NMHd4vyJ7X8-00000-00000516-00000808 Andreia Gonçalves Hi, everyone, and welcome to the games NMHd4vyJ7X8-00001-00000808-00001336 research and user experience online conference, and to my talk about whether you need technical NMHd4vyJ7X8-00002-00001336-00001984 knowledge for a career in games UI/UX. In this talk, I hope to provide some insights, tips, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00003-00001984-00002384 and information to help you decide what level of technical knowledge is right for you. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00004-00002640-00003112 I'll start with a little background about me. My name is Andreia Gonçalves and I am currently NMHd4vyJ7X8-00005-00003112-00003768 an experience designer at EA. My formal education consists of a Bachelor's in Communication Design, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00006-00003768-00004096 followed by a diploma in Programming for games, web and mobile. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00007-00004232-00004864 I've been in games for five years, and I've worked on mobile, PC and console titles. I NMHd4vyJ7X8-00008-00004864-00005408 joined the game industry as a UI programmer working in mobile games. After two years, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00009-00005408-00005984 I decided to change my focus back to design and transition to a UI/UX designer position. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00010-00006104-00006648 Currently, in my team at EA, I have a multidisciplinary role with a focus on UX design. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00011-00006816-00007192 Due to my background in both design and programming, I've always had an NMHd4vyJ7X8-00012-00007192-00007544 affinity and interest in technical aspects of bringing design to life, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00013-00007600-00008280 and have looked for opportunities to include it in the design process. Before I start, I NMHd4vyJ7X8-00014-00008280-00008776 want to state that the content of this talk is my point of view, and doesn't represent my company. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00015-00009056-00009528 So why am I here? In the past year, I have joined design communities and started NMHd4vyJ7X8-00016-00009528-00009984 connecting with junior designers or designers looking to switch into the games industry. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00017-00010072-00010528 During those interactions, I have encountered questions and doubts about whether it's NMHd4vyJ7X8-00018-00010528-00011080 necessary to have coding or other technical knowledge to work as UI/UX designers in games. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00019-00011232-00011680 Due to my background in both design and programming, I've always been an advocate for NMHd4vyJ7X8-00020-00011680-00012264 the benefits that technical knowledge brings to designers. For this reason, I thought I might take NMHd4vyJ7X8-00021-00012264-00012784 a shot at demystifying what technical knowledge might be and why it is valuable for games. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00022-00013224-00013696 In this talk, we'll start by defining what technical knowledge means. Then I will share NMHd4vyJ7X8-00023-00013696-00014184 my findings from a survey to other professionals about the value and role of technical knowledge NMHd4vyJ7X8-00024-00014184-00014856 in your position. After this, I'll give a brief overview of the main aspects of game development NMHd4vyJ7X8-00025-00014856-00015360 that makes technical knowledge more necessary, but also more accessible than in other industries. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00026-00015552-00015928 Lastly, I will talk through a breakdown of levels of technical knowledge NMHd4vyJ7X8-00027-00015928-00016584 to clarify what they are and what they add to your toolbox as a designer. Hopefully at the end, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00028-00016584-00016984 you'll understand why technical knowledge is valuable and what level is right for you. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00029-00017408-00017568 So what is technical knowledge? NMHd4vyJ7X8-00030-00017792-00018336 The way I define technical knowledge in this context is any type of information or skill NMHd4vyJ7X8-00031-00018336-00018816 that a designer might have, which helps them develop a common language with engineers, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00032-00018872-00019352 and see their technical implications and constraints when designing or implement features NMHd4vyJ7X8-00033-00019352-00020168 or part of features themselves. To help frame this, here are some specific examples. It can be NMHd4vyJ7X8-00034-00020168-00020784 experience working with a game engine such as Unity or Unreal, laying out screens in the engine NMHd4vyJ7X8-00035-00020784-00021464 editor, adding implementation nodes to wireframes, flows or mock ups, using knowledge of the tech NMHd4vyJ7X8-00036-00021464-00022016 stack in the design process, and collaborating on design systems and component libraries. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00037-00022424-00022936 To gather other opinions and better understand what is the value that technical knowledge brings, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00038-00022936-00023208 I ran a survey with a small group of professionals. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00039-00023304-00023864 This short survey was aimed at professionals in games UI/UX design related positions to NMHd4vyJ7X8-00040-00023864-00024272 find more information about whether they thought technical knowledge was valuable, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00041-00024336-00024760 if they had some themselves, and how exactly it contributed to the role. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00042-00025104-00025632 I was able to reach about 34 professionals with more than seven different role names. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00043-00025752-00026112 The top positions in the responses were experience designer, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00044-00026112-00026920 UI/UX designer, UX designer and UI artist. About half the participants have experience NMHd4vyJ7X8-00045-00026920-00027576 with both console, PC and mobile. More than half have five years or more of experience NMHd4vyJ7X8-00046-00027576-00028183 and also about half say they have a leadership role. So let's look at the results. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00047-00028536-00028927 When asked if they thought it was valuable to have some technical knowledge, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00048-00028983-00029592 almost everyone said yes. And when asked if they had some technical knowledge themselves, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00049-00029592-00029816 most of the respondents also said yes. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00050-00030352-00030839 I asked to specify what type of technical knowledge they had experience with or use NMHd4vyJ7X8-00051-00030839-00031352 in their roles. And the main ones mentioned were mostly related to using the game engine, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00052-00031408-00031880 as well as some basic experience with scripting, and background with web technologies. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00053-00032376-00032832 When prompted to imagine that they were building a team, the answers were split NMHd4vyJ7X8-00054-00032832-00033368 between thinking all or only some designers in the team should have some technical knowledge. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00055-00033752-00034224 I was curious to find out what were the main reasons others thought it's valuable to have NMHd4vyJ7X8-00056-00034224-00034576 technical knowledge, and what could be the downsides, from their perspective. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00057-00034984-00035544 The key benefit seems to be to create designs that are more likely to become a reality. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00058-00035544-00036040 The conclusion I got from the responses is that technical knowledge is important to help bring NMHd4vyJ7X8-00059-00036040-00036688 design to life. It's useful for communicating, translating between areas of expertise, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00060-00036688-00037216 and understanding the workflow. To be aware of limitations and planning for them, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00061-00037216-00037784 working around them, or pushing against them. To make designs that work, not just on paper, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00062-00037864-00038336 that it gives more autonomy to the designer to be able to experiment and prototype, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00063-00038400-00038848 and lastly, it saves time in development and makes the product more polished by having the NMHd4vyJ7X8-00064-00038848-00039776 right skills working on the right assets. The main downside mentioned was to watch out for NMHd4vyJ7X8-00065-00039776-00040208 the possibility to self limit and have a harder time thinking outside of the box. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00066-00040304-00040824 Some mentioned it was a double edged sword. It might take time away from NMHd4vyJ7X8-00067-00040824-00041344 design and become overwhelming when technical responsibilities start piling on the designer. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00068-00041432-00041896 The designer can become a blocker if they are the only one with this knowledge and helping on this NMHd4vyJ7X8-00069-00041896-00042496 part of the process. It can sometimes create a bias for possible solutions versus ideal design. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00070-00042648-00043000 There were also some respondents who thought there was no downside to this. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00071-00043392-00043800 Lastly, I asked what they thought could be the reason this is present as a requirement NMHd4vyJ7X8-00072-00043800-00044416 in some design job posts. The main answers here was that it likely is more true for mobile and NMHd4vyJ7X8-00073-00044416-00044936 smaller teams, but also that companies tend to ask for everything they can, which isn't good NMHd4vyJ7X8-00074-00044936-00045544 practice. An interesting point made is that this often creates a more flexible skill set that can NMHd4vyJ7X8-00075-00045544-00046152 make an impact at any phase of the project. Some mentioned that the fact that the barrier of entry NMHd4vyJ7X8-00076-00046152-00046632 to technology is lowering contributes to the expectation of candidates already having it. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00077-00047128-00047496 So hopefully that shows that technical knowledge can be really valuable, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00078-00047496-00047864 and highlight that most of these professionals have experience with it themselves. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00079-00048288-00048760 Next, we will cover why I think it's especially important to contribute at a technical level NMHd4vyJ7X8-00080-00048760-00049216 in games, but also why it's more accessible for designers than in other industries. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00081-00049808-00050376 Game teams are incredibly multidisciplinary. Even just in the design discipline alone, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00082-00050376-00050888 there can be game designers, level designers, UI designers, UX designers, and so on. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00083-00050952-00051384 The roles and their responsibilities can vary for studio, game type and project NMHd4vyJ7X8-00084-00051384-00052079 size. And the same happens for engineering disciplines and other disciplines. More experts NMHd4vyJ7X8-00085-00052079-00052560 creates more gaps in the process and the key to creating a great experience is to learn how to NMHd4vyJ7X8-00086-00052560-00053167 collaborate together and complement each other's skill sets. The common language and play field NMHd4vyJ7X8-00087-00053167-00053488 often becomes the tools that you use to bring the experience to life. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00088-00053912-00054408 I think the game industry has encountered the problem with handoff processes and iteration NMHd4vyJ7X8-00089-00054408-00054888 a long time ago. And the tools seem to reflect the constant evolution to solve this issue. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00090-00054991-00055504 In games, generally speaking, we use what is called a game engine to build the application. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00091-00055752-00056367 These can be custom proprietary tools, or customer facing applications such as Unity and Unreal. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00092-00056504-00056760 These two are free and commercialized, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00093-00056760-00057584 which I think further push for more intuitive and accessible workflows. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00094-00057704-00058248 The goal of these engines is to empower people to make games. So they aim to facilitate anyone NMHd4vyJ7X8-00095-00058248-00058791 involved in the project to do this. For an indie game, that may mean one small game designer trying NMHd4vyJ7X8-00096-00058791-00059352 to bring their idea to life. And so they make an effort to empower designers to realize your vision NMHd4vyJ7X8-00097-00059352-00059960 with whatever skills they might have. This provides UI/UX designers with great opportunities. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00098-00060296-00060760 There are two main reasons why game engines like Unity and Unreal are game changers for allowing NMHd4vyJ7X8-00099-00060760-00061304 designers to prototype and develop games: the content creation tools and scripting tools. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00100-00061384-00061824 I will try to showcase both from the perspective of a UI/UX designer. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00101-00061824-00062328 And my aim here is to give you visibility to the tools and hint to the power they can give you NMHd4vyJ7X8-00102-00062328-00062504 rather than go deeper on how they work. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00103-00062712-00063408 Let's look at content creation first. A great example is UI editor in Unity. This allows you NMHd4vyJ7X8-00104-00063408-00064079 to build interfaces in our intuitive way, similar to other design tools. As you add elements, resize NMHd4vyJ7X8-00105-00064079-00064584 and edit properties you can see in real time how they will look when running the application. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00106-00064655-00065128 They also allow you to save what is called a prefab, which works like the source of truth NMHd4vyJ7X8-00107-00065191-00065984 for a component. You can reuse it in your content and when it's changed, all instances are updated. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00108-00066160-00066520 The other one is scripting tools such as visual scripting. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00109-00066584-00067056 It gives you the ability to visually program using simple logical statements, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00110-00067056-00067384 which allows you to create simple logic without writing code. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00111-00067512-00068072 It enables you to create some interactivity or state changes without having to learn programming. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00112-00068384-00068912 Visual scripting, or other ways to enable people to build products without extensive programming NMHd4vyJ7X8-00113-00068912-00069440 knowledge, is becoming more and more common with the rise of no code or low code applications. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00114-00069528-00069896 It is even entering the mainstream, which we can see by looking at NMHd4vyJ7X8-00115-00069896-00070400 iOS’s shortcuts app, which allows any iPhone user to automate simple tasks. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00116-00070920-00071496 Now that we've looked at what is valuable and why, and how it is more accessible for designers NMHd4vyJ7X8-00117-00071496-00072064 in games, let's look at some specific types of technical knowledge UI/UX designers can leverage. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00118-00072544-00073008 I've started the talk by sharing a brief definition of what I mean by technical knowledge NMHd4vyJ7X8-00119-00073008-00073376 in the scope of design. In the previous sections, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00120-00073376-00073864 we went over the value other professionals see in it, what are some common skills, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00121-00073864-00074384 and how game development tools enable designers to make meaningful contributions in this space. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00122-00074640-00075056 Now, I will walk you through some of the types of technical knowledge I've identified NMHd4vyJ7X8-00123-00075056-00075664 so that you are familiar with them, and how they can bring value to you. These are communication NMHd4vyJ7X8-00124-00075664-00076264 and documentation, authoring content in the game engine, being able to influence implementation, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00125-00076264-00076776 being able to prototype in the game engine, and lastly, being able to build features yourself. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00126-00077160-00077648 We'll start with communication. This is understanding how features are built and NMHd4vyJ7X8-00127-00077648-00078168 how engineers work so you can communicate with them, to understand constraints, as well as NMHd4vyJ7X8-00128-00078168-00078968 document your design in the most useful way. An example use case can be if you're documenting NMHd4vyJ7X8-00129-00078968-00079472 wireframes or mock ups, adding notes about how elements are anchored and how it should look NMHd4vyJ7X8-00130-00079472-00080000 logically resized, or how a certain element is expected to change based on its contents. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00131-00080248-00080744 If you want to get started practicing this, you can research the tools in engines like Unity NMHd4vyJ7X8-00132-00080744-00081384 and try to take one of your designs and add notes that would help someone implement it correctly. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00133-00081624-00081816 Next, we'll look at authoring content. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00134-00082104-00082504 Authoring content is recreating your design in the engine, and includes NMHd4vyJ7X8-00135-00082504-00083112 importing assets as well as laying out widgets and screens. Often this also includes creating NMHd4vyJ7X8-00136-00083112-00083584 the components that build up your component library and can be reused in other screens. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00137-00083936-00084400 An example use case would be creating a button that will look the same in every NMHd4vyJ7X8-00138-00084400-00084976 screen and that when you make changes, you can update it in one place. In Unity, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00139-00084976-00085512 this would be creating that button and converting it to a reusable component. This will add that NMHd4vyJ7X8-00140-00085512-00086008 element to your project folder so that you can reuse it and access the original for editing. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00141-00086328-00086744 A way to get started with this is to download Unity, which is free, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00142-00086744-00087240 import fonts and any textures you might need and try to recreate one of your designs. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00143-00087776-00088520 Next, let's talk about influencing implementation. Influencing implementation is being able to assess NMHd4vyJ7X8-00144-00088520-00089072 your current tech stack and use this information when designing. This will allow you to be able NMHd4vyJ7X8-00145-00089072-00089592 to request missing tech ahead of time and work with engineers so that features can be built in NMHd4vyJ7X8-00146-00089592-00090288 a flexible way. This should result in a system that allows for building upon and for iterating. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00147-00090816-00091336 This is the philosophy behind design systems, which is trying to first see all the ways the NMHd4vyJ7X8-00148-00091336-00091872 product can evolve, and creating building blocks that allow you to build the present as well as the NMHd4vyJ7X8-00149-00091872-00092464 future. The reason why I think it's important for a designer to be involved at this stage NMHd4vyJ7X8-00150-00092464-00092960 is because often the information that engineers have is limited to the current state of design. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00151-00093072-00093464 Only you, the designer, have more insight into what is coming, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00152-00093464-00094056 or what parts of the design are more prone to change. When you participate in this process, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00153-00094056-00094472 you are positioning the team to be able to react to feedback in an effective way. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00154-00094864-00095384 To get started with this, you can participate in game jams to work in a team dynamic with NMHd4vyJ7X8-00155-00095384-00095848 programmers and start learning what these missing pieces of functionality may be, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00156-00095848-00096320 and how you would communicate them. Or you can start by researching the tools, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00157-00096320-00097048 again Unity or Unreal, try to recreate your design and see what obstacles you find. After these, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00158-00097048-00097560 you can, for example, document your initial solution as well as an option that doesn't NMHd4vyJ7X8-00159-00097560-00098360 require that missing functionality. Next, let's look at prototyping. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00160-00098640-00099120 Prototyping in the engine allows you to leverage code that might already be written, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00161-00099120-00099408 as well as have your prototype embedded in the experience. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00162-00099544-00100000 In games, a lot of features can only be prototyped in engine due to the spatial NMHd4vyJ7X8-00163-00100000-00100528 movement or complex mechanics, so doing it in the engine can sometimes be the only option. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00164-00100664-00101152 Because of this, being able to put your solutions to the testing context can be a big plus. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00165-00101504-00101976 An example where you can leverage prototyping in the engine is if you are working on communicating NMHd4vyJ7X8-00166-00101976-00102511 something important to the player in a very intense moment of gameplay. You want to grab NMHd4vyJ7X8-00167-00102511-00102983 the players attention here and the context and emotions are important and can be hard NMHd4vyJ7X8-00168-00102983-00103559 to recreate outside of the experience. If you are able to prototype in the engine, you can try your NMHd4vyJ7X8-00169-00103559-00104040 different solutions independently without as many dependencies on other team members. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00170-00104383-00104744 A way to get started with this is to try to recreate a click through NMHd4vyJ7X8-00171-00104744-00105352 prototype in Unity or Unreal. Lastly, let's look at building. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00172-00105704-00106264 Building expands your possibilities from authoring content, where you implement the visual assets of NMHd4vyJ7X8-00173-00106264-00106880 your interface. Here you take the next step and start scripting or coding small pieces of visual NMHd4vyJ7X8-00174-00106880-00107496 logic. This level has its own spectrum as you start delving into more software engineering NMHd4vyJ7X8-00175-00107496-00108328 concepts that can become more abstract. A simple example I like to use for this one is if you have NMHd4vyJ7X8-00176-00108328-00108808 a character health bar and you wanted the color to change based on the health value. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00177-00108920-00109416 You probably want something like if the health is below a certain value, make it red, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00178-00109416-00109880 otherwise make it green. If you are the one setting up this logic, or at least NMHd4vyJ7X8-00179-00109880-00110383 know how to change it, you can update these parameters yourself whenever the design changes. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00180-00110744-00111440 To get started with this, I suggest following the beginner tutorials for either Unreal or Unity, or NMHd4vyJ7X8-00181-00111440-00112016 checking out game creation tutorials on YouTube. You can also try to recreate the health bar NMHd4vyJ7X8-00182-00112016-00112720 example I just mentioned. And those were the five types of technical knowledge I have identified. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00183-00112896-00113264 Communication is about creating a common language with engineers NMHd4vyJ7X8-00184-00113264-00113720 so that you can document your design in the best way and you can communicate about constraints. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00185-00113904-00114311 Authoring content consists of recreating your design in the engine yourself, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00186-00114311-00114664 which allows you to have more control over the visual quality of the content. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00187-00114968-00115448 Influencing implementation is the ability to understand the tech stack and use that NMHd4vyJ7X8-00188-00115448-00115976 knowledge to predict what tech is needed and create processes that allow for iteration. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00189-00116224-00116711 Prototyping in-engine allows you to create prototypes in context, which can take you NMHd4vyJ7X8-00190-00116711-00117688 one step further from what you can do into design tools. And lastly, building, we showed a minimum NMHd4vyJ7X8-00191-00117688-00118192 enables you to control simple visual logic, such as dates and triggering animations. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00192-00118504-00118911 Hopefully that gives you an overview of types of technical knowledge you can leverage NMHd4vyJ7X8-00193-00118911-00119383 in your design role, and even start exploring as you get ready to look for positions. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00194-00119704-00120376 So let's take a moment to recap. We've seen that in the survey results most professionals found it NMHd4vyJ7X8-00195-00120376-00120896 valuable to have technical knowledge and do have certain levels of technical knowledge themselves. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00196-00121008-00121480 We went through some of the benefits as well as potential downsides from their perspective. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00197-00121616-00122072 After that, we cover at a high level the main aspects of game development NMHd4vyJ7X8-00198-00122072-00122568 that make technical knowledge valuable in this industry, as well as more accessible to designers. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00199-00122696-00123056 Lastly, we went through a breakdown of specific technical knowledge NMHd4vyJ7X8-00200-00123056-00123488 that UI/UX designers can leverage to maximize their impact in their roles. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00201-00123800-00124240 Based on this, we can see that the overall benefits in investing in some NMHd4vyJ7X8-00202-00124240-00124752 degree of technical knowledge can be designing solutions that are more likely to be built, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00203-00124752-00125088 the ability to polish and directly impact the final experience, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00204-00125168-00125688 the ability to prototype and iterate faster, a more well rounded and flexible skill set, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00205-00125744-00126216 and also that some studios might ask for this skill so this will give you an edge. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00206-00126504-00127072 So back to our initial question, do you need technical knowledge for a career in games UI/UX? NMHd4vyJ7X8-00207-00127296-00128016 Well, the truth is, it depends. Let me clarify. If there is a specific studio that you want to NMHd4vyJ7X8-00208-00128016-00128472 work at, and you love their work, and they mentioned this in their job post, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00209-00128528-00129040 then ideally, you should get some of these skills. It doesn't seem like you always need it, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00210-00129111-00129559 but you'll likely need to develop it on the job. If you're starting out, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00211-00129559-00129976 I think it's good to at least be familiar with the tools that are used in game development. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00212-00130064-00130383 But you don't need a lot of experience in advance as that will come with time. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00213-00130504-00130928 If you do want to dive into it though, it seems like that will make you a great asset. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00214-00131056-00131528 In the end, it's up to you to decide based on what you value, and hopefully the information NMHd4vyJ7X8-00215-00131528-00132144 I share with you today can help with this. The main advice I can give you on the importance of NMHd4vyJ7X8-00216-00132144-00132672 technical knowledge and if I can leave you with only one message is that technical knowledge is NMHd4vyJ7X8-00217-00132672-00133184 not just coding. It's the set of skills that will help your design be built into a reality. NMHd4vyJ7X8-00218-00133600-00134072 And that's all, thanks so much for watching. If you have any questions about technical knowledge, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00219-00134072-00134384 or other game dev and UI /UX related questions, NMHd4vyJ7X8-00220-00134384-00134904 you can reach out to me on Twitter, or head out to the conference Discord. If you want to learn NMHd4vyJ7X8-00221-00134904-00135544 more about me, you can also check out my website at andreia dot design. Alright, thanks so much NMHd4vyJ7X8-00222-00135544-00136840 again for watching. I hope this was useful to you and enjoy the rest of the conference. Bye NMHd4vyJ7X8-00223-00136840-00136986 Transcribed by https://otter.ai NOwsXaeQkJM-00000-00000000-00000083 - Hello, everybody. NOwsXaeQkJM-00001-00000083-00000241 Welcome back to another vlog. NOwsXaeQkJM-00002-00000241-00000581 I'm having a makeup free day, going to let my skin breathe NOwsXaeQkJM-00003-00000581-00000893 but, we are just approaching dinner time now. NOwsXaeQkJM-00004-00000893-00001036 And I'm going to do something NOwsXaeQkJM-00005-00001036-00001291 that I feel like the entire internet has done already, NOwsXaeQkJM-00006-00001291-00001406 but we haven't. NOwsXaeQkJM-00007-00001406-00001689 And we're going to be trying the ever famous, NOwsXaeQkJM-00008-00001689-00002092 ever trendy, ever viral, ever popular TikTok pasta. NOwsXaeQkJM-00009-00002092-00002377 I'm trying to gather all of my things off my nightstand NOwsXaeQkJM-00010-00002377-00002520 to take downstairs. NOwsXaeQkJM-00011-00002520-00002797 Now I have limited mobility with my arm. NOwsXaeQkJM-00012-00002797-00002880 Hold please. NOwsXaeQkJM-00013-00002880-00003073 So in case, for some reason, you haven't heard NOwsXaeQkJM-00014-00003073-00003254 of this TikTok pasta, which I don't know, NOwsXaeQkJM-00015-00003254-00003440 or it's like it's on Instagram now, too. NOwsXaeQkJM-00016-00003440-00003682 I don't know how you would have made it this far, NOwsXaeQkJM-00017-00003682-00003811 but if you have, NOwsXaeQkJM-00018-00003811-00004126 then it is essentially like the easiest recipe ever. NOwsXaeQkJM-00019-00004126-00004370 You take a block of Feta cheese NOwsXaeQkJM-00020-00004370-00004646 and you bake it in the oven with some tomatoes NOwsXaeQkJM-00021-00004646-00004773 and then once it's baked, NOwsXaeQkJM-00022-00004773-00005078 you basically stir it and it forms a sauce. NOwsXaeQkJM-00023-00005078-00005209 And then you mix your pasta in it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00024-00005209-00005436 And apparently, it's like this incredible, NOwsXaeQkJM-00025-00005436-00005621 creamy, saucy pasta. NOwsXaeQkJM-00026-00005621-00005738 I love Feta cheese. NOwsXaeQkJM-00027-00005738-00005920 I don't know how I feel about eating a block NOwsXaeQkJM-00028-00005920-00006098 of it (giggles) as pasta sauce, NOwsXaeQkJM-00029-00006098-00006256 but everyone says it's really good. NOwsXaeQkJM-00030-00006256-00006351 Drew's vacuuming. NOwsXaeQkJM-00031-00006351-00006452 So we'll see. NOwsXaeQkJM-00032-00006452-00006767 So here are the ingredients that you're going to need NOwsXaeQkJM-00033-00006767-00006859 for this pasta. NOwsXaeQkJM-00034-00006859-00007095 You're gonna need a block of Feta, obviously. NOwsXaeQkJM-00035-00007095-00007336 Admittedly, I've actually never bought a block NOwsXaeQkJM-00036-00007336-00007504 of Feta in my life, but here it is. NOwsXaeQkJM-00037-00007504-00007639 It is a whole ass block. NOwsXaeQkJM-00038-00007639-00007909 You're also gonna need a thing of grape tomatoes, NOwsXaeQkJM-00039-00007909-00008247 cherry tomatoes, just like miniature tomatoes basically. NOwsXaeQkJM-00040-00008247-00008423 You're gonna need some Basil, NOwsXaeQkJM-00041-00008423-00008589 which we already have here. NOwsXaeQkJM-00042-00008589-00008864 And, that's not like, necessary, NOwsXaeQkJM-00043-00008864-00009007 I think some people make it without NOwsXaeQkJM-00044-00009007-00009127 but you add some Basil in, NOwsXaeQkJM-00045-00009127-00009293 like after it's done baking NOwsXaeQkJM-00046-00009293-00009433 and then you can add other things NOwsXaeQkJM-00047-00009433-00009716 like garlic, Italian seasoning. NOwsXaeQkJM-00048-00009716-00009980 Some people are putting like lemon juice, et cetera. NOwsXaeQkJM-00049-00009980-00010097 You can add whatever you want. NOwsXaeQkJM-00050-00010097-00010216 There's really no recipe. NOwsXaeQkJM-00051-00010216-00010539 For your first step, you're going to need to take, NOwsXaeQkJM-00052-00010539-00010904 week old wine that you drank half the bottle of NOwsXaeQkJM-00053-00010904-00011130 while you were sitting in your guest room, NOwsXaeQkJM-00054-00011130-00011440 by yourself on FaceTime with your girlfriend. NOwsXaeQkJM-00055-00011440-00011531 Oh! Not girlfriend. NOwsXaeQkJM-00056-00011531-00011648 Yeah, I came out recently. NOwsXaeQkJM-00057-00011648-00011732 I don't have a girlfriend. NOwsXaeQkJM-00058-00011732-00011885 I just have a boyfriend, sorry. NOwsXaeQkJM-00059-00011885-00012062 With one of your best friends. NOwsXaeQkJM-00060-00012062-00012344 That was a week ago today. NOwsXaeQkJM-00061-00012344-00012441 But, I'm just gonna go for it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00062-00012441-00012569 You don't drink alcohol, NOwsXaeQkJM-00063-00012569-00012822 make yourself a nice little sparkling water, NOwsXaeQkJM-00064-00012822-00012999 some fruit, mint. NOwsXaeQkJM-00065-00012999-00013166 I'm having week old Sauvignon Blanc. NOwsXaeQkJM-00066-00013166-00013252 Cheers! NOwsXaeQkJM-00067-00013252-00013335 - Cheers! NOwsXaeQkJM-00068-00013635-00013888 - It's not, it's not bad to drink week old wine. NOwsXaeQkJM-00069-00013888-00013997 I mean, we used to like, NOwsXaeQkJM-00070-00013997-00014128 at the restaurant I used to work at, NOwsXaeQkJM-00071-00014128-00014321 after like three days we would throw it out. NOwsXaeQkJM-00072-00014321-00014619 But it's not like it'll get you sick. NOwsXaeQkJM-00073-00014619-00014794 It's just like, it loses its like... NOwsXaeQkJM-00074-00014794-00014994 - [Drew] Most likely turning to vinegar. NOwsXaeQkJM-00075-00014994-00015225 - It's not vinegary, it's just NOwsXaeQkJM-00076-00015225-00015481 (cork squeaking) NOwsXaeQkJM-00077-00015481-00015603 It just doesn't really taste like anything. NOwsXaeQkJM-00078-00015603-00015984 Then, the next step is you get like a little baking dish. NOwsXaeQkJM-00079-00015984-00016132 A lot of people have been using those kind NOwsXaeQkJM-00080-00016132-00016294 of like oval chafing dishes. NOwsXaeQkJM-00081-00016294-00016377 We don't have those. NOwsXaeQkJM-00082-00016377-00016570 So we're just gonna use like a normal baking dish. NOwsXaeQkJM-00083-00016570-00016797 Very important step, preheat the oven. NOwsXaeQkJM-00084-00016797-00016973 So, the first thing you do is, NOwsXaeQkJM-00085-00016973-00017181 you take your grape tomatoes. NOwsXaeQkJM-00086-00017181-00017328 Actually, I should probably rinse these. NOwsXaeQkJM-00087-00017328-00017452 I can't remember if we did or not. NOwsXaeQkJM-00088-00017452-00017642 Layla is eating her dinner in the background. NOwsXaeQkJM-00089-00017642-00017856 So if you can hear that, please forgive. NOwsXaeQkJM-00090-00017856-00018026 Okay, got our tomatoes. NOwsXaeQkJM-00091-00018026-00018260 Looking very cute in this little dish. NOwsXaeQkJM-00092-00018260-00018642 And then, you basically just drizzle some olive oil on top. NOwsXaeQkJM-00093-00018642-00018915 Don't wanna do too much because you don't want it to burn. NOwsXaeQkJM-00094-00018915-00019057 Gonna do a little bit of salt and pepper, NOwsXaeQkJM-00095-00019057-00019304 not a lot because Feta is really salty. NOwsXaeQkJM-00096-00019304-00019521 (Humming) NOwsXaeQkJM-00097-00019898-00020025 Opa! NOwsXaeQkJM-00098-00020025-00020270 And you just mix that all around. NOwsXaeQkJM-00099-00020270-00020504 Make sure it's like coated evenly. NOwsXaeQkJM-00100-00020504-00020745 This is a very big pan for this. NOwsXaeQkJM-00101-00020745-00021020 Hopefully, it won't mess anything up. NOwsXaeQkJM-00102-00021020-00021220 For the main event, you take your block of Feta, NOwsXaeQkJM-00103-00021220-00021506 which I'm pretty sure this is in like water or like a brine NOwsXaeQkJM-00104-00021506-00021640 and you just plop in the NOwsXaeQkJM-00105-00021764-00021866 (giggles) NOwsXaeQkJM-00106-00021866-00021991 - [Drew] Her water broke. NOwsXaeQkJM-00107-00022201-00022402 - Okay, just plop it in there. NOwsXaeQkJM-00108-00022402-00022527 We have our block of Feta. NOwsXaeQkJM-00109-00022527-00022734 Don't mind Layla drinking water, you know. NOwsXaeQkJM-00110-00022734-00022823 Girls gotta drink. NOwsXaeQkJM-00111-00022823-00023083 Just drizzle it with the same thing. NOwsXaeQkJM-00112-00023083-00023218 Olive oil, salt and pepper. NOwsXaeQkJM-00113-00023218-00023319 Not a lot of salt. NOwsXaeQkJM-00114-00023319-00023543 I'd rather add salt later. NOwsXaeQkJM-00115-00023543-00023661 I'm just gonna add some pepper, NOwsXaeQkJM-00116-00023661-00023842 taking just a little bit of oregano NOwsXaeQkJM-00117-00023842-00024063 and sprinkling it on top of everything. NOwsXaeQkJM-00118-00024063-00024297 If you have like Italian seasoning, that would be good. NOwsXaeQkJM-00119-00024297-00024460 Here is the before. NOwsXaeQkJM-00120-00024460-00024634 Obviously, ideally, you would like it NOwsXaeQkJM-00121-00024634-00024782 to be in a smaller dish. NOwsXaeQkJM-00122-00024782-00025123 I'm considering moving it into a pie dish, but we'll see. NOwsXaeQkJM-00123-00025123-00025298 All right, so here's what it's gonna look like. NOwsXaeQkJM-00124-00025298-00025503 We kind of just like crowded the tomatoes near it NOwsXaeQkJM-00125-00025503-00025748 and then you just put it in the oven for 30 minutes NOwsXaeQkJM-00126-00025748-00025911 at 400 degrees. NOwsXaeQkJM-00127-00025911-00026150 We've seen a lot of people do a lot of different things. NOwsXaeQkJM-00128-00026150-00026410 I am trying not to bring attention NOwsXaeQkJM-00129-00026410-00026680 to the fact that I don't look very good right now. NOwsXaeQkJM-00130-00026680-00026916 I've mentioned this for like probably a year or so NOwsXaeQkJM-00131-00026916-00027220 in vlogs that I'm trying not to like excuse the way I look. NOwsXaeQkJM-00132-00027220-00027356 So, anyways, I'm working through that NOwsXaeQkJM-00133-00027356-00027447 as I'm talking right now. NOwsXaeQkJM-00134-00027447-00027658 But anyways, we looked it up online NOwsXaeQkJM-00135-00027658-00028004 and we saw a few different things about roasting garlic, NOwsXaeQkJM-00136-00028004-00028161 like, for long periods of time. NOwsXaeQkJM-00137-00028161-00028406 Some say you can roast it, for like, up to 45 minutes. NOwsXaeQkJM-00138-00028406-00028581 And so, if this is only 30 minutes, NOwsXaeQkJM-00139-00028581-00028744 it's just such a high temperature, I don't know. NOwsXaeQkJM-00140-00028744-00028830 But we're gonna risk it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00141-00028830-00028944 We're gonna go for it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00142-00028944-00029219 Some people have been adding in their garlic the last, NOwsXaeQkJM-00143-00029219-00029480 like 10, 15 minutes, but we want the garlic flavor NOwsXaeQkJM-00144-00029480-00029563 to be in there. NOwsXaeQkJM-00145-00029563-00029744 So, we're gonna add these cloves of garlic, NOwsXaeQkJM-00146-00029744-00029827 they're kind of small. NOwsXaeQkJM-00147-00029827-00029911 So we're gonna add four. NOwsXaeQkJM-00148-00029911-00030083 He's getting the last one out. NOwsXaeQkJM-00149-00030083-00030301 And then it's time to go in the oven. NOwsXaeQkJM-00150-00030301-00030498 Night night garlics. NOwsXaeQkJM-00151-00030498-00030734 See you in 30 minutes, girlies. NOwsXaeQkJM-00152-00030734-00030837 (microwave beeping) NOwsXaeQkJM-00153-00030837-00031014 This would be an interesting debate to ask NOwsXaeQkJM-00154-00031014-00031097 because this is the thing NOwsXaeQkJM-00155-00031097-00031241 that Drew and I constantly talk about. NOwsXaeQkJM-00156-00031241-00031364 Do you, when you're cooking, NOwsXaeQkJM-00157-00031364-00031670 do you set the timer on the microwave or on the oven? NOwsXaeQkJM-00158-00031670-00031925 It obviously makes the most sense to set the timer NOwsXaeQkJM-00159-00031925-00032212 on the oven, but I feel like it just takes longer NOwsXaeQkJM-00160-00032212-00032408 and I'm so used to like setting the timer NOwsXaeQkJM-00161-00032408-00032566 on the microwave that I just set it NOwsXaeQkJM-00162-00032566-00032767 on the microwave and now I've gotten Drew doing it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00163-00032767-00032928 Because when we first started dating, NOwsXaeQkJM-00164-00032928-00033085 - [Drew] This one stopped working. NOwsXaeQkJM-00165-00033085-00033225 That's the reason I'm doing this. NOwsXaeQkJM-00166-00033225-00033444 - One, there's some electrical issues in this house NOwsXaeQkJM-00167-00033444-00033527 which we've mentioned. NOwsXaeQkJM-00168-00033527-00033835 - Also though, why setting it on the oven makes more sense, NOwsXaeQkJM-00169-00033835-00034011 is that if we have to microwave something, NOwsXaeQkJM-00170-00034011-00034162 it won't let you put in the time. NOwsXaeQkJM-00171-00034162-00034310 - Sometimes, like some microwaves do, NOwsXaeQkJM-00172-00034310-00034393 - This one doesn't though. NOwsXaeQkJM-00173-00034393-00034564 - I know but we don't have to microwave anything. NOwsXaeQkJM-00174-00034564-00034647 So we'll be fine. NOwsXaeQkJM-00175-00034647-00034765 - What if we had to? NOwsXaeQkJM-00176-00034765-00034960 - Then the world would burn down. NOwsXaeQkJM-00177-00034960-00035139 So anyway, I find that really interesting NOwsXaeQkJM-00178-00035139-00035285 because Drew and I always talk about that. NOwsXaeQkJM-00179-00035285-00035628 Like, some people are microwave timer people NOwsXaeQkJM-00180-00035628-00035824 and some people are oven timer people. NOwsXaeQkJM-00181-00035824-00035973 Anyways, I'm a microwave girl. NOwsXaeQkJM-00182-00035973-00036056 What can I say? NOwsXaeQkJM-00183-00036056-00036162 The last thing I forgot to mention is that NOwsXaeQkJM-00184-00036162-00036319 you're going to need pasta, obviously. NOwsXaeQkJM-00185-00036319-00036569 The pasta that I decided to get for this, NOwsXaeQkJM-00186-00036569-00036773 just that I ordered, like, for our grocery delivery NOwsXaeQkJM-00187-00036773-00036955 is Orecchiette, Orecchiette. NOwsXaeQkJM-00188-00037058-00037458 It's like a little shell pasta, it just looks really good. NOwsXaeQkJM-00189-00037458-00037609 So, we're gonna boil that up. NOwsXaeQkJM-00190-00037609-00037783 And then basically when it's done, NOwsXaeQkJM-00191-00037783-00038039 you mix it up and you put your pasta in it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00192-00038039-00038212 It seems pretty easy, but, NOwsXaeQkJM-00193-00038212-00038390 everyone's raving about it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00194-00038390-00038543 But then I've seen other people that are like NOwsXaeQkJM-00195-00038543-00038686 it's just, okay. NOwsXaeQkJM-00196-00038686-00038968 So, I don't know if it's over-hyped in my mind NOwsXaeQkJM-00197-00038968-00039153 but Drew will let you know NOwsXaeQkJM-00198-00039153-00039495 because he is so honest that sometimes it is painful. NOwsXaeQkJM-00199-00039582-00039752 - I am so nice. NOwsXaeQkJM-00200-00039752-00039977 - Very nice, but you're very honest. NOwsXaeQkJM-00201-00039977-00040312 If Drew is having an amazing meal, he will say, NOwsXaeQkJM-00202-00040312-00040395 I'll say, how is it? NOwsXaeQkJM-00203-00040395-00040530 He'll go, it's okay. NOwsXaeQkJM-00204-00040530-00040766 That means it's really good. NOwsXaeQkJM-00205-00040766-00040949 But if he's like, it's really good, NOwsXaeQkJM-00206-00040949-00041174 then you know it's like one of the best things he's ever had NOwsXaeQkJM-00207-00041174-00041260 in his life. NOwsXaeQkJM-00208-00041260-00041401 (water running) NOwsXaeQkJM-00209-00041401-00041536 (water boiling) NOwsXaeQkJM-00210-00041536-00041717 Time is now! NOwsXaeQkJM-00211-00041717-00041866 We have garlic bread in there too. NOwsXaeQkJM-00212-00041866-00041952 Still needs a little bit of time. NOwsXaeQkJM-00213-00041952-00042174 We kind of let it burn a little bit, but like, NOwsXaeQkJM-00214-00042174-00042322 I think it'll still be okay. NOwsXaeQkJM-00215-00042322-00042405 - Maybe we should like scoop it out. NOwsXaeQkJM-00216-00042405-00042524 - Scoop it out, yeah. NOwsXaeQkJM-00217-00042656-00042901 So we decided to take the good stuff out instead NOwsXaeQkJM-00218-00042901-00043196 of take the bad stuff out and bad news, NOwsXaeQkJM-00219-00043196-00043674 we don't get the satisfying, like, montage, but it's okay. NOwsXaeQkJM-00220-00043775-00044001 It's still kind of a block. NOwsXaeQkJM-00221-00044001-00044297 Okay, the time is now. NOwsXaeQkJM-00222-00044297-00044477 Here we go. NOwsXaeQkJM-00223-00044477-00044672 Oh my gosh! NOwsXaeQkJM-00224-00044672-00044783 - This is squishy. NOwsXaeQkJM-00225-00044783-00044944 - It is squishy. NOwsXaeQkJM-00226-00044944-00045185 It is exactly what it looks like, NOwsXaeQkJM-00227-00045295-00045440 on the internet. NOwsXaeQkJM-00228-00045440-00045566 Yeah, I got to be careful. NOwsXaeQkJM-00229-00045566-00045909 Wow! I'm in a trance. NOwsXaeQkJM-00230-00046121-00046288 Let's start with like that. NOwsXaeQkJM-00231-00046288-00046460 Whoa baby! NOwsXaeQkJM-00232-00046460-00046899 I've seen some people add like a splash of cream NOwsXaeQkJM-00233-00046899-00047266 or milk or half and half or whatever to this. NOwsXaeQkJM-00234-00047266-00047362 So we'll see. NOwsXaeQkJM-00235-00047362-00047608 But so far, it looks okay. NOwsXaeQkJM-00236-00047608-00047760 It looks pretty good to me. NOwsXaeQkJM-00237-00047760-00047938 Does it look good to you? NOwsXaeQkJM-00238-00047938-00048065 - Yeah, I think so. NOwsXaeQkJM-00239-00048065-00048198 Are we getting the basil? NOwsXaeQkJM-00240-00048198-00048282 - Oh yeah. NOwsXaeQkJM-00241-00048282-00048458 Chop up that basil. NOwsXaeQkJM-00242-00048458-00048624 Look at the chiffonade over here. NOwsXaeQkJM-00243-00048726-00049000 Love a man that knows what to do with a knife. NOwsXaeQkJM-00244-00049142-00049318 It's not the only thing you know, sorry. NOwsXaeQkJM-00245-00049318-00049564 Anyways, if this is, like, underwhelming, NOwsXaeQkJM-00246-00049564-00049737 I'm gonna be so sad. NOwsXaeQkJM-00247-00049737-00049985 Wow! So beautiful. Wow! NOwsXaeQkJM-00248-00049985-00050199 - If it's bad, I'm gonna be pissed. NOwsXaeQkJM-00249-00050199-00050315 - That's the other thing about Drew, NOwsXaeQkJM-00250-00050315-00050635 is if something is bad, he does not recover. NOwsXaeQkJM-00251-00050719-00050847 - It ruins my day. NOwsXaeQkJM-00252-00050847-00050958 - It truly does. NOwsXaeQkJM-00253-00050958-00051041 - Cheers. NOwsXaeQkJM-00254-00051738-00051821 - It's not bad. NOwsXaeQkJM-00255-00051821-00052045 - It's pretty good. NOwsXaeQkJM-00256-00052045-00052292 - Think it needs more salt, you know? NOwsXaeQkJM-00257-00052292-00052379 - Maybe a little. NOwsXaeQkJM-00258-00052505-00052667 Mmmmm! NOwsXaeQkJM-00259-00052667-00052763 - Pretty good to me too. NOwsXaeQkJM-00260-00052763-00052866 - There we have it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00261-00052866-00053002 So your night's not ruined? NOwsXaeQkJM-00262-00053002-00053162 - No. NOwsXaeQkJM-00263-00053162-00053245 - It's yum. NOwsXaeQkJM-00264-00053245-00053516 (bottle spraying) NOwsXaeQkJM-00265-00053516-00053679 - We just finished up dinner NOwsXaeQkJM-00266-00053679-00053880 and we actually ended up taking our dinner over NOwsXaeQkJM-00267-00053880-00054229 to the couch and watching 'Silicon Valley' NOwsXaeQkJM-00268-00054229-00054417 because we used to watch it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00269-00054417-00054685 If you've watched my videos back when I used to vlog NOwsXaeQkJM-00270-00054685-00055150 on my main channel, back in like 2016, 2017, NOwsXaeQkJM-00271-00055150-00055353 Drew and I used to watch 'Silicon Valley.' NOwsXaeQkJM-00272-00055353-00055499 we were obsessed with it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00273-00055499-00055626 We haven't watched, NOwsXaeQkJM-00274-00055626-00055940 I think the most recent, like the last season, NOwsXaeQkJM-00275-00055940-00056291 before the show ended, and so instead of, NOwsXaeQkJM-00276-00056291-00056466 like watching that season and being like, wait, NOwsXaeQkJM-00277-00056466-00056549 What happened? NOwsXaeQkJM-00278-00056549-00056725 We decided to start it over from the beginning NOwsXaeQkJM-00279-00056725-00056864 cause it's 30 minute episodes. NOwsXaeQkJM-00280-00056864-00057065 So, we were like, we'll just watch it when we like, NOwsXaeQkJM-00281-00057065-00057172 eat our dinner and stuff. NOwsXaeQkJM-00282-00057172-00057294 Sometimes, when we're eating dinner, NOwsXaeQkJM-00283-00057294-00057461 we like to have a show on. NOwsXaeQkJM-00284-00057461-00057563 So, it used to be like 'Friends' NOwsXaeQkJM-00285-00057563-00057910 and 'The Office' and things like that but since both NOwsXaeQkJM-00286-00057910-00058104 of those are off of Netflix now, NOwsXaeQkJM-00287-00058104-00058219 we have HBO Max. NOwsXaeQkJM-00288-00058219-00058526 So we thought we would check out 'Silicon Valley' again. NOwsXaeQkJM-00289-00058526-00058636 And it's super funny, NOwsXaeQkJM-00290-00058636-00058820 but now I think what we're gonna do is, NOwsXaeQkJM-00291-00058820-00059029 it's like almost seven o'clock. NOwsXaeQkJM-00292-00059029-00059315 So, I think we don't normally take Layla on walks NOwsXaeQkJM-00293-00059315-00059554 when it's dark, but there's like a little park NOwsXaeQkJM-00294-00059554-00059795 at the end of the street and I thought that we would, NOwsXaeQkJM-00295-00059795-00059982 like, take her down there because we didn't get NOwsXaeQkJM-00296-00059982-00060176 to walk her earlier today cause we were both so busy NOwsXaeQkJM-00297-00060176-00060259 with work. NOwsXaeQkJM-00298-00060259-00060503 She's gonna be very excited cause we usually do mornings W's NOwsXaeQkJM-00299-00060503-00060809 but, we're taking advantage because if you didn't know, NOwsXaeQkJM-00300-00060809-00061179 in the summertime, in Arizona, like, when we say it's hot, NOwsXaeQkJM-00301-00061179-00061479 like, I mean, you just you literally just can't imagine NOwsXaeQkJM-00302-00061479-00061575 unless you live here. NOwsXaeQkJM-00303-00061575-00061814 It's kind of like, maybe if you live in a cold climate NOwsXaeQkJM-00304-00061814-00062030 and people are, like, I love snow. NOwsXaeQkJM-00305-00062030-00062122 I love the cold. NOwsXaeQkJM-00306-00062122-00062205 I wanna live there NOwsXaeQkJM-00307-00062205-00062396 and you're like no, no, you don't get it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00308-00062396-00062649 It's like that opposite extreme. NOwsXaeQkJM-00309-00062649-00062959 So, coming up pretty soon here by, like, NOwsXaeQkJM-00310-00062959-00063111 I would say June-ish, NOwsXaeQkJM-00311-00063111-00063342 it's gonna be like a hundred degrees, NOwsXaeQkJM-00312-00063342-00063473 even when the sun goes down NOwsXaeQkJM-00313-00063473-00063712 and you won't get a moment where it's like, NOwsXaeQkJM-00314-00063712-00064200 under 90 degrees until probably like October, November. NOwsXaeQkJM-00315-00064200-00064370 So, we're really trying to take advantage NOwsXaeQkJM-00316-00064370-00064480 of that while we can. NOwsXaeQkJM-00317-00064480-00064833 So, I think that's gonna be what we do tonight. NOwsXaeQkJM-00318-00064833-00065088 Cause we try to walk Layla every single day. NOwsXaeQkJM-00319-00065088-00065305 She can't walk far, obviously, because you know, NOwsXaeQkJM-00320-00065305-00065561 she tore her ACL and her meniscus back in April, NOwsXaeQkJM-00321-00065561-00065664 but she still can. NOwsXaeQkJM-00322-00065664-00065897 She has a little bit of energy left in her. NOwsXaeQkJM-00323-00065897-00066086 So, I think that's what we're gonna do. NOwsXaeQkJM-00324-00066086-00066294 Were at your favorite place? NOwsXaeQkJM-00325-00066294-00066387 Oh, big truck! NOwsXaeQkJM-00326-00066387-00066519 (truck engine revs) NOwsXaeQkJM-00327-00066519-00066664 What is it with the big trucks? NOwsXaeQkJM-00328-00066664-00066842 It's like, I go vroom, vroom. NOwsXaeQkJM-00329-00066842-00067002 (truck engine accelerates) NOwsXaeQkJM-00330-00067002-00067213 I have big loud truck. NOwsXaeQkJM-00331-00067213-00067348 I don't get it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00332-00067348-00067432 Someone explain. NOwsXaeQkJM-00333-00067432-00067732 (slow guitar music) NOwsXaeQkJM-00334-00069433-00069570 (package opening) NOwsXaeQkJM-00335-00069570-00069837 (music playing) NOwsXaeQkJM-00336-00070170-00070436 (spoon tapping) NOwsXaeQkJM-00337-00070724-00070901 (blender grinding) NOwsXaeQkJM-00338-00070901-00071168 (guitar music) NOwsXaeQkJM-00339-00072528-00072874 This thing definitely got a little bit dirty NOwsXaeQkJM-00340-00072874-00073113 because you know, we definitely left it outside NOwsXaeQkJM-00341-00073113-00073244 in the rain a couple of times NOwsXaeQkJM-00342-00073244-00073501 but it's all dried out now and it's fine. NOwsXaeQkJM-00343-00073501-00073776 And I am so relaxed. NOwsXaeQkJM-00344-00073776-00073950 Man, I just drink that protein smoothie NOwsXaeQkJM-00345-00073950-00074212 and now I'm laying down but other than that, NOwsXaeQkJM-00346-00074212-00074295 I feel good. NOwsXaeQkJM-00347-00074295-00074483 So before I close out this vlog, I just wanted NOwsXaeQkJM-00348-00074483-00074762 to quickly say a huge thank you NOwsXaeQkJM-00349-00074762-00075063 to everyone who has been just so sweet NOwsXaeQkJM-00350-00075063-00075500 and supportive via my coming out video, if you missed that. NOwsXaeQkJM-00351-00075500-00075820 That's on my main channel but I really appreciate you NOwsXaeQkJM-00352-00075820-00075958 and just thank you. NOwsXaeQkJM-00353-00075958-00076085 I mean, to me it's something NOwsXaeQkJM-00354-00076085-00076261 that I've always known about myself, NOwsXaeQkJM-00355-00076261-00076507 but it feels really good for other people to know it NOwsXaeQkJM-00356-00076507-00076633 and to feel validated. NOwsXaeQkJM-00357-00076633-00076953 And just if you left a really kind supportive comment, NOwsXaeQkJM-00358-00076953-00077210 just please know that, it means the world to me. NOwsXaeQkJM-00359-00077210-00077512 It was such a joyful day, like, I was literally NOwsXaeQkJM-00360-00077512-00077723 just reading the comments with the biggest smile NOwsXaeQkJM-00361-00077723-00077873 on my face that whole day NOwsXaeQkJM-00362-00077873-00078063 And I just really appreciate and love you. NOwsXaeQkJM-00363-00078063-00078178 It just means a lot. NOwsXaeQkJM-00364-00078178-00078643 So, anyways, I clearly need to do something with my hair, NOwsXaeQkJM-00365-00078643-00078843 I have a branded thing for Instagram NOwsXaeQkJM-00366-00078843-00079032 to film today or to shoot today NOwsXaeQkJM-00367-00079032-00079181 and I'm really excited about it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00368-00079181-00079353 It's a brand that I really love NOwsXaeQkJM-00369-00079353-00079494 that I've talked about before, NOwsXaeQkJM-00370-00079494-00079577 sneak peak. NOwsXaeQkJM-00371-00079577-00079891 Also, yes, it is okay to have rolls and to let them hang out NOwsXaeQkJM-00372-00079891-00080055 and to not worry about it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00373-00080055-00080266 It's a very normal thing. NOwsXaeQkJM-00374-00080266-00080411 A lot of people have them. NOwsXaeQkJM-00375-00080411-00080535 I used to try and sort of like, NOwsXaeQkJM-00376-00080535-00080924 find the most flattering angles, because believe it or not, NOwsXaeQkJM-00377-00080924-00081177 sometimes people, so I've learned, NOwsXaeQkJM-00378-00081177-00081440 go through my videos, other creator's videos NOwsXaeQkJM-00379-00081440-00081619 and find the most unflattering angles NOwsXaeQkJM-00380-00081619-00081817 and then post it on like gossip forums NOwsXaeQkJM-00381-00081817-00081905 And everyone talks about it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00382-00081905-00081999 It's kind of weird. NOwsXaeQkJM-00383-00081999-00082102 No, no offense. NOwsXaeQkJM-00384-00082102-00082225 So, for like a hot second there, NOwsXaeQkJM-00385-00082225-00082470 I used to try to like avoid awkward angles NOwsXaeQkJM-00386-00082470-00082691 and just try to make sure, like, no, NOwsXaeQkJM-00387-00082691-00082876 here you go, screenshot that. NOwsXaeQkJM-00388-00082876-00083015 Don't forget my double chin as well. NOwsXaeQkJM-00389-00083015-00083185 Anyways, I love you all very much. NOwsXaeQkJM-00390-00083185-00083369 Thank you so much for the love. NOwsXaeQkJM-00391-00083369-00083562 Just know that I'm sending it right back to you NOwsXaeQkJM-00392-00083562-00083650 and that I very much feel it. NOwsXaeQkJM-00393-00083650-00083902 I'll see you very soon for the next vlog. NOwsXaeQkJM-00394-00083902-00083992 Goodbye. NOwsXaeQkJM-00395-00083992-00084251 (upbeat music) NZ6hXPg9e7U-00000-00000024-00000288 參與我們的環評的訴訟 然後現在呢 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00001-00000368-00000818 也到也參與我們的都市計畫訴訟 然後 這個都市計畫已經 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00002-00000844-00000896 歷經 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00003-00000903-00001042 12次開庭了 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00004-00001074-00001433 >終於要判決了 那我們請詹律師 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00005-00001433-00001536 發表一些意見 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00006-00001843-00001920 各位 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00007-00001996-00002150 我們台南自救會 以及各地 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00008-00002176-00002382 就是一天到晚被政府迫遷的 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00009-00002432-00002568 鄉親們 大家辛苦了 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00010-00002586-00002714 各位媒體朋友 大家好 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00011-00002841-00002917 最近 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00012-00003071-00003148 人道 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00013-00003174-00003251 這兩個字 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00014-00003315-00003917 一直會被拿出來使用 但是大部分的人 用錯場合 都被嗤之以鼻 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00015-00003942-00004531 但是 這兩個字 我們用到現在 來看南鐵東移 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00016-00004679-00004941 強拆的這個案子 其實是 最 適合不過 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00017-00004991-00005043 為什麼 ? NZ6hXPg9e7U-00018-00005120-00005171 在 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00019-00005250-00005655 我們台灣人農曆過完年的第一天 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00020-00005657-00005862 我們這些自救會收到的 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00021-00005887-00006092 政府的新春賀禮是什麼? NZ6hXPg9e7U-00022-00006144-00006476 >就是一份 要強拆的通知 !! NZ6hXPg9e7U-00023-00006648-00007117 本來預定要2月 通知完 就是現在要一個月內搬遷 之後就是 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00024-00007142-00007218 要準備要 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00025-00007295-00007552 就是準備要2月15號之前 強拆 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00026-00007555-00007654 那後來 可能因為 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00027-00007756-00008218 猶豫社會觀感不好 所以延延延 延到現在 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00028-00008243-00008371 又重新接到了 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00029-00008421-00008575 3月9號要 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00030-00008619-00008857 斷水斷電 3月10號開始要執行拆除 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00031-00008933-00009164 但是大家都知道說 現在 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00032-00009317-00009522 全台灣大家忙著要防疫 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00033-00009550-00009728 陳時中 指揮官也一直的 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00034-00009780-00009882 規勸大家 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00035-00009964-00010316 沒有必要不要隨便的做移動 尤其盡量避免少 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00036-00010368-00010572 不要到人口 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00037-00010598-00010752 人群比較密集的地方 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00038-00010824-00010879 但是 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00039-00010958-00011059 這個同時 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00040-00011059-00011212 我們的政府部門 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00041-00011264-00011443 可能是不是 一個人格分裂 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00042-00011468-00011750 反而在這個時候呢 要強拆當地的居民 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00043-00011776-00011878 把他們迫遷 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00044-00011935-00012083 不知道要讓他 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00045-00012185-00012467 會因為房子被強拆之後了要 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00046-00012544-00012722 移動到哪些地方去 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00047-00012799-00012902 這樣子的做法 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00048-00012952-00013261 到底會不會是另外一個 防疫上面的破口 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00049-00013286-00013593 以及在這個時候呢 逼得他們去流動 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00050-00013695-00013927 即便要找到另外一個地方去住 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00051-00013977-00014234 其他週邊的地方 這樣子 就是說 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00052-00014259-00014642 人家會不會引起 更多不必要的擔心 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00053-00014694-00014796 我就這一部分呢 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00054-00014873-00014924 政府 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00055-00014949-00015016 只是 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00056-00015078-00015333 希望趕快 去兌現 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00057-00015360-00015412 他的 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00058-00015437-00015769 政見 他們的那個政策 而且這個政策 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00059-00015795-00016127 其實從頭到尾 也未必是一個 交通部的政策 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00060-00016179-00016664 在過去幾年 我們的訴訟中 不斷不斷地拿到了很多的訴訟資料 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00061-00016716-00017050 其實這個案子最大的一個轉折 當然就是在 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00062-00017152-00017228 民國 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00063-00017253-00017637 96年民進黨即將要卸任執政的 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00064-00017689-00017971 那個還不到半年的時候 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00065-00017996-00018226 一般經建會的公文說 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00066-00018332-00018382 要 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00067-00018611-00018688 台南市政府 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00068-00018713-00019354 以及 當時的那個鐵工局 要去檢討 用 土地開發 來 挹注這個 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00069-00019443-00019493 財務 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00070-00019532-00019993 然後從此就變更了 現在所謂的這個永久軌 的這個強遷案 迫遷案 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00071-00020070-00020453 那接下來 我們都知道說 現在已經 貴為未來副總統的 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00072-00020480-00020889 賴清德在當台南市長的時候 就這樣 一意孤行 快馬加鞭 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00073-00020940-00021094 甚至到現在 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00074-00021196-00021549 我個人 高度的疑惑 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00075-00021581-00022118 在這個節骨眼 4月8號 這個案子 歷經兩年的審理 就即將要宣判的當下 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00076-00022168-00022425 為什麼 急著 要在宣判之前 拆 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00077-00022642-00022886 這個急著這麼拆 唯一 我們看到目的就是 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00078-00022937-00023168 造成一個無法挽回的事實 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00079-00023219-00023757 那這個無法挽回的事實 所有的目的 也就是要維護一個人的顏面 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00080-00023757-00023910 而不在乎 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00081-00023910-00024012 人民的生死 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00082-00024089-00024422 我覺得這是一個 讓我最看不下去的地方 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00083-00024447-00024551 我當然不敢像 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00084-00024576-00024729 自救會會長 陳致曉 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00085-00024781-00024883 這麼樂觀說 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00086-00024981-00025523 4月8號的判決 我們勝訴率很高 但是至少從這兩年多的那個 法院的調查來看 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00087-00025548-00025727 我們可以相對的樂觀的期待 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00088-00025984-00026266 已經不到一個月 法院就要宣判 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00089-00026342-00026956 為什麼鐵工局 非得要在3月9號 開始 斷水斷電 3月10號開始 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00090-00026981-00027058 強拆不可 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00091-00027162-00027263 他擔心的是什麼 !? NZ6hXPg9e7U-00092-00027288-00027469 還是他受到了什麼樣的壓力 !? NZ6hXPg9e7U-00093-00027545-00027951 我相信如果有壓力 這個壓力也不會來自於 林佳龍部長 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00094-00028062-00028334 一定是另有其人 讓他們無法拒絕 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00095-00028416-00028696 對這樣的做法 我非常非常的不恥 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00096-00028748-00028877 所以在這個地方 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00097-00028920-00028978 我還是要 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00098-00029030-00029491 作為曾經是一個 內閣的一個成員 但這個名詞 其實我在今天 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00099-00029516-00029951 我已經很不喜歡 再用那樣的官銜 我現在只是 就純粹是一個律師 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00100-00029978-00030156 我還是要誠懇的呼籲 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00101-00030438-00030488 曾經 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00102-00030515-00030565 承載 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00103-00030617-00030693 這麼多 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00104-00030770-00031154 台灣人民期待 維護台灣主權 的這樣子的一個 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00105-00031181-00031257 政黨 一個 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00106-00031282-00031359 政府呢 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00107-00031411-00031846 好好的善待支持你的人民 而不是把它當作寇讎 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00108-00031871-00032537 非得趁著大家 防疫的這個當下 趁隙偷拆 這樣子的作法 我們要問 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00109-00032562-00032690 跟當時 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00110-00032715-00033431 劉政鴻 趁著大埔自救會居民 北上抗議的時候的偷拆 到底有什麼不同 有沒有什麼不同 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00111-00033458-00033740 我們希望政府 出來說清楚 講明白 謝謝 NZ6hXPg9e7U-00112-00033868-00033997 感謝詹律師 NbEiyko08_I-00000-00000130-00000330 DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS FOR THE CHIEF OF NAVAL NbEiyko08_I-00001-00000330-00000443 PERSONNEL? NbEiyko08_I-00002-00000443-00000650 VICE ADMIRAL BILL MORAN IS SCHEDULED TO HOLD A LIVE NbEiyko08_I-00003-00000650-00000980 ALL HANDS CALL OCTOBER 6TH TO TALK WITH SAILORS FLEET NbEiyko08_I-00004-00000980-00001254 WIDE AND ADDRESS ANY CONCERNS OR QUESTIONS YOU NbEiyko08_I-00005-00001254-00001451 MAY HAVE ABOUT PERSONNEL MATTERS. NbEiyko08_I-00006-00001451-00001651 SEND IN YOUR QUESTIONS TO #ASKCNP. NbEiyko08_I-00007-00001651-00001955 ON HIS SECOND DAY AS CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS, NbEiyko08_I-00008-00001955-00002342 ADMIRAL JOHN RICHARDSON HELD HIS FIRST ALL HANDS NbEiyko08_I-00009-00002342-00002739 CALL AT NAVAL STATION NORFOLK ON SEPTEMBER 22ND. NbEiyko08_I-00010-00002739-00002976 THE NAVY HAS AWARDED A CONTRACT TO PROVIDE SOLAR NbEiyko08_I-00011-00002976-00003189 ENERGY TO NAVAL STATION NORFOLK. NbEiyko08_I-00012-00003189-00003436 THE CONTRACT WILL PROVIDE 6 PERCENT OF NAVAL STATION NbEiyko08_I-00013-00003436-00003643 NORFOLK'S POWER REQUIREMENTS BEGINING NbEiyko08_I-00014-00003643-00003817 APRIL 2016. NbEiyko08_I-00015-00003817-00004147 FINALLY, ICONIC NEW YORK YANKEES CATCHER AND NAVY NbEiyko08_I-00016-00004147-00004424 VET LAWRENCE PETER "YOGI" BERRA PASSED AWAY AT THE NbEiyko08_I-00017-00004424-00004521 AGE OF 90. NbEiyko08_I-00018-00004521-00004651 AS BERRA ONCE SAID NbEiyko08_I-00019-00004651-00004901 "WHEN YOU COME TO A FORK IN THE ROAD, TAKE IT" NbEiyko08_I-00020-00004901-00005078 FOR A LOOK AT BERRA'S LIFE AND SERVICE, NbEiyko08_I-00021-00005078-00005301 VISIT AH.MIL. Nd2cyF2rVGI-00000-00000000-00000056 DJ VEGAS RJ NdNHVl4Vhbk-00000-00002263-00002839 The Tormak Church is an Armenian church from the 5th and 6th centuries. NdNHVl4Vhbk-00001-00002839-00003425 It is located about two kilometers south of Gyulagarak in the ruins of Tormakadur. NdNHVl4Vhbk-00002-00003425-00003915 A single-nave church with an outer hall in early medieval Armenia. NdNHVl4Vhbk-00003-00003915-00004482 It is listed as an immovable historical and cultural monument in Gyulagarak. NdNHVl4Vhbk-00004-00004482-00004987 Even today, the church is regarded as one of the most unique and outstanding examples NdNHVl4Vhbk-00005-00004987-00005247 of Armenian architecture. NdNHVl4Vhbk-00006-00005247-00005703 The church is a three-sided room surrounded by another hall. NdNHVl4Vhbk-00007-00005703-00006188 From the south, it adjoins a square plan with vaulted arches that end in a semicircular NdNHVl4Vhbk-00008-00006188-00006542 altar from the east, from the stage. NdNHVl4Vhbk-00009-00006542-00006909 The prayer hall (12,9x5, 6 meters) and the outer hall are synchronous structures based NdNHVl4Vhbk-00010-00006909-00007287 on the construction equipment and materials used. NdNHVl4Vhbk-00011-00007287-00007892 Only traces of the hall's entrance with a large arched opening on the west side remain. NdNHVl4Vhbk-00012-00007892-00008352 The church was surrounded by a wall, the remains of which can be seen from the western and NdNHVl4Vhbk-00013-00008352-00008561 northern sides. NdNHVl4Vhbk-00014-00008561-00009182 Despite the devastating circumstances, the church is leaving a favorable impression. NdNHVl4Vhbk-00015-00009182-00009577 It is one of Gyulagarak's historical and cultural landmarks. NdNHVl4Vhbk-00016-00009577-00010181 Tormakavank Monastery has one of the first and best examples of a monumental hall in NdNHVl4Vhbk-00017-00010181-00010327 Armenian architecture. NhQiaHccMCk-00000-00000138-00000405 Hey, how's it going team Brad Smith here with AutomationLinks.com. NhQiaHccMCk-00001-00000429-00000822 Just got done with an awesome coaching session with our coaching clients going NhQiaHccMCk-00002-00000822-00001125 over relationships, relationship first. Uh, NhQiaHccMCk-00003-00001125-00001512 some of the things we went over was how to build relationships online, NhQiaHccMCk-00004-00001527-00001920 why you should use Google for people searching and buying things and social NhQiaHccMCk-00005-00001920-00002234 media for building your brand. And followup, NhQiaHccMCk-00006-00002235-00002454 followup by creating and helping them, NhQiaHccMCk-00007-00002472-00002928 answering their questions through email messenger and even just through your NhQiaHccMCk-00008-00002928-00003114 post and videos on social media. NhQiaHccMCk-00009-00003132-00003438 Some things I want you guys to really remember is you need to have videos NhQiaHccMCk-00010-00003444-00003810 welcoming them coming into your funnel. You need to follow up with them, NhQiaHccMCk-00011-00003819-00004116 through emails, Facebook messenger, NhQiaHccMCk-00012-00004116-00004551 and also just being consistent on social media. And then last but not least, NhQiaHccMCk-00013-00004560-00004830 is just continue helping instead of selling. NhQiaHccMCk-00014-00004848-00005348 So one thing that we talked about this last weekend with one of our clients is, NhQiaHccMCk-00015-00005370-00005391 you know, NhQiaHccMCk-00016-00005391-00005802 people go to Google to go by and find something there on Facebook just for NhQiaHccMCk-00017-00005802-00005940 social and networking. NhQiaHccMCk-00018-00005958-00006345 So that's why you need to think of your social media account as a relationship NhQiaHccMCk-00019-00006345-00006473 builder and your brand. NhQiaHccMCk-00020-00006495-00006848 So you're now you're thinking about social media as building your brand as a NhQiaHccMCk-00021-00006849-00007031 helpful business out there, NhQiaHccMCk-00022-00007032-00007416 helping people as much as you can and that's going to, continue relationships. NhQiaHccMCk-00023-00007434-00007611 Another thing we touched on was, NhQiaHccMCk-00024-00007630-00008052 I have over 4,000 people in my Facebook group in person, NhQiaHccMCk-00025-00008055-00008523 let's say I have five really close local friends and then let's say 20 NhQiaHccMCk-00026-00008523-00008733 networking friends in my local area. NhQiaHccMCk-00027-00008760-00009108 Now we all know how important it is to build relationships with people locally, NhQiaHccMCk-00028-00009123-00009540 meet them face to face, but you can double, triple, quadruple. NhQiaHccMCk-00029-00009543-00009945 There's really no limit when you start creating relationships with people online. NhQiaHccMCk-00030-00009969-00010413 So you're making relationships face to face and then you're doing it online. NhQiaHccMCk-00031-00010416-00010746 Also, you could have up to 4,000, 10,000, NhQiaHccMCk-00032-00010746-00011246 100,000 relationships and friends that follow you and still support you without NhQiaHccMCk-00033-00011286-00011640 ever having to meet them. And obviously if you ever get a chance to meet them, NhQiaHccMCk-00034-00011643-00011895 try to meet with them. If you're in their area, NhQiaHccMCk-00035-00011895-00012276 they're in your area and meet up with them, continue building that relationship. NhQiaHccMCk-00036-00012297-00012372 So that's a whole thing. NhQiaHccMCk-00037-00012372-00012621 I tried to teach and I tried to coach in my coaching program. NhQiaHccMCk-00038-00012645-00012783 If you haven't heard anything about it, NhQiaHccMCk-00039-00012783-00013166 just comment coach in the comments and I'll send you some information about it. NhQiaHccMCk-00040-00013182-00013452 But that's what it is. How can I get through the camera, NhQiaHccMCk-00041-00013469-00013938 shake somebody's hand like I would face to face online and that's how you can NhQiaHccMCk-00042-00013938-00014144 scale and really grow your business. NhQiaHccMCk-00043-00014166-00014637 Now a lot of times I know our mentality is a word of mouth referrals, NhQiaHccMCk-00044-00014643-00014883 face to face, business connections. NhQiaHccMCk-00045-00014901-00015276 That's where we're always going to get the best business, right, NhQiaHccMCk-00046-00015282-00015711 right from the face to face interactions. But if you can get your mindset right, NhQiaHccMCk-00047-00015722-00016088 change your thinking about the Internet and building real relationships with NhQiaHccMCk-00048-00016089-00016482 people online, that's when your business is going to truly scale. NhQiaHccMCk-00049-00016494-00016824 Because what you're doing right now is you're doing those relationships face to NhQiaHccMCk-00050-00016824-00017154 face, great. You're probably a pro and expert attic. NhQiaHccMCk-00051-00017160-00017292 That's where you get all your clients, NhQiaHccMCk-00052-00017310-00017661 but what you're missing out on is when you go to your social media, NhQiaHccMCk-00053-00017667-00018010 your emails and your website, all you're trying to do is sell. NhQiaHccMCk-00054-00018016-00018454 Those are all your sales channels or you're looking at Facebook ads and all NhQiaHccMCk-00055-00018454-00018757 these ads that you can do to sell. Really, NhQiaHccMCk-00056-00018757-00019135 you should do less selling online because you haven't met that person face to NhQiaHccMCk-00057-00019135-00019525 face. When you meet someone face to face, you can sell all day long to them. NhQiaHccMCk-00058-00019546-00019861 You can send them the sales page to get them signed up right then and there. NhQiaHccMCk-00059-00019882-00020107 But on the Internet you've never met that person. NhQiaHccMCk-00060-00020122-00020353 So why would they just go buy from you right away? NhQiaHccMCk-00061-00020371-00020803 So I want to encourage you guys to build those real relationships online before NhQiaHccMCk-00062-00020803-00021130 you start selling them because they might not be ready yet. NhQiaHccMCk-00063-00021136-00021544 They might have just found your posts and see that you're helping them instead NhQiaHccMCk-00064-00021544-00021838 of selling them. That's when you're going to get them into your funnel. NhQiaHccMCk-00065-00021862-00022306 Email them, message them, help them with consistent social media branding. NhQiaHccMCk-00066-00022327-00022636 And that's when, when they're ready, when they can afford you, NhQiaHccMCk-00067-00022651-00022837 when they actually need your services, NhQiaHccMCk-00068-00022852-00023116 who are they going to reach out to and who are they going to hire? NhQiaHccMCk-00069-00023137-00023425 So thanks guys for watching. I appreciate it. Obviously, NhQiaHccMCk-00070-00023425-00023635 if you need any help or any questions, NhQiaHccMCk-00071-00023641-00024016 make sure you let me know and I'll be more than happy to talk to you soon. NhQiaHccMCk-00072-00024031-00024127 Hope you have a great day. NiyhrtObpc8-00000-00000064-00000328 i didn't see very much benefit from him. NiyhrtObpc8-00001-00000384-00000976 it was just a normal video, except that the video got over a million views in under an hour, NiyhrtObpc8-00002-00000976-00001576 and it was a promoting video. there was one comment on that video where i got no likes at NiyhrtObpc8-00003-00001576-00002104 all, and despite being one original with sixteen thousand likes, it made it a hundred thousand NiyhrtObpc8-00004-00002160-00002672 but i wouldn't see any likes on my reply at all. i just get clicks and that's it. NkbgDXAPoyy-00000-00001636-00002322 Muan, Jeollabuk-do, I went to a restaurant that serves Korean traditional side dishes and rice. NkbgDXAPoyy-00001-00002408-00002756 This restaurant has no menu. NkbgDXAPoyy-00002-00002756-00003184 Even if there is no casting, as many people as you can get food. NkbgDXAPoyy-00003-00003906-00004414 I have so much food (side dishes) that I don't know what to start with. NkbgDXAPoyy-00004-00004492-00005106 Each side dish is a favorite style of Koreans. It feels like eating at a table in a truly Korean-style home. NkbgDXAPoyy-00005-00005158-00005650 These days, these places have become difficult to find in Korea. NkbgDXAPoyy-00006-00005710-00006114 The soup with two fish is also delicious. NkbgDXAPoyy-00007-00006164-00006609 This is a type of clam, cooked using a Korean recipe. NkbgDXAPoyy-00008-00006664-00006962 This is my first time eating Korean food. NkbgDXAPoyy-00009-00007084-00007748 This dish is made by adding soy sauce to live shellfish and then aging for 2-3 days. NkbgDXAPoyy-00010-00007858-00008278 It is clear that most Koreans are difficult to eat. NkbgDXAPoyy-00011-00009000-00009602 It was a good feeling to eat too many dishes along with the main Korean food'Bob'. NkbgDXAPoyy-00012-00009702-00010384 The soup made with fish called'early' was a bit spicy but the best fish soup. NkbgDXAPoyy-00013-00010492-00010972 This dish alone tasted better than other specialty fish restaurants. NkbgDXAPoyy-00014-00011178-00011686 The taste of other foods called'namul' in Korean was also excellent. NkbgDXAPoyy-00015-00012252-00012794 It is a dish called "seasoned crab sauce" seasoned without cooking raw crabs. NkbgDXAPoyy-00016-00013468-00014062 It's not the flavor of seasoned crab that can be eaten at ordinary restaurants. NkbgDXAPoyy-00017-00015772-00016294 Geumbangdam tastes like Korean kimchi. (It is not mature.) NkbgDXAPoyy-00018-00016578-00017034 This is a stewed dish of mackerel and radish. NkbgDXAPoyy-00019-00017236-00017566 The seasoning is very good. NkbgDXAPoyy-00020-00017634-00018046 These are foods that eat too much'rice'. NkbgDXAPoyy-00021-00018406-00018938 The Jeolla-do table, which Koreans know, is the best meal. NkbgDXAPoyy-00022-00019056-00019804 It looks spicy, but only slightly spicy (this is a Korean standard only). NkbgDXAPoyy-00023-00020040-00020514 Koreans scream and frown when they eat delicious food. NkbgDXAPoyy-00024-00020594-00020896 I don't know why. NkbgDXAPoyy-00025-00021054-00021306 I'm doing that too. NkbgDXAPoyy-00026-00021532-00022176 This is a very famous home for those who live around it, but it's still hard to find on YouTube. NkbgDXAPoyy-00027-00022800-00023422 This is not a house, but a restaurant that has remodeled a Korean house. NkbgDXAPoyy-00028-00023550-00024232 Most Koreans were able to have this meal when they went to play with their grandmother when they were young. NkbgDXAPoyy-00029-00024522-00025012 These foods are a delicious taste. NkbgDXAPoyy-00030-00028950-00029539 Since there are too many side dishes, I have no choice but to eat a lot. NkbgDXAPoyy-00031-00030927-00031495 I will definitely stop by and eat at this restaurant in the future. NkbgDXAPoyy-00032-00032552-00033302 The Jeollado area is famous for making kimchi delicious, It is said that this place is made without using kimchi made by factories. NkbgDXAPoyy-00033-00034302-00035034 What's more surprising is that'Bob' and all other food can be eaten without paying an unlimited amount of money. NkbgDXAPoyy-00034-00035314-00036036 The owner of the restaurant can provide anytime for free if you request additional food. NkbgDXAPoyy-00035-00036814-00037404 I still have too many side dishes, so I bring more rice. NkbgDXAPoyy-00036-00037894-00038340 Although it came out a lot, it tasted good enough to leave no food. NkbgDXAPoyy-00037-00038488-00039176 My photographer, who saw me eating 3 bowls of rice for the first time, asks with surprise. 'You ate three bowls of rice?' NkbgDXAPoyy-00038-00039504-00040022 This place must be paid by card. That is the courtesy of eating cheap food. NkbgDXAPoyy-00039-00040106-00040664 It is free to eat more side dishes at most Korean restaurants, but it costs about 0.8$ to eat more. NkbgDXAPoyy-00040-00040754-00041214 We didn't have a menu, so we didn't know the price. NkbgDXAPoyy-00041-00041244-00041700 7,000 won per person, and eating more rice was free. NkbgDXAPoyy-00042-00041820-00042362 I was so surprised that I asked the owner for money, but was rejected. NkbgDXAPoyy-00043-00042698-00043136 This place is free of any extra food. NkbgDXAPoyy-00044-00043222-00043716 Had a delicious meal happily. NkbgDXAPoyy-00045-00043854-00044356 And it was a really cheap place. NlXmSocGpmu-00000-00000137-00000444 Pie charts are also a common choice for data visualization. NlXmSocGpmu-00001-00000444-00000951 They are especially good if you want to emphasize the proportions of people in each category. NlXmSocGpmu-00002-00000951-00001384 There are, however, two important qualifications for using pie charts. NlXmSocGpmu-00003-00001384-00001941 First, they work best if you only have a few categories or, at least, a few large ones, NlXmSocGpmu-00004-00001941-00002399 as a pie chart that looks like chromatic spokes on a wheel is not helpful. NlXmSocGpmu-00005-00002399-00002959 Second, the categories have to be mutually exclusive; that is, people need to be in only NlXmSocGpmu-00006-00002959-00003283 one category so the pie segments add up to 100%. NlXmSocGpmu-00007-00003283-00003757 This is not necessary with bar charts: each of the bars could have, for example, 99% of NlXmSocGpmu-00008-00003757-00004060 the cases if people fall into more than one category. NlXmSocGpmu-00009-00004060-00004446 With those qualifications in mind, pie charts are generally easy to make. NlXmSocGpmu-00010-00004446-00004923 For example, here is a pie chart based on the education data from the bar chart I made NlXmSocGpmu-00011-00004923-00005023 earlier. NlXmSocGpmu-00012-00005023-00005410 I made this pie chart with Excel and just used the defaults, which is why one of the NlXmSocGpmu-00013-00005410-00005614 labels is in an odd place. NlXmSocGpmu-00014-00005614-00005900 It works but it’s not fabulous. NlXmSocGpmu-00015-00005900-00006217 And while pie charts are common, they have some problems. NlXmSocGpmu-00016-00006217-00006690 The first is that they indicate values through angles and areas of circles, both of which NlXmSocGpmu-00017-00006690-00006934 can be very hard to read. NlXmSocGpmu-00018-00006934-00007261 These two sets of charts demonstrate the problem. NlXmSocGpmu-00019-00007261-00007553 The first set of charts consists of three pie charts. NlXmSocGpmu-00020-00007553-00007925 Each chart shows the percentage of respondents in each of six categories. NlXmSocGpmu-00021-00007925-00008269 Your job is to look at the pie charts and determine whether there are more people in NlXmSocGpmu-00022-00008269-00008636 slice C or slice D of each pie chart. NlXmSocGpmu-00023-00008636-00008751 Here they are. NlXmSocGpmu-00024-00008751-00009153 Again, your job is to look at the pie charts and determine whether there are more people NlXmSocGpmu-00025-00009153-00009764 in slice C –which is green – or slice D – which is purple – in each pie chart. NlXmSocGpmu-00026-00009764-00010191 It turns out that it’s hard to do. NlXmSocGpmu-00027-00010191-00010524 On the other hand, if we put the same data into bar charts –and I’ll even use the NlXmSocGpmu-00028-00010524-00010975 same colors – then the job is much easier. NlXmSocGpmu-00029-00010975-00011281 Here your job is to look at the charts and determine whether there are more people in NlXmSocGpmu-00030-00011281-00011793 bar C –which is green – or bar D – which is purple – in each chart. NlXmSocGpmu-00031-00011793-00012193 In this case, it’s so easy as to be trivial. NlXmSocGpmu-00032-00012193-00012566 D is longer on the left chart, as well as in the middle chart, but C is longer on the NlXmSocGpmu-00033-00012566-00012706 chart on the right. NlXmSocGpmu-00034-00012706-00013209 The reason this is easy now is because, whereas pie charts require judgments of angles and NlXmSocGpmu-00035-00013209-00013731 the areas of circle segments –operations from geometry, trigonometry, and calculus NlXmSocGpmu-00036-00013731-00014216 – bar charts only require comparison on a single, linear dimension, and that’s an NlXmSocGpmu-00037-00014216-00014427 operation from arithmetic. NlXmSocGpmu-00038-00014427-00014876 Less energy is spent interpreting the chart, so more energy can be spent interpreting the NlXmSocGpmu-00039-00014876-00014981 actual data. NlXmSocGpmu-00040-00014981-00015187 That’s as it should be. NlXmSocGpmu-00041-00015187-00015693 But just in case it isn’t yet clear that pie charts can have problems, here’s a sanitized NlXmSocGpmu-00042-00015693-00016293 version of a pie chart that appeared on national news during the 2012 US presidential primary NlXmSocGpmu-00043-00016293-00016492 elections. NlXmSocGpmu-00044-00016492-00016679 Several things are wrong here. NlXmSocGpmu-00045-00016679-00017218 First, the percentages add up to 193%, which should not happen. NlXmSocGpmu-00046-00017218-00017565 That’s because the categories here are not mutually exclusive. NlXmSocGpmu-00047-00017565-00017982 In this chart, the results are from a primary election and so the candidates are all from NlXmSocGpmu-00048-00017982-00018443 the same party; it’s not too surprising that a voter might like more than one. NlXmSocGpmu-00049-00018443-00018838 (This is less likely to happen in a general election when the candidates are all from NlXmSocGpmu-00050-00018838-00018977 different parties.) NlXmSocGpmu-00051-00018977-00019496 What the news agency should have reported was which candidates people back the most. NlXmSocGpmu-00052-00019496-00020023 I’d also like to point out that the above pie chart leans way back and has a false third NlXmSocGpmu-00053-00020023-00020251 dimension to give it thickness. NlXmSocGpmu-00054-00020251-00020482 Both of these contribute to misreading. NlXmSocGpmu-00055-00020482-00020920 For example, Candidate B’s slice is at the bottom of the chart and the thickness of the NlXmSocGpmu-00056-00020920-00021409 pie contributes to the perception that their slice is larger than Candidate A’s (even NlXmSocGpmu-00057-00021409-00021654 though 63% is less than 70%). NlXmSocGpmu-00058-00021654-00022107 Also, it looks much larger than Candidate C’s, even though it’s only a little bit NlXmSocGpmu-00059-00022107-00022207 bigger. NlXmSocGpmu-00060-00022207-00022498 Both of these practices should be avoided. NlXmSocGpmu-00061-00022498-00022870 Given the problems with pie charts, it’s usually best to just ignore them completely. NnfBmN7AtzM-00000-00000221-00000687 Air pollution is a major global concern arising mostly from human activities NnfBmN7AtzM-00001-00000730-00001272 Air pollutants can be emitted by a variety of sources or form directly in the atmosphere NnfBmN7AtzM-00002-00001391-00001812 Because they alter the air we breathe they have possible damaging effects on our health NnfBmN7AtzM-00003-00001936-00002619 But they also affect the Earth's climate the environment and have tremendous impact, although sometimes forgotten, on our economy. NnfBmN7AtzM-00004-00002734-00003111 This three week course will teach you the basics of air pollution and its effects NnfBmN7AtzM-00005-00003176-00003868 During the first week, you will discover the major types involved in outdoor and indoor air pollution as well as their main sources NnfBmN7AtzM-00006-00003918-00004532 The next two weeks cover the environmental, economic, and health impacts of these compounds NnfBmN7AtzM-00007-00004532-00004852 which are present in both indoor and outdoor air. NnfBmN7AtzM-00008-00004860-00005060 If you have an undergraduate degree in science NnfBmN7AtzM-00009-00005060-00005396 Enroll now and join us to improve your understanding NnfBmN7AtzM-00010-00005396-00005682 of the current and future challenges concerning air pollution NnfBmN7AtzM-00011-00006609-00006809 You NnjHB_6YZpu-00000-00000080-00000664 hello vikings and welcome back to another Assassin's Creed valhalla video so we are having NnjHB_6YZpu-00001-00000664-00001488 a new pack new weapons broken blade weapon pack in the game right now in helix store and actually NnjHB_6YZpu-00002-00001488-00002360 from the get-go i am totally in the opinion if you want to buy that that will be a very good choice i NnjHB_6YZpu-00003-00002360-00003240 was in darks strider livestream he did bought this one and yeah they are looking cool the effects NnjHB_6YZpu-00004-00003240-00004160 they are pretty pretty awesome 1 400 helix credits so either use the 10 euro 10 buck pack and the 5 NnjHB_6YZpu-00005-00004160-00005024 on top of that or the full 20 bucks if you want but yeah 1400 helix credits for these weapons NnjHB_6YZpu-00006-00005080-00005704 i will say it is a good deal broken blade the mythical short sword so one handed sword NnjHB_6YZpu-00007-00005768-00006544 do not mind the name the weapon is still quite deadly in the correct hands let's it might course NnjHB_6YZpu-00008-00006544-00007344 through you in battle and the perk for this one fragments explode outward from the player dealing NnjHB_6YZpu-00009-00007344-00008136 area damage when parrying and that was actually pretty cool one and the next item Shattered NnjHB_6YZpu-00010-00008136-00008864 destroyer so mythical dane axe 2handed axe the perk for this one weapon launches fragments on NnjHB_6YZpu-00011-00008864-00009600 special attack hits dealing a real damage saw and that was cool as well and of course using NnjHB_6YZpu-00012-00009600-00010344 the special attack with the dane axes that is just amazing so yeah i'm really hyped about this one NnjHB_6YZpu-00013-00010344-00011032 and i cannot wait until reda has every single one of these pieces if you have liked this video so NnjHB_6YZpu-00014-00011032-00011752 far please consider hitting that like button down below moving on to our next item on the list it's NnjHB_6YZpu-00015-00011752-00012504 gonna be the mythical great sword sundered slayer the perk for this weapon fragments erupt from the NnjHB_6YZpu-00016-00012504-00013272 ground dealing area damage on the light finishers unfortunately i had to stop watching the stream NnjHB_6YZpu-00017-00013272-00013936 on that one but if it's anything like the previous ones i did see yeah that is just NnjHB_6YZpu-00018-00013936-00014696 cool and the weapon is looking incredibly amazing don't you think that as well if you do let me know NnjHB_6YZpu-00019-00014696-00015472 in the comments down below alright moving on to the last item last weapon on the list splintered NnjHB_6YZpu-00020-00015472-00016296 shooter the mythical hunter bow and yeah i love the hunter bows and for this the perk that is NnjHB_6YZpu-00021-00016368-00017064 before i say anything else it is really awesome let's just say that is mind-blowing NnjHB_6YZpu-00022-00017136-00017816 but yeah the perk arrow shadows on impact dealing area damage around the target on a headshot NnjHB_6YZpu-00023-00017888-00018648 so that was everything for today and yeah if you did enjoy remember to hit the like hit the sub NnjHB_6YZpu-00024-00018648-00019152 turn on the notifications so you won't miss anything that i upload or when i go live NnjHB_6YZpu-00025-00019208-00020136 also vikings have fun stay safe be strong Skatha over and out and bye bye Oo5huDIpT78-00000-00000246-00001379 Matheus Aaron: Okay, hi everyone from Rob, what can you explain what you guys do with the task one on deposit. We have Andy, we need Nicholas and see a young and room one Oo5huDIpT78-00001-00002142-00003606 Ooi Xie Yiang: We just do we just the fire met the inside the bank account and then yeah so south by South de Bellas last week, but my identity tomorrow you'll get the most out of the box one Oo5huDIpT78-00002-00003759-00004959 Matheus Aaron: All right. Alright, thanks, a young. It's very simple, very straightforward just define a method and additional method actually changed the value that you could see in the bank account. Alright, thanks am Oo5huDIpT78-00003-00005331-00005496 Matheus Aaron: Ii Ii Ii come back. Oo5huDIpT78-00004-00005613-00006087 Matheus Aaron: Alright, so let's try. Let's try to actually deposit some money. Oo5huDIpT78-00005-00006372-00006825 Matheus Aaron: Okay, uh, we actually have changed this with interest. So I'm just going to modify by a bit Oo5huDIpT78-00006-00007398-00007479 Matheus Aaron: Let's try Oo5huDIpT78-00007-00008226-00008310 Matheus Aaron: To deposit Oo5huDIpT78-00008-00008412-00009552 Matheus Aaron: The new money to buy my new Tesla, in case you don't know, like they change the price to like 69 for 20 see if there's any changes. Oo5huDIpT78-00009-00009969-00010242 Weiqiao Cheng A0216380L: I'm sorry everyone. Why are we supposed to see right now. Oo5huDIpT78-00010-00010326-00010620 Matheus Aaron: Oh wait I okay sorry I'm Oo5huDIpT78-00011-00010749-00012198 Matheus Aaron: Sorry, technically, you guys can see the bank account. One, you guys can actually follow bank on one file. But yeah, my apologies. I was not aware of not sharing my screen. Yes. Okay. So, Oo5huDIpT78-00012-00012330-00012594 Matheus Aaron: I made this edit. So I made that here. Oo5huDIpT78-00013-00013688-00013869 Matheus Aaron: So let's try to run this. Oo5huDIpT78-00014-00015555-00015780 Matheus Aaron: I think it's bit slow, but it's okay. Oo5huDIpT78-00015-00015915-00016083 Matheus Aaron: To be patient about it. Oo5huDIpT78-00016-00016533-00016677 Matheus Aaron: Alright, I forgot the important Oo5huDIpT78-00017-00017007-00017223 Matheus Aaron: Oh invalid syntax transfer Oo5huDIpT78-00018-00017799-00018048 Matheus Aaron: Okay, we can try to run Oo5huDIpT78-00019-00018999-00019104 Matheus Aaron: Guys. Oo5huDIpT78-00020-00019758-00020502 Matheus Aaron: Guys, you guys feel good. I love your comments. I guess for Gotta love your columns to missing Collins already Oo5huDIpT78-00021-00021204-00021252 Okay. Oo5huDIpT78-00022-00022080-00023151 Matheus Aaron: Spit slow, but okay. I mean, like the code should work law like will see the co op codes output here once it's done here anyways. When job. Oo5huDIpT78-00023-00023301-00023637 Matheus Aaron: Next up we have room to expand the past or Oo5huDIpT78-00024-00023793-00023835 [PC] Ong Chor Yew: In Oo5huDIpT78-00025-00023919-00024027 [PC] Ong Chor Yew: An industrial Oo5huDIpT78-00026-00024096-00025245 [PC] Ong Chor Yew: Change and I am, do we just competitor name whether competitive em Casa whether easy because the person or is the one we thought Oo5huDIpT78-00027-00025350-00025770 [PC] Ong Chor Yew: This week we just sing some songs. Check your thinking about bus. Oo5huDIpT78-00028-00025974-00026175 Matheus Aaron: All right, good job. Oo5huDIpT78-00029-00026199-00026552 [PC] Ong Chor Yew: And my role. I think the goal is rope. Oo5huDIpT78-00030-00026664-00027330 Matheus Aaron: Yes, it is actually wrong. And there's any. Can anyone like propose a potential change. Oo5huDIpT78-00031-00027594-00027831 [PC] Ong Chor Yew: That nothing not equal to need Oo5huDIpT78-00032-00027939-00027993 Matheus Aaron: Area. Oo5huDIpT78-00033-00027995-00028119 Matheus Aaron: I think this problem here. Oo5huDIpT78-00034-00028245-00028422 Matheus Aaron: This one also missing adult as well. Oo5huDIpT78-00035-00028508-00028626 Matheus Aaron: It was it Oo5huDIpT78-00036-00029247-00029382 Matheus Aaron: Kind of they Oo5huDIpT78-00037-00029556-00029724 Matheus Aaron: See this anyone a second Oo5huDIpT78-00038-00030308-00030714 Matheus Aaron: Guys guys know I forgot how to do it. Okay, I think, is supposed to be the screen. Oo5huDIpT78-00039-00031283-00031857 Matheus Aaron: Yes. Okay. So, okay, okay. So I'm looking for the one in room one as your code is okay. Oo5huDIpT78-00040-00032022-00032082 Matheus Aaron: It's working. Oo5huDIpT78-00041-00032187-00032214 Matheus Aaron: Yeah. Oo5huDIpT78-00042-00032483-00033627 Matheus Aaron: You guys also forgot a dot earlier here so it doesn't run here for us to correct so like it should not be something name equals name, you should be just like South don't name. It goes to name. Oo5huDIpT78-00043-00033783-00034677 Matheus Aaron: And what you kind of want to do is also add the name as the required right so the requirements are there, his name and then the function value. Oo5huDIpT78-00044-00034866-00034929 Weiqiao Cheng A0216380L: Oh, Oo5huDIpT78-00045-00034968-00035517 Matheus Aaron: Yes, correct. So read the question. So I'm gonna copy this over. Oo5huDIpT78-00046-00035994-00036060 Matheus Aaron: Good to me in Oo5huDIpT78-00047-00036324-00036402 Matheus Aaron: Court now. Oo5huDIpT78-00048-00037998-00038202 Matheus Aaron: It's running. But yeah, it's been long Oo5huDIpT78-00049-00038439-00038697 Matheus Aaron: But it should be okay. Basically, so Oo5huDIpT78-00050-00038910-00039123 Matheus Aaron: Yeah, basically, it needs to check that. Oo5huDIpT78-00051-00039324-00039519 Matheus Aaron: Is it, you are not okay. Oo5huDIpT78-00052-00039933-00040131 Matheus Aaron: One. Okay, it's a bit slower. Oo5huDIpT78-00053-00040602-00040680 Matheus Aaron: Anyways, Oo5huDIpT78-00054-00040917-00041268 Matheus Aaron: Just move on. Thanks. Thanks a lot, room door. Oo5huDIpT78-00055-00041385-00041508 Matheus Aaron: Okay, anyone in Rotary Oo5huDIpT78-00056-00041838-00042126 Matheus Aaron: On explain for us. Okay, it's working it Oo5huDIpT78-00057-00042330-00042927 Matheus Aaron: Started working so in yeah it's but I guess it's very small. But yeah, I guess. Oo5huDIpT78-00058-00042972-00043065 Matheus Aaron: This works you Oo5huDIpT78-00059-00043068-00044562 Matheus Aaron: Just do a check make sure that the name is correct, whether it's an the your own attribute, which is indicated by self dot name or it's the parameter function parameters which is just like without the stuff Oo5huDIpT78-00060-00044745-00045147 Matheus Aaron: Yeah, thanks room to room. She. Anyone want to explain for Oo5huDIpT78-00061-00045687-00045792 Matheus Aaron: One year has passed. Oo5huDIpT78-00062-00045963-00046236 Matheus Aaron: Ivan Jacob leisure and Eugene Oo5huDIpT78-00063-00049098-00049257 Matheus Aaron: Hey guys, anyone Oo5huDIpT78-00064-00050829-00051036 Matheus Aaron: Anyone in room. She please Oo5huDIpT78-00065-00051222-00051692 Matheus Aaron: Eugene, would you like to explain. Can you help me in explaining your court. Oo5huDIpT78-00066-00051975-00052269 Matheus Aaron: Street. Yes. On one year has passed. Oo5huDIpT78-00067-00053547-00053586 Matheus Aaron: Okay. Oo5huDIpT78-00068-00053697-00053934 Matheus Aaron: Okay, maybe anyone would like to tell me like Oo5huDIpT78-00069-00054087-00054786 Matheus Aaron: What I'd be doing a minute has passed and read it's correct or not, maybe for the rest can just type it into zoom chat. Oo5huDIpT78-00070-00056337-00056529 Matheus Aaron: Shooting into interest. Oo5huDIpT78-00071-00056682-00056772 Matheus Aaron: Yeah, so Oo5huDIpT78-00072-00056997-00057402 Matheus Aaron: If we actually tried to see the method here, right. Oo5huDIpT78-00073-00057507-00058217 Matheus Aaron: One year has been actually just not taking any parameters. So we should not have include any parameters here. Oo5huDIpT78-00074-00058347-00058413 Matheus Aaron: Actually Oo5huDIpT78-00075-00058995-00060102 Matheus Aaron: So we don't include the parameters and also like there's something that we need to change is that at an attribute for interest rate and initialize it at the question. So we kind of need to include it early on. Oo5huDIpT78-00076-00060600-00060933 Matheus Aaron: And we want to store the interest rate somewhere. Oo5huDIpT78-00077-00061464-00061623 Matheus Aaron: Hey, nice. Oo5huDIpT78-00078-00061752-00062966 Matheus Aaron: So then after that. So basically, since the stuff in the interest is already initiative early on we want to do is actually get that interest rate for himself. So we add self. Oo5huDIpT78-00079-00063804-00063999 Matheus Aaron: That I see whether it works or not. Oo5huDIpT78-00080-00066084-00066138 Matheus Aaron: Slow Oo5huDIpT78-00081-00067338-00067983 Matheus Aaron: Okay, anyways. But yeah, most likely, it's that law. So just trying to make sure that you read the assignment, the question well Oo5huDIpT78-00082-00068034-00069261 Matheus Aaron: That. Okay, this one does not taking any parameters. So it should not taking any parameters and we should intellect initialized interest rate in a constructor. So just make sure you include it in the beginning. Oo5huDIpT78-00083-00069429-00069822 Matheus Aaron: Oh withdrawal problem. Okay, is the ultimate. Sure, yeah. Oo5huDIpT78-00084-00069927-00070098 Matheus Aaron: So let's just copied. Oo5huDIpT78-00085-00071934-00072006 Matheus Aaron: You guys got Oo5huDIpT78-00086-00072216-00072246 Matheus Aaron: Okay. Oo5huDIpT78-00087-00072429-00072453 Yeah. Oo5huDIpT78-00088-00072609-00072813 Matheus Aaron: We can do is I can try. Oo5huDIpT78-00089-00073173-00073344 Matheus Aaron: My ECC Oo5huDIpT78-00090-00073560-00073773 Matheus Aaron: One year Oo5huDIpT78-00091-00073953-00074004 Matheus Aaron: Past pass Oo5huDIpT78-00092-00074250-00074694 Matheus Aaron: And check my ACC show balance. Oo5huDIpT78-00093-00074874-00075171 Matheus Aaron: Yes yes accrue interest rate. Oo5huDIpT78-00094-00075291-00075438 Matheus Aaron: If you repeat the process. Oo5huDIpT78-00095-00075708-00075768 Okay. Oo5huDIpT78-00096-00077073-00077871 Matheus Aaron: Add more interest, basically. Okay. But yeah, sometimes there's a flotation point era, but you should not be worried about it. Oo5huDIpT78-00097-00077988-00078234 Matheus Aaron: All right. Lastly, it's actually a quite a big chunk. Oo5huDIpT78-00098-00078642-00079158 Matheus Aaron: Oh ok and room floor. You guys are not done yet. Is it Oo5huDIpT78-00099-00080094-00080139 Matheus Aaron: Okay. Oo5huDIpT78-00100-00080319-00080598 Matheus Aaron: Let's see if anyone has done a task for Oo5huDIpT78-00101-00080919-00081357 Matheus Aaron: Ruben. Would you like to explain so sorry you guys did a lot, actually. Oo5huDIpT78-00102-00081582-00081822 Matheus Aaron: You know, only you guys actually did. Oo5huDIpT78-00103-00081951-00082899 Matheus Aaron: Room minimum balance. And actually, the further challenges. So, room one, would you like to explain, maybe someone else aside farms. Oo5huDIpT78-00104-00082902-00083451 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: Yo, okay. But you, Tom. Your lot extra patients so Oo5huDIpT78-00105-00083502-00083787 Matheus Aaron: Second just started with the meeny, miny, moe balance verse Oo5huDIpT78-00106-00083835-00084030 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: But you guys did minimum balance. Oo5huDIpT78-00107-00084093-00084819 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: It was to call your class who we did that. And then we just go through some stuff from the bank account. Oo5huDIpT78-00108-00084981-00086676 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: And then, however, the one year has passed on more do a function of attributes the iron know basically the one has taught you, you're going to use it is different from the bank account. So we redefine it and then Oo5huDIpT78-00109-00086850-00086934 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: And then that's a lot. Oo5huDIpT78-00110-00087195-00087258 Matheus Aaron: Okay. Oo5huDIpT78-00111-00087450-00087579 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: It really late to Oo5huDIpT78-00112-00087600-00087873 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: fit the criteria that the stuff was Oo5huDIpT78-00113-00087996-00088056 Matheus Aaron: All right. Oo5huDIpT78-00114-00088161-00088386 Matheus Aaron: Good job. Basically, what we want to do is Oo5huDIpT78-00115-00088494-00088575 Matheus Aaron: We want to Oo5huDIpT78-00116-00088737-00089295 Matheus Aaron: Deduct the balance but when if it's under 1000 with the docket because like you're too poor Oo5huDIpT78-00117-00089403-00091191 Matheus Aaron: We kind of need more money from you know for for rich, rich and then like you multiply, then you multiply by self interest rate. And if it's zero and zero. Okay, just make sure that the ordering is not mixed up because there's an actual specific ordering here. Oo5huDIpT78-00118-00091302-00091593 Matheus Aaron: The fee will be deducted before the calculation of interest. Oo5huDIpT78-00119-00091713-00091749 Matheus Aaron: Alright. Oo5huDIpT78-00120-00091857-00093375 Matheus Aaron: Thanks a lot. And he came up the rest. Maybe you guys want to explain a bit about your, your attempts in further challenge. It's okay if it doesn't work, just try to explain, perhaps a different challenge here like you guys actually did. Oo5huDIpT78-00121-00093630-00093960 Matheus Aaron: Transfer to set up gyro and a new joint account. Oo5huDIpT78-00122-00094770-00094917 Matheus Aaron: Just gonna collapse this Oo5huDIpT78-00123-00095235-00096201 Matheus Aaron: Ok we have set up general transferred to China. Come, Babs anyone we need a Nicholas, would you like to explain Oo5huDIpT78-00124-00098109-00098757 Matheus Aaron: Okay, and you are from rumor, would you like to explain like let's start with the easy one for. Let's start with Oo5huDIpT78-00125-00098892-00099219 Matheus Aaron: Transfer to let's just start with this one first anyone Oo5huDIpT78-00126-00099678-00100122 Ooi Xie Yiang: Experienced include a self a call. Oo5huDIpT78-00127-00100230-00101682 Ooi Xie Yiang: And that about he sees the coda. We were entered transfers do it and we just one sec deposit. Mr. Basically, we just sent them each day we increase the deposit value Aki, yeah, good idea. Oo5huDIpT78-00128-00101787-00101823 Matheus Aaron: Okay. Oo5huDIpT78-00129-00102039-00102081 Matheus Aaron: All right. Oo5huDIpT78-00130-00102213-00102345 Matheus Aaron: Okay, thanks. Yeah. Oo5huDIpT78-00131-00102354-00102533 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: Actually, I think we forgot to Oo5huDIpT78-00132-00102648-00103068 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: Keep the money of the a copy of the console. Oo5huDIpT78-00133-00103182-00103305 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: Should we did something. Sure. Oo5huDIpT78-00134-00103385-00103878 Matheus Aaron: Well, if you transfer man if you pay money to your friend and the install keep the money. Oo5huDIpT78-00135-00103905-00103974 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: No, so you Oo5huDIpT78-00136-00104210-00104289 Matheus Aaron: can type it out. Oo5huDIpT78-00137-00104336-00104451 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: You guys have access. Right. Oo5huDIpT78-00138-00104478-00104550 Matheus Aaron: Good type it up. Oo5huDIpT78-00139-00107091-00107735 Matheus Aaron: Alright, while you guys fix transferred to maybe someone to someone can explain setup gyro. Oo5huDIpT78-00140-00108363-00108492 Matheus Aaron: Okay, good, good. Oo5huDIpT78-00141-00108597-00108624 Matheus Aaron: Okay. Oo5huDIpT78-00142-00108732-00108864 Matheus Aaron: Explain set up gyro. Oo5huDIpT78-00143-00110244-00110820 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: Former heroin, we create a new attribute to stole a value. Oo5huDIpT78-00144-00110933-00111006 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: So, Oo5huDIpT78-00145-00111129-00111405 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: We store the amount of money that's required to Oo5huDIpT78-00146-00111663-00111930 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: to deduct from the trial usually Oo5huDIpT78-00147-00112200-00112758 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: In the one day has pass or do you have the function, why has passed me Oo5huDIpT78-00148-00112896-00113133 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: We, how could Oo5huDIpT78-00149-00113309-00114011 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: We check how much money into the interview if there is a mountain winery didn't to be Dr. David Oo5huDIpT78-00150-00114123-00114225 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: And then we Oo5huDIpT78-00151-00114333-00114495 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: At the interest in after that. Oo5huDIpT78-00152-00114846-00115008 Matheus Aaron: All right. Okay. Oo5huDIpT78-00153-00115233-00115286 Matheus Aaron: Yeah. Oo5huDIpT78-00154-00115389-00115500 Matheus Aaron: The question is pretty Oo5huDIpT78-00155-00115872-00116973 Matheus Aaron: Implicit like you know just create a setup gyro in class bank account. But then there are several implicit requirements here like you kind of need to have your new Oo5huDIpT78-00156-00117165-00118296 Matheus Aaron: Actually attribute set South general that the equator zero. You can need to modify your what your has passed. So these are the kinds of questions that might appear during practical swear Oo5huDIpT78-00157-00118401-00119190 Matheus Aaron: The question itself is pretty straightforward, but the implicit things that you need to do in other functions as well. All right. Lastly, maybe your joint account. Oo5huDIpT78-00158-00119439-00119517 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: I think it's wrong. Oo5huDIpT78-00159-00119619-00119670 Matheus Aaron: Yeah. Oo5huDIpT78-00160-00119711-00119759 But Oo5huDIpT78-00161-00119909-00120474 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: The idea is to equate name one and name to Oo5huDIpT78-00162-00121074-00122367 Matheus Aaron: The main ideas here. I mean this, the line. This line is already correct like when you do inheritance. You want us to keep the value, but then you want to add more values, right. So perhaps self Name one. So the name to Oo5huDIpT78-00163-00122490-00122984 Matheus Aaron: It goes to a new one and name too and I absolutely want to modify. Now as you wanna Oo5huDIpT78-00164-00123090-00123383 Matheus Aaron: Modify with Joe. So I'm just going to copy this. Oo5huDIpT78-00165-00123933-00124458 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: Sorry, I cannot store. It's a taco and then get rid. This is the new incentive Oo5huDIpT78-00166-00124629-00125210 Matheus Aaron: As possible, it is actually possible. But if you want to start as a Popper, then Oo5huDIpT78-00167-00125565-00127041 Matheus Aaron: Like you can need to write it this way. Right. I'm not mistaken. Okay, but okay why okay here's why I say you should not start as a couple. Because when you try to end it in bank account right and said, The only need a function Oo5huDIpT78-00168-00127167-00128304 Matheus Aaron: That needs the attributes of name and Excel doc name as a string, instead of topper then you can get into trouble. So generally, when we have different an attribute. We want to keep the Oo5huDIpT78-00169-00128391-00129423 Matheus Aaron: The variable by the same. I know you. I know in Python is quite flexible. It's not like C or Java in Canada need to define the type of variable. Oo5huDIpT78-00170-00129489-00130149 Matheus Aaron: The type, type of data type for each variable. But then ideally you want to keep the data for the variable is the seminar so Oo5huDIpT78-00171-00130182-00131742 Matheus Aaron: After name ideally what you want is to keep it a string. So instead, to start these two names, you want to start in a different, you know, you just create a new variable where it starts to topple or pass just create new variables to start to names instead Oo5huDIpT78-00172-00132051-00132159 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: Okay, thanks. Oo5huDIpT78-00173-00132282-00132951 Matheus Aaron: Okay, here. So that's all about the challenge. Okay, so that's the end of part one. Oo5huDIpT78-00174-00133017-00134331 Matheus Aaron: Again, this is a piece about programming style. There's not much to teach. It's just like you guys need to learn how to actually write in op through this exercise. That's why I just break you guys into breakout rooms and I don't do much explaining Oo5huDIpT78-00175-00134388-00134478 Matheus Aaron: So I need Oo5huDIpT78-00176-00134565-00134595 To Oo5huDIpT78-00177-00134736-00134802 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: Go through the Oo5huDIpT78-00178-00134904-00134964 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: Change. Oo5huDIpT78-00179-00135198-00135528 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: Joy, a cow to learn each individual variable and then Oo5huDIpT78-00180-00135708-00137106 Matheus Aaron: Know you can. Okay, so, but I would do is actually just create a new to you, you can. This is the first method law. You can also do top us, but this is what I would do, I would define two new variables. Oo5huDIpT78-00181-00137184-00137910 Matheus Aaron: And then I would override the withdraw function from that is from bank account. I will override that. Oo5huDIpT78-00182-00138090-00138156 Matheus Aaron: If my own Oo5huDIpT78-00183-00138270-00138363 Matheus Aaron: If name. Oo5huDIpT78-00184-00138504-00138903 Matheus Aaron: Equals to South dot name one for Oo5huDIpT78-00185-00139074-00139656 Matheus Aaron: Our name equals so self dot name. This is what I would do. Oo5huDIpT78-00186-00139941-00140007 [M] Kok Meng Fong, Andy: Oh, OK. Oo5huDIpT78-00187-00140076-00141627 Matheus Aaron: Ok your implementation is, OK, I see your implementation, that's perfectly fine. It's just that it's a bit risky if we actually deal with if one one variable can actually have to the two possible data types. It's a bit risky. Oo5huDIpT78-00188-00141807-00142149 Matheus Aaron: So generally what we want to do is just try to keep it. Oo5huDIpT78-00189-00142296-00142368 Matheus Aaron: One data. Oo5huDIpT78-00190-00143391-00143844 Matheus Aaron: Are there any questions before we move on to the next part on part two. Oo5huDIpT78-00191-00145764-00146031 Matheus Aaron: Get in. If there's no problem, then just Oo5huDIpT78-00192-00146424-00146745 Matheus Aaron: Move on to the next person. I see Crusher. Oo5huDIpT78-00193-00146877-00147039 Matheus Aaron: Well, I've got red curly lines. Oo5huDIpT78-00194-00147543-00147903 Matheus Aaron: Oh yeah, this is undefined. So maybe this Oo5huDIpT78-00195-00148077-00149190 Matheus Aaron: You know, in this case, right, if I like john account right you just know that South name is a self taught name is just going to be a fair but that we don't really use any more internal code. Oo5huDIpT78-00196-00149616-00150135 Matheus Aaron: Thanks for pointing it out to us. Okay. If there are no more questions, we'll move on to part two. Okay. Oo5huDIpT78-00197-00150492-00151056 Matheus Aaron: All right, I see all the thumbs up. Okay. If everyone's okay with moving to part two. I'll just move on. Oo5huDIpT78-00198-00153198-00154866 Matheus Aaron: Part two, we will be talking about fi course. There are two questions and two questions is regarding the design principle of how we actually organize our vehicle so it's less under code, but more on the design principles. So we came from lecture that Oo5huDIpT78-00199-00155097-00155487 Matheus Aaron: We recap from lectures that these are the way this is the way we design our Oo5huDIpT78-00200-00155673-00156150 Matheus Aaron: Family chief of. He also we have parent class vehicle and canon. Oo5huDIpT78-00201-00156258-00157458 Matheus Aaron: Sports Car Lori and thanks are both like they inherit from FICO thank also inherit in the same time with Cameron and the bizarre inherits from Lori, which Oo5huDIpT78-00202-00157668-00158010 Matheus Aaron: Indirectly inherits from FICO as well. Now, Oo5huDIpT78-00203-00158136-00158658 Matheus Aaron: We want to make it more realistic where he could actually needs petrol right Oo5huDIpT78-00204-00158832-00158883 Matheus Aaron: It does. Oo5huDIpT78-00205-00159051-00159519 Matheus Aaron: We still don't have a Tesla yet. It doesn't run on electricity. Oo5huDIpT78-00206-00159711-00161775 Matheus Aaron: It has not magically fly or run it certainly it's a few so we can meet a new method at Metro and which will add an litres of petrol into the Fico and for every move the vehicle will use one liter of the Metro. So the question is how we should we modify our Oo5huDIpT78-00207-00161904-00162984 Matheus Aaron: Or be structure. What attributes. Do I need to add and where should I add it. What methods. Should I add and measured I added. Okay, so this is our structure earlier maybe Oo5huDIpT78-00208-00163101-00164004 Matheus Aaron: typewriters chat. Like, what are the changes that I need to do to actually implement at the petrol feature enough eco Oo5huDIpT78-00209-00164124-00164175 Matheus Aaron: Zoom chat. Oo5huDIpT78-00210-00169599-00169668 Matheus Aaron: So, Oo5huDIpT78-00211-00169809-00170790 Matheus Aaron: Yeah, we can change the methods of eco. But what should we. Okay, so we're gonna add that methods of fee in vehicle so Oo5huDIpT78-00212-00170973-00171063 Matheus Aaron: Anything else Oo5huDIpT78-00213-00171513-00171660 Matheus Aaron: Anything else that I need to do. Oo5huDIpT78-00214-00173535-00174702 Matheus Aaron: Hello pico de de facto when moving. Okay, so how do we how do we actually say that, oh, we wanted to talk. What are the changes that we need to make Oo5huDIpT78-00215-00174927-00175188 Matheus Aaron: It can I need to modify move right Oo5huDIpT78-00216-00175320-00175473 Matheus Aaron: Very good know modify move Oo5huDIpT78-00217-00175608-00176259 Matheus Aaron: Okay, I did. Is there anything else that we need to do when we want to add batch. Oh, where are we going to store our virtual Oo5huDIpT78-00218-00176820-00178431 Matheus Aaron: Alright, good. But, like, the question is, like, all right, is the attribute of the fee go so we're going to add virtual here as an attribute. So that when I do an intro, it will add an to petrol and when I move the dot one from retro okay Oo5huDIpT78-00219-00178641-00178845 Matheus Aaron: So yeah, that's what we're gonna do. Oo5huDIpT78-00220-00178986-00179592 Matheus Aaron: We add that up petrol to list of attributes we modify move and we're going to add Oo5huDIpT78-00221-00179721-00179781 Matheus Aaron: So, Oo5huDIpT78-00222-00179886-00180084 Matheus Aaron: If you can see, this is what we do. Oo5huDIpT78-00223-00180618-00180792 Matheus Aaron: Let me highlight the changes. Oo5huDIpT78-00224-00181038-00181488 Matheus Aaron: So we add SAFA Chol yeah yeah at the trial. Oo5huDIpT78-00225-00181596-00181878 Matheus Aaron: And now when we move into check first whether Oo5huDIpT78-00226-00182049-00182553 Matheus Aaron: We have enough petrol or not to move. These are the changes that we've made. Okay. Oo5huDIpT78-00227-00182664-00183666 Matheus Aaron: So it's very simple. It's very simple, right, when we're thinking like, oh yeah, if you can just simply I petrol, but then like comes in the next question. Oo5huDIpT78-00228-00183744-00185001 Matheus Aaron: Like how but once you have a bank that can survive on solar power saving 2050 and thanks can just like kindness, the energy of the sun from the Oo5huDIpT78-00229-00185109-00186819 Matheus Aaron: Solar panels on top of thing and does not need a special thank in a Thank goodness way. So how are you going to design it, how are you going to make changes to our design. This is our initial design earlier. How are you going to make changes. Any ideas zoom chat. Oo5huDIpT78-00230-00188736-00189000 Matheus Aaron: A new class. What class, we should be defined Oo5huDIpT78-00231-00190833-00191790 Matheus Aaron: Solar power so good as a proposal, so like a FICO can either have a patron petrol tank or solar power. Oo5huDIpT78-00232-00192072-00192327 Matheus Aaron: Yeah, that's one idea. Any other ideas. Oo5huDIpT78-00233-00193089-00193533 Matheus Aaron: Any other ideas. So, we shall you mentioned like solar. What do you mean by solar Oo5huDIpT78-00234-00196398-00197403 Matheus Aaron: natural sunlight pressure does indeed else. But then, but then like in this case the tank does not run on solo the tank is just a solar tank. Oo5huDIpT78-00235-00197589-00197877 Matheus Aaron: So in this case, I have a box. Oo5huDIpT78-00236-00198042-00198402 Matheus Aaron: It's not. It's just so nothing. There's no petrol at all. Oo5huDIpT78-00237-00199419-00199692 Matheus Aaron: If that is on the move. Regardless, so Oo5huDIpT78-00238-00199842-00199968 Matheus Aaron: The tank has Oo5huDIpT78-00239-00200121-00200154 Like Oo5huDIpT78-00240-00200568-00200802 Matheus Aaron: So we are gonna have like a solar Oo5huDIpT78-00241-00200940-00201105 Matheus Aaron: Something like that, yeah, it's like Oo5huDIpT78-00242-00201231-00201330 Matheus Aaron: It's Sola Oo5huDIpT78-00243-00201828-00202089 Matheus Aaron: And then website here modify Oo5huDIpT78-00244-00202488-00204678 Matheus Aaron: Okay, so these are all valid arguments. Okay. Like there's no wrong answer here. You guys can actually add so so like a vehicle can have both petrol and solar power which I would argue in real life, that won't happen because like if a tank is run purely on solo, it won't have a petrol tank. Oo5huDIpT78-00245-00204813-00204888 Matheus Aaron: Um, Oo5huDIpT78-00246-00205005-00205134 Matheus Aaron: It can modify move Oo5huDIpT78-00247-00205359-00206373 Matheus Aaron: Yeah, that we could modify move and etc. So there's actually a lot of ways to modify. So I'm going to show you one solution that the profit provider. Oo5huDIpT78-00248-00206423-00208179 Matheus Aaron: And the solution that they provided. It's like actually like we should separate the current virtual vehicle into two different sub classes. One is a superclass vehicle and the other is a subclass petrol Fico and then the solar thing will be a subclass of both Fico and canon. Oo5huDIpT78-00249-00208407-00208769 Matheus Aaron: So it's going to look like this. Right. It's quite amazing. Oo5huDIpT78-00250-00209040-00210317 Matheus Aaron: So yes, we could, we can actually split it this way, retro so like under fecal there's a group of solar patrol vehicles and non vitro fee costs as this way. Oo5huDIpT78-00251-00210467-00210537 Matheus Aaron: And Oo5huDIpT78-00252-00210669-00210864 Matheus Aaron: Yeah, but then like the next problem. Oo5huDIpT78-00253-00211008-00211485 Matheus Aaron: Like say what if we also want to implement solar bait battle bizarre. Oo5huDIpT78-00254-00211617-00212535 Matheus Aaron: So should you like re implement solar bizarre coffers are what for your records Sola better bizarre come inside it. Oo5huDIpT78-00255-00212691-00213119 Matheus Aaron: It is Sola and inherits from bizarre. Oo5huDIpT78-00256-00213330-00214073 Matheus Aaron: And it also inherits from Canada. So it really inherits from a lot of things, but then we don't want the petrol feature. Oo5huDIpT78-00257-00214203-00215238 Matheus Aaron: Right. Imagine dying because of medicine. So what's the answer to this is that it's it's not really about the answer, but it's about like this question is about to show you the design issues that Oo5huDIpT78-00258-00215334-00217164 Matheus Aaron: People face when they are designing an op shop. So every class could be nice classified nicely right now, what would be very, very beautiful every sub classes or subset of is super class every class in the same level of this thing. So like everything is separate that easily. But then like Oo5huDIpT78-00259-00217266-00218088 Matheus Aaron: We, it's not that easy, right, like for example is this Platypus again, when would you fit into the classification Oo5huDIpT78-00260-00218262-00219198 Matheus Aaron: But the process of venom like reptiles, it lays eggs like a bird, and it gets mill it like tastes like a mammal. Oo5huDIpT78-00261-00219351-00220542 Matheus Aaron: If you the definition of each classification is based on these features, then like platypus is all in Archie different features which doesn't really make sense. Right. Oo5huDIpT78-00262-00220671-00221325 Matheus Aaron: So those are the problems of designing op. So that's why when we are designing op or I Oo5huDIpT78-00263-00221481-00222117 Matheus Aaron: Remember my message on like preparing for p, where you guys need to actually write on paper for us before calling Oo5huDIpT78-00264-00222173-00223523 Matheus Aaron: It's more important on all because op or you kind of need to plan for on how you are going to use your code. If you cannot plan five, you cannot see for on what you guys are going to do with your coat, then it's going to be very problematic. Oo5huDIpT78-00265-00223773-00224144 Matheus Aaron: And cause into these troubles and it's just going to be a very messy quote Oo5huDIpT78-00266-00224340-00224373 Matheus Aaron: Okay. Oo5huDIpT78-00267-00224526-00224583 Matheus Aaron: So, Oo5huDIpT78-00268-00224694-00225837 Matheus Aaron: Before I end this class, I want to before I and discuss and ask questions. I want to share, share with you guys this feed this nice video by Bosch Oo5huDIpT78-00269-00226871-00227226 Matheus Aaron: So this is a nice video it's around seven minutes long. Oo5huDIpT78-00270-00227376-00227928 Matheus Aaron: I'm just gonna play this until the rest of class. So you guys have a good idea of Oo5huDIpT78-00271-00228198-00228237 Matheus Aaron: The Oo5huDIpT78-00272-00228339-00228735 Matheus Aaron: Principles of pillars in op that you guys need to take notice. O4FGZi4hzYc-00000-00000072-00000560 Congratulations to the Purdue University School of Aeronautics and Astronautics on 75 years O4FGZi4hzYc-00001-00000560-00001232 as an independent program. Throughout its history the tradition of excellence at Purdue has inspired O4FGZi4hzYc-00002-00001312-00001904 next generation technology and research. It's nurtured explorers and produced discovery O4FGZi4hzYc-00003-00001904-00002384 seekers throughout the history of the School. For me that tradition of excellence was a O4FGZi4hzYc-00004-00002384-00002888 launching pad to two fantastic careers. One is a Naval aviator and now Navy Rear Admiral and O4FGZi4hzYc-00005-00002888-00003392 one as a captain of the major U.S. airline. So thanks and congratulations to Purdue O4FGZi4hzYc-00006-00003392-00003888 University and the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics on 75 years of excellence O5aIvcuClDk-00000-00000144-00000432 I introduce computer Wahoo for a cycle O5aIvcuClDk-00001-00000592-00000864 Hi, everyone.My name is Imada imao O5aIvcuClDk-00002-00000914-00001142 Today is a computer for a cycle O5aIvcuClDk-00004-00001434-00001718 Wahoo ELEMNT BOLT GPS O5aIvcuClDk-00006-00002002-00002440 Wahaoo is an American brand O5aIvcuClDk-00012-00003819-00004102 Wahaoo supports team SKY O5aIvcuClDk-00013-00004102-00004431 I am one year using Wahoo ELEMNT BOLT GPS O5aIvcuClDk-00017-00005110-00005409 I met wahoo at a party of Rapha O5aIvcuClDk-00021-00006413-00006708 I used wahoo for one year O5aIvcuClDk-00030-00008848-00009143 Good point of Wahoo O5aIvcuClDk-00031-00009143-00009487 Bad point of Wahoo O5aIvcuClDk-00032-00009487-00009834 I introduce the point that the good point of wahoo has bad O5aIvcuClDk-00037-00010720-00010948 Setting is simple in beginners point 1 I read exclusive QR code with a smartphone O5aIvcuClDk-00038-00011143-00011397 It is correspondence point 2 in iPhone, Android O5aIvcuClDk-00039-00011433-00011695 The sensor of other brands is usable point 3 O5aIvcuClDk-00041-00011925-00012231 Though point 4 is a black and white screen, it is easy to watch a monitor O5aIvcuClDk-00042-00012231-00012453 There is the backlight function, too O5aIvcuClDk-00044-00013041-00013326 It is easy for the operability point 5 O5aIvcuClDk-00050-00014710-00014986 Point 6 can simplify a custom of the screen display O5aIvcuClDk-00053-00015599-00015920 The additional deletion of the item which is necessary for a smartphone is simple O5aIvcuClDk-00058-00016890-00017178 Point 7 is compact generally and is pretty O5aIvcuClDk-00059-00017178-00017608 I computerize ELEMNT BOLT for the first GPS cycle based on complete aerodynamics! The design of the patent pending is the system which a mount integrated with a computer. O5aIvcuClDk-00061-00018120-00018424 I compared size of Wahoo with a smartphone O5aIvcuClDk-00064-00019088-00019584 I know the receipt, the confirmation of the E-mail on psychon point 8 O5aIvcuClDk-00067-00020052-00020343 Point 9 can tell others about a place to stay of oneself (safety confirmation is possible) O5aIvcuClDk-00071-00021218-00021534 If point 10 is Wahoo, I can confirm the running place of each other O5aIvcuClDk-00077-00022728-00023040 Point 11 can easily link a strike mule O5aIvcuClDk-00078-00023040-00023424 I can link many bicycle application O5aIvcuClDk-00081-00023932-00024235 I transfer ride data of wahoo automatically later even if I do not connect to Bluetooth O5aIvcuClDk-00089-00026472-00026832 It is easy for point 12 to put a route in the Wahoo main body and can input it from a smartphone, a PC O5aIvcuClDk-00095-00028156-00028453 Point 13 can tell the route guidance with a map and a light of the LED O5aIvcuClDk-00102-00030400-00030679 When point 14 deviates from the route, it is red and shines and can tell me by a sound O5aIvcuClDk-00107-00031753-00032144 There is a navigation function point 15 O5aIvcuClDk-00114-00033800-00034192 Point 16 can easily put the map of foreign countries, too O5aIvcuClDk-00119-00035232-00035640 When is connected to the fixed roller of point 18:Wahoo, input the course data which ran in the Wahoo psychon; of a course, the slant reproduce it O5aIvcuClDk-00130-00038504-00038765 Point 19 copes with interlocking movement with the electric shifting function, Shimano Di2 and SRAM eTAP, FSA WE, Campagnolo EPS. O5aIvcuClDk-00135-00040062-00040354 It is a line quantity of oxygen sensor and an interlocking movement point 20 O5aIvcuClDk-00137-00040725-00041006 I am usable by training! O5aIvcuClDk-00139-00041287-00041600 I introduced a good point of Wahoo ELEMNT BOLT O5aIvcuClDk-00142-00042156-00042460 I introduce the bad point of Wahoo ELEMNT BOLT O5aIvcuClDk-00145-00042889-00043207 There is not the re-route for a navigation function bad point 1 O5aIvcuClDk-00159-00047091-00047375 There are too many short cuts, and the navigation function of the metropolitan area is not usable bad point 2 O5aIvcuClDk-00170-00050158-00050486 Japan is often strange bad point 3 O5aIvcuClDk-00185-00054666-00055024 The computer is ELEMNT (element), two kinds of BOLT (bolt) for Wahoo cycle O5aIvcuClDk-00187-00055144-00055504 ELEMNT (element) is big, and BOLT (bolt) is small O5aIvcuClDk-00191-00056232-00056640 Because the brightness of the liquid crystal was slightly different in ELEMNT (element), BOLT (bolt), when it was the feeling that I did, BOLT (bolt) was easy to watch the obi by night, and impression was good O5aIvcuClDk-00193-00056936-00057256 ELEMNT (element) is recommended if I find the big screen, operability O5aIvcuClDk-00197-00058176-00058752 It was time-limited, and the yellow of the new color, red came up from Wiggle O5aIvcuClDk-00203-00059855-00060384 100km race was left, and the battery was 30% O5aIvcuClDk-00214-00063120-00063424 If this animation serves as a reference, I am happy O7sT7Lroi8E-00000-00000008-00000440 Cornerstone Macro reporting bureau of labor statistics latest O7sT7Lroi8E-00001-00000440-00000872 weekly household pulse survey indicates a significant downside risk O7sT7Lroi8E-00002-00000872-00001159 for the July payrolls Cornerstone and O7sT7Lroi8E-00003-00001159-00001479 Nancy Lazar says that the loss in momentum is O7sT7Lroi8E-00004-00001479-00001864 likely temporary but to expect payroll gains to average roughly O7sT7Lroi8E-00005-00001864-00002376 1 million between now and year-end Ryan she's expecting significant downside O7sT7Lroi8E-00006-00002376-00002735 risk to the July payrolls do you think the jobs market O7sT7Lroi8E-00007-00002735-00003207 is going to be under pressure or could it grow more in 2021 O7sT7Lroi8E-00008-00003207-00003528 yeah no no it's not over this I think the employment numbers are going to get O7sT7Lroi8E-00009-00003528-00003800 better and better as we move along here so we may O7sT7Lroi8E-00010-00003800-00004120 you know for for one month here we may see some numbers that aren't great but O7sT7Lroi8E-00011-00004120-00004496 the bottom line is look you can't fight the amount of stimulus the O7sT7Lroi8E-00012-00004496-00004728 trillions of dollars right now that are being O7sT7Lroi8E-00013-00004728-00005096 basically printed globally Maria it's you know insanity and I also think O7sT7Lroi8E-00014-00005096-00005368 that's why you look at these tech stocks I think O7sT7Lroi8E-00015-00005368-00005696 they're grossly overvalued here um and I think that that's because a lot O7sT7Lroi8E-00016-00005696-00006000 of money now that's just available is pouring into them so O7sT7Lroi8E-00017-00006000-00006319 the fact that we're all putting those rosy colored sunglasses on it does O7sT7Lroi8E-00018-00006319-00006543 concern me a little bit about big tech for the record O7sT7Lroi8E-00019-00006543-00006872 but no I think the economy is going to keep improving you know I've been O7sT7Lroi8E-00020-00006872-00007200 calling over and over that I think that we're going to see an economic O7sT7Lroi8E-00021-00007200-00007504 rebound a lot of people betting against that and clearly O7sT7Lroi8E-00022-00007504-00007879 you know the numbers continually come in to surprise the economists and the O7sT7Lroi8E-00023-00007879-00008352 analysts which I love yeah no I just want to be clear what O7sT7Lroi8E-00024-00008352-00008672 Nancy Lazar is saying that we're going to see employment O7sT7Lroi8E-00025-00008672-00009120 dropping that she's expecting employment to drop by O7sT7Lroi8E-00026-00009120-00009543 roughly 5 million in July and she says that's reversing O7sT7Lroi8E-00027-00009543-00009847 the June surge which of course the household survey O7sT7Lroi8E-00028-00009847-00010192 pointed to so she's talking about July only the second full month of O7sT7Lroi8E-00029-00010192-00010815 data not much of a track record but using that methodology June payrolls O7sT7Lroi8E-00030-00010815-00011175 very well could be under pressure so she's expecting O7sT7Lroi8E-00031-00011175-00011528 over the near term some significant risk there but it sounds like you're pretty O7sT7Lroi8E-00032-00011528-00012000 positive longer term Ryan yeah exactly I ignore O7sT7Lroi8E-00033-00012000-00012296 the short-term risk and look at the big picture and the big picture is the O7sT7Lroi8E-00034-00012296-00012607 economy is recovering so even if we get some fits and starts O7sT7Lroi8E-00035-00012607-00012984 here absolutely. O7w5z1uu3Mg-00000-00000000-00000416 The city of car collector including some legendary car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00001-00000416-00000616 Rank Top 5 in this world O7w5z1uu3Mg-00002-00000616-00000816 And it's "Thailand" O7w5z1uu3Mg-00003-00001184-00001466 All the cars that you have here is really excellent O7w5z1uu3Mg-00004-00002564-00003116 She is the fatest woman in this country O7w5z1uu3Mg-00005-00003655-00004224 Sponsored By CTEK Smart Battery Charger from Sweden O7w5z1uu3Mg-00006-00004315-00004800 Glasurit, Super car painter technology from Germany O7w5z1uu3Mg-00007-00005149-00005959 Speed Garage, Car & Motorcycle Full service caring center O7w5z1uu3Mg-00008-00008187-00008484 This is "Perd Pong Rong Rod" Show O7w5z1uu3Mg-00009-00008484-00008894 We're still with Dr. Ganticha Chimsiri O7w5z1uu3Mg-00010-00008894-00009293 This is the only female racer of Thailand O7w5z1uu3Mg-00011-00009293-00009513 That join in international Ferrari racing around the world O7w5z1uu3Mg-00012-00009513-00009713 The first Thai person O7w5z1uu3Mg-00013-00009713-00010070 and also the top ranking lady in Asia too O7w5z1uu3Mg-00014-00010224-00010634 And she also had other degrees O7w5z1uu3Mg-00015-00010634-00010867 like Mrs. Universe O7w5z1uu3Mg-00016-00010867-00011416 And also Mrs. International Asia pacific 2016 O7w5z1uu3Mg-00017-00011463-00011744 And Ferrari in 2017-19 O7w5z1uu3Mg-00018-00011744-00012029 The late episode is about O7w5z1uu3Mg-00019-00012029-00012229 Before Yui came to be a racer O7w5z1uu3Mg-00020-00012229-00012349 And everything else O7w5z1uu3Mg-00021-00012349-00012724 -Today -Today, We saw another special collective O7w5z1uu3Mg-00022-00012825-00013066 Except from the Ferrari that you got O7w5z1uu3Mg-00023-00013081-00013293 She also got other collective O7w5z1uu3Mg-00024-00013293-00013620 We're at right in front of it O7w5z1uu3Mg-00025-00013620-00013820 This is the caps O7w5z1uu3Mg-00026-00013820-00014097 Right, this is "1st" O7w5z1uu3Mg-00027-00014097-00014368 Meaning I'm a champion at first place O7w5z1uu3Mg-00028-00014368-00014855 This is from when she was a champion at that time O7w5z1uu3Mg-00029-00014855-00015167 You guys can see the whole caps here O7w5z1uu3Mg-00030-00015167-00015426 This is her hall of fame O7w5z1uu3Mg-00031-00015426-00016185 In the track, There are many people came to watch the race O7w5z1uu3Mg-00032-00016363-00016705 Whoever wore this cap to the race O7w5z1uu3Mg-00033-00016705-00016905 Everybody knew this is the late champion O7w5z1uu3Mg-00034-00017028-00017228 But this cap isn't for a champion O7w5z1uu3Mg-00035-00017228-00017428 No, This is like the fan caps O7w5z1uu3Mg-00036-00017493-00017835 But this one is a sure thing that they got a place in the podium O7w5z1uu3Mg-00037-00017835-00018109 And if you want know what place, you have to take a look at the side O7w5z1uu3Mg-00038-00018109-00018401 Because they will stand themself in their place O7w5z1uu3Mg-00039-00018401-00018681 Which everyone will know O7w5z1uu3Mg-00040-00018681-00018881 That you are cool O7w5z1uu3Mg-00041-00018881-00019087 And another special thing is O7w5z1uu3Mg-00042-00019087-00019438 This is the F1 Ferrari racing cap O7w5z1uu3Mg-00043-00019438-00019706 Which everytime I visit Singapore O7w5z1uu3Mg-00044-00019706-00020048 They gift this for a Ferrari Challenge racer O7w5z1uu3Mg-00045-00020048-00020277 Normally, it got only a sign O7w5z1uu3Mg-00046-00020277-00020477 But this is two O7w5z1uu3Mg-00047-00020637-00020956 This is from Thailand that she also got O7w5z1uu3Mg-00048-00020956-00021295 This is from Bang Saan Grandprix O7w5z1uu3Mg-00049-00021295-00021808 I'm still amaze from 12 racers but only 5 can finish the race O7w5z1uu3Mg-00050-00021808-00022275 Even the great Khao Sam Muk, She even pass that track too O7w5z1uu3Mg-00051-00022502-00023220 For this zone, I collect the caps from the race in every country O7w5z1uu3Mg-00052-00023220-00023840 And I want to show you the zone that FC want to take my autograph O7w5z1uu3Mg-00053-00023840-00024100 Let us go see that O7w5z1uu3Mg-00054-00024100-00024498 In the track, there are my fan club came to take my autograph O7w5z1uu3Mg-00055-00024498-00024979 And came to take selfie with the racer O7w5z1uu3Mg-00056-00025148-00025348 Everyone will get this card O7w5z1uu3Mg-00057-00025348-00025627 Which this one is North America O7w5z1uu3Mg-00058-00025627-00025827 And Europe , Asia O7w5z1uu3Mg-00059-00025827-00026282 There are the picture of every racers in the world O7w5z1uu3Mg-00060-00026282-00026532 And the autograph of the racers O7w5z1uu3Mg-00061-00026532-00026857 Which I framed it as a souvenir O7w5z1uu3Mg-00062-00027000-00027262 And this is for the cars lover O7w5z1uu3Mg-00063-00027262-00027550 They got different collection in every year O7w5z1uu3Mg-00064-00027550-00028035 And I framed it for every year collection O7w5z1uu3Mg-00065-00028182-00028382 Fan club got their own O7w5z1uu3Mg-00066-00028382-00028733 Some fans want me to sign the flag, caps or the card O7w5z1uu3Mg-00067-00028733-00028933 Or their cloth as a sourvenir O7w5z1uu3Mg-00068-00028933-00029444 Bought the cloth and want you to sign it right here O7w5z1uu3Mg-00069-00029444-00029644 Sign at the heart O7w5z1uu3Mg-00070-00029691-00030013 She didin't just like the Ferrari O7w5z1uu3Mg-00071-00030013-00030263 -Now let's see other car of hers -At the back of yours O7w5z1uu3Mg-00072-00030538-00030886 From Italy we move to Germany O7w5z1uu3Mg-00073-00031487-00031722 And this is from Stuttgart O7w5z1uu3Mg-00074-00031722-00032120 This is the first of her collective O7w5z1uu3Mg-00075-00033260-00033622 This is the model 911 O7w5z1uu3Mg-00076-00033622-00034035 Celebrate 50 years anniversary O7w5z1uu3Mg-00077-00034035-00034416 This is the 882th car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00078-00034416-00034879 The key made to match the colors of the car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00079-00034965-00035490 And 911 50th anniversary made only in 2 colors O7w5z1uu3Mg-00080-00035490-00035823 Which are Gray and the pearl colors O7w5z1uu3Mg-00081-00036285-00036642 And I want to show the interior of O7w5z1uu3Mg-00082-00036642-00037034 the 50th anniversary version in Thailand, I didn't see this colors that much O7w5z1uu3Mg-00083-00037034-00037249 There are 7-8 cars in our country O7w5z1uu3Mg-00084-00037249-00037780 But it is very few because people favor with the pearl colors O7w5z1uu3Mg-00085-00037780-00038211 And it say "Limited Edition" inside O7w5z1uu3Mg-00086-00038211-00038583 -At the Trim inside -882th O7w5z1uu3Mg-00087-00038583-00038951 The special of this car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00088-00038951-00039225 is that it can make 2 different sounds O7w5z1uu3Mg-00089-00039225-00039535 -Which is Turbo -2 different sounds O7w5z1uu3Mg-00090-00039766-00040200 Normally, other car engine can generate one kind of sound O7w5z1uu3Mg-00091-00040200-00040636 If we want to different sound, we can hit this switch here O7w5z1uu3Mg-00092-00040636-00041132 And the engine sound will get more loud O7w5z1uu3Mg-00093-00041132-00041501 And if we don't want the sound, we can turn the sound off O7w5z1uu3Mg-00094-00041563-00041861 This is the special of this series O7w5z1uu3Mg-00095-00041861-00042203 Including the design of the seat O7w5z1uu3Mg-00096-00042203-00042775 This design seat is only exist in 911 50th anniversary only O7w5z1uu3Mg-00097-00042775-00043268 And sign at the top of the seat "911 50th" O7w5z1uu3Mg-00098-00043268-00043773 This is like the checkerboard pattern O7w5z1uu3Mg-00099-00043951-00044400 Which only available of this series O7w5z1uu3Mg-00100-00044565-00044966 The another exclusive of this car is O7w5z1uu3Mg-00101-00044966-00045166 There are very few of these O7w5z1uu3Mg-00102-00045166-00045408 Right, it is really rare and the price always raise up O7w5z1uu3Mg-00103-00045408-00045575 The 911 50th anniversary O7w5z1uu3Mg-00104-00045575-00045775 It become the collectible series O7w5z1uu3Mg-00105-00045775-00046055 This is 911 50th anniversary O7w5z1uu3Mg-00106-00046055-00046667 Which is the gray color that are really rare O7w5z1uu3Mg-00107-00046667-00047047 And It isn't much in our country O7w5z1uu3Mg-00108-00047047-00047247 I want to tell you guys that O7w5z1uu3Mg-00109-00047247-00047497 What happen when I bought this car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00110-00047680-00047855 Back when I bought this car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00111-00047880-00048395 I can bring the chassis number of this car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00112-00048478-00048770 To register it at the Germany O7w5z1uu3Mg-00113-00048770-00049150 -Take the VIN Code to register the ownership -Right O7w5z1uu3Mg-00114-00049150-00049728 When I finish register, I can choose the car from their list O7w5z1uu3Mg-00115-00049728-00050250 Which are 911, 911 S, 911 Turbo, 911 Turbo S O7w5z1uu3Mg-00116-00050667-00050914 And I got to drove at Germany O7w5z1uu3Mg-00117-00050914-00051114 It was really exciting experience O7w5z1uu3Mg-00118-00051114-00051314 At their factory in Germany O7w5z1uu3Mg-00119-00051474-00051795 They got this one slope it go up and down O7w5z1uu3Mg-00120-00051795-00052096 And I didn't know , I was going too fast O7w5z1uu3Mg-00121-00052096-00052296 It send you fly, right? O7w5z1uu3Mg-00122-00052296-00052910 I was going high but my instinct of my driving O7w5z1uu3Mg-00123-00052910-00053181 Back then I'm not drove this good O7w5z1uu3Mg-00124-00053181-00053774 In that incident , I watch only the front car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00125-00053774-00054000 And I repeat that car step O7w5z1uu3Mg-00126-00054245-00054694 At the Porsche Factory, they got really special service O7w5z1uu3Mg-00127-00054694-00054894 Which take care of me O7w5z1uu3Mg-00128-00054894-00055135 When I travel at that place O7w5z1uu3Mg-00129-00055135-00055433 There is a car waiting for me and brought me to the meal O7w5z1uu3Mg-00130-00055433-00055633 Which the factory got a special lounge O7w5z1uu3Mg-00131-00055633-00055833 For Porsche customer only O7w5z1uu3Mg-00132-00055833-00056107 And don't allow outsider to enter O7w5z1uu3Mg-00133-00056107-00056298 You have to be their customer O7w5z1uu3Mg-00134-00056298-00056498 When I finish registration with the factory O7w5z1uu3Mg-00135-00056498-00057053 They brought me to see the process of making the "918" car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00136-00057053-00057442 -Which is all handmade process -Right, all Handmade O7w5z1uu3Mg-00137-00057442-00057642 The 918 Spider O7w5z1uu3Mg-00138-00057642-00058313 In addition to that, the Porsche factory drive me to the airport O7w5z1uu3Mg-00139-00058313-00058622 Their service is really excellent O7w5z1uu3Mg-00140-00058622-00058911 Only for the exclusive client of them O7w5z1uu3Mg-00141-00058911-00059155 So when I get back, I bought another 2 of Porsche O7w5z1uu3Mg-00142-00059155-00059494 It is because of their super after sale service impress you O7w5z1uu3Mg-00143-00059552-00059828 And move from Porsche 911 O7w5z1uu3Mg-00144-00059828-00060132 And do the Porsche driving experience O7w5z1uu3Mg-00145-00060768-00061217 This is call "GT3 RS" series O7w5z1uu3Mg-00146-00061217-00061571 And the specialty of the series is O7w5z1uu3Mg-00147-00061571-00061771 It make you feel like the racer O7w5z1uu3Mg-00148-00061771-00061971 The spoiler at the back O7w5z1uu3Mg-00149-00061971-00062400 It was made to race in the Carrera Cup Event O7w5z1uu3Mg-00150-00062400-00062901 Before F1, There are the Carrera cup events all around the world O7w5z1uu3Mg-00151-00063046-00063474 And this is the race car that can drive in any other way O7w5z1uu3Mg-00152-00063474-00064050 This car grant you the feeling of any pothole O7w5z1uu3Mg-00153-00064050-00064306 huge or little, you can feel it all O7w5z1uu3Mg-00154-00064306-00064506 It is fast but it's not that smooth O7w5z1uu3Mg-00155-00064506-00065026 But the feeling of driving this GT3 RS O7w5z1uu3Mg-00156-00065026-00065451 Is for whoever like to do the curve, I used to broght it to Phuket O7w5z1uu3Mg-00157-00065451-00065967 Porsche is really good at curving and can accelerate back really fast O7w5z1uu3Mg-00158-00065967-00066318 But the speed, I feel that it a bit slower than the Ferrari O7w5z1uu3Mg-00159-00066318-00066639 Straight way might not that fast and because this is NA O7w5z1uu3Mg-00160-00066639-00067070 It really suit in Island drive or Mt. drive O7w5z1uu3Mg-00161-00067070-00067270 Porsche is really good at it O7w5z1uu3Mg-00162-00067270-00067893 Importantly, this also got the turbo sound too O7w5z1uu3Mg-00163-00067893-00068203 And it can lift the front up O7w5z1uu3Mg-00164-00068203-00068569 Which the new gen of supercar isn't like the old one O7w5z1uu3Mg-00165-00068569-00069023 When you're driving supercar, you need beware about the front of the car all the time O7w5z1uu3Mg-00166-00069023-00069285 But this one got a lift up, so it is great O7w5z1uu3Mg-00167-00069285-00069565 Let me show you the passenger room of this one O7w5z1uu3Mg-00168-00069565-00069765 Is it 2 tones inside? O7w5z1uu3Mg-00169-00069765-00069965 I didn't see this colors that much O7w5z1uu3Mg-00170-00069965-00070165 Mostly, GT3 in our country O7w5z1uu3Mg-00171-00070165-00070927 Is Orange and white , others O7w5z1uu3Mg-00172-00070927-00071630 And Porsche is greatly improve itself O7w5z1uu3Mg-00173-00071630-00072224 It can tell the driver about the health of your tire, the inflate remaining O7w5z1uu3Mg-00174-00072224-00072850 Which the old seires can't tell any different O7w5z1uu3Mg-00175-00073066-00073556 This one is likely to notify you immediately O7w5z1uu3Mg-00176-00073556-00073800 What is the pressure of your tire right now? O7w5z1uu3Mg-00177-00073800-00074160 like -3,-5,-7 O7w5z1uu3Mg-00178-00074160-00074544 This is why it is really expensive O7w5z1uu3Mg-00179-00074544-00074744 Other car is a standard handler O7w5z1uu3Mg-00180-00074744-00075032 But this is look robe alike O7w5z1uu3Mg-00181-00075032-00075496 And the colors need to match with the paint of this car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00182-00075617-00075968 They match the design all the way O7w5z1uu3Mg-00183-00075968-00076800 Belt and seat colors even the thread is green O7w5z1uu3Mg-00184-00076857-00077184 And add more green around here O7w5z1uu3Mg-00185-00077184-00077553 This is the option that you need to made it special O7w5z1uu3Mg-00186-00077704-00078259 This car is really fun to drive and got me the feeling like drive in the track O7w5z1uu3Mg-00187-00078259-00078459 Which match my character O7w5z1uu3Mg-00188-00078459-00078659 I like to drive the race car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00189-00078659-00078859 And I also like this car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00190-00078859-00079246 The sound of this car is really get to me O7w5z1uu3Mg-00191-00079246-00079584 And this car can make the turbo sound too O7w5z1uu3Mg-00192-00079584-00079931 It is the exhaust valve O7w5z1uu3Mg-00193-00079931-00080131 Which can adjust if you want it to quiet O7w5z1uu3Mg-00194-00080131-00080547 Or you want to adjust it to make it louder O7w5z1uu3Mg-00195-00080547-00081023 This one can drive in Manual and Automatic gear O7w5z1uu3Mg-00196-00081023-00081223 There are 2 modes O7w5z1uu3Mg-00197-00081223-00081423 Do you see the safety system of Porsche O7w5z1uu3Mg-00198-00081423-00081623 It got row bar at the back O7w5z1uu3Mg-00199-00081823-00082425 The row bar of Porsche can provide more safety for the driver O7w5z1uu3Mg-00200-00082425-00082625 If the accident happen O7w5z1uu3Mg-00201-00082625-00083139 The row bar is to prevent the car from crushing you down O7w5z1uu3Mg-00202-00083139-00083516 And the driver is safer this way O7w5z1uu3Mg-00203-00083516-00083920 This car is also made for the track too O7w5z1uu3Mg-00204-00083920-00084336 Because the FIA guarantee the safety of this car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00205-00084336-00084640 It is use to race in the Carrera Cup O7w5z1uu3Mg-00206-00084640-00085064 If you are that rich like foreign guys, you can use this to attend the Carrera cup O7w5z1uu3Mg-00207-00085168-00085613 Every racing car in the racing car category O7w5z1uu3Mg-00208-00085613-00086076 Our government (Thai) won't charge the tax of buying O7w5z1uu3Mg-00209-00086076-00086587 If the car is 30 millions baht, the racing car will go only 11-12 millions baht O7w5z1uu3Mg-00210-00086587-00086787 Which reduce a lot O7w5z1uu3Mg-00211-00086787-00087043 But you have to use it only in the track, You can't use it on the road O7w5z1uu3Mg-00212-00087043-00087237 We saw 2 Porsches O7w5z1uu3Mg-00213-00087237-00087502 These are both the Limited Edition O7w5z1uu3Mg-00214-00087502-00088013 50th Anniversary and GT3 RS, this is Mark II O7w5z1uu3Mg-00215-00088013-00088420 Right, What I wonder is about this one O7w5z1uu3Mg-00216-00088420-00088709 -Why? -Why do you like I8 this much? O7w5z1uu3Mg-00217-00089440-00089725 I always saw that people collect only 1 of that car, right? O7w5z1uu3Mg-00218-00089864-00090064 Only one O7w5z1uu3Mg-00219-00090064-00090321 But you got 2 of these cars O7w5z1uu3Mg-00220-00090519-00090745 Do you know why I like I8? O7w5z1uu3Mg-00221-00090745-00091073 Because I like the technology of BMW I8 O7w5z1uu3Mg-00222-00091073-00091758 Which only the driver can see the speeding car dashboard when you are driving O7w5z1uu3Mg-00223-00091758-00092316 ie. I drove 80 or 100 ,The speeding screen will show up here O7w5z1uu3Mg-00224-00092316-00092430 At the car windshield O7w5z1uu3Mg-00225-00092430-00093047 And we can electric charge all the time and the gas is cost only full 700-800 Baht O7w5z1uu3Mg-00226-00093047-00093404 If the electric is run out, it will switch to the gas O7w5z1uu3Mg-00227-00093443-00093793 And if we drove to underground level O7w5z1uu3Mg-00228-00093793-00094396 BMW I8 will detect and open the light automaticly, the line light O7w5z1uu3Mg-00229-00094396-00094572 Please give me the key O7w5z1uu3Mg-00230-00094661-00094861 -Where is it? -Did you get it? O7w5z1uu3Mg-00231-00094861-00095037 Is it this one? O7w5z1uu3Mg-00232-00095037-00095190 No, this one here O7w5z1uu3Mg-00233-00095190-00095390 I'm so close O7w5z1uu3Mg-00234-00096112-00096250 It looks really cool O7w5z1uu3Mg-00235-00096250-00096695 BMW I8 got the camera install around the car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00236-00096823-00097023 When you're driving O7w5z1uu3Mg-00237-00097023-00097453 you need to beware of the motorcycle at left or right, it cover 360 of the car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00238-00097453-00097724 And Importantly O7w5z1uu3Mg-00239-00097724-00098288 Whenever we accelerate, the supercar usually generate loud noise O7w5z1uu3Mg-00240-00098288-00098619 -But this one isn't -really quiet O7w5z1uu3Mg-00241-00098802-00099002 it surely got less noise O7w5z1uu3Mg-00242-00099002-00099202 And it's not just that O7w5z1uu3Mg-00243-00099202-00099402 Fast and not loud O7w5z1uu3Mg-00244-00099402-00099868 I notice that you like the car that got the hiding position of door opener O7w5z1uu3Mg-00245-00099868-00100414 -Right -Right? It looks neat and looks aerodynamic O7w5z1uu3Mg-00246-00100414-00100580 Do you see my customize? O7w5z1uu3Mg-00247-00100580-00100848 The yellow with the blue tires. it is only one in Thailand O7w5z1uu3Mg-00248-00100848-00101332 Yeah, I think it is only you, these colors look really stand out O7w5z1uu3Mg-00249-00101392-00101674 I believe that anyone can have the yellow car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00250-00101674-00102182 But the yellow one with blue tires, I believe that I'm the one, Right? O7w5z1uu3Mg-00251-00103326-00103715 This is BMW I8 Roadster O7w5z1uu3Mg-00252-00103715-00103915 Which is more special O7w5z1uu3Mg-00253-00103915-00104225 When you are open the door, There will be "I8" Hologram at the ground O7w5z1uu3Mg-00254-00104225-00104694 This car is convertible too, This is what I said earlier O7w5z1uu3Mg-00255-00105076-00105527 It really show off to people that my car is I8, Not a normal one O7w5z1uu3Mg-00256-00105634-00106111 And this one can convert while driving O7w5z1uu3Mg-00257-00106111-00106714 BMW improve the touch screen feature in the car O7w5z1uu3Mg-00258-00106714-00107183 Use your finger to choose the function O7w5z1uu3Mg-00259-00107183-00108440 The safety system, they have an application for BMW user to tell them that where did your car break down? O7w5z1uu3Mg-00260-00108440-00108640 They will come service for you everywhere O7w5z1uu3Mg-00261-00108640-00108976 Which no other Automobile brand do this O7w5z1uu3Mg-00262-00108976-00109176 It looks really high technology O7w5z1uu3Mg-00263-00109176-00109376 -Right -It got really great innovation O7w5z1uu3Mg-00264-00109455-00109800 I saw it back at the Mission Impossible grand opening event O7w5z1uu3Mg-00265-00109800-00110000 That Tom Cruise drove O7w5z1uu3Mg-00266-00110000-00110309 I felt that BMW looks really high tech O7w5z1uu3Mg-00267-00110309-00110768 When I see this one closer, The Roaster is really different from the normal one O7w5z1uu3Mg-00268-00110768-00111139 Back then you have to park before use convertible function, Right? O7w5z1uu3Mg-00269-00111139-00111424 But now, you don't have to do that just do it while driving around O7w5z1uu3Mg-00270-00111424-00111624 But slow down a bit for that O7w5z1uu3Mg-00271-00111869-00112232 Back then we have to park when you want to convert O7w5z1uu3Mg-00272-00112232-00112657 I'm not just park, I had to come down and kept the part O7w5z1uu3Mg-00273-00112740-00113049 And I had to kept it at the back of the car myself O7w5z1uu3Mg-00274-00113144-00113344 -Do you like it? -It is great O7w5z1uu3Mg-00275-00113344-00113816 -And the sound system is really excellent -Really? O7w5z1uu3Mg-00276-00114047-00114309 it is supreme more than Disco tech O7w5z1uu3Mg-00277-00114424-00114808 The car lover want to share their car story O7w5z1uu3Mg-00278-00114808-00115156 That the technology is far beyond now O7w5z1uu3Mg-00279-00115156-00115654 We saw Porsche, BMW I8 and Ferrari from the last episode O7w5z1uu3Mg-00280-00115654-00115904 It looks high technology now O7w5z1uu3Mg-00281-00115904-00116281 But Do you want to see another 4-5 cars O7w5z1uu3Mg-00282-00116423-00116647 Around 7 cars O7w5z1uu3Mg-00283-00116721-00116921 At the upstairs too O7w5z1uu3Mg-00284-00116921-00117121 I have to say that O7w5z1uu3Mg-00285-00117121-00117347 It is really different from the others Oqnm8ODYWR8-00000-00001450-00001679 What did it take to carve the Memorial? Oqnm8ODYWR8-00001-00001679-00001779 Money? Oqnm8ODYWR8-00002-00001779-00001879 Dynamite? Oqnm8ODYWR8-00003-00001879-00001979 Tools? Oqnm8ODYWR8-00004-00001979-00002079 Workers? Oqnm8ODYWR8-00005-00002079-00002680 All of those things were necessary, but beyond that it took something more. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00006-00002680-00003264 Such an endeavor required perseverance, dedication, trial and error, a visionary and perhaps even Oqnm8ODYWR8-00007-00003264-00003514 a dose of good luck as well. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00008-00004044-00004454 The vision for Mount Rushmore went through many iterations before the mountain became Oqnm8ODYWR8-00009-00004454-00004728 the masterpiece visitors see today. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00010-00004818-00005416 The first proposed idea included a different location, different figures, and a different sculptor. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00011-00005825-00006360 State Historian Doane Robinson first conceived of the idea to carve gigantic figures in an Oqnm8ODYWR8-00012-00006360-00006780 area of the Black Hills known as the ‘Needles’. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00013-00006872-00007350 He envisioned important figures of the West such as Buffalo Bill, Red Cloud, Oqnm8ODYWR8-00014-00007350-00007700 Lewis and Clark, and Sacagawea. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00015-00007736-00008042 He originally contacted artist Laredo Taft. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00016-00008042-00008357 But Taft was too ill to travel to South Dakota. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00017-00008406-00008972 Later, Doane wrote to Gutzon Borglum who replied with great interest and so a sculptor was found. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00018-00009324-00009595 Borglum brought with him his own ideas. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00019-00009595-00009908 He had no desire to carve heroes of the west. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00020-00009908-00010303 Instead he imagined great visionaries of national importance. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00021-00010303-00010901 An early sketch consisted of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln carved in granite. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00022-00010964-00011580 In September 1924, Borglum and his scouting party set out to explore the proposed area. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00023-00011581-00012083 However, upon seeing the Needles, he concluded that the granite was ill-suited Oqnm8ODYWR8-00024-00012083-00012519 for carving, being poorly proportioned and too weathered. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00025-00012580-00013096 Undeterred, he returned on another scouting expedition the following year. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00026-00013528-00014241 On August 17, 1925, Borglum, his son, and six others first ascended the side of Mount Rushmore. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00027-00014294-00014609 They did so in a pyramid fashion. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00028-00014913-00015440 Borglum reflected in his journal, “The trip was wonderful, full every moment of the most dramatic Oqnm8ODYWR8-00029-00015440-00015744 of scenery and hazard to horse and rider. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00030-00015744-00016149 The shoulder of Rushmore is far and away the best that I have seen.” Oqnm8ODYWR8-00031-00016388-00016794 And so he set out to carve a memorial to the country he loved. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00032-00016989-00017396 But the road from inception to completion was fraught with challenges. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00033-00017397-00017790 One of the problems that persisted throughout the carving period was the lack of money. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00034-00018000-00018574 Borglum originally believed the carving would cost about $400,000 and take four years to complete. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00035-00018644-00019142 History of course reveals the reality as it cost nearly a million dollars and 14 years Oqnm8ODYWR8-00036-00019142-00019586 of hard work before the project ended in 1941. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00037-00019777-00020193 As luck would have it, President Calvin Coolidge vacationed in the Black Hills in the summer Oqnm8ODYWR8-00038-00020193-00020406 of 1927. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00039-00020406-00020834 Coolidge took an interest in the Mount Rushmore Project and agreed to dedicate the mountain Oqnm8ODYWR8-00040-00020834-00021022 in August of that year. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00041-00021022-00021393 His endorsement helped Borglum to raise critical funds. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00042-00021546-00022502 In all, private business and individuals donated $153,992.32 while the remaining $836,000 Oqnm8ODYWR8-00043-00022503-00022799 came from federal funding. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00044-00022998-00023397 Aside from financial difficulty, there were the challenges of physical carving. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00045-00023397-00023873 There were no pre-established guidelines for carving on such a large scale. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00046-00023873-00024413 Fortunately, Borglum’s previous work at Stone Mountain (although it ended in hostility Oqnm8ODYWR8-00047-00024413-00024848 and his dismissal from the project), taught him important lessons that were critical to Oqnm8ODYWR8-00048-00024848-00025170 the success of Mount Rushmore. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00049-00025374-00025882 And then, there was the challenge of the mountain, a force as unmovable and unflappable Oqnm8ODYWR8-00050-00025882-00026024 as Borglum himself. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00051-00026095-00026526 Borglum was forced to alter his scale model 9 times during the carving Oqnm8ODYWR8-00052-00026526-00026764 to adjust for the conditions of the rock. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00053-00026908-00027301 The largest change was the entire repositioning of Jefferson. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00054-00027576-00027824 Finances, carving logistics, and the mountain Oqnm8ODYWR8-00055-00027825-00028316 were just a few of the hurdles Borglum and other key figures had to overcome. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00056-00028316-00028718 Had they known all the challenges that lie ahead, would they have even started? Oqnm8ODYWR8-00057-00028718-00028904 We will never know. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00058-00028905-00029481 But because of their dedication and perseverance, they turned an idea into reality. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00059-00029481-00029952 Without their efforts, Mount Rushmore would not be the iconic memorial it is today. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00060-00030035-00030522 Borglum, a man of vision and ambition, was never one to from shy away from controversy Oqnm8ODYWR8-00061-00030522-00030662 or challenge. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00062-00030662-00030969 He once wrote “Life is a kind of campaign. Oqnm8ODYWR8-00063-00030969-00031406 People have no idea what strength comes to one's soul and spirit through a good fight.” OqJka4B7580-00000-00000000-00000003 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,423,929 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00001-00000003-00000006 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,457,296 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00002-00000006-00000010 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,490,660 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00003-00000010-00000013 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,524,030 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00004-00000013-00000016 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,557,390 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00005-00000016-00000020 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,590,752 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00006-00000020-00000023 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,624,119 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00007-00000023-00000026 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,657,483 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00008-00000026-00000030 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 9, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,690,848 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00009-00000030-00000033 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 10, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,724,214 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00010-00000033-00000036 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 11, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,757,577 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00011-00000036-00000040 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 12, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,790,945 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00012-00000040-00000043 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 13, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,824,307 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00013-00000043-00000046 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 14, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,857,672 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00014-00000046-00000050 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 15, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,891,038 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00015-00000050-00000053 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 16, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,924,401 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00016-00000053-00000056 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 17, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,957,767 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00017-00000056-00000060 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 18, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:41,991,131 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00018-00000060-00000063 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 19, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,024,496 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00019-00000063-00000066 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 20, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,057,861 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00020-00000066-00000070 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 21, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,091,229 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00021-00000070-00000073 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 22, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,124,594 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00022-00000073-00000076 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 23, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,157,959 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00023-00000076-00000080 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 24, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,191,321 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00024-00000080-00000083 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 25, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,224,688 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00025-00000083-00000086 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 26, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,258,053 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00026-00000086-00000090 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 27, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,291,416 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00027-00000090-00000093 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 28, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,324,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00028-00000093-00000096 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 29, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,358,149 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00029-00000096-00000100 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 30, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,391,513 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00030-00000100-00000103 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 31, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,424,879 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00031-00000103-00000106 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 32, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,458,240 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00032-00000106-00000110 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 33, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,491,605 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00033-00000110-00000113 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 34, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,524,971 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00034-00000113-00000116 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 35, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,558,333 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00035-00000116-00000120 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 36, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,591,700 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00036-00000120-00000123 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 37, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,625,066 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00037-00000123-00000126 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 38, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,658,428 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00038-00000126-00000130 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 39, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,691,796 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00039-00000130-00000133 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 40, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,725,160 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00040-00000133-00000136 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 41, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,758,523 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00041-00000136-00000140 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 42, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,791,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00042-00000140-00000143 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 43, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,825,256 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00043-00000143-00000146 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 44, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,858,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00044-00000146-00000150 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 45, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,891,984 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00045-00000150-00000153 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 46, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,925,347 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00046-00000153-00000156 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 47, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,958,713 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00047-00000156-00000160 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 48, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:42,992,079 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00048-00000160-00000163 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 49, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,025,444 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00049-00000163-00000166 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 50, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,058,809 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00050-00000166-00000170 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 51, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,092,171 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00051-00000170-00000173 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 52, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,125,537 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00052-00000173-00000176 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 53, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,158,901 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5786] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00053-00000176-00000180 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 54, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,192,267 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5786] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00054-00000180-00000183 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 55, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,225,640 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5786] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00055-00000183-00000186 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 56, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,258,998 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5786] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00056-00000186-00000190 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 57, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,292,360 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5787] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00057-00000190-00000193 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 58, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,325,726 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5787] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00058-00000193-00000196 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 59, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,359,090 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5788] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00059-00000196-00000200 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 60, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,392,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5788] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00060-00000200-00000203 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 61, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,425,821 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5789] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00061-00000203-00000206 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 62, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,459,187 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5789] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00062-00000206-00000210 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 63, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,492,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5789] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00063-00000210-00000213 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 64, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,525,915 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5789] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00064-00000213-00000216 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 65, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,559,282 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5790] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00065-00000216-00000220 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 66, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,592,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5790] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00066-00000220-00000223 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 67, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,626,015 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5791] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00067-00000223-00000226 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 68, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,659,377 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5791] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00068-00000226-00000230 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 69, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,692,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5792] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00069-00000230-00000233 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 70, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,726,106 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5792] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00070-00000233-00000236 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 71, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,759,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00071-00000236-00000240 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 72, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,792,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00072-00000240-00000243 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 73, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,826,200 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00073-00000243-00000246 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 74, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,859,563 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00074-00000246-00000250 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 75, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,892,930 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00075-00000250-00000253 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 76, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,926,294 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00076-00000253-00000256 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 77, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,959,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00077-00000256-00000260 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 78, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:43,993,024 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00078-00000260-00000263 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 79, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,026,390 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00079-00000263-00000266 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 80, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,059,760 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00080-00000266-00000270 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 81, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,093,119 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00081-00000270-00000273 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 82, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,126,483 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00082-00000273-00000276 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 83, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,159,850 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00083-00000276-00000280 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 84, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,193,213 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00084-00000280-00000283 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 85, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,226,577 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00085-00000283-00000286 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 86, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,259,943 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00086-00000286-00000290 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 87, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,293,307 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00087-00000290-00000293 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 88, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,326,672 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5793] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00088-00000293-00000296 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 89, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,360,042 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5795] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00089-00000296-00000300 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 90, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,393,403 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5795] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00090-00000300-00000303 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 91, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,426,767 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5796] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00091-00000303-00000306 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 92, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,460,133 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5796] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00092-00000306-00000310 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 93, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,493,497 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00093-00000310-00000313 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 94, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,526,864 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00094-00000313-00000316 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 95, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,560,229 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00095-00000316-00000320 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 96, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,593,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00096-00000320-00000323 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 97, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,626,959 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00097-00000323-00000326 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 98, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,660,321 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00098-00000326-00000330 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 99, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,693,685 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00099-00000330-00000333 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 100, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,727,051 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00100-00000333-00000336 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 101, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,760,429 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00101-00000336-00000340 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 102, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,793,783 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00102-00000340-00000343 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 103, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,827,148 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00103-00000343-00000346 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 104, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,860,511 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00104-00000346-00000350 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 105, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,893,876 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00105-00000350-00000353 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 106, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,927,242 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00106-00000353-00000357 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 107, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,960,606 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00107-00000357-00000360 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 108, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:44,993,971 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00108-00000360-00000363 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 109, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,027,333 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00109-00000363-00000367 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 110, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,060,702 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00110-00000367-00000370 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 111, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,094,072 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00111-00000370-00000373 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 112, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,127,431 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00112-00000373-00000377 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 113, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,160,794 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00113-00000377-00000380 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 114, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,194,159 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00114-00000380-00000383 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 115, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,227,529 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00115-00000383-00000387 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 116, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,260,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00116-00000387-00000390 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 117, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,294,255 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00117-00000390-00000393 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 118, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,327,619 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00118-00000393-00000397 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 119, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,360,988 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00119-00000397-00000400 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 120, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,394,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00120-00000400-00000403 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 121, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,427,726 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00121-00000403-00000407 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 122, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,461,078 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00122-00000407-00000410 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 123, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,494,442 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00123-00000410-00000413 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 124, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,527,824 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00124-00000413-00000417 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 125, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,561,175 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00125-00000417-00000420 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 126, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,594,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00126-00000420-00000423 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 127, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,627,911 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00127-00000423-00000426 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 128, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,661,268 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00128-00000426-00000430 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 129, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,694,632 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00129-00000430-00000433 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 130, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,728,004 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00130-00000433-00000437 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 131, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,761,363 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00131-00000437-00000440 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 132, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,794,726 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00132-00000440-00000443 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 133, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,828,098 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00133-00000443-00000447 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 134, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,861,457 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00134-00000447-00000450 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 135, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,894,822 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00135-00000450-00000453 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 136, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,928,189 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00136-00000453-00000457 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 137, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,961,554 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00137-00000457-00000460 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 138, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:45,994,917 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00138-00000460-00000463 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 139, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,028,285 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00139-00000463-00000467 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 140, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,061,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00140-00000467-00000470 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 141, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,095,012 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00141-00000470-00000473 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 142, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,128,376 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00142-00000473-00000477 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 143, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,161,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00143-00000477-00000480 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 144, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,195,108 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00144-00000480-00000483 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 145, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,228,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00145-00000483-00000487 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 146, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,261,836 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00146-00000487-00000490 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 147, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,295,202 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00147-00000490-00000493 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 148, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,328,564 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00148-00000493-00000497 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 149, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,361,929 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00149-00000497-00000500 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 150, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,395,296 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00150-00000500-00000503 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 151, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,428,659 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00151-00000503-00000507 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 152, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,462,023 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00152-00000507-00000510 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 153, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,495,391 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00153-00000510-00000513 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 154, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,528,759 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00154-00000513-00000517 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 155, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,562,117 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00155-00000517-00000520 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 156, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,595,483 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00156-00000520-00000523 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 157, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,628,850 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00157-00000523-00000527 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 158, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,662,220 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00158-00000527-00000530 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 159, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,695,580 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00159-00000530-00000533 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 160, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,728,944 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00160-00000533-00000537 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 161, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,762,310 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00161-00000537-00000540 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 162, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,795,677 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00162-00000540-00000543 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 163, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,829,039 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00163-00000543-00000547 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 164, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,862,402 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00164-00000547-00000550 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 165, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,895,767 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00165-00000550-00000553 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 166, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,929,134 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00166-00000553-00000557 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 167, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,962,496 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00167-00000557-00000560 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 168, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:46,995,863 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00168-00000560-00000563 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 169, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,029,231 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00169-00000563-00000567 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 170, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,062,591 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00170-00000567-00000570 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 171, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,095,955 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00171-00000570-00000573 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 172, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,129,323 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00172-00000573-00000577 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 173, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,162,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00173-00000577-00000580 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 174, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,196,053 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00174-00000580-00000583 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 175, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,229,416 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00175-00000583-00000587 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 176, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,262,780 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00176-00000587-00000590 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 177, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,296,155 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00177-00000590-00000593 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 178, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,329,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00178-00000593-00000597 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 179, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,362,878 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00179-00000597-00000600 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 180, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,396,241 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00180-00000600-00000603 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 181, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,429,606 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00181-00000603-00000607 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 182, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,462,997 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00182-00000607-00000610 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 183, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,496,336 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00183-00000610-00000613 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 184, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,529,699 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00184-00000613-00000617 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 185, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,563,065 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00185-00000617-00000620 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 186, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,596,431 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00186-00000620-00000623 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 187, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,629,793 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00187-00000623-00000627 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 188, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,663,160 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00188-00000627-00000630 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 189, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,696,524 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00189-00000630-00000633 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 190, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,729,891 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00190-00000633-00000637 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 191, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,763,253 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00191-00000637-00000640 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 192, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,796,620 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00192-00000640-00000643 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 193, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,829,984 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00193-00000643-00000647 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 194, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,863,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00194-00000647-00000650 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 195, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,896,715 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00195-00000650-00000653 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 196, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,930,077 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00196-00000653-00000657 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 197, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,963,446 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00197-00000657-00000660 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 198, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:47,996,810 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00198-00000660-00000663 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 199, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,030,175 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00199-00000663-00000667 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 200, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,063,538 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00200-00000667-00000670 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 201, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,096,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00201-00000670-00000673 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 202, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,130,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00202-00000673-00000677 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 203, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,163,632 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00203-00000677-00000680 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 204, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,196,996 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00204-00000680-00000683 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 205, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,230,365 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00205-00000683-00000687 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 206, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,263,727 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00206-00000687-00000690 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 207, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,297,093 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00207-00000690-00000693 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 208, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,330,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00208-00000693-00000697 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 209, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,363,822 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00209-00000697-00000700 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 210, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,397,186 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00210-00000700-00000703 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 211, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,430,552 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00211-00000703-00000707 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 212, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,463,920 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00212-00000707-00000710 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 213, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,497,282 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00213-00000710-00000714 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 214, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,530,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00214-00000714-00000717 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 215, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,564,012 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00215-00000717-00000720 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 216, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,597,376 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00216-00000720-00000724 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 217, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,630,741 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00217-00000724-00000727 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 218, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,664,106 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00218-00000727-00000730 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 219, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,697,475 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00219-00000730-00000734 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 220, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,730,836 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00220-00000734-00000737 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 221, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,764,206 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00221-00000737-00000740 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 222, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,797,566 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00222-00000740-00000744 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 223, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,830,931 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00223-00000744-00000747 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 224, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,864,295 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00224-00000747-00000750 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 225, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,897,662 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00225-00000750-00000754 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 226, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,931,030 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00226-00000754-00000757 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 227, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,964,392 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00227-00000757-00000760 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 228, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:48,997,755 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00228-00000760-00000764 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 229, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,031,119 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00229-00000764-00000767 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 230, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,064,490 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00230-00000767-00000770 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 231, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,097,850 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00231-00000770-00000774 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 232, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,131,215 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00232-00000774-00000777 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 233, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,164,580 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00233-00000777-00000780 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 234, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,197,944 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00234-00000780-00000784 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 235, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,231,312 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00235-00000784-00000787 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 236, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,264,676 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00236-00000787-00000790 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 237, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,298,040 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00237-00000790-00000794 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 238, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,331,404 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00238-00000794-00000797 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 239, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,364,776 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00239-00000797-00000800 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 240, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,398,136 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00240-00000800-00000803 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 241, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,431,498 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00241-00000803-00000807 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 242, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,464,869 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00242-00000807-00000810 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 243, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,498,228 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00243-00000810-00000814 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 244, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,531,596 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00244-00000814-00000817 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 245, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,564,963 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00245-00000817-00000820 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 246, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,598,321 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00246-00000820-00000824 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 247, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,631,692 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00247-00000824-00000827 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 248, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,665,053 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00248-00000827-00000830 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 249, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,698,417 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00249-00000830-00000834 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 250, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,731,785 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00250-00000834-00000837 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 251, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,765,153 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00251-00000837-00000840 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 252, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,798,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00252-00000840-00000844 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 253, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,831,877 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00253-00000844-00000847 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 254, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,865,243 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00254-00000847-00000850 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 255, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,898,606 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00255-00000850-00000854 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 256, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,931,976 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00256-00000854-00000857 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 257, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,965,354 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00257-00000857-00000860 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 258, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:49,998,700 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00258-00000860-00000864 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 259, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,032,070 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00259-00000864-00000867 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 260, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,065,429 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00260-00000867-00000870 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 261, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,098,794 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00261-00000870-00000874 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 262, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,132,163 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00262-00000874-00000877 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 263, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,165,530 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00263-00000877-00000880 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 264, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,198,890 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00264-00000880-00000884 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 265, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,232,257 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00265-00000884-00000887 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 266, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,265,620 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00266-00000887-00000890 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 267, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,298,984 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00267-00000890-00000894 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 268, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,332,351 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00268-00000894-00000897 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 269, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,365,716 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00269-00000897-00000900 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 270, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,399,081 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00270-00000900-00000904 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 271, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,432,447 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00271-00000904-00000907 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 272, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,465,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00272-00000907-00000910 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 273, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,499,174 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00273-00000910-00000914 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 274, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,532,542 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00274-00000914-00000917 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 275, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,565,907 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00275-00000917-00000920 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 276, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,599,268 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00276-00000920-00000924 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 277, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,632,636 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00277-00000924-00000927 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 278, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,665,998 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00278-00000927-00000930 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 279, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,699,363 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00279-00000930-00000934 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 280, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,732,728 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00280-00000934-00000937 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 281, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,766,098 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00281-00000937-00000940 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 282, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,799,458 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00282-00000940-00000944 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 283, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,832,824 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00283-00000944-00000947 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 284, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,866,189 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00284-00000947-00000950 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 285, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,899,552 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00285-00000950-00000954 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 286, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,932,919 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00286-00000954-00000957 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 287, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,966,289 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00287-00000957-00000960 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 288, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:50,999,647 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00288-00000960-00000964 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 289, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,033,017 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00289-00000964-00000967 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 290, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,066,378 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00290-00000967-00000970 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 291, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,099,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00291-00000970-00000974 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 292, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,133,107 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00292-00000974-00000977 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 293, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,166,477 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00293-00000977-00000980 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 294, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,199,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00294-00000980-00000984 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 295, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,233,200 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00295-00000984-00000987 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 296, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,266,570 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00296-00000987-00000990 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 297, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,299,930 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00297-00000990-00000994 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 298, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,333,297 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00298-00000994-00000997 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 299, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,366,665 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00299-00000997-00001000 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 300, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,400,027 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00300-00001000-00001004 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 301, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,433,389 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00301-00001004-00001007 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 302, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,466,764 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00302-00001007-00001010 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 303, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,500,119 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00303-00001010-00001014 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 304, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,533,484 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00304-00001014-00001017 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 305, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,566,854 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00305-00001017-00001020 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 306, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,600,214 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00306-00001020-00001024 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 307, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,633,580 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00307-00001024-00001027 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 308, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,666,951 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00308-00001027-00001030 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 309, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,700,308 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00309-00001030-00001034 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 310, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,733,674 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00310-00001034-00001037 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 311, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,767,050 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00311-00001037-00001040 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 312, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,800,402 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00312-00001040-00001044 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 313, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,833,767 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00313-00001044-00001047 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 314, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,867,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00314-00001047-00001050 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 315, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,900,501 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00315-00001050-00001054 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 316, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,933,866 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00316-00001054-00001057 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 317, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:51,967,234 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00317-00001057-00001061 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 318, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,000,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00318-00001061-00001064 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 319, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,033,957 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00319-00001064-00001067 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 320, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,067,357 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00320-00001067-00001071 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 321, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,100,688 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00321-00001071-00001074 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 322, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,134,054 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00322-00001074-00001077 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 323, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,167,422 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00323-00001077-00001081 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 324, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,200,781 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00324-00001081-00001084 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 325, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,234,147 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00325-00001084-00001087 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 326, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,267,516 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00326-00001087-00001091 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 327, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,300,877 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00327-00001091-00001094 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 328, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,334,241 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00328-00001094-00001097 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 329, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,367,608 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00329-00001097-00001101 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 330, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,400,972 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00330-00001101-00001104 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 331, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,434,336 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00331-00001104-00001107 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 332, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,467,705 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00332-00001107-00001111 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 333, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,501,066 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00333-00001111-00001114 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 334, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,534,432 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00334-00001114-00001117 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 335, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,567,797 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00335-00001117-00001121 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 336, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,601,161 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00336-00001121-00001124 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 337, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,634,524 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00337-00001124-00001127 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 338, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,667,894 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00338-00001127-00001131 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 339, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,701,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00339-00001131-00001134 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 340, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,734,619 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00340-00001134-00001137 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 341, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,767,995 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00341-00001137-00001141 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 342, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,801,349 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00342-00001141-00001144 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 343, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,834,716 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00343-00001144-00001147 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 344, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,868,086 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00344-00001147-00001151 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 345, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,901,444 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00345-00001151-00001154 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 346, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,934,808 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00346-00001154-00001157 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 347, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:52,968,177 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00347-00001157-00001161 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 348, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,001,539 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00348-00001161-00001164 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 349, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,034,905 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00349-00001164-00001167 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 350, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,068,276 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00350-00001167-00001171 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 351, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,101,633 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00351-00001171-00001174 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 352, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,134,998 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00352-00001174-00001177 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 353, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,168,402 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00353-00001177-00001181 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 354, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,201,731 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00354-00001181-00001184 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 355, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,235,093 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00355-00001184-00001187 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 356, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,268,460 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00356-00001187-00001191 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 357, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,301,824 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00357-00001191-00001194 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 358, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,335,189 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00358-00001194-00001197 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 359, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,368,552 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00359-00001197-00001201 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 360, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,401,919 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00360-00001201-00001204 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 361, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,435,283 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00361-00001204-00001207 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 362, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,468,650 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00362-00001207-00001211 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 363, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,502,014 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00363-00001211-00001214 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 364, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,535,378 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00364-00001214-00001217 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 365, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,568,747 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00365-00001217-00001221 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 366, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,602,108 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00366-00001221-00001224 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 367, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,635,472 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00367-00001224-00001227 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 368, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,668,835 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00368-00001227-00001231 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 369, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,702,202 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00369-00001231-00001234 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 370, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,735,565 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00370-00001234-00001237 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 371, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,768,930 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00371-00001237-00001241 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 372, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,802,297 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00372-00001241-00001244 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 373, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,835,660 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00373-00001244-00001247 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 374, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,869,028 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00374-00001247-00001251 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 375, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,902,391 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00375-00001251-00001254 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 376, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,935,758 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00376-00001254-00001257 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 377, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:53,969,122 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00377-00001257-00001261 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 378, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,002,486 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00378-00001261-00001264 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 379, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,035,851 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00379-00001264-00001267 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 380, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,069,219 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00380-00001267-00001271 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 381, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,102,581 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00381-00001271-00001274 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 382, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,135,945 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00382-00001274-00001277 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 383, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,169,312 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00383-00001277-00001281 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 384, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,202,675 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00384-00001281-00001284 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 385, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,236,038 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00385-00001284-00001287 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 386, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,269,413 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00386-00001287-00001291 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 387, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,302,768 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00387-00001291-00001294 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 388, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,336,134 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00388-00001294-00001297 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 389, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,369,498 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00389-00001297-00001301 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 390, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,402,863 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00390-00001301-00001304 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 391, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,436,229 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00391-00001304-00001307 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 392, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,469,593 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00392-00001307-00001311 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 393, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,502,956 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00393-00001311-00001314 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 394, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,536,324 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00394-00001314-00001317 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 395, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,569,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00395-00001317-00001321 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 396, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,603,054 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00396-00001321-00001324 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 397, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,636,416 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00397-00001324-00001327 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 398, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,669,784 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00398-00001327-00001331 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 399, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,703,146 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00399-00001331-00001334 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 400, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,736,517 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00400-00001334-00001337 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 401, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,769,883 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00401-00001337-00001341 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 402, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,803,241 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00402-00001341-00001344 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 403, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,836,609 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00403-00001344-00001347 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 404, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,869,972 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00404-00001347-00001351 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 405, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,903,335 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00405-00001351-00001354 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 406, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,936,699 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00406-00001354-00001357 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 407, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:54,970,067 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00407-00001357-00001361 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 408, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,003,432 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00408-00001361-00001364 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 409, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,036,798 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00409-00001364-00001367 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 410, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,070,163 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00410-00001367-00001371 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 411, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,103,526 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00411-00001371-00001374 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 412, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,136,890 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00412-00001374-00001377 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 413, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,170,261 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00413-00001377-00001381 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 414, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,203,622 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00414-00001381-00001384 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 415, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,236,986 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00415-00001384-00001387 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 416, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,270,352 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00416-00001387-00001391 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 417, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,303,714 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00417-00001391-00001394 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 418, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,337,080 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00418-00001394-00001397 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 419, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,370,445 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00419-00001397-00001401 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 420, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,403,810 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00420-00001401-00001404 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 421, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,437,176 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00421-00001404-00001407 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 422, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,470,539 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00422-00001407-00001411 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 423, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,503,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00423-00001411-00001414 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 424, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,537,269 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00424-00001414-00001418 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 425, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,570,634 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00425-00001418-00001421 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 426, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,604,001 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00426-00001421-00001424 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 427, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,637,361 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00427-00001424-00001428 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 428, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,670,729 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00428-00001428-00001431 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 429, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,704,093 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00429-00001431-00001434 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 430, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,737,460 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00430-00001434-00001438 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 431, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,770,823 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00431-00001438-00001441 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 432, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,804,191 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00432-00001441-00001444 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 433, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,837,554 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00433-00001444-00001448 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 434, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,870,919 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00434-00001448-00001451 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 435, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,904,281 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00435-00001451-00001454 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 436, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,937,649 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00436-00001454-00001458 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 437, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:55,971,015 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00437-00001458-00001461 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 438, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,004,379 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00438-00001461-00001464 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 439, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,037,741 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00439-00001464-00001468 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 440, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,071,112 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00440-00001468-00001471 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 441, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,104,472 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00441-00001471-00001474 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 442, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,137,836 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00442-00001474-00001478 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 443, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,171,205 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00443-00001478-00001481 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 444, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,204,569 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00444-00001481-00001484 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 445, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,237,931 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00445-00001484-00001488 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 446, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,271,303 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00446-00001488-00001491 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 447, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,304,667 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00447-00001491-00001494 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 448, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,338,025 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00448-00001494-00001498 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 449, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,371,391 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00449-00001498-00001501 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 450, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,404,757 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00450-00001501-00001504 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 451, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,438,120 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00451-00001504-00001508 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 452, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,471,485 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00452-00001508-00001511 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 453, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,504,853 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00453-00001511-00001514 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 454, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,538,216 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00454-00001514-00001518 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 455, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,571,579 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00455-00001518-00001521 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 456, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,604,944 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00456-00001521-00001524 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 457, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,638,311 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00457-00001524-00001528 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 458, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,671,691 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00458-00001528-00001531 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 459, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,705,040 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00459-00001531-00001534 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 460, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,738,405 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00460-00001534-00001538 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 461, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,771,770 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00461-00001538-00001541 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 462, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,805,135 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00462-00001541-00001544 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 463, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,838,497 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00463-00001544-00001548 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 464, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,871,874 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00464-00001548-00001551 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 465, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,905,231 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00465-00001551-00001554 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 466, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,938,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00466-00001554-00001558 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 467, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:56,971,962 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00467-00001558-00001561 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 468, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,005,325 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00468-00001561-00001564 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 469, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,038,688 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00469-00001564-00001568 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 470, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,072,056 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00470-00001568-00001571 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 471, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,105,418 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00471-00001571-00001574 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 472, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,138,781 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00472-00001574-00001578 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 473, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,172,151 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00473-00001578-00001581 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 474, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,205,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00474-00001581-00001584 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 475, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,238,876 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00475-00001584-00001588 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 476, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,272,247 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00476-00001588-00001591 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 477, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,305,607 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00477-00001591-00001594 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 478, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,338,971 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00478-00001594-00001598 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 479, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,372,339 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00479-00001598-00001601 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 480, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,405,701 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00480-00001601-00001604 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 481, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,439,066 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00481-00001604-00001608 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 482, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,472,463 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00482-00001608-00001611 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 483, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,505,798 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00483-00001611-00001614 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 484, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,539,160 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00484-00001614-00001618 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 485, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,572,537 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00485-00001618-00001621 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 486, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,605,891 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00486-00001621-00001624 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 487, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,639,255 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00487-00001624-00001628 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 488, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,672,630 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00488-00001628-00001631 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 489, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,705,984 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00489-00001631-00001634 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 490, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,739,349 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00490-00001634-00001638 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 491, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,772,725 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00491-00001638-00001641 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 492, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,806,080 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00492-00001641-00001644 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 493, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,839,447 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00493-00001644-00001648 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 494, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,872,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00494-00001648-00001651 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 495, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,906,174 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00495-00001651-00001654 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 496, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,939,542 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00496-00001654-00001658 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 497, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:57,972,912 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00497-00001658-00001661 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 498, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,006,268 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00498-00001661-00001664 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 499, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,039,636 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00499-00001664-00001668 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 500, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,073,013 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00500-00001668-00001671 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 501, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,106,364 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00501-00001671-00001674 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 502, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,139,730 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00502-00001674-00001678 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 503, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,173,095 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00503-00001678-00001681 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 504, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,206,459 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00504-00001681-00001684 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 505, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,239,826 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00505-00001684-00001688 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 506, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,273,192 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00506-00001688-00001691 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 507, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,306,553 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00507-00001691-00001694 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 508, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,339,919 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00508-00001694-00001698 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 509, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,373,287 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00509-00001698-00001701 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 510, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,406,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00510-00001701-00001704 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 511, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,440,014 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00511-00001704-00001708 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 512, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,473,380 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00512-00001708-00001711 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 513, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,506,742 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00513-00001711-00001714 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 514, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,540,108 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00514-00001714-00001718 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 515, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,573,473 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00515-00001718-00001721 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 516, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,606,837 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00516-00001721-00001724 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 517, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,640,204 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00517-00001724-00001728 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 518, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,673,565 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00518-00001728-00001731 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 519, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,706,934 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00519-00001731-00001734 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 520, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,740,297 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00520-00001734-00001738 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 521, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,773,664 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00521-00001738-00001741 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 522, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,807,025 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00522-00001741-00001744 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 523, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,840,390 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00523-00001744-00001748 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 524, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,873,758 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00524-00001748-00001751 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 525, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,907,120 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00525-00001751-00001754 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 526, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,940,483 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00526-00001754-00001758 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 527, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:58,973,857 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00527-00001758-00001761 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 528, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,007,215 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00528-00001761-00001764 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 529, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,040,580 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00529-00001764-00001768 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 530, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,073,945 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00530-00001768-00001771 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 531, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,107,309 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00531-00001771-00001775 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 532, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,140,673 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00532-00001775-00001778 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 533, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,174,042 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00533-00001778-00001781 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 534, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,207,404 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00534-00001781-00001785 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 535, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,240,773 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00535-00001785-00001788 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 536, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,274,134 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00536-00001788-00001791 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 537, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,307,498 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00537-00001791-00001795 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 538, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,340,864 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00538-00001795-00001798 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 539, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,374,230 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00539-00001798-00001801 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 540, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,407,594 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00540-00001801-00001805 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 541, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,440,959 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00541-00001805-00001808 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 542, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,474,327 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00542-00001808-00001811 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 543, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,507,689 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00543-00001811-00001814 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 544, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,541,053 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00544-00001814-00001818 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 545, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,574,430 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00545-00001818-00001821 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 546, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,607,785 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00546-00001821-00001825 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 547, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,641,148 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00547-00001825-00001828 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 548, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,674,522 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00548-00001828-00001831 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 549, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,707,878 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00549-00001831-00001835 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 550, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,741,241 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00550-00001835-00001838 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 551, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,774,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00551-00001838-00001841 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 552, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,807,972 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00552-00001841-00001845 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 553, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,841,336 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00553-00001845-00001848 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 554, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,874,705 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00554-00001848-00001851 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 555, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,908,066 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00555-00001851-00001855 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 556, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,941,432 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00556-00001855-00001858 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 557, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:44:59,974,810 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00557-00001858-00001861 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 558, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,008,161 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00558-00001861-00001864 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 559, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,041,525 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00559-00001864-00001868 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 560, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,074,893 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00560-00001868-00001871 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 561, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,108,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00561-00001871-00001875 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 562, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,141,620 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00562-00001875-00001878 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 563, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,174,992 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00563-00001878-00001881 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 564, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,208,350 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00564-00001881-00001885 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 565, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,241,717 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00565-00001885-00001888 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 566, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,275,079 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00566-00001888-00001891 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 567, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,308,445 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00567-00001891-00001895 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 568, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,341,809 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00568-00001895-00001898 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 569, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,375,182 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00569-00001898-00001901 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 570, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,408,537 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00570-00001901-00001905 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 571, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,441,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00571-00001905-00001908 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 572, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,475,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00572-00001908-00001911 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 573, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,508,636 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00573-00001911-00001915 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 574, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,541,999 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00574-00001915-00001918 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 575, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,575,368 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00575-00001918-00001921 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 576, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,608,728 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00576-00001921-00001925 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 577, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,642,094 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00577-00001925-00001928 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 578, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,675,468 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00578-00001928-00001931 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 579, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,708,823 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00579-00001931-00001935 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 580, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,742,188 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00580-00001935-00001938 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 581, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,775,554 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00581-00001938-00001941 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 582, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,808,916 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00582-00001941-00001945 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 583, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,842,283 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00583-00001945-00001948 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 584, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,875,654 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00584-00001948-00001951 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 585, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,909,013 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00585-00001951-00001955 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 586, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,942,380 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00586-00001955-00001958 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 587, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:00,975,742 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00587-00001958-00001961 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 588, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,009,107 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00588-00001961-00001965 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 589, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,042,471 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00589-00001965-00001968 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 590, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,075,837 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00590-00001968-00001971 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 591, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,109,201 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00591-00001971-00001975 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 592, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,142,567 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00592-00001975-00001978 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 593, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,175,933 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00593-00001978-00001981 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 594, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,209,296 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00594-00001981-00001985 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 595, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,242,662 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00595-00001985-00001988 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 596, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,276,026 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00596-00001988-00001991 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 597, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,309,393 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00597-00001991-00001995 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 598, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,342,757 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00598-00001995-00001998 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 599, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,376,119 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00599-00001998-00002001 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 600, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,409,487 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00600-00002001-00002005 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 601, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,442,851 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00601-00002005-00002008 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 602, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,476,217 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00602-00002008-00002011 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 603, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,509,581 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00603-00002011-00002015 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 604, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,542,946 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00604-00002015-00002018 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 605, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,576,312 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00605-00002018-00002021 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 606, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,609,675 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00606-00002021-00002025 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 607, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,643,039 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00607-00002025-00002028 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 608, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,676,405 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00608-00002028-00002031 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 609, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,709,772 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00609-00002031-00002035 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 610, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,743,133 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00610-00002035-00002038 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 611, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,776,503 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00611-00002038-00002041 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 612, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,809,869 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00612-00002041-00002045 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 613, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,843,228 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00613-00002045-00002048 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 614, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,876,594 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00614-00002048-00002051 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 615, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,909,961 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00615-00002051-00002055 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 616, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,943,323 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00616-00002055-00002058 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 617, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:01,976,690 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00617-00002058-00002061 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 618, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,010,060 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00618-00002061-00002065 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 619, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,043,417 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00619-00002065-00002068 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 620, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,076,784 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00620-00002068-00002071 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 621, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,110,151 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00621-00002071-00002075 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 622, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,143,511 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00622-00002075-00002078 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 623, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,176,878 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00623-00002078-00002081 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 624, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,210,245 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00624-00002081-00002085 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 625, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,243,606 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00625-00002085-00002088 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 626, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,276,974 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00626-00002088-00002091 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 627, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,310,338 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00627-00002091-00002095 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 628, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,343,703 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00628-00002095-00002098 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 629, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,377,066 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00629-00002098-00002101 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 630, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,410,432 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00630-00002101-00002105 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 631, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,443,795 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00631-00002105-00002108 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 632, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,477,161 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00632-00002108-00002111 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 633, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,510,527 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00633-00002111-00002115 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 634, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,543,890 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00634-00002115-00002118 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 635, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,577,257 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00635-00002118-00002122 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 636, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,610,621 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00636-00002122-00002125 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 637, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,643,985 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00637-00002125-00002128 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 638, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,677,349 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00638-00002128-00002132 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 639, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,710,722 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00639-00002132-00002135 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 640, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,744,081 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00640-00002135-00002138 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 641, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,777,444 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00641-00002138-00002142 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 642, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,810,813 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00642-00002142-00002145 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 643, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,844,175 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00643-00002145-00002148 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 644, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,877,543 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00644-00002148-00002152 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 645, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,910,910 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00645-00002152-00002155 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 646, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,944,274 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00646-00002155-00002158 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 647, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:02,977,642 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00647-00002158-00002162 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 648, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,010,998 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00648-00002162-00002165 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 649, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,044,362 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00649-00002165-00002168 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 650, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,077,732 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00650-00002168-00002172 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 651, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,111,095 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00651-00002172-00002175 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 652, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,144,460 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00652-00002175-00002178 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 653, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,177,826 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00653-00002178-00002182 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 654, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,211,192 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00654-00002182-00002185 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 655, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,244,552 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00655-00002185-00002188 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 656, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,277,918 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00656-00002188-00002192 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 657, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,311,287 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00657-00002192-00002195 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 658, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,344,654 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00658-00002195-00002198 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 659, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,378,012 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00659-00002198-00002202 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 660, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,411,380 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00660-00002202-00002205 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 661, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,444,742 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00661-00002205-00002208 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 662, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,478,106 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00662-00002208-00002212 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 663, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,511,473 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00663-00002212-00002215 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 664, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,544,850 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00664-00002215-00002218 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 665, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,578,202 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00665-00002218-00002222 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 666, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,611,572 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00666-00002222-00002225 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 667, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,644,935 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00667-00002225-00002228 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 668, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,678,297 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00668-00002228-00002232 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 669, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,711,663 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00669-00002232-00002235 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 670, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,745,037 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00670-00002235-00002238 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 671, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,778,390 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00671-00002238-00002242 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 672, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,811,758 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00672-00002242-00002245 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 673, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,845,121 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00673-00002245-00002248 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 674, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,878,486 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00674-00002248-00002252 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 675, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,911,852 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00675-00002252-00002255 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 676, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,945,217 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00676-00002255-00002258 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 677, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:03,978,579 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00677-00002258-00002262 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 678, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,011,950 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00678-00002262-00002265 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 679, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,045,312 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00679-00002265-00002268 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 680, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,078,675 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00680-00002268-00002272 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 681, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,112,044 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00681-00002272-00002275 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 682, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,145,409 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00682-00002275-00002278 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 683, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,178,770 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00683-00002278-00002282 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 684, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,212,139 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00684-00002282-00002285 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 685, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,245,500 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00685-00002285-00002288 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 686, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,278,867 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00686-00002288-00002292 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 687, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,312,231 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00687-00002292-00002295 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 688, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,345,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00688-00002295-00002298 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 689, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,378,958 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00689-00002298-00002302 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 690, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,412,328 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00690-00002302-00002305 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 691, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,445,688 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00691-00002305-00002308 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 692, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,479,053 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00692-00002308-00002312 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 693, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,512,420 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00693-00002312-00002315 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 694, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,545,784 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00694-00002315-00002318 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 695, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,579,148 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00695-00002318-00002322 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 696, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,612,513 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00696-00002322-00002325 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 697, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,645,877 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00697-00002325-00002328 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 698, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,679,243 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00698-00002328-00002332 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 699, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,712,615 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00699-00002332-00002335 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 700, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,745,971 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00700-00002335-00002338 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 701, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,779,342 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00701-00002338-00002342 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 702, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,812,700 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00702-00002342-00002345 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 703, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,846,066 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00703-00002345-00002348 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 704, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,879,433 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00704-00002348-00002352 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 705, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,912,796 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00705-00002352-00002355 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 706, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,946,161 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00706-00002355-00002358 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 707, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:04,979,527 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00707-00002358-00002362 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 708, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,012,890 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00708-00002362-00002365 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 709, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,046,258 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00709-00002365-00002368 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 710, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,079,626 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00710-00002368-00002372 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 711, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,112,995 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00711-00002372-00002375 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 712, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,146,351 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00712-00002375-00002378 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 713, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,179,715 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00713-00002378-00002382 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 714, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,213,079 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00714-00002382-00002385 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 715, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,246,446 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00715-00002385-00002388 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 716, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,279,810 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00716-00002388-00002392 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 717, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,313,179 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00717-00002392-00002395 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 718, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,346,539 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00718-00002395-00002398 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 719, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,379,907 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00719-00002398-00002402 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 720, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,413,273 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00720-00002402-00002405 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 721, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,446,635 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00721-00002405-00002408 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 722, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,479,999 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00722-00002408-00002412 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 723, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,513,370 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00723-00002412-00002415 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 724, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,546,732 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00724-00002415-00002418 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 725, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,580,098 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00725-00002418-00002422 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 726, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,613,463 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00726-00002422-00002425 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 727, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,646,822 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00727-00002425-00002428 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 728, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,680,191 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00728-00002428-00002432 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 729, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,713,552 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00729-00002432-00002435 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 730, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,746,920 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00730-00002435-00002438 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 731, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,780,282 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00731-00002438-00002442 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 732, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,813,647 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00732-00002442-00002445 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 733, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,847,012 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00733-00002445-00002448 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 734, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,880,379 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00734-00002448-00002452 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 735, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,913,745 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00735-00002452-00002455 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 736, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,947,110 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00736-00002455-00002458 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 737, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:05,980,473 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00737-00002458-00002462 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 738, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,013,839 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00738-00002462-00002465 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 739, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,047,202 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00739-00002465-00002469 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 740, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,080,569 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00740-00002469-00002472 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 741, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,113,933 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00741-00002472-00002475 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 742, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,147,297 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00742-00002475-00002479 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 743, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,180,666 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00743-00002479-00002482 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 744, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,214,028 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00744-00002482-00002485 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 745, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,247,392 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00745-00002485-00002489 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 746, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,280,755 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00746-00002489-00002492 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 747, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,314,122 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00747-00002492-00002495 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 748, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,347,485 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00748-00002495-00002499 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 749, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,380,850 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00749-00002499-00002502 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 750, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,414,217 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00750-00002502-00002505 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 751, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,447,579 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00751-00002505-00002509 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 752, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,480,946 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00752-00002509-00002512 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 753, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,514,311 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00753-00002512-00002515 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 754, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,547,675 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00754-00002515-00002519 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 755, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,581,039 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00755-00002519-00002522 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 756, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,614,408 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00756-00002522-00002525 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 757, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,647,769 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00757-00002525-00002529 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 758, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,681,137 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00758-00002529-00002532 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 759, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,714,501 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00759-00002532-00002535 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 760, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,747,865 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00760-00002535-00002539 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 761, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,781,231 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00761-00002539-00002542 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 762, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,814,593 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00762-00002542-00002545 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 763, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,847,958 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00763-00002545-00002549 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 764, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,881,336 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00764-00002549-00002552 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 765, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,914,688 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00765-00002552-00002555 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 766, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,948,053 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00766-00002555-00002559 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 767, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:06,981,428 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00767-00002559-00002562 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 768, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,014,785 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00768-00002562-00002565 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 769, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,048,147 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00769-00002565-00002569 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 770, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,081,571 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00770-00002569-00002572 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 771, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,114,877 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00771-00002572-00002575 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 772, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,148,241 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00772-00002575-00002579 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 773, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,181,612 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00773-00002579-00002582 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 774, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,214,971 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00774-00002582-00002585 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 775, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,248,337 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00775-00002585-00002589 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 776, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,281,708 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00776-00002589-00002592 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 777, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,315,067 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00777-00002592-00002595 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 778, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,348,431 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00778-00002595-00002599 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 779, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,381,798 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00779-00002599-00002602 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 780, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,415,163 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00780-00002602-00002605 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 781, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,448,529 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00781-00002605-00002609 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 782, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,481,896 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00782-00002609-00002612 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 783, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,515,259 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00783-00002612-00002615 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 784, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,548,619 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00784-00002615-00002619 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 785, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,581,990 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00785-00002619-00002622 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 786, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,615,351 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00786-00002622-00002625 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 787, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,648,714 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00787-00002625-00002629 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 788, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,682,081 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00788-00002629-00002632 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 789, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,715,446 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00789-00002632-00002635 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 790, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,748,812 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00790-00002635-00002639 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 791, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,782,177 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00791-00002639-00002642 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 792, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,815,540 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00792-00002642-00002645 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 793, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,848,905 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00793-00002645-00002649 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 794, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,882,316 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00794-00002649-00002652 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 795, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,915,634 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00795-00002652-00002655 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 796, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,949,001 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00796-00002655-00002659 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 797, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:07,982,410 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00797-00002659-00002662 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 798, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,015,728 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00798-00002662-00002665 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 799, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,049,094 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00799-00002665-00002669 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 800, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,082,459 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00800-00002669-00002672 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 801, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,115,823 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00801-00002672-00002675 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 802, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,149,191 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00802-00002675-00002679 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 803, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,182,555 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00803-00002679-00002682 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 804, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,215,920 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00804-00002682-00002685 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 805, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,249,285 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00805-00002685-00002689 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 806, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,282,648 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00806-00002689-00002692 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 807, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,316,013 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00807-00002692-00002695 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 808, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,349,378 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00808-00002695-00002699 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 809, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,382,749 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00809-00002699-00002702 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 810, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,416,108 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00810-00002702-00002705 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 811, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,449,476 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00811-00002705-00002709 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 812, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,482,846 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00812-00002709-00002712 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 813, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,516,203 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00813-00002712-00002715 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 814, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,549,566 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00814-00002715-00002719 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 815, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,582,933 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00815-00002719-00002722 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 816, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,616,297 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00816-00002722-00002725 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 817, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,649,666 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00817-00002725-00002729 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 818, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,683,026 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00818-00002729-00002732 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 819, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,716,392 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00819-00002732-00002735 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 820, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,749,758 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00820-00002735-00002739 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 821, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,783,122 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00821-00002739-00002742 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 822, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,816,486 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00822-00002742-00002745 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 823, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,849,850 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00823-00002745-00002749 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 824, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,883,220 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00824-00002749-00002752 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 825, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,916,582 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00825-00002752-00002755 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 826, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,949,949 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00826-00002755-00002759 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 827, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:08,983,312 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00827-00002759-00002762 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 828, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,016,673 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00828-00002762-00002765 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 829, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,050,041 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00829-00002765-00002769 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 830, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,083,410 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00830-00002769-00002772 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 831, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,116,776 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00831-00002772-00002775 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 832, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,150,135 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00832-00002775-00002779 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 833, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,183,500 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00833-00002779-00002782 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 834, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,216,865 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00834-00002782-00002785 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 835, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,250,229 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00835-00002785-00002789 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 836, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,283,596 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00836-00002789-00002792 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 837, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,316,960 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00837-00002792-00002795 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 838, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,350,325 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00838-00002795-00002799 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 839, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,383,690 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00839-00002799-00002802 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 840, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,417,053 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00840-00002802-00002805 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 841, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,450,432 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00841-00002805-00002809 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 842, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,483,785 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00842-00002809-00002812 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 843, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,517,148 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00843-00002812-00002815 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 844, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,550,515 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00844-00002815-00002819 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 845, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,583,889 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00845-00002819-00002822 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 846, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,617,248 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00846-00002822-00002826 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 847, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,650,607 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00847-00002826-00002829 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 848, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,683,983 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00848-00002829-00002832 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 849, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,717,339 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00849-00002832-00002836 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 850, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,750,701 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00850-00002836-00002839 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 851, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,784,069 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00851-00002839-00002842 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 852, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,817,432 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00852-00002842-00002846 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 853, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,850,798 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00853-00002846-00002849 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 854, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,884,172 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00854-00002849-00002852 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 855, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,917,526 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00855-00002852-00002856 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 856, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,950,890 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00856-00002856-00002859 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 857, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:09,984,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00857-00002859-00002862 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 858, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,017,620 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00858-00002862-00002866 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 859, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,050,992 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00859-00002866-00002869 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 860, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,084,379 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00860-00002869-00002872 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 861, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,117,716 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00861-00002872-00002876 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 862, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,151,085 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00862-00002876-00002879 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 863, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,184,449 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00863-00002879-00002882 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 864, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,217,814 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00864-00002882-00002886 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 865, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,251,175 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00865-00002886-00002889 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 866, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,284,541 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00866-00002889-00002892 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 867, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,317,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00867-00002892-00002896 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 868, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,351,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00868-00002896-00002899 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 869, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,384,636 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00869-00002899-00002902 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 870, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,418,000 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00870-00002902-00002906 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 871, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,451,364 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00871-00002906-00002909 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 872, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,484,737 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00872-00002909-00002912 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 873, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,518,095 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00873-00002912-00002916 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 874, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,551,459 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00874-00002916-00002919 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 875, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,584,828 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00875-00002919-00002922 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 876, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,618,188 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00876-00002922-00002926 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 877, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,651,554 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00877-00002926-00002929 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 878, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,684,924 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00878-00002929-00002932 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 879, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,718,284 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00879-00002932-00002936 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 880, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,751,647 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00880-00002936-00002939 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 881, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,785,015 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00881-00002939-00002942 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 882, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,818,379 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00882-00002942-00002946 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 883, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,851,742 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00883-00002946-00002949 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 884, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,885,113 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00884-00002949-00002952 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 885, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,918,472 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00885-00002952-00002956 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 886, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,951,838 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00886-00002956-00002959 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 887, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:10,985,207 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00887-00002959-00002962 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 888, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,018,566 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00888-00002962-00002966 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 889, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,051,932 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00889-00002966-00002969 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 890, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,085,304 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00890-00002969-00002972 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 891, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,118,661 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00891-00002972-00002976 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 892, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,152,027 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00892-00002976-00002979 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 893, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,185,394 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00893-00002979-00002982 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 894, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,218,757 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00894-00002982-00002986 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 895, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,252,125 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00895-00002986-00002989 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 896, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,285,492 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00896-00002989-00002992 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 897, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,318,851 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00897-00002992-00002996 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 898, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,352,215 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00898-00002996-00002999 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 899, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,385,584 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00899-00002999-00003002 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 900, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,418,954 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00900-00003002-00003006 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 901, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,452,310 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00901-00003006-00003009 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 902, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,485,679 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00902-00003009-00003012 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 903, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,519,041 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00903-00003012-00003016 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 904, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,552,404 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00904-00003016-00003019 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 905, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,585,774 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00905-00003019-00003022 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 906, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,619,136 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00906-00003022-00003026 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 907, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,652,500 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00907-00003026-00003029 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 908, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,685,864 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00908-00003029-00003032 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 909, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,719,230 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00909-00003032-00003036 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 910, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,752,594 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00910-00003036-00003039 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 911, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,785,965 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00911-00003039-00003042 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 912, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,819,326 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00912-00003042-00003046 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 913, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,852,688 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00913-00003046-00003049 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 914, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,886,057 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00914-00003049-00003052 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 915, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,919,419 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00915-00003052-00003056 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 916, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,952,783 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00916-00003056-00003059 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 917, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:11,986,150 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00917-00003059-00003062 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 918, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,019,514 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00918-00003062-00003066 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 919, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,052,877 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00919-00003066-00003069 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 920, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,086,245 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00920-00003069-00003072 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 921, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,119,607 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00921-00003072-00003076 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 922, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,152,987 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00922-00003076-00003079 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 923, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,186,340 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00923-00003079-00003082 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 924, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,219,702 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00924-00003082-00003086 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 925, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,253,066 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00925-00003086-00003089 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 926, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,286,439 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00926-00003089-00003092 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 927, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,319,798 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00927-00003092-00003096 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 928, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,353,161 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00928-00003096-00003099 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 929, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,386,529 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00929-00003099-00003102 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 930, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,419,892 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00930-00003102-00003106 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 931, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,453,256 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00931-00003106-00003109 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 932, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,486,624 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00932-00003109-00003112 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 933, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,519,986 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00933-00003112-00003116 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 934, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,553,349 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00934-00003116-00003119 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 935, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,586,716 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00935-00003119-00003122 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 936, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,620,082 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00936-00003122-00003126 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 937, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,653,444 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00937-00003126-00003129 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 938, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,686,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00938-00003129-00003132 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 939, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,720,179 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00939-00003132-00003136 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 940, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,753,540 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00940-00003136-00003139 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 941, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,786,906 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00941-00003139-00003142 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 942, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,820,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00942-00003142-00003146 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 943, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,853,635 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00943-00003146-00003149 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 944, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,887,000 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00944-00003149-00003152 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 945, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,920,365 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00945-00003152-00003156 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 946, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,953,734 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00946-00003156-00003159 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 947, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:12,987,095 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00947-00003159-00003162 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 948, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,020,460 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00948-00003162-00003166 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 949, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,053,823 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00949-00003166-00003169 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 950, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,087,189 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00950-00003169-00003172 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 951, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,120,555 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00951-00003172-00003176 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 952, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,153,918 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00952-00003176-00003179 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 953, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,187,285 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00953-00003179-00003183 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 954, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,220,649 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00954-00003183-00003186 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 955, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,254,014 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00955-00003186-00003189 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 956, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,287,378 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00956-00003189-00003193 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 957, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,320,742 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00957-00003193-00003196 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 958, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,354,110 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00958-00003196-00003199 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 959, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,387,473 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00959-00003199-00003203 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 960, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,420,838 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00960-00003203-00003206 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 961, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,454,204 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00961-00003206-00003209 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 962, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,487,566 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00962-00003209-00003213 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 963, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,520,932 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00963-00003213-00003216 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 964, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,554,297 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00964-00003216-00003219 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 965, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,587,665 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00965-00003219-00003222 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 966, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,621,027 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00966-00003222-00003226 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 967, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,654,392 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00967-00003226-00003229 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 968, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,687,759 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00968-00003229-00003233 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 969, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,721,122 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00969-00003233-00003236 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 970, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,754,485 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00970-00003236-00003239 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 971, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,787,851 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00971-00003239-00003243 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 972, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,821,217 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00972-00003243-00003246 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 973, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,854,580 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00973-00003246-00003249 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 974, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,887,946 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00974-00003249-00003253 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 975, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,921,312 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00975-00003253-00003256 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 976, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,954,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00976-00003256-00003259 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 977, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:13,988,039 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00977-00003259-00003263 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 978, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,021,406 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00978-00003263-00003266 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 979, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,054,770 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00979-00003266-00003269 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 980, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,088,135 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00980-00003269-00003272 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 981, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,121,501 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00981-00003272-00003276 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 982, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,154,865 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00982-00003276-00003279 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 983, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,188,230 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00983-00003279-00003283 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 984, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,221,596 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00984-00003283-00003286 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 985, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,254,960 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00985-00003286-00003289 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 986, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,288,325 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00986-00003289-00003293 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 987, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,321,691 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00987-00003293-00003296 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 988, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,355,055 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00988-00003296-00003299 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 989, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,388,419 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00989-00003299-00003303 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 990, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,421,783 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00990-00003303-00003306 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 991, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,455,150 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00991-00003306-00003309 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 992, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,488,517 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00992-00003309-00003313 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 993, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,521,879 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00993-00003313-00003316 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 994, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,555,244 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00994-00003316-00003319 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 995, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,588,609 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00995-00003319-00003323 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 996, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,621,973 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00996-00003323-00003326 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 997, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,655,339 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00997-00003326-00003329 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 998, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,688,721 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00998-00003329-00003333 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 999, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,722,067 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-00999-00003333-00003336 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1000, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,755,431 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01000-00003336-00003339 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1001, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,788,801 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01001-00003339-00003343 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1002, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,822,162 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01002-00003343-00003346 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1003, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,855,537 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01003-00003346-00003349 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1004, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,888,903 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01004-00003349-00003353 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1005, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,922,257 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01005-00003353-00003356 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1006, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,955,622 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01006-00003356-00003359 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1007, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:14,988,989 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01007-00003359-00003363 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1008, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,022,351 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01008-00003363-00003366 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1009, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,055,719 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01009-00003366-00003369 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1010, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,089,099 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01010-00003369-00003373 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1011, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,122,447 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01011-00003373-00003376 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1012, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,155,811 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01012-00003376-00003379 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1013, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,189,178 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01013-00003379-00003383 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1014, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,222,541 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01014-00003383-00003386 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1015, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,255,905 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01015-00003386-00003389 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1016, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,289,271 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/2000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01016-00003389-00003393 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1017, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,322,636 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01017-00003393-00003396 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1018, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,355,999 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01018-00003396-00003399 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1019, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,389,369 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01019-00003399-00003403 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1020, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,422,730 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01020-00003403-00003406 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1021, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,456,096 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01021-00003406-00003409 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1022, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,489,462 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01022-00003409-00003413 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1023, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,522,826 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01023-00003413-00003416 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1024, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,556,190 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01024-00003416-00003419 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1025, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,589,555 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01025-00003419-00003423 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1026, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,622,918 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01026-00003423-00003426 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1027, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,656,285 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01027-00003426-00003429 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1028, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,689,651 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01028-00003429-00003433 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1029, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,723,013 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01029-00003433-00003436 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1030, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,756,379 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01030-00003436-00003439 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1031, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,789,745 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01031-00003439-00003443 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1032, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,823,107 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01032-00003443-00003446 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1033, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,856,473 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01033-00003446-00003449 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1034, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,889,840 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01034-00003449-00003453 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1035, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,923,202 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01035-00003453-00003456 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1036, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,956,569 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01036-00003456-00003459 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1037, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:15,989,938 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01037-00003459-00003463 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1038, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,023,298 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01038-00003463-00003466 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1039, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,056,664 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01039-00003466-00003469 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1040, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,090,027 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01040-00003469-00003473 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1041, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,123,392 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01041-00003473-00003476 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1042, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,156,759 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01042-00003476-00003479 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1043, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,190,127 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01043-00003479-00003483 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1044, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,223,486 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01044-00003483-00003486 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1045, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,256,852 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01045-00003486-00003489 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1046, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,290,219 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01046-00003489-00003493 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1047, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,323,583 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01047-00003493-00003496 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1048, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,356,946 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01048-00003496-00003499 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1049, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,390,312 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01049-00003499-00003503 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1050, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,423,675 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01050-00003503-00003506 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1051, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,457,039 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01051-00003506-00003509 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1052, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,490,405 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01052-00003509-00003513 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1053, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,523,770 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01053-00003513-00003516 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1054, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,557,136 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01054-00003516-00003519 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1055, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,590,500 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01055-00003519-00003523 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1056, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,623,866 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01056-00003523-00003526 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1057, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,657,230 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01057-00003526-00003529 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1058, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,690,594 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01058-00003529-00003533 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1059, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,723,963 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01059-00003533-00003536 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1060, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,757,325 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01060-00003536-00003540 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1061, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,790,692 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01061-00003540-00003543 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1062, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,824,057 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01062-00003543-00003546 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1063, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,857,420 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01063-00003546-00003550 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1064, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,890,785 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01064-00003550-00003553 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1065, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,924,150 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01065-00003553-00003556 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1066, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,957,515 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01066-00003556-00003560 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1067, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:16,990,879 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01067-00003560-00003563 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1068, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,024,246 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01068-00003563-00003566 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1069, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,057,607 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01069-00003566-00003570 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1070, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,090,975 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01070-00003570-00003573 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1071, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,124,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01071-00003573-00003576 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1072, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,157,704 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01072-00003576-00003579 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1073, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,191,067 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01073-00003579-00003583 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1074, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,224,434 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01074-00003583-00003586 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1075, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,257,798 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01075-00003586-00003590 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1076, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,291,165 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01076-00003590-00003593 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1077, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,324,529 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01077-00003593-00003596 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1078, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,357,892 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01078-00003596-00003600 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1079, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,391,259 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01079-00003600-00003603 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1080, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,424,626 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01080-00003603-00003606 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1081, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,457,987 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01081-00003606-00003610 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1082, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,491,353 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01082-00003610-00003613 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1083, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,524,717 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01083-00003613-00003616 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1084, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,558,081 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01084-00003616-00003620 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1085, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,591,451 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01085-00003620-00003623 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1086, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,624,813 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01086-00003623-00003626 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1087, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,658,176 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01087-00003626-00003629 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1088, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,691,541 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01088-00003629-00003633 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1089, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,724,909 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01089-00003633-00003636 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1090, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,758,273 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01090-00003636-00003640 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1091, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,791,638 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01091-00003640-00003643 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1092, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,825,004 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01092-00003643-00003646 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1093, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,858,364 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5797] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01093-00003646-00003650 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1094, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,891,730 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01094-00003650-00003653 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1095, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,925,098 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01095-00003653-00003656 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1096, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,958,460 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01096-00003656-00003660 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1097, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:17,991,825 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01097-00003660-00003663 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1098, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,025,192 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01098-00003663-00003666 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1099, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,058,554 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01099-00003666-00003670 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1100, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,091,920 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01100-00003670-00003673 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1101, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,125,285 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01101-00003673-00003676 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1102, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,158,648 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01102-00003676-00003680 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1103, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,192,028 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01103-00003680-00003683 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1104, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,225,381 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01104-00003683-00003686 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1105, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,258,742 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01105-00003686-00003690 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1106, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,292,110 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01106-00003690-00003693 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1107, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,325,474 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01107-00003693-00003696 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1108, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,358,839 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01108-00003696-00003700 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1109, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,392,203 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01109-00003700-00003703 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1110, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,425,569 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01110-00003703-00003706 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1111, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,458,933 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01111-00003706-00003710 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1112, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,492,298 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01112-00003710-00003713 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1113, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,525,664 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01113-00003713-00003716 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1114, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,559,029 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01114-00003716-00003720 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1115, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,592,392 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01115-00003720-00003723 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1116, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,625,758 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01116-00003723-00003726 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1117, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,659,123 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01117-00003726-00003730 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1118, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,692,486 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01118-00003730-00003733 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1119, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,725,853 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01119-00003733-00003736 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1120, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,759,217 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01120-00003736-00003740 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1121, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,792,581 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01121-00003740-00003743 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1122, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,825,947 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01122-00003743-00003746 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1123, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,859,312 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01123-00003746-00003750 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1124, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,892,677 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01124-00003750-00003753 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1125, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,926,041 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01125-00003753-00003756 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1126, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,959,405 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01126-00003756-00003760 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1127, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:18,992,776 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01127-00003760-00003763 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1128, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,026,137 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01128-00003763-00003766 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1129, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,059,500 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01129-00003766-00003770 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1130, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,092,877 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01130-00003770-00003773 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1131, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,126,230 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01131-00003773-00003776 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1132, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,159,601 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01132-00003776-00003780 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1133, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,192,959 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01133-00003780-00003783 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1134, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,226,329 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01134-00003783-00003786 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1135, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,259,689 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01135-00003786-00003790 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1136, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,293,055 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01136-00003790-00003793 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1137, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,326,421 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01137-00003793-00003796 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1138, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,359,783 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01138-00003796-00003800 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1139, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,393,150 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01139-00003800-00003803 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1140, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,426,517 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01140-00003803-00003806 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1141, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,459,882 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01141-00003806-00003810 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1142, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,493,251 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01142-00003810-00003813 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1143, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,526,610 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01143-00003813-00003816 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1144, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,559,980 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01144-00003816-00003820 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1145, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,593,338 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01145-00003820-00003823 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1146, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,626,708 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01146-00003823-00003826 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1147, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,660,070 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01147-00003826-00003830 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1148, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,693,434 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01148-00003830-00003833 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1149, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,726,801 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01149-00003833-00003836 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1150, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,760,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01150-00003836-00003840 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1151, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,793,528 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01151-00003840-00003843 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1152, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,826,894 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01152-00003843-00003846 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1153, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,860,261 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01153-00003846-00003850 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1154, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,893,625 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01154-00003850-00003853 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1155, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,926,991 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01155-00003853-00003856 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1156, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,960,355 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01156-00003856-00003860 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1157, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:19,993,718 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01157-00003860-00003863 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1158, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,027,086 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01158-00003863-00003866 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1159, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,060,449 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01159-00003866-00003870 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1160, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,093,811 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01160-00003870-00003873 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1161, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,127,181 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01161-00003873-00003876 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1162, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,160,543 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01162-00003876-00003880 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1163, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,193,910 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01163-00003880-00003883 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1164, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,227,273 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01164-00003883-00003886 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1165, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,260,636 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01165-00003886-00003890 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1166, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,294,003 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01166-00003890-00003893 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1167, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,327,365 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01167-00003893-00003897 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1168, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,360,731 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01168-00003897-00003900 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1169, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,394,096 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01169-00003900-00003903 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1170, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,427,461 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01170-00003903-00003907 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1171, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,460,826 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01171-00003907-00003910 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1172, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,494,191 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01172-00003910-00003913 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1173, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,527,558 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01173-00003913-00003917 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1174, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,560,919 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01174-00003917-00003920 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1175, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,594,292 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01175-00003920-00003923 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1176, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,627,654 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01176-00003923-00003927 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1177, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,661,016 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01177-00003927-00003930 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1178, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,694,383 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01178-00003930-00003933 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1179, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,727,747 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01179-00003933-00003936 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1180, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,761,110 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01180-00003936-00003940 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1181, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,794,474 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01181-00003940-00003943 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1182, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,827,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01182-00003943-00003947 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1183, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,861,205 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01183-00003947-00003950 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1184, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,894,569 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01184-00003950-00003953 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1185, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,927,935 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01185-00003953-00003957 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1186, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,961,298 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01186-00003957-00003960 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1187, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:20,994,663 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01187-00003960-00003963 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1188, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,028,033 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01188-00003963-00003967 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1189, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,061,393 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01189-00003967-00003970 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1190, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,094,759 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01190-00003970-00003973 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1191, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,128,130 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01191-00003973-00003977 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1192, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,161,490 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01192-00003977-00003980 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1193, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,194,854 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01193-00003980-00003983 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1194, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,228,226 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01194-00003983-00003987 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1195, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,261,582 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01195-00003987-00003990 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1196, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,294,947 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01196-00003990-00003993 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1197, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,328,313 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01197-00003993-00003997 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1198, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,361,679 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01198-00003997-00004000 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1199, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,395,041 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5800] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01199-00004000-00004003 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1200, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,428,410 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01200-00004003-00004007 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1201, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,461,776 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01201-00004007-00004010 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1202, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,495,136 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01202-00004010-00004013 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1203, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,528,505 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01203-00004013-00004017 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1204, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,561,867 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01204-00004017-00004020 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1205, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,595,230 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01205-00004020-00004023 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1206, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,628,601 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01206-00004023-00004027 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1207, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,661,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01207-00004027-00004030 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1208, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,695,325 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01208-00004030-00004033 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1209, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,728,691 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01209-00004033-00004037 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1210, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,762,056 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01210-00004037-00004040 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1211, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,795,421 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01211-00004040-00004043 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1212, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,828,795 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01212-00004043-00004047 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1213, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,862,153 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01213-00004047-00004050 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1214, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,895,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01214-00004050-00004053 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1215, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,928,882 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01215-00004053-00004057 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1216, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,962,247 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01216-00004057-00004060 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1217, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:21,995,610 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01217-00004060-00004063 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1218, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,028,978 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01218-00004063-00004067 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1219, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,062,342 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01219-00004067-00004070 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1220, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,095,705 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01220-00004070-00004073 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1221, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,129,072 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01221-00004073-00004077 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1222, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,162,435 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01222-00004077-00004080 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1223, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,195,801 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01223-00004080-00004083 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1224, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,229,165 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01224-00004083-00004087 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1225, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,262,527 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01225-00004087-00004090 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1226, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,295,896 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01226-00004090-00004093 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1227, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,329,259 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01227-00004093-00004097 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1228, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,362,622 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01228-00004097-00004100 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1229, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,395,990 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01229-00004100-00004103 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1230, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,429,354 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01230-00004103-00004107 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1231, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,462,718 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01231-00004107-00004110 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1232, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,496,086 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01232-00004110-00004113 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1233, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,529,449 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01233-00004113-00004117 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1234, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,562,815 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01234-00004117-00004120 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1235, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,596,177 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01235-00004120-00004123 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1236, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,629,541 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01236-00004123-00004127 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1237, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,662,906 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01237-00004127-00004130 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1238, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,696,276 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01238-00004130-00004133 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1239, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,729,638 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01239-00004133-00004137 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1240, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,763,009 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01240-00004137-00004140 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1241, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,796,369 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01241-00004140-00004143 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1242, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,829,739 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01242-00004143-00004147 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1243, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,863,096 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01243-00004147-00004150 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1244, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,896,464 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01244-00004150-00004153 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1245, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,929,827 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01245-00004153-00004157 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1246, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,963,191 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01246-00004157-00004160 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1247, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:22,996,559 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01247-00004160-00004163 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1248, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,029,921 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01248-00004163-00004167 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1249, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,063,285 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01249-00004167-00004170 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1250, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,096,650 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01250-00004170-00004173 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1251, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,130,014 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01251-00004173-00004177 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1252, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,163,380 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01252-00004177-00004180 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1253, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,196,745 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01253-00004180-00004183 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1254, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,230,113 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01254-00004183-00004187 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1255, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,263,475 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01255-00004187-00004190 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1256, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,296,838 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01256-00004190-00004193 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1257, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,330,220 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01257-00004193-00004197 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1258, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,363,570 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01258-00004197-00004200 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1259, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,396,935 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01259-00004200-00004203 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1260, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,430,302 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01260-00004203-00004207 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1261, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,463,664 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01261-00004207-00004210 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1262, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,497,028 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01262-00004210-00004213 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1263, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,530,394 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01263-00004213-00004217 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1264, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,563,761 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01264-00004217-00004220 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1265, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,597,123 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01265-00004220-00004223 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1266, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,630,488 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01266-00004223-00004227 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1267, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,663,855 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01267-00004227-00004230 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1268, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,697,218 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01268-00004230-00004234 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1269, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,730,583 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01269-00004234-00004237 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1270, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,763,948 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01270-00004237-00004240 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1271, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,797,311 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01271-00004240-00004244 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1272, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,830,678 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01272-00004244-00004247 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1273, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,864,044 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01273-00004247-00004250 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1274, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,897,410 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01274-00004250-00004254 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1275, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,930,776 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01275-00004254-00004257 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1276, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,964,141 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01276-00004257-00004260 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1277, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:23,997,504 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01277-00004260-00004264 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1278, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,030,870 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01278-00004264-00004267 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1279, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,064,235 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01279-00004267-00004270 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1280, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,097,600 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01280-00004270-00004274 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1281, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,130,963 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01281-00004274-00004277 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1282, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,164,330 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01282-00004277-00004280 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1283, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,197,696 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01283-00004280-00004284 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1284, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,231,057 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01284-00004284-00004287 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1285, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,264,421 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01285-00004287-00004290 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1286, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,297,786 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01286-00004290-00004294 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1287, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,331,153 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01287-00004294-00004297 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1288, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,364,519 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01288-00004297-00004300 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1289, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,397,884 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01289-00004300-00004304 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1290, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,431,246 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01290-00004304-00004307 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1291, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,464,615 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01291-00004307-00004310 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1292, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,497,976 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01292-00004310-00004314 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1293, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,531,342 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01293-00004314-00004317 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1294, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,564,710 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01294-00004317-00004320 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1295, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,598,097 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01295-00004320-00004324 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1296, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,631,434 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01296-00004324-00004327 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1297, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,664,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01297-00004327-00004330 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1298, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,698,164 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01298-00004330-00004334 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1299, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,731,528 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01299-00004334-00004337 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1300, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,764,901 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01300-00004337-00004340 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1301, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,798,263 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01301-00004340-00004344 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1302, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,831,623 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01302-00004344-00004347 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1303, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,864,996 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01303-00004347-00004350 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1304, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,898,355 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01304-00004350-00004354 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1305, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,931,721 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01305-00004354-00004357 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1306, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,965,088 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01306-00004357-00004360 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1307, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:24,998,448 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01307-00004360-00004364 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1308, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,031,813 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01308-00004364-00004367 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1309, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,065,181 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01309-00004367-00004370 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1310, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,098,542 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01310-00004370-00004374 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1311, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,131,911 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01311-00004374-00004377 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1312, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,165,275 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01312-00004377-00004380 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1313, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,198,638 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01313-00004380-00004384 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1314, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,232,003 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01314-00004384-00004387 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1315, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,265,373 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01315-00004387-00004390 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1316, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,298,730 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01316-00004390-00004394 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1317, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,332,102 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01317-00004394-00004397 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1318, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,365,464 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01318-00004397-00004400 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1319, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,398,826 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01319-00004400-00004404 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1320, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,432,192 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01320-00004404-00004407 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1321, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,465,555 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01321-00004407-00004410 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1322, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,498,923 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01322-00004410-00004414 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1323, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,532,288 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5802] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01323-00004414-00004417 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1324, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,565,657 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01324-00004417-00004420 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1325, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,599,015 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01325-00004420-00004424 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1326, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,632,381 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01326-00004424-00004427 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1327, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,665,756 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01327-00004427-00004430 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1328, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,699,109 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01328-00004430-00004434 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1329, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,732,479 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01329-00004434-00004437 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1330, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,765,842 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01330-00004437-00004440 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1331, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,799,205 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01331-00004440-00004444 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1332, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,832,569 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01332-00004444-00004447 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1333, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,865,938 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01333-00004447-00004450 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1334, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,899,299 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01334-00004450-00004454 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1335, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,932,669 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01335-00004454-00004457 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1336, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,966,032 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01336-00004457-00004460 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1337, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:25,999,394 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01337-00004460-00004464 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1338, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,032,760 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01338-00004464-00004467 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1339, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,066,133 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01339-00004467-00004470 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1340, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,099,489 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01340-00004470-00004474 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1341, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,132,857 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01341-00004474-00004477 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1342, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,166,228 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01342-00004477-00004480 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1343, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,199,583 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01343-00004480-00004484 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1344, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,232,951 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01344-00004484-00004487 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1345, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,266,317 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01345-00004487-00004490 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1346, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,299,679 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01346-00004490-00004494 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1347, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,333,044 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01347-00004494-00004497 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1348, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,366,409 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01348-00004497-00004500 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1349, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,399,771 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01349-00004500-00004504 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1350, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,433,140 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01350-00004504-00004507 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1351, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,466,508 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01351-00004507-00004510 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1352, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,499,867 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01352-00004510-00004514 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1353, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,533,233 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01353-00004514-00004517 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1354, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,566,600 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01354-00004517-00004520 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1355, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,599,961 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01355-00004520-00004524 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1356, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,633,329 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01356-00004524-00004527 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1357, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,666,695 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01357-00004527-00004530 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1358, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,700,057 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01358-00004530-00004534 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1359, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,733,422 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01359-00004534-00004537 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1360, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,766,793 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01360-00004537-00004540 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1361, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,800,151 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01361-00004540-00004544 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1362, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,833,515 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01362-00004544-00004547 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1363, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,866,885 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01363-00004547-00004550 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1364, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,900,252 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01364-00004550-00004554 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1365, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,933,610 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01365-00004554-00004557 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1366, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:26,966,980 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01366-00004557-00004560 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1367, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,000,341 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01367-00004560-00004564 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1368, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,033,704 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01368-00004564-00004567 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1369, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,067,073 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01369-00004567-00004570 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1370, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,100,434 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01370-00004570-00004574 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1371, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,133,799 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01371-00004574-00004577 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1372, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,167,168 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01372-00004577-00004580 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1373, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,200,531 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01373-00004580-00004584 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1374, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,233,894 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01374-00004584-00004587 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1375, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,267,264 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01375-00004587-00004591 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1376, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,300,625 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01376-00004591-00004594 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1377, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,334,002 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01377-00004594-00004597 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1378, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,367,355 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01378-00004597-00004601 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1379, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,400,718 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01379-00004601-00004604 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1380, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,434,084 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01380-00004604-00004607 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1381, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,467,451 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01381-00004607-00004611 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1382, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,500,813 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01382-00004611-00004614 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1383, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,534,180 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01383-00004614-00004617 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1384, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,567,547 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01384-00004617-00004621 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1385, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,600,909 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01385-00004621-00004624 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1386, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,634,275 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01386-00004624-00004627 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1387, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,667,640 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01387-00004627-00004631 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1388, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,701,002 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01388-00004631-00004634 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1389, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,734,367 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01389-00004634-00004637 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1390, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,767,736 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01390-00004637-00004641 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1391, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,801,100 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01391-00004641-00004644 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1392, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,834,464 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01392-00004644-00004647 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1393, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,867,833 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01393-00004647-00004651 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1394, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,901,191 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01394-00004651-00004654 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1395, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,934,558 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01395-00004654-00004657 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1396, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:27,967,928 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01396-00004657-00004661 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1397, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,001,285 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01397-00004661-00004664 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1398, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,034,653 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01398-00004664-00004667 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1399, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,068,024 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01399-00004667-00004671 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1400, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,101,381 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01400-00004671-00004674 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1401, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,134,746 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01401-00004674-00004677 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1402, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,168,118 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01402-00004677-00004681 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1403, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,201,475 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01403-00004681-00004684 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1404, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,234,841 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01404-00004684-00004687 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1405, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,268,211 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01405-00004687-00004691 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1406, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,301,578 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01406-00004691-00004694 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1407, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,334,936 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01407-00004694-00004697 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1408, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,368,306 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01408-00004697-00004701 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1409, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,401,665 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01409-00004701-00004704 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1410, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,435,030 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01410-00004704-00004707 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1411, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,468,394 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01411-00004707-00004711 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1412, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,501,759 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01412-00004711-00004714 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1413, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,535,126 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5803] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01413-00004714-00004717 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1414, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,568,492 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01414-00004717-00004721 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1415, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,601,855 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01415-00004721-00004724 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1416, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,635,220 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01416-00004724-00004727 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1417, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,668,585 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01417-00004727-00004731 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1418, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,701,950 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01418-00004731-00004734 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1419, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,735,316 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01419-00004734-00004737 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1420, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,768,682 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01420-00004737-00004741 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1421, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,802,042 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01421-00004741-00004744 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1422, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,835,410 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01422-00004744-00004747 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1423, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,868,774 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01423-00004747-00004751 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1424, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,902,141 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01424-00004751-00004754 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1425, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,935,504 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01425-00004754-00004757 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1426, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:28,968,869 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01426-00004757-00004761 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1427, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,002,233 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5804] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01427-00004761-00004764 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1428, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,035,596 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01428-00004764-00004767 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1429, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,068,962 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01429-00004767-00004771 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1430, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,102,327 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01430-00004771-00004774 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1431, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,135,691 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01431-00004774-00004777 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1432, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,169,058 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01432-00004777-00004781 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1433, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,202,424 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01433-00004781-00004784 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1434, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,235,790 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01434-00004784-00004787 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1435, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,269,153 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01435-00004787-00004791 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1436, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,302,520 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01436-00004791-00004794 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1437, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,335,880 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01437-00004794-00004797 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1438, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,369,252 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01438-00004797-00004801 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1439, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,402,614 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01439-00004801-00004804 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1440, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,435,976 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01440-00004804-00004807 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1441, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,469,346 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01441-00004807-00004811 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1442, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,502,705 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01442-00004811-00004814 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1443, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,536,069 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01443-00004814-00004817 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1444, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,569,442 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01444-00004817-00004821 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1445, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,602,805 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01445-00004821-00004824 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1446, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,636,166 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01446-00004824-00004827 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1447, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,669,534 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01447-00004827-00004831 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1448, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,702,896 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01448-00004831-00004834 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1449, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,736,259 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01449-00004834-00004837 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1450, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,769,626 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01450-00004837-00004841 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1451, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,803,003 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01451-00004841-00004844 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1452, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,836,359 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01452-00004844-00004847 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1453, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,869,722 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5805] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01453-00004847-00004851 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1454, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,903,084 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01454-00004851-00004854 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1455, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,936,452 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01455-00004854-00004857 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1456, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:29,969,817 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01456-00004857-00004861 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1457, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,003,179 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01457-00004861-00004864 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1458, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,036,543 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01458-00004864-00004867 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1459, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,069,912 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5807] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01459-00004867-00004871 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1460, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,103,274 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5808] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01460-00004871-00004874 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1461, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,136,638 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5808] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01461-00004874-00004877 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1462, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,170,014 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01462-00004877-00004881 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1463, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,203,369 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01463-00004881-00004884 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1464, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,236,734 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01464-00004884-00004887 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1465, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,270,101 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01465-00004887-00004891 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1466, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,303,461 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01466-00004891-00004894 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1467, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,336,827 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01467-00004894-00004897 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1468, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,370,195 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01468-00004897-00004901 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1469, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,403,557 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01469-00004901-00004904 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1470, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,436,924 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01470-00004904-00004907 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1471, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,470,290 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01471-00004907-00004911 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1472, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,503,650 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01472-00004911-00004914 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1473, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,537,017 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01473-00004914-00004917 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1474, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,570,394 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01474-00004917-00004921 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1475, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,603,748 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01475-00004921-00004924 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1476, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,637,110 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01476-00004924-00004927 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1477, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,670,475 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01477-00004927-00004931 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1478, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,703,841 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01478-00004931-00004934 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1479, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,737,207 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01479-00004934-00004938 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1480, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,770,575 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01480-00004938-00004941 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1481, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,803,944 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01481-00004941-00004944 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1482, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,837,302 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01482-00004944-00004948 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1483, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,870,665 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01483-00004948-00004951 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1484, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,904,033 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01484-00004951-00004954 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1485, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,937,397 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01485-00004954-00004958 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1486, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:30,970,762 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01486-00004958-00004961 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1487, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,004,130 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01487-00004961-00004964 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1488, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,037,490 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01488-00004964-00004968 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1489, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,070,859 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01489-00004968-00004971 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1490, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,104,224 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01490-00004971-00004974 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1491, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,137,590 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01491-00004974-00004978 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1492, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,170,951 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01492-00004978-00004981 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1493, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,204,314 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01493-00004981-00004984 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1494, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,237,681 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01494-00004984-00004988 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1495, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,271,044 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01495-00004988-00004991 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1496, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,304,409 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01496-00004991-00004994 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1497, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,337,774 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01497-00004994-00004998 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1498, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,371,140 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01498-00004998-00005001 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1499, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,404,502 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01499-00005001-00005004 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1500, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,437,869 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01500-00005004-00005008 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1501, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,471,244 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01501-00005008-00005011 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1502, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,504,600 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01502-00005011-00005014 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1503, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,537,965 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01503-00005014-00005018 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1504, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,571,332 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01504-00005018-00005021 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1505, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,604,697 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01505-00005021-00005024 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1506, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,638,062 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01506-00005024-00005028 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1507, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,671,421 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01507-00005028-00005031 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1508, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,704,788 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01508-00005031-00005034 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1509, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,738,155 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01509-00005034-00005038 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1510, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,771,517 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01510-00005038-00005041 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1511, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,804,882 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01511-00005041-00005044 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1512, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,838,245 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01512-00005044-00005048 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1513, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,871,613 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01513-00005048-00005051 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1514, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,904,978 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01514-00005051-00005054 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1515, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,938,343 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01515-00005054-00005058 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1516, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:31,971,716 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01516-00005058-00005061 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1517, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,005,088 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01517-00005061-00005064 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1518, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,038,436 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01518-00005064-00005068 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1519, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,071,803 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01519-00005068-00005071 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1520, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,105,181 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01520-00005071-00005074 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1521, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,138,532 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01521-00005074-00005078 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1522, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,171,903 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01522-00005078-00005081 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1523, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,205,267 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01523-00005081-00005084 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1524, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,238,627 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01524-00005084-00005088 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1525, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,271,992 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01525-00005088-00005091 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1526, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,305,355 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01526-00005091-00005094 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1527, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,338,718 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01527-00005094-00005098 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1528, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,372,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01528-00005098-00005101 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1529, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,405,449 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01529-00005101-00005104 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1530, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,438,813 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01530-00005104-00005108 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1531, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,472,189 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01531-00005108-00005111 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1532, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,505,545 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01532-00005111-00005114 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1533, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,538,908 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01533-00005114-00005118 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1534, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,572,281 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01534-00005118-00005121 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1535, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,605,640 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01535-00005121-00005124 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1536, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,639,003 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01536-00005124-00005128 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1537, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,672,370 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01537-00005128-00005131 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1538, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,705,736 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01538-00005131-00005134 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1539, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,739,097 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01539-00005134-00005138 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1540, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,772,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01540-00005138-00005141 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1541, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,805,830 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01541-00005141-00005144 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1542, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,839,196 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01542-00005144-00005148 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1543, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,872,568 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01543-00005148-00005151 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1544, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,905,925 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01544-00005151-00005154 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1545, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,939,290 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01545-00005154-00005158 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1546, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:32,972,665 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01546-00005158-00005161 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1547, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,006,019 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01547-00005161-00005164 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1548, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,039,383 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01548-00005164-00005168 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1549, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,072,753 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01549-00005168-00005171 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1550, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,106,113 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01550-00005171-00005174 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1551, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,139,485 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01551-00005174-00005178 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1552, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,172,852 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01552-00005178-00005181 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1553, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,206,209 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01553-00005181-00005184 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1554, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,239,575 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01554-00005184-00005188 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1555, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,272,946 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01555-00005188-00005191 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1556, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,306,300 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01556-00005191-00005194 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1557, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,339,670 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01557-00005194-00005198 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1558, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,373,030 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01558-00005198-00005201 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1559, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,406,395 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01559-00005201-00005204 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1560, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,439,770 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01560-00005204-00005208 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1561, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,473,131 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01561-00005208-00005211 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1562, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,506,492 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01562-00005211-00005214 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1563, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,539,860 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01563-00005214-00005218 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1564, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,573,223 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01564-00005218-00005221 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1565, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,606,585 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01565-00005221-00005224 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1566, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,639,953 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01566-00005224-00005228 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1567, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,673,317 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01567-00005228-00005231 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1568, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,706,681 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01568-00005231-00005234 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1569, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,740,047 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01569-00005234-00005238 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1570, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,773,413 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01570-00005238-00005241 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1571, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,806,776 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01571-00005241-00005244 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1572, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,840,145 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01572-00005244-00005248 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1573, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,873,503 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01573-00005248-00005251 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1574, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,906,867 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01574-00005251-00005254 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1575, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,940,235 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01575-00005254-00005258 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1576, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:33,973,600 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01576-00005258-00005261 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1577, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,006,963 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01577-00005261-00005264 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1578, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,040,328 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01578-00005264-00005268 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1579, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,073,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01579-00005268-00005271 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1580, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,107,060 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01580-00005271-00005274 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1581, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,140,423 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01581-00005274-00005278 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1582, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,173,790 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01582-00005278-00005281 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1583, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,207,152 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01583-00005281-00005284 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1584, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,240,518 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01584-00005284-00005288 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1585, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,273,883 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01585-00005288-00005291 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1586, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,307,250 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01586-00005291-00005295 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1587, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,340,613 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01587-00005295-00005298 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1588, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,373,980 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01588-00005298-00005301 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1589, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,407,342 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01589-00005301-00005305 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1590, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,440,709 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01590-00005305-00005308 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1591, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,474,072 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01591-00005308-00005311 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1592, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,507,437 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01592-00005311-00005315 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1593, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,540,800 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01593-00005315-00005318 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1594, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,574,173 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01594-00005318-00005321 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1595, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,607,534 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01595-00005321-00005325 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1596, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,640,895 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01596-00005325-00005328 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1597, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,674,260 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01597-00005328-00005331 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1598, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,707,626 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01598-00005331-00005335 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1599, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,740,992 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01599-00005335-00005338 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1600, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,774,359 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01600-00005338-00005341 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1601, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,807,721 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01601-00005341-00005345 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1602, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,841,084 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01602-00005345-00005348 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1603, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,874,458 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01603-00005348-00005351 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1604, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,907,813 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01604-00005351-00005355 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1605, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,941,180 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01605-00005355-00005358 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1606, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:34,974,545 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01606-00005358-00005361 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1607, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,007,911 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01607-00005361-00005365 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1608, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,041,278 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01608-00005365-00005368 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1609, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,074,639 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01609-00005368-00005371 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1610, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,108,006 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01610-00005371-00005375 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1611, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,141,370 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01611-00005375-00005378 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1612, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,174,734 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01612-00005378-00005381 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1613, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,208,101 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01613-00005381-00005385 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1614, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,241,463 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01614-00005385-00005388 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1615, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,274,829 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01615-00005388-00005391 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1616, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,308,194 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01616-00005391-00005395 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1617, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,341,562 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01617-00005395-00005398 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1618, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,374,929 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01618-00005398-00005401 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1619, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,408,287 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01619-00005401-00005405 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1620, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,441,654 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01620-00005405-00005408 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1621, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,475,019 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01621-00005408-00005411 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1622, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,508,385 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01622-00005411-00005415 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1623, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,541,748 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01623-00005415-00005418 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1624, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,575,111 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01624-00005418-00005421 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1625, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,608,478 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01625-00005421-00005425 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1626, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,641,844 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01626-00005425-00005428 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1627, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,675,207 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01627-00005428-00005431 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1628, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,708,571 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01628-00005431-00005435 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1629, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,741,938 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01629-00005435-00005438 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1630, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,775,303 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01630-00005438-00005441 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1631, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,808,667 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01631-00005441-00005445 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1632, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,842,032 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01632-00005445-00005448 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1633, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,875,395 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01633-00005448-00005451 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1634, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,908,760 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01634-00005451-00005455 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1635, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,942,127 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01635-00005455-00005458 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1636, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:35,975,491 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01636-00005458-00005461 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1637, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,008,857 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01637-00005461-00005465 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1638, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,042,222 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01638-00005465-00005468 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1639, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,075,593 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01639-00005468-00005471 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1640, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,108,951 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01640-00005471-00005475 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1641, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,142,318 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01641-00005475-00005478 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1642, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,175,680 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01642-00005478-00005481 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1643, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,209,047 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01643-00005481-00005485 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1644, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,242,408 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01644-00005485-00005488 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1645, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,275,775 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01645-00005488-00005491 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1646, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,309,139 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01646-00005491-00005495 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1647, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,342,505 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01647-00005495-00005498 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1648, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,375,868 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01648-00005498-00005501 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1649, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,409,236 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01649-00005501-00005505 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1650, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,442,598 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01650-00005505-00005508 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1651, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,475,963 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01651-00005508-00005511 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1652, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,509,329 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01652-00005511-00005515 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1653, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,542,693 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01653-00005515-00005518 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1654, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,576,059 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01654-00005518-00005521 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1655, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,609,426 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01655-00005521-00005525 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1656, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,642,786 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01656-00005525-00005528 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1657, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,676,153 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01657-00005528-00005531 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1658, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,709,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01658-00005531-00005535 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1659, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,742,881 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01659-00005535-00005538 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1660, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,776,247 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01660-00005538-00005541 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1661, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,809,615 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01661-00005541-00005545 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1662, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,842,991 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01662-00005545-00005548 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1663, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,876,341 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01663-00005548-00005551 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1664, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,909,710 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01664-00005551-00005555 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1665, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,943,071 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01665-00005555-00005558 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1666, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:36,976,436 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01666-00005558-00005561 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1667, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,009,803 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01667-00005561-00005565 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1668, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,043,167 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01668-00005565-00005568 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1669, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,076,532 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01669-00005568-00005571 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1670, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,109,902 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01670-00005571-00005575 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1671, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,143,260 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01671-00005575-00005578 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1672, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,176,626 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01672-00005578-00005581 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1673, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,209,989 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01673-00005581-00005585 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1674, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,243,354 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01674-00005585-00005588 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1675, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,276,722 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01675-00005588-00005591 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1676, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,310,089 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01676-00005591-00005595 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1677, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,343,450 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01677-00005595-00005598 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1678, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,376,814 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01678-00005598-00005601 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1679, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,410,181 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01679-00005601-00005605 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1680, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,443,544 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01680-00005605-00005608 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1681, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,476,924 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01681-00005608-00005611 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1682, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,510,277 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01682-00005611-00005615 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1683, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,543,639 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01683-00005615-00005618 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1684, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,577,005 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01684-00005618-00005621 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1685, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,610,369 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01685-00005621-00005625 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1686, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,643,734 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01686-00005625-00005628 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1687, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,677,100 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01687-00005628-00005631 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1688, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,710,464 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01688-00005631-00005635 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1689, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,743,829 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01689-00005635-00005638 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1690, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,777,194 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01690-00005638-00005641 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1691, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,810,559 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01691-00005641-00005645 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1692, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,843,923 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01692-00005645-00005648 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1693, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,877,289 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01693-00005648-00005652 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1694, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,910,661 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01694-00005652-00005655 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1695, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,944,023 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01695-00005655-00005658 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1696, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:37,977,386 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01696-00005658-00005662 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1697, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,010,749 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01697-00005662-00005665 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1698, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,044,113 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01698-00005665-00005668 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1699, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,077,477 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01699-00005668-00005672 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1700, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,110,846 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01700-00005672-00005675 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1701, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,144,208 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01701-00005675-00005678 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1702, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,177,571 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01702-00005678-00005682 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1703, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,210,937 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01703-00005682-00005685 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1704, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,244,302 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01704-00005685-00005688 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1705, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,277,666 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01705-00005688-00005692 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1706, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,311,033 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01706-00005692-00005695 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1707, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,344,398 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01707-00005695-00005698 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1708, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,377,761 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01708-00005698-00005702 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1709, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,411,133 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01709-00005702-00005705 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1710, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,444,492 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01710-00005705-00005708 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1711, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,477,857 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01711-00005708-00005712 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1712, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,511,228 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01712-00005712-00005715 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1713, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,544,586 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01713-00005715-00005718 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1714, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,577,952 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01714-00005718-00005722 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1715, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,611,319 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01715-00005722-00005725 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1716, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,644,680 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01716-00005725-00005728 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1717, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,678,046 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01717-00005728-00005732 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1718, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,711,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01718-00005732-00005735 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1719, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,744,778 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01719-00005735-00005738 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1720, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,778,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01720-00005738-00005742 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1721, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,811,505 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01721-00005742-00005745 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1722, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,844,874 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01722-00005745-00005748 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1723, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,878,236 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01723-00005748-00005752 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1724, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,911,603 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01724-00005752-00005755 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1725, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,944,968 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01725-00005755-00005758 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1726, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:38,978,336 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01726-00005758-00005762 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1727, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,011,695 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01727-00005762-00005765 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1728, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,045,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01728-00005765-00005768 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1729, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,078,424 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01729-00005768-00005772 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1730, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,111,795 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01730-00005772-00005775 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1731, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,145,155 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01731-00005775-00005778 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1732, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,178,519 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01732-00005778-00005782 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1733, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,211,890 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01733-00005782-00005785 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1734, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,245,248 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01734-00005785-00005788 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1735, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,278,613 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01735-00005788-00005792 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1736, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,311,983 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01736-00005792-00005795 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1737, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,345,342 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01737-00005795-00005798 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1738, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,378,707 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01738-00005798-00005802 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1739, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,412,078 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01739-00005802-00005805 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1740, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,445,436 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01740-00005805-00005808 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1741, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,478,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01741-00005808-00005812 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1742, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,512,171 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01742-00005812-00005815 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1743, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,545,530 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01743-00005815-00005818 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1744, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,578,898 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01744-00005818-00005822 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1745, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,612,269 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01745-00005822-00005825 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1746, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,645,628 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01746-00005825-00005828 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1747, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,678,994 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01747-00005828-00005832 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1748, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,712,366 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01748-00005832-00005835 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1749, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,745,722 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01749-00005835-00005838 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1750, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,779,093 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01750-00005838-00005842 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1751, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,812,453 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01751-00005842-00005845 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1752, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,845,817 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01752-00005845-00005848 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1753, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,879,187 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01753-00005848-00005852 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1754, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,912,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01754-00005852-00005855 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1755, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,945,909 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01755-00005855-00005858 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1756, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:39,979,279 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01756-00005858-00005862 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1757, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,012,643 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01757-00005862-00005865 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1758, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,046,005 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01758-00005865-00005868 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1759, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,079,376 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01759-00005868-00005872 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1760, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,112,739 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01760-00005872-00005875 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1761, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,146,099 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01761-00005875-00005878 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1762, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,179,467 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01762-00005878-00005882 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1763, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,212,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01763-00005882-00005885 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1764, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,246,194 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01764-00005885-00005888 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1765, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,279,558 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01765-00005888-00005892 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1766, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,312,932 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01766-00005892-00005895 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1767, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,346,288 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01767-00005895-00005898 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1768, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,379,655 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01768-00005898-00005902 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1769, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,413,017 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01769-00005902-00005905 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1770, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,446,383 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01770-00005905-00005908 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1771, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,479,748 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01771-00005908-00005912 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1772, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,513,116 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01772-00005912-00005915 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1773, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,546,477 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01773-00005915-00005918 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1774, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,579,844 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01774-00005918-00005922 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1775, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,613,207 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01775-00005922-00005925 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1776, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,646,573 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01776-00005925-00005928 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1777, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,679,937 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01777-00005928-00005932 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1778, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,713,302 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01778-00005932-00005935 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1779, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,746,667 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01779-00005935-00005938 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1780, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,780,036 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01780-00005938-00005942 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1781, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,813,396 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01781-00005942-00005945 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1782, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,846,760 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01782-00005945-00005948 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1783, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,880,162 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01783-00005948-00005952 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1784, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,913,494 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01784-00005952-00005955 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1785, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,946,858 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01785-00005955-00005958 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1786, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:40,980,222 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01786-00005958-00005962 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1787, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,013,587 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01787-00005962-00005965 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1788, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,046,951 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01788-00005965-00005968 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1789, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,080,322 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01789-00005968-00005972 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1790, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,113,683 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01790-00005972-00005975 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1791, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,147,045 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01791-00005975-00005978 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1792, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,180,413 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01792-00005978-00005982 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1793, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,213,775 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01793-00005982-00005985 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1794, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,247,139 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01794-00005985-00005988 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1795, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,280,504 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01795-00005988-00005992 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1796, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,313,887 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01796-00005992-00005995 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1797, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,347,236 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01797-00005995-00005999 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1798, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,380,600 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01798-00005999-00006002 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1799, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,414,006 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01799-00006002-00006005 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1800, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,447,328 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01800-00006005-00006009 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1801, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,480,695 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01801-00006009-00006012 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1802, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,514,059 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01802-00006012-00006015 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1803, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,547,423 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01803-00006015-00006019 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1804, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,580,790 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01804-00006019-00006022 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1805, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,614,155 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01805-00006022-00006025 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1806, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,647,518 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01806-00006025-00006029 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1807, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,680,887 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01807-00006029-00006032 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1808, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,714,258 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01808-00006032-00006035 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1809, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,747,613 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01809-00006035-00006039 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1810, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,780,983 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01810-00006039-00006042 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1811, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,814,347 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01811-00006042-00006045 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1812, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,847,711 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01812-00006045-00006049 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1813, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,881,072 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01813-00006049-00006052 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1814, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,914,437 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01814-00006052-00006055 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1815, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,947,801 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01815-00006055-00006059 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1816, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:41,981,169 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01816-00006059-00006062 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1817, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,014,538 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01817-00006062-00006065 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1818, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,047,896 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01818-00006065-00006069 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1819, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,081,264 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01819-00006069-00006072 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1820, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,114,627 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01820-00006072-00006075 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1821, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,147,995 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01821-00006075-00006079 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1822, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,181,359 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01822-00006079-00006082 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1823, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,214,722 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01823-00006082-00006085 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1824, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,248,085 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01824-00006085-00006089 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1825, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,281,459 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01825-00006089-00006092 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1826, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,314,816 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01826-00006092-00006095 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1827, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,348,182 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01827-00006095-00006099 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1828, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,381,551 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01828-00006099-00006102 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1829, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,414,914 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01829-00006102-00006105 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1830, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,448,276 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01830-00006105-00006109 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1831, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,481,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01831-00006109-00006112 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1832, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,515,005 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01832-00006112-00006115 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1833, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,548,370 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01833-00006115-00006119 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1834, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,581,739 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01834-00006119-00006122 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1835, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,615,100 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01835-00006122-00006125 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1836, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,648,466 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01836-00006125-00006129 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1837, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,681,833 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01837-00006129-00006132 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1838, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,715,195 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01838-00006132-00006135 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1839, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,748,558 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01839-00006135-00006139 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1840, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,781,927 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01840-00006139-00006142 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1841, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,815,291 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01841-00006142-00006145 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1842, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,848,654 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5809] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01842-00006145-00006149 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1843, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,882,022 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5810] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01843-00006149-00006152 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1844, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,915,385 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5810] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01844-00006152-00006155 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1845, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,948,749 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01845-00006155-00006159 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1846, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:42,982,115 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01846-00006159-00006162 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1847, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,015,478 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01847-00006162-00006165 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1848, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,048,848 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01848-00006165-00006169 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1849, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,082,213 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01849-00006169-00006172 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1850, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,115,573 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01850-00006172-00006175 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1851, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,148,939 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01851-00006175-00006179 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1852, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,182,302 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01852-00006179-00006182 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1853, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,215,667 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01853-00006182-00006185 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1854, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,249,033 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01854-00006185-00006189 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1855, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,282,449 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01855-00006189-00006192 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1856, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,315,764 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01856-00006192-00006195 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1857, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,349,127 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01857-00006195-00006199 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1858, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,382,491 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01858-00006199-00006202 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1859, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,415,857 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01859-00006202-00006205 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1860, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,449,225 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01860-00006205-00006209 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1861, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,482,595 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01861-00006209-00006212 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1862, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,515,953 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01862-00006212-00006215 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1863, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,549,315 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01863-00006215-00006219 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1864, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,582,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01864-00006219-00006222 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1865, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,616,047 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01865-00006222-00006225 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1866, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,649,412 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01866-00006225-00006229 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1867, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,682,784 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01867-00006229-00006232 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1868, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,716,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01868-00006232-00006235 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1869, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,749,507 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01869-00006235-00006239 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1870, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,782,875 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01870-00006239-00006242 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1871, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,816,235 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01871-00006242-00006245 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1872, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,849,603 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01872-00006245-00006249 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1873, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,882,969 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01873-00006249-00006252 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1874, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,916,332 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01874-00006252-00006255 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1875, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,949,695 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01875-00006255-00006259 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1876, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:43,983,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01876-00006259-00006262 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1877, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,016,426 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01877-00006262-00006265 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1878, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,049,792 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01878-00006265-00006269 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1879, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,083,155 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01879-00006269-00006272 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1880, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,116,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01880-00006272-00006275 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1881, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,149,886 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01881-00006275-00006279 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1882, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,183,252 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01882-00006279-00006282 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1883, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,216,614 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01883-00006282-00006285 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1884, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,249,980 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01884-00006285-00006289 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1885, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,283,345 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01885-00006289-00006292 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1886, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,316,713 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01886-00006292-00006295 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1887, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,350,073 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01887-00006295-00006299 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1888, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,383,439 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01888-00006299-00006302 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1889, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,416,806 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01889-00006302-00006305 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1890, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,450,171 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01890-00006305-00006309 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1891, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,483,535 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01891-00006309-00006312 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1892, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,516,902 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01892-00006312-00006315 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1893, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,550,265 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01893-00006315-00006319 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1894, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,583,631 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01894-00006319-00006322 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1895, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,616,992 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01895-00006322-00006325 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1896, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,650,357 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01896-00006325-00006329 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1897, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,683,722 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01897-00006329-00006332 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1898, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,717,089 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01898-00006332-00006335 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1899, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,750,451 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01899-00006335-00006339 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1900, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,783,817 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01900-00006339-00006342 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1901, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,817,184 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01901-00006342-00006345 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1902, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,850,548 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01902-00006345-00006349 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1903, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,883,923 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01903-00006349-00006352 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1904, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,917,278 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01904-00006352-00006356 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1905, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,950,641 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01905-00006356-00006359 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1906, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:44,984,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01906-00006359-00006362 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1907, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,017,371 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01907-00006362-00006366 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1908, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,050,735 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01908-00006366-00006369 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1909, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,084,108 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01909-00006369-00006372 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1910, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,117,502 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01910-00006372-00006376 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1911, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,150,832 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01911-00006376-00006379 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1912, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,184,195 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01912-00006379-00006382 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1913, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,217,560 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01913-00006382-00006386 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1914, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,250,926 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01914-00006386-00006389 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1915, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,284,293 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01915-00006389-00006392 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1916, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,317,656 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01916-00006392-00006396 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1917, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,351,020 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01917-00006396-00006399 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1918, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,384,388 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01918-00006399-00006402 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1919, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,417,750 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01919-00006402-00006406 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1920, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,451,114 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01920-00006406-00006409 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1921, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,484,480 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01921-00006409-00006412 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1922, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,517,845 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01922-00006412-00006416 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1923, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,551,209 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01923-00006416-00006419 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1924, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,584,575 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01924-00006419-00006422 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1925, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,617,938 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01925-00006422-00006426 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1926, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,651,303 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01926-00006426-00006429 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1927, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,684,676 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01927-00006429-00006432 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1928, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,718,035 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01928-00006432-00006436 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1929, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,751,441 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01929-00006436-00006439 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1930, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,784,769 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01930-00006439-00006442 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1931, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,818,129 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01931-00006442-00006445 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1932, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,851,494 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01932-00006445-00006449 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1933, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,884,859 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01933-00006449-00006452 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1934, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,918,221 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01934-00006452-00006456 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1935, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,951,587 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01935-00006456-00006459 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1936, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:45,984,953 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01936-00006459-00006462 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1937, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,018,316 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01937-00006462-00006466 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1938, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,051,682 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01938-00006466-00006469 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1939, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,085,050 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01939-00006469-00006472 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1940, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,118,411 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01940-00006472-00006476 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1941, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,151,776 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01941-00006476-00006479 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1942, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,185,141 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01942-00006479-00006482 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1943, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,218,504 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01943-00006482-00006486 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1944, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,251,871 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01944-00006486-00006489 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1945, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,285,239 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01945-00006489-00006492 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1946, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,318,601 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01946-00006492-00006496 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1947, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,351,965 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01947-00006496-00006499 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1948, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,385,336 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01948-00006499-00006502 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1949, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,418,695 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01949-00006502-00006506 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1950, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,452,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01950-00006506-00006509 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1951, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,485,426 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01951-00006509-00006512 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1952, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,518,790 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01952-00006512-00006516 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1953, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,552,154 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01953-00006516-00006519 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1954, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,585,551 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01954-00006519-00006522 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1955, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,618,885 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01955-00006522-00006526 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1956, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,652,248 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01956-00006526-00006529 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1957, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,685,615 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01957-00006529-00006532 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1958, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,718,979 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01958-00006532-00006536 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1959, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,752,342 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01959-00006536-00006539 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1960, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,785,725 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01960-00006539-00006542 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1961, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,819,073 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01961-00006542-00006546 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1962, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,852,438 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01962-00006546-00006549 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1963, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,885,805 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01963-00006549-00006552 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1964, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,919,169 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01964-00006552-00006556 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1965, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,952,533 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01965-00006556-00006559 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1966, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:46,985,899 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01966-00006559-00006562 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1967, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,019,266 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01967-00006562-00006566 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1968, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,052,627 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01968-00006566-00006569 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1969, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,086,010 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01969-00006569-00006572 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1970, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,119,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01970-00006572-00006576 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1971, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,152,721 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01971-00006576-00006579 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1972, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,186,088 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01972-00006579-00006582 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1973, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,219,452 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01973-00006582-00006586 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1974, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,252,816 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01974-00006586-00006589 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1975, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,286,186 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01975-00006589-00006592 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1976, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,319,547 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01976-00006592-00006596 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1977, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,352,912 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01977-00006596-00006599 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1978, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,386,288 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01978-00006599-00006602 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1979, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,419,644 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01979-00006602-00006606 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1980, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,453,004 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01980-00006606-00006609 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1981, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,486,375 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01981-00006609-00006612 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1982, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,519,738 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01982-00006612-00006616 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1983, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,553,100 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01983-00006616-00006619 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1984, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,586,466 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01984-00006619-00006622 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1985, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,619,835 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01985-00006622-00006626 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1986, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,653,194 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01986-00006626-00006629 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1987, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,686,563 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01987-00006629-00006632 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1988, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,719,929 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01988-00006632-00006636 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1989, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,753,289 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01989-00006636-00006639 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1990, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,786,656 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01990-00006639-00006642 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1991, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,820,020 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01991-00006642-00006646 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1992, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,853,383 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01992-00006646-00006649 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1993, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,886,751 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01993-00006649-00006652 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1994, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,920,114 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01994-00006652-00006656 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1995, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,953,478 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01995-00006656-00006659 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1996, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:47,986,846 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01996-00006659-00006662 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1997, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,020,215 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01997-00006662-00006666 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1998, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,053,573 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01998-00006666-00006669 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 1999, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,086,941 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-01999-00006669-00006672 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2000, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,120,304 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02000-00006672-00006676 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2001, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,153,670 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02001-00006676-00006679 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2002, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,187,033 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02002-00006679-00006682 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2003, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,220,397 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02003-00006682-00006686 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2004, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,253,761 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02004-00006686-00006689 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2005, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,287,132 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02005-00006689-00006692 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2006, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,320,492 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02006-00006692-00006696 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2007, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,353,859 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02007-00006696-00006699 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2008, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,387,222 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02008-00006699-00006703 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2009, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,420,587 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02009-00006703-00006706 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2010, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,453,954 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02010-00006706-00006709 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2011, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,487,319 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02011-00006709-00006713 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2012, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,520,681 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02012-00006713-00006716 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2013, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,554,047 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02013-00006716-00006719 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2014, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,587,415 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02014-00006719-00006723 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2015, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,620,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02015-00006723-00006726 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2016, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,654,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02016-00006726-00006729 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2017, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,687,506 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02017-00006729-00006733 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2018, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,720,871 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02018-00006733-00006736 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2019, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,754,242 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02019-00006736-00006739 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2020, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,787,599 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02020-00006739-00006743 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2021, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,820,974 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02021-00006743-00006746 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2022, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,854,330 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02022-00006746-00006749 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2023, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,887,694 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02023-00006749-00006753 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2024, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,921,060 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02024-00006753-00006756 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2025, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,954,424 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02025-00006756-00006759 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2026, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:48,987,799 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02026-00006759-00006763 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2027, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,021,155 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02027-00006763-00006766 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2028, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,054,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02028-00006766-00006769 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2029, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,087,885 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02029-00006769-00006773 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2030, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,121,248 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02030-00006773-00006776 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2031, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,154,614 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02031-00006776-00006779 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2032, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,187,980 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02032-00006779-00006783 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2033, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,221,344 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02033-00006783-00006786 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2034, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,254,709 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02034-00006786-00006789 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2035, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,288,075 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02035-00006789-00006793 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2036, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,321,439 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02036-00006793-00006796 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2037, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,354,804 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02037-00006796-00006799 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2038, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,388,172 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02038-00006799-00006803 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2039, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,421,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02039-00006803-00006806 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2040, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,454,898 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02040-00006806-00006809 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2041, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,488,265 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02041-00006809-00006813 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2042, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,521,627 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02042-00006813-00006816 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2043, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,554,992 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02043-00006816-00006819 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2044, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,588,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02044-00006819-00006823 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2045, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,621,725 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02045-00006823-00006826 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2046, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,655,086 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02046-00006826-00006829 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2047, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,688,452 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02047-00006829-00006833 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2048, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,721,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02048-00006833-00006836 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2049, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,755,182 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02049-00006836-00006839 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2050, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,788,547 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02050-00006839-00006843 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2051, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,821,911 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02051-00006843-00006846 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2052, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,855,276 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02052-00006846-00006849 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2053, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,888,641 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02053-00006849-00006853 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2054, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,922,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02054-00006853-00006856 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2055, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,955,372 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02055-00006856-00006859 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2056, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:49,988,741 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02056-00006859-00006863 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2057, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,022,102 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02057-00006863-00006866 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2058, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,055,466 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02058-00006866-00006869 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2059, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,088,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02059-00006869-00006873 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2060, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,122,198 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02060-00006873-00006876 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2061, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,155,560 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02061-00006876-00006879 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2062, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,188,927 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02062-00006879-00006883 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2063, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,222,292 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02063-00006883-00006886 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2064, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,255,654 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02064-00006886-00006889 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2065, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,289,024 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02065-00006889-00006893 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2066, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,322,385 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02066-00006893-00006896 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2067, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,355,750 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02067-00006896-00006899 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2068, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,389,115 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02068-00006899-00006903 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2069, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,422,480 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5812] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02069-00006903-00006906 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2070, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,455,844 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5812] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02070-00006906-00006909 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2071, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,489,211 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5813] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02071-00006909-00006913 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2072, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,522,575 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5813] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02072-00006913-00006916 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2073, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,555,939 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5814] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02073-00006916-00006919 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2074, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,589,304 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5814] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02074-00006919-00006923 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2075, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,622,668 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5816] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02075-00006923-00006926 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2076, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,656,033 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5816] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02076-00006926-00006929 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2077, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,689,403 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5818] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02077-00006929-00006933 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2078, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,722,763 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5818] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02078-00006933-00006936 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2079, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,756,127 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5820] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02079-00006936-00006939 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2080, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,789,494 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5820] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02080-00006939-00006943 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2081, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,822,861 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5822] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02081-00006943-00006946 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2082, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,856,223 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5822] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02082-00006946-00006949 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2083, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,889,588 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/800.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5824] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02083-00006949-00006953 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2084, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,922,952 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/800.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5824] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02084-00006953-00006956 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2085, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,956,319 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/800.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5826] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02085-00006956-00006959 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2086, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:50,989,682 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/800.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5826] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02086-00006959-00006963 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2087, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,023,046 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/725.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5829] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02087-00006963-00006966 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2088, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,056,413 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/725.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5829] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02088-00006966-00006969 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2089, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,089,776 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/725.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5832] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02089-00006969-00006973 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2090, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,123,142 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/725.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5832] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02090-00006973-00006976 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2091, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,156,507 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/725.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5835] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02091-00006976-00006979 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2092, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,189,871 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/725.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5835] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02092-00006979-00006983 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2093, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,223,235 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/725.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5838] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02093-00006983-00006986 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2094, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,256,603 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/800.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5838] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02094-00006986-00006989 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2095, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,289,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/800.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5841] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02095-00006989-00006993 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2096, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,323,330 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/800.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5841] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02096-00006993-00006996 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2097, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,356,696 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/800.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5844] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02097-00006996-00006999 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2098, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,390,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/725.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5844] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02098-00006999-00007003 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2099, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,423,426 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/725.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5847] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02099-00007003-00007006 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2100, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,456,794 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/725.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5847] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02100-00007006-00007009 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2101, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,490,154 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/725.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5849] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02101-00007009-00007013 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2102, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,523,520 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/640.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5849] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02102-00007013-00007016 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2103, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,556,885 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/640.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5852] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02103-00007016-00007019 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2104, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,590,259 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/640.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5852] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02104-00007019-00007023 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2105, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,623,615 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/640.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5853] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02105-00007023-00007026 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2106, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,656,983 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/640.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5853] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02106-00007026-00007029 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2107, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,690,345 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/640.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5855] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02107-00007029-00007033 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2108, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,723,708 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5855] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02108-00007033-00007036 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2109, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,757,074 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5857] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02109-00007036-00007039 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2110, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,790,439 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5857] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02110-00007039-00007043 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2111, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,823,803 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5860] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02111-00007043-00007046 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2112, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,857,169 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5860] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02112-00007046-00007049 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2113, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,890,535 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5862] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02113-00007049-00007053 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2114, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,923,898 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5862] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02114-00007053-00007056 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2115, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,957,264 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5864] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02115-00007056-00007059 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2116, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:51,990,630 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5864] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02116-00007059-00007063 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2117, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,023,995 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5867] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02117-00007063-00007066 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2118, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,057,360 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5867] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02118-00007066-00007070 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2119, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,090,723 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5869] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02119-00007070-00007073 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2120, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,124,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5869] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02120-00007073-00007076 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2121, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,157,452 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5871] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02121-00007076-00007080 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2122, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,190,821 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5871] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02122-00007080-00007083 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2123, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,224,185 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5873] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02123-00007083-00007086 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2124, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,257,547 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5873] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02124-00007086-00007090 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2125, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,290,913 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5874] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02125-00007090-00007093 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2126, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,324,281 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5874] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02126-00007093-00007096 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2127, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,357,642 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5876] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02127-00007096-00007100 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2128, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,391,007 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5876] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02128-00007100-00007103 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2129, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,424,371 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5878] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02129-00007103-00007106 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2130, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,457,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5878] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02130-00007106-00007109 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2131, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,491,103 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5879] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02131-00007109-00007113 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2132, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,524,467 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5879] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02132-00007113-00007116 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2133, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,557,830 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5880] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02133-00007116-00007120 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2134, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,591,197 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5880] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02134-00007120-00007123 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2135, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,624,567 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5881] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02135-00007123-00007126 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2136, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,657,926 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5881] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02136-00007126-00007130 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2137, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,691,291 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5882] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02137-00007130-00007133 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2138, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,724,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5882] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02138-00007133-00007136 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2139, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,758,021 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5883] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02139-00007136-00007140 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2140, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,791,390 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5883] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02140-00007140-00007143 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2141, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,824,752 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5885] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02141-00007143-00007146 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2142, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,858,118 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5885] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02142-00007146-00007150 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2143, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,891,480 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5886] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02143-00007150-00007153 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2144, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,924,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5886] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02144-00007153-00007156 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2145, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,958,207 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5887] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02145-00007156-00007160 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2146, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:52,991,574 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5887] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02146-00007160-00007163 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2147, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,024,979 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02147-00007163-00007166 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2148, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,058,303 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02148-00007166-00007170 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2149, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,091,669 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02149-00007170-00007173 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2150, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,125,034 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02150-00007173-00007176 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2151, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,158,398 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02151-00007176-00007180 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2152, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,191,764 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02152-00007180-00007183 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2153, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,225,131 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02153-00007183-00007186 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2154, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,258,491 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02154-00007186-00007190 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2155, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,291,858 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02155-00007190-00007193 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2156, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,325,226 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02156-00007193-00007196 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2157, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,358,586 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02157-00007196-00007200 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2158, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,391,953 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02158-00007200-00007203 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2159, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,425,320 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02159-00007203-00007206 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2160, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,458,684 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02160-00007206-00007210 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2161, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,492,047 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02161-00007210-00007213 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2162, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,525,422 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02162-00007213-00007216 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2163, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,558,777 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5892] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02163-00007216-00007220 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2164, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,592,142 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5892] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02164-00007220-00007223 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2165, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,625,506 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02165-00007223-00007226 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2166, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,658,871 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02166-00007226-00007230 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2167, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,692,236 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5890] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02167-00007230-00007233 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2168, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,725,601 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5890] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02168-00007233-00007236 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2169, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,758,965 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5890] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02169-00007236-00007240 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2170, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,792,330 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5890] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02170-00007240-00007243 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2171, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,825,696 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02171-00007243-00007246 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2172, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,859,063 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02172-00007246-00007250 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2173, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,892,426 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5888] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02173-00007250-00007253 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2174, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,925,791 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5888] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02174-00007253-00007256 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2175, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,959,160 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5887] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02175-00007256-00007260 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2176, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:53,992,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5887] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02176-00007260-00007263 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2177, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,025,886 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5887] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02177-00007263-00007266 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2178, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,059,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5887] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02178-00007266-00007270 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2179, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,092,615 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5886] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02179-00007270-00007273 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2180, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,125,981 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5886] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136176] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02180-00007273-00007276 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2181, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,159,347 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5886] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02181-00007276-00007280 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2182, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,192,715 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5886] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02182-00007280-00007283 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2183, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,226,076 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5887] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02183-00007283-00007286 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2184, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,259,445 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5887] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02184-00007286-00007290 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2185, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,292,804 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5888] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02185-00007290-00007293 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2186, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,326,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5888] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02186-00007293-00007296 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2187, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,359,538 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02187-00007296-00007300 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2188, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,392,898 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02188-00007300-00007303 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2189, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,426,262 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02189-00007303-00007306 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2190, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,459,627 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/400.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02190-00007306-00007310 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2191, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,493,009 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02191-00007310-00007313 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2192, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,526,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02192-00007313-00007316 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2193, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,559,723 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02193-00007316-00007320 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2194, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,593,087 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02194-00007320-00007323 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2195, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,626,452 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02195-00007323-00007326 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2196, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,659,817 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/640.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02196-00007326-00007330 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2197, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,693,183 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/640.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02197-00007330-00007333 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2198, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,726,551 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/640.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02198-00007333-00007336 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2199, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,759,917 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/640.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02199-00007336-00007340 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2200, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,793,278 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/725.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02200-00007340-00007343 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2201, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,826,642 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/725.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02201-00007343-00007346 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2202, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,860,009 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/725.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02202-00007346-00007350 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2203, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,893,376 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/800.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5892] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02203-00007350-00007353 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2204, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,926,739 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/800.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5892] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02204-00007353-00007356 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2205, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,960,102 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/800.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5896] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02205-00007356-00007360 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2206, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:54,993,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/800.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5896] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02206-00007360-00007363 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2207, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,026,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/800.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5899] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02207-00007363-00007366 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2208, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,060,199 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5899] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02208-00007366-00007370 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2209, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,093,560 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5902] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02209-00007370-00007373 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2210, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,126,927 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5902] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02210-00007373-00007376 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2211, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,160,296 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5905] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02211-00007376-00007380 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2212, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,193,655 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5905] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02212-00007380-00007383 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2213, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,227,020 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5909] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02213-00007383-00007386 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2214, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,260,386 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5909] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02214-00007386-00007390 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2215, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,293,750 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5913] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02215-00007390-00007393 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2216, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,327,115 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5913] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 0.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02216-00007393-00007396 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2217, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,360,480 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5917] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02217-00007396-00007400 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2218, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,393,846 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5917] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02218-00007400-00007403 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2219, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,427,210 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5921] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02219-00007403-00007406 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2220, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,460,579 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5921] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02220-00007406-00007410 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2221, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,493,955 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5924] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02221-00007410-00007413 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2222, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,527,304 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5924] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02222-00007413-00007417 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2223, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,560,673 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02223-00007417-00007420 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2224, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,594,037 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02224-00007420-00007423 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2225, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,627,433 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5932] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02225-00007423-00007427 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2226, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,660,766 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5932] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02226-00007427-00007430 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2227, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,694,129 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5936] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02227-00007430-00007433 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2228, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,727,498 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5936] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02228-00007433-00007437 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2229, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,760,860 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02229-00007437-00007440 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2230, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,794,228 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02230-00007440-00007443 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2231, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,827,590 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02231-00007443-00007447 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2232, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,860,960 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02232-00007447-00007450 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2233, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,894,323 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02233-00007450-00007453 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2234, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,927,684 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02234-00007453-00007456 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2235, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,961,051 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02235-00007456-00007460 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2236, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:55,994,419 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02236-00007460-00007463 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2237, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,027,783 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02237-00007463-00007467 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2238, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,061,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02238-00007467-00007470 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2239, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,094,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02239-00007470-00007473 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2240, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,127,873 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02240-00007473-00007477 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2241, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,161,236 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02241-00007477-00007480 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2242, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,194,608 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02242-00007480-00007483 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2243, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,227,968 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02243-00007483-00007487 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2244, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,261,332 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02244-00007487-00007490 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2245, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,294,702 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02245-00007490-00007493 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2246, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,328,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02246-00007493-00007497 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2247, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,361,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02247-00007497-00007500 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2248, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,394,791 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02248-00007500-00007503 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2249, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,428,161 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02249-00007503-00007506 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2250, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,461,519 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02250-00007506-00007510 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2251, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,494,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02251-00007510-00007513 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2252, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,528,255 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02252-00007513-00007517 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2253, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,561,620 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02253-00007517-00007520 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2254, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,594,980 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02254-00007520-00007523 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2255, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,628,346 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02255-00007523-00007527 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2256, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,661,711 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02256-00007527-00007530 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2257, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,695,078 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02257-00007530-00007533 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2258, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,728,442 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02258-00007533-00007537 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2259, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,761,804 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02259-00007537-00007540 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2260, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,795,173 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02260-00007540-00007543 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2261, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,828,537 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02261-00007543-00007547 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2262, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,861,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02262-00007547-00007550 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2263, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,895,266 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02263-00007550-00007553 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2264, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,928,630 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02264-00007553-00007557 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2265, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,961,999 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02265-00007557-00007560 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2266, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:56,995,359 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02266-00007560-00007563 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2267, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,028,725 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02267-00007563-00007567 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2268, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,062,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02268-00007567-00007570 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2269, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,095,454 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02269-00007570-00007573 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2270, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,128,820 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02270-00007573-00007577 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2271, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,162,186 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02271-00007577-00007580 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2272, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,195,551 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5974] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02272-00007580-00007583 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2273, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,228,915 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5974] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02273-00007583-00007587 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2274, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,262,279 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5975] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02274-00007587-00007590 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2275, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,295,643 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5975] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02275-00007590-00007593 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2276, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,329,009 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5975] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02276-00007593-00007597 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2277, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,362,374 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5975] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02277-00007597-00007600 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2278, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,395,738 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02278-00007600-00007603 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2279, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,429,101 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02279-00007603-00007607 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2280, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,462,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5977] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02280-00007607-00007610 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2281, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,495,831 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5977] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02281-00007610-00007613 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2282, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,529,199 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5977] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02282-00007613-00007617 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2283, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,562,559 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5977] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02283-00007617-00007620 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2284, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,595,930 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5977] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02284-00007620-00007623 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2285, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,629,295 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5977] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02285-00007623-00007627 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2286, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,662,659 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02286-00007627-00007630 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2287, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,696,022 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02287-00007630-00007633 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2288, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,729,391 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5975] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 1.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02288-00007633-00007637 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2289, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,762,756 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5975] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02289-00007637-00007640 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2290, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,796,117 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5974] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02290-00007640-00007643 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2291, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,829,483 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5974] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02291-00007643-00007647 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2292, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,862,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02292-00007647-00007650 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2293, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,896,210 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02293-00007650-00007653 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2294, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,929,588 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02294-00007653-00007657 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2295, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,962,939 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02295-00007657-00007660 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2296, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:57,996,307 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02296-00007660-00007663 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2297, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,029,669 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02297-00007663-00007667 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2298, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,063,034 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02298-00007667-00007670 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2299, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,096,400 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02299-00007670-00007673 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2300, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,129,765 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02300-00007673-00007677 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2301, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,163,128 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02301-00007677-00007680 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2302, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,196,499 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02302-00007680-00007683 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2303, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,229,858 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02303-00007683-00007687 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2304, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,263,223 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02304-00007687-00007690 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2305, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,296,587 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02305-00007690-00007693 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2306, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,329,953 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02306-00007693-00007697 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2307, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,363,316 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02307-00007697-00007700 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2308, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,396,683 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02308-00007700-00007703 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2309, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,430,050 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02309-00007703-00007707 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2310, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,463,415 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02310-00007707-00007710 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2311, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,496,782 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02311-00007710-00007713 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2312, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,530,141 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02312-00007713-00007717 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2313, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,563,509 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02313-00007717-00007720 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2314, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,596,870 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02314-00007720-00007723 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2315, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,630,239 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02315-00007723-00007727 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2316, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,663,601 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02316-00007727-00007730 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2317, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,696,971 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02317-00007730-00007733 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2318, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,730,333 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02318-00007733-00007737 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2319, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,763,697 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02319-00007737-00007740 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2320, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,797,060 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02320-00007740-00007743 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2321, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,830,424 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02321-00007743-00007747 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2322, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,863,789 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02322-00007747-00007750 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2323, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,897,157 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02323-00007750-00007753 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2324, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,930,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02324-00007753-00007757 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2325, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,963,885 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02325-00007757-00007760 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2326, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:58,997,249 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02326-00007760-00007764 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2327, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,030,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02327-00007764-00007767 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2328, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,063,980 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02328-00007767-00007770 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2329, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,097,346 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02329-00007770-00007773 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2330, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,130,712 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02330-00007773-00007777 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2331, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,164,078 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02331-00007777-00007780 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2332, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,197,448 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02332-00007780-00007784 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2333, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,230,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02333-00007784-00007787 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2334, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,264,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02334-00007787-00007790 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2335, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,297,540 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02335-00007790-00007794 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2336, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,330,901 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02336-00007794-00007797 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2337, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,364,267 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02337-00007797-00007800 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2338, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,397,629 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02338-00007800-00007804 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2339, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,430,997 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02339-00007804-00007807 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2340, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,464,366 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02340-00007807-00007810 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2341, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,497,725 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02341-00007810-00007814 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2342, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,531,088 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02342-00007814-00007817 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2343, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,564,454 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02343-00007817-00007820 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2344, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,597,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5939] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02344-00007820-00007823 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2345, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,631,187 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5939] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02345-00007823-00007827 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2346, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,664,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5937] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02346-00007827-00007830 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2347, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,697,915 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5937] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02347-00007830-00007834 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2348, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,731,278 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5936] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02348-00007834-00007837 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2349, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,764,647 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5936] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02349-00007837-00007840 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2350, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,798,010 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5934] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02350-00007840-00007844 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2351, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,831,373 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5934] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02351-00007844-00007847 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2352, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,864,739 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5932] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02352-00007847-00007850 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2353, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,898,108 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5932] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02353-00007850-00007854 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2354, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,931,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5931] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02354-00007854-00007857 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2355, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,964,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5931] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02355-00007857-00007860 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2356, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:45:59,998,203 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5929] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02356-00007860-00007864 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2357, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,031,564 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5929] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 2.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02357-00007864-00007867 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2358, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,064,931 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02358-00007867-00007870 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2359, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,098,292 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02359-00007870-00007874 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2360, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,131,657 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5926] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02360-00007874-00007877 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2361, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,165,023 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5926] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02361-00007877-00007880 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2362, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,198,384 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5925] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02362-00007880-00007884 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2363, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,231,754 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5925] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02363-00007884-00007887 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2364, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,265,118 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5924] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02364-00007887-00007890 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2365, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,298,481 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5924] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02365-00007890-00007894 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2366, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,331,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5923] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02366-00007894-00007897 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2367, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,365,212 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5923] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02367-00007897-00007900 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2368, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,398,577 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5923] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02368-00007900-00007904 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2369, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,431,942 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5923] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02369-00007904-00007907 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2370, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,465,307 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5922] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02370-00007907-00007910 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2371, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,498,670 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5922] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02371-00007910-00007914 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2372, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,532,046 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5921] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02372-00007914-00007917 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2373, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,565,398 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5921] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02373-00007917-00007920 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2374, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,598,765 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5920] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02374-00007920-00007924 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2375, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,632,134 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5920] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02375-00007924-00007927 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2376, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,665,493 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5920] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02376-00007927-00007930 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2377, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,698,861 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5920] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02377-00007930-00007934 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2378, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,732,223 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5920] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02378-00007934-00007937 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2379, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,765,588 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5920] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02379-00007937-00007940 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2380, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,798,956 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5921] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02380-00007940-00007944 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2381, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,832,323 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5921] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02381-00007944-00007947 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2382, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,865,684 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5921] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02382-00007947-00007950 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2383, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,899,048 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5921] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02383-00007950-00007954 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2384, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,932,420 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5922] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02384-00007954-00007957 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2385, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,965,776 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5922] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02385-00007957-00007960 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2386, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:00,999,143 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5923] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02386-00007960-00007964 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2387, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,032,515 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5923] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02387-00007964-00007967 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2388, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,065,872 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5924] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02388-00007967-00007970 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2389, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,099,240 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5924] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02389-00007970-00007974 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2390, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,132,608 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5924] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02390-00007974-00007977 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2391, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,165,970 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5924] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02391-00007977-00007980 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2392, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,199,333 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5925] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02392-00007980-00007984 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2393, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,232,703 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5925] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02393-00007984-00007987 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2394, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,266,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5926] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02394-00007987-00007990 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2395, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,299,430 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5926] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02395-00007990-00007994 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2396, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,332,793 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5926] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02396-00007994-00007997 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2397, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,366,157 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5926] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02397-00007997-00008000 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2398, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,399,522 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5927] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02398-00008000-00008004 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2399, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,432,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5927] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02399-00008004-00008007 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2400, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,466,250 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02400-00008007-00008010 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2401, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,499,616 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02401-00008010-00008014 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2402, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,533,036 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 3.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02402-00008014-00008017 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2403, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,566,344 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02403-00008017-00008020 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2404, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,599,710 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02404-00008020-00008024 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2405, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,633,076 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02405-00008024-00008027 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2406, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,666,439 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02406-00008027-00008030 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2407, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,699,805 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02407-00008030-00008034 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2408, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,733,174 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02408-00008034-00008037 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2409, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,766,534 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02409-00008037-00008040 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2410, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,799,901 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02410-00008040-00008044 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2411, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,833,266 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02411-00008044-00008047 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2412, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,866,630 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02412-00008047-00008050 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2413, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,899,998 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02413-00008050-00008054 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2414, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,933,361 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02414-00008054-00008057 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2415, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:01,966,723 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02415-00008057-00008060 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2416, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,000,089 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02416-00008060-00008064 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2417, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,033,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02417-00008064-00008067 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2418, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,066,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02418-00008067-00008070 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2419, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,100,183 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02419-00008070-00008074 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2420, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,133,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02420-00008074-00008077 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2421, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,166,913 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02421-00008077-00008080 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2422, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,200,277 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02422-00008080-00008084 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2423, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,233,645 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02423-00008084-00008087 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2424, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,267,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02424-00008087-00008090 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2425, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,300,375 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02425-00008090-00008094 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2426, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,333,738 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02426-00008094-00008097 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2427, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,367,102 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02427-00008097-00008100 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2428, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,400,468 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02428-00008100-00008104 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2429, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,433,833 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02429-00008104-00008107 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2430, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,467,196 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02430-00008107-00008110 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2431, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,500,562 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02431-00008110-00008114 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2432, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,533,926 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02432-00008114-00008117 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2433, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,567,291 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02433-00008117-00008120 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2434, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,600,659 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02434-00008120-00008124 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2435, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,634,024 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02435-00008124-00008127 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2436, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,667,384 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02436-00008127-00008131 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2437, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,700,752 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02437-00008131-00008134 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2438, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,734,126 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02438-00008134-00008137 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2439, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,767,480 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02439-00008137-00008141 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2440, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,800,848 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02440-00008141-00008144 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2441, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,834,213 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02441-00008144-00008147 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2442, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,867,574 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02442-00008147-00008151 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2443, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,900,939 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02443-00008151-00008154 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2444, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,934,308 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02444-00008154-00008157 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2445, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:02,967,668 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02445-00008157-00008161 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2446, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,001,035 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02446-00008161-00008164 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2447, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,034,403 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 4.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02447-00008164-00008167 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2448, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,067,763 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02448-00008167-00008170 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2449, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,101,128 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02449-00008170-00008174 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2450, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,134,494 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02450-00008174-00008177 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2451, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,167,859 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02451-00008177-00008181 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2452, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,201,224 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02452-00008181-00008184 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2453, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,234,590 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02453-00008184-00008187 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2454, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,267,953 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02454-00008187-00008191 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2455, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,301,318 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02455-00008191-00008194 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2456, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,334,684 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02456-00008194-00008197 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2457, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,368,046 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02457-00008197-00008201 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2458, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,401,412 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02458-00008201-00008204 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2459, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,434,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02459-00008204-00008207 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2460, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,468,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02460-00008207-00008211 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2461, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,501,508 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02461-00008211-00008214 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2462, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,534,872 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02462-00008214-00008217 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2463, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,568,238 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02463-00008217-00008221 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2464, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,601,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02464-00008221-00008224 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2465, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,634,968 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02465-00008224-00008227 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2466, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,668,335 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5929] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02466-00008227-00008231 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2467, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,701,696 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5929] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02467-00008231-00008234 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2468, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,735,062 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5930] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02468-00008234-00008237 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2469, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,768,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5930] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02469-00008237-00008241 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2470, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,801,796 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5931] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02470-00008241-00008244 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2471, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,835,169 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5931] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02471-00008244-00008247 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2472, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,868,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5932] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02472-00008247-00008251 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2473, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,901,887 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5932] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02473-00008251-00008254 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2474, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,935,256 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5933] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02474-00008254-00008257 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2475, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:03,968,616 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5933] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02475-00008257-00008261 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2476, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,001,980 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5934] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02476-00008261-00008264 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2477, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,035,345 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5934] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02477-00008264-00008267 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2478, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,068,710 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5936] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02478-00008267-00008271 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2479, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,102,077 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5936] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02479-00008271-00008274 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2480, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,135,439 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5936] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02480-00008274-00008277 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2481, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,168,805 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5936] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02481-00008277-00008281 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2482, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,202,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5937] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02482-00008281-00008284 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2483, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,235,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5937] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02483-00008284-00008287 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2484, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,268,900 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02484-00008287-00008291 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2485, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,302,264 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02485-00008291-00008294 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2486, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,335,628 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02486-00008294-00008297 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2487, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,368,993 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02487-00008297-00008301 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2488, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,402,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02488-00008301-00008304 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2489, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,435,722 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02489-00008304-00008307 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2490, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,469,088 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02490-00008307-00008311 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2491, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,502,454 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02491-00008311-00008314 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2492, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,535,817 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 5.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02492-00008314-00008317 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2493, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,569,183 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02493-00008317-00008321 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2494, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,602,549 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02494-00008321-00008324 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2495, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,635,913 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02495-00008324-00008327 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2496, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,669,277 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02496-00008327-00008331 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2497, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,702,644 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02497-00008331-00008334 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2498, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,736,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02498-00008334-00008337 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2499, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,769,373 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02499-00008337-00008341 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2500, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,802,739 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02500-00008341-00008344 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2501, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,836,103 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02501-00008344-00008347 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2502, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,869,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5939] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02502-00008347-00008351 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2503, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,902,832 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5939] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02503-00008351-00008354 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2504, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,936,203 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02504-00008354-00008357 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2505, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:04,969,562 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02505-00008357-00008361 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2506, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,002,932 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02506-00008361-00008364 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2507, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,036,309 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02507-00008364-00008367 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2508, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,069,659 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02508-00008367-00008371 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2509, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,103,020 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02509-00008371-00008374 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2510, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,136,386 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02510-00008374-00008377 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2511, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,169,749 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02511-00008377-00008381 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2512, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,203,117 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02512-00008381-00008384 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2513, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,236,481 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02513-00008384-00008387 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2514, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,269,845 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02514-00008387-00008391 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2515, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,303,209 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02515-00008391-00008394 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2516, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,336,579 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02516-00008394-00008397 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2517, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,369,940 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02517-00008397-00008401 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2518, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,403,304 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02518-00008401-00008404 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2519, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,436,678 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02519-00008404-00008407 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2520, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,470,035 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02520-00008407-00008411 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2521, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,503,400 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02521-00008411-00008414 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2522, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,536,765 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02522-00008414-00008417 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2523, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,570,128 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02523-00008417-00008421 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2524, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,603,493 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02524-00008421-00008424 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2525, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,636,860 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02525-00008424-00008427 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2526, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,670,223 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02526-00008427-00008431 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2527, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,703,593 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02527-00008431-00008434 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2528, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,736,956 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02528-00008434-00008437 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2529, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,770,317 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02529-00008437-00008441 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2530, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,803,682 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02530-00008441-00008444 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2531, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,837,047 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02531-00008444-00008447 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2532, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,870,412 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02532-00008447-00008451 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2533, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,903,777 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02533-00008451-00008454 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2534, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,937,142 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02534-00008454-00008457 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2535, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:05,970,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02535-00008457-00008461 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2536, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,003,873 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02536-00008461-00008464 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2537, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,037,237 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 6.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02537-00008464-00008468 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2538, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,070,601 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02538-00008468-00008471 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2539, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,103,969 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02539-00008471-00008474 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2540, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,137,337 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02540-00008474-00008478 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2541, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,170,696 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02541-00008478-00008481 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2542, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,204,063 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02542-00008481-00008484 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2543, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,237,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02543-00008484-00008488 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2544, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,270,794 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02544-00008488-00008491 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2545, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,304,157 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02545-00008491-00008494 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2546, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,337,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02546-00008494-00008498 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2547, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,370,885 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02547-00008498-00008501 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2548, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,404,250 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02548-00008501-00008504 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2549, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,437,626 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02549-00008504-00008508 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2550, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,470,988 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02550-00008508-00008511 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2551, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,504,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02551-00008511-00008514 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2552, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,537,709 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02552-00008514-00008518 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2553, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,571,085 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02553-00008518-00008521 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2554, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,604,443 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02554-00008521-00008524 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2555, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,637,806 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02555-00008524-00008528 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2556, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,671,172 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02556-00008528-00008531 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2557, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,704,539 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02557-00008531-00008534 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2558, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,737,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02558-00008534-00008538 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2559, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,771,263 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02559-00008538-00008541 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2560, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,804,632 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02560-00008541-00008544 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2561, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,837,995 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02561-00008544-00008548 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2562, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,871,360 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02562-00008548-00008551 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2563, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,904,726 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02563-00008551-00008554 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2564, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,938,089 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02564-00008554-00008558 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2565, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:06,971,452 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02565-00008558-00008561 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2566, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,004,821 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02566-00008561-00008564 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2567, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,038,186 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02567-00008564-00008568 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2568, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,071,548 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02568-00008568-00008571 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2569, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,104,917 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02569-00008571-00008574 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2570, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,138,281 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02570-00008574-00008578 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2571, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,171,643 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02571-00008578-00008581 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2572, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,205,014 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02572-00008581-00008584 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2573, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,238,376 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02573-00008584-00008588 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2574, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,271,738 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02574-00008588-00008591 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2575, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,305,106 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02575-00008591-00008594 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2576, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,338,471 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02576-00008594-00008598 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2577, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,371,837 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02577-00008598-00008601 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2578, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,405,199 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02578-00008601-00008604 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2579, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,438,560 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 7.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02579-00008604-00008608 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2580, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,471,938 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02580-00008608-00008611 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2581, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,505,294 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02581-00008611-00008614 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2582, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,538,657 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02582-00008614-00008618 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2583, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,572,024 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02583-00008618-00008621 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2584, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,605,389 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02584-00008621-00008624 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2585, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,638,751 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02585-00008624-00008628 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2586, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,672,116 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02586-00008628-00008631 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2587, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,705,480 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02587-00008631-00008634 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2588, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,738,851 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02588-00008634-00008638 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2589, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,772,215 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02589-00008638-00008641 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2590, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,805,579 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02590-00008641-00008644 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2591, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,838,944 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02591-00008644-00008648 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2592, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,872,305 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02592-00008648-00008651 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2593, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,905,672 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02593-00008651-00008654 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2594, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,939,037 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02594-00008654-00008658 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2595, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:07,972,400 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02595-00008658-00008661 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2596, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,005,767 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02596-00008661-00008664 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2597, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,039,130 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02597-00008664-00008668 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2598, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,072,494 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02598-00008668-00008671 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2599, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,105,860 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02599-00008671-00008674 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2600, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,139,226 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02600-00008674-00008678 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2601, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,172,590 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02601-00008678-00008681 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2602, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,205,956 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02602-00008681-00008684 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2603, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,239,320 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02603-00008684-00008688 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2604, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,272,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02604-00008688-00008691 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2605, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,306,048 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02605-00008691-00008694 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2606, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,339,413 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02606-00008694-00008698 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2607, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,372,782 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02607-00008698-00008701 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2608, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,406,142 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02608-00008701-00008704 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2609, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,439,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 8.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02609-00008704-00008708 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2610, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,472,875 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02610-00008708-00008711 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2611, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,506,239 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02611-00008711-00008714 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2612, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,539,602 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02612-00008714-00008718 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2613, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,572,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02613-00008718-00008721 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2614, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,606,333 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02614-00008721-00008724 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2615, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,639,703 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02615-00008724-00008728 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2616, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,673,072 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02616-00008728-00008731 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2617, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,706,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02617-00008731-00008734 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2618, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,739,792 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02618-00008734-00008738 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2619, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,773,159 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02619-00008738-00008741 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2620, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,806,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02620-00008741-00008744 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2621, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,839,886 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02621-00008744-00008748 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2622, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,873,253 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02622-00008748-00008751 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2623, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,906,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02623-00008751-00008754 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2624, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,939,984 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02624-00008754-00008758 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2625, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:08,973,346 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02625-00008758-00008761 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2626, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,006,714 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02626-00008761-00008764 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2627, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,040,074 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02627-00008764-00008768 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2628, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,073,440 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02628-00008768-00008771 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2629, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,106,808 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02629-00008771-00008774 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2630, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,140,172 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02630-00008774-00008778 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2631, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,173,538 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02631-00008778-00008781 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2632, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,206,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02632-00008781-00008784 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2633, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,240,267 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02633-00008784-00008788 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2634, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,273,634 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02634-00008788-00008791 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2635, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,307,000 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02635-00008791-00008794 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2636, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,340,359 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02636-00008794-00008798 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2637, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,373,724 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02637-00008798-00008801 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2638, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,407,095 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02638-00008801-00008804 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2639, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,440,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 9.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02639-00008804-00008808 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2640, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,473,821 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02640-00008808-00008811 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2641, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,507,191 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02641-00008811-00008814 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2642, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,540,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02642-00008814-00008818 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2643, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,573,915 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02643-00008818-00008821 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2644, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,607,282 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02644-00008821-00008825 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2645, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,640,642 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02645-00008825-00008828 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2646, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,674,009 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02646-00008828-00008831 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2647, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,707,373 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02647-00008831-00008835 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2648, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,740,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02648-00008835-00008838 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2649, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,774,104 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02649-00008838-00008841 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2650, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,807,467 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02650-00008841-00008845 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2651, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,840,833 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02651-00008845-00008848 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2652, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,874,199 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02652-00008848-00008851 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2653, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,907,561 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02653-00008851-00008855 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2654, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,940,928 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02654-00008855-00008858 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2655, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:09,974,292 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02655-00008858-00008861 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2656, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,007,661 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02656-00008861-00008865 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2657, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,041,023 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02657-00008865-00008868 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2658, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,074,387 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02658-00008868-00008871 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2659, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,107,751 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02659-00008871-00008875 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2660, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,141,117 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02660-00008875-00008878 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2661, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,174,483 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02661-00008878-00008881 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2662, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,207,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02662-00008881-00008885 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2663, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,241,211 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02663-00008885-00008888 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2664, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,274,575 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02664-00008888-00008891 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2665, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,307,941 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02665-00008891-00008895 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2666, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,341,304 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02666-00008895-00008898 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2667, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,374,669 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02667-00008898-00008901 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2668, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,408,037 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02668-00008901-00008905 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2669, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,441,402 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 10.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02669-00008905-00008908 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2670, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,474,766 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02670-00008908-00008911 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2671, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,508,130 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02671-00008911-00008915 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2672, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,541,494 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02672-00008915-00008918 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2673, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,574,862 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02673-00008918-00008921 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2674, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,608,225 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02674-00008921-00008925 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2675, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,641,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02675-00008925-00008928 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2676, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,674,959 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02676-00008928-00008931 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2677, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,708,322 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02677-00008931-00008935 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2678, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,741,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02678-00008935-00008938 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2679, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,775,050 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02679-00008938-00008941 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2680, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,808,413 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02680-00008941-00008945 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2681, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,841,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02681-00008945-00008948 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2682, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,875,145 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02682-00008948-00008951 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2683, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,908,508 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02683-00008951-00008955 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2684, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,941,874 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02684-00008955-00008958 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2685, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:10,975,240 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02685-00008958-00008961 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2686, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,008,603 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02686-00008961-00008965 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2687, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,041,969 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02687-00008965-00008968 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2688, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,075,340 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02688-00008968-00008971 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2689, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,108,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02689-00008971-00008975 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2690, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,142,063 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02690-00008975-00008978 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2691, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,175,428 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02691-00008978-00008981 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2692, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,208,792 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02692-00008981-00008985 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2693, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,242,161 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02693-00008985-00008988 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2694, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,275,523 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02694-00008988-00008991 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2695, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,308,886 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02695-00008991-00008995 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2696, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,342,252 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02696-00008995-00008998 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2697, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,375,622 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02697-00008998-00009001 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2698, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,408,982 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02698-00009001-00009005 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2699, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,442,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 11.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02699-00009005-00009008 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2700, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,475,714 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02700-00009008-00009011 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2701, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,509,077 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02701-00009011-00009015 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2702, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,542,446 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02702-00009015-00009018 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2703, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,575,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02703-00009018-00009021 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2704, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,609,172 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02704-00009021-00009025 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2705, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,642,535 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02705-00009025-00009028 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2706, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,675,908 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02706-00009028-00009031 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2707, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,709,266 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02707-00009031-00009035 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2708, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,742,630 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02708-00009035-00009038 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2709, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,775,994 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02709-00009038-00009041 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2710, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,809,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02710-00009041-00009045 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2711, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,842,728 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02711-00009045-00009048 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2712, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,876,090 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02712-00009048-00009051 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2713, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,909,456 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02713-00009051-00009055 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2714, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,942,822 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02714-00009055-00009058 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2715, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:11,976,185 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02715-00009058-00009061 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2716, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,009,551 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02716-00009061-00009065 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2717, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,042,914 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02717-00009065-00009068 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2718, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,076,283 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02718-00009068-00009071 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2719, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,109,647 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02719-00009071-00009075 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2720, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,143,010 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02720-00009075-00009078 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2721, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,176,378 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02721-00009078-00009081 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2722, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,209,741 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02722-00009081-00009085 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2723, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,243,105 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02723-00009085-00009088 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2724, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,276,472 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02724-00009088-00009091 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2725, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,309,832 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02725-00009091-00009095 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2726, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,343,197 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 12.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02726-00009095-00009098 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2727, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,376,566 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02727-00009098-00009101 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2728, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,409,928 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02728-00009101-00009105 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2729, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,443,294 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02729-00009105-00009108 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2730, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,476,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02730-00009108-00009111 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2731, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,510,020 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02731-00009111-00009115 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2732, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,543,388 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02732-00009115-00009118 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2733, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,576,754 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02733-00009118-00009121 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2734, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,610,115 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02734-00009121-00009125 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2735, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,643,483 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02735-00009125-00009128 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2736, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,676,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02736-00009128-00009131 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2737, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,710,214 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02737-00009131-00009135 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2738, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,743,575 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02738-00009135-00009138 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2739, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,776,945 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02739-00009138-00009141 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2740, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,810,305 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02740-00009141-00009145 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2741, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,843,673 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02741-00009145-00009148 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2742, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,877,040 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02742-00009148-00009151 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2743, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,910,400 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02743-00009151-00009155 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2744, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,943,767 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02744-00009155-00009158 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2745, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:12,977,132 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02745-00009158-00009161 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2746, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,010,494 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02746-00009161-00009165 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2747, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,043,859 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02747-00009165-00009168 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2748, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,077,229 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02748-00009168-00009172 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2749, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,110,590 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02749-00009172-00009175 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2750, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,143,955 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02750-00009175-00009178 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2751, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,177,327 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02751-00009178-00009182 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2752, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,210,684 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02752-00009182-00009185 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2753, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,244,052 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 13.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02753-00009185-00009188 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2754, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,277,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02754-00009188-00009192 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2755, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,310,780 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02755-00009192-00009195 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2756, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,344,146 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02756-00009195-00009198 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2757, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,377,509 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02757-00009198-00009202 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2758, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,410,872 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02758-00009202-00009205 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2759, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,444,236 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02759-00009205-00009208 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2760, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,477,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02760-00009208-00009212 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2761, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,510,970 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02761-00009212-00009215 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2762, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,544,334 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02762-00009215-00009218 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2763, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,577,702 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02763-00009218-00009222 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2764, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,611,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02764-00009222-00009225 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2765, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,644,431 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02765-00009225-00009228 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2766, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,677,798 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02766-00009228-00009232 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2767, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,711,159 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02767-00009232-00009235 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2768, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,744,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02768-00009235-00009238 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2769, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,777,891 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02769-00009238-00009242 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2770, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,811,253 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02770-00009242-00009245 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2771, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,844,621 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02771-00009245-00009248 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2772, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,877,986 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02772-00009248-00009252 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2773, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,911,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02773-00009252-00009255 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2774, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,944,713 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02774-00009255-00009258 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2775, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:13,978,089 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02775-00009258-00009262 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2776, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,011,440 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02776-00009262-00009265 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2777, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,044,808 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02777-00009265-00009268 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2778, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,078,180 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02778-00009268-00009272 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2779, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,111,539 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02779-00009272-00009275 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2780, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,144,905 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 14.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02780-00009275-00009278 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2781, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,178,278 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02781-00009278-00009282 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2782, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,211,630 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02782-00009282-00009285 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2783, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,244,999 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02783-00009285-00009288 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2784, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,278,404 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02784-00009288-00009292 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2785, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,311,724 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02785-00009292-00009295 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2786, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,345,092 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02786-00009295-00009298 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2787, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,378,457 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02787-00009298-00009302 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2788, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,411,820 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02788-00009302-00009305 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2789, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,445,186 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02789-00009305-00009308 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2790, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,478,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02790-00009308-00009312 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2791, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,511,917 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02791-00009312-00009315 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2792, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,545,278 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02792-00009315-00009318 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2793, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,578,642 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02793-00009318-00009322 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2794, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,612,010 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02794-00009322-00009325 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2795, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,645,377 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02795-00009325-00009328 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2796, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,678,750 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02796-00009328-00009332 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2797, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,712,110 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02797-00009332-00009335 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2798, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,745,468 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02798-00009335-00009338 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2799, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,778,838 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02799-00009338-00009342 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2800, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,812,197 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02800-00009342-00009345 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2801, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,845,566 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02801-00009345-00009348 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2802, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,878,931 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02802-00009348-00009352 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2803, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,912,294 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02803-00009352-00009355 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2804, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,945,662 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02804-00009355-00009358 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2805, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:14,979,042 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02805-00009358-00009362 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2806, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,012,388 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02806-00009362-00009365 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2807, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,045,752 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 15.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02807-00009365-00009368 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2808, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,079,117 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02808-00009368-00009372 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2809, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,112,482 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02809-00009372-00009375 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2810, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,145,849 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02810-00009375-00009378 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2811, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,179,218 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02811-00009378-00009382 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2812, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,212,577 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02812-00009382-00009385 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2813, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,245,941 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02813-00009385-00009388 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2814, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,279,312 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02814-00009388-00009392 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2815, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,312,672 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02815-00009392-00009395 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2816, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,346,035 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02816-00009395-00009398 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2817, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,379,402 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02817-00009398-00009402 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2818, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,412,766 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02818-00009402-00009405 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2819, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,446,132 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02819-00009405-00009408 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2820, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,479,501 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02820-00009408-00009412 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2821, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,512,875 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02821-00009412-00009415 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2822, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,546,224 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02822-00009415-00009418 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2823, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,579,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02823-00009418-00009422 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2824, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,612,960 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02824-00009422-00009425 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2825, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,646,320 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02825-00009425-00009428 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2826, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,679,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02826-00009428-00009432 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2827, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,713,049 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02827-00009432-00009435 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2828, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,746,416 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02828-00009435-00009438 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2829, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,779,781 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02829-00009438-00009442 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2830, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,813,149 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02830-00009442-00009445 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2831, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,846,508 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 16.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02831-00009445-00009448 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2832, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,879,875 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02832-00009448-00009452 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2833, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,913,240 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02833-00009452-00009455 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2834, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,946,603 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02834-00009455-00009458 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2835, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:15,979,969 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02835-00009458-00009462 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2836, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,013,331 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02836-00009462-00009465 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2837, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,046,700 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02837-00009465-00009468 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2838, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,080,062 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02838-00009468-00009472 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2839, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,113,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02839-00009472-00009475 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2840, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,146,792 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02840-00009475-00009478 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2841, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,180,157 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02841-00009478-00009482 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2842, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,213,523 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02842-00009482-00009485 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2843, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,246,886 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02843-00009485-00009488 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2844, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,280,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02844-00009488-00009492 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2845, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,313,619 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02845-00009492-00009495 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2846, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,346,981 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02846-00009495-00009498 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2847, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,380,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02847-00009498-00009502 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2848, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,413,712 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02848-00009502-00009505 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2849, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,447,077 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02849-00009505-00009508 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2850, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,480,440 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02850-00009508-00009512 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2851, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,513,805 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02851-00009512-00009515 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2852, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,547,172 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02852-00009515-00009518 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2853, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,580,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02853-00009518-00009522 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2854, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,613,900 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02854-00009522-00009525 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2855, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,647,269 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02855-00009525-00009529 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2856, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,680,634 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02856-00009529-00009532 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2857, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,713,997 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02857-00009532-00009535 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2858, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,747,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 17.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02858-00009535-00009539 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2859, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,780,728 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02859-00009539-00009542 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2860, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,814,089 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02860-00009542-00009545 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2861, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,847,456 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02861-00009545-00009549 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2862, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,880,822 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02862-00009549-00009552 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2863, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,914,184 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02863-00009552-00009555 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2864, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,947,548 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02864-00009555-00009559 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2865, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:16,980,926 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02865-00009559-00009562 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2866, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,014,280 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02866-00009562-00009565 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2867, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,047,644 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02867-00009565-00009569 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2868, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,081,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02868-00009569-00009572 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2869, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,114,377 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02869-00009572-00009575 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2870, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,147,736 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02870-00009575-00009579 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2871, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,181,104 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02871-00009579-00009582 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2872, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,214,467 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02872-00009582-00009585 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2873, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,247,832 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02873-00009585-00009589 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2874, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,281,200 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02874-00009589-00009592 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2875, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,314,564 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02875-00009592-00009595 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2876, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,347,929 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02876-00009595-00009599 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2877, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,381,293 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02877-00009599-00009602 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2878, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,414,661 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02878-00009602-00009605 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2879, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,448,021 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02879-00009605-00009609 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2880, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,481,392 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02880-00009609-00009612 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2881, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,514,753 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02881-00009612-00009615 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2882, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,548,118 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 18.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02882-00009615-00009619 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2883, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,581,492 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02883-00009619-00009622 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2884, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,614,848 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02884-00009622-00009625 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2885, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,648,211 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02885-00009625-00009629 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2886, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,681,585 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02886-00009629-00009632 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2887, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,714,942 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02887-00009632-00009635 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2888, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,748,307 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02888-00009635-00009639 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2889, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,781,684 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02889-00009639-00009642 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2890, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,815,036 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02890-00009642-00009645 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2891, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,848,399 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02891-00009645-00009649 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2892, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,881,767 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02892-00009649-00009652 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2893, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,915,133 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02893-00009652-00009655 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2894, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,948,495 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02894-00009655-00009659 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2895, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:17,981,863 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02895-00009659-00009662 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2896, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,015,225 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02896-00009662-00009665 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2897, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,048,589 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02897-00009665-00009669 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2898, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,081,956 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02898-00009669-00009672 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2899, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,115,318 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02899-00009672-00009675 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2900, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,148,684 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 19.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02900-00009675-00009679 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2901, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,182,051 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02901-00009679-00009682 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2902, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,215,426 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02902-00009682-00009685 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2903, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,248,780 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02903-00009685-00009689 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2904, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,282,154 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02904-00009689-00009692 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2905, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,315,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02905-00009692-00009695 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2906, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,348,872 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02906-00009695-00009699 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2907, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,382,245 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02907-00009699-00009702 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2908, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,415,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02908-00009702-00009705 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2909, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,448,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02909-00009705-00009709 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2910, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,482,335 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02910-00009709-00009712 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2911, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,515,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02911-00009712-00009715 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2912, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,549,064 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02912-00009715-00009719 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2913, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,582,435 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02913-00009719-00009722 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2914, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,615,793 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02914-00009722-00009725 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2915, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,649,158 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02915-00009725-00009729 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2916, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,682,538 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02916-00009729-00009732 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2917, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,715,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02917-00009732-00009735 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2918, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,749,252 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 20.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02918-00009735-00009739 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2919, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,782,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02919-00009739-00009742 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2920, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,815,980 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02920-00009742-00009745 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2921, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,849,347 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02921-00009745-00009749 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2922, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,882,716 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02922-00009749-00009752 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2923, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,916,084 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02923-00009752-00009755 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2924, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,949,444 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02924-00009755-00009759 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2925, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:18,982,813 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02925-00009759-00009762 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2926, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,016,177 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02926-00009762-00009765 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2927, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,049,538 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02927-00009765-00009769 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2928, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,082,917 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02928-00009769-00009772 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2929, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,116,269 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02929-00009772-00009775 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2930, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,149,630 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02930-00009775-00009779 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2931, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,183,039 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02931-00009779-00009782 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2932, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,216,361 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02932-00009782-00009785 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2933, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,249,726 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02933-00009785-00009789 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2934, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,283,090 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02934-00009789-00009792 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2935, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,316,457 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02935-00009792-00009795 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2936, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,349,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02936-00009795-00009799 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2937, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,383,186 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02937-00009799-00009802 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2938, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,416,554 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02938-00009802-00009805 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2939, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,449,915 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 21.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02939-00009805-00009809 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2940, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,483,294 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02940-00009809-00009812 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2941, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,516,648 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02941-00009812-00009815 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2942, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,550,010 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02942-00009815-00009819 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2943, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,583,378 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02943-00009819-00009822 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2944, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,616,743 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02944-00009822-00009825 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2945, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,650,104 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02945-00009825-00009829 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2946, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,683,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02946-00009829-00009832 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2947, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,716,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02947-00009832-00009835 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2948, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,750,201 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02948-00009835-00009839 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2949, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,783,567 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02949-00009839-00009842 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2950, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,816,930 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02950-00009842-00009845 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2951, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,850,291 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02951-00009845-00009849 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2952, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,883,667 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02952-00009849-00009852 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2953, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,917,021 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02953-00009852-00009855 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2954, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,950,390 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02954-00009855-00009859 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2955, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:19,983,757 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02955-00009859-00009862 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2956, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,017,119 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02956-00009862-00009865 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2957, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,050,485 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 22.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02957-00009865-00009869 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2958, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,083,860 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 23.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02958-00009869-00009872 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2959, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,117,212 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 23.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02959-00009872-00009876 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2960, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,150,576 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 23.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02960-00009876-00009879 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2961, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,183,952 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 23.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02961-00009879-00009882 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2962, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,217,305 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 23.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02962-00009882-00009886 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2963, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,250,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 23.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02963-00009886-00009889 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2964, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,284,038 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 23.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02964-00009889-00009892 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2965, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,317,401 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 23.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02965-00009892-00009896 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2966, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,350,768 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 23.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02966-00009896-00009899 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2967, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,384,132 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 23.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02967-00009899-00009902 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2968, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,417,495 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 23.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02968-00009902-00009906 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2969, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,450,865 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 23.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02969-00009906-00009909 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2970, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,484,233 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 23.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02970-00009909-00009912 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2971, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,517,593 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 23.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02971-00009912-00009916 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2972, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,550,954 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 23.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02972-00009916-00009919 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2973, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,584,326 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02973-00009919-00009922 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2974, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,617,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02974-00009922-00009926 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2975, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,651,048 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02975-00009926-00009929 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2976, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,684,418 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02976-00009929-00009932 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2977, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,717,784 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02977-00009932-00009936 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2978, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,751,180 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02978-00009936-00009939 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2979, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,784,508 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02979-00009939-00009942 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2980, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,817,882 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02980-00009942-00009946 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2981, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,851,241 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02981-00009946-00009949 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2982, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,884,608 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02982-00009949-00009952 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2983, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,917,968 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02983-00009952-00009956 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2984, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,951,334 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02984-00009956-00009959 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2985, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:20,984,699 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02985-00009959-00009962 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2986, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,018,071 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02986-00009962-00009966 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2987, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,051,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02987-00009966-00009969 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2988, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,084,798 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02988-00009969-00009972 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2989, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,118,160 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02989-00009972-00009976 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2990, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,151,523 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 24.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02990-00009976-00009979 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2991, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,184,892 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02991-00009979-00009982 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2992, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,218,250 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02992-00009982-00009986 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2993, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,251,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02993-00009986-00009989 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2994, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,284,988 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02994-00009989-00009992 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2995, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,318,346 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02995-00009992-00009996 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2996, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,351,711 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02996-00009996-00009999 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2997, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,385,088 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02997-00009999-00010002 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2998, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,418,442 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02998-00010002-00010006 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 2999, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,451,805 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-02999-00010006-00010009 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3000, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,485,191 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03000-00010009-00010012 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3001, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,518,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03001-00010012-00010016 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3002, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,551,901 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03002-00010016-00010019 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3003, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,585,271 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03003-00010019-00010022 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3004, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,618,630 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03004-00010022-00010026 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3005, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,651,995 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03005-00010026-00010029 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3006, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,685,360 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03006-00010029-00010032 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3007, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,718,723 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 25.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03007-00010032-00010036 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3008, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,752,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03008-00010036-00010039 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3009, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,785,465 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03009-00010039-00010042 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3010, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,818,819 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03010-00010042-00010046 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3011, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,852,183 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03011-00010046-00010049 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3012, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,885,549 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03012-00010049-00010052 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3013, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,918,912 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03013-00010052-00010056 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3014, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,952,279 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03014-00010056-00010059 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3015, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:21,985,647 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03015-00010059-00010062 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3016, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,019,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03016-00010062-00010066 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3017, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,052,374 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03017-00010066-00010069 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3018, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,085,742 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03018-00010069-00010072 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3019, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,119,105 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03019-00010072-00010076 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3020, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,152,471 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03020-00010076-00010079 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3021, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,185,833 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03021-00010079-00010082 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3022, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,219,197 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03022-00010082-00010086 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3023, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,252,562 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03023-00010086-00010089 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3024, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,285,929 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03024-00010089-00010092 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3025, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,319,292 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03025-00010092-00010096 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3026, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,352,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 26.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03026-00010096-00010099 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3027, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,386,026 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 27.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03027-00010099-00010102 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3028, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,419,390 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 27.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03028-00010102-00010106 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3029, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,452,753 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 27.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03029-00010106-00010109 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3030, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,486,121 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 27.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03030-00010109-00010112 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3031, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,519,484 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 27.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03031-00010112-00010116 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3032, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,552,850 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 27.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03032-00010116-00010119 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3033, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,586,214 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 27.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03033-00010119-00010122 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3034, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,619,576 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 27.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03034-00010122-00010126 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3035, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,652,940 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 27.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03035-00010126-00010129 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3036, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,686,306 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 27.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03036-00010129-00010132 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3037, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,719,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 27.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03037-00010132-00010136 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3038, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,753,035 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 27.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03038-00010136-00010139 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3039, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,786,400 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 27.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03039-00010139-00010142 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3040, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,819,769 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 27.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03040-00010142-00010146 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3041, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,853,130 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 27.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03041-00010146-00010149 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3042, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,886,503 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03042-00010149-00010152 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3043, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,919,860 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03043-00010152-00010156 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3044, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,953,226 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03044-00010156-00010159 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3045, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:22,986,589 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03045-00010159-00010162 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3046, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,019,955 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03046-00010162-00010166 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3047, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,053,322 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03047-00010166-00010169 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3048, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,086,694 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03048-00010169-00010172 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3049, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,120,048 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03049-00010172-00010176 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3050, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,153,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03050-00010176-00010179 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3051, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,186,780 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03051-00010179-00010182 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3052, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,220,145 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03052-00010182-00010186 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3053, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,253,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03053-00010186-00010189 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3054, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,286,876 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03054-00010189-00010192 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3055, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,320,238 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03055-00010192-00010196 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3056, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,353,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03056-00010196-00010199 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3057, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,386,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03057-00010199-00010202 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3058, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,420,334 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03058-00010202-00010206 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3059, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,453,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03059-00010206-00010209 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3060, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,487,063 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03060-00010209-00010212 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3061, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,520,429 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03061-00010212-00010216 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3062, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,553,793 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03062-00010216-00010219 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3063, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,587,160 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03063-00010219-00010222 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3064, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,620,522 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03064-00010222-00010226 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3065, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,653,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 28.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03065-00010226-00010229 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3066, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,687,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03066-00010229-00010233 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3067, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,720,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03067-00010233-00010236 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3068, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,753,983 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03068-00010236-00010239 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3069, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,787,365 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03069-00010239-00010243 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3070, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,820,719 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03070-00010243-00010246 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3071, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,854,077 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03071-00010246-00010249 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3072, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,887,445 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03072-00010249-00010253 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3073, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,920,806 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03073-00010253-00010256 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3074, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,954,171 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03074-00010256-00010259 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3075, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:23,987,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03075-00010259-00010263 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3076, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,020,902 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03076-00010263-00010266 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3077, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,054,265 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03077-00010266-00010269 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3078, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,087,634 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03078-00010269-00010273 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3079, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,120,994 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03079-00010273-00010276 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3080, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,154,359 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03080-00010276-00010279 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3081, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,187,726 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03081-00010279-00010283 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3082, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,221,089 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03082-00010283-00010286 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3083, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,254,456 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03083-00010286-00010289 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3084, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,287,824 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03084-00010289-00010293 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3085, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,321,188 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03085-00010293-00010296 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3086, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,354,549 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03086-00010296-00010299 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3087, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,387,920 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03087-00010299-00010303 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3088, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,421,280 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03088-00010303-00010306 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3089, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,454,645 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03089-00010306-00010309 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3090, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,488,025 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03090-00010309-00010313 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3091, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,521,376 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03091-00010313-00010316 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3092, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,554,738 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03092-00010316-00010319 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3093, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,588,106 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03093-00010319-00010323 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3094, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,621,467 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03094-00010323-00010326 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3095, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,654,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03095-00010326-00010329 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3096, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,688,198 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03096-00010329-00010333 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3097, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,721,561 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03097-00010333-00010336 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3098, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,754,929 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03098-00010336-00010339 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3099, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,788,292 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03099-00010339-00010343 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3100, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,821,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03100-00010343-00010346 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3101, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,855,027 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03101-00010346-00010349 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3102, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,888,406 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03102-00010349-00010353 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3103, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,921,752 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03103-00010353-00010356 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3104, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,955,116 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03104-00010356-00010359 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3105, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:24,988,484 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03105-00010359-00010363 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3106, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,021,848 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03106-00010363-00010366 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3107, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,055,213 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03107-00010366-00010369 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3108, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,088,578 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03108-00010369-00010373 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3109, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,121,943 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03109-00010373-00010376 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3110, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,155,308 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03110-00010376-00010379 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3111, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,188,677 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03111-00010379-00010383 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3112, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,222,035 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03112-00010383-00010386 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3113, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,255,400 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03113-00010386-00010389 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3114, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,288,771 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03114-00010389-00010393 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3115, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,322,130 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03115-00010393-00010396 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3116, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,355,498 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03116-00010396-00010399 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3117, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,388,863 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03117-00010399-00010403 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3118, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,422,224 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03118-00010403-00010406 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3119, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,455,590 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03119-00010406-00010409 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3120, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,488,955 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03120-00010409-00010413 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3121, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,522,321 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03121-00010413-00010416 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3122, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,555,687 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03122-00010416-00010419 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3123, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,589,052 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03123-00010419-00010423 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3124, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,622,413 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03124-00010423-00010426 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3125, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,655,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03125-00010426-00010429 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3126, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,689,146 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03126-00010429-00010433 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3127, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,722,509 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03127-00010433-00010436 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3128, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,755,875 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03128-00010436-00010439 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3129, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,789,243 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03129-00010439-00010443 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3130, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,822,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03130-00010443-00010446 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3131, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,855,968 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03131-00010446-00010449 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3132, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,889,341 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03132-00010449-00010453 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3133, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,922,700 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03133-00010453-00010456 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3134, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,956,064 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03134-00010456-00010459 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3135, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:25,989,431 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03135-00010459-00010463 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3136, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,022,794 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03136-00010463-00010466 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3137, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,056,158 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03137-00010466-00010469 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3138, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,089,528 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03138-00010469-00010473 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3139, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,122,886 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03139-00010473-00010476 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3140, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,156,253 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03140-00010476-00010479 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3141, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,189,622 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03141-00010479-00010483 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3142, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,222,983 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03142-00010483-00010486 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3143, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,256,347 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03143-00010486-00010489 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3144, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,289,712 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03144-00010489-00010493 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3145, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,323,076 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03145-00010493-00010496 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3146, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,356,444 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03146-00010496-00010499 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3147, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,389,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03147-00010499-00010503 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3148, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,423,173 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03148-00010503-00010506 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3149, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,456,538 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03149-00010506-00010509 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3150, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,489,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03150-00010509-00010513 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3151, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,523,265 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03151-00010513-00010516 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3152, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,556,633 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03152-00010516-00010519 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3153, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,589,997 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03153-00010519-00010523 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3154, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,623,360 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03154-00010523-00010526 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3155, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,656,728 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03155-00010526-00010529 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3156, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,690,092 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03156-00010529-00010533 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3157, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,723,454 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03157-00010533-00010536 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3158, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,756,819 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03158-00010536-00010539 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3159, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,790,184 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03159-00010539-00010543 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3160, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,823,548 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03160-00010543-00010546 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3161, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,856,913 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03161-00010546-00010549 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3162, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,890,290 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03162-00010549-00010553 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3163, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,923,650 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03163-00010553-00010556 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3164, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,957,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03164-00010556-00010559 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3165, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:26,990,376 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03165-00010559-00010563 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3166, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,023,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03166-00010563-00010566 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3167, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,057,102 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03167-00010566-00010569 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3168, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,090,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03168-00010569-00010573 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3169, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,123,833 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03169-00010573-00010576 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3170, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,157,199 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03170-00010576-00010580 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3171, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,190,566 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03171-00010580-00010583 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3172, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,223,930 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03172-00010583-00010586 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3173, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,257,295 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03173-00010586-00010590 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3174, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,290,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03174-00010590-00010593 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3175, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,324,025 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03175-00010593-00010596 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3176, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,357,386 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03176-00010596-00010600 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3177, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,390,753 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03177-00010600-00010603 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3178, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,424,117 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03178-00010603-00010606 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3179, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,457,482 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03179-00010606-00010610 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3180, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,490,852 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03180-00010610-00010613 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3181, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,524,213 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03181-00010613-00010616 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3182, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,557,578 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03182-00010616-00010620 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3183, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,590,947 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03183-00010620-00010623 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3184, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,624,306 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03184-00010623-00010626 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3185, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,657,673 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03185-00010626-00010630 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3186, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,691,038 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03186-00010630-00010633 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3187, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,724,402 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03187-00010633-00010636 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3188, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,757,766 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03188-00010636-00010640 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3189, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,791,133 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03189-00010640-00010643 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3190, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,824,495 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03190-00010643-00010646 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3191, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,857,864 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03191-00010646-00010650 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3192, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,891,226 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03192-00010650-00010653 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3193, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,924,590 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03193-00010653-00010656 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3194, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,957,957 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03194-00010656-00010660 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3195, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:27,991,322 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03195-00010660-00010663 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3196, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,024,688 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03196-00010663-00010666 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3197, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,058,049 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03197-00010666-00010670 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3198, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,091,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03198-00010670-00010673 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3199, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,124,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03199-00010673-00010676 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3200, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,158,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03200-00010676-00010680 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3201, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,191,509 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03201-00010680-00010683 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3202, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,224,878 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03202-00010683-00010686 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3203, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,258,240 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03203-00010686-00010690 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3204, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,291,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03204-00010690-00010693 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3205, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,324,968 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03205-00010693-00010696 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3206, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,358,334 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03206-00010696-00010700 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3207, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,391,699 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03207-00010700-00010703 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3208, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,425,069 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03208-00010703-00010706 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3209, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,458,428 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03209-00010706-00010710 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3210, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,491,798 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03210-00010710-00010713 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3211, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,525,162 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03211-00010713-00010716 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3212, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,558,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03212-00010716-00010720 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3213, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,591,895 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03213-00010720-00010723 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3214, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,625,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03214-00010723-00010726 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3215, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,658,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03215-00010726-00010730 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3216, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,691,984 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03216-00010730-00010733 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3217, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,725,346 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03217-00010733-00010736 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3218, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,758,711 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03218-00010736-00010740 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3219, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,792,075 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03219-00010740-00010743 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3220, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,825,442 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03220-00010743-00010746 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3221, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,858,806 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03221-00010746-00010750 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3222, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,892,171 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03222-00010750-00010753 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3223, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,925,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03223-00010753-00010756 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3224, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,958,903 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03224-00010756-00010760 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3225, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:28,992,271 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03225-00010760-00010763 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3226, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,025,631 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03226-00010763-00010766 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3227, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,058,996 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03227-00010766-00010770 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3228, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,092,365 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03228-00010770-00010773 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3229, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,125,727 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03229-00010773-00010776 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3230, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,159,090 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03230-00010776-00010780 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3231, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,192,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03231-00010780-00010783 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3232, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,225,820 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03232-00010783-00010786 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3233, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,259,185 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03233-00010786-00010790 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3234, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,292,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03234-00010790-00010793 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3235, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,325,914 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03235-00010793-00010796 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3236, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,359,282 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03236-00010796-00010800 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3237, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,392,644 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03237-00010800-00010803 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3238, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,426,009 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03238-00010803-00010806 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3239, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,459,374 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03239-00010806-00010810 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3240, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,492,770 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03240-00010810-00010813 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3241, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,526,103 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03241-00010813-00010816 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3242, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,559,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03242-00010816-00010820 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3243, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,592,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03243-00010820-00010823 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3244, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,626,201 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03244-00010823-00010826 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3245, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,659,566 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03245-00010826-00010830 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3246, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,692,927 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03246-00010830-00010833 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3247, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,726,292 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03247-00010833-00010836 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3248, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,759,662 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03248-00010836-00010840 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3249, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,793,027 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03249-00010840-00010843 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3250, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,826,390 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03250-00010843-00010846 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3251, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,859,760 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03251-00010846-00010850 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3252, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,893,118 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03252-00010850-00010853 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3253, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,926,484 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03253-00010853-00010856 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3254, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,959,849 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03254-00010856-00010860 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3255, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:29,993,212 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03255-00010860-00010863 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3256, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,026,576 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03256-00010863-00010866 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3257, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,059,945 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03257-00010866-00010870 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3258, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,093,307 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03258-00010870-00010873 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3259, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,126,673 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03259-00010873-00010876 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3260, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,160,037 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03260-00010876-00010880 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3261, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,193,403 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03261-00010880-00010883 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3262, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,226,765 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03262-00010883-00010886 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3263, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,260,130 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03263-00010886-00010890 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3264, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,293,494 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03264-00010890-00010893 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3265, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,326,863 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03265-00010893-00010896 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3266, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,360,226 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03266-00010896-00010900 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3267, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,393,594 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03267-00010900-00010903 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3268, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,426,955 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03268-00010903-00010906 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3269, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,460,319 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03269-00010906-00010910 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3270, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,493,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03270-00010910-00010913 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3271, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,527,049 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03271-00010913-00010916 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3272, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,560,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03272-00010916-00010920 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3273, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,593,788 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03273-00010920-00010923 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3274, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,627,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03274-00010923-00010926 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3275, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,660,508 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03275-00010926-00010930 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3276, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,693,873 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03276-00010930-00010933 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3277, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,727,241 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03277-00010933-00010937 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3278, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,760,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03278-00010937-00010940 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3279, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,793,972 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03279-00010940-00010943 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3280, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,827,336 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03280-00010943-00010947 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3281, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,860,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03281-00010947-00010950 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3282, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,894,062 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03282-00010950-00010953 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3283, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,927,429 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03283-00010953-00010957 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3284, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,960,794 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03284-00010957-00010960 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3285, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:30,994,161 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03285-00010960-00010963 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3286, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,027,527 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03286-00010963-00010967 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3287, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,060,889 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03287-00010967-00010970 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3288, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,094,255 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03288-00010970-00010973 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3289, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,127,620 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03289-00010973-00010977 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3290, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,160,983 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03290-00010977-00010980 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3291, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,194,349 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03291-00010980-00010983 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3292, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,227,715 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03292-00010983-00010987 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3293, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,261,076 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03293-00010987-00010990 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3294, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,294,445 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03294-00010990-00010993 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3295, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,327,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03295-00010993-00010997 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3296, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,361,172 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03296-00010997-00011000 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3297, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,394,538 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03297-00011000-00011003 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3298, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,427,902 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03298-00011003-00011007 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3299, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,461,266 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03299-00011007-00011010 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3300, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,494,636 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03300-00011010-00011013 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3301, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,527,998 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03301-00011013-00011017 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3302, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,561,362 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03302-00011017-00011020 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3303, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,594,726 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03303-00011020-00011023 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3304, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,628,093 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03304-00011023-00011027 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3305, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,661,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03305-00011027-00011030 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3306, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,694,822 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03306-00011030-00011033 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3307, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,728,191 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03307-00011033-00011037 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3308, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,761,553 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03308-00011037-00011040 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3309, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,794,917 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03309-00011040-00011043 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3310, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,828,286 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03310-00011043-00011047 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3311, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,861,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03311-00011047-00011050 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3312, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,895,011 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03312-00011050-00011053 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3313, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,928,377 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03313-00011053-00011057 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3314, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,961,741 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03314-00011057-00011060 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3315, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:31,995,105 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03315-00011060-00011063 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3316, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,028,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03316-00011063-00011067 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3317, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,061,837 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03317-00011067-00011070 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3318, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,095,200 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03318-00011070-00011073 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3319, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,128,564 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03319-00011073-00011077 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3320, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,161,931 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03320-00011077-00011080 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3321, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,195,296 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03321-00011080-00011083 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3322, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,228,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03322-00011083-00011087 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3323, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,262,022 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03323-00011087-00011090 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3324, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,295,388 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03324-00011090-00011093 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3325, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,328,755 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03325-00011093-00011097 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3326, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,362,145 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03326-00011097-00011100 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3327, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,395,481 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03327-00011100-00011103 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3328, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,428,848 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03328-00011103-00011107 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3329, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,462,214 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03329-00011107-00011110 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3330, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,495,578 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03330-00011110-00011113 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3331, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,528,943 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03331-00011113-00011117 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3332, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,562,309 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03332-00011117-00011120 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3333, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,595,674 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03333-00011120-00011123 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3334, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,629,039 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03334-00011123-00011127 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3335, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,662,401 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03335-00011127-00011130 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3336, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,695,770 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03336-00011130-00011133 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3337, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,729,129 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03337-00011133-00011137 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3338, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,762,502 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03338-00011137-00011140 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3339, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,795,864 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03339-00011140-00011143 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3340, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,829,225 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03340-00011143-00011147 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3341, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,862,590 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03341-00011147-00011150 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3342, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,895,954 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03342-00011150-00011153 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3343, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,929,326 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03343-00011153-00011157 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3344, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,962,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03344-00011157-00011160 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3345, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:32,996,060 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03345-00011160-00011163 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3346, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,029,416 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03346-00011163-00011167 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3347, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,062,778 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03347-00011167-00011170 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3348, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,096,143 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03348-00011170-00011173 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3349, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,129,509 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03349-00011173-00011177 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3350, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,162,874 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03350-00011177-00011180 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3351, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,196,239 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03351-00011180-00011183 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3352, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,229,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03352-00011183-00011187 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3353, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,262,981 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03353-00011187-00011190 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3354, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,296,333 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03354-00011190-00011193 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3355, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,329,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03355-00011193-00011197 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3356, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,363,068 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03356-00011197-00011200 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3357, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,396,433 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03357-00011200-00011203 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3358, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,429,793 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03358-00011203-00011207 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3359, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,463,159 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03359-00011207-00011210 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3360, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,496,535 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03360-00011210-00011213 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3361, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,529,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03361-00011213-00011217 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3362, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,563,252 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03362-00011217-00011220 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3363, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,596,620 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03363-00011220-00011223 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3364, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,629,981 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03364-00011223-00011227 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3365, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,663,347 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03365-00011227-00011230 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3366, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,696,711 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03366-00011230-00011233 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3367, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,730,079 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03367-00011233-00011237 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3368, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,763,442 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03368-00011237-00011240 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3369, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,796,805 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03369-00011240-00011243 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3370, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,830,176 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03370-00011243-00011247 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3371, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,863,535 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03371-00011247-00011250 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3372, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,896,902 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03372-00011250-00011253 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3373, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,930,269 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03373-00011253-00011257 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3374, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,963,630 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03374-00011257-00011260 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3375, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:33,996,995 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03375-00011260-00011263 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3376, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,030,362 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03376-00011263-00011267 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3377, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,063,726 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03377-00011267-00011270 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3378, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,097,089 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03378-00011270-00011273 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3379, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,130,454 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03379-00011273-00011277 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3380, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,163,826 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03380-00011277-00011280 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3381, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,197,188 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03381-00011280-00011283 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3382, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,230,548 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03382-00011283-00011287 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3383, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,263,916 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03383-00011287-00011290 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3384, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,297,283 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03384-00011290-00011294 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3385, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,330,650 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03385-00011294-00011297 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3386, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,364,010 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03386-00011297-00011300 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3387, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,397,374 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03387-00011300-00011304 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3388, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,430,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03388-00011304-00011307 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3389, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,464,105 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03389-00011307-00011310 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3390, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,497,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03390-00011310-00011314 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3391, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,530,833 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03391-00011314-00011317 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3392, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,564,201 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03392-00011317-00011320 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3393, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,597,568 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03393-00011320-00011324 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3394, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,630,928 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03394-00011324-00011327 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3395, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,664,294 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03395-00011327-00011330 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3396, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,697,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03396-00011330-00011334 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3397, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,731,024 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03397-00011334-00011337 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3398, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,764,388 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03398-00011337-00011340 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3399, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,797,751 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03399-00011340-00011344 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3400, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,831,118 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03400-00011344-00011347 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3401, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,864,482 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03401-00011347-00011350 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3402, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,897,849 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03402-00011350-00011354 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3403, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,931,212 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 29.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03403-00011354-00011357 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3404, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,964,576 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03404-00011357-00011360 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3405, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:34,997,945 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03405-00011360-00011364 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3406, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,031,309 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03406-00011364-00011367 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3407, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,064,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03407-00011367-00011370 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3408, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,098,035 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03408-00011370-00011374 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3409, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,131,402 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03409-00011374-00011377 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3410, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,164,767 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03410-00011377-00011380 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3411, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,198,137 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03411-00011380-00011384 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3412, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,231,499 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03412-00011384-00011387 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3413, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,264,862 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03413-00011387-00011390 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3414, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,298,228 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03414-00011390-00011394 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3415, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,331,591 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03415-00011394-00011397 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3416, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,364,955 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03416-00011397-00011400 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3417, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,398,321 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03417-00011400-00011404 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3418, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,431,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03418-00011404-00011407 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3419, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,465,054 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03419-00011407-00011410 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3420, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,498,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03420-00011410-00011414 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3421, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,531,784 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03421-00011414-00011417 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3422, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,565,147 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03422-00011417-00011420 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3423, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,598,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03423-00011420-00011424 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3424, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,631,877 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 30.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03424-00011424-00011427 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3425, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,665,241 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03425-00011427-00011430 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3426, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,698,602 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03426-00011430-00011434 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3427, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,731,972 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03427-00011434-00011437 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3428, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,765,336 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03428-00011437-00011440 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3429, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,798,705 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03429-00011440-00011444 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3430, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,832,063 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03430-00011444-00011447 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3431, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,865,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03431-00011447-00011450 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3432, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,898,794 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03432-00011450-00011454 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3433, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,932,157 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03433-00011454-00011457 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3434, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,965,522 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03434-00011457-00011460 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3435, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:35,998,889 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03435-00011460-00011464 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3436, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,032,252 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03436-00011464-00011467 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3437, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,065,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03437-00011467-00011470 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3438, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,098,991 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03438-00011470-00011474 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3439, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,132,346 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03439-00011474-00011477 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3440, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,165,713 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03440-00011477-00011480 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3441, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,199,079 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03441-00011480-00011484 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3442, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,232,448 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 31.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03442-00011484-00011487 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3443, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,265,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03443-00011487-00011490 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3444, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,299,177 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03444-00011490-00011494 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3445, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,332,537 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03445-00011494-00011497 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3446, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,365,902 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03446-00011497-00011500 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3447, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,399,266 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03447-00011500-00011504 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3448, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,432,634 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03448-00011504-00011507 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3449, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,465,996 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03449-00011507-00011510 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3450, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,499,378 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03450-00011510-00011514 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3451, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,532,727 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03451-00011514-00011517 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3452, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,566,090 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03452-00011517-00011520 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3453, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,599,456 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03453-00011520-00011524 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3454, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,632,822 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03454-00011524-00011527 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3455, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,666,184 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03455-00011527-00011530 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3456, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,699,551 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03456-00011530-00011534 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3457, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,732,916 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03457-00011534-00011537 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3458, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,766,279 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03458-00011537-00011540 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3459, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,799,647 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03459-00011540-00011544 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3460, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,833,015 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 32.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03460-00011544-00011547 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3461, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,866,373 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03461-00011547-00011550 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3462, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,899,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03462-00011550-00011554 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3463, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,933,103 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03463-00011554-00011557 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3464, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,966,468 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03464-00011557-00011560 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3465, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:36,999,836 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03465-00011560-00011564 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3466, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,033,201 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03466-00011564-00011567 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3467, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,066,562 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03467-00011567-00011570 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3468, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,099,929 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03468-00011570-00011574 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3469, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,133,293 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03469-00011574-00011577 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3470, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,166,657 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03470-00011577-00011580 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3471, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,200,023 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03471-00011580-00011584 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3472, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,233,390 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03472-00011584-00011587 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3473, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,266,752 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03473-00011587-00011590 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3474, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,300,120 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03474-00011590-00011594 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3475, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,333,488 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03475-00011594-00011597 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3476, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,366,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03476-00011597-00011600 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3477, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,400,212 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03477-00011600-00011604 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3478, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,433,576 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03478-00011604-00011607 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3479, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,466,940 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03479-00011607-00011610 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3480, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,500,310 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03480-00011610-00011614 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3481, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,533,672 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03481-00011614-00011617 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3482, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,567,038 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03482-00011617-00011620 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3483, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,600,402 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03483-00011620-00011624 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3484, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,633,767 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03484-00011624-00011627 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3485, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,667,130 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03485-00011627-00011630 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3486, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,700,500 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03486-00011630-00011634 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3487, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,733,862 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03487-00011634-00011637 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3488, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,767,229 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03488-00011637-00011641 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3489, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,800,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03489-00011641-00011644 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3490, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,833,958 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03490-00011644-00011647 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3491, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,867,319 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03491-00011647-00011651 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3492, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,900,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03492-00011651-00011654 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3493, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,934,053 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03493-00011654-00011657 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3494, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:37,967,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03494-00011657-00011661 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3495, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,000,783 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03495-00011661-00011664 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3496, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,034,145 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03496-00011664-00011667 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3497, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,067,507 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03497-00011667-00011671 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3498, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,100,873 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03498-00011671-00011674 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3499, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,134,242 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03499-00011674-00011677 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3500, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,167,605 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03500-00011677-00011681 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3501, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,200,970 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03501-00011681-00011684 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3502, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,234,334 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03502-00011684-00011687 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3503, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,267,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03503-00011687-00011691 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3504, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,301,065 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03504-00011691-00011694 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3505, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,334,430 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03505-00011694-00011697 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3506, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,367,793 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03506-00011697-00011701 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3507, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,401,158 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03507-00011701-00011704 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3508, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,434,522 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03508-00011704-00011707 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3509, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,467,887 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03509-00011707-00011711 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3510, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,501,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03510-00011711-00011714 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3511, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,534,619 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03511-00011714-00011717 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3512, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,567,983 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03512-00011717-00011721 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3513, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,601,352 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03513-00011721-00011724 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3514, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,634,712 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03514-00011724-00011727 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3515, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,668,077 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03515-00011727-00011731 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3516, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,701,441 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03516-00011731-00011734 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3517, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,734,808 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03517-00011734-00011737 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3518, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,768,173 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03518-00011737-00011741 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3519, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,801,538 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03519-00011741-00011744 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3520, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,834,902 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03520-00011744-00011747 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3521, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,868,265 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03521-00011747-00011751 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3522, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,901,632 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03522-00011751-00011754 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3523, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,935,039 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03523-00011754-00011757 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3524, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:38,968,360 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03524-00011757-00011761 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3525, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,001,727 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03525-00011761-00011764 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3526, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,035,090 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03526-00011764-00011767 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3527, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,068,454 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03527-00011767-00011771 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3528, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,101,822 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03528-00011771-00011774 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3529, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,135,188 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03529-00011774-00011777 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3530, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,168,549 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03530-00011777-00011781 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3531, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,201,916 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03531-00011781-00011784 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3532, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,235,279 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03532-00011784-00011787 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3533, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,268,644 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03533-00011787-00011791 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3534, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,302,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03534-00011791-00011794 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3535, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,335,376 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03535-00011794-00011797 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3536, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,368,745 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03536-00011797-00011801 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3537, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,402,108 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03537-00011801-00011804 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3538, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,435,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03538-00011804-00011807 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3539, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,468,835 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03539-00011807-00011811 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3540, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,502,201 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03540-00011811-00011814 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3541, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,535,564 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03541-00011814-00011817 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3542, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,568,927 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03542-00011817-00011821 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3543, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,602,293 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03543-00011821-00011824 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3544, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,635,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03544-00011824-00011827 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3545, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,669,023 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03545-00011827-00011831 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3546, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,702,389 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03546-00011831-00011834 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3547, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,735,751 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03547-00011834-00011837 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3548, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,769,121 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03548-00011837-00011841 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3549, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,802,483 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03549-00011841-00011844 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3550, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,835,853 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03550-00011844-00011847 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3551, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,869,211 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03551-00011847-00011851 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3552, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,902,580 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03552-00011851-00011854 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3553, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,935,947 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03553-00011854-00011857 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3554, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:39,969,310 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03554-00011857-00011861 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3555, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,002,680 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03555-00011861-00011864 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3556, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,036,037 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03556-00011864-00011867 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3557, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,069,403 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03557-00011867-00011871 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3558, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,102,765 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03558-00011871-00011874 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3559, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,136,131 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03559-00011874-00011877 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3560, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,169,496 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03560-00011877-00011881 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3561, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,202,860 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03561-00011881-00011884 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3562, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,236,227 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03562-00011884-00011887 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3563, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,269,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03563-00011887-00011891 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3564, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,302,960 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03564-00011891-00011894 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3565, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,336,323 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03565-00011894-00011897 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3566, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,369,685 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03566-00011897-00011901 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3567, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,403,048 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03567-00011901-00011904 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3568, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,436,415 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03568-00011904-00011907 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3569, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,469,778 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03569-00011907-00011911 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3570, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,503,145 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03570-00011911-00011914 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3571, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,536,519 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03571-00011914-00011917 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3572, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,569,876 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03572-00011917-00011921 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3573, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,603,240 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03573-00011921-00011924 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3574, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,636,607 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03574-00011924-00011927 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3575, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,669,969 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03575-00011927-00011931 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3576, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,703,336 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03576-00011931-00011934 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3577, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,736,702 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03577-00011934-00011937 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3578, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,770,062 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03578-00011937-00011941 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3579, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,803,428 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03579-00011941-00011944 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3580, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,836,794 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03580-00011944-00011947 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3581, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,870,157 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03581-00011947-00011951 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3582, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,903,523 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03582-00011951-00011954 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3583, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,936,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03583-00011954-00011957 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3584, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:40,970,257 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03584-00011957-00011961 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3585, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,003,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03585-00011961-00011964 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3586, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,036,989 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03586-00011964-00011967 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3587, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,070,346 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03587-00011967-00011971 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3588, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,103,713 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03588-00011971-00011974 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3589, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,137,076 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03589-00011974-00011977 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3590, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,170,442 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03590-00011977-00011981 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3591, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,203,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03591-00011981-00011984 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3592, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,237,171 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03592-00011984-00011987 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3593, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,270,539 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03593-00011987-00011991 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3594, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,303,901 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03594-00011991-00011994 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3595, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,337,267 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03595-00011994-00011998 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3596, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,370,631 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03596-00011998-00012001 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3597, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,403,998 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03597-00012001-00012004 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3598, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,437,368 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03598-00012004-00012008 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3599, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,470,726 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03599-00012008-00012011 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3600, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,504,092 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03600-00012011-00012014 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3601, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,537,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03601-00012014-00012018 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3602, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,570,820 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03602-00012018-00012021 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3603, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,604,192 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03603-00012021-00012024 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3604, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,637,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03604-00012024-00012028 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3605, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,670,914 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03605-00012028-00012031 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3606, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,704,283 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03606-00012031-00012034 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3607, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,737,647 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03607-00012034-00012038 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3608, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,771,009 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03608-00012038-00012041 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3609, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,804,375 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03609-00012041-00012044 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3610, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,837,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03610-00012044-00012048 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3611, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,871,104 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03611-00012048-00012051 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3612, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,904,468 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03612-00012051-00012054 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3613, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,937,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03613-00012054-00012058 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3614, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:41,971,208 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03614-00012058-00012061 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3615, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,004,565 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03615-00012061-00012064 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3616, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,037,928 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03616-00012064-00012068 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3617, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,071,294 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03617-00012068-00012071 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3618, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,104,660 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03618-00012071-00012074 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3619, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,138,027 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03619-00012074-00012078 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3620, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,171,397 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03620-00012078-00012081 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3621, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,204,754 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03621-00012081-00012084 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3622, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,238,118 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03622-00012084-00012088 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3623, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,271,482 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03623-00012088-00012091 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3624, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,304,855 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03624-00012091-00012094 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3625, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,338,212 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03625-00012094-00012098 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3626, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,371,581 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03626-00012098-00012101 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3627, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,404,943 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03627-00012101-00012104 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3628, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,438,307 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03628-00012104-00012108 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3629, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,471,673 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03629-00012108-00012111 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3630, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,505,036 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03630-00012111-00012114 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3631, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,538,401 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03631-00012114-00012118 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3632, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,571,772 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03632-00012118-00012121 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3633, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,605,134 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03633-00012121-00012124 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3634, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,638,496 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03634-00012124-00012128 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3635, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,671,865 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03635-00012128-00012131 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3636, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,705,229 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03636-00012131-00012134 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3637, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,738,589 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03637-00012134-00012138 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3638, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,771,965 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03638-00012138-00012141 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3639, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,805,322 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03639-00012141-00012144 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3640, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,838,685 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03640-00012144-00012148 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3641, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,872,054 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03641-00012148-00012151 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3642, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,905,445 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03642-00012151-00012154 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3643, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,938,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03643-00012154-00012158 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3644, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:42,972,153 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03644-00012158-00012161 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3645, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,005,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03645-00012161-00012164 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3646, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,038,873 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03646-00012164-00012168 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3647, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,072,242 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03647-00012168-00012171 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3648, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,105,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03648-00012171-00012174 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3649, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,138,971 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03649-00012174-00012178 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3650, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,172,344 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03650-00012178-00012181 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3651, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,205,699 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03651-00012181-00012184 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3652, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,239,065 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03652-00012184-00012188 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3653, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,272,436 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03653-00012188-00012191 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3654, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,305,794 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03654-00012191-00012194 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3655, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,339,158 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03655-00012194-00012198 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3656, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,372,526 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03656-00012198-00012201 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3657, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,405,887 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03657-00012201-00012204 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3658, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,439,256 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03658-00012204-00012208 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3659, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,472,618 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03659-00012208-00012211 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3660, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,505,982 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03660-00012211-00012214 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3661, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,539,349 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03661-00012214-00012218 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3662, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,572,723 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03662-00012218-00012221 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3663, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,606,078 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03663-00012221-00012224 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3664, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,639,444 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03664-00012224-00012228 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3665, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,672,813 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03665-00012228-00012231 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3666, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,706,173 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03666-00012231-00012234 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3667, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,739,540 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03667-00012234-00012238 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3668, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,772,913 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03668-00012238-00012241 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3669, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,806,267 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03669-00012241-00012244 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3670, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,839,631 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03670-00012244-00012248 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3671, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,873,001 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03671-00012248-00012251 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3672, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,906,361 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03672-00012251-00012254 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3673, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,939,727 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03673-00012254-00012258 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3674, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:43,973,092 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03674-00012258-00012261 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3675, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,006,458 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03675-00012261-00012264 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3676, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,039,827 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03676-00012264-00012268 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3677, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,073,188 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03677-00012268-00012271 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3678, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,106,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03678-00012271-00012274 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3679, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,139,916 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03679-00012274-00012278 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3680, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,173,280 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03680-00012278-00012281 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3681, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,206,645 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03681-00012281-00012284 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3682, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,240,009 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03682-00012284-00012288 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3683, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,273,374 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03683-00012288-00012291 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3684, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,306,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03684-00012291-00012294 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3685, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,340,108 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03685-00012294-00012298 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3686, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,373,472 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03686-00012298-00012301 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3687, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,406,835 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03687-00012301-00012304 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3688, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,440,200 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03688-00012304-00012308 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3689, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,473,564 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03689-00012308-00012311 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3690, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,506,929 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03690-00012311-00012314 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3691, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,540,297 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03691-00012314-00012318 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3692, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,573,662 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03692-00012318-00012321 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3693, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,607,025 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03693-00012321-00012324 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3694, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,640,387 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 33.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03694-00012324-00012328 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3695, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,673,754 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03695-00012328-00012331 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3696, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,707,117 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03696-00012331-00012334 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3697, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,740,488 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03697-00012334-00012338 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3698, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,773,848 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03698-00012338-00012341 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3699, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,807,212 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03699-00012341-00012345 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3700, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,840,578 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03700-00012345-00012348 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3701, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,873,942 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03701-00012348-00012351 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3702, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,907,308 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03702-00012351-00012355 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3703, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,940,676 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03703-00012355-00012358 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3704, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:44,974,038 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03704-00012358-00012361 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3705, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,007,407 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03705-00012361-00012365 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3706, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,040,770 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03706-00012365-00012368 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3707, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,074,135 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03707-00012368-00012371 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3708, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,107,498 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03708-00012371-00012375 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3709, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,140,860 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03709-00012375-00012378 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3710, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,174,231 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03710-00012378-00012381 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3711, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,207,590 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03711-00012381-00012385 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3712, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,240,959 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03712-00012385-00012388 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3713, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,274,326 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03713-00012388-00012391 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3714, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,307,683 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03714-00012391-00012395 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3715, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,341,051 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03715-00012395-00012398 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3716, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,374,424 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03716-00012398-00012401 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3717, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,407,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03717-00012401-00012405 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3718, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,441,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03718-00012405-00012408 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3719, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,474,517 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03719-00012408-00012411 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3720, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,507,880 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03720-00012411-00012415 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3721, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,541,238 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 34.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03721-00012415-00012418 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3722, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,574,605 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03722-00012418-00012421 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3723, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,607,977 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03723-00012421-00012425 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3724, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,641,333 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03724-00012425-00012428 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3725, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,674,716 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03725-00012428-00012431 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3726, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,708,064 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03726-00012431-00012435 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3727, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,741,429 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03727-00012435-00012438 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3728, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,774,797 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03728-00012438-00012441 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3729, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,808,159 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03729-00012441-00012445 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3730, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,841,527 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03730-00012445-00012448 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3731, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,874,890 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03731-00012448-00012451 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3732, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,908,255 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03732-00012451-00012455 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3733, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,941,620 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03733-00012455-00012458 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3734, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:45,974,991 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03734-00012458-00012461 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3735, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,008,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03735-00012461-00012465 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3736, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,041,715 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03736-00012465-00012468 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3737, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,075,082 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03737-00012468-00012471 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3738, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,108,441 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03738-00012471-00012475 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3739, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,141,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 35.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03739-00012475-00012478 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3740, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,175,175 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 36.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03740-00012478-00012481 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3741, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,208,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 36.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03741-00012481-00012485 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3742, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,241,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 36.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03742-00012485-00012488 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3743, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,275,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 36.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03743-00012488-00012491 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3744, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,308,634 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 36.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03744-00012491-00012495 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3745, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,341,997 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 36.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03745-00012495-00012498 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3746, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,375,364 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 36.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03746-00012498-00012501 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3747, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,408,727 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 36.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03747-00012501-00012505 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3748, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,442,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 36.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03748-00012505-00012508 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3749, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,475,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 36.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03749-00012508-00012511 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3750, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,508,820 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 36.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03750-00012511-00012515 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3751, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,542,185 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 36.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03751-00012515-00012518 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3752, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,575,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 37.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03752-00012518-00012521 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3753, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,608,915 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 37.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03753-00012521-00012525 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3754, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,642,282 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 37.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03754-00012525-00012528 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3755, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,675,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 37.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03755-00012528-00012531 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3756, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,709,011 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 37.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03756-00012531-00012535 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3757, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,742,377 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 37.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03757-00012535-00012538 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3758, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,775,746 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 37.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03758-00012538-00012541 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3759, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,809,103 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 37.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03759-00012541-00012545 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3760, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,842,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 37.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03760-00012545-00012548 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3761, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,875,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 37.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03761-00012548-00012551 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3762, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,909,198 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 37.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03762-00012551-00012555 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3763, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,942,566 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 37.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03763-00012555-00012558 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3764, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:46,975,932 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03764-00012558-00012561 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3765, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,009,295 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03765-00012561-00012565 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3766, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,042,663 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03766-00012565-00012568 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3767, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,076,053 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03767-00012568-00012571 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3768, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,109,387 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03768-00012571-00012575 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3769, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,142,752 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03769-00012575-00012578 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3770, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,176,118 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03770-00012578-00012581 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3771, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,209,484 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03771-00012581-00012585 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3772, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,242,846 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03772-00012585-00012588 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3773, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,276,213 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03773-00012588-00012591 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3774, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,309,582 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03774-00012591-00012595 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3775, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,342,941 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03775-00012595-00012598 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3776, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,376,306 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03776-00012598-00012601 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3777, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,409,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03777-00012601-00012605 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3778, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,443,035 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03778-00012605-00012608 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3779, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,476,405 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03779-00012608-00012611 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3780, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,509,767 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03780-00012611-00012615 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3781, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,543,136 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03781-00012615-00012618 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3782, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,576,497 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03782-00012618-00012621 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3783, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,609,860 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03783-00012621-00012625 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3784, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,643,224 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03784-00012625-00012628 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3785, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,676,591 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03785-00012628-00012631 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3786, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,709,955 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03786-00012631-00012635 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3787, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,743,323 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03787-00012635-00012638 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3788, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,776,689 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03788-00012638-00012641 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3789, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,810,056 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03789-00012641-00012645 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3790, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,843,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03790-00012645-00012648 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3791, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,876,786 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03791-00012648-00012651 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3792, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,910,146 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03792-00012651-00012655 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3793, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,943,516 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03793-00012655-00012658 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3794, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:47,976,879 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5936] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03794-00012658-00012661 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3795, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,010,239 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5936] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03795-00012661-00012665 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3796, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,043,603 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5933] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03796-00012665-00012668 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3797, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,076,971 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5933] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03797-00012668-00012671 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3798, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,110,333 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5932] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03798-00012671-00012675 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3799, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,143,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5932] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03799-00012675-00012678 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3800, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,177,065 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5929] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03800-00012678-00012681 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3801, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,210,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5929] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03801-00012681-00012685 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3802, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,243,792 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5927] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03802-00012685-00012688 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3803, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,277,163 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5927] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03803-00012688-00012691 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3804, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,310,524 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5925] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03804-00012691-00012695 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3805, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,343,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5925] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03805-00012695-00012698 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3806, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,377,272 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5923] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03806-00012698-00012702 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3807, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,410,618 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5923] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03807-00012702-00012705 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3808, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,443,984 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5921] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03808-00012705-00012708 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3809, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,477,354 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5921] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03809-00012708-00012712 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3810, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,510,713 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5918] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03810-00012712-00012715 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3811, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,544,078 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5918] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03811-00012715-00012718 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3812, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,577,441 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5916] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03812-00012718-00012722 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3813, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,610,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5916] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03813-00012722-00012725 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3814, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,644,173 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5915] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03814-00012725-00012728 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3815, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,677,535 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5915] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03815-00012728-00012732 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3816, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,710,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03816-00012732-00012735 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3817, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,744,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1600.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03817-00012735-00012738 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3818, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,777,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03818-00012738-00012742 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3819, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,811,001 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03819-00012742-00012745 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3820, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,844,360 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03820-00012745-00012748 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3821, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,877,727 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03821-00012748-00012752 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3822, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,911,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03822-00012752-00012755 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3823, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,944,456 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03823-00012755-00012758 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3824, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:48,977,827 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03824-00012758-00012762 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3825, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,011,187 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03825-00012762-00012765 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3826, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,044,551 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03826-00012765-00012768 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3827, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,077,917 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03827-00012768-00012772 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3828, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,111,283 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03828-00012772-00012775 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3829, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,144,648 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03829-00012775-00012778 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3830, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,178,016 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03830-00012778-00012782 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3831, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,211,376 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03831-00012782-00012785 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3832, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,244,742 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03832-00012785-00012788 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3833, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,278,105 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03833-00012788-00012792 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3834, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,311,471 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03834-00012792-00012795 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3835, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,344,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03835-00012795-00012798 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3836, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,378,202 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03836-00012798-00012802 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3837, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,411,566 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5914] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03837-00012802-00012805 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3838, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,444,929 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5915] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03838-00012805-00012808 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3839, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,478,300 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5915] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03839-00012808-00012812 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3840, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,511,659 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5915] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03840-00012812-00012815 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3841, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,545,022 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5915] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03841-00012815-00012818 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3842, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,578,393 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5916] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03842-00012818-00012822 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3843, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,611,756 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5916] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03843-00012822-00012825 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3844, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,645,116 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5916] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03844-00012825-00012828 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3845, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,678,484 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5916] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03845-00012828-00012832 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3846, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,711,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5917] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03846-00012832-00012835 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3847, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,745,216 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5917] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03847-00012835-00012838 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3848, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,778,577 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5918] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03848-00012838-00012842 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3849, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,811,942 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5918] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03849-00012842-00012845 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3850, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,845,307 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5918] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03850-00012845-00012848 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3851, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,878,672 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5918] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03851-00012848-00012852 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3852, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,912,038 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5919] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03852-00012852-00012855 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3853, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,945,400 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5919] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03853-00012855-00012858 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3854, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:49,978,775 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5920] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03854-00012858-00012862 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3855, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,012,136 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5920] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03855-00012862-00012865 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3856, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,045,497 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5921] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03856-00012865-00012868 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3857, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,078,871 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5921] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03857-00012868-00012872 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3858, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,112,227 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5921] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03858-00012872-00012875 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3859, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,145,594 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5922] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03859-00012875-00012878 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3860, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,178,961 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5922] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03860-00012878-00012882 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3861, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,212,324 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5923] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03861-00012882-00012885 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3862, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,245,685 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5923] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03862-00012885-00012888 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3863, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,279,052 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5924] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03863-00012888-00012892 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3864, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,312,416 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5924] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03864-00012892-00012895 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3865, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,345,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5926] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03865-00012895-00012898 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3866, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,379,153 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5926] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03866-00012898-00012902 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3867, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,412,509 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5927] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03867-00012902-00012905 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3868, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,445,880 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5927] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03868-00012905-00012908 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3869, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,479,244 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5929] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03869-00012908-00012912 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3870, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,512,605 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5929] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03870-00012912-00012915 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3871, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,545,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5930] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03871-00012915-00012918 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3872, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,579,334 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5930] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03872-00012918-00012922 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3873, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,612,700 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5932] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03873-00012922-00012925 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3874, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,646,063 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5932] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03874-00012925-00012928 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3875, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,679,429 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5933] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03875-00012928-00012932 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3876, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,712,796 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5933] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03876-00012932-00012935 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3877, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,746,158 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5935] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03877-00012935-00012938 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3878, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,779,525 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5935] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03878-00012938-00012942 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3879, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,812,886 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5936] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03879-00012942-00012945 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3880, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,846,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5936] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03880-00012945-00012948 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3881, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,879,620 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03881-00012948-00012952 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3882, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,913,021 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03882-00012952-00012955 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3883, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,946,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5939] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03883-00012955-00012958 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3884, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:50,979,714 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5939] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03884-00012958-00012962 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3885, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,013,084 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03885-00012962-00012965 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3886, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,046,442 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03886-00012965-00012968 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3887, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,079,814 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03887-00012968-00012972 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3888, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,113,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03888-00012972-00012975 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3889, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,146,537 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03889-00012975-00012978 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3890, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,179,913 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03890-00012978-00012982 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3891, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,213,267 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03891-00012982-00012985 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3892, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,246,638 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03892-00012985-00012988 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3893, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,280,004 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03893-00012988-00012992 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3894, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,313,367 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03894-00012992-00012995 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3895, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,346,728 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03895-00012995-00012998 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3896, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,380,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03896-00012998-00013002 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3897, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,413,456 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03897-00013002-00013005 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3898, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,446,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03898-00013005-00013008 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3899, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,480,187 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03899-00013008-00013012 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3900, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,513,548 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03900-00013012-00013015 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3901, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,546,915 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03901-00013015-00013018 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3902, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,580,279 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03902-00013018-00013022 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3903, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,613,648 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03903-00013022-00013025 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3904, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,647,013 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03904-00013025-00013028 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3905, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,680,373 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03905-00013028-00013032 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3906, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,713,743 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03906-00013032-00013035 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3907, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,747,103 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03907-00013035-00013038 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3908, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,780,468 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03908-00013038-00013042 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3909, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,813,833 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03909-00013042-00013045 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3910, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,847,201 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03910-00013045-00013049 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3911, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,880,565 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03911-00013049-00013052 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3912, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,913,929 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03912-00013052-00013055 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3913, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,947,295 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03913-00013055-00013059 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3914, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:51,980,661 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03914-00013059-00013062 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3915, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,014,024 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03915-00013062-00013065 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3916, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,047,386 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03916-00013065-00013069 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3917, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,080,752 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03917-00013069-00013072 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3918, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,114,118 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03918-00013072-00013075 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3919, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,147,482 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03919-00013075-00013079 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3920, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,180,851 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03920-00013079-00013082 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3921, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,214,212 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03921-00013082-00013085 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3922, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,247,577 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03922-00013085-00013088 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3923, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,280,946 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03923-00013088-00013092 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3924, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,314,309 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03924-00013092-00013095 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3925, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,347,672 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03925-00013095-00013099 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3926, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,381,039 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03926-00013099-00013102 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3927, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,414,404 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03927-00013102-00013105 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3928, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,447,767 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03928-00013105-00013109 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3929, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,481,140 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03929-00013109-00013112 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3930, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,514,496 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03930-00013112-00013115 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3931, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,547,862 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03931-00013115-00013119 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3932, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,581,233 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03932-00013119-00013122 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3933, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,614,619 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03933-00013122-00013125 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3934, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,647,955 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03934-00013125-00013129 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3935, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,681,320 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03935-00013129-00013132 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3936, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,714,722 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03936-00013132-00013135 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3937, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,748,051 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03937-00013135-00013138 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3938, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,781,418 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03938-00013138-00013142 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3939, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,814,783 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03939-00013142-00013145 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3940, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,848,149 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03940-00013145-00013149 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3941, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,881,514 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03941-00013149-00013152 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3942, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,914,876 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03942-00013152-00013155 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3943, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,948,238 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03943-00013155-00013159 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3944, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:52,981,607 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03944-00013159-00013162 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3945, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,015,006 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03945-00013162-00013165 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3946, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,048,336 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03946-00013165-00013169 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3947, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,081,711 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03947-00013169-00013172 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3948, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,115,069 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03948-00013172-00013175 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3949, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,148,429 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03949-00013175-00013179 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3950, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,181,803 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03950-00013179-00013182 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3951, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,215,160 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03951-00013182-00013185 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3952, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,248,523 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03952-00013185-00013189 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3953, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,281,928 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03953-00013189-00013192 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3954, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,315,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03954-00013192-00013195 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3955, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,348,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03955-00013195-00013199 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3956, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,381,986 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03956-00013199-00013202 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3957, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,415,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03957-00013202-00013205 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3958, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,448,712 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03958-00013205-00013209 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3959, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,482,079 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03959-00013209-00013212 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3960, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,515,442 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03960-00013212-00013215 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3961, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,548,806 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03961-00013215-00013219 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3962, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,582,172 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03962-00013219-00013222 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3963, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,615,539 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03963-00013222-00013225 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3964, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,648,903 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03964-00013225-00013229 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3965, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,682,278 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03965-00013229-00013232 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3966, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,715,630 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03966-00013232-00013235 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3967, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,748,998 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03967-00013235-00013239 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3968, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,782,364 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03968-00013239-00013242 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3969, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,815,731 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03969-00013242-00013245 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3970, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,849,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03970-00013245-00013249 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3971, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,882,458 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03971-00013249-00013252 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3972, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,915,824 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03972-00013252-00013255 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3973, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,949,185 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03973-00013255-00013259 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3974, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:53,982,551 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03974-00013259-00013262 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3975, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,015,916 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03975-00013262-00013265 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3976, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,049,279 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03976-00013265-00013269 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3977, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,082,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03977-00013269-00013272 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3978, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,116,010 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03978-00013272-00013275 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3979, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,149,375 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03979-00013275-00013279 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3980, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,182,743 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03980-00013279-00013282 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3981, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,216,107 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03981-00013282-00013285 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3982, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,249,471 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03982-00013285-00013289 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3983, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,282,835 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03983-00013289-00013292 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3984, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,316,201 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03984-00013292-00013295 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3985, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,349,563 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03985-00013295-00013299 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3986, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,382,938 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03986-00013299-00013302 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3987, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,416,295 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03987-00013302-00013305 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3988, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,449,657 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03988-00013305-00013309 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3989, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,483,025 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03989-00013309-00013312 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3990, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,516,390 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03990-00013312-00013315 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3991, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,549,752 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03991-00013315-00013319 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3992, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,583,120 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03992-00013319-00013322 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3993, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,616,481 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03993-00013322-00013325 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3994, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,649,846 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03994-00013325-00013329 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3995, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,683,211 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03995-00013329-00013332 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3996, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,716,576 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03996-00013332-00013335 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3997, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,749,940 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03997-00013335-00013339 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3998, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,783,308 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03998-00013339-00013342 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 3999, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,816,672 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-03999-00013342-00013345 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4000, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,850,035 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04000-00013345-00013349 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4001, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,883,404 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04001-00013349-00013352 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4002, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,916,769 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04002-00013352-00013355 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4003, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,950,131 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04003-00013355-00013359 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4004, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:54,983,497 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04004-00013359-00013362 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4005, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,016,864 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04005-00013362-00013365 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4006, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,050,225 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04006-00013365-00013369 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4007, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,083,596 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04007-00013369-00013372 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4008, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,116,954 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04008-00013372-00013375 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4009, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,150,324 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04009-00013375-00013379 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4010, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,183,688 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04010-00013379-00013382 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4011, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,217,052 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04011-00013382-00013385 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4012, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,250,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04012-00013385-00013389 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4013, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,283,783 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04013-00013389-00013392 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4014, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,317,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04014-00013392-00013395 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4015, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,350,508 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04015-00013395-00013399 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4016, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,383,882 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04016-00013399-00013402 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4017, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,417,239 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04017-00013402-00013406 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4018, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,450,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04018-00013406-00013409 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4019, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,483,976 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04019-00013409-00013412 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4020, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,517,332 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04020-00013412-00013416 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4021, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,550,699 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04021-00013416-00013419 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4022, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,584,065 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04022-00013419-00013422 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4023, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,617,428 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04023-00013422-00013426 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4024, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,650,793 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04024-00013426-00013429 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4025, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,684,163 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04025-00013429-00013432 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4026, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,717,524 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04026-00013432-00013436 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4027, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,750,887 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04027-00013436-00013439 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4028, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,784,253 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04028-00013439-00013442 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4029, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,817,618 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04029-00013442-00013446 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4030, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,850,983 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04030-00013446-00013449 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4031, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,884,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04031-00013449-00013452 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4032, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,917,713 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04032-00013452-00013456 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4033, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,951,077 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04033-00013456-00013459 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4034, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:55,984,441 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04034-00013459-00013462 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4035, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,017,808 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04035-00013462-00013466 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4036, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,051,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04036-00013466-00013469 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4037, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,084,542 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04037-00013469-00013472 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4038, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,117,902 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04038-00013472-00013476 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4039, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,151,267 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04039-00013476-00013479 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4040, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,184,666 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04040-00013479-00013482 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4041, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,217,998 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04041-00013482-00013486 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4042, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,251,360 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04042-00013486-00013489 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4043, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,284,739 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04043-00013489-00013492 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4044, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,318,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04044-00013492-00013496 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4045, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,351,454 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04045-00013496-00013499 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4046, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,384,821 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04046-00013499-00013502 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4047, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,418,184 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04047-00013502-00013506 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4048, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,451,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04048-00013506-00013509 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4049, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,484,918 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04049-00013509-00013512 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4050, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,518,278 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04050-00013512-00013516 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4051, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,551,644 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04051-00013516-00013519 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4052, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,585,014 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04052-00013519-00013522 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4053, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,618,376 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04053-00013522-00013526 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4054, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,651,738 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04054-00013526-00013529 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4055, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,685,119 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04055-00013529-00013532 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4056, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,718,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04056-00013532-00013536 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4057, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,751,835 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04057-00013536-00013539 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4058, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,785,200 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04058-00013539-00013542 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4059, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,818,561 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04059-00013542-00013546 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4060, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,851,927 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04060-00013546-00013549 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4061, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,885,298 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04061-00013549-00013552 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4062, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,918,659 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04062-00013552-00013556 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4063, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,952,022 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04063-00013556-00013559 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4064, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:56,985,389 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04064-00013559-00013562 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4065, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,018,753 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04065-00013562-00013566 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4066, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,052,115 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04066-00013566-00013569 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4067, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,085,484 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04067-00013569-00013572 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4068, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,118,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04068-00013572-00013576 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4069, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,152,211 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04069-00013576-00013579 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4070, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,185,585 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04070-00013579-00013582 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4071, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,218,940 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04071-00013582-00013586 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4072, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,252,305 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04072-00013586-00013589 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4073, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,285,673 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04073-00013589-00013592 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4074, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,319,036 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04074-00013592-00013596 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4075, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,352,400 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04075-00013596-00013599 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4076, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,385,764 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04076-00013599-00013602 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4077, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,419,130 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04077-00013602-00013606 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4078, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,452,495 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04078-00013606-00013609 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4079, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,485,862 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04079-00013609-00013612 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4080, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,519,225 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04080-00013612-00013616 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4081, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,552,589 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04081-00013616-00013619 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4082, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,585,957 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04082-00013619-00013622 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4083, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,619,322 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04083-00013622-00013626 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4084, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,652,684 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04084-00013626-00013629 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4085, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,686,060 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04085-00013629-00013632 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4086, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,719,444 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04086-00013632-00013636 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4087, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,752,789 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04087-00013636-00013639 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4088, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,786,148 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04088-00013639-00013642 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4089, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,819,508 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04089-00013642-00013646 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4090, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,852,873 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04090-00013646-00013649 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4091, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,886,241 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04091-00013649-00013652 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4092, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,919,605 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04092-00013652-00013656 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4093, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,952,968 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04093-00013656-00013659 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4094, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:57,986,334 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04094-00013659-00013662 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4095, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,019,704 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04095-00013662-00013666 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4096, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,053,063 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04096-00013666-00013669 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4097, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,086,438 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04097-00013669-00013672 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4098, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,119,794 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04098-00013672-00013676 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4099, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,153,157 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04099-00013676-00013679 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4100, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,186,526 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04100-00013679-00013682 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4101, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,219,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04101-00013682-00013686 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4102, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,253,252 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04102-00013686-00013689 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4103, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,286,620 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04103-00013689-00013692 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4104, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,319,984 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04104-00013692-00013696 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4105, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,353,351 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04105-00013696-00013699 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4106, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,386,711 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04106-00013699-00013702 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4107, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,420,076 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04107-00013702-00013706 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4108, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,453,441 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04108-00013706-00013709 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4109, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,486,808 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04109-00013709-00013712 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4110, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,520,174 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04110-00013712-00013716 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4111, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,553,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04111-00013716-00013719 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4112, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,586,908 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04112-00013719-00013722 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4113, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,620,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04113-00013722-00013726 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4114, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,653,630 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04114-00013726-00013729 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4115, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,686,994 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04115-00013729-00013732 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4116, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,720,360 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04116-00013732-00013736 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4117, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,753,725 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04117-00013736-00013739 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4118, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,787,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04118-00013739-00013742 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4119, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,820,462 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04119-00013742-00013746 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4120, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,853,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04120-00013746-00013749 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4121, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,887,186 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04121-00013749-00013752 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4122, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,920,549 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04122-00013752-00013756 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4123, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,953,913 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04123-00013756-00013759 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4124, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:58,987,290 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04124-00013759-00013763 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4125, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,020,645 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04125-00013763-00013766 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4126, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,054,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04126-00013766-00013769 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4127, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,087,373 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04127-00013769-00013772 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4128, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,120,741 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04128-00013772-00013776 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4129, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,154,106 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04129-00013776-00013779 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4130, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,187,472 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04130-00013779-00013783 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4131, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,220,832 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04131-00013783-00013786 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4132, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,254,197 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04132-00013786-00013789 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4133, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,287,571 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04133-00013789-00013793 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4134, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,320,928 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04134-00013793-00013796 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4135, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,354,294 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04135-00013796-00013799 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4136, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,387,679 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04136-00013799-00013803 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4137, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,421,021 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04137-00013803-00013806 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4138, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,454,387 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04138-00013806-00013809 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4139, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,487,753 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04139-00013809-00013813 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4140, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,521,117 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04140-00013813-00013816 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4141, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,554,485 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04141-00013816-00013819 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4142, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,587,851 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04142-00013819-00013822 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4143, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,621,212 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04143-00013822-00013826 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4144, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,654,575 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04144-00013826-00013829 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4145, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,687,943 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04145-00013829-00013833 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4146, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,721,308 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04146-00013833-00013836 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4147, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,754,673 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04147-00013836-00013839 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4148, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,788,040 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04148-00013839-00013843 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4149, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,821,402 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04149-00013843-00013846 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4150, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,854,765 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04150-00013846-00013849 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4151, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,888,140 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04151-00013849-00013853 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4152, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,921,495 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04152-00013853-00013856 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4153, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,954,860 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04153-00013856-00013859 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4154, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:46:59,988,227 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04154-00013859-00013863 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4155, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,021,589 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04155-00013863-00013866 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4156, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,054,953 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04156-00013866-00013869 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4157, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,088,322 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04157-00013869-00013873 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4158, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,121,684 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04158-00013873-00013876 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4159, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,155,050 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04159-00013876-00013879 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4160, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,188,417 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04160-00013879-00013883 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4161, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,221,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04161-00013883-00013886 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4162, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,255,146 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04162-00013886-00013889 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4163, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,288,512 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04163-00013889-00013893 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4164, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,321,873 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04164-00013893-00013896 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4165, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,355,240 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04165-00013896-00013899 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4166, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,388,602 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04166-00013899-00013903 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4167, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,421,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04167-00013903-00013906 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4168, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,455,333 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04168-00013906-00013909 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4169, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,488,701 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04169-00013909-00013913 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4170, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,522,063 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04170-00013913-00013916 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4171, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,555,428 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04171-00013916-00013919 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4172, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,588,792 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04172-00013919-00013923 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4173, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,622,157 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04173-00013923-00013926 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4174, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,655,522 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04174-00013926-00013929 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4175, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,688,887 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04175-00013929-00013933 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4176, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,722,252 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04176-00013933-00013936 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4177, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,755,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04177-00013936-00013939 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4178, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,788,984 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04178-00013939-00013943 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4179, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,822,347 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04179-00013943-00013946 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4180, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,855,714 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04180-00013946-00013949 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4181, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,889,080 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04181-00013949-00013953 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4182, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,922,452 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04182-00013953-00013956 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4183, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,955,806 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04183-00013956-00013959 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4184, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:00,989,172 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04184-00013959-00013963 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4185, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,022,539 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04185-00013963-00013966 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4186, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,055,901 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04186-00013966-00013969 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4187, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,089,274 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04187-00013969-00013973 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4188, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,122,634 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04188-00013973-00013976 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4189, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,155,994 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04189-00013976-00013979 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4190, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,189,361 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04190-00013979-00013983 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4191, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,222,724 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04191-00013983-00013986 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4192, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,256,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04192-00013986-00013989 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4193, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,289,459 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04193-00013989-00013993 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4194, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,322,825 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04194-00013993-00013996 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4195, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,356,184 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04195-00013996-00013999 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4196, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,389,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04196-00013999-00014003 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4197, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,422,917 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04197-00014003-00014006 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4198, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,456,279 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04198-00014006-00014009 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4199, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,489,650 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04199-00014009-00014013 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4200, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,523,017 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04200-00014013-00014016 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4201, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,556,373 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04201-00014016-00014019 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4202, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,589,743 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04202-00014019-00014023 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4203, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,623,104 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04203-00014023-00014026 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4204, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,656,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04204-00014026-00014029 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4205, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,689,836 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04205-00014029-00014033 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4206, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,723,198 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136177] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04206-00014033-00014036 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4207, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,756,564 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04207-00014036-00014039 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4208, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,789,933 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04208-00014039-00014043 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4209, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,823,291 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04209-00014043-00014046 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4210, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,856,666 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04210-00014046-00014049 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4211, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,890,023 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04211-00014049-00014053 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4212, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,923,387 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04212-00014053-00014056 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4213, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,956,755 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04213-00014056-00014059 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4214, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:01,990,118 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04214-00014059-00014063 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4215, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,023,481 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04215-00014063-00014066 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4216, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,056,848 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04216-00014066-00014069 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4217, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,090,220 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04217-00014069-00014073 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4218, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,123,576 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04218-00014073-00014076 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4219, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,156,945 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04219-00014076-00014079 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4220, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,190,309 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04220-00014079-00014083 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4221, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,223,670 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04221-00014083-00014086 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4222, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,257,037 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04222-00014086-00014089 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4223, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,290,405 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04223-00014089-00014093 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4224, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,323,764 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04224-00014093-00014096 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4225, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,357,130 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04225-00014096-00014099 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4226, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,390,501 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04226-00014099-00014103 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4227, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,423,859 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04227-00014103-00014106 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4228, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,457,225 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04228-00014106-00014110 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4229, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,490,590 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04229-00014110-00014113 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4230, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,523,956 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04230-00014113-00014116 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4231, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,557,320 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04231-00014116-00014119 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4232, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,590,688 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04232-00014119-00014123 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4233, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,624,050 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136178] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04233-00014123-00014126 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4234, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,657,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04234-00014126-00014130 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4235, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,690,786 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04235-00014130-00014133 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4236, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,724,145 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04236-00014133-00014136 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4237, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,757,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04237-00014136-00014140 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4238, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,790,883 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04238-00014140-00014143 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4239, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,824,242 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04239-00014143-00014146 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4240, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,857,607 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04240-00014146-00014150 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4241, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,890,971 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04241-00014150-00014153 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4242, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,924,332 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04242-00014153-00014156 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4243, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,957,700 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04243-00014156-00014160 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4244, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:02,991,069 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04244-00014160-00014163 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4245, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,024,428 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04245-00014163-00014166 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4246, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,057,792 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04246-00014166-00014169 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4247, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,091,169 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04247-00014169-00014173 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4248, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,124,524 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04248-00014173-00014176 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4249, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,157,887 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04249-00014176-00014180 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4250, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,191,262 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04250-00014180-00014183 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4251, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,224,621 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04251-00014183-00014186 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4252, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,257,984 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04252-00014186-00014190 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4253, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,291,350 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04253-00014190-00014193 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4254, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,324,717 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136179] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04254-00014193-00014196 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4255, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,358,078 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04255-00014196-00014200 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4256, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,391,443 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04256-00014200-00014203 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4257, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,424,808 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04257-00014203-00014206 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4258, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,458,172 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04258-00014206-00014210 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4259, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,491,535 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04259-00014210-00014213 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4260, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,524,908 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04260-00014213-00014216 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4261, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,558,265 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04261-00014216-00014220 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4262, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,591,636 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04262-00014220-00014223 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4263, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,624,996 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04263-00014223-00014226 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4264, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,658,359 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04264-00014226-00014230 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4265, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,691,726 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04265-00014230-00014233 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4266, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,725,095 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04266-00014233-00014236 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4267, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,758,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04267-00014236-00014240 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4268, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,791,820 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04268-00014240-00014243 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4269, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,825,188 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04269-00014243-00014246 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4270, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,858,549 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04270-00014246-00014250 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4271, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,891,919 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04271-00014250-00014253 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4272, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,925,277 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136180] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04272-00014253-00014256 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4273, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,958,645 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136181] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04273-00014256-00014260 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4274, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:03,992,007 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136181] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04274-00014260-00014263 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4275, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,025,380 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136181] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04275-00014263-00014266 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4276, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,058,738 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136181] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04276-00014266-00014270 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4277, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,092,117 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136181] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04277-00014270-00014273 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4278, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,125,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136181] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04278-00014273-00014276 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4279, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,158,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136181] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04279-00014276-00014280 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4280, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,192,197 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136181] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04280-00014280-00014283 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4281, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,225,561 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136181] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04281-00014283-00014286 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4282, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,258,932 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136181] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04282-00014286-00014290 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4283, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,292,296 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136181] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04283-00014290-00014293 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4284, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,325,656 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136181] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04284-00014293-00014296 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4285, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,359,022 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136181] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04285-00014296-00014300 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4286, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,392,386 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136181] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04286-00014300-00014303 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4287, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,425,755 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136181] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04287-00014303-00014306 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4288, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,459,119 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136182] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04288-00014306-00014310 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4289, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,492,480 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136182] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04289-00014310-00014313 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4290, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,525,850 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136182] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04290-00014313-00014316 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4291, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,559,214 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136182] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04291-00014316-00014320 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4292, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,592,582 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136182] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04292-00014320-00014323 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4293, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,625,945 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136182] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04293-00014323-00014326 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4294, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,659,305 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136182] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04294-00014326-00014330 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4295, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,692,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136182] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04295-00014330-00014333 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4296, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,726,036 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136182] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04296-00014333-00014336 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4297, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,759,402 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136182] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04297-00014336-00014340 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4298, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,792,766 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136182] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04298-00014340-00014343 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4299, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,826,131 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136182] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04299-00014343-00014346 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4300, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,859,495 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136182] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04300-00014346-00014350 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4301, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,892,859 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136182] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04301-00014350-00014353 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4302, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,926,226 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136182] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04302-00014353-00014356 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4303, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,959,589 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136183] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04303-00014356-00014360 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4304, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:04,992,954 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136183] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04304-00014360-00014363 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4305, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,026,325 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136183] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04305-00014363-00014366 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4306, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,059,684 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136183] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04306-00014366-00014370 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4307, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,093,048 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136183] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04307-00014370-00014373 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4308, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,126,413 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136183] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04308-00014373-00014376 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4309, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,159,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136183] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04309-00014376-00014380 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4310, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,193,142 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136183] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04310-00014380-00014383 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4311, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,226,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136183] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04311-00014383-00014386 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4312, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,259,873 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136183] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04312-00014386-00014390 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4313, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,293,237 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136183] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04313-00014390-00014393 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4314, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,326,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136183] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04314-00014393-00014396 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4315, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,359,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136184] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04315-00014396-00014400 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4316, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,393,332 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136184] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04316-00014400-00014403 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4317, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,426,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136184] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04317-00014403-00014406 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4318, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,460,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136184] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04318-00014406-00014410 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4319, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,493,426 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136184] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04319-00014410-00014413 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4320, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,526,795 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136184] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04320-00014413-00014416 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4321, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,560,156 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136184] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04321-00014416-00014420 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4322, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,593,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136184] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04322-00014420-00014423 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4323, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,626,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136184] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04323-00014423-00014426 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4324, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,660,255 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136184] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04324-00014426-00014430 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4325, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,693,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136184] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04325-00014430-00014433 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4326, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,726,985 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136184] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04326-00014433-00014436 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4327, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,760,350 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136184] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04327-00014436-00014440 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4328, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,793,716 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136184] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04328-00014440-00014443 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4329, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,827,079 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136184] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04329-00014443-00014446 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4330, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,860,439 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136185] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04330-00014446-00014450 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4331, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,893,806 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136185] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04331-00014450-00014453 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4332, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,927,172 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136185] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04332-00014453-00014456 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4333, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,960,535 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136185] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04333-00014456-00014460 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4334, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:05,993,903 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136185] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04334-00014460-00014463 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4335, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,027,267 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136185] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04335-00014463-00014466 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4336, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,060,631 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136185] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04336-00014466-00014470 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4337, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,093,997 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136185] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04337-00014470-00014473 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4338, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,127,365 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136185] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04338-00014473-00014477 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4339, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,160,725 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136185] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04339-00014477-00014480 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4340, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,194,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136185] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04340-00014480-00014483 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4341, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,227,465 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136185] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04341-00014483-00014487 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4342, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,260,820 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136186] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04342-00014487-00014490 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4343, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,294,188 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136186] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04343-00014490-00014493 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4344, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,327,554 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136186] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04344-00014493-00014497 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4345, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,360,916 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136186] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04345-00014497-00014500 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4346, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,394,285 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136186] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04346-00014500-00014503 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4347, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,427,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136186] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04347-00014503-00014507 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4348, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,461,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136186] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04348-00014507-00014510 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4349, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,494,375 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136186] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04349-00014510-00014513 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4350, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,527,744 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136186] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04350-00014513-00014516 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4351, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,561,103 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136186] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04351-00014516-00014520 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4352, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,594,474 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136186] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04352-00014520-00014523 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4353, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,627,833 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136186] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04353-00014523-00014527 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4354, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,661,197 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136187] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04354-00014527-00014530 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4355, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,694,563 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136187] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04355-00014530-00014533 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4356, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,727,929 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136187] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04356-00014533-00014537 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4357, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,761,290 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136187] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04357-00014537-00014540 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4358, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,794,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136187] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04358-00014540-00014543 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4359, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,828,033 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136187] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04359-00014543-00014547 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4360, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,861,389 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136187] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04360-00014547-00014550 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4361, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,894,753 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136187] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04361-00014550-00014553 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4362, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,928,122 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136187] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04362-00014553-00014557 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4363, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,961,480 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136187] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04363-00014557-00014560 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4364, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:06,994,846 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136187] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04364-00014560-00014563 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4365, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,028,214 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136187] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04365-00014563-00014567 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4366, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,061,576 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136188] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04366-00014567-00014570 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4367, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,094,946 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5939] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136188] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04367-00014570-00014573 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4368, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,128,308 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5939] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136188] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04368-00014573-00014577 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4369, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,161,672 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136188] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04369-00014577-00014580 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4370, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,195,035 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136188] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04370-00014580-00014583 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4371, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,228,401 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136188] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04371-00014583-00014587 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4372, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,261,765 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136188] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04372-00014587-00014590 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4373, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,295,132 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5937] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136188] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04373-00014590-00014593 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4374, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,328,496 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5937] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136188] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04374-00014593-00014597 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4375, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,361,860 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5935] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136188] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04375-00014597-00014600 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4376, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,395,230 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5935] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136188] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04376-00014600-00014603 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4377, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,428,591 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5933] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136188] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04377-00014603-00014607 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4378, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,461,958 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5933] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136189] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04378-00014607-00014610 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4379, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,495,319 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5931] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136189] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04379-00014610-00014613 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4380, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,528,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5931] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136189] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04380-00014613-00014617 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4381, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,562,050 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136189] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04381-00014617-00014620 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4382, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,595,415 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136189] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04382-00014620-00014623 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4383, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,628,778 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5926] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136189] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04383-00014623-00014627 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4384, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,662,145 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5926] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136189] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04384-00014627-00014630 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4385, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,695,509 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5924] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136189] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04385-00014630-00014633 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4386, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,728,875 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5924] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136189] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04386-00014633-00014637 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4387, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,762,238 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5921] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136189] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04387-00014637-00014640 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4388, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,795,603 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5921] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136189] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04388-00014640-00014643 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4389, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,828,971 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5919] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136189] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04389-00014643-00014647 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4390, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,862,334 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5919] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136190] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04390-00014647-00014650 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4391, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,895,700 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5915] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136190] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04391-00014650-00014653 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4392, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,929,067 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5915] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136190] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04392-00014653-00014657 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4393, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,962,429 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5912] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136190] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04393-00014657-00014660 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4394, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:07,995,795 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5912] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136190] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04394-00014660-00014663 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4395, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,029,158 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5909] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136190] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04395-00014663-00014667 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4396, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,062,522 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5909] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136190] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04396-00014667-00014670 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4397, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,095,889 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5906] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136190] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04397-00014670-00014673 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4398, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,129,265 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5906] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136190] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04398-00014673-00014677 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4399, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,162,619 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5903] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136191] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04399-00014677-00014680 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4400, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,195,990 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5903] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136191] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04400-00014680-00014683 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4401, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,229,355 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5899] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136191] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04401-00014683-00014687 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4402, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,262,712 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5899] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136191] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04402-00014687-00014690 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4403, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,296,075 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5895] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136191] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04403-00014690-00014693 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4404, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,329,441 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5895] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136191] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04404-00014693-00014697 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4405, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,362,806 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136191] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04405-00014697-00014700 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4406, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,396,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5891] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136191] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04406-00014700-00014703 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4407, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,429,535 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5887] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136191] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04407-00014703-00014707 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4408, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,462,902 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5887] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136191] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04408-00014707-00014710 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4409, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,496,269 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5883] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136191] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04409-00014710-00014713 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4410, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,529,632 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5883] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136191] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04410-00014713-00014717 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4411, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,563,007 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5880] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136192] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04411-00014717-00014720 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4412, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,596,361 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5880] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136192] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04412-00014720-00014723 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4413, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,629,724 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5876] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136192] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04413-00014723-00014727 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4414, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,663,088 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5876] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136192] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04414-00014727-00014730 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4415, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,696,454 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5872] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136192] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04415-00014730-00014733 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4416, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,729,819 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5872] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136192] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04416-00014733-00014737 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4417, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,763,184 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5866] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136192] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04417-00014737-00014740 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4418, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,796,551 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5866] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136192] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04418-00014740-00014743 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4419, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,829,946 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5861] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136192] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04419-00014743-00014747 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4420, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,863,280 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5861] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136192] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04420-00014747-00014750 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4421, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,896,642 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5856] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136192] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04421-00014750-00014753 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4422, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,930,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5856] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136192] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04422-00014753-00014757 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4423, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,963,372 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5850] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136193] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04423-00014757-00014760 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4424, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:08,996,738 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5850] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136193] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04424-00014760-00014763 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4425, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,030,105 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5847] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136193] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04425-00014763-00014767 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4426, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,063,467 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5847] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136193] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04426-00014767-00014770 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4427, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,096,832 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5844] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136193] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04427-00014770-00014773 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4428, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,130,198 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5844] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136193] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04428-00014773-00014777 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4429, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,163,564 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5840] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136193] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04429-00014777-00014780 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4430, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,196,925 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5840] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136193] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04430-00014780-00014783 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4431, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,230,294 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5837] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136193] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04431-00014783-00014787 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4432, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,263,656 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5837] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136194] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04432-00014787-00014790 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4433, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,297,022 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5834] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136194] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04433-00014790-00014793 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4434, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,330,388 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5834] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136194] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04434-00014793-00014797 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4435, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,363,750 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5830] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136194] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04435-00014797-00014800 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4436, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,397,121 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5830] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136194] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04436-00014800-00014803 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4437, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,430,480 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5826] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136194] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04437-00014803-00014807 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4438, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,463,844 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5826] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136194] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04438-00014807-00014810 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4439, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,497,213 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5822] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136194] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04439-00014810-00014813 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4440, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,530,578 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5822] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136194] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04440-00014813-00014817 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4441, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,563,940 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5817] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136194] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04441-00014817-00014820 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4442, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,597,305 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5817] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136194] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04442-00014820-00014824 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4443, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,630,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136194] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04443-00014824-00014827 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4444, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,664,037 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5811] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136195] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04444-00014827-00014830 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4445, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,697,401 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136195] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04445-00014830-00014834 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4446, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,730,765 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136195] [altitude: 38.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04446-00014834-00014837 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4447, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,764,132 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136195] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04447-00014837-00014840 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4448, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,797,495 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136195] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04448-00014840-00014844 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4449, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,830,861 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5795] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136195] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04449-00014844-00014847 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4450, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,864,223 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5795] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136195] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04450-00014847-00014850 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4451, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,897,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5790] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136195] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04451-00014850-00014854 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4452, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,930,954 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5790] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136195] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04452-00014854-00014857 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4453, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,964,322 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136195] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04453-00014857-00014860 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4454, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:09,997,689 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136195] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04454-00014860-00014863 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4455, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,031,050 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5779] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136195] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04455-00014863-00014867 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4456, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,064,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5779] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136196] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04456-00014867-00014870 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4457, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,097,782 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5773] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136196] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04457-00014870-00014874 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4458, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,131,147 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5773] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136196] [altitude: 38.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04458-00014874-00014877 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4459, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,164,509 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5768] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136196] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04459-00014877-00014880 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4460, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,197,874 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5768] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136196] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04460-00014880-00014884 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4461, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,231,242 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5761] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136196] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04461-00014884-00014887 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4462, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,264,605 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5761] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136196] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04462-00014887-00014890 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4463, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,297,977 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5754] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136196] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04463-00014890-00014894 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4464, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,331,333 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5754] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136196] [altitude: 38.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04464-00014894-00014897 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4465, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,364,701 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5747] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136197] [altitude: 39.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04465-00014897-00014900 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4466, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,398,066 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5747] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136197] [altitude: 39.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04466-00014900-00014904 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4467, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,431,430 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5739] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136197] [altitude: 39.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04467-00014904-00014907 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4468, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,464,794 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5739] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136197] [altitude: 39.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04468-00014907-00014910 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4469, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,498,163 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5739] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136197] [altitude: 39.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04469-00014910-00014913 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4470, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,531,529 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5732] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136197] [altitude: 39.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04470-00014913-00014917 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4471, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,564,885 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5732] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136197] [altitude: 39.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04471-00014917-00014920 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4472, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,598,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5723] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136197] [altitude: 39.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04472-00014920-00014924 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4473, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,631,616 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5723] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136197] [altitude: 39.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04473-00014924-00014927 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4474, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,664,982 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5715] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136197] [altitude: 39.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04474-00014927-00014930 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4475, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,698,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5715] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136197] [altitude: 39.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04475-00014930-00014934 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4476, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,731,715 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5705] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136197] [altitude: 39.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04476-00014934-00014937 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4477, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,765,077 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5705] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136198] [altitude: 39.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04477-00014937-00014940 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4478, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,798,441 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5696] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136198] [altitude: 39.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04478-00014940-00014944 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4479, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,831,806 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5696] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136198] [altitude: 39.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04479-00014944-00014947 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4480, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,865,171 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5687] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136198] [altitude: 39.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04480-00014947-00014950 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4481, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,898,535 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5687] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136198] [altitude: 39.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04481-00014950-00014954 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4482, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,931,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5677] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136198] [altitude: 39.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04482-00014954-00014957 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4483, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,965,268 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5677] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136198] [altitude: 39.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04483-00014957-00014960 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4484, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:10,998,630 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5667] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136198] [altitude: 39.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04484-00014960-00014964 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4485, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,031,996 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5667] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136198] [altitude: 39.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04485-00014964-00014967 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4486, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,065,364 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5655] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136198] [altitude: 39.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04486-00014967-00014970 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4487, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,098,724 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5655] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136198] [altitude: 39.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04487-00014970-00014974 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4488, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,132,090 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5642] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136198] [altitude: 39.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04488-00014974-00014977 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4489, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,165,457 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5642] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136199] [altitude: 39.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04489-00014977-00014980 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4490, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,198,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5629] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136199] [altitude: 39.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04490-00014980-00014984 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4491, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,232,185 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5629] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136199] [altitude: 39.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04491-00014984-00014987 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4492, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,265,552 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5616] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136199] [altitude: 40.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04492-00014987-00014990 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4493, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,298,916 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5616] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136199] [altitude: 40.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04493-00014990-00014994 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4494, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,332,279 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5604] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136199] [altitude: 40.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04494-00014994-00014997 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4495, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,365,644 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5604] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136199] [altitude: 40.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04495-00014997-00015000 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4496, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,399,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5591] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136199] [altitude: 40.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04496-00015000-00015004 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4497, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,432,378 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5591] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136199] [altitude: 40.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04497-00015004-00015007 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4498, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,465,742 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5578] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136200] [altitude: 40.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04498-00015007-00015010 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4499, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,499,102 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5578] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136200] [altitude: 40.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04499-00015010-00015014 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4500, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,532,471 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5566] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136200] [altitude: 40.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04500-00015014-00015017 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4501, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,565,837 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5566] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136200] [altitude: 40.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04501-00015017-00015020 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4502, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,599,196 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5553] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136200] [altitude: 40.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04502-00015020-00015024 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4503, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,632,569 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5553] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136200] [altitude: 40.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04503-00015024-00015027 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4504, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,665,927 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5541] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136200] [altitude: 40.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04504-00015027-00015030 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4505, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,699,291 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5541] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136200] [altitude: 40.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04505-00015030-00015034 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4506, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,732,656 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5530] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136200] [altitude: 40.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04506-00015034-00015037 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4507, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,766,022 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5530] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136200] [altitude: 40.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04507-00015037-00015040 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4508, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,799,387 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5520] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136200] [altitude: 40.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04508-00015040-00015044 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4509, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,832,752 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5520] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136200] [altitude: 40.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04509-00015044-00015047 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4510, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,866,116 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5510] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136201] [altitude: 41.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04510-00015047-00015050 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4511, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,899,482 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5510] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136201] [altitude: 41.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04511-00015050-00015054 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4512, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,932,846 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5500] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136201] [altitude: 41.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04512-00015054-00015057 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4513, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,966,212 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5500] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136201] [altitude: 41.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04513-00015057-00015060 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4514, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:11,999,576 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5490] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136201] [altitude: 41.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04514-00015060-00015064 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4515, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,032,942 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5490] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136201] [altitude: 41.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04515-00015064-00015067 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4516, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,066,306 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5481] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136201] [altitude: 41.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04516-00015067-00015070 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4517, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,099,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5481] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136201] [altitude: 41.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04517-00015070-00015074 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4518, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,133,036 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5473] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136201] [altitude: 41.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04518-00015074-00015077 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4519, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,166,399 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5473] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136202] [altitude: 41.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04519-00015077-00015080 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4520, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,199,765 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5465] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136202] [altitude: 41.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04520-00015080-00015084 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4521, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,233,130 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5465] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136202] [altitude: 41.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04521-00015084-00015087 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4522, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,266,495 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5457] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136202] [altitude: 42.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04522-00015087-00015090 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4523, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,299,859 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5457] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136202] [altitude: 42.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04523-00015090-00015094 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4524, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,333,223 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5450] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136202] [altitude: 42.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04524-00015094-00015097 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4525, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,366,594 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5450] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136202] [altitude: 42.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04525-00015097-00015100 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4526, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,399,955 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5444] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136202] [altitude: 42.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04526-00015100-00015104 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4527, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,433,322 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5444] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136202] [altitude: 42.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04527-00015104-00015107 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4528, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,466,692 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5438] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136202] [altitude: 42.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04528-00015107-00015110 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4529, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,500,049 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5438] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136202] [altitude: 42.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04529-00015110-00015114 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4530, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,533,415 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5432] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136202] [altitude: 42.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04530-00015114-00015117 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4531, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,566,783 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5432] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136203] [altitude: 43.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04531-00015117-00015120 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4532, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,600,145 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5427] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136203] [altitude: 43.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04532-00015120-00015124 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4533, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,633,518 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5427] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136203] [altitude: 43.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04533-00015124-00015127 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4534, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,666,871 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5421] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136203] [altitude: 43.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04534-00015127-00015130 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4535, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,700,237 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5421] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136203] [altitude: 43.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04535-00015130-00015134 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4536, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,733,607 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5417] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136203] [altitude: 43.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04536-00015134-00015137 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4537, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,766,970 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5417] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136203] [altitude: 43.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04537-00015137-00015140 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4538, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,800,333 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5413] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136203] [altitude: 43.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04538-00015140-00015144 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4539, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,833,700 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5413] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136203] [altitude: 43.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04539-00015144-00015147 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4540, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,867,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136203] [altitude: 43.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04540-00015147-00015150 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4541, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,900,428 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136203] [altitude: 43.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04541-00015150-00015154 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4542, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,933,790 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5406] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136203] [altitude: 43.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04542-00015154-00015157 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4543, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:12,967,157 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5406] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136204] [altitude: 44.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04543-00015157-00015160 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4544, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,000,522 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5402] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136204] [altitude: 44.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04544-00015160-00015164 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4545, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,033,887 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5402] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136204] [altitude: 44.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04545-00015164-00015167 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4546, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,067,255 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5399] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136204] [altitude: 44.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04546-00015167-00015171 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4547, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,100,618 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5399] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136204] [altitude: 44.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04547-00015171-00015174 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4548, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,133,982 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5396] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136204] [altitude: 44.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04548-00015174-00015177 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4549, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,167,354 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5396] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136204] [altitude: 44.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04549-00015177-00015181 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4550, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,200,710 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5394] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136204] [altitude: 44.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04550-00015181-00015184 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4551, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,234,076 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5394] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136204] [altitude: 44.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04551-00015184-00015187 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4552, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,267,445 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5392] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136205] [altitude: 45.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04552-00015187-00015191 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4553, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,300,806 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5392] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136205] [altitude: 45.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04553-00015191-00015194 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4554, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,334,174 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5389] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136205] [altitude: 45.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04554-00015194-00015197 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4555, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,367,538 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5389] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136205] [altitude: 45.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04555-00015197-00015201 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4556, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,400,901 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5387] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136205] [altitude: 45.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04556-00015201-00015204 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4557, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,434,266 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5387] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136205] [altitude: 45.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04557-00015204-00015207 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4558, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,467,636 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5386] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136205] [altitude: 45.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04558-00015207-00015211 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4559, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,500,994 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5386] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136205] [altitude: 45.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04559-00015211-00015214 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4560, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,534,364 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136205] [altitude: 45.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04560-00015214-00015217 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4561, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,567,727 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136205] [altitude: 46.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04561-00015217-00015221 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4562, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,601,088 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136205] [altitude: 46.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04562-00015221-00015224 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4563, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,634,460 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136205] [altitude: 46.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04563-00015224-00015227 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4564, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,667,826 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5380] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136206] [altitude: 46.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04564-00015227-00015231 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4565, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,701,183 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5380] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136206] [altitude: 46.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04565-00015231-00015234 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4566, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,734,552 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5378] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136206] [altitude: 46.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04566-00015234-00015237 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4567, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,767,914 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5378] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136206] [altitude: 46.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04567-00015237-00015241 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4568, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,801,277 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5377] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136206] [altitude: 46.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04568-00015241-00015244 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4569, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,834,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5377] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136206] [altitude: 46.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04569-00015244-00015247 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4570, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,868,010 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5375] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136206] [altitude: 46.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04570-00015247-00015251 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4571, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,901,374 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5375] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136206] [altitude: 46.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04571-00015251-00015254 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4572, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,934,738 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5374] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136206] [altitude: 46.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04572-00015254-00015257 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4573, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:13,968,104 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5374] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136207] [altitude: 47.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04573-00015257-00015261 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4574, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,001,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5372] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136207] [altitude: 47.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04574-00015261-00015264 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4575, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,034,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5372] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136207] [altitude: 47.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04575-00015264-00015267 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4576, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,068,196 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5371] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136207] [altitude: 47.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04576-00015267-00015271 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4577, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,101,566 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5371] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136207] [altitude: 47.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04577-00015271-00015274 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4578, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,134,927 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5369] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136207] [altitude: 47.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04578-00015274-00015277 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4579, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,168,292 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5369] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136207] [altitude: 47.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04579-00015277-00015281 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4580, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,201,660 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5367] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136207] [altitude: 47.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04580-00015281-00015284 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4581, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,235,021 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5367] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136207] [altitude: 47.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04581-00015284-00015287 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4582, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,268,386 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5365] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136207] [altitude: 48.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04582-00015287-00015291 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4583, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,301,752 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5365] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136207] [altitude: 48.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04583-00015291-00015294 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4584, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,335,118 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5364] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136207] [altitude: 48.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04584-00015294-00015297 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4585, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,368,481 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5364] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136208] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04585-00015297-00015301 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4586, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,401,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5363] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136208] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04586-00015301-00015304 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4587, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,435,211 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5363] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136208] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04587-00015304-00015307 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4588, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,468,581 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5362] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136208] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04588-00015307-00015311 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4589, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,501,939 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5362] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136208] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04589-00015311-00015314 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4590, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,535,308 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5360] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136208] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04590-00015314-00015317 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4591, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,568,674 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5360] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136208] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04591-00015317-00015321 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4592, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,602,036 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5359] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136208] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04592-00015321-00015324 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4593, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,635,398 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5359] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136208] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04593-00015324-00015327 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4594, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,668,767 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5358] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136208] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04594-00015327-00015331 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4595, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,702,131 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5358] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136208] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04595-00015331-00015334 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4596, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,735,496 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5357] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136208] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04596-00015334-00015337 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4597, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,768,859 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5357] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136209] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04597-00015337-00015341 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4598, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,802,226 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5356] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136209] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04598-00015341-00015344 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4599, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,835,591 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5356] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136209] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04599-00015344-00015347 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4600, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,868,958 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5355] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136209] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04600-00015347-00015351 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4601, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,902,318 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5355] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136209] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04601-00015351-00015354 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4602, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,935,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5355] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136209] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04602-00015354-00015357 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4603, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:14,969,050 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5355] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136209] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04603-00015357-00015361 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4604, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,002,420 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5354] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136209] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04604-00015361-00015364 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4605, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,035,782 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5354] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136209] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04605-00015364-00015367 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4606, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,069,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5353] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136209] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04606-00015367-00015371 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4607, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,102,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5353] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136209] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04607-00015371-00015374 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4608, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,135,871 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5353] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136209] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04608-00015374-00015377 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4609, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,169,240 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5353] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136210] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04609-00015377-00015381 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4610, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,202,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5352] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136210] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04610-00015381-00015384 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4611, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,235,968 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5352] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136210] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04611-00015384-00015387 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4612, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,269,341 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5352] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136210] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04612-00015387-00015391 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4613, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,302,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5352] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136210] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04613-00015391-00015394 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4614, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,336,062 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5351] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136210] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04614-00015394-00015397 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4615, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,369,434 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5351] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136210] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04615-00015397-00015401 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4616, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,402,802 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5350] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136210] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04616-00015401-00015404 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4617, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,436,158 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5350] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136210] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04617-00015404-00015407 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4618, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,469,523 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5350] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136211] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04618-00015407-00015411 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4619, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,502,887 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5350] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136211] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04619-00015411-00015414 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4620, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,536,255 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5349] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136211] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04620-00015414-00015417 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4621, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,569,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5349] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136211] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04621-00015417-00015421 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4622, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,603,019 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5348] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136211] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04622-00015421-00015424 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4623, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,636,379 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5348] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136211] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04623-00015424-00015427 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4624, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,669,709 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5348] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136211] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04624-00015427-00015431 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4625, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,703,074 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5348] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136211] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04625-00015431-00015434 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4626, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,736,446 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136211] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04626-00015434-00015437 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4627, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,769,814 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136211] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04627-00015437-00015441 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4628, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,803,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136211] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04628-00015441-00015444 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4629, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,836,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136211] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04629-00015444-00015447 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4630, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,869,908 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136212] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04630-00015447-00015451 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4631, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,903,265 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136212] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04631-00015451-00015454 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4632, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,936,632 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136212] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04632-00015454-00015457 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4633, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:15,969,998 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136212] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04633-00015457-00015461 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4634, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,003,367 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136212] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04634-00015461-00015464 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4635, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,036,726 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136212] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04635-00015464-00015467 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4636, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,070,092 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136212] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04636-00015467-00015471 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4637, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,103,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136212] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04637-00015471-00015474 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4638, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,136,820 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136212] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04638-00015474-00015477 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4639, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,170,185 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136212] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04639-00015477-00015481 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4640, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,203,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136212] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04640-00015481-00015484 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4641, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,236,916 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136212] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04641-00015484-00015487 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4642, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,270,282 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136213] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04642-00015487-00015491 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4643, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,303,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136213] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04643-00015491-00015494 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4644, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,337,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136213] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04644-00015494-00015497 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4645, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,370,375 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136213] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04645-00015497-00015501 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4646, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,403,737 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136213] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04646-00015501-00015504 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4647, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,437,103 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136213] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04647-00015504-00015507 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4648, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,470,472 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136213] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04648-00015507-00015511 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4649, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,503,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136213] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04649-00015511-00015514 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4650, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,537,198 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136213] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04650-00015514-00015517 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4651, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,570,561 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136214] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04651-00015517-00015521 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4652, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,603,928 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136214] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04652-00015521-00015524 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4653, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,637,291 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136214] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04653-00015524-00015528 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4654, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,670,664 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136214] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04654-00015528-00015531 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4655, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,704,021 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136214] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04655-00015531-00015534 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4656, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,737,387 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136214] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04656-00015534-00015538 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4657, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,770,753 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136214] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04657-00015538-00015541 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4658, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,804,117 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136214] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04658-00015541-00015544 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4659, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,837,482 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136214] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04659-00015544-00015547 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4660, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,870,850 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136214] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04660-00015547-00015551 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4661, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,904,210 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136214] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04661-00015551-00015554 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4662, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,937,575 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136214] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04662-00015554-00015558 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4663, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:16,970,948 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136215] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04663-00015558-00015561 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4664, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,004,305 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136215] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04664-00015561-00015564 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4665, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,037,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136215] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04665-00015564-00015568 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4666, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,071,039 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136215] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04666-00015568-00015571 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4667, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,104,401 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136215] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04667-00015571-00015574 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4668, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,137,799 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136215] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04668-00015574-00015578 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4669, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,171,130 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136215] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04669-00015578-00015581 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4670, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,204,497 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136215] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04670-00015581-00015584 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4671, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,237,858 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136215] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04671-00015584-00015588 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4672, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,271,235 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136216] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04672-00015588-00015591 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4673, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,304,589 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136216] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04673-00015591-00015594 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4674, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,337,959 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136216] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04674-00015594-00015597 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4675, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,371,321 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136216] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04675-00015597-00015601 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4676, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,404,684 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136216] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04676-00015601-00015604 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4677, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,438,050 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136216] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04677-00015604-00015608 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4678, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,471,412 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136216] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04678-00015608-00015611 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4679, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,504,788 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136216] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04679-00015611-00015614 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4680, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,538,146 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136216] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04680-00015614-00015618 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4681, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,571,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136216] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04681-00015618-00015621 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4682, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,604,873 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136216] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04682-00015621-00015624 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4683, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,638,243 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136216] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04683-00015624-00015628 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4684, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,671,603 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136217] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04684-00015628-00015631 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4685, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,704,974 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136217] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04685-00015631-00015634 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4686, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,738,333 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136217] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04686-00015634-00015638 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4687, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,771,700 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136217] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04687-00015638-00015641 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4688, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,805,064 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136217] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04688-00015641-00015644 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4689, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,838,428 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136217] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04689-00015644-00015648 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4690, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,871,791 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136217] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04690-00015648-00015651 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4691, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,905,161 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136217] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04691-00015651-00015654 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4692, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,938,523 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136217] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04692-00015654-00015658 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4693, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:17,971,889 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136218] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04693-00015658-00015661 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4694, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,005,251 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136218] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04694-00015661-00015664 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4695, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,038,615 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136218] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04695-00015664-00015668 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4696, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,071,980 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136218] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04696-00015668-00015671 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4697, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,105,346 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136218] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04697-00015671-00015674 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4698, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,138,714 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136218] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04698-00015674-00015678 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4699, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,172,073 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136218] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04699-00015678-00015681 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4700, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,205,440 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136218] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04700-00015681-00015684 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4701, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,238,810 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136218] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04701-00015684-00015688 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4702, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,272,172 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136218] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04702-00015688-00015691 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4703, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,305,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136218] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04703-00015691-00015694 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4704, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,338,901 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136218] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04704-00015694-00015698 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4705, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,372,269 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136219] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04705-00015698-00015701 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4706, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,405,630 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136219] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04706-00015701-00015704 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4707, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,438,995 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136219] [altitude: 48.200000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04707-00015704-00015708 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4708, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,472,366 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136219] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04708-00015708-00015711 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4709, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,505,725 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136219] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04709-00015711-00015714 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4710, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,539,132 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136219] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04710-00015714-00015718 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4711, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,572,462 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136219] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04711-00015718-00015721 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4712, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,605,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136219] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04712-00015721-00015724 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4713, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,639,184 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136219] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04713-00015724-00015728 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4714, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,672,547 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136220] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04714-00015728-00015731 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4715, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,705,915 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136220] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04715-00015731-00015734 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4716, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,739,280 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136220] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04716-00015734-00015738 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4717, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,772,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136220] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04717-00015738-00015741 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4718, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,806,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136220] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04718-00015741-00015744 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4719, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,839,372 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136220] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04719-00015744-00015748 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4720, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,872,741 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136220] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04720-00015748-00015751 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4721, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,906,101 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136220] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04721-00015751-00015754 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4722, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,939,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136220] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04722-00015754-00015758 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4723, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:18,972,838 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136220] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04723-00015758-00015761 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4724, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,006,201 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136220] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04724-00015761-00015764 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4725, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,039,564 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136220] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04725-00015764-00015768 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4726, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,072,926 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136221] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04726-00015768-00015771 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4727, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,106,291 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136221] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04727-00015771-00015774 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4728, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,139,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136221] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04728-00015774-00015778 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4729, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,173,021 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136221] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04729-00015778-00015781 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4730, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,206,386 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136221] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04730-00015781-00015784 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4731, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,239,753 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136221] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04731-00015784-00015788 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4732, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,273,120 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136221] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04732-00015788-00015791 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4733, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,306,482 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136221] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04733-00015791-00015794 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4734, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,339,844 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136221] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04734-00015794-00015798 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4735, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,373,211 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136222] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04735-00015798-00015801 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4736, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,406,573 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136222] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04736-00015801-00015804 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4737, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,439,939 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136222] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04737-00015804-00015808 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4738, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,473,309 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136222] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04738-00015808-00015811 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4739, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,506,668 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136222] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04739-00015811-00015814 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4740, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,540,036 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136222] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04740-00015814-00015818 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4741, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,573,402 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136222] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04741-00015818-00015821 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4742, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,606,766 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136222] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04742-00015821-00015824 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4743, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,640,128 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136222] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04743-00015824-00015828 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4744, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,673,497 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136222] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04744-00015828-00015831 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4745, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,706,861 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136222] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04745-00015831-00015834 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4746, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,740,225 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136222] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04746-00015834-00015838 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4747, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,773,594 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136223] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04747-00015838-00015841 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4748, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,806,953 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136223] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04748-00015841-00015844 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4749, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,840,318 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136223] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04749-00015844-00015848 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4750, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,873,685 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136223] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04750-00015848-00015851 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4751, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,907,048 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136223] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04751-00015851-00015854 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4752, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,940,413 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136223] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04752-00015854-00015858 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4753, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:19,973,776 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136223] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04753-00015858-00015861 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4754, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,007,149 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136223] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04754-00015861-00015864 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4755, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,040,508 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136223] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04755-00015864-00015868 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4756, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,073,903 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136223] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04756-00015868-00015871 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4757, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,107,242 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136223] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04757-00015871-00015875 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4758, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,140,603 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136223] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04758-00015875-00015878 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4759, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,173,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136224] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04759-00015878-00015881 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4760, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,207,330 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136224] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04760-00015881-00015885 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4761, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,240,695 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136224] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04761-00015885-00015888 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4762, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,274,060 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136224] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04762-00015888-00015891 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4763, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,307,425 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136224] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04763-00015891-00015894 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4764, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,340,791 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136224] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04764-00015894-00015898 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4765, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,374,157 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136224] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04765-00015898-00015901 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4766, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,407,523 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136224] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04766-00015901-00015905 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4767, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,440,884 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136224] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04767-00015905-00015908 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4768, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,474,252 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136225] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04768-00015908-00015911 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4769, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,507,615 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136225] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04769-00015911-00015915 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4770, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,540,990 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136225] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04770-00015915-00015918 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4771, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,574,346 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136225] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04771-00015918-00015921 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4772, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,607,721 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136225] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04772-00015921-00015925 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4773, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,641,075 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136225] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04773-00015925-00015928 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4774, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,674,444 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136225] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04774-00015928-00015931 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4775, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,707,805 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136225] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04775-00015931-00015935 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4776, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,741,171 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136225] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04776-00015935-00015938 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4777, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,774,541 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136225] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04777-00015938-00015941 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4778, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,807,905 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136225] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04778-00015941-00015944 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4779, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,841,267 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136225] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04779-00015944-00015948 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4780, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,874,631 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136226] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04780-00015948-00015951 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4781, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,907,994 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136226] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04781-00015951-00015955 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4782, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,941,363 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136226] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04782-00015955-00015958 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4783, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:20,974,724 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136226] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04783-00015958-00015961 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4784, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,008,088 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136226] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04784-00015961-00015965 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4785, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,041,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136226] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04785-00015965-00015968 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4786, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,074,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136226] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04786-00015968-00015971 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4787, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,108,184 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136226] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04787-00015971-00015975 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4788, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,141,548 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136226] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04788-00015975-00015978 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4789, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,174,912 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136227] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04789-00015978-00015981 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4790, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,208,280 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136227] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04790-00015981-00015985 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4791, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,241,644 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136227] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04791-00015985-00015988 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4792, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,275,009 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136227] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04792-00015988-00015991 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4793, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,308,371 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136227] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04793-00015991-00015995 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4794, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,341,741 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136227] [altitude: 48.300000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04794-00015995-00015998 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4795, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,375,108 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136227] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04795-00015998-00016001 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4796, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,408,468 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136227] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04796-00016001-00016005 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4797, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,441,832 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136227] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04797-00016005-00016008 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4798, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,475,203 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136227] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04798-00016008-00016011 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4799, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,508,561 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136227] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04799-00016011-00016015 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4800, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,541,929 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136227] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04800-00016015-00016018 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4801, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,575,291 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136228] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04801-00016018-00016021 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4802, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,608,654 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136228] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04802-00016021-00016025 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4803, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,642,023 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136228] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04803-00016025-00016028 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4804, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,675,389 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136228] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04804-00016028-00016031 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4805, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,708,748 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136228] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04805-00016031-00016035 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4806, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,742,115 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136228] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04806-00016035-00016038 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4807, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,775,479 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136228] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04807-00016038-00016041 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4808, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,808,844 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136228] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04808-00016041-00016045 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4809, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,842,214 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136228] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04809-00016045-00016048 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4810, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,875,575 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136229] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04810-00016048-00016051 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4811, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,908,939 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136229] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04811-00016051-00016055 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4812, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,942,304 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136229] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04812-00016055-00016058 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4813, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:21,975,668 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136229] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04813-00016058-00016061 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4814, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,009,034 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136229] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04814-00016061-00016065 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4815, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,042,404 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136229] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04815-00016065-00016068 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4816, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,075,766 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136229] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04816-00016068-00016071 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4817, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,109,133 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136229] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04817-00016071-00016075 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4818, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,142,493 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136229] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04818-00016075-00016078 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4819, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,175,859 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136229] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04819-00016078-00016081 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4820, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,209,224 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136229] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04820-00016081-00016085 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4821, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,242,587 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136229] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04821-00016085-00016088 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4822, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,275,951 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136230] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04822-00016088-00016091 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4823, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,309,319 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136230] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04823-00016091-00016095 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4824, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,342,685 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136230] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04824-00016095-00016098 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4825, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,376,048 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136230] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04825-00016098-00016101 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4826, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,409,415 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136230] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04826-00016101-00016105 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4827, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,442,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136230] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04827-00016105-00016108 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4828, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,476,142 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136230] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04828-00016108-00016111 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4829, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,509,507 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136230] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04829-00016111-00016115 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4830, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,542,871 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136230] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04830-00016115-00016118 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4831, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,576,238 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136230] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04831-00016118-00016121 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4832, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,609,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136230] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04832-00016121-00016125 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4833, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,642,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136230] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04833-00016125-00016128 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4834, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,676,339 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136231] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04834-00016128-00016131 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4835, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,709,695 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136231] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04835-00016131-00016135 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4836, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,743,060 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136231] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04836-00016135-00016138 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4837, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,776,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136231] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04837-00016138-00016141 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4838, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,809,791 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136231] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04838-00016141-00016145 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4839, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,843,155 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136231] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04839-00016145-00016148 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4840, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,876,529 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136231] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04840-00016148-00016151 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4841, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,909,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136231] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04841-00016151-00016155 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4842, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,943,251 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136231] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04842-00016155-00016158 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4843, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:22,976,621 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136232] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04843-00016158-00016161 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4844, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,009,983 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136232] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04844-00016161-00016165 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4845, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,043,357 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136232] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04845-00016165-00016168 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4846, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,076,734 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136232] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04846-00016168-00016171 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4847, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,110,074 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136232] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04847-00016171-00016175 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4848, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,143,440 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136232] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04848-00016175-00016178 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4849, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,176,806 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136232] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04849-00016178-00016181 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4850, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,210,168 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136232] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04850-00016181-00016185 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4851, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,243,532 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136232] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04851-00016185-00016188 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4852, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,276,898 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136232] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04852-00016188-00016191 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4853, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,310,262 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5336] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136232] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04853-00016191-00016195 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4854, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,343,628 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136232] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04854-00016195-00016198 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4855, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,376,994 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136233] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04855-00016198-00016201 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4856, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,410,359 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136233] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04856-00016201-00016205 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4857, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,443,722 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136233] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04857-00016205-00016208 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4858, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,477,087 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136233] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04858-00016208-00016211 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4859, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,510,452 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136233] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04859-00016211-00016215 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4860, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,543,816 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136233] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04860-00016215-00016218 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4861, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,577,184 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136233] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04861-00016218-00016221 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4862, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,610,547 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136233] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04862-00016221-00016225 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4863, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,643,913 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136233] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04863-00016225-00016228 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4864, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,677,280 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136234] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04864-00016228-00016232 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4865, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,710,641 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136234] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04865-00016232-00016235 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4866, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,744,007 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136234] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04866-00016235-00016238 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4867, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,777,370 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136234] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04867-00016238-00016241 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4868, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,810,735 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136234] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04868-00016241-00016245 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4869, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,844,104 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136234] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04869-00016245-00016248 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4870, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,877,468 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136234] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04870-00016248-00016252 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4871, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,910,829 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136234] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04871-00016252-00016255 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4872, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,944,200 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136234] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04872-00016255-00016258 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4873, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:23,977,559 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136234] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04873-00016258-00016262 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4874, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,010,929 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136234] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04874-00016262-00016265 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4875, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,044,291 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136234] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04875-00016265-00016268 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4876, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,077,656 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136235] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04876-00016268-00016272 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4877, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,111,019 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136235] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04877-00016272-00016275 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4878, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,144,384 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136235] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04878-00016275-00016278 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4879, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,177,757 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136235] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04879-00016278-00016282 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4880, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,211,115 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136235] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04880-00016282-00016285 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4881, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,244,481 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136235] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04881-00016285-00016288 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4882, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,277,845 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136235] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04882-00016288-00016291 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4883, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,311,212 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136235] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04883-00016291-00016295 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4884, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,344,573 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136235] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04884-00016295-00016298 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4885, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,377,943 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136236] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04885-00016298-00016302 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4886, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,411,304 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136236] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04886-00016302-00016305 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4887, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,444,669 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136236] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04887-00016305-00016308 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4888, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,478,046 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136236] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04888-00016308-00016312 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4889, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,511,398 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136236] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04889-00016312-00016315 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4890, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,544,764 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136236] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04890-00016315-00016318 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4891, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,578,127 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136236] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04891-00016318-00016322 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4892, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,611,491 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136236] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04892-00016322-00016325 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4893, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,644,865 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136236] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04893-00016325-00016328 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4894, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,678,227 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136236] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04894-00016328-00016332 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4895, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,711,597 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136236] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04895-00016332-00016335 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4896, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,744,951 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136236] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04896-00016335-00016338 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4897, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,778,323 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136237] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04897-00016338-00016342 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4898, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,811,681 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136237] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04898-00016342-00016345 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4899, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,845,049 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136237] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04899-00016345-00016348 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4900, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,878,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136237] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04900-00016348-00016352 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4901, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,911,780 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136237] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04901-00016352-00016355 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4902, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,945,140 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136237] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04902-00016355-00016358 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4903, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:24,978,512 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136237] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04903-00016358-00016362 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4904, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,011,872 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136237] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04904-00016362-00016365 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4905, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,045,240 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136237] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04905-00016365-00016368 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4906, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,078,602 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5348] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136238] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04906-00016368-00016372 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4907, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,111,966 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5348] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136238] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04907-00016372-00016375 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4908, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,145,333 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5349] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136238] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04908-00016375-00016378 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4909, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,178,696 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5349] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136238] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04909-00016378-00016382 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4910, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,212,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5350] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136238] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04910-00016382-00016385 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4911, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,245,432 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5350] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136238] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04911-00016385-00016388 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4912, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,278,792 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5351] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136238] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04912-00016388-00016392 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4913, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,312,159 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5351] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136238] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04913-00016392-00016395 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4914, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,345,519 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5352] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136238] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04914-00016395-00016398 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4915, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,378,886 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5352] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136238] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04915-00016398-00016402 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4916, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,412,252 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5354] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136238] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04916-00016402-00016405 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4917, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,445,615 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5354] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136238] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04917-00016405-00016408 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4918, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,478,980 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5355] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136239] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04918-00016408-00016412 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4919, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,512,346 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5355] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136239] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04919-00016412-00016415 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4920, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,545,712 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5356] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136239] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04920-00016415-00016418 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4921, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,579,084 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5356] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136239] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04921-00016418-00016422 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4922, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,612,440 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5356] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136239] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04922-00016422-00016425 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4923, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,645,804 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5357] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136239] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04923-00016425-00016428 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4924, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,679,175 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5357] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136239] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04924-00016428-00016432 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4925, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,712,544 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5358] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136239] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04925-00016432-00016435 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4926, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,745,897 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5358] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136239] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04926-00016435-00016438 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4927, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,779,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5360] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136239] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04927-00016438-00016442 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4928, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,812,630 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5360] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136239] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04928-00016442-00016445 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4929, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,845,993 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5361] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136239] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04929-00016445-00016448 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4930, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,879,378 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5361] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136240] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04930-00016448-00016452 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4931, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,912,728 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5362] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136240] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04931-00016452-00016455 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4932, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,946,087 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5362] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136240] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04932-00016455-00016458 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4933, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:25,979,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5363] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136240] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04933-00016458-00016462 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4934, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,012,823 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5363] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136240] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04934-00016462-00016465 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4935, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,046,183 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5365] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136240] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04935-00016465-00016468 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4936, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,079,560 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5365] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136240] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04936-00016468-00016472 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4937, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,112,912 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5367] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136240] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04937-00016472-00016475 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4938, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,146,277 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5367] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136240] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04938-00016475-00016478 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4939, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,179,644 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5369] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136241] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04939-00016478-00016482 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4940, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,213,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5369] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136241] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04940-00016482-00016485 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4941, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,246,370 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5370] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136241] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04941-00016485-00016488 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4942, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,279,737 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5370] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136241] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04942-00016488-00016492 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4943, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,313,101 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5372] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136241] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04943-00016492-00016495 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4944, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,346,464 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5372] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136241] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04944-00016495-00016498 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4945, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,379,835 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5373] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136241] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04945-00016498-00016502 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4946, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,413,199 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5373] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136241] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04946-00016502-00016505 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4947, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,446,561 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5374] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136241] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04947-00016505-00016508 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4948, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,479,926 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5374] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136241] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04948-00016508-00016512 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4949, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,513,289 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5374] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136241] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04949-00016512-00016515 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4950, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,546,655 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5374] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136241] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04950-00016515-00016518 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4951, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,580,020 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5375] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136242] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04951-00016518-00016522 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4952, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,613,385 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5375] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136242] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04952-00016522-00016525 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4953, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,646,748 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5375] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136242] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04953-00016525-00016528 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4954, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,680,150 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5375] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136242] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04954-00016528-00016532 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4955, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,713,479 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5376] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136242] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04955-00016532-00016535 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4956, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,746,842 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5376] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136242] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04956-00016535-00016538 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4957, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,780,210 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5376] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136242] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04957-00016538-00016542 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4958, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,813,574 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5376] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136242] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04958-00016542-00016545 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4959, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,846,940 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5377] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136242] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04959-00016545-00016548 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4960, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,880,302 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5377] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136243] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04960-00016548-00016552 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4961, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,913,667 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5378] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136243] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04961-00016552-00016555 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4962, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,947,033 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5378] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136243] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04962-00016555-00016558 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4963, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:26,980,397 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5378] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136243] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04963-00016558-00016562 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4964, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,013,765 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5378] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136243] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04964-00016562-00016565 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4965, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,047,129 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136243] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04965-00016565-00016568 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4966, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,080,491 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136243] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04966-00016568-00016572 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4967, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,113,866 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136243] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04967-00016572-00016575 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4968, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,147,221 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136243] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04968-00016575-00016579 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4969, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,180,586 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136243] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04969-00016579-00016582 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4970, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,213,951 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136243] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04970-00016582-00016585 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4971, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,247,316 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136243] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04971-00016585-00016589 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4972, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,280,681 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136244] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04972-00016589-00016592 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4973, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,314,074 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136244] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04973-00016592-00016595 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4974, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,347,410 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136244] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04974-00016595-00016599 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4975, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,380,776 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136244] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04975-00016599-00016602 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4976, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,414,142 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136244] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04976-00016602-00016605 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4977, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,447,506 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136244] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04977-00016605-00016609 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4978, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,480,871 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136244] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04978-00016609-00016612 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4979, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,514,234 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136244] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04979-00016612-00016615 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4980, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,547,600 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136244] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04980-00016615-00016619 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4981, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,580,966 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136245] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04981-00016619-00016622 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4982, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,614,332 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136245] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04982-00016622-00016625 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4983, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,647,696 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136245] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04983-00016625-00016629 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4984, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,681,062 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136245] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04984-00016629-00016632 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4985, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,714,425 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5380] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136245] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04985-00016632-00016635 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4986, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,747,789 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5380] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136245] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04986-00016635-00016639 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4987, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,781,155 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5380] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136245] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04987-00016639-00016642 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4988, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,814,522 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5380] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136245] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04988-00016642-00016645 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4989, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,847,883 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136245] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04989-00016645-00016649 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4990, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,881,260 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136245] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04990-00016649-00016652 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4991, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,914,614 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5383] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136245] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04991-00016652-00016655 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4992, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,947,977 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5383] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136245] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04992-00016655-00016659 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4993, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:27,981,351 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136246] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04993-00016659-00016662 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4994, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,014,710 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136246] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04994-00016662-00016665 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4995, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,048,074 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5386] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136246] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04995-00016665-00016669 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4996, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,081,445 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5386] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136246] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04996-00016669-00016672 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4997, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,114,802 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5388] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136246] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04997-00016672-00016675 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4998, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,148,167 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5388] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136246] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04998-00016675-00016679 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 4999, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,181,543 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5389] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136246] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-04999-00016679-00016682 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5000, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,214,911 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5389] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136246] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05000-00016682-00016685 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5001, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,248,264 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5389] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136246] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05001-00016685-00016689 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5002, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,281,634 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5389] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136246] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05002-00016689-00016692 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5003, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,314,992 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5389] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136246] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05003-00016692-00016695 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5004, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,348,366 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5389] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136246] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05004-00016695-00016699 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5005, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,381,726 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5389] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136247] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05005-00016699-00016702 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5006, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,415,085 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5389] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136247] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05006-00016702-00016705 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5007, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,448,454 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5389] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136247] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05007-00016705-00016709 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5008, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,481,825 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5389] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136247] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05008-00016709-00016712 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5009, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,515,182 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5389] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136247] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05009-00016712-00016715 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5010, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,548,546 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5389] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136247] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05010-00016715-00016719 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5011, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,581,911 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5388] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136247] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05011-00016719-00016722 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5012, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,615,278 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5388] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136247] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05012-00016722-00016725 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5013, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,648,640 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5387] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136247] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05013-00016725-00016729 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5014, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,682,009 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5387] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136248] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05014-00016729-00016732 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5015, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,715,371 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5387] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136248] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05015-00016732-00016735 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5016, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,748,733 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5387] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136248] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05016-00016735-00016739 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5017, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,782,100 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5386] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136248] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05017-00016739-00016742 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5018, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,815,471 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5386] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136248] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05018-00016742-00016745 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5019, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,848,830 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136248] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05019-00016745-00016749 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5020, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,882,196 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136248] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05020-00016749-00016752 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5021, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,915,558 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5383] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136248] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05021-00016752-00016755 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5022, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,948,925 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5383] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136248] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05022-00016755-00016759 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5023, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:28,982,291 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136248] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05023-00016759-00016762 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5024, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,015,655 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136248] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05024-00016762-00016765 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5025, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,049,018 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136248] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05025-00016765-00016769 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5026, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,082,386 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136249] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05026-00016769-00016772 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5027, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,115,750 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136249] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05027-00016772-00016775 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5028, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,149,113 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136249] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05028-00016775-00016779 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5029, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,182,482 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136249] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05029-00016779-00016782 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5030, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,215,844 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136249] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05030-00016782-00016785 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5031, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,249,209 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136249] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05031-00016785-00016789 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5032, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,282,574 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136249] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05032-00016789-00016792 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5033, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,315,938 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5383] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136249] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05033-00016792-00016795 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5034, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,349,304 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5383] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136249] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05034-00016795-00016799 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5035, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,382,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136250] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05035-00016799-00016802 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5036, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,416,031 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136250] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05036-00016802-00016805 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5037, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,449,400 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136250] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05037-00016805-00016809 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5038, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,482,763 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136250] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05038-00016809-00016812 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5039, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,516,129 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136250] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05039-00016812-00016815 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5040, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,549,492 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136250] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05040-00016815-00016819 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5041, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,582,861 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136250] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05041-00016819-00016822 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5042, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,616,219 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136250] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05042-00016822-00016825 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5043, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,649,585 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136250] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05043-00016825-00016829 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5044, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,682,952 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136250] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05044-00016829-00016832 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5045, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,716,317 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136250] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05045-00016832-00016835 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5046, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,749,680 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136250] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05046-00016835-00016839 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5047, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,783,046 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136251] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05047-00016839-00016842 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5048, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,816,413 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136251] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05048-00016842-00016845 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5049, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,849,776 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136251] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05049-00016845-00016849 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5050, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,883,143 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136251] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05050-00016849-00016852 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5051, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,916,505 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136251] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05051-00016852-00016855 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5052, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,949,871 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136251] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05052-00016855-00016859 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5053, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:29,983,237 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136251] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05053-00016859-00016862 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5054, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,016,600 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136251] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05054-00016862-00016865 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5055, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,049,963 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136251] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05055-00016865-00016869 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5056, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,083,332 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136252] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05056-00016869-00016872 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5057, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,116,699 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136252] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05057-00016872-00016875 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5058, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,150,058 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136252] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05058-00016875-00016879 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5059, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,183,423 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136252] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05059-00016879-00016882 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5060, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,216,791 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136252] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05060-00016882-00016885 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5061, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,250,152 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136252] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05061-00016885-00016889 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5062, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,283,520 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136252] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05062-00016889-00016892 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5063, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,316,883 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136252] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05063-00016892-00016895 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5064, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,350,250 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136252] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05064-00016895-00016899 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5065, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,383,614 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136252] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05065-00016899-00016902 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5066, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,416,979 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136252] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05066-00016902-00016905 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5067, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,450,341 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136252] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05067-00016905-00016909 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5068, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,483,713 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136253] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05068-00016909-00016912 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5069, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,517,135 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136253] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05069-00016912-00016915 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5070, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,550,436 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136253] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05070-00016915-00016919 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5071, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,583,819 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136253] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05071-00016919-00016922 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5072, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,617,167 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136253] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05072-00016922-00016925 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5073, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,650,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136253] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05073-00016925-00016929 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5074, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,683,902 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136253] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05074-00016929-00016932 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5075, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,717,260 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136253] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05075-00016932-00016936 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5076, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,750,625 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136253] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05076-00016936-00016939 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5077, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,783,992 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136254] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05077-00016939-00016942 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5078, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,817,356 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136254] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05078-00016942-00016946 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5079, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,850,720 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136254] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05079-00016946-00016949 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5080, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,884,086 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136254] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05080-00016949-00016952 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5081, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,917,450 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136254] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05081-00016952-00016956 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5082, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,950,813 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136254] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05082-00016956-00016959 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5083, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:30,984,183 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136254] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05083-00016959-00016962 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5084, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,017,545 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136254] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05084-00016962-00016966 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5085, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,050,910 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5383] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136254] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05085-00016966-00016969 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5086, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,084,277 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5383] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136254] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05086-00016969-00016972 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5087, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,117,639 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136254] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05087-00016972-00016976 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5088, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,151,003 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136254] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05088-00016976-00016979 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5089, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,184,368 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136255] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05089-00016979-00016982 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5090, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,217,733 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136255] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05090-00016982-00016986 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5091, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,251,098 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5381] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136255] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05091-00016986-00016989 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5092, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,284,464 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5381] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136255] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05092-00016989-00016992 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5093, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,317,833 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5381] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136255] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05093-00016992-00016996 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5094, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,351,196 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5381] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136255] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05094-00016996-00016999 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5095, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,384,559 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5381] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136255] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05095-00016999-00017002 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5096, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,417,921 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5381] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136255] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05096-00017002-00017006 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5097, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,451,287 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5381] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136255] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05097-00017006-00017009 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5098, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,484,659 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5381] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136255] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05098-00017009-00017012 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5099, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,518,021 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5381] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136255] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05099-00017012-00017016 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5100, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,551,384 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5381] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136255] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05100-00017016-00017019 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5101, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,584,754 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136256] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05101-00017019-00017022 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5102, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,618,112 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136256] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05102-00017022-00017026 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5103, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,651,479 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136256] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05103-00017026-00017029 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5104, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,684,851 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136256] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05104-00017029-00017032 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5105, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,718,208 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5383] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136256] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05105-00017032-00017036 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5106, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,751,570 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5383] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136256] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05106-00017036-00017039 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5107, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,784,936 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136256] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05107-00017039-00017042 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5108, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,818,302 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136256] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05108-00017042-00017046 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5109, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,851,667 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136256] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05109-00017046-00017049 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5110, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,885,037 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136257] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05110-00017049-00017052 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5111, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,918,395 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136257] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05111-00017052-00017056 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5112, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,951,761 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5385] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136257] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05112-00017056-00017059 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5113, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:31,985,125 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5386] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136257] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05113-00017059-00017062 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5114, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,018,490 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5386] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136257] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05114-00017062-00017066 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5115, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,051,854 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5388] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136257] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05115-00017066-00017069 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5116, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,085,228 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5388] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136257] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05116-00017069-00017072 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5117, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,118,586 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5390] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136257] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05117-00017072-00017076 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5118, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,151,950 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5390] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136257] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05118-00017076-00017079 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5119, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,185,315 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5392] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136257] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05119-00017079-00017082 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5120, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,218,678 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5392] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136257] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05120-00017082-00017086 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5121, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,252,045 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5394] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136257] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05121-00017086-00017089 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5122, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,285,412 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5394] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136258] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05122-00017089-00017092 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5123, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,318,774 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5395] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136258] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05123-00017092-00017096 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5124, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,352,139 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5395] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136258] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05124-00017096-00017099 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5125, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,385,504 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5397] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136258] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05125-00017099-00017102 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5126, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,418,868 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5397] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136258] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05126-00017102-00017106 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5127, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,452,233 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5399] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136258] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05127-00017106-00017109 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5128, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,485,598 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5399] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136258] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05128-00017109-00017112 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5129, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,518,962 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5401] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136258] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05129-00017112-00017116 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5130, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,552,327 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5401] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136258] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05130-00017116-00017119 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5131, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,585,695 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5402] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136259] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05131-00017119-00017122 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5132, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,619,057 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5402] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136259] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05132-00017122-00017126 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5133, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,652,422 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5404] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136259] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05133-00017126-00017129 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5134, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,685,795 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5404] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136259] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05134-00017129-00017132 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5135, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,719,154 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5405] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136259] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05135-00017132-00017136 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5136, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,752,516 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5405] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136259] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05136-00017136-00017139 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5137, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,785,884 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5407] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136259] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05137-00017139-00017142 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5138, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,819,250 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5407] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136259] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05138-00017142-00017146 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5139, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,852,612 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5408] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136259] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05139-00017146-00017149 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5140, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,885,982 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5408] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136259] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05140-00017149-00017152 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5141, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,919,344 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5408] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136259] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05141-00017152-00017156 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5142, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,952,706 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5408] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136259] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05142-00017156-00017159 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5143, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:32,986,072 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136260] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05143-00017159-00017162 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5144, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,019,437 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136260] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05144-00017162-00017166 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5145, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,052,800 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136260] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05145-00017166-00017169 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5146, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,086,169 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136260] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05146-00017169-00017172 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5147, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,119,532 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136260] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05147-00017172-00017176 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5148, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,152,896 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136260] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05148-00017176-00017179 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5149, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,186,261 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136260] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05149-00017179-00017182 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5150, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,219,628 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136260] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05150-00017182-00017186 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5151, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,252,998 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136260] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05151-00017186-00017189 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5152, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,286,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136261] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05152-00017189-00017192 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5153, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,319,723 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136261] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05153-00017192-00017196 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5154, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,353,085 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136261] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05154-00017196-00017199 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5155, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,386,453 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136261] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05155-00017199-00017202 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5156, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,419,815 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136261] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05156-00017202-00017206 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5157, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,453,179 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136261] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05157-00017206-00017209 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5158, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,486,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5409] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136261] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05158-00017209-00017212 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5159, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,519,911 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5408] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136261] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05159-00017212-00017216 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5160, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,553,273 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5408] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136261] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05160-00017216-00017219 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5161, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,586,637 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5408] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136261] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05161-00017219-00017222 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5162, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,620,003 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5408] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136261] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05162-00017222-00017226 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5163, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,653,367 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5407] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136261] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05163-00017226-00017229 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5164, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,686,738 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5407] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136262] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05164-00017229-00017232 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5165, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,720,098 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5406] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136262] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05165-00017232-00017236 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5166, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,753,462 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5406] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136262] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05166-00017236-00017239 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5167, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,786,829 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5406] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136262] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05167-00017239-00017242 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5168, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,820,191 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5406] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136262] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05168-00017242-00017246 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5169, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,853,557 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5405] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136262] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05169-00017246-00017249 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5170, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,886,921 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5405] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136262] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05170-00017249-00017252 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5171, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,920,294 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5405] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136262] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05171-00017252-00017256 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5172, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,953,652 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5405] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136262] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05172-00017256-00017259 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5173, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:33,987,021 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5404] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136262] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05173-00017259-00017262 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5174, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,020,381 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5404] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136262] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05174-00017262-00017266 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5175, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,053,746 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5403] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136262] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05175-00017266-00017269 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5176, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,087,111 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5403] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136263] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05176-00017269-00017272 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5177, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,120,476 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5402] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136263] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05177-00017272-00017276 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5178, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,153,841 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5402] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136263] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05178-00017276-00017279 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5179, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,187,217 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5401] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136263] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05179-00017279-00017283 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5180, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,220,572 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5401] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136263] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05180-00017283-00017286 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5181, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,253,938 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5400] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136263] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05181-00017286-00017289 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5182, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,287,301 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5400] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136263] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05182-00017289-00017293 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5183, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,320,667 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5398] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136263] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05183-00017293-00017296 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5184, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,354,032 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5398] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136264] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05184-00017296-00017299 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5185, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,387,395 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5396] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136264] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05185-00017299-00017303 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5186, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,420,761 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5396] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136264] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05186-00017303-00017306 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5187, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,454,129 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5395] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136264] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05187-00017306-00017309 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5188, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,487,489 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5395] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136264] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05188-00017309-00017313 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5189, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,520,854 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5394] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136264] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05189-00017313-00017316 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5190, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,554,220 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5394] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136264] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05190-00017316-00017319 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5191, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,587,593 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5393] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136264] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05191-00017319-00017323 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5192, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,620,948 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5393] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136264] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05192-00017323-00017326 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5193, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,654,318 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5392] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136264] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05193-00017326-00017329 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5194, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,687,684 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5392] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136264] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05194-00017329-00017333 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5195, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,721,045 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5391] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136264] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05195-00017333-00017336 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5196, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,754,412 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5391] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136265] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05196-00017336-00017339 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5197, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,787,775 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5390] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136265] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05197-00017339-00017343 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5198, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,821,138 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5390] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136265] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05198-00017343-00017346 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5199, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,854,507 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5388] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136265] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05199-00017346-00017349 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5200, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,887,874 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5388] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136265] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05200-00017349-00017353 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5201, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,921,234 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5387] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136265] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05201-00017353-00017356 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5202, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,954,597 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5387] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136265] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05202-00017356-00017359 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5203, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:34,987,962 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136265] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05203-00017359-00017363 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5204, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,021,327 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5384] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136265] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05204-00017363-00017366 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5205, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,054,693 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136266] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05205-00017366-00017369 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5206, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,088,060 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136266] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05206-00017369-00017373 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5207, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,121,422 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5380] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136266] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05207-00017373-00017376 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5208, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,154,786 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5380] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136266] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05208-00017376-00017379 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5209, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,188,153 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136266] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05209-00017379-00017383 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5210, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,221,517 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5379] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136266] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05210-00017383-00017386 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5211, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,254,882 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5377] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136266] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05211-00017386-00017389 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5212, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,288,255 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5377] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136266] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05212-00017389-00017393 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5213, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,321,611 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5375] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136266] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05213-00017393-00017396 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5214, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,354,976 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5375] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136266] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05214-00017396-00017399 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5215, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,388,340 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5373] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136266] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05215-00017399-00017403 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5216, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,421,707 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5373] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136266] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05216-00017403-00017406 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5217, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,455,072 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5372] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136267] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05217-00017406-00017409 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5218, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,488,435 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5372] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136267] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05218-00017409-00017413 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5219, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,521,803 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5370] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136267] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05219-00017413-00017416 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5220, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,555,169 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5370] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136267] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05220-00017416-00017419 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5221, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,588,531 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5368] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136267] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05221-00017419-00017423 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5222, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,621,897 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5368] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136267] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05222-00017423-00017426 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5223, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,655,260 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5367] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136267] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05223-00017426-00017429 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5224, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,688,630 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5367] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136267] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05224-00017429-00017433 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5225, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,721,989 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5365] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136267] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05225-00017433-00017436 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5226, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,755,354 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5365] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136268] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05226-00017436-00017439 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5227, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,788,719 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5363] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136268] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05227-00017439-00017443 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5228, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,822,083 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5363] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136268] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05228-00017443-00017446 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5229, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,855,449 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5361] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136268] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05229-00017446-00017449 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5230, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,888,817 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5361] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136268] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05230-00017449-00017453 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5231, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,922,178 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5360] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136268] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05231-00017453-00017456 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5232, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,955,544 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5360] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136268] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05232-00017456-00017459 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5233, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:35,988,911 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5358] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136268] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05233-00017459-00017463 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5234, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,022,272 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5358] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136268] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05234-00017463-00017466 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5235, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,055,638 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5357] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136268] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05235-00017466-00017469 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5236, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,089,006 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5357] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136268] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05236-00017469-00017473 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5237, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,122,373 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5356] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136268] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05237-00017473-00017476 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5238, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,155,732 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5356] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136269] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05238-00017476-00017479 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5239, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,189,110 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5354] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136269] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05239-00017479-00017483 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5240, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,222,462 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5354] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136269] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05240-00017483-00017486 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5241, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,255,829 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5353] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136269] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05241-00017486-00017489 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5242, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,289,195 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5353] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136269] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05242-00017489-00017493 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5243, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,322,557 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5352] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136269] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05243-00017493-00017496 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5244, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,355,921 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5352] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136269] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05244-00017496-00017499 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5245, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,389,289 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5351] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136269] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05245-00017499-00017503 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5246, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,422,652 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5351] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136269] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05246-00017503-00017506 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5247, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,456,016 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5350] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136270] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05247-00017506-00017509 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5248, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,489,384 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5350] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136270] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05248-00017509-00017513 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5249, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,522,747 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5349] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136270] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05249-00017513-00017516 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5250, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,556,110 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5349] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136270] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05250-00017516-00017519 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5251, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,589,478 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5349] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136270] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05251-00017519-00017523 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5252, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,622,841 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5349] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136270] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05252-00017523-00017526 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5253, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,656,205 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5348] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136270] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05253-00017526-00017529 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5254, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,689,573 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5348] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136270] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05254-00017529-00017533 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5255, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,722,936 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5348] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136270] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05255-00017533-00017536 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5256, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,756,301 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5348] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136270] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05256-00017536-00017539 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5257, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,789,676 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136270] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05257-00017539-00017543 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5258, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,823,029 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136270] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05258-00017543-00017546 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5259, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,856,395 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136271] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05259-00017546-00017549 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5260, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,889,762 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136271] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05260-00017549-00017553 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5261, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,923,135 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136271] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05261-00017553-00017556 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5262, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,956,490 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136271] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05262-00017556-00017559 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5263, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:36,989,855 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136271] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05263-00017559-00017563 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5264, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,023,218 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136271] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05264-00017563-00017566 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5265, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,056,585 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136271] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05265-00017566-00017569 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5266, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,089,952 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136271] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05266-00017569-00017573 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5267, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,123,314 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136271] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05267-00017573-00017576 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5268, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,156,677 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136271] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05268-00017576-00017579 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5269, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,190,042 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136271] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05269-00017579-00017583 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5270, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,223,408 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136271] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05270-00017583-00017586 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5271, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,256,774 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136272] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05271-00017586-00017589 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5272, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,290,139 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136272] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05272-00017589-00017593 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5273, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,323,505 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136272] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05273-00017593-00017596 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5274, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,356,868 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136272] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05274-00017596-00017599 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5275, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,390,236 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136272] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05275-00017599-00017603 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5276, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,423,597 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136272] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05276-00017603-00017606 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5277, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,456,966 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136272] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05277-00017606-00017609 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5278, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,490,325 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136272] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05278-00017609-00017613 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5279, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,523,690 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136272] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05279-00017613-00017616 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5280, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,557,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136273] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05280-00017616-00017619 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5281, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,590,420 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136273] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05281-00017619-00017623 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5282, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,623,785 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136273] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05282-00017623-00017626 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5283, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,657,150 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136273] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05283-00017626-00017629 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5284, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,690,519 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136273] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05284-00017629-00017633 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5285, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,723,881 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136273] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05285-00017633-00017636 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5286, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,757,245 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136273] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05286-00017636-00017640 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5287, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,790,612 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136273] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05287-00017640-00017643 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5288, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,823,978 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136273] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05288-00017643-00017646 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5289, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,857,340 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136273] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05289-00017646-00017650 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5290, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,890,706 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136273] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05290-00017650-00017653 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5291, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,924,077 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136273] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05291-00017653-00017656 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5292, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,957,435 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136274] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05292-00017656-00017660 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5293, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:37,990,804 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136274] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05293-00017660-00017663 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5294, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,024,167 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136274] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05294-00017663-00017666 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5295, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,057,530 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136274] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05295-00017666-00017670 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5296, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,090,896 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136274] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05296-00017670-00017673 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5297, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,124,259 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136274] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05297-00017673-00017676 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5298, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,157,624 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136274] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05298-00017676-00017680 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5299, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,190,995 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136274] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05299-00017680-00017683 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5300, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,224,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136274] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05300-00017683-00017686 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5301, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,257,721 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136275] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05301-00017686-00017690 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5302, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,291,086 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136275] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05302-00017690-00017693 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5303, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,324,448 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136275] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05303-00017693-00017696 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5304, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,357,812 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136275] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05304-00017696-00017700 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5305, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,391,178 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136275] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05305-00017700-00017703 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5306, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,424,545 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136275] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05306-00017703-00017706 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5307, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,457,908 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136275] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05307-00017706-00017710 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5308, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,491,273 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136275] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05308-00017710-00017713 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5309, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,524,639 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136275] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05309-00017713-00017716 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5310, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,558,002 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136275] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05310-00017716-00017720 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5311, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,591,374 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136275] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05311-00017720-00017723 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5312, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,624,735 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136275] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05312-00017723-00017726 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5313, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,658,096 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136276] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05313-00017726-00017730 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5314, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,691,462 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136276] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05314-00017730-00017733 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5315, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,724,828 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136276] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05315-00017733-00017736 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5316, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,758,193 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136276] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05316-00017736-00017740 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5317, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,791,558 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136276] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05317-00017740-00017743 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5318, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,824,924 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136276] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05318-00017743-00017746 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5319, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,858,286 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136276] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05319-00017746-00017750 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5320, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,891,655 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136276] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05320-00017750-00017753 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5321, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,925,020 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136276] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05321-00017753-00017756 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5322, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,958,379 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136276] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05322-00017756-00017760 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5323, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:38,991,746 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136276] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05323-00017760-00017763 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5324, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,025,109 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136276] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05324-00017763-00017766 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5325, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,058,473 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136277] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05325-00017766-00017770 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5326, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,091,843 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136277] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05326-00017770-00017773 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5327, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,125,208 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136277] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05327-00017773-00017776 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5328, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,158,569 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136277] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05328-00017776-00017780 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5329, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,191,934 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136277] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05329-00017780-00017783 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5330, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,225,300 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136277] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05330-00017783-00017786 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5331, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,258,665 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136277] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05331-00017786-00017790 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5332, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,292,030 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136277] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05332-00017790-00017793 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5333, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,325,394 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136277] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05333-00017793-00017796 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5334, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,358,758 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136278] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05334-00017796-00017800 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5335, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,392,123 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136278] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05335-00017800-00017803 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5336, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,425,491 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136278] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05336-00017803-00017806 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5337, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,458,852 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136278] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05337-00017806-00017810 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5338, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,492,217 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136278] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05338-00017810-00017813 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5339, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,525,583 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136278] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05339-00017813-00017816 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5340, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,558,947 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136278] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05340-00017816-00017820 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5341, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,592,310 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136278] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05341-00017820-00017823 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5342, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,625,678 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136278] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05342-00017823-00017826 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5343, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,659,042 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136278] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05343-00017826-00017830 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5344, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,692,409 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136278] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05344-00017830-00017833 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5345, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,725,773 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136278] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05345-00017833-00017836 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5346, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,759,137 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136279] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05346-00017836-00017840 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5347, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,792,504 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136279] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05347-00017840-00017843 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5348, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,825,867 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136279] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05348-00017843-00017846 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5349, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,859,230 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136279] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05349-00017846-00017850 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5350, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,892,599 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136279] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05350-00017850-00017853 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5351, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,925,964 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136279] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05351-00017853-00017856 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5352, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,959,329 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136279] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05352-00017856-00017860 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5353, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:39,992,696 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136279] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05353-00017860-00017863 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5354, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,026,057 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136279] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05354-00017863-00017866 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5355, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,059,424 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136280] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05355-00017866-00017870 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5356, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,092,787 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136280] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05356-00017870-00017873 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5357, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,126,151 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136280] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05357-00017873-00017876 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5358, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,159,516 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136280] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05358-00017876-00017880 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5359, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,192,878 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136280] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05359-00017880-00017883 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5360, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,226,245 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136280] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05360-00017883-00017886 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5361, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,259,608 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136280] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05361-00017886-00017890 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5362, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,293,012 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136280] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05362-00017890-00017893 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5363, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,326,340 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136280] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05363-00017893-00017896 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5364, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,359,707 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136280] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05364-00017896-00017900 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5365, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,393,069 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136280] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05365-00017900-00017903 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5366, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,426,436 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136280] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05366-00017903-00017906 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5367, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,459,798 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136281] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05367-00017906-00017910 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5368, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,493,163 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136281] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05368-00017910-00017913 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5369, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,526,529 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136281] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05369-00017913-00017916 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5370, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,559,892 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136281] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05370-00017916-00017920 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5371, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,593,259 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136281] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05371-00017920-00017923 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5372, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,626,623 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136281] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05372-00017923-00017926 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5373, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,659,987 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136281] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05373-00017926-00017930 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5374, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,693,354 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136281] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05374-00017930-00017933 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5375, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,726,721 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136281] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05375-00017933-00017936 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5376, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,760,082 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136281] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05376-00017936-00017940 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5377, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,793,448 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136281] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05377-00017940-00017943 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5378, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,826,815 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136281] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05378-00017943-00017946 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5379, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,860,179 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136282] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05379-00017946-00017950 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5380, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,893,544 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136282] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05380-00017950-00017953 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5381, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,926,908 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136282] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05381-00017953-00017956 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5382, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,960,274 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136282] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05382-00017956-00017960 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5383, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:40,993,636 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136282] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05383-00017960-00017963 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5384, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,027,002 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136282] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05384-00017963-00017966 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5385, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,060,367 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136282] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05385-00017966-00017970 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5386, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,093,733 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136282] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05386-00017970-00017973 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5387, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,127,096 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136282] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05387-00017973-00017976 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5388, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,160,460 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136283] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05388-00017976-00017980 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5389, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,193,828 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136283] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05389-00017980-00017983 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5390, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,227,190 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136283] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05390-00017983-00017986 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5391, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,260,560 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136283] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05391-00017986-00017990 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5392, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,293,920 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136283] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05392-00017990-00017993 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5393, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,327,284 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136283] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05393-00017993-00017997 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5394, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,360,653 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136283] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05394-00017997-00018000 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5395, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,394,019 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136283] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05395-00018000-00018003 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5396, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,427,379 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136283] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05396-00018003-00018007 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5397, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,460,749 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136283] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05397-00018007-00018010 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5398, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,494,109 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136283] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05398-00018010-00018013 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5399, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,527,479 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136283] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05399-00018013-00018017 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5400, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,560,839 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136284] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05400-00018017-00018020 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5401, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,594,206 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136284] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05401-00018020-00018023 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5402, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,627,573 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136284] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05402-00018023-00018027 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5403, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,660,937 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136284] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05403-00018027-00018030 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5404, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,694,301 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136284] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05404-00018030-00018033 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5405, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,727,670 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136284] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05405-00018033-00018037 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5406, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,761,034 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136284] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05406-00018037-00018040 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5407, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,794,397 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136284] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05407-00018040-00018043 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5408, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,827,761 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136284] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05408-00018043-00018047 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5409, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,861,124 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136284] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05409-00018047-00018050 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5410, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,894,489 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136284] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05410-00018050-00018053 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5411, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,927,856 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136284] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05411-00018053-00018057 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5412, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,961,221 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136285] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05412-00018057-00018060 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5413, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:41,994,582 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136285] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05413-00018060-00018063 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5414, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,027,949 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136285] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05414-00018063-00018067 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5415, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,061,315 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136285] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05415-00018067-00018070 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5416, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,094,682 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136285] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05416-00018070-00018073 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5417, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,128,051 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136285] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05417-00018073-00018077 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5418, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,161,405 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136285] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05418-00018077-00018080 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5419, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,194,772 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136285] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05419-00018080-00018083 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5420, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,228,137 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136285] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05420-00018083-00018087 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5421, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,261,504 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136285] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05421-00018087-00018090 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5422, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,294,866 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136285] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05422-00018090-00018093 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5423, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,328,231 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136285] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05423-00018093-00018097 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5424, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,361,594 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136286] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05424-00018097-00018100 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5425, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,394,960 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136286] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05425-00018100-00018103 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5426, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,428,328 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136286] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05426-00018103-00018107 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5427, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,461,691 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136286] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05427-00018107-00018110 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5428, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,495,054 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136286] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05428-00018110-00018113 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5429, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,528,421 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136286] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05429-00018113-00018117 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5430, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,561,785 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136286] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05430-00018117-00018120 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5431, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,595,152 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136286] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05431-00018120-00018123 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5432, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,628,515 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136286] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05432-00018123-00018127 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5433, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,661,879 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136287] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05433-00018127-00018130 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5434, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,695,246 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136287] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05434-00018130-00018133 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5435, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,728,609 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136287] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05435-00018133-00018137 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5436, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,761,972 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136287] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05436-00018137-00018140 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5437, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,795,343 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136287] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05437-00018140-00018143 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5438, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,828,702 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136287] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05438-00018143-00018147 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5439, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,862,067 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136287] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05439-00018147-00018150 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5440, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,895,432 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136287] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05440-00018150-00018153 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5441, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,928,797 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136287] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05441-00018153-00018157 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5442, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,962,165 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136287] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05442-00018157-00018160 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5443, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:42,995,526 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136287] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05443-00018160-00018163 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5444, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,028,895 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136287] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05444-00018163-00018167 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5445, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,062,258 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136288] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05445-00018167-00018170 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5446, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,095,621 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136288] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05446-00018170-00018173 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5447, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,128,988 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136288] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05447-00018173-00018177 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5448, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,162,356 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136288] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05448-00018177-00018180 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5449, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,195,719 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136288] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05449-00018180-00018183 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5450, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,229,082 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136288] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05450-00018183-00018187 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5451, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,262,448 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136288] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05451-00018187-00018190 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5452, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,295,813 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136288] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05452-00018190-00018193 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5453, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,329,177 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136288] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05453-00018193-00018197 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5454, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,362,542 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136288] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05454-00018197-00018200 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5455, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,395,910 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136288] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05455-00018200-00018203 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5456, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,429,271 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136288] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05456-00018203-00018207 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5457, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,462,635 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136289] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05457-00018207-00018210 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5458, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,496,001 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136289] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05458-00018210-00018213 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5459, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,529,367 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136289] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05459-00018213-00018217 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5460, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,562,732 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136289] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05460-00018217-00018220 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5461, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,596,095 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136289] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05461-00018220-00018223 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5462, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,629,458 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136289] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05462-00018223-00018227 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5463, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,662,826 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136289] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05463-00018227-00018230 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5464, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,696,190 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136289] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05464-00018230-00018233 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5465, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,729,555 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136289] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05465-00018233-00018237 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5466, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,762,919 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136290] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05466-00018237-00018240 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5467, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,796,284 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136290] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05467-00018240-00018243 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5468, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,829,648 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136290] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05468-00018243-00018247 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5469, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,863,013 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136290] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05469-00018247-00018250 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5470, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,896,382 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136290] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05470-00018250-00018253 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5471, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,929,748 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136290] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05471-00018253-00018257 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5472, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,963,109 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136290] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05472-00018257-00018260 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5473, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:43,996,478 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136290] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05473-00018260-00018263 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5474, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,029,844 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136290] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05474-00018263-00018267 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5475, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,063,204 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136290] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05475-00018267-00018270 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5476, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,096,568 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136290] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05476-00018270-00018273 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5477, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,129,932 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136290] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05477-00018273-00018277 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5478, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,163,297 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136291] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05478-00018277-00018280 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5479, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,196,664 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136291] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05479-00018280-00018283 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5480, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,230,029 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136291] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05480-00018283-00018287 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5481, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,263,391 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136291] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05481-00018287-00018290 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5482, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,296,756 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136291] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05482-00018290-00018293 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5483, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,330,120 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136291] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05483-00018293-00018297 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5484, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,363,488 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136291] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05484-00018297-00018300 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5485, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,396,850 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136291] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05485-00018300-00018303 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5486, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,430,219 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136291] [altitude: 48.400000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05486-00018303-00018307 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5487, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,463,582 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136291] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05487-00018307-00018310 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5488, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,496,946 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136291] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05488-00018310-00018313 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5489, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,530,313 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136291] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05489-00018313-00018317 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5490, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,563,678 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136292] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05490-00018317-00018320 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5491, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,597,041 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136292] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05491-00018320-00018323 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5492, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,630,405 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136292] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05492-00018323-00018327 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5493, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,663,769 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136292] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05493-00018327-00018330 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5494, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,697,136 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136292] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05494-00018330-00018333 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5495, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,730,499 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136292] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05495-00018333-00018337 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5496, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,763,864 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136292] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05496-00018337-00018340 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5497, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,797,236 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136292] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05497-00018340-00018344 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5498, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,830,594 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136292] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05498-00018344-00018347 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5499, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,863,959 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136292] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05499-00018347-00018350 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5500, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,897,326 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136292] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05500-00018350-00018354 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5501, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,930,691 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136292] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05501-00018354-00018357 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5502, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,964,054 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136293] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05502-00018357-00018360 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5503, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:44,997,418 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136293] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05503-00018360-00018364 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5504, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,030,786 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136293] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05504-00018364-00018367 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5505, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,064,150 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136293] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05505-00018367-00018370 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5506, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,097,513 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136293] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05506-00018370-00018374 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5507, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,130,880 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136293] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05507-00018374-00018377 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5508, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,164,242 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136293] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05508-00018377-00018380 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5509, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,197,609 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136293] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05509-00018380-00018384 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5510, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,230,975 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136293] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05510-00018384-00018387 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5511, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,264,341 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136293] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05511-00018387-00018390 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5512, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,297,702 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136293] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05512-00018390-00018394 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5513, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,331,067 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136293] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05513-00018394-00018397 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5514, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,364,432 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136294] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05514-00018397-00018400 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5515, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,397,796 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136294] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05515-00018400-00018404 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5516, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,431,163 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136294] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05516-00018404-00018407 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5517, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,464,534 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136294] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05517-00018407-00018410 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5518, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,497,894 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136294] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05518-00018410-00018414 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5519, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,531,257 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136294] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05519-00018414-00018417 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5520, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,564,623 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136294] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05520-00018417-00018420 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5521, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,597,988 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136294] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05521-00018420-00018424 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5522, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,631,352 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136294] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05522-00018424-00018427 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5523, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,664,714 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136295] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05523-00018427-00018430 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5524, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,698,089 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136295] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05524-00018430-00018434 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5525, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,731,457 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136295] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05525-00018434-00018437 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5526, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,764,810 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136295] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05526-00018437-00018440 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5527, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,798,175 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136295] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05527-00018440-00018444 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5528, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,831,542 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136295] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05528-00018444-00018447 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5529, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,864,905 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136295] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05529-00018447-00018450 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5530, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,898,275 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136295] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05530-00018450-00018454 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5531, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,931,638 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136295] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05531-00018454-00018457 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5532, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,965,000 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136295] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05532-00018457-00018460 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5533, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:45,998,365 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136295] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05533-00018460-00018464 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5534, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,031,732 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136295] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05534-00018464-00018467 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5535, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,065,105 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136296] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05535-00018467-00018470 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5536, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,098,461 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136296] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05536-00018470-00018474 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5537, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,131,828 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136296] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05537-00018474-00018477 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5538, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,165,189 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136296] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05538-00018477-00018480 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5539, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,198,553 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136296] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05539-00018480-00018484 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5540, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,231,918 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136296] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05540-00018484-00018487 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5541, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,265,287 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136296] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05541-00018487-00018490 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5542, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,298,648 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136296] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05542-00018490-00018494 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5543, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,332,020 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136296] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05543-00018494-00018497 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5544, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,365,386 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136296] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05544-00018497-00018500 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5545, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,398,742 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136296] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05545-00018500-00018504 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5546, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,432,107 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136296] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05546-00018504-00018507 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5547, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,465,474 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136297] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05547-00018507-00018510 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5548, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,498,838 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136297] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05548-00018510-00018514 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5549, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,532,206 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136297] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05549-00018514-00018517 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5550, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,565,564 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136297] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05550-00018517-00018520 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5551, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,598,933 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136297] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05551-00018520-00018524 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5552, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,632,298 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136297] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05552-00018524-00018527 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5553, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,665,664 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136297] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05553-00018527-00018530 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5554, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,699,029 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136297] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05554-00018530-00018534 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5555, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,732,391 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136297] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05555-00018534-00018537 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5556, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,765,757 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136297] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05556-00018537-00018540 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5557, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,799,121 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136297] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05557-00018540-00018544 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5558, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,832,490 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136297] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05558-00018544-00018547 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5559, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,865,851 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136298] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05559-00018547-00018550 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5560, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,899,216 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136298] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05560-00018550-00018554 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5561, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,932,583 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136298] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05561-00018554-00018557 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5562, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,965,946 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136298] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05562-00018557-00018560 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5563, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:46,999,313 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136298] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05563-00018560-00018564 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5564, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,032,679 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136298] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05564-00018564-00018567 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5565, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,066,038 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136298] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05565-00018567-00018570 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5566, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,099,407 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136298] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05566-00018570-00018574 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5567, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,132,770 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136298] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05567-00018574-00018577 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5568, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,166,137 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136298] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05568-00018577-00018580 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5569, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,199,505 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136298] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05569-00018580-00018584 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5570, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,232,865 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136298] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05570-00018584-00018587 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5571, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,266,232 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136299] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05571-00018587-00018590 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5572, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,299,596 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136299] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05572-00018590-00018594 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5573, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,332,959 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136299] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05573-00018594-00018597 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5574, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,366,331 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136299] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05574-00018597-00018600 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5575, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,399,687 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136299] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05575-00018600-00018604 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5576, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,433,053 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136299] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05576-00018604-00018607 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5577, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,466,423 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136299] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05577-00018607-00018610 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5578, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,499,788 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136299] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05578-00018610-00018614 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5579, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,533,150 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136299] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05579-00018614-00018617 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5580, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,566,513 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136299] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05580-00018617-00018620 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5581, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,599,886 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136299] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05581-00018620-00018624 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5582, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,633,243 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136299] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05582-00018624-00018627 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5583, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,666,609 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136300] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05583-00018627-00018630 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5584, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,699,974 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136300] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05584-00018630-00018634 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5585, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,733,340 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136300] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05585-00018634-00018637 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5586, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,766,707 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136300] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05586-00018637-00018640 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5587, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,800,069 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136300] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05587-00018640-00018644 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5588, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,833,432 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136300] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05588-00018644-00018647 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5589, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,866,794 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136300] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05589-00018647-00018650 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5590, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,900,159 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136300] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05590-00018650-00018654 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5591, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,933,527 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136300] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05591-00018654-00018657 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5592, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:47,966,895 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136301] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05592-00018657-00018660 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5593, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,000,264 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136301] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05593-00018660-00018664 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5594, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,033,621 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136301] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05594-00018664-00018667 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5595, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,066,995 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136301] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05595-00018667-00018670 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5596, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,100,350 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136301] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05596-00018670-00018674 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5597, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,133,713 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136301] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05597-00018674-00018677 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5598, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,167,083 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136301] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05598-00018677-00018680 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5599, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,200,448 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136301] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05599-00018680-00018684 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5600, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,233,809 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136301] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05600-00018684-00018687 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5601, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,267,179 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136301] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05601-00018687-00018690 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5602, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,300,539 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136301] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05602-00018690-00018694 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5603, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,333,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5346] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136301] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05603-00018694-00018697 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5604, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,367,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136302] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05604-00018697-00018701 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5605, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,400,634 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136302] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05605-00018701-00018704 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5606, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,433,998 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136302] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05606-00018704-00018707 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5607, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,467,366 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136302] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05607-00018707-00018711 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5608, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,500,732 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136302] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05608-00018711-00018714 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5609, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,534,095 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136302] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05609-00018714-00018717 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5610, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,567,460 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136302] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05610-00018717-00018721 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5611, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,600,822 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136302] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05611-00018721-00018724 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5612, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,634,194 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136302] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05612-00018724-00018727 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5613, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,667,555 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136302] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05613-00018727-00018731 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5614, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,700,921 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136302] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05614-00018731-00018734 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5615, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,734,282 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136302] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05615-00018734-00018737 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5616, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,767,650 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136303] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05616-00018737-00018741 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5617, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,801,015 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136303] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05617-00018741-00018744 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5618, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,834,377 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136303] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05618-00018744-00018747 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5619, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,867,744 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136303] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05619-00018747-00018751 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5620, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,901,112 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136303] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05620-00018751-00018754 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5621, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,934,475 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136303] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05621-00018754-00018757 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5622, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:48,967,846 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136303] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05622-00018757-00018761 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5623, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,001,200 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136303] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05623-00018761-00018764 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5624, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,034,565 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136303] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05624-00018764-00018767 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5625, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,067,940 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136303] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05625-00018767-00018771 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5626, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,101,303 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136303] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05626-00018771-00018774 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5627, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,134,661 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136303] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05627-00018774-00018777 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5628, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,168,034 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136304] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05628-00018777-00018781 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5629, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,201,393 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136304] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05629-00018781-00018784 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5630, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,234,755 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136304] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05630-00018784-00018787 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5631, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,268,121 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136304] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05631-00018787-00018791 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5632, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,301,488 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136304] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05632-00018791-00018794 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5633, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,334,849 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136304] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05633-00018794-00018797 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5634, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,368,219 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136304] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05634-00018797-00018801 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5635, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,401,582 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136304] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05635-00018801-00018804 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5636, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,434,945 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136304] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05636-00018804-00018807 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5637, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,468,321 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136304] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05637-00018807-00018811 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5638, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,501,679 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136304] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05638-00018811-00018814 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5639, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,535,040 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136304] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05639-00018814-00018817 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5640, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,568,406 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136305] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05640-00018817-00018821 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5641, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,601,768 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136305] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05641-00018821-00018824 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5642, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,635,134 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136305] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05642-00018824-00018827 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5643, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,668,497 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136305] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05643-00018827-00018831 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5644, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,701,866 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136305] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05644-00018831-00018834 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5645, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,735,229 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136305] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05645-00018834-00018837 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5646, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,768,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136305] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05646-00018837-00018841 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5647, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,801,963 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136305] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05647-00018841-00018844 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5648, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,835,325 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136305] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05648-00018844-00018847 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5649, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,868,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136306] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05649-00018847-00018851 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5650, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,902,056 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136306] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05650-00018851-00018854 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5651, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,935,420 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136306] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05651-00018854-00018857 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5652, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:49,968,780 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136306] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05652-00018857-00018861 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5653, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,002,152 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136306] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05653-00018861-00018864 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5654, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,035,511 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136306] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05654-00018864-00018867 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5655, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,068,879 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136306] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05655-00018867-00018871 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5656, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,102,245 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136306] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05656-00018871-00018874 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5657, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,135,607 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136306] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05657-00018874-00018877 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5658, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,168,973 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136306] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05658-00018877-00018881 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5659, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,202,336 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136306] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05659-00018881-00018884 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5660, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,235,706 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136306] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05660-00018884-00018887 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5661, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,269,070 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136307] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05661-00018887-00018891 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5662, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,302,433 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136307] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05662-00018891-00018894 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5663, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,335,795 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136307] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05663-00018894-00018897 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5664, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,369,159 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136307] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05664-00018897-00018901 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5665, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,402,526 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136307] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05665-00018901-00018904 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5666, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,435,892 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136307] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05666-00018904-00018907 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5667, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,469,255 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136307] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05667-00018907-00018911 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5668, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,502,622 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136307] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05668-00018911-00018914 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5669, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,535,983 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136307] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05669-00018914-00018917 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5670, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,569,354 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136307] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05670-00018917-00018921 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5671, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,602,715 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136307] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05671-00018921-00018924 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5672, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,636,077 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136307] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05672-00018924-00018927 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5673, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,669,447 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136308] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05673-00018927-00018931 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5674, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,702,813 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136308] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05674-00018931-00018934 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5675, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,736,174 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136308] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05675-00018934-00018937 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5676, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,769,540 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136308] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05676-00018937-00018941 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5677, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,802,903 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136308] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05677-00018941-00018944 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5678, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,836,272 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136308] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05678-00018944-00018947 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5679, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,869,636 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136308] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05679-00018947-00018951 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5680, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,902,998 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136308] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05680-00018951-00018954 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5681, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,936,364 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136308] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05681-00018954-00018957 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5682, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:50,969,735 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136308] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05682-00018957-00018961 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5683, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,003,092 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136308] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05683-00018961-00018964 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5684, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,036,457 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136308] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05684-00018964-00018967 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5685, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,069,822 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136309] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05685-00018967-00018971 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5686, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,103,187 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136309] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05686-00018971-00018974 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5687, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,136,553 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136309] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05687-00018974-00018977 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5688, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,169,916 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136309] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05688-00018977-00018981 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5689, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,203,281 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136309] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05689-00018981-00018984 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5690, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,236,645 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136309] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05690-00018984-00018987 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5691, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,270,010 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136309] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05691-00018987-00018991 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5692, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,303,375 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136309] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05692-00018991-00018994 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5693, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,336,743 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136309] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05693-00018994-00018997 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5694, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,370,110 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136309] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05694-00018997-00019001 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5695, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,403,472 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136309] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05695-00019001-00019004 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5696, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,436,838 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136309] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05696-00019004-00019007 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5697, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,470,201 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136310] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05697-00019007-00019011 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5698, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,503,566 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136310] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05698-00019011-00019014 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5699, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,536,930 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136310] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05699-00019014-00019017 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5700, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,570,299 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136310] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05700-00019017-00019021 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5701, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,603,663 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136310] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05701-00019021-00019024 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5702, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,637,025 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136310] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05702-00019024-00019027 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5703, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,670,394 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136310] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05703-00019027-00019031 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5704, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,703,752 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136310] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05704-00019031-00019034 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5705, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,737,124 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136310] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05705-00019034-00019037 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5706, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,770,486 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136310] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05706-00019037-00019041 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5707, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,803,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136310] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05707-00019041-00019044 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5708, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,837,214 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136310] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05708-00019044-00019048 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5709, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,870,585 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136311] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05709-00019048-00019051 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5710, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,903,947 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136311] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05710-00019051-00019054 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5711, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,937,308 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136311] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05711-00019054-00019058 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5712, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:51,970,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136311] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05712-00019058-00019061 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5713, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,004,047 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136311] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05713-00019061-00019064 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5714, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,037,405 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136311] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05714-00019064-00019068 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5715, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,070,771 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136311] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05715-00019068-00019071 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5716, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,104,135 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136311] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05716-00019071-00019074 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5717, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,137,497 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136311] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05717-00019074-00019078 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5718, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,170,863 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136312] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05718-00019078-00019081 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5719, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,204,227 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136312] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05719-00019081-00019084 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5720, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,237,591 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136312] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05720-00019084-00019088 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5721, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,270,957 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136312] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05721-00019088-00019091 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5722, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,304,357 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136312] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05722-00019091-00019094 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5723, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,337,687 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136312] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05723-00019094-00019098 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5724, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,371,059 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136312] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05724-00019098-00019101 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5725, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,404,419 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136312] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05725-00019101-00019104 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5726, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,437,785 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136312] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05726-00019104-00019108 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5727, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,471,153 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136312] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05727-00019108-00019111 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5728, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,504,511 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136312] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05728-00019111-00019114 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5729, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,537,876 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136312] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05729-00019114-00019118 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5730, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,571,248 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136313] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05730-00019118-00019121 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5731, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,604,608 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136313] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05731-00019121-00019124 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5732, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,637,969 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136313] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05732-00019124-00019128 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5733, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,671,344 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136313] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05733-00019128-00019131 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5734, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,704,704 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136313] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05734-00019131-00019134 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5735, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,738,068 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136313] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05735-00019134-00019138 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5736, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,771,434 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136313] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05736-00019138-00019141 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5737, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,804,797 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136313] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05737-00019141-00019144 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5738, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,838,162 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136313] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05738-00019144-00019148 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5739, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,871,524 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136313] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05739-00019148-00019151 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5740, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,904,890 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136313] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05740-00019151-00019154 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5741, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,938,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136313] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05741-00019154-00019158 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5742, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:52,971,619 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136314] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05742-00019158-00019161 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5743, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,004,988 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136314] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05743-00019161-00019164 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5744, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,038,360 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136314] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05744-00019164-00019168 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5745, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,071,717 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136314] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05745-00019168-00019171 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5746, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,105,081 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136314] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05746-00019171-00019174 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5747, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,138,442 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136314] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05747-00019174-00019178 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5748, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,171,809 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136314] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05748-00019178-00019181 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5749, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,205,178 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136314] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05749-00019181-00019184 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5750, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,238,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136314] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05750-00019184-00019188 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5751, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,271,909 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136314] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05751-00019188-00019191 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5752, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,305,268 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136314] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05752-00019191-00019194 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5753, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,338,634 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136314] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05753-00019194-00019198 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5754, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,371,996 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136315] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05754-00019198-00019201 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5755, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,405,365 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136315] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05755-00019201-00019204 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5756, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,438,729 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136315] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05756-00019204-00019208 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5757, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,472,097 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136315] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05757-00019208-00019211 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5758, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,505,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136315] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05758-00019211-00019214 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5759, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,538,820 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136315] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05759-00019214-00019218 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5760, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,572,195 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136315] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05760-00019218-00019221 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5761, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,605,551 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5345] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136315] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05761-00019221-00019224 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5762, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,638,916 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136315] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05762-00019224-00019228 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5763, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,672,280 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136315] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05763-00019228-00019231 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5764, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,705,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136315] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05764-00019231-00019234 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5765, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,739,035 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136315] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05765-00019234-00019238 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5766, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,772,380 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136316] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05766-00019238-00019241 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5767, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,805,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5344] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136316] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05767-00019241-00019244 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5768, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,839,104 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136316] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05768-00019244-00019248 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5769, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,872,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136316] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05769-00019248-00019251 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5770, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,905,835 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136316] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05770-00019251-00019254 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5771, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,939,200 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136316] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05771-00019254-00019258 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5772, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:53,972,573 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136316] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05772-00019258-00019261 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5773, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,005,929 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136316] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05773-00019261-00019264 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5774, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,039,298 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136316] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05774-00019264-00019268 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5775, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,072,665 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136316] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05775-00019268-00019271 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5776, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,106,025 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136316] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05776-00019271-00019274 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5777, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,139,392 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136316] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05777-00019274-00019278 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5778, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,172,755 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136317] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05778-00019278-00019281 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5779, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,206,117 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136317] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05779-00019281-00019284 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5780, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,239,487 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136317] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05780-00019284-00019288 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5781, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,272,851 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136317] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05781-00019288-00019291 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5782, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,306,213 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136317] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05782-00019291-00019294 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5783, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,339,581 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136317] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05783-00019294-00019298 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5784, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,372,945 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136317] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05784-00019298-00019301 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5785, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,406,307 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136317] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05785-00019301-00019304 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5786, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,439,672 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136317] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05786-00019304-00019308 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5787, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,473,035 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5342] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136317] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05787-00019308-00019311 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5788, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,506,400 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136317] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05788-00019311-00019314 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5789, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,539,767 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136317] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05789-00019314-00019318 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5790, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,573,135 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136318] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05790-00019318-00019321 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5791, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,606,497 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136318] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05791-00019321-00019324 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5792, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,639,863 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136318] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05792-00019324-00019328 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5793, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,673,226 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136318] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05793-00019328-00019331 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5794, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,706,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136318] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05794-00019331-00019334 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5795, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,739,956 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136318] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05795-00019334-00019338 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5796, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,773,323 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136318] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05796-00019338-00019341 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5797, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,806,685 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136318] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05797-00019341-00019344 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5798, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,840,050 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136318] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05798-00019344-00019348 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5799, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,873,416 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5341] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136319] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05799-00019348-00019351 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5800, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,906,782 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136319] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05800-00019351-00019354 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5801, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,940,146 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136319] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05801-00019354-00019358 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5802, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:54,973,509 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136319] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05802-00019358-00019361 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5803, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,006,876 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136319] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05803-00019361-00019364 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5804, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,040,243 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136319] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05804-00019364-00019368 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5805, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,073,608 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136319] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05805-00019368-00019371 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5806, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,106,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136319] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05806-00019371-00019374 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5807, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,140,334 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136319] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05807-00019374-00019378 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5808, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,173,706 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136319] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05808-00019378-00019381 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5809, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,207,064 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136319] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05809-00019381-00019384 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5810, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,240,428 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136319] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05810-00019384-00019388 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5811, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,273,792 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136320] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05811-00019388-00019391 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5812, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,307,160 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136320] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05812-00019391-00019394 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5813, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,340,524 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136320] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05813-00019394-00019398 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5814, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,373,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136320] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05814-00019398-00019401 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5815, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,407,251 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136320] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05815-00019401-00019405 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5816, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,440,618 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136320] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05816-00019405-00019408 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5817, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,473,985 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136320] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05817-00019408-00019411 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5818, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,507,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136320] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05818-00019411-00019415 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5819, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,540,711 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136320] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05819-00019415-00019418 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5820, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,574,077 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136320] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05820-00019418-00019421 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5821, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,607,444 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136320] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05821-00019421-00019425 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5822, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,640,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136320] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05822-00019425-00019428 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5823, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,674,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136321] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05823-00019428-00019431 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5824, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,707,538 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136321] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05824-00019431-00019435 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5825, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,740,905 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136321] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05825-00019435-00019438 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5826, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,774,272 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136321] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05826-00019438-00019441 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5827, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,807,631 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136321] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05827-00019441-00019445 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5828, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,840,995 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136321] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05828-00019445-00019448 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5829, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,874,367 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136321] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05829-00019448-00019451 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5830, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,907,727 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136321] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05830-00019451-00019455 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5831, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,941,090 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136321] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05831-00019455-00019458 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5832, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:55,974,467 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136321] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05832-00019458-00019461 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5833, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,007,820 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136321] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05833-00019461-00019465 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5834, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,041,186 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136321] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05834-00019465-00019468 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5835, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,074,553 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136322] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05835-00019468-00019471 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5836, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,107,913 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136322] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05836-00019471-00019475 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5837, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,141,282 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136322] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05837-00019475-00019478 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5838, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,174,653 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136322] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05838-00019478-00019481 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5839, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,208,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136322] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05839-00019481-00019485 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5840, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,241,375 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136322] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05840-00019485-00019488 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5841, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,274,737 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136322] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05841-00019488-00019491 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5842, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,308,103 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136322] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05842-00019491-00019495 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5843, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,341,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136322] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05843-00019495-00019498 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5844, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,374,833 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136322] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05844-00019498-00019501 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5845, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,408,199 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136322] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05845-00019501-00019505 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5846, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,441,565 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136322] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05846-00019505-00019508 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5847, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,474,935 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136323] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05847-00019508-00019511 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5848, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,508,297 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136323] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05848-00019511-00019515 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5849, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,541,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136323] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05849-00019515-00019518 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5850, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,575,025 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136323] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05850-00019518-00019521 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5851, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,608,388 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136323] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05851-00019521-00019525 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5852, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,641,755 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136323] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05852-00019525-00019528 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5853, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,675,117 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136323] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05853-00019528-00019531 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5854, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,708,482 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136323] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05854-00019531-00019535 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5855, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,741,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136323] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05855-00019535-00019538 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5856, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,775,216 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136323] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05856-00019538-00019541 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5857, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,808,574 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136323] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05857-00019541-00019545 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5858, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,841,944 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136323] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05858-00019545-00019548 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5859, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,875,307 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136324] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05859-00019548-00019551 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5860, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,908,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136324] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05860-00019551-00019555 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5861, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,942,035 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136324] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05861-00019555-00019558 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5862, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:56,975,405 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136324] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05862-00019558-00019561 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5863, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,008,766 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136324] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05863-00019561-00019565 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5864, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,042,133 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136324] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05864-00019565-00019568 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5865, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,075,501 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136324] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05865-00019568-00019571 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5866, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,108,861 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136324] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05866-00019571-00019575 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5867, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,142,222 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136324] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05867-00019575-00019578 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5868, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,175,591 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136325] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05868-00019578-00019581 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5869, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,208,958 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136325] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05869-00019581-00019585 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5870, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,242,321 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136325] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05870-00019585-00019588 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5871, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,275,683 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136325] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05871-00019588-00019591 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5872, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,309,048 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136325] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05872-00019591-00019595 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5873, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,342,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136325] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05873-00019595-00019598 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5874, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,375,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136325] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05874-00019598-00019601 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5875, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,409,143 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5339] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136325] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05875-00019601-00019605 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5876, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,442,508 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136325] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05876-00019605-00019608 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5877, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,475,875 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136325] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05877-00019608-00019611 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5878, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,509,240 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136325] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05878-00019611-00019615 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5879, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,542,603 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136325] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05879-00019615-00019618 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5880, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,575,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136326] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05880-00019618-00019621 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5881, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,609,334 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136326] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05881-00019621-00019625 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5882, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,642,703 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136326] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05882-00019625-00019628 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5883, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,676,062 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136326] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05883-00019628-00019631 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5884, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,709,431 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136326] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05884-00019631-00019635 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5885, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,742,792 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136326] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05885-00019635-00019638 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5886, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,776,155 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136326] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05886-00019638-00019641 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5887, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,809,523 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136326] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05887-00019641-00019645 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5888, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,842,887 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136326] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05888-00019645-00019648 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5889, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,876,251 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136326] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05889-00019648-00019651 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5890, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,909,627 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136326] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05890-00019651-00019655 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5891, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,942,992 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136326] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05891-00019655-00019658 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5892, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:57,976,357 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136327] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05892-00019658-00019661 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5893, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,009,715 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136327] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05893-00019661-00019665 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5894, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,043,075 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136327] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05894-00019665-00019668 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5895, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,076,444 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136327] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05895-00019668-00019671 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5896, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,109,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136327] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05896-00019671-00019675 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5897, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,143,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136327] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05897-00019675-00019678 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5898, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,176,537 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136327] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05898-00019678-00019681 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5899, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,209,909 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136327] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05899-00019681-00019685 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5900, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,243,266 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136327] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05900-00019685-00019688 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5901, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,276,634 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136327] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05901-00019688-00019691 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5902, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,310,005 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136327] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05902-00019691-00019695 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5903, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,343,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136327] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05903-00019695-00019698 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5904, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,376,729 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136328] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05904-00019698-00019701 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5905, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,410,088 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136328] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05905-00019701-00019705 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5906, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,443,457 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136328] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05906-00019705-00019708 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5907, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,476,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136328] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05907-00019708-00019711 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5908, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,510,183 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136328] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05908-00019711-00019715 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5909, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,543,547 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136328] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05909-00019715-00019718 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5910, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,576,913 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136328] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05910-00019718-00019721 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5911, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,610,279 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136328] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05911-00019721-00019725 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5912, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,643,643 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136328] [altitude: 48.500000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05912-00019725-00019728 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5913, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,677,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136328] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05913-00019728-00019731 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5914, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,710,374 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136328] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05914-00019731-00019735 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5915, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,743,739 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136328] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05915-00019735-00019738 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5916, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,777,104 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136329] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05916-00019738-00019741 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5917, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,810,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136329] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05917-00019741-00019745 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5918, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,843,832 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136329] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05918-00019745-00019748 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5919, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,877,197 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136329] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05919-00019748-00019752 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5920, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,910,564 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136329] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05920-00019752-00019755 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5921, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,943,927 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136329] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05921-00019755-00019758 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5922, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:58,977,298 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136329] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05922-00019758-00019762 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5923, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,010,657 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136329] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05923-00019762-00019765 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5924, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,044,021 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136329] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05924-00019765-00019768 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5925, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,077,392 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136329] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05925-00019768-00019772 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5926, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,110,754 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136329] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05926-00019772-00019775 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5927, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,144,117 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136329] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05927-00019775-00019778 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5928, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,177,480 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136330] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05928-00019778-00019782 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5929, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,210,846 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136330] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05929-00019782-00019785 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5930, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,244,211 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136330] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05930-00019785-00019788 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5931, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,277,575 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136330] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05931-00019788-00019792 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5932, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,310,940 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136330] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05932-00019792-00019795 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5933, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,344,308 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136330] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05933-00019795-00019798 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5934, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,377,673 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136330] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05934-00019798-00019802 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5935, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,411,041 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136330] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05935-00019802-00019805 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5936, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,444,401 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136330] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05936-00019805-00019808 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5937, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,477,765 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136331] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05937-00019808-00019812 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5938, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,511,138 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136331] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05938-00019812-00019815 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5939, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,544,495 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136331] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05939-00019815-00019818 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5940, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,577,861 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136331] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05940-00019818-00019822 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5941, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,611,226 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136331] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05941-00019822-00019825 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5942, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,644,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136331] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05942-00019825-00019828 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5943, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,677,953 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136331] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05943-00019828-00019832 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5944, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,711,322 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136331] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05944-00019832-00019835 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5945, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,744,685 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136331] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05945-00019835-00019838 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5946, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,778,051 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136331] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05946-00019838-00019842 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5947, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,811,415 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136331] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05947-00019842-00019845 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5948, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,844,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136331] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05948-00019845-00019848 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5949, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,878,142 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136332] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05949-00019848-00019852 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5950, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,911,508 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136332] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05950-00019852-00019855 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5951, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,944,876 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136332] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05951-00019855-00019858 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5952, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:47:59,978,238 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136332] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05952-00019858-00019862 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5953, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,011,607 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136332] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05953-00019862-00019865 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5954, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,044,971 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136332] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05954-00019865-00019868 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5955, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,078,335 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136332] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05955-00019868-00019872 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5956, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,111,699 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136332] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05956-00019872-00019875 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5957, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,145,064 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136332] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05957-00019875-00019878 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5958, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,178,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136332] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05958-00019878-00019882 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5959, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,211,795 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136332] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05959-00019882-00019885 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5960, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,245,156 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136332] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05960-00019885-00019888 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5961, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,278,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136333] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05961-00019888-00019892 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5962, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,311,892 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136333] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05962-00019892-00019895 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5963, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,345,257 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136333] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05963-00019895-00019898 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5964, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,378,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136333] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05964-00019898-00019902 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5965, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,411,984 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136333] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05965-00019902-00019905 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5966, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,445,345 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136333] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05966-00019905-00019908 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5967, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,478,712 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136333] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05967-00019908-00019912 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5968, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,512,082 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136333] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05968-00019912-00019915 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5969, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,545,454 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136333] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05969-00019915-00019918 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5970, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,578,817 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136333] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05970-00019918-00019922 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5971, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,612,176 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136333] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05971-00019922-00019925 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5972, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,645,538 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136333] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05972-00019925-00019928 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5973, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,678,902 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136334] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05973-00019928-00019932 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5974, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,712,266 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136334] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05974-00019932-00019935 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5975, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,745,628 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136334] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05975-00019935-00019938 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5976, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,778,995 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136334] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05976-00019938-00019942 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5977, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,812,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136334] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05977-00019942-00019945 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5978, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,845,724 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136334] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05978-00019945-00019948 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5979, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,879,088 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136334] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05979-00019948-00019952 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5980, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,912,453 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136334] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05980-00019952-00019955 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5981, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,945,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136334] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05981-00019955-00019958 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5982, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:00,979,182 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136334] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05982-00019958-00019962 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5983, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,012,546 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136334] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05983-00019962-00019965 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5984, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,045,914 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136334] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05984-00019965-00019968 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5985, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,079,285 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136335] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05985-00019968-00019972 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5986, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,112,641 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136335] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05986-00019972-00019975 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5987, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,146,006 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136335] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05987-00019975-00019978 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5988, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,179,374 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136335] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05988-00019978-00019982 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5989, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,212,738 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136335] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05989-00019982-00019985 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5990, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,246,101 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136335] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05990-00019985-00019988 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5991, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,279,472 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136335] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05991-00019988-00019992 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5992, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,312,832 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136335] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05992-00019992-00019995 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5993, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,346,196 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136335] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05993-00019995-00019998 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5994, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,379,560 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136335] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05994-00019998-00020002 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5995, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,412,927 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136335] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05995-00020002-00020005 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5996, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,446,291 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136335] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05996-00020005-00020008 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5997, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,479,655 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136336] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05997-00020008-00020012 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5998, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,513,021 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136336] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05998-00020012-00020015 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 5999, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,546,385 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136336] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-05999-00020015-00020018 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6000, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,579,754 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136336] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06000-00020018-00020022 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6001, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,613,114 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136336] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06001-00020022-00020025 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6002, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,646,486 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136336] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06002-00020025-00020028 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6003, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,679,848 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136336] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06003-00020028-00020032 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6004, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,713,210 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136336] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06004-00020032-00020035 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6005, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,746,575 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136336] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06005-00020035-00020038 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6006, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,779,939 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136337] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06006-00020038-00020042 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6007, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,813,305 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136337] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06007-00020042-00020045 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6008, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,846,669 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136337] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06008-00020045-00020048 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6009, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,880,034 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136337] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06009-00020048-00020052 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6010, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,913,399 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136337] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06010-00020052-00020055 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6011, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,946,764 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136337] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06011-00020055-00020058 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6012, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:01,980,132 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136337] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06012-00020058-00020062 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6013, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,013,491 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136337] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06013-00020062-00020065 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6014, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,046,857 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136337] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06014-00020065-00020068 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6015, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,080,222 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136337] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06015-00020068-00020072 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6016, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,113,591 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136337] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06016-00020072-00020075 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6017, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,146,953 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136337] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06017-00020075-00020078 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6018, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,180,317 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136338] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06018-00020078-00020082 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6019, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,213,685 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136338] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06019-00020082-00020085 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6020, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,247,047 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136338] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06020-00020085-00020088 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6021, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,280,411 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136338] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06021-00020088-00020092 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6022, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,313,776 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136338] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06022-00020092-00020095 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6023, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,347,142 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136338] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06023-00020095-00020098 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6024, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,380,507 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136338] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06024-00020098-00020102 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6025, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,413,870 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136338] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06025-00020102-00020105 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6026, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,447,238 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136338] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06026-00020105-00020109 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6027, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,480,600 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136338] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06027-00020109-00020112 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6028, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,513,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136338] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06028-00020112-00020115 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6029, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,547,357 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136338] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06029-00020115-00020119 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6030, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,580,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136339] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06030-00020119-00020122 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6031, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,614,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136339] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06031-00020122-00020125 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6032, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,647,426 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136339] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06032-00020125-00020129 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6033, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,680,795 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136339] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06033-00020129-00020132 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6034, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,714,156 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136339] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06034-00020132-00020135 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6035, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,747,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136339] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06035-00020135-00020139 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6036, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,780,886 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136339] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06036-00020139-00020142 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6037, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,814,253 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136339] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06037-00020142-00020145 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6038, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,847,615 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136339] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06038-00020145-00020149 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6039, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,880,978 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136339] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06039-00020149-00020152 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6040, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,914,345 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136339] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06040-00020152-00020155 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6041, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,947,709 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136339] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06041-00020155-00020159 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6042, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:02,981,074 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136340] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06042-00020159-00020162 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6043, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,014,441 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136340] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06043-00020162-00020165 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6044, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,047,804 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136340] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06044-00020165-00020169 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6045, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,081,167 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136340] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06045-00020169-00020172 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6046, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,114,535 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136340] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06046-00020172-00020175 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6047, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,147,898 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136340] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06047-00020175-00020179 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6048, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,181,265 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136340] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06048-00020179-00020182 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6049, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,214,627 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136340] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06049-00020182-00020185 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6050, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,247,992 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136340] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06050-00020185-00020189 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6051, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,281,360 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136340] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06051-00020189-00020192 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6052, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,314,725 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136340] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06052-00020192-00020195 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6053, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,348,089 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136340] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06053-00020195-00020199 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6054, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,381,459 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136341] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06054-00020199-00020202 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6055, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,414,820 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136341] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06055-00020202-00020205 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6056, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,448,182 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136341] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06056-00020205-00020209 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6057, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,481,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136341] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06057-00020209-00020212 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6058, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,514,911 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136341] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06058-00020212-00020215 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6059, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,548,278 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136341] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06059-00020215-00020219 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6060, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,581,642 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136341] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06060-00020219-00020222 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6061, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,615,007 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136341] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06061-00020222-00020225 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6062, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,648,372 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136341] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06062-00020225-00020229 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6063, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,681,748 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136341] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06063-00020229-00020232 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6064, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,715,104 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136341] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06064-00020232-00020235 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6065, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,748,465 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136341] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06065-00020235-00020239 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6066, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,781,831 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136342] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06066-00020239-00020242 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6067, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,815,195 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136342] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06067-00020242-00020245 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6068, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,848,561 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136342] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06068-00020245-00020249 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6069, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,881,928 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136342] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06069-00020249-00020252 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6070, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,915,291 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136342] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06070-00020252-00020255 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6071, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,948,653 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136342] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06071-00020255-00020259 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6072, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:03,982,022 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136342] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06072-00020259-00020262 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6073, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,015,384 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136342] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06073-00020262-00020265 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6074, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,048,749 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136342] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06074-00020265-00020269 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6075, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,082,118 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136343] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06075-00020269-00020272 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6076, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,115,481 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136343] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06076-00020272-00020275 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6077, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,148,844 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136343] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06077-00020275-00020279 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6078, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,182,242 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136343] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06078-00020279-00020282 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6079, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,215,573 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136343] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06079-00020282-00020285 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6080, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,248,939 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136343] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06080-00020285-00020289 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6081, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,282,305 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136343] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06081-00020289-00020292 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6082, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,315,667 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136343] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06082-00020292-00020295 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6083, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,349,031 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136343] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06083-00020295-00020299 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6084, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,382,397 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136343] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06084-00020299-00020302 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6085, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,415,762 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136343] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06085-00020302-00020305 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6086, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,449,136 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5338] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136343] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06086-00020305-00020309 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6087, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,482,503 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136344] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06087-00020309-00020312 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6088, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,515,859 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136344] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06088-00020312-00020315 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6089, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,549,223 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136344] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06089-00020315-00020319 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6090, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,582,593 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136344] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06090-00020319-00020322 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6091, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,615,952 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136344] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06091-00020322-00020325 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6092, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,649,315 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136344] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06092-00020325-00020329 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6093, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,682,691 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136344] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06093-00020329-00020332 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6094, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,716,045 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136344] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06094-00020332-00020335 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6095, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,749,412 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136344] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06095-00020335-00020339 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6096, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,782,776 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136344] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06096-00020339-00020342 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6097, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,816,143 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136344] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06097-00020342-00020345 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6098, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,849,504 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136344] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06098-00020345-00020349 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6099, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,882,873 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136345] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06099-00020349-00020352 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6100, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,916,237 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136345] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06100-00020352-00020355 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6101, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,949,602 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136345] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06101-00020355-00020359 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6102, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:04,982,969 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136345] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06102-00020359-00020362 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6103, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,016,332 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136345] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06103-00020362-00020365 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6104, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,049,697 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136345] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06104-00020365-00020369 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6105, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,083,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136345] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06105-00020369-00020372 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6106, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,116,425 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136345] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06106-00020372-00020375 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6107, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,149,789 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136345] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06107-00020375-00020379 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6108, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,183,155 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136345] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06108-00020379-00020382 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6109, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,216,518 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136345] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06109-00020382-00020385 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6110, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,249,884 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136345] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06110-00020385-00020389 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6111, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,283,250 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136346] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06111-00020389-00020392 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6112, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,316,614 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136346] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06112-00020392-00020395 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6113, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,349,977 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136346] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06113-00020395-00020399 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6114, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,383,345 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136346] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06114-00020399-00020402 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6115, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,416,708 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136346] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06115-00020402-00020405 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6116, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,450,072 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136346] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06116-00020405-00020409 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6117, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,483,439 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136346] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06117-00020409-00020412 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6118, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,516,803 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136346] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06118-00020412-00020415 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6119, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,550,167 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136346] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06119-00020415-00020419 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6120, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,583,537 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136346] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06120-00020419-00020422 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6121, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,616,897 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136346] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06121-00020422-00020425 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6122, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,650,261 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136346] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06122-00020425-00020429 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6123, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,683,633 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136347] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06123-00020429-00020432 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6124, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,716,991 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136347] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06124-00020432-00020435 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6125, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,750,357 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136347] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06125-00020435-00020439 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6126, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,783,724 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136347] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06126-00020439-00020442 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6127, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,817,085 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136347] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06127-00020442-00020445 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6128, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,850,454 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136347] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06128-00020445-00020449 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6129, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,883,820 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136347] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06129-00020449-00020452 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6130, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,917,180 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136347] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06130-00020452-00020455 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6131, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,950,545 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136347] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06131-00020455-00020459 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6132, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:05,983,913 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136347] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06132-00020459-00020462 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6133, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,017,274 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136347] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06133-00020462-00020466 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6134, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,050,639 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136347] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06134-00020466-00020469 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6135, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,084,005 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136348] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06135-00020469-00020472 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6136, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,117,371 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136348] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06136-00020472-00020476 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6137, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,150,736 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136348] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06137-00020476-00020479 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6138, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,184,101 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136348] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06138-00020479-00020482 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6139, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,217,464 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136348] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06139-00020482-00020486 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6140, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,250,829 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136348] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06140-00020486-00020489 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6141, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,284,199 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136348] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06141-00020489-00020492 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6142, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,317,559 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136348] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06142-00020492-00020496 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6143, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,350,925 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136348] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06143-00020496-00020499 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6144, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,384,288 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136349] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06144-00020499-00020502 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6145, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,417,654 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136349] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06145-00020502-00020506 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6146, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,451,019 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136349] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06146-00020506-00020509 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6147, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,484,383 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136349] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06147-00020509-00020512 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6148, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,517,751 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136349] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06148-00020512-00020516 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6149, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,551,111 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136349] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06149-00020516-00020519 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6150, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,584,480 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136349] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06150-00020519-00020522 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6151, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,617,843 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136349] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06151-00020522-00020526 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6152, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,651,205 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136349] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06152-00020526-00020529 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6153, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,684,584 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136349] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06153-00020529-00020532 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6154, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,717,936 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136349] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06154-00020532-00020536 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6155, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,751,300 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136349] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06155-00020536-00020539 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6156, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,784,668 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136350] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06156-00020539-00020542 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6157, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,818,030 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136350] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06157-00020542-00020546 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6158, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,851,395 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136350] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06158-00020546-00020549 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6159, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,884,763 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136350] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06159-00020549-00020552 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6160, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,918,128 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136350] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06160-00020552-00020556 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6161, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,951,492 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136350] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06161-00020556-00020559 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6162, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:06,984,855 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136350] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06162-00020559-00020562 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6163, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,018,220 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136350] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06163-00020562-00020566 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6164, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,051,584 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136350] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06164-00020566-00020569 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6165, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,084,952 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136350] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06165-00020569-00020572 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6166, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,118,315 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136350] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06166-00020572-00020576 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6167, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,151,679 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136350] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06167-00020576-00020579 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6168, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,185,049 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136351] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06168-00020579-00020582 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6169, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,218,409 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136351] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06169-00020582-00020586 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6170, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,251,773 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136351] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06170-00020586-00020589 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6171, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,285,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136351] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06171-00020589-00020592 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6172, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,318,507 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136351] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06172-00020592-00020596 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6173, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,351,867 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136351] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06173-00020596-00020599 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6174, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,385,237 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136351] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06174-00020599-00020602 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6175, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,418,598 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136351] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06175-00020602-00020606 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6176, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,451,962 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136351] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06176-00020606-00020609 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6177, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,485,329 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136351] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06177-00020609-00020612 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6178, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,518,691 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136351] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06178-00020612-00020616 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6179, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,552,057 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136351] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06179-00020616-00020619 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6180, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,585,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136352] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06180-00020619-00020622 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6181, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,618,787 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136352] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06181-00020622-00020626 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6182, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,652,151 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136352] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06182-00020626-00020629 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6183, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,685,519 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136352] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06183-00020629-00020632 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6184, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,718,883 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136352] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06184-00020632-00020636 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6185, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,752,250 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136352] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06185-00020636-00020639 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6186, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,785,623 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136352] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06186-00020639-00020642 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6187, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,818,979 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136352] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06187-00020642-00020646 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6188, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,852,341 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136352] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06188-00020646-00020649 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6189, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,885,712 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136352] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06189-00020649-00020652 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6190, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,919,071 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136352] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06190-00020652-00020656 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6191, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,952,438 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136352] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06191-00020656-00020659 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6192, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:07,985,811 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06192-00020659-00020662 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6193, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,019,166 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06193-00020662-00020666 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6194, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,052,530 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06194-00020666-00020669 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6195, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,085,901 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06195-00020669-00020672 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6196, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,119,261 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06196-00020672-00020676 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6197, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,152,625 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06197-00020676-00020679 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6198, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,185,994 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06198-00020679-00020682 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6199, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,219,359 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06199-00020682-00020686 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6200, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,252,718 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06200-00020686-00020689 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6201, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,286,097 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06201-00020689-00020692 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6202, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,319,452 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06202-00020692-00020696 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6203, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,352,814 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06203-00020696-00020699 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6204, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,386,179 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136354] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06204-00020699-00020702 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6205, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,419,546 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136354] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06205-00020702-00020706 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6206, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,452,908 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136354] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06206-00020706-00020709 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6207, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,486,273 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136354] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06207-00020709-00020712 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6208, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,519,639 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136354] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06208-00020712-00020716 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6209, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,553,003 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136354] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06209-00020716-00020719 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6210, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,586,369 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136354] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06210-00020719-00020722 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6211, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,619,733 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136354] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06211-00020722-00020726 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6212, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,653,097 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136354] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06212-00020726-00020729 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6213, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,686,464 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06213-00020729-00020732 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6214, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,719,830 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06214-00020732-00020736 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6215, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,753,192 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06215-00020736-00020739 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6216, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,786,561 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06216-00020739-00020742 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6217, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,819,924 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06217-00020742-00020746 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6218, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,853,287 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06218-00020746-00020749 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6219, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,886,659 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06219-00020749-00020752 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6220, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,920,019 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06220-00020752-00020756 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6221, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,953,382 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06221-00020756-00020759 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6222, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:08,986,747 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06222-00020759-00020762 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6223, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,020,112 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06223-00020762-00020766 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6224, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,053,476 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06224-00020766-00020769 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6225, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,086,844 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06225-00020769-00020772 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6226, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,120,204 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06226-00020772-00020776 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6227, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,153,576 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06227-00020776-00020779 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6228, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,186,937 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06228-00020779-00020782 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6229, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,220,300 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06229-00020782-00020786 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6230, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,253,667 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06230-00020786-00020789 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6231, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,287,030 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06231-00020789-00020792 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6232, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,320,395 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06232-00020792-00020796 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6233, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,353,759 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06233-00020796-00020799 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6234, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,387,128 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06234-00020799-00020802 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6235, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,420,490 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06235-00020802-00020806 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6236, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,453,853 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06236-00020806-00020809 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6237, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,487,220 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06237-00020809-00020813 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6238, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,520,584 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06238-00020813-00020816 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6239, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,553,957 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06239-00020816-00020819 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6240, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,587,313 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06240-00020819-00020823 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6241, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,620,678 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06241-00020823-00020826 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6242, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,654,044 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06242-00020826-00020829 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6243, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,687,426 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06243-00020829-00020833 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6244, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,720,778 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06244-00020833-00020836 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6245, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,754,136 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06245-00020836-00020839 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6246, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,787,505 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06246-00020839-00020843 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6247, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,820,870 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06247-00020843-00020846 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6248, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,854,231 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06248-00020846-00020849 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6249, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,887,597 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06249-00020849-00020853 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6250, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,920,962 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06250-00020853-00020856 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6251, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,954,328 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06251-00020856-00020859 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6252, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:09,987,694 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06252-00020859-00020863 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6253, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,021,057 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06253-00020863-00020866 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6254, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,054,421 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06254-00020866-00020869 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6255, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,087,789 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06255-00020869-00020873 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6256, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,121,151 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06256-00020873-00020876 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6257, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,154,518 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06257-00020876-00020879 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6258, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,187,882 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06258-00020879-00020883 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6259, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,221,246 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06259-00020883-00020886 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6260, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,254,613 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06260-00020886-00020889 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6261, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,287,976 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06261-00020889-00020893 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6262, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,321,341 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06262-00020893-00020896 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6263, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,354,705 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06263-00020896-00020899 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6264, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,388,070 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06264-00020899-00020903 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6265, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,421,434 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06265-00020903-00020906 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6266, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,454,803 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06266-00020906-00020909 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6267, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,488,166 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06267-00020909-00020913 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6268, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,521,530 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06268-00020913-00020916 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6269, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,554,894 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06269-00020916-00020919 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6270, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,588,260 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06270-00020919-00020923 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6271, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,621,625 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06271-00020923-00020926 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6272, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,654,988 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06272-00020926-00020929 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6273, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,688,354 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06273-00020929-00020933 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6274, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,721,723 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06274-00020933-00020936 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6275, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,755,083 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06275-00020936-00020939 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6276, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,788,448 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06276-00020939-00020943 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6277, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,821,816 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06277-00020943-00020946 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6278, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,855,178 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06278-00020946-00020949 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6279, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,888,546 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06279-00020949-00020953 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6280, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,921,910 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06280-00020953-00020956 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6281, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,955,273 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06281-00020956-00020959 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6282, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:10,988,637 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06282-00020959-00020963 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6283, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,022,004 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06283-00020963-00020966 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6284, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,055,371 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06284-00020966-00020969 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6285, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,088,733 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06285-00020969-00020973 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6286, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,122,098 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06286-00020973-00020976 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6287, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,155,460 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06287-00020976-00020979 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6288, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,188,829 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06288-00020979-00020983 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6289, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,222,191 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06289-00020983-00020986 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6290, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,255,556 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06290-00020986-00020989 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6291, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,288,924 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06291-00020989-00020993 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6292, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,322,285 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06292-00020993-00020996 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6293, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,355,650 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06293-00020996-00020999 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6294, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,389,020 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06294-00020999-00021003 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6295, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,422,380 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06295-00021003-00021006 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6296, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,455,744 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06296-00021006-00021009 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6297, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,489,117 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06297-00021009-00021013 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6298, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,522,474 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06298-00021013-00021016 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6299, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,555,839 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06299-00021016-00021019 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6300, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,589,205 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06300-00021019-00021023 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6301, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,622,568 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06301-00021023-00021026 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6302, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,655,933 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06302-00021026-00021029 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6303, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,689,299 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06303-00021029-00021033 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6304, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,722,668 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06304-00021033-00021036 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6305, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,756,028 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06305-00021036-00021039 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6306, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,789,394 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06306-00021039-00021043 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6307, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,822,760 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06307-00021043-00021046 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6308, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,856,123 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06308-00021046-00021049 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6309, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,889,491 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06309-00021049-00021053 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6310, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,922,854 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06310-00021053-00021056 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6311, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,956,218 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06311-00021056-00021059 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6312, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:11,989,586 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06312-00021059-00021063 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6313, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,022,948 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06313-00021063-00021066 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6314, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,056,314 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06314-00021066-00021069 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6315, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,089,683 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06315-00021069-00021073 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6316, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,123,042 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06316-00021073-00021076 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6317, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,156,408 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06317-00021076-00021079 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6318, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,189,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06318-00021079-00021083 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6319, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,223,136 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06319-00021083-00021086 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6320, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,256,503 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06320-00021086-00021089 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6321, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,289,870 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06321-00021089-00021093 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6322, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,323,232 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06322-00021093-00021096 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6323, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,356,597 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06323-00021096-00021099 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6324, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,389,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06324-00021099-00021103 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6325, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,423,326 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06325-00021103-00021106 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6326, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,456,692 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06326-00021106-00021109 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6327, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,490,056 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06327-00021109-00021113 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6328, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,523,420 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06328-00021113-00021116 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6329, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,556,785 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06329-00021116-00021119 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6330, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,590,150 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06330-00021119-00021123 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6331, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,623,514 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06331-00021123-00021126 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6332, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,656,879 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06332-00021126-00021129 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6333, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,690,245 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06333-00021129-00021133 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6334, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,723,610 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06334-00021133-00021136 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6335, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,756,974 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06335-00021136-00021139 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6336, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,790,339 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06336-00021139-00021143 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6337, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,823,704 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06337-00021143-00021146 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6338, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,857,068 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06338-00021146-00021149 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6339, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,890,435 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06339-00021149-00021153 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6340, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,923,798 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06340-00021153-00021156 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6341, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,957,163 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06341-00021156-00021159 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6342, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:12,990,528 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06342-00021159-00021163 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6343, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,023,893 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06343-00021163-00021166 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6344, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,057,263 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06344-00021166-00021170 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6345, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,090,628 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06345-00021170-00021173 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6346, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,123,989 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06346-00021173-00021176 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6347, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,157,355 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06347-00021176-00021180 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6348, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,190,721 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06348-00021180-00021183 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6349, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,224,084 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06349-00021183-00021186 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6350, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,257,447 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06350-00021186-00021190 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6351, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,290,812 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06351-00021190-00021193 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6352, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,324,181 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06352-00021193-00021196 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6353, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,357,541 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06353-00021196-00021200 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6354, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,390,910 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06354-00021200-00021203 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6355, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,424,272 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06355-00021203-00021206 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6356, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,457,637 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06356-00021206-00021210 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6357, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,491,002 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06357-00021210-00021213 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6358, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,524,366 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06358-00021213-00021216 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6359, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,557,731 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06359-00021216-00021220 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6360, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,591,096 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06360-00021220-00021223 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6361, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,624,461 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06361-00021223-00021226 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6362, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,657,825 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06362-00021226-00021230 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6363, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,691,190 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06363-00021230-00021233 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6364, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,724,557 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06364-00021233-00021236 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6365, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,757,920 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06365-00021236-00021240 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6366, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,791,285 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06366-00021240-00021243 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6367, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,824,650 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06367-00021243-00021246 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6368, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,858,017 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06368-00021246-00021250 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6369, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,891,379 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06369-00021250-00021253 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6370, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,924,745 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06370-00021253-00021256 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6371, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,958,109 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06371-00021256-00021260 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6372, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:13,991,474 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06372-00021260-00021263 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6373, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,024,844 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06373-00021263-00021266 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6374, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,058,203 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06374-00021266-00021270 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6375, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,091,572 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06375-00021270-00021273 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6376, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,124,938 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06376-00021273-00021276 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6377, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,158,297 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06377-00021276-00021280 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6378, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,191,665 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06378-00021280-00021283 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6379, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,225,030 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06379-00021283-00021286 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6380, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,258,391 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06380-00021286-00021290 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6381, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,291,759 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06381-00021290-00021293 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6382, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,325,123 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06382-00021293-00021296 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6383, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,358,487 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06383-00021296-00021300 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6384, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,391,853 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06384-00021300-00021303 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6385, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,425,221 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06385-00021303-00021306 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6386, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,458,580 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06386-00021306-00021310 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6387, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,491,947 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06387-00021310-00021313 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6388, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,525,311 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06388-00021313-00021316 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6389, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,558,676 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06389-00021316-00021320 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6390, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,592,041 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06390-00021320-00021323 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6391, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,625,407 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06391-00021323-00021326 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6392, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,658,770 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06392-00021326-00021330 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6393, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,692,136 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06393-00021330-00021333 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6394, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,725,500 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06394-00021333-00021336 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6395, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,758,865 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06395-00021336-00021340 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6396, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,792,229 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06396-00021340-00021343 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6397, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,825,597 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06397-00021343-00021346 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6398, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,858,959 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136371] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06398-00021346-00021350 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6399, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,892,325 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136371] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06399-00021350-00021353 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6400, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,925,692 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136371] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06400-00021353-00021356 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6401, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,959,054 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136371] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06401-00021356-00021360 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6402, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:14,992,425 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136371] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06402-00021360-00021363 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6403, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,025,785 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136371] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06403-00021363-00021366 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6404, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,059,148 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136371] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06404-00021366-00021370 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6405, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,092,513 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136371] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06405-00021370-00021373 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6406, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,125,879 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136371] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06406-00021373-00021376 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6407, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,159,245 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06407-00021376-00021380 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6408, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,192,609 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06408-00021380-00021383 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6409, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,225,974 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06409-00021383-00021386 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6410, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,259,340 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5337] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06410-00021386-00021390 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6411, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,292,705 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06411-00021390-00021393 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6412, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,326,069 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5340] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06412-00021393-00021396 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6413, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,359,434 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06413-00021396-00021400 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6414, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,392,798 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5343] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06414-00021400-00021403 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6415, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,426,162 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06415-00021403-00021406 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6416, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,459,526 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5347] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06416-00021406-00021410 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6417, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,492,894 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5353] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06417-00021410-00021413 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6418, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,526,255 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5353] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06418-00021413-00021416 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6419, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,559,625 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5359] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06419-00021416-00021420 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6420, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,593,001 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5359] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06420-00021420-00021423 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6421, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,626,350 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5366] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06421-00021423-00021426 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6422, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,659,715 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5366] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06422-00021426-00021430 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6423, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,693,080 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5374] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06423-00021430-00021433 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6424, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,726,448 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5374] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06424-00021433-00021436 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6425, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,759,809 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06425-00021436-00021440 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6426, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,793,174 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5382] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06426-00021440-00021443 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6427, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,826,541 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5390] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06427-00021443-00021446 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6428, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,859,909 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5390] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06428-00021446-00021450 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6429, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,893,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5398] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06429-00021450-00021453 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6430, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,926,634 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5398] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06430-00021453-00021456 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6431, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,960,000 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5405] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06431-00021456-00021460 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6432, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:15,993,364 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5405] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06432-00021460-00021463 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6433, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,026,730 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5411] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06433-00021463-00021466 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6434, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,060,097 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5411] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06434-00021466-00021470 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6435, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,093,460 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5417] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06435-00021470-00021473 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6436, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,126,827 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5417] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06436-00021473-00021476 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6437, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,160,191 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5423] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06437-00021476-00021480 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6438, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,193,554 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5423] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06438-00021480-00021483 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6439, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,226,918 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5430] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06439-00021483-00021486 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6440, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,260,284 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5430] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06440-00021486-00021490 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6441, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,293,650 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5437] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06441-00021490-00021493 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6442, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,327,013 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5437] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06442-00021493-00021496 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6443, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,360,377 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5445] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06443-00021496-00021500 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6444, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,393,746 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5445] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06444-00021500-00021503 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6445, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,427,109 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5453] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06445-00021503-00021506 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6446, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,460,475 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5453] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06446-00021506-00021510 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6447, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,493,849 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5461] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06447-00021510-00021513 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6448, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,527,204 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5461] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06448-00021513-00021517 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6449, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,560,568 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5471] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06449-00021517-00021520 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6450, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,593,932 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5471] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06450-00021520-00021523 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6451, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,627,297 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5479] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06451-00021523-00021527 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6452, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,660,662 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5479] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06452-00021527-00021530 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6453, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,694,028 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5487] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06453-00021530-00021533 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6454, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,727,390 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5487] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06454-00021533-00021537 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6455, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,760,759 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5494] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06455-00021537-00021540 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6456, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,794,123 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5494] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06456-00021540-00021543 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6457, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,827,489 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5501] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06457-00021543-00021547 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6458, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,860,853 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5501] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06458-00021547-00021550 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6459, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,894,214 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5508] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06459-00021550-00021553 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6460, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,927,584 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5508] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06460-00021553-00021557 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6461, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,960,944 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5513] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06461-00021557-00021560 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6462, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:16,994,314 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5513] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06462-00021560-00021563 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6463, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,027,680 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5517] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06463-00021563-00021567 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6464, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,061,045 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5517] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06464-00021567-00021570 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6465, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,094,408 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5520] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06465-00021570-00021573 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6466, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,127,777 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5520] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06466-00021573-00021577 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6467, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,161,137 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5522] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06467-00021577-00021580 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6468, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,194,498 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5522] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06468-00021580-00021583 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6469, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,227,865 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5524] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06469-00021583-00021587 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6470, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,261,229 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5524] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06470-00021587-00021590 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6471, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,294,595 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5524] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06471-00021590-00021593 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6472, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,327,965 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5524] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06472-00021593-00021597 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6473, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,361,325 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5525] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06473-00021597-00021600 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6474, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,394,688 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5525] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06474-00021600-00021603 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6475, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,428,060 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5525] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06475-00021603-00021607 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6476, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,461,420 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5525] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06476-00021607-00021610 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6477, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,494,783 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5526] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06477-00021610-00021613 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6478, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,528,148 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5526] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06478-00021613-00021617 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6479, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,561,513 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5527] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06479-00021617-00021620 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6480, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,594,878 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5527] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06480-00021620-00021623 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6481, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,628,244 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5527] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06481-00021623-00021627 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6482, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,661,610 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5527] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06482-00021627-00021630 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6483, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,694,975 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5528] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06483-00021630-00021633 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6484, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,728,340 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5528] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06484-00021633-00021637 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6485, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,761,702 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5529] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06485-00021637-00021640 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6486, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,795,066 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5529] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06486-00021640-00021643 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6487, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,828,432 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5529] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06487-00021643-00021647 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6488, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,861,800 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5529] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06488-00021647-00021650 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6489, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,895,161 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5529] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06489-00021650-00021653 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6490, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,928,527 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5529] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06490-00021653-00021657 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6491, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,961,890 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5529] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06491-00021657-00021660 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6492, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:17,995,256 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5529] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06492-00021660-00021663 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6493, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,028,625 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5529] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06493-00021663-00021667 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6494, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,061,985 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5529] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06494-00021667-00021670 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6495, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,095,349 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5529] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06495-00021670-00021673 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6496, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,128,713 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5529] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06496-00021673-00021677 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6497, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,162,083 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5529] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06497-00021677-00021680 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6498, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,195,447 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5529] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06498-00021680-00021683 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6499, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,228,809 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5530] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06499-00021683-00021687 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6500, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,262,177 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5530] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06500-00021687-00021690 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6501, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,295,539 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5532] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06501-00021690-00021693 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6502, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,328,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5532] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06502-00021693-00021697 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6503, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,362,271 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5532] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06503-00021697-00021700 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6504, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,395,634 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5532] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06504-00021700-00021703 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6505, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,429,000 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5532] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06505-00021703-00021707 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6506, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,462,365 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5532] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06506-00021707-00021710 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6507, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,495,729 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5532] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06507-00021710-00021713 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6508, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,529,096 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5532] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06508-00021713-00021717 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6509, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,562,460 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5532] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06509-00021717-00021720 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6510, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,595,825 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5532] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06510-00021720-00021723 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6511, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,629,193 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5532] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06511-00021723-00021727 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6512, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,662,554 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5532] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06512-00021727-00021730 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6513, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,695,920 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06513-00021730-00021733 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6514, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,729,284 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06514-00021733-00021737 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6515, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,762,647 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06515-00021737-00021740 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6516, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,796,012 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06516-00021740-00021743 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6517, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,829,386 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06517-00021743-00021747 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6518, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,862,743 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06518-00021747-00021750 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6519, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,896,107 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06519-00021750-00021753 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6520, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,929,475 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06520-00021753-00021757 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6521, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,962,839 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06521-00021757-00021760 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6522, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:18,996,201 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06522-00021760-00021763 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6523, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,029,575 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06523-00021763-00021767 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6524, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,062,935 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06524-00021767-00021770 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6525, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,096,296 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06525-00021770-00021773 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6526, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,129,660 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06526-00021773-00021777 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6527, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,163,026 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06527-00021777-00021780 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6528, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,196,391 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06528-00021780-00021783 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6529, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,229,754 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06529-00021783-00021787 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6530, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,263,118 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06530-00021787-00021790 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6531, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,296,490 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06531-00021790-00021793 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6532, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,329,848 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06532-00021793-00021797 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6533, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,363,214 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06533-00021797-00021800 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6534, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,396,579 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06534-00021800-00021803 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6535, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,429,944 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06535-00021803-00021807 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6536, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,463,309 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06536-00021807-00021810 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6537, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,496,676 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06537-00021810-00021813 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6538, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,530,042 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06538-00021813-00021817 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6539, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,563,402 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06539-00021817-00021820 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6540, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,596,767 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06540-00021820-00021823 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6541, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,630,137 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06541-00021823-00021827 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6542, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,663,497 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5533] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06542-00021827-00021830 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6543, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,696,865 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5534] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06543-00021830-00021833 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6544, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,730,229 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5534] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06544-00021833-00021837 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6545, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,763,593 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5536] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06545-00021837-00021840 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6546, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,796,959 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5536] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06546-00021840-00021843 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6547, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,830,332 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5539] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06547-00021843-00021847 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6548, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,863,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5539] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06548-00021847-00021850 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6549, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,897,051 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5543] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06549-00021850-00021853 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6550, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,930,426 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5543] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06550-00021853-00021857 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6551, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,963,780 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5549] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06551-00021857-00021860 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6552, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:19,997,146 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5549] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06552-00021860-00021863 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6553, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,030,511 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5555] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06553-00021863-00021867 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6554, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,063,875 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5555] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06554-00021867-00021870 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6555, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,097,240 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5563] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06555-00021870-00021874 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6556, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,130,605 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5563] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06556-00021874-00021877 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6557, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,163,971 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5571] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06557-00021877-00021880 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6558, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,197,336 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5571] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06558-00021880-00021884 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6559, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,230,702 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5582] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06559-00021884-00021887 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6560, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,264,066 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5582] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06560-00021887-00021890 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6561, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,297,429 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5593] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06561-00021890-00021894 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6562, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,330,798 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5593] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06562-00021894-00021897 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6563, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,364,161 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5604] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06563-00021897-00021900 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6564, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,397,523 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5604] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06564-00021900-00021904 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6565, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,430,891 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5616] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06565-00021904-00021907 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6566, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,464,256 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5616] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06566-00021907-00021910 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6567, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,497,619 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5628] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06567-00021910-00021914 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6568, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,530,989 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5628] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06568-00021914-00021917 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6569, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,564,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5641] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06569-00021917-00021920 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6570, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,597,712 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5641] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06570-00021920-00021924 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6571, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,631,081 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5655] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06571-00021924-00021927 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6572, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,664,443 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5655] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06572-00021927-00021930 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6573, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,697,811 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5668] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06573-00021930-00021934 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6574, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,731,177 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5668] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06574-00021934-00021937 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6575, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,764,539 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5680] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06575-00021937-00021940 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6576, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,797,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5680] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06576-00021940-00021944 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6577, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,831,269 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5693] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06577-00021944-00021947 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6578, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,864,634 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5693] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06578-00021947-00021950 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6579, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,897,996 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5706] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06579-00021950-00021954 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6580, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,931,365 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5706] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06580-00021954-00021957 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6581, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,964,727 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5718] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06581-00021957-00021960 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6582, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:20,998,096 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5718] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06582-00021960-00021964 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6583, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,031,457 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5731] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06583-00021964-00021967 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6584, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,064,822 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5731] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06584-00021967-00021970 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6585, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,098,187 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5743] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06585-00021970-00021974 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6586, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,131,552 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5743] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06586-00021974-00021977 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6587, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,164,919 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5754] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06587-00021977-00021980 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6588, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,198,282 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5754] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06588-00021980-00021984 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6589, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,231,650 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5766] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06589-00021984-00021987 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6590, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,265,025 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5766] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06590-00021987-00021990 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6591, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,298,377 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5777] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06591-00021990-00021994 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6592, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,331,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5777] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06592-00021994-00021997 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6593, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,365,104 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5788] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06593-00021997-00022000 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6594, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,398,471 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5788] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06594-00022000-00022004 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6595, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,431,838 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06595-00022004-00022007 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6596, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,465,202 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5798] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06596-00022007-00022010 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6597, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,498,565 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5808] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06597-00022010-00022014 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6598, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,531,932 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5808] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06598-00022014-00022017 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6599, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,565,293 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5818] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06599-00022017-00022020 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6600, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,598,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5818] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06600-00022020-00022024 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6601, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,632,028 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5827] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06601-00022024-00022027 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6602, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,665,388 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5827] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06602-00022027-00022030 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6603, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,698,753 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5836] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06603-00022030-00022034 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6604, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,732,119 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5836] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06604-00022034-00022037 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6605, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,765,485 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5844] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136389] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06605-00022037-00022040 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6606, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,798,848 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5844] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136389] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06606-00022040-00022044 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6607, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,832,218 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5853] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136389] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06607-00022044-00022047 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6608, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,865,583 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5853] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136389] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06608-00022047-00022050 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6609, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,898,942 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5861] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136389] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06609-00022050-00022054 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6610, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,932,312 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5861] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136389] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06610-00022054-00022057 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6611, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,965,674 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5868] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136389] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06611-00022057-00022060 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6612, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:21,999,048 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5868] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136389] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06612-00022060-00022064 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6613, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,032,408 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5875] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136389] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06613-00022064-00022067 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6614, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,065,766 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5875] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06614-00022067-00022070 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6615, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,099,134 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5882] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06615-00022070-00022074 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6616, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,132,496 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5882] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06616-00022074-00022077 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6617, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,165,861 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06617-00022077-00022080 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6618, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,199,226 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06618-00022080-00022084 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6619, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,232,598 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5896] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06619-00022084-00022087 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6620, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,265,954 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5896] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06620-00022087-00022090 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6621, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,299,323 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5902] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06621-00022090-00022094 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6622, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,332,690 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5902] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06622-00022094-00022097 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6623, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,366,050 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5909] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06623-00022097-00022100 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6624, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,399,421 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5909] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06624-00022100-00022104 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6625, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,432,781 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5915] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06625-00022104-00022107 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6626, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,466,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5915] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06626-00022107-00022110 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6627, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,499,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5920] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06627-00022110-00022114 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6628, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,532,884 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5920] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06628-00022114-00022117 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6629, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,566,238 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5926] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06629-00022117-00022120 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6630, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,599,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5926] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06630-00022120-00022124 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6631, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,633,019 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5931] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06631-00022124-00022127 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6632, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,666,333 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5931] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06632-00022127-00022130 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6633, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,699,702 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5936] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06633-00022130-00022134 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6634, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,733,064 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5936] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06634-00022134-00022137 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6635, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,766,428 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06635-00022137-00022140 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6636, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,799,796 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06636-00022140-00022144 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6637, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,833,159 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06637-00022144-00022147 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6638, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,866,527 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06638-00022147-00022150 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6639, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,899,896 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06639-00022150-00022154 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6640, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,933,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06640-00022154-00022157 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6641, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,966,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06641-00022157-00022160 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6642, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:22,999,985 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06642-00022160-00022164 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6643, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,033,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06643-00022164-00022167 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6644, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,066,713 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06644-00022167-00022170 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6645, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,100,085 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06645-00022170-00022174 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6646, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,133,442 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06646-00022174-00022177 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6647, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,166,811 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06647-00022177-00022180 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6648, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,200,178 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06648-00022180-00022184 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6649, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,233,537 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06649-00022184-00022187 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6650, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,266,909 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06650-00022187-00022190 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6651, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,300,268 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06651-00022190-00022194 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6652, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,333,635 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06652-00022194-00022197 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6653, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,367,002 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06653-00022197-00022200 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6654, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,400,363 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06654-00022200-00022204 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6655, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,433,725 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06655-00022204-00022207 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6656, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,467,095 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06656-00022207-00022210 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6657, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,500,454 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06657-00022210-00022214 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6658, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,533,821 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06658-00022214-00022217 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6659, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,567,187 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06659-00022217-00022220 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6660, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,600,552 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06660-00022220-00022224 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6661, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,633,917 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06661-00022224-00022227 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6662, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,667,285 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136394] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06662-00022227-00022231 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6663, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,700,653 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136394] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06663-00022231-00022234 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6664, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,734,010 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136394] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06664-00022234-00022237 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6665, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,767,380 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136394] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06665-00022237-00022241 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6666, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,800,743 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136394] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06666-00022241-00022244 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6667, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,834,107 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136394] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06667-00022244-00022247 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6668, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,867,473 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136394] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06668-00022247-00022251 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6669, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,900,833 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136394] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06669-00022251-00022254 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6670, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,934,202 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136394] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06670-00022254-00022257 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6671, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:23,967,565 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06671-00022257-00022261 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6672, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,000,931 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06672-00022261-00022264 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6673, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,034,295 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06673-00022264-00022267 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6674, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,067,662 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06674-00022267-00022271 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6675, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,101,022 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06675-00022271-00022274 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6676, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,134,390 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06676-00022274-00022277 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6677, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,167,755 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06677-00022277-00022281 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6678, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,201,121 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06678-00022281-00022284 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6679, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,234,483 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06679-00022284-00022287 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6680, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,267,856 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06680-00022287-00022291 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6681, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,301,213 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06681-00022291-00022294 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6682, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,334,583 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06682-00022294-00022297 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6683, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,367,945 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06683-00022297-00022301 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6684, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,401,308 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06684-00022301-00022304 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6685, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,434,675 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06685-00022304-00022307 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6686, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,468,040 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06686-00022307-00022311 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6687, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,501,403 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06687-00022311-00022314 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6688, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,534,769 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06688-00022314-00022317 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6689, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,568,136 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06689-00022317-00022321 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6690, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,601,497 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06690-00022321-00022324 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6691, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,634,861 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06691-00022324-00022327 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6692, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,668,223 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06692-00022327-00022331 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6693, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,701,593 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06693-00022331-00022334 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6694, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,734,956 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06694-00022334-00022337 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6695, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,768,320 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136397] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06695-00022337-00022341 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6696, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,801,690 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136397] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06696-00022341-00022344 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6697, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,835,049 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136397] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06697-00022344-00022347 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6698, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,868,415 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136397] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06698-00022347-00022351 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6699, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,901,783 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136397] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06699-00022351-00022354 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6700, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,935,146 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136397] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06700-00022354-00022357 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6701, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:24,968,512 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136397] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06701-00022357-00022361 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6702, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,001,875 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136397] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06702-00022361-00022364 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6703, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,035,239 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136397] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06703-00022364-00022367 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6704, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,068,603 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06704-00022367-00022371 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6705, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,101,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06705-00022371-00022374 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6706, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,135,333 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06706-00022374-00022377 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6707, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,168,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06707-00022377-00022381 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6708, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,202,069 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06708-00022381-00022384 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6709, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,235,430 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06709-00022384-00022387 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6710, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,268,793 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06710-00022387-00022391 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6711, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,302,161 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06711-00022391-00022394 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6712, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,335,528 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06712-00022394-00022397 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6713, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,368,892 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06713-00022397-00022401 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6714, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,402,250 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06714-00022401-00022404 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6715, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,435,621 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06715-00022404-00022407 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6716, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,468,985 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06716-00022407-00022411 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6717, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,502,345 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06717-00022411-00022414 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6718, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,535,713 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06718-00022414-00022417 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6719, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,569,076 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06719-00022417-00022421 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6720, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,602,447 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06720-00022421-00022424 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6721, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,635,805 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06721-00022424-00022427 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6722, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,669,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06722-00022427-00022431 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6723, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,702,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06723-00022431-00022434 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6724, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,735,903 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06724-00022434-00022437 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6725, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,769,272 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06725-00022437-00022441 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6726, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,802,635 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06726-00022441-00022444 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6727, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,835,994 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06727-00022444-00022447 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6728, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,869,362 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136400] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06728-00022447-00022451 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6729, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,902,727 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136400] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06729-00022451-00022454 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6730, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,936,090 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136400] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06730-00022454-00022457 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6731, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:25,969,458 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136400] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06731-00022457-00022461 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6732, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,002,819 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136400] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06732-00022461-00022464 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6733, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,036,186 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5935] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136400] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06733-00022464-00022467 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6734, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,069,549 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5935] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136400] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06734-00022467-00022471 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6735, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,102,921 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5930] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136400] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06735-00022471-00022474 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6736, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,136,278 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5930] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136400] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06736-00022474-00022477 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6737, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,169,643 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5925] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06737-00022477-00022481 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6738, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,203,009 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5925] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06738-00022481-00022484 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6739, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,236,371 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5919] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06739-00022484-00022487 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6740, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,269,739 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5919] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06740-00022487-00022491 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6741, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,303,102 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5913] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06741-00022491-00022494 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6742, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,336,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5913] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06742-00022494-00022497 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6743, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,369,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5906] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06743-00022497-00022501 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6744, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,403,195 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5906] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06744-00022501-00022504 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6745, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,436,566 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5900] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06745-00022504-00022507 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6746, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,469,926 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5900] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06746-00022507-00022511 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6747, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,503,290 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5892] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06747-00022511-00022514 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6748, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,536,655 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5892] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06748-00022514-00022517 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6749, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,570,024 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5885] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06749-00022517-00022521 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6750, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,603,389 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5885] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06750-00022521-00022524 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6751, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,636,750 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5878] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06751-00022524-00022527 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6752, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,670,115 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5878] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06752-00022527-00022531 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6753, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,703,484 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5870] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06753-00022531-00022534 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6754, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,736,845 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5870] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06754-00022534-00022537 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6755, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,770,214 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5862] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06755-00022537-00022541 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6756, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,803,575 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5862] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06756-00022541-00022544 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6757, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,836,940 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5854] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06757-00022544-00022547 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6758, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,870,309 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5854] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06758-00022547-00022551 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6759, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,903,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5847] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06759-00022551-00022554 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6760, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,937,036 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5847] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06760-00022554-00022557 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6761, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:26,970,404 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5838] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06761-00022557-00022561 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6762, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,003,765 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5838] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06762-00022561-00022564 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6763, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,037,132 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5829] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06763-00022564-00022567 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6764, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,070,492 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5829] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06764-00022567-00022571 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6765, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,103,861 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5819] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06765-00022571-00022574 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6766, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,137,223 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5819] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06766-00022574-00022578 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6767, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,170,589 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5810] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06767-00022578-00022581 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6768, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,203,953 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5810] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06768-00022581-00022584 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6769, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,237,320 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06769-00022584-00022588 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6770, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,270,688 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5801] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06770-00022588-00022591 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6771, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,304,049 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5792] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06771-00022591-00022594 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6772, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,337,413 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5792] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06772-00022594-00022598 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6773, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,370,778 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5784] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06773-00022598-00022601 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6774, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,404,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5784] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06774-00022601-00022604 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6775, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,437,507 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5776] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06775-00022604-00022608 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6776, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,470,874 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5776] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06776-00022608-00022611 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6777, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,504,242 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5768] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06777-00022611-00022614 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6778, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,537,606 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5768] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06778-00022614-00022618 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6779, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,570,965 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5761] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06779-00022618-00022621 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6780, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,604,336 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5761] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06780-00022621-00022624 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6781, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,637,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5752] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06781-00022624-00022628 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6782, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,671,064 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5752] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06782-00022628-00022631 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6783, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,704,430 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5744] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06783-00022631-00022634 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6784, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,737,791 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5744] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06784-00022634-00022638 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6785, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,771,154 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5736] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06785-00022638-00022641 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6786, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,804,523 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5736] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06786-00022641-00022644 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6787, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,837,891 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5728] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06787-00022644-00022648 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6788, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,871,253 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5728] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06788-00022648-00022651 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6789, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,904,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5721] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06789-00022651-00022654 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6790, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,937,984 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5721] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06790-00022654-00022658 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6791, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:27,971,359 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5716] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06791-00022658-00022661 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6792, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,004,712 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5716] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06792-00022661-00022664 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6793, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,038,075 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5710] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06793-00022664-00022668 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6794, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,071,440 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5710] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06794-00022668-00022671 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6795, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,104,808 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5705] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06795-00022671-00022674 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6796, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,138,173 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5705] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06796-00022674-00022678 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6797, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,171,535 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5699] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06797-00022678-00022681 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6798, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,204,907 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5699] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06798-00022681-00022684 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6799, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,238,266 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5694] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06799-00022684-00022688 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6800, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,271,635 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5694] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06800-00022688-00022691 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6801, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,304,996 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5689] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06801-00022691-00022694 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6802, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,338,364 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5689] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06802-00022694-00022698 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6803, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,371,725 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5684] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06803-00022698-00022701 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6804, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,405,093 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5684] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06804-00022701-00022704 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6805, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,438,453 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5684] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06805-00022704-00022708 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6806, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,471,823 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5680] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06806-00022708-00022711 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6807, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,505,192 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5680] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06807-00022711-00022714 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6808, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,538,547 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5677] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06808-00022714-00022718 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6809, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,571,916 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5677] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06809-00022718-00022721 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6810, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,605,281 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5675] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06810-00022721-00022724 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6811, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,638,640 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5675] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06811-00022724-00022728 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6812, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,672,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5673] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06812-00022728-00022731 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6813, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,705,372 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5673] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06813-00022731-00022734 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6814, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,738,739 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5671] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06814-00022734-00022738 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6815, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,772,109 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5671] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06815-00022738-00022741 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6816, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,805,471 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5669] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06816-00022741-00022744 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6817, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,838,832 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5669] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06817-00022744-00022748 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6818, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,872,204 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5668] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06818-00022748-00022751 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6819, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,905,562 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5668] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06819-00022751-00022754 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6820, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,938,925 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5667] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06820-00022754-00022758 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6821, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:28,972,299 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5667] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06821-00022758-00022761 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6822, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,005,656 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5666] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06822-00022761-00022764 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6823, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,039,021 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5666] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06823-00022764-00022768 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6824, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,072,393 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5665] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06824-00022768-00022771 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6825, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,105,748 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5665] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06825-00022771-00022774 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6826, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,139,114 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5665] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06826-00022774-00022778 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6827, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,172,483 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5665] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06827-00022778-00022781 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6828, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,205,844 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5665] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06828-00022781-00022784 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6829, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,239,209 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5665] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06829-00022784-00022788 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6830, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,272,576 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5665] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06830-00022788-00022791 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6831, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,305,942 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5665] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06831-00022791-00022794 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6832, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,339,305 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5666] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06832-00022794-00022798 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6833, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,372,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5666] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06833-00022798-00022801 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6834, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,406,034 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5668] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06834-00022801-00022804 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6835, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,439,402 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5668] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831325] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06835-00022804-00022808 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6836, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,472,768 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5669] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06836-00022808-00022811 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6837, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,506,131 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5669] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06837-00022811-00022814 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6838, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,539,493 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5671] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06838-00022814-00022818 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6839, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,572,857 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5671] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06839-00022818-00022821 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6840, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,606,223 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5673] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06840-00022821-00022824 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6841, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,639,590 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5673] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06841-00022824-00022828 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6842, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,672,954 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5676] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06842-00022828-00022831 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6843, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,706,318 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5676] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06843-00022831-00022834 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6844, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,739,683 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5678] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06844-00022834-00022838 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6845, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,773,047 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5678] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06845-00022838-00022841 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6846, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,806,411 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5682] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06846-00022841-00022844 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6847, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,839,786 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5682] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06847-00022844-00022848 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6848, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,873,143 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5685] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06848-00022848-00022851 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6849, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,906,507 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5685] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06849-00022851-00022854 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6850, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,939,876 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5689] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06850-00022854-00022858 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6851, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:29,973,238 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5689] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06851-00022858-00022861 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6852, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,006,606 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5693] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06852-00022861-00022864 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6853, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,039,971 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5693] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06853-00022864-00022868 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6854, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,073,334 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5697] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06854-00022868-00022871 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6855, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,106,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5697] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06855-00022871-00022874 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6856, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,140,060 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5701] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06856-00022874-00022878 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6857, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,173,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5701] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06857-00022878-00022881 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6858, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,206,789 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5707] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06858-00022881-00022884 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6859, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,240,159 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5707] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06859-00022884-00022888 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6860, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,273,533 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5712] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06860-00022888-00022891 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6861, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,306,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5712] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06861-00022891-00022894 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6862, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,340,251 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5719] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06862-00022894-00022898 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6863, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,373,616 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5719] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06863-00022898-00022901 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6864, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,406,985 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5726] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06864-00022901-00022904 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6865, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,440,350 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5726] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06865-00022904-00022908 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6866, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,473,708 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5733] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06866-00022908-00022911 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6867, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,507,073 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5733] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06867-00022911-00022914 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6868, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,540,440 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5740] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06868-00022914-00022918 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6869, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,573,803 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5740] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06869-00022918-00022921 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6870, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,607,175 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5748] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06870-00022921-00022924 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6871, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,640,534 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5748] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06871-00022924-00022928 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6872, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,673,898 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5756] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06872-00022928-00022931 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6873, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,707,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5756] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06873-00022931-00022935 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6874, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,740,627 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5763] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06874-00022935-00022938 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6875, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,773,995 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5763] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06875-00022938-00022941 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6876, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,807,359 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5770] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06876-00022941-00022945 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6877, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,840,729 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5770] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831324] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06877-00022945-00022948 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6878, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,874,087 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5777] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06878-00022948-00022951 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6879, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,907,453 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5777] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06879-00022951-00022955 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6880, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,940,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06880-00022955-00022958 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6881, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:30,974,183 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5785] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06881-00022958-00022961 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6882, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,007,548 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5792] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06882-00022961-00022965 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6883, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,040,913 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5792] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06883-00022965-00022968 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6884, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,074,279 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06884-00022968-00022971 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6885, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,107,641 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5799] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06885-00022971-00022975 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6886, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,141,006 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06886-00022975-00022978 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6887, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,174,384 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5806] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06887-00022978-00022981 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6888, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,207,738 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5814] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06888-00022981-00022985 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6889, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,241,101 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5814] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06889-00022985-00022988 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6890, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,274,472 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5821] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06890-00022988-00022991 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6891, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,307,830 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5821] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06891-00022991-00022995 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6892, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,341,199 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5829] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06892-00022995-00022998 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6893, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,374,610 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5829] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06893-00022998-00023001 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6894, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,407,927 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5836] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06894-00023001-00023005 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6895, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,441,295 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5836] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06895-00023005-00023008 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6896, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,474,654 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5844] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06896-00023008-00023011 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6897, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,508,019 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5844] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06897-00023011-00023015 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6898, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,541,386 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5851] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06898-00023015-00023018 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6899, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,574,747 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5851] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06899-00023018-00023021 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6900, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,608,115 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5859] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06900-00023021-00023025 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6901, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,641,479 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5859] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06901-00023025-00023028 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6902, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,674,843 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5866] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06902-00023028-00023031 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6903, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,708,208 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5866] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06903-00023031-00023035 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6904, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,741,575 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5873] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06904-00023035-00023038 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6905, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,774,944 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5873] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06905-00023038-00023041 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6906, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,808,306 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5879] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06906-00023041-00023045 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6907, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,841,666 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5879] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06907-00023045-00023048 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6908, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,875,037 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5884] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06908-00023048-00023051 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6909, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,908,397 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5884] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06909-00023051-00023055 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6910, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,941,763 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831323] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06910-00023055-00023058 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6911, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:31,975,128 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5889] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06911-00023058-00023061 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6912, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,008,495 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5894] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06912-00023061-00023065 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6913, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,041,858 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5894] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06913-00023065-00023068 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6914, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,075,221 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5899] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06914-00023068-00023071 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6915, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,108,586 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5899] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06915-00023071-00023075 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6916, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,141,951 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5903] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06916-00023075-00023078 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6917, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,175,321 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5903] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06917-00023078-00023081 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6918, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,208,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5907] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06918-00023081-00023085 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6919, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,242,045 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5907] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06919-00023085-00023088 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6920, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,275,423 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5911] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06920-00023088-00023091 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6921, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,308,779 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5911] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06921-00023091-00023095 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6922, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,342,141 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5915] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06922-00023095-00023098 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6923, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,375,507 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5915] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06923-00023098-00023101 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6924, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,408,870 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5919] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06924-00023101-00023105 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6925, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,442,236 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5919] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06925-00023105-00023108 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6926, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,475,603 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5922] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06926-00023108-00023111 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6927, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,508,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5922] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06927-00023111-00023115 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6928, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,542,329 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5925] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06928-00023115-00023118 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6929, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,575,697 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5925] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06929-00023118-00023121 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6930, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,609,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06930-00023121-00023125 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6931, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,642,425 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5928] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06931-00023125-00023128 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6932, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,675,792 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5932] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06932-00023128-00023131 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6933, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,709,155 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5932] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06933-00023131-00023135 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6934, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,742,519 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5935] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06934-00023135-00023138 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6935, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,775,891 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5935] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06935-00023138-00023141 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6936, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,809,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5937] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06936-00023141-00023145 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6937, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,842,613 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5937] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06937-00023145-00023148 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6938, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,875,979 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5939] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06938-00023148-00023151 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6939, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,909,344 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5939] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06939-00023151-00023155 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6940, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,942,706 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831322] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06940-00023155-00023158 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6941, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:32,976,078 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06941-00023158-00023161 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6942, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,009,437 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06942-00023161-00023165 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6943, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,042,802 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06943-00023165-00023168 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6944, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,076,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06944-00023168-00023171 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6945, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,109,532 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06945-00023171-00023175 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6946, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,142,898 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06946-00023175-00023178 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6947, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,176,263 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06947-00023178-00023181 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6948, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,209,627 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06948-00023181-00023185 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6949, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,243,001 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06949-00023185-00023188 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6950, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,276,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06950-00023188-00023191 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6951, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,309,723 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06951-00023191-00023195 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6952, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,343,084 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06952-00023195-00023198 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6953, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,376,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06953-00023198-00023201 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6954, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,409,817 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06954-00023201-00023205 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6955, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,443,180 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06955-00023205-00023208 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6956, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,476,551 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06956-00023208-00023211 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6957, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,509,910 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06957-00023211-00023215 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6958, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,543,274 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06958-00023215-00023218 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6959, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,576,644 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06959-00023218-00023221 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6960, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,610,005 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06960-00023221-00023225 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6961, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,643,370 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06961-00023225-00023228 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6962, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,676,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06962-00023228-00023231 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6963, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,710,098 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06963-00023231-00023235 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6964, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,743,464 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831321] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06964-00023235-00023238 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6965, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,776,837 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06965-00023238-00023241 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6966, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,810,193 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06966-00023241-00023245 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6967, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,843,558 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06967-00023245-00023248 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6968, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,876,927 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06968-00023248-00023251 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6969, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,910,289 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06969-00023251-00023255 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6970, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,943,653 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06970-00023255-00023258 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6971, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:33,977,018 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06971-00023258-00023261 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6972, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,010,382 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06972-00023261-00023265 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6973, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,043,749 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06973-00023265-00023268 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6974, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,077,115 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06974-00023268-00023271 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6975, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,110,478 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06975-00023271-00023275 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6976, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,143,842 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06976-00023275-00023278 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6977, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,177,209 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06977-00023278-00023282 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6978, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,210,572 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06978-00023282-00023285 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6979, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,243,935 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06979-00023285-00023288 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6980, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,277,301 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06980-00023288-00023292 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6981, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,310,669 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06981-00023292-00023295 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6982, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,344,030 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06982-00023295-00023298 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6983, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,377,398 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06983-00023298-00023302 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6984, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,410,762 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06984-00023302-00023305 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6985, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,444,127 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06985-00023305-00023308 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6986, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,477,490 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06986-00023308-00023312 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6987, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,510,855 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06987-00023312-00023315 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6988, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,544,220 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831320] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06988-00023315-00023318 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6989, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,577,584 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06989-00023318-00023322 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6990, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,610,950 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06990-00023322-00023325 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6991, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,644,317 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06991-00023325-00023328 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6992, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,677,684 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06992-00023328-00023332 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6993, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,711,045 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06993-00023332-00023335 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6994, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,744,416 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06994-00023335-00023338 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6995, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,777,777 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06995-00023338-00023342 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6996, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,811,138 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06996-00023342-00023345 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6997, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,844,504 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06997-00023345-00023348 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6998, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,877,874 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06998-00023348-00023352 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 6999, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,911,240 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-06999-00023352-00023355 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7000, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,944,601 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07000-00023355-00023358 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7001, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:34,977,968 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07001-00023358-00023362 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7002, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,011,330 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07002-00023362-00023365 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7003, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,044,695 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07003-00023365-00023368 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7004, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,078,062 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07004-00023368-00023372 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7005, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,111,458 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07005-00023372-00023375 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7006, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,144,788 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07006-00023375-00023378 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7007, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,178,159 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07007-00023378-00023382 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7008, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,211,516 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07008-00023382-00023385 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7009, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,244,882 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07009-00023385-00023388 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7010, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,278,252 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07010-00023388-00023392 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7011, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,311,615 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07011-00023392-00023395 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7012, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,344,976 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831319] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07012-00023395-00023398 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7013, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,378,345 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07013-00023398-00023402 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7014, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,411,708 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07014-00023402-00023405 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7015, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,445,074 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07015-00023405-00023408 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7016, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,478,439 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07016-00023408-00023412 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7017, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,511,805 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07017-00023412-00023415 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7018, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,545,167 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07018-00023415-00023418 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7019, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,578,534 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07019-00023418-00023422 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7020, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,611,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07020-00023422-00023425 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7021, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,645,261 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07021-00023425-00023428 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7022, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,678,626 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07022-00023428-00023432 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7023, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,711,999 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07023-00023432-00023435 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7024, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,745,359 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07024-00023435-00023438 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7025, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,778,730 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07025-00023438-00023442 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7026, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,812,084 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07026-00023442-00023445 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7027, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,845,448 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07027-00023445-00023448 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7028, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,878,820 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07028-00023448-00023452 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7029, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,912,182 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07029-00023452-00023455 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7030, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,945,545 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07030-00023455-00023458 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7031, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:35,978,916 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07031-00023458-00023462 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7032, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,012,275 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07032-00023462-00023465 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7033, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,045,639 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831318] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07033-00023465-00023468 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7034, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,079,006 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07034-00023468-00023472 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7035, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,112,369 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07035-00023472-00023475 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7036, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,145,736 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07036-00023475-00023478 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7037, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,179,105 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07037-00023478-00023482 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7038, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,212,466 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07038-00023482-00023485 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7039, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,245,829 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07039-00023485-00023488 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7040, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,279,196 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07040-00023488-00023492 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7041, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,312,559 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07041-00023492-00023495 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7042, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,345,921 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07042-00023495-00023498 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7043, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,379,291 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07043-00023498-00023502 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7044, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,412,652 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07044-00023502-00023505 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7045, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,446,015 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07045-00023505-00023508 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7046, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,479,392 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07046-00023508-00023512 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7047, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,512,747 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07047-00023512-00023515 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7048, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,546,112 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07048-00023515-00023518 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7049, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,579,484 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07049-00023518-00023522 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7050, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,612,843 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07050-00023522-00023525 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7051, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,646,206 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831317] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07051-00023525-00023528 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7052, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,679,579 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07052-00023528-00023532 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7053, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,712,938 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07053-00023532-00023535 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7054, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,746,299 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07054-00023535-00023538 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7055, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,779,666 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07055-00023538-00023542 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7056, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,813,044 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07056-00023542-00023545 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7057, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,846,398 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07057-00023545-00023548 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7058, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,879,761 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07058-00023548-00023552 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7059, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,913,123 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07059-00023552-00023555 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7060, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,946,489 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07060-00023555-00023558 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7061, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:36,979,855 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07061-00023558-00023562 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7062, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,013,218 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07062-00023562-00023565 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7063, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,046,585 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07063-00023565-00023568 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7064, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,079,952 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07064-00023568-00023572 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7065, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,113,312 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07065-00023572-00023575 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7066, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,146,679 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07066-00023575-00023578 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7067, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,180,042 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07067-00023578-00023582 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7068, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,213,408 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07068-00023582-00023585 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7069, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,246,772 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07069-00023585-00023588 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7070, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,280,138 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07070-00023588-00023592 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7071, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,313,501 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07071-00023592-00023595 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7072, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,346,867 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831316] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07072-00023595-00023598 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7073, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,380,232 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07073-00023598-00023602 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7074, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,413,598 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07074-00023602-00023605 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7075, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,446,961 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07075-00023605-00023608 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7076, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,480,327 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07076-00023608-00023612 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7077, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,513,693 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07077-00023612-00023615 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7078, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,547,056 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07078-00023615-00023618 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7079, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,580,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07079-00023618-00023622 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7080, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,613,784 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07080-00023622-00023625 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7081, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,647,152 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07081-00023625-00023628 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7082, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,680,516 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07082-00023628-00023632 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7083, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,713,880 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07083-00023632-00023635 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7084, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,747,244 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07084-00023635-00023639 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7085, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,780,614 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07085-00023639-00023642 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7086, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,813,975 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07086-00023642-00023645 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7087, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,847,338 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07087-00023645-00023649 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7088, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,880,715 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07088-00023649-00023652 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7089, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,914,069 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07089-00023652-00023655 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7090, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,947,436 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831315] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07090-00023655-00023659 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7091, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:37,980,804 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07091-00023659-00023662 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7092, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,014,166 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07092-00023662-00023665 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7093, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,047,530 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07093-00023665-00023669 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7094, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,080,897 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07094-00023669-00023672 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7095, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,114,261 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07095-00023672-00023675 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7096, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,147,625 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07096-00023675-00023679 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7097, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,180,990 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07097-00023679-00023682 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7098, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,214,355 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07098-00023682-00023685 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7099, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,247,718 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07099-00023685-00023689 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7100, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,281,085 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07100-00023689-00023692 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7101, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,314,447 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07101-00023692-00023695 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7102, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,347,813 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07102-00023695-00023699 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7103, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,381,177 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07103-00023699-00023702 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7104, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,414,543 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07104-00023702-00023705 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7105, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,447,908 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07105-00023705-00023709 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7106, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,481,277 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07106-00023709-00023712 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7107, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,514,642 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07107-00023712-00023715 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7108, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,548,002 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831314] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07108-00023715-00023719 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7109, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,581,368 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07109-00023719-00023722 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7110, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,614,730 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07110-00023722-00023725 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7111, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,648,100 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07111-00023725-00023729 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7112, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,681,463 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07112-00023729-00023732 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7113, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,714,827 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07113-00023732-00023735 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7114, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,748,190 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07114-00023735-00023739 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7115, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,781,562 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07115-00023739-00023742 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7116, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,814,921 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07116-00023742-00023745 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7117, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,848,286 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07117-00023745-00023749 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7118, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,881,666 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07118-00023749-00023752 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7119, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,915,015 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07119-00023752-00023755 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7120, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,948,379 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07120-00023755-00023759 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7121, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:38,981,747 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07121-00023759-00023762 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7122, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,015,108 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07122-00023762-00023765 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7123, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,048,482 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07123-00023765-00023769 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7124, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,081,848 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07124-00023769-00023772 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7125, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,115,204 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07125-00023772-00023775 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7126, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,148,569 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831313] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07126-00023775-00023779 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7127, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,181,938 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07127-00023779-00023782 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7128, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,215,300 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07128-00023782-00023785 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7129, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,248,665 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07129-00023785-00023789 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7130, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,282,035 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07130-00023789-00023792 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7131, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,315,395 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07131-00023792-00023795 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7132, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,348,759 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07132-00023795-00023799 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7133, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,382,124 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07133-00023799-00023802 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7134, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,415,489 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07134-00023802-00023805 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7135, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,448,853 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07135-00023805-00023809 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7136, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,482,219 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07136-00023809-00023812 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7137, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,515,586 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07137-00023812-00023815 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7138, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,548,946 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07138-00023815-00023819 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7139, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,582,311 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07139-00023819-00023822 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7140, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,615,677 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07140-00023822-00023825 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7141, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,649,042 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07141-00023825-00023829 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7142, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,682,408 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07142-00023829-00023832 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7143, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,715,772 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07143-00023832-00023835 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7144, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,749,136 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831312] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07144-00023835-00023839 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7145, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,782,506 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07145-00023839-00023842 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7146, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,815,866 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07146-00023842-00023845 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7147, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,849,232 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07147-00023845-00023849 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7148, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,882,598 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07148-00023849-00023852 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7149, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,915,960 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07149-00023852-00023855 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7150, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,949,328 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07150-00023855-00023859 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7151, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:39,982,694 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07151-00023859-00023862 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7152, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,016,054 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07152-00023862-00023865 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7153, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,049,421 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07153-00023865-00023869 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7154, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,082,788 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07154-00023869-00023872 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7155, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,116,150 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07155-00023872-00023875 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7156, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,149,516 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07156-00023875-00023879 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7157, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,182,880 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07157-00023879-00023882 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7158, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,216,244 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07158-00023882-00023885 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7159, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,249,609 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07159-00023885-00023889 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7160, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,283,025 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07160-00023889-00023892 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7161, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,316,341 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07161-00023892-00023895 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7162, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,349,706 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831311] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07162-00023895-00023899 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7163, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,383,068 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07163-00023899-00023902 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7164, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,416,434 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07164-00023902-00023905 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7165, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,449,802 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07165-00023905-00023909 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7166, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,483,180 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07166-00023909-00023912 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7167, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,516,531 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07167-00023912-00023915 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7168, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,549,906 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07168-00023915-00023919 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7169, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,583,262 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07169-00023919-00023922 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7170, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,616,621 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07170-00023922-00023925 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7171, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,649,985 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07171-00023925-00023929 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7172, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,683,366 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07172-00023929-00023932 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7173, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,716,717 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07173-00023932-00023935 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7174, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,750,081 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07174-00023935-00023939 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7175, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,783,450 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07175-00023939-00023942 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7176, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,816,812 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07176-00023942-00023945 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7177, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,850,176 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07177-00023945-00023949 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7178, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,883,543 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07178-00023949-00023952 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7179, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,916,911 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07179-00023952-00023955 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7180, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,950,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831310] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07180-00023955-00023959 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7181, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:40,983,641 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07181-00023959-00023962 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7182, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,017,003 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07182-00023962-00023965 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7183, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,050,364 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07183-00023965-00023969 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7184, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,083,735 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07184-00023969-00023972 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7185, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,117,096 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07185-00023972-00023975 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7186, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,150,459 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07186-00023975-00023979 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7187, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,183,830 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07187-00023979-00023982 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7188, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,217,189 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07188-00023982-00023985 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7189, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,250,554 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07189-00023985-00023989 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7190, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,283,934 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07190-00023989-00023992 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7191, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,317,284 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07191-00023992-00023996 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7192, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,350,652 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07192-00023996-00023999 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7193, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,384,057 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07193-00023999-00024002 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7194, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,417,379 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07194-00024002-00024006 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7195, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,450,745 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07195-00024006-00024009 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7196, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,484,109 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07196-00024009-00024012 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7197, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,517,475 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07197-00024012-00024016 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7198, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,550,837 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831309] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07198-00024016-00024019 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7199, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,584,204 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07199-00024019-00024022 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7200, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,617,569 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07200-00024022-00024026 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7201, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,650,932 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07201-00024026-00024029 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7202, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,684,302 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07202-00024029-00024032 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7203, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,717,667 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07203-00024032-00024036 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7204, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,751,027 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07204-00024036-00024039 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7205, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,784,392 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07205-00024039-00024042 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7206, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,817,755 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07206-00024042-00024046 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7207, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,851,121 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07207-00024046-00024049 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7208, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,884,487 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07208-00024049-00024052 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7209, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,917,850 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07209-00024052-00024056 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7210, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,951,215 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07210-00024056-00024059 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7211, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:41,984,588 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07211-00024059-00024062 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7212, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,017,946 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07212-00024062-00024066 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7213, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,051,310 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07213-00024066-00024069 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7214, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,084,675 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07214-00024069-00024072 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7215, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,118,039 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07215-00024072-00024076 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7216, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,151,405 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831308] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07216-00024076-00024079 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7217, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,184,773 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07217-00024079-00024082 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7218, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,218,134 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07218-00024082-00024086 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7219, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,251,501 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07219-00024086-00024089 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7220, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,284,866 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07220-00024089-00024092 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7221, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,318,229 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07221-00024092-00024096 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7222, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,351,594 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07222-00024096-00024099 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7223, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,384,960 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07223-00024099-00024102 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7224, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,418,325 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07224-00024102-00024106 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7225, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,451,688 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07225-00024106-00024109 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7226, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,485,059 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07226-00024109-00024112 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7227, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,518,418 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07227-00024112-00024116 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7228, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,551,782 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07228-00024116-00024119 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7229, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,585,150 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07229-00024119-00024122 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7230, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,618,512 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07230-00024122-00024126 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7231, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,651,877 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831307] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07231-00024126-00024129 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7232, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,685,241 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07232-00024129-00024132 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7233, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,718,610 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07233-00024132-00024136 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7234, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,751,972 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07234-00024136-00024139 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7235, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,785,340 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07235-00024139-00024142 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7236, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,818,708 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07236-00024142-00024146 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7237, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,852,067 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07237-00024146-00024149 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7238, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,885,431 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07238-00024149-00024152 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7239, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,918,796 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07239-00024152-00024156 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7240, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,952,165 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07240-00024156-00024159 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7241, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:42,985,532 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07241-00024159-00024162 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7242, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,018,890 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07242-00024162-00024166 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7243, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,052,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07243-00024166-00024169 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7244, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,085,620 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07244-00024169-00024172 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7245, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,118,986 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07245-00024172-00024176 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7246, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,152,350 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07246-00024176-00024179 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7247, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,185,716 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07247-00024179-00024182 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7248, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,219,079 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07248-00024182-00024186 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7249, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,252,444 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07249-00024186-00024189 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7250, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,285,814 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07250-00024189-00024192 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7251, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,319,179 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07251-00024192-00024196 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7252, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,352,538 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831306] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07252-00024196-00024199 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7253, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,385,911 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07253-00024199-00024202 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7254, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,419,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07254-00024202-00024206 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7255, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,452,633 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07255-00024206-00024209 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7256, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,486,000 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07256-00024209-00024212 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7257, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,519,368 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07257-00024212-00024216 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7258, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,552,727 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07258-00024216-00024219 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7259, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,586,094 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07259-00024219-00024222 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7260, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,619,461 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07260-00024222-00024226 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7261, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,652,822 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07261-00024226-00024229 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7262, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,686,191 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07262-00024229-00024232 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7263, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,719,553 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07263-00024232-00024236 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7264, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,752,920 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07264-00024236-00024239 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7265, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,786,286 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07265-00024239-00024242 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7266, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,819,647 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07266-00024242-00024246 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7267, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,853,010 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07267-00024246-00024249 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7268, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,886,385 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07268-00024249-00024252 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7269, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,919,741 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07269-00024252-00024256 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7270, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,953,106 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07270-00024256-00024259 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7271, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:43,986,474 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07271-00024259-00024262 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7272, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,019,839 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07272-00024262-00024266 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7273, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,053,200 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07273-00024266-00024269 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7274, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,086,568 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07274-00024269-00024272 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7275, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,119,934 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07275-00024272-00024276 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7276, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,153,296 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07276-00024276-00024279 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7277, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,186,661 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07277-00024279-00024282 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7278, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,220,030 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07278-00024282-00024286 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7279, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,253,389 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831305] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07279-00024286-00024289 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7280, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,286,758 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07280-00024289-00024292 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7281, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,320,120 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07281-00024292-00024296 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7282, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,353,483 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07282-00024296-00024299 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7283, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,386,858 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07283-00024299-00024302 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7284, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,420,217 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07284-00024302-00024306 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7285, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,453,578 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07285-00024306-00024309 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7286, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,486,955 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07286-00024309-00024312 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7287, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,520,311 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07287-00024312-00024316 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7288, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,553,672 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07288-00024316-00024319 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7289, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,587,040 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07289-00024319-00024322 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7290, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,620,406 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07290-00024322-00024326 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7291, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,653,769 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07291-00024326-00024329 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7292, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,687,136 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07292-00024329-00024332 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7293, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,720,506 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07293-00024332-00024336 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7294, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,753,869 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07294-00024336-00024339 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7295, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,787,234 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07295-00024339-00024343 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7296, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,820,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07296-00024343-00024346 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7297, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,853,958 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07297-00024346-00024349 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7298, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,887,323 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07298-00024349-00024353 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7299, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,920,687 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07299-00024353-00024356 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7300, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,954,052 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07300-00024356-00024359 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7301, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:44,987,416 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07301-00024359-00024363 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7302, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,020,783 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07302-00024363-00024366 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7303, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,054,147 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07303-00024366-00024369 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7304, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,087,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07304-00024369-00024373 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7305, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,120,875 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07305-00024373-00024376 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7306, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,154,241 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07306-00024376-00024379 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7307, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,187,609 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07307-00024379-00024383 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7308, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,220,972 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07308-00024383-00024386 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7309, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,254,338 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07309-00024386-00024389 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7310, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,287,709 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07310-00024389-00024393 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7311, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,321,068 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07311-00024393-00024396 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7312, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,354,432 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07312-00024396-00024399 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7313, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,387,801 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07313-00024399-00024403 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7314, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,421,161 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07314-00024403-00024406 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7315, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,454,526 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07315-00024406-00024409 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7316, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,487,892 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07316-00024409-00024413 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7317, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,521,253 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07317-00024413-00024416 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7318, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,554,622 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07318-00024416-00024419 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7319, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,587,989 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07319-00024419-00024423 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7320, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,621,350 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07320-00024423-00024426 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7321, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,654,715 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07321-00024426-00024429 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7322, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,688,079 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07322-00024429-00024433 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7323, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,721,448 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07323-00024433-00024436 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7324, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,754,808 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07324-00024436-00024439 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7325, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,788,174 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07325-00024439-00024443 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7326, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,821,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07326-00024443-00024446 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7327, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,854,903 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07327-00024446-00024449 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7328, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,888,268 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07328-00024449-00024453 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7329, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,921,632 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07329-00024453-00024456 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7330, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,954,997 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07330-00024456-00024459 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7331, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:45,988,369 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07331-00024459-00024463 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7332, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,021,727 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07332-00024463-00024466 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7333, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,055,093 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07333-00024466-00024469 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7334, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,088,475 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07334-00024469-00024473 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7335, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,121,821 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07335-00024473-00024476 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7336, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,155,186 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07336-00024476-00024479 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7337, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,188,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07337-00024479-00024483 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7338, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,221,918 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07338-00024483-00024486 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7339, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,255,280 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831304] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07339-00024486-00024489 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7340, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,288,648 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07340-00024489-00024493 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7341, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,322,011 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07341-00024493-00024496 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7342, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,355,377 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07342-00024496-00024499 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7343, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,388,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07343-00024499-00024503 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7344, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,422,105 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07344-00024503-00024506 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7345, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,455,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07345-00024506-00024509 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7346, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,488,835 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07346-00024509-00024513 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7347, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,522,202 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07347-00024513-00024516 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7348, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,555,564 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07348-00024516-00024519 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7349, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,588,933 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07349-00024519-00024523 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7350, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,622,303 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07350-00024523-00024526 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7351, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,655,659 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07351-00024526-00024529 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7352, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,689,025 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07352-00024529-00024533 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7353, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,722,391 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07353-00024533-00024536 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7354, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,755,753 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07354-00024536-00024539 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7355, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,789,119 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07355-00024539-00024543 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7356, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,822,483 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07356-00024543-00024546 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7357, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,855,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07357-00024546-00024549 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7358, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,889,214 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07358-00024549-00024553 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7359, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,922,582 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07359-00024553-00024556 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7360, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,955,942 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07360-00024556-00024559 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7361, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:46,989,312 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07361-00024559-00024563 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7362, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,022,672 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831303] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07362-00024563-00024566 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7363, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,056,036 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07363-00024566-00024569 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7364, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,089,408 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07364-00024569-00024573 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7365, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,122,767 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07365-00024573-00024576 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7366, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,156,132 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07366-00024576-00024579 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7367, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,189,499 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07367-00024579-00024583 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7368, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,222,861 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07368-00024583-00024586 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7369, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,256,226 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07369-00024586-00024589 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7370, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,289,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07370-00024589-00024593 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7371, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,322,962 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07371-00024593-00024596 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7372, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,356,328 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07372-00024596-00024599 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7373, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,389,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07373-00024599-00024603 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7374, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,423,050 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07374-00024603-00024606 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7375, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,456,416 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07375-00024606-00024609 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7376, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,489,780 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07376-00024609-00024613 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7377, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,523,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07377-00024613-00024616 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7378, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,556,539 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07378-00024616-00024619 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7379, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,589,875 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07379-00024619-00024623 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7380, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,623,241 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831302] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07380-00024623-00024626 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7381, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,656,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07381-00024626-00024629 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7382, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,689,969 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07382-00024629-00024633 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7383, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,723,337 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07383-00024633-00024636 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7384, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,756,700 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07384-00024636-00024639 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7385, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,790,063 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07385-00024639-00024643 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7386, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,823,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07386-00024643-00024646 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7387, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,856,794 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07387-00024646-00024649 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7388, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,890,159 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07388-00024649-00024653 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7389, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,923,525 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07389-00024653-00024656 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7390, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,956,890 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07390-00024656-00024659 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7391, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:47,990,259 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07391-00024659-00024663 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7392, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,023,619 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07392-00024663-00024666 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7393, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,056,983 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07393-00024666-00024669 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7394, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,090,351 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07394-00024669-00024673 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7395, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,123,711 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831301] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07395-00024673-00024676 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7396, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,157,076 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07396-00024676-00024679 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7397, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,190,442 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07397-00024679-00024683 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7398, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,223,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07398-00024683-00024686 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7399, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,257,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07399-00024686-00024689 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7400, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,290,537 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07400-00024689-00024693 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7401, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,323,900 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07401-00024693-00024696 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7402, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,357,269 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07402-00024696-00024700 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7403, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,390,635 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07403-00024700-00024703 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7404, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,424,003 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07404-00024703-00024706 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7405, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,457,362 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07405-00024706-00024710 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7406, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,490,726 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07406-00024710-00024713 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7407, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,524,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07407-00024713-00024716 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7408, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,557,458 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07408-00024716-00024720 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7409, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,590,822 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07409-00024720-00024723 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7410, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,624,189 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831300] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07410-00024723-00024726 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7411, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,657,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07411-00024726-00024730 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7412, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,690,915 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07412-00024730-00024733 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7413, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,724,281 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07413-00024733-00024736 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7414, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,757,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07414-00024736-00024740 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7415, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,791,009 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07415-00024740-00024743 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7416, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,824,375 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07416-00024743-00024746 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7417, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,857,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07417-00024746-00024750 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7418, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,891,105 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07418-00024750-00024753 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7419, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,924,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07419-00024753-00024756 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7420, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,957,837 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07420-00024756-00024760 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7421, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:48,991,199 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07421-00024760-00024763 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7422, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,024,564 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07422-00024763-00024766 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7423, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,057,928 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07423-00024766-00024770 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7424, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,091,296 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07424-00024770-00024773 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7425, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,124,657 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831299] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07425-00024773-00024776 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7426, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,158,023 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07426-00024776-00024780 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7427, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,191,388 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07427-00024780-00024783 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7428, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,224,757 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07428-00024783-00024786 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7429, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,258,117 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07429-00024786-00024790 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7430, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,291,483 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07430-00024790-00024793 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7431, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,324,848 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07431-00024793-00024796 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7432, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,358,210 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07432-00024796-00024800 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7433, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,391,576 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07433-00024800-00024803 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7434, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,424,943 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07434-00024803-00024806 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7435, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,458,307 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07435-00024806-00024810 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7436, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,491,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07436-00024810-00024813 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7437, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,525,038 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831298] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07437-00024813-00024816 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7438, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,558,401 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07438-00024816-00024820 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7439, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,591,764 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07439-00024820-00024823 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7440, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,625,134 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07440-00024823-00024826 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7441, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,658,494 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07441-00024826-00024830 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7442, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,691,859 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07442-00024830-00024833 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7443, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,725,224 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07443-00024833-00024836 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7444, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,758,590 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07444-00024836-00024840 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7445, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,791,953 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07445-00024840-00024843 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7446, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,825,320 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07446-00024843-00024846 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7447, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,858,684 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07447-00024846-00024850 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7448, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,892,051 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07448-00024850-00024853 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7449, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,925,419 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831297] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07449-00024853-00024856 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7450, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,958,778 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07450-00024856-00024860 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7451, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:49,992,143 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07451-00024860-00024863 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7452, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,025,509 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07452-00024863-00024866 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7453, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,058,872 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07453-00024866-00024870 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7454, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,092,239 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07454-00024870-00024873 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7455, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,125,605 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07455-00024873-00024876 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7456, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,158,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07456-00024876-00024880 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7457, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,192,332 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07457-00024880-00024883 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7458, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,225,699 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07458-00024883-00024886 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7459, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,259,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07459-00024886-00024890 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7460, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,292,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07460-00024890-00024893 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7461, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,325,793 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07461-00024893-00024896 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7462, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,359,156 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07462-00024896-00024900 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7463, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,392,523 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07463-00024900-00024903 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7464, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,425,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831296] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07464-00024903-00024906 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7465, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,459,252 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07465-00024906-00024910 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7466, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,492,617 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07466-00024910-00024913 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7467, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,525,981 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07467-00024913-00024916 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7468, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,559,346 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07468-00024916-00024920 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7469, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,592,721 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07469-00024920-00024923 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7470, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,626,076 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07470-00024923-00024926 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7471, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,659,441 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07471-00024926-00024930 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7472, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,692,804 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07472-00024930-00024933 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7473, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,726,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07473-00024933-00024936 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7474, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,759,534 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07474-00024936-00024940 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7475, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,792,900 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07475-00024940-00024943 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7476, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,826,265 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831295] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07476-00024943-00024946 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7477, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,859,628 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07477-00024946-00024950 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7478, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,892,994 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07478-00024950-00024953 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7479, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,926,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07479-00024953-00024956 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7480, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,959,722 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07480-00024956-00024960 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7481, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:50,993,088 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07481-00024960-00024963 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7482, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,026,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07482-00024963-00024966 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7483, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,059,819 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07483-00024966-00024970 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7484, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,093,183 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07484-00024970-00024973 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7485, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,126,547 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07485-00024973-00024976 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7486, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,159,913 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07486-00024976-00024980 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7487, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,193,278 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07487-00024980-00024983 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7488, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,226,644 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831294] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07488-00024983-00024986 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7489, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,260,007 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831293] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07489-00024986-00024990 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7490, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,293,376 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831293] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07490-00024990-00024993 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7491, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,326,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831293] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07491-00024993-00024996 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7492, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,360,104 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831293] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07492-00024996-00025000 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7493, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,393,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831293] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07493-00025000-00025003 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7494, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,426,835 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831293] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07494-00025003-00025006 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7495, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,460,200 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831293] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07495-00025006-00025010 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7496, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,493,561 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831293] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07496-00025010-00025013 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7497, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,526,926 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831293] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07497-00025013-00025016 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7498, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,560,295 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831293] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07498-00025016-00025020 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7499, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,593,660 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831293] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07499-00025020-00025023 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7500, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,627,025 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831293] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07500-00025023-00025026 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7501, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,660,386 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831292] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07501-00025026-00025030 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7502, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,693,750 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831292] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07502-00025030-00025033 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7503, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,727,114 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831292] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07503-00025033-00025036 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7504, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,760,479 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831292] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07504-00025036-00025040 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7505, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,793,846 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831292] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07505-00025040-00025043 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7506, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,827,210 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831292] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07506-00025043-00025047 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7507, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,860,576 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831292] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07507-00025047-00025050 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7508, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,893,940 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831292] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07508-00025050-00025053 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7509, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,927,303 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831292] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07509-00025053-00025057 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7510, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,960,669 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831292] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07510-00025057-00025060 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7511, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:51,994,039 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831292] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07511-00025060-00025063 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7512, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,027,399 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831292] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07512-00025063-00025067 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7513, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,060,765 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831291] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07513-00025067-00025070 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7514, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,094,129 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831291] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07514-00025070-00025073 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7515, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,127,496 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831291] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07515-00025073-00025077 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7516, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,160,862 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831291] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07516-00025077-00025080 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7517, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,194,225 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831291] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07517-00025080-00025083 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7518, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,227,590 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831291] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07518-00025083-00025087 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7519, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,260,952 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831291] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07519-00025087-00025090 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7520, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,294,321 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831291] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07520-00025090-00025093 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7521, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,327,686 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831291] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07521-00025093-00025097 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7522, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,361,051 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831291] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07522-00025097-00025100 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7523, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,394,416 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831291] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07523-00025100-00025103 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7524, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,427,786 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831291] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07524-00025103-00025107 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7525, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,461,143 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831290] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07525-00025107-00025110 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7526, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,494,509 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831290] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07526-00025110-00025113 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7527, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,527,876 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831290] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07527-00025113-00025117 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7528, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,561,240 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831290] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07528-00025117-00025120 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7529, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,594,603 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831290] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07529-00025120-00025123 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7530, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,627,969 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831290] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07530-00025123-00025127 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7531, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,661,331 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831290] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07531-00025127-00025130 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7532, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,694,697 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831290] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07532-00025130-00025133 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7533, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,728,070 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831290] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07533-00025133-00025137 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7534, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,761,427 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831289] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07534-00025137-00025140 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7535, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,794,791 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831289] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07535-00025140-00025143 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7536, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,828,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831289] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07536-00025143-00025147 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7537, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,861,521 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831289] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07537-00025147-00025150 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7538, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,894,885 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831289] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07538-00025150-00025153 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7539, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,928,256 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831289] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07539-00025153-00025157 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7540, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,961,614 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831289] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07540-00025157-00025160 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7541, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:52,994,979 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831289] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07541-00025160-00025163 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7542, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,028,347 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831289] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07542-00025163-00025167 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7543, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,061,709 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831289] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07543-00025167-00025170 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7544, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,095,075 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831289] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07544-00025170-00025173 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7545, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,128,441 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831289] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07545-00025173-00025177 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7546, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,161,804 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831288] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07546-00025177-00025180 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7547, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,195,169 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831288] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07547-00025180-00025183 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7548, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,228,536 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831288] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07548-00025183-00025187 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7549, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,261,896 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831288] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07549-00025187-00025190 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7550, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,295,264 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831288] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07550-00025190-00025193 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7551, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,328,628 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831288] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07551-00025193-00025197 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7552, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,361,995 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831288] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07552-00025197-00025200 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7553, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,395,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831288] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07553-00025200-00025203 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7554, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,428,724 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831288] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07554-00025203-00025207 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7555, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,462,088 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831288] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07555-00025207-00025210 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7556, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,495,452 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831288] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07556-00025210-00025213 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7557, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,528,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831288] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07557-00025213-00025217 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7558, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,562,182 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831287] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07558-00025217-00025220 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7559, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,595,546 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831287] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07559-00025220-00025223 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7560, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,628,913 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831287] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07560-00025223-00025227 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7561, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,662,275 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831287] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07561-00025227-00025230 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7562, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,695,643 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831287] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07562-00025230-00025233 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7563, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,729,007 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831287] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07563-00025233-00025237 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7564, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,762,370 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831287] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07564-00025237-00025240 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7565, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,795,739 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831287] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07565-00025240-00025243 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7566, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,829,103 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831287] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07566-00025243-00025247 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7567, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,862,465 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831287] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07567-00025247-00025250 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7568, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,895,831 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831287] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07568-00025250-00025253 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7569, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,929,198 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831287] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07569-00025253-00025257 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7570, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,962,559 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831286] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07570-00025257-00025260 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7571, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:53,995,927 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831286] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07571-00025260-00025263 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7572, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,029,290 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831286] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07572-00025263-00025267 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7573, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,062,652 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831286] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07573-00025267-00025270 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7574, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,096,020 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831286] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07574-00025270-00025273 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7575, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,129,387 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831286] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07575-00025273-00025277 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7576, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,162,750 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831286] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07576-00025277-00025280 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7577, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,196,114 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831286] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07577-00025280-00025283 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7578, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,229,481 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831286] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07578-00025283-00025287 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7579, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,262,843 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831286] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07579-00025287-00025290 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7580, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,296,211 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831286] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07580-00025290-00025293 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7581, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,329,574 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831286] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07581-00025293-00025297 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7582, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,362,939 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831285] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07582-00025297-00025300 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7583, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,396,304 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831285] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07583-00025300-00025303 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7584, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,429,668 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831285] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07584-00025303-00025307 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7585, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,463,036 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831285] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07585-00025307-00025310 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7586, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,496,398 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831285] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07586-00025310-00025313 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7587, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,529,761 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831285] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07587-00025313-00025317 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7588, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,563,127 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831285] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07588-00025317-00025320 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7589, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,596,496 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831285] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07589-00025320-00025323 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7590, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,629,858 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831285] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07590-00025323-00025327 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7591, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,663,222 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831285] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07591-00025327-00025330 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7592, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,696,590 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831285] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07592-00025330-00025333 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7593, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,729,950 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831285] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07593-00025333-00025337 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7594, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,763,319 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831284] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07594-00025337-00025340 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7595, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,796,683 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831284] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07595-00025340-00025343 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7596, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,830,045 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831284] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07596-00025343-00025347 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7597, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,863,411 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831284] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07597-00025347-00025350 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7598, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,896,776 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831284] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07598-00025350-00025353 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7599, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,930,140 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831284] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07599-00025353-00025357 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7600, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,963,505 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831284] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07600-00025357-00025360 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7601, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:54,996,871 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831284] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07601-00025360-00025363 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7602, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,030,237 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831284] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07602-00025363-00025367 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7603, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,063,601 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831284] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07603-00025367-00025370 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7604, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,096,964 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831284] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07604-00025370-00025373 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7605, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,130,340 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831284] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07605-00025373-00025377 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7606, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,163,694 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831283] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07606-00025377-00025380 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7607, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,197,059 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831283] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07607-00025380-00025383 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7608, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,230,425 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831283] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07608-00025383-00025387 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7609, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,263,787 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831283] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07609-00025387-00025390 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7610, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,297,153 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831283] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07610-00025390-00025393 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7611, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,330,518 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831283] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07611-00025393-00025397 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7612, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,363,885 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831283] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07612-00025397-00025400 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7613, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,397,250 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831283] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07613-00025400-00025404 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7614, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,430,619 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831283] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07614-00025404-00025407 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7615, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,463,977 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831282] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07615-00025407-00025410 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7616, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,497,346 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831282] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07616-00025410-00025414 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7617, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,530,709 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831282] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07617-00025414-00025417 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7618, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,564,072 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831282] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07618-00025417-00025420 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7619, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,597,436 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831282] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07619-00025420-00025424 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7620, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,630,804 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831282] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07620-00025424-00025427 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7621, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,664,172 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831282] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07621-00025427-00025430 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7622, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,697,530 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831282] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07622-00025430-00025434 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7623, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,730,898 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831282] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07623-00025434-00025437 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7624, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,764,262 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831282] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07624-00025437-00025440 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7625, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,797,631 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831282] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07625-00025440-00025444 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7626, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,831,001 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831282] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07626-00025444-00025447 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7627, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,864,355 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831281] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07627-00025447-00025450 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7628, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,897,723 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831281] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07628-00025450-00025454 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7629, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,931,089 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831281] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07629-00025454-00025457 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7630, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,964,451 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831281] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07630-00025457-00025460 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7631, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:55,997,817 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831281] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07631-00025460-00025464 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7632, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,031,180 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831281] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07632-00025464-00025467 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7633, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,064,547 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831281] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07633-00025467-00025470 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7634, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,097,910 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831281] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07634-00025470-00025474 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7635, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,131,277 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831281] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07635-00025474-00025477 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7636, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,164,642 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831281] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07636-00025477-00025480 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7637, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,198,005 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831281] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07637-00025480-00025484 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7638, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,231,371 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831281] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07638-00025484-00025487 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7639, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,264,736 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831280] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07639-00025487-00025490 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7640, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,298,102 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831280] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07640-00025490-00025494 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7641, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,331,465 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831280] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07641-00025494-00025497 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7642, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,364,828 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831280] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07642-00025497-00025500 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7643, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,398,194 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831280] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07643-00025500-00025504 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7644, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,431,562 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831280] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07644-00025504-00025507 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7645, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,464,925 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831280] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07645-00025507-00025510 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7646, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,498,289 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831280] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07646-00025510-00025514 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7647, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,531,654 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831280] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07647-00025514-00025517 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7648, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,565,019 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831280] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07648-00025517-00025520 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7649, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,598,387 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831280] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07649-00025520-00025524 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7650, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,631,750 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831280] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07650-00025524-00025527 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7651, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,665,115 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831279] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07651-00025527-00025530 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7652, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,698,476 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831279] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07652-00025530-00025534 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7653, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,731,846 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831279] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07653-00025534-00025537 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7654, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,765,210 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831279] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07654-00025537-00025540 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7655, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,798,570 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831279] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07655-00025540-00025544 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7656, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,831,938 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831279] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07656-00025544-00025547 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7657, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,865,304 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831279] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07657-00025547-00025550 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7658, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,898,667 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831279] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07658-00025550-00025554 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7659, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,932,031 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831279] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07659-00025554-00025557 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7660, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,965,396 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831279] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07660-00025557-00025560 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7661, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:56,998,759 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831279] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07661-00025560-00025564 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7662, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,032,126 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831279] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07662-00025564-00025567 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7663, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,065,491 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831278] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07663-00025567-00025570 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7664, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,098,857 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831278] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07664-00025570-00025574 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7665, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,132,224 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831278] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07665-00025574-00025577 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7666, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,165,586 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831278] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07666-00025577-00025580 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7667, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,198,950 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831278] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07667-00025580-00025584 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7668, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,232,322 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831278] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07668-00025584-00025587 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7669, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,265,681 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831278] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07669-00025587-00025590 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7670, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,299,044 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831278] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07670-00025590-00025594 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7671, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,332,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831278] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07671-00025594-00025597 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7672, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,365,773 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831277] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07672-00025597-00025600 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7673, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,399,143 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831277] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07673-00025600-00025604 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7674, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,432,506 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831277] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07674-00025604-00025607 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7675, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,465,871 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831277] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07675-00025607-00025610 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7676, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,499,235 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831277] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07676-00025610-00025614 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7677, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,532,600 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831277] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07677-00025614-00025617 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7678, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,565,969 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831277] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07678-00025617-00025620 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7679, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,599,336 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831277] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07679-00025620-00025624 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7680, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,632,700 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831277] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07680-00025624-00025627 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7681, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,666,062 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831277] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07681-00025627-00025630 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7682, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,699,423 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831277] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07682-00025630-00025634 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7683, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,732,790 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831277] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07683-00025634-00025637 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7684, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,766,153 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831276] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07684-00025637-00025640 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7685, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,799,522 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831276] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07685-00025640-00025644 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7686, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,832,889 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831276] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07686-00025644-00025647 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7687, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,866,247 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831276] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07687-00025647-00025650 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7688, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,899,613 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831276] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07688-00025650-00025654 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7689, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,933,015 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831276] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07689-00025654-00025657 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7690, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,966,340 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831276] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07690-00025657-00025660 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7691, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:57,999,708 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831276] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07691-00025660-00025664 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7692, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,033,071 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831276] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07692-00025664-00025667 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7693, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,066,440 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831276] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07693-00025667-00025670 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7694, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,099,803 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831276] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07694-00025670-00025674 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7695, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,133,166 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831276] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07695-00025674-00025677 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7696, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,166,530 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831275] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07696-00025677-00025680 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7697, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,199,897 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831275] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07697-00025680-00025684 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7698, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,233,261 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831275] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07698-00025684-00025687 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7699, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,266,628 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831275] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07699-00025687-00025690 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7700, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,299,993 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831275] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07700-00025690-00025694 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7701, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,333,360 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831275] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07701-00025694-00025697 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7702, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,366,722 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831275] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07702-00025697-00025700 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7703, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,400,088 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831275] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07703-00025700-00025704 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7704, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,433,450 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831275] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07704-00025704-00025707 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7705, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,466,815 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831275] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07705-00025707-00025710 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7706, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,500,181 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831275] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07706-00025710-00025714 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7707, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,533,544 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831275] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07707-00025714-00025717 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7708, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,566,915 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831274] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07708-00025717-00025720 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7709, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,600,272 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831274] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07709-00025720-00025724 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7710, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,633,639 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831274] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07710-00025724-00025727 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7711, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,667,003 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831274] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07711-00025727-00025730 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7712, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,700,370 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831274] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07712-00025730-00025734 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7713, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,733,732 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831274] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07713-00025734-00025737 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7714, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,767,098 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831274] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07714-00025737-00025740 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7715, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,800,465 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831274] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07715-00025740-00025744 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7716, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,833,829 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831274] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07716-00025744-00025747 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7717, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,867,196 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831274] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07717-00025747-00025750 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7718, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,900,555 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831274] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07718-00025750-00025754 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7719, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,933,930 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831274] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07719-00025754-00025757 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7720, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:58,967,289 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831273] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07720-00025757-00025761 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7721, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,000,652 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831273] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07721-00025761-00025764 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7722, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,034,019 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831273] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07722-00025764-00025767 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7723, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,067,385 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831273] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07723-00025767-00025770 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7724, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,100,750 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831273] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07724-00025770-00025774 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7725, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,134,109 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831273] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07725-00025774-00025777 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7726, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,167,475 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831273] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07726-00025777-00025781 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7727, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,200,841 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831273] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07727-00025781-00025784 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7728, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,234,205 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831273] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07728-00025784-00025787 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7729, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,267,571 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831273] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07729-00025787-00025791 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7730, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,300,940 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831273] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07730-00025791-00025794 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7731, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,334,299 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831273] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07731-00025794-00025797 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7732, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,367,665 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831272] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07732-00025797-00025801 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7733, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,401,030 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831272] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07733-00025801-00025804 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7734, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,434,397 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831272] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07734-00025804-00025807 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7735, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,467,764 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831272] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07735-00025807-00025811 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7736, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,501,126 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831272] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07736-00025811-00025814 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7737, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,534,491 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831272] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07737-00025814-00025817 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7738, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,567,858 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831272] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07738-00025817-00025820 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7739, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,601,221 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831272] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07739-00025820-00025824 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7740, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,634,585 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831272] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07740-00025824-00025827 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7741, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,667,951 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831272] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07741-00025827-00025831 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7742, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,701,315 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831272] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07742-00025831-00025834 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7743, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,734,717 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831272] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07743-00025834-00025837 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7744, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,768,045 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831271] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07744-00025837-00025841 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7745, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,801,409 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831271] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07745-00025841-00025844 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7746, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,834,773 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831271] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07746-00025844-00025847 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7747, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,868,141 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831271] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07747-00025847-00025851 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7748, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,901,505 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831271] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07748-00025851-00025854 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7749, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,934,868 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831271] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07749-00025854-00025857 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7750, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:48:59,968,239 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831271] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07750-00025857-00025861 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7751, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,001,600 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831271] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07751-00025861-00025864 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7752, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,034,965 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831271] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07752-00025864-00025867 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7753, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,068,331 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831271] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07753-00025867-00025871 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7754, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,101,694 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831271] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07754-00025871-00025874 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7755, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,135,057 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831271] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07755-00025874-00025877 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7756, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,168,420 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831270] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07756-00025877-00025881 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7757, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,201,792 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831270] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07757-00025881-00025884 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7758, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,235,153 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831270] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07758-00025884-00025887 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7759, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,268,516 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831270] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07759-00025887-00025891 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7760, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,301,888 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831270] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07760-00025891-00025894 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7761, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,335,251 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831270] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.600000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07761-00025894-00025897 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7762, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,368,615 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831270] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07762-00025897-00025901 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7763, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,401,977 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831270] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07763-00025901-00025904 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7764, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,435,340 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831270] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07764-00025904-00025907 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7765, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,468,707 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831269] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07765-00025907-00025911 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7766, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,502,074 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831269] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07766-00025911-00025914 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7767, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,535,438 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831269] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07767-00025914-00025917 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7768, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,568,798 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831269] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07768-00025917-00025921 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7769, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,602,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831269] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07769-00025921-00025924 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7770, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,635,531 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831269] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07770-00025924-00025927 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7771, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,668,897 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831269] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07771-00025927-00025931 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7772, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,702,258 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831269] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07772-00025931-00025934 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7773, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,735,623 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831269] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07773-00025934-00025937 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7774, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,768,991 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831269] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07774-00025937-00025941 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7775, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,802,353 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831269] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07775-00025941-00025944 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7776, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,835,720 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831269] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07776-00025944-00025947 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7777, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,869,082 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831268] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07777-00025947-00025951 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7778, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,902,450 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831268] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07778-00025951-00025954 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7779, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,935,816 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831268] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07779-00025954-00025957 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7780, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:00,969,177 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831268] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07780-00025957-00025961 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7781, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,002,543 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831268] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07781-00025961-00025964 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7782, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,035,909 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831268] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07782-00025964-00025967 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7783, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,069,275 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831268] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07783-00025967-00025971 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7784, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,102,636 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831268] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07784-00025971-00025974 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7785, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,136,001 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831268] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07785-00025974-00025977 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7786, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,169,369 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831268] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07786-00025977-00025981 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7787, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,202,729 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831268] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07787-00025981-00025984 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7788, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,236,098 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831268] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07788-00025984-00025987 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7789, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,269,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831267] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07789-00025987-00025991 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7790, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,302,827 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831267] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07790-00025991-00025994 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7791, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,336,189 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831267] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07791-00025994-00025997 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7792, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,369,560 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831267] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07792-00025997-00026001 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7793, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,402,919 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831267] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07793-00026001-00026004 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7794, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,436,284 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831267] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07794-00026004-00026007 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7795, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,469,661 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831267] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07795-00026007-00026011 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7796, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,503,026 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831267] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07796-00026011-00026014 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7797, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,536,379 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831267] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07797-00026014-00026017 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7798, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,569,749 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831267] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07798-00026017-00026021 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7799, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,603,108 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831267] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07799-00026021-00026024 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7800, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,636,478 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831267] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07800-00026024-00026027 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7801, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,669,840 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831266] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07801-00026027-00026031 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7802, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,703,202 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831266] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07802-00026031-00026034 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7803, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,736,567 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831266] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07803-00026034-00026037 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7804, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,769,935 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831266] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07804-00026037-00026041 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7805, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,803,301 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831266] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07805-00026041-00026044 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7806, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,836,663 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831266] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07806-00026044-00026047 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7807, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,870,030 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831266] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07807-00026047-00026051 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7808, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,903,392 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831266] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07808-00026051-00026054 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7809, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,936,765 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831266] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07809-00026054-00026057 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7810, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:01,970,123 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831266] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07810-00026057-00026061 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7811, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,003,488 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5957] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831266] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07811-00026061-00026064 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7812, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,036,852 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831266] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07812-00026064-00026067 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7813, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,070,218 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831265] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07813-00026067-00026071 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7814, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,103,584 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831265] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07814-00026071-00026074 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7815, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,136,948 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831265] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07815-00026074-00026077 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7816, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,170,311 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831265] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07816-00026077-00026081 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7817, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,203,676 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831265] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07817-00026081-00026084 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7818, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,237,044 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831265] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07818-00026084-00026087 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7819, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,270,408 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831265] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07819-00026087-00026091 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7820, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,303,770 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831265] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07820-00026091-00026094 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7821, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,337,135 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5955] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831265] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07821-00026094-00026097 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7822, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,370,510 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831265] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07822-00026097-00026101 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7823, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,403,865 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831265] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07823-00026101-00026104 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7824, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,437,230 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831265] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07824-00026104-00026108 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7825, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,470,599 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5954] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831264] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07825-00026108-00026111 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7826, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,503,960 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831264] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07826-00026111-00026114 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7827, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,537,324 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831264] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07827-00026114-00026118 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7828, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,570,692 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831264] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07828-00026118-00026121 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7829, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,604,054 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831264] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07829-00026121-00026124 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7830, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,637,422 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831264] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07830-00026124-00026127 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7831, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,670,785 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831264] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07831-00026127-00026131 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7832, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,704,153 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831264] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07832-00026131-00026134 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7833, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,737,513 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831264] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07833-00026134-00026138 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7834, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,770,884 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831264] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07834-00026138-00026141 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7835, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,804,246 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831264] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07835-00026141-00026144 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7836, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,837,610 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831264] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07836-00026144-00026148 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7837, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,870,981 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831263] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07837-00026148-00026151 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7838, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,904,339 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831263] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07838-00026151-00026154 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7839, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,937,704 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831263] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07839-00026154-00026158 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7840, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:02,971,073 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831263] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07840-00026158-00026161 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7841, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,004,432 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831263] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07841-00026161-00026164 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7842, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,037,797 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831263] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07842-00026164-00026168 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7843, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,071,164 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831263] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07843-00026168-00026171 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7844, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,104,530 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831263] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07844-00026171-00026174 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7845, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,137,894 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831263] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07845-00026174-00026177 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7846, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,171,262 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831262] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07846-00026177-00026181 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7847, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,204,621 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5952] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831262] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07847-00026181-00026184 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7848, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,237,987 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831262] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07848-00026184-00026188 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7849, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,271,354 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831262] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07849-00026188-00026191 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7850, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,304,719 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831262] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07850-00026191-00026194 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7851, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,338,084 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831262] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07851-00026194-00026198 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7852, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,371,445 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831262] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07852-00026198-00026201 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7853, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,404,814 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5951] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831262] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07853-00026201-00026204 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7854, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,438,176 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831262] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07854-00026204-00026208 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7855, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,471,554 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831262] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07855-00026208-00026211 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7856, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,504,909 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831262] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07856-00026211-00026214 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7857, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,538,272 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831262] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07857-00026214-00026218 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7858, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,571,641 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831261] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07858-00026218-00026221 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7859, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,605,003 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831261] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07859-00026221-00026224 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7860, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,638,363 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831261] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07860-00026224-00026228 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7861, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,671,732 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831261] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07861-00026228-00026231 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7862, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,705,095 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831261] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07862-00026231-00026234 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7863, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,738,458 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831261] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07863-00026234-00026238 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7864, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,771,831 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831261] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07864-00026238-00026241 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7865, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,805,187 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831261] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07865-00026241-00026244 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7866, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,838,552 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831261] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07866-00026244-00026248 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7867, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,871,922 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831261] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07867-00026248-00026251 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7868, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,905,286 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831261] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07868-00026251-00026254 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7869, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,938,647 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831261] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07869-00026254-00026258 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7870, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:03,972,016 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831260] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07870-00026258-00026261 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7871, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,005,382 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831260] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07871-00026261-00026264 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7872, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,038,746 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831260] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07872-00026264-00026268 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7873, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,072,116 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831260] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07873-00026268-00026271 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7874, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,105,471 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831260] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07874-00026271-00026274 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7875, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,138,838 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831260] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07875-00026274-00026278 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7876, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,172,203 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831260] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07876-00026278-00026281 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7877, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,205,567 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5949] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831260] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07877-00026281-00026284 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7878, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,238,932 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831260] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07878-00026284-00026288 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7879, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,272,298 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831260] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07879-00026288-00026291 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7880, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,305,660 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831260] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07880-00026291-00026294 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7881, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,339,027 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831260] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07881-00026294-00026298 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7882, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,372,401 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831259] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07882-00026298-00026301 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7883, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,405,755 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831259] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07883-00026301-00026304 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7884, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,439,120 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831259] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07884-00026304-00026308 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7885, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,472,489 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831259] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07885-00026308-00026311 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7886, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,505,855 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831259] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07886-00026311-00026314 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7887, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,539,215 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831259] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07887-00026314-00026318 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7888, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,572,583 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831259] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07888-00026318-00026321 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7889, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,605,947 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831259] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07889-00026321-00026324 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7890, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,639,312 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831259] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07890-00026324-00026328 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7891, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,672,676 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831259] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07891-00026328-00026331 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7892, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,706,038 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831259] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07892-00026331-00026334 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7893, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,739,409 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831259] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07893-00026334-00026338 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7894, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,772,769 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831258] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07894-00026338-00026341 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7895, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,806,134 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831258] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07895-00026341-00026344 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7896, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,839,500 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831258] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07896-00026344-00026348 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7897, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,872,865 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831258] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07897-00026348-00026351 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7898, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,906,228 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831258] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07898-00026351-00026354 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7899, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,939,595 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831258] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07899-00026354-00026358 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7900, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:04,972,958 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831258] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07900-00026358-00026361 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7901, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,006,323 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831258] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07901-00026361-00026364 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7902, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,039,690 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831258] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07902-00026364-00026368 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7903, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,073,052 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831258] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07903-00026368-00026371 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7904, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,106,417 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831258] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07904-00026371-00026374 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7905, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,139,784 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831258] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07905-00026374-00026378 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7906, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,173,150 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831257] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07906-00026378-00026381 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7907, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,206,512 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831257] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07907-00026381-00026384 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7908, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,239,877 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831257] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07908-00026384-00026388 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7909, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,273,243 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831257] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07909-00026388-00026391 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7910, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,306,605 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831257] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07910-00026391-00026394 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7911, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,339,973 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831257] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07911-00026394-00026398 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7912, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,373,340 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831257] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07912-00026398-00026401 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7913, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,406,702 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5947] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831257] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07913-00026401-00026404 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7914, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,440,068 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831257] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07914-00026404-00026408 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7915, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,473,438 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831257] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07915-00026408-00026411 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7916, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,506,796 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831257] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07916-00026411-00026414 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7917, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,540,159 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831257] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07917-00026414-00026418 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7918, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,573,532 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831256] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07918-00026418-00026421 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7919, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,606,892 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5946] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831256] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07919-00026421-00026424 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7920, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,640,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831256] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07920-00026424-00026428 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7921, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,673,620 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831256] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07921-00026428-00026431 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7922, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,706,984 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831256] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07922-00026431-00026434 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7923, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,740,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831256] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07923-00026434-00026438 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7924, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,773,717 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831256] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07924-00026438-00026441 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7925, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,807,078 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5944] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831256] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07925-00026441-00026444 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7926, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,840,447 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831256] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07926-00026444-00026448 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7927, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,873,815 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831255] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07927-00026448-00026451 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7928, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,907,173 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831255] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07928-00026451-00026454 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7929, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,940,539 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831255] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07929-00026454-00026458 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7930, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:05,973,903 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831255] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07930-00026458-00026461 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7931, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,007,272 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5942] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831255] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07931-00026461-00026464 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7932, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,040,633 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831255] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07932-00026464-00026468 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7933, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,074,000 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831255] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07933-00026468-00026471 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7934, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,107,365 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831255] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07934-00026471-00026475 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7935, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,140,727 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5940] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831255] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07935-00026475-00026478 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7936, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,174,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5939] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831255] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07936-00026478-00026481 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7937, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,207,456 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5939] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831255] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07937-00026481-00026485 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7938, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,240,833 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831255] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07938-00026485-00026488 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7939, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,274,188 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831254] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07939-00026488-00026491 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7940, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,307,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831254] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07940-00026491-00026495 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7941, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,340,918 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831254] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07941-00026495-00026498 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7942, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,374,287 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831254] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07942-00026498-00026501 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7943, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,407,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831254] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07943-00026501-00026505 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7944, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,441,011 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831254] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07944-00026505-00026508 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7945, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,474,377 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831254] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07945-00026508-00026511 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7946, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,507,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831254] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07946-00026511-00026514 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7947, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,541,106 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831254] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07947-00026514-00026518 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7948, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,574,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831254] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07948-00026518-00026521 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7949, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,607,836 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831254] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07949-00026521-00026525 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7950, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,641,202 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831254] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07950-00026525-00026528 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7951, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,674,577 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831253] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07951-00026528-00026531 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7952, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,707,932 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831253] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07952-00026531-00026535 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7953, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,741,295 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831253] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07953-00026535-00026538 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7954, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,774,660 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831253] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07954-00026538-00026541 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7955, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,808,026 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831253] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07955-00026541-00026545 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7956, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,841,390 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831253] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07956-00026545-00026548 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7957, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,874,755 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831253] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07957-00026548-00026551 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7958, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,908,122 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831253] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07958-00026551-00026555 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7959, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,941,488 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5938] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831253] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07959-00026555-00026558 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7960, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:06,974,851 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5939] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831253] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07960-00026558-00026561 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7961, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,008,216 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5939] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831253] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07961-00026561-00026565 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7962, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,041,579 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831253] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07962-00026565-00026568 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7963, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,074,943 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5941] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831252] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07963-00026568-00026571 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7964, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,108,309 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831252] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07964-00026571-00026575 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7965, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,141,676 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5943] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831252] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07965-00026575-00026578 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7966, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,175,039 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831252] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07966-00026578-00026581 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7967, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,208,402 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5945] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831252] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07967-00026581-00026585 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7968, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,241,768 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831252] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07968-00026585-00026588 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7969, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,275,132 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5948] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831252] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07969-00026588-00026591 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7970, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,308,497 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831252] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07970-00026591-00026595 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7971, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,341,864 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5950] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831252] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07971-00026595-00026598 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7972, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,375,225 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831252] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07972-00026598-00026601 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7973, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,408,600 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5953] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831252] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07973-00026601-00026605 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7974, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,441,959 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831252] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07974-00026605-00026608 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7975, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,475,326 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5956] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831251] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07975-00026608-00026611 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7976, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,508,688 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831251] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07976-00026611-00026615 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7977, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,542,052 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831251] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07977-00026615-00026618 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7978, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,575,444 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831251] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07978-00026618-00026621 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7979, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,608,781 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831251] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07979-00026621-00026625 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7980, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,642,150 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831251] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07980-00026625-00026628 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7981, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,675,512 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831251] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07981-00026628-00026631 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7982, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,708,876 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831251] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07982-00026631-00026635 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7983, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,742,240 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831251] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07983-00026635-00026638 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7984, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,775,608 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831251] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07984-00026638-00026641 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7985, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,808,971 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831251] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07985-00026641-00026645 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7986, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,842,336 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5974] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831251] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07986-00026645-00026648 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7987, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,875,703 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5974] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831250] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07987-00026648-00026651 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7988, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,909,063 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831250] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07988-00026651-00026655 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7989, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,942,430 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831250] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07989-00026655-00026658 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7990, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:07,975,794 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5977] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831250] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07990-00026658-00026661 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7991, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,009,161 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5977] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831250] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07991-00026661-00026665 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7992, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,042,527 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831250] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07992-00026665-00026668 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7993, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,075,899 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831250] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07993-00026668-00026671 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7994, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,109,254 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831250] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07994-00026671-00026675 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7995, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,142,621 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831250] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07995-00026675-00026678 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7996, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,175,984 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831249] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07996-00026678-00026681 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7997, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,209,355 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831249] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07997-00026681-00026685 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7998, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,242,712 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831249] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07998-00026685-00026688 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 7999, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,276,076 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831249] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-07999-00026688-00026691 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8000, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,309,443 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831249] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08000-00026691-00026695 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8001, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,342,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1500.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831249] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08001-00026695-00026698 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8002, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,376,173 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831249] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08002-00026698-00026701 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8003, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,409,539 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831249] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08003-00026701-00026705 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8004, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,442,902 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831249] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08004-00026705-00026708 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8005, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,476,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831249] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08005-00026708-00026711 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8006, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,509,633 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831249] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08006-00026711-00026715 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8007, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,542,998 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831249] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08007-00026715-00026718 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8008, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,576,360 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831248] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08008-00026718-00026721 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8009, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,609,726 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831248] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08009-00026721-00026725 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8010, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,643,090 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831248] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08010-00026725-00026728 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8011, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,676,461 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831248] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08011-00026728-00026731 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8012, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,709,823 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831248] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08012-00026731-00026735 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8013, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,743,186 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831248] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08013-00026735-00026738 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8014, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,776,551 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831248] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08014-00026738-00026741 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8015, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,809,917 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831248] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08015-00026741-00026745 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8016, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,843,278 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831248] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08016-00026745-00026748 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8017, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,876,650 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831248] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08017-00026748-00026751 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8018, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,910,009 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831248] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08018-00026751-00026755 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8019, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,943,373 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831248] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08019-00026755-00026758 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8020, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:08,976,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831247] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08020-00026758-00026761 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8021, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,010,111 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831247] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08021-00026761-00026765 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8022, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,043,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831247] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08022-00026765-00026768 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8023, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,076,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5978] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831247] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08023-00026768-00026771 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8024, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,110,202 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5977] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831247] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08024-00026771-00026775 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8025, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,143,562 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5977] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831247] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08025-00026775-00026778 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8026, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,176,928 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831247] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08026-00026778-00026781 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8027, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,210,292 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831247] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08027-00026781-00026785 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8028, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,243,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831247] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08028-00026785-00026788 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8029, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,277,022 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831247] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08029-00026788-00026791 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8030, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,310,389 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5975] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831247] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08030-00026791-00026795 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8031, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,343,751 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5975] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831247] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08031-00026795-00026798 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8032, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,377,120 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5974] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831246] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08032-00026798-00026801 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8033, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,410,526 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5974] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831246] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08033-00026801-00026805 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8034, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,443,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5974] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831246] [longtitude: -2.136442] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08034-00026805-00026808 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8035, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,477,213 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5974] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831246] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08035-00026808-00026812 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8036, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,510,578 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831246] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08036-00026812-00026815 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8037, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,543,941 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831246] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.100000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08037-00026815-00026818 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8038, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,577,311 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831246] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08038-00026818-00026822 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8039, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,610,678 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831246] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08039-00026822-00026825 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8040, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,644,036 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831246] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08040-00026825-00026828 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8041, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,677,404 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831246] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08041-00026828-00026832 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8042, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,710,770 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831246] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08042-00026832-00026835 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8043, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,744,129 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831246] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08043-00026835-00026838 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8044, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,777,503 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831246] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08044-00026838-00026842 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8045, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,810,864 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831246] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08045-00026842-00026845 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8046, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,844,228 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831246] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08046-00026845-00026848 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8047, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,877,589 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831245] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08047-00026848-00026852 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8048, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,910,959 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831245] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08048-00026852-00026855 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8049, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,944,322 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831245] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08049-00026855-00026858 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8050, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:09,977,689 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831245] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08050-00026858-00026862 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8051, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,011,051 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831245] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08051-00026862-00026865 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8052, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,044,415 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831245] [longtitude: -2.136441] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08052-00026865-00026868 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8053, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,077,785 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831245] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08053-00026868-00026872 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8054, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,111,152 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831245] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08054-00026872-00026875 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8055, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,144,509 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831245] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08055-00026875-00026878 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8056, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,177,877 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831245] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08056-00026878-00026882 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8057, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,211,241 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831245] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08057-00026882-00026885 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8058, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,244,609 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831245] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08058-00026885-00026888 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8059, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,277,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831245] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08059-00026888-00026892 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8060, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,311,337 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831245] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08060-00026892-00026895 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8061, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,344,699 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831245] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08061-00026895-00026898 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8062, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,378,066 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831244] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08062-00026898-00026902 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8063, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,411,430 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831244] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08063-00026902-00026905 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8064, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,444,795 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831244] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08064-00026905-00026908 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8065, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,478,165 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1250.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831244] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08065-00026908-00026912 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8066, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,511,522 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831244] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08066-00026912-00026915 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8067, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,544,891 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831244] [longtitude: -2.136440] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08067-00026915-00026918 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8068, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,578,259 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831244] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08068-00026918-00026922 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8069, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,611,615 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831244] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08069-00026922-00026925 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8070, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,644,985 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831244] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08070-00026925-00026928 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8071, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,678,348 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831244] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08071-00026928-00026932 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8072, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,711,711 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831244] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08072-00026932-00026935 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8073, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,745,079 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831244] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08073-00026935-00026938 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8074, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,778,444 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831244] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08074-00026938-00026942 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8075, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,811,809 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831244] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08075-00026942-00026945 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8076, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,845,173 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831244] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08076-00026945-00026948 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8077, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,878,534 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831243] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08077-00026948-00026952 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8078, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,911,900 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831243] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08078-00026952-00026955 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8079, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,945,267 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831243] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08079-00026955-00026958 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8080, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:10,978,632 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831243] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08080-00026958-00026962 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8081, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,012,002 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831243] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08081-00026962-00026965 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8082, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,045,371 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831243] [longtitude: -2.136439] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08082-00026965-00026968 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8083, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,078,735 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831243] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08083-00026968-00026972 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8084, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,112,096 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831243] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08084-00026972-00026975 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8085, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,145,456 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831243] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08085-00026975-00026978 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8086, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,178,831 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831243] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08086-00026978-00026982 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8087, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,212,184 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831243] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08087-00026982-00026985 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8088, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,245,547 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831243] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08088-00026985-00026988 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8089, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,278,920 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831243] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08089-00026988-00026992 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8090, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,312,304 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831243] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08090-00026992-00026995 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8091, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,345,643 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831243] [longtitude: -2.136438] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08091-00026995-00026998 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8092, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,379,011 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08092-00026998-00027002 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8093, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,412,372 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08093-00027002-00027005 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8094, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,445,740 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08094-00027005-00027008 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8095, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,479,115 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08095-00027008-00027012 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8096, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,512,466 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08096-00027012-00027015 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8097, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,545,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08097-00027015-00027018 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8098, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,579,203 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08098-00027018-00027022 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8099, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,612,563 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08099-00027022-00027025 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8100, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,645,928 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08100-00027025-00027028 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8101, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,679,294 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08101-00027028-00027032 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8102, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,712,657 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08102-00027032-00027035 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8103, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,746,022 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136437] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08103-00027035-00027038 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8104, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,779,387 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08104-00027038-00027042 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8105, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,812,751 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08105-00027042-00027045 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8106, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,846,118 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08106-00027045-00027048 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8107, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,879,486 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08107-00027048-00027052 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8108, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,912,847 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08108-00027052-00027055 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8109, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,946,210 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831242] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08109-00027055-00027058 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8110, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:11,979,576 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08110-00027058-00027062 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8111, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,012,942 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08111-00027062-00027065 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8112, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,046,304 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08112-00027065-00027068 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8113, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,079,676 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08113-00027068-00027072 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8114, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,113,048 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08114-00027072-00027075 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8115, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,146,402 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136436] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08115-00027075-00027078 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8116, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,179,765 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08116-00027078-00027082 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8117, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,213,129 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08117-00027082-00027085 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8118, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,246,493 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08118-00027085-00027088 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8119, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,279,867 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08119-00027088-00027092 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8120, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,313,224 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08120-00027092-00027095 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8121, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,346,588 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08121-00027095-00027098 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8122, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,379,966 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08122-00027098-00027102 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8123, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,413,317 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08123-00027102-00027105 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8124, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,446,683 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136435] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08124-00027105-00027108 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8125, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,480,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08125-00027108-00027112 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8126, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,513,415 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08126-00027112-00027115 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8127, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,546,775 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08127-00027115-00027118 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8128, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,580,145 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08128-00027118-00027122 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8129, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,613,505 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08129-00027122-00027125 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8130, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,646,870 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08130-00027125-00027128 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8131, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,680,235 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08131-00027128-00027132 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8132, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,713,601 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08132-00027132-00027135 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8133, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,746,966 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831241] [longtitude: -2.136434] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08133-00027135-00027138 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8134, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,780,332 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08134-00027138-00027142 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8135, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,813,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08135-00027142-00027145 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8136, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,847,061 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08136-00027145-00027148 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8137, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,880,436 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08137-00027148-00027152 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8138, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,913,792 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08138-00027152-00027155 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8139, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,947,156 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08139-00027155-00027158 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8140, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:12,980,522 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08140-00027158-00027162 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8141, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,013,886 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08141-00027162-00027165 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8142, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,047,249 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136433] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08142-00027165-00027169 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8143, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,080,616 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08143-00027169-00027172 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8144, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,113,982 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08144-00027172-00027175 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8145, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,147,353 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08145-00027175-00027179 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8146, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,180,710 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08146-00027179-00027182 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8147, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,214,076 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08147-00027182-00027185 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8148, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,247,438 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08148-00027185-00027189 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8149, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,280,802 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08149-00027189-00027192 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8150, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,314,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08150-00027192-00027195 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8151, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,347,534 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136432] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08151-00027195-00027199 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8152, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,380,904 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08152-00027199-00027202 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8153, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,414,264 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08153-00027202-00027205 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8154, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,447,629 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08154-00027205-00027208 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8155, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,480,993 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08155-00027208-00027212 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8156, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,514,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08156-00027212-00027215 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8157, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,547,724 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831240] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08157-00027215-00027219 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8158, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,581,088 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08158-00027219-00027222 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8159, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,614,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08159-00027222-00027225 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8160, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,647,818 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136431] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08160-00027225-00027229 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8161, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,681,183 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08161-00027229-00027232 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8162, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,714,553 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08162-00027232-00027235 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8163, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,747,911 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08163-00027235-00027239 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8164, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,781,276 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08164-00027239-00027242 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8165, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,814,647 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08165-00027242-00027245 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8166, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,848,006 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136430] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08166-00027245-00027249 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8167, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,881,376 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08167-00027249-00027252 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8168, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,914,739 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08168-00027252-00027255 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8169, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,948,101 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08169-00027255-00027258 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8170, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:13,981,466 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08170-00027258-00027262 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8171, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,014,829 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08171-00027262-00027265 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8172, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,048,199 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08172-00027265-00027269 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8173, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,081,560 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08173-00027269-00027272 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8174, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,114,927 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08174-00027272-00027275 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8175, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,148,291 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136429] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08175-00027275-00027279 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8176, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,181,661 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08176-00027279-00027282 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8177, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,215,019 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08177-00027282-00027285 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8178, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,248,384 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08178-00027285-00027289 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8179, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,281,763 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08179-00027289-00027292 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8180, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,315,114 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08180-00027292-00027295 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8181, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,348,480 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08181-00027295-00027299 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8182, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,381,844 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08182-00027299-00027302 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8183, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,415,211 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08183-00027302-00027305 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8184, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,448,574 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136428] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08184-00027305-00027309 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8185, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,481,950 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08185-00027309-00027312 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8186, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,515,305 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08186-00027312-00027315 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8187, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,548,670 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08187-00027315-00027319 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8188, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,582,039 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08188-00027319-00027322 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8189, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,615,400 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08189-00027322-00027325 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8190, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,648,763 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831239] [longtitude: -2.136427] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08190-00027325-00027329 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8191, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,682,130 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08191-00027329-00027332 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8192, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,715,491 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08192-00027332-00027335 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8193, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,748,859 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08193-00027335-00027339 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8194, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,782,224 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08194-00027339-00027342 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8195, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,815,589 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08195-00027342-00027345 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8196, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,848,952 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08196-00027345-00027349 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8197, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,882,322 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08197-00027349-00027352 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8198, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,915,682 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08198-00027352-00027355 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8199, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,949,059 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136426] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08199-00027355-00027359 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8200, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:14,982,412 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08200-00027359-00027362 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8201, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,015,775 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08201-00027362-00027365 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8202, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,049,141 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08202-00027365-00027369 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8203, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,082,512 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08203-00027369-00027372 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8204, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,115,873 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08204-00027372-00027375 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8205, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,149,238 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08205-00027375-00027379 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8206, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,182,603 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08206-00027379-00027382 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8207, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,215,964 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08207-00027382-00027385 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8208, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,249,328 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136425] [altitude: 49.000000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08208-00027385-00027389 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8209, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,282,698 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08209-00027389-00027392 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8210, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,316,059 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08210-00027392-00027395 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8211, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,349,424 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08211-00027395-00027399 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8212, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,382,791 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08212-00027399-00027402 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8213, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,416,159 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08213-00027402-00027405 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8214, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,449,528 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136424] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08214-00027405-00027409 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8215, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,482,931 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08215-00027409-00027412 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8216, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,516,250 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08216-00027412-00027415 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8217, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,549,615 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08217-00027415-00027419 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8218, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,583,022 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08218-00027419-00027422 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8219, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,616,343 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08219-00027422-00027425 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8220, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,649,707 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08220-00027425-00027429 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8221, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,683,081 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08221-00027429-00027432 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8222, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,716,438 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08222-00027432-00027435 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8223, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,749,805 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136423] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08223-00027435-00027439 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8224, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,783,170 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08224-00027439-00027442 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8225, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,816,532 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08225-00027442-00027445 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8226, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,849,903 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08226-00027445-00027449 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8227, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,883,272 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08227-00027449-00027452 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8228, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,916,625 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08228-00027452-00027455 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8229, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,949,993 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831238] [longtitude: -2.136422] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08229-00027455-00027459 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8230, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:15,983,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08230-00027459-00027462 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8231, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,016,724 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08231-00027462-00027465 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8232, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,050,085 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08232-00027465-00027469 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8233, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,083,454 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08233-00027469-00027472 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8234, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,116,819 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08234-00027472-00027475 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8235, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,150,183 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08235-00027475-00027479 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8236, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,183,548 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08236-00027479-00027482 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8237, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,216,918 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08237-00027482-00027485 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8238, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,250,283 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136421] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08238-00027485-00027489 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8239, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,283,644 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08239-00027489-00027492 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8240, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,317,004 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08240-00027492-00027495 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8241, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,350,371 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08241-00027495-00027499 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8242, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,383,738 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08242-00027499-00027502 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8243, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,417,103 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08243-00027502-00027505 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8244, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,450,464 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136420] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08244-00027505-00027509 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8245, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,483,841 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08245-00027509-00027512 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8246, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,517,196 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08246-00027512-00027515 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8247, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,550,561 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08247-00027515-00027519 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8248, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,583,940 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08248-00027519-00027522 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8249, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,617,293 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08249-00027522-00027526 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8250, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,650,652 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08250-00027526-00027529 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8251, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,684,021 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08251-00027529-00027532 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8252, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,717,383 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08252-00027532-00027536 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8253, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,750,747 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136419] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08253-00027536-00027539 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8254, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,784,114 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08254-00027539-00027542 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8255, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,817,477 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08255-00027542-00027545 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8256, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,850,844 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08256-00027545-00027549 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8257, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,884,210 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08257-00027549-00027552 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8258, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,917,574 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08258-00027552-00027556 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8259, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,950,938 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136418] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08259-00027556-00027559 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8260, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:16,984,310 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08260-00027559-00027562 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8261, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,017,666 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08261-00027562-00027566 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8262, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,051,031 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08262-00027566-00027569 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8263, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,084,397 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08263-00027569-00027572 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8264, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,117,759 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08264-00027572-00027576 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8265, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,151,127 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08265-00027576-00027579 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8266, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,184,498 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08266-00027579-00027582 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8267, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,217,858 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08267-00027582-00027586 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8268, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,251,221 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136417] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08268-00027586-00027589 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8269, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,284,589 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08269-00027589-00027592 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8270, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,317,954 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08270-00027592-00027595 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8271, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,351,318 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08271-00027595-00027599 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8272, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,384,688 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08272-00027599-00027602 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8273, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,418,048 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08273-00027602-00027606 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8274, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,451,408 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136416] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08274-00027606-00027609 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8275, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,484,783 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08275-00027609-00027612 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8276, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,518,141 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08276-00027612-00027616 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8277, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,551,504 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08277-00027616-00027619 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8278, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,584,877 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08278-00027619-00027622 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8279, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,618,238 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08279-00027622-00027626 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8280, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,651,598 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831237] [longtitude: -2.136415] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08280-00027626-00027629 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8281, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,684,966 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08281-00027629-00027632 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8282, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,718,329 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08282-00027632-00027636 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8283, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,751,693 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08283-00027636-00027639 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8284, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,785,067 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08284-00027639-00027642 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8285, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,818,437 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08285-00027642-00027646 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8286, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,851,787 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08286-00027646-00027649 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8287, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,885,155 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08287-00027649-00027652 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8288, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,918,516 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08288-00027652-00027656 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8289, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,951,881 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136414] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08289-00027656-00027659 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8290, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:17,985,249 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08290-00027659-00027662 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8291, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,018,654 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08291-00027662-00027666 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8292, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,051,978 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08292-00027666-00027669 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8293, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,085,378 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08293-00027669-00027672 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8294, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,118,720 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08294-00027672-00027676 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8295, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,152,070 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136413] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08295-00027676-00027679 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8296, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,185,437 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08296-00027679-00027682 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8297, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,218,801 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08297-00027682-00027686 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8298, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,252,164 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08298-00027686-00027689 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8299, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,285,534 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08299-00027689-00027692 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8300, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,318,894 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08300-00027692-00027696 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8301, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,352,260 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08301-00027696-00027699 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8302, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,385,628 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08302-00027699-00027702 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8303, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,418,992 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08303-00027702-00027706 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8304, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,452,353 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136412] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08304-00027706-00027709 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8305, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,485,728 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08305-00027709-00027712 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8306, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,519,086 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08306-00027712-00027716 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8307, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,552,451 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08307-00027716-00027719 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8308, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,585,819 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08308-00027719-00027722 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8309, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,619,182 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136411] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08309-00027722-00027726 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8310, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,652,543 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08310-00027726-00027729 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8311, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,685,909 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08311-00027729-00027732 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8312, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,719,276 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08312-00027732-00027736 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8313, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,752,639 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08313-00027736-00027739 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8314, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,786,005 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08314-00027739-00027742 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8315, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,819,372 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08315-00027742-00027746 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8316, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,852,733 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136410] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08316-00027746-00027749 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8317, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,886,102 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08317-00027749-00027752 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8318, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,919,463 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08318-00027752-00027756 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8319, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,952,826 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08319-00027756-00027759 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8320, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:18,986,203 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08320-00027759-00027762 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8321, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,019,560 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08321-00027762-00027766 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8322, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,052,921 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08322-00027766-00027769 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8323, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,086,302 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08323-00027769-00027772 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8324, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,119,652 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136409] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08324-00027772-00027776 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8325, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,153,015 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08325-00027776-00027779 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8326, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,186,381 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08326-00027779-00027782 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8327, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,219,797 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08327-00027782-00027786 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8328, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,253,110 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08328-00027786-00027789 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8329, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,286,491 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08329-00027789-00027792 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8330, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,319,846 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08330-00027792-00027796 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8331, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,353,205 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136408] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08331-00027796-00027799 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8332, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,386,572 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08332-00027799-00027802 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8333, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,419,938 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08333-00027802-00027806 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8334, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,453,301 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08334-00027806-00027809 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8335, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,486,673 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08335-00027809-00027812 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8336, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,520,037 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08336-00027812-00027816 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8337, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,553,394 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08337-00027816-00027819 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8338, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,586,760 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08338-00027819-00027822 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8339, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,620,123 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08339-00027822-00027826 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8340, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,653,488 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136407] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08340-00027826-00027829 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8341, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,686,859 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08341-00027829-00027832 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8342, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,720,218 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08342-00027832-00027836 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8343, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,753,585 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831236] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08343-00027836-00027839 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8344, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,786,947 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08344-00027839-00027842 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8345, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,820,318 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08345-00027842-00027846 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8346, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,853,677 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136406] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08346-00027846-00027849 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8347, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,887,043 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08347-00027849-00027852 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8348, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,920,411 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08348-00027852-00027856 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8349, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,953,774 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08349-00027856-00027859 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8350, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:19,987,142 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08350-00027859-00027862 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8351, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,020,501 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136405] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08351-00027862-00027866 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8352, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,053,866 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08352-00027866-00027869 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8353, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,087,234 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08353-00027869-00027873 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8354, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,120,595 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08354-00027873-00027876 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8355, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,153,967 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08355-00027876-00027879 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8356, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,187,326 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08356-00027879-00027883 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8357, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,220,694 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08357-00027883-00027886 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8358, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,254,057 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08358-00027886-00027889 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8359, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,287,422 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08359-00027889-00027893 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8360, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,320,792 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136404] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08360-00027893-00027896 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8361, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,354,152 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08361-00027896-00027899 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8362, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,387,520 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08362-00027899-00027902 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8363, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,420,880 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08363-00027902-00027906 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8364, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,454,245 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08364-00027906-00027909 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8365, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,487,613 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08365-00027909-00027913 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8366, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,520,976 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136403] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08366-00027913-00027916 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8367, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,554,341 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08367-00027916-00027919 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8368, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,587,705 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08368-00027919-00027923 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8369, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,621,069 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08369-00027923-00027926 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8370, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,654,434 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08370-00027926-00027929 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8371, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,687,806 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08371-00027929-00027933 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8372, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,721,164 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136402] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08372-00027933-00027936 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8373, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,754,530 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08373-00027936-00027939 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8374, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,787,893 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08374-00027939-00027943 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8375, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,821,258 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08375-00027943-00027946 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8376, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,854,624 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08376-00027946-00027949 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8377, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,887,992 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08377-00027949-00027952 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8378, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,921,358 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08378-00027952-00027956 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8379, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,954,717 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08379-00027956-00027959 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8380, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:20,988,083 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08380-00027959-00027963 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8381, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,021,452 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08381-00027963-00027966 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8382, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,054,812 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136401] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08382-00027966-00027969 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8383, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,088,181 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136400] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08383-00027969-00027973 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8384, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,121,541 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136400] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08384-00027973-00027976 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8385, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,154,907 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136400] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08385-00027976-00027979 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8386, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,188,279 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136400] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08386-00027979-00027983 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8387, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,221,635 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136400] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08387-00027983-00027986 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8388, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,255,002 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136400] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08388-00027986-00027989 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8389, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,288,376 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08389-00027989-00027993 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8390, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,321,732 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08390-00027993-00027996 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8391, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,355,097 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08391-00027996-00027999 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8392, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,388,464 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08392-00027999-00028003 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8393, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,421,834 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08393-00028003-00028006 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8394, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,455,192 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08394-00028006-00028009 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8395, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,488,555 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08395-00028009-00028013 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8396, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,521,922 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08396-00028013-00028016 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8397, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,555,286 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136399] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08397-00028016-00028019 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8398, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,588,650 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08398-00028019-00028023 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8399, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,622,014 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08399-00028023-00028026 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8400, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,655,378 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08400-00028026-00028029 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8401, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,688,751 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08401-00028029-00028033 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8402, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,722,113 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136398] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08402-00028033-00028036 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8403, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,755,476 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136397] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08403-00028036-00028039 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8404, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,788,838 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136397] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08404-00028039-00028043 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8405, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,822,205 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136397] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08405-00028043-00028046 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8406, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,855,567 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136397] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08406-00028046-00028049 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8407, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,888,937 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136397] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08407-00028049-00028053 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8408, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,922,298 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136397] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08408-00028053-00028056 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8409, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,955,662 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08409-00028056-00028059 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8410, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:21,989,031 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08410-00028059-00028063 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8411, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,022,392 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831235] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08411-00028063-00028066 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8412, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,055,757 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08412-00028066-00028069 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8413, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,089,123 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08413-00028069-00028073 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8414, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,122,487 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08414-00028073-00028076 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8415, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,155,853 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08415-00028076-00028079 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8416, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,189,217 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08416-00028079-00028083 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8417, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,222,585 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136396] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08417-00028083-00028086 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8418, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,255,948 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08418-00028086-00028089 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8419, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,289,315 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08419-00028089-00028093 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8420, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,322,677 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08420-00028093-00028096 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8421, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,356,041 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08421-00028096-00028099 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8422, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,389,409 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08422-00028099-00028103 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8423, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,422,771 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136395] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08423-00028103-00028106 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8424, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,456,134 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136394] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08424-00028106-00028109 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8425, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,489,505 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136394] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08425-00028109-00028113 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8426, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,522,865 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136394] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08426-00028113-00028116 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8427, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,556,230 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136394] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08427-00028116-00028119 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8428, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,589,604 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136394] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08428-00028119-00028123 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8429, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,622,960 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136394] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08429-00028123-00028126 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8430, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,656,326 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08430-00028126-00028129 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8431, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,689,695 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08431-00028129-00028133 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8432, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,723,054 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08432-00028133-00028136 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8433, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,756,428 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08433-00028136-00028139 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8434, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,789,785 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08434-00028139-00028143 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8435, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,823,148 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08435-00028143-00028146 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8436, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,856,513 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08436-00028146-00028149 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8437, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,889,882 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08437-00028149-00028153 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8438, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,923,244 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136393] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08438-00028153-00028156 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8439, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,956,611 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08439-00028156-00028159 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8440, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:22,989,982 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5958] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08440-00028159-00028163 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8441, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,023,339 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08441-00028163-00028166 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8442, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,056,704 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08442-00028166-00028169 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8443, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,090,069 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08443-00028169-00028173 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8444, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,123,431 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5959] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136392] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08444-00028173-00028176 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8445, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,156,797 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08445-00028176-00028179 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8446, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,190,166 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08446-00028179-00028183 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8447, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,223,527 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08447-00028183-00028186 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8448, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,256,891 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5960] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08448-00028186-00028189 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8449, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,290,258 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08449-00028189-00028193 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8450, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,323,624 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5961] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136391] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08450-00028193-00028196 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8451, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,356,986 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08451-00028196-00028199 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8452, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,390,352 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5962] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08452-00028199-00028203 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8453, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,423,717 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08453-00028203-00028206 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8454, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,457,079 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08454-00028206-00028209 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8455, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,490,446 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08455-00028209-00028213 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8456, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,523,811 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5963] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08456-00028213-00028216 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8457, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,557,174 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08457-00028216-00028219 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8458, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,590,540 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5964] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08458-00028219-00028223 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8459, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,623,905 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136390] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08459-00028223-00028226 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8460, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,657,269 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136389] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08460-00028226-00028230 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8461, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,690,635 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136389] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08461-00028230-00028233 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8462, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,724,013 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136389] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08462-00028233-00028236 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8463, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,757,364 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136389] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08463-00028236-00028239 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8464, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,790,733 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5965] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136389] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08464-00028239-00028243 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8465, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,824,096 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136389] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08465-00028243-00028246 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8466, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,857,460 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08466-00028246-00028250 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8467, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,890,826 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08467-00028250-00028253 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8468, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,924,190 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08468-00028253-00028256 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8469, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,957,553 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08469-00028256-00028260 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8470, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:23,990,923 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08470-00028260-00028263 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8471, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,024,289 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136388] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08471-00028263-00028266 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8472, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,057,647 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08472-00028266-00028270 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8473, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,091,014 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08473-00028270-00028273 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8474, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,124,377 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08474-00028273-00028276 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8475, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,157,744 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08475-00028276-00028280 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8476, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,191,106 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08476-00028280-00028283 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8477, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,224,473 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08477-00028283-00028286 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8478, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,257,838 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08478-00028286-00028289 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8479, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,291,208 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08479-00028289-00028293 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8480, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,324,567 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136387] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08480-00028293-00028296 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8481, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,357,933 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08481-00028296-00028300 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8482, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,391,300 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08482-00028300-00028303 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8483, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,424,668 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08483-00028303-00028306 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8484, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,458,028 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5966] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08484-00028306-00028310 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8485, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,491,403 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08485-00028310-00028313 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8486, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,524,757 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831234] [longtitude: -2.136386] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08486-00028313-00028316 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8487, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,558,120 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08487-00028316-00028320 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8488, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,591,489 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08488-00028320-00028323 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8489, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,624,852 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08489-00028323-00028326 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8490, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,658,214 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08490-00028326-00028330 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8491, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,691,582 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08491-00028330-00028333 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8492, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,724,950 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136385] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08492-00028333-00028336 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8493, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,758,311 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08493-00028336-00028340 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8494, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,791,680 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08494-00028340-00028343 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8495, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,825,042 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08495-00028343-00028346 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8496, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,858,404 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08496-00028346-00028350 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8497, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,891,769 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08497-00028350-00028353 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8498, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,925,138 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5967] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08498-00028353-00028356 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8499, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,958,498 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08499-00028356-00028360 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8500, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:24,991,866 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08500-00028360-00028363 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8501, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,025,237 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136384] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08501-00028363-00028366 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8502, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,058,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08502-00028366-00028370 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8503, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,091,963 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08503-00028370-00028373 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8504, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,125,328 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.900000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08504-00028373-00028376 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8505, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,158,688 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08505-00028376-00028380 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8506, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,192,057 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08506-00028380-00028383 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8507, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,225,419 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136383] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08507-00028383-00028386 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8508, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,258,782 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08508-00028386-00028390 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8509, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,292,147 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08509-00028390-00028393 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8510, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,325,512 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08510-00028393-00028396 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8511, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,358,875 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08511-00028396-00028400 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8512, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,392,241 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5968] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08512-00028400-00028403 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8513, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,425,607 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08513-00028403-00028406 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8514, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,458,971 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5969] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08514-00028406-00028410 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8515, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,492,335 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08515-00028410-00028413 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8516, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,525,700 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136382] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08516-00028413-00028416 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8517, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,559,068 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08517-00028416-00028420 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8518, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,592,429 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5970] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08518-00028420-00028423 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8519, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,625,795 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08519-00028423-00028426 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8520, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,659,160 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5971] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08520-00028426-00028430 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8521, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,692,526 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08521-00028430-00028433 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8522, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,725,890 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5972] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136381] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08522-00028433-00028436 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8523, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,759,255 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08523-00028436-00028440 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8524, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,792,624 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08524-00028440-00028443 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8525, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,825,986 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08525-00028443-00028446 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8526, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,859,349 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08526-00028446-00028450 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8527, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,892,715 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08527-00028450-00028453 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8528, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,926,082 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136380] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08528-00028453-00028456 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8529, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,959,445 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08529-00028456-00028460 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8530, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:25,992,809 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08530-00028460-00028463 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8531, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,026,173 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08531-00028463-00028466 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8532, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,059,538 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5973] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08532-00028466-00028470 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8533, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,092,907 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5974] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08533-00028470-00028473 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8534, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,126,269 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5974] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08534-00028473-00028476 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8535, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,159,632 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5975] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08535-00028476-00028480 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8536, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,193,024 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5975] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08536-00028480-00028483 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8537, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,226,364 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5975] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136379] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08537-00028483-00028486 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8538, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,259,730 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5975] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08538-00028486-00028490 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8539, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,293,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08539-00028490-00028493 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8540, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,326,456 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08540-00028493-00028496 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8541, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,359,821 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08541-00028496-00028500 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8542, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,393,187 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08542-00028500-00028503 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8543, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,426,553 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08543-00028503-00028506 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8544, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,459,916 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136378] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08544-00028506-00028510 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8545, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,493,323 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08545-00028510-00028513 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8546, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,526,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08546-00028513-00028516 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8547, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,560,015 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08547-00028516-00028520 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8548, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,593,376 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08548-00028520-00028523 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8549, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,626,742 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136377] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08549-00028523-00028526 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8550, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,660,109 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08550-00028526-00028530 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8551, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,693,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08551-00028530-00028533 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8552, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,726,837 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08552-00028533-00028536 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8553, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,760,203 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08553-00028536-00028540 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8554, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,793,571 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08554-00028540-00028543 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8555, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,826,935 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08555-00028543-00028546 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8556, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,860,296 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08556-00028546-00028550 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8557, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,893,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08557-00028550-00028553 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8558, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,927,027 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136376] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08558-00028553-00028556 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8559, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,960,399 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08559-00028556-00028560 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8560, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:26,993,758 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08560-00028560-00028563 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8561, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,027,121 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08561-00028563-00028566 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8562, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,060,486 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08562-00028566-00028570 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8563, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,093,849 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08563-00028570-00028573 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8564, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,127,217 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136375] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08564-00028573-00028577 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8565, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,160,577 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08565-00028577-00028580 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8566, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,193,958 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08566-00028580-00028583 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8567, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,227,307 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831233] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08567-00028583-00028587 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8568, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,260,680 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08568-00028587-00028590 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8569, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,294,039 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08569-00028590-00028593 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8570, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,327,406 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136374] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08570-00028593-00028597 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8571, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,360,771 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08571-00028597-00028600 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8572, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,394,141 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08572-00028600-00028603 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8573, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,427,501 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08573-00028603-00028607 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8574, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,460,866 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08574-00028607-00028610 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8575, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,494,229 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08575-00028610-00028613 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8576, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,527,600 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08576-00028613-00028617 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8577, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,560,956 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08577-00028617-00028620 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8578, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,594,327 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08578-00028620-00028623 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8579, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,627,691 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136373] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08579-00028623-00028627 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8580, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,661,052 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08580-00028627-00028630 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8581, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,694,417 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08581-00028630-00028633 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8582, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,727,785 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08582-00028633-00028637 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8583, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,761,146 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08583-00028637-00028640 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8584, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,794,513 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08584-00028640-00028643 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8585, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,827,880 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136372] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08585-00028643-00028647 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8586, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,861,239 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136371] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08586-00028647-00028650 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8587, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,894,605 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136371] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08587-00028650-00028653 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8588, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,927,975 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136371] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08588-00028653-00028657 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8589, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,961,334 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136371] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08589-00028657-00028660 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8590, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:27,994,741 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136371] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08590-00028660-00028663 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8591, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,028,070 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136371] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08591-00028663-00028667 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8592, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,061,429 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08592-00028667-00028670 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8593, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,094,858 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08593-00028670-00028673 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8594, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,128,162 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08594-00028673-00028677 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8595, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,161,527 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08595-00028677-00028680 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8596, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,194,897 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08596-00028680-00028683 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8597, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,228,256 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08597-00028683-00028687 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8598, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,261,619 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08598-00028687-00028690 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8599, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,294,989 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08599-00028690-00028693 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8600, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,328,350 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136370] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08600-00028693-00028697 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8601, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,361,718 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08601-00028697-00028700 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8602, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,395,077 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08602-00028700-00028703 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8603, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,428,444 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08603-00028703-00028707 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8604, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,461,812 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08604-00028707-00028710 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8605, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,495,173 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08605-00028710-00028713 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8606, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,528,539 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136369] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08606-00028713-00028717 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8607, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,561,905 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08607-00028717-00028720 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8608, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,595,268 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08608-00028720-00028723 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8609, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,628,632 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08609-00028723-00028727 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8610, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,662,001 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08610-00028727-00028730 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8611, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,695,363 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08611-00028730-00028733 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8612, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,728,726 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136368] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08612-00028733-00028737 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8613, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,762,091 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08613-00028737-00028740 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8614, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,795,455 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08614-00028740-00028743 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8615, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,828,819 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08615-00028743-00028747 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8616, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,862,188 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08616-00028747-00028750 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8617, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,895,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08617-00028750-00028753 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8618, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,928,914 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08618-00028753-00028757 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8619, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,962,282 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08619-00028757-00028760 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8620, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:28,995,645 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08620-00028760-00028763 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8621, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,029,012 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136367] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08621-00028763-00028767 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8622, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,062,375 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08622-00028767-00028770 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8623, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,095,739 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08623-00028770-00028773 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8624, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,129,108 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08624-00028773-00028777 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8625, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,162,470 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08625-00028777-00028780 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8626, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,195,837 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08626-00028780-00028783 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8627, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,229,199 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136366] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08627-00028783-00028787 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8628, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,262,563 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08628-00028787-00028790 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8629, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,295,930 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08629-00028790-00028793 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8630, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,329,294 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08630-00028793-00028797 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8631, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,362,658 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08631-00028797-00028800 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8632, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,396,027 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08632-00028800-00028803 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8633, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,429,389 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08633-00028803-00028807 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8634, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,462,754 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08634-00028807-00028810 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8635, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,496,121 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08635-00028810-00028813 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8636, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,529,486 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136365] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08636-00028813-00028817 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8637, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,562,851 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08637-00028817-00028820 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8638, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,596,214 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08638-00028820-00028823 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8639, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,629,578 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08639-00028823-00028827 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8640, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,662,944 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08640-00028827-00028830 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8641, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,696,308 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08641-00028830-00028833 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8642, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,729,671 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136364] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08642-00028833-00028837 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8643, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,763,036 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08643-00028837-00028840 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8644, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,796,408 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08644-00028840-00028843 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8645, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,829,764 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08645-00028843-00028847 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8646, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,863,129 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08646-00028847-00028850 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8647, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,896,498 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08647-00028850-00028853 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8648, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,929,862 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136363] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08648-00028853-00028857 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8649, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,963,225 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08649-00028857-00028860 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8650, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:29,996,592 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08650-00028860-00028863 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8651, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,029,955 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831232] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08651-00028863-00028867 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8652, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,063,319 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08652-00028867-00028870 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8653, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,096,690 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08653-00028870-00028873 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8654, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,130,049 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08654-00028873-00028877 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8655, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,163,414 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08655-00028877-00028880 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8656, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,196,778 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08656-00028880-00028883 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8657, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,230,144 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136362] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08657-00028883-00028887 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8658, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,263,509 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08658-00028887-00028890 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8659, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,296,887 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08659-00028890-00028893 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8660, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,330,241 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08660-00028893-00028897 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8661, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,363,602 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08661-00028897-00028900 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8662, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,396,970 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08662-00028900-00028903 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8663, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,430,334 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136361] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08663-00028903-00028907 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8664, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,463,697 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08664-00028907-00028910 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8665, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,497,062 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08665-00028910-00028913 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8666, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,530,426 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08666-00028913-00028917 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8667, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,563,801 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08667-00028917-00028920 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8668, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,597,156 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08668-00028920-00028923 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8669, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,630,523 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136360] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08669-00028923-00028927 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8670, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,663,889 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08670-00028927-00028930 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8671, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,697,251 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08671-00028930-00028933 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8672, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,730,616 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08672-00028933-00028937 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8673, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,763,982 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08673-00028937-00028940 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8674, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,797,346 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08674-00028940-00028944 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8675, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,830,710 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08675-00028944-00028947 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8676, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,864,080 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08676-00028947-00028950 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8677, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,897,442 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08677-00028950-00028954 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8678, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,930,807 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136359] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08678-00028954-00028957 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8679, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,964,184 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08679-00028957-00028960 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8680, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:30,997,542 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08680-00028960-00028964 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8681, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,030,901 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08681-00028964-00028967 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8682, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,064,270 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08682-00028967-00028970 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8683, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,097,633 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08683-00028970-00028974 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8684, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,130,994 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136358] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08684-00028974-00028977 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8685, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,164,361 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08685-00028977-00028980 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8686, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,197,725 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08686-00028980-00028983 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8687, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,231,090 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08687-00028983-00028987 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8688, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,264,454 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08688-00028987-00028990 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8689, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,297,821 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08689-00028990-00028994 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8690, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,331,192 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136357] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08690-00028994-00028997 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8691, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,364,550 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08691-00028997-00029000 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8692, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,397,917 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08692-00029000-00029004 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8693, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,431,280 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08693-00029004-00029007 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8694, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,464,646 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08694-00029007-00029010 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8695, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,498,008 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08695-00029010-00029014 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8696, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,531,373 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08696-00029014-00029017 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8697, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,564,745 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08697-00029017-00029020 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8698, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,598,102 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08698-00029020-00029024 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8699, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,631,469 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136356] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08699-00029024-00029027 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8700, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,664,839 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08700-00029027-00029030 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8701, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,698,198 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08701-00029030-00029034 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8702, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,731,566 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08702-00029034-00029037 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8703, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,764,928 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08703-00029037-00029040 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8704, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,798,294 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08704-00029040-00029044 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8705, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,831,659 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136355] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08705-00029044-00029047 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8706, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,865,023 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136354] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08706-00029047-00029050 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8707, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,898,385 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136354] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08707-00029050-00029054 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8708, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,931,759 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136354] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08708-00029054-00029057 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8709, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,965,122 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136354] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08709-00029057-00029060 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8710, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:31,998,479 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136354] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08710-00029060-00029064 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8711, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:32,031,845 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136354] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08711-00029064-00029067 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8712, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:32,065,211 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08712-00029067-00029070 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8713, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:32,098,573 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08713-00029070-00029074 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8714, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:32,131,950 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.800000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08714-00029074-00029077 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8715, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:32,165,305 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08715-00029077-00029080 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8716, DiffTime : 34ms 2020-05-17 12:49:32,198,672 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OqJka4B7580-08716-00029080-00029084 <font size="36">SrtCnt : 8717, DiffTime : 33ms 2020-05-17 12:49:32,232,036 [iso : 100] [shutter : 1/1000.0] [fnum : 280] [ev : 0] [ct : 5976] [color_md : default] [focal_len : 240] [latitude: 0.831231] [longtitude: -2.136353] [altitude: 48.700000] </font> OtATv8e62EI-00001-00011559-00011659 Four OtATv8e62EI-00002-00011659-00011903 Downpour  OtATv8e62EI-00003-00011903-00012381 Cold. So very cold. OtATv8e62EI-00004-00012381-00012981 The streams continued to spread. They seeped amidst rocks and roots, between crumbling OtATv8e62EI-00005-00012981-00013678 concrete and twisted tree trunks and from smashed skyscrapers to ruined roadways. The OtATv8e62EI-00006-00013678-00014291 deluge continued unabated, pattering against mangled street signs, burbling in growing OtATv8e62EI-00007-00014291-00014791 puddles and dripping through tree leaves only to repeat the process amongst the sheltering OtATv8e62EI-00008-00014791-00014891 shrubbery. OtATv8e62EI-00009-00014891-00015544 It began last night. First crept a light mist into the city, hanging between the balance OtATv8e62EI-00010-00015544-00016250 of fog and low cloud. After the reconnaissance, a spearhead of drizzle swept the area, coating OtATv8e62EI-00011-00016250-00016788 any surface still clinging onto the hope of staying dry. Then the real assault began, OtATv8e62EI-00012-00016788-00017362 a heavenly torrent that didn’t allow a moment’s rest for the earthly ruins below. The battle, OtATv8e62EI-00013-00017362-00017896 now firmly in sodden hands, turned to a civil war raging between monsoon curtains of heavy OtATv8e62EI-00014-00017896-00018507 droplets and sprays of confused rainwater cast about by stray gusts. OtATv8e62EI-00015-00018507-00018949 Michael watched the thriving street jungle’s thick tree leaves and tall grass blades sway OtATv8e62EI-00016-00018949-00019568 with the rain, happy to oblige in the jig of nature. Michael was not as happy, surrendering OtATv8e62EI-00017-00019568-00020170 the struggle to stay dry hours ago. He walked, bare chested, down the middle of yet another OtATv8e62EI-00018-00020170-00020415 dilapidated road. OtATv8e62EI-00019-00020415-00020901 The many street blocks might have looked different from one another on a sunny, restful day. OtATv8e62EI-00020-00020901-00021379 The way the once trendy glass skyscrapers had been smashed into one another, intertwining OtATv8e62EI-00021-00021379-00021801 with their neighbours to create a new kind of absurd art form intrigued Michael from OtATv8e62EI-00022-00021801-00022438 his perch high amongst the buildings yesterday. Now all the structures seemed the same, lurking OtATv8e62EI-00023-00022438-00023058 behind shifting sheets of icy water, adorned with cloudy grey hats. He couldn’t tell OtATv8e62EI-00024-00023058-00023616 if this was the fifth block he walked down, or the tenth. One thing was certain, he OtATv8e62EI-00025-00023616-00024266 was lost within a giant city of dull, straight crosses. At least the flat streets were easy OtATv8e62EI-00026-00024266-00024853 routes for Michael to navigate. Shame he didn’t know where he was meant to be navigating to. OtATv8e62EI-00027-00024853-00025294 The next wave of rain droplets rushed towards him from further down the street, the drumming OtATv8e62EI-00028-00025294-00025794 water trampling over the lighter deluge in its way. Michael held an arm over his eyes OtATv8e62EI-00029-00025794-00026294 as the onslaught engulfed him. Each new raindrop trickling off him took a little of his willpower OtATv8e62EI-00030-00026294-00026439 with it. OtATv8e62EI-00031-00026439-00026945 His hands were prune-like, soaked through and chilled to the bone, every saturated fold OtATv8e62EI-00032-00026945-00027556 of skin complaining whenever it moved, which was a lot. The rest of his body fared little OtATv8e62EI-00033-00027556-00028158 better, much of it numbed completely. Cold and clammy. Water dripped from the hair plastered OtATv8e62EI-00034-00028158-00028622 to his forehead, having grown noticeably longer while he slept. OtATv8e62EI-00035-00028622-00029080 The lashing waterlogged the jacket wrapped around his waist, weighing him down like a OtATv8e62EI-00036-00029080-00029632 training belt. He barely saw ahead when he felt brave enough to look up, always casting OtATv8e62EI-00037-00029632-00030186 his battered eyes from the stinging drizzle. No one could enjoy such a miserable barrage. OtATv8e62EI-00038-00030186-00030820 Michael’s foot stung as he crunched on a twig of brambles. He swore and tensed, waiting OtATv8e62EI-00039-00030820-00031277 for the rush of pain to ripple through his body and press on his sole. OtATv8e62EI-00040-00031277-00031925 He waited. Water dripped off his nose, feeding the valley of rivers flowing over his pecks, OtATv8e62EI-00041-00031925-00032506 as he stared at the splattering puddles at his feet. Nothing. OtATv8e62EI-00042-00032506-00032913 He plucked the thorn from his wrinkled foot, a step closer to learning how much damage OtATv8e62EI-00043-00032913-00033485 his body took before the mending process began. It had happened this morning when walking through OtATv8e62EI-00044-00033485-00033995 the skyscrapers to avoid the rain, their ground floors carpeted with glittering shards of OtATv8e62EI-00045-00033995-00034551 glass. Twice, Michael accidentally stepped on a piece, and twice he doubled over in pain OtATv8e62EI-00046-00034551-00035084 as all his energy concentrated on the single point in his foot. Every time he drew blood OtATv8e62EI-00047-00035084-00035319 the strange force would come with it. OtATv8e62EI-00048-00035319-00035809 And the last time he’d confirmed it. He did emit some kind of hot vapour with the OtATv8e62EI-00049-00035809-00036377 healing, steam spewing out of the open gash and surrounding pores. He didn’t know why, OtATv8e62EI-00050-00036377-00036745 and with no control over the power, he’d opted to walk directly down the street where OtATv8e62EI-00051-00036745-00037313 there was less debris, sacrificing all elements of stealth. It didn’t seem to matter in OtATv8e62EI-00052-00037313-00037491 this place. OtATv8e62EI-00053-00037491-00037929 Michael clambered over a felled lamppost and landed in a mud filled hole blown into the OtATv8e62EI-00054-00037929-00038591 road. Once again, he cursed his lack of shoes. Pulled out his feet one at a time in a great OtATv8e62EI-00055-00038591-00039335 squelch. The rain drowned all other sound, washing Michael in a drape of sonorous pitter-pattering. OtATv8e62EI-00056-00039335-00039709 Nothing had happened in the last few hours of wandering along the valley of abandoned OtATv8e62EI-00057-00039709-00040263 monoliths, giving plenty of time to ponder this ghost of a world. Somehow, there was OtATv8e62EI-00058-00040263-00040637 too little and too much to think about. OtATv8e62EI-00059-00040637-00041133 He focused first on survival. He might be barely clothed, but Michael doubted he would OtATv8e62EI-00060-00041133-00041653 catch any illness because of the cold. If his body could heal any injury in an instant, OtATv8e62EI-00061-00041653-00042202 then surely sickness would pose no threat. Hopefully. He was more concerned about the OtATv8e62EI-00062-00042202-00042711 lack of food. He felt weaker each time the healing surges rippled through his body and OtATv8e62EI-00063-00042711-00043276 his stomach started to clench and rumble, its growl drowned out by the rain. OtATv8e62EI-00064-00043276-00043681 Last evening, after waking from the tank, Michael spent nearly an hour chasing dinner OtATv8e62EI-00065-00043681-00044228 through the building’s basement carpark like a madman. At first, he was patient, listening OtATv8e62EI-00066-00044228-00044799 for the tale-tell squeaking and scrabbling amongst the crippled pillars and rusted car-husks. OtATv8e62EI-00067-00044799-00045281 He had leapt at the rats when in sight, but they slipped away every time, scurrying with OtATv8e62EI-00068-00045281-00045856 tiny claws in a speed he couldn’t match. Eventually Michael lost his temper and started OtATv8e62EI-00069-00045856-00046456 flinging loose pieces of rubble at the little shits. They were small, fast, and he had left OtATv8e62EI-00070-00046456-00047094 humiliated. Rats were another item on his growing list of dislikes with this city. OtATv8e62EI-00071-00047094-00047815 Rats weren’t the only animal around. Barks and howls ran amok in the distance. Dogs. OtATv8e62EI-00072-00047815-00048215 He was less scared about being attacked by feral mongrels and more fearful of his own OtATv8e62EI-00073-00048215-00048998 reaction if he did see some. Detestable to think…he might have to kill and eat a dog. OtATv8e62EI-00074-00048998-00049561 They were strays left behind after the chaos. Or, if they had owners, they’d yet to introduce OtATv8e62EI-00075-00049561-00050083 themselves. Michael was certain he’d find someone eventually. All the buildings and OtATv8e62EI-00076-00050083-00050521 cars he’d come across had been pilfered, including one market shop devoid of everything OtATv8e62EI-00077-00050521-00051090 except a set of plastic-sealed birthday cards. Someone must have survived the devastation OtATv8e62EI-00078-00051090-00051783 to root around for supplies but where were they? And more importantly, were they friendly? OtATv8e62EI-00079-00051783-00052217 Perhaps the main perpetrators had long left the city after their attack, leaving behind OtATv8e62EI-00080-00052217-00052805 the survivors to gather the pieces. Or maybe they were still here. He didn’t fancy fighting OtATv8e62EI-00081-00052805-00053383 a group capable of wiping out an entire city’s population. But, if extermination was what OtATv8e62EI-00082-00053383-00054014 they were after, why not use weapons of mass destruction? These gashed buildings and broken OtATv8e62EI-00083-00054014-00054661 streets had been hit, hard, but not obliterated. Not nuked. OtATv8e62EI-00084-00054661-00055129 Weapons as large as cruisers had been involved, but why in the city and not above it? And OtATv8e62EI-00085-00055129-00055538 if he was thinking along the line of cruiser battles, then the Alliance had probably been OtATv8e62EI-00086-00055538-00056037 on one side. Who had faced them? The rebels were nowhere close to building something as OtATv8e62EI-00087-00056037-00056832 complex as a cruiser. So, who’d attacked this city? Who killed Finn? Michael had found OtATv8e62EI-00088-00056832-00057330 something on his brother’s body that confirmed it was murder. He started walking faster as OtATv8e62EI-00089-00057330-00057816 he thought back to it. When he found who was responsible, he’d hunt them down and rip OtATv8e62EI-00090-00057816-00058394 them apart. No weapons, no tricks. He’d use his bare hands to strangle the very- OtATv8e62EI-00091-00058394-00058888 Michael knocked his shin against a bollard and stopped, letting the pain in his leg throb OtATv8e62EI-00092-00058888-00059711 alongside his angry thoughts. He couldn’t think about Finn. Not now. It was too distracting, OtATv8e62EI-00093-00059711-00060220 and speculating wouldn’t help. More possibilities and less answers. OtATv8e62EI-00094-00060220-00060911 Although, what was he distracting himself from? On missions, saddled with responsibilities, OtATv8e62EI-00095-00060911-00061318 he had a clear goal to focus on. Now… OtATv8e62EI-00096-00061318-00061797 Somehow there was too little and too much to think about. OtATv8e62EI-00097-00061797-00062317 A chasm pulled Michael from his musings. It ran the length of the street, blocking his OtATv8e62EI-00098-00062317-00062854 way, and contained an uninviting pool of rain dappled sludge, flanked at either side by OtATv8e62EI-00099-00062854-00063166 a large sewer pipe rent in two. OtATv8e62EI-00100-00063166-00063616 He looked for another route. A dark red shape to the right of the road caught Michael’s OtATv8e62EI-00101-00063616-00064248 eye, glinting from under a mass of vines. He struggled through the long, whistling grass, OtATv8e62EI-00102-00064248-00064511 expecting another car to be hidden underneath. OtATv8e62EI-00103-00064511-00065017 There’s something ominous about one abandoned car in a street, with dented doors and smashed OtATv8e62EI-00104-00065017-00065679 windows, but it’s all relative. A whole city of them was overkill. It would probably OtATv8e62EI-00105-00065679-00066399 contain nothing useful, a few more unclothed corpses to grimace at, but no harm in trying. OtATv8e62EI-00106-00066399-00066836 He gripped a dribbling vine and ripped it away, tearing off a clump of its soggy brethren OtATv8e62EI-00107-00066836-00066993 with it. OtATv8e62EI-00108-00066993-00067561 He dropped the vines. Took a step back and fell into the patch of grass. He shrank away OtATv8e62EI-00109-00067561-00068093 from the glaring eye. OtATv8e62EI-00110-00068093-00068193 *** OtATv8e62EI-00111-00068193-00068674 Fen loved the rain. It reminded him of home. Of the valley he grew up in, filled with its OtATv8e62EI-00112-00068674-00069092 fair share of wet seasons and jungle. Not too different from the street they walked OtATv8e62EI-00113-00069092-00069806 down now. Take away the skyscrapers, tarmac, wrecked buses, dilapidated signs, wonky lampposts, OtATv8e62EI-00114-00069806-00070343 eroded statues, constant grey skies, dreary atmosphere and a few of the rotting bodies, OtATv8e62EI-00115-00070343-00070617 and it would be just like home. OtATv8e62EI-00116-00070617-00071047 Fen slung his oversized hood further over himself, water dripping from the tip onto OtATv8e62EI-00117-00071047-00071514 the blaster rifle hanging by the chaffing strap on his neck. He wrestled with the soggy OtATv8e62EI-00118-00071514-00072037 coat sleeves eclipsing his hands and swung the rifle onto his back, trying to redistribute OtATv8e62EI-00119-00072037-00072532 the weight from his straining shoulder. Lugging around this hulk of metal wasn’t a great OtATv8e62EI-00120-00072532-00073066 love of his. Or roadblocks. They’d left the car four streets back when the amount OtATv8e62EI-00121-00073066-00073362 of crap clogging the road became too great.  OtATv8e62EI-00122-00073362-00073977 ‘Oi Fen, quit trailing back there! You’re making me bloody nervous.’ OtATv8e62EI-00123-00073977-00074614 Koffi, the thin man with dark skin, peered out from under his own hood, veil of rain OtATv8e62EI-00124-00074614-00075105 cascading off the front. Fen hadn’t talked with the man outside of late drunken nights OtATv8e62EI-00125-00075105-00075630 at the tavern. Usually, Fen only did patrols with other members of his clan like everyone OtATv8e62EI-00126-00075630-00076217 else. It had been that way for years, but this was an exceptional case. A special mission OtATv8e62EI-00127-00076217-00076683 Head Chief Arminius insisted be a joint-clan effort. OtATv8e62EI-00128-00076683-00077186 Now Koffi, representing the Steelbreaker clan, trudged ahead, making sure to stay at the OtATv8e62EI-00129-00077186-00077789 front of the pack. The man sure was acting suspicious with those shifting eyes, although OtATv8e62EI-00130-00077789-00078266 he could be a good laugh provided you got him drunk enough in the tavern. Fen certainly OtATv8e62EI-00131-00078266-00078919 wished he was there now. Sat by one of the fires, feet warm and dry, lager crisp and OtATv8e62EI-00132-00078919-00079055 cold. OtATv8e62EI-00133-00079055-00079574 Unfortunately, they weren’t in the tavern, and drinking was not allowed on patrol. Not OtATv8e62EI-00134-00079574-00080063 since that idiot from Fen’s own clan, blind drunk and with only a blaster rifle and shit OtATv8e62EI-00135-00080063-00080662 aim to hand, had shot at an unknown gunship five days ago. Now that man and his entire OtATv8e62EI-00136-00080662-00081351 party were dead, and the drones hadn’t even got a good picture of the culprits. Bloody OtATv8e62EI-00137-00081351-00081933 technology, Fen thought. You can always count on it to fail at just the right moment. OtATv8e62EI-00138-00081933-00082476 Ever since, the tipsy buzz of walking through the abandoned city had been stolen away, replaced OtATv8e62EI-00139-00082476-00083073 with nothing to block the harsh reality of the depressing rainswept landscape. A few OtATv8e62EI-00140-00083073-00083573 hours spent venturing into this shell of a city, completely sober, felt like a long OtATv8e62EI-00141-00083573-00083714 time indeed. OtATv8e62EI-00142-00083714-00084269 ‘A Steelbreaker, nervous?’ Fen teased, lusting for a little conversation to distract OtATv8e62EI-00143-00084269-00084872 from the drudgery. ‘I thought you guys “Feared no being without armour?”’ OtATv8e62EI-00144-00084872-00085275 He was mocking the Steelbreaker motto which people took about as seriously as all the OtATv8e62EI-00145-00085275-00085812 other clans'. The Hollowcloaks had started spouting some nonsense strapline about being OtATv8e62EI-00146-00085812-00086389 “There but not seen,” and so, not to be outdone, every other Freelancer clan clambered OtATv8e62EI-00147-00086389-00086526 onto the idea.   OtATv8e62EI-00148-00086526-00087272 ‘Oh no, I fear people who know how to fight, like any sensible man.’ Koffi said, his OtATv8e62EI-00149-00087272-00087793 voice carrying a sly smile with it. ‘So no worries where you’re concerned.’ OtATv8e62EI-00150-00087793-00088322 ‘Nice one.’ Fen replied but Koffi had begun walking away, unable to hear him over OtATv8e62EI-00151-00088322-00088843 the pounding rain. He cupped his hands and strode after him. ‘Are all Hollowcloaks OtATv8e62EI-00152-00088843-00089397 so quick witted on patrol? An essential fighting quality I’m- shit!’ Fen shouted as he OtATv8e62EI-00153-00089397-00090027 caught his foot on a mischievous root. He tripped and slid on the wet tarmac, arms scraping, OtATv8e62EI-00154-00090027-00090618 rifle clanging, face landing in a perfectly placed pothole of mud. So much for not embarrassing OtATv8e62EI-00155-00090618-00090887 myself in front of the other clans. OtATv8e62EI-00156-00090887-00091418 He grumbled and picked himself up to the sound of Koffi chuckling. Even the man’s laughter OtATv8e62EI-00157-00091418-00091963 was strange, all bellow and echo. Like the laugh of a child enjoying genuine amusement OtATv8e62EI-00158-00091963-00092601 instead of an adult’s mocking scorn. ‘Are all the best Crewvers so nimble on their feet?’ OtATv8e62EI-00159-00092601-00093156 Fen grinned, gloop sliding from the ends of his moustache and pointed goatee. ‘One of OtATv8e62EI-00160-00093156-00093776 the best Crewvers?’ He shouted back. ‘Are you joking? If I was one of the best, I’d OtATv8e62EI-00161-00093776-00094224 be in my cosy warm office right now as far away from the action as possible.’ OtATv8e62EI-00162-00094224-00094787 ‘That’s enough from the pair of you!’ Gods, here comes killjoy.  OtATv8e62EI-00163-00094787-00095467 Bram. The tall, horse-faced man was so dull you couldn’t cut butter with him. Fen would OtATv8e62EI-00164-00095467-00095876 be better looking to the corpses littered around his feet for a lively comment. OtATv8e62EI-00165-00095876-00096605 ‘If you pair keep…we’ll get…in no time.’ Bram was apparently talking, his OtATv8e62EI-00166-00096605-00096888 voice whipped away by the windy downpour. OtATv8e62EI-00167-00096888-00097329 Fen raised a hand to his ear. ‘What?’ OtATv8e62EI-00168-00097329-00097836 Bram shook his head and gestured for the pair to join him. Fen frowned. Bram seemed to be OtATv8e62EI-00169-00097836-00098237 under the illusion he was in charge here, just because he was part of the Hollowcloaks. OtATv8e62EI-00170-00098237-00098717 They thought they were the top dogs, ever since becoming the biggest Freelancer clan OtATv8e62EI-00171-00098717-00099306 last year. Far too cocky an outlook considering the combined might of the other clans. OtATv8e62EI-00172-00099306-00099810 Fen joined Koffi and Bram under the flimsy bus stand, its thin strip of plastic canopy OtATv8e62EI-00173-00099810-00099931 a meagre shelter. OtATv8e62EI-00174-00099931-00100573 ‘Stop shouting. Both of you.’ Bram said, sour little pout on his lips. ‘What if we OtATv8e62EI-00175-00100573-00100750 get spotted?’ OtATv8e62EI-00176-00100750-00101399 ‘Spotted?’ Koffi raised his arms to either side. ‘Who by? There’s just as many people OtATv8e62EI-00177-00101399-00101780 wandering around here as usual. None whatsoever.’ OtATv8e62EI-00178-00101780-00102373 ‘Let’s take a rest and cook some lunch.’ Fen said, nodding to Bram’s backpack strapped OtATv8e62EI-00179-00102373-00102915 underneath his raincoat to give him a hunchback look. ‘Put the barbeque to good use. Grill OtATv8e62EI-00180-00102915-00103288 some tasty meat, eh? Eh?’  OtATv8e62EI-00181-00103288-00103810 ‘No.’ Bram said, curt as a dam. ‘We have reports of that gunship being spotted OtATv8e62EI-00182-00103810-00104454 twice in the last few days.’ Reports from overexcited youngsters with no evidence. ‘We OtATv8e62EI-00183-00104454-00104753 carry on until I say so.’ OtATv8e62EI-00184-00104753-00105284 ‘Now hold on a moment Bram.’ Fen said, crossing his arms and leaning back against OtATv8e62EI-00185-00105284-00105826 the plastic bus stand. ‘We agreed to a joint expedition between the clans. No one assigned OtATv8e62EI-00186-00105826-00106060 you as leader.’ OtATv8e62EI-00187-00106060-00106633 Koffi nodded. Bram stared at Fen, too-close-together eyes narrowed. OtATv8e62EI-00188-00106633-00107279 ‘Besides.’ Fen said breaking out a smile, despite the dank tension and weather to match. OtATv8e62EI-00189-00107279-00107800 ‘We’re dealing with a gunship here. What suicidal maniac would fly in this weather?’ OtATv8e62EI-00190-00107800-00108444 ‘A committed one.’ That was quick. Had he been saving that line? OtATv8e62EI-00191-00108444-00108996 ‘Perhaps. But risk a gunship today when tomorrow’s weather awaits with clear skies?’ OtATv8e62EI-00192-00108996-00109419 Fen shook his head. ‘Trust me, they’ll wait.’ OtATv8e62EI-00193-00109419-00109893 Bram glanced at the grey roof of clouds. He pulled out an antique brass tube from his OtATv8e62EI-00194-00109893-00110424 pocket and extended it, pressing it to his eye. The ludicrous telescope was barely longer OtATv8e62EI-00195-00110424-00110917 than two lengths of Bram’s hand and completely useless in this weather. Anyone could see OtATv8e62EI-00196-00110917-00111164 the storm wasn’t stopping for hours. OtATv8e62EI-00197-00111164-00111742 ‘Come on Bram.’ Fen said, interrupting the fruitless sightseeing session. ‘Let’s OtATv8e62EI-00198-00111742-00112272 stop for lunch. At least until it dries a little. There’s a spot over there.’ OtATv8e62EI-00199-00112272-00112793 Fen pointed to a reception lobby, sliding doors bashed open. Left of a chasm running OtATv8e62EI-00200-00112793-00113340 the width of the street that contained an unappealing pool of rain-splattered muck and OtATv8e62EI-00201-00113340-00113450 a wrecked sewer pipe. Ou0D33wxZIg-00000-00000752-00001117 TROPICAL STORM KAREN IS POISED TO MAKE LANDFALL SOMETIME THIS WEEKEND ON THE GULF COAST OF Ou0D33wxZIg-00001-00001117-00001259 THE UNITED STATES. Ou0D33wxZIg-00002-00001259-00001657 TROPICAL STORM WARNINGS AND HURRICANE WATCHES HAVE BEEN ISSUED FOR THE AREA. Ou0D33wxZIg-00003-00001657-00002036 WE RECENTLY SPOKE WITH JEFF SANFORD THE READY NAVY PROGRAM MANAGER ABOUT WHAT IT TAKES TO Ou0D33wxZIg-00004-00002036-00002369 BE READY IN THE EVENT OF A NATURAL DISASTER OR EMERGENCY. Ou0D33wxZIg-00005-00002369-00003156 "EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT BEING INFORMED, MAKING A PLAN, HAVING A KIT. Ou0D33wxZIg-00006-00003156-00003454 WE'RE ADDING THAT 4TH ONE, ABOUT STAYING INFORMED. Ou0D33wxZIg-00007-00003454-00003659 IT IS NOT ABOUT JUST BEING INFORMED, BUT HOW DO I STAY INFORMED." Ou0D33wxZIg-00008-00003659-00003759 YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT THIS AT NAVY.MIL. Ou0D33wxZIg-00009-00003759-00003886 FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING. Ou0D33wxZIg-00010-00003886-00004296 FOR MORE INFORMATION, IDEAS FOR ITEMS TO INCLUDE IN YOUR PREPARIDNESS KIT, AND FOR TIPS TO Ou0D33wxZIg-00011-00004296-00004626 KEEP YOUR FAMILY SAFE LOG ON TO READY.NAVY.MIL. Ou0D33wxZIg-00012-00004626-00004879 FROM THE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER TONY ROSA. OvamEaccdmu-00000-00000000-00000200 Meditation Music To Calm Anxiety OwYbElZUmc4-00000-00000024-00000565 So many of the women and men only go for treatment when they have a symptom, OwYbElZUmc4-00001-00000565-00000834 so they'remissing the whole point of OwYbElZUmc4-00002-00000834-00001264 prevention, early screening, early disease detection. OwYbElZUmc4-00003-00001264-00001816 It's about catching the dysfunction before it becomes a symptom. OwYbElZUmc4-00004-00001816-00002319 Oftentimes our dysfunctionstarts years before we feel it, OwYbElZUmc4-00005-00002319-00002593 so thermographyis a way to screen for that. OwYbElZUmc4-00006-00002593-00003010 And it's also knownas digital infrared thermal imaging, OwYbElZUmc4-00007-00003010-00003403 it's donewith a camera, it measures your body's temperature, OwYbElZUmc4-00008-00003403-00003658 and what you need to know is that your temperature does not lie. OwYbElZUmc4-00009-00003658-00004131 If you have variations in your heatpattern, whether it's cold or hot, OwYbElZUmc4-00010-00004131-00004350 it's going tocome through in these images. OwYbElZUmc4-00011-00004350-00004910 So your temperatureis important but also the patterns that yourimages are making. OwYbElZUmc4-00012-00004910-00005400 There's no radiation, it'snon-invasive, and it does not touch you. OwYbElZUmc4-00013-00005400-00005775 We want tosee how your body is functioning. How is your blood flowing, OwYbElZUmc4-00014-00005775-00006274 how's your nervous system reacting, is the lymphatics congested, OwYbElZUmc4-00015-00006274-00006609 because lymphatics drainthe toxins and wastes from your body. OwYbElZUmc4-00016-00006609-00006897 Your body ismade of flow systems. OwYbElZUmc4-00017-00006897-00007609 You have your lymphatic flow, your digestive flow, your nervous system flow, yourhormones and your energy. OwYbElZUmc4-00018-00007609-00008040 Thermography can pick upwhere the blockages are in those flow systems. OwYbElZUmc4-00019-00008040-00008425 Andthe basis of all this is tracking inflammation. OwYbElZUmc4-00020-00008425-00009000 Deeper than inflammation is toxicity because once you have toxicity, then you get inflammation. OwYbElZUmc4-00021-00009000-00009480 So, oneof the reasons thermography is for early disease detection OwYbElZUmc4-00022-00009480-00010256 is because it can pick up cancer cellswhen it's about the size of a grain of rice. OwYbElZUmc4-00023-00010256-00010933 So that's at about two years, so you will have had cancer forming in your body for about two years. OwYbElZUmc4-00024-00010933-00011696 It takes a mammogram eight years before it actually detects the calcification, OwYbElZUmc4-00025-00011696-00012200 at that point it could be about the size of a dime, and that's over four billion cells. OyxteIhc25Y-00000-00000000-00000572 Subscribe To My Channel! 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OzvQpELMKHu-00000-00001592-00002048 hello welcome to shenzhen the silicon valley of china today i'm going to take OzvQpELMKHu-00001-00002048-00002592 a ride with a completely driverless robot taxi driving on regular public boats let's go OzvQpELMKHu-00002-00002784-00003328 and here it comes the fully driverless robot taxi is making a u-turn to come and pick me OzvQpELMKHu-00003-00003328-00004384 up OzvQpELMKHu-00004-00004680-00005240 as we can see the auto x self driving system is completely integrated within the vehicle platform OzvQpELMKHu-00005-00005312-00006008 and this is why i can put my luggage here without any problems OzvQpELMKHu-00006-00006376-00006848 this is a level 4 level 5 fully driverless robot taxi from otax OzvQpELMKHu-00007-00006904-00007528 the leading self-driving car company in china this is a chrysler pacifica minivan equipped OzvQpELMKHu-00008-00007528-00008168 with high resolution cameras high resolution lighters and long range radars because it is OzvQpELMKHu-00009-00008168-00008712 a fully driverless vehicle the car also has a surrounding blind spot perception system on each OzvQpELMKHu-00010-00008712-00009984 side of the car including both wide angle lighters and cameras here is the button to open the door OzvQpELMKHu-00011-00010600-00011256 now i'm inside the self-driving car the driver seat is empty the passenger seat is empty OzvQpELMKHu-00012-00011312-00011880 the second and third rows are all empty i'm in the car all by myself this is so nice OzvQpELMKHu-00013-00012464-00012784 okay now i'm all buckled up and i'm going to click the button to go OzvQpELMKHu-00014-00013440-00014184 okay it's letting me close the door i'm going to click this button and the door will close OzvQpELMKHu-00015-00015191-00015608 and the handbrake is off now we're driving completely driverlessly OzvQpELMKHu-00016-00016144-00016544 i feel like the car's driving really stably and i have a good feeling about this OzvQpELMKHu-00017-00016960-00017600 and through this through the screen i can actually see that there are some 3d models of nearby OzvQpELMKHu-00018-00017600-00018096 surroundings that can show me what the road looks like without having to look at the front window OzvQpELMKHu-00019-00018400-00018952 now we saw some pedestrians biking across and now we're avoiding them OzvQpELMKHu-00020-00019152-00019904 safety hygiene privacy you have it all in this car by the way oto x's robo taxi OzvQpELMKHu-00021-00019904-00020360 is also the first fully self-driving car in the world that preserves the moon roof OzvQpELMKHu-00022-00020448-00021048 you can open the sliding panel to see the sky it feels so nice during winter to enjoy the sunshine OzvQpELMKHu-00023-00021152-00021648 and you could also adjust the temperature from the ac panel right here feel free to help yourself OzvQpELMKHu-00024-00022168-00022824 now we're trying to turn right and as you can see we can see a pedestrian trying to cross the road OzvQpELMKHu-00025-00023016-00023552 and our robot taxi has determined that so it's made a pause and now it's kept going OzvQpELMKHu-00026-00023824-00024048 now we've entered the main road in pingshan called OzvQpELMKHu-00027-00024248-00024768 with a split limit of 40 kilometers we have now reached 40 kilometers per hour OzvQpELMKHu-00028-00024968-00025304 now we've bumped into a situation where there's a car stopping on the OzvQpELMKHu-00029-00025304-00025848 side of the road which is very really really common in china there we go OzvQpELMKHu-00030-00026183-00027616 bye bye now a robot taxi is turning into a rather narrow road with a stop sign now OzvQpELMKHu-00031-00027616-00028183 we've bumped into a very common situation in one of these narrow roads in china OzvQpELMKHu-00032-00028424-00028695 now we have a big truck stopping right in front of us OzvQpELMKHu-00033-00028768-00029583 and our robot taxi has carefully and smartly made a choice to go on the opposite lane OzvQpELMKHu-00034-00029680-00030983 to go around and bypass these cars now this is definitely a required skill to drive in china OzvQpELMKHu-00035-00031536-00032000 here we're entering another left turn situation where it's unprotected OzvQpELMKHu-00036-00032160-00032736 now we can see that we've got this car coming across which is a delivery truck OzvQpELMKHu-00037-00032736-00033184 we've got another home car and also we've got a situation going across OzvQpELMKHu-00038-00033248-00033912 so our car right now is trying to work out the best timing to perform the ute to perform the left OzvQpELMKHu-00039-00033912-00035760 turn now let's make the pause because we have a bike going in front of us OzvQpELMKHu-00040-00036208-00036728 now immediately after the turn our car makes a side pass to go around the blue truck part OzvQpELMKHu-00041-00036728-00037344 in the lane and then an orange delivery truck starts to pour over and occupied a portion of our OzvQpELMKHu-00042-00037344-00038032 lane our car wants to nudge but has to yield to another white delivery van rushing by on our left OzvQpELMKHu-00043-00038112-00038832 now this is a very interesting situation and the car drove just like a human driver because this OzvQpELMKHu-00044-00038832-00039440 is a fully driverless car what happens if you have some questions well here is the help button that OzvQpELMKHu-00045-00039440-00039976 you can press when you have any questions and a remote customer service will get in touch with you OzvQpELMKHu-00046-00040064-00040784 let's try and see what happens OzvQpELMKHu-00047-00041904-00042184 it says that the system is connected to customer service OzvQpELMKHu-00048-00042872-00043584 now a human support agent has picked up the call let me say hi to her OzvQpELMKHu-00049-00045200-00045712 a very nice lady said welcome to me i'm going to say thank you to her and let her go back to work OzvQpELMKHu-00050-00047232-00047792 here we're stopping at the intersection and i can see some kids let me say hi to them OzvQpELMKHu-00051-00047888-00048320 they're glancing at our car because they're like why is there no one driving OzvQpELMKHu-00052-00048704-00049104 i'm really enjoying this this full view of the sky right here because we have OzvQpELMKHu-00053-00049104-00049680 this beautiful window panel and it really is just beautiful light especially now that it's OzvQpELMKHu-00054-00049680-00050584 in the afternoon we'll have really warm and beautiful sunlight OzvQpELMKHu-00055-00051472-00051767 now the car's telling me that i'm arriving at my destination OzvQpELMKHu-00056-00051840-00052200 the destination i chose was evergrand vehicle research center OzvQpELMKHu-00057-00052936-00052986 for OzvQpELMKHu-00058-00053312-00053384 wouldn't lectures OzvQpELMKHu-00059-00056944-00057384 now the self-driving car is leaving by itself going to pick up the next passenger everything OzvQpELMKHu-00060-00057384-00057912 is automatic without any human driver now this is a totally eye-opening experience for me OzvQpELMKHu-00061-00057976-00058488 otto x's cutting-edge technology impresses not just me but also the shenzhen ping-shan OzvQpELMKHu-00062-00058488-00059016 government authority to allow them to open up driverless rights to the general public OzvQpELMKHu-00063-00059016-00059616 this is the first time ever in china that we could request a completely driverless robot taxi OzvQpELMKHu-00064-00059616-00060248 on public roads the future is here please come to shenzhen to experience otto x's OzvQpELMKHu-00065-00060248-00060803 fully driverless robot taxi scan the qr code here to get started OByNS0E2XdU-00000-00000010-00000063 THRILLING MATCH IN FIVE SETS ON OByNS0E2XdU-00001-00000063-00000070 THRILLING MATCH IN FIVE SETS ON OByNS0E2XdU-00002-00000070-00000290 THRILLING MATCH IN FIVE SETS ON SENIOR NIGHT AS THEY BEAT OByNS0E2XdU-00003-00000290-00000296 THRILLING MATCH IN FIVE SETS ON SENIOR NIGHT AS THEY BEAT OByNS0E2XdU-00004-00000296-00000360 THRILLING MATCH IN FIVE SETS ON SENIOR NIGHT AS THEY BEAT ROCORI. OByNS0E2XdU-00005-00000360-00000367 SENIOR NIGHT AS THEY BEAT ROCORI. OByNS0E2XdU-00006-00000367-00000483 SENIOR NIGHT AS THEY BEAT ROCORI. >>> IN CROSBY, THE RANGERS OByNS0E2XdU-00007-00000483-00000490 ROCORI. >>> IN CROSBY, THE RANGERS OByNS0E2XdU-00008-00000490-00000660 ROCORI. >>> IN CROSBY, THE RANGERS TAKING ON LONG PRAIRIE GREY OByNS0E2XdU-00009-00000660-00000667 >>> IN CROSBY, THE RANGERS TAKING ON LONG PRAIRIE GREY OByNS0E2XdU-00010-00000667-00000704 >>> IN CROSBY, THE RANGERS TAKING ON LONG PRAIRIE GREY EAGLE. OByNS0E2XdU-00011-00000704-00000710 TAKING ON LONG PRAIRIE GREY EAGLE. OByNS0E2XdU-00012-00000710-00000904 TAKING ON LONG PRAIRIE GREY EAGLE. IN THE FIRST SET, RANGERS CAME OByNS0E2XdU-00013-00000904-00000910 EAGLE. IN THE FIRST SET, RANGERS CAME OByNS0E2XdU-00014-00000910-00001101 EAGLE. IN THE FIRST SET, RANGERS CAME OUT READY TO PLAY. OByNS0E2XdU-00015-00001101-00001107 IN THE FIRST SET, RANGERS CAME OUT READY TO PLAY. OByNS0E2XdU-00016-00001107-00001458 IN THE FIRST SET, RANGERS CAME OUT READY TO PLAY. ABLE TO PICK UP THE KILL TO PUT OByNS0E2XdU-00017-00001458-00001464 OUT READY TO PLAY. ABLE TO PICK UP THE KILL TO PUT OByNS0E2XdU-00018-00001464-00001764 OUT READY TO PLAY. ABLE TO PICK UP THE KILL TO PUT CROSBY-IRONTON UP 9 TO 2. OByNS0E2XdU-00019-00001764-00001771 ABLE TO PICK UP THE KILL TO PUT CROSBY-IRONTON UP 9 TO 2. OByNS0E2XdU-00020-00001771-00002001 ABLE TO PICK UP THE KILL TO PUT CROSBY-IRONTON UP 9 TO 2. THEY START TO MAKE A COME BACK OByNS0E2XdU-00021-00002001-00002008 CROSBY-IRONTON UP 9 TO 2. THEY START TO MAKE A COME BACK OByNS0E2XdU-00022-00002008-00002422 CROSBY-IRONTON UP 9 TO 2. THEY START TO MAKE A COME BACK IN THE FIRST. OByNS0E2XdU-00023-00002422-00002429 THEY START TO MAKE A COME BACK IN THE FIRST. OByNS0E2XdU-00024-00002429-00002639 THEY START TO MAKE A COME BACK IN THE FIRST. STILL IN THE FIRST, CROSBY UP 11 OByNS0E2XdU-00025-00002639-00002645 IN THE FIRST. STILL IN THE FIRST, CROSBY UP 11 OByNS0E2XdU-00026-00002645-00002902 IN THE FIRST. STILL IN THE FIRST, CROSBY UP 11 TO 7, ABLE TO KEEP THIS JUST OUT OByNS0E2XdU-00027-00002902-00002909 STILL IN THE FIRST, CROSBY UP 11 TO 7, ABLE TO KEEP THIS JUST OUT OByNS0E2XdU-00028-00002909-00003129 STILL IN THE FIRST, CROSBY UP 11 TO 7, ABLE TO KEEP THIS JUST OUT OF THUNDER'S REACH. OByNS0E2XdU-00029-00003129-00003136 TO 7, ABLE TO KEEP THIS JUST OUT OF THUNDER'S REACH. OByNS0E2XdU-00030-00003136-00003299 TO 7, ABLE TO KEEP THIS JUST OUT OF THUNDER'S REACH. LONG PRAIRIE GREY EAGLE MAKES A OBOGlzeKJhc-00000-00000000-00000200 All short cuts of current keyboard in Ms word OCK_UMicdSE-00000-00000064-00000640 in this second part of the step-by-step guide to prepare italian pizza and baking pan or italian OCK_UMicdSE-00001-00000640-00001240 pizza and tray if you prefer we are going to cover two more phases that are the last ones before we OCK_UMicdSE-00002-00001240-00001744 go to cook the pizza dough the first one will be the preparation of the dough for the final OCK_UMicdSE-00003-00001744-00002408 fermentation so after we waited at least 24 hours for the first fermentation in fridge we are going OCK_UMicdSE-00004-00002408-00002944 to prepare the dough balls and to put them in the other in other containers to have the second OCK_UMicdSE-00005-00002944-00003432 fermentation indeed and then the the other phase that we will cover will be the stretching of the OCK_UMicdSE-00006-00003432-00003968 dough balls so after the fermented we are going to prepare them to put to be in the baking pans OCK_UMicdSE-00007-00003968-00004416 before of course they will be cooked my name is stefano i'm the owner of italian OCK_UMicdSE-00008-00004416-00004840 pizza secrets and i'm going to share with you some more italian style pizza secrets today OCK_UMicdSE-00009-00005712-00006048 so for this operation you need to have of course OCK_UMicdSE-00010-00006152-00006768 a kitchen scale i'm using instead of putting the dough directly on the kitchen scale i'm using also OCK_UMicdSE-00011-00006768-00007359 a dish and you need to have also a little scraper because this will help in creating the OCK_UMicdSE-00012-00007416-00007880 double and as you can see here we have the dough that was taken out of the fridge OCK_UMicdSE-00013-00007976-00008456 i didn't show you in the previous video but essentially it didn't grow too much it didn't OCK_UMicdSE-00014-00008456-00009088 rise and this is exactly what we want we don't want it to rise while it's in the in the fridge OCK_UMicdSE-00015-00009152-00009984 it's exactly the goal that we want to reach in the fridge so let me move the dough here OCK_UMicdSE-00016-00010160-00010736 this way as you can see we used the oil in the in the on the base of the container and then OCK_UMicdSE-00017-00010736-00011680 the dough is not sticking to it this is very very good as it is today it's a now kind of a rectangle OCK_UMicdSE-00018-00011680-00012472 let me turn on the kitchen scale and we will prepare uh two doubles OCK_UMicdSE-00019-00012600-00013263 one will be of around 700 grams and it will be for a baking pan that is 30 by 40 centimeters OCK_UMicdSE-00020-00013263-00013912 and then we have a roughly 350 grams that will be going into the small baking pond that is OCK_UMicdSE-00021-00013976-00014688 20 by 30. of course it can slightly change it but depending on on how thick you want the OCK_UMicdSE-00022-00014688-00015544 pizza um and again in on my website on the pcr recipe calculator you can decide how much dough OCK_UMicdSE-00023-00015544-00016392 you are going to have so we said roughly 700 grams for the big one so let's try to make it this way OCK_UMicdSE-00024-00016640-00017432 let's see how weight is this is 730 grams let's see how much will be this one OCK_UMicdSE-00025-00017696-00018496 310 so maybe we want to add a bit here yes OCK_UMicdSE-00026-00018560-00019600 so now we have 330 and remaining here it will be roughly 700 grams now this is one more important OCK_UMicdSE-00027-00019600-00020456 part we are going to do essentially a kind of a folding again yeah so i'm just closing the OCK_UMicdSE-00028-00020720-00021304 yeah and we are going to do again folding kind of folding it doesn't you know we don't really need OCK_UMicdSE-00029-00021304-00022080 to be really precise in this case but i prefer to do it again and the reason why is that in this OCK_UMicdSE-00030-00022080-00023064 case we are going to make the uh the structure of the gluten grit even stronger and we are going to OCK_UMicdSE-00031-00023064-00023656 repeat more or less the same movements the only different movement that we are going to have OCK_UMicdSE-00032-00023656-00024336 is this one so we will be doing essentially we will move the dough on on the base of it OCK_UMicdSE-00033-00024496-00025160 yeah so we did a kind of a folding and then we are doing this way of double preparation OCK_UMicdSE-00034-00025160-00025872 be careful you don't want to have such thing to happen so i just stop here i create a little bit OCK_UMicdSE-00035-00025872-00026472 more tension on the double and i keep it here and then i'm going to do the same here with this one OCK_UMicdSE-00036-00026583-00027552 a bit of folding as we did the other times very very similar and also in this case i'm not going OCK_UMicdSE-00037-00027552-00028295 to manipulate too much because otherwise the risk is that i had the same as the other side so i'm OCK_UMicdSE-00038-00028295-00029072 just doing a bit of turning around and as you can see i take the dough i uh stretch it and put it OCK_UMicdSE-00039-00029072-00029688 down stretch it and put it down stretch it and put it down it's this this probably is not exactly the OCK_UMicdSE-00040-00029783-00030272 the easiest one what you can do on contrary if you are just starting i recommend you to take OCK_UMicdSE-00041-00030344-00030864 from the side and put inside side inside side inside side inside and you continue OCK_UMicdSE-00042-00030952-00031808 more until you get again some kind of smooth surface here as well i'm not doing that anymore OCK_UMicdSE-00043-00031808-00032392 because it's already more than ready and then again as we were we were seeing in the OCK_UMicdSE-00044-00032392-00033088 previous video we are going to do pierladora so we create even more tension on the surface OCK_UMicdSE-00045-00033088-00033760 of the dough that is by the way rich of bubbles already which is a very good sign of a good OCK_UMicdSE-00046-00033760-00034656 motivation and of a good fermentation of the dough yeah so now we have these dough balls ready OCK_UMicdSE-00047-00034896-00035232 and the last part will be to move these doubles OCK_UMicdSE-00048-00035400-00036120 into their last containers meaning that they like in the containers where they are going to have OCK_UMicdSE-00049-00036120-00036608 the second rising and actually the real rising because the one in the fridge was not really OCK_UMicdSE-00050-00036608-00037176 arising was more of a moderation as i was saying than stressing out before so let me take the OCK_UMicdSE-00051-00037320-00038288 new containers and i will come back in few seconds good so i took two containers a smaller one that OCK_UMicdSE-00052-00038288-00038736 would be for the small double and a bigger one that is more or less the same that i've used OCK_UMicdSE-00053-00038736-00039200 before uh but i will show you how you want to position the dough because if you put it OCK_UMicdSE-00054-00039352-00039760 in the center from my point of view is not really an ideal situation so OCK_UMicdSE-00055-00039760-00040128 i will show you what to do in case you have a container that is a little bit bigger than OCK_UMicdSE-00056-00040208-00041040 the the the dough the sides of the dough one more important information please use always OCK_UMicdSE-00057-00041040-00041792 containers that can uh contain indeed two to three times i would say three times at least the size of OCK_UMicdSE-00058-00041792-00042264 the dough because what we want to achieve in the in the in this phase of the rising or so in the OCK_UMicdSE-00059-00042264-00042920 next phase of the rising is that we want to have the dough ball going uh around two and a half to OCK_UMicdSE-00060-00042920-00043816 three times how big it was when it started so once again we will use a bit of oil just don't use too OCK_UMicdSE-00061-00043816-00044648 much because it otherwise it will ruin our dough so just a few drops here and a few drops here OCK_UMicdSE-00062-00044840-00045496 that's it you don't have to use more than that again we will just make sure that the oil is OCK_UMicdSE-00063-00045496-00046096 everywhere especially on the side here because this will help dramatically when we are going to OCK_UMicdSE-00064-00046344-00046976 put the dough into the flour for the last shaping before going into the baking pan OCK_UMicdSE-00065-00047056-00048008 and let me do the same here easy peasy again cover the borders make sure that OCK_UMicdSE-00066-00048216-00049280 the dough can grow without being sticky on the container borders of course yeah okay good OCK_UMicdSE-00067-00049488-00049912 now i have the hand full of oil but that's okay OCK_UMicdSE-00068-00049912-00050608 so without removing the oil without cleaning my hands i'm just going to do again one more OCK_UMicdSE-00069-00050768-00051560 round of piratura so we create again tension on the double and then just to OCK_UMicdSE-00070-00051560-00052479 show you better let's do first the big one so i will have some space and look how much smooth OCK_UMicdSE-00071-00052560-00053679 is this dough it's incredible it's fantastic this means that we worked well yeah it has to be smooth OCK_UMicdSE-00072-00053920-00054760 and with some bubble potentially so what we do is that we take the bowl and we put it in this case OCK_UMicdSE-00073-00054760-00055664 on one side as you can see here i am putting it on on one side why why because in this case the the OCK_UMicdSE-00074-00055664-00056448 sides of the containers will help the dog grow in and not going just flat on the on the on the OCK_UMicdSE-00075-00056448-00057144 ground of the of the container we want to have it want to have a kind of a support to make sure that OCK_UMicdSE-00076-00057144-00057664 the dough will grow also up and not only on side because that's the risk when the container is OCK_UMicdSE-00077-00057664-00058176 too large compared to those sides and as you can see this is exactly the case in this way OCK_UMicdSE-00078-00058279-00059000 and let's do the same on the other container so once again we take it from here and OCK_UMicdSE-00079-00059000-00060016 look how good is the dough this is fantastic and one more thing important below you want OCK_UMicdSE-00080-00060016-00060384 to have it everything close so you don't want to have holes here OCK_UMicdSE-00081-00060591-00060736 that's okay how it is today OCK_UMicdSE-00082-00060952-00061400 and this is one also of the reasons why you are doing this exercise so while you are doing this OCK_UMicdSE-00083-00061544-00062320 movement that is called pure italian and then it's ready we put it here and that's it now we close it OCK_UMicdSE-00084-00062528-00063232 again aromatic if you don't have hermetic better to have to use from some cling film for example OCK_UMicdSE-00085-00063232-00063904 but you want to have them closed because you don't want too much air to influence the the dough OCK_UMicdSE-00086-00063904-00064600 itself and that's it so we are now ready to have it growing in in with the with the with my recipe OCK_UMicdSE-00087-00064600-00065088 with recipes that i'm sharing on the website uh embedded with the one that i'm sharing for this OCK_UMicdSE-00088-00065088-00065888 video specifically it will take probably five to six hours to grow uh however that this is not a OCK_UMicdSE-00089-00065888-00066520 rule so even if you find recipes and especially when you find recipes online just keep in mind OCK_UMicdSE-00090-00066520-00067200 that what they give to you as a time for rising is an indication of more or less how much time the OCK_UMicdSE-00091-00067200-00067728 dough will require to grow and to be ready to be shaped and to be put into the baking pan or into OCK_UMicdSE-00092-00067728-00068544 the oven anyway what you want to the way you want to think about when the dough ball is ready to be OCK_UMicdSE-00093-00068544-00069544 baked is that you want it to grow at least two and a half times so you see here how big it is OCK_UMicdSE-00094-00069760-00070248 what we expect to have is that it will cover completely the the container up to probably OCK_UMicdSE-00095-00070248-00070776 almost here but no worries because i will show you once it's ready just to give you an idea OCK_UMicdSE-00096-00070832-00071632 when this is the sides of the bottom bowl it means that it is ready if it is not grown yet at that OCK_UMicdSE-00097-00071632-00072240 level it means that it's not ready so it's better to wait more if it's going over it's still okay OCK_UMicdSE-00098-00072296-00072952 of course it depends if it is growing too much you want to reshape it if you have enough time to OCK_UMicdSE-00099-00072952-00073528 do it again because you don't have to have another rising but these are these are um information that OCK_UMicdSE-00100-00073528-00074120 i will be sharing later on also on the website so keep following me and keep subscribing to OCK_UMicdSE-00101-00074120-00074664 the website and to this channel and i'm going to share also in the future some other details OCK_UMicdSE-00102-00074848-00075448 so let's wait for that to to grow so let's wait for the balls to grow and uh yeah we will see OCK_UMicdSE-00103-00075448-00076152 we will be i will be showing later on during the day how to do the last uh shaping again and put OCK_UMicdSE-00104-00076152-00076760 it into the baking pan which is again one part that is kind of important and where you have OCK_UMicdSE-00105-00076760-00077280 where you want to practice quite a lot to make sure that the the the pizza will will OCK_UMicdSE-00106-00077280-00078112 grow and will have the right bubbles but the air bubbles after it is cooked so see you later OCK_UMicdSE-00107-00078288-00078960 so let's go ahead with this last phase of the pizza preparation OCK_UMicdSE-00108-00079072-00079776 we are going to prepare the pizza to go into the baking pan so we want to stretch it OCK_UMicdSE-00109-00079776-00080560 in the proper way before we start i want to share that i prepared the baking pan using some lard OCK_UMicdSE-00110-00080664-00081472 on it not too much but yeah this is the one that i use it so this is lard and i prepared it in order OCK_UMicdSE-00111-00081472-00082168 to uh not to have the dough sticking to the to the baking pan even if the flour will help a lot OCK_UMicdSE-00112-00082168-00082808 in not having the the the dough sticking on the on the pan the other thing is that i'm using this OCK_UMicdSE-00113-00082808-00083536 flower to um prepare the dough to go to stretch the dough and to go to the baking pan and this OCK_UMicdSE-00114-00083536-00084216 is a special flour that is meant just for these juice so this is not a flower that is used for the OCK_UMicdSE-00115-00084360-00084920 normal baking or normal pizza dough but this is just when you have to stretch the pizza it's a OCK_UMicdSE-00116-00084920-00085472 special one and i don't expect you to have the same because this is not something that you can OCK_UMicdSE-00117-00085472-00086112 find normally in the in the markets but you can use instead of this one you can use the rice OCK_UMicdSE-00118-00086112-00086832 flour or you can use the semolari machinata flour both of them you can easily find in supermarkets OCK_UMicdSE-00119-00086832-00087328 the probably the the easiest one would be the rice flour and it's it's pretty good to do the OCK_UMicdSE-00120-00087328-00088088 stretching of the dough so what i'm going to do is that i will prepare a bit the base here and as you OCK_UMicdSE-00121-00088088-00089048 can see i removed the watch from my uh arm and you will see why it shortly so let me take the OCK_UMicdSE-00122-00089048-00089744 dough that meanwhile it's been growing and rising if you remember how it was when we added into the OCK_UMicdSE-00123-00089744-00090656 the uh container it was much much smaller so let me open it and still touching a bit OCK_UMicdSE-00124-00090840-00091968 the lid but here we go super good so let's put it there and voila as you can see OCK_UMicdSE-00125-00092056-00092744 we we have already more or less the same shape of the baking pan now why i'm having the baking pan OCK_UMicdSE-00126-00092744-00093312 just close to the dough it's not just because i have to show you but this is because will OCK_UMicdSE-00127-00093312-00093816 the having the both together will help you in understanding and this is very critical OCK_UMicdSE-00128-00093816-00094344 especially if you first for the first time or for the very few initial times this will help you OCK_UMicdSE-00129-00094344-00094856 a lot in avoid that you have the you stretch the toe too much because when you stretch the door too OCK_UMicdSE-00130-00094856-00095408 much then it's problematic to put it back into the pan without creating waves and without ruining the OCK_UMicdSE-00131-00095408-00096104 dough essentially so what i'm going to do is that i'm taking some other flower i put it everywhere OCK_UMicdSE-00132-00096104-00096760 you don't have to save anything just move it i want to move it a bit more to the center OCK_UMicdSE-00133-00096760-00097456 and what we do let me see if the camera is taking it wet that good so let me move the camera OCK_UMicdSE-00134-00097560-00098056 a bit here so you wait you what you can see exactly what i'm doing so OCK_UMicdSE-00135-00098056-00098560 first of all you want to start from with the fingers you want to start from the OCK_UMicdSE-00136-00098560-00099296 sides and you want to just stretch this way it's not just a stretching you're just removing air OCK_UMicdSE-00137-00099296-00099720 and after you did this a couple of time on sides you go into the center OCK_UMicdSE-00138-00100064-00101072 yeah and as you can see the dough is already quite stretched almost like on the pan OCK_UMicdSE-00139-00101072-00101792 was the same as the pan so let me move again back so you can see now how i move into the baking pan OCK_UMicdSE-00140-00102048-00102959 yeah so what i'm doing now is this movement i will use my arm this way so that i can remove OCK_UMicdSE-00141-00102959-00103783 the excess flour and then i put it into the baking pan where i finish the stretching OCK_UMicdSE-00142-00104072-00104640 without touching the dough too much this is very important you don't want to touch the dough too OCK_UMicdSE-00143-00104640-00105488 much you have to be very careful and you don't want to stretch in stretching or better you don't OCK_UMicdSE-00144-00105488-00106159 want to touch it too much here just arrive into the corners in this case we try to do OCK_UMicdSE-00145-00106568-00107359 the stretching in uh having at the end uh an even surface so we don't have again waves because this OCK_UMicdSE-00146-00107359-00107976 is something that is not good for the growing of the pizza and that's it so we stop here i prefer OCK_UMicdSE-00147-00107976-00108704 to give to the dough a kind of a rest as you can see there are already bubbles which is a very good OCK_UMicdSE-00148-00108704-00109535 sign of a good uh pizza though uh at the same time if you have noticed when i did the movement of the OCK_UMicdSE-00149-00109608-00110376 pizza dough from the uh from this place to my arm it was not just uh it was kind of OCK_UMicdSE-00150-00110480-00111080 rigid and that means that we did folding properly and that we mixed the ingredients in the proper OCK_UMicdSE-00151-00111080-00111592 way when you don't mix the ingredients in the proper way you have the dough that is very fluffy OCK_UMicdSE-00152-00111656-00112352 and it's kind of complicated to make this movement to put it on on your on your arm because it will OCK_UMicdSE-00153-00112352-00113056 just uh elastically going down so if if you notice that it's very soft and it's very elastic OCK_UMicdSE-00154-00113111-00113696 one thing that you can do is to avoid to do this movement that i did and you try to just move the OCK_UMicdSE-00155-00113696-00114296 dough onto the baking pan without even using the the the flour and you just use and you just OCK_UMicdSE-00156-00114416-00114976 stretch the dough into the into the baking pan starting from trying to put the dough into the OCK_UMicdSE-00157-00114976-00115576 center as much as you can and then moving and then stretching just using your fingers and never never OCK_UMicdSE-00158-00115576-00116216 uh stretch like these or if you want to do it like i did before you have to do it very very carefully OCK_UMicdSE-00159-00116216-00116768 so for now i keep this um having a rest and then i prepared the topping and after OCK_UMicdSE-00160-00116768-00117288 the topping it goes into the into the oven that i mean i mean meanwhile i'm going to OCK_UMicdSE-00161-00117383-00118104 uh warm at 250 celsius degrees and this pizza will be will have a topping with OCK_UMicdSE-00162-00118224-00119183 with some vegetables on it so we will see shortly OCK_UMicdSE-00163-00122664-00123120 and we finally arrived at the end of this step-by-step guide on how to prepare OCK_UMicdSE-00164-00123120-00123504 italian style pizza in the baking pan or in the tray if you prefer OCK_UMicdSE-00165-00123504-00124000 i hope you enjoyed the content i hope that i could share with you something that is useful to you OCK_UMicdSE-00166-00124072-00124576 if you like you can subscribe to this channel and enable the notifications so you will be OCK_UMicdSE-00167-00124576-00125176 notified about new videos that i'm going to post very soon on this youtube channel you can also OCK_UMicdSE-00168-00125176-00125792 visit my website italianpizzasecrets.com where i share some more details and some more content OCK_UMicdSE-00169-00125792-00126432 that i think it will be handy and useful for you to make a great perfect fantastic OCK_UMicdSE-00170-00126432-00127664 italian style pizza thank you very much for watching and see you to the next video you OGXu9623EwM-00000-00000848-00001632 okay guys we're gonna tie a polar shrimp streamer you can use any streamer this is a OGXu9623EwM-00001-00001632-00002472 size 10 i made it kind of small i'm using a size 10 streamer hook and i'm using 210 denier thread OGXu9623EwM-00002-00002624-00003304 and but you could get away with 140 denier probably and then i'm just taking a clump of OGXu9623EwM-00003-00003304-00003904 red saddle hackle going off the back about the length of the gap of the hook OGXu9623EwM-00004-00004240-00004888 and then uh just setting it up on top tying it down nice and straight OGXu9623EwM-00005-00005080-00005248 and just tying the thread all the way up OGXu9623EwM-00006-00005600-00005952 if you can tie the thread all the way up the hook it's just a little better because it keeps it OGXu9623EwM-00007-00006008-00006336 from getting a bump in it you know the body of the fly OGXu9623EwM-00008-00006520-00007400 anyway so far so good now we're going to go ahead and take some orange embroidery floss i think i OGXu9623EwM-00009-00007400-00007936 got it from walmart you could just use the thread if you wanted to for the body but i wanted to OGXu9623EwM-00010-00008016-00008784 i'm making the i'm making the fly orange and red gives it kind of a cool look and i wanted OGXu9623EwM-00011-00008784-00009984 the embroidery floss because it's thicker kind of adds a new uh dimension to the fly OGXu9623EwM-00012-00010576-00011384 yep i just start from the back then i just bring my thread up OGXu9623EwM-00013-00011736-00012784 and i just wrap it up OGXu9623EwM-00014-00013200-00013512 and when i get to the front i just tie off the embroidery floss OGXu9623EwM-00015-00014032-00014184 and i'll go ahead and trim it OGXu9623EwM-00016-00014872-00015144 now what i'm going to do here guys i'm going to finish the fly with OGXu9623EwM-00017-00015144-00015696 70 denier because it's thinner thread i'm going to use red to match the tail OGXu9623EwM-00018-00015784-00016208 if you try and use 210 through the whole fly you'll end up with a gigantic head on the fly OGXu9623EwM-00019-00016408-00016920 it already gets a little bit crowded with this fly anyway near the head but um yeah OGXu9623EwM-00020-00016920-00017608 so i just tied off that 210 that i tied on my 70 denier and this is what i'll finish the fly with OGXu9623EwM-00021-00017944-00018560 i take an orange saddle hackle i kind of get it i pull off the fuzzies on the front and then OGXu9623EwM-00022-00018560-00019336 i'm going to tie it down the fat side is what's getting tied in and this one i tied at an angle OGXu9623EwM-00023-00019544-00020056 you can tie it at an angle or you can tie it with the concave side down you kind of OGXu9623EwM-00024-00020056-00020584 want the concave side down so that you get that swept back look naturally see that OGXu9623EwM-00025-00020728-00021432 but it's also nice to it's also nice to uh angle it like that because then it naturally just OGXu9623EwM-00026-00021432-00021968 gets that swept back back look okay there i'm using some hackle pliers OGXu9623EwM-00027-00022288-00022584 and with each stroke i'm stroking back the feather OGXu9623EwM-00028-00022856-00023368 i'd do probably three or four turns before i tie it off i kind of went a little bit far i think OGXu9623EwM-00029-00023568-00023984 which is fine OGXu9623EwM-00030-00024144-00024456 and then because if you get a little bit crowded it's not a big deal OGXu9623EwM-00031-00024624-00025040 after i tie it off i'm able to just tie back on the hackle itself OGXu9623EwM-00032-00025208-00025544 which brings the hackle back sweeping back toward the back OGXu9623EwM-00033-00025544-00025927 a little more anyway and it looks really good so this is where i do that OGXu9623EwM-00034-00026560-00026783 yeah so i just tie it back OGXu9623EwM-00035-00027288-00027360 there you have it OGXu9623EwM-00036-00028127-00028504 now i'm going to get ready to tie on some white bucktail OGXu9623EwM-00037-00028504-00029000 i just grab the bucktail i pull off probably between 10 and 20 fibers OGXu9623EwM-00038-00029216-00029456 cut it off and then i'll pull out the OGXu9623EwM-00039-00029536-00030160 scragglies there's usually a few and for this fly i decided to make the bucktail nice and even OGXu9623EwM-00040-00030216-00030983 so i'm sticking it in tips first inside of a hair stacker like so then i'm hitting it on the table OGXu9623EwM-00041-00031304-00031544 then you just do that you pull out the hackle the OGXu9623EwM-00042-00031656-00032312 deer hair and it's nice and straight and then i'm going to have the wing go back it's going OGXu9623EwM-00043-00032312-00032912 to be a short wing it's going to go back between kind of between where the wing is OGXu9623EwM-00044-00033080-00033784 or the uh that saddle hackle and the tail that's kind of where i have the wing now what you want OGXu9623EwM-00045-00033784-00034224 to do guys don't tie it super tight your first couple turns because you'll just have the wing OGXu9623EwM-00046-00034344-00034664 get all frizzy tie it down nice and lightly OGXu9623EwM-00047-00034880-00035336 okay then on your other wraps you can start to tighten it more OGXu9623EwM-00048-00035472-00035920 that way it keeps the weighing nice and flat on the hackle then just OGXu9623EwM-00049-00036360-00036680 then just trim it off and i kind of crowded the head here OGXu9623EwM-00050-00036680-00036880 like i was saying but it's okay it's no big deal OGXu9623EwM-00051-00037008-00037984 i'll show you what i do at the end to make sure that the tippet can still go through the eye OGXu9623EwM-00052-00038072-00038504 anyway that's uh that's about all there is to it OGXu9623EwM-00053-00038504-00039400 um i trim it up then whip finish it add some head cement OGXu9623EwM-00054-00039400-00039528 that is going to be our fly OGXu9623EwM-00055-00039816-00040552 nice simple salmon fly polar shrimp fly wet fly easy OGXu9623EwM-00056-00040760-00041184 then i take what i do is i usually keep tip it on my fly table and then i just OGXu9623EwM-00057-00041184-00041688 use it to make sure that that it still will get through that'll OGXu9623EwM-00058-00041688-00042160 it'll still get through the eye or i use that little tool that you just saw me use OGXu9623EwM-00059-00042160-00042656 now i'm just adding head cement and that's it guys thanks so much i will see you at the next OGXu9623EwM-00060-00042656-00043600 video you OHzqNgV4mj8-00000-00000168-00000368 Jeeh, she just has fries in her pocket.... OHzqNgV4mj8-00001-00000434-00000586 What kind of person is this... OHzqNgV4mj8-00002-00002170-00002220 Good morning. OHzqNgV4mj8-00003-00002220-00002304 Here we are again. OHzqNgV4mj8-00004-00002304-00002440 It's Sunday morning... OHzqNgV4mj8-00005-00002440-00002612 ...around 8 am. OHzqNgV4mj8-00006-00002612-00002812 No signs of jetlag yet... OHzqNgV4mj8-00007-00002812-00002912 ...maybe later today... OHzqNgV4mj8-00008-00002974-00003246 Now we are joining our Airbnb host... OHzqNgV4mj8-00009-00003268-00003438 ...to get some breakfast, somewhere here in this neighbourhood. OHzqNgV4mj8-00010-00003494-00003692 Then we will go to Liberty Island. OHzqNgV4mj8-00011-00008514-00008694 Manhattan! OHzqNgV4mj8-00012-00012374-00012476 This is Ellis Island. OHzqNgV4mj8-00013-00012476-00012996 Between 1892 and 1954, 12 million immigrants arrived here... OHzqNgV4mj8-00014-00013036-00013176 They had to register here... OHzqNgV4mj8-00015-00013176-00013350 ...and they were examined medically. OHzqNgV4mj8-00016-00013419-00013597 2% didn't pass it... OHzqNgV4mj8-00017-00013597-00013786 ...they were sent back. OHzqNgV4mj8-00018-00014963-00015163 This is the Statue of Liberty... OHzqNgV4mj8-00019-00015163-00015336 ...revealed in 1886. OHzqNgV4mj8-00020-00015336-00015536 It was a present of the French... OHzqNgV4mj8-00021-00015536-00015704 in honor of 100 years United States. OHzqNgV4mj8-00022-00015758-00016078 Actually it was meant as lighttower for the Northern part of the Suez Canal... OHzqNgV4mj8-00023-00016078-00016256 But the Egyptians did't have the money... OHzqNgV4mj8-00024-00016258-00016472 ...so they gifted the statue to the Americans. OHzqNgV4mj8-00025-00017246-00017446 Now to the boat and then Manhattan... OHzqNgV4mj8-00026-00019466-00019618 Where else to eat... OHzqNgV4mj8-00027-00019642-00019848 ...than at New York Pizza! OHzqNgV4mj8-00028-00027922-00028020 Hey... OHzqNgV4mj8-00029-00028020-00028152 ...it won't come out! OHzqNgV4mj8-00030-00028152-00028330 - You have to go through fast... OHzqNgV4mj8-00031-00028330-00028494 I thought about Thailand... OHzqNgV4mj8-00032-00028494-00028692 Always hold children by the hand. OHzqNgV4mj8-00033-00031694-00031858 ... I want to take a look over there.... OI6eAioFEfY-00000-00008601-00009098 So formulas, solutions, definitions, everything is just thrown into the dumpster OI6eAioFEfY-00001-00009098-00009676 with very little connection or elaboration to other pieces of information. And the OI6eAioFEfY-00002-00009676-00010233 dumpster may actually work in the short term. You can solve a number of OI6eAioFEfY-00003-00010233-00010811 problems very quickly by just memorizing a specific formula or solution. The OI6eAioFEfY-00004-00010811-00011230 problem is, that in the long term you'll have way too many formulas and solutions OI6eAioFEfY-00005-00011230-00011663 to remember. Also, professors will often choose exam questions that cannot be OI6eAioFEfY-00006-00011663-00012236 solved by referring simply to a specific memorized formula or solution. They want OI6eAioFEfY-00007-00012236-00012651 to test whether you really can understand and apply the concept, not just OI6eAioFEfY-00008-00012651-00013182 memorize a dumpster full of formulas and solutions. So how do you get out of the OI6eAioFEfY-00009-00013182-00013696 dumpster and really start building good conceptual pyramids? Here are some OI6eAioFEfY-00010-00013696-00013863 suggestions. OI6eAioFEfY-00011-00013863-00014268 Many students start learning a concept by trying to solve the related problems OI6eAioFEfY-00012-00014268-00014819 right away. So what they do is begin to look for specific formulas that match OI6eAioFEfY-00013-00014819-00015338 specific formulas that give them a specific solution. Unfortunately, that of course OI6eAioFEfY-00014-00015338-00015891 is the dumpster method. Instead of trying to solve problems right away, I OI6eAioFEfY-00015-00015891-00016372 recommend that you work on getting a good conceptual understanding of that OI6eAioFEfY-00016-00016372-00016909 crucial small amount of information. So I recommend using a concept summary. OI6eAioFEfY-00017-00016909-00017658 A short list of five key categories that will help you identify and connect that crucial OI6eAioFEfY-00018-00017658-00018230 conceptual information, before you start solving the related problems. The first OI6eAioFEfY-00019-00018230-00018686 category of the concept summary is the heading or title of the concept. OI6eAioFEfY-00020-00018686-00019253 To make this concept summary, I suggest you write down each category of the OI6eAioFEfY-00021-00019253-00019885 concept summary like this: and then fill in each of the categories with a new OI6eAioFEfY-00022-00019885-00020473 concept you are learning. Here is an example of a concept summary sheet with OI6eAioFEfY-00023-00020473-00020981 the categories filled in with the crucial information of Newton's Second Law. Try to OI6eAioFEfY-00024-00020981-00021560 choose concepts, and therefore titles of concepts that are not too specific but OI6eAioFEfY-00025-00021560-00022135 relate to a typical class of problems. In some courses, physics for example, OI6eAioFEfY-00026-00022135-00022717 maybe statistics, it might involve an entire chapter like Newton's Second Law, or OI6eAioFEfY-00027-00022717-00023198 standard deviation. In other courses like calculus, it might involve a few sections OI6eAioFEfY-00028-00023198-00023777 like the derivatives of exponents and polynomials. The second category of the OI6eAioFEfY-00029-00023777-00024317 concept summary is the key equation or equations. And try to keep the key OI6eAioFEfY-00030-00024317-00024945 equations associated with a concept to a minimum. I suggest one to maybe five OI6eAioFEfY-00031-00024945-00025129 key equations per concept. OI6eAioFEfY-00032-00025129-00025632 The basic derivative formulas in calculus, Newton's Second Law in physics, and OI6eAioFEfY-00033-00025632-00026135 the z score in statistics would all be examples of the key equations associated OI6eAioFEfY-00034-00026135-00026620 with a concept. You can often find these key equations in the chapter summary of OI6eAioFEfY-00035-00026620-00027141 the textbook. And toss out the specific formulas that are special cases, easily OI6eAioFEfY-00036-00027141-00027638 worked out from the more general equations. For example, in Newton's Second OI6eAioFEfY-00037-00027638-00028095 Law there is a very common special case called Atwood's Machine. And many OI6eAioFEfY-00038-00028095-00028592 students mistakenly try to memorize the formulas for Atwood's machine. But are OI6eAioFEfY-00039-00028592-00029282 actually just examples of Newton's second law. The third category of the concept OI6eAioFEfY-00040-00029282-00029779 summary is the definition of each term in those key equations. Included with the OI6eAioFEfY-00041-00029779-00030219 definition of each term are the associated units. OI6eAioFEfY-00042-00030219-00030682 While this category of definitions seems obvious enough, students who take the OI6eAioFEfY-00043-00030682-00031233 dumpster approach often have no idea of the meaning of a specific term, or the OI6eAioFEfY-00044-00031233-00031741 associated units. The fourth category of the concept summary is the additional OI6eAioFEfY-00045-00031741-00032216 important information. This involves information that is crucial to your use of the OI6eAioFEfY-00046-00032216-00032726 key equations. Here are some of the main kinds of additional important OI6eAioFEfY-00047-00032726-00033194 information that you need to watch for. The meaning and effect of zero values. For OI6eAioFEfY-00048-00033194-00033600 example, if an object is moving at constant velocity, then its acceleration is OI6eAioFEfY-00049-00033600-00034091 actually zero. Sign and direction conventions. For example, the slope of a line OI6eAioFEfY-00050-00034091-00034488 moving upward is positive, and downward lines the slope is negative. OI6eAioFEfY-00051-00034488-00034919 Reference values. For example, in equations of motion problems, the OI6eAioFEfY-00052-00034919-00035637 acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s©÷ downwards or in chemistry, the pH of pure OI6eAioFEfY-00053-00035637-00036394 water is 7.0. When a concept cannot be applied. For example, if you have nominal OI6eAioFEfY-00054-00036394-00036894 data in a statistics problem you cannot use a t test. If the acceleration of an object OI6eAioFEfY-00055-00036894-00037384 is not constant, you cannot use the standard equations of motion. OI6eAioFEfY-00056-00037384-00037840 The fifth and final category of the concept summary is your own example or OI6eAioFEfY-00057-00037840-00038413 explanation. If you do understand the concept you are studying, then you will find OI6eAioFEfY-00058-00038413-00038744 it quite easy to come up with your own example or an explanation in your own OI6eAioFEfY-00059-00038744-00039218 words of what that concept can do. You will also find it easier to remember the OI6eAioFEfY-00060-00039218-00039640 rest of this crucial information. If you can't come up with your own explanation, or OI6eAioFEfY-00061-00039640-00040107 example, you probably need to reflect further on the meaning of the concept, or OI6eAioFEfY-00062-00040107-00040574 possible get some more help in understanding that concept. Now that you have OI6eAioFEfY-00063-00040574-00041017 that crucial information that constitutes a concept, you are ready to start solving OI6eAioFEfY-00064-00041017-00041561 problems. That's what I cover in the next video of the problem solving series. ONNRuKJ64lo-00002-00004342-00006000 Karl Schilling 321-947-3220 OPyV7d9oGSk-00000-00001287-00001503 subscribe my channel OPEZVpCCEkE-00000-00000000-00000648 check out this fish off to the triple crown we go but before we get there we stop at brandon's house OPEZVpCCEkE-00001-00000648-00001112 check out this little fish room really neat thank you guys will like it check out this fish OPEZVpCCEkE-00002-00001328-00001504 all right what OPEZVpCCEkE-00003-00002920-00003511 hi everybody it's brandon this is my wall of fish it's very cool very cool and this guy is OPEZVpCCEkE-00004-00003511-00004096 feeding us treating us very nice thank you for the hospitality absolutely beautiful tanks love OPEZVpCCEkE-00005-00004096-00004664 them kentucky welcome to triple crown well thank you thank you appreciate it all right that's the OPEZVpCCEkE-00006-00004664-00005208 biggest one that i've seen i thought they maybe got six inches and that's he's kind of um his OPEZVpCCEkE-00007-00005208-00005800 spine's a little yeah yeah looks probably a little longer i have one at home i named getty and so my OPEZVpCCEkE-00008-00005800-00006431 first pride i love what he did with this pearl it looks like the punch back it's like that face OPEZVpCCEkE-00009-00006656-00007528 beautiful face oh my god look what i spy you don't know what that is that's a glorious OPEZVpCCEkE-00010-00007528-00007800 one of my favorites students got it OPEZVpCCEkE-00011-00007959-00008528 look at this absolutely love this in this tank mommy algae does not get any more natural than OPEZVpCCEkE-00012-00008528-00009160 that look at that contrast with those black neons with that mold and that dredge wood and the plants OPEZVpCCEkE-00013-00009384-00010416 very natural and nice seasoned mummy earth you can tell i've seen some days OPEZVpCCEkE-00014-00010728-00010778 i love it OPEZVpCCEkE-00015-00011320-00011712 it's the circle all right like they're probably two or three years old though they're getting slow OPEZVpCCEkE-00016-00012056-00012296 if you check out this stand it's actually really OPEZVpCCEkE-00017-00012296-00012888 different look how he's got the two by fours up on blocks i just made a space OPEZVpCCEkE-00018-00013216-00013440 very interesting different cool OPEZVpCCEkE-00019-00013800-00014536 yeah and check this out he hooked me up with some killi fish now what day should i OPEZVpCCEkE-00020-00014536-00014960 uh do these they're both pretty well aged cause they're both from last fall OPEZVpCCEkE-00021-00014960-00015640 they've had months so they're ready to go add water get fish like sea monkeys yup OPEZVpCCEkE-00022-00015968-00016240 these beautiful outdoor setups i love it OPEZVpCCEkE-00023-00016480-00016960 that's overflowing tank there beautiful green water and that is some braided OPEZVpCCEkE-00024-00016960-00017512 material all those roots that's rainbow fish egg heaven a lot of fish egg having OPEZVpCCEkE-00025-00017904-00018456 actually loved this this is some really cool driftwood with the plants coming out OPEZVpCCEkE-00026-00018744-00019040 such a mixture too got quite the variety in here OPEZVpCCEkE-00027-00019448-00019784 most car on there and those are shiners in here OPEZVpCCEkE-00028-00020384-00020560 this hornwort's turning red OPEZVpCCEkE-00029-00020776-00021184 looks how red this hornwork OPEZVpCCEkE-00030-00021352-00021760 or no that's from a red red root floater that's what that's from no OPEZVpCCEkE-00031-00021760-00022416 no those are some of the hardware yeah some of the hornwort here is but the super red right OPEZVpCCEkE-00032-00022416-00022864 here was kind of throwing me off yeah they're like big raccoon tails you can pull them out OPEZVpCCEkE-00033-00023120-00023712 should be beautiful yeah i saw those earlier no stay out year round they don't go in in the winter OPEZVpCCEkE-00034-00023840-00024296 thanks and it gets fairly cold down here still doesn't it OPEZVpCCEkE-00035-00024960-00025536 always nice to put plants in front too to kind of give it that little extra depth OPEZVpCCEkE-00036-00026152-00026783 it's definitely cooler downstairs OPEZVpCCEkE-00037-00027248-00027600 rainbow shiners these are really cool native fish OPEZVpCCEkE-00038-00028039-00029583 houses oh OPEZVpCCEkE-00039-00030232-00030832 the trail well yeah we weren't gonna hit the cow in mid lane but we only had a certain amount of OPEZVpCCEkE-00040-00030832-00031320 runway to stop the side by side before we were going to hit this cow and as soon as we come to OPEZVpCCEkE-00041-00031320-00031936 the top tastes like i thought it said it was a lemongrass because it's um i can't think of OPEZVpCCEkE-00042-00031936-00032656 it oh it's a trillium of some kind but i think were early we made it no fish in the tanks yet OPEZVpCCEkE-00043-00032816-00033120 everybody's starting to get set up it's one of the spots OPEZVpCCEkE-00044-00033352-00033784 they're just getting started OPEZVpCCEkE-00045-00034936-00035472 now i enjoy brandon's fish room hope you guys did too i love checking out all the different OPEZVpCCEkE-00046-00035472-00035984 variations of fish keeping people get to do out there because there's so many ways to do it as you OPEZVpCCEkE-00047-00035984-00036512 can see we made it to the triple ground so stay tuned for all that hit that subscribe button hit OPEZVpCCEkE-00048-00036512-00037128 that like button that would be super appreciated would help out the algorithms also leave a comment OPEZVpCCEkE-00049-00037128-00037584 let me know what you think about the video or just say something for the algorithm OPEZVpCCEkE-00050-00037584-00038032 but either way i appreciate you all thank you thank you thank you all for watching OPEZVpCCEkE-00051-00038032-00038464 like and subscribe and support and all that stuff without you guys i want to be here OPEZVpCCEkE-00052-00038464-00039208 until next time everybody peace have a great one i'll see you on the next one OQDXRhqu0UE-00000-00000206-00000434 Welcome to CuVoodoo, OQDXRhqu0UE-00001-00000437-00000669 the sorcery of copper. OQDXRhqu0UE-00002-00005896-00006290 you can find the videos on https://www.cuvoodoo.info OQDXRhqu0UE-00003-00007048-00007350 you can find the wiki on https://wiki.cuvoodoo.info OQDXRhqu0UE-00004-00008470-00009022 you can find the source code on https://git.cuvoodoo.info OQDXRhqu0UE-00005-00013250-00013556 with "pcb" I meant "board layout" OQDXRhqu0UE-00006-00019414-00019744 created during or for the Open Hardware Summit OQDXRhqu0UE-00007-00020756-00021132 with mouvement I mean defining what Open Hardware is OQDXRhqu0UE-00008-00028438-00028604 Open Source Hardware Association OQDXRhqu0UE-00009-00033250-00033406 there is a bigger just above OQDXRhqu0UE-00010-00038300-00038638 the text font also remains unknown OQDXRhqu0UE-00011-00039059-00039313 a footprint for the board layout OQDXRhqu0UE-00012-00046990-00047150 or any CAD software OQDXRhqu0UE-00013-00055170-00055650 the generator is at https://oshwlogo.cuvoodoo.info OQDXRhqu0UE-00014-00057482-00058132 well, not all, only the most popular, and where the footprint/library format is documented OQDXRhqu0UE-00015-00063700-00064040 feel free to suggest additional formats OQDXRhqu0UE-00016-00068006-00068200 thus you become the author OQDXRhqu0UE-00017-00068872-00069214 the open source hardware logo generator is at https://oshwlogo.cuvoodoo.info OQDXRhqu0UE-00018-00069937-00070271 the source code in at https://git.cuvoodoo.info/kingkevin/oshw_logo OV2wjPQlb0M-00000-00000000-00000690 Jazze you are inappropriate in such in such a way your guidance is telling you this thought OV2wjPQlb0M-00001-00000690-00001287 is not good for you and you say well whether the thoughts good for me or not should I marry this OV2wjPQlb0M-00002-00001287-00001992 person and we say we want you to ask different questions rather than what should I do we want OV2wjPQlb0M-00003-00001992-00002652 you to follow the thought of your source and the thought of that source within you is looking for OV2wjPQlb0M-00004-00002652-00003249 things to appreciate we know that guidance always sounds like should I go this way or should I go OV2wjPQlb0M-00005-00003249-00003765 this way when you understand that the guidance is about the direction of your thought and you OV2wjPQlb0M-00006-00003765-00004140 deliberately choose the better feeling thought the better feeling thought the better feeling OV2wjPQlb0M-00007-00004140-00004833 thought that what begins to happen is that you get going with the flow so well that questions about OV2wjPQlb0M-00008-00004833-00005622 what to do answer themselves easily because it is so very obvious what to do and there was when you OV2wjPQlb0M-00009-00005622-00006252 get out of the Maelstrom and you begin going with the flow the flow carries you in such a way that OV2wjPQlb0M-00010-00006252-00006636 you would say to us something more like Abraham I really don't give a rip what you think this is OV2wjPQlb0M-00011-00006636-00007425 what I'm gonna do the confusion goes away when the resistance goes away and so did you get that it's OV2wjPQlb0M-00012-00007425-00007968 really an important thing when you say we'll never mind what I'm gonna do how am I gonna think about OV2wjPQlb0M-00013-00007968-00008481 this and you choose a better feeling thought and you do it consistently about any subject OV2wjPQlb0M-00014-00008481-00009084 especially this subject as you do that more and more consistently what happens is the stream is OV2wjPQlb0M-00015-00009084-00009768 flowing so smoothly and you are so well placed within it that all of the chaos and confusion OV2wjPQlb0M-00016-00009768-00010584 from your life lifts from you and you have clarity about what to do give us an example of some of OV2wjPQlb0M-00017-00010584-00011304 the thoughts that go through your mind relative to this relationship okay I would like to buy a house OV2wjPQlb0M-00018-00011304-00012090 and financially he's not in that position so I don't feel he's my financial equal so I get caught OV2wjPQlb0M-00019-00012090-00012744 up in thinking but maybe that I'm settling I'm not proud of these thoughts but this is what I think I OV2wjPQlb0M-00020-00012744-00013476 should have a partner that I can have a dream with which would be to buy a home which I really would OV2wjPQlb0M-00021-00013476-00014304 like all right so let's dissect this a little bit so you're saying through my life experience OV2wjPQlb0M-00022-00014304-00015027 I've lived in a lot of places and having done so I've given birth through a series of rockets and OV2wjPQlb0M-00023-00015027-00016011 desires to a dream life and a dream house and as I hold that vision and I look at you you don't match OV2wjPQlb0M-00024-00016011-00016893 and so you may not be the one and I'm not proud of this you say and we want to say to you that OV2wjPQlb0M-00025-00016893-00017538 anytime you say things like I'm not proud of me I know I shouldn't be thinking these thoughts you're OV2wjPQlb0M-00026-00017538-00018267 also not a match to the way source feels about you who always loves you no matter what thoughts might OV2wjPQlb0M-00027-00018267-00018870 be crossing your mind in other words there are all kinds of levels of discord in a situation like OV2wjPQlb0M-00028-00018870-00020226 this so let's start it out so potential husband of mine I see you as financially irresponsible and I OV2wjPQlb0M-00029-00020226-00021168 see myself as financially responsible so you need to change so that I can see you the way I need to OV2wjPQlb0M-00030-00021168-00021912 see you so that I can feel better and we say oh this is just the beginning of your trouble because OV2wjPQlb0M-00031-00021912-00022473 when you see anything that needs to be different so that you can feel different and then you OV2wjPQlb0M-00032-00022473-00023106 compound that still further by saying not only do I see you as you are I didn't make it up I see you OV2wjPQlb0M-00033-00023106-00024054 as you are and you're not financially a match to what I want but you may very well keep me from my OV2wjPQlb0M-00034-00024054-00024840 dream so you really need to be different because I'm not about to let you as much as I love you on OV2wjPQlb0M-00035-00024840-00025575 some fronts I'm not about to let you keep me from my dream and we say never mind him you're keeping OV2wjPQlb0M-00036-00025575-00026247 yourself from your dream because you've got a dream and you are contradicting it so you say well OV2wjPQlb0M-00037-00026247-00026833 but wait I'm not contradicting it I'm pointing out that he's contradicting it we say but you're OV2wjPQlb0M-00038-00026833-00027560 the one doing it but wait if he were different I wouldn't do it and we say you don't have to do it OV2wjPQlb0M-00039-00027560-00028199 whether he's different or not and their words just don't contradict your own dream so Abraham are you OV2wjPQlb0M-00040-00028199-00028826 saying that I've got this dream house over here in vibrational escrow and if I don't if I just don't OV2wjPQlb0M-00041-00028826-00029282 look at him and say you're keeping me from it that I'll turn and go in the direction of it no matter OV2wjPQlb0M-00042-00029282-00030038 how he is financially we say yes your dream is not contingent upon him your dream is contingent upon OV2wjPQlb0M-00043-00030038-00030686 your alignment with your dream and when you use his current financial status as a reason to give OV2wjPQlb0M-00044-00030686-00031331 yourself worry and contradict your own dream about your own house well you're contradicting your own OV2wjPQlb0M-00045-00031331-00031916 dream you're not keeping up with the house that you have created but it's not his fault it's yours OV2wjPQlb0M-00046-00031916-00032702 yeah I hear you now here's the most important question relative to this specific issue that OV2wjPQlb0M-00047-00032702-00033554 we want to put to you just relax it will be clarifying do you believe that with or without OV2wjPQlb0M-00048-00033554-00034427 this person you have the ability to reach your dreams and goals now the reason we asked this is OV2wjPQlb0M-00049-00034427-00035024 because if you believe that with or without anyone that life caused you to put it there and that you OV2wjPQlb0M-00050-00035024-00035597 have the ability to turn and flow to it so your success is not contingent upon what anybody else OV2wjPQlb0M-00051-00035597-00036392 does that's a very powerful thing to know but if you believe that you don't have the ability to get OV2wjPQlb0M-00052-00036392-00037148 it by yourself and you're looking for somebody else to fill in those missing pieces this is OV2wjPQlb0M-00053-00037148-00037745 interesting isn't it and then you say oh yeah I need somebody that does this this and this and you OV2wjPQlb0M-00054-00037745-00038192 don't do those things so you may not be the right one are you getting what we're getting at when OV2wjPQlb0M-00055-00038192-00038831 you are so self empowered that you know hey I'm Source Energy in a physical body life caused me OV2wjPQlb0M-00056-00038831-00039389 to put all kinds of things in vibrational escrow the stream is carrying me to those things I cannot OV2wjPQlb0M-00057-00039389-00040092 not succeed in other words it's not possible for me to not get what I want I'm get what I OV2wjPQlb0M-00058-00040092-00040767 want it's setup for my success and now I know that so now you and your financial situation you're a OV2wjPQlb0M-00059-00040767-00041301 non-issue so what you want to say to your lover face it I'm gonna be wealthy I'm gonna live in OV2wjPQlb0M-00060-00041301-00041883 beautiful places this is what I've got lined up so if you're alright with that come on but that's not OV2wjPQlb0M-00061-00041883-00042606 what you're saying what you're saying is I have dreams that I can't achieve without your support OV2wjPQlb0M-00062-00042606-00043317 and your hard work and effort and since I see your hard work missing then you are probably not the OV2wjPQlb0M-00063-00043317-00043983 one and we say under those conditions we would agree but when that's your criteria when you're OV2wjPQlb0M-00064-00043983-00044637 saying to your future mates I've got dreams and I need you to do certain things in order to help OV2wjPQlb0M-00065-00044637-00045396 me accomplish my dreams we just want to say it bluntly and boldly those dreams have got to be OV2wjPQlb0M-00066-00045396-00046203 pretty minuscule poultry and puny because that's all action can yield you but if you've got big OV2wjPQlb0M-00067-00046203-00047133 dreams and you've got alignment then you could made up with someone who had zero ambition and OV2wjPQlb0M-00068-00047133-00047979 your dreams would all come true anyway because your dreams aren't contingent on what anybody OV2wjPQlb0M-00069-00047979-00049554 else does only what you do with your vibration how about that so you wanna want to say to everybody OV2wjPQlb0M-00070-00049554-00050265 who's in your life I'm a happy person deal with it I'm a successful person deal with it what I OV2wjPQlb0M-00071-00050265-00050961 want always comes to be I don't stand in my own way anymore and you never could so everything's OV2wjPQlb0M-00072-00050961-00051519 good with me and then you start making your love decisions on the things that really matter like OV2wjPQlb0M-00073-00051519-00052185 are you easy to love do I love you do you make my heart sting do you match the criteria that I've OV2wjPQlb0M-00074-00052185-00052896 launched into vibrational escrow about that are you kind are you clear minded do you have a zest OV2wjPQlb0M-00075-00052896-00053604 for life do you smile easily do you laugh easily do you want to love does loving come easily to you OV2wjPQlb0M-00076-00053604-00054210 and we got to tell you every person on the planet is that person if they're not bucking the current OV2wjPQlb0M-00077-00054210-00054854 and going upstream so when you stop bucking the current and begin going downstream then through OV2wjPQlb0M-00078-00054854-00055541 the clarity of your example you can teach anyone to go with the flow so we think that may be what OV2wjPQlb0M-00079-00055541-00056160 you're grappling with here more than anything is does this person feel like someone who's likely OV2wjPQlb0M-00080-00056160-00056646 to start going with the flow anytime soon or does this person feel like someone who's going OV2wjPQlb0M-00081-00056646-00057167 to be really resistant to that and we say time will tell you don't have to make this decision OV2wjPQlb0M-00082-00057167-00057641 today just play with it you go with the flow and you know we've noticed the more you go with the OV2wjPQlb0M-00083-00057641-00058215 flow the faster your stream flows the more you flow with it the more those who are going with OV2wjPQlb0M-00084-00058215-00058679 you have to stay up with you going with your flow so there's really not anything for you to worry OV2wjPQlb0M-00085-00058679-00059226 about you don't have to worry about breaking up because if you're going with the flow and OV2wjPQlb0M-00086-00059226-00059895 the other one isn't there's distance going between you in other words isn't that nice to know I don't OV2wjPQlb0M-00087-00059895-00060744 have to issue a warning you're not going with the flow I'm 27 miles downstream I don't know how much OV2wjPQlb0M-00088-00060744-00061603 longer we can maintain this relationship I can hardly see you anymore law of attraction takes OV2wjPQlb0M-00089-00061603-00062101 care of it you see but most of you don't play it that way most of you go with the flow and then OV2wjPQlb0M-00090-00062101-00062505 you look back and you say wait a minute you're not going with the flow and then you know what OV2wjPQlb0M-00091-00062505-00063145 you're not either so now because you're not going with the flow I'm not going with the flow and I'm OV2wjPQlb0M-00092-00063145-00063780 pretty irritated about that I've got to tell you you're keeping me from going with the flow you're OV2wjPQlb0M-00093-00063780-00064438 holding me back from everything that I have become and we say no he isn't just go with the flow and OV2wjPQlb0M-00094-00064438-00064975 when you get going with the flow we promise you you'll bump into others who are going with OV2wjPQlb0M-00095-00064975-00066523 the flow and you won't have this issue but what about and who knows when you get going the flow OV2wjPQlb0M-00096-00066523-00067153 he might - if he were sitting here he might tell us I'd go with the flow if it weren't for her I OV2wjPQlb0M-00097-00067153-00068176 think we'd be having the identical conversation with him that's why our work is easy and I only OV2wjPQlb0M-00098-00068176-00068965 have one answer and we tell it to everyone but to answer your question do I think I can make it on OV2wjPQlb0M-00099-00068965-00069973 my own I think I could make a mistake and mess it up honestly but we think you could make a mistake OV2wjPQlb0M-00100-00069973-00070594 we think you could make a million mistakes we think you already have if you're alive in other OV2wjPQlb0M-00101-00070594-00071149 words that's what the contrast is about but in everything that you do that makes you go OV2wjPQlb0M-00102-00071149-00071638 ah shouldn't have done that you launch greater clarity about what you want and the larger part OV2wjPQlb0M-00103-00071638-00072328 of you becomes clearer so we always say you can't get it wrong so there can't really be a OV2wjPQlb0M-00104-00072328-00072757 mistake you can't get it wrong and you never get it done and the reason you can't get it wrong is OV2wjPQlb0M-00105-00072757-00073588 because it's never done so as far as we would go along with human idea of mistake is you can hold OV2wjPQlb0M-00106-00073588-00074275 yourself temporarily out of the flow but in the moment you stop doing that you go with the flow OV2wjPQlb0M-00107-00074275-00074923 so no harm done no harm done because the flow doesn't say we've been flowing and flowing and OV2wjPQlb0M-00108-00074923-00075529 flowing and you haven't been going and now frankly we're tired of you so we're going to flow around OV2wjPQlb0M-00109-00075529-00076270 you the flow just flows and never stops flowing and never stops flowing in the direction of what OV2wjPQlb0M-00110-00076270-00076783 you want and you put your boat in any place but the thing that is important you put your boat OV2wjPQlb0M-00111-00076783-00077470 in where you are you put your boat in where you are and that's enough we want to say this in a OV2wjPQlb0M-00112-00077470-00077908 way that you'll really hear it it's enough that you're putting your boat in right where you are OV2wjPQlb0M-00113-00077908-00078382 and you know why it's enough because you don't have a choice it's got to be enough because you OV2wjPQlb0M-00114-00078382-00078925 can't put your boat in anywhere then other where you are can you you can't you are where you are OV2wjPQlb0M-00115-00078925-00079279 so right now you don't have as much money as you want and you've got dreams about a house OV2wjPQlb0M-00116-00079279-00079684 but you're not able to manifest them and you've got a partner who's so lovely on so many fronts OV2wjPQlb0M-00117-00079684-00080098 and not so good on some fronts but you are where you are you are where you are you are where you OV2wjPQlb0M-00118-00080098-00080533 are so you're putting your boat in you have no choice so not only is it enough it's got to be OV2wjPQlb0M-00119-00080533-00081067 enough because it's all you can do but you do have a choice about whether you complain or expect good OV2wjPQlb0M-00120-00081067-00081538 things you do have a choice about whether you worry about the future or look forward toward OV2wjPQlb0M-00121-00081538-00082003 the future you do have a choice about whether you beat up on yourself or praise yourself or OV2wjPQlb0M-00122-00082003-00082429 beat up on your partner or praise your partner there's that's the choice you've got upstream OV2wjPQlb0M-00123-00082429-00082822 or downstream that's the only choice you've got and when you consistently begin to make OV2wjPQlb0M-00124-00082822-00083314 more and more downstream choices that means life gets funner life gets fuller life gets OV2wjPQlb0M-00125-00083314-00084091 better you feel better oh you see these guys in these canoes with the oars and they're in those OV2wjPQlb0M-00126-00084091-00084607 raging rivers and they're just going with the flow it's not beating them up in other words it's like OV2wjPQlb0M-00127-00084607-00085087 they can't find a river that's too fast for them and you're that way too you cannot find a string OV2wjPQlb0M-00128-00085087-00085504 that's too fast for you when you learn to let go of resistance and just let the stream carry OV2wjPQlb0M-00129-00085504-00086077 you oh what a ride that is that's what you came for you came for that ride you see and so many OV2wjPQlb0M-00130-00086077-00086566 of you say oh I know I came for the ride but I came for the manifestation at the end of the OV2wjPQlb0M-00131-00086566-00087175 ride and we say first of all there's no end of the ride the ride is it there is no end of the river OWa1Kbz14v0-00000-00000123-00000619 Data science is an interdisciplinary field composed of: computer science, math and statistics, OWa1Kbz14v0-00001-00000619-00000982 and domain knowledge that seeks to derive insight from data. OWa1Kbz14v0-00002-00000982-00001340 Data Science is the intersection of these three respective disciplines. OWa1Kbz14v0-00003-00001340-00001773 Another way to think about it is that data science is the intersection of data engineering OWa1Kbz14v0-00004-00001773-00001955 and the scientific method. OWa1Kbz14v0-00005-00001955-00002475 With data science we’re using large-scale data systems to drive the scientific method. OWa1Kbz14v0-00006-00002475-00002836 The goal of data science is to transform data into knowledge. OWa1Kbz14v0-00007-00002836-00003148 Knowledge that we can used to make rational decisions, so that we can take action, that OWa1Kbz14v0-00008-00003148-00003333 help us achieve our goals. OWa1Kbz14v0-00009-00003333-00003819 We refer to this process as transforming data into actionable insight. OWa1Kbz14v0-00010-00003819-00004028 To learn more, please click the link in the description. OWa1Kbz14v0-00011-00004028-00004380 For more content like this, please be sure to like, share, and subscribe. OXvovrn5P14-00000-00000768-00000856 The online learning OXvovrn5P14-00001-00000856-00001176 game Funkabutiken, published by the Swedish NGO OXvovrn5P14-00002-00001176-00001636 Funka in 2021, allows users to practice shopping and paying online. OXvovrn5P14-00003-00001636-00001972 Easy language illustrations and videos are some of the accessibility OXvovrn5P14-00004-00001972-00002044 features offered. OXvovrn5P14-00005-00002044-00002432 By 2022 Funkabutiken had around 20,000 visits. ObvEk-0SzoM-00000-00000000-00000295 Is your team struggling to get to their work done in the time you've got available? ObvEk-0SzoM-00001-00000295-00000624 Today we're going to help you build a battle rhythm that will make each day a ObvEk-0SzoM-00002-00000624-00001559 success! Welcome back and congratulations on taking one more step towards becoming ObvEk-0SzoM-00003-00001559-00002058 one of the great leaders of tomorrow. If managing our own time is hard, helping ObvEk-0SzoM-00004-00002058-00002381 our team manage their time to be successful can be even more difficult. ObvEk-0SzoM-00005-00002381-00002777 Today I've got five tips for you that will help you build a battle rhythm on ObvEk-0SzoM-00006-00002777-00003354 your team to make each day a success. And stay tuned to the end. I'm going to give ObvEk-0SzoM-00007-00003354-00003642 you a link where you can download our free leadership development plan ObvEk-0SzoM-00008-00003642-00004032 workbook and that will help you set your goals for the next two, five and ten ObvEk-0SzoM-00009-00004032-00004425 years and build a plan of action to achieve them. If you know anybody who's ObvEk-0SzoM-00010-00004425-00004748 in the military or has been in the military for any length of time, you've ObvEk-0SzoM-00011-00004748-00005105 probably heard them talk about the idea of a battle rhythm. And battle rhythm was ObvEk-0SzoM-00012-00005105-00005484 something I'd heard of the first ten or so years of my career, but never ObvEk-0SzoM-00013-00005484-00005846 really got to experience until I got to the Air Operations Center and started to ObvEk-0SzoM-00014-00005846-00006305 work with the daily planning cycle that we have there in the AOC. And I wanted to ObvEk-0SzoM-00015-00006305-00006672 look up a good, official definition for you guys to talk about battle rhythm, but ObvEk-0SzoM-00016-00006672-00007073 I couldn't find a really good, official definition that I thought really brought ObvEk-0SzoM-00017-00007073-00007377 the concept home for you, so I'm just going to stick with my Air Operations ObvEk-0SzoM-00018-00007377-00007806 Center example. And when we were in the AOC we would work every day, we'd be ObvEk-0SzoM-00019-00007806-00008295 planning the next days events so there's actually a 72-hour cycle but really for ObvEk-0SzoM-00020-00008295-00008646 simplicity sake we were basically planning the next day's events of what ObvEk-0SzoM-00021-00008646-00008928 missions were going to get flown and who was going to fly them and what all the ObvEk-0SzoM-00022-00008928-00009357 air air components and air forces in the theater were going to do that day. And we ObvEk-0SzoM-00023-00009357-00009660 were doing all that at the same time that we were doing command and control, ObvEk-0SzoM-00024-00009660-00010115 executing command and control on today's missions. And if it sounds like a lot of ObvEk-0SzoM-00025-00010115-00010509 moving parts in this planning cycle, this execution cycle, it was. But it workdd ObvEk-0SzoM-00026-00010509-00010929 because we had a battle rhythm, we had a plan going into making the plan everyday ObvEk-0SzoM-00027-00010929-00011304 and executing the plan everyday. The five tips I'm going to give you today are ObvEk-0SzoM-00028-00011304-00011657 going to help you take a look at the activities on your team and see if ObvEk-0SzoM-00029-00011657-00012089 there's a way you can build a plan to go into the plan everyday or a plan to go ObvEk-0SzoM-00030-00012089-00012572 into each day to really optimize your your time and your team's time and make ObvEk-0SzoM-00031-00012572-00012861 sure that you can get everything done that you need to get done. The first ObvEk-0SzoM-00032-00012861-00013197 thing you've got to do is map out your team's inputs and outputs. You've got to ObvEk-0SzoM-00033-00013197-00013368 have a really good handle on what's coming ObvEk-0SzoM-00034-00013368-00013745 in and what you have to put out. If those things don't match up, you're going to ObvEk-0SzoM-00035-00013745-00014171 have a really hard time. If your team is getting inputs in that don't that don't ObvEk-0SzoM-00036-00014171-00014510 cover all the things you have to put out in your output, your team is either going to ObvEk-0SzoM-00037-00014510-00014826 have to spend a lot of time chasing down those inputs and getting them to come, ObvEk-0SzoM-00038-00014826-00015107 getting them to come in the right way, or they're going to have to spend a lot of ObvEk-0SzoM-00039-00015107-00015356 time doing the research and the work figure out what you need to go into the ObvEk-0SzoM-00040-00015356-00015690 output. Now if that's part of your team's job. that's okay. You may have to take ObvEk-0SzoM-00041-00015690-00016068 some inputs and analyze or synthesize those and then turn those into outputs ObvEk-0SzoM-00042-00016068-00016353 and that's your team's job and that's great. But if you're not getting the ObvEk-0SzoM-00043-00016353-00016748 inputs in, the input information and you need to do your job to create the output ObvEk-0SzoM-00044-00016748-00017081 to need correctly, it's going to be a lot of extra work for your team, and that ObvEk-0SzoM-00045-00017081-00017478 could be where a lot of your team's time is going every day. So get a really good ObvEk-0SzoM-00046-00017478-00017870 handle on the inputs and outputs as the start of developing your battle rhythm. ObvEk-0SzoM-00047-00017870-00018273 Tip number two is to identify the tasks that go along with the inputs and the ObvEk-0SzoM-00048-00018273-00018626 outputs. And this may sound a little backwards, because most of what you do ObvEk-0SzoM-00049-00018626-00019034 and your team does every day is tasks. But the reason I didn't mention this first, ObvEk-0SzoM-00050-00019034-00019425 is that a lot of times, the tasks we're currently doing may no longer be aligned ObvEk-0SzoM-00051-00019425-00019745 with the inputs and the outputs. We might be doing things that are extra that we ObvEk-0SzoM-00052-00019745-00020066 don't need to do anymore or we might not be doing enough things ObvEk-0SzoM-00053-00020066-00020441 when we do the output the first time where we come back we have to do some ObvEk-0SzoM-00054-00020441-00020922 rework later on. So taking a good look at the tasks that go, that are necessary to ObvEk-0SzoM-00055-00020922-00021303 go along with the inputs of the outputs might be a place where you can ObvEk-0SzoM-00056-00021303-00021678 save some time on your team. It will also give you an idea of what ObvEk-0SzoM-00057-00021678-00022085 tasks might be able to be done simultaneously instead of sequentially, ObvEk-0SzoM-00058-00022085-00022490 or how you might be able to interleave the task to go along with the inputs and the ObvEk-0SzoM-00059-00022490-00022806 outputs between your different team members. So you can really be much more ObvEk-0SzoM-00060-00022806-00023294 optimal with your team members time. Tip number three is to assess how long it ObvEk-0SzoM-00061-00023294-00023634 actually takes to do each task and it's important to have a really good handle ObvEk-0SzoM-00062-00023634-00024081 on this because some days inputs come in late and some days the deadline for ObvEk-0SzoM-00063-00024081-00024453 outputs get moved up early and a lot of times those happen to be the same day for ObvEk-0SzoM-00064-00024453-00024840 various coincidental reasons. And that's really frustrating to deal with, so ObvEk-0SzoM-00065-00024840-00025250 understanding how long it takes one person or even a team of people on your ObvEk-0SzoM-00066-00025250-00025691 team to do each task will give you a lot more flexibility when real-world events ObvEk-0SzoM-00067-00025691-00026163 pop up and you have to make a decision on how do we get our daily tasks done ObvEk-0SzoM-00068-00026163-00026580 while still responding to this one-off thing that popped up. And it's also going ObvEk-0SzoM-00069-00026580-00026757 to give you a little bit of insight, once you understand ObvEk-0SzoM-00070-00026757-00027102 how long the task really takes to do. This gives you a little bit of insight ObvEk-0SzoM-00071-00027102-00027510 into if I need to do this task quickly, can I throw more people at it or is it ObvEk-0SzoM-00072-00027510-00027810 one of those things where actually putting more people on it will actually ObvEk-0SzoM-00073-00027810-00028133 make it take longer because of the confusion, the learning curve going on. So ObvEk-0SzoM-00074-00028133-00028520 get a really good handle on how long it takes your team to do each task in a ObvEk-0SzoM-00075-00028520-00029001 normal day situation. Tip number four is to map it all out. I'm a really visual ObvEk-0SzoM-00076-00029001-00029319 person, so laying these kinds of things like inputs and outputs and task ObvEk-0SzoM-00077-00029319-00029645 durations on a calendar is very helpful for me to get an idea of the ObvEk-0SzoM-00078-00029645-00030111 interactions between those things. Take the case of if I get a deadline at noon, ObvEk-0SzoM-00079-00030111-00030483 I get the inputs at 11:00, and it takes my team three hours to get something ObvEk-0SzoM-00080-00030483-00030867 done, now I'm already starting at a two hour disadvantage when that input comes ObvEk-0SzoM-00081-00030867-00031173 in. So I've got to figure something out here, whether it's to go negotiate the ObvEk-0SzoM-00082-00031173-00031569 input or the output or how many, or decide I can put more people on this ObvEk-0SzoM-00083-00031569-00031911 task to get it done in just an hour, That's a little bit of an extreme case, ObvEk-0SzoM-00084-00031911-00032252 and I'm not saying go out and map every minute of every day for each of your ObvEk-0SzoM-00085-00032252-00032616 team members, but having a really good understanding of inputs outputs and task ObvEk-0SzoM-00086-00032616-00032994 durations will give you a good idea of how you can go through and either, ObvEk-0SzoM-00087-00032994-00033456 renegotiate input deadlines, output deadlines, or make smart decisions about ObvEk-0SzoM-00088-00033456-00033789 how many people you put on a task and which people you put on a task depending ObvEk-0SzoM-00089-00033789-00034134 on how important it is. The last tip I have for you today, and this one's really ObvEk-0SzoM-00090-00034134-00034488 important, is once you've got the battle rhythm figured out go communicate with ObvEk-0SzoM-00091-00034488-00034884 your team. Set those expectations. Show them how the inputs, outputs and the ObvEk-0SzoM-00092-00034884-00035244 tasks align and show them where they've got flexibility to make choices as long ObvEk-0SzoM-00093-00035244-00035649 as they make the output deadline. It's always a good idea to go talk to the ObvEk-0SzoM-00094-00035649-00035910 people who are actually doing the tasks and make sure you've got a good handle ObvEk-0SzoM-00095-00035910-00036252 on how long the task takes. So go communicate that to your team, get ObvEk-0SzoM-00096-00036252-00036570 their input and if you have to make a few changes so that you can make some ObvEk-0SzoM-00097-00036570-00036978 tasks interleave a little better or make some things work simultaneously instead ObvEk-0SzoM-00098-00036978-00037344 of sequentially, that their info can be valuable to make that battle rhythm work ObvEk-0SzoM-00099-00037344-00037767 even more smoothly as you carry it forward. Now we've talked about this in ObvEk-0SzoM-00100-00037767-00038091 such a way that it's a daily battle rhythm, and don't worry about it if your team ObvEk-0SzoM-00101-00038091-00038403 doesn't have a daily rhythm. You may go look at your inputs and your outputs in ObvEk-0SzoM-00102-00038403-00038790 your task and you may not see a correlation to a day. Your time scale ObvEk-0SzoM-00103-00038790-00039135 maybe a longer time scale or maybe a shorter time scale, but more likely it's ObvEk-0SzoM-00104-00039135-00039501 probably longer. Your time scale for inputs, outputs and tasks may be more ObvEk-0SzoM-00105-00039501-00039834 like something like a week or a month or an even longer time ObvEk-0SzoM-00106-00039834-00040125 scale especially if you're doing creative work or project-based work. But ObvEk-0SzoM-00107-00040125-00040500 these tips will still work for you. So go take a look at your inputs and outputs ObvEk-0SzoM-00108-00040500-00040854 and then see what kind of time scale that correlates to, whether the daily, ObvEk-0SzoM-00109-00040854-00041250 weekly, monthly or even on a project basis. Once you have a good handle on ObvEk-0SzoM-00110-00041250-00041622 those inputs and outputs, now you can work with your team to develop that rhythm to ObvEk-0SzoM-00111-00041622-00042006 meet that time scale no matter what it is. If you found this helpful please like, ObvEk-0SzoM-00112-00042006-00042366 comment and share with a friend or co-worker. Click on that link below in ObvEk-0SzoM-00113-00042366-00042639 the description. That will take you to where you can download our free ObvEk-0SzoM-00114-00042639-00042996 leadership development plan workbook and that will help you set your career goals ObvEk-0SzoM-00115-00042996-00043470 for the next 2, 5 and 10 years and build a plan of action to achieve them. If you ObvEk-0SzoM-00116-00043470-00043713 have any business or leadership questions, we'd love to hear from you. ObvEk-0SzoM-00117-00043713-00044202 Leave us a comment or email us at info@evilgeniusleadership.com. ObvEk-0SzoM-00118-00044202-00044556 evilgeniusleadership.com is also where you can find out all of our coaching and ObvEk-0SzoM-00119-00044556-00044874 training programs, so if you want to get some one-on-one work on your leadership ObvEk-0SzoM-00120-00044874-00045123 style or bring us in to work with your team, ObvEk-0SzoM-00121-00045123-00045464 contact us we'll set you up with a free consultation and see how we can help. ObvEk-0SzoM-00122-00045464-00045915 Thanks for watching today, I really appreciate it. And remember the future is ObvEk-0SzoM-00123-00045915-00046304 out there, lead the way! Oeuo6pmIa8u-00000-00000040-00000260 Did you take care of the grocery spend report? Oeuo6pmIa8u-00001-00000280-00000459 Ummm Oeuo6pmIa8u-00002-00000540-00000660 Yep. Oeuo6pmIa8u-00003-00000700-00000800 Boom! Oeuo6pmIa8u-00004-00000819-00000900 Boom. Oeuo6pmIa8u-00005-00000980-00001100 Sweet. Oeuo6pmIa8u-00006-00001160-00001280 Easy. Oeuo6pmIa8u-00007-00001540-00001637 Smashed it. Oeuo6pmIa8u-00008-00001712-00001880 Ah yeah, took care of it yesterday. Oeuo6pmIa8u-00009-00001900-00002240 Woolworths at Work. A whole new business grown to take care of business. Oeuo6pmIa8u-00010-00002240-00002600 From fresh food and kitchen supplies to cleaning and office essentials. Oeuo6pmIa8u-00011-00002600-00002700 Nice save Emma. Oeuo6pmIa8u-00012-00002760-00002840 Head online today. Oiir64KMxh8-00000-00000010-00000063 GOODRICH WINNERS, AND WIN-E-MAC Oiir64KMxh8-00001-00000063-00000070 GOODRICH WINNERS, AND WIN-E-MAC Oiir64KMxh8-00002-00000070-00000230 GOODRICH WINNERS, AND WIN-E-MAC WINNERS. Oiir64KMxh8-00003-00000230-00000236 GOODRICH WINNERS, AND WIN-E-MAC WINNERS. Oiir64KMxh8-00004-00000236-00000473 GOODRICH WINNERS, AND WIN-E-MAC WINNERS. BEMIDJI GIRLS ALSO IN ACTION Oiir64KMxh8-00005-00000473-00000480 WINNERS. BEMIDJI GIRLS ALSO IN ACTION Oiir64KMxh8-00006-00000480-00000720 WINNERS. BEMIDJI GIRLS ALSO IN ACTION SATURDAY HOSTING CLOQUET, JACKS Oiir64KMxh8-00007-00000720-00000727 BEMIDJI GIRLS ALSO IN ACTION SATURDAY HOSTING CLOQUET, JACKS Oiir64KMxh8-00008-00000727-00000897 BEMIDJI GIRLS ALSO IN ACTION SATURDAY HOSTING CLOQUET, JACKS DOWN 8. Oiir64KMxh8-00009-00000897-00000904 SATURDAY HOSTING CLOQUET, JACKS DOWN 8. Oiir64KMxh8-00010-00000904-00001091 SATURDAY HOSTING CLOQUET, JACKS DOWN 8. BEIBERDORF LATE ON THE IN BOUNDS Oiir64KMxh8-00011-00001091-00001097 DOWN 8. BEIBERDORF LATE ON THE IN BOUNDS Oiir64KMxh8-00012-00001097-00001254 DOWN 8. BEIBERDORF LATE ON THE IN BOUNDS FOR TWO OF THE NINE. Oiir64KMxh8-00013-00001254-00001261 BEIBERDORF LATE ON THE IN BOUNDS FOR TWO OF THE NINE. Oiir64KMxh8-00014-00001261-00001471 BEIBERDORF LATE ON THE IN BOUNDS FOR TWO OF THE NINE. LEAD CUTS AT 6. Oiir64KMxh8-00015-00001471-00001478 FOR TWO OF THE NINE. LEAD CUTS AT 6. Oiir64KMxh8-00016-00001478-00001698 FOR TWO OF THE NINE. LEAD CUTS AT 6. LATER IN THE HALF, JACKS DOWN Oiir64KMxh8-00017-00001698-00001705 LEAD CUTS AT 6. LATER IN THE HALF, JACKS DOWN Oiir64KMxh8-00018-00001705-00001885 LEAD CUTS AT 6. LATER IN THE HALF, JACKS DOWN DOUBLE DIGITS, AND DRIVES AND Oiir64KMxh8-00019-00001885-00001891 LATER IN THE HALF, JACKS DOWN DOUBLE DIGITS, AND DRIVES AND Oiir64KMxh8-00020-00001891-00002092 LATER IN THE HALF, JACKS DOWN DOUBLE DIGITS, AND DRIVES AND FINISHES THROUGH THE CONTACT TO Oiir64KMxh8-00021-00002092-00002098 DOUBLE DIGITS, AND DRIVES AND FINISHES THROUGH THE CONTACT TO Oiir64KMxh8-00022-00002098-00002345 DOUBLE DIGITS, AND DRIVES AND FINISHES THROUGH THE CONTACT TO CUT THE LEAD BACK. Oiir64KMxh8-00023-00002345-00002352 FINISHES THROUGH THE CONTACT TO CUT THE LEAD BACK. Oiir64KMxh8-00024-00002352-00002505 FINISHES THROUGH THE CONTACT TO CUT THE LEAD BACK. TOO MUCH FOR BEMIDJI, AND Oiir64KMxh8-00025-00002505-00002512 CUT THE LEAD BACK. TOO MUCH FOR BEMIDJI, AND Oiir64KMxh8-00026-00002512-00002799 CUT THE LEAD BACK. TOO MUCH FOR BEMIDJI, AND FOSSTON DELIVERED A GAME HIGH 18 Oiir64KMxh8-00027-00002799-00002806 TOO MUCH FOR BEMIDJI, AND FOSSTON DELIVERED A GAME HIGH 18 Oiir64KMxh8-00028-00002806-00002859 TOO MUCH FOR BEMIDJI, AND FOSSTON DELIVERED A GAME HIGH 18 BOARDS, AND CLOQUET WINS 71-62. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00000-00000035-00000135 <html> <body> OiJ3OWI2ttU-00001-00000135-00000285 <title>Laura Baker Interview</title> OiJ3OWI2ttU-00002-00000285-00000783 <!-- HTML File created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.--> OiJ3OWI2ttU-00003-00000783-00001567 <!--Call for information or to place an order--> <!-- (800) 231-4055 or (818) 995-8995--> OiJ3OWI2ttU-00004-00001567-00001667 <!-- www.finaldraft.com--> OiJ3OWI2ttU-00005-00001667-00002238 <A name="top"> </A> <center> Script created with <a href="http://www.finaldraft.com">Final OiJ3OWI2ttU-00006-00002238-00002708 Draft</a> by Final Draft, Inc. </center> <hr> OiJ3OWI2ttU-00007-00002708-00002808 <center> [ OiJ3OWI2ttU-00008-00002808-00002909 <A href="#bottom">bottom</A> ] OiJ3OWI2ttU-00009-00002909-00003043 </center> <pre> OiJ3OWI2ttU-00010-00003043-00003422 PAULA I don&#39;t want to stop you from OiJ3OWI2ttU-00011-00003422-00004084 getting...from heading on out to work. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00012-00004084-00004785 BAKER Oh, no. It&#39;s okay. I have...like OiJ3OWI2ttU-00013-00004785-00005223 twenty-five minutes until the next bus. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00014-00005223-00005371 PAULA Really? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00015-00005371-00005519 BAKER Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00016-00005519-00005962 PAULA Oh, okay. Alright. Umm...I just OiJ3OWI2ttU-00017-00005962-00006331 wanted to...to basically ask you. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00018-00006331-00006827 BAKER I&#39;ve been trying to hear from OiJ3OWI2ttU-00019-00006827-00008904 somebody. I didn&#39;t know what was going on. I tried to contact, uhh, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00020-00008904-00009801 aww, what&#39;s his name? He&#39;s a black detective. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00021-00009801-00010128 (beat) I have an attorney, too. I tried OiJ3OWI2ttU-00022-00010128-00010668 to contact them both and I had the prosecutor&#39;s office. Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00023-00010668-00010818 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00024-00010818-00011108 BAKER And I hadn&#39;t heard anything. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00025-00011108-00011340 PAULA Alright. Let me...So...I don&#39;t OiJ3OWI2ttU-00026-00011340-00011993 want you to be confused. Okay? First of all, the only thing I just OiJ3OWI2ttU-00027-00011993-00012308 want to know is the facts. Uhh... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00028-00012308-00012495 BAKER Just fact? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00029-00012495-00012930 PAULA And just know what happened. Okay? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00030-00012930-00013149 Alright. Umm... So you aren&#39;t confused... Umm... Public OiJ3OWI2ttU-00031-00013149-00013397 defender. I&#39;m not on the prosecutor&#39;s side. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00032-00013397-00013535 BAKER Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00033-00013535-00013884 PAULA Okay? I&#39;m on the other side. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00034-00013884-00014118 Okay? Umm... The guy that&#39;s been charged. Okay? I&#39;m the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00035-00014118-00014436 investigator in one... in basically, all I want to do is fill OiJ3OWI2ttU-00036-00014436-00014637 in the gaps in the information... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00037-00014637-00014737 BAKER Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00038-00014737-00015007 PAULA ...that they haven&#39;t given us or OiJ3OWI2ttU-00039-00015007-00015212 that they don&#39;t even have. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00040-00015212-00015312 BAKER Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00041-00015312-00015541 PAULA Like...from your story. You know, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00042-00015541-00015663 what...you know...what happened. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00043-00015663-00015829 BAKER Everything that happened OiJ3OWI2ttU-00044-00015829-00015929 (inaudible)... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00045-00015929-00016116 PAULA Exactly. Because, I&#39;m counting on OiJ3OWI2ttU-00046-00016116-00016322 what they wrote down (inaudible)... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00047-00016322-00016569 BAKER ...just know... make sure that OiJ3OWI2ttU-00048-00016569-00016796 there isn&#39;t some... No. I understand. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00049-00016796-00017172 PAULA Yeah. And that&#39;s what I do. And I OiJ3OWI2ttU-00050-00017172-00017396 try to make that real clear, that, you know, all I wanna do is find OiJ3OWI2ttU-00051-00017396-00017744 out what happened. So... And I would rather talk to you than read OiJ3OWI2ttU-00052-00017744-00018168 it on a piece of paper or call you on the phone. So... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00053-00018168-00018270 BAKER I understand that. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00054-00018270-00018370 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00055-00018370-00018652 BAKER I don&#39;t have a problem with that at OiJ3OWI2ttU-00056-00018652-00018752 all. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00057-00018752-00018881 PAULA Okay. So you still don&#39;t have a OiJ3OWI2ttU-00058-00018881-00018981 problem with talking to me then? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00059-00018981-00019081 BAKER No. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00060-00019081-00019181 PAULA Okay. Alright. What happened? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00061-00019181-00019281 BAKER Anyway. Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00062-00019281-00019381 Laughter. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00063-00019381-00019481 BAKER (CONT&#39;D) I was pregnant at the time. I OiJ3OWI2ttU-00064-00019481-00019662 believe I was 4 1/2 months pregnant with my little girl who&#39;s 15 months OiJ3OWI2ttU-00065-00019662-00019762 now. And... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00066-00019762-00019862 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00067-00019862-00020341 I take the bus everyday. All the time. I got off the bus and was OiJ3OWI2ttU-00068-00020341-00021041 sitting at the terminal. There&#39;s benches coming here and there&#39;s a OiJ3OWI2ttU-00069-00021041-00021387 gap and then there was benches beside... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00070-00021387-00021487 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00071-00021487-00021755 BAKER ...and I saw him standing there. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00072-00021755-00022173 PAULA Real quick. Let me ask you. Okay? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00073-00022173-00023181 As you&#39;re coming in the terminal, it kinda, it kinda is like this and OiJ3OWI2ttU-00074-00023181-00023431 then this is the street right here. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00075-00023431-00023531 BAKER Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00076-00023531-00023720 PAULA That&#39;s kinda straight. Sorry. Bad OiJ3OWI2ttU-00077-00023720-00023820 drawing. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00078-00023820-00023920 Laughter. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00079-00023920-00024058 PAULA (CONT&#39;D) Okay. And like, don&#39;t they have OiJ3OWI2ttU-00080-00024058-00024319 the, like, the terminal part in the middle? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00081-00024319-00024572 BAKER Yeah. The buses will pull, like, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00082-00024572-00025005 it&#39;s open and it&#39;s a drive thru. Like, they&#39;ll drive through here OiJ3OWI2ttU-00083-00025005-00025364 and they&#39;ll park the buses here, here and here. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00084-00025364-00025663 PAULA Show me where you were. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00085-00025663-00025973 BAKER Okay. We pulled in. I got off the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00086-00025973-00026073 bus here. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00087-00026073-00026173 PAULA Mmm-hmm. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00088-00026173-00026328 BAKER It&#39;s where Tates Creek is up OiJ3OWI2ttU-00089-00026328-00026783 towards the front. I stepped of the bus. The buses were headed OiJ3OWI2ttU-00090-00026783-00027111 out. I was the last bus in. It was running late that day. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00091-00027111-00027211 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00092-00027211-00027366 BAKER I sat at the bench, that was OiJ3OWI2ttU-00093-00027366-00027659 straight across from me in front of my bus and then there was this OiJ3OWI2ttU-00094-00027659-00027759 separation probably about this far over here where this other bench OiJ3OWI2ttU-00095-00027759-00027986 is. That man was standing at the end of those benches. He just was OiJ3OWI2ttU-00096-00027986-00028349 looking and staring. Whatever. Looked a little, you know, geeked OiJ3OWI2ttU-00097-00028349-00028513 out. Kinda bugged out. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00098-00028513-00028899 PAULA Okay. And this was like the middle OiJ3OWI2ttU-00099-00028899-00029106 of the terminal, right? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00100-00029106-00029238 BAKER Yes. Yes. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00101-00029238-00029338 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00102-00029338-00029687 BAKER And so I just tried not to pay no OiJ3OWI2ttU-00103-00029687-00030330 attention to him. I looked and looked over. It was me, him and OiJ3OWI2ttU-00104-00030330-00030743 some other woman that was further down. It was the only people at OiJ3OWI2ttU-00105-00030743-00031169 the transit center. Whoever was in the office was there and then OiJ3OWI2ttU-00106-00031169-00031639 there&#39;s a police officer that sits there. For some reason, he hadn&#39;t OiJ3OWI2ttU-00107-00031639-00031768 been there that day. I was kinda weirded about that, but OiJ3OWI2ttU-00108-00031768-00032178 then, lo and behold, he came around the corner. But long story OiJ3OWI2ttU-00109-00032178-00032278 short... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00110-00032278-00032514 PAULA Did you not see his car? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00111-00032514-00032850 BAKER No. He didn&#39;t have his car parked OiJ3OWI2ttU-00112-00032850-00033308 there, but he was there. He was just around the side. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00113-00033308-00033527 PAULA Was he in uniform? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00114-00033527-00033984 BAKER He was in uniform. They stay in OiJ3OWI2ttU-00115-00033984-00034159 uniform and they always stay at the transit center. They always have a OiJ3OWI2ttU-00116-00034159-00034309 police officer present. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00117-00034309-00034456 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00118-00034456-00034969 BAKER He parks in the terminal. He&#39;ll OiJ3OWI2ttU-00119-00034969-00035762 park right here against this wall or right here at this wall. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00120-00035762-00036246 PAULA But his car wasn&#39;t there that day. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00121-00036246-00036427 You didn&#39;t know. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00122-00036427-00036831 BAKER So I didn&#39;t know. So I didn&#39;t OiJ3OWI2ttU-00123-00036831-00036931 know. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00124-00036931-00037031 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00125-00037031-00037515 And that&#39;s what I thought weird about it, but anyways. He comes, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00126-00037515-00038063 ya know, he comes beside me. He sits down in the seat right beside OiJ3OWI2ttU-00127-00038063-00038559 where I&#39;m sitting and I said, &quot;How&#39;re you doing?&quot; Ya know? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00128-00038559-00038780 PAULA And the office is over here? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00129-00038780-00039193 BAKER The office is further down. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00130-00039193-00039652 PAULA Right. Yes. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00131-00039652-00040281 BAKER Like the office would be further OiJ3OWI2ttU-00132-00040281-00040597 back down this way from where I was. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00133-00040597-00040802 PAULA Yes. But you were like right OiJ3OWI2ttU-00134-00040802-00040933 around in here. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00135-00040933-00041071 BAKER Right. Yes. When you&#39;re getting OiJ3OWI2ttU-00136-00041071-00041171 ready to pull out to Vine. I think it&#39;s Vine. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00137-00041171-00041271 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00138-00041271-00041371 BAKER But, he sat down beside me and was OiJ3OWI2ttU-00139-00041371-00041759 like, &quot;Can I ask you a question?&quot; And I was like, &quot;Yeah. You need to OiJ3OWI2ttU-00140-00041759-00041978 know when the bus comes?&quot; And he, &quot;No.&quot; And he sticks the knife just OiJ3OWI2ttU-00141-00041978-00042380 straight in my side. And I panicked because I was pregnant at OiJ3OWI2ttU-00142-00042380-00042868 the time and I just took a deep breath and I was like, &#39;Don&#39;t say OiJ3OWI2ttU-00143-00042868-00043603 nothing.&#39; And he was pulling something out of his pocket as he OiJ3OWI2ttU-00144-00043603-00044571 had a knife, like, it was him this way and it was with this hand. He OiJ3OWI2ttU-00145-00044571-00045096 was pulling something out of his pocket. He pulled out a baggie. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00146-00045096-00045633 It had like maybe like that much, half full of cocaine. He said, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00147-00045633-00045809 &quot;You&#39;re coming with me.&quot; OiJ3OWI2ttU-00148-00045809-00045941 PAULA Okay. So... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00149-00045941-00046162 BAKER He dropped the cocaine. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00150-00046162-00046383 PAULA He&#39;s sitting beside you... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00151-00046383-00046483 BAKER Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00152-00046483-00046780 PAULA ...and he used his left hand...to OiJ3OWI2ttU-00153-00046780-00046880 stick the knife. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00154-00046880-00047144 BAKER To hold the knife to my side. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00155-00047144-00047430 PAULA Which pocket did the knife come out OiJ3OWI2ttU-00156-00047430-00047530 of? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00157-00047530-00047630 BAKER This one. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00158-00047630-00047925 PAULA This one? Okay. Left coat pocket. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00159-00047925-00048334 BAKER He had a coat kinda like mine. It OiJ3OWI2ttU-00160-00048334-00048515 was a little fluffier, though. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00161-00048515-00048615 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00162-00048615-00048739 BAKER It was the same color and OiJ3OWI2ttU-00163-00048739-00048992 everything. Which I gave them that description. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00164-00048992-00049092 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00165-00049092-00049389 BAKER Pulled it out. Stuck it to my side OiJ3OWI2ttU-00166-00049389-00049893 and he was saying, &quot;You&#39;re coming with me.&quot; And I said, &quot;I&#39;m not OiJ3OWI2ttU-00167-00049893-00050002 going anywhere with you.&quot; OiJ3OWI2ttU-00168-00050002-00050102 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00169-00050102-00050236 BAKER He said, &quot;You&#39;re coming with me.&quot; OiJ3OWI2ttU-00170-00050236-00050533 And I said, &quot;No! I&#39;m not coming with you.&quot; He said, &quot;We can make OiJ3OWI2ttU-00171-00050533-00050874 this easy or we can make this hard.&quot; And then, soon as I, soon OiJ3OWI2ttU-00172-00050874-00051074 as I said that the buses started pulling up. He panicked. And I OiJ3OWI2ttU-00173-00051074-00051566 said, &quot;I&#39;m going to get the police now.&quot; He jumped up. As he went OiJ3OWI2ttU-00174-00051566-00051832 around the corner, here came the police officer. Police officer OiJ3OWI2ttU-00175-00051832-00052089 just bypassed him by seconds. Didn&#39;t see him. Didn&#39;t know OiJ3OWI2ttU-00176-00052089-00052375 anything until I ran to the first bus that pulled up. I walked OiJ3OWI2ttU-00177-00052375-00052679 straight in the doorways and I was like, &quot;Notify the police OiJ3OWI2ttU-00178-00052679-00053016 immediately.&quot; I said, &quot;I need somebody to go to the office and OiJ3OWI2ttU-00179-00053016-00053285 notify the office.&quot; I said, &quot;Some man just put a knife to my side and OiJ3OWI2ttU-00180-00053285-00053456 threatened that I had to go with him.&quot; You know? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00181-00053456-00053963 Threatened me.&quot; And they said, well, they got on dispatch, called OiJ3OWI2ttU-00182-00053963-00054426 immediately. Had somebody come to me. And then more cops came on OiJ3OWI2ttU-00183-00054426-00054839 bicycles and from the police station across the street. They OiJ3OWI2ttU-00184-00054839-00055277 took me over there and took my statement. A few minutes later OiJ3OWI2ttU-00185-00055277-00055556 they went out looking for him. Well, the description I gave of him OiJ3OWI2ttU-00186-00055556-00055841 was somebody they were already looking for, I guess. They said he OiJ3OWI2ttU-00187-00055841-00056282 was wanted for a few other rapes and an attack on a pregnant woman OiJ3OWI2ttU-00188-00056282-00056667 and an attack on a police officer&#39;s daughter or some, something to that OiJ3OWI2ttU-00189-00056667-00056970 affect. They said I couldn&#39;t have gave a better description of him. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00190-00056970-00057070 So... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00191-00057070-00057170 PAULA Okay. Well, let me... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00192-00057170-00057354 BAKER This was in &#39;09 so I&#39;m trying to OiJ3OWI2ttU-00193-00057354-00057539 let you know... I&#39;m&#39; trying to... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00194-00057539-00057787 PAULA My drawing isn&#39;t that great so I OiJ3OWI2ttU-00195-00057787-00058036 want... Okay. If this is the street. Okay? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00196-00058036-00058136 BAKER Yes. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00197-00058136-00058376 PAULA And it comes out here and it comes OiJ3OWI2ttU-00198-00058376-00058476 in here. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00199-00058476-00058576 BAKER Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00200-00058576-00058690 PAULA I&#39;m gonna let you finish the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00201-00058690-00059163 drawing and show me where, like, the office, the office from the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00202-00059163-00059455 terminal is. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00203-00059455-00059952 BAKER Well, here&#39;s the street. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00204-00059952-00060062 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00205-00060062-00060650 BAKER And this is where you come onto OiJ3OWI2ttU-00206-00060650-00061337 Vine. This is where the buses come into OiJ3OWI2ttU-00207-00061337-00061566 the terminal. They all park around this side. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00208-00061566-00061666 PAULA Right. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00209-00061666-00061889 BAKER This would be the flat base where OiJ3OWI2ttU-00210-00061889-00062145 everybody stands to catch the buses. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00211-00062145-00062245 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00212-00062245-00062477 BAKER These are benches, benches, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00213-00062477-00062701 bathroom and then here&#39;s the office. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00214-00062701-00063020 PAULA So the... That&#39;s what that center OiJ3OWI2ttU-00215-00063020-00063641 thing is, is the bathrooms. Okay. And the office is kinda like... If OiJ3OWI2ttU-00216-00063641-00063823 you&#39;re first coming in... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00217-00063823-00064142 BAKER Yes. It&#39;s directly in the middle OiJ3OWI2ttU-00218-00064142-00064569 of the transit center. Like, where you would walk, where everybody OiJ3OWI2ttU-00219-00064569-00064750 stands to get on the buses? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00220-00064750-00064863 PAULA Mmm-hmm. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00221-00064863-00065249 BAKER The office is right there in the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00222-00065249-00065349 middle. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00223-00065349-00065449 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00224-00065449-00066187 BAKER It&#39;s directly in the middle and OiJ3OWI2ttU-00225-00066187-00066836 then they have restrooms on this side and restrooms on this side of OiJ3OWI2ttU-00226-00066836-00066936 it. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00227-00066936-00067063 PAULA Okay. So you were by... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00228-00067063-00067412 BAKER I was on the op- I was at the end OiJ3OWI2ttU-00229-00067412-00067987 going, like, where the buses, when they pull out to go out to Vine? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00230-00067987-00068087 PAULA Mmm-hmm. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00231-00068087-00068450 BAKER I was up at the front, not the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00232-00068450-00068913 back, of the transit center. I was up at the front. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00233-00068913-00069179 PAULA Okay. So, if this is where OiJ3OWI2ttU-00234-00069179-00069670 you&#39;re... If this is where the bus is gonna pull out? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00235-00069670-00069770 BAKER Yes. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00236-00069770-00069870 PAULA Umm...Like... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00237-00069870-00070162 BAKER I&#39;m more right here towards the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00238-00070162-00070751 middle. Close to the office, but not all the way close, like they OiJ3OWI2ttU-00239-00070751-00071004 wouldn&#39;t have been able to see from where I was at. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00240-00071004-00071162 PAULA Where was the bathroom at? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00241-00071162-00071345 BAKER The bathroom? Okay... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00242-00071345-00071797 PAULA How far where you from the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00243-00071797-00071897 bathroom? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00244-00071897-00072247 BAKER The bathrooms are right directly OiJ3OWI2ttU-00245-00072247-00072606 beside the office so the bathrooms are probably about right here. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00246-00072606-00072764 I&#39;ll put bathroom right here. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00247-00072764-00072864 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00248-00072864-00072964 Several beats. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00249-00072964-00073081 BAKER Yeah. It would be bathrooms, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00250-00073081-00073673 office, and then more bathrooms and then four benches and then... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00251-00073673-00073773 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00252-00073773-00074012 BAKER ...And then just the end of the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00253-00074012-00074148 transit center. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00254-00074148-00074492 PAULA From the very end, the very last, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00255-00074492-00075073 as you&#39;re going out, the very last bench, how far up were you? Like, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00256-00075073-00075399 how many benches? You said there was you... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00257-00075399-00075761 BAKER One. Two. There&#39;s two long OiJ3OWI2ttU-00258-00075761-00075956 benches there at the end up here. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00259-00075956-00076056 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00260-00076056-00076156 BAKER Right up here. And I was sitting OiJ3OWI2ttU-00261-00076156-00076979 at the one right before and then there&#39;s one after it and one after OiJ3OWI2ttU-00262-00076979-00077556 it and then the bathroom and the office. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00263-00077556-00078125 PAULA Okay. So there&#39;s like... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00264-00078125-00079036 BAKER You&#39;d have to see it to know... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00265-00079036-00079262 PAULA Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00266-00079262-00079491 BAKER ...understand. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00267-00079491-00080174 PAULA So there&#39;s four, four sets? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00268-00080174-00080608 BAKER They have bunch of sets, like, one, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00269-00080608-00081037 two... Yeah. There&#39;s four sets and there&#39;s restroom and the office and OiJ3OWI2ttU-00270-00081037-00081382 then restroom and then four more sets. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00271-00081382-00081735 PAULA Okay. So, you were...not at the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00272-00081735-00082239 very end one because that&#39;s where the woman was. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00273-00082239-00082351 BAKER Yes. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00274-00082351-00082705 PAULA You were at the next one. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00275-00082705-00082818 BAKER Yes. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00276-00082818-00083037 PAULA Okay. And he was kinda standing in OiJ3OWI2ttU-00277-00083037-00083137 between. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00278-00083137-00083237 BAKER Yes. Just... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00279-00083237-00083337 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00280-00083337-00083437 BAKER Kinda lurking around, staring, ya OiJ3OWI2ttU-00281-00083437-00083537 know? Out there. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00282-00083537-00083813 PAULA Which way did he go, then, when OiJ3OWI2ttU-00283-00083813-00083913 you... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00284-00083913-00084335 BAKER He went around the side of the bus OiJ3OWI2ttU-00285-00084335-00084849 station. He took off that way. In front where we was. He took off OiJ3OWI2ttU-00286-00084849-00085541 this way. I was here. He was over there. Once he came to me. When OiJ3OWI2ttU-00287-00085541-00085937 that happened, he took off on around... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00288-00085937-00086051 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00289-00086051-00086555 BAKER ...the side of the transit center. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00290-00086555-00087496 I don&#39;t know if you&#39;ve seen it. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00291-00087496-00087899 PAULA Yeah. Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00292-00087899-00088524 BAKER It kinda loops around where the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00293-00088524-00088956 buses turn as they pull out the terminal. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00294-00088956-00089056 PAULA Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00295-00089056-00089260 BAKER They turn right there. That&#39;s OiJ3OWI2ttU-00296-00089260-00089379 where he ran. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00297-00089379-00089479 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00298-00089479-00089889 BAKER As soon as the cops were notified, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00299-00089889-00091110 they had them of foot, bikes and everything and they were trying to OiJ3OWI2ttU-00300-00091110-00091793 find him right then and there and they didn&#39;t find, I think, him OiJ3OWI2ttU-00301-00091793-00092111 until like a week later. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00302-00092111-00092238 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00303-00092238-00092668 BAKER They came here and I had to pick OiJ3OWI2ttU-00304-00092668-00092788 pictures and everything. Ya know? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00305-00092788-00093036 PAULA You said the officer just bypassed OiJ3OWI2ttU-00306-00093036-00093136 it. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00307-00093136-00093281 BAKER Just bypassed him. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00308-00093281-00093652 PAULA Where was the officer coming from? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00309-00093652-00093998 BAKER The officer was coming from around OiJ3OWI2ttU-00310-00093998-00094567 where he had just ran! But he came, like... Let&#39;s see. Pleas OiJ3OWI2ttU-00311-00094567-00095069 just probably took around that corner so quickly and then not but OiJ3OWI2ttU-00312-00095069-00095405 30 seconds later, the cop came around like they had just missed OiJ3OWI2ttU-00313-00095405-00095505 each... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00314-00095505-00095710 PAULA So they would have had to bypass. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00315-00095710-00096306 BAKER They would have had to and the cop OiJ3OWI2ttU-00316-00096306-00096805 said he didn&#39;t see nobody running. He said he did not see nobody OiJ3OWI2ttU-00317-00096805-00097174 running. He said not to say he wasn&#39;t there. He said, &quot;I could OiJ3OWI2ttU-00318-00097174-00097516 have just missed him.&quot; He said he was on his cellphone that day. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00319-00097516-00097616 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00320-00097616-00097887 BAKER I do remember that was brought up OiJ3OWI2ttU-00321-00097887-00099081 when they brought the report to me. He said, &quot;I was on my cellphone. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00322-00099081-00099742 There was so much going on.&quot; There was an alcoholic that they were OiJ3OWI2ttU-00323-00099742-00100231 picking up down at the back of the transit center, I guess, on this OiJ3OWI2ttU-00324-00100231-00100524 side. He was just not paying attention, but they found him. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00325-00100524-00100770 PAULA So he disappears around the corner. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00326-00100770-00100929 Then, an officer comes around. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00327-00100929-00101029 BAKER Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00328-00101029-00101414 PAULA And that was when you saw him. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00329-00101414-00101561 BAKER Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00330-00101561-00101780 PAULA And just... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00331-00101780-00102243 BAKER And I told them. I said, &quot;He took OiJ3OWI2ttU-00332-00102243-00103113 off that way. He took of that way.&quot; And I asked, &quot;Do you have OiJ3OWI2ttU-00333-00103113-00103414 cameras? I mean, Do ya&#39;ll have cameras? Can you go back on the... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00334-00103414-00103918 They didbn&#39;t have the cameras at the time. They have them now! But OiJ3OWI2ttU-00335-00103918-00104569 where I was at didn&#39;t have the cameras at the time. So kinda... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00336-00104569-00105389 It made it harder fro me. I was so upset and so shooken up because I OiJ3OWI2ttU-00337-00105389-00105808 was pregnant. I didn&#39;t know what he was gonna do to me. And I did, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00338-00105808-00105944 I panicked. I kinda panicked. I was scared. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00339-00105944-00106044 PAULA Well, yeah! I mean, that&#39;s OiJ3OWI2ttU-00340-00106044-00106196 natural. Umm... What happened with the... You said he had the knife in OiJ3OWI2ttU-00341-00106196-00106694 his left hand and then he was pulling something out of his OiJ3OWI2ttU-00342-00106694-00106977 pocket. And you said... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00343-00106977-00107386 BAKER He was pulling baggies out. Like, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00344-00107386-00108379 he was asking me, like, at the time. That&#39;s what I put on my OiJ3OWI2ttU-00345-00108379-00109475 report too. He was asking me, &quot;You wanna go smoke? You wanna go get OiJ3OWI2ttU-00346-00109475-00110026 high? You coming with me?&quot; And I&#39;m like, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00347-00110026-00110623 &quot;I&#39;m not going anywhere with you.&quot; And that&#39;s when he started to get a OiJ3OWI2ttU-00348-00110623-00111023 little bit more attitude. &quot;You&#39;re coming with me!&quot; OiJ3OWI2ttU-00349-00111023-00111123 PAULA Right. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00350-00111123-00111467 BAKER I said, &quot;I&#39;m not going anywhere OiJ3OWI2ttU-00351-00111467-00112058 with you!&quot; You know? &quot;You understand? I&#39;m not going anywhere OiJ3OWI2ttU-00352-00112058-00113367 with you!&quot; And so he pushed the knife a little bit harder into my OiJ3OWI2ttU-00353-00113367-00114049 side which, at the time, it did leave a knife. It did have a mark. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00354-00114049-00114677 It&#39;s gone now, but it did have a marking. That&#39;s when I notified OiJ3OWI2ttU-00355-00114677-00115181 the bus. The terminal. The buses had just pulled up. That&#39;s what OiJ3OWI2ttU-00356-00115181-00115457 spooked him. He ran. I don&#39;t know if he-- &#39;Cause when they unload OiJ3OWI2ttU-00357-00115457-00115557 them buses, tons of people come out. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00358-00115557-00115657 PAULA Right. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00359-00115657-00115757 BAKER So he got scared and took off. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00360-00115757-00115969 PAULA And you were getting on the bus to OiJ3OWI2ttU-00361-00115969-00116069 take you back to Tates Creek. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00362-00116069-00116169 BAKER Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00363-00116169-00116269 PAULA Okay. Umm... Thank you. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00364-00116269-00116369 BAKER You&#39;re welcome. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00365-00116369-00116469 PAULA And... Let&#39;s see. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00366-00116469-00116569 A beat. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00367-00116569-00116669 PAULA (CONT&#39;D) What happened to the baggies? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00368-00116669-00116769 BAKER He had... He dropped one on the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00369-00116769-00116869 ground but he picked it up. He grabbed it as he stood up, just OiJ3OWI2ttU-00370-00116869-00116969 threw it in his pocket and took off but... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00371-00116969-00117069 PAULA He was literally at a run. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00372-00117069-00117169 BAKER Yes. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00373-00117169-00117269 PAULA All right. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00374-00117269-00117409 BAKER And he was on something. Like, I OiJ3OWI2ttU-00375-00117409-00117980 told them that when they first questioned me. I said, &quot;The man OiJ3OWI2ttU-00376-00117980-00118177 was on something.&quot; He was not... And he was so clean cut. I would OiJ3OWI2ttU-00377-00118177-00118277 have never... Ya know? You never know. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00378-00118277-00118377 PAULA Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00379-00118377-00118477 BAKER That&#39;s scary thing &#39;cause they say OiJ3OWI2ttU-00380-00118477-00118577 don&#39;t judge a book by it&#39;s cover and they&#39;re right. Don&#39;t. Because OiJ3OWI2ttU-00381-00118577-00118677 this man was clean cut, nice lookin&#39;, jacket like mine, a little OiJ3OWI2ttU-00382-00118677-00118777 bubblier. Nice clothes. Shoes. Smelled good. I mean, I just... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00383-00118777-00119118 You just never know what people are going to do. You really don&#39;t. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00384-00119118-00119621 And I was shocked. Like, when I gave his description, they said, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00385-00119621-00119749 &quot;We know him. He is somebody we are looking for.&quot; And once I pulled OiJ3OWI2ttU-00386-00119749-00119858 him out of the papers they brought me, they were sure it was him. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00387-00119858-00119958 PAULA They showed you? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00388-00119958-00120058 BAKER They showed me all kinds of OiJ3OWI2ttU-00389-00120058-00120158 pictures and I pulled him out of probably about 15-17 pictures of OiJ3OWI2ttU-00390-00120158-00120258 different guys. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00391-00120258-00120358 PAULA Okay. Did... And you gave a OiJ3OWI2ttU-00392-00120358-00120458 description. The did a drawing too. Didn&#39;t they? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00393-00120458-00120558 BAKER Out there they did a drawing there OiJ3OWI2ttU-00394-00120558-00120658 that day. Err, no, the detective, the female detective came and OiJ3OWI2ttU-00395-00120658-00120797 picked me up a day or so later. I think it was the next day, though. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00396-00120797-00120897 I&#39;m trying to remember. It&#39;s been a little while. But I haven&#39;t OiJ3OWI2ttU-00397-00120897-00121017 heard anything about this. I&#39;ve been wondering what was going on. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00398-00121017-00121272 PAULA Yeah. We&#39;re... I think there&#39;s a OiJ3OWI2ttU-00399-00121272-00121582 trial date coming up. I&#39;m not sure. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00400-00121582-00121890 BAKER I&#39;m not sure. There was supposed OiJ3OWI2ttU-00401-00121890-00122214 to be... I thought there was supposed to be one June 3? Because OiJ3OWI2ttU-00402-00122214-00122314 they told me it was gonna be on my daughter&#39;s 1st birthday. And I OiJ3OWI2ttU-00403-00122314-00122414 contacted the detective, Persley, Parsley, Persley? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00404-00122414-00122514 PAULA Yeah, Persley. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00405-00122514-00122614 BAKER Persley. Yeah. That&#39;s who I was OiJ3OWI2ttU-00406-00122614-00122951 notifying and I&#39;ve never heard nothing back from him so I had no OiJ3OWI2ttU-00407-00122951-00123051 idea. I just said, &quot;All right. I guess it&#39;s over. I don&#39;t know what OiJ3OWI2ttU-00408-00123051-00123151 going on. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00409-00123151-00123251 PAULA Yeah. No. There should be another OiJ3OWI2ttU-00410-00123251-00123351 date coming up so. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00411-00123351-00123451 BAKER Okay. Is he incarcerated? Makes OiJ3OWI2ttU-00412-00123451-00123551 me feel at ease. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00413-00123551-00123651 PAULA I&#39;m... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00414-00123651-00123751 BAKER You don&#39;t know? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00415-00123751-00123851 PAULA I&#39;m not sure, right. I couldn&#39;t OiJ3OWI2ttU-00416-00123851-00123951 tell you right now. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00417-00123951-00124353 BAKER Because I take the bus every day. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00418-00124353-00124555 That still makes me nervous. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00419-00124555-00124655 Uneasy laughter. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00420-00124655-00124759 PAULA Yeah. I know when you... Umm... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00421-00124759-00124964 The one that&#39;s been charged. I know he was out, but I don&#39;t know OiJ3OWI2ttU-00422-00124964-00125251 if he&#39;s back in or anything. Let&#39;s see. Umm... I&#39;m trying to think OiJ3OWI2ttU-00423-00125251-00125589 what else I need to ask you. Umm... About how tall was he? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00424-00125589-00126078 BAKER Uhh... Oh, man. He was definitely OiJ3OWI2ttU-00425-00126078-00126178 taller than me. Maybe about 6 foot, maybe 6&#39;1&quot;. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00426-00126178-00126278 PAULA Because you&#39;re right around 5&#39;3&quot;, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00427-00126278-00126378 5&#39;4&quot;? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00428-00126378-00126478 BAKER Yeah. You&#39;re pretty good. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00429-00126478-00126578 Laughter. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00430-00126578-00126678 PAULA Well, we&#39;re about the same height. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00431-00126678-00126778 So yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00432-00126778-00126878 BAKER Yeah. I&#39;m about 5&#39;3 1/2&quot;, 5&#39;4&quot;. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00433-00126878-00126978 Yeah. And he stood maybe about probably about maybe that much OiJ3OWI2ttU-00434-00126978-00127078 taller than me. So he was at least 6&#39; maybe 6&#39;1&quot; at the most. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00435-00127078-00127178 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00436-00127178-00127278 BAKER Maybe. I didn&#39;t... He was tall. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00437-00127278-00127378 And he was thin. He was not... Ya know? Other than his big, bulky OiJ3OWI2ttU-00438-00127378-00127478 coat. He was, I mean, he was not a big guy. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00439-00127478-00127578 PAULA Okay. Umm... And you said clean OiJ3OWI2ttU-00440-00127578-00127678 shaven. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00441-00127678-00127778 BAKER He just looked like any other OiJ3OWI2ttU-00442-00127778-00127878 ordinary person. Somebody that... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00443-00127878-00127978 PAULA Any marks or anything? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00444-00127978-00128078 BAKER No. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00445-00128078-00128178 PAULA Tattoos? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00446-00128178-00128278 BAKER Not that I could see &#39;cause they... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00447-00128278-00128378 Like I said it was winter time or getting to be winter and he had OiJ3OWI2ttU-00448-00128378-00128478 that big bubbly coat on so I couldn&#39;t tell if he had tats or OiJ3OWI2ttU-00449-00128478-00128578 not. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00450-00128578-00128678 PAULA Did he have gloves on? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00451-00128678-00128778 BAKER Did he have gloves on then at all? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00452-00128778-00128878 No. I don&#39;t think he did. I don&#39;t think he did. I can&#39;t, I can&#39;t OiJ3OWI2ttU-00453-00128878-00128978 remember now. But I don&#39;t think he did, to be honest with you. I OiJ3OWI2ttU-00454-00128978-00129078 don&#39;t even know if they asked me that. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00455-00129078-00129178 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00456-00129178-00129278 BAKER Now that&#39;s really gonna make me OiJ3OWI2ttU-00457-00129278-00129378 think. I don&#39;t think he did, though. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00458-00129378-00129478 PAULA It&#39;s okay. It&#39;s alright. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00459-00129478-00129578 BAKER I don&#39;t remember him having gloves OiJ3OWI2ttU-00460-00129578-00129678 on. I really don&#39;t &#39;cause that&#39;s how I knew his like, his actual OiJ3OWI2ttU-00461-00129678-00129778 skin color because he looked mixed. I thought he was mixed. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00462-00129778-00129878 Coughing. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00463-00129878-00129978 PAULA Umm... Let&#39;s see. Umm... I&#39;m OiJ3OWI2ttU-00464-00129978-00130078 trying to think of what else because you covered quite a, quite OiJ3OWI2ttU-00465-00130078-00130178 a few things that I was gonna ask you about but, you know, but that OiJ3OWI2ttU-00466-00130178-00130278 was my biggest thing was trying to figure out where... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00467-00130278-00130378 BAKER Exactly what happened and where I OiJ3OWI2ttU-00468-00130378-00130478 was at. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00469-00130478-00130578 PAULA How long do you think the whole OiJ3OWI2ttU-00470-00130578-00130678 thing took like, (inaudible) sitting down? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00471-00130678-00130778 BAKER Maybe five minutes. Five minutes OiJ3OWI2ttU-00472-00130778-00130878 altogether with everything. Maybe ten after he took off or whatever OiJ3OWI2ttU-00473-00130878-00130978 and me notifying them. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00474-00130978-00131078 PAULA Okay so... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00475-00131078-00131178 BAKER ...And me notifying them. But the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00476-00131178-00131278 ordeal with him at my side maybe about three minutes with him OiJ3OWI2ttU-00477-00131278-00131378 holding the knife to me. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00478-00131378-00131478 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00479-00131478-00131578 BAKER And he dropped the bag, got OiJ3OWI2ttU-00480-00131578-00131678 nervous, picked it up, jumped up and took off when the buses pulled OiJ3OWI2ttU-00481-00131678-00131778 in. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00482-00131778-00131878 PAULA So you told him, &quot;I&#39;m getting ready OiJ3OWI2ttU-00483-00131878-00131978 to go get the police...&quot; OiJ3OWI2ttU-00484-00131978-00132078 BAKER Yep. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00485-00132078-00132178 PAULA When the bus pulled up? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00486-00132178-00132278 BAKER Yep. I said, &quot;I&#39;m gonna get the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00487-00132278-00132378 cops now.&quot; And he got nervous. I think that&#39;s when he got nervous. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00488-00132378-00132478 Like I said, he dropped that entire baggie of coke. Picked it up. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00489-00132478-00132578 Shoved it into his pocket and just took off. He just... He was gone. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00490-00132578-00132678 He was quick too! OiJ3OWI2ttU-00491-00132678-00132778 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00492-00132778-00132878 BAKER I was so shocked to see that cop OiJ3OWI2ttU-00493-00132878-00132978 come right around after him. I was like, &quot;You didn&#39;t see him OiJ3OWI2ttU-00494-00132978-00133078 running?&quot; He said, &quot;Honey, I didn&#39;t see nobody running.&quot; But he could OiJ3OWI2ttU-00495-00133078-00133178 have went around the corner running and then stopped. Ya know? Just OiJ3OWI2ttU-00496-00133178-00133278 to blend in with regular people. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00497-00133278-00133378 PAULA Yeah. Were-- Had the buses started OiJ3OWI2ttU-00498-00133378-00133478 unloading yet? Or were they just... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00499-00133478-00133578 BAKER No. They all pull in at different OiJ3OWI2ttU-00500-00133578-00133678 times. They don&#39;t all pull in at the same time. The Tates Creek bus OiJ3OWI2ttU-00501-00133678-00133778 was there. The Newtown bus in front of it was there. The OiJ3OWI2ttU-00502-00133778-00133878 Georgetown way up front was there. And then there&#39;s the Nicholasville OiJ3OWI2ttU-00503-00133878-00133978 Road was behind it. It was all the front section that was full of OiJ3OWI2ttU-00504-00133978-00134078 buses and then the back wasn&#39;t. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00505-00134078-00134178 PAULA Okay. Like, the bus in front of OiJ3OWI2ttU-00506-00134178-00134278 you, had it come to a completely stop when you got up? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00507-00134278-00134378 BAKER Not really. I kinda ran and hit OiJ3OWI2ttU-00508-00134378-00134478 the door. She opened it. She said, &quot;You need in?&quot; I said, &quot;Yes. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00509-00134478-00134578 I need you to notify the police immediately.&quot; She knew I was OiJ3OWI2ttU-00510-00134578-00134678 shooken up. She said, &quot;Are you okay?&quot; Because I ride the bus and OiJ3OWI2ttU-00511-00134678-00134778 that woman seen me every day. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00512-00134778-00134878 PAULA They weren&#39;t completely stopped. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00513-00134878-00134978 They were still coming in... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00514-00134978-00135078 BAKER They were... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00515-00135078-00135178 PAULA ...to park. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00516-00135178-00135278 BAKER Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00517-00135278-00135378 PAULA And you got up... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00518-00135378-00135478 BAKER Got up... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00519-00135478-00135578 PAULA ...as they were still rolling in. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00520-00135578-00135678 Got up and took off. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00521-00135678-00135778 BAKER Ran to the bus immediately. Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00522-00135778-00135878 PAULA Okay. How come you didn&#39;t go to the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00523-00135878-00135978 office. How... Because... I mean, you&#39;re closer to the office. Why OiJ3OWI2ttU-00524-00135978-00136078 didn&#39;t you just go and get on up. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00525-00136078-00136178 BAKER Well, see, I panicked. I think I OiJ3OWI2ttU-00526-00136178-00136278 panicked. I don&#39;t know what I was thinking then. I just panicked and OiJ3OWI2ttU-00527-00136278-00136378 me being pregnant I was like, paranoid and I was in and out of OiJ3OWI2ttU-00528-00136378-00136478 the hospital my entire pregnancy and I was having complications and OiJ3OWI2ttU-00529-00136478-00136578 plus, I have health problems and seizures so I didn&#39;t really know OiJ3OWI2ttU-00530-00136578-00136678 what to do. I think I just panicked and didn&#39;t do the right OiJ3OWI2ttU-00531-00136678-00136778 thing at the right time. I think once he put that knife at my side, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00532-00136778-00136878 I kept thinking after it happened that I should have just jumped up OiJ3OWI2ttU-00533-00136878-00136978 and ran straight to the office. And I can&#39;t remember if it was a OiJ3OWI2ttU-00534-00136978-00137078 weekday or a weekend when that happened, but I&#39;m pretty sure it OiJ3OWI2ttU-00535-00137078-00137178 was a weekday. But certain times there&#39;s nobody in that office. If OiJ3OWI2ttU-00536-00137178-00137278 I remember correctly, I might be wrong, I don&#39;t think anybody was in OiJ3OWI2ttU-00537-00137278-00137378 the office that night because they weren&#39;t able to ask anybody there OiJ3OWI2ttU-00538-00137378-00137478 that day. I do believe the cops went over and asked questions and OiJ3OWI2ttU-00539-00137478-00137578 the detective went over and they said, &quot;Well, we was already out of OiJ3OWI2ttU-00540-00137578-00137678 here by 5. You&#39;ll have to come.&quot; You know. They had to go the next OiJ3OWI2ttU-00541-00137678-00137778 day and get questions. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00542-00137778-00137878 PAULA This... This happened during the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00543-00137878-00137978 day? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00544-00137978-00138078 BAKER About during the day. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00545-00138078-00138178 PAULA About what time? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00546-00138178-00138278 BAKER Uhh, it had to been about maybe 2 OiJ3OWI2ttU-00547-00138278-00138378 or 3 o&#39;clock in the evening. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00548-00138378-00138478 PAULA You think it was in the afternoon? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00549-00138478-00138578 BAKER Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00550-00138578-00138678 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00551-00138678-00138778 BAKER It was in the afternoon. It was OiJ3OWI2ttU-00552-00138778-00138878 maybe even a little after. That&#39;s why I&#39;m saying I&#39;m not sure because OiJ3OWI2ttU-00553-00138878-00138978 I knew it was in the evening time. Because I just come back from an OiJ3OWI2ttU-00554-00138978-00139078 ultrasound. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00555-00139078-00139178 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00556-00139178-00139278 BAKER And I was headed on the Tates Creek OiJ3OWI2ttU-00557-00139278-00139378 bus to go home. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00558-00139378-00139478 PAULA Do you remember what time your OiJ3OWI2ttU-00559-00139478-00139578 appointment was that day? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00560-00139578-00139678 Baker takes a breath. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00561-00139678-00139778 PAULA (CONT&#39;D) I know it&#39;s a long time ago. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00562-00139778-00139878 BAKER I&#39;m trying to think. That was OiJ3OWI2ttU-00563-00139878-00139978 my... That was my fourth ultrasound. She set me with OiJ3OWI2ttU-00564-00139978-00140078 certain times so I&#39;m trying to... Fourth ultrasound so it would have OiJ3OWI2ttU-00565-00140078-00140178 been, it would have been around 5 o&#39;clock and the office would have OiJ3OWI2ttU-00566-00140178-00140278 been closed. My appointment would have been at 2 o&#39;clock. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00567-00140278-00140378 PAULA At 2 o&#39;clock? Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00568-00140378-00140478 BAKER It would have been at 2 o&#39;clock. I OiJ3OWI2ttU-00569-00140478-00140578 had ultrasounds set for certain times on certain months. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00570-00140578-00140678 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00571-00140678-00140778 BAKER And I remember I was fourth months OiJ3OWI2ttU-00572-00140778-00140878 pregnant then. So, yeah, it would have been around 2 o&#39;clock. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00573-00140878-00140978 PAULA Okay. And you were fourth months OiJ3OWI2ttU-00574-00140978-00141078 along then? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00575-00141078-00141178 BAKER Yes. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00576-00141178-00141278 PAULA Okay. When... When he first, like OiJ3OWI2ttU-00577-00141278-00141378 you were already sitting down when he first came over. Did he wait OiJ3OWI2ttU-00578-00141378-00141478 until he sat down before he started talking to you? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00579-00141478-00141578 BAKER Yes. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00580-00141578-00141678 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00581-00141678-00141778 BAKER He was staring at me, like, really OiJ3OWI2ttU-00582-00141778-00141878 creepy. Like, he just stood like, say... We probably were maybe... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00583-00141878-00141978 maybe like this much... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00584-00141978-00142078 PAULA So about eight feet or so? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00585-00142078-00142178 BAKER Yeah. And he was just leaning up OiJ3OWI2ttU-00586-00142178-00142278 against the wall and he had his leg kicked up and just kept looking. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00587-00142278-00142378 You know? Just kept turning and looking at me and I was kinda OiJ3OWI2ttU-00588-00142378-00142478 spooked at... and then I was like he&#39;s just... you know, men check OiJ3OWI2ttU-00589-00142478-00142578 you out all the time anyway. So I didn&#39;t think nothing of it and then OiJ3OWI2ttU-00590-00142578-00142678 he started walking towards me and I was like, &quot;Oh, god. Please don&#39;t OiJ3OWI2ttU-00591-00142678-00142778 talk to me.&quot; You know? You get that a lot at the bus station. I OiJ3OWI2ttU-00592-00142778-00142878 was like, &#39;God! I don&#39;t have time. I just want to go home!&#39; And that&#39;s OiJ3OWI2ttU-00593-00142878-00142978 when he sat down and he just, &quot;I just wanna get high. Do you know OiJ3OWI2ttU-00594-00142978-00143078 where I can get this? You know...&quot; I&#39;m like, &quot;Man, I don&#39;t know OiJ3OWI2ttU-00595-00143078-00143178 you. I said, &quot;I&#39;m getting on the bus. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00596-00143178-00143278 You know. I&#39;m pregnant. I&#39;m trying to go home.&quot; That&#39;s when... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00597-00143278-00143378 PAULA That&#39;s when he pulled the knife OiJ3OWI2ttU-00598-00143378-00143478 out. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00599-00143478-00143578 BAKER He pulled the knife. He didn&#39;t OiJ3OWI2ttU-00600-00143578-00143678 like what I answered. He didn&#39;t like what I said to him. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00601-00143678-00143778 PAULA Okay. Alright. Umm, where&#39;d you OiJ3OWI2ttU-00602-00143778-00143878 go to the doctor&#39;s office at? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00603-00143878-00143978 BAKER Dr. Krohn. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00604-00143978-00144078 PAULA Okay. Is that downtown? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00605-00144078-00144178 BAKER That&#39;s Richmond Road. It&#39;s over OiJ3OWI2ttU-00606-00144178-00144278 there by North Eagle Creek. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00607-00144278-00144378 PAULA Oh, okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00608-00144378-00144478 BAKER Right over there at, uh, St. Joe OiJ3OWI2ttU-00609-00144478-00144578 East? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00610-00144578-00144678 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00611-00144678-00144778 BAKER It&#39;s building a sign of 160 N. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00612-00144778-00144878 Eagle Creek Drive. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00613-00144878-00144978 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00614-00144978-00145078 BAKER Is it North Eagle? No. I&#39;m OiJ3OWI2ttU-00615-00145078-00145178 thinking of Man O&#39; War. Is it North Eagle Creek? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00616-00145178-00145278 PAULA No. That&#39;s North Eagle Creek. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00617-00145278-00145378 BAKER No. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00618-00145378-00145478 PAULA All right. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00619-00145478-00145578 BAKER I was just making sure. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00620-00145578-00145678 PAULA My confusion comes when you had to OiJ3OWI2ttU-00621-00145678-00145778 go from Richmond Road to downtown to back out to Tates Creek? Or? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00622-00145778-00145878 BAKER No. The buses don&#39;t run like that. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00623-00145878-00145978 Like, I had to catch... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00624-00145978-00146078 PAULA Okay, good. Because I don&#39;t know OiJ3OWI2ttU-00625-00146078-00146178 anything about how they run. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00626-00146178-00146278 BAKER Yeah. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00627-00146278-00146378 PAULA Thank you. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00628-00146378-00146478 BAKER Okay. Yes. I had to catch the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00629-00146478-00146578 Tates Creek bus from out here. TAke it to the transit center. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00630-00146578-00146678 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00631-00146678-00146778 BAKER Get onto the Richmond Road bus. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00632-00146778-00146878 Take it out to there and then come back on the Richmond Road bus and OiJ3OWI2ttU-00633-00146878-00146978 then transfer to the Tates Creek. I was getting off the Richmond Road OiJ3OWI2ttU-00634-00146978-00147078 bus which was further down at the end of the terminal. I had to walk OiJ3OWI2ttU-00635-00147078-00147178 up... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00636-00147178-00147278 PAULA Further down? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00637-00147278-00147378 BAKER Yeah. It was... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00638-00147378-00147478 PAULA Towards the office? OiJ3OWI2ttU-00639-00147478-00147578 BAKER Yeah. Oh, before the office. The OiJ3OWI2ttU-00640-00147578-00147678 Richmond Road was before the office I had to pass, I bypassed the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00641-00147678-00147778 office to come up to go catch the Tates Creek bus. The buses were OiJ3OWI2ttU-00642-00147778-00147878 running late. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00643-00147878-00147978 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00644-00147978-00148078 BAKER The Richmond Road was the only bus OiJ3OWI2ttU-00645-00148078-00148178 that pulled it. It was running 20 minutes late that day. I remember OiJ3OWI2ttU-00646-00148178-00148278 that because there was no buses and I was like, &quot;Man! I missed the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00647-00148278-00148378 bus!&quot; And I gotta sit out here and it was cold and I was pregnant. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00648-00148378-00148478 And that&#39;s when I got off and went and sat up at the seat and that&#39;s OiJ3OWI2ttU-00649-00148478-00148578 when I saw him and the white, uhh, white, I think she was white. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00650-00148578-00148678 Like, yeah. She could have been something else, but she was farther OiJ3OWI2ttU-00651-00148678-00148778 down. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00652-00148778-00148878 PAULA Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00653-00148878-00148978 BAKER Sitting on a bench, waiting on her OiJ3OWI2ttU-00654-00148978-00149078 bus. &quot;Cause we had all just gotten off the bus. He was already there. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00655-00149078-00149178 He didn&#39;t get off no buses from what I saw. He was standing there OiJ3OWI2ttU-00656-00149178-00149278 when I got off my bus and came up. He was already standing just like OiJ3OWI2ttU-00657-00149278-00149378 this up against the wall. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00658-00149378-00149478 PAULA Leaning up against (inaudible) OiJ3OWI2ttU-00659-00149478-00149578 BAKER Yep. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00660-00149578-00149678 PAULA All right. Okay. Seems like an OiJ3OWI2ttU-00661-00149678-00149778 awful lot of traveling just to go... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00662-00149778-00149878 BAKER It is! And it is a pain! Oh! It OiJ3OWI2ttU-00663-00149878-00149978 is a pain! OiJ3OWI2ttU-00664-00149978-00150078 PAULA Because you&#39;re not that far, right OiJ3OWI2ttU-00665-00150078-00150178 now, from Richmond Road, to go there. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00666-00150178-00150278 BAKER They have it now. They didn&#39;t OiJ3OWI2ttU-00667-00150278-00150378 then. Now they have a transfer bus. Like, you&#39;ll catch it on the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00668-00150378-00150478 opposite side of the road. You catch it on this side, it takes you OiJ3OWI2ttU-00669-00150478-00150578 downtown and on that side, it&#39;ll take you down, farther down the OiJ3OWI2ttU-00670-00150578-00150678 street. And then out to Nicholasville, well OiJ3OWI2ttU-00671-00150678-00150778 they have it to were you can catch it down the street Bold Bidder and OiJ3OWI2ttU-00672-00150778-00150878 connect it to a different bus that takes you straight to Richmond OiJ3OWI2ttU-00673-00150878-00150978 Road. And it is so much easier. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00674-00150978-00151078 PAULA Yeah. I was gonna say. Yeah. No OiJ3OWI2ttU-00675-00151078-00151178 kidding. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00676-00151178-00151278 BAKER It is so much easier. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00677-00151278-00151378 PAULA You&#39;re probably close on time, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00678-00151378-00151478 aren&#39;t you? I don&#39;t want to make you late. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00679-00151478-00151578 BAKER Oh, yeah. I gotta get fixed up. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00680-00151578-00151678 PAULA Yeah, because I don&#39;t have my... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00681-00151678-00151778 BAKER But I appreciate you coming and OiJ3OWI2ttU-00682-00151778-00151878 talking with me because I was trying to figure out what was going OiJ3OWI2ttU-00683-00151878-00151978 on. I didn&#39;t know if they&#39;d had a trial. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00684-00151978-00152078 PAULA Yeah. There is... There should be OiJ3OWI2ttU-00685-00152078-00152178 another, umm, there&#39;s another court date coming up. There&#39;s, uhh, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00686-00152178-00152278 trial date coming up. I just don&#39;t know when it is right off. I wanna OiJ3OWI2ttU-00687-00152278-00152378 say it&#39;s either October or November. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00688-00152378-00152478 BAKER Okay. OiJ3OWI2ttU-00689-00152478-00152578 PAULA Umm... I don&#39;t know why they OiJ3OWI2ttU-00690-00152578-00152678 haven&#39;t gotten back with you. Umm... OiJ3OWI2ttU-00691-00152678-00152778 BAKER I don&#39;t know either. Like I said, OiJ3OWI2ttU-00692-00152778-00152878 I contacted Detective Persley like four or five times. I even had my OiJ3OWI2ttU-00693-00152878-00152978 mother-in-law <pre> OiJ3OWI2ttU-00694-00152978-00153078 <center> [ OiJ3OWI2ttU-00695-00153078-00153178 <A href="#top">top</A> ] OiJ3OWI2ttU-00696-00153178-00153278 </center> <A name="bottom"> </A> OiJ3OWI2ttU-00697-00153278-00153378 <hr> <center> Script created with <a href="http://www.finaldraft.com">Final OiJ3OWI2ttU-00698-00153378-00153478 Draft</a> by Final Draft, Inc. </center> </body> OiJ3OWI2ttU-00699-00153478-00153478 </html> Old8xWwYbgM-00000-00000000-00000200 Antorjatik khobor 13 July 2021 ।আন্তর্জাতিক সংবাদ। আন্তর্জাতিক খবর।Antorjatik songbad।#I_Desk_News P2CJ9WmlMAy-00000-00000000-00000200 How to Export your tally File P3NiLMEt0OI-00000-00000031-00000545 hello guys my name is was zaid and I am going to record online profit the main P3NiLMEt0OI-00001-00000545-00000749 product is a full done for you P3NiLMEt0OI-00002-00000749-00001234 rebrand double business in a box product that comes with full private label P3NiLMEt0OI-00003-00001234-00001660 rights so that the customer can set it up quickly as their own product to make P3NiLMEt0OI-00004-00001660-00001888 one hundred percent profits from P3NiLMEt0OI-00005-00001888-00002278 it contains a high quality comprehensively course on how to build P3NiLMEt0OI-00006-00002278-00002496 an internet marketing business P3NiLMEt0OI-00007-00002496-00002875 the package also comes with all sales material P3NiLMEt0OI-00008-00002875-00003257 including a high converting sales page to market the course P3NiLMEt0OI-00009-00003257-00003620 it also contains a rebrand JJ the page P3NiLMEt0OI-00010-00003620-00003971 so that you can recruit affiliates to promote your product P3NiLMEt0OI-00011-00003971-00004339 the customer also gets all rebrand double graphics P3NiLMEt0OI-00012-00004339-00004853 website pages et cetera so that they don't have to do much work themselves P3NiLMEt0OI-00013-00004853-00005302 in addition to love this the product also comes with a bunch of extras and P3NiLMEt0OI-00014-00005302-00005739 bonuses that will enable them to rebrand and set this up a lot quicker to make P3NiLMEt0OI-00015-00005739-00005830 money with it P3NiLMEt0OI-00016-00005830-00006219 there are two up sales and to down tools at the product P3NiLMEt0OI-00017-00006219-00006597 these are highly valuable complimentary offers that P3NiLMEt0OI-00018-00006597-00007047 are complete no brainer as it includes extra video courses P3NiLMEt0OI-00019-00007047-00007464 be courses and plugins that also comes with rebrand PP LR P3NiLMEt0OI-00020-00007464-00007931 don't miss the chance and get your version right now just click on the link P3NiLMEt0OI-00021-00007931-00007995 below P3NiLMEt0OI-00022-00007995-00008098 in the description P4g255gIv_c-00000-00000035-00000440 asalam alykum wr wb, hello halal family welcome to the channel hope P4g255gIv_c-00001-00000440-00000880 you're having yourself a wonderful day halal family is the best family P4g255gIv_c-00002-00000880-00001344 in today's video we'll be reacting to jakarta this video was suggested by a P4g255gIv_c-00003-00001344-00001696 abenk vg thank you very much for taking the time to send me your recommendation P4g255gIv_c-00004-00001696-00002032 and suggestion for those of you who are new and who happen to come across P4g255gIv_c-00005-00002032-00002384 this channel and this video for the first time i like to welcome you guys P4g255gIv_c-00006-00002384-00002632 to the channel i upload videos every day so if you guys like P4g255gIv_c-00007-00002632-00002928 the channel as well as the content and want to be part of this journey P4g255gIv_c-00008-00002928-00003232 then please consider subscribing to the channel and turning notification on so P4g255gIv_c-00009-00003232-00003560 you're notified when new videos uploaded stay tuned guys we'll be right back P4g255gIv_c-00010-00004304-00004552 welcome back guys we're gonna get started with the video momentarily P4g255gIv_c-00011-00004552-00004808 and at the end of the video i'll be sharing with you my observation and P4g255gIv_c-00012-00004808-00005208 reaction so please make sure you stay until the end and as some of P4g255gIv_c-00013-00005208-00005688 you know i'm working towards my goal of reaching 100k subscribers insha'allah P4g255gIv_c-00014-00005688-00006184 by end of september and a million subs insha'allah by end of next year P4g255gIv_c-00015-00006184-00006623 so i know this is a big big challenge but nothing is impossible for allah P4g255gIv_c-00016-00006623-00007159 swt if he wills you know he says be it and it is so i need you guys's P4g255gIv_c-00017-00007159-00007504 help if you're able to please subscribe to the channel as well as share P4g255gIv_c-00018-00007559-00007904 this content with your family and friends so we can grow our halal P4g255gIv_c-00019-00007904-00008584 family with that said we're gonna get started with our second video of the day P4g255gIv_c-00020-00009304-00009408 mashallah its super nice P4g255gIv_c-00021-00009632-00009984 people's houses are like their backyard in the water P4g255gIv_c-00022-00011384-00011496 so many yachts P4g255gIv_c-00023-00012504-00012784 wow P4g255gIv_c-00024-00013344-00014344 wow some big yachts there P4g255gIv_c-00025-00015160-00015496 these houses look so cool so close to each other P4g255gIv_c-00026-00015496-00016191 and they're big they're not small homes i think they have swimming pools P4g255gIv_c-00027-00016952-00017056 just love the greenery P4g255gIv_c-00028-00018280-00018480 look at the house on the right oh wow P4g255gIv_c-00029-00019112-00019784 really nice there you go P4g255gIv_c-00030-00019952-00020568 if i come i'm staying here like look at it it's so nice i'm gonna rent a boat P4g255gIv_c-00031-00020848-00021056 and then maybe some of you guys could come and P4g255gIv_c-00032-00021056-00021336 we'll have a party together get together meet and greet P4g255gIv_c-00033-00021592-00022184 so we need a big big house so most of you if not all of you guys can P4g255gIv_c-00034-00022184-00022756 come we can relax chill have some tea have some coffee have some nasi gareng P4g255gIv_c-00035-00022928-00023568 speaking of nasti gareng i'm super hungry i gotta go make some wow P4g255gIv_c-00036-00023960-00024344 this area of jakarta is super super nice like big houses mashallah on P4g255gIv_c-00037-00024344-00024744 the right side this side is by the water the house is big yes P4g255gIv_c-00038-00024744-00025384 wow P4g255gIv_c-00039-00026720-00027095 wow that's a look down it's a big yacht there's another one oh P4g255gIv_c-00040-00028095-00028527 wow i haven't even seen this like in canada or vancouver where it's like P4g255gIv_c-00041-00028608-00028936 there's so many yachts and boats in one single place like we have P4g255gIv_c-00042-00028936-00029232 some in downtown but it's not this much P4g255gIv_c-00043-00030327-00031168 wow seems like the houses are just in the water i'm sure there's water P4g255gIv_c-00044-00031168-00032383 in the middle water on the right whether in the left water everywhere P4g255gIv_c-00045-00032816-00033224 more development going on wow that house i don't know what P4g255gIv_c-00046-00033224-00033544 is that hotel house looks like a castle i'll show this white one P4g255gIv_c-00047-00033760-00035184 looks like the white house P4g255gIv_c-00048-00037296-00037656 i bet this area is probably like one of the expensive areas because we'll P4g255gIv_c-00049-00037656-00038184 show them really nice houses by the water each house has like big yacht P4g255gIv_c-00050-00038576-00039384 swimming pool oh my goodness mashallah P4g255gIv_c-00051-00042336-00042808 these other glass buildings look super cool it's like on top of P4g255gIv_c-00052-00042808-00043384 them looks spiky like it's a knife or something oh i get it it looks like the P4g255gIv_c-00053-00043472-00043872 sail of a boat i think that's what they made it probably look like P4g255gIv_c-00054-00044208-00044984 when they're building one more in the other corner P4g255gIv_c-00056-00048304-00048576 i'm just trying to check out all these houses i'm sure they're all P4g255gIv_c-00057-00048648-00049224 so unique each of them are like two three stories they got cool P4g255gIv_c-00058-00049224-00049560 and right by the water oh man P4g255gIv_c-00059-00049872-00050584 you gotta find an airbnb there P4g255gIv_c-00061-00053152-00053679 very very unique area mashallah because you got water like i guess the ocean P4g255gIv_c-00062-00053752-00054824 then there's like houses and there's like water between them super cool this P4g255gIv_c-00063-00054824-00056184 shot i like because it's getting closer to the house so you can actually see P4g255gIv_c-00064-00057064-00057264 see you guys see the yacht at the back P4g255gIv_c-00065-00057367-00057584 it's going straight to it that's pretty big P4g255gIv_c-00066-00057848-00058984 right underneath here and look it has a pool this house looks like an eye P4g255gIv_c-00067-00060576-00061784 wow P4g255gIv_c-00068-00063712-00064584 i think there's more development taking place on the left side looks like P4g255gIv_c-00069-00065672-00065984 or i guess these are fishing boats maybe P4g255gIv_c-00070-00066320-00066624 that was nice i enjoyed it it was actually really cool i liked that P4g255gIv_c-00071-00066624-00067072 the area was uh really really unique like smaller there's P4g255gIv_c-00072-00067072-00067440 so many houses just by the water like they have the ocean there but P4g255gIv_c-00073-00067440-00067768 they had like kind of like a little i don't know lake maybe P4g255gIv_c-00074-00067768-00068320 between them and they each had like access i think to the ocean and because P4g255gIv_c-00075-00068320-00068808 they had big yachts parked at the back and the mashallah each of the houses look P4g255gIv_c-00076-00068808-00069256 big they have swimming pool inside so you can see that most likely that area P4g255gIv_c-00077-00069256-00069840 is probably like a high-end luxurious area maybe expensive houses but it'll P4g255gIv_c-00078-00069840-00070216 be nice inshallah to check it out one day you know maybe rent out a boat even P4g255gIv_c-00079-00070216-00070648 head out and see and because those houses will look really really nice and P4g255gIv_c-00080-00070704-00071120 you know you have your backyard the water so really really cool thank P4g255gIv_c-00081-00071120-00071448 you very much guys for suggesting it it was really nice i enjoyed it P4g255gIv_c-00082-00071448-00071829 if you guys did please don't forget to like comment share and subscribe and P4g255gIv_c-00083-00071829-00072592 if you guys would like to i recommend for me to check out any specific video please put in the comment section below thank you very much halal family you P4g255gIv_c-00084-00072592-00073016 guys are the best i truly appreciate you guys is that love and support you P4g255gIv_c-00085-00073016-00073376 jummah mubarak i hope you guys have yourself a wonderful day take care of yourself P4g255gIv_c-00086-00073376-00074384 and your family inshallah i'll see you guys in the next video take care and wassalam P5Q1DYvSXYk-00000-00000000-00000188 -Hello Marie Claire viewers P5Q1DYvSXYk-00001-00000188-00000298 -I am the actor Lee Jae Wook P5Q1DYvSXYk-00002-00000302-00000472 -I will start the balance game now P5Q1DYvSXYk-00003-00000472-00000545 Marie Claire balance game A / B P5Q1DYvSXYk-00004-00000545-00000625 Marie Claire balance game A P5Q1DYvSXYk-00005-00000625-00000742 Boiled potatoes with sugar / salt P5Q1DYvSXYk-00006-00000742-00000812 Boiled potatoes with -salt P5Q1DYvSXYk-00007-00000812-00001166 -I don't really enjoy eating sweet things P5Q1DYvSXYk-00008-00001166-00001273 -usually salt... P5Q1DYvSXYk-00009-00001273-00001329 (isn't it..?) P5Q1DYvSXYk-00010-00001329-00001393 -salt! P5Q1DYvSXYk-00011-00001393-00001503 -I dip it in salt and eat it P5Q1DYvSXYk-00012-00001503-00001600 my charming point? voice / physical P5Q1DYvSXYk-00013-00001600-00001673 my charming point? -voice P5Q1DYvSXYk-00014-00001673-00001860 -Many people wrote this in their comments P5Q1DYvSXYk-00015-00001860-00001940 -physical..? P5Q1DYvSXYk-00016-00001940-00002304 -I thought poeple would be 170cm tall when I did Marco P5Q1DYvSXYk-00017-00002304-00002477 -I guess my proportions didn't look so good... P5Q1DYvSXYk-00018-00002477-00002644 on a rainy day wet socks / new shoes P5Q1DYvSXYk-00019-00002644-00002807 on a rainy day -wet socks P5Q1DYvSXYk-00020-00002807-00002991 -I really really like shoes P5Q1DYvSXYk-00021-00002991-00003098 -so this can't happen P5Q1DYvSXYk-00022-00003098-00003214 living without friends / living without phone P5Q1DYvSXYk-00023-00003214-00003315 living without friends / living without phone -I am so sorry to my friends P5Q1DYvSXYk-00024-00003315-00003398 -living without friends P5Q1DYvSXYk-00025-00003398-00003561 -I think I have so much P5Q1DYvSXYk-00026-00003561-00003705 -information on my phone P5Q1DYvSXYk-00027-00003705-00003778 (deep sigh) -to the point of not being able to live without my phone P5Q1DYvSXYk-00028-00003778-00003942 -to the point of not being able to live without my phone P5Q1DYvSXYk-00029-00003942-00004125 -I rely on it a lot P5Q1DYvSXYk-00030-00004125-00004299 -don't be upset! okay? P5Q1DYvSXYk-00031-00004299-00004412 not sleeping 24 hours a day for 4 days / sleeping 4 hours a day for 24 days P5Q1DYvSXYk-00032-00004412-00004559 -sleeping 4 hours a day for 24 days P5Q1DYvSXYk-00033-00004559-00004723 -I think I sleep a lot P5Q1DYvSXYk-00034-00004723-00004773 -that's why P5Q1DYvSXYk-00035-00004773-00004876 -I sleep when I am on the move P5Q1DYvSXYk-00036-00004876-00005066 -I also slept while waiting P5Q1DYvSXYk-00037-00005066-00005203 -that's why I look a little swollen P5Q1DYvSXYk-00038-00005203-00005313 -if you give me that choice P5Q1DYvSXYk-00039-00005313-00005460 -OF COURSE I would choose sleeping for 4 hours a day! P5Q1DYvSXYk-00040-00005460-00005513 When you break up with a loved one Move on to another person immediately / ghosting P5Q1DYvSXYk-00041-00005513-00005620 When you break up with a loved one Move on to another person immediately / ghosting -what's going on? P5Q1DYvSXYk-00042-00005620-00005697 When you break up with a loved one Move on to another person immediately / ghosting -Move on to another person immediately! P5Q1DYvSXYk-00043-00005697-00005807 ghosting -I really hate it P5Q1DYvSXYk-00044-00005807-00005927 -I would rather ghost P5Q1DYvSXYk-00045-00005927-00006047 -in case... P5Q1DYvSXYk-00046-00006047-00006204 -there is a reason to ghost? P5Q1DYvSXYk-00047-00006204-00006284 -Move on to another person immediately P5Q1DYvSXYk-00048-00006284-00006428 -is like meeting another man!! P5Q1DYvSXYk-00049-00006428-00006521 -and I saw it? P5Q1DYvSXYk-00050-00006521-00006691 -I think it would make me so angry! P5Q1DYvSXYk-00051-00006748-00006835 not knowing is a medicine / knowlegde is power P5Q1DYvSXYk-00052-00006835-00006898 -knowledge is power P5Q1DYvSXYk-00053-00006952-00007095 -It hasn't been very long since I had my debut P5Q1DYvSXYk-00054-00007095-00007225 -so there are many things I still don't know P5Q1DYvSXYk-00055-00007225-00007265 -and it makes me feel P5Q1DYvSXYk-00056-00007265-00007452 -a little embarrassed sometimes P5Q1DYvSXYk-00057-00007452-00007529 -that is why P5Q1DYvSXYk-00058-00007529-00007626 -knowledge is power! P5Q1DYvSXYk-00059-00007626-00007726 living in a desert / living in the sea P5Q1DYvSXYk-00060-00007726-00007836 -living in a desert P5Q1DYvSXYk-00061-00007836-00008049 -the sea is a little,,, P5Q1DYvSXYk-00062-00008049-00008129 -scary P5Q1DYvSXYk-00063-00008129-00008186 -right? P5Q1DYvSXYk-00064-00008186-00008370 -what to do if bitten by a shark... P5Q1DYvSXYk-00065-00008370-00008470 traveling back 1 minute ago / traveling forward 1 minute to the future P5Q1DYvSXYk-00066-00008470-00008637 -traveling forward 1 minute to the future P5Q1DYvSXYk-00067-00008637-00008810 -but both of them are actually okay P5Q1DYvSXYk-00068-00008810-00008977 -I think there would be better situations P5Q1DYvSXYk-00069-00008977-00009381 -if I can predict the future P5Q1DYvSXYk-00070-00009381-00009481 going to a buffet alone / going to an amusement park alone P5Q1DYvSXYk-00071-00009481-00009554 -going to a buffet alone P5Q1DYvSXYk-00072-00009554-00009734 -I really like eating alone P5Q1DYvSXYk-00073-00009734-00009938 -If I go to an amusement park alone... it's very... P5Q1DYvSXYk-00074-00009938-00010061 -I would talk to the person next to me P5Q1DYvSXYk-00075-00010078-00010138 Hello P5Q1DYvSXYk-00076-00010138-00010245 Are you here to ride somehting scary? P5Q1DYvSXYk-00077-00010245-00010328 (shake head) (shake head) P5Q1DYvSXYk-00078-00010328-00010425 if you only had 1 ability? not gain weight even if you eat / not be tired even if you don't sleep P5Q1DYvSXYk-00079-00010425-00010602 if you only had 1 ability? -not gain weight even if you eat P5Q1DYvSXYk-00080-00010602-00010752 -I really like to eat P5Q1DYvSXYk-00081-00010752-00011232 -but these days, because we started filming P5Q1DYvSXYk-00082-00011232-00011559 -it's really hard to holding back on eating P5Q1DYvSXYk-00083-00011559-00011620 morning person / night owl P5Q1DYvSXYk-00084-00011620-00011710 -night owl P5Q1DYvSXYk-00085-00011710-00011947 -For me, waking up early means waking up at around 11 am P5Q1DYvSXYk-00086-00011947-00012253 -sometimes I don't sleep till 4 am P5Q1DYvSXYk-00087-00012253-00012344 on your day off travel / stay home and rest P5Q1DYvSXYk-00088-00012344-00012444 -stay home and reat P5Q1DYvSXYk-00089-00012444-00012804 -there are so many fun things to do P5Q1DYvSXYk-00090-00012804-00012881 -things to watch! P5Q1DYvSXYk-00091-00012881-00012981 -with my mobile phone! P5Q1DYvSXYk-00092-00012981-00013071 Friends / I am Sorry P5Q1DYvSXYk-00093-00013071-00013291 -There are too many things to watch on my mobile phone P5Q1DYvSXYk-00094-00013291-00013408 -stay home and rest! P5Q1DYvSXYk-00095-00013408-00013498 text message / call P5Q1DYvSXYk-00096-00013498-00013578 -text message P5Q1DYvSXYk-00097-00013578-00013768 -I think I can remember it like that P5Q1DYvSXYk-00098-00013768-00013949 -sometimes a word is 'a' but it comes out 'o' P5Q1DYvSXYk-00099-00013949-00014272 -even if we can't communicate super well by text message P5Q1DYvSXYk-00100-00014272-00014556 -if I forget something, I can just check it again in the text message P5Q1DYvSXYk-00101-00014556-00014646 travel back 1,000 years / travel forward a 1,000years in the future P5Q1DYvSXYk-00102-00014646-00014766 -travel back 1,000 years P5Q1DYvSXYk-00103-00014766-00015000 -they say the world will be ruined in 1,000 years, in documentaries P5Q1DYvSXYk-00104-00015000-00015096 on holidays cook / order delivery P5Q1DYvSXYk-00105-00015096-00015180 on holidays -cook P5Q1DYvSXYk-00106-00015180-00015360 -delivery food is really tasty... P5Q1DYvSXYk-00107-00015360-00015657 -I recently learned the expression, 'shower with money' P5Q1DYvSXYk-00108-00015657-00015914 -so I am pulling my money strings for tasty food at home P5Q1DYvSXYk-00109-00015914-00016194 -and it's actually really fun to cook P5Q1DYvSXYk-00110-00016194-00016271 get 100,000,000 won (around 100,000 USD) with a 100% chance / get 10,000,000,000 won (around 10,000,000 USD) with a 50% chance P5Q1DYvSXYk-00111-00016271-00016391 get 100,000,000 won (around 100,000 USD) with a 100% chance / get 10,000,000,000 won (around 10,000,000 USD) with a 50% chance -I am a really lucky person P5Q1DYvSXYk-00112-00016391-00016501 get 100,000,000 won (around 100,000 USD) with a 100% chance / get 10,000,000,000 won (around 10,000,000 USD) with a 50% chance P5Q1DYvSXYk-00113-00016501-00016751 -get 10,000,000,000 won (around 10,000,000 USD) with a 50% chance P5Q1DYvSXYk-00114-00016751-00016848 having a special talent in 1 field / doing well while just in the middle of many fields P5Q1DYvSXYk-00115-00016848-00017005 -having a special talent in 1 field P5Q1DYvSXYk-00116-00017005-00017138 do it consistently every day / do it all at once P5Q1DYvSXYk-00117-00017138-00017319 -do it all at once P5Q1DYvSXYk-00118-00017319-00017405 -rest when it is time to rest! P5Q1DYvSXYk-00119-00017405-00017475 -have fun when it is time to have fun! P5Q1DYvSXYk-00120-00017475-00017582 -eat when it is time to eat! P5Q1DYvSXYk-00121-00017582-00017806 melted ice cream / carbonated drinks without any fizz P5Q1DYvSXYk-00122-00017806-00017906 -ummm... P5Q1DYvSXYk-00123-00017906-00017939 melted ice cream / carbonated drinks without any fizz P5Q1DYvSXYk-00124-00017939-00018039 -melted ice cream P5Q1DYvSXYk-00125-00018049-00018330 -I just finished all of the balance game P5Q1DYvSXYk-00126-00018330-00018576 -Please show a lot of love to Marie Claire's Lancome Beauty September issue P5Q1DYvSXYk-00127-00018576-00018840 -I would really appreciate it if you would show me, Lee Jae Wook, a lot of love too P5Q1DYvSXYk-00128-00018900-00019034 -bye~ P5Q1DYvSXYk-00129-00019034-00019257 Editor : Yoon Hwijin Styling : Nam Joohwe Hair : Baek Heungkwon Makeup : Lee Yeong Video : Park Sujin P5Q1DYvSXYk-00130-00019257-00019958 For more videos, check out the Marie Claire Korea channel! P6lxaQOmqj0-00000-00000024-00000400 In this video.. I’ll be covering a bunch of CRAZY gd levels and decide, P6lxaQOmqj0-00001-00000400-00000696 which one of them is the craziest level in geometry dash. P6lxaQOmqj0-00002-00000696-00000952 Since there are multiple aspects that can make a level quirky, P6lxaQOmqj0-00003-00000952-00001344 I’ll be dividing them into multiple sections: one with the best flashes and pulses, P6lxaQOmqj0-00004-00001344-00001592 most impressive effects creepiest atmosphere P6lxaQOmqj0-00005-00001592-00001832 and most clicks per second. Let’s get started: P6lxaQOmqj0-00006-00002296-00002504 Starting off we have Braindead by Oreate P6lxaQOmqj0-00007-00002504-00002760 which not only makes you throw up everytime you try to beat it, P6lxaQOmqj0-00008-00002760-00003024 but it also tortures your ears with it’s awful song. P6lxaQOmqj0-00009-00003544-00003928 Luckily, these epileptic parts are present for only ~20% of the level. P6lxaQOmqj0-00010-00003928-00004392 A level that is consistently crazy is Requiem by Zylenox and Killbot by Lithifusion. P6lxaQOmqj0-00011-00004392-00004864 Requiem is very limited in it’s effects, since it relies on one visual for half of the level. P6lxaQOmqj0-00012-00004864-00005128 Killbot on the other hand is lot more wild in this regard, P6lxaQOmqj0-00013-00005128-00005568 since the effects themselves vary from time to time, yet they’re still consistently impressive. P6lxaQOmqj0-00014-00005568-00005976 But none of the levels showcased so far could dethrone SFW by Hiavl, P6lxaQOmqj0-00015-00005976-00006232 which switches it’s color combinations so frequently, P6lxaQOmqj0-00016-00006232-00006560 that it’s all very difficult for a human eye to process all together. P6lxaQOmqj0-00017-00006560-00007032 Complimented by it’s cluttered and messy visuals, this creation is insanely well put together. P6lxaQOmqj0-00018-00007392-00007768 Delirium Tremens by Vadi is a level I have my own experience with. P6lxaQOmqj0-00019-00008400-00008792 The last part consists of this 8CPS spider full of deadly timings, P6lxaQOmqj0-00020-00008792-00009096 and this insanity is only the tip of the clicking iceberg. P6lxaQOmqj0-00021-00009096-00009368 New Record by Temp is probably familiar to most of you, P6lxaQOmqj0-00022-00009368-00009816 because of it’s stellar clicksync. Then we have Wasureta by wugi, Cyclone by bianox, P6lxaQOmqj0-00023-00009816-00010344 Heartbeat by KrmaL, Gumshot by mystic, and so on.. but none of these is as crazy as WOW by P6lxaQOmqj0-00024-00010344-00010792 TrusTa with it’s unreal Clicks Per Second. On the visual side it’s nothing too intriguing, P6lxaQOmqj0-00025-00010792-00011056 but the pulses definitely compliment the intensity. P6lxaQOmqj0-00026-00011056-00011400 Heyo, just a quick intermission if you are enjoying the video so far, P6lxaQOmqj0-00027-00011400-00011664 consider clicking the subscribe button down below, P6lxaQOmqj0-00028-00011664-00012128 because I would really appreciate if we hit 5,000 subscribers before the end of 2022. P6lxaQOmqj0-00029-00012128-00012220 Thank you so much. P6lxaQOmqj0-00030-00012494-00012912 When I say “Effect level”, the first thing that comes into your mind is probably cold sweat by Para, P6lxaQOmqj0-00031-00012912-00013280 which is not a bad pick right off the bat. The level has some stunning visuals, P6lxaQOmqj0-00032-00013280-00013600 fantastic atmosphere and design consistency all the way through. P6lxaQOmqj0-00033-00013600-00013936 But what if I tell you there are even crazier effect levels. P6lxaQOmqj0-00034-00013936-00014384 The only one by dienid is heavily carried by this part, which is arguably the most P6lxaQOmqj0-00035-00014384-00014736 effect-impressive level part ever. But I think we can all agree that Nhelv P6lxaQOmqj0-00036-00014736-00015208 by SrGuillester deserves this spot the most. Many community figures considers this as the P6lxaQOmqj0-00037-00015208-00015560 overall best level in geometry dash, and I’m not surprised in the slightest. P6lxaQOmqj0-00038-00016240-00016688 The only two levels I know that the community consider scary are Peaceful and Collab Level. P6lxaQOmqj0-00039-00016688-00017080 These levels created the idea of an ordinary surrounding, interrupted by P6lxaQOmqj0-00040-00017080-00017400 jumpscares and types of phobias. Each one of those is better in P6lxaQOmqj0-00041-00017400-00017608 the opposite aspect. While Peaceful relies P6lxaQOmqj0-00042-00017608-00018096 mostly on Trypophobia and horror, Collab level focuses on sudden-jumpscares and loud noises. P6lxaQOmqj0-00043-00019280-00019576 I consider Nhelv as the Craziest level in geometry dash. P6lxaQOmqj0-00044-00019576-00019896 You may argue that SFW and Braindead are harder to look at, P6lxaQOmqj0-00045-00019896-00020344 but it’s execution is incomparable to Nhelv. But what do YOU consider as the craziest P6lxaQOmqj0-00046-00020344-00020796 level? Let me know in the comments below. Quick question: Do you consider yourself a decent gd player? P6lxaQOmqj0-00047-00020796-00021184 If yes, this video is made for you. If you enjoyed I’ll really appreciate if you.. P6lxaQOmqj0-00048-00021184-00021560 subscribed to my channel, and I’ll see you in my next video BYE BYEEE. P7Nh9bJNEic-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 3050 8GB Hitman 3 1440p Ultra Settings P88HWV0B5sy-00000-00002115-00003312 To buy classes Call/WhatsApp us at 9999631597/ 7303445575/ 8448322142 P88HWV0B5sy-00001-00010383-00011581 To buy classes Call/WhatsApp us at 9999631597/ 7303445575/ 8448322142 P88HWV0B5sy-00002-00018976-00021175 To buy classes Call/WhatsApp us at 9999631597/ 7303445575/ 8448322142 P88HWV0B5sy-00003-00026852-00028051 To buy classes Call/WhatsApp us at 9999631597/ 7303445575/ 8448322142 P91KYgFq45y-00000-00000730-00000837 >>> NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS P91KYgFq45y-00001-00000837-00000844 >>> NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS P91KYgFq45y-00002-00000844-00001144 >>> NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. P91KYgFq45y-00003-00001144-00001151 >>> NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. P91KYgFq45y-00004-00001151-00001297 >>> NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. >>> IF YOU ARE TRYING TO FIGURE P91KYgFq45y-00005-00001297-00001304 WEIMANN. >>> IF YOU ARE TRYING TO FIGURE P91KYgFq45y-00006-00001304-00001414 WEIMANN. >>> IF YOU ARE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW YOU CAN MAKE A P91KYgFq45y-00007-00001414-00001421 >>> IF YOU ARE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW YOU CAN MAKE A P91KYgFq45y-00008-00001421-00001598 >>> IF YOU ARE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONE'S LIFE, P91KYgFq45y-00009-00001598-00001604 OUT HOW YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONE'S LIFE, P91KYgFq45y-00010-00001604-00001785 OUT HOW YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONE'S LIFE, THE VOLUNTARY RECRUITMENT CARE P91KYgFq45y-00011-00001785-00001791 DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONE'S LIFE, THE VOLUNTARY RECRUITMENT CARE P91KYgFq45y-00012-00001791-00001875 DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONE'S LIFE, THE VOLUNTARY RECRUITMENT CARE WAS THE PLACE TO BE. P91KYgFq45y-00013-00001875-00001881 THE VOLUNTARY RECRUITMENT CARE WAS THE PLACE TO BE. P91KYgFq45y-00014-00001881-00002172 THE VOLUNTARY RECRUITMENT CARE WAS THE PLACE TO BE. IT WAS THE SITE OF THE INAUGURAL P91KYgFq45y-00015-00002172-00002178 WAS THE PLACE TO BE. IT WAS THE SITE OF THE INAUGURAL P91KYgFq45y-00016-00002178-00002392 WAS THE PLACE TO BE. IT WAS THE SITE OF THE INAUGURAL VOLUNTEER FAIR, AND IT RECEIVED P91KYgFq45y-00017-00002392-00002399 IT WAS THE SITE OF THE INAUGURAL VOLUNTEER FAIR, AND IT RECEIVED P91KYgFq45y-00018-00002399-00002675 IT WAS THE SITE OF THE INAUGURAL VOLUNTEER FAIR, AND IT RECEIVED A GRANT TO PROMOTE VOLUNTEERISM, P91KYgFq45y-00019-00002675-00002682 VOLUNTEER FAIR, AND IT RECEIVED A GRANT TO PROMOTE VOLUNTEERISM, P91KYgFq45y-00020-00002682-00002902 VOLUNTEER FAIR, AND IT RECEIVED A GRANT TO PROMOTE VOLUNTEERISM, AND THE FAIR ALLOWED THE PUBLIC P91KYgFq45y-00021-00002902-00002909 A GRANT TO PROMOTE VOLUNTEERISM, AND THE FAIR ALLOWED THE PUBLIC P91KYgFq45y-00022-00002909-00003066 A GRANT TO PROMOTE VOLUNTEERISM, AND THE FAIR ALLOWED THE PUBLIC TO MEET WITH SEVERAL AGENCIES IN P91KYgFq45y-00023-00003066-00003073 AND THE FAIR ALLOWED THE PUBLIC TO MEET WITH SEVERAL AGENCIES IN P91KYgFq45y-00024-00003073-00003313 AND THE FAIR ALLOWED THE PUBLIC TO MEET WITH SEVERAL AGENCIES IN BEMIDJI AND LEARN ABOUT THE P91KYgFq45y-00025-00003313-00003319 TO MEET WITH SEVERAL AGENCIES IN BEMIDJI AND LEARN ABOUT THE P91KYgFq45y-00026-00003319-00003620 TO MEET WITH SEVERAL AGENCIES IN BEMIDJI AND LEARN ABOUT THE VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES. P91KYgFq45y-00027-00003620-00003626 BEMIDJI AND LEARN ABOUT THE VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES. P91KYgFq45y-00028-00003626-00003890 BEMIDJI AND LEARN ABOUT THE VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES. >> THERE ARE MANY BENEFITS TO P91KYgFq45y-00029-00003890-00003897 VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES. >> THERE ARE MANY BENEFITS TO P91KYgFq45y-00030-00003897-00004157 VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES. >> THERE ARE MANY BENEFITS TO VOLUNTEERING, NO. 1 GETTING P91KYgFq45y-00031-00004157-00004164 >> THERE ARE MANY BENEFITS TO VOLUNTEERING, NO. 1 GETTING P91KYgFq45y-00032-00004164-00004427 >> THERE ARE MANY BENEFITS TO VOLUNTEERING, NO. 1 GETTING PEOPLE OUT OF THE HOUSE, JUST P91KYgFq45y-00033-00004427-00004434 VOLUNTEERING, NO. 1 GETTING PEOPLE OUT OF THE HOUSE, JUST P91KYgFq45y-00034-00004434-00004531 VOLUNTEERING, NO. 1 GETTING PEOPLE OUT OF THE HOUSE, JUST PROMOTING SELF WORTH. P91KYgFq45y-00035-00004531-00004537 PEOPLE OUT OF THE HOUSE, JUST PROMOTING SELF WORTH. P91KYgFq45y-00036-00004537-00004788 PEOPLE OUT OF THE HOUSE, JUST PROMOTING SELF WORTH. IT'S A VERY POSITIVE EXPERIENCE. P91KYgFq45y-00037-00004788-00004794 PROMOTING SELF WORTH. IT'S A VERY POSITIVE EXPERIENCE. P91KYgFq45y-00038-00004794-00004981 PROMOTING SELF WORTH. IT'S A VERY POSITIVE EXPERIENCE. A LOT OF PEOPLE I HAVE MET WITH P91KYgFq45y-00039-00004981-00004988 IT'S A VERY POSITIVE EXPERIENCE. A LOT OF PEOPLE I HAVE MET WITH P91KYgFq45y-00040-00004988-00005171 IT'S A VERY POSITIVE EXPERIENCE. A LOT OF PEOPLE I HAVE MET WITH THAT ARE DOING VOLUNTEERING, P91KYgFq45y-00041-00005171-00005178 A LOT OF PEOPLE I HAVE MET WITH THAT ARE DOING VOLUNTEERING, P91KYgFq45y-00042-00005178-00005405 A LOT OF PEOPLE I HAVE MET WITH THAT ARE DOING VOLUNTEERING, THEY ARE TELLING ME THAT THEY P91KYgFq45y-00043-00005405-00005412 THAT ARE DOING VOLUNTEERING, THEY ARE TELLING ME THAT THEY P91KYgFq45y-00044-00005412-00005949 THAT ARE DOING VOLUNTEERING, THEY ARE TELLING ME THAT THEY GET SO MUCH BACK IN Pq1PjHw7-tc-00000-00000067-00000363 We are here in Lisbon representing Pq1PjHw7-tc-00001-00000363-00000592 GUE/NGL Pq1PjHw7-tc-00002-00000594-00001120 in a Mission of the Panama Papers' Inquiry Committee Pq1PjHw7-tc-00003-00001142-00001889 to gather information relating to fiscal fraud and money laundering Pq1PjHw7-tc-00004-00001910-00002317 And Portugal, in the same way as other countries of the European Union has Pq1PjHw7-tc-00005-00002317-00002622 a very negative record Pq1PjHw7-tc-00006-00002622-00003122 We had 10 billion Euros that left the country Pq1PjHw7-tc-00007-00003136-00003344 to tax havens, without any control Pq1PjHw7-tc-00008-00003360-00003902 of the tax authority. We know today that every day Pq1PjHw7-tc-00009-00003911-00004570 2.3 million Euros leave the country to tax havens without any control Pq1PjHw7-tc-00010-00004586-00005128 But afterwards we go on investigating and gathering more information Pq1PjHw7-tc-00011-00005156-00005382 And what do we verify? Pq1PjHw7-tc-00012-00005400-00005750 That former Secretariats of State for Tax Affairs Pq1PjHw7-tc-00013-00005768-00006338 work today for, for example, the advisors Earns & Young Pq1PjHw7-tc-00014-00006356-00006572 one of the "Big 4s" Pq1PjHw7-tc-00015-00006572-00006775 an enterprise specialized in multinationals Pq1PjHw7-tc-00016-00006775-00007019 that advise precisely Pq1PjHw7-tc-00017-00007019-00007338 multinational companies in their strategies of capital flight and tax evasion. Pq1PjHw7-tc-00018-00007338-00007591 The Secretariat of State of the former government Pq1PjHw7-tc-00019-00007591-00007670 is also a consultant Pq1PjHw7-tc-00020-00007670-00008090 in tax matters, specialized in offshores Pq1PjHw7-tc-00021-00008102-00008618 We had before a former Finance Minister, Teixeira dos Santos, Pq1PjHw7-tc-00022-00008620-00008822 that works today for Pq1PjHw7-tc-00023-00008822-00009076 a financial institution and who Pq1PjHw7-tc-00024-00009086-00009386 does not remember anything, has a sudden amnesia. Pq1PjHw7-tc-00025-00009386-00009688 During his mandate Pq1PjHw7-tc-00026-00009688-00009998 we know that there were millions of Portuguese who had accounts in Liechtenstein, Pq1PjHw7-tc-00027-00009998-00010295 who had accounts in Switzerland Pq1PjHw7-tc-00028-00010295-00010517 and that could transfer their capitals there Pq1PjHw7-tc-00029-00010517-00010751 without paying any taxes Pq1PjHw7-tc-00030-00010751-00011060 and for that reason we know that for a fact Pq1PjHw7-tc-00031-00011060-00011311 a big problem lies on the lack of political will Pq1PjHw7-tc-00032-00011311-00011560 to attack these topics. Pq1PjHw7-tc-00033-00011560-00011738 And that lack of political will comes Pq1PjHw7-tc-00034-00011738-00011997 naturally from the Pq1PjHw7-tc-00035-00011997-00012254 subordination of the political powers to the Pq1PjHw7-tc-00036-00012254-00012591 financial interest of the big Pq1PjHw7-tc-00037-00012591-00012691 economic groups. Pwhs867IV_4-00000-00002449-00002720 [Hola, buenos dias.] Pwhs867IV_4-00001-00002766-00003030 [Today I'm going to cut my hair.] Pwhs867IV_4-00002-00003084-00003284 [But first things first, I need coffee in my system before heading to the hair salon.] Pwhs867IV_4-00003-00003373-00003749 The croissant looked nice but I had to move on because of the salon appointment 😥] Pwhs867IV_4-00004-00003812-00004083 The hair salon is just across from the cafe.] Pwhs867IV_4-00005-00004126-00004326 [taking deep breathe] Pwhs867IV_4-00006-00004386-00004549 [The fresh-baked bread is calling me] Pwhs867IV_4-00007-00004587-00005030 [It looks pretty similar to the Korean hair salon.] Pwhs867IV_4-00008-00005296-00005583 [The scalp massage wasn't provided like a Korean hair salon.] Pwhs867IV_4-00009-00005610-00005979 [First start with brushing my damaged-tangled hair] Pwhs867IV_4-00010-00006197-00006475 [The hair designer had to brush again as my hair was too damaged.] Pwhs867IV_4-00011-00006631-00006831 [and then...] Pwhs867IV_4-00012-00006921-00007158 [He suddenly asked me to stand up and now I'm getting my hair cut while I'm standing] Pwhs867IV_4-00013-00007276-00007593 [My hair was so damaged so I needed to cut a lot but negotiated with him for cutting only 10cm] Pwhs867IV_4-00014-00007634-00007984 [I've never got my hair cut while I stand up but soon I got used to it.] Pwhs867IV_4-00015-00008219-00008500 [now thining my hair out] Pwhs867IV_4-00016-00008538-00008820 [I have one question for you. Am I the only one who gets awkward in front of the hair salon mirror?] Pwhs867IV_4-00017-00008830-00009145 [Like I don't know where to look at.] Pwhs867IV_4-00018-00009160-00009520 [It's just more comfortable to close my eyes sometimes.] Pwhs867IV_4-00019-00009759-00009959 [He asked me if I want to get my hair curled and I said yes even though I don't have anywhere to go.] Pwhs867IV_4-00020-00010116-00010316 [I'm too lazy to do it myself so I will do it when I have a chance 😛] Pwhs867IV_4-00021-00010359-00010559 [Applying hair essence] Pwhs867IV_4-00022-00010655-00010855 [it's ready now] Pwhs867IV_4-00023-00010910-00011110 [The result is...?] Pwhs867IV_4-00024-00011408-00011608 [Here's the result.] Pwhs867IV_4-00025-00011659-00012120 [I get nervous when I get my hair cut abroad because of the language barrier and the different hair trends, but this one was good :)] Pwhs867IV_4-00026-00012141-00012833 [Although I had to cut a lot I'm happy with the result.] Pwhs867IV_4-00027-00012915-00013256 [Rest in peace, my hair] Pwhs867IV_4-00028-00013500-00013700 [I stopped by a chicken place to take out some chicken] Pwhs867IV_4-00029-00013715-00013948 [Homebody heads home after picking up chicken regardless of the nicely curled hair] Pwhs867IV_4-00030-00014018-00014218 [It mainly have grilled chicken and there are pizza and desserts too.] Pwhs867IV_4-00031-00014391-00014637 [I haven't tried here before so I'm curious if it's good.] Pwhs867IV_4-00032-00014637-00014837 [There's only one type of grilled chicken and you can choose how many pieces you want.] Pwhs867IV_4-00033-00014933-00015254 [236 pesos for 10 pieces = 14,000 KRW] Pwhs867IV_4-00034-00015269-00015662 [Mexican chickens are much bigger than Korean ones. so it's a decent deal price-wise.] Pwhs867IV_4-00035-00015693-00015893 [It has 4 USD pepperoni pizza too. (I tried it... and personally I don't recommend it)] Pwhs867IV_4-00036-00015946-00016146 [I only wanted chicken breasts but I can't choose which part I want. Such a shame.] Pwhs867IV_4-00037-00016387-00016606 [Desserts are calling me..] Pwhs867IV_4-00038-00016679-00016879 [I tried this Flan from another restaurant and it was quite good.] Pwhs867IV_4-00039-00016879-00017079 [Waiting for my chicken] Pwhs867IV_4-00040-00017208-00017408 [It was good that the place wasn't crowded] Pwhs867IV_4-00041-00017426-00017626 [I need to take protein as a part of my diet, but I've been lazy to cook recently.] Pwhs867IV_4-00042-00017626-00017826 [So I ordered 10 pieces in order not to cook at least for 2 days.] Pwhs867IV_4-00043-00018034-00018234 [10 pieces of chicken + 2 side dish + pepperoni pizza = 15 USD] Pwhs867IV_4-00044-00018249-00018532 [There are tortillas, 2 side dishes and tomato salsa.] Pwhs867IV_4-00045-00018540-00018688 [I will come back here again for my protein :)] Pwhs867IV_4-00046-00018728-00018928 [As for the pizza... if you want pepperoni, I highly recommend going for Domino or Little caesars pizza.] Pwhs867IV_4-00047-00018949-00019149 [Too lazy to cook, delivery food again.] Pwhs867IV_4-00048-00019307-00019507 [Careful not to spill the sauce] Pwhs867IV_4-00049-00020164-00020318 [Phew, it was dangerous.] Pwhs867IV_4-00050-00020555-00021362 It's a type of tacos with meat, frijoles and guacamole. Pwhs867IV_4-00051-00021468-00022078 This is a 'Torta ahogada', which is one of the local delicacies in Guadalajara. Pwhs867IV_4-00052-00022768-00023408 There is meat inside the mini baguette called 'Birote' and the bread is soaked in a tomato sauce. Pwhs867IV_4-00053-00023432-00023823 Hence, it's often called 'drowned sandwich in English. Pwhs867IV_4-00054-00023841-00024041 [Trying the sauce first] Pwhs867IV_4-00055-00024212-00024638 It's a tomato-based sauce with garlic and onion. Pwhs867IV_4-00056-00024862-00025241 what's garlic in Korean...? [I'm losing my Korean] Pwhs867IV_4-00057-00025426-00025626 [(In Korean) onion and garlic!] Pwhs867IV_4-00058-00025672-00025872 [Adding muchas pickled onions] Pwhs867IV_4-00059-00026027-00026190 [You can't miss lime in your Mexican food.] Pwhs867IV_4-00060-00026230-00026682 [Add Salsa verde, which is one of my favourite Mexican salsas.] Pwhs867IV_4-00061-00026783-00027217 [My hand is lost. Don't know how to grab the soaked sandwich.] Pwhs867IV_4-00062-00027366-00027566 [Just grabbing anywhere] Pwhs867IV_4-00063-00027566-00027929 [Faild on my first bite] Pwhs867IV_4-00064-00028239-00028439 [Second attempt] Pwhs867IV_4-00065-00028491-00028862 [I got my one big fat bite with meat, sauce and bread altogether.] Pwhs867IV_4-00066-00028935-00029014 [Adding spicy salsa more] Pwhs867IV_4-00067-00029049-00029249 [Now let's dig in!] Pwhs867IV_4-00068-00029283-00029483 [It was much easier to eat with a spoon. Human beings are the animals who use tools.] Pwhs867IV_4-00069-00029693-00030313 This is Tamale, which is a dessert made of corn. and this one is in a retort pouch. Pwhs867IV_4-00070-00030332-00030450 It only takes one minute to heat it up. Pwhs867IV_4-00071-00030450-00030650 I will bring it to Korea if I like it. Pwhs867IV_4-00072-00030793-00030993 [It doesn't really look appetizing, but it tastes better than it looks.] Pwhs867IV_4-00073-00031706-00031807 It's good. Pwhs867IV_4-00074-00031875-00032211 I will bring it to Korea. Pwhs867IV_4-00075-00032270-00032691 It tasted as nice as the tamales you can get from the tamale stalls on the street.] Pwhs867IV_4-00076-00032983-00033183 These are the things I ordered from Amazon prime. Pwhs867IV_4-00077-00033198-00033936 Honey, facial serum, deodorant, shampoo, and portable charger. Pwhs867IV_4-00078-00034509-00035093 My Mexican friend's mum recommended this shampoo to me. Pwhs867IV_4-00079-00035138-00035437 So I tried this brand but with coconut thing. this one is like honey stuff. Pwhs867IV_4-00080-00035500-00036247 I liked the scent of the coconut shampoo and the foam was very smooth. Pwhs867IV_4-00081-00036393-00037337 L'Oreal is an international cosmetic brand you can find easily in Mexico. Pwhs867IV_4-00082-00037600-00038221 I will share my feedback after I try it. Pwhs867IV_4-00083-00038294-00038594 One the of essentials in tropical countries. Pwhs867IV_4-00084-00038761-00039028 It's the second delivery food in today. Pwhs867IV_4-00085-00039067-00039267 I've ordered two different foods to show you the difference. Pwhs867IV_4-00086-00039823-00040351 It's chicken mole enchilada, its sauce has chocolate and other Mexican spices. Pwhs867IV_4-00087-00040754-00040954 It has a polarizing taste, you either love it or you hate it. Pwhs867IV_4-00088-00041082-00041393 [I'm good with most of the Mexican food apart from tamarindo and Tajin.] Pwhs867IV_4-00089-00041411-00041838 Mole usually comes with chicken. Pwhs867IV_4-00090-00041852-00042284 and enchilada is nicer with cream and cheese on top. Pwhs867IV_4-00091-00042315-00042615 But I'm lazy today ^^ so no extra stuff. Pwhs867IV_4-00092-00042948-00043332 It would be nicer with a bit more sauce. Pwhs867IV_4-00093-00043354-00043554 Avocado goes well with any kind of Mexican food 🥑💚 Pwhs867IV_4-00094-00044285-00044477 This is enchilada verde. Pwhs867IV_4-00095-00044477-00044928 Verde means 'green' in Spanish, so salsa verde literally means green sauce. Pwhs867IV_4-00096-00044943-00045232 Salsa verde is made of green tomato. Pwhs867IV_4-00097-00045232-00046184 The sourness from green tomato and spiciness from green chilli make it an interesting but delicious flavour. Pwhs867IV_4-00098-00046460-00046928 I personally like mole than verde. Pwhs867IV_4-00099-00046970-00047625 Mole has a much more rich flavour. Pwhs867IV_4-00100-00047790-00047990 [I enjoyed it very much.] Pwhs867IV_4-00101-00048034-00048453 Guadalajara is in between summer and autumn, so I'm taking vitamin C daily for my immune system. Pwhs867IV_4-00102-00048797-00048978 [Look at his cute shoes.] Pwhs867IV_4-00103-00048978-00049178 It looks like there's a flea market going on. Pwhs867IV_4-00104-00049287-00049695 I'll check it out after the Asian market. Pwhs867IV_4-00105-00049732-00050088 This is one of Guadalajara's public bicycles. Pwhs867IV_4-00106-00050113-00050508 5 USD for a day, 10 USD for 3 days. Pwhs867IV_4-00107-00050573-00050948 If you are riding it more than 5 times, then much better to get one-year membership. Pwhs867IV_4-00108-00050956-00051741 There are bicycle stations in the GDL Americana area. It'd be useful if you live in this area. Pwhs867IV_4-00109-00052000-00052337 I've come here once in a while. [Let me introduce one of my favourite Asian markets in GDL.] Pwhs867IV_4-00110-00052546-00053043 [You can find Korean drinks and Mexican ones too.] Pwhs867IV_4-00111-00053064-00053550 [You can find soju, Milkis, Aloe drinks and so on.] Pwhs867IV_4-00112-00054090-00054451 I found this kkobuk chip in here! it's even rare to find in Korea. Pwhs867IV_4-00113-00054469-00054980 [I only bought the original kkobukchip since I'm on a diet, but I regret it on the way home.. I should have bought both of them.] Pwhs867IV_4-00114-00055053-00055364 [You can find tteok and even sausage bread. This place is priceless for me especially when I miss Korea.] Pwhs867IV_4-00115-00055954-00056154 [The reason why I came here is....] Pwhs867IV_4-00116-00056254-00056454 [just for this!] Pwhs867IV_4-00117-00056541-00056741 [I've been craving for naengmyeon] Pwhs867IV_4-00118-00056800-00057159 [There are mul-naengmyeon and bibim-naengmyeon and I don't know what to choose. (I want all of them)] Pwhs867IV_4-00119-00057292-00057580 [Which one woud you choose? mul-naengmyeon or bibim-naengmyeon?] Pwhs867IV_4-00120-00057663-00058075 [I like both of them so it's always difficult to choose only one 🤫] Pwhs867IV_4-00121-00058383-00058696 [I got this whipped cream roll too.] Pwhs867IV_4-00122-00058943-00059143 [You can get kimchi for 7 USD.] Pwhs867IV_4-00123-00059387-00059751 [Korean-leek kimchi too.] Pwhs867IV_4-00124-00059922-00060094 [Broth for mul-naengmyeon] Pwhs867IV_4-00125-00060094-00060294 [I ended up buying big package of the noodle so make both mul and bibim naengmyeon.] Pwhs867IV_4-00126-00060544-00060828 Let's see what we can find in the flea market. Pwhs867IV_4-00127-00060865-00061197 Just watching cantarito brings me a hangover. Pwhs867IV_4-00128-00061581-00061963 It looks like people are selling their old belonging here. Pwhs867IV_4-00129-00061963-00062254 [Antiques are shining under sunshine] Pwhs867IV_4-00130-00062831-00063165 [It bring me my middle school memories.] Pwhs867IV_4-00131-00063468-00063710 [I didn't buy anything but it was fun to just browse.] Pwhs867IV_4-00132-00063967-00064167 [The antique market opens every Sunday until 4pm.] Pwhs867IV_4-00133-00064877-00065348 I'm heading to a fabric shop called 'Parisina'. Pwhs867IV_4-00134-00065348-00065918 You can purchase fabrics as long as you want, so people buy fabrics for blankets and curtains here. Pwhs867IV_4-00135-00065966-00066491 Mexico's independence day is coming soon, so you can find Mexican flags a lot. Pwhs867IV_4-00136-00066515-00066715 There are so many different types of fabric. Pwhs867IV_4-00137-00066933-00067330 110cm x 100cm costs 1.5 USD Pwhs867IV_4-00138-00067546-00068231 How can I say, it feels like Dongdaemoon market but in the franchise. Pwhs867IV_4-00139-00068255-00068511 You can find things for the interior too. Pwhs867IV_4-00140-00068545-00069077 [There are so many cute items with Mexican colours for Mexican Independence day] Pwhs867IV_4-00141-00069404-00070363 It was impressive that Mexicans celebrate Independence day using the colours of the flag and making it into so many other items not only the flag.] Pwhs867IV_4-00142-00070563-00070763 [Do I look good with the Mexican hat?] Pwhs867IV_4-00143-00071903-00072084 This one, please. Pwhs867IV_4-00144-00072084-00072195 2 meters Pwhs867IV_4-00145-00072782-00073162 [Passing by so many different fabrics,] Pwhs867IV_4-00146-00073232-00073686 [The staff will cut the fabric at the counter,] Pwhs867IV_4-00147-00074512-00074712 The fabric will be cut here, Pwhs867IV_4-00148-00074945-00075145 and you pay up there. Pwhs867IV_4-00149-00075767-00076046 Show the note from the counter and hand it over to the Payment counter. Pwhs867IV_4-00150-00076885-00077510 [I got lost in so many fabrics] Pwhs867IV_4-00151-00077601-00078188 Thank you for watching my video :) see you in the next video! P_0CtFKz6T4-00000-00000080-00000584 Before we discuss a specific application P_0CtFKz6T4-00001-00000584-00001128 of area between curves, let's try to get a handle P_0CtFKz6T4-00002-00001192-00001984 in generality on what good this concept is. P_0CtFKz6T4-00003-00002112-00002576 Area between curves shows up a lot P_0CtFKz6T4-00004-00002656-00003215 in non-geometric applications; P_0CtFKz6T4-00005-00003392-00004384 and that is because area between curves P_0CtFKz6T4-00006-00004664-00005784 can be used to measure how far away P_0CtFKz6T4-00007-00005976-00007184 curves are from each other P_0CtFKz6T4-00008-00007568-00008768 So if we look at to these two curves, P_0CtFKz6T4-00009-00009056-00009336 they're pretty close together, P_0CtFKz6T4-00010-00009600-00010800 if we look at these two curves they're completely dissimilar. P_0CtFKz6T4-00011-00010984-00011472 And that is reflected in the area. P_0CtFKz6T4-00012-00011568-00011864 These curves that are close together P_0CtFKz6T4-00013-00012104-00012960 will have a relatively small area between them, P_0CtFKz6T4-00014-00013424-00013760 whereas these curves that are far P_0CtFKz6T4-00015-00013816-00014888 apart have a relatively large area between them. P_0CtFKz6T4-00016-00015024-00015544 So area between curves isn't something that just shows up P_0CtFKz6T4-00017-00015544-00016344 in toy problems involving, like, how much paint do you need P_0CtFKz6T4-00018-00016344-00016656 to paint such and such a figure? P_0CtFKz6T4-00019-00016720-00017480 Area between curves shows up any time you have two curves P_0CtFKz6T4-00020-00017480-00017752 and you want to know how similar P_0CtFKz6T4-00021-00017816-00018144 or how different they are; P_0CtFKz6T4-00022-00018232-00018928 it's a powerful tool for that reason PAs2-cOnmDk-00000-00000842-00001372 There are multiple ways that I can think of how web archives can contribute to research. PAs2-cOnmDk-00001-00001388-00002230 For example, the notion of being able to archive our scholarly artefacts PAs2-cOnmDk-00002-00002230-00002652 That's something we, at Los Alamos in particularly, are working on PAs2-cOnmDk-00003-00002652-00003352 Is, I think, crucially important to reproduce research and to safeguard our research output. PAs2-cOnmDk-00004-00003360-00004156 By scholarly artefacts I mean the data sets that we're producing, the source count, PAs2-cOnmDk-00005-00004156-00005152 the slight text that we're producing, the annotations that we're producing, for example, PAs2-cOnmDk-00006-00005168-00005386 the online discussion that is ongoing. PAs2-cOnmDk-00007-00005386-00005684 So, all these intellectual property pieces that we're producing throughout the process of our scholarship, PAs2-cOnmDk-00008-00005716-00006495 of our research, those are all artefacts that are not systematically archived right now. PAs2-cOnmDk-00009-00006512-00007180 But it's crucially important, I think, to keep those artefacts alive PAs2-cOnmDk-00010-00007180-00007481 and being able to access them down the road in the future, PAs2-cOnmDk-00011-00007481-00007745 because the infrastructure that we're currently using to share these pieces of information PAs2-cOnmDk-00012-00007752-00008324 is not necessarily in the business of archiving. PAs2-cOnmDk-00013-00008332-00008796 Those resources, they make them available, they make them accessible, PAs2-cOnmDk-00014-00008796-00009178 but who knows when the next business model changes is coming, PAs2-cOnmDk-00015-00009178-00009576 who knows when the next funding stream dries out, so we're not in a situation that we have garantees PAs2-cOnmDk-00016-00009584-00010428 that these scholarly portals are available and accessible for future use PAs2-cOnmDk-00017-00010440-00010944 So archiving infrastructure is desperately needed to take care of those artefacts PAs2-cOnmDk-00018-00010960-00011184 to ensure long term access down the road. PAs2-cOnmDk-00019-00011184-00011968 So, this is all research directions that I think are not currently in our focus, but they should be. PBW5Pxy3Gay-00000-00000200-00000374 Blocking capital control PBW5Pxy3Gay-00001-00000374-00000605 In my opinion, harming any MP is sanctioned! PBW5Pxy3Gay-00002-00000605-00000923 He's going in quickly, in a rush to sign the capital control law. PBW5Pxy3Gay-00003-00000923-00001249 We won't agree to the passing of the capital control law. PBW5Pxy3Gay-00004-00001249-00001632 It's not really capital control, it's a masked law PBW5Pxy3Gay-00005-00001632-00002273 that acquits all the people who smuggled money abroad PBW5Pxy3Gay-00006-00002273-00002529 and made money in by illegal means. PBW5Pxy3Gay-00007-00002529-00002873 They've simply customized the law to suit their purposes, like the electoral law. PBW5Pxy3Gay-00008-00002873-00003368 They formed a committee of thieves who have been stealing for ages PBW5Pxy3Gay-00009-00003368-00003932 and they are supposed to decide arbitrarily which depositor to give money to or not? PBW5Pxy3Gay-00010-00003932-00004568 And they want to directly strike $60 billion off from depositors' money PBW5Pxy3Gay-00011-00004568-00004825 in order to recoup their losses? PBW5Pxy3Gay-00012-00004825-00005060 It's unacceptable. They have to bear the burden. PBW5Pxy3Gay-00013-00005060-00005354 This capital control law will not pass. PBW5Pxy3Gay-00014-00006936-00007419 The capital control law is designed in a way to preserve the ruling oligarchy PBW5Pxy3Gay-00015-00007419-00007775 that monopolizes money and power in Lebanon. PBW5Pxy3Gay-00016-00007775-00007983 We are here to block the approval of the law. PBW5Pxy3Gay-00017-00007983-00008210 Responsibility has to be assigned first. PBW5Pxy3Gay-00018-00008210-00008647 Whoever caused this crisis has to bear responsibility for it. PBW5Pxy3Gay-00019-00008647-00008938 Whoever amassed fortunes in recent years PBW5Pxy3Gay-00020-00008938-00009308 at the expense of depositors' funds, or syndicate and union funds, PBW5Pxy3Gay-00021-00009308-00009514 at the expense of all the Lebanese people PBW5Pxy3Gay-00022-00009514-00009829 must pay the price and must bear the losses. PBW5Pxy3Gay-00023-00009829-00010028 We will escalate as long as they escalate. PBW5Pxy3Gay-00024-00010028-00010454 If they escalate with a law that protects banks from lawsuits PBW5Pxy3Gay-00025-00010454-00010754 and represents a stab in the back of depositors PBW5Pxy3Gay-00026-00010754-00010978 then we will be here protesting, today, tomorrow, everyday. PFSew-Yav-E-00000-00000000-00000200 Sunset At Venice Beach LA PGZJBQiLwkU-00000-00000000-00000200 HOW I WILL FIGHT INSECURITY - PETER OBI PHwZGUjCOQg-00000-00000008-00000090 Good morning, John. PHwZGUjCOQg-00001-00000138-00000344 You may have noticed several videos in a row, there's this big... PHwZGUjCOQg-00002-00000408-00000584 empty ar- do you know why that is? PHwZGUjCOQg-00003-00000626-00000738 It's because over here... PHwZGUjCOQg-00004-00000760-00001144 I was making a video for Wizard School, and I- that was my tripod. PHwZGUjCOQg-00005-00001144-00001254 Ten years, John. PHwZGUjCOQg-00006-00001260-00001440 You'd think I'd have bought a second tripod. PHwZGUjCOQg-00007-00001440-00001512 There it is. PHwZGUjCOQg-00008-00001540-00001590 That's better. PHwZGUjCOQg-00009-00001590-00001732 So John, I think it is important PHwZGUjCOQg-00010-00001755-00001830 for... PHwZGUjCOQg-00011-00001839-00002152 us to talk about the things that we disagree with our old selves about. PHwZGUjCOQg-00012-00002152-00002390 So I wanted to talk about this train that I used to be on. PHwZGUjCOQg-00013-00002398-00002590 Called the Machiavellian Train. PHwZGUjCOQg-00014-00002590-00002788 I don't know why it's a train. I decided just now. PHwZGUjCOQg-00015-00002788-00002982 And the idea is that good people PHwZGUjCOQg-00016-00002998-00003576 have to be willing to do all the same stuff that bad people are willing to do in order to get a good outcome, PHwZGUjCOQg-00017-00003596-00003865 because otherwise the bad people are gonna do all their bad stuff, PHwZGUjCOQg-00018-00003865-00004022 and they're gonna get their bad thing done. PHwZGUjCOQg-00019-00004022-00004284 This was a very appealing idea to me as a younger man. PHwZGUjCOQg-00020-00004284-00004986 Partly, yes, because it allowed me to excuse me doing things that maybe weren't in consort with my values. PHwZGUjCOQg-00021-00004986-00005410 But I think it was mostly because it played into this thing that I wanted to believe about myself. PHwZGUjCOQg-00022-00005450-00005904 That if I could only use my brain enough, I could manipulate other people and the world, PHwZGUjCOQg-00023-00005932-00006168 to an eventual positive outcome. PHwZGUjCOQg-00024-00006168-00006396 Like I was the protagonist in a lot of the books that I liked. PHwZGUjCOQg-00025-00006396-00006764 Like, I was Ender Wiggin, or Frank Chalmers, or Paul Atreides PHwZGUjCOQg-00026-00006764-00007028 If you don't know what those things are, that's fine. We don't read the same kinds of books. PHwZGUjCOQg-00027-00007028-00007181 As I have gotten more... PHwZGUjCOQg-00028-00007226-00007290 power... PHwZGUjCOQg-00029-00007308-00007623 uh, you hear people in social media circles call this "influence," PHwZGUjCOQg-00030-00007638-00007738 but let's call it what it is. PHwZGUjCOQg-00031-00007738-00008166 I have gotten way more wary, and even, sort of afraid of that perspective. PHwZGUjCOQg-00032-00008166-00008516 So I wanna give you some reasons why I think, like, the Machiavelli train PHwZGUjCOQg-00033-00008544-00008760 is made of B.S. PHwZGUjCOQg-00034-00008760-00009150 So first, healthy societies rely on trust. PHwZGUjCOQg-00035-00009166-00009440 And if we are all seeing each other as pawns, PHwZGUjCOQg-00036-00009450-00009688 that trust will never exist. And when I PHwZGUjCOQg-00037-00009702-00010020 saw people more as pawns to be moved to my will, PHwZGUjCOQg-00038-00010044-00010392 I was able to trust other people less, 'cause I thought they saw me that way too. PHwZGUjCOQg-00039-00010392-00010830 And that, among all the other bad stuff that comes with that, is just a bad feeling. PHwZGUjCOQg-00040-00010830-00011074 Second, you are never a hundred percent PHwZGUjCOQg-00041-00011106-00011552 that the thing you're trying to accomplish is actually gonna have a positive effect in the world. PHwZGUjCOQg-00042-00011552-00012010 There are lots of examples of people having big revolutions against really oppressive things, PHwZGUjCOQg-00043-00012010-00012254 and then it getting even worse afterward. PHwZGUjCOQg-00044-00012254-00012516 There are also examples of people having revolutions and the outcome being good. PHwZGUjCOQg-00045-00012516-00012758 But you never really know. So if you're headed along PHwZGUjCOQg-00046-00012766-00013108 to this eventual goal, and you're just destroying everything on the way there? PHwZGUjCOQg-00047-00013108-00013396 If this turns out not to have the intended effect, PHwZGUjCOQg-00048-00013426-00013726 then you've done a lot of bad stuff to get to a bad outcome. PHwZGUjCOQg-00049-00013726-00013868 Third, you gotta remember, PHwZGUjCOQg-00050-00013868-00014032 that there's a really high chance, PHwZGUjCOQg-00051-00014046-00014291 that you're not gonna get to the desired outcome. PHwZGUjCOQg-00052-00014291-00014666 You're never gonna get there. So you could do a whole bunch of bad stuff on the way to trying to get there, PHwZGUjCOQg-00053-00014666-00014838 and then fail. And that happens... PHwZGUjCOQg-00054-00014858-00014916 all the time! PHwZGUjCOQg-00055-00014916-00015141 And lastly, I have come to realize that this thing... PHwZGUjCOQg-00056-00015162-00015252 doesn't exist. PHwZGUjCOQg-00057-00015280-00015819 There is no final end goal. Every single decision along the path of your life PHwZGUjCOQg-00058-00015846-00015984 is an end in itself. PHwZGUjCOQg-00059-00015984-00016362 And if the entire world lived as if the ends justify the means, PHwZGUjCOQg-00060-00016388-00016568 then the means in themselves PHwZGUjCOQg-00061-00016590-00016756 are gonna be a terrifying end. PHwZGUjCOQg-00062-00016770-00016854 So I jumped off that train. PHwZGUjCOQg-00063-00016854-00017174 And now I do not see an idea as a good idea PHwZGUjCOQg-00064-00017184-00017592 if it requires me to defy my values or my ethics. PHwZGUjCOQg-00065-00017592-00017778 It doesn't matter how good it's gonna be in the end, PHwZGUjCOQg-00066-00017778-00018012 or what- all the stuff I could do with that money if I got it. PHwZGUjCOQg-00067-00018012-00018292 And I kinda needed to get okay with discarding ideas PHwZGUjCOQg-00068-00018302-00018502 because I couldn't figure out how to do them PHwZGUjCOQg-00069-00018548-00018690 and still be living the right way. PHwZGUjCOQg-00070-00018690-00018982 And that was surprisingly hard. Because I think, throughout my life, PHwZGUjCOQg-00071-00018996-00019422 I praised ideas above reality. PHwZGUjCOQg-00072-00019422-00019612 In a kind of way. I don't know if that made sense. PHwZGUjCOQg-00073-00019612-00019966 And I needed to get over that, and it's kind of been a liberation for me, because, one, PHwZGUjCOQg-00074-00019966-00020270 limitations are actually good for ideas. Like, being able to do PHwZGUjCOQg-00075-00020288-00020642 anything to get to your desired goal can be really paralyzing. PHwZGUjCOQg-00076-00020646-00020858 And two, it means that when I fail, PHwZGUjCOQg-00077-00020858-00021140 which I will do over and over and over again, and we all will do, PHwZGUjCOQg-00078-00021140-00021594 at least along the way to that failure, I did a bunch of things that I believed in. PHwZGUjCOQg-00079-00021594-00021834 And honestly, I've come to accept and believe PHwZGUjCOQg-00080-00021870-00022054 that it's those millions of tiny, PHwZGUjCOQg-00081-00022074-00022408 sometimes invisible actions, more than any huge accomplishment, PHwZGUjCOQg-00082-00022438-00022600 that really makes humanity work. PHwZGUjCOQg-00083-00022600-00022946 John, in the last ten years of doing this with you, and with this community, PHwZGUjCOQg-00084-00022954-00023208 this is one of the best... PHwZGUjCOQg-00085-00023232-00023362 and most helpful, PHwZGUjCOQg-00086-00023404-00023566 most important lessons I've learned. PHwZGUjCOQg-00087-00023566-00023656 Thank you for that. PHwZGUjCOQg-00088-00023682-00023778 Memento mori. PHwZGUjCOQg-00089-00023792-00023916 And I will see you in Bosto- PIrQnSQeIhE-00000-00000194-00000468 Hi! I am the Selenite wanderer, here for Noisy Fox PIrQnSQeIhE-00001-00000564-00001016 and I am going to perform a song called Joyce. PJBQo2DS5D8-00000-00000000-00000333 As we hit the homestretch of the high school football season, the schedule gets PJBQo2DS5D8-00001-00000333-00000699 a little less normalized, which means we get some Thursday Night Football. PJBQo2DS5D8-00002-00000699-00001196 But don't worry, Joe Buck is nowhere in sight. A cold and snowy night in Nevis as PJBQo2DS5D8-00003-00001196-00001623 they hosted Goodridge. On the Tigers opening drive, quarterback Luke DeWulf PJBQo2DS5D8-00004-00001623-00002144 with all day to pass, can't find an open receiver, but pulls it down himself, runs PJBQo2DS5D8-00005-00002144-00002552 it in for the touchdown as they take a 6 to nothing lead. On the two-point try, PJBQo2DS5D8-00006-00002552-00003024 DeWulf gets it again on the keeper option, makes it 8 to nothing. But the PJBQo2DS5D8-00007-00003024-00003393 chargers come charging back. Peyton Grandstrand runs it up the gut for the PJBQo2DS5D8-00008-00003393-00003836 touchdown, they get 2 to tie it up. And after Nevis's defense forces a turnover, in PJBQo2DS5D8-00009-00003836-00004404 the red zone looking for more but Lucian Tinnes gets the sack, forces a turnover on PJBQo2DS5D8-00010-00004404-00004941 downs. Chargers end up with a win 40-28. PK0KCdBvH7M-00000-00000006-00000354 here now is Josh McDowell talking to the Campus Crusade for Christ staff at PK0KCdBvH7M-00001-00000354-00000535 their headquarters in Orlando Florida PK0KCdBvH7M-00002-00000535-00000891 right here on Dr. James Dobson's family talk PK0KCdBvH7M-00003-00000891-00001269 we are going through this very moment we're sitting here, the fastest PK0KCdBvH7M-00004-00001269-00001434 cultural change PK0KCdBvH7M-00005-00001434-00001925 in the history of america and I would say 95 percent of believers PK0KCdBvH7M-00006-00001925-00002313 are missing that they're seen indications of it PK0KCdBvH7M-00007-00002313-00002750 but not what is really happening and I will address that issue because it's PK0KCdBvH7M-00008-00002750-00003036 becoming a whole foundation up having to speak out PK0KCdBvH7M-00009-00003036-00003629 and right from wrong and what I'm talking about is what has become the number PK0KCdBvH7M-00010-00003637-00004272 one virtue in America. The number one virtue in America has become the number PK0KCdBvH7M-00011-00004272-00004394 one threat PK0KCdBvH7M-00012-00004394-00004712 I want the top two or three threats to the cause of Christ PK0KCdBvH7M-00013-00004712-00005312 can anyone tell me what that number one virtue is used to be justice not anymore PK0KCdBvH7M-00014-00005312-00005730 justice is no longer the number one virtue it's been relegated way down the latter PK0KCdBvH7M-00015-00005737-00006194 what is the number one virtue that we face in America anyone? PK0KCdBvH7M-00016-00006290-00006543 tolerance tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00017-00006543-00007054 and here's the problem so many kids come home from school PK0KCdBvH7M-00018-00007054-00007478 their mom will say: what would you talk about today? PK0KCdBvH7M-00019-00007478-00007840 well now well we talked about tolerance all that's wonderful we need to be tolerant PK0KCdBvH7M-00020-00007840-00008175 no! it is not wonderful PK0KCdBvH7M-00021-00008175-00008596 and undermines everything that you believe it PK0KCdBvH7M-00022-00008596-00008890 now some you sitting I can just looking in your eyes say: PK0KCdBvH7M-00023-00008890-00008995 wait a minute Josh PK0KCdBvH7M-00024-00008995-00009360 you are off-base. no I'm not PK0KCdBvH7M-00025-00009360-00009807 you listen carefully the reason I'm say when i'm saying is this PK0KCdBvH7M-00026-00009807-00010184 is that we are singing of two different song sheets you see we're in a PK0KCdBvH7M-00027-00010184-00010327 transitional period PK0KCdBvH7M-00028-00010327-00010664 where there's two distinct definitions up tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00029-00010664-00011015 one by parents and people our age right here PK0KCdBvH7M-00030-00011015-00011453 the other by kids. and what has been ingrained and talk to our kids PK0KCdBvH7M-00031-00011453-00011777 is totally different then what is in your mind PK0KCdBvH7M-00032-00011777-00012078 as a parent and let me explain it PK0KCdBvH7M-00033-00012078-00012479 pretty much of you have been conditioned by what is referred to as PK0KCdBvH7M-00034-00012479-00012649 traditional tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00035-00012649-00012995 it is now referred to as negative tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00036-00012995-00013458 negative tolerance negative tolerance would be defined PK0KCdBvH7M-00037-00013458-00013805 by the Random House Unabridged Dictionary PK0KCdBvH7M-00038-00013805-00014152 was says tolerance is the recognized and respected PK0KCdBvH7M-00039-00014152-00014507 others beliefs practices without assuring them PK0KCdBvH7M-00040-00014507-00014963 or to bear put up with someone or something that especially PK0KCdBvH7M-00041-00014963-00015501 light that is how almost everyone in this room has been condition with tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00042-00015501-00015880 now that is referred to as negative tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00043-00015880-00016350 in our circles we would say and think we're very Godly for sake that very PK0KCdBvH7M-00044-00016354-00016851 righteous saying well you know you have to love the sinner but hate the sin PK0KCdBvH7M-00045-00016851-00017217 you say that in the most of universities classrooms in America PK0KCdBvH7M-00046-00017217-00017533 and you'll be leaving ,being labeled that a heretic, a bigot PK0KCdBvH7M-00047-00017533-00017914 and intolerant if you have that goal PK0KCdBvH7M-00048-00017914-00018380 to say well the most intolerant statements today that you are to love the sinner PK0KCdBvH7M-00049-00018383-00018830 but hate the sin and the reason is we're singing of a different song sheet PK0KCdBvH7M-00050-00018830-00019210 this is so critical that doctor would start a good goal PK0KCdBvH7M-00051-00019210-00019532 an article called the trouble with toleration says PK0KCdBvH7M-00052-00019532-00020110 toleration is the ultimate and only generally accepted the limitless test a morality PK0KCdBvH7M-00053-00020110-00020577 no other single category not justice not equality not PK0KCdBvH7M-00054-00020577-00020945 even freedom has one such wide PK0KCdBvH7M-00055-00020945-00021435 moral support in the Western world. We say things like PK0KCdBvH7M-00056-00021435-00021763 you know I love you but I don't believe in what you stand for PK0KCdBvH7M-00057-00021763-00022137 I love you but I don't believe in your lifestyle now PK0KCdBvH7M-00058-00022137-00022464 the way we pick condition that is righteous and intolerant PK0KCdBvH7M-00059-00022464-00022810 under the new song sheet that is so intolerant PK0KCdBvH7M-00060-00022810-00023260 it's pathetic now there's a new tolerance out on the new tolerance is called PK0KCdBvH7M-00061-00023266-00023880 positive tolerance over a guess what you been conditioned in negative tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00062-00023880-00024280 positive tolerance basically says this PK0KCdBvH7M-00063-00024280-00024780 every single individuals believes values PK0KCdBvH7M-00064-00024785-00025220 lifestyle in truth claims are equal PK0KCdBvH7M-00065-00025220-00025613 in other words there is no in the new buzzword is no hierarchy PK0KCdBvH7M-00066-00025613-00025954 in other words there's no truth greater than other truth PK0KCdBvH7M-00067-00025954-00026530 there is no belief greater than other belief. There's no value greater than other value or lifestyle PK0KCdBvH7M-00068-00026538-00026700 because a moment to say that PK0KCdBvH7M-00069-00026700-00027006 your lifestyle is better somebody else's life style that is hierarchy PK0KCdBvH7M-00070-00027006-00027391 and today that is labeled bigotry intolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00071-00027391-00027721 because you're saying there's hierarchy or pyramidal PK0KCdBvH7M-00072-00027721-00028224 when it comes to values beliefs truth claims or lifestyle PK0KCdBvH7M-00073-00028224-00028739 all individuals believe values lifestyles in truth claims are equal PK0KCdBvH7M-00074-00028739-00029200 for example I make the state and I believe Jesus Christ is the son of God. PK0KCdBvH7M-00075-00029200-00029443 This young lady over here says no After seeing all the good PK0KCdBvH7M-00076-00029443-00029636 works and everything else helping children PK0KCdBvH7M-00077-00029636-00030102 I believe Ronald McDonald is the son of God PK0KCdBvH7M-00078-00030102-00030406 Though we laugh at that listen carefully PK0KCdBvH7M-00079-00030406-00030784 under the Constitution we both PK0KCdBvH7M-00080-00030784-00031260 have an equal right to hold it but under tolerance both are equal. PK0KCdBvH7M-00081-00031260-00031515 You see the difference? PK0KCdBvH7M-00082-00031515-00031977 the new definition for bigotry and phonetics exists PK0KCdBvH7M-00083-00031977-00032489 the phonetic bigot is no longer a person with excessive religious but across religious PK0KCdBvH7M-00084-00032493-00033005 and usually mistaken enthusiasm for certain system of beliefs PK0KCdBvH7M-00085-00033005-00033505 but one who chooses so form a hierarchy PK0KCdBvH7M-00086-00033505-00033700 is a bigot in other words you say PK0KCdBvH7M-00087-00033700-00033947 there's a lifestyle greater than another lifestyle PK0KCdBvH7M-00088-00033947-00034100 there's a truth greater than another truth PK0KCdBvH7M-00089-00034100-00034560 there's a value greater than another value PK0KCdBvH7M-00090-00034560-00035006 that's bigotry today and it's intolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00091-00035006-00035474 fanaticism and heresy PK0KCdBvH7M-00092-00035474-00035966 Dr. Fredric W. Hill, school administrator at National Convention said PK0KCdBvH7M-00093-00035966-00036760 it is the mission a public schools not to tolerate intolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00094-00036761-00037150 because if you tolerate intolerant you're being intolerant PK0KCdBvH7M-00095-00037150-00037478 and you're gonna see what I mean by that we look at people say what PK0KCdBvH7M-00096-00037478-00037833 you're so inconsistent you're not be intolerant what they're tolerant PK0KCdBvH7M-00097-00037833-00038150 if most people in culture is tolerant toward you with what you believe PK0KCdBvH7M-00098-00038150-00038533 and they're being intolerant I said to my son PK0KCdBvH7M-00099-00038533-00039005 I said Sean and they taught you to be tolerant of the intolerant? PK0KCdBvH7M-00100-00039005-00039400 he said no I said that's right son I said they taught you to be tolerant to PK0KCdBvH7M-00101-00039400-00039890 the tolerant and giving you permission to be intolerant of the intolerant PK0KCdBvH7M-00102-00039890-00040009 he said dad, that's right PK0KCdBvH7M-00103-00040009-00040587 best of my friends understand that I said that's right PK0KCdBvH7M-00104-00040587-00040915 and what he was saying that if we're not intolerant to the intolerant that we are PK0KCdBvH7M-00105-00040915-00041460 not being intolerant and we're bigots PK0KCdBvH7M-00106-00041466-00041930 all truth is relative to the individual under positive tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00107-00041930-00042500 all truth is equal because it's only individual expression opinion and belief PK0KCdBvH7M-00108-00042500-00042900 because an objective God has been removed from Western civilization thought PK0KCdBvH7M-00109-00042900-00043300 this is why today they say you don't have morality PK0KCdBvH7M-00110-00043302-00043828 you have opinions as another new buzzword opinions PK0KCdBvH7M-00111-00043828-00044175 now here's a basic difference between negative tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00112-00044175-00044586 and positive tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00113-00044586-00044905 under negative tolerance, the word was permission PK0KCdBvH7M-00114-00044905-00045427 whether the gays lesbians or what we want permission from society PK0KCdBvH7M-00115-00045427-00045800 to live our life style in peace and we say okay,you can't. PK0KCdBvH7M-00116-00045800-00046100 we don't agree with you but you have permission to do it PK0KCdBvH7M-00117-00046100-00046349 under positive tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00118-00046349-00046900 its added a word now it's not only permission but praise PK0KCdBvH7M-00119-00046900-00047300 in the new phrase is permission and praise PK0KCdBvH7M-00120-00047300-00047650 in other words we not only want your permission we demand your praise PK0KCdBvH7M-00121-00047653-00047983 and if you do not give us praise PK0KCdBvH7M-00122-00047983-00048386 and you're intolerant and you're bigot PK0KCdBvH7M-00123-00048386-00048739 this is why Dr. RM Hare philosopher put it this way PK0KCdBvH7M-00124-00048739-00049214 he said tolerance is a readiness to respect other people's ideas as PK0KCdBvH7M-00125-00049214-00049544 if they were your own PK0KCdBvH7M-00126-00049544-00049877 and under positive tolerance if you do not give praise to another person's PK0KCdBvH7M-00127-00049877-00050310 beliefs, values, lifestyle,and truth claims as you do your own PK0KCdBvH7M-00128-00050310-00050800 Then you are intolerant and a bigot PK0KCdBvH7M-00129-00050800-00051250 you see it's totally opposite of most of us condition with PK0KCdBvH7M-00130-00051259-00051664 but when our kids come home and say we talked about tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00131-00051664-00051977 in almost every situation it's positive tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00132-00051977-00052550 but we responding as parents we have been condition with negative tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00133-00052550-00052870 we say:oh that's wonderful PK0KCdBvH7M-00134-00052870-00053390 when undermines every thing that we believe PK0KCdBvH7M-00135-00053390-00053904 is like Steven Kahn said in liberalism and the idea of tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00136-00053904-00054361 he said they also desired to be a steamed in this choice by the community PK0KCdBvH7M-00137-00054361-00054720 and take even win the applause against the will PK0KCdBvH7M-00138-00054725-00055039 so to speak up of the fails PK0KCdBvH7M-00139-00055039-00055463 what he's saying is this if we do not applaud other people's lifestyles, beliefs PK0KCdBvH7M-00140-00055463-00055700 values and truth claims as we do our own PK0KCdBvH7M-00141-00055700-00055994 and you're a bigot and you're intolerant PK0KCdBvH7M-00142-00055994-00056610 and then is Kenneth stern Dr. stern writing an article called battling bigotry on the campus PK0KCdBvH7M-00143-00056616-00057066 In writing to the University presidency said we must make the University call PK0KCdBvH7M-00144-00057066-00057451 comfortable for all its members PK0KCdBvH7M-00145-00057451-00057729 in other words no matter what the lifestyle or what PK0KCdBvH7M-00146-00057729-00058000 we must not only get permission we must get praise PK0KCdBvH7M-00147-00058000-00058339 and they must feel comfortable that what they're doing our PK0KCdBvH7M-00148-00058339-00058592 lifestyle or belief their value their truth claim PK0KCdBvH7M-00149-00058592-00058962 is equal in value to anyone else in the campus PK0KCdBvH7M-00150-00058962-00059274 That's called positive tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00151-00059274-00059682 Chuck Colson, his novel called Gideon's Torch hit up PK0KCdBvH7M-00152-00059682-00060101 Chuck is one a few people that really understand PK0KCdBvH7M-00153-00060101-00060567 what's happening in culture and can read it PK0KCdBvH7M-00154-00060567-00061045 Emily Gineen is a new attorney general nominee in the story PK0KCdBvH7M-00155-00061045-00061462 And a conservative Senator and the committee is grilling her PK0KCdBvH7M-00156-00061462-00061786 truth surrogate east set her eyes sparkling PK0KCdBvH7M-00157-00061786-00062210 not only offensive is when a government sees to it that every individual can enjoy PK0KCdBvH7M-00158-00062210-00062460 his or her full and equal opportunity PK0KCdBvH7M-00159-00062460-00062960 when every man and woman following the dictates of conscience PK0KCdBvH7M-00160-00062969-00063514 is not just tolerated but respected in their lifestyle choices PK0KCdBvH7M-00161-00063514-00063959 win bigotry that is saying one lifestyles is great than another, one values is great than another PK0KCdBvH7M-00162-00063959-00064329 when bigotry is banished from our common life PK0KCdBvH7M-00163-00064329-00064750 every single individuals beliefs values truth claims and lifestyles are equal PK0KCdBvH7M-00164-00064750-00065078 that's called positive tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00165-00065078-00065300 this is not a conspiracy, please understand that PK0KCdBvH7M-00166-00065300-00065728 It's not a group but evil men and women getting together PK0KCdBvH7M-00167-00065728-00066220 and say we're gonna destroy evangelical Christianity in the Mormons in the Muslims and everyone else PK0KCdBvH7M-00168-00066229-00066850 No, this is not. And everybody likes to find a conspiracy. It's not a conspiracy. No! PK0KCdBvH7M-00169-00066850-00067205 There's a lot of people taking advantage of it I don't blame them. PK0KCdBvH7M-00170-00067205-00067571 There's many people taking advantage of what's happened historically PK0KCdBvH7M-00171-00067571-00067985 I think there's several basic reasons there's many but several basic ones PK0KCdBvH7M-00172-00067985-00068280 about how we got the positive tolerance PK0KCdBvH7M-00173-00068280-00068914 one is a natural progression of history to where we are today not a conspiracy PK0KCdBvH7M-00174-00068914-00069255 going all the way back to the 13th century in Italy you have a video here PK0KCdBvH7M-00175-00069255-00069500 save the world of history PK0KCdBvH7M-00176-00069500-00070040 God the Creator God Western civilizations at the top created man is at the bottom PK0KCdBvH7M-00177-00070045-00070447 along came the Renaissance PK0KCdBvH7M-00178-00070447-00070806 in a Renaissance elevated man about a quarter the way PK0KCdBvH7M-00179-00070806-00071165 and brought God down about a quarter the way PK0KCdBvH7M-00180-00071165-00071450 and the Renaissance probably woulnd't have that great of an impact PK0KCdBvH7M-00181-00071450-00071800 if there hadn't been followed by the enlightenment the age of reason PK0KCdBvH7M-00182-00071800-00072110 man is the master of his soul PK0KCdBvH7M-00183-00072110-00072550 man to reasoning can solve all the problems understand life,everything PK0KCdBvH7M-00184-00072553-00072820 And with the enlightenment man was elevated up to about half way PK0KCdBvH7M-00185-00072820-00073100 and God was elevated down in western thought PK0KCdBvH7M-00186-00073100-00073450 then later on and in many other factors playing here PK0KCdBvH7M-00187-00073450-00073730 but thinking of all things in Industrial Revolution PK0KCdBvH7M-00188-00073730-00074100 and Industrial Revolution said we don't really need God PK0KCdBvH7M-00189-00074100-00074420 look at the great as plays look at the great things man can do PK0KCdBvH7M-00190-00074420-00074770 and when the industrial revolution philosophically in everything PK0KCdBvH7M-00191-00074770-00075070 man was elevated another quarter up to three quarter in PK0KCdBvH7M-00192-00075070-00075300 God was elevated down to a corner from the bottom PK0KCdBvH7M-00193-00075300-00075673 and then came Darwinism PK0KCdBvH7M-00194-00075673-00075980 they said look we don't even need God PK0KCdBvH7M-00195-00075980-00076390 to determine the origin of man or the universe PK0KCdBvH7M-00196-00076390-00076750 and in Western thought God fell off the screen PK0KCdBvH7M-00197-00076750-00077154 and man was elevated to the position the creator PK0KCdBvH7M-00198-00077154-00077530 and all sudden philosophically in universities around the everything PK0KCdBvH7M-00199-00077530-00077603 it caught up with us PK0KCdBvH7M-00200-00077603-00077800 and also and say wait a minute PK0KCdBvH7M-00201-00077800-00078220 there is no objective God which is always been the basis of truth PK0KCdBvH7M-00202-00078220-00078560 there's only me and so therefore all truth is relative PK0KCdBvH7M-00203-00078566-00079011 there's no objective truth to appeal to in a full truth is relative in truth PK0KCdBvH7M-00204-00079011-00079400 is an opinion of men therefore all truth is equal PK0KCdBvH7M-00205-00079400-00079883 and whatever they determine is morality is just different opinions of men PK0KCdBvH7M-00206-00079883-00080192 because there is no objective basis for truth PK0KCdBvH7M-00207-00080192-00080502 which you need for morality PK0KCdBvH7M-00208-00080502-00080820 and to me much of this is a progression of history PK0KCdBvH7M-00209-00080820-00081195 over the years now given over 22,000 talks PK0KCdBvH7M-00210-00081195-00081675 the cause to a thousand universities in 83 countries including Texas PK0KCdBvH7M-00211-00081675-00082172 and so I have a little background to make some of these statements PK0KCdBvH7M-00212-00082172-00082500 up until four or five years ago PK0KCdBvH7M-00213-00082500-00083050 an university. At first, let me ask you who is the number one heretic in universities today PK0KCdBvH7M-00214-00083058-00083371 who's a number one bigot? anyone? PK0KCdBvH7M-00215-00083371-00083734 Christian who? evangelical or evangelist PK0KCdBvH7M-00216-00083734-00084000 say the street evangelist work for that the street evangelist PK0KCdBvH7M-00217-00084000-00084288 someone like myself coming up PK0KCdBvH7M-00218-00084288-00084721 about 4,5 years ago up, until then this is the way you were heckled PK0KCdBvH7M-00219-00084721-00085110 I don't believe that proved to me that Jesus is son of the God I don't believe Christ PK0KCdBvH7M-00220-00085110-00085221 raising the daed PK0KCdBvH7M-00221-00085221-00085698 I don't think God exists substance PK0KCdBvH7M-00222-00085698-00086019 you know your heckled today? PK0KCdBvH7M-00223-00086019-00086523 the moment you say Jesus is a way the truth and life PK0KCdBvH7M-00224-00086523-00086829 they won't say: I don't believe that PK0KCdBvH7M-00225-00086829-00087155 I don't think Jesus is son of God, they'll say who have the right to say that you are bigot PK0KCdBvH7M-00226-00087155-00087290 you have no right to say that PK0KCdBvH7M-00227-00087290-00087752 you are intolerant the issue of the statement is not the key PK0KCdBvH7M-00228-00087752-00088068 the truthfulness of it the issue is style PK0KCdBvH7M-00229-00088068-00088457 what right do you have to say it PK0KCdBvH7M-00230-00088457-00088776 you're saying there's one truth and lifestyle higher than another, yes PK0KCdBvH7M-00231-00088776-00089086 you're a bigot, you are intolerant PK0KCdBvH7M-00232-00089086-00089632 salvation is found in no one else, what right do you have to say that? PK0KCdBvH7M-00233-00089632-00089951 see? seven eight nine years ago you won't hear that, the issue is PK0KCdBvH7M-00234-00089951-00090386 would then would have been why don't believe that? what about Buddha PK0KCdBvH7M-00235-00090386-00090893 now is who have the right to say that? you are intolerant PK0KCdBvH7M-00236-00090893-00091300 has been a complete epistemological mean a shift in the source of truth PK0KCdBvH7M-00237-00091300-00091688 epistemological shift in Western thought PK0KCdBvH7M-00238-00091688-00092150 and it's now just being fleshed out you may remember what I'm talking PK0KCdBvH7M-00239-00092150-00092328 about here is that something is going to happen PK0KCdBvH7M-00240-00092328-00092647 it has all ready happened PK0KCdBvH7M-00241-00092647-00092954 always say you know all the old workings of it PK0KCdBvH7M-00242-00092954-00093317 there has been a complete shift PK0KCdBvH7M-00243-00093317-00093607 and I talked to so many Christian leaders not talk to people within PK0KCdBvH7M-00244-00093607-00093847 crusade even PK0KCdBvH7M-00245-00093847-00094305 but oh Josh you are getting upset over nothing look I have faith in America PK0KCdBvH7M-00246-00094305-00094420 I had one leaders say what PK0KCdBvH7M-00247-00094423-00095000 look at all the republicans that were elected ,Maxi look at them PK0KCdBvH7M-00248-00095002-00095347 America won't stand with us they'll rise up PK0KCdBvH7M-00249-00095347-00095848 I see you're forgetting one thing as far as I know in the history of America PK0KCdBvH7M-00250-00095848-00096056 it's the first time we've had its sociological PK0KCdBvH7M-00251-00096056-00096585 anthropological change based upon a epistemological shift PK0KCdBvH7M-00252-00096585-00097221 of truth this never happened before in America, as far as I know PK0KCdBvH7M-00253-00097221-00097542 and I cannot find any time in history where the epistemological shift was PK0KCdBvH7M-00254-00097542-00097775 ever reversed PK0KCdBvH7M-00255-00097775-00098158 rationalism humanism enlightenment PK0KCdBvH7M-00256-00098158-00098568 darwinism no PK0KCdBvH7M-00257-00098568-00098966 And God tell us enough in a number of years you will look back to tolerance the PK0KCdBvH7M-00258-00098966-00099065 same way PK0KCdBvH7M-00259-00099065-00099404 people look back to humanism rationalism PK0KCdBvH7M-00260-00099404-00099880 enlightenment Darwinism everything it'll be equal to all that PK0KCdBvH7M-00261-00099880-00100360 so we better wake up we are facing something we have never faced before in the PK0KCdBvH7M-00262-00100360-00100523 history of American Western world PK0KCdBvH7M-00263-00100523-00101053 and that is a cultural change based upon a epistemological shift PK0KCdBvH7M-00264-00101053-00101199 of truth PK0KCdBvH7M-00265-00101199-00101676 and that makes it a whole different bogging PK0KCdBvH7M-00266-00101676-00102200 well I think you can see why we so strongly urge you to stay with us today PK0KCdBvH7M-00267-00102200-00102313 for this edition PK0KCdBvH7M-00268-00102313-00102728 up doctor james dobson's Family Talk hearing from our guest Josh McDowell PK0KCdBvH7M-00269-00102728-00103147 that is a rather sobering message but doctor dobson he does not end there PK0KCdBvH7M-00270-00103147-00103472 there's a whole lot more content to present and we'll be hearing the balance PK0KCdBvH7M-00271-00103472-00103540 over next time PM80tre6F6u-00000-00000012-00000639 Hi, my name is Ann and I am a registered Republican who did PM80tre6F6u-00001-00000639-00000868 vote for Donald Trump in 2016. PM80tre6F6u-00002-00000943-00001504 However, the United States is now finding itself in the greatest PM80tre6F6u-00003-00001504-00001932 crisis of my life and probably everyone else who's watching this. PM80tre6F6u-00004-00002011-00002717 It's a crisis that's not only a health crisis, but it underlays everything else. PM80tre6F6u-00005-00002792-00003440 It's affecting our economy, our socialization, especially of our children, PM80tre6F6u-00006-00003512-00003788 our politics, our society in general. PM80tre6F6u-00007-00003863-00004523 We can't fix anything until we fix the coronavirus pandemic and it PM80tre6F6u-00008-00004523-00005169 should be pretty obvious that the current policies are not working. PM80tre6F6u-00009-00005241-00005479 We need to elect Joe Biden. PM80tre6F6u-00010-00005533-00005669 He has a plan. PM80tre6F6u-00011-00005726-00006296 He's willing to listen to the experts and use their advice so that we can PM80tre6F6u-00012-00006296-00006794 conquer this pandemic and hopefully get back to some semblance of normal life. PM80tre6F6u-00013-00006875-00007611 So, I hope any of you Republicans that may disagree with some of the policies PM80tre6F6u-00014-00007611-00008161 of Joe Biden will still vote for him because we can worry about policy PM80tre6F6u-00015-00008161-00008700 disputes in another two or four years when the next elections come, but we PM80tre6F6u-00016-00008700-00009460 cannot go another four years and let this pandemic ravage through our country. PM80tre6F6u-00017-00009483-00009603 We just can't. PM80tre6F6u-00018-00009668-00010067 So, that's why I'm voting for Joe Biden and I hope you will too, PM80tre6F6u-00019-00010091-00010280 for the health of all Americans. PM80tre6F6u-00020-00010346-00010613 And I do wish Donald Trump has speedy recovery. PM80tre6F6u-00021-00010703-00010745 Thank you. PNDsUVsAZCg-00000-00000000-00000154 One thing we've learned about SoaPen PNDsUVsAZCg-00001-00000154-00000278 is that it can have a really big PNDsUVsAZCg-00002-00000278-00000358 global impact. PNDsUVsAZCg-00003-00000732-00000872 Over 1.5 million children PNDsUVsAZCg-00004-00000872-00001052 under the age of five die each year PNDsUVsAZCg-00005-00001052-00001182 due to infectious illnesses. PNDsUVsAZCg-00006-00001182-00001320 A majority of these illnessess PNDsUVsAZCg-00007-00001320-00001480 can be prevented by the simple act PNDsUVsAZCg-00008-00001480-00001657 of washing your hands at key times. PNDsUVsAZCg-00009-00002164-00002300 SoaPen is a soap pen. PNDsUVsAZCg-00010-00002300-00002446 Kids can draw with it on their hands, PNDsUVsAZCg-00011-00002446-00002556 and when they take it underwater PNDsUVsAZCg-00012-00002556-00002672 it lathers and washes off. PNDsUVsAZCg-00013-00002672-00002866 It's simple technology PNDsUVsAZCg-00014-00002866-00003092 that can be scaled affordably PNDsUVsAZCg-00015-00003092-00003250 and very easily PNDsUVsAZCg-00016-00003250-00003422 in schools and in households PNDsUVsAZCg-00017-00003422-00003546 across the world. PNDsUVsAZCg-00018-00003600-00003810 It doesn't make sense to me that PNDsUVsAZCg-00019-00003810-00003968 it's not easily accessible PNDsUVsAZCg-00020-00003968-00004114 to everyone in the world. PNDsUVsAZCg-00021-00004114-00004292 We saw the disparities growing up. PNDsUVsAZCg-00022-00004292-00004444 We were lucky to have PNDsUVsAZCg-00023-00004444-00004554 basic necessities, PNDsUVsAZCg-00024-00004554-00004780 and there's a huge population PNDsUVsAZCg-00025-00004780-00005024 that doesn't even have access to soap. PNDsUVsAZCg-00026-00005024-00005186 It was important for us to find PNDsUVsAZCg-00027-00005186-00005342 something that was so fundamental PNDsUVsAZCg-00028-00005342-00005516 to a child's well-being. PNDsUVsAZCg-00029-00005516-00005766 If you just prevent that disease, PNDsUVsAZCg-00030-00005766-00006090 it's way better for the kid PNDsUVsAZCg-00031-00006090-00006278 than them having to find healthcare PNDsUVsAZCg-00032-00006278-00006472 which doesn't exist. PNDsUVsAZCg-00033-00006472-00006628 Entering the soap industry PNDsUVsAZCg-00034-00006628-00006784 as a start-up is not easy. PNDsUVsAZCg-00035-00006784-00006976 Obviously, like with any other product PNDsUVsAZCg-00036-00006976-00007209 there's technical expertise needed. PNDsUVsAZCg-00037-00007209-00007322 So we had a very good sense PNDsUVsAZCg-00038-00007322-00007509 of exactly how we want it to look, PNDsUVsAZCg-00039-00007509-00007628 how we want it to feel, PNDsUVsAZCg-00040-00007628-00007726 where we want it to sit. PNDsUVsAZCg-00041-00007726-00007854 All those things, PNDsUVsAZCg-00042-00007854-00008072 but getting the right team together PNDsUVsAZCg-00043-00008072-00008256 took months on end. PNDsUVsAZCg-00044-00008256-00008410 I feel like we grow together PNDsUVsAZCg-00045-00008410-00008504 as a team. PNDsUVsAZCg-00046-00008504-00008638 During the whole process, PNDsUVsAZCg-00047-00008638-00008886 we were all basically new at this. PNDsUVsAZCg-00048-00008886-00009040 We've gone back and forth PNDsUVsAZCg-00049-00009040-00009188 on the littlest of things, PNDsUVsAZCg-00050-00009188-00009338 and made, like, the biggest mistakes PNDsUVsAZCg-00051-00009338-00009540 we things we are too embarrassed PNDsUVsAZCg-00052-00009540-00009818 to even tell people that we've done. PNDsUVsAZCg-00053-00009818-00010012 There's always, always changes. PNDsUVsAZCg-00054-00010012-00010150 Cost being one, PNDsUVsAZCg-00055-00010150-00010252 the packaging being one, PNDsUVsAZCg-00056-00010252-00010414 environmental... the human factor... PNDsUVsAZCg-00057-00010414-00010522 all four of them. PNDsUVsAZCg-00058-00010522-00010672 And you kind of have to balance PNDsUVsAZCg-00059-00010674-00010826 all of them at one time. PNDsUVsAZCg-00060-00010826-00010966 And you never know which PNDsUVsAZCg-00061-00010966-00011182 is the right balance. PNDsUVsAZCg-00062-00011182-00011356 Obviously, there are many PNDsUVsAZCg-00063-00011356-00011466 rejections. PNDsUVsAZCg-00064-00011466-00011546 There have been times PNDsUVsAZCg-00065-00011546-00011648 when we've wanted to give up. PNDsUVsAZCg-00066-00011648-00011792 To be a woman, PNDsUVsAZCg-00067-00011792-00011900 not just in design PNDsUVsAZCg-00068-00011900-00012078 but also in this field PNDsUVsAZCg-00069-00012078-00012176 of manufacturing, PNDsUVsAZCg-00070-00012176-00012314 you know, you don't see PNDsUVsAZCg-00071-00012314-00012440 going to factories it's like PNDsUVsAZCg-00072-00012440-00012590 mostly all men workers. PNDsUVsAZCg-00073-00012590-00012648 When we're on the phone PNDsUVsAZCg-00074-00012648-00012732 they're very like, PNDsUVsAZCg-00075-00012732-00012828 "Yes, we can do that!" PNDsUVsAZCg-00076-00012828-00012919 "It's such a great product!" PNDsUVsAZCg-00077-00012919-00013024 And then you show up there PNDsUVsAZCg-00078-00013024-00013134 and they realize you are, like, PNDsUVsAZCg-00079-00013134-00013369 not even 25. PNDsUVsAZCg-00080-00013369-00013452 We're always discussing PNDsUVsAZCg-00081-00013452-00013594 if we should take someone PNDsUVsAZCg-00082-00013594-00013728 older along with us PNDsUVsAZCg-00083-00013728-00013904 when we go for these factory visits. PNDsUVsAZCg-00084-00013904-00013991 We've decided PNDsUVsAZCg-00085-00013991-00014174 no. Not yet. PNDsUVsAZCg-00086-00014174-00014332 I think the James Dyson Award PNDsUVsAZCg-00087-00014332-00014432 has given us a lot of PNDsUVsAZCg-00088-00014432-00014594 recognition and credibility. PNDsUVsAZCg-00089-00014594-00014708 There is no design award PNDsUVsAZCg-00090-00014708-00014834 that's recognized as much PNDsUVsAZCg-00091-00014834-00014969 as the James Dyson Award. PNDsUVsAZCg-00092-00014969-00015086 Just having that stamp PNDsUVsAZCg-00093-00015086-00015236 was really important PNDsUVsAZCg-00094-00015236-00015338 and helpful. PNDsUVsAZCg-00095-00015338-00015530 James Dyson himself, as a founder PNDsUVsAZCg-00096-00015530-00015734 has been very inspiring PNDsUVsAZCg-00097-00015734-00015844 because we've gone through PNDsUVsAZCg-00098-00015844-00015974 numerous prototypes. PNDsUVsAZCg-00099-00015974-00016169 Just thousands and thousands PNDsUVsAZCg-00100-00016169-00016254 of prototypes, PNDsUVsAZCg-00101-00016254-00016440 from packaging to labels PNDsUVsAZCg-00102-00016440-00016628 to everything under the sun. PNDsUVsAZCg-00103-00016628-00016720 But... PNDsUVsAZCg-00104-00016720-00016866 to hear that James himself PNDsUVsAZCg-00105-00016866-00016948 did that with the first PNDsUVsAZCg-00106-00016948-00017164 vacuum prototype was really reassuring PNDsUVsAZCg-00107-00017164-00017214 because we were like, PNDsUVsAZCg-00108-00017214-00017330 "Alright. We're not the only PNDsUVsAZCg-00109-00017330-00017454 crazy people out there." PNDsUVsAZCg-00110-00017514-00017666 I think for our company PNDsUVsAZCg-00111-00017666-00017834 there's been two main missions. PNDsUVsAZCg-00112-00017834-00017984 To try to have some type PNDsUVsAZCg-00113-00017984-00018106 of social impact, PNDsUVsAZCg-00114-00018106-00018264 and the other one would be PNDsUVsAZCg-00115-00018264-00018380 just to have the products PNDsUVsAZCg-00116-00018380-00018512 have something that's fun. PNDsUVsAZCg-00117-00018512-00018706 That SoaPen has the potential PNDsUVsAZCg-00118-00018706-00018946 to save lives is almost overwhelming. PNDsUVsAZCg-00119-00018946-00019046 I just think about it PNDsUVsAZCg-00120-00019046-00019218 and if such a fun product PNDsUVsAZCg-00121-00019218-00019332 can have that impact, PNDsUVsAZCg-00122-00019332-00019458 then it's like our duty PNDsUVsAZCg-00123-00019458-00019610 to find a way to make sure PNDsUVsAZCg-00124-00019612-00019740 it has that impact. PNV_R_TZBHE-00000-00000556-00000656 Noemie: Hi! PNV_R_TZBHE-00001-00000656-00000764 I’m Noemie Sollier. PNV_R_TZBHE-00002-00000764-00001362 Before coming to Iowa State University I was a language teacher for several years. PNV_R_TZBHE-00003-00001362-00001898 Now I work as a graduate assistant at the language studies resource center. PNV_R_TZBHE-00004-00001898-00002588 In my job I use my expertise in language learning and technology to identify, review and recommend PNV_R_TZBHE-00005-00002588-00002913 effective language learning tools to faculty members. PNV_R_TZBHE-00006-00002913-00003520 Additionally, I am leading the development of a new language tutoring program in the PNV_R_TZBHE-00007-00003520-00003868 world language culture department. PNV_R_TZBHE-00008-00003868-00004389 My experience in both learning and teaching languages really supports Professor Ranalli’s PNV_R_TZBHE-00009-00004389-00005000 observation that language learners need to work on developing their vocabulary intentionally. PNV_R_TZBHE-00010-00005000-00005522 Let’s take a look at some examples of technology tools for vocabulary. PNV_R_TZBHE-00011-00005522-00005823 Internet Search One simple way of working with words on the PNV_R_TZBHE-00012-00005823-00006436 Internet is to simply search for all the texts that have a particular word. PNV_R_TZBHE-00013-00006436-00007022 For example, if we work with the word “collaboration” we will see what we find if we simply type PNV_R_TZBHE-00014-00007022-00007423 it in the browser and see what appears. PNV_R_TZBHE-00015-00007423-00008040 For many words, the first finding from a search will be a dictionary definition and so the PNV_R_TZBHE-00016-00008040-00008569 student, literally, has a dictionary at hand whenever he or she is sitting in front of PNV_R_TZBHE-00017-00008569-00008669 the computer. PNV_R_TZBHE-00018-00008669-00008940 Internet Search for Images Another interesting way to work with words PNV_R_TZBHE-00019-00008940-00009236 on the Internet is to search for images. PNV_R_TZBHE-00020-00009236-00009875 Again, we typed in “collaboration” and take a look at the images that we find. PNV_R_TZBHE-00021-00009875-00010538 There are some really interesting ones that come up for this; some are abstract work. PNV_R_TZBHE-00022-00010538-00010937 Here is what we get if we type the word “secure”. PNV_R_TZBHE-00023-00010937-00011482 And this works very nicely, of course, with concrete nouns where the images clearly make PNV_R_TZBHE-00024-00011482-00011604 sense. PNV_R_TZBHE-00025-00011604-00012096 And particularly for nonconcrete nouns that are more difficult or beginning level learners PNV_R_TZBHE-00026-00012096-00012579 who have a hard time working with the English definitions. PNV_R_TZBHE-00027-00012579-00013122 If we type the word “Dalmatian” we get results that are very clear as to what Dalmatian PNV_R_TZBHE-00028-00013122-00013283 means. PNV_R_TZBHE-00029-00013283-00013601 There are the results for Dalmatian. PNV_R_TZBHE-00030-00013601-00014115 These results leave no ambiguity about the meaning of the word when students at any level PNV_R_TZBHE-00031-00014115-00014281 find images like this. PNV_R_TZBHE-00032-00014281-00014683 Vocabulary Look-Up Tool When I was a language teacher, Google Translate PNV_R_TZBHE-00033-00014683-00014997 was unfortunately often misused by students. PNV_R_TZBHE-00034-00014997-00015601 As a result, I used to not like using it in the classroom until I realized how useful PNV_R_TZBHE-00035-00015601-00015836 it is as a vocabulary-learning tool. PNV_R_TZBHE-00036-00015836-00016306 [Beginning of video demonstration] This method of learning vocabulary using Google PNV_R_TZBHE-00037-00016306-00016771 Translate requires having a Google account and access to Google Chrome. PNV_R_TZBHE-00038-00016771-00017362 First, students need to install the free Google Translate extension. PNV_R_TZBHE-00039-00017362-00018423 Next, I am going to pretend that I am a student wanting to learn vocabulary about soccer. PNV_R_TZBHE-00040-00018423-00018848 I found an article about the 2022 soccer world cup final. PNV_R_TZBHE-00041-00018848-00019479 Now that I have the Google Translate extension enabled, when I highlight a word in the text, PNV_R_TZBHE-00042-00019479-00019948 I get its most frequent translation and its pronunciation instantly. PNV_R_TZBHE-00043-00019948-00020670 I can also highlight whole sentences at once, which results in a more accurate translation PNV_R_TZBHE-00044-00020670-00021106 in some cases and is helpful for understanding a word in context. PNV_R_TZBHE-00045-00021106-00021676 When I highlight a word, there is a button in the bottom right corner which opens Google PNV_R_TZBHE-00046-00021676-00021823 translate in a new tab. PNV_R_TZBHE-00047-00021823-00022479 On this page, I have dictionary definitions and examples of the word used in context. PNV_R_TZBHE-00048-00022479-00023048 On the right, I get several possible translations for the word which include synonyms. PNV_R_TZBHE-00049-00023048-00023504 If I click on the small star on the right, the word and its translation are saved in PNV_R_TZBHE-00050-00023504-00023718 my word bank. PNV_R_TZBHE-00051-00023718-00024201 Whenever I am done going through the text, I can open my word bank by clicking on the PNV_R_TZBHE-00052-00024201-00024437 big star at the bottom of the page. PNV_R_TZBHE-00053-00024437-00024929 I can then export the vocabulary list as a Google Sheet document. PNV_R_TZBHE-00054-00024929-00025489 This is extremely useful as I can then import this vocabulary list into vocabulary learning PNV_R_TZBHE-00055-00025489-00025769 applications, which we will talk about next. PTvpA0ry73g-00000-00000146-00000468 Thank you so much for 5000 subscribers PTvpA0ry73g-00001-00000544-00000744 Preview eating Peruvian rocoto pepper PTvpA0ry73g-00002-00001022-00001222 My surviving kit lol PTvpA0ry73g-00003-00001474-00001673 Hi guys, welcome back to Way Beyond Pad Thai Channel PTvpA0ry73g-00004-00001702-00002058 Today in this video, it's a special video PTvpA0ry73g-00005-00002084-00002284 It's a thank you video PTvpA0ry73g-00006-00002304-00002624 because I have just reached 5000 subscribers PTvpA0ry73g-00007-00002624-00002788 After all this hard work PTvpA0ry73g-00008-00002838-00003136 To thank you guys, in this video, I would like to do something.. PTvpA0ry73g-00009-00003196-00003464 Fun, interesting, different PTvpA0ry73g-00010-00003622-00003822 The climax of this video PTvpA0ry73g-00011-00003938-00004022 What is this for? PTvpA0ry73g-00012-00004204-00004404 I don't know. Let's put it here. PTvpA0ry73g-00013-00004404-00004598 So Antoine just brought me a gift PTvpA0ry73g-00014-00004598-00004758 In case I cry or something lol PTvpA0ry73g-00015-00004808-00005118 In this video, I'm going to do a rocoto pepper spicy challenge PTvpA0ry73g-00016-00005144-00005344 spicy chili from south america with 200000 SHU PTvpA0ry73g-00017-00005362-00005562 The reason I'm doing this because PTvpA0ry73g-00018-00005588-00005994 The biggest audience group of my subscribers are from Peru PTvpA0ry73g-00019-00006038-00006238 Because I have been doing a lot of video from Peru PTvpA0ry73g-00020-00007142-00007459 I have actually never found the actual spicy food while in Peru PTvpA0ry73g-00021-00007484-00007684 Not enough for my liking because I like eating spicy food PTvpA0ry73g-00022-00007780-00007980 In my video, I mentioned a few times that food is not spicy enough PTvpA0ry73g-00023-00008016-00008266 I thought ceviche is spicy and that food is spicy but I have never found one PTvpA0ry73g-00024-00008296-00008626 I got a lot of comment saying that I should try rocoto pepper PTvpA0ry73g-00025-00008670-00008870 When I tried this Peruvian dish called rocoto relleno (stuffed pepper) PTvpA0ry73g-00026-00008890-00009090 at a Picanteria in Arequipa PTvpA0ry73g-00027-00009090-00009200 I still found it not spicy PTvpA0ry73g-00028-00009262-00009462 So people comment, 'You should try it raw' PTvpA0ry73g-00029-00009702-00009952 I usually don't like eating this kind of thing raw PTvpA0ry73g-00030-00009998-00010224 But since I got so many comment saying that PTvpA0ry73g-00031-00010266-00010620 That's why we are doing it for our thank you video today PTvpA0ry73g-00032-00010654-00010854 I invited some people on Youtube to be a witness too PTvpA0ry73g-00033-00010886-00011086 I'm not sure if there will be anyone joining but.. PTvpA0ry73g-00034-00011120-00011460 If so, we will do this challenge with our friends right here PTvpA0ry73g-00035-00011498-00011698 One person just joined in PTvpA0ry73g-00036-00011970-00012106 Hi friend! PTvpA0ry73g-00037-00012262-00012426 I'm fine. I'm from Peru. PTvpA0ry73g-00038-00012532-00012732 You guys are in the video too :) PTvpA0ry73g-00039-00013041-00013126 Hi PTvpA0ry73g-00040-00013126-00013458 Do you want to choose which one for me to eat PTvpA0ry73g-00041-00013541-00013741 The big one.. This one? PTvpA0ry73g-00042-00014191-00014497 Over right? Your name is Over? PTvpA0ry73g-00043-00014544-00014744 Like, it's over! PTvpA0ry73g-00044-00014812-00015012 Hi Juaquin PTvpA0ry73g-00045-00015184-00015450 People are joining the zoom virtual meet-up, OMG! (Mo's happy face when more people are joining) PTvpA0ry73g-00046-00015474-00015841 Mo's shocked face when those were just a bunch of trolls joined to show a penis PTvpA0ry73g-00047-00015997-00016116 Oh my god! PTvpA0ry73g-00048-00016372-00016572 Sorry Mo, I'm so sorry. PTvpA0ry73g-00049-00016620-00017108 We got some friends right here so they can actually that I'm not cheating PTvpA0ry73g-00050-00017132-00017332 Ok, I'm not cheating PTvpA0ry73g-00051-00017910-00018110 Going in... PTvpA0ry73g-00052-00018182-00018382 Please.. no.. PTvpA0ry73g-00053-00019460-00019598 It's super crunchy PTvpA0ry73g-00054-00022840-00023040 You guys, I'm gonna be eating the black seeds too here PTvpA0ry73g-00055-00023326-00023716 That's the spiciest part of the rocoto pepper PTvpA0ry73g-00056-00024132-00024438 See, I'm really tearing up here PTvpA0ry73g-00057-00025140-00025340 That was a stupid move PTvpA0ry73g-00058-00025870-00026070 Some juice is needed PTvpA0ry73g-00059-00026556-00026756 You need tissue paper? PTvpA0ry73g-00060-00026762-00026962 I got it here PTvpA0ry73g-00061-00026962-00027082 Cry cry cry cry PTvpA0ry73g-00062-00027082-00027276 I'm crying right now PTvpA0ry73g-00063-00028958-00029158 You're sweating PTvpA0ry73g-00064-00029158-00029226 I know PTvpA0ry73g-00065-00029314-00029514 No, the spicy part is the seed PTvpA0ry73g-00066-00029598-00029798 I know but I don't know if I'm gonna eat it PTvpA0ry73g-00067-00029800-00030000 I don't know if I'm gonna eat it PTvpA0ry73g-00068-00030026-00030226 (3 mins earlier) I'm gonna be eating the black seeds too PTvpA0ry73g-00069-00030226-00030398 I don't know if I'm gonna eat it PTvpA0ry73g-00070-00030476-00030726 It's not spicy at all. The seeds are the spiciest. PTvpA0ry73g-00071-00030768-00031014 The f* not spicy. This is so spicy. PTvpA0ry73g-00072-00031170-00031370 Grab her some milk PTvpA0ry73g-00073-00031468-00031564 Do you want milk? PTvpA0ry73g-00074-00031564-00031704 No, I don't like milk PTvpA0ry73g-00075-00031704-00032026 I think I touched all my face with this PTvpA0ry73g-00076-00033204-00033404 What about chocolate milk? PTvpA0ry73g-00077-00034066-00034332 I'm gonna move you here so you can see other friends here PTvpA0ry73g-00078-00034458-00034658 There are my friends here PTvpA0ry73g-00079-00035634-00035722 Last one PTvpA0ry73g-00080-00036590-00036730 See here PTvpA0ry73g-00081-00036776-00037696 I'm tearing and I didn't even get to that spiciest part PTvpA0ry73g-00082-00037850-00038050 I think it got into my eyes PTvpA0ry73g-00083-00038804-00039004 Oh no.. My lips PTvpA0ry73g-00084-00039668-00039868 You have to see my lips here PTvpA0ry73g-00085-00039968-00040168 Crazy right? PTvpA0ry73g-00086-00040296-00040458 It's burning PTvpA0ry73g-00087-00040726-00040926 Oh!! Ice-cream PTvpA0ry73g-00088-00042110-00042526 This is already 5-10 minutes after I filmed outside there PTvpA0ry73g-00089-00042664-00042864 My lips are still burning PTvpA0ry73g-00090-00042900-00043100 I am right now, not well PTvpA0ry73g-00091-00043178-00043538 My stomach inside, I can feel it's already fucked up PTvpA0ry73g-00092-00043586-00043786 Well, you guys, I'm back to normal (with smile haha) PTvpA0ry73g-00093-00043858-00043972 Thank you so much Over PTvpA0ry73g-00094-00044044-00044364 Over was the only one who joined the virtual meet-up PTvpA0ry73g-00095-00044364-00044530 The only sane one lol PTvpA0ry73g-00096-00044584-00044808 Thank you again for this 5000 subscribers PTvpA0ry73g-00097-00044822-00045022 I know it's not that big of a number PTvpA0ry73g-00098-00045022-00045202 but it's a big thing for my small channel PTvpA0ry73g-00099-00045274-00045698 I really appreciate every minute you spend my time on my videos PTvpA0ry73g-00100-00045726-00046070 Thank you for all the views, likes, shares PTvpA0ry73g-00101-00046102-00046390 I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys in the next video :) PZfEa4mncdQ-00001-00002440-00002622 last episode PZfEa4mncdQ-00002-00002630-00002768 miso : lets take a break PZfEa4mncdQ-00003-00002834-00002934 amanda : just for 5 mnts PZfEa4mncdQ-00004-00003028-00003128 saad : fighting PZfEa4mncdQ-00005-00003515-00003620 serum : finish? PZfEa4mncdQ-00006-00003911-00004094 miso : i called them PZfEa4mncdQ-00012-00006360-00006473 miso : its very delicious PZfEa4mncdQ-00013-00006564-00006631 its very sweet and good PZfEa4mncdQ-00014-00006631-00006731 amanda : what is the name of this? PZfEa4mncdQ-00017-00007695-00008176 miso : halal guys start in 2015 here in korea PZfEa4mncdQ-00018-00008176-00008426 its been 4 years PZfEa4mncdQ-00020-00008592-00008698 amanda : what is this ? PZfEa4mncdQ-00021-00008806-00008940 this is the most delicious sauce in here PZfEa4mncdQ-00024-00009836-00009908 can you speak korean? PZfEa4mncdQ-00025-00009920-00009998 yes i can speak a little PZfEa4mncdQ-00026-00010282-00010426 amanda miso : we like this hhh PZfEa4mncdQ-00027-00010426-00011068 miso : it feels weird because we are all foreigners PZfEa4mncdQ-00030-00011442-00011578 amanda : thank you miso PZfEa4mncdQ-00031-00011582-00011682 i have a lot of money PZfEa4mncdQ-00032-00011794-00011918 amanda : i dont have walet with me PZfEa4mncdQ-00036-00013147-00013413 i need to be carefull while im holding this < its always scear me PZfEa4mncdQ-00050-00016928-00017114 marcella : i really wanted to eat brazilian food PZfEa4mncdQ-00053-00017310-00017410 saad : i want to go to brazil PZfEa4mncdQ-00054-00017648-00017842 marcella : just imagine eating brazilian food make me hungry PZfEa4mncdQ-00057-00018912-00019098 you put it on the rice and eat it PZfEa4mncdQ-00058-00019110-00019194 try it PZfEa4mncdQ-00059-00019194-00019290 saad : is it good? PZfEa4mncdQ-00060-00019290-00019362 marcella : yes it is PZfEa4mncdQ-00061-00019670-00019846 korean style , water is free PZfEa4mncdQ-00062-00019912-00020000 waw it smells so good PZfEa4mncdQ-00063-00020616-00020710 saad : it has a lot of onion PZfEa4mncdQ-00064-00021048-00021148 marcella : are you going to fart? PZfEa4mncdQ-00065-00021340-00021520 if you eat a lot of onion PZfEa4mncdQ-00066-00021520-00021582 saad : right PZfEa4mncdQ-00067-00021582-00021782 marcella : you will fart! PZfEa4mncdQ-00068-00022168-00022358 saad : im dieting now , omg what should i do PZfEa4mncdQ-00076-00024592-00025140 brazil people every lunch they need to eat this with rice PZfEa4mncdQ-00087-00027782-00028092 saad : lets just eat today without worry about my diet PZfEa4mncdQ-00095-00030826-00031033 it look so good PZfEa4mncdQ-00096-00031232-00031332 did you ever eat this kind of food before PZfEa4mncdQ-00097-00031358-00031488 no this is my first time ever PZfEa4mncdQ-00098-00031530-00031688 and this homus PZfEa4mncdQ-00099-00031688-00031888 should we have to eat homus? PZfEa4mncdQ-00100-00031888-00032200 if you want to eat it just eat it PZfEa4mncdQ-00101-00032226-00032383 but first you need to eat it with the bread PZfEa4mncdQ-00102-00032383-00032583 you need to eat it like this PZfEa4mncdQ-00103-00032583-00032682 like sauce? PZfEa4mncdQ-00106-00034326-00034466 you will feel the taste in the end PZfEa4mncdQ-00107-00035006-00035074 its good right? PZfEa4mncdQ-00108-00035156-00035288 serum you can try it too PZfEa4mncdQ-00109-00035316-00035488 its good but... PZfEa4mncdQ-00110-00035654-00035844 but i dont know what it taste like PZfEa4mncdQ-00111-00035852-00036088 you can feel the taste in the end PZfEa4mncdQ-00112-00036356-00036456 i need to keep eating it PZfEa4mncdQ-00114-00036848-00037158 mix mix mix mix PZfEa4mncdQ-00115-00037606-00038488 korean people they always take one from here and one from there and after that eat , but brazil people they just mix everything PZfEa4mncdQ-00116-00038620-00038890 korean people also mix there food PZfEa4mncdQ-00118-00039440-00039540 i will eat this for the first time PZfEa4mncdQ-00119-00039632-00039682 amanda : me too PZfEa4mncdQ-00120-00039698-00039798 what do you call this food? PZfEa4mncdQ-00121-00039946-00040094 i dont know eather hhh PZfEa4mncdQ-00122-00040702-00040866 i love the sauce PZfEa4mncdQ-00123-00040870-00040970 the sauce its good right? PZfEa4mncdQ-00132-00043724-00043934 this is more delicious PZfEa4mncdQ-00135-00047714-00047814 its very good right PZfEa4mncdQ-00136-00047816-00048016 amanda : i want to marry this PZfEa4mncdQ-00142-00050248-00050344 dont eat this PZfEa4mncdQ-00144-00050796-00050978 its really spicy PZfEa4mncdQ-00145-00050978-00051162 i think they made it with korean style PZfEa4mncdQ-00146-00051162-00051396 in brazil we dont make it this spicy PZfEa4mncdQ-00147-00051552-00051622 just little bit PZfEa4mncdQ-00148-00051708-00051798 dont cry PZfEa4mncdQ-00149-00051798-00051898 its very spicy PZfEa4mncdQ-00150-00051938-00052088 marcella i have question for you PZfEa4mncdQ-00151-00052088-00052288 yes tell me PZfEa4mncdQ-00152-00052428-00052628 i want to know , why did you came to korea? PZfEa4mncdQ-00153-00052628-00052804 why korea? PZfEa4mncdQ-00154-00052878-00053158 we recived this kind of questions a lkot right? PZfEa4mncdQ-00155-00053186-00053614 because we are foreigners thats why korean they always ask us like this PZfEa4mncdQ-00156-00053614-00053958 why you came to korea? PZfEa4mncdQ-00157-00054026-00054298 what do you like about korea? PZfEa4mncdQ-00160-00054544-00054662 so marcella why you are here? PZfEa4mncdQ-00161-00054728-00055158 i use to like asian culture from when i was young PZfEa4mncdQ-00162-00055305-00055882 and i start learning korean , but i was like , i want to learn korean in details PZfEa4mncdQ-00165-00055982-00056148 i had this taughs in my mind PZfEa4mncdQ-00166-00056158-00056376 did you study korean in brazil? PZfEa4mncdQ-00167-00056394-00056572 yes i started in brazil PZfEa4mncdQ-00168-00056572-00056716 i studied little bit but PZfEa4mncdQ-00169-00056752-00056874 it wa so hard PZfEa4mncdQ-00170-00056874-00056955 at school? PZfEa4mncdQ-00171-00057024-00057174 like language center PZfEa4mncdQ-00172-00057279-00057354 but PZfEa4mncdQ-00173-00057354-00057462 really PZfEa4mncdQ-00174-00057462-00057640 i wanted to do well PZfEa4mncdQ-00175-00057640-00057804 i came to study korean here PZfEa4mncdQ-00176-00057804-00057950 thats was the reason you are here? PZfEa4mncdQ-00177-00058124-00058429 so for 1 and half i study korean PZfEa4mncdQ-00178-00058434-00058508 just korean PZfEa4mncdQ-00180-00058576-00058652 YES JUST KOREAN PZfEa4mncdQ-00181-00058682-00058805 where? PZfEa4mncdQ-00182-00058841-00059005 at SNU korean language center PZfEa4mncdQ-00191-00062210-00062476 here in korea , we need to stand up and go and take food right? PZfEa4mncdQ-00192-00062498-00063105 but in brazil we just sit and waiters will bring everything to us PZfEa4mncdQ-00195-00063240-00063398 but this is really delicious PZfEa4mncdQ-00197-00063848-00063972 saad , tell me why did you came to korea? PZfEa4mncdQ-00200-00064379-00064554 to be honest , i used to love korea so much PZfEa4mncdQ-00202-00064941-00065186 to be honest i love kpop PZfEa4mncdQ-00203-00065341-00065546 so from 2016 i like kpop PZfEa4mncdQ-00204-00065744-00066212 because i like kpop , i got to know about korea PZfEa4mncdQ-00205-00066212-00066408 like culture , language... PZfEa4mncdQ-00208-00066816-00066922 because of kpop PZfEa4mncdQ-00209-00066962-00067106 i know it PZfEa4mncdQ-00211-00067372-00067502 so i start liking it PZfEa4mncdQ-00212-00067556-00067656 but before PZfEa4mncdQ-00214-00067848-00068074 when i was in middle school PZfEa4mncdQ-00215-00068106-00068252 i wanted to go to japan PZfEa4mncdQ-00216-00068254-00068310 japan? PZfEa4mncdQ-00217-00068436-00068646 i wanted to go to japan at first time PZfEa4mncdQ-00218-00068760-00068946 but when i know about korea PZfEa4mncdQ-00219-00069146-00069492 when i was 16 years old PZfEa4mncdQ-00220-00069506-00069906 so i told my family once i graduate from high school PZfEa4mncdQ-00222-00070016-00070402 i will go and study in korea PZfEa4mncdQ-00223-00070402-00070634 i told them like this PZfEa4mncdQ-00224-00070638-00070982 but my family theu thaught that i was joking with them PZfEa4mncdQ-00228-00071648-00071926 so i decide to work hard for it PZfEa4mncdQ-00229-00071926-00072342 and i did a lot of part time jobs and earn money by myself PZfEa4mncdQ-00231-00072642-00072980 i worked for 2 years as part time job when i was in high school PZfEa4mncdQ-00233-00073288-00073594 so i saved a lot of money and i showed that to my father PZfEa4mncdQ-00234-00073594-00073894 dad for 2 years i wated to go to korea PZfEa4mncdQ-00235-00073894-00074340 for 2 years i worked so hard and saved this much of moeny PZfEa4mncdQ-00236-00074340-00074428 so send me to korea now PZfEa4mncdQ-00237-00074520-00075018 so my dad sow that and sow my pation to go to korea PZfEa4mncdQ-00238-00075024-00075126 so he just send me and im here now PZfEa4mncdQ-00240-00075294-00075502 i will give you more money PZfEa4mncdQ-00243-00076046-00076288 2015 its been 4 years im in korea PZfEa4mncdQ-00244-00076378-00076498 ive been here almost 2 years now PZfEa4mncdQ-00246-00076964-00077406 when i graduat from high school and i came to korea right away PZfEa4mncdQ-00250-00077708-00078108 for me i graduate from univeristy and i study lower too PZfEa4mncdQ-00251-00078108-00078264 lower? PZfEa4mncdQ-00252-00078276-00078370 really? PZfEa4mncdQ-00253-00078434-00078726 i worked as lower in brazil for 1 years and half PZfEa4mncdQ-00254-00078746-00078986 and saved some money i came here PZfEa4mncdQ-00255-00079076-00079248 PD : you are good at talk fight ? PZfEa4mncdQ-00256-00079334-00079396 why? PZfEa4mncdQ-00257-00079442-00079624 because lowers are good at talking PZfEa4mncdQ-00258-00079836-00080170 but i think lower job it doesnt suit me PZfEa4mncdQ-00259-00080170-00080316 because we need to fight PZfEa4mncdQ-00260-00080440-00080666 but i was really a nice lower hhhh PZfEa4mncdQ-00261-00080758-00080972 isnt abvious that lower need to be nice? PZfEa4mncdQ-00262-00081048-00081226 no we need to fight PZfEa4mncdQ-00270-00083200-00083300 we , really PZfEa4mncdQ-00271-00083322-00083492 we are friends almost 2 years right PZfEa4mncdQ-00272-00083918-00084314 dont do this here hh peopl are watching PZfEa4mncdQ-00274-00084374-00084500 you are my love PZfEa4mncdQ-00275-00084888-00085208 thats why i choosed you in the morning PhyK26hm0NA-00000-00000033-00000449 Aloha are you ready to get the most out of your Hawaii experience? PhyK26hm0NA-00001-00000459-00000893 Then you're going to need the best ground transportation service the islands have to offer PhyK26hm0NA-00002-00000942-00001673 That's why you'll want to go with pono Express pono comes from the Hawaiian meaning of balance and righteousness which is PhyK26hm0NA-00003-00001696-00002322 Exactly what they hope to reflect in all their actions with their key mission providing the highest quality service PhyK26hm0NA-00004-00002373-00003035 This comes with professional courtesy affordable pricing and that Aloha experience you can't get anywhere else PhyK26hm0NA-00005-00003090-00003530 Whether you need group transportation a private car tour or medical transportation PhyK26hm0NA-00006-00003582-00004151 pono Express can provide it on all four islands, Oahu Maui, Hawaii and Hawaii PhyK26hm0NA-00007-00004225-00004529 larger vehicles are available and your transportation needs are PhyK26hm0NA-00008-00004582-00005127 Customizable so get in touch today arrange your trip from the airport to your favorite resort now PhyK26hm0NA-00009-00005155-00005748 Save time and book online at pono Express calm and enjoy that aloha service PhVCbGMP1e4-00000-00000528-00000796 How many (goats do you have)? 50? PhVCbGMP1e4-00001-00000896-00000977 40 goats PhVCbGMP1e4-00002-00000984-00001054 Or more.. PhVCbGMP1e4-00003-00001536-00001770 I used the goat for food PhVCbGMP1e4-00004-00001782-00001918 And I already had grandchildrens PhVCbGMP1e4-00005-00001918-00002106 So i sold the goats to pay for my kids education PhVCbGMP1e4-00006-00002120-00002236 And for my grandchildrens’ education PhVCbGMP1e4-00007-00002634-00002876 The baby goats loves to drink bottled milk PhVCbGMP1e4-00008-00002876-00003180 And they don’t like to drink directly from their mothers PhVCbGMP1e4-00009-00003332-00003628 I think goats are smart PhVCbGMP1e4-00010-00003740-00004122 Until now, some goats love to enter our house PhVCbGMP1e4-00011-00004140-00004252 In the past, when the goats were still a baby PhVCbGMP1e4-00012-00004252-00004654 When they were just 5-6 kg, they love to enter our house and hide behind the curtains PhVCbGMP1e4-00013-00004654-00004952 I find it surprising and entertaining PhVCbGMP1e4-00014-00005132-00005416 And the baby goats wouldn’t want to get out from the house if I didn’t give them bottled milk PhVCbGMP1e4-00015-00005436-00005590 Goats are smart, they just can’t talk like human PhVCbGMP1e4-00016-00005654-00005944 Maybe if they can speak to human, they will say ‘oh, its comfortable here, grandma’ PiO3I8YEqdy-00000-00000000-00000282 This video will demonstrate how to use PiO3I8YEqdy-00001-00000282-00000561 the CAS Source Index or CASSI, PiO3I8YEqdy-00002-00000561-00000786 use CASSI to find the abbreviation of PiO3I8YEqdy-00003-00000786-00001015 a journal title or a full journal title, PiO3I8YEqdy-00004-00001015-00001401 given the abbreviation, for publications indexed by CAS,1 PiO3I8YEqdy-00005-00001401-00001717 Chemical Abstract Services, since 1907. PiO3I8YEqdy-00006-00001717-00002022 Given CAS' focus on chemistry literature, PiO3I8YEqdy-00007-00002022-00002211 this tool will be most useful for PiO3I8YEqdy-00008-00002211-00002434 looking at publications related to chemistry, PiO3I8YEqdy-00009-00002434-00002823 biochemistry, and to some extent, chemical engineering. PiO3I8YEqdy-00010-00002823-00003218 Also, if you are creating references by hand rather than PiO3I8YEqdy-00011-00003218-00003365 using a bibliographic software PiO3I8YEqdy-00012-00003365-00003529 management tool like Mendeley, PiO3I8YEqdy-00013-00003529-00003758 Zotero, or EndNote, and are following PiO3I8YEqdy-00014-00003758-00003881 the ACS Style Guide for PiO3I8YEqdy-00015-00003881-00004163 referencing, this tool will be useful to you. PiO3I8YEqdy-00016-00004163-00004439 CASSI can also be used to double-check the output of PiO3I8YEqdy-00017-00004439-00004580 the software to ensure that PiO3I8YEqdy-00018-00004580-00004832 the title has been abbreviated correctly. PiO3I8YEqdy-00019-00004832-00005066 To find the abbreviation for PiO3I8YEqdy-00020-00005066-00005324 a publication, type in the title. PiO3I8YEqdy-00021-00005324-00005637 Use exact match with some caution. PiO3I8YEqdy-00022-00005637-00005876 It works kind of like a phrase search, only, PiO3I8YEqdy-00023-00005876-00006080 it's even more exact. PiO3I8YEqdy-00024-00006080-00006489 So it will take into account spacing and punctuation. PiO3I8YEqdy-00025-00006489-00006705 So here with that extra space, PiO3I8YEqdy-00026-00006705-00006945 I have 0 results. PiO3I8YEqdy-00027-00007034-00007630 These terms are, these words will be searched PiO3I8YEqdy-00028-00007630-00007819 within the title or PiO3I8YEqdy-00029-00007819-00008284 abbreviation part of the database, in any order. PiO3I8YEqdy-00030-00008284-00008758 And also CASSI does not use or does PiO3I8YEqdy-00031-00008758-00009317 not support Boolean nor wildcard searching. PiO3I8YEqdy-00032-00009690-00009994 Searching by title gives me PiO3I8YEqdy-00033-00009994-00010300 the abbreviation underneath here. PiO3I8YEqdy-00034-00010300-00010571 To find the full title of PiO3I8YEqdy-00035-00010571-00010873 an abbreviation, type in the abbreviation. PiO3I8YEqdy-00036-00010873-00011155 Again, if you have "Exact match" chosen, PiO3I8YEqdy-00037-00011155-00011466 ensure that the punctuation is exact. PiO3I8YEqdy-00038-00011466-00011951 With it unchecked, the punctuation is not as important. PiO3I8YEqdy-00039-00011951-00012221 So for example [removing periods]. PiO3I8YEqdy-00040-00012304-00012584 And then in the result, or in PiO3I8YEqdy-00041-00012584-00012821 the search results for the publication, PiO3I8YEqdy-00042-00012821-00013215 the journal title is above the abbreviated title. PiO3I8YEqdy-00043-00013279-00013601 If you have questions about the content of this video, PiO3I8YEqdy-00044-00013601-00013871 contact someone at the library through chat or email. PiO3I8YEqdy-00045-00013871-00014082 If you're viewing this on a Research Guide, PiO3I8YEqdy-00046-00014082-00014354 contact information for the staff member responsible for PiO3I8YEqdy-00047-00014354-00014483 the content of the guide can PiO3I8YEqdy-00048-00014483-00014641 be found on the left-hand side. PiO3I8YEqdy-00049-00014641-00014814 If you're viewing this in YouTube, PiO3I8YEqdy-00050-00014814-00015075 links to contacts are below. PjmLhlFcD7y-00000-00000040-00000454 43 Welcome to the chapter five six key note. PjmLhlFcD7y-00001-00000484-00000787 Let's summarize what we did a little bit in chapter 4 PjmLhlFcD7y-00002-00000787-00001091 and then we're going to move on to Chapters 5 & 6 PjmLhlFcD7y-00003-00001091-00001404 so we're breaking down over these next three chapters PjmLhlFcD7y-00004-00001404-00001649 or really, I guess for four five six seven. PjmLhlFcD7y-00005-00001690-00001935 How do we deal with numerical variables PjmLhlFcD7y-00006-00001935-00002175 and categorical variables in a numerical we have discrete PjmLhlFcD7y-00007-00002175-00002347 and continuous and then categorical PjmLhlFcD7y-00008-00002347-00002650 or non-numeric now chapter 4 dealt with discrete. PjmLhlFcD7y-00009-00002709-00003071 Alright, and let's just review that so we took a look at PDFs PjmLhlFcD7y-00010-00003071-00003482 and this is where you could make a list of your sample space I PjmLhlFcD7y-00011-00003482-00003726 which is different from continuous what we saw PjmLhlFcD7y-00012-00003726-00003946 in chapter 5 and 6, we couldn't make a list PjmLhlFcD7y-00013-00003946-00004054 of the possible values. PjmLhlFcD7y-00014-00004054-00004328 We had to give a range of possible values, PjmLhlFcD7y-00015-00004374-00004472 but if you can make a list PjmLhlFcD7y-00016-00004472-00004680 because you have a discrete numerical variable make PjmLhlFcD7y-00017-00004680-00005038 that table and then those probabilities have to Total PjmLhlFcD7y-00018-00005038-00005387 out to one each time and you've got your mean formula your PjmLhlFcD7y-00019-00005387-00005748 variance formula and you could calculate probabilities, right? PjmLhlFcD7y-00020-00005748-00005965 And then we have the special case the binomial PjmLhlFcD7y-00021-00006042-00006263 Where once we pass these four properties, PjmLhlFcD7y-00022-00006307-00006530 we were in a binomial experiment right PjmLhlFcD7y-00023-00006530-00006827 and still we had a probability formula wait A Min formula PjmLhlFcD7y-00024-00006827-00007002 and we had a standard deviation formula, PjmLhlFcD7y-00025-00007056-00007460 but we were using binomial PDF and binomial CDF down here PjmLhlFcD7y-00026-00007460-00007626 to calculate those probabilities PjmLhlFcD7y-00027-00007677-00007898 and then we would use the complement rule PjmLhlFcD7y-00028-00007907-00008119 for what let me back this up for PDF. PjmLhlFcD7y-00029-00008119-00008459 We had the equal sign and for CDF we had the less PjmLhlFcD7y-00030-00008472-00008743 than an equal to less than or equal to sign PjmLhlFcD7y-00031-00008748-00009013 and if you had a greater than symbol a greater than or equal. PjmLhlFcD7y-00032-00009013-00009430 Call to or a strictly less than you had to use a combination PjmLhlFcD7y-00033-00009436-00009756 of one of these two to calculate that probability PjmLhlFcD7y-00034-00009777-00010029 and that's what we did in discrete land. PjmLhlFcD7y-00035-00010029-00010109 That was great. PjmLhlFcD7y-00036-00010127-00010303 But now let's take it over and look PjmLhlFcD7y-00037-00010303-00010526 at continuous numerical variables. PjmLhlFcD7y-00038-00010526-00010692 And that's what we looked PjmLhlFcD7y-00039-00010718-00011074 at in chapters 5 & 6 chapter 5 was the uniform distribution PjmLhlFcD7y-00040-00011127-00011368 and chapter 6 was the standard normal PjmLhlFcD7y-00041-00011368-00011558 and then the regular normal curve. PjmLhlFcD7y-00042-00011614-00011956 And so with those the distributions instead PjmLhlFcD7y-00043-00011956-00012018 of Being a table. PjmLhlFcD7y-00044-00012029-00012272 We're going to make a graph and the most common one. PjmLhlFcD7y-00045-00012272-00012420 There's the uniform distribution. PjmLhlFcD7y-00046-00012420-00012705 And again, you can see that my variable down here goes from A PjmLhlFcD7y-00047-00012705-00012879 to B. I can't make a list. PjmLhlFcD7y-00048-00012879-00013253 I have to actually make a graph of the possible values PjmLhlFcD7y-00049-00013253-00013453 in my variable when you hear uniform. PjmLhlFcD7y-00050-00013479-00013739 It literally means that the height up here is the same PjmLhlFcD7y-00051-00013778-00014103 for every single value and whatever this number here is PjmLhlFcD7y-00052-00014103-00014258 on the bottom, whatever the width PjmLhlFcD7y-00053-00014258-00014512 of that rectangle the height is its reciprocal. PjmLhlFcD7y-00054-00014562-00014786 Alright, and in terms of the normal curve, PjmLhlFcD7y-00055-00014786-00014981 let me just undo my markings here. PjmLhlFcD7y-00056-00015016-00015237 Take a look at those for normal distributions. PjmLhlFcD7y-00057-00015305-00015661 I'm pause just for a moment and between the red green blue PjmLhlFcD7y-00058-00015661-00015930 and purple which one is the standard normal curve. PjmLhlFcD7y-00059-00015998-00016216 If you take a look at it, if I said hey one PjmLhlFcD7y-00060-00016216-00016328 of those foreign there just PjmLhlFcD7y-00061-00016335-00016602 because I grabbed this from Google Images. PjmLhlFcD7y-00062-00016634-00016810 One of them is the standard normal curve. PjmLhlFcD7y-00063-00016861-00017052 So let's just try and break this down. PjmLhlFcD7y-00064-00017052-00017227 Which one is the standard normal curve. PjmLhlFcD7y-00065-00017227-00017420 Well when I'm talking about the standard normal curve, PjmLhlFcD7y-00066-00017420-00017564 we're talking about Z scores. PjmLhlFcD7y-00067-00017609-00017787 They are still normally distributed, PjmLhlFcD7y-00068-00017819-00017984 but they're centered at 1 and excuse me. PjmLhlFcD7y-00069-00017984-00018352 They're centered at 0 and have a standard deviation of 1 well PjmLhlFcD7y-00070-00018352-00018609 if they're centered at 0 that rules out the purple curve, PjmLhlFcD7y-00071-00018665-00018968 right and then if if we take a look while we're PjmLhlFcD7y-00072-00018968-00019233 which of these curves has a standard deviation of one. PjmLhlFcD7y-00073-00019233-00019373 Well, you can see that here. PjmLhlFcD7y-00074-00019377-00019607 I'm given the variance because it's Sigma squared. PjmLhlFcD7y-00075-00019641-00019950 But if you look at the green curve, you see the variance is 1 PjmLhlFcD7y-00076-00019963-00020171 and if I took the square root of that number, PjmLhlFcD7y-00077-00020205-00020305 that would also be one. PjmLhlFcD7y-00078-00020345-00020663 So so this green curve is actually the standard normal PjmLhlFcD7y-00079-00020663-00020983 curve and just one other thing to take note of I want you to. PjmLhlFcD7y-00080-00020994-00021296 See at least with these three curves the red green PjmLhlFcD7y-00081-00021296-00021375 and blue curve. PjmLhlFcD7y-00082-00021407-00021701 You can see that as you move from red to green to blue. PjmLhlFcD7y-00083-00021701-00021993 The variance is getting larger and I want you to see PjmLhlFcD7y-00084-00021993-00022190 that the Peaks are getting smaller. PjmLhlFcD7y-00085-00022247-00022279 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00086-00022279-00022487 So the more spread out you are PjmLhlFcD7y-00087-00022487-00022675 like on this blue curve the more spread out. PjmLhlFcD7y-00088-00022675-00022859 You are the lower the height. PjmLhlFcD7y-00089-00022859-00023006 It doesn't get that tall. PjmLhlFcD7y-00090-00023006-00023238 All right, and you can see on the standard normal curve. PjmLhlFcD7y-00091-00023238-00023371 You're a little bit more spread out, right? PjmLhlFcD7y-00092-00023371-00023592 You have a higher variance meaning your spread out more PjmLhlFcD7y-00093-00023592-00023746 and have a little bit of a higher Peak PjmLhlFcD7y-00094-00023746-00023923 and then here on this red curve. PjmLhlFcD7y-00095-00023923-00023994 You're really not. PjmLhlFcD7y-00096-00023994-00024287 Not that spread out as not the best racing job PjmLhlFcD7y-00097-00024287-00024473 and you can see you got a pretty high peak. PjmLhlFcD7y-00098-00024513-00024533 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00099-00024533-00025049 Okay, so moving from there in terms of probabilities if I want PjmLhlFcD7y-00100-00025049-00025371 to calculate a probability on a continuous curve. PjmLhlFcD7y-00101-00025371-00025529 I'm going to go with area under the curve. PjmLhlFcD7y-00102-00025567-00025790 Now if we have the uniform distribution, PjmLhlFcD7y-00103-00025817-00026050 we're going to use base times height absolute base PjmLhlFcD7y-00104-00026050-00026088 times height. PjmLhlFcD7y-00105-00026088-00026303 We're always going to use that to figure this out. PjmLhlFcD7y-00106-00026303-00026684 All right, and now if we have a normal curve we're going PjmLhlFcD7y-00107-00026684-00026779 to use normalcdf. PjmLhlFcD7y-00108-00026801-00027146 This is the one where we don't have the This under our belts PjmLhlFcD7y-00109-00027146-00027480 to actually calculate this the longer way and we don't need PjmLhlFcD7y-00110-00027480-00027656 to we've got technology to do it now. PjmLhlFcD7y-00111-00027677-00028078 So let's use it and while I only showed you in this class PjmLhlFcD7y-00112-00028122-00028512 to continuous distributions, there's plenty out there. PjmLhlFcD7y-00113-00028551-00028602 There's the poisson. PjmLhlFcD7y-00114-00028602-00028893 So there's the exponential I even Google Images PjmLhlFcD7y-00115-00028893-00029238 to fancier one where it was a triangle distribution PjmLhlFcD7y-00116-00029266-00029452 and you would still find probability PjmLhlFcD7y-00117-00029452-00029741 by using an area formula an area formula either PjmLhlFcD7y-00118-00029741-00030040 from like a geometry class or we would have Ecology to do it. PjmLhlFcD7y-00119-00030040-00030191 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00120-00030191-00030547 So let's let's take a look at that uniform distribution. PjmLhlFcD7y-00121-00030547-00030977 So in terms of constructing this graph, right, you're going PjmLhlFcD7y-00122-00030977-00031288 to put your variable on the x-axis probability along the Y, PjmLhlFcD7y-00123-00031331-00031515 right that's analogous to putting the PjmLhlFcD7y-00124-00031529-00031899 or labeling the top row of your table as X in the bottom row PjmLhlFcD7y-00125-00031899-00032288 of your table as probability and whatever this number is here. PjmLhlFcD7y-00126-00032288-00032448 Whatever this distance. PjmLhlFcD7y-00127-00032448-00032573 All right, and you'll hear me refer to it PjmLhlFcD7y-00128-00032573-00033005 as B minus a right whatever that distance is the highwomen. PjmLhlFcD7y-00129-00033005-00033349 Is the reciprocal of that so what I mean is if this was PjmLhlFcD7y-00130-00033353-00033707 for then this would be a 1/4 here some make that a fraction. PjmLhlFcD7y-00131-00033718-00033754 There we go. PjmLhlFcD7y-00132-00033795-00033872 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00133-00033897-00034268 Now the mean of this is always a plus b over 2. PjmLhlFcD7y-00134-00034268-00034582 It's halfway through the average between A and B halfway PjmLhlFcD7y-00135-00034582-00034830 through whatever that midpoint is. PjmLhlFcD7y-00136-00034882-00034996 There's there's your mean PjmLhlFcD7y-00137-00034996-00035330 and the standard deviation has a uglier formula square root PjmLhlFcD7y-00138-00035330-00035618 of B minus a squared over 12, and you don't have PjmLhlFcD7y-00139-00035618-00035895 to memorize these again you have that trait table PjmLhlFcD7y-00140-00035934-00036220 that you should Be using in these chapters if I wanted PjmLhlFcD7y-00141-00036220-00036534 to get to variance, I would Square this number right Square PjmLhlFcD7y-00142-00036534-00036606 this number. PjmLhlFcD7y-00143-00036674-00036885 To get to variance. PjmLhlFcD7y-00144-00036919-00037544 Because the relationship between the standard deviation variance PjmLhlFcD7y-00145-00037544-00037841 is always the same right from standard deviation Square it PjmLhlFcD7y-00146-00037847-00038098 to get two variants from variance take the square root PjmLhlFcD7y-00147-00038145-00038283 to get the standard deviation. PjmLhlFcD7y-00148-00038308-00038484 Another way of saying is square this number PjmLhlFcD7y-00149-00038484-00038552 to get the variances. PjmLhlFcD7y-00150-00038552-00038748 If you just didn't have the square root symbol there PjmLhlFcD7y-00151-00038752-00038955 that would be the variance now in terms PjmLhlFcD7y-00152-00038955-00039097 of calculating probabilities. PjmLhlFcD7y-00153-00039097-00039283 We're going to go with base times height. PjmLhlFcD7y-00154-00039308-00039640 Alright, so that was the chapter 5 distribution that we picked PjmLhlFcD7y-00155-00039696-00039878 up in chapter 6, we picked up two more. PjmLhlFcD7y-00156-00039878-00040191 We picked up the standard normal curve and then just the regular. PjmLhlFcD7y-00157-00040191-00040600 Normal curve standard normal means that there are Z scores PjmLhlFcD7y-00158-00040600-00040946 over here on the x-axis, right 0 is always under the peak PjmLhlFcD7y-00159-00040946-00041223 and then you scale your deviations by one two, three, PjmLhlFcD7y-00160-00041223-00041444 and then negative 1 negative 2 negative 3. PjmLhlFcD7y-00161-00041499-00041796 So in general, all right in general if you go PjmLhlFcD7y-00162-00041796-00042094 about six standard deviations on this x axis PjmLhlFcD7y-00163-00042099-00042366 or in this case the z-axis there are PjmLhlFcD7y-00164-00042366-00042745 about six standard deviations On Any Given axis PjmLhlFcD7y-00165-00042745-00042908 of a normal distribution right three PjmLhlFcD7y-00166-00042908-00043183 up three back now data values can be more PjmLhlFcD7y-00167-00043183-00043419 than three deviations above or three deviations below PjmLhlFcD7y-00168-00043419-00043894 but as we talked about with the empirical rule 99.7 percent PjmLhlFcD7y-00169-00043907-00044267 of our data values are within 3 standard deviations of the mean. PjmLhlFcD7y-00170-00044329-00044368 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00171-00044372-00044605 So Z scores right zero is always PjmLhlFcD7y-00172-00044605-00044905 under the peak one is always the standard deviation. PjmLhlFcD7y-00173-00044980-00045187 Now if you want to calculate a probability, PjmLhlFcD7y-00174-00045187-00045474 and I'm just giving you a greater than version right? PjmLhlFcD7y-00175-00045474-00045629 So if I wanted to go greater PjmLhlFcD7y-00176-00045629-00045952 than I don't pick a number we'll just put the number right here. PjmLhlFcD7y-00177-00045952-00046104 Actually. Let me undo that. PjmLhlFcD7y-00178-00046104-00046193 Let me put a different. PjmLhlFcD7y-00179-00046193-00046488 It color here just so we can see it if this was the number PjmLhlFcD7y-00180-00046500-00046805 and I wanted to go greater than right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00181-00046805-00046975 We know when we go all the way out to the right here. PjmLhlFcD7y-00182-00046975-00047072 We get an Infinity. PjmLhlFcD7y-00183-00047079-00047437 So Milo is that number my high as Infinity which we're going PjmLhlFcD7y-00184-00047437-00047755 to write in our calculator is one e99 and then the mean PjmLhlFcD7y-00185-00047755-00048218 and standard deviation for Z scores is always 0 & 1 now PjmLhlFcD7y-00186-00048218-00048395 on a regular normal distribution. PjmLhlFcD7y-00187-00048434-00048678 If you I'm going to do a little side note here if you ever get PjmLhlFcD7y-00188-00048678-00048960 to math to or Cal to your they're going to talk PjmLhlFcD7y-00189-00048960-00049207 about this formula and that is actually the Formula PjmLhlFcD7y-00190-00049234-00049544 for this normal distribution, it's awesome. PjmLhlFcD7y-00191-00049575-00049868 It takes to anti-derivatives to find the area under the curve. PjmLhlFcD7y-00192-00049868-00049965 It is a good time. PjmLhlFcD7y-00193-00050003-00050188 Alright, but all that being said I'm going to undo PjmLhlFcD7y-00194-00050188-00050456 that because we don't really need it in this class. PjmLhlFcD7y-00195-00050456-00050892 We've got that this curve right normally distributed Mew is here PjmLhlFcD7y-00196-00050892-00051041 under the peak and then you can go PjmLhlFcD7y-00197-00051041-00051325 about new plus Sigma 2 Sigma 3 Sigma, PjmLhlFcD7y-00198-00051339-00051768 right you minus Sigma minus 2 Sigma minus 3 Sigma PjmLhlFcD7y-00199-00051813-00051986 and if I wanted to think about this in terms PjmLhlFcD7y-00200-00051986-00052185 of Z scores right negative 3 negative 2. PjmLhlFcD7y-00201-00052185-00052544 Negative 1 0 1 2 3 that's always the case PjmLhlFcD7y-00202-00052544-00052916 if you relabel something with Z scores, okay. PjmLhlFcD7y-00203-00052938-00053224 All right now in terms of calculating a probability PjmLhlFcD7y-00204-00053255-00053445 to let me back up some of the stuff I wrote just PjmLhlFcD7y-00205-00053445-00053564 so it doesn't get too cramped. PjmLhlFcD7y-00206-00053629-00053911 Let's say I wanted to say what's the probability that X is less PjmLhlFcD7y-00207-00053920-00054283 than a number and I'll put the number will go here this PjmLhlFcD7y-00208-00054356-00054393 time out. PjmLhlFcD7y-00209-00054393-00054614 Right? Let's say the number was here if I wanted to go less PjmLhlFcD7y-00210-00054621-00054751 than I'm going to go to the left. PjmLhlFcD7y-00211-00054751-00055124 Right? So Milo is negative Infinity my high is that number? PjmLhlFcD7y-00212-00055132-00055440 And then you put in the back to positions the mean PjmLhlFcD7y-00213-00055440-00055549 and standard deviation PjmLhlFcD7y-00214-00055569-00055925 and that's how you calculate any probability whether you're PjmLhlFcD7y-00215-00055925-00056132 on the standard normal curve of the normal curve. PjmLhlFcD7y-00216-00056132-00056397 You're always using normalcdf number use normal PDF PjmLhlFcD7y-00217-00056451-00056560 always normalcdf. PjmLhlFcD7y-00218-00056626-00056654 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00219-00056661-00056788 Now, we're going to play a fun little game. PjmLhlFcD7y-00220-00056822-00056973 What if I gave you the probability PjmLhlFcD7y-00221-00056973-00057215 that X is equal to a number, right? PjmLhlFcD7y-00222-00057226-00057601 So exactly equal to a number not less than less than or equal PjmLhlFcD7y-00223-00057601-00057847 to greater than or greater than or equal to just equal to PjmLhlFcD7y-00224-00057847-00058211 and we did this in one of our examples and You're six. PjmLhlFcD7y-00225-00058287-00058482 All right, so get ahead of me big reveal. PjmLhlFcD7y-00226-00058506-00058635 It's there we go. PjmLhlFcD7y-00227-00058635-00058896 Alright, I'm hoping you're thinking 0 PjmLhlFcD7y-00228-00058943-00059185 because the probability that you're exactly PjmLhlFcD7y-00229-00059185-00059343 and I'll change colors here. PjmLhlFcD7y-00230-00059373-00059626 Exactly. One number under this peak. PjmLhlFcD7y-00231-00059664-00059810 There's no there's no width here. PjmLhlFcD7y-00232-00059810-00060072 So there's no I know we're not talking base times height, PjmLhlFcD7y-00233-00060072-00060337 but there is no base if you were thinking of that as a rectangle, PjmLhlFcD7y-00234-00060377-00060661 that's why that probability will always be zero. PjmLhlFcD7y-00235-00060733-00060932 Okay. So let's review of z-scores. PjmLhlFcD7y-00236-00060970-00061283 We introduce them in chapter 2 And I said they would come back PjmLhlFcD7y-00237-00061283-00061456 around and chapter 6 and here they are. PjmLhlFcD7y-00238-00061469-00061744 So Z scores of this was the formula that we picked PjmLhlFcD7y-00239-00061809-00062156 up in Chapter 2 value minus mean over standard deviation PjmLhlFcD7y-00240-00062195-00062628 or I can say my x value minus minus mu divided by Sigma, PjmLhlFcD7y-00241-00062690-00063020 right and it takes data sets that are on different scales PjmLhlFcD7y-00242-00063020-00063217 and puts them on a common scale PjmLhlFcD7y-00243-00063250-00063468 so that we can compare data values PjmLhlFcD7y-00244-00063474-00063661 from these different scales, right? PjmLhlFcD7y-00245-00063661-00063906 It tells you how many standard deviations above PjmLhlFcD7y-00246-00063906-00064221 or below the mean any data value is so if you have a z Or of PjmLhlFcD7y-00247-00064250-00064562 to your to deviations above the mean is he score PjmLhlFcD7y-00248-00064562-00064936 of negative 3 3 deviations below the mean z score of zero, PjmLhlFcD7y-00249-00064939-00065086 you're actually on the mean PjmLhlFcD7y-00250-00065128-00065305 and it doesn't have to be integer values. PjmLhlFcD7y-00251-00065305-00065494 You could have a z-score of 1.2. PjmLhlFcD7y-00252-00065549-00065744 Then your one point two standard deviations PjmLhlFcD7y-00253-00065744-00065974 above the mean positive Z scores are PjmLhlFcD7y-00254-00065974-00066272 above the mean negative Z scores are below the mean. PjmLhlFcD7y-00255-00066323-00066457 Okay. All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00256-00066527-00066836 We also talked about the empirical rule and I want PjmLhlFcD7y-00257-00066846-00067099 to emphasize that the empirical rule deals with the middle PjmLhlFcD7y-00258-00067099-00067345 of your All of your data right the middle percent PjmLhlFcD7y-00259-00067368-00067584 and why I'm stressing the middle is PjmLhlFcD7y-00260-00067584-00067858 because your calculator does not deal with this. PjmLhlFcD7y-00261-00067931-00068293 Your calculator is dealing with percentiles, right? PjmLhlFcD7y-00262-00068293-00068542 So this on down so I talked PjmLhlFcD7y-00263-00068542-00068814 about in this chapter how we have to get comfortable PjmLhlFcD7y-00264-00068850-00069295 with going from the middle 68 95 99 7 right PjmLhlFcD7y-00265-00069307-00069526 that the empirical rule is telling us and we have PjmLhlFcD7y-00266-00069526-00069774 to convert that over to percentiles PjmLhlFcD7y-00267-00069782-00069915 so we can use our calculator. PjmLhlFcD7y-00268-00069960-00070406 All right, so the empirical rule Says hey if you go one deviation PjmLhlFcD7y-00269-00070406-00070803 in either direction, right one deviation up to one deviation PjmLhlFcD7y-00270-00070803-00070992 down that 68% of your data. PjmLhlFcD7y-00271-00071028-00071182 Now if I wanted to rescale this PjmLhlFcD7y-00272-00071182-00071713 as Z scores right negative 3 negative 2 negative 1 0 1 2 3 PjmLhlFcD7y-00273-00071757-00071973 you can always rescale things to Z scores. PjmLhlFcD7y-00274-00071973-00072402 That's why it is the standard normal distribution now in terms PjmLhlFcD7y-00275-00072402-00072659 of this 68% we've talked about how PjmLhlFcD7y-00276-00072659-00072998 through symmetry there is 34% on each side. PjmLhlFcD7y-00277-00073014-00073247 All right, so if you go Oh one deviation PjmLhlFcD7y-00278-00073247-00073539 in either direction middle 68% PjmLhlFcD7y-00279-00073539-00073781 of your data two standard deviations PjmLhlFcD7y-00280-00073781-00074228 in either direction 95% of your data middle 95 PjmLhlFcD7y-00281-00074228-00074372 and then three standard deviations PjmLhlFcD7y-00282-00074372-00074753 in either direction is 99.7% of your data. PjmLhlFcD7y-00283-00074804-00075191 So if you're looking at the middle and I'll rework this. PjmLhlFcD7y-00284-00075191-00075208 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00285-00075231-00075556 So ignore these numbers now if you're looking the middle 99.7% PjmLhlFcD7y-00286-00075556-00075846 of your data keep in mind you have point one five percent PjmLhlFcD7y-00287-00075858-00076172 still over here and point one five percent still. PjmLhlFcD7y-00288-00076172-00076356 Here right now that's from the complement rule. PjmLhlFcD7y-00289-00076380-00076792 So again middle percents and now let's talk about how we go PjmLhlFcD7y-00290-00076792-00077197 from something like this right the empirical rule and get PjmLhlFcD7y-00291-00077197-00077390 to a point where we can use our calculator. PjmLhlFcD7y-00292-00077399-00077616 So let's convert this to percentiles. PjmLhlFcD7y-00293-00077655-00078098 So a percentile is some value such that blank percent PjmLhlFcD7y-00294-00078108-00078361 of the observations in the dataset fall below PjmLhlFcD7y-00295-00078361-00078568 that value right this on down idea. PjmLhlFcD7y-00296-00078630-00078991 So let's take a look at our regular old normal curve. PjmLhlFcD7y-00297-00078991-00079168 Now, you can see X is labeled here. PjmLhlFcD7y-00298-00079168-00079360 If I wanted to make a label down here, PjmLhlFcD7y-00299-00079360-00079634 these would be the Z scores right negative 3 negative 2 PjmLhlFcD7y-00300-00079634-00080078 negative 1 so on and so forth and let's talk about how PjmLhlFcD7y-00301-00080078-00080424 if I went one deviation up to below it. PjmLhlFcD7y-00302-00080424-00080629 Let me back that up. PjmLhlFcD7y-00303-00080629-00080870 Ah, is there a way to back it up? PjmLhlFcD7y-00304-00080870-00080935 Yeah, I did it. PjmLhlFcD7y-00305-00080935-00080975 There we go. PjmLhlFcD7y-00306-00080989-00081111 So sorry got it. PjmLhlFcD7y-00307-00081111-00081448 If I did one deviation below to one deviation PjmLhlFcD7y-00308-00081448-00081618 above so let me let me reiterate this. PjmLhlFcD7y-00309-00081618-00082078 I'm going to go from here to here right z-score of negative 1 PjmLhlFcD7y-00310-00082078-00082460 to a z-score of That is the middle 68% of my data PjmLhlFcD7y-00311-00082460-00082809 and that's why you're seeing the 34 on a side from symmetry. PjmLhlFcD7y-00312-00082830-00083161 Okay. So let me back that out so we can see that now. PjmLhlFcD7y-00313-00083161-00083503 I want you to keep in mind 68% 34 on a side now. PjmLhlFcD7y-00314-00083503-00083689 Let's start to talk about percentiles PjmLhlFcD7y-00315-00083746-00084140 and I always think initially this percentile we can we can PjmLhlFcD7y-00316-00084140-00084340 feel this one out like we can see okay, PjmLhlFcD7y-00317-00084340-00084615 you know what that's going to be the 50th percentile. PjmLhlFcD7y-00318-00084615-00085071 That's why that's the next next little slide that we add on to PjmLhlFcD7y-00319-00085071-00085187 that we can feel that. PjmLhlFcD7y-00320-00085187-00085586 50th percentile because 50% of my data is from here on down. PjmLhlFcD7y-00321-00085657-00085690 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00322-00085721-00085841 Now what I want us to think PjmLhlFcD7y-00323-00085841-00086231 about is what percentile are we looking at if we are right here. PjmLhlFcD7y-00324-00086253-00086577 All right, so if I'm right there if I want PjmLhlFcD7y-00325-00086577-00087039 to draw this how much area is from here on down PjmLhlFcD7y-00326-00087107-00087437 and if you think about all these five numbers so far. PjmLhlFcD7y-00327-00087437-00087623 They had the total up to 50% Well, PjmLhlFcD7y-00328-00087623-00088068 if I add another 34% I'm going to be at 84 percent right PjmLhlFcD7y-00329-00088068-00088672 and that's saying that From here on down right 84% of my data all PjmLhlFcD7y-00330-00088672-00089153 of these numbers are from this x value whatever that is on town. PjmLhlFcD7y-00331-00089169-00089236 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00332-00089248-00089540 Now, let me erase a good chunk of this so we can think PjmLhlFcD7y-00333-00089540-00089818 about what is going to happen when I look PjmLhlFcD7y-00334-00089818-00090130 at the percentile here, right? PjmLhlFcD7y-00335-00090130-00090263 If I wanted to do that. PjmLhlFcD7y-00336-00090263-00090337 We'll keep in mind. PjmLhlFcD7y-00337-00090337-00090590 We just said all of these numbers add up to 50% PjmLhlFcD7y-00338-00090608-00090885 but I would like to get rid of that one because I just want PjmLhlFcD7y-00339-00090885-00091135 to know what these numbers from here on down. PjmLhlFcD7y-00340-00091135-00091487 Add up to so let me erase all of my little markings there. PjmLhlFcD7y-00341-00091539-00091911 All right, and we can see that's the 16th percentile and then PjmLhlFcD7y-00342-00091911-00092286 by adding and subtracting these numbers we can pick PjmLhlFcD7y-00343-00092286-00092710 up the other percentiles the 97.5 percentile the 2-point 5th PjmLhlFcD7y-00344-00092710-00093105 percentile, right so we can convert those percent. PjmLhlFcD7y-00345-00093115-00093462 Excuse me, those middle percents the middle 68 right here is the PjmLhlFcD7y-00346-00093462-00093832 middle 68 we can take a look at the middle 95 and we can look PjmLhlFcD7y-00347-00093832-00094158 at the middle 99.7 and we can convert them. PjmLhlFcD7y-00348-00094204-00094560 To whatever percentiles we need and you need to use percentiles PjmLhlFcD7y-00349-00094593-00094880 for when you're using your inverse Norm calculation, PjmLhlFcD7y-00350-00094880-00095036 which we're going to practice in just a bit. PjmLhlFcD7y-00351-00095095-00095137 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00352-00095137-00095369 So if you ever want to do the backwards problems the PjmLhlFcD7y-00353-00095369-00095689 percentile problems you quite literally need a percentile PjmLhlFcD7y-00354-00095753-00096005 and the empirical rule just isn't built with percentiles. PjmLhlFcD7y-00355-00096009-00096124 So we need to convert them. PjmLhlFcD7y-00356-00096155-00096191 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00357-00096197-00096403 So let's practice these percentile problems PjmLhlFcD7y-00358-00096403-00096637 or what I call the backwards problems. PjmLhlFcD7y-00359-00096670-00096728 So let's pray. PjmLhlFcD7y-00360-00096759-00096943 Let's start with the uniform distribution. PjmLhlFcD7y-00361-00096952-00097158 I'm going to say hey, I have a uniform. PjmLhlFcD7y-00362-00097158-00097233 Reputation. PjmLhlFcD7y-00363-00097291-00097340 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00364-00097340-00097613 I'm going to say I'm uniformly distributed you can see I've got PjmLhlFcD7y-00365-00097613-00097992 a 1.5 here and a 4 here and if you're wondering where I got PjmLhlFcD7y-00366-00097992-00098345 that point for I pause the video and try and think about okay, PjmLhlFcD7y-00367-00098345-00098518 where did I get that point for? PjmLhlFcD7y-00368-00098518-00098890 All right, and we'll I'll review it in just a moment. PjmLhlFcD7y-00369-00098933-00099204 But what I want you to figure out is I want you to figure PjmLhlFcD7y-00370-00099204-00099335 out the 30th percentile. PjmLhlFcD7y-00371-00099484-00100140 So what number is here on the x axis so that 30% of the area PjmLhlFcD7y-00372-00100140-00100551 of my rectangle is from here on down so from here on down right? PjmLhlFcD7y-00373-00100551-00101040 What what would that base B. How do I find PjmLhlFcD7y-00374-00101040-00101337 that particular K value the 30th percentile? PjmLhlFcD7y-00375-00101377-00101828 All right, so pause the video for a moment and see PjmLhlFcD7y-00376-00101828-00101922 if you can get ahead of me. PjmLhlFcD7y-00377-00101934-00102231 Right we want to practice these things so that you're ready PjmLhlFcD7y-00378-00102231-00102448 to go on your homework and on a midterm. PjmLhlFcD7y-00379-00102518-00102695 I to the first thing I want to talk about is how PjmLhlFcD7y-00380-00102695-00102809 on Earth did I get the point for? PjmLhlFcD7y-00381-00102820-00102859 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00382-00102921-00103263 Well, if I look at this if I look at my x-axis and I look PjmLhlFcD7y-00383-00103263-00103469 at the base, right I go high minus low. PjmLhlFcD7y-00384-00103469-00103727 I'm always looking for the range right which is 2.5 PjmLhlFcD7y-00385-00103727-00104029 and the height is always the reciprocal of that range. PjmLhlFcD7y-00386-00104029-00104487 So if I do 1 over that height 1 over 2.5 I'm getting point for PjmLhlFcD7y-00387-00104487-00104634 and that's where that number came from. PjmLhlFcD7y-00388-00104699-00104896 So even though I gave it to you in this graph, PjmLhlFcD7y-00389-00104929-00105210 I technically could have asked you to get it on your own PjmLhlFcD7y-00390-00105210-00105381 because it's the reciprocal of the base. PjmLhlFcD7y-00391-00105407-00105738 You always find Range High minus low and then reciprocate it. PjmLhlFcD7y-00392-00105805-00106224 Okay. Now let's focus on how on Earth I get to this K value. PjmLhlFcD7y-00393-00106262-00106571 So when you're talking about the uniform distribution use base PjmLhlFcD7y-00394-00106571-00106818 times height and set it equal to the percentile. PjmLhlFcD7y-00395-00106826-00107196 So my base and my height right should be equal to 30% Well, PjmLhlFcD7y-00396-00107196-00107326 I don't know what my base is. PjmLhlFcD7y-00397-00107326-00107650 I always know what my height is because my height is uniform. PjmLhlFcD7y-00398-00107704-00107732 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00399-00107732-00108075 Now, let me back this out a bit if I want to solve for my base. PjmLhlFcD7y-00400-00108075-00108154 What I'm going to do is I'm going PjmLhlFcD7y-00401-00108154-00108431 to multiply two point five on either side. PjmLhlFcD7y-00402-00108431-00108505 Side, right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00403-00108505-00108766 This is going to cancel and just leave me with my base PjmLhlFcD7y-00404-00108766-00109029 and I'm going to find this number and a lot PjmLhlFcD7y-00405-00109029-00109302 of times I get students that tell me this is my answer PjmLhlFcD7y-00406-00109333-00109530 and this is inherently wrong. PjmLhlFcD7y-00407-00109580-00109858 It's not that you haven't you let me let me rephrase PjmLhlFcD7y-00408-00109858-00110113 that you've done everything correct up to here, PjmLhlFcD7y-00409-00110131-00110273 but this cannot be your answer PjmLhlFcD7y-00410-00110325-00110499 and here's why I want to talk about this. PjmLhlFcD7y-00411-00110505-00110574 Think about this number. PjmLhlFcD7y-00412-00110574-00110783 It says your base is 0.75, PjmLhlFcD7y-00413-00110840-00111157 but we know every variable every value of our variable has to be PjmLhlFcD7y-00414-00111157-00111475 between 1.5 and for and think about point seven. PjmLhlFcD7y-00415-00111475-00111540 It's over here. PjmLhlFcD7y-00416-00111644-00111875 Alright, that's not even in this rectangle. PjmLhlFcD7y-00417-00111875-00112223 So my answer my end answer can't be .75. PjmLhlFcD7y-00418-00112294-00112517 So how on Earth is that happening here? PjmLhlFcD7y-00419-00112557-00112995 Well, what's going on is I need this distance to be .75. PjmLhlFcD7y-00420-00113030-00113212 So keep in mind running out of colors. PjmLhlFcD7y-00421-00113212-00113267 Let me see it. PjmLhlFcD7y-00422-00113267-00113314 Keep in mind. PjmLhlFcD7y-00423-00113314-00113551 I started at one point five. PjmLhlFcD7y-00424-00113551-00113776 So I need to go point seven five units PjmLhlFcD7y-00425-00113776-00114092 down from my starting point of 1.5. PjmLhlFcD7y-00426-00114125-00114443 So what I need to do is take my starting point add to it points. PjmLhlFcD7y-00427-00114443-00114977 Um five and then get to 2.25 now 2.25 is between 1.5 PjmLhlFcD7y-00428-00114977-00115307 and for right that's inside my sample space. PjmLhlFcD7y-00429-00115342-00115528 So that's what we need to be careful PjmLhlFcD7y-00430-00115544-00115890 with when we're doing these we can't forget to add our a value PjmLhlFcD7y-00431-00115935-00116172 or our starting value to our base. PjmLhlFcD7y-00432-00116225-00116708 All right, so I need to take .75 and add it to 1.25 PjmLhlFcD7y-00433-00116740-00117021 and if you think about how that might work imagine PjmLhlFcD7y-00434-00117021-00117507 that you did 2.25 minus 0.75 right you Go ahead PjmLhlFcD7y-00435-00117507-00117700 and you would get back to 1.5. PjmLhlFcD7y-00436-00117761-00117808 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00437-00117850-00118157 So with that don't forget that you've got to add your a value PjmLhlFcD7y-00438-00118157-00118491 to your base and then always add units to your answer. PjmLhlFcD7y-00439-00118506-00118578 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00440-00118587-00118769 So now let's also take a look PjmLhlFcD7y-00441-00118769-00119051 at doing the percentile problems with inverse Norm. PjmLhlFcD7y-00442-00119061-00119342 So if you're on either the standard normal curve PjmLhlFcD7y-00443-00119393-00119602 or on a regular normal curve, you're going PjmLhlFcD7y-00444-00119602-00119814 to use inverse Norm, but again, you need a percentile. PjmLhlFcD7y-00445-00119858-00120100 Right? And if you're thinking about things in terms PjmLhlFcD7y-00446-00120100-00120350 of the empirical rule, that's a middle percent PjmLhlFcD7y-00447-00120361-00120539 and that It is not a percentile. PjmLhlFcD7y-00448-00120571-00120655 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00449-00120663-00120968 So here let's say I wanted to find the x value PjmLhlFcD7y-00450-00121057-00121228 that gives me the 75th percentile. PjmLhlFcD7y-00451-00121260-00121340 So take a moment. PjmLhlFcD7y-00452-00121361-00121622 Right pause the video get onto your calculator and see PjmLhlFcD7y-00453-00121622-00121889 if you can find that number and I'm hoping PjmLhlFcD7y-00454-00121889-00122148 that once you unpause it you're going to see well, PjmLhlFcD7y-00455-00122148-00122293 I want the 75th percentile. PjmLhlFcD7y-00456-00122293-00122588 I'm going to plug that in and you can see I get 98 .09 PjmLhlFcD7y-00457-00122612-00122934 and graphically that seems about right because we've got a 90 PjmLhlFcD7y-00458-00122934-00123134 over here in a 102 here. PjmLhlFcD7y-00459-00123168-00123517 So if I was just eyeballing it Oh nine, PjmLhlFcD7y-00460-00123517-00123805 that seems like a reasonable get and I'm going to erase that just PjmLhlFcD7y-00461-00123805-00124044 so that we don't double up on the next graph. PjmLhlFcD7y-00462-00124044-00124076 All right. PjmLhlFcD7y-00463-00124076-00124313 Now, I want you to take a moment to see PjmLhlFcD7y-00464-00124313-00124415 if you can find me the cutoff PjmLhlFcD7y-00465-00124415-00124832 for the top 5% All right, so pause the video. PjmLhlFcD7y-00466-00124846-00125153 Okay. Now when you unpause it, I'm going to get enough folks PjmLhlFcD7y-00467-00125153-00125540 that tell me the answer to this is 70.2 6. PjmLhlFcD7y-00468-00125632-00125865 All right, and if you've got that that's that's fine. PjmLhlFcD7y-00469-00125865-00126090 You're on your way, but we do need to tweak some things PjmLhlFcD7y-00470-00126090-00126308 because think about where 70.2 six is. PjmLhlFcD7y-00471-00126308-00126639 It's over here, right graphically that can't be the PjmLhlFcD7y-00472-00126717-00127048 that the cutoff for the top 5% And the reason PjmLhlFcD7y-00473-00127048-00127316 for that is you didn't put this into your calculator PjmLhlFcD7y-00474-00127316-00127714 as a percentile if this is the top 5% the 95% is PjmLhlFcD7y-00475-00127714-00127868 from here on down right? PjmLhlFcD7y-00476-00127903-00128406 So this is the 95th percentile and if you're not putting PjmLhlFcD7y-00477-00128406-00128634 that into your calculator and I'll just I'll erase. PjmLhlFcD7y-00478-00128648-00128860 For a moment just forward it with the next thing PjmLhlFcD7y-00479-00128871-00129134 if you're not putting the .95 into your calculator, PjmLhlFcD7y-00480-00129174-00129404 you're going to wind up getting 70 .26 PjmLhlFcD7y-00481-00129404-00129931 when really you want 109 .74, so just be careful and that PjmLhlFcD7y-00482-00129944-00130178 when you go to use that inverse Norm PjmLhlFcD7y-00483-00130207-00130517 or even the uniform version the base times height, PjmLhlFcD7y-00484-00130517-00130622 you have to put a percentile. PjmLhlFcD7y-00485-00130691-00131144 It's from a certain number on down like what area is from here PjmLhlFcD7y-00486-00131183-00131486 on down right and 95% of the area PjmLhlFcD7y-00487-00131486-00131628 under that curve is from here. PjmLhlFcD7y-00488-00131628-00131671 Iran down. PjmLhlFcD7y-00489-00131734-00132123 So the cutoff for the top 5% is the same as the cutoff PjmLhlFcD7y-00490-00132123-00132533 for the bottom 95% and the bottom 95% is the PjmLhlFcD7y-00491-00132533-00132622 95th percentile. PjmLhlFcD7y-00492-00132706-00133031 Alright, so that wraps up our chapter 5 6 summary. PjmLhlFcD7y-00493-00133031-00133132 Thanks so much everyone. PjmLhlFcD7y-00494-00133132-00133505 I'll see you in a few. PjmLhlFcD7y-00495-00133505-00133512 Bye. PjzkswvJxW8-00000-00000000-00000200 fishing for small spot tilapia in the former sand dug PmnGK_E8MQo-00000-00000034-00000459 This was possibly the oldest rock art anywhere on the face of the planet. PmnGK_E8MQo-00001-00000459-00000876 It's also the earliest what we call figurative art, an image of something PmnGK_E8MQo-00002-00000876-00001194 that formally resembles what it's intended to represent. PmnGK_E8MQo-00003-00001194-00001904 So essentially we can date when those cave popcorn formed on top of the painting so it provides us PmnGK_E8MQo-00004-00001905-00002300 with a minimum age, so that's why we can say that this panel here is at least PmnGK_E8MQo-00005-00002300-00002704 43,900-years-old. It could be much older than that. PmnGK_E8MQo-00006-00002704-00003156 It's complex, it's fully complex, and it could be linked to spirituality. PmnGK_E8MQo-00007-00003156-00003240 Exactly. PnluxCQyj2M-00000-00000100-00000200 Hello Everybody. PnluxCQyj2M-00001-00000300-00000900 Welcome to this tutorial on Control Execution in KTurtle PnluxCQyj2M-00002-00001000-00001200 In this tutorial, we will learn PnluxCQyj2M-00003-00001300-00001400 'while' loop and PnluxCQyj2M-00004-00001500-00001600 'for' loop PnluxCQyj2M-00005-00001700-00003100 To record this tutorial I am using,Ubuntu Linux OS Version 12.04 KTurtle version 0.8.1 beta. PnluxCQyj2M-00006-00003200-00003700 We assume that you have basic working knowledge of Kturtle. PnluxCQyj2M-00007-00003800-00004400 If not, for relevant tutorials, please visit our website. http://spoken-tutorial.org PnluxCQyj2M-00008-00004500-00004700 Let's open a new KTurtle Application. PnluxCQyj2M-00009-00004800-00004900 Click on Dash home. PnluxCQyj2M-00010-00005000-00005200 In the Search bar, type KTurtle. PnluxCQyj2M-00011-00005300-00005800 Click on the option.KTurtle Application opens. PnluxCQyj2M-00012-00005900-00006400 Let me first explain about what is control execution. PnluxCQyj2M-00013-00006500-00006900 Control execution is controlling the flow of a program. PnluxCQyj2M-00014-00007000-00007500 Different conditions are used to control program execution. PnluxCQyj2M-00015-00007600-00008400 Loop is a block of code executed repeatedly till a certain condition is satisfied. PnluxCQyj2M-00016-00008500-00008900 Eg. “while” loop and “for” loop PnluxCQyj2M-00017-00009000-00009300 Let's begin the tutorial with “while” loop PnluxCQyj2M-00018-00009400-00010100 In the “while” loop, the code inside the loop repeats till boolean evaluates to 'false'. PnluxCQyj2M-00019-00010200-00011500 Let me explain the structure of “while” loop. while loop condition { do something with loop increment variable } PnluxCQyj2M-00020-00011600-00011800 I already have the code in a text editor. PnluxCQyj2M-00021-00011900-00012600 Let me copy the program from text editor and paste it into KTurtle editor PnluxCQyj2M-00022-00012700-00013200 Please pause the tutorial here and type the program into your KTurtle editor. PnluxCQyj2M-00023-00013300-00013700 Resume the tutorial after typing the program PnluxCQyj2M-00024-00013800-00014400 Let me zoom into the program text it may possibly be a little blurred. PnluxCQyj2M-00025-00014500-00014600 Let me explain the code. PnluxCQyj2M-00026-00014700-00015100 # sign comments a line written after it. PnluxCQyj2M-00027-00015200-00015700 It means, this line will not be executed while running the program. PnluxCQyj2M-00028-00015800-00016200 reset command sets “Turtle” to its default position. PnluxCQyj2M-00029-00016300-00017100 $x=0 initializes the value of variable x to zero. PnluxCQyj2M-00030-00017200-00018300 Message in a program is given within double quotes after the keyword message " " “message” command takes “string” as input. PnluxCQyj2M-00031-00018400-00019000 It shows a pop-up dialog box containing text from the string. PnluxCQyj2M-00032-00019100-00019600 while $x<30 checks the “while” condition. PnluxCQyj2M-00033-00019700-00020600 $x=$x+3 increments the value of variable $x by 3 PnluxCQyj2M-00034-00020700-00021400 fontsize 15 sets the font size used by print command. PnluxCQyj2M-00035-00021500-00022100 Fontsize takes number as input, set in pixels. PnluxCQyj2M-00036-00022200-00023100 forward 20 commands “Turtle” to move 20 steps forward on the canvas. PnluxCQyj2M-00037-00023200-00024000 print $x displays the value of variable x on the canvas. PnluxCQyj2M-00038-00024100-00024400 Let me click on the “Run” button to run the program. PnluxCQyj2M-00039-00024500-00025000 A message dialog box pops up.Let me click OK. PnluxCQyj2M-00040-00025100-00025600 Multiples of 3 from 3 to 30 are displayed on the canvas. PnluxCQyj2M-00041-00025700-00026100 “Turtle” moves 20 steps forward on the canvas. PnluxCQyj2M-00042-00026200-00026500 Let's next work with “for” loop PnluxCQyj2M-00043-00026600-00026800 “for” loop is a counting loop. PnluxCQyj2M-00044-00026900-00027300 Every time the code inside “for” loop is executed, PnluxCQyj2M-00045-00027400-00028000 variable value is incremented, till it reaches the end value. PnluxCQyj2M-00046-00028100-00028500 Let me explain the structure of “for” loop. PnluxCQyj2M-00047-00028600-00029400 for variable = start number to end number { Statement} PnluxCQyj2M-00048-00029500-00029800 Let me clear the current program. PnluxCQyj2M-00049-00029900-00030400 Let me typeclearcommand and run to clean the canvas. PnluxCQyj2M-00050-00030500-00031300 Let me copy the program from text editor and paste it into KTurtle editor PnluxCQyj2M-00051-00031400-00031900 Please pause the tutorial here and type the program into your KTurtle editor. PnluxCQyj2M-00052-00032000-00032400 Resume the tutorial after typing the program. PnluxCQyj2M-00053-00032500-00033100 Let me zoom into the program text it may possibly be a little blurred. PnluxCQyj2M-00054-00033200-00033300 Let me explain the program. PnluxCQyj2M-00055-00033400-00033800 # sign comments a line written after it. PnluxCQyj2M-00056-00033900-00034300 reset command sets “Turtle” to its default position. PnluxCQyj2M-00057-00034400-00035100 $r=0 initializes the value of variable r to zero. PnluxCQyj2M-00058-00035200-00036000 for $x= 1 to 15 checks “for” condition from 1 to 15. PnluxCQyj2M-00059-00036100-00037100 $r=$x*($x+1)/2 calculates the value of variable r. PnluxCQyj2M-00060-00037200-00037800 fontsize 18 sets the font size used by print command. PnluxCQyj2M-00061-00037900-00038500 print $r displays the value of variable r on the canvas PnluxCQyj2M-00062-00038600-00039300 forward 15 commands Turtleto moves 15 steps forward on the canvas. PnluxCQyj2M-00063-00039400-00040700 go 10,250 commands Turtle to go 10 pixels from left of canvas and 250 pixels from top of canvas. PnluxCQyj2M-00064-00040800-00041300 “Turtle” displays all print commands without any time gap. PnluxCQyj2M-00065-00041400-00042300 “Wait 2” command makes Turtle to “wait” for 2 seconds before executing next command. PnluxCQyj2M-00066-00042400-00043200 “print” command displays the “string” within double quotes and also displays variable $r. PnluxCQyj2M-00067-00043300-00043600 Let me click on the “ Run” button to run the program. PnluxCQyj2M-00068-00043700-00044600 A series of sum of first 15 natural numbers and sum of first 15 natural numbers is displayed on the canvas. PnluxCQyj2M-00069-00044700-00045100 Turtle moves 15 steps forward on the canvas. PnluxCQyj2M-00070-00045200-00045600 With this we come to the end of this tutorial. PnluxCQyj2M-00071-00045700-00045900 Let us summarize. PnluxCQyj2M-00072-00046000-00046300 In this tutorial we have learned to use, PnluxCQyj2M-00073-00046400-00046600 “while”' loop and “for” loop PnluxCQyj2M-00074-00046700-00047300 As an assignment I would like you to write programs to evaluate PnluxCQyj2M-00075-00047400-00047700 Multiples of 2 using “while” loop PnluxCQyj2M-00076-00047800-00048200 Multiplication table of a number using “for” loop PnluxCQyj2M-00077-00048300-00048700 Watch the video available at this URLhttp://spoken-tutorial.org/What is a Spoken Tutorial PnluxCQyj2M-00078-00048800-00049100 It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project PnluxCQyj2M-00079-00049200-00049600 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it PnluxCQyj2M-00080-00049700-00049900 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team&#160;: PnluxCQyj2M-00081-00050000-00050200 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials PnluxCQyj2M-00082-00050300-00050600 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test PnluxCQyj2M-00083-00050700-00051500 For more details, please write to contact@spoken-tutorial.org PnluxCQyj2M-00084-00051600-00052000 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project PnluxCQyj2M-00085-00052100-00052700 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India PnluxCQyj2M-00086-00052800-00053300 More information on this Mission is available at this link http://spoken-tutorial.org/NMEICT-Intro ] PnluxCQyj2M-00087-00053400-00053900 This is Madhuri Ganpathi from IIT Bombay signing off Thank you for joining. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00000-00000992-00001346 The next grammar point is the important construction with the postposition को. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00001-00001346-00001800 As I mentioned in the previous grammar point that in Hindi there are many sentence constructions Q0j_lpzpqyu-00002-00001800-00002067 where the subject takes the postposition को. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00003-00002067-00002535 Infact, some of the very common constructions have the subject with the postposition को. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00004-00002535-00003306 Hereis the list of such common verbs and phrases. पसन्द - to like, चाहिए - to want/to need Q0j_lpzpqyu-00005-00003306-00003729 लगना - to seem/to look like अच्छा लगना - to like Q0j_lpzpqyu-00006-00003729-00004560 मिलना - the verb मिलना hasmany meanings: to find, to meet, to run into, to get, toreceive, to be available. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00007-00004560-00004760 Let's take them one by one. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00008-00005300-00005776 पसन्द means "like". This construction takes the subject with the postposition को, Q0j_lpzpqyu-00009-00005776-00006043 and the verb होना is in present tense. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00010-00006056-00006482 The verb होना will always be in the third person that meansहै or हैं, Q0j_lpzpqyu-00011-00006488-00006880 depending on the number of the things that is liked. Let's take some examples. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00012-00006880-00007243 मुझको/मुझे मिठाई पसन्द है। I like sweets. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00013-00007243-00007603 क्या तुमको/तुम्हें वह लड़की पसन्द है? Do you like the girl? Q0j_lpzpqyu-00014-00007603-00008113 मुझको इस बाज़ार में दुकानें पसन्द नहीं हैं। I don't like shops in this bazaar. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00015-00008159-00008424 In the third sentence, the shops are in plural so the Q0j_lpzpqyu-00016-00008424-00008850 present tense form of the verb होना is also in plural, that is हैं. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00017-00009408-00009880 And the common phrase that takes the subject withthe postposition को is चाहिए. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00018-00009880-00010476 The phrase चाहिए can be translated into English with the verb "want" or "need"based on the context. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00019-00010476-00010786 मुझको किताब चाहिए। I need a book/I want a book. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00020-00010786-00011216 शेखर को कमीज़ चाहिए। Shekhar needs a shirt/Shekhar wants a shirt. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00021-00011216-00011533 Hereyou can see the postposition with the nounशेखर को. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00022-00011533-00011766 Here's another common sentence: Q0j_lpzpqyu-00023-00011766-00012063 आपको क्या चाहिए? What do you need?/What do you want? Q0j_lpzpqyu-00024-00012664-00013000 A common verb that has the postposition को with the subject isलगना. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00025-00013000-00013374 लगना means "to seem/to look like". Q0j_lpzpqyu-00026-00013374-00013692 Let'stry to understand लगना with an example. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00027-00013692-00014150 मुझे वह लड़की अच्छी लगती है। The literal translation of the sentenceis: Q0j_lpzpqyu-00028-00014150-00014626 The girl looks like a nice person to me. Or you can say: I find that girl pleasant. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00029-00014626-00015016 But themost common translation would be: I like that girl. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00030-00015016-00015479 Next example: मुझे लगता है कि... It seems to me that... Q0j_lpzpqyu-00031-00015479-00015799 This is a common phrase, you would hear it a lot. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00032-00015799-00016240 The phrase "अच्छा लगना" is commonly used inthe meaning of "to like". Q0j_lpzpqyu-00033-00016240-00016726 उसको यह शहर अच्छा लगता है। He likes this city. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00034-00016726-00017383 आज यहाँ पार्क में घूमना मुझे अच्छा लग रहा है। I like strolling in the park today. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00035-00017383-00017756 In the last sentence, the verb अच्छा लगनाis in the present continuous. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00036-00017756-00018270 The literal translationwould be: "I am liking to stroll in the park today". Q0j_lpzpqyu-00037-00018816-00019009 Let's now take the verb मिलना. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00038-00019009-00019758 The verbमिलना has range of meanings: to find ,to meet,to run into, to get, to receive. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00039-00019758-00020049 The logicalsubject takes the postposition को, Q0j_lpzpqyu-00040-00020049-00020571 and the verb agrees with the grammatical subject, or youcan call it "object" in some cases. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00041-00020571-00020859 Let's take allthese meanings one by one. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00042-00020859-00021281 The first one is मिलनाwith the meaning of "to receive, to get". Q0j_lpzpqyu-00043-00021281-00021744 उसे बीस रुपये जेबख़र्च मिलता है। He gets an allowance of twenty rupees. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00044-00021744-00022147 The subject asI mentioned goes with the postposition को —उसे/उसको, Q0j_lpzpqyu-00045-00022147-00022501 and the grammatical subject is जेबख़र्च which is masculine singular. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00046-00022501-00022800 That's why the verb form will be मिलता है. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00047-00022800-00023310 The next one: उस अच्छी तनख्वाह मिलती है। He gets a good salary. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00048-00023310-00023608 This तनख्वाह is feminine Q0j_lpzpqyu-00049-00023608-00024058 and the verb agrees with the object. That's why the verb form would be मिलती है. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00050-00024058-00024421 Theobject dictates the number and gender of the verb. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00051-00024421-00025061 जेबख़र्च is masculine, singular soमिलता है. तनख्वाह is feminine, singular so मिलती है. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00052-00025061-00025513 Let's now take मिलना with the meaning of "to meet, to run into". Q0j_lpzpqyu-00053-00025513-00026014 Again the subject will take the postpositionको, and the verb will agree with the object. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00054-00026014-00026596 मुझे वह रोज़ दुकान पर मिलता है। I meet him/I run into him every day at the shop. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00055-00026596-00027022 The subject मैं is with thepostposition को, that is मुझे, Q0j_lpzpqyu-00056-00027022-00027491 and the object or the person that subject meets is masculine singular, वह, Q0j_lpzpqyu-00057-00027491-00027783 so the verb will take मिलता है. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00058-00027783-00028302 हमको राधा अक्सर बाज़ार में मिलती है। We often meet Radha in the bazaar. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00059-00028302-00028943 Again हमwill take the postposition को — हमको, and राधा who's a logical object dictatesthe verb. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00060-00028943-00029299 राधा is feminine singular so मिलती है . Q0j_lpzpqyu-00061-00029299-00029832 And finally, मिलना with the meaning of "to be available" or "to find". Q0j_lpzpqyu-00062-00029832-00030338 It is the verb "to find" in themeaning of "where one can find this or that". Q0j_lpzpqyu-00063-00030338-00030717 In suchinstances, the logical subjects are usually dropped. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00064-00030717-00031008 Let's take some examples, it will be clear then. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00065-00031008-00031451 अच्छी कमीज़ें कहाँ मिलती हैं? Where are good shirts available? Q0j_lpzpqyu-00066-00031451-00031787 Or you can say: where does one find good shirts? Q0j_lpzpqyu-00067-00031787-00032354 सिंगापुर में हर जगह अच्छा खाना मिलता है। Good food is available everywhere in Singapore. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00068-00032354-00032772 Or you can say: one canfind good food everywhere in Singapore. Q0j_lpzpqyu-00069-00032772-00033386 In both sentences, the subject is general and redundant. That's why there is no subject in the sentences. Q52W-tFhNOg-00000-00000249-00000744 But now we enter the Q&A portion of the State of the Word. By the way, if you Q52W-tFhNOg-00001-00000744-00001125 wanted to hear more from me: photomatt.tumblr. Doing a podcast on distributed.blog Q52W-tFhNOg-00002-00001125-00001605 which is like talking about distributed work. I'm @photomatt on the Q52W-tFhNOg-00003-00001605-00002274 legacy social networks. And my blog is ma.tt. If you wanted to see the T.S. Eliot Q52W-tFhNOg-00004-00002274-00002598 poem that I referred to earlier, when I said they should have sent a poet in Q52W-tFhNOg-00005-00002598-00003159 I just posted that I think last night. How the Q&A portion works of this Q52W-tFhNOg-00006-00003162-00003507 is that there is no screening. There's no - we have no idea what's about to Q52W-tFhNOg-00007-00003507-00003939 happen. But luckily, in this room, we have a lot of answers to things far Q52W-tFhNOg-00008-00003939-00004446 beyond what I'm aware of. And if you have a question, I think this is the Q52W-tFhNOg-00009-00004446-00005082 spot to go to, right? So, please, come on up. I guess I should have given you a Q52W-tFhNOg-00010-00005082-00005478 little more warning that we were about to do this. But anything that's on your Q52W-tFhNOg-00011-00005478-00005895 minds, we can talk about? Michelle? Yeah. Do you mind grabbing the microphone for her? Q52W-tFhNOg-00012-00005895-00006681 Michelle Frechette. I'm here with Post Status today > And say where you Q52W-tFhNOg-00013-00006681-00006956 came from just so everyone kind of around the world can hear. Q52W-tFhNOg-00014-00006956-00007556 The other side in New York, not very far. I live in Rochester. So first, I want to thank Q52W-tFhNOg-00015-00007556-00007929 the open source project for taking seriously my article on accessibility Q52W-tFhNOg-00016-00007929-00008394 issues that I encountered at WordCamp. US. And my suggestions, I put some Q52W-tFhNOg-00017-00008394-00008727 suggestions in there that have been taken seriously like creating a new Q52W-tFhNOg-00018-00008727-00009135 section for the WordCamp Organizer Handbook, and creating an accessibility Q52W-tFhNOg-00019-00009135-00009609 team for WordCamp US 2023. So kudos to you and those who are making web Q52W-tFhNOg-00020-00009609-00010101 accessibility decisions, more than just the web accessibility, but the community Q52W-tFhNOg-00021-00010101-00010488 accessibility in all ways. So I wanted to thank you for that. But my question Q52W-tFhNOg-00022-00010488-00010953 is unrelated to that. So last year, at State of the Word, you announced the Q52W-tFhNOg-00023-00010953-00011448 Photo Directory, and which I was happy to give a bunch of photos to kind of seed Q52W-tFhNOg-00024-00011448-00011952 that and get that going. We now have over 5,000 - probably close to 5,500 photos Q52W-tFhNOg-00025-00011952-00012276 in there. And we have several moderators. We're working real hard to Q52W-tFhNOg-00026-00012276-00012516 get those published. So if you've submitted, we're all here right now. Q52W-tFhNOg-00027-00012516-00012858 You may need to wait a day or two, but we'll get to this. I'm going to call it a Q52W-tFhNOg-00028-00012858-00013335 successful campaign. In a year, to have over 5,500 photos is amazing. And those Q52W-tFhNOg-00029-00013335-00013632 are all in the Creative Commons. So people can use them however they want. They don't Q52W-tFhNOg-00030-00013632-00013983 have to attribute it to us. It's just really wonderful. But the question is Q52W-tFhNOg-00031-00013983-00014291 where do we go from here, right? So we have a lot of people who have been Q52W-tFhNOg-00032-00014291-00014688 putting photos in. I don't know that a lot of people know about the Q52W-tFhNOg-00033-00014688-00015027 directory - you can take photos out and use them however they'd like. So what Q52W-tFhNOg-00034-00015027-00015318 are the steps to getting people to understand that they don't have to go to Q52W-tFhNOg-00035-00015318-00015609 Unsplash, they don't have to go to Pexels or whatever - they can come to WordPress for Q52W-tFhNOg-00036-00015609-00016005 those things? And then is there a way for the people who are contributing to Q52W-tFhNOg-00037-00016005-00016371 have an idea - not necessarily like where did your picture get used Q52W-tFhNOg-00038-00016371-00016698 because you just download them - but how many downloads for pictures? And how Q52W-tFhNOg-00039-00016698-00017130 successful is what we're doing? You know, if I'm contributing 200 photos Q52W-tFhNOg-00040-00017175-00017463 are they just sitting there, or are people using them? I know that's a Q52W-tFhNOg-00041-00017463-00017535 lot of questions. Q52W-tFhNOg-00042-00017580-00017727 No, that's a fantastic idea. Q52W-tFhNOg-00043-00017756-00018173 It is, right? You can you credit me when you actually make that work. Q52W-tFhNOg-00044-00018306-00018900 We just did. Yeah, it's true. One of the best things about contributing to Q52W-tFhNOg-00045-00018900-00019320 open source is the idea - I still imagine this, like lines of code I've written Q52W-tFhNOg-00046-00019356-00019794 are executing hundreds of millions of times per day across like millions of Q52W-tFhNOg-00047-00019794-00020100 websites. It's like one of the funnest parts. And we do have tools, for Q52W-tFhNOg-00048-00020100-00020448 example, the Plugin and Theme Directory, that sort of say how often things are Q52W-tFhNOg-00049-00020448-00020892 used, which is a contributor. Or - and there's no reason we couldn't start to Q52W-tFhNOg-00050-00020892-00021258 increment some stats, at least for how often a photo or something from the Q52W-tFhNOg-00051-00021258-00021552 Openverse is downloaded. Yeah, that's how I got into the API. Again, we won't know Q52W-tFhNOg-00052-00021552-00021888 exactly how it's being used because that's all run locally. We don't have Q52W-tFhNOg-00053-00021888-00022278 any tracking. I think that'd be pretty exciting. One of the other things I like Q52W-tFhNOg-00054-00022278-00022764 as we start to embed more of this is that we can sort of automate the Q52W-tFhNOg-00055-00022764-00023220 giving of credit, whether that's required or not by the license. Like if Q52W-tFhNOg-00056-00023220-00023703 you insert a photo, it could have a little caption, like "Photo by so-and-so." Q52W-tFhNOg-00057-00023703-00023958 You know, that sort of thing, which I actually think is a pretty neat Q52W-tFhNOg-00058-00023958-00024366 also incentive. I know, it's always fun - I've licensed a lot of my photography Q52W-tFhNOg-00059-00024366-00024690 under the GPL before. And it's been built into themes and other things. And Q52W-tFhNOg-00060-00024690-00025061 it's always kind of exciting for me to visit a website and like, "Oh, there's my sheep." Q52W-tFhNOg-00061-00025258-00025737 A famous one from the Twenty Ten theme. So yeah, it's very satisfying as Q52W-tFhNOg-00062-00025737-00026199 a photographer. My work's now out there. So yeah, we should definitely do that. Q52W-tFhNOg-00063-00026199-00026319 Thank you for the suggestion. Q52W-tFhNOg-00064-00026319-00026574 And then how do we get people to use it and know about the Directory was Q52W-tFhNOg-00065-00026574-00026637 the other question. Q52W-tFhNOg-00066-00026649-00027105 Oh, using the directory, I think we need a lot more stuff on there. So I think Q52W-tFhNOg-00067-00027105-00027492 that relative to Unsplash, or Pexels, or Shutterstock, or something Q52W-tFhNOg-00068-00027492-00027882 like that, our library is still relatively small. So I think combining Q52W-tFhNOg-00069-00027885-00028311 our library with the Openverse library that, like I said, has millions of Q52W-tFhNOg-00070-00028317-00028749 things there, will make it just a lot more compelling. That when you search Q52W-tFhNOg-00071-00028770-00029172 there's always something there for whatever you might be searching for. Q52W-tFhNOg-00072-00029172-00029673 I think we also need to figure out how to have people in it. Right now, as you know Q52W-tFhNOg-00073-00029673-00030180 we don't allow faces or anything like that because there's additional laws Q52W-tFhNOg-00074-00030180-00030675 and copyright around having a likeness of a person in a photo that Q52W-tFhNOg-00075-00030683-00031032 isn't really well covered by like, even Creative Commons licenses. Like a model Q52W-tFhNOg-00076-00031032-00031482 release or something. And we're still navigating what that would look like. Q52W-tFhNOg-00077-00031595-00031952 When I think about what might be coming next there, I think some of the AI stuff Q52W-tFhNOg-00078-00031952-00032337 we talked about could be really interesting. So for example, there's Q52W-tFhNOg-00079-00032373-00032952 models that create faces that don't exist in real life, which is great Q52W-tFhNOg-00080-00032952-00033267 because then there's no person that's been affected by like the reuse of their Q52W-tFhNOg-00081-00033267-00033648 likeness or something. So perhaps that's something we start to do is you can Q52W-tFhNOg-00082-00033648-00034128 upload a photo of a person, and we'll be able to create a fake person that Q52W-tFhNOg-00083-00034128-00034455 gets overlaid over the face. And then there's no, you know - you don't have to Q52W-tFhNOg-00084-00034455-00034842 license your own likeness to be used in the world. So that could be one thing. Q52W-tFhNOg-00085-00034857-00035325 And then also just using all the library as like a starting point. So whether Q52W-tFhNOg-00086-00035325-00035625 that's Stable Diffusion or something else that we could build in, these open source Q52W-tFhNOg-00087-00035625-00036270 models that you can start to modify things, just using commands, prompts. Q52W-tFhNOg-00088-00036270-00036642 I think that would also get people to use a lot more. We already have some - like Q52W-tFhNOg-00089-00036642-00037077 built into Gutenberg is duotone, which changes the colors of photos. So Q52W-tFhNOg-00090-00037077-00037437 we can do some stuff with CSS to style things, blur them, do other stuff like Q52W-tFhNOg-00091-00037437-00037887 that. But what if, you know, you really liked that photo I have of the sheep, but Q52W-tFhNOg-00092-00037887-00038262 you wanted to be cows instead. In theory, this is something you'd call one Q52W-tFhNOg-00093-00038262-00038616 of these models, or tell one of these models. Like take this photo, replace Q52W-tFhNOg-00094-00038616-00039021 the sheep with cows. And it does it. It's kind of wild. We should try that actually Q52W-tFhNOg-00095-00039021-00039321 with that one. See if it actually works. But that is where these models are Q52W-tFhNOg-00096-00039321-00039813 going. And like I said, they are getting better so quickly. Q52W-tFhNOg-00097-00039813-00040416 The models that GPT3 - ChatGPT is based on 3.5, so like a middle one. The next Q52W-tFhNOg-00098-00040416-00040932 versions of this are going from hundreds of billions of inputs to a 10x on that. Q52W-tFhNOg-00099-00040932-00041601 Like a trillion plus. That will just improve the quality that much more. Q52W-tFhNOg-00100-00041613-00041763 So that's what I think could be next there. > Thank you. Q52W-tFhNOg-00101-00041766-00042135 I'm gonna add a tag. I'm going to add a quick tag. Josepha, in case you forgot Q52W-tFhNOg-00102-00042135-00042714 me. We also - when Openverse came over with us - did a little bit of research Q52W-tFhNOg-00103-00042714-00043233 about how to do provenance with the Creative Commons folks to see how that Q52W-tFhNOg-00104-00043233-00043731 can work in kind of an open source, CC licensing setting. We haven't done a lot Q52W-tFhNOg-00105-00043731-00043998 with it. But it's we're aware. We're we're looking at it. So. Q52W-tFhNOg-00106-00044325-00044619 I'll finally say, just like we want Gutenberg to be a gift to the web and Q52W-tFhNOg-00107-00044619-00045093 used places more than WordPress, Openverse is a completely open API. And so is Q52W-tFhNOg-00108-00045093-00045483 our directory. So if other CMSes - whether that's open source ones, like Q52W-tFhNOg-00109-00045483-00045792 Drupal or Ghost or something, or proprietary ones - they want to build in Q52W-tFhNOg-00110-00045792-00046182 the Openverse, that is completely open to them, too. Again, it's part of like - as Q52W-tFhNOg-00111-00046182-00046485 we are trying to create the web that we want to exist, it's going to be more Q52W-tFhNOg-00112-00046485-00046734 than just WordPress. And we want to make the tools that we're creating available Q52W-tFhNOg-00113-00046734-00047152 to others as well. All right, thank you. Next question? Q52W-tFhNOg-00114-00047152-00047898 Hi, Allie Nimmons. I'm here from Austin, Texas. I think I can speak for everyone here Q52W-tFhNOg-00115-00047898-00048453 when I just say thank you. To you, to co-founder Mike Little, and to everyone Q52W-tFhNOg-00116-00048453-00048834 else who followed for this big, beautiful, amazing thing that has Q52W-tFhNOg-00117-00048849-00049404 changed my life and changed, I think, a lot of our lives. As a community member, Q52W-tFhNOg-00118-00049404-00049929 I really enjoy looking at how we - all of us, everyone watching and listening - can Q52W-tFhNOg-00119-00049929-00050511 improve, patch, grow all of these ideas and systems and practices that make up Q52W-tFhNOg-00120-00050511-00051033 this community. And a big part of that, for me is being uncomfortable and brave Q52W-tFhNOg-00121-00051033-00051495 in addressing challenges, problems, doubts, and struggles that we might have. Q52W-tFhNOg-00122-00051522-00052011 And as I grow as a community member into a leader in this community, I find Q52W-tFhNOg-00123-00052011-00052587 myself inspired by people like Josepha, who are able to do this elegantly and Q52W-tFhNOg-00124-00052587-00053192 wisely and kindly. And so as our most visible leader, what do you think is the Q52W-tFhNOg-00125-00053192-00053739 biggest challenge that WordPress is facing right now? And how can we as a Q52W-tFhNOg-00126-00053739-00054426 community of people begin to or continue to lovingly address those challenges? Q52W-tFhNOg-00127-00054663-00055566 That's a tough question. I think what really strikes me about it, we have a Q52W-tFhNOg-00128-00055566-00055827 lot of teams that work on different parts of WordPress. There's like an Q52W-tFhNOg-00129-00055827-00056265 accessibility team, a security team, a translation team. And part of what I've Q52W-tFhNOg-00130-00056265-00056652 begun to appreciate is in kind of the system's thinking of addressing the Q52W-tFhNOg-00131-00056652-00056942 problems that WordPress is trying to address, like creating, basically, an Q52W-tFhNOg-00132-00056942-00057429 operating system for the open web that you can build anything on top of. How Q52W-tFhNOg-00133-00057486-00057864 every single part of that's important. And sometimes some of the struggles we Q52W-tFhNOg-00134-00057864-00058316 have is one of those teams being like, "Hey, we're not getting enough attention" Q52W-tFhNOg-00135-00058320-00058770 or "Hey, we messed up on accessibility" or something like that. And it's true. Often Q52W-tFhNOg-00136-00058770-00059117 maybe we didn't give enough attention to one of those areas, or we didn't have Q52W-tFhNOg-00137-00059117-00059654 our security program covering enough of the plugins or whatever it might be. But Q52W-tFhNOg-00138-00059658-00060087 each one of those is almost like its own linchpin that's supporting all the Q52W-tFhNOg-00139-00060087-00060537 others. It's like a lattice-work, where they're actually all quite Q52W-tFhNOg-00140-00060537-00061164 important. And part of what I think is so important about us having a broad and Q52W-tFhNOg-00141-00061164-00061890 diverse group of contributors is that without one of those, the whole thing Q52W-tFhNOg-00142-00061890-00062466 would collapse a little bit. And we can't pay attention to just Core Q52W-tFhNOg-00143-00062466-00062904 and ignore the plugin infrastructures or something like that. So a little bit, we Q52W-tFhNOg-00144-00062904-00063242 do shift attention and give more attention to some things some years and Q52W-tFhNOg-00145-00063242-00063624 kind of move around a little bit. But as more and more people get involved with Q52W-tFhNOg-00146-00063624-00063888 WordPress, the nice thing is that we kind of work on them all at the same Q52W-tFhNOg-00147-00063888-00064404 time. Divide up the problem essentially. In open source, there's a saying Q52W-tFhNOg-00148-00064404-00064944 "With many eyes, all bugs are shallow." Basically, meaning that any one of Q52W-tFhNOg-00149-00064944-00065403 this would be overwhelming for any one developer, myself or whoever it is. But Q52W-tFhNOg-00150-00065403-00065796 when you get people specializing in lots of different areas. It's Q52W-tFhNOg-00151-00065796-00066255 almost like an economy works, right? Where, one of my favorites - I Q52W-tFhNOg-00152-00066255-00066624 think it's Adam Smith, who spoke about in the Wealth of Nations, the idea of a Q52W-tFhNOg-00153-00066624-00067062 pencil, and how simple pencil is. But when you think about everything that Q52W-tFhNOg-00154-00067062-00067404 goes into making that pencil, literally no one person or no one company Q52W-tFhNOg-00155-00067404-00067812 could have done it. There's the little metal thing. How is the metal found? The Q52W-tFhNOg-00156-00067812-00068274 eraser. The lead. The shaping. The machines that shape it. The distribution. Tow it Q52W-tFhNOg-00157-00068274-00068598 was distributed to stores and everything like that. When you start to think - a Q52W-tFhNOg-00158-00068598-00068955 pencil, even if it was maybe like a craft pencil. Maybe a single person Q52W-tFhNOg-00159-00068955-00069336 the final putting together of the pencil. All the things that went into that Q52W-tFhNOg-00160-00069351-00069825 including the feed and shelter of the person who made it, is like tens of thousands Q52W-tFhNOg-00161-00069825-00070206 or hundreds of thousands of people. Supply chain lines that go across everything. Q52W-tFhNOg-00162-00070227-00070593 Something that's also been on people's minds now a little bit as supply chains Q52W-tFhNOg-00163-00070593-00070983 are getting disrupted or got disrupted this year. So I think about it like Q52W-tFhNOg-00164-00070983-00071262 that. So thank you for that question. That's a tough one. Q52W-tFhNOg-00165-00071340-00071490 Thank you so much. > Appreciate it. Q52W-tFhNOg-00166-00072120-00072237 Come on up. Come on up. Q52W-tFhNOg-00167-00072384-00072877 Hi, my name's Laura Byrne. I'm just from across the river in Montclair, New Jersey. Q52W-tFhNOg-00168-00072877-00073245 We had WordCamp Montclair last year. I think we were one of two Q52W-tFhNOg-00169-00073245-00073557 North American WordCamps last year. We're going to have it again. And one of my Q52W-tFhNOg-00170-00073557-00074064 favorite things we had at that camp is we had folks from the all women release Q52W-tFhNOg-00171-00074064-00074631 squad, do a panel. We had Josepha. We had Michelle. Ebonie Butler, and I am Q52W-tFhNOg-00172-00074631-00074952 forgetting someone. Courtney! Thank you so much. She's in the room. She's gonna Q52W-tFhNOg-00173-00074952-00075684 kill me. I'm sitting next to her. This is very embarrassing. So anyway, try to Q52W-tFhNOg-00174-00075684-00076140 dig myself out of this hole. So I think that really squad was phenomenal. Can we Q52W-tFhNOg-00175-00076140-00076290 do it again? > Sure. Absolutely. Q52W-tFhNOg-00176-00076614-00076836 When would you like to? > I don't know. I'm thinking Q52W-tFhNOg-00177-00076836-00077274 2023. Maybe the second half of 2023? Sounds like a really good idea. Q52W-tFhNOg-00178-00077274-00077337 What do you think? Q52W-tFhNOg-00179-00077427-00077733 Yeah, we could totally do that. We just have to plan for it, I guess. Q52W-tFhNOg-00180-00077733-00078076 So let's start. > You're on? Are we on? Q52W-tFhNOg-00181-00078246-00078585 It's definitely one of those things. So for those who aren't familiar, each Q52W-tFhNOg-00182-00078585-00078981 release of WordPress has kind of a different team that comes together that Q52W-tFhNOg-00183-00078981-00079350 is in charge of it. So essentially, I'm like the lead developer of WordPress. Q52W-tFhNOg-00184-00079350-00079668 We're really, it's kind of like we're passing the torch from different folks Q52W-tFhNOg-00185-00079677-00079980 which allows different teams to have like an impact. And we did this Q52W-tFhNOg-00186-00079980-00080535 experiment with an all-women release lead squad. That was a lot of fun. Yeah. And Q52W-tFhNOg-00187-00080535-00081171 what's that? And non-binary? Thank you. So that sort of experimentation is Q52W-tFhNOg-00188-00081171-00081501 I think part of the beauty of it. Like we all get some practice, like creating Q52W-tFhNOg-00189-00081501-00081873 a WordPress release, releasing it, getting it out there. And folks Q52W-tFhNOg-00190-00081873-00082320 can bring different aspects. That's part of why we name - if you don't Q52W-tFhNOg-00191-00082320-00082632 know, we name actually every WordPress release in honor of a jazz Q52W-tFhNOg-00192-00082632-00083121 musician. And part of the fun thing for me is looking at the characteristics of Q52W-tFhNOg-00193-00083121-00083520 a release and which jazz musician kind of matches that or complements it. Q52W-tFhNOg-00194-00083532-00083937 Or whose life story might, like, be part of that. Actually, if you go around Q52W-tFhNOg-00195-00083937-00084222 and look in the office, the records that are in some of the conference rooms Q52W-tFhNOg-00196-00084222-00084882 here, they're all the jazz musician releases. Thank you, Tino. Thank you, Pablo. Q52W-tFhNOg-00197-00084906-00085194 And thank you, my friend, Marcos. We have a professional jazz musician here Q52W-tFhNOg-00198-00085194-00085902 actually. Marcos Varela. So yeah, thank you for the suggestion. We'll do it. Q52W-tFhNOg-00199-00085902-00086355 Thank you. And one last plug. WordCamp Montclair is happening in June 2023. We Q52W-tFhNOg-00200-00086355-00086529 would love it if you might come. > Oh, cool. Q52W-tFhNOg-00201-00086529-00087018 Right across the river you said. June 2023. And I guess we had two WordCamps Q52W-tFhNOg-00202-00087018-00087318 last year. The slide said one, so he must have had at least two. Yeah. Q52W-tFhNOg-00203-00087318-00087567 Cool. Well, thank you for that fact check as well. Q52W-tFhNOg-00204-00087567-00087654 Great. Thank you. Q52W-tFhNOg-00205-00087852-00088320 I love New York. It really is like one of the great cities of the world. And so Q52W-tFhNOg-00206-00088320-00088668 whenever I'm here, I get really inspired by the energy and everything. The shops. Q52W-tFhNOg-00207-00088668-00088941 The small businesses. Like, man. Alright, thank you. Q52W-tFhNOg-00208-00088944-00089394 Hey, good afternoon. My name is Ryan Marks. I'm with Pantheon and I'm here from Q52W-tFhNOg-00209-00089394-00090072 Tuscaloosa, Alabama. So two years ago, with the release of WordPress 5.6 Q52W-tFhNOg-00210-00090072-00090819 we introduced beta support for PHP. A week ago, PHP 8.2 came out. Q52W-tFhNOg-00211-00090837-00091548 And at the end of November, PHP 7.4 end- of-lifed. We currently have only beta Q52W-tFhNOg-00212-00091548-00092106 support for WordPress on the support grid - on the support chart. All of the Q52W-tFhNOg-00213-00092106-00092813 "Yes"s have asterisks with beta support. So what's the plan to get us to Q52W-tFhNOg-00214-00092813-00093324 full support? The request - the post from the Make team two years ago said Q52W-tFhNOg-00215-00093399-00094083 there was a call for all plugin and theme developers to become compatible Q52W-tFhNOg-00216-00094152-00094662 so that WordPress could be fully supported. What's the status on that? Q52W-tFhNOg-00217-00094731-00095322 And at what level does all themes and plugins need to be fully supported or Q52W-tFhNOg-00218-00095322-00095727 compatible for WordPress to be fully compatible? Q52W-tFhNOg-00219-00095808-00096138 Cool, let me make sure I'm understanding this. So basically, you're saying that Q52W-tFhNOg-00220-00096138-00096735 the new versions of PHP 8, our sort of support - like how WordPress core Q52W-tFhNOg-00221-00096735-00096933 supports them is still beta? Q52W-tFhNOg-00222-00097011-00097809 So all of the PHP 8 columns, and > Where are these columns? Q52W-tFhNOg-00223-00097815-00098427 They're on the Make site. For the supported versions of PHP and WordPress, there's a Q52W-tFhNOg-00224-00098427-00099141 grid. And all of the "yes"s for all of the PHP versions are "Yes*." And at Q52W-tFhNOg-00225-00099141-00099636 the bottom, it says beta support. And so it's - for enterprise companies who are Q52W-tFhNOg-00226-00099636-00100212 looking to use WordPress. Today, WordPress is only available in beta. Q52W-tFhNOg-00227-00100320-00100698 Gotcha. Do you know - because I know we have a lot of sites running WordPress on Q52W-tFhNOg-00228-00100698-00101100 PHP 8, too. Do you know what this might be in reference to? Or anyone have an Q52W-tFhNOg-00229-00101100-00101493 answer? All right, right back there. Let's pass the mic. And Barry, we are Q52W-tFhNOg-00230-00101493-00101814 running WordPress on a ton of PHP 8 - or PHP 8 on a ton of WordPress sites Q52W-tFhNOg-00231-00101814-00102444 right? Oh, and you have an answer. Okay. Well, let's get both. Q52W-tFhNOg-00232-00102507-00103034 So Jonathan. I work a lot on Core. Core contributor. So the changes in PHP 8 Q52W-tFhNOg-00233-00103199-00103479 are pretty foundational. There's a lot of really far-reaching changes and Q52W-tFhNOg-00234-00103479-00104100 to properly support them is a lot of work. And so all of the unit tests for Q52W-tFhNOg-00235-00104100-00104430 WordPress core will pass on these but we can't really speak for plugins and Q52W-tFhNOg-00236-00104430-00105174 themes and how they use these features on PHP 8.x. And so we can't really say Q52W-tFhNOg-00237-00105174-00105908 "Yes, we fully support PHP 8.1, 8.2" because we can't vouch for every plugin Q52W-tFhNOg-00238-00105908-00106286 and theme. And so it's a real gray area where it's difficult to really own that Q52W-tFhNOg-00239-00106286-00106731 and confidently say that, even though our contributor teams have put in the Q52W-tFhNOg-00240-00106731-00107352 work and they have made Core itself - running on its own - 90-ish percent Q52W-tFhNOg-00241-00107352-00107751 compatible with these versions of PHP 8, with the exception of 8.2, which Q52W-tFhNOg-00242-00107751-00108192 just came out. We're still working on that one. Does that answer your question? Q52W-tFhNOg-00243-00108192-00108509 And Barry, did you want to add anything to that? Let's get Q52W-tFhNOg-00244-00108509-00108879 the mic over to you. Let's get the - yeah. Q52W-tFhNOg-00245-00108945-00109488 Yeah. So I actually think that lack of PHP 8 support, whether it's like in Q52W-tFhNOg-00246-00109488-00109917 practice or in theory, is really important for WordPress. And so I Q52W-tFhNOg-00247-00109917-00110373 actually asked about this today, because we still have all these asterisks and Q52W-tFhNOg-00248-00110373-00111011 beta tags next to it. And it's not only PHP 8.2. It's - PHP 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 is all not Q52W-tFhNOg-00249-00111011-00111531 officially supported by core WordPress, not plugins and themes. So apparently Q52W-tFhNOg-00250-00111584-00111918 and I'm actually going to talk to the PHP team - PHP core team - about this Q52W-tFhNOg-00251-00111918-00112436 because part of the difficulty is the lack of backwards compatibility Q52W-tFhNOg-00252-00112497-00113115 maintenance between PHP versions, but also there's not really a compelling Q52W-tFhNOg-00253-00113115-00113445 reason for folks to upgrade to PHP 8. So those two things together make it hard Q52W-tFhNOg-00254-00113445-00113967 to upgrade. But in Core, we do need to do a better job of having Q52W-tFhNOg-00255-00113984-00114516 complete PHP 8 support, at least in Core and also in these - what did you call them? Q52W-tFhNOg-00256-00114516-00114867 Not community plugins, but canonical plugins. > Canonical plugins. Q52W-tFhNOg-00257-00114867-00115365 Yeah, canonical plugins. And Tanya Monk assures me today that it is a Q52W-tFhNOg-00258-00115365-00115908 top priority for her and her team in 2023. So hopefully that means in January. Q52W-tFhNOg-00259-00115980-00116277 But yeah, we do, we do need to - and I heard it was something with Q52W-tFhNOg-00260-00116277-00116589 the requests library? Do you know about that? Q52W-tFhNOg-00261-00116658-00116922 Oh, let's - because some people not here can't hear. Q52W-tFhNOg-00262-00116952-00117279 Yeah, so I heard there was kind of a second party library. Q52W-tFhNOg-00263-00117279-00117627 So it's something that was imported into WordPress that we didn't Q52W-tFhNOg-00264-00117627-00118008 write, but we, I think, are one of the few folks using it. So we kind of Q52W-tFhNOg-00265-00118008-00118278 maintain it. There were some issues there. And I think that's why most of Q52W-tFhNOg-00266-00118278-00118709 those asterisks are there. But we do, like you said, have thousands and thousands Q52W-tFhNOg-00267-00118709-00119298 of sites running successfully on PHP 8, PHP 8.1 with tons of Q52W-tFhNOg-00268-00119298-00119817 plugins and themes. So it works in practice, but I think in theory, it has Q52W-tFhNOg-00269-00119817-00120096 these asterisks next to it which we need to resolve as soon as possible. Q52W-tFhNOg-00270-00120132-00120456 Could be a fun thing for Playground as well. So people could spin up like a Q52W-tFhNOg-00271-00120456-00120906 copy of their site in the WASM version inside the browser, and then test things Q52W-tFhNOg-00272-00120906-00121283 out, see how it works. Although there could be other problems introduced by Q52W-tFhNOg-00273-00121283-00121692 that because it's not using MySQL, which is the standard backend of Q52W-tFhNOg-00274-00121692-00122154 WordPress. It's using SQLite and some translation layers for that. So. Q52W-tFhNOg-00275-00122154-00122571 Yeah, it's interesting. And so the good news - it sounds scary when PHP says we're Q52W-tFhNOg-00276-00122571-00123240 end of life-ing PHP 7.4. Even that terminology - end of life - you don't want Q52W-tFhNOg-00277-00123240-00123669 to "end of life" your website. But in practice, what happens is every major Q52W-tFhNOg-00278-00123669-00124095 web host essentially continues to backport security fixes and other Q52W-tFhNOg-00279-00124095-00124428 things so that older versions of PHP, even though they're not officially Q52W-tFhNOg-00280-00124428-00125135 supported by the PHP core anymore, effectively get their life extended by Q52W-tFhNOg-00281-00125135-00125319 quite a bit. So it's not yet end of life. Q52W-tFhNOg-00282-00125331-00125960 Including Automattic. So we have a PHP 7.4 fork on GitHub in which we Q52W-tFhNOg-00283-00125960-00126450 have backported not only security fixes, but bug fixes from PHP 8 releases. Q52W-tFhNOg-00284-00126450-00126744 That's available - that's on GitHub, so anyone can use - Q52W-tFhNOg-00285-00126744-00127167 Anybody can use it, anybody can download it, and we're committed to maintaining that Q52W-tFhNOg-00286-00127167-00127533 backport until there is significant adoption in the WordPress community and Q52W-tFhNOg-00287-00127533-00127974 other PHP projects in order to kind of officially "EOL" 7.4 and move Q52W-tFhNOg-00288-00127974-00128097 forward with the 8 versions. Q52W-tFhNOg-00289-00128097-00128826 Cool. "EOL", the nice way to say end of life. So that is continuing to go on. Q52W-tFhNOg-00290-00128826-00129231 I will say that PHP 7 was one of my favorite releases ever. Like, it doubled Q52W-tFhNOg-00291-00129231-00129600 speed a couple of times. It was really amazing. The PHP project 8 Q52W-tFhNOg-00292-00129600-00129948 has gone a slightly different direction. And I think they're going to Q52W-tFhNOg-00293-00129948-00130338 have an adoption challenge, just in general, not just from WordPress, until Q52W-tFhNOg-00294-00130338-00130671 they add some more compelling features, as you said, and maybe work on some Q52W-tFhNOg-00295-00130671-00131007 backwards compatibility. So perhaps it could also be something that as we Q52W-tFhNOg-00296-00131007-00131493 co-develop and contribute and give feedback that in their PHP 8.3 or 8.4, maybe Q52W-tFhNOg-00297-00131493-00131784 they can do some things that'll make it easier, not just for us, but for the Q52W-tFhNOg-00298-00131784-00132183 entire PHP community to upgrade. Cool, thank you for that. Q52W-tFhNOg-00299-00132183-00132715 Just giving you a logistics check. Our livestream shuts down in 12 minutes. Q52W-tFhNOg-00300-00132715-00133122 Okay, 12 minutes. So we got a couple more questions. I'll try to go through these Q52W-tFhNOg-00301-00133122-00133557 a little faster. And if you have one, do you mind getting up or getting in line? Q52W-tFhNOg-00302-00134330-00134410 Hi Matt. Q52W-tFhNOg-00303-00134598-00134997 I work with you on Tumblr. Zandy Ring from Olean, New York. Q52W-tFhNOg-00304-00135054-00135531 I have questions from the internet for you. On the legacy websites. Legacy Q52W-tFhNOg-00305-00135531-00136089 social. Will WordPress be a thing after the entire focus is moved in Gutenberg? Q52W-tFhNOg-00306-00136089-00136329 That's from Arlind Nushi on YouTube. Q52W-tFhNOg-00307-00136374-00136899 Ah. So will WordPress still be a thing? Yes, more than ever. So we talk a lot Q52W-tFhNOg-00308-00136899-00137292 about Gutenberg because, like I said, it's something that is transforming Q52W-tFhNOg-00309-00137292-00137712 WordPress. Like I said, when we started it, it's basically the biggest change in Q52W-tFhNOg-00310-00137712-00138183 WordPress' whole history to go to this block paradigm. But it's enabling Q52W-tFhNOg-00311-00138183-00138525 all the core things we do in WordPress. So we're essentially using these Q52W-tFhNOg-00312-00138525-00138879 paradigms of Gutenberg to create the next generation that hopefully makes Q52W-tFhNOg-00313-00138879-00139137 WordPress more radically accessible, particularly the folks who might not Q52W-tFhNOg-00314-00139137-00139551 have as much ability to code. Which is always something, like I said, we want Q52W-tFhNOg-00315-00139551-00139959 WordPress to be radically accessible, regardless of technical ability. So if Q52W-tFhNOg-00316-00139959-00140265 we want to democratize publishing, which has been our mission for 20 years now Q52W-tFhNOg-00317-00140361-00140799 we need to make it easier to use. And that is what Gutenberg does. So, yeah. Q52W-tFhNOg-00318-00140799-00141396 More WordPress than ever. And WordPress now, I believe on the W3Techs, is over 40% Q52W-tFhNOg-00319-00141414-00141840 of all websites and built with - which is what we're switching to - we're at like Q52W-tFhNOg-00320-00141840-00142344 a 33% or something. I think I spoke last year - W3Techs is going or the data set is Q52W-tFhNOg-00321-00142344-00142878 changing. So a third of all websites are running it. And that's about more than Q52W-tFhNOg-00322-00142878-00143253 10x the number two in the marketplace. Which is pretty exciting. It's the Q52W-tFhNOg-00323-00143253-00143446 power of open source. Thank you. Q52W-tFhNOg-00324-00143446-00143841 Thank you. I'd like to just note for everyone that the rest of these Q52W-tFhNOg-00325-00143841-00144369 questions will be posted on a .org blog post and answered there as well. Q52W-tFhNOg-00326-00144390-00144636 So cool. So if we don't get to questions, we'll answer them Q52W-tFhNOg-00327-00144636-00144942 asynchronously afterwards. This line is now longer than ever. Q52W-tFhNOg-00328-00144942-00145053 I'll try to go quickly. Q52W-tFhNOg-00329-00145203-00145686 Hey, Matt. Courtney Robertson, GoDaddy Pro Dev Advocate and co-rep right now of Q52W-tFhNOg-00330-00145686-00146343 the Training team. Two years ago, during the Q&A for your State of the Word Q52W-tFhNOg-00331-00146343-00146802 address, we launched Learn that year. Last year, we shared a lot of stats Q52W-tFhNOg-00332-00146802-00147240 about it. We heard more today about it. I am really passionate about working Q52W-tFhNOg-00333-00147240-00147576 with anyone that wants to learn WordPress on getting them into the Q52W-tFhNOg-00334-00147576-00148206 job market and the things that are on our WordPress jobs board. So that Q52W-tFhNOg-00335-00148206-00148662 question said, things like certifications are starting to come up again. Our Q52W-tFhNOg-00336-00148662-00149094 community talked about it and visited it in 2015. Myself at the time, I was Q52W-tFhNOg-00337-00149094-00149499 opposed. And that tune has changed because I saw how hard it was as an Q52W-tFhNOg-00338-00149499-00149979 educator to find ways to get people adequately trained for jobs and also Q52W-tFhNOg-00339-00149979-00150411 seeing so many jobs being posted, people applying and they don't have the skills Q52W-tFhNOg-00340-00150411-00150735 with WordPress. They might know the other programming languages. Can you Q52W-tFhNOg-00341-00150735-00151212 speak a little bit more about why certifications are something on the Q52W-tFhNOg-00342-00151212-00151335 roadmap for Learn? Q52W-tFhNOg-00343-00151386-00151854 Sure. I'll say that my thinking on this has evolved as well. Maybe it's a similar Q52W-tFhNOg-00344-00151854-00152334 direction to yours. Typically, around certifications, it just felt like a lot Q52W-tFhNOg-00345-00152334-00152610 of overhead to do. Like, what does it mean to be officially certified on Q52W-tFhNOg-00346-00152610-00153078 WordPress? And also changing every year. Like, WordPress is evolving so quickly. Q52W-tFhNOg-00347-00153078-00153534 What does it mean? How do you update that? But now, exactly like you said Q52W-tFhNOg-00348-00153534-00154047 I feel like, as there's more demand for WordPress developers and experts ever Q52W-tFhNOg-00349-00154059-00154524 having some sort of standardized education that they go to - not unlike Q52W-tFhNOg-00350-00154524-00154851 many professional organizations. Like if you're a doctor or pilot, it's kind of Q52W-tFhNOg-00351-00154851-00155169 an ongoing training. It's something there's being able to fly the plane in the Q52W-tFhNOg-00352-00155169-00155385 first place and then there's like ongoing training that you go through Q52W-tFhNOg-00353-00155385-00155703 every year. Real estate agents. Many professional organizations have Q52W-tFhNOg-00354-00155703-00155970 this. I guess, mostly, I just want to figure out how we can do it in a Q52W-tFhNOg-00355-00155970-00156345 WordPress-y way, right? There's probably some de minimis costs because an Q52W-tFhNOg-00356-00156345-00156822 exam needs to be proctored or something like that. But we want to make this Q52W-tFhNOg-00357-00156837-00157305 content, training material, everything as radically open as possible. But I Q52W-tFhNOg-00358-00157305-00157926 think we can do it now. So there are some - we're in two ongoing conversations. Q52W-tFhNOg-00359-00157932-00158286 I think it's fine for there to be sort of for-profit things doing this and we Q52W-tFhNOg-00360-00158286-00158508 can point to some of them, especially if they're aligned with our ethos and Q52W-tFhNOg-00361-00158508-00158802 philosophy. And then also, hopefully, there's lots of nonprofits around like Q52W-tFhNOg-00362-00158802-00159117 re-training people and others. Maybe we can partner with some of them as well to Q52W-tFhNOg-00363-00159117-00159282 point to. Thank you. Q52W-tFhNOg-00364-00159495-00160272 Hi, Matt. Oops. My name is Bud Kraus. I operate as @joyofwp. And first Q52W-tFhNOg-00365-00160272-00160701 I'm up here because I want to - when I was up here last year and everybody saw me Q52W-tFhNOg-00366-00160704-00161109 around the world and said, "Hey, I saw you on State of the Word." So I decided I would do it again. Q52W-tFhNOg-00367-00161109-00161541 Hi Mom! > Exactly. But in all seriousness, I do have a question. Q52W-tFhNOg-00368-00161541-00162123 And that is, what do you see as the future of themes? Because with Twenty Twenty-Three Q52W-tFhNOg-00369-00162123-00162618 with all this design agnostic, with style variations, and I think you even Q52W-tFhNOg-00370-00162618-00162897 alluded to the fact - like one theme. Are we going to get to the point where Q52W-tFhNOg-00371-00162897-00163359 there's a universal theme. And that's it. And that's it! Q52W-tFhNOg-00372-00163479-00163884 That's it. That's a great question. I think we're essentially going to have a Q52W-tFhNOg-00373-00163884-00164472 bifurcation of themes. So they'll be essentially, for most designs and Q52W-tFhNOg-00374-00164472-00164973 most standard themes, I can see those being built on maybe one or Q52W-tFhNOg-00375-00164973-00165276 two different themes. Like maybe it's a create block theme. Maybe it's Q52W-tFhNOg-00376-00165276-00165717 something else that comes up. But like, pretty well standardized. I think Q52W-tFhNOg-00377-00165717-00166341 there'll be some other kind of community themes that might do either Q52W-tFhNOg-00378-00166341-00166701 weirder stuff. I remember we've had a command line theme before or Q52W-tFhNOg-00379-00166701-00166980 something else. So there might be sort of more radical designs that Q52W-tFhNOg-00380-00166980-00167400 happen. And then, I guess where the real bifurcation will come is - there's of Q52W-tFhNOg-00381-00167400-00168000 course, some themes, like let's say Divi or others, which are on the surface themes Q52W-tFhNOg-00382-00168000-00168333 but are really almost like entire applications embedded. So they're using Q52W-tFhNOg-00383-00168333-00168708 the distribution and kind of the bundling of themes to include basically Q52W-tFhNOg-00384-00168708-00169119 a bunch of plugins as well. And other stuff. These are really, really popular Q52W-tFhNOg-00385-00169140-00169542 and actually do a lot to bring people onto WordPress because they bundle so Q52W-tFhNOg-00386-00169542-00169953 many things that otherwise you might have to cobble together or assemble like Q52W-tFhNOg-00387-00169953-00170304 a bunch of different plugins and things, to do. So I think those are going to be Q52W-tFhNOg-00388-00170304-00170523 around for a long time, because essentially, they're almost like Q52W-tFhNOg-00389-00170523-00170886 applications being bundled. They're using on the surface themes, but they're Q52W-tFhNOg-00390-00170886-00171258 really something else. And perhaps we need a new name for those as well. Just Q52W-tFhNOg-00391-00171258-00171564 like we're starting to differentiate between community and commercial Q52W-tFhNOg-00392-00171564-00172059 in the directories. Perhaps those we need a new word for because it's really the Q52W-tFhNOg-00393-00172059-00172539 kind of like a theme plus an app that's bundled as one. So a thapp? I don't know. Q52W-tFhNOg-00394-00172539-00173205 We'll think of it. Sometimes naming is not my strong point. Come on up. Q52W-tFhNOg-00395-00173316-00173709 Hello, I'm Nev from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This might be a crazy Q52W-tFhNOg-00396-00173709-00174276 question, but the discussion about GPT earlier had me thinking about this. When Q52W-tFhNOg-00397-00174276-00174576 I owned an agency for eight years, the biggest problem we had our clients that Q52W-tFhNOg-00398-00174576-00174987 didn't have a big budget was content. Getting the website written. We would Q52W-tFhNOg-00399-00174987-00175704 call that the build-to-launch gap. Now, I'm thinking for like a mechanic who Q52W-tFhNOg-00400-00175731-00176031 builds his website, gets it ready, but doesn't know what to say about an oil Q52W-tFhNOg-00401-00176031-00176406 change. And if he goes to GPT and says, "What are the benefits of getting your oil Q52W-tFhNOg-00402-00176406-00176781 changed every 90 days?" Would there be you know - then he can get his website Q52W-tFhNOg-00403-00176781-00177186 launched a lot quicker. Would there be any way or any thinking about Q52W-tFhNOg-00404-00177204-00177668 integrating GPT with WordPress to get these websites launched quicker? Q52W-tFhNOg-00405-00177668-00177747 Totally. Q52W-tFhNOg-00406-00177780-00178116 I think - so right now, these models typically are expensive. Like every Q52W-tFhNOg-00407-00178116-00178488 query costs like a couple pennies. So it might be something that is Q52W-tFhNOg-00408-00178488-00178959 more like integrating API's with commercial services. You know, whether Q52W-tFhNOg-00409-00178959-00179376 that's from WordPress companies or like more broader ones, like OpenAI. And I Q52W-tFhNOg-00410-00179376-00179835 think there's some specifically around copywriting. Like Jarvis is one of Q52W-tFhNOg-00411-00179835-00180069 them? I'm forgetting some of the names but there's already some. They have Q52W-tFhNOg-00412-00180069-00180426 taken these large language models and applied them to creating copy for Q52W-tFhNOg-00413-00180426-00180960 marketing pages or something like that. Now, if websites were just being written Q52W-tFhNOg-00414-00180960-00181407 by these things, I think that would be kind of boring. Because they have a Q52W-tFhNOg-00415-00181407-00181830 style of writing, which is like - the more you read it, you can kind of Q52W-tFhNOg-00416-00181830-00182142 recognize it. And they're even talking about embeddings some fingerprinting and Q52W-tFhNOg-00417-00182142-00182517 things so you can take part of text and identify whether it's generated by GPT Q52W-tFhNOg-00418-00182517-00183111 or some of these others. But I think if that is kind of like a creative grist Q52W-tFhNOg-00419-00183126-00183597 that perhaps inspires you to rewrite something or something like that, that's Q52W-tFhNOg-00420-00183597-00184290 pretty powerful. So again, I think just the AI created stuff has one level of Q52W-tFhNOg-00421-00184290-00184767 coolness, but ultimately is not like raising the culture. And what humans do Q52W-tFhNOg-00422-00184767-00185226 does do that. But there's sometimes that sort of blank canvas problem, or Q52W-tFhNOg-00423-00185226-00185544 writer's block. Like you're just staring at... you're not sure where to start. So Q52W-tFhNOg-00424-00185544-00185913 if we can combine this both for maybe giving you ideas where to start to write Q52W-tFhNOg-00425-00185913-00186288 and edit something, and then finally on the back end, helping you edit. Q52W-tFhNOg-00426-00186288-00186570 There's been tools like Grammarly and other things, Spellcheck, obviously, Q52W-tFhNOg-00427-00186588-00187125 that have certainly improved my writing. And the next level of those where you Q52W-tFhNOg-00428-00187125-00187551 might be able to say, "Hey, I wrote this essay, how can I make it a little bit Q52W-tFhNOg-00429-00187551-00187875 shorter?" Or, "How can I make this a little punchier?" or something like that, and you Q52W-tFhNOg-00430-00187875-00188247 can get feedback where it analyzes your writing and maybe helps you iterate and Q52W-tFhNOg-00431-00188247-00188604 improve it. I think that's actually pretty powerful. So there's these Q52W-tFhNOg-00432-00188604-00188991 studies where they would show like just humans playing a game like chess, got to Q52W-tFhNOg-00433-00188991-00189372 a certain level. Just a computer playing it, got to a certain level. Eventually Q52W-tFhNOg-00434-00189372-00189849 the ultimate level. But for a while, the human plus the computer working together Q52W-tFhNOg-00435-00189864-00190092 where the computer would suggest some moves and the humans would choose them, Q52W-tFhNOg-00436-00190101-00190443 which they call Centaurs -- you know, the kind of that combination human horse Q52W-tFhNOg-00437-00190443-00190791 type thing -- is the most powerful, and I actually think that's the future of Q52W-tFhNOg-00438-00190794-00191214 these creative works as sort of Centaur creation. >Thank you. Q52W-tFhNOg-00439-00191861-00192401 We'll make these the last three. Yeah, three in five minutes; we got it. Cool. Q52W-tFhNOg-00440-00192555-00193245 > Challenge accepted Josepha. Michele Butcher Jones, I'm sponsored by Pagely Q52W-tFhNOg-00441-00193245-00193866 and from Carbondale, Illinois. For the first 20 years of WordPress, it's Q52W-tFhNOg-00442-00193866-00194430 been rather easy getting like the older Gen X generation, the Millennial Q52W-tFhNOg-00443-00194430-00194991 generations, coming into WordPress, and helping contribute, build, and everything. Q52W-tFhNOg-00444-00195027-00195717 And... but now in a way with a change of... for myself having a Gen Z daughter, and Q52W-tFhNOg-00445-00195717-00196458 then the Alpha generation, they're seeing more of wanting to be more of a Q52W-tFhNOg-00446-00196458-00196806 influencer when it comes to tech and different stuff like that, then actually Q52W-tFhNOg-00447-00196806-00197529 like work on code and stuff. And as one of the front people pushing for the Q52W-tFhNOg-00448-00197559-00198162 KidsCamps, and to bring them in to WordPress that way, and then also with Q52W-tFhNOg-00449-00198162-00198549 our training that we're setting up. But what are we really doing and thinking of Q52W-tFhNOg-00450-00198549-00199050 the future of keeping the incourse of the younger ones and younger generations Q52W-tFhNOg-00451-00199050-00199101 coming? Q52W-tFhNOg-00452-00199122-00199581 Yeah. You alluded to it, but I think education is so important. And we need Q52W-tFhNOg-00453-00199581-00199917 to get into schools at every single level -- elementary, middle, high school, Q52W-tFhNOg-00454-00199917-00200292 college -- and teach these skills. Because when you learn these skills, they Q52W-tFhNOg-00455-00200292-00200595 actually are lifelong skills. When you learn a little bit of HTML, a little bit Q52W-tFhNOg-00456-00200595-00201027 of CSS, that get... this gives you, much like learning instruments or learning Q52W-tFhNOg-00457-00201027-00201348 something else, like a language, you can use the rest of your life, to be Q52W-tFhNOg-00458-00201348-00201702 creative and express yourself. And sort of learning a little bit how computers Q52W-tFhNOg-00459-00201702-00202197 work, I think is in many ways, like a new type of literacy, that just opens up Q52W-tFhNOg-00460-00202197-00202686 entire worlds in a really powerful way. Two, we need to make it easier to onboard. Q52W-tFhNOg-00461-00202692-00203016 And things like Gutenberg, everything we just talked about, I hope will help a Q52W-tFhNOg-00462-00203016-00203469 lot with that. And the third thing, which is a little bit kind of a side Q52W-tFhNOg-00463-00203469-00203781 personal projects I've been working on, you might notice I've got the double Q52W-tFhNOg-00464-00203781-00204339 verify checkmark. That's a little homage to... We launched on Tumblr, this thing Q52W-tFhNOg-00465-00204339-00204912 where for $8 instead of one check mark, you can get two. But Tumblr is something I've Q52W-tFhNOg-00466-00204912-00205278 been working on a lot personally. And so Automattic a few years ago acquired Q52W-tFhNOg-00467-00205278-00205728 Tumblr. I've been functioning as the CEO of that since February. Tumblr is social Q52W-tFhNOg-00468-00205728-00206304 blogging, basically. So it's... a cool thing about Tumblr is over half the user Q52W-tFhNOg-00469-00206304-00207092 base is under 25. It's more female than male, and more mobile. And it's doing Q52W-tFhNOg-00470-00207165-00207588 50... 100,000 signups depending on the day, every day. So, a ton of new people are Q52W-tFhNOg-00471-00207588-00208107 coming in, and it's really fun. So we are transitioning Tumblr to be powered Q52W-tFhNOg-00472-00208107-00208448 by WordPress. So it's not there yet, but you'll be able to use Tumblr, like a Q52W-tFhNOg-00473-00208448-00208767 social network on your phone or whatever. But the sort of... what we call Q52W-tFhNOg-00474-00208767-00209133 the web network. So like where you have a subdomain or custom domain on Q52W-tFhNOg-00475-00209133-00209535 Tumblr, that'll all be like WordPress themes. So what I'm hoping is that Q52W-tFhNOg-00476-00209535-00209925 Tumblr can actually provide on ramp for an entirely new generation that has like Q52W-tFhNOg-00477-00209925-00210279 the fun blogging aspect that's very social, so you can learn that part. But Q52W-tFhNOg-00478-00210279-00210735 when you're ready to like expand your web presence or portfolio or have a Q52W-tFhNOg-00479-00210735-00211019 store or something like that, then when you learn that you'll actually be Q52W-tFhNOg-00480-00211019-00211329 learning WordPress, and that's a skill which you could take to any web host, to Q52W-tFhNOg-00481-00211329-00211623 any sort of like part of the whole WordPress ecosystem. So, I'm hoping that Q52W-tFhNOg-00482-00211623-00211875 can be a new onramp as well. That just kind of something personally I'm working Q52W-tFhNOg-00483-00211875-00212163 on, and with Automattic. So thank you. >Thank you. Q52W-tFhNOg-00484-00212451-00213012 Hey, Matt. Robert Jacobi from Cloudways. I did buy my two check marks, so... Q52W-tFhNOg-00485-00213042-00213498 You're double verified! >...double verified. Inspired by the Pantheon question Q52W-tFhNOg-00486-00213498-00214284 and PHP? Will there ever be a backwards compatibility break if there is a technology Q52W-tFhNOg-00487-00214284-00214656 sufficient enough to accelerate the WordPress ecosystem? Q52W-tFhNOg-00488-00214827-00215334 Hmmm...backwards compatibility? So, yeah. So, Gutenberg is a backwards incompatible Q52W-tFhNOg-00489-00215334-00215700 change. And remember, in previous years, when Gutenberg was first being Q52W-tFhNOg-00490-00215700-00216098 introduced, there was a lot of resistance to it. There... there's still Q52W-tFhNOg-00491-00216098-00216494 some. It's getting better. People are really opened up to Gutenberg. It's Q52W-tFhNOg-00492-00216494-00216936 on like, the majority of new sites and everything. But I would talk a lot that Q52W-tFhNOg-00493-00216936-00217341 Gutenberg was something new to learn, it was a completely different tech stack, Q52W-tFhNOg-00494-00217346-00217694 and all the plugins and everything are going to need to be updated. But I'd Q52W-tFhNOg-00495-00217694-00218181 say it's #WorthIt. Right? Like it's a big change, but we think that this is Q52W-tFhNOg-00496-00218181-00218487 worth doing. And we don't do it that often. It's the biggest backwards... Q52W-tFhNOg-00497-00218487-00218942 Basically, you can run a theme written for WordPress from 2005 on WordPress Q52W-tFhNOg-00498-00218942-00219189 6.1 today, 17 years later, and it works. Q52W-tFhNOg-00499-00219194-00219671 >Which is why I think it's not like that kind of break. Like, you would say that Q52W-tFhNOg-00500-00219671-00220011 WordPress 10 can't run on anything except PHP 4000? Q52W-tFhNOg-00501-00220065-00220680 Yeah. We'll see. Yeah, never say never and we'll see what is coming, and new Q52W-tFhNOg-00502-00220680-00220989 versions of technology. There's definitely features that, for example, Q52W-tFhNOg-00503-00220989-00221457 require a newer browser in WordPress, or things like this web assembly language Q52W-tFhNOg-00504-00221457-00221877 that allows the playground feature. Like that's not going to be supported in, you Q52W-tFhNOg-00505-00221877-00222144 know, Internet Explorer 8 or anything like that. So, we are Q52W-tFhNOg-00506-00222144-00222477 definitely saying like newer technologies. But we try to make that a Q52W-tFhNOg-00507-00222477-00222876 progressive enhancement. So saying... Like, for example, some of this new Q52W-tFhNOg-00508-00222876-00223200 stuff, like the block interface is way more complex. So if you're using like a Q52W-tFhNOg-00509-00223200-00223509 screen reader to interact with WordPress, there's a lot going on. And Q52W-tFhNOg-00510-00223509-00223875 if you just want to do a post, maybe that's too much. So we always have like, Q52W-tFhNOg-00511-00223890-00224196 the Classic Editor, if you want to switch back, or alternative ways of Q52W-tFhNOg-00512-00224196-00224498 posting to WordPress, whether through API's or other things, so that there's more Q52W-tFhNOg-00513-00224498-00224871 then one way to do it. And depending on what sort of like you need to do, Q52W-tFhNOg-00514-00224942-00225204 there's many ways to post, many ways to edit, many ways to do everything, Q52W-tFhNOg-00515-00225207-00225675 including all these API's, both the XML RPC and the REST API that are built in. Q52W-tFhNOg-00516-00225711-00226521 So... but never say never. We'll see. >Thank you, Matt. Q52W-tFhNOg-00517-00226521-00226769 Thank you. Last question. All right. Hope it's good. Q52W-tFhNOg-00518-00226771-00227160 We'll see. We'll see. Mike Melanson. I'm with the GitHub, The ReadME Project. Q52W-tFhNOg-00519-00227160-00227508 Cool. When you were talking earlier about Project Gutenberg, I was Q52W-tFhNOg-00520-00227508-00228012 remembering the beginning of this year, there was talk about the Block Protocol Q52W-tFhNOg-00521-00228012-00228330 from Joel Spolsky. Yeah. And you responded that you guys were interested Q52W-tFhNOg-00522-00228330-00228852 in helping out with that, partaking somehow. I'm curious, what's happened Q52W-tFhNOg-00523-00228852-00228936 since then, if anything? Q52W-tFhNOg-00524-00229067-00229442 Yeah, so Block Protocol. And Joel Spolsky is like, an incredible Q52W-tFhNOg-00525-00229442-00229973 developer, if you're a developer, or I guess he's a leader now, his Q52W-tFhNOg-00526-00229973-00230496 Joel on Software essays, is one of these books that's like a little older, Q52W-tFhNOg-00527-00230505-00231000 but so timeless. In New York City, I believe, as well, and was part of Q52W-tFhNOg-00528-00231000-00231651 creating Fog Creek. What else did they do? Glitch. What's that? Stack Overflow. Oh, Q52W-tFhNOg-00529-00231651-00232482 yeah. How'd I forget the big one?! So, so much. Sometimes developers don't like to work Q52W-tFhNOg-00530-00232482-00232946 together on the same thing. And so it's part of why there's like two hundred Q52W-tFhNOg-00531-00232946-00233265 CMSes and stuff like that. Like, sometimes there might be a stylistic or Q52W-tFhNOg-00532-00233265-00233601 technical change that when you look at it, you say, "I can't use this thing Q52W-tFhNOg-00533-00233601-00233967 that exist. I'm going to start something that's different." And I think that's a Q52W-tFhNOg-00534-00233967-00234231 little bit what's happening with Gutenberg and the Block Protocols. And Q52W-tFhNOg-00535-00234231-00234555 so as we've gotten involved -- like, we're definitely communicating as the Q52W-tFhNOg-00536-00234555-00235038 projects -- but they feel like there's some things either choices in Gutenberg Q52W-tFhNOg-00537-00235038-00235404 or ways we develop things that just are incompatible with how they see it Q52W-tFhNOg-00538-00235404-00235871 happening. We'll see where that goes in the future. Like I said, Gutenberg, Q52W-tFhNOg-00539-00235871-00236298 we've tried to make CMS agnostic, so it can be embedded in anything and reskined, Q52W-tFhNOg-00540-00236301-00236642 like you saw with the Tumblr example. It can be totally different. And everything Q52W-tFhNOg-00541-00236642-00237044 we're doing is open. So I would hope that wherever they end up, Gutenberg Q52W-tFhNOg-00542-00237044-00237366 blocks could maybe be embedded, if there's a translation layer or something Q52W-tFhNOg-00543-00237366-00237759 like that, in their editor. And you know, it's totally fine for there to be Q52W-tFhNOg-00544-00237759-00238179 other editors. If we can do something for users where if they copy and paste Q52W-tFhNOg-00545-00238179-00238608 or just some sort of translation layer, I think that would be really ideal, and Q52W-tFhNOg-00546-00238608-00238953 where I hope we end up well. One of the cool thing is about there being more than one Q52W-tFhNOg-00547-00238953-00239273 thing, like multiple editors as well, is maybe they create something really cool Q52W-tFhNOg-00548-00239277-00239517 that's open source, and they were like, "Oh, let's bring that over to Gutenberg." Q52W-tFhNOg-00549-00239535-00239946 So the innovation can flow both ways, and sometimes maybe that's only possible Q52W-tFhNOg-00550-00239946-00240276 if you're starting something from scratch. So they're open source. They're Q52W-tFhNOg-00551-00240276-00240651 doing open protocols, everything like that. So I consider them like a cousin Q52W-tFhNOg-00552-00240651-00240987 project, and I hope that we can integrate more in the future. But if Q52W-tFhNOg-00553-00240987-00241335 not, that's okay, too. Maybe this will just be an alternative ecosystem that Q52W-tFhNOg-00554-00241335-00241755 can experiment with new ideas, or maybe things we would say no to, they can try Q52W-tFhNOg-00555-00241755-00242246 and then we see how it's adopted by users. Cool. Well, thank you so much. Q52W-tFhNOg-00556-00242273-00242388 We're going to end there Q52W-tFhNOg-00557-00243219-00243594 if you're here in New York, we'll now go, we'll have some snacks, and just hanging Q52W-tFhNOg-00558-00243594-00243906 out. We'll be pretty open if you want to stay for a while. And for those of you Q52W-tFhNOg-00559-00243906-00244353 tuning in online, thank you so much for giving us part of your day. See you next Q52W-tFhNOg-00560-00244353-00244442 year, if not before. Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00000-00000056-00000752 Hey my friend! all right so you want to add a chat bot to your WordPress blog now we're going to talk Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00001-00000752-00001312 about how you can do that and I'm going to show you what I mean by a chat bot if I look at my blog Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00002-00001312-00001720 site you can actually go to my blog site whoops let's share the screen here and you can actually Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00003-00001720-00002288 see this little fella down here right if I scroll down you can see he's always there down the bottom Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00004-00002288-00002896 he's actually saying hello check this out check the check this out click here right so you can Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00005-00002896-00003447 do that you can do a whole bunch of different ways but that's a chat bot and when you click it Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00006-00003528-00004112 your visitor is going to be presented with a conversation right welcome to my blog you have Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00007-00004112-00004760 time to talk I'll say sure then we move on to the conversation now if you if they don't enable that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00008-00004760-00005184 maybe you want to send them a special message maybe you want them to register if they try to Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00009-00005184-00005824 leave your site it's you can have it so it pops up a chatbot like this where it says hey wait Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00010-00005824-00006368 wait don't leave right before you go how'd you like to set up a chatbot like this on your own Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00011-00006368-00006816 website right so of course there I could you could be promoting anything you'd be asking them to join Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00012-00006816-00007440 your list you can be doing anything like that and you can set that up really really easily it Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00013-00007440-00008040 doesn't take a lot of technical knowledge you just need to know the steps and we're going to cover Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00014-00008040-00008904 those steps in just a minute but first this So the real question is this: What are the strategies, Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00015-00008904-00009592 techniques and tools that you need to learn to generate residual income from the e-learning boom Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00016-00009592-00010392 that's happening right now? My name is Jean-Serge Gagnon and welcome to Course Income Secrets... Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00017-00010584-00011280 so let's make this real easy for you let's try to go through the steps so that you can do it on your Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00018-00011280-00011912 blog so this is going to assume that you already have a WordPress site you are trying to add your Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00019-00011912-00012440 blog to your web not your blog story the chat bot to your blog so the first thing you need to do is Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00020-00012440-00012880 you need to get a chat bot software there's a whole bunch of them obviously and I'm going to Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00021-00012880-00013519 talk about the one that I use and that you can get for a lifetime deal right now so all you got to do Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00022-00013519-00014096 is first you first you need to get the chatbot software right if you choose to get a different Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00023-00014096-00014663 chatbot software obviously the process to add it is going to be different so you won't this Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00024-00014663-00015160 this this tutorial is not but anyways it'll give you an idea maybe but still the like I said the Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00025-00015160-00015584 chat box office is ridiculous it's 37 dollars a lifetime let me just show you the link here Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00026-00015640-00016336 where is it there you go right here so if you go to my conversion.bot myconvergiobot.com will Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00027-00016336-00017048 actually take you to this page which is a page that I talked more about the the bot right so Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00028-00017048-00017696 if I go to my conversionbot.com it'll take you to a page that talks about the chatbot software Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00029-00017792-00018520 uh on my blog so it's basically a blogs blog page as you can see this page also has a chat bot Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00030-00018520-00019168 on it and just load up in a second here and or maybe it doesn't oh yes it does okay I thought it Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00031-00019168-00019648 did but so over here this is going to be a different chat but this talks about the Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00032-00019648-00020176 chatbot software you can click on these things to go get it and if you click on this fella Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00033-00020440-00020944 he's a chat bot so thanks for waking me up you got a minute sure I got a minute then Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00034-00020944-00021360 he's going to say awesome my name is jean serge it's going to say what's your name it's bob Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00035-00021488-00022208 and then it'll ask me do you have a blog a website a funnel capture page to set up a chat bot like Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00036-00022208-00022824 this I'm going to say yes great you can easily add a chatbot like this to your website or page Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00037-00022824-00023424 the cool thing about this chatbot is you can create an unlimited set of flows conversations Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00038-00023424-00023872 for your website you can actually do this on a regular website too we're not gonna we're Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00039-00023872-00024624 not talking about the um uh the the the word WordPress specifically but anyways if you've got Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00040-00024624-00025080 a WordPress it's a lot easier even but just like this conversation is different on this page and Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00041-00025080-00025512 then the rest of my blog so as I kind of wanted to point that out right there when I when I first Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00042-00025512-00025960 showed you my blog it said welcome to my blog right whereas this one doesn't say welcome to my Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00043-00025960-00026480 blog it says wake what thanks for waking me right and then it has these this information that's not Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00044-00026480-00027168 the same as what it's pretty awesome right I say totally then it takes me to the page okay go to Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00045-00027168-00027608 info.conversion I should probably make this let's actually go fix that I'm going to go fix that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00046-00027608-00028120 right now and make make that a link because it's supposed to be a link you can click on it right Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00047-00028120-00028720 click to continue when you're done but let's go to the actual my blog I'm actually going to go Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00048-00028720-00029344 in my dashboard here and go no that's not where I want it sorry it's in the conversion but so Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00049-00029344-00029856 conversion but once you have it it looks like this you have a dashboard and then you have your bots Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00050-00029936-00030695 um let's yeah let's I'm kind of jumping ahead here I want to show you first how to get conversion bot Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00051-00030695-00031448 so conversion bot you go to this link uh let's just go to that link that's the place where you Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00052-00031448-00032072 actually order the conversion but software like I said it's not it's it's ridiculous right now Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00053-00032072-00032383 I don't know how long they're gonna have this deal for but if you scroll down Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00054-00032495-00033232 you can see that they have the deal at where is it right here right so you got light and pro Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00055-00033232-00034120 so you can get light for um where's the price for 36 a month right now 27 lifetime or you get Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00056-00034120-00034832 the pro which is 67 about double the price but right now they have it at 37 one-time Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00057-00034832-00035336 payment and and depending on what what what day you look at you might get a 10 coupon here Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00058-00035432-00036048 but uh this is how you get it you just click on this I definitely you know it's kind of silly Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00059-00036048-00036536 to go with the light when it's only ten dollars more for the uh so you get unlimited chat bots get Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00060-00036536-00037224 multi-site license install on unlimited websites you get 10 done for you ai chat bot templates Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00061-00037424-00037888 you get full commercial license to sell your bots right and you can add Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00062-00037888-00038384 bots to external websites you don't control useful for testing and showing people how Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00063-00038384-00038976 to how they might want a bot from you right you can actually do that too if you want anyways I'm Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00064-00038976-00039440 just saying that's what you get with the pro so just click on this get conversion brought Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00065-00039440-00040040 conversion but pro and that's just going to take you to a page to order it with you know Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00066-00040040-00040512 put your credit credit card in anyways that's it once you have that then you're going to have Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00067-00040512-00040984 a back office like this the dashboard right obviously when you first start you just got Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00068-00040984-00041368 the conversion bot pro you don't have any of these those are all upgrades you can get Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00069-00041552-00042152 lots of them I recommend definitely getting the conversion bot extreme for sure auto chatbot Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00070-00042152-00042752 builder is kind of cool it'll let you create bots by just asking you a few questions done for you Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00071-00042752-00043272 pro includes a hundred bunch a hundred templates more well more than that they're ad they add some Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00072-00043272-00043976 all the time and then agency is uh his ability to have other people use your account as if it's Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00073-00043976-00044568 their accounts you can actually resell this whole thing right anyways so once you have your account Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00074-00044568-00045040 all you got to do is you got to create a bot so you go to well you'll see right here there's going Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00075-00045040-00045616 to be a create a bot button right there you just click on that let's take that link out of there so Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00076-00045616-00046464 you just click on that you give the bot a name so I'm just going to call this cis3 cis315 test right Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00077-00046528-00046976 uh don't worry about I'm gonna just put it in the main folder test spots actually I have a bot test Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00078-00046976-00047376 folder so I'm gonna create the bot so that's all I gotta do you gotta just create the bot Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00079-00047704-00048336 and it's it's really that simple then you just have to add block so blocks are pieces Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00080-00048336-00048992 of conversation so if you you can just imagine what do you want your visitor to to see when Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00081-00048992-00049400 they open the bot right what do they want them to see first right so I'm just going to say first I'm Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00082-00049400-00049776 going to add one block I'm just going to say this is going to be the welcome block you can Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00083-00049776-00050280 give it whatever name you want this is just for you so you can see what when when you have a lot Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00084-00050280-00050784 of blocks you can see what is what so this is going to say welcome I'm going to say welcome Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00085-00050864-00051512 to my blog right so you can say welcome to whatever your site is that kind of stuff then Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00086-00051512-00052488 what you want is you want to let's just say add I'm I like to say do you have time for quick Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00087-00052544-00053208 chat right so then I like to just ask them that right because well because it's makes Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00088-00053208-00053696 them feel that you're you care about their time right so in the user response you click Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00089-00053696-00054191 on your response you say over here I just want a button and I'm just going to say sure Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00090-00054344-00054896 uh just one one sure I'm not going to say no because you know if they don't have time Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00091-00054896-00055264 why why would I engage them I'm going to make them feel like I didn't listen right Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00092-00055264-00055824 so I'm just going to say legal consent because I want the first pers the first interaction to also Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00093-00055824-00056408 include by clicking here you accept our privacy policy so I have actually a privacy policy on Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00094-00056408-00057104 my site let me just open this whoops open a new tab I'm going to go get the link I use on my blog Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00095-00057104-00057791 for my privacy I've got I've got that in the footer at the bottom of the page I got a privacy Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00096-00057791-00058304 privacy policy right here I'm just going to copy this link I'm going to put that in here that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00097-00058304-00058832 becomes my privacy policy right so I'm just going to say that I'm going to click on continue so now Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00098-00058832-00059448 now what did I do okay so I'm going to save this so now what did I do I created one block that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00099-00059448-00059912 will pop up whenever they click the the the chat on this on the bottom there right whenever they Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00100-00059912-00060536 click this this this chat bot down here it'll pop up that first question right so that's kind Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00101-00060536-00061184 of how what you have here is your welcome the next thing is this is going to ask them do they Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00102-00061184-00061624 have time for a chat right so what you want to do is you want to say well what's next what's after Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00103-00061679-00062200 they say yep I got time right so then we're going to add another block and we're going to say here Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00104-00062288-00062912 we're going to say in this block we're going to say okay start well let's just say get get Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00105-00062912-00063616 name because I'm going to be asking their name I'm going to say great great my name is jean Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00106-00063816-00064416 what's your name what's your name I'm going to ask them their name right I want to have a Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00107-00064416-00064936 I want to be able to give use their name in the conversation so I'm going to say uh user responses Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00108-00064936-00065736 I'm going to say text and over here then the type I can choose their first name and I'm just going Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00109-00065736-00066240 to make it capitalize validation just to make sure that you know they actually typed something Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00110-00066304-00066976 right okay so continue and I'm gonna save that so now all I'm doing here is after Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00111-00066976-00067376 they've said they have time for a chat I want to ask their name so I'm gonna and the other Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00112-00067376-00067752 thing is you want to connect those together because well before we do that let me just Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00113-00067752-00068496 okay so that's the second one next I'm gonna say I asked them their name right and then I'm gonna say Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00114-00068632-00069520 ask what help they okay what help let's just say it was help so okay nice to meet you so Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00115-00069520-00070056 first so now I have their name right so I can say nice to meet you and then I can add the Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00116-00070128-00070536 placeholder that it'll be their name that shows up so I'm going to say use Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00117-00070536-00070856 placeholder and over here you see there's all these different placeholders right Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00118-00071072-00071384 and I'm going to say copy this close that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00119-00071440-00071888 and I'm going to say right over here like this nice to meet you Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00120-00072216-00072488 and then I'm just going to say add here I'm going to say what Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00121-00072576-00073152 can I help you with right so I'm just going to ask him what can I help you with right Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00122-00073152-00073704 so then I'm going to then obviously depending on my business different depending on my blog Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00123-00073704-00074280 depending on all sorts of things I'm going to just say so I'm going to add a user response right here Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00124-00074376-00075096 I'm going to make it buttons to make it easy the first one will be personal branding Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00125-00075232-00076392 okay then I'm going to say grow my audience then I'm gonna put um chat bot Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00126-00076392-00077408 help chat bots just say chat bots then I'm gonna put chrome extension extensions and I'm gonna put Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00127-00077512-00077824 I don't know what else can I put in there what else can I help somebody with Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00128-00077824-00078888 uh let's say um a course right course course and then I can just say something else I can say Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00129-00079000-00079688 something else okay and then that's it so I'm going to just say continue I'm going to save that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00130-00079752-00080216 okay so now we have let's just kind of show you so now the next thing as you can see down here Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00131-00080216-00080680 there's like six different little red things so the way it works is that you connect these Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00132-00080680-00081192 together because you know I could I could connect that I could connect that to here if I wanted Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00133-00081192-00081616 but that doesn't make sense because after a welcome I'm asking do you have time to chat Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00134-00081616-00082000 the first thing I want is to get their name so I'm going to connect that to this one Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00135-00082000-00082560 and then and then after I get their name I want to connect it to the next one so it obviously makes Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00136-00082560-00083048 sense right now that I connected the first one to the second one the second one third whatever Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00137-00083048-00083320 and that's how you want to make sure you connect them but then after that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00138-00083400-00083952 it can get a little complicated you if you lay out your conversation before starting Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00139-00083952-00084472 in here it'll certainly help a lot me I'm like you know I've done these lots of these Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00140-00084472-00084920 so I kind of just do it like that but you really just write it on a piece of paper what is it Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00141-00084920-00085304 what is a conversation that you would normally have you can even you can also do it Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00142-00085376-00085752 um you know okay the first one here right what did we say the first one was Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00143-00085912-00086368 the first one was grow my audience right oh no it's not first one is personal branding Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00144-00086368-00086952 so maybe I should put my my course my course hosting or my chrome extension at the bottom Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00145-00086952-00087448 let's put course hosting at the beginning put course hosting at the beginning whoops Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00146-00087552-00088120 at the beginning right there then I want to put chat bots or chrome extensions next Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00147-00088344-00088776 and let's put chat bots next the stuff that I really kind of want to focus on I want to put the Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00148-00088776-00089304 first few and then the rest is afterwards right so the first one is course hosting okay I'm going to Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00149-00089304-00089976 save that as course hosting the first one so now that means that the next block that I add can be Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00150-00089976-00090552 any of those any of those right it always adds up right here so it's uh and so I'm just going Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00151-00090552-00091184 to move it right here so this will be the first one this will be course hosting course hosting Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00152-00091432-00092640 perf uh great great do you already have a course like I can just say awesome Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00153-00092792-00094096 plus like that's I can certainly help you with that and then I'm gonna add another one first and Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00154-00094096-00094520 then I can and and like I said it's a conversation it's whatever you think you would be saying to Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00155-00094520-00095704 this person right so I would say like do you do you already have a course hosted a course created Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00156-00095880-00096456 all right so I'm just going to say that user response and this is where you can have uh Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00157-00096456-00097584 buttons again yes and then no so no yes and no all right so um so this will be like you know if they Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00158-00097584-00098264 if they say yes the first one is this right so if they say yes to this then I would I would say okay Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00159-00098264-00098808 great so if you want to host your course on Click eCourse go to this site and and all that right Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00160-00098808-00099440 so this can take a while to do depending on how complicated you want to make your chat bot right Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00161-00099688-00100024 and you know one thing I totally forgot is that I should mention Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00162-00100024-00100448 if you're listening to the audio of this you really want to go to Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00163-00100448-00101296 cis315.jsgagnon.com to go check out the video because I'm actually sharing the screen and Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00164-00101296-00101728 showing you showing you what I'm talking about right so and also it's a blog post Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00165-00101728-00102312 that I'm going to create on that link so okay so that's the that's the first part you need to Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00166-00102312-00102888 you need to create your your conversation it's like I said it's it's easy it's it can't it takes Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00167-00102888-00103328 it's not so it's simple but it's not necessarily easy to do you got to learn the steps Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00168-00103328-00103624 got to learn the different things like I said you click on the ad block Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00169-00103720-00104440 then you actually click on the block to edit the text in it add user uh responses that are Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00170-00104440-00105480 uh options that are possible and then after that you um you would you would um after that you would Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00171-00105824-00106496 you know you after that after then you connect them right sorry so create a block uh edit the Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00172-00106496-00107024 block add text to it add user responses to it then connect the blocks together Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00173-00107024-00107472 and that becomes your chat bot so that's once you've gotten all that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00174-00107472-00108040 done the next part is the design so let's just let's just say next right here Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00175-00108264-00108848 so what's the design the design is is where you choose uh lots of different things the color Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00176-00108848-00109392 the background the color the all the colors right so background I can say I want a grad Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00177-00109392-00110000 gradient um let's make it like this right or like this or like this I don't Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00178-00110000-00110496 I don't know like this anyways it doesn't really matter let's just do that I can do an image as Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00179-00110496-00111072 well if I want I can put an upload or I put my own image so let's just put the gradient right here Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00180-00111232-00111752 uh well let's just make this one like this okay then the next thing is you have the message Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00181-00111752-00112311 bubbles you can actually change the message bubble colors you can change the shape these these either Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00182-00112311-00113176 have so they're like said that they're either all a square they're all a circ square all circular or Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00183-00113272-00114320 whoops shape two or they can be with uh around a circular around all the edges except uh one Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00184-00114320-00114711 place there which kind of looks like it's you know coming from one side or the other right Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00185-00114768-00115320 so uh the next thing is the bot messages so you can change the colors of the bot messages I can Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00186-00115320-00115911 change the background of the bot messages to some whatever color I want let's just do this Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00187-00116016-00116768 and I can change the message text itself to be no I don't know dark blue there that's probably not Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00188-00117208-00118640 uh where's all right okay so there make this like this then I can change the uh the sub message text Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00189-00118640-00119416 which is the text underneath see down here which says just just now right so let's make that uh red Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00190-00119624-00120328 oh okay let's make it yellow there you go okay that's what I let's say I want that now the user Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00191-00120328-00120959 messages I can change the user's messages to be a different color too so I can make this you Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00192-00120959-00121792 know red make this red then I can change the text itself to be white it's white right now Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00193-00121792-00122472 I can make it just whatever color again you do whatever you want right so there let's do that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00194-00122528-00123040 okay and then there's also the text you can even change the fonts some of the different fonts right Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00195-00123096-00123840 um thus font size make it 18. I like to like it to be bigger then the butt design so the bot Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00196-00123840-00124504 design is how you see how on this on this it's a little fella it's a little you can change it to Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00197-00124504-00125135 all these different people right or you can change it to a bot there's a bunch of different options Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00198-00125240-00125656 and like me I uploaded my an image right so you can actually add your own image Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00199-00125711-00126088 by clicking on add image and you can upload from your computer but Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00200-00126088-00126352 I already uploaded so I'll kind of show you what the what these are Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00201-00126592-00127256 this is the gif it's a gif I created a gif I took a video of me doing this right and Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00202-00127256-00127583 then I cut that out and created a gift from it there's tools online to do that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00203-00127656-00128328 and then I use that as my little because it kind of makes peop well I I'm thinking it makes people Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00204-00128400-00128992 notice it more if it's moving right but I don't know maybe it maybe it shouldn't move but that's Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00205-00128992-00129535 what I did if I do that now you can see that it's it's like this right but you can also put Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00206-00129535-00130128 it on the left or the right side so let's say I want it I want the bot to be on the I can put on Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00207-00130128-00130688 the left or the right c it's on the right now left sorry on the right and now it's on the left right Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00208-00130759-00131224 so I can move the bot one side to the other you can also change the text that shows up Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00209-00131224-00131720 see how it says can I help you you can change the text here and where is it bound over latex Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00210-00131720-00132632 the default is can I help you hey there and then I just say that and I can actually see Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00211-00132632-00133576 how it says 2 right there I can actually change that to 3 or one right or five or whatever right Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00212-00133784-00134400 message maybe it's two right I don't know um and you can change the bot so there's two different Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00213-00134400-00134824 bots there's there's the image for here right in the image for here you can change them to Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00214-00134824-00135480 be two different images the bot preload is the one that shows up on the page before you click Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00215-00135480-00136408 it so I can make this the gallery again I can go in here choose the same image that I had but Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00216-00136408-00137048 what if I but I don't want this image to be this one right so let's just change that to one that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00217-00137048-00137560 because they're in the conversation why would I want to point at it right why I don't need that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00218-00137560-00138112 anymore right once they're in the conversation I'm just put the regular my regular image whoops Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00219-00138280-00138600 so yeah oh I guess they don't in this they don't show but if I Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00220-00138688-00139240 okay so that's that's what the bot design is once you've got your design done you just say next Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00221-00139496-00140064 and then you have settings there's a bunch of things in here your custom domain for extreme Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00222-00140064-00140752 features again the extreme features for full page uh auto close bot not even sure what that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00223-00140752-00141336 does automatically close the bot at the end of the chat okay I hide the bot on specific pages Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00224-00141464-00141832 and then more there's delayed bot auto open one time only Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00225-00141832-00142504 open bot on cursor hover which is kind of what I have um on on open bot on exit hover Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00226-00142784-00143248 open your all right so that's different so if I want my bot to automatically open when they Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00227-00143248-00143752 just mouse over it like this if I wanted to open when they mouse over just like this then Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00228-00143824-00144384 then that's what that is right so over here I can say auto open on on cursor or just on hover right Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00229-00144528-00145032 open bot an exit hover that's this one when I I have this like this actually Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00230-00145032-00145744 let's reload the page because it so that's when I mouse up if I try to leave the page Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00231-00145744-00146288 it'll give me a pop-up for it right and that's what that is so you can have it do that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00232-00146424-00146992 and then you can turn sales on or off let's turn the sounds on on load sure on initial messages Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00233-00146992-00147712 on all messages I wanted to I wanted to beep and bug them right so um the other stuff you can do is Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00234-00147712-00148200 integration into your autoresponder so for example you can go through a conversation in your bot Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00235-00148200-00148616 and ask them for their name for their email for their phone number all these different things Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00236-00148616-00149160 and you can integrate into aWeber like I have mine where if you go through my bot Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00237-00149160-00149632 and you say I want more information or I want the 12-step guide or whatever it's going to add Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00238-00149632-00150232 you it's going to ask for your email ask for your email and then send you that book right so that's Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00239-00150232-00150856 kind of what that that's that's about uh what else what else what else anyways and then there's goal Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00240-00150856-00151320 settings you can actually do analytics you can add google and google analytics google Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00241-00151320-00151768 ads Facebook pixel id all these different things on here and you can put a brand name Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00242-00151840-00152560 well that's if you have the extreme I think and status on off what is that oh brand status okay Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00243-00152624-00153376 so that's basically the uh settings now we just click on next and we can publish the bot Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00244-00153432-00153872 so before we can publish we gotta launch it so you get a click on the launch otherwise the Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00245-00153872-00154400 bot won't work so you click on the launch and then you can publish it there's a bunch of different Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00246-00154400-00154976 ways you can add this widget code to your website you can actually put it in your blog header if I Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00247-00154976-00155688 go in here and I go into my settings I actually have insert headers and footers available it's Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00248-00155688-00156216 a plug-in you got installed and you can put it all you can put it inside of this if you want Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00249-00156288-00157008 but there's an easier way there's actually for WordPress you can just use the WordPress plugin Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00250-00157008-00157600 right WordPress plugins just download it and install it on your blog and then you'll have this Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00251-00157600-00158272 um conversion bot right here it'll become as an option for you so now you can have different bots Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00252-00158272-00158944 for different pages right so I actually have a bot for the this page that's different and the default Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00253-00158944-00159544 bot is this right so now let's say for example I want to add and this new bot on I don't know Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00254-00159544-00160424 let's put it on the page if I go to for example this this work with js social media let's do um Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00255-00160552-00161032 web chat conversion bot there oh that's actually the page we run just a second ago Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00256-00161032-00161600 so let's not go to that one free Facebook chat bot mini chat coaching let's go to the coaching Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00257-00161600-00162168 page I'm actually going to put on this page that like right now this bot is my default bot right Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00258-00162328-00162984 welcome to my blog do you have time for a quick chat sure and then it says awesome my name is Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00259-00162984-00163456 jean serge so that's basically the same as what we have but see it doesn't go anywhere else I didn't Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00260-00163456-00163960 I I probably should work on this particular chat but right maybe I should have used that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00261-00163960-00164552 as the example for this because I can actually improve on it right but um and Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00262-00164552-00165248 maybe that's what I'll do in my another episode but this spot here is not very complete right Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00263-00165248-00165800 so let's go over here and let's publish that bot to my page so I've got this bot id here Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00264-00165888-00166480 I want to use this bot I just copy the bot id and then I go to my page here and I'm I'm going to add Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00265-00166480-00167264 another one and I'm going to say for my coaching programs I want this spot I'm going to save that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00266-00167360-00167792 and that's that's really that's it it's on now it's on my page if I reload this Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00267-00167912-00168288 you're going to see the crazy color bot and everything it's going to load up in a second here Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00268-00168656-00169408 oh it's right oh I didn't uh did I not save the I didn't save the the design Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00269-00169408-00169928 oh I didn't save the design I forgot to save it if I go back to design here Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00270-00170152-00170632 oh no nothing nothing saved I forgot to save I thought that the next saved as well but I guess Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00271-00170632-00171504 not let's put the gradient color here so save that let's just try some other let's message bubble I Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00272-00171504-00172120 want to change the message bubble to the shape three I want to change the bot message background Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00273-00172120-00172944 to and what is it that I wanted what did I don't even know what I had earlier let's do that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00274-00173192-00173784 let's do that the text will be Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00275-00174104-00174168 like that Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00276-00174512-00175184 I'll make it a blue and then the sub message text let's make it a red Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00277-00175328-00175608 no I don't like that that's too bright let's make it down here Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00278-00175768-00176376 over here over here there you go okay so I'm just going to save that I forgot to save it I I Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00279-00176376-00176992 assumed I I I always click save but then I doing this demo I was thinking I'm just going to click Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00280-00176992-00177696 on next it's easier so the bot design I also want this to be on the left on the left hand side Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00281-00177752-00178408 and I want this to be my image right I want my image to be this one here and I want the Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00282-00178408-00179096 but preload one to be the little image that is showing my hand on the side right I'm going to Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00283-00179096-00179688 save that and launch it okay now if we reload this it'll be more it'll be what we expect Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00284-00179880-00180664 so that bot is down here still my same image and but when I click it the color is not Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00285-00180664-00180968 what the other one was right you see the background color the colors Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00286-00181032-00181752 and I say sure and then it's going to say great my name is jean serge it's bob my name is bob and Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00287-00181752-00182176 then it'll ask me nice to meet you bob what can I help you with and then all the things that I said Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00288-00182176-00182560 right course hosting chrome extension chat about all this stuff right that now that's all there Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00289-00182616-00183192 and this would make sense to put on my coaching program page right because Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00290-00183344-00184096 you know that's kind of like the um the default pricing or whatever and it's you know what do you Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00291-00184096-00184632 want help with right and I might say well given this you might want to join the elite coaching Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00292-00184632-00185256 program because you're going to need at least 10 calls right that's what that is or 15 calls Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00293-00185344-00185784 and then or maybe you need just 10 calls maybe you just need five calls maybe you want just one call Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00294-00185784-00186272 so I can kind of guide them through what they need right because they might read this and be like Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00295-00186272-00186824 that's sweet I don't I don't know what the hell I want so let's just say they talk about what Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00296-00186824-00187280 they want I kind of guide them through and that's kind of what you do to add a bot to Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00297-00187280-00187928 your WordPress blog right that's all you got to do it's really that simple so hopefully you enjoyed Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00298-00187928-00188368 and if you have any questions or comments or you want to know how to set up your chat bot on your Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00299-00188368-00188936 blog just go ahead and reach out put a comment below if you're watching this video on my blog Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00300-00189032-00189344 go ahead and comment if you're watching the video on you in YouTube make sure you Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00301-00189344-00189856 subscribe and comment and all the good stuff all right and we'll see you in the next episode Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00302-00190080-00190584 This has been Course Income Secrets, the entrepreneur's blueprint to generating Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00303-00190584-00190992 income from the e-learning boom! Some of your friends need to hear this message, Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00304-00190992-00191520 so don't forget to share. For more content like this, go to CourseIncomeSecrets.com Q5Y4fVmmP7o-00305-00191520-00192296 and make sure to subscribe and follow us here. My name is Jean-Serge Gagnon, until next time... Q6nGy9Ol89o-00000-00000584-00001035 The advantage of the D30 howitzer is that it is very precise Q6nGy9Ol89o-00001-00001059-00001569 It is very precise. It is called an artillery sniper rifle Q6nGy9Ol89o-00002-00001619-00002486 It fires fragmentation, high-explosive, shrapnel, and smoke shells at a distance of 15.3 km Q6nGy9Ol89o-00003-00002508-00003371 It shoots light projectiles: when our infantry is advancing, or enemy infantry is advancing and there is a need to illuminate Q6nGy9Ol89o-00004-00003389-00004063 We can work out the target with one projectile or more, up to five Q6nGy9Ol89o-00005-00004109-00004539 We can take a shot or two. Next comes the adjustment Q6nGy9Ol89o-00006-00004539-00004949 If we hit the target, then, of course, we do not fire further Q6nGy9Ol89o-00007-00004970-00005785 If a correction is needed to hit the target, we are given a correction: more left or right. And we can achieve the target Q6nGy9Ol89o-00008-00006152-00006909 We use it every day. It must remain in working order Q6nGy9Ol89o-00009-00006923-00007547 When we are given the coordinates, we work out the target. When tasks are not given - we clean it Q6nGy9Ol89o-00010-00007579-00008049 We do calibration, disassemble wedges, lubricate Q6nGy9Ol89o-00011-00008113-00008748 We bring it to working condition, and then we return to fire work again Q7dijvfEWJ0-00000-00000022-00000331 Now that you've been introduced to the Scleractinian corals Q7dijvfEWJ0-00001-00000331-00000768 and their colony growth forms, I want to now consider the different forms of Q7dijvfEWJ0-00002-00000768-00001361 coral reefs that exist across the planet. Assemblages of corals occur Q7dijvfEWJ0-00003-00001361-00001666 in the deepest oceans as well as the warm Q7dijvfEWJ0-00004-00001666-00001985 sun-lit waters of the tropics like here on Heron Island. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00005-00001985-00002334 There is an important distinction to be made Q7dijvfEWJ0-00006-00002334-00002808 up front between carbonate and non-carbonate coral reefs. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00007-00002808-00003239 Carbonate coral reefs, like the one here on Heron Island, Q7dijvfEWJ0-00008-00003239-00003685 is where significant amounts of calcium carbonate have built up over time. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00009-00003685-00004287 Non-carbonate reefs are where corals still precipitate calcium carbonate Q7dijvfEWJ0-00010-00004287-00004651 but not at a rate which can keep up with the erosion Q7dijvfEWJ0-00011-00004651-00005060 and loss of carbonate due to storms and biological agents that Q7dijvfEWJ0-00012-00005060-00005561 remove calcium carbonate at a high rate. Non-carbonate Q7dijvfEWJ0-00013-00005561-00005955 coral reefs exist at high latitudes as shown here Q7dijvfEWJ0-00014-00005955-00006296 at Fingal Bay which is 33 degrees South Q7dijvfEWJ0-00015-00006296-00006706 and hence outside the normal conditions for carbonate coral reefs. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00016-00006706-00007086 As you see the colonies in the foreground Q7dijvfEWJ0-00017-00007086-00007533 have not covered much of the substrate which is made of granictic boulders. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00018-00007533-00007945 At this high latitude corals are not depositing enough Q7dijvfEWJ0-00019-00007945-00008272 calcium carbonate to keep up with erosion. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00020-00008272-00008593 At the same time erosion due to waves Q7dijvfEWJ0-00021-00008593-00008932 and eroding organisms is continuing to break up Q7dijvfEWJ0-00022-00008932-00009265 and disintegrate the calcium carbonate that has been deposited. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00023-00009265-00009849 In these places the only stocks of carbonate are those that are present in Q7dijvfEWJ0-00024-00009849-00009999 the living coral themselves. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00025-00009999-00010453 Another place that non-carbonate reef systems Q7dijvfEWJ0-00026-00010453-00010899 are found is in deep water. Here is a video from Q7dijvfEWJ0-00027-00010899-00011324 Doctor Pim Bongaerts who is a researcher at the University of Queensland Q7dijvfEWJ0-00028-00011324-00011853 who is interested in deep water reef systems. Now what you see here is similar Q7dijvfEWJ0-00029-00011853-00012053 to the high-latitude coral reefs. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00030-00012053-00012550 Most of the reef building, or symbiotic, corals are growing on rock surfaces Q7dijvfEWJ0-00031-00012550-00012869 where the calcium carbonate hasn't built up over time. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00032-00012869-00013286 These deep-water coral reefs are often called Q7dijvfEWJ0-00033-00013286-00013737 mesophotic coral reefs because light levels have dropped to very low levels. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00034-00013737-00014222 What is also fascinating about these places is how little we know about them Q7dijvfEWJ0-00035-00014222-00014698 and much of the lack of our knowledge comes from the fact that these areas Q7dijvfEWJ0-00036-00014698-00015012 are very hard to visit on SCUBA because they're so deep, Q7dijvfEWJ0-00037-00015012-00015403 with often the only way to study them being through submarines Q7dijvfEWJ0-00038-00015403-00015986 and remotely operated vehicles. Before we move off this topic of the different Q7dijvfEWJ0-00039-00015986-00016262 types of coral reefs that exist throughout the world's oceans Q7dijvfEWJ0-00040-00016262-00016656 I want to deal with a category of coral reefs you may have heard about. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00041-00016656-00016979 These are the so-called Q7dijvfEWJ0-00042-00016979-00017458 cold water or deep-water coral reefs. These are not necessarily tropical coral Q7dijvfEWJ0-00043-00017458-00017584 reef ecosystems Q7dijvfEWJ0-00044-00017584-00018068 and they exist at several thousand metres depths across a variety of latitudes. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00045-00018068-00018518 These waters are often characterised by almost complete lack of light, Q7dijvfEWJ0-00046-00018518-00018834 and temperatures that may be as low as four degrees Celsius. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00047-00018834-00019309 These deep water systems can host as many as a thousand species of fish and Q7dijvfEWJ0-00048-00019309-00019389 invertebrates Q7dijvfEWJ0-00049-00019389-00019770 forming important fisheries habitat. However, Q7dijvfEWJ0-00050-00019770-00020103 their biological diversity pales in significance to the Q7dijvfEWJ0-00051-00020103-00020418 hundreds of thousands of species that may be found Q7dijvfEWJ0-00052-00020418-00020911 in and around tropical coral reefs. Calcium carbonate is a major theme Q7dijvfEWJ0-00053-00020911-00021098 within the biology and ecology Q7dijvfEWJ0-00054-00021098-00021490 of coral reefs, so it's important therefore to understand a little bit more about Q7dijvfEWJ0-00055-00021490-00022126 the chemistry associated with calcium carbonate. Review the information Q7dijvfEWJ0-00056-00022126-00022228 presented Q7dijvfEWJ0-00057-00022228-00022617 and take the quiz to ensure you understand the key aspects Q7dijvfEWJ0-00058-00022617-00023033 of the chemistry of calcium carbonate. Well Q7dijvfEWJ0-00059-00023033-00023375 calcium carbonate is a compound with the molecular formula Q7dijvfEWJ0-00060-00023375-00024048 of CaCO3. It's found in geological formations Q7dijvfEWJ0-00061-00024048-00024459 all over the world which are often the result at the accumulation of the shells Q7dijvfEWJ0-00062-00024459-00024668 and skeletons of marine organisms Q7dijvfEWJ0-00063-00024668-00025015 such as corals. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00064-00025015-00025434 There are two polymorphs or crystal forms of calcium carbonate that are Q7dijvfEWJ0-00065-00025434-00025675 found in marine organisms. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00066-00025675-00026179 Aragonite forms the major part of the skeletons and shells Q7dijvfEWJ0-00067-00026179-00026652 of molluscs as well as cold and tropical corals. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00068-00026652-00026989 Calcite on the other hand, Q7dijvfEWJ0-00069-00026989-00027420 is also common in the shells of marine organisms particularly in brachiopods Q7dijvfEWJ0-00070-00027420-00027544 echinoderms, Q7dijvfEWJ0-00071-00027544-00028099 bivalves, coccolithophores and foraminifera. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00072-00028099-00028563 Red coralline algae have calcite that incorporates magnesium, Q7dijvfEWJ0-00073-00028563-00028908 with the amount varying from species to species. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00074-00028908-00029250 High magnesium content makes for a more soluble form Q7dijvfEWJ0-00075-00029250-00029672 of calcite. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00076-00029672-00030083 Calcification is the process by which calcium carbonate Q7dijvfEWJ0-00077-00030083-00030463 is precipitated into the shells and skeletons of marine organisms. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00078-00030463-00030810 On the other hand decalcification Q7dijvfEWJ0-00079-00030810-00031144 is the process by which calcium carbonate is broken down Q7dijvfEWJ0-00080-00031144-00031666 and solubilised. Seawater in tropical areas is super-saturated with calcium Q7dijvfEWJ0-00081-00031666-00032077 carbonate. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00082-00032077-00032407 Despite the supersaturation however, the process of Q7dijvfEWJ0-00083-00032407-00032707 precipitation of calcium carbonate can be slow Q7dijvfEWJ0-00084-00032707-00033107 and can be sped up by increasing the concentration of calcium carbonate ions Q7dijvfEWJ0-00085-00033107-00033624 which takes up energy. Carbon dioxide plays an important role in determining Q7dijvfEWJ0-00086-00033624-00034146 the carbonate chemistry of seawater. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00087-00034146-00034506 As carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere Q7dijvfEWJ0-00088-00034506-00034912 more carbon dioxide is entering the ocean. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00089-00034912-00035331 Once carbon dioxide enters the ocean, Q7dijvfEWJ0-00090-00035331-00036031 it likes to react with water to create a dilute acid known as carbonic acid. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00091-00036102-00036669 The formation of carbonic acid leads to an increased concentration of protons Q7dijvfEWJ0-00092-00036669-00037013 and these protons like to combine with carbonate ions Q7dijvfEWJ0-00093-00037013-00037713 turning them into bicarbonate ions. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00094-00037719-00038334 The net effective this is that the pH and carbonate ion concentration decrease Q7dijvfEWJ0-00095-00038334-00039034 as the concentration of carbon dioxide increases in the solution. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00096-00039036-00039440 This makes it harder for organisms to make their shells and skeletons Q7dijvfEWJ0-00097-00039440-00039906 given that the carbonate ion concentration has decreased. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00098-00039906-00040206 As atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased since the beginning of the Q7dijvfEWJ0-00099-00040206-00040387 Industrial Revolution Q7dijvfEWJ0-00100-00040387-00040761 the pH of the ocean has decreased by 0.1 Q7dijvfEWJ0-00101-00040761-00041212 pH units, this means that the proton concentration is actually increased by Q7dijvfEWJ0-00102-00041212-00041412 26 percent Q7dijvfEWJ0-00103-00041412-00041874 and that the concentration of carbonate ions has decreased by a similar amount. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00104-00041874-00042574 That's a 26% drop in the carbonate ion concentration. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00105-00042574-00042965 This phenomenon is known as ocean acidification, Q7dijvfEWJ0-00106-00042965-00043312 and will be the subject of later lectures. Q7dijvfEWJ0-00107-00043312-00043675 They're serious concerns over the impact if ocean acidification on marine Q7dijvfEWJ0-00108-00043675-00043772 organisms Q7dijvfEWJ0-00109-00043772-00043872 and ecosystems. Q9CJJReQQVQ-00000-00000178-00000314 Please Subscribe US QqxxD6CXjuE-00000-00000010-00000140 THE PROJECT TO ATTEND THE QqxxD6CXjuE-00001-00000140-00000146 THE PROJECT TO ATTEND THE QqxxD6CXjuE-00002-00000146-00000246 THE PROJECT TO ATTEND THE COUNCIL MEETING. QqxxD6CXjuE-00003-00000246-00000253 THE PROJECT TO ATTEND THE COUNCIL MEETING. QqxxD6CXjuE-00004-00000253-00000407 THE PROJECT TO ATTEND THE COUNCIL MEETING. >>> THERE'S OFFICIALLY A NEW QqxxD6CXjuE-00005-00000407-00000413 COUNCIL MEETING. >>> THERE'S OFFICIALLY A NEW QqxxD6CXjuE-00006-00000413-00000577 COUNCIL MEETING. >>> THERE'S OFFICIALLY A NEW WILLIE THE WALLEYE STATUE QqxxD6CXjuE-00007-00000577-00000583 >>> THERE'S OFFICIALLY A NEW WILLIE THE WALLEYE STATUE QqxxD6CXjuE-00008-00000583-00000670 >>> THERE'S OFFICIALLY A NEW WILLIE THE WALLEYE STATUE JUMPING OUT OF THE LAKE IN QqxxD6CXjuE-00009-00000670-00000677 WILLIE THE WALLEYE STATUE JUMPING OUT OF THE LAKE IN QqxxD6CXjuE-00010-00000677-00000887 WILLIE THE WALLEYE STATUE JUMPING OUT OF THE LAKE IN BAUDETTE. QqxxD6CXjuE-00011-00000887-00000894 JUMPING OUT OF THE LAKE IN BAUDETTE. QqxxD6CXjuE-00012-00000894-00000990 JUMPING OUT OF THE LAKE IN BAUDETTE. OUR OWN SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS THE QqxxD6CXjuE-00013-00000990-00000997 BAUDETTE. OUR OWN SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS THE QqxxD6CXjuE-00014-00000997-00001154 BAUDETTE. OUR OWN SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS THE LEGEND OF THE FISH AND SHARES QqxxD6CXjuE-00015-00001154-00001161 OUR OWN SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS THE LEGEND OF THE FISH AND SHARES QqxxD6CXjuE-00016-00001161-00001424 OUR OWN SHIRELLE MOORE TELLS THE LEGEND OF THE FISH AND SHARES WHAT HE MEANS TO THE COMMUNITY. QqxxD6CXjuE-00017-00001424-00001431 LEGEND OF THE FISH AND SHARES WHAT HE MEANS TO THE COMMUNITY. QqxxD6CXjuE-00018-00001431-00001735 LEGEND OF THE FISH AND SHARES WHAT HE MEANS TO THE COMMUNITY. >> A LOT OF PEOPLE AROUND THE QqxxD6CXjuE-00019-00001735-00001741 WHAT HE MEANS TO THE COMMUNITY. >> A LOT OF PEOPLE AROUND THE QqxxD6CXjuE-00020-00001741-00002048 WHAT HE MEANS TO THE COMMUNITY. >> A LOT OF PEOPLE AROUND THE COUNTRY KNOW ABOUT WILLIE AND QqxxD6CXjuE-00021-00002048-00002055 >> A LOT OF PEOPLE AROUND THE COUNTRY KNOW ABOUT WILLIE AND QqxxD6CXjuE-00022-00002055-00002345 >> A LOT OF PEOPLE AROUND THE COUNTRY KNOW ABOUT WILLIE AND MAYBE NOT KNOW, BUT WHEN YOU QqxxD6CXjuE-00023-00002345-00002352 COUNTRY KNOW ABOUT WILLIE AND MAYBE NOT KNOW, BUT WHEN YOU QqxxD6CXjuE-00024-00002352-00002575 COUNTRY KNOW ABOUT WILLIE AND MAYBE NOT KNOW, BUT WHEN YOU TELL THEM WILLIE WALLEYE IS QqxxD6CXjuE-00025-00002575-00002582 MAYBE NOT KNOW, BUT WHEN YOU TELL THEM WILLIE WALLEYE IS QqxxD6CXjuE-00026-00002582-00002702 MAYBE NOT KNOW, BUT WHEN YOU TELL THEM WILLIE WALLEYE IS THERE THEN THEY TEND TO KNOW QqxxD6CXjuE-00027-00002702-00002709 TELL THEM WILLIE WALLEYE IS THERE THEN THEY TEND TO KNOW QqxxD6CXjuE-00028-00002709-00002829 TELL THEM WILLIE WALLEYE IS THERE THEN THEY TEND TO KNOW WHERE IT IS AT. QqxxD6CXjuE-00029-00002829-00002836 THERE THEN THEY TEND TO KNOW WHERE IT IS AT. QqxxD6CXjuE-00030-00002836-00003006 THERE THEN THEY TEND TO KNOW WHERE IT IS AT. >> HE SPENT 60 YEARS AT THE QqxxD6CXjuE-00031-00003006-00003013 WHERE IT IS AT. >> HE SPENT 60 YEARS AT THE QqxxD6CXjuE-00032-00003013-00003106 WHERE IT IS AT. >> HE SPENT 60 YEARS AT THE BAUDETTE COMMUNITY, 40 FEET, QqxxD6CXjuE-00033-00003106-00003113 >> HE SPENT 60 YEARS AT THE BAUDETTE COMMUNITY, 40 FEET, QqxxD6CXjuE-00034-00003113-00003319 >> HE SPENT 60 YEARS AT THE BAUDETTE COMMUNITY, 40 FEET, 2 1/2 TONS AND EVENTUALLY BECAME QqxxD6CXjuE-00035-00003319-00003326 BAUDETTE COMMUNITY, 40 FEET, 2 1/2 TONS AND EVENTUALLY BECAME QqxxD6CXjuE-00036-00003326-00003473 BAUDETTE COMMUNITY, 40 FEET, 2 1/2 TONS AND EVENTUALLY BECAME TO KNOWN AS A SYMBOL OF LAKE OF QqxxD6CXjuE-00037-00003473-00003480 2 1/2 TONS AND EVENTUALLY BECAME TO KNOWN AS A SYMBOL OF LAKE OF QqxxD6CXjuE-00038-00003480-00003513 2 1/2 TONS AND EVENTUALLY BECAME TO KNOWN AS A SYMBOL OF LAKE OF THE WOODS. QqxxD6CXjuE-00039-00003513-00003520 TO KNOWN AS A SYMBOL OF LAKE OF THE WOODS. QqxxD6CXjuE-00040-00003520-00003616 TO KNOWN AS A SYMBOL OF LAKE OF THE WOODS. >> WHEN YOU ARE GIVING QqxxD6CXjuE-00041-00003616-00003623 THE WOODS. >> WHEN YOU ARE GIVING QqxxD6CXjuE-00042-00003623-00003937 THE WOODS. >> WHEN YOU ARE GIVING DIRECTIONS TO SOMEBODY, YOU CAN QqxxD6CXjuE-00043-00003937-00003943 >> WHEN YOU ARE GIVING DIRECTIONS TO SOMEBODY, YOU CAN QqxxD6CXjuE-00044-00003943-00004280 >> WHEN YOU ARE GIVING DIRECTIONS TO SOMEBODY, YOU CAN ALWAYS SAY DO YOU KNOW WHERE QqxxD6CXjuE-00045-00004280-00004287 DIRECTIONS TO SOMEBODY, YOU CAN ALWAYS SAY DO YOU KNOW WHERE QqxxD6CXjuE-00046-00004287-00004441 DIRECTIONS TO SOMEBODY, YOU CAN ALWAYS SAY DO YOU KNOW WHERE WILLIE WALLEYE IS? QqxxD6CXjuE-00047-00004441-00004447 ALWAYS SAY DO YOU KNOW WHERE WILLIE WALLEYE IS? QqxxD6CXjuE-00048-00004447-00004604 ALWAYS SAY DO YOU KNOW WHERE WILLIE WALLEYE IS? WE'RE THE STORE NEXT TO IT. QqxxD6CXjuE-00049-00004604-00004611 WILLIE WALLEYE IS? WE'RE THE STORE NEXT TO IT. QqxxD6CXjuE-00050-00004611-00004681 WILLIE WALLEYE IS? WE'RE THE STORE NEXT TO IT. OR TURN LEFT. QqxxD6CXjuE-00051-00004681-00004688 WE'RE THE STORE NEXT TO IT. OR TURN LEFT. QqxxD6CXjuE-00052-00004688-00004784 WE'RE THE STORE NEXT TO IT. OR TURN LEFT. EVERYBODY KNOWS WHERE HE IS. QqxxD6CXjuE-00053-00004784-00004791 OR TURN LEFT. EVERYBODY KNOWS WHERE HE IS. QqxxD6CXjuE-00054-00004791-00004948 OR TURN LEFT. EVERYBODY KNOWS WHERE HE IS. >> IT BROUGHT A LOT OF GOOD QqxxD6CXjuE-00055-00004948-00004954 EVERYBODY KNOWS WHERE HE IS. >> IT BROUGHT A LOT OF GOOD QqxxD6CXjuE-00056-00004954-00005041 EVERYBODY KNOWS WHERE HE IS. >> IT BROUGHT A LOT OF GOOD MEMORIES TO THE PEOPLE OF QqxxD6CXjuE-00057-00005041-00005048 >> IT BROUGHT A LOT OF GOOD MEMORIES TO THE PEOPLE OF QqxxD6CXjuE-00058-00005048-00005161 >> IT BROUGHT A LOT OF GOOD MEMORIES TO THE PEOPLE OF BAUDETTE, ALTHOUGH WITH THE QqxxD6CXjuE-00059-00005161-00005168 MEMORIES TO THE PEOPLE OF BAUDETTE, ALTHOUGH WITH THE QqxxD6CXjuE-00060-00005168-00005295 MEMORIES TO THE PEOPLE OF BAUDETTE, ALTHOUGH WITH THE MEMORIES ALSO CAME A GOOD AMOUNT QqxxD6CXjuE-00061-00005295-00005301 BAUDETTE, ALTHOUGH WITH THE MEMORIES ALSO CAME A GOOD AMOUNT QqxxD6CXjuE-00062-00005301-00005388 BAUDETTE, ALTHOUGH WITH THE MEMORIES ALSO CAME A GOOD AMOUNT OF WEAR AND TEAR. QqxxD6CXjuE-00063-00005388-00005395 MEMORIES ALSO CAME A GOOD AMOUNT OF WEAR AND TEAR. QqxxD6CXjuE-00064-00005395-00005839 MEMORIES ALSO CAME A GOOD AMOUNT OF WEAR AND TEAR. >> THE ORIGINAL WAS MADE OF QqxxD6CXjuE-00065-00005839-00005845 OF WEAR AND TEAR. >> THE ORIGINAL WAS MADE OF QqxxD6CXjuE-00066-00005845-00005972 OF WEAR AND TEAR. >> THE ORIGINAL WAS MADE OF REBAR AND CEMENT, AND THE CEMENT QqxxD6CXjuE-00067-00005972-00005979 >> THE ORIGINAL WAS MADE OF REBAR AND CEMENT, AND THE CEMENT QqxxD6CXjuE-00068-00005979-00006216 >> THE ORIGINAL WAS MADE OF REBAR AND CEMENT, AND THE CEMENT WAS STARTING TO CRUMBLE TO THE QqxxD6CXjuE-00069-00006216-00006222 REBAR AND CEMENT, AND THE CEMENT WAS STARTING TO CRUMBLE TO THE QqxxD6CXjuE-00070-00006222-00006456 REBAR AND CEMENT, AND THE CEMENT WAS STARTING TO CRUMBLE TO THE POINT WHERE IT JUST WASN'T QqxxD6CXjuE-00071-00006456-00006463 WAS STARTING TO CRUMBLE TO THE POINT WHERE IT JUST WASN'T QqxxD6CXjuE-00072-00006463-00006503 WAS STARTING TO CRUMBLE TO THE POINT WHERE IT JUST WASN'T FIXABLE. QqxxD6CXjuE-00073-00006503-00006509 POINT WHERE IT JUST WASN'T FIXABLE. QqxxD6CXjuE-00074-00006509-00006723 POINT WHERE IT JUST WASN'T FIXABLE. SOME OF THE IRON INSIDE OF IT QqxxD6CXjuE-00075-00006723-00006730 FIXABLE. SOME OF THE IRON INSIDE OF IT QqxxD6CXjuE-00076-00006730-00006963 FIXABLE. SOME OF THE IRON INSIDE OF IT WAS RUSTING, SO IT JUST QqxxD6CXjuE-00077-00006963-00006970 SOME OF THE IRON INSIDE OF IT WAS RUSTING, SO IT JUST QqxxD6CXjuE-00078-00006970-00007127 SOME OF THE IRON INSIDE OF IT WAS RUSTING, SO IT JUST WASN'T -- IT WASN'T A FIXABLE QqxxD6CXjuE-00079-00007127-00007133 WAS RUSTING, SO IT JUST WASN'T -- IT WASN'T A FIXABLE QqxxD6CXjuE-00080-00007133-00007167 WAS RUSTING, SO IT JUST WASN'T -- IT WASN'T A FIXABLE STRUCTURE. QqxxD6CXjuE-00081-00007167-00007173 WASN'T -- IT WASN'T A FIXABLE STRUCTURE. QqxxD6CXjuE-00082-00007173-00007353 WASN'T -- IT WASN'T A FIXABLE STRUCTURE. >> THE NEW WILLIE IS MADE OUT OF QqxxD6CXjuE-00083-00007353-00007360 STRUCTURE. >> THE NEW WILLIE IS MADE OUT OF QqxxD6CXjuE-00084-00007360-00007524 STRUCTURE. >> THE NEW WILLIE IS MADE OUT OF FIBERGLASS, SO HE'S BUILT TO QqxxD6CXjuE-00085-00007524-00007530 >> THE NEW WILLIE IS MADE OUT OF FIBERGLASS, SO HE'S BUILT TO QqxxD6CXjuE-00086-00007530-00007557 >> THE NEW WILLIE IS MADE OUT OF FIBERGLASS, SO HE'S BUILT TO LAST. QqxxD6CXjuE-00087-00007557-00007564 FIBERGLASS, SO HE'S BUILT TO LAST. QqxxD6CXjuE-00088-00007564-00007714 FIBERGLASS, SO HE'S BUILT TO LAST. LEGEND HAS IT THE OLD WILLIE QqxxD6CXjuE-00089-00007714-00007720 LAST. LEGEND HAS IT THE OLD WILLIE QqxxD6CXjuE-00090-00007720-00007851 LAST. LEGEND HAS IT THE OLD WILLIE BROUGHT LUCK TO FISHERMEN, SO QqxxD6CXjuE-00091-00007851-00007857 LEGEND HAS IT THE OLD WILLIE BROUGHT LUCK TO FISHERMEN, SO QqxxD6CXjuE-00092-00007857-00007981 LEGEND HAS IT THE OLD WILLIE BROUGHT LUCK TO FISHERMEN, SO MANY IN THE COMMUNITY ARE HOPING QqxxD6CXjuE-00093-00007981-00007987 BROUGHT LUCK TO FISHERMEN, SO MANY IN THE COMMUNITY ARE HOPING QqxxD6CXjuE-00094-00007987-00008098 BROUGHT LUCK TO FISHERMEN, SO MANY IN THE COMMUNITY ARE HOPING THIS ONE WILL DO THE SAME. QqxxD6CXjuE-00095-00008098-00008104 MANY IN THE COMMUNITY ARE HOPING THIS ONE WILL DO THE SAME. QqxxD6CXjuE-00096-00008104-00008224 MANY IN THE COMMUNITY ARE HOPING THIS ONE WILL DO THE SAME. OR AT LEAST STILL BE FUN FOR QqxxD6CXjuE-00097-00008224-00008231 THIS ONE WILL DO THE SAME. OR AT LEAST STILL BE FUN FOR QqxxD6CXjuE-00098-00008231-00008378 THIS ONE WILL DO THE SAME. OR AT LEAST STILL BE FUN FOR FAMILIES TO HANG OUT AROUND. QqxxD6CXjuE-00099-00008378-00008385 OR AT LEAST STILL BE FUN FOR FAMILIES TO HANG OUT AROUND. QqxxD6CXjuE-00100-00008385-00008635 OR AT LEAST STILL BE FUN FOR FAMILIES TO HANG OUT AROUND. >> WE'VE ALWAYS TOLD THE STORY QqxxD6CXjuE-00101-00008635-00008641 FAMILIES TO HANG OUT AROUND. >> WE'VE ALWAYS TOLD THE STORY QqxxD6CXjuE-00102-00008641-00008785 FAMILIES TO HANG OUT AROUND. >> WE'VE ALWAYS TOLD THE STORY THAT WE CAUGHT HIM AND I THINK QqxxD6CXjuE-00103-00008785-00008792 >> WE'VE ALWAYS TOLD THE STORY THAT WE CAUGHT HIM AND I THINK QqxxD6CXjuE-00104-00008792-00008902 >> WE'VE ALWAYS TOLD THE STORY THAT WE CAUGHT HIM AND I THINK EVERY GRANDPARENT DOES OR EVERY QqxxD6CXjuE-00105-00008902-00008908 THAT WE CAUGHT HIM AND I THINK EVERY GRANDPARENT DOES OR EVERY QqxxD6CXjuE-00106-00008908-00009059 THAT WE CAUGHT HIM AND I THINK EVERY GRANDPARENT DOES OR EVERY PARENT THAT COMES THROUGH, AND QqxxD6CXjuE-00107-00009059-00009065 EVERY GRANDPARENT DOES OR EVERY PARENT THAT COMES THROUGH, AND QqxxD6CXjuE-00108-00009065-00009229 EVERY GRANDPARENT DOES OR EVERY PARENT THAT COMES THROUGH, AND EVERY KID WANTS TO CATCH A QqxxD6CXjuE-00109-00009229-00009235 PARENT THAT COMES THROUGH, AND EVERY KID WANTS TO CATCH A QqxxD6CXjuE-00110-00009235-00009432 PARENT THAT COMES THROUGH, AND EVERY KID WANTS TO CATCH A WILLIE WALLEYE. QqxxD6CXjuE-00111-00009432-00009439 EVERY KID WANTS TO CATCH A WILLIE WALLEYE. QqxxD6CXjuE-00112-00009439-00009589 EVERY KID WANTS TO CATCH A WILLIE WALLEYE. >> THE CREW WILL BE OUT HERE TWO QqxxD6CXjuE-00113-00009589-00009596 WILLIE WALLEYE. >> THE CREW WILL BE OUT HERE TWO QqxxD6CXjuE-00114-00009596-00009739 WILLIE WALLEYE. >> THE CREW WILL BE OUT HERE TWO MORE DAYS, MAKING SURE HE'S QqxxD6CXjuE-00115-00009739-00009746 >> THE CREW WILL BE OUT HERE TWO MORE DAYS, MAKING SURE HE'S QqxxD6CXjuE-00116-00009746-00010133 >> THE CREW WILL BE OUT HERE TWO MORE DAYS, MAKING SURE HE'S NAILED TO THE GROUND. QqxxD6CXjuE-00117-00010133-00010140 MORE DAYS, MAKING SURE HE'S NAILED TO THE GROUND. QqxxD6CXjuE-00118-00010140-00010397 MORE DAYS, MAKING SURE HE'S NAILED TO THE GROUND. THAT MEANS ONLY TWO MORE DAYS QqxxD6CXjuE-00119-00010397-00010403 NAILED TO THE GROUND. THAT MEANS ONLY TWO MORE DAYS QqxxD6CXjuE-00120-00010403-00010587 NAILED TO THE GROUND. THAT MEANS ONLY TWO MORE DAYS TILL YOU GUYS CAN TAKE SELFIES QqxxD6CXjuE-00121-00010587-00010593 THAT MEANS ONLY TWO MORE DAYS TILL YOU GUYS CAN TAKE SELFIES QqxxD6CXjuE-00122-00010593-00010764 THAT MEANS ONLY TWO MORE DAYS TILL YOU GUYS CAN TAKE SELFIES WITH WILLIE AGAIN. QqxxD6CXjuE-00123-00010764-00010770 TILL YOU GUYS CAN TAKE SELFIES WITH WILLIE AGAIN. QqxxD6CXjuE-00124-00010770-00010924 TILL YOU GUYS CAN TAKE SELFIES WITH WILLIE AGAIN. FOR THE PAST WEEKEND, NOTHING QqxxD6CXjuE-00125-00010924-00010930 WITH WILLIE AGAIN. FOR THE PAST WEEKEND, NOTHING QqxxD6CXjuE-00126-00010930-00011034 WITH WILLIE AGAIN. FOR THE PAST WEEKEND, NOTHING HAD BEEN IN WILLIE'S SPOT WHICH QqxxD6CXjuE-00127-00011034-00011041 FOR THE PAST WEEKEND, NOTHING HAD BEEN IN WILLIE'S SPOT WHICH QqxxD6CXjuE-00128-00011041-00011294 FOR THE PAST WEEKEND, NOTHING HAD BEEN IN WILLIE'S SPOT WHICH HAD TOURISTS A LITTLE WORRIED. QqxxD6CXjuE-00129-00011294-00011301 HAD BEEN IN WILLIE'S SPOT WHICH HAD TOURISTS A LITTLE WORRIED. QqxxD6CXjuE-00130-00011301-00011391 HAD BEEN IN WILLIE'S SPOT WHICH HAD TOURISTS A LITTLE WORRIED. >> THERE HAD BEEN PEOPLE ASKING QqxxD6CXjuE-00131-00011391-00011398 HAD TOURISTS A LITTLE WORRIED. >> THERE HAD BEEN PEOPLE ASKING QqxxD6CXjuE-00132-00011398-00011581 HAD TOURISTS A LITTLE WORRIED. >> THERE HAD BEEN PEOPLE ASKING ONCE HE WAS GONE, WHERE WILLIE QqxxD6CXjuE-00133-00011581-00011588 >> THERE HAD BEEN PEOPLE ASKING ONCE HE WAS GONE, WHERE WILLIE QqxxD6CXjuE-00134-00011588-00011661 >> THERE HAD BEEN PEOPLE ASKING ONCE HE WAS GONE, WHERE WILLIE WAS BECAUSE THEY WERE HERE TO QqxxD6CXjuE-00135-00011661-00011668 ONCE HE WAS GONE, WHERE WILLIE WAS BECAUSE THEY WERE HERE TO QqxxD6CXjuE-00136-00011668-00011958 ONCE HE WAS GONE, WHERE WILLIE WAS BECAUSE THEY WERE HERE TO TAKE PICTURES. QqxxD6CXjuE-00137-00011958-00011965 WAS BECAUSE THEY WERE HERE TO TAKE PICTURES. QqxxD6CXjuE-00138-00011965-00012148 WAS BECAUSE THEY WERE HERE TO TAKE PICTURES. IT MEANS A LOT TO THE AREA. QqxxD6CXjuE-00139-00012148-00012155 TAKE PICTURES. IT MEANS A LOT TO THE AREA. QqxxD6CXjuE-00140-00012155-00012302 TAKE PICTURES. IT MEANS A LOT TO THE AREA. >> WHILE SOME ARE SAD TO SEE THE QqxxD6CXjuE-00141-00012302-00012308 IT MEANS A LOT TO THE AREA. >> WHILE SOME ARE SAD TO SEE THE QqxxD6CXjuE-00142-00012308-00012499 IT MEANS A LOT TO THE AREA. >> WHILE SOME ARE SAD TO SEE THE OLD WILLIE GO, SOME ARE LOOKING QqxxD6CXjuE-00143-00012499-00012505 >> WHILE SOME ARE SAD TO SEE THE OLD WILLIE GO, SOME ARE LOOKING QqxxD6CXjuE-00144-00012505-00012762 >> WHILE SOME ARE SAD TO SEE THE OLD WILLIE GO, SOME ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEW MEMORIES THIS QqxxD6CXjuE-00145-00012762-00012769 OLD WILLIE GO, SOME ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEW MEMORIES THIS QqxxD6CXjuE-00146-00012769-00012866 OLD WILLIE GO, SOME ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO THE NEW MEMORIES THIS ONE WILL CREATE. QqxxD6CXjuE-00147-00012866-00012872 FORWARD TO THE NEW MEMORIES THIS ONE WILL CREATE. QqxxD6CXjuE-00148-00012872-00012962 FORWARD TO THE NEW MEMORIES THIS ONE WILL CREATE. >> IT IS DIFFERENT, MOVE QqxxD6CXjuE-00149-00012962-00012969 ONE WILL CREATE. >> IT IS DIFFERENT, MOVE QqxxD6CXjuE-00150-00012969-00013029 ONE WILL CREATE. >> IT IS DIFFERENT, MOVE FORWARD, MOVE ON. QqxxD6CXjuE-00151-00013029-00013036 >> IT IS DIFFERENT, MOVE FORWARD, MOVE ON. QqxxD6CXjuE-00152-00013036-00013099 >> IT IS DIFFERENT, MOVE FORWARD, MOVE ON. BIGGER BETTER. QqxxD6CXjuE-00153-00013099-00013106 FORWARD, MOVE ON. BIGGER BETTER. QqxxD6CXjuE-00154-00013106-00013273 FORWARD, MOVE ON. BIGGER BETTER. THE OTHER ONE HAD OLD STORIES. QqxxD6CXjuE-00155-00013273-00013279 BIGGER BETTER. THE OTHER ONE HAD OLD STORIES. QqxxD6CXjuE-00156-00013279-00013486 BIGGER BETTER. THE OTHER ONE HAD OLD STORIES. THIS ONE WILL HAVE STORIES TO QqxxD6CXjuE-00157-00013486-00013493 THE OTHER ONE HAD OLD STORIES. THIS ONE WILL HAVE STORIES TO QqxxD6CXjuE-00158-00013493-00013553 THE OTHER ONE HAD OLD STORIES. THIS ONE WILL HAVE STORIES TO TELL TOO. QqxxD6CXjuE-00159-00013553-00013560 THIS ONE WILL HAVE STORIES TO TELL TOO. QqxxD6CXjuE-00160-00013560-00013673 THIS ONE WILL HAVE STORIES TO TELL TOO. >> SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND QqxxD6CXjuE-00161-00013673-00013680 TELL TOO. >> SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND QqxxD6CXjuE-00162-00013680-00013860 TELL TOO. >> SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. QqxxD6CXjuE-00163-00013860-00013867 >> SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. QqxxD6CXjuE-00164-00013867-00013930 >> SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. >> BAUDETTE RESIDENTS RAISED QqxxD6CXjuE-00165-00013930-00013937 NEWS. >> BAUDETTE RESIDENTS RAISED QqxxD6CXjuE-00166-00013937-00014003 NEWS. >> BAUDETTE RESIDENTS RAISED MORE THAN $62,000 TO HELP BRING QqxxD6CXjuE-00167-00014003-00014010 >> BAUDETTE RESIDENTS RAISED MORE THAN $62,000 TO HELP BRING QqxxD6CXjuE-00168-00014010-00014050 >> BAUDETTE RESIDENTS RAISED MORE THAN $62,000 TO HELP BRING IN THE NEW WILLIE. QvET-tuW2VA-00000-00000064-00000173 - Hey, Tim Crow here with QvET-tuW2VA-00001-00000173-00000417 the Alabama Cooperative Extension. QvET-tuW2VA-00002-00000417-00000621 Just out in the landscape today, QvET-tuW2VA-00003-00000621-00000841 looking in some of our turfgrasses QvET-tuW2VA-00004-00000841-00000926 just to kinda see QvET-tuW2VA-00005-00001072-00001269 what weed issues we're dealing QvET-tuW2VA-00006-00001269-00001364 with right now. QvET-tuW2VA-00007-00001450-00001575 Hopefully everybody got a QvET-tuW2VA-00008-00001700-00001860 spring pre-emergent put out. QvET-tuW2VA-00009-00001860-00002030 Late February, QvET-tuW2VA-00010-00002030-00002134 first of March. QvET-tuW2VA-00011-00002225-00002365 And you're sitting in pretty good shape QvET-tuW2VA-00012-00002365-00002469 as far as our warm season QvET-tuW2VA-00013-00002469-00002633 turfgrasses go. QvET-tuW2VA-00014-00002633-00002886 Most of what's kinda playing out right now QvET-tuW2VA-00015-00002886-00003000 is cool season weeds QvET-tuW2VA-00016-00003000-00003211 that germinated back in the Fall. QvET-tuW2VA-00017-00003211-00003352 Kinda early-winter, QvET-tuW2VA-00018-00003352-00003532 and they're kinda playing out. QvET-tuW2VA-00019-00003532-00003722 The heat's gonna drive those out QvET-tuW2VA-00020-00003722-00003946 whether we do anything or not. QvET-tuW2VA-00021-00003946-00004076 So, we've kinda turned our attention QvET-tuW2VA-00022-00004076-00004245 away from those weeds, QvET-tuW2VA-00023-00004245-00004448 and towards the warm season weeds QvET-tuW2VA-00024-00004448-00004715 that are starting to pop up now. QvET-tuW2VA-00025-00004715-00004892 And our main target weed, QvET-tuW2VA-00026-00004892-00005022 most of the time here in the South, QvET-tuW2VA-00027-00005022-00005250 for warm season turfgrasses QvET-tuW2VA-00028-00005250-00005412 such as Bermudagrass, QvET-tuW2VA-00029-00005412-00005495 or Zoysia, QvET-tuW2VA-00030-00005495-00005669 or Centipede, QvET-tuW2VA-00031-00005669-00005891 we're usually targeting Crabgrass. QvET-tuW2VA-00032-00005891-00005974 Okay. QvET-tuW2VA-00033-00005974-00006112 Crabgrass usually QvET-tuW2VA-00034-00006112-00006236 germinates when soil temperatures QvET-tuW2VA-00035-00006236-00006493 get into that 55 to 60 degree range, QvET-tuW2VA-00036-00006493-00006611 which we're there. QvET-tuW2VA-00037-00006717-00006956 I'm seeing some Crabgrass popping up QvET-tuW2VA-00038-00006956-00007143 in shrub beds, QvET-tuW2VA-00039-00007143-00007258 out in the turfgrasses, QvET-tuW2VA-00040-00007348-00007531 all those different areas, so. QvET-tuW2VA-00041-00007531-00007684 We have hit that, QvET-tuW2VA-00042-00007684-00007791 hit that soil range QvET-tuW2VA-00043-00007791-00007925 and so if we didn't have QvET-tuW2VA-00044-00007925-00008073 a pre-emergent out, QvET-tuW2VA-00045-00008073-00008159 we're about to have QvET-tuW2VA-00046-00008159-00008273 a lot of Crabgrass on our hands. QvET-tuW2VA-00047-00008273-00008399 Now, Crabgrass they, QvET-tuW2VA-00048-00008399-00008560 it's a warm-season annual weed. QvET-tuW2VA-00049-00008662-00008816 So, what's popping up now QvET-tuW2VA-00050-00008816-00009097 is from seeds from last year QvET-tuW2VA-00051-00009184-00009406 that played out QvET-tuW2VA-00052-00009406-00009497 in early Fall QvET-tuW2VA-00053-00009497-00009696 when we got a frost, QvET-tuW2VA-00054-00009696-00009837 and it dropped those seeds QvET-tuW2VA-00055-00009837-00009928 and they laid there QvET-tuW2VA-00056-00009928-00010011 and over-wintered, QvET-tuW2VA-00057-00010011-00010199 and now they're starting to germinate. QvET-tuW2VA-00058-00010199-00010294 And again, that's why QvET-tuW2VA-00059-00010294-00010561 pre-emergents are so important QvET-tuW2VA-00060-00010561-00010674 to help prevent QvET-tuW2VA-00061-00010823-00011090 situations from getting too out-of-hand QvET-tuW2VA-00062-00011090-00011178 in a warm season QvET-tuW2VA-00063-00011178-00011286 turfgrasses. QvET-tuW2VA-00064-00011286-00011446 Now, some good options for that. QvET-tuW2VA-00065-00011538-00011722 Pendimethalin products, QvET-tuW2VA-00066-00011722-00011975 prodiamine products, QvET-tuW2VA-00067-00011975-00012133 Dimension. QvET-tuW2VA-00068-00012133-00012321 All three are very good QvET-tuW2VA-00069-00012321-00012515 at controlling Crabgrass, QvET-tuW2VA-00070-00012515-00012670 and they also have a big QvET-tuW2VA-00071-00012670-00012856 or a large QvET-tuW2VA-00072-00012856-00012963 broadleaf label QvET-tuW2VA-00073-00012963-00013129 as far as weeds that they control as well. QvET-tuW2VA-00074-00013129-00013413 So, good options for preventative control. QvET-tuW2VA-00075-00013413-00013566 If we do have some Crabgrass, QvET-tuW2VA-00076-00013566-00013751 like that I've got here. QvET-tuW2VA-00077-00013751-00013834 We've got QvET-tuW2VA-00078-00013834-00014085 starting to see some small seedlings, QvET-tuW2VA-00079-00014085-00014168 pop up QvET-tuW2VA-00080-00014168-00014251 and this is where we wanna, QvET-tuW2VA-00081-00014251-00014399 this is about the size QvET-tuW2VA-00082-00014399-00014621 that we wanna attack Crabgrass QvET-tuW2VA-00083-00014621-00014802 if we've got it in our landscape. QvET-tuW2VA-00084-00014802-00014932 Once it gets a little bit larger than that, QvET-tuW2VA-00085-00014932-00015034 it really gets hard to control QvET-tuW2VA-00086-00015034-00015247 from an herbicide standpoint. QvET-tuW2VA-00087-00015247-00015407 So, some post-emergents that we can use QvET-tuW2VA-00088-00015407-00015607 if we do have some, QvET-tuW2VA-00089-00015607-00015850 would be Celsius, QvET-tuW2VA-00090-00015850-00016012 it's made by Bayer Chemicals. QvET-tuW2VA-00091-00016012-00016133 Very good product, QvET-tuW2VA-00092-00016133-00016322 as far as controlling Crabgrass. QvET-tuW2VA-00093-00016322-00016416 And then, QvET-tuW2VA-00094-00016416-00016685 herbicides that contain Quinclorac. QvET-tuW2VA-00095-00016685-00016846 Both of those are good QvET-tuW2VA-00096-00016846-00017100 post-emergent options if we have to QvET-tuW2VA-00097-00017100-00017279 spray some Crabgrass QvET-tuW2VA-00098-00017279-00017523 out of our warm season turfgrasses. QvET-tuW2VA-00099-00017523-00017763 Again, preventative controls, QvET-tuW2VA-00100-00017763-00017913 pendimethalin and prodiamine QvET-tuW2VA-00101-00017913-00018132 Dimension, all three good QvET-tuW2VA-00102-00018132-00018289 pre-emergents. QvET-tuW2VA-00103-00018289-00018645 Quinclorac products as well as Celsius, QvET-tuW2VA-00104-00018645-00018835 are good post-emergent options. QvET-tuW2VA-00105-00018835-00018934 And if you have any questions QvET-tuW2VA-00106-00018934-00019146 you can also always contact QvET-tuW2VA-00107-00019146-00019278 your local Extension office, QvET-tuW2VA-00108-00019278-00019392 or you can visit our website QvET-tuW2VA-00109-00019392-00019519 at aces.edu. QxE3lcZusyc-00000-00002070-00002666 Ah you got an auto trickle 3 company this year, yeah, I got lots came QxE3lcZusyc-00001-00003315-00003548 What did I tell you about taking candy from strangers QxE3lcZusyc-00002-00003604-00004115 Punished Halloween I started with okay, it's never okay if it's no special day QxE3lcZusyc-00003-00004116-00004673 This is the day of the devil. I do the decorating because I like the pumpkins QxE3lcZusyc-00004-00004869-00005657 So I can't have candy you can say what I make that is safe to eat me, I mean I'm a single family QxE3lcZusyc-00005-00006364-00006827 You see this lollipop this is from the lady next door and she's crazy QxE3lcZusyc-00006-00006961-00007529 Legs again you the Rigbys species has to married apples. Okay, and you are allergic QxE3lcZusyc-00007-00007690-00008396 Because your friends angry her mother said that she went to the dentist and they found a tootsie roll still stuck behind her a molar QxE3lcZusyc-00008-00008493-00008693 from five Halloweens ago QxE3lcZusyc-00009-00008728-00009104 Too much sugar. This won't break your teeth. Kaka kaka QxE3lcZusyc-00010-00009556-00009911 This is from the creepy via Hawaii Tina no sang chop QxE3lcZusyc-00011-00010024-00010397 Someone they blew hurry on this campus. This one will turn your hair purple QxE3lcZusyc-00012-00010397-00010919 This one will turn you like a donkey like in Pinocchio. This will bring on the Dementors QxE3lcZusyc-00013-00011002-00011220 Do you want to have your happiness? QxE3lcZusyc-00014-00011322-00011522 socked away QxE3lcZusyc-00015-00011610-00012137 This one will make you blow up and like a blueberry and then they open up bus will come and row you away QxE3lcZusyc-00016-00012138-00012663 What is the point of an almond door that is full of Kaka? Okay, because it's not go for dope QxE3lcZusyc-00017-00012742-00013466 When you have real almond in the kitchen, but okay pasta la gente de peeps when it's not Easter. What is this? QxE3lcZusyc-00018-00013537-00013713 Casper the Friendly Ghost QxE3lcZusyc-00019-00013713-00014039 This is promoting a body spirits QxE3lcZusyc-00020-00014122-00014263 too far QxE3lcZusyc-00021-00014263-00014831 Oh my gosh. Yeah. Oh this probably was from the dentist across the tree, but you know what? QxE3lcZusyc-00022-00014908-00015108 We call dead family QxE3lcZusyc-00023-00015462-00015704 This committee, do they have a house was it clear QxE3lcZusyc-00024-00015704-00016304 They watching staring always Arrakis pockets was she a good weight or about weights? Andrew went into this person's house? QxE3lcZusyc-00025-00016304-00016946 Well, they play with the way she board but a checker what's the point of these cases when you have your mother's cases? QxE3lcZusyc-00026-00016951-00017151 Where did this come from? QxE3lcZusyc-00027-00017173-00017373 Nobody ever knows where they come from QxE3lcZusyc-00028-00017487-00017729 It is why I believe the aliens exist QxE3lcZusyc-00029-00017917-00018608 Mariusz electrified why did this one tastes like a room bear? This is a gateway for children to get into where Qz2hkeNLugk-00000-00000938-00001186 Wanna go Olaf? Okay, I'll go Olaf. Qz2hkeNLugk-00001-00001256-00001374 Can I go Lee Sin? Qz2hkeNLugk-00002-00001420-00001544 Okay, I'll go Olaf. Qz2hkeNLugk-00003-00004378-00004594 We're gonna flank here they won't see it. They will never see it coming. Qz2hkeNLugk-00004-00006420-00006620 Get off, get off, get off, get off. Qz2hkeNLugk-00005-00006722-00006836 Draven, Draven, Draven. Qz2hkeNLugk-00006-00006836-00006958 Look Xayah, look Xayah! Qz2hkeNLugk-00007-00008312-00008814 No, what are you doing? Oh no, 30 seconds I think you can end. Qz2hkeNLugk-00008-00009528-00009728 Maybe not this game. Yeah, I think this game. Qz2hkeNLugk-00009-00010452-00010560 Actually can you? Qz2hkeNLugk-00010-00011084-00011164 Nexus, nexus! Qz2hkeNLugk-00011-00014547-00014666 Maybe we go here and I jump over? Qz2hkeNLugk-00012-00015246-00015369 On Sion, on Sion, on Sion. Qz2hkeNLugk-00013-00017196-00017328 This is good, this is really good. Qz2hkeNLugk-00014-00018334-00018438 He's rooted again, rooted again. Qz2hkeNLugk-00015-00020038-00020126 He's rooted, he's rooted. Qz2hkeNLugk-00016-00021344-00021470 No, no, no, Karthus, Karthus! Q-Un4fzLIG8-00000-00000140-00002426 [No audio or captions for video. Use it to create your own stories.] QBTUXyAHS2c-00000-00000010-00000063 FESTIVE SNACK THAT LITTLE ONES QBTUXyAHS2c-00001-00000063-00000070 FESTIVE SNACK THAT LITTLE ONES QBTUXyAHS2c-00002-00000070-00000226 FESTIVE SNACK THAT LITTLE ONES AS WELL AS ADULTS WILL ENJOY QBTUXyAHS2c-00003-00000226-00000233 FESTIVE SNACK THAT LITTLE ONES AS WELL AS ADULTS WILL ENJOY QBTUXyAHS2c-00004-00000233-00000313 FESTIVE SNACK THAT LITTLE ONES AS WELL AS ADULTS WILL ENJOY MAKING AND EATING. QBTUXyAHS2c-00005-00000313-00000320 AS WELL AS ADULTS WILL ENJOY MAKING AND EATING. QBTUXyAHS2c-00006-00000320-00000490 AS WELL AS ADULTS WILL ENJOY MAKING AND EATING. >> BECAUSE I LOVE BEING IN THE QBTUXyAHS2c-00007-00000490-00000497 MAKING AND EATING. >> BECAUSE I LOVE BEING IN THE QBTUXyAHS2c-00008-00000497-00000734 MAKING AND EATING. >> BECAUSE I LOVE BEING IN THE KITCHEN, I REALLY ENJOY HAVING QBTUXyAHS2c-00009-00000734-00000740 >> BECAUSE I LOVE BEING IN THE KITCHEN, I REALLY ENJOY HAVING QBTUXyAHS2c-00010-00000740-00000830 >> BECAUSE I LOVE BEING IN THE KITCHEN, I REALLY ENJOY HAVING CHILDREN JOIN ME. QBTUXyAHS2c-00011-00000830-00000837 KITCHEN, I REALLY ENJOY HAVING CHILDREN JOIN ME. QBTUXyAHS2c-00012-00000837-00001000 KITCHEN, I REALLY ENJOY HAVING CHILDREN JOIN ME. AND JUST KIND OF IGNITE THEIR QBTUXyAHS2c-00013-00001000-00001007 CHILDREN JOIN ME. AND JUST KIND OF IGNITE THEIR QBTUXyAHS2c-00014-00001007-00001428 CHILDREN JOIN ME. AND JUST KIND OF IGNITE THEIR PASSION FOR BEING IN THE KITCHEN QBTUXyAHS2c-00015-00001428-00001434 AND JUST KIND OF IGNITE THEIR PASSION FOR BEING IN THE KITCHEN QBTUXyAHS2c-00016-00001434-00001454 AND JUST KIND OF IGNITE THEIR PASSION FOR BEING IN THE KITCHEN TOO. QBTUXyAHS2c-00017-00001454-00001461 PASSION FOR BEING IN THE KITCHEN TOO. QBTUXyAHS2c-00018-00001461-00001558 PASSION FOR BEING IN THE KITCHEN TOO. DURING HOLIDAY BREAK, IT IS A QBTUXyAHS2c-00019-00001558-00001564 TOO. DURING HOLIDAY BREAK, IT IS A QBTUXyAHS2c-00020-00001564-00001694 TOO. DURING HOLIDAY BREAK, IT IS A GREAT TIME TO HAVE A FUN AND QBTUXyAHS2c-00021-00001694-00001701 DURING HOLIDAY BREAK, IT IS A GREAT TIME TO HAVE A FUN AND QBTUXyAHS2c-00022-00001701-00001775 DURING HOLIDAY BREAK, IT IS A GREAT TIME TO HAVE A FUN AND FESTIVE LITTLE SNACK FOR QBTUXyAHS2c-00023-00001775-00001781 GREAT TIME TO HAVE A FUN AND FESTIVE LITTLE SNACK FOR QBTUXyAHS2c-00024-00001781-00001935 GREAT TIME TO HAVE A FUN AND FESTIVE LITTLE SNACK FOR CHILDREN TO MAKE WITH YOU. QBTUXyAHS2c-00025-00001935-00001941 FESTIVE LITTLE SNACK FOR CHILDREN TO MAKE WITH YOU. QBTUXyAHS2c-00026-00001941-00002072 FESTIVE LITTLE SNACK FOR CHILDREN TO MAKE WITH YOU. AND TODAY I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU QBTUXyAHS2c-00027-00002072-00002078 CHILDREN TO MAKE WITH YOU. AND TODAY I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU QBTUXyAHS2c-00028-00002078-00002162 CHILDREN TO MAKE WITH YOU. AND TODAY I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA. QBTUXyAHS2c-00029-00002162-00002168 AND TODAY I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA. QBTUXyAHS2c-00030-00002168-00002479 AND TODAY I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA. THESE ARE JUST FESTIVE LITTLE QBTUXyAHS2c-00031-00002479-00002485 AN IDEA. THESE ARE JUST FESTIVE LITTLE QBTUXyAHS2c-00032-00002485-00002632 AN IDEA. THESE ARE JUST FESTIVE LITTLE HOLIDAY REINDEER, AND THEY'RE QBTUXyAHS2c-00033-00002632-00002639 THESE ARE JUST FESTIVE LITTLE HOLIDAY REINDEER, AND THEY'RE QBTUXyAHS2c-00034-00002639-00002736 THESE ARE JUST FESTIVE LITTLE HOLIDAY REINDEER, AND THEY'RE REALLY FUN TO PUT TOGETHER. QBTUXyAHS2c-00035-00002736-00002742 HOLIDAY REINDEER, AND THEY'RE REALLY FUN TO PUT TOGETHER. QBTUXyAHS2c-00036-00002742-00002899 HOLIDAY REINDEER, AND THEY'RE REALLY FUN TO PUT TOGETHER. THE KIDS ARE GOING TO LOVE TO QBTUXyAHS2c-00037-00002899-00002906 REALLY FUN TO PUT TOGETHER. THE KIDS ARE GOING TO LOVE TO QBTUXyAHS2c-00038-00002906-00002969 REALLY FUN TO PUT TOGETHER. THE KIDS ARE GOING TO LOVE TO EAT THEM TOO. QBTUXyAHS2c-00039-00002969-00002976 THE KIDS ARE GOING TO LOVE TO EAT THEM TOO. QBTUXyAHS2c-00040-00002976-00003249 THE KIDS ARE GOING TO LOVE TO EAT THEM TOO. AND I'M STARTING BY SLICING AN QBTUXyAHS2c-00041-00003249-00003256 EAT THEM TOO. AND I'M STARTING BY SLICING AN QBTUXyAHS2c-00042-00003256-00003323 EAT THEM TOO. AND I'M STARTING BY SLICING AN APPLE INTO ROUNDS. QBTUXyAHS2c-00043-00003323-00003329 AND I'M STARTING BY SLICING AN APPLE INTO ROUNDS. QBTUXyAHS2c-00044-00003329-00003443 AND I'M STARTING BY SLICING AN APPLE INTO ROUNDS. YOU KNOW HOW YOU HAVE THAT QBTUXyAHS2c-00045-00003443-00003450 APPLE INTO ROUNDS. YOU KNOW HOW YOU HAVE THAT QBTUXyAHS2c-00046-00003450-00003797 APPLE INTO ROUNDS. YOU KNOW HOW YOU HAVE THAT LITTLE STAR IN THE MIDDLE WHEN QBTUXyAHS2c-00047-00003797-00003803 YOU KNOW HOW YOU HAVE THAT LITTLE STAR IN THE MIDDLE WHEN QBTUXyAHS2c-00048-00003803-00004074 YOU KNOW HOW YOU HAVE THAT LITTLE STAR IN THE MIDDLE WHEN YOU CUT THOSE ROUNDS -- ROUNDS QBTUXyAHS2c-00049-00004074-00004080 LITTLE STAR IN THE MIDDLE WHEN YOU CUT THOSE ROUNDS -- ROUNDS QBTUXyAHS2c-00050-00004080-00004314 LITTLE STAR IN THE MIDDLE WHEN YOU CUT THOSE ROUNDS -- ROUNDS AND THERE'S USUALLY SEEDS INSIDE QBTUXyAHS2c-00051-00004314-00004320 YOU CUT THOSE ROUNDS -- ROUNDS AND THERE'S USUALLY SEEDS INSIDE QBTUXyAHS2c-00052-00004320-00004357 YOU CUT THOSE ROUNDS -- ROUNDS AND THERE'S USUALLY SEEDS INSIDE THAT STAR. QBTUXyAHS2c-00053-00004357-00004364 AND THERE'S USUALLY SEEDS INSIDE THAT STAR. QBTUXyAHS2c-00054-00004364-00004524 AND THERE'S USUALLY SEEDS INSIDE THAT STAR. YOU CAN JUST PUSH THE SEEDS OUT QBTUXyAHS2c-00055-00004524-00004531 THAT STAR. YOU CAN JUST PUSH THE SEEDS OUT QBTUXyAHS2c-00056-00004531-00004674 THAT STAR. YOU CAN JUST PUSH THE SEEDS OUT WITH THE TIP OF A SHARP KNIFE OR QBTUXyAHS2c-00057-00004674-00004681 YOU CAN JUST PUSH THE SEEDS OUT WITH THE TIP OF A SHARP KNIFE OR QBTUXyAHS2c-00058-00004681-00004881 YOU CAN JUST PUSH THE SEEDS OUT WITH THE TIP OF A SHARP KNIFE OR I LIKE TO JUST TAKE A LITTLE QBTUXyAHS2c-00059-00004881-00004888 WITH THE TIP OF A SHARP KNIFE OR I LIKE TO JUST TAKE A LITTLE QBTUXyAHS2c-00060-00004888-00005108 WITH THE TIP OF A SHARP KNIFE OR I LIKE TO JUST TAKE A LITTLE CUTTER AND I JUST CUT IT RIGHT QBTUXyAHS2c-00061-00005108-00005115 I LIKE TO JUST TAKE A LITTLE CUTTER AND I JUST CUT IT RIGHT QBTUXyAHS2c-00062-00005115-00005278 I LIKE TO JUST TAKE A LITTLE CUTTER AND I JUST CUT IT RIGHT OUT BECAUSE EVEN WHEN YOU TAKE QBTUXyAHS2c-00063-00005278-00005285 CUTTER AND I JUST CUT IT RIGHT OUT BECAUSE EVEN WHEN YOU TAKE QBTUXyAHS2c-00064-00005285-00005468 CUTTER AND I JUST CUT IT RIGHT OUT BECAUSE EVEN WHEN YOU TAKE OUT THE SEEDS, THAT STAR IS A QBTUXyAHS2c-00065-00005468-00005475 OUT BECAUSE EVEN WHEN YOU TAKE OUT THE SEEDS, THAT STAR IS A QBTUXyAHS2c-00066-00005475-00005672 OUT BECAUSE EVEN WHEN YOU TAKE OUT THE SEEDS, THAT STAR IS A LITTLE BIT CRUNCHY IN THE QBTUXyAHS2c-00067-00005672-00005678 OUT THE SEEDS, THAT STAR IS A LITTLE BIT CRUNCHY IN THE QBTUXyAHS2c-00068-00005678-00005705 OUT THE SEEDS, THAT STAR IS A LITTLE BIT CRUNCHY IN THE MIDDLE. QBTUXyAHS2c-00069-00005705-00005712 LITTLE BIT CRUNCHY IN THE MIDDLE. QBTUXyAHS2c-00070-00005712-00005799 LITTLE BIT CRUNCHY IN THE MIDDLE. I DON'T REALLY LIKE EATING THAT. QBTUXyAHS2c-00071-00005799-00005805 MIDDLE. I DON'T REALLY LIKE EATING THAT. QBTUXyAHS2c-00072-00005805-00005872 MIDDLE. I DON'T REALLY LIKE EATING THAT. SO I TAKE IT OUT. QBTUXyAHS2c-00073-00005872-00005879 I DON'T REALLY LIKE EATING THAT. SO I TAKE IT OUT. QBTUXyAHS2c-00074-00005879-00006009 I DON'T REALLY LIKE EATING THAT. SO I TAKE IT OUT. BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO. QBTUXyAHS2c-00075-00006009-00006016 SO I TAKE IT OUT. BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO. QBTUXyAHS2c-00076-00006016-00006176 SO I TAKE IT OUT. BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO. AND THEN I HAVE GOT SOME PEANUT QBTUXyAHS2c-00077-00006176-00006182 BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO. AND THEN I HAVE GOT SOME PEANUT QBTUXyAHS2c-00078-00006182-00006209 BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO. AND THEN I HAVE GOT SOME PEANUT BUTTER. QBTUXyAHS2c-00079-00006209-00006216 AND THEN I HAVE GOT SOME PEANUT BUTTER. QBTUXyAHS2c-00080-00006216-00006329 AND THEN I HAVE GOT SOME PEANUT BUTTER. NOTICE I'M JUST DRYING THIS OFF QBTUXyAHS2c-00081-00006329-00006336 BUTTER. NOTICE I'M JUST DRYING THIS OFF QBTUXyAHS2c-00082-00006336-00006483 BUTTER. NOTICE I'M JUST DRYING THIS OFF A LITTLE BIT BECAUSE IF YOU'VE QBTUXyAHS2c-00083-00006483-00006489 NOTICE I'M JUST DRYING THIS OFF A LITTLE BIT BECAUSE IF YOU'VE QBTUXyAHS2c-00084-00006489-00006663 NOTICE I'M JUST DRYING THIS OFF A LITTLE BIT BECAUSE IF YOU'VE GOT A JUICY APPLE, IT WILL BE QBTUXyAHS2c-00085-00006663-00006669 A LITTLE BIT BECAUSE IF YOU'VE GOT A JUICY APPLE, IT WILL BE QBTUXyAHS2c-00086-00006669-00006880 A LITTLE BIT BECAUSE IF YOU'VE GOT A JUICY APPLE, IT WILL BE MOIST, AND IT'S HARD FOR ANY QBTUXyAHS2c-00087-00006880-00006886 GOT A JUICY APPLE, IT WILL BE MOIST, AND IT'S HARD FOR ANY QBTUXyAHS2c-00088-00006886-00007047 GOT A JUICY APPLE, IT WILL BE MOIST, AND IT'S HARD FOR ANY KIND OF NUT BUTTER TO STICK TO QBTUXyAHS2c-00089-00007047-00007053 MOIST, AND IT'S HARD FOR ANY KIND OF NUT BUTTER TO STICK TO QBTUXyAHS2c-00090-00007053-00007220 MOIST, AND IT'S HARD FOR ANY KIND OF NUT BUTTER TO STICK TO THAT MOIST APPLE SLICE. QBTUXyAHS2c-00091-00007220-00007227 KIND OF NUT BUTTER TO STICK TO THAT MOIST APPLE SLICE. QBTUXyAHS2c-00092-00007227-00007450 KIND OF NUT BUTTER TO STICK TO THAT MOIST APPLE SLICE. SO I'M GOING TO TAKE SOME PEANUT QBTUXyAHS2c-00093-00007450-00007457 THAT MOIST APPLE SLICE. SO I'M GOING TO TAKE SOME PEANUT QBTUXyAHS2c-00094-00007457-00007507 THAT MOIST APPLE SLICE. SO I'M GOING TO TAKE SOME PEANUT BUTTER. QBTUXyAHS2c-00095-00007507-00007514 SO I'M GOING TO TAKE SOME PEANUT BUTTER. QBTUXyAHS2c-00096-00007514-00007637 SO I'M GOING TO TAKE SOME PEANUT BUTTER. I'VE ALREADY MADE ONE WITH QBTUXyAHS2c-00097-00007637-00007644 BUTTER. I'VE ALREADY MADE ONE WITH QBTUXyAHS2c-00098-00007644-00007724 BUTTER. I'VE ALREADY MADE ONE WITH SUNFLOWER BUTTER TOO. QBTUXyAHS2c-00099-00007724-00007731 I'VE ALREADY MADE ONE WITH SUNFLOWER BUTTER TOO. QBTUXyAHS2c-00100-00007731-00008037 I'VE ALREADY MADE ONE WITH SUNFLOWER BUTTER TOO. THAT'S REALLY GOOD, ESPECIALLY QBTUXyAHS2c-00101-00008037-00008044 SUNFLOWER BUTTER TOO. THAT'S REALLY GOOD, ESPECIALLY QBTUXyAHS2c-00102-00008044-00008191 SUNFLOWER BUTTER TOO. THAT'S REALLY GOOD, ESPECIALLY IF YOU'VE GOT ANYONE WHO IS QBTUXyAHS2c-00103-00008191-00008198 THAT'S REALLY GOOD, ESPECIALLY IF YOU'VE GOT ANYONE WHO IS QBTUXyAHS2c-00104-00008198-00008425 THAT'S REALLY GOOD, ESPECIALLY IF YOU'VE GOT ANYONE WHO IS SENSITIVE TO NUTS IN THE FAMILY. QBTUXyAHS2c-00105-00008425-00008431 IF YOU'VE GOT ANYONE WHO IS SENSITIVE TO NUTS IN THE FAMILY. QBTUXyAHS2c-00106-00008431-00008545 IF YOU'VE GOT ANYONE WHO IS SENSITIVE TO NUTS IN THE FAMILY. SO JUST SPREAD SOME PEANUT QBTUXyAHS2c-00107-00008545-00008551 SENSITIVE TO NUTS IN THE FAMILY. SO JUST SPREAD SOME PEANUT QBTUXyAHS2c-00108-00008551-00008708 SENSITIVE TO NUTS IN THE FAMILY. SO JUST SPREAD SOME PEANUT BUTTER ON THAT APPLE SLICE. QBTUXyAHS2c-00109-00008708-00008715 SO JUST SPREAD SOME PEANUT BUTTER ON THAT APPLE SLICE. QBTUXyAHS2c-00110-00008715-00009302 SO JUST SPREAD SOME PEANUT BUTTER ON THAT APPLE SLICE. THEN WE NEED A LITTLE -- ON THAT QBTUXyAHS2c-00111-00009302-00009309 BUTTER ON THAT APPLE SLICE. THEN WE NEED A LITTLE -- ON THAT QBTUXyAHS2c-00112-00009309-00009369 BUTTER ON THAT APPLE SLICE. THEN WE NEED A LITTLE -- ON THAT REINDEER'S FACE. QBTUXyAHS2c-00113-00009369-00009376 THEN WE NEED A LITTLE -- ON THAT REINDEER'S FACE. QBTUXyAHS2c-00114-00009376-00009512 THEN WE NEED A LITTLE -- ON THAT REINDEER'S FACE. I'M GOING TO PUT ONE OF MY QBTUXyAHS2c-00115-00009512-00009519 REINDEER'S FACE. I'M GOING TO PUT ONE OF MY QBTUXyAHS2c-00116-00009519-00009696 REINDEER'S FACE. I'M GOING TO PUT ONE OF MY CHRISTMAS COOKIES THAT I HAVE QBTUXyAHS2c-00117-00009696-00009703 I'M GOING TO PUT ONE OF MY CHRISTMAS COOKIES THAT I HAVE QBTUXyAHS2c-00118-00009703-00009729 I'M GOING TO PUT ONE OF MY CHRISTMAS COOKIES THAT I HAVE BAKED. QBTUXyAHS2c-00119-00009729-00009736 CHRISTMAS COOKIES THAT I HAVE BAKED. QBTUXyAHS2c-00120-00009736-00009883 CHRISTMAS COOKIES THAT I HAVE BAKED. YOU CAN BUY LITTLE MINI COOKIES QBTUXyAHS2c-00121-00009883-00009889 BAKED. YOU CAN BUY LITTLE MINI COOKIES QBTUXyAHS2c-00122-00009889-00009986 BAKED. YOU CAN BUY LITTLE MINI COOKIES IN THE GROCERY STORE OR QBTUXyAHS2c-00123-00009986-00009993 YOU CAN BUY LITTLE MINI COOKIES IN THE GROCERY STORE OR QBTUXyAHS2c-00124-00009993-00010116 YOU CAN BUY LITTLE MINI COOKIES IN THE GROCERY STORE OR EXPERIMENT WITH ONE OF YOUR OWN QBTUXyAHS2c-00125-00010116-00010123 IN THE GROCERY STORE OR EXPERIMENT WITH ONE OF YOUR OWN QBTUXyAHS2c-00126-00010123-00010186 IN THE GROCERY STORE OR EXPERIMENT WITH ONE OF YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS COOKIES. QBTUXyAHS2c-00127-00010186-00010193 EXPERIMENT WITH ONE OF YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS COOKIES. QBTUXyAHS2c-00128-00010193-00010333 EXPERIMENT WITH ONE OF YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS COOKIES. THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING. QBTUXyAHS2c-00129-00010333-00010340 CHRISTMAS COOKIES. THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING. QBTUXyAHS2c-00130-00010340-00010617 CHRISTMAS COOKIES. THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING. THAT'S A LITTLE SNOOT. QBTUXyAHS2c-00131-00010617-00010623 THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING. THAT'S A LITTLE SNOOT. QBTUXyAHS2c-00132-00010623-00010760 THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING. THAT'S A LITTLE SNOOT. THEN I'M GOING TO MAKE SOME EYES QBTUXyAHS2c-00133-00010760-00010767 THAT'S A LITTLE SNOOT. THEN I'M GOING TO MAKE SOME EYES QBTUXyAHS2c-00134-00010767-00011034 THAT'S A LITTLE SNOOT. THEN I'M GOING TO MAKE SOME EYES BY CUTTING A LITTLE MINI QBTUXyAHS2c-00135-00011034-00011041 THEN I'M GOING TO MAKE SOME EYES BY CUTTING A LITTLE MINI QBTUXyAHS2c-00136-00011041-00011177 THEN I'M GOING TO MAKE SOME EYES BY CUTTING A LITTLE MINI MARSHMALLOW IN HALF AND STICKING QBTUXyAHS2c-00137-00011177-00011184 BY CUTTING A LITTLE MINI MARSHMALLOW IN HALF AND STICKING QBTUXyAHS2c-00138-00011184-00011311 BY CUTTING A LITTLE MINI MARSHMALLOW IN HALF AND STICKING IT ON RIGHT ABOVE THE SNOOT. QBTUXyAHS2c-00139-00011311-00011317 MARSHMALLOW IN HALF AND STICKING IT ON RIGHT ABOVE THE SNOOT. QBTUXyAHS2c-00140-00011317-00011451 MARSHMALLOW IN HALF AND STICKING IT ON RIGHT ABOVE THE SNOOT. PUT THE LITTLE EYES ON THERE AND QBTUXyAHS2c-00141-00011451-00011458 IT ON RIGHT ABOVE THE SNOOT. PUT THE LITTLE EYES ON THERE AND QBTUXyAHS2c-00142-00011458-00011558 IT ON RIGHT ABOVE THE SNOOT. PUT THE LITTLE EYES ON THERE AND THEY WILL STICK RIGHT ON TO THE QBTUXyAHS2c-00143-00011558-00011564 PUT THE LITTLE EYES ON THERE AND THEY WILL STICK RIGHT ON TO THE QBTUXyAHS2c-00144-00011564-00011664 PUT THE LITTLE EYES ON THERE AND THEY WILL STICK RIGHT ON TO THE PEANUT BUTTER. QBTUXyAHS2c-00145-00011664-00011671 THEY WILL STICK RIGHT ON TO THE PEANUT BUTTER. QBTUXyAHS2c-00146-00011671-00011795 THEY WILL STICK RIGHT ON TO THE PEANUT BUTTER. AND THEN I HAVE MINI CHOCOLATE QBTUXyAHS2c-00147-00011795-00011801 PEANUT BUTTER. AND THEN I HAVE MINI CHOCOLATE QBTUXyAHS2c-00148-00011801-00012148 PEANUT BUTTER. AND THEN I HAVE MINI CHOCOLATE CHIPS THAT I'M GOING TO PUT QBTUXyAHS2c-00149-00012148-00012155 AND THEN I HAVE MINI CHOCOLATE CHIPS THAT I'M GOING TO PUT QBTUXyAHS2c-00150-00012155-00012272 AND THEN I HAVE MINI CHOCOLATE CHIPS THAT I'M GOING TO PUT RIGHT INSIDE OF THEIR EYE JUST QBTUXyAHS2c-00151-00012272-00012278 CHIPS THAT I'M GOING TO PUT RIGHT INSIDE OF THEIR EYE JUST QBTUXyAHS2c-00152-00012278-00012492 CHIPS THAT I'M GOING TO PUT RIGHT INSIDE OF THEIR EYE JUST LIKE THAT. QBTUXyAHS2c-00153-00012492-00012499 RIGHT INSIDE OF THEIR EYE JUST LIKE THAT. QBTUXyAHS2c-00154-00012499-00012602 RIGHT INSIDE OF THEIR EYE JUST LIKE THAT. PRETZELS MAKE GREAT ANTLERS. QBTUXyAHS2c-00155-00012602-00012609 LIKE THAT. PRETZELS MAKE GREAT ANTLERS. QBTUXyAHS2c-00156-00012609-00012979 LIKE THAT. PRETZELS MAKE GREAT ANTLERS. SO I'M GOING TO STICK MY ANTLERS QBTUXyAHS2c-00157-00012979-00012986 PRETZELS MAKE GREAT ANTLERS. SO I'M GOING TO STICK MY ANTLERS QBTUXyAHS2c-00158-00012986-00013006 PRETZELS MAKE GREAT ANTLERS. SO I'M GOING TO STICK MY ANTLERS ON. QBTUXyAHS2c-00159-00013006-00013012 SO I'M GOING TO STICK MY ANTLERS ON. QBTUXyAHS2c-00160-00013012-00013139 SO I'M GOING TO STICK MY ANTLERS ON. AND I DECIDED THAT THIS ONE IS QBTUXyAHS2c-00161-00013139-00013146 ON. AND I DECIDED THAT THIS ONE IS QBTUXyAHS2c-00162-00013146-00013410 ON. AND I DECIDED THAT THIS ONE IS GOING TO BE RUDOLPH THE RED QBTUXyAHS2c-00163-00013410-00013416 AND I DECIDED THAT THIS ONE IS GOING TO BE RUDOLPH THE RED QBTUXyAHS2c-00164-00013416-00013590 AND I DECIDED THAT THIS ONE IS GOING TO BE RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER SO I'M GOING TO QBTUXyAHS2c-00165-00013590-00013596 GOING TO BE RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER SO I'M GOING TO QBTUXyAHS2c-00166-00013596-00013780 GOING TO BE RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER SO I'M GOING TO USE A RASPBERRY FOR HIS NOSE BUT QBTUXyAHS2c-00167-00013780-00013787 NOSED REINDEER SO I'M GOING TO USE A RASPBERRY FOR HIS NOSE BUT QBTUXyAHS2c-00168-00013787-00014017 NOSED REINDEER SO I'M GOING TO USE A RASPBERRY FOR HIS NOSE BUT THE OTHER ONES I HAVE BEEN USING QBTUXyAHS2c-00169-00014017-00014024 USE A RASPBERRY FOR HIS NOSE BUT THE OTHER ONES I HAVE BEEN USING QBTUXyAHS2c-00170-00014024-00014060 USE A RASPBERRY FOR HIS NOSE BUT THE OTHER ONES I HAVE BEEN USING BLUEBERRIES. QBTUXyAHS2c-00171-00014060-00014067 THE OTHER ONES I HAVE BEEN USING BLUEBERRIES. QBTUXyAHS2c-00172-00014067-00014144 THE OTHER ONES I HAVE BEEN USING BLUEBERRIES. THIS IS ALL UP TO YOU. QBTUXyAHS2c-00173-00014144-00014150 BLUEBERRIES. THIS IS ALL UP TO YOU. QBTUXyAHS2c-00174-00014150-00014264 BLUEBERRIES. THIS IS ALL UP TO YOU. THIS IS JUST AN IDEA FOR YOU TO QBTUXyAHS2c-00175-00014264-00014270 THIS IS ALL UP TO YOU. THIS IS JUST AN IDEA FOR YOU TO QBTUXyAHS2c-00176-00014270-00014314 THIS IS ALL UP TO YOU. THIS IS JUST AN IDEA FOR YOU TO START WITH. QBTUXyAHS2c-00177-00014314-00014320 THIS IS JUST AN IDEA FOR YOU TO START WITH. QBTUXyAHS2c-00178-00014320-00014414 THIS IS JUST AN IDEA FOR YOU TO START WITH. I HOPE YOU WILL MAKE THESE QBTUXyAHS2c-00179-00014414-00014421 START WITH. I HOPE YOU WILL MAKE THESE QBTUXyAHS2c-00180-00014421-00014514 START WITH. I HOPE YOU WILL MAKE THESE LITTLE REINDEER WITH SOME OF QBTUXyAHS2c-00181-00014514-00014521 I HOPE YOU WILL MAKE THESE LITTLE REINDEER WITH SOME OF QBTUXyAHS2c-00182-00014521-00014734 I HOPE YOU WILL MAKE THESE LITTLE REINDEER WITH SOME OF YOUR FAVORITE LITTLE PEOPLE THIS QBTUXyAHS2c-00183-00014734-00014741 LITTLE REINDEER WITH SOME OF YOUR FAVORITE LITTLE PEOPLE THIS QBTUXyAHS2c-00184-00014741-00014808 LITTLE REINDEER WITH SOME OF YOUR FAVORITE LITTLE PEOPLE THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. QBTUXyAHS2c-00185-00014808-00014814 YOUR FAVORITE LITTLE PEOPLE THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. QBTUXyAHS2c-00186-00014814-00014898 YOUR FAVORITE LITTLE PEOPLE THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. I'M SUE DOEDEN SHARING GOOD FOOD QKwgt1TICoo-00000-00002196-00002874 Have you guys heard about the Light 'N' Easy Robot Vacuum A5? This is it. This is the fancy-schmancy, QKwgt1TICoo-00001-00002874-00003456 self-docking, self-emptying vacuum that you have been waiting for. I'm Angela Brown, QKwgt1TICoo-00002-00003456-00003792 and this is Ask A House Cleaner. This is a show where you get to QKwgt1TICoo-00003-00003792-00004122 ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer. QKwgt1TICoo-00004-00004122-00004530 Now, I get asked the question a lot from really busy homeowners that don't have QKwgt1TICoo-00005-00004530-00004998 time to vacuum their floors, to seniors that don't have the mobility that they once had, QKwgt1TICoo-00006-00004998-00005436 or it might be somebody that's disabled that can't vacuum at all. They say, "Ang, QKwgt1TICoo-00007-00005436-00005832 how do I stay on top of the pet hair, the pet dander, the dust, the crumbs, QKwgt1TICoo-00008-00005832-00006210 all that stuff that gets kicked around in the house when you open it or close the door, QKwgt1TICoo-00009-00006210-00006695 or the air conditioning kicks on and it goes airborne, and then we end up breathing it. How QKwgt1TICoo-00010-00006695-00007145 do we end up doing the vacuuming if we can't get to it, or we're too busy, or we don't have the QKwgt1TICoo-00011-00007145-00007728 mobility to do that? And the answer is a robot vacuum. This will do a lot of the work for you. QKwgt1TICoo-00012-00007728-00008159 Now, if you've been holding off getting a robot vacuum because you didn't have a thousand dollars QKwgt1TICoo-00013-00008159-00008706 to spend, you're going to be super excited to know that this is about a third of the cost. So this QKwgt1TICoo-00014-00008706-00009408 is very affordable and it will do most of the work for you. So what is it? Well, it's a robot vacuum, QKwgt1TICoo-00015-00009408-00010080 and it has this amazing infrared sensor on the front. And so, as it goes throughout your house, QKwgt1TICoo-00016-00010080-00010530 it's going to sense where all the furniture is, and it takes a couple minutes to learn. QKwgt1TICoo-00017-00010530-00010938 But once it learns its way around your house, then it's going to go on automatic QKwgt1TICoo-00018-00010938-00011400 mode and it can then clean for you. This is a real challenge for people that get robot QKwgt1TICoo-00019-00011400-00011784 vacuums. They don't read the instruction manual. And if you're one of those people, QKwgt1TICoo-00020-00011784-00012438 you're going to be really excited to know that there's a special instruction manual just for you. QKwgt1TICoo-00021-00012438-00013002 And this is like how to get started super quick, but they actually have a really in-depth manual QKwgt1TICoo-00022-00013002-00013440 that I recommend you read, because it's going to show you how to program the remote control. QKwgt1TICoo-00023-00013440-00013902 Now, I got to stop for a second about this remote control. This doesn't run off of any QKwgt1TICoo-00024-00013902-00014388 apps. It doesn't run off of Wi-Fi. It's just its own remote control. And I love that it's QKwgt1TICoo-00025-00014388-00014778 a standalone unit because it's not going to interfere with any of the other stuff QKwgt1TICoo-00026-00014778-00015324 that you have in your house, okay? So the cool part about this is you can totally manage your QKwgt1TICoo-00027-00015324-00015768 vacuum with a remote control. Now it has an auto feature. So when you turn it on, QKwgt1TICoo-00028-00015768-00016254 it can just auto-clean. And once it learns its way around your house, it will do just that. QKwgt1TICoo-00029-00016254-00016638 It also has a timer on it, so you can set it up for when I leave the house, QKwgt1TICoo-00030-00016638-00017160 it's going to know that you've left the house based on the schedule that you set, so it has QKwgt1TICoo-00031-00017160-00017772 that capability. Now down here in the bottom, it also has three settings. So it goes on low, QKwgt1TICoo-00032-00017772-00018336 medium, and then super high-powered vacuum. And the default is just medium. So that's QKwgt1TICoo-00033-00018336-00018864 good for your hardwood floors, for your tile, for your carpeting, for your rugs, and stuff QKwgt1TICoo-00034-00018864-00019302 like that. So this vacuum will do it all, and it's all controlled with a remote control. QKwgt1TICoo-00035-00019302-00019812 Now, there's one note. You can't use rechargeable batteries in this. So it QKwgt1TICoo-00036-00019812-00020292 does take two AAA batteries, but you must buy just the AAA batteries. It doesn't work QKwgt1TICoo-00037-00020292-00020712 with rechargeable batteries. So I just want to throw that out there. Now it does have three QKwgt1TICoo-00038-00020712-00021228 different settings and the settings are super cool, because it can go in straight lines. It QKwgt1TICoo-00039-00021228-00021666 turns a corner and it comes back so that it doesn't miss anything. It's very specific, QKwgt1TICoo-00040-00021666-00022188 almost like it's in a parade and it's marching. And then it also has an area. QKwgt1TICoo-00041-00022188-00022614 So let's say I spilled a box of cereal on the kitchen floor. I can turn it on QKwgt1TICoo-00042-00022614-00022962 that mode and it will just go in a great big circle around and around, QKwgt1TICoo-00043-00022962-00023490 and it keeps getting a bigger and bigger circle, and it vacuums up all that stuff. QKwgt1TICoo-00044-00023490-00023994 And then it has an around the room. So you can say, go around the perimeter of the room, QKwgt1TICoo-00045-00023994-00024564 and based on what you have there, it will just go around stuff, around the whole outside of QKwgt1TICoo-00046-00024564-00024984 the room, and then you can have it do the inside or do that marching pattern, right? QKwgt1TICoo-00047-00024984-00025356 So there are three different settings. The cool part about it is the instructions are QKwgt1TICoo-00048-00025356-00025770 super easy to understand, and it will show you exactly how to do it. The instruction QKwgt1TICoo-00049-00025770-00026352 manual also has your warranty, and it also has the rules and regulations for how to get the QKwgt1TICoo-00050-00026352-00026832 best use out of this. So here we go. There are a couple things that you need to know about the QKwgt1TICoo-00051-00026832-00027372 backside of the vacuum. And I say the backside, I'm going to show you the fancy front part in QKwgt1TICoo-00052-00027372-00027702 just a minute, where we got to look about the backside so that we know how it works. QKwgt1TICoo-00053-00027702-00028230 It has three wheels. It has two monster truck wheels, and these are the big wheels that climb QKwgt1TICoo-00054-00028230-00028758 up on the carpet. And then it has a universal wheel, which spins it right or left or makes QKwgt1TICoo-00055-00028758-00029262 it turn around. So we have a turnaround wheel, which is a universal wheel, two monster truck QKwgt1TICoo-00056-00029262-00029904 wheels that go up and down based on, are you on hardwood floors or carpet? And these are big QKwgt1TICoo-00057-00029904-00030450 rubber tires, and so it's not going to scratch your floors as it rolls. That's pretty cool. QKwgt1TICoo-00058-00030450-00031158 All right. The next thing is it has three sensors here. These sensors are for stairs. If it gets QKwgt1TICoo-00059-00031158-00031620 close to the stairs, it's going to go, "Whoa, I think I've crossed my boundary here," and it's QKwgt1TICoo-00060-00031620-00032088 going to spin itself around and it's not going to roll down your stairs. I know many of you were QKwgt1TICoo-00061-00032088-00032592 worried about that. Now, you'll notice there's a great big windshield on the front of this. This QKwgt1TICoo-00062-00032592-00033144 is an infrared sensor. This senses your furniture and it learns its way around your house. And it QKwgt1TICoo-00063-00033144-00033678 also has a couple of rubber bumpers that are on the front of this sensor. So if it gets too close QKwgt1TICoo-00064-00033678-00034122 and it bumps into something, no worries. It's not going to scratch your furniture and it's not going QKwgt1TICoo-00065-00034122-00034602 to take the paint off your baseboards or your skirting boards. So I love it for that reason. QKwgt1TICoo-00066-00034602-00035220 Now, you'll notice on the back, it has pigtails and you say, "What? A vacuum with pigtails?" It's QKwgt1TICoo-00067-00035220-00035760 true. It actually comes with a couple of spare pigtails as well. These are called twin spinner QKwgt1TICoo-00068-00035760-00036468 brushes. They just snap onto the bottom of the Light 'N' Easy Robot Vacuum A5. And as they spin, QKwgt1TICoo-00069-00036468-00037044 what they do is they scoop all the dust to the center. And then in the center is the great QKwgt1TICoo-00070-00037044-00037716 big vacuum suction plate where it goes and it sucks it in. Now behind the big suction part, QKwgt1TICoo-00071-00037716-00038292 there's a big squeegee. It scoops everything up so that as it scoops it together, it can't get QKwgt1TICoo-00072-00038292-00038928 past this squeegee right here. This is the suction plate right here. And I want to tell you something QKwgt1TICoo-00073-00038928-00039408 exciting about this suction plate. This is not a normal suction plate. It doesn't just suck it QKwgt1TICoo-00074-00039408-00040056 in and then boom, it goes into a dust cup. It does do that, but it also does something else. QKwgt1TICoo-00075-00040056-00040398 So I want to show you this in a couple of steps. The first one QKwgt1TICoo-00076-00040398-00040992 is this suction part. So as the pigtails twirl around and it scoops everything in, QKwgt1TICoo-00077-00040992-00041400 it's going to suck it up through this hole right here in the middle. Now, QKwgt1TICoo-00078-00041400-00042066 if I flip the vacuum over and I opened this up, you're going to see a dust cup. This dust cup QKwgt1TICoo-00079-00042066-00042606 is typical of a robot vacuum. This is not a special dust cup. It's kind of normal, QKwgt1TICoo-00080-00042606-00043278 right? It has a hole that sucks the stuff in and it traps it in there. Yay. That's normal, okay? QKwgt1TICoo-00081-00043278-00043674 Here's where it gets exciting for the Light 'N' Easy Robot 5. What happens QKwgt1TICoo-00082-00043674-00044472 is this part with the hole in it also matches up. Here's the docking stand. It matches up to QKwgt1TICoo-00083-00044544-00045198 one that matches right here. And there's some technology in here so that when the dust cup QKwgt1TICoo-00084-00045198-00045768 inside the robot vacuum comes in to dock in this station, something magical happens. I QKwgt1TICoo-00085-00045768-00046272 don't understand the science, but it comes in through this plate. It comes up through QKwgt1TICoo-00086-00046272-00046962 the vacuum. It comes over here and into this dust cup and it empties the vacuum for you. QKwgt1TICoo-00087-00046962-00047712 I know, super cool. Why? Because most people don't know that this is full. And so if you QKwgt1TICoo-00088-00047712-00048180 have a vacuum that you can't see through, how do you know if your dust cup is full? So what QKwgt1TICoo-00089-00048180-00048816 happens is, that this is completely automatic. Okay? So you put your dust cup in, and you turn QKwgt1TICoo-00090-00048816-00049194 your vacuum on. And when you turn your vacuum on, there's a little button inside here, QKwgt1TICoo-00091-00049194-00049650 it goes right or left. If you push it all the way over to the right, QKwgt1TICoo-00092-00049734-00050184 it turns it on. And if you push it all the way over to the left, it turns it off. So QKwgt1TICoo-00093-00050184-00050646 that is how you turn your vacuum on and off. And then this is a start and pause button. QKwgt1TICoo-00094-00050646-00051036 When you first get your robot vacuum, there are a couple of things that I want you to do. I want QKwgt1TICoo-00095-00051036-00051467 you to take the docking station and find a blank wall on your house. And I say blank, QKwgt1TICoo-00096-00051467-00051858 like give it some space so that as the vacuum is finding its way back home, QKwgt1TICoo-00097-00051858-00052350 it doesn't trip over anything as it comes back to home base. Now, once you get your vacuum for QKwgt1TICoo-00098-00052350-00052955 the very first time and you plug your vacuum in, I want this to be the permanent home. Here's the QKwgt1TICoo-00099-00052955-00053424 reason why. Your vacuum has an infrared sensor and I'm going to program it based QKwgt1TICoo-00100-00053424-00053904 on the remote control. I'm going to tell it, "This is where you live. This is your home." QKwgt1TICoo-00101-00053904-00054300 So when I send the vacuum out on some errands, "I want you to go clean the house." It's going QKwgt1TICoo-00102-00054300-00054738 to come back as it gets tired and it runs out of battery power. So as it gets tired QKwgt1TICoo-00103-00054738-00055236 and it comes back, it has to know where home is. But if the home keeps moving and it keeps QKwgt1TICoo-00104-00055236-00055620 going from room to room, it's not going to know where home is. So it's going to train QKwgt1TICoo-00105-00055620-00056105 itself to figure out where your home is and how far it can go and how much it can clean QKwgt1TICoo-00106-00056105-00056724 before it runs out of charge. And so when it comes back home, it needs to know where that home is. QKwgt1TICoo-00107-00056724-00057276 Okay. So rule number one put your docking station in one place, and do not move it QKwgt1TICoo-00108-00057276-00057810 around. Rule number two, every time you send the vacuum out, send the vacuum from the home QKwgt1TICoo-00109-00057810-00058374 base. And that way, when it learns its way around and it returns home, it will always QKwgt1TICoo-00110-00058374-00058944 return home and it will charge automatically. Okay. So if you want to take advantage of the QKwgt1TICoo-00111-00058944-00059400 charging automatically and the programming so that it vacuums your house automatically, QKwgt1TICoo-00112-00059400-00059898 and that it empties your vacuum automatically, you want to make sure that the vacuum is in one QKwgt1TICoo-00113-00059898-00060390 spot. Okay. Here's the really cool part. How do you empty or how do you clean this thing? QKwgt1TICoo-00114-00060390-00060786 How do you empty it is the first part, and then how do you clean it is the second part. QKwgt1TICoo-00115-00060786-00061517 So how do you empty it is on the vacuum itself? This is your dust cup. We're not going to touch QKwgt1TICoo-00116-00061517-00061908 this at all. We're not going to open this up. We're not going to check and see how dirty this QKwgt1TICoo-00117-00061908-00062454 is. We're going to set it and forget it. I know, that's really cool, right? Once we've done that, QKwgt1TICoo-00118-00062454-00063072 this unit is going to take over. And it takes over because we've plugged this in. There's a plug here QKwgt1TICoo-00119-00063072-00063720 on the back. This runs off of a 120-volt plug. And because it is a 120-volt plug, it's two prongs, QKwgt1TICoo-00120-00063720-00064386 not three, so it plugs into pretty much any wall outlet. And because it has this wind-up part on QKwgt1TICoo-00121-00064386-00064878 the back, this is close to the wall, and you only need that much cord. That's how much you need. QKwgt1TICoo-00122-00064878-00065441 Now, once this is plugged in, it's going to send all the messages to your robot vacuum. QKwgt1TICoo-00123-00065441-00065976 So when your robot vacuum says, "Oh, I'm tired. I want to come back home again," it's going to come QKwgt1TICoo-00124-00065976-00066516 in and dock to recharge. It's going to sit there for five seconds. After five seconds, QKwgt1TICoo-00125-00066516-00067008 the big mama machine is going to kick on, and it's going to suck all of the dirt out QKwgt1TICoo-00126-00067008-00067482 of the suction cup. Now it goes in through the base, up through the sides, through the front, QKwgt1TICoo-00127-00067482-00068112 and down into the dust cup. This is what you're looking at. But this clear dust QKwgt1TICoo-00128-00068112-00068502 cup is what you're going to keep your eye on. And if this gets full, for any reason, QKwgt1TICoo-00129-00068502-00069060 it usually takes about 30 days. But depending on how many dogs and cats and how much pet fur, QKwgt1TICoo-00130-00069060-00069474 food or crumbs or whatever you have in your house, it might need to be emptied more often. QKwgt1TICoo-00131-00069474-00069990 So keep your eye on this. This is what's going to determine how frequently you have to empty it. QKwgt1TICoo-00132-00069990-00070488 All right. Let's pretend it's time to empty it. So we're not going to empty the one in here. We don't QKwgt1TICoo-00133-00070488-00071130 need to. It emptied it into here automatically. Yay. Okay. We're going to empty the big one. Now, QKwgt1TICoo-00134-00071130-00071658 for the big one, the very first thing we're going to do is we're going to unplug the unit QKwgt1TICoo-00135-00071658-00072216 from the wall just to make sure that nothing happens, okay? We're going to unplug this from QKwgt1TICoo-00136-00072216-00072750 the wall and we're going to turn off this unit, because we don't want this to keep like, "Hey, QKwgt1TICoo-00137-00072750-00073056 I'm looking for home. Where's home?" We're just going to turn off the unit. QKwgt1TICoo-00138-00073056-00073440 So we've turned off the robot vacuum itself. We've turned off the big unit. QKwgt1TICoo-00139-00073440-00074094 Then, you'll notice this is the handle that picks this up, right on top of this handle is an orange QKwgt1TICoo-00140-00074094-00074592 button. I'm going to put one hand here on the back to hold and support it. I'm going to put one hand QKwgt1TICoo-00141-00074592-00075096 here and put my fingers inside the handle. And I'm just going to lift this out like this. That QKwgt1TICoo-00142-00075096-00075564 is my dust cup that gets to go being emptied. Now I'm going to hold this over a garbage can. QKwgt1TICoo-00143-00075564-00076194 I'm going to push one button. The bottom opens, and all the stuff falls out. I'm going to close QKwgt1TICoo-00144-00076194-00076740 this without ever touching any dust, and then I'm going to return this back to the station. QKwgt1TICoo-00145-00076908-00077532 And this just slides right back in from the top like that. Then it clicks in place and QKwgt1TICoo-00146-00077532-00077892 you're done. That was cool. I'm going to do this one more time from the back. QKwgt1TICoo-00147-00077970-00078552 Now, one hand here, I'm going to lift this up and that's my dust cup to empty. Now you'll see, QKwgt1TICoo-00148-00078552-00079230 on the back, it has these two tongue and grooves. Inside here, it has the two tongue and grooves. QKwgt1TICoo-00149-00079230-00080136 And so what happens is you just slide this inside and as you slide it in, it locks in place, right? QKwgt1TICoo-00150-00080136-00080940 So, that's how super easy that is. That is your fancy-schmancy Light 'N' Easy Robot Vacuum A5. QKwgt1TICoo-00151-00080994-00081606 Okay. Now, how do you clean it? So this is going to be every three to six months. You're QKwgt1TICoo-00152-00081606-00082068 going to take the whole unit apart and you're going to clean it and you're going to replace the QKwgt1TICoo-00153-00082068-00082572 filters. Now, we haven't talked about the filters yet, but these are high-efficiency filters. So QKwgt1TICoo-00154-00082572-00083028 when it sucks in the dust, it's going to separate the fine particles from the bigger particles. QKwgt1TICoo-00155-00083028-00083742 Here's how that happens. If I open this unit... We will do this every three to six months, okay? QKwgt1TICoo-00156-00083742-00084258 Depending on how much use you get will depend on how often we open these. So we're going to open QKwgt1TICoo-00157-00084258-00085056 the door. We're going to turn off the unit. We're going to take out the dust cup and then we're QKwgt1TICoo-00158-00085056-00085842 going to set this aside. We're going to remove this dust cup and we're going to set that aside. QKwgt1TICoo-00159-00085920-00086532 Then we're going to take a damp microfiber cloth, and we're going to wipe down these two pieces. QKwgt1TICoo-00160-00086532-00087120 Now, the reason is this. We want to make sure that from the times that we've pulled this off QKwgt1TICoo-00161-00087120-00087786 and put it back, that the seals are all clean. And so by just wiping any dust off of them, QKwgt1TICoo-00162-00087786-00088350 wiping any dust off of the back. This is the intake valve where this stuff gets sucked in QKwgt1TICoo-00163-00088350-00088944 through the unit. It comes up through here. It comes in through the back of this unit right here, QKwgt1TICoo-00164-00088944-00089304 and that's how it fills up your dust cup. So we want to make sure that QKwgt1TICoo-00165-00089304-00089790 all of the seals are clean. So by wiping that down with a damped microfiber cloth, QKwgt1TICoo-00166-00089790-00090186 it's going to get you the best performance for your Light 'N' Easy Robot 5. QKwgt1TICoo-00167-00090186-00090666 Again, if you're just joining us, this is a fancy-schmancy vacuum that's self-docking, QKwgt1TICoo-00168-00090666-00091152 self-cleaning, and self-emptying, and it's for a fraction of the cost of what QKwgt1TICoo-00169-00091152-00091566 you might expect a robot vacuum to be. So I've got links in the description below, QKwgt1TICoo-00170-00091566-00091944 so you can take a look at it and then add one to your cart if this is a good time QKwgt1TICoo-00171-00091944-00092466 for you to get one. All right, now that we're wiping this down with a damp microfiber cloth, QKwgt1TICoo-00172-00092466-00093042 I want to also wipe down the top and I want to wipe down the inside of the bin itself. QKwgt1TICoo-00173-00093042-00093612 This will also make sure that the seals in here are also clean and free of debris. Then we're QKwgt1TICoo-00174-00093612-00094080 going to flip it over. Now, the back part is really important that we clean this as well. QKwgt1TICoo-00175-00094080-00094704 So we're first going to take off the twin spinners and to do that, you want to turn your unit upside QKwgt1TICoo-00176-00094704-00095268 down. You want to take the two pieces right here, and you want to hold it as close to the QKwgt1TICoo-00177-00095268-00095664 center as possible. This is really durable plastic, but we don't want to yank them off QKwgt1TICoo-00178-00095664-00096084 and we don't want to break them. So you'll pull them at the same time and they just snap off, QKwgt1TICoo-00179-00096084-00096624 just like that. And we'll take both of them off. And oftentimes, you'll see that there will be hair QKwgt1TICoo-00180-00096624-00097224 or pet hair or stuff that's twisted around there. You want to empty that out. Just pull that off QKwgt1TICoo-00181-00097224-00097806 with your fingers. And then with a damp microfiber cloth, clean the plates that those snap onto. QKwgt1TICoo-00182-00097806-00098514 The next thing that we want to clean are the two docking sensors. These two docking sensors QKwgt1TICoo-00183-00098514-00099180 are what this connects to when it goes into home plate. You'll see those two docking centers right QKwgt1TICoo-00184-00099180-00099870 there, that lines up and they're magnetic. And when it connects, it centers the part that sucks QKwgt1TICoo-00185-00099870-00100416 in all the dust into the unit. It centers it in the right place. So if these are not clean QKwgt1TICoo-00186-00100416-00101004 and it's not reading that properly, it's not going to seat properly when it goes back home, QKwgt1TICoo-00187-00101004-00101664 right? Okay. Now, with the damp microfiber cloth, we want to clean the three sensors to keep it QKwgt1TICoo-00188-00101664-00102198 from rolling off the stairs. The next thing we want to do is we want to clean the wheels to QKwgt1TICoo-00189-00102198-00102683 make sure that there's no dust or debris or hair that's caught around these wheels. And QKwgt1TICoo-00190-00102683-00103194 then we want to wipe off the squeegee at the bottom that pushes all the dirt forward, okay? QKwgt1TICoo-00191-00103194-00103674 So these are the big elements for how we want to clean this. Then on the front, QKwgt1TICoo-00192-00103674-00104256 we want to clean the great big windshield, that is that infrared sensor, that learns its patterns QKwgt1TICoo-00193-00104256-00104772 around your house. All right. So once this is clean, then we're going to go to a sink, QKwgt1TICoo-00194-00104772-00105354 preferably in the laundry room or maybe the kitchen. When we get to the laundry room sink, QKwgt1TICoo-00195-00105354-00105804 we're going to go ahead and just lay all of the pieces out so that we can see what we have and QKwgt1TICoo-00196-00105804-00106332 that we don't forget to clean anything. This is the dust cup and there's a thumb imprint there. QKwgt1TICoo-00197-00106332-00106770 We're going to use that to just lift that off the top. You'll see there's a tab there on the top of QKwgt1TICoo-00198-00106770-00107328 the filter, we're going to lift that filter out. That is a replaceable filter. It is not washable. QKwgt1TICoo-00199-00107328-00107952 So we'll just tap out any dust that's right there. And we're going to set this aside so that we don't QKwgt1TICoo-00200-00107952-00108366 get it wet. We do not want to get it wet, but we do want to replace it every three to six months. QKwgt1TICoo-00201-00108366-00108888 The rest of the items here from the dust cup are a hundred percent washable. There's a little knob QKwgt1TICoo-00202-00108888-00109458 there. You just open that door. There's, inside, two knobs here. You can lift out this inner piece QKwgt1TICoo-00203-00109458-00110004 here and set that in the sink. And then the filter that's to the left, and then also that dust cup, QKwgt1TICoo-00204-00110004-00110514 can all be just rinsed out. We need no chemicals or anything there. We can just wash them. This QKwgt1TICoo-00205-00110514-00110916 bigger piece is our bigger dust cup, and we just want to make sure that all the seals QKwgt1TICoo-00206-00110916-00111396 are clean. This has two buttons on it. If I push both of these buttons at the same time, QKwgt1TICoo-00207-00111396-00112074 this is going to lift off the motor from the top of the unit. Now, the motor cannot get wet, okay? QKwgt1TICoo-00208-00112074-00112511 That's the motor. We do not want to get this wet at all. We're just going to set that to the side. QKwgt1TICoo-00209-00112511-00113196 Inside, there's another filter. And again, this is not washable either. This just pops out and QKwgt1TICoo-00210-00113196-00113658 we're going to set that on top of the motor. And again, we'll replace both of these filters every QKwgt1TICoo-00211-00113658-00114264 three to six months. This cylinder can just be lifted out gently. And as it's lifted out, QKwgt1TICoo-00212-00114264-00114720 we'll put that in the sink, but we can just run some water through here. And this is the dust QKwgt1TICoo-00213-00114720-00115235 cup that we've collected everything in. And so that one button opens that up and you'll see QKwgt1TICoo-00214-00115235-00115728 that there's dust and gunk in there. And because there's a hole there at the top, we can just run QKwgt1TICoo-00215-00115728-00116340 water through here and that will wash or rinse out any of the dust that we've been collecting so far. QKwgt1TICoo-00216-00116340-00116904 Now, we're going to turn on the water and you'll see, as I'm just running water through here, QKwgt1TICoo-00217-00116904-00117408 there's dust and dirt water that's pouring out the other end. And again, you don't need any chemicals QKwgt1TICoo-00218-00117408-00117852 for this. We're just going to rinse it out, keep it clean, and you can use your hands to kind of QKwgt1TICoo-00219-00117852-00118404 clean the inside of that and just rub off any dust or debris. We are going to wash our hands when QKwgt1TICoo-00220-00118404-00118968 we're done, so that's why it's okay to do this. And if you need to get up there around the edges, QKwgt1TICoo-00221-00118968-00119496 you can use a bottle brush, or you can just use a cloth. And the cloth will allow you, QKwgt1TICoo-00222-00119496-00120120 just like washing dishes, to get up and in those hard-to-reach areas. Clean this the best that you QKwgt1TICoo-00223-00120120-00120744 can. And then when you're done, rinse it out and we will leave this inside the sink so that it can QKwgt1TICoo-00224-00120744-00121224 just drip dry. And once it's a hundred percent drip dried, then we'll go ahead and we will put QKwgt1TICoo-00225-00121224-00122052 the vacuum back together before we reassemble it over at the home base where it's plugged in. QKwgt1TICoo-00226-00122052-00122772 The next section of this is the cyclone area, which goes on top of the dust cup QKwgt1TICoo-00227-00122772-00123252 there before we put the filter inside. And I have an OXO deep cleaning brush here, and QKwgt1TICoo-00228-00123252-00123726 I'm going to go around the edges very carefully to make sure that all the seals and everything QKwgt1TICoo-00229-00123726-00124200 around the edges are a hundred percent clean, in that there's no dust trapped in there. Now, QKwgt1TICoo-00230-00124200-00124794 I'm going to also clean the filter holder that goes with the top filter on top of the QKwgt1TICoo-00231-00124794-00125172 dust cup that goes on the inside of the vacuum. We just want to make sure that there's no dust QKwgt1TICoo-00232-00125172-00125682 or debris or anything that's locked in that area. So once we've cleaned all of the pieces, and I'm QKwgt1TICoo-00233-00125682-00126168 just brushing these gently with a little brush to make sure that there's no debris caught in here, QKwgt1TICoo-00234-00126168-00126678 this is really important that all of the edges and all of the pieces that have little moving parts. QKwgt1TICoo-00235-00126678-00127098 There's a little flappy window here. We just want to rinse that off, and make sure that that's QKwgt1TICoo-00236-00127098-00127548 clean. And then there's a little filter here at the bottom of this dust cup that's, again, QKwgt1TICoo-00237-00127548-00128082 one more filter, want to make sure that that's clean. And then, this filter here has a filter QKwgt1TICoo-00238-00128082-00128664 on top. We want to clean that with our OXO deep cleaning brush, and I'm just brushing this so that QKwgt1TICoo-00239-00128664-00129150 any loose debris will fall off with the help of a little bit of water. I'm going to clean the inside QKwgt1TICoo-00240-00129150-00129738 of this cup. This is the dust cup that goes inside the vacuum. And we're just going to go ahead and QKwgt1TICoo-00241-00129738-00130230 wipe that out with a cloth and a little bit of water. I'm going to use my Oxo deep cleaning QKwgt1TICoo-00242-00130230-00130866 brush just to catch the corners so that there's nothing stuck in there. And I'm going to clean QKwgt1TICoo-00243-00130866-00131496 the seals there and the window hinges, and then I'm going to put all of this aside. QKwgt1TICoo-00244-00131496-00131994 I'll put a cloth here on the ledge of the counter, and I'll just let all of these QKwgt1TICoo-00245-00131994-00132450 drip dry. We don't need to hand dry these. We've got lots of little moving parts. We'll just kind QKwgt1TICoo-00246-00132450-00133080 of shake out the water and put them on the side. And those can just set here until they drip dry. QKwgt1TICoo-00247-00133080-00133764 I do want to rinse the little twin brushes off, the twin spinners, and I'm going to use my OXO QKwgt1TICoo-00248-00133764-00134382 deep cleaning brush to just go over each of those bristles, and just make sure that there's no hair QKwgt1TICoo-00249-00134382-00134916 or debris or anything that's caught in those. And if you take care of these twin brushes, they will QKwgt1TICoo-00250-00134916-00135570 last for a very long time. They do come with a spare set and you can replace them, but if you QKwgt1TICoo-00251-00135570-00136008 don't need to replace them, certainly don't. Okay, I'm going to put this up and leave this door open QKwgt1TICoo-00252-00136008-00136446 here. And I'm just going to prop the door open with my OXO deep cleaning brush. And I'm going to QKwgt1TICoo-00253-00136446-00136860 let that drip dry for a while, and then we'll come back and we'll put it all together once it's dry. QKwgt1TICoo-00254-00136860-00137382 So, how do you put it back together? That is a great question. We're just going to QKwgt1TICoo-00255-00137382-00137832 close the lid to the docking station dust cup. We're going to reverse the process and QKwgt1TICoo-00256-00137832-00138324 put that cylinder back in the top. That's going to hold the docking station filter, QKwgt1TICoo-00257-00138324-00138858 and we're going to put that in with the tab facing up. Then, there's a little tongue and QKwgt1TICoo-00258-00138858-00139494 groove locking position here on both the side and the front, and that matches up with a little QKwgt1TICoo-00259-00139494-00140016 locking button on the side and the front from the motor. And so we're just going to seat those two, QKwgt1TICoo-00260-00140016-00140484 just like a puzzle piece, together. And once those match up, they just snap in place, QKwgt1TICoo-00261-00140484-00141084 preventing any air leaks from the vacuum itself. And when that seals tightly, that makes sure that QKwgt1TICoo-00262-00141084-00141696 all of the air sucks in from the robot vacuum to the dust cup from the docking station. QKwgt1TICoo-00263-00141696-00142134 So we're going to set that aside. And then, we're going to take the dust cup from the robot QKwgt1TICoo-00264-00142134-00142806 vacuum and make sure that it's dry. And then we're going to put in this little tiny slider cup. Now, QKwgt1TICoo-00265-00142806-00143388 there's a tall wall, and that tall wall goes on the side where the pictures are. That slides in QKwgt1TICoo-00266-00143388-00144192 just like that. And then also, there is a filter there on the top, and we're going to close that QKwgt1TICoo-00267-00144192-00144600 door. That's going to lock that in place. We're going to take the filter that we took out before, QKwgt1TICoo-00268-00144600-00144936 and this is still pretty clean. We're going to use it again. We're going to put it back QKwgt1TICoo-00269-00144936-00145476 in with the tab facing up. And you'll notice that there's a little tongue and groove here, QKwgt1TICoo-00270-00145476-00146064 and it matches up with a little tongue and groove on the side of the unit itself. So we're just QKwgt1TICoo-00271-00146064-00146652 going to snap that in place. And once it's snapped in place and that's locked, we're good to go. QKwgt1TICoo-00272-00146652-00147174 And then, we're going to take our two twin spinners that I call pigtails. And QKwgt1TICoo-00273-00147174-00147672 we're going to take those back to our robot vacuum. So your docking station never moved, QKwgt1TICoo-00274-00147672-00148446 right? It stayed in the same place. We bring back our big unit. We lock that in place. Our QKwgt1TICoo-00275-00148512-00149394 replacements can go over here, and our vacuum gets turned back on. So to turn our vacuum back on, QKwgt1TICoo-00276-00149394-00150048 we just switch that over to the right, and you hear how it comes back on. The light turns blue, QKwgt1TICoo-00277-00150048-00150696 and it goes back to the docking station, and it locks itself in place. So, that is your Light QKwgt1TICoo-00278-00150696-00151272 'N' Easy Robot Vacuum A5. It's a super great unit. And I think you're really, really going to enjoy QKwgt1TICoo-00279-00151272-00151722 it. One of the things I like best about it is it does the work, so you don't have to. QKwgt1TICoo-00280-00151722-00152130 All right. Thank you for joining us today. Again, I've got links in the description, QKwgt1TICoo-00281-00152130-00152490 so you can add one of these to your cart, or so that you can just learn more about it, QKwgt1TICoo-00282-00152490-00152802 so that you can read online ratings and reviews. If you have questions, QKwgt1TICoo-00283-00152802-00153204 I want to make sure you get them answered. All right, thanks for joining us today. And QKwgt1TICoo-00284-00153204-00153630 until we meet again, leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it. QOJyQuF-IBU-00000-00000536-00000916 The engineers from 8th Engineer Support Battalion and 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion QOJyQuF-IBU-00001-00000916-00001286 have been working on their basic and team-level engineer skills. QOJyQuF-IBU-00002-00001488-00001626 We did the medium machine guns QOJyQuF-IBU-00003-00001750-00001852 our shotguns ... QOJyQuF-IBU-00004-00001944-00002202 we also did deliberate breaches, QOJyQuF-IBU-00005-00002240-00002526 and then we finished off today with urban breaching. QOJyQuF-IBU-00006-00002612-00002948 Combat engineers need to be proficient in their own set of tasks QOJyQuF-IBU-00007-00002948-00003279 but it's also important that we're proficient with our NATO allies. QOJyQuF-IBU-00008-00003279-00003847 So we've had the Norwegian combat engineers out here working into our teams, QOJyQuF-IBU-00009-00003847-00004456 working into our squads in order to really exchange our tactics, techniques and procedures with each other QOJyQuF-IBU-00010-00004776-00005044 so that if ever in the future we're required to fight together QOJyQuF-IBU-00011-00005044-00005506 we understand how engineers are really employed in a fight. QPxwKsBuDag-00000-00000010-00000056 THE SALEM WEST FIRE REMAINS QPxwKsBuDag-00001-00000056-00000063 THE SALEM WEST FIRE REMAINS QPxwKsBuDag-00002-00000063-00000280 THE SALEM WEST FIRE REMAINS UNDER INVESTIGATION. QPxwKsBuDag-00003-00000280-00000286 THE SALEM WEST FIRE REMAINS UNDER INVESTIGATION. QPxwKsBuDag-00004-00000286-00000383 THE SALEM WEST FIRE REMAINS UNDER INVESTIGATION. >> A LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE QPxwKsBuDag-00005-00000383-00000390 UNDER INVESTIGATION. >> A LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE QPxwKsBuDag-00006-00000390-00000543 UNDER INVESTIGATION. >> A LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE MEMBER HAS ANNOUNCED HE WILL QPxwKsBuDag-00007-00000543-00000550 >> A LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE MEMBER HAS ANNOUNCED HE WILL QPxwKsBuDag-00008-00000550-00000704 >> A LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE MEMBER HAS ANNOUNCED HE WILL SEEK THE DFL ENDORSEMENT TO RUN QPxwKsBuDag-00009-00000704-00000710 MEMBER HAS ANNOUNCED HE WILL SEEK THE DFL ENDORSEMENT TO RUN QPxwKsBuDag-00010-00000710-00000864 MEMBER HAS ANNOUNCED HE WILL SEEK THE DFL ENDORSEMENT TO RUN FOR THE HOUSE DISTRICT 2-A SEAT. QPxwKsBuDag-00011-00000864-00000870 SEEK THE DFL ENDORSEMENT TO RUN FOR THE HOUSE DISTRICT 2-A SEAT. QPxwKsBuDag-00012-00000870-00001020 SEEK THE DFL ENDORSEMENT TO RUN FOR THE HOUSE DISTRICT 2-A SEAT. MICHAEL NORTHBIRD HAS BEEN AN QPxwKsBuDag-00013-00001020-00001027 FOR THE HOUSE DISTRICT 2-A SEAT. MICHAEL NORTHBIRD HAS BEEN AN QPxwKsBuDag-00014-00001027-00001121 FOR THE HOUSE DISTRICT 2-A SEAT. MICHAEL NORTHBIRD HAS BEEN AN ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM MANAGER QPxwKsBuDag-00015-00001121-00001127 MICHAEL NORTHBIRD HAS BEEN AN ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM MANAGER QPxwKsBuDag-00016-00001127-00001227 MICHAEL NORTHBIRD HAS BEEN AN ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM MANAGER FOR THE PAST NINE YEARS, QPxwKsBuDag-00017-00001227-00001234 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM MANAGER FOR THE PAST NINE YEARS, QPxwKsBuDag-00018-00001234-00001441 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM MANAGER FOR THE PAST NINE YEARS, CURRENTLY EMPLOYED BY THE QPxwKsBuDag-00019-00001441-00001448 FOR THE PAST NINE YEARS, CURRENTLY EMPLOYED BY THE QPxwKsBuDag-00020-00001448-00001544 FOR THE PAST NINE YEARS, CURRENTLY EMPLOYED BY THE MINNESOTA CHIPPEWA TRIBE. QPxwKsBuDag-00021-00001544-00001551 CURRENTLY EMPLOYED BY THE MINNESOTA CHIPPEWA TRIBE. QPxwKsBuDag-00022-00001551-00001811 CURRENTLY EMPLOYED BY THE MINNESOTA CHIPPEWA TRIBE. PRIOR TO THAT HE WAS A CIVIL QPxwKsBuDag-00023-00001811-00001818 MINNESOTA CHIPPEWA TRIBE. PRIOR TO THAT HE WAS A CIVIL QPxwKsBuDag-00024-00001818-00001878 MINNESOTA CHIPPEWA TRIBE. PRIOR TO THAT HE WAS A CIVIL ENGINEER FOR OVER A DECADE QPxwKsBuDag-00025-00001878-00001885 PRIOR TO THAT HE WAS A CIVIL ENGINEER FOR OVER A DECADE QPxwKsBuDag-00026-00001885-00001985 PRIOR TO THAT HE WAS A CIVIL ENGINEER FOR OVER A DECADE WORKING ON VARIOUS PROJECTS QPxwKsBuDag-00027-00001985-00001991 ENGINEER FOR OVER A DECADE WORKING ON VARIOUS PROJECTS QPxwKsBuDag-00028-00001991-00002075 ENGINEER FOR OVER A DECADE WORKING ON VARIOUS PROJECTS ACROSS NORTHERN MINNESOTA AND QPxwKsBuDag-00029-00002075-00002082 WORKING ON VARIOUS PROJECTS ACROSS NORTHERN MINNESOTA AND QPxwKsBuDag-00030-00002082-00002188 WORKING ON VARIOUS PROJECTS ACROSS NORTHERN MINNESOTA AND NEIGHBORING STATES. QPxwKsBuDag-00031-00002188-00002195 ACROSS NORTHERN MINNESOTA AND NEIGHBORING STATES. QPxwKsBuDag-00032-00002195-00002345 ACROSS NORTHERN MINNESOTA AND NEIGHBORING STATES. NORTHBIRD IS A MEMBER OF THE QPxwKsBuDag-00033-00002345-00002352 NEIGHBORING STATES. NORTHBIRD IS A MEMBER OF THE QPxwKsBuDag-00034-00002352-00002445 NEIGHBORING STATES. NORTHBIRD IS A MEMBER OF THE LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE QPxwKsBuDag-00035-00002445-00002452 NORTHBIRD IS A MEMBER OF THE LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE QPxwKsBuDag-00036-00002452-00002612 NORTHBIRD IS A MEMBER OF THE LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE ENROLLED IN THE MINNESOTA QPxwKsBuDag-00037-00002612-00002619 LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE ENROLLED IN THE MINNESOTA QPxwKsBuDag-00038-00002619-00002719 LEECH LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE ENROLLED IN THE MINNESOTA CHIPPEWA TRIBE, BUT ALSO A QPxwKsBuDag-00039-00002719-00002726 ENROLLED IN THE MINNESOTA CHIPPEWA TRIBE, BUT ALSO A QPxwKsBuDag-00040-00002726-00002812 ENROLLED IN THE MINNESOTA CHIPPEWA TRIBE, BUT ALSO A DIRECT DESCENDENT OF RED LAKE QPxwKsBuDag-00041-00002812-00002819 CHIPPEWA TRIBE, BUT ALSO A DIRECT DESCENDENT OF RED LAKE QPxwKsBuDag-00042-00002819-00002976 CHIPPEWA TRIBE, BUT ALSO A DIRECT DESCENDENT OF RED LAKE NATION. QPxwKsBuDag-00043-00002976-00002982 DIRECT DESCENDENT OF RED LAKE NATION. QPxwKsBuDag-00044-00002982-00003136 DIRECT DESCENDENT OF RED LAKE NATION. THE SENATE DISTRICT 2 DFL QPxwKsBuDag-00045-00003136-00003143 NATION. THE SENATE DISTRICT 2 DFL QPxwKsBuDag-00046-00003143-00003243 NATION. THE SENATE DISTRICT 2 DFL ENDORSING CONVENTION IS AT QPxwKsBuDag-00047-00003243-00003249 THE SENATE DISTRICT 2 DFL ENDORSING CONVENTION IS AT QPxwKsBuDag-00048-00003249-00003400 THE SENATE DISTRICT 2 DFL ENDORSING CONVENTION IS AT MAHNOMEN HIGH SCHOOL ON QPxwKsBuDag-00049-00003400-00003406 ENDORSING CONVENTION IS AT MAHNOMEN HIGH SCHOOL ON QPxwKsBuDag-00050-00003406-00003616 ENDORSING CONVENTION IS AT MAHNOMEN HIGH SCHOOL ON SATURDAY, MARCH 17TH. QPxwKsBuDag-00051-00003616-00003623 MAHNOMEN HIGH SCHOOL ON SATURDAY, MARCH 17TH. QPxwKsBuDag-00052-00003623-00003720 MAHNOMEN HIGH SCHOOL ON SATURDAY, MARCH 17TH. FIRST TERM REPUBLICAN MATTHEW QPxwKsBuDag-00053-00003720-00003727 SATURDAY, MARCH 17TH. FIRST TERM REPUBLICAN MATTHEW QPxwKsBuDag-00054-00003727-00003827 SATURDAY, MARCH 17TH. FIRST TERM REPUBLICAN MATTHEW GROSSELL IS THE CURRENT QPxwKsBuDag-00055-00003827-00003833 FIRST TERM REPUBLICAN MATTHEW GROSSELL IS THE CURRENT QPxwKsBuDag-00056-00003833-00004147 FIRST TERM REPUBLICAN MATTHEW GROSSELL IS THE CURRENT DISTRICT 2-A REPRESENTATIVE. QPxwKsBuDag-00057-00004147-00004154 GROSSELL IS THE CURRENT DISTRICT 2-A REPRESENTATIVE. QPxwKsBuDag-00058-00004154-00004217 GROSSELL IS THE CURRENT DISTRICT 2-A REPRESENTATIVE. GROSSEL DEFEATED JERRY LOUD IN QPKWWC56VWu-00000-00001376-00001776 client > Forms > ChangePasswordForm QPKWWC56VWu-00001-00001863-00002263 R-Click MainBox > New Form Field QPKWWC56VWu-00002-00002336-00002836 Type “gr” > select the GroupBox entry QPKWWC56VWu-00003-00002933-00003369 Type “Content” QPKWWC56VWu-00004-00003400-00003770 Hit enter QPKWWC56VWu-00005-00003816-00004043 Click ok QPKWWC56VWu-00006-00004406-00004806 the class name become ContentBox QPKWWC56VWu-00007-00004850-00005020 click Finish QPKWWC56VWu-00008-00005190-00005466 ChangePasswordForm > MainBox QPKWWC56VWu-00009-00005540-00005940 see the newly created Content Box QPKWWC56VWu-00010-00006413-00006939 R-Click ContentBox > New Form Field QPKWWC56VWu-00011-00007406-00007806 Type “st” > select StringField QPKWWC56VWu-00012-00007996-00008483 give the name “Old password” QPKWWC56VWu-00013-00008960-00009203 Click Finish QPKWWC56VWu-00014-00009660-00010060 Expand MessageBox QPKWWC56VWu-00015-00010060-00010460 see the newly created OldPasswordField QPKWWC56VWu-00016-00011133-00011533 we want it to be a Masked field. QPKWWC56VWu-00017-00011603-00012003 select the Field QPKWWC56VWu-00018-00012343-00012743 expand the Advanced Properties QPKWWC56VWu-00019-00012986-00013386 tick the Input Masked checkbox QPKWWC56VWu-00020-00014443-00014843 the change is synchronized in the source code QPKWWC56VWu-00021-00016006-00016406 we add a second masked Field QPKWWC56VWu-00022-00016590-00016990 add a new form field to the Content Box QPKWWC56VWu-00023-00017220-00017620 We add a new StringField QPKWWC56VWu-00024-00017870-00018270 we name it “New Password” QPKWWC56VWu-00025-00019093-00019493 see the generated code QPKWWC56VWu-00026-00020146-00020546 we declare this field as Masked QPKWWC56VWu-00027-00020616-00021016 this time we make it programmatically QPKWWC56VWu-00028-00023210-00023783 the field is synchronized with the code QRs_e9gmvpI-00000-00001100-00001800 Captain Raju, veteran Malayalam actor passes away at 68 QRs_e9gmvpI-00001-00001900-00002900 Popular Malayalam actor Captain Raju, who has starred in more than 500 movies, died in Kochi on September 17, 2018. He was aged 68. Apart from Malayalam, he has also worked in several other languages including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada. QRs_e9gmvpI-00002-00003000-00003700 He had suffered a stroke recently in last June while he was traveling to the United States. Captain Raju was soon admitted to a hospital in Muscat, Oman. QRs_e9gmvpI-00003-00003800-00004500 A few months back, Captain Raju returned to Kerala and was recovering from the illness. However, his condition worsened yesterday, and finally, he took his last breath today morning. QRs_e9gmvpI-00004-00004600-00005300 Captain Raju made his on-screen debut in 1981 with the movie 'Raktham'. In the initial phases of his career, he mainly acted in negative roles. QRs_e9gmvpI-00005-00005400-00006100 Later, he succeeded in racking up character roles, especially the roles of police officers. In the final stages of his career, he even tried his luck in comic roles. QRs_e9gmvpI-00006-00006200-00006900 Captain Raju is best known for his performances in movies like 'Nadodikaattu', 'Valyettan', 'CID Moosa', and 'Oru Vadakkan Veeragadha'. His last movie was the 2017 flick 'Masterpiece' which starred Mammootty in the lead role. QRs_e9gmvpI-00007-00007000-00007700 Captain Raju also directed two movies in his career, 'Itha Oru Sneha Gadha' and 'Mister Pavanayi 99. 99'. QRs_e9gmvpI-00008-00007800-00008780 "Captain Raju was a very dedicated person. He was a man with professional excellence. He has acted in almost all Indian languages, and all the credit goes to his well-built physique. He last acted with me in the movie 'Masterpiece'. QRs_e9gmvpI-00009-00008880-00009580 Raju's death is a real loss to Mollywood," said Mollywood megastar Mammootty. "Captain Raju was there with me from the initial days of my career. We had a strong mental bonding with each other. QRs_e9gmvpI-00010-00009680-00010620 We used to talk over the phone at regular intervals. Captain Raju was a man who loved food a lot. He was a very straight-forward man with an innocent mindset. Many people have tried to ruin his career. QRs_e9gmvpI-00011-00010720-00011420 I feel real pain as many of my dear ones are going to the eternal world," Suresh Gopi told Manorama News. QTwhITLJbq4-00000-00000000-00000413 Thank you our subscribers for watching this video QTwhITLJbq4-00001-00000413-00000654 I'm sure you all know how important our immune system is QTwhITLJbq4-00002-00000654-00000849 In order to prevent our immunity level from falling QTwhITLJbq4-00003-00000849-00001136 We try to improve our lifestyle QTwhITLJbq4-00004-00001136-00001465 (The reason why hypoimmunity) Today, I'm going to talk about QTwhITLJbq4-00005-00001465-00001697 (The reason why hypoimmunity) Something that could be the reason why our immunity level might be falling QTwhITLJbq4-00006-00001697-00001821 (The reason why hypoimmunity) What could it be? QTwhITLJbq4-00007-00001821-00002136 Of course, our nutritive condition affects our immunity QTwhITLJbq4-00008-00002136-00002394 And our psychological stress also affects our immunity QTwhITLJbq4-00009-00002394-00002627 But this might be something unexpected QTwhITLJbq4-00010-00002627-00003043 That's a habit of sleeping late and getting up late QTwhITLJbq4-00011-00003043-00003269 (a habit of sleeping late and getting up late) If you mix up night and day QTwhITLJbq4-00012-00003269-00003500 Or if your biorhythms are broken, QTwhITLJbq4-00013-00003500-00003734 Your immunity level could fall QTwhITLJbq4-00014-00003734-00003940 Today I'm going to talk about QTwhITLJbq4-00015-00003940-00004138 3 symptoms that could happen QTwhITLJbq4-00016-00004138-00004357 If your biorhythms QTwhITLJbq4-00017-00004357-00004507 are broken QTwhITLJbq4-00018-00004507-00004708 If you want to know what they are, please keep on watching QTwhITLJbq4-00019-00004708-00005142 If you find this video helpful, like, subscribe, and turn on the notification QTwhITLJbq4-00020-00005670-00005840 Hello, I'm Donghwan Lee QTwhITLJbq4-00021-00005840-00006091 a family medicine doctor that studied education! QTwhITLJbq4-00022-00006091-00006553 A lot of researchers who do sleep research discovered something interesting QTwhITLJbq4-00023-00006553-00006919 They found DNA that controls the biorhythms QTwhITLJbq4-00024-00006919-00007069 When you look at our DNA QTwhITLJbq4-00025-00007069-00007423 At night, the type of DNA QTwhITLJbq4-00026-00007423-00007741 The accumulates the protein needed for the vital functions QTwhITLJbq4-00027-00007741-00007981 Awakens QTwhITLJbq4-00028-00007981-00008224 And during the day QTwhITLJbq4-00029-00008224-00008493 It works QTwhITLJbq4-00030-00008493-00008580 to break down the protein QTwhITLJbq4-00031-00008580-00008841 To be used by the body QTwhITLJbq4-00032-00008841-00009238 The DNA that controls the biorhythms does this role QTwhITLJbq4-00033-00009238-00009418 So if our sleep pattern breaks, QTwhITLJbq4-00034-00009418-00009631 It can cause a lot of problems QTwhITLJbq4-00035-00009631-00009829 What would be the first problem? QTwhITLJbq4-00036-00009829-00010218 It can create a sense of fatigue, a digestive disorder, QTwhITLJbq4-00037-00010218-00010514 And it can makes hypoimmunity QTwhITLJbq4-00038-00010514-00010890 So in order for this type of DNA to function normally, QTwhITLJbq4-00039-00010890-00011264 It's very important that QTwhITLJbq4-00040-00011264-00011479 We're sleeping between midnight and 4 at night QTwhITLJbq4-00041-00011479-00011635 Is what they're saying QTwhITLJbq4-00042-00011635-00011862 So the first thing is that QTwhITLJbq4-00043-00011862-00012132 Breaking of our biorhythms can cause QTwhITLJbq4-00044-00012132-00012323 A sense of fatigue, a digestive disorder, and hypoimmunityl QTwhITLJbq4-00045-00012323-00012476 And then the second thins is that QTwhITLJbq4-00046-00012476-00012949 From the research presented by the Scripps Research Institute in 2019, QTwhITLJbq4-00047-00012949-00013174 It says the disruption of the DNA activity QTwhITLJbq4-00048-00013174-00013530 Can cause a lot of problems QTwhITLJbq4-00049-00013530-00013860 If the DNA that controls the biorhythms gets disrupted QTwhITLJbq4-00050-00013860-00014188 It makes our body QTwhITLJbq4-00051-00014188-00014391 Susceptible to cancer QTwhITLJbq4-00052-00014391-00014659 Obesity QTwhITLJbq4-00053-00014659-00014841 hair loss QTwhITLJbq4-00054-00014841-00015272 And psychological anxiety and depression QTwhITLJbq4-00055-00015272-00015644 That's why if we get anxious and depressed for no reason QTwhITLJbq4-00056-00015644-00015866 We have to pay close attention to our lifestyle QTwhITLJbq4-00057-00015866-00016257 If someone gets depressed or anxious without any factor causing psychological stress QTwhITLJbq4-00058-00016257-00016448 It is very important QTwhITLJbq4-00059-00016448-00016730 To have a look at their lifestyle QTwhITLJbq4-00060-00016730-00017014 And their sleeping rhythm QTwhITLJbq4-00061-00017014-00017536 The third thing is that because everyone has a different kind of DNA QTwhITLJbq4-00062-00017536-00017680 The DNA that controls the biorhythms QTwhITLJbq4-00063-00017680-00017901 Is also slightly different from each other's QTwhITLJbq4-00064-00017901-00018189 For most of the people, it's normal QTwhITLJbq4-00065-00018189-00018358 To sleep at night and work during the day QTwhITLJbq4-00066-00018358-00018527 What's very rare is that QTwhITLJbq4-00067-00018527-00018825 Some people have the DNA QTwhITLJbq4-00068-00018825-00019055 That is suitable for working at night QTwhITLJbq4-00069-00019055-00019386 This doesn't apply to them QTwhITLJbq4-00070-00019386-00019627 Those people are better to choose the opposite lifestyle QTwhITLJbq4-00071-00019627-00019818 and that could be rather helpful QTwhITLJbq4-00072-00019818-00020048 These are very rare cases QTwhITLJbq4-00073-00020048-00020501 Only you'll know which one you are QTwhITLJbq4-00074-00020501-00020768 When you mix up night and day QTwhITLJbq4-00075-00020768-00021003 If you feel tired, that's normal QTwhITLJbq4-00076-00021003-00021252 If that's more comfortable for you, QTwhITLJbq4-00077-00021252-00021616 You can think of yourself as having a very rare kind of DNA QTwhITLJbq4-00078-00021616-00022069 So today, I talked about how when our sleeping rhythm breaks, it can lower our immunity level QTwhITLJbq4-00079-00022069-00022461 And cause psychological pressure and depression QTwhITLJbq4-00080-00022461-00022746 And also obesity, hair loss, QTwhITLJbq4-00081-00022746-00022901 And even cancer QTwhITLJbq4-00082-00022901-00023148 And there are research results that support this QTwhITLJbq4-00083-00023148-00023389 So I want to conclude by emphasizing the importance of biorhythms QTwhITLJbq4-00084-00023389-00023789 And I hope you all walk your way to health. Thank you~! QVpuYS7EFC4-00000-00000032-00000776 This video demonstrates how to create a standalone bibliography using Zotero. Here I QVpuYS7EFC4-00001-00000776-00001336 am in the desktop version of Zotero. I've opened up the software and navigated to a collection QVpuYS7EFC4-00002-00001432-00002152 for which i want to create a freestanding bibliography. This folder contains a mix of QVpuYS7EFC4-00003-00002152-00003208 books and articles and I simply want a list of all these resources, so I have highlighted that folder QVpuYS7EFC4-00004-00003279-00004079 and I'm going to do a right click and select the option Create bibliography from collection. QVpuYS7EFC4-00005-00004296-00005128 A box pops up giving me options for what citation style I want to use for this bibliography. QVpuYS7EFC4-00006-00005192-00005808 My default is already set to APA 7th edition. If I wanted to change that QVpuYS7EFC4-00007-00005864-00006744 I could pick an alternative style from this list, or I could head over to manage styles QVpuYS7EFC4-00008-00006823-00007864 for many more options. For my output mode below, the default is already Bibliography. For output QVpuYS7EFC4-00009-00007864-00008600 method, I have several choices i could save it as an RTF file. This is a file type that can QVpuYS7EFC4-00010-00008600-00009336 be opened up by Microsoft Word as well as other word processing programs. I could save it as HTML QVpuYS7EFC4-00011-00009424-00010184 copy it to the clipboard, which means that I could paste it in the document of my choice or I could QVpuYS7EFC4-00012-00010184-00011384 go straight ahead and print it. I am going to go ahead and save this as an RTF file and hit OK. QVpuYS7EFC4-00013-00011800-00012472 I have the option of saving it: I could navigate to another file location, QVpuYS7EFC4-00014-00012760-00013272 whatever I'd like to do. I am going to go ahead and save this on the desktop QVpuYS7EFC4-00015-00013272-00014184 and in a moment, I will show you what Zotero has created for me! QVpuYS7EFC4-00016-00014328-00014872 Here it is a bibliography that includes every single source that was in the folder QVpuYS7EFC4-00017-00014872-00015776 I chose back in Zotero. Now I can print it, annotate it, and/or share it with someone else. QVpuYS7EFC4-00018-00015976-00016744 Just a note: if you spot errors such as capitalization, omitted information, etc., QVpuYS7EFC4-00019-00016744-00017512 it's important to correct them back in the Zotero library, in the desktop application, *not* in this QVpuYS7EFC4-00020-00017512-00018168 bibliography document. If you correct them only in the bibliography you generated with Zotero, QVpuYS7EFC4-00021-00018168-00018968 the same errors will keep cropping up in documents you create using Zotero. So for instance, QVpuYS7EFC4-00022-00018968-00020704 if you see a citation where the article title's in title case when it should be in sentence case, QVpuYS7EFC4-00023-00020800-00021328 I could make a quick fix here if I wanted to, but if I wanted a more permanent fix I would QVpuYS7EFC4-00024-00021328-00022144 have to go back to the Zotero library. So, Zotero can save you a lot of time QVpuYS7EFC4-00025-00022144-00022744 in various stages of your research! You may also want to check out Cook Library's video QVpuYS7EFC4-00026-00022744-00023456 on using Zotero to cite in Microsoft Word, that way while you're writing a paper you QVpuYS7EFC4-00027-00023456-00024256 would be able to generate in-text citations or footnotes or endnotes and a bibliography QVpuYS7EFC4-00028-00024480-00025104 together in Microsoft Word. Do you have other questions about using Zotero? QVpuYS7EFC4-00029-00025168-00025752 Towson University's Cook Library can help contact Brittni Ballard or Shana Gass. QVpuYS7EFC4-00030-00025752-00026480 Brittni's email is bballard@towson.edu shauna's email is askgas towson.edu QVpuYS7EFC4-00031-00026736-00027720 Have questions that go beyond Zotero? Visit bit.ly/TUAskALibrarian to get assistance in QVpuYS7EFC4-00032-00027720-00028216 whatever format you prefer, from chat to text, to phone and video conference calls. QVpuYS7EFC4-00033-00028280-00028760 And with that, thanks for watching, and happy researching! QY8MZCfMan8-00000-00000052-00000571 Now Roon has introduced their own server hardware, prices appear to be rather steep. QY8MZCfMan8-00001-00000571-00001055 That might lead to high expectations and web trolls making nasty remarks. QY8MZCfMan8-00002-00001055-00002046 So let’s investigate. QY8MZCfMan8-00003-00002046-00002542 The Nucleus was already announced at the High-End Munich show 2017. QY8MZCfMan8-00004-00002542-00002930 Two models came to market: the Nucleus and the Nucleus Plus. QY8MZCfMan8-00005-00002930-00003420 The first is equipped with an Intel Core i3 processor and the second with an Intel Core QY8MZCfMan8-00006-00003420-00003554 i7. QY8MZCfMan8-00007-00003554-00004125 The i3 version is suited for the average user that has up to 12,000 albums and about 5 zones. QY8MZCfMan8-00008-00004125-00004710 It is able to do limited DSP functions like EQ, headphone cross-feed and the like. QY8MZCfMan8-00009-00004710-00005414 The i7 version is for power users that have even a larger catalogue, more zones and/or QY8MZCfMan8-00010-00005414-00005898 want to do DSP functions like convolution - used for room correction for instance - or QY8MZCfMan8-00011-00005898-00006209 heavier upsampling like PCM to DSD. QY8MZCfMan8-00012-00006209-00007265 I was lent a Nucleus Plus - the one with the Core i7 - by Dutch Distributor Viertron. QY8MZCfMan8-00013-00007265-00007784 Both models use the same housing made from mat grey solid aluminium with cooling ribs QY8MZCfMan8-00014-00007784-00007988 on the sides and top. QY8MZCfMan8-00015-00007988-00008709 It measures 212 x 157 x 74 mm and the front holds only a logo. QY8MZCfMan8-00016-00008709-00009318 The rear is slightly more crowded with on the left a recessed power button, the 19 Volts QY8MZCfMan8-00017-00009318-00009824 DC socket that needs to be connected to the supplied switching mode power supply, an HDMI QY8MZCfMan8-00018-00009824-00010574 output for if you want to connect to an AV-receiver - or DAC -over HDMI, a giga network port, QY8MZCfMan8-00019-00010574-00011167 two USB3.0 sockets for connecting for instance an external drive or a USB DAC and a Thunderbolt QY8MZCfMan8-00020-00011167-00011667 socket that currently isn’t used. QY8MZCfMan8-00021-00011667-00012442 When placed top down, a thick metal plate can be removed by unscrewing five bolts. QY8MZCfMan8-00022-00012442-00012964 The review sample was fitted with a 220 gigabyte SSD for music storage. QY8MZCfMan8-00023-00012964-00013558 Far more storage can be mounted, up to 4 terabyte SSD’s are available nowadays but they come QY8MZCfMan8-00024-00013558-00013706 at 1200 euros. QY8MZCfMan8-00025-00013706-00013955 You can also use a traditional harddisk. QY8MZCfMan8-00026-00013955-00014660 9.5 mm thick drives are available up to 2 terabyte and perhaps a 15 mm thick drive might QY8MZCfMan8-00027-00014660-00015316 just fit and those are available up to 5 terabyte at only 175 euros. QY8MZCfMan8-00028-00015316-00015738 But check first, I wasn’t able to try whether it will actually fit. QY8MZCfMan8-00029-00015738-00016275 The drive is mounted on a sturdy metal plate that also contains the PCB holding the SATA QY8MZCfMan8-00030-00016275-00016375 connector. QY8MZCfMan8-00031-00016375-00016936 When removed, we see a 7th generation Intel NUC motherboard with the memory cards, under QY8MZCfMan8-00032-00016936-00017823 a small cushion the M.2 128 GB SSD that holds the operating system, Roon Core and database, QY8MZCfMan8-00033-00017823-00018427 the SATA port plus power supply for the 2.5 inch drive that is connected to the SATA board QY8MZCfMan8-00034-00018427-00018626 as we saw before. QY8MZCfMan8-00035-00018626-00019495 We even see two USB ports and the 3.5 mm headphone socket that on the normal NUC housing are QY8MZCfMan8-00036-00019495-00019707 accessible from the front. QY8MZCfMan8-00037-00019707-00020581 So it is exactly the same board as in my Intel NUC 7i7BNH that costed me 600 euros including QY8MZCfMan8-00038-00020581-00021435 the 128 GB M.2 SSD and 8 GB of memory. QY8MZCfMan8-00039-00021435-00022240 Let me start with the differences between the Nucleus Plus and my NUC: the Nucleus is QY8MZCfMan8-00040-00022240-00022770 passively cooled while my NUC as a - rather silent - fan for cooling. QY8MZCfMan8-00041-00022770-00023460 And the slot for the 2.5 inch drive in my NUC is limited to 9.5 mm thick drives. QY8MZCfMan8-00042-00023460-00024054 But I have access to the front USB’s and the 3.5 mm headphone jack. QY8MZCfMan8-00043-00024054-00024890 At 900 euros you buy the same NUC board plus memory and M.2 SSD for 900 euros built into QY8MZCfMan8-00044-00024890-00025585 for instance the Akasa Plato X housing that is functionally the same as the nUcleus in QY8MZCfMan8-00045-00025585-00025932 that is allows for passive cooling. QY8MZCfMan8-00046-00025932-00026612 But whether you buy the original NUC or the Akasa variant, you have to update the BIOS QY8MZCfMan8-00047-00026612-00026918 and install Roon Rock yourself. QY8MZCfMan8-00048-00026918-00027481 With the original NUC you often have to mount the SSD, the hard disk and the memory too. QY8MZCfMan8-00049-00027481-00027931 I know, it’s a piece of cake, you will say and for many it is. QY8MZCfMan8-00050-00027931-00028469 But I have been paid several times by people in the industry to do it for them. QY8MZCfMan8-00051-00028469-00028968 So it might be a piece of cake to many, it’s not to all. QY8MZCfMan8-00052-00028968-00029509 And then there are people that have more money than time and hire a so called custom installer QY8MZCfMan8-00053-00029509-00030008 that will do all the work for them, often including the luxury, several thousands of QY8MZCfMan8-00054-00030008-00030253 euros costing remotes. QY8MZCfMan8-00055-00030253-00030833 They want top quality and they want that the quality can be seen on the outside. QY8MZCfMan8-00056-00030833-00031159 They are quit willing to pay for that too. QY8MZCfMan8-00057-00031159-00031633 Those custom installers need a margin that is considerable bigger than the computer industry QY8MZCfMan8-00058-00031633-00032186 offers them for they have to go to the customer whenever he - or she - has a problem. QY8MZCfMan8-00059-00032186-00032612 That’s something your computershop or webstore won’t. QY8MZCfMan8-00060-00032612-00033321 Furthermore Roonlabs needs funds for developing the drivers typically needed for custom install. QY8MZCfMan8-00061-00033321-00033897 They recently announced drivers for Control4 and Crestron remote control systems and these QY8MZCfMan8-00062-00033897-00034716 will only run on the Nucleus servers, not on the normal NUC’s. QY8MZCfMan8-00063-00034716-00035333 The Nucleus works the same as the Intel NUC running ROCK so for a comprehensive description QY8MZCfMan8-00064-00035333-00035799 see ‘Intel NUC Roon Rock Part 3: how to use it’. QY8MZCfMan8-00065-00035799-00036284 But in short it works like this: The Nucleus needs to be connected to the grid and the QY8MZCfMan8-00066-00036284-00036384 web. QY8MZCfMan8-00067-00036384-00036718 You then need a storage device for your music. QY8MZCfMan8-00068-00036718-00037299 This can be an internal hard disk or SSD, an external hard disk connected over USB to QY8MZCfMan8-00069-00037299-00037790 the Nucleus or a share on the network, like on a computer or NAS. QY8MZCfMan8-00070-00037790-00038096 There your store your music files. QY8MZCfMan8-00071-00038096-00038605 The storage in or connected to the Nucleus is accessible over the network. QY8MZCfMan8-00072-00038605-00039058 You also need to connect an ‘endpoint’, which can be a DAC connected to the Nucleus QY8MZCfMan8-00073-00039058-00039763 or a Roon Ready DAC, network renderer or other Roon Ready device over the network. QY8MZCfMan8-00074-00039763-00040196 Then you install a second version of Roon on a computer, tablet or smartphone. QY8MZCfMan8-00075-00040196-00040753 This will only install the control surface and not the server and will ask for your Roon QY8MZCfMan8-00076-00040753-00040947 account information. QY8MZCfMan8-00077-00040947-00041575 The Nucleus is automatically detected and will start indexing and updating the metadata. QY8MZCfMan8-00078-00041575-00041947 Depending on the number of tracks and the speed of your internet connection this can QY8MZCfMan8-00079-00041947-00042471 take days but you can already start playing music. QY8MZCfMan8-00080-00042471-00043165 So the Nucleus isn’t a rip-off as has been shouted by some on the web. QY8MZCfMan8-00081-00043165-00043590 It is aimed at the top end of the market where other rules and other margins apply. QY8MZCfMan8-00082-00043590-00044168 It’s like the hydraulic suspension parts Rolls Royce used in their seventies models QY8MZCfMan8-00083-00044168-00044390 (or was it eighties?). QY8MZCfMan8-00084-00044390-00044844 If you bought them from Rolls Royce you payed a lot more than when you bought the same parts QY8MZCfMan8-00085-00044844-00045050 from Citroen I am told. QY8MZCfMan8-00086-00045050-00045331 But the service level was different too. QY8MZCfMan8-00087-00045331-00046000 You can buy the same Mondeo under the Vignale luxury label and again then you pay the premium QY8MZCfMan8-00088-00046000-00046197 price but get better service. QY8MZCfMan8-00089-00046197-00046849 By the way, several specialist streaming retailers also offer audio servers exceeding even the QY8MZCfMan8-00090-00046849-00047478 price of the Nucleus Plus and are far less open on what’s inside. QY8MZCfMan8-00091-00047478-00047999 There might be all kinds of reasons for the higher - I have not researched this - but QY8MZCfMan8-00092-00047999-00048099 nevertheless. QY8MZCfMan8-00093-00048099-00048787 I think you are quite a bit better off when you buy either a NUC7i3 - seventh generation QY8MZCfMan8-00094-00048787-00049681 NUC running a Core i3 - or NUC7i7, running the Core i7 processor, depending on your needs. QY8MZCfMan8-00095-00049681-00050200 Put it elsewhere in the house so the fan won’t bother you and use a networked audio interface, QY8MZCfMan8-00096-00050200-00050984 a networked DAC that is ROON Ready or a Raspberry Pi with audio board running Roon Ready software, QY8MZCfMan8-00097-00050984-00051303 all depending on your need for quality. QY8MZCfMan8-00098-00051303-00051841 And if you have money to burn, you could also buy a Roon Nucleus for it works just as good QY8MZCfMan8-00099-00051841-00052116 and looks a lot better. QY8MZCfMan8-00100-00052116-00052608 If you want to know how to prepare a NUC for Roon Rock - the Roon server software for the QY8MZCfMan8-00101-00052608-00053210 NUC - see the link in the top right corner, at the end of this video or in the show notes. QY8MZCfMan8-00102-00053210-00053824 Oh, and just to make sure: the prices I mention are for the hardware only. QY8MZCfMan8-00103-00053824-00054472 The Roon Rock software is free - and is already installed on the Nucleus - but you do also QY8MZCfMan8-00104-00054472-00055150 need the 100 Euro 120 US dollar per month subscription or the lifetime subscription QY8MZCfMan8-00105-00055150-00055700 that comes at 425 euros or 500 US dollars. QY8MZCfMan8-00106-00055700-00056450 Got interested in Roon, a link to a complete playlist lets you learn anything I know now. QY8MZCfMan8-00107-00056450-00056947 For future developments you could subscribe to this channel or follow me on Twitter, Facebook QY8MZCfMan8-00108-00056947-00057059 or Google+. QY8MZCfMan8-00109-00057059-00057605 If you liked this video, please consider supporting the channel through Patreon or Paypal. QY8MZCfMan8-00110-00057605-00058216 Any financial support is much appreciated and helps me to do my job even better. QY8MZCfMan8-00111-00058216-00058722 The links are in the show notes, just as the link to a description of my three setups. QY8MZCfMan8-00112-00058722-00059240 Help me to help even more people enjoy music at home by telling your friends on the web QY8MZCfMan8-00113-00059240-00059467 about this channel. QY8MZCfMan8-00114-00059467-00060051 I am Hans Beekhuyzen, thank you for watching and see you in the next show or on theHBproject.com. QY8MZCfMan8-00115-00060051-00060357 And whatever you do, enjoy the music. QY8MZCfMan8-00116-00060357-00061209 Intel NUC Roon Rock Part 3: how to use it: https://youtu.be/ycIQ4kvVmAQ QaG2dTAn2aQ-00000-00000040-00000616 hey everybody what's going on it's your girl Karaleise think of me as your QaG2dTAn2aQ-00001-00000616-00001192 business analyst coach and today we're going to be talking about another exciting topic i QaG2dTAn2aQ-00002-00001192-00001728 told y'all the year i started off in fine style because you're seeing more of me and QaG2dTAn2aQ-00003-00001728-00002200 i'm giving you answers to questions that you've been wanting to know right so we're QaG2dTAn2aQ-00004-00002200-00002704 off to a good start and we're going to keep going right so today we're talking about um QaG2dTAn2aQ-00005-00002816-00003392 what does the business analyst actually do what do you do as a business analyst that's what we're QaG2dTAn2aQ-00006-00003392-00003856 going to be talking about don't go anywhere i have this word from the sponsors and then i'll be right QaG2dTAn2aQ-00007-00003856-00004680 back today's video is brought to you by panic away panic away is a system for people suffering from QaG2dTAn2aQ-00008-00004680-00005400 anxiety disorders so if you suffer from any type of general anxiety or panic attack QaG2dTAn2aQ-00009-00005400-00005992 this could really affect your ability to perform at work especially in our jobs as business QaG2dTAn2aQ-00010-00005992-00006472 analysts so anxiety can really really affect you so if you're struggling with that i want QaG2dTAn2aQ-00011-00006472-00007064 to introduce you to panic away which is a system that's going to help you to get over your anxiety QaG2dTAn2aQ-00012-00007152-00007848 and by doing that you're also supporting the work i'm doing here on youtube and i do get a benefit QaG2dTAn2aQ-00013-00007848-00008272 from this so come here i'm going to put the link in the description below and you can come check QaG2dTAn2aQ-00014-00008272-00008744 it out to make sure that you can get the help you need for your anxiety and panic attacks QaG2dTAn2aQ-00015-00008832-00009616 all right so what does a business analyst do every day well we work surprise surprise QaG2dTAn2aQ-00016-00009616-00010248 we work no but seriously what does a business analyst do you know one of the main things that QaG2dTAn2aQ-00017-00010248-00010888 a business analyst does is to manage requirements i mean you know this right so the one of the QaG2dTAn2aQ-00018-00010888-00011504 main tasks that you are tasked with when you get employed into this field is to manage requirements QaG2dTAn2aQ-00019-00011504-00011944 when i say manage i mean everything to do with requirements so you're listing requirements QaG2dTAn2aQ-00020-00012000-00012600 you are documenting requirements you're defining requirements you know you're doing everything QaG2dTAn2aQ-00021-00012600-00013000 around the requirements management and if you look at the bar box it tells you a lot about how that's QaG2dTAn2aQ-00022-00013000-00013328 done gives you all the techniques and all that stuff i'm not going to go into all of that right QaG2dTAn2aQ-00023-00013328-00013816 now because i've done several videos on that so if you want to know more about listing requirements QaG2dTAn2aQ-00024-00013816-00014400 please go check out my video uh maybe i put it right here on how to elicit requirements okay QaG2dTAn2aQ-00025-00014400-00014872 so go get that and that will give you much more detail than this video is going to go into but QaG2dTAn2aQ-00026-00014872-00015384 generally what you're doing is you are managing requirements that's one of the first things that QaG2dTAn2aQ-00027-00015384-00015928 you do as a business analyst so you're the one who is asking all the probing questions QaG2dTAn2aQ-00028-00015928-00016336 you're the one digging down into your documents you're the one observing all the different QaG2dTAn2aQ-00029-00016336-00016864 techniques that you can use to understand the requirements and again you're not really just QaG2dTAn2aQ-00030-00016928-00017648 um trying to quickly come up with a solution but you're really trying to uncover the root causes QaG2dTAn2aQ-00031-00017648-00018048 you're really trying to understand the jobs to be done you're understanding what is the person QaG2dTAn2aQ-00032-00018048-00018536 trying to do and you're always looking at people right you try to understand people and their QaG2dTAn2aQ-00033-00018536-00019032 motivations it's almost like a psychology right what are they really trying to do why why why QaG2dTAn2aQ-00034-00019032-00019712 why why the five wise right so you're going to be conducting a lot of interviews you're going QaG2dTAn2aQ-00035-00019712-00020352 to be doing a lot of research because you have to understand the the the market the questions you're QaG2dTAn2aQ-00036-00020352-00020944 trying to answer you have to understand the whole thing in order to conceptualize solutions right so QaG2dTAn2aQ-00037-00020944-00021544 there's a lot of research that a business analyst is doing um the other thing that's number one the QaG2dTAn2aQ-00038-00021544-00021960 other thing that you're doing as a business analyst is that you're articulating change QaG2dTAn2aQ-00039-00022088-00022832 you are articulating change what does that mean that means that once you've done your eliciting QaG2dTAn2aQ-00040-00022832-00023272 and your analysis and you're doing your modeling and all this stuff to understand the world QaG2dTAn2aQ-00041-00023272-00023904 and you may have defined or come up with a future state from the problem that you've uncovered now QaG2dTAn2aQ-00042-00023904-00024360 you need to be able to communicate that so your communication is going to be super important QaG2dTAn2aQ-00043-00024360-00024776 as a business analyst and that's what i mean by articulating change meaning that you're changing QaG2dTAn2aQ-00044-00024776-00025280 from this current state to this future state well you can't just change by yourself you need to talk QaG2dTAn2aQ-00045-00025280-00025712 to the teams you need to talk to the managers you need to make sure everybody's on board QaG2dTAn2aQ-00046-00025800-00026200 before this change can happen because it's going to affect everybody right everybody QaG2dTAn2aQ-00047-00026200-00026600 uh in the department that's directly been affected but also it could affect your customers it could QaG2dTAn2aQ-00048-00026600-00027000 affect different departments so you have to make sure everybody knows about this change QaG2dTAn2aQ-00049-00027000-00027480 and that you get buy-in about the change so you're articulating this change how do you particularly QaG2dTAn2aQ-00050-00027480-00027968 change you're having walk-throughs with your development team to say okay we want to change QaG2dTAn2aQ-00051-00027968-00028408 let's say this is a software system that you're you're you're changing you want to change your QaG2dTAn2aQ-00052-00028408-00028880 system we want to do this thing you know here are some mock-ups of how the new system's going QaG2dTAn2aQ-00053-00028880-00029352 to look and here's the rationale behind it this is why we're doing it this way and then you're QaG2dTAn2aQ-00054-00029352-00030039 going to listen to the feedback that you get when you articulate your change and maybe you have to QaG2dTAn2aQ-00055-00030039-00030448 do another round maybe you have to go and change something yourself maybe you have to rethink what QaG2dTAn2aQ-00056-00030448-00030848 you thought was a good solution maybe you have to talk to some more people and figure out if this is QaG2dTAn2aQ-00057-00030848-00031239 really uh the best thing maybe the development team is going to tell you that they can QaG2dTAn2aQ-00058-00031239-00031783 technically do this because of the constraint of the technology maybe there's some technical debt QaG2dTAn2aQ-00059-00031783-00032480 whatever there might be things that you will hear when you articulate your change that causes even QaG2dTAn2aQ-00060-00032480-00033016 more change right so you have to go and rethink what you thought was a good solution so it's QaG2dTAn2aQ-00061-00033016-00033536 this iterative process of refining and refining and refining until you get to the right thing QaG2dTAn2aQ-00062-00033616-00034120 and once you're able to articulate that even at the different levels you're going to also QaG2dTAn2aQ-00063-00034120-00034560 get the buy-in you're going to get the buying from the different teams so the development team have QaG2dTAn2aQ-00064-00034560-00035144 to say yes we can technically do this for example the itu project and if it's like a process then QaG2dTAn2aQ-00065-00035144-00035520 the pro team that's handling operations or whatever it's going to be implementing this QaG2dTAn2aQ-00066-00035520-00035960 process can say yes this is something that we can do feasibility-wise time-wise on some QaG2dTAn2aQ-00067-00035960-00036384 stuff once they agree on that you might have to talk to your managers you might have to present QaG2dTAn2aQ-00068-00036384-00036992 it back to your project manager your product owner your uh product manager and say this is what the QaG2dTAn2aQ-00069-00036992-00037504 team agreed on you know now from a product management or project management perspective QaG2dTAn2aQ-00070-00037504-00038056 can you finance it is there budget that you need is there different things that might impact it so QaG2dTAn2aQ-00071-00038056-00038432 they have to take that to a different level now so you can you cannot articulate that change to QaG2dTAn2aQ-00072-00038432-00038880 them and they may have to activate that to the executive team who might say you know this is QaG2dTAn2aQ-00073-00038880-00039296 not a part of our strategic roadmap but it's not a part of our initiative for the year who knows QaG2dTAn2aQ-00074-00039360-00040160 but you have to be the nucleus you're the nucleus that's what you're doing you are the source of um QaG2dTAn2aQ-00075-00040424-00040840 you're the nucleus right that's what you're doing you are the source like you are the one QaG2dTAn2aQ-00076-00040840-00041296 in the middle keeping everything together you know making sure that all the pieces come together and QaG2dTAn2aQ-00077-00041296-00041736 you're articulating the changes they come from the top above you and they come from you know QaG2dTAn2aQ-00078-00041736-00042152 other people maybe a little bit below you or even at the same level as you so you have to be that QaG2dTAn2aQ-00079-00042152-00042512 one time particularly so you're communicating a lot you're communicating by your powerpoints QaG2dTAn2aQ-00080-00042512-00042864 you're communicating by your emails you're having discussions and meetings they're having QaG2dTAn2aQ-00081-00042864-00043336 brainstorming sessions you're doing ideation sessions they're doing all of that stuff and this QaG2dTAn2aQ-00082-00043336-00044000 is not to scare you to say okay whoa this sounds like a big thing no i'm just giving you the gamut QaG2dTAn2aQ-00083-00044000-00044560 of what you're likely to be doing right and but when you're doing it it doesn't feel that way it QaG2dTAn2aQ-00084-00044560-00045104 doesn't feel like this is a big pressure because it's just you do this and then the next logical QaG2dTAn2aQ-00085-00045104-00045600 step is to do that next logical step is to do that and say keep going on for example when i start a QaG2dTAn2aQ-00086-00045600-00046248 new project i first need to understand what the purpose of the project is you know why we're doing QaG2dTAn2aQ-00087-00046248-00046728 it you know you might need to talk to the people who are doing something a different way today QaG2dTAn2aQ-00088-00046728-00047192 understand what they're doing why they do what they do all the different nuances of it and then QaG2dTAn2aQ-00089-00047192-00047656 sit back and say okay how could we improve this this is the problems i uncovered and sometimes you QaG2dTAn2aQ-00090-00047656-00048280 have discussions with your team just to clarify the problem so when that part is done then i move QaG2dTAn2aQ-00091-00048280-00048872 on to okay let's come together with a different kind of team and let's think through what could QaG2dTAn2aQ-00092-00048872-00049296 we do to solve this particular thing and then we solve this or we come up with some ideas for this QaG2dTAn2aQ-00093-00049296-00049584 let's think through something else for this other problem and we think through that so QaG2dTAn2aQ-00094-00049728-00050240 i'm saying it to you now and it sounds like it's a whole lot of stuff but it's progressing right it QaG2dTAn2aQ-00095-00050240-00050760 kind of progresses and after a while doing it you kind of know the natural step so it's not it's not QaG2dTAn2aQ-00096-00050760-00051384 that bad it's okay the other thing that you do as a business analyst so we talked about uh managing QaG2dTAn2aQ-00097-00051384-00051984 requirements we talked about articulating the change we also have to talk about documenting so QaG2dTAn2aQ-00098-00052079-00052479 business analysts write a lot of documents right we're very rightly writing people QaG2dTAn2aQ-00099-00052655-00053208 we document a lot of things we document the current state we document the future state we QaG2dTAn2aQ-00100-00053208-00053744 document the models we document even to-do lists you know even just like a project plan QaG2dTAn2aQ-00101-00053744-00054255 we we document a lot of things because some of the projects we work on is so complicated and QaG2dTAn2aQ-00102-00054255-00054784 conflicted or whatever and you know personally i can't remember things i'm gonna admit this to QaG2dTAn2aQ-00103-00054784-00055336 you like i don't remember a lot of things because it's like with modern technology QaG2dTAn2aQ-00104-00055336-00055679 you don't need to remember it's on your phone it's on some app somewhere so you don't really have QaG2dTAn2aQ-00105-00055679-00056455 to retain much stuff so i've gotten my brain has become very i think when i get older i'm probably QaG2dTAn2aQ-00106-00056455-00057079 going to lose my memory which i fear oh my god i don't want to forget my daughter oh but that's QaG2dTAn2aQ-00107-00057079-00057664 just my personal fear that's always again fear not remembering stuff but i can't retain a lot QaG2dTAn2aQ-00108-00057664-00058040 of things that i could when i was younger like when i was younger i could remember everybody in QaG2dTAn2aQ-00109-00058040-00058712 my family's phone number and everything like that and i could call them without even checking my QaG2dTAn2aQ-00110-00058712-00059272 my address book and we use adjustment back in the day okay so i don't want to give away my age here QaG2dTAn2aQ-00111-00059328-00059855 but we use the dress book and i could i could remember everybody's number in my family and it QaG2dTAn2aQ-00112-00059855-00060472 was easy because i'm good at numbers but off later just find that you know i can't remember if i had QaG2dTAn2aQ-00113-00060472-00061032 a task to do if i don't write it down i don't remember it so so we document a lot because we QaG2dTAn2aQ-00114-00061032-00061560 have to keep up keep up with a lot of things right so you're gonna be as a business analyst you are QaG2dTAn2aQ-00115-00061560-00062191 managing requirements you are articulating change your documenting there's a lot of documentation QaG2dTAn2aQ-00116-00062191-00062720 going on and i'm going to have a video on the artifacts that a business analyst produces QaG2dTAn2aQ-00117-00062720-00063200 and i'll put that out soon the other thing that you're doing after you document and you you know QaG2dTAn2aQ-00118-00063200-00063760 obviously talk about it which is a part of the articulation but you're also supporting QaG2dTAn2aQ-00119-00063848-00064472 so you're supporting the change so once you've had whatever you've built implemented and you've QaG2dTAn2aQ-00120-00064472-00065167 launched whatever new process and everything is good it's not over you have to support it because QaG2dTAn2aQ-00121-00065167-00065616 you designed it you came up with it you know the most about it because you came up with it QaG2dTAn2aQ-00122-00065704-00066144 or your team did and so you're part of the team that's going to support it so when it breaks so QaG2dTAn2aQ-00123-00066144-00066560 when there's a change in something or when there's a complaint about something you have to support QaG2dTAn2aQ-00124-00066560-00067064 it and this support could be from a technical perspective an i.t project you could be once QaG2dTAn2aQ-00125-00067064-00067712 you've launched your new application for example um you're you'll be a part of the the marketing QaG2dTAn2aQ-00126-00067712-00068152 launches maybe you're the person that talks about it you know or maybe you're doing the training QaG2dTAn2aQ-00127-00068208-00068848 for the new staff and how to use it or it could be months after it's already out there that you may QaG2dTAn2aQ-00128-00068848-00069160 have a question that you have to answer because you're the only person that might know as much QaG2dTAn2aQ-00129-00069160-00069832 about it so things that i'd support um it's not as heavy as the support when you do the support QaG2dTAn2aQ-00130-00069832-00070336 level because it's already out there it's already done um but you're still always going to be called QaG2dTAn2aQ-00131-00070336-00070872 on whenever you need to answer questions or even talk about it with a different group maybe there QaG2dTAn2aQ-00132-00070872-00071504 is training um for internal training for staff um like onboarding and stuff that you have to support QaG2dTAn2aQ-00133-00071568-00071976 so those are the things that your business analyst does i mean there's other things too i could tell QaG2dTAn2aQ-00134-00071976-00072984 you like you did a lot of crap as a business analyst yes i'm gonna say that word again we did QaG2dTAn2aQ-00135-00073072-00073584 so there are other things that you deal with as a business analyst and it's not always pleasant you QaG2dTAn2aQ-00136-00073584-00074456 know it's not a better roses you do it a lot of um uh yeah crap so there's office politics to deal QaG2dTAn2aQ-00137-00074456-00074936 with and this happens in every company but because the business analyst has to interface with so many QaG2dTAn2aQ-00138-00074936-00075440 different levels and so many different departments you might just have an extra extra share QaG2dTAn2aQ-00139-00075560-00076008 for you and i have a video i talked about how to deal with difficult stakeholders QaG2dTAn2aQ-00140-00076008-00076584 uh here so you can go check out that video about difficult stakeholders but yeah you deal with a QaG2dTAn2aQ-00141-00076584-00076936 lot of crap because some people have their personality and you don't have to deal with QaG2dTAn2aQ-00142-00076936-00077288 them a different apartment and they want to know why you coming asking a bunch of questions and QaG2dTAn2aQ-00143-00077288-00077816 all that stuff so you deal with that you deal with office politics a lot um you deal with QaG2dTAn2aQ-00144-00077816-00078312 co-workers issues i mean these are things that happen to every company so it's not like it's QaG2dTAn2aQ-00145-00078312-00078744 unique to business analysts that we go through different departments so we kind of get a taste QaG2dTAn2aQ-00146-00078872-00079448 of all of it but you also deal with great people too you have great people who you wouldn't QaG2dTAn2aQ-00147-00079448-00079928 otherwise have a reason to talk to and now you do and so you develop good relationships and good QaG2dTAn2aQ-00148-00079928-00080400 friendships and good work ethics and and people help you with things and you help them with things QaG2dTAn2aQ-00149-00080456-00080944 and you have good rapport right it's not all bad but i'm just telling you the gamut of what we QaG2dTAn2aQ-00150-00080944-00081432 deal with so if you wanted to know what a business analyst does from a high level this is what it is QaG2dTAn2aQ-00151-00081512-00081856 obviously there's more details you can get into like the exact type of tasks QaG2dTAn2aQ-00152-00081856-00082280 you know if you really want to know like from a day-to-day perspective you can watch my video QaG2dTAn2aQ-00153-00082280-00082736 on the day in the life of a business analyst which is right here so go check that out QaG2dTAn2aQ-00154-00082736-00083496 where you walk with me for a day um in what i do there so that's what it is guys again if you need QaG2dTAn2aQ-00155-00083496-00084256 some more help please check out my free courses on my website it's all free just go to karaleise.com QaG2dTAn2aQ-00156-00084256-00084776 go to free courses and it's the videos that i have here on youtube but they're organized QaG2dTAn2aQ-00157-00084776-00085376 by topic and it helps you from not having to jump around and figure out which video to watch next QaG2dTAn2aQ-00158-00085376-00085728 right to get the full teaching everything is there for you already organized for you just QaG2dTAn2aQ-00159-00085728-00086176 go there watch the videos get the training that's free and learn something and be able to apply it QaG2dTAn2aQ-00160-00086176-00086712 in your job right i want the best for you i do this is 2021 and i'm sending you a lot of QaG2dTAn2aQ-00161-00086712-00087104 success those of you that are looking for a job in this space you're gonna get it QaG2dTAn2aQ-00162-00087176-00087576 you are gonna get it okay you just have to set your mind towards it we can we can do all things QaG2dTAn2aQ-00163-00087632-00088272 we can do all things right so let's just set our mind on positive things and think positively QaG2dTAn2aQ-00164-00088272-00088672 we can do it and those of you already working as business alice and you're struggling with QaG2dTAn2aQ-00165-00088672-00089240 something it's going to work out it is it's going to work out it's going to be good all QaG2dTAn2aQ-00166-00089240-00089808 right so uh this is it for today this is today's video and i hope you enjoyed please subscribe QaG2dTAn2aQ-00167-00089808-00090240 and check out the sponsors of this video which is also in the description below right subscribe QaG2dTAn2aQ-00168-00090240-00090776 leave a comment let the video get you know get likes and stuff so you can go to other people like QaG2dTAn2aQ-00169-00090776-00091376 that's how you support me too right so let's do that and i will see you guys next time take care QaKw94AEwgy-00000-00000556-00002016 The Rulek tournament can be viewed in full detail, with subtitles, under serial number 8 on the video channel. QdjVF3uO5Oc-00000-00000229-00000930 In this lesson we will learn how to enroll yourself in the course using an enrollment key. QdjVF3uO5Oc-00001-00001036-00001278 On the moodle home page, all the available courses will be listed under QdjVF3uO5Oc-00002-00001278-00001539 my courses area. QdjVF3uO5Oc-00003-00001539-00001657 In this example, QdjVF3uO5Oc-00004-00001657-00001848 we have a course named general science, QdjVF3uO5Oc-00005-00001848-00002138 and it requires a enrollment key before enrolling any QdjVF3uO5Oc-00006-00002138-00002348 student in the course. QdjVF3uO5Oc-00007-00002348-00002868 Please proceed only when you are having the enrollment key with you. QdjVF3uO5Oc-00008-00002868-00003465 Click on the course name to enroll yourself in the course. Now enter the enrollment key QdjVF3uO5Oc-00009-00003465-00004047 in the field provided. Then click "Enrol me". QdjVF3uO5Oc-00010-00004047-00004432 You have successfully enrolled yourself in the course. you can also QdjVF3uO5Oc-00011-00004432-00004929 unenrol yourself in this course, by clicking on the link "Unenrol me" from under the QdjVF3uO5Oc-00012-00004929-00005406 settings block. QdjVF3uO5Oc-00013-00005406-00005709 Now you can attemp all the resources and activities available within the QdjVF3uO5Oc-00014-00005709-00006033 course. QdjVF3uO5Oc-00015-00006033-00006084 Thanks for watching. QdGzOzOk12A-00000-00000000-00000200 Pakistan vs England fantastic inning by Baber Azam/day first test match December 2022 QeEjYqMxgSI-00000-00000203-00000363 Yeah, thanks for having me here today. QeEjYqMxgSI-00001-00000373-00000687 As Andrew said, yesterday our State of the Climate report QeEjYqMxgSI-00002-00000697-00000830 came out. QeEjYqMxgSI-00003-00000840-00001114 Every two years we put out a report on climate change, QeEjYqMxgSI-00004-00001124-00001448 essentially, across BOM and CSIRO. QeEjYqMxgSI-00005-00001458-00001811 My section actually puts out climate reports every week, QeEjYqMxgSI-00006-00001821-00001988 every month, every season, and every year, QeEjYqMxgSI-00007-00001998-00002302 so that's really reporting on climate variability, what QeEjYqMxgSI-00008-00002312-00002589 has happened, describing what's happened and some analysis QeEjYqMxgSI-00009-00002599-00002742 as well. QeEjYqMxgSI-00010-00002752-00002939 But every two years, we also do this State QeEjYqMxgSI-00011-00002949-00003103 of the Climate report, which is largely QeEjYqMxgSI-00012-00003113-00003450 around the issue of climate change. QeEjYqMxgSI-00013-00003460-00003797 Moving on, why this report? QeEjYqMxgSI-00014-00003807-00004073 Really, it's about the change in atmospheric chemistry, QeEjYqMxgSI-00015-00004084-00004527 so while we will report on climate variability QeEjYqMxgSI-00016-00004537-00005018 in a descriptive context every week, every couple years QeEjYqMxgSI-00017-00005028-00005255 we will come together to talk about what QeEjYqMxgSI-00018-00005265-00005572 is a quite remarkable change in atmospheric chemistry. QeEjYqMxgSI-00019-00005582-00005879 So this is reported on internationally QeEjYqMxgSI-00020-00005889-00006222 by groups like the IPCC, it's very important in Australia QeEjYqMxgSI-00021-00006232-00006409 that we have two agencies in BOM and CSIRO. QeEjYqMxgSI-00022-00006419-00006609 They're actually synthesising the information QeEjYqMxgSI-00023-00006619-00006893 for the local stakeholders and community, QeEjYqMxgSI-00024-00006903-00007040 and that's what we do. QeEjYqMxgSI-00025-00007050-00007190 And this plot's basically showing QeEjYqMxgSI-00026-00007200-00007300 why this reporting exists. QeEjYqMxgSI-00027-00007310-00007590 So this is carbon dioxide concentrations QeEjYqMxgSI-00028-00007600-00007881 in the atmosphere over the last 800,000 years. QeEjYqMxgSI-00029-00007891-00008138 And this natural variability is carbon dioxide QeEjYqMxgSI-00030-00008148-00008411 actually responding to orbital changes QeEjYqMxgSI-00031-00008421-00008675 in the Earth's orbital parameters, which QeEjYqMxgSI-00032-00008685-00009065 is glaciation and deglaciation, what most know as ice ages. QeEjYqMxgSI-00033-00009075-00009259 And CO2 in the atmosphere responds QeEjYqMxgSI-00034-00009269-00009606 to that, it doesn't drive it, it responds to it. QeEjYqMxgSI-00035-00009616-00009886 In the last 200 years, what we've seen QeEjYqMxgSI-00036-00009896-00010463 is mechanical action driving CO2 up in the atmosphere. QeEjYqMxgSI-00037-00010473-00010760 As Peter Hannam pointed out this morning, QeEjYqMxgSI-00038-00010770-00011074 whether you're in the business of mitigation or adaptation QeEjYqMxgSI-00039-00011084-00011227 in a risk management framework, we QeEjYqMxgSI-00040-00011237-00011538 need agencies reporting on what is going on here QeEjYqMxgSI-00041-00011548-00011761 and what implications that has for the climate system QeEjYqMxgSI-00042-00011771-00011948 now and going forward. QeEjYqMxgSI-00043-00011958-00012165 So basically, I'm going to summarise this report QeEjYqMxgSI-00044-00012175-00012442 through the slides that I'm going through, and just QeEjYqMxgSI-00045-00012452-00012729 about every word that you see here is taken out QeEjYqMxgSI-00046-00012739-00012836 of the report. QeEjYqMxgSI-00047-00012846-00013082 It's a synthesis report, it probably errs QeEjYqMxgSI-00048-00013092-00013403 on the conservative side, you need agreement across about 50 QeEjYqMxgSI-00049-00013413-00013686 scientists across both organisations on the wording QeEjYqMxgSI-00050-00013696-00014040 in this document, so I think it probably hits the right note QeEjYqMxgSI-00051-00014050-00014404 in terms of reflecting the science. QeEjYqMxgSI-00052-00014414-00014911 So what does that look like when we drill down and find detail? QeEjYqMxgSI-00053-00014921-00015231 And this is out of the report, and what QeEjYqMxgSI-00054-00015241-00015448 we've got is increasing CO2, it's QeEjYqMxgSI-00055-00015458-00015635 nearly 400 parts per million. QeEjYqMxgSI-00056-00015645-00015862 You have to go back 2.5 million years QeEjYqMxgSI-00057-00015872-00016159 to an epoch known as the Pliocene QeEjYqMxgSI-00058-00016169-00016556 to get atmospheric CO2 concentrations within that ball QeEjYqMxgSI-00059-00016566-00016679 park. QeEjYqMxgSI-00060-00016689-00016823 When the Earth was about two to three degrees warmer QeEjYqMxgSI-00061-00016833-00017160 you had sea levels about 20 metres higher, somewhere QeEjYqMxgSI-00062-00017170-00017410 on the order of 10 to 20 metres higher than today QeEjYqMxgSI-00063-00017420-00017634 at equilibrium once everything's pushed out. QeEjYqMxgSI-00064-00017644-00017854 So, how did we get this increase? QeEjYqMxgSI-00065-00017864-00018061 What we've got up here is the sources QeEjYqMxgSI-00066-00018071-00018284 of CO2 going into the atmosphere. QeEjYqMxgSI-00067-00018294-00018525 So, most of it is actually from fossil fuel burning, QeEjYqMxgSI-00068-00018535-00018735 and there's a small component due to the land use QeEjYqMxgSI-00069-00018745-00018972 changes, which is mostly land clearing, which is actually QeEjYqMxgSI-00070-00018982-00019225 tailed off largely due to changes in South America QeEjYqMxgSI-00071-00019235-00019462 and Australia as well. QeEjYqMxgSI-00072-00019472-00019679 The atmosphere, and the biosphere, QeEjYqMxgSI-00073-00019689-00019966 and the oceans, and the sea ice in the cryosphere QeEjYqMxgSI-00074-00019976-00020223 try to take as much of this out of the system as possible. QeEjYqMxgSI-00075-00020233-00020497 So, the CO2 emissions are a small fraction QeEjYqMxgSI-00076-00020507-00020780 of the total variability of CO2 due to things QeEjYqMxgSI-00077-00020790-00020974 like the biosphere in the northern hemisphere QeEjYqMxgSI-00078-00020984-00021307 breathing out and breathing in over the seasons. QeEjYqMxgSI-00079-00021317-00021828 So about 30% of the additional CO2 into the atmosphere QeEjYqMxgSI-00080-00021838-00022008 goes into the ocean, and about 30% QeEjYqMxgSI-00081-00022018-00022318 is taken up by growing forests, and trees, and elsewhere. QeEjYqMxgSI-00082-00022328-00022939 That leaves about 40% that has increased on a compounding QeEjYqMxgSI-00083-00022949-00023123 basis in the atmosphere. QeEjYqMxgSI-00084-00023133-00023306 And so that 40% is the thing that's QeEjYqMxgSI-00085-00023316-00023606 changed atmospheric chemistry. QeEjYqMxgSI-00086-00023616-00023920 It's a good thing to acknowledge that no one has an intuitive QeEjYqMxgSI-00087-00023930-00024120 understanding of what a 40% change QeEjYqMxgSI-00088-00024130-00024297 in an atmospheric chemical constituent QeEjYqMxgSI-00089-00024307-00024497 should do to the climate system. QeEjYqMxgSI-00090-00024507-00024711 You can have a very good intuitive understanding QeEjYqMxgSI-00091-00024721-00024891 of the climate system at your local level, QeEjYqMxgSI-00092-00024901-00025048 you can have a very good understanding QeEjYqMxgSI-00093-00025058-00025482 of the cyclical nature of climate at your local level, QeEjYqMxgSI-00094-00025492-00025652 but no one has an intuitive understanding QeEjYqMxgSI-00095-00025662-00025825 of what changes in atmospheric chemistry QeEjYqMxgSI-00096-00025835-00025989 should do to the global climate system. QeEjYqMxgSI-00097-00025999-00026266 I think that's a good starting point for the scientific basis QeEjYqMxgSI-00098-00026276-00026436 of what we're talking about. QeEjYqMxgSI-00099-00026446-00026749 And this rather complicated figure over here QeEjYqMxgSI-00100-00026759-00026950 basically shows how we know where QeEjYqMxgSI-00101-00026960-00027123 that additional CO2 has come from. QeEjYqMxgSI-00102-00027133-00027607 We basically check the Carbon-13 to 14 isotope ratio, QeEjYqMxgSI-00103-00027617-00027820 and that tells us very, very clearly QeEjYqMxgSI-00104-00027831-00027991 that the additional CO2 in the atmosphere QeEjYqMxgSI-00105-00028001-00028144 has come from fossil fuel sources. QeEjYqMxgSI-00106-00028428-00028658 And that's led to changes in the global climate system. QeEjYqMxgSI-00107-00028668-00028938 So, what we've done, here, is collect together QeEjYqMxgSI-00108-00028948-00029075 basically all the main indicators QeEjYqMxgSI-00109-00029085-00029352 that the climate system's warming up. QeEjYqMxgSI-00110-00029362-00029519 In the popular media, there's often QeEjYqMxgSI-00111-00029529-00029793 a focus on a thing called global mean temperature, QeEjYqMxgSI-00112-00029802-00029953 global mean temperature isn't used much QeEjYqMxgSI-00113-00029963-00030170 in what they call, detection attribution studies, so QeEjYqMxgSI-00114-00030180-00030333 working out cause and effect. QeEjYqMxgSI-00115-00030343-00030540 Typically, we look at multiple lines of evidence, QeEjYqMxgSI-00116-00030550-00030717 and these are some of those multiple lines QeEjYqMxgSI-00117-00030727-00030894 of evidence going through. QeEjYqMxgSI-00118-00030904-00031184 The troposphere, or the column of the atmosphere between QeEjYqMxgSI-00119-00031194-00031521 the surface and the stratosphere has warmed up, QeEjYqMxgSI-00120-00031531-00031781 we've got increased water vapour in that atmosphere as its QeEjYqMxgSI-00121-00031791-00031998 holding capacity increases. QeEjYqMxgSI-00122-00032008-00032268 We've got a net decrease in glacier volumes, QeEjYqMxgSI-00123-00032278-00032612 globally, a decrease-- particularly in arctic sea ice QeEjYqMxgSI-00124-00032622-00032849 extent-- increased air temperature QeEjYqMxgSI-00125-00032859-00033139 over the new surface-- so about two meters above the surface-- QeEjYqMxgSI-00126-00033149-00033326 decreased polar ice sheets-- so that's QeEjYqMxgSI-00127-00033336-00033706 permanent glaciers on Antarctica and Greenland-- increased QeEjYqMxgSI-00128-00033716-00033997 air temperature over the oceans, marine air temperature, QeEjYqMxgSI-00129-00034007-00034174 increased skin temperature, the sea surface QeEjYqMxgSI-00130-00034184-00034451 temperature of the ocean, and these two are the biggies. QeEjYqMxgSI-00131-00034461-00034724 So, an increase in ocean heat content, QeEjYqMxgSI-00132-00034734-00035048 that's a measure of heat in the total ocean depth, QeEjYqMxgSI-00133-00035058-00035275 so from the surface down to about 3,000 QeEjYqMxgSI-00134-00035285-00035552 metres, and increase in sea level. QeEjYqMxgSI-00135-00035562-00035822 So while you see some short-term volatilities QeEjYqMxgSI-00136-00035832-00036209 in all these particular quantities, what we see in OHC QeEjYqMxgSI-00137-00036219-00036533 and sea level is basically a monotonic or consistent rise QeEjYqMxgSI-00138-00036543-00036746 in the amount of heat accumulated there. QeEjYqMxgSI-00139-00036756-00037100 And about 90% of the additional energy from that 40% increase QeEjYqMxgSI-00140-00037110-00037420 in CO2 is going into warming those oceans up. QeEjYqMxgSI-00141-00037430-00037657 And at some point, that will pass a threshold QeEjYqMxgSI-00142-00037667-00037917 where it greatly impacts on the atmosphere that sits above it. QeEjYqMxgSI-00143-00038211-00038421 I'll move on, now, to what this means for Australia. QeEjYqMxgSI-00144-00038431-00038788 So it's important to acknowledge that the attribution, QeEjYqMxgSI-00145-00038798-00039102 so tagging these changes to greenhouse gases QeEjYqMxgSI-00146-00039112-00039369 has been done very, very thoroughly. QeEjYqMxgSI-00147-00039379-00039706 That knowledge flows through to the changes at the local level. QeEjYqMxgSI-00148-00039716-00039959 Having done the attribution at the global scale, QeEjYqMxgSI-00149-00039969-00040220 having looked at it in almost an epidemiological framework QeEjYqMxgSI-00150-00040230-00040507 across different continents, you can very strongly QeEjYqMxgSI-00151-00040517-00040737 attribute a lot of changes that you see over Australia QeEjYqMxgSI-00152-00040747-00040874 to the same mechanism. QeEjYqMxgSI-00153-00040884-00041080 There will be local micro changes that QeEjYqMxgSI-00154-00041090-00041364 are due to things like land use changes, stratospheric ozone QeEjYqMxgSI-00155-00041374-00041561 changes impacting Australia, but it's QeEjYqMxgSI-00156-00041571-00041815 the increase in greenhouse gases the causes the big signal QeEjYqMxgSI-00157-00041825-00042061 amongst all that noise. QeEjYqMxgSI-00158-00042071-00042232 So what's happened in Australia? QeEjYqMxgSI-00159-00042242-00042505 So out of the report, Australia's climate has warmed, QeEjYqMxgSI-00160-00042515-00042782 it's warmed by about 0.9 of a degree, overall. QeEjYqMxgSI-00161-00042792-00043126 The warming has been greater at night than during the day, QeEjYqMxgSI-00162-00043136-00043339 and that's actually a classic greenhouse gas QeEjYqMxgSI-00163-00043349-00043540 signal, when you warm up the nighttime more QeEjYqMxgSI-00164-00043550-00043797 than the daytime, that's telling you that the atmosphere is QeEjYqMxgSI-00165-00043807-00044113 retaining more moisture rather than the sun heating up. QeEjYqMxgSI-00166-00044124-00044511 And we've seen a change in our weather extremes QeEjYqMxgSI-00167-00044521-00044781 with particular temperature extremes QeEjYqMxgSI-00168-00044791-00045235 with more extreme heat and less extreme cold. QeEjYqMxgSI-00169-00045245-00045475 So this is the temperature trend across Australia, QeEjYqMxgSI-00170-00045485-00045772 that's the temperature change from 1910. QeEjYqMxgSI-00171-00045782-00045965 And the bureau was formed in 1908, QeEjYqMxgSI-00172-00045975-00046359 and while we had some good, calibrated instruments QeEjYqMxgSI-00173-00046369-00046613 around this part of the country, it wasn't until 1910 QeEjYqMxgSI-00174-00046623-00046893 that we distributed standardised, calibrated QeEjYqMxgSI-00175-00046903-00047100 equipment across the whole country. QeEjYqMxgSI-00176-00047110-00047317 We have some reconstructions of temperatures QeEjYqMxgSI-00177-00047327-00047680 going back to the mid 1880s through this region, QeEjYqMxgSI-00178-00047690-00047924 but mostly we report from 1910. QeEjYqMxgSI-00179-00047934-00048178 And as you can see, everywhere's warmed, QeEjYqMxgSI-00180-00048188-00048501 slight cooling in summer, here, due to increased rainfall, QeEjYqMxgSI-00181-00048511-00048788 but otherwise, all territories, all states, in all seasons QeEjYqMxgSI-00182-00048798-00049052 have warmed up. QeEjYqMxgSI-00183-00049062-00049349 This is what that looks like as a time series. QeEjYqMxgSI-00184-00049359-00049509 So these are anomalies with respect QeEjYqMxgSI-00185-00049519-00049893 to a climatological reference period from '61 to '90, QeEjYqMxgSI-00186-00049903-00050293 and the rate here is Australian near surface temperature, QeEjYqMxgSI-00187-00050303-00050537 and the green line, there, is sea surface temperature QeEjYqMxgSI-00188-00050547-00050737 in the regions around Australia. QeEjYqMxgSI-00189-00050747-00051091 So when people come and say, instruments over land QeEjYqMxgSI-00190-00051101-00051307 are corrupted, that doesn't explain QeEjYqMxgSI-00191-00051317-00051571 why we've had almost the exact change in temperature QeEjYqMxgSI-00192-00051581-00051764 in the ocean surrounding Australia, QeEjYqMxgSI-00193-00051774-00051951 the hemisphere, and the globe in general. QeEjYqMxgSI-00194-00051961-00052165 So basically the consistency check QeEjYqMxgSI-00195-00052175-00052412 it's not just this, that there's a whole lot of consistency QeEjYqMxgSI-00196-00052422-00052739 checks, but what we're seeing is not a micro change, QeEjYqMxgSI-00197-00052749-00053336 we're seeing a systematic change in the climate system itself. QeEjYqMxgSI-00198-00053346-00053469 And so that's the main warming. QeEjYqMxgSI-00199-00053479-00053663 So what we know, here, is that we've basically QeEjYqMxgSI-00200-00053673-00053947 pushed the climate system by about one degree. QeEjYqMxgSI-00201-00053957-00054110 it doesn't sound like a lot, but when QeEjYqMxgSI-00202-00054120-00054294 you average temperature over a large region, QeEjYqMxgSI-00203-00054304-00054587 it's a little bit like taking your core body temperature. QeEjYqMxgSI-00204-00054597-00054844 A small shift in your core body temperature QeEjYqMxgSI-00205-00054854-00055024 is much more significant than a change QeEjYqMxgSI-00206-00055034-00055241 in the temperature of your earlobe, for example. QeEjYqMxgSI-00207-00055251-00055448 So a change in the Australian average temperature QeEjYqMxgSI-00208-00055458-00055602 or the global average temperature QeEjYqMxgSI-00209-00055612-00055819 is much more significant than a degree change QeEjYqMxgSI-00210-00055829-00056022 in the temperature of Canberra, for example. QeEjYqMxgSI-00211-00056032-00056276 So that's what we're doing when we're collecting these larger QeEjYqMxgSI-00212-00056286-00056409 averages together. QeEjYqMxgSI-00213-00056419-00056646 And that small shift actually pushes the extremes QeEjYqMxgSI-00214-00056656-00056993 quite a distance, and that's what I'll show next. QeEjYqMxgSI-00215-00057003-00057237 So some people call this the hero graph out of the report, QeEjYqMxgSI-00216-00057247-00057437 I'd never heard that term before, but apparently QeEjYqMxgSI-00217-00057447-00057664 this the one that most people latched onto. QeEjYqMxgSI-00218-00057674-00058044 And just to explain what this is we're QeEjYqMxgSI-00219-00058054-00058391 trying to take a measure of the spatial extent of the heat QeEjYqMxgSI-00220-00058401-00058554 and the severity of the heat across QeEjYqMxgSI-00221-00058565-00058711 the Australian continent. QeEjYqMxgSI-00222-00058721-00059115 So we've got good daily data, now, back to 1910, QeEjYqMxgSI-00223-00059125-00059349 and what we do is to create an all-Australian average QeEjYqMxgSI-00224-00059359-00059479 each day. QeEjYqMxgSI-00225-00059489-00059996 And then we select the top 1% of those daily anomalies QeEjYqMxgSI-00226-00060006-00060160 per month, basically. QeEjYqMxgSI-00227-00060170-00060430 So all these bars, here, represented QeEjYqMxgSI-00228-00060440-00060820 a count of the number of times the national daily temperature QeEjYqMxgSI-00229-00060830-00061191 went into the top one percentile of heat instances QeEjYqMxgSI-00230-00061201-00061347 around the country. QeEjYqMxgSI-00231-00061357-00061604 So what this has to collect is heat QeEjYqMxgSI-00232-00061614-00061835 that is widespread across the continent QeEjYqMxgSI-00233-00061845-00062125 and it's quite exceptional, so up to 12 degrees above average QeEjYqMxgSI-00234-00062135-00062265 in some instances. QeEjYqMxgSI-00235-00062275-00062722 And what you can see here is quite clear, from 1910 to 1941, QeEjYqMxgSI-00236-00062732-00062976 we had about 29 days where the national temperature QeEjYqMxgSI-00237-00062986-00063169 hit that top percentile. QeEjYqMxgSI-00238-00063179-00063606 In 2013, we had 28 days that hit that top percentile. QeEjYqMxgSI-00239-00063616-00064134 And you can see 2009, 2005, these were all record years, QeEjYqMxgSI-00240-00064144-00064547 basically, and the incidence of heat, the frequency of heat, QeEjYqMxgSI-00241-00064557-00064737 the spread and the extent of that heat, QeEjYqMxgSI-00242-00064747-00064954 and the intensity of the heat is increasing. QeEjYqMxgSI-00243-00064964-00065191 And we see that in the heat wave statistics as well. QeEjYqMxgSI-00244-00065201-00065398 The heat waves are becoming longer, QeEjYqMxgSI-00245-00065408-00065585 the central intensity of them are higher, QeEjYqMxgSI-00246-00065595-00065779 and their frequency is higher as well. QeEjYqMxgSI-00247-00065789-00065999 So this is kind of collected together in this graphic QeEjYqMxgSI-00248-00066009-00066289 as well. QeEjYqMxgSI-00249-00066299-00066549 Rob Vertessy, our director, showed this graph earlier QeEjYqMxgSI-00250-00066559-00066780 today, I'm just going to show it in the context of what QeEjYqMxgSI-00251-00066790-00066886 we've just shown. QeEjYqMxgSI-00252-00066896-00067113 Why do we get that large shift in extremes? QeEjYqMxgSI-00253-00067123-00067270 So, these are temperature bell curves, QeEjYqMxgSI-00254-00067280-00067754 or normal distributions, from 104 stations QeEjYqMxgSI-00255-00067764-00067901 distributed across Australia where QeEjYqMxgSI-00256-00067911-00068221 we have very good records for. QeEjYqMxgSI-00257-00068231-00068391 And we've binned this into three epochs, QeEjYqMxgSI-00258-00068401-00069008 so we've got 1951 to '80, 19-- I think that's-- '81 to 2010, QeEjYqMxgSI-00259-00069018-00069465 and then a period that's the last 15 years, 1999 to 2003. QeEjYqMxgSI-00260-00069475-00069803 So this drift to the right is a heating up of temperatures, QeEjYqMxgSI-00261-00069813-00070043 and the main shift is actually all this binning here, QeEjYqMxgSI-00262-00070053-00070356 so that's the same old warm weather from the 1950s, QeEjYqMxgSI-00263-00070366-00070590 but just much more often. QeEjYqMxgSI-00264-00070600-00070950 But what we've got here is two standard deviations, QeEjYqMxgSI-00265-00070960-00071171 which is what we're calling extremely warm months. QeEjYqMxgSI-00266-00071181-00071341 And you can see that months that occurred QeEjYqMxgSI-00267-00071351-00071765 around 2% of the time in the 1950s through the mid century, QeEjYqMxgSI-00268-00071775-00071931 are now occurring about 10% of the time. QeEjYqMxgSI-00269-00071941-00072238 So it's a fivefold increase in hot months, QeEjYqMxgSI-00270-00072248-00072415 and we've got about a third decline QeEjYqMxgSI-00271-00072425-00072582 in cold months over that time. QeEjYqMxgSI-00272-00072592-00072769 So that's that nudge to the distribution that QeEjYqMxgSI-00273-00072779-00073006 actually pushes you into extremes. QeEjYqMxgSI-00274-00073016-00073296 This is the proof of climate change. QeEjYqMxgSI-00275-00073306-00073496 Unfortunately, what we feel is whether out here, QeEjYqMxgSI-00276-00073506-00073686 so you'll talk to a lot of people that are expecting QeEjYqMxgSI-00277-00073696-00073847 to see temperatures they've never QeEjYqMxgSI-00278-00073857-00074134 seen before as proof of climate change. QeEjYqMxgSI-00279-00074144-00074364 With a 40% increase in CO2, you're QeEjYqMxgSI-00280-00074374-00074571 more concentrating on this shift in distribution. QeEjYqMxgSI-00281-00074848-00075131 And Rob also showed this plot, and that's 2013, QeEjYqMxgSI-00282-00075141-00075345 it was Australia's warmest year on record. QeEjYqMxgSI-00283-00075355-00075645 What we've plotted, here, is the daily temperature anomaly QeEjYqMxgSI-00284-00075655-00075989 for the month, compared to 1961 to '90. QeEjYqMxgSI-00285-00075999-00076192 And this is actually a really extraordinary plot, QeEjYqMxgSI-00286-00076202-00076382 mostly for most years you'd expect QeEjYqMxgSI-00287-00076392-00076649 to see a mix of cool and warm conditions, QeEjYqMxgSI-00288-00076659-00077103 but what we had in 2013 was a sequence of heat QeEjYqMxgSI-00289-00077113-00077400 waves in summer and what we call mild waves or warm waves QeEjYqMxgSI-00290-00077410-00077514 during winter. QeEjYqMxgSI-00291-00077524-00077690 And these were really quite extensive, you QeEjYqMxgSI-00292-00077700-00078014 can see how much of the continent they affected. QeEjYqMxgSI-00293-00078024-00078231 And really, it's this absence of cold weather QeEjYqMxgSI-00294-00078241-00078458 that's really very remarkable. QeEjYqMxgSI-00295-00078468-00078651 When we talk about that shifting distribution, QeEjYqMxgSI-00296-00078661-00078912 it's not just that hot end, it's this complete absence QeEjYqMxgSI-00297-00078922-00079125 of intervening cold outbreaks, particularly QeEjYqMxgSI-00298-00079135-00079312 over the southern parts of the continent, QeEjYqMxgSI-00299-00079322-00079449 that are really notable. QeEjYqMxgSI-00300-00079459-00079659 And again, harking back to the Peter Hannam's talk QeEjYqMxgSI-00301-00079669-00079883 for those that saw it this morning, QeEjYqMxgSI-00302-00079893-00080106 the absolute impact of this in terms of the duration QeEjYqMxgSI-00303-00080116-00080400 and intensity of heat wave, has large implications QeEjYqMxgSI-00304-00080410-00080640 for human health and infrastructure, QeEjYqMxgSI-00305-00080650-00080827 but it's the timing of these events that QeEjYqMxgSI-00306-00080837-00081020 makes a huge impact on agriculture. QeEjYqMxgSI-00307-00081030-00081544 So a heat wave in spring can knock 10% to 15% off a yield. QeEjYqMxgSI-00308-00081554-00081768 You get it at the wrong time in occurrence with frost, QeEjYqMxgSI-00309-00081778-00082005 and then you have really big issues as well. QeEjYqMxgSI-00310-00082015-00082395 So in terms of phenology and other seasonality issues, QeEjYqMxgSI-00311-00082405-00082799 this year is one that we should just keep in your mind QeEjYqMxgSI-00312-00082809-00083136 as we go through the talk. QeEjYqMxgSI-00313-00083146-00083389 The report also covered rainfall changes. QeEjYqMxgSI-00314-00083399-00083590 Somewhere in the public psyche, rainfall, QeEjYqMxgSI-00315-00083600-00083820 drought got associated with climate change. QeEjYqMxgSI-00316-00083830-00084007 Actually, when you look at the climate models QeEjYqMxgSI-00317-00084017-00084277 around since 1990, a warmer atmosphere QeEjYqMxgSI-00318-00084287-00084597 means more moisture in the atmosphere and more rainfall. QeEjYqMxgSI-00319-00084607-00084778 It also means more evaporation, and that QeEjYqMxgSI-00320-00084788-00085011 translates to wet areas getting wetter, QeEjYqMxgSI-00321-00085021-00085235 and dry areas getting drier, and that's actually QeEjYqMxgSI-00322-00085245-00085468 kind of what we've seen in Australia. QeEjYqMxgSI-00323-00085478-00085682 I've got a question mark, here, for this point, QeEjYqMxgSI-00324-00085692-00085842 that rainfall average across Australia QeEjYqMxgSI-00325-00085852-00086152 has slightly increased since 1900 with the largest QeEjYqMxgSI-00326-00086162-00086439 increase since 1970, and that question mark is just QeEjYqMxgSI-00327-00086449-00086606 due to that large background variability QeEjYqMxgSI-00328-00086616-00086836 in Australian rainfall, makes it hard to discern trends QeEjYqMxgSI-00329-00086846-00086976 over time. QeEjYqMxgSI-00330-00086986-00087123 But we have discerned some changes, QeEjYqMxgSI-00331-00087133-00087353 and that's what we're here to talk about. QeEjYqMxgSI-00332-00087363-00087700 So this is a map of summer temperature deciles, QeEjYqMxgSI-00333-00087710-00088001 so blue, here, is very much above average, QeEjYqMxgSI-00334-00088011-00088291 the highest on record since '95, '96, QeEjYqMxgSI-00335-00088301-00088595 over that summer monsoon period equal to October. QeEjYqMxgSI-00336-00088605-00088831 And it's rainfall through here, during these months, QeEjYqMxgSI-00337-00088842-00089042 that's largely responsible for that increase QeEjYqMxgSI-00338-00089052-00089319 in Australian rainfall. QeEjYqMxgSI-00339-00089329-00089642 And I've put a satellite map here, QeEjYqMxgSI-00340-00089652-00089886 this is actually a satellite picture of an active monsoon, QeEjYqMxgSI-00341-00089896-00090169 so we've got these tropical systems bringing rainfall. QeEjYqMxgSI-00342-00090179-00090517 So typically, all the weather is coming from above that red line QeEjYqMxgSI-00343-00090527-00090657 during this time of the year, it's QeEjYqMxgSI-00344-00090667-00090844 not really originating down south. QeEjYqMxgSI-00345-00090854-00091057 And it's weather from these tropical systems that's QeEjYqMxgSI-00346-00091067-00091321 increased the overall rainfall in Australia. QeEjYqMxgSI-00347-00091331-00091554 But amid that background of variability, QeEjYqMxgSI-00348-00091564-00091808 whether this is a pattern that will continue into the future, QeEjYqMxgSI-00349-00091818-00092225 even the models aren't quite clear on that one. QeEjYqMxgSI-00350-00092235-00092489 What's probably more certain in the data QeEjYqMxgSI-00351-00092499-00092652 is a drying trend across the south. QeEjYqMxgSI-00352-00092662-00092929 So, particularly in the southwest of WA, QeEjYqMxgSI-00353-00092939-00093343 rainfall since 1970 has undergone a step change. QeEjYqMxgSI-00354-00093353-00093500 And it's mostly in winter, that's QeEjYqMxgSI-00355-00093510-00093663 when they get most of their rainfall. QeEjYqMxgSI-00356-00093673-00093967 And it's a step change of about 10% to 20% reduction QeEjYqMxgSI-00357-00093977-00094103 in that rainfall. QeEjYqMxgSI-00358-00094113-00094517 And we've seen that across in the southeast since about 1990, QeEjYqMxgSI-00359-00094527-00094848 we've got late autumn and early winter rainfall, again, QeEjYqMxgSI-00360-00094858-00095198 about a 15% decline at that time of year. QeEjYqMxgSI-00361-00095535-00095738 And this is a picture of that rainfall decline. QeEjYqMxgSI-00362-00095748-00096059 So, again, what I've got, here, is a rainfall decile map. QeEjYqMxgSI-00363-00096069-00096279 Red, on this one, is lowest on record, QeEjYqMxgSI-00364-00096289-00096476 or very much below average in orange, QeEjYqMxgSI-00365-00096486-00096703 and now we're talking about rainfall that's coming from QeEjYqMxgSI-00366-00096713-00096926 these colour flows and cold fronts that sweet across QeEjYqMxgSI-00367-00096936-00097220 the continent during the cooler months of the year. QeEjYqMxgSI-00368-00097230-00097550 And what you can see, here, for the southwest is QeEjYqMxgSI-00369-00097560-00097704 the rainfall here in winter was some QeEjYqMxgSI-00370-00097714-00097924 of the most reliable wintertime rainfall QeEjYqMxgSI-00371-00097934-00098061 in the whole continent. QeEjYqMxgSI-00372-00098071-00098261 And actually, if you go out there and look at the ecology, QeEjYqMxgSI-00373-00098271-00098568 it's very similar to mountain ash, the [inaudible] forests. QeEjYqMxgSI-00374-00098578-00098855 So there was obviously a high rainfall regime QeEjYqMxgSI-00375-00098865-00099165 over this area of the continent for a very, very QeEjYqMxgSI-00376-00099175-00099332 long period of time. QeEjYqMxgSI-00377-00099342-00099572 I've gone down into the limestone casts in this region, QeEjYqMxgSI-00378-00099582-00099793 which are the underground caves, and you can actually QeEjYqMxgSI-00379-00099803-00100079 see the high watermarks somewhere around your head. QeEjYqMxgSI-00380-00100089-00100433 So you can see both a loss of the very wet winters, QeEjYqMxgSI-00381-00100443-00100810 and a reduction in rainfall there. QeEjYqMxgSI-00382-00100820-00100977 And that temperature and rainfall change QeEjYqMxgSI-00383-00100987-00101194 has translated through to more fire weather. QeEjYqMxgSI-00384-00101204-00101521 So I'll quickly touch on this in the time I've got left. QeEjYqMxgSI-00385-00101531-00101728 These big circles, here, are increases QeEjYqMxgSI-00386-00101738-00101945 in both the cumulative fire danger QeEjYqMxgSI-00387-00101955-00102198 index and the extreme fire danger index. QeEjYqMxgSI-00388-00102208-00102478 So it's a forest fire danger index, and what we've seen QeEjYqMxgSI-00389-00102488-00102782 is the top percentiles of that fire weather is becoming more QeEjYqMxgSI-00390-00102792-00103096 extreme, and the fire weather is pushing into autumn and spring, QeEjYqMxgSI-00391-00103106-00103499 so we've go a longer fire season. QeEjYqMxgSI-00392-00103509-00103636 That's Melbourne airport-- so I'm QeEjYqMxgSI-00393-00103646-00103883 going to just take a few more seconds-- Melbourne airport's QeEjYqMxgSI-00394-00103893-00104214 in a great location for fire activity in the southeast. QeEjYqMxgSI-00395-00104224-00104531 And you can see the influence of the millennium drought, there, QeEjYqMxgSI-00396-00104541-00104707 and the two years of rainfall. QeEjYqMxgSI-00397-00104717-00105121 But this signal is independent if that rainfall variability, QeEjYqMxgSI-00398-00105131-00105415 it's driven by the temperature change. QeEjYqMxgSI-00399-00105425-00105735 So, quickly finishing up, these are projections for Australia. QeEjYqMxgSI-00400-00105745-00106079 What we've got here is around the country, QeEjYqMxgSI-00401-00106089-00106252 basically, northern Australian rainfall, QeEjYqMxgSI-00402-00106262-00106442 quite uncertain, but southern Australia, QeEjYqMxgSI-00403-00106452-00106613 our projection is the continued drying. QeEjYqMxgSI-00404-00106623-00106870 In fact, it's a part of the world where the models really, QeEjYqMxgSI-00405-00106880-00107106 closely agree on rainfall declines, QeEjYqMxgSI-00406-00107116-00107410 particularly in the southwest, which means increased frequency QeEjYqMxgSI-00407-00107420-00107664 and severity of drought, more extreme fire QeEjYqMxgSI-00408-00107674-00107921 weather, a prolonged fire season, higher sea QeEjYqMxgSI-00409-00107931-00108248 levels, an ocean acidification. QeEjYqMxgSI-00410-00108258-00108525 So I've got a way I show this to audiences, QeEjYqMxgSI-00411-00108534-00108778 because I think projections don't mean much at all. QeEjYqMxgSI-00412-00108788-00109105 So what I do is I take a thought experiment, which is, QeEjYqMxgSI-00413-00109115-00109482 there's a landscape analogue out there for the climate change QeEjYqMxgSI-00414-00109492-00109656 that your region is going to experience, QeEjYqMxgSI-00415-00109666-00109863 and there's probably someone using that land quite QeEjYqMxgSI-00416-00109873-00110033 productively right now. QeEjYqMxgSI-00417-00110043-00110373 So if I take a location in central Victoria, QeEjYqMxgSI-00418-00110383-00110627 so the Yarra Valley There's the Yarra Valley in drought QeEjYqMxgSI-00419-00110637-00110947 and in good times, and I make it two degrees warmer QeEjYqMxgSI-00420-00110957-00111294 or 20% drier, I shift it somewhere into the [inaudible], QeEjYqMxgSI-00421-00111304-00111588 this is Horsham during drought and good times, QeEjYqMxgSI-00422-00111598-00111851 and you can see it's a very different climatology. QeEjYqMxgSI-00423-00111861-00111995 And this is the way climate change QeEjYqMxgSI-00424-00112005-00112192 would be expected to move across the landscape. QeEjYqMxgSI-00425-00112442-00112782 I can do that again by taking more marginal country, QeEjYqMxgSI-00426-00112792-00113046 so it's starting in Horsham, and then taking QeEjYqMxgSI-00427-00113056-00113359 that 20% dryer and about two degrees warmer, QeEjYqMxgSI-00428-00113369-00113559 and you're now talking about the Central Darwin, QeEjYqMxgSI-00429-00113570-00113903 and that's really quite a different location, again. QeEjYqMxgSI-00430-00113913-00114140 The problem is that this is going to occur simultaneously QeEjYqMxgSI-00431-00114150-00114260 across the whole continent. QeEjYqMxgSI-00432-00114270-00114564 And my last slide is the one that Rob showed, QeEjYqMxgSI-00433-00114574-00114791 and it doesn't show up that well on this, but what I've QeEjYqMxgSI-00434-00114801-00115188 got here, is about 28 different climate models forced QeEjYqMxgSI-00435-00115198-00115598 with greenhouse gases only from around the world QeEjYqMxgSI-00436-00115608-00115772 for Australian annual temperature, QeEjYqMxgSI-00437-00115782-00115929 and that white line you can just see, QeEjYqMxgSI-00438-00115939-00116229 there, is the actual observed temperature. QeEjYqMxgSI-00439-00116239-00116709 What we had in 2013 was the warmest year on record. QeEjYqMxgSI-00440-00116719-00117040 It's continental-wide heat, as discussed earlier. QeEjYqMxgSI-00441-00117050-00117483 So in terms of that implication going forward, by about 2030, QeEjYqMxgSI-00442-00117493-00117757 that record warm year sits in the mid of the distribution, QeEjYqMxgSI-00443-00117767-00117960 so it's about an average year. QeEjYqMxgSI-00444-00117971-00118168 And then sometime by the end of the century, that QeEjYqMxgSI-00445-00118178-00118404 becomes a really unusually cold year. QeEjYqMxgSI-00446-00118414-00118685 So in terms of adaptation, you can probably QeEjYqMxgSI-00447-00118695-00118938 wait a bit to adapt, you've got to see the lay of the land, QeEjYqMxgSI-00448-00118948-00119092 you've got to see what's happening. QeEjYqMxgSI-00449-00119102-00119312 There are adaptation measures, but I QeEjYqMxgSI-00450-00119322-00119616 guess this is the global mitigation problem. QeEjYqMxgSI-00451-00119626-00119813 Can you adapt to what's going to happen QeEjYqMxgSI-00452-00119823-00120033 at this end of the spectrum? QeEjYqMxgSI-00453-00120043-00120216 Thank you. QgqpEBRVXJY-00000-00000150-00000600 Rebirth of the old ways QgqpEBRVXJY-00001-00001834-00002134 I'm Maya and I've been always fascinated about the process of birth. QgqpEBRVXJY-00002-00002184-00002505 Where the children come from and how they are made I've already found out. QgqpEBRVXJY-00003-00002508-00003105 Now I'm more interested how they come and how I would like it to happen to me. QgqpEBRVXJY-00004-00003108-00003505 I met Granny Branka on a gathering near her village Pateec. QgqpEBRVXJY-00005-00003505-00003708 Ancient freshness, force and cheerfulness QgqpEBRVXJY-00006-00003758-00004058 attracted me to exchange some stories with her. QgqpEBRVXJY-00007-00004061-00004511 Once when she told me that she gave birth to eight children all by herself, QgqpEBRVXJY-00008-00004515-00005015 I already knew that I start with answering my question HOW? QgqpEBRVXJY-00009-00005492-00005620 Grandma! QgqpEBRVXJY-00010-00006221-00006520 I came with a friend to see you. - A? QgqpEBRVXJY-00011-00006520-00006812 I came with a friend to see you and to make an interview. QgqpEBRVXJY-00012-00006851-00006973 You are a hero! QgqpEBRVXJY-00013-00007028-00007175 This is my friend Stefania QgqpEBRVXJY-00014-00007353-00007575 You are knitting socks? - Aha! QgqpEBRVXJY-00015-00007638-00007798 Hi! QgqpEBRVXJY-00016-00008283-00008459 So, you gave birth to eighth children by yourself? QgqpEBRVXJY-00017-00008459-00008598 By myself, by myself. QgqpEBRVXJY-00018-00008598-00008861 All of them were born by the bed over there. All by myself. QgqpEBRVXJY-00019-00008861-00008986 Did someone help you? - No! QgqpEBRVXJY-00020-00008986-00009177 Some neighbor? - No, no! QgqpEBRVXJY-00021-00009177-00009588 Just for the first born my sister in law came and was sitting here. QgqpEBRVXJY-00022-00009592-00009787 Well she is dead now. QgqpEBRVXJY-00023-00009787-00010137 She said: I heard child screaming and no trace of you. Where are you? QgqpEBRVXJY-00024-00010137-00010322 I've given birth and fallen unconscious. QgqpEBRVXJY-00025-00010322-00010471 You have fallen unconscious? - Aha. QgqpEBRVXJY-00026-00010471-00010863 She came, poured some water, made me conscious and it was ok. QgqpEBRVXJY-00027-00010863-00011381 She cut the umbilical cord, after I saw how she did it, I was doing it by myself. QgqpEBRVXJY-00028-00011384-00011604 With sickle. - Like that? - Yes with sickle! QgqpEBRVXJY-00029-00011604-00011841 All of your children were born healthy? - All of them. QgqpEBRVXJY-00030-00011891-00011991 Did u have any complications? QgqpEBRVXJY-00031-00011995-00012246 I conceived eight times and I gave birth to eight children. QgqpEBRVXJY-00032-00012246-00012394 Yes? Any abortions? QgqpEBRVXJY-00033-00012394-00012691 Well I think I got pregnant once again QgqpEBRVXJY-00034-00012691-00013095 but coming back from Kichevo market I start bleeding and after I didn't have any. QgqpEBRVXJY-00035-00013095-00013341 Yes? - It was meant to be eight. QgqpEBRVXJY-00036-00013391-00013625 How old were you with the first born? QgqpEBRVXJY-00037-00013629-00013904 Well 25. -Yes 25? QgqpEBRVXJY-00038-00013904-00014211 And with your last one? - I got married when I was 20. QgqpEBRVXJY-00039-00014211-00014430 With the last one I was 40 years old. QgqpEBRVXJY-00040-00014430-00014822 So in 15 years you had 8 children, one every second year? QgqpEBRVXJY-00041-00014825-00014972 Yes, every second year one. QgqpEBRVXJY-00042-00014972-00015556 You can't live with drunk, but what to do. You can't defend from a drunk. QgqpEBRVXJY-00043-00015556-00015831 He didn't help you much? - No! QgqpEBRVXJY-00044-00015831-00016038 Not even a little bit? - No nothing! QgqpEBRVXJY-00045-00016038-00016431 He din't care for the children or other things. All by myself. QgqpEBRVXJY-00046-00016431-00016959 I could, my hands and feet were moving fast. Now I'm old, I cant move so much. QgqpEBRVXJY-00047-00016959-00017575 He was coming here after work in the woods, we would sit together. QgqpEBRVXJY-00048-00017576-00017934 Yes? Since you were children? - Yes! QgqpEBRVXJY-00049-00017934-00018188 And after you got married? - It was a nice time back then. QgqpEBRVXJY-00050-00018188-00019004 After I don't know what they did. They put things in his coffee and made us fight. QgqpEBRVXJY-00051-00019004-00019562 Who made you fight? - But now those are suffering in bed. QgqpEBRVXJY-00052-00019563-00019774 Yes? - Yes, God is paying back. QgqpEBRVXJY-00053-00019774-00019995 They were making magic spells? - Yes! QgqpEBRVXJY-00054-00019995-00020683 Why like that, jealousy? - They wanted me for their sons. QgqpEBRVXJY-00055-00020683-00021370 I didn't want. The father in law was tricky he made out with his daughters in law. QgqpEBRVXJY-00056-00021370-00021757 I didn't want. I said I want one husband, not five of them. QgqpEBRVXJY-00057-00021757-00022266 Take the baby out, cut it's cord, spill cold water over it and put it in cloth. QgqpEBRVXJY-00058-00022266-00022487 Cold water? - Yes, so it wont be cold in winter. QgqpEBRVXJY-00059-00022487-00022911 It doesn't cry? - It will scream once and that's it. QgqpEBRVXJY-00060-00022911-00023261 Then you feed it.. - Aa! It will scream and that's it. QgqpEBRVXJY-00061-00023261-00023477 That's it! QgqpEBRVXJY-00062-00023477-00023775 When I felt new life inside, I stop with breastfeeding. QgqpEBRVXJY-00063-00023775-00024201 It's not good for the baby anymore, the milk is spoiled. QgqpEBRVXJY-00064-00024201-00024548 Same like the animals, the cows. QgqpEBRVXJY-00065-00024549-00024997 It was better then, it's true we worked hard but it was better. QgqpEBRVXJY-00066-00024997-00025702 Folks... The whole mountain was trembling from flutes, songs, dances... QgqpEBRVXJY-00067-00025702-00026213 On the rock we're singing to the people in the next village and they call us back. QgqpEBRVXJY-00068-00026213-00026591 You could here them from there? - Yes and they could hear us. QgqpEBRVXJY-00069-00026591-00026909 From the rock there we call it Windy it's a big stone. QgqpEBRVXJY-00070-00026909-00027252 We were standing on the rock all the young girls and singing: QgqpEBRVXJY-00071-00027252-00028052 Crazy young men where have you been all day? With eye to wink, with hand to wave! - We sang. QgqpEBRVXJY-00072-00028156-00028628 Tell us which was easiest childbirth? - All were the same. QgqpEBRVXJY-00073-00028628-00029276 You know if for the first delivery blood start dripping we call it dry swathe. QgqpEBRVXJY-00074-00029276-00029534 What does it mean? - Then the delivery is difficult. QgqpEBRVXJY-00075-00029535-00029951 But my womb is wide so I could easy deliver. QgqpEBRVXJY-00076-00029951-00030436 Once I start delivering in the garden and I finished at home. QgqpEBRVXJY-00077-00030436-00030922 There my water broke and I start running home, once entering the house it went out. QgqpEBRVXJY-00078-00030922-00031154 Vukica, she is now in Switzerland. QgqpEBRVXJY-00079-00031154-00031575 Pepper, I was planting pepper! - It wasn't difficult for you? QgqpEBRVXJY-00080-00031575-00031932 - No! It's a habit, once you get used to. QgqpEBRVXJY-00081-00031932-00032222 And after the delivery you go back to work? - Yes. QgqpEBRVXJY-00082-00032222-00032920 So there was no rest? - I gave birth to Mile in the night 3 a.m. QgqpEBRVXJY-00083-00032920-00033523 And after I went down to the village where the sheep are, to milk the sheep. QgqpEBRVXJY-00084-00033523-00033810 He was little just born recently. QgqpEBRVXJY-00085-00033810-00034288 They ask: Women where is your belly? I said the belly is gone, it's in the bed! QgqpEBRVXJY-00086-00034288-00034587 Sleeping! - The belly is in the bed! QgqpEBRVXJY-00087-00034587-00035089 And did they help you? - There was no one to help me then. QgqpEBRVXJY-00088-00035089-00035581 Everyone was doing his own work, who to help. - The children when they grew up? QgqpEBRVXJY-00089-00035581-00036147 When they grew up they were looking after each other, hang out and work together. QgqpEBRVXJY-00090-00036147-00036840 One was with the sheep, other with the cows... We had lots of animals then, not like now. QgqpEBRVXJY-00091-00036840-00037319 Yes. And did they go to school? - They went to Kozichino at school. QgqpEBRVXJY-00092-00037319-00037913 All of them? - Yes, down there where the road splits. QgqpEBRVXJY-00093-00037913-00038394 One hour here and there, every day? - Yes, before the church is the school. QgqpEBRVXJY-00094-00038394-00039299 I also went there, but only one year. My mother passed away and I didn't go to school again. QgqpEBRVXJY-00095-00039299-00039726 How old were you then? - I start making bread, cooking.. QgqpEBRVXJY-00096-00039726-00040467 My mother was dead, my father was working with the cattle. I was working, cooking... QgqpEBRVXJY-00097-00040569-00040925 You were giving birth here Grandma? QgqpEBRVXJY-00098-00041824-00042136 The first one I deliver there behind the door. - Behind the door? QgqpEBRVXJY-00099-00042136-00042671 Yes, behind the door. The rest here, grasp on the bed here and push, push. QgqpEBRVXJY-00100-00042746-00043009 Let me see! Like this? - Yes and push! QgqpEBRVXJY-00101-00043009-00043415 Oh, lele! Ah Grandma! QgqpEBRVXJY-00102-00043415-00044052 How would this be? Eight children, one by one! And here you put some kind of tub? QgqpEBRVXJY-00103-00044052-00044318 No, on the ground! - On the ground? QgqpEBRVXJY-00104-00044318-00044668 Yes I swear, you can put some cloth or cloth bag. QgqpEBRVXJY-00105-00044718-00045318 I would cut the cord and tied it like this. - You tied the cord? QgqpEBRVXJY-00106-00045318-00045751 Like this I tied it and its done! - It will fall off by itself? QgqpEBRVXJY-00107-00045751-00046248 After six weeks the umbilical cord will fall off. QgqpEBRVXJY-00108-00046293-00046574 Placenta falls after. - It falls by itself? - Yes by itself. QgqpEBRVXJY-00109-00046575-00046781 And you never had any problem? - No! QgqpEBRVXJY-00110-00046781-00047211 All the time was easygoing? - No problem. - Bravo Granny, bravo! QgqpEBRVXJY-00111-00047211-00047685 God made it like that, it is given from God. I'm a righteous human. QgqpEBRVXJY-00112-00047685-00048552 A woman had a dream recently and it said: There is no one in your village as righteous as Branka! QgqpEBRVXJY-00113-00048552-00049311 What did you wrap your baby in? - Clothes that I don't need. There were no diapers then. QgqpEBRVXJY-00114-00049311-00049992 You were washing the clothes every day? - You must wash everyday, there was no other way. QgqpEBRVXJY-00115-00050116-00050466 Whatever I was eating I was giving them and they would eat. QgqpEBRVXJY-00116-00050466-00051279 With that food I grew them up, I didn't have much else. We had milk I was giving them milk. QgqpEBRVXJY-00117-00051279-00051607 What about when they were ill? - They were not ill. QgqpEBRVXJY-00118-00051607-00051727 Never? - No. QgqpEBRVXJY-00119-00051727-00052309 I put all the vaccines regularly down in Chelopeci. - Since the first one? QgqpEBRVXJY-00120-00052309-00052857 But in hospital I never took my children, never, you understand: never! QgqpEBRVXJY-00121-00052857-00053401 They never got high temperature? - We put vinegar! QgqpEBRVXJY-00122-00053401-00053968 What kind of vinegar? - Vinegar like vinegar, from wine. QgqpEBRVXJY-00123-00053968-00054220 On their forehead?! - Yes on the head! You put and he will be fine. QgqpEBRVXJY-00124-00054220-00054540 Not like now. Now they immediatelly take them in the hospital to destroy it with injection. QgqpEBRVXJY-00125-00054540-00054710 You can't prove anything to the young. QgqpEBRVXJY-00126-00054711-00054993 "You don't know anything!" We know, you are the ones that don't know. QgqpEBRVXJY-00127-00054993-00055194 What we know - the doctor doesn't know! QgqpEBRVXJY-00128-00063146-00063425 From the stem, or from the top? - Down here. QgqpEBRVXJY-00129-00063425-00064053 Like this, just to take it? - Brake it! - Woow it's nice! QgqpEBRVXJY-00130-00064206-00064471 We can sing on it! QgqpEBRVXJY-00131-00065019-00065974 Look at it? Ukmarec (the kind) - Little Ukmarec same as me! QgqpEBRVXJY-00132-00066958-00067469 You want me to prepare it? - To eat it now, ok! - Lets make it! QgqpEBRVXJY-00133-00072004-00072204 Here you are! QgqpEBRVXJY-00134-00072204-00072562 This is the oldest house in the village. While Turkish empire all were burned except this one. QgqpEBRVXJY-00135-00072563-00073367 Its heavy, the pillars are 40cm in diameter, double than these and 12 or 13 meters long. QgqpEBRVXJY-00136-00073367-00074059 They are holding! - Yes? And the wood doesn't rot for 300 years? QgqpEBRVXJY-00137-00074059-00074699 It can't rot, they're cut on a full moon. When the moon is full the worms don't attack it. QgqpEBRVXJY-00138-00074699-00075315 So it can stay for years. If you cut it now, when the moon is not full, it will be eaten by worms. QgqpEBRVXJY-00139-00075316-00075735 What the moon has to do with it? - There is some connection. QgqpEBRVXJY-00140-00075775-00076529 So how many grandchildren you have in all? - 13, 12 are grandchildren and one gran gran child. QgqpEBRVXJY-00141-00076529-00077154 Now we are waiting for one more, so 14! - Bravo, may they all be healthy! QgqpEBRVXJY-00142-00077154-00077478 All of them, may God give you all! - Thank you Grandma! QgqpEBRVXJY-00143-00077478-00077898 It's really beautiful! The children are the treasure, nothing else remains on this world. QgqpEBRVXJY-00144-00078396-00078575 Thank you a lot! QgqpEBRVXJY-00145-00080706-00081356 It's really beautiful! The children are the treasure, nothing else remains on this world. QgqpEBRVXJY-00146-00083192-00083542 Film by: Maja Trajkovska QgqpEBRVXJY-00147-00083542-00083842 Camera: Stefania Mizara QgqpEBRVXJY-00148-00083842-00084192 Editing: Maja Trajkovska Filip Paunovski QgqpEBRVXJY-00149-00084192-00084492 Music: Dragan Dautovski Kvartet QgqpEBRVXJY-00150-00084492-00084892 Thanks to: Viktor Gjorgonoski, Kiril Trajkovski, Grandma Branka and the village Pateec QgqpEBRVXJY-00151-00084902-00085032 2013 Qh5_JcekERc-00000-00000143-00000500 I'm going to show you how to connect Zen payroll to a wage base or when I Qh5_JcekERc-00001-00000500-00000572 work account. Qh5_JcekERc-00002-00000572-00001051 In this demo I'll be connecting Zen payroll to a when I work account. But the Qh5_JcekERc-00003-00001051-00001313 process is exactly the same for wage base. Qh5_JcekERc-00004-00001313-00001627 First log in to wage base or when I work Qh5_JcekERc-00005-00001627-00002076 and go to your app settings. From the integrations pane select Connect. Qh5_JcekERc-00006-00002076-00002409 This will take you to the Zen payroll page Qh5_JcekERc-00007-00002409-00002825 where it will ask you to log in. Once you're logged in, you can click Qh5_JcekERc-00008-00002825-00003378 authorize to allow when I work or wage base access to your Zen Payroll account. Qh5_JcekERc-00009-00003378-00003764 Once authorized you will be taken back to your when I work or wage base account Qh5_JcekERc-00010-00003764-00004012 where you can configure your users. Qh5_JcekERc-00011-00004012-00004403 If you have a user's name that does not match automatically Qh5_JcekERc-00012-00004403-00004740 you can select them from the list to merge the employee. Qh5_JcekERc-00013-00004740-00005196 Once all of your users are matched you will then be able to sync your users Qh5_JcekERc-00014-00005196-00005390 from Zen payroll into your account. Qh5_JcekERc-00015-00005390-00005854 Once that is done, Zen payroll is now connected to your when I work or wage base Qh5_JcekERc-00016-00005854-00006007 account. Qh5_JcekERc-00017-00006007-00006464 In order to send your payroll to Zen payroll, select the payroll tab and go to Qh5_JcekERc-00018-00006464-00006905 completed pay period. You will want to close out your employee timesheets Qh5_JcekERc-00019-00006905-00007269 which will close a payroll and convert the information to a total Qh5_JcekERc-00020-00007269-00007436 hour spreadsheet. Qh5_JcekERc-00021-00007436-00007913 Once you've made any changes that you need to make your employees total hours Qh5_JcekERc-00022-00007913-00008282 you can finalize a payroll. Once you finalize Qh5_JcekERc-00023-00008282-00008732 you can select export. This will give you the option to send your information to Qh5_JcekERc-00024-00008732-00008813 Zen payroll. Qh5_JcekERc-00025-00008813-00009118 Before it's sent, it will ask you to confirm Qh5_JcekERc-00026-00009118-00009595 that you want all those hors sent to Zen payroll. And that is how you connect and Qh5_JcekERc-00027-00009595-00009813 send all of your employee's hours to Zen payroll. QlKly6fuQQY-00000-00000012-00000112 00:00:00:01 - 00:00:18:37 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00001-00000112-00000212 What's up to all my doom lovers out there? QlKly6fuQQY-00002-00000212-00000724 My name is Ian, and today we are going to be tracking the influences of Dune back thousands QlKly6fuQQY-00003-00000724-00001275 of years and go on a journey through everything the work that impacted Frank Herbert's writing QlKly6fuQQY-00004-00001275-00001595 of one of the greatest science fiction series of all time. QlKly6fuQQY-00005-00001595-00001871 So let us awaken the sleeper within. QlKly6fuQQY-00006-00001871-00002022 00:00:18:43 - 00:00:52:12 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00007-00002022-00002444 The Sleeper has awakened and start to understand Dune at a deeper level. QlKly6fuQQY-00008-00002444-00002605 Here's an ugly truth. QlKly6fuQQY-00009-00002605-00003142 I see writers steal all of the time. QlKly6fuQQY-00010-00003142-00003486 And once you accept that, you realize writing is a skill. QlKly6fuQQY-00011-00003486-00003586 It's something to be built. QlKly6fuQQY-00012-00003586-00003942 It isn't this magical thing that a couple of talented people get to do. QlKly6fuQQY-00013-00003942-00004369 And that's why a lot of people don't accept that or don't actually still like an artist QlKly6fuQQY-00014-00004369-00004742 because they don't want to recognize that they don't have all the answers, or to admit QlKly6fuQQY-00015-00004742-00005158 that their favorite author, like Frank Herbert, has been stealing ideas left and right like QlKly6fuQQY-00016-00005158-00005258 a thief. QlKly6fuQQY-00017-00005258-00005358 00:00:52:19 - 00:01:21:14 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00018-00005358-00005880 Also, Frank Herbert is a prime example of why reading widely and deeply is so important QlKly6fuQQY-00019-00005880-00006273 to become a better writer and to produce legendary works. QlKly6fuQQY-00020-00006273-00006869 Name an author in the last 100 years that has not read deeply and created masterpieces. QlKly6fuQQY-00021-00006869-00006989 They all did. QlKly6fuQQY-00022-00006989-00007089 Why is that? QlKly6fuQQY-00023-00007089-00007468 The I know so many young writers and writers of all types that don't read deeply and are QlKly6fuQQY-00024-00007468-00007928 filling in, saturating the market with a bunch of crap because they have a huge ego problem QlKly6fuQQY-00025-00007928-00008088 So let's hop into the presentation. QlKly6fuQQY-00026-00008088-00008188 00:01:21:14 - 00:01:40:55 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00027-00008188-00008586 And the first person we're going to be talking about today is Carl Jung. QlKly6fuQQY-00028-00008586-00008861 And Carl Jung is a German psychoanalytical thinker. QlKly6fuQQY-00029-00008861-00009307 He studied under Freud, but then branched off into his own more esoteric work. QlKly6fuQQY-00030-00009307-00009809 He is most known for the collective unconscious and archetypes, which we are going to be talking QlKly6fuQQY-00031-00009809-00009909 about today. QlKly6fuQQY-00032-00009909-00010098 Which most impact Frank's Frank Herbert. QlKly6fuQQY-00033-00010098-00010198 00:01:41:11 - 00:02:02:33 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00034-00010198-00010582 So first of all, Frank Herbert was friends with or was mentored under some unions, some QlKly6fuQQY-00035-00010582-00011184 union analysts while he was in San Francisco That had a big impact on him, supposedly. QlKly6fuQQY-00036-00011184-00011469 So let's hear a quote from Frank Herbert on this. QlKly6fuQQY-00037-00011469-00011985 I often use a union mandala in squaring off characters of yarn of a yarn against each QlKly6fuQQY-00038-00011985-00012241 other, signing a dominant psychological role to eat. QlKly6fuQQY-00039-00012241-00012341 00:02:02:34 - 00:02:34:06 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00040-00012341-00012454 So quick overview of the art types. QlKly6fuQQY-00041-00012454-00012905 Jung said that they were axiomatic forces that live within all of us, that guide us. QlKly6fuQQY-00042-00012905-00013429 For instance, the trickster, the trickster, the hero, the villain, the king, the magician. QlKly6fuQQY-00043-00013429-00014019 He usually has 12, but they can be expanded to an infinite degree. QlKly6fuQQY-00044-00014019-00014332 Things like astrology and tarot play upon the archetypes. QlKly6fuQQY-00045-00014332-00014854 And what Herbert means by a union mandala is that Carl Jung is also into mandalas and QlKly6fuQQY-00046-00014854-00015266 another work, another person that does this actually at an insane level because he's insane QlKly6fuQQY-00047-00015266-00015409 is the author David Foster Wallace. QlKly6fuQQY-00048-00015409-00015509 00:02:34:21 - 00:02:52:06 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00049-00015509-00015993 Another person who steals really well and is a prolific author in his own right. QlKly6fuQQY-00050-00015993-00016094 And they. QlKly6fuQQY-00051-00016094-00016392 So what he means is that a union mandala looks a certain way. QlKly6fuQQY-00052-00016392-00016850 And what he would do is that according to the art types, Frank Herbert would put a character QlKly6fuQQY-00053-00016850-00017212 like Paul on one side and then on the other side have someone else. QlKly6fuQQY-00054-00017212-00017312 00:02:52:06 - 00:03:12:57 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00055-00017312-00017612 And they would both have having a dominant psychological role. QlKly6fuQQY-00056-00017612-00018102 But in opposition and I've been trying to figure this out for a while now, for a couple QlKly6fuQQY-00057-00018102-00018357 of months, I've been trying to figure out with some of the main characters how this QlKly6fuQQY-00058-00018357-00018829 is all working in assigning some of the dominant cycle, what's the dominant psychological roles, QlKly6fuQQY-00059-00018829-00019270 staying within Carl Jung's idea of the art types, which Frank Herbert supposedly is using. QlKly6fuQQY-00060-00019270-00019370 00:03:12:57 - 00:03:28:35 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00061-00019370-00019840 And I ran into a problem, and this is really crazy that Paul is not the hero. QlKly6fuQQY-00062-00019840-00020006 And that sounds crazy, right, Paul? QlKly6fuQQY-00063-00020006-00020398 And I guess I should say this now spoiler we are going to be talking about today all QlKly6fuQQY-00064-00020398-00020798 six books that do, and if you haven't read them yet, stop being lazy and go read them. QlKly6fuQQY-00065-00020798-00020898 What are you still doing? QlKly6fuQQY-00066-00020898-00020998 00:03:28:35 - 00:03:49:24 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00067-00020998-00021098 It's 2022. QlKly6fuQQY-00068-00021098-00021198 Time to get going. QlKly6fuQQY-00069-00021198-00021334 But Paul is not the hero. QlKly6fuQQY-00070-00021334-00021969 And that seems like the whole narrative of Dune is kind of an anti messianic message, QlKly6fuQQY-00071-00021969-00022131 but Paul seems like the hero. QlKly6fuQQY-00072-00022131-00022535 But when I put him into the mandala, right when I put Paul into the mandala, he doesn't QlKly6fuQQY-00073-00022535-00022945 fit as a hero because the oppositions don't make sense where he does fit. QlKly6fuQQY-00074-00022945-00023045 00:03:49:39 - 00:04:09:19 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00075-00023045-00023145 And it sort of makes sense to me. QlKly6fuQQY-00076-00023145-00023524 I'm going to make a whole video on this is that Paul is actually the trickster. QlKly6fuQQY-00077-00023524-00023954 If you look at Paul and his character and who he is, he actually has a lot more trickster QlKly6fuQQY-00078-00023954-00024290 qualities than he does hero qualities. QlKly6fuQQY-00079-00024290-00024770 And it fits a lot better into this idea of the mandala that I am creating that Frank QlKly6fuQQY-00080-00024770-00024933 Herbert once again supposedly used. QlKly6fuQQY-00081-00024933-00025033 00:04:09:34 - 00:04:36:08 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00082-00025033-00025495 And if you look at a lot of the different characters, they usually have these dominant, QlKly6fuQQY-00083-00025495-00025947 archetypal roles, and I'll be making another video on this soon, so guys want to see that QlKly6fuQQY-00084-00025947-00026048 subscribe to the channel. QlKly6fuQQY-00085-00026048-00026681 So now we have the man himself, William Shakespeare and William Shakespeare, is very influential QlKly6fuQQY-00086-00026681-00026943 on almost everyone, of course, in Western literature. QlKly6fuQQY-00087-00026943-00027470 But as we're as we are about to see in Justin Shaw's article on some of Dunes inspiration, QlKly6fuQQY-00088-00027470-00027618 it's on Moon Gadget dot com. QlKly6fuQQY-00089-00027618-00027718 00:04:36:08 - 00:05:08:22 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00090-00027718-00027818 Go check that out. QlKly6fuQQY-00091-00027818-00028058 She gets, you know, a lot of a lot of the connections, but not all. QlKly6fuQQY-00092-00028058-00028200 She doesn't talk about Carl Jung, for instance. QlKly6fuQQY-00093-00028200-00028631 And we're going to read from that right now, quote, particularly Hamlet Macbeth, King Lear, QlKly6fuQQY-00094-00028631-00028742 The Tempest and others. QlKly6fuQQY-00095-00028742-00029052 Paul carries his father's signet ring, as did Hamlet. QlKly6fuQQY-00096-00029052-00029364 Paul Laurence, the true mood of his people by walking among them in the skies like Henry QlKly6fuQQY-00097-00029364-00029856 the Fifth, Herbert Smooth Herbert's most obvious borrowing is probably the climax of Hamlet, QlKly6fuQQY-00098-00029856-00030272 which the hero publicly duels with his minor adversary who carries a poison blade, which QlKly6fuQQY-00099-00030272-00030699 is major, major, major adversary, looks on Hamlet's conversation with the ghost of his QlKly6fuQQY-00100-00030699-00030839 dead father's is echoed in QlKly6fuQQY-00101-00030839-00030939 00:05:08:22 - 00:05:36:07 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00102-00030939-00031225 the conversation between Keynes and the ghost of his dead father. QlKly6fuQQY-00103-00031225-00031325 Paul's home. QlKly6fuQQY-00104-00031325-00031652 Cowden echoes Shakespeare's character, Caliban, Shakespeare and Salt. QlKly6fuQQY-00105-00031652-00032122 Scholars have noted that Caliban is probably stinky, rich spelling of cannibal. QlKly6fuQQY-00106-00032122-00032628 The skeleton is based on Caliban theories, reinforced by Herbert's invention of the Caliban QlKly6fuQQY-00107-00032628-00032728 Aliens. QlKly6fuQQY-00108-00032728-00033138 In his subsequent novel Whipping Stars, Shakespeare conveyed his character starts by having them QlKly6fuQQY-00109-00033138-00033586 make aside moments where they spoke directly to the audience, openly revealing their innermost QlKly6fuQQY-00110-00033586-00033686 thoughts. QlKly6fuQQY-00111-00033686-00033786 00:05:36:21 - 00:06:00:03 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00112-00033786-00034207 For instance, we looked at a quote Here's one that I like to use The truth could be QlKly6fuQQY-00113-00034207-00034580 worse than he imagines, but even dangerous facts are valuable if you've been trained QlKly6fuQQY-00114-00034580-00034694 to deal with them. QlKly6fuQQY-00115-00034694-00035194 This must be leavened, though he is young, and of course, this is one of the major things QlKly6fuQQY-00116-00035194-00035402 themes excuse me. QlKly6fuQQY-00117-00035402-00036013 Themes in Dune that Vancouver helps us get into the mind of the characters even more. QlKly6fuQQY-00118-00036013-00036113 00:06:00:03 - 00:06:31:10 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00119-00036113-00036430 And that's why books are infinitely better than movies, because they instantly help us QlKly6fuQQY-00120-00036430-00036837 get into the mind of characters of what's going on. QlKly6fuQQY-00121-00036837-00037397 And Herbert takes that to the nth degree because he does it in the middle of a chapter with QlKly6fuQQY-00122-00037397-00037897 italics sometimes changing between multiple characters, even though that's kind of wonky, QlKly6fuQQY-00123-00037897-00037997 crazy. QlKly6fuQQY-00124-00037997-00038425 He gets away with it because he is a good writer and he gets this supposedly from Shakespeare, QlKly6fuQQY-00125-00038425-00038869 and I would agree with that, but he's taking it to the next level to the sixties, LSD, QlKly6fuQQY-00126-00038869-00039106 science fiction level, and he does it really well. QlKly6fuQQY-00127-00039106-00039206 00:06:31:10 - 00:06:54:05 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00128-00039206-00039373 And once again, this is such an important part of the book. QlKly6fuQQY-00129-00039373-00039759 And another big thing that Shakespeare takes from people like Shakespeare and others who QlKly6fuQQY-00130-00039759-00040396 wrote in the Amick pentameter and poetry in that era is that a lot of a lot of his work, QlKly6fuQQY-00131-00040396-00040909 according to him, quote, much of the prose in June started out as haiku, and then it QlKly6fuQQY-00132-00040909-00041359 was given minimal additional word padding to make it conform to the English the English QlKly6fuQQY-00133-00041359-00041459 sentence. QlKly6fuQQY-00134-00041459-00041559 00:06:54:05 - 00:07:16:01 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00135-00041559-00041659 Structure. QlKly6fuQQY-00136-00041659-00042028 And this is so important because Frank Herbert started this off was basically haikus with QlKly6fuQQY-00137-00042028-00042588 a rhythmic metered metered verse and that's why some of this works still. QlKly6fuQQY-00138-00042588-00042994 If you want to layer a book and make it really good, what do you do? QlKly6fuQQY-00139-00042994-00043525 You bring in art types, you bring in sound and verse and meter. QlKly6fuQQY-00140-00043525-00043625 These are all things. QlKly6fuQQY-00141-00043625-00043725 00:07:16:01 - 00:07:34:44 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00142-00043725-00044046 And then if you disguise it within the text and don't let people see it, it subliminally QlKly6fuQQY-00143-00044046-00044146 makes it good. QlKly6fuQQY-00144-00044146-00044371 Why is this book still so popular? QlKly6fuQQY-00145-00044371-00044752 60 years later because of these things. QlKly6fuQQY-00146-00044752-00044996 This is what artists and writers don't understand. QlKly6fuQQY-00147-00044996-00045310 And how do you learn a Do you know how to write in iambic pentameter? QlKly6fuQQY-00148-00045310-00045450 Do you know how to write met metered verse? QlKly6fuQQY-00149-00045450-00045550 00:07:34:44 - 00:07:56:53 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00150-00045550-00045899 Or maybe have you read the book The Seventh Mystery of the Seven Vowels and understand QlKly6fuQQY-00151-00045899-00046081 how to use vowels in language? QlKly6fuQQY-00152-00046081-00046284 I'm still a beginner in all this stuff. QlKly6fuQQY-00153-00046284-00046453 It requires a high level of skill. QlKly6fuQQY-00154-00046453-00046771 And that's why, once again, success leaves clues. QlKly6fuQQY-00155-00046771-00046925 Praise Herbert Frank Herbert. QlKly6fuQQY-00156-00046925-00047134 Success is obvious. QlKly6fuQQY-00157-00047134-00047668 The books are all very good and yeah, this is just something I find really interesting. QlKly6fuQQY-00158-00047668-00047768 00:07:56:53 - 00:08:13:17 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00159-00047768-00048024 He's getting this from the East and that's something that we will be talking about maybe QlKly6fuQQY-00160-00048024-00048246 in a bit, but let's just get to it now. QlKly6fuQQY-00161-00048246-00048525 The influence of the East on Frank Herbert. QlKly6fuQQY-00162-00048525-00048874 And of course, if we look a lot of the things that people are doing, like the Ben Jesuits, QlKly6fuQQY-00163-00048874-00049316 they achieved that Zen like focus that people in the West obviously never really achieved. QlKly6fuQQY-00164-00049316-00049421 00:08:14:02 - 00:08:36:03 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00165-00049421-00050011 The East, especially yogis, has the highest rate of enlightenment, at least in the elites QlKly6fuQQY-00166-00050011-00050178 and at least in history. QlKly6fuQQY-00167-00050178-00050321 And why do they do that? QlKly6fuQQY-00168-00050321-00050421 How did they get there? QlKly6fuQQY-00169-00050421-00050963 Because they focus on the control of the body, mind and spirit at very high levels. QlKly6fuQQY-00170-00050963-00051063 That's all they would do. QlKly6fuQQY-00171-00051063-00051439 There was no pageantry or no knights errant. QlKly6fuQQY-00172-00051439-00051579 They would focus on these things. QlKly6fuQQY-00173-00051579-00051679 00:08:36:03 - 00:08:56:09 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00174-00051679-00051852 And that's at some level what the best Jesuit are doing. QlKly6fuQQY-00175-00051852-00052120 And a lot of the inspiration for them comes from that. QlKly6fuQQY-00176-00052120-00052632 And a lot of the certain things that they say to each other, a lot of the a lot of the QlKly6fuQQY-00177-00052632-00053125 characters that sometimes speaking koans or and there's riddles and rhymes all throughout QlKly6fuQQY-00178-00053125-00053591 this text and that really is as present in Western society as it is in Eastern society. QlKly6fuQQY-00179-00053591-00053691 00:08:56:09 - 00:09:30:54 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00180-00053691-00053920 Frank Herbert liked Buddhism, he studied Buddhism. QlKly6fuQQY-00181-00053920-00054413 And all throughout the text you kind of see that philosophical, natural underpinning connection QlKly6fuQQY-00182-00054413-00054799 to nature that art pinnacles and Eastern thought. QlKly6fuQQY-00183-00054799-00055337 So another perspective I've not heard anyone talk about is Dunes connection to the Iliad. QlKly6fuQQY-00184-00055337-00055555 I've seen some people talk about the connection to Achilles. QlKly6fuQQY-00185-00055555-00055933 I don't feel like that's very strong, but there is a connection to the breakdown of QlKly6fuQQY-00186-00055933-00056495 customs in Dune and in the Iliad, because if we look at the Iliad, when the strongest QlKly6fuQQY-00187-00056495-00056830 points of view to look at it through is the breakdown of customs and the honor culture, QlKly6fuQQY-00188-00056830-00057083 for instance, the breakdown of the institution of marriage. QlKly6fuQQY-00189-00057083-00057183 00:09:30:54 - 00:09:47:33 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00190-00057183-00057779 Let's start then as we get there, there with the with the fight between Paris and one of QlKly6fuQQY-00191-00057779-00058071 the Kings, it's not like a lot of people have never even read The Iliad. QlKly6fuQQY-00192-00058071-00058429 They just saw the movie with Brad Pitt and they're like or Troy or whatever, and they're QlKly6fuQQY-00193-00058429-00058552 like, Oh my God. QlKly6fuQQY-00194-00058552-00058757 But in the book there's actually a stray arrow. QlKly6fuQQY-00195-00058757-00058857 00:09:47:33 - 00:10:10:06 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00196-00058857-00059053 Someone shoots an arrow, supposedly, and maybe a God made it happen. QlKly6fuQQY-00197-00059053-00059457 And it hits the king and Paris gets lifted off the battlefield. QlKly6fuQQY-00198-00059457-00059938 So then the on the the the custom of truces is now gone. QlKly6fuQQY-00199-00059938-00060516 I commend man takes one of Achilles concubines away, and that takes away that that breaks QlKly6fuQQY-00200-00060516-00060992 down the custom that the king gives out his gives out spoils of war and is fair about QlKly6fuQQY-00201-00060992-00061092 it. QlKly6fuQQY-00202-00061092-00061192 00:10:11:07 - 00:10:44:52 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00203-00061192-00061512 Then, you know, eventually at the end, the Greeks are doing human sacrifices and it all QlKly6fuQQY-00204-00061512-00061908 gets restored when King can't remember the king's name. QlKly6fuQQY-00205-00061908-00062491 Right now, Prim comes and meets with Achilles and asks for Hector's body back. QlKly6fuQQY-00206-00062491-00063027 And if a lot of people don't know this, the Iliad doesn't end with the Trojan horse scene. QlKly6fuQQY-00207-00063027-00063476 It ends right there, which kind of gives you a clue about what is the climax and ending QlKly6fuQQY-00208-00063476-00064000 of the book is the restoration of Justice and Order in the Kingdom or at least of the QlKly6fuQQY-00209-00064000-00064461 custom of some of the customs, because they have 12 days of, you know, 12 days of funeral QlKly6fuQQY-00210-00064461-00064561 rites. QlKly6fuQQY-00211-00064561-00064661 00:10:45:14 - 00:11:12:16 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00212-00064661-00064761 So that's just a really interesting connection. QlKly6fuQQY-00213-00064761-00065169 I've never heard anyone talk about because in Dune, what do we start to see? QlKly6fuQQY-00214-00065169-00065649 We start to see the use of explosives and trickery by the emperor against the Euphrates. QlKly6fuQQY-00215-00065649-00065885 And then we see the same thing starting to happen. QlKly6fuQQY-00216-00065885-00066389 With the atrocities against the Haqqanis and then against the Spacing Guild and against QlKly6fuQQY-00217-00066389-00066823 the Ben Jasira, all these orders and all these customs and eventually all customs and all QlKly6fuQQY-00218-00066823-00067202 everything is totally destroyed by lead of the second all forms of power. QlKly6fuQQY-00219-00067202-00067302 00:11:12:16 - 00:11:39:12 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00220-00067302-00067436 And they're all destroyed. QlKly6fuQQY-00221-00067436-00067702 And you could add a new order is established. QlKly6fuQQY-00222-00067702-00067873 It is the order of Lido. QlKly6fuQQY-00223-00067873-00068376 And at some level you could view with that breakdown as similar to what happened, because QlKly6fuQQY-00224-00068376-00068690 that's the first story in history that's interesting. QlKly6fuQQY-00225-00068690-00069063 That has that that's such a big theme because that happens all of the time. QlKly6fuQQY-00226-00069063-00069426 That's what, for instance, when we go into Afghanistan, for instance, and we obviously QlKly6fuQQY-00227-00069426-00069847 we failed in an unjustified war to begin with because we couldn't replace the honor culture QlKly6fuQQY-00228-00069847-00069947 with our own system. QlKly6fuQQY-00229-00069947-00070047 00:11:39:12 - 00:12:06:18 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00230-00070047-00070147 We didn't have the time. QlKly6fuQQY-00231-00070147-00070247 And that's, for instance, what the Taliban do. QlKly6fuQQY-00232-00070247-00070347 They are the intermediaries. QlKly6fuQQY-00233-00070347-00071001 But now let's hop over to Sophocles or to Sophocles play Oedipus Rex. QlKly6fuQQY-00234-00071001-00071120 So of course, Oedipus Rex. QlKly6fuQQY-00235-00071120-00071557 And as we see right here, this is one of the connections to Dune, the blind prophet, the QlKly6fuQQY-00236-00071557-00071774 blind king, the blunt the blind king. QlKly6fuQQY-00237-00071774-00072469 Paul, at the end of book number two or three, can't remember tripping out right now becomes QlKly6fuQQY-00238-00072469-00072634 blind, I think two and then gets sent out. QlKly6fuQQY-00239-00072634-00072734 00:12:06:18 - 00:12:25:48 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00240-00072734-00072834 Yeah, number two. QlKly6fuQQY-00241-00072834-00072934 I'm sorry. QlKly6fuQQY-00242-00072934-00073034 Of course, he comes back as the preacher. QlKly6fuQQY-00243-00073034-00073457 Number three gets exiled out into the desert as the blind prophet, as this blind person. QlKly6fuQQY-00244-00073457-00073941 And the other big connection that we see of course, is the introduction of prescient. QlKly6fuQQY-00245-00073941-00074577 Prescient is such a big dune, a big deal in Dune because the wizard exact had a wreck. QlKly6fuQQY-00246-00074577-00074677 00:12:25:48 - 00:12:54:01 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00247-00074677-00074882 If I'm saying that correctly, literally means jump the path. QlKly6fuQQY-00248-00074882-00075004 And that's what prescient does. QlKly6fuQQY-00249-00075004-00075557 It helps you jump the path and see into the future or see certain outcomes of events and QlKly6fuQQY-00250-00075557-00075945 of course, that gets totally crazy and muddled, especially in four or five and six. QlKly6fuQQY-00251-00075945-00076297 It goes absolutely crazy with the ideas of prescient. QlKly6fuQQY-00252-00076297-00077038 But that's also if we look at Oedipus Oedipus Rex or yeah, that of course, there's that QlKly6fuQQY-00253-00077038-00077406 idea of the Oracle giving these ideas out. QlKly6fuQQY-00254-00077406-00077506 00:12:54:16 - 00:13:11:00 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00255-00077506-00077606 And this plays once again. QlKly6fuQQY-00256-00077606-00077706 Where does this idea come from? QlKly6fuQQY-00257-00077706-00077841 Where are the axiomatic origins? QlKly6fuQQY-00258-00077841-00078252 And we have to track those if we are going to understand some of Frank Herbert's influences QlKly6fuQQY-00259-00078252-00078782 and why would he include the Brian Blind Prophet you may say, Oh, the people being able to QlKly6fuQQY-00260-00078782-00078927 tell the future, that's like a big deal. QlKly6fuQQY-00261-00078927-00079080 Why is there this connection to that? QlKly6fuQQY-00262-00079080-00079180 00:13:11:16 - 00:13:38:40 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00263-00079180-00079509 And at some level, incest is another big deal in the series. QlKly6fuQQY-00264-00079509-00079889 So in books number two and three, we started to see the idea of incest happening. QlKly6fuQQY-00265-00079889-00080345 Ilia is naked for Paul and at some level is trying to seduce him because she has gone QlKly6fuQQY-00266-00080345-00080468 to the evil has. QlKly6fuQQY-00267-00080468-00080657 She's starting to move toward evil. QlKly6fuQQY-00268-00080657-00081089 Lito, the second is in love at some level with his sister, but chooses the path of light QlKly6fuQQY-00269-00081089-00081498 in book number four, we we realize that the treaties have been known to meet together QlKly6fuQQY-00270-00081498-00081859 throughout history because there aren't that many people around for them. QlKly6fuQQY-00271-00081859-00081959 00:13:38:52 - 00:14:00:54 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00272-00081959-00082059 And it's kind of a wonky thing. QlKly6fuQQY-00273-00082059-00082336 We see the same thing in Oedipus Rex. QlKly6fuQQY-00274-00082336-00082589 I don't, you know, I'm not going to surmise that to this much. QlKly6fuQQY-00275-00082589-00083070 This it doesn't go to the HBO Game of Thrones level, but still really good. QlKly6fuQQY-00276-00083070-00083398 So next we have The Brothers Karamazov. QlKly6fuQQY-00277-00083398-00083680 By Theodore, those fierce dose of whiskey. QlKly6fuQQY-00278-00083680-00084060 And of course, I say that wrong almost every single week on the channel, but who cares? QlKly6fuQQY-00279-00084060-00084160 00:14:01:01 - 00:14:17:27 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00280-00084160-00084431 So this has been talked about on the forums. QlKly6fuQQY-00281-00084431-00084677 I've seen people always mentioning the connection to the Dune series. QlKly6fuQQY-00282-00084677-00084947 If you know more than what I'm about to say, let me know. QlKly6fuQQY-00283-00084947-00085470 The only really thing that I see a connection to is of course, some of the big moral questions QlKly6fuQQY-00284-00085470-00085732 and ultimately the religion that you are helping build. QlKly6fuQQY-00285-00085732-00085832 00:14:17:27 - 00:14:39:00 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00286-00085832-00086174 Kill you as Paul is killed or the preacher is killed by one of his own priests. QlKly6fuQQY-00287-00086174-00086666 I don't really see that connection, but apparently Frank Dune was influenced by this book. QlKly6fuQQY-00288-00086666-00086983 And of course, really everybody's influenced by this book, including me. QlKly6fuQQY-00289-00086983-00087311 When I'm writing on one of the novels I'm working on right now. QlKly6fuQQY-00290-00087311-00087669 There is a slight influence of this book in there, and no one would ever really know unless QlKly6fuQQY-00291-00087669-00087910 you really were reaching or really trying to analyze it. QlKly6fuQQY-00292-00087910-00088010 00:14:39:14 - 00:15:03:16 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00293-00088010-00088501 But a lot of these ideas, all of these great stories continue on even when we don't realize QlKly6fuQQY-00294-00088501-00088601 it. QlKly6fuQQY-00295-00088601-00089326 So we have Alfred Corbett, Corbett C and his book Science Insanity An Introduction to Non QlKly6fuQQY-00296-00089326-00089516 Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics. QlKly6fuQQY-00297-00089516-00090067 And this I'll show you guys this book really fast before we get into a quote from this QlKly6fuQQY-00298-00090067-00090167 book. QlKly6fuQQY-00299-00090167-00090273 This book is kind of wild. QlKly6fuQQY-00300-00090273-00090382 00:15:03:28 - 00:15:36:05 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00301-00090382-00090835 And I remember reading this book after I read, I think Cosmic Trigger or Wild Cosmic Trigger, QlKly6fuQQY-00302-00090835-00091214 Quantum Psychology, Prometheus Rising, one of those by Robin Anton Wilson. QlKly6fuQQY-00303-00091214-00091688 And a lot of people, of course, in our society today are stuck into logical Aristotelian QlKly6fuQQY-00304-00091688-00092136 systems because to function in an objective reality, those are what you need most but QlKly6fuQQY-00305-00092136-00092537 once you started maybe experimenting with psychedelic drugs, meditation, spending a QlKly6fuQQY-00306-00092537-00093017 lot of time out in nature, not caring about what the world thinks or about money, you QlKly6fuQQY-00307-00093017-00093591 start to realize there are cracks in the simulation that maybe life doesn't maybe works in nonlinear QlKly6fuQQY-00308-00093591-00093691 ways. QlKly6fuQQY-00309-00093691-00093791 00:15:36:05 - 00:15:56:58 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00310-00093791-00094160 Sometimes Chaos Theory and often Cormac C is really the father of this. QlKly6fuQQY-00311-00094160-00094610 And when I read this book when I was 19, it blew my mind and it actually sent me down QlKly6fuQQY-00312-00094610-00095219 the path of being a little bit too theological, a little bit too right brained but Frank Herbert QlKly6fuQQY-00313-00095219-00095694 throughout the series is playing with language in the idea of language and how language controls QlKly6fuQQY-00314-00095694-00095794 us. QlKly6fuQQY-00315-00095794-00095894 00:15:56:58 - 00:16:14:51 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00316-00095894-00096062 And apparently he took some seminars on this text and was really into it. QlKly6fuQQY-00317-00096062-00096656 And let's read a quote from one of the Dune books, quote, In all major socialized socializing QlKly6fuQQY-00318-00096656-00097039 forces, you will find an underlying movement to gain and maintain power through the use QlKly6fuQQY-00319-00097039-00097474 of words from the witch, from witch doctor to priest to bureaucrat is all the same. QlKly6fuQQY-00320-00097474-00097574 00:16:15:07 - 00:16:42:43 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00321-00097574-00097885 The governed populace must be conditioned to accept power words as actual things to QlKly6fuQQY-00322-00097885-00098370 confuse the civilized system with the tangible universe and the maintenance of such a power QlKly6fuQQY-00323-00098370-00098470 structure. QlKly6fuQQY-00324-00098470-00098812 Certain symbols are kept out of the reach of common understanding symbols such as those QlKly6fuQQY-00325-00098812-00099279 dealing with economic manipulation, or those with which define the local interpretation QlKly6fuQQY-00326-00099279-00099394 of sanity. QlKly6fuQQY-00327-00099394-00099937 Symbol secrecy of this form leads to the development of fragmented sub languages each each being QlKly6fuQQY-00328-00099937-00100250 a signal that is that its users are accumulating some form of power. QlKly6fuQQY-00329-00100250-00100350 00:16:42:57 - 00:17:02:56 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00330-00100350-00100760 With this insight into a power process, our imperial imperial security force must be ever QlKly6fuQQY-00331-00100760-00101010 alert to the formation of sub languages. QlKly6fuQQY-00332-00101010-00101497 And of course this is so important and we see the Santa's local interpretation of sanity QlKly6fuQQY-00333-00101497-00101597 boom. QlKly6fuQQY-00334-00101597-00101697 It's right there. QlKly6fuQQY-00335-00101697-00102111 And this is such a big deal when you are looking at the Ben Joseph and what they're trying QlKly6fuQQY-00336-00102111-00102261 to do, they are controlling with language impulses. QlKly6fuQQY-00337-00102261-00102361 00:17:02:56 - 00:17:21:27 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00338-00102361-00102806 Good to do, and they're always seeding this, seeing this, sowing the seeds of the of the QlKly6fuQQY-00339-00102806-00103039 Messiah of the mighty coming. QlKly6fuQQY-00340-00103039-00103250 And this is what happens in our society all the time. QlKly6fuQQY-00341-00103250-00103517 People don't realize how much words affect us. QlKly6fuQQY-00342-00103517-00103911 And my favorite thing to say on this channel is the greatest conspiracy of all. QlKly6fuQQY-00343-00103911-00104123 Is it the conspiracy that everyone loves to talks about? QlKly6fuQQY-00344-00104123-00104223 00:17:21:27 - 00:17:34:28 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00345-00104223-00104323 And maybe some of them are true. QlKly6fuQQY-00346-00104323-00104423 Some of them are. QlKly6fuQQY-00347-00104423-00104756 It's a conspiracy that every single time when I leave my house, I drove across Las Vegas QlKly6fuQQY-00348-00104756-00104856 today. QlKly6fuQQY-00349-00104856-00104956 I was all around Las Vegas today. QlKly6fuQQY-00350-00104956-00105144 Not one time did I see one positive message. QlKly6fuQQY-00351-00105144-00105301 All I saw was lack lac. QlKly6fuQQY-00352-00105301-00105401 You need this. QlKly6fuQQY-00353-00105401-00105501 You need that. QlKly6fuQQY-00354-00105501-00105601 You don't have that. QlKly6fuQQY-00355-00105601-00105701 00:17:34:28 - 00:17:52:40 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00356-00105701-00105801 You don't have the Tesla advertisements. QlKly6fuQQY-00357-00105801-00105901 Tell me what I need to do. QlKly6fuQQY-00358-00105901-00106001 People zooming by me trying to get somewhere fast. QlKly6fuQQY-00359-00106001-00106446 I never saw a positive message saying, Hey, this is an abundant world and you were loved QlKly6fuQQY-00360-00106446-00106583 and you should trust it and blah blah blah. QlKly6fuQQY-00361-00106583-00106732 Why don't we have that everywhere? QlKly6fuQQY-00362-00106732-00107258 I would really think that because we know how subliminal words in linguistics influence QlKly6fuQQY-00363-00107258-00107358 people. QlKly6fuQQY-00364-00107358-00107458 00:17:53:31 - 00:18:13:55 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00365-00107458-00107676 The greatest conspiracy, I think, and the greatest proof that we're not really in a QlKly6fuQQY-00366-00107676-00108085 very loving or very supportive society is that there are not affirmations all around QlKly6fuQQY-00367-00108085-00108303 us telling us that we can do good. QlKly6fuQQY-00368-00108303-00108707 I don't know what that would do, but I think that would do a lot. QlKly6fuQQY-00369-00108707-00109088 Maybe not, though, because we live in such a braindead world that they might people that QlKly6fuQQY-00370-00109088-00109316 I even I don't even understand, but they do anyway. QlKly6fuQQY-00371-00109316-00109428 00:18:14:04 - 00:18:34:04 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00372-00109428-00109661 So this is a very, very influential book. QlKly6fuQQY-00373-00109661-00110183 And this kind of gets into Sarsour and Derrida and the the jump over to the transcendental, QlKly6fuQQY-00374-00110183-00110588 the abyss of the transcendental, signifying and understanding all this is a very big rabbit QlKly6fuQQY-00375-00110588-00110688 hole. QlKly6fuQQY-00376-00110688-00111028 And I would recommend everyone start to explore Alfred's work. QlKly6fuQQY-00377-00111028-00111384 And if you there are some good summaries online, I'm going to be doing a book review or book QlKly6fuQQY-00378-00111384-00111484 breakdown. QlKly6fuQQY-00379-00111484-00111584 00:18:34:04 - 00:18:48:54 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00380-00111584-00111684 And by the time you see this, it will already be out. QlKly6fuQQY-00381-00111684-00111792 So this is a hard book to read. QlKly6fuQQY-00382-00111792-00112164 I'm not going to tell you that it isn't, but it's it's one of the most valuable books on QlKly6fuQQY-00383-00112164-00112378 this list to read and to understand. QlKly6fuQQY-00384-00112378-00112546 So another influences Isaac amp. QlKly6fuQQY-00385-00112546-00112676 I am yours. QlKly6fuQQY-00386-00112676-00112776 I'm sorry. QlKly6fuQQY-00387-00112776-00112915 I'm butchering his name right now. QlKly6fuQQY-00388-00112915-00113015 00:18:49:15 - 00:19:21:30 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00389-00113015-00113115 He's Asimov. QlKly6fuQQY-00390-00113115-00113440 Excuse me, Asimov's Foundation series. QlKly6fuQQY-00391-00113440-00113800 And what this the influence on doing with this series is that the epigrams at the start QlKly6fuQQY-00392-00113800-00114077 of each chapter, where did you get where did Frank Herbert get that idea? QlKly6fuQQY-00393-00114077-00114506 Where did these ideas come from for each chapter and some some chapters and do not only three QlKly6fuQQY-00394-00114506-00114899 or four pages and there's always one and it kind of gives you a looming foreshadowing QlKly6fuQQY-00395-00114899-00115306 of what's going to happen, if not the whole plot, if not just spoiling everything and QlKly6fuQQY-00396-00115306-00115799 those epigrams that comes from Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, which I thought was a really QlKly6fuQQY-00397-00115799-00116131 cool connection because I've read that, but I didn't know that that's where this really QlKly6fuQQY-00398-00116131-00116231 started, at QlKly6fuQQY-00399-00116231-00116331 00:19:21:30 - 00:19:40:21 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00400-00116331-00116431 least in the sci fi world. QlKly6fuQQY-00401-00116431-00117014 So another interesting connection is to Lawrence Lawrence of Arabia and T.E. Lawrence and Lawrence QlKly6fuQQY-00402-00117014-00117114 of Arabia. QlKly6fuQQY-00403-00117114-00117526 And we're just going to read this whole passage from Moon Gadget dot com, this article by QlKly6fuQQY-00404-00117526-00117909 Justin Schor, because I think it's I'm just going to let her speak for this. QlKly6fuQQY-00405-00117909-00118014 It's kind of a sensitive, weird topic. QlKly6fuQQY-00406-00118014-00118114 00:19:40:21 - 00:20:03:28 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00407-00118114-00118441 So let's, let's, let's hop into it during World War One, Thomas Lawrence got himself QlKly6fuQQY-00408-00118441-00119085 assigned to a kind of liaison by liaison between Arabian Boudin and the British Army. QlKly6fuQQY-00409-00119085-00119501 He saw prize the burdens and his superiors by becoming a military leader, organized a QlKly6fuQQY-00410-00119501-00119867 string of spectacular victories against the German backed, well armed Turks. QlKly6fuQQY-00411-00119867-00120302 He became a dark messiah to the Blue Danes and mixed blessing and a mixed blessing to QlKly6fuQQY-00412-00120302-00120402 the British. QlKly6fuQQY-00413-00120402-00120502 00:20:03:41 - 00:20:24:41 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00414-00120502-00120906 In 1926, Lawrence recorded his adventures in the autobiographical novel The Seven Pillars QlKly6fuQQY-00415-00120906-00121327 of Wisdom, which was immediately lauded as the greatest adventure story of all ever told QlKly6fuQQY-00416-00121327-00121532 and all the elements of swashbuckling yarn. QlKly6fuQQY-00417-00121532-00121670 And it was all true. QlKly6fuQQY-00418-00121670-00121853 1962, Lawrence the story was retold. QlKly6fuQQY-00419-00121853-00122451 OK, Paul is the messianic man of two tribes leading the jihad of boudin are the freshmen. QlKly6fuQQY-00420-00122451-00122551 00:20:24:54 - 00:20:57:18 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00421-00122551-00122980 The Hakkens are the Turks, the Sadr Corps are the German troops and the Persia Emperor QlKly6fuQQY-00422-00122980-00123227 Saddam, the fifth or whatever that is. QlKly6fuQQY-00423-00123227-00123575 Force represents both the German government and the British crown. QlKly6fuQQY-00424-00123575-00124104 In his autobiography, Lawrence explains how his homosexuality contributed to his military QlKly6fuQQY-00425-00124104-00124204 career. QlKly6fuQQY-00426-00124204-00124479 He says that he was initially attracted to soldiering because of the all male environment, QlKly6fuQQY-00427-00124479-00124938 and his desire to impress other men sexually is what ultimately motivated him to become QlKly6fuQQY-00428-00124938-00125467 a hero rather than writing a gay male hero, Herbert transformed Lawrence's homosexuality QlKly6fuQQY-00429-00125467-00125661 to Dune the Dunes villain, the Baron Hakkinen. QlKly6fuQQY-00430-00125661-00125796 00:20:57:34 - 00:21:19:24 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00431-00125796-00126358 According to Herbert's biography, he considered male homosexuality immoral and died without QlKly6fuQQY-00432-00126358-00126632 ever expressing love or approval for his gay son, Bruce. QlKly6fuQQY-00433-00126632-00127063 In a world where gay teens are four times more likely to commit suicide, it's a shame QlKly6fuQQY-00434-00127063-00127539 that the stories of real life gay heroes are more often retold so dishonestly, as Herbert QlKly6fuQQY-00435-00127539-00127929 knew better than anyone portrays, was largely based on a real human being. QlKly6fuQQY-00436-00127929-00128029 00:21:19:39 - 00:21:44:31 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00437-00128029-00128446 His great love wasn't a woman named Tony, but a man named to whom Paul may have been QlKly6fuQQY-00438-00128446-00128860 also molded partially on Alexander the Great, who may many historians call the greatest QlKly6fuQQY-00439-00128860-00129065 military genius of all time. QlKly6fuQQY-00440-00129065-00129609 Alexander was also gay, and his boy friend was a strikingly handsome soldier named Jefferson. QlKly6fuQQY-00441-00129609-00130403 Have 16, and that's kind of a dark history that Frank Herbert ostracized and kicked out QlKly6fuQQY-00442-00130403-00130503 of his life. QlKly6fuQQY-00443-00130503-00130603 00:21:44:31 - 00:22:11:43 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00444-00130603-00130827 His own son forget estranged his own son for being gay, for being a homosexual. QlKly6fuQQY-00445-00130827-00131075 And that obviously that's not good. QlKly6fuQQY-00446-00131075-00131220 Obviously, that's absolutely terrible. QlKly6fuQQY-00447-00131220-00131675 And we're going to be going to Frank Herbert's personal life in just a hot second. QlKly6fuQQY-00448-00131675-00132060 But this whole Lawrence of Arabia idea and reversing a lot of these things in books, QlKly6fuQQY-00449-00132060-00132508 one of the best ways to steal like an artist is not to steal completely, but is to actually QlKly6fuQQY-00450-00132508-00133026 just make the reverse, to see a character and just reverse it, to see the how someone QlKly6fuQQY-00451-00133026-00133171 acted, just reverse their behavior. QlKly6fuQQY-00452-00133171-00133271 00:22:11:43 - 00:22:27:19 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00453-00133271-00133608 Maybe in your life, maybe in a text that you could take all that same power, the whole QlKly6fuQQY-00454-00133608-00133804 character, and just turn them into the opposite. QlKly6fuQQY-00455-00133804-00134247 It's like an archetypal shadow figure or a shadow figure turning into a figure of light. QlKly6fuQQY-00456-00134247-00134732 It's a really dynamic technique that Herbert uses in multiple figures throughout the text. QlKly6fuQQY-00457-00134732-00134944 00:22:30:00 - 00:22:46:46 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00458-00134944-00135050 All right. QlKly6fuQQY-00459-00135050-00135354 So to conclude, we're going to talk about Herbert's personal life, and he does not have QlKly6fuQQY-00460-00135354-00135458 a great personal history. QlKly6fuQQY-00461-00135458-00135874 You know, I hope, you know, I really try to keep it together everybody, if you're that QlKly6fuQQY-00462-00135874-00136335 author trying to make it, please don't be violent, don't be controlling, don't be manipulative. QlKly6fuQQY-00463-00136335-00136669 Obviously, don't sexually assault people like please, can we get it together? QlKly6fuQQY-00464-00136669-00136769 00:22:46:46 - 00:23:01:01 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00465-00136769-00136869 Everybody like oh, my God. QlKly6fuQQY-00466-00136869-00137126 Like, it just never ends these stories of these terrible people. QlKly6fuQQY-00467-00137126-00137226 And maybe that's what it takes. QlKly6fuQQY-00468-00137226-00137365 That's why I've always heard that. QlKly6fuQQY-00469-00137365-00137501 That's what it takes to become a great author. QlKly6fuQQY-00470-00137501-00137867 I think that's just lies that you have to be so narcissist and self-centered and try QlKly6fuQQY-00471-00137867-00138083 so hard that this is what it takes. QlKly6fuQQY-00472-00138083-00138183 00:23:01:15 - 00:23:21:48 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00473-00138183-00138385 So and it's such a cutthroat industry. QlKly6fuQQY-00474-00138385-00138645 So let's go over some of the this is from the website. QlKly6fuQQY-00475-00138645-00139021 Once again, Moonshot Moon, Magical I'm Paul's mother, and most of the women in the story QlKly6fuQQY-00476-00139021-00139121 have been Jesuit. QlKly6fuQQY-00477-00139121-00139533 Herbert's father and ten aunts were Jesuit freshmen despite religious as they OK, that QlKly6fuQQY-00478-00139533-00139649 one's not very good. QlKly6fuQQY-00479-00139649-00140034 Paul would catch a ride from a giant sandwich as they passed by Herbert would catch a ride QlKly6fuQQY-00480-00140034-00140182 from tugboats pulling large barges. QlKly6fuQQY-00481-00140182-00140282 00:23:21:48 - 00:23:45:39 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00482-00140282-00140404 OK bent hats are human computers. QlKly6fuQQY-00483-00140404-00140715 Herbert's grandmother, although she lacked formal education, has an uncanny knack with QlKly6fuQQY-00484-00140715-00140942 numbers I'm just reading the best ones, everybody. QlKly6fuQQY-00485-00140942-00141355 Paul, as parents were concerned with the safety almost to the point of distraction from their QlKly6fuQQY-00486-00141355-00141607 super heroically important jobs. QlKly6fuQQY-00487-00141607-00141965 Herbert's parents were depressive alcoholics, who barely registered his existence. QlKly6fuQQY-00488-00141965-00142065 Reversal. QlKly6fuQQY-00489-00142065-00142520 Paul's receives the best education imaginable akin to Alexander Herbert was unable to attend QlKly6fuQQY-00490-00142520-00142620 university. QlKly6fuQQY-00491-00142620-00142720 00:23:46:21 - 00:24:09:59 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00492-00142720-00143132 Another reversal Penn Jesuits are true sayers possessing the magic ability to tell if people QlKly6fuQQY-00493-00143132-00143232 are lying or not. QlKly6fuQQY-00494-00143232-00143737 They use the pain box to torture Paul for what they believe are ultimately altruistic QlKly6fuQQY-00495-00143737-00143837 reasons. QlKly6fuQQY-00496-00143837-00143939 Herbert, Highway Patrolman. QlKly6fuQQY-00497-00143939-00144383 Father often turned to to subject young Frank to a lie detector. QlKly6fuQQY-00498-00144383-00144719 As an adult, Frank made good on his father's threat, actually purchasing a lie detector QlKly6fuQQY-00499-00144719-00144979 and often forcing his sons, Brian and Bruce, to submit to it. QlKly6fuQQY-00500-00144979-00145079 00:24:10:12 - 00:24:36:52 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00501-00145079-00145380 Brian compares the lie detector to the pain box from his father's book, An Instrument QlKly6fuQQY-00502-00145380-00145524 of Control to Torture. QlKly6fuQQY-00503-00145524-00146001 He later learned that his father had rigged the box to give him whatever answer he wanted. QlKly6fuQQY-00504-00146001-00146545 And obviously that is not good, and that's very manipulative. QlKly6fuQQY-00505-00146545-00146985 But it takes a person like Frank Herbert, who is manipulative and crazy to have that QlKly6fuQQY-00506-00146985-00147527 range in view of emotions and ideas and awareness to write such a complex and wide ranging book QlKly6fuQQY-00507-00147527-00147675 as Dune as the Dune Series. QlKly6fuQQY-00508-00147675-00147775 00:24:37:08 - 00:24:50:47 Speaker 1 QlKly6fuQQY-00509-00147775-00147886 So what did I miss? QlKly6fuQQY-00510-00147886-00148336 Everybody subscribe to the channel and make sure to tune in to more videos on Dune, which QlKly6fuQQY-00511-00148336-00148522 are going to be displayed right here. QlKly6fuQQY-00512-00148522-00148957 Right here right here when they come out soon. QlKly6fuQQY-00513-00148957-00149054 Peace, everybody. RoH_iEV1kMY-00000-00000004-00000103 Wondering what's new. RoH_iEV1kMY-00001-00000185-00000818 CC and BCC fields are now available when emailing counter go quotes and orders. RoH_iEV1kMY-00002-00000881-00001156 Both fields can be added to email templates. RoH_iEV1kMY-00003-00001276-00001570 At multiple addresses by separating them with a comma. RoH_iEV1kMY-00004-00001667-00002087 If you have questions, email support@moraware.com. R3Z8XVzNqSu-00000-00000000-00000250 here comes the hedgehog R3Z8XVzNqSu-00002-00000978-00001220 it sure is sniffing R3Z8XVzNqSu-00004-00001310-00001550 the hedgehog is sniffing the hut. R3Z8XVzNqSu-00006-00001850-00002000 Good bye hedgehog R5dCqW7VYy8-00000-00000587-00001119 사진제공=MBC에브리원 R5dCqW7VYy8-00001-00001136-00001898 액션 마스터 정두홍이 국내 최고 액션 배우 톱7을 꼽았다. R5dCqW7VYy8-00002-00001916-00002679 2일 방송되는 MBC에브리원 '비디오스타' '신상 꿀이득! R5dCqW7VYy8-00003-00002697-00003504 2018 대박 안내서' 편에서는 새해를 맞이하여 무술감독 정두홍, R5dCqW7VYy8-00004-00003521-00004328 공부의 신 강성태, 변호사 장천, 역술가 박성준, 부동산 컨설턴트 R5dCqW7VYy8-00005-00004346-00005010 박종복 등이 출연해 '꿀정보'를 전달한다. R5dCqW7VYy8-00006-00005027-00005790 특히 무술감독 정두홍은 국내 최고의 액션 배우 TOP 7을 R5dCqW7VYy8-00007-00005808-00006417 꼽아 그들과의 에피소드를 털어놨다. R5dCqW7VYy8-00008-00006434-00007241 정두홍은 그중 배우 설경구에 대해 '카메라 밖에서는 최고 몸치지만 R5dCqW7VYy8-00009-00007259-00008033 카메라 앞에선 어느 누구도 따라갈 수 없다'며 칭찬을 아끼지 R5dCqW7VYy8-00010-00008050-00008571 않는 모습을 보였다. R5dCqW7VYy8-00011-00008589-00009385 또 영화 '무사' 촬영 당시 중국에서 가장 창을 잘 쓰는 사람을 R5dCqW7VYy8-00012-00009402-00010165 정우성 대역으로 불렀지만 정우성이 액션을 더 잘해 도망 간 R5dCqW7VYy8-00013-00010183-00010715 일화도 깜짝 공개했다. R5dCqW7VYy8-00014-00010732-00011495 게다가 정우성의 인성이 훌륭해 나이가 어려지만 평소 형이라 R5dCqW7VYy8-00015-00011513-00012188 부른다고 털어놔 모두를 놀라게 했다는 후문. R5dCqW7VYy8-00016-00012205-00013001 정두홍은 '무술감독이 된 것을 하루도 후회 안 한 적이 없다'고 R5dCqW7VYy8-00017-00013019-00013606 말해 놀라움을 자아내기도 했다. R5dCqW7VYy8-00018-00013622-00014441 그는 촬영을 갈 때마다 어머니께서 ''맞고 오지 말라'고 걱정하지만 R5dCqW7VYy8-00019-00014459-00015233 '2~3층에서 아무 것도 없는 상태에서 뛰어 내려야 한다'며 R5dCqW7VYy8-00020-00015250-00015760 어려움을 토로했다. R5dCqW7VYy8-00021-00015778-00016563 또 어느 순간부터 감독으로서 책임자가 된 후로 동료들이 세상을 R5dCqW7VYy8-00022-00016580-00017387 떠나기도 해 여전히 후회하고 있음을 솔직하게 털어놨다는 후문이다. R73NgVgD9EU-00000-00000010-00000063 FOR THE GRAND FORKS POSITION R73NgVgD9EU-00001-00000063-00000070 FOR THE GRAND FORKS POSITION R73NgVgD9EU-00002-00000070-00000233 FOR THE GRAND FORKS POSITION ON FEBRUARY 13TH. R73NgVgD9EU-00003-00000233-00000240 FOR THE GRAND FORKS POSITION ON FEBRUARY 13TH. R73NgVgD9EU-00004-00000240-00000383 FOR THE GRAND FORKS POSITION ON FEBRUARY 13TH. >>> WITH AROUND 1500 EMPLOYEES R73NgVgD9EU-00005-00000383-00000390 ON FEBRUARY 13TH. >>> WITH AROUND 1500 EMPLOYEES R73NgVgD9EU-00006-00000390-00000600 ON FEBRUARY 13TH. >>> WITH AROUND 1500 EMPLOYEES ESSENTIA HEALTH IS THE R73NgVgD9EU-00007-00000600-00000607 >>> WITH AROUND 1500 EMPLOYEES ESSENTIA HEALTH IS THE R73NgVgD9EU-00008-00000607-00000670 >>> WITH AROUND 1500 EMPLOYEES ESSENTIA HEALTH IS THE LARGEST EMPLOYER IN CROW WING R73NgVgD9EU-00009-00000670-00000677 ESSENTIA HEALTH IS THE LARGEST EMPLOYER IN CROW WING R73NgVgD9EU-00010-00000677-00000814 ESSENTIA HEALTH IS THE LARGEST EMPLOYER IN CROW WING COUNTY. R73NgVgD9EU-00011-00000814-00000820 LARGEST EMPLOYER IN CROW WING COUNTY. R73NgVgD9EU-00012-00000820-00000937 LARGEST EMPLOYER IN CROW WING COUNTY. TODAY LEADERS FROM THAT R73NgVgD9EU-00013-00000937-00000944 COUNTY. TODAY LEADERS FROM THAT R73NgVgD9EU-00014-00000944-00001094 COUNTY. TODAY LEADERS FROM THAT ORGANIZATION HELD A COMMUNITY R73NgVgD9EU-00015-00001094-00001101 TODAY LEADERS FROM THAT ORGANIZATION HELD A COMMUNITY R73NgVgD9EU-00016-00001101-00001304 TODAY LEADERS FROM THAT ORGANIZATION HELD A COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP BREAKFAST TO TALK R73NgVgD9EU-00017-00001304-00001311 ORGANIZATION HELD A COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP BREAKFAST TO TALK R73NgVgD9EU-00018-00001311-00001378 ORGANIZATION HELD A COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP BREAKFAST TO TALK ABOUT THE PAST YEAR AND WHAT THE R73NgVgD9EU-00019-00001378-00001384 LEADERSHIP BREAKFAST TO TALK ABOUT THE PAST YEAR AND WHAT THE R73NgVgD9EU-00020-00001384-00001454 LEADERSHIP BREAKFAST TO TALK ABOUT THE PAST YEAR AND WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS FOR ESSENTIA R73NgVgD9EU-00021-00001454-00001461 ABOUT THE PAST YEAR AND WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS FOR ESSENTIA R73NgVgD9EU-00022-00001461-00001571 ABOUT THE PAST YEAR AND WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS FOR ESSENTIA HEALTH. R73NgVgD9EU-00023-00001571-00001578 FUTURE HOLDS FOR ESSENTIA HEALTH. R73NgVgD9EU-00024-00001578-00001671 FUTURE HOLDS FOR ESSENTIA HEALTH. OUR SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THE R73NgVgD9EU-00025-00001671-00001678 HEALTH. OUR SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THE R73NgVgD9EU-00026-00001678-00002135 HEALTH. OUR SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THE DETAILS. R73NgVgD9EU-00027-00002135-00002142 OUR SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THE DETAILS. R73NgVgD9EU-00028-00002142-00002302 OUR SARAH WINKELMANN HAS THE DETAILS. >> AS ESSENTIA LOOKED BACK OVER R73NgVgD9EU-00029-00002302-00002308 DETAILS. >> AS ESSENTIA LOOKED BACK OVER R73NgVgD9EU-00030-00002308-00002475 DETAILS. >> AS ESSENTIA LOOKED BACK OVER THE LAST YEAR, NEARLY 100 R73NgVgD9EU-00031-00002475-00002482 >> AS ESSENTIA LOOKED BACK OVER THE LAST YEAR, NEARLY 100 R73NgVgD9EU-00032-00002482-00002595 >> AS ESSENTIA LOOKED BACK OVER THE LAST YEAR, NEARLY 100 COMMUNITY LEADERS WERE IN R73NgVgD9EU-00033-00002595-00002602 THE LAST YEAR, NEARLY 100 COMMUNITY LEADERS WERE IN R73NgVgD9EU-00034-00002602-00002786 THE LAST YEAR, NEARLY 100 COMMUNITY LEADERS WERE IN ATTENDANCE TO HEAR THE RESULTS. R73NgVgD9EU-00035-00002786-00002792 COMMUNITY LEADERS WERE IN ATTENDANCE TO HEAR THE RESULTS. R73NgVgD9EU-00036-00002792-00003206 COMMUNITY LEADERS WERE IN ATTENDANCE TO HEAR THE RESULTS. THE LEADERS SHARED ABOUT KEY R73NgVgD9EU-00037-00003206-00003213 ATTENDANCE TO HEAR THE RESULTS. THE LEADERS SHARED ABOUT KEY R73NgVgD9EU-00038-00003213-00003396 ATTENDANCE TO HEAR THE RESULTS. THE LEADERS SHARED ABOUT KEY TOPICS, ONE OF WHICH WAS THEIR R73NgVgD9EU-00039-00003396-00003403 THE LEADERS SHARED ABOUT KEY TOPICS, ONE OF WHICH WAS THEIR R73NgVgD9EU-00040-00003403-00003520 THE LEADERS SHARED ABOUT KEY TOPICS, ONE OF WHICH WAS THEIR SUCCESS WITH THE COMPANY'S R73NgVgD9EU-00041-00003520-00003526 TOPICS, ONE OF WHICH WAS THEIR SUCCESS WITH THE COMPANY'S R73NgVgD9EU-00042-00003526-00003600 TOPICS, ONE OF WHICH WAS THEIR SUCCESS WITH THE COMPANY'S FINANCIAL STRENGTHS. R73NgVgD9EU-00043-00003600-00003606 SUCCESS WITH THE COMPANY'S FINANCIAL STRENGTHS. R73NgVgD9EU-00044-00003606-00003750 SUCCESS WITH THE COMPANY'S FINANCIAL STRENGTHS. >> WE ARE A NONPROFIT R73NgVgD9EU-00045-00003750-00003757 FINANCIAL STRENGTHS. >> WE ARE A NONPROFIT R73NgVgD9EU-00046-00003757-00003820 FINANCIAL STRENGTHS. >> WE ARE A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION AND OBVIOUSLY WE R73NgVgD9EU-00047-00003820-00003827 >> WE ARE A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION AND OBVIOUSLY WE R73NgVgD9EU-00048-00003827-00003903 >> WE ARE A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION AND OBVIOUSLY WE HAVE TO HAVE SOME CAPITAL IN R73NgVgD9EU-00049-00003903-00003910 ORGANIZATION AND OBVIOUSLY WE HAVE TO HAVE SOME CAPITAL IN R73NgVgD9EU-00050-00003910-00004033 ORGANIZATION AND OBVIOUSLY WE HAVE TO HAVE SOME CAPITAL IN ORDER TO REINVEST IN OUR R73NgVgD9EU-00051-00004033-00004040 HAVE TO HAVE SOME CAPITAL IN ORDER TO REINVEST IN OUR R73NgVgD9EU-00052-00004040-00004074 HAVE TO HAVE SOME CAPITAL IN ORDER TO REINVEST IN OUR COMMUNITY. R73NgVgD9EU-00053-00004074-00004080 ORDER TO REINVEST IN OUR COMMUNITY. R73NgVgD9EU-00054-00004080-00004504 ORDER TO REINVEST IN OUR COMMUNITY. >> LIKE THEIR NEW DESIGNATED -- R73NgVgD9EU-00055-00004504-00004511 COMMUNITY. >> LIKE THEIR NEW DESIGNATED -- R73NgVgD9EU-00056-00004511-00004631 COMMUNITY. >> LIKE THEIR NEW DESIGNATED -- DESIGNATED STROKE CENTER THAT R73NgVgD9EU-00057-00004631-00004637 >> LIKE THEIR NEW DESIGNATED -- DESIGNATED STROKE CENTER THAT R73NgVgD9EU-00058-00004637-00004814 >> LIKE THEIR NEW DESIGNATED -- DESIGNATED STROKE CENTER THAT THEY ARE PROUD TO HAVE. R73NgVgD9EU-00059-00004814-00004821 DESIGNATED STROKE CENTER THAT THEY ARE PROUD TO HAVE. R73NgVgD9EU-00060-00004821-00004934 DESIGNATED STROKE CENTER THAT THEY ARE PROUD TO HAVE. >> PEOPLE WANT TO GET HEALTHCARE R73NgVgD9EU-00061-00004934-00004941 THEY ARE PROUD TO HAVE. >> PEOPLE WANT TO GET HEALTHCARE R73NgVgD9EU-00062-00004941-00004991 THEY ARE PROUD TO HAVE. >> PEOPLE WANT TO GET HEALTHCARE CLOSE TO HOME. R73NgVgD9EU-00063-00004991-00004998 >> PEOPLE WANT TO GET HEALTHCARE CLOSE TO HOME. R73NgVgD9EU-00064-00004998-00005158 >> PEOPLE WANT TO GET HEALTHCARE CLOSE TO HOME. WE ALSO KNOW THE FASTER YOU CAN R73NgVgD9EU-00065-00005158-00005165 CLOSE TO HOME. WE ALSO KNOW THE FASTER YOU CAN R73NgVgD9EU-00066-00005165-00005285 CLOSE TO HOME. WE ALSO KNOW THE FASTER YOU CAN GET THIS TYPE OF INTERVENTION, R73NgVgD9EU-00067-00005285-00005291 WE ALSO KNOW THE FASTER YOU CAN GET THIS TYPE OF INTERVENTION, R73NgVgD9EU-00068-00005291-00005388 WE ALSO KNOW THE FASTER YOU CAN GET THIS TYPE OF INTERVENTION, THE BETTER OUTCOME YOU HAVE. R73NgVgD9EU-00069-00005388-00005395 GET THIS TYPE OF INTERVENTION, THE BETTER OUTCOME YOU HAVE. R73NgVgD9EU-00070-00005395-00005575 GET THIS TYPE OF INTERVENTION, THE BETTER OUTCOME YOU HAVE. >> BUT THE YEAR DID NOT COME R73NgVgD9EU-00071-00005575-00005582 THE BETTER OUTCOME YOU HAVE. >> BUT THE YEAR DID NOT COME R73NgVgD9EU-00072-00005582-00005698 THE BETTER OUTCOME YOU HAVE. >> BUT THE YEAR DID NOT COME WITHOUT SOME CONTROVERSY WITH R73NgVgD9EU-00073-00005698-00005705 >> BUT THE YEAR DID NOT COME WITHOUT SOME CONTROVERSY WITH R73NgVgD9EU-00074-00005705-00005895 >> BUT THE YEAR DID NOT COME WITHOUT SOME CONTROVERSY WITH THEIR DECISION TO MAKE FLU SHOTS R73NgVgD9EU-00075-00005895-00005902 WITHOUT SOME CONTROVERSY WITH THEIR DECISION TO MAKE FLU SHOTS R73NgVgD9EU-00076-00005902-00006139 WITHOUT SOME CONTROVERSY WITH THEIR DECISION TO MAKE FLU SHOTS MANDATORY FOR ALL EMPLOYEES AND R73NgVgD9EU-00077-00006139-00006146 THEIR DECISION TO MAKE FLU SHOTS MANDATORY FOR ALL EMPLOYEES AND R73NgVgD9EU-00078-00006146-00006262 THEIR DECISION TO MAKE FLU SHOTS MANDATORY FOR ALL EMPLOYEES AND FIRED THOSE WHO DID NOT COMPLY. R73NgVgD9EU-00079-00006262-00006269 MANDATORY FOR ALL EMPLOYEES AND FIRED THOSE WHO DID NOT COMPLY. R73NgVgD9EU-00080-00006269-00006439 MANDATORY FOR ALL EMPLOYEES AND FIRED THOSE WHO DID NOT COMPLY. >> WE'RE GOING TO LEARN FROM HOW R73NgVgD9EU-00081-00006439-00006446 FIRED THOSE WHO DID NOT COMPLY. >> WE'RE GOING TO LEARN FROM HOW R73NgVgD9EU-00082-00006446-00006529 FIRED THOSE WHO DID NOT COMPLY. >> WE'RE GOING TO LEARN FROM HOW AND WHAT WE DID. R73NgVgD9EU-00083-00006529-00006536 >> WE'RE GOING TO LEARN FROM HOW AND WHAT WE DID. R73NgVgD9EU-00084-00006536-00006713 >> WE'RE GOING TO LEARN FROM HOW AND WHAT WE DID. WE HAVE WHAT ARE CALLED R73NgVgD9EU-00085-00006713-00006720 AND WHAT WE DID. WE HAVE WHAT ARE CALLED R73NgVgD9EU-00086-00006720-00006893 AND WHAT WE DID. WE HAVE WHAT ARE CALLED AFTER-ACTION REVIEWS THAT WE'RE R73NgVgD9EU-00087-00006893-00006900 WE HAVE WHAT ARE CALLED AFTER-ACTION REVIEWS THAT WE'RE R73NgVgD9EU-00088-00006900-00007026 WE HAVE WHAT ARE CALLED AFTER-ACTION REVIEWS THAT WE'RE GOING TO BE LOOKING AT ACROSS R73NgVgD9EU-00089-00007026-00007033 AFTER-ACTION REVIEWS THAT WE'RE GOING TO BE LOOKING AT ACROSS R73NgVgD9EU-00090-00007033-00007187 AFTER-ACTION REVIEWS THAT WE'RE GOING TO BE LOOKING AT ACROSS ALL OF OUR ORGANIZATION. R73NgVgD9EU-00091-00007187-00007193 GOING TO BE LOOKING AT ACROSS ALL OF OUR ORGANIZATION. R73NgVgD9EU-00092-00007193-00007350 GOING TO BE LOOKING AT ACROSS ALL OF OUR ORGANIZATION. >> THAT PLAYS A LARGE ROLE IN R73NgVgD9EU-00093-00007350-00007357 ALL OF OUR ORGANIZATION. >> THAT PLAYS A LARGE ROLE IN R73NgVgD9EU-00094-00007357-00007534 ALL OF OUR ORGANIZATION. >> THAT PLAYS A LARGE ROLE IN THE COMMUNITY BY BEING THE R73NgVgD9EU-00095-00007534-00007540 >> THAT PLAYS A LARGE ROLE IN THE COMMUNITY BY BEING THE R73NgVgD9EU-00096-00007540-00007744 >> THAT PLAYS A LARGE ROLE IN THE COMMUNITY BY BEING THE LARGEST EMPLOYER IN CROW WING R73NgVgD9EU-00097-00007744-00007751 THE COMMUNITY BY BEING THE LARGEST EMPLOYER IN CROW WING R73NgVgD9EU-00098-00007751-00007934 THE COMMUNITY BY BEING THE LARGEST EMPLOYER IN CROW WING COUNTY WITH NEARLY 1500 R73NgVgD9EU-00099-00007934-00007941 LARGEST EMPLOYER IN CROW WING COUNTY WITH NEARLY 1500 R73NgVgD9EU-00100-00007941-00007971 LARGEST EMPLOYER IN CROW WING COUNTY WITH NEARLY 1500 EMPLOYEES. R73NgVgD9EU-00101-00007971-00007977 COUNTY WITH NEARLY 1500 EMPLOYEES. R73NgVgD9EU-00102-00007977-00008151 COUNTY WITH NEARLY 1500 EMPLOYEES. >> OBVIOUSLY HAVING A LOT OF R73NgVgD9EU-00103-00008151-00008158 EMPLOYEES. >> OBVIOUSLY HAVING A LOT OF R73NgVgD9EU-00104-00008158-00008298 EMPLOYEES. >> OBVIOUSLY HAVING A LOT OF STAFF THAT LIVE AND WORK IN THE R73NgVgD9EU-00105-00008298-00008304 >> OBVIOUSLY HAVING A LOT OF STAFF THAT LIVE AND WORK IN THE R73NgVgD9EU-00106-00008304-00008618 >> OBVIOUSLY HAVING A LOT OF STAFF THAT LIVE AND WORK IN THE COMMUNITY BRINGS A LOT OF R73NgVgD9EU-00107-00008618-00008625 STAFF THAT LIVE AND WORK IN THE COMMUNITY BRINGS A LOT OF R73NgVgD9EU-00108-00008625-00008752 STAFF THAT LIVE AND WORK IN THE COMMUNITY BRINGS A LOT OF ECONOMIC VALUE TO NOT ONLY R73NgVgD9EU-00109-00008752-00008758 COMMUNITY BRINGS A LOT OF ECONOMIC VALUE TO NOT ONLY R73NgVgD9EU-00110-00008758-00008908 COMMUNITY BRINGS A LOT OF ECONOMIC VALUE TO NOT ONLY BRAINERD BUT ALL OF CROW WING R73NgVgD9EU-00111-00008908-00008915 ECONOMIC VALUE TO NOT ONLY BRAINERD BUT ALL OF CROW WING R73NgVgD9EU-00112-00008915-00008942 ECONOMIC VALUE TO NOT ONLY BRAINERD BUT ALL OF CROW WING COUNTY. R73NgVgD9EU-00113-00008942-00008948 BRAINERD BUT ALL OF CROW WING COUNTY. R73NgVgD9EU-00114-00008948-00009042 BRAINERD BUT ALL OF CROW WING COUNTY. >> WHICH WILL REMAIN IMPORTANT R73NgVgD9EU-00115-00009042-00009049 COUNTY. >> WHICH WILL REMAIN IMPORTANT R73NgVgD9EU-00116-00009049-00009189 COUNTY. >> WHICH WILL REMAIN IMPORTANT AS THEY KEEP AN EYE ON THE R73NgVgD9EU-00117-00009189-00009195 >> WHICH WILL REMAIN IMPORTANT AS THEY KEEP AN EYE ON THE R73NgVgD9EU-00118-00009195-00009365 >> WHICH WILL REMAIN IMPORTANT AS THEY KEEP AN EYE ON THE PHYSICIAN WORK SHORTAGE. R73NgVgD9EU-00119-00009365-00009372 AS THEY KEEP AN EYE ON THE PHYSICIAN WORK SHORTAGE. R73NgVgD9EU-00120-00009372-00009719 AS THEY KEEP AN EYE ON THE PHYSICIAN WORK SHORTAGE. >> PARTNERING WITH THE COMMUNITY R73NgVgD9EU-00121-00009719-00009726 PHYSICIAN WORK SHORTAGE. >> PARTNERING WITH THE COMMUNITY R73NgVgD9EU-00122-00009726-00009876 PHYSICIAN WORK SHORTAGE. >> PARTNERING WITH THE COMMUNITY COLLEGES AND SCHOOL SYSTEMS TO R73NgVgD9EU-00123-00009876-00009883 >> PARTNERING WITH THE COMMUNITY COLLEGES AND SCHOOL SYSTEMS TO R73NgVgD9EU-00124-00009883-00010283 >> PARTNERING WITH THE COMMUNITY COLLEGES AND SCHOOL SYSTEMS TO REALLY KIND OF ATTRACT PEOPLE IN R73NgVgD9EU-00125-00010283-00010290 COLLEGES AND SCHOOL SYSTEMS TO REALLY KIND OF ATTRACT PEOPLE IN R73NgVgD9EU-00126-00010290-00010440 COLLEGES AND SCHOOL SYSTEMS TO REALLY KIND OF ATTRACT PEOPLE IN HEALTHCARE CAREERS. R73NgVgD9EU-00127-00010440-00010447 REALLY KIND OF ATTRACT PEOPLE IN HEALTHCARE CAREERS. R73NgVgD9EU-00128-00010447-00010583 REALLY KIND OF ATTRACT PEOPLE IN HEALTHCARE CAREERS. >> WITH A HEALTHCARE SYSTEM R73NgVgD9EU-00129-00010583-00010590 HEALTHCARE CAREERS. >> WITH A HEALTHCARE SYSTEM R73NgVgD9EU-00130-00010590-00010697 HEALTHCARE CAREERS. >> WITH A HEALTHCARE SYSTEM AIMED AT MAKING THE COMMUNITY A R73NgVgD9EU-00131-00010697-00010704 >> WITH A HEALTHCARE SYSTEM AIMED AT MAKING THE COMMUNITY A R73NgVgD9EU-00132-00010704-00010794 >> WITH A HEALTHCARE SYSTEM AIMED AT MAKING THE COMMUNITY A HEALTHY PLACE. R73NgVgD9EU-00133-00010794-00010800 AIMED AT MAKING THE COMMUNITY A HEALTHY PLACE. R73NgVgD9EU-00134-00010800-00010977 AIMED AT MAKING THE COMMUNITY A HEALTHY PLACE. >> IT IS SO EXCITING, R73NgVgD9EU-00135-00010977-00010984 HEALTHY PLACE. >> IT IS SO EXCITING, R73NgVgD9EU-00136-00010984-00011097 HEALTHY PLACE. >> IT IS SO EXCITING, INVIGORATING TO HEAR ALL THE R73NgVgD9EU-00137-00011097-00011104 >> IT IS SO EXCITING, INVIGORATING TO HEAR ALL THE R73NgVgD9EU-00138-00011104-00011521 >> IT IS SO EXCITING, INVIGORATING TO HEAR ALL THE NEWS THAT ESSENTIA IS DOING, R73NgVgD9EU-00139-00011521-00011528 INVIGORATING TO HEAR ALL THE NEWS THAT ESSENTIA IS DOING, R73NgVgD9EU-00140-00011528-00011765 INVIGORATING TO HEAR ALL THE NEWS THAT ESSENTIA IS DOING, IT'S COMMUNITY ORIENTED AND IT'S R73NgVgD9EU-00141-00011765-00011771 NEWS THAT ESSENTIA IS DOING, IT'S COMMUNITY ORIENTED AND IT'S R73NgVgD9EU-00142-00011771-00011888 NEWS THAT ESSENTIA IS DOING, IT'S COMMUNITY ORIENTED AND IT'S GREAT FOR IT TO BE IN THE CITY R73NgVgD9EU-00143-00011888-00011895 IT'S COMMUNITY ORIENTED AND IT'S GREAT FOR IT TO BE IN THE CITY R73NgVgD9EU-00144-00011895-00011968 IT'S COMMUNITY ORIENTED AND IT'S GREAT FOR IT TO BE IN THE CITY OF BRAINERD. R73NgVgD9EU-00145-00011968-00011975 GREAT FOR IT TO BE IN THE CITY OF BRAINERD. R73NgVgD9EU-00146-00011975-00012175 GREAT FOR IT TO BE IN THE CITY OF BRAINERD. >> WITH CONTINUING GROWTH AS R73NgVgD9EU-00147-00012175-00012182 OF BRAINERD. >> WITH CONTINUING GROWTH AS R73NgVgD9EU-00148-00012182-00012302 OF BRAINERD. >> WITH CONTINUING GROWTH AS LEADERS ALSO ANNOUNCED THE R73NgVgD9EU-00149-00012302-00012308 >> WITH CONTINUING GROWTH AS LEADERS ALSO ANNOUNCED THE R73NgVgD9EU-00150-00012308-00012522 >> WITH CONTINUING GROWTH AS LEADERS ALSO ANNOUNCED THE BAXTER CLINIC EXPANSION SHOULD R73NgVgD9EU-00151-00012522-00012529 LEADERS ALSO ANNOUNCED THE BAXTER CLINIC EXPANSION SHOULD R73NgVgD9EU-00152-00012529-00012629 LEADERS ALSO ANNOUNCED THE BAXTER CLINIC EXPANSION SHOULD BE COMPLETE SOMETIME AROUND MAY. R73NgVgD9EU-00153-00012629-00012635 BAXTER CLINIC EXPANSION SHOULD BE COMPLETE SOMETIME AROUND MAY. R73NgVgD9EU-00154-00012635-00012852 BAXTER CLINIC EXPANSION SHOULD BE COMPLETE SOMETIME AROUND MAY. >> WE HAVE SUCH AN ENGAGING R73NgVgD9EU-00155-00012852-00012859 BE COMPLETE SOMETIME AROUND MAY. >> WE HAVE SUCH AN ENGAGING R73NgVgD9EU-00156-00012859-00013016 BE COMPLETE SOMETIME AROUND MAY. >> WE HAVE SUCH AN ENGAGING COMMUNITY THAT EVERYBODY COMES R73NgVgD9EU-00157-00013016-00013022 >> WE HAVE SUCH AN ENGAGING COMMUNITY THAT EVERYBODY COMES R73NgVgD9EU-00158-00013022-00013169 >> WE HAVE SUCH AN ENGAGING COMMUNITY THAT EVERYBODY COMES OUT AND SUPPORTS AND IS R73NgVgD9EU-00159-00013169-00013176 COMMUNITY THAT EVERYBODY COMES OUT AND SUPPORTS AND IS R73NgVgD9EU-00160-00013176-00013273 COMMUNITY THAT EVERYBODY COMES OUT AND SUPPORTS AND IS INTERESTED IN WHAT'S GOING ON R73NgVgD9EU-00161-00013273-00013279 OUT AND SUPPORTS AND IS INTERESTED IN WHAT'S GOING ON R73NgVgD9EU-00162-00013279-00013393 OUT AND SUPPORTS AND IS INTERESTED IN WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THEIR LOCAL HEALTHCARE, SO R73NgVgD9EU-00163-00013393-00013400 INTERESTED IN WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THEIR LOCAL HEALTHCARE, SO R73NgVgD9EU-00164-00013400-00013720 INTERESTED IN WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THEIR LOCAL HEALTHCARE, SO THAT SHOWS A LOT OF COMMUNITY R73NgVgD9EU-00165-00013720-00013727 WITH THEIR LOCAL HEALTHCARE, SO THAT SHOWS A LOT OF COMMUNITY R73NgVgD9EU-00166-00013727-00013803 WITH THEIR LOCAL HEALTHCARE, SO THAT SHOWS A LOT OF COMMUNITY PRIDE AND ENGAGEMENT. R73NgVgD9EU-00167-00013803-00013810 THAT SHOWS A LOT OF COMMUNITY PRIDE AND ENGAGEMENT. R73NgVgD9EU-00168-00013810-00014127 THAT SHOWS A LOT OF COMMUNITY PRIDE AND ENGAGEMENT. >> REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH R73NgVgD9EU-00169-00014127-00014134 PRIDE AND ENGAGEMENT. >> REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH R73NgVgD9EU-00170-00014134-00014290 PRIDE AND ENGAGEMENT. >> REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. R7NlVC17tyU-00000-00000152-00000560 Okay I'm Bryan. R7NlVC17tyU-00001-00000352-00000679 Uh welcome to another english 101 Big R7NlVC17tyU-00002-00000560-00000944 Idea video. Uh R7NlVC17tyU-00003-00000679-00001071 gotta adjust this here a little bit yeah. R7NlVC17tyU-00004-00000944-00001271 I'm Bryan, the host of this little show R7NlVC17tyU-00005-00001071-00001408 and today I'm set up in the middle of my R7NlVC17tyU-00006-00001271-00001660 uh local street R7NlVC17tyU-00007-00001408-00002000 uh and I want to talk about uh pages R7NlVC17tyU-00008-00001660-00002311 233-238 in old Humble and 190... R7NlVC17tyU-00009-00002000-00002416 186 to 190 if you're new Humble...looking R7NlVC17tyU-00010-00002311-00002800 at my script. R7NlVC17tyU-00011-00002416-00002800 So uh let's get started. R7NlVC17tyU-00012-00002903-00003232 So as you can see I am in the middle of R7NlVC17tyU-00013-00003088-00003407 my local street here. R7NlVC17tyU-00014-00003232-00003623 My house is just over here. some other R7NlVC17tyU-00015-00003407-00003839 houses and you know "what not" going on. R7NlVC17tyU-00016-00003623-00003960 The reason why I'm set up here is I R7NlVC17tyU-00017-00003839-00004200 wanted to shoot a video R7NlVC17tyU-00018-00003960-00004328 in a different kind of way today and R7NlVC17tyU-00019-00004200-00004512 what I'm going to talk to you about R7NlVC17tyU-00020-00004328-00004576 today with about likely objections and R7NlVC17tyU-00021-00004512-00004855 refutes R7NlVC17tyU-00022-00004576-00004968 is a different kind of academic writing R7NlVC17tyU-00023-00004855-00005152 style sort of move. R7NlVC17tyU-00024-00004968-00005319 Kind of like making a video in the R7NlVC17tyU-00025-00005152-00005480 middle of the street. And at some point R7NlVC17tyU-00026-00005319-00005816 there's going to be a car come by R7NlVC17tyU-00027-00005480-00006112 and and probably a golf cart as well. So R7NlVC17tyU-00028-00005816-00006328 uh on some occasions when we think about R7NlVC17tyU-00029-00006112-00006472 writing and in life in general R7NlVC17tyU-00030-00006328-00006688 we have to think about doing things R7NlVC17tyU-00031-00006472-00006847 differently to make an impression R7NlVC17tyU-00032-00006688-00007000 and that's what likely accepts...that's R7NlVC17tyU-00033-00006847-00007272 what likely objections R7NlVC17tyU-00034-00007000-00007336 are about within our academic writing R7NlVC17tyU-00035-00007272-00007623 styles. R7NlVC17tyU-00036-00007336-00007775 It's a way for us to do something just a R7NlVC17tyU-00037-00007623-00007847 little bit different to reach our R7NlVC17tyU-00038-00007775-00008056 audience. R7NlVC17tyU-00039-00007847-00008240 And so, whoa that was like a big bee R7NlVC17tyU-00040-00008056-00008424 floating around my head. R7NlVC17tyU-00041-00008240-00008552 So one of the ways you might in real R7NlVC17tyU-00042-00008424-00008696 life maybe do something a little bit R7NlVC17tyU-00043-00008552-00008872 different like maybe when you like head R7NlVC17tyU-00044-00008696-00008943 to a job interview. You know you put on a R7NlVC17tyU-00045-00008872-00009111 tie R7NlVC17tyU-00046-00008943-00009336 and uh you make sure you're good to go R7NlVC17tyU-00047-00009111-00009520 so people know that you're serious about R7NlVC17tyU-00048-00009336-00009632 uh whatever job that you're applying for. R7NlVC17tyU-00049-00009520-00009720 Sorry I thought there was a car coming R7NlVC17tyU-00050-00009632-00010000 up the street. R7NlVC17tyU-00051-00009720-00010104 Yeah so you do this as a way to separate R7NlVC17tyU-00052-00010000-00010375 yourself from others R7NlVC17tyU-00053-00010104-00010511 so that's one way. The second thing we R7NlVC17tyU-00054-00010375-00010592 might do differently is to put on our R7NlVC17tyU-00055-00010511-00010832 thinking cap R7NlVC17tyU-00056-00010592-00011007 and uh get a book when we need to you R7NlVC17tyU-00057-00010832-00011111 know study it up real good. So then we R7NlVC17tyU-00058-00011007-00011311 get the book out R7NlVC17tyU-00059-00011111-00011504 we study things close we spend some time R7NlVC17tyU-00060-00011311-00011624 and we spend some energy on figuring out R7NlVC17tyU-00061-00011504-00011775 all the things that we need to do to R7NlVC17tyU-00062-00011624-00011904 pass that test because we want to get R7NlVC17tyU-00063-00011775-00012232 into the certain school R7NlVC17tyU-00064-00011904-00012479 or get a certain grade. We do that as an R7NlVC17tyU-00065-00012232-00012679 extra step as a way to let people know R7NlVC17tyU-00066-00012479-00012911 how serious we are about our work. R7NlVC17tyU-00067-00012679-00013056 Again thinking cap it's my thinking cap R7NlVC17tyU-00068-00012911-00013223 and usually when I put my thinking cap R7NlVC17tyU-00069-00013056-00013552 on it's usually on backwards R7NlVC17tyU-00070-00013223-00013880 as a way to you know help my brain. R7NlVC17tyU-00071-00013552-00014119 Okay so let's uh let's tie this up uh oh R7NlVC17tyU-00072-00013880-00014256 pun intended, no pun intended I guess I R7NlVC17tyU-00073-00014119-00014408 don't know. hey so R7NlVC17tyU-00074-00014256-00014616 when we think about likely objections R7NlVC17tyU-00075-00014408-00014800 and refutes this is about taking R7NlVC17tyU-00076-00014616-00015023 extra steps to let your readers know R7NlVC17tyU-00077-00014800-00015263 that you care about what they think R7NlVC17tyU-00078-00015023-00015423 and what they say so when you run up R7NlVC17tyU-00079-00015263-00015591 against R7NlVC17tyU-00080-00015423-00015728 ideas that you don't agree with or don't R7NlVC17tyU-00081-00015591-00015919 understand fully but you know it's on R7NlVC17tyU-00082-00015728-00016040 another side of an argument, R7NlVC17tyU-00083-00015919-00016319 that's something you should totally R7NlVC17tyU-00084-00016040-00016480 embrace uh as a way to sort of round out R7NlVC17tyU-00085-00016319-00016631 your argument and make it a little bit R7NlVC17tyU-00086-00016480-00016951 more fully dimensional. R7NlVC17tyU-00087-00016631-00017056 So the likely objections and refutes, R7NlVC17tyU-00088-00016951-00017359 really two parts, R7NlVC17tyU-00089-00017056-00017520 so the first part then is admitting that R7NlVC17tyU-00090-00017359-00017728 there's this idea out there in the world R7NlVC17tyU-00091-00017520-00017944 that makes sense to a lot of people R7NlVC17tyU-00092-00017728-00018128 and then you address that and then the R7NlVC17tyU-00093-00017944-00018344 refute part basically says hey R7NlVC17tyU-00094-00018128-00018528 I understand this is a great idea but R7NlVC17tyU-00095-00018344-00018631 here's why I think my idea might be a R7NlVC17tyU-00096-00018528-00018800 little bit different. R7NlVC17tyU-00097-00018631-00018968 so when you begin to sort of roll these R7NlVC17tyU-00098-00018800-00019280 two ideas into R7NlVC17tyU-00099-00018968-00019512 an academic essay then we're starting to R7NlVC17tyU-00100-00019280-00019608 really help answer the questions that we R7NlVC17tyU-00101-00019512-00019831 want to R7NlVC17tyU-00102-00019608-00019992 get to within our essay. Hi uh just doing R7NlVC17tyU-00103-00019831-00020112 some teaching stuff here. Uh R7NlVC17tyU-00104-00019992-00020287 got people walking up and down the R7NlVC17tyU-00105-00020112-00020359 street. I knew this would happen but R7NlVC17tyU-00106-00020287-00020568 that's okay. R7NlVC17tyU-00107-00020359-00020728 So to round out this video make sure R7NlVC17tyU-00108-00020568-00020864 when you think about likely objections R7NlVC17tyU-00109-00020728-00021040 and refutes. R7NlVC17tyU-00110-00020864-00021208 You got to include them and you got to R7NlVC17tyU-00111-00021040-00021472 make sure uh R7NlVC17tyU-00112-00021208-00021648 that they work in a way that reaches out R7NlVC17tyU-00113-00021472-00021704 to folks within your audience that says R7NlVC17tyU-00114-00021648-00021968 hey R7NlVC17tyU-00115-00021704-00022056 I'm listening. So okay that's all I have R7NlVC17tyU-00116-00021968-00022192 for this video. R7NlVC17tyU-00117-00022056-00022376 Thanks for watching and we'll see you in R7NlVC17tyU-00118-00022192-00022784 the next one. And uh R7NlVC17tyU-00119-00022376-00022784 yeah see you in the next one. Peace RrKwfsLC7i0-00000-00000826-00001124 C3 AFA Singapore 2018. RrKwfsLC7i0-00001-00001124-00001616 Last year (2017), it recorded a staggering 96,100 visitors RrKwfsLC7i0-00002-00001616-00001964 coming from various parts of Southeast Asia. RrKwfsLC7i0-00003-00001964-00002616 This has been considered (as) one of the biggest, sought-after events in the region. RrKwfsLC7i0-00004-00002616-00003315 C3 AFA, a joint brand of Singapore-based Sozo and Japan-based Sotsu Agency RrKwfsLC7i0-00005-00003315-00003986 is formed in 2017, making it the largest event network of its kind in the region. RrKwfsLC7i0-00006-00003986-00004590 This 2018 will mark the 10th year anniversary of Anime Festival Asia RrKwfsLC7i0-00007-00004590-00004902 I've been going to events since 2009; RrKwfsLC7i0-00008-00004902-00005138 My passion for this led me RrKwfsLC7i0-00009-00005138-00005626 to blog about these - and eventually become an associate for an events company. RrKwfsLC7i0-00010-00005626-00006040 For years, I have envied my friends RrKwfsLC7i0-00011-00006040-00006364 who went there and saw it up close -- RrKwfsLC7i0-00012-00006364-00006740 until I finally took the chance NOW. RrKwfsLC7i0-00013-00006740-00007272 Having sacrificed things in order to fulfill this trip, RrKwfsLC7i0-00014-00007272-00007888 what will become of me once I start my journey to this uncharted territory? RrKwfsLC7i0-00015-00009497-00010148 So February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November... December. RrKwfsLC7i0-00016-00010148-00010330 ...almost 10 months. RrKwfsLC7i0-00017-00010330-00010829 I started applying for my passport, February - I got my passport flawlessly; RrKwfsLC7i0-00018-00010829-00011228 April, I got my plane ticket to Singapore; RrKwfsLC7i0-00019-00011228-00011478 A few months after, I got my hotel booking; RrKwfsLC7i0-00020-00011478-00011913 it's just a backpack hotel but it's... it's sufficient-- I believe it's sufficient enough for me; RrKwfsLC7i0-00021-00011913-00012775 ...and as I continue to research, as I continue to wait for the opening of tickets that I'm... buying for C3 AFA SG, RrKwfsLC7i0-00022-00012775-00013446 I've waited and researched for the things that I can do. RrKwfsLC7i0-00023-00013446-00013746 So far, I'm confident that I am prepared RrKwfsLC7i0-00024-00013746-00014190 in my first - and perhaps my last journey overseas. RrKwfsLC7i0-00025-00014190-00014419 So, ... RrKwfsLC7i0-00026-00014688-00014803 ...wish me luck. RrKwfsLC7i0-00027-00015066-00015363 So, here's what's in my bag: RrKwfsLC7i0-00028-00015363-00015741 I got my batteries; I got the lights-- RrKwfsLC7i0-00029-00015741-00015938 I got this for 500 pesos at Lazada, RrKwfsLC7i0-00030-00015938-00016086 I got my camera, RrKwfsLC7i0-00031-00016086-00016818 It's not that ... not that modern, but it's like this. RrKwfsLC7i0-00032-00017071-00017440 ...and I also got this nifty RrKwfsLC7i0-00033-00017440-00017692 OTG device from CD-R King-- It's around, RrKwfsLC7i0-00034-00017692-00017940 ... you should prepare around 200 pesos for this. RrKwfsLC7i0-00035-00017940-00018652 ... and that's what's my equipment (are) going to Singapore. RrKwfsLC7i0-00036-00018652-00019155 So there, yes, all of these things are happening to me RrKwfsLC7i0-00037-00019155-00019467 once that I decided, "Yes, I will go to Singapore, RrKwfsLC7i0-00038-00019467-00019697 Yes, I will go to Anime Festival Asia, RrKwfsLC7i0-00039-00019697-00019897 Yes, I will celebrate their 10th Anniversary, RrKwfsLC7i0-00040-00019897-00020345 Yes, ... this is my time, because I have no time RrKwfsLC7i0-00041-00020345-00020542 to waste." RrKwfsLC7i0-00042-00020542-00020832 Next year, I'll be going on an 'adulting' mode, RrKwfsLC7i0-00043-00020832-00021095 there will be more responsibilities, RrKwfsLC7i0-00044-00021095-00021257 there will be more things to do, RrKwfsLC7i0-00045-00021257-00021457 I will no longer be able to do these things; RrKwfsLC7i0-00046-00021457-00021802 For the past five, six, seven, eight years, RrKwfsLC7i0-00047-00021802-00022002 I've been with this community, RrKwfsLC7i0-00048-00022002-00022580 and... perhaps, it's time for me to take another step. RrKwfsLC7i0-00049-00022580-00022780 I've-- I've seen a lot. RrKwfsLC7i0-00050-00022780-00023030 I've experienced happiness, sadness, RrKwfsLC7i0-00051-00023030-00023192 and all the drama that it has, RrKwfsLC7i0-00052-00023192-00023372 and all the positive things that it has, RrKwfsLC7i0-00053-00023372-00023572 all the inspiration, ... RrKwfsLC7i0-00054-00023572-00023772 ..."Maybe its time," I said (to myself). RrKwfsLC7i0-00055-00023772-00024011 Maybe it's time, and RrKwfsLC7i0-00056-00024011-00024312 prior to all these things, prior to this decision, RrKwfsLC7i0-00057-00024312-00024512 my friends have been to AFA, RrKwfsLC7i0-00058-00024512-00024769 and... of course, I got jealous. RrKwfsLC7i0-00059-00024928-00025196 The fact that it's the nearest, RrKwfsLC7i0-00060-00025196-00025700 most possible event that I'll be able to go (to), RrKwfsLC7i0-00061-00025700-00025852 It's time. RrKwfsLC7i0-00062-00025852-00026180 Another challenge in my journey RrKwfsLC7i0-00063-00026180-00026529 is the tickets going into AFA. RrKwfsLC7i0-00064-00026529-00026825 Months before AFA, they've just announced their ticket prices, RrKwfsLC7i0-00065-00026825-00027012 I'm eagerly waiting for that, and luckily, RrKwfsLC7i0-00066-00027012-00027344 I was able to save money, enough for me RrKwfsLC7i0-00067-00027344-00027544 to buy a General Admission RrKwfsLC7i0-00068-00027544-00027970 plus Concert ticket in C3 AFA Singapore. RrKwfsLC7i0-00069-00027970-00028170 The other question is, RrKwfsLC7i0-00070-00028170-00028460 What are the activities on these days- RrKwfsLC7i0-00071-00028460-00028660 Day 1, Day 2, Day 3? RrKwfsLC7i0-00072-00028660-00028851 Day 2 for real. I was fixated RrKwfsLC7i0-00073-00028851-00029051 on buying a Day 2 ticket, and... RrKwfsLC7i0-00074-00029051-00029324 I'm glad I made that decision, actually. RrKwfsLC7i0-00075-00029324-00029732 Another challenge that I have in this journey RrKwfsLC7i0-00076-00029732-00029899 is the fact that I have to learn RrKwfsLC7i0-00077-00029899-00030001 the conversion rate between RrKwfsLC7i0-00078-00030001-00030264 Singapore Dollars, Philippine Pesos, RrKwfsLC7i0-00079-00030264-00030464 and the transport inside Singapore. RrKwfsLC7i0-00080-00030464-00030723 I have a lot of things RrKwfsLC7i0-00081-00030723-00030935 in my mind as I go through this trip RrKwfsLC7i0-00082-00030935-00031189 especially that it's on a weekend, RrKwfsLC7i0-00083-00031189-00031377 and of course, I still have to go to church RrKwfsLC7i0-00084-00031377-00031513 and all that, yes, RrKwfsLC7i0-00085-00031566-00031767 having been thankful of this blessing, RrKwfsLC7i0-00086-00031889-00032354 and... of course, another challenge there that has been solved RrKwfsLC7i0-00087-00032394-00032673 is "Who are my acquaintances who will also go?" RrKwfsLC7i0-00088-00032673-00032873 Who are those familiar RrKwfsLC7i0-00089-00032873-00033073 in Singapore already, who are the RrKwfsLC7i0-00090-00033073-00033273 ones who already went to AFA before, RrKwfsLC7i0-00091-00033273-00033505 Who are my friends who will also go there?, RrKwfsLC7i0-00092-00033505-00033772 Who are those I can take pictures with aside from these RrKwfsLC7i0-00093-00033876-00034027 visitors who will go to AFA? RrKwfsLC7i0-00094-00034054-00034238 Of all these challenges, the hardest RrKwfsLC7i0-00095-00034238-00034438 is really the flights. RrKwfsLC7i0-00096-00034466-00034682 Flights make up half RrKwfsLC7i0-00097-00034706-00034882 of my travel budget. RrKwfsLC7i0-00098-00035082-00035351 So that's one thing to ponder if RrKwfsLC7i0-00099-00035351-00035551 you're going to AFA next year. RrKwfsLC7i0-00100-00035569-00035751 Maybe if I didn't decide to RrKwfsLC7i0-00101-00035751-00035951 start my journey right now, RrKwfsLC7i0-00102-00035951-00036151 start my journey this year, RrKwfsLC7i0-00103-00036151-00036744 and... I'll be tied to my RrKwfsLC7i0-00104-00036744-00037051 obligations for the rest of my life by next year, RrKwfsLC7i0-00105-00037051-00037293 I'm going to regret the rest of my life RrKwfsLC7i0-00106-00037293-00037493 not doing it. RrKwfsLC7i0-00107-00037493-00037634 To be fair, it's just right. RrKwfsLC7i0-00108-00037634-00037879 It's ... it's the 10 years of AFA, RrKwfsLC7i0-00109-00037879-00038178 it's... my... first trip; RrKwfsLC7i0-00110-00038178-00038433 it's the time that I've sacrificed RrKwfsLC7i0-00111-00038433-00038844 my resources, my emotions, my... RrKwfsLC7i0-00112-00038844-00039098 perhaps, almost everything, if not all. RrKwfsLC7i0-00113-00040198-00040714 Ok, it's... the last day of our work today, RrKwfsLC7i0-00114-00040776-00041063 and... in just a few hours, RrKwfsLC7i0-00115-00041097-00041452 I'll be embarking on a different adventure, RrKwfsLC7i0-00116-00041452-00041672 something I haven't done before, RrKwfsLC7i0-00117-00041718-00041981 and I'm looking forward to everything RrKwfsLC7i0-00118-00041981-00042389 that I will be doing right in this new adventure, yes? RrKwfsLC7i0-00119-00042478-00043057 It's been months... and I'll say this again: It's been months. RrKwfsLC7i0-00120-00043087-00043293 All of the preparations, RrKwfsLC7i0-00121-00043293-00043633 all of the things that so far happened, RrKwfsLC7i0-00122-00043758-00043850 I'm looking forward to this-- RrKwfsLC7i0-00123-00043850-00043959 I'm really looking forward to this RrKwfsLC7i0-00124-00043959-00044159 Hopefully nothing bad will happen. RrKwfsLC7i0-00125-00044327-00044824 So we've just cleared Immigration, we've just cleared RrKwfsLC7i0-00126-00044904-00045192 everything's-- everything's settled. So... RrKwfsLC7i0-00127-00045316-00045705 one thing's for sure, I'm just waiting for the flight. RrKwfsLC7i0-00128-00045705-00045905 and... RrKwfsLC7i0-00129-00045905-00046105 there; my friends! RrKwfsLC7i0-00130-00046382-00046547 --All right, good morning, guys, RrKwfsLC7i0-00131-00046547-00046954 It's around 4:37 in the morning, and RrKwfsLC7i0-00132-00047022-00047310 now, I'm here at RrKwfsLC7i0-00133-00047310-00047510 NAIA Terminal 3, RrKwfsLC7i0-00134-00047595-00047897 and I'll be embarking on a different adventure, RrKwfsLC7i0-00135-00047945-00048181 I somehow felt-- I felt yawning. RrKwfsLC7i0-00136-00048261-00048653 There, so it's a very, early, early, morning stream, RrKwfsLC7i0-00137-00048801-00049097 I cannot disclose yet RrKwfsLC7i0-00138-00049210-00049555 my plan at the moment but some people do already know RrKwfsLC7i0-00139-00049788-00050085 But-- but again, what I'm saying is RrKwfsLC7i0-00140-00050085-00050285 I will be doing something, RrKwfsLC7i0-00141-00050312-00050585 and I'll tell you what it is once I get into the destination. RrKwfsLC7i0-00142-00050663-00051090 So Sherwin, how long have you been attending events? RrKwfsLC7i0-00143-00051156-00051553 -- I think so far, RrKwfsLC7i0-00144-00051553-00051784 since 2011. -- Mm, 2011. RrKwfsLC7i0-00145-00051784-00052038 Right, so what was your first event? RrKwfsLC7i0-00146-00052336-00052482 -- Cosplay Fusion. RrKwfsLC7i0-00147-00052482-00052894 Where Alodia Gosiengfiao was there. -- Mm, at SM Marikina, is this in SM Marikina, yes? RrKwfsLC7i0-00148-00052894-00053136 -- No, it's at Rockwell. -- Rockwell. RrKwfsLC7i0-00149-00053136-00053336 -- Power Plant Mall. -- Oh, wow, RrKwfsLC7i0-00150-00053336-00053536 That's-- that's something different. RrKwfsLC7i0-00151-00053591-00054040 Any major event that you've visited in the past few years? RrKwfsLC7i0-00152-00054146-00054240 -- Cosplay Mania. RrKwfsLC7i0-00153-00054240-00054440 -- Cosplay Mania, still. RrKwfsLC7i0-00154-00054440-00054640 --...APCC (AsiaPop Comicon) -- Mm. RrKwfsLC7i0-00155-00054684-00054840 Mm, yeah, especially APCC. RrKwfsLC7i0-00156-00054840-00055040 -- Yes. -- Is this your first time going to AFA? RrKwfsLC7i0-00157-00055040-00055240 -- Yes, first time. RrKwfsLC7i0-00158-00055240-00055440 -- right. We're the same. RrKwfsLC7i0-00159-00055640-00055964 Perhaps one of the lessons that I've learned so far RrKwfsLC7i0-00160-00055964-00056284 in this journey-- in every journey, every flight, RrKwfsLC7i0-00161-00056284-00056630 is that you need to have RrKwfsLC7i0-00162-00056630-00057146 a connecting loyalty account to your... to your flight. RrKwfsLC7i0-00163-00057146-00057502 This will help you save more on... RrKwfsLC7i0-00164-00057502-00057871 the future flights that you may want to plan; RrKwfsLC7i0-00165-00057871-00058208 especially I'm flying with Cebu Pacific, RrKwfsLC7i0-00166-00058208-00058382 and they have this GetGo program RrKwfsLC7i0-00167-00058382-00058679 and they just had this seat sale RrKwfsLC7i0-00168-00058853-00059297 You'll be sure to plan your trip to other places faster... trust me. RrKwfsLC7i0-00169-00059297-00059515 Trust me - I almost did. RrKwfsLC7i0-00170-00063741-00064013 So there's this nifty WiFi password (generator) here, RrKwfsLC7i0-00171-00064013-00064213 you just scan your passport details RrKwfsLC7i0-00172-00064213-00064413 in the scanner and they will give you RrKwfsLC7i0-00173-00064413-00064758 the one-time passport for your kiosk (sic), and RrKwfsLC7i0-00174-00064811-00064958 Yeah, it's pretty great. RrKwfsLC7i0-00175-00064958-00065150 ... I tested it; and now I'm RrKwfsLC7i0-00176-00065150-00065350 connected to the WiFi here at Changi Airport-- RrKwfsLC7i0-00177-00065350-00065622 and yes, I'm here at Changi Airport Singapore. RrKwfsLC7i0-00178-00065644-00066043 Ok, so i'm now outside Changi ...T4, RrKwfsLC7i0-00179-00066097-00066243 and this is the lobby, so RrKwfsLC7i0-00180-00066243-00066449 I just got my travel sim RrKwfsLC7i0-00181-00066449-00066800 card, and... well, looking forward to have this used. RrKwfsLC7i0-00182-00066800-00067108 It's for 7 days, but I'm only here for a short stay, RrKwfsLC7i0-00183-00067108-00067411 shorter than 7 days, so let's see what we can do with this. RrKwfsLC7i0-00184-00069500-00069896 ...and now I'm here, I'm here at the MRT Station, RrKwfsLC7i0-00185-00069896-00070216 'lonne, thank you for lending me (spare coins) RrKwfsLC7i0-00186-00070216-00070768 because... now this one, I got this ticket. RrKwfsLC7i0-00187-00070768-00071096 There, so... I'm not sure what to do with this RrKwfsLC7i0-00188-00071096-00071364 but I think it's-- it can be used for like, 6 times. RrKwfsLC7i0-00189-00071364-00071564 ...I don't know, maybe, RrKwfsLC7i0-00190-00071564-00071764 So, let's see... RrKwfsLC7i0-00191-00073988-00074316 There, ok; so, we just finished checking in and RrKwfsLC7i0-00192-00074316-00074816 we're now going to Suntec City for a brief... tour, RrKwfsLC7i0-00193-00074816-00075184 So that I can prepare the things that I will need to do RrKwfsLC7i0-00194-00075240-00075488 for C3 AFA Singapore 2018. RrKwfsLC7i0-00195-00075632-00075976 Ok, so, (we've) just been through the Promenade Station, RrKwfsLC7i0-00196-00075976-00076292 and I got this 90 cents RrKwfsLC7i0-00197-00076292-00076532 bread. It should be ok for me RrKwfsLC7i0-00198-00076532-00076732 for the meantime as I RrKwfsLC7i0-00199-00076732-00077060 go find a way or find food RrKwfsLC7i0-00200-00077060-00077260 with friends; Maybe we can do this later tonight. RrKwfsLC7i0-00201-00078978-00079214 Finally I'm here at Suntec City, RrKwfsLC7i0-00202-00079280-00079672 I'm here at the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Center RrKwfsLC7i0-00203-00079672-00079872 for C3 AFA Singapore 2018. RrKwfsLC7i0-00204-00079872-00080070 This time, I'm going to stay outside RrKwfsLC7i0-00205-00080070-00080454 and by far, what I'm going to do is to RrKwfsLC7i0-00206-00080454-00080876 roam around, check the shot list that I have RrKwfsLC7i0-00207-00080876-00081156 and check if I can take a few shots, RrKwfsLC7i0-00208-00081156-00081356 So yeah, I'm excited. RrKwfsLC7i0-00209-00081424-00081682 Ok, so one of the great amenities RrKwfsLC7i0-00210-00081682-00081882 here at Suntec so far is RrKwfsLC7i0-00211-00081882-00082082 this vending machine in which RrKwfsLC7i0-00212-00082248-00082666 you... pick your stuff right there, you pay with NETS FlashPay, RrKwfsLC7i0-00213-00082666-00082964 then the box opens, and then you pick the (item inside the) box and then RrKwfsLC7i0-00214-00082964-00083164 you'll get it; it's like this, RrKwfsLC7i0-00215-00083164-00083430 a granola bar, so... I just tested this and RrKwfsLC7i0-00216-00083430-00083720 I'm... I'm really surprised. RrKwfsLC7i0-00217-00083828-00084108 Well, as one of my friends said, RrKwfsLC7i0-00218-00084108-00084458 "Singapore is at par with Japan," I think that's a yes. RrKwfsLC7i0-00219-00084570-00084836 Ok, I'm outside the Sky Garden right now, and RrKwfsLC7i0-00220-00084836-00085036 I just discovered this, just now, RrKwfsLC7i0-00221-00085036-00085342 and it has a space for Cosplayers RrKwfsLC7i0-00222-00085342-00085684 to have their own photoshoots in the landscapes of Singapore, and RrKwfsLC7i0-00223-00085684-00085884 it's wonderful. RrKwfsLC7i0-00224-00086384-00086810 It's around 6:13 in the evening in Singapore, RrKwfsLC7i0-00225-00086810-00087224 and it's... it feels like it's not yet evening. RrKwfsLC7i0-00226-00087324-00087576 My friends at Anime Pilipinas (are) saying that... RrKwfsLC7i0-00227-00087576-00087928 if... the sun sets in our place around 6:00pm, RrKwfsLC7i0-00228-00087928-00088348 the... the sun sets here around 8:00pm, so it's around 2 hours RrKwfsLC7i0-00229-00088348-00088446 allowance. RrKwfsLC7i0-00230-00088502-00089206 So yeah, it's still quite sunny, it feels like 5-- 4-- 5:00pm. RrKwfsLC7i0-00231-00090694-00091064 Karlonne brought me to this... place, where he RrKwfsLC7i0-00232-00091064-00091278 -- Luk Lu, -- Luk Lu (Eating House). RrKwfsLC7i0-00233-00091278-00091446 Luk Lu. RrKwfsLC7i0-00234-00091446-00091658 He was able to eat here for 5 (Singaporean) dollars, RrKwfsLC7i0-00235-00091658-00091850 for a meal; I think that's RrKwfsLC7i0-00236-00091850-00092082 decent enough. RrKwfsLC7i0-00237-00092082-00092272 So... yeah, I'll be trying their RrKwfsLC7i0-00238-00092272-00092438 Basil Chicken with Rice and Egg RrKwfsLC7i0-00239-00092438-00092812 and see-- see what it tastes like. RrKwfsLC7i0-00240-00096325-00096500 ...actually, this is a special; RrKwfsLC7i0-00241-00096662-00097230 but if you are able to watch the whole series, it's about finding oneself. RrKwfsLC7i0-00242-00097810-00098225 So... early in the morning, I'll be going to church first, RrKwfsLC7i0-00243-00098225-00098532 to pay my respects as well, RrKwfsLC7i0-00244-00098635-00098920 and after that, I'll get back to the room RrKwfsLC7i0-00245-00098920-00099135 to get my things, to pack up RrKwfsLC7i0-00246-00099135-00099407 for the second day of C3 AFA. RrKwfsLC7i0-00247-00099470-00099605 You know, RrKwfsLC7i0-00248-00099695-00099965 as far as I experienced RrKwfsLC7i0-00249-00099965-00100140 the train and the bus, RrKwfsLC7i0-00250-00100140-00100365 I'm... I'm much more confident RrKwfsLC7i0-00251-00100365-00100575 with riding the trains more than the bus RrKwfsLC7i0-00252-00100575-00101020 because there are many bus stations in RrKwfsLC7i0-00253-00101020-00101415 the area, so besides the... RrKwfsLC7i0-00254-00101415-00101985 complexity of the bus stations, is the fact that I haven't learned it all. RrKwfsLC7i0-00255-00103255-00103515 The thing about riding escalators RrKwfsLC7i0-00256-00103515-00103677 is that in the Philippines, RrKwfsLC7i0-00257-00103677-00103975 You walk on the left, stand on the right. RrKwfsLC7i0-00258-00103975-00104255 In Singapore, you stand on the left, you walk on the right. RrKwfsLC7i0-00259-00104255-00104455 So, that's... RrKwfsLC7i0-00260-00104502-00104655 that's cool. [Snickers] RrKwfsLC7i0-00261-00104655-00104855 That's odd, quite odd. RrKwfsLC7i0-00262-00111050-00111500 Alright, so we just dropped by the Esplanade station, RrKwfsLC7i0-00263-00111500-00111759 I'm ready to enter Suntec City RrKwfsLC7i0-00264-00111759-00112127 for Anime Festival Asia's 10th year - C3 AFA... RrKwfsLC7i0-00265-00116380-00116782 -- I'm here at C3 AFA Singapore 2018, RrKwfsLC7i0-00266-00116782-00117100 this is big, this is big. I've just went here, RrKwfsLC7i0-00267-00117100-00117355 I just went outside the halls yesterday, RrKwfsLC7i0-00268-00117355-00117740 lots of Cosplayers, and the photos are already posted on Facebook, RrKwfsLC7i0-00269-00117740-00117970 So now, I'm inside... RrKwfsLC7i0-00270-00117970-00118255 the exhibit hall, and I'm going to roam around, RrKwfsLC7i0-00271-00118255-00118455 taking photos and taking great memories - RrKwfsLC7i0-00272-00118455-00118855 great keepsakes - of these activities inside. RrKwfsLC7i0-00273-00123240-00123371 Guys, -- What's up! RrKwfsLC7i0-00274-00123371-00123691 I achieved something... RrKwfsLC7i0-00275-00124028-00124205 Thank you very much. RrKwfsLC7i0-00276-00125205-00125636 Ok, so my next destination, to try this Kaya Toast, RrKwfsLC7i0-00277-00125636-00125814 I booked it at Klook, is RrKwfsLC7i0-00278-00125831-00126071 this Family Cafe. I'm going to Basement 1. RrKwfsLC7i0-00279-00126071-00126161 Alright. RrKwfsLC7i0-00280-00128605-00128968 Alright, so I've just been through the drugstore RrKwfsLC7i0-00281-00128968-00129222 to buy some pain reliever, RrKwfsLC7i0-00282-00129222-00129668 they (sell) these things by packs, not by tablets, so RrKwfsLC7i0-00283-00129668-00129842 that's something to take note of, RrKwfsLC7i0-00284-00130040-00130351 This is much more expensive compared to the, RrKwfsLC7i0-00285-00130351-00130508 to the snacks and all that. RrKwfsLC7i0-00286-00130508-00130920 Medicines are much expensive, so what I've understood RrKwfsLC7i0-00287-00130920-00131120 here is that, in Singapore, RrKwfsLC7i0-00288-00131120-00131320 it's expensive to get sick. RrKwfsLC7i0-00289-00131428-00131802 One of the things that AFA is famous for is the RrKwfsLC7i0-00290-00131802-00132002 I Love Anisong concert RrKwfsLC7i0-00291-00132002-00132202 featuring not just 5, 10, RrKwfsLC7i0-00292-00132202-00132474 15, (but) 16 artists, so on and so forth, RrKwfsLC7i0-00293-00132474-00132674 and they've been doing this RrKwfsLC7i0-00294-00132674-00132788 for years. RrKwfsLC7i0-00295-00132788-00132988 On (AFA's) 10th anniversary, RrKwfsLC7i0-00296-00132988-00133188 you'll see here... RrKwfsLC7i0-00297-00133325-00133765 that's a whole lot-- 16 artists for 3 days, RrKwfsLC7i0-00298-00133765-00134377 very long... weekend... for the fans who have already booked tickets RrKwfsLC7i0-00299-00134377-00134577 for all these three days. RrKwfsLC7i0-00300-00136320-00136674 So I've just finished Day 2 of C3 AFA Singapore RrKwfsLC7i0-00301-00136674-00137000 with the I Love Anisong concert, and RrKwfsLC7i0-00302-00137037-00137445 it's... it's a wonderful mix of tunes from RrKwfsLC7i0-00303-00137445-00137645 pop, rock, idol and all that stuff. RrKwfsLC7i0-00304-00137645-00137951 Yes, idols, because I (chanted and swung my hands) to TrySail. RrKwfsLC7i0-00305-00138020-00138377 You know-- you know what's hard with this... RrKwfsLC7i0-00306-00138377-00138791 TrySail has performed great song after great song RrKwfsLC7i0-00307-00138791-00139188 and I thought I won't be able to relax, because if they go (sang) "Adrenaline!!!" right away, RrKwfsLC7i0-00308-00139265-00139514 I'll no longer have adrenaline. Seriously. RrKwfsLC7i0-00309-00139657-00140137 Because... maybe once I get back to my room, I'll lie down the bed automatically. RrKwfsLC7i0-00310-00147528-00147824 Right. Yes we got this (Jeanne d'Arc), and RrKwfsLC7i0-00311-00147824-00148024 since he got this (Iskandar), let us swap. RrKwfsLC7i0-00312-00148024-00148224 Right. -- Right. RrKwfsLC7i0-00313-00148224-00148556 Thank you. -- You've been blessed... I guess. RrKwfsLC7i0-00314-00159560-00159724 (It's) less than an hour away RrKwfsLC7i0-00315-00159882-00160382 until we see the guests and partners of AFA as they celebrate their 10th year anniversary RrKwfsLC7i0-00316-00160382-00160582 right here outside Suntec RrKwfsLC7i0-00317-00160613-00161024 and we are here at what they call "The Big Picture." RrKwfsLC7i0-00318-00161024-00161408 Seika: "Please don't forget to drop a comment for me, okay ah~" RrKwfsLC7i0-00319-00161506-00161722 Reiko: "I couldn't have imagined back then RrKwfsLC7i0-00320-00161722-00161922 that I will be standing here RrKwfsLC7i0-00321-00161922-00162262 to celebrate the 10th anniversary with you guys - RrKwfsLC7i0-00322-00162262-00162457 and I'm really truly grateful RrKwfsLC7i0-00323-00162457-00162657 about that." RrKwfsLC7i0-00324-00162657-00162857 -- May'n! RrKwfsLC7i0-00325-00163195-00163448 -- GARNiDELiA! RrKwfsLC7i0-00326-00163728-00163897 [screams] Karlonne! RrKwfsLC7i0-00327-00164222-00164435 [screams] (Tokumaru) Oguri-san! Rithe! RrKwfsLC7i0-00328-00164562-00164731 [screams] Riiithe! RrKwfsLC7i0-00329-00166142-00166695 Reiko: "Yes... they have actually found their long-lost brother." RrKwfsLC7i0-00330-00167613-00167824 [screams] Mimoriiin! RrKwfsLC7i0-00331-00172591-00172928 Saber: "Get out of my way, Archer. The Holy Grail is mine!" RrKwfsLC7i0-00332-00172928-00173202 Gilgamesh: [snickers] "That expression... " RrKwfsLC7i0-00333-00174373-00174584 [screams] Riiiiiiiithe! RrKwfsLC7i0-00334-00175977-00176144 So I have here Karlonne, RrKwfsLC7i0-00335-00176144-00176455 he's been-- he has participated in (the World Cosplay Summit) before, RrKwfsLC7i0-00336-00176495-00176746 -- I'm betting my decision RrKwfsLC7i0-00337-00176746-00176946 on Rithe and Kai. How about you? RrKwfsLC7i0-00338-00177008-00177293 Karlonne: Actually, they did gave their best on the performance, RrKwfsLC7i0-00339-00177293-00177506 I gave them 90% in my own grade. RrKwfsLC7i0-00340-00177555-00177800 In this part, with the Gundam (Breaker), RrKwfsLC7i0-00341-00177800-00178000 this one made it on the effects, RrKwfsLC7i0-00342-00178000-00178200 and story-wise, it's also great; RrKwfsLC7i0-00343-00178228-00178457 but, let's just see... RrKwfsLC7i0-00344-00178473-00178875 I am hoping also within these two groups, Rithe & Kai and this Gundam group, RrKwfsLC7i0-00345-00178951-00179093 ...hoping the best for these two. RrKwfsLC7i0-00346-00179093-00179246 -- This is the only one. RrKwfsLC7i0-00347-00179246-00179440 'cause this is the only Singapore Qualifier (for WCS). RrKwfsLC7i0-00348-00179440-00179640 So, one of them, RrKwfsLC7i0-00349-00179640-00179840 and chances are, one of these groups RrKwfsLC7i0-00350-00179840-00180040 will be... will be RrKwfsLC7i0-00351-00180040-00180240 in Japan to represent RrKwfsLC7i0-00352-00180240-00180535 -- Yes. -- Singapore in the WCS. -- Yes. RrKwfsLC7i0-00353-00180535-00180931 Karlonne: So... I'm looking forward in what they did, RrKwfsLC7i0-00354-00180931-00181233 they are really both equal, what can I say? RrKwfsLC7i0-00355-00181551-00181791 MC: ...and now the moment you all have been waiting for. RrKwfsLC7i0-00356-00181791-00181955 To present the first prize... RrKwfsLC7i0-00357-00181955-00182222 -- There we go! -- and we are calling Mr. Tokumaru Oguri. RrKwfsLC7i0-00358-00182611-00182873 MC: This is the time. -- It's tiiime! RrKwfsLC7i0-00359-00182873-00183440 MC: The winner of the WCS Singapore Preliminaries for 2019 is... RrKwfsLC7i0-00360-00183780-00183888 Team... RrKwfsLC7i0-00361-00184046-00184344 Rithe and Kai! RrKwfsLC7i0-00362-00187216-00187544 There, finally, I got to step on the Red Carpet of AFA. RrKwfsLC7i0-00363-00187772-00187980 Well... what do you know. RrKwfsLC7i0-00364-00188096-00188496 Very tiring... very long weekend. RrKwfsLC7i0-00365-00188496-00189072 Perhaps, this is the culmination of everything that RrKwfsLC7i0-00366-00189104-00189384 I wished for in my life as a hobbyist. RrKwfsLC7i0-00367-00189628-00190164 I'm really relieved that I was able to adapt somehow RrKwfsLC7i0-00368-00190232-00190480 in this kind of event. RrKwfsLC7i0-00369-00190480-00190675 I'm looking forward to be back in the Philippines RrKwfsLC7i0-00370-00190675-00191107 with confidence that I'm now calm and contented, RrKwfsLC7i0-00371-00191107-00191358 and until my next journey, perhaps, RrKwfsLC7i0-00372-00191441-00191660 maybe, whatever my next journey will be-- RrKwfsLC7i0-00373-00191785-00191955 Well, there won't be a last journey. RrKwfsLC7i0-00374-00192027-00192155 It's more of like, RrKwfsLC7i0-00375-00192323-00192558 "What should I do next?" RrKwfsLC7i0-00376-00192616-00193286 So... with that, that ends C3 AFA Singapore 2018. RrKwfsLC7i0-00377-00193400-00193609 Thank you very much, AFA. RrKwfsLC7i0-00378-00193692-00193979 -- Aren't there any hawkers nearby? RrKwfsLC7i0-00379-00193979-00194297 Al: Here, none, because this is, what is it, prime-- this is prime estate. RrKwfsLC7i0-00380-00194297-00194555 -- Prime estate. Ok. -- So, I know... RrKwfsLC7i0-00381-00194555-00194883 of a Hawker Center that we went to, but it's too far away, RrKwfsLC7i0-00382-00194883-00195083 you'll have to take a bus. -- Ah... RrKwfsLC7i0-00383-00195083-00195444 Well, that's one thing that I won't be able to experience here in Singapore. RrKwfsLC7i0-00384-00195444-00195718 -- Aren't there any at Beach Road? Around... -- I have no idea. RrKwfsLC7i0-00385-00195817-00195982 So it's my first time at a Hawker Center RrKwfsLC7i0-00386-00195982-00196182 after all the days that I've been here, RrKwfsLC7i0-00387-00196364-00196569 ...and under the suggestion of Pareng Ellie (Nogami), I tried RrKwfsLC7i0-00388-00196569-00196803 Hainanese Chicken Rice, and I got some, RrKwfsLC7i0-00389-00196843-00197188 I was suggested some Sugarcane (Juice), so I got Sugarcane Juice here. RrKwfsLC7i0-00390-00197305-00197684 Really tasty; but this is my breakfast only. [chuckles] RrKwfsLC7i0-00391-00197705-00198070 This is my breakfast only, so I'll try noodles at the other stall later on. RrKwfsLC7i0-00392-00198172-00198593 Ok, so let's see-- let's taste these noodles that I got for a dollar. RrKwfsLC7i0-00393-00199177-00199555 So there, I'm here at Changi Airport Terminal 4, RrKwfsLC7i0-00394-00199555-00199916 One of the newest-- the newest airport rather of the Changi Airport (Singapore), RrKwfsLC7i0-00395-00199916-00200315 and this is where my flight going back to Manila will be. RrKwfsLC7i0-00396-00200374-00200596 So beautiful, (it's a) newly-built airport. RrKwfsLC7i0-00397-00200632-00200886 So, you'll see the convenience... RrKwfsLC7i0-00398-00200910-00201044 Here at my back RrKwfsLC7i0-00399-00201080-00201212 you'll see the terminals-- RrKwfsLC7i0-00400-00201246-00201465 You can get your boarding pass, you can get your (baggage) tags and then RrKwfsLC7i0-00401-00201508-00201884 you can go to the bag drop area, just drop your bag and then they will check it. RrKwfsLC7i0-00402-00201956-00202156 No longer-- it's like... RrKwfsLC7i0-00403-00202177-00202451 the task of handling baggage RrKwfsLC7i0-00404-00202481-00202699 is lessened here RrKwfsLC7i0-00405-00202737-00202900 for the Changi Airport staff, and that is RrKwfsLC7i0-00406-00202900-00203028 really appreciated, because RrKwfsLC7i0-00407-00203064-00203316 for me, of course, I want to make sure that RrKwfsLC7i0-00408-00203340-00203592 ...I want to make sure that things will go smoothly. RrKwfsLC7i0-00409-00203614-00203779 ...and I checked my bag somehow, RrKwfsLC7i0-00410-00203894-00204352 Although... the problem with the baggage is that RrKwfsLC7i0-00411-00204412-00204604 if you exceed the baggage, RrKwfsLC7i0-00412-00204624-00204886 you have to pay something... but RrKwfsLC7i0-00413-00204904-00205156 if I were to be asked, RrKwfsLC7i0-00414-00205156-00205546 perhaps if I have a lot of baggage with me, I'll stay for more than 4 days and all that, RrKwfsLC7i0-00415-00205579-00205723 (I'll) go buy (my) prepaid baggage. RrKwfsLC7i0-00416-00205830-00206081 Go buy your prepaid baggage, it will be worth it in the long run. RrKwfsLC7i0-00417-00206091-00206544 Because regardless if you're... If your bag (weighs) around 7.1 kilograms RrKwfsLC7i0-00418-00206544-00206919 so on, so forth; and then you will check in and all that, RrKwfsLC7i0-00419-00207009-00207161 it will be worth it especially if you're... RrKwfsLC7i0-00420-00207379-00207517 you're (bringing) costumes and all that. RrKwfsLC7i0-00421-00207744-00208065 So this is where the people will arrive RrKwfsLC7i0-00422-00208164-00208456 to the bus from Terminal 2. RrKwfsLC7i0-00423-00208571-00208894 ... I'll be going to the Immigration now, RrKwfsLC7i0-00424-00208894-00209144 explore the rest of the airport and hopefully RrKwfsLC7i0-00425-00209173-00209469 we get to... we get back to Manila RrKwfsLC7i0-00426-00209523-00209832 safely and hassle-free. RrKwfsLC7i0-00427-00211632-00212173 I'm now in the flight back to Manila, and RrKwfsLC7i0-00428-00212290-00212596 I meet many people that I am familiar with RrKwfsLC7i0-00429-00212596-00212796 and I'm really happy about that. RrKwfsLC7i0-00430-00212808-00213208 Now, I'm going to eat this... RrKwfsLC7i0-00431-00213266-00213432 another airplane food, RrKwfsLC7i0-00432-00213432-00213648 Chicken Inasal Burrito, so that's... RrKwfsLC7i0-00433-00213648-00213848 I'll be tasting this. RrKwfsLC7i0-00434-00214980-00215454 ...and ... above all the many stories that I'd like RrKwfsLC7i0-00435-00215454-00215712 to tell, perhaps that all that I can say. RrKwfsLC7i0-00436-00215712-00215990 I encourage you-- highly encourage you, RrKwfsLC7i0-00437-00216030-00216219 to plan your itinerary RrKwfsLC7i0-00438-00216246-00216576 months ahead of the date. RrKwfsLC7i0-00439-00216626-00217373 Again, I got my passport (in) February, and then I booked my plane ticket (in) April, RrKwfsLC7i0-00440-00217373-00217750 (I) changed my booking around September; October, November, RrKwfsLC7i0-00441-00217750-00218173 December, I booked my ticket to AFA and RrKwfsLC7i0-00442-00218173-00218373 my stay... RrKwfsLC7i0-00443-00218498-00218926 It took me around... 11 months. RrKwfsLC7i0-00444-00219026-00219336 To be fair, it took me a year to prepare for this, RrKwfsLC7i0-00445-00219336-00219848 and that does not include the times that RrKwfsLC7i0-00446-00219882-00220219 I agonized myself, I pitied myself, RrKwfsLC7i0-00447-00220244-00220736 I envied others because they went to AFA, not once, but twice; RrKwfsLC7i0-00448-00220736-00220936 Perhaps one visit to AFA RrKwfsLC7i0-00449-00221006-00221186 was enough for me. RrKwfsLC7i0-00450-00221219-00221392 ... or was it enough? RrKwfsLC7i0-00451-00221514-00222114 This, perhaps, is my first and last journey overseas. RrKwfsLC7i0-00452-00222164-00222386 This is just a one time, big time thing. RrKwfsLC7i0-00453-00222400-00222784 I won't be able to experience this-- and I feel that I won't be able to experience this RrKwfsLC7i0-00454-00222784-00222908 the next time around. RrKwfsLC7i0-00455-00222908-00223158 10th year anniversary of Anime Festival Asia. RrKwfsLC7i0-00456-00223200-00223538 ...and I got the opportunity; I got the funds RrKwfsLC7i0-00457-00223538-00223738 to go on my first overseas trip. RrKwfsLC7i0-00458-00223738-00224006 [snaps] Just in the right time. RrKwfsLC7i0-00459-00224060-00224408 So when the time comes, I hope this travelogue RrKwfsLC7i0-00460-00224408-00224930 will encourage you to explore your horizons, explore your perspectives, RrKwfsLC7i0-00461-00224930-00225376 widen it, and I'm looking forward for the next event RrKwfsLC7i0-00462-00225376-00225650 in this place, in this country (the Philippines) soon-- RrKwfsLC7i0-00463-00225650-00226046 and I hope to see you there, so that we can continue our discussion. RrKwfsLC7i0-00464-00226046-00226150 Peace out. RtIi6QN-Dru-00000-00000036-00000302 Rammstein Radio drum cover Ru3931jcLxg-00000-00000380-00000656 Hi guys, I'm May. Welcome to my YouTube channel! Ru3931jcLxg-00001-00000656-00001269 As we know, plank is a great way to train our abs and increase the stability of our core. Ru3931jcLxg-00002-00001269-00001634 Today we're doing something you can achieve at home. Ru3931jcLxg-00003-00001634-00001886 8 minute plank challenge! Ru3931jcLxg-00004-00001886-00002190 We're going to do a few variations of plank, Ru3931jcLxg-00005-00002193-00002453 and there won't be too much break in between! Ru3931jcLxg-00006-00002453-00002766 If you're ready, let's get to it. Go! Ru3931jcLxg-00007-00002849-00003220 There will be three combos in this 8 minute plank challenge. Ru3931jcLxg-00008-00003372-00003739 First move, on the yoga map, support your body with both hands. Ru3931jcLxg-00009-00003753-00004147 We're doing a variation of dolphin spider plank. Ru3931jcLxg-00010-00004187-00004400 Push with both hands, lift your hips. Ru3931jcLxg-00011-00004514-00004915 Then lift one leg to the elbow on the same side. Ru3931jcLxg-00012-00005182-00005437 Pause a bit using your core strength. Ru3931jcLxg-00013-00005535-00005876 Take it slow to trigger core muscles. Ru3931jcLxg-00014-00005876-00006367 TIPS: Push on the floors with both hands, lift up your hips. Crunch while moving forward. Move one leg to the same side of elbow. Then Switch to the other side. Ru3931jcLxg-00015-00006653-00006769 Counting 5 Ru3931jcLxg-00016-00006769-00006874 4 Ru3931jcLxg-00017-00006874-00006974 3 Ru3931jcLxg-00018-00006974-00007077 2 Ru3931jcLxg-00019-00007077-00007144 1 Ru3931jcLxg-00020-00007318-00007607 Second move: Alternative side plank hold. Ru3931jcLxg-00021-00007860-00008059 Pause for 3-4 seconds. Ru3931jcLxg-00022-00008145-00008315 Then slowly switch sides. Ru3931jcLxg-00023-00008315-00009284 TIPS: Side planks for both sides by turns. Pause for 3-4 seconds before switching. Keep your waist up in the air by using the strength of your core. Ru3931jcLxg-00024-00009580-00009696 Last 5 seconds. Ru3931jcLxg-00025-00010246-00010354 Awesome! Ru3931jcLxg-00026-00010354-00010602 Then, mountain climber, 30 seconds. Ru3931jcLxg-00027-00010602-00011566 TIPS: Maintain the strength of your core. Form a straight line with your body, back, and hips. Move both legs to the same side of elbows by turns. You can try speeding up. Ru3931jcLxg-00028-00011566-00011823 Your supporting hands will start getting sore, Ru3931jcLxg-00029-00011823-00011940 but don't stop! Ru3931jcLxg-00030-00012076-00012195 LET'S GO, GUYS! Ru3931jcLxg-00031-00012195-00012303 10 seconds. Ru3931jcLxg-00032-00012303-00012470 Let's speed up! Ru3931jcLxg-00033-00012716-00012890 Keep using your abs. Ru3931jcLxg-00034-00012890-00013159 3 2 1 Ru3931jcLxg-00035-00013159-00013250 Very well! Ru3931jcLxg-00036-00013289-00013420 Without a break, Ru3931jcLxg-00037-00013483-00013666 we'll do plank twist. Ru3931jcLxg-00038-00013845-00014018 4 times for one side, Ru3931jcLxg-00039-00014123-00014257 then switch. Ru3931jcLxg-00040-00014327-00014490 Twist your body. Ru3931jcLxg-00041-00014507-00014629 Bend your knee. Ru3931jcLxg-00042-00014667-00015095 Your side abs and arms are going to feel tired. Ru3931jcLxg-00043-00015850-00016144 Counting 3 2 1 Ru3931jcLxg-00044-00016299-00016618 Last combo of our first move: plank back and forth. Ru3931jcLxg-00045-00016654-00016835 Holding yourself with elbows. Ru3931jcLxg-00046-00016835-00017291 TIPS: Touch the yoga mat with your tiptoes. Lean back and forth. Keep using the strength of your core. Maintain your waist upin the air. Ru3931jcLxg-00047-00017293-00017406 Hold your legs with tiptoes. Ru3931jcLxg-00048-00017470-00017650 Move forward and backward. Ru3931jcLxg-00049-00018550-00018786 Keep it up for 5 more seconds. Ru3931jcLxg-00050-00018890-00018982 3 Ru3931jcLxg-00051-00018982-00019089 2 Ru3931jcLxg-00052-00019089-00019159 1 Ru3931jcLxg-00053-00019404-00019513 Good job! Ru3931jcLxg-00054-00019602-00019856 We're at 30% of the session! Ru3931jcLxg-00055-00019925-00020113 Don't give up just yet! Ru3931jcLxg-00056-00020465-00020649 Take a short break. Ru3931jcLxg-00057-00021694-00022036 For the next move, stand beside your yoga mat. Ru3931jcLxg-00058-00022310-00022570 Then to the plank hold position. Ru3931jcLxg-00059-00022612-00022726 Lift your leg. Ru3931jcLxg-00060-00022804-00022953 Pause for a bit. Ru3931jcLxg-00061-00022975-00023074 Then switch. Ru3931jcLxg-00062-00023112-00023303 Slowly get back and stand up. Ru3931jcLxg-00063-00023303-00024351 TIPS: To the high plank position. Lift both legs by turns. Pause a bit while lifting, then resume to standing. Repeat the process. Ru3931jcLxg-00064-00025303-00025670 Without a break, we'll do knee touch crunch plank. Ru3931jcLxg-00065-00025858-00026166 Lift a leg and arm on the same side. Ru3931jcLxg-00066-00026276-00026430 Quickly touch your knee. Ru3931jcLxg-00067-00026500-00026715 And get back to plank hold. Ru3931jcLxg-00068-00026877-00027120 It's normal to feel a little unstable. Ru3931jcLxg-00069-00027415-00027620 Challenge yourself! Keep holding on. Ru3931jcLxg-00070-00027654-00027777 5 seconds. Ru3931jcLxg-00071-00028399-00028639 Bear plank walk taps. Ru3931jcLxg-00072-00028639-00029089 TIPS: Straighten your legs. Then bend your knees into the bear plank position. Take turns touching your back shoulder with your hands. Resume to plank hold. Ru3931jcLxg-00073-00029089-00029330 Straighten your legs, then bend your knees. Ru3931jcLxg-00074-00029370-00029523 Do two shoulder taps. Ru3931jcLxg-00075-00030670-00030797 Counting 5 Ru3931jcLxg-00076-00030797-00030863 4 Ru3931jcLxg-00077-00030893-00030975 3 Ru3931jcLxg-00078-00030975-00031100 2 Ru3931jcLxg-00079-00031100-00031253 1, good job! Ru3931jcLxg-00080-00031319-00031500 Alternative plank leg reach. Ru3931jcLxg-00081-00031500-00031956 TIPS: Stretch one leg to the side while the arm on the same side reaching out. Then switch. Ru3931jcLxg-00082-00031956-00032160 Stretch one leg to the side. Ru3931jcLxg-00083-00032160-00032432 Reach out your hand and breathe out. Ru3931jcLxg-00084-00033530-00033805 You can take a short break after this. Ru3931jcLxg-00085-00034300-00034416 You did well! Ru3931jcLxg-00086-00034787-00035008 Take a 30 second break now. Ru3931jcLxg-00087-00035060-00035330 Have some water, catch your breath. Ru3931jcLxg-00088-00036184-00036570 Now, prepare for side plank hip raise. Ru3931jcLxg-00089-00036810-00037065 We'll going in 3 seconds. Ru3931jcLxg-00090-00037404-00037548 Side plank hip raise. Ru3931jcLxg-00091-00037622-00037813 Drop down your hips. Ru3931jcLxg-00092-00037813-00038166 Then raise up your body with the strength of your waist. Ru3931jcLxg-00093-00038490-00038836 Your supporting hand will feel a little tired. It's normal. Ru3931jcLxg-00094-00039003-00039220 Keep utilizing your core and arms. Ru3931jcLxg-00095-00039856-00039977 Counting 3 Ru3931jcLxg-00096-00039977-00040030 2 Ru3931jcLxg-00097-00040079-00040129 1 Ru3931jcLxg-00098-00040129-00040239 Maintain your position. Ru3931jcLxg-00099-00040320-00040556 Side plank hold for 30 seconds. Ru3931jcLxg-00100-00041180-00041386 Believe in yourself. Ru3931jcLxg-00101-00042126-00042433 Hold on til the last minute. Don't give up. Ru3931jcLxg-00102-00042486-00042563 You can do it! Ru3931jcLxg-00103-00042683-00042814 5 seconds. Ru3931jcLxg-00104-00042814-00042898 4 Ru3931jcLxg-00105-00042907-00042982 3 Ru3931jcLxg-00106-00043009-00043081 2 Ru3931jcLxg-00107-00043099-00043174 1 Ru3931jcLxg-00108-00043192-00043389 Don't forget about the other side. Ru3931jcLxg-00109-00043699-00043868 Side plank hip raise. Let's go. Ru3931jcLxg-00110-00044193-00044383 Slowly drop down your hips. Ru3931jcLxg-00111-00044383-00044655 And raise to a high position with your side abs. Ru3931jcLxg-00112-00044655-00045253 TIPS: Support yourself with one elbow. Drop down your hips, then raise up with the your waist. Feel your core strength. Ru3931jcLxg-00113-00045673-00045776 Counting 5 Ru3931jcLxg-00114-00045806-00045891 4 Ru3931jcLxg-00115-00045891-00045943 3 Ru3931jcLxg-00116-00046006-00046086 2 Ru3931jcLxg-00117-00046086-00046486 1. Without resting, we'll hold here for 30 seconds. Ru3931jcLxg-00118-00046486-00047194 TIPS: Keep your waist up. Feel your core strength. Ru3931jcLxg-00119-00047206-00047386 Have faith in yourself! Ru3931jcLxg-00120-00048183-00048306 10 seconds. Ru3931jcLxg-00121-00048916-00049153 3 2 1 Ru3931jcLxg-00122-00049330-00049446 Good job! Ru3931jcLxg-00123-00049606-00049866 Second move before we end: mountain climber hold (3 seconds) Ru3931jcLxg-00124-00049962-00050096 Press both hands on the mat. Ru3931jcLxg-00125-00050230-00050404 Lift one leg and move forward. Ru3931jcLxg-00126-00050404-00050726 Pause in the air for 3 seconds. Ru3931jcLxg-00127-00050770-00050846 Switch. Ru3931jcLxg-00128-00050923-00050998 1 Ru3931jcLxg-00129-00050998-00051048 2 Ru3931jcLxg-00130-00051050-00051100 3 Ru3931jcLxg-00131-00051100-00051173 Switch. Ru3931jcLxg-00132-00051253-00051446 Good. Repeat the process. Ru3931jcLxg-00133-00051906-00052020 Counting 3 Ru3931jcLxg-00134-00052020-00052083 2 Ru3931jcLxg-00135-00052123-00052173 1 Ru3931jcLxg-00136-00052286-00052413 Last move. Ru3931jcLxg-00137-00052496-00052646 Plank jack and hip. Ru3931jcLxg-00138-00052673-00052783 And forward. Ru3931jcLxg-00139-00052876-00053103 Open outward, then forward. Ru3931jcLxg-00140-00053103-00054255 Open your legs outward. Jump forward. Press your hands firmly on the mat. Keep your upper body stable. Ru3931jcLxg-00141-00054271-00054398 GO GO GO! Ru3931jcLxg-00142-00054710-00054794 Counting 5 Ru3931jcLxg-00143-00054817-00054906 4 Ru3931jcLxg-00144-00054926-00055001 3 Ru3931jcLxg-00145-00055001-00055126 2 Ru3931jcLxg-00146-00055126-00055340 1. Congrats on finishing the session! Ru3931jcLxg-00147-00055340-00055506 You did a wonderful job today! Ru3931jcLxg-00148-00055640-00056506 In just 8 minutes, can you feel your upper limbs and core blowing up? Ru3931jcLxg-00149-00056554-00056632 I'm dead. Ru3931jcLxg-00150-00056632-00056826 When we were holding in position, Ru3931jcLxg-00151-00056826-00057140 it does not only train your core, Ru3931jcLxg-00152-00057160-00057500 but your upper limbs, too! Ru3931jcLxg-00153-00057500-00057686 If you've finished the challenge today, Ru3931jcLxg-00154-00057703-00057933 please comment and let me know! Ru3931jcLxg-00155-00057933-00058124 I'll see you next time. Bye bye! RugcxR5QbWu-00000-00002338-00002538 What did she say? Rxj-jDlgcnM-00000-00000039-00000475 Attitude, mindset, state of mind. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00001-00000475-00001009 All these ideas of how do we interpret what's going on? Rxj-jDlgcnM-00002-00001009-00001208 How do we look at our lives? Rxj-jDlgcnM-00003-00001208-00002081 It seems like we have so much ability to really decide how we want to make sense of what's Rxj-jDlgcnM-00004-00002081-00002672 going on, so that even in- you could have two different people with exactly the same Rxj-jDlgcnM-00005-00002672-00003318 situation, but because of a different mindset, their experience of life can be totally different. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00006-00003318-00004044 And this seems to be one of the most powerful ways that we can change our lives, is through Rxj-jDlgcnM-00007-00004044-00004243 simply changing our interpretation. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00008-00004243-00005028 Now of course, it's no substitute for actually making real changes in the external world, Rxj-jDlgcnM-00009-00005028-00005381 improving our health, changing the actual things we do. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00010-00005381-00005767 And those things, there's no substitute for them. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00011-00005767-00006525 But so much also goes into what's going on in our own minds, that we can almost program Rxj-jDlgcnM-00012-00006525-00007206 ourselves to look at the world that we choose is best. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00013-00007206-00007597 And I like to think of it as creating our own paradise. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00014-00007597-00008449 Really, heaven and hell, paradise and some kind of nightmare, are created inside our Rxj-jDlgcnM-00015-00008449-00009040 own minds, through a way of looking at what's around us. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00016-00009040-00009845 So we think paradise, a tropical beach, with a carefree life on the beach: but then the Rxj-jDlgcnM-00017-00009845-00010553 reality of a lot of those places is a lot of very difficult things going on that is Rxj-jDlgcnM-00018-00010553-00010787 not like paradise at all. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00019-00010787-00011895 And meanwhile, in our apparently drab-looking, simple, everyday, mundane home, we can have Rxj-jDlgcnM-00020-00011895-00012888 a state of mind that takes us to the height of satisfaction and happiness. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00021-00012888-00013651 So the basic idea is that really, we do have this ability to program ourselves in that Rxj-jDlgcnM-00022-00013651-00014343 way through changing our mindset, and that's what this series is about: a bunch of different Rxj-jDlgcnM-00023-00014343-00015062 ways of looking at mindset and how we can find different ways of interpreting what's Rxj-jDlgcnM-00024-00015062-00015474 going on around us and inside our own minds. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00025-00015474-00015823 The next idea is looking at the whole notion of happiness. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00026-00015823-00016056 OK, so we want to be happy. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00027-00016056-00016275 So what's that all about? Rxj-jDlgcnM-00028-00016275-00016990 Well, happiness, the whole idea of chasing happiness, needing to be happy, being unhappy Rxj-jDlgcnM-00029-00016990-00017743 that we're not happy: all of that seems to be a great way to produce unhappiness. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00030-00017743-00018034 Too much focus on happiness leads to unhappiness. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00031-00018034-00018509 Instead, we can accept that happiness and unhappiness are like weather. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00032-00018509-00018758 We just see them coming and going. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00033-00018758-00019399 Not trying to hold on to that happiness when it comes, but just letting it come and go, Rxj-jDlgcnM-00034-00019399-00019901 while taking care of the fundamentals that we believe will most likely lead to future Rxj-jDlgcnM-00035-00020509-00020804 like trying to dig water. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00036-00020804-00021898 And so changing the way we look at happiness can be a step towards finding that happy state Rxj-jDlgcnM-00037-00021898-00022104 of mind. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00038-00022104-00022796 Then there's the idea of perfection, our ideals, and living up to them. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00039-00022796-00023468 And I think we all know, at least in principle, that we can't be perfect, but it does seem Rxj-jDlgcnM-00040-00023468-00024192 like it's sometimes hard to let go of that idea of perfection. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00041-00024192-00024544 What are our ideals at all, anyway? Rxj-jDlgcnM-00042-00024995-00025533 of internalizing the ideals that we get from outside, that we think we should be living Rxj-jDlgcnM-00043-00025533-00026326 up to some ideal, because that's what we do, and we kind of absorb that from what we think Rxj-jDlgcnM-00044-00026326-00026853 is expected of us, but maybe it's not really what we need. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00045-00026853-00027641 The whole idea of having our own frame, running our life within our own frame rather than Rxj-jDlgcnM-00046-00027641-00027992 being part of somebody else's concept. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00047-00027992-00028818 Then when it comes to mindset, one of the basic things that seems so powerful is gratitude. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00048-00028818-00029584 It's such an old cliche about how having this grateful attitude is good. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00049-00029584-00029978 But yet it seems to work every time. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00050-00029978-00030603 There's such an ability to improve our state of mind by simply having gratitude for the Rxj-jDlgcnM-00051-00030603-00031112 things that are good, the things that we have, no matter what might be wrong, the many things Rxj-jDlgcnM-00052-00031112-00031267 we have that are good. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00053-00031267-00031499 And for example, one is simply to have normal health. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00054-00031499-00032128 To simply have life and a normal level of health, if we have that, is already amazing. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00055-00032128-00032636 Just something that we don't usually think about until it's not there. Rxj-jDlgcnM-00056-00032636-00033405 So this idea of normal life being amazing: that itself can kind of bring us closer to Rxj-jDlgcnM-00057-00033405-00033565 a paradise state of mind. RxJQm4epFeY-00000-00000184-00000234 No, RxJQm4epFeY-00001-00000234-00000284 That was be RxJQm4epFeY-00002-00000284-00000334 Your RxJQm4epFeY-00003-00000334-00000384 Mother! RxJQm4epFeY-00004-00006576-00006634 Expunged: I don't like you. RxJQm4epFeY-00005-00006872-00007016 ...You are monster. RxJQm4epFeY-00006-00007056-00007263 You ruined my life! RxJQm4epFeY-00007-00007275-00007537 More: I swear, I'll block you forever. RxJQm4epFeY-00008-00007590-00007717 I'll block you. RxJQm4epFeY-00009-00007726-00008080 Do you stop clicking the frame? so that I'll block you Moldy(BF's name in only this video). RxJQm4epFeY-00010-00008109-00008236 [Laugh] RxJQm4epFeY-00011-00008236-00008322 Wait wait wait ok RxJQm4epFeY-00012-00008322-00008410 [Can't understand] RxJQm4epFeY-00013-00008410-00008907 You stupid. uhhh.. whats uhh.. fun games? RxJQm4epFeY-00014-00008977-00009160 What are your favorite games? RxJQm4epFeY-00015-00009369-00009629 You say- you say... dead game. RxJQm4epFeY-00016-00016038-00016219 Expunged: DICK!!! RxJQm4epFeY-00017-00016219-00016394 [I want you to interpret it] RxJQm4epFeY-00018-00016444-00016494 ugh. RxJQm4epFeY-00019-00016564-00016703 No....... RxJQm4epFeY-00020-00016932-00017160 Moldy: Dick hhaha! RxJQm4epFeY-00021-00017169-00017252 oh my god so... RxJQm4epFeY-00022-00017269-00017472 Expunged: It's not funny it's just stupid. RxJQm4epFeY-00023-00017592-00017784 [Okay, this is the end, folks.] RxJQm4epFeY-00024-00017784-00017945 [I hope this video becomes a giant in the future] RxJQm4epFeY-00025-00017945-00018107 [what's up The future depends on you.] RxJQm4epFeY-00026-00018107-00018280 [Oh no, this is going to end soon :(((] RxJQm4epFeY-00027-00018280-00018456 [Now you'll see my other videos] RxJQm4epFeY-00028-00018456-00018654 [Or try to see where I am again >:I] RxJQm4epFeY-00029-00018654-00018826 [who knows.] RxJQm4epFeY-00030-00019072-00019458 Today's Word: [If God didn't make me a YouTuber, he wouldn't have made me!] RzFYMZfOqIM-00000-00000022-00000225 hello ! have a good day everyone RzFYMZfOqIM-00001-00000264-00000412 for today RzFYMZfOqIM-00002-00000412-00000756 my costumer is from morocco RzFYMZfOqIM-00003-00000772-00001044 on this video wanted to do tutorial RzFYMZfOqIM-00004-00001044-00001320 but the problem is I have only 1(one) clipper RzFYMZfOqIM-00005-00001320-00001594 but next time I will buy more clipper RzFYMZfOqIM-00006-00001594-00001902 so that I can do tutorial RzFYMZfOqIM-00007-00001912-00002072 so watch this ! R-KM_AUcpGg-00000-00000304-00000602 Hello, Im Mahalia, and here are today's gay news headlines from Pinksixty. R-KM_AUcpGg-00001-00000602-00001191 HIV care providers in the US are struggling to keep up with increasing patient numbers. R-KM_AUcpGg-00002-00001191-00001526 Decreased funding and increasing caseloads are being blamed for some patients R-KM_AUcpGg-00003-00001526-00002118 not receiving the care they need. R-KM_AUcpGg-00004-00002118-00002691 Canada is now officially a transgender 'no-fly zone' as a result of new rules. R-KM_AUcpGg-00005-00002691-00003013 They state that an airline shall not transport a passenger, if they do not R-KM_AUcpGg-00006-00003013-00003361 appear to be the gender indicated on their passport. R-KM_AUcpGg-00007-00003361-00003729 PFLAG China launched its support service for parents of gay people this week. R-KM_AUcpGg-00008-00003729-00003986 Calls will be answered by the mothers of gay children, who can R-KM_AUcpGg-00009-00003986-00004193 empathise with their callers. R-KM_AUcpGg-00010-00004193-00004576 The leader of Hungary’s National Party, Gabor Vona, has condemned this year's R-KM_AUcpGg-00011-00004576-00004760 EuroGames being held in Budapest. R-KM_AUcpGg-00012-00004760-00005132 He told a rally: ‘This really is the end of the world.’ R-KM_AUcpGg-00013-00005132-00005585 And finally, today marks the start of LGBT History Month in the UK. R-KM_AUcpGg-00014-00005585-00005784 Events are taking place across the country R-KM_AUcpGg-00015-00005784-00006038 and Stonewall are offering special deals on membership and T-shirts, R-KM_AUcpGg-00016-00006038-00006619 to increase fundraising and to encourage our support. R-KM_AUcpGg-00017-00006619-00006719 That's all from us today. R-KM_AUcpGg-00018-00006719-00006719 Join us again tomorrow. RALHLe-UlaE-00000-00000000-00000113 www.GutsSales.com Real Mentoring for Success RDP4cfiA29g-00000-00000105-00000391 Are you planning to spend this year’s holiday on a cruise ship? RDP4cfiA29g-00001-00000412-00000879 We can give away that the largest ones are held by mooring ropes made in Slovakia. RDP4cfiA29g-00002-00000949-00001405 Ropes have been developed and produced in Trenčín for 19 years. RDP4cfiA29g-00003-00002004-00002439 Even the word‘s largest cruise ship is held in port by ropes made in Slovakia. RDP4cfiA29g-00004-00002472-00002732 How did this type of company end up in Slovakia? RDP4cfiA29g-00005-00002750-00003195 We don’t have sea, but a Norwegian company based in the centre of Oslo RDP4cfiA29g-00006-00003208-00003538 was developing fast and was about to move out. RDP4cfiA29g-00007-00003585-00003879 Nowadays, ropes are made from synthetic materials. RDP4cfiA29g-00008-00003904-00004276 Similar fibers are used for military products. RDP4cfiA29g-00009-00004317-00004908 The material is used in bulletproof vests or helmets is the same as the one RDP4cfiA29g-00010-00004919-00005316 currently used for mooring ropes. RDP4cfiA29g-00011-00005350-00005538 Not everything is manufactured by machines. RDP4cfiA29g-00012-00005550-00005815 The end of ropes have been spliced manually for centuries. RDP4cfiA29g-00013-00006230-00006563 The production under Trenčín’s castle involves 100 people. RDP4cfiA29g-00014-00006592-00006778 Almost anyone can find a job here. RDP4cfiA29g-00015-00006809-00007183 We try to find mainly manually dexterous people. Operators. RDP4cfiA29g-00016-00007224-00007709 People who are flexible, and can operate more machines at the same time. RDP4cfiA29g-00017-00007740-00007942 The Norwegians didn’t choose Trenčín by accident. RDP4cfiA29g-00018-00007956-00008263 The legacy of textile industry in the city was a contributing factor. RDP4cfiA29g-00019-00008294-00008707 The ropes could easily be produced by women who were previously employed in Merina, RDP4cfiA29g-00020-00008717-00008866 a former textile manufacturing company. RDP4cfiA29g-00021-00008883-00009017 But not only by them. RDP4cfiA29g-00022-00009030-00009259 They could certainly do it. It’s not that different. RDP4cfiA29g-00023-00009278-00009678 It is just a different type of textile plaiting. RDP4cfiA29g-00024-00009697-00009948 Essentially, it’s more or less the same. RDP4cfiA29g-00025-00010016-00010425 We employ people who, before joining us, worked in masonry, waitressing or cooking. RDP4cfiA29g-00026-00010503-00010680 From all walks of life, really. RDP4cfiA29g-00027-00010697-00010957 The Slovaks not only produce the ropes, but also supervise RDP4cfiA29g-00028-00010970-00011214 the installation directly on ships. RDP4cfiA29g-00029-00011251-00011579 The installation lasts for about 2 and half days. RDP4cfiA29g-00030-00011618-00011973 That’s about 10 ropes a day. RDP4cfiA29g-00031-00012068-00012706 These ropes are 220 meters each and there are 22 ropes for each ship RDP4cfiA29g-00032-00012762-00013086 Annually, there are more than 5000 km of ropes made in Trenčín. RDP4cfiA29g-00033-00013102-00013406 That’s approximately the distance of a round trip to Lisbon. RDP4cfiA29g-00034-00013422-00013592 Michal Bujna for Televízia Markíza. RGwIYf9kqYI-00000-00000802-00001002 We are here with Ottaviano Borgonovo, RGwIYf9kqYI-00001-00001002-00001202 owner of Misuraemme. RGwIYf9kqYI-00002-00001330-00001530 Ottaviano, can you tell us RGwIYf9kqYI-00003-00001530-00001688 what mood was the inspiration behind this exhibition space? RGwIYf9kqYI-00004-00001802-00002094 This year, Misuraemme has continued a project RGwIYf9kqYI-00005-00002094-00002294 which began last year, RGwIYf9kqYI-00006-00002432-00002986 offering a more bourgeois and elegant lifestyle collection. RGwIYf9kqYI-00007-00002986-00003429 This year we have done so with a sort of Villa stand. RGwIYf9kqYI-00008-00003634-00004010 The stand is characterised by this winter garden, RGwIYf9kqYI-00009-00004010-00004618 which in a way brings together these two living areas. RGwIYf9kqYI-00010-00004780-00005240 This year a single mood is being presented, RGwIYf9kqYI-00011-00005240-00005794 postulated by more homogeneity in terms of colour and materials. RGwIYf9kqYI-00012-00005794-00006450 The aim is to create a mood which is more bourgeois, more elegant, more in tune with living. RGwIYf9kqYI-00013-00006531-00006890 You mentioned materials, which were the main ones used in the new collections? RGwIYf9kqYI-00014-00007012-00007359 Well, to get these materials we used, on the one hand, RGwIYf9kqYI-00015-00007448-00007726 richer materials like marble. RGwIYf9kqYI-00016-00007726-00008036 We also offer new marble, like marquinia marble. RGwIYf9kqYI-00017-00008036-00008502 Different wood stains, like grey elm, RGwIYf9kqYI-00018-00008502-00008788 gloss lacquers. Then there are metals, RGwIYf9kqYI-00019-00008788-00009158 and more technical materials, RGwIYf9kqYI-00020-00009158-00009458 producing a metallic or leather effect. RGwIYf9kqYI-00021-00009458-00010218 Also, lots of glass was used, and a lot of light, RGwIYf9kqYI-00022-00010218-00010726 in order to create this trick of transparency and light, RGwIYf9kqYI-00023-00010726-00010926 and create a refined and elegant technical side. RGwIYf9kqYI-00024-00011060-00011488 Indeed, glass seems to be the link between the day-time and night-time areas. RGwIYf9kqYI-00025-00011608-00012026 Yes indeed. This year we have Palo Alto, RGwIYf9kqYI-00026-00012026-00012226 which is a sophisticated walk-in closet. RGwIYf9kqYI-00027-00012226-00012658 What makes it different is that you can get it in wood as well as in glass, RGwIYf9kqYI-00028-00012658-00013236 thanks to the use of side frames made by a drawing machine, RGwIYf9kqYI-00029-00013236-00013436 patented by Misuraemme. RGwIYf9kqYI-00030-00013582-00013824 Then there are a few updates. RGwIYf9kqYI-00031-00013906-00014340 For example, the corner module can be entirely made of glass, RGwIYf9kqYI-00032-00014340-00014682 so the back portion and uprights are made of glass. RGwIYf9kqYI-00033-00014780-00015126 There is also a series of rings, RGwIYf9kqYI-00034-00015126-00015556 within the shelf frames, RGwIYf9kqYI-00035-00015613-00015944 which can also be made of glass or wood. RGwIYf9kqYI-00036-00015944-00016448 This same concept was also brought into the day-time area, RGwIYf9kqYI-00037-00016504-00016784 by extending the Crossing system. RGwIYf9kqYI-00038-00016814-00017056 The crossing system is a book shelf, RGwIYf9kqYI-00039-00017076-00017290 which has been extended. RGwIYf9kqYI-00040-00017306-00017842 Its sides can be made of wood or glass; the shelves are made of glass. RGwIYf9kqYI-00041-00017902-00018430 Once again the use and positioning of light has been carefully tailored. RGwIYf9kqYI-00042-00018540-00018854 You mentioned the Crossing which, not by chance, is one of your best sellers. RGwIYf9kqYI-00043-00018896-00019250 Yes, the Crossing, it’s one of our best sellers. RGwIYf9kqYI-00044-00019250-00019952 We have given it a few updates, inspired by another Misuraemme system, RGwIYf9kqYI-00045-00019952-00020456 the Urban system, which has an intrinsic lightness. RGwIYf9kqYI-00046-00020532-00020960 The updates are a series of grids, RGwIYf9kqYI-00047-00020960-00021552 which dismantle and lighten the crossing bookshelf. RGwIYf9kqYI-00048-00021616-00022166 The characteristic signature that marks all these innovations and novelties is the one of the architect Lipparini.... RGwIYf9kqYI-00049-00022166-00022780 Yes, Mauro Lipparini who has also helped us in the design and development of the stand, RGwIYf9kqYI-00050-00022780-00023408 is also the mind behind the products of this year's collection, RGwIYf9kqYI-00051-00023408-00023730 not only in the living area but also in the night area. RGwIYf9kqYI-00052-00023730-00024220 In fact, this year MisuraEmme presents two new beds: RGwIYf9kqYI-00053-00024220-00024946 a timeless, very elegant bed with a classic, traditional allure, RGwIYf9kqYI-00054-00025120-00025442 distinguished by clean lines, soft upholstery, and storage, RGwIYf9kqYI-00055-00025480-00025880 and a more versatile bed, RGwIYf9kqYI-00056-00025920-00026420 characterized by a structure flanked by a wood paneling RGwIYf9kqYI-00057-00026504-00026936 already present in MisuraEmme's collection, which is now expanded in the assortment of materials, RGwIYf9kqYI-00058-00026936-00027432 in fact is covered with eco-leather that RGwIYf9kqYI-00059-00027432-00027792 enhances the traditional function of the headboard of this bed. RGwIYf9kqYI-00060-00027886-00028320 You could say this planning is geared towards contracts? RGwIYf9kqYI-00061-00028394-00028736 Yes of course. Last year, in 2015, RGwIYf9kqYI-00062-00028736-00029104 Misuraemme created a contract division, RGwIYf9kqYI-00063-00029104-00029418 which is contributing heartily to the development RGwIYf9kqYI-00064-00029418-00029938 of the firm’s markets, especially in Asia and America. RGwIYf9kqYI-00065-00029994-00030322 What are the next steps in Misuraemme’s international development? RGwIYf9kqYI-00066-00030432-00030974 Let’s say that, of the emerging markets, Misuraemme is interested by those RGwIYf9kqYI-00067-00030974-00031595 Africa, South America. RGwIYf9kqYI-00068-00031595-00032318 Then another important objective is to consolidate our work in Asian markets, RGwIYf9kqYI-00069-00032318-00032642 particularly in China. RGwIYf9kqYI-00070-00032642-00033182 In the last part of 2015, and at the start of this year, RGwIYf9kqYI-00071-00033234-00033782 we have had three important sales outlets opening, RGwIYf9kqYI-00072-00033782-00033982 as part of collaborations. RGwIYf9kqYI-00073-00033982-00034812 These will help boost Misuraemme’s clientele on an international level. RGwIYf9kqYI-00074-00034812-00034964 Perfect, that’s great, thank you. RGwIYf9kqYI-00075-00034976-00035084 Thank you very much. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00000-00000233-00000846 Hey, everyone! Let's take a look at how we would put in some formula, some RKUJ7S7w6p4-00001-00000846-00001473 mathematical formulas into Python. Alright, so let's create a new file for RKUJ7S7w6p4-00002-00001473-00002733 ourselves and we're going to go ahead and save it as "practiceMathFormulas" and RKUJ7S7w6p4-00003-00002733-00003479 gotta have our comments. Remember, you gotta label this with our name, some sort of RKUJ7S7w6p4-00004-00003479-00003882 date information, so we know when this code was written, and then just a brief RKUJ7S7w6p4-00005-00003882-00004695 description about what the code does. So we're going to practice math formulas. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00006-00004695-00005132 We won't capitalize that, because we're just using regular math, not a module. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00007-00005132-00005892 Math formulas in Python. Alright, so what I've got over here on one side of the screen RKUJ7S7w6p4-00008-00005892-00006398 is just some common formulas that you might want to use for math to calculate RKUJ7S7w6p4-00009-00006398-00006881 some different things. So let's see how we would put those in Python. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00010-00006881-00007740 Alright, so we've got area, for instance. So let's say we've got our side is equal to 10, or RKUJ7S7w6p4-00011-00007740-00008196 we could, of course, get this. Let's actually practice getting this from the RKUJ7S7w6p4-00012-00008196-00009399 user. So maybe we'll say input, enter the length of one side of a square (this is a RKUJ7S7w6p4-00013-00009399-00010215 formula for the area of a square), and then the formula for calculating area of RKUJ7S7w6p4-00014-00010215-00010766 a square would be side squared. So we could do this a couple different ways. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00015-00010766-00011960 We can either say you can say squareArea, whatever we want to call it, is equal to RKUJ7S7w6p4-00016-00011961-00013394 side exponent 2, or we could say squareArea, and we'll say 2, RKUJ7S7w6p4-00017-00013394-00013965 this is our second version of the same thing, is side times side, because really RKUJ7S7w6p4-00018-00013965-00014490 side squared is really the same thing as a side times side. And then if RKUJ7S7w6p4-00019-00014490-00015101 we print these, so we're going to say print RKUJ7S7w6p4-00020-00015110-00015986 squareArea, and let's also just go ahead in the same statement, print squareArea2, RKUJ7S7w6p4-00021-00015986-00016354 and let's run this and see what we get. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00022-00016432-00016598 So we're going to enter the length of RKUJ7S7w6p4-00023-00016598-00016986 one side of the square, so we'll say it's 5, and in both cases RKUJ7S7w6p4-00024-00016986-00017462 we get 25. So either one of those are going to work. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00025-00017462-00018195 Alright, so that's the area of a square. Let's comment this out, and let's take a look at some more RKUJ7S7w6p4-00026-00018195-00019116 complex formulas. So for example, let's say we have the area of a trapezoid, so RKUJ7S7w6p4-00027-00019116-00019722 let's do this. Alright so for the area of a trapezoid, we have area is equal to 1/2 RKUJ7S7w6p4-00028-00019722-00020279 times base1 plus base2 times height. So if we were getting this RKUJ7S7w6p4-00029-00020279-00020676 information from a user, we would actually be asking for three pieces of RKUJ7S7w6p4-00030-00020676-00021195 information in order to be able to calculate the area of a trapezoid. So the RKUJ7S7w6p4-00031-00021195-00021825 first thing we need is base1, and we're going to calculate, so we want this to RKUJ7S7w6p4-00032-00021825-00023067 be a float. Input enter, we'll just say enter first base, or we'll say, yeah first RKUJ7S7w6p4-00033-00023067-00023466 base sounds good. You always want to make sure you're giving your users good RKUJ7S7w6p4-00034-00023466-00023882 instructions, so that they know what kind of data you expect them to enter. That's RKUJ7S7w6p4-00035-00023882-00024315 just part of creating a good interface for the user. So we're going to have our RKUJ7S7w6p4-00036-00024315-00025406 second base, enter second base, and we might even be really nice and print RKUJ7S7w6p4-00037-00025423-00026297 "Let's calculate the area of a trapezoid" and again we're just making a good RKUJ7S7w6p4-00038-00026298-00026668 interface for our user so they know what our program does. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00039-00026668-00027398 So the third piece of information we're going to need is height. And I'm going to get that RKUJ7S7w6p4-00040-00027398-00028188 from our user. Input("Enter the height: ") RKUJ7S7w6p4-00041-00028288-00028536 Alright, so after we have those three RKUJ7S7w6p4-00042-00028536-00029238 pieces of information, we can calculate our area of a trapezoid. Alright, RKUJ7S7w6p4-00043-00029238-00029994 so we can see over here that we've got 1/2 base1 plus base2 RKUJ7S7w6p4-00044-00029994-00030477 times height, and we want the base1 plus base2 to be in parentheses, RKUJ7S7w6p4-00045-00030477-00031018 because we want to add these together before we actually multiply it by the height. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00046-00031018-00031577 So we're going to ... we could either use .5, because that's the same RKUJ7S7w6p4-00047-00031577-00032061 thing as 1/2 or we can just go ahead and divide 1/2 by two. We're RKUJ7S7w6p4-00048-00032061-00033053 going to say times base1 plus base2, and then we're going to multiply that times RKUJ7S7w6p4-00049-00033053-00033866 the height, right? And then we'll print for the user the area of a trapezoid so RKUJ7S7w6p4-00050-00033866-00034455 we can check and see if this is correct. So we're going to run, see what happens, RKUJ7S7w6p4-00051-00034455-00035015 enter the first base, so let's say we enter 10, and we enter 5, and maybe RKUJ7S7w6p4-00052-00035015-00035874 our height is 4. We get 30. And we would add 4 plus 15 together, so we're RKUJ7S7w6p4-00053-00035874-00036690 going to have .5 times 15, which will get a 7.5 times 4, RKUJ7S7w6p4-00054-00036690-00037275 which will get us 30. And that's pretty much how it works. So we end out RKUJ7S7w6p4-00055-00037275-00037932 having Python do the work for us for these particular formulas. So let's look RKUJ7S7w6p4-00056-00037932-00038421 again at something maybe even a little bit more complex. So let's go down and RKUJ7S7w6p4-00057-00038421-00038959 let's look at the distance between points. So here we've got the case where RKUJ7S7w6p4-00058-00038959-00039611 we have this, the distance between two points is going to be the square root of RKUJ7S7w6p4-00059-00039611-00040491 x2 minus x1 squared plus y2 minus y1 squared. First thing we RKUJ7S7w6p4-00060-00040491-00041035 need to notice is, just like we did over here in the area of a trapezoid, we have RKUJ7S7w6p4-00061-00041035-00041722 base sub one. There's no way to do this in Python. Really this is just the name RKUJ7S7w6p4-00062-00041722-00042265 of this variable 1. This subscript really doesn't have any particular meaning. They RKUJ7S7w6p4-00063-00042265-00042591 could have actually just called this base1, and it's the same thing, and RKUJ7S7w6p4-00064-00042591-00042934 that's essentially what we did over here in Python. So it would be the same if RKUJ7S7w6p4-00065-00042934-00043477 this was base sub 0 or base sub i. Again, that's just a name. This subscript RKUJ7S7w6p4-00066-00043477-00043813 doesn't really mean anything mathematically. This is still just the RKUJ7S7w6p4-00067-00043813-00044272 name of this particular variable. So we're just going to change it. So instead of RKUJ7S7w6p4-00068-00044272-00044749 base sub 1, it's just going to be base number 1. This is just the full name of RKUJ7S7w6p4-00069-00044749-00045147 the variable. This number doesn't have any mathematical meaning. It just means RKUJ7S7w6p4-00070-00045147-00045502 we have two different bases that we called them base1 and base2. We could RKUJ7S7w6p4-00071-00045502-00046144 have called these basea and baseb, and it would have been exactly the same RKUJ7S7w6p4-00072-00046144-00046774 thing. It doesn't really matter. So we're going to do the same thing over here. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00073-00046774-00047469 Let's comment this out. The same thing with our distance formula, and we'll RKUJ7S7w6p4-00074-00047469-00048733 print out for the users, "Let's calculate the distance between two points." So we're RKUJ7S7w6p4-00075-00048733-00049105 letting the users know what we're going to do in the program, and now to calculate RKUJ7S7w6p4-00076-00049105-00049584 the distance between two points, we need our first XY coordinate, and we need our RKUJ7S7w6p4-00077-00049584-00050461 second XY coordinate. So we're going to have x1 is going to be equal to float input, RKUJ7S7w6p4-00078-00050461-00051181 remember input returns a string, so we're going to want to calculate this or cast RKUJ7S7w6p4-00079-00051181-00052561 this as a float. So we're going to say, "Enter the x value for the first point: " and RKUJ7S7w6p4-00080-00052561-00052879 it's nice when you kind of put a colon and a space there. Just makes it a little bit RKUJ7S7w6p4-00081-00052879-00053458 easier when they're entering it. And then we can have x2 ... RKUJ7S7w6p4-00082-00053458-00053929 We could do this in any order. It doesn't really matter. It's just going to save them RKUJ7S7w6p4-00083-00053929-00054552 into the appropriate variables in the order that we give it. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00084-00054552-00055754 Alright, so "Enter the x value for the second point: " And we need another parentheses ... RKUJ7S7w6p4-00085-00055754-00056597 two parentheses. Alright, so then we have y1, and cut and paste this. In this case, RKUJ7S7w6p4-00086-00056597-00057224 we're interested in the y value for the first point, and then we're going to get RKUJ7S7w6p4-00087-00057224-00057822 the y value for the second point. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00088-00057878-00058160 And change that. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00089-00058160-00059255 Alright, so once we have all four points, then we're going to go ahead and do our formula for the area. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00090-00059255-00059767 We have all the variables, all the data that we need for our formula, so now we're RKUJ7S7w6p4-00091-00059767-00060754 going to go ahead and put that formula into Python. So we can call this "distBetwPoints" RKUJ7S7w6p4-00092-00060754-00061084 Kind of a long variable name, but it does tell us what exactly it RKUJ7S7w6p4-00093-00061085-00061724 is that we're calculating and storing inside this variable. And now, to take the RKUJ7S7w6p4-00094-00061724-00062174 square root, we'll learn in a couple weeks about how to use the math module RKUJ7S7w6p4-00095-00062174-00062716 to do that. At the moment, we don't really know how, we don't have a built-in RKUJ7S7w6p4-00096-00062716-00063272 function to do that, but if you ever take the square root of something, that's the RKUJ7S7w6p4-00097-00063272-00064258 same thing as taking it to the 1/2 power, so it's really this. So if you RKUJ7S7w6p4-00098-00064258-00064717 want to take the square root, you can also raise it to the 1/2 power. That does RKUJ7S7w6p4-00099-00064717-00065158 exactly the same thing, so that's what we're going to do. So we're actually going RKUJ7S7w6p4-00100-00065158-00065770 to take what's inside of that square root, and we're going to raise that to the RKUJ7S7w6p4-00101-00065770-00066414 1/2 power. So what's inside of the square root is the x2 minus x1 squared, plus y2 RKUJ7S7w6p4-00102-00066414-00066740 minus y1 squared. So that's what we're going to RKUJ7S7w6p4-00103-00066740-00067052 put inside of these parentheses, and that's what's going to be raised to the RKUJ7S7w6p4-00104-00067052-00068476 1/2 power. So we're going to have x2 minus x1, and we want to raise this to RKUJ7S7w6p4-00105-00068476-00069080 the 2, to the second power. We want to square it. And then we're going to add RKUJ7S7w6p4-00106-00069080-00070694 this to y2 minus y1. And again we're squaring this, and we've got this inside RKUJ7S7w6p4-00107-00070694-00071171 of our parentheses, that once we've done all of this, so what's going to happen here RKUJ7S7w6p4-00108-00071171-00071606 is we're going to look at the fact, you know, we've got these parentheses that RKUJ7S7w6p4-00109-00071606-00072080 we want to do first. Inside of these parentheses, we want to do these RKUJ7S7w6p4-00110-00072080-00072713 parentheses first. So this is going to get done, this is going to get done, then both of RKUJ7S7w6p4-00111-00072713-00073106 these are going to be raised to the 1/2 power. Then those values will be RKUJ7S7w6p4-00112-00073106-00073571 added together, and then all of that is going to be taken to ... this 1/2 will be RKUJ7S7w6p4-00113-00073571-00073987 done before the exponent, because it's inside of a pair of parentheses, so RKUJ7S7w6p4-00114-00073987-00074522 that's how we do our distance formula equation. So hopefully this will help you RKUJ7S7w6p4-00115-00074522-00075152 take a look at other equations and see how to translate those from regular sort RKUJ7S7w6p4-00116-00075152-00075730 of mathematical notation into something that Python will be able to calculate. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00117-00075730-00076172 So let's run this and make sure that we don't have any syntax errors. And we're RKUJ7S7w6p4-00118-00076172-00076892 going to have, let's see, we've got maybe 1 and 3, 2 and 5, oh! We never RKUJ7S7w6p4-00119-00076892-00077468 printed it. It's another thing to note: we won't actually get anything out on the RKUJ7S7w6p4-00120-00077468-00078271 screen unless we remember to print it out. So there we go. RKUJ7S7w6p4-00121-00078277-00079198 Python fun! Alright, 3, 1, and 5, and there we go! We'll have our distance, RKUJ7S7w6p4-00122-00079198-00079838 you know, and if we wanted to round that, so our distance between the points (2, 1) and RKUJ7S7w6p4-00123-00079838-00080351 (3, 5) is 4.12. If we wanted that to say two decimal RKUJ7S7w6p4-00124-00080351-00080939 places, we can use the round function, which we'll learn more about when we RKUJ7S7w6p4-00125-00080939-00081599 talk about the math module, but we can preview it now just for fun. Taking a RKUJ7S7w6p4-00126-00081599-00082175 look at some different points here, and we've got 2.24, and in RKUJ7S7w6p4-00127-00082175-00082625 this case, we get it exactly to two decimal places. So just kind of a fun RKUJ7S7w6p4-00128-00082625-00083222 little preview for using the round function, from ... Actually the round function RKUJ7S7w6p4-00129-00083222-00083638 is built-in. We don't even need to import the math module to use it. Round is a RKUJ7S7w6p4-00130-00083638-00084107 nice little built-in function that Python provides for you to be able to RKUJ7S7w6p4-00131-00084107-00084394 round your numbers.