APAN6K0RrWQ-00000-00000188-00000388 Hi, there! Are you new to film studies? APAN6K0RrWQ-00001-00000600-00000700 You’re not alone! APAN6K0RrWQ-00002-00000800-00001000 Most, if not all students are beginners in this class. APAN6K0RrWQ-00003-00001432-00001600 Watching a film for a film studies class APAN6K0RrWQ-00004-00001676-00001900 is very different from watching a film for fun. APAN6K0RrWQ-00005-00002009-00002400 Here are four tips to aid you as you begin analyzing film. APAN6K0RrWQ-00006-00002600-00002800 Number one: turn on subtitles. APAN6K0RrWQ-00007-00002800-00003200 Watching a movie with subtitles opens a whole new world of analysis. APAN6K0RrWQ-00008-00003200-00003600 Finally you’ll be able to hear exactly what words are being spoken. APAN6K0RrWQ-00009-00003700-00004100 You’ll also be able to take note of the specific songs that may be playing in the background. APAN6K0RrWQ-00010-00004200-00004700 Keeping up with fast-paced or witty dialogue is almost impossible unless you turn on subtitles. APAN6K0RrWQ-00011-00005000-00005200 Next, take notes. APAN6K0RrWQ-00012-00005300-00005400 Watch with a pen and paper in your hand. APAN6K0RrWQ-00013-00005500-00005800 Jot down any scenes that alarm or disturb, or that grab your attention. APAN6K0RrWQ-00014-00005900-00006070 What about scenes that confuse you, APAN6K0RrWQ-00015-00006070-00006200 or scenes where the camera movement is strange? APAN6K0RrWQ-00016-00006300-00006600 Any time there is a noticeable shift in the action, APAN6K0RrWQ-00017-00006700-00007000 or any time a scene is perfectly composed in your view, APAN6K0RrWQ-00018-00007000-00007300 these things should all go into your notes. APAN6K0RrWQ-00019-00007300-00007600 One of the easiest filmic elements to notice APAN6K0RrWQ-00020-00007700-00007900 as you begin your film analysis is framing, APAN6K0RrWQ-00021-00008000-00008200 or how a shot is composed. APAN6K0RrWQ-00022-00008200-00008400 Remember, films used to be called “moving pictures,” APAN6K0RrWQ-00023-00008500-00008700 so think of each frame in a film kind of like a photograph. APAN6K0RrWQ-00024-00008800-00008900 It will have a certain composition APAN6K0RrWQ-00025-00009000-00009300 that will change the way you, the viewer, respond to the film. APAN6K0RrWQ-00026-00009300-00009600 Pay attention to what is in the foreground or the background, APAN6K0RrWQ-00027-00009600-00009800 the sides of the shot, APAN6K0RrWQ-00028-00009800-00010100 if the character is front and center or to the side, APAN6K0RrWQ-00029-00010200-00010600 what colors are visible, in other words, what commands your attention in the frame. APAN6K0RrWQ-00030-00010800-00011164 Similar to framing, think about camera angles or shots. APAN6K0RrWQ-00031-00011200-00011500 Is the shot looking down on the actors from a high distance? APAN6K0RrWQ-00032-00011500-00011700 Is the camera crooked, a Dutch angle? APAN6K0RrWQ-00033-00011700-00012200 Think about the camera’s position relative to the actors at all times. APAN6K0RrWQ-00034-00012400-00012624 Remember: turn on your subtitles, APAN6K0RrWQ-00035-00012624-00013000 and read with a pen and paper nearby to take notes on any element you notice. APAN6K0RrWQ-00036-00013000-00013300 Pay special attention to the framing of each shot, like a photograph, APAN6K0RrWQ-00037-00013300-00013600 and the angles of the camera. APAN6K0RrWQ-00038-00013600-00013852 In no time, you’ll be analyzing film like a pro. APAN6K0RrWQ-00039-00013852-00013969 Happy watching! AT96P02G7LY-00000-00000000-00000200 The Gunk AULweSwvIru-00000-00000000-00000191 You probably already know what the crop effect is. AULweSwvIru-00001-00000191-00000283 But just in case there's AULweSwvIru-00002-00000283-00000550 one person out there that has no idea what I'm talking about. AULweSwvIru-00003-00000583-00000867 Cropping is removing or adjusting the outside edges of an image AULweSwvIru-00004-00000867-00001167 or video to improve framing or composition. AULweSwvIru-00005-00001201-00001618 Draw viewers eye to the image subject or change the size or aspect ratio. AULweSwvIru-00006-00001651-00001935 In other words, image cropping is the act of improving a photo or image AULweSwvIru-00007-00001935-00002264 by removing the unnecessary parts according to text makeup. AULweSwvIru-00008-00002431-00002644 Now that that's out of the way in, this video might show you AULweSwvIru-00009-00002644-00002898 five different ways that you can use the crop effect inferior pro AULweSwvIru-00010-00002915-00003136 and the same applies to other editing programs. AULweSwvIru-00011-00003165-00003257 At least it should. AULweSwvIru-00012-00003257-00003578 And if you're wondering where to find the crop effect, go to effects. AULweSwvIru-00013-00003616-00003812 Video effects transform. AULweSwvIru-00014-00003812-00003883 And there it is. AULweSwvIru-00015-00003883-00004170 In between auto reframe and edge feather, at least for me. AULweSwvIru-00016-00004191-00004379 Also, this is what it looks like when you apply AULweSwvIru-00017-00004921-00005030 blending clips together is AULweSwvIru-00018-00005030-00005363 essentially the same as putting multiple clips together, using masking. AULweSwvIru-00019-00005363-00005613 But depending on how you need to layer the clips together, AULweSwvIru-00020-00005634-00005955 using the prop effect may be easier and it might be faster. AULweSwvIru-00021-00005968-00006218 Here I have two clips of myself looking at a pair of shoes, AULweSwvIru-00022-00006235-00006506 and what I'm going to do is put one clip on top of the other AULweSwvIru-00023-00006531-00006873 and then add the crop effect to the top clip and bring the left AULweSwvIru-00024-00006877-00007173 value up until it's perfectly split and looks believable. AULweSwvIru-00025-00007194-00007378 The last thing I would probably do is increase AULweSwvIru-00026-00007378-00007657 the edge further to make it blend in with the other clip even more. AULweSwvIru-00027-00007678-00007820 And that's really it. AULweSwvIru-00028-00007820-00008041 I mean that blending two clips together, that's it. AULweSwvIru-00029-00008629-00008692 If you've watched AULweSwvIru-00030-00008692-00009146 any video about color correction, color grading, color, this color AULweSwvIru-00031-00009146-00009413 that then you've probably seen this effect to some degree. AULweSwvIru-00032-00009446-00009609 They probably use the crop effect. AULweSwvIru-00033-00009609-00009768 I have my raw video file. AULweSwvIru-00034-00009768-00009976 I'll make a copy, put that on top. AULweSwvIru-00035-00009976-00010222 From there, I'll do all of my color adjustments and such. AULweSwvIru-00036-00010251-00010443 Add the crop effect to the top plate. AULweSwvIru-00037-00010443-00010606 From there, you'll take the right value AULweSwvIru-00038-00010606-00010948 and drag it to 100% and add a keyframe by clicking the stopwatch. AULweSwvIru-00039-00010981-00011261 Move forward to when you want the animation to stop and change AULweSwvIru-00040-00011261-00011515 the value to zero, which will automatically add a key frame. AULweSwvIru-00041-00011569-00011820 Now, when you watch it, it will reveal the effect or the color AULweSwvIru-00042-00011820-00011961 great or whatever it is. AULweSwvIru-00043-00011961-00012366 Obviously you can reveal from the other direction or the top or the bottom. AULweSwvIru-00044-00012412-00012520 If you're into that kind of stuff, AULweSwvIru-00045-00013000-00013050 all right. AULweSwvIru-00046-00013050-00013125 Scenario. AULweSwvIru-00047-00013125-00013325 Let's say you have a great establishing shot AULweSwvIru-00048-00013325-00013546 to let the viewer know where a scene is going to take place. AULweSwvIru-00049-00013576-00013817 So you have a beautiful shot of New York City. AULweSwvIru-00050-00013834-00014076 You add your text, but you don't want it to just pop in. AULweSwvIru-00051-00014109-00014260 You want it to reveal. AULweSwvIru-00052-00014260-00014389 Use the crop effect AULweSwvIru-00053-00014389-00014777 the same way we revealed the color grain is the same way you can reveal your text. AULweSwvIru-00054-00014810-00015215 You throw the crop effect on their agile key frames and watch it reveal. AULweSwvIru-00055-00015252-00015611 If you want to add some extra spice to it, then you could keyframe the position AULweSwvIru-00056-00015611-00015719 value of the text AULweSwvIru-00057-00015719-00016120 and then it'll make it look a little bit different and better, in my opinion. AULweSwvIru-00058-00016120-00016383 But everybody's different AULweSwvIru-00059-00016787-00016900 Sticking with text, AULweSwvIru-00060-00016900-00017162 you can use the crop effect to create a typewriter effect, AULweSwvIru-00061-00017183-00017479 you know, making it seem like somebody is typing the letters on the screen. AULweSwvIru-00062-00017496-00017730 Let's take our New York City clip again, but this time AULweSwvIru-00063-00017730-00018088 I'll crop it into a one letter shown at a keyframe move AULweSwvIru-00064-00018088-00018430 for however many frames you need or however many seconds whatever it is. AULweSwvIru-00065-00018460-00018685 Add another keyframe by clicking on the diamond here. AULweSwvIru-00066-00018718-00018843 Move for one frame AULweSwvIru-00067-00018843-00019164 and change the crop value until the second letter is completely revealed. AULweSwvIru-00068-00019227-00019411 Do this until all of your letters are revealed AULweSwvIru-00069-00019411-00019611 and then watch it back and it's like a typewriter. AULweSwvIru-00070-00019611-00019828 And if you want to sell the fact a little bit more, AULweSwvIru-00071-00019828-00020132 you can add some sound effects to make it sound like somebody is typing in AULweSwvIru-00072-00020132-00020211 the letters on the screen. AULweSwvIru-00073-00020741-00020916 I had to guess this is probably the most common AULweSwvIru-00074-00020916-00021221 use of the crop effect, which is just a split screen. AULweSwvIru-00075-00021221-00021479 And that's when you want to show two things happening at the same time, AULweSwvIru-00076-00021479-00021905 or just two different perspectives or two different angles, whatever it is. AULweSwvIru-00077-00021921-00022113 Just add the crop effect and change the values AULweSwvIru-00078-00022113-00022293 to however you would like to crop it. AULweSwvIru-00079-00022293-00022672 However, I would suggest adding an adjustment layer by clicking new item, AULweSwvIru-00080-00022693-00023081 then adjustment layer or by going up to file new adjustment layer. AULweSwvIru-00081-00023098-00023319 If you add the crop effects of the adjustment layer AULweSwvIru-00082-00023319-00023536 instead of the clip itself, then it will allow you AULweSwvIru-00083-00023536-00023802 to move the clip within that crop, which can be very helpful. AULweSwvIru-00084-00023844-00024011 Here's the difference AULweSwvIru-00085-00024324-00024411 And also with that, AULweSwvIru-00086-00024411-00024741 here's how you can do the ever so lovely cinematic bars. AULweSwvIru-00087-00024774-00025075 Slap that crop effect on your clip or your adjustment layer. AULweSwvIru-00088-00025104-00025308 Ten or 15% on top and bottom. AULweSwvIru-00089-00025308-00025592 And if you want, you can animate them in by adding keyframes, AULweSwvIru-00090-00025608-00025717 but that's totally up to you. AULweSwvIru-00091-00025717-00025909 So now you can go out there and just crop your life away AULweSwvIru-00092-00025909-00026209 and crop this and crop that just do whatever you want. AULweSwvIru-00093-00026247-00026351 Hope you learn something. AULweSwvIru-00094-00026351-00026609 If not, then I hope you enjoy the video. Thanks for watching. AULweSwvIru-00095-00026614-00026730 Don't forget the thumbs up, Bow. AULweSwvIru-00096-00026730-00026972 Hope you and a farm are doing well. All right. But AULweSwvIru-00097-00028269-00028286 we. AVHyY54qq0M-00000-00000056-00000503 Robyn: This is one of my favorite places in Utah AVHyY54qq0M-00001-00000503-00000760 Antelope State Park AVHyY54qq0M-00002-00000760-00001057 located in Antelope Island AVHyY54qq0M-00003-00001057-00001354 There are so many beautiful sights AVHyY54qq0M-00004-00001354-00001651 creatures and trails to explore AVHyY54qq0M-00005-00001751-00001855 Come join me! AVHyY54qq0M-00006-00001985-00002375 Voiceover: Today's journey takes us west on Antelope Drive AVHyY54qq0M-00007-00002375-00002585 located south of Ogden AVHyY54qq0M-00008-00002585-00002932 Daily [local] passes cost 12 dollars a vehicle AVHyY54qq0M-00009-00002932-00003229 or 2 dollars if you have a [state park] pass. AVHyY54qq0M-00010-00003360-00003656 This unique park is home to bison AVHyY54qq0M-00011-00003656-00003953 deer and many small critters AVHyY54qq0M-00012-00004531-00004694 Keep an eye on the road AVHyY54qq0M-00013-00004694-00004964 as you’re sharing with wildlife AVHyY54qq0M-00014-00005722-00006019 Many attractions are vehicle accessible AVHyY54qq0M-00015-00006019-00006316 My family loves the increasing elevation AVHyY54qq0M-00016-00006316-00006613 because of the beautiful views Antelope offers AVHyY54qq0M-00017-00006886-00007303 Antelope Island has many trails that vary in difficulty AVHyY54qq0M-00018-00007303-00007600 with something for everyone to explore AVHyY54qq0M-00019-00007904-00008168 The views are so breathtaking AVHyY54qq0M-00020-00008168-00008465 and because the island is so far away from the city AVHyY54qq0M-00021-00008465-00008735 it’s nearly silent AVHyY54qq0M-00022-00008935-00009232 We have visited Antelope so many times AVHyY54qq0M-00023-00009232-00009529 and plan to continue this tradition AVHyY54qq0M-00024-00009529-00009826 In the future, we will begin camping out here, AVHyY54qq0M-00025-00009826-00010270 but for now, the sunsets are a beautiful way to finish our trip AVHyY54qq0M-00026-00010407-00010780 Robyn: Thank you for joining me at my favorite place AVHyY54qq0M-00027-00010870-00011077 Antelope Island AVcQlLPNZoy-00000-00000655-00000841 OddWolf: i shat my pants AVcQlLPNZoy-00001-00001011-00001211 rapt0r: it would be nice if you didn't shit your pants AVcQlLPNZoy-00002-00001317-00001404 so yeah AVcQlLPNZoy-00003-00001404-00001715 me and my friend played scp containment breach AVcQlLPNZoy-00004-00001715-00001913 and it did not go well for us AVcQlLPNZoy-00005-00001959-00002009 um... AVcQlLPNZoy-00006-00002039-00002288 the first part of this video is in Danish AVcQlLPNZoy-00007-00002319-00002440 but don't worry AVcQlLPNZoy-00008-00002440-00002663 i subtitled the entire video (if you haven't noticed yet) AVcQlLPNZoy-00009-00002688-00003088 there should be subtitles available right here AVcQlLPNZoy-00010-00003088-00003198 there should be a button... AVcQlLPNZoy-00011-00003269-00003469 that says "CC" AVcQlLPNZoy-00012-00003500-00003572 press that AVcQlLPNZoy-00013-00003572-00003867 select English (not auto generated English) AVcQlLPNZoy-00014-00003908-00004036 because YouTube AVcQlLPNZoy-00015-00004036-00004175 isn't always that great AVcQlLPNZoy-00016-00004175-00004225 at... AVcQlLPNZoy-00017-00004298-00004430 doing English AVcQlLPNZoy-00018-00004430-00004543 so i did it AVcQlLPNZoy-00019-00004585-00004635 uh... AVcQlLPNZoy-00020-00004680-00004797 it was painful AVcQlLPNZoy-00021-00004797-00004856 for me AVcQlLPNZoy-00022-00004890-00004940 but... AVcQlLPNZoy-00023-00004953-00005160 enjoy the rest of the video AVcQlLPNZoy-00024-00005197-00005548 which definitely doesn't have any audio problems (my voice being very low) AVcQlLPNZoy-00025-00005582-00005632 um AVcQlLPNZoy-00026-00005632-00005779 that is all an illusion AVcQlLPNZoy-00027-00006054-00006148 rapt0r: uUuuUUuhh AVcQlLPNZoy-00028-00006250-00006348 Guard1: alright, AVcQlLPNZoy-00029-00006348-00006486 they've got some work for you. AVcQlLPNZoy-00030-00006486-00006700 Do me a favor and step out of the cell OddWolf: (laughing) AVcQlLPNZoy-00031-00006806-00007006 rapt0r: oh, look at him. He's gaming at work AVcQlLPNZoy-00032-00007006-00007056 Guard1: Really!? AVcQlLPNZoy-00033-00007148-00007198 Guard1: Wow AVcQlLPNZoy-00034-00007228-00007428 OddWolf: hey you shouldn't play Minecraft AVcQlLPNZoy-00035-00007467-00007595 Guard1: oh and by the way AVcQlLPNZoy-00036-00008096-00008146 rapt0r: um... AVcQlLPNZoy-00037-00008193-00008330 rapt0r: yeah, you can have this AVcQlLPNZoy-00038-00008330-00008458 rapt0r: 2 sec, let me just... AVcQlLPNZoy-00039-00008458-00008580 OddWolf: I dont need it AVcQlLPNZoy-00040-00008580-00008843 Speaker-Man: attention all class D personnel. AVcQlLPNZoy-00041-00008843-00009064 Pls enter the containment chamber AVcQlLPNZoy-00042-00009155-00009225 OddWolf: what if i don't want to go into it AVcQlLPNZoy-00043-00009225-00009384 OddWolf: what if i don't want to go into it? rapt0r: we need to go in, we need to go in. AVcQlLPNZoy-00044-00009384-00009442 rapt0r: come now AVcQlLPNZoy-00045-00009472-00009522 rapt0r: come now AVcQlLPNZoy-00046-00009522-00009662 OddWolf: okay, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming AVcQlLPNZoy-00047-00009662-00009891 OddWolf: oh now i have 3... 320 FPS!!! AVcQlLPNZoy-00048-00009951-00010529 Speaker-Man: subject D9341. Enter the containment chamber, or you will be terminated AVcQlLPNZoy-00049-00010529-00010856 Speaker-Man: pls approach scp 173 for testing AVcQlLPNZoy-00050-00010856-00011025 OddWolf FLOP! there is a lot of shat on the flor (laughing) AVcQlLPNZoy-00051-00011081-00011703 Speaker-Man: …attempts to close it, so pls direct eye contact with scp 173, and... AVcQlLPNZoy-00052-00011703-00011903 SNAP, CRACKLE, POP AVcQlLPNZoy-00053-00011903-00012103 rapt0r: get out, get out, get out of the room OddWolf: uhhhh AVcQlLPNZoy-00054-00012189-00012268 OddWolf: (cry for help) AVcQlLPNZoy-00055-00012268-00012468 Gaurd2: oh shat, oh shat, shat! (shooting) AVcQlLPNZoy-00056-00012698-00012819 OddWolf: why is it dark AVcQlLPNZoy-00057-00012878-00013027 rapt0r: where are you at?! AVcQlLPNZoy-00058-00013183-00013233 well AVcQlLPNZoy-00059-00013295-00013370 turns out AVcQlLPNZoy-00060-00013431-00013550 his game was broken AVcQlLPNZoy-00061-00013619-00013763 completely broken AVcQlLPNZoy-00062-00013786-00014159 all it took was some files that hadn't installed correctly AVcQlLPNZoy-00063-00014219-00014419 to be exact, 6 files AVcQlLPNZoy-00064-00014477-00014886 only 6 files, and his game was completely broken AVcQlLPNZoy-00065-00014899-00015141 but after fixing some technical difficulties AVcQlLPNZoy-00066-00015194-00015536 and switching from speaking Danish to English AVcQlLPNZoy-00067-00015649-00015749 we were back on track AVcQlLPNZoy-00068-00015851-00015901 OddWolf: oh... AVcQlLPNZoy-00069-00015938-00016108 OddWolf: my game finally loaded AVcQlLPNZoy-00070-00016143-00016262 OddWolf: yeah baby AVcQlLPNZoy-00071-00016262-00016484 rapt0r: it was all... your a black guy now AVcQlLPNZoy-00072-00016532-00016732 OddWolf: it was- hehe. it was just a verified problem. (i dont know what he is talking about) AVcQlLPNZoy-00073-00016777-00016977 rapt0r: all you had to do was become black AVcQlLPNZoy-00074-00017075-00017460 rapt0r: oh yeah and by the way, don't go on the black gooey stuff AVcQlLPNZoy-00075-00017460-00017724 OddWolf: i know, i think i have played the game before alone. AVcQlLPNZoy-00076-00017724-00018016 where if you go into some kind of big black hole AVcQlLPNZoy-00077-00018043-00018480 OddWolf: you get teleported to a weird place where you have to do some shat a l- AVcQlLPNZoy-00078-00018480-00018945 aaa, a labyrinth and then- a maze i mean and you will die AVcQlLPNZoy-00079-00019102-00019152 OddWolf: so... AVcQlLPNZoy-00080-00019152-00019301 oh no, i hate this AVcQlLPNZoy-00081-00019493-00019686 rapt0r: (inaudible) AVcQlLPNZoy-00082-00019705-00019845 both: (confusion noises) AVcQlLPNZoy-00083-00019845-00019982 rapt0r: (laughing) AVcQlLPNZoy-00084-00019982-00020140 rapt0r: how did we miss him? AVcQlLPNZoy-00085-00020140-00020352 rapt0r: how did we miss scp 173 AVcQlLPNZoy-00086-00020352-00020418 rapt0r: how did we miss scp 173 OddWolf: first of all AVcQlLPNZoy-00087-00020418-00020731 OddWolf: furthest of... (gibberish). first of all, he clipped trough the wall AVcQlLPNZoy-00088-00020759-00020973 OddWolf: i saw that with my own eyes rapt0r: (unclear) person AVcQlLPNZoy-00089-00021001-00021259 OddWolf: he was just like "hello my friends, i wanna join" AVcQlLPNZoy-00090-00021327-00021527 rapt0r: here we have our bodies OddWolf: i thought somebody was- uh AVcQlLPNZoy-00091-00021527-00021860 rapt0r: (realization) oh i forgot to put keep inventory on AVcQlLPNZoy-00092-00022061-00022298 rapt0r: in here we will find a gas mask AVcQlLPNZoy-00093-00022328-00022419 rapt0r: i will ta- AVcQlLPNZoy-00094-00022419-00022478 OddWolf: which (inaudible) rapt0r: do you want gas mask? AVcQlLPNZoy-00095-00022478-00022622 rapt0r: do you want gas mask? AVcQlLPNZoy-00096-00022678-00022878 OddWolf: no, I'll- i- I'm fine AVcQlLPNZoy-00097-00022990-00023165 OddWolf: I'll make it out alive AVcQlLPNZoy-00098-00023165-00023365 rapt0r: (laughs) wa- what happend to my arms? AVcQlLPNZoy-00099-00023464-00023587 rapt0r: look at him AVcQlLPNZoy-00100-00023587-00023711 rapt0r: look at the dead body AVcQlLPNZoy-00101-00023711-00023805 rapt0r: (monkey noises) AVcQlLPNZoy-00102-00023805-00023908 OddWolf: (laughs) AVcQlLPNZoy-00103-00024009-00024279 rapt0r: ok we ar- we are going to be cursed now AVcQlLPNZoy-00104-00024279-00024782 rapt0r: to forever... see... like a weird creature in the corner of our eye (inaudible) AVcQlLPNZoy-00105-00024831-00025280 OddWolf: so let me re-e- read what it says. "your mom is a- (censored for your own sake) AVcQlLPNZoy-00106-00025644-00025897 rapt0r: oh yes the infinitely repeating rooms AVcQlLPNZoy-00107-00025921-00025988 rapt0r: legendary AVcQlLPNZoy-00108-00026166-00026366 this is where we get the key card AVcQlLPNZoy-00109-00026522-00026683 OddWolf: (noises) AVcQlLPNZoy-00110-00026750-00026940 OddWolf: -room rapt0r: ok, i have a key card AVcQlLPNZoy-00111-00026940-00027083 OddWolf: *continues looking for key card* rapt0r: oh, i took the key card AVcQlLPNZoy-00112-00027083-00027161 scp 048 in the distance: i am the cure AVcQlLPNZoy-00113-00027263-00027398 OddWolf: oh, i thought we chould go into some more rooms :( AVcQlLPNZoy-00114-00027398-00027482 OddWolf: oh, i thought we chould go into some more rooms :( rapt0r: oh! AVcQlLPNZoy-00115-00027585-00027720 rapt0r: wemen am i right AVcQlLPNZoy-00116-00027910-00027976 OddWolf: wemen AVcQlLPNZoy-00117-00028033-00028083 rapt0r: wemen OddWolf: oh pretty coo- AVcQlLPNZoy-00118-00028240-00028398 OddWolf: (dies) rapt0r: this game AVcQlLPNZoy-00119-00028398-00028463 rapt0r: (LAUGHING) AVcQlLPNZoy-00120-00028463-00028698 rapt0r: this game is a commentary on wemen AVcQlLPNZoy-00121-00028753-00029037 OddWolf: noo. know what i am gonna hate the most when we go a- AVcQlLPNZoy-00122-00029037-00029237 -a... more far in the game? AVcQlLPNZoy-00123-00029265-00029405 rapt0r: scp 106? AVcQlLPNZoy-00124-00029461-00029677 OddWolf: no, remember the red dogs? AVcQlLPNZoy-00125-00029688-00029888 OddWolf: which are not dogs AVcQlLPNZoy-00126-00029903-00029953 rapt0r: yes AVcQlLPNZoy-00127-00029966-00030166 OddWolf: and they speak human. YEah i know, i hate them AVcQlLPNZoy-00128-00030217-00030338 OddWolf: corona virus (referring to black goo on the ground) AVcQlLPNZoy-00129-00030338-00030527 rapt0r: nooooo, level 3 or higher AVcQlLPNZoy-00130-00030586-00030717 OddWolf: lets go, lets go, lets go rapt0r: use of camera or video equipment is prohibited AVcQlLPNZoy-00131-00030717-00031016 rapt0r: all use of camera or video equipment is prohibited AVcQlLPNZoy-00132-00031099-00031255 OddWolf: frick, we cant record in here AVcQlLPNZoy-00133-00031356-00031568 rapt0r: frick that, I'm- I'm a D class. AVcQlLPNZoy-00134-00031568-00031947 I got in here for breaking the law, I'm not about to follow it now AVcQlLPNZoy-00135-00032028-00032228 OddWolf: uh oh... uhhh- oh this is safe AVcQlLPNZoy-00136-00032228-00032283 rapt0r: we need a level 2 key card AVcQlLPNZoy-00137-00032283-00032348 rapt0r: we need a level 2 key card OddWolf: no AVcQlLPNZoy-00138-00032348-00032453 rapt0r: we need a level 2 key card AVcQlLPNZoy-00139-00032542-00032826 rapt0r: where do we find a le- BWUuUuuUhHu AVcQlLPNZoy-00140-00032979-00033093 OddWolf: hello my friend AVcQlLPNZoy-00141-00033134-00033272 rapt0r: lets blink first OddWolf: so what do we do now? AVcQlLPNZoy-00142-00033272-00033466 rapt0r: lets blink before we go in AVcQlLPNZoy-00143-00033487-00033639 rapt0r: water them eyes AVcQlLPNZoy-00144-00033686-00033935 rapt0r: and then we just... look at it AVcQlLPNZoy-00145-00034007-00034196 OddWolf: uUUuuhH hallo my friend AVcQlLPNZoy-00146-00034196-00034264 rapt0r: uh AVcQlLPNZoy-00147-00034338-00034559 rapt0r: i am going to blink in 3... 2.. 1 AVcQlLPNZoy-00148-00034628-00034768 rapt0r: ok, there we go AVcQlLPNZoy-00149-00034768-00034846 OddWolf: (sounds of happiness) AVcQlLPNZoy-00150-00034917-00035031 rapt0r: oh, WATCH OUT! AVcQlLPNZoy-00151-00035062-00035130 rapt0r: (laughs) AVcQlLPNZoy-00152-00035182-00035440 rapt0r: wait, are you going to spawn in with peanut? AVcQlLPNZoy-00153-00035500-00035700 OddWolf: I'm going to spawn in with- rapt0r: UHuh AVcQlLPNZoy-00154-00035767-00036039 OddWolf: i di- i did spawn in with peanut AVcQlLPNZoy-00155-00036039-00036279 rapt0r: lets save, right here OddWolf: so we are just gonna close the door and- AVcQlLPNZoy-00156-00037284-00037545 OddWolf: take all your papers, i need the medical bills AVcQlLPNZoy-00157-00037545-00037663 rapt0r: papers please AVcQlLPNZoy-00158-00037774-00037974 OddWolf: i thi- this door is- Have we been here? rapt0r: (inaudible) AVcQlLPNZoy-00159-00037991-00038140 OddWolf: yeah i think we have AVcQlLPNZoy-00160-00038140-00038190 rapt0r: oh AVcQlLPNZoy-00161-00038190-00038313 OddWolf: NOOOOO! AVcQlLPNZoy-00162-00038313-00038513 rapt0r: no, that's not "the" elevator AVcQlLPNZoy-00163-00038513-00038951 rapt0r: that's the elevator with... what's his name his name again? Gonzales Jim AVcQlLPNZoy-00164-00038951-00039103 rapt0r: Jim Gonzales AVcQlLPNZoy-00165-00039103-00039306 OddWolf: what is he doing here AVcQlLPNZoy-00166-00039306-00039470 OddWolf: corona virus AVcQlLPNZoy-00167-00039544-00039790 rapt0r: no, that's on ehh- oooh AVcQlLPNZoy-00168-00039829-00039900 rapt0r: no AVcQlLPNZoy-00169-00039905-00040000 OddWolf: hallo AVcQlLPNZoy-00170-00040000-00040114 rapt0r: no, no, no! AVcQlLPNZoy-00171-00040114-00040396 OddWolf: this is OneOddWolf, welcome to my new channel, oh wait this is the red dogs AVcQlLPNZoy-00172-00040396-00040529 rapt0r: yeah (nervous laugh) AVcQlLPNZoy-00173-00040634-00040795 rapt0r: nooo! not this one AVcQlLPNZoy-00174-00040866-00040985 OddWolf: wait, oh frick AVcQlLPNZoy-00175-00041009-00041286 OddWolf: hallo man, its just ligh- its just recording lights AVcQlLPNZoy-00176-00041310-00041438 OddWolf: studio lights AVcQlLPNZoy-00177-00041469-00041694 rapt0r: but we cant get in there anyway AVcQlLPNZoy-00178-00041694-00041876 OddWolf: you just have a mask on your face AVcQlLPNZoy-00179-00041933-00042152 rapt0r: ♪that is what the mask is♪ AVcQlLPNZoy-00180-00042261-00042549 OddWolf: ♪that's what the point of the mask is♪ AVcQlLPNZoy-00181-00042549-00043044 rapt0r: we need to find scp 500, so we can take the normal pills AVcQlLPNZoy-00182-00043096-00043210 OddWolf: gas mask oh- AVcQlLPNZoy-00183-00043373-00043423 rapt0r: oh AVcQlLPNZoy-00184-00043467-00043667 rapt0r: i feel like someone- OddWolf: level 1 key card! AVcQlLPNZoy-00185-00043667-00043933 rapt0r: i feel like some people just died OddWolf: i found a key card :) AVcQlLPNZoy-00186-00043953-00044251 rapt0r: oh look at him, he is so- he is so like... AVcQlLPNZoy-00187-00044251-00044339 rapt0r: oh look at him, he is so- he is so like... OddWolf: ohh, hallo AVcQlLPNZoy-00188-00044364-00044527 rapt0r: he- he is such aaaa AVcQlLPNZoy-00189-00044527-00044667 rapt0r: he- he is such aaaa OddWolf: blink before you go in, blink before you go in AVcQlLPNZoy-00190-00044667-00044839 OddWolf: blink before you go in, blink before you go in AVcQlLPNZoy-00191-00044839-00044889 rapt0r: look at him, he is showing that ass AVcQlLPNZoy-00192-00044889-00044966 rapt0r: look at him, he is showing that ass OddWolf: omg he just took AVcQlLPNZoy-00193-00044966-00045116 rapt0r: look at him, he is showing that ass AVcQlLPNZoy-00194-00045177-00045500 OddWolf: uh, he just went thru. i think we are safe to walk in now AVcQlLPNZoy-00195-00045566-00045766 rapt0r: wait! no don't! AVcQlLPNZoy-00196-00045766-00045885 rapt0r: he is just gonna be in one of the corners OddWolf: oh, peanut AVcQlLPNZoy-00197-00045885-00045983 rapt0r: he is just gonna be in one of the corners AVcQlLPNZoy-00198-00046061-00046164 OddWolf: peanut man AVcQlLPNZoy-00199-00046305-00046505 OddWolf: maybe we should close it and blink more AVcQlLPNZoy-00200-00046589-00046694 OddWolf: (cry for help) AVcQlLPNZoy-00201-00046743-00046836 OddWolf: (speaking in whale) AVcQlLPNZoy-00202-00046947-00047057 OddWolf: take the shat, take the shat AVcQlLPNZoy-00203-00047057-00047131 OddWolf: i want a quarter AVcQlLPNZoy-00204-00047131-00047181 rapt0r: take it OddWolf: frick AVcQlLPNZoy-00205-00047181-00047435 rapt0r: take it, take it, take it, take it AVcQlLPNZoy-00206-00047467-00047627 rapt0r: quick, quick, take it AVcQlLPNZoy-00207-00047627-00047677 OddWolf: (cry) AVcQlLPNZoy-00208-00047725-00047873 OddWolf: i want the quarter, i want the quarter AVcQlLPNZoy-00209-00047873-00048057 OddWolf: i got a lot of batteries if that's what you need AVcQlLPNZoy-00210-00048119-00048273 rapt0r: i got 2 batteries AVcQlLPNZoy-00211-00048326-00048376 rapt0r: wha?! AVcQlLPNZoy-00212-00048462-00048826 rapt0r: ohhhh, i forgot we have the thing in the corner of our eye AVcQlLPNZoy-00213-00049272-00049472 rapt0r: that thing totally stick bugged me AVcQlLPNZoy-00214-00049610-00049810 rapt0r: don't waste the radio dude AVcQlLPNZoy-00215-00049843-00050096 rapt0r: i mean it does absolutely nothing but still AVcQlLPNZoy-00216-00050096-00050146 janitor: hallo AVcQlLPNZoy-00217-00050146-00050324 OddWolf: it plays music rapt0r: no! no, no, no! NO, NO! NO! AVcQlLPNZoy-00218-00050324-00050524 rapt0r: shat, shat, shat AVcQlLPNZoy-00219-00050631-00050701 rapt0r: RUN! AVcQlLPNZoy-00220-00050778-00050929 OddWolf: i don't feel to good AVcQlLPNZoy-00221-00051021-00051295 rapt0r: lets find the start, how about that? AVcQlLPNZoy-00222-00051295-00051438 rapt0r: where we started AVcQlLPNZoy-00223-00051479-00051674 rapt0r: where did we start? OddWolf: i don't remember AVcQlLPNZoy-00224-00051763-00051963 OddWolf: i have- i have bad memory AVcQlLPNZoy-00225-00052157-00052368 OddWolf: i can here u- i can here something, i don't like that AVcQlLPNZoy-00226-00052473-00052742 rapt0r: yes, it does just play random sounds AVcQlLPNZoy-00227-00052862-00053028 rapt0r: oh yes, we are back here AVcQlLPNZoy-00228-00053028-00053210 rapt0r: lets save, lets save AVcQlLPNZoy-00229-00053210-00053329 OddWolf: have we been here? AVcQlLPNZoy-00230-00053642-00053692 OddWolf: uUUuu AVcQlLPNZoy-00231-00053692-00053742 rapt0r: this way AVcQlLPNZoy-00232-00053742-00053897 rapt0r: oh no, not this room AVcQlLPNZoy-00233-00053984-00054129 rapt0r: do you know this room? AVcQlLPNZoy-00234-00054240-00054475 OddWolf: uUUuHHu, YeAH- no AVcQlLPNZoy-00235-00054517-00054880 rapt0r: its were peanut is standing in one of the corners but its also TIMED! AVcQlLPNZoy-00236-00054880-00054944 rapt0r: ITS TIMED AVcQlLPNZoy-00237-00055064-00055206 OddWolf: yeah, but there's also that AVcQlLPNZoy-00238-00055531-00055770 OddWolf: you know we are just gonna die if we go that way AVcQlLPNZoy-00239-00055808-00056008 OddWolf: and that's why we need a gas mask AVcQlLPNZoy-00240-00056085-00056285 rapt0r: yes :) wait you have a gas mask too AVcQlLPNZoy-00241-00056392-00056592 OddWolf: i- i got one from the one room AVcQlLPNZoy-00242-00056592-00056660 rapt0r: lets go AVcQlLPNZoy-00243-00057232-00057369 rapt0r: we are so pro AVcQlLPNZoy-00244-00057369-00057716 rapt0r: lets save now, so we don't have to do that again AVcQlLPNZoy-00245-00057716-00057794 OddWolf: all right AVcQlLPNZoy-00246-00058186-00058317 OddWolf: (fake sneeze) i think i got corona virus AVcQlLPNZoy-00247-00058317-00058440 OddWolf: (fake sneeze) i think i got corona virus rapt0r: SCP 107! (meant 173) AVcQlLPNZoy-00248-00058488-00058554 OddWolf: oh yeah AVcQlLPNZoy-00249-00058652-00058822 OddWolf: he he he, wait scp 106: (emerges) AVcQlLPNZoy-00250-00058822-00059014 OddWolf: what do we do? rapt0r: no! NO! NO B-SHIT AVcQlLPNZoy-00251-00059090-00059366 rapt0r: b-shit straight up coming thru the ground bruh AVcQlLPNZoy-00252-00059536-00059736 OddWolf: nah man, I'm out of here AVcQlLPNZoy-00253-00059746-00060065 OddWolf: sorry, i don't- i don't take requests AVcQlLPNZoy-00254-00060106-00060333 rapt0r: no don't go that way, go this way AVcQlLPNZoy-00255-00060382-00060582 rapt0r: go thru- find a tesla gate and go thru AVcQlLPNZoy-00256-00060948-00061220 OddWolf: do we- all we got to do is just go thru a tesla gate AVcQlLPNZoy-00257-00061259-00061309 rapt0r: yes AVcQlLPNZoy-00258-00061444-00061644 rapt0r: we just go to find a tesla gate AVcQlLPNZoy-00259-00062128-00062590 OddWolf: so you are telling me all the time in the single player game, all i had to do was go thru a tesla gate? AVcQlLPNZoy-00260-00062590-00062944 rapt0r: yes, he- he eh- he does not understand how tesla gate work AVcQlLPNZoy-00261-00063031-00063231 rapt0r: NO! we went the wrong way! AVcQlLPNZoy-00262-00063264-00063365 rapt0r: this room AVcQlLPNZoy-00263-00063544-00063679 OddWolf: we are fricked AVcQlLPNZoy-00264-00063710-00063845 rapt0r: yeah, we are AVcQlLPNZoy-00265-00063906-00064140 OddWolf: anyways, i am taking on a gas mask and uh AVcQlLPNZoy-00266-00064240-00064308 OddWolf: ruuun! AVcQlLPNZoy-00267-00064308-00064388 rapt0r: no gas mask AVcQlLPNZoy-00268-00065013-00065276 rapt0r: swiggity swagaty, we got to go thru a tesla gate AVcQlLPNZoy-00269-00065346-00065546 rapt0r: oh, we found a tesla gate AVcQlLPNZoy-00270-00065546-00065596 rapt0r: good AVcQlLPNZoy-00271-00066119-00066277 OddWolf: anyways, he is a dumb frick AVcQlLPNZoy-00272-00066321-00066371 rapt0r: yes AVcQlLPNZoy-00273-00066411-00066808 rapt0r: but he is- he did- he can go thru elevators AVcQlLPNZoy-00274-00066808-00067024 rapt0r: that is something we have to remember AVcQlLPNZoy-00275-00067073-00067340 rapt0r: i think we have to go down to the red dogs AVcQlLPNZoy-00276-00067367-00067528 rapt0r: we have to find dogs AVcQlLPNZoy-00277-00067706-00068076 OddWolf: i hate scp's, they can do anything overpo- oohhh AVcQlLPNZoy-00278-00068076-00068295 OddWolf: lord rapt0r: it all leads back to this AVcQlLPNZoy-00279-00068404-00068604 OddWolf: if we don't live, we die AVcQlLPNZoy-00280-00068604-00068948 rapt0r: yes, lets press f5, that's a great idea AVcQlLPNZoy-00281-00068948-00069190 OddWolf: i clicked that a long time ago AVcQlLPNZoy-00282-00069340-00069697 OddWolf: so if we die- oh no wait, this is the dogs dumbass AVcQlLPNZoy-00283-00069750-00069800 rapt0r: yes AVcQlLPNZoy-00284-00069826-00070000 rapt0r: watch out, its right there AVcQlLPNZoy-00285-00070130-00070216 OddWolf: it cannot he- AVcQlLPNZoy-00286-00070370-00070570 rapt0r: lets just sneak AVcQlLPNZoy-00287-00070570-00070771 rapt0r: remember they are blind AVcQlLPNZoy-00288-00070922-00071081 OddWolf: but they can hear dumbass AVcQlLPNZoy-00289-00071104-00071548 rapt0r: yes and they can se- they- they are like T-rex's they sense movement AVcQlLPNZoy-00290-00071725-00072141 OddWolf: they can also ehh- when we crouch they can hear it right? AVcQlLPNZoy-00291-00072401-00072840 both: (scared noises) AVcQlLPNZoy-00292-00072840-00072940 OddWolf: (scared noise) AVcQlLPNZoy-00293-00073319-00073617 OddWolf: you just go to act as a dog and you should be fine AVcQlLPNZoy-00294-00073617-00073777 rapt0r: woof woof, bark bark AVcQlLPNZoy-00295-00073777-00073977 random dude: AAAaaAHHh OddWolf: ok, shut the frick up AVcQlLPNZoy-00296-00074061-00074261 OddWolf: (more scared noises) AVcQlLPNZoy-00297-00074404-00074604 OddWolf: no, NO! NO! no! AVcQlLPNZoy-00298-00074830-00075030 rapt0r: i will sacrifice my life for Pakistan (no i will not, not even for Denmark) AVcQlLPNZoy-00299-00075147-00075347 OddWolf: (laughs) AVcQlLPNZoy-00300-00075472-00075753 OddWolf: hey, wait, wait. come, come, come, come. come here, come here AVcQlLPNZoy-00301-00075782-00075868 OddWolf: take this AVcQlLPNZoy-00302-00075929-00076091 rapt0r: ok, thank you AVcQlLPNZoy-00303-00076187-00076315 OddWolf: we should be good AVcQlLPNZoy-00304-00076512-00076795 OddWolf: how ever if i get- if i get ehh rapt0r: i don't know why he stopped attacking me AVcQlLPNZoy-00305-00076841-00077041 rapt0r: but that was very friendly of him AVcQlLPNZoy-00306-00077300-00077377 OddWolf: your mother AVcQlLPNZoy-00307-00077440-00077895 rapt0r: maybe we should follow it, i know it sounds like a shat idea, but maybe we should AVcQlLPNZoy-00308-00078031-00078104 rapt0r: welp AVcQlLPNZoy-00309-00078235-00078435 OddWolf: no, no. I'm going up, gude bye AVcQlLPNZoy-00310-00078664-00078990 rapt0r: wait but i spawn in the elevator AVcQlLPNZoy-00311-00079241-00079298 OddWolf: hi! AVcQlLPNZoy-00312-00079298-00079348 rapt0r: hi AVcQlLPNZoy-00313-00079348-00079446 OddWolf: welcome back AVcQlLPNZoy-00314-00079854-00079982 rapt0r: (slurping noises) AVcQlLPNZoy-00315-00080191-00080273 rapt0r: wait, wait AVcQlLPNZoy-00316-00080317-00080417 rapt0r: (slurping noises) AVcQlLPNZoy-00317-00080417-00080552 OddWolf: no! stop AVcQlLPNZoy-00318-00080698-00080940 OddWolf: if he is coming from that one hall, we are fricked AVcQlLPNZoy-00319-00081109-00081169 OddWolf: nah AVcQlLPNZoy-00320-00081376-00081483 rapt0r: do except AVcQlLPNZoy-00321-00081516-00082168 rapt0r: yes, i have been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty AVcQlLPNZoy-00322-00082478-00082597 rapt0r: sector 1 AVcQlLPNZoy-00323-00082898-00083098 OddWolf: (confused noises) AVcQlLPNZoy-00324-00083178-00083304 OddWolf: is it open or closed? AVcQlLPNZoy-00325-00083321-00083521 rapt0r: that should be open AVcQlLPNZoy-00326-00083609-00083686 rapt0r: sector- wait AVcQlLPNZoy-00327-00083686-00083736 OddWolf: but- AVcQlLPNZoy-00328-00083858-00084111 rapt0r: you piece of fricking shat AVcQlLPNZoy-00329-00084554-00084754 rapt0r: so yeah, we died AVcQlLPNZoy-00330-00084917-00084978 rapt0r: uhm... AVcQlLPNZoy-00331-00084978-00085123 rapt0r: and then we restarted AVcQlLPNZoy-00332-00085123-00085205 rapt0r: actually we... AVcQlLPNZoy-00333-00085335-00085487 rapt0r: changed to a new world AVcQlLPNZoy-00334-00085516-00086071 rapt0r: and i lied to my friend and said that "sussy" was a better seed AVcQlLPNZoy-00335-00086112-00086162 rapt0r: which AVcQlLPNZoy-00336-00086195-00086367 rapt0r: is an absolute lie AVcQlLPNZoy-00337-00086379-00086656 rapt0r: but you will have to see that in PART2 AVcQlLPNZoy-00338-00086693-00086791 rapt0r: ha ha AVcQlLPNZoy-00339-00086848-00086958 rapt0r: advertisement AVcQlLPNZoy-00340-00086986-00087105 rapt0r: more views AVcQlLPNZoy-00341-00087206-00087749 rapt0r: no money still, because i don't make money of of this, but more views. HA! AVcQlLPNZoy-00342-00087832-00087976 rapt0r: you got fooled AVcQlLPNZoy-00343-00087991-00088590 rapt0r: now you will have to watch part 2. I know you want to, you watched thru the entirety of this video AcSK5VMPU8Q-00000-00000744-00001296 okay hello traders uh welcome to the live advanced bookmark webinar here um AcSK5VMPU8Q-00001-00001296-00001832 today we're joined by j trader this session forms part of our education here at bookmap AcSK5VMPU8Q-00002-00001920-00002520 uh these are held every wednesday 10 a.m eastern time bruce is away this week so AcSK5VMPU8Q-00003-00002520-00003080 my name's sam i'll be helping out today and tomorrow with uh scott uh sorry for AcSK5VMPU8Q-00004-00003080-00003632 a little later than scheduled this morning uh i'll be jumping into the live analysis in just a moment AcSK5VMPU8Q-00005-00003736-00004384 first just just a couple of things to take care of before we get started AcSK5VMPU8Q-00006-00004720-00005416 so uh j traders contact information you can find out more about joseph on his website jtrader.com AcSK5VMPU8Q-00007-00005472-00005784 you can also connect with him on twitter at jtraderco AcSK5VMPU8Q-00008-00006312-00006784 and the disclosures here all bookmap limited materials information and AcSK5VMPU8Q-00009-00006784-00007216 presentations are for educational purposes only and should not be considered specific AcSK5VMPU8Q-00010-00007216-00007712 investment advice nor recommendations live trading is in simulation demo paper trading AcSK5VMPU8Q-00011-00007712-00008352 mode and strictly for educational purposes live trading executed in simulation cannot accurate AcSK5VMPU8Q-00012-00008352-00009024 accurately represent realistic trading performance and the risk disclosure trading futures equities AcSK5VMPU8Q-00013-00009024-00009456 and digital currencies involve substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors AcSK5VMPU8Q-00014-00009512-00009864 an investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment AcSK5VMPU8Q-00015-00009928-00010312 risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing one's financial security AcSK5VMPU8Q-00016-00010312-00010936 or lifestyle only risk capital should be used for trading and only those the sufficient risk capital AcSK5VMPU8Q-00017-00010936-00011384 should consider trading past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results AcSK5VMPU8Q-00018-00011520-00011944 okay that's that done so um i'll throw it over to you now joseph AcSK5VMPU8Q-00019-00012128-00012824 okay thank you sam good morning everybody so we'll start uh sharing here my screen AcSK5VMPU8Q-00020-00012824-00013456 uh can you see this uh good sign yep i'm just uh setting it up now i i see it yep AcSK5VMPU8Q-00021-00013608-00014296 okay so good morning mclaughlin sam sweet good morning all traders over here and for us who's AcSK5VMPU8Q-00022-00014296-00015176 following me on youtube so in the last weeks we spoke about manipulation we spoke about absorption AcSK5VMPU8Q-00023-00015288-00015919 um we went over small caps in big caps this morning i'm looking at AcSK5VMPU8Q-00024-00016024-00017032 some place on tesla meta iin and eose the last two are small cap stocks AcSK5VMPU8Q-00025-00017176-00017816 so i want to go over first of all what we had over here this morning on tesla AcSK5VMPU8Q-00026-00018192-00019176 and today we have news around two o'clock if i'm correct uh so uh data will be released generally AcSK5VMPU8Q-00027-00019176-00019920 these days are low range or tight range you can see for example over here on tesla AcSK5VMPU8Q-00028-00020008-00020792 that we are still inside the previous day range so there's not a lot of uh trend going on over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00029-00020848-00021416 we um tried okay below this uh this golden area over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00030-00021488-00022016 we tried to establish a trend okay so this was a pretty good pattern over here for a short AcSK5VMPU8Q-00031-00022136-00023136 and actually you can see that we had uh the level of uh of short over here this but it then went AcSK5VMPU8Q-00032-00023136-00023960 back in range so right now it's sideways over here uh i will be probably waiting for uh the AcSK5VMPU8Q-00033-00023960-00024592 release of the data today and i want to see some movement in the market i was looking at the queues AcSK5VMPU8Q-00034-00025360-00025816 today i have my charting here a little bit slow i will be looking at the s and the q's AcSK5VMPU8Q-00035-00026000-00026456 and i was looking at this price section so this is from today traders AcSK5VMPU8Q-00036-00026544-00027208 you can see that we go directly into the 3850 every single time one two three four times AcSK5VMPU8Q-00037-00027272-00027904 and then we are holding the support right so my plan this morning was uh AcSK5VMPU8Q-00038-00027904-00028920 to not look for a trade unless one of those two uh level was breezed so over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00039-00029152-00029264 and this is very important to AcSK5VMPU8Q-00040-00029504-00030439 to uh to understand we have a breakout 3860 not yet we have a breakdown of uh 3 800 not yet so AcSK5VMPU8Q-00041-00030439-00030848 i'm simply waiting because right now we are in a rate and i don't really want to trade inside and AcSK5VMPU8Q-00042-00030848-00031432 it rains okay so for me one of the most important criteria's over here is the way this resistance AcSK5VMPU8Q-00043-00031432-00032039 breakout and this support over here breakdown okay inside this range over here i'm not really AcSK5VMPU8Q-00044-00032039-00032896 trading unless you want to scalp and maybe take counter trend setups passing to tesla again AcSK5VMPU8Q-00045-00033080-00033904 having this idea okay and knowing that scenario in the market um i personally didn't trade tesla AcSK5VMPU8Q-00046-00033904-00034712 this morning i've seen a setup over here that i teach and that i that i like uh basically AcSK5VMPU8Q-00047-00035024-00035272 i'm gonna put also bookmap over here to help you AcSK5VMPU8Q-00048-00035440-00036072 okay so i'm gonna keep the zoom out of it here uh on tesla this was uh yesterday high AcSK5VMPU8Q-00049-00036128-00037024 okay almost into the close this morning that level works as a resistance right and we could AcSK5VMPU8Q-00050-00037024-00037560 see over here uh what i call a blow up so we went directly into the level of resistance AcSK5VMPU8Q-00051-00037736-00038248 with the anova under that level at the same time we start seeing over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00052-00038528-00039480 a trendline break that's the starting of our short okay so me is extremely important that i AcSK5VMPU8Q-00053-00039480-00040176 analyze first of all the market i start looking what es is doing and then at a certain precise AcSK5VMPU8Q-00054-00040176-00041048 at that precise level over here 702 703 i can trigger my entry having a very tight stop and then AcSK5VMPU8Q-00055-00041048-00041880 looking for that unwind okay so this is a blow up move into the previous day high okay traders AcSK5VMPU8Q-00056-00042024-00042432 now the second thing i uh want to focus over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00057-00042664-00043336 is uh the price section right now where is my next century okay so we spoke about what the system AcSK5VMPU8Q-00058-00043336-00043808 that the strategy that i trade did this morning but what the system is telling me right now AcSK5VMPU8Q-00059-00043808-00044528 where i would enter so until for example i'm not below the 682 681 AcSK5VMPU8Q-00060-00044624-00045224 and i don't see yes starting to trend i won't really be looking for a short over here okay AcSK5VMPU8Q-00061-00045296-00046120 as i said we are inside the previous day range we are at that support 687 over here we have AcSK5VMPU8Q-00062-00046208-00046960 another support which is the low of day is 682 and only below this area if we start also AcSK5VMPU8Q-00063-00046960-00047688 unwinding with some pretty good selling pressure okay then i can start uh decide to AcSK5VMPU8Q-00064-00047688-00048344 look for a pattern on tesla but otherwise today will be a possible day where i won't be trading AcSK5VMPU8Q-00065-00048344-00049184 uh big caps uh midday all right uh i'm gonna check also the one-minute chart AcSK5VMPU8Q-00066-00049544-00050248 so you can see for example the system that we're trading so one of the patterns that we're trading AcSK5VMPU8Q-00067-00050376-00051080 yesterday gave us along here and then another long opportunity another long another long opportunity AcSK5VMPU8Q-00068-00051080-00051840 so a beautiful intraday move uh we went from the first entry that was over here more for advanced AcSK5VMPU8Q-00069-00051840-00052600 traders around the 665 we moved up to 700 and the system got all these perfect dips to to buy AcSK5VMPU8Q-00070-00052664-00053288 this morning you can see that we have no trend we are basically inside this previous day so AcSK5VMPU8Q-00071-00053288-00053904 a little bit conservative uh fine for me not taking the trade over here so we'll be waiting AcSK5VMPU8Q-00072-00054184-00054784 meta was the second one also this in the watch list AcSK5VMPU8Q-00073-00055472-00056304 let's see over here pulses i'm slow so i may put up another charting software let's see no AcSK5VMPU8Q-00074-00056767-00057584 and having problems this morning with the starting software AcSK5VMPU8Q-00075-00057679-00058376 okay so i'll be using a transpirer i use this mainly for daily analysis you can see over here uh AcSK5VMPU8Q-00076-00058448-00059384 my uh my crypto solana we'll put her here amazon and meta we'll start with with meta AcSK5VMPU8Q-00077-00060136-00060384 five-minute chart AcSK5VMPU8Q-00078-00060688-00061400 alright so the same setup we had on tesla we had also meta but i really preferred over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00079-00061400-00062104 the price section of meta bookmap work perfect really perfect and i'm not saying over here uh AcSK5VMPU8Q-00080-00062328-00062704 something that you know only because now it happened i'm telling no this is really AcSK5VMPU8Q-00081-00062704-00063184 the setup that i'm training every single day if you've been in the room and you know how we trade AcSK5VMPU8Q-00082-00063288-00063696 uh this is exactly my a plus setup over here for a beautiful short AcSK5VMPU8Q-00083-00063816-00064440 so over here we had a first morning push you can see over here the open 168 and then AcSK5VMPU8Q-00084-00064440-00065152 we start pushing to this 169. remember that the pre-market high is this level over here so around AcSK5VMPU8Q-00085-00065152-00066000 168 and 70. so we go and breach that resistance and immediately we have over here a double top AcSK5VMPU8Q-00086-00066000-00066888 into high level of liquidity because at 169 we see over here almost 8 000 sellers right and then AcSK5VMPU8Q-00087-00066984-00067640 a thousand shares over here on sale and then over here we failed below the open level at 168 AcSK5VMPU8Q-00088-00067696-00068568 which is this level over here the open level once we fill that okay there is where we start AcSK5VMPU8Q-00089-00068568-00069128 taking the trade more advanced traders can start taking a partial over here just you know like to AcSK5VMPU8Q-00090-00069128-00069952 wet their feet 20 25 30 percent of the position and then adding over here on this brake down 168 AcSK5VMPU8Q-00091-00069952-00070600 and then you can see perfect target 165 and 50. this area here 165 and 50. AcSK5VMPU8Q-00092-00070736-00071584 i'm going over bookmap i'm going to show you uh price section and and order flow over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00093-00071752-00072408 so we see that we push a first time into the 169 so first time we push over here 169 AcSK5VMPU8Q-00094-00072496-00073160 and then we start having over here some exhaustion you can see over here no prints no dots exhaustion AcSK5VMPU8Q-00095-00073160-00073944 double topping that resistance and we start fading below the open level once we start AcSK5VMPU8Q-00096-00073944-00074648 fading we start rejecting so you can see we fail we reject reject reject so we have it's time uh AcSK5VMPU8Q-00097-00074648-00075072 pull back to the previous resistance and then we start fading more fading more fading more AcSK5VMPU8Q-00098-00075200-00075976 at a certain point i think we had the best pattern of the day over here once we start pushing to this AcSK5VMPU8Q-00099-00075976-00076936 167 and 80 168 which is this level over here so you can see this perfect pattern over here with AcSK5VMPU8Q-00100-00076936-00077880 an absorption and that's also not only the 168 uh dollar number but it's also the open level area AcSK5VMPU8Q-00101-00077952-00078520 so we push into that we have bookmap and then we also have the chart telling us this is a good AcSK5VMPU8Q-00102-00078520-00079232 level for us to enter so all things together right and then we start unwinding over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00103-00079328-00079984 now same for tesla this is choppy it's lateral today so besides this a plus setup over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00104-00080040-00080784 there's still nothing that i want to trade at the moment on meta okay so i will be waiting over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00105-00080872-00081896 okay traders so this is for um men over here so right now we are short on eosc AcSK5VMPU8Q-00106-00082072-00082776 and i don't know if anybody of you uh trade small caps well actually i see some guys over here on AcSK5VMPU8Q-00107-00082776-00083760 in bookmap and uh eosc is a small cap it's a very small cap they have a 73 million market cap so i'm AcSK5VMPU8Q-00108-00083760-00084488 using over here first of all the stats with asus rate we have a float of around uh 50 million okay AcSK5VMPU8Q-00109-00084488-00085232 so it's still a small flow but not you know those microfloats or nanoflows that we often see in um AcSK5VMPU8Q-00110-00085416-00085960 in small cap land and they have a pretty high institution ownership okay big red AcSK5VMPU8Q-00111-00085960-00086728 flag what can you tell me about the institutional ownership over here so when i see this number here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00112-00086728-00087648 okay above 50 me as a red flag in the sense that they're gonna probably hold more okay dips if they AcSK5VMPU8Q-00113-00087648-00088448 find high volume and this morning we had at the high volume and i'm gonna show you uh what i mean AcSK5VMPU8Q-00114-00088448-00089368 by that holding the dips and how to trade lists so over here they had uh news this morning so always AcSK5VMPU8Q-00115-00089368-00089960 read the news when you trade small caps actually read the news always for every single uh asset AcSK5VMPU8Q-00116-00089960-00090632 that you trade could be crypto futures always okay first of all uh do your pre-market plan AcSK5VMPU8Q-00117-00090632-00091536 and your morning due dates so over here is saying um more than doubles backlog to over 460 million AcSK5VMPU8Q-00118-00091616-00092232 so today announced the signing of two significant orders so basically is an order or contract uh AcSK5VMPU8Q-00119-00092232-00092840 news all right contract or order news the same exact thing i want to check also the gap stats AcSK5VMPU8Q-00120-00092840-00093688 if we have some previous gapper so we had one gap over here with uh 26 average gap AcSK5VMPU8Q-00121-00093816-00094568 and we had a 9 42 high of day so it doesn't mean that 9 42 that morning was the high of AcSK5VMPU8Q-00122-00094568-00095384 the day so knowing this this morning i was looking to uh short over here usc AcSK5VMPU8Q-00123-00096736-00098184 i'm gonna share over here the the plan what we were looking for AcSK5VMPU8Q-00124-00099440-00099832 okay so one of the many comments that i had this morning over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00125-00100184-00100840 was uh waiting for or 220 or 35 like i was talking to a member and then i AcSK5VMPU8Q-00126-00100840-00101592 said or waiting for a blow up of the morning pre-market high okay so what we had over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00127-00101592-00102384 uh this is the pre-market eye of today so i was looking into this uh area AcSK5VMPU8Q-00128-00102496-00103832 of 175 okay you can see over here one second i will put AcSK5VMPU8Q-00129-00103832-00104711 look in this 175 and over here i will do the same thing with bookmap so i will look for any kind of AcSK5VMPU8Q-00130-00104711-00105488 resistance 175. and we have some liquidity over here not that used huge amount of resistance that AcSK5VMPU8Q-00131-00105488-00106344 i would expect okay because often i would really look for those big red heat maps okay so look for AcSK5VMPU8Q-00132-00106344-00107104 those big substantial um levels full of sellers with wall of sellers and then looking for a trade AcSK5VMPU8Q-00133-00107208-00108248 over here we had also a second level which is this 150 over here and all morning this 150 was holding AcSK5VMPU8Q-00134-00108311-00109272 so we had over here dip 150 pop dip 150 pop dip 150 pop so that is the critical area this morning AcSK5VMPU8Q-00135-00109272-00110400 on uh over here on usc okay traders so looking for that main area of uh support resistance AcSK5VMPU8Q-00136-00110504-00111288 i want to also look right now this is not working it seems i have like difficulties over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00137-00112032-00112352 okay probably need to reboot my computer but we'll keep it like this AcSK5VMPU8Q-00138-00112480-00113152 so right now uh we are short into this uh area 168 okay so following the plan AcSK5VMPU8Q-00139-00113280-00113959 looking over here for that resistance 165. i wanted to have a little bit higher so having AcSK5VMPU8Q-00140-00113959-00114783 like a better average like 171 somebody's two uh but i have averaged 168. and right now it's simply AcSK5VMPU8Q-00141-00114783-00115559 fading uh no buyers or i will say small amount of buyers if you start looking over here the times AcSK5VMPU8Q-00142-00115559-00116272 and sales you will really recognize this so reason for me to hold the trade until over here 130s okay AcSK5VMPU8Q-00143-00116272-00117344 not really looking to cover anything more on uh i i n what i did this morning was uh uh shorting the AcSK5VMPU8Q-00144-00117344-00117888 syria and covering parts on this area then letting the trade run and using this profit over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00145-00117968-00118904 uh to um like as a safety right like a cushion and then once i saw this level over here i added more AcSK5VMPU8Q-00146-00118904-00119528 i missed these tops over here and then i'm looking for this unwind all the way down over here to 130. AcSK5VMPU8Q-00147-00119624-00120159 so when we're going down we're having the really the support okay the demand moving AcSK5VMPU8Q-00148-00120159-00120848 down as well this means weakness okay so just looking to hold over here our trade AcSK5VMPU8Q-00149-00121104-00121264 uh the last one was uh AcSK5VMPU8Q-00150-00121504-00121983 i i n so we'll see if we're gonna have a setup over here on AcSK5VMPU8Q-00151-00122248-00122328 iinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn AcSK5VMPU8Q-00152-00122504-00123568 th morning gave us a setup with bookmap so we were trading this uh personally no because this was AcSK5VMPU8Q-00153-00123656-00124711 uh a trade ssr so i never looked to call trade short on ssr with high volume because a lot of AcSK5VMPU8Q-00154-00124711-00125520 uh unexperienced members will start shorting early and then they will get squeezed so what i called AcSK5VMPU8Q-00155-00125520-00126288 over here in the morning was a long so we were looking to look for a dip into this area and uh AcSK5VMPU8Q-00156-00126288-00127216 y micro support ssr stock news high volume and over here you can see also the price section okay AcSK5VMPU8Q-00157-00127216-00127888 we basically see for this first part of our in nnn if you look over here on bookmap we have no more AcSK5VMPU8Q-00158-00127888-00128640 we have no big sellers only these dots are blue over here so the majority of these are buyers okay AcSK5VMPU8Q-00159-00128640-00129344 no big sellers so over here we had a morning uh breakout of this pattern so you can see AcSK5VMPU8Q-00160-00129344-00130200 over here in book map and then i push this 260 to 65. so here bookmark was perfect because gabe is AcSK5VMPU8Q-00161-00130200-00130872 really the timing for entry short i didn't call this in the room to short it or the reason that AcSK5VMPU8Q-00162-00130944-00131536 we have over here an ssr with high volume okay so you have to be ready to cut this early AcSK5VMPU8Q-00163-00131632-00132064 if or cut this fast if this is going to continue to go all the way up AcSK5VMPU8Q-00164-00132200-00132504 but you can see over here beautiful pattern really using bookmap AcSK5VMPU8Q-00165-00133032-00133752 extension into this resistance area and then double top we have more information AcSK5VMPU8Q-00166-00133752-00134408 over here one two three and then more sellers okay start to create a wall of AcSK5VMPU8Q-00167-00134408-00134888 sellers look at all these levels over here and then we come all the way down AcSK5VMPU8Q-00168-00134992-00135520 so while this is the front side of the move you can see over here we have no resistance right AcSK5VMPU8Q-00169-00135616-00136048 and then over here we start having a small resistance resistant but they're basically AcSK5VMPU8Q-00170-00136048-00136648 canceling over here again cancelling i believe this if something was triggered but only this AcSK5VMPU8Q-00171-00136648-00137384 level over here the resistance starts working so this is really the timing that we have over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00172-00137384-00138096 in the 265 this area and then we start fading down so over here notices above look at the difference AcSK5VMPU8Q-00173-00138296-00139072 right and then a decent supply area and then we start looking for that AcSK5VMPU8Q-00174-00139320-00139392 that unwind AcSK5VMPU8Q-00175-00139688-00140184 so let's continue to look at the market let's see if tesla will start having that fail AcSK5VMPU8Q-00176-00140632-00141080 if you have questions traders as well just free to reach out AcSK5VMPU8Q-00177-00141480-00142160 i've got a couple of questions for you joseph yes uh just one of my own questions actually AcSK5VMPU8Q-00178-00142160-00142656 i'm quite interested um when when you were going through your your meta setup AcSK5VMPU8Q-00179-00142656-00143152 you you talked briefly about partials and scaling into the position if if you're kind of AcSK5VMPU8Q-00180-00143152-00143776 feeling braver if you're a more advanced trader right at the top there i'm i'm interested to AcSK5VMPU8Q-00181-00143776-00144208 hear your thoughts on kind of the advantages the disadvantages of scaling into a position AcSK5VMPU8Q-00182-00144208-00145056 compared to just entering 100 of your position in one single order okay okay so um AcSK5VMPU8Q-00183-00145120-00146120 i always say that of course if traders are below pdt uh it's better that you take one main position AcSK5VMPU8Q-00184-00146120-00146712 put a stop loss set your target but if you have the possibility to scale in and scale out AcSK5VMPU8Q-00185-00146712-00147208 and i will put over here for example a let's see a two minute chart that this can work good AcSK5VMPU8Q-00186-00147456-00148584 okay let's see over here still loading a little bit slow today AcSK5VMPU8Q-00187-00149440-00149576 okay now it's better AcSK5VMPU8Q-00188-00149824-00150504 and we're going to put myth over here so the point is for me when i scale in scale out and recycle AcSK5VMPU8Q-00189-00150504-00151264 shears okay so recycle traders means get in scale out partial re-add scale out partial AcSK5VMPU8Q-00190-00151320-00151960 skill on par so trading around the core i will start my position for example over here short AcSK5VMPU8Q-00191-00152080-00152800 over here short and in this and this level over here my system tells me to enter between AcSK5VMPU8Q-00192-00152800-00153640 20 and 30 of my size then when we fail and we start having for example over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00193-00153640-00154360 a perfect rejection which is this level over here i want to add full size so that 70 80 percent AcSK5VMPU8Q-00194-00154528-00155176 now i can start scaling out so i reduce my risk when we go into a support AcSK5VMPU8Q-00195-00155392-00156048 i generally like to reduce between 25 and 30 percent and then i can re-add AcSK5VMPU8Q-00196-00156048-00156840 for example the v web what i covered over here disadvantages are of course a little bit more AcSK5VMPU8Q-00197-00156896-00157632 stress all right because you have to work a little bit more uh the disadvantage is that if you start AcSK5VMPU8Q-00198-00157632-00158304 adding to your position and you're short in this case too low your average will go down so let's AcSK5VMPU8Q-00199-00158304-00158984 say that we added and now my average is this area over here and the stock is going against us right AcSK5VMPU8Q-00200-00159048-00159664 so we are right away in a stop loss so always be careful where you add because you always want AcSK5VMPU8Q-00201-00159664-00160184 to keep an eye average and if the trade is going against you remember you can also even scale out AcSK5VMPU8Q-00202-00160304-00161104 the advantages are that recycling so as we said shorting scaling in scaling out skilling in AcSK5VMPU8Q-00203-00161104-00161952 skilling out uh is basically gonna give you more uh p l okay so you're gonna have a bigger profit AcSK5VMPU8Q-00204-00162008-00162664 if you're doing this right especially if the stock will unwind because it will take more size okay AcSK5VMPU8Q-00205-00162728-00163584 and recycle and all the pullbacks uh also an advantage is this uh for me when you have a good AcSK5VMPU8Q-00206-00163584-00164400 risk management you can really keep under control your position anytime and any time you will need AcSK5VMPU8Q-00207-00164400-00164992 to look at your average that you're trading okay so this is it this event is also when you have AcSK5VMPU8Q-00208-00164992-00165568 like a sideways market if you start like adding and you get like sideways action you're gonna get AcSK5VMPU8Q-00209-00165568-00166328 chopped up okay so you're gonna basically uh trade in a sideways action and that will bring probably AcSK5VMPU8Q-00210-00166328-00166856 down your average and that will make you stop out with the loss so always avoid scaling in skill AcSK5VMPU8Q-00211-00166856-00167832 and also recycling when uh you're uh basically uh having a side uh sideways market the other thing AcSK5VMPU8Q-00212-00167936-00168736 is a difference so starting with the feeler in the trade and then adding size AcSK5VMPU8Q-00213-00168800-00169536 when the trade is working in your direction and is this better or worse than just taking one main AcSK5VMPU8Q-00214-00169536-00170200 fill it's really i believe uh personal uh because there are times where i have AcSK5VMPU8Q-00215-00170200-00170984 a very tight stop loss i can simply size in completely but uh the majority of the cases AcSK5VMPU8Q-00216-00171048-00171768 i like to add to my position so starting small adding more anymore are not because the trade is AcSK5VMPU8Q-00217-00171768-00172312 going against me okay but maybe because i'm working at zone for example let's say that AcSK5VMPU8Q-00218-00172312-00172936 this morning i want to trade over here below the 169 170. the price went only to the 169. AcSK5VMPU8Q-00219-00173000-00173696 so i will take my bullets but i will leave also some bullets over here for the 165 169 and 50 till AcSK5VMPU8Q-00220-00173696-00174712 the 160 169 and 80 to the 170 and then looking for this to fail uh when i'm instead not having that AcSK5VMPU8Q-00221-00174712-00175400 level okay that i really want i want to trade full size okay so always give a little bit of we say AcSK5VMPU8Q-00222-00175640-00175944 we'll start with a smaller position and then generally adding AcSK5VMPU8Q-00223-00176440-00176608 over here are some bounce of the market AcSK5VMPU8Q-00224-00176944-00177608 so very very choppy over here past la meta today we need we need to wait so seems a photocopy AcSK5VMPU8Q-00225-00177824-00177984 let's also put spy AcSK5VMPU8Q-00226-00178240-00179384 basically holding this main support nothing over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00227-00179912-00180784 we have other movers so we have for example k-a-l AcSK5VMPU8Q-00228-00181472-00182184 all these stocks are small floaters AcSK5VMPU8Q-00229-00182256-00183304 so kl over here as ssr on 12 million float institutional 91 percent uh no news today so AcSK5VMPU8Q-00230-00183448-00183928 and also i still see over here a low volume so i won't be trading this for now AcSK5VMPU8Q-00231-00184872-00186384 you can see that we hold over here the support on inn and now it's bouncing AcSK5VMPU8Q-00232-00188080-00188664 watching over here you see the tape still has a lot of volume AcSK5VMPU8Q-00233-00188928-00189352 so i'd like to see if we can squeeze on inn AcSK5VMPU8Q-00234-00190248-00190656 and i will be looking for this previous area of resistance where you can also see bookmap AcSK5VMPU8Q-00235-00190712-00191280 they say around 240 this area over here around 240 over here okay so let's see if AcSK5VMPU8Q-00236-00191280-00192136 we can get a squeeze till there for a possible short so i only short ssr on extension plays AcSK5VMPU8Q-00237-00192256-00193384 when they extend big or i take them long AcSK5VMPU8Q-00238-00195088-00195584 it's trying to build over here you can see more green when i say that means we start AcSK5VMPU8Q-00239-00195584-00196504 having more buyers just look over here and 5000 six so trying to hold this up and bring it up AcSK5VMPU8Q-00240-00196920-00197376 tape is still slow but they're trying with that green to make it bounce they're looking AcSK5VMPU8Q-00241-00197376-00198064 for the break of the v web i often see this generally mid-morning and be ready because this AcSK5VMPU8Q-00242-00198064-00198984 is an ssr stock so it can really squeeze fast like it can dump really fast AcSK5VMPU8Q-00243-00200336-00201784 again you can see 223 they're trying to hold over here the price AcSK5VMPU8Q-00244-00202448-00203224 so for who just came over here why and how i use bookmap first of all traders go also to AcSK5VMPU8Q-00245-00203224-00203536 watch the past webinars there are some webinars that i made AcSK5VMPU8Q-00246-00203624-00204584 um that are very explanatory and i share a lot of content and also setups but over here in nnn AcSK5VMPU8Q-00247-00204736-00205319 level to look for short because this is the first level where we start seeing cellular jumping in AcSK5VMPU8Q-00248-00205544-00205594 then AcSK5VMPU8Q-00249-00205776-00206696 eosc not a great uh level of liquidity as i'm usually looking for over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00250-00206776-00207536 uh not the great ads that i that i want in the uc i'm short on this but looking at bookmap over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00251-00207592-00208136 there was just no follow through but not the main clean resistance area that i want to treat AcSK5VMPU8Q-00252-00208136-00208960 so this is a b setup method was perfect a plus in this two times so first of all AcSK5VMPU8Q-00253-00209128-00209367 double top over here with the pre-market high AcSK5VMPU8Q-00254-00209632-00209704 and this AcSK5VMPU8Q-00255-00209984-00210744 a big soak over here into the resistance around 168 and then unwind over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00256-00210744-00211200 okay so now i use unwind but you don't care you want to take partial of the move you don't want AcSK5VMPU8Q-00257-00211200-00211719 to trade you know short from here until here we want to take partial of the move AcSK5VMPU8Q-00258-00211816-00212352 right and i'm waiting for those levels there so perfect levels using bookmap today on AcSK5VMPU8Q-00259-00212352-00213448 on meta uh the last one was tesla again not the i would say uh super useful over here i AcSK5VMPU8Q-00260-00213448-00214423 just saw over here some exhaustion of the move but mainly uh i was looking with this AcSK5VMPU8Q-00261-00214423-00215784 and the trend line so trendline break plus the level of of intraday okay AcSK5VMPU8Q-00262-00217632-00218584 let's continue to look over here for setups AcSK5VMPU8Q-00263-00220056-00220280 you look over here i and n for example AcSK5VMPU8Q-00264-00220919-00221504 seems a distribution pattern distribution pattern in this case like a a three-way pattern or a head AcSK5VMPU8Q-00265-00221504-00222144 and shoulders let's see if we can break over here the 215. we couldn't reclaim the v web AcSK5VMPU8Q-00266-00222208-00222584 and now we start seeing sellers remember a few minutes ago we were seeing only buyers AcSK5VMPU8Q-00267-00222584-00223144 now we start seeing sellers and also we had ffie this morning AcSK5VMPU8Q-00268-00223384-00223448 big fail AcSK5VMPU8Q-00269-00223704-00224184 and it was a three-day runner AcSK5VMPU8Q-00270-00225856-00226480 some support at 218 you can see over here some liquidity 218 216 214 AcSK5VMPU8Q-00271-00226823-00226984 until 2 10. AcSK5VMPU8Q-00272-00227648-00228384 i'm not phytotrend over here this is not a long we're still below the v web AcSK5VMPU8Q-00273-00230744-00231184 let's support 218 seem pretty weak AcSK5VMPU8Q-00274-00232648-00233984 so we have some prints at 219. seems like an isobare flag over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00275-00234984-00235384 attacking more 219 over here you can see sellers AcSK5VMPU8Q-00276-00235560-00236080 so they removed the liquidity means they sold into that 219. there's still some at 218 over AcSK5VMPU8Q-00277-00236080-00236784 here they're selling to 18. if you break next target 210 which is this slow over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00278-00238104-00238352 they're still selling to 18 over here really no buyers AcSK5VMPU8Q-00279-00239184-00239584 now a few hundred shares left at 218. AcSK5VMPU8Q-00280-00240936-00241648 217 toes to 18 went no support until 210 so trendline break as well AcSK5VMPU8Q-00281-00242367-00242784 so they missed over here traders to go break the view up again and reclaim it AcSK5VMPU8Q-00282-00242912-00243064 and we had this trendline break AcSK5VMPU8Q-00283-00243360-00245184 so the next target is going to be 210 and then this 180 area AcSK5VMPU8Q-00284-00247232-00247392 go back over here to eoc AcSK5VMPU8Q-00285-00247616-00248432 so some support in a 140 we have the target at 130 and lower in nnn let's wait for a second AcSK5VMPU8Q-00286-00248688-00248792 meet over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00287-00249071-00249384 sideways basically is where it started this morning AcSK5VMPU8Q-00288-00249480-00250784 and also we hear tesla still sideways holding that support at 690 and 685 AcSK5VMPU8Q-00289-00251056-00251256 okay a little bit more breakdown AcSK5VMPU8Q-00290-00251560-00251784 now you can see a seller trader 216 AcSK5VMPU8Q-00291-00252016-00252184 on in nnn AcSK5VMPU8Q-00292-00254144-00254984 right AcSK5VMPU8Q-00293-00255248-00255344 slow market right now AcSK5VMPU8Q-00294-00255792-00256128 i still see some big players missing from the holidays AcSK5VMPU8Q-00295-00256376-00256728 that's the reason why being conservative on big caps and futures today AcSK5VMPU8Q-00296-00256992-00257784 and also because we have the data at around 2pm if i remember correctly AcSK5VMPU8Q-00297-00258648-00259184 there we are they pull it you can see over here so if we put for example AcSK5VMPU8Q-00298-00259352-00259744 configure add-ons over here and i'm gonna put AcSK5VMPU8Q-00299-00260048-00260256 the sweep indicator just to show you AcSK5VMPU8Q-00300-00260552-00260602 so AcSK5VMPU8Q-00301-00261136-00262000 uh you can put even automatic over here so i believe it will be triggered let's see AcSK5VMPU8Q-00302-00262000-00262440 don't see it yet strange it depends really how you filter it AcSK5VMPU8Q-00303-00262776-00263288 i mean this is a pretty good drop you can see how it drops when you have AcSK5VMPU8Q-00304-00263288-00263904 ssr trend line break that was just where and they're guiding this down you can see the seller AcSK5VMPU8Q-00305-00263904-00264336 jumping over here this is pretty nice this is the sweep indicator you can see how it's working AcSK5VMPU8Q-00306-00264648-00264784 so we have the trend line break AcSK5VMPU8Q-00307-00265232-00266184 and this is a bear flag plus we have over here stair step down pattern AcSK5VMPU8Q-00308-00266952-00267584 you can see how the seller is guiding this down over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00309-00269880-00270384 try to hold that support 210 which was the previous support AcSK5VMPU8Q-00310-00273272-00273624 now they're trying to bounce so you can see over here the sweep AcSK5VMPU8Q-00311-00273624-00274584 to this 207 they're trying to make it bounce AcSK5VMPU8Q-00312-00278296-00278784 you have to weigh the crack of the support with target 180 AcSK5VMPU8Q-00313-00282320-00283128 okay traders we have another runner this morning on ssr could be interesting revv that i traded AcSK5VMPU8Q-00314-00283472-00284384 in the past days or weeks AcSK5VMPU8Q-00315-00286328-00287184 i'm gonna put back over here bookmap AcSK5VMPU8Q-00316-00287488-00287888 so this is all the connection i have this is for the stock sodx AcSK5VMPU8Q-00317-00287888-00289040 feed we're going to put now rev b and look into this so let's AcSK5VMPU8Q-00318-00289040-00289488 dig into r uh rev b and i can tell it's a it's a small cap AcSK5VMPU8Q-00319-00289728-00290312 right now is it 1 45 we can drag over here also the fibs AcSK5VMPU8Q-00320-00291072-00291384 see if they go AcSK5VMPU8Q-00321-00291944-00292784 and today traders i have problems over here with my machine AcSK5VMPU8Q-00322-00292872-00293232 this bit is basically very laggy so i will try over here too AcSK5VMPU8Q-00323-00293664-00294184 now there's no way i can do this today AcSK5VMPU8Q-00324-00294544-00295584 okay so let's look together at the price section over here on the rep b AcSK5VMPU8Q-00325-00296088-00296680 we have a ssr stock 10 million float low institutional ownership AcSK5VMPU8Q-00326-00297000-00297424 no news for today so this seems more like a bounce play AcSK5VMPU8Q-00327-00297608-00297944 the company over here has a no revenues negative net income AcSK5VMPU8Q-00328-00298320-00298568 so just let's look at the price section over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00329-00298752-00299784 i will put the fibs on another computer because over here really doesn't work AcSK5VMPU8Q-00330-00301384-00302584 we're going to put over here back the dots AcSK5VMPU8Q-00331-00303056-00303480 okay so i'm watching level over here 150 AcSK5VMPU8Q-00332-00303808-00305384 and i'm watching the levels over here 170 and 195 which are my fibs or i'm looking to long dips AcSK5VMPU8Q-00333-00306080-00306784 beautiful price action over here beautiful push AcSK5VMPU8Q-00334-00308936-00309544 right now they're still trying to hold over here the the price you can see we still have buyers AcSK5VMPU8Q-00335-00309544-00310080 all along the way over here blue dots when i look at this extension looking at fib levels AcSK5VMPU8Q-00336-00310280-00310768 i'm looking at uh daily support or resistance levels AcSK5VMPU8Q-00337-00310912-00311088 and i'm looking at the price section on bookmap AcSK5VMPU8Q-00338-00311976-00312384 retraders AcSK5VMPU8Q-00339-00313064-00313632 i'm first selling over here but this is too early too short this was a power up move over here to AcSK5VMPU8Q-00340-00313632-00315184 the 150 so only if you grab over here the spike now slowly too short i also see no bars around AcSK5VMPU8Q-00341-00315768-00316584 so power moving to the 150 which is a fib level AcSK5VMPU8Q-00342-00318920-00319784 pedal sideways i made the sideways over here you can see market is flat amazon as well AcSK5VMPU8Q-00343-00319920-00320232 snap which gave us a very good move yesterday sideways AcSK5VMPU8Q-00344-00320488-00320784 netflix slowly down trending AcSK5VMPU8Q-00345-00321056-00321440 baba is i would say the best trend of the day AcSK5VMPU8Q-00346-00322048-00322968 so bye i shorted uh the previous year the past year a lot and i took some big swings with options AcSK5VMPU8Q-00347-00323112-00323336 because this was the main trend all right AcSK5VMPU8Q-00348-00323464-00323952 and uh from uh summer 2021 all the way down over here for me this was AcSK5VMPU8Q-00349-00323952-00324672 really picture perfect uh to get options each time we are going to this ears right of my bands AcSK5VMPU8Q-00350-00324880-00325392 uh right now it's trying to bounce but i'm watching this on a daily basis AcSK5VMPU8Q-00351-00325696-00326168 because we're probably gonna have a breakdown over here of this trend AcSK5VMPU8Q-00352-00326328-00326744 and if that starts again then i'm going to look for other patterns like this AcSK5VMPU8Q-00353-00326744-00327320 for short okay so this is what i'm looking right now on that on bob over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00354-00327512-00327840 the other one i tried a lot list here was ba and pitton AcSK5VMPU8Q-00355-00327992-00328616 ba i like this trend but again i'm not going to long it over here despite the support from the AcSK5VMPU8Q-00356-00328616-00329304 previous years i'm going to look only for a pullback to this area over here 150 152 AcSK5VMPU8Q-00357-00329304-00329968 to take then another short uh good setup over here this was back in march AcSK5VMPU8Q-00358-00330192-00330584 and good setup over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00359-00330920-00331072 amazon holding the support AcSK5VMPU8Q-00360-00331608-00331984 mate over here slowly trending down AcSK5VMPU8Q-00361-00332296-00332784 this is what i'm looking on btc so i'm looking for this trend break trend break AcSK5VMPU8Q-00362-00332784-00333384 trend break and now possibly another trend break over here so i'm not really longing yet AcSK5VMPU8Q-00363-00333544-00334096 you know here we have our power move robbie but again uh no bars on three brokers AcSK5VMPU8Q-00364-00334360-00334864 therefore no trader here it pushed directly into this 155 which is a pretty good fib AcSK5VMPU8Q-00365-00335104-00335536 that is exactly the 61.8 percent fib AcSK5VMPU8Q-00366-00335768-00336184 taking the psi and taking this low AcSK5VMPU8Q-00367-00337416-00337504 like i said what you're AcSK5VMPU8Q-00368-00338640-00338984 nice power move AcSK5VMPU8Q-00369-00340520-00340600 we have another AcSK5VMPU8Q-00370-00340816-00341240 grinder okay so when i say grinding is a stock that is grinding up AcSK5VMPU8Q-00371-00341312-00341784 lyt which is a stock that i traded in the past days AcSK5VMPU8Q-00372-00342496-00343152 okay so somebody is guiding this up i know the stock pretty good the only level that AcSK5VMPU8Q-00373-00343152-00344584 i'm watching here are 6 20 6 30 so really not feeling comfortable to trade it before AcSK5VMPU8Q-00374-00345232-00345984 what's in the 62630 this area up here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00375-00349496-00349784 maybe it's a good time to bring in this uh question joseph AcSK5VMPU8Q-00376-00349912-00350704 yeah sure of course we've got a question on resting liquidity and acting like a magnet and um AcSK5VMPU8Q-00377-00350704-00351184 kind of basically if you kind of go through what you look for in the resting liquidity or AcSK5VMPU8Q-00378-00351256-00351904 now this question is is saying if the resting liquidity gets front run as price approaches AcSK5VMPU8Q-00379-00351904-00352752 does that mean anything um yeah yeah i think okay i get that so basically we see this AcSK5VMPU8Q-00380-00352752-00353424 often on runners and if liquidity is front run means we have a very strong stock a lot of AcSK5VMPU8Q-00381-00353424-00354056 buying pressure so for example traders if you saw yesterday uh in the afternoon or midday afternoon AcSK5VMPU8Q-00382-00354112-00355104 what we had for example on tesla meta what we had also on uh amazon we have so many now i AcSK5VMPU8Q-00383-00355104-00355856 cannot have over here bookmark yesterday i didn't have it like recorded but we had several at uh AcSK5VMPU8Q-00384-00355920-00356416 dollar numbers several heat maps over here all the way up so we had pretty good stack liquidity AcSK5VMPU8Q-00385-00356416-00357264 i remember if i'm correct uh the 165 i believe was this over here was a pretty good liquidity area AcSK5VMPU8Q-00386-00357352-00357960 and uh whenever we see these don't short only because you see that liquidity doesn't really AcSK5VMPU8Q-00387-00357960-00358464 mean much means somebody wants to get filled it's not you know this is going to be a top AcSK5VMPU8Q-00388-00358464-00359208 could be some buyer over here that is selling to partial maybe 165 170 175 and so on so AcSK5VMPU8Q-00389-00359264-00359976 this means when they're simply breached and then we hold and then consolidated above right this is AcSK5VMPU8Q-00390-00359976-00360712 the 165. you can see we consolidate above we hold and push that means just strong buying pressure AcSK5VMPU8Q-00391-00360768-00361392 strong liquidity okay in that case i simply don't want to fight so really unless it's a AcSK5VMPU8Q-00392-00361392-00361800 pretty good daily resistance and i will see like some topping action what is the topping AcSK5VMPU8Q-00393-00361800-00362392 action something like we had over here this morning okay or even over here where we top AcSK5VMPU8Q-00394-00362392-00363048 several times we try to push but we cannot okay so that's a top in action in that case only AcSK5VMPU8Q-00395-00363048-00363760 i will look for high liquidity areas where i can start taking some short or of course if i'm long AcSK5VMPU8Q-00396-00363760-00364624 selling my position okay so that for me is a is uh uh one main criteria uh other questions sam AcSK5VMPU8Q-00397-00364976-00365336 yeah we've got a we've got a question here on your j lines AcSK5VMPU8Q-00398-00365416-00366008 um do you cover trading with your proprietary j lines in the beginner course you offer or do do AcSK5VMPU8Q-00399-00366008-00366688 we need to purchase the advanced course for that okay so the beginning course comes together with AcSK5VMPU8Q-00400-00366688-00367440 the advanced course and it's not only about j lines which are two moving averages i got from AcSK5VMPU8Q-00401-00367440-00367928 fibonacci expansion numbers but it's basically all the strategy all the chart patterns that i AcSK5VMPU8Q-00402-00367928-00368552 trade all the playbook so that is uh something i really suggest for you to go if you take the model AcSK5VMPU8Q-00403-00368552-00369112 you have the discount because there's a bundle uh right now for the fourth of july which is a AcSK5VMPU8Q-00404-00369168-00369544 beginner course event course which covers small caps big caps and the same AcSK5VMPU8Q-00405-00369608-00370304 rules apply also to crypto and futures plus access to the live streaming where every day i share my AcSK5VMPU8Q-00406-00370304-00371200 screen execution my charts and you can learn when i trade thank you and we've got another question AcSK5VMPU8Q-00407-00371200-00372040 here jay can you explain when are you taking j line rejection or nine ema rejection AcSK5VMPU8Q-00408-00372176-00373160 okay so uh i work generally for the intraday with the uh hourly fifteen five and one minute chart so AcSK5VMPU8Q-00409-00373240-00374032 of course i wanna see and now we're talking big caps okay i wanna see a market that is unwinding AcSK5VMPU8Q-00410-00374224-00374736 like tesla yesterday morning i want to see a market that is uh AcSK5VMPU8Q-00411-00375032-00375968 through accused by spx es and q that is unwinding as well yesterday morning for example tesla was AcSK5VMPU8Q-00412-00375968-00376864 fading and uh uh the setup the a plus setup that we had was this over here this was our short where AcSK5VMPU8Q-00413-00376920-00377760 was also good to buy puts we were looking for puts over here 660 and more 655. AcSK5VMPU8Q-00414-00377864-00378480 so this is an environment that i'm looking for a short name a plus setup AcSK5VMPU8Q-00415-00378544-00379272 i would be looking for uh rejection a stuff could be jaylen's view up pre-market resistance AcSK5VMPU8Q-00416-00379272-00379512 a pattern over under so different criterias AcSK5VMPU8Q-00417-00379584-00380272 nanime is what i used to generally recycle as we were talking before recycle generally shares AcSK5VMPU8Q-00418-00380352-00381232 for example we have over here a trend up on tesla yesterday and we have several bull flag patterns AcSK5VMPU8Q-00419-00381320-00381976 and you could use the 90ma you can use for example the 13ma or even a combination maybe some people AcSK5VMPU8Q-00420-00381976-00382760 some traders use that i mentor 5 and 15. but basically the pattern remains really the trigger AcSK5VMPU8Q-00421-00382760-00383160 so this is my pattern okay this is the pattern that i'm looking with certain criterias because AcSK5VMPU8Q-00422-00383160-00383896 this is a reversal so we have the morning drop and then a reversal of the market so the market goes AcSK5VMPU8Q-00423-00383896-00384544 the stock goes from red to green and once we go green i want to see that we're holding those dips AcSK5VMPU8Q-00424-00384600-00385128 we're holding those dips we're holding those dips we're holding those dips so over here this becomes AcSK5VMPU8Q-00425-00385128-00385672 a perfect long for me this is another perfect long for me because it's a fake washout this is another AcSK5VMPU8Q-00426-00385672-00386440 perfect long for me because another fake washout plus i have all these 9ma entries now i'm not AcSK5VMPU8Q-00427-00386440-00386920 looking only that moment let's say we take this pattern over here i'm not looking only the moment AcSK5VMPU8Q-00428-00386920-00387536 at the chart i want to look a confirmation with bookmap so i will look for the price section to AcSK5VMPU8Q-00429-00387536-00388080 have a follow-through in this case to the upside i want to see strong momentum i would like to see AcSK5VMPU8Q-00430-00388080-00388728 like over here the majority of the dots blue the speed of the tape rising okay so it becomes faster AcSK5VMPU8Q-00431-00388792-00389224 at the same time i want to see liquidity removed and i don't want to see for example AcSK5VMPU8Q-00432-00389336-00390008 like we were talking about before that 165 i want to see something that rejects my position so i AcSK5VMPU8Q-00433-00390008-00390440 want to see something that is simply straight in going up of course you will have pullbacks AcSK5VMPU8Q-00434-00390496-00390984 and those pullbacks over here there will be opportunity for me to add and recycle my position AcSK5VMPU8Q-00435-00391056-00391600 if somebody is a beginner i always suggest you know to take the first trade place your stop AcSK5VMPU8Q-00436-00391704-00392184 take a parse and then hold your position until the system is telling you to hold the position AcSK5VMPU8Q-00437-00392256-00393584 okay so that is uh between the the z lines and the 90 main AcSK5VMPU8Q-00438-00394528-00395320 super choppy over here we'll have to wear the market this was a perfect yesterday on tesla uh AcSK5VMPU8Q-00439-00395320-00395864 they saw the long this was a long this was a long this was a long i mean really picture perfect and AcSK5VMPU8Q-00440-00395864-00396840 the same was omega amazon and others so i saw some big days yesterday from some of my mentor students AcSK5VMPU8Q-00441-00397096-00397936 now we have to wait traders probably for two o'clock for the fomc to have any kind of uh AcSK5VMPU8Q-00442-00397936-00398808 move eoic over here as we said we're holding short position and look where it is at the daylights AcSK5VMPU8Q-00443-00399008-00399800 so the second one over here is i i and n and we are holding over here uh let's see if it loads AcSK5VMPU8Q-00444-00399896-00400248 this slow slow connection i have today so sorry for that AcSK5VMPU8Q-00445-00400456-00400816 it's not loading anything okay anyways okay AcSK5VMPU8Q-00446-00400816-00401128 over here we're still holding the support at two dollars and ten AcSK5VMPU8Q-00447-00401304-00402120 uh and let's look over here at yt which we add this move over here to this six i was waiting 620 AcSK5VMPU8Q-00448-00402312-00402936 and yt over here it got a little bit of rejection see that AcSK5VMPU8Q-00449-00403208-00403912 came down and over here i'm simply waiting so only a few days today AcSK5VMPU8Q-00450-00403912-00404784 uh good trades for example erc is perfect and for now simply waiting uh for the afternoon session AcSK5VMPU8Q-00451-00406088-00406824 this is another runner but with very low volume uh dip over here to 211 now it's 230. AcSK5VMPU8Q-00452-00407024-00407584 let's check over here some stats i traded h g e n in the past AcSK5VMPU8Q-00453-00407736-00408504 we have a very small market cap 57 percent institutional 67 minimum float peer-reviewed AcSK5VMPU8Q-00454-00408504-00409384 publication torx supporting early treatment for kovi 19 patients with the lindsey lumab guided AcSK5VMPU8Q-00455-00409384-00410047 by sir active porting so a covet news want to check also if they have the illusion on AcSK5VMPU8Q-00456-00410184-00410439 let's put over here hgen AcSK5VMPU8Q-00457-00410728-00411143 yeah they have a ton of dilution and no cash 75 million atm AcSK5VMPU8Q-00458-00411296-00411784 uh big shell 200 million over here wow so not really the best company AcSK5VMPU8Q-00459-00412176-00413128 and i'm looking for a shortage then uh between 235 and another 260. so we'll put over here zen AcSK5VMPU8Q-00460-00413488-00413600 could be interesting today AcSK5VMPU8Q-00461-00414560-00414712 if i look at the daily resistance AcSK5VMPU8Q-00462-00415320-00415616 i'm looking ideally this area over here 266 AcSK5VMPU8Q-00463-00415672-00416320 and also here 230. so we have two main point of resistance one AcSK5VMPU8Q-00464-00416543-00416647 and two over here AcSK5VMPU8Q-00465-00416896-00417256 all right so those levels over there i will be looking if i have a pattern too AcSK5VMPU8Q-00466-00417256-00417696 short this not really long in something with the big atm no cache AcSK5VMPU8Q-00467-00418608-00419264 all right sam any new uh questions uh no i think we're pretty much caught up now AcSK5VMPU8Q-00468-00419400-00419832 okay so i think we can wrap it up over here anyways the market is pretty slow AcSK5VMPU8Q-00469-00419935-00420720 uh again uh traders thank you for following today uh the main points over here today were AcSK5VMPU8Q-00470-00420784-00421528 how to make an analysis for a small cap how to look at the daily charts for big caps how to look AcSK5VMPU8Q-00471-00421528-00422208 for levels of support and resistance on bookmap how to see for example AcSK5VMPU8Q-00472-00422208-00423016 when we have an ssr stock like before i nnn and big hands sellers are guiding down the price AcSK5VMPU8Q-00473-00423016-00423696 and also hope you enjoyed uh put a like over here uh thumbs up for the the video session AcSK5VMPU8Q-00474-00423696-00424152 thank you sam for being host today uh thank you very much everybody thank you sam and AcSK5VMPU8Q-00475-00424152-00425576 see you next time thank you joseph yep thank you take care bye bye bye Af6qb9j1gCM-00000-00000702-00001149 POLLY PARKER: Leadership begins with the self, and there are many places where we can think Af6qb9j1gCM-00001-00001149-00001764 about developing awareness of who we are, how we respond in different situations, and Af6qb9j1gCM-00002-00001764-00001864 different contexts. Af6qb9j1gCM-00003-00001864-00002344 VICTOR CALLAN: That's a really good question about, how do you learn to be a leader? Af6qb9j1gCM-00004-00002344-00003032 And do you learn on the job, or do you learn through theory, or are you born to lead? Af6qb9j1gCM-00005-00003032-00003588 I like the idea of the 70/20/10 model, which others may have heard about, which is that Af6qb9j1gCM-00006-00003588-00004425 70% is that learning is on the job-- challenging assignments, being given stretch targets, Af6qb9j1gCM-00007-00004425-00004615 work-shadowing, job rotation. Af6qb9j1gCM-00008-00004615-00005123 Things that might give you opportunities on the job where you are learning things by probably Af6qb9j1gCM-00009-00005123-00005323 going a bit out of your depth. Af6qb9j1gCM-00010-00005323-00005571 But you're being supported and challenged as you do that. Af6qb9j1gCM-00011-00005571-00005753 So that's the 70. Af6qb9j1gCM-00012-00005753-00006268 The 20 is learning to be a leader through coaching and through good mentoring, and having Af6qb9j1gCM-00013-00006268-00006368 good role models. Af6qb9j1gCM-00014-00006368-00006836 And the other 10% is really through workshops, and what you've read. Af6qb9j1gCM-00015-00006836-00007207 I'm not denying that these are really important workshops, and reading, and being an avid Af6qb9j1gCM-00016-00007207-00007657 reader of the newspaper about what leaders are doing-- watching videos and films about Af6qb9j1gCM-00017-00007657-00007783 leaders at work. Af6qb9j1gCM-00018-00007783-00008264 But the 70/20/10 really does say that it's very much about learning on the job. Af6qb9j1gCM-00019-00008264-00008834 And having been given permission by your supervisors to actually give things a try-- trial and Af6qb9j1gCM-00020-00008834-00009220 error learning, as well, you've got to be supported and mentored at the same time. Af6qb9j1gCM-00021-00009220-00009529 HELEN CONWAY: But of course, there's always this argument about leadership. Af6qb9j1gCM-00022-00009529-00009922 Are you a born leader, or do you learn leadership? Af6qb9j1gCM-00023-00009922-00010345 I think it's true to say that some people are more naturally inclined to good leadership, Af6qb9j1gCM-00024-00010345-00010589 so they're more naturally born leaders. Af6qb9j1gCM-00025-00010589-00011025 But I'm very convinced that you can learn to be a good leader. Af6qb9j1gCM-00026-00011025-00011567 Now, the best way to learn to be a good leader, frankly, is to watch somebody else who is a Af6qb9j1gCM-00027-00011567-00011681 good leader. Af6qb9j1gCM-00028-00011681-00012224 So, if you can find good role models-- and you can find them at all levels in organizations, Af6qb9j1gCM-00029-00012224-00012842 and observe closely what those role models do, that's very, very instructive. Af6qb9j1gCM-00030-00012842-00013388 That said, I do think there is a role for a little bit of education about leadership. Af6qb9j1gCM-00031-00013388-00013953 When I think about my own experience-- I was trained as a lawyer, I did an arts degree, Af6qb9j1gCM-00032-00013953-00014388 a law degree, I was a partner in a law firm for a number of years-- that really didn't Af6qb9j1gCM-00033-00014388-00014549 equip me to be a good leader. Af6qb9j1gCM-00034-00014549-00015090 I may have managed people in that law firm, but I really didn't have a good sense of what Af6qb9j1gCM-00035-00015090-00015459 leadership-- or what good leadership entailed. Af6qb9j1gCM-00036-00015459-00015850 So I think the thing that really helped me, was to go to-- in fact, I went to the Macquarie Af6qb9j1gCM-00037-00015850-00016311 Graduate School of Management to learn a little more about leadership management, et cetera. Af6qb9j1gCM-00038-00016311-00016831 And for me, that broader perspective outside the legal constraints, which I used to operate Af6qb9j1gCM-00039-00016831-00017636 within, gave me a great window into what you have to do to be a good leader. Af6qb9j1gCM-00040-00017636-00018061 So I thought that was good, and that then opened my eyes to reading about it a little Af6qb9j1gCM-00041-00018061-00018267 more. Af6qb9j1gCM-00042-00018267-00018840 So when I got on the ground in corporate life, in leadership roles, I felt a little better Af6qb9j1gCM-00043-00018840-00019051 equipped to be a leader. Af6qb9j1gCM-00044-00019051-00019591 That said, there's simply no substitute for doing it. Af6qb9j1gCM-00045-00019591-00019821 And everybody learns by their mistakes. Af6qb9j1gCM-00046-00019821-00020291 And I can still remember many mistakes I made as a leader-- as an aspiring leader, and then Af6qb9j1gCM-00047-00020291-00020412 in my early days of leadership. Af6qb9j1gCM-00048-00020412-00020713 And look, we all make mistakes every day. Af6qb9j1gCM-00049-00020713-00021117 But actually doing it, and then critically assessing what you've done, and listening Af6qb9j1gCM-00050-00021117-00021751 to what people say, being prepared to take the feedback, I think makes you a good leader. Af6qb9j1gCM-00051-00021751-00021960 I think that's how you learn leadership. Af6qb9j1gCM-00052-00021960-00022488 And I'd have to say some of the best lessons I've learned about leadership were from people Af6qb9j1gCM-00053-00022488-00022693 who gave me feedback. Af6qb9j1gCM-00054-00022693-00023201 Sometimes through that 360 degree feedback mechanism we use, or just casually people Af6qb9j1gCM-00055-00023201-00023639 would say to me, look, you know, when you did that, it had this bad effect on me. Af6qb9j1gCM-00056-00023639-00024247 And so, if you say to people, I want to know what do you think about how I'm leading, and Af6qb9j1gCM-00057-00024247-00024492 you invite that feedback, they'll give it to you. Af6qb9j1gCM-00058-00024492-00024820 And generally give it to you in a very constructive way. Af6qb9j1gCM-00059-00024820-00025131 And you can never see yourself objectively. Af6qb9j1gCM-00060-00025131-00025428 But if people give you that feedback, you're open to it, and you're prepared to take it Af6qb9j1gCM-00061-00025428-00025547 on board and adjust. Af6qb9j1gCM-00062-00025547-00025754 Then you become a much, much better leader. AgM41KZ3MOY-00000-00000144-00000354 What English course is right for you? AgM41KZ3MOY-00001-00000386-00000774 What keys ideas were emphasized in English 101 plus? AgM41KZ3MOY-00002-00000788-00001800 The key idea is there was emphasize in 101 plus extra support that we had a lot of times to do our classwork. AgM41KZ3MOY-00003-00001820-00002094 We had a lot of class activities that we've done. AgM41KZ3MOY-00004-00002130-00002822 We had more times in the lab, we get an extra day and we have a more interaction with the students AgM41KZ3MOY-00005-00002840-00003200 and also we rectify each other’s mistakes and we learn from that. AgM41KZ3MOY-00006-00003234-00003442 So it's a very great experience that I have. AgM41KZ3MOY-00007-00003472-00003876 During the essay, the other things we learned, this is one of my first experiences, AgM41KZ3MOY-00008-00003890-00004508 how to write an English essay for American College, so we learned like how to write, how to support your claim, AgM41KZ3MOY-00009-00004508-00005228 what you are doing, how to hook your audience in your first sentence, and how to convince your audience AgM41KZ3MOY-00010-00005242-00005594 by providing your logic about a personal reasoning, AgM41KZ3MOY-00011-00005616-00006064 as well as providing with the excessive forward quotation from the expert of outsourcing AgM41KZ3MOY-00012-00006076-00006742 The key thing we learn in this class is it gives you confidence the main element is to have a confidence AgM41KZ3MOY-00013-00006759-00007323 what you process in your mind to put on paper to write, then from there about summary, intro, AgM41KZ3MOY-00014-00007323-00007983 how you do your intro, nice way how to summarize somebody's, whatever article you reading, AgM41KZ3MOY-00015-00008016-00008998 then from there, you learn how to get hook or thesis that’s really help you to focus on topic sentence topic sentence, AgM41KZ3MOY-00016-00009022-00009354 from there you can make your body paragraph. AgM41KZ3MOY-00017-00009386-00009912 Also help you how to organize and how to do the right thing. AgM41KZ3MOY-00018-00009962-00010542 So the key idea that was emphasized in English 101 plus was, I learned how to develop and put more into my essay AgM41KZ3MOY-00019-00010542-00011016 instead of de de de blank and then yeah. AgM41KZ3MOY-00020-00011028-00011456 What is different about English 101 plus from other English courses? AgM41KZ3MOY-00021-00011594-00012004 In English 101 plus extra support and the classes that I took from home country is AgM41KZ3MOY-00022-00012020-00012386 different because we have a lot of interaction with the students and AgM41KZ3MOY-00023-00012386-00013166 we're free to ask questions for clarification and there was more time to allow us to have more experience AgM41KZ3MOY-00024-00013166-00013573 and it was kind of like, we didn't feel that we were in a class AgM41KZ3MOY-00025-00013573-00014147 the environment was totally different, like you can ask as many questions. AgM41KZ3MOY-00026-00014172-00014363 English is my second language AgM41KZ3MOY-00027-00014369-00015136 When I started it was too hard for me because the time was too short and the instructor didn't AgM41KZ3MOY-00028-00015160-00015426 have a lot of time to you know correct our mistakes and things. AgM41KZ3MOY-00029-00015444-00015920 So I find it very difficult and hard for me as English is my second language AgM41KZ3MOY-00030-00015938-00016834 so a friend of mine who had a similar experience he had like the English 101 plus extra support and he advised me to take that one. AgM41KZ3MOY-00031-00016852-00017320 So I drop English 101 and took the English 101 plus extra support AgM41KZ3MOY-00032-00017342-00018084 which is a 10 credit class and I find it very interesting, this is like my best class ever in American college so I like it very much. AgM41KZ3MOY-00033-00018104-00018658 101 plus is a wonderful class because it gives you extra time and again you learn a lot of things. AgM41KZ3MOY-00034-00018672-00019166 The other class, they expect you know everything the way they came prepared AgM41KZ3MOY-00035-00019192-00019960 but this class they know they are responsible to help you that way they give you chance to improve. AgM41KZ3MOY-00036-00019960-00020220 That's why I like this class better than another 101 or 91 class. AgM41KZ3MOY-00037-00020244-00020638 Well my other English course I was in a IEP cuz I had dyslexia AgM41KZ3MOY-00038-00020654-00021170 my other course she was really slow and didn't like help me move on from my fear AgM41KZ3MOY-00039-00021172-00021642 and Lisa, I told her about this and she told me that just do as best you can AgM41KZ3MOY-00040-00021658-00022062 What advice would you give to students to be successful in English 101+? AgM41KZ3MOY-00041-00022098-00022742 My advice for the students to be successful in the English 101 plus is that, I would recommend, AgM41KZ3MOY-00042-00022756-00023394 highly recommend for those students whose English is not their first language and as well as for the American student as well AgM41KZ3MOY-00043-00023404-00024260 to take this English 101 plus extra support it gives you a lot of time, it really helps you to improve your English writing skills. AgM41KZ3MOY-00044-00024280-00025050 Like a friend of mine who had just had like placement testing, he took like 81, he qualified for English 101 AgM41KZ3MOY-00045-00025050-00025554 but I told him you need to take this 10 credit class English 101 plus extra support. AgM41KZ3MOY-00046-00025578-00026388 Oh yeah, um, visiting tutoring and Sandra and also do took your time and do again and again AgM41KZ3MOY-00047-00026394-00027252 and sometimes visit the teacher too, extra time to help you to improve, mostly it's up to you, you have to do hard work. AgM41KZ3MOY-00048-00027266-00027780 Do your work, don't slack off, don't do what I do, cuz I slack sometimes. AhGQ5T53oCU-00000-00000311-00000692 Hi, I'm Alex Oliveira. I'm a junior chemical engineering major at University AhGQ5T53oCU-00001-00000692-00001162 of Connecticut, and this summer I'm working on redox flow batteries with the Brushett lab group. AhGQ5T53oCU-00002-00001198-00001710 So redox flow batteries are a very promising technology for large-scale energy storage, AhGQ5T53oCU-00003-00001710-00002268 and, in particular, the work that Alex is doing with us over this summer internship AhGQ5T53oCU-00004-00002300-00003000 is focusing on modifying the surface chemistry of these porous electrodes. AhGQ5T53oCU-00005-00003016-00003460 We flow the electrolytes through these tubes, through the cell, and back out. AhGQ5T53oCU-00006-00003460-00003928 And then to test the set up what we typically do is connect these leads AhGQ5T53oCU-00007-00003944-00004312 and then we can input our voltage, send our voltage through. AhGQ5T53oCU-00008-00004330-00004828 We usually have a separator of some sort. We use a nafion membrane which is a AhGQ5T53oCU-00009-00004828-00005060 very common material in these AhGQ5T53oCU-00010-00005074-00005238 applications to flow through. AhGQ5T53oCU-00011-00005256-00005556 So when we measure the current, we can get all sorts of information that we need. AhGQ5T53oCU-00012-00005570-00005944 In this case, what we're using it for is to take capacitance readings, AhGQ5T53oCU-00013-00005964-00006256 which is an electrochemical property that we can then AhGQ5T53oCU-00014-00006256-00006481 use to calculate the real surface area. AhGQ5T53oCU-00015-00006486-00006754 So we want to know the entire area over which AhGQ5T53oCU-00016-00006754-00006954 we are going to be reacting our electrolyte. AhGQ5T53oCU-00017-00006973-00007566 So in particular we're using electrochemical methods, not with active species, AhGQ5T53oCU-00018-00007581-00008218 like the actual battery operation, but to get some valuable material properties like the surface area. AhGQ5T53oCU-00019-00008220-00008666 This is our carbon cloth electrode which is one of our more interesting and AhGQ5T53oCU-00020-00008666-00009122 successful electrodes. If you look up to the light you can see how porous it is. AhGQ5T53oCU-00021-00009132-00009554 So the electrolyte can flow through this much more effectively than some of the AhGQ5T53oCU-00022-00009554-00009678 other electrodes we have. AhGQ5T53oCU-00023-00009958-00010276 I'll be growing polymers onto the surface AhGQ5T53oCU-00024-00010300-00010666 of carbon electrodes to see if we can change the chemistry of the electrode AhGQ5T53oCU-00025-00010674-00011090 and then measure the overall performance of our redox flow batteries. AhGQ5T53oCU-00026-00011090-00011748 So redox flow batteries are a very promising technology for large-scale e nergy storage. AhGQ5T53oCU-00027-00011770-00012450 If you think about modern society, we rely on renewable energy technologies such as wind and sun AhGQ5T53oCU-00028-00012450-00012972 which are unpredictable and intermittent, we need some technological solution AhGQ5T53oCU-00029-00012972-00013436 that would store electricity and get it back at the time that we need it, and so far AhGQ5T53oCU-00030-00013444-00013788 there is not out there a technology that fulfills these requirements. AhGQ5T53oCU-00031-00013804-00014266 For these purposes, what makes redox flow batteries so unique is that AhGQ5T53oCU-00032-00014282-00014526 they can completely decouple power and energy. AhGQ5T53oCU-00033-00014541-00015002 So if you think of your car, in this case, the engine and the fuel tank AhGQ5T53oCU-00034-00015003-00015426 would be completely separate. So for our purposes, our reactor and our tank AhGQ5T53oCU-00035-00015426-00015732 control power and energy separately. AmY2nHZLMkg-00000-00000044-00000476 Here's a video for Zombunity-MUD on debugging AmY2nHZLMkg-00001-00000476-00000984 Zombunity-MUD in windows i've found that for some reason Webbit doesn't load AmY2nHZLMkg-00002-00000984-00001336 All of the javascript files completely so I get weird errors AmY2nHZLMkg-00003-00001336-00001852 so i've gone ahead and installed Jetty. I went to, uh... download eclipse. I have a AmY2nHZLMkg-00004-00001852-00002153 previous video on this but we're on uh... stable nine now AmY2nHZLMkg-00005-00002153-00002689 and i went in and edited if you go into contexts in the Jetty directory I AmY2nHZLMkg-00006-00002689-00002899 renamed mine to just "Jetty" AmY2nHZLMkg-00007-00002899-00003167 and if you ... I created a backup AmY2nHZLMkg-00008-00003167-00003326 of this test.xml AmY2nHZLMkg-00009-00003326-00003518 i created ... uh AmY2nHZLMkg-00010-00003518-00003714 uh... AmY2nHZLMkg-00011-00003714-00004183 static.XML for my context and I just edited that and I'll just hold it here AmY2nHZLMkg-00012-00004183-00004267 for a second AmY2nHZLMkg-00013-00004267-00004477 and you can grab that AmY2nHZLMkg-00014-00004477-00004920 or just pause here. That's exactly what I put into my configuration file AmY2nHZLMkg-00015-00004920-00005371 and then i went to Jetty and I ran AmY2nHZLMkg-00016-00005371-00005451 java AmY2nHZLMkg-00017-00005451-00005575 space AmY2nHZLMkg-00018-00005575-00005820 dash jar space start dot jar AmY2nHZLMkg-00019-00005820-00005969 and then I used AmY2nHZLMkg-00020-00005969-00006286 the uh... readme text AmY2nHZLMkg-00021-00006286-00006770 it give us some options so I use the option here to run on port 8081 in case i had Webbit AmY2nHZLMkg-00022-00006770-00006954 already running AmY2nHZLMkg-00023-00006954-00007459 and then I created a directory called Z-U in which I put all my Zombunity AmY2nHZLMkg-00024-00007459-00007667 files copied from AmY2nHZLMkg-00025-00007667-00007827 the AmY2nHZLMkg-00026-00007827-00008095 uh... Zombunity AmY2nHZLMkg-00027-00008095-00008425 ... zombunity http resources folder AmY2nHZLMkg-00028-00008425-00008590 just copy all that AmY2nHZLMkg-00029-00008590-00008817 into the Jetty zu folder AmY2nHZLMkg-00030-00008817-00009070 and then in my web browser AmY2nHZLMkg-00031-00009070-00009416 I ran ... so I'd run that with, um ... AmY2nHZLMkg-00032-00009416-00009598 Java space dash jar space AmY2nHZLMkg-00033-00009598-00009911 star dot jar da da da da and then hit AmY2nHZLMkg-00034-00009911-00010369 local host 8081 forward-slash zu which is exactly the directory AmY2nHZLMkg-00035-00010369-00010617 that i put it into AmY2nHZLMkg-00036-00010617-00010705 d:\ AmY2nHZLMkg-00037-00010705-00010922 dev AmY2nHZLMkg-00038-00010922-00011166 Jetty ... zu AmY2nHZLMkg-00039-00011166-00011313 and then AmY2nHZLMkg-00040-00011313-00011606 it comes up fine and then if I want to, uh ... AmY2nHZLMkg-00041-00011606-00011783 test out a message AmY2nHZLMkg-00042-00011783-00012043 you can go to the console and AmY2nHZLMkg-00043-00012043-00012267 uh ... you can pass, uh ... AmY2nHZLMkg-00044-00012267-00012378 events AmY2nHZLMkg-00045-00012378-00012724 so zombunity dispatch dispatch and then these are the keys AmY2nHZLMkg-00046-00012724-00012946 uh... AmY2nHZLMkg-00047-00012946-00013375 backslash U capital F capital F capital D zero AmY2nHZLMkg-00048-00013375-00013762 and then single quote it looks like and then the name of the event that you AmY2nHZLMkg-00049-00013762-00014118 wanted to dispatch on then the text you want to dispatch so I wanted to debug AmY2nHZLMkg-00050-00014118-00014456 and make sure ... I wanted to stay on Windows and debug AmY2nHZLMkg-00051-00014456-00014922 that i was passing messages properly and I'm going to start doing some GUI development AmY2nHZLMkg-00052-00014922-00015254 and when I pass things like menus I want things to happen in the client i need to ... I want AmY2nHZLMkg-00053-00015254-00015752 to develop it here on Windows and Webbit wasn't doing the job so this is how to get it AmY2nHZLMkg-00054-00015752-00015998 setup with, uh ... Jetty and AmY2nHZLMkg-00055-00015998-00016068 running in Chrome BoOp7x3Uvbo-00000-00000222-00000442 - [Narrator] Supporting a Group of People. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00001-00000642-00000891 - [Support worker] Number, Kylie? BoOp7x3Uvbo-00002-00000891-00001097 - [Narrator] When working in services, BoOp7x3Uvbo-00003-00001097-00001219 you'll often be supporting BoOp7x3Uvbo-00004-00001219-00001394 a group of people at a time. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00005-00001590-00001880 Providing Active Support to two or more people BoOp7x3Uvbo-00006-00001880-00002226 so they're engaged, requires extra strategies. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00007-00002322-00002457 Let's look at some of them. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00008-00002673-00003099 Start by supporting one person to engage in an activity. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00009-00003198-00003479 When they've begun and know what they're doing, BoOp7x3Uvbo-00010-00003479-00003846 move to the next person and support them to be engaged. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00011-00004004-00004362 Continue in this way until everyone is participating. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00012-00004566-00005025 Then rotate around each person, watch what they're doing, BoOp7x3Uvbo-00013-00005025-00005391 and provide assistance so they continue to be engaged. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00014-00005547-00005808 Frequently rotating around each person BoOp7x3Uvbo-00015-00005808-00006063 is better than spending a lot of time with one. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00016-00006291-00006477 When providing assistance, BoOp7x3Uvbo-00017-00006477-00006810 think about the steps of the activity for each person. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00018-00006930-00007122 What step are they doing now? BoOp7x3Uvbo-00019-00007122-00007383 And what assistance do they need? BoOp7x3Uvbo-00020-00007383-00007527 What's the next step? BoOp7x3Uvbo-00021-00007527-00007716 And what support will they need? BoOp7x3Uvbo-00022-00007716-00007995 This will help you to plan and provide the support BoOp7x3Uvbo-00023-00007995-00008118 for each person. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00024-00008298-00008649 The support needs of each person in a group will vary. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00025-00008649-00008952 Some may require the activity to be set up, BoOp7x3Uvbo-00026-00008952-00009171 then they can do each step independently BoOp7x3Uvbo-00027-00009171-00009417 with prompts and encouragement. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00028-00009417-00009672 Others may require more support. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00029-00009672-00009882 You'll have to work more closely with them BoOp7x3Uvbo-00030-00009882-00010035 so they are participating. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00031-00010239-00010494 Where you position yourself is important BoOp7x3Uvbo-00032-00010494-00010776 and will depend on the situation. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00033-00010776-00011007 For example, you might position yourself BoOp7x3Uvbo-00034-00011007-00011373 between the people you're supporting, opposite them, BoOp7x3Uvbo-00035-00011373-00011754 or closest to the person who requires the most support. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00036-00011877-00012027 When supporting a group, BoOp7x3Uvbo-00037-00012027-00012297 small talk and friendly interactions BoOp7x3Uvbo-00038-00012297-00012513 can create a friendly atmosphere. BoOp7x3Uvbo-00039-00012636-00012852 Supporting a group to be engaged, BoOp7x3Uvbo-00040-00012852-00013230 works best when you use the key strategies of BoOp7x3Uvbo-00041-00013230-00013488 setting each person up for participation, BoOp7x3Uvbo-00042-00013575-00014022 rotating around each person, thinking in steps, BoOp7x3Uvbo-00043-00014130-00014352 adjusting your support, BoOp7x3Uvbo-00044-00014352-00014640 and positioning yourself in the right place. B0aAOYlK0fk-00000-00000000-00000252 The strength of your brand isn't necessarily the number of followers you B0aAOYlK0fk-00001-00000252-00000909 have but the sum of all of your activities online. Social media is noisy. B0aAOYlK0fk-00002-00000909-00001404 Meaningful actions can cut through that clutter. What do I mean by meaningful B0aAOYlK0fk-00003-00001404-00001907 actions? I mean like starting a podcast. Putting out consistent content every B0aAOYlK0fk-00004-00001907-00002301 single day. I mean engaging with the comments not B0aAOYlK0fk-00005-00002301-00002640 just on your own posts but on other people's posts. Like creating dialogue B0aAOYlK0fk-00006-00002640-00003252 with people. That's stuff that's meaningful action. Again, you look at all B0aAOYlK0fk-00007-00003252-00003848 this stuff it has nothing to do with me being special. About me having any B0aAOYlK0fk-00008-00003848-00004355 particular skills, talents, abilities, cause I promise you I don't. I just do a lot of B0aAOYlK0fk-00009-00004355-00005196 stuff. And that stuff compounded over time put you in that top 1%. Not because B0aAOYlK0fk-00010-00005196-00005568 you're the coolest. Not because you're the best-looking. Not because of anything B0aAOYlK0fk-00011-00005568-00005951 other than the fact that you are active. B1UszJQ8uEU-00000-00000118-00001807 Hi there! B1UszJQ8uEU-00001-00001807-00004429 I B1UszJQ8uEU-00002-00004429-00005180 am Ngoc Tho @Facebook B1UszJQ8uEU-00004-00008471-00010053 ) -- Step 1: Login to your FB acount open your B1UszJQ8uEU-00006-00016479-00018193 Korea (recommend use Firefox Browser) port 3128 B1UszJQ8uEU-00007-00018193-00019745 -- Step 2: Change your page catelogy into Local Businesses: Pub/Bar B1UszJQ8uEU-00008-00019745-00020726 -- Step 3: Change your Facebook acount langguage into Korean B1UszJQ8uEU-00009-00020726-00022550 -- Step 4: Go to page Translate (second line from bottom) B1UszJQ8uEU-00010-00022550-00023996 -- Step 5: Click 2 time to showen B1UszJQ8uEU-00012-00027477-00030355 -- Step 7: Click save B1UszJQ8uEU-00014-00037356-00038865 me) Jordan B1UszJQ8uEU-00015-00038865-00041130 Amman, Jordan 00000 B1UszJQ8uEU-00016-00041130-00041884 00000000 B1UszJQ8uEU-00017-00041884-00042966 -- Step 9: old page B1UszJQ8uEU-00018-00042966-00044949 name has been removed, now remove adress we have entered, do it Carefully! B1UszJQ8uEU-00019-00044949-00045607 --Step 10: Change your FB acount into English B1UszJQ8uEU-00020-00045607-00046491 -- Step 11: Change your page Category into Music Bands B1UszJQ8uEU-00024-00058770-00059860 Jordan Amman, Jordan B1UszJQ8uEU-00025-00059860-00060586 00000 00000000 B1UszJQ8uEU-00026-00060586-00062162 -- Step 15: remove that adress carefully B1UszJQ8uEU-00027-00062162-00062897 Enjoy! B61Vze7zt6Q-00000-00000016-00000305 Assume you have a GNOME app and you want to open a file. B61Vze7zt6Q-00001-00000344-00000776 So you have your file manager ready, and you drag and drop the file on the app, B61Vze7zt6Q-00002-00000776-00000882 and bullocks! B61Vze7zt6Q-00003-00000905-00000999 It won't work! B61Vze7zt6Q-00004-00001048-00001416 So your next move is to import the file, but bullocks! B61Vze7zt6Q-00005-00001416-00001669 You're so doomed with the GTK file picker! B61Vze7zt6Q-00006-00001698-00001925 But did you know you could drag and drop the file B61Vze7zt6Q-00007-00001925-00002130 from the filemanager to the app picker? B61Vze7zt6Q-00008-00002158-00002346 And boom! All done! B61Vze7zt6Q-00009-00002385-00002547 That's of course the Drafting app, B61Vze7zt6Q-00010-00002547-00002973 that will eventually replace Glade on Builder when it gets a port to GTK4. B61Vze7zt6Q-00011-00003023-00003329 Not very soon from now, but the seeds are planted! B61Vze7zt6Q-00012-00003359-00003551 But this movie is about another matter! B61Vze7zt6Q-00013-00003597-00003681 A dark matter! B61Vze7zt6Q-00014-00003747-00003975 Chino? Death metal please! B7NT89VXa1o-00000-00000000-00000050 DRAMATIC MUSIC B7NT89VXa1o-00001-00000050-00000848 DRAMATIC MUSIC B865xymfv-Y-00000-00000070-00000362 sorry, this is not the life that i dreamth of! B865xymfv-Y-00006-00002228-00002514 someday i will find you...my angel from heaven. B865xymfv-Y-00010-00003580-00003680 kuya tet, B865xymfv-Y-00011-00003680-00003788 you're so handsome B865xymfv-Y-00012-00003804-00003854 do you have five pesos? B865xymfv-Y-00013-00003854-00003904 why? B865xymfv-Y-00014-00004080-00004194 i want to buy candy. B865xymfv-Y-00015-00004950-00005064 wow chicks! B865xymfv-Y-00016-00006344-00006444 miss... B865xymfv-Y-00017-00006545-00006673 he want to give this to you! B865xymfv-Y-00018-00006772-00006873 hi... B865xymfv-Y-00025-00008538-00008638 my daughter... B865xymfv-Y-00026-00008696-00008891 there are so many people in this world...but you are special. B865xymfv-Y-00029-00009552-00009732 do you know that with a smile coming from you B865xymfv-Y-00030-00009892-00010076 there is no problem in this world that i wouldn't face. B865xymfv-Y-00034-00011071-00011171 you are my inspiration B865xymfv-Y-00036-00011404-00011524 and my strength in life B865xymfv-Y-00039-00012283-00012427 you are the one that gives me joy B865xymfv-Y-00040-00012483-00012694 at the saddest moments in my life B865xymfv-Y-00043-00013306-00013406 do you know my child... B865xymfv-Y-00045-00013733-00013925 that you're like an angel B865xymfv-Y-00047-00014130-00014230 that came from above B865xymfv-Y-00048-00014234-00014340 when you were born and the first time we saw you B865xymfv-Y-00049-00014538-00014638 i knew we were blessed by heaven B865xymfv-Y-00050-00014689-00014988 you're like an angel B865xymfv-Y-00051-00015208-00015307 that came from heaven above B865xymfv-Y-00052-00015307-00015613 and when we had you B865xymfv-Y-00053-00015620-00015760 i knew we were so blessed by heaven above B865xymfv-Y-00054-00015811-00015911 that is so true. B865xymfv-Y-00055-00017365-00017465 for the past 18 years that was full of love, and for always saying DADDY I LOVE YOU, thank you so much. B865xymfv-Y-00057-00017857-00017957 do you know that life is so beautiful B865xymfv-Y-00058-00018083-00018183 because heaven allowed us to be your parents B865xymfv-Y-00061-00018718-00018818 every time i hug you B865xymfv-Y-00062-00018838-00019083 and every moment i was holding your hands B865xymfv-Y-00063-00019117-00019217 even now that you're already a lady... B865xymfv-Y-00064-00019230-00019419 a beautiful lady B865xymfv-Y-00065-00019607-00019707 there is joy inside that i couldn't explain B865xymfv-Y-00066-00019886-00020001 that only loving parents feel B865xymfv-Y-00067-00020148-00020248 i still remember what you said years ago B865xymfv-Y-00069-00020467-00020567 that you wanted to be a doctor B865xymfv-Y-00071-00020727-00020908 so that when we got old you're the doctor that will check us up B865xymfv-Y-00072-00021053-00021292 and you will confined us in your own hospital B865xymfv-Y-00073-00021349-00021606 together we will build your dreams B865xymfv-Y-00074-00021683-00021978 whatever happened we will always be with you B865xymfv-Y-00077-00022902-00023196 you're like an angel B865xymfv-Y-00078-00023211-00023324 that came from heaven above B865xymfv-Y-00079-00023387-00023592 when we saw you B865xymfv-Y-00081-00023879-00024023 all of us were blessed...am i right? B865xymfv-Y-00083-00024364-00024464 you"re like an angel B865xymfv-Y-00084-00024483-00024783 that came from heaven above B865xymfv-Y-00085-00024921-00025059 and when we saw you B865xymfv-Y-00086-00025188-00025391 i knew we were blessed B865xymfv-Y-00087-00025521-00025823 my daughter...you're an angel B865xymfv-Y-00088-00025926-00026026 a gift from above B865xymfv-Y-00089-00026147-00026247 and when we had you B865xymfv-Y-00090-00026258-00026358 we were so blesed by heaven above B865xymfv-Y-00097-00028374-00028571 there are billions of people in this world B865xymfv-Y-00098-00028652-00028982 but God permitted us to be your parents B865xymfv-Y-00099-00029010-00029110 do you know my child B865xymfv-Y-00101-00029485-00029597 that you are a star B865xymfv-Y-00103-00029840-00030034 given to us by the almighty God! B865xymfv-Y-00104-00030152-00030252 thank you Lord! B865xymfv-Y-00106-00031252-00031424 daddy and mommy loves you so much B865xymfv-Y-00108-00031675-00031823 if time will come you failed or commit mistakes B865xymfv-Y-00109-00031877-00032088 rest assure that we will always be there for you no matter what no question asked B865xymfv-Y-00110-00032685-00032785 thank you for the respect B865xymfv-Y-00111-00033315-00033415 much more for the love you gave B865xymfv-Y-00116-00034886-00034986 i love u my child... B865xymfv-Y-00120-00036904-00037097 happy birthday my daughter B865xymfv-Y-00121-00037151-00037307 eighteen! B865xymfv-Y-00122-00037595-00037695 kuya tet, you,re so handsome....do you have twenty? B865xymfv-Y-00123-00037872-00038176 please don't stop the video there is a very important message coming B865xymfv-Y-00124-00038244-00038420 PS...you're so lucky my daughter B865xymfv-Y-00125-00038540-00038640 because we look alike hahaha B8xsfvt89nI-00000-00000372-00000632 The microfinance market is estimated B8xsfvt89nI-00001-00000632-00000860 to be much larger than our current outreach, B8xsfvt89nI-00002-00000860-00001168 however evolving towards a two-digit growth B8xsfvt89nI-00003-00001168-00001432 without implementing performing information systems B8xsfvt89nI-00004-00001432-00001704 and internal audit systems B8xsfvt89nI-00005-00001704-00001864 to monitor such a growth B8xsfvt89nI-00006-00001864-00002180 leads to the outcomes we know. B8xsfvt89nI-00007-00002180-00002680 In reality the Foundation never set too ambitious objectives. B8xsfvt89nI-00008-00002680-00003044 We've always had growth rates around 10, 12, 13 % B8xsfvt89nI-00009-00003044-00003404 whereas other institutions had 100% growth targets, B8xsfvt89nI-00010-00003404-00003540 or 50%. B8xsfvt89nI-00011-00003540-00003908 But it is true that even with such targets, after the crisis we slightly revised B8xsfvt89nI-00012-00003908-00004084 our growth objectives B8xsfvt89nI-00013-00004084-00004164 and above all B8xsfvt89nI-00014-00004164-00004476 we reallocated our growth targets depending on B8xsfvt89nI-00015-00004476-00004628 actual market potential. B8xsfvt89nI-00016-00004628-00004856 So before opening a new point of sales, B8xsfvt89nI-00017-00004856-00005092 we precisely check whether there is B8xsfvt89nI-00018-00005092-00005216 enough potential B8xsfvt89nI-00019-00005216-00005468 and we set targets depending on the potential. B8xsfvt89nI-00020-00005468-00005724 We have defined a classification system by category. B8xsfvt89nI-00021-00005724-00006092 Some point of sales are in category 4: they operate in B8xsfvt89nI-00022-00006092-00006272 high potential locations B8xsfvt89nI-00023-00006272-00006556 and their growth target is more ambitious. B8xsfvt89nI-00024-00006556-00006959 Other points of sales, in category 1 for instance, have B8xsfvt89nI-00025-00006959-00007044 very basic targets B8xsfvt89nI-00026-00007044-00007284 and mainly focus on financial inclusion. B8xsfvt89nI-00027-00007284-00007648 We estimate the potential thanks to market surveys and statistics B8xsfvt89nI-00028-00007648-00008080 collected by competent bodies. B8xsfvt89nI-00029-00008080-00008360 We also do field visits in order to B8xsfvt89nI-00030-00008360-00008744 somewhat understand client needs: are they interested or not? B8xsfvt89nI-00031-00008744-00009020 We try to assess the potential B8xsfvt89nI-00032-00009020-00009360 not theoritically but also through client visits. B8xsfvt89nI-00033-00009360-00009704 We ask clients "Are you interested? If there is such a microfinance institution here, B8xsfvt89nI-00034-00009704-00009960 does it add value in your views?" B8xsfvt89nI-00035-00009960-00010316 We also take the client into account when we assess the potential. B8xsfvt89nI-00036-00010316-00010688 We also considers the point of sales' figures. How much volume B8xsfvt89nI-00037-00010688-00011020 did it bring previously? How many active clients does it have? B8xsfvt89nI-00038-00011020-00011360 What is the outstanding portfolio? We add this criteria to the potential estimate B8xsfvt89nI-00039-00011360-00011632 and we define to which category this point of sales belongs. B8xsfvt89nI-00040-00011632-00011968 As I said already, this category has an impact on B8xsfvt89nI-00041-00011968-00012180 the development targets set for the branches. B8xsfvt89nI-00042-00012180-00012532 This branch categorization plays also a role B8xsfvt89nI-00043-00012532-00012796 when we set targets. In the example of a 'category 4' point of sales B8xsfvt89nI-00044-00012796-00013136 in a high potential region B8xsfvt89nI-00045-00013136-00013440 the targets for this point of sales will be higher B8xsfvt89nI-00046-00013440-00013847 for individual loans, SME loans for instance, B8xsfvt89nI-00047-00013847-00014028 for the very small enterprise, B8xsfvt89nI-00048-00014028-00014380 than for group loans. A branch or point of sales B8xsfvt89nI-00049-00014380-00014756 in a rural area will have more ambitious targets regarding B8xsfvt89nI-00050-00014756-00015224 rural loans, our "Al Karaoui" product for instance which is meant for B8xsfvt89nI-00051-00015224-00015684 rural activities, rather than regarding SME loans B8xsfvt89nI-00052-00015684-00015791 or individual loans. B8xsfvt89nI-00053-00015791-00016028 So when we set targets, we take into B8xsfvt89nI-00054-00016028-00016124 account B8xsfvt89nI-00055-00016124-00016504 the range of products to be sold B8xsfvt89nI-00056-00016504-00016652 in this point of sales. B8xsfvt89nI-00057-00016652-00016936 However in targets we do not take merely into account B8xsfvt89nI-00058-00016936-00017092 microcredit targets. B8xsfvt89nI-00059-00017092-00017412 We also have other targets, for instance in terms of client access to finance. B8xsfvt89nI-00060-00017412-00017752 When we set sales targets, growth targets, B8xsfvt89nI-00061-00017752-00017920 based on the potential, B8xsfvt89nI-00062-00017920-00018324 we still have safeguards. If we set growth targets B8xsfvt89nI-00063-00018324-00018640 in a low potential area and the targets are B8xsfvt89nI-00064-00018640-00018720 too ambitious, B8xsfvt89nI-00065-00018720-00019036 we will experiment problems, our loan officers B8xsfvt89nI-00066-00019036-00019212 will tend to accept any loan to grow. B8xsfvt89nI-00067-00019212-00019648 For instance in a point of sales here, in a popular area B8xsfvt89nI-00068-00019648-00019812 of Casablanca, B8xsfvt89nI-00069-00019812-00020172 where we have high growth targets as well as B8xsfvt89nI-00070-00020172-00020288 high potential, B8xsfvt89nI-00071-00020288-00020684 where there are SMEs, we will set targets B8xsfvt89nI-00072-00020684-00021164 for an estimated 30% annual growth B8xsfvt89nI-00073-00021164-00021452 in number of clients and in portfolio. B8xsfvt89nI-00074-00021452-00021748 On the contrary, if we open a point of sales in a region B8xsfvt89nI-00075-00021748-00022048 such as Khenifra, for instance in a small town B8xsfvt89nI-00076-00022048-00022308 with limited potential, then from the start B8xsfvt89nI-00077-00022308-00022644 we consider that this point of sales belongs to category 1 for example B8xsfvt89nI-00078-00022644-00022952 knowing that in category one a point of sales will never serve B8xsfvt89nI-00079-00022952-00023072 more than 400 clients. B8xsfvt89nI-00080-00023072-00023420 Then after three to four years we know that the target set for this point of sales B8xsfvt89nI-00081-00023420-00023600 we never be over 300 active clients. B8xsfvt89nI-00082-00023600-00023920 This branch categorization also plays a role in B8xsfvt89nI-00083-00023920-00024248 product definition and in network targets. B8xsfvt89nI-00084-00024248-00024648 I mean that for a branch or point of sales in a high potential region, B8xsfvt89nI-00085-00024648-00024816 in category 4, B8xsfvt89nI-00086-00024816-00025136 will have much higher targets for SME loans, B8xsfvt89nI-00087-00025136-00025484 individual loans, than for group loans. B8xsfvt89nI-00088-00025484-00025864 A point of sales in a rural area will have B8xsfvt89nI-00089-00025864-00025952 specific targets B8xsfvt89nI-00090-00025952-00026456 for our "Al Karaoui" products which finances livestock and other rural activities. B8xsfvt89nI-00091-00026456-00026844 We do not set only targets in terms of loan outstanding, B8xsfvt89nI-00092-00026844-00027160 dispersement and repayment. We also have targets regarding B8xsfvt89nI-00093-00027160-00027412 client access to finance and regarding other services. B8xsfvt89nI-00094-00027412-00027616 For targets set B8xsfvt89nI-00095-00027616-00027756 at the network level B8xsfvt89nI-00096-00027756-00028095 portfolio quality is an essential criteria. B8xsfvt89nI-00097-00028095-00028504 The level of PAR must remain below 2.5%. If it is over 2.5 B8xsfvt89nI-00098-00028504-00028844 then the loan officer will receive no bonus. This means that B8xsfvt89nI-00099-00028844-00029180 we have no interest in growing at the expense of B8xsfvt89nI-00100-00029180-00029400 portfolio quality, at the expense of clients. B8xsfvt89nI-00101-00029400-00029788 Portfolio quality and above all PAR levels are key, B8xsfvt89nI-00102-00029788-00030156 portfolio at risk is important when it comes to calculating B8xsfvt89nI-00103-00030156-00030404 the bonuses for loan officers. BsM_z3QhhM0-00000-00000117-00000302 My name is Rothana Walbolt. BsM_z3QhhM0-00001-00000302-00000781 I’m from Cambodia. BsM_z3QhhM0-00002-00000781-00001697 The Cambodia has been though a lot of difficulty during the time that I grew up. BsM_z3QhhM0-00003-00001697-00002431 All the time when I grow up, all I remember is running. BsM_z3QhhM0-00004-00002431-00003536 So, when I was six years old, the Khmer Rouge had split me away from my family to work on BsM_z3QhhM0-00005-00003536-00003660 a rice field. BsM_z3QhhM0-00006-00003660-00004371 For a while working, and a lot of use get sick, not enough food to eat. BsM_z3QhhM0-00007-00004371-00005169 And later on found a letter- my dad had wrote a letter to the commander saying that my mom BsM_z3QhhM0-00008-00005169-00005490 is really sick and he needed us to be home. BsM_z3QhhM0-00009-00005490-00005973 So, gladly, that commander let us, you know, to go with my dad. BsM_z3QhhM0-00010-00005973-00006573 And some commanders very, you know, very mean and some are very kind. BsM_z3QhhM0-00011-00006573-00006995 So, gladly that he let us go home to see my mom. BsM_z3QhhM0-00012-00006995-00008235 And then the next day, the war started, and my mom and dad bring us… to run to the pond BsM_z3QhhM0-00013-00008235-00008852 and somehow I kind of hesitated, doesn’t want to go to the pond. BsM_z3QhhM0-00014-00008852-00010034 I remember the smell and the feel of the whistle of bullets past my ear and my mom grabbed BsM_z3QhhM0-00015-00010034-00010284 me down and pushed me into the pond. BsM_z3QhhM0-00016-00010284-00010960 So we’re all in the pond and then later on my dad said you know, don’t move. BsM_z3QhhM0-00017-00010960-00011736 So we don’t move and then later on we feel like a snake, a lot of snakes. BsM_z3QhhM0-00018-00011736-00011882 I get goosebumps. BsM_z3QhhM0-00019-00011882-00012075 A lot of snake. BsM_z3QhhM0-00020-00012075-00012515 Don’t know what kind, don’t know what kind it is. BsM_z3QhhM0-00021-00012515-00013271 So we stand there and not move, and gladly the snakes swim around to another side of BsM_z3QhhM0-00022-00013271-00013371 the pond. BsM_z3QhhM0-00023-00013371-00014465 So we finally, the UN had called all of us to go to the camp, the different camps. BsM_z3QhhM0-00024-00014465-00014887 So we get into the truck and go to the Khao I Dang camp. BsM_z3QhhM0-00025-00014887-00015194 And that’s how we stayed there for a while. BsM_z3QhhM0-00026-00015194-00015593 That’s how I grow up there at the Khao I Dang camp. BsM_z3QhhM0-00027-00015593-00016409 And then later on we find a letter from a family live in the US: my uncle looking for BsM_z3QhhM0-00028-00016409-00016509 a family. BsM_z3QhhM0-00029-00016509-00016708 So my uncle he came here. BsM_z3QhhM0-00030-00016708-00017384 He’s a solider so he came here first and he lost all his family. BsM_z3QhhM0-00031-00017384-00018143 So he write a letter with his picture, put in the camp, looking for family. BsM_z3QhhM0-00032-00018143-00018864 So that’s how my dad know him and we write that we here, we in the camp. BsM_z3QhhM0-00033-00018864-00019489 So we write a letter back and forth and connect each other and then we have interview with BsM_z3QhhM0-00034-00019489-00020352 immigration and we pass the test, and we come to the US. BsM_z3QhhM0-00035-00020352-00021018 The first year that we came to the US was the first Fourth of July. BsM_z3QhhM0-00036-00021018-00021729 And when the fire[works] start my mom… run to the basement when the fire[works] start BsM_z3QhhM0-00037-00021729-00022087 because it sound like, you know, war… BsM_z3QhhM0-00038-00022087-00022689 so she run downstairs and she call all her children to go downstairs and [we] let her BsM_z3QhhM0-00039-00022689-00023139 know that it’s not war, it’s just the fireworks. BsM_z3QhhM0-00040-00023139-00024145 Most of us Cambodians that lived in the camp think that USA is a heavenly place to live BsM_z3QhhM0-00041-00024145-00024440 because we have everything. BsM_z3QhhM0-00042-00024440-00024709 We don’t have to worry about food. BsM_z3QhhM0-00043-00024709-00025026 We don’t have to worry about what we wear. BsM_z3QhhM0-00044-00025026-00025231 We have everything. BsM_z3QhhM0-00045-00025231-00026489 Over there in the camp, we gladly to survive you know for, to have food to eat. BsM_z3QhhM0-00046-00026489-00027036 Instead, we have so much choice: what kind of food we eat gonna eat today and over there BsM_z3QhhM0-00047-00027036-00027700 we eat the same thing. BsM_z3QhhM0-00048-00027700-00028672 So when we have a space, we like to invite the elderly and the youth, you know, to talk BsM_z3QhhM0-00049-00028672-00028801 to each other. BsM_z3QhhM0-00050-00028801-00028944 To connect. BsM_z3QhhM0-00051-00028944-00029974 Most of the kids they grew up here, they don’t know how difficult it is [for] a parent, that BsM_z3QhhM0-00052-00029974-00030162 they sacrifice for them. BsM_z3QhhM0-00053-00030162-00030888 When they get here, they just see everything here, and they happy, they grow up, they have BsM_z3QhhM0-00054-00030888-00031568 friend, they have food, they have… but the elder and during my time, during my parents’, BsM_z3QhhM0-00055-00031568-00032075 it’s: grow up with fear, grow up with starvation. BsM_z3QhhM0-00056-00032075-00032364 So we have not lived like this. BsM_z3QhhM0-00057-00032364-00032847 No, we grew up in the jungle, in the camp, in the tent. Bwzf3bjOBby-00000-00000792-00001116 Let's get into our next session on connecting to MinIO. Bwzf3bjOBby-00001-00001194-00001739 The key with MinIO is that, what we're trying to get to is - S3 everywhere Bwzf3bjOBby-00002-00001818-00002424 so that it doesn't really matter whether you're deploying locally or whether you're deploying to Bwzf3bjOBby-00003-00002424-00003108 the cloud you're going to be using the same sort of S3 connectivity to actually manipulate your Bwzf3bjOBby-00004-00003108-00003756 data and that's why we like to say S3 for the data layer, always. So our application layer is Bwzf3bjOBby-00005-00003756-00004512 going to be driven by the data now. Where that data resides can be a little problematic and difficult Bwzf3bjOBby-00006-00004512-00005112 to scale once an application grows from the proof of concept to the initial deployments to maturity. Bwzf3bjOBby-00007-00005226-00005934 Many applications are going to eventually be using cloud-based storage and in a lot of cases there's Bwzf3bjOBby-00008-00005934-00006318 kind of a difficult transition to do that you have to spend a lot of time thinking about how Bwzf3bjOBby-00009-00006318-00006966 you're going to replace what you were doing in your data layer with this new S3 backed layer. Bwzf3bjOBby-00010-00007104-00007620 And so MinIO is designed to let that application grow and scale without this transition coming Bwzf3bjOBby-00011-00007620-00008268 to pass because you're going to have this S3 compatible API. So the first line of code can be Bwzf3bjOBby-00012-00008268-00009072 written using S3 for the data layer right from the start and that's a really powerful way to start Bwzf3bjOBby-00013-00009072-00009654 building your application particularly if you're envisioning at any point going to S3. Now here's Bwzf3bjOBby-00014-00009654-00010320 the the fun part, you don't have to end up with S3, you could absolutely continue to deploy MinIO Bwzf3bjOBby-00015-00010320-00011016 in your own data center or on an on-prem cluster or whatever it is that you want to do but you can Bwzf3bjOBby-00016-00011016-00011664 still use MinIO to do that data storage and again there are many applications out there today that Bwzf3bjOBby-00017-00011664-00012462 leverage this that can use MinIO to in some cases migrate away from a cloud deployment if you want Bwzf3bjOBby-00018-00012462-00012966 to take your cloud deployment local without having to do a lot of recoding. The way that we're going Bwzf3bjOBby-00019-00012966-00013926 to accomplish this in our examples here is using a MinIO SDK. So MinIO maintains SDKs for four major Bwzf3bjOBby-00020-00013926-00014447 languages and this this covers most of our use cases. Java of course is an important one lots Bwzf3bjOBby-00021-00014447-00015012 of applications are still built using java .Net as well a very powerful object oriented language Bwzf3bjOBby-00022-00015078-00015684 the Go language is a newer language but it is a really cool right once, run anywhere kind Bwzf3bjOBby-00023-00015684-00016313 of implementation in a lot of cases and then also Python which has become ubiquitous in the industry Bwzf3bjOBby-00024-00016313-00016788 Python is everywhere it's one of the top languages to learn it's one of the top languages to deploy Bwzf3bjOBby-00025-00016788-00017340 your application with it's very flexible you can use it in all kinds of applications web-based Bwzf3bjOBby-00026-00017394-00017988 standalone whatever it is that you need can be done through Python and in no small part because Bwzf3bjOBby-00027-00017988-00018684 Python has this wonderful series of libraries that are easy to install easy to leverage and easy to Bwzf3bjOBby-00028-00018684-00019224 work with the coding development testing cycle is also very very straightforward you don't have Bwzf3bjOBby-00029-00019224-00019920 to do a lot of environment setup to get a Python application running each of these SDKs by the way Bwzf3bjOBby-00030-00019920-00020658 allows your developers to do the get post head and delete of objects in S3 you can manipulate Bwzf3bjOBby-00031-00020658-00021138 all of your retentions for your lock and your legal hold you can apply life cycle management Bwzf3bjOBby-00032-00021138-00021606 you can use object encryption you can set up bucket replication so you need to you can work Bwzf3bjOBby-00033-00021606-00022128 with bucket versioning now for our examples we're really just going to be working with the get post Bwzf3bjOBby-00034-00022128-00022638 head delete stuff we're not really worried about all of that higher order stuff because Bwzf3bjOBby-00035-00022734-00023244 as application developers a lot of that stuff is going to be set up for us by our object storage Bwzf3bjOBby-00036-00023244-00023706 administrator we're not going to be worrying ourselves about the life cycle management of Bwzf3bjOBby-00037-00023706-00024126 our data that's going to be handled by our object storage administrator they're going Bwzf3bjOBby-00038-00024126-00024486 to set up a bucket for us they'll set up any encryption any versioning and they'll Bwzf3bjOBby-00039-00024486-00024888 provide us with that information and then all we have to do is go out there and use it BznyVvp_1so-00000-00000000-00000050 Orbia BBP6UnOwGXQ-00000-00000021-00000537 When I came up with this assignment students were like - what we're writing a BBP6UnOwGXQ-00001-00000537-00001140 textbook no I don't want to do that! Hi I'm Jessica Krueger a clinical assistant BBP6UnOwGXQ-00002-00001140-00001508 professor and community health and health behavior, and I wrote a textbook BBP6UnOwGXQ-00003-00001508-00001884 with my students. People joke in my classes about Krueger stories. BBP6UnOwGXQ-00004-00001884-00002636 I like to put a personal touch on things. I'm often asked why or where BBP6UnOwGXQ-00005-00002636-00003059 the heck do I come up with these ideas it's not that I have some stroke of BBP6UnOwGXQ-00006-00003059-00003717 brilliance but it's more of let's do this. I was actually at a conference and BBP6UnOwGXQ-00007-00003717-00004152 while I was there I met some really dynamic folks I heard it from a BBP6UnOwGXQ-00008-00004152-00004737 presenter Robin DeRosa who'd actually written an OER textbook on how to BBP6UnOwGXQ-00009-00004737-00005282 write oh we are textbooks with her students very meta right? I'm sitting in BBP6UnOwGXQ-00010-00005282-00005826 the audience and I realize at that moment I have a brand new class that I'm BBP6UnOwGXQ-00011-00005826-00006512 about to teach and the topics in it are very diverse and in fact I would need to BBP6UnOwGXQ-00012-00006512-00007079 buy three different textbooks. Cost is a major barrier for our students so but BBP6UnOwGXQ-00013-00007079-00007563 it's not just about the cost of the textbooks, in fact if students were BBP6UnOwGXQ-00014-00007563-00008079 waiting for something like financial aid to come in they would be missing the BBP6UnOwGXQ-00015-00008079-00008556 first few weeks of content and I don't want my students to fall behind just BBP6UnOwGXQ-00016-00008556-00009246 because of financial barriers. They can't control when financial aid comes in. BBP6UnOwGXQ-00017-00009246-00009840 So I got this weird idea, my fall class of 75 students was going to write their own BBP6UnOwGXQ-00018-00009840-00010164 textbook. It was beta tested with 12 graduate students, BBP6UnOwGXQ-00019-00010164-00010602 I figure if it can be done with 12 graduate students why not do it with 75 BBP6UnOwGXQ-00020-00010602-00011240 undergraduate students; more manpower right? sounds like a good idea. BBP6UnOwGXQ-00021-00011240-00011636 This class is called models and mechanisms in public health and we BBP6UnOwGXQ-00022-00011636-00012161 cover topics - they're very broad such as environmental health health disparities BBP6UnOwGXQ-00023-00012161-00012717 and health behavior theory. When I first designed this project everyone asked BBP6UnOwGXQ-00024-00012717-00013172 what are you gonna do if this doesn't work I immediately replied with of course BBP6UnOwGXQ-00025-00013172-00013519 this is going to work. in the back of my mind I was really concerned that it BBP6UnOwGXQ-00026-00013519-00014140 might not happen. So at the beginning of this course before we started this BBP6UnOwGXQ-00027-00014140-00014659 project we actually talked about what Creative Commons licensing options BBP6UnOwGXQ-00028-00014659-00015337 were and we actually chose CC BY NC SA and this ensured that no one BBP6UnOwGXQ-00029-00015337-00015778 could take their work and make money on it. When I handed out this assignment it BBP6UnOwGXQ-00030-00015778-00016261 was actually only worth ten percent of their grade. How I set this up was to BBP6UnOwGXQ-00031-00016261-00016696 break the class up into groups and each group wrote a chapter. I think the BBP6UnOwGXQ-00032-00016696-00017203 challenging part with any group is that you always have someone who maybe BBP6UnOwGXQ-00033-00017203-00017719 doesn't contribute quite as much. I told my students hey if you're in a group and BBP6UnOwGXQ-00034-00017719-00018037 someone doesn't pull their weight on their portion you don't have to do it in BBP6UnOwGXQ-00035-00018037-00018406 fact your chapter just won't have a summary or your chapter just won't have BBP6UnOwGXQ-00036-00018406-00018925 that section - that's okay. I really started to get buy-in from students and BBP6UnOwGXQ-00037-00018925-00019561 I really think this buy-in was grounded in the trust that we had created. Many of BBP6UnOwGXQ-00038-00019561-00020014 these students I had had in previous courses and so they always knew when BBP6UnOwGXQ-00039-00020014-00020389 they walked into Krueger's class they were going to have something new BBP6UnOwGXQ-00040-00020389-00020941 something novel and they never knew quite what they were going to get. BBP6UnOwGXQ-00041-00020941-00021541 I set up Google folders for each group and each group had a folder in which they BBP6UnOwGXQ-00042-00021541-00022012 created a team contract. Barbara Oakley writes a really nice article about the BBP6UnOwGXQ-00043-00022012-00022387 importance of having your students learn about group work and to create a team BBP6UnOwGXQ-00044-00022387-00022935 contract. If you looked at their contracts you'd see they're all very different. BBP6UnOwGXQ-00045-00022935-00023284 Some of them say we'll meet two to three times a week; others say things like BBP6UnOwGXQ-00046-00023284-00023863 give constructive feedback and to help each other remember we have a BBP6UnOwGXQ-00047-00023863-00024289 common goal to work together, Now this is in their own language I didn't give them BBP6UnOwGXQ-00048-00024289-00024667 any prompts on this. They were only provided with the article to read so this BBP6UnOwGXQ-00049-00024667-00025282 contract served a few different purposes. One - it was for them to come up with a BBP6UnOwGXQ-00050-00025282-00025714 consensus on the project. Secondly it was for them to grade each other based BBP6UnOwGXQ-00051-00025714-00026475 on their own ways of evaluating. when I gave them their chapters to write BBP6UnOwGXQ-00052-00026475-00026961 in the Google Docs, it was really similar to an outline of any other book chapter. BBP6UnOwGXQ-00053-00026961-00027488 They had a title and then some objectives. BBP6UnOwGXQ-00054-00027488-00028032 Underneath their objectives was a placeholder for them to put a BBP6UnOwGXQ-00055-00028032-00028737 picture and then the headings of introduction and summary and work cited. BBP6UnOwGXQ-00056-00028737-00029391 In between those they had some subheadings related to the objectives BBP6UnOwGXQ-00057-00029391-00029856 for that chapter which I gave them. Some of them had a few resources at the BBP6UnOwGXQ-00058-00029856-00030395 bottom where I said check out some of these sites. I noted which one of the BBP6UnOwGXQ-00059-00030395-00030902 sites were OER, and said you're welcome to reuse some of this content, so this BBP6UnOwGXQ-00060-00030902-00031377 provided them an opportunity to learn about reuse. Take it, paste it, BBP6UnOwGXQ-00061-00031377-00031883 attribute it - that's fine. I actually encouraged them to do that. The other BBP6UnOwGXQ-00062-00031883-00032381 caveat to this crazy assignment was the fact that they had to do this before BBP6UnOwGXQ-00063-00032381-00032969 they learned any of the materials. In our syllabus I ended up writing our first BBP6UnOwGXQ-00064-00032969-00033494 chapter to give them an example of what I look was looking for. They had to turn BBP6UnOwGXQ-00065-00033494-00034022 in their chapters two weeks before they actually learned the content. Essentially BBP6UnOwGXQ-00066-00034022-00034737 their peers were reading the content as they had produced it. I jokingly say that BBP6UnOwGXQ-00067-00034737-00035138 it was a little bit of encouragement a little bit of risk and a whole lot of BBP6UnOwGXQ-00068-00035138-00035649 hope; but they got it together they did it. Essentially all the chapters really BBP6UnOwGXQ-00069-00035649-00036057 started out as a skeleton and they were able to use those learning objectives to BBP6UnOwGXQ-00070-00036057-00036497 create the content and they built it. BBP6UnOwGXQ-00071-00036514-00037058 So after they created it and before everyone else was able to read the BBP6UnOwGXQ-00072-00037058-00037856 content I took time to review it. I made edits, and then I put it out on to BBP6UnOwGXQ-00073-00037856-00038372 our UB learn site. And how I put it there was within the Google Doc, and BBP6UnOwGXQ-00074-00038372-00039020 allowed students to make comments. Students couldn't edit the whole content BBP6UnOwGXQ-00075-00039020-00039722 but they could make comments for their peers. So this allowed them to learn from BBP6UnOwGXQ-00076-00039722-00040241 their peers of what could be missing or what could be added to this chapter. BBP6UnOwGXQ-00077-00040241-00040604 I started talking to them about the transferable skills they were learning BBP6UnOwGXQ-00078-00040604-00041030 about how cool it would be to be a published author that they could put BBP6UnOwGXQ-00079-00041030-00041465 this on their CV as something that they've done and guess what they were BBP6UnOwGXQ-00080-00041465-00042032 doing research they were looking up content - and all of these skills and this BBP6UnOwGXQ-00081-00042032-00042581 knowledge they were creating began to start to click with them. On the BBP6UnOwGXQ-00082-00042581-00043103 last day of class I actually threw them a celebration. This was when I revealed BBP6UnOwGXQ-00083-00043103-00043829 the full book to them. Previously they'd only see in chapters as Google Docs. BBP6UnOwGXQ-00084-00043829-00044342 I think we sometimes get stuck in the idea of what if it fails what if students BBP6UnOwGXQ-00085-00044342-00044873 don't like it, but you really don't know until you try it. I get the general sense BBP6UnOwGXQ-00086-00044873-00045317 that when we talk about open pedagogy that sometimes we really aren't sure what BBP6UnOwGXQ-00087-00045317-00045878 we're talking about or even how to do it and we don't necessarily know how it's BBP6UnOwGXQ-00088-00045878-00046298 gonna turn out but we really just have to take the first step and just do it. BEtzwdt4vDM-00000-00000000-00000980 SCP-1108 A Swamp God object class euclid BEtzwdt4vDM-00001-00001075-00001335 Item #: SCP-1108 BEtzwdt4vDM-00002-00001335-00001529 Object Class: Euclid BEtzwdt4vDM-00003-00001529-00002029 Special Containment Procedures: The first recorded appearance of this phenomenon is BEtzwdt4vDM-00004-00002029-00002609 dated 19██, filed in Foundation records as an Extranormal Event. BEtzwdt4vDM-00005-00002609-00003153 However, at least ten repeat-occurrences have since been verified, precipitating numbered BEtzwdt4vDM-00006-00003153-00003447 status and close observation. BEtzwdt4vDM-00007-00003447-00003961 Data recorded by surveilled meteorological centers will be transmitted to Research Sector-09, BEtzwdt4vDM-00008-00003961-00004351 and should be consistently monitored for similarities to past data. BEtzwdt4vDM-00009-00004351-00004835 Early signs of a recurrence of SCP-1108 must be promptly identified.1 BEtzwdt4vDM-00010-00004835-00005524 Description: SCP-1108 is a meteorological phenomenon which has only been observed along BEtzwdt4vDM-00011-00005524-00005951 the southeast coast of the United States, recurring most frequently along the east coast BEtzwdt4vDM-00012-00005951-00006142 of Florida. BEtzwdt4vDM-00013-00006142-00006736 Most observers at ground-level experience SCP-1108 as a heavy fog, with no evident anomalous BEtzwdt4vDM-00014-00006736-00006836 properties. BEtzwdt4vDM-00015-00006836-00007614 However, from an elevation above or approaching 450 m the formation reveals a distinct shape. BEtzwdt4vDM-00016-00007614-00008095 Based on aerial photographs and the surrounding ecosystem, this shape is best described as BEtzwdt4vDM-00017-00008095-00008522 resembling Alligator mississippiensis, the American alligator. BEtzwdt4vDM-00018-00008522-00009103 In ideal conditions, the anomaly appears in enough detail for eyelids, teeth and individual BEtzwdt4vDM-00019-00009103-00009368 scutes to be clearly identified. BEtzwdt4vDM-00020-00009368-00009831 Aerial and even peripheral observation indicates that the vaporous mass even moves its "limbs", BEtzwdt4vDM-00021-00009831-00010251 albeit slowly, mimicking the reptile's distinctive gait. BEtzwdt4vDM-00022-00010251-00010765 SCP-1108 most frequently appears a few hours before dawn, often emerging from an existing BEtzwdt4vDM-00023-00010765-00011234 cloud-bank at a dew point and temperature consistent with fog formation. BEtzwdt4vDM-00024-00011234-00011796 This "gator formation" will maintain its distinct size and shape for upwards of six hours. BEtzwdt4vDM-00025-00011796-00012448 During this six hour period, SCP-1108 traverses an area of approximately 50 km length, always BEtzwdt4vDM-00026-00012448-00012582 toward the bordering Atlantic. BEtzwdt4vDM-00027-00012582-00013082 The form appears to gradually dissipate into the atmosphere. BEtzwdt4vDM-00028-00013082-00013528 The effects on the local ecosystem do not become apparent until after the formation's BEtzwdt4vDM-00029-00013528-00013628 departure. BEtzwdt4vDM-00030-00013628-00014150 These apparent influences have so far included an irregular rise in fresh water levels and BEtzwdt4vDM-00031-00014150-00014420 an abnormal displacement of local wildlife. BEtzwdt4vDM-00032-00014420-00015203 Specifically, in areas directly overshadowed by SCP-1108's passage, adult Alligator mississippiensis BEtzwdt4vDM-00033-00015203-00015505 have been found congregating in the dozens. BEtzwdt4vDM-00034-00015505-00016005 The infestations occur far from areas highly populated by the native reptile, which appear BEtzwdt4vDM-00035-00016005-00016651 in greatest numbers on private property and suburban developments, favoring swimming pools. BEtzwdt4vDM-00036-00016651-00017122 The lack of data from prior occurrences makes it difficult to predict whether the size, BEtzwdt4vDM-00037-00017122-00017804 range, and extent of the phenomenon's influence have remained stable, or increased over time. BEtzwdt4vDM-00038-00017804-00018045 Excerpt from Field Report 1108-16 BEtzwdt4vDM-00039-00018045-00018895 Notable events which took place within 24 hours of SCP-1108's appearance over the 2185.2 BEtzwdt4vDM-00040-00018895-00019440 square meters of residential space in P████ B████ County: BEtzwdt4vDM-00041-00019440-00019920 37 reports of juvenile and adult American alligators on private property. BEtzwdt4vDM-00042-00019920-00020464 Woman reports adult male alligator inside of her kitchen; local media reported specimen's BEtzwdt4vDM-00043-00020464-00020680 length as 4.3 m. BEtzwdt4vDM-00044-00020680-00021212 6 reports of alligators attempting to enter homes; while behavior not unprecedented, number BEtzwdt4vDM-00045-00021212-00021345 of instances highly abnormal. BEtzwdt4vDM-00046-00021345-00021959 Three non-fatal attacks of alligators on humans, one resulting in significant injury. BEtzwdt4vDM-00047-00021959-00022378 One fatal attack of juvenile male alligator against adolescent. BEtzwdt4vDM-00048-00022378-00022601 18 reports of missing pets. BEtzwdt4vDM-00049-00022601-00023240 The Florida Water Management District recorded an average of 16.5 cm rise in drainage canal BEtzwdt4vDM-00050-00023240-00023609 levels, despite the lack of precipitation. BEtzwdt4vDM-00051-00023609-00024048 As the majority of the southern portion of the state is kept above waterline by an extensive BEtzwdt4vDM-00052-00024048-00024557 network of such drainage canals, any significant rise in freshwater levels could cause significant BEtzwdt4vDM-00053-00024557-00024809 damage to populated areas. BEtzwdt4vDM-00054-00024809-00025406 Local wildlife control had sufficient manpower to prevent undue fatalities; however, it is BEtzwdt4vDM-00055-00025406-00025867 unlikely that state budget or resources could adequately contain repeat occurrences. BEtzwdt4vDM-00056-00025867-00026394 It is unknown at this time whether the intrusion of Alligator mississippiensis was a displacement BEtzwdt4vDM-00057-00026394-00026863 of existing creatures, or indicative of a significant population increase. BEtzwdt4vDM-00058-00026863-00027320 Necessary information-control protocols were enacted without incident. BEtzwdt4vDM-00059-00027320-00028108 Addendum 7/1/██ As of 6/21/██, SCP-1108 has made two consecutive appearances. BEtzwdt4vDM-00060-00028108-00028587 Only the second was accompanied by an influx of Alligator mississippiensis; however, the BEtzwdt4vDM-00061-00028587-00029022 rise in water levels mandated flood-evacuation in two counties. BEtzwdt4vDM-00062-00029022-00029522 The extent of possible infestation of Alligator mississippiensis in flooded areas cannot be BEtzwdt4vDM-00063-00029522-00029724 determined, at this time. BEtzwdt4vDM-00064-00029724-00030306 Addendum 7/9/██: During the most recent occurrence, field researchers reported a previously BEtzwdt4vDM-00065-00030306-00030863 unrecorded phenomenon— described as "a series of low, drawn-out rumbles", which were sustained BEtzwdt4vDM-00066-00030863-00031027 over several hours. BEtzwdt4vDM-00067-00031027-00031449 Radiometric measurements taken during the course of these observations do not indicate BEtzwdt4vDM-00068-00031449-00031731 temperature changes conducive to creating lightning. BEtzwdt4vDM-00069-00031731-00032144 However, the subsequent recordings do bear a striking resemblance to the male alligator's BEtzwdt4vDM-00070-00032144-00032244 bellow. BEtzwdt4vDM-00071-00032816-00034800 --- Male alligator bellows ---- BEb6fNx4g58-00000-00000000-00000200 Welcome to a Blind Secrets run of Love 3. BEb6fNx4g58-00001-00000200-00000404 My goal with this run was to find as many secrets as I possibly could, despite not knowing their original location. BEb6fNx4g58-00002-00000455-00000625 For some context, my (only) run of LOVE 1+2+3 took 55 minutes, whilst this run took over 72 minutes. BEb6fNx4g58-00003-00000771-00000971 Here you can see the very few achievements, with the only one that I wanted to achieve being LOV3 with all Secrets BEb6fNx4g58-00004-00001135-00001335 Hope you enjoy some menu flicking BEb6fNx4g58-00005-00002361-00002854 Before beginning this run, the only 2 secrets that I was aware of were L1 and L2, and considering how many I got, I'm honestly surprised that I didn't have to know more. BEb6fNx4g58-00006-00004445-00005000 If anyone were to call this a video-guide, I'd be flattered, because they're not only lying to themselves, but also an entire 203 people in the Mokuzai Studio Games Discord server. BEb6fNx4g58-00007-00009707-00010188 L2, L14, and L15 are the only levels in the run which got me achievements, whilst everything else was just for this run BEb6fNx4g58-00008-00011180-00011380 RIP Checkpoint, first of many that were killed in this run BEb6fNx4g58-00009-00013493-00013693 I don't know why I saved that Checkpoint, but I guess it's not dead now. Thank god. BEb6fNx4g58-00010-00014904-00015041 This level has an achievement tied to its Secret, passing the barrier without dying, but I'm legitimately not sure that I could do it in under 10 minutes. BEb6fNx4g58-00011-00015041-00015138 The timing just seems so ludicrously precise that it's not even funny. BEb6fNx4g58-00012-00020644-00020844 Wrong way, buddy. BEb6fNx4g58-00013-00022762-00022962 I didn't see it whilst doing the run, but I VERY ANNOYINGLY missed the Secret. It's on the top left of the screen for like 2 seconds. BEb6fNx4g58-00014-00022962-00023064 I spot it later though, so don't you go worrying that I missed it. BEb6fNx4g58-00015-00026522-00026722 L4 is my favourite level in the entire game, and I'm honestly kind of disappointed that the 'underwater' mechanic isn't used more across the game. It's really only used in 2 or so levels. BEb6fNx4g58-00016-00027789-00027989 Not sure why I put so many Checkpoints here, since I never struggle with this level. BEb6fNx4g58-00017-00029213-00029413 SPOILER ALERT: I still don't know where the secret in this level is at. I guess I'll have to go looking at it again. BEb6fNx4g58-00018-00030564-00030764 A safe guess is something to do with the 'press' thing on the right of the screen, but other from that, no damn clue. BEb6fNx4g58-00019-00030764-00030964 Nothing in this level activates or anything, so I couldn't find it in the run. BEb6fNx4g58-00020-00032301-00032501 I ABSOLUTELY despise this level. It's not fun at all. BEb6fNx4g58-00021-00033628-00033828 The song ain't bad at all, though. BEb6fNx4g58-00022-00044751-00044951 If you couldn't hear it, every single one of these platforms is making a quiet click. BEb6fNx4g58-00023-00063675-00063875 This secret is pretty nice. BEb6fNx4g58-00024-00068767-00068967 This secret took an absurd amount of time to figure out. BEb6fNx4g58-00025-00077997-00078197 Yes, I reset this level TWICE, INTENTIONALLY. BEb6fNx4g58-00026-00084910-00085110 I like that this is the one secret that actually provides a challenge, and isn't just "boom you found the secret, congratz". BEb6fNx4g58-00027-00085110-00085310 That said though, you start to see a big trend in a lot of the later levels, where instead of hiding things under structures previously visible, BEb6fNx4g58-00028-00085310-00085510 you just end up being teleported to places, and without a lot of challenge. A couple of levels don't follow this trend though, and they're probably the hardest ones for the secrets. BEb6fNx4g58-00029-00086921-00087121 I still don't know if this jump is possible. BEb6fNx4g58-00030-00091813-00092013 The fact that I (SPOILER ALERT) COULD NOT FIND THIS LEVEL'S SECRET BOTHERS ME TO AN EXTENT THAT YOU CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE. BEb6fNx4g58-00031-00144126-00144326 The activation is finished, but now I have to find it. BEb6fNx4g58-00032-00144922-00145122 (It's not here) BEb6fNx4g58-00033-00150083-00150283 I'm subtitling at 2x speed and for the very first second that I fell down here I thought it was straight up just a mistake that I somehow made. BEb6fNx4g58-00034-00150283-00150483 I don't know why it's all the way down here. BEb6fNx4g58-00035-00158333-00158533 The secret in this level starts with the same route for the Any% speedrun. BEb6fNx4g58-00036-00175462-00175662 Reminds me of Megaman. BEb6fNx4g58-00037-00179113-00179313 This level takes a while. The secret is to shoot out all the white blocks (I think). BEb6fNx4g58-00038-00201049-00201249 Going for the achievement. BEb6fNx4g58-00039-00209904-00210104 I'm up in the top right, if you can't see it. BEb6fNx4g58-00040-00215896-00216096 I've done that twice now and I still don't understand how it isn't related to the secret BEb6fNx4g58-00041-00238851-00239051 This secret might be one of the hardest in the game, since the helicopter doesn't have a constant speed, but rather, uses a wind-down every time you stop. BEb6fNx4g58-00042-00244583-00244783 L3, L15, and L25, are my absolute favorite levels. I love the underwater aspects of L3 and the minimixes of L15/25. BEb6fNx4g58-00043-00247713-00247913 SKIP 5 SECONDS BEb6fNx4g58-00044-00250856-00251056 SKIP TO MINUTE 44 BEb6fNx4g58-00045-00264263-00264963 There's one more long wait in the video, sorry about that. BEb6fNx4g58-00046-00264963-00265163 I actually wanted to edit this video, but my PC wasn't having it. BEb6fNx4g58-00047-00265163-00265363 I tried to edit in Premiere Pro but there was a huge slowdown due to the video being recorded at 1080p, and I just couldn't do anything about it. BEb6fNx4g58-00048-00265363-00265563 I'm sorry. BEb6fNx4g58-00049-00319069-00319269 You have NO CLUE how annoyed I was that the last switch was at the end. BEb6fNx4g58-00050-00319269-00319469 Like, I had literally just found it, but, because I COULDN'T HAVE KNOWN IT WAS THERE, I SKIPPED THE DAMN SECRET! BEb6fNx4g58-00051-00319469-00319669 SO YOU KNOW WHAT? IT MIGHT SAY 12/26 SECRETS, BUT I'M JUST GONNA SAY IT'S 12+1/26! BEb6fNx4g58-00052-00324621-00324821 I don't think anyone actually likes this level. BEb6fNx4g58-00053-00330149-00330349 I still don't understand this secret. BEb6fNx4g58-00054-00335750-00335950 Nobody likes THIS level either. BEb6fNx4g58-00055-00357016-00357216 SKIP TO 1:00:20 BEb6fNx4g58-00056-00357216-00357416 Also, yes, this level DID get me over the 1 hour mark, and across it. BEb6fNx4g58-00057-00440187-00440387 I'm embarrassed that this took one orb killed me so many times BEb6fNx4g58-00058-00443131-00443331 10 SECRETS LEFT! 2 Levels left. Unfortunate. BEb6fNx4g58-00059-00449246-00449446 I did this and (SPOILER ALERT) got nothing in return. BEb6fNx4g58-00060-00451412-00451612 Looking back at it, I'm pretty sure I just had to ram it 4 times, and I only rammed it 3 times. Which bothers me to an unbelievable extent because it meant that my approach of just smashing things together DID WORK BEb6fNx4g58-00061-00467500-00467700 SKIP TO 1:24:20 BEb6fNx4g58-00062-00528444-00528644 lmao nice glitch BHJRy-iLg6I-00000-00000099-00000279 Mark: Welcome to the Endless Knot podcast BHJRy-iLg6I-00001-00000297-00000410 Aven: where the more we know BHJRy-iLg6I-00002-00000438-00000573 Mark: the more we want to find out BHJRy-iLg6I-00003-00000597-00000845 Aven: Tracing serendipitous connections through our lives BHJRy-iLg6I-00004-00000854-00000986 Mark: and across disciplines. BHJRy-iLg6I-00005-00001665-00001748 Aven: Hi, I'm Aven BHJRy-iLg6I-00006-00001767-00001842 Mark: and I'm Mark. BHJRy-iLg6I-00007-00001851-00002088 Aven: And today we're talking about the alphabet. BHJRy-iLg6I-00008-00002121-00002163 Woohoo. BHJRy-iLg6I-00009-00002193-00002547 Actually, we're talking about lots of alphabets, even better and BHJRy-iLg6I-00010-00002547-00002694 things that aren't even alphabets. BHJRy-iLg6I-00011-00002721-00003379 Woo . We're going to do an interview and before we get to introducing our guest, BHJRy-iLg6I-00012-00003380-00003835 I just want to say that this is the beginning officially of our eighth season. BHJRy-iLg6I-00013-00003865-00003907 Wow. BHJRy-iLg6I-00014-00003976-00004024 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00015-00004117-00004279 We've slowed down to about one a month. BHJRy-iLg6I-00016-00004279-00004630 Now we were doing two a month when we started, but still BHJRy-iLg6I-00017-00004636-00004744 that's a lot of episodes. BHJRy-iLg6I-00018-00004744-00005176 This is episode number 109, and we're on our eighth season. BHJRy-iLg6I-00019-00005200-00005329 I feel like we've been doing this a while. BHJRy-iLg6I-00020-00005356-00005743 Not that that makes any particular difference to anyone. BHJRy-iLg6I-00021-00005743-00005961 It's just a way of counting the passage of time. BHJRy-iLg6I-00022-00006209-00006551 So today we're going to be talking with Tim Brookes. BHJRy-iLg6I-00023-00006607-00006868 Mark: Tim Brookes has an MA from Oxford University. BHJRy-iLg6I-00024-00006889-00007438 He founded the Endangered Alphabets project in 2009 and is the author BHJRy-iLg6I-00025-00007438-00007822 of Endangered Alphabets and the Atlas of Endangered Alphabets. BHJRy-iLg6I-00026-00007858-00008206 He's recognized as the world's leading figure in script BHJRy-iLg6I-00027-00008206-00008428 endangerment and revitalization. BHJRy-iLg6I-00028-00008474-00008762 Aven: Tim currently lives in Vermont and among his other work, is a BHJRy-iLg6I-00029-00008762-00009110 wood carver who produces beautiful sculptural representations of scripts BHJRy-iLg6I-00030-00009110-00009257 and alphabets from around the world. BHJRy-iLg6I-00031-00009305-00009620 You'll hear lots more about that in the interview, but I strongly urge you BHJRy-iLg6I-00032-00009620-00009983 to go to his website if only to see some of the lovely things he's made. BHJRy-iLg6I-00033-00010040-00010346 We spoke to Tim back at the beginning of the summer. BHJRy-iLg6I-00034-00010361-00010469 So let's hear that now. BHJRy-iLg6I-00035-00010838-00011049 So, hi, Tim, thank you so much for joining us. BHJRy-iLg6I-00036-00011049-00011195 Tim: Thank you so much for inviting me. BHJRy-iLg6I-00037-00011216-00011563 Mark: Well, I think what we wanna maybe start off with today is a question BHJRy-iLg6I-00038-00011563-00012196 that we ask many of our guests about the unexpected connections that maybe BHJRy-iLg6I-00039-00012217-00012472 got you into what you're working on. BHJRy-iLg6I-00040-00012476-00012986 And I think, one particular story that I know you have about the sort of origins BHJRy-iLg6I-00041-00012986-00013414 of your interest in, in all of this is quite a, a neat connection there. BHJRy-iLg6I-00042-00013422-00013444 Tim: Ooh. BHJRy-iLg6I-00043-00013527-00013927 So I was actually gonna tell you a different story because the BHJRy-iLg6I-00044-00013927-00014269 origin story lasts 68 minutes. BHJRy-iLg6I-00045-00014524-00014557 Aven: all right. BHJRy-iLg6I-00046-00014557-00014833 Well, maybe we'll send people to the website for that one. BHJRy-iLg6I-00047-00014864-00015388 Tim: And, and in a sense, this story is more interesting and, and sort of subtler. BHJRy-iLg6I-00048-00015415-00016396 So I began the work that became the Endangered Alphabets in 2009/2010. BHJRy-iLg6I-00049-00016415-00017052 And it really got underway with the first exhibition that I did in which BHJRy-iLg6I-00050-00017052-00017791 I carved article one of the universal declaration of human rights which says BHJRy-iLg6I-00051-00017795-00018403 roughly speaking, all peoples were created alike in dignity and respect. BHJRy-iLg6I-00052-00018454-00018934 They were endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one BHJRy-iLg6I-00053-00018934-00019129 another in a spirit of brotherhood. BHJRy-iLg6I-00054-00019173-00019755 So I carved that in 12 different minority scripts. BHJRy-iLg6I-00055-00019815-00020333 And what was interesting to me looking back is that I saw that BHJRy-iLg6I-00056-00020333-00020596 as an act of documentation. BHJRy-iLg6I-00057-00020598-00021182 And so the way that I carved them and the way the pieces BHJRy-iLg6I-00058-00021182-00021541 wound up they look documentary. BHJRy-iLg6I-00059-00021541-00022307 So by that, what I mean is when you look at the at the carving it looks printed. BHJRy-iLg6I-00060-00022315-00022935 So the carvings sort of looked documentary in the sense that if you look at them, BHJRy-iLg6I-00061-00022971-00023532 the impression you get is that this is a piece of unfamiliar writing. BHJRy-iLg6I-00062-00023533-00024177 And later I would get much more interested in the aesthetics of BHJRy-iLg6I-00063-00024177-00024702 individual letters or the aesthetics of the wood or whatever, but these are BHJRy-iLg6I-00064-00024702-00025116 mostly rectangles of wood and there's this unfamiliar writing on them. BHJRy-iLg6I-00065-00025133-00025302 So, as it happened. BHJRy-iLg6I-00066-00025305-00026170 I then as now have many hats that I wear and in 2012 I went to Bangladesh BHJRy-iLg6I-00067-00026183-00026773 and at the time a friend and I had a nonprofit called writers without borders, BHJRy-iLg6I-00068-00026812-00027410 which was about teaching writing skills to people in the developing world BHJRy-iLg6I-00069-00027410-00027971 who are working in healthcare because essentially all of the world's healthcare BHJRy-iLg6I-00070-00027974-00028514 issues either begin in the developing world, or they're more apparent in BHJRy-iLg6I-00071-00028514-00029003 the developing world yet nobody ever listens to what they have to say. BHJRy-iLg6I-00072-00029054-00029508 And it's impossible for them to get their research or their experiences BHJRy-iLg6I-00073-00029508-00029664 published in Western journals. BHJRy-iLg6I-00074-00029700-00029882 So we are running these writing workshop. BHJRy-iLg6I-00075-00029923-00030430 And before I left I put the word out through social media saying, are there BHJRy-iLg6I-00076-00030430-00030688 any endangered alphabets in Bangladesh? BHJRy-iLg6I-00077-00030742-00031245 And I, I got contacted by somebody very, very helpful who said, yes, there BHJRy-iLg6I-00078-00031245-00031813 are actually two or three and helped me get in touch with some people who BHJRy-iLg6I-00079-00031819-00032278 could actually, you know, read and write and, and, and speak in these minority BHJRy-iLg6I-00080-00032278-00032719 languages and could actually write some stuff for me in their scripts. BHJRy-iLg6I-00081-00032764-00032914 And so I thought this is great. BHJRy-iLg6I-00082-00032974-00033295 So I went out to Bangladesh and I got there in the monsoon and BHJRy-iLg6I-00083-00033295-00033442 that's a whole story in itself. BHJRy-iLg6I-00084-00033447-00034251 And I was fortunate enough to be met in Dhaka, the, the capital by representatives BHJRy-iLg6I-00085-00034251-00034707 of three different minority groups, ethnic minorities who were originally BHJRy-iLg6I-00086-00034707-00035245 from the Chittagong Hill Tracts, which is this upland forested area sort BHJRy-iLg6I-00087-00035245-00035464 of in the Southeast of the country. BHJRy-iLg6I-00088-00035521-00036329 And they proceeded to tell me what it was like to be a member of an BHJRy-iLg6I-00089-00036329-00036965 ethnic minority whose writing and to a certain extent whose language BHJRy-iLg6I-00090-00037013-00037331 was marginalized or even suppressed. BHJRy-iLg6I-00091-00037394-00038030 And this was something that I could only have learned at firsthand by, talking BHJRy-iLg6I-00092-00038033-00038345 to people who had had that experience. BHJRy-iLg6I-00093-00038372-00038953 And they were kind enough to write me out short pieces of text that I, I went BHJRy-iLg6I-00094-00038953-00039533 back to Vermont and I included them in the next carving series that I had done. BHJRy-iLg6I-00095-00039582-00040073 Which was a series of four panels, vertical panels, five feet high. BHJRy-iLg6I-00096-00040110-00040700 And I had composed a poem which went, these are our words shaped by BHJRy-iLg6I-00097-00040704-00041013 our hands, our tools, our history. BHJRy-iLg6I-00098-00041052-00041316 Lose them and we lose ourselves. BHJRy-iLg6I-00099-00041354-00041767 And I'd had this translated into a number of different minority scripts, BHJRy-iLg6I-00100-00041767-00041992 including some of these from Bangladesh. BHJRy-iLg6I-00101-00042005-00042419 So I did that and and I photographed the pieces, of course, and I put BHJRy-iLg6I-00102-00042419-00042782 'em up online and I got an email. BHJRy-iLg6I-00103-00042809-00043535 From somebody called Maung Nyeu and he said, I cannot believe what I'm seeing. BHJRy-iLg6I-00104-00043559-00043947 Here I am halfway around the world from my home. BHJRy-iLg6I-00105-00043947-00044360 I'm in, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and I go on your website and BHJRy-iLg6I-00106-00044385-00044735 I see my language, my writing. BHJRy-iLg6I-00107-00044741-00045022 This is just a amazing to me. BHJRy-iLg6I-00108-00045022-00045299 I'm so grateful to you for having included it. BHJRy-iLg6I-00109-00045305-00045732 If you are ever in Cambridge, I would love to meet you, et cetera. BHJRy-iLg6I-00110-00045750-00046107 and as it happened, and this is the, the connection part, I was gonna be BHJRy-iLg6I-00111-00046107-00046274 in Cambridge, the following week. BHJRy-iLg6I-00112-00046300-00046800 And so rather than just taking this as a well, that's nice kind of message. BHJRy-iLg6I-00113-00046855-00047317 I arranged to meet him and we met in a cafe in Harvard square and BHJRy-iLg6I-00114-00047317-00047858 he told me about his life and life in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. BHJRy-iLg6I-00115-00047888-00048275 And again, this is something that could go on for a long time, but in BHJRy-iLg6I-00116-00048355-00048822 he was a Marmar, an ethnic Marmar, a member of the Marmar people. BHJRy-iLg6I-00117-00048888-00049233 And he told me about his first day at school. BHJRy-iLg6I-00118-00049257-00049677 And he had been really looking forward to school and his mother had been really BHJRy-iLg6I-00119-00049677-00050235 looking forward to him going to school and he gets to school and the teacher BHJRy-iLg6I-00120-00050244-00050856 addresses the class in a language he cannot understand because Bangladesh has BHJRy-iLg6I-00121-00050877-00051398 at the, or especially had at the time a one language policy, which was you BHJRy-iLg6I-00122-00051398-00051613 know the national language is Bangla. BHJRy-iLg6I-00123-00051673-00052194 And it will do you good to learn to speak the national language. BHJRy-iLg6I-00124-00052194-00052604 And in any case, we don't really care what you minorities think. BHJRy-iLg6I-00125-00052605-00052821 You know, this is, this is what we are all about. BHJRy-iLg6I-00126-00052843-00053194 And because he couldn't understand what the teacher was saying, his BHJRy-iLg6I-00127-00053194-00053683 attention wandered, not surprising, you know, he's six years old and the BHJRy-iLg6I-00128-00053683-00054061 teacher calls him up to the front and canes him for not paying attention. BHJRy-iLg6I-00129-00054086-00054115 Okay. BHJRy-iLg6I-00130-00054146-00054518 And then later in the same day, the same thing happens again, the teacher BHJRy-iLg6I-00131-00054518-00055163 canes him again for not paying attention in a language that he can't speak. BHJRy-iLg6I-00132-00055202-00055660 And so he went home and the following morning when he was supposed to be going BHJRy-iLg6I-00133-00055660-00055997 to school, he's just sitting there with tears running down his face and his BHJRy-iLg6I-00134-00055997-00056183 mother says, you must go to school. BHJRy-iLg6I-00135-00056186-00056363 You know, you must get an education. BHJRy-iLg6I-00136-00056426-00056597 And he explained what had happened. BHJRy-iLg6I-00137-00056660-00057167 And his mother, even though she believed very strongly in the value of BHJRy-iLg6I-00138-00057167-00057454 education decided that this was wrong. BHJRy-iLg6I-00139-00057472-00057893 And she essentially homeschooled him to the point where he could go to a boarding BHJRy-iLg6I-00140-00057893-00058402 school, which required him to walk through the jungle and then to take a bus and BHJRy-iLg6I-00141-00058402-00058876 then a, a river taxi and then another bus, you know, all, all this kind of stuff. BHJRy-iLg6I-00142-00058951-00059545 And he did so well at his schooling that he wound up being the first of his BHJRy-iLg6I-00143-00059545-00059756 people to go to university in America. BHJRy-iLg6I-00144-00059765-00060251 He went to the university of Hawaii and he did a degree in engineering, I believe. BHJRy-iLg6I-00145-00060285-00060708 And then he went to University of Southern California and did an MBA. BHJRy-iLg6I-00146-00060708-00061222 And when I met him, he was at Harvard doing a PhD in multilingual education. BHJRy-iLg6I-00147-00061250-00061646 He also told me about what it was like in the Hill Tracts. BHJRy-iLg6I-00148-00061647-00061959 The fact that the whole area is militarized and closed off to BHJRy-iLg6I-00149-00061959-00062516 outsiders, especially journalists and human rights workers and how all BHJRy-iLg6I-00150-00062516-00063077 of the Indigenous people in the Hill Tracts speak multiple languages. BHJRy-iLg6I-00151-00063087-00063462 Very frequently they speak, you know, other ethnic minority languages BHJRy-iLg6I-00152-00063495-00064017 and even use some of their scripts, but their ability to get themselves BHJRy-iLg6I-00153-00064017-00064267 taken seriously is virtually zero. BHJRy-iLg6I-00154-00064288-00064801 And so what he was doing was learning how to create a school. BHJRy-iLg6I-00155-00064812-00065374 He had found a ruined temple and the monk of the temple had a number of BHJRy-iLg6I-00156-00065374-00065686 kids who were in his care because their parents had been killed by the BHJRy-iLg6I-00157-00065686-00065866 military, their houses had been burned. BHJRy-iLg6I-00158-00065893-00066016 But he, he couldn't teach them. BHJRy-iLg6I-00159-00066036-00066686 And so Maung had decided it was his job to learn how to create BHJRy-iLg6I-00160-00066686-00066875 a mother tongue curriculum. BHJRy-iLg6I-00161-00066888-00067203 And so he and I then worked together for several years and in some BHJRy-iLg6I-00162-00067203-00067371 respects we're still working together. BHJRy-iLg6I-00163-00067386-00067882 And I worked with my students in a publishing class that I'd created BHJRy-iLg6I-00164-00067883-00068065 at Champlain college in Burlington. BHJRy-iLg6I-00165-00068122-00068572 And we created all of these learning materials in these minority scripts, BHJRy-iLg6I-00166-00068572-00069040 because of course the government wouldn't provide materials in the scripts for BHJRy-iLg6I-00167-00069040-00069235 these languages that the kids spoke. BHJRy-iLg6I-00168-00069256-00069625 And we did alphabet wall charts and we did rubber stamps so the BHJRy-iLg6I-00169-00069625-00069811 kids could stamp out their letters. BHJRy-iLg6I-00170-00069811-00070323 And we did coloring books cuz they'd never seen coloring books and writing journals BHJRy-iLg6I-00171-00070329-00070883 and story books based on folk tales that the kids' grandparents told them. BHJRy-iLg6I-00172-00070884-00071712 And the reason why it changed everything that I do is important because in the BHJRy-iLg6I-00173-00071712-00072378 west, we're in the position of being privileged enough that our languages and BHJRy-iLg6I-00174-00072378-00072672 our alphabet really dominate the world. BHJRy-iLg6I-00175-00072705-00073397 And so it's very hard to have anything other than a kind of intelligent curiosity BHJRy-iLg6I-00176-00073403-00073643 about how other people do things. BHJRy-iLg6I-00177-00073658-00074024 And that's really how I had been operating up until then. BHJRy-iLg6I-00178-00074025-00074339 I thought, wow, this stuff is really interesting, I'm gonna carve BHJRy-iLg6I-00179-00074339-00074459 this and I'm gonna carve that. BHJRy-iLg6I-00180-00074480-00074990 And what this experience did is it made me an activist. BHJRy-iLg6I-00181-00074993-00075530 It made me someone who realized that the academic notion of studying, but BHJRy-iLg6I-00182-00075531-00075907 not getting involved was a crock. BHJRy-iLg6I-00183-00075921-00076553 Because by the time somebody else would do something it would be too late. BHJRy-iLg6I-00184-00076619-00077336 And that I had to actually get involved in actively supporting and encouraging and BHJRy-iLg6I-00185-00077336-00077934 promoting and working with these cultures rather than simply being fascinated BHJRy-iLg6I-00186-00077934-00078390 by these scripts as if the scripts could be divorced from the culture. BHJRy-iLg6I-00187-00078412-00078857 And that really is and has become the central tenet of everything I do, BHJRy-iLg6I-00188-00078899-00079516 which is that an endangered alphabet is a symptom of an endangered culture. BHJRy-iLg6I-00189-00079582-00080228 And to revive an endangered alphabet is to go some small way towards BHJRy-iLg6I-00190-00080228-00080576 helping revive an endangered people. BHJRy-iLg6I-00191-00080606-00081121 And in the end, it's the people that are important, not the words, right. BHJRy-iLg6I-00192-00081166-00081211 Mark: Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00193-00081213-00081702 And I mean, I think that's one of the things that linguists who do field work BHJRy-iLg6I-00194-00081702-00082208 are becoming much better about is, knowing that you can't just parachute yourself BHJRy-iLg6I-00195-00082208-00082502 in there, get your data and go home. BHJRy-iLg6I-00196-00082551-00083054 An important component of, studying the language is providing something to the BHJRy-iLg6I-00197-00083054-00083454 community and often that's, educational materials or, or that sort of thing BHJRy-iLg6I-00198-00083496-00083794 Aven: support in their own work that almost every community is BHJRy-iLg6I-00199-00083794-00083995 trying to do themselves anyway. BHJRy-iLg6I-00200-00084004-00084010 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00201-00084010-00084283 It's not a matter of coming in and telling them to do work. BHJRy-iLg6I-00202-00084283-00084599 It's a matter of coming in and saying, How can I help the work BHJRy-iLg6I-00203-00084599-00084707 I'm sure you're already doing. BHJRy-iLg6I-00204-00084716-00084746 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00205-00084747-00085115 Tim: And that in itself has interesting origins and poses. BHJRy-iLg6I-00206-00085115-00085229 Interesting problems. BHJRy-iLg6I-00207-00085272-00085703 So it's a central tenet of anthropology, for example, that the BHJRy-iLg6I-00208-00085703-00086238 biggest mistake you can make is to get involved in the research that BHJRy-iLg6I-00209-00086238-00086505 you're doing and that you're going. BHJRy-iLg6I-00210-00086505-00086685 Aven: Certainly it was one of the central tenets, anyway. BHJRy-iLg6I-00211-00086772-00086829 Tim: Exactly. BHJRy-iLg6I-00212-00086868-00087354 And that you are going to impose your own priorities on the situation. BHJRy-iLg6I-00213-00087364-00087737 that's even in, in star Trek, you know, it's the prime directive in star Trek. BHJRy-iLg6I-00214-00087762-00088379 And it's also why in linguistics There has been this move over the BHJRy-iLg6I-00215-00088379-00089166 last 25 years from seeing your main priority as being, gaining a technical BHJRy-iLg6I-00216-00089166-00089758 understanding of the workings of the language to such things as you know, BHJRy-iLg6I-00217-00089758-00090292 revitalization, which is an extremely new part of the whole field of linguistics. BHJRy-iLg6I-00218-00090306-00090881 Now, as it happens, linguistics also established a set of priorities BHJRy-iLg6I-00219-00090881-00091445 where writing was a very low priority or actively irrelevant. BHJRy-iLg6I-00220-00091490-00092097 And so there is no field of linguistics, which is devoted to BHJRy-iLg6I-00221-00092097-00092272 the cultural importance of writing. BHJRy-iLg6I-00222-00092272-00092671 Some anthropologists work on that, but not that many. BHJRy-iLg6I-00223-00092722-00093169 And so when I started work on the alphabets, I assumed that I could BHJRy-iLg6I-00224-00093169-00093376 read all these books that would tell me all the things that I BHJRy-iLg6I-00225-00093376-00093559 didn't know, which was everything. BHJRy-iLg6I-00226-00093565-00093855 And discovered that no that, that didn't exist. BHJRy-iLg6I-00227-00093861-00094378 And the future of of endangered alphabets, heaven BHJRy-iLg6I-00228-00094378-00094528 help us, was in my hands. BHJRy-iLg6I-00229-00094774-00095087 Aven: that brings me to something that maybe before we go much further BHJRy-iLg6I-00230-00095123-00095489 is worth talking a little explicitly about, about that relationship BHJRy-iLg6I-00231-00095489-00095630 between language and script. BHJRy-iLg6I-00232-00095675-00096173 Because as you say, when your script or alphabet is the default one in so many BHJRy-iLg6I-00233-00096214-00096745 global spaces, the tendency to equate script and language is pretty strong. BHJRy-iLg6I-00234-00096754-00096982 In other words, when you're an English speaker, you think of the English BHJRy-iLg6I-00235-00096982-00097419 language and English writing as being the same thing, even though we call it the BHJRy-iLg6I-00236-00097419-00097635 Roman alphabet, but of course it's not. BHJRy-iLg6I-00237-00097636-00097887 And you are very focused on, scripts, obviously. BHJRy-iLg6I-00238-00097928-00098239 Do you wanna say a little bit about like what that relationship, you know, a BHJRy-iLg6I-00239-00098239-00098605 language is not a script nor is a script, a language, obviously they overlap. BHJRy-iLg6I-00240-00098650-00099008 How do those sort of fit together in your work and in the way you think about them? BHJRy-iLg6I-00241-00099009-00099588 Tim: Yeah, in fact, this is actually such an interesting conceptual problem. BHJRy-iLg6I-00242-00099610-00100130 That even when I'm talking with my own Board, they will say endangered languages BHJRy-iLg6I-00243-00100130-00100301 when they mean endangered alphabets. BHJRy-iLg6I-00244-00100331-00100349 Right. BHJRy-iLg6I-00245-00100356-00100850 And there was an article about minority writing systems that I think the BBC did BHJRy-iLg6I-00246-00100850-00101467 on their website number of months ago, and the writer without realizing he was doing BHJRy-iLg6I-00247-00101467-00101995 it, used the terms, endangered language and endangered writing interchangeably. BHJRy-iLg6I-00248-00102013-00102433 it's one of the things that I have to do is to actively try BHJRy-iLg6I-00249-00102433-00102913 and move people's thinking and perception from one to the other. BHJRy-iLg6I-00250-00102919-00103253 So here's the, here's the relationship . First of all, there BHJRy-iLg6I-00251-00103253-00103770 are spoken languages that are not endangered, but their script is. BHJRy-iLg6I-00252-00103806-00104308 So when Indonesia gained independence after world war II the government BHJRy-iLg6I-00253-00104310-00105158 decided that you know, here we are trying to unify 17,000 islands. BHJRy-iLg6I-00254-00105255-00105649 And in order to do that what they decided to do was to have one BHJRy-iLg6I-00255-00105692-00106108 official language which was really a form of Malay, which they called BHJRy-iLg6I-00256-00106108-00106354 Indonesian, and one official script. BHJRy-iLg6I-00257-00106354-00106756 And they decided that as the, the Latin or Roman alphabet, as you BHJRy-iLg6I-00258-00106756-00107038 say, is like the world script, that's the one they would use. BHJRy-iLg6I-00259-00107083-00107098 Right. BHJRy-iLg6I-00260-00107098-00107570 So what that meant was that on those islands, the schools pretty much BHJRy-iLg6I-00261-00107570-00108038 immediately stopped teaching the traditional script and started teaching BHJRy-iLg6I-00262-00108044-00108623 the, the Latin alphabet And so in an island, like Bali, for example they BHJRy-iLg6I-00263-00108623-00109113 still speak Balinese, but virtually everybody writes it with the Latin BHJRy-iLg6I-00264-00109113-00109593 alphabet and they would recognize their own script, their own traditional script, BHJRy-iLg6I-00265-00109593-00109722 but they wouldn't be able to read it. BHJRy-iLg6I-00266-00109779-00109794 Right. BHJRy-iLg6I-00267-00109854-00110229 Clearly there are some cultures where both are endangered, and obviously there BHJRy-iLg6I-00268-00110229-00110689 are some cultures where neither are endangered, but the way that the point BHJRy-iLg6I-00269-00110689-00111260 that you touch on, which is really, really interesting is that this leaves those of BHJRy-iLg6I-00270-00111260-00111886 us in the dominant cultures of the world not only ignorant about other scripts, BHJRy-iLg6I-00271-00111886-00112579 but curiously blind to the importance of script because the Latin alphabet is, I BHJRy-iLg6I-00272-00112579-00113026 say that it's like linguistic duct tape to us, you know, you use it for everything BHJRy-iLg6I-00273-00113112-00113536 And the fact is that in something like three quarters of the countries of BHJRy-iLg6I-00274-00113536-00113985 the world, it's either the official script or an official script. BHJRy-iLg6I-00275-00114027-00114650 And so what that means is that we don't understand why a script BHJRy-iLg6I-00276-00114653-00114881 should be important to its culture. BHJRy-iLg6I-00277-00114888-00115283 Because we think of it, so kind of universally and so do the Germans and BHJRy-iLg6I-00278-00115286-00115802 the French and the Italians, you know, So one of the ways in which I try and BHJRy-iLg6I-00279-00115806-00116244 bring this to people's attention is the fact that there are many cultures BHJRy-iLg6I-00280-00116244-00116847 where having their own writing system is so important that individuals have BHJRy-iLg6I-00281-00116848-00117321 created a writing system specifically for that culture and their language. BHJRy-iLg6I-00282-00117363-00118086 But even more than that, there are cultures that respect and value their BHJRy-iLg6I-00283-00118089-00118762 own writing system so much that it has a place in their lives, even though BHJRy-iLg6I-00284-00118762-00118954 they can't read it and write it. BHJRy-iLg6I-00285-00119026-00119437 So, for example the Amazigh people are also called the Berbers BHJRy-iLg6I-00286-00119439-00119643 who once you know occupied. BHJRy-iLg6I-00287-00119653-00120130 North Africa from the Canary islands to, Western Egypt, have suffered a BHJRy-iLg6I-00288-00120131-00120637 series of colonizations by the Romans, by the Arabs, by the French and to BHJRy-iLg6I-00289-00120637-00121112 a small degree by the Italians, to the point where they are marginalized BHJRy-iLg6I-00290-00121112-00121292 in every country where they live. BHJRy-iLg6I-00291-00121309-00121783 When the Amazigh Renaissance began in the 1960s, one of the first BHJRy-iLg6I-00292-00121783-00122331 things they did was to create an Amazigh flag and the Amazigh flag BHJRy-iLg6I-00293-00122349-00122622 right in its center has a letter. BHJRy-iLg6I-00294-00122655-00122808 It's the letter, yaz. BHJRy-iLg6I-00295-00122839-00123406 And the reason the letter is there is because the Amazigh script, which BHJRy-iLg6I-00296-00123406-00124132 is called Tifinagh has been found on monuments and stones that predate the BHJRy-iLg6I-00297-00124132-00124405 Romans that are more than 2000 years old. BHJRy-iLg6I-00298-00124459-00125183 And so the letter simply by being there is a symbol of the fact that they were there BHJRy-iLg6I-00299-00125191-00125479 first and they've been there all along. BHJRy-iLg6I-00300-00125502-00125927 And in that sense, it's very similar to Cherokee, for example, BHJRy-iLg6I-00301-00125927-00126329 where most Cherokee cannot read and write the Cherokee syllabary. BHJRy-iLg6I-00302-00126331-00126913 And yet if you go to downtown Telequa Oklahoma, the street signs and the road BHJRy-iLg6I-00303-00126913-00127250 names are in English and in Cherokee. BHJRy-iLg6I-00304-00127285-00127808 And it's a visual reminder of the fact that, and this is a phrase that BHJRy-iLg6I-00305-00127814-00128273 that many native groups use in, in this country, we are still here. BHJRy-iLg6I-00306-00128410-00128799 And the difference, one of the crucial differences between a language BHJRy-iLg6I-00307-00128799-00129345 and a script is that the script can act as the visual reminder and BHJRy-iLg6I-00308-00129345-00129772 embodiment of the fact of a people BHJRy-iLg6I-00309-00129930-00130297 Aven: and that very long not that oral stuff can't have a long history, BHJRy-iLg6I-00310-00130297-00130711 of course, but it has that tangible length of time associated with it, BHJRy-iLg6I-00311-00130711-00131071 at least in some contexts where as you say, you can, you can see the BHJRy-iLg6I-00312-00131071-00131470 physical remnants or not remnants, but the physical existence of a script. BHJRy-iLg6I-00313-00131545-00131877 Over a long time in a way that spoken word can't. BHJRy-iLg6I-00314-00131893-00131989 Tim: Yeah, exactly. BHJRy-iLg6I-00315-00131995-00132455 And and that also ties in with something else, which is that script BHJRy-iLg6I-00316-00132458-00132907 is given respect and even legal status. BHJRy-iLg6I-00317-00132964-00133411 So one of the reasons why the Abenaki, who are the indigenous people in BHJRy-iLg6I-00318-00133411-00133975 the area where I live, were denied official status for so long was BHJRy-iLg6I-00319-00133975-00134406 because they were primarily an oral people, an oral culture people. BHJRy-iLg6I-00320-00134427-00134890 And so it's like, where is the evidence that you were here 5,000 years ago? BHJRy-iLg6I-00321-00134923-00135382 And when we say, put something down in black and white, or have it in writing BHJRy-iLg6I-00322-00135384-00135822 we are talking about legal rights, which can include, for example, land rights. BHJRy-iLg6I-00323-00135858-00136341 And if there isn't that kind of documentation, it's very easy BHJRy-iLg6I-00324-00136344-00136482 for people to be exploited. BHJRy-iLg6I-00325-00136517-00136844 Mark: And it does say a lot about, I mean, it sends all kinds of messages BHJRy-iLg6I-00326-00136844-00137291 about the sort of context in which a language is used, you know, for instance, BHJRy-iLg6I-00327-00137291-00137817 with minority languages, you may still speak it at home with your family and BHJRy-iLg6I-00328-00137818-00138442 then you go to schooling in another language and in the context of the home BHJRy-iLg6I-00329-00138443-00138845 The sort of contexts that you use it in are very casual and there's not a BHJRy-iLg6I-00330-00138845-00139070 lot of place for writing things down BHJRy-iLg6I-00331-00139082-00139306 Aven: little need and no pressure on you to do so. BHJRy-iLg6I-00332-00139307-00139333 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00333-00139357-00139807 Mark: And so that can send all kinds of messages about, the relative importance BHJRy-iLg6I-00334-00139807-00140226 or, legitimacy of your home language versus a more official, government BHJRy-iLg6I-00335-00140226-00140391 language or school language or whatever, BHJRy-iLg6I-00336-00140415-00140703 Aven: and that conflation of script and language, which so many people BHJRy-iLg6I-00337-00140703-00141057 have in their head means essentially, I think for many people in many BHJRy-iLg6I-00338-00141068-00141360 contexts that if you don't have a script, you don't have a language. BHJRy-iLg6I-00339-00141390-00141825 That in other words, it's just a dialect or it's just a, it's not a real language, BHJRy-iLg6I-00340-00141825-00142188 unless, I mean, obviously that's not true of course in a hundred ways. BHJRy-iLg6I-00341-00142215-00142512 But I, had a friend who I was talking to, not that long ago, who talked about how BHJRy-iLg6I-00342-00142512-00142932 her mother's, she can't learn her mother's language because, well, she's found very BHJRy-iLg6I-00343-00142932-00143079 hard because it does not have a script. BHJRy-iLg6I-00344-00143094-00143205 It has never had a script. BHJRy-iLg6I-00345-00143250-00143565 And so learning it in a sort of second language way. BHJRy-iLg6I-00346-00143601-00143886 Because she never properly learned it at home has become very difficult BHJRy-iLg6I-00347-00143889-00144102 because there's no book , you know? BHJRy-iLg6I-00348-00144174-00144204 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00349-00144207-00144369 Tim: That's, that's really interesting. BHJRy-iLg6I-00350-00144375-00145177 And quite by accident What I realized was that by carving a piece of text BHJRy-iLg6I-00351-00145186-00145912 in wood, and by sending it to somebody in, you know, the, the script/language BHJRy-iLg6I-00352-00145914-00146547 place of origin and having them display it what I was doing was creating BHJRy-iLg6I-00353-00146547-00146897 something that combined art and signage. BHJRy-iLg6I-00354-00146963-00147596 And both of them had much more power than I had really anticipated. BHJRy-iLg6I-00355-00147647-00148203 Art has the, the power of beauty and also of respect. BHJRy-iLg6I-00356-00148203-00148640 The idea that somebody has cared about something so much to put so much BHJRy-iLg6I-00357-00148640-00149200 effort into it is an important kind of embodiment and signage as you were BHJRy-iLg6I-00358-00149200-00149457 saying, has that quality of officialdom BHJRy-iLg6I-00359-00149529-00150073 And so if you are a member of a culture that you would never see BHJRy-iLg6I-00360-00150073-00150647 your writing anywhere official, such as on a wall, right. BHJRy-iLg6I-00361-00150680-00151112 Then all of a sudden this becomes a revolutionary gesture. BHJRy-iLg6I-00362-00151112-00151519 And so one of the first things I did for this mother language school that Maung BHJRy-iLg6I-00363-00151521-00152013 had started was to carve article one of, of the universal declaration of human BHJRy-iLg6I-00364-00152013-00152329 rights in one or two of their scripts. BHJRy-iLg6I-00365-00152371-00152970 And I had assumed that this would go out to the villages and, you know, BHJRy-iLg6I-00366-00152970-00153539 sort of go up somewhere, but it turned out that the, the headmaster of the BHJRy-iLg6I-00367-00153539-00153944 school immediately took it and put it up on the wall of his office. BHJRy-iLg6I-00368-00153977-00154265 Not that his office was, you know, particularly grand or, BHJRy-iLg6I-00369-00154265-00154529 or separated from the rest of the school as it would be here. BHJRy-iLg6I-00370-00154529-00155135 But it, it became something that was the, the only signage in their script. BHJRy-iLg6I-00371-00155180-00155739 And the fact that it was these, these kind of noble words gave it this BHJRy-iLg6I-00372-00155739-00156301 sort of resonance that I certainly hadn't fully understood it would have BHJRy-iLg6I-00373-00156515-00156535 . Aven: Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00374-00156537-00156875 And, and, I wanna just put a quick note in that, of course, none of this BHJRy-iLg6I-00375-00156875-00157313 is to deny the importance of oracy and all of these things, like sure. BHJRy-iLg6I-00376-00157313-00157644 You know, there are many languages and cultures that have a primacy of BHJRy-iLg6I-00377-00157644-00157800 orality and that's very important. BHJRy-iLg6I-00378-00157800-00158169 And we, you know, one doesn't want to impose literacy on a group that BHJRy-iLg6I-00379-00158170-00158436 doesn't have it, which I know is not what your work does at all. BHJRy-iLg6I-00380-00158454-00158841 But, you know, just to say that that one should not need a script in order for BHJRy-iLg6I-00381-00158841-00159204 a language to be an important and, and valuable language and all of those things. BHJRy-iLg6I-00382-00159225-00159630 But especially if you do already have a script if you have a script and BHJRy-iLg6I-00383-00159630-00160058 you've historically had a script, the loss of that script or the dismissal BHJRy-iLg6I-00384-00160058-00160337 of that script as not important, or all of those sorts of things like, BHJRy-iLg6I-00385-00160343-00160724 you know, is, is something that really needs to be marked and noticed, I think. BHJRy-iLg6I-00386-00160784-00160811 Tim: Yes. BHJRy-iLg6I-00387-00160811-00161168 And I'm really glad, and, and, and I understand why you, corrected BHJRy-iLg6I-00388-00161168-00161796 yourself from lost to dismissal or, or loss to dismissal because there is BHJRy-iLg6I-00389-00161802-00162465 still a substantial body of thinking that talks in terms of languages BHJRy-iLg6I-00390-00162466-00162736 dying or scripts dying or failing. BHJRy-iLg6I-00391-00162866-00163091 it's like the Dodo, right? BHJRy-iLg6I-00392-00163092-00163370 The Dodo did not die out. BHJRy-iLg6I-00393-00163427-00163893 If you look at the descriptions of the Dodo even in, in dictionaries and BHJRy-iLg6I-00394-00163893-00164448 encyclopedias, it's fascinating how often they talk about it as being a stupid bird. BHJRy-iLg6I-00395-00164454-00164916 And the impression is that it died out because it was stupid. BHJRy-iLg6I-00396-00164946-00165231 No, it was, it was actually tame. BHJRy-iLg6I-00397-00165252-00165729 And when people on the island of Mauritius went to kill 'em, they didn't run away. BHJRy-iLg6I-00398-00165729-00165951 This is not stupidity. BHJRy-iLg6I-00399-00166008-00166694 And similarly when we see languages or scripts that are used by fewer and BHJRy-iLg6I-00400-00166694-00167318 fewer people, and then eventually no people, it's never because either they BHJRy-iLg6I-00401-00167318-00167894 were somehow inadequate for expressing everything that they needed to express BHJRy-iLg6I-00402-00167945-00168479 or, you know, a script or a language is kind of like a tree, which is which BHJRy-iLg6I-00403-00168479-00168670 grows and then just dies, you know? BHJRy-iLg6I-00404-00168675-00169186 And going back to the point about revitalization and the challenges it BHJRy-iLg6I-00405-00169186-00169826 faces, this is almost invariably a political issue because the people BHJRy-iLg6I-00406-00169826-00170353 whose script or language is, not being widely used are invariably being BHJRy-iLg6I-00407-00170353-00170819 marginalized by a, a more powerful group or multiple, more powerful groups. BHJRy-iLg6I-00408-00170876-00171594 And if somebody goes into those minority communities and starts working with their BHJRy-iLg6I-00409-00171594-00172089 language, then there's a very good chance that somebody in authority is gonna be BHJRy-iLg6I-00410-00172092-00172421 annoyed and may even try to prevent them. BHJRy-iLg6I-00411-00172426-00173143 And this is true, interestingly, also of post-colonial societies. BHJRy-iLg6I-00412-00173149-00173861 So in west Africa, for example people tend to be very aware of the colonial history BHJRy-iLg6I-00413-00173861-00174502 and how it's affected their people, but it's also quite common for those who are BHJRy-iLg6I-00414-00174502-00175329 now in charge in this post-colonial time to say, but our children should learn BHJRy-iLg6I-00415-00175329-00175587 French or should learn English because we, BHJRy-iLg6I-00416-00175590-00175866 Aven: we will give them the advantages economically and it will give them BHJRy-iLg6I-00417-00175866-00176028 political clout and all of those things. BHJRy-iLg6I-00418-00176028-00176052 Tim: Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00419-00176073-00176504 And the flip side of that, they will say, if we use our indigenous BHJRy-iLg6I-00420-00176504-00176957 language or even more our indigenous script, we will look backward. BHJRy-iLg6I-00421-00176957-00177119 We will look primitive. BHJRy-iLg6I-00422-00177128-00177647 And it was sort of fascinating the first time I was involved in a conversation BHJRy-iLg6I-00423-00177647-00178018 like that and heard somebody who was actually involved with the ministry of BHJRy-iLg6I-00424-00178018-00178634 education, talking about how important it was not to permit minority scripts. BHJRy-iLg6I-00425-00178669-00178699 Right. BHJRy-iLg6I-00426-00178720-00179189 Aven: And yeah, one of the other big post-colonial forces that, I imagine also BHJRy-iLg6I-00427-00179189-00179595 is involved, is, and you mentioned this really with Indonesian, is nationalism BHJRy-iLg6I-00428-00179597-00180051 the whole idea of a nation state and the idea of unity and the idea of reflecting BHJRy-iLg6I-00429-00180055-00180472 unified cultural values and cultural approaches and things in Bangladesh. BHJRy-iLg6I-00430-00180472-00180549 You mentioned this as well. BHJRy-iLg6I-00431-00180549-00180933 A lot of places that have had to carve out new identities in a BHJRy-iLg6I-00432-00180933-00181298 post-colonial world that encompass multiple nationalities that encompass BHJRy-iLg6I-00433-00181298-00181484 many different languages and things. BHJRy-iLg6I-00434-00181526-00181883 One of the, ways that often happens, I mean, China is I know BHJRy-iLg6I-00435-00181908-00182223 to bring up something else that's I know very much involved with BHJRy-iLg6I-00436-00182223-00182313 the projects you've been doing. BHJRy-iLg6I-00437-00182319-00182573 You know, China is a, a very obvious place where that has BHJRy-iLg6I-00438-00182573-00182750 been an ongoing process as well. BHJRy-iLg6I-00439-00182758-00182875 Tim: Yes, very much so. BHJRy-iLg6I-00440-00182878-00183377 And in fact, actually Bangladesh is a, a really good example because, So BHJRy-iLg6I-00441-00183395-00183998 after partition, when British India was divided into India and Pakistan BHJRy-iLg6I-00442-00183998-00184571 and Pakistan in fact was divided into west Pakistan and east Pakistan, the BHJRy-iLg6I-00443-00184571-00185333 assumption was that there would be this kind of unity in Pakistan of religion. BHJRy-iLg6I-00444-00185339-00185798 Everybody is of course Muslim, and there'd be this unity of language. BHJRy-iLg6I-00445-00185804-00186438 And the official language was Urdu, even though I believe Urdu was spoken by fewer BHJRy-iLg6I-00446-00186438-00186711 than 10% of the Pakistani population. BHJRy-iLg6I-00447-00186753-00186762 Right. BHJRy-iLg6I-00448-00186762-00187044 And of course you have multiple religions. BHJRy-iLg6I-00449-00187051-00187123 When. BHJRy-iLg6I-00450-00187130-00187726 East Pakistan demanded the right to speak their own language, which was BHJRy-iLg6I-00451-00187726-00188290 Bangla that led to the Pakistan civil war and after much bloodshed, the eventual BHJRy-iLg6I-00452-00188290-00188876 creation of Bangladesh as a sovereign nation, and one of the rallying cries in BHJRy-iLg6I-00453-00188876-00189307 east Pakistan, which became Bangladesh, was the mother tongue movement. BHJRy-iLg6I-00454-00189365-00189665 Which was a protest movement to be allowed to speak Bangla. BHJRy-iLg6I-00455-00189710-00190353 So no sooner has Bangladesh become an independent and sovereign nation than BHJRy-iLg6I-00456-00190353-00190907 the government passes a one language policy rule, which is that you are not BHJRy-iLg6I-00457-00190919-00191414 entitled to full citizenship rights unless you are a Bangla speaker. BHJRy-iLg6I-00458-00191434-00191540 And there are. BHJRy-iLg6I-00459-00191540-00192121 Dozens of languages spoken in Bangladesh and also there are BHJRy-iLg6I-00460-00192121-00192318 multiple religions practiced. BHJRy-iLg6I-00461-00192370-00193023 So one of the reasons why the Hill Tracts became such a point of conflict BHJRy-iLg6I-00462-00193034-00193668 was precisely because land in that area and political and, military and BHJRy-iLg6I-00463-00193668-00194326 economic decisions in that area were being made by a Bangla speaking Muslim BHJRy-iLg6I-00464-00194326-00194926 government over the wishes of a dozen or more separate ethnic groups who BHJRy-iLg6I-00465-00194926-00195166 had multiple languages and religions. BHJRy-iLg6I-00466-00195178-00195424 And what's more, they were there first. BHJRy-iLg6I-00467-00195427-00195874 They had been there for centuries and their land was being flooded for a dam. BHJRy-iLg6I-00468-00195875-00196487 And then given away to Bangla settlers and in part, because the locals had BHJRy-iLg6I-00469-00196488-00196855 no documentation that they owned the land, they had nothing in writing. BHJRy-iLg6I-00470-00196897-00196912 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00471-00196933-00196960 Right. BHJRy-iLg6I-00472-00197002-00197354 Mark: Circling back a little bit to something that you were talking about and, BHJRy-iLg6I-00473-00197354-00197925 and the idea of a language and a people being a kind of living, breathing thing. BHJRy-iLg6I-00474-00197943-00198429 It's one of the reasons I really like the, the medium of carving cuz on, BHJRy-iLg6I-00475-00198453-00198853 on the one hand, as you say, the, the sort of effort and time that it takes BHJRy-iLg6I-00476-00198853-00199176 to produce that says something about its importance and its value gives its BHJRy-iLg6I-00477-00199176-00199327 status and gives it status and value. BHJRy-iLg6I-00478-00199327-00199335 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00479-00199357-00199840 But carving it in wood is a sort of reminder that it is something organic BHJRy-iLg6I-00480-00199840-00200239 that it represents human beings, people who have this connection BHJRy-iLg6I-00481-00200239-00200395 to the script and the language. BHJRy-iLg6I-00482-00200416-00200438 Tim: Yes. BHJRy-iLg6I-00483-00200462-00200923 And and in fact, I'm gonna take that in a slightly different BHJRy-iLg6I-00484-00200923-00201235 direction, but it, without contradicting you in the slightest. BHJRy-iLg6I-00485-00201292-00201987 So one of the things that I still am trying to understand fully and put BHJRy-iLg6I-00486-00201987-00202684 into words is why people look at the pieces I do, or at least some of the BHJRy-iLg6I-00487-00202684-00202972 pieces I do and say that is beautiful. BHJRy-iLg6I-00488-00203005-00203065 And. BHJRy-iLg6I-00489-00203068-00203602 In some cases it's clearly a sense of delight and ownership. BHJRy-iLg6I-00490-00203603-00204057 So I'll post something, a photograph of a carving I've done on Facebook and BHJRy-iLg6I-00491-00204057-00204538 somebody from that community on the other side of the world will say, thank BHJRy-iLg6I-00492-00204539-00205081 you for respecting or paying attention to, or whatever, our beautiful script. BHJRy-iLg6I-00493-00205092-00205428 And that obviously is a particular meaning of the word, beautiful with BHJRy-iLg6I-00494-00205428-00205590 a particular richness of its own. BHJRy-iLg6I-00495-00205632-00206147 But one of the other things that I find fascinating is that when you use BHJRy-iLg6I-00496-00206147-00206701 wood, because as you say, it's this extremely organic medium, which is also BHJRy-iLg6I-00497-00206701-00207567 very sensitive to wind and weather and water and sunlight and local soil and BHJRy-iLg6I-00498-00207567-00208336 all this kind of thing, then, what you see in the grain is a set of patterns, BHJRy-iLg6I-00499-00208346-00208982 which have this extraordinary quality of being regular, but not predictable. BHJRy-iLg6I-00500-00209042-00209504 And this is particularly true in curly maple, which I use a lot, where in BHJRy-iLg6I-00501-00209552-00210014 addition to the longitudinal grain, you also have this ripple pattern running BHJRy-iLg6I-00502-00210014-00210263 at right angles across the grain. BHJRy-iLg6I-00503-00210317-00210630 And it's really it's really beautiful. BHJRy-iLg6I-00504-00210630-00211231 In part, because as I say, it has the, the regularity of pattern of ripple, but BHJRy-iLg6I-00505-00211231-00211803 it's also not predictable, so it doesn't seem mechanical or, or mathematical. BHJRy-iLg6I-00506-00211887-00212433 And I, I realized at one point fairly early on that as human BHJRy-iLg6I-00507-00212433-00212946 beings, we are pattern seeking and pattern creating animals. BHJRy-iLg6I-00508-00212949-00212973 Right? BHJRy-iLg6I-00509-00213024-00213534 And one of the ways in which we recognize danger for example, is by BHJRy-iLg6I-00510-00213534-00213783 violation of a predictable pattern. BHJRy-iLg6I-00511-00213849-00214475 And one of the ways in which we try to impose a sense of, of security for BHJRy-iLg6I-00512-00214475-00214721 ourselves is by creating patterns. BHJRy-iLg6I-00513-00214787-00215102 And language is a pattern and writing is a pattern. BHJRy-iLg6I-00514-00215150-00215721 And I did this one carving and it was of a chant, Om and Shanti, Shanti, and Om. BHJRy-iLg6I-00515-00215769-00216382 And it was on a piece of wood that had this unbelievably turbulent grain. BHJRy-iLg6I-00516-00216430-00217108 And all of a sudden I had this sense that writing is a pattern that we create as BHJRy-iLg6I-00517-00217108-00217804 is chanting for that matter in order to establish a sense of order within BHJRy-iLg6I-00518-00217813-00218092 an unpredictable and chaotic universe. BHJRy-iLg6I-00519-00218133-00218779 And and so therefore part of our sense of beauty has to do with reassurance, the BHJRy-iLg6I-00520-00218780-00219615 fact that we have created something that is not entirely chaotic and radical and, BHJRy-iLg6I-00521-00219641-00220223 and frightening, but actually implies that we are doing our best to, to create BHJRy-iLg6I-00522-00220223-00220661 some sense of order and predictability within this existential chaos. BHJRy-iLg6I-00523-00220750-00221099 Aven: That of course reminds me of the Greek word for beauty, kosmos. BHJRy-iLg6I-00524-00221189-00221563 Which literally means order regularity, beauty. BHJRy-iLg6I-00525-00221617-00221704 That's what it is. BHJRy-iLg6I-00526-00221748-00221851 Tim: I did not know that. BHJRy-iLg6I-00527-00221851-00221986 That is wonderful. BHJRy-iLg6I-00528-00222028-00222058 Aven: Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00529-00222058-00222541 So hence of course the cosmos, which is the order of the universe, BHJRy-iLg6I-00530-00222574-00222859 as well as cosmetic, the thing you do to make yourself beautiful. BHJRy-iLg6I-00531-00223033-00223159 Tim: I love that! BHJRy-iLg6I-00532-00223159-00223486 Aven: But its most basic meaning is, is order really. BHJRy-iLg6I-00533-00223544-00223566 Mm. BHJRy-iLg6I-00534-00223678-00223873 And so I think the Greeks would certainly agree. BHJRy-iLg6I-00535-00223873-00223957 And I, I agree with you. BHJRy-iLg6I-00536-00223957-00224407 I think, I think maybe what we find most beautiful in the world is something that BHJRy-iLg6I-00537-00224512-00224686 -- that's a big statement for me to make. BHJRy-iLg6I-00538-00224686-00225043 I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna rule on aesthetics among humans. BHJRy-iLg6I-00539-00225067-00225351 But I mean, I think one of the things we find beautiful is something where BHJRy-iLg6I-00540-00225351-00225624 there's a tension between, and that's, I think what you're talking about too, BHJRy-iLg6I-00541-00225654-00226252 a tension between the order and the regularity and the disorder and the, BHJRy-iLg6I-00542-00226261-00226559 tendency towards irregularity everywhere. BHJRy-iLg6I-00543-00226562-00226869 So, you know, the famous idea of the beauty spot, that a set BHJRy-iLg6I-00544-00226869-00227262 of perfectly regular features is beautiful, but it is most beautiful. BHJRy-iLg6I-00545-00227262-00227817 If there's one irregularity, one mark that blemishes, somehow that kind of tension. BHJRy-iLg6I-00546-00227859-00227895 Tim: Right. BHJRy-iLg6I-00547-00227895-00228419 And, different cultures place, differing degrees of value BHJRy-iLg6I-00548-00228452-00228683 on the order end of things. BHJRy-iLg6I-00549-00228684-00229178 Or you could call it disorder or you could call it creativity or individuality. BHJRy-iLg6I-00550-00229244-00229273 Aven: Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00551-00229301-00229322 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00552-00229346-00229701 Well, and certainly when you're talking about the grain in, in wood, for instance, BHJRy-iLg6I-00553-00229702-00230094 I mean that uniqueness, that every single piece of wood is going to be slightly BHJRy-iLg6I-00554-00230094-00230308 different, no matter how similar they are. BHJRy-iLg6I-00555-00230353-00230380 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00556-00230382-00230805 Is, is part of what we find beautiful about wood. BHJRy-iLg6I-00557-00230868-00231198 you know, one of the reasons we go to such great lengths to get perfectly BHJRy-iLg6I-00558-00231198-00231519 lovely pieces for a countertop or something like that is because of that BHJRy-iLg6I-00559-00231519-00231803 combination of, order and something else. BHJRy-iLg6I-00560-00231848-00231866 Tim: Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00561-00231872-00231947 Yes, yes. BHJRy-iLg6I-00562-00231947-00232020 Very much so. BHJRy-iLg6I-00563-00232113-00232498 , Mark: Earlier we were talking about how especially after the, mid 20th BHJRy-iLg6I-00564-00232498-00232974 century, there, there was you know, this kind of move towards using BHJRy-iLg6I-00565-00232974-00233322 more standardized global scripts. BHJRy-iLg6I-00566-00233325-00233621 And, and of course there's this sort of technological pressure there BHJRy-iLg6I-00567-00233622-00233778 in terms of things like printing. BHJRy-iLg6I-00568-00233823-00234377 And then again, later on with computers, but I wonder, do you think in the very BHJRy-iLg6I-00569-00234380-00234983 most recent time period now that we, we have devices with touch screens, BHJRy-iLg6I-00570-00235031-00235556 that that may be a good thing to take advantage of in terms of Preserving and, BHJRy-iLg6I-00571-00235562-00236173 reviving endangered texts because you're no longer tied to a physical keyboard. BHJRy-iLg6I-00572-00236194-00236706 And so you can have an input that is designed specifically for any BHJRy-iLg6I-00573-00236706-00236877 script, each individual script. BHJRy-iLg6I-00574-00236882-00237141 What do you think the role there for that technology might be? BHJRy-iLg6I-00575-00237201-00237598 Tim: So I, I have this saying, which is that the internet is always doing two BHJRy-iLg6I-00576-00237598-00238182 countrary things simultaneously and It's absolutely true that the spread BHJRy-iLg6I-00577-00238182-00238770 of computing did create this kind of script hegemony which is actually at BHJRy-iLg6I-00578-00238770-00239314 the heart of things, because even if your display will show different script BHJRy-iLg6I-00579-00239314-00239913 or languages, the coding is done in the Latin alphabet, almost exclusively. BHJRy-iLg6I-00580-00239920-00240559 and the fact that one of the first priorities of a culture that's trying BHJRy-iLg6I-00581-00240559-00241119 to revitalize its traditional script or create a new one is to get it digitized. BHJRy-iLg6I-00582-00241127-00241746 That predisposes everybody toward writing with their thumbs, basically. BHJRy-iLg6I-00583-00241753-00242398 And thinking of writing in terms of, of individual and individualized BHJRy-iLg6I-00584-00242440-00242716 characters, as opposed to, for example, cursive characters. BHJRy-iLg6I-00585-00242758-00242982 So all of that's going in one direction. BHJRy-iLg6I-00586-00242982-00243318 Going the other direction is the fact that I could never be doing the stuff that BHJRy-iLg6I-00587-00243318-00243504 I'm doing if it weren't for the internet. BHJRy-iLg6I-00588-00243570-00244111 And I want to give a plug here now to a guy called Craig Cornelius who BHJRy-iLg6I-00589-00244111-00244642 works for Google and has worked with multiple cultures all over the world BHJRy-iLg6I-00590-00244654-00245294 to help them make their writing systems consistent and adaptable for BHJRy-iLg6I-00591-00245301-00245526 Android phones and for keyboards. BHJRy-iLg6I-00592-00245565-00246119 And that means that you have a situation which is extraordinarily BHJRy-iLg6I-00593-00246119-00246716 radical, where somebody from a me, who's a member of a minority culture, BHJRy-iLg6I-00594-00246716-00247056 let's say who is Somali Bantu. BHJRy-iLg6I-00595-00247086-00247486 So the Somali Bantu have been repressed by just about everybody BHJRy-iLg6I-00596-00247487-00247600 everywhere they've been. BHJRy-iLg6I-00597-00247602-00247785 But Ooh, that's not a good example. BHJRy-iLg6I-00598-00247786-00247881 They don't have their own script. BHJRy-iLg6I-00599-00247884-00247908 Okay. BHJRy-iLg6I-00600-00247908-00248109 Let's talk about there's Zaghawa people. BHJRy-iLg6I-00601-00248112-00248136 Okay. BHJRy-iLg6I-00602-00248136-00248717 So the Zaghawa people live on the borders of Sudan and Chad very desert area. BHJRy-iLg6I-00603-00248719-00249243 They do a lot of, of camel herding and they they have a script which was BHJRy-iLg6I-00604-00249243-00249789 created initially in the 1960s that is actually based on branding marks BHJRy-iLg6I-00605-00249795-00250047 of camels which is super appropriate. BHJRy-iLg6I-00606-00250057-00250694 And they're certainly not a, a powerful or dominant culture in their region, but. BHJRy-iLg6I-00607-00250788-00251470 Somebody can now text in the Beria script to somebody else of, of the BHJRy-iLg6I-00608-00251470-00252180 Zaghawa people without having to go through the intermediary script of a BHJRy-iLg6I-00609-00252180-00252475 colonial or, or governmental authority. BHJRy-iLg6I-00610-00252536-00253262 And that is, as I say, politically, that's an extraordinarily new and radical idea. BHJRy-iLg6I-00611-00253306-00253677 Of course it's an idea that has terrified colonial authorities BHJRy-iLg6I-00612-00253677-00254059 all along, because you don't know what they're saying to each other. BHJRy-iLg6I-00613-00254078-00254105 yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00614-00254136-00254205 Aven: Absolutely. BHJRy-iLg6I-00615-00254243-00254272 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00616-00254280-00254947 I mean, the flip side of the wind talker code the, between the, the BHJRy-iLg6I-00617-00254947-00255371 code coding and Codebreakers, the use a language that nobody knows and BHJRy-iLg6I-00618-00255371-00255629 suddenly your codes are 85 times better. BHJRy-iLg6I-00619-00255665-00255682 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00620-00255684-00255713 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00621-00255767-00256064 that was fine when they were doing it in the service of the government. BHJRy-iLg6I-00622-00256064-00256091 Exactly. BHJRy-iLg6I-00623-00256154-00256696 But there'd been three centuries, four centuries of it being the most BHJRy-iLg6I-00624-00256696-00257008 subversive thing you could do to speak your own language exactly. BHJRy-iLg6I-00625-00257062-00257155 In the same places. BHJRy-iLg6I-00626-00257155-00257184 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00627-00257184-00257413 On that note Mark reminded me today. BHJRy-iLg6I-00628-00257413-00257779 This will, for those of you listening, this will not really apply, but Mark BHJRy-iLg6I-00629-00257779-00258192 reminded me of course, that it is quite suitable that today we are speaking to you BHJRy-iLg6I-00630-00258192-00258435 on Indigenous people's day here in Canada. BHJRy-iLg6I-00631-00258435-00258764 So that is an appropriate time to be talking about this. BHJRy-iLg6I-00632-00258785-00258950 Cause I did wanna actually ask that. BHJRy-iLg6I-00633-00258962-00259458 We've talked a lot about sort of colonialism and indigenous scripts. BHJRy-iLg6I-00634-00259463-00259889 I imagine that that can be quite a complicated, well complicated in many BHJRy-iLg6I-00635-00259889-00260384 ways, but one of the ways in which that may be complicated sometimes is that in BHJRy-iLg6I-00636-00260384-00260955 some areas, scripts may have initially been a product of colonial involvement, BHJRy-iLg6I-00637-00260991-00261517 a group comes in and imposes or creates or in some other way leads to the, the BHJRy-iLg6I-00638-00261517-00261712 creation of a script for a language. BHJRy-iLg6I-00639-00261739-00262372 And then successive historical moves slash new waves of colonial people BHJRy-iLg6I-00640-00262411-00262819 may render that, you know, by the time that something else has happened, that BHJRy-iLg6I-00641-00262820-00263254 original colonial imposition has now become integrated into a culture and BHJRy-iLg6I-00642-00263255-00263709 is now essentially an indigenous and now perhaps oppressed or suppressed BHJRy-iLg6I-00643-00263709-00263991 or otherwise marginalized script. BHJRy-iLg6I-00644-00263994-00264117 Does that, is that true? BHJRy-iLg6I-00645-00264120-00264315 Am I making that up or is that something that has happened? BHJRy-iLg6I-00646-00264352-00264519 Tim: No, that is especially true in Canada. BHJRy-iLg6I-00647-00264519-00264534 In BHJRy-iLg6I-00648-00264534-00264627 Aven: fact, yes. BHJRy-iLg6I-00649-00264672-00264819 That's what I was thinking of to some degree. BHJRy-iLg6I-00650-00264819-00264846 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00651-00264861-00264906 Yes, yes. BHJRy-iLg6I-00652-00264906-00264970 Tim: Yeah, absolutely. BHJRy-iLg6I-00653-00265008-00265056 And yes. BHJRy-iLg6I-00654-00265056-00265717 So for your listeners who don't know this there was a young Methodist sort BHJRy-iLg6I-00655-00265717-00266330 of minister in training named James Evans who emigrated from England and BHJRy-iLg6I-00656-00266330-00267036 arrived in Canada in the early 19th century and became especially interested BHJRy-iLg6I-00657-00267042-00267769 in and apparently well accepted by initially the Cree also later Ojibwe and BHJRy-iLg6I-00658-00267775-00268495 it was very common among missionaries to learn the local language as a BHJRy-iLg6I-00659-00268495-00268954 means of then reaching the population and, and trying to convert them. BHJRy-iLg6I-00660-00268967-00269420 and in fact, the largest linguistic organization in the world is in fact, BHJRy-iLg6I-00661-00269426-00269903 a Christian missionary organization that has been learning languages and BHJRy-iLg6I-00662-00269903-00270211 documenting them very, very widely indeed. BHJRy-iLg6I-00663-00270217-00270821 What happened with with Evans, which I, I think is particularly interesting and BHJRy-iLg6I-00664-00270821-00271586 makes it sound and possibly be less of an imposed notion is that when he created BHJRy-iLg6I-00665-00271588-00272298 this syllabary it was accepted and taught by the Cree to each other and within BHJRy-iLg6I-00666-00272299-00273031 their community to an astonishing degree and, and it spread with amazing rapidity. BHJRy-iLg6I-00667-00273033-00273523 So one of the, the, the things that is often said about the Cherokee script BHJRy-iLg6I-00668-00273526-00274069 is that once it had been accepted by the tribal council, the Cherokee BHJRy-iLg6I-00669-00274070-00274837 achieved something astonishing like 80 to 90% literacy within about a BHJRy-iLg6I-00670-00274837-00275377 decade, which may well be the fastest literacy gain rate, you know, of any BHJRy-iLg6I-00671-00275377-00275609 people in history, certainly yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00672-00275609-00275985 In many, in many areas they had a higher rate of literacy than, than BHJRy-iLg6I-00673-00275986-00276205 the European settles around them. BHJRy-iLg6I-00674-00276263-00276785 And I don't know the figures for the Cree, but I do know that within some BHJRy-iLg6I-00675-00276785-00277312 extraordinarily short period of time, like six to nine months it was showing up a BHJRy-iLg6I-00676-00277313-00277576 thousand miles from its point of origin. BHJRy-iLg6I-00677-00277620-00277642 Wow. BHJRy-iLg6I-00678-00277643-00278016 Which given that travel, I mean, obviously the Cree were a mobile people, BHJRy-iLg6I-00679-00278016-00278214 but a thousand miles is, is pretty BHJRy-iLg6I-00680-00278214-00278325 Aven: much, it's still a thousand miles. BHJRy-iLg6I-00681-00278343-00278352 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00682-00278376-00279040 Tim: And, and yes, it came to the point where it did become the form of expression BHJRy-iLg6I-00683-00279040-00279561 and the embodiment of a minority in a way that was then discouraged. BHJRy-iLg6I-00684-00279591-00280065 Having said that Evans was discouraged even while he was alive and creating this. BHJRy-iLg6I-00685-00280065-00280542 In fact, the Hudson's Bay Company essentially tried to create BHJRy-iLg6I-00686-00280542-00280917 trumped up charges against him, not BHJRy-iLg6I-00687-00280917-00281484 Aven: What, the Hudson's Bay Company, but such a Paragon of, of good BHJRy-iLg6I-00688-00281484-00281619 corporate actors in the world. BHJRy-iLg6I-00689-00281628-00281643 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00690-00281643-00281673 Right. BHJRy-iLg6I-00691-00281678-00282339 Tim: But apparently what really irked the most was that and this is still true in BHJRy-iLg6I-00692-00282339-00282582 North America, among many native cultures. BHJRy-iLg6I-00693-00282590-00283286 The exchange of goods was seen as being the communal and respectful BHJRy-iLg6I-00694-00283286-00283789 way to proceed and to, to sort of base an economy, whereas money BHJRy-iLg6I-00695-00283789-00284372 was not seen as being something that had the same kind of sort of BHJRy-iLg6I-00696-00284372-00284637 deep communal value or earned value BHJRy-iLg6I-00697-00284721-00285398 And so consequently the Hudson's bay company felt that when First Nations BHJRy-iLg6I-00698-00285398-00285950 people were exchanging goods, they were actually carrying out illegal trade. BHJRy-iLg6I-00699-00286052-00286638 And so anybody who was supporting or respecting that was automatically working BHJRy-iLg6I-00700-00286638-00287175 against the Hudson's bay trade monopoly and, and Evans was put into that category. BHJRy-iLg6I-00701-00287175-00287626 And there were, these charges brought up against him that he had been acting BHJRy-iLg6I-00702-00287626-00287884 improperly as a man of the cloth. BHJRy-iLg6I-00703-00287890-00288265 And it turned out that, what that meant was that if one of the people BHJRy-iLg6I-00704-00288265-00288620 in the village where he was living was sick, he would take them into his BHJRy-iLg6I-00705-00288620-00289119 house and make sure that they were like warm for example, and cared for. BHJRy-iLg6I-00706-00289124-00289259 Aven: that doesn't sound very religious BHJRy-iLg6I-00707-00289328-00289861 . Tim: Yeah, he was he was hauled up by his church council and examined BHJRy-iLg6I-00708-00289861-00290290 both in Canada and then subsequently in England and all of this became BHJRy-iLg6I-00709-00290290-00290476 so stressful that he wound up dying. BHJRy-iLg6I-00710-00290552-00290574 Oh, BHJRy-iLg6I-00711-00290722-00290857 Aven: that is not a story I know. BHJRy-iLg6I-00712-00290857-00291314 Which I feel quite well, I'm gonna say ashamed by, but I mean, there are many BHJRy-iLg6I-00713-00291314-00291620 stories in the world I don't know, but that one's one, I feel like I ought BHJRy-iLg6I-00714-00291620-00292059 to have known that, I mean, did, I did know about the writing system in a BHJRy-iLg6I-00715-00292059-00292380 sort of generalized way, but I didn't know its particularity of its history. BHJRy-iLg6I-00716-00292383-00292843 Yeah, not fun, but in that same way then, when they then went on to establish the BHJRy-iLg6I-00717-00292843-00293222 residential schools and all the rest of it, of course, even though that had been BHJRy-iLg6I-00718-00293222-00293786 originally not an indigenous script, I'm sure the loss and suppression, again, BHJRy-iLg6I-00719-00293795-00294300 a suppression rather than simple loss of it was felt just as strongly by the BHJRy-iLg6I-00720-00294300-00294537 communities as it would've been otherwise. BHJRy-iLg6I-00721-00294561-00294597 Tim: Right. BHJRy-iLg6I-00722-00294600-00295065 I, I wanna put in a plug here for a great organization, I believe based in BHJRy-iLg6I-00723-00295065-00295663 Nunavut called Inhabit Media and the rule of thumb pretty much in Canada is BHJRy-iLg6I-00724-00295664-00296279 that the closer to the us border, you are the less likely you are to find BHJRy-iLg6I-00725-00296291-00296762 First Nations people using the syllabics; the further north you go, the more BHJRy-iLg6I-00726-00296762-00296944 likely you are to see the syllabics. BHJRy-iLg6I-00727-00296965-00296999 Right. BHJRy-iLg6I-00728-00297000-00297351 Which fits in with my theory that endangered alphabets survive BHJRy-iLg6I-00729-00297351-00297735 best in deserts and in mountains and in jungles and in, in BHJRy-iLg6I-00730-00297736-00297837 Aven: inaccessible places. BHJRy-iLg6I-00731-00297838-00297851 Exactly. BHJRy-iLg6I-00732-00297851-00297971 That no else can come. BHJRy-iLg6I-00733-00297974-00298002 Tim: Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00734-00298002-00298640 So Inhabit Media is a a publishing company that turns out these fabulous BHJRy-iLg6I-00735-00298645-00299434 books based on Indigenous tales or even Indigenous first person experience and BHJRy-iLg6I-00736-00299437-00300059 they publish them not only in Inuktitut as a language but also in the syllabics. BHJRy-iLg6I-00737-00300067-00300565 And so anybody who's listening, I invite them to to check out the, we'll BHJRy-iLg6I-00738-00300565-00300637 Aven: put a link to that. BHJRy-iLg6I-00739-00300673-00300847 I'll find it, put a link in, in the notes. BHJRy-iLg6I-00740-00300847-00300864 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00741-00300899-00301325 Yeah, we could just keep talking cuz I have so many other things that I want BHJRy-iLg6I-00742-00301325-00301659 to talk to you about, but I wanna make sure that we give you an opportunity to BHJRy-iLg6I-00743-00301659-00302103 talk about some of the actual projects that you do with endangered alphabets. BHJRy-iLg6I-00744-00302114-00302271 We, by the way, have the game Ulus. BHJRy-iLg6I-00745-00302352-00302380 Yeah, yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00746-00302387-00302600 And have played it, enjoyed it. BHJRy-iLg6I-00747-00302600-00303039 So I, I don't know if you wanna talk about that and about the Alphabets Atlas and I, BHJRy-iLg6I-00748-00303039-00303382 wanna make sure that you give some, some time to talk about some of those things. BHJRy-iLg6I-00749-00303385-00303409 Tim: Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00750-00303409-00303811 So I, I often say that the Endangered Alphabets is like a hedgehog because BHJRy-iLg6I-00751-00303816-00304118 , it, really sticks out in so many different directions and it touches BHJRy-iLg6I-00752-00304118-00304548 on so many not just so many cultures, but so many issues and so many ideas. BHJRy-iLg6I-00753-00304555-00304914 So I I will almost certainly run out of voice before I talk BHJRy-iLg6I-00754-00304914-00305037 about everything that I've tried. BHJRy-iLg6I-00755-00305076-00305144 but yes. BHJRy-iLg6I-00756-00305144-00305726 So At endangeredalphabets.net, we created -- what happened was that I would go out and BHJRy-iLg6I-00757-00305726-00305912 give talks and, and show the carvings. BHJRy-iLg6I-00758-00305913-00306068 And people would say, this is fascinating. BHJRy-iLg6I-00759-00306069-00306248 Where can I learn more about this? BHJRy-iLg6I-00760-00306287-00306464 And the answer was there, isn't anywhere. BHJRy-iLg6I-00761-00306472-00306855 And so the Atlas of Endangered Alphabets is an online. BHJRy-iLg6I-00762-00306859-00307359 interactive site where you can go to anywhere on the globe. BHJRy-iLg6I-00763-00307366-00307770 And there'll be a pin where anywhere where there's an endangered alphabet, BHJRy-iLg6I-00764-00307770-00308181 you can click on it and then you can see examples of it, learn more about it. BHJRy-iLg6I-00765-00308187-00308588 There's going to be a print edition of the Atlas coming out next BHJRy-iLg6I-00766-00308588-00308756 year, which I've been working on. BHJRy-iLg6I-00767-00308756-00308791 Oh yes. BHJRy-iLg6I-00768-00308792-00309180 So that and, and of course the Atlas is perennially out of date. BHJRy-iLg6I-00769-00309195-00309705 Not I'm glad to say because endangered alphabets are dying out, but because BHJRy-iLg6I-00770-00309734-00310224 new scripts are being created for their user communities, which we are BHJRy-iLg6I-00771-00310267-00310380 constantly trying to keep up with. BHJRy-iLg6I-00772-00310387-00310998 So the game Ulus: Legends of the Nomads came about when I heard that the Chinese BHJRy-iLg6I-00773-00310998-00311527 government had decided as, as part of the policy you were talking about BHJRy-iLg6I-00774-00311527-00312092 earlier, this kind of homogenization policy they were going to replace the BHJRy-iLg6I-00775-00312092-00312599 teaching of the Mongolian language and the use of this unbelievably beautiful BHJRy-iLg6I-00776-00312599-00312930 Mongolian vertical script with Chinese. BHJRy-iLg6I-00777-00312972-00313806 And so rather than March across the world in protest on my own and, BHJRy-iLg6I-00778-00313806-00314204 and, and shout abuse at the Chinese government I did, I sort of took a lot BHJRy-iLg6I-00779-00314204-00314682 of advice in and we decided that we were gonna create a game, a tabletop game. BHJRy-iLg6I-00780-00314715-00314865 The idea being twofold. BHJRy-iLg6I-00781-00314868-00315472 One was to introduce Mongolian culture to the west, where basically Mongols BHJRy-iLg6I-00782-00315472-00315931 are only ever depicted as blood thirsty savages as if the world, you BHJRy-iLg6I-00783-00315931-00316353 know, were still in the year 1200 and we were busy being overrun by them. BHJRy-iLg6I-00784-00316354-00317012 And and, and so the game explores the Mongol lands and mythology and heroes BHJRy-iLg6I-00785-00317022-00317499 and also, you know, historically genuine people and works within BHJRy-iLg6I-00786-00317510-00317824 sort of values of the Mongol people. BHJRy-iLg6I-00787-00317824-00318472 But we also wanted to make it so that in Mongolia and to a lesser degree in China BHJRy-iLg6I-00788-00318472-00319044 and Russia there would be this game that would reiterate, shall we say traditional BHJRy-iLg6I-00789-00319044-00319716 values at a time when the Mongols in particular are, are sort of torn between BHJRy-iLg6I-00790-00319719-00320331 their traditional nomadic herding Outdoor lives and the kind of citified BHJRy-iLg6I-00791-00320337-00320951 contemporary existence so that was, that was the game Ulus I'm also working BHJRy-iLg6I-00792-00320951-00321182 on a thing called the Red List project. BHJRy-iLg6I-00793-00321182-00321725 So nobody thought about endangered species or even used the phrase until BHJRy-iLg6I-00794-00321725-00322177 the publication of the red list of endangered species in the 1960s, which BHJRy-iLg6I-00795-00322177-00322718 really Positioned the situation so that instead of kind of going the Dodo is a BHJRy-iLg6I-00796-00322718-00323297 stupid bird and it's extinct, we would kind of go, oh, actually there are only BHJRy-iLg6I-00797-00323316-00323915 12 breeding pairs of Osprey left in Scotland and changed all that around. BHJRy-iLg6I-00798-00323970-00324510 So the red list of endangered alphabets is intended to document all. BHJRy-iLg6I-00799-00324510-00325008 Of the world's current writing systems and to assess the degree of health or threat BHJRy-iLg6I-00800-00325009-00325551 that they each face, which is a huge task, not least because it turns out that BHJRy-iLg6I-00801-00325551-00326032 there are a lot more writing systems than anybody thinks I had estimated Threatened BHJRy-iLg6I-00802-00326039-00326261 or marginalized or actively suppressed. BHJRy-iLg6I-00803-00326321-00326706 So that's a big project and it's gonna take probably three years. BHJRy-iLg6I-00804-00326707-00327080 And then I mean, having worked on, on this subject for a decade, BHJRy-iLg6I-00805-00327081-00327563 I estimated there are about 140, and in fact there are over 300. BHJRy-iLg6I-00806-00327578-00328293 And of those at least 90% are to some degree Threatened, the one that I am BHJRy-iLg6I-00807-00328293-00328935 hoping to engage, and by the time you broadcast this, our fundraiser will either BHJRy-iLg6I-00808-00328956-00329505 have succeeded or failed is to help the king and the people of Bamum, which is a, BHJRy-iLg6I-00809-00329505-00330179 a kingdom within Cameroon to revitalize their writing system that was created by BHJRy-iLg6I-00810-00330215-00330821 their king, King Ibrahim Njoya about a century ago, and was then crushed by the BHJRy-iLg6I-00811-00330821-00331468 French colonial authorities who did their best to eradicate not only the script, BHJRy-iLg6I-00812-00331471-00332191 but also the spirit of Indigenous and sort of Bamum-ly self-respect and independence BHJRy-iLg6I-00813-00332191-00332386 that the script had come to represent. BHJRy-iLg6I-00814-00332414-00333023 So the script now is in the state that Cherokee was maybe 30 years BHJRy-iLg6I-00815-00333023-00333648 ago, which is that people recognize it and revere it and esteem it, BHJRy-iLg6I-00816-00333678-00333825 but they can't read it or write it. BHJRy-iLg6I-00817-00333854-00334427 And we have heard from the palace that they are very, very keen to BHJRy-iLg6I-00818-00334435-00334921 have us come in and work with them, to revive their script, which is BHJRy-iLg6I-00819-00334921-00335125 obviously gonna be a multi-year project. BHJRy-iLg6I-00820-00335128-00335520 And if any millionaires are listening to this broadcast, we need you. BHJRy-iLg6I-00821-00335530-00336161 But that is in many ways that is such a perfect embodiment of the BHJRy-iLg6I-00822-00336161-00336822 value to a culture of its own script and the threat that, that poses BHJRy-iLg6I-00823-00336822-00337316 to a more powerful culture and the outcome of that threat, namely that BHJRy-iLg6I-00824-00337316-00337465 it is it's virtually destroyed. BHJRy-iLg6I-00825-00337472-00337971 And so if we can help to revitalize that my hope is that BHJRy-iLg6I-00826-00337971-00338502 that is going to give impetus to revitalization of scripts everywhere. BHJRy-iLg6I-00827-00338532-00338562 Right. BHJRy-iLg6I-00828-00338583-00338998 Aven: And maybe a, a model for, some of the, you know, you can find out what BHJRy-iLg6I-00829-00338998-00339460 mechanisms work best or don't or all of that in the same way that Revit language BHJRy-iLg6I-00830-00339460-00339841 revitalization has been a sort of shifting process, people are figuring out how BHJRy-iLg6I-00831-00339880-00340063 different models for how to do that. BHJRy-iLg6I-00832-00340068-00340323 Tim: Yeah, I forgot to mention that one of the other things that I want BHJRy-iLg6I-00833-00340323-00340856 to do is to have a conference, which would be the first conference on script BHJRy-iLg6I-00834-00340856-00341306 revitalization and new script creation and promotion anywhere in the world. BHJRy-iLg6I-00835-00341309-00341782 And one of the things that that would do is to start establishing best BHJRy-iLg6I-00836-00341782-00342269 practices and start to connect both people in communities that are trying BHJRy-iLg6I-00837-00342269-00342785 to revitalize their scripts with experts in the west who can help, but BHJRy-iLg6I-00838-00342785-00343346 also do that whole kind of south south connection between individual communities BHJRy-iLg6I-00839-00343354-00343549 who are facing the same issues. BHJRy-iLg6I-00840-00343555-00344029 And we're hoping to make it easier for them to talk to each other and BHJRy-iLg6I-00841-00344033-00344309 share best practices and experiences. BHJRy-iLg6I-00842-00344387-00344489 Aven: So, okay. BHJRy-iLg6I-00843-00344522-00344861 How can people, I know that this that's one specific project that you're BHJRy-iLg6I-00844-00344861-00345230 doing a specific backing for right now, but how in general, if people BHJRy-iLg6I-00845-00345230-00345602 are interested, obviously they can go to your website and see the, I mean, BHJRy-iLg6I-00846-00345602-00346070 we have only touched on just for the audience, we have only touched on a few BHJRy-iLg6I-00847-00346076-00346352 of the projects and things that exist. BHJRy-iLg6I-00848-00346352-00346808 There's a, you can get carvings, you can get books of, of images. BHJRy-iLg6I-00849-00346808-00346982 You can get all sorts of things like that. BHJRy-iLg6I-00850-00346988-00347435 But what Sort of what ways can people be helpful if they want to? BHJRy-iLg6I-00851-00347481-00347523 Tim: Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00852-00347529-00348272 So we are appallingly ill funded and the fact that we are funded at all is largely BHJRy-iLg6I-00853-00348309-00348821 due to running pretty much once a year, a Kickstarter campaign, so people can watch BHJRy-iLg6I-00854-00348821-00349008 out for our next Kickstarter campaign. BHJRy-iLg6I-00855-00349012-00349573 We are now starting to work looking for corporate sponsorship, especially in the BHJRy-iLg6I-00856-00349573-00349824 language and language services industry. BHJRy-iLg6I-00857-00349901-00350200 I have just launched a Patreon. BHJRy-iLg6I-00858-00350206-00350611 So that's another thing that people might find interesting because I'm BHJRy-iLg6I-00859-00350611-00351116 gonna be as, as one of the, the Patreon benefits I'm creating videos that BHJRy-iLg6I-00860-00351116-00351662 show exactly what I do with these pieces of wood and how they wind up BHJRy-iLg6I-00861-00351662-00352064 the way they are and all the various misfortunes that happen along the way. BHJRy-iLg6I-00862-00352070-00352592 . And I'm delighted that we are also regularly contacted by people who want BHJRy-iLg6I-00863-00352593-00353062 to volunteer for us and offer their their skills or their services or their time. BHJRy-iLg6I-00864-00353062-00353549 So all of those would be possibilities and all of those really go through BHJRy-iLg6I-00865-00353549-00353800 the endangeredalphabets.com website. BHJRy-iLg6I-00866-00353814-00353838 Aven: Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00867-00353847-00354387 there are so many different, I would imagine there are so many different areas BHJRy-iLg6I-00868-00354393-00354864 of expertise or interest given that you cover so many different areas of the BHJRy-iLg6I-00869-00354864-00355239 world and so many different languages and someone, you know, all of these things BHJRy-iLg6I-00870-00355275-00355659 that if anyone is at all interested, I'm certain there's ways for you to BHJRy-iLg6I-00871-00355659-00355874 be to be involved and to be helpful. BHJRy-iLg6I-00872-00355907-00356115 So reach out to Tim, if you can. BHJRy-iLg6I-00873-00356128-00356344 then I know that you're also on Twitter. BHJRy-iLg6I-00874-00356353-00356508 Can you just remind me of your handle? BHJRy-iLg6I-00875-00356508-00356562 Tim: Yes. BHJRy-iLg6I-00876-00356570-00357249 I'm on Twitter @EndangeredAlpha, Instagram @EndangeredAlphas, and we BHJRy-iLg6I-00877-00357249-00357666 just started a, I've been on Facebook for a while, but we've just started a BHJRy-iLg6I-00878-00357666-00358128 Facebook group that is specifically an Endangered Alphabets Facebook group. BHJRy-iLg6I-00879-00358139-00358647 And I have a relatively modest presence on LinkedIn, BHJRy-iLg6I-00880-00358687-00358726 Aven: Oh, great. BHJRy-iLg6I-00881-00358726-00358945 So I'll post all of those things in the show notes. BHJRy-iLg6I-00882-00358945-00359414 And I urge everyone to at the very least go and look at the absolutely BHJRy-iLg6I-00883-00359414-00360007 beautiful things, speaking of beauty, that, that Tim makes and BHJRy-iLg6I-00884-00360007-00360156 the the work that's being done. BHJRy-iLg6I-00885-00360156-00360339 And we enjoyed the game. BHJRy-iLg6I-00886-00360339-00360666 I think that if you're a tabletop gamer and you are looking for BHJRy-iLg6I-00887-00360667-00361026 something interesting and different, this is definitely one, plus the BHJRy-iLg6I-00888-00361026-00361397 work of trying to figure out what is a camel and what is a goat on the BHJRy-iLg6I-00889-00361397-00361745 bones will help keep your mind sharp. BHJRy-iLg6I-00890-00361790-00361919 yes, yes. BHJRy-iLg6I-00891-00362072-00362162 And a horse or whatever. BHJRy-iLg6I-00892-00362162-00362466 I can't remember the four of them well, BHJRy-iLg6I-00893-00362513-00362749 Mark: just speaking of another thing I gather there's an BHJRy-iLg6I-00894-00362749-00363010 endangered alphabet Sudoku in the BHJRy-iLg6I-00895-00363010-00363097 Aven: works. BHJRy-iLg6I-00896-00363130-00363313 Oh, my mother will be so excited by that. BHJRy-iLg6I-00897-00363327-00363356 It's BHJRy-iLg6I-00898-00363361-00363734 Tim: So we have a, a book of endangered Alphabet's word search puzzles. BHJRy-iLg6I-00899-00363761-00364065 And yeah, endangered alphabet, Sudoku. BHJRy-iLg6I-00900-00364067-00364451 We've already done individual ones and knowing me, there's likely BHJRy-iLg6I-00901-00364451-00364664 to be a book of some kind coming BHJRy-iLg6I-00902-00364820-00364928 . Aven: Well, thank you so much. BHJRy-iLg6I-00903-00364928-00365210 This is like, again, there are so many other things I could have asked BHJRy-iLg6I-00904-00365210-00365456 you, or we could have talked about, because this is such a fascinating BHJRy-iLg6I-00905-00365456-00365678 area, and I imagine it's very fractal. BHJRy-iLg6I-00906-00365678-00366111 The more you look at it, the more there is to look at the, the farther BHJRy-iLg6I-00907-00366111-00366579 in you get the the farther in you need to get, but thank you so much for, BHJRy-iLg6I-00908-00366580-00366735 for coming and talking to us today. BHJRy-iLg6I-00909-00366795-00367351 , Tim: I am so glad that you invited me and you asked such great questions BHJRy-iLg6I-00910-00367351-00367771 and not only did you make really good observations, I wrote down a BHJRy-iLg6I-00911-00367771-00367918 number of the observations you made. BHJRy-iLg6I-00912-00367918-00367927 So BHJRy-iLg6I-00913-00368050-00368203 Aven: well, I'm glad if we could be useful, right. BHJRy-iLg6I-00914-00368283-00368332 exactly. BHJRy-iLg6I-00915-00368338-00368689 That's what the best conversations are productive for both sides. BHJRy-iLg6I-00916-00368764-00368815 exactly. BHJRy-iLg6I-00917-00368929-00369016 Well, thank you so much. BHJRy-iLg6I-00918-00369016-00369369 And good luck with the fundraising and I hope that BHJRy-iLg6I-00919-00369382-00369571 you're able yeah, it's never over. BHJRy-iLg6I-00920-00369577-00369610 Yeah. BHJRy-iLg6I-00921-00369736-00369817 Yeah, exactly. BHJRy-iLg6I-00922-00369817-00370057 It will still be applicable when this comes out. BHJRy-iLg6I-00923-00370078-00370383 But I hope that this particular project, which sounds really, really, really BHJRy-iLg6I-00924-00370383-00370779 valuable and, and, and important manages to get, to get going. BHJRy-iLg6I-00925-00370797-00370856 So good luck. BHJRy-iLg6I-00926-00370878-00370928 Tim: Thank you. BHJRy-iLg6I-00927-00371065-00371359 Aven: For more information on this podcast check out our website BHJRy-iLg6I-00928-00371376-00371902 www.alliterative.net where you can find links to the videos blog posts sources BHJRy-iLg6I-00929-00371905-00372088 and credits and all our contact info BHJRy-iLg6I-00930-00372129-00372372 Mark: And please check out our Patreon where you can pledge to support BHJRy-iLg6I-00931-00372375-00372537 this show and our video project. BHJRy-iLg6I-00932-00372543-00372968 You can go directly to the videos at youtube.com/alliterative BHJRy-iLg6I-00933-00373032-00373362 Aven: Our email is on the website but the easiest way to get in touch with us is BHJRy-iLg6I-00934-00373362-00373838 Twitter I'm @AvenSarah A V E N S A R A H BHJRy-iLg6I-00935-00373872-00373979 Mark: And I'm @alliterative. BHJRy-iLg6I-00936-00374024-00374312 To keep up with the podcast subscribe on your favorite podcast BHJRy-iLg6I-00937-00374312-00374456 app or to the feed on the website BHJRy-iLg6I-00938-00374501-00374861 Aven: And if you've enjoyed it consider leaving us a review on apple podcasts or BHJRy-iLg6I-00939-00374861-00375035 wherever you listen It helps us a lot. BHJRy-iLg6I-00940-00375062-00375339 We'll be back soon with more musings about the connections around us. BHJRy-iLg6I-00941-00375361-00375445 Thanks for listening! BHJRy-iLg6I-00942-00375476-00375508 Mark: Bye BKJ-twy_loY-00000-00000575-00001084 For this assignment you're going to look for a primary research article about a BKJ-twy_loY-00001-00001084-00001761 new drug. So what is a primary research article? It's an article that was written BKJ-twy_loY-00002-00001761-00002221 by the person or people who conducted the research. It will describe an BKJ-twy_loY-00003-00002221-00002698 experiment. The article will tell you what was being tested and who it was BKJ-twy_loY-00004-00002698-00003219 tested on along with the results of the research. These articles are easy to BKJ-twy_loY-00005-00003219-00003727 identify by reading the abstract or summary of the article. Let's look at BKJ-twy_loY-00006-00003727-00004816 some right now. So, what we're looking at right now is an article about algoliptin BKJ-twy_loY-00007-00004816-00005373 which is the drug I'm researching. Here's the abstract. It's a description BKJ-twy_loY-00008-00005373-00005976 of the article and when I read it I can find out what the article is about. The BKJ-twy_loY-00009-00005976-00006498 main purpose of the current study was to investigate the effect of a combination BKJ-twy_loY-00010-00006498-00007216 of algolipton peptidase and lanzprosil, a proton pump inhibitor, compared BKJ-twy_loY-00011-00007216-00007731 with algolipton monotherapy on glycemic control in patients with type 2 BKJ-twy_loY-00012-00007731-00008406 diabetes.This is telling us that this study studied the impact of the drug on BKJ-twy_loY-00013-00008406-00008869 people with type 2 diabetes. This study was a multicenter randomized BKJ-twy_loY-00014-00008869-00009397 open label study. 100 type 2 diabetic patients were randomly assigned to BKJ-twy_loY-00015-00009397-00009873 either algolipton with lanzprosil group or the algolipton monotherapy BKJ-twy_loY-00016-00009873-00010327 group. So, it's telling us right here who was tested -- a hundred type two diabetic BKJ-twy_loY-00017-00010327-00010831 treatments -- and then at the end it tells us the result: the study showed that BKJ-twy_loY-00018-00010831-00011227 although combination therapy with algolipton and lanzprosil more BKJ-twy_loY-00019-00011227-00011634 effectively elite elevated serum gastrin levels compared with the mono therapy, BKJ-twy_loY-00020-00011634-00012097 the effect of the combination therapy on glycemic control was equal to that of BKJ-twy_loY-00021-00012097-00012544 the mono therapy. So it's giving us the results. This right here it tells you BKJ-twy_loY-00022-00012544-00013044 what was being tested, who it was tested on in the results, so this is a primary BKJ-twy_loY-00023-00013044-00013488 research article. There are other kinds of research articles and let me show you BKJ-twy_loY-00024-00013488-00013803 an example of one right now. BKJ-twy_loY-00025-00013918-00014762 This is also an article about algolipton which is the drug that I'm BKJ-twy_loY-00026-00014762-00015265 studying. And it starts off here's the abstract or the summary:Diabetes is a BKJ-twy_loY-00027-00015265-00015598 chronic metabolic disease with significant health impacts on individuals BKJ-twy_loY-00028-00015598-00016156 in societies . . . It's giving me information about the prevalence of diabetes in BKJ-twy_loY-00029-00016156-00016723 Canada. It's talking about the different problems that diabetics can have. It's BKJ-twy_loY-00030-00016723-00017291 talking about the fact that there are 11 classes of drugs that are approved for BKJ-twy_loY-00031-00017291-00018101 use in Canada. And it talks about them in detail right here. And then, at the end, it BKJ-twy_loY-00032-00018101-00018922 tells me: Upon review of the draft CDR and clinical pharmacoeconomic reports, BKJ-twy_loY-00033-00019043-00019394 the manufacturer asks at the requested listing criteria be modified to reflect BKJ-twy_loY-00034-00019394-00019973 the indication under review. So this right here is something that we call a BKJ-twy_loY-00035-00019973-00020519 literature review. It isn't describing one particular study. It's not talking BKJ-twy_loY-00036-00020519-00021053 about an experiment that was conducted on one group of people. What it's doing BKJ-twy_loY-00037-00021053-00021463 instead is it's giving you an overview of all of the work that's being done on BKJ-twy_loY-00038-00021463-00022148 this topic and it's identifying various studies that relate to this topic. So you BKJ-twy_loY-00039-00022148-00022606 could use a literature review to find a primary research article but it's not a BKJ-twy_loY-00040-00022606-00023447 primary research article. If you scroll down to the next area you'll see a video BKJ-twy_loY-00041-00023447-00023854 that will show you what resources we have here at the Cerritos College BKJ-twy_loY-00042-00023854-00024562 Library that you can use to find primary research articles on new drugs. BMwuNzPMC5E-00000-00000003-00000757 All right. Welcome to Chapter 2! BMwuNzPMC5E-00001-00000757-00000996 In this chapter, we have a few learning outcomes. BMwuNzPMC5E-00002-00000996-00001171 We're going to display data graphically BMwuNzPMC5E-00003-00001171-00001530 and then interpret the graphs. The three types of graphs BMwuNzPMC5E-00004-00001530-00001589 we're going to focus BMwuNzPMC5E-00005-00001589-00001933 on in Chapter 2 are the stemplot, the histogram, BMwuNzPMC5E-00006-00001951-00002264 and the boxplot. We mentioned histograms a bit BMwuNzPMC5E-00007-00002264-00002374 in the last chapter. BMwuNzPMC5E-00008-00002374-00002634 They look like bar charts, but they have numerical data BMwuNzPMC5E-00009-00002634-00002979 on the x-axis. And these three graphs solely deal BMwuNzPMC5E-00010-00002979-00003269 with numerical data. After we get through some BMwuNzPMC5E-00011-00003269-00003510 of these graphs we are going to start to talk BMwuNzPMC5E-00012-00003510-00003661 about measures of center. BMwuNzPMC5E-00013-00003702-00003928 So we want to be able to recognize, describe, BMwuNzPMC5E-00014-00003928-00004346 and calculate measures of center in terms of our data sets. BMwuNzPMC5E-00015-00004346-00004550 All right, and the most common measures BMwuNzPMC5E-00016-00004550-00004787 of center are the mean, the median, BMwuNzPMC5E-00017-00004787-00004956 and the mode. You might have heard BMwuNzPMC5E-00018-00004956-00005261 of these terms before. We're usually pretty familiar BMwuNzPMC5E-00019-00005261-00005617 with mean, maybe we've heard a median, and maybe we've heard BMwuNzPMC5E-00020-00005617-00005928 of mode. But when I talk about a measure of center, BMwuNzPMC5E-00021-00005928-00006111 it just means 'number in the middle'. BMwuNzPMC5E-00022-00006165-00006443 Okay. So a measure of center is a number BMwuNzPMC5E-00023-00006496-00006632 in the middle of the data set. BMwuNzPMC5E-00024-00007277-00007553 Okay, so we can sound really fancy - "Measure of center". BMwuNzPMC5E-00025-00007553-00007693 But it's just saying - "Hey, where's the middle?" BMwuNzPMC5E-00026-00007749-00007846 Here's a whole bunch of data. BMwuNzPMC5E-00027-00007846-00007968 Where is the middle of it? BMwuNzPMC5E-00028-00007968-00008051 Where's the center? BMwuNzPMC5E-00029-00008123-00008341 Then next thing we want to make sure we can talk BMwuNzPMC5E-00030-00008341-00008715 about it is we want to recognize, describe, and calculate measures BMwuNzPMC5E-00031-00008715-00008928 of spread. And again, a measure spread... BMwuNzPMC5E-00032-00008928-00009286 It's just a number. But we have a few versions, BMwuNzPMC5E-00033-00009286-00009582 or a few different statistics that we can talk about. BMwuNzPMC5E-00034-00009586-00009899 So we'll define what the variance is, what the standard BMwuNzPMC5E-00035-00009899-00009993 deviation is. BMwuNzPMC5E-00036-00010037-00010357 I'll talk about IQR, spread and range. BMwuNzPMC5E-00037-00010390-00010657 And as you can start to see here, back BMwuNzPMC5E-00038-00010672-00010814 when we were talking about center, BMwuNzPMC5E-00039-00010814-00010907 there's mean, median, mode. BMwuNzPMC5E-00040-00010907-00011076 There are three of them that we'll go over. BMwuNzPMC5E-00041-00011076-00011326 And this class will actually pick up a fourth one, later on, BMwuNzPMC5E-00042-00011326-00011505 for measures of spread. BMwuNzPMC5E-00043-00011505-00011823 You see variance, standard deviation, IQR, spread, and range. BMwuNzPMC5E-00044-00011827-00011951 There are five of them. BMwuNzPMC5E-00045-00011995-00012317 You don't have to quote all three of these each time out BMwuNzPMC5E-00046-00012317-00012581 and you don't have to quote all five of these each time out. BMwuNzPMC5E-00047-00012626-00012836 Pick one. Pick the one that's appropriate. BMwuNzPMC5E-00048-00012895-00012930 All right. BMwuNzPMC5E-00049-00012930-00013116 So again when you see measures of spread, BMwuNzPMC5E-00050-00013116-00013292 I am just talking about a number. BMwuNzPMC5E-00051-00013292-00013368 One number. BMwuNzPMC5E-00052-00013368-00013412 All right. BMwuNzPMC5E-00053-00013412-00013595 This will tell you how spread out your data. BMwuNzPMC5E-00054-00013600-00013788 Is it close together? Is it far apart? BMwuNzPMC5E-00055-00013825-00014198 We will also talk about measures of location. BMwuNzPMC5E-00056-00014314-00014387 You might have heard BMwuNzPMC5E-00057-00014387-00014769 of quartiles before. I am pretty sure most of us have heard BMwuNzPMC5E-00058-00014769-00015127 of percentiles before. So this measure of location... BMwuNzPMC5E-00059-00015127-00015490 it tells you things like, is my data point in the first half BMwuNzPMC5E-00060-00015490-00015775 of the data set or the second half? Or if we're talking BMwuNzPMC5E-00061-00015792-00016172 about the quartiles - is my data point BMwuNzPMC5E-00062-00016203-00016470 in the first quartile, the second quartile, third? BMwuNzPMC5E-00063-00016478-00016722 And I hit the fourth quartile. Or percentiles. BMwuNzPMC5E-00064-00016782-00016925 I scored in the 90th percentile. BMwuNzPMC5E-00065-00016993-00017154 I scored in the 23rd percentile. BMwuNzPMC5E-00066-00017230-00017280 What does that mean? BMwuNzPMC5E-00067-00017289-00017571 And then last, but not least, we will talk BMwuNzPMC5E-00068-00017571-00017702 about the shape of a graph. BMwuNzPMC5E-00069-00017744-00017937 All right, and we will pick up all sorts BMwuNzPMC5E-00070-00017937-00018167 of vocab terms for that as well. BMwuNzPMC5E-00071-00018189-00018418 So in terms of the statistical graphs BMwuNzPMC5E-00072-00018460-00018809 that you will be responsible for by the end of this chapter, BMwuNzPMC5E-00073-00018809-00019122 we've got three of them. You're going to pick up stemplots. BMwuNzPMC5E-00074-00019136-00019487 We will look at regular old stemplots and then we will pick BMwuNzPMC5E-00075-00019487-00019669 up back-to-back stem-and-leaf plots. BMwuNzPMC5E-00076-00019723-00019896 And when I say back-to-back, this is BMwuNzPMC5E-00077-00019896-00020123 when we will compare two different data sets BMwuNzPMC5E-00078-00020123-00020242 at the same time. BMwuNzPMC5E-00079-00020289-00020370 On the same graph. BMwuNzPMC5E-00080-00020444-00020561 So this stem-and-leaf plot - BMwuNzPMC5E-00081-00020561-00020788 when you have one data set. Back-to-back is only have two BMwuNzPMC5E-00082-00020788-00020904 data sets and we're comparing. BMwuNzPMC5E-00083-00021048-00021329 For histograms again, I've said this before BMwuNzPMC5E-00084-00021329-00021464 but it's worth repeating. BMwuNzPMC5E-00085-00021464-00021629 They look similar to bar charts. BMwuNzPMC5E-00086-00021629-00022041 So they're going to have those rectangles, but on the x-axis, BMwuNzPMC5E-00087-00022041-00022318 we have numerical data and there's no spaces BMwuNzPMC5E-00088-00022318-00022562 between the bars, unless there was a gap in the data. BMwuNzPMC5E-00089-00022625-00022825 But typically with bar charts, we put spaces BMwuNzPMC5E-00090-00022825-00023158 between the different categories on your categorical variable. BMwuNzPMC5E-00091-00023194-00023439 And in histograms, with that numerical variable BMwuNzPMC5E-00092-00023439-00023523 on the x-axis, BMwuNzPMC5E-00093-00023529-00023933 there's no space in between those bars. The last plot we'll BMwuNzPMC5E-00094-00023933-00024240 get to - my personal favorite, I use it all the time - BMwuNzPMC5E-00095-00024240-00024355 it's called a box plot. BMwuNzPMC5E-00096-00024355-00024761 We will talk about a regular box plot and it's a box plot BMwuNzPMC5E-00097-00024761-00024912 that does NOT display outliers. BMwuNzPMC5E-00098-00024950-00025031 This is fine. BMwuNzPMC5E-00099-00025031-00025199 But we really want to get over to here. BMwuNzPMC5E-00100-00025199-00025508 This is the one I actually use the most - the modified box plot. BMwuNzPMC5E-00101-00025568-00025811 It'll actually show us where are outliers are. BMwuNzPMC5E-00102-00025856-00026137 So my go-to graph... histograms are pretty good... BMwuNzPMC5E-00103-00026137-00026451 but my go-to is definitely the modified box plot. Make a little BMwuNzPMC5E-00104-00026451-00026837 plot, see if there's any outliers, call it a day. When we talk BMwuNzPMC5E-00105-00026837-00027001 about parallel box plots. BMwuNzPMC5E-00106-00027060-00027296 Again, like back-to-back stem-and-leaf plots, BMwuNzPMC5E-00107-00027301-00027548 this is when we will be comparing two data sets BMwuNzPMC5E-00108-00027584-00027694 at the same time. BMwuNzPMC5E-00109-00027734-00027900 So one box plot, great. BMwuNzPMC5E-00110-00027930-00028158 That means one data set. Parallel box plots.... BMwuNzPMC5E-00111-00028170-00028450 I've got at least two box plots, and I've got BMwuNzPMC5E-00112-00028450-00028555 at least two data sets BMwuNzPMC5E-00113-00028555-00028616 I can compare. BMwuNzPMC5E-00114-00028719-00029194 So what we're going to go through for the entirety BMwuNzPMC5E-00115-00029301-00029786 of Chapter 2 is, we're going to get this vocab under our belt. BMwuNzPMC5E-00116-00029786-00030042 And you're going to hear me frequently say remember BMwuNzPMC5E-00117-00030042-00030103 your SOCS. BMwuNzPMC5E-00118-00030145-00030400 All right, and if you just look down here for a moment. BMwuNzPMC5E-00119-00030400-00030755 When I say SOCS, you see that acronym and it's going to stand BMwuNzPMC5E-00120-00030798-00030971 for the first letter and these four terms. BMwuNzPMC5E-00121-00030971-00031055 So let's go over them. BMwuNzPMC5E-00122-00031112-00031235 When I say remember your SOCS... BMwuNzPMC5E-00123-00031243-00031595 The first S we'll refer to is you owe me a sentence BMwuNzPMC5E-00124-00031630-00031738 about the Shape of the graph. BMwuNzPMC5E-00125-00031814-00032129 So you might tell me the shape of the graph is normal, the shape BMwuNzPMC5E-00126-00032129-00032330 of the graph is uniform, the shape BMwuNzPMC5E-00127-00032330-00032552 of the graph is symmetric, its skewed right, skewed BMwuNzPMC5E-00128-00032574-00032637 left, bimodal. BMwuNzPMC5E-00129-00032643-00032780 You will pick an appropriate BMwuNzPMC5E-00130-00032780-00033089 vocabulary term to describe the shape of your graph. BMwuNzPMC5E-00131-00033103-00033310 So that's one of the sentences you owe me. BMwuNzPMC5E-00132-00033356-00033803 Whenever you're writing up BMwuNzPMC5E-00133-00033810-00034136 up how your graph plays out, the properties BMwuNzPMC5E-00134-00034161-00034304 of your particular graph, BMwuNzPMC5E-00135-00034367-00034575 You will owe me a sentence about Outliers BMwuNzPMC5E-00136-00034617-00034841 or other unusual features. Outliers... BMwuNzPMC5E-00137-00034841-00035209 I will I will go through the calculations of how BMwuNzPMC5E-00138-00035209-00035291 to officially declare, BMwuNzPMC5E-00139-00035291-00035451 'Yes. This data value is an outlier. BMwuNzPMC5E-00140-00035451-00035734 No, this one is not.' But if we just kind of zoom BMwuNzPMC5E-00141-00035734-00036129 out, outliers are large extreme data values... BMwuNzPMC5E-00142-00036129-00036359 whether they're really, really large or really, really small. BMwuNzPMC5E-00143-00036359-00036498 They're just in one direction. BMwuNzPMC5E-00144-00036498-00036822 They're out of the "norm" of the your data set. BMwuNzPMC5E-00145-00036866-00037075 So the formal definition will come towards the end BMwuNzPMC5E-00146-00037075-00037152 of this chapter. BMwuNzPMC5E-00147-00037207-00037523 So we've got the first S stands for Shape. The O stands BMwuNzPMC5E-00148-00037523-00037887 for Outliers. The C stands for Center. And when we're talking BMwuNzPMC5E-00149-00037887-00038138 about the center, you'll usually give me either the mean BMwuNzPMC5E-00150-00038138-00038429 or the median. You could give me the mode if you wanted to. BMwuNzPMC5E-00151-00038429-00038751 And we'll even pick up something called the Midrange. BMwuNzPMC5E-00152-00038797-00039151 But you want one of these. You don't need all of them. BMwuNzPMC5E-00153-00039151-00039373 In terms of the last S - the measure of spread. BMwuNzPMC5E-00154-00039373-00039592 So the last S stands for Spread. BMwuNzPMC5E-00155-00039705-00039862 There are five numbers. BMwuNzPMC5E-00156-00039869-00040085 You don't have to quote all five, BMwuNzPMC5E-00157-00040085-00040296 but you do have to give me a sentence about one. BMwuNzPMC5E-00158-00040302-00040744 So you could give me the spread, the range, the interquartile BMwuNzPMC5E-00159-00040744-00041064 range, which you heard me earlier referring to as the IQR. BMwuNzPMC5E-00160-00041104-00041570 You could give me the standard deviation or the variance. BMwuNzPMC5E-00161-00041643-00041772 And again, I really want to stress - BMwuNzPMC5E-00162-00041779-00041852 You don't need all five. BMwuNzPMC5E-00163-00041865-00041960 You need to pick one. BMwuNzPMC5E-00164-00042014-00042346 Usually I pick the mean and the standard deviation. BMwuNzPMC5E-00165-00042346-00042713 Those are common pairings I go with. Or I go median and range. BMwuNzPMC5E-00166-00042743-00043073 All right. It just depends on the data. And we'll talk BMwuNzPMC5E-00167-00043073-00043347 in this chapter about when is it appropriate to use mean BMwuNzPMC5E-00168-00043347-00043450 and standard deviation. BMwuNzPMC5E-00169-00043481-00043854 When do I really want to use median and IQR, median and range. BMwuNzPMC5E-00170-00043889-00044135 So we'll talk about when do we use these particular measures BMwuNzPMC5E-00171-00044135-00044309 of spread and center? BMwuNzPMC5E-00172-00044330-00044460 And when do we use these other ones? BMwuNzPMC5E-00173-00044480-00044915 But let's get into our first two. So, the spread. If I ever ask you BMwuNzPMC5E-00174-00044915-00045069 to quote the spread you owe me two numbers. BMwuNzPMC5E-00175-00045153-00045508 And you owe me the low and the high. So the spread is the scope BMwuNzPMC5E-00176-00045508-00045938 of the values in your data set from smallest to largest. BMwuNzPMC5E-00177-00045938-00046139 i.e., maybe I had some data and the spread BMwuNzPMC5E-00178-00046139-00046452 of that data set was 10 to 23. BMwuNzPMC5E-00179-00046513-00046844 So if you're ever quoting me the spread you owe me two numbers. BMwuNzPMC5E-00180-00046914-00047311 That's not how you spell 'owe'. BMwuNzPMC5E-00181-00047356-00047787 You owe me two numbers. BMwuNzPMC5E-00182-00047846-00048150 Alright, i.e. the low and high. BMwuNzPMC5E-00183-00048972-00049520 Okay, and that spread, that two numbers, BMwuNzPMC5E-00184-00049520-00049793 if you give those to me, you've accomplished your sentence BMwuNzPMC5E-00185-00049821-00050005 for the measure of spread. That's great. BMwuNzPMC5E-00186-00050061-00050189 Two numbers is fine. BMwuNzPMC5E-00187-00050219-00050384 The range is even easier. BMwuNzPMC5E-00188-00050384-00050690 It's one number. So I'll have to write one number BMwuNzPMC5E-00189-00050690-00050826 down if I'm quoting the range. BMwuNzPMC5E-00190-00050826-00051135 So the range is defined as the difference between the largest BMwuNzPMC5E-00191-00051186-00051305 and the smallest value. BMwuNzPMC5E-00192-00051355-00051598 So if we were looking at this data set that had a spread BMwuNzPMC5E-00193-00051598-00051963 from 10 to 23, if I subtract these two numbers.... BMwuNzPMC5E-00194-00052008-00052234 If you take 23 and subtract 10, BMwuNzPMC5E-00195-00052234-00052660 so go high minus low 23 minus 10 is 13. BMwuNzPMC5E-00196-00052699-00052911 So the range is just 13. BMwuNzPMC5E-00197-00052964-00053241 And if you're ever quoting me the range, you owe me one number. BMwuNzPMC5E-00198-00053741-00054019 So if I had a dataset who spread is 10 BMwuNzPMC5E-00199-00054019-00054243 to 13, excuse me, 10 to 23. BMwuNzPMC5E-00200-00054261-00054371 The range would be 13. BMwuNzPMC5E-00201-00054408-00054674 You could quote me the spread. You could quote you the range. BMwuNzPMC5E-00202-00054704-00054827 If you're feeling craz, BMwuNzPMC5E-00203-00054827-00054947 it's Friday night, BMwuNzPMC5E-00204-00054947-00055162 go ahead and quote me both. But I only need one. BMwuNzPMC5E-00205-00055276-00055720 So when it comes to writing up these these properties BMwuNzPMC5E-00206-00055720-00055971 from your your graph, you want to keep BMwuNzPMC5E-00207-00055971-00056321 in mind this acronym - SOCS. Now if there's ever a cluster, BMwuNzPMC5E-00208-00056321-00056725 like a bunch of data values grouped together, or a gap, a lot BMwuNzPMC5E-00209-00056725-00056857 of times we report those. BMwuNzPMC5E-00210-00056871-00057233 So if I have a cluster, I might mention "Hey, there's a cluster BMwuNzPMC5E-00211-00057233-00057594 of data over here on the high end of my x-axis." BMwuNzPMC5E-00212-00057594-00057885 Or, "There's a gap here between 7 and 10." BMwuNzPMC5E-00213-00057922-00058229 So if you have clusters or gaps, we can mention them, okay. BMwuNzPMC5E-00214-00058229-00058398 That's why I write 'if applicable'. BMwuNzPMC5E-00215-00058398-00058635 But these four are always applicable. BMwuNzPMC5E-00216-00058687-00059134 So I will refer to this as our SOCS - Shape, Outlier, Center BMwuNzPMC5E-00217-00059134-00059542 and Spread. And whenever you have a graph, whether it's a stemplot BMwuNzPMC5E-00218-00059551-00059870 or a histogram or a boxplot, you're going to have BMwuNzPMC5E-00219-00059870-00059955 to give me your SOCS. BMwuNzPMC5E-00220-00059966-00060301 So I'm always going to want to see four sentences. And each BMwuNzPMC5E-00221-00060301-00060590 of the four sentences should talk about Shape BMwuNzPMC5E-00222-00060638-00060819 or Outliers or Center or Spread. BMwuNzPMC5E-00223-00060889-00061210 Okay, the first type of plot we're going BMwuNzPMC5E-00224-00061210-00061535 to make together is going to be called a stem-and-leaf display, BMwuNzPMC5E-00225-00061535-00061748 or a stem-and-leaf plot, or a stemplot. BMwuNzPMC5E-00226-00061766-00061944 Pick one. All right. BMwuNzPMC5E-00227-00061944-00062275 So when do we use these we use stem-and-leaf plots? BMwuNzPMC5E-00228-00062319-00062680 When we have numerical data sets with a small to moderate number BMwuNzPMC5E-00229-00062680-00062986 of observations. The more observations BMwuNzPMC5E-00230-00062986-00063198 you have, the more tricky BMwuNzPMC5E-00231-00063226-00063554 the stem-and-leaf plot is going to become. And it's usually BMwuNzPMC5E-00232-00063554-00063752 in between 20 and 30 data points BMwuNzPMC5E-00233-00063763-00063964 that I stop writing stem-and-leaf plots BMwuNzPMC5E-00234-00063980-00064285 and go over to a histogram. But it really just depends BMwuNzPMC5E-00235-00064285-00064463 on the data and what I'm asked to do. BMwuNzPMC5E-00236-00064463-00064785 But if I have numerical data, small to moderate number BMwuNzPMC5E-00237-00064785-00065075 of observations, okay, I can make a stem-and-leaf plot. BMwuNzPMC5E-00238-00065144-00065326 So let me read off how we construct those. BMwuNzPMC5E-00239-00065326-00065729 And then I'm going to go ahead and I'm going BMwuNzPMC5E-00240-00065729-00065854 to construct one for you. BMwuNzPMC5E-00241-00065897-00066154 So you will select one or more leading digits BMwuNzPMC5E-00242-00066154-00066459 for the stem values. The trailing digits, BMwuNzPMC5E-00243-00066459-00066634 or sometimes just the first one BMwuNzPMC5E-00244-00066634-00066816 of the trailing digits, becomes the leaves. BMwuNzPMC5E-00245-00066906-00067177 All right, we will list the possible stem values BMwuNzPMC5E-00246-00067177-00067274 in a vertical column. BMwuNzPMC5E-00247-00067274-00067451 We will record the leaf BMwuNzPMC5E-00248-00067451-00067687 for every observation behind, excuse me, BMwuNzPMC5E-00249-00067692-00067935 beside the corresponding stem value. BMwuNzPMC5E-00250-00067935-00068144 And we will indicate the units for stems BMwuNzPMC5E-00251-00068144-00068294 and leaves somewhere in the display. BMwuNzPMC5E-00252-00068367-00068495 And I know that sounds like a lot. BMwuNzPMC5E-00253-00068495-00068833 And it might not totally be clear here, but I'm going BMwuNzPMC5E-00254-00068833-00068965 to show you how this works out. BMwuNzPMC5E-00255-00068995-00069408 So let's go ahead take a moment will read through Ex1. BMwuNzPMC5E-00256-00069446-00069643 And as I'm reading through Ex1, BMwuNzPMC5E-00257-00069659-00069940 I want you to think - What is the variable in this? BMwuNzPMC5E-00258-00069947-00070152 Awesome. We always want to start there. BMwuNzPMC5E-00259-00070214-00070459 Okay, so let's see here. BMwuNzPMC5E-00260-00070507-00070842 If I look at Ex1 it says - The accompanying data BMwuNzPMC5E-00261-00070842-00071284 on daily protein intake in grams of protein per kilogram BMwuNzPMC5E-00262-00071284-00071371 of body weight BMwuNzPMC5E-00263-00071407-00071726 for 20 competitive athletes was obtained from a plot BMwuNzPMC5E-00264-00071794-00072264 in the article "A Comparison of Plasma Glutamine Concentration BMwuNzPMC5E-00265-00072264-00072424 in Athletes from Different Sports". BMwuNzPMC5E-00266-00072496-00072741 Okay, here's some data. And I see the direction BMwuNzPMC5E-00267-00072741-00072929 that says construct a stem-and-leaf plot. BMwuNzPMC5E-00268-00072929-00073040 At all, right. BMwuNzPMC5E-00269-00073065-00073217 So as I go through this I want you BMwuNzPMC5E-00270-00073217-00073499 to think, what do these data values represent? BMwuNzPMC5E-00271-00073509-00073677 What does 1.4 represent? BMwuNzPMC5E-00272-00073695-00073910 What does 2.2 represent? BMwuNzPMC5E-00273-00073926-00074139 What was our variable in this problem? BMwuNzPMC5E-00274-00074230-00074645 So if I write variable up here, if I look BMwuNzPMC5E-00275-00074645-00074810 at this I had 20 athletes. BMwuNzPMC5E-00276-00074865-00075052 I wasn't keeping track of their heart rate. BMwuNzPMC5E-00277-00075098-00075437 I wasn't keeping track of their weight, their height, their BMwuNzPMC5E-00278-00075437-00075543 sport preference. BMwuNzPMC5E-00279-00075588-00075856 I was keeping track of their daily protein intake. BMwuNzPMC5E-00280-00075868-00076393 So that is my variable in this problem. All right. BMwuNzPMC5E-00281-00076476-00077062 And the unit's...it says it here... I mean, they're a little funky, BMwuNzPMC5E-00282-00077062-00077549 but that's okay...grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. BMwuNzPMC5E-00283-00077549-00077855 So whenever you see the word 'per', that's talking about some kind BMwuNzPMC5E-00284-00077855-00078049 of ratio, some kind of fraction. BMwuNzPMC5E-00285-00078049-00078562 So it looks like I have grams in ratio to kilograms, BMwuNzPMC5E-00286-00078614-00079108 or specifically grams of protein BMwuNzPMC5E-00287-00079121-00079458 in ratio to kilograms of body weight. All right. BMwuNzPMC5E-00288-00079707-00080097 So this is all fine and good. BMwuNzPMC5E-00289-00080097-00080321 I want to start to construct this stem-and-leaf plot. BMwuNzPMC5E-00290-00080321-00080523 And in a moment, BMwuNzPMC5E-00291-00080544-00080642 I'm just going to construct it. BMwuNzPMC5E-00292-00080642-00080992 And then I'll give you a chance just to look it over, BMwuNzPMC5E-00293-00081000-00081176 and we'll talk about how I got there. BMwuNzPMC5E-00294-00081194-00081318 And I think it'll make more sense BMwuNzPMC5E-00295-00081318-00081499 as I start going on with this. BMwuNzPMC5E-00296-00081504-00081744 But before you do anything...if you have a stem-and-leaf BMwuNzPMC5E-00297-00081744-00082056 plot - and we do, we're asked to construct one - BMwuNzPMC5E-00298-00082090-00082297 the first thing you want to do is get this data in order. BMwuNzPMC5E-00299-00082305-00082520 So if I look at it, it's not quite in order. BMwuNzPMC5E-00300-00082520-00082867 I mean 1.4 here to point to 2.7 then it goes back BMwuNzPMC5E-00301-00082867-00082973 down to 1.5. BMwuNzPMC5E-00302-00083006-00083288 So let's get this data in order and I want BMwuNzPMC5E-00303-00083288-00083530 to address how we would do that on our calculator. BMwuNzPMC5E-00304-00083564-00083958 So I'm going to get my calculator going. BMwuNzPMC5E-00305-00084051-00084309 All right, so if we remember the first thing I want BMwuNzPMC5E-00306-00084309-00084596 to do is I want to hit 'Stat' and 'Edit'. And it looks BMwuNzPMC5E-00307-00084596-00084884 like I've got some data in lists and that's all fine. BMwuNzPMC5E-00308-00084884-00084988 I'm going to go clear these BMwuNzPMC5E-00309-00084988-00085334 out. The little one-two punch here. 'Clear', 'Enter' each time. BMwuNzPMC5E-00310-00085349-00085566 All right, so let me go ahead BMwuNzPMC5E-00311-00085566-00085925 and enter these data values in. BMwuNzPMC5E-00312-00086469-00087167 Okay, now once I get those data values entered BMwuNzPMC5E-00313-00087300-00088718 in the first thing I do is I make sure BMwuNzPMC5E-00314-00088847-00089244 that I have the right number of data values. BMwuNzPMC5E-00315-00089248-00089557 If there were 20 athletes, I should have 20 data points. BMwuNzPMC5E-00316-00089610-00089986 And if I look at my list, the first blank entry I have is BMwuNzPMC5E-00317-00089986-00090289 in the 21st position. And that's a good thing. BMwuNzPMC5E-00318-00090289-00090362 That's what I want. BMwuNzPMC5E-00319-00090370-00090621 So I've got all my data in there. BMwuNzPMC5E-00320-00090635-00090874 And like I said, even though we haven't constructed this BMwuNzPMC5E-00321-00090874-00091024 stem-and-leaf plot yet, you do BMwuNzPMC5E-00322-00091024-00091384 want to get this data in order, so I'm going to sort. BMwuNzPMC5E-00323-00091445-00091694 All right, you have a sort function on your calculator. BMwuNzPMC5E-00324-00091694-00091907 You can sort it ascending or descending. BMwuNzPMC5E-00325-00091971-00092138 And it's your choice what you want to do. BMwuNzPMC5E-00326-00092138-00092557 I'll probably sort ascending just because:) All right. BMwuNzPMC5E-00327-00092564-00092748 So if I want to sort, let me go back BMwuNzPMC5E-00328-00092748-00092917 to my home screen - 'Second' and 'Mode'. BMwuNzPMC5E-00329-00092917-00093286 Let's hit our 'Stat' button. BMwuNzPMC5E-00330-00093286-00093606 And if you look at options 2 and 3 you have SortA( BMwuNzPMC5E-00331-00093644-00094055 and SortD(. This stands for sort ascending and sort descending. BMwuNzPMC5E-00332-00094055-00094138 And pick one. BMwuNzPMC5E-00333-00094138-00094519 Like I said, I'm going to pick option 2. And then what you need BMwuNzPMC5E-00334-00094519-00094825 to do is tell your calculator which lists you'd like sorted. BMwuNzPMC5E-00335-00094825-00094966 And I would like to sort L1. BMwuNzPMC5E-00336-00094966-00095379 So I will put an L1. I'll close that parentheses. BMwuNzPMC5E-00337-00095379-00095515 And I will hit the 'Enter' key. BMwuNzPMC5E-00338-00095610-00095913 Once I hit Enter, my calculator says, "Hey, it's done. I did it." BMwuNzPMC5E-00339-00095913-00096321 So let me go back into some data entry and see what's BMwuNzPMC5E-00340-00096321-00096550 in my list now. And you can see BMwuNzPMC5E-00341-00096550-00096733 that data has been ordered, right? BMwuNzPMC5E-00342-00096763-00097045 There's 1.4 and all of those numbers are in order. BMwuNzPMC5E-00343-00097080-00097210 And I will keep that in mind. BMwuNzPMC5E-00344-00097240-00097417 Okay, I'll come back to that in just a moment. BMwuNzPMC5E-00345-00097484-00097699 But before we move on with the stem-and-leaf plot, BMwuNzPMC5E-00346-00097747-00098125 I want to review an idea that we presented on the first page. BMwuNzPMC5E-00347-00098180-00098489 So in a moment, I'm going to ask you - what is the spread BMwuNzPMC5E-00348-00098516-00098900 of this data set and what is the range of this data set? BMwuNzPMC5E-00349-00098980-00099446 And if we remember back from the previous page, the spread is BMwuNzPMC5E-00350-00099446-00099526 the scope BMwuNzPMC5E-00351-00099668-00099961 Of the values from smallest to largest. BMwuNzPMC5E-00352-00099961-00100155 The range is the difference BMwuNzPMC5E-00353-00100169-00100316 between the largest and smallest. BMwuNzPMC5E-00354-00100348-00100765 So let's try and take these ideas and talk about our spread. BMwuNzPMC5E-00355-00100838-00101437 So if I look back at my list, I want to find the smallest BMwuNzPMC5E-00356-00101496-00101723 and highest values in here. BMwuNzPMC5E-00357-00101777-00101887 So let's see what we got. BMwuNzPMC5E-00358-00101899-00102419 It looks like my minimum was 1.4 and the highest was 3 BMwuNzPMC5E-00359-00102494-00103056 so if scooch down to the bottom here, you can see BMwuNzPMC5E-00360-00103056-00103246 that I've got a spot listed for this. BMwuNzPMC5E-00361-00103322-00103501 I always want to remind you. BMwuNzPMC5E-00362-00103656-00103791 To write up your SOCS. BMwuNzPMC5E-00363-00103860-00104005 So if we take a look BMwuNzPMC5E-00364-00104124-00104367 in the second S...it doesn't really matter which one you do, BMwuNzPMC5E-00365-00104367-00104612 but I typically put spread down here.... BMwuNzPMC5E-00366-00104612-00104748 you could tell me a couple things. BMwuNzPMC5E-00367-00104791-00105295 You could just quote the spread you could say it's 1.4 to 3.0. BMwuNzPMC5E-00368-00105295-00105704 And then we had our units were grams per kilogram. BMwuNzPMC5E-00369-00105848-00106159 That is a completely acceptable measure of spread. BMwuNzPMC5E-00370-00106159-00106515 And again, you would write this up in a sentence. The spread is BMwuNzPMC5E-00371-00106576-00106891 and that two numbers. Okay. BMwuNzPMC5E-00372-00106891-00107217 Or you could have just told me the range. If I wanted BMwuNzPMC5E-00373-00107217-00107505 to find the range, I would subtract these two numbers. BMwuNzPMC5E-00374-00107578-00107889 So if I go back to my calculator for a moment, if I do 3 - 1.4 BMwuNzPMC5E-00375-00107936-00108197 I'm going to get 1.6. BMwuNzPMC5E-00376-00108281-00109001 So the range is 1.6 grams per kilogram. And yes, you always want BMwuNzPMC5E-00377-00109001-00109165 to put units. I will be looking for that. BMwuNzPMC5E-00378-00109165-00109323 Every time we have a word problem BMwuNzPMC5E-00379-00109323-00109591 I need some units. And stats is all word problems. BMwuNzPMC5E-00380-00109656-00109720 So there we go. BMwuNzPMC5E-00381-00109720-00109981 I have...out of my my four letters BMwuNzPMC5E-00382-00109981-00110049 I need to address, BMwuNzPMC5E-00383-00110049-00110246 I've already addressed one of them. And again, BMwuNzPMC5E-00384-00110246-00110395 you don't need both of these. You need one. BMwuNzPMC5E-00385-00110437-00110699 I typically quote the range because I'm lazy:) BMwuNzPMC5E-00386-00110699-00110846 And it's just one less number to write. BMwuNzPMC5E-00387-00110946-00111347 All right, so with all of that I'm going to head back BMwuNzPMC5E-00388-00111347-00111607 to your stem-and-leaf plot. And I want you BMwuNzPMC5E-00389-00111607-00111817 to watch how I construct this. BMwuNzPMC5E-00390-00111890-00112148 Okay, so I'll put my calculator screen here BMwuNzPMC5E-00391-00112221-00112568 so that you can see how I'm going about this. BMwuNzPMC5E-00392-00112589-00112885 Okay. Give me a moment. BMwuNzPMC5E-00393-00112916-00113172 And then watch what I'm doing and see if you can figure BMwuNzPMC5E-00394-00113172-00113482 out why I'm ultimately doing it. BMwuNzPMC5E-00396-00118750-00120366 And start to map out. BMwuNzPMC5E-00397-00120393-00121563 How on earth did I go from these 20 data points to this graph? BMwuNzPMC5E-00398-00121655-00122187 All right, so if we start to pick this apart...these bad boys BMwuNzPMC5E-00399-00122187-00122376 over here are called the 'leaves'. If I were BMwuNzPMC5E-00400-00122376-00122828 to count there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, BMwuNzPMC5E-00401-00122828-00123077 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. BMwuNzPMC5E-00402-00123112-00123247 There are 20 leaves here. BMwuNzPMC5E-00403-00123312-00123636 Meaning each leaf represents one of these data points. BMwuNzPMC5E-00404-00123697-00124272 Okay. Now in terms of 1.4...where is that data value represented BMwuNzPMC5E-00405-00124272-00124839 on our graph? Right here. Stem of 1, leaf of 4. Where is 2.2? BMwuNzPMC5E-00406-00124864-00125063 Where is this data BMwuNzPMC5E-00407-00125063-00125379 value represented on our graph? If you look here, BMwuNzPMC5E-00408-00125379-00125690 we've got a stem of 2 and a leaf of 2. BMwuNzPMC5E-00409-00125699-00125946 So that data value, this one right here, BMwuNzPMC5E-00410-00125946-00126170 this leaf is representing 2.2. BMwuNzPMC5E-00411-00126186-00126662 Where is 2.7 being represented? Right here. BMwuNzPMC5E-00412-00126667-00126853 Stem 2. Leaf 7. BMwuNzPMC5E-00413-00126886-00127043 Let's think about 1.5. BMwuNzPMC5E-00414-00127088-00127512 So 1.5. You see there's three fives listed out here BMwuNzPMC5E-00415-00127512-00128005 in my leaves. And that's because I had three values of 1.5. BMwuNzPMC5E-00416-00128005-00128053 Where's the other one. BMwuNzPMC5E-00417-00128053-00128161 There it is. BMwuNzPMC5E-00418-00128161-00128558 So that's how a stem-and-leaf is constructed. BMwuNzPMC5E-00419-00128584-00128892 You have the freedom to pick whatever stems you want. BMwuNzPMC5E-00420-00128892-00129433 I picked 1, 2, and 3 because my spread was 1.4 to 3.0. BMwuNzPMC5E-00421-00129464-00129897 And the ones place seems like a reasonable stem value. BMwuNzPMC5E-00422-00129949-00130341 You can pick ones, these could have been tens each. BMwuNzPMC5E-00423-00130341-00130755 This could have represented 10, 20, 30,...100, 200, 300. BMwuNzPMC5E-00424-00130755-00131031 It really just depends on how small BMwuNzPMC5E-00425-00131031-00131360 or large your data values are. All right. BMwuNzPMC5E-00426-00131360-00131564 Now going off of this. BMwuNzPMC5E-00427-00131582-00131883 This is most of the graph, but I would still dock this BMwuNzPMC5E-00428-00131892-00132010 if we were on a midterm. BMwuNzPMC5E-00429-00132044-00132347 So there's a couple of things that we need to add to it. BMwuNzPMC5E-00430-00132347-00132709 First of all, I need to know what units these are. BMwuNzPMC5E-00431-00132709-00132728 All right. BMwuNzPMC5E-00432-00132728-00132883 I need to know did this represent BMwuNzPMC5E-00433-00132883-00133430 the number 3? Was this 30? Is this 300? Is this 3000? BMwuNzPMC5E-00434-00133430-00133536 It's not clear yet. BMwuNzPMC5E-00435-00133620-00133822 So what you do is you make a little key. BMwuNzPMC5E-00436-00133822-00134054 I usually put in a little bubble here, okay. BMwuNzPMC5E-00437-00134054-00134383 Okay, pick any stem and any leaf. It doesn't matter BMwuNzPMC5E-00438-00134383-00134644 which one you pick for today. BMwuNzPMC5E-00439-00134644-00135014 Why don't I pick 2 and 3. So off to the side here, BMwuNzPMC5E-00440-00135014-00135396 you will tell me if you had a stem of 2 and a leaf of 3... BMwuNzPMC5E-00441-00135406-00135632 so I'm representing one of those leaves the two BMwuNzPMC5E-00442-00135632-00135865 and the threes....or stem 2, leaf 3... BMwuNzPMC5E-00443-00135910-00136145 that would represent the number 2.3. BMwuNzPMC5E-00444-00136221-00136440 So I know this doesn't represent 23. BMwuNzPMC5E-00445-00136444-00136633 This doesn't represent 230. BMwuNzPMC5E-00446-00136633-00136764 This isn't 23,000. BMwuNzPMC5E-00447-00136764-00136941 It's the number 2.3. BMwuNzPMC5E-00448-00136983-00137465 And the units on it are g/kg, okay. BMwuNzPMC5E-00449-00137528-00137773 So that's one of the things. And I put BMwuNzPMC5E-00450-00137773-00137997 that down here - indicate the units for the stems BMwuNzPMC5E-00451-00137997-00138248 and the leaves somewhere in the display. BMwuNzPMC5E-00452-00138283-00138600 Okay. That's that last bullet point think I just pointed BMwuNzPMC5E-00453-00138600-00138808 to it and you can't see it. BMwuNzPMC5E-00454-00138845-00139170 So the last thing I want, again - indicate the units for the stems BMwuNzPMC5E-00455-00139170-00139431 and the leaves somewhere in the display. BMwuNzPMC5E-00456-00139533-00139750 Alright, the other thing that we want, we always want BMwuNzPMC5E-00457-00139759-00139973 a title here. What are we talking about? BMwuNzPMC5E-00458-00140008-00140416 So our variable in this problem is daily protein intake. BMwuNzPMC5E-00459-00140490-00140993 So I want that written somewhere. Daily Protein Intake. If you want BMwuNzPMC5E-00460-00140993-00141210 to be fancy, you can say for athletes. BMwuNzPMC5E-00461-00141353-00141685 But I need some acknowledgement of what the variable is. BMwuNzPMC5E-00462-00141700-00142309 I always think a good rule of thumb is - if somebody came BMwuNzPMC5E-00463-00142309-00142508 into the classroom, or into your office, BMwuNzPMC5E-00464-00142508-00142722 and they didn't read any of the word problem... BMwuNzPMC5E-00465-00142741-00143208 if they just saw the graph, can they discern what BMwuNzPMC5E-00466-00143208-00143340 that data was about? BMwuNzPMC5E-00467-00143340-00143554 So if I look at it, I would hope somebody would say, BMwuNzPMC5E-00468-00143554-00143760 well I am talking about daily protein. BMwuNzPMC5E-00469-00143799-00144048 Maybe you're not sure what grams and kilograms are, grams BMwuNzPMC5E-00470-00144097-00144358 of protein per kilogram of body weight. BMwuNzPMC5E-00471-00144358-00144566 I could see there being some confusion there, BMwuNzPMC5E-00472-00144603-00144760 but you should still be able to go - BMwuNzPMC5E-00473-00144760-00145097 Okay 1/5 means 1.5 grams per kilogram BMwuNzPMC5E-00474-00145104-00145251 of this daily protein intake. BMwuNzPMC5E-00475-00145309-00145603 Okay, so we got our first look. This is just a regular old BMwuNzPMC5E-00476-00145603-00145671 stem-and-leaf plot. BMwuNzPMC5E-00477-00145671-00145924 All right, we've got our stems BMwuNzPMC5E-00478-00145924-00146442 that we chose, our leaves. Each leaf represents one data value BMwuNzPMC5E-00479-00146442-00146509 over here. BMwuNzPMC5E-00480-00146509-00146740 We made a key and we titled it. BMwuNzPMC5E-00481-00146806-00147275 Okay, so I'm going to make a different stem-and-leaf plot. BMwuNzPMC5E-00482-00147294-00149852 I'm going to construct a new one and just watch me do this one. BMwuNzPMC5E-00484-00155449-00155830 Okay, so we've got yet another version of this stem-and-leaf plot, BMwuNzPMC5E-00485-00155851-00156094 Let's see...what did I do a little bit differently here? BMwuNzPMC5E-00486-00156128-00156470 I still have my title. Now I could have written the phrase BMwuNzPMC5E-00487-00156470-00156593 'for Athletes'. That's fine. BMwuNzPMC5E-00488-00156593-00156995 I've got my key. I didn't choose 2.3 this time. I thought I'd go BMwuNzPMC5E-00489-00156995-00157627 different. 1.4. Make that decimal a little bit more pronounced. BMwuNzPMC5E-00490-00157653-00157890 I've still got my stems and my leaves, but you can start BMwuNzPMC5E-00491-00157890-00158296 to see this L and H here. So this is just a technique we use in stats. BMwuNzPMC5E-00492-00158314-00158545 Sometimes we split things up low to high. BMwuNzPMC5E-00493-00158591-00159204 So this is 1-low, 1-high, 2-low, 2-high, 3-low. BMwuNzPMC5E-00494-00159243-00159506 And when you talk about the lows, okay, BMwuNzPMC5E-00495-00159565-00160401 that means your leaves are somewhere between 0 and 4. BMwuNzPMC5E-00496-00160485-00160809 So any leaf value that was between 0 and 4, put BMwuNzPMC5E-00497-00160809-00160984 in the low column or the low row. BMwuNzPMC5E-00498-00161020-00161479 I only have the 1-low leaf in this this stem of one. BMwuNzPMC5E-00499-00161479-00161662 So that's why the for went in the 1-low and BMwuNzPMC5E-00500-00161662-00161886 the rest of them went in the 1-high. For the 2s... BMwuNzPMC5E-00501-00161886-00162230 I had a bunch of lows... 0, 2, 3, 3, 3, was low. BMwuNzPMC5E-00502-00162246-00162555 Okay, and that's why you see it there. 3|0 - it's low. BMwuNzPMC5E-00503-00162555-00162957 And now for the high. BMwuNzPMC5E-00504-00162981-00163618 That means you have leaves somewhere between 5 and 9. BMwuNzPMC5E-00505-00163725-00164114 This graph is no more right nor wrong than this one. BMwuNzPMC5E-00506-00164134-00164382 It's just another option that I wanted you BMwuNzPMC5E-00507-00164382-00164760 to see . Sometimes I go low/high if my data is too jammed up. BMwuNzPMC5E-00508-00164792-00165157 It just really depends. But this is an absolutely fine BMwuNzPMC5E-00509-00165157-00165233 stem-and-leaf plot. BMwuNzPMC5E-00510-00165233-00165636 This is an absolutely fine low/high stem-and-leaf plot. BMwuNzPMC5E-00511-00165759-00165893 We even have a third one here. BMwuNzPMC5E-00512-00165960-00166465 So let's move the page all the way up and see if we can figure BMwuNzPMC5E-00513-00166465-00166705 out what's going on with this stem-and-leaf plot. BMwuNzPMC5E-00514-00166747-00167107 Okay. So this one's also completely legitimate. BMwuNzPMC5E-00515-00167111-00167318 It's just very different than the original. BMwuNzPMC5E-00516-00167318-00167509 And then even more different than the low/high. BMwuNzPMC5E-00517-00167550-00167774 So you could go nuts and graph something like this. BMwuNzPMC5E-00518-00167774-00168003 And then I'm going to ask you what's missing from this plot. BMwuNzPMC5E-00519-00168045-00168266 So if you were a teacher, why would you dock this one? BMwuNzPMC5E-00520-00168335-00168602 So let's try and take a look at what's going on here. BMwuNzPMC5E-00521-00168602-00168890 I got three stems of one. 1, 1, 1. BMwuNzPMC5E-00522-00168890-00169160 And then I have 2, 2, 2, 2, 2. And then a 3. BMwuNzPMC5E-00523-00169189-00169544 So the first thing I notice is, that in this particular problem, BMwuNzPMC5E-00524-00169544-00169724 the stems are going in descending order. BMwuNzPMC5E-00525-00169724-00170020 Where previously I'd gone ascending. It's your call. BMwuNzPMC5E-00526-00170044-00170151 Both of those are fine. BMwuNzPMC5E-00527-00170230-00170406 And if I look here, it looks BMwuNzPMC5E-00528-00170406-00170821 like each stem has at most two leaves. BMwuNzPMC5E-00529-00170871-00171395 So what I mean by that is this stem had leaves 4 and 5. BMwuNzPMC5E-00530-00171539-00171960 This stem of 1 had leaves 6 and 7. BMwuNzPMC5E-00531-00172057-00172245 This stem had leaves 8 and 9. BMwuNzPMC5E-00532-00172337-00172748 This stem had leaves 0 and 1. The reason you don't see any 1s BMwuNzPMC5E-00533-00172751-00173177 here is because I didn't have any 2.1 values in my data set. BMwuNzPMC5E-00534-00173233-00175041 So I can see that each row has exactly two leaves corresponding to it. BMwuNzPMC5E-00535-00175071-00175343 Which is totally fine way to write it up. BMwuNzPMC5E-00536-00175343-00175520 I want us to take note. BMwuNzPMC5E-00537-00175520-00175657 There's a gap here. BMwuNzPMC5E-00538-00175729-00176092 Okay, when we split the leaves out this way, all BMwuNzPMC5E-00539-00176092-00176209 of a sudden, I actually see a gap. BMwuNzPMC5E-00540-00176209-00176422 And that gap hadn't really presented itself BMwuNzPMC5E-00541-00176435-00176515 in the other graphs. BMwuNzPMC5E-00542-00176587-00176720 Why is there a gap here? BMwuNzPMC5E-00543-00176752-00177129 Well, let's count. This would have been 0/1s, 2/3s. BMwuNzPMC5E-00544-00177151-00177362 This would have been leaves 4 and 5. BMwuNzPMC5E-00545-00177409-00177656 And the reason that there's a gap here is BMwuNzPMC5E-00546-00177656-00177918 because I had no leaves between four and five, right. BMwuNzPMC5E-00547-00177918-00178036 There was no 2.4. BMwuNzPMC5E-00548-00178061-00178184 There was no 2.5. BMwuNzPMC5E-00549-00178225-00178419 I snuck back in with 2.7. BMwuNzPMC5E-00550-00178419-00178918 There was a gap between the data values of 2.3 and 2.7. BMwuNzPMC5E-00551-00178970-00179348 And there's a common mistake where, when there's a gap BMwuNzPMC5E-00552-00179348-00179682 like this, students will just leave this stem off. BMwuNzPMC5E-00553-00179693-00179925 Don't leave that stem off. If there's a gap there, BMwuNzPMC5E-00554-00179925-00180173 it should show up in your graph, right. BMwuNzPMC5E-00555-00180173-00180517 So this is just a different version of a stem-and-leaf plot. BMwuNzPMC5E-00556-00180517-00180734 So, again, each stem has BMwuNzPMC5E-00557-00180734-00181169 two corresponding leaves. 4/5. 6/7. 8/9. BMwuNzPMC5E-00558-00181169-00181668 0/1. 2/3. 4/5. 6/7. 8/9. 0/1. BMwuNzPMC5E-00559-00181735-00181907 And whenever you're making a stem-and-leaf plot, BMwuNzPMC5E-00560-00181907-00182073 you always need to go low to high or high to low. BMwuNzPMC5E-00561-00182073-00182401 I don't need to write zeros down here or fours up here. BMwuNzPMC5E-00562-00182449-00182695 I'm just going to go low to high. BMwuNzPMC5E-00563-00182718-00183250 When we get enough information about all of the shape, outliers, BMwuNzPMC5E-00564-00183250-00183422 and centers, we'll come back and fill this in. BMwuNzPMC5E-00565-00183422-00183777 So I will circle back to these examples and fill BMwuNzPMC5E-00566-00183782-00183881 in the rest of our SOCS. BMwuNzPMC5E-00567-00183889-00184109 But as of right now as of Ex 2, BMwuNzPMC5E-00568-00184138-00184469 we can't fill anything beyond this this last S here. BpwN2wnkz_Q-00000-00000006-00000495 hello my friends today I'm showing you how to make this beautiful unique permit BpwN2wnkz_Q-00001-00000495-00001104 patches I made tens of these as gifts and they BpwN2wnkz_Q-00002-00001104-00001705 made gifts for my friends to give as gifts you will love it BpwN2wnkz_Q-00003-00001823-00002439 you will need you will need measuring 5 by 10 you can adjust the sizes to the BpwN2wnkz_Q-00004-00002439-00003086 desired size the taller that piece is they hire the pouch and the wider the BpwN2wnkz_Q-00005-00003086-00003732 bigger the pouch you will need a bigger piece of batting I will tell you why in BpwN2wnkz_Q-00006-00003732-00004050 a minute a little bigger than 5 by 10 you will BpwN2wnkz_Q-00007-00004050-00004593 need a zipper I'm using a big one from my stash if you have a smaller one no BpwN2wnkz_Q-00008-00004593-00005262 problem at all but just make sure it's more than 6 inches and remember that we BpwN2wnkz_Q-00009-00005262-00005985 do not measure the zipper from end to end we measure the zipper from the BpwN2wnkz_Q-00010-00005985-00006803 puller to the stopper so put this in mind please you will need some clips BpwN2wnkz_Q-00011-00006803-00007631 some pins scissors and rotary cutter and your regular sewing machine and matching BpwN2wnkz_Q-00012-00007631-00008243 thread it gives you asking about the fabric ladies because every time I BpwN2wnkz_Q-00013-00008243-00008909 received a question about the fabric so I'm using the beautiful beautiful line BpwN2wnkz_Q-00014-00008909-00010128 by Island but it it's called wind and sand it's crazy I mean it's the trace is BpwN2wnkz_Q-00015-00010128-00010754 beautiful I think I got the whole line with you you will need some ribbon for BpwN2wnkz_Q-00016-00010754-00011804 the PAP but in this tutorial I'm using a scrap from my zipper you might also need BpwN2wnkz_Q-00017-00011804-00012434 a zipper foot this is completely optional BpwN2wnkz_Q-00018-00012515-00013088 thinking shears but this is optional because you can finish the sides with a BpwN2wnkz_Q-00019-00013088-00013907 serger or with a zig-zag stitch on your machine and here is the piece quilted I BpwN2wnkz_Q-00020-00013907-00014657 use some wavy lines but still they are straight lines now I will trim to size BpwN2wnkz_Q-00021-00014657-00015540 and here is why I'm using a bigger piece of the batting because when you quilt a BpwN2wnkz_Q-00022-00015540-00016110 piece of fabric the fabric tends to switch a little bit up and down right BpwN2wnkz_Q-00023-00016110-00016605 and left so I'm using a bigger one a bigger piece of batting so when I'm BpwN2wnkz_Q-00024-00016605-00017481 finished I trim it down to size pin in place and use straight lines the way you BpwN2wnkz_Q-00025-00017481-00018062 like you don't have to use a quilting foot or anything just with your regular BpwN2wnkz_Q-00026-00018062-00018642 straight sewing machine with a straight stitch and just go straight lines the BpwN2wnkz_Q-00027-00018642-00020006 way you feel comfortable now we place our zipper with the zipper teeth or the BpwN2wnkz_Q-00028-00020015-00020745 now we placed our zipper with the puller facing down on the right side of the BpwN2wnkz_Q-00029-00020745-00021842 quality piece be careful if your zipper is shorter or closer to size do not BpwN2wnkz_Q-00030-00021842-00022370 place it while the puller or the stopper are too close to the edges it needs to BpwN2wnkz_Q-00031-00022370-00023279 be a little bit bigger so the fabric lies in the middle of it there you go BpwN2wnkz_Q-00032-00023279-00024117 zipper facing down and then with the right side of the lining fabric you put BpwN2wnkz_Q-00033-00024117-00024497 it on it BpwN2wnkz_Q-00034-00024604-00025925 so you sandwich the zipper between two of them sure that all edges line up and BpwN2wnkz_Q-00035-00025925-00026580 start with a pin as if you start with a clip it will just get in the way of the BpwN2wnkz_Q-00036-00026580-00027230 presser foot as you saw in just start with a them and you can continue with BpwN2wnkz_Q-00037-00027230-00028712 the clips first side of the zipper zone now we just flop it and give the zipper BpwN2wnkz_Q-00038-00028712-00029952 this way and pull the fabric back and we just soo close to the zipper to pull BpwN2wnkz_Q-00039-00029952-00031019 everything together and give it a nicer look this way BpwN2wnkz_Q-00040-00031129-00031807 this will be edges to the other side of the zipper so with your supper with your BpwN2wnkz_Q-00041-00031807-00032680 pouch open like this you bring the lining piece to the edge and the outer BpwN2wnkz_Q-00042-00032680-00033457 piece to the same edge you make the sandwich again the same way as we did BpwN2wnkz_Q-00043-00033457-00034863 before and Abbey edges clip ensue BpwN2wnkz_Q-00044-00035286-00035691 and here is how it looks like BpwN2wnkz_Q-00045-00035919-00037004 now pull this effort open so we can flip the whole thing out BpwN2wnkz_Q-00046-00037214-00037535 this way BpwN2wnkz_Q-00047-00038444-00039050 and again with topstitch near the zipper the same we have done to the other side BpwN2wnkz_Q-00048-00039050-00040126 of the zipper now pull it closed again BpwN2wnkz_Q-00049-00040165-00041084 and now we have two seams to finish the one other side of the zipper polar we'll BpwN2wnkz_Q-00050-00041084-00041660 leave it alone for now and we will sue the one on the other side now it's time BpwN2wnkz_Q-00051-00041660-00042410 to insert your tab your piece of ribbon or your fabric tab or the piece of BpwN2wnkz_Q-00052-00042410-00043757 zipper like I'm using today this is a four inch piece of zipper scrap I will BpwN2wnkz_Q-00053-00043757-00044651 fold it with the right side outside and I will insert it between the two right BpwN2wnkz_Q-00054-00044651-00045193 sides of the front fabric the green one BpwN2wnkz_Q-00055-00045518-00046287 then it in place about half an inch from the zipper clip all and so with quarter BpwN2wnkz_Q-00056-00046287-00047078 of an inch seam allowance leave about half an inch of the zipper showing to BpwN2wnkz_Q-00057-00047078-00047993 you so it doesn't come out after you sue backstitch at the beginning at the end BpwN2wnkz_Q-00058-00047993-00049049 and here it is and remember we fold the zipper to sue always towards the lining BpwN2wnkz_Q-00059-00049049-00049697 this way not inside you don't fold it you don't fold the zipper ever a towards BpwN2wnkz_Q-00060-00049697-00050381 the outer fabric so here you can finish it with a pinking shears or you can BpwN2wnkz_Q-00061-00050381-00050958 zigzag it or you can go to your serger if you have one and just finish it here BpwN2wnkz_Q-00062-00050958-00051582 it is now we finished it now we finish the irregular straight line for this one BpwN2wnkz_Q-00063-00051582-00052577 we will just make it this way and from here you get your pyramid shape now clip BpwN2wnkz_Q-00064-00052577-00053564 before you open yours up or leave only visible space for the zipper space place BpwN2wnkz_Q-00065-00053564-00054966 a pin on each side before you open it now pull it up in half way and now soon BpwN2wnkz_Q-00066-00054966-00055323 with a quarter of an inch seam allowance backstitch at the beginning and the end BpwN2wnkz_Q-00067-00055323-00055949 and you are done now you cut now you cutter BpwN2wnkz_Q-00068-00056201-00057344 and your beautiful quilted pyramid pouch is done please give this video a thumbs BpwN2wnkz_Q-00069-00057344-00057857 up subscribe to my channel for the future tutorials and share this video BpwN2wnkz_Q-00070-00057857-00058327 with your friends and see you next time BpRwvGE8cGk-00000-00000025-00000125 Userbot allows you BpRwvGE8cGk-00001-00000125-00000225 to create your own BpRwvGE8cGk-00002-00000225-00000325 chatbot with Artificial BpRwvGE8cGk-00003-00000325-00000525 Intelligence in order to automate BpRwvGE8cGk-00004-00000525-00000951 your online conversations. Userbot replies as if it were you through BpRwvGE8cGk-00005-00000951-00001417 realistic and intelligent answers and learns from your customers' questions while growing BpRwvGE8cGk-00006-00001417-00001935 with you. Let's see how it works. You will NOT need an expert to train Userbot. BpRwvGE8cGk-00007-00001935-00002446 Because it is configured in a completely visual manner, allowing you to easily design your BpRwvGE8cGk-00008-00002446-00003110 conversations and you can easily insert interactive objects as well, for example collecting your BpRwvGE8cGk-00009-00003110-00003461 users' data and sending it to your favorite apps. BpRwvGE8cGk-00010-00003461-00003957 You will have access to advanced features, in the section dedicated to AI training, that BpRwvGE8cGk-00011-00003957-00004301 will make Userbot capable of answering any question. BpRwvGE8cGk-00012-00004301-00004898 In a very short time. Userbot knows how to behave even when faced with an unknown question. BpRwvGE8cGk-00013-00004898-00005369 It will notify you and learn from your reply automatically. BpRwvGE8cGk-00014-00005369-00006180 You can easily install it on the web, mobile, social networks and much more, in just a few clicks. BpRwvGE8cGk-00015-00006180-00006470 And you can customize it where and how you BpRwvGE8cGk-00016-00006470-00006918 want, to ensure a unique experience for your users. BpRwvGE8cGk-00017-00006918-00007325 Now all you need to do is try it. Userbot BpRwvGE8cGk-00018-00007325-00007422 AI for humans BOdcH75GWmk-00000-00000106-00000575 No no man, I can't be no stain My feet way too clean, brand new things BOdcH75GWmk-00001-00000575-00000844 With the same old people, I didn't switch no teams BOdcH75GWmk-00002-00000844-00001292 This for real, this ain't make believe But I guarantee it'll make you change your BOdcH75GWmk-00003-00001292-00001494 mind Or you'll get left behind BOdcH75GWmk-00004-00001494-00001614 [Verse 1] Yeah BOdcH75GWmk-00005-00001614-00002026 I don't lie, I don't make up stories I make people cry, tell the truth BOdcH75GWmk-00006-00002026-00002282 I know that it hurts but at least you didn't die BOdcH75GWmk-00007-00002282-00002664 It ain't real, it's all in your head That's why I don't mind BOdcH75GWmk-00008-00002664-00003008 They just mad, always talking trash Tryna waste my time BOdcH75GWmk-00009-00003008-00003486 I'm not a noobie, in the trap like booby This is every night, life's a movie BOdcH75GWmk-00010-00003486-00003954 Even when they boo me I still act polite Preachers preach and after church we eat BOdcH75GWmk-00011-00003954-00004425 Then go back living life Talk is cheap, even if they speak into expensive BOdcH75GWmk-00012-00004425-00004730 mics It's way too hot, I don't go outuside unless BOdcH75GWmk-00013-00004730-00005143 it's after 9 It's July and she hit my line, talking about BOdcH75GWmk-00014-00005143-00005461 valentines I said I love her, never seen it coming, I BOdcH75GWmk-00015-00005461-00005837 guess she was blind Nothing to say, I'm the one that got away, BOdcH75GWmk-00016-00005837-00006169 perfect crime Just be quiet, don't you talk to me unless BOdcH75GWmk-00017-00006169-00006600 it's edifying I ain't lying, every word you heard me speak BOdcH75GWmk-00018-00006600-00006961 I'm really 'bout it You a liar, money can't be everything, I don't BOdcH75GWmk-00019-00006961-00007300 buy it Just an hour, promise I'll be ready, let me BOdcH75GWmk-00020-00007300-00007400 take a shower BOdcH75GWmk-00021-00007400-00007611 [Hook] No no man, I can't be no stain BOdcH75GWmk-00022-00007611-00008040 My feet way too clean, brand new things With the same old people, I didn't switch BOdcH75GWmk-00023-00008040-00008342 no teams This for real, this ain't make believe BOdcH75GWmk-00024-00008342-00008652 But I guarantee it'll make you change your mind BOdcH75GWmk-00025-00008652-00008850 Or you'll get left behind BOdcH75GWmk-00026-00008850-00009121 [Verse 2] If you rolling can you please be quiet? BOdcH75GWmk-00027-00009121-00009457 Don't you advertise it I'll be fine, I don't mind the wait, these BOdcH75GWmk-00028-00009457-00009765 are brand new tyres In too deep, way too much at stake BOdcH75GWmk-00029-00009765-00010211 They like, "Holy cow" Honestly the ones who get attached don't ever BOdcH75GWmk-00030-00010211-00010532 hold you down They disappear when you need them most BOdcH75GWmk-00031-00010532-00010947 You won't ever find them I apologised like a thousand times, didn't BOdcH75GWmk-00032-00010947-00011253 mean nothing by it For what it's worth I just hope you know I BOdcH75GWmk-00033-00011253-00011629 tried to make it work If I retire God supplying all my needs like BOdcH75GWmk-00034-00011630-00011962 Andrew Bynum We don't die, we just multiply BOdcH75GWmk-00035-00011962-00012448 X gon' mark the spot, after night When we come alive, just like autobots BOdcH75GWmk-00036-00012448-00012832 Move around, ain't no time to watch, we aren't on the clock BOdcH75GWmk-00037-00012832-00012926 Is you down? BOdcH75GWmk-00038-00012926-00013463 We just tryna get this green before it stops Just shut up, you can't talk to me unless BOdcH75GWmk-00039-00013466-00013800 it's edifying I ain't lying, every word you heard me speak BOdcH75GWmk-00040-00013800-00014212 I'm really 'bout it You are lying, money isn't everything, I don't BOdcH75GWmk-00041-00014212-00014504 buy it Just an hour, promise I'll be ready, let me BOdcH75GWmk-00042-00014504-00014869 take a shower No no man, I can't be no stain BOdcH75GWmk-00043-00014869-00015322 My feet way too clean, brand new things With the same old people, I didn't switch BOdcH75GWmk-00044-00015322-00015682 no teams Telling me that money isn't everything, what BOdcH75GWmk-00045-00015682-00015768 you mean? BOdcH75GWmk-00046-00015768-00016350 When I die I'mma go to heaven in a limousine Riding round town on my high horse, acting BOdcH75GWmk-00047-00016350-00016746 like I'm the reason I'm born Acting like I can't be touched, acting like BOdcH75GWmk-00048-00016746-00017276 I can't be torn Playing with my soul like it's a sport BOdcH75GWmk-00049-00017276-00017622 Yeah BQZ02DTMAUY-00000-00000206-00000757 Uhhh ya phone! AAA MAUIWDFZUGDRHDCBHUIUIFWEUIGFZGFWEZDTZFTTFDTDZUGDZHWEUIFGWEUIUCMVNNIWEFN BRFltBPC_bI-00000-00000000-00000200 PRAY UNTIL DEATH COUGHS BRKPNqdqCe0-00000-00000003-00000378 There's some good news and there's some bad news to Michael Pittman's profile the BRKPNqdqCe0-00001-00000378-00000741 good is that he had a lot of production last year catching 101 balls for almost BRKPNqdqCe0-00002-00000741-00001238 1,300 yards and 11 touchdowns and he's got awesome size standing at 6 foot 4 BRKPNqdqCe0-00003-00001238-00001698 while weighing over 220 pounds the bad is that he's not an early declare having BRKPNqdqCe0-00004-00001698-00002073 played all four years at USC and he really didn't have a big season BRKPNqdqCe0-00005-00002073-00002424 production wise until he was a senior those are both concerns fortunately BRKPNqdqCe0-00006-00002424-00002850 those negatives may not be that big of a deal he did what he did in 2019 with BRKPNqdqCe0-00007-00002850-00003264 some strong target competition and he's got one comparable that really really BRKPNqdqCe0-00008-00003264-00003738 stands out in a good way and that's Brandon Marshall like Pittman Marshall BRKPNqdqCe0-00009-00003738-00004040 didn't have great production until his senior year which gave him a bad break BRKPNqdqCe0-00010-00004040-00004401 out age but like Marshall Pittman should be able to win in the NFL with BRKPNqdqCe0-00011-00004401-00004830 physicality and athleticism it's a best-case scenario comp but that's the BRKPNqdqCe0-00012-00004830-00005415 kind of prospect that we're working with BSL4KUSkw5U-00000-00000813-00001150 My dear friends it is many years ago that I spoke about Aura, BSL4KUSkw5U-00001-00001210-00001310 Many years! BSL4KUSkw5U-00002-00001573-00001830 and many said that BSL4KUSkw5U-00003-00001830-00002061 I spoke like a psychotic BSL4KUSkw5U-00004-00002146-00002361 I do not say a lot,but always many BSL4KUSkw5U-00005-00002260-00002360 but always many BSL4KUSkw5U-00006-00002430-00002930 I think that there will be many who felt me as psychotic when speaking of Aura and I see the Aura. BSL4KUSkw5U-00007-00002960-00003226 There are many children who see the Aura, see colors BSL4KUSkw5U-00008-00003316-00003416 The child when immature, 0:00:35.233,0:00:36.233 when he has all his emotional BSL4KUSkw5U-00009-00003663-00003763 functions immature BSL4KUSkw5U-00010-00003833-00003933 views the aura, sees colors. BSL4KUSkw5U-00011-00004053-00004153 But the person is losing it BSL4KUSkw5U-00012-00004213-00004723 for not using it, not following it,hte person loses it BSL4KUSkw5U-00013-00004783-00005270 If we tied a child愀 arm and not leave that arm to move, BSL4KUSkw5U-00014-00005278-00005303 he will not move it. BSL4KUSkw5U-00015-00005343-00005743 If a member is not used, BSL4KUSkw5U-00016-00005856-00006320 it dies within the phisical system or paralize. BSL4KUSkw5U-00017-00006396-00006496 As I'm going to say, BSL4KUSkw5U-00018-00006576-00006835 I spoke of this and many BSL4KUSkw5U-00019-00006893-00006993 as I said, many, because BSL4KUSkw5U-00020-00007416-00007853 everybody does not understand it, they understand it through faith BSL4KUSkw5U-00021-00007859-00008073 that they have on me, my disciples. BSL4KUSkw5U-00022-00008100-00008643 But then came someone called Kyrlian who invented a camera BSL4KUSkw5U-00023-00008666-00008910 and he began to draw pictures of the aura. BSL4KUSkw5U-00024-00009010-00009461 And now is science, if science said..., sacred Word. BSL4KUSkw5U-00025-00009526-00009970 There are people that for them, everything what science says, BSL4KUSkw5U-00026-00010043-00010143 is for them as if they had heard the word of Jesus, BSL4KUSkw5U-00027-00010200-00010356 as if they had heard the word of a master, BSL4KUSkw5U-00028-00010406-00010506 the word of a prophet. 0:01:46.800,0:01:52.530 That's terrible, because the medicine, the science makes big mistakes BSL4KUSkw5U-00029-00011300-00011400 and it is constantly in evolution. BSL4KUSkw5U-00030-00011476-00011870 What yesterday was a truth, today there is another 0:02:01.333,0:02:05.003 That system is no more useful, there is already another one BSL4KUSkw5U-00031-00012513-00012713 It is constantly changing, and changing... BSL4KUSkw5U-00032-00012766-00012866 They are possibly advances, progress. BSL4KUSkw5U-00033-00013073-00013363 But what yesterday was a truth today ceased to be so. BSL4KUSkw5U-00034-00013376-00013586 The larger truth, the smallest truth. BSL4KUSkw5U-00035-00013606-00013890 what really matter愀 what the truth is if the truth is unique. BSL4KUSkw5U-00036-00013990-00014290 The truth for people is also what they believe in, BSL4KUSkw5U-00037-00014250-00014920 it could be something that tomorrow will not be true. BSL4KUSkw5U-00038-00014956-00015480 There is no evolution in the mystical, God has never been evolved, BSL4KUSkw5U-00039-00015483-00015907 love hasn愒 evolved, nor pain has evolved, nor feelings would have evolved. BSL4KUSkw5U-00040-00016040-00016835 They say that mankind did not advance. No,there is not progress, you do not need to move forward. BSL4KUSkw5U-00041-00016846-00017360 what people needs is for their interests, they should advance in that . BSL4KUSkw5U-00042-00017335-00017803 But progress in love, the love in itself is already huge. BSL4KUSkw5U-00043-00017803-00017996 What is the highest? What can be more than God? BSL4KUSkw5U-00044-00018046-00018376 Can a God be more evolved?,could it be something more important God? BSL4KUSkw5U-00045-00018383-00018840 No, God is important,he is the most important, you can have BSL4KUSkw5U-00046-00018890-00018957 An evolved God... BSL4KUSkw5U-00047-00018980-00019526 There are possible concepts, related to God, evolved, that would be more mature. BSL4KUSkw5U-00048-00019643-00019920 Many stories in the Bible were for children, BSL4KUSkw5U-00049-00020129-00020294 Today if someone writes the Bible, maybe he does not write about the flood BSL4KUSkw5U-00050-00020314-00020614 as well as many other things. BSL4KUSkw5U-00051-00020665-00020831 I believe that a Bible written today, BSL4KUSkw5U-00052-00020945-00021125 he would not have written all that. BSL4KUSkw5U-00053-00021153-00021681 Grown ups, religious people,would not have written that any more. BSL4KUSkw5U-00054-00021609-00021823 All evolve, concepts of God also evolve. BSL4KUSkw5U-00055-00021850-00022050 But God himself could not evolve. BSL4KUSkw5U-00056-00022119-00023218 Therefore, I say that in relation to what we are talking about, BSL4KUSkw5U-00057-00023232-00023765 we know that there is a philosophy in all that we belong BSL4KUSkw5U-00058-00023799-00023999 a philosophy of therapy, a philosophy of aid, BSL4KUSkw5U-00059-00024126-00024326 A mystical philosophy,too. BSL4KUSkw5U-00060-00024476-00024776 A philosophy that is the question and the answer, love BSL4KUSkw5U-00061-00024801-00025002 It is always with the greatest respect must be BSL4KUSkw5U-00062-00025096-00025297 always up to something higher That's all BTx5cpzXeIQ-00000-00000032-00000520 hey guys well after traveling with all those van friends for so long BTx5cpzXeIQ-00001-00000584-00000903 we're off into the unknown again on our own and BTx5cpzXeIQ-00002-00001000-00001760 i never really appreciated the feeling of safety i had when i was with them i think we're safe still BTx5cpzXeIQ-00003-00001760-00002392 but it's definitely a feeling you get it's really nice traveling with snow and curt BTx5cpzXeIQ-00004-00002504-00003488 getting our own again it feels great out here whoa we are in a work zone which is a huge work zone BTx5cpzXeIQ-00005-00003584-00004256 and the guy in front of me was passing a really slow truck so i thought okay you know he's doing BTx5cpzXeIQ-00006-00004256-00004888 it he's a local and i go for it sure enough boom police right in front waving us down BTx5cpzXeIQ-00007-00004976-00005384 he stops super quick i have to stop super quick behind him there's a truck behind us BTx5cpzXeIQ-00008-00005440-00006064 but you know the second police officer did motion me over and he motioned me out of the car BTx5cpzXeIQ-00009-00006144-00006608 showed me look this is a double yellow line this is very serious it's a 600 dollar fine BTx5cpzXeIQ-00010-00006720-00007472 he said here it's 325 000 colones and i just started talking and i i just didn't stop BTx5cpzXeIQ-00011-00007472-00008023 talking for a while and i was really surprised it worked but we got out of there with just a warning BTx5cpzXeIQ-00012-00008088-00008752 um basically i told him i'm very sorry you know i wouldn't have done that it's just that the car BTx5cpzXeIQ-00013-00008752-00009328 in front of me was i saw it was a local and a lot of times in a different country the laws could be BTx5cpzXeIQ-00014-00009384-00009864 confusing and so i was trying to do like the locals were doing by passing this slow truck it BTx5cpzXeIQ-00015-00009864-00010384 would seem very safe it was being very safe i only did it because the guy in front of me was doing it BTx5cpzXeIQ-00016-00010384-00010880 and i asked him we could leave it in a warning this time and he said i didn't BTx5cpzXeIQ-00017-00010880-00011384 know the word for warning you know so he says yes yes morning i'm like well you know BTx5cpzXeIQ-00018-00011456-00011984 now that i know and i'm very sorry and i wouldn't have done it i repeated that part BTx5cpzXeIQ-00019-00012064-00012632 uh you know if we could just leave it here and i would really appreciate it and it says BTx5cpzXeIQ-00020-00012768-00013624 okay drive very safe in the future don't pass the double yellow line whoa but w on plus works on BTx5cpzXeIQ-00021-00013744-00014336 definitely i'm not gonna do it again yeah i mean this work zone is really like clearly delineated BTx5cpzXeIQ-00022-00014336-00015008 and it felt super safe the people in front of us weren't locals either right yeah he said no they BTx5cpzXeIQ-00023-00015008-00015568 were americans too yeah and they let them go too yeah they let them go oh my god and he was BTx5cpzXeIQ-00024-00015568-00015919 still talking to me for so long i know i don't know why he asked you to get out of the car BTx5cpzXeIQ-00025-00016047-00016496 you know what she was probably like oh sorry i don't speaking i don't speak spanish BTx5cpzXeIQ-00026-00016496-00017112 yeah right i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry obviously is this one speak spanish yeah oh BTx5cpzXeIQ-00027-00017112-00017640 he did he said does this one speak spanish that's so funny i'm so glad we got out of there paying BTx5cpzXeIQ-00028-00017736-00018320 zero dollars we're so lucky thank goodness you talked your way out of that one for us BTx5cpzXeIQ-00029-00018320-00018912 we got lucky today yeah so tonight we're heading to laguna ule which is supposed to BTx5cpzXeIQ-00030-00018912-00019464 be a super nice camp spot a lot of people on ioverlander say it's not to be missed tomorrow BTx5cpzXeIQ-00031-00019464-00020256 we'll be able to explore the lake and uh yeah we're in the mountains again it is 71 degrees BTx5cpzXeIQ-00032-00020256-00021184 we've been so hot at the beach so we're stoked to be cold up here in the mountains for the night BTx5cpzXeIQ-00033-00024696-00025727 good morning from lago ule it's raining today we got up about an hour ago but now it's about 9 BTx5cpzXeIQ-00034-00025727-00026408 30 and i'm not sure if we're gonna do this hike down to the lake in the rain but the BTx5cpzXeIQ-00035-00026408-00027104 lake has been beautiful from last night it was super quiet super safe oh jeez there we go BTx5cpzXeIQ-00036-00027224-00028183 this sketchy road getting out of logo BTx5cpzXeIQ-00037-00028839-00029192 this road reminds me of the denali highway in alaska just a bunch of BTx5cpzXeIQ-00038-00029248-00029664 rocks poking out they're not loose but you can be BTx5cpzXeIQ-00039-00029664-00030983 really rough on your tires we learned you got to go slow on a road like this BTx5cpzXeIQ-00040-00032392-00033784 so enormous BTx5cpzXeIQ-00041-00034440-00035280 wow this tree is massive reminds me of being in the redwoods or something just BTx5cpzXeIQ-00042-00035440-00035896 at the top it's not enormous but the bottom these buttress roots BTx5cpzXeIQ-00043-00035968-00036856 huge flat roots that hold the weight look at this little nook in it BTx5cpzXeIQ-00044-00037168-00037512 holy i think you could set up camp right there BTx5cpzXeIQ-00045-00037880-00038592 this is our first stop in the rio celeste area and it's definitely going to be full of natural beauty BTx5cpzXeIQ-00046-00039112-00039720 but some roads that are definitely a bit steep potholey but this is uh BTx5cpzXeIQ-00047-00039800-00040784 one of those sites that everybody says is just worth checking out holy yeah BTx5cpzXeIQ-00048-00041104-00041200 this tree BTx5cpzXeIQ-00049-00041512-00042256 that lady was really nice she told us how the tree's over 700 years old it's a ceiba tree BTx5cpzXeIQ-00050-00042256-00042680 characterized by those huge buttress roots besides that she was saying something about BTx5cpzXeIQ-00051-00042680-00043440 the nobel peace prize and that since people from all over the world come to see it that's BTx5cpzXeIQ-00052-00043440-00044096 why they call it the tree of peace oh we found the rio celeste look at that BTx5cpzXeIQ-00053-00044344-00045032 oh my gosh i can't believe how blue that is how blue oh my gosh so this is our first BTx5cpzXeIQ-00054-00045032-00045560 look and we've come to a free spot so we can go for a walk with some burrito BTx5cpzXeIQ-00055-00045560-00045920 hopefully tire around today and then we'll go to the national park tomorrow BTx5cpzXeIQ-00056-00046312-00047064 wow so the national park here seems really cool because they'll explain why the water is so blue BTx5cpzXeIQ-00057-00047064-00047832 apparently it has to do with aluminum in the water or something some kind of that BTx5cpzXeIQ-00058-00047896-00048464 that with the ph of another stream when they combine it turns it really blue BTx5cpzXeIQ-00059-00048568-00049400 but you can't actually swim in the national park and also the trails can be muddy i guess so BTx5cpzXeIQ-00060-00049400-00050176 if it's uh free and you can swim come check out the river this way rio celeste BTx5cpzXeIQ-00061-00050264-00050880 named for the stunning blue color wow we saw one river kind of like this BTx5cpzXeIQ-00062-00051064-00051984 that was in guatemala and sombrita and graham got to go on a walk there after some champagne BTx5cpzXeIQ-00063-00054191-00054584 we went to the national park and it closes at 2 p.m opens up again BTx5cpzXeIQ-00064-00054584-00054952 at 8 00 a.m we're gonna be able to check it out tomorrow we could have BTx5cpzXeIQ-00065-00054952-00055560 camped over in the national park but it would be about two thousand to six thousand colones BTx5cpzXeIQ-00066-00055616-00056184 and i mean we can camp for free right here with a view of the river so i might as well stay here BTx5cpzXeIQ-00067-00056791-00057336 good morning we're about to head over to tenorio national park to learn more about this rio BTx5cpzXeIQ-00068-00057336-00057936 celeste and why it's just such a beautiful blue color we're super excited for this hike today BTx5cpzXeIQ-00069-00058024-00058696 oh we're all packed up and ready to go look where this guy is up here you're too cute my boy BTx5cpzXeIQ-00070-00058696-00059496 and then sombrita allowed either unfortunately but it's nice and cool out here wow it would BTx5cpzXeIQ-00071-00059496-00060191 be sweet to see a taper fingers crossed we're on the portion of the rio celeste hike where you just BTx5cpzXeIQ-00072-00060248-00060855 walk in a straight line until you get to the cool stuff it's not muddy like some people said so far BTx5cpzXeIQ-00073-00060967-00061448 and we thought we'd tell you guys how we find all this stuff because that's a really huge BTx5cpzXeIQ-00074-00061448-00062216 part of traveling is just knowing what you want to do and all that research the main way we do BTx5cpzXeIQ-00075-00062216-00062832 it is we have a google map where we save stuff it's like a shared google map between both our BTx5cpzXeIQ-00076-00062832-00063504 phones and our computers so anytime we add a spot the other person can see it on their phone BTx5cpzXeIQ-00077-00063679-00064208 and when we're going to a new area i'll look at that map and then i'll look at the map of BTx5cpzXeIQ-00078-00064208-00065232 ioverlander cross reference um ioverlander is an app for for finding spots to camp so BTx5cpzXeIQ-00079-00065232-00065840 but people also put in tourist attractions on it or little known places that they can go on the way BTx5cpzXeIQ-00080-00065904-00066528 our google map is also used for when people give us recommendations on where to go we'll just put BTx5cpzXeIQ-00081-00066528-00067080 it in our google map and i usually write a note on who suggested it later on we can send them BTx5cpzXeIQ-00082-00067080-00067728 a picture or thank them so last night i was i was cross referencing the google maps the ioverlander BTx5cpzXeIQ-00083-00067792-00068168 and then trying to figure out i think we want to go scuba diving so hit up BTx5cpzXeIQ-00084-00068168-00068784 a ton of companies on whatsapp which is kind of the main way of communicating down here because BTx5cpzXeIQ-00085-00068784-00069456 you don't have to use like texts or uh or minutes you just use your data plan and so then yeah you BTx5cpzXeIQ-00086-00069456-00070048 hit up a bunch of places you know and figure out how how you can book what they're offering and BTx5cpzXeIQ-00087-00070048-00070560 then you're good to go out here living the life and then the last resource i forgot to mention is BTx5cpzXeIQ-00088-00070560-00071040 travel books we like to get the travel books used they're really cheap that way BTx5cpzXeIQ-00089-00071232-00071824 if the places are still around you know that they're good and my uncle actually had a really BTx5cpzXeIQ-00090-00071824-00072440 good book we got to his place here and that's the roamers my first fromers book i've had access to BTx5cpzXeIQ-00091-00072440-00072888 super high quality book all the animals and sites so that's kind of step zero is BTx5cpzXeIQ-00092-00072888-00073408 looking through books and websites and putting that on the google map take all that back best way BTx5cpzXeIQ-00093-00073552-00074152 local recommendations whenever a local recommends something you better do it BTx5cpzXeIQ-00094-00074368-00074696 wow this is going to be a sweet path down to the waterfall i think BTx5cpzXeIQ-00095-00074976-00076000 really cool you ready to head down love yep 500 feet down and then back up BTx5cpzXeIQ-00096-00076208-00077184 wow you can really hear the roar of the waterfall coming up BTx5cpzXeIQ-00097-00079008-00079984 me BTx5cpzXeIQ-00098-00080480-00080880 this waterfall is definitely one of the main attractions of the park but i'm really excited BTx5cpzXeIQ-00099-00080880-00081384 to see up ahead where the water changes to the blue color and the explanation of that BTx5cpzXeIQ-00100-00081568-00081912 but wow this is a great waterfall it's been raining lately so we BTx5cpzXeIQ-00101-00081912-00082784 were worried it might not be as blue but it's looking really good BTx5cpzXeIQ-00102-00083696-00084288 next stop mirador wow past the waterfall here has been relentlessly uphill BTx5cpzXeIQ-00103-00084392-00084928 to get into this park it was twelve us dollars each eight or nine thousand colones and we BTx5cpzXeIQ-00104-00084928-00085632 also had to pay to park which was two thousand colonists so about three bucks BTx5cpzXeIQ-00105-00086536-00087016 all in all not a bad hike it looks like they've really conquered the mud problem that BTx5cpzXeIQ-00106-00087016-00087728 a lot of people talk about online by putting down gravel rock here and i was expecting something BTx5cpzXeIQ-00107-00087728-00088208 like cerro chateau where we were slogging through mud the whole way or the other day BTx5cpzXeIQ-00108-00088536-00089304 mirador in spanish means like a viewpoint a lookout and i guess it's all covered by BTx5cpzXeIQ-00109-00089304-00089920 jungle but this is the volcano tenorio under the clouds there and a bunch of its craters should be BTx5cpzXeIQ-00110-00089920-00090808 visible here too um i guess here's what it what it would look like so the first crater of tenorio BTx5cpzXeIQ-00111-00090896-00091720 second crater and then this montezuma crater over here well we're pretty familiar with this after BTx5cpzXeIQ-00112-00091720-00092320 being in our now not being able to see the top but we did catch a peek of it at one point and BTx5cpzXeIQ-00113-00092320-00093000 down we go again yeah you can smell the volcano now and that's part of why the water's blue BTx5cpzXeIQ-00114-00093448-00094344 they call this part the blue lagoon wow this is even more colorful than below BTx5cpzXeIQ-00115-00094576-00096784 really beautiful here look how clear the water is BTx5cpzXeIQ-00116-00097056-00097424 now all we need is a little tapir to come in for a drink i feel like we'd be BTx5cpzXeIQ-00117-00097424-00097928 really in the middle of nowhere what do you think really beautiful how you can see through so easily BTx5cpzXeIQ-00118-00098024-00098848 wow this blue river is also a hot spring look at this bubbling churning water you kind of BTx5cpzXeIQ-00119-00098848-00099376 wish you could go for a dip you kind of wonder if you would die because it's too hot maybe BTx5cpzXeIQ-00120-00099376-00099888 that's why it's not allowed this happens quite a bit at hot springs where the moss BTx5cpzXeIQ-00121-00099944-00100360 from the steam starts to grow on the rocks around it and for this river it just makes such BTx5cpzXeIQ-00122-00100360-00101088 a beautiful setting since the water is so blue the rocks are so green smells like chicken noodle soup BTx5cpzXeIQ-00123-00101528-00102240 hanging bridge we're crossing right now the rivers that combine to create the BTx5cpzXeIQ-00124-00102240-00102808 rio celeste so you see here you don't see the blue but you see boiling water right there ah BTx5cpzXeIQ-00125-00102904-00103672 another mud mitigation strategy well done park weather has become more unpredictable BTx5cpzXeIQ-00126-00103744-00105183 but we have not experienced mud so we were fine in our regular hiking shoes BTx5cpzXeIQ-00127-00105448-00105944 yeah so this one you can definitely tell is is a lot bluer than that last tributary BTx5cpzXeIQ-00128-00105944-00106464 wow this is impressive here you can see where the color of the river changes to be that beautiful BTx5cpzXeIQ-00129-00106464-00107056 blue the explanation is that this is a mixing point of two rivers you got one on the left there BTx5cpzXeIQ-00130-00107056-00107759 and one comes in here here's the mixing point and this river is carrying a lot of uh BTx5cpzXeIQ-00131-00107759-00108568 aluminum silicates which is a particle formed by aluminum silicon and oxygen and here where the BTx5cpzXeIQ-00132-00108568-00109183 rivers mix for some reason the ph changes i guess one of these rivers must be more of a hot spring BTx5cpzXeIQ-00133-00109183-00109888 river and so here where they mix that causes those particles to enlarge because of the ph BTx5cpzXeIQ-00134-00110000-00110511 and a lot of them drop to the bottom or some of them you can see here like a white sediment on BTx5cpzXeIQ-00135-00110511-00111248 the bottom but the ones that remain in the water cause a optical phenomenon called my scattering BTx5cpzXeIQ-00136-00111248-00111720 and physics which creates the blue color kind of like when you look through rain in a rainbow BTx5cpzXeIQ-00137-00111720-00112176 the water gets split into different colors of light pretty crazy to see this point right here BTx5cpzXeIQ-00138-00112176-00112752 really interesting so we walked a little over two miles and now we're gonna head back to the van and BTx5cpzXeIQ-00139-00112848-00113296 go back to the spot where we slept last night so we can go swimming in the free part of the river BTx5cpzXeIQ-00140-00113456-00114048 i read that the watercolor can come back in as quick as a couple hours after a heavy rain here BTx5cpzXeIQ-00141-00114159-00115080 so even if it's rainy season you might be able to come check this place out that's so cool BTx5cpzXeIQ-00142-00115424-00115816 really glad we came in the morning because it's starting to rain and there's quite a few people BTx5cpzXeIQ-00143-00115816-00116456 here yeah we're gonna have to put away the camera but emily's got this dry bag here and we got this BTx5cpzXeIQ-00144-00116456-00117783 uh rain cover for our other bags yeah should be fine back to the van let's see our buddies BTx5cpzXeIQ-00145-00118352-00119064 he just popped right through there huh where's grammy oh grammy's still in his loft so right down BTx5cpzXeIQ-00146-00119064-00119520 the road from tendorio national park where we just were to check out the rio celeste BTx5cpzXeIQ-00147-00119576-00120583 is is a very nice swimming hole are you happy so yeah we can go for a swim now BTx5cpzXeIQ-00148-00122056-00122496 what do you think going for a swim yeah this spot's here nice little rock pool BTx5cpzXeIQ-00149-00122728-00123080 we haven't gone too far at all from the bridge already i'm loving it up here BTx5cpzXeIQ-00150-00123080-00123383 yeah maybe let's go in a little further BTx5cpzXeIQ-00151-00125144-00126183 uh BTx5cpzXeIQ-00152-00127368-00127583 me BTx5cpzXeIQ-00153-00129088-00129256 time to head to our new campsite for the BTx5cpzXeIQ-00154-00129256-00130383 night BTx5cpzXeIQ-00155-00131064-00131816 unfortunately last night when i was trying to make some dinner the stove ran out of propane BTx5cpzXeIQ-00156-00131816-00132600 it happens every couple months uh traveling in the hot weather makes it happen a little bit less BTx5cpzXeIQ-00157-00132600-00133136 because we don't really use the stove as much we run out of propane every two to three months BTx5cpzXeIQ-00158-00133136-00133920 so now we have to go and find a propane place so we gotta get this propane tank out here which is BTx5cpzXeIQ-00159-00133920-00134696 pretty simple we have this bar keeps all the stuff in i think we did that in mexico and then here BTx5cpzXeIQ-00160-00134696-00135984 this is what actually holds the propane uh so you have to do this part here oh easy this time BTx5cpzXeIQ-00161-00136056-00136608 so now danny's gonna take the propane tank over to the guy to get refilled and i write BTx5cpzXeIQ-00162-00136608-00137304 on our little piece of paper how often we get propane whoa so we lasted three months this time BTx5cpzXeIQ-00163-00137304-00137800 so i guess at this spot they don't let me go in there not sure if it's due to covet or just safety BTx5cpzXeIQ-00164-00137904-00138488 i don't mind at all i'm sure he'll come back with the receipt and i'll pay him then he knew BTx5cpzXeIQ-00165-00138488-00139016 exactly the size we got that tiny tank because it's slightly more safe it's not really safe to BTx5cpzXeIQ-00166-00139016-00139648 have a tank in your vehicle we always shut it off at the tank when we're not cooking BTx5cpzXeIQ-00167-00139728-00140224 and that is the number one safety as well as we have a propane detector and a carbon BTx5cpzXeIQ-00168-00140224-00141056 monoxide detector so they actually had me go in there to pay it's uh 1700 colonists about BTx5cpzXeIQ-00169-00141136-00141936 so that works out to be just three dollars to fill it which is what we're accustomed to so BTx5cpzXeIQ-00170-00142000-00142984 now he handed me back the tank basically just put it back and test her out BTx5cpzXeIQ-00171-00145040-00145752 perfect there we go that's some clean propane and then we shut it off down here usually BTx5cpzXeIQ-00172-00145752-00146552 whenever we first get propane the flame lasts a lot longer so yep that looks like we have a BTx5cpzXeIQ-00173-00146552-00147208 new tank and now it's already off here now we shut it off here there's no pain in the line BTx5cpzXeIQ-00174-00147208-00148024 so everything's safe all right good job we're good for another three months thank you guys BTx5cpzXeIQ-00175-00148024-00148584 so much for watching see you next time when we head over to the other costa rican coast BUXUvW09LqE-00000-00000362-00000769 The wedging strategy combines certain tactics of the anti-procrastination with BUXUvW09LqE-00001-00000769-00000975 some of the motivational strategies that have been covered. BUXUvW09LqE-00002-00000975-00001382 It can be a very powerful technique. If you are wondering where the term comes BUXUvW09LqE-00003-00001382-00001816 from, it comes from chopping wood and as an experienced wood person will know, BUXUvW09LqE-00004-00001816-00002208 they can't chop a large piece of wood in one blow from the axe. BUXUvW09LqE-00005-00002208-00002673 They need some help and they use a wedge to do this. This is where this technique comes BUXUvW09LqE-00006-00002673-00003077 from. The log is the task and the wedge is the strategy BUXUvW09LqE-00007-00003077-00003547 that you use to break that task down into small manageable pieces. BUXUvW09LqE-00008-00003547-00003911 Instead of approaching the large task with a massive expenditure of energy BUXUvW09LqE-00009-00003911-00004350 similar to what you might do if you were cramming, instead break it up into pieces using a study BUXUvW09LqE-00010-00004350-00004645 wedge. At the thin edge of this wedge is the first BUXUvW09LqE-00011-00004645-00005019 five minutes of the task. This is identical to the 5 minute technique BUXUvW09LqE-00012-00005019-00005456 that was covered in the procrastination video. After the first five minutes are up, you have BUXUvW09LqE-00013-00005456-00005731 a choice to make. You can either take another five minutes or BUXUvW09LqE-00014-00005731-00005996 take a break. But you will probably find that inertia will BUXUvW09LqE-00015-00005996-00006360 carry you for a while. That's the middle part of the wedge. However, BUXUvW09LqE-00016-00006360-00006706 that won't be enough. You want to push yourself, just do another BUXUvW09LqE-00017-00006706-00006995 five minutes, just another five minutes for the final part BUXUvW09LqE-00018-00006995-00007298 of the wedge. You will probably find that your will power BUXUvW09LqE-00019-00007298-00007667 is needed most for the beginning and the end part of the wedge. BUXUvW09LqE-00020-00007667-00008053 If after the first five minutes, you want to take a break, that's OK. BUXUvW09LqE-00021-00008053-00008614 But then the second rule of wedging kicks in and that is you have to time the break. BUXUvW09LqE-00022-00008614-00009104 Many students will break until they feel like studying again. That could be days later. BUXUvW09LqE-00023-00009104-00009446 You don't want that so you have to set the time limit. BUXUvW09LqE-00024-00009446-00009792 If you are using this strategy, you will probably be having a kitchen timer. BUXUvW09LqE-00025-00009792-00010189 So use the kitchen timer, set it for the amount of time that you want for your break and when BUXUvW09LqE-00026-00010189-00010604 the alarm goes off, your commitment is to come back to the task BUXUvW09LqE-00027-00010604-00011163 and again do the first five minutes to start a new study wedge. BUXUvW09LqE-00028-00011163-00011550 Use these rules during the entire time that you set aside to do the studying. BUXUvW09LqE-00029-00011550-00011854 What you will find is that if you use the wedging technique regularly, BUXUvW09LqE-00030-00011854-00012195 it is going to have a number of benefits for you. BUXUvW09LqE-00031-00012195-00012559 First you are no longer procrastinating. You have actually got it start it and that's a BUXUvW09LqE-00032-00012559-00012916 good thing. Two you are rewarding yourself by having that BUXUvW09LqE-00033-00012916-00013333 break after you have done the studying. And third, your breaks are real breaks. BUXUvW09LqE-00034-00013333-00013733 You can actually sit back and relax because the alarm clock is going to tell you when BUXUvW09LqE-00035-00013733-00014047 to come back. You don't have to think about studying during BUXUvW09LqE-00036-00014047-00014347 your break. Four, you are building up your will power BUXUvW09LqE-00037-00014347-00014816 by delaying stopping the task. This is building your study muscle. BUXUvW09LqE-00038-00014816-00015128 Wedging can be a very a very powerful strategy for students. BUXUvW09LqE-00039-00015128-00015383 And notice that you are in charge the whole time. BUXUvW09LqE-00040-00015383-00015772 You determine how long your breaks are and how long your study periods are. BUXUvW09LqE-00041-00015772-00016141 If you only study for five minutes and then take a 25 minutes break, BUXUvW09LqE-00042-00016141-00016553 then do again a five minutes of studying and a 25 minutes of break, you did that for three BUXUvW09LqE-00043-00016553-00016826 hours, you get 30 minutes of studying done. BUXUvW09LqE-00044-00016826-00017262 That's 30 more minutes than you would have if you procrastinated for the entire time. BUXUvW09LqE-00045-00017262-00017680 And because of the law of inertia, you will probably find that you will do much more than BUXUvW09LqE-00046-00017680-00018057 30 minutes of studying. This is the power of the strategy. Here is BUXUvW09LqE-00047-00018057-00018434 a quick summary of the 3 rules of the wedging. BUXUvW09LqE-00048-00018434-00019017 First get started on time by doing just first five minutes of the task. Use a kitchen timer. BUXUvW09LqE-00049-00019017-00019437 At the end of the first five minutes, decide whether you want to do another five minutes BUXUvW09LqE-00050-00019437-00019725 or take a break. If you want to do another five minutes, great! BUXUvW09LqE-00051-00019725-00020173 Set the kitchen timer and go do it. If you want to take a break, that's also OK BUXUvW09LqE-00052-00020173-00020719 but you must set a time limit on that break. When the alarm goes off, you have to come BUXUvW09LqE-00053-00020719-00021071 back and do just another five minutes of the task. BUXUvW09LqE-00054-00021071-00021465 You repeat this as needed for the amount of time you set aside to study. BUXUvW09LqE-00055-00021465-00021557 I hope this helps. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00000-00000001-00000105 (male narrator) In this video, BVKJDXsgm4Q-00001-00000105-00000308 we will begin solving word problems BVKJDXsgm4Q-00002-00000308-00000606 by translating information in the problem BVKJDXsgm4Q-00003-00000606-00000900 into a mathematical equation. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00004-00000900-00001300 Some key phrases we may need to translate along the way BVKJDXsgm4Q-00005-00001300-00001408 include the following: BVKJDXsgm4Q-00006-00001408-00001907 First is the word "is," or "were," "was," or "will be." BVKJDXsgm4Q-00007-00001907-00002401 All will generally translate to an equal sign. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00008-00002401-00002708 One-half is the same as 3/6. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00009-00002708-00003008 One-half equals 3/6. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00010-00003008-00003506 Another key phrase to notice is "more than," means we add. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00011-00003707-00004209 It's important to note that addition is built backwards. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00012-00004705-00005400 Five more than 8 means we add 5 to the 8: 8 plus 5. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00013-00005400-00005607 Similarly, "subtracted from" or "less than" BVKJDXsgm4Q-00014-00005607-00006006 means we subtract, which is also built backwards. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00015-00006801-00007202 Five less than 7 is 7 minus 5. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00016-00007202-00007405 Let's take a look at some problems BVKJDXsgm4Q-00017-00007405-00007806 where we have to solve using this translating method. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00018-00008003-00008307 In this problem, we see several key phrases. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00019-00008307-00008803 We see 5 less than 3 times a number. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00020-00008803-00009103 Five less than means we subtract 5, BVKJDXsgm4Q-00021-00009103-00009304 because it is built backwards. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00022-00009304-00009802 We subtract 5 from 3 times a number. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00023-00009802-00010006 We don't know what that number is, BVKJDXsgm4Q-00024-00010006-00010306 so we simply will make that number x. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00025-00010601-00010909 Next, we see this "is" 19. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00026-00010909-00011608 Is, we know translates to an equal sign: equals 19. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00027-00011608-00012109 We now have the equation: 3x minus 5, equals 19. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00028-00012302-00012504 We can quickly solve this equation BVKJDXsgm4Q-00029-00012504-00012801 by balancing through the equal sign BVKJDXsgm4Q-00030-00012801-00013406 and adding 5 to both sides: 3x equals 24. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00031-00013603-00014401 Next, we divide both sides by 3 to find x equals 8. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00032-00014401-00014609 This means our number is 8. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00033-00014609-00015105 Five less than 3 times 8 is 19. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00034-00015303-00015605 Let's try another example where we have to translate BVKJDXsgm4Q-00035-00015605-00015908 several key phrases in the problem. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00036-00016107-00016506 Here, we see 7 "more than." BVKJDXsgm4Q-00037-00016506-00016803 More than means we add. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00038-00016803-00017205 But it's built backwards, so we add the 7. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00039-00017205-00017505 To find out what we're adding 7 to, BVKJDXsgm4Q-00040-00017505-00017705 we continue reading. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00041-00017705-00017908 "Twice" a number. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00042-00017908-00018302 Twice means we multiply by 2. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00043-00018302-00018506 We don't know what the number is, BVKJDXsgm4Q-00044-00018506-00018802 so we will use our variable x. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00045-00019001-00019209 Next is the word "is." BVKJDXsgm4Q-00046-00019209-00019606 We know is translates to an equal sign. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00047-00019606-00020107 Six "less than" implies a subtraction problem, BVKJDXsgm4Q-00048-00020107-00020606 also built backwards, so we subtract the 6. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00049-00020606-00020901 To find out what we subtract from, BVKJDXsgm4Q-00050-00020901-00021305 we keep reading: 3 times the same number; BVKJDXsgm4Q-00051-00021305-00021708 3 times that same number that we don't know: x. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00052-00022001-00022201 After translating the pieces, BVKJDXsgm4Q-00053-00022201-00022600 we now have an equation we can solve. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00054-00022600-00022800 Balancing through the equal sign, BVKJDXsgm4Q-00055-00022800-00023201 we start by moving the variables to the same side. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00056-00023201-00023500 Subtracting 2x from both sides BVKJDXsgm4Q-00057-00023500-00024209 will give us 7 equals 1x, or just x; minus 6. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00058-00024209-00024902 Finally, to get the x alone, we can add 6 to both sides. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00059-00024902-00025300 We find 13 equals x. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00060-00025300-00025601 Our number is 13. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00061-00025601-00026403 Seven more than twice 13 is 6 less than 3 times the same 13. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00062-00026403-00026703 By translating key phrases in a word problem, BVKJDXsgm4Q-00063-00026703-00027104 we can quickly make an equation that we can easily solve. BVKJDXsgm4Q-00064-00027104-00027401 As we do, it is important to remember BVKJDXsgm4Q-00065-00027401-00027607 that quite often addition and subtraction BVKJDXsgm4Q-00066-00027607-00027809 are built in the opposite order BVKJDXsgm4Q-00067-00027809-00028104 they are described in the problem. BaK-uSYeXjA-00000-00000333-00002535 JFIF ICC_PROFILE appl mntrRGB XYZ acspAPPL appl -appl desc odscm lcprt 8wtpt rXYZ gXYZ BaK-uSYeXjA-00001-00002535-00002819 bXYZ rTRC chad ,bTRC gTRC desc Generic RGB Profile Generic RGB Profile mluc skSK xhrHR BaK-uSYeXjA-00002-00002819-00002919 caES ptBR ukUA frFU <zhTW ditIT znbNO koKR csCZ heIL deDE huHU JsvSE zhCN rjaJP roRO BaK-uSYeXjA-00003-00002919-00003019 elGR ptPO nlNL esES thTH 6trTR ZfiFI |plPL ruRU arEG enUS daDK r_ic etext Copyright 2007 BaK-uSYeXjA-00004-00003019-00003119 Apple Inc., all rights reserved. XYZ XYZ XYZ 4XYZ 6curv sf32 Exif Canon Canon EOS 7D 2012:12:29 BaK-uSYeXjA-00005-00003119-00003219 02:00:53 0221 0100 2012:12:29 02:00:53 2012:12:29 02:00:53 http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/ <x:xmpmeta BaK-uSYeXjA-00006-00003219-00003319 xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="XMP Core 5.1.2"> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"> BaK-uSYeXjA-00007-00003319-00003419 <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:aux="http://ns.adobe.com/exif/1.0/aux/"> <aux:LensInfo>18/1 55/1 0/0 0/0</aux:LensInfo> BaK-uSYeXjA-00008-00003419-00003519 <aux:Lens>Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS</aux:Lens> <aux:FlashCompensation>0/1</aux:FlashCompensation> BaK-uSYeXjA-00009-00003519-00003619 <aux:Firmware>Firmware Version 1.2.2</aux:Firmware> <aux:LensID>48</aux:LensID> <aux:SerialNumber>1470810803</aux:SerialNumber> BaK-uSYeXjA-00010-00003619-00003719 </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:xmp="http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/"> BaK-uSYeXjA-00011-00003719-00003819 <xmp:CreateDate>2012-12-29T02:00:53</xmp:CreateDate> <xmp:ModifyDate>2012-12-29T02:00:53</xmp:ModifyDate> BaK-uSYeXjA-00012-00003819-00003919 </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:photoshop="http://ns.adobe.com/photoshop/1.0/"> BaK-uSYeXjA-00013-00003919-00004019 <photoshop:DateCreated>2012-12-29T02:00:53</photoshop:DateCreated> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" BaK-uSYeXjA-00014-00004019-00004119 xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"> <dc:creator> <rdf:Seq> <rdf:li/> </rdf:Seq> BaK-uSYeXjA-00015-00004119-00004219 </dc:creator> <dc:rights> <rdf:Alt> <rdf:li xml:lang="x-default"/> </rdf:Alt> </dc:rights> BaK-uSYeXjA-00016-00004219-00004319 </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> </x:xmpmeta> $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz BaK-uSYeXjA-00017-00004319-00004419 &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz uZk; ?ufi 8!_& Ty6wR B~AfV Bk>; =@Pq] n?}% BaK-uSYeXjA-00018-00004419-00004519 Z1Nc &>Di? kkx- XDw| FGoz |G0, 7yqs vgdnQG Q=P:mnw2 "03, ]^Mu3E k}` X4 ?,~o YYF; !:|S BaK-uSYeXjA-00019-00004519-00004619 7dv& i}H" G^iw W"$7H k%-' o<fB +t8I4 VYeq F2ZS wm(L iRke +0RN oSY7 nR:~5 'vgVQ{ `cwL BaK-uSYeXjA-00020-00004619-00004719 {m7JW HQd# EV3q l7b1V d)"nS 2@eoQ {74] pEDf n{SuR 2MVyu {h>v TO19/ /.ZN KWYa V:tq ,6~lj BaK-uSYeXjA-00021-00004719-00004819 x:g= &geb2 }DyvB0R8 }qSA VKu_ h[_[, W'r% 'k63 0VRs NFp=O (Enj_ C,S,~C. 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NkHR |5`l[ G4cs ]3L+ n%^~ rNq_C~ BaK-uSYeXjA-00069-00009519-00009619 crdi Zi*t lo99 ;e@< r[BE Xv1'o olZA /xWV McB2x 4QH6 @?{t qE7f {ki5 .TY& C_1M; _]|* ,a/e7 BaK-uSYeXjA-00070-00009619-00009719 ]A^:v F9oZ <[w @{z{S,` MY4f [P$wm ipLe 4-B) sYx1 j~Kd kHCs- iA9E (c%S ;vK} ;)od v19j r+?[ BaK-uSYeXjA-00071-00009719-00009819 )OVrJ % p= za@: ZH#x |Yhb $lgs #.88 3ww=# k$Wv oeeq MNp.- h!)+M3/ +'%W M~*|C a*x~G yorA BaK-uSYeXjA-00072-00009819-00009820 2YMd Jy?L BeISpk_g2xu-00000-00000000-00001416 this episode was pre-recorded as part of a live continuing BeISpk_g2xu-00001-00001416-00001863 education webinar on demand CEUs are still available for this presentation BeISpk_g2xu-00002-00001863-00002412 through all CEUs register at all CEUs comm slash counselor toolbox BeISpk_g2xu-00003-00002412-00003264 so I'd like to welcome everybody today's presentation we're going to be talking BeISpk_g2xu-00004-00003264-00003831 about grief now that doesn't sound like the most cheery presentation for a Thursday getting ready BeISpk_g2xu-00005-00003831-00004401 to go into a weekend and coming up on the holiday season but unfortunately for a lot of people grief BeISpk_g2xu-00006-00004401-00004938 is a really big issue during the holiday season so we're going to talk about some ways we might BeISpk_g2xu-00007-00004938-00005490 be able to help our clients and people we know that don't happen to be clients deal with grief BeISpk_g2xu-00008-00005490-00006620 and get through the holidays and all that kind of stuff oops so over the next 45 minutes we're BeISpk_g2xu-00009-00006620-00007287 going to define grief conceptualize grief in terms of any loss is not just about death identify how BeISpk_g2xu-00010-00007287-00008430 failure to deal with grief can impact a person and explore the stages of grief so grief is a BeISpk_g2xu-00011-00008430-00009039 label assigned to all of the emotions associated with dealing with any kind of loss and when I BeISpk_g2xu-00012-00009039-00009660 talk with patients who are dealing with grief and most everybody by the time they get to be BeISpk_g2xu-00013-00009660-00010197 grown-ups we've had a lot of losses now that may not be a lot of deaths but we've had a lot BeISpk_g2xu-00014-00010197-00010872 of things kind of change and some of those things can be physical you may lose physical things you BeISpk_g2xu-00015-00010872-00011622 can lose you know a pet can die you can lose maybe your favorite car maybe that's a big deal to you BeISpk_g2xu-00016-00011622-00012327 I remember when I got rid of my first car and it was just like oh but it was my first car you can BeISpk_g2xu-00017-00012327-00012969 lose abilities whether it's eyesight your ability to walk anything any physical ability you may lose BeISpk_g2xu-00018-00012969-00013509 and this is true too with an aging population as they lose some the abilities they had when BeISpk_g2xu-00019-00013509-00014115 they were younger I know right now I'll go to the gym and I expect to perform at the level that I BeISpk_g2xu-00020-00014115-00014730 performed that when I was 20 and my husband's like no your heart rate is not supposed to go BeISpk_g2xu-00021-00014730-00015240 the same rate it did when you were 20 years old your body can't handle that anymore and I look BeISpk_g2xu-00022-00015240-00015713 at him like he's got three heads and I'm like oh yes it can don't tell me that I'm not ready to BeISpk_g2xu-00023-00015713-00016509 accept that loss yet my grandfather when as he was getting older developed Parkinson's disease and BeISpk_g2xu-00024-00016509-00017253 one of his hobbies was making miniature dollhouse furniture and he made beautiful furniture but as BeISpk_g2xu-00025-00017253-00017907 his Parkinson's got worse he couldn't control the small movements that he needed to do in order to BeISpk_g2xu-00026-00017907-00018477 make the itty-bitty parts to the ATB furniture and that was huge for him because he didn't have a lot BeISpk_g2xu-00027-00018477-00019224 of skills he had a sixth-grade education he was a painter by trade and once the Parkinson's set in BeISpk_g2xu-00028-00019224-00019836 he couldn't do that either so he had a lot to deal with as far as his life was changing and he had no BeISpk_g2xu-00029-00019836-00020703 control over it and we can also lose freedoms I'll just kind of leave that for discussion later some BeISpk_g2xu-00030-00020703-00021342 things we can lose in terms of self-concept your roles change and it's not necessarily that you BeISpk_g2xu-00031-00021342-00022038 lose them they just go away when children leave the house people go through emptiness because BeISpk_g2xu-00032-00022038-00022545 you're not doing the same thing anymore and for some people it's a big deal for other people BeISpk_g2xu-00033-00022545-00023412 they're just like I can't wait for the kids to get out of the house but depending on your attachment BeISpk_g2xu-00034-00023412-00024087 to that role and how much it changes there could be a huge sense of loss when that happens the BeISpk_g2xu-00035-00024087-00024678 same thing happens when people are going through recovery and that's one of the reasons I try to BeISpk_g2xu-00036-00024678-00025419 encourage a lot of my patients not to say I am an addict or I am a bulimic or I am something else BeISpk_g2xu-00037-00025419-00026181 because if you are that then when you get rid of that symptom or condition or whatever it is then BeISpk_g2xu-00038-00026181-00026720 you're essentially getting rid of part of yourself and that's hard to grieve aren't hard to deal with BeISpk_g2xu-00039-00026793-00027405 yes it can be grieved and because people have identified with it for so long and it is been BeISpk_g2xu-00040-00027405-00028113 part of who they are for a while sometimes people have to go through that grieving process to say BeISpk_g2xu-00041-00028113-00028941 okay I'm not doing that anymore I'm not the same person I was six years ago your values can change BeISpk_g2xu-00042-00028941-00029627 and there can be a grieving process associated with that as you go from being optimistic about BeISpk_g2xu-00043-00029627-00030408 everything and just wide-eyed and bright-eyed and bushy-tailed every morning to okay you know it's BeISpk_g2xu-00044-00030408-00030912 gonna be a good day but I know that everything's not gonna go right so those rose-colored glasses BeISpk_g2xu-00045-00030912-00031551 have come down a little bit I try not to take them off completely your worldview can change people BeISpk_g2xu-00046-00031551-00031995 lose innocence and you don't have to just be a victim of crime to lose innocence I'm not saying BeISpk_g2xu-00047-00031995-00032667 that but I'm saying as we grow older and it kind of dovetails on what I just was talking about we BeISpk_g2xu-00048-00032667-00033378 realized that things aren't as cut and dry as we thought we realize people that we idolized aren't BeISpk_g2xu-00049-00033378-00034014 perfect oh my gosh we realized that you know there are a lot of things in life that aren't fair and BeISpk_g2xu-00050-00034014-00034665 dealing with the accepting the fact that life isn't fair is a big issue for a lot of people BeISpk_g2xu-00051-00034665-00035400 people can lose their sense of safety now this can be because of victimization this can be because of BeISpk_g2xu-00052-00035400-00036243 being in the military being in law enforcement or for some people it can just be from watching BeISpk_g2xu-00053-00036243-00036900 too much news and television and you know you're kind of going what they've done a lot of studies BeISpk_g2xu-00054-00036900-00037509 especially after 9/11 and after Katrina they found that there was a lot of secondary traumatization BeISpk_g2xu-00055-00037509-00038133 of children who were watching the news and it was repeatedly showing this for weeks and BeISpk_g2xu-00056-00038133-00038736 months on end so the children felt like the world was a lot scarier than it really was because they BeISpk_g2xu-00057-00038736-00039315 weren't conceptualizing that this is a tape that was made three weeks ago and you know I know that BeISpk_g2xu-00058-00039315-00040107 the aftermath of 9/11 and Katrina went on for a long time but for the children that were watching BeISpk_g2xu-00059-00040107-00040743 it it just like the world was falling apart so as parents we needed to work with them on helping BeISpk_g2xu-00060-00040743-00041376 them understand that they were safe but we also needed to help them kind of fit that into their BeISpk_g2xu-00061-00041376-00041883 worldview and fit that into their schema about the fact that you know yeah the world is not BeISpk_g2xu-00062-00041883-00042714 just this perfect happy place there are dangerous things dreams how things should be how many times BeISpk_g2xu-00063-00042714-00043368 have you worked with the client or heard somebody say you know I should have had a better father or BeISpk_g2xu-00064-00043368-00043977 that person was not the kind of mother I should have had or I deserve to have this that or the BeISpk_g2xu-00065-00043977-00044736 other thing well it didn't happen so we need to take that hope that dream that you were holding BeISpk_g2xu-00066-00044736-00045564 on to and talk about it and help you figure out how to integrate it into future life this can BeISpk_g2xu-00067-00045564-00045969 really be triggered if you have two parents maybe you grew up in a two-parent household BeISpk_g2xu-00068-00045969-00046536 and one parent dies and all of a sudden you're like okay you know I'm 35 years old I was still BeISpk_g2xu-00069-00046536-00047229 hoping for warden June Cleaver and it never materialized and now my dad's dead so there's BeISpk_g2xu-00070-00047229-00047763 no way it can materialize and that can be sort of the proverbial straw that broke the camel's BeISpk_g2xu-00071-00047763-00048399 back and socially loss of relationships whether it's an intimate relationship or a friendship BeISpk_g2xu-00072-00048399-00049116 or even co-workers when you move and you have to change your neighborhood you have to change the BeISpk_g2xu-00073-00049116-00049578 people you work with there are going to be some people that you're going to miss but it's also BeISpk_g2xu-00074-00049578-00050184 developing a whole new social circle there's a lot of stress that goes along with that change BeISpk_g2xu-00075-00050184-00050898 you've lost the familiarity maybe you moved to a whole new city and you've lost the familiarity BeISpk_g2xu-00076-00050898-00051336 with everything that you used to do all the places you used to go you have to learn new BeISpk_g2xu-00077-00051336-00052089 routes there's a lot of stress associated with accommodating to new situations so all of these BeISpk_g2xu-00078-00052089-00052719 things can prompt sort of a grief reaction now the level of grief is going to be more for some BeISpk_g2xu-00079-00052719-00053354 and less for others but we don't want to minimize the stress or grief associated with these losses BeISpk_g2xu-00080-00053533-00054229 so briefly the stages of grief as kubler-ross identified them most of us probably went through BeISpk_g2xu-00081-00054229-00054934 this in beginning counselling denial people look at it and feel numb it's just like you BeISpk_g2xu-00082-00054934-00055566 know this isn't happening it's a dream or they're trying to find alternate explanations for it then BeISpk_g2xu-00083-00055566-00056217 anger because they have no control over the situation remember we've talked about anger as BeISpk_g2xu-00084-00056217-00056809 being a reaction to a threat trigger so the person starting to realize it happened but they're also BeISpk_g2xu-00085-00056809-00057516 realizing that there was a threat some threat of loss of something then you move on to bargaining BeISpk_g2xu-00086-00057516-00058264 if I fill in the blank then I'll wake up and realize this was only a bad dream depression is BeISpk_g2xu-00087-00058264-00058957 when the person realizes that they're there awake and it's not a bad dream it's reality and a sense BeISpk_g2xu-00088-00058957-00059620 of hopelessness and helplessness it's in followed by which is where we hope to get them acceptance BeISpk_g2xu-00089-00059620-00060136 which can be radical acceptance that the loss occurred and determining how to proceed from there BeISpk_g2xu-00090-00060136-00060574 we're not saying you have to be okay with it we're not saying you have to be happy that it happened BeISpk_g2xu-00091-00060574-00061327 you know sometimes things really stink but at a certain point you have to decide whether you are BeISpk_g2xu-00092-00061327-00062035 going to move on or you're going to be stuck one of the key points in going through the stages of BeISpk_g2xu-00093-00062035-00062647 grief and you know what maybe we should call them phases instead of stages because people don't go BeISpk_g2xu-00094-00062647-00063334 through them linearly and then poof they're done people go through them sort of circularly denial BeISpk_g2xu-00095-00063334-00064141 usually people don't go through that a whole bunch but I know after my father passed we had BeISpk_g2xu-00096-00064141-00064759 already moved and I I would see him maybe once a year once every other year and then after my kids BeISpk_g2xu-00097-00064759-00065416 were born a little bit more often than that but as long as I wasn't going down to South Florida BeISpk_g2xu-00098-00065416-00066058 you know in my little happy world somewhere he was still alive so I was still in this world BeISpk_g2xu-00099-00066058-00066776 of denial now rationally I knew he wasn't but as long as I wasn't confronted with reality I'd like BeISpk_g2xu-00100-00066776-00067529 to stay in my happy little world so I would go back and forth between denial anger like we've BeISpk_g2xu-00101-00067529-00068171 talked about before if anger works for people if it's been effective then they may go back to anger BeISpk_g2xu-00102-00068171-00068828 more often they may stay angry that they didn't have control they may stay angry at themselves for BeISpk_g2xu-00103-00068828-00069263 things they think they should have done or could have done they should have said or could have BeISpk_g2xu-00104-00069263-00070175 said bargaining may come may go and depression so some people aren't as comfortable with anger and BeISpk_g2xu-00105-00070175-00070784 they stick in that depression area where they're hopeless and helpless because they don't have the BeISpk_g2xu-00106-00070784-00071279 energy or they don't feel it's worth the effort or they don't want to put forth the effort to fight BeISpk_g2xu-00107-00071279-00072215 or flee the anger and anxiety thing so they get stuck in helplessness and hopelessness then we BeISpk_g2xu-00108-00072215-00073004 move on to acceptance does that mean the person's done no I'm sorry hate to break it to you they're BeISpk_g2xu-00109-00073004-00073700 not why because they'll get to acceptance and then all of a sudden they'll be reminded of it BeISpk_g2xu-00110-00073700-00074552 again have you ever gotten an injury and you know it really stinks you're icing it heating BeISpk_g2xu-00111-00074552-00075065 it you're going through whatever you need to do to get it better for a while and then you start BeISpk_g2xu-00112-00075065-00075491 to get the point where it's feeling better and you don't really notice it much you know you've just BeISpk_g2xu-00113-00075491-00075950 accepted that it hurt and you're starting to get back to doing your normal thing and then somebody BeISpk_g2xu-00114-00075950-00076673 comes along and pokes you right where you got hurt and you're like okay not healed yet that's BeISpk_g2xu-00115-00076673-00077231 the best analogy I can kind of give for when we're dealing with grief people may be able to BeISpk_g2xu-00116-00077231-00077855 accept it in a general level but every once in a while there's going to be a poignant reminder like BeISpk_g2xu-00117-00077855-00078590 a holiday or an anniversary or me maybe even the smell of somebody's perfume or cologne something BeISpk_g2xu-00118-00078590-00079466 that will throw them back into the stages of grief is it going to be as bad as the first time usually BeISpk_g2xu-00119-00079466-00080078 not usually it gets a little bit better every time they work through it but helping clients BeISpk_g2xu-00120-00080078-00080987 understand that they are going to feel grief again and helping them understand that that's okay BeISpk_g2xu-00121-00080987-00081395 they're not going to be stuck there forever and every time they go through it it'll get a little BeISpk_g2xu-00122-00081395-00082145 bit easier again it may never be okay but they're gonna figure out how to make it work in their life BeISpk_g2xu-00123-00082145-00083018 so they can move on without feeling guilty or feeling depressed about the situation forever BeISpk_g2xu-00124-00083018-00083861 exacerbating and mitigating factors how people react in a crisis depends on six things in general BeISpk_g2xu-00125-00083861-00084563 how close the situation was to them physical proximity if something happens to me is going BeISpk_g2xu-00126-00084563-00085337 to affect me a lot more than if something happens on TV and I see it true the other thing that maybe BeISpk_g2xu-00127-00085337-00086006 play at play in here is emotional proximity something that happens to someone who's really BeISpk_g2xu-00128-00086006-00086810 close to your heart may have more grief power if you will then something that happens to someone BeISpk_g2xu-00129-00086810-00087533 that you know maybe your neighbor next door but it's not your best friend in the whole world how BeISpk_g2xu-00130-00087533-00088205 many other stressors the person experienced in the last year so why do we care about that and BeISpk_g2xu-00131-00088205-00088784 at this point most of you are probably muttering under your breath vulnerabilities and that's it BeISpk_g2xu-00132-00088784-00089594 if you have already sort of spent your energy reserves on 18 other stressors up until now then BeISpk_g2xu-00133-00089594-00090311 when this happen happens it's going to feel a lot more overwhelming because you're at a gasps mental BeISpk_g2xu-00134-00090311-00091034 health issues and or effective coping skills if someone has current mental health issues then BeISpk_g2xu-00135-00091034-00091754 obviously it's probably going to exacerbate those if someone had mental health issues and they're in BeISpk_g2xu-00136-00091754-00092312 remission or they're under control or whatever you want to call them and they have effective coping BeISpk_g2xu-00137-00092312-00092840 skills to deal with it then they're going to be better off it doesn't necessarily mean they're BeISpk_g2xu-00138-00092840-00093497 going to have a full-blown relapse of their mental health issue or substance abuse but it's important BeISpk_g2xu-00139-00093497-00094247 to understand that even if they're in remission or doing well unless their coping skills are really BeISpk_g2xu-00140-00094247-00094916 really spot-on they're probably going to need more social support and they're probably going to need BeISpk_g2xu-00141-00094916-00095696 more feedback on what's going on which takes us to social supports if you have them it's gonna BeISpk_g2xu-00142-00095696-00096254 help it's gonna help buffer social supports can be there to help you make meals when you don't BeISpk_g2xu-00143-00096254-00096836 have the energy to make meals social supports can be there to help you get out of the house BeISpk_g2xu-00144-00096836-00097409 if you just you're depressed and you can't get moving social supports can be there to go hey BeISpk_g2xu-00145-00097409-00098165 I've been there too or maybe I haven't been there but let me here let me understand how you feel why BeISpk_g2xu-00146-00098165-00098687 don't we talk about it and I'll be here for you I can't make it better but I'll be here for you BeISpk_g2xu-00147-00098687-00099689 understanding the loss if the person understands what happens it may make more logical sense if BeISpk_g2xu-00148-00099689-00100268 someone is you know I talked about empty-nest earlier as parents we know that's going to happen BeISpk_g2xu-00149-00100268-00100883 and like I said as parents sometimes we're going I can't wait till he's 18 other times his parents BeISpk_g2xu-00150-00100883-00101474 were just kind of holding on I was going through old baby pictures today and you know I'm really BeISpk_g2xu-00151-00101474-00102035 not eager for my kids to move out but I understand that it's coming and I can prepare for it and it's BeISpk_g2xu-00152-00102035-00102770 a natural course of things my stepfather when back in you know when he was a young man very BeISpk_g2xu-00153-00102770-00103550 young man on Christmas Eve the Christmas lights caught fire and his entire family died in a house BeISpk_g2xu-00154-00103550-00104183 fire on Christmas Eve how can you understand that loss that's not one you can predict it's not even BeISpk_g2xu-00155-00104183-00104734 in the normal order of things so that one's a lot harder to deal with because you don't even see it BeISpk_g2xu-00156-00104734-00105407 coming you get blindsided and how much control or responsibility they feel like they have in BeISpk_g2xu-00157-00105407-00106210 a situation you know again with my stepfather he feels an immense amount of guilt because he hung BeISpk_g2xu-00158-00106210-00106715 the Christmas lights and you know he goes back and thinks about all those shooters and could BeISpk_g2xu-00159-00106715-00107675 and all that kind of stuff and it's been 60 years since this happened but it still hurts a lot and BeISpk_g2xu-00160-00107675-00108239 I'm not saying that it shouldn't which is why you know again I don't want my clients to think that BeISpk_g2xu-00161-00108239-00108808 you know you go through it once you deal with it and you're gonna be good with it because sometimes BeISpk_g2xu-00162-00108808-00109445 that's just not how it happens but you get to the point where it's not ripping you up inside BeISpk_g2xu-00163-00109445-00110417 the impact of unresolved grief so what about the people who never get to acceptance and you know BeISpk_g2xu-00164-00110417-00110939 every time they're thrown back into the into the grief cycle they get all the way up to depression BeISpk_g2xu-00165-00110939-00111554 and then they just stay there and then they get thrown back into the grief cycle what happens BeISpk_g2xu-00166-00111554-00112181 a lot of anger should as good as and if onlys at theirs themselves for what they could have done to BeISpk_g2xu-00167-00112181-00112793 prevent it or what they should have done you know maybe I should have told them I loved them before BeISpk_g2xu-00168-00112793-00113444 I left the house so we need to look at that what what kind of self talk are you saying to yourself BeISpk_g2xu-00169-00113444-00114149 about this situation at others for things they should have done to prevent it or things they BeISpk_g2xu-00170-00114149-00114824 should have done to help and at their higher power a lot of people when they go through a BeISpk_g2xu-00171-00114824-00115619 grief situation or maybe they have multiple losses and at a certain point they're just like really BeISpk_g2xu-00172-00115619-00116390 how can this be happening I I don't understand I don't get it and at that point sometimes they BeISpk_g2xu-00173-00116390-00117008 turn to their higher power and they're they're just like how can you let this happen then they BeISpk_g2xu-00174-00117008-00117508 feel guilty about being angry at their higher power so there's a whole set of things to deal BeISpk_g2xu-00175-00117508-00118258 with in terms of anger itself at others and at their higher power if there is one that they BeISpk_g2xu-00176-00118258-00119267 believe in now one of the things that I have seen is a lot of clients not the majority but I've had BeISpk_g2xu-00177-00119267-00119879 a lot of clients who've had so many losses that they just give up and are like there cannot be a BeISpk_g2xu-00178-00119879-00120595 high power there cannot be a controlling force if this is happening therefore I am going to BeISpk_g2xu-00179-00120595-00121359 doubt the existence and or become atheist so I've seen people go from being spiritual or religious BeISpk_g2xu-00180-00121359-00122338 to atheist to agnostic or spiritual or religious again it doesn't always happen but figuring out BeISpk_g2xu-00181-00122338-00122950 where the change in Y the change in belief system happened if they want to go there can be helpful BeISpk_g2xu-00182-00122950-00123625 for some people especially if they're working a 12-step program depression the hopelessness and BeISpk_g2xu-00183-00123625-00124207 helplessness and I just I don't know how to go on you know I know I can't control it I've gone BeISpk_g2xu-00184-00124207-00125038 through the anger I don't have the energy to be angry anymore I just I'm depressed so I'm hopeless BeISpk_g2xu-00185-00125038-00125797 that I can fix anything I'm hopeless that you can fix anything and I'm hopeless that my higher power BeISpk_g2xu-00186-00125797-00126496 is gonna do anything about it either think about being in that person's mind for a minute not for BeISpk_g2xu-00187-00126496-00127180 very long cuz it's not a not a good place to be but I get it so one of the things as clinicians BeISpk_g2xu-00188-00127180-00128224 we can do is help them focus on what things about that they can control you know as far as you know BeISpk_g2xu-00189-00128224-00128808 when my father passed I couldn't control the fact that he passed away it's just the way it was but BeISpk_g2xu-00190-00128808-00129640 I do have control over whether I remember him whether I talk about him whether I make sure my BeISpk_g2xu-00191-00129640-00130308 kids know who he was and have them exposed to his pictures and memories and all kinds of kinds of BeISpk_g2xu-00192-00130308-00131038 stuff like that I do have control about whether his memory lives on so at a certain point and BeISpk_g2xu-00193-00131038-00131566 when the nerves are raw is not the time to do it to say all right well let's look at the positive BeISpk_g2xu-00194-00131566-00132133 side of this but once a person gets to that point where they've been in they've gone through some BeISpk_g2xu-00195-00132133-00132895 depression and they're ready to move on then we can start looking looking at what does this loss BeISpk_g2xu-00196-00132895-00133621 mean to you and what parts of it do you want to carry with you what are the good parts because BeISpk_g2xu-00197-00133621-00134158 obviously your if something isn't meaningful to you if you don't care about it you're gonna let BeISpk_g2xu-00198-00134158-00134785 it go and it's not going to trigger this huge grief process so what is it that is important BeISpk_g2xu-00199-00134785-00135847 to you that you either want to carry on or learn or remember denial is not just a river in Egypt BeISpk_g2xu-00200-00135847-00136639 had to say it sorry denial is the minds way of protecting you from what lies ahead and I've BeISpk_g2xu-00201-00136639-00137377 had a lot of clients over the years and when they come in especially for residential and IOP one of BeISpk_g2xu-00202-00137377-00137956 the first things they do in phase 1 of treatment is an autobiography and I've had clients come to BeISpk_g2xu-00203-00137956-00138562 me before and go I've done my agra autobiography before can I just bring it in and my answer is BeISpk_g2xu-00204-00138562-00139345 always no no you need to start over again and they look at me kind of quizzically and I tell them a BeISpk_g2xu-00205-00139345-00140176 story that one of my favorite supervisors told me at one point and it goes something like this there BeISpk_g2xu-00206-00140176-00140923 was a counselor in training and he went into his supervisors office one day and he said I'm here BeISpk_g2xu-00207-00140923-00141586 for supervision I just I don't know what to do with this client and told told the supervisor the BeISpk_g2xu-00208-00141586-00142645 story and the supervisor sat back and folded his hands over his belly and said hmm ok go's fidgets BeISpk_g2xu-00209-00142645-00143344 and his desk and pulls out a picture hands the guy the picture it's a picture of a fish and the BeISpk_g2xu-00210-00143344-00144199 therapist is like what why are you giving me the picture of a fish and the supervisor says go home BeISpk_g2xu-00211-00144199-00144922 and draw that for me and bring it back dutifully the therapist walks out of the office and says BeISpk_g2xu-00212-00144922-00145471 all right I trust this guy there's got to be a reason behind this but I think it's kind of out BeISpk_g2xu-00213-00145471-00146155 in left-field I'll do it so he did it he came back the next week same thing still having the BeISpk_g2xu-00214-00146155-00146779 same problems with the client told the supervisor the supervisor takes the guys drawing look that BeISpk_g2xu-00215-00146779-00147745 it puts in his desk says go home and draw the fish again what's okay so this happens two or BeISpk_g2xu-00216-00147745-00148558 three more times and finally the therapist is like you know mr. supervisor I have been trying BeISpk_g2xu-00217-00148558-00149002 to be very patient and I try it been trying to understand what I'm supposed to be getting out BeISpk_g2xu-00218-00149002-00149521 of this you know in terms of helping me help my client are you trying to teach me patience sir BeISpk_g2xu-00219-00149521-00150307 I don't understand and the supervisor pulls out all five pictures that the guy had drawn of the BeISpk_g2xu-00220-00150307-00151171 fish and you know what he saw five very different fish because every time the therapist drew it he BeISpk_g2xu-00221-00151171-00152083 saw something different or saw it in a different light the take-home from that is the fact that BeISpk_g2xu-00222-00152340-00153150 our mind protects us or our mind let us see what we're in the zone to see and sometimes you know in BeISpk_g2xu-00223-00153150-00153630 terms of like doing an autobiography clients will write their autobiography and their minds will let BeISpk_g2xu-00224-00153630-00154254 them remember what they can handle there's some stuff that is gonna still stay locked away back BeISpk_g2xu-00225-00154254-00154887 here because it's just too much right now and if we go there it's going to feel overwhelming BeISpk_g2xu-00226-00154887-00155526 so I have my clients write their autobiography all over again from scratch I don't want them BeISpk_g2xu-00227-00155526-00156045 to add on to something they already have because they'll get stuck in whatever framework that was BeISpk_g2xu-00228-00156045-00156714 which is why the supervisor didn't say go add on to this drawing for me tell me what else you see BeISpk_g2xu-00229-00156714-00157422 he wanted to see all the different perspectives now autobiographies are long so I wouldn't suggest BeISpk_g2xu-00230-00157422-00158034 making clients write them and rewrite them if in the same treatment episode but it is interesting BeISpk_g2xu-00231-00158034-00158757 to have them bring in their old autobiographies and compare them and talk about why it is that BeISpk_g2xu-00232-00158757-00159258 they're remembering different pieces or you'll have clients that'll come back in in the middle BeISpk_g2xu-00233-00159258-00159990 of a session and they'll be like I don't know why I didn't remember that until now that's right for BeISpk_g2xu-00234-00159990-00160542 discussion well let's talk about that what part of that situation that you just remembered is BeISpk_g2xu-00235-00160542-00161262 meaningful to you and in what way do you think it you weren't ready to know it until now what BeISpk_g2xu-00236-00161262-00161952 kind of revelations are you gonna have from this so the action strategy is in denial when you're BeISpk_g2xu-00237-00161952-00162765 working with a client who is recently recently had some kind of a loss is facing the loss and BeISpk_g2xu-00238-00162765-00163434 reminding themselves that it happened and this isn't something that they want to get up and BeISpk_g2xu-00239-00163434-00164070 do like every hour and go okay you know my my such-and-such passed away or I lost this or I BeISpk_g2xu-00240-00164070-00164694 lost my house no you don't let's not throw them into depression but when we're talking to them in BeISpk_g2xu-00241-00164694-00165375 therapy it's important to make sure they maintain a present focus and if it's something that they BeISpk_g2xu-00242-00165375-00165922 lost they talk about it as something that they law if it's someone for example who passed away BeISpk_g2xu-00243-00165922-00166786 they don't talk about that person in the present or future tense like he does this or he will do BeISpk_g2xu-00244-00166786-00167725 this is he used to do this helping people start to change their vocabulary to integrate the concept BeISpk_g2xu-00245-00167725-00168715 that that person or that thing or that dream is gone so then we move on to anger and sometimes BeISpk_g2xu-00246-00168715-00169279 if you push them too hard in denial you will hit a wall of anger be aware of it if they start getting BeISpk_g2xu-00247-00169279-00170005 irritable back off preferably before you hit full-blown anger anger is people's way to push BeISpk_g2xu-00248-00170005-00170572 other people away to avoid getting hurt again if they were in a relationship and it broke up that's BeISpk_g2xu-00249-00170572-00171118 a loss so they may be angry they may be angry at the other person they may be angry at themselves BeISpk_g2xu-00250-00171118-00171868 they may be angry at a lot of people or things why what is the purpose what's the function anger is BeISpk_g2xu-00251-00171868-00172315 protecting them it says don't do that again wow that was awful we don't want to do that again BeISpk_g2xu-00252-00172315-00173071 before they can get into another relationship and accept the fact that this one is gone that anger BeISpk_g2xu-00253-00173071-00173827 is gonna have to come down but right now they are on high alert when people are angry they may blame BeISpk_g2xu-00254-00173827-00174553 others as an outlet for their own helplessness somebody somewhere could have prevented this less BeISpk_g2xu-00255-00174553-00175144 I need to find somebody to blame for it they may blame themselves to try to regain some control or BeISpk_g2xu-00256-00175144-00175870 prevent it from happening again or make themselves suffer and they may start questioning their belief BeISpk_g2xu-00257-00175870-00176839 system and world schema you know if there's a tragic loss if maybe they are you know John BeISpk_g2xu-00258-00176839-00177415 Smith and John Smith goes to work every day John Smith works his butt off John Smith tries to do BeISpk_g2xu-00259-00177415-00178183 every right thing and then John Smith one day is handed a pink slip he's laid off which said self a BeISpk_g2xu-00260-00178183-00178915 cascade effect of things where he lost his job and then he ultimately lost his house and you know now BeISpk_g2xu-00261-00178915-00179500 he's living in a homeless shelter and he's sitting there going wait a minute wait a minute wait I was BeISpk_g2xu-00262-00179500-00180115 always taught if I did the next right thing and I was a hard worker and I did you know did my part BeISpk_g2xu-00263-00180115-00180844 that everything would be okay what happened so John Smith may have a lot to think about in terms BeISpk_g2xu-00264-00180844-00182032 of rican sexualizing life action steps identify what the loss means to the person if they lost BeISpk_g2xu-00265-00182032-00182581 their job what does it mean to them now part of that can be how the job was lost if they were BeISpk_g2xu-00266-00182581-00183286 laid off if they were fired or if they retired and voluntary retirement can be just as grief BeISpk_g2xu-00267-00183286-00184024 provoking as involuntary termination there are a lot of law enforcement officers and soldiers who BeISpk_g2xu-00268-00184024-00184780 do not do well when they retire because they are not moving past that grief they get stuck in that BeISpk_g2xu-00269-00184780-00185530 phase of I don't know who I am now if I'm not a soldier or if I'm not a cop what am i because that BeISpk_g2xu-00270-00185530-00186376 was their life so they may be angry so what other losses come with losing your job losing financial BeISpk_g2xu-00271-00186376-00186988 independence possibly losing your social supports from that job you know maybe had friends there BeISpk_g2xu-00272-00186988-00187762 and you don't have them anymore you know you can make a list of what ancillary losses happen the BeISpk_g2xu-00273-00187762-00188629 Cascade effect if a person loses a parent what does that mean that means they may have lost a BeISpk_g2xu-00274-00188629-00189373 parent it also means that they may have lost a best friend it may mean they have lost any hope BeISpk_g2xu-00275-00189373-00190291 that they could have that warden June Cleaver family that they always hoped would happen it BeISpk_g2xu-00276-00190291-00190822 could mean that they've lost financial security maybe the parent was financially supporting them BeISpk_g2xu-00277-00190822-00191785 so we need to look at what losses are happening and victimization when somebody's victimized they BeISpk_g2xu-00278-00191785-00192373 lose a sense of safety now it can be momentary or it can be long term but they lose a sense BeISpk_g2xu-00279-00192373-00193207 of safety there are a lot of things that people who are victimized may be angry about so you know BeISpk_g2xu-00280-00193207-00193780 again it's important to ask the client what does this mean to you what effect does this loss have BeISpk_g2xu-00281-00193780-00194407 on your life what are you angry about what are you scared about you know if you lose your job and I'm BeISpk_g2xu-00282-00194407-00194890 not going to go through all three again for times sake but if you lose your job you may be scared BeISpk_g2xu-00283-00194890-00195430 that you won't be able to pay the bills you may be scared that people are going to think less of you BeISpk_g2xu-00284-00195430-00196036 because you don't have as much money anymore you may be scared that you won't find another job and BeISpk_g2xu-00285-00196036-00196825 those are all terrifying and again even if it's a voluntary separation because of retirement it's BeISpk_g2xu-00286-00196825-00197419 terrifying if maybe you're retiring and you're like I can't live on my pension so I'm gonna have BeISpk_g2xu-00287-00197419-00198244 to find another job but I've never done anything else but put on a uniform and finally depression BeISpk_g2xu-00288-00198244-00199030 person may have angers anger fear and depression going on all at once if you're angry and scared BeISpk_g2xu-00289-00199030-00199429 for long enough you're gonna run out of gas and you're just going to like lay down and go I I BeISpk_g2xu-00290-00199429-00200047 can't I can't deal so we don't want to assume that because someone's depressed they've worked BeISpk_g2xu-00291-00200047-00200653 through all the other stuff they may just have run out of energy to feel that upset anymore you BeISpk_g2xu-00292-00200653-00201448 know turn down that sensitivity knob so we want to ask them you feel helpless to do what you feel BeISpk_g2xu-00293-00201448-00201904 hopeless to do what tell me this depression you wake up in the morning what is your first thought BeISpk_g2xu-00294-00201904-00203002 what has changed in your life and what is it that you look forward to likewise what is it BeISpk_g2xu-00295-00203002-00203692 that you used to look forward to that's gone now and what do you think you can change what is it BeISpk_g2xu-00296-00203692-00204604 about this situation that you might be able to change we need to validate people's feelings of BeISpk_g2xu-00297-00204604-00205317 anger fear and depression you know maybe their loss doesn't seem like a big deal to you it's BeISpk_g2xu-00298-00205317-00205869 like okay fine you retired get another job sit on the couch and eat bonbons hey I'd love to retire BeISpk_g2xu-00299-00205869-00206940 that's not helpful for a person who is turning their entire life upside down it's overwhelming BeISpk_g2xu-00300-00206940-00207660 so we need to validate what their feelings are and where they are but we also want to help BeISpk_g2xu-00301-00207660-00208281 them examine their beliefs about what's going on what they're angry about for all-or-none thinking BeISpk_g2xu-00302-00208281-00209085 emotional reasoning fallacy of fairness and oh I have emotional reasoning twice hey or for me just BeISpk_g2xu-00303-00209085-00209942 because they feel like something's hopeless does that mean it's hopeless just because they feel BeISpk_g2xu-00304-00209942-00210402 helpless right now they wake up every morning and that's the first thing they think about whatever BeISpk_g2xu-00305-00210402-00211446 the loss is yeah that is it really stinks and I am NOT gonna invalidate that however maybe BeISpk_g2xu-00306-00211446-00211980 there's some things we can try so it doesn't it's not the first thing you think of when you get out BeISpk_g2xu-00307-00211980-00212637 of bed in the morning so there are alternatives so we can start looking at some of that emotional BeISpk_g2xu-00308-00212637-00213201 reasoning and looking to see if it's based in fact we can also look at the all-or-nothing BeISpk_g2xu-00309-00213201-00214067 thinking everybody always leaves or every time I get my hope set on something it all goes wrong so BeISpk_g2xu-00310-00214067-00215286 I'm just not even going to try anymore and then we move on to hopelessness and helplessness and BeISpk_g2xu-00311-00215286-00215916 depression yes I skipped right over bargaining because bargaining seems to be in my experience BeISpk_g2xu-00312-00215916-00216759 working with people it comes and it goes but it's not a place people generally stay stuck if the BeISpk_g2xu-00313-00216759-00217605 bargaining is going to happen a lot of times it happens before the loss if I do these things maybe BeISpk_g2xu-00314-00217811-00218471 we'll be able to get hired again if I do these things maybe there will be some divine BeISpk_g2xu-00315-00218471-00219140 intervention or a miracle and my child will spontaneously recover a lot again a lot of BeISpk_g2xu-00316-00219140-00219803 the bargaining comes happens at the diagnosis where the impending loss is coming but once the BeISpk_g2xu-00317-00219803-00220496 losses happened my experience has been that a lot of people don't go back to that bargaining BeISpk_g2xu-00318-00220496-00221146 as nearly as much and for nearly as long there are days they keep hoping that it's going to BeISpk_g2xu-00319-00221146-00221846 be a dream but then they realize it's not so hopelessness and helplessness under helping BeISpk_g2xu-00320-00221846-00222632 them understand that reality has happened and it can't be changed so ok that's true what can we do BeISpk_g2xu-00321-00222632-00223175 what cannot be changed you know like I said I couldn't bring my daddy back but I could make BeISpk_g2xu-00322-00223175-00224105 sure that his memory lived on so if you've lost a parent what else can be carried on and how can BeISpk_g2xu-00323-00224105-00224726 you carry that on it through pictures through memorials through you know there's a whole host BeISpk_g2xu-00324-00224726-00225659 of things to help remember a person that's been lost now if you've lost a job maybe you can't BeISpk_g2xu-00325-00225659-00226361 change that but what can you do henceforth and forevermore let's talk about retirement because BeISpk_g2xu-00326-00226361-00226867 if you've been terminated a lot of times you can go back into the same fields and you know BeISpk_g2xu-00327-00226867-00227411 bada bing it's just a different company if you've retired a lot of times that means you've reached BeISpk_g2xu-00328-00227411-00228046 the end of that career path so you need to find a different career or maybe just a different job BeISpk_g2xu-00329-00228046-00228587 something to do to fill some of the hours during the day so you're not sitting at home watching TV BeISpk_g2xu-00330-00228587-00229403 and your easy chair all day so what is it that you want to do you know let's look at how much BeISpk_g2xu-00331-00229403-00229964 money do you have to make and how much time do you want to spend and then let's look at what options BeISpk_g2xu-00332-00229964-00230696 you have and see if there's something exciting out there you might be able to get engaged in if BeISpk_g2xu-00333-00230696-00231215 you're victimized you know if you are a victim of assault that whatever kind of victimization BeISpk_g2xu-00334-00231215-00231896 burglary you know your sense of safety is going to be kind of gone and you may think you know BeISpk_g2xu-00335-00231896-00232423 I'm never gonna feel safe again I'm never gonna feel safe walking to my car again well never is BeISpk_g2xu-00336-00232423-00232856 that all or none thinking and there's some emotional reasoning in there because you're BeISpk_g2xu-00337-00232856-00233486 scared you're terrified right now and you have every right to be let's start keeping a log of BeISpk_g2xu-00338-00233486-00234242 every day that goes by that nothing bad happens or that nobody breaks into your house let's start BeISpk_g2xu-00339-00234242-00234890 looking at some objective facts about safety in your neighborhood and you know is somebody going BeISpk_g2xu-00340-00234890-00235544 to break into your house in how likely is that a lot of times giving people objective information BeISpk_g2xu-00341-00235544-00236231 helps them feel a little bit better it doesn't do a lot because they're saying oh great I was BeISpk_g2xu-00342-00236231-00237137 the one house out of 42 in my neighborhood to be burglarized in the five years but it can give BeISpk_g2xu-00343-00237137-00238037 them a bit of a different perspective about how likely it is to happen again having them see that BeISpk_g2xu-00344-00238037-00238562 generally you know and even look back over their life you know this one incident happened and it BeISpk_g2xu-00345-00238562-00239204 was awful I'm not taking that away but leading up to that and yeah I said the bad word didn't BeISpk_g2xu-00346-00239204-00240116 I leading up to that how many times did you walk to your car safely without getting assaulted you BeISpk_g2xu-00347-00240116-00240980 know more times than not you were just fine so this was a really awful situation and we've got BeISpk_g2xu-00348-00240980-00242146 to deal with it does it mean that you need to live in fear henceforth and forevermore and acceptance BeISpk_g2xu-00349-00242146-00242750 accepting the reality of the loss means exploring how life is going to be different and the same BeISpk_g2xu-00350-00242750-00243608 since the loss you know again when I think about my father things are different now you know we BeISpk_g2xu-00351-00243608-00244171 don't get on to his house for Christmas and yes I can't pick up the telephone and call him and BeISpk_g2xu-00352-00244171-00244931 go daddy I got a problem what's your opinion not not how it works anymore but all the things that BeISpk_g2xu-00353-00244931-00245636 he taught me over the 20-some odd years that I did have him I've got stored up here so I kind of go BeISpk_g2xu-00354-00245636-00246473 back into that well what would he say if he were here we can explore ways you know if you people BeISpk_g2xu-00355-00246473-00246983 lost their job how's life going to be different now yeah you might have to play your finances BeISpk_g2xu-00356-00246983-00247694 a little closer to the vest but how's it going to be the same how likely is it that you're going to BeISpk_g2xu-00357-00247694-00248494 start losing all the things that are important to you make a for some clients they want to do BeISpk_g2xu-00358-00248494-00249137 it on paper and pencil overtime for other clients a whiteboard I like using a whiteboard in session BeISpk_g2xu-00359-00249137-00249830 when we're talking about pros and cons and making lists a because I'm visual so it helps BeISpk_g2xu-00360-00249830-00250550 but B because it gives them something to look at and that as they see the list of good things BeISpk_g2xu-00361-00250550-00251405 building and the list of drawbacks or whatever you want to call it not building as quickly then BeISpk_g2xu-00362-00251405-00252217 they start getting a visual representation of what might be happening if the loss that can be BeISpk_g2xu-00363-00252217-00252917 prevented from occurring take proactive steps so maybe you were somebody was assaulted when they BeISpk_g2xu-00364-00252917-00253679 were walking to their car in the parking garage at night after work by themselves okay well they BeISpk_g2xu-00365-00253679-00254189 can have one of those pepper spray or an alarm thing on their keychain they can be more alert BeISpk_g2xu-00366-00254189-00254630 when they're walking to their car they can have someone walk them to their car there are a lot BeISpk_g2xu-00367-00254630-00255380 of different steps they can take they can also get involved in advocacy groups like rape prevention BeISpk_g2xu-00368-00255380-00256046 Take Back the Night there are a variety of groups out there for people who have experienced some BeISpk_g2xu-00369-00256046-00256790 type of victimization that help them not only feel less isolated but it also helps them feel BeISpk_g2xu-00370-00256790-00257687 empowered to be able to tell their story and help other people not have to experience the same thing BeISpk_g2xu-00371-00257864-00258956 like I said earlier grief is not a linear process most people experience grief surrounding a loss BeISpk_g2xu-00372-00258956-00259658 for at least a year holidays anniversaries and reminders so you go through one year starting in BeISpk_g2xu-00373-00259658-00260663 January and we'll see how I remember my holidays now you have Valentine's Day you have fourth of BeISpk_g2xu-00374-00260663-00261365 July then you have Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas birthdays anniversaries thrown in BeISpk_g2xu-00375-00261365-00262148 there and for some people other holidays like Memorial Day may be especially poignant but BeISpk_g2xu-00376-00262148-00262607 it's important to understand that that lasts an entire 12 months before you even hit that BeISpk_g2xu-00377-00262607-00263573 anniversary or trigger period again so one year at least before the person gets into a better BeISpk_g2xu-00378-00263573-00264191 rhythm anniversaries and it can be you know the anniversary that you met can be the anniversary BeISpk_g2xu-00379-00264191-00264878 of the breakup it can be the anniversary that someone was diagnosed with a terminal illness BeISpk_g2xu-00380-00264878-00265580 there's a lot of different anniversaries especially for people who tend to be more BeISpk_g2xu-00381-00265580-00266273 sentimental it may be more poignant for them and there may be more periods or anchor points along BeISpk_g2xu-00382-00266273-00267065 the timeline you can have them draw out a timeline in in counseling and go okay let's talk about what BeISpk_g2xu-00383-00267065-00267602 might be triggering for you or what might be which days might be difficult for you over the BeISpk_g2xu-00384-00267602-00268160 next year and put them on the timeline and if you notice there are two or three or four clustered BeISpk_g2xu-00385-00268160-00268676 together then you can talk about the fact that alright you're getting ready to go into a really BeISpk_g2xu-00386-00268676-00269312 tough period so how are you going to prepare for that what can you do to eliminate vulnerabilities BeISpk_g2xu-00387-00269312-00270098 what can you do to be kind to yourself what can you do to make this as easy as possible for a lot BeISpk_g2xu-00388-00270098-00270617 of people going into Thanksgiving and Christmas if they've lost a loved one is really difficult BeISpk_g2xu-00389-00270617-00271299 whether it's through a relationship breakup or a death holidays are times when families get BeISpk_g2xu-00390-00271299-00271833 together so if you're not getting together with that person it's kind of like rubbing salt in BeISpk_g2xu-00391-00271833-00272430 a wound and they come kind of back-to-back so you've got to say all right how are you gonna BeISpk_g2xu-00392-00272430-00273315 deal with this what are you going to do so you are happy and you can keep moving forward yes BeISpk_g2xu-00393-00273315-00274206 it's going to be unpleasant is sitting alone by yourself on Thanksgiving or Christmas or Hanukkah BeISpk_g2xu-00394-00274206-00274965 how you really want to spend that time and you know let's talk about that but let's talk about BeISpk_g2xu-00395-00274965-00275547 what you want your life to look like during that period other things that might trigger BeISpk_g2xu-00396-00275547-00276423 people in a grief situation people they see other people you know maybe a friend of a friend who was BeISpk_g2xu-00397-00276423-00277056 you know your ex-boyfriends best friend it can be a trigger you may see that person out if it BeISpk_g2xu-00398-00277056-00277773 was a relationship breakup if you used to work somewhere and you know you left that place and BeISpk_g2xu-00399-00277773-00278331 you miss working there there was some grief associated with that termination and you see BeISpk_g2xu-00400-00278331-00278814 one of your old co-workers it can be a reminder and it can kind of take you right back there and BeISpk_g2xu-00401-00278814-00279672 it'll hurt it'll sting helping people develop some basically emergency coping mechanisms if all of a BeISpk_g2xu-00402-00279672-00280380 sudden there's a trigger there and they're like oh this is painful um places places you used to BeISpk_g2xu-00403-00280380-00281184 go with someone places that you know maybe you drive past your old workplace and it makes the BeISpk_g2xu-00404-00281184-00281805 pity or pity your stomach hurt okay how do you deal with that things you know you can think of BeISpk_g2xu-00405-00281805-00282690 all kinds of things that are going to remind you of losses and it and media the media can be news BeISpk_g2xu-00406-00282690-00283428 reports but it can also be something in a benign television show you're watching one of my dogs BeISpk_g2xu-00407-00283428-00284157 passed away golly I think it's been about five years now but you know he was hit by a car and BeISpk_g2xu-00408-00284157-00284829 it so it was a really sudden tragic ohmygosh loss and it took a while for me to kind of wrap my head BeISpk_g2xu-00409-00284829-00285303 around that and every once in a while we'll be watching a show and there will be a yellow lab BeISpk_g2xu-00410-00285303-00285984 on it that looks just like candy and I'm just like oh I missed Kenny and you know it's just BeISpk_g2xu-00411-00285984-00286779 some silly TV show helping people understand that that may happen so how do they deal with BeISpk_g2xu-00412-00286779-00287334 that reminder how do they deal with that trigger without getting sucked into it because I can look BeISpk_g2xu-00413-00287334-00288084 at it and you know I see the dog that reminds me of Kenny and it's like okay that really sucked BeISpk_g2xu-00414-00288084-00288633 when that happened but then I remember what a good dog he was and then I distract myself I'm BeISpk_g2xu-00415-00288633-00289287 like okay we're not staying stuck there we're not gonna unpack and stay for the weekend many people BeISpk_g2xu-00416-00289287-00289914 will vacillate between depression and anger or kind of present them concurrently they may be a BeISpk_g2xu-00417-00289914-00290508 very angry depressed person and that's okay you know we don't have to say well you're supposed BeISpk_g2xu-00418-00290508-00291102 to be depressed and that's not one of the criteria for the diagnosis of depression so can't be doing BeISpk_g2xu-00419-00291102-00291669 that if they're angry they're angry let's talk about it because that's probably sucking a ton BeISpk_g2xu-00420-00291669-00292434 of their energy normalize people's experiences it wasn't for some people and you know I'm one BeISpk_g2xu-00421-00292434-00293010 of those people it's not just a dog it's a family member for some people it's not just a job it was BeISpk_g2xu-00422-00293010-00293673 part of who they were and again for some people it wasn't just a condition or a disorder it BeISpk_g2xu-00423-00293673-00294261 was part of who they were and they're not sure what life's gonna be like or who they're gonna BeISpk_g2xu-00424-00294261-00295080 be if they're not an addict or a bulimic or you know whatever it is anymore encourage people to BeISpk_g2xu-00425-00295080-00295674 reach out to social supports people who've been there most people have been there there are even BeISpk_g2xu-00426-00295674-00296622 therapists that specialize in resolving pet loss issues and address happiness and survivor guilt BeISpk_g2xu-00427-00296622-00297336 sometimes people get stuck in depression because they feel guilty for being happy it's like it's BeISpk_g2xu-00428-00297336-00297876 only been three months since this happened I shouldn't be happy that's that's not okay I'm BeISpk_g2xu-00429-00297876-00298268 supposed to still be grieving I'm supposed to still be upset I'm supposed to still be BeISpk_g2xu-00430-00298269-00299058 angry who said so we want to talk about that it was the loss of a person you can ask them well BeISpk_g2xu-00431-00299058-00299820 would so-and-so want you to still be unhappy when Katrina happened I worked with a lot in a lot of BeISpk_g2xu-00432-00299820-00300420 the relief shelters and I was helping people get access to their FEMA resources and other things BeISpk_g2xu-00433-00300420-00301218 that they might need and you would see a lot of sort of resentment coming from some people at BeISpk_g2xu-00434-00301218-00301884 the other people especially the children who were happy they were just playing there like okay well BeISpk_g2xu-00435-00301884-00302382 this this is different to be living in a you know a great big shelter but we're gonna make the best BeISpk_g2xu-00436-00302382-00303105 of it and and the adults would be very stymied with that and understanding it's okay to be happy BeISpk_g2xu-00437-00303105-00303972 even in the midst of a bad situation it's okay to be happy because there are likely some things that BeISpk_g2xu-00438-00303972-00304530 you want to be happy about every once in a while you're gonna want to smile if you've got kids and BeISpk_g2xu-00439-00304530-00305106 something bad has ever happened you know they've had a fight with their best friend or whatever it BeISpk_g2xu-00440-00305106-00305703 is and they're upset and you start talking to them and at a certain point if you say tell them a joke BeISpk_g2xu-00441-00305703-00306393 or do something silly and you might get a crack of a smile you're like I saw that saw that crack of a BeISpk_g2xu-00442-00306393-00307317 smile and it's okay and my point and pointing that out to them is it's okay to be happy it's okay to BeISpk_g2xu-00443-00307317-00307956 laugh and it's okay to be happy about some things and angry about this thing over here you know it BeISpk_g2xu-00444-00307956-00308685 doesn't have to control your entire life and then survivor guilt if something happened whatever it BeISpk_g2xu-00445-00308685-00309438 is and one person survived and the other person didn't and this can even be true when there's BeISpk_g2xu-00446-00309438-00310359 a terminal illness if a mother survives and you know her child has terminal cancer there may be BeISpk_g2xu-00447-00310359-00311214 some survivor guilt you know I made this child and I couldn't save him or her or I was driving BeISpk_g2xu-00448-00311214-00312060 the car and the passenger died and I survived so I need to repent for the entire rest of my BeISpk_g2xu-00449-00312060-00312846 life talking with them about where their guilt is coming from and again not taking it away not going BeISpk_g2xu-00450-00312846-00313488 you shouldn't feel guilty because that doesn't help anything that's how they feel but talking BeISpk_g2xu-00451-00313488-00314259 about what their guilt means and what surviving means to them and the ways that in their minds BeISpk_g2xu-00452-00314259-00314871 surviving their survival is unfair can help them start working through some of those issues BeISpk_g2xu-00453-00314871-00315846 additional tips when someone's grieving they're in a state of crisis so regardless of what the grief BeISpk_g2xu-00454-00315846-00316515 was about if they're upset about something they're not going to remember the itty-bitty a minuscule BeISpk_g2xu-00455-00316515-00317109 details of things so just like you would do with anybody in crisis minimize any vulnerabilities BeISpk_g2xu-00456-00317109-00317760 you can if they need to remember to do things make lists it drives me a little bonkers when BeISpk_g2xu-00457-00317760-00318489 I go on scene of if there's a rape victim and law enforcement officers are like okay you need BeISpk_g2xu-00458-00318489-00318882 to do this and you need to call the court in the morning and you need to do this that and BeISpk_g2xu-00459-00318882-00319425 the other and the person's just kind of sitting there looking at them like I see your lips are BeISpk_g2xu-00460-00319425-00320115 moving but I'm not registering a daggone thing you're saying in crisis we don't so make write BeISpk_g2xu-00461-00320115-00320901 it down minimize demands unless staying busy helps sometimes it's just better to stay busy BeISpk_g2xu-00462-00320901-00321642 but sometimes that's a method of avoiding dealing with the grief so there's a fine line but you BeISpk_g2xu-00463-00321642-00322119 don't have to continue to make five-course meals for everybody if you're tired and you don't feel BeISpk_g2xu-00464-00322119-00322815 like cooking or a pizza or whatever your family likes so try to look at ways that you can minimize BeISpk_g2xu-00465-00322815-00323439 time demands because your energy is devoted right now to trying to deal with this grieving process BeISpk_g2xu-00466-00323439-00324303 and move through it keep a normal sleep routine way easier said than done talk with clients about BeISpk_g2xu-00467-00324303-00324930 the importance of getting up out of bed every day and the importance of opening the blinds so BeISpk_g2xu-00468-00324930-00325575 they can get some light in and get their circadian rhythms going yeah they may not be sleeping well BeISpk_g2xu-00469-00325575-00326232 at night and they may need to do some meditation do some exercise there are a lot of interventions BeISpk_g2xu-00470-00326232-00327045 that can be done to help people sleep up to and including short-term medication for sleep now BeISpk_g2xu-00471-00327045-00327714 that's not something I generally like to throw out there right away because I've seen clients just BeISpk_g2xu-00472-00327714-00328380 become really reliant on that but at a certain point people need to sleep set a defined amount BeISpk_g2xu-00473-00328380-00329163 of time to revisit the loss each day half an hour or an hour okay during this hour it's okay for me BeISpk_g2xu-00474-00329163-00329661 to sit there and think about this and feel okay about it feel bad about it feel however I'm gonna BeISpk_g2xu-00475-00329661-00330315 feel but then when the hours up when the timer goes off I'm gonna get up some people spend that BeISpk_g2xu-00476-00330315-00331140 hour journaling about the loss or to the person that was lost to their higher power but the time BeISpk_g2xu-00477-00331140-00331647 limited is the important part because we don't want them to unpack and get stuck there for two BeISpk_g2xu-00478-00331647-00332424 weeks and be compassionate to yourself as both as a clinician working with somebody who's grieving BeISpk_g2xu-00479-00332424-00333201 it's can be really draining and it can push a lot of your buttons but encourage clients to be BeISpk_g2xu-00480-00333201-00333783 compassionate with themselves and we need to model this as clinicians we need to help them see how to BeISpk_g2xu-00481-00333783-00334635 be self compassionate and we need to encourage them to not push themselves if it's going to BeISpk_g2xu-00482-00334635-00335514 make their treatment kind of go backwards losses encompass more than death of a person or loss of BeISpk_g2xu-00483-00335514-00336138 property failure to acknowledge losses can cause unhelpful reactions in similar future situations BeISpk_g2xu-00484-00336138-00336948 so if you lost a job once and it had a cascade effect you know you lost you lost your job so BeISpk_g2xu-00485-00336948-00337467 then you lost your house and you lost your car and you ended up moving in with your adult children BeISpk_g2xu-00486-00337467-00338121 you get another job and things start going a little bit t-they're and they start talking BeISpk_g2xu-00487-00338121-00338988 about layoffs and all of a sudden that grief from the past comes back so it's really important to BeISpk_g2xu-00488-00338988-00339777 understand how that loss is impacting you it's really important to understand and and reflect on BeISpk_g2xu-00489-00339777-00340437 am i reacting to this current loss or this current situation or is this stuff from the past coming BeISpk_g2xu-00490-00340437-00341043 up and compounding everything it's important to explore feelings and reactions in terms of their BeISpk_g2xu-00491-00341043-00341775 functionality how are they benefiting the person how is guilt benefiting the person what what's BeISpk_g2xu-00492-00341775-00342417 that doing for them remind people it takes at least a year to deal with significant losses and BeISpk_g2xu-00493-00342417-00343020 I say at least for some people two years and then they start really getting into the groove we look BeISpk_g2xu-00494-00343020-00343602 at complicated or prolonged grief or you know some other diagnosis once we start going past BeISpk_g2xu-00495-00343602-00344181 two years for what we call your average losses but when we're talking about complicated grief BeISpk_g2xu-00496-00344181-00344856 things that happen out of the natural order like a child dying before a parent you know it's hard BeISpk_g2xu-00497-00344856-00345480 to say what a timetable really would be many times there are multiple ancillary losses that BeISpk_g2xu-00498-00345480-00346005 need to be addressed so we don't want to just say alright we're dealing with this rape we're BeISpk_g2xu-00499-00346005-00346536 dealing with this death we're dealing with this job loss there are a lot of things associated BeISpk_g2xu-00500-00346536-00347199 with that with loss of self-esteem or loss of sense of control loss of their perception of the BeISpk_g2xu-00501-00347199-00347946 safety of the world how people deal with grief and loss varies widely it is a form of crisis BeISpk_g2xu-00502-00347946-00348747 and the body is generally on high alert which is going to likely impact sleep-eating energy to go BeISpk_g2xu-00503-00348747-00349497 to work to socialize to do all that other kind of stuff remember grieving you've lost something we BeISpk_g2xu-00504-00349497-00350085 know we grieve when there's a loss your body goes I don't like losses losses are a threat we need to BeISpk_g2xu-00505-00350085-00350754 be on high alert so all the energy goes to dumping cortisol and keeping people hyper vigilant hyper BeISpk_g2xu-00506-00350754-00351577 vigilance prevents good sleep it prevents a lot of other things and it just uses it energy minimizing BeISpk_g2xu-00507-00351577-00352159 vulnerabilities is important to reduce unnecessary frustration and avoid confirming helplessness if BeISpk_g2xu-00508-00352159-00352633 you give somebody a laundry list of stuff to do and you don't write it down and they're like BeISpk_g2xu-00509-00352633-00353170 okay I got it I'm gonna go handle it and they walk out and they get five steps down the sidewalk and BeISpk_g2xu-00510-00353170-00353656 they're like wait a minute what am I supposed to be doing it compounds their sense of helplessness BeISpk_g2xu-00511-00353656-00354253 it compounds their sense of frustration that nothing will ever be right again so put in BeISpk_g2xu-00512-00354253-00354823 those little buffers anywhere you can to help out ultimately it's hope the person can identify BeISpk_g2xu-00513-00354823-00355465 how they are stronger or better off from the experience but that comes way down the road you BeISpk_g2xu-00514-00355465-00355852 know that's not something I'm going to ask someone in the first two or three sessions of alright BeISpk_g2xu-00515-00355852-00356542 now we're gonna look at this from a survivors mentality how are you stronger from this that I'm BeISpk_g2xu-00516-00356542-00357139 gonna wait until the person has moved to the stage of acceptance and then we may talk about that BeISpk_g2xu-00517-00357410-00358172 if you enjoy this podcast please like and subscribe either in your podcast player or BeISpk_g2xu-00518-00358172-00358628 on YouTube you can attend and participate in our live webinars with doctor Snipes by BeISpk_g2xu-00519-00358628-00359168 subscribing at all CEUs comm slash counselor toolbox this episode has BeISpk_g2xu-00520-00359168-00359705 been brought to you in part by all CEUs com providing 24/7 multimedia continuing BeISpk_g2xu-00521-00359705-00360272 education and pre certification training to counselors therapists and nurses since 2006 BeISpk_g2xu-00522-00360272-00360839 use coupon code consular toolbox to get a 20% discount off your order this month BfVIPapwCKo-00000-00000051-00000325 Roto-Rooter presents, "The Raving." BfVIPapwCKo-00001-00000325-00000670 Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary of a quaint and BfVIPapwCKo-00002-00000670-00001032 curious volumes of forgotten law. Suddenly there came a rushing as if someone slowly BfVIPapwCKo-00003-00001032-00001196 flushing water across my chamber BfVIPapwCKo-00004-00001196-00001504 floor. Vainly then I sought to borrow plungers to relieve my sorrow. BfVIPapwCKo-00005-00001504-00001902 Alas, I slowed it down to nothing more. As the mess was slow-subsiding, my thoughts were BfVIPapwCKo-00006-00001902-00002018 strong to go a-riding, BfVIPapwCKo-00007-00002018-00002349 perhaps to find a pack-and-store. I jumped astride my motor scooter, BfVIPapwCKo-00008-00002349-00002767 a big black bird screamed, "Roto-Rooter!" BfVIPapwCKo-00009-00002767-00002926 Quoth the Raven, "Evermore." BkA4-I73n7M-00000-00000454-00000684 N: We have arrived in Colombia wooo~ BkA4-I73n7M-00001-00001150-00001364 N: Everyone we will do our best in Colombia BkA4-I73n7M-00002-00001364-00001414 one two three BkA4-I73n7M-00003-00001532-00001620 Ohhh how did you know? BkA4-I73n7M-00004-00001620-00001670 one two three BkA4-I73n7M-00005-00001844-00001920 B: Bye~ BkA4-I73n7M-00006-00001920-00001996 N: Thank you! BkA4-I73n7M-00007-00002062-00002292 N: Yeah! We are in-- BkA4-I73n7M-00008-00002468-00002576 --hotel BkA4-I73n7M-00009-00002702-00002922 This hotel is such a good hotel BkA4-I73n7M-00010-00002986-00003126 Pretty! BkA4-I73n7M-00011-00003394-00003578 Now.. 2... BkA4-I73n7M-00012-00003578-00003700 ah.. 2 o’clock BkA4-I73n7M-00013-00003782-00003902 It’s two in the morning BkA4-I73n7M-00015-00004112-00004232 The hotel is very nice BkA4-I73n7M-00016-00004344-00004446 Right? BkA4-I73n7M-00017-00004484-00004534 R: yeah BkA4-I73n7M-00018-00004656-00004830 *caring celebrity who quickly puts on mask* BkA4-I73n7M-00019-00005030-00005150 The hotel is really nice BkA4-I73n7M-00020-00005388-00005602 N: We’ll have a late night snack before going to bed BkA4-I73n7M-00021-00005664-00005864 R: I've decided to eat pasta BkA4-I73n7M-00022-00005872-00006072 Narachan’s late night snack menu: tomato garlic pasta BkA4-I73n7M-00023-00006202-00006302 Let's get it~ BkA4-I73n7M-00024-00006450-00006548 N: Pasta pasta pasta pasta~ BkA4-I73n7M-00025-00006768-00006934 *as mentioned just a moment ago tomato garlic pasta* BkA4-I73n7M-00026-00007890-00008002 Somebody off-screen: Please eat well~ BkA4-I73n7M-00027-00008034-00008134 B: Enjoy the meal! BkA4-I73n7M-00028-00008198-00008594 MONT that soothes their exhausted bodies from the long flight with a late night snack BkA4-I73n7M-00029-00009936-00010186 N: We are here at Colombian TBS--- BkA4-I73n7M-00030-00010238-00010332 TBS?? BkA4-I73n7M-00031-00010332-00010488 B: What kind of broadcast is this? BkA4-I73n7M-00032-00010494-00010594 R: YTN... (T/N: another Korean news channel) BkA4-I73n7M-00033-00010764-00010912 N: We came to do a radio broadcast BkA4-I73n7M-00034-00010940-00011228 B: We’ll be on the Colombian radio! BkA4-I73n7M-00035-00011320-00011394 R: Radio~ BkA4-I73n7M-00036-00012084-00012226 Members who are a bit nervous, BkA4-I73n7M-00037-00012226-00012426 maybe because it’s their first time on a Colombian radio show BkA4-I73n7M-00038-00012746-00012938 adaptability at 104% BkA4-I73n7M-00039-00013060-00013212 *pose and facial expression as good as the locals* BkA4-I73n7M-00040-00013550-00013791 See you soon Mints! Bliiq_sWIkg-00000-00000040-00000903 magento seo secrets a guide to optimizing a magento website part one of two look when it Bliiq_sWIkg-00001-00000903-00001592 comes to high-end websites magento is it i know our survival k food company is built on magento Bliiq_sWIkg-00002-00001592-00002200 magento is an extremely robust platform and if you have a magento website you're going Bliiq_sWIkg-00003-00002200-00002648 to want to watch this video all the way through because it's going to make you some money and it's Bliiq_sWIkg-00004-00002648-00003152 going to show you how to do things that i bet you didn't know as a matter of fact american express Bliiq_sWIkg-00005-00003152-00003879 ford puma xerox and many more huge companies use magento as their primary website matter of fact at Bliiq_sWIkg-00006-00003879-00004632 last check 2019 30 of all e-commerce ran through magento websites hey let me put a graphic up on Bliiq_sWIkg-00007-00004632-00005352 the screen this will blow you away the top one million websites one percent are magenta top 100 Bliiq_sWIkg-00008-00005352-00006296 000 1.31 percent of magento and top 10 000 look at that 1.77 that's pretty amazing now if you've Bliiq_sWIkg-00009-00006296-00006888 got a magenta website good for you because it's a great platform and there's a lot of things that Bliiq_sWIkg-00010-00006888-00007440 just out of the box work really well but there's a lot of things that you can do for seo also now Bliiq_sWIkg-00011-00007440-00007944 you're going to want to watch this video and the next video to get all the things that you can do Bliiq_sWIkg-00012-00007944-00008440 and one thing you could do right now i didn't think about this you could subscribe yeah you Bliiq_sWIkg-00013-00008440-00008936 could hit the subscribe button down there it's red if you haven't subscribed click it turn it gray Bliiq_sWIkg-00014-00008936-00009424 and don't forget ring the bell turn on all bell notifications so you're notified each and every Bliiq_sWIkg-00015-00009424-00010008 time i go live that's really important stuff all right let's get back to this magento seo stuff so Bliiq_sWIkg-00016-00010008-00010680 what is magento seo now magento has a lot of extra things in there like robot files and Bliiq_sWIkg-00017-00010680-00011256 site map files and the list goes on and on and on but i want to kind of drill down and show you Bliiq_sWIkg-00018-00011256-00011816 some of the things that you should be working on okay i want to talk about crawling and navigating Bliiq_sWIkg-00019-00011816-00012296 and the duplicate content that that can cause now if we look at the image on the screen right Bliiq_sWIkg-00020-00012296-00012832 here you'll see all the different options in here on this particular website and one of the biggest Bliiq_sWIkg-00021-00012832-00013512 seo issues with any magento site is likely going to be the faceted navigation fasted navigations Bliiq_sWIkg-00022-00013512-00014176 create huge crawling and indexing issues since their existence exponentially increases the number Bliiq_sWIkg-00023-00014176-00014791 of pages that can be crawled as pages in the fasted navigation will only either sort or narrow Bliiq_sWIkg-00024-00014791-00015463 existing products these pages create duplicate and similar content also if you think about Bliiq_sWIkg-00025-00015463-00015944 the fact that every single combination of parameters could be considered a unique page Bliiq_sWIkg-00026-00015944-00016688 the number of pages a fasted navigation creates can be enormous google shows a video from google Bliiq_sWIkg-00027-00016688-00017584 they indicate how a store with 158 skus actually created 380 000 unique urls that google bought Bliiq_sWIkg-00028-00017584-00018336 could crawl not ideal okay so let's take a look at some of the steps that you can actually do Bliiq_sWIkg-00029-00018336-00018872 to fix some of these things now number one you can audit to find low quality index pages from Bliiq_sWIkg-00030-00018872-00019632 the faceted navigation identify steps to remove them from the index no index chronological tag Bliiq_sWIkg-00031-00019696-00020208 review the site's log files to find any low-quality pages that are getting crawled Bliiq_sWIkg-00032-00020264-00020872 block the crawl of any low-value parameters through the robot's text consider only allowing Bliiq_sWIkg-00033-00020872-00021472 pages with high search potential to be indexed now of course the steps taken here are going to vary Bliiq_sWIkg-00034-00021472-00021984 a lot depending on the site the overall point is that if you utilize a fasted navigation on Bliiq_sWIkg-00035-00021984-00022568 your magento site one of the most important things you'll need to do is review how google is crawling Bliiq_sWIkg-00036-00022568-00023280 and indexing the pages that are being generated and take steps to remove them now by default Bliiq_sWIkg-00037-00023280-00024008 magento canonical tags will not be set for both products and categories now fortunately Bliiq_sWIkg-00038-00024008-00024384 you can fix this let me put it up on the screen and show you what to do you want to navigate to Bliiq_sWIkg-00039-00024384-00025192 stores configuration and then you want to in the catalog drop down select catalog select the search Bliiq_sWIkg-00040-00025192-00026112 engine optimization drop down ensure that use canonical link meta tag for categories and use Bliiq_sWIkg-00041-00026112-00026783 canonical link meta tag for products are set to yes and then select save configuration Bliiq_sWIkg-00042-00026848-00027264 by doing this adjustment you can be assured that all the pages and categories Bliiq_sWIkg-00043-00027344-00027872 have their own individual tags generated now let me put another example up on the screen so you can Bliiq_sWIkg-00044-00027872-00028376 actually see what i'm talking about when you're looking at paginated urls of magento sites we Bliiq_sWIkg-00045-00028376-00029216 can see that by default proper canonical tags are not set in magento all of the paginated urls in a Bliiq_sWIkg-00046-00029216-00029768 given series have canonical tag that points back to the root category page for example Bliiq_sWIkg-00047-00029768-00030327 here is how the canonical tag of page two of a particular category would look as you can Bliiq_sWIkg-00048-00030327-00030848 see it on the screen here technically this is not the best practice from an seo standpoint Bliiq_sWIkg-00049-00030904-00031704 canonical tags should be used to consolidate duplicate content now since paginated content Bliiq_sWIkg-00050-00031704-00032312 is not technically duplicate content they need to refer back to their own page this will tell Bliiq_sWIkg-00051-00032312-00033000 google that each page has unique content and it is different now here's a crazy example actually Bliiq_sWIkg-00052-00033000-00033608 if you look for example here's here's a magento site where over 4 000 internal search pages have Bliiq_sWIkg-00053-00033608-00034208 gotten caught in google's index if you see this here this is insane in order to ensure that these Bliiq_sWIkg-00054-00034208-00034856 pages don't get indexed by google you'll want to be sure the no index tag is applied to them Bliiq_sWIkg-00055-00034856-00035592 we recommend having a developer implement this for you and you can do more research on upwork Bliiq_sWIkg-00056-00035592-00036008 or fiber or something like that to find somebody who can actually do this work for you i understand Bliiq_sWIkg-00057-00036008-00036336 this may not be something you'll want to do but you're going to have to manage it you're going Bliiq_sWIkg-00058-00036336-00036912 to have to tell people what you want done or else you won't know about it and you can't get it fixed Bliiq_sWIkg-00059-00036912-00037384 now let's talk about the robots.txt okay and i'm going to put an image up on the screen within Bliiq_sWIkg-00060-00037384-00037952 magento you can also configure the robots.txt file you'll want to utilize the robot.txt file Bliiq_sWIkg-00061-00037952-00038504 in order to limit how many pages of your magento site that google is eligible to crawl this is Bliiq_sWIkg-00062-00038504-00039072 especially important to configure if your site utilizes a faceted navigation that allows users Bliiq_sWIkg-00063-00039072-00039752 to select from a variety of attributes fortunately magento does allow you to control the robots.txt Bliiq_sWIkg-00064-00039752-00040432 on your site to do this you can perform the following steps number one in the admin sidebar Bliiq_sWIkg-00065-00040432-00041128 navigate to content design configuration find the store view you want to adjust and select Bliiq_sWIkg-00066-00041128-00041904 edit expand the search engine robots drop down add the robots.txt commands in the edit custom Bliiq_sWIkg-00067-00041904-00042520 instruction of the robots.txt file field now of course every site is different there is no you Bliiq_sWIkg-00068-00042520-00042944 know copy and paste type of format for this it's really going to be largely dependent on Bliiq_sWIkg-00069-00042944-00043328 your site but i would like to show you the steps real quick i'll put them up on the screen you'll Bliiq_sWIkg-00070-00043328-00043960 want to think about the low value pages created by the faceted navigation and sorting options you'll Bliiq_sWIkg-00071-00043960-00044592 also want to consider the site's internal search pages login pages and the user's shopping cart Bliiq_sWIkg-00072-00044592-00045216 next thing we want to talk about sitemap.xml if this allows google to actually crawl your site and Bliiq_sWIkg-00073-00045216-00045656 figure out where everything is okay it's kind of technical stuff but it allows google to do these Bliiq_sWIkg-00074-00045656-00046240 things now fortunately magento has the ability to create a site map for you so you can provide this Bliiq_sWIkg-00075-00046240-00046728 information to google let me show you the steps real quick you want to navigate to marketing seo Bliiq_sWIkg-00076-00046728-00047656 and search site map then click add site map button for file name add the text sitemap.xml for path Bliiq_sWIkg-00077-00047656-00048304 choose the url path you want to be associated with your sitemap.xml file this is generally at Bliiq_sWIkg-00078-00048304-00049080 the let's say pub url path and then click save and generate it's that simple now this will correctly Bliiq_sWIkg-00079-00049080-00049576 set up your site map for magento and then all you have to do is submit it to google next thing you Bliiq_sWIkg-00080-00049576-00050352 want to think about is javascript rendering now while this isn't necessarily a bad thing you'll Bliiq_sWIkg-00081-00050352-00050936 want to stay on top of it and make the necessary adjustments for instance here's an example of a Bliiq_sWIkg-00082-00050936-00051488 product page in magento where javascript is enabled in the browser we can see thumbnail Bliiq_sWIkg-00083-00051488-00052152 images text and tabs and a related product section at the bottom there okay so it's very helpful Bliiq_sWIkg-00084-00052152-00052800 however most of that content is reliant on javascript to load when turning javascript off Bliiq_sWIkg-00085-00052800-00053448 using the web developer extension for chrome most of those elements do not render notice how we can Bliiq_sWIkg-00086-00053448-00054055 only see the initial three tabs on this page here see how that is okay so a lot of it's missing okay Bliiq_sWIkg-00087-00054176-00054728 since javascript is required to load a lot of the content on the page we'll want to ensure that it's Bliiq_sWIkg-00088-00054728-00055312 getting indexed properly fortunately we can use tools such as the mobile friendly testing tool uh Bliiq_sWIkg-00089-00055312-00055960 or the rich results test to determine what google bot is able to render on that page then i want to Bliiq_sWIkg-00090-00055960-00056624 i want to talk about url paths out of the box what magento does is they actually add an extension of Bliiq_sWIkg-00091-00056624-00057264 html on the end of that url now while that isn't necessarily bad for seo it can be more difficult Bliiq_sWIkg-00092-00057264-00057712 for the person looking at that url so we want to make some changes let me show you the steps real Bliiq_sWIkg-00093-00057712-00058312 quick you want to navigate to stores configuration in the catalog drop down select catalog Bliiq_sWIkg-00094-00058367-00059120 select the search engine optimization drop down find product url suffix and category url suffix Bliiq_sWIkg-00095-00059120-00059832 replace the html with a slash just like that and then select uh save configuration the result will Bliiq_sWIkg-00096-00059832-00060391 be cleaner and easier to read urls for your store now this recommendation i do want to warn you is Bliiq_sWIkg-00097-00060391-00060824 for brand new stores if you're if your website's been around a while and it's already indexed and Bliiq_sWIkg-00098-00060824-00061232 you've got seo off it this could actually lower your rankings if you do this so if you have an Bliiq_sWIkg-00099-00061232-00061784 established site don't do this part so i know that's a lot i know that's a lot of stuff to do Bliiq_sWIkg-00100-00061840-00062224 but once you get in there and you start doing it and you're making these adjustments or if you're Bliiq_sWIkg-00101-00062224-00062696 concerned hire somebody that knows how to make these adjustments um you'll understand it better Bliiq_sWIkg-00102-00062696-00063144 you'll you'll get it okay these are just all new terms new words for you probably so one thing i Bliiq_sWIkg-00103-00063144-00063712 did do is i split this video into two because it's a lot of information so you must watch both of Bliiq_sWIkg-00104-00063712-00064152 these videos uh part two there will be a link in the description all you have to do is click there Bliiq_sWIkg-00105-00064152-00064544 you can go to part two and that's where i'm gonna suggest you go right now but before you do that Bliiq_sWIkg-00106-00064544-00065032 before you go anywhere hang on don't forget to subscribe hit that subscribe button turn it from Bliiq_sWIkg-00107-00065032-00065472 red to gray don't forget to ring the bell turn all bell notifications so you're notified each Bliiq_sWIkg-00108-00065472-00065968 and every time i go live i really appreciate you watching this video as a token of my appreciation Bliiq_sWIkg-00109-00065968-00066456 i have a 97 course but i want to give it to you absolutely free it is listed in the description Bliiq_sWIkg-00110-00066456-00066968 below along with a lot of other links a lot of helpful information links to other videos that may Bliiq_sWIkg-00111-00066968-00067360 also help you too thank you so much for watching this video please put your comments below give me Bliiq_sWIkg-00112-00067360-00067992 a thumbs up comments can be anything they could be questions they could be uh bragging about what Bliiq_sWIkg-00113-00067992-00068560 you've done they could be just saying hello to me but put some comment below i love the interaction Bliiq_sWIkg-00114-00068560-00069896 and i answer and read all of them thanks so much for watching guys i'll see you in the next video BlTHLSZrRuu-00000-00000208-00000346 Puppy Toys BlTHLSZrRuu-00001-00000804-00001021 Let's learn alphabet and names BlTHLSZrRuu-00002-00001051-00001130 H BlTHLSZrRuu-00003-00002264-00002348 Blue BlTHLSZrRuu-00004-00003365-00003482 Hamster BlTHLSZrRuu-00005-00004333-00004412 M BlTHLSZrRuu-00006-00005551-00005630 Pink BlTHLSZrRuu-00007-00006819-00006931 Mouse BlTHLSZrRuu-00008-00007770-00007853 T BlTHLSZrRuu-00009-00009275-00009363 Purple BlTHLSZrRuu-00010-00010485-00010589 Turtle BlTHLSZrRuu-00011-00011565-00011665 S BlTHLSZrRuu-00012-00012137-00012379 Learning alphabet and names BlTHLSZrRuu-00013-00013088-00013188 Green BlTHLSZrRuu-00014-00014339-00014447 Satellite BlTHLSZrRuu-00015-00015553-00015653 D BlTHLSZrRuu-00016-00016599-00016725 Orange BlTHLSZrRuu-00017-00018018-00018122 Dolphin BlTHLSZrRuu-00018-00018693-00018810 Hamster BlTHLSZrRuu-00019-00018843-00018952 Mouse BlTHLSZrRuu-00020-00018993-00019098 Turtle BlTHLSZrRuu-00021-00019139-00019235 Satellite BlTHLSZrRuu-00022-00019294-00019398 Dolphin BlTHLSZrRuu-00023-00019694-00019890 We learned alphabet and names BlTHLSZrRuu-00024-00020015-00020115 Puppy Toys C0fE7yqDU9c-00000-00000150-00000454 Practice on the second strings, page 23 C0fE7yqDU9c-00001-00000480-00000738 by Nima Fereydooni, August 2015 C0fE7yqDU9c-00002-00000780-00001082 more exercise on the second strings C0fE7yqDU9c-00003-00001130-00001432 So So La La C0fE7yqDU9c-00004-00001470-00001772 So So La La C0fE7yqDU9c-00005-00001810-00002110 So La So C0fE7yqDU9c-00006-00002180-00002484 So So La La C0fE7yqDU9c-00007-00002490-00002850 Si Si La La C0fE7yqDU9c-00008-00002900-00003202 So So La La C0fE7yqDU9c-00009-00003240-00003542 So La So C0fE7yqDU9c-00010-00003600-00003908 So Si La So C0fE7yqDU9c-00011-00003950-00004252 La Si La So C0fE7yqDU9c-00012-00004300-00004604 La Do Si La C0fE7yqDU9c-00013-00004630-00004932 Si La So C0fE7yqDU9c-00014-00004990-00005292 So Do Si La C0fE7yqDU9c-00015-00005310-00005616 Si Do Si La C0fE7yqDU9c-00016-00005650-00005958 Si Do Si La C0fE7yqDU9c-00017-00006010-00006312 Si La So C0fE7yqDU9c-00018-00006488-00006688 tempo 60 C0fE7yqDU9c-00019-00013219-00013419 now a bit faster C0fE7yqDU9c-00020-00015910-00016610 Music School, Nima Fereydooni, Since 2007, Subtitles: Majid Naeimi C3F5ZS4Ynx8-00000-00000607-00001053 My name is Alison Shott and I'm a grad student at the University of Western Ontario. C3F5ZS4Ynx8-00001-00001053-00001371 I'm voting for public transportation because in London busses don't run after midnight C3F5ZS4Ynx8-00002-00001371-00001766 and students are left without an affordable and reliable mode of transportation C3F5ZS4Ynx8-00003-00001766-00001997 This October, be part of Generation Vote! C5Yvsn4TtGy-00000-00000000-00000200 Mysql commands C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00000-00001386-00001512 HELLO, GARDENERS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00001-00001512-00001796 THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR MID-AMERICAN GARDENER. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00002-00001796-00002375 WE ARE HERE TO TALK ABOUT ALL THINGS IN THE OUT OF DOORS, PLANTS, NOT ANIMALS, BUT MOSTLY C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00003-00002375-00002502 PLANTS TURF. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00004-00002502-00002618 WHO KNOWS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00005-00002618-00002811 WE WILL FIND OUT WHAT WE WILL TALK ABOUT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00006-00002811-00003090 WE HAVE E-MAILS AND HOPEFULLY SOME OF YOUR CALLS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00007-00003090-00003579 MY NAME IS DIANNE NOLAND, AND I TEACH HORTICULTURE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IN THE CROP C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00008-00003579-00003715 SCIENCES DEPARTMENT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00009-00003715-00004123 I MAY HANDLE CUT FLOWERS OR MAYBE PERENNIAL QUESTIONS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00010-00004123-00004610 WE HAVE THREE SHARP, TALENTED FOLKS HERE TODAY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00011-00004610-00005106 LET'S FIND OUT ABOUT THEIR EXPERTISE AND THEY WILL DO SHOW AND TELLS OR E-MAIL. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00012-00005106-00005328 LET'S START FIRST WITH YOU, CHUCK VOIGT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00013-00005328-00005439 >> HI, DIANNE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00014-00005439-00005565 I AM CHUCK VOIGT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00015-00005565-00005869 I RECENTLY RETIRED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF CROP SCIENCES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00016-00005869-00006476 MY SPECIALTIES ARE VEGETABLES AND HERBS, BUT I CAN VENTURE BEYOND THAT IF NEED ARISES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00017-00006476-00006909 TONIGHT I BROUGHT SOME SHOW AND TELL THAT I WENT OUT TO THE DOOR AND FOUND. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00018-00006909-00007627 LAST TIME I WAS HERE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT WHAT CAN WE STILL PLANT FOR THE FALL GARDEN. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00019-00007627-00008306 THESE ARE KIND OF BORDERLINE, BUT I THINK WE COULD STILL GET AWAY WITH BOK CHOY WHICH C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00020-00008306-00008787 GROWS PRETTY RAPIDLY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00021-00008787-00009279 THEY SELL BABY BOK CHOY THERE IS STILL TIME FOR BOK CHOY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00022-00009279-00009959 TODAY I FOUND THIS IN THE GROCERY STORE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00023-00009959-00010577 I LOVE T IT IS A RED NAPA CABBAGE WHICH I HAVE NEVER SEEN. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00024-00010577-00011072 IT UPSETS ME A LITTLE BIT THAT I DIDN'T KNOW IT EXISTED. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00025-00011072-00011523 I SOMEHOW HAVEN'T SEEN IT IN THE CATALOG OR ANYTHING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00026-00011523-00012021 IT IS ON MY WISH LIST TO FIND NEXT YEAR SO I, TOO, CAN GROW IT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00027-00012021-00012159 BUT IT IS REALLY NICE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00028-00012159-00012836 AND THIS IS A NAPA, THE TALLER ONE IS MORE OF A CELERY CABBAGE OR MY CHILI TYPE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00029-00012836-00013765 WE ARE GETTING A LITTLE LATE FOR THOSE AS WE MOVE THROUGH LATE SUMMER. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00030-00013765-00014169 SO HOPEFULLY IF YOU WANT THOSE, YOU GOT THEM GOING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00031-00014169-00014731 IF ANYBODY CAN CALL IN, WRITE IN, E-MAIL IN AND TELL ME WHERE TO FIND THIS RASCAL, I WOULD C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00032-00014731-00014831 APPRECIATE THAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00033-00014831-00015005 >> TO FIND THE SEED. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00034-00015005-00015195 >> SEED TO GROW. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00035-00015195-00015373 >> HE HAS THE PLANT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00036-00015373-00015662 >> I KNOW WHERE TO PURCHASE IT AT LEAST FOR NOW. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00037-00015662-00015880 >> BUT A LOT OF US LIKE TO GROW THINGS FROM SEED. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00038-00015880-00016190 >> IT IS KIND OF A CHALLENGE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00039-00016190-00016290 >> TREES FROM CUTTINGS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00040-00016290-00016759 >> AFTER LAST YEAR'S FLOOD DISASTER, I KIND OF OUTDID MYSELF THIS YEAR TRYING TO PROVE C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00041-00016759-00016978 TO MYSELF I CAN STILL GROW HEIRLOOM TOMATOES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00042-00016978-00017118 >> OF COURSE, YOU CAN. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00043-00017118-00017412 IT WAS JUST A BLIP ON THE SCREEN. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00044-00017412-00017679 YOU ONLY GROW A THOUSAND VARIETIES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00045-00017679-00017929 >> I CUT DOWN TO 500. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00046-00017929-00018029 >> 500! C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00047-00018029-00018168 (LAUGHING) OKAY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00048-00018168-00018268 BUT YOU GROW A FEW. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00049-00018268-00018368 ALL RIGHT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00050-00018368-00018504 THANK YOU, CHUCK, VERY MUCH. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00051-00018504-00018687 NOW TO THE MIDDLE, LET'S GO TO CANDICE MILLER. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00052-00018687-00019318 >> HELLO, MY NAME IS CANDICE MILLER I AM AN EXTENSION HORTICULTURE EDUCATOR, AND I SERVE C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00053-00019318-00019486 THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE STATE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00054-00019486-00019725 I HAVE SIX COUNTIES IN THE NORTHWEST CORNER. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00055-00019725-00020613 I SPECIALIZE ANYTHING HOME HORTICULTURE RELATED, PERENNIALS, LANDSCAPE, TREES, THOSE KIND OF C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00056-00020613-00020740 THINGS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00057-00020740-00021123 MY FIRST QUESTION HERE IS ABOUT TREES, SPEAKING OF TREES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00058-00021123-00021620 THIS VIEWER IS ASKING IS IT OKAY TO PRUNE BACK MAPLE TREES THIS TIME OF YEAR. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00059-00021620-00022019 THEY HAVE SOME LIMBS HANGING LOW IN THEIR DRIVEWAY, AND THEY PLAN ON CUTTING SOME BACK C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00060-00022019-00022215 TO MAIN BRANCHES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00061-00022215-00022373 THAT'S A GREAT QUESTION. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00062-00022373-00022857 AND YOU CAN PRUNE THIS TIME OF YEAR, BUT WE ALWAYS RECOMMEND THAT IT IS BETTER TO PRUNE C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00063-00022857-00023508 DURING THE DORMANT SEEN FOR MOST TYPES OF TREES JUST FOR, ONE, TO AVOID POSSIBLE DISEASE C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00064-00023508-00023637 ISSUES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00065-00023637-00023848 MAPLES NOT SO MUCH, BUT DEFINITELY OAKS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00066-00023848-00024404 WE ALWAYS RECOMMEND YOU PRUNE DURING THE DORMANT SEASON. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00067-00024404-00024926 WHEN YOU PRUNE A BRANCH, IF CAN ACTUALLY ATTRACT INSECTS WHICH CAN ATTRACT DISEASES AND VARIOUS C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00068-00024926-00025026 OTHER THINGS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00069-00025026-00025126 IT IS POSSIBLE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00070-00025126-00025551 IT WOULD BE BETTER TO WAIT UNTIL WINTER WHEN THE LEAVES HAVE FALLEN OFF SO YOU ARE NOT C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00071-00025551-00025669 TRANSMITTING DISEASE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00072-00025669-00026147 CAN YOU SEE THE FRAMEWORK WITHOUT THE LEAVES ON IT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00073-00026147-00026452 IT IS LITTLE EASIER TO TELL THE BEST PLACE TO PRUNE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00074-00026452-00026783 I WOULD WAIT A LITTLE BIT, IF YOU CAN. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00075-00026783-00027033 >> FIRST THING IN THE SPRING, MAPLES BLEED LIKE CRAZY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00076-00027033-00027174 >> VERY TRUE, YEAH. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00077-00027174-00027818 >> I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH IT HURTS THEM, BUT IT IS CERTAINLY UPSETTING TO SEE THEM DRIPPING C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00078-00027818-00027952 WITH SAP. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00079-00027952-00028395 DORMANCY, NOT TOO EARLY AND-- >> NOT TOO CLOSE TO SPRING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00080-00028395-00028669 DORMANCY AND COLD WEATHER SHOULD DO IT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00081-00028669-00028769 >> ABSOLUTELY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00082-00028769-00029558 >> IF YOU THINK MAPLE SYRUP TIME, DON'T PRUNE ORNAMENTAL MAPLES BECAUSE THEY WANT THE SUGARS C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00083-00029558-00029839 FROM IT, AND YOU DON'T IF YOU WANT TO PRUNE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00084-00029839-00030015 THANK YOU, CANDICE, VERY MUCH. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00085-00030015-00030252 I AM GOING TO TURN IT OVER TO DR. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00086-00030252-00030482 TOM VOIGT NEXT, AND SEE WHAT YOU HAVE FOR US. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00087-00030482-00030582 >> THANKS, DIANNE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00088-00030582-00030682 GOOD TO BE HERE TONIGHT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00089-00030682-00030965 I AM TOM VOIGT, AND I WORK WITH PERENNIAL GRASSES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00090-00030965-00031537 I AM A FACULTY MEMBER IN THE DEPARTMENT OF CROP SCIENCES HERE AT THE UNIVERSITY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00091-00031537-00032021 TONIGHT I WANT TO TALK ABOUT PERENNIAL MISCANTHUS SPECIES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00092-00032021-00032619 AS YOU SEE ON THE SCREEN, THIS IS MISCANTHUS SINENSIS OR MAIDEN. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00093-00032619-00033047 IT HAS BEEN AROUND FOR MANY YEARS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00094-00033047-00033689 IT IS OUTSTANDING BECAUSE OF ITS FINE TEXTURE AND BECAUSE IT FLOWERS LATE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00095-00033689-00033852 SO THIS MAKES A GREAT BACKDROP. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00096-00033852-00034302 YOU WILL SEE A SLIDE IN A MOMENT OF MAIDEN GRASS, USED AS A BACKDROP. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00097-00034302-00034888 WITH THE FINE TEXTURE, IT DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH THE SHOW THAT'S GOING ON IN FRONT OF C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00098-00034888-00035189 IT IF YOU ARE USING IT AS A BACKDROP PLANT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00099-00035189-00035515 NEXT MISCANTHUS, MORNING LIGHT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00100-00035515-00036033 MUCH NEWER INTRODUCTION, BUT YOU CAN SEE IT IS A STILL FINE TEXTURE, VERY NARROW BLADED C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00101-00036033-00036133 GRASS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00102-00036133-00036799 THIS GRASS WAS BROUGHT INTO IT COUNTRY FROM ASIA WITHIN THE LAST PROBABLY 40 YEARS BY C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00103-00036799-00036974 THE U.S.D.A. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00104-00036974-00037415 AND NARROW FOLIAGE, BUT LARGER WHITE STRIPE DOWN LEAF. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00105-00037415-00037821 GETS LITTLE MORE VARIEGATED LOOK THAN THE MAIDEN GRASS HAS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00106-00037821-00038447 SO IT, IN FACT, IS ALSO A NICE GRASS TO USE AS A BACKDROP EN MASSE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00107-00038447-00038938 HERE IS MAIDEN GRASS AGAIN, AND WE HAVE COLEUS IN FRONT OF THAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00108-00038938-00039696 YOU CAN SEE THAT IT DOES MAKE A NICE BACKDROP FOR SHOWING YOUR ANNUALS OR PERENNIAL PLANTS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00109-00039696-00040371 ONE THINGS TO BE CONCERNED WITH MAIDEN GRASS, NURSERYMEN SELECTED SEEDLINGS THAT LOOK ENOUGH C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00110-00040371-00040663 LIKE IT THAT THEY CAN GET AWAY SELLING IT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00111-00040663-00041318 YOU PREFER TO HAVE -- DEEP WITH SCRUPULOUS NURSERY MAN FOR SURE SELLING THE MISCANTHUS C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00112-00041318-00041729 SINENSIS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00113-00041729-00041836 >> VERY TIMELY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00114-00041836-00042137 DIDN'T YOU TAKE THOSE MOMENTS AGO? C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00115-00042137-00042362 >> THOSE ARE HOT OFF THE PRESS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00116-00042362-00042650 I TOOK THOSE AT NOON. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00117-00042650-00042838 THEY LOOK GREAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00118-00042838-00043224 >> THIS IS THE WARM SEASON GRASSES, THIS IS THE SHOW TIME OF YEAR. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00119-00043224-00043366 >> THAT IS GREAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00120-00043366-00043466 WONDERFUL. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00121-00043466-00043687 THANK YOU, FOLKS, FOR YOUR ANSWERS TO THOSE QUESTIONS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00122-00043687-00044422 LET'S GO TO A SEGMENT CALLED "DID YOU KNOW." C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00123-00044422-00044731 BAMBOO IS THE FASTEST GROWING WOODY PLANT IN THE WORLD. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00124-00044731-00045172 IT CAN GROW 35 INCHES IN A SINGLE DAY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00125-00045172-00045687 >> DOES THAT SOUND SCARY TO ANYONE? C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00126-00045687-00045822 >> CAN I? C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00127-00045822-00046344 >> YES, PLEASE, BAMBOO IS A GRASS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00128-00046344-00046461 WE SHOULD CUT IT SOME SLACK. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00129-00046461-00046690 >> OH, BUT IT IS 35 INCHES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00130-00046690-00046844 BUT IT IS SUSTAINABLE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00131-00046844-00047015 THAT MAKES IT -- WE ARE USING IT FOR FURNITURE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00132-00047015-00047124 WE ARE USING IT FOR FLOORING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00133-00047124-00047400 WE ARE USING IT FOR FISHING POLES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00134-00047400-00047743 >> DON'T PLANT WHERE YOU DON'T WANT IT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00135-00047743-00048141 >> ORDINARILY WE DON'T HAVE A LOT OF TYPES THAT DO WELL. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00136-00048141-00048518 >> BUT KNOW WHICH TYPE YOU ARE GETTING, COMP VERSUS SPREADING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00137-00048518-00048781 SOME PEOPLE I KNOW THOSE HAVE GONE TO THE NEIGHBORS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00138-00048781-00049336 >> IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, CHICAGO BOTANICAL GARDEN EVALUATED A NUMBER OF BAMBOOS FOR ORNAMENTAL C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00139-00049336-00049697 USE IN NORTHERN AND CENTRAL PARTIAL OF THE REGION. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00140-00049697-00049961 YOU CAN GO ONLINE AND FIND A PUBLICATION. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00141-00049961-00050114 >> THEY DO SUCH A GREAT JOB. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00142-00050114-00050284 >> ABOUT ORNAMENTAL BAMBOOS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00143-00050284-00051008 >> ABOUT EVALUATING WHOLE ENTIRE ONE SPECIES OF PLANTS AND TELLING GOOD DISEASE RESISTANT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00144-00051008-00051161 THANK YOU FOR BRINGING ABOUT THE BAMBOO. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00145-00051161-00051619 I DIDN'T KNOW THEY HAD EVALUATED BAMBOO. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00146-00051619-00051840 I AM LOOKING AT ORNAMENTAL FLOWERING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00147-00051840-00052019 OKAY, THANKS FOR THAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00148-00052019-00052558 WILL HE' GO TO THE PHONE LINES NEXT AND CHARLENE HAS A QUESTION FOR US ABOUT APPLES ON LINE C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00149-00052558-00052658 TWO. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00150-00052658-00052758 HI, CHARLENE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00151-00052758-00052858 >>CALLER: HI THERE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00152-00052858-00052958 I LOVE YOUR PROGRAM. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00153-00052958-00053058 >> THANK YOU. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00154-00053058-00053729 >> >>CALLER: I HAVE TWO ORNAMENTAL CRAB APPLE TREES IN MY FRONT YARD. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00155-00053729-00053829 >> YES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00156-00053829-00054358 >>CALLER: AND I HAVE BEEN TOLD IT HAS APPLE SCAB. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00157-00054358-00054555 IS THIS GOING TO KILL MY TREE? C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00158-00054555-00054913 SHOULD I SPRAY THEM RIGHT NOW OR WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT THIS? C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00159-00054913-00055013 >> OKAY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00160-00055013-00055316 WHO WANTS TO ANSWER APPLE SCAB QUESTION. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00161-00055316-00055416 >> THAT ONE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00162-00055416-00055548 GOOD QUESTION. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00163-00055548-00056089 IF YOU DO HAVE CRAB APPLE THAT IS SENSITIVE TO APPLE CAB. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00164-00056089-00056687 IT IS A COMMON OCCURRENCE EVERY YEAR FOR SUSCEPTIBLE APPLES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00165-00056687-00056842 YOU CAN CERTAINLY SPRAY THAT TREE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00166-00056842-00056996 BUT IT IS TOO LATE TO DO THAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00167-00056996-00057158 IT IS A PREVENTATIVE SPRAY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00168-00057158-00057726 I WOULD SUGGEST YOU CALL YOUR EXTENSION OFFICE AND WE HAVE A BOOK CALLED "PEST MANAGEMENT C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00169-00057726-00058135 IN THE HOME LANDSCAPE" AND THEY CAN LET YOU KNOW WHICH PARTICULAR CHEMICAL AND WHAT TIME C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00170-00058135-00058235 TO SPRAY IT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00171-00058235-00058435 BUT LUCKILY, IT IS NOT GOING TO. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00172-00058435-00058547 >> HERE IS THE BOOK. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00173-00058547-00058677 HERE IS WHAT THE BOOK LOOKS LIKE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00174-00058677-00059500 IT IS NOT GOING TO KILL YOUR APPLE TREE, BUT IT WILL AFFECT THE AESTHETIC LOOK OF THE APPLES C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00175-00059500-00059680 AND YOU WILL HAVE SPOTTING ON THE LEAVES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00176-00059680-00059929 IT MIGHT STRESS THE TREE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00177-00059929-00060451 IF THERE ARE OTHER THINGS HAPPENING AS WELL AS DROUGHT AND OTHER CONDITIONS, I WOULD GET C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00178-00060451-00060600 WORRIED. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00179-00060600-00060932 JUST THE APPLE SCAB, I WOULDN'T BE 100% CONCERNED. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00180-00060932-00061454 YOU COULD CERTAINLY THINK OF DOING PREVENTATIVE SPRAY FOR NEXT SEASON. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00181-00061454-00061554 >> CLEAN UP THOROUGHLY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00182-00061554-00062105 OH, YEAH, DEFINITELY CLEAN UP THE LEAVES WHEN THEY FALL, THE FRUITS, YEAH, EXACTLY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00183-00062105-00062674 THEN IF YOU EVER HAVE AN OCCASION TO SELECT ANOTHER TREE, ANOTHER CRAB APPLE, LOOK FOR C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00184-00062674-00062774 DISEASE RESISTANT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00185-00062774-00062970 >> THAT WOULD BE EXACT WAY TO AVOID IT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00186-00062970-00063597 >> EVEN PRAIRIE FIRES IN FRONT OF SCIENCE LAB ARE LOOKING SAD. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00187-00063597-00063725 BARELY RESISTANT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00188-00063725-00064224 I THINK WE GOT WARM AND HUMID FAIRLY EARLY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00189-00064224-00064339 >> AND FAIRLY SUSTAINED. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00190-00064339-00064511 >> AND MOIST, YEAH. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00191-00064511-00064762 >> IT GOT GOING WAY EARLIER THAN SOMETIMES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00192-00064762-00065229 >> UP SIDE DO IT, CRAB APPLES HAVE THINNED OUT, AND I HAVE NEVER SEEN MY PLANTS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00193-00065229-00065838 IT IS PARTIALLY DIFFUSED SHADE, BUT THERE IS A LITTLE MORE LIGHT FOR MY LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00194-00065838-00066148 AND THINGS ARE DOING QUITE WELL. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00195-00066148-00066254 ONE HOSTA LOOKS A LITTLE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00196-00066254-00066455 >> HOORAY FOR THE GROUND COVER. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00197-00066455-00066881 >> THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO GET THAT MUCH SUN. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00198-00066881-00066992 WAIT UNTIL NEXT YEAR. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00199-00066992-00067207 ISN'T THAT A SAYING FOR SOME TEAMS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00200-00067207-00067307 >> YEAH. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00201-00067307-00067407 >> ANYWAY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00202-00067407-00067527 WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00203-00067527-00068072 LET'S GO TO LINE THREE NEXT, AND JUDY HAS A QUESTION, AND LOOKS LIKE IT IS ABOUT VOLES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00204-00068072-00068375 HI, JUDY, WHAT IS YOUR QUESTION? C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00205-00068375-00068476 >>CALLER: HI. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00206-00068476-00068783 THANKS FOR TAKING MY CALL. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00207-00068783-00069406 I AM PRETTY SURE THAT I HAVE VOLES, AND THEY STARTED IN THE NEIGHBOR'S YARD AS NEAR AS C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00208-00069406-00069506 I CAN TELL. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00209-00069506-00069763 NOW THEY ARE IN MINE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00210-00069763-00070211 I DON'T KNOW IF THERE IS A WAY TO GET RID OF THEM OR NOT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00211-00070211-00070369 THAT'S MY QUESTION. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00212-00070369-00070475 WE ARE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00213-00070475-00070901 >> WE ARE ALL LOOKING AT EACH OTHER. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00214-00070901-00071739 >> (LAUGHING) WHO WOULD LIKE TO JUMP IN ON THAT? C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00215-00071739-00072145 >> APPARENTLY, NO ONE! C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00216-00072145-00073169 (LAUGHING) I THINK AS YOU GO INTO FALL AND WINTER, TOM CAN BACK ME UP OR NOT ON THIS, C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00217-00073169-00073714 I WOULD SAY GET THE GRASS CUT DOWN FAIRLY LOW BECAUSE IF YOU HAVE TALL GRASS GOING INTO C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00218-00073714-00074532 THE WINTER, IT GIVES THEM PLACES TO MAKE THEIR TRAILS AND HIDE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00219-00074532-00075074 HOPE FOR NOT VERY SNOWY WINTER BECAUSE UNDER THE SNOW IS WHERE THEY REALLY DO THEIR WORSE C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00220-00075074-00075220 DAMAGE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00221-00075220-00075752 IF THEY ARE FORCED TO BE OUT IN THE OPEN, THEN PREDATORS CAN GET AT THEM. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00222-00075752-00076099 BUT IF THEY CAN HIDE UNDER THE SNOW, THEN IT IS MORE OF A PROBLEM. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00223-00076099-00076787 I DON'T KNOW THAT THERE IS ANYTHING YOU CAN USE OUTSIDE BECAUSE IT IS JUST TOO DANGEROUS C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00224-00076787-00077074 WITH -- >> CAN YOU TRAP VOLES OR TWO SMALL? C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00225-00077074-00077179 >> YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO TRAP THEM. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00226-00077179-00077331 >> I DON'T KNOW EITHER. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00227-00077331-00077983 >> SOME FOLKS MENTIONED MOUSETRAPS, BUT SO WHATEVER IT IS GOES IN AND CAN'T BE FOR OTHER. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00228-00077983-00078171 >> YEAH, OTHER WILDLIFE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00229-00078171-00078576 >> YOU HAVE TO TARGET RUNS AND YOU CAN'T ALWAYS TARGET IT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00230-00078576-00078841 SO IT IS CHALLENGING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00231-00078841-00079058 BUT THE BEST THING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00232-00079058-00079226 >> >> ADOPT OUTDOOR CAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00233-00079226-00079450 >> OR DOG OR SOMETHING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00234-00079450-00079644 THEY CHASE THEM OFF. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00235-00079644-00080016 THEY MAY NOT DO DAMAGE, AND MAY KEEP THEM FROM SETTLING IN. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00236-00080016-00080116 >> RIGHT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00237-00080116-00080332 SMELL A CAT AROUND AND MAY GO BACK TO THE NEIGHBOR'S YARD. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00238-00080332-00081010 >> I HAVE TWO CATS, AND RABBIT, VOLE, MOUSE FREE, IT IS REALLY LOVELY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00239-00081010-00081799 THE BEST THING A VOLE EVER DID IT PRUNED MY SIBERIAN IRIS ONE WINTER WHICH WAS VERY NETTED C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00240-00081799-00082307 AND WORKED IN AND I WAS ABLE TO JUST TRANSPLANT IT SO EASILY BEFORE IT DIED. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00241-00082307-00082769 (LAUGHING) I GOT IT TO TRANSPLANT, AND IT DIDN'T DIE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00242-00082769-00083187 THAT'S THAT WAS THE ONLY GOOD THING I HAD EVER HAPPEN WITH VOLE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00243-00083187-00083474 OTHERWISE, IT IS NOT A GOOD THING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00244-00083474-00083685 THANK YOU, JUDY, WE HOPED WE HELPED YOU A LITTLE WITH THAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00245-00083685-00084219 WE WILL GO TO KAREN'S QUESTION ON LINE FOUR, AND SHE HAS A QUESTION ABOUT HEMLOCK. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00246-00084219-00084589 HI, KAREN. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00247-00084589-00085618 KAREN, I THINK -- TALK TO US, KAREN AND TURN OFF YOUR TV. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00248-00085618-00085868 KAREN? C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00249-00085868-00086007 NOT HEARING KAREN. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00250-00086007-00086107 OKAY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00251-00086107-00086311 DO WE GO TO LINE FIVE? C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00252-00086311-00086574 ALL RIGHT, SORRY, KAREN. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00253-00086574-00086956 WHEN YOU CALL IN, LISTEN FOR MY VOICE AND THEN CHAT WITH ME BECAUSE I THINK WE LOST C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00254-00086956-00087056 YOU. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00255-00087056-00087274 LET'S GO TO JULIE'S QUESTION LINE FIVE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00256-00087274-00087456 HI, JULIE, WHAT HAVE YOU GOT FOR US? C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00257-00087456-00087574 >> >>CALLER: HI, DIANNE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00258-00087574-00087731 WE LOVE YOUR SHOW. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00259-00087731-00087831 THANK YOU. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00260-00087831-00088044 >>CALLER: I HAVE A QUESTION FOR THE FUTURE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00261-00088044-00088463 I AM ALREADY STARTING TO CLEAR OUT SOME OF THE DEAD THINGS THAT HAVE EX PENDED THEMSELVES C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00262-00088463-00088563 THIS YEAR. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00263-00088563-00088663 >> GOOD IDEA. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00264-00088663-00089327 >>CALLER: LOOKING TO GET A JUMP ON PUTTING IN BULBS FOR THE FALL, BUT I WAS HOPING YOU C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00265-00089327-00089807 COULD TELL ME THE NAME OF THE AUGUR THAT YOU RECOMMEND FOR DRILLS AND WHERE I CAN BUY ONE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00266-00089807-00090252 >> I CAN SURELY TELL YOU, IT IS CALLED POWER PLANTER. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00267-00090252-00090822 WE REALLY RECOMMEND IT AND GAVE IT AS A GIFT THROUGH THE STATION. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00268-00090822-00090949 YOU CAN GOOGLE IT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00269-00090949-00091174 IT IS "POWER PLANTER." C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00270-00091174-00091948 NEIWALLS HAVE EXCELLENT QUALITY, STURDY ONE, AND THEY HAVE DIFFERENT SIZES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00271-00091948-00092554 AND YOU CAN PUT IT IN A DRILL, CORDLESS OR OTHERWISE, AND IT WORKS REALLY WELL. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00272-00092554-00092823 BE CAREFUL ABOUT ROCKY SOIL. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00273-00092823-00093197 BUT OTHERWISE, IT WORKS VERY WELL, BUT IT IS A STRONGER METAL THAN SOME YOU WILL FIND C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00274-00093197-00093983 IN OTHER CERTAIN STORES THAT DON'T HAVE AS HIGH OF QUALITY OF TOOLS THEY COULD HAVE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00275-00093983-00094127 >> KNOCK OFFS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00276-00094127-00094400 THEY LOOK LIKE THE TOOL YOU WANT, BUT REALLY NOT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00277-00094400-00094701 >> POWER PLANTER IS THE NAME OF IT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00278-00094701-00094801 THERE WE GO. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00279-00094801-00094901 OKAY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00280-00094901-00095001 SO, THANK YOU FOR THAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00281-00095001-00095101 IT IS GREAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00282-00095101-00095594 I REALLY LIKE USING THEM, BUT BE CAREFUL WITH ROCKY SOIL AND ANYTHING WITH ROOTS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00283-00095594-00095818 IT WILL KICK BACK ON YOU. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00284-00095818-00095924 BE CAREFUL. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00285-00095924-00096120 SIX INCH DEEP FOR TULIPS AND DAFFODILS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00286-00096120-00096500 THREE INCHES FOR CROCUS AND SMALL BULBS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00287-00096500-00096780 I WAS IN TEACHER MODE THERE FOR A MOMENT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00288-00096780-00097356 LET'S GO TO DONNA'S QUESTION, A QUESTION ON LINE SIX, ABOUT ACORN SQUASH. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00289-00097356-00097456 HI, DONNA. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00290-00097456-00097668 >>CALLER: HI, HOW ARE YOU? C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00291-00097668-00097791 >> DOING GREAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00292-00097791-00098260 >>CALLER: MY ACORN SQUASH ARE GETTING PLENTY OF FLOWERS, FLOWERS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00293-00098260-00098638 DIANNE, I GET NO FRUIT OFF OF THEM. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00294-00098638-00098864 WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM? C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00295-00098864-00099256 >> OKAY, ARE YOU SEEING BOTH MALE AND FEMALE BLOSSOMS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00296-00099256-00099555 >> I DON'T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00297-00099555-00100195 >> BLOSSOM WILL HAVE BABY ACORN SQUASH BEHIND IT WHERE THE MALE IS JUST A STALK. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00298-00100195-00100548 >>CALLER: I HAVE ONLY SEEN ONE OTHER BABY ACORN SQUASH. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00299-00100548-00101216 I HAVE ONE ACORN SQUASH ON IT NOW, BUT I HAVE ONLY SEEN ONE OTHER BABY AND IT FELL OFF. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00300-00101216-00101450 >> ARE THEY IN GOOD BRIGHT, SUNLIGHT? C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00301-00101450-00101550 >> >>CALLER: NO. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00302-00101550-00101868 NOT IN GOOD SUNLIGHT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00303-00101868-00102530 >> SOMETIMES IF THEY ARE NOT GETTING THE ENERGY, THEY TEND TO KEEP PRODUCING MALE BLOSSOMS C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00304-00102530-00102726 AND DON'T GET AROUND TO FEMALES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00305-00102726-00103518 I HAD A COUSIN TRYING TO GROW ONE IN APARTMENT A LONG TIME AGO AND HE ASKED ME WHY HE WASN'T C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00306-00103518-00103666 GETTING PUMPKINS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00307-00103666-00104218 I ASKED A FEW QUESTIONS AND FOUND OUT INSIDE HE WAS ONLY GETTING MALE BLOSSOMS AND VERY C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00308-00104218-00104492 FLUSTERED BECAUSE IS HE WAS POLLINATING THE MALE BLOSSOMS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00309-00104492-00105474 BUT I THINK IF YOU CAN IN THE FUTURE, PLANT THEM WHERE THEY CAN GET MORE SUNSHINE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00310-00105474-00106146 IF THEY ARE NOT GETTING ADEQUATE SUN SLIGHT, THEY MAY NOT -- THEY MAY READ THAT AS A REASON C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00311-00106146-00106615 NOT TO PUT ON LOTS OF FEMALE BLOSSOMS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00312-00106615-00106815 >> THEY ARE SO GOOD TO EAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00313-00106815-00107032 THOSE ARE REALLY GREAT VEGETABLE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00314-00107032-00107533 THEY ARE BETTER SQUASH THAN ACORNS IN MY OPINION. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00315-00107533-00107650 >> WHAT WOULD YOU SUGGEST? C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00316-00107650-00107900 >> BUTTER CUP IS A WONDERFUL ONE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00317-00107900-00108000 BUTTERNUT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00318-00108000-00108100 >> I LIKE BUTTERNUT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00319-00108100-00108658 IT IS VERY GOOD, PLUS IT IS A DIFFERENT SPECIES THAT IS NOT EATEN UP BY CUCUMBER BEETLES AND C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00320-00108658-00109223 OTHER THINGS NEARLY AS BAD AS ACORNS AND SOME OTHER THINGS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00321-00109223-00109396 SOME OF THE DELICATAS ARE VERY GOOD. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00322-00109396-00109496 THEY WERE BEAUTIFUL. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00323-00109496-00109723 HONEY CUT WITH THE STRIPING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00324-00109723-00109901 THEY ARE ONLY ABOUT A POUND. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00325-00109901-00110488 IT IS A NICE REFINED PORTION WHEN YOU CUT IN HALF, AS OPPOSED TO EIGHT POUND BUTTERNUT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00326-00110488-00111189 >> I TEND TO OVEREAT AS OPPOSED TO GET SICK OF IT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00327-00111189-00111289 >> I DO LIKE BUTTERNUT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00328-00111289-00111519 I HAVE GROWN THAT QUITE A FEW YEARS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00329-00111519-00111619 GOOD. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00330-00111619-00111933 THANK YOU FOR STARTING OUR CONVERSATION ON HAVING DIFFERENT KINDS OF SQUASH. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00331-00111933-00112514 WE WILL GO BACK TO THE PANEL AND SEE WHAT -- I THINK CHUCK HAS SOMETHING MORE FOR US, C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00332-00112514-00112667 AND WE WILL COME BACK AROUND. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00333-00112667-00113036 >> I WAS IN THE PRODUCE DEPARTMENT AND I WAS LOOKING AROUND. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00334-00113036-00113689 I WAS PLEASED AS HECK TO FIND DANDELION GREENS, SALAD GREENS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00335-00113689-00114089 THEY ARE GROWN ON PURPOSE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00336-00114089-00114714 (LAUGHING) AND THEY HAVE BEEN SELECTED TO HAVE THESE GREAT 12-INCH, 18-INCH LEAVES, C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00337-00114714-00115374 BIG, BIG LEAVES, AND YOU THINK PROBABLY THEY HAVE LESS BITTERNESS THAN JUST YOUR AVERAGE C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00338-00115374-00115677 GARDEN VARIETY WOULD HAVE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00339-00115677-00116044 DANDELIONS WERE NOT ACCIDENTAL INTRODUCTION TO THIS CONTINENT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00340-00116044-00116156 THEY WERE BROUGHT ON PURPOSE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00341-00116156-00116550 THEY WERE A POPULAR POT HERB BACK IN THE DAY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00342-00116550-00117015 BITTER GREENS I THINK WERE MORE POPULAR IN THAT TIME FRAME. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00343-00117015-00117922 AND THEY DID ESCAPE AND ESTABLISH, BUT EVEN NOW I THINK SOME LIST DANDELION IN THE TOP C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00344-00117922-00118226 TEN OF MEDICINAL HERBS AROUND THE WORLD. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00345-00118226-00118635 WE TALKED WITH THE OTHER THINGS ABOUT WHAT IS STILL APPROPRIATE TO PLANT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00346-00118635-00119336 THINGS LIKE RADISHES AND LETTUCES AND SPINACH IF YOU KEPT THE SEED COLD WOULD BE OKAY TO C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00347-00119336-00119557 PUT OUT IN SEPTEMBER. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00348-00119557-00120294 BUT OTHER THINGS LIKE MUSTARD GREENS, TURNIP GREENS, THEY WILL GROW FROM A SEED PROBABLY C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00349-00120294-00120938 WITHIN A COUPLE OF WEEKS, CAN YOU START THINNING THEM OUT, AND EATING THE THINNINGS, AND WITHIN C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00350-00120938-00121183 A MONTH, THEY WILL BE BIG AND ROBUST. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00351-00121183-00122013 IN THE COOL, FALL WEATHER, THEY WILL BE VERY MILD AND VERY NUTRITIOUS, AND YOU CAN STILL C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00352-00122013-00122425 GET A LOT OUT OF YOUR GARDEN, PARTICULARLY BECAUSE WE SEEM TO BE HAVING ADEQUATE MOISTURE C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00353-00122425-00122923 AND NO SIGN OF IT GOING AWAY WITHOUT QUITE THE FLOODING WE HAD LAST YEAR WHICH -- C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00354-00122923-00123289 >> IS SOMETHING TO FORGET. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00355-00123289-00123420 >> I TRY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00356-00123420-00123520 BUT I CAN'T. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00357-00123520-00124008 IT IS A SIGHT OF 28 HEIRLOOM TOMATOES STANDING IN WATER FOR THREE AND HALF MONTHS WAS NOT C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00358-00124008-00124129 WONDERFUL. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00359-00124129-00124250 >> GOOD. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00360-00124250-00124386 THOSE ARE NICE SUGGESTIONS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00361-00124386-00124786 THANK YOU, AND THEY LOOK SO GREAT EXCEPT THE DANDELIONS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00362-00124786-00125126 BUT I AM SURE THOSE ARE REALLY GOOD THING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00363-00125126-00125233 I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00364-00125233-00125436 MAY NEED A LITTLE DRESSING ON THAT (LAUGHING). C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00365-00125436-00125800 >> A LOT OF DRESSING AND A LOT OF OTHER THINGS! C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00366-00125800-00126196 (LAUGHING) >> BREAK OUT THE REALLY, REALLY GOOD VINEGAR. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00367-00126196-00126735 (LAUGHING) >> OKAY, SO CANDICE, LET'S GO TO YOU NEXT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00368-00126735-00126964 >> MY QUESTION IS ABOUT PEONIES HERE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00369-00126964-00127614 THIS PERSON IS VERY OLD HUGE ENTANGLED PEONY BEDS, HAS ROOTS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO DIVIDE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00370-00127614-00128134 AND ASKING HOW I DEAL WITH THAT BEAUTIFUL MONSTER THEY ARE ASKING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00371-00128134-00128694 I WOULDN'T -- I DON'T REALLY HAVE A GREAT EASY WAY TO DO IT I WOULD SAY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00372-00128694-00129058 YOUR BEST BET WOULD BE PROBABLY VERY SHARP SHADE TO BE HONEST. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00373-00129058-00129627 AND FALL IS TYPICALLY THE TIME WHEN YOU WANT TO DIVIDE THOSE TRANSPLANTS AND EITHER MOVE C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00374-00129627-00129822 THEM TO YOUR NEW LOCATION OR THIN IT OUT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00375-00129822-00130373 I AM NOT SURE WHAT YOUR GOAL IS THERE, BUT, YEAH, I WOULD JUST GET IN THERE WITH A SHARP C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00376-00130373-00130779 OF A SPADE AS YOU CAN AND DIVIDE IN SMALLER PIECES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00377-00130779-00131313 LIKE I SAID, MOVE THEM OR ADD THEM TO A NEW LOCATION. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00378-00131313-00131560 I DON'T HAVE ANY REALLY GREAT, EASY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00379-00131560-00131776 >> THEY CAN BE HUGE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00380-00131776-00131899 >> FIND SOMEBODY YOUNG AND STRONG. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00381-00131899-00132261 I USED TO DO THIS, YOU START BACK FAIRLY FALL. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00382-00132261-00132902 WHEN YOU START TO IDENTIFY ROOTS COMING OUT, KEEP GOING AROUND AND DOWN UNTIL YOU GET THE C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00383-00132902-00133710 WHOLE THING TO POP UP AND THEN FAIRLY ROOTLESS AND DIVIDE IN THINGS THAT HAVE BUDS AND -- C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00384-00133710-00134022 >> WANT AT LEAST A COUPLE BUDS AND ROOTS IN EACH SECTION. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00385-00134022-00134277 >> DON'T PLANT THEM TOO DEEP. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00386-00134277-00134377 >> YEAH. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00387-00134377-00134957 >> COUPLE INCHES, AND GOOD FULL SUN WHERE A TREE HASN'T JUST BEEN PLANTED TO HAVE SHADE C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00388-00134957-00135057 LATER. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00389-00135057-00135425 >> LIKE SHE SAID, ALMOST PERFECT SEASON TO DO THAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00390-00135425-00135525 >> IT IS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00391-00135525-00136174 >> AND AGAIN, BECAUSE OF THE MOISTURE OF THE GROUND WAY EASIER TO DIG THAN AS WE GO THROUGH C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00392-00136174-00136327 LATE SUMMER. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00393-00136327-00136427 GOOD. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00394-00136427-00136644 THAT'S A GOOD THING, TIMELY QUESTION. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00395-00136644-00136764 ALL RIGHT, MR. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00396-00136764-00136864 TOM VOIGT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00397-00136864-00136977 YOU ARE NEXT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00398-00136977-00137077 DR. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00399-00137077-00137177 VOIGT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00400-00137177-00137277 >> THANK YOU. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00401-00137277-00137746 LATE SUMMER AND EARLY FALL IS A GREAT TIME OF YEAR FOR LAWN WORK. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00402-00137746-00138156 PARTICULARLY NOW, FROM THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST TO MIDDLE OF SEPTEMBER, WE LOOK AT SEEDING C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00403-00138156-00138403 LAWNS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00404-00138403-00138979 FOR MOST OF THE REGION, WE WOULD CERTAINLY RECOMMEND PLANTING TURF TYPE TALL FESCUES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00405-00138979-00139622 IF YOU DO HAVE TO -- IF YOU DO HAVE ANOTHER TYPE OF LAWN GRASS SUCH AS KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00406-00139622-00140092 AND OTHER FESCUES, IT IS GOOD TIME TO SEED THOSE SPECIES AS WELL. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00407-00140092-00140528 WE WANT TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE WATERING IT, NOT KEEPING IT SOAKING WET AFTER YOU SEED. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00408-00140528-00140741 MULCH IS A GOOD THING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00409-00140741-00141295 STRAW IS GOOD. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00410-00141295-00142112 CLEAN WHEAT STRAW AND PROVIDING FERTILITY AFTER IT STARTS TO GERMINATE, ABOUT FIVE POUND C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00411-00142112-00142633 APPLICATION PER THOUSAND SQUARE FEET OF 10-10-10 FERTILIZER WILL HELP IT GET UP AND GOING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00412-00142633-00142826 THIS IS TIME FOR SEEDING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00413-00142826-00143382 AS WE GET LATER IN THE FALL, WE COULD LOOK AT WEED CONTROL, CORE AERIFICATION AND OTHER C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00414-00143382-00143571 LAWN CARE ACTIVITIES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00415-00143571-00144098 RIGHT NOW IT IS A GOOD TIME TO SEED AND GOOD TIME TO FERTILIZE YOUR LAWN. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00416-00144098-00144480 THAT'S WHY WE WANTED YOU ON RIGHT NOW TO REMIND EVERYBODY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00417-00144480-00144967 >> LABOR DAY IS ONE OF THE HOLIDAY FERTILIZATION PERIODS, ALONG WITH MOTHER'S DAY, LABOR DAY C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00418-00144967-00145096 AND VETERANS DAY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00419-00145096-00145342 >> DON'T YOU THINK IT IS EASY TO REMEMBER. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00420-00145342-00145828 BUT, STILL, MOTHER'S DAY, VETERANS DAY, LABOR DAY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00421-00145828-00146699 >> MOTHER DAY -- AND IF YOU DO IRRIGATE YOUR LAWN, YOU REALLY WANT TO FERTILIZE AROUND C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00422-00146699-00146799 FLAG DAY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00423-00146799-00147016 >> ALL OF THE HOLIDAYS! C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00424-00147016-00147239 (LAUGHING) EVERYONE GET ON THAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00425-00147239-00147517 >> TELL THEM HOW SOON THEY SHOULD KNOW SEEDLING GRASS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00426-00147517-00148103 REALLY GOOD THOUGHT BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE AFRAID TO HURT THEIR NEW LITTLE GRASS PLANTS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00427-00148103-00148501 SO THEY LET THEM GROW WAY TOO LARGE BEFORE THEY BEGIN MOWING. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00428-00148501-00148803 IF YOU ARE GOING TO MAINTAIN YOUR LAWN, TWO AND HALF, THREE INCHES WHICH IS THE HEIGHT C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00429-00148803-00148903 WE HIT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00430-00148903-00149269 WHEN IT HITS FOUR INCHES, YOU WANT TO MOW IT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00431-00149269-00149847 YOU DON'T WANT TO SHADE OUT THE SEEDLINGS, AND THE MOWING CAUSES THE GRASS PLANTS TO C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00432-00149847-00150098 THICKEN UP AND MAKE MORE TILLERS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00433-00150098-00150734 BY MOWING SHORTLY AFTER GERMINATION, YOU CAN ENHANCE THE THICKNESS OF THE LAWN AS WELL C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00434-00150734-00150898 AS NOT SHADE OUT THE SEEDLINGS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00435-00150898-00151179 >> YOU ARE NOT GOING HURT THOSE LITTLE SEEDLINGS. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00436-00151179-00151300 GET IN THERE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00437-00151300-00151400 >> THEY ARE TOUGH. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00438-00151400-00151698 >> IF YOUR MOWER BLADE IS DULL, YOU MIGHT YANK THEM OUT OF THE GROUND. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00439-00151698-00151984 >> THAT'S REALLY BAD. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00440-00151984-00152182 >> STOP! C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00441-00152182-00152463 DON'T PULL. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00442-00152463-00153053 >> I DO WANT TO THANK ONE OF OUR VIEWERS, VERNELL, HE GAVE A GREAT IDEA FOR VOLES. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00443-00153053-00153353 HE SAID PLANT CASTOR BEANS IN THE AREA. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00444-00153353-00153688 IT IS HARD TO PLANT NOW. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00445-00153688-00154022 CASTOR BEANS DO KEEP MOLES AND VOLES AWAY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00446-00154022-00154461 MINE HAVE GROWN A STORY HIGH THIS YEAR. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00447-00154461-00154561 THANK YOU VERY MUCH, VERNELL FOR THAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00448-00154561-00154701 I REALLY APPRECIATE THAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00449-00154701-00154902 I WOULD APPRECIATE THAT. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00450-00154902-00155163 THE SHOW IS QUICKLY PASSING US BY. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00451-00155163-00155373 THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00452-00155373-00155651 THANK EACH OF YOU FOR WATCHING AND WE HOPE YOU GET OUT THERE AND GARDEN. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00453-00155651-00157320 WE ARE SO GLAD YOU WATCHED. C7JJ1fZ4LxI-00454-00157320-00158874 GOOD-BYE. C9L7PHpke6g-00001-00001026-00002168 Don’t make me expose their reality. The Shankaracharya ji of Puri before me, was sitting on a fast for cow protection, for 72 days. C9L7PHpke6g-00002-00002168-00003050 Those days, it was not the BJP’s government in the Centre. It was Indira Gandhi’s government. C9L7PHpke6g-00003-00003050-00003882 You would have heard the name of Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji…his picture is here, this must be BJP supporters’ house… C9L7PHpke6g-00004-00003882-00004998 he and the Chief Editor of an English daily newspaper were seated. C9L7PHpke6g-00005-00004998-00006218 There was a discussion between them that the Shankaracharya of Puri, Niranjandev Teerth ji Maharaj, who is sitting on a fast for cow protection, must be saved. C9L7PHpke6g-00006-00006218-00007628 Do you know what Vajpayee ji said? If he wants to die, let him die, it is only when cows keep getting slaughtered that we can ask for votes in its name. This is the inside story. C9L7PHpke6g-00007-00007628-00008790 If cows keep getting slaughtered, then BJP can ask for votes in its name. Now look at Ramajanmabhumi. Do you remember the Godhra incident? C9L7PHpke6g-00008-00008790-00010318 I have been inside that compartment, I have seen, the Gaubhakts..no, the Ramabhakts who were murdered, the Godhra incident, I have gone there and seen inside the compartment, prepared for any eventuality. C9L7PHpke6g-00009-00010318-00010966 Mulayam Singh had got scores of Ramabhaktas killed with brass bullets from here till here, there was also many Yadavs among them, karsevaks. C9L7PHpke6g-00010-00010966-00012446 It is on the blood of Ramabhakts that the BJP is standing, and Modi ji became Prime Minister. C9L7PHpke6g-00011-00012446-00013066 Do you know? Had the Godhra incident not happened, and had the Mulayam Singh incident not happened, C9L7PHpke6g-00012-00013066-00013810 then the BJP’s Gujarat Chief Minister, honourable Modi ji would not have become Prime Minister. C9L7PHpke6g-00013-00013810-00014494 But now the decision which has come, what kind of decision is it? Is it favourable to Ramajanmabhumi or a curse? C9L7PHpke6g-00014-00014494-00015106 The party which came to power in the Centre on the name of Rama ji, has it snubbed that Rama ji or not, C9L7PHpke6g-00015-00015106-00016280 a policy has been prepared for building a new Mecca, building a Madarassa, making India a global hub of terror in the future. C9L7PHpke6g-00016-00016280-00017114 So the question arises, such betrayal in the name of Rama. Such betrayal in the name of cow. C9L7PHpke6g-00017-00017114-00017826 Therefore be cautious in discussing Rama ji, in discussing cows, we people are bhuktbhogi (sufferers?). C9L7PHpke6g-00018-00017826-00018602 As I had said, I was confined in Tihar jail for 52 days before becoming the Shankaracharya C9L7PHpke6g-00019-00018602-00019276 and the Shankaracharya ji prior to me, while holding that position, had gone on a fast for 72 days for the cow. C9L7PHpke6g-00020-00019276-00019976 A shool (spike?) was poked into the eye of my venerable Gurudev, Swami KarpAtri ji Maharaj, in Tihar jail, we are bhuktbhogi (sufferers?). C9L7PHpke6g-00021-00019976-00021340 But the question arises, why cow slaughter? Can we expect of any Hindu party, now Shiv Sena, that they will do some work for cow protection? C9L7PHpke6g-00022-00021340-00021828 Have you understood? It cannot be said with whom a party will join hands and when. C9L7PHpke6g-00023-00021828-00023400 As there are no ideology-based parties, we need to move ahead very carefully and with dheerta-veerta (resolve?). Narayana. Shiva. [ Dhanyavādaḥ to volunteers — English translation: Deepak Pai ji; Hindi transcription: Gaurav Tewari ji ] CqZyrUpShdy-00000-00000088-00000760 hi and welcome to this episode where I am going to share with you how to navigate the autumn CqZyrUpShdy-00001-00000760-00001472 clock change when we put our clocks back one hour so stay tuned and I'm going to reveal CqZyrUpShdy-00002-00001472-00001976 three different ways that you can navigate this change with your little one to protect their sleep CqZyrUpShdy-00003-00002320-00002952 so autumn is upon us and in a few countries here in the uk and i know in the us it's a week later CqZyrUpShdy-00004-00002952-00003504 but we put our clocks back for daylight savings we put them back by one hour and for some children CqZyrUpShdy-00005-00003504-00003952 this can really disrupt their routine it does depend a little bit on how sensitive your child CqZyrUpShdy-00006-00003952-00004608 is to time some won't really notice a difference but the younger ones babies when they're on more CqZyrUpShdy-00007-00004608-00005136 of a schedule and they have their naps to consider and meal times that one hour can make a massive CqZyrUpShdy-00008-00005136-00005984 difference so what can you do i have three ways that you can make the move to the new clock time CqZyrUpShdy-00009-00005984-00006759 this autumn the first one number one is the gradual approach you can take it gradually CqZyrUpShdy-00010-00006759-00007312 so if you're gonna do this you need to start on the wednesday night when the clocks are going to CqZyrUpShdy-00011-00007312-00007912 change in the night on the saturday night sunday morning okay so the wednesday night you start and CqZyrUpShdy-00012-00007912-00008776 you're going to move bedtime we're going to move bedtime forward so later you're gonna move bedtime CqZyrUpShdy-00013-00008776-00009552 later by 15 minutes each night okay so wednesday night so if bedtime is normally 7pm i like using CqZyrUpShdy-00014-00009552-00010032 seven because it's easy it's pretty universal it's a good bedtime for a lot of children if bedtime is CqZyrUpShdy-00015-00010032-00010728 usually 7 p.m on wednesday we're gonna push them to 7 15. on Thursday we're going to make it 7 30. CqZyrUpShdy-00016-00010784-00011296 on friday we're going to make it 7 45 and then by saturday night they're going to bed at 8pm CqZyrUpShdy-00017-00011296-00011976 and you might think what that's way too late but that 8 p.m is going to be the new 7 p.m CqZyrUpShdy-00018-00012048-00012448 by the next day because the clock's gonna go back an hour okay do you see what i did there CqZyrUpShdy-00019-00012448-00013136 so by going to bed at 8pm on saturday the amount of sleep they have in the night time should mean CqZyrUpShdy-00020-00013136-00013688 when they wake up in the morning after their usual regular night sleep it's the same correct CqZyrUpShdy-00021-00013688-00014263 time on the clock come morning so if they normally sleep for ease of numbers 12 hours CqZyrUpShdy-00022-00014328-00014896 and they normally wake up at 7 00 a.m they're still going to wake up at 7 00 a.m on the clock CqZyrUpShdy-00023-00014896-00015408 because the clocks went back an hour in the night makes sense so they don't lose any sleep and we've CqZyrUpShdy-00024-00015408-00015832 made a gradual transition from the wednesday so that's your gradual move and if you're going to CqZyrUpShdy-00025-00015832-00016296 do that you need to be prepared because you need to start the wednesday before the clock change CqZyrUpShdy-00026-00016440-00017032 number two is to meet in the middle now by meeting in the middle what you're doing is you're taking CqZyrUpShdy-00027-00017032-00017568 the new time the old time and you're just meeting in the middle so on saturday night for bedtime CqZyrUpShdy-00028-00017568-00018032 if bedtime's normally seven and we don't want to push them all the way to eight we just go for 7 CqZyrUpShdy-00029-00018032-00018688 30. split the difference put them to bed half an hour later rather than that full hour later CqZyrUpShdy-00030-00018688-00019312 on saturday night this is okay if your child is you know possibly going to notice the hour but CqZyrUpShdy-00031-00019312-00019872 isn't really really sensitive to the intricacy and the you know the real difference if you have the CqZyrUpShdy-00032-00019872-00020440 kind of child that is likely to just by going to bed half an hour later be really overtired CqZyrUpShdy-00033-00020440-00020976 be exhausted come bedtime bedtime battles or if they're the kind of child that's likely to wake up CqZyrUpShdy-00034-00020976-00021424 ultra early because they've gone to bed late this isn't the move for you you need to take CqZyrUpShdy-00035-00021424-00021928 it more gradually some children will do that you know half an hour later to bed is going to mean CqZyrUpShdy-00036-00021928-00022432 overtired which often means early wake up in the morning crazy i know but it does for some CqZyrUpShdy-00037-00022488-00022928 other children they would just lay in and make up the hours i have one of each by CqZyrUpShdy-00038-00022928-00023504 the way my children have one that is like rigid and the other one who will make up the hours so CqZyrUpShdy-00039-00023600-00024192 yeah you have to you have to take the right approach for the right child so the third CqZyrUpShdy-00040-00024192-00024888 option for you number three for you today is cold turkey all in one you just go for it in one go CqZyrUpShdy-00041-00024944-00025552 all in one go so that means that you carry honest normal through the week and then on saturday night CqZyrUpShdy-00042-00025552-00026216 you go to bed an hour later movie night um this is probably better for the slightly older child CqZyrUpShdy-00043-00026288-00026832 not so much the sensitive ones um but an older child who can cope with going to bed an hour CqZyrUpShdy-00044-00026832-00027624 later without being an emotional wreck with exhaustion and that is also likely to still CqZyrUpShdy-00045-00027624-00028352 sleep their usual length of night sleep without waking up ultra early as a consequence of the late CqZyrUpShdy-00046-00028352-00028912 night again minor one of each if i did that with one of them oh he'd be up super early because he CqZyrUpShdy-00047-00028912-00029424 went to bed late the other one should probably have a lion and just do her normal hours anyway CqZyrUpShdy-00048-00029520-00030127 they're all different so you need to pick the strategy that best suits your child's character CqZyrUpShdy-00049-00030127-00030792 traits and temperament but you have three options so just to recap you've got the gradual option CqZyrUpShdy-00050-00030792-00031392 push bedtime later by 15 minutes each evening wednesday night thursday night friday night and CqZyrUpShdy-00051-00031392-00032336 then saturday option two is to meet in the middle and just go for a half an hour later bedtime on CqZyrUpShdy-00052-00032336-00032992 saturday night option three all in one go just move bedtime an hour later on saturday night CqZyrUpShdy-00053-00033056-00033752 and that's that now what you need to be aware of is it can take some little ones a whole week CqZyrUpShdy-00054-00033752-00034312 to adjust just to this one hour difference so if things seem a little off-kilter for the next week CqZyrUpShdy-00055-00034312-00034816 after the clock change your child seems a bit more tired or you know a little out of sorts it could CqZyrUpShdy-00056-00034816-00035424 be that it is affecting them a lot like jet lag and just give them that week but what you need CqZyrUpShdy-00057-00035424-00035912 to do to help them make this transition over the course of the week and to get into the new time CqZyrUpShdy-00058-00035912-00036568 is just be really consistent with the new bedtime so once you get onto sunday be super consistent CqZyrUpShdy-00059-00036568-00037056 have that same bedtime every evening so that they can adjust and get used to it and you're going to CqZyrUpShdy-00060-00037056-00037568 adjust meal times accordingly as well that will really help and within a week you'll hopefully CqZyrUpShdy-00061-00037568-00038120 be back to normal if you do get stuck though of course you can reach out to us here at the sleep CqZyrUpShdy-00062-00038120-00038616 nanny leave your comments below and leave your questions below as well because we will respond CqZyrUpShdy-00063-00038616-00039216 to them and give you a steer as best we can and don't forget we're here to help anytime reach out CqZyrUpShdy-00064-00039216-00040128 we're here for you enjoy falling backwards this autumn thanks so much for watching if you've liked CqZyrUpShdy-00065-00040128-00040640 anything about this episode then please leave a comment below and hit subscribe for more episodes CqZyrUpShdy-00066-00040640-00041160 like this if any of your friends would benefit from seeing this video then please do share it CqZyrUpShdy-00067-00041160-00041704 with them using the hashtag thesweetnunny and we look forward to seeing you again real soon Cr0gd7cDhT4-00000-00002776-00003152 good morning everyone this is ranger rob i hope you're having a blessed day Cr0gd7cDhT4-00001-00003224-00003904 and uh i thought i was stuck in a green room here where we got all of our seeds going so Cr0gd7cDhT4-00002-00003904-00004608 we have a lot of tomatoes and we transplanted a lot of broccoli and more tomatoes over here Cr0gd7cDhT4-00003-00004680-00005464 i'm sure he's got some flowers going over here and the test floating raft is doing well Cr0gd7cDhT4-00004-00005560-00006288 i made some modifications on the spinach side uh using some rock rockwell cubes and uh so Cr0gd7cDhT4-00005-00006288-00006944 far that's looking pretty good um let's see if they're starting no not yet but we'll get in there Cr0gd7cDhT4-00006-00006944-00008040 so this has been kind of a test um floating raft i'm using two inch net pots and today is a big day Cr0gd7cDhT4-00007-00008040-00009240 um let's go ahead and step outside here because my puppy's out and uh we are going to Cr0gd7cDhT4-00008-00009672-00010432 my dogs uh we are going to uh set up the floating wraps for the big unit in the greenhouse today Cr0gd7cDhT4-00009-00010488-00011168 i've got to melt the holes with my high temperature heat gun and once that's done Cr0gd7cDhT4-00010-00011168-00011920 we'll take those out to the greenhouse it's a beautiful day yes a beautiful day and uh Cr0gd7cDhT4-00011-00012064-00012768 and uh yeah here in central oregon we had a super full moon last night supposed to be a pink full Cr0gd7cDhT4-00012-00012768-00013632 super full moon thing's monstrous look at the size of that is that cool or what so we got a Cr0gd7cDhT4-00013-00013632-00014472 super super moon here in central oregon and uh of course this camera never does it justice Cr0gd7cDhT4-00014-00014584-00015312 but pretty cool i didn't sing the peakness but wow it was really big on my facebook page i uh Cr0gd7cDhT4-00015-00015424-00016016 we stopped in a took up some video it was gorgeous um anyway Cr0gd7cDhT4-00016-00016128-00016824 so we're working our way over to the shop here and uh kind of excited to get the net pot uh Cr0gd7cDhT4-00017-00016824-00017632 wrap done and uh then i've got to add nutrients to one tank and we're gonna start out some Cr0gd7cDhT4-00018-00017688-00018216 broccoli so uh yeah big day for the greenhouse would be kind of well we Cr0gd7cDhT4-00019-00018216-00018768 got green we have potatoes in there but they actually get something started is kind of Cr0gd7cDhT4-00020-00018872-00019344 you know you build and build and build and build and then you get the little details to do Cr0gd7cDhT4-00021-00019600-00020104 seems like you can never get to the point of let's start growing stuff so let's get Cr0gd7cDhT4-00022-00020104-00020768 this done all right so we got one of the first wraps out got my heat gun it's a windy day but Cr0gd7cDhT4-00023-00020856-00021416 this thing's trying to fly away so all we're gonna do is take a heat gun to Cr0gd7cDhT4-00024-00021416-00022008 the holes here uh to seal up the little the little beads that come out of the uh Cr0gd7cDhT4-00025-00022152-00022992 styrofoam uh is kind of a pain so the heat gun has definitely done the trick um you got Cr0gd7cDhT4-00026-00022992-00023600 to be careful you don't run it too hot and this thing's trying to blow away come on stay there Cr0gd7cDhT4-00027-00023696-00024192 anyway i'll try to record this with the wind blowing so here we go Cr0gd7cDhT4-00028-00024928-00025727 well we gotta get the holes all melted and you can't leave that on too long because it wants Cr0gd7cDhT4-00029-00025727-00026544 to expand a hole just enough to melt the outer part of the styrofoam to try to hold the beads in Cr0gd7cDhT4-00030-00026632-00027312 anyway they are ready to go and we're going to take them out to the greenhouse and let's go Cr0gd7cDhT4-00031-00027312-00028039 see how well they fit all right we got into the greenhouse it's only 85 degrees in here uh anyway Cr0gd7cDhT4-00032-00028039-00029583 we're ready to put the floating wraps on here and see if they fit okay so let's check it out Cr0gd7cDhT4-00033-00030560-00030968 okay just like every project there's always a little bit slight dilemmas Cr0gd7cDhT4-00034-00030968-00031583 so uh we tried to make these snug because we didn't want to expose light to as much Cr0gd7cDhT4-00035-00031583-00032432 of the water as possible to prevent algae so uh we're about oh a little less than a quarter inch Cr0gd7cDhT4-00036-00032504-00032976 a little bit too too wide so the way i'm gonna fix that is i brought my uh Cr0gd7cDhT4-00037-00033072-00033784 heat gun out here and i'm gonna mount the edges just a little bit uh on two sides until we get Cr0gd7cDhT4-00038-00033784-00035184 the diameter just right and we definitely measured it close so let me get that done Cr0gd7cDhT4-00039-00036080-00036880 all right so i got the first one in still pretty snug but i kind of like it uh but you can see i've Cr0gd7cDhT4-00040-00036880-00037712 got it floating you see the water uh it's pretty snug i kind of like that because the more less air Cr0gd7cDhT4-00041-00037784-00038360 the less exposure the light to the water and the nutrients the less likely i'm gonna have Cr0gd7cDhT4-00042-00038360-00039064 problems with algae so i'm going with it so i'm gonna melt this one down and uh go from there we Cr0gd7cDhT4-00043-00039064-00039960 got the second one in place uh still a snug fit but i kind of like the idea of uh keeping it snug Cr0gd7cDhT4-00044-00040040-00040608 uh what i'll need to do as water levels go down is occasionally just give it a little push Cr0gd7cDhT4-00045-00040680-00041752 just to make sure it seals it's floating with the water but uh there we go and uh the one Cr0gd7cDhT4-00046-00041912-00042488 this is going to be the one that we uh start the broccoli in so we're gonna start with this tank Cr0gd7cDhT4-00047-00042560-00043248 we've determined we did the calculations uh by a four by four actually it's 45 inches each way in Cr0gd7cDhT4-00048-00043248-00044168 six inches deep but we went with five and calculated uh that these are holding 41 gallons of Cr0gd7cDhT4-00049-00044168-00044816 water so that's what we're going to calculate with we're going to basically calculate with 45 when we Cr0gd7cDhT4-00050-00044816-00045800 put the master blend in and the other uh epsom salt and also calcium nitrate so all right we're Cr0gd7cDhT4-00051-00045800-00046512 ready to go and we'll be turning on the water pump why not the water pump with the aerators on this Cr0gd7cDhT4-00052-00046512-00047184 and uh add in our broccoli and that's the first thing we'll be growing and uh get those started Cr0gd7cDhT4-00053-00047184-00047968 today so here we go all right guys so i topped off the tank i have the air stones started up Cr0gd7cDhT4-00054-00048056-00048816 uh they will run continuously and i brought my uh chemicals in i'm basing it off 40 gallons Cr0gd7cDhT4-00055-00048896-00050288 so uh i think on my master blend i'll have to do uh 16 tablespoons of that also with my uh calcium Cr0gd7cDhT4-00056-00050288-00051352 nitrate and then one teaspoon per five gallons on my magnesium on my epsom salt and uh that'll take Cr0gd7cDhT4-00057-00051352-00052016 eight table teaspoons not tablespoons teaspoons so anyway so i'm ready to do that i actually Cr0gd7cDhT4-00058-00052088-00052760 i measure out the master blend and the epsom salt at once add water in this little uh container i Cr0gd7cDhT4-00059-00052760-00053608 have here and mix it up really good and i do the calcium nitrate separately recommend that based on Cr0gd7cDhT4-00060-00053832-00054272 how the chemicals work together so let's go ahead and get the nutrients Cr0gd7cDhT4-00061-00054272-00054672 in here then we'll put the floating raft on and then the next step is a Cr0gd7cDhT4-00062-00054744-00056184 working on getting at least some broccoli started that's about all i can do right now Cr0gd7cDhT4-00063-00060784-00061784 come on Cr0gd7cDhT4-00064-00066968-00067400 well this uh tank's ready to go it's got all of its nutrients Cr0gd7cDhT4-00065-00067400-00067888 i've got the aerators running and all i have to do is add net cups Cr0gd7cDhT4-00066-00067888-00068472 and also whatever plants i want to grow which will probably just do the uh Cr0gd7cDhT4-00067-00068648-00069408 broccoli and uh go from there so i'll show that in a little bit so the other thing i just did is Cr0gd7cDhT4-00068-00069408-00070000 uh i'm committing this system to a timer which will go off in about three minutes so i'm kind Cr0gd7cDhT4-00069-00070000-00070456 of anxious to see if that's working okay and every once in a while i like to turn these Cr0gd7cDhT4-00070-00070688-00071288 ah let's see if i getting a little sun to some of the other i have a lot of starters that didn't Cr0gd7cDhT4-00071-00071288-00071904 work due to the fact that we didn't store them properly so i got replacements coming but some Cr0gd7cDhT4-00072-00071904-00072880 took but not very many so my first 50 i bet you uh i'd be lucky if i got 10 of them that actually Cr0gd7cDhT4-00073-00072880-00073528 took because we stored them in the house too long and didn't do it right didn't know better uh Cr0gd7cDhT4-00074-00073592-00074264 so i got another 30 coming in and i may actually have to order another 20. uh i just got a lot of Cr0gd7cDhT4-00075-00074264-00075040 these that didn't start but there's a few that did so we're fortunate just to get that so live and Cr0gd7cDhT4-00076-00075040-00075824 learn we made a mistake so now i'm waiting to make sure this timer comes on properly and uh because i Cr0gd7cDhT4-00077-00075880-00076584 you gotta be careful not though i can't run the tank dry or i'll burn up my pump so the timers Cr0gd7cDhT4-00078-00076584-00077160 have gotta work yes people i didn't forget about the onions they're actually doing pretty good Cr0gd7cDhT4-00079-00077160-00077824 i can't complain uh considering they've had some cold nights but starting to see a lot more green Cr0gd7cDhT4-00080-00077984-00078768 i still have about four that i don't think took i do have transplants going in a green room Cr0gd7cDhT4-00081-00078768-00079432 and i'm hardening them up right now and uh going from there so looks like one of my Cr0gd7cDhT4-00082-00079744-00080208 little uh pipes here the cap popped off so we're gonna get that fixed it's been a little Cr0gd7cDhT4-00083-00080208-00081000 bit longer in the day i have uh i've actually um planted some more or actually my first time Cr0gd7cDhT4-00084-00081144-00082040 some iceberg lettuce now that we got the hydropines then i took one of my broccolis and Cr0gd7cDhT4-00085-00082040-00082904 uh it's in a rock a small walkway cube and i took a larger rockwool cube and wrapped it around that Cr0gd7cDhT4-00086-00083008-00083936 and i installed i thought i'd do an overnight test to see how well that starter does because we get Cr0gd7cDhT4-00087-00083936-00084584 kind of cold nights so i'm gonna be curious to see how well uh it does in the greenhouse Cr0gd7cDhT4-00088-00084584-00085384 so let's go take a look at what i did so i uh installed my first broccoli right in here and uh Cr0gd7cDhT4-00089-00085496-00086224 i uh added a little more rock oil cube to it to make it firm in the holder and uh Cr0gd7cDhT4-00090-00086336-00087064 what i'm concerned about is at night time here the greenhouse still gets down to let's take a look Cr0gd7cDhT4-00091-00087416-00088032 we get down to 26 in here last night now i don't know how long but uh Cr0gd7cDhT4-00092-00088128-00088384 it's also 90 degrees in here so Cr0gd7cDhT4-00093-00088624-00089240 i want to see how well that little guy hangs in there before i put any more plants in Cr0gd7cDhT4-00094-00089328-00089656 that's the problem we have with central oregon and we still have cold mornings Cr0gd7cDhT4-00095-00089736-00090544 now if it's only for a short period of time uh and it's getting 80 or 90 degrees in here Cr0gd7cDhT4-00096-00090544-00091512 it'll be interesting to see how well and how resilient the new seedling is they say if you Cr0gd7cDhT4-00097-00091512-00092328 grow up grow your seedling up in without soil it doesn't go through the shock of using nutrients Cr0gd7cDhT4-00098-00092384-00093024 these have been on a mild nutrient and it kind of moved up and and they should accept full nutrient Cr0gd7cDhT4-00099-00093088-00094000 pretty easily so tomorrow's video will show you how well that first seedling does and see if Cr0gd7cDhT4-00100-00094000-00094872 there's any lessons learned uh i think i might get some of the clay pellets to put into uh the Cr0gd7cDhT4-00101-00095128-00095928 little pots um to just kind of hold the plant in place a little bit and the bubbles will tend to Cr0gd7cDhT4-00102-00095928-00096576 want to move it around so i'm pretty happy with what i did there but um my next experiment will Cr0gd7cDhT4-00103-00096576-00097688 be with a little clay uh i don't know what to call them little pods i know anyway uh uh Cr0gd7cDhT4-00104-00097688-00098184 and see how well those work and see what i like better so it's kind of funny you know when you Cr0gd7cDhT4-00105-00098248-00098920 sit down and ears hot it's kind of funny when you watch all this and watch others do it Cr0gd7cDhT4-00106-00098984-00099640 it looks really easy but then when you actually do it you know it's little things from taking your Cr0gd7cDhT4-00107-00099640-00100192 seedling to a little bigger keeping everything with nutrients trying not to use too much Cr0gd7cDhT4-00108-00100272-00101200 uh that gradual change to get them into this greenhouse is a little tougher maybe it's not Cr0gd7cDhT4-00109-00101200-00101912 as tough as i think it is but i'm just worried about it but uh i do recommend this is really cool Cr0gd7cDhT4-00110-00101992-00102768 uh to do and i'm excited to see how well this goes i still haven't had the opportunity to fire up Cr0gd7cDhT4-00111-00102840-00103672 the uh dutch bucket system because none of my sibling plants are ready to go yet but we're Cr0gd7cDhT4-00112-00103672-00104208 getting close and i'm still worried about the cold night so this is the first plant Cr0gd7cDhT4-00113-00104208-00104832 that we put in here uh to see if we can handle the cold nights this is not a heated Cr0gd7cDhT4-00114-00104888-00105552 greenhouse and maybe i need to run a heater or maybe we'll put a little light bulb above Cr0gd7cDhT4-00115-00105608-00106359 the uh floating raft uh until these cold nights are gone so we're well i think we're pretty Cr0gd7cDhT4-00116-00106359-00107120 much away from snow knock on wood and any really really cold cold mornings but we do get down into Cr0gd7cDhT4-00117-00107344-00107983 as low as 29 uh 30 area just below the little bit freezing mark so Cr0gd7cDhT4-00118-00108088-00108344 i'm going to be really surprised to see how well Cr0gd7cDhT4-00119-00108416-00109040 those that plant does i'm also kind of hoping that the warmness of the water might help so Cr0gd7cDhT4-00120-00109128-00109688 that's just my thoughts i could be wrong this is new to me and that's what our channel is all about Cr0gd7cDhT4-00121-00109776-00110448 don't be afraid to try something new and don't be afraid to fail we've had lots of fails but Cr0gd7cDhT4-00122-00110704-00111496 going from each step is as as easy as it looks on other people's videos and stuff sometimes i Cr0gd7cDhT4-00123-00111496-00112135 find it to be a little bit nerve-wracking but uh and i think in some cases depending on your region Cr0gd7cDhT4-00124-00112135-00112911 it depends on your region and your climate too so anyway uh let's let's move on it's been a Cr0gd7cDhT4-00125-00112911-00113544 really good day we've gotten some uh we made some achievements uh we got the raft holes all sealed Cr0gd7cDhT4-00126-00113544-00114688 up we got a tight fit um we got our first broccoli and uh installed and uh it's gonna be questionable Cr0gd7cDhT4-00127-00114688-00115496 to see how well it does in the next day or two so stay tuned for that uh we also uh have some other Cr0gd7cDhT4-00128-00115648-00116248 tools and equipment coming in and uh this week and also we got some more strawberries coming Cr0gd7cDhT4-00129-00116304-00117080 actually next monday so uh yeah this hydroponics although it looks really easy and stuff there's Cr0gd7cDhT4-00130-00117080-00117800 still concerning areas this going from stage to stage to stage is kind of all crazy the Cr0gd7cDhT4-00131-00117800-00118264 other thing is when you're first setting things up you have to deal with is your plumbing good Cr0gd7cDhT4-00132-00118264-00118880 is the water system working are you getting your nutrients right and if you've never done it before Cr0gd7cDhT4-00133-00119088-00119544 it's a little bit intimidating and uh then when you watch other people have been doing Cr0gd7cDhT4-00134-00119544-00120183 this for a long time they make it sound so easy but uh i you know i i'm that's what we Cr0gd7cDhT4-00135-00120183-00121056 that's what we're here for is showing uh people that are new or beginners uh like us uh we're Cr0gd7cDhT4-00136-00121111-00121544 we just want to show you we're kind of like the next step if you're thinking about it Cr0gd7cDhT4-00137-00121544-00121904 we're thinking about it and are starting to do it that's the only difference Cr0gd7cDhT4-00138-00121959-00122472 and so uh everybody would do a little different everybody has a little bit better engineering or Cr0gd7cDhT4-00139-00122528-00123280 our building abilities than than mean sherry and uh anyway but yeah it's kind of exciting Cr0gd7cDhT4-00140-00123280-00123816 i can't wait to see first of all of that broccoli makes it through the night with the colder nights Cr0gd7cDhT4-00141-00123872-00124559 and after a day or two if it's looking good we'll go ahead and plant a couple more rows of broccoli Cr0gd7cDhT4-00142-00124559-00125311 in there and let it rip and uh you know we had to put our nutrients in today had to get the aerator Cr0gd7cDhT4-00143-00125311-00126040 stones working the way we want to and uh it's all very exciting so i hope you're enjoying it and i Cr0gd7cDhT4-00144-00126040-00126711 hope you can see how excited we are and uh we will make more mistakes i can guarantee you that but Cr0gd7cDhT4-00145-00126711-00127168 the dutch buckets that's the next one i can't wait to get them fired up but i want to make sure my Cr0gd7cDhT4-00146-00127168-00127768 tomatoes are strong enough to handle the cold nights we're almost over the cold nights but Cr0gd7cDhT4-00147-00127976-00128608 central oregon has kind of a funny growing season here so we have to be careful so uh we may have Cr0gd7cDhT4-00148-00128608-00129064 to put some growing lights in there and stuff i have to be kind of careful because i only have Cr0gd7cDhT4-00149-00129064-00129600 30 amps to deal with uh with power out there and remember i got a aerator and i'm going to Cr0gd7cDhT4-00150-00129600-00130359 have a pump going for the dutch bucket so can i handle a heat lamp or a growing lamp in there Cr0gd7cDhT4-00151-00130511-00131056 if i need to so uh that's the only problem with our greenhouse is we're limited on power Cr0gd7cDhT4-00152-00131128-00131680 so uh and we have to be safe i have to use very heavy gauge wires so we don't have any problems Cr0gd7cDhT4-00153-00131680-00132152 or trip you know everything's on a circuit so if i have a problem they'll trip but you still want Cr0gd7cDhT4-00154-00132152-00132688 to try to be safe so uh anyway those are a little bit of my thoughts i thought i'd share with you Cr0gd7cDhT4-00155-00132688-00133136 and i want to thank everybody for watching please take the time to like really hit the like button Cr0gd7cDhT4-00156-00133136-00133728 that helps our videos get out uh leave a comment that helps too um if you didn't like the video Cr0gd7cDhT4-00157-00133728-00134384 even a dislike uh would help um it's all good and we'd love to hear your feedback and then Cr0gd7cDhT4-00158-00134384-00134736 let us know if you're thinking about doing this kind of stuff or are you thinking about doing Cr0gd7cDhT4-00159-00134736-00135168 homesteading or moving out to the country a little more we'd love to hear from you Cr0gd7cDhT4-00160-00135168-00135632 so anyway guys thank you very much for watching thank you to all the new Cr0gd7cDhT4-00161-00135632-00136280 subscribers subscribers we've been getting and let us know some of the things you'd like us to Cr0gd7cDhT4-00162-00136400-00136840 do more details on i know i got a lot of stuff here and i walk right by it and it might be Cr0gd7cDhT4-00163-00136840-00137384 something that you want to ask questions about and i just need to know so anyway guys take care Cr0gd7cDhT4-00164-00137488-00138136 uh may have a blessed day and uh be safe talk to you later bye our videos are made possible by Cr0gd7cDhT4-00165-00138136-00139016 ranger rob poopybags available at amazon right now thank you very much for watching our video please Cr0gd7cDhT4-00166-00139016-00140752 take the time to like subscribe and share our videos all over the whole wide world thanks you CxzTpvV7zi4-00000-00000120-00000440 From 2009-2010 Al Amana started CxzTpvV7zi4-00001-00000440-00000864 rebalancing its portfolio. So it deliberately CxzTpvV7zi4-00002-00000864-00001164 decreased its exposure CxzTpvV7zi4-00003-00001164-00001488 thanks to an equalization between regions. CxzTpvV7zi4-00004-00001488-00001807 So the portfolio would be more at risk in some urban areas CxzTpvV7zi4-00005-00001807-00002076 than in some rural areas. CxzTpvV7zi4-00006-00002076-00002484 but Al Amana would not drop any region, nor close any branch CxzTpvV7zi4-00007-00002484-00002916 The activity in some regions would just be limited compared to others. CxzTpvV7zi4-00008-00002916-00003112 So starting in 2008 CxzTpvV7zi4-00009-00003112-00003611 we tried to decrease multiple lending by setting up an internal Credit bureau, CxzTpvV7zi4-00010-00003611-00003764 hosted at Al Amana, CxzTpvV7zi4-00011-00003764-00004120 to which we and our competitors would send data. CxzTpvV7zi4-00012-00004120-00004692 It enables to check whether a client is borrowing from several institutions or not. CxzTpvV7zi4-00013-00004692-00004896 For all stakeholders in the market CxzTpvV7zi4-00014-00004896-00005236 around 30% of the portfolio was made of clients CxzTpvV7zi4-00015-00005236-00005416 who had borrowed here and there, CxzTpvV7zi4-00016-00005416-00005652 which incurred a potential risk for the future. CxzTpvV7zi4-00017-00005652-00006240 Al Amana represented around 40 to 45% of the total industry portfolio. CxzTpvV7zi4-00018-00006240-00006644 As its activity was tempered, it also impacted the baseline. CxzTpvV7zi4-00019-00006644-00006759 But Al Amana did this fairly quickly. CxzTpvV7zi4-00020-00006759-00007188 Since we had a larger portfolio in previous years, the ratio of loans in arrears CxzTpvV7zi4-00021-00007188-00007556 left the impression that the PAR (on the portfolio) had increased. CxzTpvV7zi4-00022-00007556-00007916 In reality, the graphs did not reflect the crisis. CxzTpvV7zi4-00023-00007916-00008152 But this was clearly understood by our partners. CAaIlyTrHa0-00000-00000054-00000150 Ingredients for 4 persons. CAaIlyTrHa0-00001-00000158-00000486 300gr of pasta, 1 broccoli, a box of anchovies, CAaIlyTrHa0-00002-00000486-00000834 olive oil, parmesan, cayenne pepper CAaIlyTrHa0-00003-00001476-00001618 Always salt your water when you cook pasta! CAaIlyTrHa0-00004-00002366-00002636 Immerse your broccoli. CAaIlyTrHa0-00005-00003074-00003356 When your pasta is cooked al dente And not before ... CAaIlyTrHa0-00006-00003476-00003847 4 spoons of olive oil CAaIlyTrHa0-00007-00004112-00004284 Anchovies. CAaIlyTrHa0-00008-00004392-00004576 Warm it up. CAaIlyTrHa0-00009-00005594-00005768 1 clove of garlic CAaIlyTrHa0-00010-00007273-00007408 Cayenne pepper. CBD5jfoFkUy-00000-00000000-00000200 قناة بيت من لحن القصائد للشاعرة الدكتورة امل العربى تهتم بالثقافة والادب والشعر والفنون CBD5jfoFkUy-00001-00000200-00000400 #أدعمونا_بالأشتراك CBD5jfoFkUy-00002-00000400-00000600 #قصيدة_ياسيدي_للشاعرة_دكتورة_أمل_العربي CBD5jfoFkUy-00003-00000600-00000800 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00004-00000800-00001000 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00005-00001000-00001200 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00006-00001200-00001400 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00007-00001400-00001600 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00008-00001600-00001800 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00009-00001800-00002000 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00010-00002000-00002200 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00011-00002200-00002400 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00012-00002400-00002600 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00013-00002600-00002800 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00014-00002800-00003000 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00015-00003000-00003200 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00016-00003200-00003400 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00017-00003400-00003600 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00018-00003600-00003800 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00019-00003800-00004000 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00020-00004000-00004200 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00021-00004200-00004400 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00022-00004400-00004600 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00023-00004600-00004800 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00024-00004800-00005000 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00025-00005000-00005200 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00026-00005200-00005400 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00027-00005400-00005600 لاتنسي الأشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل جرس الأشعارات CBD5jfoFkUy-00028-00005600-00005800 ياسيدى ليس هناك فى الحب مسافات أو طرقات مهدمة CBD5jfoFkUy-00029-00005800-00006000 فى ميادين مغلقة من قال لك أن هناك حدود CBD5jfoFkUy-00030-00006000-00006200 أو جسور على الأنهار معلقة CBD5jfoFkUy-00031-00006200-00006400 فكل الأسلاك من الأشواق صارت كالجدران مكسرة CBD5jfoFkUy-00032-00006400-00006600 دموع الأهداب أصبحت على الوجنات مشرعة CBD5jfoFkUy-00033-00006600-00006800 كالفلك ترحل من ميناءالهوى إلى مكان قلبك مؤثقة CBD5jfoFkUy-00034-00006800-00007000 ورسائل الحنين والهيام يملأ الشريان والأوردة متفحة CBD5jfoFkUy-00035-00007000-00007200 والورق ينطق قبل اللسان بالعشق واللهف مفجعة CBD5jfoFkUy-00036-00007200-00007400 كالطير يغرد على الأوتار بالنبضات من الأنين موجعة CBD5jfoFkUy-00037-00007400-00007600 والقلم ينزف على السطور بالحكايات والقصص مولعة CHkHShMkl6u-00000-00000133-00000293 - [Dr. Imelda Dacones] I'm so honored and thrilled CHkHShMkl6u-00001-00000293-00000466 to be here with you this afternoon. CHkHShMkl6u-00002-00000466-00000747 I look at you and I know you have your dreams CHkHShMkl6u-00003-00000747-00001084 and I know you are on a journey CHkHShMkl6u-00004-00001084-00001357 and you're gonna write your own story. CHkHShMkl6u-00005-00001357-00001476 - [Dr. Lindia Willies-Jacobo] The work CHkHShMkl6u-00006-00001476-00001660 that you have all done, thus far, CHkHShMkl6u-00007-00001660-00001848 and that you're committed to doing, CHkHShMkl6u-00008-00001848-00002181 is truly nothing short of amazing. CHkHShMkl6u-00009-00002181-00002409 Through the Kaiser Scholars Program CHkHShMkl6u-00010-00002409-00002583 you will become the change agent CHkHShMkl6u-00011-00002583-00002849 that we so desperately need. CHkHShMkl6u-00012-00002849-00003075 - [Melody Routley] It's just amazing to see all CHkHShMkl6u-00013-00003075-00003274 of the wonderful potential in this room. CHkHShMkl6u-00014-00003274-00003464 I know that you will be committed CHkHShMkl6u-00015-00003464-00003619 to working together to help CHkHShMkl6u-00016-00003619-00003710 all of our members, CHkHShMkl6u-00017-00003710-00003889 all of our communities CHkHShMkl6u-00018-00003889-00004122 live long and healthy lives together. CHkHShMkl6u-00019-00004122-00004364 - [Keri Pilgrim Ricker] Each one of you sitting there today CHkHShMkl6u-00020-00004364-00004542 has gotten to that place CHkHShMkl6u-00021-00004542-00005008 through an extraordinary number of personal circumstances. CHkHShMkl6u-00022-00005008-00005358 We need you to bring your knowledge, CHkHShMkl6u-00023-00005358-00005737 your skills, and your unique perspectives CHkHShMkl6u-00024-00005737-00005945 into the professional sphere. CHkHShMkl6u-00025-00005945-00006151 - [Sierra Ha] I hope to continue my dedication and CHkHShMkl6u-00026-00006151-00006383 work towards a career as a physician, CHkHShMkl6u-00027-00006383-00006631 striving to grow as a leader in my community, CHkHShMkl6u-00028-00006631-00006845 educate others about diversity, CHkHShMkl6u-00029-00006845-00007130 and encourage us to become more cultured as a society CHkHShMkl6u-00030-00007130-00007320 through the medical field. CHkHShMkl6u-00031-00007320-00007545 - I'm attending Portland State University. CHkHShMkl6u-00032-00007545-00007722 I'm majoring in Public Health Studies CHkHShMkl6u-00033-00007722-00007873 and I will become a neurologist. CHkHShMkl6u-00034-00007873-00008173 - I'm double majoring in Medical Anthropology and Education, CHkHShMkl6u-00035-00008173-00008374 and I will become an occupational therapist. CHkHShMkl6u-00036-00008374-00008578 - And I'll become a physician scientist. CHkHShMkl6u-00037-00008578-00008717 - I will become a physician. CHkHShMkl6u-00038-00008717-00008897 - And I will become a medical researcher. CHkHShMkl6u-00039-00008897-00009046 - I will become a dentist. CHkHShMkl6u-00040-00009046-00009215 - I will become an orthopedic surgeon. CHkHShMkl6u-00041-00009215-00009443 - I'll become a pediatric oncologist. CHkHShMkl6u-00042-00009443-00009754 - I will become an interventional radiologist. CHkHShMkl6u-00043-00009754-00010002 - [Dr. Imelda Dacones] Congratulations, CHkHShMkl6u-00044-00010002-00010450 147 high school seniors, scholarship recipients, this year. CHkHShMkl6u-00045-00010450-00010795 You need to know that you are part of this movement CHkHShMkl6u-00046-00010795-00011181 and a part of a group, of students and people, CHkHShMkl6u-00047-00011181-00011588 who are examples of resilience, boldness, CHkHShMkl6u-00048-00011588-00011926 courage, and of course, excellence. CHkHShMkl6u-00049-00011926-00012401 (light upbeat music) [Kaiser Permanente®] CIo0G7aNX0I-00000-00000973-00001150 Our next grammar point is plurals. CIo0G7aNX0I-00001-00001150-00001500 In English, the plural is made mainly by adding "s" to the nouns. CIo0G7aNX0I-00002-00001533-00002106 For example, boy is singular, boys in plural. Girl is singular, girls is plural. CIo0G7aNX0I-00003-00002106-00002420 Hindi, on the other hand, makes plural based on gender. CIo0G7aNX0I-00004-00002420-00002973 As you know that in Hindi, every noun either belongs to a masculine or a feminine gender. CIo0G7aNX0I-00005-00002973-00003326 The rules for making plural depends on the gender of the noun. CIo0G7aNX0I-00006-00003326-00003750 The masculine nouns have a different rule for making plural than feminine nouns. CIo0G7aNX0I-00007-00004270-00004462 There are two types of masculine nouns: CIo0G7aNX0I-00008-00004476-00004951 the masculine nouns that end in -आ ; and the masculine nouns that do not end in -आ. CIo0G7aNX0I-00009-00004960-00005460 The masculine nouns that end in -आ, changes its ending to -ए in plural. CIo0G7aNX0I-00010-00005460-00005951 For example, बेटा is son, a singular. The plural is बेटे, sons. CIo0G7aNX0I-00011-00005951-00006206 The -आ ending changes to -ए in plural. CIo0G7aNX0I-00012-00006206-00006800 The same way, लड़का — a boy, a singular noun. लड़केे — boys, is plural. CIo0G7aNX0I-00013-00006800-00007085 The rest of the masculine nouns do not change. CIo0G7aNX0I-00014-00007085-00007542 If a masculine noun that does not end in -आ, it does not in plural. CIo0G7aNX0I-00015-00007554-00008033 For example, दोस्त — a friend; the plural is also दोस्त — friends. CIo0G7aNX0I-00016-00008033-00008530 Another example, शहर — a city, singular शहर — cities, the plural form. CIo0G7aNX0I-00017-00008530-00008896 In the second type, we do not see the difference between singular and plural, CIo0G7aNX0I-00018-00008896-00009326 but in a sentence, it will be clear, and the context will make it clear. CIo0G7aNX0I-00019-00009826-00010236 Let's take some examples, समोसा , and the plural is समोसे. CIo0G7aNX0I-00020-00010236-00010556 The noun here ends in -आ, so it becomes -ए in plural. CIo0G7aNX0I-00021-00010570-00011123 मकान— a house, it does not end in -आ, so it stays the same, मकान — houses. CIo0G7aNX0I-00022-00011123-00011686 छात्र —student, it does not end in -आ, so it stays the same, छात्र — students. CIo0G7aNX0I-00023-00011686-00012201 पंखा — a fan, ends in -आ, so it changes to -ए in plural, पंखे — fans CIo0G7aNX0I-00024-00012201-00012588 चश्मा — a pair of glasses, चश्मे — pairs of glasses CIo0G7aNX0I-00025-00012603-00012986 पर्दा — a curtain, ends in -आ, so पर्दे — curtains CIo0G7aNX0I-00026-00012986-00013486 अखबार — newspaper, does not end in -आ, so अखबार — newspapers. CIo0G7aNX0I-00027-00013486-00013996 शहर — city; शहर — cities We took this example before. CIo0G7aNX0I-00028-00013996-00014573 आदमी — a man, it does not end in -आ, so it stays the same: आदमी — men. CIo0G7aNX0I-00029-00014573-00015037 बच्चा — child, ends in -आ, so it becomes बच्चे — children. CIo0G7aNX0I-00030-00015037-00015653 भाई — brother, does not end in -आ, so stays the same: भाई — brothers. CIo0G7aNX0I-00031-00015660-00015900 There're some exceptions to this rule. CIo0G7aNX0I-00032-00015900-00016271 The Sanskrit loaned-words that end in -आ, do not change. CIo0G7aNX0I-00033-00016281-00016873 For example, राजा — a king, it does not change in plural; it stays the same, राजा। CIo0G7aNX0I-00034-00016873-00017350 Even if it ends in -आ, it does not change to -ए in plural. It's never राजे. CIo0G7aNX0I-00035-00017350-00018019 The same goes with नेता — a leader. It stays the same in plural, नेता — leaders. CIo0G7aNX0I-00036-00018019-00018546 The masculine nouns expressing familial relations that end in -आ, also do not change. CIo0G7aNX0I-00037-00018546-00019336 चाचा — uncle, stays चाचा in plural. दादा — the grandfather, stays दादा in plural. CIo0G7aNX0I-00038-00019336-00019910 Same goes with मामा — maternal uncle, and नाना —maternal grandfather CIo0G7aNX0I-00039-00020433-00020816 Let's now take the feminine nouns. Mainly, there are two types of feminine nouns. CIo0G7aNX0I-00040-00020816-00021230 Type 1 are feminine nouns that end in -ई, long and short, both. CIo0G7aNX0I-00041-00021230-00021506 And the type 2 is the rest of the feminine nouns. CIo0G7aNX0I-00042-00021506-00021853 That means the feminine nouns that do not end in -ई. CIo0G7aNX0I-00043-00021853-00022284 Let's first take the feminine nouns that ends in -ई. CIo0G7aNX0I-00044-00022326-00022780 With the feminine nouns that end in -ई, the ending -ई changes to -इयाँ . CIo0G7aNX0I-00045-00022818-00023169 The -ई ending becomes -इयाँ ending in plural. CIo0G7aNX0I-00046-00023169-00023650 For example, बेटी — a daughter, becomes बेटियाँ in plural, daughters. CIo0G7aNX0I-00047-00023670-00024000 नदी — river, becomes नदियाँ — rivers. CIo0G7aNX0I-00048-00024000-00024366 Keep in mind that the long -ई in singular, becomes short in plural. CIo0G7aNX0I-00049-00024366-00024653 You can see that in बेटियाँ and नदियाँ. CIo0G7aNX0I-00050-00024663-00025110 The feminine nouns that do not end in -ई, belong to the type 2 feminine nouns. CIo0G7aNX0I-00051-00025133-00025460 The type 2 feminine nouns get additional ending -एं. CIo0G7aNX0I-00052-00025460-00026043 In other words, the feminine nouns that do not end in -ई, gets additional -एं in plural. CIo0G7aNX0I-00053-00026043-00026550 Let's take some examples, किताब — book. The plural is किताबें — books. CIo0G7aNX0I-00054-00026550-00026868 The noun किताब is feminine and it does not end in -ई. CIo0G7aNX0I-00055-00026880-00027360 So the plural form gets additional -एं to make it किताबें, books. CIo0G7aNX0I-00056-00027360-00027833 The next one is भाषा — language. The plural is भाषाएं — languages. CIo0G7aNX0I-00057-00027833-00028284 Since the noun भाषा — language, is feminine, it does not end in -ई, CIo0G7aNX0I-00058-00028284-00028776 so it gets additional -एं to make it plural, भाषाएं — languages. CIo0G7aNX0I-00059-00028783-00029656 There's a third type of feminine noun in Hindi that ends in -या, such as चिड़िया — a bird; गुड़िया — a doll. CIo0G7aNX0I-00060-00029656-00030136 Keep in mind that there are very few such feminine words. There are not more than ten in number. CIo0G7aNX0I-00061-00030136-00030473 That's why we do not consider it as a separate category. CIo0G7aNX0I-00062-00030473-00030882 Such nouns get nasalization to make them plural. CIo0G7aNX0I-00063-00030882-00031571 So चिड़िया is a bird and चिड़ियाँ is birds; गुड़िया is a doll and गुड़ियाँ is dolls. CIo0G7aNX0I-00064-00032080-00032516 Let's take some examples, लड़की — a girl; लड़कियाँ — girls CIo0G7aNX0I-00065-00032516-00033168 Here, the feminine noun ends in -ई, so the plural form becomes -इयाँ. लड़की — girl; लड़कियाँ — girls. CIo0G7aNX0I-00066-00033168-00033826 चाची — aunt, also ends in -ई, that's why it will be: चाचियाँ— plural, aunts CIo0G7aNX0I-00067-00033826-00034553 औरत— a woman, the noun does not end in -ई, so the ending will have additional -एं ; औरतें — women CIo0G7aNX0I-00068-00034553-00035183 So औरत — woman; औरतें — women कुर्सी — chair; कुर्सियाँ — chairs CIo0G7aNX0I-00069-00035183-00035850 It ends in -ई, so the plural gets -इयाँ , कुर्सियाँ. किताब — book; किताबें — books CIo0G7aNX0I-00070-00035865-00036070 We have taken this example earlier. CIo0G7aNX0I-00071-00036075-00036693 The noun here does not end in -ई, so it gets an additional -एं, किताब/ किताबें — books. CIo0G7aNX0I-00072-00036693-00037010 खिड़की — window; खिड़कियाँ — windows CIo0G7aNX0I-00073-00037028-00037590 कमीज — shirt, not ending in -ई, so कमीजें — shirts, it gets an additional -एं। CIo0G7aNX0I-00074-00037590-00038280 दवाई — medicine; दवाइयाँ — medicines जलेबी — जलेबियाँ CIo0G7aNX0I-00075-00038280-00038946 खबर — news; खबरें — the plural, news बेटी — daughter; बेटियाँ — daughters CIo0G7aNX0I-00076-00038946-00039236 बहन — sister; बहनें — sisters COYqnObeFdc-00000-00000000-00000386 Jack: Want to make coffee but don't want to get out of bed? COYqnObeFdc-00001-00000505-00001280 Boom. littleBits. It's possible. CQBXRhURyWM-00000-00000508-00001473 In the last blog we sailed to the Cyclades, we went south to Crete, we search for CQBXRhURyWM-00001-00001473-00002121 the Minotaur in the Palace at Knossos and then we headed further west to pick up CQBXRhURyWM-00002-00002121-00002663 new crew. We went to look for real treasure and then we finally set off CQBXRhURyWM-00003-00002663-00002767 towards Malta. CQBXRhURyWM-00004-00008226-00008803 So when you're at sea for quite a few days you don't often see anyone really, we CQBXRhURyWM-00005-00008803-00009229 were really surprised to have some friends aboards - some migrant birds CQBXRhURyWM-00006-00009229-00009697 that were migrating from continent of Africa to go north. It's about seven CQBXRhURyWM-00007-00009697-00010204 o'clock in the morning and the winds picked up it's a nice steady seven knots CQBXRhURyWM-00008-00010204-00010650 and we picked up a migrant. CQBXRhURyWM-00009-00012841-00013505 I think they're Housemartins or Swifts -I'm not sure - or swallows although it hasn't got a red CQBXRhURyWM-00010-00013505-00014041 patch. Anyway there's four of them joined us last night and we still got one CQBXRhURyWM-00011-00014041-00014313 sheltering here. CQBXRhURyWM-00012-00014725-00014991 what do you think? Weird. CQBXRhURyWM-00013-00015228-00015772 So their route probably took a bit of a detour. CQBXRhURyWM-00014-00016130-00016718 We took on some extra crew at the last minute because it's one of the CQBXRhURyWM-00015-00016719-00017227 regulations at sea is that you always keep a good watch so Lisa was one CQBXRhURyWM-00016-00017227-00017623 of those crew she did suffer from seasickness which is not unusual if you CQBXRhURyWM-00017-00017623-00017979 never done like a long passage before. CQBXRhURyWM-00018-00018430-00018886 You do get very tired still even with your six hours off. I worry that the CQBXRhURyWM-00019-00018886-00019242 engine's been on too much and it's going to blow up and we're going to have a fire. CQBXRhURyWM-00020-00019314-00019736 And then I also wonder whether we should do a Mayday then - whether we CQBXRhURyWM-00021-00019736-00019895 should get someone to tow us or whether would have to abandon ship. CQBXRhURyWM-00022-00019895-00020522 And I worry about a keel falling off and the boat suddenly capsizing. CQBXRhURyWM-00023-00020522-00020870 And then I try and work out how we would get out of the cabin CQBXRhURyWM-00024-00020921-00021325 and whether we would have time to get Rowan and drag her out and I worry about the suction that CQBXRhURyWM-00025-00021325-00021666 happens when you go through the hatch. CQBXRhURyWM-00026-00021672-00022218 Whether I should go first and hold on to the kids and drag them out of the hatch. CQBXRhURyWM-00027-00022218-00022649 And whether I'd be able to hold them afloat without a lifejacket. So then I wonder whether should go to sleep CQBXRhURyWM-00028-00022649-00022892 with my lifejacket on. CQBXRhURyWM-00029-00022892-00023510 And I get so exhausted from all those scenarios that I fall asleep. CQBXRhURyWM-00030-00023510-00023918 So the typical worries of an everyday Mum? Yeah CQBXRhURyWM-00031-00023948-00024545 The first few days was not much wind less wind than was forecast so we ended CQBXRhURyWM-00032-00024545-00024980 up using the motor quite a lot and maybe really pushing it. It probably used up CQBXRhURyWM-00033-00024980-00025450 more fuel than we expected and that's something that we came to regret later CQBXRhURyWM-00034-00025450-00025922 in this trip. We continued to be visited by these migrant birds. CQBXRhURyWM-00035-00028762-00029213 They just became part of the crew really and one stayed for virtually the CQBXRhURyWM-00036-00029213-00029591 whole trip and another one actually went inside the cabin for a little rest and a CQBXRhURyWM-00037-00029591-00029900 bit of respite from the winds. CQBXRhURyWM-00038-00034006-00034632 There's a swallo that keeps coming back to our boat and twice it's gone inside the boat. CQBXRhURyWM-00039-00034641-00035002 We think it might be looking for something to eat but they only CQBXRhURyWM-00040-00035002-00035553 eat bugs and we haven't got any bugs. We've got a swallow in our cabin. It's been flying CQBXRhURyWM-00041-00035553-00035922 around our boat and it found the entrance in and now it's having a little CQBXRhURyWM-00042-00035922-00036218 rest on our mosquito net. CQBXRhURyWM-00043-00037806-00038638 OK, so it's 3:30 in the morning - I've got the three till six watch. CQBXRhURyWM-00044-00038638-00039191 Everyone's in bed, it's quite dark, it's quite a moonless night not much to see I CQBXRhURyWM-00045-00039191-00039788 think we passed through a major shipping lanes. It's quite quiet. The wind CQBXRhURyWM-00046-00039788-00040287 doesn't materialized that we were hoping for so we kind of motored most of the CQBXRhURyWM-00047-00040287-00040683 way which is a bit uncomfortable it's bit rocky and rolly. The batteries are CQBXRhURyWM-00048-00040683-00041295 charging okay engines gone fine - been gone for over 12 hours now we had CQBXRhURyWM-00049-00041295-00041583 a break for about four hours but then we had to put the engine back on coz the CQBXRhURyWM-00050-00041583-00041976 wind dropped. Three of the four instrument panels went down so we CQBXRhURyWM-00051-00041976-00042476 relying on the chart plotter now for our speed and everything else. CQBXRhURyWM-00052-00042602-00043258 Good morning Woody. Morning. How many days have we been going for? CQBXRhURyWM-00053-00043274-00043974 About 24 hours now. And how many days have we got to go? Well at this speed probably another three days. CQBXRhURyWM-00054-00044066-00044362 The wind still hasn't kicked in yet. CQBXRhURyWM-00055-00044498-00044816 What happened in the watch? CQBXRhURyWM-00056-00044816-00045120 We lost the AIS CQBXRhURyWM-00057-00045120-00045626 So I switched the radar on and we have boats on either side of us at the moment. CQBXRhURyWM-00058-00045626-00046314 us at the moment. So I fiddled about with a cable and AIS switched back on so I think I've found CQBXRhURyWM-00059-00046314-00046610 a lose connection in the cable. CQBXRhURyWM-00060-00046610-00046940 So what does it mean if you lose AIS CQBXRhURyWM-00061-00046940-00047368 If we lose AIS it means we can't keep a track of boats around us. We have to rely on the radar. CQBXRhURyWM-00062-00047368-00047736 And a radar is not as accurate as AIS. CQBXRhURyWM-00063-00048475-00049006 Craig, what're you doing? I'm trying to get your.. CQBXRhURyWM-00064-00049103-00049511 Your AIS transponder to work CQBXRhURyWM-00065-00049539-00050109 So we lost the IAS last night. I think it's been lost for a long time. CQBXRhURyWM-00066-00050109-00050356 It's a bit of a headache. CQBXRhURyWM-00067-00050356-00050576 it's quite difficult to continue with CQBXRhURyWM-00068-00050576-00051078 our homeschooling program when we're under passage CQBXRhURyWM-00069-00052184-00052482 What's going on? CQBXRhURyWM-00070-00052482-00053128 My Dad says we need to do some homework - EVERY SINGLE DAY! - CQBXRhURyWM-00071-00053128-00053820 So I'm going to sue him for a £1000 because that's just wasting.. Mental Torture. Yeah CQBXRhURyWM-00072-00053824-00054724 Why've you got all the hats on? Because I'm not warm enough! I need to put some more hats on. CQBXRhURyWM-00073-00056110-00056341 Does that one keep you warm? CQBXRhURyWM-00074-00056341-00056662 One thing that we found works really well for keeping CQBXRhURyWM-00075-00056662-00057115 ourselves occupied is listening to audiobooks so we downloaded some really CQBXRhURyWM-00076-00057115-00057705 good audiobooks for the children and they love just lying on deck and listening to those. CQBXRhURyWM-00077-00057855-00059204 [extract from 'Worlds Worst Children' by David Walliams] CQBXRhURyWM-00078-00059764-00060364 Have we got any wind Craig? Any wind? No. CQBXRhURyWM-00079-00060364-00061079 Have we done any sailing? Yeah a bit. How many days have we been motoring? CQBXRhURyWM-00080-00061079-00061377 Probably about two now CQBXRhURyWM-00081-00061378-00061904 And how many days have we got to go? Well that all depends how long the motor holds out. CQBXRhURyWM-00082-00061904-00062398 And when's your flight? How many days? Tuesday nights I guess that's two and a half days. CQBXRhURyWM-00083-00062398-00062941 Ok so you've got half a day of leeway. Yeah. CQBXRhURyWM-00084-00062941-00063288 I mean when you're sleep-deprived all these normal things that are usually CQBXRhURyWM-00085-00063288-00063804 quite easy like what time it is become more confusing and more difficult to CQBXRhURyWM-00086-00063804-00064647 work out. So what happened on this passage we crossed the date line CQBXRhURyWM-00087-00064647-00065256 International Dateline as well as the clocks changed as well and so some of CQBXRhURyWM-00088-00065256-00065778 our phones actually updated by themselves but not all of them and so CQBXRhURyWM-00089-00065778-00066183 there was a lot of confusion about what action time it was. Some of the phones CQBXRhURyWM-00090-00066183-00066604 have changed time. Why? I don't know why. Daylight saving I think. CQBXRhURyWM-00091-00066604-00066939 If it was nine o'clock would the clocks then be ten o'clock or eight o'clock. Ten. CQBXRhURyWM-00092-00066939-00067701 Well actually they didn't, they did the other thing, they went back. Well that's what's confused me. CQBXRhURyWM-00093-00067701-00068210 So the times.. the clocks some of the phones have gone back an hour CQBXRhURyWM-00094-00068210-00068680 that weather station seems to have done that as well as I'm sure CQBXRhURyWM-00095-00068680-00069552 I put it forwards. My phone hasn't changed at all. The way I remember it is it 'springs' forward 'falls' back. CQBXRhURyWM-00096-00069552-00070104 So I've changed my clock - my watch and I'll change my phone later. So I've kind of.. I've lost an hour. CQBXRhURyWM-00097-00070104-00070948 I had to do an extra hour in my last watch and I've had to do an extra hour on this one for some reason. CQBXRhURyWM-00098-00070948-00071520 You've come up in the middle of my watch. Yeah cos it said 9 o'clock on mine it's actually only eight. CQBXRhURyWM-00099-00071687-00072200 Life's so unfair. I have trouble remembering what day it is. CQBXRhURyWM-00100-00072200-00072638 The important thing is that we get the right time for our watches cos we're doing three out watches each. CQBXRhURyWM-00101-00072638-00072964 So does anybody actually know what time it is? CQBXRhURyWM-00102-00073531-00074009 The other thing that is quite difficult for some people and especially at the CQBXRhURyWM-00103-00074009-00074387 beginning of the passages is eating. What we tend to do is we always have lots of CQBXRhURyWM-00104-00074387-00074834 fruit and frozen fruit stocked up so we can make smoothies and just have fresh fruit CQBXRhURyWM-00105-00074834-00075522 to keep them going and keep the energy levels up. Smoothies! CQBXRhURyWM-00106-00075522-00075839 Yeah, we finally got CQBXRhURyWM-00107-00075839-00076307 that wind we were wishing for, maybe a bit more than we really need but it's good CQBXRhURyWM-00108-00076307-00076697 it's going in the right direction and we're gonna get there quicker otherwise CQBXRhURyWM-00109-00076697-00076934 we would have been hanging about for ages. CQBXRhURyWM-00110-00076934-00077168 How are you Craig? CQBXRhURyWM-00111-00077168-00077634 I'm good, I'm loving it. This is what I signed up for. Yeah, proper sailing. CQBXRhURyWM-00112-00079468-00079958 What've you got for dinner? Chilli con carne. CQBXRhURyWM-00113-00082272-00083026 We've got reefs in both sails and we're also keeping out for these big tankers CQBXRhURyWM-00114-00083026-00083596 that are coming along. So there's one coming up our starboard side. CQBXRhURyWM-00115-00084238-00084682 We've just called that big tanker because we weren't sure whether he'd seen us - he seems to be closing in on us CQBXRhURyWM-00116-00084682-00085238 but.. they can see us it and it was good to check our VHF because we're sure whether CQBXRhURyWM-00117-00085238-00085594 that's working like everything else on this boat. CQBXRhURyWM-00118-00086489-00086966 So it's force 6 to 7 isn't it? CQBXRhURyWM-00119-00086966-00087657 gusting 8. So Beaufort scale 6 to 7 gusting 8. CQBXRhURyWM-00120-00087657-00088219 but it's coming from our aft quarter so that's good. CQBXRhURyWM-00121-00088844-00089532 so soon we'll be starting our night watches and hopefully get there tomorrow. CQBXRhURyWM-00122-00089532-00090348 I'm doing great. I'm clipped on just in case but it's a very dry cockpit. This boat loves the heavy weather. CQBXRhURyWM-00123-00090348-00090772 Definitely made for heavy weather sailing these boats [Amels]. CQBXRhURyWM-00124-00092454-00093290 Okay Craig, so what do you reckon your wife's doing with the kids. Well, football and that kind of stuff. CQBXRhURyWM-00125-00093290-00093924 Yesterday she was planning to go to a royal wedding garden party at a friend's place. CQBXRhURyWM-00126-00093924-00094570 Which sounds a lot more sedate than what we're doing. CQBXRhURyWM-00127-00094570-00094852 We should have had a garden party on the boat don't you think? Yeah. CQBXRhURyWM-00128-00094852-00095562 Like a royal wedding garden party with tea and cakes. Yeah with tiered cakes. Fine bone china. Fresh cream. CQBXRhURyWM-00129-00095562-00095996 Scones and cream and cucumber sandwiches. CQBXRhURyWM-00130-00095996-00096438 We could've even put the ensign on in respect.. if it didn't blow away but I think it might have blown away. CQBXRhURyWM-00131-00096438-00096924 Could you not rustle up a wedding cake or something? Sorry I didn't bring the wedding cake. CQBXRhURyWM-00132-00097074-00097274 Maybe when we get to Malta. CQBXRhURyWM-00133-00098132-00098704 Let's hope our other crew is doing all right down below. Yeah. CQBXRhURyWM-00134-00098704-00099138 So the kid are down below watching a movie. Hi children! CQBXRhURyWM-00135-00100494-00101102 I think there's a bit more speed can be coaxed from these sails. Brace the foreyard! CQBXRhURyWM-00136-00102652-00103328 There's loads of dolphins! There must be about twenty. CQBXRhURyWM-00137-00106592-00107044 We've just seen loads of dolphins, they've come to say well done, you've done your big passage CQBXRhURyWM-00138-00107044-00107654 of 440 miles and they've come to bring us into Malta. CQBXRhURyWM-00139-00107656-00107909 Highs and the lows. CQBXRhURyWM-00140-00107909-00108508 Lows are, how choppy it is and feeling sea sick. CQBXRhURyWM-00141-00108508-00109352 And when I go to bed I don't like having showers when I'm sailing because you just rock from side to side CQBXRhURyWM-00142-00109352-00110040 and keep falling over so when I go to bed I'm always covered in salt and so it's never very compfy CQBXRhURyWM-00143-00110040-00110770 And then because we're leaving Greece now and Malta.. there's going to be no Giros or Souvlaki. No! CQBXRhURyWM-00144-00110880-00111446 Malta is near Italy so there's going to be Pizza and Pasta! CQBXRhURyWM-00145-00111446-00111874 The highest, is we just saw dolphins. CQBXRhURyWM-00146-00112059-00112932 Feeling seasick and yeah and vomiting like I did about an hour ago CQBXRhURyWM-00147-00112932-00113172 And the highs are that we just saw dolphins CQBXRhURyWM-00148-00113172-00113678 and we're going to a different country. It's the first time that we're ever going to a CQBXRhURyWM-00149-00113678-00113902 different country. CQBXRhURyWM-00150-00113980-00114848 My lows are, we need to have jacket every day and and my high - there's new people on our boat - that's my high. CQBXRhURyWM-00151-00114850-00115350 You like having any new people - and how about your choc chip cookies that you ate? CQBXRhURyWM-00152-00115350-00115720 That's my high - my highest. You had loads of them didn't you? CQBXRhURyWM-00153-00117248-00117846 We had the engine on fair bit to keep up the speed but this obviously CQBXRhURyWM-00154-00117847-00118305 put a lot of pressure on the engine and the engine is quite old as well so we CQBXRhURyWM-00155-00118305-00118634 were beginning to fear that there were going to be engine problems. CQBXRhURyWM-00156-00118634-00119364 The sounds were a bit strange, there was smoke coming out. We lost a lot of oil in the engine last night CQBXRhURyWM-00157-00119364-00119858 - a lot of smoke so we turned the engine off - put about a litre of oil back in the engine. CQBXRhURyWM-00158-00119858-00120322 So we think there's something wrong with the engine - think maybe it's burning oil. CQBXRhURyWM-00159-00120322-00120768 So the piston rings are probably a bit shagged or something. CQBXRhURyWM-00160-00120768-00121250 Yeah, that was our drama last night. A lot of smoke coming out the engine. CQBXRhURyWM-00161-00121250-00121621 so yeah we're trying to work out what that problem is we need to CQBXRhURyWM-00162-00121621-00121886 get that sorted out. CQBXRhURyWM-00163-00122148-00122575 But now we're just making sure that the generator isn't ticking over. Is it on? CQBXRhURyWM-00164-00122575-00123120 So how you gonna stop it coming on accidentally? CQBXRhURyWM-00165-00123120-00123309 gaffer tape! CQBXRhURyWM-00166-00123685-00124128 Yeah, we've only got twenty three miles to go and it's very busy spot because I CQBXRhURyWM-00167-00124128-00124560 suppose everyone's going to Malta but they're trying to slip through CQBXRhURyWM-00168-00124560-00124938 between Malta and North Africa so I think that's why it's busy. CQBXRhURyWM-00169-00125373-00125846 They think we're attacking them but I think they're attacking us. CQBXRhURyWM-00170-00126180-00126958 Which one are we? This is us here and that's the armada heading for us. CQBXRhURyWM-00171-00128593-00129441 We've run out of fuel. I thought you said we had enough to get to America and back? It's for the video blog! CQBXRhURyWM-00172-00129608-00130114 And because we'd ran so low on fuel, air had got into the system but it wasn't a CQBXRhURyWM-00173-00130114-00130552 major problem because we did have some spare so we put the fuel in and then tried CQBXRhURyWM-00174-00130552-00131017 to bleed the air out of the system but the engine still wouldn't start. So we CQBXRhURyWM-00175-00131017-00131395 realized that it was probably a slightly different problem maybe. Our fuel gauge CQBXRhURyWM-00176-00131395-00132034 has never worked since we've had the boat and we've also discovered that the CQBXRhURyWM-00177-00132034-00132400 dipstick that goes into the fuel tank has snapped off but it's quite difficult CQBXRhURyWM-00178-00132400-00132823 to notice. So we're not getting accurate readings of our fuel anyway so CQBXRhURyWM-00179-00132823-00133123 we couldn't start the engine it was getting a little bit more tricky because CQBXRhURyWM-00180-00133123-00133675 the wind was dying slowly and we knew we had to get round a break water - two break CQBXRhURyWM-00181-00133675-00134158 waters to get into the main harbour. There's not much winds and you're not CQBXRhURyWM-00182-00134158-00134649 allowed to anchor in most of the port of Valletta which is where we going. CQBXRhURyWM-00183-00134649-00134989 We managed to get online because we were close enough to get some phone numbers CQBXRhURyWM-00184-00134989-00135742 and we were given other numbers so we called them so eventually after lots CQBXRhURyWM-00185-00135742-00136297 of calls and so forth we've managed to get hold of the marina so we've got to CQBXRhURyWM-00186-00136297-00136696 get into the breakwater under sail with very little wind on our big heavy boat. CQBXRhURyWM-00187-00136696-00137335 There was a lot of large tankers and super yachts coming out. The Rescue CQBXRhURyWM-00188-00137335-00137806 Coordination Centre asked us if we wanted any assistance - they asked us if CQBXRhURyWM-00189-00137806-00138283 we're in distress and we said no we're not in distress we would be able to sail CQBXRhURyWM-00190-00138283-00138814 in but we were a bit concerned about all the large ships coming in and out - we CQBXRhURyWM-00191-00138814-00139288 were aware that we would be in their way. We were told we could go in and then another CQBXRhURyWM-00192-00139288-00139663 tanker came out but just as we're going in another super yacht kind of came out CQBXRhURyWM-00193-00139663-00140068 and then it was quite a big relief because the pilot boat just came over to CQBXRhURyWM-00194-00140068-00140419 said, you know what, we'll just take you in because you'll be here all night and CQBXRhURyWM-00195-00140419-00140744 we've got a lot of ships that need to come and go. CQBXRhURyWM-00196-00140744-00141394 So they just gave us a line and pulled us in to the harbour and they took us all the way CQBXRhURyWM-00197-00141395-00141881 to Grand Harbor Marina. I dunno, I feel like I've done a lot of tows in my life CQBXRhURyWM-00198-00141881-00142256 for other people so maybe we're getting our chance today. CQBXRhURyWM-00199-00142444-00142636 So we're getting towed in by the CQBXRhURyWM-00200-00142636-00143286 really cool pilot boat in Malta. Nice country hey? CQBXRhURyWM-00201-00143286-00143852 Not the best way to enter a new country though is it? No it isn't. CQBXRhURyWM-00202-00143852-00144298 So this is the entrance to Valletta. So this is the bit where CQBXRhURyWM-00203-00144298-00144730 we're reliving our trauma because those are the lights that we saw at night CQBXRhURyWM-00204-00144731-00145277 when we had engine failure. So you have to get permission from Port Authority CQBXRhURyWM-00205-00145277-00145805 which is on channel 12 - so we were hanging out out there somewhere trying CQBXRhURyWM-00206-00145805-00146338 to hold our course but we didn't have any steerage because we had no wind. CQBXRhURyWM-00207-00146338-00146705 So it was around out there maybe where that boat is out there which is when the CQBXRhURyWM-00208-00146705-00147143 pilot boat came over to us and then the in the end they just pulled us in because we were in CQBXRhURyWM-00209-00147143-00147503 the way really. Apparently you can anchor there but they didn't give us permission to CQBXRhURyWM-00210-00147503-00147960 anchor there so I don't know why. We were taken over to Grand Harbour CQBXRhURyWM-00211-00147960-00148479 Marina which is just around the corner of fort St. Elmo and you can see one of CQBXRhURyWM-00212-00148479-00148833 the super yachts on the end, but I just look at that and all I think about is us trying CQBXRhURyWM-00213-00148833-00149412 to get in under sail with no wind and getting in the way everyone really. CQBXRhURyWM-00214-00149412-00149838 When we arrived in Grand Harbour Marina we felt very small in amongst all our CQBXRhURyWM-00215-00149838-00150216 neighbors but there's nothing that a good English breakfast and Yorkshire CQBXRhURyWM-00216-00150216-00150522 tea can't help with. CQBXRhURyWM-00217-00150522-00150906 Post trauma - post traumatic breakfast. This is just to remember the breakfast. CQBXRhURyWM-00218-00150906-00151256 You don't have to say anything. CQBXRhURyWM-00219-00151256-00151456 Happy crew. CQBXRhURyWM-00220-00151901-00152320 It was alright in the the ends anyway. Everyone was safe and sound. CQBXRhURyWM-00221-00152741-00153277 Oh wow look there's a super yacht - it's a [Amel] Super Maramu. CQBXRhURyWM-00222-00153278-00153606 Coming up in the next blog.. meet the neighbours. CQBXRhURyWM-00223-00153606-00153956 A family living aboard with 4 kids.. and some ducks. CQBXRhURyWM-00224-00153956-00154452 An invite to a cool dock party.. CQBXRhURyWM-00225-00154452-00154892 Expensive repairs.. ouch! CQBXRhURyWM-00226-00155198-00155738 Finding missing relatives at a war memorial.. CQBXRhURyWM-00227-00155738-00156070 and swimming with jelly fish. CQBXRhURyWM-00228-00159379-00159830 Okay so thank you everybody for watching these videos and thank you for CQBXRhURyWM-00229-00159830-00160253 sharing them. Thanks especially to the Patrons for helping us to get the CQBXRhURyWM-00230-00160253-00160805 equipment to create these videos to edit and then produce them and also to get CQBXRhURyWM-00231-00160805-00161225 ice creams for children to keep them out the way so we've got time to and create CQBXRhURyWM-00232-00161225-00161572 these video blogs. Thanks a lot! CRyWqC-uXe4-00000-00028358-00028458 HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE CRyWqC-uXe4-00001-00028458-00028458 HARE CRBKI-tlD_A-00000-00001486-00002707 25 Funny Sound Effects CTTDJvECJrk-00000-00000156-00000430 Praise be to Allah, enough and peace be upon His servants who were chosen and then after. CTTDJvECJrk-00001-00000430-00000950 O people of faith and wisdom, if those responsible for our care and the preservation of our religion, CTTDJvECJrk-00002-00000950-00001807 dignity and country remain as they are now of indifference to what is happening to the CTTDJvECJrk-00003-00001807-00002186 oppressed vulnerable people like you and me. CTTDJvECJrk-00004-00002186-00002820 Let us all seek to establish an alliance to support the oppressed in accordance with Sharia CTTDJvECJrk-00005-00002820-00003447 and discharge from entitlement to the curse of God because of the failure to forbid the CTTDJvECJrk-00006-00003447-00004148 evils of these oppressors and their injustice to the oppressed as long as we are without CTTDJvECJrk-00007-00004148-00004526 a government that protects us and the poor masses from the injustice of these oppressors. CTTDJvECJrk-00008-00004526-00005137 We may ask where is the government from these practices practiced by Saleh al-Dheeb and CTTDJvECJrk-00009-00005137-00005578 the defense of Shabwa two, which violate the law of the Yemeni state. CTTDJvECJrk-00010-00005578-00006012 Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "A Muslim is a brother to a Muslim. CTTDJvECJrk-00011-00006012-00006278 He should neither deceive him nor lie to him, nor leave him without assistance.. CTTDJvECJrk-00012-00006278-00006760 all of the Muslim is unlawful to another Muslim: His Honor, his wealth, and his blood . The CTTDJvECJrk-00013-00006760-00006926 correct series of Sheikh Al-Albani. CTTDJvECJrk-00014-00006926-00007405 Therefore, killing any Muslim, these or others, they kill any Muslim unjustly, as if he killed CTTDJvECJrk-00015-00007405-00007505 all people, people, understand. CTTDJvECJrk-00016-00007505-00007870 God Almighty said in His exaltation for this reason we wrote to the children of Israel CTTDJvECJrk-00017-00007870-00008471 that whoever kills a soul without a soul or corruption in the land is as if he fought CTTDJvECJrk-00018-00008471-00008571 all people. CTTDJvECJrk-00019-00008571-00009347 And know all of you, O people, that forcibly disappearing people is also as if it were CTTDJvECJrk-00020-00009347-00009447 killing them. CTTDJvECJrk-00021-00009447-00010011 Oh people of Islam and faith, save my blood, my honor and my money from the assault of CTTDJvECJrk-00022-00010011-00010396 these oppressors, I am oppressed by their attacks on me and their terror for me, my CTTDJvECJrk-00023-00010396-00010868 family and my neighbors with all kinds of weapons and vehicles and eighty soldiers from CTTDJvECJrk-00024-00010868-00011298 eight in the morning until two thirty in the afternoon and I refuse to surrender except CTTDJvECJrk-00025-00011298-00011720 to the state through Department of detectives or prosecution with a compulsive arrest warrant CTTDJvECJrk-00026-00011720-00013011 until Saleh Al-Theeb came to me and deceived me that he is a colonel in the search and CTTDJvECJrk-00027-00013011-00013375 that he will hand me over to the Department of detectives and gave me his face so I believed CTTDJvECJrk-00028-00013375-00013884 him and left my weapon and went out of my house and shook hands with me and put me in CTTDJvECJrk-00029-00013884-00014313 his car next to him and took me to Shabwa defense camp Two and he hid me short for seventy CTTDJvECJrk-00030-00014313-00014453 days without a legitimate or legal right. CTTDJvECJrk-00031-00014453-00014826 What is the legal or legitimate capacity that authorized Saleh al-Dheeb and the defense CTTDJvECJrk-00032-00014826-00015076 of Shabwa two to forcibly disappear me for seventy days? CTTDJvECJrk-00033-00015076-00015365 And why wasn't I transferred to the prosecution and the court? CTTDJvECJrk-00034-00015365-00015828 Saleh al-Dheeb is still practicing this and the Shabwa defense is practicing these acts, CTTDJvECJrk-00035-00015828-00016535 and he is still detained my personal phone and the rest of my other purposes since my CTTDJvECJrk-00036-00016535-00017059 enforced disappearance on 12/2022 until this day. CTTDJvECJrk-00037-00017059-00017455 What is the difference between any terrorist group and Saleh al-Deeb and the defense of CTTDJvECJrk-00038-00017455-00017862 Shabwa as long as they practice terrorizing people in their homes, between their children CTTDJvECJrk-00039-00017862-00018134 and in front of their neighbors Without legal or legitimate capacity? CTTDJvECJrk-00040-00018134-00018748 Will we continue to watch until other groups appear to us that insult poor people like CTTDJvECJrk-00041-00018748-00019419 me and eliminate the role of government security services .that this is our state And we are CTTDJvECJrk-00042-00019419-00019851 its citizens, and freedom of opinion is guaranteed by Sharia and law, muzzling our mouths and CTTDJvECJrk-00043-00019851-00020247 preventing us from talking about the alliance and its wrong practices, injustice, and obligatory CTTDJvECJrk-00044-00020247-00020815 me to sign a pledge not to talk about them and to waive all my psychological, physical CTTDJvECJrk-00045-00020815-00021148 and financial damages that does not have any Legal or legitimate capacity. CTTDJvECJrk-00046-00021148-00021712 Oh people of Shabwa, its tribes and its expatriates Stand by God's right to prevent these negative CTTDJvECJrk-00047-00021712-00022073 phenomena and the oppressor's power with weapons, soldiers, and secret prisons to blackmail CTTDJvECJrk-00048-00022073-00022669 the oppressed and impose falsehood on them for the benefit of the foreigner. CTTDJvECJrk-00049-00022669-00023464 So save our religion and yourselves from indifference to what happened to me or others. CTTDJvECJrk-00050-00023464-00024139 Saleh al-Dheeb is still practicing this and the Shabwa defense is practicing these acts, CTTDJvECJrk-00051-00024139-00025121 and he is still detained my personal phone and the rest of my other purposes since my CTTDJvECJrk-00052-00025121-00025325 enforced disappearance on 12/2022 until this day. CTTDJvECJrk-00053-00025325-00025920 What is the difference between any terrorist group and Saleh al-Deeb and the defense of CTTDJvECJrk-00054-00025920-00026336 Shabwa as long as they practice terrorizing people in their homes, between their children CTTDJvECJrk-00055-00026336-00026747 and in front of their neighbors Without legal or legitimate capacity? CTTDJvECJrk-00056-00026747-00027409 Will we continue to watch until other groups appear to us that insult poor people like CTTDJvECJrk-00057-00027409-00028508 me and eliminate the role of government security services .that this is our state And we are CTTDJvECJrk-00058-00028508-00029205 its citizens, and freedom of opinion is guaranteed by Sharia and law, muzzling our mouths and CTTDJvECJrk-00059-00029205-00029669 preventing us from talking about the alliance and its wrong practices, injustice, and obligatory CTTDJvECJrk-00060-00029669-00030452 me to sign a pledge not to talk about them and to waive all my psychological, physical CTTDJvECJrk-00061-00030452-00031019 and financial damages that does not have any Legal or legitimate capacity. CTTDJvECJrk-00062-00031019-00031419 Oh people of Shabwa, its tribes and its expatriates Stand by God's right to prevent these negative CTTDJvECJrk-00063-00031419-00031787 phenomena and the oppressor's power with weapons, soldiers, and secret prisons to blackmail CTTDJvECJrk-00064-00031787-00032378 the oppressed and impose falsehood on them for the benefit of the foreigner. CTTDJvECJrk-00065-00032378-00032988 So save our religion and yourselves from indifference to what happened to me or others. CTTDJvECJrk-00066-00032988-00033556 By God, the turn will come upon all of you if you fail your weak and oppressed brothers CTTDJvECJrk-00067-00033556-00034213 like me, and we will deserve God's curse for not forbidding this obvious evil, and And CTTDJvECJrk-00068-00034213-00035047 God will blind us with torture because of our silence and our tolerance of such injustices. CTTDJvECJrk-00069-00035047-00035679 The Almighty said, "And beware of discord which does not afflict the wrongdoers among CTTDJvECJrk-00070-00035679-00036786 you exclusively, and know that Allah is severe in retribution." CTTDJvECJrk-00071-00036786-00037837 And know all of you people of faith and wisdom in Shabwa and other of our Yemeni country CTTDJvECJrk-00072-00037837-00038353 that my blood, my offer, my money and my family are in your responsibility all of you if something CTTDJvECJrk-00073-00038353-00039566 happened to me anymore from Saleh Altheeb and Shabwa defense two or CTTDJvECJrk-00074-00039566-00040449 without them because I am oppressed and you did not support me Oh God I have informed CTTDJvECJrk-00075-00040449-00041190 Oh God I witness Oh God I have informed Oh God I witness Oh God I have informed Oh God CTTDJvECJrk-00076-00041190-00041703 witness Please publish on the widest scale CV7HGdJQut4-00000-00000008-00000411 We start with a puzzle. How is it possible for an object to have an CV7HGdJQut4-00001-00000411-00000897 average velocity of zero meters per second but still to be moving? The CV7HGdJQut4-00002-00000897-00001326 solution will be given near the end of the video. CV7HGdJQut4-00003-00002032-00002298 Welcome to this NothingNerdy video on velocity and speed. CV7HGdJQut4-00004-00002326-00003358 Here is the statement from the IB physics guide. You must know and use the terms velocity, speed, instantaneous, average and relative. CV7HGdJQut4-00005-00003358-00003764 Acceleration is explained in the next video. CV7HGdJQut4-00006-00003804-00004536 Here is a typical multiple-choice question on this topic. It's about a runner who changes her speed and then CV7HGdJQut4-00007-00004536-00005102 runs further. You should be able to answer it by the end of the video. CV7HGdJQut4-00008-00005182-00005675 Firstly, we must remember that quantities in IB physics are of two varieties: CV7HGdJQut4-00009-00005675-00006210 scalars and vectors. The difference is that a vector as well as having a CV7HGdJQut4-00010-00006210-00006761 number and unit also has a direction which must be stated. For example, the CV7HGdJQut4-00011-00006761-00007268 distance to a building is 3 kilometres. This is a scalar measurement because we CV7HGdJQut4-00012-00007268-00007845 haven't stated its direction from where we are measuring. CV7HGdJQut4-00013-00007845-00008328 But when we include a direction for example the building is 3 kilometers in a northeast direction, then CV7HGdJQut4-00014-00008328-00008752 the quantity is a vector and we call it displacement. CV7HGdJQut4-00015-00008888-00009494 Displacement is defined as the distance moved in a particular direction from a specified origin. The CV7HGdJQut4-00016-00009495-00009939 origin is where the measurement is made from. When a question asks you to state a CV7HGdJQut4-00017-00009939-00010379 displacement or any other vector you must make clear what the direction of CV7HGdJQut4-00018-00010380-00010776 the vector is as well as its size and units of measurement. CV7HGdJQut4-00019-00010804-00011520 Here is the definition of velocity: the rate at which displacement changes with time. Since it CV7HGdJQut4-00020-00011520-00011975 is calculated using displacement, velocity is also a vector and has a CV7HGdJQut4-00021-00011975-00012513 direction. Its units are derived from its formula: displacement in meters CV7HGdJQut4-00022-00012513-00013028 divided by time in seconds gives us meters per second. CV7HGdJQut4-00023-00013124-00013597 Here is the formula which defines velocity. You can see in the formula that velocity CV7HGdJQut4-00024-00013599-00014196 v and displacement s are underlined which shows that they are vectors. Time CV7HGdJQut4-00025-00014196-00014676 is not underlined because it is scalar. CV7HGdJQut4-00026-00014706-00015290 Like velocity, speed also measures how fast something is traveling, but it does not say anything about the CV7HGdJQut4-00027-00015291-00015797 direction. Speed is a scalar quantity and is measured in the same units as CV7HGdJQut4-00028-00015797-00016152 velocity: metres per second. CV7HGdJQut4-00029-00016169-00016736 So what is the difference between velocity and speed? CV7HGdJQut4-00030-00016736-00017148 Here's one example this car is traveling at 20 meters per second around a bend in the CV7HGdJQut4-00031-00017148-00017676 road. As it moves it is changing direction so its velocity which is a CV7HGdJQut4-00032-00017676-00018198 vector is changing, but its speed is not affected by changing the direction and CV7HGdJQut4-00033-00018198-00018678 is a constant 20 meters per second. CV7HGdJQut4-00034-00018678-00019378 Here is a question to practice. We will show the working because this is an important skill to learn for IB exams CV7HGdJQut4-00035-00019378-00019874 The speed limit on some European roads is a hundred and twenty kilometres per hour. CV7HGdJQut4-00036-00019896-00020334 How fast is this in meters per second? CV7HGdJQut4-00037-00020518-00021044 We write the formula; state the values in the appropriate units; and then substitute them in the formula. CV7HGdJQut4-00038-00021045-00021488 We make the calculation which gives us the number 33 point 3 3 CV7HGdJQut4-00039-00021488-00021972 recurring. We now write down the answer with its unit and an appropriate CV7HGdJQut4-00040-00021972-00022434 precision. In this case, we can't be sure whether the initial speed was given to CV7HGdJQut4-00041-00022434-00022888 two or three significant figures and we choose to state it with lesser precision, CV7HGdJQut4-00042-00023136-00023570 to two: 33 meters per second. CV7HGdJQut4-00043-00023570-00023748 We do not know if the car in the example is running at CV7HGdJQut4-00044-00023748-00024240 a constant speed so the value we calculate is its average speed. At some CV7HGdJQut4-00045-00024240-00024762 point it could be driving faster and another more slowly than the average. The CV7HGdJQut4-00046-00024762-00025467 speed it has at a particular moment is called its instantaneous speed. CV7HGdJQut4-00047-00025467-00025869 This definition is an excerpt from the Nothing Nerdy definitions and concepts CV7HGdJQut4-00048-00025869-00026386 dictionary which you can download for free at a link in the video description on youtube. CV7HGdJQut4-00049-00026406-00027126 An instantaneous value is one which is measure at an instant in time the instantaneous value is what a CV7HGdJQut4-00050-00027127-00027527 speedometer shows at each instant though the speed will change from moment to CV7HGdJQut4-00051-00027529-00028107 moment. This contrasts with an average which is measured over a period of time. CV7HGdJQut4-00052-00028107-00028642 If you measure the speed of something when you are moving as well, the result CV7HGdJQut4-00053-00028642-00029068 you measure will be affected by your speed. The speed it seems to travel as CV7HGdJQut4-00054-00029068-00029638 viewed from your point of view is called its relative velocity. For example the CV7HGdJQut4-00055-00029638-00030073 velocity of the bike as seen by the moving car is the difference between CV7HGdJQut4-00056-00030073-00030667 their velocities. The formula for relative velocity is sometimes used in CV7HGdJQut4-00057-00030667-00031144 the exam questions even though it's not in the data booklet. You must make CV7HGdJQut4-00058-00031144-00031544 sure you subtract in the correct order CV7HGdJQut4-00059-00031576-00032212 The velocity of B as seen from C is the velocity of B minus the velocity of C. This works for movement along a straight CV7HGdJQut4-00060-00032212-00032668 line where positive and negative numbers are used. When the velocities are at an CV7HGdJQut4-00061-00032668-00033064 angle to each other we use vectors. CV7HGdJQut4-00062-00033064-00033361 In this example the smaller cyclist is CV7HGdJQut4-00063-00033361-00033832 traveling to the right at 13 meters per second and the larger cyclist is moving CV7HGdJQut4-00064-00033832-00034327 in the same direction at 17 meters per second. Taking the right hand direction CV7HGdJQut4-00065-00034327-00035002 as positive, the velocity of Small as seen by Large is 13 minus 17 which is CV7HGdJQut4-00066-00035002-00035560 minus 4 meters per second. In other words, the small cyclist seems to be moving at CV7HGdJQut4-00067-00035560-00036034 4 meters per second to the left as seen by the large cyclist. If you imagine CV7HGdJQut4-00068-00036034-00036451 yourself as the large cyclist this is what you would see: the other cyclist CV7HGdJQut4-00069-00036451-00036742 coming closer to you. CV7HGdJQut4-00070-00036742-00037684 This question is measuring average speed, so the direction is not important. We consider it in two stages: the first one CV7HGdJQut4-00071-00037684-00038283 d=vt tells us the distance traveled and that becomes 120 meters; the second stage CV7HGdJQut4-00072-00038283-00038827 in a different direction but its speed doesn't matter and becomes 60 meters so the CV7HGdJQut4-00073-00038827-00039382 total distance traveled is 180 meters, that's in 40 seconds. We add the two CV7HGdJQut4-00074-00039382-00039994 times together and that calculates as 4.5 meters per second CV7HGdJQut4-00075-00039994-00040510 average speed. Here is the puzzle we mentioned at the start: How could an CV7HGdJQut4-00076-00040510-00041044 object with an average velocity of zero be moving? The answer lies in the fact that CV7HGdJQut4-00077-00041044-00041458 velocity is a vector and so when you calculate an average some velocities may CV7HGdJQut4-00078-00041458-00041968 act in opposite directions and cancel each other. Since velocity is calculated CV7HGdJQut4-00079-00041968-00042439 using the change in displacement, the average velocity will be zero if it is CV7HGdJQut4-00080-00042439-00042850 calculated over a motion which returns to its starting point, for example CV7HGdJQut4-00081-00042850-00043290 driving around a circular track CVeZGnNFa04-00000-00000056-00001040 did you know that in 2022, it is actually the 50th anniversary of the first, the first, the first, CVeZGnNFa04-00001-00001336-00001696 right so that means i don't know. CXyCp9nkcag-00000-00000044-00000227 I'm grateful to my client for CXyCp9nkcag-00001-00000237-00000383 giving me business in Kraków CXyCp9nkcag-00002-00000393-00000561 because I can do what I like doing CXyCp9nkcag-00003-00000571-00000845 and have pleasure being in this city CXyCp9nkcag-00004-00000855-00001012 kindness and gratitude are CXyCp9nkcag-00005-00001022-00001193 unusual business topics CXyCp9nkcag-00006-00001203-00001374 scientists have recently published on the topic CXyCp9nkcag-00007-00001384-00001590 stating that people who show gratitude CXyCp9nkcag-00008-00001600-00001764 are less stressed CXyCp9nkcag-00009-00001774-00001950 avoid professional burnout CXyCp9nkcag-00010-00001960-00002215 are feeling better with generally better well-being CXyCp9nkcag-00011-00002225-00002512 and what is especially important in business leadership CXyCp9nkcag-00012-00002522-00002698 they show high level of resilience CXyCp9nkcag-00013-00002708-00002932 psychological resilience CXyCp9nkcag-00014-00002942-00003232 i.e. they are more resilient to difficulties and trauma CXyCp9nkcag-00015-00003242-00003654 you could read more on that in my book at www.ISRIKUZ.com [Polish only] CXyCp9nkcag-00016-00003664-00003796 now let's get to the exercises CXyCp9nkcag-00017-00003806-00003910 take a piece of paper CXyCp9nkcag-00018-00003920-00004061 and write on it CXyCp9nkcag-00019-00004071-00004221 to complete the sentence CXyCp9nkcag-00020-00004231-00004506 I am grateful for ___________, CXyCp9nkcag-00021-00004516-00004688 because ________________ CXyCp9nkcag-00022-00004698-00004908 and one more such sentence CXyCp9nkcag-00023-00004918-00004994 and one more CXyCp9nkcag-00024-00005004-00005342 and repeat it in a week, then one week later CXyCp9nkcag-00025-00005352-00005445 thank you! CY0ehfNobF8-00000-00000008-00000592 from the lord jesus showed me another demon it was female demon this time around it was CY0ehfNobF8-00001-00000592-00001248 naked sitting on a very big throne the lord jesus told me that this is the demon behind seduction CY0ehfNobF8-00002-00001248-00002056 fornication and adultery this demon this spirit is invoked in some dresses jewelries make-ups CY0ehfNobF8-00003-00002056-00002640 in those false hairs and artificial things this is the demon or spirit behind all these things CY0ehfNobF8-00004-00002704-00003256 there lord jesus told me that when people use the things with that spirit on the inside CY0ehfNobF8-00005-00003256-00003768 they become possessed those who see it and are also not strong in the lord too CY0ehfNobF8-00006-00003768-00004360 they also get affected please we must always remember that satan is the one behind the fashion CY0ehfNobF8-00007-00004360-00005040 industry and is also against god's law of modesty this is the reason why in this world these days CY0ehfNobF8-00008-00005040-00005848 people are full of adultery fornication bestiality homosexuality and all those evil things please CY0ehfNobF8-00009-00005848-00006584 it is pushing people to hell don't be a victim amen from the lord jesus showed me another demon CY0ehfNobF8-00010-00006584-00007312 another ugly looking demon that demon was looking chest out this demon is the demon behind pride CY0ehfNobF8-00011-00007312-00007840 please humble yourself as god's child and as a christian please remember what is written CY0ehfNobF8-00012-00007840-00008584 in proverbs chapter 16 18 pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall CY0ehfNobF8-00013-00008584-00009144 please don't forget that the devil himself fell from heaven because of pride but you must not CY0ehfNobF8-00014-00009144-00009864 be like satan humble yourself like our lord jesus christ who is god jesus humbled himself unto death CY0ehfNobF8-00015-00009864-00010384 and because of that he has been given a name that is above every other name that at the mention of CY0ehfNobF8-00016-00010384-00011096 his name jesus every knee every principality in the heaven on the earth in the sea under CY0ehfNobF8-00017-00011096-00011832 the sea they must bow why because of humility so humble yourself and god will surely lift you up CY0ehfNobF8-00018-00011888-00012544 please from there we saw another demon i don't know how to describe it it looked like a tv boss CY0ehfNobF8-00019-00012544-00013280 with legs and hands very ugly the lord jesus told me that this is the demon behind secular movies CY0ehfNobF8-00020-00013280-00014088 secular tv and secular videos secular is defined as worldly rather than spiritual holy slash pure CY0ehfNobF8-00021-00014088-00014672 the lord jesus said that if you are a christian no matter how strong you are this demon has a chance CY0ehfNobF8-00022-00014672-00015360 of bringing your holiness down so be very careful the lord also added that his children must be very CY0ehfNobF8-00023-00015360-00016024 careful because it plants evil in the hearts of his children from there i saw another demon this CY0ehfNobF8-00024-00016024-00016808 one looked crazy it was as if it was crazy crazier than the other ones i saw that it had this kind of CY0ehfNobF8-00025-00016808-00017456 dreadlocks hair on its head it had this red kind of thing like the mohawk like that of a hen that's CY0ehfNobF8-00026-00017456-00018120 the style that the demon has now men of these day and even some women are even doing the same styles CY0ehfNobF8-00027-00018184-00018856 this demon was wearing a dirty brown dress the shirt it wore exposed the belly the shirt was CY0ehfNobF8-00028-00018856-00019424 also sleeveless that's their dress that people are wearing these days what's the CY0ehfNobF8-00029-00019424-00020056 difference between you and that crazy demon i also saw that it was wearing a brown mini skirt CY0ehfNobF8-00030-00020056-00020712 it was holding a microphone in the hand moving the head up and down like that it was singing the lord CY0ehfNobF8-00031-00020712-00021336 jesus said that that is the spirit behind many musicians and human beings that are singing today CY0ehfNobF8-00032-00021336-00021976 the lord jesus said that it has a voice that is very inviting but it is using that voice to CY0ehfNobF8-00033-00021976-00022552 deceive many people through the musicians and some people to expand the kingdom of hell the kingdom CY0ehfNobF8-00034-00022552-00023248 of the devil brethren i also want to tell you that this also includes the so-called gospel musicians CY0ehfNobF8-00035-00023248-00023936 it's not everyone that sings jesus jesus is singing about jesus christ himself you must CY0ehfNobF8-00036-00023936-00024536 be very careful and you must know that we are in this world but we are not of this world love not CY0ehfNobF8-00037-00024536-00025072 the world neither the things that are in the world if any man love the world the love of CY0ehfNobF8-00038-00025072-00025656 the father is not in him for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh and the lust of the CY0ehfNobF8-00039-00025656-00026304 eyes and the pride of life is not of the father but is of the world and the world passeth away CY0ehfNobF8-00040-00026304-00027039 and the lust thereof but he that doeth the will of god abideth forever 1 john 2 verses 15 and 17 CZNJJiGGyMg-00000-00000192-00000371 Section 87. CZNJJiGGyMg-00001-00000371-00000916 Waters that remained uncovered over the night are kosher for washing hands. CZNJJiGGyMg-00002-00000916-00001346 And waters that were in a vessel and were in a lavatory, uncovered, it is right to be CZNJJiGGyMg-00003-00001346-00001857 stringent wherever possible not to drink from them, and also not to wash hands with them. CZNJJiGGyMg-00004-00001857-00002228 But if they were covered, it is right to be stringent in this from the outset without CZNJJiGGyMg-00005-00002228-00002328 a need. CZNJJiGGyMg-00006-00002328-00002652 But if one has a need with these waters, there is room to be lenient. CZNJJiGGyMg-00007-00002652-00003130 [Especially in today's lavatories, where one can be more lenient with them]. CZNJJiGGyMg-00008-00003130-00003529 And uncovered waters that were in the neighborhood of a dead person, some say that it is forbidden CZNJJiGGyMg-00009-00003529-00003786 to wash hands with them for Shacharit. CZNJJiGGyMg-00010-00003786-00004107 And in any case, if one washed hands with them for Shacharit, he is considered to have CZNJJiGGyMg-00011-00004107-00004610 washed the hands, since this prohibition is only due to danger, and particularity with CZNJJiGGyMg-00012-00004610-00004710 drinking. CZNJJiGGyMg-00013-00004710-00005281 [Sha'arit Yosef part 1 page 31, and Yalkut Yosef On Rising Up in the Morning, 2004, page CZNJJiGGyMg-00014-00005281-00005435 445. CZNJJiGGyMg-00015-00005435-00006026 And there page 447, that it is permissible to soak meat before salting it in the bathroom]. CZNJJiGGyMg-00016-00006026-00006185 End of section 87. CbvTOVBCEmA-00000-00000587-00000716 The Loxton AgTech field day CbvTOVBCEmA-00001-00000716-00000835 we've got Diane Stewart down would you CbvTOVBCEmA-00002-00000835-00001011 like to introduce yourself please. CbvTOVBCEmA-00003-00001011-00001203 What your product is today? CbvTOVBCEmA-00004-00001203-00001443 Sure, thanks Matt. CbvTOVBCEmA-00005-00001443-00001748 Our company is called AKA Primary Solutions CbvTOVBCEmA-00006-00001748-00001971 We're not a startup, we're actually an CbvTOVBCEmA-00007-00001971-00002155 agent for a New Zealand technology CbvTOVBCEmA-00008-00002155-00002348 called Harvest Electronics. CbvTOVBCEmA-00009-00002348-00002516 So they've been around for about 20 years. CbvTOVBCEmA-00010-00002516-00003100 They have a bunch of cellular CbvTOVBCEmA-00011-00003100-00003252 sensors that connect through a base CbvTOVBCEmA-00012-00003252-00003564 station and upload data live. They can CbvTOVBCEmA-00013-00003564-00003820 collect data from everything from a rain CbvTOVBCEmA-00014-00003820-00004107 gauge right through to CbvTOVBCEmA-00015-00004107-00004292 fire service data. We've got some work CbvTOVBCEmA-00016-00004292-00004435 here with the fire service departments CbvTOVBCEmA-00017-00004435-00004692 in Victoria. They run CbvTOVBCEmA-00018-00004692-00004924 signal monitoring on tracks, railway CbvTOVBCEmA-00019-00004924-00005156 tracks in Tasmania. But I'm here today CbvTOVBCEmA-00020-00005156-00005324 to talk a lot about the orchard and CbvTOVBCEmA-00021-00005324-00005532 vineyard monitoring that we do. CbvTOVBCEmA-00022-00005532-00005675 [Matt] What benefits are there from what you're CbvTOVBCEmA-00023-00005675-00005907 doing for our orchard and vineyards CbvTOVBCEmA-00024-00005907-00005988 around the Riverland? CbvTOVBCEmA-00025-00005988-00006092 Sure there's a lot CbvTOVBCEmA-00026-00006092-00006324 of benefits with efficient resource use. CbvTOVBCEmA-00027-00006324-00006492 So things like your irrigation water. CbvTOVBCEmA-00028-00006492-00006635 We can monitor soil moisture which we've CbvTOVBCEmA-00029-00006635-00006859 seen a lot of today. We also have pump CbvTOVBCEmA-00030-00006859-00007123 monitoring, so it can monitor pressure, CbvTOVBCEmA-00031-00007123-00007292 water flows, CbvTOVBCEmA-00032-00007292-00007540 and give you alerts on all of the CbvTOVBCEmA-00033-00007540-00007684 parameters that are monitored. So if CbvTOVBCEmA-00034-00007684-00007820 you've got one of those leaks, you'd get CbvTOVBCEmA-00035-00007820-00008092 a phone alert that says pressure's is CbvTOVBCEmA-00036-00008092-00008276 not where it should be, or flow rate's CbvTOVBCEmA-00037-00008276-00008435 not where it should be. CbvTOVBCEmA-00038-00008435-00008692 So you have that ability to improve your CbvTOVBCEmA-00039-00008692-00008868 decision making, improve that use of time CbvTOVBCEmA-00040-00008868-00009084 we've heard a lot about today. CbvTOVBCEmA-00041-00009084-00009276 But also be very efficient with your CbvTOVBCEmA-00042-00009276-00009459 resources. Something that's worked CbvTOVBCEmA-00043-00009459-00009731 very well in New Zealand. A lot of the CbvTOVBCEmA-00044-00009731-00009948 regional councils have CbvTOVBCEmA-00045-00009948-00010123 water meters on CbvTOVBCEmA-00046-00010123-00010307 systems as well as individual off-tanks CbvTOVBCEmA-00047-00010307-00010571 from water systems, and that data is CbvTOVBCEmA-00048-00010571-00010779 uploaded automatically to the regional CbvTOVBCEmA-00049-00010779-00010892 councils CbvTOVBCEmA-00050-00010892-00011100 for your water bills it's also shown on CbvTOVBCEmA-00051-00011100-00011259 screen so you can see it live when you CbvTOVBCEmA-00052-00011259-00011476 turn your pump on, what's happening. CbvTOVBCEmA-00053-00011476-00011651 And it all tallies, it's all electronic CbvTOVBCEmA-00054-00011651-00011868 so it's one job you don't have to do now. CbvTOVBCEmA-00055-00011868-00012012 [Matt] So what would be the standout feature of CbvTOVBCEmA-00056-00012012-00012235 your product compared to some others? CbvTOVBCEmA-00057-00012235-00012476 [Diane] We've got a pretty good range. CbvTOVBCEmA-00058-00012476-00012715 So we can have up to 2km between CbvTOVBCEmA-00059-00012715-00012956 loggers back to the base station. So when CbvTOVBCEmA-00060-00012956-00013100 you're on big properties like we CbvTOVBCEmA-00061-00013100-00013308 typically have in Australia, you're not CbvTOVBCEmA-00062-00013308-00013491 looking at necessarily a lot of the CbvTOVBCEmA-00063-00013491-00013684 expensive base stations to jump the CbvTOVBCEmA-00064-00013684-00013852 signal back. CbvTOVBCEmA-00065-00013852-00014100 So that's pretty handy, it gives you CbvTOVBCEmA-00066-00014100-00014356 really good economies. And also, from what CbvTOVBCEmA-00067-00014356-00014652 I've seen, we can fit the most sensors on CbvTOVBCEmA-00068-00014652-00014900 those systems. So much greater range of CbvTOVBCEmA-00069-00014900-00015163 data points. The site base stations CbvTOVBCEmA-00070-00015163-00015380 are fully customizable and there's also CbvTOVBCEmA-00071-00015380-00015668 a free app that's fully customised to the user. CbvTOVBCEmA-00072-00015668-00016028 [Matt] Lovely Diane, thank you CbvTOVBCEmA-00073-00016028-00016291 [Applause] CbvTOVBCEmA-00074-00016291-00017196 [captions - esmedia.com.au] CdfbJwUCb-A-00000-00000098-00000343 >> So let's look a little bit closer at a definition. CdfbJwUCb-A-00001-00000372-00000768 As I said before there are a lot of terms that are related to it CdfbJwUCb-A-00002-00000768-00001091 and there is no specific perfect definition CdfbJwUCb-A-00003-00001091-00001261 but this one comes very close. CdfbJwUCb-A-00004-00001275-00001538 New media art describes projects that make use CdfbJwUCb-A-00005-00001538-00001805 of emerging technologies and are concerned with the cultural, CdfbJwUCb-A-00006-00001805-00002143 political, and esthetic possibilities of these tools. CdfbJwUCb-A-00007-00002193-00002380 This first part of the definition breaks CdfbJwUCb-A-00008-00002380-00002671 down into 2 distinct ideas. CdfbJwUCb-A-00009-00002690-00003040 The first is that where it talks about what it is, CdfbJwUCb-A-00010-00003040-00003414 what we're referring to emerging media technologies. CdfbJwUCb-A-00011-00003478-00003697 The second part relates to what's being done CdfbJwUCb-A-00012-00003697-00003907 with it the cultural, political, CdfbJwUCb-A-00013-00003916-00004138 and esthetic possibilities of these tools. CdfbJwUCb-A-00014-00004196-00004385 What's interesting about this definition is CdfbJwUCb-A-00015-00004389-00004564 that the second part applies CdfbJwUCb-A-00016-00004564-00005028 to any medium whether it be painting, drawing, photography, CdfbJwUCb-A-00017-00005078-00005469 or contemporary art and technology. CdfbJwUCb-A-00018-00005469-00005861 And you'll hear me referring to these 3 terms again and again CdfbJwUCb-A-00019-00005870-00006405 to sort of reflect on how the different aspects of the media CdfbJwUCb-A-00020-00006405-00006680 that we're looking at relate to this definition. CdfbJwUCb-A-00021-00006705-00006902 The second part of this definition is CdfbJwUCb-A-00022-00006902-00007326 that new media art is also a subset of 2 broader categories. CdfbJwUCb-A-00023-00007375-00007690 The first is art and technology and that relates CdfbJwUCb-A-00024-00007690-00007986 to electronic art, robotic art, genomic art, CdfbJwUCb-A-00025-00008027-00008478 or anything that is specifically technologically centered, CdfbJwUCb-A-00026-00008608-00008864 and the second field is media art. CdfbJwUCb-A-00027-00008872-00009260 Now, these are like video art or experimental film CdfbJwUCb-A-00028-00009301-00009886 and represent different technologies that by the 1990's CdfbJwUCb-A-00029-00009916-00010282 and the advent of the worldwide web these technologies were CdfbJwUCb-A-00030-00010282-00010399 still not new. CdfbJwUCb-A-00031-00010551-00010805 Now, new media art then represents sort CdfbJwUCb-A-00032-00010805-00011369 of the intersection of these 2 areas, so it is specifically CdfbJwUCb-A-00033-00011369-00011753 about things that don't fall entirely within one CdfbJwUCb-A-00034-00011808-00012092 but relate to like both. CdfbJwUCb-A-00035-00012237-00012605 I want to back up a little bit and I want to think CdfbJwUCb-A-00036-00012605-00013244 about the term new media art and sort of what it means CdfbJwUCb-A-00037-00013244-00013647 but let's start by breaking it down into its contingent parts. CdfbJwUCb-A-00038-00013716-00014049 So when we talk about art art has -- CdfbJwUCb-A-00039-00014069-00014510 art is a very broad category and has changed CdfbJwUCb-A-00040-00014510-00014699 in its meaning over the years. CdfbJwUCb-A-00041-00014723-00014984 I mean since artists were working for the church, CdfbJwUCb-A-00042-00015018-00015275 since artists were working CdfbJwUCb-A-00043-00015275-00015470 for the government and for themselves. CdfbJwUCb-A-00044-00015520-00015901 One thing that I want to consider is that in looking CdfbJwUCb-A-00045-00015901-00016373 at art it never seems to be a good question to say, well, CdfbJwUCb-A-00046-00016378-00016951 is it art or what is art these seem to be like questions CdfbJwUCb-A-00047-00016956-00017248 that lead to these sort of philosophical discussions CdfbJwUCb-A-00048-00017299-00017410 and don't get very far. CdfbJwUCb-A-00049-00017481-00017840 So in terms of whether something is art or not CdfbJwUCb-A-00050-00017888-00018284 when we're talking we don't really care if it was made CdfbJwUCb-A-00051-00018284-00018698 by an artist or if it's claimed to be art that's fine, CdfbJwUCb-A-00052-00018698-00019008 but beyond that the questions that we're going to ask CdfbJwUCb-A-00053-00019008-00019112 and the things that we're going to think CdfbJwUCb-A-00054-00019112-00019492 about are is it interesting and what does it mean. CdfbJwUCb-A-00055-00019560-00020242 Now, with respect to media media is typically refers CdfbJwUCb-A-00056-00020242-00020735 to broadcast media or media that sort of follows that model CdfbJwUCb-A-00057-00020760-00021170 where there's one publisher and many readers or many consumers. CdfbJwUCb-A-00058-00021232-00021675 Now, this idea of one too many has been up-ended CdfbJwUCb-A-00059-00021675-00022186 by the Internet which is really about being many too many CdfbJwUCb-A-00060-00022213-00022527 as in there are many producers and many consumers. CdfbJwUCb-A-00061-00022593-00022766 But still when we are talking CdfbJwUCb-A-00062-00022766-00023190 about media we traditionally are thinking about the one too many, CdfbJwUCb-A-00063-00023232-00023537 the broadcast model, and this could be, like I said, CdfbJwUCb-A-00064-00023537-00023751 it could be television or it could be newspapers CdfbJwUCb-A-00065-00023788-00023972 or anything along those lines. CdfbJwUCb-A-00066-00024119-00024555 Finally, I want to consider the idea of digital and in this day CdfbJwUCb-A-00067-00024555-00024946 and age it's hard to do anything without working CdfbJwUCb-A-00068-00024946-00025126 with something that's specifically digital. CdfbJwUCb-A-00069-00025132-00025692 Digital refers to 2 distinct states at its, like, CdfbJwUCb-A-00070-00025692-00025822 sort of base environment. CdfbJwUCb-A-00071-00025860-00026118 That's to say that when anything that you take CdfbJwUCb-A-00072-00026124-00026378 that is digitally recorded comes CdfbJwUCb-A-00073-00026378-00026899 down to 2 states whether they be 1's and 0's or high voltage CdfbJwUCb-A-00074-00026899-00027419 and low voltage in an electronic sense. CdfbJwUCb-A-00075-00027479-00027844 Everything gets sort of translated CdfbJwUCb-A-00076-00027873-00028117 or coded as 1's and 0's. CdfbJwUCb-A-00077-00028195-00028561 Now, this is in direct comparison CdfbJwUCb-A-00078-00028561-00028767 to something that's analog where it's like if you're looking CdfbJwUCb-A-00079-00028767-00029166 at something as analog it has a complete range like say CdfbJwUCb-A-00080-00029166-00029373 when you're moving like through the span CdfbJwUCb-A-00081-00029373-00029730 of an arch you could stop anywhere in there where as CdfbJwUCb-A-00082-00029730-00030121 with the digital it's either 1 or the other and it's about sort CdfbJwUCb-A-00083-00030121-00030542 of stringing these 1's and 0's together to find or to add CdfbJwUCb-A-00084-00030542-00030674 up to something that's larger. CdfbJwUCb-A-00085-00030752-00031127 Now, I want to consider how art is related to media CdfbJwUCb-A-00086-00031150-00031439 and I don't want to go into it into too much depth CdfbJwUCb-A-00087-00031439-00031560 at this point we're going to talk CdfbJwUCb-A-00088-00031560-00031787 about it a little bit more in the future. CdfbJwUCb-A-00089-00031834-00032132 Particularly I want to talk about the fact CdfbJwUCb-A-00090-00032132-00032485 that all art is not digital today but the way CdfbJwUCb-A-00091-00032485-00032756 that we experience most art or the easy way CdfbJwUCb-A-00092-00032759-00033063 to experience most art is through the digital. CdfbJwUCb-A-00093-00033078-00033440 So if we look at the Mona Lisa most of us are familiar CdfbJwUCb-A-00094-00033440-00033843 with the Mona Lisa based on an image that we've seen and most CdfbJwUCb-A-00095-00033843-00033978 of the people who've grown CdfbJwUCb-A-00096-00033978-00034396 up in the last 20 years have seen this image then online CdfbJwUCb-A-00097-00034420-00034559 as opposed to even in a book. CdfbJwUCb-A-00098-00034590-00034684 The question is how many CdfbJwUCb-A-00099-00034684-00034954 of us have seen the actual painting itself? CdfbJwUCb-A-00100-00035007-00035264 How many of us are familiar with the actual object of art CdfbJwUCb-A-00101-00035281-00035555 as opposed to a digital representation of it. CdfbJwUCb-A-00102-00035611-00036007 And in the case of a book the book is even frequently a CdfbJwUCb-A-00103-00036007-00036377 digital representation that's been created CdfbJwUCb-A-00104-00036515-00036929 out of digitally scanned images. CdfbJwUCb-A-00105-00037014-00037479 Now, we're going to spend time with 3 specific areas images, CdfbJwUCb-A-00106-00037511-00037846 the web, and games and we're going to look at each of them CdfbJwUCb-A-00107-00037900-00038268 in terms of how they are digital media art CdfbJwUCb-A-00108-00038318-00038556 and how it relates to our definition. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00000-00000865-00001317 KAEMPF: The Snowden disclosures published by Glenn Greenwald revealed that the United Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00001-00001317-00002059 States and its partners, in secret, had set up a global system of surveillance. With the Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00002-00002059-00002778 declared goal to collect, store, and analyse all electronic communications between human Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00003-00002778-00003084 beings, to collect it all. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00004-00003084-00003696 The importance of the Snowden disclosures can hardly be overestimated because they give us Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00005-00003696-00004462 a first-hand insight into the magnitude and operations of the state of mass surveillance today. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00006-00004514-00005026 DEIBERT: When Snowden released all of this material, we started to see in fine-grained Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00007-00005026-00005865 detail how the world of mass surveillance and targeted surveillance among the world’s Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00008-00005865-00006654 most powerful countries actually operates. And to me this was endlessly eye-opening, Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00009-00006654-00007290 it still is in fact, even though the news has receded, I think there is a lot of material Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00010-00007290-00008004 yet to be digested, even that which has been released to the public, it came out so quickly, Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00011-00008004-00008529 it takes a lot of time to go through them one by one and understand what’s happening. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00012-00008529-00009408 For me, it was an eye-opener, really, in terms of grasping, first hand, what it looks like Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00013-00009408-00009930 from the perspective of an operator within something like Canada’s signals intelligence Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00014-00009930-00010853 agency, or Australia’s or New Zealand’s or UK or USA, what it means to actually select Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00015-00010853-00011478 an identifier as they call it, maybe it’s an IP address or something like a cellphone Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00016-00011478-00012256 number or an IMEI number, something that is hardcoded into a device, take that one identifier Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00017-00012256-00013134 and go back in time and map out what someone was doing May 12, 2012, with whom they were Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00018-00013134-00013616 communicating, what websites they were visiting, what they were purchasing. This is the world Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00019-00013616-00014213 of mass surveillance, digital surveillance we live in today and the capabilities that Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00020-00014213-00014794 the most powerful actors in the world have access to today, we now have a much better Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00021-00014794-00015210 sense of thanks to the disclosures of Edward Snowden. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00022-00015210-00015965 KAEMPF: So what exactly do the Snowden disclosures reveal? What do they tell us about the global Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00023-00015965-00016404 state of surveillance we are living under today? Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00024-00016404-00017082 On 5 June 2013, in the first media report by Glenn Greenwald based on the disclosed Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00025-00017082-00017865 material, The Guardian exposed a top secret FISA court order showing that the NSA had Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00026-00017865-00018777 collected phone records from over 120 million Verizon subscribers in the United States. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00027-00018777-00019436 Up to that point, hardly anyone had ever seen a court order from the Foreign Intelligence Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00028-00019436-00019702 Surveillance Act Court. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00029-00019702-00020349 The FISA court, as it is called, is one of the most secretive institutions, and it gives Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00030-00020349-00020993 permission to the US government to engage in electronic surveillance. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00031-00020993-00021762 Its rulings are automatically designated top secret and only a handful of people are authorised Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00032-00021762-00022073 to access its decisions. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00033-00022073-00022837 Under the order, Verizon was forced to hand over to the FBI – and thereby to the NSA Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00034-00022837-00023265 – all the communication records of its customers. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00035-00023265-00023923 And what it showed was that the NSA was secretly and indiscriminately collecting the telephone Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00036-00023923-00024329 records of millions of Americans. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00037-00024329-00025082 And because FISA court orders are top secret, virtually nobody had any idea that the Obama Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00038-00025082-00025356 Administration was doing such a thing. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00039-00025356-00026123 GREENWALD: The first story that we did, on June 5 2013, about how the US government had Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00040-00026123-00026803 instituted a programme to collect and store the lists of every telephone call that Americans Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00041-00026803-00027400 make to one another. It shows the identity, you can identify who is speaking to whom, Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00042-00027400-00027830 for how long, where they are when they speak. That was just so simply shocking because it Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00043-00027830-00028369 was a case not of the US government spying on citizens of a hostile country or an adversarial Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00044-00028369-00028936 government but on its own population and that showed the limitlessness of it, as well as Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00045-00028936-00029458 the fact that it was all done in secret. So you had not just a threat to privacy, Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00046-00029458-00029943 which obviously was represented by that story, but also and even more so a threat to democracy Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00047-00029943-00030639 because how can you have meaningful elections and a process of electing a leader when the Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00048-00030639-00031277 most consequential acts are being implemented in total secrecy with no debate or understanding Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00049-00031277-00031818 of the public. So I think that set the stage for how all the other revelations were understood. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00050-00031818-00032522 KAEMPF: The second media disclosure revealed the secret PRISM surveillance programme. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00051-00032522-00033193 Under the PRISM programme, the NSA had been collecting user data directly from the servers Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00052-00033193-00034133 of nine of the largest tech and internet companies, including Microsoft, Yahoo!, Google, Facebook, Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00053-00034133-00034750 Apple, Paltalk, AOL, Skype and Youtube. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00054-00034750-00035350 Not only do the NSA documents show the date when each of these companies joined the PRISM Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00055-00035350-00036040 programme, it also reveals the comprehensiveness of the data that has been collected: including Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00056-00036040-00037094 emails, voice messages, texts, video chats, stored data, file transfers, and log-in details. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00057-00037094-00037762 It reveals the intricacy and depth with which these companies and the NSA have been working Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00058-00037762-00038119 on these behind-the-scenes transactions. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00059-00038119-00038709 PRISM allowed the NSA to obtain virtually anything it wanted from tech companies that Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00060-00038710-00039426 hundreds of millions of people around the globe were using as their primary means to communicate. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00061-00039488-00040271 This was further undercut by the revelation of another NSA programme called X-KEYSCORE. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00062-00040271-00041146 Introduced in 2007, this programme monitors, collects, and stores all global online internet activity. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00063-00041192-00041600 GREENWALD: The X-KEYSCORE Programme which just showed the comprehensive nature of what the Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00064-00041600-00042231 NSA was collection where enormous numbers of google searches, browsing histories and Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00065-00042231-00042856 buddy lists and emails and telephone calls are simply stored from around the world. Billions Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00066-00042856-00043362 and billions and billions added to this database every single month that are searchable and Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00067-00043362-00043906 that are easily read and invaded at any time by the NSA with very little legal or regulatory Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00068-00043906-00044469 restrictions. I think that was the story that turned it from a story of domestic Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00069-00044469-00045001 spying that horrified Americans into a story of global spying that horrified the part of Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00070-00045001-00045361 the world that regularly depends upon internet usage. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00071-00045361-00045993 KAEMPF: Further disclosures revealed that US intelligence agencies were siphoning off Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00072-00045993-00046568 internet and telephone traffic that directly entered the United States through so-called Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00073-00046568-00046869 ‘choke points’. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00074-00046869-00047468 Programmes like STORMBREW exploit the fact that the vast majority of global internet Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00075-00047468-00048271 traffic at some point flows through the US communications infrastructure – a by-product Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00076-00048271-00048996 of the central role the US had played in developing the internet in the first place. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00077-00048996-00049671 This includes the direct tapping into submarine cables as well as close collaboration between Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00078-00049671-00050136 the NSA and US telecommunications companies. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00079-00050136-00050696 From there, there were some incredible stories about the US snooping on targets that were Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00080-00050696-00051391 quite surprising: it was shown that the NSA was spying on the United Nations and the European Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00081-00051391-00051617 Union Headquarters. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00082-00051617-00052253 They were monitoring the cellphones of 35 world leaders including those of Germany, Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00083-00052253-00052551 France, Mexico and Brazil. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00084-00052551-00053364 Overall, 38 embassies have been targets of US spying operations including those of US Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00085-00053364-00054028 allies such as France, Italy, Greece, Japan, and South Korea. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00086-00054028-00054694 It was revealed that the NSA ran a continent-wide surveillance programme in Latin America which Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00087-00054694-00055375 seized web traffic and details of phone calls from the entire continent. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00088-00055375-00056002 And the collection of data was not merely confined to political targets, but also included Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00089-00056002-00056870 spying on economic entities, human rights groups, activists, and humanitarian organisations. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00090-00056870-00057428 Besides the comprehensiveness and secrecy of these surveillance practices, what the Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00091-00057428-00058019 Snowden leaks also revealed was the extent to which the intelligence services of other Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00092-00058019-00058554 countries have secretly collaborated with the NSA. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00093-00058554-00059233 This includes the members of the so-called ‘eyes in the sky’ coalition that comprises Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00094-00059233-00060142 five countries, namely the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the UK. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00095-00060142-00060962 Members of this coalition are explicitly exempted from NSA attacks but they nevertheless spy Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00096-00060962-00061860 on their own populations and on US citizens and then share that data with the NSA. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00097-00061860-00062528 But even beyond the 5 eyes alliance, other countries have been shown to transfer intercepted Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00098-00062528-00063275 data to the NSA on a regular basis. These include, amongst others, the intelligence Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00099-00063275-00063988 services of Germany, France, Sweden, Singapore and Israel. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00100-00063988-00064755 The overall image that emerges about the current state of surveillance at a global level is stunning. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00101-00064836-00065496 It shows that the NSA and its partners have adopted as their institutional objective the Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00102-00065496-00066198 collection of all electronic communication between every human being; that they have Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00103-00066198-00066911 tried to set up a system that ensures that no communication can take place beyond the Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00104-00066911-00067202 reach of their surveillance arm. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00105-00067202-00067929 And beyond the unimaginable magnitude of this clandestine spying system, the question that Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00106-00067929-00068444 arises instantly is: what does this all mean? Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00107-00068444-00069192 What does this mean to me as an average citizen and what does this mean to the lives of our societies? Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00108-00069276-00069590 This is the question I posed to Glenn Greenwald. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00109-00069591-00070473 GREENWALD: One of the things that the US government said in response to the revelations was, Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00110-00070473-00071241 they tried to appease and assuage American citizens by saying to American citizens: Look, Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00111-00071241-00071723 if you are American, you need not worry because we got all these legal protections and constitutional Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00112-00071723-00072191 guarantees in place so if we wanna actually read your emails or listen to your telephone Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00113-00072191-00072650 conversations, we first need to go to a court and get a court order in order to do that. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00114-00072650-00073123 And it wasn’t actually true, not even that part of it. But think about what’s that saying. Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00115-00073123-00073592 What it is saying is that if you are not an American citizen, in other words if you are Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00116-00073592-00074185 in the group of 95% of the people on the planet, we don’t need any court order to read your Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00117-00074185-00074699 emails or listen to your phone conversations, you have no legal protection and constitutional Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00118-00074699-00075411 guarantees against our snooping. And so when the US government is collecting billions, Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00119-00075411-00075915 with a b, every single day, not every year or every month, but every day, of emails and Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00120-00075915-00076463 telephone calls, and browsing histories and google searches from all over the world and Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00121-00076463-00076937 they’re putting it into a data base that is incredibly searchable, easily searchable, Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00122-00076937-00077653 it means that your communications are susceptible at any moment to prying by a foreign government Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00123-00077653-00078300 over which you exercise to control, no democratic influence or authority over how they conduct Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00124-00078300-00078685 themselves, or the ends to which they are putting this information. It essentially means that your Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00125-00078685-00079054 privacy has been eliminated. And if you are lucky enough to be an American Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00126-00079054-00079497 citizen, privileged enough to be an American citizen, you do have some legal protections, Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00127-00079497-00079889 not nearly as much as they say but some, but if you are not an American citizen, if you Cd_GxFR4k7Q-00128-00079889-00080214 are one of the unlucky 95% of the people on the planet, you have none. CkDrfDBkRuA-00000-00000133-00001130 December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy. CkDrfDBkRuA-00001-00001380-00002284 The Pacific tranquility erupts in an orange inferno of war. America is shocked. The once mighty Pacific Fleet sits crippled CkDrfDBkRuA-00002-00002290-00002926 at Pearl Harbor. An enemy fighting force is poised to dominate the Pacific and one of CkDrfDBkRuA-00003-00002926-00003429 the last remaining defenders is a converted banana boat. Anchored at the front lines of CkDrfDBkRuA-00004-00003429-00004129 Bataan in the Philippines, Randall Edwards was there. At the time the war started I was CkDrfDBkRuA-00005-00004220-00004920 Radioman 1st Class. I went aboard the Canopus in 1940 in Tsingtao, China and I was on the CkDrfDBkRuA-00006-00005217-00005917 Canopus until January of 1942, when I volunteered for a job with the Army on Bataan and the CkDrfDBkRuA-00007-00006770-00007470 Canopus ended up scuttled in Mariveles Harbor when General King surrendered Bataan to the CkDrfDBkRuA-00008-00007881-00008386 Japanese. The Canopus was a submarine tender. Her identification number was AS-9, which CkDrfDBkRuA-00009-00008386-00008828 means she was the ninth submarine tender in the U.S. Navy. And she wasn’t built as a CkDrfDBkRuA-00010-00008828-00009417 submarine tender she was converted from a civilian passenger cargo ship design originally CkDrfDBkRuA-00011-00009417-00010117 named the Santa Leonora. The Canopus was a happy ship. She was a good ship. She was a CkDrfDBkRuA-00012-00010445-00011145 bucket of bolts. She was a 1917 converted banana boat. There were no bunks on the ship. CkDrfDBkRuA-00013-00011538-00012238 There was no place to hang a hammock, you slept wherever you could. I slept on a little CkDrfDBkRuA-00014-00012286-00012986 thin mattress behind my big radio transmitter. We were the mother ship for 29 submarines. CkDrfDBkRuA-00015-00013220-00013809 We supplied them their food, their water, their diesel fuel, their torpedoes, whatever CkDrfDBkRuA-00016-00013809-00014509 else they needed. And did their repair work, if we could. We had machine shops on the Canopus CkDrfDBkRuA-00017-00014579-00015279 that were as fine a machine shop as you’d find anywhere. Submarine tenders in the old CkDrfDBkRuA-00018-00015365-00016065 days, in 1921, 1922 to 1942 to today, do the same thing tend submarines. Serve as mobile CkDrfDBkRuA-00019-00016134-00016604 bases, if they are forward deployed, like for all intents and purposes, the Canopus CkDrfDBkRuA-00020-00016604-00017143 was. They provide all the services that a submarine could possibly ask for from shops CkDrfDBkRuA-00021-00017143-00017740 to tending to various weapons systems. Those, the weapons systems have changed. The submarines CkDrfDBkRuA-00022-00017740-00018164 have changed, but the basic mission of a submarine tender is to support the submarines in the CkDrfDBkRuA-00023-00018164-00018717 fleet. Captain Sackett was the commanding officer. He was from Nebraska, which is about CkDrfDBkRuA-00024-00018717-00019246 as far from the Philippines as you could imagine. His nickname was “Peach” at the Naval CkDrfDBkRuA-00025-00019246-00019946 Academy. He was Class of 1920, graduated in 1919 because of the accelerated program of CkDrfDBkRuA-00026-00019962-00020662 training. I think the value of Commander Sackett was the fact that his ships morale never faltered CkDrfDBkRuA-00027-00020670-00021254 even under some incredibly difficult circumstances. And so I think that’s a testament to his CkDrfDBkRuA-00028-00021254-00021829 leadership, as well as the fact that he was award the Navy Cross for his leadership qualities. CkDrfDBkRuA-00029-00021829-00022529 And the fact that he was also evacuated in one of the last submarines to go out of Corregidor. CkDrfDBkRuA-00030-00023099-00023799 I don’t remember Pearl Harbor because I was on the Canopus in Manila Bay, but we heard CkDrfDBkRuA-00031-00024038-00024738 about Pearl Harbor, of course. I was awakened at about 2:30 in the morning of December the CkDrfDBkRuA-00032-00024904-00025557 8th, our time in Manila and told Pearl Harbor had been attacked and to break out code orange CkDrfDBkRuA-00033-00025557-00026109 that we were in a war time situation. When the war started the Canopus was in Manila CkDrfDBkRuA-00034-00026109-00026558 Bay. We were attacked one time while we were in Manila Bay by a fighter plane. I was on CkDrfDBkRuA-00035-00026558-00027188 the Canopus in the radio shack we were still manning the communication circuits so radio CkDrfDBkRuA-00036-00027188-00027706 operation was still going on. We couldn’t transmit, but we could receive. The first CkDrfDBkRuA-00037-00027706-00028361 time that we were hit was a fighter plane in Manila Bay. I had my old .50 caliber going CkDrfDBkRuA-00038-00028361-00028884 up there *machine gun sound* and I followed that *** plane coming right in at the Canopus. CkDrfDBkRuA-00039-00028884-00029584 I followed him so far I went into my, they had a half inch steel shell shield around CkDrfDBkRuA-00040-00029589-00030166 the .50 caliber water-cooled machine gun. My last bullets were going into that shield CkDrfDBkRuA-00041-00030166-00030777 and they were flying around in there. But I was shooting. And we were bombed almost CkDrfDBkRuA-00042-00030777-00031319 every day. The Japanese would bomb the Canopus as long as she was upright and looked like CkDrfDBkRuA-00043-00031319-00032019 she was a functional ship. The ship was put out of commission, as far as going anywhere, CkDrfDBkRuA-00044-00032812-00033512 when a big bomb when down all the way through multiple decks and exploded on the propeller CkDrfDBkRuA-00045-00033697-00034397 shaft. With the Canopus being immobile, she was essentially a sitting duck. They decided CkDrfDBkRuA-00046-00034581-00035269 to abandon the Canopus during the day and make her look like a derelict. So they tied CkDrfDBkRuA-00047-00035269-00035969 ropes on the mast and heeled her over during the day and the crew went up into the jungle CkDrfDBkRuA-00048-00036019-00036684 where they were safe. They would come back at night, loosen the ropes, straighten her CkDrfDBkRuA-00049-00036684-00037212 out and do whatever and go on about their business doing whatever they had to do, including CkDrfDBkRuA-00050-00037212-00037912 making ice cream. If a submarine had come in and they needed help, they gave it to them. CkDrfDBkRuA-00051-00038000-00038681 If the Army needed help, and they did, the Army, they did a lot of things for the Army CkDrfDBkRuA-00052-00038681-00039381 on the Canopus with their machine shops. And things were pretty desperate. The Canopus CkDrfDBkRuA-00053-00039603-00040262 crew was formed into a Navy battalion on the ship. This is right when Bataan and everywhere CkDrfDBkRuA-00054-00040262-00040962 was still fighting and they didn’t have any uniforms to go through the jungle or anything CkDrfDBkRuA-00055-00040968-00041668 and the whites would be outstanding, so they dyed white uniforms with coffee to try to CkDrfDBkRuA-00056-00041684-00042384 tone them down. And the **** had made a landing up on the East side of the Bataan Peninsula CkDrfDBkRuA-00057-00042503-00043203 and they sent the Navy up there to stop them. Well we lost a goodly number of people. Finally, CkDrfDBkRuA-00058-00043371-00044011 the Filipino Scouts came in and took over from the Sailors and got the Sailors out of CkDrfDBkRuA-00059-00044011-00044474 the way, and they polished off the Japanese that were remaining. I think that was the CkDrfDBkRuA-00060-00044474-00045174 only offensive action that the Canopus took. They serviced the last submarine the week CkDrfDBkRuA-00061-00045497-00046181 of April 1st. We still had torpedoes, still had food, still had diesel fuel. We had lost CkDrfDBkRuA-00062-00046181-00046881 our torpedo base in the bombing of Cavite, where they had all the torpedo magazines and CkDrfDBkRuA-00063-00046913-00047149 warheads and everything stored earlier in the war. CmQoP1POzZI-00000-00000003-00000100 [Katelyn] Let the goop CmQoP1POzZI-00001-00000100-00000203 [Katelyn] Let the goop permeate your soul CmQoP1POzZI-00002-00000203-00000271 [Laughter] CmQoP1POzZI-00003-00000372-00000500 [K] Goop doesn't want to hurt you. CmQoP1POzZI-00004-00000500-00000658 The goop is just trying to CmQoP1POzZI-00005-00000658-00000817 The goop is just trying to further our society CmQoP1POzZI-00006-00000817-00000927 [Evan] The goop is your- our friend. CmQoP1POzZI-00007-00000927-00001034 [K] And if you just let it CmQoP1POzZI-00008-00001034-00001234 [K] And if you just let it take over your body and mind CmQoP1POzZI-00009-00001325-00001525 Think of how far we could go. CmQoP1POzZI-00010-00001590-00001861 Think of the technology we could create. CmQoP1POzZI-00011-00001909-00002092 [E] If only we let the goop into our lives. CmQoP1POzZI-00012-00002100-00002165 [K] Give into the goop CmQoP1POzZI-00013-00002262-00002362 Listen to the goop. CmQoP1POzZI-00014-00002397-00002447 [E] Goop is life. CmQoP1POzZI-00015-00002447-00002497 [K] Goop is life! [Quackity] NO! CmQoP1POzZI-00016-00002497-00002678 GET IN THE SAND! GET IN THE SAND!! CmQoP1POzZI-00017-00002999-00003103 SLIME!!! CmQoP1POzZI-00018-00003400-00003458 Slime CmQoP1POzZI-00019-00003494-00003694 You're more than slime; you're human. CmQoP1POzZI-00020-00003830-00004000 So, it's gonna sound silly CmQoP1POzZI-00021-00004000-00004200 So, it's gonna sound silly but I came up with a name for you. CmQoP1POzZI-00022-00004220-00004271 I came up with CmQoP1POzZI-00023-00004300-00004350 I came up with Charlie. CmQoP1POzZI-00024-00004430-00004480 Kinda like it. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00000-00000084-00000150 Hey, everyone! Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00001-00000150-00000492 In this video, we are talking about software. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00002-00000492-00000858 Now, software is essentially computer data just Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00003-00000858-00001224 like any other type of file that you would have on your computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00004-00001224-00001794 In fact, I really want to emphasize that software really just is a file. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00005-00001794-00002358 It's stored on your secondary storage device, on your hard drive or flash drive Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00006-00002358-00003072 or something like that, and it contains computer data that is interpreted as Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00007-00003072-00003732 instructions that tell your CPU exactly what operations it needs to do in order Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00008-00003732-00004170 to perform the actions that the software is supposed to perform. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00009-00004338-00004782 When you actually run a piece of software, what the computer does Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00010-00004782-00005340 is it loads that software into your main memory, typically into your RAM, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00011-00005400-00005994 and then it will start executing the instructions contained in that software. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00012-00006114-00006594 Given that software is a file that is stored on your secondary storage Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00013-00006594-00007206 that is loaded up into your main memory just like every other file that we have, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00014-00007206-00007704 it is completely comprised of binary numbers, and those binary numbers are Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00015-00007704-00008508 just ones that the computer is able to interpret as instructions in order to run that program. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00016-00008664-00009156 Now, because a program is a file just like any other file on your computer, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00017-00009156-00009702 you can actually find its specific location within your hard drive. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00018-00009702-00010278 As you can see right here, I have Microsoft Excel that I'm going to Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00019-00010278-00010722 open up in Notepad just to see what things look like in there. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00020-00010722-00011370 And, if you open it up, you'll see a whole bunch of gibberish with, like, a little bit of text Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00021-00011436-00011916 for things like errors or things like that, but it's a whole bunch of gibberish. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00022-00011916-00012726 And this is, uh, my text editor—Notepad specifically—trying to interpret all of those Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00023-00012726-00013374 machine instructions as pieces of text, which doesn't unfortunately work out very well for it. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00024-00013374-00014136 You have a whole bunch of weird symbols and texts, and we have really no idea what this is saying. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00025-00014136-00014640 But, if someone was more familiar with the actual machine instructions, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00026-00014640-00015012 they might actually have a better idea of what's going on behind the scenes here. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00027-00015072-00015719 Unfortunately, I'm not, so I can't really give any, um, sort of Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00028-00015863-00016452 explanation as to what each of these little instructions is doing right here. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00029-00016452-00016920 But, in the end, software is computer data. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00030-00016920-00017742 It is stored as a file, it is loaded into main memory, and then it is executed by your CPU. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00031-00017856-00018258 So, we've talked in the past about several different types of software, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00032-00018258-00018462 and I’d like to go over that again very quickly. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00033-00018462-00018984 Your operating system itself is software. It is computer data. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00034-00018984-00019500 The files for running your operating system are actually stored on your disk, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00035-00019500-00020040 and then it is loaded up into memory, and the CPU executes instructions from Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00036-00020040-00020394 the operating system in order to actually run your operating system. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00037-00020394-00020736 This is true for Windows, for Mac, for ChromeOS, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00038-00020790-00021336 every flavor of Linux, every single operating system is, in fact, software. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00039-00021462-00021954 We also have drivers. These are the programs that, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00040-00021954-00022608 um, are in charge of interfacing with physical devices that you have connected to your computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00041-00022608-00022950 They might be physically connected, they might be virtually connected, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00042-00022950-00023208 but, typically, they are physical devices. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00043-00023208-00023730 So, for example, if you have a print… a printer connected up to your computer, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00044-00023730-00024204 you have a driver that tells your computer how to communicate with Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00045-00024204-00024630 the printer in order to get your papers printed on that printer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00046-00024630-00024930 Same thing goes for your mouse, for your keyboard… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00047-00024930-00025362 a lot of storage devices might have drivers. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00048-00025362-00025980 Oftentimes, there's generic drivers that a lot of devices can choose to be compatible with. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00049-00025980-00026418 These generic drivers will be really helpful because it means you can plug Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00050-00026418-00026658 in all sorts of different types of, let's say, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00051-00026658-00027156 mice or keyboards or something, and, as long as they're compatible with a generic driver, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00052-00027156-00027780 you don't have to install specific software in order to handle that particular device. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00053-00027780-00028086 This wasn't always the case, and it ended up kind of being a nightmare, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00054-00028206-00028518 um, because then, you know, you would buy a new keyboard, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00055-00028518-00029214 and then somehow have to go download the driver for that keyboard, possibly on a computer that Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00056-00029214-00029652 doesn't yet have a working keyboard because you're trying to download the driver for it. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00057-00029652-00030018 So, oftentimes, drivers would come on CDs that you would have to put Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00058-00030018-00030545 into your computer and load the driver software from, and then, from there, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00059-00030545-00031266 you would actually be able to use the keyboard that came with your computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00060-00031266-00031626 And nowadays, with, um, CDs not really being a thing, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00061-00031626-00032124 these generic drivers are much more prevalent, and it makes things a lot easier. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00062-00032274-00032639 Systems programs are another excellent example of software. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00063-00032639-00033336 So these are programs like the ones that control where your mouse is or that detect, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00064-00033336-00033882 when you click your mouse, what you're actually clicking on and the action that should be taken. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00065-00033882-00034446 It kind of passes that mouse click along to the application that you're clicking on. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00066-00034446-00035034 Your desktop manager is a type of system program that manages Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00067-00035034-00035448 things like where windows are displayed— Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00068-00035448-00035802 not like Windows as in the operating system, but your application windows— Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00069-00035802-00036642 how those are loaded up and displayed on the screen, how icons on your desktop, uh, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00070-00036642-00037128 are placed there, and what happens when you double click on those icons, those little shortcuts. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00071-00037128-00037734 They might also handle things like your taskbar. It really depends. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00072-00037788-00038538 Um, you don't really see a discrete desktop manager in Microsoft Windows or MacOS or ChromeOS, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00073-00038538-00039234 any of those kinds of operating systems because they, um, you know, that's all Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00074-00039234-00039822 kind of built into this operating system that's very closed and not really all that configurable. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00075-00039954-00040554 Um, you see it a lot more in the different Linux operating systems that are out there Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00076-00040554-00041022 because you can actually kind of swap in and out different pieces. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00077-00041022-00041406 You can swap out your different systems programs in order to Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00078-00041406-00041718 have more control over your computer's experience. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00079-00041904-00042150 System programs might also be things, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00080-00042150-00042762 like, the programs that help copy and pa– er, copy and cut files. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00081-00042762-00043422 So, in Microsoft Explorer, for example, if you copy a file from one folder to another, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00082-00043422-00043914 Microsoft Explorer itself isn't typically doing that copying. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00083-00043914-00044154 Rather, it's usually just an application Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00084-00044220-00044790 front where you… it makes it easy for you to tell the computer you want to do the Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00085-00044790-00045426 copying and cutting and stuff like that, but then it will pass down that information to a Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00086-00045426-00045966 system program that actually handles the copying or the cutting of that document. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00087-00045966-00046188 So it's sort of a front end that says, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00088-00046188-00046596 “Hey, you know, the user… you as the user can use me to tell Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00089-00046596-00046968 the computer what file operations you want done,” Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00090-00046968-00047394 and then it'll pass that information along to something lower down. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00091-00047556-00047742 We also have applications. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00092-00047742-00048534 Applications are the type of software that you probably are most used to thinking of as software. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00093-00048534-00048864 This would be stuff, like, the web browser, Microsoft Word, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00094-00048864-00049608 Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, Windows File Explorer, Notepad… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00095-00049608-00050478 All of those are applications. They are essentially meant for the user to, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00096-00050478-00050964 you know, load them up and do some kind of purpose with. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00097-00050964-00051305 At least that's in the traditional sense. The user Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00098-00051305-00051750 would load them up on their computer and do some kind of purpose with them. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00099-00051750-00052055 We'll talk about the different types of applications that are out there in Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00100-00052055-00052686 this modern day and age, but, typically, an application is just, hey, this is a thing Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00101-00052686-00053250 that does a certain purpose that the user will then access in order to do that certain purpose. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00102-00053250-00053646 Word has the purpose of creating documents; Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00103-00053646-00053994 the user will load up Word in order to create a document. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00104-00053994-00054360 Excel has the purpose of making a spreadsheet; Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00105-00054360-00054720 the user will load up Excel in order to make a spreadsheet. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00106-00054720-00054876 And so on and so forth. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00107-00055008-00055794 We also have what's known as firmware, which is a type of software, but it's referred to as Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00108-00055794-00056562 firmware because it's software that kind of acts like it's much more of a part of hardware than our Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00109-00056562-00057029 typical idea of software is, and I'll explain more about firmware later on in this video. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00110-00057191-00057684 Now, as for applications, we tend to have two main types of applications: Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00111-00057762-00058308 we've got native applications, and we have web applications. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00112-00058308-00058950 Now, the difference between these two types of applications mainly rests in… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00113-00058950-00059370 Is the computer that's running the application the Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00114-00059370-00059862 same as the computer where the user is interacting with that application? Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00115-00059964-00060605 Here's what I mean by this: if you've installed Microsoft Word on your own computer, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00116-00060708-00061416 then, when you run Microsoft Word, what you're doing is you are opening it up, your computer Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00117-00061416-00062105 loads Microsoft Word into its memory, your CPU starts executing commands in order to Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00118-00062105-00062598 actually run Microsoft Word, and then you're interacting with Microsoft Word on your computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00119-00062688-00063450 On the other hand, if you access Microsoft Word through the online version, through that Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00120-00063450-00064212 Office 365 link on your myHancock portal, what you're accessing there is a web application. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00121-00064284-00064998 Now, the computer that is actually hosting this web application is going to be a server, and the Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00122-00064998-00065502 server is going to be the thing that's actually running a good chunk of Microsoft Word back there. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00123-00065502-00065976 That's… That server is going to be interpreting keystrokes and clicks Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00124-00065976-00066522 and formatting the document in a very specific way based on your instructions. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00125-00066582-00067080 You are giving instructions on your computer, but, rather than those instructions going Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00126-00067080-00067626 directly to the ap– to the application, they're being passed through the web, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00127-00067728-00068430 and then they go on to the, uh, server so that the server can interpret those inputs Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00128-00068430-00068808 and actually make the changes on its side of the application. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00129-00068808-00069234 So the native application is the one that you are running on your computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00130-00069312-00069672 The web application is the one that's being run on some kind Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00131-00069672-00070158 of server and that you're interacting with, typically through a web browser. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00132-00070320-00070956 Now, I want to stress that, in both cases, native and web, these are both software. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00133-00070956-00071460 The web application, you have software that is being loaded Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00134-00071460-00071994 up on the server's end and you have software that is loaded up on your end. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00135-00071994-00072348 You have your web browser, which is a piece of software. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00136-00072348-00072888 Your web browser also is getting instructions from the server and Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00137-00072888-00073416 then passing those instructions into your computer, so that then is still software. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00138-00073416-00074118 This whole thing is software; the only difference is whether or not it's sort of an all-in-one Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00139-00074118-00074724 package, which would make it a native application or whether or not you're interacting with it on Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00140-00074724-00075240 one computer, but then the actual behind the scenes work is happening on the server computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00141-00075366-00075834 Alright, so now let's take a look at operating systems really quick, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00142-00075834-00076050 because we've talked a lot about operating systems. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00143-00076050-00076326 I've mentioned a lot of these operating systems. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00144-00076326-00077046 But I really want to focus in on this table that is provided by Experiencing MIS because Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00145-00077124-00077478 they are completely wrong about something. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00146-00077478-00077934 Specifically, they are completely wrong about Linux. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00147-00078006-00078744 They push Linux as it being one unified operating system the same way that Windows Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00148-00078744-00079338 is one operating system or MacOS is one operating system, and that's not true. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00149-00079410-00080022 There was a point where Linux itself was one operating system, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00150-00080022-00080706 but then many people actually went and made improvements in different ways, and they made Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00151-00080706-00081498 their own sort of quote-unquote “children” of Linux, and then that kind of splits Linux Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00152-00081498-00082044 up into a whole bunch of different operating systems there that are descended from Linux. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00153-00082044-00082560 And then people made more changes of those operating systems, and people made more Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00154-00082560-00082884 changes of those operating systems, and so on and so on and so on, and there's probably Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00155-00082998-00083742 dozens if not hundreds of Linux operating systems out there that are all contained under the Linux Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00156-00083742-00084390 family because they all, well, they all can trace their lineage directly back to Linux. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00157-00084540-00084978 There are a lot of different Linux operating systems out there. A lot Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00158-00084978-00085182 of operating systems in the Linux family. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00159-00085182-00085800 The most popular is probably Ubuntu, along with several of its children. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00160-00085800-00086796 There's Xubuntu, there's Pop!_OS, there's Linux Mint; all of these are really popular Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00161-00086796-00087360 because they are extremely stable and relatively easy to get into. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00162-00087360-00087888 You don't need to learn much in order to go from being a full-time Windows Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00163-00087888-00088422 user to a full-time Ubuntu user, so they're very popular for that reason. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00164-00088644-00089016 There's a lot of other Linuxes out there too. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00165-00089016-00089832 There's CentOS, there's Gentoo, there's Fedora, there's Arch Linux, there's OpenSUSE, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00166-00089940-00090186 all kinds of distros. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00167-00090186-00090564 And, typically, they have some sort of reason for existing. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00168-00090564-00091026 They fill some sort of niche, and I'll try to talk about some Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00169-00091026-00091398 of the niches as we go through this operating systems table. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00170-00091398-00091908 But, in the case of something, like, Arch that niche is customizability. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00171-00091908-00092742 You can include or exclude exactly the programs that you want or don't want. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00172-00092820-00093492 In the case of Gentoo, it would be, you know, it's a very hard operating system to use because, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00173-00093492-00094002 every single program that you install, you’re custom building for your machine, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00174-00094068-00094350 as opposed to a Windows program, which is already Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00175-00094350-00094986 pre-built given a specific operating system, a specific type of processor. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00176-00094986-00095604 So you're actually custom-building something for your machine with the idea that it will probably, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00177-00095604-00096222 in the end, run faster, even if the actual installation process is really rough. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00178-00096288-00096660 I'll talk about a few more as we go on through this table. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00179-00096744-00097428 I also want to say that, for all of these different operating systems categories, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00180-00097428-00097686 we have non-mobile clients, mobile clients, and servers. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00181-00097686-00098322 In theory, any device would be able to run any operating system. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00182-00098322-00098604 The thing that limits it is making sure that that Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00183-00098604-00099120 operating system is actually able to run on the specific hardware. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00184-00099120-00100050 If companies really really wanted to… let's say if Microsoft and Apple really decided to go in Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00185-00100050-00100776 on a partnership, you probably could get Windows 10 running on some of the more powerful iPhones. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00186-00100776-00101184 It would just be a matter of rewriting Windows 10 programs Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00187-00101184-00101550 so that they could be run on the iPhone processor, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00188-00101616-00102294 because different types of processors require different types of machine instructions, and Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00189-00102294-00102798 that's a whole… a whole rabbit hole that we could really get into that'll try to stay clear of. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00190-00102798-00103056 But, when it comes to operating systems, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00191-00103056-00103446 here… this is what we typically typically see in real life. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00192-00103583-00103848 Now, when they talk about non-mobile clients here, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00193-00103848-00104430 what I'm assuming they're referring to is specifically desktops and laptops here. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00194-00104430-00104838 And when we take a look at desktop and laptop operating systems, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00195-00104838-00105666 you do see Windows you see MacOS (formerly OSX), uh, you… you don't really see Unix anymore. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00196-00105666-00106061 Unix is kind of dead because it's been replaced by Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00197-00106061-00106458 all the many variations of Linux that are out there. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00198-00106524-00107094 And then, of course, you know, the… the… many of the Linux variations are used as well. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00199-00107094-00107658 Uh, most of the time with Linux, you'll see Ubuntu or its derivatives: Xubuntu, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00200-00107658-00108228 Kubuntu, Linux Mint, Pop!_OS, all that kind of stuff. You'll you'll see them used a lot. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00201-00108228-00108635 Uh, Arch Linux would also be a good contender. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00202-00108720-00109176 Um, OpenSUSE, which is known for being extremely stable. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00203-00109176-00109530 Debian is sometimes used on non-mobile clients. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00204-00109614-00110118 Uh, what else… Gentoo and Funtoo, those are some of the really, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00205-00110118-00110622 really crazy ones if you have, like, very specific uses for them. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00206-00110622-00111102 But those would often be on the, you know, desktops and laptops as well. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00207-00111390-00111911 For mobile clients, you have iOS, Android, and Windows 10 mobile… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00208-00111990-00112302 Um, Windows 10 mobile these days does not really have… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00209-00112302-00112848 There's not really a difference, or, at least, much of a difference between regular Windows Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00210-00112848-00113333 10 and Windows 10 that you would see on a tablet, like the Microsoft Surface tablets. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00211-00113333-00114192 I think this is a bit older information because I also don't believe Nokia phones are Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00212-00114192-00114600 really released that offer Windows 10 mobile anymore. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00213-00114600-00115002 So, typically, on a tablet now, you would see full-fledged Windows 10. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00214-00115074-00115752 Maybe there are extra driver programs on Windows 10 mobile that aren't on the desktop version, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00215-00115752-00116322 like, drivers that handle touch screens or pen input or all that kind of stuff. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00216-00116322-00116976 It wouldn’t be necessary on a desktop or on most laptops unless you specifically have Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00217-00116976-00117635 a touch screen and use the pen with it, so you might not see those programs bundled in Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00218-00117635-00118332 on the… uh, on an actual desktop or laptop that comes with Windows 10. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00219-00118404-00118740 But those are the typical mobile clients. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00220-00118740-00119052 Now, under Android… I will say actually, Android is Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00221-00119124-00119711 a… another, uh, variant of Linux as well, interestingly enough. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00222-00119711-00120024 It's a very, very, very different variant. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00223-00120024-00120954 It has heavily diverged away from its origins as a Linux, uh, variant, but it is a Linux variant. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00224-00120954-00121680 And there are variants of Android as well, because Android itself has a core open source Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00225-00121794-00122232 system, and then Google took a whole bunch of stuff from the Android project Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00226-00122232-00122754 and added their own things in and made it their kind of mobile operating system. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00227-00122754-00123528 But there are alternate operating systems that use, uh, alternate alternate versions of Android. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00228-00123528-00123780 They remove all the stuff that Google put in there, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00229-00123780-00124044 and then they build their own version of it. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00230-00124044-00124374 That's going to be LineageOS and GrapheneOS, and, as of the filming Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00231-00124374-00124974 of this video, I actually use GrapheneOS on my phone mostly just because I could. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00232-00125064-00125609 And then iOS is iOS. I wish I could tell you more about the lineage of iOS, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00233-00125609-00126216 whether it was based on something or not based on something, but I… I don't really know Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00234-00126288-00127085 that so well because Apple kind of keeps a very, very tight hold on iOS. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00235-00127224-00127572 Oh, speaking of Android being Linux-based though, we actually have, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00236-00127632-00127776 um, something similar with MacOS. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00237-00127776-00128118 MacOS is actually based on Unix. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00238-00128118-00128580 Uh, it has heavily diverged, and it's not really Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00239-00128580-00129126 much related to the current Linux projects, but it was a Unix system, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00240-00129126-00129756 and there's a lot of similarities in how MacOS works at the very, very, very base, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00241-00129756-00130608 close to the metal side of things as there are… as the, um, the ways that Linux works as well. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00242-00130608-00131033 So they're somewhat close together, although not completely related. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00243-00131033-00131412 And then Windows is not connected to them at all. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00244-00131622-00132156 And then, finally, for the servers, we have Windows Server Edition. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00245-00132156-00132918 That is a… a special version of Windows that Microsoft puts out that has… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00246-00132978-00133380 you know, it has specific features for being a server. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00247-00133380-00133950 It has some optimizations, and it doesn't have a lot of programs that you might actually see Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00248-00133950-00134850 on regular Windows because it's not being used as a actual, um, you know, personal computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00249-00134850-00135456 It’s instead being used as a server, so you wouldn't see programs on Windows server that Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00250-00135456-00136056 sets a desktop or that controls a mouse or that controls windows… a– you know, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00251-00136056-00136500 application Windows actually showing up on the screen or anything like that because, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00252-00136500-00136788 in the end, it's just running on a server. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00253-00136788-00137094 It doesn't need to do any of that. That would be up to the Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00254-00137094-00137370 client computer to handle all that kind of stuff. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00255-00137478-00138168 Unix was a server operating system. It is not being used anymore as a Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00256-00138168-00138468 server operating system because it is extremely old, and that would be Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00257-00138528-00139164 a massive security risk to do that, so, instead, people use different flavors of Linux. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00258-00139164-00139734 One of the most popular server operating systems in Linux is CentOS, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00259-00139734-00140238 which is entirely built to be a server. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00260-00140292-00140820 A lot of people will also use things like Ubuntu or Debian or something like that. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00261-00140820-00141240 They'll just modify Ubuntu or Debian in order to make it better for a server. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00262-00141240-00141528 There's also Arch Linux servers are Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00263-00141588-00142056 somewhat popular within certain circles because Arch Linux is so configurable. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00264-00142284-00142671 So you'll see a lot of those different types of servers. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00265-00142671-00143262 I actually know people who personally choose Debian or Ubuntu for their servers, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00266-00143262-00143544 and those work fine because they're not doing, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00267-00143544-00144012 like, a huge, huge server project that's going to be accessed by a ton of people. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00268-00144012-00144216 It's more they had a spare computer Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00269-00144294-00145002 lying around that they loaded up Debian and onto and set up a server so that they could stream, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00270-00145080-00145608 uh, movies from their server onto any of their computers that they wanted to. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00271-00145680-00146190 So Linux is very very popular as a server computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00272-00146370-00147000 Alright, so let's now talk about a very cool subject, which is virtualization. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00273-00147000-00147654 One physical computer can actually host multiple virtual computers, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00274-00147654-00148194 and the way that it does that is it sets up a, well, a virtual computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00275-00148194-00148734 It sets up virtual hardware and then tricks and operating system Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00276-00148734-00149004 into thinking that it is running on real hardware. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00277-00149004-00149484 So the operating system will try to do some sort of interface with the hardware… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00278-00149484-00149970 it'll make some kind of request to let's say display something on the screen, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00279-00150054-00150630 and that request will be intercepted by the computer that's actually running the Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00280-00150630-00151254 virtual computer, interpreted, and then actually handled in a Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00281-00151254-00151728 way that is beneficial for the user who is hosting that virtual computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00282-00151854-00152424 Um, let's say if the virtual computer… the operating system is trying to make a request Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00283-00152424-00152934 to access some piece of information from the internet, that request, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00284-00152934-00153576 instead of going to the Wi-Fi router in the computer, would instead go to the, um… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00285-00153684-00154236 would instead be intercepted by the program that runs the virtual machine, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00286-00154320-00154986 and then that program makes that request to the real Wi-Fi antenna in the real computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00287-00154986-00155148 Gets that data… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00288-00155340-00155598 you know, gets whatever data comes back from the internet, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00289-00155598-00156084 and then passes it along back to the virtual computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00290-00156162-00156576 The same thing kind of happens for things, like, keyboard or mouse presses. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00291-00156576-00157230 If you're trying to type something into a form on a virtual computer, the application that is Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00292-00157230-00157878 hosting the virtual machine is going to intercept those keyboard presses or mouse clicks or mouse Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00293-00157878-00158862 movements and translate that to an actual keyboard press or mouse click in the virtual machine. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00294-00158862-00159354 It'll pass that along into the virtual machine, and then the virtual machine will interpret Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00295-00159354-00159834 that however it would interpret a keyboard or mouse click normally. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00296-00159966-00160482 Now, there's a lot of different reasons why this can be really useful. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00297-00160482-00160998 For example, let's talk first about PC virtualization. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00298-00160998-00161850 What this is is a person creating a virtual machine to host a… at least, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00299-00161850-00162420 you know, one virtual computer inside of their own computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00300-00162504-00163062 Why you might want to do this is, let's say you have a Mac Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00301-00163134-00163524 computer but you need to run some Windows programs for whatever reason. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00302-00163584-00164388 You can boot up a virtual machine which has a Windows 10 operating system loaded up on it, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00303-00164442-00165252 and then, from there, that virtual machine should be able to run that Windows program no problem. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00304-00165252-00165654 It should be able to do everything just fine; you can access whatever you need Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00305-00165654-00166392 to access within that Windows program, even though your real computer is a Mac. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00306-00166392-00166914 And that can be really, really helpful because sometimes there are different Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00307-00166914-00167652 programs that have… are specific to one operating system, and you need to Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00308-00167754-00168498 actually boot up an instance of that operating system in order to access that program. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00309-00168498-00169062 So, if you need Mac-specific programs and Windows-specific programs at the same time, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00310-00169062-00169260 it can be really helpful to, say, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00311-00169338-00170034 have a computer running MacOS on it with a virtual machine that has Windows. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00312-00170034-00170244 Now it's hard to go the other way around, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00313-00170244-00170970 where you have a Windows computer that has a MacOS virtual machine specifically Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00314-00170970-00171612 because Apple guards MacOS extremely tightly, so it's really, really hard… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00315-00171612-00172242 actually I would say it's impossible to legally obtain a MacOS image that Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00316-00172242-00172848 you would be able to use in a virtual computer, unless I'm mistaken and Apple offers that now. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00317-00172848-00173724 But it's really hard, especially since MacOS is also very persnickety about what hardware it's Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00318-00173724-00174450 running on, so it's even hard to install MacOS on any computer that wasn't even built by Apple. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00319-00174450-00174924 Usually, if you need Mac and Windows stuff at the same time, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00320-00174924-00175752 it's going to be easier to have a MacOS computer that runs Windows, um, on a virtual machine. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00321-00175824-00175956 I've actually done something similar. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00322-00175956-00176304 Primarily, I'm a Linux user, and there were times Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00323-00176304-00176856 where I would only need Windows programs occasionally, so I would make a virtual Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00324-00176856-00177342 machine with Windows on it and then run those Windows programs on there. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00325-00177342-00177972 And, as time went on, um, especially as I started teaching, there's just some software Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00326-00177972-00178518 that I need to use that works a little bit better on Windows than it does Linux. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00327-00178518-00179214 So now, instead, I just have a Windows partition and Linux partition on my computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00328-00179214-00179688 I have both operating systems installed on my computer, and, when I turn it on, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00329-00179688-00179940 I can choose which operating system I'm running, but then, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00330-00179940-00180312 if I want to switch operating systems, I have to turn my computer off and on again. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00331-00180312-00180732 That's another benefit of virtualization is that you don't need to actually turn Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00332-00180732-00181236 off and then turn back on your computer in order to use a different operating system; Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00333-00181236-00181560 you can just have a virtual machine going. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00334-00181800-00182880 Now, another… or at least, a downside to using a virtual machine is that it is very resource heavy. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00335-00182880-00183426 If you're running a virtual machine on your computer, you're essentially running an entirely Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00336-00183426-00184086 new operating system on top of the operating system that your computer already was running, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00337-00184086-00184590 and, not only that, you're running the virtual machine application, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00338-00184590-00185268 which is then handling things like interfacing between the operating system and your computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00339-00185268-00185874 Like, it's emulating the hardware so that the operating system—the virtual Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00340-00185874-00186204 operating system—thinks that it is running on a real computer, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00341-00186204-00186540 and that all takes up a lot of resources. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00342-00186540-00186828 It takes up a lot of processor power, it takes up a lot of memory. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00343-00186828-00186918 The storage Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00344-00187002-00187560 can be storage requirements can be pretty high as well, depending on what you're doing with it. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00345-00187560-00187998 So that might be in the dozens to hundreds of gigabytes if you're Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00346-00187998-00188538 really going hard with a virtual machine, specifically, with PC virtualization. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00347-00188538-00189060 So it has its upsides and its downsides, but it's worth paying attention to. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00348-00189114-00189828 Oh! Another benefit of PC virtualization, and I would recommend really only doing this if you Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00349-00189828-00190560 know what you're doing, but you can use it to test possibly unsafe programs inside of Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00350-00190560-00191190 this closed off virtual machine that doesn't have access to the rest of your computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00351-00191352-00191826 So, if you download a program, you want to make sure it's not a virus, you could spin Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00352-00191826-00192396 up a virtual machine, you could plug that… you could stick that program in the virtual machine, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00353-00192468-00192984 and then see what happens when you actually run that program, and, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00354-00192984-00193548 if things go bad because it's a virus, well, it's contained to that virtual computer, and you can Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00355-00193548-00194268 very easily undo any sort of damage that it might be doing on your actual hard drive because it's Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00356-00194268-00194940 not really doing any damage, it's just messing with the components on this virtual machine. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00357-00194940-00195576 So you can relatively easily prevent it from accessing your real computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00358-00195690-00195888 Now, the reason why I would say to be careful Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00359-00195888-00196188 about this is that this doesn't 100% mean the program is safe. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00360-00196188-00196542 Maybe it has some way of detecting that it's on a virtual machine that we're not Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00361-00196542-00197010 really aware of yet, so we would have to be very careful with that. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00362-00197010-00197586 But it's one method that a lot of security experts will do in trying to determine if a program is Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00363-00197586-00198162 unsafe is boot it up in a virtual machine and see what happens. So it has a lot of uses. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00364-00198246-00198768 The next type of virtualization we'll talk about is server virtualization. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00365-00198828-00199416 Now, this is a really interesting case, and we'll talk a little bit more about it in chapter six, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00366-00199416-00199668 when we're actually talking about servers more. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00367-00199668-00200496 But with server virtualization, you have one server that is pretending to be multiple servers. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00368-00200496-00200880 It is running multiple servers within one server. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00369-00200880-00201528 And the reason why that might be helpful is you could essentially partition all of Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00370-00201528-00202074 the things that are stored on a server between all of these virtual servers. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00371-00202074-00202728 One example might be, you have a business with one server but it runs three virtual servers: Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00372-00202728-00203346 one for, like, marketing department-related stuff, one for logistics and operations-related stuff, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00373-00203346-00203814 and one for human resources and accounting-related stuff. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00374-00203814-00204450 So they're all able to access stuff on their virtual server that they're using Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00375-00204516-00204948 but, you know, there's no way for them to access things that they Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00376-00205026-00205476 maybe don't want to or even might not be allowed to access. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00377-00205590-00206123 Could be really useful if you have very sensitive user data that you're using for, let's say, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00378-00206123-00206640 marketing purposes or something like that, but you don't want just anyone in the company Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00379-00206640-00207246 accessing that kind of stuff because that could be a privacy violation, so you only you stick Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00380-00207246-00207834 it on one virtual server, and you only allow certain people to access that virtual server. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00381-00207912-00208302 Uh, it does take up resources to run these virtual servers. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00382-00208302-00208842 It takes up more resources than having three separate physical servers would. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00383-00208842-00209208 But, sometimes, that's not an option, and, in that case, uh, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00384-00209208-00209466 server virtualization can be really helpful. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00385-00209538-00210108 Another reason why that can be really helpful is because, if something goes wrong on one of those Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00386-00210108-00210732 virtual servers, it doesn't actually affect the real server or any of the other virtual servers. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00387-00210810-00211260 An example of this is, back when I was a student at Cal Poly, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00388-00211260-00212004 we had virtual servers that were assigned to us as students that we could complete our homework on. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00389-00212004-00212382 And there were four virtual servers that we were allowed to use. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00390-00212382-00212880 These were virtual Unix-based servers. I believe they actually all ran CentOS. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00391-00213023-00213773 Um, but what would happen is, eight weeks into the ten-week quarter, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00392-00213869-00214260 the students that were taking a systems programming class—a Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00393-00214260-00214692 class that was about advanced ways of interacting with the operating system— Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00394-00214794-00215190 those students would learn about something called forking. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00395-00215190-00215778 Sort of like the utensil, but what it does is you have a program, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00396-00215778-00216228 and then you clone it so then you have two copies of that program, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00397-00216228-00216666 and the idea is you want to do that so you can multitask to some extent. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00398-00216767-00217536 However, if you're not careful, you can clone the program, but you clone the program right at Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00399-00217536-00218130 the point where it clones itself, so then you end up with one program becomes two programs, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00400-00218130-00218784 becomes four programs, becomes eight programs, becomes 16 programs, and so on and so forth. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00401-00218856-00219408 And the more programs you have, the more system resources this is going to take. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00402-00219408-00219660 The… the, uh, program… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00403-00219660-00220356 The server is going to run out of memory because it has so many copies of all these programs. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00404-00220356-00220932 It's going to run out of processing power because it's spending so much time trying to Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00405-00221004-00221550 handle all of these copies of the program that these students would make. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00406-00221550-00221976 And it would essentially crash the entire virtual server, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00407-00221976-00222473 and anyone who was working on that server is no longer able to work on it. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00408-00222473-00222894 They lose all, like, whatever unsaved progress they were working on, their Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00409-00222894-00223692 programs slow to a halt if they're testing things, and the server just completely dies. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00410-00223692-00224069 It crashes, and it burns, and it's unable to do anything anymore. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00411-00224148-00224538 And the nice thing about that is, you know, you have that… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00412-00224538-00224862 Let's say, uh, that server number one Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00413-00224940-00225294 has been fork bombed—that's the name of it, is fork bombing— Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00414-00225348-00226014 uh, server number one is fork bombed, but you can move over to server number two, or three, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00415-00226014-00226410 or four, and keep on going, so it's really, really helpful. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00416-00226410-00226902 And of course, you know, a lot of students would fork bomb the first server, be like, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00417-00226902-00227171 “Oh, hey, I wonder why the server is not working anymore? That's really weird,” Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00418-00227171-00227514 and then they they would go on to the second server and then fork bomb that, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00419-00227514-00227898 and then the third server and fork bomb that, and then the fourth server and fork bomb that as well. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00420-00227898-00228138 So, typically, they would take out everything. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00421-00228138-00228738 But, if the student was conscientious and realized, “Oh, that might have been my fault. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00422-00228738-00229200 Let me test my code on my own computer before running it on the server again,” Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00423-00229260-00229704 you know, there's always the possibility that one server crashing doesn't affect the other Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00424-00229704-00230369 three servers, and then more students can work on those servers and actually get their work done. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00425-00230369-00230778 So that is the benefit of server virtualization. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00426-00230910-00231312 And now, we get to the cool one, which is desktop virtualization. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00427-00231390-00231630 Sounds a lot like PC virtualization, maybe, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00428-00231630-00232073 but it's quite different, because, with desktop virtualization, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00429-00232073-00232890 what you're doing is you have a server that's running multiple complete desktop environments. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00430-00232956-00233369 And this is actually what those virtual desktops are, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00431-00233369-00233886 if you have actually accessed those through Allan Hancock, because what you're doing is Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00432-00233886-00234473 you're connecting to a server that's running multiple instances of a Windows 10 computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00433-00234473-00235206 That's desktop virtualization. That is a server running multiple virtual Windows 10 computers. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00434-00235206-00235596 And it's really helpful because of many reasons. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00435-00235596-00236304 For one, if you don't have access to a Windows computer, and you need full Microsoft Office Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00436-00236304-00236994 access—for example, when we start working in Microsoft Access, you will need full Microsoft Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00437-00236994-00237402 Office access on a Windows computer, and there's no way of getting around that. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00438-00237402-00238050 Well, this allows you to remotely connect to a desktop computer that will allow you Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00439-00238050-00238571 to do all of the Microsoft Access work, so that is super helpful. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00440-00238716-00239184 Another reason is that you can run really intense programs Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00441-00239184-00239604 on server hardware that you might not be able to on local hardware. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00442-00239604-00239952 So you could connect with, like, an iPhone or something like that Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00443-00239952-00240558 connects to a virtual desktop like this and actually run full-fledged Windows programs. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00444-00240558-00241308 So that's a really neat benefit as well is it helps you not have to worry about your Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00445-00241308-00241919 own devices’ capabilities, and, instead, you can rely on the capabilities of the server. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00446-00242052-00242514 What it also means is that the organization that runs the server that's hosting all of Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00447-00242514-00243216 these virtual desktops can actually put all of the programs that you would need on those virtual Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00448-00243216-00243876 desktops without needing to worry about every person getting a copy of all of those programs Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00449-00243876-00244464 on their personal devices and making sure that those programs will work on the personal devices Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00450-00244464-00244944 and making sure that those personal devices actually have the ability to run those programs, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00451-00244944-00245423 whether it's by way of operating system or by way of hardware requirements. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00452-00245496-00246330 So this allows for a organization to very easily just specify what hardware Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00453-00246330-00247092 needs to be on these devices and then allow people access to those devices. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00454-00247164-00247650 It's also really nice because it's remote access, so you can access those devices from anywhere. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00455-00247650-00248010 With the Allan Hancock Windows computers, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00456-00248010-00248514 you can access those from any conceivable place where you can get connected to the internet. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00457-00248514-00249186 You don't need to rely on being on campus and touching a physical machine. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00458-00249240-00249930 And it's probably going to become a lot more popular as we keep on going. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00459-00249930-00250740 It'll be a lot cheaper for businesses to get, say, a whole bunch of really cheap devices, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00460-00250740-00251286 like cheap tablets or laptops or something like that that they can give their employees access to, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00461-00251286-00251862 and then they can access these virtual desktops in order to do work that requires Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00462-00251862-00252414 any amount of actual power or a specific operating system or something like that. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00463-00252414-00253032 So it would allow businesses to, say, order a thousand Chromebooks for all their employees—much Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00464-00253032-00253830 easier than it would be to order say a thousand, uh, Apple laptops, which is something that a Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00465-00253830-00254286 lot of programming companies have done in the past. At least, the ones that I've worked for. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00466-00254496-00255054 Now, I want to talk about the actual process of obtaining programs, and, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00467-00255054-00255714 specifically, when it comes to paying for them, you don't buy programs. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00468-00255792-00256236 Well, depending on what the EU has to say about it, you know, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00469-00256236-00256506 currently you don't really buy programs. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00470-00256506-00256919 Instead, what you're using is you're you're buying a license Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00471-00256919-00257376 to use the program for some amount of time. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00472-00257376-00257988 It might be an indefinite amount of time, it might be for a limited amount of time. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00473-00257988-00258792 An example of this is when you purchase your MyLab IT access and the e-texts and all of that kind of Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00474-00258792-00259223 stuff, you're not actually buying a textbook like… like you might have back in the day. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00475-00259284-00259986 You are buying access to an electronic textbook and an electronic learning management system, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00476-00260136-00260748 so you don't have any sort of ownership over the software. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00477-00260862-00261426 You have access to a very specific pe– like, access… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00478-00261426-00261990 You have access to that software for some amount of time. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00479-00262104-00262872 And the reason why you're buying licenses instead of actually buying a piece of software Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00480-00262968-00263724 comes back to some of the early days of businesses getting into software development. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00481-00263724-00264168 You know, originally, software development was entirely open source—more on that later— Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00482-00264168-00264612 but then businesses started getting in there and started trying to sell Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00483-00264612-00265236 software in order to make a profit, and people were really confused about that Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00484-00265236-00265722 slash also very angry about that because, back in that day, it was considered very, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00485-00265722-00266580 uh, not cool to sell software that you were developing because, well, it's all computer data. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00486-00266580-00267048 It's not a physical thing that you can touch, so how would you own it? Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00487-00267048-00267594 How would you be able to sell it if it's not a physical thing that you can touch? Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00488-00267594-00268476 And people got around that kind of idea by selling licenses to access software. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00489-00268476-00269214 You buy, um, you buy something—let's say, a CD containing software back in the day, or even, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00490-00269214-00269556 like, a floppy disk containing software back in the day—and Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00491-00269694-00270180 you own that particular CD and floppy disk, but you don't actually own the software. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00492-00270240-00270792 So, in order to legally use the software, they also included a license that Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00493-00270894-00271368 gives you the terms in which you are able to use that software. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00494-00271368-00271716 You know, you're able to use it indefinitely, but you can't copy it, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00495-00271716-00272316 you can't redistribute it, especially not for profit, um, all that kind of stuff. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00496-00272316-00272868 And that's where the idea of software licenses kind of came from, and we still use that today. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00497-00272868-00273678 And, in fact, now, um, businesses are trying to take this idea of licensing things to a new level Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00498-00273678-00274284 and trying to apply it to things like physical hardware or physical objects that you own. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00499-00274284-00275208 There are, um, earbuds out there that you pay a monthly cost for in order to renew Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00500-00275208-00275778 your monthly license for those earbuds, and, when you stop paying it, the company remotely Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00501-00275874-00276234 breaks them—essentially, remotely fries them, there's a self-destruct Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00502-00276234-00276636 mechanism that completely destroys them—and you can no longer use them. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00503-00276738-00277404 So people are taking this licensing thing outside of the digital realm and into the physical realm. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00504-00277404-00277758 But this is where we're at with licenses right now. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00505-00277758-00277866 If you are a Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00506-00277926-00278466 person in a business who's in charge of buying a bunch of software, you will be buying licenses. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00507-00278580-00279018 Now, larger organizations will actually negotiate a site license. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00508-00279018-00279672 An example of this is Allan Hancock grants students access to Microsoft Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00509-00279672-00280278 Office 365 for free because they were able to negotiate with Microsoft a Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00510-00280278-00281058 larger license that applies for all all members of the University. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00511-00281142-00282078 So that license grants any current student and faculty the ability to use Microsoft Office 365. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00512-00282162-00282762 Um, so that is the kind of thing you'll see in any large organizations. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00513-00282762-00283458 Allan Hancock has a lot of these different site licenses that are very worthwhile. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00514-00283458-00283884 I would highly recommend checking out some of the software that is available to you. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00515-00283884-00284526 Larger universities will have even more site licenses that they will be negotiating, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00516-00284526-00284784 and businesses will kind of do the same as well. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00517-00284784-00285354 A lot of businesses will probably be doing something like this for Microsoft Office 365 if Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00518-00285414-00286038 those are programs that are being used by a number of people in that business. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00519-00286038-00286794 It's going to cost them some larger fee in order to maintain that site license, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00520-00286794-00287370 but it might be more worthwhile than to maintain individual licenses for Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00521-00287370-00287844 individual employees and then, when those employees quit, canceling those licenses, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00522-00287844-00288354 and then bringing on new employees and giving them new licenses and all that kind of stuff. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00523-00288354-00288678 So site license has a lot of benefits if you're a large organization. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00524-00288786-00289272 Now the funny thing is as well is that free software comes with licenses. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00525-00289272-00289656 You've probably seen license license agreements when you're Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00526-00289656-00289980 actually installing any software on your computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00527-00290046-00290856 This is going to be things like the terms of use, the terms of redistribution, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00528-00290856-00291606 whether or not you're able to redistribute that software, whether or not you can steal code from Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00529-00291606-00292020 that software if you're able to actually get the code from the software (and there are ways)… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00530-00292020-00292656 Usage terms as well—you'll see a lot of, like, media players specifically prohibit the use of Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00531-00292656-00293514 pirated media with their software just to cover grounds, you know, legal grounds. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00532-00293514-00293910 But all software typically has licenses. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00533-00294018-00294342 Now, there's a lot of different types of licenses. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00534-00294408-00294774 You have public domain or the equivalent of public domain. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00535-00294774-00295542 So, of course, public domain is the idea that, after a certain amount of time that the… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00536-00295542-00296208 that a thing, any anything has been created, uh, it eventually goes into public domain, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00537-00296208-00296670 which means that anybody is able to use that thing however they want. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00538-00296670-00296826 It's the reason why there's a lot of Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00539-00296892-00297918 movies about, say, Dracula or Frankenstein or all that kind of stuff, um, because the… that Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00540-00297918-00298482 work has gone into the public domain, since it's been a very long time since the original Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00541-00298482-00299082 books were published, and, now, anyone can use anything from those books in their own works. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00542-00299082-00299472 And the idea is to maintain some sort of creativity. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00543-00299472-00300114 Now public domain is obscenely long, uh, thanks to Disney, mostly, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00544-00300114-00300948 and it might actually grow even longer again specifically because it always happens to Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00545-00300948-00301500 get longer the… the amount of time before a work enters public domain seems to get Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00546-00301500-00302106 longer around the time that Mickey Mouse is getting close to entering public domain. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00547-00302160-00302778 I don't remember what public domain is off the top of my head, but I believe it's the lifetime Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00548-00302778-00303648 of the author plus an additional, um, I want to say 20 years after they die, and, after that Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00549-00303648-00304182 amount of time passes, 20 years after the author dies, then anyone can start using that work. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00550-00304284-00304890 Um, one notable piece of literature that has gone into public domain very recently as of the Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00551-00304956-00305280 filming of this video was The Great Gatsby, so, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00552-00305334-00305712 if anyone wants to do anything with the Great Gatsby, you're allowed to. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00553-00305712-00306198 But the idea with public domain is that anyone can do anything with that creative work. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00554-00306198-00306618 They can completely rip it off, they can take bits and pieces from it and use it in their own thing. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00555-00306726-00307344 And you have what's known as public domain equivalent as well, which is a work that has not Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00556-00307344-00307914 entered public domain, but the licensing allows anyone to treat it as if it is in public domain. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00557-00307914-00308508 An example of public domain equivalent would be the CC0, the Creative Commons Zero license, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00558-00308508-00308916 where there's zero restrictions on what you can do, you can just use it however you want. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00559-00309060-00309900 Now, there's permissive licensees. Uh, what this allows you to do is you can use software with a Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00560-00309900-00310410 permissive license however you want. You're also allowed to re-license that software. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00561-00310410-00310842 So, for example if you are creating a program of your own, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00562-00310842-00311412 and you use a piece of software with a permissive license as a component of it, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00563-00311412-00312066 you're allowed to re-license the whole thing, including… including that software that you Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00564-00312066-00312576 used from someone else, you know, and then distribute it how you want. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00565-00312576-00313266 And you see this a lot in… a lot of the, I guess, software infrastructure of the internet Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00566-00313266-00314016 has permissive licenses, where you're allowed to include pieces of that software inside of your own Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00567-00314016-00314574 products because those pieces might be necessary for things like communicating with the internet. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00568-00314664-00315090 Now, the difference between public domain and permissive license is that, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00569-00315090-00315444 permissive license, you actually still have to say, you know, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00570-00315444-00315954 I use this component from this person, whereas, public domain, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00571-00315954-00316554 you could yank it all completely incorporate it into the thing that you're making without credit. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00572-00316554-00316788 There's no need for credit whatsoever. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00573-00316956-00317724 The copyleft type of licensing is specifically involving, you know… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00574-00317724-00318642 If you use software that has a copyleft, or protective, license, then you the thing Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00575-00318642-00319146 that you're making with that software needs to be open so that people can actually see Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00576-00319224-00319326 kind of what you're doing. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00577-00319326-00320226 And this is more of a software thing, where people will make copyleft licenses in order to prevent, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00578-00320292-00320922 um, big companies like, say, Microsoft or Amazon or something like that from using Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00579-00320922-00321738 it in software that they sell—or, at least, software that they keep behind closed doors. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00580-00321738-00322404 So a copyleft license essentially requires it to only be used in what's known as open Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00581-00322404-00322986 source software, where people can actually see the code that is being written to make that software, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00582-00322986-00323514 see exactly what's going on, and maybe even make their own changes to that software. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00583-00323514-00323814 This is opposed to non-commercial software, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00584-00323814-00324378 which forbids it from being used in anything that generates revenue. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00585-00324468-00325050 So, if you are running a business, and you're looking for some piece of Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00586-00325050-00325548 software to assist you in making money, you cannot use non-commercial software, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00587-00325548-00326034 and it's very important that you check licenses so that you make sure you're Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00588-00326034-00326370 not using non-commercial software, because that would be really bad. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00589-00326526-00326982 Proprietary licenses essentially work, like, normal copyright. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00590-00326982-00327408 They forbid you from recreating the software, from redistributing the software, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00591-00327408-00327876 all that kind of stuff, and they allow a company to hide the code that they use in Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00592-00327876-00328350 order to actually create that software so that it can't get rebuilt, or something like that. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00593-00328458-00329304 And then there's the trade secrets. Uh, these are the ones that, um, you never actually hear about. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00594-00329304-00330096 So Microsoft releases Word and Excel and Access and all that kind of stuff under proprietary Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00595-00330096-00330786 licenses, but the trade secret would be something that never even gets released to the public. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00596-00330786-00331452 A lot of companies will make internal software that never gets released and is protected Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00597-00331452-00331812 under things like non-disclosure agreements and stuff like that. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00598-00331812-00332214 Some of the projects that I have done working for software companies Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00599-00332214-00332688 would be considered trade secret-type of licensing, because they never got released. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00600-00332688-00333108 They were just used for internal testing and things like that. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00601-00333222-00333576 Alright, so, finally, I want to talk a little bit about firmware. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00602-00333576-00334116 I alluded to it before but we're going to have a very brief discussion about what it is. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00603-00334116-00334602 Firmware is software that is installed into read-only memory. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00604-00334602-00335088 What I mean by read-only memory here is I'm talking about some Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00605-00335088-00335562 sort of main memory which the CPU is able to easily access. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00606-00335676-00336084 The main memory that we're familiar with is RAM, Random Access Memory. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00607-00336084-00336504 You can put data on that memory at any spot in the memory, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00608-00336504-00336984 and then you can take data off of that memory. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00609-00336984-00337470 You know, you can read what's on there, and then you can overwrite the data that's already there. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00610-00337470-00337950 So RAM is actually considered to be a read-write type of memory. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00611-00338004-00338514 This is opposed to the read-only memory, the ROM, that we're talking about here. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00612-00338514-00339066 Read-only memory specifically means that you can't write to that area of memory. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00613-00339066-00339360 You can only read it and see what's there. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00614-00339420-00340242 A type of read-only memory you might be familiar with is a CD or DVD, because you put information Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00615-00340242-00340926 on there when you initially burn it, and then—unless you have a rewritable CD or DVD; Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00616-00340926-00341688 typically, they're not rewritable—but then, you can only read from it, so it's a read-only memory. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00617-00341802-00342054 Now, in this case, when we're talking about firmware, typically, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00618-00342054-00342726 it's going to be some kind of chip that's electrically connected directly to the CPU, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00619-00342726-00343104 directly to the processor that's running this whole device. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00620-00343104-00343494 So it's going to be software that is very easy to access. It Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00621-00343494-00343962 defines core operational features of that device. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00622-00344088-00344478 One example would be BIOS, the BIOS on your computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00623-00344478-00345138 If you're familiar with what BIOS is, and you might not be because it's a very technical thing, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00624-00345138-00345474 but, if you've ever had to open up the BIOS menu in your computer, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00625-00345474-00346152 that actually would have something to do with accessing the firmware of your computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00626-00346152-00346746 And, in this case, in your computer, what the firmware does is it actually helps the Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00627-00346746-00347178 computer start your operating system for the very first time. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00628-00347178-00347646 When you turn on your computer, it doesn't just automatically start the operating system. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00629-00347646-00348132 It actually has to have the computer, the processor, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00630-00348132-00348846 go to the right area on your storage disk and start loading up operating system information. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00631-00348966-00349182 So that's what the firmware does in your computer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00632-00349182-00349950 In your printer, the firmware is going to control, well, all the behavior of it. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00633-00349950-00350286 So, receiving data through the cord, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00634-00350286-00350670 or through the internet if it's a wireless printer, it's going to handle all of that. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00635-00350670-00351012 It's going to handle putting the print head in exactly the right place, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00636-00351012-00351192 the paper in exactly the right place. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00637-00351192-00351636 It's going to handle everything that needs to happen in order Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00638-00351636-00351942 for the printer to print what it needs to. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00639-00351942-00352524 It has a lot of applications in smaller computers as well, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00640-00352524-00352962 like the really small computers that control small devices. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00641-00352962-00353472 When we get into the internet of things… so your smart thermostat Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00642-00353472-00353820 will probably have a com– will have a computer with Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00643-00353874-00354690 a lot of firmware on it that controls all the, well, thermostat controls and so on and so forth. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00644-00354804-00355296 A great example of firmware actually would be things like video games. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00645-00355296-00355782 So, back when video games were included on cartridges Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00646-00355848-00356508 on systems like the NES or SNES, all the way up to things like the Nintendo switch or, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00647-00356652-00356928 um, you know, the Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo DS, all that kind of stuff… Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00648-00356928-00357456 if you are playing games off of a cartridge like that, that is essentially firmware. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00649-00357456-00358152 There is software installed into read-only memory that dictates how a specific game Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00650-00358152-00358818 needs to be played, so that is something you may have encountered if you are a gamer. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00651-00358926-00359172 Now, it is possible Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00652-00359280-00359802 to change or upgrade the firmware, even though it's stored in read-only memory. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00653-00359802-00360186 There's often something called flashing Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00654-00360240-00360996 memory, where you can actually put new data onto a read-only chip. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00655-00360996-00361542 And it's a very very dangerous procedure, so typically this is Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00656-00361638-00362244 only changed or upgraded by IT professionals, or, you know, very foolish people who Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00657-00362310-00362664 overestimate their own skill and then potentially break things. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00658-00362664-00363288 I'm not saying I've done this, but I have been known to be foolish around electronics before. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00659-00363378-00363870 There's a lot of very smart people out there who are able to do all this kind Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00660-00363870-00364518 of flashing stuff and unlock some really incredible features inside Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00661-00364518-00364914 of devices that you might not have ever thought about them. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00662-00364914-00365430 Some of the video game modding community in particular has Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00663-00365502-00366066 some people who can do some really neat things with flashing read-only memory in Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00664-00366066-00366684 order in order to change or unlock features in devices or actual games themselves. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00665-00366684-00367146 So if you're interested in that, that's the direction I would think about going. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00666-00367332-00367776 Well, with firmware, we wrap up our entire discussion about software. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00667-00367776-00368124 It's very involved, I know, but there's a lot of information to Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00668-00368124-00368718 talk about when it comes to software, so I hope this was helpful for you. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00669-00368718-00369324 The last thing we're going to talk about is a probably much shorter video on open source, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00670-00369324-00369858 because this is a discussion that I think is really important when you're choosing software for Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00671-00369858-00370374 yourself and for your organization, and one that I don't necessarily agree with the textbook on. Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00672-00370374-00371112 So if you enjoy the drama between me and the textbook having different opinions, Cn3Ml5Z1yLg-00673-00371112-00371268 then we can look forward to that. Cn_5bYskLJk-00000-00000006-00000560 It's just a blight. At the end the day it's an illegal act - dumping rubbish in Cn_5bYskLJk-00001-00000560-00000930 our beautiful countryside predominantly and it's just a terrible terrible thing Cn_5bYskLJk-00002-00000930-00001338 and also massively unnecessary. It costs the industry thousands and thousands Cn_5bYskLJk-00003-00001338-00001722 because we as farmers obviously we we're custodians of the environment we want to Cn_5bYskLJk-00004-00001722-00002327 look after the environment and obviously our business property and having fridges Cn_5bYskLJk-00005-00002327-00002639 mattresses and other waste dumped and some of it can be really nasty Cn_5bYskLJk-00006-00002639-00003053 asbestos and horrible substances like that. We have to bear the Cn_5bYskLJk-00007-00003053-00003473 brunt of cleaning that up and not only that, it's the time spent Cn_5bYskLJk-00008-00003473-00003773 cleaning it up, it's the time and money spent on trying to stop people doing in Cn_5bYskLJk-00009-00003773-00004284 the first place - be it gateways, new gates and having you know ditches, trenches Cn_5bYskLJk-00010-00004284-00004637 hedges, all those things trying to stop people driving into the lovely Cn_5bYskLJk-00011-00004637-00005048 countryside and unfortunately putting waste in it. Know where to take your Cn_5bYskLJk-00012-00005048-00005357 waste to, rather than just think are the easiest thing is an entranceway or gateway Cn_5bYskLJk-00013-00005357-00005837 or something of a farm, take it to a correct disposal site, a Council site and Cn_5bYskLJk-00014-00005837-00006248 and that that way that is the right way of doing it. It's the arguably Cn_5bYskLJk-00015-00006248-00006650 easier anyway and it's not illegal. DohwYtyD-Wk-00000-00000237-00000383 The career fair is DohwYtyD-Wk-00001-00000383-00000742 an event that we allow our students to come to start networking with employers DohwYtyD-Wk-00002-00000742-00001105 for internship opportunities as well as full time job opportunities. DohwYtyD-Wk-00003-00001192-00001463 I came to a career fair because I feel like it's DohwYtyD-Wk-00004-00001493-00001805 a good opportunity for me, especially being a business major. DohwYtyD-Wk-00005-00001843-00002210 To you know, explore and to see all the business and companies around DohwYtyD-Wk-00006-00002210-00002652 and try to put my name out there and to, you know, try to get some internships DohwYtyD-Wk-00007-00002652-00002873 and some co-ops. DohwYtyD-Wk-00008-00002965-00003203 All my classes in marketing have prepared me DohwYtyD-Wk-00009-00003203-00003445 very well to come and talk to the companies. DohwYtyD-Wk-00010-00003461-00003895 And even if I was a little bit nervous, it's — I learned that it was totally fine. DohwYtyD-Wk-00011-00003895-00004083 And the companies are just so welcoming DohwYtyD-Wk-00012-00004083-00004425 that I feel like I can I was well prepared to speak with them. DohwYtyD-Wk-00013-00004437-00004821 Actually, they prepared a PowerPoint for us to look over and talk about DohwYtyD-Wk-00014-00004821-00004988 and so we had two classes on that. DohwYtyD-Wk-00015-00004996-00005359 It helped me with everything about what to wear, what to bring, DohwYtyD-Wk-00016-00005359-00005534 how what to do afterwards. DohwYtyD-Wk-00017-00005534-00005805 It's a great opportunity to meet new companies, meet actually new people, DohwYtyD-Wk-00018-00005805-00006039 and just put yourself out there. DohwYtyD-Wk-00019-00006039-00006556 I definitely wanted to expand my knowledge on what companies are out there, DohwYtyD-Wk-00020-00006556-00007036 what I can do professionally whether I have thought about them in the past. DohwYtyD-Wk-00021-00007036-00007286 I'm learning about a bunch of new companies, which is great. DohwYtyD-Wk-00022-00007286-00007528 So it's just expanding my horizons. DohwYtyD-Wk-00023-00007553-00007891 Just being able to talk to people, go out, ask questions DohwYtyD-Wk-00024-00007891-00008208 and just know what I'm looking for when I'm looking for an internship. DohwYtyD-Wk-00025-00008249-00008345 They are well prepared. DohwYtyD-Wk-00026-00008345-00008708 We have lots of crash courses in order to prepare our students for these events. DohwYtyD-Wk-00027-00008725-00008971 So they come here ready to engage with employers. DohwYtyD-Wk-00028-00008971-00009100 They know what they are looking for, DohwYtyD-Wk-00029-00009100-00009471 and we always get a lot of positive feedback from our employers regarding UA DohwYtyD-Wk-00030-00009471-00009522 students. D0qSp-v7RPI-00000-00000297-00000497 Im finally free D0JvXehPr18-00000-00000047-00001540 Today, what we're planning on doing during the episode - during class - is talking about some of your topics. D0JvXehPr18-00001-00001546-00002011 What I think is happening with a lot of people who are selecting your topics, and struggling D0JvXehPr18-00002-00002011-00002440 with your projects, more generally, is that this is kind of how they're stated, at least D0JvXehPr18-00003-00002440-00002651 in the spreadsheet that we have shared at the moment. D0JvXehPr18-00004-00002651-00003117 So when I ask you what your project is on, you're saying the project is on gay marriage, D0JvXehPr18-00005-00003117-00003664 or is on mental illness, or on study habits, right? D0JvXehPr18-00006-00003664-00004360 What we want you help you do today in today's class is to help clean these up, to ask questions D0JvXehPr18-00007-00004360-00004970 that are going to help clarify what the project is about, and how to do it really, really well. D0JvXehPr18-00008-00004970-00005455 So what's a good project topic? Facilitated communication, right? That would be an outstanding one. D0JvXehPr18-00009-00005455-00005820 As I said, I've watched the documentary 36 times. We're using it for a reason. D0JvXehPr18-00010-00005820-00006369 But the question, if I were to ask you what your topic was on, it's not "is Facilitated D0JvXehPr18-00011-00006369-00007051 Communication effective?" Instead, it's "why do people believe that Facilitated Communication works?" D0JvXehPr18-00012-00007109-00007509 The first one has to do with the technique—Facilitated Communication— D0JvXehPr18-00013-00007509-00007778 The second one has to do with psychology. D0JvXehPr18-00014-00007778-00008381 Take vaccinations, same issue: when it comes to vaccinations, it's not "are vaccinations effective", D0JvXehPr18-00015-00008381-00009070 or "do vaccines cause autism", right? It's "why don't people vaccinate their children?" D0JvXehPr18-00016-00009072-00009743 Sophie Collombet case - is anyone not familiar with Sophie's murder recently? D0JvXehPr18-00017-00009743-00010296 This was right in our backyard, and she took the CityGlider, she was going to get a ride D0JvXehPr18-00018-00010296-00010671 from her friend but she declined and said she was going to take the bus, and something D0JvXehPr18-00019-00010671-00011140 happened between her getting off at the Cultural Centre and walking along the riverside, and D0JvXehPr18-00020-00011140-00011370 getting to the Go Between bridge. D0JvXehPr18-00021-00011370-00011939 There weren't that many people around, and she was murdered. D0JvXehPr18-00022-00011939-00012400 After this unfolded and they caught the guy, I was walking to uni one day, chatting with D0JvXehPr18-00023-00012400-00012883 one of my colleagues, who is also in Psychology, and she's a runner. D0JvXehPr18-00024-00012883-00013336 But I said, "Hey, what are you doing, you normally run at night, after work"? D0JvXehPr18-00025-00013336-00013743 Well, she said says "Well, not any more because of the Sophie Collombet case." D0JvXehPr18-00026-00013743-00014443 I said, "Hang on, do you really think this is endemic-that this is something that is D0JvXehPr18-00027-00014558-00015340 going to continue? They caught the guy, are murders after dark increasing that would justify your decision to stop running?" D0JvXehPr18-00028-00015347-00016047 We want you to come up with a question that would properly investigate this issue. D0JvXehPr18-00029-00016081-00016781 This is really easy to find this kind of information, you just essentially type in the postal code D0JvXehPr18-00030-00016920-00017490 of the suburb that you want to find information about, and it gives you all sorts of crime data. D0JvXehPr18-00031-00017498-00017808 But think about how you might scale it up, okay? D0JvXehPr18-00032-00017808-00018295 If you literally wanted to show people this thing that everyone here was astounded by, D0JvXehPr18-00033-00018295-00018890 that this information was available, searching the information within your own building to see the crime statistics. D0JvXehPr18-00034-00018898-00019320 If you wanted to tell people about that, you felt passionately about it, what could you do? D0JvXehPr18-00035-00019322-00019970 Possibly, I'm thinking wrong, you know? My thinking is wrong about this and maybe I should be more careful. D0JvXehPr18-00036-00019978-00020678 But if it's just a once-off event that happens once a year, or rarely, then it's like why D0JvXehPr18-00037-00020904-00021312 am I going to freak out about something that just happened that once? D0JvXehPr18-00038-00021312-00021680 Women are supposed to be comforting and they're supposed to be helping and supposed to be D0JvXehPr18-00039-00021680-00021887 aiding and that's what we think women should be. D0JvXehPr18-00040-00021887-00022187 So when someone violates that, when they want to be promoted, when they want to be assertive, D0JvXehPr18-00041-00022187-00022630 when they want to get ahead, we go, well, it's like it violates your fundamental assumptions D0JvXehPr18-00042-00022630-00022745 and you just go, "Nope." D0JvXehPr18-00043-00022745-00023700 Are people's concerns warranted? Has the world actually changed, or is this an availability effect? D0JvXehPr18-00044-00023706-00024220 If people start changing their habits then everyone's running in the morning, say, then D0JvXehPr18-00045-00024220-00024690 that just creates a different target - it's not actually going to solve anything. D0JvXehPr18-00046-00024690-00025323 You're more likely to be hit by a car crossing the road to avoid someone you think is going D0JvXehPr18-00047-00025323-00025776 to attack you than you are dying at their hand, of their attacking you. D35PfaE-G9M-00000-00000014-00000214 Why Do A Fan Have Capacitor ? D35PfaE-G9M-00001-00000214-00000672 Any single phase motor as used in fan consists of a stator and main winding with a rotor D35PfaE-G9M-00002-00000672-00000810 shaft. D35PfaE-G9M-00003-00000810-00001257 Now with alternating current supply to the stator winding; alternating flux is produced D35PfaE-G9M-00004-00001257-00001538 which then induce a current in the primary winding. D35PfaE-G9M-00005-00001538-00001807 Let’s learn about this through the diagram. D35PfaE-G9M-00006-00001807-00002148 The diagram represents the circuital arrangement of the fan. D35PfaE-G9M-00007-00002148-00002663 According to the diagram it has one running and one starting winding; also known as “stator” D35PfaE-G9M-00008-00002663-00002884 connected to the power supply. D35PfaE-G9M-00009-00002884-00003346 One capacitor is serially connected with the starting winding and one rotor. D35PfaE-G9M-00010-00003346-00003823 Here the starting winding has low inductive reactance but high resistance; while the main D35PfaE-G9M-00011-00003823-00004180 windings have high inductive reactance but low resistance. D35PfaE-G9M-00012-00004180-00004567 Now let consider an electrical fan circuit without any capacitor. D35PfaE-G9M-00013-00004567-00005075 Now with the switch closed the circuit is complete; A 230-volt alternating current flows D35PfaE-G9M-00014-00005075-00005332 through the starting and running winding. D35PfaE-G9M-00015-00005332-00006023 This produces a non-rotating but pulsating magnetic field from 0 to 180-degree intensity. D35PfaE-G9M-00016-00006023-00006456 When we have the same phase for two winding, no magnetic rotation will be created; hence D35PfaE-G9M-00017-00006456-00007783 the rotor will not be rotated for this type of arrangement of the D35PfaE-G9M-00018-00007783-00008006 fan without a capacitor. D35PfaE-G9M-00019-00008006-00008634 To create magnetic rotation we have to create two different phases for two different winding. D35PfaE-G9M-00020-00008634-00009200 Now since we have a single-phase connection at home we cannot make two phases to give. D35PfaE-G9M-00021-00009200-00009535 To overcome this problem capacitor is used. D35PfaE-G9M-00022-00009535-00009974 Now let’s consider the circuital arrangement with the capacitor; which is serially connected D35PfaE-G9M-00023-00009974-00010142 to the starting winding. D35PfaE-G9M-00024-00010142-00010647 Now when the switch is closed; the same 230 volt AC is entering the running winding and D35PfaE-G9M-00025-00010647-00010747 capacitor. D35PfaE-G9M-00026-00010747-00011117 The phase that gets enter into the capacitor will get shifted 90 degrees in phase inside D35PfaE-G9M-00027-00011117-00011557 capacitors and comes out, and now this shifted phase is entering into the starting winding D35PfaE-G9M-00028-00011557-00011824 while the applied phase is in the running winding. D35PfaE-G9M-00029-00011824-00012239 Due to two different phases in each winding, the magnetic rotation will be created and D35PfaE-G9M-00030-00012239-00012438 thus cause the rotor to rotate. D35PfaE-G9M-00031-00012438-00012881 When the motor speed reaches about 70% of its synchronous speed; the capacitor along D35PfaE-G9M-00032-00012881-00013246 with stator winding is disconnected using a centrifugal switch. D35PfaE-G9M-00033-00013246-00013666 The capacity of the capacitor is chosen based on the initial load torque requirement and D35PfaE-G9M-00034-00013666-00013881 are generally 2.25 micro farad. DwRpLo5iWSU-00000-00000355-00001020 Hello, everyone. DwRpLo5iWSU-00001-00001020-00001410 Hello, and welcome to Metcalf Institute’s 25th Annual Public Lecture Series. I am Sunshine Menezes, DwRpLo5iWSU-00002-00001410-00001970 Metcalf’s Executive director, joining you today from the ancestral and current homelands of the Narragansett DwRpLo5iWSU-00003-00001970-00002600 and Eastern Niantic Nations. Their lands and waters originally Encompassed what is now the state of DwRpLo5iWSU-00004-00002600-00003315 Rhode Island into eastern Connecticut and southern Massachusetts. We pay our respects to elders past and present. DwRpLo5iWSU-00005-00003315-00003660 The University of Rhode Island’s Metcalf Institute has DwRpLo5iWSU-00006-00003660-00004195 been advancing informed and inclusive public conversations about science and the environment since DwRpLo5iWSU-00007-00004195-00004815 1998. We achieve this through science training for professional journalists, communication training for DwRpLo5iWSU-00008-00004815-00005125 scientists, and public events like this one. We also DwRpLo5iWSU-00009-00005125-00006515 founded the Inclusive SciComm Symposium, which brings together researchers and practitioners from DwRpLo5iWSU-00010-00006515-00006925 across the world make all types of science communication more inclusive and equitable. DwRpLo5iWSU-00011-00006925-00007545 This year’s lecture series explores the unique challenges that inland and coastal flooding have created for the DwRpLo5iWSU-00012-00007545-00008140 physical and social infrastructures that sustain communities. Climate change is causing more frequent and DwRpLo5iWSU-00013-00008140-00008735 intense precipitation and flooding events around the world. We see this in stalled hurricanes that dump DwRpLo5iWSU-00014-00008735-00009050 unimaginable volumes of rain over the course of a few DwRpLo5iWSU-00015-00009050-00009725 days. We see it in so-called 100-year storms that are now happening much more frequently. DwRpLo5iWSU-00016-00009725-00010025 And we see the impacts play out in many ways, too. These DwRpLo5iWSU-00017-00010025-00010355 impacts, from outdated Infrastructure to the loss of DwRpLo5iWSU-00018-00010355-00010690 homes and livelihoods, are felt disproportionately among DwRpLo5iWSU-00019-00010690-00011005 low wealth communities and communities of color. DwRpLo5iWSU-00020-00011005-00011310 This week, through discussions of flooding risks, DwRpLo5iWSU-00021-00011310-00011685 infrastructure, flood policy and planning, and community DwRpLo5iWSU-00022-00011685-00012440 action, we will investigate the far-reaching effects that flooding can have on communities, to further DwRpLo5iWSU-00023-00012440-00013395 understand how to support equitable, community-based solutions to DwRpLo5iWSU-00024-00013395-00013715 The increasing challenge of major flood events around the world. We want to thank you all for being here today DwRpLo5iWSU-00025-00013715-00014110 to further explore this critical topic. I also want to note that, thanks to our generous advisory DwRpLo5iWSU-00026-00014110-00014415 board, Metcalf Institute has a dollar-for-dollar matching DwRpLo5iWSU-00027-00014415-00015035 opportunity this month, until June 30, for all donations DwRpLo5iWSU-00028-00015035-00015405 up to $11,000. Your gifts support public programs like DwRpLo5iWSU-00029-00015405-00015805 this one, as well as training opportunities, all in the DwRpLo5iWSU-00030-00015805-00016405 interest of advancing conversations that increase awareness and action on the urgent challenges posed by DwRpLo5iWSU-00031-00016405-00017074 Climate change and environmental inequities. If you would like your gift automatically doubled please DwRpLo5iWSU-00032-00017074-00017565 click on the link that is now in the chat. DwRpLo5iWSU-00033-00017565-00018280 And now, to today’s lecture, which is setting the stage for the rest of the week’s events. DwRpLo5iWSU-00034-00018280-00018995 Currently, an average of 3.6 million people in the U.S. are exposed to flooding events each year. DwRpLo5iWSU-00035-00018995-00019440 According to a recent study led by today’s speaker, we can expect a roughly 20% increase in DwRpLo5iWSU-00036-00019440-00019750 Exposure to flood risk in the coming years because of DwRpLo5iWSU-00037-00019750-00020385 climate change, affecting more than 4 million people annually. DwRpLo5iWSU-00038-00020385-00020850 To tell us more about this, we’re pleased to welcome Dr. Oliver Wing. Dr. Wing is Chief Research Officer at DwRpLo5iWSU-00039-00020850-00021220 Fathom, a private firm that provides global, cutting edge DwRpLo5iWSU-00040-00021220-00021675 flood risk modeling. Dr. Wing received his PhD from the DwRpLo5iWSU-00041-00021675-00022205 University of Bristol in the UK where he developed and DwRpLo5iWSU-00042-00022205-00022655 tested novel flood hazard models. He continued this work as a postdoctoral researcher in the Hydrology Research DwRpLo5iWSU-00043-00022655-00023065 Group at the University of Bristol, improving and further DwRpLo5iWSU-00044-00023065-00023345 Developing large-scale flood models for use globally. He DwRpLo5iWSU-00045-00023345-00023940 still holds a position with the University as an Honorary Research Fellow, while ensuring that Fathom’s DwRpLo5iWSU-00046-00023940-00024330 flood risk mapping technologies remain research-based, transparent, DwRpLo5iWSU-00047-00024330-00024770 and peer-reviewed by academics in the field. Dr. Wing DwRpLo5iWSU-00048-00024770-00025360 continues with his role in academia as a reviewer and publisher for major hydrology journals and regularly DwRpLo5iWSU-00049-00025360-00026225 speaks on issues related to flood risk and climate change. DwRpLo5iWSU-00050-00026225-00026670 Welcome, Dr. Wing. DwRpLo5iWSU-00051-00026985-00027330 Thank you very much for the introduction. Let me just share my screen DwRpLo5iWSU-00052-00027330-00027790 . Thank you to DwRpLo5iWSU-00053-00027790-00028100 Sunshine and the Metcalf Institute for the invite to this DwRpLo5iWSU-00054-00028100-00028460 lecture series. I'm very honored to be invited to speak here. DwRpLo5iWSU-00055-00028460-00028810 Thank you for the introduction. He did most of the DwRpLo5iWSU-00056-00028810-00029164 job of my first sight for me. I will just repeat my DwRpLo5iWSU-00057-00029164-00029490 name is Oliver Wing, the chief research officer DwRpLo5iWSU-00058-00029490-00029865 and also a fellow at DwRpLo5iWSU-00059-00029865-00030265 the University of Bristol DwRpLo5iWSU-00060-00030265-00030590 . I will be discussing at DwRpLo5iWSU-00061-00030590-00030920 large scales how we go around understanding the historical risk as well as DwRpLo5iWSU-00062-00030920-00031255 a future risk and understanding the implications of the translation DwRpLo5iWSU-00063-00031255-00031595 from hazard to risk that these models can tell us DwRpLo5iWSU-00064-00031595-00031940 . So this talk is creatively titled DwRpLo5iWSU-00065-00031940-00032265 mind the gaps, accounting for present and future flood DwRpLo5iWSU-00066-00032265-00032580 risk. We are going to be gap DwRpLo5iWSU-00067-00032580-00032925 mining across many dimensions of the stock, across space, DwRpLo5iWSU-00068-00032925-00033230 time, frequency, race, wealth, DwRpLo5iWSU-00069-00033230-00033535 demography. So more of that to come DwRpLo5iWSU-00070-00033535-00033920 . DwRpLo5iWSU-00071-00033920-00034410 Before I get started, it would be remiss of me to not discuss DwRpLo5iWSU-00072-00034410-00034740 Fathom. I'm just the sky from a private firm talking DwRpLo5iWSU-00073-00034740-00035060 about flood risk. We are founded through the University of Bristol DwRpLo5iWSU-00074-00035060-00035380 's Hydrology Research Group just under a decade ago. And I DwRpLo5iWSU-00075-00035380-00035745 am biased of course but I'd be happy to give you both quantitative DwRpLo5iWSU-00076-00035745-00036165 and qualitative evidence that we are the best research group in the world DwRpLo5iWSU-00077-00036165-00036560 studying global flood risk. DwRpLo5iWSU-00078-00036560-00036995 And I guess it's important to not really that DwRpLo5iWSU-00079-00036995-00037380 Fathom continues to operate much like university research group. DwRpLo5iWSU-00080-00037380-00037685 All of our efforts are peer-reviewed and published DwRpLo5iWSU-00081-00037685-00038005 in high academic journals and all data is freely available DwRpLo5iWSU-00082-00038005-00038468 for academic researchers to use. Indeed, we collaborate DwRpLo5iWSU-00083-00038468-00038875 with researchers globally as well. The reason I emphasize this much is because DwRpLo5iWSU-00084-00038875-00039290 that text in red there is relatively recent really DwRpLo5iWSU-00085-00039290-00039645 . Businesses have started showing serial interest DwRpLo5iWSU-00086-00039645-00039955 in climate risk. DwRpLo5iWSU-00087-00039955-00040410 Whether that is for reputational reasons, regulatory reasons or another reason DwRpLo5iWSU-00088-00040410-00040950 why they care about the risk posed due to climate change. DwRpLo5iWSU-00089-00040950-00041395 The new demand has been a bunch of so-called DwRpLo5iWSU-00090-00041395-00041705 climate service providers to meet this demand. DwRpLo5iWSU-00091-00041705-00042065 And academics are becoming increasingly aware of organizations DwRpLo5iWSU-00092-00042065-00042450 that are doing this and they can typically be characterized as DwRpLo5iWSU-00093-00042450-00042765 having opaque methodologies have very closed DwRpLo5iWSU-00094-00042765-00043075 models and we don't necessarily know what's going on under DwRpLo5iWSU-00095-00043075-00043400 the hood. At reference there is a good example DwRpLo5iWSU-00096-00043400-00043865 academics sort of getting to grips with DwRpLo5iWSU-00097-00043865-00044175 how they are being used and indeed misused in private industry. DwRpLo5iWSU-00098-00044175-00044520 Fathom DwRpLo5iWSU-00099-00044520-00045105 exist to be a bastion to that trend. DwRpLo5iWSU-00100-00045105-00045715 What I can and can't tell you about risk at different scales. It is very important. DwRpLo5iWSU-00101-00045715-00046040 So, two died in it, you've got DwRpLo5iWSU-00102-00046040-00046415 a nice animation on your screen there. I often think DwRpLo5iWSU-00103-00046415-00046730 being a flood model is more an artist than a scientist DwRpLo5iWSU-00104-00046730-00047270 job. We can produce many models that DwRpLo5iWSU-00105-00047270-00047750 I will show throughout the meeting. I will be charting the story of how we DwRpLo5iWSU-00106-00047750-00048204 grow from local too global models. DwRpLo5iWSU-00107-00048204-00048505 On your screen is a flood that hit Des Moines Iowa in DwRpLo5iWSU-00108-00048505-00048985 2018 and even though it's DwRpLo5iWSU-00109-00048985-00049300 pretty in particular ways, there's nothing in particular about this DwRpLo5iWSU-00110-00049300-00049600 model. Flood models have DwRpLo5iWSU-00111-00049600-00050135 been ubiquitous across the half-century and more I ran -- managing risk. DwRpLo5iWSU-00112-00050135-00050461 The physics of how water moves down channels and across plains and DwRpLo5iWSU-00113-00050461-00050945 have done for hundreds of years. The thing that makes it DwRpLo5iWSU-00114-00050945-00051495 tricky when scaling it up is that these models are incredibly data hungry. DwRpLo5iWSU-00115-00051495-00051805 They need accurate and precise information around all sorts of things DwRpLo5iWSU-00116-00051805-00052185 that I will get onto, and these equations DwRpLo5iWSU-00117-00052185-00052495 that underlined the hydraulic models are very expensive so it DwRpLo5iWSU-00118-00052495-00052845 makes these models very difficult to scale. Such DwRpLo5iWSU-00119-00052845-00053235 So to talk you through some of the building blocks and how you go about building DwRpLo5iWSU-00120-00053235-00053736 a typical flood model. You start off with elevation data DwRpLo5iWSU-00121-00053736-00054265 and an example of excellent data source for this is DwRpLo5iWSU-00122-00054265-00054650 LiDAR P or Q might have read as a DwRpLo5iWSU-00123-00054650-00055135 laser map. A plane flying overhead shooting lasers over ground DwRpLo5iWSU-00124-00055135-00055555 measuring how long it takes for the laser to return to getting very nice DwRpLo5iWSU-00125-00055555-00055940 picture of what the terrain looks like. We also need some mass input to that DwRpLo5iWSU-00126-00055940-00056465 model. How much water would be put at the top to DwRpLo5iWSU-00127-00056465-00057055 flow over the floodplain. We often have stream gages that formed this DwRpLo5iWSU-00128-00057055-00057750 and this in Macau. Another crucial matter is Channel bathymetry. DwRpLo5iWSU-00129-00057750-00058085 Whether you've got a boat or put your waiters on and puts DwRpLo5iWSU-00130-00058085-00058475 put some measuring sticks we need to understand how to DwRpLo5iWSU-00131-00058475-00058790 -- how deep the channels are and that shape. If DwRpLo5iWSU-00132-00058790-00059105 you don't have that information the model can be extremely overprotective. DwRpLo5iWSU-00133-00059105-00059520 The rivers obviously convey the bulk of DwRpLo5iWSU-00134-00059520-00059910 flood flow so if all that water is dumped onto the flood DwRpLo5iWSU-00135-00059910-00060224 plane without conveyance down the channel you get a very overprotective picture of DwRpLo5iWSU-00136-00060224-00060625 what the flood extent might be. And then the last thing in my DwRpLo5iWSU-00137-00060625-00060950 simple little schematic that DwRpLo5iWSU-00138-00060950-00061255 you need a core set of equations that tells you how water moves from letter DwRpLo5iWSU-00139-00061255-00061570 a to B. There is DwRpLo5iWSU-00140-00061570-00061960 less of different codes that do this. DwRpLo5iWSU-00141-00061960-00062380 HEC-RAS being one of them. When it comes to the global outlook, these DwRpLo5iWSU-00142-00062380-00062720 global components are essentially the same. We don't DwRpLo5iWSU-00143-00062720-00063230 have River gauges everywhere. In fact, we have them in very few places DwRpLo5iWSU-00144-00063230-00063690 and is declining. DwRpLo5iWSU-00145-00063690-00064030 The US has a lot of River gauges thanks DwRpLo5iWSU-00146-00064030-00064595 to the US geological survey, but by no means is every River covered. DwRpLo5iWSU-00147-00064595-00064925 We also can't see beneath the surface of rivers DwRpLo5iWSU-00148-00064925-00065285 rivers, from space or from air so that makes DwRpLo5iWSU-00149-00065285-00065584 the job of understanding bed elevations DwRpLo5iWSU-00150-00065584-00066175 quite difficult. High-quality elevation data. DwRpLo5iWSU-00151-00066175-00066490 Elevation data as you can imagine is the most important part of the flood model. DwRpLo5iWSU-00152-00066490-00066825 There's nothing new in the physical equations DwRpLo5iWSU-00153-00066825-00067130 that tells us that water moves downhill. We need to know DwRpLo5iWSU-00154-00067130-00067460 where downhill is, and if we don't have data that is DwRpLo5iWSU-00155-00067460-00067845 reliable to tell us that in the model is pretty unreliable as well. DwRpLo5iWSU-00156-00067845-00068395 So this LiDAR data is the gold standard DwRpLo5iWSU-00157-00068395-00068695 for wide area elevation data building. DwRpLo5iWSU-00158-00068695-00069051 The reality is that it doesn't just exist over DwRpLo5iWSU-00159-00069051-00069390 a lot of areas. Quite a bit in the United States and Europe but by no means DwRpLo5iWSU-00160-00069390-00069695 do we have a seamless national picture. DwRpLo5iWSU-00161-00069695-00070150 The last problem is that these codes that were developed DwRpLo5iWSU-00162-00070150-00070475 to essentially solve the equations of waterflow as I mentioned DwRpLo5iWSU-00163-00070475-00070985 were quite expensive and that makes them very difficult to scale. DwRpLo5iWSU-00164-00070985-00071290 So this creates a problem, and how we go from DwRpLo5iWSU-00165-00071290-00071645 those larger or DwRpLo5iWSU-00166-00071645-00072000 small-scale models on on the left and scale those up to cover DwRpLo5iWSU-00167-00072000-00072325 an entire nation, continent or the world. And DwRpLo5iWSU-00168-00072325-00072860 it's a problem at the federal government has really struggled with DwRpLo5iWSU-00169-00072860-00073330 . The federal government charges of FEMA, a government to DwRpLo5iWSU-00170-00073330-00073660 flap -- DwRpLo5iWSU-00171-00073660-00074020 map flood hazards across the country. DwRpLo5iWSU-00172-00074020-00074380 To work out which homes have DwRpLo5iWSU-00173-00074380-00074720 two buy flood insurance which is also fairly manage. So DwRpLo5iWSU-00174-00074720-00075055 while it was not intended to be a risk communication DwRpLo5iWSU-00175-00075055-00075410 products, it has essentially become synonymous with that in the view of the DwRpLo5iWSU-00176-00075410-00075944 public. So according to FEMA, they have mapped 60 percent of the DwRpLo5iWSU-00177-00075944-00076465 contiguous United States. DwRpLo5iWSU-00178-00076465-00076774 The report suggests that only one third of stream of miles DwRpLo5iWSU-00179-00076774-00077101 have been modeled. Of that one third, DwRpLo5iWSU-00180-00077101-00077410 one quarter have recently been remodeled or updated DwRpLo5iWSU-00181-00077410-00077764 . So we've got about 8 percent of US rivers with an updated flood map DwRpLo5iWSU-00182-00077764-00078075 . And it is taken FEMA DwRpLo5iWSU-00183-00078075-00078455 and their engineering contractors over half a century to get to that number. DwRpLo5iWSU-00184-00078455-00078875 Number $10 billion to do that as well. DwRpLo5iWSU-00185-00078875-00079420 And over $10 billion to do that as well. So this is where our large DwRpLo5iWSU-00186-00079420-00079729 scale modeling comes in. It is gap filling. It is DwRpLo5iWSU-00187-00079729-00080060 taking these patchwork of local scanned models DwRpLo5iWSU-00188-00080060-00080445 and working out where the gaps are in filling those in. There's a DwRpLo5iWSU-00189-00080445-00080880 pretty nice pectoral example of that here we have the FEMA hundred year hazard DwRpLo5iWSU-00190-00080880-00081241 zones that are delineated by local engineers and then the model that DwRpLo5iWSU-00191-00081241-00081620 we built and we didn't even have to leave Bristol to do it. DwRpLo5iWSU-00192-00081620-00082120 So some of these key components have already touched on have been DwRpLo5iWSU-00193-00082120-00082512 addressed, either by us or by other scientists DwRpLo5iWSU-00194-00082512-00082955 or buy something else. One of those key things DwRpLo5iWSU-00195-00082955-00083300 always is the availability of computers. DwRpLo5iWSU-00196-00083300-00083600 I mentioned it so many times now. These models are DwRpLo5iWSU-00197-00083600-00083920 very expensive so if we can throw more computers at the problem we can DwRpLo5iWSU-00198-00083920-00084540 suddenly start to simulate why there are areas DwRpLo5iWSU-00199-00084540-00085230 -- where there are areas of finer details. DwRpLo5iWSU-00200-00085230-00085555 The hydraulic model at DwRpLo5iWSU-00201-00085555-00085915 Bristol differs from other models in that it is not full complexity. It doesn't DwRpLo5iWSU-00202-00085915-00086300 tell you everything about how water moves in DwRpLo5iWSU-00203-00086300-00086780 three dimensions and how water retains those terms within [ INDISCERNIBLE ] DwRpLo5iWSU-00204-00086780-00087120 and this DwRpLo5iWSU-00205-00087120-00087555 is essentially complex turns DwRpLo5iWSU-00206-00087555-00088120 which is a flood inundation and depth. DwRpLo5iWSU-00207-00088120-00088565 The main things that have allowed us to create models in the US is data. DwRpLo5iWSU-00208-00088565-00088904 Data is always a limiting factor in these models. DwRpLo5iWSU-00209-00088904-00089349 I mentioned how data hungry they are. So we could have gotten there DwRpLo5iWSU-00210-00089349-00089770 without the US geological survey and without DwRpLo5iWSU-00211-00089770-00090124 NOAA releasing a whole bunch of very critical data sources publicly DwRpLo5iWSU-00212-00090124-00090535 . Again, the most important point of those is the geological surveys DwRpLo5iWSU-00213-00090535-00091075 , national map of terrain, a lot of it is which DwRpLo5iWSU-00214-00091075-00091406 -- a lot of which is LiDAR. Also DwRpLo5iWSU-00215-00091406-00091876 the US geological surveys. Every gauge data, DwRpLo5iWSU-00216-00091876-00092310 all sorts of other very critical observations DwRpLo5iWSU-00217-00092310-00092640 . Tied gauges, rain gauges and so on. Without the availability DwRpLo5iWSU-00218-00092640-00093005 of the state and the databases, the whole endeavor would have been pretty hopeless. DwRpLo5iWSU-00219-00093005-00093365 And then another element of gap filling DwRpLo5iWSU-00220-00093365-00093700 that essentially was pioneered by DwRpLo5iWSU-00221-00093700-00094185 Fathom and our research at the University is DwRpLo5iWSU-00222-00094185-00094585 models to fill in the gaps where we don't have observations. That is what DwRpLo5iWSU-00223-00094585-00095025 we call regionalization peer where we have DwRpLo5iWSU-00224-00095025-00095390 River flow in one catchments DwRpLo5iWSU-00225-00095390-00095885 but not another catchment, use those catchment descriptors DwRpLo5iWSU-00226-00095885-00096280 to predict what the extreme flood might be. DwRpLo5iWSU-00227-00096280-00096645 So close you should really listen to anything I say unless I can prove to you DwRpLo5iWSU-00228-00096645-00097136 that the model works. The validation is essentially DwRpLo5iWSU-00229-00097136-00097469 the only important thing when it DwRpLo5iWSU-00230-00097469-00097820 comes to communicating science as it were. DwRpLo5iWSU-00231-00097820-00098129 But I can't tell you that these methods work or at least provide DwRpLo5iWSU-00232-00098129-00098660 some evidence as to what their skill is, that it is quite difficult to use them. DwRpLo5iWSU-00233-00098660-00099030 So we've done a whole bunch of the spirit of market are going to lose of detail, DwRpLo5iWSU-00234-00099030-00099410 but I will give you some flavor of it. But one of the tests that we DwRpLo5iWSU-00235-00099410-00099915 applied to this model was to compare it to those local engineering models. DwRpLo5iWSU-00236-00099915-00100270 So as I mentioned, they are a patchwork DwRpLo5iWSU-00237-00100270-00100610 of the national picture but where they exist, a lot of them DwRpLo5iWSU-00238-00100975-00101345 to a flood model output which you can sort of see DwRpLo5iWSU-00239-00101345-00101965 pictorially there and then we get some measure of fit to that. DwRpLo5iWSU-00240-00101965-00102320 One such score is called the critical success index. DwRpLo5iWSU-00241-00102320-00102620 This is the only boring metric I'm going to talk to about DwRpLo5iWSU-00242-00102620-00103060 which is essentially a quantification of model scale DwRpLo5iWSU-00243-00103060-00103529 . Honest map here we've got a map of DwRpLo5iWSU-00244-00103529-00104034 flooding from the Iowa flood center. We've got three types DwRpLo5iWSU-00245-00104034-00104339 of pixel as it were. The blue one is the DwRpLo5iWSU-00246-00104339-00104670 true positives so that is where our motto and Iowa flood DwRpLo5iWSU-00247-00104670-00104970 center agree that area is a 100 year DwRpLo5iWSU-00248-00104970-00105280 flood. The false positive which is where we have over DwRpLo5iWSU-00249-00105280-00105595 predicted what the Iowa flood center DwRpLo5iWSU-00250-00105595-00105890 things and in the false-negative is where we under predicted and then you get DwRpLo5iWSU-00251-00105890-00106450 a score out of using that equation on the left. It is relatively simple really. DwRpLo5iWSU-00252-00106450-00106780 And I guess it's important to set expectations for what that number should be. DwRpLo5iWSU-00253-00106780-00107225 We don't want to get one. Getting one would be essentially rewarding DwRpLo5iWSU-00254-00107225-00107560 the replication of noise. The benchmark data in our motto are DwRpLo5iWSU-00255-00107560-00107884 subject to error because DwRpLo5iWSU-00256-00107884-00108260 they are uncertain so you can only realistically obtain a fit of DwRpLo5iWSU-00257-00108260-00108735 .8 or so at best. And indeed DwRpLo5iWSU-00258-00108735-00109310 .7, .8, .9 is around we get when we DwRpLo5iWSU-00259-00109310-00109675 complete these metrics at a national scale. DwRpLo5iWSU-00260-00109675-00109980 Engineering grade models we do quite well similarly with DwRpLo5iWSU-00261-00109980-00110580 the FEMA 100 year flood map catalog as well. We've also DwRpLo5iWSU-00262-00110580-00110915 validated against observations. Model too model comparison is DwRpLo5iWSU-00263-00110915-00111355 circumstantial relay. Both models share DwRpLo5iWSU-00264-00111355-00111705 devices so can we actually reproduce DwRpLo5iWSU-00265-00111705-00112035 models of flats. Here's an example of a flood that DwRpLo5iWSU-00266-00112035-00112545 hit Omaha a few years ago as observed by planet satellites DwRpLo5iWSU-00267-00112545-00112875 in the simulation of that. Again we can compare that to using the same DwRpLo5iWSU-00268-00112875-00113395 metric. The more recent study we did that for DwRpLo5iWSU-00269-00113395-00113865 [ INDISCERNIBLE ] thanks to the DwRpLo5iWSU-00270-00113865-00114305 US geological survey for those DwRpLo5iWSU-00271-00114305-00114740 datasets. DwRpLo5iWSU-00272-00114740-00115350 [ INDISCERNIBLE ] a bunch of observations from the USGS that we can then try against. DwRpLo5iWSU-00273-00115350-00115709 I guess the other important thing on the types of floods that we simulate. DwRpLo5iWSU-00274-00115709-00116010 We have three floods that were DwRpLo5iWSU-00275-00116010-00116560 rivers. Fluvial DwRpLo5iWSU-00276-00116560-00116945 floods as well. Doesn't matter DwRpLo5iWSU-00277-00116945-00117350 whether rivers are. There's just so much rain under the surface that DwRpLo5iWSU-00278-00117350-00117940 I just follows the terrain. And we've seen that with recent DwRpLo5iWSU-00279-00117940-00118690 floods from tropical cyclones. Carve DwRpLo5iWSU-00280-00118690-00119030 hurricane Harvey is a good example of that. These are DwRpLo5iWSU-00281-00119030-00119425 floods that are generally not modeled by FEMA or DwRpLo5iWSU-00282-00119425-00119750 flood maps. That DwRpLo5iWSU-00283-00119750-00120090 is another important gap filling. There's coastal floods as well that may DwRpLo5iWSU-00284-00120090-00120415 be caused by high tides or storm surges where events have DwRpLo5iWSU-00285-00120415-00120770 occurred. Until the early indications of DwRpLo5iWSU-00286-00120770-00121110 the gap between this patchwork of a local scale studies DwRpLo5iWSU-00287-00121110-00121425 in the large-scale approach DwRpLo5iWSU-00288-00121425-00121770 back in 2018 is a factor of three. If you DwRpLo5iWSU-00289-00121770-00122100 count the people living in the regulatory flood zone which delineates DwRpLo5iWSU-00290-00122100-00122400 the hundred year flood versus the one week simulate a car you DwRpLo5iWSU-00291-00122400-00122820 get a stark difference there. DwRpLo5iWSU-00292-00122820-00123125 Our purpose is not to beat the federal government with a stick because I DwRpLo5iWSU-00293-00123125-00123465 haven't been using technology that wasn't available DwRpLo5iWSU-00294-00123465-00123784 to them. This science is relatively new. People in the DwRpLo5iWSU-00295-00123784-00124170 80s, 90s, early 2000 could not have done this. DwRpLo5iWSU-00296-00124170-00124495 So we shouldn't be too critical of them DwRpLo5iWSU-00297-00124495-00124830 . And indeed, some are starting to open themselves up to these DwRpLo5iWSU-00298-00124830-00125175 new technologies. DwRpLo5iWSU-00299-00125175-00125655 For example, refer to the Texas water development Board who were not aware of the shortcomings DwRpLo5iWSU-00300-00125655-00126005 in the coverage of the engineering maps that they been using so they used our DwRpLo5iWSU-00301-00126005-00126390 motto as the kind of base DwRpLo5iWSU-00302-00126390-00126774 model for this floodplain quilt and then overlay the more DwRpLo5iWSU-00303-00126774-00127100 localized study windows are available. DwRpLo5iWSU-00304-00127100-00127405 Ubiquitous by its absence I suppose, DwRpLo5iWSU-00305-00127405-00127885 conspicuous I should say by his absence, is the first DwRpLo5iWSU-00306-00127885-00128265 -- different is climate change which I haven't mentioned this DwRpLo5iWSU-00307-00128265-00128620 far despite being the topic of this entire lecture series picked engineering models and indeed DwRpLo5iWSU-00308-00128620-00129110 the large scale I've been telling you about happened DwRpLo5iWSU-00309-00129110-00129540 failing to recognize that because the climate is changing, therefore so is flood behavior. DwRpLo5iWSU-00310-00129540-00129960 And that is a problem. That is another gap to be filled. DwRpLo5iWSU-00311-00129960-00130265 So I will just take you through a short DwRpLo5iWSU-00312-00130265-00130720 on what the DwRpLo5iWSU-00313-00130720-00131065 IC PP report says last year about the effects of floods. I put in a DwRpLo5iWSU-00314-00131065-00131395 graphic there from the IPCC's. DwRpLo5iWSU-00315-00131395-00131840 And with that shows there is the annual maximum DwRpLo5iWSU-00316-00131840-00132160 accumulation of how it is going to change and a DwRpLo5iWSU-00317-00132160-00132520 2 degrees world versus one in recent history. DwRpLo5iWSU-00318-00132520-00132875 She can see the screen skywards going to increase DwRpLo5iWSU-00319-00132875-00133270 in the brown is where it's going to decrease. DwRpLo5iWSU-00320-00133270-00133625 Predictable scenarios DwRpLo5iWSU-00321-00133625-00133945 though it isn't an extreme DwRpLo5iWSU-00322-00133945-00134342 one. This was seen DwRpLo5iWSU-00323-00134342-00134650 by a [ INDISCERNIBLE ] which the conclusions are based. DwRpLo5iWSU-00324-00134650-00135120 This is a fairly in controversial. Fairly obvious DwRpLo5iWSU-00325-00135120-00135460 that a warm world is a wet world. DwRpLo5iWSU-00326-00135460-00136045 We have pretty well-established physical relationships between temperature DwRpLo5iWSU-00327-00136045-00136500 and the water holding capacity of the atmosphere. DwRpLo5iWSU-00328-00136500-00136840 The relationship DwRpLo5iWSU-00329-00136840-00137220 for every 1 degree ride is a 7 percent DwRpLo5iWSU-00330-00137220-00137705 capacity increase of water in the atmosphere. DwRpLo5iWSU-00331-00137705-00138025 That hold particularly for extreme floods at scaling. Indeed a DwRpLo5iWSU-00332-00138025-00138415 very local skills it can even be as high as twice DwRpLo5iWSU-00333-00138415-00138885 that. We are pretty conference DwRpLo5iWSU-00334-00138885-00139540 -- confident that fluvial DwRpLo5iWSU-00335-00139540-00139875 -- pluvial DwRpLo5iWSU-00336-00139875-00140400 floods will increase. DwRpLo5iWSU-00337-00140400-00140770 How much water reaches the channel as a proportion DwRpLo5iWSU-00338-00140770-00141065 of the rain that fell is precisely what hydrological models DwRpLo5iWSU-00339-00141065-00141395 try to do and it DwRpLo5iWSU-00340-00141395-00141740 might be that a warming world leads too drier DwRpLo5iWSU-00341-00141740-00142175 soils in the catchments so therefore they can absorb more of that DwRpLo5iWSU-00342-00142175-00142650 increased rainfall and mitigate some of that increase. The models that do the translation DwRpLo5iWSU-00343-00142650-00143000 are very uncertain and large scales as well as a way DwRpLo5iWSU-00344-00143000-00143655 to get, very uncertain picture of how we think rivers might change due to DwRpLo5iWSU-00345-00143655-00144055 climate change. Even though we are sure about increasing rainfall. DwRpLo5iWSU-00346-00144055-00144405 The climate question, we can quickly about whether we will get more or less DwRpLo5iWSU-00347-00144405-00144970 or stronger or weaker surge generating storms. DwRpLo5iWSU-00348-00144970-00145400 But the reality is that coastal floods would increase in DwRpLo5iWSU-00349-00145400-00145930 most places, because the base level from which these floods start to occur is increasing DwRpLo5iWSU-00350-00145930-00146680 sealevel rise. Again, fairly uncontroversial thing to say. DwRpLo5iWSU-00351-00146680-00147095 The big thing is we've got a massive gap DwRpLo5iWSU-00352-00147095-00147445 to failure. Climate models DwRpLo5iWSU-00353-00147445-00147810 are not designed to tell us about floods. They simply are not designed to do that. DwRpLo5iWSU-00354-00147810-00148185 In this model I show you a cross of those dimensions. DwRpLo5iWSU-00355-00148185-00148485 When it is that we as flood modelers, risk modelers DwRpLo5iWSU-00356-00148485-00148955 need to understand and what level climate models are designed to do. DwRpLo5iWSU-00357-00148955-00149340 So we have global climate models that are very good DwRpLo5iWSU-00358-00149340-00149650 and indeed is what they are set up to do in telling us about long-term DwRpLo5iWSU-00359-00149650-00149950 changes out towards the end of the century. DwRpLo5iWSU-00360-00149950-00150465 They are very good a large spatial scales by which I mean DwRpLo5iWSU-00361-00150465-00150790 Continental, global changes. And DwRpLo5iWSU-00362-00150790-00151135 for more frequent events, so averages. That DwRpLo5iWSU-00363-00151135-00151475 is what climate is. An average. Very good at DwRpLo5iWSU-00364-00151475-00151790 describing average conditions P or what we need is flood modelers DwRpLo5iWSU-00365-00151790-00152240 is the diametric opposite to that. We need to understand transient DwRpLo5iWSU-00366-00152240-00152555 local extremes. These models are not set up to do that. DwRpLo5iWSU-00367-00152555-00152875 Again, by DwRpLo5iWSU-00368-00152875-00153405 definition, models are supplications of the physical system DwRpLo5iWSU-00369-00153405-00153765 and lots of processes that are relevant to floods such as convection DwRpLo5iWSU-00370-00153765-00154180 arrive omitted or DwRpLo5iWSU-00371-00154180-00154540 impairment size in these models. DwRpLo5iWSU-00372-00154540-00154981 It makes what we are trying to tackle quite difficult. DwRpLo5iWSU-00373-00154981-00155355 An application technique so to speak. These cover lots of different DwRpLo5iWSU-00374-00155355-00155765 flavors but they generally try DwRpLo5iWSU-00375-00155765-00156075 to DwRpLo5iWSU-00376-00156075-00156545 predict output onto high-resolution grid or to a temporal scare DwRpLo5iWSU-00377-00156545-00156910 to try to obtain accuracy. But they really are DwRpLo5iWSU-00378-00156910-00157290 a panacea. DwRpLo5iWSU-00379-00157290-00157640 Our application technique DwRpLo5iWSU-00380-00157640-00158295 is taking that validated historical view of floods and updating that DwRpLo5iWSU-00381-00158295-00158640 using the relative changes coming out of the climate model DwRpLo5iWSU-00382-00158640-00159505 cascades. For instance, if we are interested in fluvial DwRpLo5iWSU-00383-00159505-00159835 pluvial DwRpLo5iWSU-00384-00159835-00160165 floods, we would iterate that relative change DwRpLo5iWSU-00385-00160165-00160520 across the boundary conditions about historical models. In that DwRpLo5iWSU-00386-00160520-00160870 sense we've corrected any biases because the baseline. DwRpLo5iWSU-00387-00160870-00161220 In the future. Anaconda model will have a similar bias DwRpLo5iWSU-00388-00161220-00161545 and innocence we are down done scaling it by applying it DwRpLo5iWSU-00389-00161545-00162155 onto an already relevant model. DwRpLo5iWSU-00390-00162155-00162575 So what I'm showing here is the letter a DwRpLo5iWSU-00391-00162575-00163015 is the present-day map of the United States DwRpLo5iWSU-00392-00163015-00163330 and that is for the 250 a year DwRpLo5iWSU-00393-00163330-00163695 flood and the B shows you how that area changes DwRpLo5iWSU-00394-00163695-00164020 once we have applied these relative shifts to those model boundary conditions DwRpLo5iWSU-00395-00164020-00164340 just perhaps relatively DwRpLo5iWSU-00396-00164340-00164655 true on the coast and in Florida. We seek with the DwRpLo5iWSU-00397-00164655-00164955 increase in those flooded areas but lots of places DwRpLo5iWSU-00398-00164955-00165285 see very little change or indeed a decrease DwRpLo5iWSU-00399-00165285-00165640 across the central United States. DwRpLo5iWSU-00400-00165640-00165990 This is under the RCP DwRpLo5iWSU-00401-00165990-00166325 .5 scenario so this is a relatively conservative DwRpLo5iWSU-00402-00166325-00166715 one. We are not using extreme scenarios in these projections. DwRpLo5iWSU-00403-00166715-00167200 I guess onto the stuff that is DwRpLo5iWSU-00404-00167200-00167600 sort of substantive interest which is risk. I've spoken a lot DwRpLo5iWSU-00405-00167600-00167915 about how we actually understand the hazard, but risk DwRpLo5iWSU-00406-00167915-00168275 is the tangible thing that we want to learn about. DwRpLo5iWSU-00407-00168275-00168735 So we've taken and invent DwRpLo5iWSU-00408-00168735-00169175 -- inventory of buildings across United States, DwRpLo5iWSU-00409-00169175-00169760 characteristics and values and all that sort of stuff we've also applied vulnerability models. DwRpLo5iWSU-00410-00169760-00170095 And those are perhaps simpler than a model suggests which DwRpLo5iWSU-00411-00170095-00170445 is where we can account DwRpLo5iWSU-00412-00170445-00170835 conditional upon being flooded to a certain extent. Condition on DwRpLo5iWSU-00413-00170835-00171160 certain characteristics being defined. This is the DwRpLo5iWSU-00414-00171160-00171485 kind of damage response we would expect these buildings to experience DwRpLo5iWSU-00415-00171485-00171895 . When we some that for every structure across the states, integrated DwRpLo5iWSU-00416-00171895-00172470 across the return. Floods that we've simulated weekend annual DwRpLo5iWSU-00417-00172470-00172940 loss in the present day of around $32 billion. DwRpLo5iWSU-00418-00172940-00173285 Now the national distribution of that is obviously very heterogeneous DwRpLo5iWSU-00419-00173285-00173615 . DwRpLo5iWSU-00420-00173615-00174105 We can see perhaps quite intuitive hotspots in the red map there DwRpLo5iWSU-00421-00174105-00174445 and in the Gulf Coast in Florida and DwRpLo5iWSU-00422-00174445-00174860 populated areas in the Northeast and in the West. DwRpLo5iWSU-00423-00174860-00175245 Intuitive hotspots across Appalachia and the Northwest, to up here DwRpLo5iWSU-00424-00175245-00175810 also of interest DwRpLo5iWSU-00425-00175810-00176260 is 41 percent of this DwRpLo5iWSU-00426-00176260-00176560 national loss is occurring within the FEMA flood zones. What this means is the DwRpLo5iWSU-00427-00176560-00176865 majority of the nations flood risk is essentially DwRpLo5iWSU-00428-00176865-00177405 unknown to the federal government. Which I suppose is quite concerning. DwRpLo5iWSU-00429-00177405-00177740 we look at the future case, so this is DwRpLo5iWSU-00430-00177740-00178375 the map in the blue there, we see an increase of water DwRpLo5iWSU-00431-00178375-00178705 in 30 years up to $41 billion. That is DwRpLo5iWSU-00432-00178705-00179015 a 26 percent increase DwRpLo5iWSU-00433-00179015-00179330 , that is a lot. 30 years DwRpLo5iWSU-00434-00179330-00179640 is not a lot of time either but we are not seeing massive ships. Come DwRpLo5iWSU-00435-00179640-00179985 2050, the Giardia flood risk well still be historical risk that DwRpLo5iWSU-00436-00180350-00180785 have been dealt with. That hasn't been drawn down DwRpLo5iWSU-00437-00180785-00181125 over decades of risk management practice. DwRpLo5iWSU-00438-00181125-00181540 At distribution of increase might be fairly intuitive DwRpLo5iWSU-00439-00181540-00181840 , along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts where DwRpLo5iWSU-00440-00181840-00182341 sea levels are rising and hurricanes are dropping more rainfall when they make landfall. DwRpLo5iWSU-00441-00182341-00182645 Also of interest is the DwRpLo5iWSU-00442-00182645-00183010 increase within these federal risk zones, FEMA's own I should say DwRpLo5iWSU-00443-00183010-00183500 , higher than those outside of it. DwRpLo5iWSU-00444-00183500-00183800 So when we get on, we can assume it quite DwRpLo5iWSU-00445-00183800-00184160 a lot here. We've got risk defined that in DwRpLo5iWSU-00446-00184160-00184550 essence every building structure United States we can start to look at DwRpLo5iWSU-00447-00184550-00184960 who are the people that are actually bearing this risk. DwRpLo5iWSU-00448-00184960-00185275 And how are they in DwRpLo5iWSU-00449-00185275-00186045 many ways this is quite a stark picture. DwRpLo5iWSU-00450-00186045-00186470 On the right-hand side you have the tall dark green bar which DwRpLo5iWSU-00451-00186470-00186905 shows the risk of communities that are both extremely impoverished DwRpLo5iWSU-00452-00186905-00187425 and have a high proportion of white people living within them. DwRpLo5iWSU-00453-00187425-00187760 They bear an extremely oversized burning DwRpLo5iWSU-00454-00187760-00188080 compared to the national average. As you can see indeed DwRpLo5iWSU-00455-00188080-00188450 that bar on the very left-hand side, the light green DwRpLo5iWSU-00456-00188450-00188880 one on the far left represents DwRpLo5iWSU-00457-00188880-00189200 the least white, the least impoverished communities and DwRpLo5iWSU-00458-00189200-00189505 they have risk that is 10 times lower. DwRpLo5iWSU-00459-00189505-00189880 This says nothing about DwRpLo5iWSU-00460-00189880-00190205 the sort of relative vulnerability of these populations. DwRpLo5iWSU-00461-00190205-00190510 Generally it has poorer people that struggle to respond DwRpLo5iWSU-00462-00190510-00190870 when these disasters hit that might get less access DwRpLo5iWSU-00463-00190870-00191220 too federal aid and so on. This is just raw numbers that they bear the most DwRpLo5iWSU-00464-00191220-00191560 risk, let alone have the least DwRpLo5iWSU-00465-00191560-00191866 capacity to respond to it. That distribution is shown in the DwRpLo5iWSU-00466-00191866-00192407 bottom there. Particularly across Appalachia DwRpLo5iWSU-00467-00192407-00192715 and the Ohio Valley for instance, DwRpLo5iWSU-00468-00192715-00193135 where there are very high-risk communities relative to what is relative to the value of buildings DwRpLo5iWSU-00469-00193135-00193565 that is found. DwRpLo5iWSU-00470-00193565-00194025 We can also look at what the climate shift is. DwRpLo5iWSU-00471-00194025-00194360 Now this is not to say that risk by 2050 will be completely DwRpLo5iWSU-00472-00194360-00194715 turned on its head. We are not charting new DwRpLo5iWSU-00473-00194715-00195040 patterns of 2050s risk from these plots, we are talking about what is the Delta DwRpLo5iWSU-00474-00195040-00195485 . Who is bearing the increase DwRpLo5iWSU-00475-00195485-00195815 in this image you can see DwRpLo5iWSU-00476-00195815-00196185 communities that have a large population of black people. DwRpLo5iWSU-00477-00196185-00196660 On top you can see the black census tract population are experience the biggest DwRpLo5iWSU-00478-00196660-00197075 -- are experiencing the biggest climate shift. DwRpLo5iWSU-00479-00197075-00197580 Him and two times as fast DwRpLo5iWSU-00480-00197580-00197925 . You can see the distribution of these across the deep South DwRpLo5iWSU-00481-00197925-00198380 which is across where we expect hurricane DwRpLo5iWSU-00482-00198380-00198970 rainfall to intensify in sea levels to rise and so on. DwRpLo5iWSU-00483-00198970-00199415 Another important point that rose from this body of work is the importance of population DwRpLo5iWSU-00484-00199415-00199722 and projecting that appeared something DwRpLo5iWSU-00485-00199722-00200070 is the start, 3.6 million people are DwRpLo5iWSU-00486-00200070-00200415 exposed to floods each year. Just over 1 percent of the US population DwRpLo5iWSU-00487-00200415-00200740 . But while we start to look at how that changes and the relative DwRpLo5iWSU-00488-00200740-00201145 contributions of these changes, we get a very interesting picture. DwRpLo5iWSU-00489-00201145-00201550 So reviews population projections DwRpLo5iWSU-00490-00201550-00201905 from the US Environmental Protection Agency who have a DwRpLo5iWSU-00491-00201905-00202335 gridded Census Bureau production so DwRpLo5iWSU-00492-00202335-00202650 we can essentially have an idea of where we think DwRpLo5iWSU-00493-00202650-00202985 people of the future might be living. DwRpLo5iWSU-00494-00202985-00203416 And we'd counted up the number of people DwRpLo5iWSU-00495-00203416-00203740 that are exposed to floods each year, whether they are present-day populations DwRpLo5iWSU-00496-00203740-00204045 or future populations and whether that DwRpLo5iWSU-00497-00204045-00204370 is present day floods or future climate change. DwRpLo5iWSU-00498-00204370-00204890 And if you take a view of all those components, DwRpLo5iWSU-00499-00204890-00205215 risk almost doubles in fact. The reason that is so much DwRpLo5iWSU-00500-00205215-00205670 bigger than the 25 percent or 26 percent increase I mentioned previously DwRpLo5iWSU-00501-00205670-00206086 is the population change is a huge determinant DwRpLo5iWSU-00502-00206086-00206405 of what future risk will be. It accounts for three quarters of it DwRpLo5iWSU-00503-00206405-00206731 . Under 20 percent DwRpLo5iWSU-00504-00206731-00207065 of that change by 2050 is expected DwRpLo5iWSU-00505-00207065-00207630 to be due to climate change. That is a fairly controversial DwRpLo5iWSU-00506-00207630-00207930 and well defended aspect of this modeling DwRpLo5iWSU-00507-00207930-00208505 indeed. Ask of other models of different scales and in different regions generally see that DwRpLo5iWSU-00508-00208505-00208865 it's actually people and where people are expected to be living DwRpLo5iWSU-00509-00208865-00209180 that will drive the climate risk in the future. I also want DwRpLo5iWSU-00510-00209180-00209485 to point out the interesting yellow bar at the top which accounts for DwRpLo5iWSU-00511-00209485-00209815 6 percent of the change. This is DwRpLo5iWSU-00512-00209815-00210200 where both climate change and population growth are required to produce that DwRpLo5iWSU-00513-00210200-00210500 extra bit of increase. So DwRpLo5iWSU-00514-00210500-00210804 conceptually you can think of that as DwRpLo5iWSU-00515-00210804-00211265 future DwRpLo5iWSU-00516-00211265-00211565 places right now where nobody is living and also DwRpLo5iWSU-00517-00211565-00211905 under arrest. Both of those things are going to change by 2050, so DwRpLo5iWSU-00518-00211905-00212211 there is considerable risk of surprise in places DwRpLo5iWSU-00519-00212211-00212530 like that. Overall the point of DwRpLo5iWSU-00520-00212530-00212845 this side DwRpLo5iWSU-00521-00212845-00213170 of course it's demographic change is four times DwRpLo5iWSU-00522-00213170-00213730 more influential on your view of risk and climate change. DwRpLo5iWSU-00523-00213730-00214100 A little note of uncertainty. I DwRpLo5iWSU-00524-00214100-00214425 have alluded to uncertainty in previous slides but to be a bit DwRpLo5iWSU-00525-00214425-00214790 more explicit about it, the models that we've used to project these future changes DwRpLo5iWSU-00526-00214790-00215105 , we've taken not DwRpLo5iWSU-00527-00215105-00215450 only the meeting of these climate models but also looked DwRpLo5iWSU-00528-00215450-00215780 by the side of that median. So what's the 25th DwRpLo5iWSU-00529-00215780-00216126 percentile of these changes? What's the 75th percentile of DwRpLo5iWSU-00530-00216126-00216640 these changes? And if we look at essentially the DwRpLo5iWSU-00531-00216640-00216980 disagreement amongst these models and try to characterize with the risk is for today and DwRpLo5iWSU-00532-00216980-00217320 with the present day climate is, that variability is much greater in DwRpLo5iWSU-00533-00217320-00217785 the trend. DwRpLo5iWSU-00534-00217785-00218100 So essentially what we are saying is uncertainty in characterizing the DwRpLo5iWSU-00535-00218100-00218460 present day is much greater than uncertainty and whatever might happen in DwRpLo5iWSU-00536-00218460-00218785 the future. And that's pretty DwRpLo5iWSU-00537-00218785-00219225 important. The climate change is essentially noise amidst DwRpLo5iWSU-00538-00219225-00219560 existing uncertainty. It is of course important that DwRpLo5iWSU-00539-00219560-00220025 it imposes a bias and increase generally but it still stands that models DwRpLo5iWSU-00540-00220025-00220360 of history or of the present day are still DwRpLo5iWSU-00541-00220360-00220675 subject to considerable uncertainty. What I've DwRpLo5iWSU-00542-00220675-00221105 shown in these maps here is a really stark view DwRpLo5iWSU-00543-00221105-00221430 of federal uncertainty, regardless of the climate DwRpLo5iWSU-00544-00221430-00221951 outlet. So we have relative risk potted by each county. That big map DwRpLo5iWSU-00545-00221951-00222480 is our median. And then the other two are DwRpLo5iWSU-00546-00222480-00222875 essentially representing the 95 percent confidence range. You can see within counties DwRpLo5iWSU-00547-00222875-00223360 is a lot of uncertainty so that these local levels, DwRpLo5iWSU-00548-00223360-00223830 because of areas and flood modeling, quantifying what DwRpLo5iWSU-00549-00223830-00224175 the 100 year flood is catheter DwRpLo5iWSU-00550-00224175-00224510 a day is imperfect gathers missing flood defense information. DwRpLo5iWSU-00551-00224510-00224825 We don't necessarily know how much water channels DwRpLo5iWSU-00552-00224825-00225175 should convey peer all sorts of errors are adhered to this modeling exercise and we provided a DwRpLo5iWSU-00553-00225175-00225645 view of what that would look like at a very local scale. DwRpLo5iWSU-00554-00225645-00225990 So many ways this should be used as a warning DwRpLo5iWSU-00555-00225990-00226375 for the use of data of this nature DwRpLo5iWSU-00556-00226375-00226720 in understanding really that in a DwRpLo5iWSU-00557-00226720-00227030 very local level, these DwRpLo5iWSU-00558-00227030-00227380 models, especially models that try to account for climate change DwRpLo5iWSU-00559-00227380-00227710 are deeply answered in a very local level. The fortunate thing really DwRpLo5iWSU-00560-00227710-00228045 is that as you implicate out DwRpLo5iWSU-00561-00228045-00228465 you essentially get DwRpLo5iWSU-00562-00228465-00228885 greater confidence. For instance, all of these counties would have errors if we assume DwRpLo5iWSU-00563-00228885-00229260 they are uncorrelated to some extent. DwRpLo5iWSU-00564-00229260-00229605 Then the ones that are over predicting pathways that are under predicting my cancel DwRpLo5iWSU-00565-00229605-00229965 out and therefore perhaps state or national DwRpLo5iWSU-00566-00229965-00230330 Continental scales, DwRpLo5iWSU-00567-00230330-00230670 the uncertainty bounced into shrinkage so you get a clearer view as you aggregate DwRpLo5iWSU-00568-00230670-00231090 , but that of course DwRpLo5iWSU-00569-00231090-00231480 it is perhaps an to what DwRpLo5iWSU-00570-00231480-00231935 this newly conscious financial sector and business sector want to use this data for. DwRpLo5iWSU-00571-00231935-00232260 So that was a lot about problems I guess. DwRpLo5iWSU-00572-00232260-00232690 I will touch a bit on solutions really. DwRpLo5iWSU-00573-00232690-00232995 Because there of course are solutions. Would have shown at DwRpLo5iWSU-00574-00232995-00233590 the top there is the climate trajectories DwRpLo5iWSU-00575-00233590-00233950 according to the I DwRpLo5iWSU-00576-00233950-00234295 PCC. If only accounted for DwRpLo5iWSU-00577-00234295-00234600 risk counted 2050. You can see that the one we DwRpLo5iWSU-00578-00234600-00235180 used cut orange line, the SSP DwRpLo5iWSU-00579-00235180-00235495 24.5 doesn't really differ over the coming DwRpLo5iWSU-00580-00235495-00236245 years. So there's not a lot of mitigation action there that can be taken DwRpLo5iWSU-00581-00236245-00236545 to buy down the risk that we projected DwRpLo5iWSU-00582-00236545-00236925 here. It's risk that essentially has to be adapted DwRpLo5iWSU-00583-00236925-00237271 to up here mitigation is going to be useful to stop DwRpLo5iWSU-00584-00237271-00237635 the longer-term impacts of what we projected is near term, so DwRpLo5iWSU-00585-00237635-00238030 it's adaptation. There DwRpLo5iWSU-00586-00238030-00238440 are also a raft of policies DwRpLo5iWSU-00587-00238440-00238770 [ INDISCERNIBLE ] DwRpLo5iWSU-00588-00238770-00239070 some obvious cast some hard and expensive and require DwRpLo5iWSU-00589-00239070-00239485 difficult questions to be answered but I guess the most obvious one really is DwRpLo5iWSU-00590-00239485-00239835 if there are already natural floodplains left which of course there DwRpLo5iWSU-00591-00239835-00240190 are, then build on them. He did a study a few years DwRpLo5iWSU-00592-00240190-00240590 ago actually with the nature Conservancy DwRpLo5iWSU-00593-00240590-00241090 who we essentially worked out that you can buy up at market value DwRpLo5iWSU-00594-00241090-00241550 of undeveloped natural floodplains in the US right now it would be less money DwRpLo5iWSU-00595-00241550-00241860 then the inevitable DwRpLo5iWSU-00596-00241860-00242205 flood impacts they would be built upon. That DwRpLo5iWSU-00597-00242205-00242565 is buying it up. Doesn't need to be brought DwRpLo5iWSU-00598-00242565-00242950 up. We could have land use, planning zoning policies that prevent that from DwRpLo5iWSU-00599-00242950-00243570 happening. We can move people out of floodplains. There's plenty of examples DwRpLo5iWSU-00600-00243570-00244040 -- there should be more examples of successful DwRpLo5iWSU-00601-00244040-00244365 communities. [ INDISCERNIBLE ] for DwRpLo5iWSU-00602-00244365-00244680 those who remained retrofitting them to be more flood resistance DwRpLo5iWSU-00603-00244680-00245045 that would floods to come they can get back on their feud DwRpLo5iWSU-00604-00245045-00245389 quite quickly. A big topic of this lecture series is of course DwRpLo5iWSU-00605-00245389-00245770 equality DwRpLo5iWSU-00606-00245770-00246100 and how we can equitably respond to these climate risks DwRpLo5iWSU-00607-00246100-00246585 . And one such tall in our DwRpLo5iWSU-00608-00246585-00247000 arsenal is the expansion of the federal flood insurance program. DwRpLo5iWSU-00609-00247000-00247440 At the minutes, not that many people have flood insurance. It is only people DwRpLo5iWSU-00610-00247440-00247795 that are within those FEMA flood zones that have to buy a pair except DwRpLo5iWSU-00611-00247795-00248335 voluntarily to buy it. But more people that it DwRpLo5iWSU-00612-00248335-00248690 -- for more people and is to be affordable and equitable because many places the DwRpLo5iWSU-00613-00248690-00249310 actual risk DwRpLo5iWSU-00614-00249310-00249674 is too expensive to pay for so that's why some of these other tools will DwRpLo5iWSU-00615-00249674-00250035 be important. Of course there are other methods that need to be employed when appropriate but DwRpLo5iWSU-00616-00250035-00250384 there should be an understanding that when the structural measures are used DwRpLo5iWSU-00617-00250384-00250750 that doesn't eliminate risk. They're still DwRpLo5iWSU-00618-00250750-00251385 risk behind flood walls, so we shouldn't dreamed that we can engineer our way out of this problem. DwRpLo5iWSU-00619-00251385-00251725 So that it appeared I hope you DwRpLo5iWSU-00620-00251725-00252055 enjoy that. Please continue the DwRpLo5iWSU-00621-00252055-00252420 conversation with me via e-mail and I look forward to know what I hope DwRpLo5iWSU-00622-00252420-00252865 will be an interesting Q&A. Thank you pick DwRpLo5iWSU-00623-00252865-00253670 . >> SUNSHINE MENEZES: Take you so much DwRpLo5iWSU-00624-00253670-00253990 Oliver. There was so much in there and the questions are starting to come in. I'm DwRpLo5iWSU-00625-00253990-00254495 just going to take them as they come even though it means we might DwRpLo5iWSU-00626-00254495-00254795 jump around a little bit. So Jane asked do you expect FEMA DwRpLo5iWSU-00627-00254795-00255105 to be able to address that DwRpLo5iWSU-00628-00255105-00255485 60 percent data gap that you mentioned? In their efforts to do this DwRpLo5iWSU-00629-00255485-00255800 , and if yes, what would that look like? DwRpLo5iWSU-00630-00255800-00256320 Does a risk to two-point oh change this in any substantial way? DwRpLo5iWSU-00631-00256639-00256945 to address this. Not using traditional approaches, DwRpLo5iWSU-00632-00256945-00257380 so they are not going to be able to suddenly feel that massive data gap DwRpLo5iWSU-00633-00257380-00257700 with local engineering, great models. DwRpLo5iWSU-00634-00257700-00258070 The crucial point really is that those models DwRpLo5iWSU-00635-00258070-00258605 , when she felt them, they are instantly out of date once they are built if you have DwRpLo5iWSU-00636-00258605-00258915 -- have at the county climate change and there is no legal requirement DwRpLo5iWSU-00637-00258915-00259235 for these maps to do so. Which DwRpLo5iWSU-00638-00259235-00259680 is of course problematic, too. DwRpLo5iWSU-00639-00259680-00260094 And again, the fact that they are built to a local scale DwRpLo5iWSU-00640-00260094-00260475 makes them hard to update for these future views. So it DwRpLo5iWSU-00641-00260475-00260940 will be using unnecessarily our data, but data from DwRpLo5iWSU-00642-00260940-00261285 this frontier of science to fill in those gaps, and they are starting DwRpLo5iWSU-00643-00261285-00261765 to do so. And they referenced risk rating 2.0 which is DwRpLo5iWSU-00644-00261765-00262160 methodologically at least Anna step in the right DwRpLo5iWSU-00645-00262160-00262720 direction when they are starting to leverage technologies like this to fill in the data gap. DwRpLo5iWSU-00646-00262720-00263190 But crucially, they are only really using that for pricing the risk is aware DwRpLo5iWSU-00647-00263190-00263515 . The models underpinning that are not open. We don't understand the methods DwRpLo5iWSU-00648-00263515-00264000 that go into risk 2.0 DwRpLo5iWSU-00649-00264000-00264470 at their core, and ultimately, as a miscommunication product DwRpLo5iWSU-00650-00264470-00265000 , working out where is it risk is kind of a public DwRpLo5iWSU-00651-00265000-00265315 facing map, risk 2.0 doesn't adjust that. DwRpLo5iWSU-00652-00265315-00265800 So we are in this weird limbo really where we have you know, pretty DwRpLo5iWSU-00653-00265800-00266105 up-to-date science as it were DwRpLo5iWSU-00654-00266105-00266585 even if blackbox informing the pricing of insurance, but still the consumers of this DwRpLo5iWSU-00655-00266585-00267332 have no additional information beyond these 100 year flood maps. >> SUNSHINE MENEZES: DwRpLo5iWSU-00656-00267332-00267630 I wonder if you would care to comment on the issue DwRpLo5iWSU-00657-00267630-00267995 of accessible and accessible data in general DwRpLo5iWSU-00658-00267995-00268335 . This is something that you DwRpLo5iWSU-00659-00268335-00268660 and I had talked about all of it on the side and I think that it's DwRpLo5iWSU-00660-00268660-00269040 a really interesting conversation for people to be more aware of. DwRpLo5iWSU-00661-00269475-00269800 we can only be resilient to the kind of stuff that I mentioned here DwRpLo5iWSU-00662-00269800-00270145 if it's on the open, right? DwRpLo5iWSU-00663-00270145-00270570 And we can only use data or we should only use data that we can trust DwRpLo5iWSU-00664-00270570-00271075 and we can only trust it if that data is open to be looked at DwRpLo5iWSU-00665-00271075-00271490 and scrutinized by experts in this field. Currently in charting DwRpLo5iWSU-00666-00271490-00271950 -- we are treading on dangerous ground as it were because we are in new territory. DwRpLo5iWSU-00667-00271950-00272380 We have private industry DwRpLo5iWSU-00668-00272380-00272840 extremely interested, more so than we ever where in physical risk and climate risk in particular DwRpLo5iWSU-00669-00272840-00273160 and as I mentioned at the start there's lots of firms DwRpLo5iWSU-00670-00273160-00273565 that offer solutions to that, to me that amount DwRpLo5iWSU-00671-00273565-00273875 but when you boil down their methods, they DwRpLo5iWSU-00672-00273875-00274205 are taking open climate model output copy packaging DwRpLo5iWSU-00673-00274205-00274795 it in some way to make it look prettier and then selling it on which is deeply unethical DwRpLo5iWSU-00674-00274795-00275155 and not scientifically defensible either. And of DwRpLo5iWSU-00675-00275155-00275595 course I worry that when the mask is eventually peeled back the public sees it DwRpLo5iWSU-00676-00275595-00275905 for what they are, we DwRpLo5iWSU-00677-00275905-00276375 may end up going in the completely opposite direction and increasing DwRpLo5iWSU-00678-00276375-00276710 the climate consciousness that we are seeing from individuals in the public DwRpLo5iWSU-00679-00276710-00277050 , may will evaporate when they see how certain people are using certain DwRpLo5iWSU-00680-00277050-00277400 sets of data. And so that DwRpLo5iWSU-00681-00277400-00277855 is why shining a light on the methods and the data that are being used is important. DwRpLo5iWSU-00682-00278230-00278680 Catherine asked about DwRpLo5iWSU-00683-00278680-00279050 the locations of the especially vulnerable areas. Do we DwRpLo5iWSU-00684-00279050-00279350 know where those areas are and what kinds of DwRpLo5iWSU-00685-00279350-00279735 surprises have your models found in this regard? DwRpLo5iWSU-00686-00280065-00280390 Of course they are subject to uncertainty. I talked a lot DwRpLo5iWSU-00687-00280390-00280700 about location level uncertainty in particular. DwRpLo5iWSU-00688-00280700-00281210 And we are projecting these future applied planes as it were DwRpLo5iWSU-00689-00281210-00281660 -- floodplains as it were. DwRpLo5iWSU-00690-00281660-00281965 Understanding there is the projections where people are going to DwRpLo5iWSU-00691-00281965-00282335 live what we have from the environment protection agency DwRpLo5iWSU-00692-00282335-00282670 are acing DwRpLo5iWSU-00693-00282670-00282985 -- a singular realization of wear people will be DwRpLo5iWSU-00694-00282985-00283305 living by 2050. How is the climate change DwRpLo5iWSU-00695-00283305-00283635 again how is population changing in the same time? We DwRpLo5iWSU-00696-00283635-00283970 like an ensemble view of that. Lots of different views DwRpLo5iWSU-00697-00283970-00284420 of wear people could be living rather than a single one pair, however model could tell you DwRpLo5iWSU-00698-00284420-00284795 that compounding yellow bar that I described where you have the nexus DwRpLo5iWSU-00699-00284795-00285155 population growth and climate change, we can see those where they are DwRpLo5iWSU-00700-00285155-00285465 at some precision DwRpLo5iWSU-00701-00285465-00285925 but whether we treat them with a whole bunch of accuracy or whether we trust them DwRpLo5iWSU-00702-00285925-00286260 is a separate issue. DwRpLo5iWSU-00703-00286615-00286930 from -- I'm so sorry, I might be saying DwRpLo5iWSU-00704-00286930-00287290 this name wrong. Bryce the DwRpLo5iWSU-00705-00287290-00287625 -- is part of the reason why DwRpLo5iWSU-00706-00287625-00288060 risk is currently concentrated in areas with more white people due too low property values DwRpLo5iWSU-00707-00288060-00288365 held by communities of color? If so, is it possible DwRpLo5iWSU-00708-00288365-00288760 to calculate the risk differently to help contextualize in DwRpLo5iWSU-00709-00288760-00289070 terms of communities rather than property? For DwRpLo5iWSU-00710-00289070-00289680 example, for community planners rather than insurance assessors? DwRpLo5iWSU-00711-00290095-00290540 in an objective way because you can resent things in terms of raw numbers DwRpLo5iWSU-00712-00290540-00290855 and it's going to be fairly obvious that where there's lots of people you are going DwRpLo5iWSU-00713-00290855-00291285 to see darker colors on the map because people have got DwRpLo5iWSU-00714-00291285-00291960 to intersect with the slides for a risk to be generated. Versus the kind of relative risk DwRpLo5iWSU-00715-00291960-00292305 that the question relates to what is proportional to what is there, what is the risk DwRpLo5iWSU-00716-00292305-00292830 ? In fact it is that latter thing DwRpLo5iWSU-00717-00292830-00293170 thing, the latter quantity is what we showed when it came to DwRpLo5iWSU-00718-00293170-00293580 illustrating the poor DwRpLo5iWSU-00719-00293580-00293935 whites or communities that are most at risk. So what the map showed DwRpLo5iWSU-00720-00293935-00294390 them what was on the bar graph innocence is the total DwRpLo5iWSU-00721-00294390-00294695 , the annual damage of DwRpLo5iWSU-00722-00294695-00295015 these communities model divided by the total value of all the DwRpLo5iWSU-00723-00295015-00295390 buildings and contents and those sorts of estimates are there to produce DwRpLo5iWSU-00724-00295390-00295775 a kind of relative risk, so we are seeing DwRpLo5iWSU-00725-00295775-00296255 the people to essentially show us who is bearing more than their fair share of this national risk DwRpLo5iWSU-00726-00296255-00296575 and that was a distribution that we saw. The DwRpLo5iWSU-00727-00296575-00297205 question is right. You can paint a story in a very different way. DwRpLo5iWSU-00728-00297840-00298440 some surprise at seeing increased flood risks in parts of the country DwRpLo5iWSU-00729-00298440-00298805 that are experiencing a great deal of drought. So California, DwRpLo5iWSU-00730-00298805-00299110 for example. Executive talks more about about that DwRpLo5iWSU-00731-00299110-00299495 sort of surprising result DwRpLo5iWSU-00732-00299495-00299870 . >> DR. OLIVER WING: Yeah. I made the increased prevalence of DwRpLo5iWSU-00733-00299870-00300300 drought doesn't necessarily preclude increased floods. Indeed, DwRpLo5iWSU-00734-00300300-00300645 it's not necessarily my specialty, but, you know, there are DwRpLo5iWSU-00735-00300645-00301055 increasing DwRpLo5iWSU-00736-00301055-00301424 evidence in California, precipitation whiplash where we see big sweet DwRpLo5iWSU-00737-00301424-00301960 -- big swings between one extreme to another, between DwRpLo5iWSU-00738-00301960-00302430 drought seasons and flood seasons. If you can conceptualize a normal distribution in your head DwRpLo5iWSU-00739-00302430-00302740 where you have your mean rainfall at the center DwRpLo5iWSU-00740-00302740-00303240 and your extremes on either side which represent floods and droughts, we are DwRpLo5iWSU-00741-00303240-00303545 seeing particularly California a widening of the distribution so we can DwRpLo5iWSU-00742-00303545-00303940 see more extreme droughts but also more extreme floods. DwRpLo5iWSU-00743-00303940-00304255 Someone absolutely does not preclude the other. DwRpLo5iWSU-00744-00304740-00305225 your model if at all take into account infrastructure updates? DwRpLo5iWSU-00745-00305225-00305525 Both of gray and green infrastructure as DwRpLo5iWSU-00746-00305525-00305850 cities or municipalities install these infrastructures. DwRpLo5iWSU-00747-00306420-00306870 many ways, that is both a practical and a conscious choice. DwRpLo5iWSU-00748-00306870-00307200 We are essentially trying to show what DwRpLo5iWSU-00749-00307200-00307595 would the state of the nation be like DwRpLo5iWSU-00750-00307595-00307920 if any climate has changed. Of course we did go on to create DwRpLo5iWSU-00751-00307920-00308385 projections. You get a soft answering question in a way. DwRpLo5iWSU-00752-00308385-00308690 If you projected climate change but also made some projection around how infrastructure will DwRpLo5iWSU-00753-00308690-00309015 update DwRpLo5iWSU-00754-00309015-00309325 and if, you know, you make a choice about how the nation's DwRpLo5iWSU-00755-00309325-00309770 infrastructure might look like in 2050. DwRpLo5iWSU-00756-00309770-00310145 Alongside with the climate might be doing a 2050, so you DwRpLo5iWSU-00757-00310145-00310475 see that infrastructure has managed to deal with that problem in its entirety DwRpLo5iWSU-00758-00310475-00310780 . It is quite a tricky story to tell and eventually DwRpLo5iWSU-00759-00310780-00311110 your model becomes more than just a flat model. It's a model of everything DwRpLo5iWSU-00760-00311110-00311440 , model of politics and decisions about DwRpLo5iWSU-00761-00311440-00311900 where gets defended and how much money in these defenses. But it DwRpLo5iWSU-00762-00311900-00312200 it's of course very important to be open about the fact that DwRpLo5iWSU-00763-00312200-00312770 essentially we have present-day infrastructure in terms of how floods are managed and we are imposing DwRpLo5iWSU-00764-00312770-00313265 greater hazard on his infrastructure, assuming that they don't DwRpLo5iWSU-00765-00313265-00313635 interface. >> SUNSHINE MENEZES: Just a note to all of our viewers today, we DwRpLo5iWSU-00766-00313635-00313975 always talking specifically about infrastructure tomorrow in DwRpLo5iWSU-00767-00313975-00314415 the lecture with Doctor Marcus Hendrix. DwRpLo5iWSU-00768-00314415-00314765 So Sonny asks a kind of technical question which I am going DwRpLo5iWSU-00769-00314765-00315180 to say as written but I would appreciate if you would kind of explain this for everybody. DwRpLo5iWSU-00770-00315180-00315520 Our design storms taking into consideration DwRpLo5iWSU-00771-00315520-00316055 while protecting flood for short and long-term? >> DR. OLIVER WING: DwRpLo5iWSU-00772-00316055-00316550 So insofar as I can follow the questions anyway, design storms are DwRpLo5iWSU-00773-00316550-00317095 essentially what underpins everything the model does. Rather than simulating DwRpLo5iWSU-00774-00317095-00317580 floods during a real flood events as it were, what we are simulating is design storms DwRpLo5iWSU-00775-00317580-00318100 , so the 100 year design flood, DwRpLo5iWSU-00776-00318100-00318440 everywhere across the nation. So it's a 100 year flood everywhere. DwRpLo5iWSU-00777-00318440-00318850 That is fundamentally what the model represents. It is kind of a theoretical thing DwRpLo5iWSU-00778-00318850-00319175 , the 100 year flood. DwRpLo5iWSU-00779-00319175-00319490 Maybe we should talk about how we communicate what that means in a DwRpLo5iWSU-00780-00319490-00319840 separate question but the 100 year flood everywhere simultaneously DwRpLo5iWSU-00781-00319840-00320490 just not a real event, that is a design. DwRpLo5iWSU-00782-00320490-00320810 The way the model works as we take the US geological survey DwRpLo5iWSU-00783-00320810-00321335 sky River gauges and work at each point along the river what that design flood will look like DwRpLo5iWSU-00784-00321335-00321865 based on that information and similarly for the trendy DwRpLo5iWSU-00785-00321865-00322175 -- pluvial model, we take a catalog of design DwRpLo5iWSU-00786-00322175-00322500 storms based on extreme rainfall of DwRpLo5iWSU-00787-00322500-00322820 different durations and that provides a historical view DwRpLo5iWSU-00788-00322820-00323340 of the design flood and then as I mentioned, the climate data essentially DwRpLo5iWSU-00789-00323340-00323775 , relatively changes those depending on the various quantities that are involved DwRpLo5iWSU-00790-00323775-00324080 . If we get our rainfall change we DwRpLo5iWSU-00791-00324080-00324400 apply a placed or down left onto those design storms is DwRpLo5iWSU-00792-00324400-00325040 at work. So I hope we got that nomenclature right. DwRpLo5iWSU-00793-00325350-00325855 will wrap up. First from Susan, is it the flood insurance fund DwRpLo5iWSU-00794-00325855-00326200 already seriously underfunded? So how does that impact your suggestion DwRpLo5iWSU-00795-00326200-00326560 that flood insurance be priced so that property owners and floodplains be charged DwRpLo5iWSU-00796-00326560-00326810 equitably create DwRpLo5iWSU-00797-00326810-00327325 . >> DR. OLIVER WING: Yeah, it's a very good question, and I think it is more DwRpLo5iWSU-00798-00327325-00327720 fundamental about whether we think the federal flood insurance program DwRpLo5iWSU-00799-00327720-00328150 should operate like an actuarially sound private business or whether it is really DwRpLo5iWSU-00800-00328150-00328470 a means to provide aid to communities that require it. DwRpLo5iWSU-00801-00328470-00328815 Obviously when it comes to treating DwRpLo5iWSU-00802-00328815-00329160 the National flood insurance program is if it was an insurance company, DwRpLo5iWSU-00803-00329160-00329480 it would have gone bust a long time ago. It is DwRpLo5iWSU-00804-00329480-00329805 not a solvent business because fundamentally, DwRpLo5iWSU-00805-00329805-00330155 they're obviously lots of different problems, some are DwRpLo5iWSU-00806-00330155-00330460 problems and some are not depending on how you look at them. The fact that DwRpLo5iWSU-00807-00330460-00330860 the national flood insurance program is in debt isn't really a problem DwRpLo5iWSU-00808-00330860-00331220 , right to create the government funds it. That's what it's designed DwRpLo5iWSU-00809-00331220-00331605 to be. The government takes a hit rather than individuals DwRpLo5iWSU-00810-00331605-00332120 I'm not sure whether it's funded to fill that gap as a matter for the government to decide. DwRpLo5iWSU-00811-00332120-00332425 I guess that doesn't really matter so much but one DwRpLo5iWSU-00812-00332425-00332750 of the core problem is that I alluded to really is that it's only DwRpLo5iWSU-00813-00332750-00333065 the highest risk people actually have to buy insurance DwRpLo5iWSU-00814-00333065-00333430 which is in violation of the point of insurance. The whole DwRpLo5iWSU-00815-00333430-00333910 point is everybody posted gather and low risk people pay a bit less DwRpLo5iWSU-00816-00333910-00334250 but they are funding lots of no risk people that are DwRpLo5iWSU-00817-00334250-00334835 providing funding into the school so that high-risk people can actually afford to live. DwRpLo5iWSU-00818-00334835-00335220 So if everybody across United States had insurance, DwRpLo5iWSU-00819-00335220-00335560 the problem would go away to some extent, but it DwRpLo5iWSU-00820-00335560-00336035 also since it is a government program, and we really care that it's in debt? DwRpLo5iWSU-00821-00336035-00336325 And that's not something I is a humble Bristol based flood modeler DwRpLo5iWSU-00822-00336325-00336870 can opine. [ LAUGHTER ] DwRpLo5iWSU-00823-00336870-00337335 I'm laughing because in the US we've had DwRpLo5iWSU-00824-00337335-00337645 a similar conversation DwRpLo5iWSU-00825-00337645-00338060 about health insurance across multiple decades. That's a different lecture. Final DwRpLo5iWSU-00826-00338060-00338405 question for you which is a very good phone -- DwRpLo5iWSU-00827-00338405-00338790 good one for us and on and that is in all of your work DwRpLo5iWSU-00828-00338790-00339210 , trying to better evaluate DwRpLo5iWSU-00829-00339210-00339545 and project flood risk, what have you learned about communicating flood risk? DwRpLo5iWSU-00830-00339995-00340465 . That's a tricky question. DwRpLo5iWSU-00831-00340465-00340575 I've learned a lot by trying to crystallize into an answer DwRpLo5iWSU-00832-00340575-00340880 is probably difficult. [ LAUGHTER ] DwRpLo5iWSU-00833-00340880-00341415 Overall it's important to be presenting any findings with humility. DwRpLo5iWSU-00834-00341415-00341725 There will be a lot of model vendors DwRpLo5iWSU-00835-00341725-00342170 or a lot of papers have a tendency to over claim DwRpLo5iWSU-00836-00342170-00342530 on the information content of their models or of their results DwRpLo5iWSU-00837-00342530-00343030 and is actually more useful to explain what the model can't do DwRpLo5iWSU-00838-00343030-00343500 and kind of illustrate the bounds of certainty as it were DwRpLo5iWSU-00839-00343500-00343925 more so than essentially DwRpLo5iWSU-00840-00343925-00344240 fooling people into thinking you have a precise DwRpLo5iWSU-00841-00344240-00344545 answer. Doing that has been important. Fundamentally DwRpLo5iWSU-00842-00344545-00344894 , the charity is not a bad thing. Risk and uncertainty DwRpLo5iWSU-00843-00344894-00345230 are synonymous with one another. They are an expression of one another. It is DwRpLo5iWSU-00844-00345230-00345595 not something to be avoided. Do something to be quantified and honest. DwRpLo5iWSU-00845-00345595-00346025 Financial markets, insurance, people DwRpLo5iWSU-00846-00346025-00346515 are used to dealing with uncertainty. DwRpLo5iWSU-00847-00346515-00346825 So that's important. I could probably DwRpLo5iWSU-00848-00346825-00347360 keep on this for another hour but I guess I should just leave that there. >> SUNSHINE MENEZES: DwRpLo5iWSU-00849-00347360-00347675 All right, fair enough. So with that, DwRpLo5iWSU-00850-00347675-00348090 I think you, DwRpLo5iWSU-00851-00348090-00348400 Doctor Oliver Wing for this really informative DwRpLo5iWSU-00852-00348400-00348705 lecture and for all of you for joining us today. As a reminder, you DwRpLo5iWSU-00853-00348705-00349220 can still register for the rest of this week's lectures by visiting DwRpLo5iWSU-00854-00349220-00349532 Metcalf Institute .org and Margaret just shared the link in the chat and if you are DwRpLo5iWSU-00855-00349532-00349880 inspired by these talks and want to support more of DwRpLo5iWSU-00856-00349880-00350180 Metcalf Institute's work, we hope you will make a gift today to get the DwRpLo5iWSU-00857-00350180-00350520 extra thrill of knowing that your gift will be matched DwRpLo5iWSU-00858-00350520-00350915 100 percent if you give by June 30th. DwRpLo5iWSU-00859-00350915-00351230 So please join us tomorrow at 1:00 o'clock p.m. DwRpLo5iWSU-00860-00351230-00351710 Eastern time began to hear from Doctor Marcus Hendrix from the University of Maryland DwRpLo5iWSU-00861-00351710-00352230 about stormwater infrastructure and how to reconceived DxoGl_bIx8E-00000-00000000-00000050 oriflame omega 3 DxoGl_bIx8E-00001-00000050-00000106 fish oil DxoGl_bIx8E-00002-00000106-00000234 oriflame omega 3 fatty acids DxoGl_bIx8E-00003-00000234-00000354 fish oil capsules DxoGl_bIx8E-00004-00000354-00000466 oriflame omega 3 capsules DxoGl_bIx8E-00005-00000466-00000578 oriflame fish oil tablets DxoGl_bIx8E-00006-00000578-00000682 oriflame omega 3 fish oil DxoGl_bIx8E-00007-00000682-00000786 oriflame omega 3 tablets DxoGl_bIx8E-00008-00000786-00000874 oriflame amway omega 3 DxoGl_bIx8E-00009-00000874-00000938 oriflame krill oil DxoGl_bIx8E-00010-00000938-00001066 oriflame forever arctic sea DxoGl_bIx8E-00011-00001066-00001162 oriflame fish oil price DxoGl_bIx8E-00012-00001162-00001298 oriflame omega 3 supplements DxoGl_bIx8E-00013-00001298-00001402 oriflame omega 3 sources DxoGl_bIx8E-00014-00001402-00001498 oriflame salmon omega 3 DxoGl_bIx8E-00015-00001498-00001650 oriflame fish oil bodybuilding DxoGl_bIx8E-00016-00001650-00001802 oriflame flaxseed oil capsules DxoGl_bIx8E-00017-00001802-00001914 oriflame fish oil for hair DxoGl_bIx8E-00018-00001914-00001986 oriflame wow omega 3 DxoGl_bIx8E-00019-00001986-00002170 oriflame omega 3 fatty acid capsules DxoGl_bIx8E-00020-00002170-00002370 oriflame sources of omega 3 fatty acids DxoGl_bIx8E-00021-00002370-00002514 oriflame fish oil supplements DxoGl_bIx8E-00022-00002514-00002602 oriflame best fish oil DxoGl_bIx8E-00023-00002602-00002682 oriflame omega 3 fish DxoGl_bIx8E-00024-00002682-00002802 oriflame nutrilite omega 3 DxoGl_bIx8E-00025-00002802-00002954 oriflame best fish oil capsules DxoGl_bIx8E-00026-00002954-00003026 oriflame on fish oil DxoGl_bIx8E-00027-00003026-00003122 oriflame omega tablets DxoGl_bIx8E-00028-00003122-00003242 oriflame omega fatty acids DxoGl_bIx8E-00029-00003242-00003394 oriflame nutricharge veg omega DxoGl_bIx8E-00030-00003394-00003490 oriflame omega capsule DxoGl_bIx8E-00031-00003490-00003578 oriflame fish tablets DxoGl_bIx8E-00032-00003578-00003746 oriflame omega 3 fish oil capsules DxoGl_bIx8E-00033-00003746-00003842 oriflame fish capsules DxoGl_bIx8E-00034-00003842-00003922 oriflame wow fish oil DxoGl_bIx8E-00035-00003922-00004065 oriflame muscleblaze fish oil DxoGl_bIx8E-00036-00004065-00004170 oriflame seacod fish oil DxoGl_bIx8E-00037-00004170-00004330 oriflame fish oil capsules price DxoGl_bIx8E-00038-00004330-00004402 oriflame epa and dha DxoGl_bIx8E-00039-00004402-00004546 oriflame best omega 3 capsules DxoGl_bIx8E-00040-00004546-00004714 oriflame nutrilite salmon omega 3 DxoGl_bIx8E-00041-00004714-00004850 oriflame salmon omega 3 amway DxoGl_bIx8E-00042-00004850-00005026 oriflame omega 3 fatty acid tablets DxoGl_bIx8E-00043-00005026-00005090 oriflame omega 3 6 9 DxoGl_bIx8E-00044-00005090-00005250 oriflame best omega 3 supplement DxoGl_bIx8E-00045-00005250-00005362 oriflame fish oil for skin DxoGl_bIx8E-00046-00005362-00005490 oriflame vegetarian omega 3 DxoGl_bIx8E-00047-00005490-00005586 oriflame amway fish oil DxoGl_bIx8E-00048-00005586-00005746 oriflame salmon omega 3 softgels DxUWcYTefeg-00000-00000019-00000771 Hi, This is coach Kevin McCarthy with part 2 of the series on swim fins. DxUWcYTefeg-00001-00000771-00001200 What I'm gonna tell you today, in about five minutes, is how I came to be DxUWcYTefeg-00002-00001200-00001545 involved in swim fins and love swim fins and use them when I'm in the pool. Use them DxUWcYTefeg-00003-00001545-00001932 when when I'm in the ocean when I'm lap swimming, whether I'm body surfing, DxUWcYTefeg-00004-00001932-00002360 whether I'm kneeboarding body boarding, whether I'm snorkeling, I use swim fins DxUWcYTefeg-00005-00002360-00002658 all the time. I just love them. Let me tell you how all this started. So DxUWcYTefeg-00006-00002658-00003345 I was eight years old. My parents got me a pair of swim fins for my birthday. DxUWcYTefeg-00007-00003345-00004317 This was back in about 1963. A long time ago. The swim fins were very stiff, DxUWcYTefeg-00008-00004317-00004757 kind of a plasticy kind of rubber, really stiff and uncomfortable, and they had DxUWcYTefeg-00009-00004757-00005460 metal buckles on the sides and an adjustable strap on them. I tried him DxUWcYTefeg-00010-00005460-00005798 and they felt pretty uncomfortable, but when I tried him in the water and when I DxUWcYTefeg-00011-00005798-00006443 went underwater with them with goggles on I could just zoom around in the shallows DxUWcYTefeg-00012-00006443-00006845 of the La Habra High swimming pool in Southern California at eight years old DxUWcYTefeg-00013-00006845-00007295 and I just felt like a dolphin and it was amazing. DxUWcYTefeg-00014-00007295-00007689 So I swam underwater with them. I swam on the surface. And they allowed me to go DxUWcYTefeg-00015-00007689-00008081 into deeper water that I normally wouldn't go into, so I fell in love with DxUWcYTefeg-00016-00008081-00008768 these swim fins. I wore them for probably two-to-three years and until DxUWcYTefeg-00017-00008768-00009252 my feet just got too big for the fins. I adjusted the straps out as far as they DxUWcYTefeg-00018-00009252-00009786 go but my feet actually got too big for the pocket that your foot fits inside on DxUWcYTefeg-00019-00009786-00010170 those swim fins. So I remember wearing those up to about the age of twelve DxUWcYTefeg-00020-00010170-00010746 maybe it just couldn't fit him in in them anymore I seem to be the only one DxUWcYTefeg-00021-00010746-00011165 in my family with six other brothers and sisters that had a pair of swim fins so DxUWcYTefeg-00022-00011165-00011540 I felt very honored. I grew out of them or gave them to my younger brothers. DxUWcYTefeg-00023-00011540-00012146 But one day a few years later I was on the beach with the family, and I noticed DxUWcYTefeg-00024-00012146-00012903 somebody riding waves unbelievably like the surfers do, kind of parallel to the DxUWcYTefeg-00025-00012903-00013391 beach and staying ahead of the white water in the curl, but this person DxUWcYTefeg-00026-00013391-00013838 wasn't on a surfboard. And they were just zooming across the waves. and so I DxUWcYTefeg-00027-00013838-00014288 was watching them, and watching them, and I was fascinated, and when they got out of DxUWcYTefeg-00028-00014288-00014925 the water I noticed that he got out and he reached down me slipped a pair of DxUWcYTefeg-00029-00014925-00015630 swim fins off his feet, and I'd never seen swim fins with this type of heel DxUWcYTefeg-00030-00015630-00016169 strap before and I talked to that young man who was a few years older than me, as DxUWcYTefeg-00031-00016169-00017081 I said I was about maybe 12 or 13 and he was like 16 - 17, but he told me about a DxUWcYTefeg-00032-00017081-00017523 pair of swim fins called at the time Churchill Swim Fins which were DxUWcYTefeg-00033-00017523-00018087 originally designed for scuba diving and skin diving and snorkeling but more body DxUWcYTefeg-00034-00018087-00018390 surfers were starting to wear them. I didn't even know what body surfing DxUWcYTefeg-00035-00018390-00018729 really was back then. I was watching this kid. so I went out and got a DxUWcYTefeg-00036-00018729-00019116 pair of these fins. They were much more comfortable than the fins that I DxUWcYTefeg-00037-00019116-00019529 had grown up with as a little kid. But I'd noticed that they still weren't DxUWcYTefeg-00038-00019529-00020166 comfortable enough and they didn't seem to have enough power for for me anyway. DxUWcYTefeg-00039-00020166-00020798 So I just became a regular user of swim fins but just started to think in my DxUWcYTefeg-00040-00020798-00021185 mind about how swim fins could be better and thought of those experiences when I DxUWcYTefeg-00041-00021185-00021570 was very young and then thought of those experiences as a teenager wearing those DxUWcYTefeg-00042-00021570-00021990 Churchill Swim Fins which I loved very much, but they still gave me cuts around DxUWcYTefeg-00043-00021990-00022404 my ankles and really wore on me hard and were uncomfortable in that regard, and DxUWcYTefeg-00044-00022404-00022857 didn't quite have the power that I was looking for. So I started, actually once I DxUWcYTefeg-00045-00022857-00023790 got out of college, I started developing swim fins myself just because I couldn't find something out there that I really liked. So now that's DxUWcYTefeg-00046-00023790-00024216 been a while and I've been developing swim fins for about 40 years, and for a DxUWcYTefeg-00047-00024216-00024915 number of companies. Its the athletic footwear for your feet in the DxUWcYTefeg-00048-00024915-00025542 water and it's a natural thing and I would advise all of you. young and old DxUWcYTefeg-00049-00025542-00026228 swimmers, to wear swim fins while you're swimming laps, while you're in the pool, DxUWcYTefeg-00050-00026228-00026639 while you're in the ocean, while you're in a lake for three big reasons, as I DxUWcYTefeg-00051-00026639-00027048 said before in the first segment. They increase your safety in the DxUWcYTefeg-00052-00027048-00027614 water by about 25-to-50 percent. They make swimming easier. You ride higher on DxUWcYTefeg-00053-00027614-00027989 the water, so they make breathing easier as you turn your head DxUWcYTefeg-00054-00027989-00028527 to the side or come up for air. Then also you can kind of control your DxUWcYTefeg-00055-00028527-00028995 height in the water very easily and even have your hands free to do other DxUWcYTefeg-00056-00028995-00029504 things. Play a game. Have other kind of fun in the water with your friends. DxUWcYTefeg-00057-00029504-00029976 So, makes it safer. It makes it easier, but also, because it a lot faster for you. If you DxUWcYTefeg-00058-00029976-00030327 are gonna swim a distance you can explore farther with more confidence and DxUWcYTefeg-00059-00030327-00030672 more safety and the lifeguards on the beach will just love you for that. DxUWcYTefeg-00060-00030672-00031188 So this is segment 2. Come back for segment 3 on swim fins, and we DxUWcYTefeg-00061-00031188-00031530 will talk about some more technical aspects of swim fins and what to look DxUWcYTefeg-00062-00031530-00031905 for if you go out and get a pair of swim fins for yourself. So thanks for DxUWcYTefeg-00063-00031905-00032363 watching and hope you come back for the next segment. Take care.