume WI5y6vE9F8Q-00534-00141755-00141965 well all these things can be WI5y6vE9F8Q-00535-00141965-00142224 manipulated by the monetary system but somehow WI5y6vE9F8Q-00536-00142224-00142483 science is still pure science is not here WI5y6vE9F8Q-00537-00142483-00142819 sciences very very impure today and it's just WI5y6vE9F8Q-00538-00142819-00143138 it'd it just goes to show you how pervasive the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00539-00143138-00143499 the whole greed and monetary system isn't doesn't it doesn't stop doesn't WI5y6vE9F8Q-00540-00143499-00143587 have like WI5y6vE9F8Q-00541-00143587-00143989 although we won't touch science bullshit it uses science in fact for WI5y6vE9F8Q-00542-00143989-00144347 for the majority of its uh... that's a fact because WI5y6vE9F8Q-00543-00144347-00144664 people are more likely to just tax actually accept that because the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00544-00144664-00144812 perception that it's WI5y6vE9F8Q-00545-00144812-00144951 absolute jet a minute WI5y6vE9F8Q-00546-00144951-00145142 no one's going to be making upstate WI5y6vE9F8Q-00547-00145142-00145571 you know realities or whatever you know no studies are gonna be fraudulent WI5y6vE9F8Q-00548-00145571-00145834 almost all studies of fraudulent these days because almost all studies are WI5y6vE9F8Q-00549-00145834-00145916 funded WI5y6vE9F8Q-00550-00145916-00146272 by vested interested seven so it's not like their all WI5y6vE9F8Q-00551-00146272-00146564 but it's like that instead so i can sort of giving up WI5y6vE9F8Q-00552-00146564-00146834 the truth that well destroy doesn't really do much WI5y6vE9F8Q-00553-00146834-00147089 we find out all this drug does do something you know it's like little WI5y6vE9F8Q-00554-00147089-00147386 little differences that make a statistically significant WI5y6vE9F8Q-00555-00147386-00147706 it's not like a huge deal but when you look at it it's like that is a big deal WI5y6vE9F8Q-00556-00147706-00147772 because WI5y6vE9F8Q-00557-00147772-00148043 that drug will be on the market if it wasn't for that little five percent WI5y6vE9F8Q-00558-00148043-00148264 significance right WI5y6vE9F8Q-00559-00148264-00148590 it's uh... it's interesting that you keep in mind who's who's profiting and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00560-00148590-00148959 what the motives i mean element in terms of bring it back to vaccination WI5y6vE9F8Q-00561-00148959-00149297 there's a huge money vaccination i mean and what they're doing right now if you WI5y6vE9F8Q-00562-00149297-00149436 look at it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00563-00149436-00149659 they're done with divinity kids because WI5y6vE9F8Q-00564-00149659-00149941 kids are starting to have severe reactions that starting the kind of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00565-00149941-00150139 overwhelm WI5y6vE9F8Q-00566-00150139-00150416 and they're starting to see that people in the medical history starting to see WI5y6vE9F8Q-00567-00150416-00150485 that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00568-00150485-00150863 and it's like okay we can't get any more tickets so what do we do now well WI5y6vE9F8Q-00569-00150863-00150952 lifestyle WI5y6vE9F8Q-00570-00150952-00151279 vaccines you know all do you know one cervical cancer you go if you're WI5y6vE9F8Q-00571-00151279-00151563 sexually active or to have this best are in a given to older and older WI5y6vE9F8Q-00572-00151563-00151703 populations WI5y6vE9F8Q-00573-00151703-00151991 you know do you know i want to have uh... cancer all here's this one for you WI5y6vE9F8Q-00574-00151991-00152307 ma'am you know when they're gonna start marketing a lot of these vaccines for WI5y6vE9F8Q-00575-00152307-00152654 the for the middle aged and for the teens and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00576-00152654-00152937 and people in their twenties except that's with the new WI5y6vE9F8Q-00577-00152937-00153217 uh... pushes into before they're gonna be just as expensive and even if not WI5y6vE9F8Q-00578-00153217-00153353 more soon enough WI5y6vE9F8Q-00579-00153353-00153564 and i have a question play WI5y6vE9F8Q-00580-00153564-00153720 and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00581-00153720-00153912 and someone said to me WI5y6vE9F8Q-00582-00153912-00154484 and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00583-00154484-00154948 we know it with engineer suspects that states resonates WI5y6vE9F8Q-00584-00154948-00155390 that people don't i have a limited anti virals WI5y6vE9F8Q-00585-00155390-00155692 so this is that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00586-00155692-00155877 wise is a virus WI5y6vE9F8Q-00587-00155877-00156139 and then and now for months now WI5y6vE9F8Q-00588-00156139-00156472 model really not a question about it didn't really make much sense WI5y6vE9F8Q-00589-00156472-00156695 well so i mean it's like um... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00590-00156695-00156796 when people WI5y6vE9F8Q-00591-00156796-00157201 war uh... tape antiviral drugs for aids WI5y6vE9F8Q-00592-00157201-00157639 they don't start aliya so that shows that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00593-00157639-00157795 wind WI5y6vE9F8Q-00594-00157795-00158204 yeah that's actually not true uh... i didn't give you two examples one of them WI5y6vE9F8Q-00595-00158204-00158570 which are the paper i mean which are the paper on the right now but there's a WI5y6vE9F8Q-00596-00158570-00158789 a recent what happened is uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00597-00158789-00158945 we know for a fact WI5y6vE9F8Q-00598-00158945-00159090 then when they were doing WI5y6vE9F8Q-00599-00159090-00159449 mono easy to therapy which was basically using only a_z_t_ WI5y6vE9F8Q-00600-00159449-00159646 in really big doses WI5y6vE9F8Q-00601-00159646-00159954 which was by the way a cancer chemotherapy drug that was a real WI5y6vE9F8Q-00602-00159954-00160262 initially developed in the sixties and was shelved WI5y6vE9F8Q-00603-00160262-00160705 uh... and then later brought by you know when when uh... when robert gallo said WI5y6vE9F8Q-00604-00160705-00160854 that h_i_v_ is caused by a WI5y6vE9F8Q-00605-00160854-00161048 worries caused by a virus WI5y6vE9F8Q-00606-00161048-00161337 uh... it was brought back off the shelf and im hae let's use this because it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00607-00161337-00161680 appears as just kill everything so much as user to kill hopefully the virus to WI5y6vE9F8Q-00608-00161680-00161753 him WI5y6vE9F8Q-00609-00161753-00162051 you know it's it's actually that's what it is it's chemotherapy so WI5y6vE9F8Q-00610-00162051-00162202 they start using that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00611-00162202-00162416 nobody that took it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00612-00162416-00162529 any anywho WI5y6vE9F8Q-00613-00162529-00162635 anyone that took WI5y6vE9F8Q-00614-00162635-00163004 uh... monotherapy a_z_t_ treatment for more than three years dot nobody made it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00615-00163004-00163248 out of it that they did it for three years WI5y6vE9F8Q-00616-00163248-00163567 uh... then realize that in the early days they finally said okay this is not WI5y6vE9F8Q-00617-00163567-00163665 good WI5y6vE9F8Q-00618-00163665-00164035 and uh... nobody denies the daisy team on a therapy is obsolete WI5y6vE9F8Q-00619-00164035-00164282 deadly nobody will deny it nobody needs me WI5y6vE9F8Q-00620-00164282-00164600 you know establishment at all even dispute that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00621-00164600-00164755 so we know that i was down WI5y6vE9F8Q-00622-00164755-00165127 but then let's just say that this person is referring to the treatments called h WI5y6vE9F8Q-00623-00165127-00165464 air to your heart highly active anti retroviral therapy WI5y6vE9F8Q-00624-00165464-00165815 which is developed based on david hose on hypotheses that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00625-00165815-00166029 you got a quote unquote hit hard with early WI5y6vE9F8Q-00626-00166029-00166337 blah blah blah but anyways its basically drug cocktails that are a little bit WI5y6vE9F8Q-00627-00166337-00166435 different WI5y6vE9F8Q-00628-00166435-00166778 than monotherapy a_z_t_ although they still have a z t_m_ and so the idea as WI5y6vE9F8Q-00629-00166778-00166859 well WI5y6vE9F8Q-00630-00166859-00167038 abt myself is terrible WI5y6vE9F8Q-00631-00167038-00167329 but if you could have a little bit of it it's not so bad you know that's kind of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00632-00167329-00167479 the idea which is WI5y6vE9F8Q-00633-00167479-00167828 okay i guess and i guess less poison is gonna kill u_s_ fast so he had people WI5y6vE9F8Q-00634-00167828-00168045 were dying out less quickly yeah WI5y6vE9F8Q-00635-00168045-00168402 that doesn't really say much to me though but here's the thing WI5y6vE9F8Q-00636-00168402-00168709 after drug is on the uh... market for about ten years WI5y6vE9F8Q-00637-00168709-00168991 you can start doing kind of like a long-term study analyses WI5y6vE9F8Q-00638-00168991-00169367 and that's what they did so these this highly active intro to allow vials WI5y6vE9F8Q-00639-00169367-00169570 therapy came out in nineteen ninety six WI5y6vE9F8Q-00640-00169570-00170069 in two thousand six it was ten years they finally have some good long-term WI5y6vE9F8Q-00641-00170069-00170392 and what they found and this is from the journal gemma WI5y6vE9F8Q-00642-00170392-00170663 they found that despite WI5y6vE9F8Q-00643-00170663-00170896 what they say despite uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00644-00170896-00171245 uh... more people being put on mt retroviral therapy WI5y6vE9F8Q-00645-00171245-00171601 uh... and despite people uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00646-00171601-00172000 uh... create what exactly was but but but the bottom line was WI5y6vE9F8Q-00647-00172000-00172282 no life's life extension was singing WI5y6vE9F8Q-00648-00172282-00172594 absolutely no significant WI5y6vE9F8Q-00649-00172594-00172937 you know life span extension scene between people that were on or off the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00650-00172937-00173022 therapy WI5y6vE9F8Q-00651-00173022-00173334 so into retroviral therapy really didn't extend lives WI5y6vE9F8Q-00652-00173334-00173624 and another thing that's really interesting and you can look this up WI5y6vE9F8Q-00653-00173624-00173892 typing doctor any justice WI5y6vE9F8Q-00654-00173892-00174215 uh... who worked at the pennsylvania medical institute WI5y6vE9F8Q-00655-00174215-00174510 uh... letting her sit and so they have a medical student WI5y6vE9F8Q-00656-00174510-00174787 she found in two thousand two WI5y6vE9F8Q-00657-00174787-00174994 she decided to something really interesting should decide to say well WI5y6vE9F8Q-00658-00174994-00175294 let's look at everyone is dying of that has aids or h_i_v_ WI5y6vE9F8Q-00659-00175294-00175506 let's find out what they're dying of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00660-00175506-00175898 and what she found out was that they're dying of liberty and of liver failure WI5y6vE9F8Q-00661-00175898-00176255 and liver failure has nothing to do with h_i_v_ it literally is not an effective WI5y6vE9F8Q-00662-00176255-00176586 h_i_v_ h_i_v_ in no way causes liver failure WI5y6vE9F8Q-00663-00176586-00176689 nobody WI5y6vE9F8Q-00664-00176689-00176912 has ever had liver failure as a WI5y6vE9F8Q-00665-00176912-00177366 defining disease from h_i_v_ so what causes liver failure while what causes WI5y6vE9F8Q-00666-00177366-00177645 liver failure as the toxic chemotherapy drugs in the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00667-00177645-00177848 and the entry retrovirus that they're being given WI5y6vE9F8Q-00668-00177848-00178201 and we know this because now that there's a thing called WI5y6vE9F8Q-00669-00178201-00178674 annual conference of adverse drug reactions and comorbidities in h_i_v_ WI5y6vE9F8Q-00670-00178674-00178874 they've had fourteen of these already WI5y6vE9F8Q-00671-00178874-00179172 so you can look that up as well they have a whole conference is dedicated to WI5y6vE9F8Q-00672-00179172-00179358 howl toxic these drugs are WI5y6vE9F8Q-00673-00179358-00179505 they know how talks that they are WI5y6vE9F8Q-00674-00179505-00179748 they know that they are the leading cause of death and people in aids right WI5y6vE9F8Q-00675-00179748-00179877 now WI5y6vE9F8Q-00676-00179877-00180201 they perpetuate the usage of them and just say well we can make them safer you WI5y6vE9F8Q-00677-00180201-00180466 know it's the same thing with vaccines well we can make them safer WI5y6vE9F8Q-00678-00180466-00180609 it's always that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00679-00180609-00180933 but they'll never say wait a minute maybe it's just a good idea to actually WI5y6vE9F8Q-00680-00180933-00181125 give people proper nutrition WI5y6vE9F8Q-00681-00181125-00181363 really teach them educate them about health WI5y6vE9F8Q-00682-00181363-00181686 you know stuff like that nobody does that because there's simply no money in WI5y6vE9F8Q-00683-00181686-00181764 it that's just WI5y6vE9F8Q-00684-00181764-00181917 that's just the bottom WI5y6vE9F8Q-00685-00181917-00182163 one more thing about exciting WI5y6vE9F8Q-00686-00182163-00182411 that a suspect you probably already know WI5y6vE9F8Q-00687-00182411-00182909 that apparently it shows the characteristics of manufactured by aris WI5y6vE9F8Q-00688-00182909-00183097 and in fact mayan WI5y6vE9F8Q-00689-00183097-00183449 i have a biology teacher actually wrecking that it was a manufactured WI5y6vE9F8Q-00690-00183449-00183678 fires and she WI5y6vE9F8Q-00691-00183678-00184003 i didn't expect him to tell us a list that yes she said as much in one of our WI5y6vE9F8Q-00692-00184003-00184169 classes WI5y6vE9F8Q-00693-00184169-00184308 yet just WI5y6vE9F8Q-00694-00184308-00184499 you know i i disagree WI5y6vE9F8Q-00695-00184499-00184788 i would totally disagree with that because there's no evidence that it's WI5y6vE9F8Q-00696-00184788-00185020 manufacture there's no evidence that it actually WI5y6vE9F8Q-00697-00185020-00185248 is a viable entity WI5y6vE9F8Q-00698-00185248-00185458 kind of a shock to most people but WI5y6vE9F8Q-00699-00185458-00185679 h_i_v_ is never actually been isolated WI5y6vE9F8Q-00700-00185679-00186022 it's never been actually put through an isolation protocol where they extract WI5y6vE9F8Q-00701-00186022-00186159 the virus WI5y6vE9F8Q-00702-00186159-00186542 make sure that they have homologous and uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00703-00186542-00186645 samples WI5y6vE9F8Q-00704-00186645-00186968 injected into another human being or to another entity not another human being WI5y6vE9F8Q-00705-00186968-00187091 but somehow WI5y6vE9F8Q-00706-00187091-00187330 prove that causes the diseases that their WI5y6vE9F8Q-00707-00187330-00187478 suggesting that causes WI5y6vE9F8Q-00708-00187478-00187698 they haven't even gotten to step one forget about WI5y6vE9F8Q-00709-00187698-00188087 injecting it into other things battening down the step one which is isolation and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00710-00188087-00188302 if you want more information on that go to the personal WI5y6vE9F8Q-00711-00188302-00188484 the prince group dot com WI5y6vE9F8Q-00712-00188484-00188840 and you can read their whole argument about why it's why it's a legitimate and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00713-00188840-00189195 i totally agree with their arguments i support the pros crew hundred-percent WI5y6vE9F8Q-00714-00189195-00189326 nobody's been able to WI5y6vE9F8Q-00715-00189326-00189585 to refute them or show just simply show them WI5y6vE9F8Q-00716-00189585-00189888 what they want what they want to see which is proof of isolation WI5y6vE9F8Q-00717-00189888-00190196 uh... and there's many reasons for this but WI5y6vE9F8Q-00718-00190196-00190325 the bottom line is that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00719-00190325-00190418 wendy's WI5y6vE9F8Q-00720-00190418-00190750 diseases started uh... hitting people 'cause they're deathly was diseases that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00721-00190750-00190916 were occurring WI5y6vE9F8Q-00722-00190916-00191197 a certain segment of the homosexual population in the eighties and and late WI5y6vE9F8Q-00723-00191197-00191328 seventies and in WI5y6vE9F8Q-00724-00191328-00191494 drug abusers WI5y6vE9F8Q-00725-00191494-00191849 they wanted an explanation for it in the explanation it was obvious and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00726-00191849-00192169 in fact rule was it was an environmental explanation it was these people really WI5y6vE9F8Q-00727-00192169-00192402 doing drugs taking nitrite inhalants WI5y6vE9F8Q-00728-00192402-00192788 way overdoing antibiotics what the gay people were doing at that time is taking WI5y6vE9F8Q-00729-00192788-00192981 prophylactic antibiotics WI5y6vE9F8Q-00730-00192981-00193338 meaning that they were like hey let me take some antibiotics today so i can WI5y6vE9F8Q-00731-00193338-00193608 have sex later on tonight and not worry that anything but that's not how on a WI5y6vE9F8Q-00732-00193608-00193957 much work and that's really damaging to the body and it was only a certain WI5y6vE9F8Q-00733-00193957-00194176 population within the gay uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00734-00194176-00194389 within the gay activity that was doing that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00735-00194389-00194570 and they were the ones who were getting sick WI5y6vE9F8Q-00736-00194570-00194906 and they were the ones getting sick of the diseases you would expect from their WI5y6vE9F8Q-00737-00194906-00195207 practices right this stuff doesn't happen anymore WI5y6vE9F8Q-00738-00195207-00195529 distri junkies have kind of like a lost there WI5y6vE9F8Q-00739-00195529-00195837 you know they're they're luster nobody really like aspires to be a st john WI5y6vE9F8Q-00740-00195837-00196143 because it's not a really new thing the novelty affect morale WI5y6vE9F8Q-00741-00196143-00196458 same with the homosexual revolution they were really struggling to get WI5y6vE9F8Q-00742-00196458-00196706 attention and to get accepted and now they are WI5y6vE9F8Q-00743-00196706-00196991 and nobody's don't raise anymore in the game of minorities WI5y6vE9F8Q-00744-00196991-00197267 you know china like tickets for the right-wing work as they pretty much WI5y6vE9F8Q-00745-00197267-00197618 are starting to get you know respect and starting to become WI5y6vE9F8Q-00746-00197618-00197932 you know accepted his first class citizens from the majority of the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00747-00197932-00198054 population around them WI5y6vE9F8Q-00748-00198054-00198244 and so there's not this kind of like WI5y6vE9F8Q-00749-00198244-00198633 party mentality in this kind of like a rubber rebellious uh... mentality nobody WI5y6vE9F8Q-00750-00198633-00198952 nobody people today are really doing mass amounts of drugs or WI5y6vE9F8Q-00751-00198952-00199273 we're taking nitrite inhalants eccentric as they know that they're bad for them WI5y6vE9F8Q-00752-00199273-00199550 and what are you seeing you see a decrease in an intimate said that's WI5y6vE9F8Q-00753-00199550-00199729 exactly do you expect to see WI5y6vE9F8Q-00754-00199729-00200144 cab esquire an election WI5y6vE9F8Q-00755-00200144-00200362 mark up to her criminal WI5y6vE9F8Q-00756-00200362-00200608 obtain career on the card WI5y6vE9F8Q-00757-00200608-00200755 reincarnated WI5y6vE9F8Q-00758-00200755-00201100 paralegal marital WI5y6vE9F8Q-00759-00201100-00201244 it is the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00760-00201244-00201380 underlining WI5y6vE9F8Q-00761-00201380-00201601 will and the underlying WI5y6vE9F8Q-00762-00201601-00201989 protocol of the medical industry to blame everything on things that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00763-00201989-00202380 make it appears though you have no control over your house that's just the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00764-00202380-00202732 bottom line nobody in the medical histories ever gonna say WI5y6vE9F8Q-00765-00202732-00203149 all yeah yeah that menu disease that's ours down it's definitely caused by WI5y6vE9F8Q-00766-00203149-00203315 environmental toxins because WI5y6vE9F8Q-00767-00203315-00203604 if you look at where these people were where we see where we decided that they WI5y6vE9F8Q-00768-00203604-00203657 were WI5y6vE9F8Q-00769-00203657-00203754 quote unquote WI5y6vE9F8Q-00770-00203754-00204053 you know getting infected uh... it was from places and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00771-00204053-00204270 in in uh... in asia that we're just WI5y6vE9F8Q-00772-00204270-00204654 devastated with uh... pollutants and virumail toxicity what that uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00773-00204654-00204980 you know the the air quality in their cities uh... you know this is terrible WI5y6vE9F8Q-00774-00204980-00205160 and and so and so forth WI5y6vE9F8Q-00775-00205160-00205334 nobody was was saying that because WI5y6vE9F8Q-00776-00205334-00205632 there is no reason to say that there's no money in that there's absolutely no WI5y6vE9F8Q-00777-00205632-00205946 incentive to even suggest the possibility WI5y6vE9F8Q-00778-00205946-00206131 of environmental toxins WI5y6vE9F8Q-00779-00206131-00206457 uh... if you're the medical industry only when they are so bleak matches WI5y6vE9F8Q-00780-00206457-00206579 cannot avoid WI5y6vE9F8Q-00781-00206579-00206728 that's the only time trying to say WI5y6vE9F8Q-00782-00206728-00207041 okay okay appears that there's definitely some lead poisoning going on WI5y6vE9F8Q-00783-00207041-00207166 because there's actually WI5y6vE9F8Q-00784-00207166-00207298 it's a lot to know WI5y6vE9F8Q-00785-00207298-00207455 but when it's not so obvious WI5y6vE9F8Q-00786-00207455-00207555 what it's like WI5y6vE9F8Q-00787-00207555-00207684 when we don't really know WI5y6vE9F8Q-00788-00207684-00208003 maybe it could be a lot of things that nobody is everything that you can WI5y6vE9F8Q-00789-00208003-00208135 opened the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00790-00208135-00208503 that the possibility of of of environmental toxins tucker uh... having WI5y6vE9F8Q-00791-00208503-00208607 out uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00792-00208607-00208771 part being disease or WI5y6vE9F8Q-00793-00208771-00209089 malnutrition or anything like that you know WI5y6vE9F8Q-00794-00209089-00209333 it's like you're never gonna find the answers if you're not looking for them WI5y6vE9F8Q-00795-00209333-00209598 and that's exactly what the medical industry does because WI5y6vE9F8Q-00796-00209598-00209839 the monetary incentives you have to make money WI5y6vE9F8Q-00797-00209839-00210054 and if you have to make money you have to get WI5y6vE9F8Q-00798-00210054-00210188 people to believe WI5y6vE9F8Q-00799-00210188-00210398 that things that are causing them to be sick WI5y6vE9F8Q-00800-00210398-00210714 are things that are totally out of their control that's the bottom line WI5y6vE9F8Q-00801-00210714-00211000 you know and i'm not i'm not interested in promoting that i am absolutely not WI5y6vE9F8Q-00802-00211000-00211085 interested WI5y6vE9F8Q-00803-00211085-00211349 in telling people they can be my patients in the future WI5y6vE9F8Q-00804-00211349-00211606 hey look you have to come to me for this in this in this WI5y6vE9F8Q-00805-00211606-00211794 my job is to be a motivator WI5y6vE9F8Q-00806-00211794-00212159 and to explain to people how to be healthy and explain to them y WI5y6vE9F8Q-00807-00212159-00212432 it's bullshit that all these other things are they are being promoted as WI5y6vE9F8Q-00808-00212432-00212753 the causes of disease on the route WI5y6vE9F8Q-00809-00212753-00213188 and that was very interesting stuff haha pass sentence WI5y6vE9F8Q-00810-00213188-00213386 acceptable fixin WI5y6vE9F8Q-00811-00213386-00213576 completely with my air WI5y6vE9F8Q-00812-00213576-00213834 my way of thinking already and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00813-00213834-00213996 and said WI5y6vE9F8Q-00814-00213996-00214376 yes and i think we mentioned among the few fareham WI5y6vE9F8Q-00815-00214376-00214927 on c_f_c_ questions and wise if you get this thing called an imax and want to WI5y6vE9F8Q-00816-00214927-00215183 think of any tivity sam WI5y6vE9F8Q-00817-00215183-00215800 this guy here thomas loading obscene and they talk about how cupid WI5y6vE9F8Q-00818-00215800-00215972 visa mastercard as well WI5y6vE9F8Q-00819-00215972-00216254 you have to see some of this stuff in the energy WI5y6vE9F8Q-00820-00216254-00216775 e basically now one of one of his uh... accuses lectures scroll down WI5y6vE9F8Q-00821-00216775-00216871 scs WI5y6vE9F8Q-00822-00216871-00217173 stock start building by pal WI5y6vE9F8Q-00823-00217173-00217391 influences to same you know WI5y6vE9F8Q-00824-00217391-00217794 we we build our health it doesn't just happen to listening WI5y6vE9F8Q-00825-00217794-00218232 sca is kind of these going down on the stand for anything to investigation WI5y6vE9F8Q-00826-00218232-00218589 boats and yet you can give them an axe and i myself WI5y6vE9F8Q-00827-00218589-00219004 medical much of now non-medical mineral supplement WI5y6vE9F8Q-00828-00219004-00219534 i have and i'm not a big fan of the uh... in reality it's just uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00829-00219534-00219711 thomas loaded by the way i'm and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00830-00219711-00219994 in favor of most of the stuff he talks about i've seen lots of his lectures the WI5y6vE9F8Q-00831-00219994-00220271 summer and i agree with a lot of things he says uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00832-00220271-00220544 i would say that with m s WI5y6vE9F8Q-00833-00220544-00220757 here's is how the way things work and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00834-00220757-00221090 you live in a situation and i'm not saying you're missing the average person WI5y6vE9F8Q-00835-00221090-00221440 who's in a situation where they have really mineral depleted food because WI5y6vE9F8Q-00836-00221440-00221885 processing removes a lot about from it also cooking oftentimes removes uh... so WI5y6vE9F8Q-00837-00221885-00222084 she took a lot with water and you WI5y6vE9F8Q-00838-00222084-00222202 drain the water WI5y6vE9F8Q-00839-00222202-00222512 or if you uh... if you if you have just generally WI5y6vE9F8Q-00840-00222512-00222861 uh... food that has been uh... you know basically how many hands as touched it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00841-00222861-00223089 before it's come to your shelf you know the more hands WI5y6vE9F8Q-00842-00223089-00223373 les mills it's gonna have even if they were added back because what they do is WI5y6vE9F8Q-00843-00223373-00223702 they only have certain ones and they neglect the ones that they've WI5y6vE9F8Q-00844-00223702-00223857 no failed to uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00845-00223857-00224214 uh... would kill the pullback and so you know that's the enrichment process may WI5y6vE9F8Q-00846-00224214-00224394 take you take what's a grain WI5y6vE9F8Q-00847-00224394-00224634 and i'm out of the remains in in general at all but WI5y6vE9F8Q-00848-00224634-00224807 just to make a point to take a grain WI5y6vE9F8Q-00849-00224807-00225106 you strip it of a lot of its minerals a lot of uh... you know how daughter how WI5y6vE9F8Q-00850-00225106-00225204 steep center WI5y6vE9F8Q-00851-00225204-00225537 and it was a lot of stuff and you pat in a little bit extra your animal a little WI5y6vE9F8Q-00852-00225537-00225894 bit magnesium in a little bit of calcium inertia like that but then you lose out WI5y6vE9F8Q-00853-00225894-00226159 on all those other trace levels and everything else that that should have WI5y6vE9F8Q-00854-00226159-00226240 been in there WI5y6vE9F8Q-00855-00226240-00226342 that isn't WI5y6vE9F8Q-00856-00226342-00226441 uh... and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00857-00226441-00226815 and if you do this over a longer time right now a lot of people rely on anil WI5y6vE9F8Q-00858-00226815-00226978 products and grains witcher WI5y6vE9F8Q-00859-00226978-00227221 not really the greatest a WI5y6vE9F8Q-00860-00227221-00227484 mineral rich substances out there WI5y6vE9F8Q-00861-00227484-00227733 what ends up happening is doing that you could be coming to fishing you need WI5y6vE9F8Q-00862-00227733-00227848 minerals and so WI5y6vE9F8Q-00863-00227848-00228103 things like adam s come out but in reality what what is WI5y6vE9F8Q-00864-00228103-00228216 what is needed WI5y6vE9F8Q-00865-00228216-00228504 uh... if you need something like in a message just uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00866-00228504-00228781 indication that there's an underlying nutritional problem that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00867-00228781-00228917 you not addressing right so WI5y6vE9F8Q-00868-00228917-00229087 in my opinion what would happen WI5y6vE9F8Q-00869-00229087-00229438 what i would do as i wouldn't take an msn would find i would find out why it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00870-00229438-00229677 is that my nutritional status is WI5y6vE9F8Q-00871-00229677-00229959 winslow in terms of my mineral content or whatever WI5y6vE9F8Q-00872-00229959-00230575 phyto-chemicals that are they're missing from lack of fresh fruits basket WI5y6vE9F8Q-00873-00230575-00230934 isn't and then ask the and things going to killed WI5y6vE9F8Q-00874-00230934-00231070 pathogens WI5y6vE9F8Q-00875-00231070-00231555 and it's not like and it's not a nutritional supplement WI5y6vE9F8Q-00876-00231555-00231714 and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00877-00231714-00232009 thing under finance leases and speed WI5y6vE9F8Q-00878-00232009-00232279 com maneesh kumar lisa WI5y6vE9F8Q-00879-00232279-00232474 well this is asleep WI5y6vE9F8Q-00880-00232474-00232913 it's based on kind of uh... in dole's like garlic and onion and stuff like WI5y6vE9F8Q-00881-00232913-00233097 that extraction matter what WI5y6vE9F8Q-00882-00233097-00233264 nice n WI5y6vE9F8Q-00883-00233264-00233513 it's that's a WI5y6vE9F8Q-00884-00233513-00233746 cindy WI5y6vE9F8Q-00885-00233746-00234214 orinda dark shadow something on a minimum of chlorine chlorite WI5y6vE9F8Q-00886-00234214-00234391 chloride dioxide WI5y6vE9F8Q-00887-00234391-00234591 they used to treat waltz a with it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00888-00234591-00235263 is immunity killed pathogens and service canteen humble buzzwords highway too WI5y6vE9F8Q-00889-00235263-00235517 and music it channels WI5y6vE9F8Q-00890-00235517-00235625 opinion WI5y6vE9F8Q-00891-00235625-00235979 these clients pen amidst the spend a lot of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00892-00235979-00236298 and evidence for this that uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00893-00236298-00236657 killed something on seventy five thousand cases macquarie because WI5y6vE9F8Q-00894-00236657-00236802 and they just WI5y6vE9F8Q-00895-00236802-00237179 kills and pathogens basically and that's his main WI5y6vE9F8Q-00896-00237179-00237756 claim to fame blocker headed then mentioning connections to and paints WI5y6vE9F8Q-00897-00237756-00237985 that's why i have barbara boxer WI5y6vE9F8Q-00898-00237985-00238255 and i'll send you notice quite interested in these things WI5y6vE9F8Q-00899-00238255-00238381 and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00900-00238381-00238694 ropes and gas that's what i thought it was WI5y6vE9F8Q-00901-00238694-00239136 sorry understating that what's coral calcium supplement or something uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00902-00239136-00239460 from my guy and indicting robert barefoot i'm i'm mistaken and i'm not WI5y6vE9F8Q-00903-00239460-00239598 familiar with them WI5y6vE9F8Q-00904-00239598-00239865 i was thinking about the councils WI5y6vE9F8Q-00905-00239865-00240047 my again WI5y6vE9F8Q-00906-00240047-00240554 as indicated interest in stock that is just one one other thing then WI5y6vE9F8Q-00907-00240554-00240998 can you get banned just tell is spent a bit about sold the company that will WI5y6vE9F8Q-00908-00240998-00241181 your diane WI5y6vE9F8Q-00909-00241181-00241733 and and and what you think about things and can excuse the pun WI5y6vE9F8Q-00910-00241733-00242199 nation-building request uses a discuss in person i have finally grocer WI5y6vE9F8Q-00911-00242199-00242544 although it's not terribly unhealthy for you it's just a WI5y6vE9F8Q-00912-00242544-00242778 you know it's a concentrated form of uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00913-00242778-00243136 uh... plant phyto-chemicals and and so on so it's not bad it's not gonna be WI5y6vE9F8Q-00914-00243136-00243272 terrible for you WI5y6vE9F8Q-00915-00243272-00243494 uh... but again WI5y6vE9F8Q-00916-00243494-00243878 the way that i look at how it was on a macro scopic level it's not like uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00917-00243878-00244186 taking a little bit of this a little bit of that it's it's uh... WI5y6vE9F8Q-00918-00244186-00244499 much more important look at the general WI5y6vE9F8Q-00919-00244499-00244869 total calorie content of your diet if the total if the majority of your WI5y6vE9F8Q-00920-00244869-00245223 calories are coming from on healthy sources right processed foods exciter WI5y6vE9F8Q-00921-00245223-00245342 and you happen did WI5y6vE9F8Q-00922-00245342-00245431 drink some WI5y6vE9F8Q-00923-00245431-00245729 you know we crassly you happen to have cinemas you have to have something WI5y6vE9F8Q-00924-00245729-00245921 it's not only today of a difference WI5y6vE9F8Q-00925-00245921-00246325 and again food is information for your body literally information like it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00926-00246325-00246600 literally communicates with your genetics in a tells them WI5y6vE9F8Q-00927-00246600-00246901 just are producing certain things to turn off other things to do this and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00928-00246901-00247171 that foods are incredibly important WI5y6vE9F8Q-00929-00247171-00247446 and the ones that are most important are the ones that are plant based the ones WI5y6vE9F8Q-00930-00247446-00247528 that are WI5y6vE9F8Q-00931-00247528-00247650 you know colorful WI5y6vE9F8Q-00932-00247650-00248063 that's all the phyto-chemicals are there's incredible science behind you WI5y6vE9F8Q-00933-00248063-00248369 know and worst were still people are still barely scratching the surface of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00934-00248369-00248575 what all these phyto-chemicals do and WI5y6vE9F8Q-00935-00248575-00248694 the interactions with them WI5y6vE9F8Q-00936-00248694-00248902 you know we're never don't think we're ever going to really get to the point WI5y6vE9F8Q-00937-00248902-00249020 where we understand WI5y6vE9F8Q-00938-00249020-00249236 everything that happens when you meet let's say WI5y6vE9F8Q-00939-00249236-00249476 a handful of blueberries a banana WI5y6vE9F8Q-00940-00249476-00249673 uh... of leaf of lettuce WI5y6vE9F8Q-00941-00249673-00250011 and let's say take a shot a weakness we're never gonna find out in WI5y6vE9F8Q-00942-00250011-00250140 i don't even think in the next WI5y6vE9F8Q-00943-00250140-00250559 thousand years all the intricate complex combinations of of uh... reactions that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00944-00250559-00250740 occur when you do that you know WI5y6vE9F8Q-00945-00250740-00250919 uh... but we do know WI5y6vE9F8Q-00946-00250919-00251302 thus that affects my we don't know exactly what's going on for sure WI5y6vE9F8Q-00947-00251302-00251442 we can kind of c WI5y6vE9F8Q-00948-00251442-00251746 but we do know the effects of right we do know the effects that are that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00949-00251746-00252054 they're very very positive affects right lowering your blood pressure WI5y6vE9F8Q-00950-00252054-00252261 uh... normalizing your blood sugar WI5y6vE9F8Q-00951-00252261-00252591 uh... making sure that you know stay hydrated eccentric centers all these WI5y6vE9F8Q-00952-00252591-00252890 things are important and the way that they're cheap just by a macro scopic WI5y6vE9F8Q-00953-00252890-00253229 approach the majority of your calories have to come from health resources WI5y6vE9F8Q-00954-00253229-00253577 that's the bottom line and health resources or foods that are typically WI5y6vE9F8Q-00955-00253577-00253773 as long as possible WI5y6vE9F8Q-00956-00253773-00253950 as plant based as possible WI5y6vE9F8Q-00957-00253950-00254041 as whole WI5y6vE9F8Q-00958-00254041-00254165 right as possible WI5y6vE9F8Q-00959-00254165-00254402 and if you're going to cook cook with water WI5y6vE9F8Q-00960-00254402-00254736 and do not discard the water because that's where all the minerals are gonna WI5y6vE9F8Q-00961-00254736-00254802 go WI5y6vE9F8Q-00962-00254802-00255124 so if you're gonna cook with water make sure you do it in a suit or WI5y6vE9F8Q-00963-00255124-00255467 uh... maybe steaming is okay 'cause it's not as bad the deaf and dumb boil things WI5y6vE9F8Q-00964-00255467-00255768 and then consider stuff like that just kind of common sense and it's a lot of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00965-00255768-00255877 it is actually WI5y6vE9F8Q-00966-00255877-00256242 uh... ancestral batson if you look at all the ancestral diets of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00967-00256242-00256588 you know indigenous people or even local people in your area WI5y6vE9F8Q-00968-00256588-00256811 you're gonna find it that's typically what happens there there's a lot of WI5y6vE9F8Q-00969-00256811-00256958 soups lobsters WI5y6vE9F8Q-00970-00256958-00257318 deftly raw foods are are are consumed to uh... to some degree and other whole WI5y6vE9F8Q-00971-00257318-00257480 foods are are stressed WI5y6vE9F8Q-00972-00257480-00257669 uh... and in general WI5y6vE9F8Q-00973-00257669-00258029 i would say places that are north of the waiter much north of the equator there's WI5y6vE9F8Q-00974-00258029-00258337 gonna be a stress for animal foods because it's the easier to get those WI5y6vE9F8Q-00975-00258337-00258442 but they're not healthier WI5y6vE9F8Q-00976-00258442-00258742 you wanna minimize those much you can and another thing about animal foods is WI5y6vE9F8Q-00977-00258742-00258796 that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00978-00258796-00259186 you find a lot of toxins inside there because animals on like plants WI5y6vE9F8Q-00979-00259186-00259531 have saturated fat and that's exactly were all those WI5y6vE9F8Q-00980-00259531-00259811 you know environmental toxins are gonna go they're gonna go right to the animal WI5y6vE9F8Q-00981-00259811-00259971 fat and it stored there WI5y6vE9F8Q-00982-00259971-00260074 you're gonna eat it WI5y6vE9F8Q-00983-00260074-00260450 animated a huge exposure verses being a bunch of potatoes or something like that WI5y6vE9F8Q-00984-00260450-00260544 right so WI5y6vE9F8Q-00985-00260544-00260656 keeping my mind to connect WICcw6dTQ3M-00000-00000303-00000567 Salute! And welcome to my channel ! WICcw6dTQ3M-00001-00000580-00000771 I am Vlad Crăciun and ... WICcw6dTQ3M-00002-00000788-00001207 ... on my channel you will watch alot of interesting things WICcw6dTQ3M-00003-00001284-00001380 see further on ... WICcw6dTQ3M-00004-00001448-00001748 swoosh ... transition to nothing. I don't have anything to transit to WICcw6dTQ3M-00005-00001836-00001907 It's the intro ... WICcw6dTQ3M-00006-00001911-00002407 Transition to what? It's the intro. I haven't filmed anything else to make the transition to ... WICcw6dTQ3M-00007-00002432-00002540 On my youtube channel WICcw6dTQ3M-00008-00002607-00002980 You will see alot of bloopers, me stuttering ... WICcw6dTQ3M-00009-00003032-00003240 ... my weight loss process and how ... WICcw6dTQ3M-00010-00003292-00003747 ... I try to help other fat people like myself to lose weight WICcw6dTQ3M-00011-00003819-00004403 Not through ... fitness or nutrition advices, because I know nothing about those (yet) WICcw6dTQ3M-00012-00004467-00004707 and I will not pretend that I know anything about those (fitness and nutrition if you forgot already) WICcw6dTQ3M-00013-00004711-00004851 but by motivating you ... WICcw6dTQ3M-00014-00004932-00005123 ... to do something for your LIFE ! WICcw6dTQ3M-00015-00005159-00005523 If I can manage to find time in a very busy schedule WICcw6dTQ3M-00016-00005559-00006071 to go to the gym and to eat as balanced and healthy as I can WICcw6dTQ3M-00017-00006119-00006296 nobody else can find any excuse WICcw6dTQ3M-00018-00006344-00006644 Ok, fine, you will have an excuse if you are in Congo WICcw6dTQ3M-00019-00006795-00007095 or in China and you have nothing to eat. Than yes ... WICcw6dTQ3M-00020-00007223-00007355 ... you will have a legit excuse WICcw6dTQ3M-00021-00007359-00007659 I am not in Congo or China ... I am in Pantelimon, Bucharest, Romania (even worse) WICcw6dTQ3M-00022-00008076-00008459 <b><font color='#55ff00'>Ok. Enough with the intro. Welcome to the channel! Click Play on the next video!</font></b> WICcw6dTQ3M-00023-00008496-00008611 Bye for now! WICcw6dTQ3M-00024-00008736-00009396 phone starts ringing WICcw6dTQ3M-00025-00009548-00009984 If it is so hard to make a f***** intro without stuttering WICcw6dTQ3M-00026-00009984-00010240 How it will be to make other videos WICcw6dTQ3M-00027-00010240-00010684 How hard can it be to say 3 words without stuttering, stopping, without ... WICcw6dTQ3M-00028-00010684-00010859 head palm ... WICcw6dTQ3M-00029-00010859-00011092 zbrrrrrrrrrrrr WICcw6dTQ3M-00030-00013196-00013600 Salute! and welcome to my channel WICcw6dTQ3M-00031-00013791-00013932 why my channel? WICcw6dTQ3M-00032-00014011-00014240 but is it MY CHANNEL? WICcw6dTQ3M-00033-00014247-00014547 or is it Google's channel? WICcw6dTQ3M-00034-00014603-00014903 >welcome to the channel I made on Youtube WICcw6dTQ3M-00035-00015152-00015200 aaaaa WICcw6dTQ3M-00036-00015287-00015572 I have no clue what should I say in an intro WICcw6dTQ3M-00037-00015748-00016122 I have no idea why I am doing this. WICcw6dTQ3M-00038-00016306-00017044 many many words in romanian WMj9maEzRbu-00000-00000022-00000543 The Amur leopard can easily be differentiated from other leopard subspecies by its thick, WMj9maEzRbu-00001-00000543-00000936 pale cream-colored fur, particularly in winter. WMj9maEzRbu-00002-00000936-00001939 Rosettes on the flanks are 5 cm × 5 cm and widely spaced, up to 2.5 cm (0.98 in), with WMj9maEzRbu-00003-00001939-00002302 thick, unbroken rings and darkened centers. WMj9maEzRbu-00004-00002302-00002636 Its fur is fairly soft with long and dense hair. WMj9maEzRbu-00005-00002636-00003620 The length of hair on the back is 20–25 mm (0.79–0.98 in) in summer and up to 70 WMj9maEzRbu-00006-00003620-00003997 mm (2.8 in) in winter. WMj9maEzRbu-00007-00003997-00004485 The winter coat varies from fairly light yellow to dense yellowish-red with a golden tinge, WMj9maEzRbu-00008-00004485-00004714 or rusty-reddish-yellow. WMj9maEzRbu-00009-00004714-00005223 In summer, the fur is brighter, with more vivid coloration pattern. WMj9maEzRbu-00010-00005223-00005623 It is rather small in body size, with males larger than females WpxqlEp5zOM-00000-00000010-00000063 AND THIRD DEGREE POSSESSION OF A WpxqlEp5zOM-00001-00000063-00000070 AND THIRD DEGREE POSSESSION OF A WpxqlEp5zOM-00002-00000070-00000260 AND THIRD DEGREE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. WpxqlEp5zOM-00003-00000260-00000266 AND THIRD DEGREE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. WpxqlEp5zOM-00004-00000266-00000380 AND THIRD DEGREE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. >>> A NEW POLICE INITIATIVE IN WpxqlEp5zOM-00005-00000380-00000387 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. >>> A NEW POLICE INITIATIVE IN WpxqlEp5zOM-00006-00000387-00000510 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. >>> A NEW POLICE INITIATIVE IN BEMIDJI IS AIMED AT STOPPING WpxqlEp5zOM-00007-00000510-00000517 >>> A NEW POLICE INITIATIVE IN BEMIDJI IS AIMED AT STOPPING WpxqlEp5zOM-00008-00000517-00000667 >>> A NEW POLICE INITIATIVE IN BEMIDJI IS AIMED AT STOPPING DRIVERS WHO DISREGARD SCHOOL BUS WpxqlEp5zOM-00009-00000667-00000673 BEMIDJI IS AIMED AT STOPPING DRIVERS WHO DISREGARD SCHOOL BUS WpxqlEp5zOM-00010-00000673-00000844 BEMIDJI IS AIMED AT STOPPING DRIVERS WHO DISREGARD SCHOOL BUS STOP ARMS. WpxqlEp5zOM-00011-00000844-00000850 DRIVERS WHO DISREGARD SCHOOL BUS STOP ARMS. WpxqlEp5zOM-00012-00000850-00000974 DRIVERS WHO DISREGARD SCHOOL BUS STOP ARMS. IT'S A PROBLEM BEMIDJI AND OTHER WpxqlEp5zOM-00013-00000974-00000980 STOP ARMS. IT'S A PROBLEM BEMIDJI AND OTHER WpxqlEp5zOM-00014-00000980-00001174 STOP ARMS. IT'S A PROBLEM BEMIDJI AND OTHER COMMUNITIES ARE FACING. WpxqlEp5zOM-00015-00001174-00001181 IT'S A PROBLEM BEMIDJI AND OTHER COMMUNITIES ARE FACING. WpxqlEp5zOM-00016-00001181-00001331 IT'S A PROBLEM BEMIDJI AND OTHER COMMUNITIES ARE FACING. THIS IS VIDEO FROM ROSEMOUNT WpxqlEp5zOM-00017-00001331-00001337 COMMUNITIES ARE FACING. THIS IS VIDEO FROM ROSEMOUNT WpxqlEp5zOM-00018-00001337-00001488 COMMUNITIES ARE FACING. THIS IS VIDEO FROM ROSEMOUNT LAST YEAR WHERE A DRIVER WAS WpxqlEp5zOM-00019-00001488-00001494 THIS IS VIDEO FROM ROSEMOUNT LAST YEAR WHERE A DRIVER WAS WpxqlEp5zOM-00020-00001494-00001664 THIS IS VIDEO FROM ROSEMOUNT LAST YEAR WHERE A DRIVER WAS CAUGHT ON CAMERA DISREGARDING WpxqlEp5zOM-00021-00001664-00001671 LAST YEAR WHERE A DRIVER WAS CAUGHT ON CAMERA DISREGARDING WpxqlEp5zOM-00022-00001671-00001841 LAST YEAR WHERE A DRIVER WAS CAUGHT ON CAMERA DISREGARDING THE SCHOOL BUS STOP ARM AND WpxqlEp5zOM-00023-00001841-00001848 CAUGHT ON CAMERA DISREGARDING THE SCHOOL BUS STOP ARM AND WpxqlEp5zOM-00024-00001848-00001968 CAUGHT ON CAMERA DISREGARDING THE SCHOOL BUS STOP ARM AND ALMOST HITS A STUDENT CROSSING WpxqlEp5zOM-00025-00001968-00001975 THE SCHOOL BUS STOP ARM AND ALMOST HITS A STUDENT CROSSING WpxqlEp5zOM-00026-00001975-00002135 THE SCHOOL BUS STOP ARM AND ALMOST HITS A STUDENT CROSSING THE ROAD. WpxqlEp5zOM-00027-00002135-00002142 ALMOST HITS A STUDENT CROSSING THE ROAD. WpxqlEp5zOM-00028-00002142-00002275 ALMOST HITS A STUDENT CROSSING THE ROAD. SCHOOL BUSES IN BEMIDJI HAVE WpxqlEp5zOM-00029-00002275-00002282 THE ROAD. SCHOOL BUSES IN BEMIDJI HAVE WpxqlEp5zOM-00030-00002282-00002405 THE ROAD. SCHOOL BUSES IN BEMIDJI HAVE EXPERIENCED SIMILAR INCIDENTS WpxqlEp5zOM-00031-00002405-00002412 SCHOOL BUSES IN BEMIDJI HAVE EXPERIENCED SIMILAR INCIDENTS WpxqlEp5zOM-00032-00002412-00002645 SCHOOL BUSES IN BEMIDJI HAVE EXPERIENCED SIMILAR INCIDENTS INVOLVING DRIVERS DISREGARDING WpxqlEp5zOM-00033-00002645-00002652 EXPERIENCED SIMILAR INCIDENTS INVOLVING DRIVERS DISREGARDING WpxqlEp5zOM-00034-00002652-00002799 EXPERIENCED SIMILAR INCIDENTS INVOLVING DRIVERS DISREGARDING SCHOOL BUS STOP ARMS AND THE NEW WpxqlEp5zOM-00035-00002799-00002806 INVOLVING DRIVERS DISREGARDING SCHOOL BUS STOP ARMS AND THE NEW WpxqlEp5zOM-00036-00002806-00002929 INVOLVING DRIVERS DISREGARDING SCHOOL BUS STOP ARMS AND THE NEW PROGRAM HOPES TO CURB THAT WpxqlEp5zOM-00037-00002929-00002936 SCHOOL BUS STOP ARMS AND THE NEW PROGRAM HOPES TO CURB THAT WpxqlEp5zOM-00038-00002936-00003089 SCHOOL BUS STOP ARMS AND THE NEW PROGRAM HOPES TO CURB THAT BEHAVIOR. WpxqlEp5zOM-00039-00003089-00003096 PROGRAM HOPES TO CURB THAT BEHAVIOR. WpxqlEp5zOM-00040-00003096-00003246 PROGRAM HOPES TO CURB THAT BEHAVIOR. THE PROGRAM WILL INVOLVE PLACING WpxqlEp5zOM-00041-00003246-00003253 BEHAVIOR. THE PROGRAM WILL INVOLVE PLACING WpxqlEp5zOM-00042-00003253-00003680 BEHAVIOR. THE PROGRAM WILL INVOLVE PLACING A BEMIDJI SCHOOL RESOURCE WpxqlEp5zOM-00043-00003680-00003686 THE PROGRAM WILL INVOLVE PLACING A BEMIDJI SCHOOL RESOURCE WpxqlEp5zOM-00044-00003686-00003800 THE PROGRAM WILL INVOLVE PLACING A BEMIDJI SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER, DARE OFFICER ON BUS WpxqlEp5zOM-00045-00003800-00003807 A BEMIDJI SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER, DARE OFFICER ON BUS WpxqlEp5zOM-00046-00003807-00003967 A BEMIDJI SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER, DARE OFFICER ON BUS ROUTES THAT HAVE HAD A HIGH WpxqlEp5zOM-00047-00003967-00003973 OFFICER, DARE OFFICER ON BUS ROUTES THAT HAVE HAD A HIGH WpxqlEp5zOM-00048-00003973-00004250 OFFICER, DARE OFFICER ON BUS ROUTES THAT HAVE HAD A HIGH INCIDENT OF REPORTED STOP ARM WpxqlEp5zOM-00049-00004250-00004257 ROUTES THAT HAVE HAD A HIGH INCIDENT OF REPORTED STOP ARM WpxqlEp5zOM-00050-00004257-00004317 ROUTES THAT HAVE HAD A HIGH INCIDENT OF REPORTED STOP ARM VIOLATIONS. WpxqlEp5zOM-00051-00004317-00004324 INCIDENT OF REPORTED STOP ARM VIOLATIONS. WpxqlEp5zOM-00052-00004324-00004397 INCIDENT OF REPORTED STOP ARM VIOLATIONS. THE OFFICER WILL REPORT ANY WpxqlEp5zOM-00053-00004397-00004404 VIOLATIONS. THE OFFICER WILL REPORT ANY WpxqlEp5zOM-00054-00004404-00004524 VIOLATIONS. THE OFFICER WILL REPORT ANY OBSERVED VIOLATIONS TO NEARBY WpxqlEp5zOM-00055-00004524-00004531 THE OFFICER WILL REPORT ANY OBSERVED VIOLATIONS TO NEARBY WpxqlEp5zOM-00056-00004531-00004651 THE OFFICER WILL REPORT ANY OBSERVED VIOLATIONS TO NEARBY BEMIDJI POLICE OFFICERS AT THE WpxqlEp5zOM-00057-00004651-00004657 OBSERVED VIOLATIONS TO NEARBY BEMIDJI POLICE OFFICERS AT THE WpxqlEp5zOM-00058-00004657-00004864 OBSERVED VIOLATIONS TO NEARBY BEMIDJI POLICE OFFICERS AT THE TIME OF THE VIOLATION. WpxqlEp5zOM-00059-00004864-00004871 BEMIDJI POLICE OFFICERS AT THE TIME OF THE VIOLATION. WpxqlEp5zOM-00060-00004871-00005038 BEMIDJI POLICE OFFICERS AT THE TIME OF THE VIOLATION. THE OFFICER WILL CONDUCT A WpxqlEp5zOM-00061-00005038-00005045 TIME OF THE VIOLATION. THE OFFICER WILL CONDUCT A WpxqlEp5zOM-00062-00005045-00005105 TIME OF THE VIOLATION. THE OFFICER WILL CONDUCT A TRAFFIC STOP AND ISSUE THE WpxqlEp5zOM-00063-00005105-00005111 THE OFFICER WILL CONDUCT A TRAFFIC STOP AND ISSUE THE WpxqlEp5zOM-00064-00005111-00005231 THE OFFICER WILL CONDUCT A TRAFFIC STOP AND ISSUE THE APPROPRIATE CITATION. WpxqlEp5zOM-00065-00005231-00005238 TRAFFIC STOP AND ISSUE THE APPROPRIATE CITATION. WpxqlEp5zOM-00066-00005238-00005361 TRAFFIC STOP AND ISSUE THE APPROPRIATE CITATION. THE PROGRAM WILL ROLL OUT THIS WpxqlEp5zOM-00067-00005361-00005368 APPROPRIATE CITATION. THE PROGRAM WILL ROLL OUT THIS WpxqlEp5zOM-00068-00005368-00005435 APPROPRIATE CITATION. THE PROGRAM WILL ROLL OUT THIS FEBRUARY. WpxqlEp5zOM-00069-00005435-00005442 THE PROGRAM WILL ROLL OUT THIS FEBRUARY. WpxqlEp5zOM-00070-00005442-00005532 THE PROGRAM WILL ROLL OUT THIS FEBRUARY. THE ROUTES ARE YET TO BE WpxqlEp5zOM-00071-00005532-00005538 FEBRUARY. THE ROUTES ARE YET TO BE WpxqlEp5zOM-00072-00005538-00005685 FEBRUARY. THE ROUTES ARE YET TO BE DETERMINED AND THE DAYS THE WpxqlEp5zOM-00073-00005685-00005692 THE ROUTES ARE YET TO BE DETERMINED AND THE DAYS THE WpxqlEp5zOM-00074-00005692-00005802 THE ROUTES ARE YET TO BE DETERMINED AND THE DAYS THE OFFICERS ARE ON THE BUS WILL BE WpxqlEp5zOM-00075-00005802-00005809 DETERMINED AND THE DAYS THE OFFICERS ARE ON THE BUS WILL BE WpxqlEp5zOM-00076-00005809-00005922 DETERMINED AND THE DAYS THE OFFICERS ARE ON THE BUS WILL BE RANDOM. WpxqlEp5zOM-00077-00005922-00005929 OFFICERS ARE ON THE BUS WILL BE RANDOM. WpxqlEp5zOM-00078-00005929-00006069 OFFICERS ARE ON THE BUS WILL BE RANDOM. BOTH THE MORNING AND AFTERNOON WRAgXh6YQJy-00000-00000793-00001259 SUMMER TIME IS NEAR AND FOR MANY SAILORS THAT MEANS INCREASED MOTORCYCLE RIDES. WRAgXh6YQJy-00001-00001259-00001727 ALL HANDS MAGAZINE RECENTLY SAT DOWN WITH SENIOR CHIEF BRIAN COLLINS TO DISCUSS HIS WRAgXh6YQJy-00002-00001727-00002160 MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT AS A JUNIOR SAILOR AND HOW IT TAUGHT HIM THE IMPORTANCE OF PROPER WRAgXh6YQJy-00003-00002160-00002273 SAFETY TRAINING.. WRAgXh6YQJy-00004-00002273-00002778 "COMING AROUND A BLIND CORNER, DOING A LITTLE FASTER THAN I SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOING. WRAgXh6YQJy-00005-00002778-00003579 AS SOON AS I ROUNDED THE CORNER THE LIGHT WAS GREEN FOR ME TO GO THROUGH AND A VEHICLE WRAgXh6YQJy-00006-00003579-00004082 WAS IN THE TURNING LANE IN FRONT OF ME AND DECIDED TO TURN WITHOUT YIELDING. WRAgXh6YQJy-00007-00004082-00004387 NAT SOUND - SQUEALING TIRES, CAR CRASHING. WRAgXh6YQJy-00008-00004387-00005237 "I LANDED RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE PASSENGER FRONT TIRE OF THE CAR AS IT WAS TURNING AND WRAgXh6YQJy-00009-00005237-00005794 ONCE IT DID THAT IT PROCEEDED TO RUN ME OVER AND THEN I GUESS I WAS SCREAMING SO LOUD THAT WRAgXh6YQJy-00010-00005794-00006548 THE PERSON THAT WAS DRIVING I GUESS THOUGHT THAT THEY WERE ON TOP OF ME SO THEY PEELED WRAgXh6YQJy-00011-00006548-00006682 OUT AND BACKED BACK OVER ME. WRAgXh6YQJy-00012-00006682-00007337 THEY TRANSPORTED ME TO VIRGINIA BEACH GENERAL AND I STAYED AT VIRGINIA BEACH GENERAL FOR WRAgXh6YQJy-00013-00007337-00007789 PROBABLY ABOUT TWELVE AND A HALF HOURS JUST LAYING ON A GURNEY STRAPPED TO, WITH MY HELMET WRAgXh6YQJy-00014-00007789-00007961 ON, STRAPPED TO A BACKBOARD. WRAgXh6YQJy-00015-00007961-00008410 I DIDN'T HAVE MY SCHOOLS, I DIDN'T HAVE INSURANCE, I DIDN'T HAVE A LICENSE, I DIDN'T HAVE ANYTHING." WRAgXh6YQJy-00016-00008410-00008661 "ONE, GO THROUGH ALL THE SCHOOLS. WRAgXh6YQJy-00017-00008661-00008884 THE SCHOOLS ARE FABULOUS, THEY'VE CHANGED SO MUCH. WRAgXh6YQJy-00018-00008884-00009563 YOU KNOW, THEY'RE THERE FOR US FOR FREE AND WITH ALL THE SCHOOLING YOU LEARN MORE AND WRAgXh6YQJy-00019-00009563-00009752 ,MORE EVERY TIME YOU GO THROUGH IT. WRAgXh6YQJy-00020-00009752-00010221 I'VE DONE IT NINE TIMES NOW AND I LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERY TIME. WRAgXh6YQJy-00021-00010221-00010617 I LEARNED A BASIC TECHNIQUE THAT I REALLY WASN'T PERFECTING. WRAgXh6YQJy-00022-00010617-00010785 NOW I'VE PERFECTED THEM." WRAgXh6YQJy-00023-00010785-00011329 TO HEAR COLLINS FULL STORY, VISIT WWW.AH.MIL. WRAgXh6YQJy-00024-00011329-00011645 FROM THE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER BRANDIE WILLS. WRJIB6KHRSc-00000-00001739-00002180 You're invited to be part of the Developer Bus 2013. You too can get on board! WRJIB6KHRSc-00001-00002180-00002490 in YouTube Live. In this reality you will live all the learning, WRJIB6KHRSc-00002-00002490-00003040 the emotion and the adrenaline experienced by 10 teams in just 3 days, by creating solutions WRJIB6KHRSc-00003-00003040-00003460 and innovative apps, using Google's technologies. You will miss nothing WRJIB6KHRSc-00004-00003460-00003860 for we will show you, live, every step of the development performed by the participants. WRJIB6KHRSc-00005-00003860-00004240 The Developer Bus is social, and you can interact WRJIB6KHRSc-00006-00004240-00004710 at every moment, by using G+, with the rest of the mentors. You will part of this. WRJIB6KHRSc-00007-00004710-00005140 You have a seat reserved. We'll wait for you during the live transmission. Welcome to the Developer Bus! WSQZj7AFTQy-00000-00000000-00000593 *Boss Clear Music* WSQZj7AFTQy-00001-00000593-00000803 S Q U I D J U M P S C A R E WTf6GAvwKgu-00000-00000020-00000117 So I'm Sean Davis. WTf6GAvwKgu-00001-00000117-00000461 I'm at the National Cancer Institute at the National Institute of Health. WTf6GAvwKgu-00002-00000461-00000808 I'm a pediatric oncologist but for the last 15 years or so, WTf6GAvwKgu-00003-00000808-00001093 I've been a biomedical data scientist. WTf6GAvwKgu-00004-00001093-00001473 And one of my research interests has been in data reuse and WTf6GAvwKgu-00005-00001473-00001784 building communities to enhance data reuse. WTf6GAvwKgu-00006-00001962-00002545 So it's a pleasure really to introduce this session where we're gonna be talking WTf6GAvwKgu-00007-00002545-00003189 to some of the world's best at building communities around data and data reuse. WTf6GAvwKgu-00008-00003189-00003496 I'm not gonna spend any time introducing folks. WTf6GAvwKgu-00009-00003496-00003965 What I thought we would do is to go through four to five minutes of WTf6GAvwKgu-00010-00003965-00004363 introduction for each panelist and then after that, WTf6GAvwKgu-00011-00004363-00004747 we'll be doing questions and answers. WTf6GAvwKgu-00012-00004747-00005087 So please feel free to keep the questions coming, WTf6GAvwKgu-00013-00005087-00005364 we'll try to mind them as best as we can. WTf6GAvwKgu-00014-00005364-00006103 But we'll also try to spend some time with open discussion. WTf6GAvwKgu-00015-00006103-00006251 All right, so with that, WTf6GAvwKgu-00016-00006251-00006714 we'll kick off with Keith Webster from Carnegie Mellon University. WTf6GAvwKgu-00017-00006714-00007182 Then we'll move on to Allison Spect from the University of Queensland, WTf6GAvwKgu-00018-00007182-00007448 Australia, then Lucy Luan. WTf6GAvwKgu-00019-00007448-00007831 We've heard from her from already from the Allen Institute. WTf6GAvwKgu-00020-00007831-00008044 And then finally Ross Epstein from safe graph. WTf6GAvwKgu-00021-00008259-00008456 >> Okay, Shawn, thank you. WTf6GAvwKgu-00022-00008456-00008811 Can I just get a thumbs up that you can see my slides. WTf6GAvwKgu-00023-00008981-00009050 Yep, great. WTf6GAvwKgu-00024-00009050-00009292 Okay, good afternoon everyone and thank you for WTf6GAvwKgu-00025-00009292-00009476 being part of this important event. WTf6GAvwKgu-00026-00009476-00010063 We are always thrilled to collaborate with our colleagues across CMU and WTf6GAvwKgu-00027-00010063-00010412 indeed across the planet in these events. WTf6GAvwKgu-00028-00010412-00010879 I wanted to tee up this final session by saying a bit at a high level WTf6GAvwKgu-00029-00010879-00011089 about community building. WTf6GAvwKgu-00030-00011089-00011602 I don't have a particular project to share except perhaps my career WTf6GAvwKgu-00031-00011602-00012274 long vision about the role of libraries at the heart of scientific progress. WTf6GAvwKgu-00032-00012274-00012756 And anyone who's been looking at the news over the past few months will of WTf6GAvwKgu-00033-00012756-00013223 course have been tracking headlines about the various crises brought WTf6GAvwKgu-00034-00013223-00013470 about by the COVID-19 pandemic. WTf6GAvwKgu-00035-00013594-00014121 And it doesn't take too much searching on Google to find lots of headlines WTf6GAvwKgu-00036-00014121-00014590 about the potential impact on higher education and on research. WTf6GAvwKgu-00037-00014701-00015173 And we could spend a lot of time feeling very perturbed by the crisis mode in which WTf6GAvwKgu-00038-00015173-00015294 we find ourselves. WTf6GAvwKgu-00039-00015500-00015930 We were just talking before we started about China and WTf6GAvwKgu-00040-00015930-00016532 I very definitely slotted in a slide about China showing the characters for WTf6GAvwKgu-00041-00016532-00017151 the word in Chinese of the Chinese characters for the word crisis. WTf6GAvwKgu-00042-00017151-00017587 And John Kennedy played around with that a little bit talking about a crisis, WTf6GAvwKgu-00043-00017587-00017923 being aware of the danger of recognizing the opportunity. WTf6GAvwKgu-00044-00017923-00018104 Because apocryphally, WTf6GAvwKgu-00045-00018104-00018716 that two characters that make up the word crisis represent danger and opportunity. WTf6GAvwKgu-00046-00018716-00019187 Also Wikipedia that source of all things truthful tells me that in fact, WTf6GAvwKgu-00047-00019187-00019594 the second character is not opportunity but a change point. WTf6GAvwKgu-00048-00019594-00020001 And I just think that in the current context, WTf6GAvwKgu-00049-00020001-00020365 that is a much more significant point for WTf6GAvwKgu-00050-00020365-00020943 us because as you can see on the slide, over the past few months, WTf6GAvwKgu-00051-00020943-00021524 my colleague tells me that you're still seeing my title slide. WTf6GAvwKgu-00052-00021627-00022056 So let me go back to the Chinese one just so you can see that. WTf6GAvwKgu-00053-00022056-00022465 Hopefully you can see now the Chinese characters currently shown, WTf6GAvwKgu-00054-00022465-00022631 can you give me a thumbs up. WTf6GAvwKgu-00055-00022738-00022877 >> Yep. Great, okay. WTf6GAvwKgu-00056-00022877-00023441 So this notion of crisis and the characters for danger and opportunity. WTf6GAvwKgu-00057-00023441-00023921 But I have moved from there To think about that change point and WTf6GAvwKgu-00058-00023921-00024437 what we have seen over the past few months about how COVID-19 has WTf6GAvwKgu-00059-00024437-00025012 driven digital adoption in manners that are completely unprecedented. WTf6GAvwKgu-00060-00025198-00025663 Companies like Amazon who are well established and other new entrance into WTf6GAvwKgu-00061-00025663-00026223 place talking about 10 years growth of ecommerce deliveries in eight weeks. WTf6GAvwKgu-00062-00026223-00026433 Disney launching a service and WTf6GAvwKgu-00063-00026433-00027088 grabbing audience share in five months that took Netflix seven years to achieve. WTf6GAvwKgu-00064-00027088-00027537 And I don't think we should pretend that these changes in behaviors WTf6GAvwKgu-00065-00027537-00027783 are confined to our domestic lives. WTf6GAvwKgu-00066-00027783-00028266 We need to think about what this might mean as we look to the big picture WTf6GAvwKgu-00067-00028266-00028788 around data sharing open science in the research community. WTf6GAvwKgu-00068-00028788-00029202 Peter Drucker warned us many years ago that at times of turbulence, WTf6GAvwKgu-00069-00029202-00029493 we shouldn't worry about the turbulence, but WTf6GAvwKgu-00070-00029493-00029939 we should make sure that we don't act in the way we did yesterday. WTf6GAvwKgu-00071-00029939-00030264 But think about how we might behave in the future. WTf6GAvwKgu-00072-00030427-00030807 In libraries we need to and we have been already, of course get WTf6GAvwKgu-00073-00030807-00031338 beyond the notion that the library is the building full of books and journals. WTf6GAvwKgu-00074-00031338-00031945 And our interplay in the research world has changed dramatically in recent years. WTf6GAvwKgu-00075-00031945-00032427 And this is tremendously important thing back to one of the earlier talks WTf6GAvwKgu-00076-00032427-00032712 this afternoon about the volume of data and WTf6GAvwKgu-00077-00032712-00033229 publications that we have seen generated during the course of the pandemic. WTf6GAvwKgu-00078-00033229-00033689 We heard this morning from Lily and Bo representing dimensions, and WTf6GAvwKgu-00079-00033689-00034145 they list 160,000 applications this year on COVID-19. WTf6GAvwKgu-00080-00034145-00034822 A couple of thousand data sets, six and a half thousand clinical trials and so on. WTf6GAvwKgu-00081-00034923-00035470 This world doesn't fit in to the world of the blackened pipe by bitterly. WTf6GAvwKgu-00082-00035630-00036000 And as we think about the post pandemic future, WTf6GAvwKgu-00083-00036000-00036444 we need to strike a balance between what worked before and WTf6GAvwKgu-00084-00036444-00036934 what needs to happen if wide charism librarians are to continue WTf6GAvwKgu-00085-00036934-00037306 to be valued partners in the research process. WTf6GAvwKgu-00086-00037306-00037794 Those of you who have seen me talk in the past might WTf6GAvwKgu-00087-00037794-00038152 have seen me use this slide before. WTf6GAvwKgu-00088-00038152-00038604 I use it quite often to represent a model in which the library's WTf6GAvwKgu-00089-00038604-00039040 traditional focus on research outcomes has been expanded by WTf6GAvwKgu-00090-00039040-00039493 the digital transformation to allow us to recognize capture, WTf6GAvwKgu-00091-00039493-00039990 curate, share the artifacts and products of the research process. WTf6GAvwKgu-00092-00039990-00040506 The activities that take place before the formal end of research, WTf6GAvwKgu-00093-00040506-00040699 writing up of outcomes, WTf6GAvwKgu-00094-00040699-00041292 as well as the product of the aftermath of the research process. WTf6GAvwKgu-00095-00041292-00041951 That points us beautifully for a future world in which AI will dominate. WTf6GAvwKgu-00096-00041951-00042385 Sundar Pichai from Google alphabet made this great point in WTf6GAvwKgu-00097-00042385-00042811 the teams we were building a world that is mobile-first. WTf6GAvwKgu-00098-00042811-00043384 In the twenties, we will be shifting to a world that has AI first. WTf6GAvwKgu-00099-00043384-00043846 And as we've seen and heard today from a number of speakers, WTf6GAvwKgu-00100-00043846-00044129 that is absolutely where we're at. WTf6GAvwKgu-00101-00044129-00044435 And as we think about the potential of AI, WTf6GAvwKgu-00102-00044435-00045032 we need to recognize the importance of sharing data to power the acceleration and WTf6GAvwKgu-00103-00045032-00045420 the development of AI technologies and all of that. WTf6GAvwKgu-00104-00045420-00045782 And this is a very subtle plug for tomorrow's event, WTf6GAvwKgu-00105-00045782-00046039 please come back tomorrow. WTf6GAvwKgu-00106-00046039-00046596 Open science is a critical part of that process because that fosters the culture WTf6GAvwKgu-00107-00046596-00047229 and community of data and publication sharing that makes all of this possible. WTf6GAvwKgu-00108-00047229-00047707 I was on a call a few months ago with some reading administrators in WTf6GAvwKgu-00109-00047707-00048125 this country who had been surprised by the resilience and WTf6GAvwKgu-00110-00048125-00048726 preparedness of the academic community to share data and publications. WTf6GAvwKgu-00111-00048726-00049181 During the pandemic and they recognize that there is no going back. WTf6GAvwKgu-00112-00049181-00049741 We have entered a world now where data sharing and open science are the norm. WTf6GAvwKgu-00113-00049877-00050458 And there are four it's important that we recognize inside our communities. WTf6GAvwKgu-00114-00050458-00050946 The sorts of work that my colleagues at CMU have been doing as an illustration. WTf6GAvwKgu-00115-00050946-00051510 Those worlds of open science and data collaborations inside an institution. WTf6GAvwKgu-00116-00051510-00052185 But also to recognize that we are but one part of a global community of research, WTf6GAvwKgu-00117-00052185-00052648 that is generating and is ready to share data to advance WTf6GAvwKgu-00118-00052648-00053211 the world's research to power the AI work of the 2020s. WTf6GAvwKgu-00119-00053211-00053751 And what we need to do is build the infrastructure and the communities. WTf6GAvwKgu-00120-00053751-00054184 So that those who are the experts in the disciplinary domains have WTf6GAvwKgu-00121-00054184-00054453 the infrastructure ready-to-hand. WTf6GAvwKgu-00122-00054575-00055187 I'm reminded of something that came out 20 years ago an ad from Hewlett-Packard WTf6GAvwKgu-00123-00055187-00055729 that said that what the internet needs is an old-fashioned librarian and WTf6GAvwKgu-00124-00055729-00056245 time has moved on but I think that sentiment maybe it's right, that we WTf6GAvwKgu-00125-00056245-00056882 in libraries are potentially at the heart of this community of data sharing. WTf6GAvwKgu-00126-00056882-00057407 Maybe not this kind of library, but there is a line pretty out there that WTf6GAvwKgu-00127-00057407-00058013 is waiting for the next wave of community building and we are ready to help. WTf6GAvwKgu-00128-00058013-00058326 I am going to hand it over to the next speaker. WTf6GAvwKgu-00129-00058326-00058770 I'm happy then to discuss with my colleagues as we move into open WTf6GAvwKgu-00130-00058770-00058870 discussion. WTf6GAvwKgu-00131-00058971-00059103 Back to you, Sean. WTf6GAvwKgu-00132-00059103-00059190 >> Thanks Keith. WTf6GAvwKgu-00133-00059190-00059496 Let's switch over now to Alison and, WTf6GAvwKgu-00134-00059496-00059915 maybe she can start with telling us about her background. WTf6GAvwKgu-00135-00059915-00060040 [LAUGH] Literally. WTf6GAvwKgu-00136-00060040-00060390 >> Literally, literally talking about the background. WTf6GAvwKgu-00137-00060390-00060726 Yes, I suppose that is a pretty good start to my, WTf6GAvwKgu-00138-00060726-00061179 the context of my talk, which is as an environmental scientist. WTf6GAvwKgu-00139-00061179-00061300 So. WTf6GAvwKgu-00140-00061300-00061764 I've been an academic and a researcher for many years. WTf6GAvwKgu-00141-00061887-00062227 And my hair doesn't quite give me away yet, but WTf6GAvwKgu-00142-00062227-00062730 I'm working on being brave enough to go gray, but anyway. WTf6GAvwKgu-00143-00062730-00063386 Yes, so I was an environmental scientist engaged in long term monitoring and WTf6GAvwKgu-00144-00063386-00063779 large continental wide database collation, WTf6GAvwKgu-00145-00063779-00064313 from 1870 right through to today of ecosystem plot data and WTf6GAvwKgu-00146-00064313-00064905 this particular site here is one of my personal field sites. WTf6GAvwKgu-00147-00064905-00065392 Which is the wonderful Pacific Ocean just above my head. WTf6GAvwKgu-00148-00065392-00065868 That's been the dunes, it is a coastal dune situation and WTf6GAvwKgu-00149-00065868-00066419 this is a high apparent just called a barrier dune swamp. WTf6GAvwKgu-00150-00066419-00066939 Which are monitored for 20 years, for water extraction for WTf6GAvwKgu-00151-00066939-00067549 the local human community and for mining, so very contentious areas and WTf6GAvwKgu-00152-00067549-00068009 it's one of those reasons, one of the reasons why I'm WTf6GAvwKgu-00153-00068009-00068540 particularly passionate about, the need to conserve data and WTf6GAvwKgu-00154-00068540-00069048 also to particularly save it in a way that it can be reused. WTf6GAvwKgu-00155-00069048-00069415 And I started in the 1980s. WTf6GAvwKgu-00156-00069415-00069936 We started war machine this in 1989, 88, 89. WTf6GAvwKgu-00157-00069936-00070464 And I'm just monitoring, we just redoing a paper at the moment. WTf6GAvwKgu-00158-00070464-00070665 Of just three surveys. WTf6GAvwKgu-00159-00070665-00071190 In this case of the case, recent paper is a qualitative WTf6GAvwKgu-00160-00071190-00071646 survey of human beings and their opinions, and WTf6GAvwKgu-00161-00071646-00072159 I must say the amount of comparable data in supposedly WTf6GAvwKgu-00162-00072159-00072811 replicated surveys is the minority of the data that was collected. WTf6GAvwKgu-00163-00072811-00073261 So no, I suppose, when you've got inanimate things are no, WTf6GAvwKgu-00164-00073261-00073566 it's got nothing to do with the subject. WTf6GAvwKgu-00165-00073566-00073879 It's got everything to do with the discipline and the rigor. WTf6GAvwKgu-00166-00073879-00074458 So, I think I'll stop that and I will share my slide, WTf6GAvwKgu-00167-00074458-00075168 short slides and I will do it for hopefully for the full screen. WTf6GAvwKgu-00168-00075168-00075592 So can you see is that filling in your whole entire screen and your world or WTf6GAvwKgu-00169-00075592-00075789 naturally have just stopped it? WTf6GAvwKgu-00170-00075904-00076186 There we go and fill your entire screen. WTf6GAvwKgu-00171-00076186-00076758 Okay, so one of the other things about my slide is that I've got a logo behind me, WTf6GAvwKgu-00172-00076758-00077314 which is the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, which was established WTf6GAvwKgu-00173-00077314-00077803 in 2009, which require left my academic job because I believe so WTf6GAvwKgu-00174-00077803-00078345 passionate and my tenure [LAUGH] and my superannuation because I believe so. WTf6GAvwKgu-00175-00078483-00078944 Passionately in the importance of community data WTf6GAvwKgu-00176-00078944-00079373 conservation, repositories and enablers. WTf6GAvwKgu-00177-00079373-00080092 And I've been away and I've come back Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network. WTf6GAvwKgu-00178-00080092-00080493 So, what I've got here is some interesting. WTf6GAvwKgu-00179-00080493-00081070 Suppose logos on this slide that describe where I'm coming from. WTf6GAvwKgu-00180-00081070-00081463 And I'm not going to talk about a particular project and WTf6GAvwKgu-00181-00081463-00081983 surely I will have to watch the time because there it is at the time there. WTf6GAvwKgu-00182-00081983-00082579 Because I don't have terribly many sides and I could talk an awful lot okay, WTf6GAvwKgu-00183-00082579-00083131 so at the moment I'm working in a number in a couple of major projects. WTf6GAvwKgu-00184-00083263-00083781 One is the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network. WTf6GAvwKgu-00185-00083781-00084052 I'm really an ecosystem research analyst for that. WTf6GAvwKgu-00186-00084052-00084666 So I did been in deep help and commentary and voice, why is pronouncements WTf6GAvwKgu-00187-00084666-00085161 that it is great to be back to help this thing that I think is so WTf6GAvwKgu-00188-00085161-00085666 important the terrestrial ecosystem research network is at WTf6GAvwKgu-00189-00085666-00086270 the observatory very similar to me on which you can see in my lovely yin and WTf6GAvwKgu-00190-00086270-00086637 yang diagram there, which was I created for WTf6GAvwKgu-00191-00086637-00087112 a house that website about an article we did with me on with WTf6GAvwKgu-00192-00087112-00087582 the adults saying elephant in the room it's anaffair. WTf6GAvwKgu-00193-00087582-00088262 I walked from Germany and I was particularly interested in okay. WTf6GAvwKgu-00194-00088262-00088366 So build it. WTf6GAvwKgu-00195-00088366-00088455 Will they come? WTf6GAvwKgu-00196-00088455-00088918 As one of my friends says, build a data repository, building an observatory. WTf6GAvwKgu-00197-00088918-00089243 Who is actually going to use it and how to engage and WTf6GAvwKgu-00198-00089243-00089794 the particular topic that we were talking about in that blog was synthesis centres. WTf6GAvwKgu-00199-00089794-00090265 So, I left my job as an academic to set up the first synthesis center in WTf6GAvwKgu-00200-00090265-00090794 the southern hemisphere, the Australian ACEAS, the Australian Centre for WTf6GAvwKgu-00201-00090794-00091241 Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, which has since stopped but WTf6GAvwKgu-00202-00091241-00091680 the whole point was to use that as an engagement for this building WTf6GAvwKgu-00203-00091680-00092189 observatory which was serving up supposedly lots of wonderful machine. WTf6GAvwKgu-00204-00092301-00092790 Generated on the most part data about the environment. WTf6GAvwKgu-00205-00092790-00093278 And the atmosphere of living Australia is a consortium of museums. WTf6GAvwKgu-00206-00093278-00093779 And in fact, I was data one is a bit of a morph between some of WTf6GAvwKgu-00207-00093779-00094507 these discovery organisms like the Atlas of living in Australia and the organisms, WTf6GAvwKgu-00208-00094507-00095205 organisms that are generate their own data like me on to a large extent last term. WTf6GAvwKgu-00209-00095205-00095519 So, I was very heavily involved with data. WTf6GAvwKgu-00210-00095519-00095627 One that you will see there. WTf6GAvwKgu-00211-00095627-00095844 And if you don't know much about data one or WTf6GAvwKgu-00212-00095844-00096143 a little bit more about that in the future. WTf6GAvwKgu-00213-00096143-00096649 But the synthesis centers are a very interesting way to Have been to help WTf6GAvwKgu-00214-00096649-00097188 the average scientists for that, I came who goes round up to WTf6GAvwKgu-00215-00097188-00097707 their knees and swamps ruins your toenails, by the way. WTf6GAvwKgu-00216-00097707-00098039 Or in rain forests or whatever, and WTf6GAvwKgu-00217-00098039-00098560 gets them to engage from the quite often quite onerous. WTf6GAvwKgu-00218-00098560-00098997 Work that absorbs them to actually thinking about the future and WTf6GAvwKgu-00219-00098997-00099208 sharing, that sort of thing. WTf6GAvwKgu-00220-00099208-00099584 And, of course on the way to being involved with Turner's involved with WTf6GAvwKgu-00221-00099584-00099925 the research, I became involved with the substation alliance. WTf6GAvwKgu-00222-00099925-00100162 Which is a quite inspiring thing for WTf6GAvwKgu-00223-00100162-00100596 environmental scientists to belong to And to visit because you, WTf6GAvwKgu-00224-00100596-00101048 if you have a little periphery, I know I must learn more about data. WTf6GAvwKgu-00225-00101048-00101269 The RDA is like an injection or WTf6GAvwKgu-00226-00101269-00101793 a blood transfusion of people who think about that such sort of thing. WTf6GAvwKgu-00227-00101793-00102461 And, lately I've been involved in a project funded by the Belmont Forum. WTf6GAvwKgu-00228-00102461-00102802 Which was a one-off initiative on the and WTf6GAvwKgu-00229-00102802-00103298 the science-enabled infrastructures and how you can do that. WTf6GAvwKgu-00230-00103298-00103582 And we've got a particular project, WTf6GAvwKgu-00231-00103582-00103991 three of which I'm very proud which is called Parsec. WTf6GAvwKgu-00232-00103991-00104411 And I don't talk anymore about the acronym, but WTf6GAvwKgu-00233-00104411-00105079 it's a wonderful acronym isn't about a wonderful physical military idea. WTf6GAvwKgu-00234-00105079-00105528 Okay, So, I suppose, just to re-emphasize that WTf6GAvwKgu-00235-00105528-00105937 I'm particularly involved with community. WTf6GAvwKgu-00236-00105937-00106422 One of my graphic designer, relatives generated for me, WTf6GAvwKgu-00237-00106422-00107036 those logos on the left-hand side of the screen, the left-hand side for WTf6GAvwKgu-00238-00107036-00107482 you to explain a semantic web conference in Austria. WTf6GAvwKgu-00239-00107482-00107785 And one of the keynote speakers, WTf6GAvwKgu-00240-00107785-00108272 I believe she's here today which is just wonderful. WTf6GAvwKgu-00241-00108272-00108691 And to kind of show the continuing Gulf in many ways, if you want to be a good WTf6GAvwKgu-00242-00108691-00109099 scientist, you really got to engross yourself in what you're doing. WTf6GAvwKgu-00243-00109099-00109400 And the difficulty is how to reach that gap. WTf6GAvwKgu-00244-00109400-00109763 And yes, I think I'll pick up on what Keith said. WTf6GAvwKgu-00245-00109763-00109937 Yes, things are vastly improving. WTf6GAvwKgu-00246-00109937-00110102 But it's actually interesting. WTf6GAvwKgu-00247-00110102-00110607 One of the projects that we are continuing to do with data one WTf6GAvwKgu-00248-00110607-00111124 time of phase two of the 10 years of the data one existence. WTf6GAvwKgu-00249-00111124-00111634 Has shown and this is letting the cat out of the bag a bit. WTf6GAvwKgu-00250-00111634-00112363 That in fact there was tremendous burst of enthusiasm in the community up until 2015. WTf6GAvwKgu-00251-00112363-00112912 And since then it's kind of set So, it isn't a matter of building and WTf6GAvwKgu-00252-00112912-00113263 we're pondering upon why this is the case. WTf6GAvwKgu-00253-00113263-00113615 That in fact, maybe the researchers thought yeah, WTf6GAvwKgu-00254-00113615-00113919 this is a good idea just like me, wonderful. WTf6GAvwKgu-00255-00113919-00114215 Now, well, I'm still busy doing research. WTf6GAvwKgu-00256-00114215-00114733 And I'm not going to do much more after that, and maybe the infrastructure and WTf6GAvwKgu-00257-00114733-00115189 the deliverables that will enable the people who generate the data. WTf6GAvwKgu-00258-00115189-00115471 That is being shared is not there yet. WTf6GAvwKgu-00259-00115471-00115609 It hasn't matured enough yet. WTf6GAvwKgu-00260-00115609-00116065 So we I've got a vision to the data maturity pathway, but WTf6GAvwKgu-00261-00116065-00116464 not for all organizations but for individuals and WTf6GAvwKgu-00262-00116464-00116921 how you facilitate that and their experience in policy. WTf6GAvwKgu-00263-00116921-00117243 And you'll note that with data one. WTf6GAvwKgu-00264-00117243-00117731 As a little picture of me there, one of the ambitions of DataONE, WTf6GAvwKgu-00265-00117731-00118032 it was a member node sort of structured, WTf6GAvwKgu-00266-00118032-00118521 collaborative tree structure to serve up information and data. WTf6GAvwKgu-00267-00118521-00119001 And I was very pleased to have been instrumental for WTf6GAvwKgu-00268-00119001-00119471 the Australian connection but of course Like many WTf6GAvwKgu-00269-00119471-00119920 such connections don't always last forever. WTf6GAvwKgu-00270-00119920-00120242 Okay, >> Allison, sorry to interrupt. WTf6GAvwKgu-00271-00120242-00120806 Yeah, do you mind if we sort of move along and [CROSSTALK] we were gonna try, WTf6GAvwKgu-00272-00120806-00121300 we'll try to share out these URLs and the slides of course, so. WTf6GAvwKgu-00273-00121300-00121511 >> So should I just proceed with the next tree? WTf6GAvwKgu-00274-00121511-00121567 Which one? WTf6GAvwKgu-00275-00121567-00121742 Should I stop? WTf6GAvwKgu-00276-00121742-00121807 >> Do you mind? WTf6GAvwKgu-00277-00121807-00121986 >> Do you mind if we go ahead and move on? WTf6GAvwKgu-00278-00121986-00122128 >> Okay, that's absolutely fine. WTf6GAvwKgu-00279-00122128-00122213 All right. >> I'm sorry. WTf6GAvwKgu-00280-00122213-00122447 [CROSSTALK] We gave ourselves enough time here. WTf6GAvwKgu-00281-00122447-00122628 So, >> Stop sharing. WTf6GAvwKgu-00282-00122628-00122703 There we go. WTf6GAvwKgu-00283-00122703-00122995 I think you've got the general picture. WTf6GAvwKgu-00284-00122995-00123175 >> Yes. WTf6GAvwKgu-00285-00123175-00123417 >> There's a lot to talk about clearly. WTf6GAvwKgu-00286-00123417-00123467 Loosely. WTf6GAvwKgu-00287-00123467-00123655 >> Do you want to go ahead. WTf6GAvwKgu-00288-00123655-00123983 >> We've already heard from you today so >> Yeah, absolutely. WTf6GAvwKgu-00289-00123983-00124562 So I think I can just take a few minutes to talk more broadly about my role and WTf6GAvwKgu-00290-00124562-00124798 my interest in open science. WTf6GAvwKgu-00291-00124798-00124986 So, again, I'm Lucy, WTf6GAvwKgu-00292-00124986-00125416 I'm a young investigator at the Allen Institute for AI. WTf6GAvwKgu-00293-00125416-00125851 Which is a nonprofit research center based in Seattle, Washington, WTf6GAvwKgu-00294-00125851-00126052 founded by the late Paul Allen. WTf6GAvwKgu-00295-00126052-00126886 The mission of the Institute is sort of to apply AI to various aspects of research. WTf6GAvwKgu-00296-00126886-00127495 And especially to support researchers by releasing a lot of open source tools and WTf6GAvwKgu-00297-00127495-00128077 methods from things like computer vision to natural language processing and WTf6GAvwKgu-00298-00128077-00128212 data resources. WTf6GAvwKgu-00299-00128212-00128683 So specifically, I work on the semantic scholar team within AI two, WTf6GAvwKgu-00300-00128683-00128936 which is what we call our institute. WTf6GAvwKgu-00301-00128936-00129435 And the semantic scholar is kind of like a publicly available literature search WTf6GAvwKgu-00302-00129435-00129496 engine. WTf6GAvwKgu-00303-00129496-00130083 So it attempts to make scientific literature more discoverable for WTf6GAvwKgu-00304-00130083-00130745 users for For people who are interested in learning more about the subject. WTf6GAvwKgu-00305-00130745-00131168 We work with publishers and other community groups to gather that data and WTf6GAvwKgu-00306-00131168-00131326 kind of make it available. WTf6GAvwKgu-00307-00131326-00131802 So, the thing that I care about here is making sure that open access WTf6GAvwKgu-00308-00131802-00132262 materials In the scientific literature are widely available so WTf6GAvwKgu-00309-00132262-00132680 that people can conduct research using these materials. WTf6GAvwKgu-00310-00132680-00132938 So not all papers are open access. WTf6GAvwKgu-00311-00132938-00133280 I think a lot of us have are privileged to work in universities or WTf6GAvwKgu-00312-00133280-00133573 other systems that have lots of subscriptions to it. WTf6GAvwKgu-00313-00133573-00133817 Journals, but not all of us do. WTf6GAvwKgu-00314-00133817-00134147 So, there are many out there who are kind of limited in WTf6GAvwKgu-00315-00134147-00134442 the research that is kind of available to them. WTf6GAvwKgu-00316-00134442-00134874 Even though a lot of this research is funded through, like public or WTf6GAvwKgu-00317-00134874-00135034 governmental funding. WTf6GAvwKgu-00318-00135034-00135598 So, kind of in this, in the span of trying to make open access materials, WTf6GAvwKgu-00319-00135598-00136171 more available, I think we I talked briefly about this in my earlier talk, WTf6GAvwKgu-00320-00136171-00136592 but stork is one of the projects that we've released. WTf6GAvwKgu-00321-00136592-00137049 That's the soaps mantic stellar, open research Corpus, WTf6GAvwKgu-00322-00137049-00137553 where we make, 12.5 million open access papers readily WTf6GAvwKgu-00323-00137553-00138085 available to the public in a structured and machine-readable way. WTf6GAvwKgu-00324-00138085-00138550 And coordinating team is a kind of a particular use case last chord 19 is WTf6GAvwKgu-00325-00138550-00139046 the COVID-19 open research dataset which we released earlier this year, WTf6GAvwKgu-00326-00139046-00139247 which I talked about earlier. WTf6GAvwKgu-00327-00139247-00139713 So maybe quickly I can discuss some of our learnings from releasing WTf6GAvwKgu-00328-00139713-00139880 the core 19 dataset. WTf6GAvwKgu-00329-00139880-00140325 And kind of some of the ways that maybe we would do things differently if we WTf6GAvwKgu-00330-00140325-00140508 had a chance to do this again. WTf6GAvwKgu-00331-00140508-00140995 So for a little bit of background We were asked to release the 419 WTf6GAvwKgu-00332-00140995-00141510 data sets by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. WTf6GAvwKgu-00333-00141510-00141881 And we were given only six days to turn out the first version of the data set. WTf6GAvwKgu-00334-00141881-00142160 So in some ways We released this open data set, but WTf6GAvwKgu-00335-00142160-00142606 there were lots of things that were maybe wrong with the earlier versions that we WTf6GAvwKgu-00336-00142606-00142827 had to kind of incrementally correct. WTf6GAvwKgu-00337-00142827-00143106 But all of that is now in the data record, right? WTf6GAvwKgu-00338-00143106-00143671 Like people have used versions of this dataset that have these issues. WTf6GAvwKgu-00339-00143671-00144181 So I guess one thing that definitely can't emphasize enough, but WTf6GAvwKgu-00340-00144181-00144759 when releasing data and systems, it's really important to. WTf6GAvwKgu-00341-00144759-00145019 Maybe document as early as possible. WTf6GAvwKgu-00342-00145019-00145447 And at the very beginning we tried to build a community around the data set WTf6GAvwKgu-00343-00145447-00145939 using something, it's an open source tool called Discourse, which is a forum and WTf6GAvwKgu-00344-00145939-00146403 chat tool which connects people who are maybe interested in working on the same WTf6GAvwKgu-00345-00146403-00146525 problems. WTf6GAvwKgu-00346-00146525-00146883 And if they're, for example, annotating the data, WTf6GAvwKgu-00347-00146883-00147339 they can share those annotations and try to reduce effort. WTf6GAvwKgu-00348-00147339-00147708 So this course worked fairly well at the beginning when there was tons WTf6GAvwKgu-00349-00147708-00147876 of energy around CORD-19. WTf6GAvwKgu-00350-00147876-00148073 But over time people kind of, WTf6GAvwKgu-00351-00148073-00148493 there were questions that were being answered in Discourse but WTf6GAvwKgu-00352-00148493-00149061 weren't super discoverable on the data set release page and things like that. WTf6GAvwKgu-00353-00149061-00149565 So there's a lot of documentation that we ended up having to distribute WTf6GAvwKgu-00354-00149565-00150088 many times through many channels and not in a very centralized location. WTf6GAvwKgu-00355-00150088-00150288 So it's very, very important to do that. WTf6GAvwKgu-00356-00150288-00150615 And for a lot of the systems using CORD-19 and WTf6GAvwKgu-00357-00150615-00151113 other similar datasets, they actually post process the data a lot, but WTf6GAvwKgu-00358-00151113-00151644 it's very hard to find this information on the sites of these systems. WTf6GAvwKgu-00359-00151644-00152052 So this leads to the problem of poor reproducibility. WTf6GAvwKgu-00360-00152052-00152528 Someone can come along and not really know what you did with the data or WTf6GAvwKgu-00361-00152528-00152900 how a system maybe arrives at an answer to a question. WTf6GAvwKgu-00362-00153017-00153457 So that information is really important to surface as well. WTf6GAvwKgu-00363-00153457-00153853 And then the other thing that maybe the last thing we can talk about here before WTf6GAvwKgu-00364-00153853-00153971 turning it over Ross. WTf6GAvwKgu-00365-00154132-00154641 Earlier in session three I think Enron mentioned some issues around WTf6GAvwKgu-00366-00154641-00155286 licensing of these data sets, so bringing this back to open access considerations. WTf6GAvwKgu-00367-00155286-00155745 So something that we really had to think hard about for WTf6GAvwKgu-00368-00155745-00156347 CORD-19 is making sure that we provide appropriate provenance and WTf6GAvwKgu-00369-00156347-00156931 licensing information for the documents in this data set. WTf6GAvwKgu-00370-00156931-00157424 So the data set was originally supposed to only release, we're essentially trying to WTf6GAvwKgu-00371-00157424-00157764 release the full text information for open access papers. WTf6GAvwKgu-00372-00157868-00158076 But this information can be a little bit unclear. WTf6GAvwKgu-00373-00158076-00158463 So for example, there can be a pre-print of the paper that's subsequently published WTf6GAvwKgu-00374-00158463-00158640 in a non-open access journal. WTf6GAvwKgu-00375-00158640-00159114 So we really wanna choose the version of the paper that provides maybe WTf6GAvwKgu-00376-00159114-00159353 the most open access rights to it. WTf6GAvwKgu-00377-00159564-00159986 And so this was a bit of a challenge in creating the data set as well. WTf6GAvwKgu-00378-00159986-00160468 And licensing is very hard, something I worry about a lot that's been happening WTf6GAvwKgu-00379-00160468-00160887 lately is the proliferation of these non-creative commons licenses WTf6GAvwKgu-00380-00160887-00161357 in the scientific literature for CORD-19, for COVID-19 literature. WTf6GAvwKgu-00381-00161357-00161867 And I think maybe there are things that we could do in this space WTf6GAvwKgu-00382-00161867-00162418 to prevent that from being kind of the common thing going forward. WTf6GAvwKgu-00383-00162710-00163017 >> [INAUDIBLE] >> Thanks Lucy. WTf6GAvwKgu-00384-00163017-00163502 Ross, I heard a few things said there that sound like they WTf6GAvwKgu-00385-00163502-00163908 might sort of ring true with you guys too. WTf6GAvwKgu-00386-00163908-00164420 >> Yeah, especially, yeah totally, especially as it pertains to licensing. WTf6GAvwKgu-00387-00164420-00164916 I'm one of the, I think I'm the only one on this panel whose coming from WTf6GAvwKgu-00388-00164916-00165286 the commercial side of the house as we speak. WTf6GAvwKgu-00389-00165286-00165652 I actually found some slides that I can walk through also. WTf6GAvwKgu-00390-00165652-00165963 So we can we can jump into a few slide things too. WTf6GAvwKgu-00391-00165963-00166437 I'm not normally much of a slide guy, but let's throw it together anyways. WTf6GAvwKgu-00392-00166437-00166902 So let me give some context just for my background to start. WTf6GAvwKgu-00393-00166902-00167311 So my name is Ross Epstein, I'm the Chief of Staff at a company called SafeGraph. WTf6GAvwKgu-00394-00167311-00167807 And we've spent, and I have spent a disproportion amount of time WTf6GAvwKgu-00395-00167807-00168186 since March giving away as much data as possible, WTf6GAvwKgu-00396-00168186-00168576 which has been very fun and also very challenging. WTf6GAvwKgu-00397-00168576-00168896 And giving it away as many academics as possible, which has been great. WTf6GAvwKgu-00398-00168896-00169360 And hopefully this will be fun and you guys can tell me what we've done right and WTf6GAvwKgu-00399-00169360-00169566 wrong, and a bunch of good stuff. WTf6GAvwKgu-00400-00169566-00169978 So let me just give some background on SafeGraph just to start. WTf6GAvwKgu-00401-00169978-00170526 SafeGraph is just data company, so all we do is we provide data sets about places. WTf6GAvwKgu-00402-00170526-00170898 The joke I like to make is all we do is we sell expensive CSV files, that's it. WTf6GAvwKgu-00403-00170898-00171138 We don't build applications, we don't build models. WTf6GAvwKgu-00404-00171138-00171299 We like to say that we power the innovators. WTf6GAvwKgu-00405-00171299-00171710 So when we talk about access to the academic community as well as access WTf6GAvwKgu-00406-00171710-00172121 to anybody who is working to fight against, working to do research for WTf6GAvwKgu-00407-00172121-00172321 COVID based purposes, right. WTf6GAvwKgu-00408-00172321-00173004 This rung true to the ethos that that is SafeGraph. WTf6GAvwKgu-00409-00173004-00173358 The products, again, focused around places, they funnel themselves into three WTf6GAvwKgu-00410-00173358-00173691 core data sets, we've got a list of points of interest in the United States and WTf6GAvwKgu-00411-00173691-00174026 some in Canada where consumers can spend money or they can spend time. WTf6GAvwKgu-00412-00174026-00174281 So things like the park, the hospital, the pizza shop, WTf6GAvwKgu-00413-00174281-00174512 the Starbucks are all sorts of points of interest. WTf6GAvwKgu-00414-00174512-00174950 Then we use geometry, so we build a polygon for the building footprint. WTf6GAvwKgu-00415-00174950-00175377 And we take what is the largest commercially available panel of mobile WTf6GAvwKgu-00416-00175377-00175935 devices, and we use anonymized GPS pings to aggregate that to foot traffic data. WTf6GAvwKgu-00417-00175935-00176389 So as you can imagine, aggregated foot traffic data to points of WTf6GAvwKgu-00418-00176389-00176843 interest in the time of COVID is an exceptionally useful tool for WTf6GAvwKgu-00419-00176843-00177122 people to help for research purposes. WTf6GAvwKgu-00420-00177234-00177842 And so historically we'd always had an academic program where it was very small, WTf6GAvwKgu-00421-00177842-00178382 like if folks would come over and ask for access we would happily give it. WTf6GAvwKgu-00422-00178382-00178655 But it wasn't something that we were pushing or promoting in any way, WTf6GAvwKgu-00423-00178655-00178726 shape, or form. WTf6GAvwKgu-00424-00178726-00178970 We thought it was good for the ecosystem, and WTf6GAvwKgu-00425-00178970-00179322 then realized that if we're gonna do it we might as well do it. WTf6GAvwKgu-00426-00179322-00179835 So we spun up what at the time we called the COVID-19 Data Consortium WTf6GAvwKgu-00427-00179835-00180254 were we actually, of course SafeGraph was promoting and WTf6GAvwKgu-00428-00180254-00180734 giving away our data sets for any of these research purposes. WTf6GAvwKgu-00429-00180734-00181203 But we were actually doing a lot of the hard work to work with other partners and WTf6GAvwKgu-00430-00181203-00181637 other commercial level data set providers to bring their data sets in so WTf6GAvwKgu-00431-00181637-00181934 that there was sorta one centralized repo to do, WTf6GAvwKgu-00432-00181934-00182383 of course not one centralized repo but a semi-centralized repo. WTf6GAvwKgu-00433-00182383-00182752 Where there were multiple different data sets that could be used for WTf6GAvwKgu-00434-00182752-00182869 research purposes. WTf6GAvwKgu-00435-00182869-00183406 So these existed across real estate data, credit card transaction and WTf6GAvwKgu-00436-00183406-00183870 debit card transaction data, things like payroll data. WTf6GAvwKgu-00437-00183870-00184153 So a bunch of really interesting data sets that could be used for WTf6GAvwKgu-00438-00184153-00184397 a myriad of different research purposes. WTf6GAvwKgu-00439-00184397-00184811 And then of course more than just data was actually providing, and WTf6GAvwKgu-00440-00184811-00185277 I think many of you on this panel know this, but data isn't the only thing, WTf6GAvwKgu-00441-00185277-00185611 it's also the community that's part of it, right. WTf6GAvwKgu-00442-00185611-00186022 And making sure that you're not just providing data out into the ether so that, WTf6GAvwKgu-00443-00186022-00186372 right, you need to make sure that there's documentation with it, WTf6GAvwKgu-00444-00186372-00186752 that there's support with it, that you're providing the resources and WTf6GAvwKgu-00445-00186752-00187221 the utilities so that folks can actually do interesting things with that data. WTf6GAvwKgu-00446-00187221-00187594 It's more than just, and yes, good documentation is the start to that. WTf6GAvwKgu-00447-00187594-00187965 But we wish it was, I think all of us wish that just good documentation would be WTf6GAvwKgu-00448-00187965-00188178 enough to answer everybody's questions. WTf6GAvwKgu-00449-00188178-00188595 It's around how do you make sure that when people are coming with questions, WTf6GAvwKgu-00450-00188595-00188767 you can ask them. WTf6GAvwKgu-00451-00188767-00189237 So that actually followed into, I'm laughing now, but WTf6GAvwKgu-00452-00189237-00189582 it's funneled into a slack group. WTf6GAvwKgu-00453-00189582-00190047 And so we have now up to 5600 individual researchers who WTf6GAvwKgu-00454-00190047-00190472 are all sitting in this like slack group together. WTf6GAvwKgu-00455-00190472-00190960 And Shawn, I'm joking because we've got a quote from you down there WTf6GAvwKgu-00456-00190960-00191299 at the bottom left on this deck for some reason. WTf6GAvwKgu-00457-00191299-00191738 But it's a great community of organizations and WTf6GAvwKgu-00458-00191738-00192519 individuals who are working together to do a bunch of research as part of this. WTf6GAvwKgu-00459-00192519-00192764 These are just some of the partners that we've gone ahead and WTf6GAvwKgu-00460-00192764-00192857 been able to bring in. WTf6GAvwKgu-00461-00192857-00193328 So Everything from other data providers to technology providers, so that you can, WTf6GAvwKgu-00462-00193328-00193661 if you needed to throw all of your stuff into a data bricks notebook. WTf6GAvwKgu-00463-00193661-00193985 You really have the ability to do that quickly, and WTf6GAvwKgu-00464-00193985-00194400 with some amount of free credits, so that you could compute, and WTf6GAvwKgu-00465-00194400-00194704 you had the compute resources if you needed to. WTf6GAvwKgu-00466-00194805-00195117 And what's awesome is that we've seen a huge amount of content come out of WTf6GAvwKgu-00467-00195117-00195184 this, right? WTf6GAvwKgu-00468-00195184-00195747 On the order of something like a hundred academic research papers come out, WTf6GAvwKgu-00469-00195747-00196011 with some attribution to or WTf6GAvwKgu-00470-00196011-00196515 the other sort of data providers that were part of this consortium. WTf6GAvwKgu-00471-00196515-00196999 So, I speak to this from a very operational basis, less of an academic and WTf6GAvwKgu-00472-00196999-00197146 research focus. WTf6GAvwKgu-00473-00197146-00197433 But it was really great. WTf6GAvwKgu-00474-00197433-00197863 Beyond just academia, there was a whole lot of public sector based work that's WTf6GAvwKgu-00475-00197863-00198054 going on in the consortium. WTf6GAvwKgu-00476-00198054-00198617 Everything from the Federal Government agencies in which you would know, WTf6GAvwKgu-00477-00198617-00199100 down to the local municipal governments and counties who need to WTf6GAvwKgu-00478-00199100-00199584 understand hey, if I'm how are my constituents in my community WTf6GAvwKgu-00479-00199584-00200115 members listening to things like social distancing measures. WTf6GAvwKgu-00480-00200115-00200536 And are they going out into their local economies, and are they spending money, WTf6GAvwKgu-00481-00200536-00200774 and are they visiting these types of things? WTf6GAvwKgu-00482-00200774-00200989 And are we seeing too many people at the park? WTf6GAvwKgu-00483-00200989-00201487 These types of really interesting insights that can come about just from a local and WTf6GAvwKgu-00484-00201487-00201638 community level. WTf6GAvwKgu-00485-00201638-00202195 That's all that I've got from a content based perspective, but yeah, let me know WTf6GAvwKgu-00486-00202195-00202762 if you, I think Sean, you're gonna open it up to questions maybe now, but, yeah. WTf6GAvwKgu-00487-00202762-00203050 >> Alright, lots of different perspectives. WTf6GAvwKgu-00488-00203050-00203578 We could talk about any one of those points, for probably a couple hours each. WTf6GAvwKgu-00489-00203578-00204101 We do have a question, that comes from one of our panelists actually, WTf6GAvwKgu-00490-00204101-00204497 about, and I'm gonna paraphrase a little bit. WTf6GAvwKgu-00491-00204497-00204831 Alison's interested in the status of preprints and the quality of them and WTf6GAvwKgu-00492-00204831-00205034 the data associated with them. WTf6GAvwKgu-00493-00205034-00205579 So, I'm gonna twist that a little bit to say, how do you in various communities WTf6GAvwKgu-00494-00205579-00206148 that are data intensive, where you're trying to provide data per you reuse? WTf6GAvwKgu-00495-00206148-00206506 How do you monitor, and catalog, and use that to change, WTf6GAvwKgu-00496-00206506-00206814 how you're approaching your community? WTf6GAvwKgu-00497-00206814-00207496 How do you monitor the research output the output from those communities, and I guess WTf6GAvwKgu-00498-00207496-00208141 each, at least three of you have something probably to offer on that topic, so. WTf6GAvwKgu-00499-00208651-00208912 Rob, you talked about it a little bit already. WTf6GAvwKgu-00500-00208912-00209401 >> Yeah, so I'll talk with, I'll tackle a couple of things there. WTf6GAvwKgu-00501-00209401-00209839 One is, we had made a, and this was an interesting sort of tactic, but WTf6GAvwKgu-00502-00209839-00210321 we had made a decision that we wanted to actually, of course when you've done WTf6GAvwKgu-00503-00210321-00210769 all this hard work for a paper you wanna evangelize it and market it off. WTf6GAvwKgu-00504-00210769-00211231 So we actually offered up how our sort of internal marketing and WTf6GAvwKgu-00505-00211231-00211553 PR groups would help amplify the coverage, WTf6GAvwKgu-00506-00211553-00211946 of which they may want to push something out, right. WTf6GAvwKgu-00507-00211946-00212535 And so, of course, it's hard to continuously promote this type of stuff, WTf6GAvwKgu-00508-00212535-00212997 but especially when it was between April and June, right. WTf6GAvwKgu-00509-00212997-00213484 We had a whole lot of press based, like major first tier press publications who WTf6GAvwKgu-00510-00213484-00213925 were coming to us from or asking hey, what are the interesting data? WTf6GAvwKgu-00511-00213925-00214013 What do we see? WTf6GAvwKgu-00512-00214013-00214187 What are we actually seeing out there? WTf6GAvwKgu-00513-00214187-00214273 And instead of, WTf6GAvwKgu-00514-00214273-00214780 we really like as safe graph as the entity safe graph who's creating these datasets? WTf6GAvwKgu-00515-00214780-00215107 We didn't have answers right, we create datasets, but ultimately, WTf6GAvwKgu-00516-00215107-00215363 all the academic community in the research community, WTf6GAvwKgu-00517-00215363-00215660 were the ones who were actually deriving insights as part of it. WTf6GAvwKgu-00518-00215660-00215986 So actually all we were doing, we were middle manning and WTf6GAvwKgu-00519-00215986-00216341 making introductions to major tier one press publications. WTf6GAvwKgu-00520-00216341-00216616 The New York Times, the Washington Post. WTf6GAvwKgu-00521-00216616-00216761 All these organizations, WTf6GAvwKgu-00522-00216761-00217171 the Wall Street Journal will coming to safe graph in the movie, just say hey, WTf6GAvwKgu-00523-00217171-00217606 talk to the academic community, talk to this person who had a really great paper, WTf6GAvwKgu-00524-00217606-00217942 about political partisanship and social distancing. WTf6GAvwKgu-00525-00217942-00218564 Right, and how that might and of course, that's a very sort of buzzworthy and WTf6GAvwKgu-00526-00218564-00218961 clickable sort of something for the media, but. WTf6GAvwKgu-00527-00218961-00219348 It was a really great way to make sure that people were promoting their work and WTf6GAvwKgu-00528-00219348-00219723 their preprints early on, because they could get very quick feedback from WTf6GAvwKgu-00529-00219723-00220065 the market, from the press, from a lot of these different things. WTf6GAvwKgu-00530-00220065-00220341 It was a different tactic than I think. WTf6GAvwKgu-00531-00220341-00220727 Then what some of the more academic communities might and WTf6GAvwKgu-00532-00220727-00221217 what you guys might think about, when it comes to pre pet bass feedback, WTf6GAvwKgu-00533-00221217-00221692 but that was one of the things that we found semi interesting for us. WTf6GAvwKgu-00534-00221692-00221942 >> Is it okay if I chime in here? WTf6GAvwKgu-00535-00221942-00222330 So, maybe, I think that's a really great point Rose, WTf6GAvwKgu-00536-00222330-00222835 maybe I can speak to the opposite direction of coming from academia, and WTf6GAvwKgu-00537-00222835-00223473 seeing these preprints proliferate, especially in the current COVID epidemic. WTf6GAvwKgu-00538-00223473-00224173 And, maybe wanting to push back a bit against the amount of certain like, WTf6GAvwKgu-00539-00224173-00224930 press coverage that is placed on these arguably unfinished unreviewed works. WTf6GAvwKgu-00540-00224930-00225364 So pre press like, I think preprints are a complicated matter because they are also WTf6GAvwKgu-00541-00225364-00225719 very different depending on what field you're used to working in. WTf6GAvwKgu-00542-00225719-00226021 So, I can speak about computer science and biology, WTf6GAvwKgu-00543-00226021-00226502 biomedical domain because those are the ones I'm more familiar with. WTf6GAvwKgu-00544-00226502-00226960 In computer science, preprints have been established for a very long time, and WTf6GAvwKgu-00545-00226960-00227426 they are generally are considered slightly higher quality, because people tend WTf6GAvwKgu-00546-00227426-00227875 to read them and immediately build on top of the work that's in them. WTf6GAvwKgu-00547-00227875-00228404 I'd say in biomedicine, preprints are relatively newer, which doesn't WTf6GAvwKgu-00548-00228404-00229077 necessarily have direct implications, just because they're less common to use now. WTf6GAvwKgu-00549-00229077-00229496 But the work that's being published in places are released in WTf6GAvwKgu-00550-00229496-00229779 places like bio archive and med archive, WTf6GAvwKgu-00551-00229779-00230223 do tend to be more unfinished work, and they are not reviewed. WTf6GAvwKgu-00552-00230223-00230717 And although they are being included in datasets like COVID-19, WTf6GAvwKgu-00553-00230717-00231119 or probably like safe in incorporate into safer graph. WTf6GAvwKgu-00554-00231119-00231698 There's a sense that they haven't been subject to the rigors of peer review, WTf6GAvwKgu-00555-00231698-00232041 to make sure that the methods are reasonable, WTf6GAvwKgu-00556-00232041-00232641 that the results are reasonable based on whatever methods were applied. WTf6GAvwKgu-00557-00232641-00232905 And it's been somewhat problematic. WTf6GAvwKgu-00558-00232905-00233425 I've seen a number of articles published based WTf6GAvwKgu-00559-00233425-00233944 on preprint results that maybe ended up being, WTf6GAvwKgu-00560-00233944-00234361 not like shown to be not quite as like. WTf6GAvwKgu-00561-00234574-00235029 Not quite as strong, or didn't really hold off when expanded to a larger data set or WTf6GAvwKgu-00562-00235029-00235231 something like that. WTf6GAvwKgu-00563-00235231-00235430 So this is definitely a problem. WTf6GAvwKgu-00564-00235430-00235907 And another problem related to preprints that we're still trying to address is, WTf6GAvwKgu-00565-00235907-00236371 how to link preprints with an ultimately published version of the paper. WTf6GAvwKgu-00566-00236371-00236861 So like not all preprints reached that point in life of becoming peer reviewed WTf6GAvwKgu-00567-00236861-00237381 and published, but many do, like for many like a pre French is working progress. WTf6GAvwKgu-00568-00237381-00237710 So that's also somewhat challenging, WTf6GAvwKgu-00569-00237710-00238289 when you have multiple versions of essentially the same publication, WTf6GAvwKgu-00570-00238289-00238928 some of which are altered a lot before they reach their final, ultimate form. WTf6GAvwKgu-00571-00239259-00239529 >> Just just put a note in that we have Richard Seaver, WTf6GAvwKgu-00572-00239529-00239935 the co founder of bio archive and met archive speaking tomorrow. WTf6GAvwKgu-00573-00239935-00240379 So, show up and hear hear his two cents worth as well. WTf6GAvwKgu-00574-00240379-00240609 Sorry, go ahead do it. WTf6GAvwKgu-00575-00240609-00240840 >> Maybe I could just throw in a couple of points. WTf6GAvwKgu-00576-00240840-00241326 Firstly, I have shown the data screen from dimensions. WTf6GAvwKgu-00577-00241326-00241861 Which was aggregating all the publications on COVID-19 and WTf6GAvwKgu-00578-00241861-00242235 just from very crude arithmetic on my part, WTf6GAvwKgu-00579-00242235-00242728 tens of thousands of those papers are preprint. WTf6GAvwKgu-00580-00242728-00243328 And I think that illustrates the positive and the negative, WTf6GAvwKgu-00581-00243328-00244094 undoubtedly peer review is an important part of scientific communication. WTf6GAvwKgu-00582-00244228-00244692 And there is an element of trust between authors, editors, WTf6GAvwKgu-00583-00244692-00245111 reviewers and readers that peer review brings about. WTf6GAvwKgu-00584-00245111-00245748 On the other hand, preprints I think have really flourished during the pandemic. WTf6GAvwKgu-00585-00245748-00246306 Because the mechanism through which researchers are able to disseminate WTf6GAvwKgu-00586-00246306-00246847 their research, their findings their data quickly and excessively. WTf6GAvwKgu-00587-00246847-00247318 To allow others to build upon that apparently work to foster WTf6GAvwKgu-00588-00247318-00247895 collaborations and communities sticking with the theme of this panel. WTf6GAvwKgu-00589-00247895-00248400 And, I think that as long as there's a clear health warning that WTf6GAvwKgu-00590-00248400-00249093 these preprints have been released without peer review without editorial scrutiny and WTf6GAvwKgu-00591-00249093-00249516 acceptance that some findings might be unreliable. WTf6GAvwKgu-00592-00249516-00249895 And potentially dangerous for public health, WTf6GAvwKgu-00593-00249895-00250397 then the scientific community, I think has the opportunity to WTf6GAvwKgu-00594-00250397-00250921 treat preprints as an important part of the move to open science. WTf6GAvwKgu-00595-00250921-00251446 And perhaps to think about how open science can be built upon in a world WTf6GAvwKgu-00596-00251446-00252091 where observations are being shared in real time during the experimental process. WTf6GAvwKgu-00597-00252091-00252544 Never mind written up as a preprint before peer review, and WTf6GAvwKgu-00598-00252544-00253035 perhaps all of that ties together to say that the pandemic has had WTf6GAvwKgu-00599-00253035-00253592 a very positive effect on collaborative research on a global scale. WTf6GAvwKgu-00600-00253592-00253892 We're seeing institutions collaborate, WTf6GAvwKgu-00601-00253892-00254267 that have never worked together in the past. WTf6GAvwKgu-00602-00254267-00254558 The rapid publication of ideas and WTf6GAvwKgu-00603-00254558-00255039 findings supports not only the scientific community but WTf6GAvwKgu-00604-00255039-00255572 the public interests, recognition of research at this time. WTf6GAvwKgu-00605-00255572-00256117 But coming back full circle sure there's no easy answer. WTf6GAvwKgu-00606-00256117-00256681 And all of that has certainly led to some high profile retractions. WTf6GAvwKgu-00607-00256821-00257292 Those of us who have been in the scientific communication business for WTf6GAvwKgu-00608-00257292-00257938 a long time recognize that, retractions are part of scientific communication. WTf6GAvwKgu-00609-00257938-00258405 So I think it really is about accepting and WTf6GAvwKgu-00610-00258405-00259126 encouraging that preprint sharing but treating with caution. WTf6GAvwKgu-00611-00259126-00259858 So I got through this whole danger of thinking out loud. WTf6GAvwKgu-00612-00259858-00260082 >> I mean, arguably like it's much healthier for WTf6GAvwKgu-00613-00260082-00260546 the community to have a conversation about a preprint discovered that is problematic. WTf6GAvwKgu-00614-00260546-00260997 And have that like have the authors modify the methods or WTf6GAvwKgu-00615-00260997-00261564 the results before publication rather than encouraging that these. WTf6GAvwKgu-00616-00261564-00262057 Not all published papers I can many ultimately end up being naughty. WTf6GAvwKgu-00617-00262580-00262773 >> Gonna say something Sean? WTf6GAvwKgu-00618-00262773-00263221 >> I was gonna say, Alison, I actually have a question aimed at you. WTf6GAvwKgu-00619-00263382-00263617 Maybe you can ask and then you can finish it. WTf6GAvwKgu-00620-00263617-00264054 I think we're gonna end up finishing up about now but WTf6GAvwKgu-00621-00264054-00264719 I mean in terms of last question, so the last question was related to the need for WTf6GAvwKgu-00622-00264719-00265257 sustainability in an era where data sharing remains constant. WTf6GAvwKgu-00623-00265257-00265903 But data consumption seems to be growing, almost exponentially. WTf6GAvwKgu-00624-00265903-00266459 And for someone who's been working in the field of data sharing for 20 plus years, WTf6GAvwKgu-00625-00266459-00266993 I'd be curious to hear what your thoughts are on data sharing sustainability and WTf6GAvwKgu-00626-00266993-00267128 data consumption. WTf6GAvwKgu-00627-00267434-00267983 >> Yes, I'm trying to compose a quick answer. WTf6GAvwKgu-00628-00267983-00268403 I have no great face in sustainability and WTf6GAvwKgu-00629-00268403-00269135 we've been experiencing history of people setting up repositories and WTf6GAvwKgu-00630-00269135-00269700 they're not being for example and to share their data. WTf6GAvwKgu-00631-00269700-00270483 Because their community was totally different or some other reason. WTf6GAvwKgu-00632-00270483-00270963 But hearing from some of the people involved in the core trust seal for WTf6GAvwKgu-00633-00270963-00271509 example, the lifespan of even the best repositories is often very limited and WTf6GAvwKgu-00634-00271509-00271924 I was interested in the previous discussion. WTf6GAvwKgu-00635-00271924-00272483 There is a lot of reliance in this open data world on the salary WTf6GAvwKgu-00636-00272483-00273142 researchers who are able to have the freedom to share their thoughts and WTf6GAvwKgu-00637-00273142-00273721 share their data and I think that's quite fragile. WTf6GAvwKgu-00638-00273721-00274080 And it needs concerted effort to maintain yourself. WTf6GAvwKgu-00639-00274080-00274715 I mean, I've got a sweet special issue of a journal that WTf6GAvwKgu-00640-00274715-00275242 referred to the portioned work of 300 and so WTf6GAvwKgu-00641-00275242-00275876 people, and that website has been taken down. WTf6GAvwKgu-00642-00275876-00276296 I've served up data on farm-forestry, consortium and WTf6GAvwKgu-00643-00276296-00276803 collaboration for the carbon credits back in the 90s in the 20s, WTf6GAvwKgu-00644-00276803-00277243 and the university libraries, tourism left took it down. WTf6GAvwKgu-00645-00277373-00277826 So I think it's great what I hear I'd be interested about COVID WTf6GAvwKgu-00646-00277826-00278289 how much that ripple effect goes beyond the medical community. WTf6GAvwKgu-00647-00278289-00278497 I'll be interested in how I mean, WTf6GAvwKgu-00648-00278497-00278866 this used to happen in conferences to some extent. WTf6GAvwKgu-00649-00278866-00279402 COVID has helped that but for all researchers, it's lots of exchanges WTf6GAvwKgu-00650-00279402-00280030 occurring remotely without large fees to attend a conference, it's wonderful. WTf6GAvwKgu-00651-00280235-00280733 And so maybe that will continue but yeah, I just, I do think there WTf6GAvwKgu-00652-00280733-00281241 needs to be a real effort to understand that the infrastructure and WTf6GAvwKgu-00653-00281241-00281633 the processes behind this do need active support. WTf6GAvwKgu-00654-00281797-00281886 That's a reasonable. WTf6GAvwKgu-00655-00281886-00282388 >> I think it's pretty reasonable, and very honest, WTf6GAvwKgu-00656-00282388-00282498 >> [LAUGH] WTf6GAvwKgu-00657-00282498-00282562 >> And yeah, WTf6GAvwKgu-00658-00282562-00282812 anybody else have anything to add there? WTf6GAvwKgu-00659-00283064-00283575 >> Well, I was gonna ask, so as I probably that as WTf6GAvwKgu-00660-00283575-00284194 one of a newer entrant into this community aspect to it. WTf6GAvwKgu-00661-00284194-00284758 I understand that that thing and your concerns very directly, WTf6GAvwKgu-00662-00284758-00285124 because it's hard to maintain. WTf6GAvwKgu-00663-00285124-00285691 How do you suggest when some commercial organization realizes that, hey, well we WTf6GAvwKgu-00664-00285691-00286293 have an asset that we want to give to the broader good in some way, shape or form. WTf6GAvwKgu-00665-00286293-00286813 And we'll tie two of our topics together around licensing that Lucy was talking WTf6GAvwKgu-00666-00286813-00287358 about where there are license restrictions and when you have a business around it. WTf6GAvwKgu-00667-00287358-00287681 How do you suggest moving exceptionally fast and WTf6GAvwKgu-00668-00287681-00288045 being able to get this out as fast as possible? WTf6GAvwKgu-00669-00288045-00288531 To working with the other operational based infrastructure that might WTf6GAvwKgu-00670-00288531-00288945 exist currently and the ecosystems that are there, right. WTf6GAvwKgu-00671-00288945-00289418 What might you suggest to a new entrant? WTf6GAvwKgu-00672-00289418-00289638 So, thanks for that question. WTf6GAvwKgu-00673-00289638-00290127 I think the one of the advantages and the kickoff of COVID I've WTf6GAvwKgu-00674-00290127-00290606 just mentioned is that it has opened up in many ways, a way for WTf6GAvwKgu-00675-00290606-00291012 many more people to participate and collaborate. WTf6GAvwKgu-00676-00291012-00291516 And you could quite happily use that collaboration that may be more WTf6GAvwKgu-00677-00291516-00292012 be virtual to speed up and to create a new evaluation procedure. WTf6GAvwKgu-00678-00292012-00292593 We mentioned cases mentioned the kind of the totally imperfect WTf6GAvwKgu-00679-00292593-00293319 review process that the journalists have been trying laboriously to employ. WTf6GAvwKgu-00680-00293319-00293822 And reviewers are increasingly have to find the idea of the pre printed before WTf6GAvwKgu-00681-00293822-00294358 that, it was something else where you put something up and you've got comments. WTf6GAvwKgu-00682-00294358-00294646 Was to get comments that you've actually got to get those conflicts. WTf6GAvwKgu-00683-00294646-00295059 And under frequents, I've seen as an 18 months on up there at the moment that WTf6GAvwKgu-00684-00295059-00295423 I wanted to refer to personally, this has not had a single comment. WTf6GAvwKgu-00685-00295423-00295916 So you've got to create, get that community to pay attention to this and WTf6GAvwKgu-00686-00295916-00296434 to see it as a new a new way of trying to secure your research, and to speed up. WTf6GAvwKgu-00687-00296434-00296898 I think it should speed up the outcomes of some of the good and WTf6GAvwKgu-00688-00296898-00297463 to knock on the head some of the core of research and I think you can do it. WTf6GAvwKgu-00689-00297463-00298222 The difficulty will be governance of that because we all know in academia, WTf6GAvwKgu-00690-00298222-00298729 the cliques, the clubs that feed off each other. WTf6GAvwKgu-00691-00298729-00299179 And will reinforce their own line and so some governance and WTf6GAvwKgu-00692-00299179-00299418 thought needs to be involved. WTf6GAvwKgu-00693-00299418-00299815 But I think there is an opportunity for that. WTf6GAvwKgu-00694-00299815-00300173 I am concerned about people like us and the kingfisher and WTf6GAvwKgu-00695-00300173-00300628 various other wonderful things that have to be sustainable sometimes it WTf6GAvwKgu-00696-00300628-00300974 involves a big organization to come and gobble you up. WTf6GAvwKgu-00697-00300974-00301433 If your idea is that good, you'll retire a millionaire and go to the Bahamas. WTf6GAvwKgu-00698-00301433-00302006 But and maybe your work will continue because you had that great idea. WTf6GAvwKgu-00699-00302006-00302396 The analogy here is the microbrewing industry in Australia to take something WTf6GAvwKgu-00700-00302396-00302522 completely different. WTf6GAvwKgu-00701-00302648-00303226 Anheuser Busch or whatever it is we'll come and buy up the crash course. WTf6GAvwKgu-00702-00303226-00303722 And you know, it's only the rare one who has to live in a poor way that will WTf6GAvwKgu-00703-00303722-00303944 make their ideas sustainable. WTf6GAvwKgu-00704-00303944-00304521 But on the other hand, if you can make the big people adopt some of the practices and WTf6GAvwKgu-00705-00304521-00304832 learn, that can also be another part of it. WTf6GAvwKgu-00706-00304832-00305119 So there's two. WTf6GAvwKgu-00707-00305119-00305461 >> Maybe I could just jump in with the thoughts there. WTf6GAvwKgu-00708-00305572-00306056 You remind me, Allison of a project that I co-founded 15 years WTf6GAvwKgu-00709-00306056-00306559 ago as the Australian partnership on sustainable repositories and WTf6GAvwKgu-00710-00306559-00307061 Lords had to be careful not to collect retainable suppositories And WTf6GAvwKgu-00711-00307061-00307598 that was an error of recognition as we started to build institutional and WTf6GAvwKgu-00712-00307598-00307810 discipline repositories, WTf6GAvwKgu-00713-00307810-00308350 that it was pointless creating a bucket that we poured lots of stuff in. WTf6GAvwKgu-00714-00308350-00308835 Refuse to accept any sense of longterm response to the repositories and WTf6GAvwKgu-00715-00308835-00308969 resourcing. WTf6GAvwKgu-00716-00308969-00309120 And I think we still haven't cracked that one. WTf6GAvwKgu-00717-00309120-00309643 It's great for the research project to say, thou shalt share thy data. WTf6GAvwKgu-00718-00309643-00310137 But who's going to pay for that in 10 years time, in 50 years time? WTf6GAvwKgu-00719-00310137-00310439 Are we going to leave that to archive.org, WTf6GAvwKgu-00720-00310439-00310779 or are we going to have a giant up approach? WTf6GAvwKgu-00721-00310779-00311338 So I just wanted to mention that, I'm conscious of time, Shawn. WTf6GAvwKgu-00722-00311509-00311913 >> All right, I apologize to the panelists for WTf6GAvwKgu-00723-00311913-00312361 not allowing us to get it, did a lot of the meat and WTf6GAvwKgu-00724-00312361-00312967 to the audience for getting, scratching the surface here. WTf6GAvwKgu-00725-00312967-00313339 But I like to go ahead and kind of close the day. WTf6GAvwKgu-00726-00313339-00313472 Thank you to the panelists. WTf6GAvwKgu-00727-00313597-00314034 We have lots of communication means to reach out to the panelists WTf6GAvwKgu-00728-00314034-00314464 otherwise after this, and if you have trouble reaching them, WTf6GAvwKgu-00729-00314464-00314773 feel free to ping one of us, the organizers. WTf6GAvwKgu-00730-00314773-00315322 At this point, feel free to head over to gather town for the reception. WTf6GAvwKgu-00731-00315322-00315750 And then just a reminder that tomorrow we have the Open Science Symposium. WTf6GAvwKgu-00732-00315750-00316233 That instructions just came up in the chat. WTf6GAvwKgu-00733-00316233-00316465 So thank you all so much and take care. WTf6GAvwKgu-00734-00316465-00316727 [CROSSTALK] >> Thank you very much, she's good. WTf6GAvwKgu-00735-00316727-00316980 [CROSSTALK] Thank you >> Thank you thanks. WTf6GAvwKgu-00736-00316980-00317117 Good bye. WYIqd1RhkE8-00000-00001522-00001780 hello there I'm Tien and I'm a sound engineer WYIqd1RhkE8-00001-00001780-00002127 to all you filmmakers who plan recording your own sounds WYIqd1RhkE8-00002-00002127-00002468 probably because you don't have the budget to hire a proper sound engineer WYIqd1RhkE8-00003-00002468-00002998 you must know that the audio quality of your raw recordings has to be of acceptable standard WYIqd1RhkE8-00004-00002998-00003226 ??? ???, ??????! WYIqd1RhkE8-00005-00003226-00003864 Because there are certain audio glitches that not even the big studios with all the expensive tools can repair in post-production WYIqd1RhkE8-00006-00003864-00004160 ??? ???, ??????! WYIqd1RhkE8-00007-00004160-00004388 Dude, you gotta record this again. WYIqd1RhkE8-00009-00004476-00004656 So you better record it correctly on the spot WYIqd1RhkE8-00010-00004656-00004994 especially if say, your lead actor couldn't commit to a re-shoot. WYIqd1RhkE8-00011-00004994-00005356 This requires you to know some basic theory in audio recording WYIqd1RhkE8-00012-00005356-00005806 but since we're not doing complex setups such as recording an orchestra in surround sound format WYIqd1RhkE8-00013-00005806-00005998 I'll make this quick. WYIqd1RhkE8-00014-00006294-00006688 For the same reason you don't use a webcam to shoot your films WYIqd1RhkE8-00015-00006750-00007145 you should not rely on your camera's onboard mic to record the actual audio WYIqd1RhkE8-00016-00007145-00007504 It should at most be used to record the reference audio WYIqd1RhkE8-00017-00007504-00007776 you have to buy or rent a good microphone WYIqd1RhkE8-00018-00007776-00008296 and generally, the more expensive the mic, the more clean and clear you can expect the sound to be WYIqd1RhkE8-00019-00008352-00008616 some mics are built for recording voices in studios WYIqd1RhkE8-00020-00008617-00009128 some for recording drums, and no one microphone is good for every scenario WYIqd1RhkE8-00021-00009128-00009510 for on location recording, I recommend you a shotgun mic WYIqd1RhkE8-00022-00009634-00009886 or a wireless lavalier kit WYIqd1RhkE8-00023-00010062-00010186 Which is what I'm using right now WYIqd1RhkE8-00024-00010186-00010589 most professional grade mics use an XLR plug which fits into most WYIqd1RhkE8-00025-00010589-00010738 professional grade cameras WYIqd1RhkE8-00026-00010738-00011142 or into high-end consumer camcorders through a customized adapter WYIqd1RhkE8-00027-00011142-00011700 your camera has no mic inputs at all, you need to use a separate feild recorder to record your audio WYIqd1RhkE8-00028-00011822-00012049 still, to get good sound out of this expensive gear, WYIqd1RhkE8-00029-00012049-00012231 you've got to operate it properly WYIqd1RhkE8-00030-00012599-00012988 This is an overexposed picture. It was recorded too bright for the camera's WYIqd1RhkE8-00031-00012988-00013137 image sensor to handle WYIqd1RhkE8-00032-00013137-00013497 and darkening it in post production won't recover the lost details WYIqd1RhkE8-00033-00013497-00013772 on the other hand this this distorted audio. WYIqd1RhkE8-00034-00013772-00014040 ??? ???, ??????! WYIqd1RhkE8-00035-00014041-00014422 it was recorded too loud for the audio equipment to handle, and softening it in WYIqd1RhkE8-00036-00014422-00014686 post-production only makes a crappy sound softer WYIqd1RhkE8-00037-00014686-00015068 during the shoot, the volume meter turned red to indicate audio distortion. WYIqd1RhkE8-00038-00015084-00015456 just as zebra lines indicate overexposed areas of your picture WYIqd1RhkE8-00039-00015456-00015868 you need to lower in the microphone gain settings even before the recording starts WYIqd1RhkE8-00040-00015869-00016297 Do not mistaken this for the headphone volume which only controls how loud you hear it WYIqd1RhkE8-00041-00016297-00016530 but not how loud it actually gets recorded. WYIqd1RhkE8-00042-00016530-00016966 The idea is to capture every sound as loud as possible while avoiding audio distortion. WYIqd1RhkE8-00043-00016966-00017260 So before you start shooting, get your subject to talk very WYIqd1RhkE8-00044-00017264-00017688 loudly while you tune the gains to be just before the meters start becoming red WYIqd1RhkE8-00045-00017688-00018035 so that it will never distort during the actual shoot even when your subject WYIqd1RhkE8-00046-00018035-00018222 unexpectedly raises his voice WYIqd1RhkE8-00047-00018222-00018496 I'm a DJ with cool sunglasses! WYIqd1RhkE8-00048-00018960-00019374 A wet and echoey sound is much like an out-of-focus picture. WYIqd1RhkE8-00049-00019398-00019752 while a dry and clear sound like this is to a sharper picture WYIqd1RhkE8-00050-00019870-00020114 editing tools can make a sharp picture blur, WYIqd1RhkE8-00051-00020160-00020476 or a dry sound, wet. WYIqd1RhkE8-00052-00020477-00020783 but there's a big limitation in the reverse process. WYIqd1RhkE8-00053-00020794-00021208 Therefore, you want to record the dry sound itself and not its wet echoes. WYIqd1RhkE8-00054-00021209-00021622 the shotgun mic is ideal for this purpose because it is most sensitive to WYIqd1RhkE8-00055-00021622-00021789 the direction it is pointed at WYIqd1RhkE8-00056-00021789-00022081 compared to the echoes coming from the sides. WYIqd1RhkE8-00057-00022162-00022362 Aiming the microphone is not enough. WYIqd1RhkE8-00058-00022362-00022712 you still have to place the microphone as close to your subject as possible WYIqd1RhkE8-00059-00022712-00022968 and in the direction the sound travels. WYIqd1RhkE8-00060-00022968-00023254 This sounds better, but the mic is in the shot. WYIqd1RhkE8-00061-00023254-00023620 You can easily move it out of the frame for closeup shots like this WYIqd1RhkE8-00062-00023620-00023824 but for wide-angle shots like this, WYIqd1RhkE8-00063-00023824-00024078 the mic has to go so far just to leave the frame WYIqd1RhkE8-00064-00024078-00024272 That the sound becomes echoey again WYIqd1RhkE8-00065-00024272-00024644 So you can either hide the microphone behind some nearby object WYIqd1RhkE8-00066-00024698-00024984 or simply use a tiny lavalier microphone WYIqd1RhkE8-00067-00024984-00025170 which is hard to see. WYIqd1RhkE8-00068-00025504-00025585 Testing. WYIqd1RhkE8-00069-00025585-00025945 However you're gonna need more than one for every other person in the shot WYIqd1RhkE8-00070-00026116-00026326 sorry man, none for you WYIqd1RhkE8-00071-00027110-00027324 If a video editor tried to edit this shot WYIqd1RhkE8-00072-00027325-00027713 there's no way to remove this blocker without also cutting me away WYIqd1RhkE8-00073-00027812-00027892 So get lost. WYIqd1RhkE8-00074-00028024-00028148 The same goes for sounds. WYIqd1RhkE8-00075-00028148-00028500 Overlapping sounds cannot be separated without compromise WYIqd1RhkE8-00076-00028576-00028952 Video guys use green screens to capture a subject because it is easy to WYIqd1RhkE8-00077-00028952-00029135 remove the green background later WYIqd1RhkE8-00078-00029135-00029477 similarly, audio engineers use voiceover booths WYIqd1RhkE8-00079-00029477-00029745 because we want to capture the sound and only the sound, WYIqd1RhkE8-00080-00029745-00029882 and not that guy. WYIqd1RhkE8-00081-00030060-00030282 But we don't have a voiceover booth on location WYIqd1RhkE8-00082-00030283-00030508 see you better request for silence on the set. WYIqd1RhkE8-00083-00030648-00030977 I need you to come back for the on location shoot~ oei! WYIqd1RhkE8-00084-00031144-00031408 Also, turn off noisy air conditioners WYIqd1RhkE8-00085-00031408-00031798 put on wind filters on your microphones to break the wind noise WYIqd1RhkE8-00086-00031798-00032172 and avoid handling noise when dealing with the microphone WYIqd1RhkE8-00087-00032172-00032570 if noise pollution cannot be silenced, move to a quieter location WYIqd1RhkE8-00088-00033102-00033552 last but not least, always record one minute ambient sound for every location WYIqd1RhkE8-00089-00033842-00034002 this can be used in post-production WYIqd1RhkE8-00090-00034002-00034331 to seamlessly tie together scenes shot in different locations WYIqd1RhkE8-00091-00034376-00034468 Hey you! WYIqd1RhkE8-00092-00034528-00034600 who, me? WYIqd1RhkE8-00093-00034628-00034678 catch! WYIqd1RhkE8-00094-00035094-00035174 hey you! WYIqd1RhkE8-00095-00035250-00035300 who, me? WYIqd1RhkE8-00096-00035350-00035416 catch! WYIqd1RhkE8-00097-00035675-00036078 congratulations. You now know how to record a single subject in mono sound WYIqd1RhkE8-00098-00036078-00036516 but that's just the easy stuff compared to stereo recording, surround sound recording WYIqd1RhkE8-00099-00036517-00036846 drum miking, recording orchestras and rock concerts WYIqd1RhkE8-00100-00036846-00037256 I hope this tutorial was helpful and perhaps given you some interest in WYIqd1RhkE8-00101-00037256-00037582 further studying the world of audio. Thanks for watching! WYIqd1RhkE8-00102-00037648-00037844 Argh, gosh. WYIqd1RhkE8-00103-00037910-00038166 whew! That was tiring. WYIqd1RhkE8-00104-00038224-00038604 You didn't have to, you know. I was using the lavelier the whole time WYIqd1RhkE8-00105-00038605-00038805 and it's not plugged in WYIqd1RhkE8-00106-00038914-00038992 huh. WaU8zxILg4Q-00000-00000202-00000690 The second type of categorical data that we encounter in data science are ordinal data. WaU8zxILg4Q-00001-00000690-00000948 Ordinal data are a type of categorical data. WaU8zxILg4Q-00002-00000948-00001234 That is, they describe named qualities of things. WaU8zxILg4Q-00003-00001234-00001588 However, ordinal data do have a natural rank order to them. WaU8zxILg4Q-00004-00001588-00001857 So they can be sorted in order by their rank. WaU8zxILg4Q-00005-00001857-00002338 For example, we could group apples into small, medium, and large sizes. WaU8zxILg4Q-00006-00002338-00002780 Medium apples are larger than small apples, and large apples are larger than medium apples, WaU8zxILg4Q-00007-00002781-00003070 so they do have a natural rank order. WaU8zxILg4Q-00008-00003070-00003528 Other examples of ordinal data include: bronze, silver, and gold medals in the Olympics, WaU8zxILg4Q-00009-00003528-00004132 assigning letter grades for student test scores, and low, medium, and high speeds on a portable fan. WaU8zxILg4Q-00010-00004140-00004492 The key distinction is that ordinal values do have a natural order to them, WaU8zxILg4Q-00011-00004492-00004800 so they can be sorted in a natural way. WaU8zxILg4Q-00012-00004808-00005305 We can perform a few more mathematical operations on ordinal data than on nominal data. WaU8zxILg4Q-00013-00005305-00005646 In addition to testing for both equality and determining the mode. WaU8zxILg4Q-00014-00005646-00006087 We can also test two ordinal values for their order (by determining if one value is ranked WaU8zxILg4Q-00015-00006088-00006312 greater than or less than another). WaU8zxILg4Q-00016-00006312-00006895 In addition, we can determine the median (i.e. the middle most value in a list of sorted values. WaU8zxILg4Q-00017-00006895-00007323 Ordinal data are a bit more powerful than nominal data, in terms of mathematical operations, WaU8zxILg4Q-00018-00007323-00007616 but still not as powerful as interval and ratio data. Wb69lelc96M-00000-00000386-00000833 見たか?楽勝だったぜ。 Wb69lelc96M-00001-00000919-00000996 それとな… Wb69lelc96M-00002-00001116-00001673 エルガン、明日は家で大人しくしてるべきだ。 ファレの相手はしたくないだろ。 Wb69lelc96M-00003-00001730-00002366 分かってるか?ファレはお前を殺す気だぜ。 Wb69lelc96M-00004-00002413-00003110 だから棄権した方がいいぜ。 じゃなければこれでお前は終わる。 Wb69lelc96M-00005-00003166-00003256 それから… Wb69lelc96M-00006-00003346-00003793 どこまでデカくなるつもりだ? 頭が沈んできて亀みたいだぞ。 Wb69lelc96M-00007-00004096-00004183 FXXK ‘EM! Wb69lelc96M-00008-00004473-00004630 G1はエネルギーが消耗されるな。 Wb69lelc96M-00009-00004753-00005643 前回の鈴木戦で腕を痛めてしまった。 だからテーピングを巻いてる。 Wb69lelc96M-00010-00005770-00006186 まぁ…負けが続いてしまっている… Wb69lelc96M-00011-00006266-00006520 だから明日は絶対ファレから勝たなければ。 Wb69lelc96M-00012-00006596-00007036 だがあいつは勝敗なんて眼中にないようだな。 Wb69lelc96M-00013-00007106-00007840 お友達と仲良く邪魔ができれば満足なようだ。 Wb69lelc96M-00014-00007953-00008376 明日、あいつらの介入は許さない。 Wb69lelc96M-00015-00008440-00009050 ファレ、俺は最後まで闘ってやるぞ。 Wb69lelc96M-00016-00009120-00009533 怪我をしてようが関係ない。闘い抜く。 Wb69lelc96M-00017-00009606-00010013 もう負けられないんだ。 WbOTi7uc888-00000-00000010-00000470 COMMUNITY COMES TOGETHER TO WbOTi7uc888-00001-00000470-00000477 COMMUNITY COMES TOGETHER TO WbOTi7uc888-00002-00000477-00000540 COMMUNITY COMES TOGETHER TO >>> THE BUENA VISTA SKI AREA WbOTi7uc888-00003-00000540-00000547 COMMUNITY COMES TOGETHER TO >>> THE BUENA VISTA SKI AREA WbOTi7uc888-00004-00000547-00000630 COMMUNITY COMES TOGETHER TO >>> THE BUENA VISTA SKI AREA HOSTED AN OPEN HOUSE THIS WbOTi7uc888-00005-00000630-00000637 >>> THE BUENA VISTA SKI AREA HOSTED AN OPEN HOUSE THIS WbOTi7uc888-00006-00000637-00000737 >>> THE BUENA VISTA SKI AREA HOSTED AN OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND TO GET EVERYONE EXCITED WbOTi7uc888-00007-00000737-00000744 HOSTED AN OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND TO GET EVERYONE EXCITED WbOTi7uc888-00008-00000744-00001111 HOSTED AN OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND TO GET EVERYONE EXCITED TO HIT THE SLOPES. THE EVENT WbOTi7uc888-00009-00001111-00001117 WEEKEND TO GET EVERYONE EXCITED TO HIT THE SLOPES. THE EVENT WbOTi7uc888-00010-00001117-00001247 WEEKEND TO GET EVERYONE EXCITED TO HIT THE SLOPES. THE EVENT DOUBLED AS A FUNDRAISER AND SKI WbOTi7uc888-00011-00001247-00001254 TO HIT THE SLOPES. THE EVENT DOUBLED AS A FUNDRAISER AND SKI WbOTi7uc888-00012-00001254-00001371 TO HIT THE SLOPES. THE EVENT DOUBLED AS A FUNDRAISER AND SKI SWAP SO EVERYONE COULD GET THEI WbOTi7uc888-00013-00001371-00001378 DOUBLED AS A FUNDRAISER AND SKI SWAP SO EVERYONE COULD GET THEI WbOTi7uc888-00014-00001378-00001714 DOUBLED AS A FUNDRAISER AND SKI SWAP SO EVERYONE COULD GET THEI AND THEIR PASSES BEFORE THE SEA WbOTi7uc888-00015-00001714-00001721 SWAP SO EVERYONE COULD GET THEI AND THEIR PASSES BEFORE THE SEA WbOTi7uc888-00016-00001721-00001818 SWAP SO EVERYONE COULD GET THEI AND THEIR PASSES BEFORE THE SEA 15% OF THE PROCEEDS FROM THE WbOTi7uc888-00017-00001818-00001825 AND THEIR PASSES BEFORE THE SEA 15% OF THE PROCEEDS FROM THE WbOTi7uc888-00018-00001825-00002062 AND THEIR PASSES BEFORE THE SEA 15% OF THE PROCEEDS FROM THE FUNDRAISER WILL GO TOWARDS SKI WbOTi7uc888-00019-00002062-00002068 15% OF THE PROCEEDS FROM THE FUNDRAISER WILL GO TOWARDS SKI WbOTi7uc888-00020-00002068-00002125 15% OF THE PROCEEDS FROM THE FUNDRAISER WILL GO TOWARDS SKI PATROL WHICH HELPS TO KEEP WbOTi7uc888-00021-00002125-00002132 FUNDRAISER WILL GO TOWARDS SKI PATROL WHICH HELPS TO KEEP WbOTi7uc888-00022-00002132-00002575 FUNDRAISER WILL GO TOWARDS SKI PATROL WHICH HELPS TO KEEP EVERYONE SAFE ON THE SNOW. WbOTi7uc888-00023-00002575-00002582 PATROL WHICH HELPS TO KEEP EVERYONE SAFE ON THE SNOW. WbOTi7uc888-00024-00002582-00002906 PATROL WHICH HELPS TO KEEP EVERYONE SAFE ON THE SNOW. >> WHAT WE BUY IS MEDICAL WbOTi7uc888-00025-00002906-00002912 EVERYONE SAFE ON THE SNOW. >> WHAT WE BUY IS MEDICAL WbOTi7uc888-00026-00002912-00003206 EVERYONE SAFE ON THE SNOW. >> WHAT WE BUY IS MEDICAL SUPPLIES, TRAINING THAT WE GO WbOTi7uc888-00027-00003206-00003213 >> WHAT WE BUY IS MEDICAL SUPPLIES, TRAINING THAT WE GO WbOTi7uc888-00028-00003213-00003303 >> WHAT WE BUY IS MEDICAL SUPPLIES, TRAINING THAT WE GO THROUGH, ANY MEDICAL TRAINING WbOTi7uc888-00029-00003303-00003309 SUPPLIES, TRAINING THAT WE GO THROUGH, ANY MEDICAL TRAINING WbOTi7uc888-00030-00003309-00003466 SUPPLIES, TRAINING THAT WE GO THROUGH, ANY MEDICAL TRAINING THAT WE DO. WbOTi7uc888-00031-00003466-00003473 THROUGH, ANY MEDICAL TRAINING THAT WE DO. WbOTi7uc888-00032-00003473-00003673 THROUGH, ANY MEDICAL TRAINING THAT WE DO. WE DO REFRESHERS EVERY YEAR, WbOTi7uc888-00033-00003673-00003680 THAT WE DO. WE DO REFRESHERS EVERY YEAR, WbOTi7uc888-00034-00003680-00003910 THAT WE DO. WE DO REFRESHERS EVERY YEAR, SUPPLIES FOR THAT. WbOTi7uc888-00035-00003910-00003917 WE DO REFRESHERS EVERY YEAR, SUPPLIES FOR THAT. WbOTi7uc888-00036-00003917-00004204 WE DO REFRESHERS EVERY YEAR, SUPPLIES FOR THAT. >> THE OPEN HOUSE ALSO HAD FREE WbOTi7uc888-00037-00004204-00004210 SUPPLIES FOR THAT. >> THE OPEN HOUSE ALSO HAD FREE WbOTi7uc888-00038-00004210-00004267 SUPPLIES FOR THAT. >> THE OPEN HOUSE ALSO HAD FREE FOOD AND VENDORS FOR THE WbOTi7uc888-00039-00004267-00004274 >> THE OPEN HOUSE ALSO HAD FREE FOOD AND VENDORS FOR THE WbOTi7uc888-00040-00004274-00004344 >> THE OPEN HOUSE ALSO HAD FREE FOOD AND VENDORS FOR THE COMMUNITY TO ENJOY. AS FOR PLANS WbOTi7uc888-00041-00004344-00004351 FOOD AND VENDORS FOR THE COMMUNITY TO ENJOY. AS FOR PLANS WbOTi7uc888-00042-00004351-00004551 FOOD AND VENDORS FOR THE COMMUNITY TO ENJOY. AS FOR PLANS THIS UPCOMING SEASON, A BUENA V WbOTi7uc888-00043-00004551-00004557 COMMUNITY TO ENJOY. AS FOR PLANS THIS UPCOMING SEASON, A BUENA V WbOTi7uc888-00044-00004557-00004858 COMMUNITY TO ENJOY. AS FOR PLANS THIS UPCOMING SEASON, A BUENA V REPRESENTATIVE SAYS SKIERS CAN WbOTi7uc888-00045-00004858-00004864 THIS UPCOMING SEASON, A BUENA V REPRESENTATIVE SAYS SKIERS CAN WbOTi7uc888-00046-00004864-00004931 THIS UPCOMING SEASON, A BUENA V REPRESENTATIVE SAYS SKIERS CAN EXPECT A LOT OF FUN THINGS FROM WbOTi7uc888-00047-00004931-00004938 REPRESENTATIVE SAYS SKIERS CAN EXPECT A LOT OF FUN THINGS FROM WbOTi7uc888-00048-00004938-00005178 REPRESENTATIVE SAYS SKIERS CAN EXPECT A LOT OF FUN THINGS FROM CLASSES TO BEGINNER LESSONS AND. WbOTi7uc888-00049-00005178-00005185 EXPECT A LOT OF FUN THINGS FROM CLASSES TO BEGINNER LESSONS AND. WbOTi7uc888-00050-00005185-00005281 EXPECT A LOT OF FUN THINGS FROM CLASSES TO BEGINNER LESSONS AND. >> IT'S A GOOD FAMILY EVENT TO WbOTi7uc888-00051-00005281-00005288 CLASSES TO BEGINNER LESSONS AND. >> IT'S A GOOD FAMILY EVENT TO WbOTi7uc888-00052-00005288-00005478 CLASSES TO BEGINNER LESSONS AND. >> IT'S A GOOD FAMILY EVENT TO COME OUT AND SEE. WbOTi7uc888-00053-00005478-00005485 >> IT'S A GOOD FAMILY EVENT TO COME OUT AND SEE. WbOTi7uc888-00054-00005485-00005608 >> IT'S A GOOD FAMILY EVENT TO COME OUT AND SEE. IT'S -- IT'S GOOD EXERCISE. WbOTi7uc888-00055-00005608-00005615 COME OUT AND SEE. IT'S -- IT'S GOOD EXERCISE. WbOTi7uc888-00056-00005615-00005842 COME OUT AND SEE. IT'S -- IT'S GOOD EXERCISE. JUST ENJOY THE WINTERS IN WbOTi7uc888-00057-00005842-00005849 IT'S -- IT'S GOOD EXERCISE. JUST ENJOY THE WINTERS IN WbOTi7uc888-00058-00005849-00005875 IT'S -- IT'S GOOD EXERCISE. JUST ENJOY THE WINTERS IN BEMIDJI. WbOTi7uc888-00059-00005875-00005882 JUST ENJOY THE WINTERS IN BEMIDJI. WbOTi7uc888-00060-00005882-00006039 JUST ENJOY THE WINTERS IN BEMIDJI. I MEAN, IT'S GREAT. WbOTi7uc888-00061-00006039-00006046 BEMIDJI. I MEAN, IT'S GREAT. WbOTi7uc888-00062-00006046-00006666 BEMIDJI. I MEAN, IT'S GREAT. WE GOT CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING. WbOTi7uc888-00063-00006666-00006673 I MEAN, IT'S GREAT. WE GOT CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING. WbOTi7uc888-00064-00006673-00006870 I MEAN, IT'S GREAT. WE GOT CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING. >> THE BUENA VISTA SKI AREA SAY Wc5uOtp29NA-00000-00019451-00019551 rings jewels Wc5uOtp29NA-00001-00019551-00019651 earrings bracelets Wc5uOtp29NA-00002-00019651-00019652 necklaces WcK8eGmXWFQ-00000-00000000-00000200 Trung tâm phân phối máy lọc phát lộc là đơn vị phân phối máy lọc nước chính hãng, có bề dày kinh nghiệm lắp đặt các thiết bị nhà bếp, sau nhiều năm kinh nghiệm chúng tôi đã nỗ lực không ngừng mang tới những sản phẩm chất lượng, tiện lợi cho người sử dụng. WcK8eGmXWFQ-00001-00000325-00001140 aquaphor high technology in water purification let's perform a standard WcK8eGmXWFQ-00002-00001140-00001190 Phát lộc có địa chỉ tại 252 Nguyễn Huy Tưởng, Quận Thanh Xuân, Thành phố Hà Nội. có Số điện thoại: 0975.993.386, WcK8eGmXWFQ-00003-00001190-00001673 test of an aqua 4 filter pitcher against its leading competitors using methylene WcK8eGmXWFQ-00004-00001673-00002317 blue solution as is required by the ASTM protocol for standard testing new filter WcK8eGmXWFQ-00005-00002317-00002756 cartridges are used and according to the user's instructions each filter WcK8eGmXWFQ-00006-00002756-00003234 cartridge is conditioned with 2 litres of tap water WcK8eGmXWFQ-00007-00003675-00004176 aquaphor invites anyone who doubts these results to repeat this test at home for WcK8eGmXWFQ-00008-00004176-00004657 themselves if the results differ aquaphor agrees to reimburse the user WcK8eGmXWFQ-00009-00004657-00005119 for all used filtration materials and time for the test WcK8eGmXWFQ-00010-00005119-00005560 purchase all filter cartridges from your nearest store through which aquaphor WcK8eGmXWFQ-00011-00005560-00006004 will affect reimbursement dissolve 50 milligrams of standard methylene blue WcK8eGmXWFQ-00012-00006004-00006859 coloring in each liter of tap water then repeat the test aqua for high technology WcK8eGmXWFQ-00013-00006859-00007227 in water purification Wh2XxZIdLCE-00000-00000080-00000744 okay uh so this week we will talk about a different all the special type of the date Wh2XxZIdLCE-00001-00000744-00001528 visualization so that is to visualize spatial data so there will be a slightly uh different Wh2XxZIdLCE-00002-00001528-00002296 principles in creating those maps and comparing to the other professional geographic tools Wh2XxZIdLCE-00003-00002360-00003120 tableau now has some very great and also powerful visualization functions that allow us to create Wh2XxZIdLCE-00004-00003224-00004416 very professional and also beautiful maps so before we start let's just watch on this video Wh2XxZIdLCE-00005-00004416-00004968 good morning john today i'm going to introduce you to some maps 42 maps that help me understand the Wh2XxZIdLCE-00006-00004968-00005448 world and my place in it maps are an amazing kind of art they tend to represent reality but they Wh2XxZIdLCE-00007-00005448-00005896 don't have to they can put lots of information into perspective they can be extremely information Wh2XxZIdLCE-00008-00005896-00006280 dense and i love information density which is why i cut all the breaths out of my videos historical Wh2XxZIdLCE-00009-00006280-00006704 maps don't just tell you about the world they tell you about the world that they were created during Wh2XxZIdLCE-00010-00006704-00007128 which is really amazing and not just what the world looked like back then but also how little Wh2XxZIdLCE-00011-00007128-00007559 we knew about the world back then when i'm reading game of thrones i'm always super frustrated Wh2XxZIdLCE-00012-00007559-00008104 because they haven't mapped the whole world yet and i'm like if you go west from westeros what's Wh2XxZIdLCE-00013-00008104-00008544 over there it's just amazing to realize that the majority of people who lived in the world so far Wh2XxZIdLCE-00014-00008544-00009064 didn't know what the whole world looked like that just it seems terrifying to me but once Wh2XxZIdLCE-00015-00009064-00009408 we had the global maps we started using them for more than just representing the world so you could Wh2XxZIdLCE-00016-00009408-00009768 navigate it or divide it up into things that were owned by different people and countries it Wh2XxZIdLCE-00017-00009768-00010216 became an interesting and useful way to display and understand data about the world population Wh2XxZIdLCE-00018-00010216-00010712 probably being the most obvious example here's the world split up into seven different regions Wh2XxZIdLCE-00019-00010712-00011272 each with about one billion people and yes that is north and south america and australia just making Wh2XxZIdLCE-00020-00011272-00011760 up one of them australia is mostly empty only two percent of people live in the highlighted area Wh2XxZIdLCE-00021-00011760-00012344 inside this circle there are more people living than outside of that circle actually it's this Wh2XxZIdLCE-00022-00012344-00012808 circle because things get distorted when you take a globe and unwrap it into a flat rectangular map Wh2XxZIdLCE-00023-00012808-00013391 which is why this weird curvy line is actually the longest straight line you can sail without Wh2XxZIdLCE-00024-00013391-00013832 running into land here it is actually projected onto a globe see straight line the sailing route Wh2XxZIdLCE-00025-00013832-00014263 is only possible of course because the earth is mostly water which becomes more evident when you Wh2XxZIdLCE-00026-00014263-00014624 look at the places that you could actually make an earth sandwich by which i mean that there is Wh2XxZIdLCE-00027-00014624-00015136 actually land on both sides of the planet in those places maps can also show preferences of course Wh2XxZIdLCE-00028-00015136-00015647 for alcoholic drinks for sides of the road for how to pronounce caramel or caramel or what to Wh2XxZIdLCE-00029-00015647-00016063 call cole sodapop cokes or systems of measurement and yes the u.s is lagging a little bit behind the Wh2XxZIdLCE-00030-00016063-00016664 metric system there also in maternity leave also in executing juveniles it's a little embarrassing Wh2XxZIdLCE-00031-00016664-00017176 world mapper is an amazing website and software tool that distorts the world based on data because Wh2XxZIdLCE-00032-00017176-00017664 really is the amount of land a country has the most important thing about that country of course Wh2XxZIdLCE-00033-00017664-00018008 it's not here the world is morphing from a map that shows the amount of land that each country Wh2XxZIdLCE-00034-00018008-00018376 has to the amount of people that each country has while in this world mapper map we see the number Wh2XxZIdLCE-00035-00018376-00018904 of internet users swelling from 2000 to 2007. these moving maps that stretched the dimension Wh2XxZIdLCE-00036-00018904-00019336 of time are some of my favorites for example this one that shows internet usage over 24 hour period Wh2XxZIdLCE-00037-00019336-00019864 and this one that shows global flights over a 24-hour period whoa now as much as maps can help Wh2XxZIdLCE-00038-00019864-00020352 us understand the world they can also distort our perceptions of the world for example the mercator Wh2XxZIdLCE-00039-00020352-00020896 map projection which we often use stretches out the world at the poles in this map africa Wh2XxZIdLCE-00040-00020896-00021560 looks like it's about the size of greenland but in fact africa is big very big a continent of africa Wh2XxZIdLCE-00041-00021560-00022384 is bigger than the united states france germany spain the uk all of eastern europe china and india Wh2XxZIdLCE-00042-00022440-00023016 what also north being up is completely arbitrary and it's kind of convenient it turns out because Wh2XxZIdLCE-00043-00023016-00023296 most people actually do live in the northern hemisphere in the western world we started Wh2XxZIdLCE-00044-00023296-00023736 out with north being up with ptolemy but then we switched so the east was up so that when you said Wh2XxZIdLCE-00045-00023736-00024248 to orient to orient your map you were pointing toward the orient we switched back to the north Wh2XxZIdLCE-00046-00024248-00024664 being on top because we got obsessed with the greeks during the renaissance if you're wondering Wh2XxZIdLCE-00047-00024664-00025264 we live in a big complicated world sometimes wonderful sometimes terrible always impossible Wh2XxZIdLCE-00048-00025264-00025800 to understand completely the people who use these data and these tools to make these constructions Wh2XxZIdLCE-00049-00025800-00026224 of reality so that we can better understand our world are some of the heroes of the modern Wh2XxZIdLCE-00050-00026224-00026783 age hats off to them and to our ever-changing wonderful world john i'll see you on tuesday Wh2XxZIdLCE-00051-00027016-00027783 good morning all right uh so uh if a picture is worth a thousand words Wh2XxZIdLCE-00052-00027783-00028552 and then a map is worth a thousand uh cells so where should we can Wh2XxZIdLCE-00053-00028552-00029320 maps can help earth to see the patterns over different places okay and map is also Wh2XxZIdLCE-00054-00029392-00030183 geographic representations of the culture and the physical environment okay so we can use different Wh2XxZIdLCE-00055-00030183-00030936 colors different symbols to represent different variables down all over the world okay and you Wh2XxZIdLCE-00056-00030936-00031448 may already heard that when we're talking about map and there's a very important concept called Wh2XxZIdLCE-00057-00031504-00032280 coordination system okay the reason we are need that is because our earth is a 3d object Wh2XxZIdLCE-00058-00032280-00032928 okay and however it is to be more complicated it is not a perfect Wh2XxZIdLCE-00059-00032928-00033920 3d globe it is actually like this so the earth is is a very irregular 3d shape okay so that means Wh2XxZIdLCE-00060-00034024-00034848 locating the positions on the earth a little bit complicated and the most common way to locate Wh2XxZIdLCE-00061-00034928-00035632 the positions is by using the coordination system which one of the cognition system is called Wh2XxZIdLCE-00062-00035632-00036248 geographic coordination system so that is using the latitude and also longitude Wh2XxZIdLCE-00063-00036360-00037032 okay so for example any places that on on the earth can be represented by or Wh2XxZIdLCE-00064-00037032-00037696 can be located by a pair of those numbers so one for latitude and one for longitude Wh2XxZIdLCE-00065-00037880-00038432 uh so that's why we have this coordinate system because you you can imagine that when we have the Wh2XxZIdLCE-00066-00038432-00038976 different data set they talking about the same place for example virginia and when you bring Wh2XxZIdLCE-00067-00038976-00039624 the data set to create maps so you want make sure that both virginia and different data set Wh2XxZIdLCE-00068-00039624-00040288 will match with each other so that's the reason that why here why we have this coordinate system Wh2XxZIdLCE-00069-00040424-00041056 so coordinate system is a reference system that is used to represent the locations of the Wh2XxZIdLCE-00070-00041056-00041784 geographic features so that can make sure that geographic datasets will use common locations Wh2XxZIdLCE-00071-00041920-00042264 okay so there are two types of geographic Wh2XxZIdLCE-00072-00042264-00042944 coordination coordination system so the first one is geographic coordination system so that is Wh2XxZIdLCE-00073-00042944-00043656 also gcs which is using the latitude and longitude that we just mentioned earlier Wh2XxZIdLCE-00074-00043832-00044664 and the second one is called projected coordination system all that is also called pcs Wh2XxZIdLCE-00075-00044776-00045424 okay and if you are in the minor of geography and you may have heard that when allowed into your ass Wh2XxZIdLCE-00076-00045424-00046072 so basically the idea is that we know that the earth is a 3d sphere so we imagine that we have Wh2XxZIdLCE-00077-00046072-00047040 a bubble that inside of the ears and we have a 2d map so that the bubble will project light and Wh2XxZIdLCE-00078-00047264-00048088 the object on the 3d sphere will be projected onto this 2d map okay so such mathematic Wh2XxZIdLCE-00079-00048264-00048848 projection that projects 3ds into this two-dimensional coordination Wh2XxZIdLCE-00080-00048848-00049848 system is called pcs okay and so just uh sum up so that p says was a gcs so Wh2XxZIdLCE-00081-00050040-00050832 gcs are using degrees latitude and longitude and for psas we can use meters males etc Wh2XxZIdLCE-00082-00050832-00051560 okay so because we're using pcs so it is more accurate to measuring distance well you may Wh2XxZIdLCE-00083-00051560-00052048 wondering how that can be more accurate so that is because for different places Wh2XxZIdLCE-00084-00052255-00052904 okay we are using different type of pcs so for example if we want maps of the position that uh in Wh2XxZIdLCE-00085-00052904-00053855 this um in this place then we'll make a projection that like this okay and now project place in those Wh2XxZIdLCE-00086-00053855-00054584 places will have positions where i have the least distortions okay so this may sound like very very Wh2XxZIdLCE-00087-00054584-00055632 um abstract but we are not going to give that type uh um to uh to that deep so just remember that we Wh2XxZIdLCE-00088-00055632-00056360 do have two types of the coordination system and tcs is always preferred and when you are using Wh2XxZIdLCE-00089-00056360-00057024 professional arcgis tools so normally we prefer use key sets if if it is possible Wh2XxZIdLCE-00090-00057160-00057776 and however so we can always uh when we have g sets we can always calculate p sets based on Wh2XxZIdLCE-00091-00057776-00058736 existing gcs in tableau however um to my knowledge so tableau only support gcs so Wh2XxZIdLCE-00092-00058736-00059312 display the map based on the latitude and also longitude WiXrWqFO9-c-00000-00000144-00000760 well welcome everyone this is the last of our five lightning talks these have been intense fast and WiXrWqFO9-c-00001-00000760-00001328 wonderful it's really been great to have so much information going on in such a short time my name WiXrWqFO9-c-00002-00001328-00001792 is martin ramsay i'm the managing director of the lamp consortium and i will be your moderator today WiXrWqFO9-c-00003-00001855-00002376 now we have a little bit more slack in our time to in this particular section WiXrWqFO9-c-00004-00002376-00002808 but still each of our presenters will have just five minutes to do their presentation WiXrWqFO9-c-00005-00002808-00003272 so presenters i'll ask you to be ready as soon as the previous presenter finishes up and i'll WiXrWqFO9-c-00006-00003272-00003672 introduce each presenter very briefly so that we don't take time away from what you have to tell us WiXrWqFO9-c-00007-00003728-00004192 if you want to know more about the presenters uh the open apereo schedule has a nice biography of WiXrWqFO9-c-00008-00004192-00004568 each one and i'd encourage you to take a look at that presenters when it's your turn you can WiXrWqFO9-c-00009-00004568-00005096 take presenter privileges by clicking on your name and making yourself the presenter if you sent me WiXrWqFO9-c-00010-00005096-00005528 slides you can step through those at your pace if you want to share your screen you can do that too WiXrWqFO9-c-00011-00005600-00006016 and i'll be keeping the time so if you see me hold up my dreaded alarm clock WiXrWqFO9-c-00012-00006152-00006792 that means time's about up time to wrap it up um so let's uh get started and i'll say that this WiXrWqFO9-c-00013-00006792-00007480 time we're we're rather um north american focused uh in the past uh lightning talks we've been all WiXrWqFO9-c-00014-00007480-00007904 over the place uh but this time at least as far as i know our presenters are all from north america WiXrWqFO9-c-00015-00007904-00008560 and wilma just added herself so that put a star on florida as well um but we'll we're going to start WiXrWqFO9-c-00016-00008560-00009232 off with um jonathan tran who's out in california and jonathan are you ready to give it a whirl WiXrWqFO9-c-00017-00009376-00010488 i i believe i am all right all right just presenter all right there you go you got WiXrWqFO9-c-00018-00010488-00011008 it all right hi everyone i'm jonathan tran and this lightning talk is going to be an overview of WiXrWqFO9-c-00019-00011008-00011728 changes to uportal projects uh we had a lot of changes in the the past year or so um and all of WiXrWqFO9-c-00020-00011728-00012552 the updates to all these projects they all include dependency updates uh via automated tasks and big WiXrWqFO9-c-00021-00012552-00012928 thanks to christian murphy for wrangling most of those pull requests that come in WiXrWqFO9-c-00022-00013144-00013440 all right so the first project we're going to look at is uportal so WiXrWqFO9-c-00023-00013528-00014312 we've had two releases one patch one minor the highlights of those releases are things such as WiXrWqFO9-c-00024-00014312-00014840 improvements to search and sequel statements and also uh exposing some more uh configuration WiXrWqFO9-c-00025-00014840-00015584 properties for things like the portlet thread pool and the uportal task executor WiXrWqFO9-c-00026-00015696-00016256 uh the next project that we're going to look at is the notification project or notification portlet WiXrWqFO9-c-00027-00016256-00016984 which had uh four releases one is minor three being patched um and the highlights from that WiXrWqFO9-c-00028-00016984-00017608 include things like configuration flags for some more stuff like disabling the default redaction WiXrWqFO9-c-00029-00017672-00018384 uh support for refreshing uh cache services and also internationalization support as well WiXrWqFO9-c-00030-00018688-00019232 uh the next project we're gonna quickly go through an overview of the changes is the simple content WiXrWqFO9-c-00031-00019232-00020056 portlet so this one there's also three releases as well um there's things such as um adding a WiXrWqFO9-c-00032-00020056-00020536 portlet to support web components so it makes it a little bit easier to put web components into WiXrWqFO9-c-00033-00020536-00021256 uportal and also think um some useful things such as adding support for replacing tokens with properties WiXrWqFO9-c-00034-00021640-00022088 all right uh the next project we're going to look at is a pretty big one just because WiXrWqFO9-c-00035-00022088-00022584 there's a bunch of um components in this one which is the uportal web components so WiXrWqFO9-c-00036-00022672-00023464 in this repo we saw uh six releases uh three were minor and three were patch releases WiXrWqFO9-c-00037-00023464-00024024 um the big highlight from this past year is that there's a new sidebar nav component WiXrWqFO9-c-00038-00024128-00024824 and aside from that there have been a bunch of fixes and improvements to all the current WiXrWqFO9-c-00039-00024824-00025752 um components that exist within this repository um last but not least um WiXrWqFO9-c-00040-00025808-00026376 we've also changed where these repositories live so up until earlier this year WiXrWqFO9-c-00041-00026448-00027152 we have repositories that we're living in um in github.com/jasig and github.com/uportalcontrib WiXrWqFO9-c-00042-00027280-00028056 to give a better cohesive place for all the repositories we pulled all of them together WiXrWqFO9-c-00043-00028056-00028736 into uportal project and this is a big effort that was taken on by benito i believe he's WiXrWqFO9-c-00044-00028808-00029704 in here so big thanks to him for um taking care of all of that so this real this quote-unquote reorg WiXrWqFO9-c-00045-00029704-00030400 um it doesn't mean it means that we'll have everything in one place but at the WiXrWqFO9-c-00046-00030400-00031072 same time if you're going to use an old github.com/jasig or github.com/uportal contrib WiXrWqFO9-c-00047-00031072-00031895 uh url those are transparently being redirected to their new place under uportal project so WiXrWqFO9-c-00048-00031895-00032416 even with git repositories if you do any kind of git operations against your working copies they WiXrWqFO9-c-00049-00032416-00033096 would be transparently redirected to the new one until you go go in and actually update your your WiXrWqFO9-c-00050-00033096-00033968 remotes all right uh with that just want to thank all the contributors for the their contribution WiXrWqFO9-c-00051-00033968-00034659 their contributions and that's the overview of all the changes to projects in the uportal ecosystem WiXrWqFO9-c-00052-00035360-00036080 i committed the ultimate sin i forgot to unmute myself so i see that jim is saying uh thanks for WiXrWqFO9-c-00053-00036080-00036560 the quick update and that's good uh are there are there any questions for jonathan we have a little WiXrWqFO9-c-00054-00036560-00036912 bit of time unlike the previous sessions where i have to crack the whip and move on to the next one WiXrWqFO9-c-00055-00036912-00038376 we have time for a question or two so the uportal guys are all chiming in this is good this is good WiXrWqFO9-c-00056-00038616-00038976 all right well so we're ready to move on to WiXrWqFO9-c-00057-00038976-00039648 michigan dr chuck are you ready to take over and give your presentation yep that's right WiXrWqFO9-c-00058-00040176-00040504 i performed the cardinal sin of not unmuting myself martin WiXrWqFO9-c-00059-00040576-00041248 so if you give me a screen share uh we'll get to it uh you should have it WiXrWqFO9-c-00060-00041304-00041904 sir i'm checking here nope just a minute gosh you know that the fedora is when the fedora is back WiXrWqFO9-c-00061-00041904-00042816 that means i'm talking about privacy right and uh so i'm going to screen share um my entire screen WiXrWqFO9-c-00062-00043032-00043784 we'll have inception for a mid middle little bit um here we go so you know that when i am uh WiXrWqFO9-c-00063-00043784-00044224 wearing my fedora i'm on my privacy horse and there's been a lot of talk about privacy WiXrWqFO9-c-00064-00044304-00044776 and uh one of the one of the key things about being a privacy warrior WiXrWqFO9-c-00065-00044832-00045400 is it's not enough it's it's probably pointless for me to just point the finger and say WiXrWqFO9-c-00066-00045464-00046160 you're you're bad you're bad you're bad you're bad you're bad and then like what's good and so WiXrWqFO9-c-00067-00046160-00046904 part of what i'm trying to also do is show best practices for lms's which it turns out is harder WiXrWqFO9-c-00068-00046976-00047720 but for tools best practices is actually not that hard and so i'm trying to act as an example WiXrWqFO9-c-00069-00047720-00048312 so that a tool provider like piazza or cengage or whatever of course these folks don't want to WiXrWqFO9-c-00070-00048312-00048792 do this so that's a different problem right but let's say they woke up one morning and WiXrWqFO9-c-00071-00048792-00049392 actually wanted to do privacy well then they say chuck what how do we do it how can we be WiXrWqFO9-c-00072-00049392-00049904 like you and so i want to be an example now if you look at some of the gdpr principles here WiXrWqFO9-c-00073-00050072-00050528 purpose limitation means why did you gather this data and why are you keeping this data WiXrWqFO9-c-00074-00050528-00051104 and what purpose was it for you gotta you can't just say uh i give up my data and then WiXrWqFO9-c-00075-00051104-00051488 they can't they should tell you in advance what they're using it for and if they say WiXrWqFO9-c-00076-00051488-00051864 you're giving up your data so that we can do artificial intelligence and catch other WiXrWqFO9-c-00077-00051864-00052376 students who are cheating they should say that of course they don't right storage limitation WiXrWqFO9-c-00078-00052472-00053144 and data minimization is an important part of this so what i want to show you is how i have in tsugi WiXrWqFO9-c-00079-00053216-00053904 implemented some of these principles so sugi of course is come back tsugi of course is my WiXrWqFO9-c-00080-00053904-00054488 app store for education and here is tsugi cloud and if you look at the url of tsugi cloud this is the WiXrWqFO9-c-00081-00054488-00055048 real administrator user interface and i'm logged in as the administrator this is the super user of WiXrWqFO9-c-00082-00055048-00055712 one of my production systems and so i'm going to do a demonstration using a production system and WiXrWqFO9-c-00083-00055712-00056376 one thing that's built into tsugi is a thing called managed data expiry and so we see here that there WiXrWqFO9-c-00084-00056376-00057408 are 13 000 users on tsugi cloud and within the last 180 days 7663 have not logged in but i have their WiXrWqFO9-c-00085-00057408-00058096 email addresses and first names and last names that's what pii means now tsugi is designed so WiXrWqFO9-c-00086-00058096-00058624 that it actually doesn't lose any of your activity data but it can anonymize them immediately and so WiXrWqFO9-c-00087-00058624-00059248 i'm going to push this button this red button see it's red i'm going to expire all the people who WiXrWqFO9-c-00088-00059248-00059840 haven't logged in in 180 days so we're going to press this button and it's going to run a query WiXrWqFO9-c-00089-00059944-00060224 oh we only got rid of a thousand i guess i have to do it a couple times WiXrWqFO9-c-00090-00060400-00060760 if you run it at the command line and it shows you the command line that you're supposed to run WiXrWqFO9-c-00091-00060760-00061376 and so i'm just wiping out data from my production server and i've got people who got an account that WiXrWqFO9-c-00092-00061376-00061879 logged in maybe dave evelyn this is you i'm going to get rid of a tenant that's been hasn't logged WiXrWqFO9-c-00093-00061879-00062416 in in a while that's just going to throw all their data away now poof it's actually not going WiXrWqFO9-c-00094-00062416-00063064 to delete all 44 i can make it delete all 44. but the idea is is this server is running and serving WiXrWqFO9-c-00095-00063064-00063608 user needs and it's throwing away data because i happen to have logged in i can throw users who WiXrWqFO9-c-00096-00063608-00063991 haven't logged there's twenty one hundred users that haven't logged in in six hundred days and WiXrWqFO9-c-00097-00063991-00064400 i'm gonna throw all their data away now i'm not just throwing their identity information away WiXrWqFO9-c-00098-00064400-00064888 by the way lti if they logged in would give me back their identity information in a single WiXrWqFO9-c-00099-00064888-00065416 click so then i'd have it for another 180 days so it's not a big deal to throw this stuff away WiXrWqFO9-c-00100-00065416-00065904 now this i'm throwing real user activity away but they haven't logged in 600 days WiXrWqFO9-c-00101-00065904-00066368 right so dave i'm probably going to be throwing away some of your students that logged in a year WiXrWqFO9-c-00102-00066368-00067280 and a half ago two years ago boom not only does 100 right and so that is building a system so that WiXrWqFO9-c-00103-00067360-00068024 eliminating old data is natural it's easy and it's it's quite natural and so i'm just going to go WiXrWqFO9-c-00104-00068024-00068520 and show you one of my biggest my biggest server which is python for everybody the world's largest WiXrWqFO9-c-00105-00068520-00069112 and most successful programming class and i can go and blast i got a half a million students who WiXrWqFO9-c-00106-00069112-00069752 haven't logged in in 150 days and have personally identifiable information in my system and so WiXrWqFO9-c-00107-00070088-00070608 i only did the first thousand that's because i don't want this inner did it go WiXrWqFO9-c-00108-00071000-00071584 come on WiXrWqFO9-c-00109-00071864-00072408 oh there we go took me two seconds to do it and so i just throw it away and so you can see that WiXrWqFO9-c-00110-00072408-00073088 went from 503 000 people to 502 000 people and i can throw away some users let's throw away some WiXrWqFO9-c-00111-00073088-00073664 users now these python for everybody is used by about 300 schools around the world plugged into WiXrWqFO9-c-00112-00073664-00074736 their learning management systems and so the point is is this is an example of limiting why i want WiXrWqFO9-c-00113-00074736-00075312 this data do i want to am i going to do artificial intelligence machine learning on this data no WiXrWqFO9-c-00114-00075312-00075800 matter of fact i'm going to throw it away now if i was in lms i might have requirements to retain it WiXrWqFO9-c-00115-00075800-00076288 for a certain period for for learning history but these are just tools that we're using and WiXrWqFO9-c-00116-00076288-00076824 i'm throwing away their data and so that basically shows that if you think about it from the point of WiXrWqFO9-c-00117-00076824-00077408 view of i want to throw this data away to save storage in my systems and reduce my costs as a WiXrWqFO9-c-00118-00077472-00078048 learning tool provider well isn't a good idea to throw data away and by the way these systems do WiXrWqFO9-c-00119-00078048-00078464 have backups but they rotate and so any you know there some of this data might be on the backup WiXrWqFO9-c-00120-00078464-00078912 for a few more weeks but then it'll actually be gone and so i won't retain a copy of it i WiXrWqFO9-c-00121-00078912-00079408 don't want to retain a copy of it and if i was a tool vendor coming to you on your campus and said WiXrWqFO9-c-00122-00079464-00080152 this is my policy i don't keep your data more than 180 days i don't keep any data more than 600 days WiXrWqFO9-c-00123-00080264-00080928 you might say you know what i can really trust you with my user's data and so that's that's WiXrWqFO9-c-00124-00080928-00081400 basically an example of the kind of ways we can solve some of these privacy problems WiXrWqFO9-c-00125-00081400-00082368 not just point out that they are a privacy problem and i'm done just like that amazing so can i can i WiXrWqFO9-c-00126-00082368-00082856 ask a question dr chuck because i need to know this sort of thing absolutely it's it's one WiXrWqFO9-c-00127-00082968-00083408 as i understood it you have sort of two levels level one is i'm going to wipe out WiXrWqFO9-c-00128-00083408-00084040 their name and email address so that they're not identifiable but they still have their you know WiXrWqFO9-c-00129-00084040-00084600 this now anonymized user has attraction there's there's a track through the data is that correct WiXrWqFO9-c-00130-00084600-00085112 yes it is and if they re-logged in i would actually reassociate so that if you if you click WiXrWqFO9-c-00131-00085112-00085616 the button if i deleted those people and i clicked the button you click the button to log back in WiXrWqFO9-c-00132-00085616-00085992 it would know your homework and it would know that you were martin it would know your email address WiXrWqFO9-c-00133-00086072-00086640 and that's because it wasn't keeping something it keeps the primary key of your user and it keeps WiXrWqFO9-c-00134-00086640-00087192 the primary key that your lms gives me that's an opaque identifier so i still know that i came WiXrWqFO9-c-00135-00087192-00087752 from your lms and what your opaque identifiers and so sakai sends this big long thing of hex WiXrWqFO9-c-00136-00087752-00088232 characters and that's who you are from sakai's perspective and i keep that but i don't keep the WiXrWqFO9-c-00137-00088232-00088752 fact that your name is martin ramsay in your email address and so i'm actually if you looked at that WiXrWqFO9-c-00138-00088808-00089256 if you looked at that it was actually setting a bunch of fields to null which means i'm emptying WiXrWqFO9-c-00139-00089256-00089696 out text fields i wasn't actually deleting records whereas the other ones where i'm actually wiping WiXrWqFO9-c-00140-00089696-00090128 out the learning activity i'm deleting records and because of foreign key relationships in the WiXrWqFO9-c-00141-00090128-00090720 database it's percolating through and wiping out every every bit that was my other question was WiXrWqFO9-c-00142-00090720-00091224 okay you since you've got the relationship set up so that delete it here and all these subsidiary i WiXrWqFO9-c-00143-00091224-00091840 mean sakai doesn't have as a as tightly integrated a data model as tsugi does meaning i can delete one WiXrWqFO9-c-00144-00091840-00092344 thing and it percolates through and gets rid of everything right i built that from the first day WiXrWqFO9-c-00145-00092344-00093032 so it was a lot easier i built it from a privacy respecting perspective from the very first day WiXrWqFO9-c-00146-00093032-00093488 gotcha gotcha very nice okay that's i appreciate it very much this is this WiXrWqFO9-c-00147-00093488-00093984 is excellent all right josh we're ready for you you're up we're now going over to massachusetts WiXrWqFO9-c-00148-00094096-00094496 um and i can make you present you've got it already you're the man go for it WiXrWqFO9-c-00149-00095024-00095544 but you gotta you gotta unmute yourself we've already discovered that cardinal sin yet again WiXrWqFO9-c-00150-00095544-00096128 hi all uh josh wilson here so i didn't think i was going to be here this afternoon i thought i WiXrWqFO9-c-00151-00096128-00096664 was double booked so i recorded a video for you so we will be getting i'll be giving you the uh WiXrWqFO9-c-00152-00096664-00097560 the full simulive uh experience this afternoon so let me fumble through getting the video going WiXrWqFO9-c-00153-00097864-00098432 hi there and welcome to this lightning talk about the sakai roadmap for 2022 to 2024 WiXrWqFO9-c-00154-00098488-00098992 i'm josh wilson from longsight and i led the creation of this roadmap development process WiXrWqFO9-c-00155-00099144-00099688 so first let's remind ourselves why we need a roadmap in the first place a roadmap promotes WiXrWqFO9-c-00156-00099688-00100168 a vision of sakai as forward-looking energetic and continuously improving WiXrWqFO9-c-00157-00100256-00100728 it conveys how sakai will evolve to better meet the needs of faculty and students over time WiXrWqFO9-c-00158-00100824-00101192 and it represents a shared agreement among the community members WiXrWqFO9-c-00159-00101192-00101648 like us regarding the sequence in which enhancements to sakai will be implemented WiXrWqFO9-c-00160-00101800-00102320 so how did we get here every fall we follow a process that looks kind of like this one WiXrWqFO9-c-00161-00102384-00103040 in october we surface some preliminary ideas in november and december we get a big pile of input WiXrWqFO9-c-00162-00103040-00103496 from the community by talking at various working groups within the sakai community WiXrWqFO9-c-00163-00103576-00104159 in january there's a review of the roadmap and it's iteration by the roadmap steering team and WiXrWqFO9-c-00164-00104159-00104711 then in late january or early february there's adoption of the roadmap this past year it happened WiXrWqFO9-c-00165-00104711-00105344 at sakai days online in the past it's happened at sakai camp and then in february we get to work WiXrWqFO9-c-00166-00105496-00105959 so let's take a look at the feature roadmap this is the portion of the roadmap that we WiXrWqFO9-c-00167-00105959-00106368 show to people outside the community it looks at new and improved features WiXrWqFO9-c-00168-00106440-00106976 not other kinds of technical and back-end improvements to sakai so what are some of the WiXrWqFO9-c-00169-00106976-00107656 new capabilities that we envisioned for sakai in 2022 so we're we're looking toward a new learning WiXrWqFO9-c-00170-00107656-00108144 discussions tool that's a project that longsight and duke university are already working hard on WiXrWqFO9-c-00171-00108272-00108840 we envision a new design for tables and forms within sakai there's going to be WiXrWqFO9-c-00172-00108840-00109416 a new course registration tool we hope and significant improvements to the meetings tool WiXrWqFO9-c-00173-00109544-00110072 and in the improved column we suspect that the university of dayton will provide WiXrWqFO9-c-00174-00110072-00110559 even more and even better improvements to the lessons tool as they have in the last two years WiXrWqFO9-c-00175-00110656-00111288 a new design for calendar is on the list and a video assignment type is also on the list WiXrWqFO9-c-00176-00111416-00112216 so how are we doing here's a quick progress update so in the new column underway WiXrWqFO9-c-00177-00112216-00112640 the learning discussions project is well underway you've heard a lot about it at this conference WiXrWqFO9-c-00178-00112759-00113168 the tables and forums design work has begun michael green of duke WiXrWqFO9-c-00179-00113168-00113976 and shawn foster of western university have been working on a new tabless modern design for sakai WiXrWqFO9-c-00180-00113976-00114616 and its ui the meetings tool has already has also begun to be worked on longsight WiXrWqFO9-c-00181-00114616-00115024 has engaged the ux design firm and you've heard a lot about that work at this conference as well WiXrWqFO9-c-00182-00115111-00115808 not yet begun as the course registration tool in the improve column lesson creation work WiXrWqFO9-c-00183-00115808-00116240 has already begun at the university of dayton and i'm confident that they'll WiXrWqFO9-c-00184-00116240-00116744 submit and contribute some really exciting improvements to lessons as they have in years past WiXrWqFO9-c-00185-00116880-00117464 in the improved column but not yet begun is a new design for calendar and the video assignment type WiXrWqFO9-c-00186-00117568-00117992 so i welcome your input your thoughts and your questions feel free to reach out to me WiXrWqFO9-c-00187-00117992-00118768 at wilson@longsight.com and that's it three minutes and 30 seconds i will accept your praise WiXrWqFO9-c-00188-00118888-00119432 you get you get extra points where were you last hour WiXrWqFO9-c-00189-00119632-00120064 um so do you want to go ahead and talk about the uh the question that tonko raised WiXrWqFO9-c-00190-00120192-00120783 yeah sure glad to so so the the in the interest of time i showed you the feature roadmap so i WiXrWqFO9-c-00191-00120783-00121335 will put i'll drop a link in the chat for the full roadmap so there is a technical roadmap WiXrWqFO9-c-00192-00121335-00122032 that's not represented here which includes uh some ims standard support work that earle WiXrWqFO9-c-00193-00122032-00122672 neitzel is doing and that will have the effect of uh providing support for qti 2.0 in samigo so WiXrWqFO9-c-00194-00122672-00123328 that's that's one thing that's coming and uh you heard john buckingham from pepperdine and tiffany WiXrWqFO9-c-00195-00123328-00123935 stull from virginia talk about a workflow a set of workflow improvements to test some quizzes so WiXrWqFO9-c-00196-00123935-00124752 that's in the uh that's in the ongoing functional investments list that's also not WiXrWqFO9-c-00197-00124752-00125232 in this public-facing version of the roadmap so uh so yeah so tests and quizzes is pretty WiXrWqFO9-c-00198-00125232-00125735 important and there are two improvements to tests and quizzes that are uh underway at this point WiXrWqFO9-c-00199-00125983-00126232 okay other questions for josh WiXrWqFO9-c-00200-00126664-00127224 what do you all think of this as being a a good way to let the general public WiXrWqFO9-c-00201-00127224-00127583 know that we have a road map and we're we're working on things going forward WiXrWqFO9-c-00202-00128072-00128535 multiple users are typing it says that's good ask a question you get answers WiXrWqFO9-c-00203-00128768-00129368 okay adam says clap clap clap in uppercase and so forth and so on good deal all right WiXrWqFO9-c-00204-00129456-00129904 well it's it's nice to have a road map and i'm i would be curious it'd be nice to have WiXrWqFO9-c-00205-00129959-00130392 josh and jonathan do a conversation about uportal versus sakai in terms of sort WiXrWqFO9-c-00206-00130392-00130824 of you know how we're how we're moving forward and all that kind of stuff so um WiXrWqFO9-c-00207-00131216-00131800 thank you matt all right wilma you said that you had something for us so uh let me i've made you WiXrWqFO9-c-00208-00131800-00132520 presenter already so i'll let you you take it away wilma okay let me um i'm gonna try a camera WiXrWqFO9-c-00209-00132520-00133184 again i've been having camera issues so we'll see if it finds the correct camera this time WiXrWqFO9-c-00210-00133440-00133504 there we go WiXrWqFO9-c-00211-00133872-00134048 should be showing yes WiXrWqFO9-c-00212-00134328-00134848 yep your camera's coming in we see you hi everybody okay so um so i just have the one slide WiXrWqFO9-c-00213-00134848-00135448 this is more of a public service announcement than an actual um lightning talk but i did want WiXrWqFO9-c-00214-00135448-00136256 to give everybody a heads up that we are planning for sakai camp 2022 given that you know travel WiXrWqFO9-c-00215-00136256-00136848 restrictions continue the trend of opening back up and people are able to get out and about a little WiXrWqFO9-c-00216-00136848-00137856 more we're planning for um january 24th to 26th that's at the end of january next year and always WiXrWqFO9-c-00217-00137856-00138512 we have um optional team building activities the day you know the weekend before so saturday or WiXrWqFO9-c-00218-00138512-00139000 sunday if people want to come in a little bit early there's usually visits to theme parks and WiXrWqFO9-c-00219-00139000-00139760 things like that so um the location will be the same as it has been the last couple years that we WiXrWqFO9-c-00220-00139760-00140384 actually held one in person which is the holiday inn disney springs in orlando florida and we are WiXrWqFO9-c-00221-00140384-00141080 talking also about travel scholarships because we do understand that a lot of institutions have sort WiXrWqFO9-c-00222-00141080-00141752 of locked down their travel budgets indefinitely so there may be some travel funding available but WiXrWqFO9-c-00223-00141752-00142304 we don't have exact details on that yet um those details and more will be forthcoming WiXrWqFO9-c-00224-00142304-00142984 um via sakai email lists and also on slack so you can look forward to more information about that WiXrWqFO9-c-00225-00143288-00143680 i don't know if anybody here wants to pipe in i don't know if dr WiXrWqFO9-c-00226-00143680-00143936 chuck you want to mention anything about sakai camp WiXrWqFO9-c-00227-00144168-00144616 he says that was perfect wilma all right and dede's already blocked your calendar so WiXrWqFO9-c-00228-00144616-00145136 excellent okay i'm gonna take one wilma i i have a question and it's a question for folks here WiXrWqFO9-c-00229-00145136-00145520 i am curious if folks could put a plus one in the chat WiXrWqFO9-c-00230-00145520-00146080 if your travel budgets will not allow for you to go to sakai camp so so a if you WiXrWqFO9-c-00231-00146080-00146504 want to go and b you know for sure already that next year's travel budgets won't allow WiXrWqFO9-c-00232-00146720-00147024 so so a plus one means i can't go because of WiXrWqFO9-c-00233-00147104-00147776 travel funding uh yeah sorry plus one means i want to go i know it's negative WiXrWqFO9-c-00234-00148096-00148408 i'm not well i'm seeing some people typing so let's hang on here WiXrWqFO9-c-00235-00148480-00148840 don't know yet says charles won't know till july says christina WiXrWqFO9-c-00236-00149592-00149984 of course our sample size is limited here WiXrWqFO9-c-00237-00150352-00150504 looks like a lot of i don't know yet WiXrWqFO9-c-00238-00151016-00151432 yep okay probably good to check back in in a month yeah that's what it sounds like to WiXrWqFO9-c-00239-00151432-00151920 me i i want to go where dede is and see these budgers that sounds like a beast WiXrWqFO9-c-00240-00152256-00153096 just great i'm gonna turn it back to you martin okay thank you very much oh me all right um that WiXrWqFO9-c-00241-00153096-00153872 is all the official things that we have on the agenda for today um but in the interests of um WiXrWqFO9-c-00242-00154024-00154440 sort of promoting a few things i'm going to try one too let me see if i can do this WiXrWqFO9-c-00243-00154536-00154848 right quick i don't even know if it'll work but we'll see WiXrWqFO9-c-00244-00155120-00155672 yeah this is i'm i'm learning something here i'm i'm uploading a single slide to big blue WiXrWqFO9-c-00245-00155672-00156048 button and it took a little while so that's why we didn't want to have people uploading their WiXrWqFO9-c-00246-00156048-00156536 slides in the middle of their presentations oh dr chuck says talk about my book i could do that WiXrWqFO9-c-00247-00156848-00157296 yeah all right i will in just a second dr chuck but tomorrow we're having our we have a monthly WiXrWqFO9-c-00248-00157296-00157720 web conference at the lamp consortium and we try to hit a topic that's going to be of probably WiXrWqFO9-c-00249-00157720-00158376 more interest to faculty than anybody else um but our topic next week tomorrow it's tomorrow at 2 2 WiXrWqFO9-c-00250-00158376-00158856 p.m eastern time so for those of you who are in different places um that'll be a different WiXrWqFO9-c-00251-00158856-00159400 time of day but um it's we're going to be talking about rubrics and so if you'd like to join us you WiXrWqFO9-c-00252-00159400-00159888 would be welcome to so oh christina says she sent this webinar to all her faculty that's good so WiXrWqFO9-c-00253-00159992-00160416 um and i'm getting more and more random people showing up christina which is fine with us WiXrWqFO9-c-00254-00160416-00160912 if anybody is interested in this just tell me in the chat right now and i'll add you to the list WiXrWqFO9-c-00255-00160968-00161536 um oh and okay dr chuck here i've got copies right here WiXrWqFO9-c-00256-00161712-00162040 i wrote a novel it's about technology in a subtle way WiXrWqFO9-c-00257-00162192-00162552 but it's kind of fun and it was fun to write a novel i'd never done that before so WiXrWqFO9-c-00258-00162552-00163136 there you go take a look check it out it's on amazon and so forth um or you can get a WiXrWqFO9-c-00259-00163200-00164008 get a cheaper copy at uh i'll type it in the chat so um oh there we go thank you dr chuck WiXrWqFO9-c-00260-00164192-00164560 and thank you matthew yeah i'm missing those lamp conferences too we i'm we're getting a WiXrWqFO9-c-00261-00164560-00165000 lot of pressure to say you know we ought to do this get together more often and now that covid WiXrWqFO9-c-00262-00165000-00165912 seems to be in the in the rear view mirror maybe we can do that so yes so let's see uh i have some WiXrWqFO9-c-00263-00165912-00166426 public service announcements unless anybody else has anything that we need to talk about WiXrWqFO9-c-00264-00166856-00167576 nothing okay um let me i i need to try it to type and my brain has gone blank here we go WiXrWqFO9-c-00265-00167984-00168536 there's there's the link for um the book the book at a cheaper price slightly cheaper not WiXrWqFO9-c-00266-00168536-00169288 much cheaper because amazon cuts it to the bone um okay so jenn um let me i'm gonna i'm gonna go WiXrWqFO9-c-00267-00169288-00169720 look at the or kathy sorry i'm gonna go look at the uh the chats that you sent WiXrWqFO9-c-00268-00169720-00170240 me for things that we need to talk about uh first of all let's say thanks to our sponsors WiXrWqFO9-c-00269-00170240-00170640 uh platinum sponsors are longsight and learning experiences two of the people who have been WiXrWqFO9-c-00270-00170640-00171272 on this presentation today are gold sponsors sponsors entornos de formacion edf and blindside WiXrWqFO9-c-00271-00171272-00171728 networks and our hosting sponsor big blue button which we all appreciate very much this conference WiXrWqFO9-c-00272-00171728-00172264 wouldn't happen without those folks stay tuned for the final email from our organizers which will WiXrWqFO9-c-00273-00172264-00172736 include a link to post conference survey we love to get your feedback please take a moment to share WiXrWqFO9-c-00274-00172736-00173240 the experiences with us please do that that's so helpful uh having been on the planning committee WiXrWqFO9-c-00275-00173240-00173584 for this in the past i know that it's really good to know what people think and what they like WiXrWqFO9-c-00276-00173664-00174128 and by the way the conference doesn't end today there are a few workshops scheduled for thursday WiXrWqFO9-c-00277-00174128-00174816 and friday so thursday uh which is the 10th at 10 a.m eastern time uh join us to test and refine an WiXrWqFO9-c-00278-00174816-00175312 instrument that's been intended to ask to assess the organizational health of open source software WiXrWqFO9-c-00279-00175312-00175856 communities um i've been a part of this project and it's it's fascinating we're trying to develop WiXrWqFO9-c-00280-00175856-00176464 an instrument that lets us know uh whether a software community is is healthy or or is WiXrWqFO9-c-00281-00176464-00177064 beginning to perhaps show some signs of weakness so you would help us if you would attend that and WiXrWqFO9-c-00282-00177064-00177656 give us your insights onto that that instrument and then both thursday and friday at 11 am us WiXrWqFO9-c-00283-00177656-00178184 eastern time the uportal team is going to talk about of all things having a roadmap discussion WiXrWqFO9-c-00284-00178184-00178640 and first contribution workshops so join them for that this is their their u portal meeting WiXrWqFO9-c-00285-00178696-00179288 and finally um you need to join us for our closing happy hour celebrate the end of open WiXrWqFO9-c-00286-00179288-00179688 apereo 2021 at a social gathering down by the waterfront in gather town WiXrWqFO9-c-00287-00179856-00180208 wander around and take a dip in the pool and gather in public or private spaces to WiXrWqFO9-c-00288-00180208-00180744 catch up with your colleagues from around the globe the link has been added to the chat and WiXrWqFO9-c-00289-00180744-00181192 you can find out more details and access the information on the conference platform in sakai WiXrWqFO9-c-00290-00181192-00181528 so uh if you're if you're missing the things that that usually happen WiXrWqFO9-c-00291-00181584-00182080 um when you when we get together in person here's here's a here's a virtual chance to WiXrWqFO9-c-00292-00182080-00182816 do all that sort of thing so uh there kathy has posted it and um and and i see that there WiXrWqFO9-c-00293-00182816-00183336 there's arrangements were being made in uh in the netherlands for for a link up that's good okay WiXrWqFO9-c-00294-00183480-00183936 all right thanks very much folks anything last else before we uh before we end WiXrWqFO9-c-00295-00184336-00184848 just a quick thanks to martin for his uh his moderating expertise having tried it once WiXrWqFO9-c-00296-00184848-00185320 attempting to fill his shoes it's not so easy folks and he does a really good job so thank you WiXrWqFO9-c-00297-00185320-00185864 martin well thank you for saying that josh it's fun i i what i really like is is getting to meet WiXrWqFO9-c-00298-00185864-00186248 all the wonderful people from around the world who are a part of this great community and when i'm WiXrWqFO9-c-00299-00186248-00186784 when i'm talking to people who are interested in in what we do and there's more and more of them by WiXrWqFO9-c-00300-00186784-00187360 the way they're just they seem to be coming out of the woodwork um i can with with great veracity say WiXrWqFO9-c-00301-00187432-00187800 there's a worldwide community of people who are very enthusiastic about what we do and WiXrWqFO9-c-00302-00187800-00188288 they're all helping out and you know it just it it's a really good community to be a part of so WiXrWqFO9-c-00303-00188344-00188808 um thanks to everybody for being a part of open apereo and we'll see you down at the waterfront WiXrWqFO9-c-00304-00188808-00189496 as they're saying uh in the virtual goodbye and the farewell party all right thanks very much Wjg6t5b3k8k-00000-00000000-00000540 [Snoring and heavy breathing] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00001-00000546-00001036 [Alarm ringing] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00002-00001088-00001288 Debra Lynn>> Okay. Just a few more minutes. Wjg6t5b3k8k-00003-00001288-00001816 [Snoring and heavy breathing] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00004-00001836-00002318 [Alarm ringing] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00005-00002326-00002604 [Music] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00006-00002604-00002948 [Alarm ringing] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00007-00002948-00003126 [Smash] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00008-00003508-00003708 [Laughter] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00009-00003738-00003938 [Music] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00010-00003938-00004292 [Music - Alarm] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00011-00004338-00004426 [Snip] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00012-00004474-00004674 [Laughter] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00013-00004702-00005104 [Telephone ringing] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00014-00005192-00005502 [Music] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00015-00005526-00005646 Debra Lynn>> It's that time, Teddy. Wjg6t5b3k8k-00016-00005670-00007226 [Grunting] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00017-00007272-00007395 Debra Lynn>> [Sigh] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00018-00007408-00007508 Debra Lynn>> And three... Wjg6t5b3k8k-00019-00007623-00007716 Debra Lynn>> And four... Wjg6t5b3k8k-00020-00007744-00007844 [Laughter] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00021-00007866-00008152 Debra Lynn>> I'm outta here, Teddy. Kiss, kiss. Love you. Bye-Bye! Wjg6t5b3k8k-00022-00008210-00008312 [Footsteps] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00023-00008324-00008714 [Telephone ringing] Wjg6t5b3k8k-00024-00008724-00008892 Debra Lynn>> Hello? This is Debra. Wjg6t5b3k8k-00025-00008892-00008944 Mike Russo>> Hey, Debra! Wjg6t5b3k8k-00026-00008944-00009316 Debra Lynn>> Mike? I was just walking out of the door. Is everything okay? Wjg6t5b3k8k-00027-00009316-00009390 Mike Russo>> Yeah, yeah, yeah... Wjg6t5b3k8k-00028-00009390-00009522 Mike Russo>> I wanted to catch you before you got in. Wjg6t5b3k8k-00029-00009530-00009966 Mike Russo>> Look! We're gonna do some empathy role-play training as soon as you get in. Alright? Wjg6t5b3k8k-00030-00009966-00010096 Debra Lynn>> Okay. Gotta go, so I'm... Wjg6t5b3k8k-00031-00010096-00010336 Mike Russo>> Yea, yeah, yeah. Let me know when you get in. Alright? Later! WmhEhKE7BXU-00000-00000078-00000128 *jumps from the void* WmhEhKE7BXU-00001-00000128-00000360 Hey Blender! Pablo here. WmhEhKE7BXU-00002-00000360-00000768 Over three years of development make this the greatest release ever, WmhEhKE7BXU-00003-00000768-00001176 with hundreds of features. But, it's impossible to go through all of them, WmhEhKE7BXU-00004-00001176-00001807 so here are FIVE of the greatest features you'll find in Blender 2.80 Beta. WmhEhKE7BXU-00005-00001807-00002068 #1: User Interface & User Experience WmhEhKE7BXU-00006-00002068-00002644 Because Blender, not only now has a dark theme with flat icons and anti-aliasing and everything looks WmhEhKE7BXU-00007-00002644-00003404 very nice and very polished, but also the settings all over Blender now they're much more consistent. WmhEhKE7BXU-00008-00003404-00004102 The shortcuts that work in one area work the same in another area of Blender, the names of the tools are also WmhEhKE7BXU-00009-00004102-00004750 as consistent as possible, the menus have been reorganized to have the more used features first, WmhEhKE7BXU-00010-00004752-00004828 and then- WmhEhKE7BXU-00011-00004828-00005096 It's also about the way you interact with Blender. WmhEhKE7BXU-00012-00005096-00005650 Now the selection occurs by default with left click select is a big change for Blender. WmhEhKE7BXU-00013-00005650-00005848 It's always been right click select by default. WmhEhKE7BXU-00014-00005848-00006312 You can still do it (everything is accessible), but by default it's left click select. WmhEhKE7BXU-00015-00006352-00006744 Box selection, click anywhere on the viewport to deselect your objects... WmhEhKE7BXU-00016-00006744-00007381 We believe this change will help not only new users that come from other softwares, but also a lot of devices that WmhEhKE7BXU-00017-00007381-00007880 are depending on the left click, like a tablet, or a trackpad, or a touchscreen. WmhEhKE7BXU-00018-00007880-00008400 And your two system nodes sits on the sidebar when you can pick a brush for example, change the settings WmhEhKE7BXU-00019-00008400-00009152 on the new topbar, and just calt [?] right away on your model, or paint for example, treat your U [?] in your UV, WmhEhKE7BXU-00020-00009152-00009202 [Pablo help me out here PLEASE] WmhEhKE7BXU-00021-00009202-00009308 UV editing... WmhEhKE7BXU-00022-00009308-00009796 But where this new tool system really shines is when you're in Edit Mode, WmhEhKE7BXU-00023-00009796-00010420 because most of the tools that were there already in Blender now have their own active tool. You enable it, WmhEhKE7BXU-00024-00010420-00010976 and you will see gizmos around your meshes that will make things so much more easy to tweak. WmhEhKE7BXU-00025-00010976-00011426 More visual, more feedback on what you're doing and how to do it... WmhEhKE7BXU-00026-00011426-00011738 Making these very nicely working and more accessible. WmhEhKE7BXU-00027-00011784-00011834 B U T WmhEhKE7BXU-00028-00011834-00012116 if you wanted to do shortcuts, you can always do that. WmhEhKE7BXU-00029-00012116-00012588 and the speed of Blender 2.7 and before (what Blender is known for) is still there. WmhEhKE7BXU-00030-00012588-00013100 Pie menus were available in 2.7, but now are part of Blender itself. It's built in. WmhEhKE7BXU-00031-00013100-00013762 Pie menus are for the most used actions, for like changing the shading type or the mode of your objects. WmhEhKE7BXU-00032-00013762-00014130 So if you combine the new looks with the new interactions you get: "Workspace" WmhEhKE7BXU-00033-00014130-00014708 These are the new way of organizing your layout depending on which kind of workflow you're in. WmhEhKE7BXU-00034-00014708-00015219 So if you're modelling, you have your own workspace. If you're sculpting, you'll see that you have everything WmhEhKE7BXU-00035-00015219-00015510 arranged for you to start sculpting right away. WmhEhKE7BXU-00036-00015510-00015988 Texture painting or editing your shaders, everything has its own workspace by default, WmhEhKE7BXU-00037-00015988-00016297 but you can also make your own and tweak it however you prefer. WmhEhKE7BXU-00038-00016297-00016932 These workspaces can have their own different settings for each one of the editors, especially for the WmhEhKE7BXU-00039-00016936-00016986 B R A N D WmhEhKE7BXU-00040-00016986-00017080 new WmhEhKE7BXU-00041-00017080-00017286 #2: Viewport WmhEhKE7BXU-00042-00017286-00017606 The viewport in Blender 2.8 is powered by Eevee, WmhEhKE7BXU-00043-00017606-00018228 a new PBR render engine focused on real-time with every feature you can imagine. WmhEhKE7BXU-00044-00018228-00018806 Strong subsurface scattering to ambient occlusion, depth of field, motion blur, WmhEhKE7BXU-00045-00018806-00019082 reflections, refractions, WmhEhKE7BXU-00046-00019082-00019514 light probes for cube and planar reflections, and irradiance volume. WmhEhKE7BXU-00047-00019514-00020008 You can also preview your Cycles render using Eevee, so it's much as close as possible. WmhEhKE7BXU-00048-00020008-00020708 The lights, the shadows, everything, so you can preview it in the new LookDev shading type in the viewport. WmhEhKE7BXU-00049-00020708-00020776 Because... WmhEhKE7BXU-00050-00020826-00021036 you can do EVERY MUCH ANYTHING with Eevee. WmhEhKE7BXU-00051-00021036-00021316 You can model, sculpt, you can use it all the time if you want to, WmhEhKE7BXU-00052-00021316-00021806 but if you want to go simpler and focus on modelling and whatever you're working on at the moment, WmhEhKE7BXU-00053-00021806-00022048 you can use a new engine: "Workbench" WmhEhKE7BXU-00054-00022048-00022320 The workbench engine can help you in any case. WmhEhKE7BXU-00055-00022320-00022840 If you're modelling for example or doing layout, you may want to enable the new "random" colors that adds a WmhEhKE7BXU-00056-00022840-00023212 random color to any object in your scene so you can spot them more easily. WmhEhKE7BXU-00057-00023212-00023746 They're plenty of ways to visualizing your scene in your workbench engine. You can see flat colors maybe if you WmhEhKE7BXU-00058-00023746-00023990 wanna do some painting or textures. WmhEhKE7BXU-00059-00023990-00024730 You can also have solid matcaps and on top of that you can add specific shading settings. For example, WmhEhKE7BXU-00060-00024730-00025486 the cavity shader now also features not only a "world" cavity shader but a "screen" space cavity shader, which WmhEhKE7BXU-00061-00025486-00025764 very nicely highlights all of the details on your mesh. WmhEhKE7BXU-00062-00025764-00026372 On top of the viewport are the overlays, so even if you're on Cycles rendering or Eevee or WmhEhKE7BXU-00063-00026372-00027026 the workbench engine, on top you can have your objects or your wireframes, the grid, the vertex paint, WmhEhKE7BXU-00064-00027026-00027160 the weight paint... WmhEhKE7BXU-00065-00027160-00027816 Pretty much any information that is not part of the render itself, you can place it on top and combine WmhEhKE7BXU-00066-00027816-00028048 the render with the new overlays. WmhEhKE7BXU-00067-00028048-00028683 One of these overlays is the 3D cursor, which has been there in the past, but now also features rotation WmhEhKE7BXU-00068-00028683-00028762 A N D WmhEhKE7BXU-00069-00028762-00028960 if you don't like it, you can hiiide it. WmhEhKE7BXU-00070-00028960-00029039 Yes, you can WmhEhKE7BXU-00071-00029039-00029089 H I I I D E WmhEhKE7BXU-00072-00029089-00029139 it. WmhEhKE7BXU-00073-00029177-00029414 #3: 2D Animation WmhEhKE7BXU-00074-00029414-00029876 In previous versions of Blender, you could do some basic drawings and coloring and animation, WmhEhKE7BXU-00075-00029876-00030600 but in 2.80 there is now a dedicated 2D animation pipeline. You can even open Blender and from WmhEhKE7BXU-00076-00030602-00030914 the splash screen you can click to the animation and start it right away. WmhEhKE7BXU-00077-00030914-00031562 You will have an active brush selected and you can start drawing. These drawings are now part of a new kind of WmhEhKE7BXU-00078-00031562-00032276 object called "grease pencil" object, where you are drawing 2D in a 3D environment. WmhEhKE7BXU-00079-00032276-00032942 These objects also have their own layer system within that object, and there is their own materials as well. WmhEhKE7BXU-00080-00032942-00033668 This object, just like any regular object in Blender, have their own modifier stack, and - only exclusive for WmhEhKE7BXU-00081-00033668-00034494 these objects - are shader effects, a new way to modify how your objects look in the viewport itself. WmhEhKE7BXU-00082-00034494-00035102 The layers in your grease pencil objects resemble those in 2D painting softwares. You can even blend WmhEhKE7BXU-00083-00035102-00035788 between them using "overlay", "multiply", "areshent" [?], or even "subtract" to get some really creative effects. WmhEhKE7BXU-00084-00035948-00036560 This full 2D animation pipeline has already been used in production in the short open movie project "Hero". WmhEhKE7BXU-00085-00036658-00036952 #4: Collections & View Layers WmhEhKE7BXU-00086-00036952-00037596 Gone is that limit of 20 layers we had in Blender 2.7. Now you can have unlimited "collections". WmhEhKE7BXU-00087-00037596-00038052 So this is how you organize your scene. Now all your objects are put inside of collections, WmhEhKE7BXU-00088-00038052-00038282 and you can name, and you can even nest them. WmhEhKE7BXU-00089-00038282-00038998 You can have multiple ones inside each other, and these ones you can either instance them within the same file, WmhEhKE7BXU-00090-00038998-00039566 or you can even link or reference them in other files. Collections live inside of view layers and this is how you WmhEhKE7BXU-00091-00039566-00039910 control what you see in the viewport and also what you're going to render, WmhEhKE7BXU-00092-00039910-00040138 similar to what render layers were in 2.7. WmhEhKE7BXU-00093-00040184-00040342 #5: Cycles WmhEhKE7BXU-00094-00040342-00040856 Yes, the render engine. The ray tracing render engine, because not everything is real-time nowadays. WmhEhKE7BXU-00095-00040930-00041464 Cycles is now rendering up to 30% faster, and you can even combine your CPU with your GPU WmhEhKE7BXU-00096-00041464-00041908 when you are rendering. If you're doing GPU rendering and you run out of memory, you can even WmhEhKE7BXU-00097-00041908-00042438 use your computer memory automatically without having to do anything. You're gonna need that power, WmhEhKE7BXU-00098-00042438-00043000 because there's a new hair shader that is based on a paper by Disney that just looks gorgeous. WmhEhKE7BXU-00099-00043000-00043628 There is also a new node called "principled volume" that would make our lives so much easier now to set up WmhEhKE7BXU-00100-00043628-00044096 things like smoke or fire, or basically anything that uses volumetrics. WmhEhKE7BXU-00101-00044132-00044638 There are also improvements in the subsurface scattering thing now using "random walk". WmhEhKE7BXU-00102-00044638-00044986 It just... sounds weird, but trust me it looks great. WmhEhKE7BXU-00103-00044986-00045470 Once you're done rendering and you wanna move into compositing, make sure you enable the new WmhEhKE7BXU-00104-00045470-00046104 "Cryptomatte" pass. Yes, this industry standard Cryptomatte is now supported by Cycles, WmhEhKE7BXU-00105-00046104-00046676 and the Blender compositor. So you can render your passes, export them, put them in the metadata WmhEhKE7BXU-00106-00046676-00047226 of your EXR files, and even composite them later on Blender's own compositor. WmhEhKE7BXU-00107-00047226-00047276 *meme review* WmhEhKE7BXU-00108-00047276-00047370 In it's own workspace! WmhEhKE7BXU-00109-00047370-00047420 heh WmhEhKE7BXU-00110-00047474-00047812 And these are just five. Okay, let me name a few more. WmhEhKE7BXU-00111-00047812-00048454 Pixar's Open Subdiv now is used in the subsurface modifier and the multires modifier WmhEhKE7BXU-00112-00048454-00048650 for super smooth surfaces. WmhEhKE7BXU-00113-00048650-00049364 glTF exporters are now a part of Blender. Built-in. Major improvements include simulation. WmhEhKE7BXU-00114-00049364-00049908 Even the unit system got improved. Now you can fix a unit and you will see that all across Blender. WmhEhKE7BXU-00115-00049908-00050486 Adding drivers now is so much simpler. You can just right click, add a driver, and edit the settings right there WmhEhKE7BXU-00116-00050486-00051004 on the spot. And if you want more advanced settings, you can always open the drivers editor. WmhEhKE7BXU-00117-00051004-00051524 And I could go on forever because there's not only those features with a name, but there's also the features WmhEhKE7BXU-00118-00051524-00052094 that I can't name, like improvements in performance, dependency graph, or even the new Python API, WmhEhKE7BXU-00119-00052094-00052238 which is much more consistent. WmhEhKE7BXU-00120-00052298-00053036 So much. What now? Go and test it. Go to "blender.org", download the latest Blender 2.80 Beta, and if you WmhEhKE7BXU-00121-00053036-00053688 find anything that doesn't work or is crashing, go to "Help" menu within Blender, "Report a Bug", and give us WmhEhKE7BXU-00122-00053688-00054264 as much information as possible so we can make it super stable. But also, we want your feedback. WmhEhKE7BXU-00123-00054264-00054400 What you think about it. WmhEhKE7BXU-00124-00054400-00054902 And if you like what you just saw, everything and all the development that is going on, you can help WmhEhKE7BXU-00125-00054902-00055496 to keep this going. You can join the Blender Development Fund, and for only €5 or $6 a month, WmhEhKE7BXU-00126-00055496-00056050 you can be part of this movement. You can help make sure that Blender development continues to WmhEhKE7BXU-00127-00056050-00056174 move forward. WmhEhKE7BXU-00128-00056205-00056438 This is your own 3D software. XoqaetJqmMQ-00001-00000680-00000800 to everyone watching XoqaetJqmMQ-00002-00000800-00001175 don't forget to join! this is the greatest program you can ever be at XoqaetJqmMQ-00003-00001175-00001542 I think you should do it because you're an entrepreneur you have the XoqaetJqmMQ-00004-00001542-00001964 skills and you already took the lead in starting your own company XoqaetJqmMQ-00005-00001964-00002297 why not make the jump for this bigger goal XoqaetJqmMQ-00006-00002297-00002711 you have a great network and they connect you. You just need to ask XoqaetJqmMQ-00007-00002711-00003173 and they are going to connect you to the right people and not only in The Netherlands XoqaetJqmMQ-00008-00003194-00003314 Every startup XoqaetJqmMQ-00009-00003318-00003794 should go through these kind of programs throughout their life cycle XoqaetJqmMQ-00010-00003808-00004008 I would say don't think about it anymore XoqaetJqmMQ-00011-00004010-00004292 Startupbootcamp is the best place to be at XoqaetJqmMQ-00012-00004310-00004724 You come into this fairy tale land and you get to meet all XoqaetJqmMQ-00013-00004724-00005184 the beautiful people who can help you, and want to help you... try it out because it's XoqaetJqmMQ-00014-00005185-00005235 definitely XoqaetJqmMQ-00015-00005235-00005369 definitely worth it XoqaetJqmMQ-00016-00005380-00005764 apply now for Startupbootcamp XoqaetJqmMQ-00017-00005780-00006526 www.bit.ly/EMCAPPLY X55LVjmqYzc-00000-00001354-00001957 Fact, in New York city there is no age limit to get an order of protection in addiction X55LVjmqYzc-00001-00001957-00002650 thanks to the fair access law passed in 2008 in an abusive relationship can go to family X55LVjmqYzc-00002-00002650-00003168 court to get an order of protection this includes LGBTQ folks and youth XqmI1JAjvZM-00000-00000010-00000240 LITTLE FORK BILL FALLS 3-0. XqmI1JAjvZM-00001-00000240-00000246 LITTLE FORK BILL FALLS 3-0. XqmI1JAjvZM-00002-00000246-00000613 LITTLE FORK BILL FALLS 3-0. DOUBLE HEADER TODAY IN SOCCER AS XqmI1JAjvZM-00003-00000613-00000620 DOUBLE HEADER TODAY IN SOCCER AS XqmI1JAjvZM-00004-00000620-00000934 DOUBLE HEADER TODAY IN SOCCER AS GRAND RAPIDS, STANLEY TAKES THIS XqmI1JAjvZM-00005-00000934-00000940 GRAND RAPIDS, STANLEY TAKES THIS XqmI1JAjvZM-00006-00000940-00001064 GRAND RAPIDS, STANLEY TAKES THIS DOWN, FIRES RIGHT OFF THE POST XqmI1JAjvZM-00007-00001064-00001071 DOWN, FIRES RIGHT OFF THE POST XqmI1JAjvZM-00008-00001071-00001357 DOWN, FIRES RIGHT OFF THE POST BUT HE'S THERE FOR THE REBOUND. XqmI1JAjvZM-00009-00001357-00001364 BUT HE'S THERE FOR THE REBOUND. XqmI1JAjvZM-00010-00001364-00002011 BUT HE'S THERE FOR THE REBOUND. GRAND RAPIDS TAKES A 1-0 LEAD. XqmI1JAjvZM-00011-00002011-00002018 GRAND RAPIDS TAKES A 1-0 LEAD. XqmI1JAjvZM-00012-00002018-00002178 GRAND RAPIDS TAKES A 1-0 LEAD. HERMANTOWN ON THE BOARD. XqmI1JAjvZM-00013-00002178-00002185 HERMANTOWN ON THE BOARD. XqmI1JAjvZM-00014-00002185-00002542 HERMANTOWN ON THE BOARD. THEN IN THE SECOND HALF ONE MORE XqmI1JAjvZM-00015-00002542-00002549 THEN IN THE SECOND HALF ONE MORE XqmI1JAjvZM-00016-00002549-00002602 THEN IN THE SECOND HALF ONE MORE FOR HERMANTOWN AND GRAND RAPIDS XqC6ePHWjRQ-00001-00000501-00001150 On our website you can search for articles by just typing the name of the article in the search field XqC6ePHWjRQ-00002-00001224-00001610 But sometimes the library don't have that specific article XqC6ePHWjRQ-00003-00001619-00002098 you are looking for, but don't panic with the service Get Tt Now XqC6ePHWjRQ-00004-00002099-00002518 you might get it. So try that one, and it's quite simple. XqC6ePHWjRQ-00005-00002673-00003131 Go to our website su.se/library XqC6ePHWjRQ-00006-00003182-00003595 and write the title of your article in the search field for articles. XqC6ePHWjRQ-00007-00003653-00003853 Then click on search. XqC6ePHWjRQ-00008-00003932-00004564 I'm searching for developing instruments for cross-cultural psychiatric research. XqC6ePHWjRQ-00009-00004716-00005236 Here at the top I see the article I'm looking for and to read the full article XqC6ePHWjRQ-00010-00005264-00005629 you click on the blue button, Find it @ SUB. XqC6ePHWjRQ-00011-00005855-00006376 But in the next window you see that this article is missing. At the top XqC6ePHWjRQ-00012-00006376-00007009 It says: No full-text available, but don't worry a bit further down you see the link: XqC6ePHWjRQ-00013-00007022-00007281 Request Document via Get It Now. XqC6ePHWjRQ-00014-00007362-00008062 Click on Request Document via Get It Now, and you will see that the article is available via Get It Now. XqC6ePHWjRQ-00015-00008210-00008814 Here it is. All you have to do now is to fill in your email address in this field. XqC6ePHWjRQ-00016-00008856-00009512 Please note that it must be your SU-mail, the mail address you got from the Stockholm University. XqC6ePHWjRQ-00017-00009554-00009826 No other e-mail address works. XqC6ePHWjRQ-00018-00009966-00010639 At the bottom you have to check the box for terms and conditions and finally you click on Accept. XqC6ePHWjRQ-00019-00010758-00011408 You will receive this article in your e-mail as a PDF-file within the next eight hours. XqC6ePHWjRQ-00020-00011516-00011968 But in cases you don't find the article at Get It Now either XqC6ePHWjRQ-00021-00012020-00012706 you have to send an order to the library. To order an article from the library you just do like this XqC6ePHWjRQ-00022-00012746-00012880 Click on the link XqC6ePHWjRQ-00023-00012888-00013228 Request document via Stockholm University. XqC6ePHWjRQ-00024-00013278-00013800 This will take you to your login page and when you have logged in with your XqC6ePHWjRQ-00025-00013827-00014243 University account you just fill in the order and then click on Send. XqC6ePHWjRQ-00026-00014336-00014819 When the article is available you will get an e-mail from the library. XqC6ePHWjRQ-00027-00014819-00015019 Good luck! Xv7qhNIM9V0-00000-00002570-00002770 Ok, thats cool. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00001-00002928-00003128 Look what is back. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00002-00003299-00003499 The Future Spacetime outfit. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00003-00003555-00003851 Last time I said, one day this costume will come back, Xv7qhNIM9V0-00004-00003959-00004159 and finally it came back. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00005-00004159-00004538 So, lets continue from last time. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00006-00004644-00004844 Definitely, I'm definitely getting it. Look at that. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00007-00004878-00005245 360, okay lets start. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00008-00005710-00005910 I kept all my crystal balls for this. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00009-00005910-00006277 379, 396, a bit more. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00010-00006277-00006777 Straight away, 14. Okay there you go. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00011-00006954-00007489 Now I got it also in QQ Speed Mobile, yay! Wearing it straight away. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00012-00008796-00009139 Oh yeah, this is high visual and high resolution. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00013-00009704-00009904 Alright! Xv7qhNIM9V0-00014-00012203-00012511 Okay guys, I'm back in QQ Speed Mobile. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00015-00012568-00012960 Today, we're going to play the new transformer mode? Xv7qhNIM9V0-00016-00012960-00013160 It's called Starliink, Starlink mode. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00017-00013493-00013824 So I've tried it already on stream, last time. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00018-00013894-00014094 I still don't know what the abilities are Xv7qhNIM9V0-00019-00014094-00014437 but it seems I need to unlock the abilities around here, Xv7qhNIM9V0-00020-00014453-00014821 need to collect some more, need to keep playing to collect some crystals. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00021-00015000-00015295 I can actually invite someone, but I think I'll just try solo. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00022-00015296-00015496 This is only 4-player mode. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00023-00015589-00015897 So we actually get to use the transformer car here, Xv7qhNIM9V0-00024-00015960-00016531 but only if you collect the supply from the ship? (I think) Xv7qhNIM9V0-00025-00016846-00017046 That's what I understand. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00026-00017319-00017866 Left - boost, Right - break through those walls. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00027-00018222-00018422 We have to go Xv7qhNIM9V0-00028-00018422-00018754 near the ship to be able to transform. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00029-00018754-00018954 I think that's what it says. Something like that. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00030-00019083-00019283 And we have like a pull thing. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00031-00019283-00019483 so we can use it to Xv7qhNIM9V0-00032-00019624-00019944 use your opponents to pull yourself to the front. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00033-00020001-00020201 There's star boost and...okay let me get this ship. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00034-00021543-00022042 You saw that, right? I transformed and I can fly anywhere I want. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00035-00022123-00022335 but I have only like 10 seconds. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00036-00022335-00022535 Okay, I'm infront so I can get the Xv7qhNIM9V0-00037-00022724-00022924 thing again. The ship is right there. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00038-00023286-00023486 Let me transform. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00039-00023579-00023839 Lets see where we can go. We can go through here. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00040-00023990-00024190 I'm actually out of the map. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00041-00024667-00025010 If I break through the wall, I'm out of the map. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00042-00025010-00025210 but it gives me a shortcut. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00043-00025770-00025970 So far I'm not using the pull thing. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00044-00028406-00028882 Never mind. Not easy to use, and you have not much time. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00045-00030623-00031194 Alright, so I got 41 crystals or something, I'm not sure. The box I can open. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00046-00031359-00031619 Oh, 41 is for this. The crystals are the ones I just got. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00047-00031808-00032008 I can upgrade something, right? Xv7qhNIM9V0-00048-00032508-00032708 Ok, I got 200. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00049-00032849-00033049 so now I got this. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00050-00033154-00033354 Does that do anything? Xv7qhNIM9V0-00051-00033448-00034079 Ah, 85% N-tank...not sure what it says, but there's an ability I can use Xv7qhNIM9V0-00052-00034148-00034432 but it will take 100 energy which I don't have. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00053-00034489-00034761 So I can't use it, but I unlocked it. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00054-00034845-00035045 Just keep going. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00055-00036000-00036391 Right now everyone is using skywalker. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00056-00037930-00038130 Alright, here we go again. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00057-00038908-00039108 Ah, someone else got it. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00058-00039429-00039629 Whoever is in front only will transform. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00059-00039794-00039994 and I can pull. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00060-00040513-00040820 So, its a race to see who gets the transformer first. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00061-00043985-00044185 Is there a shortcut I can use here? No? Xv7qhNIM9V0-00062-00044416-00044711 Oh that was a shortcut. I actually did a shortcut. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00063-00046124-00046480 Where is the next one? Down there. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00064-00048108-00048799 Ok, if I'm the kid, I have no animation of going out of the car. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00065-00048886-00049289 I just realized that. Ok I should switch off the baby. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00066-00049299-00049834 Lets see maybe, there is an animation. I think there's an animation if you're finishing as the transformer car. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00067-00050993-00051193 The ship's down there. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00068-00051470-00051670 Someone else got it. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00069-00051811-00052011 Did any of us got it? Xv7qhNIM9V0-00070-00052535-00052735 I think we all missed it. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00071-00053044-00053244 There's one there, I can see it. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00072-00054594-00054794 Someone's pulling. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00073-00054899-00055099 Yes, got it. Alright lets go. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00074-00055831-00056031 Break through! Xv7qhNIM9V0-00075-00056031-00056231 Ok, I got a shortcut there. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00076-00057316-00057516 He's gonna get it. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00077-00057610-00057810 Oh no I got it. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00078-00058086-00058430 Go through! I'm out of the map? Xv7qhNIM9V0-00079-00060140-00060340 Eh?! Where am I going?! Xv7qhNIM9V0-00080-00060840-00061316 Ok just now was an epic fail. I was pulling the wrong person so I went the wrong way. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00081-00061409-00061609 Let's try again. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00082-00061609-00062216 The breaking through walls thing is...a bit tough to do. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00083-00064070-00064270 Break through! Aha! Shortcut. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00084-00064962-00065509 Oh I have the ECU just now. Infinite miniboost. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00085-00066738-00066938 This way is broken. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00086-00067294-00067830 What? That was...I can't even go at the top Xv7qhNIM9V0-00087-00067917-00068117 because this robot goes down. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00088-00068117-00068317 That was useless. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00089-00068893-00069260 Its like you are given a chance to fly out of the map. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00090-00069366-00069566 That's what the transformer does. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00091-00070238-00070438 Someone's pulling. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00092-00072559-00072759 Alright lets go! Xv7qhNIM9V0-00093-00073008-00073208 Finish! Xv7qhNIM9V0-00094-00073265-00073465 There you go, thats the animation I want. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00095-00073834-00074034 Can't see the leg. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00096-00074211-00074411 That's what I want to see. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00097-00074816-00075135 Alright, I think you guys get it. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00098-00075205-00075752 Transformer car? Well, its a mode, its not really a transformer car its just a mode. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00099-00075833-00076033 You can become the transformer Xv7qhNIM9V0-00100-00076288-00076703 for flying out of the map. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00101-00076773-00076973 Lets see what else can I upgrade. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00102-00077851-00078183 So the abilities you want are these four. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00103-00079247-00079567 There's a lot of abilities here but I don't know what it says. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00104-00079567-00079887 Okay guys, that's the Starlink mode. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00105-00080121-00080321 I have to upgrade all of these. Xv7qhNIM9V0-00106-00080660-00081303 But yeah that's it, that's the Starlink mode, thank you guys for watching. See you guys next time. XwcHGwiAlwu-00000-00000000-00000193 라이브 팬 여러분~ 안녕하세요! XwcHGwiAlwu-00001-00000236-00000763 오늘의 비디오는 저의 학생이 곧 오픽시험을 치기위한 모의고사 영상을 담아봤습니다. XwcHGwiAlwu-00002-00000836-00001063 오픽시험을 모르시는분들이 있을거 같아서 짦게 말씀 드릴께요. XwcHGwiAlwu-00003-00001120-00001720 일단 영어스피킹 시험이고 또한 취업할때 스펙으로도 사용을 합니다. XwcHGwiAlwu-00004-00001753-00002586 저의 학생말로는 8월말에 시험이라고 하네요... XwcHGwiAlwu-00005-00002633-00002953 그래서 자기가 스스로 한번 영어화화 실력이 얼마나 되는지 테스트 해본다고 합니다. XwcHGwiAlwu-00006-00002960-00003270 그럼 이제 한번 시작해볼까요??? XwcHGwiAlwu-00007-00003336-00003536 1. 당신의 MBTI는 무엇입니까? 2. 왜 한국사람들은 MBTI에 집착할까요? XwcHGwiAlwu-00008-00003686-00004093 요즘은, 대부분 사람들이 MBTI에 열광을 하고있다. XwcHGwiAlwu-00009-00004170-00004286 이유는 모르겠지만, XwcHGwiAlwu-00010-00004370-00004820 제가 생각했을때는 한국의 유행인것 같아요. XwcHGwiAlwu-00011-00004936-00005053 시간이 흐를수록, XwcHGwiAlwu-00012-00005170-00005326 MBTI 의 유행은 점점 끝날거 같기도해요. XwcHGwiAlwu-00013-00005420-00005786 사실 저의 MBTI 는 INFP 입니다. XwcHGwiAlwu-00014-00005836-00006563 INFP 사람의 특징은 보통 (독립적, 내향적, 감성적) 이라고 하네요. XwcHGwiAlwu-00015-00006703-00006836 하지만 저는 솔직히 잘모르겠어요.... XwcHGwiAlwu-00016-00006870-00007220 왜냐하면 이건 저의 분위기와 마음의 따라 다르기도 하지요.. XwcHGwiAlwu-00017-00007520-00007770 매번 MBTI 를 볼때, XwcHGwiAlwu-00018-00007870-00008103 항상 다른 결과가 나타나기도 합니다 :) XwcHGwiAlwu-00019-00008703-00009023 실례하겠습니다, 혹시 애플 A/S 센터인가요? XwcHGwiAlwu-00020-00009153-00009453 맞다면, 저의 노트북에 대해서 문의를 들여도 될까요? XwcHGwiAlwu-00021-00009603-00010170 사실은, 어제 제가 학교에서 노트북을 떨어트려서 어제부터 작동이 안되었어요... XwcHGwiAlwu-00022-00010280-00010586 혹시 A/S 가 가능한가요? XwcHGwiAlwu-00023-00010686-00011386 만약에 보증기간이 남았더라면, A/S를 공짜로 수리가 됩니까? XwcHGwiAlwu-00024-00011536-00011886 안되면은 혹시 비용이 얼마나 드는가요? XwcHGwiAlwu-00025-00012003-00012153 친절한 서비스 제공해주셔서 감사드립니다. XwcHGwiAlwu-00026-00012160-00012353 제가 바로 받으로 가겠습니다! XwcHGwiAlwu-00027-00012836-00013219 First of all, you did a very good job on your sample trial test. XwcHGwiAlwu-00028-00013236-00013386 I heard your exam is coming soon, XwcHGwiAlwu-00029-00013469-00013686 so i am gonna give you some feedbacks based on today's sample test. XwcHGwiAlwu-00030-00013769-00013836 First things first, XwcHGwiAlwu-00031-00013853-00014369 as you know we are in rooftop at the moment so you can hear different surrounding sounds which is quite loud... XwcHGwiAlwu-00032-00014469-00015203 That's why you have no choice but to keep your tone up. XwcHGwiAlwu-00033-00015253-00015369 But when you are taking the actual exam, XwcHGwiAlwu-00034-00015393-00016303 you will be facing the computer so just go with your natural and normal speed. XwcHGwiAlwu-00035-00016336-00017036 Second, when you dont want to make mistakes while delivering one's message to others XwcHGwiAlwu-00036-00017053-00017436 you need to speak as slow as possible. XwcHGwiAlwu-00037-00017536-00017736 Eventhough you know something very well while you speak, XwcHGwiAlwu-00038-00017770-00018336 it can be much more comfortable for third person to actually listen to you and get a clear message. XwcHGwiAlwu-00039-00018403-00018570 The third feedback is your eye contact. XwcHGwiAlwu-00040-00018586-00018786 Instead of facing sidewards, you need to face front and talk. XwcHGwiAlwu-00041-00018836-00019103 It's almost like you are thinking about something when your eye contact is not facing forward. XwcHGwiAlwu-00042-00019136-00019453 For instance, think about a person when they are lying to somebody.... XwcHGwiAlwu-00043-00019470-00019620 They would literally feel guilty and unable to talk straight. XwcHGwiAlwu-00044-00019636-00020070 Instead, they will naturally move their eye balls up and down and stuff. XwcHGwiAlwu-00045-00020186-00020436 So it's crucial enough to have a straight eye contact while you are talking. XwcHGwiAlwu-00046-00020453-00020603 Last but not least, XwcHGwiAlwu-00047-00020636-00021120 it's very normal to make mistakes while you speak. Because we are humans and its a natural thing. XwcHGwiAlwu-00048-00021136-00021386 Even i make mistakes eventhough i am an english teacher. XwcHGwiAlwu-00049-00021403-00021503 So while you take the exam, XwcHGwiAlwu-00050-00021586-00022053 instead of pausing it would be better if you can deliver your message as much as possible eventhough you make mistakes while you speaking. XwcHGwiAlwu-00051-00022103-00022403 Let's say we are in the concert singing for the crowds... XwcHGwiAlwu-00052-00022420-00022820 Do you tend to stop singing for the audience when you make a mistake while you sing? XwcHGwiAlwu-00053-00022836-00023120 No! you gotta carry on with it. XwcHGwiAlwu-00054-00023236-00023770 Infact, you will sound more professional eventhough you make mistakes and finish the song. XwcHGwiAlwu-00055-00023870-00023953 Well anyways, thats it for today~~ XwcHGwiAlwu-00056-00023970-00024136 Wish you best of luck in your OPIC exam~^^ XxlQeQgolcc-00000-00002303-00002568 Searom: Hi. I am Searom of Paris hair salon. XxlQeQgolcc-00001-00002577-00003225 Searom: We are going to film the video with Sophia. XxlQeQgolcc-00002-00003235-00003813 It is about how to style beret. It is perfect weather right now to wear the beret. XxlQeQgolcc-00003-00003952-00004189 We've got PR products from Peose dame. XxlQeQgolcc-00004-00004189-00004589 Searom: This will be a collaboration video with Peose dame. I am going to decorate her hair pretty. XxlQeQgolcc-00005-00004627-00005268 I am showing you 4 ways to wear a beret. XxlQeQgolcc-00006-00005279-00005679 Searom: I will explain to you how to style it step by step. XxlQeQgolcc-00007-00005737-00006031 Searom: Shall we begin? XxlQeQgolcc-00008-00006388-00006598 Searom: The first style is XxlQeQgolcc-00009-00006598-00007028 Searom: Sophia has curly hair, right? XxlQeQgolcc-00010-00007038-00007161 Sophia: Yes it is. XxlQeQgolcc-00011-00007172-00007377 (She speaks in Korean in a sudden.) XxlQeQgolcc-00012-00007382-00007959 Searom: Since it is curly, I am going to straight them all and wear the beret. XxlQeQgolcc-00013-00007959-00008882 Searom: Recently, Jenny of Blackpink straightened her hair and wore a beret. XxlQeQgolcc-00014-00008915-00009240 Searom: And so did Seo Hyun of Girls' Generation. XxlQeQgolcc-00015-00009267-00009623 Searom: They looked really pretty. We will try them today. XxlQeQgolcc-00016-00009646-00009934 Searom: before we start to straighten her hair, XxlQeQgolcc-00017-00009946-00010192 Searom: Sophia has lots of hair. XxlQeQgolcc-00018-00010209-00010438 Searom: End of her hair is a bit damaged. XxlQeQgolcc-00019-00010446-00010716 Searom: To reduce the damage, XxlQeQgolcc-00020-00010721-00011121 Searom: there are some products which protect hair from heat. XxlQeQgolcc-00021-00011149-00011601 Searom: I am gonna apply one of them on her hair. When you flatten your hair, XxlQeQgolcc-00022-00011619-00011825 Searom: your hair should be perfectly dry. XxlQeQgolcc-00023-00011882-00012376 [Warning: Your hair must be perfectly dry when you use a flat iron, otherwise your hair will get damaged. ] XxlQeQgolcc-00024-00012381-00012625 Searom: I will apply some product and dry hair perfectly XxlQeQgolcc-00025-00012638-00012845 Searom: before I start straightening her hair. XxlQeQgolcc-00026-00012852-00013349 Searom: Apply the product hair evenly, apply it especially at the end of the hair. XxlQeQgolcc-00027-00013355-00014736 [Searom's tip: If you apply hair product close to the scalp, it will make your hair greasy. Apply them usually at the end of the hair where are damaged.] XxlQeQgolcc-00028-00014826-00015198 Searom: Let's start from the front part. XxlQeQgolcc-00029-00015198-00016344 Step 1 / Divide side hair into two parts with the ear as the center. XxlQeQgolcc-00030-00016344-00016744 Searom: If you have hair clipper XxlQeQgolcc-00031-00016801-00017555 Step 2 / Fix 1/2 or 1/3 of hair with the clipper. XxlQeQgolcc-00032-00017705-00019565 Searom's tip: Since we are going to wear Beret anyway, if you're busy, you don't need to divide and dry your hair. XxlQeQgolcc-00033-00020070-00021459 Step 3 / Comb your hair first and straighten it slowly. XxlQeQgolcc-00034-00021476-00021876 Don't worry if you hear something's burning. Your hair won't get damaged. XxlQeQgolcc-00035-00022313-00022510 Searom: Go slow. XxlQeQgolcc-00036-00022694-00022994 Searom: Comb the upper part of the hair first. XxlQeQgolcc-00037-00023067-00023861 Step 4 / Slowly straighten the rest of the hair from the root. XxlQeQgolcc-00038-00024020-00024695 Searom's tip: When you straighten the hair with flat irons, you should go straight from the top to the bottom. If you stop at some point, that part will get burnt. Be careful. XxlQeQgolcc-00039-00024747-00025147 Searom: The flat iron is very hot. XxlQeQgolcc-00040-00025159-00025470 Searom: please watch out your hand. XxlQeQgolcc-00041-00025491-00025852 Searom: Don't use too much heat at the start. XxlQeQgolcc-00042-00025867-00026267 Searom: Start with low temperature. XxlQeQgolcc-00043-00026267-00026667 Searom: Don't forget to straighten the end of the hair as well. XxlQeQgolcc-00044-00026676-00027268 Searom: Grab the front hair and go down slowly. XxlQeQgolcc-00045-00027439-00028173 Searom: Put the hair essence once more, the dry and damaged part will look better. XxlQeQgolcc-00046-00028178-00028578 Searom: Putting the hair essence one more time. XxlQeQgolcc-00047-00029692-00029862 Searom: Let's try the beret now. XxlQeQgolcc-00048-00029928-00030402 Searom: I straightened her hair and put the beret. XxlQeQgolcc-00049-00030405-00030875 Searom: When your hair is straight, you can put all of your hair to the back. Or put them on the front. XxlQeQgolcc-00050-00030897-00031363 This look is sophisticated. I put half of her hair to the back. XxlQeQgolcc-00051-00031373-00031742 Searom: You can try this look. XxlQeQgolcc-00052-00032928-00033782 Searom: The second look I will show you is curling the end of the hair as the alphabet C. XxlQeQgolcc-00053-00033791-00034269 Searom: this is not difficult. There's a fun tip I would like to share with you. XxlQeQgolcc-00054-00034269-00035051 Searom: When you want to curl your hair as the alphabet C, tie your hair first and curl it. It will take less time. XxlQeQgolcc-00055-00035059-00035378 Searom: I will use that way as well. XxlQeQgolcc-00056-00035395-00035988 Step 1 / Tie the hair as you want. XxlQeQgolcc-00057-00036170-00037162 Step 2 / Grab some hair and curl them into C. XxlQeQgolcc-00058-00037275-00037788 Searom's tip: When you curl your hair into C, imagine that you're drawing a half moon. It will look more pretty. XxlQeQgolcc-00059-00038548-00039084 Do it several times if you need. It depends on how much hair you have. Searom: If you have lots of hair, grab small amounts of hair and curled. Do it several times. XxlQeQgolcc-00060-00039089-00039759 Searom: If you have less hair, you can finish by doing this once or twice. XxlQeQgolcc-00061-00039764-00040415 Searom: If you want volumized curls, grab small amounts of hair and curled them several times. XxlQeQgolcc-00062-00040419-00041094 Searom: If you want big C curl or natural curl, XxlQeQgolcc-00063-00041112-00041683 Searom: Grab bigger amounts of hair and curl them. XxlQeQgolcc-00064-00041743-00042476 Searom's tip: When you use a flat iron, go slow so that the heat will affect the entire hair. And cool them down. XxlQeQgolcc-00065-00042800-00043186 Searom: Here's I curled her hair into the shape of an alphabet C. XxlQeQgolcc-00066-00043186-00043586 Searom: The entire hair looks like an alphabet C. XxlQeQgolcc-00067-00043632-00044375 Step 3 / Grab the end of the hair like this when the hair is still warm. The heat will fix the shape. XxlQeQgolcc-00068-00044377-00044747 Searom: Let's do the bang hair to give some accent. XxlQeQgolcc-00069-00044747-00045097 Searom: In Korea, people usually let their bang goes to the back naturally. XxlQeQgolcc-00070-00045107-00045555 That will look more sophisticated and make your face look thinner. XxlQeQgolcc-00071-00045559-00045692 Searom: Let me show you. XxlQeQgolcc-00072-00045700-00046247 step 4 / Take a good amount of the front hair from the center. XxlQeQgolcc-00073-00046298-00047384 And draw and curl them into an alphabet C as well. XxlQeQgolcc-00074-00047777-00048974 Step 5 / And flip them over the back. You will complete the natural look. XxlQeQgolcc-00075-00049392-00049834 Searom: If you want your face look smaller, XxlQeQgolcc-00076-00049895-00050197 show your ears. XxlQeQgolcc-00077-00050282-00052033 +Plus: Take some hair above the ear. Make about 7~8 cm section. And give some volume. Use the flat iron like you're drawing a circle. Fix the curl when it is cooling down. XxlQeQgolcc-00078-00052465-00053076 Searom: Now, you can see her ear. XxlQeQgolcc-00079-00053084-00053365 Searom: Make her earring be shown as well. XxlQeQgolcc-00080-00053411-00053524 I love it. XxlQeQgolcc-00081-00053611-00054012 Searom: When you wear fancy clothes around the Christmas or new years, XxlQeQgolcc-00082-00054012-00054349 Searom: you can wear a beret to give an accent. XxlQeQgolcc-00083-00054349-00054719 Searom: I think it's a good Idea. XxlQeQgolcc-00084-00054722-00054994 Searom: That's why I've come up with this look. XxlQeQgolcc-00085-00056351-00056602 [The second part is coming. Stay tuned.] XxlQeQgolcc-00086-00056662-00057325 [If you like this video, please hit the subscribe button.] Xzj1oGM7gPU-00000-00000052-00000168 [Music] foreign Xzj1oGM7gPU-00001-00000168-00000222 [Music] XB6gAaR6h1k-00000-00000057-00001104 [Music] XB6gAaR6h1k-00001-00001104-00001632 Hello everyone, In any industry selecting the right Business Process Automation Tool is critical. XB6gAaR6h1k-00002-00001632-00002168 A well-defined and well-executed business process ensures higher productivity, XB6gAaR6h1k-00003-00002168-00002688 lower cost, and better visibility. But a poorly defined and poorly executed XB6gAaR6h1k-00004-00002688-00003207 business process delivers exactly the opposite. XB6gAaR6h1k-00005-00003207-00003647 So, the question is, how do you make your real estate operations XB6gAaR6h1k-00006-00003647-00004104 more efficient and more effective by implementing the right Business Process XB6gAaR6h1k-00007-00004104-00004536 Automation Tool? Hi my name is Rehan Ahmed XB6gAaR6h1k-00008-00004536-00004903 and I am the Business Development Executive at CRES Technology. XB6gAaR6h1k-00009-00004903-00005287 I have with me Irfan Butt the CEO of CRES Technology XB6gAaR6h1k-00010-00005287-00005607 and Salman Ahmed the Director of Software Development. XB6gAaR6h1k-00011-00005607-00005952 Thank you gentleman for joining me to discuss this topic XB6gAaR6h1k-00012-00005952-00006519 and frankly speaking, it's like herding cats getting you both together. XB6gAaR6h1k-00013-00006559-00006815 Thank you Rehan. XB6gAaR6h1k-00014-00006815-00007072 All right, XB6gAaR6h1k-00015-00007072-00007631 Rehan: So, Irfan before we jump into the Workflow Management Solution can you explain the XB6gAaR6h1k-00016-00007631-00008168 Business Process challenges Real Estate organizations face today? XB6gAaR6h1k-00017-00008175-00008456 Irfan: Well Rehan there are multiple challenges the XB6gAaR6h1k-00018-00008456-00008775 organizations face in Real Estate industry in terms of Business Process management. XB6gAaR6h1k-00019-00008775-00009200 So, the first one is that XB6gAaR6h1k-00020-00009200-00009560 different departments in Real Estate Companies XB6gAaR6h1k-00021-00009560-00009952 such as Finance, Asset Management, XB6gAaR6h1k-00022-00009952-00010543 Property Management, Legal, HR. You know these departments have XB6gAaR6h1k-00023-00010543-00010928 their own data, documents, and business processes XB6gAaR6h1k-00024-00010928-00011272 and within the departments, they perform XB6gAaR6h1k-00025-00011272-00011671 different types of activities related to all of these things. XB6gAaR6h1k-00026-00011671-00012200 And yes, they do depend on other departments for certain activities XB6gAaR6h1k-00027-00012200-00012568 but the challenge is that they don't have the visibility XB6gAaR6h1k-00028-00012568-00013072 to know what is going on in the other departments right? XB6gAaR6h1k-00029-00013072-00013408 So, because of this lack of visibility XB6gAaR6h1k-00030-00013408-00013991 there is lack of Actionable Intelligence XB6gAaR6h1k-00031-00013991-00014391 and the lack of visibility just results in XB6gAaR6h1k-00032-00014391-00014808 people not being satisfied with their jobs and not aware of what is going on. XB6gAaR6h1k-00033-00014808-00015247 So, that's one thing. The other thing is XB6gAaR6h1k-00034-00015247-00015591 that systems are used in different departments, XB6gAaR6h1k-00035-00015591-00016063 different systems are used, there may be Property Management Systems such as MRI, XB6gAaR6h1k-00036-00016063-00016720 Yardi, Real Page, VTS whatever there may be other kinds of tools such as XB6gAaR6h1k-00037-00016720-00017168 Excel Spreadsheets, Investment Management Software, XB6gAaR6h1k-00038-00017168-00017608 budgeting and forecasting tools, such as Argus and so forth. XB6gAaR6h1k-00039-00017608-00018023 But the challenge is those systems are used by different departments and they XB6gAaR6h1k-00040-00018023-00018536 don't talk to each other, those systems do not talk to each other very often. XB6gAaR6h1k-00041-00018536-00018768 And so, XB6gAaR6h1k-00042-00018768-00019320 that's one of the problems, where you know because of this lack of system XB6gAaR6h1k-00043-00019320-00019848 integration again it adds to the silos. XB6gAaR6h1k-00044-00019848-00020312 People are stuck in silos and XB6gAaR6h1k-00045-00020312-00020576 that results in XB6gAaR6h1k-00046-00020576-00021008 lack of visibility and with these silos XB6gAaR6h1k-00047-00021008-00021551 you don't have a centralized dashboard where you can see what is going on right? XB6gAaR6h1k-00048-00021551-00021936 So, that's basically these are the main challenges facing Real Estate industry in XB6gAaR6h1k-00049-00021936-00022264 terms of Business Process Management. Rehan: True. XB6gAaR6h1k-00050-00022264-00022815 Rehan: So Gentlemen, with your broad experience in Real Estate industry and technology, XB6gAaR6h1k-00051-00022815-00023320 what do you think are the key components of the XB6gAaR6h1k-00052-00023320-00024000 Real Estate Workflow Automation Tool? Irfan: Right, so first of all Rehan XB6gAaR6h1k-00053-00024000-00024464 I think we have to be clear that XB6gAaR6h1k-00054-00024472-00025031 technology does help with Business Process Management but technology alone XB6gAaR6h1k-00055-00025031-00025295 cannot XB6gAaR6h1k-00056-00025312-00025863 handle or solve all the problems related to Business Process Management right? XB6gAaR6h1k-00057-00025863-00026432 First of all, there should be the organization's departments XB6gAaR6h1k-00058-00026432-00026856 should be willing to collaborate and willing to XB6gAaR6h1k-00059-00026856-00027216 share resources, so as far as the Workflow Management XB6gAaR6h1k-00060-00027216-00027688 components are concerned, the first key step is that XB6gAaR6h1k-00061-00027688-00028168 you need to define your workflow steps. When you define your workflow steps that XB6gAaR6h1k-00062-00028168-00028536 becomes your work plan right, like what is the list of different XB6gAaR6h1k-00063-00028536-00028944 steps you need to carry out in a the Business Process so defines that XB6gAaR6h1k-00064-00028944-00029383 and then after that, you have your Role Assignments. XB6gAaR6h1k-00065-00029383-00029912 Role Assignments is that, whatever activities have to be performed XB6gAaR6h1k-00066-00029912-00030488 in as per Workflow steps you assign those steps to the Individual XB6gAaR6h1k-00067-00030488-00030936 roles within your organization. So, certain activities will be performed by XB6gAaR6h1k-00068-00030936-00031247 let's say the Property Manager, there are certain activities that will be performed XB6gAaR6h1k-00069-00031247-00031608 by Lease Administrator, certain activities will be performed by the XB6gAaR6h1k-00070-00031608-00032063 Asset Manager or the Property Accountant right. So, the role assignment is very XB6gAaR6h1k-00071-00032063-00032352 important and that is the second part. XB6gAaR6h1k-00072-00032352-00032856 Salman: And Rehan when it comes to the Automation part, there XB6gAaR6h1k-00073-00032856-00033432 are three core components like Task Automation, XB6gAaR6h1k-00074-00033432-00033808 Workflow Automation itself and the XB6gAaR6h1k-00075-00033808-00034232 Document Automation. When it comes to Task Automation it's XB6gAaR6h1k-00076-00034232-00034760 just simply creating the task for an initiative or for a XB6gAaR6h1k-00077-00034760-00035136 project. But, when it comes to the XB6gAaR6h1k-00078-00035136-00035440 Workflow Automation it is the initiation of the XB6gAaR6h1k-00079-00035440-00036000 any initiative or any project itself. For example, there's XB6gAaR6h1k-00080-00036000-00036472 a Loan Critical Date or Lease Options. XB6gAaR6h1k-00081-00036472-00036744 So, these are the things where we can XB6gAaR6h1k-00082-00036744-00037200 trigger our Workflows automatically based on before the XB6gAaR6h1k-00083-00037200-00037688 date arrives or when it is due. XB6gAaR6h1k-00084-00037688-00038216 So, that there are as Irfan said, there are pre-defined steps for everything. So, if XB6gAaR6h1k-00085-00038216-00038744 we have properly set up the environment where we have the steps XB6gAaR6h1k-00086-00038744-00039191 written already for and the roles assigned with those steps. XB6gAaR6h1k-00087-00039191-00039480 An automatic XB6gAaR6h1k-00088-00039480-00039824 Loan Process can be initiated and everyone XB6gAaR6h1k-00089-00039824-00040256 who is involved in this process will be notified and they'll be doing everything. XB6gAaR6h1k-00090-00040256-00040840 There'll be successors and predecessors on those tasks, they can do that. XB6gAaR6h1k-00091-00040840-00041088 Even when the XB6gAaR6h1k-00092-00041088-00041656 Document Automation comes into place. We can create a XB6gAaR6h1k-00093-00041656-00042159 document based on the template. A word document, a Lease Agreement XB6gAaR6h1k-00094-00042159-00042688 that thing can be created automatically within the system. XB6gAaR6h1k-00095-00042696-00043103 The second challenge that we face is the mobility, XB6gAaR6h1k-00096-00043103-00043631 the managers the people are on the move when they receive such tasks. XB6gAaR6h1k-00097-00043631-00044112 So, a system should be something like that they can control things with their XB6gAaR6h1k-00098-00044112-00044552 mobile devices with their emails. Rehan: That's the Ease of Use Salman: Exactly! XB6gAaR6h1k-00099-00044552-00045004 A person is driving from New York to New Jersey and he can just XB6gAaR6h1k-00100-00045004-00045322 on his mobile knows the things and his team wouldn't be waiting for that. XB6gAaR6h1k-00101-00045923-00046303 Irfan: So, let me add to that, one of the most important things XB6gAaR6h1k-00102-00046303-00046719 for the Executives, they simply do not want to use the systems right XB6gAaR6h1k-00103-00046719-00047152 and this is not to put executives down it's just a reality. XB6gAaR6h1k-00104-00047152-00047503 People are on move they want everything on their fingertips. XB6gAaR6h1k-00105-00047503-00047896 So, when there is a Workflow XB6gAaR6h1k-00106-00047896-00048447 which requires a step that they have to perform perhaps it's an approval right XB6gAaR6h1k-00107-00048447-00048703 for an investment, XB6gAaR6h1k-00108-00048703-00049016 you know or any type of other approval. XB6gAaR6h1k-00109-00049016-00049528 They need something on their smartphones that come in and they say XB6gAaR6h1k-00110-00049528-00049903 okay, this is what you need to approve and all they do is click something and XB6gAaR6h1k-00111-00049903-00050303 boom. It's done. Salman: Yeah, they don't require to XB6gAaR6h1k-00112-00050303-00050687 sign in to the Workflow Management System, it's on their mobile already XB6gAaR6h1k-00113-00050687-00051063 with their emails and XB6gAaR6h1k-00114-00051063-00051376 like the most important thing is that XB6gAaR6h1k-00115-00051376-00051832 the system should be integrated. But there are many companies who are XB6gAaR6h1k-00116-00051832-00052351 using Entrata as their property management system. Some are using MRI, some are using XB6gAaR6h1k-00117-00052351-00052944 Yardi, some are using Yardi and Entrata, and there will be sometimes they will be using XB6gAaR6h1k-00118-00052944-00053288 multiple instances of Yardi. XB6gAaR6h1k-00119-00053288-00053879 So, they have their information in their system but it should be integrated or XB6gAaR6h1k-00120-00053879-00054232 they all centralized altogether. XB6gAaR6h1k-00121-00054232-00054664 So that, that information can be captured in one place and XB6gAaR6h1k-00122-00054664-00055167 through that information the Properties, the Tenants, Transactions, Loans, Legal XB6gAaR6h1k-00123-00055167-00055672 Entities all of the information these are the initiators of the XB6gAaR6h1k-00124-00055672-00056024 Workflows. So, if that information is XB6gAaR6h1k-00125-00056024-00056439 available within one system your Workflow can be initiated through that. XB6gAaR6h1k-00126-00056439-00056808 Rehan: Yeah, and as Irfan mentioned, the challenge is one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. XB6gAaR6h1k-00127-00056808-00057176 By having the system integration, you can make it like XB6gAaR6h1k-00128-00057176-00057704 one hand knows what the other is doing. XB6gAaR6h1k-00129-00057704-00058072 Salman: Yeah, and like if there are dashboards available XB6gAaR6h1k-00130-00058072-00058536 for the department heads, they can have an overview of the entire XB6gAaR6h1k-00131-00058536-00058960 department. Every task a single person is performing, XB6gAaR6h1k-00132-00058960-00059455 a department head can see that on his fingertips. Whenever he just login XB6gAaR6h1k-00133-00059455-00059816 into the system, there's a proper screen and boom. XB6gAaR6h1k-00134-00059816-00060304 He knows everything about it's, not just his department, if they're like CEO, CFO. XB6gAaR6h1k-00135-00060304-00060704 he can see the big picture of the entire company what's going on XB6gAaR6h1k-00136-00060704-00060927 and that's how they are going to XB6gAaR6h1k-00137-00060927-00061367 identify the core issues within the company. Rehan: Exactly! XB6gAaR6h1k-00138-00061367-00061791 That's what are the pain point of CXOs nowadays. XB6gAaR6h1k-00139-00061791-00062151 Irfan: Yeah, and lastly and most importantly XB6gAaR6h1k-00140-00062151-00062527 you know we need to improve the business process. XB6gAaR6h1k-00141-00062527-00063151 Every organization wants a continuous process improvement. XB6gAaR6h1k-00142-00063151-00063544 you know, when you have a good Workflow Management Tool, XB6gAaR6h1k-00143-00063544-00063895 it allows you to improve your business XB6gAaR6h1k-00144-00063895-00064160 processes over time and how do you do that? XB6gAaR6h1k-00145-00064160-00064751 The tool should be able to give you data about how different tasks are XB6gAaR6h1k-00146-00064751-00065327 being performed over time? Is it taking longer than you had planned? XB6gAaR6h1k-00147-00065327-00065648 Is it taking shorter than you had planned? XB6gAaR6h1k-00148-00065648-00066080 Is that task even necessary? XB6gAaR6h1k-00149-00066080-00066424 So, with a tool that can do that, XB6gAaR6h1k-00150-00066424-00066912 you have a better ability to improve your XB6gAaR6h1k-00151-00066912-00067327 operations and what we call the operational maturity, achieve operational XB6gAaR6h1k-00152-00067327-00067768 maturity over time. Rehan: Exactly! and as you're saying that XB6gAaR6h1k-00153-00067768-00068136 there are seven key components that i can compile at the moment. XB6gAaR6h1k-00154-00068136-00068544 Like you can say first of all we should have some workflow steps right, we should XB6gAaR6h1k-00155-00068544-00069095 have flexible role assignments, we should automate the things together and XB6gAaR6h1k-00156-00069095-00069616 we should have some mobility that is ease of use and we should have the system integrations, XB6gAaR6h1k-00157-00069616-00069968 business intelligence and the most XB6gAaR6h1k-00158-00069968-00070280 important of all that is operational maturity over time. So that's the whole thing. XB6gAaR6h1k-00159-00070800-00071176 So, Irfan as we know that CRES Workflow Automation XB6gAaR6h1k-00160-00071176-00071792 is like the part of CRES Real Estate Solutions and that's actually a bunch of Document XB6gAaR6h1k-00161-00071792-00072320 Management, Contract Management, Asset Management, Transaction Management, XB6gAaR6h1k-00162-00072320-00072912 Loan Management, Legal Entity Management so how CRES can help, considering this, XB6gAaR6h1k-00163-00072912-00073360 how CRES can help with Workflow Management? XB6gAaR6h1k-00164-00073432-00073648 Irfan: So Rehan, XB6gAaR6h1k-00165-00073648-00074144 CRES Workflow Management allows you XB6gAaR6h1k-00166-00074144-00074560 to streamline your business processes XB6gAaR6h1k-00167-00074560-00075000 for any type of initiative. Any initiative that involves XB6gAaR6h1k-00168-00075000-00075616 Real Estate people and processes you can streamline that process and XB6gAaR6h1k-00169-00075616-00075920 have improvement in your productivity. XB6gAaR6h1k-00170-00075920-00076280 With CRES Workflow Automation, XB6gAaR6h1k-00171-00076280-00076800 you know you can achieve that XB6gAaR6h1k-00172-00076800-00077232 by different ways. What we have learned in the industry is XB6gAaR6h1k-00173-00077392-00077863 that a lot of Real Estate companies, our customers when they came to us initially XB6gAaR6h1k-00174-00077863-00078344 they were struggling with not having visibility about XB6gAaR6h1k-00175-00078344-00078800 who's working on what? who dropped the ball? You know their XB6gAaR6h1k-00176-00078800-00079192 Real Estate business process involves lots of activities XB6gAaR6h1k-00177-00079192-00079592 from lots of people and they have to be done in a timely XB6gAaR6h1k-00178-00079592-00079944 manner. If they're not done in a timely manner, you have a problem. XB6gAaR6h1k-00179-00079944-00080320 So with XB6gAaR6h1k-00180-00080320-00080807 these kind of challenges they wanted a tool that could XB6gAaR6h1k-00181-00080807-00081216 do task assignments, that could send alerts to people so that they can stay on XB6gAaR6h1k-00182-00081216-00081792 top of their tasks. It can provide compliance built into the tool XB6gAaR6h1k-00183-00081792-00082168 and then XB6gAaR6h1k-00184-00082168-00082480 you know eventually to be for them to become more XB6gAaR6h1k-00185-00082480-00083048 productive. So this is what CRES does right, CRES Workflow Management allows XB6gAaR6h1k-00186-00083048-00083368 you to XB6gAaR6h1k-00187-00083368-00083927 automate your Business Processes, automate your Task Assignments, automate XB6gAaR6h1k-00188-00083927-00084288 your Document Management even so XB6gAaR6h1k-00189-00084288-00084800 with CRES Workflow Management you get a centralized dashboard, XB6gAaR6h1k-00190-00084800-00085272 you get a compliance dashboard where you can see all the XB6gAaR6h1k-00191-00085272-00085719 Workflows that are in progress. You can also see all the tasks within a Workflow XB6gAaR6h1k-00192-00085719-00086072 that are in progress. That way you have clear visibility. XB6gAaR6h1k-00193-00086072-00086439 Users can when they log into CRES, XB6gAaR6h1k-00194-00086439-00086968 If they have tasks pending on them, if they have Workflows that are delayed, XB6gAaR6h1k-00195-00086968-00087439 you can clearly see you know why that is happening and that XB6gAaR6h1k-00196-00087439-00087872 allows you to come on top of things and bring it under control. XB6gAaR6h1k-00197-00087872-00088360 Rehan: Exactly! and this thing can eventually, you can say, automate the whole workflow steps XB6gAaR6h1k-00198-00088360-00088704 and all workflow automation process management process. XB6gAaR6h1k-00199-00088704-00089127 So, Viewers there you have it. CRES can help you with Business Process XB6gAaR6h1k-00200-00089127-00089551 Management. However, technology alone you can say, as you said technology alone XB6gAaR6h1k-00201-00089551-00089888 cannot solve the business processes XB6gAaR6h1k-00202-00089888-00090368 so success first requires the willingness to share the resources XB6gAaR6h1k-00203-00090368-00090760 between the departments. A successful Workflow Management Solution XB6gAaR6h1k-00204-00090760-00091192 should allow for reusability, XB6gAaR6h1k-00205-00091192-00091688 flexible task assignments, automation, mobility, system integration, business intelligence XB6gAaR6h1k-00206-00091688-00092063 and most important of all that's operational maturity. XB6gAaR6h1k-00207-00092063-00092439 CRES Workflow Management XB6gAaR6h1k-00208-00092439-00092975 manages any business process related to real estate as well as corporate XB6gAaR6h1k-00209-00092975-00093407 and departmental workflows. We welcome you to get in touch with us XB6gAaR6h1k-00210-00093407-00093880 for a Demo of a fully Automated Workflow Automation Solution. XB6gAaR6h1k-00211-00093880-00094383 Please contact us get started. Thank you very much. XB-x33umme8-00000-00000043-00000176 And we started. XB-x33umme8-00001-00000183-00000596 Yes, we started. Hello, friends. XB-x33umme8-00002-00000630-00001300 Today, we will do March 2021 Q&A. But first, we would like to share... XB-x33umme8-00003-00001620-00002120 ...connections between control, XB-x33umme8-00004-00002146-00002440 controllessness and controllingness. XB-x33umme8-00005-00002506-00002870 Now, I am writing down the title of the subject for myself. XB-x33umme8-00006-00003020-00003629 So, we could recall the subject matter in case we wander around too much. XB-x33umme8-00007-00003840-00004473 Now... Years ago, there was this Japanese firm. XB-x33umme8-00008-00004563-00004920 It made a car, a very fast sports car. XB-x33umme8-00009-00004990-00005630 It used to accelerate almost as much as a very fast European car. XB-x33umme8-00010-00005686-00006323 But the question is: "Ok, this car reaches 300 km/hour but... XB-x33umme8-00011-00006583-00006780 how many meters is its breaking distance?" XB-x33umme8-00012-00006796-00007186 In other words, if you brake at 200 km/h, how many meters will it need to stop? XB-x33umme8-00013-00007323-00007570 How is its stopping performance, its brake system? XB-x33umme8-00014-00007609-00007933 OK, you speed up, you go very fast. XB-x33umme8-00015-00008009-00008753 But you regulate your speed according to your braking distance. XB-x33umme8-00016-00008763-00009270 That is, you can only speed in accordance with your control system. XB-x33umme8-00017-00009310-00010010 If you have a car or bike that cannot stop in the right time and place... XB-x33umme8-00018-00010076-00010583 your vehicle is not of importance anymore because you will limit your speed. XB-x33umme8-00019-00010683-00011223 So, the same applies to emotions, to life, maybe to relationships, XB-x33umme8-00020-00011256-00011693 to the moral and spiritual path. While going forward on the way of improvement, XB-x33umme8-00021-00011716-00012440 we may sometimes speed up and go full throttle in one area. XB-x33umme8-00022-00012476-00012843 But when and how will it stop? XB-x33umme8-00023-00012873-00013326 So it is important that you speed up... XB-x33umme8-00024-00013400-00013883 ...only if you possess this power, per se, the control over that area. XB-x33umme8-00025-00014026-00014490 Now, you are at the wheel, and it is important... XB-x33umme8-00026-00014496-00014853 that you are the power controlling that wheel... right? XB-x33umme8-00027-00014916-00015353 And indeed, you need to be in the driver's seat of the car XB-x33umme8-00028-00015366-00015793 although autonomous cars are pretty much in use at the moment. XB-x33umme8-00029-00015823-00016243 They park automatically and drive for hours on the highway. XB-x33umme8-00030-00016250-00016760 Yes, we have them but still, there is a control behind them, even if it is AI. XB-x33umme8-00031-00016816-00016973 Yes, control is important. XB-x33umme8-00032-00017153-00017596 Now, we take and put control aside as a matter that needs to be. XB-x33umme8-00033-00017686-00018310 There are also controlling people, people in need of controlling everything. XB-x33umme8-00034-00018393-00019066 "My child, did you put on adequately warm clothes?" XB-x33umme8-00035-00019136-00019440 "Did you eat before leaving? Did you do this and that?" XB-x33umme8-00036-00019476-00019823 "Don't use that route on the way! Do it this way, do it that way!" XB-x33umme8-00037-00019860-00020360 Also, there are various situations that controlling people or... XB-x33umme8-00038-00020366-00020570 we try to control. XB-x33umme8-00039-00020686-00021403 And this controllingness, somehow, has certain reflections... XB-x33umme8-00040-00021626-00022040 on the life of most of you. XB-x33umme8-00041-00022090-00022580 It has positive or negative effects on your lives. XB-x33umme8-00042-00022730-00023126 So today, before we go on with Q&As... XB-x33umme8-00043-00023230-00023820 we will first... yes... now it is working. It's OK. XB-x33umme8-00044-00023933-00024576 These earbuds sometimes... they also work through AI. XB-x33umme8-00045-00024613-00024836 I don't have control over them. I only put them on. XB-x33umme8-00046-00024843-00025246 They sometimes function on their own. Control and controllessness. XB-x33umme8-00047-00025633-00026003 Now, on the other hand, XB-x33umme8-00048-00026060-00026510 some people need external means of control. XB-x33umme8-00049-00026533-00027089 Isn't that so? First off, as humankind, XB-x33umme8-00050-00027116-00027486 we need the control, the protection, XB-x33umme8-00051-00027493-00027916 the guardianship of our parents until we reach a certain age. XB-x33umme8-00052-00027950-00028163 We feel the need for control. XB-x33umme8-00053-00028273-00028756 This continues through life for some of you. XB-x33umme8-00054-00028806-00029296 This control turns into a need for pressure for some of you. XB-x33umme8-00055-00029370-00029850 Some of you open some doors in their life, XB-x33umme8-00056-00030060-00030480 believing that over-control, pressure and external interventions XB-x33umme8-00057-00030486-00030936 are ways of others loving and caring about you. XB-x33umme8-00058-00031016-00031373 Therefore, many facets of your life may be domineered by... XB-x33umme8-00059-00031403-00032200 control, controllessness and also, contollingness. XB-x33umme8-00060-00032253-00032786 Now, let's see which one of these benefits us and to what degree; XB-x33umme8-00061-00032820-00033160 which one harms us to what degree or is useless. XB-x33umme8-00062-00033173-00033530 The analyses of these may be quite significant for each one of us. XB-x33umme8-00063-00033603-00033750 As we said earlier, XB-x33umme8-00064-00033830-00034206 in some of you there is a side accustomed to this control. XB-x33umme8-00065-00034213-00034536 And this side feels the need to be controlled. XB-x33umme8-00066-00034633-00035150 In your work, for instance, how much controlling do you need? XB-x33umme8-00067-00035230-00035750 For example, I have worked for years with many assistants and staff. XB-x33umme8-00068-00035810-00036213 I observed that some did their assignments very efficiently. XB-x33umme8-00069-00036256-00036820 With some others, however, let's say if you published what they produced... XB-x33umme8-00070-00036836-00037360 without any control, this would cause great issues or problems XB-x33umme8-00071-00037393-00037853 because they are used to being controlled. I have seen that such people... XB-x33umme8-00072-00037860-00038160 slack their work or assignment. XB-x33umme8-00073-00038180-00038816 But they couldn't help it because they hadn't activated their inner control. XB-x33umme8-00074-00038903-00039633 Besides that, it is crucial that we understand why an existence... XB-x33umme8-00075-00039640-00040136 needs control because when we see and notice this need... XB-x33umme8-00076-00040143-00040813 when we see its causes, whether familial, existential or improvement-wise... XB-x33umme8-00077-00040856-00041160 we may use control in the right place XB-x33umme8-00078-00041196-00041740 and somehow reduce our need for it. XB-x33umme8-00079-00041746-00042250 We can even free ourselves both from controls that we exert on others... XB-x33umme8-00080-00042296-00042610 and the ones exerted on us by others. XB-x33umme8-00081-00042740-00043416 In fact, all those recent lockdowns, all the regulations about... XB-x33umme8-00082-00043423-00043723 what is allowed and what is not, the restrictions about going to... XB-x33umme8-00083-00043730-00044006 ...restaurants, the obligation to wear a mask and so forth... XB-x33umme8-00084-00044013-00044446 We will have a look as to how most of these, that is, all kinds of bans... XB-x33umme8-00085-00044453-00044926 stem from the system's need for control and move forward by... XB-x33umme8-00086-00044933-00045150 unraveling layers of this concept one by one. XB-x33umme8-00087-00045173-00045423 By the way, there are some reminders. XB-x33umme8-00088-00045453-00045893 First off, on the 15th, which is Saturday I presume, XB-x33umme8-00089-00045936-00046383 On Saturday evening, we have a spiritual meditation called... XB-x33umme8-00090-00046390-00046636 "Invitation to Love." XB-x33umme8-00091-00046720-00047163 Hopefully, in that practice, we will have a heart-to-heart. XB-x33umme8-00092-00047213-00047593 It's been a while since we have had one of those. XB-x33umme8-00093-00047636-00048166 We will have some expansions. Then we will have a workshop called... XB-x33umme8-00094-00048173-00048500 "Improve your relationships," which will probably start the week after. XB-x33umme8-00095-00048590-00049123 In that one, the priority is naturally male-female relationships, XB-x33umme8-00096-00049133-00049330 our relationships with the opposite gender, XB-x33umme8-00097-00049340-00049590 the improvement of these relationships; XB-x33umme8-00098-00049596-00050116 and understanding the causes and roots of the problems in those relationships. XB-x33umme8-00099-00050230-00050650 When we can't determine the cause of something accurately, XB-x33umme8-00100-00050803-00051313 when we can't diagnose it correctly, we can't heal or cure the problem. XB-x33umme8-00101-00051400-00051886 So, first, we'll make correct diagnoses and improvements in that area. XB-x33umme8-00102-00051936-00052379 Then we'll do certain works and use their spiritual connection... XB-x33umme8-00103-00052386-00052746 and hopefully, we will have our relationships benefit from these. XB-x33umme8-00104-00052833-00053166 That workshop will probably take place on two consecutive Sundays XB-x33umme8-00105-00053276-00053706 It was scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, but since there is no more lockdown... XB-x33umme8-00106-00053756-00054173 on Saturdays, we thought we should allow ourselves to go around on Saturday. XB-x33umme8-00107-00054179-00054606 We were stuck inside for a long time. So we rescheduled it for two Sundays. XB-x33umme8-00108-00054646-00055366 Let's get some air, breathe happily; and let's have beautiful gatherings. XB-x33umme8-00109-00055613-00056350 If any friends will go on a detox program on their own, XB-x33umme8-00110-00056486-00057086 Some new products were manufactured in my consultation. XB-x33umme8-00111-00057093-00057690 One of them is a paste with balsam apple. It especially heals the stomach, XB-x33umme8-00112-00057716-00058316 pancreas and spleen. It is available for sale on bionsmart.com, I believe. XB-x33umme8-00113-00058390-00059116 Our staff responsible for the spring detox program have started organizing these. XB-x33umme8-00114-00059293-00059650 This product was specially designed to heal the empowerment center. XB-x33umme8-00115-00059760-00060233 This is an important product in that it will work on the physical body level... XB-x33umme8-00116-00060240-00060693 for the improvement of the control system of the power. XB-x33umme8-00117-00060746-00061013 What we noticed was that... XB-x33umme8-00118-00061060-00061623 if someone has a problem with their stomach, they have a problem with control. XB-x33umme8-00119-00061663-00062170 If they have a problem with control, they have a distrust of the system's owner. XB-x33umme8-00120-00062240-00062743 This means that they couldn't be properly rooted into life; XB-x33umme8-00121-00062753-00063013 they couldn't make peace with the ground and grounding. XB-x33umme8-00122-00063046-00063526 Therefore, a potent, nanotechnological mixture XB-x33umme8-00123-00063703-00063913 was made of all the yellow. XB-x33umme8-00124-00063920-00064533 Produced in Ünal Güner's consultation, the mixture also has unique extra systems, XB-x33umme8-00125-00064540-00064773 which will hopefully benefit us all. XB-x33umme8-00126-00064813-00065423 I already heard some comments about it. Just today, a very close friend commented. XB-x33umme8-00127-00065429-00065706 It made me very happy. Hopefully, it'll bring healing to us all. XB-x33umme8-00128-00065763-00066453 Now, as we said before, why does one need control? XB-x33umme8-00129-00066583-00066923 For what reason, do we need to control something? XB-x33umme8-00130-00066960-00067340 Or, is control really necessary? We'll first ask these questions. XB-x33umme8-00131-00067420-00067923 First off, the more our power and our speed increase, XB-x33umme8-00132-00067933-00068303 the more our control mechanism needs to be powerful. XB-x33umme8-00133-00068343-00068956 Really? We are trying to give up control, but you are telling us that... XB-x33umme8-00134-00068996-00069480 your control mechanism needs to become stronger as power increases. XB-x33umme8-00135-00069536-00070076 Yes, because controllingness and controllessness are the same frequency. XB-x33umme8-00136-00070163-00070713 In other words, someone who quits controlling, meaning (s)he is controlless, XB-x33umme8-00137-00070780-00071216 and someone who is over-controlling is fed by the same energy. XB-x33umme8-00138-00071276-00071710 Whereas as your strength to control XB-x33umme8-00139-00071766-00072126 the power and to steer energies, XB-x33umme8-00140-00072200-00072830 as you begin to funnel the power, your will and decision abilities... XB-x33umme8-00141-00072953-00073623 will improve and you will have the control to make choices in the right way. XB-x33umme8-00142-00073633-00073960 For instance, making a choice is, in fact, a control mechanism. XB-x33umme8-00143-00073986-00074253 In other words, you first test it: this or that? XB-x33umme8-00144-00074270-00074630 I chose. This one passed the control, this one is faulty, so I don't take it. XB-x33umme8-00145-00074713-00075280 This happens after a control, which means the intelligence is used here. XB-x33umme8-00146-00075330-00075980 If the person doesn't use the intelligence here, controllessness emerges. XB-x33umme8-00147-00076120-00076636 Of course, we have another notion on these steps. XB-x33umme8-00148-00076713-00077203 Yes, we will come to that, but let's see this lower level first. XB-x33umme8-00149-00077240-00077796 The point is not to jump five steps up because before handling here, XB-x33umme8-00150-00077870-00078356 a resignation stage will be too heavy. XB-x33umme8-00151-00078496-00079063 Therefore, first we will be freed from controllessness. XB-x33umme8-00152-00079120-00079736 If a person can't manage and control their own life indeed, XB-x33umme8-00153-00079783-00080150 they start to control other people's lives. XB-x33umme8-00154-00080253-00080736 In fact, controlling mothers, fathers, bosses XB-x33umme8-00155-00080743-00081073 become interfering because... XB-x33umme8-00156-00081080-00081653 they cannot control their own existence and improvement adequately. XB-x33umme8-00157-00081666-00081810 Here we put the knowledge. XB-x33umme8-00158-00081993-00082706 Controlless people, even the ones that become controlless due to being... XB-x33umme8-00159-00082736-00083163 over-controlling and the ones getting out of control are in the same category. XB-x33umme8-00160-00083286-00083886 Some things constantly get out of control in the lives of over-controlling people, XB-x33umme8-00161-00083893-00084396 of people in the need to over-control people and situations around them... XB-x33umme8-00162-00084403-00084663 because they don't trust their surrounding. XB-x33umme8-00163-00084746-00084846 Why? XB-x33umme8-00164-00084983-00085650 As we said, the system gives you fruit from wherever you focus or concentrate on. XB-x33umme8-00165-00085743-00086170 If, for instance, you overfocus on balance, imbalance occurs. XB-x33umme8-00166-00086186-00086610 If you overfocus on control, controllessness occurs. XB-x33umme8-00167-00086753-00087450 It is because the reason as to why you focus so much on that area is the worry... XB-x33umme8-00168-00087503-00087800 you will lose the control. XB-x33umme8-00169-00087913-00088133 The worry that "what if this or that happens." XB-x33umme8-00170-00088190-00088833 So here, behind the need to control, is your belief that the order that... XB-x33umme8-00171-00088893-00089496 the system or the One, Allah, created XB-x33umme8-00172-00089503-00089880 is not trustworthy enough. XB-x33umme8-00173-00089976-00090563 You have a fear that some things might happen to this life, to the ground... XB-x33umme8-00174-00090573-00091033 ...that you step on, and whatever occurs might harm you. XB-x33umme8-00175-00091223-00091840 Then you aren't grounded enough, and not in touch with the ground. XB-x33umme8-00176-00091876-00092496 This, in turn, prevents you from being rooted into an event or state, XB-x33umme8-00177-00092540-00092866 you try to root by over-controlling. XB-x33umme8-00178-00093093-00093556 You surely have many people around you in this situation. XB-x33umme8-00179-00093613-00093840 For instance, sometimes XB-x33umme8-00180-00093893-00094430 doctors, sometimes teachers or certain professional experts XB-x33umme8-00181-00094526-00095290 do their controls thoroughly in order to perform their jobs properly. XB-x33umme8-00182-00095330-00096013 But this turns into controllingness due to an out-of-hand development. XB-x33umme8-00183-00096033-00096510 In this delicate situation, the emotion settling there is worry. XB-x33umme8-00184-00096636-00097030 Of course, it is a decent and right act for a police officer or security staff... XB-x33umme8-00185-00097036-00097396 to check whether people entering a facility have something on them and... XB-x33umme8-00186-00097403-00097723 thus perform their duty properly and thoroughly. XB-x33umme8-00187-00097816-00098420 But when they fear and worry on the inside that something might happen at any moment, XB-x33umme8-00188-00098466-00099176 they have a higher potential to make a mistake and let someone hostile in. XB-x33umme8-00189-00099310-00099956 Let's say, you are on a small boat and stood up on the boat. XB-x33umme8-00190-00099976-00100346 "Would the boat capsize, what if it does, would it sink?" XB-x33umme8-00191-00100380-00100720 You feared, worried, and panicked; then you may eventually sink the boat... XB-x33umme8-00192-00100743-00101433 in the lake even if it is as calm as a millpond. XB-x33umme8-00193-00101500-00101686 Even without the slightest wave. XB-x33umme8-00194-00101810-00102046 So, in your own lives, XB-x33umme8-00195-00102133-00102650 you may stay calm even in rough situations; XB-x33umme8-00196-00102790-00103440 whereas sometimes, you may capsize your life boat XB-x33umme8-00197-00103483-00103930 on waters calm as a millpond. XB-x33umme8-00198-00104126-00104700 So, how are we going to stay away from controllingness? XB-x33umme8-00199-00104786-00105216 Does this mean that we will not control our children, or some work, XB-x33umme8-00200-00105243-00105813 or our vision about a project that we will undertake... XB-x33umme8-00201-00105870-00106370 so that it will turn out OK, or our plans about the future? XB-x33umme8-00202-00106446-00106959 First off, naturally, it is crucial that you check, XB-x33umme8-00203-00107233-00107430 that you own a job. XB-x33umme8-00204-00107490-00107876 You are to be able to look out for every area that is assigned to you; XB-x33umme8-00205-00107893-00108493 and naturally see, comprehend and embrace every aspect of the job in hand. XB-x33umme8-00206-00108623-00109143 In everything you do half-way, you'll have a lack of control... XB-x33umme8-00207-00109183-00109620 and you are to compensate for this by being over-controlling in another area. XB-x33umme8-00208-00109713-00110426 Thus, when there are situations that people neglect, slack, or procrastinate, XB-x33umme8-00209-00110456-00111016 they service themselves an exaggeration of this matter in other areas. XB-x33umme8-00210-00111150-00111580 In other words, they seem to over-control in one area, XB-x33umme8-00211-00111586-00112040 saying "I should do this and that", whereas they left the back door open. XB-x33umme8-00212-00112270-00112576 Yes, we will first tie our donkey to a steady pole, XB-x33umme8-00213-00112763-00113220 then we'll say with faith, "if wolves eat it, so be it." XB-x33umme8-00214-00113286-00113856 I will first secure whatever I do, in whichever area. XB-x33umme8-00215-00113863-00114283 Therefore, you are to make all kinds of agreements in writing. XB-x33umme8-00216-00114330-00114700 You are to take notes, doing your work in an organized way; XB-x33umme8-00217-00114716-00115066 and to do whatever necessary and do them by the book. XB-x33umme8-00218-00115216-00115566 In the past, I made lots of agreements, thinking that I would remember all; XB-x33umme8-00219-00115573-00115956 or thinking that oral agreements would be enough. XB-x33umme8-00220-00116063-00116620 Later, both parties can forget. One says A, the other says B. XB-x33umme8-00221-00116663-00117233 So, here control is: the palest ink is stronger than the sharpest memory. XB-x33umme8-00222-00117280-00117673 Then, we are to do everything in writing, with the proper system, XB-x33umme8-00223-00117700-00118190 with the worldly rules within this world... see. XB-x33umme8-00224-00118430-00119003 If you compromise here, then you are to control too much in another area; XB-x33umme8-00225-00119036-00119540 or you might invite the things you fear by pretending to control other areas... XB-x33umme8-00226-00119573-00119959 too much because of the misgivings you feel inside. XB-x33umme8-00227-00120003-00120356 Surely, these are fine territories, fine mechanisms, my friends, but... XB-x33umme8-00228-00120390-00120836 they are basic principles that could benefit especially the jobs... XB-x33umme8-00229-00120880-00121136 or the relationships of many of you. XB-x33umme8-00230-00121323-00122036 If you formed a habit of controllessness, of leaving everything loose, XB-x33umme8-00231-00122113-00122853 there might be one advantage of this: certain things may ease up... XB-x33umme8-00232-00122873-00123143 if the person leaves things completely loose... XB-x33umme8-00233-00123190-00123470 due to a state of untroubledness. XB-x33umme8-00234-00123700-00124076 But you won't be rewarded for this XB-x33umme8-00235-00124083-00124346 as you didn't perform your job or assignments duly. XB-x33umme8-00236-00124480-00125196 Instead, life will give you more responsibilities in other areas, XB-x33umme8-00237-00125240-00125756 or you will be poked and pushed to do work. XB-x33umme8-00238-00125943-00126476 Such people have obligations to rush in various areas in life... XB-x33umme8-00239-00126553-00126950 because of the situations where they are "in the horizontal," where they linger. XB-x33umme8-00240-00126990-00127409 As we explained especially in our book, "The Seed of Beauty," XB-x33umme8-00241-00127580-00128130 The reason why people need anger is that... XB-x33umme8-00242-00128173-00128743 they have an otiose, in other words, a lingering, XB-x33umme8-00243-00128780-00129153 slackened energy frequency. XB-x33umme8-00244-00129236-00129996 That is, when people slow down, weaken and let up themselves, XB-x33umme8-00245-00130036-00130533 what they need to take action is motion energy... XB-x33umme8-00246-00130576-00131203 which is fire element; and this may come to them sometimes in the form of... XB-x33umme8-00247-00131260-00131710 anger, sometimes rage, and sometimes joy, cheer or an incredible enthusiasm. XB-x33umme8-00248-00131830-00131996 In other words, XB-x33umme8-00249-00132240-00132736 if this stagnation is due to serenity, there comes joy and cheer. XB-x33umme8-00250-00132810-00133150 But if it is due to laziness XB-x33umme8-00251-00133156-00133870 or extreme nonchalance and controllessness, XB-x33umme8-00252-00133986-00134566 if it is a "whatever happens, happens" kind of letting go, XB-x33umme8-00253-00134636-00135330 especially if there is a challenge there, then fire element comes as anger, rage... XB-x33umme8-00254-00135360-00135793 or as the addictions of the fire element, XB-x33umme8-00255-00135816-00136246 such as smoking or some fire toys. XB-x33umme8-00256-00136393-00137010 So, for each one of these, it is possible for a person to reach a frequency, XB-x33umme8-00257-00137016-00137526 a consciousness that would allow them to make that move by themselves; XB-x33umme8-00258-00137563-00137890 and when they reach this, these paths may open up. XB-x33umme8-00259-00137983-00138656 For example, as we explained earlier, control is related to the stomach. XB-x33umme8-00260-00138713-00139253 Therefore, people get sick in situations of losing the control. XB-x33umme8-00261-00139366-00139943 The carsickness or nausea that you feel at some places where you eat or drink... XB-x33umme8-00262-00139983-00140446 in situations of losing the control, the condition you experience, XB-x33umme8-00263-00140483-00140903 the nausea in the stomach is due to acid-base imbalance. XB-x33umme8-00264-00140933-00141420 For instance, if you put into your stomach an equal amount of salt and sugar, XB-x33umme8-00265-00141426-00141963 you will get sick even when the stomach can't decide or experience imbalance. XB-x33umme8-00266-00142023-00142496 Or maybe, you are in a vehicle but its control is not in your hands. XB-x33umme8-00267-00142526-00142836 When you are in the driver's seat, you may get sick; XB-x33umme8-00268-00142843-00143116 but in the passenger seat, you do get sick... XB-x33umme8-00269-00143130-00143570 because at that moment you experience a controllessness, XB-x33umme8-00270-00143576-00143910 as the control of the car is in the driver's hand; XB-x33umme8-00271-00143930-00144383 because you cannot feel that you are safe and secure. XB-x33umme8-00272-00144443-00144936 Then, controlling people are over-controlling because... XB-x33umme8-00273-00144943-00145283 they don't feel safe in this world; and controlless people are... XB-x33umme8-00274-00145353-00145663 over-controlling because they leave things loose. XB-x33umme8-00275-00145763-00146143 But as we said earlier, it is possible to take these to higher levels by... XB-x33umme8-00276-00146276-00146716 by practicing and developing. Think of it this way: XB-x33umme8-00277-00146840-00147216 You do your job solidly. XB-x33umme8-00278-00147286-00148006 You based your plans and projects on solid grounds, knowledge, and mathematics. XB-x33umme8-00279-00148046-00148586 You used your intelligence wisely --intelligence is a crucial power. XB-x33umme8-00280-00148626-00148973 The more a person uses his/her intelligence, XB-x33umme8-00281-00148980-00149226 the more he/she can expand his/her consciousness; XB-x33umme8-00282-00149233-00149510 and the more he/she can expand his/her consciousness, XB-x33umme8-00283-00149516-00149806 the wider becomes the range of his/her spiritual connection. XB-x33umme8-00284-00149880-00150396 Therefore, we constantly say that spirituality and inwardness... XB-x33umme8-00285-00150403-00150700 are not to fly, but to experience the openness of consciousness. XB-x33umme8-00286-00150780-00151176 In other words, you are evolved so much as your consciousness is open; XB-x33umme8-00287-00151190-00151553 so much as you raise your awareness and comprehension... XB-x33umme8-00288-00151560-00151826 by connecting pieces of information to each other. XB-x33umme8-00289-00151903-00152123 It doesn't matter how much you fly. XB-x33umme8-00290-00152130-00152356 The less you use your mind, the lower you are. XB-x33umme8-00291-00152490-00152996 We’re also reminded that even having a developed spiritual ability... XB-x33umme8-00292-00153043-00153430 is not evolution, whereas you being conscious is. XB-x33umme8-00293-00153460-00153780 Therefore, it is important that you speed up your comprehension... XB-x33umme8-00294-00153823-00154323 and trust life because if you spend all your energy to controlling, XB-x33umme8-00295-00154346-00154743 to cling to something trying to control it, XB-x33umme8-00296-00154780-00155243 then all your power is directed here, so you have no power left for other areas. XB-x33umme8-00297-00155313-00155690 Hence, focus your power first on connection; XB-x33umme8-00298-00155880-00156370 on connecting the areas with each other, to which you are connected; XB-x33umme8-00299-00156436-00156906 and on lighting up comprehension lights and torches... XB-x33umme8-00300-00156913-00157103 in each one of these connection areas. XB-x33umme8-00301-00157143-00157650 This way, you light up other areas, thus discover concepts in life... XB-x33umme8-00302-00157656-00157893 that are regarded as unknown. XB-x33umme8-00303-00157936-00158333 This way, you light the dark and go on to a mind expansion, enlightenment. XB-x33umme8-00304-00158340-00158600 This is what evolution is. XB-x33umme8-00305-00158763-00159433 Whereas control is a shackle that controls and encumbers you. XB-x33umme8-00306-00159600-00159873 OK, now, we have said that we need control. XB-x33umme8-00307-00160026-00160590 We need to stay away from being controlling and controlless. XB-x33umme8-00308-00160666-00161286 For that, we need to trust life, as well as our labor, knowledge, and mind. XB-x33umme8-00309-00161416-00161706 And we need to trust the one that gave us these XB-x33umme8-00310-00161733-00161943 and brought the system into existence. XB-x33umme8-00311-00161953-00162346 So the more we know and notice the principles of life, XB-x33umme8-00312-00162383-00162750 the safer we'll feel; and the safer we are, XB-x33umme8-00313-00162790-00162986 the more confidently we'll progress. XB-x33umme8-00314-00163040-00163696 We mentioned that the basic fear of most people is the fear of death. XB-x33umme8-00315-00163756-00164043 We can actually free ourselves from the fear of death... XB-x33umme8-00316-00164050-00164470 by understanding death and birth more, and by reconciling them more, XB-x33umme8-00317-00164486-00164956 by noticing these mechanisms. XB-x33umme8-00318-00165026-00165450 Freeing from fear of death will give you courage. XB-x33umme8-00319-00165540-00166206 But this courage will be given according to the need of each person. XB-x33umme8-00320-00166266-00166826 A person can only open a door to be freed from the fear of death... XB-x33umme8-00321-00166876-00167103 if he/she has truly loved life. XB-x33umme8-00322-00167183-00167566 Those who don't love or value life enough... XB-x33umme8-00323-00167623-00168036 will be haunted... by fear of death... XB-x33umme8-00324-00168163-00168423 because they need fear of death. XB-x33umme8-00325-00168623-00168930 Freeing from fear of death isn't possible for the ones... XB-x33umme8-00326-00168936-00169243 who can't connect with life properly, and can't love it, XB-x33umme8-00327-00169250-00169713 who say "let me kill myself and go, what is to live for in this world?" XB-x33umme8-00328-00169720-00169906 and the ones who complain of it. XB-x33umme8-00329-00170126-00170426 Why? Because they need to love life. XB-x33umme8-00330-00170470-00171186 Then, the more someone loves life, the more they can truly free from... XB-x33umme8-00331-00171233-00171416 fears, fear of death. XB-x33umme8-00332-00171500-00171753 The more they make right connections with life, XB-x33umme8-00333-00171780-00172066 the more they can appreciate what they are presented with, XB-x33umme8-00334-00172093-00172413 the gifts they are given, the more they can hold onto them. XB-x33umme8-00335-00172573-00173033 The more they hold onto them, the more they can refrain from being possessive. XB-x33umme8-00336-00173140-00173546 And this gives them the gift of trust. XB-x33umme8-00337-00173663-00174210 So, each one of us needs trust so that we can free from controllingness. XB-x33umme8-00338-00174290-00174630 In other words, there is no need for trying not to die. XB-x33umme8-00339-00174683-00174873 You can't die even if you want to. XB-x33umme8-00340-00174950-00175266 "Really? I’ll do this and that and kill myself!" No. XB-x33umme8-00341-00175513-00175823 The system has many different mechanisms. XB-x33umme8-00342-00175983-00176246 You may demand it, and it'll happen if it's approved. XB-x33umme8-00343-00176333-00176653 We are saying that nothing can happen to anyone... XB-x33umme8-00344-00176660-00176863 unless they demand it. XB-x33umme8-00345-00176873-00177280 Surely, you are to decide, yet not with the decision of your mind... XB-x33umme8-00346-00177286-00177436 but that of your existence. XB-x33umme8-00347-00177580-00177866 And also... each one of us... XB-x33umme8-00348-00178016-00178486 will see that everything is just in the right place... XB-x33umme8-00349-00178530-00178840 so much as we can trust this system and its reasons for being. XB-x33umme8-00350-00178950-00179660 We'll see how much all the past Sufis, saints, monks from around the world, XB-x33umme8-00351-00179666-00180323 and prophets are indeed in resignation in their lives. XB-x33umme8-00352-00180450-00181023 What brought them to this resignation is the trust in the system. XB-x33umme8-00353-00181160-00181593 In fact, in some parables, in some stories XB-x33umme8-00354-00181740-00182006 told to provide each of us some wisdom, XB-x33umme8-00355-00182013-00182830 you read and hear how much they struggled and agonized... XB-x33umme8-00356-00182930-00183433 when they did not trust, when they feared, when they escaped. XB-x33umme8-00357-00183600-00184173 So, if someone is controlling due to fear and worry, XB-x33umme8-00358-00184213-00184513 he/she would experience events that will get out of control... XB-x33umme8-00359-00184520-00184806 because the fate is sealed. XB-x33umme8-00360-00184950-00185576 So, pay attention to those being controlling in their professional systems. XB-x33umme8-00361-00185583-00186040 In the old days, tester screwdriver ("control pen" in Turkish) was called... XB-x33umme8-00362-00186080-00186500 "supervision pen." XB-x33umme8-00363-00186553-00187170 So, to control meant to supervise in Ottoman Turkish. XB-x33umme8-00364-00187220-00187770 So those who turn this into benefit in life, XB-x33umme8-00365-00187826-00188170 in other words, those who use control to direct power... XB-x33umme8-00366-00188190-00188463 into the right place in the correct proportion XB-x33umme8-00367-00188493-00188756 will benefit from being controlling. XB-x33umme8-00368-00188856-00189253 Those who are controlling due to lack of trust... XB-x33umme8-00369-00189286-00189666 will be harmed by this control system... See! XB-x33umme8-00370-00189856-00190046 They are both controlling. XB-x33umme8-00371-00190086-00190380 Well, for example... one of the major things... XB-x33umme8-00372-00190386-00190920 that cultural engineers do around the world while managing people... XB-x33umme8-00373-00190950-00191373 is to show one single thing. We show three different things if you noticed. XB-x33umme8-00374-00191430-00191736 They show one thing: control is a very bad thing! XB-x33umme8-00375-00191853-00192013 Or control is a very good thing! XB-x33umme8-00376-00192076-00192636 No. When you define these well and thus, see them in the right way... XB-x33umme8-00377-00192660-00192990 you may benefit from them in your life. XB-x33umme8-00378-00193046-00193340 Anger is a very bad thing, get rid of it. No! XB-x33umme8-00379-00193536-00193876 Every single thing you see as negative has a benefit. XB-x33umme8-00380-00193940-00194296 Take that benefit... and make use of it. XB-x33umme8-00381-00194373-00194690 But you may go towards the beneficial... XB-x33umme8-00382-00194696-00194953 by gradually replacing it with less and less harmful. XB-x33umme8-00383-00195000-00195446 But an over-controlling person in the current situation at the moment... XB-x33umme8-00384-00195503-00195800 needs controllingness because of some situations... XB-x33umme8-00385-00195806-00196090 and events that they are not controlling in their life. XB-x33umme8-00386-00196100-00196446 Stay away from judging yourself and others, OK! XB-x33umme8-00387-00196550-00196896 We'll understand how everything is exactly in apple-pie order. XB-x33umme8-00388-00196950-00197540 Shortly, I'll go on with the questions... Let's wrap up this subject. XB-x33umme8-00389-00197750-00198296 So first, the control of the power is in my hands. XB-x33umme8-00390-00198416-00199126 Then in our hands, it is... neither in my nor our hands indeed. XB-x33umme8-00391-00199323-00199653 So, we'll know that all goes as they are supposed to. XB-x33umme8-00392-00199706-00200360 Accepting that our choices contribute and benefit what's happening... XB-x33umme8-00393-00200413-00200753 Whether we accept or not, the world keeps spinning anyway. XB-x33umme8-00394-00200783-00201190 But the more we accept and comprehend it, XB-x33umme8-00395-00201210-00201683 the more the harmony with the flow brings us the knowledge... XB-x33umme8-00396-00201690-00202050 as to how beautiful and perfect everything is, XB-x33umme8-00397-00202056-00202260 thus, leads us to acceptance. XB-x33umme8-00398-00202313-00202810 In this state of acceptance begin the steps of resignation... XB-x33umme8-00399-00202823-00203150 in the extent that you can accept what has happened... XB-x33umme8-00400-00203190-00203443 ...and what will happen is in your favor. XB-x33umme8-00401-00203510-00204133 Each one of these steps takes us a little more inward and deeper, XB-x33umme8-00402-00204160-00204506 a little more to ourselves and toward our essence. XB-x33umme8-00403-00204623-00204896 Let's remember what we mentioned before: XB-x33umme8-00404-00204919-00205150 there are two types of people in this world; XB-x33umme8-00405-00205216-00205453 those meeting their essence and those who can't. XB-x33umme8-00406-00205503-00206150 So, let's all be one of those who meet or are on the path to meeting our essence. XB-x33umme8-00407-00206250-00206840 Otherwise, the ones that lost the path or are in loss are to be... XB-x33umme8-00408-00206900-00207216 in the dark, in the team of dark. XB-x33umme8-00409-00207286-00207606 It doesn't matter what their belief systems are. XB-x33umme8-00410-00207750-00208136 The path of the ones willing to go to their essence will open up. XB-x33umme8-00411-00208223-00208610 The ones who act through memorization and models, XB-x33umme8-00412-00208636-00209069 and want to go to a place, to a path with mere idolatry, XB-x33umme8-00413-00209076-00209590 but put love, inwardness, and compassion aside won't be on the path to paradise. XB-x33umme8-00414-00209730-00210360 So the more we are in acceptance of the wellness and beauty... XB-x33umme8-00415-00210436-00210623 of what is --and let us be--, XB-x33umme8-00416-00210786-00211146 the more we'll be embraced and raised to a state of peace... XB-x33umme8-00417-00211153-00211390 and to the rank of being in Its presence. XB-x33umme8-00418-00211453-00211666 Isn't it the peace that you each desire? XB-x33umme8-00419-00211703-00212119 The key to peace is the acceptance that what happens flows... XB-x33umme8-00420-00212126-00212463 in the most beautiful and perfect way. XB-x33umme8-00421-00212506-00212719 Take the key, open your door. XB-x33umme8-00422-00212830-00213469 What will come through this door first is love from your heart, XB-x33umme8-00423-00213506-00214146 that heavenly light, and then the certainty that you're loved and embraced. XB-x33umme8-00424-00214196-00214593 It is this certainty that will not only take you to resignation, XB-x33umme8-00425-00214640-00215146 but also turn your controllingness gradually to control... XB-x33umme8-00426-00215173-00215596 and then to trustfully resign to the owner. XB-x33umme8-00427-00215646-00216380 And now let's move on to your questions. Here is March Q&A... Let's see... Yes. XB-x33umme8-00428-00218046-00218773 Says "I trusted and loved but... chose... emptiness... who..." XB-x33umme8-00429-00218960-00219100 "...anyway..." XB-x33umme8-00430-00219160-00219276 Alright. XB-x33umme8-00431-00219440-00219856 Now, my friends... in the past, you made some choices; XB-x33umme8-00432-00219906-00220469 and as a result of them, sometimes you encountered negative situations. XB-x33umme8-00433-00220610-00221080 Ok but now you are in a state where you know what not to choose. XB-x33umme8-00434-00221196-00221469 You say, "I will no longer choose such a situation, XB-x33umme8-00435-00221503-00222050 such a person, such a job, such a friend, such a house. XB-x33umme8-00436-00222086-00222363 I won't make such a choice." XB-x33umme8-00437-00222519-00222973 This wisdom was given to you by that choice, that experience. XB-x33umme8-00438-00223056-00223326 Without that experience, you don't have this wisdom. XB-x33umme8-00439-00223393-00223690 Now you're saying, "I wish it hadn't happened that way." XB-x33umme8-00440-00223730-00223973 When you say this, you erase that wisdom. XB-x33umme8-00441-00224026-00224533 "Thank God, luckily I've lived all these and learned what I wouldn't choose." XB-x33umme8-00442-00224563-00224850 "May God bless that person, that incident, that place." XB-x33umme8-00443-00224923-00225216 Therefore, embrace your experiences, XB-x33umme8-00444-00225360-00225813 and lovingly accept what those people and incidents give you. XB-x33umme8-00445-00225910-00226533 If you keep fighting them and feeding these with anger on the inside, XB-x33umme8-00446-00226600-00226853 That connection will continue, and similar ones, XB-x33umme8-00447-00226860-00227083 even a bit multiplied ones will come to your life. XB-x33umme8-00448-00227090-00227280 So, remember this mechanism. XB-x33umme8-00449-00227540-00228033 Is it bad to ask for balance?... OK. XB-x33umme8-00450-00228200-00228400 Now, friends... XB-x33umme8-00451-00228573-00229106 imbalance of any kind is not possible in the system. XB-x33umme8-00452-00229266-00229673 OK, we ask for balance but when there is nowhere with imbalance, XB-x33umme8-00453-00229690-00229910 how can we ask for it? XB-x33umme8-00454-00230069-00230660 It's crucial to understand this point: I here in many places... XB-x33umme8-00455-00230790-00231133 people saying, "You are imbalanced, be a bit more..." etc... XB-x33umme8-00456-00231140-00231450 It's best to correctly define this. XB-x33umme8-00457-00231493-00231840 Many personal development systems, especially, will perhaps need... XB-x33umme8-00458-00231850-00232183 to study this subject a little more accurately. XB-x33umme8-00459-00232366-00232736 First off... the more coldness there is, XB-x33umme8-00460-00232803-00233183 the more heat is generated to equalize that cold. XB-x33umme8-00461-00233263-00233713 Remember yin-yang, my friends, visualize a circle like this... XB-x33umme8-00462-00233753-00234133 and in the middle of the circle, a white dolphin and a black dolphin. XB-x33umme8-00463-00234166-00234660 And there are two eyes; the eye of the white one is black and vice versa. XB-x33umme8-00464-00234723-00234803 This is balance. XB-x33umme8-00465-00235006-00235593 Now... the more we augment the black, the white shrinks as much but... XB-x33umme8-00466-00235633-00235830 what's in it also changes as much. XB-x33umme8-00467-00235963-00236593 In other words, in the universe, this balance of black and white, XB-x33umme8-00468-00236636-00236986 the balance of light and darkness never changes. XB-x33umme8-00469-00237186-00237963 For instance... on December 21, it was the longest night and darkness; XB-x33umme8-00470-00238026-00238343 Now we are moving toward June 21, which has the longest daytime. XB-x33umme8-00471-00238700-00239103 OK, "let the world be in balance." XB-x33umme8-00472-00239183-00239800 But the balance is on September 23 and March 21. XB-x33umme8-00473-00239910-00240213 Two times a year, the world is in those positions. XB-x33umme8-00474-00240253-00240753 But for the moments this balance --the balance to our human mind-- is set, XB-x33umme8-00475-00240793-00241230 there are two extremes: December 21 and June 21. XB-x33umme8-00476-00241443-00242013 Every single thing in the totality of each one of these... XB-x33umme8-00477-00242019-00242153 serves the balance indeed. XB-x33umme8-00478-00242230-00242906 But on December 21, you say, "The night's long, there's more darkness. XB-x33umme8-00479-00243000-00243446 "This is imbalance." No. Because the light diminished this much, XB-x33umme8-00480-00243469-00243780 the darkness grew that much. It's still 24 hours. XB-x33umme8-00481-00243803-00244203 So, it's completed. Now let's move on to our lives. XB-x33umme8-00482-00244319-00244680 To whatever extremity we go in our lives, XB-x33umme8-00483-00244723-00244930 life balances us with the other extremity. XB-x33umme8-00484-00245103-00245636 For instance... you are an over-controlling person, XB-x33umme8-00485-00245726-00246003 life brings you together with an extremely controlless person. XB-x33umme8-00486-00246119-00246730 It brings you with a controlless darkness because your day increased. XB-x33umme8-00487-00246766-00247286 It sets a balance by bringing darkness with that small. Now you're in balance. XB-x33umme8-00488-00247363-00247773 Well, now, let's move the balance to another area. XB-x33umme8-00489-00247896-00248383 You were being balanced with what you were being completed. XB-x33umme8-00490-00248450-00248786 For example, in the areas you were going to extremes, XB-x33umme8-00491-00248860-00249256 you were meeting factors that would balance your extreme areas. XB-x33umme8-00492-00249300-00249723 Therefore, you all have elements, emotions, thoughts, etc. XB-x33umme8-00493-00249730-00250176 Each of these is to balance you. Your name, your date of birth, XB-x33umme8-00494-00250210-00250413 your mother, your father, your job. XB-x33umme8-00495-00250436-00250756 In my book, "The Code of Destiny," there is a chapter called... XB-x33umme8-00496-00250763-00251030 <i>What Are You Being Completed With.</i> We also have related videos. XB-x33umme8-00497-00251050-00251356 We notice that those things that complete us are... XB-x33umme8-00498-00251406-00251630 the things that rebalance us. XB-x33umme8-00499-00251676-00251943 This means that each moment the balance is set. XB-x33umme8-00500-00251976-00252400 There is nothing that isn't balanced, there are no blanks in the universe. XB-x33umme8-00501-00252510-00253053 Yes but, if we ask how we can set this balance in our lives... XB-x33umme8-00502-00253116-00253419 with our consciousness, and our intellection. XB-x33umme8-00503-00253500-00254200 We can reduce the balance from the outside by the balance we set on the inside. XB-x33umme8-00504-00254353-00254933 How? The more we activate our factors of completion on the inside, XB-x33umme8-00505-00254993-00255330 --for example, if you were extravagant and a big spender, XB-x33umme8-00506-00255366-00255550 then you'd meet someone extremely stingy-- XB-x33umme8-00507-00255573-00256000 the more you stop throwing money around, which means going to extreme masculinity, XB-x33umme8-00508-00256080-00256410 the more you can give it up and balance yourself, XB-x33umme8-00509-00256553-00256923 the more you're thrifty and know the value of money and material, XB-x33umme8-00510-00256940-00257200 then your companion reflection, whoever that is, XB-x33umme8-00511-00257286-00257790 maybe your wife, husband, mother, father... partner, co-worker, XB-x33umme8-00512-00257850-00257980 your child, XB-x33umme8-00513-00258100-00258776 he or she also comes to the center, just like you do, as your completing factor. XB-x33umme8-00514-00258896-00259203 So, how much you've gone to extremes... XB-x33umme8-00515-00259219-00259533 was needed as you've been balanced with those extremes so far. XB-x33umme8-00516-00259540-00259976 All that happened to you, all mechanisms of destiny... this is, in a way, XB-x33umme8-00517-00260040-00260263 the base and center of them. What do we say? XB-x33umme8-00518-00260280-00260726 God's science is mathematics. But high divine mathematics. XB-x33umme8-00519-00260766-00261116 Nothing happens without this math and this system of intellect. XB-x33umme8-00520-00261146-00261700 This is surely not our... academic mathematics. XB-x33umme8-00521-00261819-00262113 It's knowledge placed moment to moment in all that happens. XB-x33umme8-00522-00262119-00262526 What we call, for now, quantum, string theory, etc. XB-x33umme8-00523-00262533-00262926 Much more elaborate than those of course. It is moment to moment knowledge... XB-x33umme8-00524-00262933-00263183 for those who see it, know it, feel it, hear it. XB-x33umme8-00525-00263190-00263573 It's knowledge delivered to those who have ears. XB-x33umme8-00526-00263713-00264113 So, let's hear, we say... Yes. XB-x33umme8-00527-00264710-00265193 In our own darkness, someone else wants to take control. XB-x33umme8-00528-00265423-00265580 Sorry... in our own decisions. XB-x33umme8-00529-00265623-00266203 wants... immediately... which... from everything... like you said. XB-x33umme8-00530-00266363-00267150 Now... if somebody else takes the control in your decisions... XB-x33umme8-00531-00267206-00267456 there was a void there until today. XB-x33umme8-00532-00267550-00267973 If there is any void in the universe, the system fills this void, XB-x33umme8-00533-00267986-00268243 just like in the law of completion. XB-x33umme8-00534-00268426-00268940 For example, up until 200-300 years ago, XB-x33umme8-00535-00268996-00269256 The Ottoman had a domination over the world. XB-x33umme8-00536-00269346-00269663 When an American ship entered the Mediterranean Sea, XB-x33umme8-00537-00269716-00269943 it was paying a toll to the Ottoman Empire. XB-x33umme8-00538-00269993-00270293 See, not so long ago, in the 1800s. XB-x33umme8-00539-00270433-00270770 Can you think of it now? The USA asks Turkey: XB-x33umme8-00540-00270796-00271216 "I'm entering the Mediterranean Sea, what toll do I need to pay? XB-x33umme8-00541-00271223-00271613 It sounds really weird at the moment. XB-x33umme8-00542-00271636-00271986 But until quite recently, this was the case... XB-x33umme8-00543-00271993-00272230 in terms of a leadership system. XB-x33umme8-00544-00272286-00272690 Let's say the Ottoman retreated, or was abolished and Turkey was founded... XB-x33umme8-00545-00272746-00273033 Isn't there somebody currently doing it? XB-x33umme8-00546-00273083-00273563 Of course, there is; the control of the world seas is in the hands of a power. XB-x33umme8-00547-00273603-00273896 The control of the air traffic is in the hands of a power. XB-x33umme8-00548-00274030-00274276 In other words, the power is always there. XB-x33umme8-00549-00274343-00274520 The controllers have changed. XB-x33umme8-00550-00274653-00275146 Then, if there was no need of being controlled, XB-x33umme8-00551-00275210-00275376 would there be a controller? XB-x33umme8-00552-00275403-00275923 Or if there weren't the ones not taking, not using their power, XB-x33umme8-00553-00275950-00276350 would there be the ones over-using power or pressuring others? XB-x33umme8-00554-00276363-00277066 No. So... when people can't use the given or presented powers properly, XB-x33umme8-00555-00277110-00277683 they turn into people, beings, states that are other's toys, subjects; XB-x33umme8-00556-00277710-00278220 that are being used or controlled by others. XB-x33umme8-00557-00278296-00278793 Right? So... we, as individuals, XB-x33umme8-00558-00278990-00279430 knowing the value of our own life and existence, XB-x33umme8-00559-00279470-00279790 the more we can be the managers of our lives, XB-x33umme8-00560-00279850-00280270 with our decisions, with decisions that we make for ourselves, XB-x33umme8-00561-00280310-00280586 for our own good and benefit, by staying away from... XB-x33umme8-00562-00280593-00280950 being governed or managed by the influence of... XB-x33umme8-00563-00280990-00281383 any external power, external factor, XB-x33umme8-00564-00281480-00281823 if we've come to a state where we can make... XB-x33umme8-00565-00281836-00282386 our own decisions for our own good, with our own mind and will, XB-x33umme8-00566-00282476-00282703 no external power can take the reins. XB-x33umme8-00567-00282823-00283470 Then, we will accept our own power and activate our own power. XB-x33umme8-00568-00283580-00284040 If you've noticed, in the past 50 years maybe, XB-x33umme8-00569-00284200-00284573 one of the major things imposed upon Turkey is: XB-x33umme8-00570-00284610-00284833 "You're untalented, you can't do it, XB-x33umme8-00571-00284840-00285043 you can't succeed, you're nothing." XB-x33umme8-00572-00285133-00285336 Ok but how did it do it so far? XB-x33umme8-00573-00285450-00285846 And by making everything done in the past forgotten, XB-x33umme8-00574-00285913-00286573 we come from a great culture, a great medicine, XB-x33umme8-00575-00286633-00287266 as if people can cure themselves only in the past 50-100 years, XB-x33umme8-00576-00287273-00287623 how could people be healthy for thousands of years? XB-x33umme8-00577-00287890-00288513 If all those scholars and ulema in our past were lame, XB-x33umme8-00578-00288590-00289110 why did all the West read their books as medical textbooks, XB-x33umme8-00579-00289133-00289736 or used them as a major source of consultation till the 19th, 20th century? XB-x33umme8-00580-00289836-00290240 If you look closely, Turkey was lead to see itself weak, feeble in those areas; XB-x33umme8-00581-00290246-00290516 and to feel a complex of inferiority. XB-x33umme8-00582-00290556-00291216 Therefore, this belief model can surely come true in time. XB-x33umme8-00583-00291310-00291733 On the other hand, this doesn't mean we should all go wildly patriotic; XB-x33umme8-00584-00291740-00291990 "We'll do this, we'll hang them." This is not it, of course. XB-x33umme8-00585-00292000-00292413 Just like in controllingness and controllessness, XB-x33umme8-00586-00292420-00292593 the answer to this is not that. XB-x33umme8-00587-00292660-00293033 Just be aware of your power. The power provided to everyone... XB-x33umme8-00588-00293076-00293546 is in you, too. You're not inferior to anyone; XB-x33umme8-00589-00293620-00293870 just like you're not superior. XB-x33umme8-00590-00294046-00294486 The question is; do you have the courage to use the intelligence... XB-x33umme8-00591-00294546-00294733 given to you. You see! XB-x33umme8-00592-00294786-00295040 That intelligence will vanish if constantly unused. XB-x33umme8-00593-00295093-00295533 When you don't use the power given to you, it will hide, vanish. XB-x33umme8-00594-00295630-00295850 What's entrusted with you will be taken back. XB-x33umme8-00595-00295936-00296413 Therefore, let us intend to use what is entrusted with you by The One, XB-x33umme8-00596-00296446-00296966 in the right place, in the right way, first for the evolution of yourself, XB-x33umme8-00597-00296973-00297586 then for the evolution and benefit of the whole. XB-x33umme8-00598-00297636-00297926 We say those who intend will reach what they've intended. XB-x33umme8-00599-00297933-00298183 Now, let's continue with the questions. XB-x33umme8-00600-00299830-00300403 Now, friends, tics are especially related to the nervous systems, XB-x33umme8-00601-00300440-00300886 the source of which is your liver. XB-x33umme8-00602-00300950-00301213 Focus on the detoxification XB-x33umme8-00603-00301456-00301810 of the intensely accumulated toxins in the liver. XB-x33umme8-00604-00301860-00302290 These could be heavy metals, or antibiotics might have caused harm. XB-x33umme8-00605-00302363-00302773 So, the nervous system, the eyes, and... XB-x33umme8-00606-00302996-00303470 various types of acne and pus, you need to look at the liver, XB-x33umme8-00607-00303476-00303890 that is, to the element of wood. It is just the time to cleanse it. XB-x33umme8-00608-00303936-00304406 I have several videos about detox systems and liver cleansing. XB-x33umme8-00609-00304466-00304826 Detoxification and cleansing are crucial, especially in children. XB-x33umme8-00610-00304850-00305213 This is the physical aspect of it. Of course, there was an emotion... XB-x33umme8-00611-00305220-00305473 for that nervous system to break down. XB-x33umme8-00612-00305520-00305983 That emotion was anger. What was he to feel angry about? XB-x33umme8-00613-00305990-00306190 As to the mother asking this question, XB-x33umme8-00614-00306196-00306776 if there is such a reflection in her son, which is her spiritual future, XB-x33umme8-00615-00306823-00307296 then she will stop being angry with her spiritual future aspect. XB-x33umme8-00616-00307313-00307726 This is a beautiful gift to us from divine mathematics. XB-x33umme8-00617-00308000-00308416 Well, friends, hair loss is asked. XB-x33umme8-00618-00308500-00308803 Normally, hair in the body is water element. XB-x33umme8-00619-00308910-00309310 Water element is especially responsible for... XB-x33umme8-00620-00309436-00309920 hormones, bones, hairs, nails and all that, XB-x33umme8-00621-00309926-00310113 as well as kidneys and bladder. XB-x33umme8-00622-00310170-00310573 But what represses the water element is the earth element. XB-x33umme8-00623-00310700-00311210 In the earth element, there is stomach, pancreas, and spleen. XB-x33umme8-00624-00311236-00311780 All our muscles are related to the stomach, are in its care. XB-x33umme8-00625-00311830-00312606 Our salivary glands, saliva, and mouth are also related to the stomach. XB-x33umme8-00626-00312680-00313113 As we said earlier, the basic factor is control. XB-x33umme8-00627-00313166-00313553 Now, while we are going through training XB-x33umme8-00628-00313573-00314033 to feel trust towards life, XB-x33umme8-00629-00314080-00314403 the stomach acid was being secreted excessively XB-x33umme8-00630-00314410-00314593 in the periods you were over-controlling. XB-x33umme8-00631-00314673-00315130 When too much acid is secreted, it disrupts the hormonal system, XB-x33umme8-00632-00315136-00315410 as well as the water system through the bladder. XB-x33umme8-00633-00315440-00315780 And the excessive accumulation of acid on the water system... XB-x33umme8-00634-00315820-00316003 causes... XB-x33umme8-00635-00316283-00316790 destruction in follicles. So the cause of hair loss is in fact... XB-x33umme8-00636-00316820-00317006 intense stomach acid. XB-x33umme8-00637-00317110-00317603 When this acid is balanced, or emotional states due to... XB-x33umme8-00638-00317613-00318293 extreme tension and control are reduced and finished, hair loss stops. XB-x33umme8-00639-00318360-00318740 As to the female type, hormone systems step in... XB-x33umme8-00640-00318776-00319033 when the person goes to extreme masculinity. XB-x33umme8-00641-00319096-00319700 Therefore, a product, a paste called BIONSMART BS 19 was made... XB-x33umme8-00642-00319733-00320250 in my consultation. It will first heal your stomach, XB-x33umme8-00643-00320270-00320720 pancreas and spleen, that is the earth element. XB-x33umme8-00644-00320786-00321286 Ergo, it'll affect the water element. Myoma in women, prostatitis in men... XB-x33umme8-00645-00321340-00321833 Behind such conditions, behind all hormone systems... XB-x33umme8-00646-00321856-00322166 lies the attack of the earth, that is the excessive stomach acid... XB-x33umme8-00647-00322246-00322633 to the hormonal system, bladder and kidneys. XB-x33umme8-00648-00322676-00323260 So, the main causes of kidney stones, and of the excessive tension... XB-x33umme8-00649-00323280-00323656 and stimulus in your adrenal glands... XB-x33umme8-00650-00323713-00324180 is that your earth is not clean and solid enough. XB-x33umme8-00651-00324220-00324630 So, solidify your earth element. We have a meditative workshop... XB-x33umme8-00652-00324673-00325093 called: "Let me be Earthed and Grounded". XB-x33umme8-00653-00325380-00325590 The weakness of nails is asked. XB-x33umme8-00654-00325636-00325986 There are two aspects about nails. XB-x33umme8-00655-00325993-00326576 One is the water system, tough and bone, but nails are also related to the liver. XB-x33umme8-00656-00326686-00327133 About that, look up "Five Elements" in my YouTube channel XB-x33umme8-00657-00327150-00327620 There is an introduction and a second part. XB-x33umme8-00658-00327626-00327993 They last about 25-30 minute but each is like a book. XB-x33umme8-00659-00328000-00328600 You may benefit from the knowledge of five elements in those. XB-x33umme8-00660-00328853-00329530 How do we protect ourselves from people trying to infiltrate our subconscious? XB-x33umme8-00661-00329846-00330346 To control ourselves.... and the solution... XB-x33umme8-00662-00330450-00330576 Well, friends... XB-x33umme8-00663-00330686-00331060 I call subconscious "sub-knowing"... XB-x33umme8-00664-00331210-00331693 because sub-knowing is way beyond knowing. XB-x33umme8-00665-00331770-00332560 Way beyond what we know here. So, this Ottoman term suits my notion better. XB-x33umme8-00666-00332766-00333493 OK... various frequencies, various machines XB-x33umme8-00667-00333503-00334230 or... for example... let me explain like this: XB-x33umme8-00668-00334423-00335056 They made a system in Russia. They said, "This is a LED system. XB-x33umme8-00669-00335113-00335673 It's connected to an apparatus. The flashes speak to you... XB-x33umme8-00670-00335776-00335996 like in morse code. XB-x33umme8-00671-00336046-00336463 So light, any flashing sign speaks to you, XB-x33umme8-00672-00336490-00337103 and tells you, "buy this product, come here, go vote there," XB-x33umme8-00673-00337130-00337403 “Tag this man, stay away from this man.” XB-x33umme8-00674-00337430-00337823 “Let's be a little more nationalist today, let's be more pan-Islamist.” XB-x33umme8-00675-00337856-00338226 “Let go it all today even if everything burns into ashes." XB-x33umme8-00676-00338306-00338820 It gives such messages. Those lights function like morse code. XB-x33umme8-00677-00338843-00339350 You see plain lights but your sub-knowing can perceive those messages. XB-x33umme8-00678-00339430-00339736 There is another version with sound frequencies. XB-x33umme8-00679-00339800-00340130 In the same way, there are versions conducted with satellites. XB-x33umme8-00680-00340276-00340650 Besides, there are commercials and similar systems; XB-x33umme8-00681-00340693-00341220 or posthypnotic suggestions, and also, ads and frames... XB-x33umme8-00682-00341250-00341980 inserted in movies, etc. So, there are many situations. XB-x33umme8-00683-00342130-00342530 But one of the most important ones are the codes imposed on us... XB-x33umme8-00684-00342536-00342930 by our parents who were subjected to the same codes. XB-x33umme8-00685-00342936-00343150 These also govern us in certain aspects. XB-x33umme8-00686-00343183-00343523 This is because we say they are the most secure and safe. XB-x33umme8-00687-00343546-00343850 But we have the potential and the right to take... XB-x33umme8-00688-00343886-00344240 the codes that they had taken in an easier way. XB-x33umme8-00689-00344260-00344530 We say yes. We open the door to take them first. XB-x33umme8-00690-00344540-00344753 Why? Because the safest comes from the family... XB-x33umme8-00691-00344816-00345460 whereas it is vital that each of you feed from their existence and soul. XB-x33umme8-00692-00345573-00345970 What kind of thing is this? If you reach a state where... XB-x33umme8-00693-00346046-00346420 you can independently break down and have a fresh look at... XB-x33umme8-00694-00346426-00346853 everything you have learned and noticed as much as you could... XB-x33umme8-00695-00346920-00347653 an external power can't govern you anymore. XB-x33umme8-00696-00347776-00348176 What does that mean? It means that if this is your perspective, XB-x33umme8-00697-00348240-00348566 you have no dependence. It means you have no frailty. XB-x33umme8-00698-00348700-00349223 If you can start every situation as a brand new you each time, XB-x33umme8-00699-00349316-00349670 It means you are not governed and controlled by the past. XB-x33umme8-00700-00349840-00350216 This is positive. If you have frailty, XB-x33umme8-00701-00350370-00350806 If you have a habit, if you have an addiction, XB-x33umme8-00702-00350856-00351503 to an idea, a thought, a belief, or to a person, XB-x33umme8-00703-00351646-00352223 --Ünal tells very nice things, he always says correct things, XB-x33umme8-00704-00352260-00352980 I believe and do everything he says. This is not it, see-- XB-x33umme8-00705-00353160-00353430 This information Ünal shared is very good. XB-x33umme8-00706-00353566-00354003 I take it. I can't take this and that for now. XB-x33umme8-00707-00354050-00354430 And I object to this and that. XB-x33umme8-00708-00354530-00355116 OK! We are to be in this alertness for all sorts of information all the time. XB-x33umme8-00709-00355266-00355633 In other words, "you will not wear XB-x33umme8-00710-00355700-00356143 the shirt of yesterday, tomorrow." XB-x33umme8-00711-00356326-00356850 If you wear yesterday's shirt for an enterprise tomorrow, XB-x33umme8-00712-00356856-00357033 It's not tomorrow, but yesterday. XB-x33umme8-00713-00357266-00357633 Then, those who are free from yesterday, XB-x33umme8-00714-00357763-00358003 will start tomorrow as a brand-new self, XB-x33umme8-00715-00358023-00358393 independently and free from other's control. XB-x33umme8-00716-00358536-00359053 Therefore, as we said, it is crucial that you free from fear and worry. XB-x33umme8-00717-00359143-00359513 What is given to you can only be taken by the giver. XB-x33umme8-00718-00359773-00360230 Remember this well. The One that gave you this gift of life... XB-x33umme8-00719-00360306-00360960 will take it on demand, only when the time comes. XB-x33umme8-00720-00361036-00361256 Till whenever your contract is. XB-x33umme8-00721-00361373-00361676 Don't underestimate yourself. You made a contract. XB-x33umme8-00722-00361786-00362186 "Let me be here for so long, let me learn this, let me take that." XB-x33umme8-00723-00362316-00362740 if humans are caliphs created in Its image, XB-x33umme8-00724-00362866-00363213 then they are entitled to this contract, which they made. XB-x33umme8-00725-00363360-00364026 Here the part in your sub-knowing may not remind you of these... XB-x33umme8-00726-00364120-00364856 because the hubris of most of us won't be enough to remember these. XB-x33umme8-00727-00364933-00365293 "Wow, we are such high beings, we are this and that..." Yes. XB-x33umme8-00728-00365300-00365990 You are each such sublime, such perfect and high beings, yet... XB-x33umme8-00729-00366096-00366343 you are mere straws in the universe. XB-x33umme8-00730-00366403-00366696 Your power will expand in the extent you grasp... XB-x33umme8-00731-00366703-00367053 this allness and nothingness, this duality. XB-x33umme8-00732-00367363-00367686 For those who can't expand it, weaknesses will continue; XB-x33umme8-00733-00367790-00368236 the weakness of the power of creation, the weakness of forming something, XB-x33umme8-00734-00368276-00368850 the weakness of the power of expression. The weakness of spiritual powers. XB-x33umme8-00735-00368906-00369266 This is because you'll get a power you can handle. XB-x33umme8-00736-00369436-00369813 If you give many gifts to some people, XB-x33umme8-00737-00369820-00370143 be sure that they will turn places into a mess. XB-x33umme8-00738-00370190-00370700 Therefore, people constructing the world, the ones managing the money today, XB-x33umme8-00739-00370813-00371226 control technology in certain areas because of this. XB-x33umme8-00740-00371353-00371726 If drones are distributed to everyone now, XB-x33umme8-00741-00371773-00372083 drones will fly around all of our houses. XB-x33umme8-00742-00372153-00372593 There used to be people driving around in their cars with music on full blast. XB-x33umme8-00743-00372623-00372886 No more in Istanbul, I think. XB-x33umme8-00744-00372936-00373473 Imagine that they send around your house their drones playing arabesque music. XB-x33umme8-00745-00373613-00373930 Therefore, it is being checked these days. XB-x33umme8-00746-00373946-00374350 The power does these so that it can present certain things... XB-x33umme8-00747-00374356-00374756 when a system that it could control emerges. XB-x33umme8-00748-00374786-00374993 Surely its method can be discussed. XB-x33umme8-00749-00375023-00375363 But what's also happening is the control of the power. XB-x33umme8-00750-00375376-00375736 All this thing in the world... People think, "They do it for money, XB-x33umme8-00751-00375776-00376050 they do it for borders. None of these matters. XB-x33umme8-00752-00376103-00376320 What matters is the control of the power. XB-x33umme8-00753-00376350-00376693 That is, who will control that power? XB-x33umme8-00754-00376726-00377233 So, the point is not controlling just the food or controlling people; XB-x33umme8-00755-00377300-00377676 controlling any given belief. All these are... XB-x33umme8-00756-00377733-00377930 for the control of the power. XB-x33umme8-00757-00377980-00378610 So, each of you is to be the one directing your power properly. XB-x33umme8-00758-00378630-00378920 Where you should restrain your hubris; XB-x33umme8-00759-00378956-00379250 where you should say, "This is your territory." XB-x33umme8-00760-00379276-00379763 We are to know these. It's past 10:00. But let's go on a little more. XB-x33umme8-00761-00380030-00380303 My inner voice says, "Look into your own center." XB-x33umme8-00762-00380333-00380820 A point... said... XB-x33umme8-00763-00381006-00381183 around me... XB-x33umme8-00764-00381803-00382220 Yes... It is so; you can surely do... XB-x33umme8-00765-00382226-00382530 many things with your imagination; many... XB-x33umme8-00766-00382666-00382746 For example... XB-x33umme8-00767-00382916-00383420 In the past, objects were brought into being with group imagination. XB-x33umme8-00768-00383450-00383790 These were objects that many people could see. XB-x33umme8-00769-00383886-00384386 Yes, you may form physical materials. XB-x33umme8-00770-00384436-00384710 You may also form imaginary frequencies and energies... XB-x33umme8-00771-00384720-00385070 because you were created in Its image. XB-x33umme8-00772-00385170-00385730 Yet, these frequencies, these effects are not to be open to everyone, XB-x33umme8-00773-00385740-00386030 but only to be used by those who deserve; XB-x33umme8-00774-00386036-00386376 or they might help someone to reach certain beliefs... XB-x33umme8-00775-00386420-00386706 or awareness about these subject matters. XB-x33umme8-00776-00386736-00387056 Besides, we aren't in an age when for these types of miracles... XB-x33umme8-00777-00387080-00387550 are to be scattered around, but to be hidden. XB-x33umme8-00778-00387656-00388100 In other words; if someone walks on water; does this or that, XB-x33umme8-00779-00388106-00388280 look at them with suspicion... XB-x33umme8-00780-00388323-00388843 because we are in an age to progress with knowing and cognizance. XB-x33umme8-00781-00388910-00389250 Notice that every prophet had a period, right? XB-x33umme8-00782-00389380-00389843 For example, when sorcery was at its peak, XB-x33umme8-00783-00389850-00390156 Prophet Moses came as the greatest sorcerer. XB-x33umme8-00784-00390230-00390576 When healing was at its peak, XB-x33umme8-00785-00390593-00390810 Prophet Christ came as the greatest healer XB-x33umme8-00786-00390863-00391360 And... where poets were in their best, XB-x33umme8-00787-00391373-00391696 came prophets with maybe the most poetic, best poems-- XB-x33umme8-00788-00391720-00392366 Let's not call them poems, of course. They conveyed that flow. XB-x33umme8-00789-00392456-00392766 So, this is an era when you'll realize XB-x33umme8-00790-00392786-00393056 your inner and spiritual transformation miracles, XB-x33umme8-00791-00393113-00393460 and not the physical ones. XB-x33umme8-00792-00393533-00393830 It doesn't matter if anyone on the outside says this or that. XB-x33umme8-00793-00393876-00394480 It's crucial that you see, notice and approve of yourself on the inside. XB-x33umme8-00794-00394486-00395043 Therefore, open your doors on the path from yourself to yourself. XB-x33umme8-00795-00395070-00395660 Then when those doors open, be in Its presence in peace. XB-x33umme8-00796-00396076-00396420 "Why do I constantly face death?" XB-x33umme8-00797-00396570-00397333 Well, your expression says that you're still in need of facing it. XB-x33umme8-00798-00397363-00397613 Why have you faced death until today? XB-x33umme8-00799-00397720-00398050 "Constantly" expresses the need for it to continue. XB-x33umme8-00800-00398133-00398486 They show you death so that you would appreciate life. XB-x33umme8-00801-00398623-00399226 This life is a very sweet, delicious, and precious gift. XB-x33umme8-00802-00399270-00399713 First, we'll appreciate our life; we'll defend our rightful share well. XB-x33umme8-00803-00399743-00400086 We'll do justice to it. Whoever does justice to their rightful share, XB-x33umme8-00804-00400143-00400380 would not seize somebody else's rightful share. XB-x33umme8-00805-00400400-00400606 The ones not doing justice to their rightful share... XB-x33umme8-00806-00400613-00400846 will seize others' because of habit. XB-x33umme8-00807-00400870-00401083 This is also a principle and a mechanism. XB-x33umme8-00808-00403963-00404426 Well... for humans... XB-x33umme8-00809-00404616-00405053 the rights to choose increases as they develop existentially. XB-x33umme8-00810-00405196-00405983 For instance, in this world as well, you make a choice within your budget. XB-x33umme8-00811-00406073-00406403 You'll buy something online, you say "I got 10 TL; XB-x33umme8-00812-00406446-00406843 let me buy something up to 10 TL;" If you have 100, again the same. XB-x33umme8-00813-00406916-00407523 In the spiritual evolution, being able to choose is, too, a matter of merit. XB-x33umme8-00814-00407640-00408183 So, in births to this world... yes... you are in a position of choosing... XB-x33umme8-00815-00408193-00408516 in accordance with the potential you brought alone. XB-x33umme8-00816-00408616-00409216 So, some of you determined the whole thing. XB-x33umme8-00817-00409266-00409590 And they were helped while making their choices. XB-x33umme8-00818-00409626-00410083 Some were to choose between a couple of available options. XB-x33umme8-00819-00410133-00410710 But everything happens with your approval, either way, see. XB-x33umme8-00820-00410736-00410866 I underline this. XB-x33umme8-00821-00410916-00411353 Our friend here mentioned two subjects. Is there a difference between them? XB-x33umme8-00822-00411386-00411600 They were each approved by you. XB-x33umme8-00823-00411633-00412146 Here there is a house you'll build with your merit and all; XB-x33umme8-00824-00412166-00412433 And there is a one-room house, "No choice, we'll take it." XB-x33umme8-00825-00412450-00412710 The power and energy suffice to that. We'll take this. XB-x33umme8-00826-00412730-00413220 We can say that your material or spiritual merit... XB-x33umme8-00827-00413300-00413489 up until that point has been what matters. XB-x33umme8-00828-00413876-00414180 About hemp... Here is the thing, friends, XB-x33umme8-00829-00414186-00414553 I'll say that hemp will be free in Turkey and the world. XB-x33umme8-00830-00414603-00414873 You understand what you will from this. XB-x33umme8-00831-00414880-00415380 None of these are things that were banned inadvertently. XB-x33umme8-00832-00415423-00415883 However, addiction is not right in this matter, XB-x33umme8-00833-00415920-00416173 as in all kinds of matters XB-x33umme8-00834-00416206-00416663 But as in controllingness and controllessness, XB-x33umme8-00835-00416670-00417093 "Look there are all these chemicals, there is this and that." This isn't it. XB-x33umme8-00836-00417123-00417539 Of course, all that has been created in nature... XB-x33umme8-00837-00417646-00417943 is good for humans in the right dose, XB-x33umme8-00838-00418030-00418196 whereas too much of it is harmful... XB-x33umme8-00839-00418280-00418766 as all minerals in earth, in nature exist in our body. XB-x33umme8-00840-00418803-00419180 Therefore, all plants in the world, all the things... XB-x33umme8-00841-00419213-00419613 in the world that are presented to us... XB-x33umme8-00842-00419653-00420053 ...have some kind of benefit for us, in my opinion. XB-x33umme8-00843-00420116-00420363 Nothing was created without a reason. XB-x33umme8-00844-00420443-00421113 If anyone claims, "No, God created this in vain and needlessly," XB-x33umme8-00845-00421120-00421676 scientists are there and what's been told so far is here. XB-x33umme8-00846-00421810-00421960 But here is the thing: XB-x33umme8-00847-00422083-00422413 As you know, there's no poison but dose. XB-x33umme8-00848-00422460-00422833 So, let's say, it is surely useful to gain awareness... XB-x33umme8-00849-00422866-00423293 about these matters, and thus, find what is beneficial. XB-x33umme8-00850-00423539-00424086 Yes... greetings to those who saw me in their dreams. XB-x33umme8-00851-00424670-00425053 Yes, nice, flies and then again... XB-x33umme8-00852-00425246-00425563 Yes, flying is a celestial thing, and spiritual... XB-x33umme8-00853-00425950-00426316 connections opening up in the spiritual realm. XB-x33umme8-00854-00426323-00426726 Of course, some of you are afraid of spirituality and inwardness. XB-x33umme8-00855-00426813-00427276 As I told you last time, there is a reason for that fear. XB-x33umme8-00856-00427346-00427539 It's had a benefit for you so far... XB-x33umme8-00857-00427820-00428239 ...whereas... as you evolve, your spiritual doors will open. XB-x33umme8-00858-00428353-00428930 I think... I was about... 19 years old. XB-x33umme8-00859-00429016-00429413 There were a couple of guests in the house. XB-x33umme8-00860-00429420-00429816 I experienced a state. I also feared at the time. XB-x33umme8-00861-00429913-00430253 I even told mom to come and sit by my bedside. XB-x33umme8-00862-00430336-00430596 Take notes for me of all the things that happen, XB-x33umme8-00863-00430620-00430939 and tell them to me in the morning. XB-x33umme8-00864-00431036-00431503 I heard certain things afterward when she was telling other people. XB-x33umme8-00865-00431613-00432056 Naturally, when people enter a new area, XB-x33umme8-00866-00432063-00432433 when all the things and notions that were thought to them until then... XB-x33umme8-00867-00432470-00432850 turn into totally different things, they fear that some things will... XB-x33umme8-00868-00432860-00433206 break down because their molds are broken, XB-x33umme8-00869-00433273-00433506 because they live apocalypse in one area. XB-x33umme8-00870-00433573-00434176 So allow your old realities and mentalities to break down. XB-x33umme8-00871-00434206-00434500 See, be sure the new one will be better. XB-x33umme8-00872-00434646-00434980 Because you're here, and you'll relook at the new. XB-x33umme8-00873-00434986-00435246 Have a look from inside why you fear this. XB-x33umme8-00874-00435313-00435656 "All that I knew were wrong. I erased them all. XB-x33umme8-00875-00435710-00435973 Can't I relook now at its brand new state?" XB-x33umme8-00876-00436056-00436613 "I can. And now, can't I look at it by evaluating it in an all-new way?" XB-x33umme8-00877-00436626-00437173 "I can." So yes, various belief systems... XB-x33umme8-00878-00437189-00437433 were to scare people in this area because... XB-x33umme8-00879-00437473-00437739 <i>the wolf ate the lamb</i> <i>separated from the herd.</i> XB-x33umme8-00880-00437806-00438406 It's true. Yes, there is a time for flowing with the herd. XB-x33umme8-00881-00438489-00438816 But for the ones building their power, XB-x33umme8-00882-00438856-00439126 for the ones opening up their awareness and cognizance, XB-x33umme8-00883-00439150-00439673 have the right to fly above the herd if necessary. XB-x33umme8-00884-00439806-00440186 Midway is crucial, taking the midway properly is crucial. XB-x33umme8-00885-00440230-00440636 But to get subtilized on the way when you deserve it... XB-x33umme8-00886-00440736-00441050 is a matter of merit. You can do it if you deserve it. XB-x33umme8-00887-00441093-00441680 But know that, unless you deserved them, there are guardians at each one. XB-x33umme8-00888-00441689-00442066 They won't let you in. But if you do-- XB-x33umme8-00889-00442103-00442366 Why did this happen here? XB-x33umme8-00890-00442650-00443233 Yes... is the internet off? XB-x33umme8-00891-00443403-00443483 OK. XB-x33umme8-00892-00443763-00444383 Sacrifice, fidelity, responsibility, debt, concern, hesitancy and... XB-x33umme8-00893-00444470-00444886 happened... to my children... XB-x33umme8-00894-00444926-00445039 Well, friends... XB-x33umme8-00895-00445443-00445753 There are very important notions that we learned in Anatolia, XB-x33umme8-00896-00445760-00446310 like in the notions of controllingness and controllessness. XB-x33umme8-00897-00446406-00446653 See, fidelity is very important. XB-x33umme8-00898-00446860-00447339 <i>A cup of Turkish coffee is to be</i> <i>remembered for forty years.</i> XB-x33umme8-00899-00447386-00447613 Mutual respect is crucial. XB-x33umme8-00900-00447730-00447953 What is important here is; XB-x33umme8-00901-00448070-00448526 You'll show this respect while protecting your own right. XB-x33umme8-00902-00448720-00448936 A greeting deserves a greeting. XB-x33umme8-00903-00449063-00449466 Yes, the doer of a favor, a benevolence XB-x33umme8-00904-00449570-00450023 deserves a greeting, an appreciation, a fidelity. XB-x33umme8-00905-00450076-00450570 But that person mediated to doing the benevolence. XB-x33umme8-00906-00450639-00450933 The giver and the taker is the One. XB-x33umme8-00907-00451033-00451566 The side of you not accepting that the benevolence came from It... XB-x33umme8-00908-00451650-00452133 leads you to an indebtedness towards the other person. XB-x33umme8-00909-00452193-00452539 If someone ignores God... he or she will be rewarded... XB-x33umme8-00910-00452733-00453393 with material, spiritual and emotional indebtedness in their life. XB-x33umme8-00911-00453556-00454226 Therefore, <i>la ilahe illallah,</i> there is no other god to worship. XB-x33umme8-00912-00454320-00454689 The one you are to be in connection with is The One. XB-x33umme8-00913-00454830-00455476 But if you feel indebted to your mother, and/or your father... and... XB-x33umme8-00914-00455650-00456039 yes... I have no wi-fi at the moment somehow. Maybe... XB-x33umme8-00915-00456200-00456563 my friends will let me know shortly about it. XB-x33umme8-00916-00456893-00457436 So, back to our subject, what lies behind your gratitude, XB-x33umme8-00917-00457480-00457800 sometimes your pity and indebtedness... XB-x33umme8-00918-00457833-00458506 are the frequency and fact that you forget the Creator. XB-x33umme8-00919-00458639-00459036 Those people were mediums. The giver is the One, the taker is the One. XB-x33umme8-00920-00459046-00459410 The one that will take is the One. As you thought the created did these, XB-x33umme8-00921-00459546-00460139 you worshipped the created. The name of the created was mom, dad, friend... XB-x33umme8-00922-00460286-00460936 This doesn't mean that you won't respect the beauties you got from your mother. XB-x33umme8-00923-00461046-00461610 But this respect is not to turn into gratitude, into indebtedness; XB-x33umme8-00924-00461689-00461989 rather, it will be a respect and appreciation at that moment... XB-x33umme8-00925-00462003-00462613 for the mutual contracts resulting in an exchange, in a meeting... XB-x33umme8-00926-00462653-00462816 in the nicest way. XB-x33umme8-00927-00463023-00463626 I just posted a video; if you look down on anyone, there are people you look up to. XB-x33umme8-00928-00463786-00464463 If you see your mother above you, you'll see your kid below you. XB-x33umme8-00929-00464673-00465120 Neither your kid is below you, nor your mother is above you. XB-x33umme8-00930-00465143-00465260 Or vice versa. XB-x33umme8-00931-00465323-00465696 You are the one brought into this world with care... XB-x33umme8-00932-00465780-00466203 as this chosen existence. You chose to come. XB-x33umme8-00933-00466243-00466623 So, whoever honors and feels grateful for... XB-x33umme8-00934-00466630-00466896 their right of existence, and their existence... XB-x33umme8-00935-00467006-00467316 will make their life blessed, and conduct a consecrated life... XB-x33umme8-00936-00467413-00467723 ...because they are grateful to their Creator. XB-x33umme8-00937-00467780-00468060 Let's wrap up for today. XB-x33umme8-00938-00468116-00468533 We'll hopefully come together soon with nice works. XB-x33umme8-00939-00468583-00468783 Warm regards, goodbye. XBBjV57nUuy-00000-00000612-00001592 [Upbeat Music Plays: Ghost Dance by Kevin MacLeod] XBBjV57nUuy-00001-00002608-00003160 Hello everyone and welcome to a special edition of ArtStarts Explores. XBBjV57nUuy-00002-00003160-00003832 My name is kay slater and I am the gallery coordinator and preparator at ArtStarts in Schools XBBjV57nUuy-00003-00003888-00004576 and I am so excited to be bringing you a bunch of different ways we can explore uh halloween XBBjV57nUuy-00004-00004576-00005208 together uh throughout the day. So I hope you will stick with us, try out a whole bunch of things um XBBjV57nUuy-00005-00005208-00005928 and uh comment/share, let us know if you enjoy any of these specials! If you're trying something that XBBjV57nUuy-00006-00005928-00006431 we didn't even think about, we'd love to hear from you! Make sure you have permission before XBBjV57nUuy-00007-00006431-00007359 you comment but we would love to see how you are exploring halloween! So as we like to do XBBjV57nUuy-00008-00007359-00007872 for all of our workshops, we are going to start today - before we get exploring into XBBjV57nUuy-00009-00007872-00008472 some of the other smaller activities we have planned - we all want to be thinking about the XBBjV57nUuy-00010-00008472-00009216 three rules of Explores, and sometimes when it can be um a special holiday or celebration or theme, XBBjV57nUuy-00011-00009296-00009832 sometimes we get really excited and run right towards the thing that we want to do right away, XBBjV57nUuy-00012-00009832-00010288 but it's always important to take a little bit of time before we get set up - XBBjV57nUuy-00013-00010288-00011080 take a deep breath - and be respectful of each other um as we play and enjoy something special. XBBjV57nUuy-00014-00011080-00011680 So it seems right that after I said the word "respect" that I start us off with the first XBBjV57nUuy-00015-00011680-00012200 rule which is that we like to practice respect every week - not just our halloween special - but XBBjV57nUuy-00016-00012200-00012664 every week we like to practice respect by checking in with ourselves. Asking ourselves how we're XBBjV57nUuy-00017-00012664-00013272 doing. Did we have a lot of candy before we uh we're working today? Did we not sleep so well? XBBjV57nUuy-00018-00013360-00013880 Asking each other how we're doing! If you're making with other people whether that's your XBBjV57nUuy-00019-00013880-00014344 friends, your classmates, your family...check in with the people around you and ask how they're XBBjV57nUuy-00020-00014344-00014944 doing too! We want to respect our tools um so whether that is cleaning them up - when it's XBBjV57nUuy-00021-00014944-00015384 all - when *we're* all finished; sharing them with the other people that we're making with; and then XBBjV57nUuy-00022-00015384-00015816 putting them away when we're all finished; those are just a few ways we can practice XBBjV57nUuy-00023-00015816-00016488 respecting our tools. We also want to practice respect by acknowledging the land and its people. XBBjV57nUuy-00024-00016488-00017288 And so this studio here, where you can see my mini host, my costume sticky and my hands - my studio XBBjV57nUuy-00025-00017288-00018136 is located on the stolen or unceded territories of the Coast Salish people and in particular XBBjV57nUuy-00026-00018224-00018848 I want to name and acknowledge the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tseil Wahuth people XBBjV57nUuy-00027-00018928-00019384 who have been here um since time immemorial - for a really really really really really XBBjV57nUuy-00028-00019384-00019960 really long time, and are still here! And so while I'm here hosting this workshop, XBBjV57nUuy-00029-00019960-00020776 I want to try and be the best, respectful, uninvited guest I can be and keep them in mind and XBBjV57nUuy-00030-00020776-00021400 the work they do to protect our land and the water so that we can continue to live and play here. XBBjV57nUuy-00031-00021720-00022176 The second rule of Explores is that Nothing is for Keeps. So it's going to be really really really XBBjV57nUuy-00032-00022176-00022736 really really tempting this week because it's our special edition - Halloween - to want to keep XBBjV57nUuy-00033-00022736-00023304 things but it can be really really fun, every year on halloween or for the weeks XBBjV57nUuy-00034-00023304-00023824 that lead up to halloween, to try something new. So I encourage you, whenever possible XBBjV57nUuy-00035-00023824-00024296 to take things from your recycling bin, to take things that aren't really precious or perfect, you XBBjV57nUuy-00036-00024296-00024784 don't have to have a perfect white piece of paper to get drawing, and then when you're all finished, XBBjV57nUuy-00037-00024784-00025432 maybe take a picture or two! Maybe keep it until October 31st so you can have it on Halloween day XBBjV57nUuy-00038-00025432-00025920 but when you're all finished, I encourage you to take it apart and whether that means rip it up, XBBjV57nUuy-00039-00025920-00026520 or cut it up, or crumple it up, it should go into the recycling bin again when you're all finished. XBBjV57nUuy-00040-00026632-00027016 And that's really great when we're exploring because if we're not keeping or if we're not XBBjV57nUuy-00041-00027016-00027336 making anything for keeps that means we don't have to have Any Expectations! XBBjV57nUuy-00042-00027392-00027792 We might have a really specific picture in our head as we are exploring certain things. XBBjV57nUuy-00043-00027792-00028392 We might know certain things about Halloween but it's much more fun to explore when we actually XBBjV57nUuy-00044-00028392-00028920 don't know what will happen! Halloween is a great time to practice surprise, XBBjV57nUuy-00045-00028920-00029568 to allow ourselves to be a little surprised, to go into the unknown and so that means that all ideas XBBjV57nUuy-00046-00029568-00030304 that we practice today are good ideas, in this safe making space. So those are our three rules XBBjV57nUuy-00047-00030304-00030776 of Explores. Throughout all the small videos that we're going to be posting uh throughout XBBjV57nUuy-00048-00030776-00031208 the day for our Halloween special, that you can watch at any time throughout the week, XBBjV57nUuy-00049-00031327-00031736 we'll have all of those things in mind, and you can always come back to this video XBBjV57nUuy-00050-00031736-00032383 and check them out again! I look forward to seeing you in our other Halloween videos! XBBjV57nUuy-00051-00032383-00032657 [Upbeat Music Plays: Ghost Dance by Kevin MacLeod] XGA3T8zTnq0-00000-00000048-00000320 hello, forte XGA3T8zTnq0-00001-00000322-00001162 How to use the metronome today XGA3T8zTnq0-00002-00001172-00001344 It is my way XGA3T8zTnq0-00003-00001382-00001682 Prepare a metronome XGA3T8zTnq0-00004-00001682-00001938 It is an normal metronome XGA3T8zTnq0-00005-00002098-00002500 It is not a business case XGA3T8zTnq0-00006-00002778-00003040 There are various sounds XGA3T8zTnq0-00007-00003040-00003344 I will do this XGA3T8zTnq0-00009-00003394-00003729 I will explain the way in Winter WInd XGA3T8zTnq0-00010-00003729-00003964 When I use a metronome XGA3T8zTnq0-00011-00003964-00004200 I don't use from the beginning XGA3T8zTnq0-00012-00004208-00004392 After reading XGA3T8zTnq0-00013-00004392-00004638 At the stage of putting your finger on XGA3T8zTnq0-00014-00004638-00004976 Songs with many anxiety elements XGA3T8zTnq0-00015-00004976-00005384 Using a metronome in a passage with a lot of anxiety XGA3T8zTnq0-00016-00005384-00005538 I use it for the first time XGA3T8zTnq0-00017-00005538-00005738 I will explain how XGA3T8zTnq0-00018-00006654-00006812 Quite difficult XGA3T8zTnq0-00022-00007966-00008140 Every beat XGA3T8zTnq0-00026-00009224-00009668 Change the rhythm with this tempo XGA3T8zTnq0-00031-00011782-00011974 When this can be done XGA3T8zTnq0-00032-00012088-00012300 Speed up a little XGA3T8zTnq0-00036-00014041-00014262 When I can do more XGA3T8zTnq0-00037-00014262-00014416 Increase speed XGA3T8zTnq0-00041-00015866-00016169 I use it like this XGA3T8zTnq0-00044-00018516-00018720 I couldn't play now XGA3T8zTnq0-00045-00018720-00018884 One more try XGA3T8zTnq0-00046-00018896-00019324 You can see where you can`t play if you play at this tempo XGA3T8zTnq0-00047-00019334-00019728 Focus on practice XGA3T8zTnq0-00049-00020012-00020408 Even if you can't play at slow speed, you can`t play fast XGA3T8zTnq0-00052-00021474-00021930 Without being conscious just putting a finger on XGA3T8zTnq0-00053-00022308-00022876 The right hand was playing in the main but it is really because the left hand is the main XGA3T8zTnq0-00055-00023474-00023596 left hand XGA3T8zTnq0-00056-00023856-00024004 To hear the left hand XGA3T8zTnq0-00057-00024092-00024246 At this slow tempo XGA3T8zTnq0-00058-00024342-00024442 play XGA3T8zTnq0-00060-00026842-00027166 Try to apply the revolutionary XGA3T8zTnq0-00063-00027758-00028114 Mostly crumbled left hand XGA3T8zTnq0-00072-00029542-00029918 Proof of not falling back XGA3T8zTnq0-00073-00029922-00030204 Make it clear for yourself XGA3T8zTnq0-00076-00030482-00030912 Play along with the metronome sound XGA3T8zTnq0-00083-00032022-00032356 Where the left hand moves like a demon XGA3T8zTnq0-00085-00033058-00033352 To be conscious XGA3T8zTnq0-00086-00033392-00034094 How do you make the keyboard move with minimal movement XGA3T8zTnq0-00088-00034234-00034622 Think about how to move your finger efficiently XGA3T8zTnq0-00089-00034622-00034890 For example, when playing fast XGA3T8zTnq0-00090-00035118-00035444 Often play appropriately XGA3T8zTnq0-00091-00035444-00035690 Play it slowly using a metronome XGA3T8zTnq0-00092-00035702-00036340 You can check how far you can hold the wrist XGA3T8zTnq0-00094-00036396-00036876 I will do my best to confirm where I am not good at XGA3T8zTnq0-00097-00037792-00037938 No XGA3T8zTnq0-00101-00039008-00039234 rhythm change XGA3T8zTnq0-00104-00041402-00041874 There is no basic pedal when using a metronome XGA3T8zTnq0-00105-00041956-00042432 Make sure you can hear every single sound XGA3T8zTnq0-00106-00042432-00042566 change rhythm XGA3T8zTnq0-00107-00042566-00042820 Stop at one beat XGA3T8zTnq0-00108-00042898-00043212 Stop at the beginning of the first beat XGA3T8zTnq0-00110-00045220-00045816 We can confirm what finger by stopping every time XGA3T8zTnq0-00113-00046158-00046450 I know which finger is not good XGA3T8zTnq0-00114-00046478-00046776 It is important to change the rhythm XGA3T8zTnq0-00116-00047064-00047694 Classics such as Beethoven use the metronome firmly XGA3T8zTnq0-00118-00047876-00048586 Use romantics such as Chopin when you can not play or at Etude XHzYDNE54ey-00000-00000000-00000498 you like to smile Laura yeah all right hello XHzYDNE54ey-00001-00000672-00001188 where the guns at cuz no way no way you're running into the kitchen with me to take my helmet XHzYDNE54ey-00002-00001248-00002406 bro there's a mini right here oh I did bro Gigi whatso M16 upstairs I know you're the XHzYDNE54ey-00003-00002406-00003096 best single fire player in the end not did you where's the other place okay there's a guy there XHzYDNE54ey-00004-00003606-00004014 he's in the center outside he's running away I think I'll say I'll sign my I'll say in the hall XHzYDNE54ey-00005-00004212-00004674 okay one other side I am gonna go res yeah XHzYDNE54ey-00006-00005070-00005418 [__] oh I can relive it all right XHzYDNE54ey-00007-00005658-00006222 oh this restrooms do I get any questions can you crawl out XHzYDNE54ey-00008-00006294-00006456 I don't want to this has anything on my front door XHzYDNE54ey-00009-00006558-00006864 he's like yes I suck XHzYDNE54ey-00010-00007181-00008130 I don't think you can see it okay yeah I want to go to the kitchen yeah fast XHzYDNE54ey-00011-00008940-00009126 okay okay XHzYDNE54ey-00012-00009420-00010320 did guys put you doing it first then yep right now front door front door okay yeah oh XHzYDNE54ey-00013-00010488-00011022 yeah this guy's bending everyone there oh is he still holding that door I can rest XHzYDNE54ey-00014-00011346-00011418 what the [__] XHzYDNE54ey-00015-00011670-00011730 he died XHzYDNE54ey-00016-00012618-00012954 the sky is [__] killing everyone I'm gonna go res XHzYDNE54ey-00017-00013440-00014352 olution that need is so good oh it's good it's good night oh my God XHzYDNE54ey-00018-00014640-00015150 holy [__] holy [__] holy [__] I done too bad I dropped the one man XHzYDNE54ey-00019-00015258-00015797 there's another one here um holy [__] dude that guy is literally holding me XHzYDNE54ey-00020-00015882-00016428 all right so I'm just using fun this there you go and then I dropped you okay be careful he's XHzYDNE54ey-00021-00016428-00016698 holding an angle through everything let's go to the big building all together outside XHzYDNE54ey-00022-00016890-00017118 holy [__] XHzYDNE54ey-00023-00017436-00018000 sounds like the best part I've ever been against I mean he's definitely playing like it he's dead XHzYDNE54ey-00024-00018216-00018282 guys XHzYDNE54ey-00025-00018732-00019098 real Navi XHzYDNE54ey-00026-00019098-00019410 let's push XHzYDNE54ey-00027-00019584-00019866 one slot gun they're not dead XHzYDNE54ey-00028-00020064-00020982 Ghana single oh nice [__] um behind that building there's another one you want orange XHzYDNE54ey-00029-00021624-00021882 one is [__] one HP yeah outside left of the single XHzYDNE54ey-00030-00021882-00022800 let's kill this guy I have a Nokia I'm coming I'm coming wait foreign XHzYDNE54ey-00031-00025356-00025542 that that Reviving there XHzYDNE54ey-00032-00026250-00026418 there's no way that's much better than me bro XHzYDNE54ey-00033-00026592-00027072 let me call out on Fourth knock yeah bro I'm in a pronunc XHzYDNE54ey-00034-00027426-00027618 ially okay here XHzYDNE54ey-00035-00027845-00028482 oh how many [__] knocks everything my second floor on me communication XHzYDNE54ey-00036-00028733-00028944 laughs XHzYDNE54ey-00037-00029045-00029472 guy with a shotgun in the single dinosaurs yeah two in there at least XHzYDNE54ey-00038-00029795-00029922 they're about to push me outside left XHzYDNE54ey-00039-00030348-00030468 I have a rod spot here XHzYDNE54ey-00040-00030876-00031127 very low happy something one's on the wall outside XHzYDNE54ey-00041-00031392-00031680 right now okay XHzYDNE54ey-00042-00032016-00032238 he jumped on me oh [__] can I hear XHzYDNE54ey-00043-00032412-00032976 my shotguns don't work nicer where's the last guy we're all like foreign XHzYDNE54ey-00044-00033306-00033906 why don't my shotguns work typhoon XHzYDNE54ey-00045-00034218-00034752 oh it doesn't make sense oh XHzYDNE54ey-00046-00034932-00035646 that reward on the wall look at this Knight [__] I did it on YouTube I'm good XHzYDNE54ey-00047-00036006-00037074 oh my God are they all dead yeah okay okay oh my God bro we were getting [__] not left XHzYDNE54ey-00048-00037074-00037632 and right yeah we were getting put down Salah already oh yeah I'll take this one XHzYDNE54ey-00049-00037710-00038472 oh I know you picked it up dude my shotguns just don't hit as hard as their shotguns it's unreal XHzYDNE54ey-00050-00038604-00039744 yeah it's got his head was in the window and I literally like [__] XHzYDNE54ey-00051-00039744-00040134 make [__] on it with the shotgun and still took the L XHzYDNE54ey-00052-00040398-00040830 I just want to know who that Navi guy was bro I was thinking about the way in game XHzYDNE54ey-00053-00040926-00041568 I feel like we can like 20 20 plus people here we have four we have four kills what XHzYDNE54ey-00054-00041568-00041922 we thought we had like at least XHzYDNE54ey-00055-00042468-00042564 one Hawk XHzYDNE54ey-00056-00042564-00043332 everyone pushed us we were literally in the [__] directions bro like XHzYDNE54ey-00057-00043410-00043794 we didn't even leave where we landed and [__] 20 can't start around us XHzYDNE54ey-00058-00044010-00044502 send me that guy's dream link that's all I need to know dude that guy I want to know XHzYDNE54ey-00059-00044502-00044856 his sense I want to know that was mouse pad I want to know his [__] ESP I want XHzYDNE54ey-00060-00044856-00045348 to know his [__] breakfast meal I want to know his brain I want a [__] stroke him XHzYDNE54ey-00061-00045420-00046212 yeah all right I have no fastides typhoon chop nice XHzYDNE54ey-00062-00046488-00046620 oh daiful XHzYDNE54ey-00063-00047484-00047808 wow that all came out of nowhere XHzYDNE54ey-00064-00048024-00048882 using the red Red Dot mate yeah Blue Dot uh when Ziggy was good XHzYDNE54ey-00065-00048882-00049218 he was using the blue dot all right so I switched back to the blue dog XHzYDNE54ey-00066-00049218-00049812 he's in uh XHzYDNE54ey-00067-00050046-00050586 screen reading silver now uh yep people apps I think that was the big app XHzYDNE54ey-00068-00050760-00051288 always silent there yeah oh it was not was that in the road what the [__] I got the XHzYDNE54ey-00069-00051288-00051641 entry for maybe that's a different guy I didn't hear anything I didn't even hear it XHzYDNE54ey-00070-00051641-00052140 what oh I got the sound back down I'm hearing I've had 324 shots four shot again right there XHzYDNE54ey-00071-00052379-00053004 foreign bro I put this guy in Navi he back in outside XHzYDNE54ey-00072-00053070-00053976 very fast yeah very fast very fast oh it's very quick ly it XHzYDNE54ey-00073-00054072-00055229 is very big outside [Laughter] we took the hearts one [Laughter] XHzYDNE54ey-00074-00055686-00056274 make me so bad no no it's just funny I love it XHzYDNE54ey-00075-00056579-00057084 oh my God I bet there's people on the Alamo oh no oh I thought the car was stuck XHzYDNE54ey-00076-00057455-00057504 oh XHzYDNE54ey-00077-00057744-00058332 I just heard a barrel and a canine behind us on yellow I'm getting the sound bug bad okay XHzYDNE54ey-00078-00058332-00058776 all right what what do you mean sound like I've never had that before you just hear XHzYDNE54ey-00079-00058776-00059094 shots like they're across the map but like they sound like they're right next to you XHzYDNE54ey-00080-00059094-00059502 oh let's go to the Alamo I bet people crash it this is a sweaty Lobby that he says alive XHzYDNE54ey-00081-00059586-00059946 metal Circle or like maybe above the junkyard or something we can pick another junkyard XHzYDNE54ey-00082-00060054-00060834 yep always high Landing there Cartier right yeah I'm down rocks insane XHzYDNE54ey-00083-00060912-00061758 did you hear shots at junkyard it was like hanger or something okay all right are they XHzYDNE54ey-00084-00061758-00062028 fighting or it might just be shooting out of the car they're shooting the car XHzYDNE54ey-00085-00062141-00062832 yeah yeah that's beautiful XHzYDNE54ey-00086-00063096-00063384 they don't know I don't know how would they know XHzYDNE54ey-00087-00063786-00063870 oh my God I'm working XHzYDNE54ey-00088-00064212-00064626 inside I'm reloading oh God I have a utility XHzYDNE54ey-00089-00064848-00064962 left XHzYDNE54ey-00090-00065634-00066084 y [__] XHzYDNE54ey-00091-00066180-00066840 what the [__] why is he stuck on the [__] why is he in the corner holy [__] he still kills me XHzYDNE54ey-00092-00067020-00067348 what the [__] how does he not die [Laughter] XHzYDNE54ey-00093-00067824-00068628 he was sitting in the corner without like moving around [__] lalio yeah XHzYDNE54ey-00094-00069212-00069312 [Laughter] XHzYDNE54ey-00095-00069312-00069984 hahaha dude one of the best moments ever was corsak just being tilted in Fringe oh my God XHzYDNE54ey-00096-00070272-00070428 watch me die to this [__] cheater bro XHzYDNE54ey-00097-00071160-00071352 I love it when closely gets angry XHzYDNE54ey-00098-00072228-00073008 I'm about to get [__] laser bro you know I'm about to get laser this MK is first XHzYDNE54ey-00099-00073146-00073344 well after was hit him one time I I XHzYDNE54ey-00100-00073602-00074010 think you're running better I could not think of it XHzYDNE54ey-00101-00074010-00075012 you want me to go back to the lobby but it's all right you know I'll do it is very fun XHzYDNE54ey-00102-00075738-00075780 okay XHzYDNE54ey-00103-00076104-00076380 as people on the hill dude I don't know if they're XHzYDNE54ey-00104-00076494-00077226 you know maybe I'm seeing through the building I made this run on C9 upstairs double orange 100 XHzYDNE54ey-00105-00077390-00077616 . well I got triple started there XHzYDNE54ey-00106-00079524-00079638 wasabi XHzYDNE54ey-00107-00080562-00080868 vlog downstairs XHzYDNE54ey-00108-00082002-00082362 what the [__] was his Peak just then you're lagging that guy's on the wall XHzYDNE54ey-00109-00083160-00083550 God damn dude lost there XHzYDNE54ey-00110-00083850-00083970 is already XHzYDNE54ey-00111-00084456-00084606 you have Nick no XHzYDNE54ey-00112-00084720-00085338 oh he's not cheating he win these XHzYDNE54ey-00113-00085830-00086232 yeah definitely they're not cheating another game maybe foreign XHzYDNE54ey-00114-00087306-00087834 oh I respect that AVM what a big boy XHzYDNE54ey-00115-00088290-00088422 oh that many is one of them XHzYDNE54ey-00116-00088980-00089034 what XHzYDNE54ey-00117-00089352-00089430 I think I know XHzYDNE54ey-00118-00089808-00090516 the discussion all right it's three times it's three times or maybe XHzYDNE54ey-00119-00091292-00091392 [Music] XHzYDNE54ey-00120-00091392-00091494 I gotta push that XHzYDNE54ey-00121-00092880-00092970 oh my God XHzYDNE54ey-00122-00093504-00094140 are these guys playing without [__] headset or what or their teammates what XHzYDNE54ey-00123-00094140-00094986 are you doing yeah that's gotta be it let's go oh XHzYDNE54ey-00124-00095304-00095598 oh no don't worry you have another helmet underneath XHzYDNE54ey-00125-00095760-00096360 I'm gonna pop this down I gotta tell you TIG what you're an important player bro XHzYDNE54ey-00126-00096570-00097374 yeah that's definitely true too Fair no warm-up all right get your ass up sir that's fair XHzYDNE54ey-00127-00097626-00098064 plus I'm shook I'm very shook I'm so [__] scared right now XHzYDNE54ey-00128-00099000-00099222 it's over where where the [__] are they XHzYDNE54ey-00129-00099660-00099810 called back double wide XHzYDNE54ey-00130-00100194-00100266 hey look outside XHzYDNE54ey-00131-00100920-00101130 ain't no way I don't believe it XHzYDNE54ey-00132-00101394-00102204 you're already orange you know I don't think it was that far foreign XHzYDNE54ey-00133-00105332-00105432 [Applause] XHzYDNE54ey-00134-00105432-00105948 by the way I would like to know that he actually had you as well but you're so much better XHzYDNE54ey-00135-00106361-00107238 give a Molly now by the way how newbie [__] [Applause] why is he peeking that one XHzYDNE54ey-00136-00107472-00108066 he's punching there he's punching there he gave up there's no way he thinks that works XHzYDNE54ey-00137-00108504-00108630 thank God he has an emperor XHzYDNE54ey-00138-00108846-00109902 see this year what definitely yeah that guy's a game they have a car and they're running out XHzYDNE54ey-00139-00109985-00110778 I think I had a lot of two guys bolt them out of the car oh is there another one in XHzYDNE54ey-00140-00110778-00111390 there there was only one in the car I think it was right yeah yeah the [__] is the last one XHzYDNE54ey-00141-00112002-00112559 what about these Blue Zone Gamers he's dead he died in the bag XHzYDNE54ey-00142-00112770-00113424 that zone what what the [__] victory XHzYDNE54ey-00143-00114138-00114185 yep XHzYDNE54ey-00144-00114594-00114732 Dingle Dawn XHzYDNE54ey-00145-00114990-00115608 [__] [__] [__] okay okay [__] I [__] your mother no I didn't I didn't XHzYDNE54ey-00146-00115608-00116004 see they said before with him here oh yeah it's really impossible that shot missed XHzYDNE54ey-00147-00116082-00117156 you through gear behind you awf more bullets hog OG md3 run that [__] don't be a [__] XHzYDNE54ey-00148-00117383-00117761 suck on my nut Sago my nut s XHzYDNE54ey-00149-00118128-00118602 uh what the [__] good spot for them oh [__] oh XHzYDNE54ey-00150-00118722-00119190 [__] oh that was it dude I should have been clicking on that that was free XHzYDNE54ey-00151-00119478-00119961 ride of Rock [__] I did like oh this one [Applause] XHzYDNE54ey-00152-00120383-00120635 no way this guy's such a little Randy bro XHzYDNE54ey-00153-00120918-00121380 yeah you're a Randy oh XHzYDNE54ey-00154-00121668-00122508 no way it's impossible [Music] no someone take the arm out of his hands XHzYDNE54ey-00155-00123138-00123533 literally one no way he just goes and crashes that [__] XHzYDNE54ey-00156-00123594-00124050 I'm gonna use my last bullet yeah there's another airdrop what the hell XHzYDNE54ey-00157-00124644-00125352 yeah without bullets okay he has an mg this is basically a better arm if you brown that's in XHzYDNE54ey-00158-00125694-00125814 you didn't make it very positive XHzYDNE54ey-00159-00126161-00126828 looking derpenstein uh okay so what do I do here then do I just [__] [__] XHzYDNE54ey-00160-00126828-00127068 they stopped oh you don't have an 8x2 here XHzYDNE54ey-00161-00127290-00127338 well the problem XHzYDNE54ey-00162-00127338-00128646 he's gonna die oh my God [__] I just needed one little head yeah I will make one do you XHzYDNE54ey-00163-00128646-00129318 know me it's a tickle the baby there it's the tigla baby go on that tree for sure it has XHzYDNE54ey-00164-00129318-00129888 to be on the tree 20 things on left or right rock rock rock rock oh my god dude oh my God XHzYDNE54ey-00165-00131046-00131274 that's [__] Smokes on the others off be careful they're XHzYDNE54ey-00166-00131274-00131478 gonna maybe see you they definitely can but XHzYDNE54ey-00167-00131478-00131832 [__] that [__] XHzYDNE54ey-00168-00131976-00133002 wait what yeah try they're driving to the [__] wooden suck bull Mark okay I've never XHzYDNE54ey-00169-00133002-00133344 seen them from yellow yeah I'm gonna pull up to the sack up here and just start [__] XHzYDNE54ey-00170-00133680-00134154 with my mini I'm in the match can you imagine this game started with Navi domining us XHzYDNE54ey-00171-00134256-00135024 no I mean he didn't kill and oh he only killed one that guy has a horse mask what the [__] is XHzYDNE54ey-00172-00135024-00135636 solo playing his [__] life on the tree to the left what you were just looking at left the shed XHzYDNE54ey-00173-00135636-00136164 [__] what is going on here XHzYDNE54ey-00174-00136236-00136674 I don't know I'm a little I'm a little confused what the [__] is going on here XHzYDNE54ey-00175-00136944-00137196 you don't have helmet XHzYDNE54ey-00176-00137742-00137808 oh XHzYDNE54ey-00177-00138420-00138714 imagine the hit by your head imagine XHzYDNE54ey-00178-00138972-00138996 foreign XHzYDNE54ey-00179-00140106-00140232 here am I XHzYDNE54ey-00180-00140538-00140772 getting out of it cap XHzYDNE54ey-00181-00141348-00141480 please no one on the shack XHzYDNE54ey-00182-00141684-00141978 I think you saw every player in the game there's three guys junkyard one XHzYDNE54ey-00183-00141978-00142434 guy in that room yeah one guy at Orange and I concur The Rock guys XHzYDNE54ey-00184-00142434-00142614 are running a junkyard right now I think that's what that name is XHzYDNE54ey-00185-00142980-00143676 again I think oh he's dead oh wait what how can he not give him XHzYDNE54ey-00186-00144606-00145170 so in store what is that oh I think he got a flush didn't he XHzYDNE54ey-00187-00145290-00145938 I don't know what the [__] going on I'm just assuming he died nope XHzYDNE54ey-00188-00146226-00146454 I keep running in my los for like 0.5 a second XHzYDNE54ey-00189-00146730-00147360 I guess did he just pick me [__] five Circle wait isn't there a guy still on their [__] wall XHzYDNE54ey-00190-00147456-00147528 yeah okay XHzYDNE54ey-00191-00148134-00148608 okay GG there's no way this guy lives on this tree right back get him down back XHzYDNE54ey-00192-00148662-00148842 like right like there's just no way this guy lives XHzYDNE54ey-00193-00148842-00149094 longer than like 20 seconds right now I don't know if you take a right angle XHzYDNE54ey-00194-00149196-00149646 I ain't taking any angles ain't no way he's picking that way bro it's literally impossible XHzYDNE54ey-00195-00150108-00150276 it just wasted three smokes there XHzYDNE54ey-00196-00150732-00151158 it's confused why he's not getting shot out from the company I mean you can pull up like XHzYDNE54ey-00197-00151158-00151656 floor marker with some yeah yeah I'm gonna do that as soon as like Network like detective XHzYDNE54ey-00198-00151656-00152094 oh my God XHzYDNE54ey-00199-00152094-00153198 a nice try bro you almost had that one if you're a little bit better bro oh this game song XHzYDNE54ey-00200-00153282-00153648 what is that it's so [__] XHzYDNE54ey-00201-00153906-00154176 well I don't think I'll have time to play it anymore Jesus XHzYDNE54ey-00202-00154500-00155064 have fun CS empty much love bro see you see you I can't even leave the game XMVZjj-Pg0A-00000-00000070-00000170 Hi! XMVZjj-Pg0A-00001-00000170-00000309 Today is about "to captivate". XMVZjj-Pg0A-00002-00000309-00000992 The inspiration is from John Maxwell who says that when he was young he was going to self XMVZjj-Pg0A-00003-00000992-00001361 development conferences and the speakers were very boring and someday at some point was XMVZjj-Pg0A-00004-00001361-00001801 extremely captivated by a speaker (he don't give his name),so captivated that he wasn't XMVZjj-Pg0A-00005-00001801-00002429 paying attention at how the speaker is dressed ,at...how to say...at where he is,he forgot XMVZjj-Pg0A-00006-00002429-00003751 about time space and everything and he was extremely captivated in everything XMVZjj-Pg0A-00007-00003751-00003913 the speaker was saying and conveying. XMVZjj-Pg0A-00008-00003913-00004648 And I remember a lot of the fact that I did not like to do anything about 20 years ago,I XMVZjj-Pg0A-00009-00004648-00005281 was finishing the math and I did not like that at all and I figured out I am most captivated XMVZjj-Pg0A-00010-00005281-00006238 by movies,theater so like this I learned about 5 years how to pass the exam at the acting XMVZjj-Pg0A-00011-00006238-00006803 school.What captivate you in your day by day life? XNNnTuw_aGE-00000-00000003-00000417 Okay we continue in our series, A More Perfect You, The Pursuit of Perfection in XNNnTuw_aGE-00001-00000417-00000951 Christ. This is lesson number three and the title of this lesson is The Holy XNNnTuw_aGE-00002-00000951-00001590 Spirit and Perfection. So in our lesson so far we have discussed the two XNNnTuw_aGE-00003-00001590-00001982 concepts of perfection and how they are related to each other. XNNnTuw_aGE-00004-00001982-00002468 This study is based on the title A More Perfect You and I XNNnTuw_aGE-00005-00002468-00002969 I explained the title refers to the two types of perfection and how each of XNNnTuw_aGE-00006-00002969-00003570 these affected our lives, just a little review of that: first, conditional XNNnTuw_aGE-00007-00003570-00004164 perfection referred to as justification or salvation or righteousness or XNNnTuw_aGE-00008-00004164-00004862 holiness the Bible refers to this conditional perfection in a variety of XNNnTuw_aGE-00009-00004862-00005480 ways. This is the state of perfection given to us by God based on our faith in XNNnTuw_aGE-00010-00005480-00006137 Christ, happens a baptism, it is a perfection that is the same in quality XNNnTuw_aGE-00011-00006137-00006548 as the perfection Christ attained through perfect obedience and that's the XNNnTuw_aGE-00012-00006548-00007068 point what we could not do physically emotionally spiritually what we could XNNnTuw_aGE-00013-00007068-00007661 not do attained perfection through obedience to the Law Christ has done XNNnTuw_aGE-00014-00007661-00008295 He's done that and He has offered that perfect life for us in order to gain for XNNnTuw_aGE-00015-00008295-00009047 us this conditional perfection. It is the standard that we will be judged by, God XNNnTuw_aGE-00016-00009047-00009546 in judgment will look at our conditional perfection and accept us XNNnTuw_aGE-00017-00009546-00009932 because of it and it's an awesome thing to think that God is going to judge us XNNnTuw_aGE-00018-00009932-00010638 according to a perfect law. Now it is the status that enables us to approach God XNNnTuw_aGE-00019-00010638-00011163 now with confidence in prayer and in worship, it is the status that gives us XNNnTuw_aGE-00020-00011163-00011684 the courage to try to serve and please God with our puny efforts XNNnTuw_aGE-00021-00011684-00012477 here by us wrapped in this sinful flesh. The promise of God in XNNnTuw_aGE-00022-00012477-00012897 Christ is that one day we will shed our outer garment of imperfection XNNnTuw_aGE-00023-00012897-00013436 and will actually be what we are only considered to be at the moment, so that's XNNnTuw_aGE-00024-00013436-00014112 conditional perfection. Actual perfection, talk a little bit about that; XNNnTuw_aGE-00025-00014112-00014625 now conditional perfection is a status that we are given by God, a status that XNNnTuw_aGE-00026-00014625-00015288 God sees when He views us, a status we will be judged by, actual perfection is XNNnTuw_aGE-00027-00015288-00016035 what we and others actually see in us. Actual perfection is the status of XNNnTuw_aGE-00028-00016035-00016545 perfection we actually achieve through the help of Holy Spirit, through the help XNNnTuw_aGE-00029-00016545-00016986 of God's Word, through the help of the church in our own submission to these XNNnTuw_aGE-00030-00016986-00017667 tutors and these enablers. Actual perfection is the way of life that we XNNnTuw_aGE-00031-00017667-00018237 choose to pursue when we become Christians and receive that conditional XNNnTuw_aGE-00032-00018237-00018887 perfection from God based on our faith in Christ. So we are considered perfect XNNnTuw_aGE-00033-00018887-00019613 this guarantees our salvation and our hope of heaven, being this way however XNNnTuw_aGE-00034-00019613-00020241 prompts us to pursue actual perfection as a lifestyle. So it would be ridiculous XNNnTuw_aGE-00035-00020241-00020700 and foolish if one receives baptism receives conditional perfection and then XNNnTuw_aGE-00036-00020700-00021204 goes back and pursues the imperfect lifestyle that originally condemned that XNNnTuw_aGE-00037-00021204-00021858 person that makes no sense. Now the only option available to the one XNNnTuw_aGE-00038-00021858-00022463 considered perfect by God is to pursue actual perfection before men as a XNNnTuw_aGE-00039-00022463-00023214 witness of faith and as an offering of thanks to God. And so actual perfection XNNnTuw_aGE-00040-00023214-00023847 is that state pursued by those already considered perfect by God through faith. XNNnTuw_aGE-00041-00023847-00024609 For a new Christian to do this would be frustrating and or excuse me for a XNNnTuw_aGE-00042-00024609-00025113 non-christian to do this would be frustrating and hypocritical because you XNNnTuw_aGE-00043-00025113-00025676 know perfection through human effort is impossible but for the Christian the XNNnTuw_aGE-00044-00025676-00026198 conditionally perfect one this is a valid lifestyle choice because it XNNnTuw_aGE-00045-00026198-00026516 affords an opportunity to achieve two goals: XNNnTuw_aGE-00046-00026516-00027048 first of all, the pursuit of actual perfection is a powerful witness to XNNnTuw_aGE-00047-00027048-00027582 those without Christ because it sets Christians apart from all others it's a XNNnTuw_aGE-00048-00027582-00028176 way of setting us apart from the world of sinners and non-believers. XNNnTuw_aGE-00049-00028176-00028889 And secondly, it's a wonderful instrument of praise because the effort involved XNNnTuw_aGE-00050-00028889-00029475 honors God and signifies how strongly the Christian believes, I pursue actual XNNnTuw_aGE-00051-00029475-00030093 perfection not to save myself I do that in order to say to God I believe, in XNNnTuw_aGE-00052-00030093-00030545 order to say to God I love you, in order to say to God I want to serve you, that XNNnTuw_aGE-00053-00030545-00031149 my faith is sincere and real. And therein lies the differences and XNNnTuw_aGE-00054-00031149-00031766 purposes of these two ideas. So let's look now at how the Holy Spirit XNNnTuw_aGE-00055-00031766-00032562 works in creating the state of conditional and actual perfection. So XNNnTuw_aGE-00056-00032562-00033159 this section the Holy Spirit and perfection. When you watch certain XNNnTuw_aGE-00057-00033159-00033702 programs certain religious television especially religious television that XNNnTuw_aGE-00058-00033702-00034461 involve big showcases and singing and a kind of a show business type XNNnTuw_aGE-00059-00034461-00035061 approach to worship what you're seeing is a kind of perversion of the XNNnTuw_aGE-00060-00035061-00035451 work of the Holy Spirit by those who see it in human terms. XNNnTuw_aGE-00061-00035451-00035975 For example Hollywood style spectacles using lights and sensual music, XNNnTuw_aGE-00062-00035975-00036669 manipulative staging, group hysteria tactics, emotional appeals, all of this XNNnTuw_aGE-00063-00036669-00037431 done to produce a spiritual experience which they claim is proof that the Holy XNNnTuw_aGE-00064-00037431-00037893 Spirit is working and present in their ministries and their assemblies. XNNnTuw_aGE-00065-00037893-00038211 People jumping up and down they're getting all hot and sweaty and bothered XNNnTuw_aGE-00066-00038211-00038574 and hallelujahs and so on and so forth and they're saying you know because I'm XNNnTuw_aGE-00067-00038574-00039030 having this experience it must mean that the Holy Spirit is active and XNNnTuw_aGE-00068-00039030-00039555 working all right. We in the Churches of Christ are being affected by this XNNnTuw_aGE-00069-00039555-00040158 because we want to have our churches become exciting in worship, we XNNnTuw_aGE-00070-00040158-00040695 want our people to feel something, we want to prove that we have the Holy XNNnTuw_aGE-00071-00040695-00041259 Spirit in some recognizable way. Well there's nothing wrong with being XNNnTuw_aGE-00072-00041259-00041741 excited or feeling something because of our faith I mean there are legitimate XNNnTuw_aGE-00073-00041741-00042264 spiritual desires that we have and these are legitimate spiritual needs that we XNNnTuw_aGE-00074-00042264-00042837 have. The problem arises when we try to manufacture these experiences through XNNnTuw_aGE-00075-00042837-00043560 human fleshly ways rather than through spiritual biblical ways and that's my my XNNnTuw_aGE-00076-00043560-00044250 point here. Much of the efforts at changing worship styles in XNNnTuw_aGE-00077-00044250-00044706 many of our churches stems from the false notion that if we can create XNNnTuw_aGE-00078-00044706-00045288 some kind of feeling at worship due to the music or the presentation or the XNNnTuw_aGE-00079-00045288-00045938 introduction of new elements like drama or soloists or worship teams whatever XNNnTuw_aGE-00080-00045938-00046662 then somehow we will be more spiritual and thus more satisfied spiritually. With XNNnTuw_aGE-00081-00046662-00047150 the true results of this approach to heightened spirituality is twofold: XNNnTuw_aGE-00082-00047150-00047963 first of all a sense of elitism, people who manufacture spirituality in this way XNNnTuw_aGE-00083-00047963-00048666 become like spiritual snobs, they begin to see their value as Christians rise XNNnTuw_aGE-00084-00048666-00049113 because they have a superior spiritual level produced by their different XNNnTuw_aGE-00085-00049113-00049728 worship styles, this of course leads to division because anyone who doesn't use XNNnTuw_aGE-00086-00049728-00050349 their approach is somehow spiritually inferior. Now we see this happening in XNNnTuw_aGE-00087-00050349-00050865 the Corinthian church for example I mean I'm using a biblical example here where XNNnTuw_aGE-00088-00050865-00051239 the brethren were not manufacturing false spirituality but they were XNNnTuw_aGE-00089-00051239-00051714 misusing legitimate spiritual gifts. No matter XNNnTuw_aGE-00090-00051714-00052402 whenever spirituality is false or misused division ensues. We XNNnTuw_aGE-00091-00052402-00052720 see this happening in our own brotherhood today, where labels like XNNnTuw_aGE-00092-00052720-00053263 progressive and traditional are being attached to different churches, your XNNnTuw_aGE-00093-00053263-00053667 church a traditional church are you a progressive church? We never had that XNNnTuw_aGE-00094-00053667-00054349 before, we never put labels on ourselves like that before. When this XNNnTuw_aGE-00095-00054349-00054808 happens it's only a matter of one or more generation before there'll be a XNNnTuw_aGE-00096-00054808-00055261 visible separation between those who ascribe to one view or the other; XNNnTuw_aGE-00097-00055261-00055639 the progressive churches will want to have a different name and identify XNNnTuw_aGE-00098-00055639-00056320 themselves in a different way. Now it's a shame because both sides are right in a XNNnTuw_aGE-00099-00056320-00056974 way and wrong in a way. For example the progressives are right in that there XNNnTuw_aGE-00100-00056974-00057469 needs to be a constant effort to make the faith relative to each new XNNnTuw_aGE-00101-00057469-00058132 generation, they're wrong however in thinking that superficial changes and in XNNnTuw_aGE-00102-00058132-00058675 some cases biblical changes will address the need of the modern culture to know XNNnTuw_aGE-00103-00058675-00059302 and experience God in Christ at a deeper level. You don't experience Christ XNNnTuw_aGE-00104-00059302-00059986 at a deeper level by adding instruments to your musical program in XNNnTuw_aGE-00105-00059986-00060436 worship and yet some people think that that's going to make a huge spiritual XNNnTuw_aGE-00106-00060436-00060997 difference. This is only possible to deepen this is only possible XNNnTuw_aGE-00107-00060997-00061522 through the actual work of the Holy Spirit not staged techniques or XNNnTuw_aGE-00108-00061522-00062287 multimedia shows. Now that appeals to the desire to be entertained to be visually XNNnTuw_aGE-00109-00062287-00062869 and emotionally stimulated. Now the traditionals are correct in holding that XNNnTuw_aGE-00110-00062869-00063412 any change that compromises scripture is dangerous and not worth the short-term XNNnTuw_aGE-00111-00063412-00063970 gains, they're wrong however in their thinking that the way that they have XNNnTuw_aGE-00112-00063970-00064720 culturally adapted New Testament worship and practice is the only way mm-hmm. You XNNnTuw_aGE-00113-00064720-00065067 want to think the way we do it in our town and our church is the only way that XNNnTuw_aGE-00114-00065067-00065521 it needs to be done anywhere else and everywhere else. I've seen many different XNNnTuw_aGE-00115-00065521-00065865 cultural groups Asians Africans Caribbeans whatever XNNnTuw_aGE-00116-00065865-00066379 adapt the practice of New Testament Christianity in ways that we here in XNNnTuw_aGE-00117-00066379-00067080 North America would think strange but are perfectly within biblical guidelines. XNNnTuw_aGE-00118-00067080-00067642 Rigid traditionalism doesn't represent the spirits presence anymore XNNnTuw_aGE-00119-00067642-00068218 then progressive emotionalism does, those who are strict XNNnTuw_aGE-00120-00068218-00068689 traditionalists think that any change is the loss of the spirit and XNNnTuw_aGE-00121-00068689-00068980 it's the other end you know the progressives think the same thing if you XNNnTuw_aGE-00122-00068980-00069597 do anything different than they do the spirits not there. And so manufactured XNNnTuw_aGE-00123-00069597-00070117 spirituality it leads to a kind of Christian elitism which is most visible XNNnTuw_aGE-00124-00070117-00070558 in our brotherhood in the progressive traditional lives and lines XNNnTuw_aGE-00125-00070558-00071259 of divisions being drawn these days unfortunate but true. Another result of XNNnTuw_aGE-00126-00071259-00072175 manufactured spirituality: loss of faith. What does the Bible say? Faith comes by XNNnTuw_aGE-00127-00072175-00072874 hearing and hearing the words of Christ Paul says Romans 10:17. So if this XNNnTuw_aGE-00128-00072874-00073396 spiritual principle is applied and extended we can also say that loss of XNNnTuw_aGE-00129-00073396-00073834 faith comes from hearing words that don't come from Christ XNNnTuw_aGE-00130-00073834-00074299 so if faith comes from hearing the words of Christ the loss of faith comes from XNNnTuw_aGE-00131-00074299-00074926 hearing the words of someone else and believing those. It's sad to note XNNnTuw_aGE-00132-00074926-00075655 that those who pursue manufactured spirituality and create the elitism that XNNnTuw_aGE-00133-00075655-00076327 seems to come with it also produce a lot of burned out souls. For example and yet XNNnTuw_aGE-00134-00076327-00076777 today we don't hear a whole lot about them but there was a time back in the XNNnTuw_aGE-00135-00076777-00077446 80s and 90s in the early 21st century the Boston Movement what we originally XNNnTuw_aGE-00136-00077446-00077824 called the Boston Movement or the International Churches of Christ XNNnTuw_aGE-00137-00077824-00078616 Movement whose spiritual elitism was based not on their worship style but on XNNnTuw_aGE-00138-00078616-00079417 their absolute narrow focus on personal discipling and through this they created XNNnTuw_aGE-00139-00079417-00080077 incredible numbers of baptisms and large assemblies in arenas and schools which XNNnTuw_aGE-00140-00080077-00080782 they took great pride in, baptizing 100 200 300 people a XNNnTuw_aGE-00141-00080782-00081178 year and the question was always so how many is your church baptizing it took a XNNnTuw_aGE-00142-00081178-00081907 great pride in their discipling ministry. But their manufactured spirituality also XNNnTuw_aGE-00143-00081907-00082537 created the most serious division in our brotherhood in the last century. And in XNNnTuw_aGE-00144-00082537-00083148 addition to this what is rarely reported is the dropout rate of their numbers. XNNnTuw_aGE-00145-00083148-00083779 Some estimates as high as 50 to 60 percent, in other words they had to XNNnTuw_aGE-00146-00083779-00084427 baptize ten people in order to keep three or four, and those who dropped XNNnTuw_aGE-00147-00084427-00084901 out were not simply people who quit because they loved sin or they wanted to XNNnTuw_aGE-00148-00084901-00085459 go back to the world they were people in the most part who loved God but were so XNNnTuw_aGE-00149-00085459-00085930 emotionally scarred by their experience with these groups and cults and their XNNnTuw_aGE-00150-00085930-00086449 cult-like methods that it took special counseling and years of healing if ever XNNnTuw_aGE-00151-00086449-00086758 at all before they could feel anything except XNNnTuw_aGE-00152-00086758-00087199 guilt and anger because in the International Churches or Boston XNNnTuw_aGE-00153-00087199-00087774 Churches the focus was on evangelism and the method was control, XNNnTuw_aGE-00154-00087774-00088273 one person controlled one other person and the one person over here XNNnTuw_aGE-00155-00088273-00088630 controlled a group of ten and another person controlled a group of a hundred XNNnTuw_aGE-00156-00088630-00089266 in it worked his way out and then you had just a few people at the top that XNNnTuw_aGE-00157-00089266-00089713 controlled everything not just in one congregation but in the entire XNNnTuw_aGE-00158-00089713-00090673 in that entire movement. So manufactured spirituality is dangerous because it has XNNnTuw_aGE-00159-00090673-00091366 power without any of the edifying qualities of true spirituality. XNNnTuw_aGE-00160-00091366-00091909 The result of that cult-like controlled environment that produced a lot of XNNnTuw_aGE-00161-00091909-00092616 baptism was people who were not experiencing the peace that XNNnTuw_aGE-00162-00092616-00093293 surpasses understanding, were not experiencing a greater ability at XNNnTuw_aGE-00163-00093293-00093966 humility and meekness gentleness kindness, it was a very aggressive type of XNNnTuw_aGE-00164-00093966-00094641 spirituality that they embodied. So we don't see it much yet but the XNNnTuw_aGE-00165-00094641-00095085 phenomena that takes place in many Pentecostal and charismatic churches XNNnTuw_aGE-00166-00095085-00095812 will begin to creep in our progressive type churches in our brotherhood as well. XNNnTuw_aGE-00167-00095812-00096342 So you know I'm talking about the Boston Movement whose movement kind of came and XNNnTuw_aGE-00168-00096342-00096954 went and did its damage and the movements that are now taking place in XNNnTuw_aGE-00169-00096954-00097364 our brotherhood are the progressive versus traditionalist that's XNNnTuw_aGE-00170-00097364-00097832 what's happening nowadays and it's centers is mainly around our XNNnTuw_aGE-00171-00097832-00098507 worship style. In the charismatic movement there is a constant drive for XNNnTuw_aGE-00172-00098507-00098910 greater and greater stimulation in order to get that spiritual fix that everybody XNNnTuw_aGE-00173-00098910-00099614 desires; so services get longer and more numerous, worship becomes more elaborate XNNnTuw_aGE-00174-00099614-00100380 more outlandish bands and plays and pageants and parades eventually there's XNNnTuw_aGE-00175-00100380-00100943 nowhere else to go emotionally. There's no wonder that and I make this a XNNnTuw_aGE-00176-00100943-00101418 personal observation here's no wonder that a majority of blues and jazz and XNNnTuw_aGE-00177-00101418-00102062 pop singers in the United States learn their style and craft in churches and XNNnTuw_aGE-00178-00102062-00102503 these people many of them left the churches because it was a you know a XNNnTuw_aGE-00179-00102503-00103002 non-paying type of show business and they could do the exact same thing in XNNnTuw_aGE-00180-00103002-00103691 show business but get paid for it. But members leave also because they are XNNnTuw_aGE-00181-00103691-00104216 burned out emotionally, the manufactured spirit can bring them no higher so they XNNnTuw_aGE-00182-00104216-00104790 they quit. So those congregations in our brotherhood who think that they are so XNNnTuw_aGE-00183-00104796-00105225 far ahead because of their progressive brand of worship don't XNNnTuw_aGE-00184-00105225-00105690 realize that others have blazed this trail before and found XNNnTuw_aGE-00185-00105690-00106305 it was a total dead end spiritually, it takes some time but eventually it XNNnTuw_aGE-00186-00106305-00106968 doesn't work. So if the spiritual experience that you crave or are having XNNnTuw_aGE-00187-00106968-00107541 has not been created by the Holy Spirit then your religious feeling is XNNnTuw_aGE-00188-00107541-00108171 illegitimate and it can lead you to pride or worse still loss of faith. What XNNnTuw_aGE-00189-00108171-00108779 is truly sad is that in the Bible worship to God did not create a feeling XNNnTuw_aGE-00190-00108779-00109398 worship to God was offered because the feeling was already there. XNNnTuw_aGE-00191-00109398-00109896 People who come to worship looking for an experience or feeling are looking for XNNnTuw_aGE-00192-00109896-00110373 the wrong thing, that's not to say that there are not feelings and experiences XNNnTuw_aGE-00193-00110373-00110810 that come from our worship but this isn't the reason to come to worship XNNnTuw_aGE-00194-00110810-00111615 that's my point. You may think I've kind of wandered off here but I haven't, the XNNnTuw_aGE-00195-00111615-00112122 original point was the relationship between the Holy Spirit and perfection XNNnTuw_aGE-00196-00112122-00112908 so here's the point: legitimate spiritual feelings and experiences within the XNNnTuw_aGE-00197-00112908-00113547 Christian life are generated by the Holy Spirit in the Christian as he or she XNNnTuw_aGE-00198-00113547-00114279 receives conditional perfection and pursues actual perfection; in other words XNNnTuw_aGE-00199-00114279-00114969 being considered perfect by God in Christ, the knowledge of and the XNNnTuw_aGE-00200-00114969-00115644 contemplation of and the sharing of this priceless gift this is what gives rise XNNnTuw_aGE-00201-00115644-00116316 to the experience of gratitude, this is what gives rise to the feeling XNNnTuw_aGE-00202-00116316-00117189 of peace, the emotion of happiness, these are the legitimate feelings of the truly XNNnTuw_aGE-00203-00117189-00118077 spiritual person. I'm not excited and hot and sweaty I'm at peace I feel a deeper XNNnTuw_aGE-00204-00118077-00118833 sense of gratitude an ongoing sense of gratitude I'm emotionally a happier XNNnTuw_aGE-00205-00118833-00119348 person and not because of material real things but because what the spirit XNNnTuw_aGE-00206-00119348-00120113 has given me through Christ. These are produced by the knowledge of and the XNNnTuw_aGE-00207-00120113-00120686 response to the gospel of Christ which is spread by the power and the agency of XNNnTuw_aGE-00208-00120686-00121620 the Holy Spirit. So no music or light show or group or show or spectacle or XNNnTuw_aGE-00209-00121620-00122528 huge crowd can manufacture within me the feelings produced in myself by the cross XNNnTuw_aGE-00210-00122528-00123299 of Christ. And from the beginning of time the Holy Spirit has worked in concert XNNnTuw_aGE-00211-00123299-00123851 with the Father and the Son to not only make the cross happen but to guarantee XNNnTuw_aGE-00212-00123851-00124332 that the good news of the cross be spread throughout the world, very XNNnTuw_aGE-00213-00124332-00124915 important not only for salvations sake of course but for all the feelings that XNNnTuw_aGE-00214-00124915-00125785 salvation brings and engenders in a person. And so the spiritual experience XNNnTuw_aGE-00215-00125785-00126369 evoked in me by the cross and what it has done for me is timeless and it's XNNnTuw_aGE-00216-00126369-00127182 limitless. For example it humbles me rather than puffs me up, I mean if the XNNnTuw_aGE-00217-00127182-00127649 experience of the cross of Christ and being saved through it makes you proud XNNnTuw_aGE-00218-00127649-00128186 there's something you haven't grasped here, it's XNNnTuw_aGE-00219-00128186-00128660 exactly the opposite the greater understanding I have of what Christ has XNNnTuw_aGE-00220-00128660-00129696 done for me generates in me a sense of humility not pride. It also joins me XNNnTuw_aGE-00221-00129696-00130042 to all other believers rather than separates me. XNNnTuw_aGE-00222-00130042-00130773 Where there's argument and division, that's not where the Spirit is, the XNNnTuw_aGE-00223-00130773-00131571 Spirit is where there is unity and peace. The knowledge of all of this offers an XNNnTuw_aGE-00224-00131571-00132144 endless capacity for my joy and my thankfulness and my pleasure. Have you XNNnTuw_aGE-00225-00132144-00132640 not ever had a session of prayer XNNnTuw_aGE-00226-00132640-00133246 personal private prayer where all you have done is to give thanks? If you XNNnTuw_aGE-00227-00133246-00133744 haven't try that, say to yourself I'm going to shut off the phone and XNNnTuw_aGE-00228-00133744-00134296 turn off the tablet whatever and I'm going to go into prayer and all I'm going XNNnTuw_aGE-00229-00134296-00134794 to do is give thanks and I'll start with some simple obvious things you know I'm XNNnTuw_aGE-00230-00134794-00135172 I'm thankful that I'm able to breathe and I you know I've got a home and I XNNnTuw_aGE-00231-00135172-00135697 have a job, just be thankful for those things and ask God XNNnTuw_aGE-00232-00135697-00136210 to lead you in that prayer and show you some of the things that you need to be XNNnTuw_aGE-00233-00136210-00136630 thankful for. I mean it's endless you won't be able to XNNnTuw_aGE-00234-00136630-00137152 get to the end of the prayer because there are so many things to XNNnTuw_aGE-00235-00137152-00137569 give thankful for to give thanks for excuse me. And also all of this XNNnTuw_aGE-00236-00137569-00138151 information this news this knowledge renews my faith with every reminder of XNNnTuw_aGE-00237-00138151-00138811 it, that's why I tried to set aside to pray every day because every day I'm XNNnTuw_aGE-00238-00138811-00139338 reminded of what God has done for me especially through the cross of Christ. XNNnTuw_aGE-00239-00139338-00139834 Now in addition to all of this pursuing actual perfection and we're XNNnTuw_aGE-00240-00139834-00140248 getting back to our original ideas here, conditional XNNnTuw_aGE-00241-00140248-00140838 perfection actual perfection, so pursuing actual perfection as my goal in life XNNnTuw_aGE-00242-00140838-00141649 brings harmony into my life. Harmony between myself and God as I strive to XNNnTuw_aGE-00243-00141649-00142278 please Him, harmony between my conscience and myself knowing that I am right XNNnTuw_aGE-00244-00142278-00143017 because of conditional perfection and I pursue right by pursuing actual XNNnTuw_aGE-00245-00143017-00143554 perfection. The knowledge of one and the pursuit of the other brings great peace XNNnTuw_aGE-00246-00143554-00144235 and harmony to our souls. And also it brings greater harmony between others XNNnTuw_aGE-00247-00144235-00144853 and myself in that I now seek for peace I now bring the good news I now am salt XNNnTuw_aGE-00248-00144853-00145447 and light and no longer walk in the darkness. The pursuit of actual XNNnTuw_aGE-00249-00145447-00145953 perfection produces all of these things in my life. XNNnTuw_aGE-00250-00145953-00146552 Also this pursuit of actual perfection creates a harmony that results in what XNNnTuw_aGE-00251-00146552-00147272 Paul calls the fruit of the Spirit. Things about me that are a XNNnTuw_aGE-00252-00147272-00147742 cause for joy and peace and love and other good things that not only I XNNnTuw_aGE-00253-00147742-00148396 experience but others can see and experience also because of me, XNNnTuw_aGE-00254-00148396-00149027 another benefit. And so through the work of the Holy Spirit helping to produce XNNnTuw_aGE-00255-00149027-00149701 these things in me I become a channel of God's blessings for other people, I XNNnTuw_aGE-00256-00149701-00150379 become a conduit for spiritual feelings that others can experience. Have you XNNnTuw_aGE-00257-00150379-00150884 never been in the presence of a person who is truly at peace with XNNnTuw_aGE-00258-00150884-00151502 themselves, whose conscience is clear, whose full of the Spirit, full of the XNNnTuw_aGE-00259-00151502-00151930 fruit of the Spirit, have you never been in the presence of a person XNNnTuw_aGE-00260-00151930-00152588 like that and how their influence on you it calms you, brings out XNNnTuw_aGE-00261-00152588-00153362 the best in you, makes you want to pursue what is right and good? Yea the pursuit XNNnTuw_aGE-00262-00153362-00153932 of actual perfection produces not only something in you but it also produces XNNnTuw_aGE-00263-00153932-00154603 something in others who witnessed what is happening in you. So this is the way XNNnTuw_aGE-00264-00154603-00155075 that Christians begin to experience God and share that experience with other XNNnTuw_aGE-00265-00155075-00155798 people. Worship true worship takes place when individual Christians who XNNnTuw_aGE-00266-00155798-00156415 experience God legitimately in this way come together and they infuse their XNNnTuw_aGE-00267-00156415-00156887 singing and their praying and their fellowship and their communion and their XNNnTuw_aGE-00268-00156887-00157397 preaching and their giving and their service with the spiritual feelings that XNNnTuw_aGE-00269-00157397-00158053 perfection in Christ has produced in them. You don't go to church to get these XNNnTuw_aGE-00270-00158053-00158421 things you bring these things to church and share XNNnTuw_aGE-00271-00158421-00159234 them in public worship. When these things happen there is no more progressives or XNNnTuw_aGE-00272-00159234-00159897 traditionalists all are one in the Spirit and there is no pride and there XNNnTuw_aGE-00273-00159897-00160395 is no division there is no loss of faith but rather the building up of the body XNNnTuw_aGE-00274-00160395-00161127 in love. Every time you distinguish yourself that isn't XNNnTuw_aGE-00275-00161127-00161802 of love. And so this is the relationship between the Holy Spirit, perfection and XNNnTuw_aGE-00276-00161802-00162645 our experience of true spirituality as a church. The Spirit is the one that XNNnTuw_aGE-00277-00162645-00163151 produces that fruit, the Spirit is the one that helps us in our pursuit of XNNnTuw_aGE-00278-00163151-00163827 actual perfection, the Spirit is the one that brings us together in this common XNNnTuw_aGE-00279-00163827-00164496 pursuit this common experience this common joy this common acceptable XNNnTuw_aGE-00280-00164496-00165045 worship that we're able to offer to God, why? Because of what the Spirit is XNNnTuw_aGE-00281-00165045-00165648 accomplishing in each individual Christian as he or she pursues that XNNnTuw_aGE-00282-00165648-00166203 actual grace with the confidence excuse me that actual perfection with the XNNnTuw_aGE-00283-00166203-00166752 confidence of knowing that they have the conditional perfection that God has XNNnTuw_aGE-00284-00166752-00167436 bestowed upon them through Jesus Christ. Okay, next time we will, I've talked XNNnTuw_aGE-00285-00167436-00167859 about getting into the text next time I promise we'll get into the text in our XNNnTuw_aGE-00286-00167859-00168231 next lesson. That's it for this time thank you very much for your XNNnTuw_aGE-00287-00168231-00168572 attention, we'll see you next week. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00000-00001520-00002230 Today, we will discuss a reaction which is popularly called the olefin metathesis reaction XVm7Xhfw7HM-00001-00002230-00002875 and this reaction is almost magical reaction of difference can be reacted with one another XVm7Xhfw7HM-00002-00002875-00003701 in the presence of a metal complex to yield a variety of different olefins. Many of them XVm7Xhfw7HM-00003-00003701-00004399 are reissue of these olefins are thermodynamically determined and it allows the synthesis of XVm7Xhfw7HM-00004-00004399-00004923 very complex and very interesting molecules. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00005-00004923-00006085 So, metathesis clearly means the change in place, so if we represent this schematically XVm7Xhfw7HM-00006-00006085-00007138 an olefin as A B we take two molecules of the A B and react them together in the presence XVm7Xhfw7HM-00007-00007138-00008539 of a metal complex. So, the metal is a catalyst and you will get molecules of AA and BB, so XVm7Xhfw7HM-00008-00008539-00009321 you can imagine the scenario when A B and C D are reacted at least four different olefins XVm7Xhfw7HM-00009-00009321-00010457 can be generated from this reaction. Now, we have the possibility of converting, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00010-00010457-00011625 for example isobutylene which is very simply written this molecule to a variety of olefins XVm7Xhfw7HM-00011-00011625-00013000 including epithelial and 2, 3 dimethylene butane. So, you can get various molecules XVm7Xhfw7HM-00012-00013000-00013573 starting with the simplicity of olefins. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00013-00013573-00014494 This has led to an enormous spurt in the organic synthetic chic people have been able to use XVm7Xhfw7HM-00014-00014494-00015486 it effectively for making pheromones are besides better thalamus and polymer additives and XVm7Xhfw7HM-00015-00015486-00015884 fuels, especially in the field of pharmaceuticals. It has helped in the synthesis of very complex XVm7Xhfw7HM-00016-00015884-00016673 molecules, which can be used as drugs for bacterial infection separators cancer and XVm7Xhfw7HM-00017-00016673-00016956 Alzheimer’s disease et cetera. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00018-00016956-00017690 At first sight, this reaction seems to be a really difficult one to handle, because XVm7Xhfw7HM-00019-00017690-00018384 you can get a mixture of olefins and how it can be used for making specific molecules XVm7Xhfw7HM-00020-00018384-00019072 need to be considered. This amazing utility has been brought about by the discovery of XVm7Xhfw7HM-00021-00019072-00019837 reliable or not only is a reaction something which needs to be adjusted so that you get XVm7Xhfw7HM-00022-00019837-00020540 only useful products. You also need to synthesise catalysts, which need to be reliable and this XVm7Xhfw7HM-00023-00020540-00021215 development of catalyst built only because one could understand the mechanism of this XVm7Xhfw7HM-00024-00021215-00021425 reaction. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00025-00021425-00022451 So, the main players in this whole game were to process Robert Grubbs and Richard Schrock XVm7Xhfw7HM-00026-00022451-00023236 and they contributed immensely to the development of this field. As a result complex molecules XVm7Xhfw7HM-00027-00023236-00024743 like cairo, which is basically it is basically a drug molecule, which is a drug molecule XVm7Xhfw7HM-00028-00024743-00025395 and it could be synthesised in a remarkably efficient synthesis using this metathesis XVm7Xhfw7HM-00029-00025395-00026219 catalyst. The catalyst themselves some of them the standard ones are pictured here though XVm7Xhfw7HM-00030-00026219-00026850 pentacle related ruthenium complex is the one which is synthesised and popularised. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00031-00026850-00027691 Grubbs and Schrock synthesised this molybdenum complex and both of them later anonymous spurt XVm7Xhfw7HM-00032-00027691-00028633 in the amount of organic synthesis schemes, which could be carried out using that metathesis XVm7Xhfw7HM-00033-00028633-00028886 reaction. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00034-00028886-00029468 This reaction is got some surprising features as I mentioned earlier, reaction is completely XVm7Xhfw7HM-00035-00029468-00030362 reversible and this makes it easy for one to synthesise thermodynamically more stable XVm7Xhfw7HM-00036-00030362-00031003 products will easily. If you want to go uphill in a thermodynamic makes sense, you need to XVm7Xhfw7HM-00037-00031003-00031691 adjust the reaction conditions carefully. What is interesting is also the fact that XVm7Xhfw7HM-00038-00031691-00032345 early transition metal helmets were originally discovered as the ones which are suitable XVm7Xhfw7HM-00039-00032345-00032825 for carrying out this reaction in the presence of aluminium molecules which were primarily XVm7Xhfw7HM-00040-00032825-00033577 thought to be reducing agents. Now, it turns out that both aluminium molecules XVm7Xhfw7HM-00041-00033577-00034450 both aluminium alkalis and the transition metal helmets early transition metal helmets XVm7Xhfw7HM-00042-00034450-00035459 are very water sensitive and yet a trace of water appear to be beneficial for the reaction. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00043-00035459-00036293 There was an initial waiting time for the catalyst to become active and those were shortened XVm7Xhfw7HM-00044-00036293-00036786 significantly when a small amount of water was added to the reaction mixture, these are XVm7Xhfw7HM-00045-00036786-00037263 some surprising features of the reaction. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00046-00037263-00038091 Any mechanism that one proposed should explain some of these difficulties very well. In the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00047-00038091-00038630 beginning of this talk, I will explain to you some of the mechanisms which were proposed, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00048-00038630-00039272 which seem to be ferried reasonable, but still they do not stand the test of time and the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00049-00039272-00039894 test of scrutiny. Let us take for example the cycle butane mechanism this is one of XVm7Xhfw7HM-00050-00039894-00040540 the earlier mechanisms that was proposed and grows quite attractive. What one proposed XVm7Xhfw7HM-00051-00040540-00041331 was a fact that in the presence of the metal two molecules of olefin can react together XVm7Xhfw7HM-00052-00041331-00042297 to form a cycle butane, which although transiently could be formed in the coordination sphere XVm7Xhfw7HM-00053-00042297-00042928 of the metal. So, the cycle butane was not stable intermediate XVm7Xhfw7HM-00054-00042928-00043631 could be a transient intermediate which could be found in the coalition sphere the metal XVm7Xhfw7HM-00055-00043631-00044522 and subsequently it would undergo the reverse reaction and form the two olefins again. So, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00056-00044522-00045380 this is the proposed mechanism the reverse reaction could also happen and if it formed, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00057-00045380-00046416 it proceeded in a productive fashion if it formed two molecules of A B, then it would XVm7Xhfw7HM-00058-00046416-00047019 not be protective effect from two molecules of AA or BB. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00059-00047019-00047772 Then, we say it is a productive reaction and the reaction is carried out on metathesis, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00060-00047772-00048512 which means the changing positions of A and B with respect to one another. Now, how can XVm7Xhfw7HM-00061-00048512-00049096 one propose such a reaction mechanism, if you remember we said that when our olefin XVm7Xhfw7HM-00062-00049096-00049987 is coordinated to a metal electrons are depleted from the ground. The highest occupied molecular XVm7Xhfw7HM-00063-00049987-00050762 and they are pushed into the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital or the lump of the olefin. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00064-00050762-00051466 So, in a sense they behave as if the photo excited molecules and if you recollect your XVm7Xhfw7HM-00065-00051466-00052148 organic chemistry, you will realise that photo excitation can lead to a two plus two close XVm7Xhfw7HM-00066-00052148-00052797 to cyclone addition reaction. That is exactly what we are proposing because of this reaction, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00067-00052797-00053397 so you are suggesting the formation of a cycle butane in the coalition sphere of metal and XVm7Xhfw7HM-00068-00053397-00053775 its secular version. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00069-00053775-00054466 Is there any precedence have such a cycle butane opening and cycle butane formation, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00070-00054466-00055113 so that is a question that we have to answer. Next, this is a reaction which was known in XVm7Xhfw7HM-00071-00055113-00056053 the literature recycling reopened in the presence of rhodium one complex. It resulted in the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00072-00056053-00057225 formation of non volatile and use one imagines the interaction of rhodium to recycling the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00073-00057225-00057795 cycle butane training, which is marked in red cycle butane ring is marked in red and XVm7Xhfw7HM-00074-00057795-00058723 that drink in tracksuit rhodium. Then, the ring opening would lead to another so clearly XVm7Xhfw7HM-00075-00058723-00059470 you do have a possibility for a metal catalysed ring opening of a cycle butane training to XVm7Xhfw7HM-00076-00059470-00059629 two olefins. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00077-00059629-00060472 Now, having said that we should quickly say that no cycle butane is ever been observed XVm7Xhfw7HM-00078-00060472-00061188 in these reactions, so it is highly unlikely that these are intermediates that not observing XVm7Xhfw7HM-00079-00061188-00061524 an intermediate is no reason to discount it. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00080-00061524-00062175 So, let us look at some other reasons why the discount is mechanism of them is a fact XVm7Xhfw7HM-00081-00062175-00062991 that after you do this reaction in the presence of carbon monoxide is possible to isolate XVm7Xhfw7HM-00082-00062991-00063603 the product, which is clearly formed as a result of an insertion detection. The insertion XVm7Xhfw7HM-00083-00063603-00064628 has been carried out on a species, which is most likely formed due to insertion of rhodium XVm7Xhfw7HM-00084-00064628-00065253 into this carbon, carbon bond. So, if this carbon, carbon bond breaks, if this breaks XVm7Xhfw7HM-00085-00065253-00066006 and if the metal inserts itself between the two carbon centres, then one would end up XVm7Xhfw7HM-00086-00066006-00066742 with an intermediate, which I have pictured here this intermediate can undergo an insertion XVm7Xhfw7HM-00087-00066742-00067156 reaction. If carbon monoxide is present and one can XVm7Xhfw7HM-00088-00067156-00068098 isolate a new organometallic species show first rhodium undergoes insertion reaction XVm7Xhfw7HM-00089-00068098-00068997 and becomes a rhodium 3 intermediate this rudimentary oxidative addition product now XVm7Xhfw7HM-00090-00068997-00069952 undergoes an insertion step. So, subsequent to the insertion the isolate an organomegaly XVm7Xhfw7HM-00091-00069952-00070412 compound, which is stable and that is indicator was suggestive of the fact. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00092-00070412-00071156 You indeed have the formation of a insertion oxidative addition product to start with and XVm7Xhfw7HM-00093-00071156-00071883 oxidative addition product can also reopened in order to form the two different product XVm7Xhfw7HM-00094-00071883-00072587 the non volatile which we have. This is a product that is isolated in the absence of XVm7Xhfw7HM-00095-00072587-00073227 carbon monoxide, so this is suggestive of the fact that it is not a cycle butane which XVm7Xhfw7HM-00096-00073227-00073904 is coordinated to rhodium. This undergoes a cyclone version reaction it is unlikely XVm7Xhfw7HM-00097-00073904-00074298 that that is in fact the mechanism of the reaction. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00098-00074298-00075008 Now, that leads to another interesting possibility and that is a possibility, which we discussed XVm7Xhfw7HM-00099-00075008-00075686 in the coupling of kinds showing servile kinds, if alkanes can be reacted with a metal in XVm7Xhfw7HM-00100-00075686-00077018 such a fashion that you have oxidative addition and carbon, carbon coupling. Let us highlight XVm7Xhfw7HM-00101-00077018-00078199 with highlight the new bonds that have been found, so if one electron is given, here one XVm7Xhfw7HM-00102-00078199-00079222 electron moved in this direction. Then, you will have three new bonds being formed and XVm7Xhfw7HM-00103-00079222-00080267 history new bonds with can see that they will be formed between C 2 C 3 and C 4 and an C XVm7Xhfw7HM-00104-00080267-00081202 1 and that would result in a metal cycle and dismantle a psyche which will the remove these XVm7Xhfw7HM-00105-00081202-00081764 lines. They seem to be confusing sure if this motorcyclist XVm7Xhfw7HM-00106-00081764-00082681 cyclone at Metho cyco pentane family, then this can undergo a discontinued involved in XVm7Xhfw7HM-00107-00082681-00084083 the cyclone version of this can be involved in the formation. A cyclone version reaction XVm7Xhfw7HM-00108-00084083-00084718 shows better setup entails form and it undergoes adverse reaction you will end up with the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00109-00084718-00084807 olefins. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00110-00084807-00085489 Now, in order to carry metathesis, however one has to carry out an isomerisation of the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00111-00085489-00086419 metal cycle contain sure the metallocyclopentane, which is indicated here has to undergo a migration XVm7Xhfw7HM-00112-00086419-00087207 disobeying between C 1 and C 4. It has to come between C 4 and C 3 or C 1 and C 2 can XVm7Xhfw7HM-00113-00087207-00088199 migrate into different ways that either way if it goes between C 1 and C 2 little to different XVm7Xhfw7HM-00114-00088199-00088863 matter cycle content, but if it moves between C 2 and C 4 and C 3, it will give you this XVm7Xhfw7HM-00115-00088863-00089593 product. So, migration between C 4 and C 3 is what gives you this product and now cyclone XVm7Xhfw7HM-00116-00089593-00090249 ovation will give you two different olefins. So, we are carried out the metathesis reaction XVm7Xhfw7HM-00117-00090249-00090843 after oxidative coupling of the metal that is what really looked at oxidative coupling XVm7Xhfw7HM-00118-00090843-00091499 of metal were metal is given to electrons. So, it is undergone oxidation state changed XVm7Xhfw7HM-00119-00091499-00092558 and it has become plus 2 and this after this reaction, now gives you a metathesis reaction. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00120-00092558-00093324 So, metal cycle paintings have to undergo this isomerisation, either they have to go XVm7Xhfw7HM-00121-00093324-00094263 between C 4 and C 3 between C 1 and C 2 one person who tested this possibility was Grubbs XVm7Xhfw7HM-00122-00094263-00095117 the person who studied the metathesis reaction extensively. This is described in the journal XVm7Xhfw7HM-00123-00095117-00095949 of American chemical society paper and it is the page 1300. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00124-00095949-00096684 Now, let us take a look at how he tested out this possibility in order to test the possibility XVm7Xhfw7HM-00125-00096684-00097459 of this isomerisation, He in fact made a metallocyclopentane. So, let us take the matter cycle printing XVm7Xhfw7HM-00126-00097459-00098358 which is served pictured here this is a matter cycle contain him made using a 2 and to hurricane XVm7Xhfw7HM-00127-00098358-00099265 lithium is a dilithium around 14 dilithium butane. So, that gives you the metal cycle XVm7Xhfw7HM-00128-00099265-00100026 contain, if you feel this, if you think this reaction mixture and end up with a formation XVm7Xhfw7HM-00129-00100026-00101589 of two olefins and that seems to be formed by breakage of the students. Then, you get XVm7Xhfw7HM-00130-00101589-00102411 this particular product, now if metal cycle pentane carries out an isomerisation reaction XVm7Xhfw7HM-00131-00102411-00102868 and the metal migrates that is market in a different colour. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00132-00102868-00103981 Now, if the metal migrates to this position, then you will end up with this product features XVm7Xhfw7HM-00133-00103981-00104643 to this intermediate page is listed here if you feel that then you should be able to get XVm7Xhfw7HM-00134-00104643-00105391 the metathesis product, which is shown here. In fact, this reaction was not happening we XVm7Xhfw7HM-00135-00105391-00106007 did not get these products. So, this intermediate is not being formed, so this is not being XVm7Xhfw7HM-00136-00106007-00106694 formed and so Grubbs showed that this reaction is possibly the metaphysics reaction is not XVm7Xhfw7HM-00137-00106694-00107400 possibly going through a metal cycle contain. There exists this faint possibility that these XVm7Xhfw7HM-00138-00107400-00108075 are thermodynamically favoured olefins that are found in this reaction. So, thermodynamically XVm7Xhfw7HM-00139-00108075-00108960 this favourable to break response window placed have shown with no colour and breaking the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00140-00108960-00109865 bonds in this particular fashion as I have shown as an showing here may not become economically XVm7Xhfw7HM-00141-00109865-00109992 favourable. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00142-00109992-00110765 So, to rule out this possibility, Grubbs carried out a very interesting mechanism very interesting XVm7Xhfw7HM-00143-00110765-00111457 reaction he carried out a very interesting reaction, where he treated a duty to liberate XVm7Xhfw7HM-00144-00111457-00112197 the ether compound with the capitalist way. He used tungsten hexafluoride as a catalyst XVm7Xhfw7HM-00145-00112197-00112833 in the presence of your last three and then initiated the cycle of entertainment metallocyclopentane. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00146-00112833-00113492 He observed that there was only one type of elephant being formed predominantly and that XVm7Xhfw7HM-00147-00113492-00114210 was and that was formed in 82 percent yield. This is clearly indicative of the fact that XVm7Xhfw7HM-00148-00114210-00114838 this reaction system is not carrying out metathesis metal cases that happened. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00149-00114838-00115517 Then, the product should have been formed in one list to one based to the nation, so XVm7Xhfw7HM-00150-00115517-00116374 you should have in fact formed double the amount of CH DCH, the answer that was not XVm7Xhfw7HM-00151-00116374-00116981 being formed. So, it is unlikely that metathesis was in fact happening in this reaction, so XVm7Xhfw7HM-00152-00116981-00117588 Grubbs was instrumental in discounting the metallocyclopentane pathway. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00153-00117588-00118331 So, based on his experiments in new mechanism had to be discovered and during this time XVm7Xhfw7HM-00154-00118331-00119400 she Grubbs also showed that this reaction was still you say specific in the sense that XVm7Xhfw7HM-00155-00119400-00120125 if you took the transcendental labelled compound. You got only the translatable project and XVm7Xhfw7HM-00156-00120125-00120684 refute the process labelled compound were only cist labelled product and that it clearly XVm7Xhfw7HM-00157-00120684-00121211 showed that the metallocyclopentane mechanism was not operating. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00158-00121211-00121970 Now, during this time there was also another mechanism which is called at the alkali mechanism XVm7Xhfw7HM-00159-00121970-00122838 that this mechanism was based on a tetra carving, if you have a diverse and complex, you could XVm7Xhfw7HM-00160-00122838-00123131 in fact generate etcetera. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00161-00123131-00124267 Although, this sounds unusual we should remember that it was possible to make or break a coalition XVm7Xhfw7HM-00162-00124267-00124815 into two halves by treating it with a metal complex. This is a reaction, which we looked XVm7Xhfw7HM-00163-00124815-00125646 that when we looked at the synthesis of card beans and so a similar path could have been XVm7Xhfw7HM-00164-00125646-00126217 envisaged. A similar path could be envisaged and the formation of a tetra carving may not XVm7Xhfw7HM-00165-00126217-00126395 be unreasonable. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00166-00126395-00127229 If this is the case then from the tetra carving runtime, in fact isolate from different solutions XVm7Xhfw7HM-00167-00127229-00128226 based on which two olefins will react. So, let us take a look at how this can happen, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00168-00128226-00129419 so usual compassionate in this fashion you would end up with CH 2 C D 2. If you combine XVm7Xhfw7HM-00169-00129419-00131048 it, you combine it in this fashion one can formed in fact seem to have an C D to suit XVm7Xhfw7HM-00170-00131048-00131667 metathesis can happen when if you use a tetra carving, so it remains to be seen whether XVm7Xhfw7HM-00171-00131667-00131950 this is indeed feasible or not. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00172-00131950-00132589 So, testing this has been mechanism of the tetra carving mechanism a very interesting XVm7Xhfw7HM-00173-00132589-00134134 experiment was carried out and this involves the use of 7, 6 have to die. In certain, this XVm7Xhfw7HM-00174-00134134-00135054 particular compound is got a compensation of the time, so it is one 7, 9 that was used. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00175-00135054-00135848 If you carry out metathesis under the conditions reaction conditions one ends up with forming XVm7Xhfw7HM-00176-00135848-00136610 cyclohexane exclusively and 80. So, this turns out to be a case where you XVm7Xhfw7HM-00177-00136610-00137388 have read reactants positioned in such a fashion that the formation of a six member ring is XVm7Xhfw7HM-00178-00137388-00139116 easy and formation of the six member ring. This formation of the six member ring turns XVm7Xhfw7HM-00179-00139116-00139752 out the favourable and easy. So, this is the only product that is formed in the course XVm7Xhfw7HM-00180-00139752-00140582 of this reaction, so if you have a metathesis catalyst you get only the cyclohexane and XVm7Xhfw7HM-00181-00140582-00140725 ethnic. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00182-00140725-00141503 Now, if you have a tetra carving that is formed one can understand the formation of an intermediate XVm7Xhfw7HM-00183-00141503-00142280 to which is pictured here and this tetra carving can now decompose to give you these two products. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00184-00142280-00143108 Let us imagine now if you carry out labelling experiment you use C D 2 an C D 2 to visit XVm7Xhfw7HM-00185-00143108-00144221 to terminal, then you would exclusively get tetra decorated with him and cyclohexane is XVm7Xhfw7HM-00186-00144221-00145064 the only products that are found in this reaction. On the other hand, if you have the non mutated XVm7Xhfw7HM-00187-00145064-00145463 variety, you would get only cyclohexane. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00188-00145463-00146253 What would happen if you have a mixture of eastern show you take service to use the tetra XVm7Xhfw7HM-00189-00146253-00147080 carving intermediate is in fact the favoured pathway one should get only 72 C D to buy XVm7Xhfw7HM-00190-00147080-00148383 a the reaction of the few do the tetra carving mechanism. It is only silly to C 2 which will XVm7Xhfw7HM-00191-00148383-00149257 give you cyclohexane and selection give you one of that. If you have one of each of these XVm7Xhfw7HM-00192-00149257-00150982 mutated and not degraded starting materials with wanderlust C 2 and you would get starting with this. You would get one world XVm7Xhfw7HM-00193-00150982-00151863 normally between, on the other hand if any other mechanism was operating, then you would XVm7Xhfw7HM-00194-00151863-00152109 get a mixture of products. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00195-00152109-00152748 In fact this was in indeed time and the mixture of these olefins was used for the metathesis XVm7Xhfw7HM-00196-00152748-00153473 reaction and what want found out at the end of reaction was that you got only 5 moles XVm7Xhfw7HM-00197-00153473-00154768 of C 2 and one will of CH 2 C D 2. Surprisingly, this can happen only if you interchange only XVm7Xhfw7HM-00198-00154768-00155655 if you interchange the two reactants and mixed them together. So, it looks as if you go through XVm7Xhfw7HM-00199-00155655-00156549 the intermediate C, you go through the intermediate CF a compound that this is also found in the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00200-00156549-00156882 reaction pathway. So, how can you account for the formation XVm7Xhfw7HM-00201-00156882-00157722 of species like this, so this is in fact not acceptable for the tetra carving if that are XVm7Xhfw7HM-00202-00157722-00158242 being intermediate was only intermediate, then this cannot be informed. So, one mole XVm7Xhfw7HM-00203-00158242-00159013 of the degraded a reactant and wanderlust and not degraded reactant should give is only XVm7Xhfw7HM-00204-00159013-00159665 the non mutated ethylene and fully degraded anything cannot result in the formation of XVm7Xhfw7HM-00205-00159665-00160140 the coalition which is 50 percent nutrition. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00206-00160140-00160809 This is clearly indicating the fact that the non televised exchange solutions is being XVm7Xhfw7HM-00207-00160809-00161746 carried out. So, I have shown here what is and is not suggested by Charmaine and Vincent XVm7Xhfw7HM-00208-00161746-00162696 and the advance who shoot this particular mechanism was happening. The non pairwise XVm7Xhfw7HM-00209-00162696-00163373 mechanism is only one which will account for the fact that you can have a mixture of 18, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00210-00163373-00164155 which is labelled an unlabelled in a statistical ratio starting with two olefins, which are XVm7Xhfw7HM-00211-00164155-00165129 given here Mr Bartlett said labelled elephant. So, if this is a labelled elephant and deliberate XVm7Xhfw7HM-00212-00165129-00166080 NBC 13 or it can be pretty, and you will notice that you have such labelled products, which XVm7Xhfw7HM-00213-00166080-00166429 are not possible unless you have a non privileged exchange. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00214-00166429-00167429 Now, what you understand what the non-pairwise exchanges to invoke the mechanism in which XVm7Xhfw7HM-00215-00167429-00168160 a car been metal carving is used this is also a metal carving intermediate have involved XVm7Xhfw7HM-00216-00168160-00169000 the reaction. In this case, a metal carving reacts with an in order to form a metal cyclo XVm7Xhfw7HM-00217-00169000-00169744 butane, so elevate proposed to metallocyclopentane, this is a full member drink. So, this is a XVm7Xhfw7HM-00218-00169744-00170554 metal is attributing, now imagine the formation of a metal cyclo butane and this metal cyclo XVm7Xhfw7HM-00219-00170554-00171308 butane can now reopen in two different ways. If it really happened in the way in which XVm7Xhfw7HM-00220-00171308-00171949 it formed it would end up with the formation of the same materials as a starting material. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00221-00171949-00172830 This means it would end up with only the starting position, on the other hand it can also undergo XVm7Xhfw7HM-00222-00172830-00173654 a ring breakage in a slightly different fashion and so let us break telling in a slightly XVm7Xhfw7HM-00223-00173654-00174802 different fashion which means I will break it. Then, I would end up with a metal carving, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00224-00174802-00175655 which is different from what we started out with starting material, this is a starting XVm7Xhfw7HM-00225-00175655-00176517 material and this is a product metal containing product. So, you can see that a new carving XVm7Xhfw7HM-00226-00176517-00177044 can be generated and the new coalition can be generated, but we have done. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00227-00177044-00177542 So, in a non pairwise manner, in other words we're not taken to olefins in exchange and XVm7Xhfw7HM-00228-00177542-00178192 we have taken one carving and exchanged only the methylene groups through a metal cyclo XVm7Xhfw7HM-00229-00178192-00179074 butane, how can this reaction happen, this is in fact an example. Then, you have two XVm7Xhfw7HM-00230-00179074-00180092 neutral species, one is which is attached to the metal and the other is an olefin show XVm7Xhfw7HM-00231-00180092-00181355 and intermediate, where you have an CH 2 with car been coordinated to solution. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00232-00181355-00182524 Let this can react together and form a metal cyclo butane can one do that you only have XVm7Xhfw7HM-00233-00182524-00183509 to slide this elephant in this direction. So, let us slide this elephant in this direction XVm7Xhfw7HM-00234-00183509-00185100 and then you can follow blonde in such a fashion so that you end up with the metal is attributing sure this metal cyclo XVm7Xhfw7HM-00235-00185100-00185771 butane. Then, reopen by breaking two different blogs which are indicated to hear these two XVm7Xhfw7HM-00236-00185771-00187505 bonds, which are indicated to an already generated new olefin. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00237-00187505-00188617 For example, you can think of a coalition which is primarily ether and pictured here XVm7Xhfw7HM-00238-00188617-00189537 are the winery and this wine either canned exchanged with a tungsten carving complex, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00239-00189537-00190409 which is brought to female groups carbon. If you react these two species, you end up XVm7Xhfw7HM-00240-00190409-00191675 with the final product which is diphenyl ethylene non epithelial, which is pictured here this XVm7Xhfw7HM-00241-00191675-00192427 is a non military and no stable car been tungsten complex, which is pictured here. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00242-00192427-00192941 This is the 1, 1 diphenyl ethylene, so these two products clearly suggest that you can XVm7Xhfw7HM-00243-00192941-00194289 have a non privileged exchange of the olefin. Once you fan of compound in which wants you XVm7Xhfw7HM-00245-00198149-00198770 Then, the metal cyclo butane can fingerprint in such a fashion that you get the more stable XVm7Xhfw7HM-00246-00198770-00199196 carving which is what I have listed here and the diphenyl thing. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00247-00199196-00199925 So, the Tebbe reactionary further support her this mechanism will take a look at the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00248-00199925-00199934 table reaction. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00249-00199934-00200816 The Tebbe reaction involves the reaction of the cyclo content tiny titanium dichloride XVm7Xhfw7HM-00250-00200816-00201558 with site alkyli in is an early transition metal reacting with human kind. So, that is XVm7Xhfw7HM-00251-00201558-00202192 typical of the metathesis reaction conditions and under those conditions, it is known that XVm7Xhfw7HM-00252-00202192-00203134 the methylation of trans methylation of titanium chloride leads to a dimethyl titanium compound. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00253-00203134-00204026 So, here is a dimethyl titanium compound this is a dimethyl titanium compound which is formed XVm7Xhfw7HM-00254-00204026-00204854 as a result of the trans methylation. You can eliminate a molecule of methane from here XVm7Xhfw7HM-00255-00204854-00205700 by the reacting one of these hydrogens, which is present on; one hydrogen from the methane XVm7Xhfw7HM-00256-00205700-00206390 and want metal group are eliminated as methane. So, you end up with a car been complex which XVm7Xhfw7HM-00257-00206390-00207127 is the titanium carving complex, this titanium carving complex reacts with the aluminium XVm7Xhfw7HM-00258-00207127-00207791 alkyl compound that was as that was formed in this reaction. So, here you would end up XVm7Xhfw7HM-00259-00207791-00208932 with a real CH streetwise serial as a product and this reacts with your car being intermediate XVm7Xhfw7HM-00260-00208932-00209690 and from sustainability bimetallic species and this bimetallic species has got both titanium XVm7Xhfw7HM-00261-00209690-00210381 and in the product. So, this turned out to be a very useful agent XVm7Xhfw7HM-00262-00210381-00211052 and is called being which is now performing a bridging function between two metals. This XVm7Xhfw7HM-00263-00211052-00211671 is a main group element alone and the other is titanium which is a transition element XVm7Xhfw7HM-00264-00211671-00212323 and discount this compound was called a division after its discoverer. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00265-00212323-00213171 So, the Tebbe regent which we have shown here can react with a variety of treatments to XVm7Xhfw7HM-00266-00213171-00214134 form a coalition and that happens to go through an intermediate. This I have drawn here and XVm7Xhfw7HM-00267-00214134-00214961 clearly shows that a metal cyclo butane can be a possible intermediate in these reactions. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00268-00214961-00215681 So, once again this reaction is driven by the thermodynamics of this process, which XVm7Xhfw7HM-00269-00215681-00216304 results which is because of the favourable formation of titanium oxygen bond in favour XVm7Xhfw7HM-00270-00216304-00217406 of a titanium carbon bond titanium. So, aluminium real CH streetwise Cialis formed is eliminated XVm7Xhfw7HM-00271-00217406-00218458 in this process and you can have the formation of a very stable version. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00272-00218458-00219329 You can see that your exchange, now you use this methylene group will use this methylene XVm7Xhfw7HM-00273-00219329-00220086 group which have pictured here and here taken that and transferred it to this position on XVm7Xhfw7HM-00274-00220086-00220946 the ketone. You have transferred the oxygen from the carbon to the titanium, so this turns XVm7Xhfw7HM-00275-00220946-00221871 out to be a useful way of carrying out the definition of methylene transfer reaction. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00276-00221871-00222408 This has been used extensively, but this also tells us that it is possible now to carry XVm7Xhfw7HM-00277-00222408-00223291 out such reactions in solution with organometallic compounds. So, whatever we are proposing with XVm7Xhfw7HM-00278-00223291-00223961 the metal cyclo butane mechanism must be reasonable in terms of the metathesis catalyst. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00279-00223961-00224716 So, let us get back to the reaction the method raises reaction videos on reaction, which XVm7Xhfw7HM-00280-00224716-00225607 was studied which also seem to give some indication that a metal cyclo butane is possible. This XVm7Xhfw7HM-00281-00225607-00226226 was a reaction which was studied with platinum, now although it is not a main group element XVm7Xhfw7HM-00282-00226226-00227075 of early transition element, it is an element which carries out a isomerisation of cyclo XVm7Xhfw7HM-00283-00227075-00227975 propellants. If you take this is liberal cyclo propane, it could be converted to the trans XVm7Xhfw7HM-00284-00227975-00228404 subsidiary using a platinum to compound. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00285-00228404-00229025 Now, this was going through an intermediate in this particular instance, it was possible XVm7Xhfw7HM-00286-00229025-00229580 to isolate intermediate and it was shown that the intermediate that was formed as a metal XVm7Xhfw7HM-00287-00229580-00230567 cyclo butane. The two species were actually in equilibrium conceded pictured on this projection XVm7Xhfw7HM-00288-00230567-00231565 here, you have both the compound when you have a phenyl group up and down and those XVm7Xhfw7HM-00289-00231565-00231881 possibilities the compounds are indicated in equilibrium. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00290-00231881-00232730 By labelling studies, it was shown that it was not a phenyl group which is migrating XVm7Xhfw7HM-00291-00232730-00233560 in the metal cyclo butane if you label the carbon, let us say with carbon 13 and that XVm7Xhfw7HM-00292-00233560-00234434 is pictured here as well as a highlighted blog. So, this is highlighted here as a label XVm7Xhfw7HM-00293-00234434-00235402 and then if the phenyl group migrates one could in fact find out that it is it should XVm7Xhfw7HM-00294-00235402-00235981 have given us this product, where the label carbon and the phenyl group are separated. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00295-00235981-00236856 However, it was found that it was not going through it was not going migration and it XVm7Xhfw7HM-00296-00236856-00237491 was completely migrating because the carbon itself is moving from this position to this XVm7Xhfw7HM-00297-00237491-00238141 position. So, that would be indicative of a migration of whole carbons and the phenyl XVm7Xhfw7HM-00298-00238141-00238666 group to a different position and wish to Veronique them, so you can start with either XVm7Xhfw7HM-00299-00238666-00239308 one of the metal cyclo butane's and summarised to the other product. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00300-00239308-00239927 So, what is a possible mechanism by which this reaction can be going social is one possibility XVm7Xhfw7HM-00301-00239927-00240530 which is in support of the metathesis reaction that was a carving mechanism for the metathesis XVm7Xhfw7HM-00302-00240530-00241173 process. So, if you have a car being clever metal cyclo butane and if it breaks up to XVm7Xhfw7HM-00303-00241173-00242091 give you a car been an evolution, so here is a carbon and will thing that can be formed. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00304-00242091-00243032 If you break the bonds in this fashion, break these two bonds, then would end up with an XVm7Xhfw7HM-00305-00243032-00243742 wonderful which is pictured here. The methane platinum complex, so this with XVm7Xhfw7HM-00306-00243742-00244752 him platinum complex can now rotate around this metal pollution ground sure if this metro XVm7Xhfw7HM-00307-00244752-00245466 boundand that rotation axis is shown here in blue collar. Then, you would end up with XVm7Xhfw7HM-00308-00245466-00246334 a different bluefin platinum complex and that can in fact be pictured here and it would XVm7Xhfw7HM-00309-00246334-00247255 result in the formation of a metal pollution complex which can reform the metal pollution XVm7Xhfw7HM-00310-00247255-00247994 complex can factory farm. In order to generate the isomerise catholicity butane were the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00311-00247994-00248780 phenyl group called the group is trans the platinum initially to assist to the platinum XVm7Xhfw7HM-00312-00248780-00249729 and holidays, because of the way in which it rotated coalition rotated about the platinum. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00313-00249729-00250413 So, this kind of the observation also lends support to the fact that you can in fact from XVm7Xhfw7HM-00314-00250413-00251471 the car and revolution and this carb can to oxidative addition reaction. You will notice XVm7Xhfw7HM-00315-00251471-00252633 that this is a platinum to centre is a platinum to centre and this now is a centre because XVm7Xhfw7HM-00316-00252633-00253269 you have to alkyl groups and unconditionally attached to the platinum your platinum frozen XVm7Xhfw7HM-00317-00253269-00253805 cherries, neutral groups revolution and carving. So, it is a platinum, surely platinum to become XVm7Xhfw7HM-00318-00253805-00254484 the club of the centre through an oxidative addition and a carbon, carbon bond formation, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00319-00254484-00254940 so this is an oxidative coupling reaction which is happened. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00320-00254940-00255656 So, this oxidative coupling reaction also allows you to explain not just this isomerisation XVm7Xhfw7HM-00321-00255656-00256259 support to the metathesis reaction through a metal cyclo butane intermediate. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00322-00256259-00257211 So, in the in the previous example, we have shown some proof for the existence of catholicity XVm7Xhfw7HM-00323-00257211-00257994 butane and it isomerisation, it was not possible to show that in the cases where you do not XVm7Xhfw7HM-00324-00257994-00258869 have the concoction arranged. It is possible to find the metal cyclo butane in the case XVm7Xhfw7HM-00325-00258869-00259440 of early transition is the first proof of that came when one could carry out metathesis XVm7Xhfw7HM-00326-00259440-00260386 reactions using the modified matter cyclo butane, which an alternative impulsive. Here XVm7Xhfw7HM-00327-00260386-00261007 is an example, it was possible to prepare a site titanium cyclo butane matter cyclo XVm7Xhfw7HM-00328-00261007-00261907 butane and reacted with another pollution. It turned out that they could isolate the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00329-00261907-00262725 project in which this catholicity butane exchanged olefin, which is present in solution and the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00330-00262725-00263098 new leaf. This was generated in the reaction mixture, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00331-00263098-00263910 because they used a rebuild olefin and the could show that the label was present in the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00332-00263910-00264531 final product is those very clear indication that such kind of metal cyclo butane skin XVm7Xhfw7HM-00333-00264531-00265095 exchange olefins. In fact, it is an intermediate car been should have been involved in this XVm7Xhfw7HM-00334-00265095-00266644 case, one can write this intermediate in such a fashion it is cheap city coordinated to XVm7Xhfw7HM-00335-00266644-00267909 CH 2 and the pollution. So, if this is the elephant intermediate titanium XVm7Xhfw7HM-00336-00267909-00268653 pollution car been intimated that is formed, this can very easily generate the product XVm7Xhfw7HM-00337-00268653-00269160 which is indicated here. So, this clearly indicated that all the steps involved the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00338-00269160-00269806 metathesis reaction could be substantiated through external reactions symmetric reactions. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00339-00269806-00270836 So, the catalytic cycle obtained a very strong support, now what this means is the mechanism XVm7Xhfw7HM-00340-00270836-00271577 suggested by shoving and Harrison, even now the early days was in fact correct and what XVm7Xhfw7HM-00341-00271577-00272229 they suggested was not always exchange. In order to understand the non privileged exchange, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00342-00272229-00273089 it is in fact possible to have a small demonstration of this non privileged exchange in webinar XVm7Xhfw7HM-00343-00273089-00273843 show this in this movie were we have. So, only fence sitting around a metal catalyst XVm7Xhfw7HM-00344-00273843-00274831 the solutions are labelled ingredient to magenta and black and as we have the metal exchange XVm7Xhfw7HM-00345-00274831-00275325 card games what happens is new olefins are generated. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00346-00275325-00276304 The carvings are completely scrambled and we can see this as being pursued in this reaction XVm7Xhfw7HM-00347-00276304-00276953 the metal carving keeps changing, initially it was a great car been amalgamated car been XVm7Xhfw7HM-00348-00276953-00278097 green. Then, it becomes magenta and then in the subsequent steps will become and it will XVm7Xhfw7HM-00349-00278097-00279109 also become the new showroom a complete scrambling of community groups can happen through, the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00350-00279109-00280044 sequential and random scrambling of the car beings which are present in the medium. So, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00351-00280044-00280621 if you have four different olefins then all possible combinations can be observed and XVm7Xhfw7HM-00352-00280621-00281438 you can have the non airways exchange powerful offence very easily using to complete randomisation XVm7Xhfw7HM-00353-00281438-00282066 of the car beings and the olefins. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00354-00282066-00282795 If you watch the video carefully, you do not notice that to start with we had this great XVm7Xhfw7HM-00355-00282795-00283441 metal carving catalyst and at the end of the reaction, you ended up with a different metal XVm7Xhfw7HM-00356-00283441-00284130 carving catalyst. The great species quickly carving was in fact transferred to another XVm7Xhfw7HM-00357-00284130-00284948 olefins and each one of these olefins has now a different car been one of the carbons XVm7Xhfw7HM-00358-00284948-00285508 has been completely exchanged with some other pollution. So, this is the starting point XVm7Xhfw7HM-00359-00285508-00286196 this is your starting point and this is your ending point. So, it is possible to have complete XVm7Xhfw7HM-00360-00286196-00286885 randomisation of the olefins through this particular mechanisms on pair wise mechanism XVm7Xhfw7HM-00361-00286885-00287490 proposed by shoving and Harrison was finally, accepted. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00362-00287490-00288103 In the mechanistic detail allowed want to make a variety of different metal complexes, XVm7Xhfw7HM-00363-00288103-00289181 so generally clear that the metal carving complex is necessary and this is the essential XVm7Xhfw7HM-00364-00289181-00290124 this is the essential starting point. This is your starting point for the formation of XVm7Xhfw7HM-00365-00290124-00290848 different olefins in the reaction mechanism, so research now concentrated on the synthesis XVm7Xhfw7HM-00366-00290848-00291657 of car beings which could be stable catalyst, which could be used for the metathesis reaction. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00367-00291657-00292244 This was in fact done by schlock and gloves and that is a reason, why it all three of XVm7Xhfw7HM-00368-00292244-00292997 them, in fact were honoured with the democrats. So, let us take a look now at a non airways XVm7Xhfw7HM-00369-00292997-00293932 exchange with real molecules, so if I have our CH 2, which have pictured here I can end XVm7Xhfw7HM-00370-00293932-00294769 up with a new car been metal carving. That new metal carving can convert a different XVm7Xhfw7HM-00371-00294769-00295377 model functionalised elephant having an our one group of this is our one group as opposed XVm7Xhfw7HM-00372-00295377-00296233 to an art group and you can connect this are one and these. So, this are warned and this XVm7Xhfw7HM-00373-00296233-00297645 art has now been combined to give you a new position starting with our one CH CH 2 and XVm7Xhfw7HM-00374-00297645-00298665 our CH CH 2. So, this is an on pairwise mechanism, which turns out the right mechanism of the XVm7Xhfw7HM-00375-00298665-00299279 transfer of the formation of the metathesis reaction. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00376-00299279-00299920 Now, one needs to think about this fact while debate all three of them got the Nobel prize XVm7Xhfw7HM-00377-00299920-00300515 that is because a lot of time it has been possible to produce new compounds using metathesis XVm7Xhfw7HM-00378-00300515-00301417 is not long before. It was fully understood, but even when they did not understand that XVm7Xhfw7HM-00379-00301417-00301999 understand the mechanism of action people were able to use it that struggling to use XVm7Xhfw7HM-00380-00301999-00302574 proper capitalists and wants the will of the catalyst was understood. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00381-00302574-00303364 It was possible to move very rapidly and use it in reactions, which lead to formation of XVm7Xhfw7HM-00382-00303364-00304304 very interesting compounds and the catalyst could be designed such that each in each case. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00383-00304304-00304819 There was a substrate which poses special problem, it is possible to generate a catalyst XVm7Xhfw7HM-00384-00304819-00305421 which would carry out reaction efficiently. So, shotguns mechanism was extremely useful XVm7Xhfw7HM-00385-00305421-00306022 in furthering it and it was Grubbs and schlocky made the catalyst and made it possible for XVm7Xhfw7HM-00386-00306022-00306522 this free to move forward. Here, the researchers were given a new challenge XVm7Xhfw7HM-00387-00306522-00307053 to grapple with that was to construct efficient captains and it was only because your vision XVm7Xhfw7HM-00388-00307053-00307760 shop a shower and discovered the mechanism. They could in fact make the Grubbs and schlocky XVm7Xhfw7HM-00389-00307760-00308536 took up this challenge and the fundamental research in this area was furthered significantly XVm7Xhfw7HM-00390-00308536-00308924 because of the catalyst that will discover. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00391-00308924-00309614 So, in the next lecture we would in fact be discussing how evolution metathesis can be XVm7Xhfw7HM-00392-00309614-00310250 carried out in a variety of different ways and we can use it for carrying out projects XVm7Xhfw7HM-00393-00310250-00310822 that would lead to rings. So, that turns out building closing metathesis, they can also XVm7Xhfw7HM-00394-00310822-00311535 have ring opening metathesis were strange things are opened, we can have several reactions XVm7Xhfw7HM-00395-00311535-00312457 were taken carry out ring opening polymerisation reactions. So, people must made an cost metathesis XVm7Xhfw7HM-00396-00312457-00312927 is something that we have discussed extensively in today's lecture also necessary plus that XVm7Xhfw7HM-00397-00312927-00314147 is reaction and had met is another method. We can have types of polymerisation reaction XVm7Xhfw7HM-00398-00314147-00314851 is carried out, so let me conclude by saying that today lecture in web metathesis reactions XVm7Xhfw7HM-00399-00314851-00315603 that addresses the change of place between carving units in an old friend. This reaction XVm7Xhfw7HM-00400-00315603-00316278 ultimately leads to a large number of olefins all possible olefins, if you start with two XVm7Xhfw7HM-00401-00316278-00316995 different olefins and the ratio of the products that are formed actually quickly control. XVm7Xhfw7HM-00402-00316995-00317681 So, by controlling the reaction conditions one can find very interesting new coalition XVm7Xhfw7HM-00403-00317681-00318398 products starting with a mixture of olefins this turns out to be a key feature for utilising XVm7Xhfw7HM-00404-00318398-00318941 this reaction. Now, it turns out that schlocky and grounds XVm7Xhfw7HM-00405-00318941-00319585 were instrumental in making capitalists which were now well and also they were able to design XVm7Xhfw7HM-00406-00319585-00320210 catalysts which would suit substrates. So, that new reactions could be generated, so XVm7Xhfw7HM-00407-00320210-00320871 it was very obvious that the combination of a fundamental mechanistic study, which was XVm7Xhfw7HM-00408-00320871-00321583 based on various aspects of metal car beings and automated chemistry. This led to furtherance XVm7Xhfw7HM-00409-00321583-00322315 of the metathesis reaction and utilisation of metaphysics reaction in the industry which XVm7Xhfw7HM-00410-00322315-00323127 leads to synthesis of new anti cancer drugs molecules which are pheromones. This can be XVm7Xhfw7HM-00411-00323127-00324047 used showroom bioactivity, and so many different possibilities are made me because of the discovery XVm7Xhfw7HM-00412-00324047-00324204 of metathesis reactions.