xgssSI1Sgtu-00000-00000579-00000779 I came home. xgssSI1Sgtu-00001-00001114-00001314 Chacha takes three walks a day. xgssSI1Sgtu-00002-00001407-00001607 After the chacha goes around outside, xgssSI1Sgtu-00003-00001708-00001908 plays hard with her friends, and then when she gets home, xgssSI1Sgtu-00004-00002005-00002205 I have to wipe her feet. xgssSI1Sgtu-00005-00002267-00002467 Is it time to go home? xgssSI1Sgtu-00006-00002537-00002737 Chacha came home from a walk. xgssSI1Sgtu-00007-00002818-00003018 I'm going in. xgssSI1Sgtu-00008-00003787-00003987 You have something to do when you get home, right? xgssSI1Sgtu-00009-00004154-00004354 Chacha gets ready to brush her feet as soon as she gets home. xgssSI1Sgtu-00010-00005152-00005352 How do you feel, sir? xgssSI1Sgtu-00011-00005389-00005589 Yawning xgssSI1Sgtu-00012-00006445-00006645 Clean xgssSI1Sgtu-00013-00006795-00006995 Dad, your foot-washing skills are excellent. xgssSI1Sgtu-00014-00006995-00007195 And the front paws, please. xgssSI1Sgtu-00015-00007247-00007447 Chacha's enjoying the foot massage. xgssSI1Sgtu-00016-00007981-00008181 I feel good when I wipe my feet. xgssSI1Sgtu-00017-00008257-00008457 feel languid xgssSI1Sgtu-00018-00008457-00008657 Sir, you can't sleep here. xgssSI1Sgtu-00019-00008851-00009051 Chacha came back from her second walk. xgssSI1Sgtu-00020-00009278-00009478 Dorumammu, I'm here to get a foot massage. xgssSI1Sgtu-00021-00009823-00010023 Chacha gets ready to wash her feet. xgssSI1Sgtu-00022-00010316-00010512 Chacha first takes off her leash. xgssSI1Sgtu-00023-00011036-00011236 When do we start? xgssSI1Sgtu-00024-00011456-00011656 You've been waiting a long time, sir. xgssSI1Sgtu-00025-00012521-00012721 Chacha likes wiping her feet xgssSI1Sgtu-00026-00012833-00013033 feel happy xgssSI1Sgtu-00027-00013585-00013785 Sir, lie down slowly. xgssSI1Sgtu-00028-00014064-00014164 Here. xgssSI1Sgtu-00029-00014164-00014361 Wipe my front paws first. xgssSI1Sgtu-00030-00014565-00014765 Chacha lifts her legs. xgssSI1Sgtu-00031-00014765-00014965 Are you a genius? xgssSI1Sgtu-00032-00014965-00015165 Wake me up when you're done. xgssSI1Sgtu-00033-00015540-00015740 a modest foot xgssSI1Sgtu-00034-00015740-00015940 Dreaming xgssSI1Sgtu-00035-00016303-00016503 Is it over? xgssSI1Sgtu-00036-00016866-00017066 Chacha sat for a while in the afterlife of a foot massage. xi3a7xZH_mI-00000-00000000-00000474 Whichever way you assess the war in Ukraine these days, you’ll probably be left wondering xi3a7xZH_mI-00001-00000474-00001019 the same thing as everyone else: What on earth has happened to Putin’s infamous Air Force? xi3a7xZH_mI-00002-00001019-00001782 Fighter jets like this supersonic medium-range fighter-bomber aircraft, the Su-34, or this Su-57, xi3a7xZH_mI-00003-00001782-00002382 a multirole fighter capable of aerial combat as well as ground and maritime strike should be xi3a7xZH_mI-00004-00002382-00002880 dominating the skies over Ukraine, but instead they’re either seen fleeing the battlefield or xi3a7xZH_mI-00005-00002880-00003479 ungracefully falling onto the ground in flames. Try as they might, Russian combat aviators have xi3a7xZH_mI-00006-00003479-00003972 failed to establish any kind of air superiority over the battlefield thus far. Today, xi3a7xZH_mI-00007-00003972-00004542 we’ll take a look at a few reasons why, starting with something called MANPADS - don’t be fooled xi3a7xZH_mI-00008-00004542-00005046 by the name, these things have Putin’s aircraft retreating left and right - and a quick dive into xi3a7xZH_mI-00009-00005046-00005502 one of the most revolutionary periods in the history of military air power: the Jet age. xi3a7xZH_mI-00010-00005568-00006090 The coming of the jet age in the late 1940s ushered in profound changes in the field of xi3a7xZH_mI-00011-00006090-00006630 aeronautics. Jets could fly faster, climb higher, and travel farther than their piston-powered xi3a7xZH_mI-00012-00006630-00007109 predecessors, feats that would forever transform the commercial aviation industry. They would have xi3a7xZH_mI-00013-00007109-00007662 major implications for military air power too. Jet propulsion was supposed to make air power king; xi3a7xZH_mI-00014-00007662-00007998 if you could outrun the enemy in the skies, you could theoretically xi3a7xZH_mI-00015-00007998-00008472 enjoy unfettered air superiority over the battlefield. At least, that was the idea. xi3a7xZH_mI-00016-00008472-00009048 Sound-shattering increases in aircraft speeds motivated designers to swap traditional guns xi3a7xZH_mI-00017-00009048-00009498 for air-to-air missiles—their only hope of ever shooting a supersonic jet out xi3a7xZH_mI-00018-00009498-00009924 of the sky. Missiles not only remain the preferred weapon for air-to-air combat, xi3a7xZH_mI-00019-00009924-00010464 but revolutionized the very nature of air defense itself. Today, air defenses rely almost xi3a7xZH_mI-00020-00010464-00011052 exclusively on surface-to-air missile systems, or SAMs, to prevent hostile air attacks. xi3a7xZH_mI-00021-00011052-00011688 Impressively, technological advances in the 1970s made it possible to furnish vulnerable infantry xi3a7xZH_mI-00022-00011688-00012258 with their own portable handheld anti aircraft missiles too. Man-portable air defense systems, xi3a7xZH_mI-00023-00012258-00012750 or MANPADS, are simple and cost-effective shoulder-fired rockets that lock onto aircraft xi3a7xZH_mI-00024-00012750-00013188 using infrared homing. They can be taught to new users in a matter of a few minutes. xi3a7xZH_mI-00025-00013188-00013788 Useful, right? Putin thought so too. Knowing Russia’s numerically superior Air Force xi3a7xZH_mI-00026-00013788-00014310 would play a central role in the opening phases of its invasion of Ukraine back in February of 2022, xi3a7xZH_mI-00027-00014310-00014856 Western nations rushed thousands of MANPADS into Ukrainian hands to shore up their air defenses. xi3a7xZH_mI-00028-00014856-00015480 These included American Stinger missiles, surplus Soviet Iglas, and British laser-guided xi3a7xZH_mI-00029-00015480-00015912 high-velocity Starstreak systems. The gamble paid off. xi3a7xZH_mI-00030-00015912-00016380 Cheap MANPADS made it much harder for Russia’s Air Force to establish aerial supremacy, xi3a7xZH_mI-00031-00016380-00016932 imposing steep, asymmetrical costs on Russian pilots who could no longer safely approach xi3a7xZH_mI-00032-00016932-00017592 priority targets in Ukrainian airspace. For the price of one $60-80,000 Igla, Ukrainian soldiers xi3a7xZH_mI-00033-00017592-00018336 can down a $36 million dollar Su-34 bomber, or an $85 million dollar Sukhoi Su-35S fighter. xi3a7xZH_mI-00034-00018336-00018774 That’s real bang for your buck. This has had real repercussions xi3a7xZH_mI-00035-00018774-00019356 all over the battlefield. Modern combined arms warfare hinges on effective cooperation between xi3a7xZH_mI-00036-00019356-00020046 all service branches—air, armor, artillery, and infantry. Because Russia has thus far been unable xi3a7xZH_mI-00037-00020046-00020592 to provide active, continuous air cover for its ground units, tanks, logistics convoys, xi3a7xZH_mI-00038-00020592-00021090 artillery, and infantry have been repeatedly caught out in the open and destroyed over the xi3a7xZH_mI-00039-00021090-00021588 course of the war—a spectacle played out almost daily in combat footage littering social media xi3a7xZH_mI-00040-00021588-00021900 for the entire world to see. Here’s the bad news though. xi3a7xZH_mI-00041-00021966-00022434 Despite Putin’s failure to establish air dominance in Ukraine, this does not mean xi3a7xZH_mI-00042-00022434-00022974 that Russian aircraft are not present over the battlefield or that Ukraine enjoys its own air xi3a7xZH_mI-00043-00022974-00023556 superiority. Far from it. In a recent interview, Ukrainian troops on the frontlines around Bakhmut xi3a7xZH_mI-00044-00023556-00024108 told reporters that Russian aircraft still fly over the battlefield almost every day—sometimes xi3a7xZH_mI-00045-00024108-00024522 a few times each day. But MANPADS have drastically reduced the extent to which xi3a7xZH_mI-00046-00024522-00024894 they can linger over their targets. Here’s how it usually goes down. xi3a7xZH_mI-00047-00024894-00025446 Most overflights last only a few seconds. Fighter-bombers flying in pairs or groups xi3a7xZH_mI-00048-00025446-00026058 of four ingress to a target area at low altitude, maybe 50 meters or less, and then lob the rockets xi3a7xZH_mI-00049-00026058-00026502 and bank left or right and return back to base. Rather than hover over the front, xi3a7xZH_mI-00050-00026502-00027066 far slower helicopters tend to operate similarly as airborne artillery platforms, approaching the xi3a7xZH_mI-00051-00027066-00027527 contact line, firing their salvoes of unguided rockets, and departing as quickly as possible. xi3a7xZH_mI-00052-00027527-00027977 This has made it even harder for Ukrainian infantry to shoot down Russian aircraft. xi3a7xZH_mI-00053-00027977-00028308 Constant vigilance is required since little warning is given. xi3a7xZH_mI-00054-00028308-00028842 One soldier provided insight into the process: “When the infantry shouts ‘incoming’ and hides in xi3a7xZH_mI-00055-00028842-00029304 the trenches, you have to run out and try to find the enemy’s plane or aircraft. It doesn’t matter xi3a7xZH_mI-00056-00029304-00029844 if the enemy is shelling you or if it’s calm. Your response has to be highly focused. And you have to xi3a7xZH_mI-00057-00029844-00030366 have perfect sight and hearing to find a target at a distance of 3-5 km. From the moment you’ve xi3a7xZH_mI-00058-00030366-00030858 heard the sound, you literally have 3-5 seconds to run up and throw the MANPADS on your shoulder.” xi3a7xZH_mI-00059-00030858-00031488 Since timing is everything, concealed Ukrainians tend to target slower Su-20 Fighter Bombers and xi3a7xZH_mI-00060-00031488-00031998 helicopters like the MI-8. Hefting an 18kg Igla onto your shoulder while sprinting out xi3a7xZH_mI-00061-00031998-00032280 into the open, trying to hold it steady to get a lock while the target zips overhead, xi3a7xZH_mI-00062-00032280-00032742 then launching the missile knowing you’re in mortal danger all within a span of 15 seconds or xi3a7xZH_mI-00063-00032742-00033264 less—can you imagine how difficult that must be? The decentralization of air defense made possible xi3a7xZH_mI-00064-00033264-00033720 by MANPADS like the Stinger has helped limit the effectiveness of Russian Air Power, but it hasn’t xi3a7xZH_mI-00065-00033720-00034254 blunted it altogether. According to former Staff Sergeant and Green Beret David Bramlette, a combat xi3a7xZH_mI-00066-00034254-00034692 veteran who recently spent eleven months fighting the Russians in Ukraine, Russia could still turn xi3a7xZH_mI-00067-00034692-00035142 things around if Western support wavers. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen, but even if xi3a7xZH_mI-00068-00035142-00035562 it does, there’s a chance Putin will take care of his air army’s downfall all by himself. xi3a7xZH_mI-00069-00035562-00036144 You see, lucky for Ukraine, Russia also has its own incompetence to thank in part for its xi3a7xZH_mI-00070-00036144-00036600 lack of air superiority. Recently, accidents have taken their toll on Russian aircraft, xi3a7xZH_mI-00071-00036600-00037086 with six crashes alone registered over the span of two months in late 2022. xi3a7xZH_mI-00072-00037086-00037674 In September, a Russian Air Force Su-25 attack aircraft crashed just after takeoff xi3a7xZH_mI-00073-00037674-00038154 after entering a left turn. Experts believe the crash was “likely due to a technical fault xi3a7xZH_mI-00074-00038154-00038826 or a pilot error.” The pilot did not eject. A month later, an Su-25 fighter bomber careened xi3a7xZH_mI-00075-00038826-00039234 into the courtyard of an apartment building in Yeysk, a western port on the Sea of Azov, xi3a7xZH_mI-00076-00039234-00039792 during a training flight after its pilot ejected. The devastating crash injured twenty-five and xi3a7xZH_mI-00077-00039792-00040320 killed at least fifteen civilians—three of them children. According to Russian state media, xi3a7xZH_mI-00078-00040320-00040668 the accident was caused by an engine fire sustained during takeoff. xi3a7xZH_mI-00079-00040668-00041172 Just a week later, another Su-30 fighter entered a vertical dive and smashed into xi3a7xZH_mI-00080-00041172-00041730 a two-story residential home in Siberia, killing its two pilots in a fiery explosion. It was “the xi3a7xZH_mI-00081-00041730-00042282 second such fatal incident in six days involving a Sukhoi fighter plane.” No civilians were killed. xi3a7xZH_mI-00082-00042282-00042708 But the crashes don’t end there and they are happening on a wider scale than you may know. xi3a7xZH_mI-00083-00042708-00043248 The avalanche of accidents reflects the toll the war has had on Russian aviation writ large. xi3a7xZH_mI-00084-00043248-00043872 Reflecting on the aerial crashes, Michael Bohnert, an engineer and analyst at RAND corporation noted xi3a7xZH_mI-00085-00043872-00044424 that “What’s interesting is that even aircraft not involved in the Russian invasion are crashing.” In xi3a7xZH_mI-00086-00044424-00044850 an interview with Business Insider, he said that “While mechanical failures are expected xi3a7xZH_mI-00087-00044850-00045330 in aircraft over time, a rapid increase in fleetwide mechanical failures may indicate xi3a7xZH_mI-00088-00045330-00045810 that something fundamental has changed.” So what has changed? The war has placed xi3a7xZH_mI-00089-00045810-00046206 immeasurable strain on Russian aviation. Colossal losses early in the conflict contributed to xi3a7xZH_mI-00090-00046206-00046716 Russia’s tendency to “adopt more risk-averse tactics, playing a subordinate role to Russia’s xi3a7xZH_mI-00091-00046716-00047172 ground troops,” according to Guy Plopsky, an Israeli defense analyst and Russian expert. xi3a7xZH_mI-00092-00047172-00047844 In just eight months Russian combat aviators flew on average 150 sorties a day for a total of xi3a7xZH_mI-00093-00047916-00048414 34,000 combat sorties. But the number of sorties has greatly diminished. From an early high of xi3a7xZH_mI-00094-00048414-00048888 300 per day, Britain’s Ministry of Defence estimates that now Russia “probably conducts xi3a7xZH_mI-00095-00048888-00049398 tens of missions per day.” Very few of those sorties actually enter Ukrainian airspace. xi3a7xZH_mI-00096-00049398-00049860 General wear and tear can be expected in any war, but the immense toll has xi3a7xZH_mI-00097-00049860-00050406 seriously impacted Russia’s pool of 7,500 relatively inexperienced pilots, xi3a7xZH_mI-00098-00050406-00050982 who are said to receive “roughly 100 hours” of flight time “per year, one-third less than their xi3a7xZH_mI-00099-00050982-00051491 NATO counterparts.” The lack of training limits their ability to conduct the type of massive air xi3a7xZH_mI-00100-00051491-00052050 campaigns Western armies almost take for granted. According to Justin Bronk, an airpower analyst, xi3a7xZH_mI-00101-00052050-00052524 “Since Russian pilots are trained almost exclusively to fly in pairs and have little xi3a7xZH_mI-00102-00052524-00053052 exposure to larger exercises; get relatively few flying hours compared to most NATO fighter crews; xi3a7xZH_mI-00103-00053052-00053502 do not have support from tankers on most operations; and are not doctrinally trained for xi3a7xZH_mI-00104-00053502-00054017 large air campaigns, it is perhaps unsurprising in retrospect that the Russian Aerospace Forces xi3a7xZH_mI-00105-00054017-00054498 (VKS) proved incapable of conducting a western-style air war against Ukraine.” xi3a7xZH_mI-00106-00054498-00055176 Of a pool of around 300 modernized and 400 other frontline jets, Russia has sustained seventy-two xi3a7xZH_mI-00107-00055176-00055679 air losses during the war—each costing tens of millions of dollars. The losses also include xi3a7xZH_mI-00108-00055679-00056226 pilots which are difficult to train and even more difficult to replace. Just ask Britain’s RAF, xi3a7xZH_mI-00109-00056226-00056694 itself suffering from a shortage of trained aircrews, where it most recently had more xi3a7xZH_mI-00110-00056694-00057144 F-35 Lightning II Fighters than it had pilots amid a five-year waiting list for xi3a7xZH_mI-00111-00057144-00057486 students to reach the front line. But the lack of qualified pilots xi3a7xZH_mI-00112-00057486-00057929 is only one part of the problem. Russia also lacks skilled mechanics xi3a7xZH_mI-00113-00057929-00058379 or the proper tools to make and fix the parts needed to keep Russia’s modernized xi3a7xZH_mI-00114-00058379-00058926 air fleet up to snuff. The fact that its prewar stockpiles are dilapidated and rapidly diminishing xi3a7xZH_mI-00115-00058926-00059424 only adds to the problem as the demand for specialized parts and repair tools grows. xi3a7xZH_mI-00116-00059424-00059940 Russia has tried to mobilize greater amounts of manpower to address the human-part of the problem, xi3a7xZH_mI-00117-00059940-00060467 which, as you can imagine, has its own issues. Just like training pilots, you have to train the xi3a7xZH_mI-00118-00060467-00061067 repair crews to diagnose and maintain extremely complex computer avionics and technical systems. xi3a7xZH_mI-00119-00061067-00061554 That is, if you can get them. Herein lies another problem with Russia’s Air Force. xi3a7xZH_mI-00120-00061554-00062064 While mobilization certainly affected the small and medium sized companies that make aviation xi3a7xZH_mI-00121-00062064-00062514 parts, the random crashes and accidents began happening prior to mobilization. xi3a7xZH_mI-00122-00062514-00062946 The shortage of manufacturing tools was already going on, which means Western xi3a7xZH_mI-00123-00062946-00063384 sanctions may have had a role to play. Russia has been left in an economic and xi3a7xZH_mI-00124-00063384-00063858 industrial vice by the west, squeezed out of many of its traditional import-export markets xi3a7xZH_mI-00125-00063858-00064241 where it has received the critical components it needs to keep its airplanes airworthy. xi3a7xZH_mI-00126-00064241-00064764 Modern aircraft are outfitted with a deeply complex array of electronic systems. Computer xi3a7xZH_mI-00127-00064764-00065334 targeting, special sights, communication relays—everything relies on critical electronic xi3a7xZH_mI-00128-00065334-00065874 components previously available to Russia only on the import market. Moscow has previously xi3a7xZH_mI-00129-00065874-00066372 admitted that “it was 15 years behind the rest of the world” producing its own semiconductors, xi3a7xZH_mI-00130-00066372-00066840 which isn’t a good look when so many of today’s precision weapons rely heavily on them. xi3a7xZH_mI-00131-00066840-00067290 Russian manufacturers are now trying to source the components they need on the black market, xi3a7xZH_mI-00132-00067290-00067710 but in the interim Western sanctions and embargoes have forced the Kremlin to xi3a7xZH_mI-00133-00067710-00068190 crack open stocks of its Soviet-era “dumb” munitions that lack computer guidance. xi3a7xZH_mI-00134-00068250-00068706 Cannibalizing older pieces of equipment for spare parts is one way to try and stem the xi3a7xZH_mI-00135-00068706-00069240 tide of aircraft losses. But it’s hardly a good one. The result is an ad hoc, hodgepodge approach xi3a7xZH_mI-00136-00069240-00069708 to combat aviation—hardly a combination any pilot anywhere should ever want to try. xi3a7xZH_mI-00137-00069768-00070290 Some cases are pretty bad. “It is reported that Russian pilots have been forced to tape commercial xi3a7xZH_mI-00138-00070290-00070884 GPS devices to their cockpits for navigation,” one report claimed. There are reports of Russian xi3a7xZH_mI-00139-00070884-00071316 aircrews being so incompetent they leave the covers on aircraft sensors before takeoff. xi3a7xZH_mI-00140-00071316-00071844 Another outlet claims “Their bombing accuracy has a mere 40 per cent success rate compared xi3a7xZH_mI-00141-00071844-00072348 to the pinpoint precision displayed by western coalition forces during the campaigns in Syria and xi3a7xZH_mI-00142-00072348-00072858 Iraq.” We don’t know exactly how effective Western sanctions have been in dulling Russian airpower, xi3a7xZH_mI-00143-00072858-00073350 but it has certainly played a role in suffocating access to the parts it needs to operate at the xi3a7xZH_mI-00144-00073350-00073536 top of its game. In a war, xi3a7xZH_mI-00145-00073536-00074058 every little bit of help goes a long way. There’s no out-and-out answer as to why Putin has xi3a7xZH_mI-00146-00074058-00074604 failed to establish air superiority. It is likely that a combination of factors—wear and tear, xi3a7xZH_mI-00147-00074604-00075240 stress on older airframes, a lack of pilots and trained aircrews, and western sanctions—have each xi3a7xZH_mI-00148-00075240-00075792 played a significant role. What we do know is that thanks in part to their own outstanding courage, xi3a7xZH_mI-00149-00075792-00076218 adaptability, and resilience coupled with the material support they’ve received from the West, xi3a7xZH_mI-00150-00076218-00076650 Ukraine has managed to do a lot with a little in terms of its own air defense. xi3a7xZH_mI-00151-00076704-00077154 Talks are still ongoing over the feasibility of supplying Ukrainian aviators with Western xi3a7xZH_mI-00152-00077154-00077664 fighter aircraft. If this were to happen, we shouldn’t expect much to change anytime soon; xi3a7xZH_mI-00153-00077664-00078084 much like the implementation of western main battle tanks, it will take months, xi3a7xZH_mI-00154-00078084-00078534 if not years to furnish Ukrainian aviators with the tools they need to become truly xi3a7xZH_mI-00155-00078534-00078984 proficient on unfamiliar systems like the F-16, the Eurofighter Typhoon, xi3a7xZH_mI-00156-00078984-00079512 the Assault Mirage, and other planes. That said, we should never again underestimate xi3a7xZH_mI-00157-00079512-00079956 the pluck of Ukrainian service members who have a penchant for proving us wrong. xi3a7xZH_mI-00158-00079956-00080334 Why do you think Russian airpower is failing? Let us know in the comments xi3a7xZH_mI-00159-00080334-00080766 and don’t forget to subscribe for more military analysis from military experts! xiDf8Hzvvry-00000-00004790-00004996 back dive xiDf8Hzvvry-00001-00005696-00005896 front flip xiDf8Hzvvry-00002-00006696-00006846 back flip xiDf8Hzvvry-00003-00009646-00009846 front dive xiDf8Hzvvry-00004-00010646-00010846 high dive xiDf8Hzvvry-00005-00013446-00013646 gainer xiDf8Hzvvry-00006-00017546-00017746 front spin 0:03:14.467,1193:02:47.295 front 360 xiDf8Hzvvry-00007-00021446-00021646 back 360 xiDf8Hzvvry-00008-00023946-00024283 slip and fall backflop xloAJTIl1BY-00000-00000150-00000350 thank you for watching this video xloAJTIl1BY-00001-00000350-00000400 please subscribe this channel xlKrJyFpDyM-00000-00000684-00000977 Here's quick tip for being in Japan. Don't tip. xlKrJyFpDyM-00001-00000977-00001416 Whether you're at home receiving delivery, in a restaurant, or even in the cab xlKrJyFpDyM-00002-00001416-00001644 tipping is something you just don't do. xlKrJyFpDyM-00003-00001644-00002122 if you try to tip then it creates an awkward situation between you and the person you're dealing with. y2AS5tiS8Wu-00000-00000080-00000640 there is a reflective phenomenon going at the top of this tower over here. y2AS5tiS8Wu-00001-00000712-00001512 i didn't know it was there, but somehow because of the way the mirrors were orientated, i'm gonna y2AS5tiS8Wu-00002-00001832-00002200 i'm going to see that this is reflecting. y2AS5tiS8Wu-00003-00002256-00002872 white light. that is really really rare for a tower to have, y2AS5tiS8Wu-00004-00002936-00003376 and i'm not sure if there are any other towers like this. you also have to record the phenomenon y2AS5tiS8Wu-00005-00003376-00004224 or else you want to get all the views. so try to make as many videos of this, as you can otherwise. y4m-bkTXtdy-00000-00000000-00001872 <Twangy country music> y8zqKpVr74I-00000-00000006-00000090 foreign y8zqKpVr74I-00001-00001614-00002166 hey what's going on everyone welcome back my name is Steve and this is maple and y8zqKpVr74I-00002-00002166-00002586 honey I've been waiting for this episode for a while I've been planning on it in my head y8zqKpVr74I-00003-00002586-00003288 for weeks for months I think finally I got to do it today so today I have the Hibiki y8zqKpVr74I-00004-00003354-00003828 Suntory whiskey to the left of me but it's not the regular Hibiki whiskey y8zqKpVr74I-00005-00003828-00004476 it's the Blossom Harmony 2022 version so very special whiskey I'll share more about it in a y8zqKpVr74I-00006-00004476-00004986 second and to the right of me I togo'ed some sushi from Sugarfish it's a pretty y8zqKpVr74I-00007-00004986-00005520 well-known chain they have a really good sushi that they make over there so I got y8zqKpVr74I-00008-00005520-00006066 a box of it ready to go it smells good already I can smell it so we'll try this one and after y8zqKpVr74I-00009-00006066-00006522 I'll try the whiskey and then after we'll try it together alrighty let's get started I can't wait y8zqKpVr74I-00010-00006623-00007362 whiskey first as always oh man I've been it's unopened I have not opened it's the first time y8zqKpVr74I-00011-00007362-00007836 I'll be trying it so I don't know what it'll tastes like I've only heard about how it tastes y8zqKpVr74I-00012-00007836-00008394 so I've been looking forward to an occasion to open it and here it is so let's open it up y8zqKpVr74I-00013-00009054-00009720 and it sort of comes with the special, I don't know if it's worthy of mentioning or not, y8zqKpVr74I-00014-00009720-00010524 it comes with a little pamphlet that shows a Hibiki Santory whiskey Harmony Edition 2022 y8zqKpVr74I-00015-00010524-00011670 and then I saved the receipt too so I bought this bottle for $159 at Costco a little bit about the y8zqKpVr74I-00016-00011670-00012354 whiskey again it's made by the Santory Distillery it's the sort of like a brother or the sister of y8zqKpVr74I-00017-00012354-00013008 the Hibiki harmony whiskey that everyone loves everyone recognizes right if you know of anything y8zqKpVr74I-00018-00013008-00013902 about Japanese whiskey they have the Hibiki lineup they have yamazaki they got the hakushu I think y8zqKpVr74I-00019-00013902-00014430 the Nikka is another famous one A lot of people are familiar with those brands and this is one y8zqKpVr74I-00020-00014430-00015030 of the Hibiki whiskeys but it's different from the regular Hibiki because this one while the regular y8zqKpVr74I-00021-00015030-00015696 Hibiki was aged and barreled in a regular white oak barrel or something like that this one is y8zqKpVr74I-00022-00015696-00016512 barreled in Sakura casts Sakura cast meaning casks made from cherry blossom trees so it's very unique y8zqKpVr74I-00023-00016512-00017094 and there are other distilleries that do similar things but as far as Hibiki is concerned and this y8zqKpVr74I-00024-00017094-00017784 is the one that they advertise as barreled in Sakura casks a little bit background on y8zqKpVr74I-00025-00017784-00018474 the Sakura or cherry blossom in Japan it's a big deal once a year they gather together sometime y8zqKpVr74I-00026-00018474-00019182 in spring for a week or so and they come out when these cherry blossoms start blooming on the trees y8zqKpVr74I-00027-00019182-00019848 and they take pictures they make a celebration out of it they make an event out of it and they y8zqKpVr74I-00028-00019848-00020484 celebrate it as like a big spring event like a family friendly event from what I understand y8zqKpVr74I-00029-00020694-00021390 and that Sakura flower, the cherry blossom flower is very delicate very gentle in its y8zqKpVr74I-00030-00021450-00022164 scent but is also very strong very prominent so I think they sort of try to capture that essence y8zqKpVr74I-00031-00022164-00022584 in this in this whiskey over here so we'll try it out I never had it so let me open it up actually y8zqKpVr74I-00032-00022686-00023190 I'm excited to try it so I think that's the main difference between this whiskey and the y8zqKpVr74I-00033-00023190-00023610 regular Hibiki so if you know of anything that's more different than what I just mentioned let me y8zqKpVr74I-00034-00023610-00024162 know in the comments below, that's the main difference to the extent that I know of so y8zqKpVr74I-00035-00024336-00024906 open it up so I wanted to read a little bit from the the back of the box here, so it says y8zqKpVr74I-00036-00024906-00025554 "Hibiki Blossom Harmony is a special Hibiki to a company times a celebration," I think it's like a y8zqKpVr74I-00037-00025554-00026100 Sakura or cherry blossom celebration. "a rare selection of whiskeys finished in Sakura wood y8zqKpVr74I-00038-00026100-00026700 casts have been specially blended with diverse malt and grain whiskeys well-matured over many y8zqKpVr74I-00039-00026700-00027288 seasons to create this unique Hibiki" so it's very hard to find especially in the y8zqKpVr74I-00040-00027408-00027666 U.S. when you do find it I think it's around... y8zqKpVr74I-00041-00027918-00028422 you can't find it in retail a lot of times, when you do find it it's gone within y8zqKpVr74I-00042-00028488-00029010 probably minutes if you could find it on secondary or in a liquor store or something like that it's y8zqKpVr74I-00043-00029010-00029502 marked up to like six seven eight hundred dollars sometimes a thousand dollars so it's very sought y8zqKpVr74I-00044-00029502-00030126 after by many enthusiasts many whiskey enthusiasts not just Japanese whiskey enthusiasts but a lot y8zqKpVr74I-00045-00030126-00030804 of the people who want to try this special blend of of Hibiki whiskey so let's try it out y8zqKpVr74I-00046-00030995-00031122 here's the cork pop y8zqKpVr74I-00047-00032814-00033462 all right oh I've been saving this bottle for months so I can't wait y8zqKpVr74I-00048-00033600-00034482 the color is very, I don't know if you can see it, it's very amber-ish almost yellowish very light y8zqKpVr74I-00049-00034584-00035202 it's not like deep orange or brown or anything like that like the bourbons that are usually are y8zqKpVr74I-00050-00035292-00035958 very yellow I almost want to say like very fluorescent yellow but yeah very y8zqKpVr74I-00051-00035958-00036636 yellow so let's go for the nose let's see if if it really smells like the flower blossoms y8zqKpVr74I-00052-00037260-00037548 it does. foreign y8zqKpVr74I-00053-00037788-00038478 gentle very gentle it doesn't it doesn't overwhelm your senses at all y8zqKpVr74I-00054-00038832-00039228 I thought the floral scent will be stronger the scent is very gentle I y8zqKpVr74I-00055-00039228-00039930 smell the similarities between this one and the regular Hibiki but it's slightly y8zqKpVr74I-00056-00039930-00040464 different slightly different has more floral notes to it like a pear like fresh pears y8zqKpVr74I-00057-00040680-00040794 foreign y8zqKpVr74I-00058-00041322-00042054 very light very very gentle I have to really sniff it to get to get a lot of the scent out of it y8zqKpVr74I-00059-00042336-00042750 yeah if you can imagine you're just walking down the streets of y8zqKpVr74I-00060-00042906-00043566 Tokyo or something and you brush by a branch of cherry blossom and you sort of had that scent y8zqKpVr74I-00061-00043758-00044118 I think it's sort of similar, in my mind at least, y8zqKpVr74I-00062-00044184-00044616 all right let's try it there you go cheers everyone y8zqKpVr74I-00063-00047184-00047532 so many flavors coming through I'm trying to y8zqKpVr74I-00064-00047532-00048198 pick it out obviously very floral moment this hits the palate the floral note is very prominent y8zqKpVr74I-00065-00048252-00048906 great like a slightly minty floral note with the flowery scent has a little bit of kick y8zqKpVr74I-00066-00048906-00049656 maybe it's because it's the first drink of the day but it's more of a nudge not a kick y8zqKpVr74I-00067-00050064-00050400 it's not oak finish at the bottom it's very... y8zqKpVr74I-00068-00050550-00051378 how do I say it... like light woody finish slight wood chippy finish at the bottom take another sip y8zqKpVr74I-00069-00051912-00052176 okay I'm getting some fruits out of this one now like peach y8zqKpVr74I-00070-00052422-00052698 Peach along with smell of a flower y8zqKpVr74I-00071-00052866-00053436 like a fresh peach it was like you just got it out of the refrigerator and just peeled y8zqKpVr74I-00072-00053436-00054048 it and you're eating it that peach flavor slightly pear it too it's just all sweet all y8zqKpVr74I-00073-00054048-00054744 sweet like gentle sweet not like thick maple syrup no no maple syrup here no butterscotch y8zqKpVr74I-00074-00054744-00055620 here no nothing like that it's just very gentle and, dare I say smooth? like everything is just y8zqKpVr74I-00075-00055620-00056634 flowing in my palette everything is flowing nebulous and amoebic and meshing together y8zqKpVr74I-00076-00057017-00057210 I'm don't know if that describes it y8zqKpVr74I-00077-00057720-00058350 flavors are very light there's no like a strong punch of anything y8zqKpVr74I-00078-00058470-00059394 everything's peeking out little by little flowers the plants a little bit of Oak tiny bits of white y8zqKpVr74I-00079-00059394-00060198 sugar like the simple syrup like a simple syrup not thick caramel not like that at all y8zqKpVr74I-00080-00060312-00060660 the fruit flavor is coming through like the strawberries peaches y8zqKpVr74I-00081-00060846-00061344 it's very easy drinking very smooth if I could say that very smooth y8zqKpVr74I-00082-00062058-00062148 the Finish y8zqKpVr74I-00083-00062352-00063162 finish is there so it's not like a finish where it's very thick and cozy and and grabbing the y8zqKpVr74I-00084-00063162-00063984 inners of your mouth it's not like that it's very subtle it's like a subtle blanket very light silky y8zqKpVr74I-00085-00063984-00064824 blanket inside your mouth and absorb as it goes down your throat very gentle very subtle but y8zqKpVr74I-00086-00064824-00065574 it's there the very first thing you taste is like that floral note the cherry blossom note y8zqKpVr74I-00087-00065796-00066726 and the very last thing you taste as the finish diminishes that the light oak light woodiness y8zqKpVr74I-00088-00066726-00067632 that light chippiness that diminishes as well the very last note that says bye to you is the y8zqKpVr74I-00089-00067632-00068286 floral note as well so the whole time it's there as if it's in the air you see the flower petals y8zqKpVr74I-00090-00068286-00069012 of the Sakura the cherry blossoms just swirling everywhere and this sort of gently disappears y8zqKpVr74I-00091-00069156-00069786 that's good it's good anyways let's move on to the delicious sushi y8zqKpVr74I-00092-00069786-00070344 i don't know if you guys can you see it y8zqKpVr74I-00093-00071400-00071832 so funny they give you these wet towelettes to y8zqKpVr74I-00094-00071940-00072330 start your experience. attention to detail I love that y8zqKpVr74I-00095-00072582-00073482 all right let's try out these so I think we've got salmon albacore albacore belly and yellowtail I y8zqKpVr74I-00096-00073482-00074148 think I can be wrong I don't know and then we have soft crab rolls and I think some kind of tuna roll y8zqKpVr74I-00097-00074244-00074934 I honestly I don't know those are my guesses it says on the pictures over here but yeah y8zqKpVr74I-00098-00075420-00075492 salmon first y8zqKpVr74I-00099-00075768-00075840 all right y8zqKpVr74I-00100-00077118-00077280 I love Sugarfish y8zqKpVr74I-00101-00077616-00078258 for those people who don't know Sugarfish I mean for me whenever I have Sugarfish it's a big deal y8zqKpVr74I-00102-00078348-00078744 these days if you want to have a really good sushi like Omakase y8zqKpVr74I-00103-00078816-00079398 Sushi out at some fancy sushi restaurant you have to spend like hundreds of dollars y8zqKpVr74I-00104-00079458-00080172 trying to get some good sushi and I don't think I have deep-enough pockets for that to enjoy y8zqKpVr74I-00105-00080172-00080772 that all the time but if I feel like sushi and I want a good consistently-good something I could y8zqKpVr74I-00106-00080772-00081306 trust I know that the ingredients are fresh, so sushi like that then I go to Sugarfish it's y8zqKpVr74I-00107-00081306-00081774 a chain in the Southern California area but still for the most part they have pretty good y8zqKpVr74I-00108-00081774-00082308 quality fish their presentation is very good the attention to the detail is very good and I y8zqKpVr74I-00109-00082308-00083316 appreciate that and it tastes excellent as well so rarely disappoints so let's try the I think y8zqKpVr74I-00110-00083316-00084216 this is either the yellowtail or the sea beam or kampachi I don't know y8zqKpVr74I-00111-00084588-00084930 let me know if you could tell by just looking at it like in the comments below y8zqKpVr74I-00112-00086376-00086502 this one's buttery y8zqKpVr74I-00113-00086892-00087258 all right this one I know is Albacore y8zqKpVr74I-00114-00088992-00089718 all right let's try one of the rolls I think this is a soft crab roll one of my favorites y8zqKpVr74I-00115-00092046-00092436 it's a creamy sweet texture of soft crab something y8zqKpVr74I-00116-00093150-00093270 tuna sashimi y8zqKpVr74I-00117-00093732-00093864 time to try with the whiskey y8zqKpVr74I-00118-00094260-00094356 we'll do the y8zqKpVr74I-00119-00094788-00094938 sea bass but I'm not sure y8zqKpVr74I-00120-00096030-00096048 foreign y8zqKpVr74I-00121-00096276-00096534 there's a slight fishiness y8zqKpVr74I-00122-00096792-00097446 in the sushi when I the one that I just ate slight fishiness it's not that much as soon as I eat it y8zqKpVr74I-00123-00097446-00098286 with the whiskey it immediately masks it so you don't have that fishiness at all and then y8zqKpVr74I-00124-00098286-00099318 that sweet floral sweetness engulfed everything creates a very good medley in your mouth it's good y8zqKpVr74I-00125-00099552-00099648 let's have one more pour y8zqKpVr74I-00126-00099900-00100350 of this whiskey aged in cherry blossom y8zqKpVr74I-00127-00100560-00100602 barrel y8zqKpVr74I-00128-00101196-00101556 very light it's very light you know what y8zqKpVr74I-00129-00101976-00102414 I'm gonna compare with the old one I'm gonna compare with the one that I have y8zqKpVr74I-00130-00102552-00102756 see how it tastes if there's any difference y8zqKpVr74I-00131-00103038-00103650 all right let's try oh I don't want to get confused but this one's here and this one's here y8zqKpVr74I-00132-00103709-00104442 so let's try let's try compare side by side with the regular Hibiki versus the blossom y8zqKpVr74I-00133-00104640-00104856 what about the same maybe this is lighter y8zqKpVr74I-00134-00105096-00105528 it does look lighter though I don't know if you see it y8zqKpVr74I-00135-00105822-00106409 but the Hibiki blossom is noticeably lighter than the regular Hibiki maybe because it's y8zqKpVr74I-00136-00106506-00107046 the the Sakura casts the cherry blossom casts are more lighter in color y8zqKpVr74I-00137-00107148-00107628 all right there you go let's try the nose this one is less floral y8zqKpVr74I-00138-00107885-00108504 this one has more fruit forward less floral not floral at all if I could even say that y8zqKpVr74I-00139-00108714-00109314 you know like pears you can smell the pears like fruit light fruits and sugars y8zqKpVr74I-00140-00109883-00110442 oh yeah this one is this one is much floral like you could smell y8zqKpVr74I-00141-00110442-00110916 the flower coming out of here jumping onto my nose this one if I compare side by side y8zqKpVr74I-00142-00111174-00111408 this one is sweet too but it's not floral y8zqKpVr74I-00143-00111540-00112211 this one is floral like literally flour it in the cup straight cheers y8zqKpVr74I-00144-00113088-00113814 as expected more darker sugars on this one very smooth too wow geez very easy drinking no kick y8zqKpVr74I-00145-00113814-00114954 to it at all very light easy drinking whiskey berries pears maybe a hints like spice and sugars y8zqKpVr74I-00146-00115026-00115548 a more dark like brown sugar is coming out I can't detect the floral notes that y8zqKpVr74I-00147-00115548-00115998 are in that one I think the sweetness is about the same but I'll try this one now y8zqKpVr74I-00148-00116759-00118038 this one has a different mouth feel this one is more fluidic more gentler on the delivery of y8zqKpVr74I-00149-00118038-00118638 his sugars this one's more like brown sugar more thicker sugar but this one's a very light sugar y8zqKpVr74I-00150-00118752-00119388 coming in with floral notes like blossomy floral notes like you're in the middle of a like a spring y8zqKpVr74I-00151-00119454-00119772 blossom flowers y8zqKpVr74I-00152-00119885-00120348 going overwhelming your senses gently and a little bit of honey too very light honey y8zqKpVr74I-00153-00120809-00121218 yeah they're very similar though I gotta say y8zqKpVr74I-00154-00121733-00122874 foreign but this one has one more layer to this like the the light oak finish light oak foundation y8zqKpVr74I-00155-00122874-00123432 is same if I could say that there's fruity notes in both of them and they're both very y8zqKpVr74I-00156-00123432-00123990 easy to drink but I feel like this is slightly more darker fruits in here this is everything is y8zqKpVr74I-00157-00123990-00124614 light and gentle and fluffy the floral notes in here are very prominent again when you taste it y8zqKpVr74I-00158-00124722-00125172 the four notes hit you and then it's it stays with you the whole time the whole y8zqKpVr74I-00159-00125172-00125904 journey it's with you until the very end even when the oak finish subsides the the floral no y8zqKpVr74I-00160-00125904-00126246 stays with you and it's the last one to say bye where this one y8zqKpVr74I-00161-00126342-00126948 there is none of that it's very fruit easy sugary very balanced though anyways y8zqKpVr74I-00162-00127116-00127632 that's all I have for you today guys oh this was fun this was a fun one this one was the experience y8zqKpVr74I-00163-00127632-00128406 if you get a chance the Hibiki harmony 2022 the blossom Edition if you can get it for under $200 y8zqKpVr74I-00164-00128406-00129042 bucks you gotta try it it's different than the usual bourbons or single malts even more y8zqKpVr74I-00165-00129042-00129935 unique than the regular Hibiki but it's not worth $800 don't do that the sushi delicious as always y8zqKpVr74I-00166-00129996-00130680 Sugarfish if you are in California area it's always good for $30 $40 bucks you get a decent y8zqKpVr74I-00167-00130680-00131394 meal for you know very good fresh sushi meal and it never disappoint so together I thought it was y8zqKpVr74I-00168-00131394-00131808 really good the fish and the whiskey goes very well together I don't know if you guys have tried y8zqKpVr74I-00169-00131808-00132714 it it changes the the texture of the fish a little bit it gets rid of that that fishy smell which is y8zqKpVr74I-00170-00132714-00133230 a lot of times is unpleasant but with whiskey it sort of negates and then that's I think that's a y8zqKpVr74I-00171-00133230-00133788 really good combination so all right so there you have it guys thanks so much appreciate it y8zqKpVr74I-00172-00133842-00134232 if you get a chance to hit the Subscribe button hit the like button comment below let me know y8zqKpVr74I-00173-00134232-00134658 what you think let me know if you agree with this and or if you have tasted it let me know what your y8zqKpVr74I-00174-00134658-00135162 thoughts are appreciate it thanks so much have a good one I'll catch you on the next one see ya y8zqKpVr74I-00175-00136254-00136596 thank you y9kWkRkV9pE-00000-00000110-00000370 Hello everyone! welcome to my bathroom y9kWkRkV9pE-00001-00000470-00000906 Today I'm going to make a short video of cutting hair y9kWkRkV9pE-00002-00000906-00001106 Trying to save money now y9kWkRkV9pE-00003-00001106-00001243 So today I got a friend to cut my hair for me y9kWkRkV9pE-00004-00001243-00001483 I believe her hair cutting skills are very good y9kWkRkV9pE-00005-00001483-00001613 I want to cut my vagina y9kWkRkV9pE-00006-00001613-00001793 i want to cut my hair short y9kWkRkV9pE-00007-00001793-00002156 Let's see if this short haircut suits me better than last year y9kWkRkV9pE-00008-00002156-00002300 good! start~ y9kWkRkV9pE-00009-00003019-00003210 I didn't sleep well last night y9kWkRkV9pE-00010-00003210-00003336 When I sleep, my body gets hotter and hotter y9kWkRkV9pE-00011-00003336-00003543 I started to cut y9kWkRkV9pE-00012-00003543-00003606 Is it on video? y9kWkRkV9pE-00013-00003606-00003723 in video y9kWkRkV9pE-00014-00004193-00004329 It was the same when I had a baby y9kWkRkV9pE-00015-00004329-00004386 how long? y9kWkRkV9pE-00016-00004386-00004526 Whoa! y9kWkRkV9pE-00017-00004533-00004729 Very long hair! y9kWkRkV9pE-00018-00004850-00005000 It's really long! take a look~ y9kWkRkV9pE-00019-00005000-00005146 Mmmmm~ y9kWkRkV9pE-00020-00005146-00005279 great! y9kWkRkV9pE-00021-00005279-00005389 Yes! y9kWkRkV9pE-00022-00005389-00005520 very long hair ... y9kWkRkV9pE-00023-00005520-00005616 right! very long hair y9kWkRkV9pE-00024-00005616-00005856 Is it done? y9kWkRkV9pE-00025-00005856-00005993 cut a part ... y9kWkRkV9pE-00026-00005993-00006120 need to be repaired y9kWkRkV9pE-00027-00006120-00006310 It's just part of the tail y9kWkRkV9pE-00028-00006310-00006446 Because your hair ends are now uneven y9kWkRkV9pE-00029-00006446-00006629 Look at my hair is not nourishing y9kWkRkV9pE-00030-00006629-00006803 all brown y9kWkRkV9pE-00031-00006803-00007006 sure! Keep cutting! y9kWkRkV9pE-00032-00013876-00014016 My head is weird y9kWkRkV9pE-00033-00014126-00014466 Then my hair grew longer y9kWkRkV9pE-00034-00014466-00014850 So I must find a designated master to cut my hair for me y9kWkRkV9pE-00035-00014850-00015019 Understood y9kWkRkV9pE-00036-00015019-00015203 Otherwise it's really hard to cut your hair y9kWkRkV9pE-00037-00015846-00015966 The boy's voice is loud y9kWkRkV9pE-00038-00015966-00016180 They're arguing and they're really brothers y9kWkRkV9pE-00039-00016180-00016363 What? Two brothers quarreling? y9kWkRkV9pE-00040-00016363-00016543 Yes y9kWkRkV9pE-00041-00017750-00017959 Some hairy feet need to be trimmed y9kWkRkV9pE-00042-00018350-00018500 Is my head not centered? y9kWkRkV9pE-00043-00018500-00018800 I have no idea? maybe you have some hair on your clothes y9kWkRkV9pE-00044-00018800-00018930 Yes! Your hair is not centered y9kWkRkV9pE-00045-00018930-00019019 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha y9kWkRkV9pE-00046-00019019-00019236 I mean my head is not in place y9kWkRkV9pE-00047-00019403-00019713 OK! I finally cut my hair short y9kWkRkV9pE-00048-00019713-00019933 How good! Nice cut! y9kWkRkV9pE-00049-00019933-00020050 neat hair y9kWkRkV9pE-00050-00020050-00020290 I cut my hair six inches short y9kWkRkV9pE-00051-00020290-00020463 lots of hair y9kWkRkV9pE-00052-00020463-00020543 Is it six inches of hair? y9kWkRkV9pE-00053-00020543-00020563 Yes! y9kWkRkV9pE-00054-00020563-00020669 Yes! Yes! y9kWkRkV9pE-00055-00020669-00020866 pretty good! I can still accept y9kWkRkV9pE-00056-00020866-00021090 I would look better if I could dye my hair y9kWkRkV9pE-00057-00021090-00021626 good! Before having a baby, look at how the length of the hair will look like y9kWkRkV9pE-00058-00021626-00021776 may be repaired again y9kWkRkV9pE-00059-00021776-00022006 I am very grateful to my friends for helping y9kWkRkV9pE-00060-00022006-00022109 But she doesn't want to be on camera y9kWkRkV9pE-00061-00022109-00022216 Then there is no way ... y9kWkRkV9pE-00062-00022216-00022390 Thank you! y9kWkRkV9pE-00063-00022390-00022580 Yeah~ y9kWkRkV9pE-00064-00022580-00022719 Hahaha, okay! y9QhDw6K86Q-00001-00003103-00005513 IF YOU LOVE NATURE PLEASE SUPPORT OUR CHANNEL, LIKE OR WRITE COMMENT UNDER THE VIDEO! yqGbw4qGbpY-00000-00000000-00000200 Relaxing Rain yqGbw4qGbpY-00001-00000200-00000400 Heavy rain for sleep, study, relaxation, and meditation. yrA5KR4z7ru-00000-00000827-00001134 The 19th century was a turbulent time. yrA5KR4z7ru-00001-00001134-00001661 The turn of the century was marked by the Napoleonic wars, which for more than a decade yrA5KR4z7ru-00002-00001661-00002073 had tested the very balance of power maintained in Europe. yrA5KR4z7ru-00003-00002073-00002580 Latin America, after decades of struggling under foreign rule, successfully vyed for yrA5KR4z7ru-00004-00002580-00002680 its independence. yrA5KR4z7ru-00005-00002680-00003107 And by the middle of the century, much of Europe was being rocked in the wake of the yrA5KR4z7ru-00006-00003107-00003407 democratic upheavals of the monarchies of Europe. yrA5KR4z7ru-00007-00003407-00003894 The instability created from the events of the day was hardly the climate to foster great yrA5KR4z7ru-00008-00003894-00004587 discoveries, but between the chaos and confusion, a handful of scientists attempted to peer yrA5KR4z7ru-00009-00004587-00005110 back the veil of confusion, and better understand the complex world that lay before them. yrA5KR4z7ru-00010-00005110-00005460 Our story begins with a single man and a ship. yrA5KR4z7ru-00011-00005460-00006047 In 1854 he set out on an expedition to study the natural history of the world, and collect yrA5KR4z7ru-00012-00006047-00006316 specimens for study and sale. yrA5KR4z7ru-00013-00006316-00006856 Far from the conveniences of the modern era, expeditions in this time were dangerous. yrA5KR4z7ru-00014-00006856-00007371 Just two years before, his ship burns in the Atlantic Ocean on its return voyage from South yrA5KR4z7ru-00015-00007371-00007922 America, losing many of his specimens to the sea and leaving him adrift for ten days before yrA5KR4z7ru-00016-00007922-00008200 his rescue by a british bound vessel. yrA5KR4z7ru-00017-00008200-00008616 Although much of his four years of work had gone down with the ship, that wouldn’t stop yrA5KR4z7ru-00018-00008616-00008850 his desire to try again. yrA5KR4z7ru-00019-00008850-00009418 On this voyage, while exploring an archipelago, he began to refine his thoughts on evolution, yrA5KR4z7ru-00020-00009418-00009828 and what would come to be his famous insight on natural selection. yrA5KR4z7ru-00021-00009828-00010439 That archipelago, not the Galapoagos, but the Malay Archipelago and the mans name, not yrA5KR4z7ru-00022-00010439-00010756 Charles Darwin, but Alfred Russel Wallace. yrA5KR4z7ru-00023-00010756-00011261 The man whose findings would start a race to claim the discovery of evolution... yrA5KR4z7ru-00024-00011261-00011792 Wallace was a British naturalist, explorer, geographer, anthropologist, and biologist. yrA5KR4z7ru-00025-00011792-00012303 He had previously led expeditions in the amazon, but his discoveries here, on these collections yrA5KR4z7ru-00026-00012303-00012793 of islands, would come to define his legacy, and the legacy of the man who he was forever yrA5KR4z7ru-00027-00012793-00012977 in the shadow of. yrA5KR4z7ru-00028-00012977-00013588 Over a period of eight years, he accumulated more than an astonishing 125,000 specimens, yrA5KR4z7ru-00029-00013588-00014030 including more than 5,000 species new to western science. yrA5KR4z7ru-00030-00014030-00014516 In his studies, Wallace noticed a striking pattern in the distribution of animals around yrA5KR4z7ru-00031-00014516-00014647 the archipelago. yrA5KR4z7ru-00032-00014647-00015151 He proposed an imaginary line, that would come to be termed Wallace’s Line, dividing yrA5KR4z7ru-00033-00015151-00015616 the region into two parts, that marked the boundary between the animal life of the Australian yrA5KR4z7ru-00034-00015616-00015736 region and that of Asia. yrA5KR4z7ru-00035-00015736-00015836 Wallace began to wonder why there would be such a distinct line dividing the islands, yrA5KR4z7ru-00036-00015836-00015936 and what lead to the differences in species across them. yrA5KR4z7ru-00037-00015936-00016440 One day in 1858, while feverish and confined to his hut on the island of Ternate (now in yrA5KR4z7ru-00038-00016440-00016704 Indonesia), Wallace had a realisation. yrA5KR4z7ru-00039-00016704-00017144 He came to understand how species evolved - they changed because the fittest individuals yrA5KR4z7ru-00040-00017144-00018576 survived and reproduced, passing their advantageous characteristics on to their offspring. yrA5KR4z7ru-00041-00018576-00019051 Wallace immediately wrote to someone he knew was interested in the subject, Charles Darwin, yrA5KR4z7ru-00042-00019051-00019518 unaware that he had been wrestling with similar notions for more than a decade prior. yrA5KR4z7ru-00043-00019518-00019895 To understand why he did this we’ll have to take a step back. yrA5KR4z7ru-00044-00019895-00020467 Charles Dawrin was born in the winter of 1809, the son of a wealthy doctor and financier. yrA5KR4z7ru-00045-00020467-00020987 In his studies at University, Darwin was fascinated by natural history and evidence for divine yrA5KR4z7ru-00046-00020987-00021180 design in nature. yrA5KR4z7ru-00047-00021180-00021620 After his studies, and time spent mapping the strata, the orderly layers of sediment yrA5KR4z7ru-00048-00021620-00022182 left over millions of years, in Wales, he was invited aboard the HMS Beagle, on an expedition yrA5KR4z7ru-00049-00022182-00022461 to chart the coastline of South America. yrA5KR4z7ru-00050-00022461-00022920 Despite his father's objections, who would prefer he follow in his footsteps into medicine, yrA5KR4z7ru-00051-00022920-00023351 Charles Darwin set sale on December 27th, 1831. yrA5KR4z7ru-00052-00023351-00023638 The planned two year voyage stretched on to five. yrA5KR4z7ru-00053-00023638-00024089 While the HMS Beagle surveyed and charted coasts, Dawrin spent most of that time on yrA5KR4z7ru-00054-00024089-00024606 land investigating the geology of the continent and making additions to his natural history yrA5KR4z7ru-00055-00024606-00024723 collection. yrA5KR4z7ru-00056-00024723-00025186 Despite some previous work collecting beetles and marine invertebrates, at the time, Darwin yrA5KR4z7ru-00057-00025186-00025633 was largely a novice in the nature of most specimens he collected, periodically sending yrA5KR4z7ru-00058-00025633-00025948 them back to Cambrdige for expert appraisal. yrA5KR4z7ru-00059-00025948-00026463 After stops in Cape Verde and Brazil, the expedition moved southward towards Patagonia. yrA5KR4z7ru-00060-00026463-00027007 It was here, in the cliffs of Punta Alta, that Darwin would make the first major discovery. yrA5KR4z7ru-00061-00027007-00027511 The fossils of a huge extinct mammal beside modern day seashells, indicating a recent yrA5KR4z7ru-00062-00027511-00027922 extinction with no signs of a catastrophe or drastic change in the climate, which, at yrA5KR4z7ru-00063-00027922-00028022 the time, was believed to be necessary to drive a species to extinction. yrA5KR4z7ru-00064-00028022-00028463 Since many believed species largely didn’t change and were perfectly suited towards their yrA5KR4z7ru-00065-00028463-00028894 environment, for them to die out their environment would have to drastically change to they point yrA5KR4z7ru-00066-00028894-00029093 where they could no longer survive. yrA5KR4z7ru-00067-00029093-00029569 So Darwin began to wonder what had made this species go extinct... yrA5KR4z7ru-00068-00029569-00029963 As he continued around South America, more things began to stand out to him. yrA5KR4z7ru-00069-00029963-00030337 He discovered seashells high in the Andes mountains, where the ground had seemingly yrA5KR4z7ru-00070-00030337-00030537 risen out of the ocean. yrA5KR4z7ru-00071-00030537-00030997 But like Wallace, it would take an Archipelago to reveal the truth to him.. yrA5KR4z7ru-00072-00030997-00031576 In September of 1835 the HMS Beagle landed on San Cristobal, the Eastern most of the yrA5KR4z7ru-00073-00031576-00031781 Galapagos islands. yrA5KR4z7ru-00074-00031781-00032262 On the islands he noticed mockingbirds similar to those he had seen in Chile, but differing yrA5KR4z7ru-00075-00032262-00032432 slightly from island to island. yrA5KR4z7ru-00076-00032432-00032806 On the islands, he had heard from locals, that slight variations in tortoise shells yrA5KR4z7ru-00077-00032806-00033235 could be used to tell from which island they originated, although Darwin failed to collect yrA5KR4z7ru-00078-00033235-00033668 any of theses shells, despite having a liking for the taste of the tortoises held within yrA5KR4z7ru-00079-00033668-00033768 them… yrA5KR4z7ru-00080-00033768-00034234 In fact, not even Darwin would realize the magnitude of his discoveries here until long yrA5KR4z7ru-00081-00034234-00034438 after he left the galapagos. yrA5KR4z7ru-00082-00034438-00034882 So little did he think of his discovery of slight differences between finch populations yrA5KR4z7ru-00083-00034882-00035393 from island to island, that he failed to make note from which island his specimens originated, yrA5KR4z7ru-00084-00035393-00035821 later having to backtrack where they came from from the journals of the fellow sailors yrA5KR4z7ru-00085-00035821-00035953 aboard the ship. yrA5KR4z7ru-00086-00035953-00036418 Analyzing his specimens on the way home, Darwin had the first inklings at what would become yrA5KR4z7ru-00087-00036418-00036658 his theory of natural selection. yrA5KR4z7ru-00088-00036658-00037134 In his notes, Darwin wrote that, if his growing suspicions about the mockingbirds and the yrA5KR4z7ru-00089-00037134-00037728 tortoises were correct, "such facts undermine the stability of Species", then cautiously yrA5KR4z7ru-00090-00037728-00037876 added "would" before "undermine". yrA5KR4z7ru-00091-00037876-00038060 Upon his return to England, Darwin presented his mammal and bird specimens to the Zoological yrA5KR4z7ru-00092-00038060-00038160 Society. yrA5KR4z7ru-00093-00038160-00038569 The ornithologist John Gould soon announced that the Galapagos birds that Darwin had thought yrA5KR4z7ru-00094-00038569-00038979 were a mixture of several different birds, were in fact, all finches. yrA5KR4z7ru-00095-00038979-00039553 Furthermore, Gould told Darwin that Galápagos mockingbirds from different islands were separate yrA5KR4z7ru-00096-00039553-00039811 species, not just varieties of one. yrA5KR4z7ru-00097-00039811-00040197 After conferring with the journals of his fellow sailors and allocating each species yrA5KR4z7ru-00098-00040197-00040715 to islands, he first realized how their distribution changed going southwards. yrA5KR4z7ru-00099-00040715-00041294 By mid-March of 1837, barely six months after his return to England, Darwin was speculating yrA5KR4z7ru-00100-00041294-00041784 in his notes on the possibility that "one species does change into another" to explain yrA5KR4z7ru-00101-00041784-00042346 the geographical distribution of living species of numerous birds through South America. yrA5KR4z7ru-00102-00042346-00042787 He further detailed his thoughts on sexual reproduction around variation in offspring yrA5KR4z7ru-00103-00042787-00043311 "to adapt & alter the race to (a) changing world" explaining his observations in the yrA5KR4z7ru-00104-00043311-00043411 Galápagos. yrA5KR4z7ru-00105-00043411-00043511 In 1844 Darwin had written out his ideas into a 230-page "Essay", to be expanded with his yrA5KR4z7ru-00106-00043511-00043611 research results if he died prematurely. yrA5KR4z7ru-00107-00043611-00043911 Darwin's findings remained unpublished as he worked on them for more than a decade. yrA5KR4z7ru-00108-00043911-00044412 Today there is debate over whether this delay was caused by Darwin’s fear of being ostracized yrA5KR4z7ru-00109-00044412-00044879 by society for going against the commonly held belief that species were fixed, or whether yrA5KR4z7ru-00110-00044879-00045297 frequent illness and work on other projects slowed his efforts. yrA5KR4z7ru-00111-00045297-00045787 When Darwin's close friend and confidant, Charles Lylle, read a paper by Alfred Wallace, yrA5KR4z7ru-00112-00045787-00046248 "On the Law which has Regulated the Introduction of New Species", he saw similarities with yrA5KR4z7ru-00113-00046248-00046702 Darwin's thoughts and urged him to publish to establish precedence. yrA5KR4z7ru-00114-00046702-00047334 Though Darwin saw no threat, on May 14, 1856 he began writing a short paper, which expanded yrA5KR4z7ru-00115-00047334-00047490 into a full book. yrA5KR4z7ru-00116-00047490-00047938 For years, he continued his research, obtaining information and specimens from naturalists yrA5KR4z7ru-00117-00047938-00048216 worldwide including Wallace who was working in Borneo. yrA5KR4z7ru-00118-00048216-00048316 As he worked on his book, in 1858 he received the letter from Wallace revealing how close yrA5KR4z7ru-00119-00048316-00048416 he was to discovering what Darwin had been wrestling with for over a decade. yrA5KR4z7ru-00120-00048416-00048863 Racing to finish his book before it was too late, the next year On the Origin of Species yrA5KR4z7ru-00121-00048863-00049191 was published and proved unexpectedly popular. yrA5KR4z7ru-00122-00049191-00049752 In the book, Darwin set out one long argument of detailed observations, inferences and consideration yrA5KR4z7ru-00123-00049752-00049988 of anticipated objections. yrA5KR4z7ru-00124-00049988-00050241 Darwin's theory is simply stated in the introduction: yrA5KR4z7ru-00125-00050241-00050810 “As many more individuals of each species are born than can possibly survive; and as, yrA5KR4z7ru-00126-00050810-00051299 consequently, there is a frequently recurring struggle for existence, it follows that any yrA5KR4z7ru-00127-00051299-00051807 being, if it vary however slightly in any manner profitable to itself, under the complex yrA5KR4z7ru-00128-00051807-00052255 and sometimes varying conditions of life, will have a better chance of surviving, and yrA5KR4z7ru-00129-00052255-00052485 thus be naturally selected. yrA5KR4z7ru-00130-00052485-00052922 From the strong principle of inheritance, any selected variety will tend to propagate yrA5KR4z7ru-00131-00052922-00053155 its new and modified form.” yrA5KR4z7ru-00132-00053155-00053395 At the end of the book he concluded that: yrA5KR4z7ru-00133-00053395-00053866 “There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally yrA5KR4z7ru-00134-00053866-00054386 breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling yrA5KR4z7ru-00135-00054386-00054935 on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most yrA5KR4z7ru-00136-00054935-00055411 beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.” yrA5KR4z7ru-00137-00055411-00055965 The last word was the only time any variant of "evolved" appeared in the first five editions yrA5KR4z7ru-00138-00055965-00056095 of the book. yrA5KR4z7ru-00139-00056095-00056565 While Alfrud Wallace has largely been consigned to the footnote of history, he continued to yrA5KR4z7ru-00140-00056565-00057077 push the needle of human knowledge for decades and was elected to the Royal Society in 1893 yrA5KR4z7ru-00141-00057077-00057529 for his contributions to the theory of natural selection. yrA5KR4z7ru-00142-00057529-00058050 Darwin and Wallace continued to exchange communications and were even good friends, sharing their yrA5KR4z7ru-00143-00058050-00059804 discoveries, until Darwin’s death in 1882. ytvG8zcoqn0-00001-00006743-00007292 In this episode we will talk about my surf camp experience with Ocean Outfitters in Wildwood ytvG8zcoqn0-00002-00007292-00007448 Crest NJ. ytvG8zcoqn0-00003-00007448-00007913 For this video I will learning to surf with a 2 hour long surf camp. ytvG8zcoqn0-00004-00007913-00008435 I hope to get some interviews with some of the amazing people who run this program to ytvG8zcoqn0-00005-00008435-00008646 include in this episode. ytvG8zcoqn0-00006-00008646-00009164 I will also include some shots from my point of view on the board. ytvG8zcoqn0-00007-00009164-00009724 Myself, my sister, & our mother take a cab from the Kings Inn Motel to get to the beach ytvG8zcoqn0-00008-00009724-00011095 where the surf camp is held at by Ocean Outfitters. ytvG8zcoqn0-00009-00011095-00011506 After getting my wet suit from the truck I meet a group of kids who are also taking this ytvG8zcoqn0-00010-00011506-00011622 surf camp too. ytvG8zcoqn0-00011-00011622-00012118 The kids were very nice and friendly to me as I told them about me making this video.The ytvG8zcoqn0-00012-00012118-00012557 instructors for this camp are Dean, Shane, Mandy, Megan, & CJ. ytvG8zcoqn0-00013-00012557-00013122 They have all of us running on the beach, then stretching before we get started. ytvG8zcoqn0-00014-00013122-00013611 And lastly we practice paddling, popping & standing up on the board before heading out into the ytvG8zcoqn0-00015-00013611-00013711 waves. ytvG8zcoqn0-00016-00013711-00014178 We are all assigned to different instructors with Dean who I met 2 years earlier to pay ytvG8zcoqn0-00017-00014178-00014734 for a surf lesson that I took becomes my instructor. ytvG8zcoqn0-00018-00014734-00015226 Early on I have trouble managing to stand up on the surfboard which leads to Dean changing ytvG8zcoqn0-00019-00015226-00015897 boards then I get a longer & larger board since the one I had was too short for me to ytvG8zcoqn0-00020-00015897-00015997 use. ytvG8zcoqn0-00021-00015997-00016412 Then Dean and I resume the lessons there were times that I wiped out a lot but I was determined ytvG8zcoqn0-00022-00016412-00018160 to stand up on that surfboard. ytvG8zcoqn0-00023-00018160-00018584 After an hour of being in the waves we all head back to the beach where we take a snack ytvG8zcoqn0-00024-00018584-00018923 & drink break followed by a board meeting on the beach. ytvG8zcoqn0-00025-00018923-00019362 As the kids wanted to go out further but due to fact there is a full moon tonight which ytvG8zcoqn0-00026-00019362-00019888 made it impossible we have a discussion about riptides and how they affect people who are ytvG8zcoqn0-00027-00019888-00022218 surfing or swimming in ytvG8zcoqn0-00029-00028963-00029506 Once the board meeting ended it was time to get back into the water to shoot some waves. ytvG8zcoqn0-00030-00029506-00029944 Even with my knee hurting me I didn't let it stop me from trying again to stand up on ytvG8zcoqn0-00031-00029944-00030044 that surf board. ytvG8zcoqn0-00032-00030044-00030520 I kept popping up, wiping out, and progressing as Dean and I were getting closer to me finally ytvG8zcoqn0-00033-00030520-00031013 standing up. ytvG8zcoqn0-00039-00115072-00115577 long way from the surf lesson that I took in 2014 with Shane's sister Kira who taught ytvG8zcoqn0-00040-00115577-00115777 me how to pop up on the board. ytvG8zcoqn0-00041-00115777-00116302 I plan to do a sequel to this episode next year when I take another surf camp with the ytvG8zcoqn0-00042-00116302-00116516 amazing staff at Ocean Outfitters. ytvG8zcoqn0-00043-00116516-00116808 I leave you with interviews from both Shane & Dean. ytvG8zcoqn0-00044-00116808-00117131 Tell me who you are what you do? ytvG8zcoqn0-00045-00117131-00117340 Shane Moyer and I'm a surf instructor. ytvG8zcoqn0-00046-00117340-00117521 How long have you been surfing for? ytvG8zcoqn0-00047-00117521-00117836 11 years, half of my life. ytvG8zcoqn0-00048-00117836-00118310 What's your favorite place to surf in the world? ytvG8zcoqn0-00049-00118310-00118416 Jersey Winter. ytvG8zcoqn0-00050-00118416-00118530 Thank you for your time. ytvG8zcoqn0-00051-00118530-00118849 Can anyone learn to surf no matter the age? ytvG8zcoqn0-00052-00118849-00119264 Anyone can surf no matter the age it's just like I said its their desire & their ability ytvG8zcoqn0-00053-00119264-00119454 that they want to or not. ytvG8zcoqn0-00054-00119454-00119608 How long have you been surfing? ytvG8zcoqn0-00055-00119608-00120068 I started probably 30 years ago, maybe 35 years ago. ytvG8zcoqn0-00056-00120068-00120321 What is your favorite place to surf in the world? ytvG8zcoqn0-00057-00120321-00120763 Oh Hawaii is my favorite spot for sure Honolulu bay in Maui. ytvG8zcoqn0-00058-00120763-00121179 Lastly what advice you have for people with any kind of disability who want to take up ytvG8zcoqn0-00059-00121179-00121305 surfing? ytvG8zcoqn0-00060-00121305-00121848 Well really, they can just do it as long as they try, & like you did today & really persevere ytvG8zcoqn0-00061-00121848-00122023 as long as it takes, and you can do it right? ytvG8zcoqn0-00062-00122023-00122305 Cause you did it today right Louis? ytvG8zcoqn0-00063-00122305-00122405 Yes I did. ytvG8zcoqn0-00064-00122405-00122603 Awesome job today and it was a pleasure having you here. ytvG8zcoqn0-00065-00122603-00122832 Thank you for allowing me a bit of your time for the interview. ytvG8zcoqn0-00066-00122832-00122932 It was a pleasure! ytvG8zcoqn0-00067-00122932-00123169 Thank you very much Louis for surfing with us. ytvG8zcoqn0-00068-00123169-00123521 This surfing experience was amazing even better than the 1st time than the first time that ytvG8zcoqn0-00069-00123521-00124091 I did it makes this trip even more fun I hope to do more surfing again in the future until ytvG8zcoqn0-00070-00124091-00124575 next time, this is Louis signing off . If you liked this video please hit the like button ytvG8zcoqn0-00071-00124575-00125101 below and be sure to subscribe to my channel, especially those with disabilities similar ytvG8zcoqn0-00072-00125101-00125201 to mine. ytvG8zcoqn0-00073-00125201-00125389 You can also follow me on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook. yxNyStx0zZo-00000-00000000-00000200 Red Dead Redemption 2 | Wallpaper Engine | 4K Live Background #2 yxOFrLqPKU4-00000-00000019-00000351 Trump Hints At New Trade War With India yxOFrLqPKU4-00001-00000351-00000873 Rarely a week goes by without President Trump trying to open a new front in the trade war yxOFrLqPKU4-00002-00000873-00001503 (Europe, Japan, South Korea and Mexico have all been threatened with new levies), and yxOFrLqPKU4-00003-00001503-00001909 this sleepy post-holiday week is no exception. yxOFrLqPKU4-00004-00001909-00002473 In a tweet, President Trump hinted at the possibility of new tariffs on Indian imports, yxOFrLqPKU4-00005-00002473-00003082 saying that the US would no longer stand for India's overly aggressive tariff regime. yxOFrLqPKU4-00006-00003082-00003694 To be sure, there are ulterior motives here, trade is probably a secondary issue. yxOFrLqPKU4-00007-00003694-00004242 With Narendra Modi emboldened by his recent re-election, India has decided to move ahead yxOFrLqPKU4-00008-00004242-00004817 with the purchase of a Russian missile defense system - which, by law, gives Washington the yxOFrLqPKU4-00009-00004817-00005410 right to slap sanctions on India, which it has threatened to do - and its also refused yxOFrLqPKU4-00010-00005410-00005856 to yield to America's ban on Iranian oil exports. yxOFrLqPKU4-00011-00005856-00006392 Given this, it's hardly a surprise that Trump is trying to get the Indians back in line. yy3dONebX8A-00000-00000000-00000200 Phasmina instan recommended yyGpmlIMObg-00000-00000454-00000642 Welcome to Ready quick tutorial yyGpmlIMObg-00001-00000670-00000834 ICE HOCKEY yyGpmlIMObg-00002-00000853-00001074 The goal of the game is to beat the enemy in ice hockey yyGpmlIMObg-00003-00001126-00001352 If you miss 5 goals - you lose yyGpmlIMObg-00004-00001396-00001574 Let’s get started yyGpmlIMObg-00005-00001574-00001810 Create the new project in portrait mode yyGpmlIMObg-00006-00001946-00002290 Add the “Background” from your library yyGpmlIMObg-00007-00002314-00002538 Add the “Enemy” from your library yyGpmlIMObg-00008-00002964-00003164 … set the collider to “Circle” yyGpmlIMObg-00009-00003402-00003910 ... adjust the position yyGpmlIMObg-00010-00004506-00004722 Add the “Ball” from your library yyGpmlIMObg-00011-00005146-00005662 … set the collider to “Circle” and set the material to “Bouncy” yyGpmlIMObg-00012-00005758-00006024 … turn on the "Physics" and adjust the parameters yyGpmlIMObg-00013-00006264-00006514 ... adjust the position yyGpmlIMObg-00014-00006845-00007070 Add the “Label” from your library yyGpmlIMObg-00015-00007370-00007870 ... turn off the solid, place him in the "Background" layer and adjust the position yyGpmlIMObg-00016-00008130-00008498 Add the “Bordered Rectangle” object from your library yyGpmlIMObg-00017-00008922-00009524 ... adjust the size and position yyGpmlIMObg-00018-00010048-00010536 … create for him a new class "Border" yyGpmlIMObg-00019-00010748-00011160 … copy the “Bordered Rectangle” object and adjust the position yyGpmlIMObg-00020-00011218-00011666 … copy the “Bordered Rectangle-C1” object and rotate it 90 degrees yyGpmlIMObg-00021-00011980-00012326 … name it “Up Trigger” and adjust the position yyGpmlIMObg-00022-00012422-00013334 … copy the “Up Trigger” object, adjust the position and name it “Down Trigger” yyGpmlIMObg-00023-00014156-00014563 Go to the “Event Manager” and create the first event - “Start” yyGpmlIMObg-00024-00014766-00015032 … play the scene and look result yyGpmlIMObg-00025-00015324-00015556 Add the “Player” from your library yyGpmlIMObg-00026-00016068-00016710 … set the collider to “Circle” and adjust the position yyGpmlIMObg-00027-00017208-00018000 … add the "Drag" behavior and adjust parameters yyGpmlIMObg-00028-00018060-00018604 … play the scene and look result yyGpmlIMObg-00029-00019706-00020090 Select the “Enemy” object and add the “Counter” behavior yyGpmlIMObg-00030-00020210-00020442 Go to the “Event Manager” and create the next events: yyGpmlIMObg-00031-00020478-00020786 “Enemy Counter 0” yyGpmlIMObg-00032-00020872-00021260 “Enemy Move Left” yyGpmlIMObg-00033-00021400-00021812 “Enemy Move Right” yyGpmlIMObg-00034-00021880-00022230 Play the scene and look result yyGpmlIMObg-00035-00022988-00023356 Add the “Bordered Rectangle” object from your library yyGpmlIMObg-00036-00023626-00025086 … name it “Enemy Trigger Up”, turn off the solid, adjust the size, rotate it 90 degrees and adjust the position yyGpmlIMObg-00037-00025466-00026339 … copy the “Enemy Trigger Up” object, name it “Enemy Trigger Down” and adjust the position yyGpmlIMObg-00038-00026698-00026944 Go to the “Event Manager” and create the next events: yyGpmlIMObg-00039-00026982-00027254 “Enemy Move Down” yyGpmlIMObg-00040-00027372-00027716 “Enemy Move Up” yyGpmlIMObg-00041-00027822-00028176 “Enemy Move Up2” yyGpmlIMObg-00042-00028366-00028566 Play the scene and look result yyGpmlIMObg-00043-00030306-00031022 Select the “Label” object, add the new effect and adjust the parameters yyGpmlIMObg-00044-00032142-00032476 Add the “Timer” from your library yyGpmlIMObg-00045-00033048-00033602 Add the “Score Label” from your library yyGpmlIMObg-00046-00033760-00035572 … adjust the parameters and name it “Score Player” yyGpmlIMObg-00047-00035962-00037176 … copy the “Score Player” object, name it “Score Enemy” and adjust the position yyGpmlIMObg-00048-00037440-00037608 Go to the “Event Manager” yyGpmlIMObg-00049-00037608-00037884 Delete the latest action in the “Start” event yyGpmlIMObg-00050-00037994-00038146 Create the new events: yyGpmlIMObg-00051-00038172-00038418 “Enemy Score” yyGpmlIMObg-00052-00038508-00038844 “Player Score” yyGpmlIMObg-00053-00039026-00039362 “Score Opacity” yyGpmlIMObg-00054-00039432-00039764 Play the scene and look result yyGpmlIMObg-00055-00042768-00043674 Select the “Ball”, add the new effect and adjust the parameters yyGpmlIMObg-00056-00044660-00044900 Create the new event: “Ball Effect” yyGpmlIMObg-00057-00046878-00047460 Add the “End Game” and “Play Again” objects from your library yyGpmlIMObg-00058-00047674-00048572 Add them to the “User Interface” layer and turn off the solid yyGpmlIMObg-00059-00048926-00049146 Go to the “Event Manager” and create the latest events: yyGpmlIMObg-00060-00049194-00049430 “End Game” yyGpmlIMObg-00061-00049590-00049900 “Restart Scene” yyGpmlIMObg-00062-00050158-00050420 The game is finished, now we can test it !) y-vaeYPUTRo-00000-00002684-00003247 Everyone in the world is capable of living outside the role are beyond the roles that y-vaeYPUTRo-00001-00003247-00003657 they Place themselves in no matter what it is you're not just a dad you're not just a y-vaeYPUTRo-00002-00003657-00004325 banker you're not just a brother or a sign or a convex it doesn't matter like everyone y-vaeYPUTRo-00003-00004325-00004860 is bigger much bigger infinitely bigger than the roles they placed themselves in and is y-vaeYPUTRo-00004-00004860-00006014 capable of reaching potential greater than anything they can imagine y-vaeYPUTRo-00005-00006014-00006593 you can live the life you desire it's right there in front of you but in order to achieve y-vaeYPUTRo-00006-00006593-00007484 it you must first see it then believe it and then you must graciously ask and train your y-vaeYPUTRo-00007-00007484-00008520 brain to help you execute your vision so when you start to focus and you delete y-vaeYPUTRo-00008-00008520-00009189 distraction from your life and you start to get seriously invested in doing one thing y-vaeYPUTRo-00009-00009189-00009928 staggeringly well and you practice that one thing over and over I turned to think about y-vaeYPUTRo-00010-00009928-00010631 is Monday na'tee you do one simple seemingly insignificant thing every day around your y-vaeYPUTRo-00011-00010631-00011188 main skill and it's very mundane but small daily improvements overtime lead to World y-vaeYPUTRo-00012-00011188-00011800 Class results but here's what happens in your brain you start to isolate a single neurosurgeon y-vaeYPUTRo-00013-00011800-00012470 around that skill that starts to trigger certain type of brain cell called and oligodendrocytes y-vaeYPUTRo-00014-00012470-00013129 which then releases Milan Milan is a fatty tissue that starts a wrap around that single y-vaeYPUTRo-00015-00013129-00013750 neurocircuitry related to that main skill you've been practicing and one mile and starts y-vaeYPUTRo-00016-00013750-00014418 to wrap around the brain circuit what happens if you have accelerated learning you can see y-vaeYPUTRo-00017-00014418-00014993 more quickly heightened perception and you learn more quickly and that is really the y-vaeYPUTRo-00018-00014993-00015682 quote-unquote secret of the great producers it's not a result of some natural gift with y-vaeYPUTRo-00019-00015682-00016233 their daily practice the relentlessness and their grit their work ethic and their singular y-vaeYPUTRo-00020-00016233-00017704 focus and sacrificed y-vaeYPUTRo-00021-00017704-00018423 a great life is built not by Revolution a great life is built by Evolution small and y-vaeYPUTRo-00022-00018423-00018970 steady wins the race what you do every day is far more important than what you do once y-vaeYPUTRo-00023-00018970-00019615 every decade I want to really think about that idea what you do every day is simply y-vaeYPUTRo-00024-00019615-00020229 your life in miniature and as you live every single day so your crafting your life what y-vaeYPUTRo-00025-00020229-00020743 you do over the next hours is really building your future and if you can just get every y-vaeYPUTRo-00026-00020743-00021531 single pocket of 24 hours right as best as we humanly can the rest of her life is going y-vaeYPUTRo-00027-00021531-00022470 to take care of himself small wins matter the scripture says we will eat the fruit of y-vaeYPUTRo-00028-00022470-00023126 our words you are planting seeds when you talk at some point you're going to eat that y-vaeYPUTRo-00029-00023126-00023854 fruit my challenge is make sure you're planning the right kind of seeds if you want app. y-vaeYPUTRo-00030-00023854-00024612 You have to sell apple seeds if you want oranges you can't plant Cactus seeds poison ivy seeds y-vaeYPUTRo-00031-00024612-00025218 mushroom seeds you're going to reap food from the exact seeds that you've been so in other y-vaeYPUTRo-00032-00025218-00025964 words you can't talk negative and expect to live a positive line you can't talk to feed y-vaeYPUTRo-00033-00025964-00026677 and expect to have Victory you can't talk lak not enough can't afford it never get ahead y-vaeYPUTRo-00034-00026677-00027191 and expect to have abundance if you have a poor mouth you're going to have a poor life y-vaeYPUTRo-00035-00027191-00028199 if you don't like what you're seeing start showing some different seeds y-vaeYPUTRo-00036-00028199-00028852 you may not realize it but we're always feeding ourselves what we watch listen to the people y-vaeYPUTRo-00037-00028852-00029544 wear around the Foxwood dwelling on that's feeding our inner man if you go to lunch with y-vaeYPUTRo-00038-00029544-00030133 people that talk bad about the boss make fun of a co-worker put down a friend they're feeding y-vaeYPUTRo-00039-00030133-00030827 you gossip feeding your jealousy feeding you disrespect here's the key whatever you feed y-vaeYPUTRo-00040-00030827-00031430 is going to grow you may not like what they're feeding you you're a nice person but if you y-vaeYPUTRo-00041-00031430-00031958 continue to hang around them before long you'll be gossiping you'll be critical you'll be y-vaeYPUTRo-00042-00031958-00032716 disrespectfulbecause you kept feeding the wrong things if you're always feeding negative y-vaeYPUTRo-00043-00032716-00033355 thoughts and I'll never get well I'll never meet the right person you're feeding down y-vaeYPUTRo-00044-00033355-00034262 feed mediocrity feeding fear if you know exactly what you want to be you need to spend as much y-vaeYPUTRo-00045-00034262-00036394 time with people that are actually that already hello or fear of comparison for a fear of y-vaeYPUTRo-00046-00036394-00036961 judgement stop you from doing what's going to make you great you cannot succeed without y-vaeYPUTRo-00047-00036961-00037502 this risk of failure you cannot have a voice you cannot love without the risk of loss go y-vaeYPUTRo-00048-00037502-00038869 out and you must take these risks can I have the time to waste time but time doesn't wait y-vaeYPUTRo-00049-00038869-00040665 till you discover your purpose if you don't know why you was born trying to steal movie y-vaeYPUTRo-00050-00040665-00041338 Are Young You Are you died two years you pretty old right now you got two years left and if y-vaeYPUTRo-00051-00041338-00041696 you're 50 years old and you're feeling discouraged will remember they bite about planting a tree y-vaeYPUTRo-00052-00041696-00042352 when's the best time to plant a tree 20 years ago or today so if you're 50 and you feel y-vaeYPUTRo-00053-00042352-00043047 like life left you behind better late than never better late than never don't think about y-vaeYPUTRo-00054-00043047-00043507 time and age so much and gets people distracted when the whole world's distracted you be focused y-vaeYPUTRo-00055-00043507-00045640 you have to trust your own voice your own ideas your honesty looks like this as best y-vaeYPUTRo-00056-00045640-00047072 you can and I guarantee on a life well-lived importantly in your quality of self stay hungry y-vaeYPUTRo-00057-00047072-00047658 stay young at heart take those risks you are going to change the world around you in big y-vaeYPUTRo-00058-00047658-00049006 ways and small y-vaeYPUTRo-00059-00049006-00049415 but see anybody if you want you can go searching for a good plan pick up and start working y-vaeYPUTRo-00060-00049415-00049840 it and sure enough as the time passes as it surely will 5 years until 10 years from now y-vaeYPUTRo-00061-00049840-00050161 then you'll be winding up where and what you want to wear driving what you want to drive y-vaeYPUTRo-00062-00050161-00050574 living where you want to live become what you want to become but now is the time to y-vaeYPUTRo-00063-00050574-00052424 fix the next in you and who can anybody you were created to give life make a difference y-vaeYPUTRo-00064-00052424-00052524 if you'll get somewhere that's why you came in this place do you want to improve you better y-vaeYPUTRo-00065-00052524-00054555 do you want to get on off workout program or Clean Dietyou want to write a book or make y-vaeYPUTRo-00066-00054555-00055360 a movie or build a house or a computer or put together some mobile application where y-vaeYPUTRo-00067-00055360-00056403 do you start you start right here and when do you start your start right now you initiate y-vaeYPUTRo-00068-00056403-00056663 the action aggressively you go yBTJuFlgEYc-00000-00000159-00000622 hey and welcome to my channel the fluffy Oracle my name is Heather and this is yBTJuFlgEYc-00001-00000622-00001036 your picket card reading for the day have you ever wondered why you're yBTJuFlgEYc-00002-00001036-00001507 together with a person in your relationship currently or why you have a yBTJuFlgEYc-00003-00001507-00001969 crush on specific someone and where that actually might lead one day if you were yBTJuFlgEYc-00004-00001969-00002350 to actually get together well this picker card is all about just yBTJuFlgEYc-00005-00002350-00003064 that so today's choices are the white ball of happiness which is a selenite yBTJuFlgEYc-00006-00003064-00003687 sphere that I just got from my hubby as another gift a big blue ball of bliss B yBTJuFlgEYc-00007-00003687-00004476 blue apatite sphere or what he loves to call the big black mom of doom which is yBTJuFlgEYc-00008-00004476-00005028 the black obsidian sphere it's not a bad crystal guys he just makes up really yBTJuFlgEYc-00009-00005028-00005519 silly games for my crystals because I have a really really big affinity yBTJuFlgEYc-00010-00005519-00006385 affection type of thing with crystals and he just likes to be silly and I love yBTJuFlgEYc-00011-00006385-00006877 him all the more for it and I am so very grateful and appreciative of all the yBTJuFlgEYc-00012-00006877-00007456 gifts he's been giving me but anyways time stamps will be down below for your yBTJuFlgEYc-00013-00007456-00008025 choices and for your convenience and without further ado let's jump in with yBTJuFlgEYc-00014-00008025-00008643 the white ball of happiness so for my love's who chose the big white ball of yBTJuFlgEYc-00015-00008643-00009168 happiness let's see what we get these are gonna be the reason that spirit yBTJuFlgEYc-00016-00009168-00009743 chose for you guys to meet and be together these will be the current yBTJuFlgEYc-00017-00009743-00010431 lessons that you are learning from each other the benefits of these lessons and yBTJuFlgEYc-00018-00010431-00010864 some guidance on where your relationship is actually headed for kind of like an yBTJuFlgEYc-00019-00010864-00011343 outcome overview and some notes of positive love guidance for you both to yBTJuFlgEYc-00020-00011343-00011902 help with you during this time and also maybe heal a little bit too if there's yBTJuFlgEYc-00021-00011902-00012222 been any like issues going on that you might need a little bit of help with yBTJuFlgEYc-00022-00012222-00012972 alrighty so let's take a look at the overview for what spirits decision was yBTJuFlgEYc-00023-00012972-00013329 for you guys being together so we have track yBTJuFlgEYc-00024-00013329-00014515 and then we have strength the warrior and risk so with this I feel like Spirit yBTJuFlgEYc-00025-00014515-00014962 gave you this push to take a giant leap of faith and risk in being with this yBTJuFlgEYc-00026-00014962-00015580 person to help get you out of a trapped situation from previous relationship so yBTJuFlgEYc-00027-00015580-00016341 that you could actually grow and have a little bit more inner strength and be a yBTJuFlgEYc-00028-00016341-00016777 little bit more emotionally strong as well for your reasons for why you guys yBTJuFlgEYc-00029-00016777-00017395 are together for a wise spirit put you in each other's path and help this yBTJuFlgEYc-00030-00017395-00017815 relationship come together so let's take a look at the lessons that you guys are yBTJuFlgEYc-00031-00017815-00018232 currently learning from each other what you're currently learning from each yBTJuFlgEYc-00032-00018232-00018592 other is how to sit down and see each other face to face and actually have a yBTJuFlgEYc-00033-00018592-00019039 conversation with each other and beyond equal value level instead of one above yBTJuFlgEYc-00034-00019039-00019444 the other and also sit there and have those heart-to-heart conversations yBTJuFlgEYc-00035-00019444-00020326 openly and confidently with each other and then we have caught in the ruins so yBTJuFlgEYc-00036-00020326-00020710 the other lessons that you're learning from this is so that you don't feel so yBTJuFlgEYc-00037-00020710-00021130 trapped in a relationship so that you don't feel like you're so caged or like yBTJuFlgEYc-00038-00021130-00021712 trapped with one another or only tied to that person and bound with them for all yBTJuFlgEYc-00039-00021712-00022195 eternity it's not that case you're learning to actually cohabitate and yBTJuFlgEYc-00040-00022195-00022543 coexist with this person in perfect harmony so that you don't have this yBTJuFlgEYc-00041-00022543-00023419 feeling of being trapped and then we have the journey it's all about going yBTJuFlgEYc-00042-00023419-00023872 with the flow with this and being able to be open emotionally with each other yBTJuFlgEYc-00043-00023872-00024385 and is seeing where everything is going and always looking towards the horizon yBTJuFlgEYc-00044-00024385-00024769 with each other and having that future and that longevity with each other is yBTJuFlgEYc-00045-00024769-00025411 what I get so let's see what the benefits of these relationship lessons yBTJuFlgEYc-00046-00025411-00026044 that you guys are learning we have synergy and healing with the cauldron so yBTJuFlgEYc-00047-00026044-00026439 with this everything is just a big melting pot and it's all coming together yBTJuFlgEYc-00048-00026439-00026994 in perfect harmony and um it's just one big giant brew of yBTJuFlgEYc-00049-00026994-00027460 absolute pure bliss and happiness eventually even if there's some times yBTJuFlgEYc-00050-00027460-00028030 where everything seems like it's very hot and kind of frustrating these are yBTJuFlgEYc-00051-00028030-00028663 life lessons is that basically what I'm hearing with this okay and then we have yBTJuFlgEYc-00052-00028663-00029143 emotional intelligence it's helping you to also understand how to be emotionally yBTJuFlgEYc-00053-00029143-00029622 strong for yourself instead of kind of like being codependent on another person yBTJuFlgEYc-00054-00029622-00030082 and that's one of the benefits of this which is a really good benefit so that yBTJuFlgEYc-00055-00030082-00030499 you don't have that codependency ever again and so that you know that you are yBTJuFlgEYc-00056-00030499-00031180 strong within and it says the lamp with remembrance these lessons and the yBTJuFlgEYc-00057-00031180-00031657 benefits of this are letting the way for you for any kind of future relationships yBTJuFlgEYc-00058-00031657-00032178 if this were to ever end and also vice versa to keep you guys headed in the yBTJuFlgEYc-00059-00032178-00032781 right direction and following the light at the end of the tunnel for you both yBTJuFlgEYc-00060-00032862-00033519 and then we have some got it on where this relationship is actually headed and yBTJuFlgEYc-00061-00033519-00034174 why we have happy family so this is headed for a very deeply committed yBTJuFlgEYc-00062-00034174-00034528 relationship for you guys and it's going to be a really awesome outcome and I yBTJuFlgEYc-00063-00034528-00034912 really feel like you guys are gonna have a happy family eventually when you get yBTJuFlgEYc-00064-00034912-00035293 to that stage and that level of commitment with each other when you're yBTJuFlgEYc-00065-00035293-00035827 ready for it so if you're wondering if it's been heading in that direction it yBTJuFlgEYc-00066-00035827-00036240 definitely is and then we have the thinking woman which is why I said if yBTJuFlgEYc-00067-00036240-00036886 you've been wondering about it it's I get the feeling that this has been on a yBTJuFlgEYc-00068-00036886-00037480 few of you are on a few of my viewers Minds and it's something that they've yBTJuFlgEYc-00069-00037480-00037738 been thinking about for a very long time whether you're a man or woman or yBTJuFlgEYc-00070-00037738-00038238 same-sex couple it doesn't matter vice versa you've been thinking about that yBTJuFlgEYc-00071-00038238-00038728 type of commitment for your partner in you for a very long time and wondering yBTJuFlgEYc-00072-00038728-00039350 where exactly it's going and how it's transforming transforming excuse me yBTJuFlgEYc-00073-00039446-00039959 and then we have woman holding a heart because you've given so much of yourself yBTJuFlgEYc-00074-00039959-00040421 to each other that you feel it's really starting to blossom with this yBTJuFlgEYc-00075-00040421-00040984 transformation and you're getting really excited about this with a deeper level yBTJuFlgEYc-00076-00040984-00041465 of commitment with your partner is what I get and that that's exactly where this yBTJuFlgEYc-00077-00041465-00041938 is headed where you've been hoping and wishing because you've given that much yBTJuFlgEYc-00078-00041938-00042518 of yourself so let's get some guidance on some extra love for you guys so we yBTJuFlgEYc-00079-00042518-00043322 have take time and not take time yeah time to make a demonstration yeah if I yBTJuFlgEYc-00080-00043322-00044116 can read correctly today so this card reads the older the soul this softer the yBTJuFlgEYc-00081-00044116-00044740 glance the quicker this smile and the sooner to say I love you they also skip yBTJuFlgEYc-00082-00044740-00045493 out skip and wink more than normal and hold hands with those they walk beside yBTJuFlgEYc-00083-00045493-00046197 utterly fearless the universe these cards are actually my new cards they are yBTJuFlgEYc-00084-00046197-00047582 notes from the universe yesterday this is the deck they are notes from the yBTJuFlgEYc-00085-00047582-00048400 universe on love and connection so far I'm absolutely loving these cards so the yBTJuFlgEYc-00086-00048400-00048925 next one you guys got you guys have your treasure is at hand yBTJuFlgEYc-00087-00048925-00049424 sure you can always find prettier handsomer skinnier wiser richer younger yBTJuFlgEYc-00088-00049424-00050144 zip-zip ear yeah zipper zipper but more often than not one learns the most yBTJuFlgEYc-00089-00050144-00050965 laughs aloud estándares the widest with those they've already found especially yBTJuFlgEYc-00090-00050965-00051328 when they stop looking elsewhere yBTJuFlgEYc-00091-00051405-00052234 actually zippier is on quite a few lists hmm obviously that's weird but yBTJuFlgEYc-00092-00052234-00052760 interesting and then it says Tallyho the universe which means basically just keep yBTJuFlgEYc-00093-00052760-00053224 going forward and I feel like you've found the one so yBTJuFlgEYc-00094-00053224-00053709 there's no need to look elsewhere is what they're saying with this card yBTJuFlgEYc-00095-00053709-00054276 because those qualities are all in this person they're just still coming outward yBTJuFlgEYc-00096-00054276-00054672 see me in their eyes yBTJuFlgEYc-00097-00054741-00055380 whenever conferring with another either face-to-face or across the miles whether yBTJuFlgEYc-00098-00055380-00055825 a human being departed spirit or sentient tree always yBTJuFlgEYc-00099-00055825-00056509 speak to them I'm gonna speak to the highest within them excuse me yBTJuFlgEYc-00100-00056509-00057124 it makes such a difference amen the universe PS yeah as if some trees yBTJuFlgEYc-00101-00057124-00057829 weren't sent in I'm glad you caught that so with this see things through their yBTJuFlgEYc-00102-00057829-00058498 eyes and vice versa all righty that way you guys can see each other in yBTJuFlgEYc-00103-00058498-00058990 the same light and also see yourselves in that same light because they are a yBTJuFlgEYc-00104-00058990-00059410 mirror of you which is another reason why you're together and why you can see yBTJuFlgEYc-00105-00059410-00059955 so much and have so much in common with them last but not least we have this yBTJuFlgEYc-00106-00059955-00060313 isn't a soul on the planet Earth there isn't a soul on the planet who doesn't yBTJuFlgEYc-00107-00060313-00060841 crave your appeal approval excuse me yeah and appeal because they really like yBTJuFlgEYc-00108-00060841-00061324 your sex appeal they think you're really attractive is what I got from that the yBTJuFlgEYc-00109-00061324-00061741 only difference between a friend and a foe is that you've decided where love yBTJuFlgEYc-00110-00061741-00063294 can grow and then it says oh I'm sorry my mind is really it's not what I think yBTJuFlgEYc-00111-00063294-00064084 when reading this I'm sorry a little bit today with that but I do hope that you yBTJuFlgEYc-00112-00064084-00064880 got a good laugh um laughs with that as much as I did so yBTJuFlgEYc-00113-00065055-00065534 basically there's no difference really it's just where you place your heart and yBTJuFlgEYc-00114-00065534-00066113 how you see the other person is what that means with this card so I do hope yBTJuFlgEYc-00115-00066113-00066533 that these readings aren't this reading and these messages resonated with you yBTJuFlgEYc-00116-00066533-00066998 and that you enjoyed them and to my newbies thank you so much for checking yBTJuFlgEYc-00117-00066998-00067460 me out and to my current subscribers I love you all thank you guys so much we yBTJuFlgEYc-00118-00067460-00067907 are almost at a thousand and I am so super excited with you guys you guys yBTJuFlgEYc-00119-00067907-00068153 have made this so fun and so great so far yBTJuFlgEYc-00120-00068153-00068489 and it's only gonna keep getting better thank you guys so much for watching yBTJuFlgEYc-00121-00068489-00069206 love yous and see you later alrighty so from my loves who chose the big blue yBTJuFlgEYc-00122-00069206-00069686 ball of bliss or the blue appetite sphere let's see what we have for you so yBTJuFlgEYc-00123-00069686-00070214 these messages right here are gonna be the reason why spirit has gotten you two yBTJuFlgEYc-00124-00070214-00070802 together or will be meeting up together and why you've met them as well these yBTJuFlgEYc-00125-00070802-00071054 will be the lessons that you're currently learning from each other or yBTJuFlgEYc-00126-00071054-00071459 going to be learning from each other these will be the benefits of those yBTJuFlgEYc-00127-00071459-00072190 lessons and these will be where your relationship will be heading and why and yBTJuFlgEYc-00128-00072190-00072914 some extra love guidance from my new Oracle deck which I will show you in one yBTJuFlgEYc-00129-00072914-00073370 second which I'm absolutely loving is the notes from the universe on love and yBTJuFlgEYc-00130-00073370-00074465 connection so let's dive in and see what Spirit has to say as to why you guys are yBTJuFlgEYc-00131-00074465-00074909 thinking about this and why you're together or going to be and meeting up yBTJuFlgEYc-00132-00074909-00075716 so individuality so this card for me speaks of being brave confident and yBTJuFlgEYc-00133-00075716-00076715 self-aware and really holding your own so I feel like the reason for this for yBTJuFlgEYc-00134-00076715-00077111 them pushing you two together is because you finally learned that lesson but you yBTJuFlgEYc-00135-00077111-00078080 don't need to be codependent on someone else and also to yBTJuFlgEYc-00136-00078080-00078519 yeah this is a really desirable connection and it's very favorable yBTJuFlgEYc-00137-00078519-00078963 because we have lust and I feel like this person is just the type of person yBTJuFlgEYc-00138-00078963-00079657 it's going to be that one for you to really hold want to hold on to as much yBTJuFlgEYc-00139-00079657-00080374 as them vice versa with you we have oath I feel like this is going yBTJuFlgEYc-00140-00080374-00080711 to be a very loyal and committed relationship and that's why they've yBTJuFlgEYc-00141-00080711-00081043 bring you guys together because that's what you've been seeking and asking the yBTJuFlgEYc-00142-00081043-00081692 universe for is what I get and what I hear and then we have the moon because yBTJuFlgEYc-00143-00081692-00082142 you've been tired of waiting and waiting for the unknown to happen and you also yBTJuFlgEYc-00144-00082142-00082798 let go and let God basically or the universe help you out with figuring this yBTJuFlgEYc-00145-00082798-00083530 out and bringing this person finally into your life and helping guide you yBTJuFlgEYc-00146-00083530-00084061 through that unknown time and also just relax and find yourself finally once and yBTJuFlgEYc-00147-00084061-00084820 for all so that way you are ready for this person so let's see what these yBTJuFlgEYc-00148-00084820-00085126 lessons are going to be that you're either currently learning from each yBTJuFlgEYc-00149-00085126-00085551 other or going to be learning from each other yBTJuFlgEYc-00150-00085579-00086356 so we have added some with this I feel like it's going one of the lessons that yBTJuFlgEYc-00151-00086356-00086680 you are going to be learning from each other is to listen to your intuition and yBTJuFlgEYc-00152-00086680-00087329 also listen to each other when you speak to each other and to also pick up on yBTJuFlgEYc-00153-00087329-00087781 they're kind of subtle cues basically and almost kind of like I have a yBTJuFlgEYc-00154-00087781-00088225 telepathic bond like so you can basically finish you finish each other yBTJuFlgEYc-00155-00088225-00088705 sentences and know what the other is feeling thinking or seeing and wanting yBTJuFlgEYc-00156-00088705-00089062 to say at the time so that you have a closer bond and connection with each yBTJuFlgEYc-00157-00089062-00089842 other then we have the architect you will be learning to grow together and yBTJuFlgEYc-00158-00089842-00090343 work together as a team and also pretty much put things together and design your yBTJuFlgEYc-00159-00090343-00090899 life and plan it out for the future together and it will be also some more yBTJuFlgEYc-00160-00090899-00091416 teamwork and more unity and loyalty between the two of you yBTJuFlgEYc-00161-00091460-00092220 we have clearing the way so while you're working together it's gonna help you get yBTJuFlgEYc-00162-00092220-00092684 down this path to where you want to be at that house all the way at the end yBTJuFlgEYc-00163-00092684-00093138 that I'm seeing and it's helping you get down this long journey and road together yBTJuFlgEYc-00164-00093138-00093935 as a team and a defined couple and not just as one person versus the other yBTJuFlgEYc-00165-00093935-00094931 alrighty so what are the benefits of these lessons we have ghost with regret yBTJuFlgEYc-00166-00094931-00095559 the benefits of these lessons are to actually not that word at all what I get yBTJuFlgEYc-00167-00095559-00095982 from this is to actually be able to see each other to bring each other from yBTJuFlgEYc-00168-00095982-00096597 being unseen to being seen instead of blending in the background and not being yBTJuFlgEYc-00169-00096597-00097446 heard or seen by each other and then we have hearth happiness is in our hearts yBTJuFlgEYc-00170-00097446-00098001 and homes the benefit of this these lessons is to help you have that happy yBTJuFlgEYc-00171-00098001-00098478 home to have that safe place for you to go to you know want to be at home yBTJuFlgEYc-00172-00098478-00098889 together to have that Netflix and chill type of thing you know what I'm saying yBTJuFlgEYc-00173-00098889-00099291 that type of close-knit bond so that that way you want to be home with this yBTJuFlgEYc-00174-00099291-00099576 person you want to spend as much time as you possibly can with this person yBTJuFlgEYc-00175-00099576-00099978 because they make you happy and that's what this is all about and one of the yBTJuFlgEYc-00176-00099978-00100434 benefits it's gonna be of this teamwork that you guys have coming in and then we yBTJuFlgEYc-00177-00100434-00100947 have illumination with skull of light it's also helping you guys develop your yBTJuFlgEYc-00178-00100947-00101427 intuition together like our head said before and actually kind of have that yBTJuFlgEYc-00179-00101427-00101964 telepathic bond together and it's kind of like you already had that as well I yBTJuFlgEYc-00180-00101964-00102189 feel like some of you have already learned this lesson because you know yBTJuFlgEYc-00181-00102189-00102453 when the other one is thinking of the other because you automatically call or yBTJuFlgEYc-00182-00102453-00102930 text them or something something happens where one of your calls or text the yBTJuFlgEYc-00183-00102930-00103349 other or you have some kind of like bumping into and communication with them yBTJuFlgEYc-00184-00103349-00103988 that type of thing so that's pretty awesome for a benefit yBTJuFlgEYc-00185-00104180-00104759 so let's see where your relationship is headed we have blossoming abundance so yBTJuFlgEYc-00186-00104759-00105167 lots of happiness and great times are coming in for you and it's absolutely a yBTJuFlgEYc-00187-00105167-00105669 wonderful thing because once you guys have this closer knit bond together yBTJuFlgEYc-00188-00105669-00106028 you're gonna be that much more powerful together and that much more abundant in yBTJuFlgEYc-00189-00106028-00107375 love we have community with this I feel it's more of having that one second I yBTJuFlgEYc-00190-00107375-00107987 need a minute for this one because I think it's yeah okay so we have woman yBTJuFlgEYc-00191-00107987-00108608 holding a coin so with this you're headed in a direction where there's yBTJuFlgEYc-00192-00108608-00109117 gonna be a little bit of a challenge but it's also gonna be cause for celebration yBTJuFlgEYc-00193-00109117-00109529 because you're coming into some abundance together but you have to yBTJuFlgEYc-00194-00109529-00110007 intuitively follow your intuition all right so that that way you can have that yBTJuFlgEYc-00195-00110007-00110363 celebration together because I feel like there's a wedding coming up I just heard yBTJuFlgEYc-00196-00110363-00110897 wedding and I keep feeling that with this card like I don't really know why yBTJuFlgEYc-00197-00110897-00111374 but if that resonates with whoever this is out there that that's war and it yBTJuFlgEYc-00198-00111374-00111815 makes sense to you let me know down below for what that was because I'm just yBTJuFlgEYc-00199-00111815-00112654 like okay I'm just gonna say what I'm getting because at the moment but anyway yBTJuFlgEYc-00200-00112654-00113169 this relationship is going to be leading in that direction of a divine unity and yBTJuFlgEYc-00201-00113169-00113583 having a celebration together and of being more abundantly strong together yBTJuFlgEYc-00202-00113583-00114050 and having that ultimate strength and growth between you two and having a yBTJuFlgEYc-00203-00114050-00115071 family of five really bruh five hey well more than merrier I guess whoever's at yBTJuFlgEYc-00204-00115071-00115333 that stage of you know talking about planning about having kids yBTJuFlgEYc-00205-00115333-00116030 congratulations family of five coming up I don't really know don't want me to it yBTJuFlgEYc-00206-00116030-00116905 don't judge me I'm just saying what I got so anyway yBTJuFlgEYc-00207-00117059-00117507 so let's get these messages of love for you guys just have some extra guidance yBTJuFlgEYc-00208-00117507-00118075 all right we have enjoy your extraordinary uniqueness that sounds fun yBTJuFlgEYc-00209-00118075-00118961 so the message reach and reads do you know what you've created no besides an yBTJuFlgEYc-00210-00118961-00119741 intricately nones saunter named after you inspiration in the eyes that have yBTJuFlgEYc-00211-00119741-00120471 watched you I hope in the minds that I've admired you and love in the hearts yBTJuFlgEYc-00212-00120471-00120986 that have known you but you might ease up on your sashay before someone gets yBTJuFlgEYc-00213-00120986-00121395 hurt not bad kiddo not bad at all the yBTJuFlgEYc-00214-00121395-00121814 universe so basically they're telling you you've both done well for each other yBTJuFlgEYc-00215-00121814-00122477 and to keep going and to keep that thriving within the both of you is what yBTJuFlgEYc-00216-00122477-00123582 I get from this we have everyone is doing their best there are really only yBTJuFlgEYc-00217-00123582-00124265 two types of people in this world basically those you know those are no yBTJuFlgEYc-00218-00124265-00124722 love and those you will love so I feel like this is for somebody who will be yBTJuFlgEYc-00219-00124722-00125363 meeting this person and it's kind of a confirmation of that for you for whoever yBTJuFlgEYc-00220-00125363-00125895 this is out there until there's only one type of person and then we'll probably yBTJuFlgEYc-00221-00125895-00126720 hit replay the game of life the universe so that was some pretty cool yBTJuFlgEYc-00222-00126720-00127170 confirmation for those of you who are have yet to meet their divine partner yBTJuFlgEYc-00223-00127170-00127758 and who are about to and wondering if they're about to so we have prepare for yBTJuFlgEYc-00224-00127758-00128523 the for the prepared to be astounded oh I can't speak today my voice is even yBTJuFlgEYc-00225-00128523-00129266 starting to go send them love wish them peace see them happy everyone always yBTJuFlgEYc-00226-00129266-00130044 forever and perhaps to be astounded the universe PS oh man and will you ever yBTJuFlgEYc-00227-00130044-00130672 become a big-time manifester and manifesting that abundance baby like yBTJuFlgEYc-00228-00130672-00131515 I said before that's some confirmation for you guys and then we have I heart yBTJuFlgEYc-00229-00131515-00132472 you yes I really love you guys too if if everyone really knew how much they were yBTJuFlgEYc-00230-00132472-00133159 loved not only from above but by those now in their life there'd be little yBTJuFlgEYc-00231-00133159-00133735 little hearts drawn on everything from wheelbarrows to skyscrapers to jumbo yBTJuFlgEYc-00232-00133735-00134692 jets and I still look forward to that day big heart the universe so know that yBTJuFlgEYc-00233-00134692-00135337 you are loved and divinely loved in all ways see shapes sizes and forms with yBTJuFlgEYc-00234-00135337-00135925 that is what I got alrighty thank you guys so much for watching my videos and yBTJuFlgEYc-00235-00135925-00136339 for my new viewers thank you guys so much for checking me out if you like yBTJuFlgEYc-00236-00136339-00136642 this type of thing and you like my videos please feel free to consider yBTJuFlgEYc-00237-00136642-00137104 subscribing and joining our big happy family we are almost at 1k people thank yBTJuFlgEYc-00238-00137104-00137584 you so much for real seriously for all my subscribers who are currently yBTJuFlgEYc-00239-00137584-00137932 subscribed to me and she's liking and sharing my videos and giving me all yBTJuFlgEYc-00240-00137932-00138538 those awesome and amazingly beautiful comments down below I truly truly yBTJuFlgEYc-00241-00138538-00138967 appreciate them and i truly appreciate you guys so much i love you thank you yBTJuFlgEYc-00242-00138967-00139606 for watching and have a blessed one all righty so for my loves who chose a black yBTJuFlgEYc-00243-00139606-00140137 obsidian or the big black ball of doom as my husband calls it folded suit we yBTJuFlgEYc-00244-00140137-00140758 have for you okay these are for the reasons that Spirit has you guys either yBTJuFlgEYc-00245-00140758-00141163 going to meet each other or are currently with each other these are the yBTJuFlgEYc-00246-00141163-00141496 lessons that you either will be learning or have learned or are currently yBTJuFlgEYc-00247-00141496-00142129 learning the benefits of said lessons some future gardens and where your guys yBTJuFlgEYc-00248-00142129-00142789 I don't where you two are headed and some extra messages of love from the yBTJuFlgEYc-00249-00142789-00143092 universe for you guys from my brand-new deck and I will show you in just one yBTJuFlgEYc-00250-00143092-00143625 second that brand-new deck is the notes from yBTJuFlgEYc-00251-00143625-00144117 the universe on love and connection really loving this deck I got this yBTJuFlgEYc-00252-00144117-00144750 yesterday and I'm absolutely over the moon with it so let's jump into your yBTJuFlgEYc-00253-00144750-00145109 reading and see what we have for you so yBTJuFlgEYc-00254-00145172-00146640 we have cycles The Heist High Priestess of spirit honesty and vision so with yBTJuFlgEYc-00255-00146640-00147182 this I feel like the last either full moon or new moon which just passed yBTJuFlgEYc-00256-00147182-00147693 well is passing technically tonight happy New Moon to all those who are yBTJuFlgEYc-00257-00147693-00148326 celebrating that or enjoying it I feel like you guys are either going to have a yBTJuFlgEYc-00258-00148326-00148934 vision of this person coming in like your intuition is kind of like buzzing yBTJuFlgEYc-00259-00148934-00149433 like crazy cuz my dog is going nuts over there I don't know if you can hear it if yBTJuFlgEYc-00260-00149433-00150081 you can I'm sorry about that but anyways we're on it's a new cycle coming in so yBTJuFlgEYc-00261-00150081-00150612 that means since this retrograde is finally getting over with that the new yBTJuFlgEYc-00262-00150612-00151020 will finally be coming in because that's what you've been working on manifesting yBTJuFlgEYc-00263-00151020-00151401 and if you haven't set your intentions now or forever hold your peace because yBTJuFlgEYc-00264-00151401-00151926 it will help you to open up intuitively and to see who this next person is yBTJuFlgEYc-00265-00151926-00152562 that's coming in for you and also for those who are in a current relationship yBTJuFlgEYc-00266-00152562-00153150 I feel like your intuition is very heightened right now and it's between yBTJuFlgEYc-00267-00153150-00153675 the both of you and I feel like that this connection that you've been in with yBTJuFlgEYc-00268-00153675-00154209 this person has helped you to grow spiritually and to ascend and awaken as yBTJuFlgEYc-00269-00154209-00154776 well and to be more honest and open with you guys each with both of each other yBTJuFlgEYc-00270-00154776-00155265 and I also feel like you've also heightened this person up and opened yBTJuFlgEYc-00271-00155265-00155808 them up and kind of slightly awakened them on their spiritual path as well as yBTJuFlgEYc-00272-00155808-00156377 to why you two are together and I feel like you guys are yBTJuFlgEYc-00273-00156377-00156957 I really want to say Twin Flames I know at least for some of you you are yBTJuFlgEYc-00274-00156957-00157586 Twin Flames and you know it and since you've come together your own tuition yBTJuFlgEYc-00275-00157586-00158455 has both bursted and you've come into this whole brand-new thing with yBTJuFlgEYc-00276-00158455-00158852 everything opening at once I feel with some of you with your abilities with yBTJuFlgEYc-00277-00158852-00159476 your with your clairaudience with your clairvoyance clairsentience all your yBTJuFlgEYc-00278-00159476-00160004 Claire's I feel like everything has just finally come together and opened up for yBTJuFlgEYc-00279-00160004-00160651 you and it's pretty much lit a fire in both of your hearts and bring you guys yBTJuFlgEYc-00280-00160651-00161295 together so let's see what the lessons are that aren't happening or going to be yBTJuFlgEYc-00281-00161295-00162191 happening we have the Four Roses view of the ego so basically the lesson is yBTJuFlgEYc-00282-00162191-00162665 you're seeing each other for everything that you both are on the inside and the yBTJuFlgEYc-00283-00162665-00163316 out and that is the pretty much effect of the Twin Flame relationship is the yBTJuFlgEYc-00284-00163316-00163912 absolute mirror of the other you see each other for who you are on the inside yBTJuFlgEYc-00285-00163912-00164411 through them they are your absolute mirror reflection is what I get with yBTJuFlgEYc-00286-00164411-00164987 this because they are your other half or your other side basically because you yBTJuFlgEYc-00287-00164987-00165563 are still complete and whole as one but they actually show you the size that you yBTJuFlgEYc-00288-00165563-00166223 really haven't either seen or come across and still need to deal with both yBTJuFlgEYc-00289-00166223-00167000 together as one unit then we have the garden with this I feel like you've yBTJuFlgEYc-00290-00167000-00167621 opened up together and the lesson is to be more open and childlike with each yBTJuFlgEYc-00291-00167621-00168120 other and to be more expressive and playful with each other and also be more yBTJuFlgEYc-00292-00168120-00168846 honest and open as well as what I hear then we have spring and autumn so you yBTJuFlgEYc-00293-00168846-00169322 guys are like basically two different seasons coming together friendly and you yBTJuFlgEYc-00294-00169322-00169730 guys are finding that fine line in between you and perfectly harmonizing yBTJuFlgEYc-00295-00169730-00170101 that and you will be actually learning this lesson if you haven't already yBTJuFlgEYc-00296-00170101-00170690 already plus I honestly for me these two seasons are alike and they're like yBTJuFlgEYc-00297-00170690-00171132 basically my favorite seasons because the temperatures are frickin perfect for yBTJuFlgEYc-00298-00171132-00171512 the UM two times of year because I can't stand when I see the too hot in the yBTJuFlgEYc-00299-00171512-00171905 summer when it's too freakin cold in a winner because I live up north in New yBTJuFlgEYc-00300-00171905-00172485 York and spring and summer are my favorite times of year because the yBTJuFlgEYc-00301-00172485-00173063 temperatures like I said are perfect the colors blossoming and blooming and yBTJuFlgEYc-00302-00173063-00173579 then the colors of autumn when everything is coming to an end and yBTJuFlgEYc-00303-00173579-00174350 closing out and um basically changing and getting ready for winter so that we yBTJuFlgEYc-00304-00174350-00174849 can have spring the blossom and bloom again together so basically you guys are yBTJuFlgEYc-00305-00174849-00175280 coming together seeing those opposites in each other and meshing them well yBTJuFlgEYc-00306-00175280-00175935 together I hope that makes sense I really do yBTJuFlgEYc-00307-00175935-00176336 if he doesn't ask me down below and I'll try and clarify as best as I can yBTJuFlgEYc-00308-00176336-00176636 because half the time I forget what I say during my readings because I'm yBTJuFlgEYc-00309-00176636-00177125 usually channeling and I also don't go back and watch him for some reason I yBTJuFlgEYc-00310-00177125-00177629 just don't really feel drawn to Jess I am so the benefits of these lessons are yBTJuFlgEYc-00311-00177629-00178134 going to be joy with rejoicing the present and this is like the fall energy yBTJuFlgEYc-00312-00178134-00178691 so it's like celebrating that coming together that finality and that yBTJuFlgEYc-00313-00178691-00179512 transformation and that the creativity and the transformation with this end yBTJuFlgEYc-00314-00179534-00179949 what else I'm like there's something else it's like the tip of my tongue and yBTJuFlgEYc-00315-00179949-00180617 I'm like what is the word that I'm trying to say here like it's gonna make yBTJuFlgEYc-00316-00180617-00181178 you fall for each other harder because I'm really feeling like a falling type yBTJuFlgEYc-00317-00181178-00181572 of feeling and like that closeness of coming together and catching one another yBTJuFlgEYc-00318-00181572-00182174 I hope that makes sense and also like I said that creativity and the spark and yBTJuFlgEYc-00319-00182174-00182663 the finality of coming together and finally joining with each other yBTJuFlgEYc-00320-00182663-00183069 and learning these lessons and completing any karmic yBTJuFlgEYc-00321-00183069-00183677 that still needed to be finished between the both of you we have black cat yBTJuFlgEYc-00322-00183677-00184332 fortune meets opportunity so with this it's all about learning your intuition yBTJuFlgEYc-00323-00184332-00185109 as well with each other and seeing each other in each other's eyes and seeing yBTJuFlgEYc-00324-00185109-00185601 things for what they are and who you are in each other and noticing those traits yBTJuFlgEYc-00325-00185601-00186060 and working with them instead of running from each other because I know there's yBTJuFlgEYc-00326-00186060-00186552 that the silly thing with the Twin Flames where one is the runner one is a yBTJuFlgEYc-00327-00186552-00187083 chaser I cannot stand that analogy and I cannot stand that face at least just yBTJuFlgEYc-00328-00187083-00187512 hearing about it because I have yet to meet mine if my husband's not it I'm not yBTJuFlgEYc-00329-00187512-00187995 quite sure but I love my husband nonetheless he is my life partner I yBTJuFlgEYc-00330-00187995-00188760 don't care no matter what he's mine and I love him very much and he knows that I yBTJuFlgEYc-00331-00188760-00189147 talk about him in these readings as well plus we have a surprise for you guys yBTJuFlgEYc-00332-00189147-00189861 coming up soon so yeah anyway I'm not gonna say much more about that I'm gonna yBTJuFlgEYc-00333-00189861-00190320 hold that out on you guys until it's ready but anyways fortune meets yBTJuFlgEYc-00334-00190320-00190985 opportunity so learning these lessons is definitely gonna be benefit you both and yBTJuFlgEYc-00335-00190985-00191595 finally help you to see things for what they are and for them for who they are yBTJuFlgEYc-00336-00191595-00192156 and yourselves for who you are and vice versa just sum that up then we have yBTJuFlgEYc-00337-00192156-00192882 invisibility authenticity so like I said before we're seeing each other what it's yBTJuFlgEYc-00338-00192882-00193439 supposed to be and how it is and the absolute truth behind it instead of yBTJuFlgEYc-00339-00193439-00194160 staying behind in the darkness and kind of like ignoring things and just yBTJuFlgEYc-00340-00194160-00194511 sweeping things under the rug as if they're not there and as if they're yBTJuFlgEYc-00341-00194511-00194985 invisible these lessons are bringing everything out in the open and being yBTJuFlgEYc-00342-00194985-00195636 clarified and cleared and those are the benefits of that so let's see where your yBTJuFlgEYc-00343-00195636-00196271 relationship is headed shall we we have the Sun for this for me yBTJuFlgEYc-00344-00196271-00196736 this cup always screams the ace of cups more love and abundance and an yBTJuFlgEYc-00345-00196736-00197084 overflowing and a new beginning in love and also a deeper commitment to each yBTJuFlgEYc-00346-00197084-00197471 other is what I get with this card and the lots of happiness for you guys yBTJuFlgEYc-00347-00197471-00198119 there's in stored we have the temple path so this is definitely going to be a yBTJuFlgEYc-00348-00198119-00198584 final journey for some of you especially if it's with your twin flame and a very yBTJuFlgEYc-00349-00198584-00199172 very um happy time and a wonderful journey because life is all about the yBTJuFlgEYc-00350-00199172-00199748 journey not the ending of it remember that it's all about the journey because yBTJuFlgEYc-00351-00199748-00200138 you learn so many lessons during that journey and taking in all those lessons yBTJuFlgEYc-00352-00200138-00200629 is the beautiful part of it although some lessons aren't so very nice but I'm yBTJuFlgEYc-00353-00200629-00201139 just saying the ending results of those lessons is the beauty part but anyways yBTJuFlgEYc-00354-00201139-00201698 we have contract this is this whole contract that's being fulfilled between yBTJuFlgEYc-00355-00201698-00201998 the both of you that's where this is being headed that's why some of you who yBTJuFlgEYc-00356-00201998-00202460 are in your twin flame relationships these are also defining time soulmate yBTJuFlgEYc-00357-00202460-00202823 relationships as well for those who are not Twin Flames just yet or have found yBTJuFlgEYc-00358-00202823-00203357 them yet but know that it's a soul contract that has to be fulfilled and is yBTJuFlgEYc-00359-00203357-00203992 being fulfilled to its fullest so let's get to these extra messages of love yBTJuFlgEYc-00360-00203992-00204302 because I'm like dying to read these these are notes from the University you yBTJuFlgEYc-00361-00204302-00205457 guys so it says you are destined for greatness on the wings of love to yBTJuFlgEYc-00362-00205457-00206140 clarify the primary roles of love are not to heal fix or mend not to soothe yBTJuFlgEYc-00363-00206140-00206750 cure or ease not to even refresh rejuvenate or restore heartily the yBTJuFlgEYc-00364-00206750-00207656 primary roles of love are to Yahoo yee-ha and woo okay your love on the yBTJuFlgEYc-00365-00207656-00208831 universe like really bra oh yeah I'm just gonna leave that right there yBTJuFlgEYc-00366-00208894-00209773 it is what it is you know what to do in all battles of the heart over the yBTJuFlgEYc-00367-00209773-00210323 mind go with your heart because truly it's not it's a lot easier yBTJuFlgEYc-00368-00210323-00210742 for your mind to catch up with your heart then for your heart to catch up yBTJuFlgEYc-00369-00210742-00211208 with your mind a whole lot not that I don't love your yBTJuFlgEYc-00370-00211208-00212207 mind sincerely the universe so the mind needs to be left behind with logic you yBTJuFlgEYc-00371-00212207-00212546 need to follow your heart is more hard based intuition is what's being called yBTJuFlgEYc-00372-00212546-00213188 for with this card more hearts heart based centered energy people we have yBTJuFlgEYc-00373-00213188-00213617 you've got time there's no need to rush things is what I get and what I hear a yBTJuFlgEYc-00374-00213617-00214323 lot of clearly you ever wonder what life are you ever wonder what would make yBTJuFlgEYc-00375-00214323-00214967 life's fleeting pain and sorrow totally and unquestionably worth it yBTJuFlgEYc-00376-00214967-00215594 how about living forever wildly in love and loved wildly that sounds like a yBTJuFlgEYc-00377-00215594-00216407 really fun type of thing sort of if you kind of think about it I think it would yBTJuFlgEYc-00378-00216407-00216923 be fun I'm always up for a challenge anyways you have so much to look forward yBTJuFlgEYc-00379-00216923-00217588 to the universe definitely something to think about yBTJuFlgEYc-00380-00217588-00218123 but it's also always about taking that journey and enjoying the time that you yBTJuFlgEYc-00381-00218123-00218807 have together is what that saying to me and then we have forgive of course anger yBTJuFlgEYc-00382-00218807-00219440 can always be justified but then so can forgiveness and it just depends on how yBTJuFlgEYc-00383-00219440-00220346 much more you want from the adventure go for the gobs the universe so forgive yBTJuFlgEYc-00384-00220346-00220991 whatever has happened in your past and let that go and live in the now and stay yBTJuFlgEYc-00385-00220991-00221816 present with your future in mind but stay present with your love as well so yBTJuFlgEYc-00386-00221816-00222139 that way you can stay more heart based and more present and aware of your yBTJuFlgEYc-00387-00222139-00222587 surroundings and your relationship and how your partner is feeling for those yBTJuFlgEYc-00388-00222587-00222815 that are in current relationships alrighty yBTJuFlgEYc-00389-00222815-00223184 so these are your messages I do hope that they resonated I do hope that you yBTJuFlgEYc-00390-00223184-00223676 enjoyed this video and to my new viewers please feel free to consider subscribing yBTJuFlgEYc-00391-00223676-00224150 and joining our big happy family we are almost at 1k my love's thank you guys so yBTJuFlgEYc-00392-00224150-00224521 much to my current subscribers you guys are so amazing and awesome I love yBTJuFlgEYc-00393-00224521-00224906 reading all of your comments thank you guys so much for liking subscribing and yBTJuFlgEYc-00394-00224906-00225433 sharing my videos out know that I love you and have a blessed one yCKWngjY4Vk-00000-00000000-00000300 Match files yCKWngjY4Vk-00001-00000300-00000601 Rename files yCKWngjY4Vk-00002-00000801-00001002 Open History yCKWngjY4Vk-00003-00001202-00001603 🖱️ Right-Click ➔ Revert 🖱️ Click "Revert" to undo selected rename operations yDuJwtlMOlA-00000-00000588-00000856 Birth of Jesus yDuJwtlMOlA-00001-00000874-00001284 Christmas lived in spirit and in truth yDuJwtlMOlA-00002-00001284-00001696 Spiritual meaning of the Birth of Jesus yDuJwtlMOlA-00003-00001696-00002314 The Word of God, that is the same spirit of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, yDuJwtlMOlA-00004-00002314-00003049 the Eternal Word; (John 1:14) came down from heaven to the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary yDuJwtlMOlA-00005-00003049-00003738 (Luke 1:35), to start his work of redemption of all mankind. yDuJwtlMOlA-00006-00003738-00004587 It was necessary that God himself in the person of the Son, God and man, would pay for the yDuJwtlMOlA-00007-00004587-00005248 sins of all mankind, which he accomplished with his death on the cross. yDuJwtlMOlA-00008-00005248-00006110 God is born in Mary first, he is embodied in her (Luke 1:35), this is how the hypostatic yDuJwtlMOlA-00009-00006110-00006422 union of God with man takes place. yDuJwtlMOlA-00010-00006422-00007214 Then Jesus with his death on the cross becomes the new Adam and He declares the Blessed Virgin yDuJwtlMOlA-00011-00007214-00008195 Mary the New Eve, when he names her the mother of all the Sons of God in grace, (John 19:27) yDuJwtlMOlA-00012-00008195-00008918 first in the person of John the beloved apostle to whom he says "Behold your mother." yDuJwtlMOlA-00013-00008918-00009770 (John 1:11-12) Jesus (The Word of God) came to what was his own, and his own people did yDuJwtlMOlA-00014-00009770-00009925 not accept him. yDuJwtlMOlA-00015-00009925-00010649 But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children yDuJwtlMOlA-00016-00010649-00010847 of God. yDuJwtlMOlA-00017-00010847-00011361 We have the power to become children of God with our faith in Christ. yDuJwtlMOlA-00018-00011361-00012236 As children of God, we are his chosen people in grace, we are privileged to receive Jesus yDuJwtlMOlA-00019-00012236-00012675 in our hearts through the Holy Eucharist. yDuJwtlMOlA-00020-00012675-00013512 When we receive him, we are receiving the Word, or the Spirit of God, we are also receiving yDuJwtlMOlA-00021-00013512-00014122 the Body and Blood of Christ, true God and true man, our Savior. yDuJwtlMOlA-00022-00014122-00014944 To accept Christ, is being born again from above (John 3: 3), to live in Christ is becoming yDuJwtlMOlA-00023-00014944-00015663 bearers of the Word which is the Spirit, and bearers of his body and blood that cleanses yDuJwtlMOlA-00024-00015663-00016021 us from sin. yDuJwtlMOlA-00025-00016021-00016657 During the Mass a spiritual birth of Christ takes place on the altar through the hands yDuJwtlMOlA-00026-00016657-00016834 of the Priest. yDuJwtlMOlA-00027-00016834-00017612 Christ in His omnipresence transcends time, matter and space, he is truly present on the yDuJwtlMOlA-00028-00017612-00018223 altar when he is lifted up and this way he becomes food for our souls. yDuJwtlMOlA-00029-00018223-00019010 (Mark 14: 22-24) When we receive him, Christ is born again in us, so the birth of Jesus yDuJwtlMOlA-00030-00019010-00019556 is repeated in every heart in the Sacrament of the Holy Euch arist. yDuJwtlMOlA-00031-00019556-00019842 ¿And how is our Lord born? yDuJwtlMOlA-00032-00019842-00020503 Just as he was born in the midst of contempt from a people who did not open the doors to yDuJwtlMOlA-00033-00020503-00021179 the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph when they were looking in the inn (Luke 2: 7) So Christ comes yDuJwtlMOlA-00034-00021179-00021951 to the heart of those who accept him in his sacramental form and offer their lives as yDuJwtlMOlA-00035-00021951-00022070 his dwelling. yDuJwtlMOlA-00036-00022070-00022851 Being King he would deserve a very opulent place full of splendor, but the Kingship of yDuJwtlMOlA-00037-00022851-00023675 Christ is in a humble way, he comes to the little ones who have a humbled and contrite yDuJwtlMOlA-00038-00023675-00023775 heart. yDuJwtlMOlA-00039-00023775-00024710 This is the reason why He enters the coldness of our heart; he was born in a cave, a cold yDuJwtlMOlA-00040-00024710-00025120 manger, a place outside the city, a poor place. yDuJwtlMOlA-00041-00025120-00025864 Our heart is like a very secret place, a cave where the Lord of the Universe comes to live, yDuJwtlMOlA-00042-00025864-00026744 a cold place because of our indifference, since we do not welcome Him warmly as He deserves yDuJwtlMOlA-00043-00026744-00027052 and forget his presence. yDuJwtlMOlA-00044-00027052-00027726 When our heart is a place away from the world, we find ourselves alone with Jesus, far away yDuJwtlMOlA-00045-00027726-00027901 from the world. yDuJwtlMOlA-00046-00027901-00028570 The heart is a poor place when it is clear of all attachments to this world so that we yDuJwtlMOlA-00047-00028570-00028895 can receive our King in that poverty. yDuJwtlMOlA-00048-00028895-00029850 It is a place where he comes to reign as King of Kings, Lord of Lords and, as in the manger; yDuJwtlMOlA-00049-00029850-00030570 there is also the Blessed Virgin Mary where she also reigns in our lives. yDuJwtlMOlA-00050-00030570-00031381 For that union of Christ with us, leads us to accept this new Adam and the new Eve, our yDuJwtlMOlA-00051-00031381-00032093 parents in Grace and thus is formed in us the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of the yDuJwtlMOlA-00052-00032093-00032287 Divine Will. yDuJwtlMOlA-00053-00032287-00033069 The sanctifying grace of the Sacraments gives us faith, hope and love that keep us in the yDuJwtlMOlA-00054-00033069-00033337 presence of Christ in our lives. yDuJwtlMOlA-00055-00033337-00034175 And full of Christ we can someday say as St. Paul, it is no longer I who live, but Christ yDuJwtlMOlA-00056-00034175-00034315 who lives in me. yDuJwtlMOlA-00057-00034315-00034952 If Christ lives in me, which is true when I accept him and receive him sacramentally, yDuJwtlMOlA-00058-00034952-00035871 I also have to do what Mary did, I have to give birth to Christ, for having him inside yDuJwtlMOlA-00059-00035871-00036659 is like being pregnant with his presence and Christ must be born out of us to others. yDuJwtlMOlA-00060-00036659-00037303 When we are filled with His light and shine it to others (Matthew 5:14) in our good works, yDuJwtlMOlA-00061-00037303-00037872 we are making Christ be born again before others as the light of the world. yDuJwtlMOlA-00062-00037872-00038716 Then the birth of Jesus, not only refers to that event more than two thousand years ago, yDuJwtlMOlA-00063-00038716-00039356 Jesus must be born spiritually, live and reign in every heart. yDuJwtlMOlA-00064-00039356-00040239 Promise and birth of Jesus the Savior Mankind had offended God to the point of needing yDuJwtlMOlA-00065-00040239-00040741 to be rescued from eternal punishment caused by sin. yDuJwtlMOlA-00066-00040741-00041524 It all started with Adam and Eve our first parents, who offended God, but received the yDuJwtlMOlA-00067-00041524-00041624 promise of salvation. yDuJwtlMOlA-00068-00041624-00042455 In the Book of Genesis [Genesis 3:15], the Protoevangelium tells us that God foretold yDuJwtlMOlA-00069-00042455-00043293 the serpent [the devil] to be crushed by the woman [the Virgin Mary] whose heel would be yDuJwtlMOlA-00070-00043293-00043862 bruised [Our Lord with his passion and death]. yDuJwtlMOlA-00071-00043862-00044781 God foretold enmity between the woman (Mary) and the devil, between her seed (her Son Jesus) yDuJwtlMOlA-00072-00044781-00045473 and the devil’s seed, between Jesus and his new children [the children of God in grace] yDuJwtlMOlA-00073-00045473-00046235 and the snake with all her children, that is the devil and all those who reject God yDuJwtlMOlA-00074-00046235-00046480 and become his children. yDuJwtlMOlA-00075-00046480-00047302 Revelation chapter twelve, verse seventeen says[Revelation 12:17] Then the dragon was yDuJwtlMOlA-00076-00047302-00048065 angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those yDuJwtlMOlA-00077-00048065-00048654 who keep the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus. yDuJwtlMOlA-00078-00048654-00049534 In other words God promised to send a woman whose son would be our Savior because by his yDuJwtlMOlA-00079-00049534-00049782 death he would defeat the devil. yDuJwtlMOlA-00080-00049782-00050178 [Genesis 3:15] The Lord said to Moses, in [Deuteronomy 18:15-18-19] yDuJwtlMOlA-00081-00050178-00050868 15 The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; yDuJwtlMOlA-00082-00050868-00051124 you shall heed such a prophet. yDuJwtlMOlA-00083-00051124-00051899 18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will put yDuJwtlMOlA-00084-00051899-00052687 my words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them everything that I command. yDuJwtlMOlA-00085-00052687-00053621 19 Anyone who does not heed the words that the prophet shall speak in my name, I myself yDuJwtlMOlA-00086-00053621-00053917 will hold accountable. yDuJwtlMOlA-00087-00053917-00054514 So if someone rejects the Lord, he will be cut off from God's people. yDuJwtlMOlA-00088-00054514-00055252 Other prophets received the message of the coming of the Messiah, who would liberate yDuJwtlMOlA-00089-00055252-00055537 God's people from the slavery of other nations. yDuJwtlMOlA-00090-00055537-00056616 Through the prophet Micah, [Micah 5: 2-5] was revealed that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem, yDuJwtlMOlA-00091-00056616-00057557 He would be a mighty king and a shepherd, who would bring peace to the nations. yDuJwtlMOlA-00092-00057557-00058266 Well, the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a yDuJwtlMOlA-00093-00058266-00058499 son, and shall call him Emmanuel. yDuJwtlMOlA-00094-00058499-00059337 [Isaiah 7:14] This maiden is the Virgin Mary who conceived by the grace of the Holy Spirit yDuJwtlMOlA-00095-00059337-00059959 His Son Jesus who is Emmanuel , which means "God with us". yDuJwtlMOlA-00096-00059959-00060801 Because a child is born to us, a son is given us, authority rests upon his shoulders, and yDuJwtlMOlA-00097-00060801-00061587 he is named "Wo nderful Counselor," "Mighty God," "Eternal Father," "Prince of Peace" yDuJwtlMOlA-00098-00061587-00061841 The reason for his coming yDuJwtlMOlA-00099-00061841-00062730 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. yDuJwtlMOlA-00100-00062730-00063301 [John 1: 1] And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among yDuJwtlMOlA-00101-00063301-00064172 us, and we beheld his glory, glory as of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth. yDuJwtlMOlA-00102-00064172-00064741 [John 1:14] Jesus came to restore our souls to the immortality yDuJwtlMOlA-00103-00064741-00065354 we lost in Paradise through the sin of our first parents. yDuJwtlMOlA-00104-00065354-00065906 During His ministry He healed the sick to prove that He had the power to forgive sins yDuJwtlMOlA-00105-00065906-00066321 and to show us his Merciful Love. yDuJwtlMOlA-00106-00066321-00067024 He also came to teach us the wisdom of God, the Way of Salvation, the Imitation of his yDuJwtlMOlA-00107-00067024-00067318 life and that we should follow him. yDuJwtlMOlA-00108-00067318-00067892 [Isaiah 53:11] Out of his anguish he shall see light; he yDuJwtlMOlA-00109-00067892-00068636 shall find satisfaction, [1] through his knowledge the righteous one, my servant, shall make yDuJwtlMOlA-00110-00068636-00069104 many righteous [2], and he shall bear their iniquities. yDuJwtlMOlA-00111-00069104-00069666 [3] Let us examine this passage that sums up the yDuJwtlMOlA-00112-00069666-00070416 work of our Lord Jesus Christ: 1 Out of his anguish he shall see light; it yDuJwtlMOlA-00113-00070416-00070862 means by the fatigues of his soul, his light will shine. yDuJwtlMOlA-00114-00070862-00071482 The work of our redemption involved the death of Jesus on the cross. yDuJwtlMOlA-00115-00071482-00072029 He had to satisfy Divine Justice giving his life for our lives. yDuJwtlMOlA-00116-00072029-00072777 So because of the merits of his holy sacrifice, by his stripes we are healed from the wounds yDuJwtlMOlA-00117-00072777-00072977 of our sins. yDuJwtlMOlA-00118-00072977-00073557 He could see the result of his mission when he said at the last moment "Everything is yDuJwtlMOlA-00119-00073557-00074259 accomplished" 2 through his knowledge the righteous one, yDuJwtlMOlA-00120-00074259-00075006 my servant, shall make many righteous: Jesus is the Word of God made flesh; He is yDuJwtlMOlA-00121-00075006-00075311 the second person of the Holy Trinity. yDuJwtlMOlA-00122-00075311-00076070 He is the wisdom of God who came to be shared with us, so becoming the way to the Father. yDuJwtlMOlA-00123-00076070-00076777 The Gospels are the teachings of Christ and lead us to salvation. yDuJwtlMOlA-00124-00076777-00077536 We are justified believing in Jesus Christ, indeed this is the Work of God; that we believe yDuJwtlMOlA-00125-00077536-00077867 in him whom God has sent. yDuJwtlMOlA-00126-00077867-00078766 His Son our Lord Jesus Christ [John 6:29] 3 And he shall bear their iniquities yDuJwtlMOlA-00127-00078766-00079311 By his passion, agony and death, Jesus suffered for our sins. yDuJwtlMOlA-00128-00079311-00080131 He received upon himself the punishment due for our sins because "He is the Love of God yDuJwtlMOlA-00129-00080131-00080852 made man" who loves us in such a merciful way that is impossible to understand. yDuJwtlMOlA-00130-00080852-00081511 By his holy wounds we are healed [Read Isaiah Chapter 53] yDuJwtlMOlA-00131-00081511-00082243 Jesus came to be the Good Shepherd according to the prediction made by the Lord God: I yDuJwtlMOlA-00132-00082243-00082648 myself will be the shepherd of my sheep [Ezekiel 34:15]; yDuJwtlMOlA-00133-00082648-00083064 Jesus says: I am the Good Shepherd [John 10: 11-14] yDuJwtlMOlA-00134-00083064-00083697 [Philippians 2.10-11] 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend in heaven, yDuJwtlMOlA-00135-00083697-00084475 on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue should confess that Jesus yDuJwtlMOlA-00136-00084475-00084942 Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. yDuJwtlMOlA-00137-00084942-00085388 How Jesus was born [Luke 1: 26-56 Luke 2: 1-21] yDuJwtlMOlA-00138-00085394-00086276 In summary the Virgin Mary received the visitation of the Archangel Gabriel who told her: yDuJwtlMOlA-00139-00086276-00087174 Hail Mary, full of grace [which means full of God's favor], do not be afraid, the Lord yDuJwtlMOlA-00140-00087174-00087636 is with thee, blessed art thou among women. yDuJwtlMOlA-00141-00087636-00088438 You shall conceive a son who will be great, he will be called the Son of the Most High, yDuJwtlMOlA-00142-00088438-00088857 and the Lord will give him the throne of his father David. yDuJwtlMOlA-00143-00088857-00089543 Then the angel explained to Mary since she was a virgin: The Holy Spirit will come upon yDuJwtlMOlA-00144-00089543-00090448 you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be yDuJwtlMOlA-00145-00090448-00090797 holy, He will be called Son of God. yDuJwtlMOlA-00146-00090797-00091614 Mary said, let it be done to me according to your word, and at that moment became the yDuJwtlMOlA-00147-00091614-00091853 Mother of God. yDuJwtlMOlA-00148-00091853-00092647 Mary was betrothed to a man named Joseph, but before they were married she was pregnant. yDuJwtlMOlA-00149-00092647-00093380 Joseph wanted to divorce her quietly to avoid unnecessary publicity but an angel came in yDuJwtlMOlA-00150-00093380-00094127 his dreams and revealed that her son had been conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit yDuJwtlMOlA-00151-00094127-00094677 and his name would be Jesus, the Savior of Mankind. yDuJwtlMOlA-00152-00094677-00095622 The baby was born on a starry night; the angels came to the world and rejoiced at his birth yDuJwtlMOlA-00153-00095622-00096316 singing Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to men of good will. yDuJwtlMOlA-00154-00096316-00096826 They directed some shepherds to the site of the Birth of the Child Jesus. yDuJwtlMOlA-00155-00096826-00097549 Three Magi came from the East to pay homage to Our Savior; they were guided by a star. yDuJwtlMOlA-00156-00097549-00098580 The Savior of the world was born in a manger, a dark cave because his poor parents could yDuJwtlMOlA-00157-00098580-00099319 not find a place where to spend the night; all doors were closed to the mother about yDuJwtlMOlA-00158-00099319-00099660 to give birth and to her son. yDuJwtlMOlA-00159-00099660-00100493 When the Lord was born, he was wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in a manger, yDuJwtlMOlA-00160-00100493-00101108 surrounded by an ox and a donkey, which with their breath warmed the baby. yDuJwtlMOlA-00161-00101108-00101807 His coming was not welcome, except for the poor and the humble. yDuJwtlMOlA-00162-00101807-00102592 Our humble Savior was unknown to the world until he began to perform miracles, this caused yDuJwtlMOlA-00163-00102592-00103429 the learned Pharisees and the priests of his time to be filled with jealousy and later yDuJwtlMOlA-00164-00103429-00104231 they sentenced him to die on the cross for having said that he was the Son of God. yDuJwtlMOlA-00165-00104232-00104564 How should we celebrate Christmas yDuJwtlMOlA-00166-00104583-00105104 The Savior of the world was born more than two thousand years ago. yDuJwtlMOlA-00167-00105104-00105933 His coming was a historical event of such magnitude that the modern world began its yDuJwtlMOlA-00168-00105933-00106164 calendar year on his birth. yDuJwtlMOlA-00169-00106164-00106986 This was a very important event because no man like him had existed before, full of power, yDuJwtlMOlA-00170-00106986-00107833 wisdom and love, but also because He was the Son of God, the awaited Messiah, the Redeemer, yDuJwtlMOlA-00171-00107833-00108049 the Anointed of God. yDuJwtlMOlA-00172-00108049-00108699 His coming to the world attracted followers who are those destined to be saved. yDuJwtlMOlA-00173-00108699-00109457 For the humble, the poor and the marginalized, Jesus is the man! yDuJwtlMOlA-00174-00109457-00110019 People from all walks of life are invited to follow Jesus on his way to our heavenly yDuJwtlMOlA-00175-00110019-00110151 home. yDuJwtlMOlA-00176-00110151-00110923 When we remember the coming of our Lord in the season of Advent and Christmas, we are yDuJwtlMOlA-00177-00110923-00111772 celebrating our deliverance from the bondage of sin, because Jesus is our Savior. yDuJwtlMOlA-00178-00111772-00112304 We also welcome his future coming in glory as He has promised. yDuJwtlMOlA-00179-00112304-00113208 Christmas Day is the day of the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ, one day to praise God yDuJwtlMOlA-00180-00113208-00113805 for God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in yDuJwtlMOlA-00181-00113805-00114386 him may not perish but may have eternal life [John 3:16] yDuJwtlMOlA-00182-00114386-00115098 Christmas day is really a "holy day, a religious festival", unfortunately the world has replaced yDuJwtlMOlA-00183-00115098-00115515 this holy day for a worldly feast. yDuJwtlMOlA-00184-00115515-00116246 The word Christmas in English [Christmas] has two parts, “Christ and mas” but it yDuJwtlMOlA-00185-00116246-00117024 has been replaced by the word Xmas, so it crosses out the name of Christ, it removes yDuJwtlMOlA-00186-00117024-00117808 the name of Christ, not to honor him at Christmas, because we have removed the word. yDuJwtlMOlA-00187-00117808-00118275 And Christ has also been removed in many other ways. yDuJwtlMOlA-00188-00118275-00119026 We should recollect ourselves especially during Christmas time and celebrate the gift we have yDuJwtlMOlA-00189-00119026-00119822 received thanking God for the gift of His Son, loving each other and sharing our love yDuJwtlMOlA-00190-00119822-00119922 with others. yDuJwtlMOlA-00191-00119922-00120740 Another point we need to clarify is that Santa Claus or St. Nicholas is not the main event yDuJwtlMOlA-00192-00120740-00121507 of Christmas, the holy day has been replaced with an opportunity to sell, and this holy yDuJwtlMOlA-00193-00121507-00122340 time has been marketed and uses Santa Claus to distribute gifts forgetting in many cases yDuJwtlMOlA-00194-00122340-00122645 of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. yDuJwtlMOlA-00195-00122645-00123175 "Watch out" Christ is coming soon. yDuJwtlMOlA-00196-00123175-00123855 Some might insist that it is too late to change the tradition, It could be. yDuJwtlMOlA-00197-00123855-00124200 But where is this world coming to? yDuJwtlMOlA-00198-00124200-00124870 We are forgetting to give God what is God’s because we are so happy doing things for us. yDuJwtlMOlA-00199-00124870-00125514 Many people throughout the world have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas because of new yDuJwtlMOlA-00200-00125514-00125614 traditions. yDuJwtlMOlA-00201-00125614-00126527 The Birth of Christ was replaced by the new Christmas [Xmas], a pagan celebration that yDuJwtlMOlA-00202-00126527-00126749 has nothing to do with the Lord. yDuJwtlMOlA-00203-00126749-00127594 Let us include Jesus in our lives this Christmas and find out what we have been created for. yDuJwtlMOlA-00204-00127594-00128463 Let's thank God for sending His Son to save us; we celebrate not only his birth but also yDuJwtlMOlA-00205-00128463-00128928 his death which truly saves us from the death of sin. yDuJwtlMOlA-00206-00128928-00129605 Let us ponder the coming of the Savior of the world and live forever. yDuJwtlMOlA-00207-00129605-00130426 Let's make every day of our lives a true Christmas where Jesus is born not in a cold cave of yDuJwtlMOlA-00208-00130426-00130662 Bethlehem but in our hearts. yDuJwtlMOlA-00209-00130662-00131428 Let us welcome and love Jesus with all our heart, mind and with all our strength. yDuJwtlMOlA-00210-00131428-00132278 And to more this beautiful time every year, let us do a Novena to the Child Jesus. yDuJwtlMOlA-00211-00132282-00133184 Let us allow Christ to be born again in our lives and let us be born again to eternal life yDuJwtlMOlA-00212-00133210-00134234 Jesus loves you. yE3u3dOm_7E-00000-00000292-00000706 when a student is struggling in a playlist they have -- we try to give them a yE3u3dOm_7E-00001-00000706-00000934 range of options for support yE3u3dOm_7E-00002-00000934-00001396 to find what works best for them when they run into a snag working independently yE3u3dOm_7E-00003-00001396-00001875 they have a few options if they looked through the resources on the playlist on yE3u3dOm_7E-00004-00001875-00002235 their own already and...still stuck yE3u3dOm_7E-00005-00002235-00002665 all right they can work with a peer mentor and that can be either someone yE3u3dOm_7E-00006-00002665-00003046 who's also working on that playlist and hasn't mastered it so they're kind of yE3u3dOm_7E-00007-00003046-00003775 maybe struggling with the same problems or working on the same content but from yE3u3dOm_7E-00008-00003775-00003925 a different perspective yE3u3dOm_7E-00009-00003925-00004194 there may be approaching a little differently and that can be helpful yE3u3dOm_7E-00010-00004194-00004698 or they can work with a peer who's already mastered the playlist and kind yE3u3dOm_7E-00011-00004698-00005203 of knows what they're doing and can act as sort of a guide and if that is not yE3u3dOm_7E-00012-00005203-00005740 working for them they can request to work one-on-one with a teacher or to have a yE3u3dOm_7E-00013-00005740-00006030 workshop from a teacher if there's a group of students who are all struggling yE3u3dOm_7E-00014-00006030-00006330 with a playlist that can be sort of a small group workshop yE3u3dOm_7E-00015-00006820-00007017 I'll be working with students on yE3u3dOm_7E-00016-00007017-00007368 specific playlists, I will be starting off with Adriana I'm not sure how long each one's yE3u3dOm_7E-00017-00007368-00007767 taking, it usually takes about 20 minutes so I'm starting up Adriana yE3u3dOm_7E-00018-00007767-00008175 I know that Precious wanted to sit with me as well, Javonte so I'm going to be kind yE3u3dOm_7E-00019-00008175-00008553 of jumping around but I'll be working with one specific student not actual yE3u3dOm_7E-00020-00008553-00008874 group today so Adriana, I'm going to start with you and you're going to start right in the yE3u3dOm_7E-00021-00008874-00008943 back where you are yFtSJrqLiLo-00000-00000000-00000974 Plants dominate the landscape and they play an integral role in all aspects of life on the planet. They influence ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00001-00000974-00002027 the climate, provide nutrition and medicinal compounds, numerous byproducts that are used in human and animal populations. yFtSJrqLiLo-00002-00002072-00003002 They evolved about 500 million years ago from primitive algae. yFtSJrqLiLo-00003-00003008-00004028 There are more than 300,000 species of plants present currently and most of them are photoautotrophs which means they can ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00004-00004028-00004351 provide energy through photosynthesis. yFtSJrqLiLo-00005-00004368-00005634 Many groups of plants have adapted to the environment, for extreme heat and cold conditions. There are seed plants, vascular ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00006-00005634-00006170 plants, land plants, and plants with complex leaves. yFtSJrqLiLo-00007-00006208-00007482 Example stomata are tiny openings across the back side of leaves and controls water leaving the cell. For plants living ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00008-00007482-00008411 in hot conditions there is a waterproof lipid layer, the cuticle that prevents dryness. yFtSJrqLiLo-00009-00008452-00009604 Some plants mainly woody plants have a more complex organic molecules called as lignin, it provides tissue support to the ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00010-00009604-00010717 cell. Another adaptation seen only in land vascular plants are the presence of xylem and phloem transport mechanisms. yFtSJrqLiLo-00011-00010752-00012299 In plants there is a fluctuation between the multicellular haploid plants structure called as the gametophyte, which is formed from ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00012-00012299-00012810 the spore and give rise to haploid gametes. yFtSJrqLiLo-00013-00012836-00014006 The spores are the diploid stage. This relationship between the sporophyte and gametophyte varies among different groups of plants. As ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00014-00014006-00014860 plants evolved to higher level the gametophyte generation has been reduced at a microscopic level. yFtSJrqLiLo-00015-00014900-00015860 So simple algae have a more prominent gametophyte generation visible to the naked eye. yFtSJrqLiLo-00016-00015872-00017062 Land plants are classified in two major groups according to the presence or absence of vascular tissue. Plants that lack ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00017-00017062-00018102 vascular tissue are referred as nonvascular plants. Examples Bryophtes, Liverworts, Mosses and Hornworts. yFtSJrqLiLo-00018-00018148-00020227 Vascular plants include seedless and seed plants. Vascular tissue is composed of xylem that transports water, and phloem that transports ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00019-00020227-00020627 nutrients within the cell. yFtSJrqLiLo-00020-00020668-00021524 Nonvascular plants have specialized cells that help to transport water and nutrients. yFtSJrqLiLo-00021-00021536-00022940 Bryophytes are green seedless plants and considered as "lower" level of land plants. They include mosses, liverworts and hornworts. yFtSJrqLiLo-00022-00022956-00024143 The gametophyte stage is more prominent, where sperm cells reach the egg cell through water, hence many bryophytes are present ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00023-00024143-00024542 near water areas such as lakes and swamps. yFtSJrqLiLo-00024-00024568-00025649 Liverworts usually colonize the land, and have shapes that resembles the lobes of the liver and hence given the name ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00025-00025649-00025752 liverworts. yFtSJrqLiLo-00026-00025776-00027374 The hornworts is a short blue-green gametophyte that emerges from the sporophyte. Ferns and whisk ferns are characterized from large ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00027-00027374-00027703 leaves and branching roots. yFtSJrqLiLo-00028-00027739-00029144 Mosses usually inhabit tundra and tropical forests. They prevent soil erosion, store moisture and provide shelter to small animals. Here ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00029-00029144-00029487 is an example of a feathery moss. yFtSJrqLiLo-00030-00029520-00030911 The seed bearing vascular plants are divided into major groups, gymnosperms that have open seeds and angiosperms with closed seeds. yFtSJrqLiLo-00031-00030924-00031900 The gymnosperms were the first plants to colonize the land and resemble the modern day plants. yFtSJrqLiLo-00032-00031920-00033093 Gymnosperms are naked seeds diverse group of seed plants and the descent from a single common ancestor. They have separate ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00033-00033093-00033636 female and male gametes, pollinated by wind and insects. yFtSJrqLiLo-00034-00033668-00034631 These include the conifers which are the pine trees, the cycads which also bear large cones and can be pollinated ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00035-00034631-00035491 by beetles. They also include the ginkgo tree which has fan shaped leaves very unique to seed plants. yFtSJrqLiLo-00036-00035536-00036443 They do not have ovaries however ovules that release egg are present in female cones. yFtSJrqLiLo-00037-00036456-00037618 The angiosperms are the flowering plants. They form a beautiful landscape and are pollinated with birds, bees, bats, and other ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00038-00037618-00037692 animals. yFtSJrqLiLo-00039-00037716-00038676 There are two main classes, monocots such as lilies and grassy plants, and dicots which which are plants that have ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00040-00038676-00038804 woody branches. yFtSJrqLiLo-00041-00038828-00039683 Most flowering plants have a reduced gametophyte stage. The gametes are the pollen and eggs and are confined to the ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00042-00039683-00040035 sexual part of the plant which are the flowers. yFtSJrqLiLo-00043-00040052-00040986 The flowers carry both male and female organ, the diagram shows the lifecycle of flowering plants where you can see ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00044-00040986-00041282 the pollen grain and the embryo sac. yFtSJrqLiLo-00045-00041300-00042492 They undergo double fertilization a unique process to angiosperms. Double fertilization is a complex fertilization mechanism of flowering plants where ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00046-00042492-00043004 the haploid sperm combines with the haploid egg to form a zygote. yFtSJrqLiLo-00047-00043044-00044553 Another sperm fuses with two polar nuclei to form and endosperm which provides nutrition to the zygote. yFtSJrqLiLo-00048-00044576-00045662 In this chart you can see the diversity of the angiosperms monocots have one small cotyledons such as corn seeds. yFtSJrqLiLo-00049-00045662-00046370 Bean seeds can split into two parts and hence are considered to be dicots. yFtSJrqLiLo-00050-00046408-00048108 Monocots are parallel leaves such as tulips, corn and grass. Dicots on the other hand have branched leaves. Another difference ... yFtSJrqLiLo-00051-00048108-00048910 between monocots and dicots are the number of flower parts. yHrHPFqSj8I-00000-00000207-00000357 tech new yIrmhu8pj9U-00000-00000136-00000696 The last two trig functions are the least important, yIrmhu8pj9U-00001-00000696-00001200 and I'm going to kind of rush through them quickly. yIrmhu8pj9U-00002-00001352-00001968 The cosecant is (one divided by the sine); yIrmhu8pj9U-00003-00002160-00003024 when you memorize these, notice that the "co"s do not to go together, yIrmhu8pj9U-00004-00003024-00003520 that is to say, you might think the *co*secant would be yIrmhu8pj9U-00005-00003520-00004216 one divided by the *co*sine but that is not the case, yIrmhu8pj9U-00006-00004216-00004680 the cosecant is one divided by the sine. yIrmhu8pj9U-00007-00004952-00005496 Once again there's an infinite list of numbers that yIrmhu8pj9U-00008-00005496-00006264 aren't in the domain; any number of the form k * pi, yIrmhu8pj9U-00009-00006368-00007264 where k is an integer. The range of the cosecant yIrmhu8pj9U-00010-00007464-00008584 is the same as the range of the secant yIrmhu8pj9U-00011-00008944-00009984 Finally we'll introduce the cotangent; yIrmhu8pj9U-00012-00010072-00010632 whereas the tangent is the sine over the cosine yIrmhu8pj9U-00013-00010984-00011440 the cotangent is the reciprocal of that, yIrmhu8pj9U-00014-00011496-00011784 the cosine over the sine yIrmhu8pj9U-00015-00012040-00012328 Because this has division by the sine, yIrmhu8pj9U-00016-00012384-00012960 just like this does, the domains are the same yIrmhu8pj9U-00017-00013368-00013816 and the range of the cotangent, yIrmhu8pj9U-00018-00014032-00015072 like the range of the tangent, is all real numbers yKyfjmSes6Y-00000-00000192-00001200 How yoga changed my life I've never said this on video but i when i started in yKyfjmSes6Y-00001-00001304-00002112 nineteen 1980 nothing i think it was 1989. yKyfjmSes6Y-00002-00002256-00002840 I was 35 pounds overweight but i didn't know it i just thought i was a healthy yKyfjmSes6Y-00003-00002960-00003679 I never lost my baby weight it took only 10 years uh less than that but anyway yKyfjmSes6Y-00004-00003784-00004280 I figured out i was overweight because i lost so much weight when i started hot yoga yKyfjmSes6Y-00005-00004280-00005000 so i thought i'd give this yoga thing a try so I went down to the Yoga Source in Palo Alto yKyfjmSes6Y-00006-00005088-00005664 thank you Christina for opening that place I thought I kept wanting to do it but I just yKyfjmSes6Y-00007-00005664-00006136 didn't get around to it I'm in the park in palm springs doing my yoga this morning and i thought yKyfjmSes6Y-00008-00006208-00006592 you know i'm gonna share this because no matter where you're at yKyfjmSes6Y-00009-00006664-00007264 it doesn't matter no one's looking at you when you go to yoga class they're all struggling with yKyfjmSes6Y-00010-00007264-00007936 their own challenge okay i know there's a lot of pretty outfits that are totally too expensive and yKyfjmSes6Y-00011-00007992-00008704 that's not what happens in India people just come in very casual outerwear um yKyfjmSes6Y-00012-00008832-00009920 nothing sexy and just do it okay so i started hot yoga and I did it for 17 years and got to, yKyfjmSes6Y-00013-00009920-00010576 after 10 years, started teaching it but in that first class oh my gosh I was so overwhelmed yKyfjmSes6Y-00014-00010576-00011032 um I thought I was gonna faint I have low blood pressure so all the changing around yKyfjmSes6Y-00015-00011112-00011712 got to me I thought well I'll just try this once a week soon I was going four or five times yKyfjmSes6Y-00016-00011768-00012560 a week and I loved how I felt I felt renewed invigorated and had more energy yKyfjmSes6Y-00017-00012560-00013319 stopped drinking so much um and I changed my diet just naturally yKyfjmSes6Y-00018-00013319-00014184 didn't read anything about it I just stopped having lasagna for breakfast not a good idea! yKyfjmSes6Y-00019-00014263-00014696 And then all of a sudden people were not even recognizing me because yKyfjmSes6Y-00020-00014904-00015112 I lost so much weight I lost 35 pounds yKyfjmSes6Y-00021-00015352-00016096 i remember Wolf my son's pediatrician um dentist pediatric dentist came out to talk to me yKyfjmSes6Y-00022-00016096-00016984 in the waiting room and he didn't recognize me and went back in he told me later and that's because yKyfjmSes6Y-00023-00017048-00017936 i fit in my skinny jeans before skinny jeans were popular because those were the jeans I could wear yKyfjmSes6Y-00024-00018216-00018824 at a reduced weight i hung on to them no they might have been the new ones i got anyway it's yKyfjmSes6Y-00025-00018824-00019416 funny how when you lose so much weight there's a place where you don't realize it and you just yKyfjmSes6Y-00026-00019416-00020152 keep wearing baggy clothes which is fine but all of a sudden i realized i could get new shapelier yKyfjmSes6Y-00027-00020152-00020800 clothes anyway the whole point of this is just to let you know that no matter where you are in your yKyfjmSes6Y-00028-00020992-00021240 fitness journey yKyfjmSes6Y-00029-00021632-00022320 you can start anywhere um i was at the gym yesterday i saw this gal yKyfjmSes6Y-00030-00022320-00023128 she might have been 100 pounds overweight and she was on the stairmaster I had tried yKyfjmSes6Y-00031-00023128-00024008 it for the first time and i thought bully for you good for you because you know yKyfjmSes6Y-00032-00024008-00024544 probably 90% of it is you think what people will think when they see you trying to do stuff but yKyfjmSes6Y-00033-00024680-00025288 everyone's challenged everyone is doing their own thing so if you want to try yoga do it um yKyfjmSes6Y-00034-00025360-00026232 anyway after 17 years of doing Hot Yoga i switched to Kundalini Yoga thank you Gurmukh, in India at yKyfjmSes6Y-00035-00026232-00026856 the International Yoga Festival this first time i tried it and it was such a different feeling it yKyfjmSes6Y-00036-00026856-00027616 was much deeper it wasn't just about the physical um and it was challenging i felt some things i'd yKyfjmSes6Y-00037-00027616-00028439 never felt before um went back to my past had some memories that like all of a sudden my yKyfjmSes6Y-00038-00028439-00029016 Grandmother's house in detail in Buffalo New York came up i could see the whole thing all the rooms yKyfjmSes6Y-00039-00029168-00029752 and just a real deep connection with myself so i started that and then i got certified yKyfjmSes6Y-00040-00029752-00030256 and did the five week training in New Mexico at their kundalini yoga center yKyfjmSes6Y-00041-00030520-00031008 there's an ashram kundalini yoga ashram and in Espanola yKyfjmSes6Y-00042-00031192-00031712 and then i started teaching worldwide and doing workshops so yKyfjmSes6Y-00043-00031983-00032408 don't hold back if you feel called to do something it doesn't have to yKyfjmSes6Y-00044-00032408-00032904 be yoga but i just wanted to share that with you that you know since I started yKyfjmSes6Y-00045-00032904-00033632 in the 80s doing yoga it's become more um kind of more mainstream more popular yKyfjmSes6Y-00046-00033744-00034288 but there's a piece of it that i think is kind of missing in that you can yKyfjmSes6Y-00047-00034536-00034968 any kind of exercise that's going to change your life is is going to be spiritual mental yKyfjmSes6Y-00048-00034968-00035440 and physical and pick something you love and it will change your life yKyfjmSes6Y-00049-00035440-00035704 pick something that you know you'll do I'm out here in the park yKyfjmSes6Y-00050-00035792-00036560 um i have taken a temporary um absence from yoga and now i'm back so feeling good have yKyfjmSes6Y-00051-00036560-00037376 a great day and if you have any questions just comment below so thanks for being here yL0pEpFtfGI-00000-00009611-00010003 Hi. Please overtake at a safe distance. yL0pEpFtfGI-00001-00010020-00010396 Please drive off the road if you can't maintain a proper speed limit. yL0pEpFtfGI-00002-00010408-00010466 Sir... yL0pEpFtfGI-00003-00010476-00010788 [garbled] there's no [garbled] bike lanes. yL0pEpFtfGI-00004-00010804-00011146 The speed limit is 25, I was not exceeding that. yL0pEpFtfGI-00005-00011147-00011180 [garbled] yL0pEpFtfGI-00006-00011180-00011403 There are signs that say, "Bikes May Full Lane". yL0pEpFtfGI-00007-00011403-00011668 There is no bike lane. yL0pEpFtfGI-00008-00011668-00011972 That's right. So I'm allowed to use the main travel lane. yL0pEpFtfGI-00009-00011972-00012192 You can use the sidewalk. yL0pEpFtfGI-00010-00012192-00012306 That's for pedestrians, sir. yL0pEpFtfGI-00011-00012306-00012556 Ya, and you're a pedestrian. There's no motor. yL0pEpFtfGI-00012-00012556-00012626 I'm a bicyclist. yL0pEpFtfGI-00013-00012627-00012765 There's no motor. yL0pEpFtfGI-00014-00012765-00012936 That's right, there's no motor; human powered. yL0pEpFtfGI-00015-00012936-00013405 That's right. Human powered road. It's called sidewalk. yL0pEpFtfGI-00016-00013405-00013450 That's for pedestrians. yL0pEpFtfGI-00017-00013450-00013972 That's for people who are not using motor vehicles. yL0pEpFtfGI-00018-00013972-00014107 Well we disagree there sir. yL0pEpFtfGI-00019-00014107-00014650 You are not even allowed to drive a frickin' moped on the road if it cannot maintain the yL0pEpFtfGI-00020-00014650-00014815 speed limit. yL0pEpFtfGI-00021-00014815-00015298 The only place there's a minimum speed limit here is on the Interstate. yL0pEpFtfGI-00022-00015298-00015432 All roads. yL0pEpFtfGI-00023-00015432-00015647 No sir. You are incorrect. yL0pEpFtfGI-00024-00015647-00015897 Well check your f*****g driving manual. yL0pEpFtfGI-00025-00015897-00016191 I have many times. I suggest you do the same. yL0pEpFtfGI-00026-00016191-00016293 I already have. yL0pEpFtfGI-00027-00016293-00016733 Have a good day sir. yNKyi3UultY-00000-00000122-00000574 way he well every shot yNKyi3UultY-00001-00000574-00000920 back and now but I'm yNKyi3UultY-00002-00000920-00001398 seems like good and that good replacement amo yNKyi3UultY-00003-00001398-00001713 been will I think your home yNKyi3UultY-00004-00001713-00002092 yeah I'm hanging out here a whole yep yNKyi3UultY-00005-00002092-00002393 through yeah %um yNKyi3UultY-00006-00002393-00002753 going to you we're doing yNKyi3UultY-00007-00002753-00003177 Feb oh my gosh a letter haircut it's awesome know it's just yNKyi3UultY-00008-00003177-00003537 long look so a I yNKyi3UultY-00009-00003537-00003964 thanks plants cut off to the side things are going yNKyi3UultY-00010-00003964-00004327 amazing here I i she's graduated recently yNKyi3UultY-00011-00004327-00004810 and and Renae or really connected to a good community of people here yNKyi3UultY-00012-00004810-00005143 I'm I just started a podcast recently and a yNKyi3UultY-00013-00005143-00005594 I had so much fun it's great various desserts yNKyi3UultY-00014-00005594-00005917 postal eight years ago close maybe you didn't look um yNKyi3UultY-00015-00005917-00006353 the other link to the podcast your Facebook or some you know I haven't yNKyi3UultY-00016-00006353-00006573 actually published it that much you're all up yNKyi3UultY-00017-00006573-00006940 I'll post a link really quick um I think I'm yNKyi3UultY-00018-00006940-00007290 making sure that it's kinda pretty full feature before I for the publisher to yNKyi3UultY-00019-00007290-00007354 everybody yNKyi3UultY-00020-00007354-00007675 that on dude I got domain name yNKyi3UultY-00021-00007675-00008054 they you can get dat GA .tk dot ml and dot yNKyi3UultY-00022-00008054-00008482 CA for free well yNKyi3UultY-00023-00008482-00008884 harsh chemicals only as you see fit looks better yNKyi3UultY-00024-00008884-00009209 because they look a different view yeah I yNKyi3UultY-00025-00009209-00009614 it's your fault bremner okay I yell yNKyi3UultY-00026-00009614-00009928 just a your edit grow yNKyi3UultY-00027-00009928-00010343 year you know I'm Michael Hyatt is the yNKyi3UultY-00028-00010343-00010863 a you see the Thomas Nelson CEO he misspoke abiola your go home yNKyi3UultY-00029-00010863-00011427 and he his book is called platform he talks about branding in hell yNKyi3UultY-00030-00011427-00011899 only need to brand yourself and have a platform and he calls yNKyi3UultY-00031-00011899-00012264 places like Facebook and Twitter yNKyi3UultY-00032-00012264-00012663 your rental properties you're renting them well yNKyi3UultY-00033-00012663-00013078 because he'd ultimately Facebook is in charge and they can change some rule yNKyi3UultY-00034-00013078-00013431 and they have done this be it before some rules is suddenly yNKyi3UultY-00035-00013431-00013757 all your page doesn't get on people's yNKyi3UultY-00036-00013757-00014147 feed for some random reason used as you need to own yNKyi3UultY-00037-00014147-00014583 the peace the internet so he highly recommends everybody needs to have at yNKyi3UultY-00038-00014583-00014760 least as their landing page yNKyi3UultY-00039-00014760-00015250 or or you know that their central place on their business card their own domain yNKyi3UultY-00040-00015250-00015305 name yNKyi3UultY-00041-00015305-00015677 one sector yNKyi3UultY-00042-00015677-00016252 sir 30 seconds behind yNKyi3UultY-00043-00016252-00016585 am thank you arresters years with you yNKyi3UultY-00044-00016585-00016980 hey Matt I'll be right back entered once again in overnight Rochas Okorocha yNKyi3UultY-00045-00016980-00017680 are them yNKyi3UultY-00046-00018628-00019224 with year yNKyi3UultY-00047-00019224-00019924 okay yNKyi3UultY-00048-00020516-00021216 go yNKyi3UultY-00049-00021370-00022070 her home I yNKyi3UultY-00050-00023625-00024325 cool all were yNKyi3UultY-00051-00028436-00028587 Matt I wanted to see if I could get yNKyi3UultY-00052-00028587-00029006 Andrea two were be able to participate in it to you yNKyi3UultY-00053-00029006-00029637 yeah your I am it didn't hurt yNKyi3UultY-00054-00029637-00029966 well it's interesting when I sent her a link yNKyi3UultY-00055-00029966-00030358 or like when I invited her all she saw was just the ability to view yNKyi3UultY-00056-00030358-00030670 but she says that now she actually my brother yNKyi3UultY-00057-00030670-00031012 though it could turn your camera yNKyi3UultY-00058-00031012-00031368 we have we we test it out we just yNKyi3UultY-00059-00031368-00031691 we did a video chat I'm just a Google hangout between each other yNKyi3UultY-00060-00031691-00032189 but I guess this ones a Google Google hangout live ever yNKyi3UultY-00061-00032189-00032687 which means that all work a hot their church I there every day yNKyi3UultY-00062-00032687-00033291 years ago okay we went to a wedding to may have found draft fancy style yNKyi3UultY-00063-00033291-00033595 yes good to see you yNKyi3UultY-00064-00033595-00034056 it's good to see you I I said back down on the couch where yNKyi3UultY-00065-00034056-00034516 it's not as light yeah their I can repaying your loan yNKyi3UultY-00066-00034516-00035106 help will be I'm yeah and congratulations Charles yNKyi3UultY-00067-00035106-00035458 thank you so much checked it's funny because yNKyi3UultY-00068-00035458-00035900 when I was going through my degree I i realized I learned a lot but one of the yNKyi3UultY-00069-00035900-00036082 key things I learned is that I love yNKyi3UultY-00070-00036082-00036455 solar and I research stuff all the time yNKyi3UultY-00071-00036455-00036899 I love learning but being in school it really forced me to research things yNKyi3UultY-00072-00036899-00037350 to to it may be adept that I didn't respond I wouldn't research on my own yNKyi3UultY-00073-00037350-00037793 and then the other thing that and that weighs that I research stuff but RRT no yNKyi3UultY-00074-00037793-00038209 so being in school kinda force me to expand my horizons so it was awesome yNKyi3UultY-00075-00038209-00038633 I seventeen years man after here yNKyi3UultY-00076-00038633-00038975 well I'm it's okay to record for yNKyi3UultY-00077-00038975-00039501 you also but no other congratulations are in order cuz she's gonna be a father yNKyi3UultY-00078-00039501-00039574 soon yNKyi3UultY-00079-00039574-00040070 quietly all-pro at least is the book that you were yNKyi3UultY-00080-00040070-00040413 the in August 10 yNKyi3UultY-00081-00040413-00040797 yeah I hadn't heard that yeah yNKyi3UultY-00082-00040797-00041136 you they'll be exciting yeah yNKyi3UultY-00083-00041136-00041466 work say they're we started working on the names yNKyi3UultY-00084-00041466-00041800 and to keep it the air the janitor at where I work yNKyi3UultY-00085-00041800-00042161 she keeps asking me over and over again about however is doing to she said a yNKyi3UultY-00086-00042161-00042327 couple kids but she's really are yNKyi3UultY-00087-00042327-00042652 so yesterday she said hey do you have any names picked out yNKyi3UultY-00088-00042652-00043134 and I said yeah we have a name it i ami'm we really liked it started with yNKyi3UultY-00089-00043134-00043690 a like a yeah la Torre Tagle I i cant remember the neighborhoods for future a yNKyi3UultY-00090-00043690-00043927 good but it's a really good name what what was in the area yNKyi3UultY-00091-00043927-00044389 Attlee at 11 that's that's an awesome name of forget abrasive yNKyi3UultY-00092-00044389-00044800 here well my and remember your net yNKyi3UultY-00093-00044800-00045113 you're naming a whole person you're naming an adult yNKyi3UultY-00094-00045113-00045538 to thank God its ok pick a name that would be yNKyi3UultY-00095-00045538-00045884 good for all the better phases that way yeah yNKyi3UultY-00096-00045884-00046372 whether people that supposedly they occur yNKyi3UultY-00097-00046372-00046740 they named her daughters like sissy or something like that I just think it's yNKyi3UultY-00098-00046740-00046824 just crazy yNKyi3UultY-00099-00046824-00047257 not be cool you're the first two years but that it will be crazy yNKyi3UultY-00100-00047257-00047772 here I love how the audio switches with the videos whoever's talking about yNKyi3UultY-00101-00047772-00047970 it automatically switches to that person that's great yNKyi3UultY-00102-00047980-00048531 yeah it's nice yNKyi3UultY-00103-00048531-00048535 poem a gradual no did you say is graduating soon yNKyi3UultY-00104-00048941-00049387 know he it UK school today yNKyi3UultY-00105-00049387-00049888 but you can use his I mean he works the high school lots of their their last day yNKyi3UultY-00106-00049888-00050103 was today and so he started summer today yNKyi3UultY-00107-00050103-00050586 that's right awesome at Zazie pretty happy years ago we got on this guy he's yNKyi3UultY-00108-00050586-00050634 a little yNKyi3UultY-00109-00050634-00050934 added you a we might hang out again yNKyi3UultY-00110-00050934-00051340 Sunday began Monday he's going camping he's going to go to lodge pole yNKyi3UultY-00111-00051340-00051665 he usually does his right like the first few days after yNKyi3UultY-00112-00051665-00051978 the school year he goes up camping for himself like two days yNKyi3UultY-00113-00051978-00052499 just like get away from people cuz he's going to be an introvert and just go yNKyi3UultY-00114-00052499-00052807 chill for a lil bit so yNKyi3UultY-00115-00052807-00053190 we have we're getting together with Brett Graham s yNKyi3UultY-00116-00053190-00053527 the next week because he's going back into town yNKyi3UultY-00117-00053527-00053938 and we're also gonna see and and your Mosin yNKyi3UultY-00118-00053938-00054290 Rick studious some poor guys that is yNKyi3UultY-00119-00054290-00054777 now who was who was the philosopher that used to come down with a scale he lived yNKyi3UultY-00120-00054777-00054826 in Santa yNKyi3UultY-00121-00054826-00055252 quick I was gonna get it was Rick yNKyi3UultY-00122-00055252-00055701 yeah he's steady plus UCSB well there you go that's the whole crew then yNKyi3UultY-00123-00055701-00055766 awesome yNKyi3UultY-00124-00055766-00056357 yeah yeah what dole but also all you know we'll probably see him yNKyi3UultY-00125-00056357-00056870 some point to but really I mean we see a motel can we hang out with them yNKyi3UultY-00126-00056870-00057517 in Santa Monica sometimes well good yeah and their big dog alright I am yNKyi3UultY-00127-00057517-00057839 yet my gosh that thing is mash it was yNKyi3UultY-00128-00057839-00058188 I think I was over there in entry was I wrestling with it or what was I doing yNKyi3UultY-00129-00058188-00058301 okay remember yNKyi3UultY-00130-00058301-00058601 was trying to get you like hug me or something like that yNKyi3UultY-00131-00058601-00059006 okay laying on the ground and trying to yNKyi3UultY-00132-00059006-00059306 it interact with him on his level yNKyi3UultY-00133-00059306-00059672 call it was bunny yaa yNKyi3UultY-00134-00059672-00060062 we I was over there with Adam um and we're playing risk yNKyi3UultY-00135-00060062-00060376 with Joe lamb and the like the new risk yNKyi3UultY-00136-00060376-00060769 your there's some new version in with a doubt it was kind of like being annoying yNKyi3UultY-00137-00060769-00060802 in yNKyi3UultY-00138-00060802-00061397 no 0 we're in the kitchen and apparently it had been wanting to tell them that it yNKyi3UultY-00139-00061397-00061620 needed to pee yNKyi3UultY-00140-00061620-00061960 home but they just weren't paying attention so you serious yNKyi3UultY-00141-00061960-00062312 stood right there in the kitchen started peeing all over the yNKyi3UultY-00142-00062312-00062769 war omarska wrapping it because it just kept going and going and going and I yNKyi3UultY-00143-00062769-00062961 don't think had left their hard like yNKyi3UultY-00144-00062961-00063305 a year I is so any yNKyi3UultY-00145-00063305-00063748 hit rate the air near the end Adam realize he had a big make a sixty peretz yNKyi3UultY-00146-00063748-00064105 big goal it was up almost at the end we could have played yNKyi3UultY-00147-00064105-00064516 captured your hysterically for I yNKyi3UultY-00148-00064516-00064913 in the humid to rate the air as they gather you should definitely yNKyi3UultY-00149-00064913-00065369 wait 30 seconds ago they have the yNKyi3UultY-00150-00065369-00065767 I'm going back your wet baton back vacuum cleaners yNKyi3UultY-00151-00065767-00066222 the city because purchase a echoed the problem was getting that back yNKyi3UultY-00152-00066222-00066619 IPO in on linoleum or something yNKyi3UultY-00153-00066619-00066985 yeah their dog is yeah its big dog yNKyi3UultY-00154-00066985-00067495 that's for sure they have better trying on their fridge yNKyi3UultY-00155-00067495-00067852 a something about his yNKyi3UultY-00156-00067852-00068248 poop ice cream cone hammer although that was yNKyi3UultY-00157-00068248-00068629 yeah I mean finger painting yNKyi3UultY-00158-00068629-00068935 wasn't there no somebody yNKyi3UultY-00159-00068935-00069416 I'm like a friend family they know yNKyi3UultY-00160-00069416-00069917 mustard Ron a comic and over I am yNKyi3UultY-00161-00069917-00070228 I think I have a picture there yNKyi3UultY-00162-00070228-00070560 I here as well yNKyi3UultY-00163-00070560-00070860 you're talking about what are the people at from yNKyi3UultY-00164-00070860-00071174 at school and at sounds like it related to podcasting yNKyi3UultY-00165-00071174-00071554 Orem know you were saying you have to own your own content yNKyi3UultY-00166-00071554-00072002 and you're saying something about a landing page yeah yNKyi3UultY-00167-00072002-00072356 um oh yeah I was just saying that from yNKyi3UultY-00168-00072356-00072945 having your own the but page you can control everything about it yNKyi3UultY-00169-00072945-00073430 in oh that's why it's good to have I mean I have met the weather's dot com yNKyi3UultY-00170-00073430-00074056 it's a teacher a I've been sir the saying that this summer I kinda want to yNKyi3UultY-00171-00074056-00074476 do more with that website and change that much like to use yNKyi3UultY-00172-00074476-00074782 you the man were pressed yNKyi3UultY-00173-00074782-00075285 has totally blown like movable type used to be the great weblog sophomore yNKyi3UultY-00174-00075285-00075707 but her its it's amazing how far yNKyi3UultY-00175-00075707-00076118 how far we're press is gone and the great thing is like you can still hack yNKyi3UultY-00176-00076118-00076261 it in a lot of ways yNKyi3UultY-00177-00076261-00076617 or even just have that blog but any yNKyi3UultY-00178-00076617-00077028 an ad in your own pages and then drop your own code into a page within the yNKyi3UultY-00179-00077028-00077269 block so it's kinda like considered as having our yNKyi3UultY-00180-00077269-00077599 a blog on a different directory now if you can have it manage yNKyi3UultY-00181-00077599-00077927 as your CMS I'm you probably would enjoy coding yNKyi3UultY-00182-00077927-00078258 directly about it but yeah I think they're yNKyi3UultY-00183-00078258-00078744 I use WordPress her 8 in it a directory for a blog but yNKyi3UultY-00184-00078744-00079141 and I'm thinking maybe I should do my homepage to yNKyi3UultY-00185-00079141-00079474 or at least for have my homepage and at that link to yNKyi3UultY-00186-00079474-00079806 all the other papers be pardoned CMS yNKyi3UultY-00187-00079806-00080183 yeah like I you I didn't really use to do that I would I was always like why yNKyi3UultY-00188-00080183-00080289 wanna give yNKyi3UultY-00189-00080289-00080623 all the content or to my blog but on yNKyi3UultY-00190-00080623-00080987 I'm sure to realize how easy this unit you click on pages yNKyi3UultY-00191-00080987-00081380 and the thing I love about it is it automatically generate all your router yNKyi3UultY-00192-00081380-00081723 or your menus for you so even if you're in a directory yNKyi3UultY-00193-00081723-00082047 you have to link to it you know so actually I don't know how we're press yNKyi3UultY-00194-00082047-00082149 works yNKyi3UultY-00195-00082149-00082530 a administrating multiple directories like if you drop a page yNKyi3UultY-00196-00082530-00082868 in slash directory slash next day yNKyi3UultY-00197-00082868-00083211 PHP I don't I don't know how it handled it better yNKyi3UultY-00198-00083211-00083538 I don't know it's its I've been playing pretty blown away with what ass there's yNKyi3UultY-00199-00083538-00083789 a lot like bad info at half yNKyi3UultY-00200-00083789-00084142 finished documentation for for certain things but yNKyi3UultY-00201-00084142-00084479 and I just you have to that's for cursive the internet these days if you yNKyi3UultY-00202-00084479-00084788 search for something you find out which people have it figured out yNKyi3UultY-00203-00084788-00085216 yeah yeah K yNKyi3UultY-00204-00085216-00085857 yeah walls it American commander work on that some at some point in June or July yNKyi3UultY-00205-00085857-00086182 bet that's awesome I hear I'm yNKyi3UultY-00206-00086182-00086582 with the podcasting have you have you ever done any podcasting anything like yNKyi3UultY-00207-00086582-00086714 that eighty at my house yNKyi3UultY-00208-00086714-00087101 mid-may were thinking and doing it because some yNKyi3UultY-00209-00087101-00087442 what we know so many the audio in he and I yNKyi3UultY-00210-00087442-00087781 both teach large classes heat yNKyi3UultY-00211-00087781-00088138 is in tax class over 120 people and I teach yNKyi3UultY-00212-00088138-00088542 my math class with 320 people in three sections yNKyi3UultY-00213-00088542-00089002 and so we like what if we made a podcast about what it's like to teach yNKyi3UultY-00214-00089002-00089516 a large college class they may be interesting to people yNKyi3UultY-00215-00089516-00089848 you know just because it's not a a common thing yNKyi3UultY-00216-00089848-00090202 to be a teacher such a large class in Soho yNKyi3UultY-00217-00090202-00090669 we can talk about what that's like and just different challenges for teaching yNKyi3UultY-00218-00090669-00090791 the class system yNKyi3UultY-00219-00090791-00091200 so we'll see I don't know if there's any audience for that but it might be fun yNKyi3UultY-00220-00091200-00091620 just do like the rule series a private nx-os and see how it goes yNKyi3UultY-00221-00091620-00091954 yeah I N I'll bet I've been to be awesome to pull in people that are doing yNKyi3UultY-00222-00091954-00092033 books yNKyi3UultY-00223-00092033-00092312 you know what it's like to administrative work versus what it's yNKyi3UultY-00224-00092312-00092432 like to administrate yNKyi3UultY-00225-00092432-00092913 like a multi section class in person and talk about what pluses and minuses in yNKyi3UultY-00226-00092913-00093179 yeah but I'm sure that would be interesting that's something that I'm yNKyi3UultY-00227-00093179-00093275 certain realize like yNKyi3UultY-00228-00093275-00093675 I used to believe that I've got my personal homepage yNKyi3UultY-00229-00093675-00094042 I'm out on the Internet and I don't really care anyone saw yNKyi3UultY-00230-00094042-00094354 and and then for a while so I questionable content no one's gonna yNKyi3UultY-00231-00094354-00094499 watch no one's gonna look yNKyi3UultY-00232-00094499-00094858 but I just on my blog check Google Analytics yNKyi3UultY-00233-00094858-00095313 on my blog I posted about like productivity software electro yNKyi3UultY-00234-00095313-00095744 verses party 0 versus this other one and i was just commenting on another web yNKyi3UultY-00235-00095744-00095769 site yNKyi3UultY-00236-00095769-00096091 I wasn't even you know like there wasn't a lot of original concept yNKyi3UultY-00237-00096091-00096406 I posted that Matt I have 45 forty yNKyi3UultY-00238-00096406-00096777 7 links and it came from russia alaska yNKyi3UultY-00239-00096777-00097148 like Europe all over the world and I'm like yNKyi3UultY-00240-00097148-00097514 who who cares if I'm not the most popular person like yNKyi3UultY-00241-00097514-00097817 all generate content or put it out there maybe I'll make some money yNKyi3UultY-00242-00097817-00098256 I made like cash what was it they have made eight dollars of yNKyi3UultY-00243-00098256-00098692 AdWords revenue when I posted some post on Facebook about pastors that leave the yNKyi3UultY-00244-00098692-00098863 best rehearsal from think that yNKyi3UultY-00245-00098863-00099224 well butare all the traffic came from you yNKyi3UultY-00246-00099224-00099560 are no all the traffic came from like Facebook cuz I yNKyi3UultY-00247-00099560-00099897 post to my blog that automatically post some pics but and yNKyi3UultY-00248-00099897-00100258 the majority of the people I didn't know about their and it was crazy yNKyi3UultY-00249-00100258-00100714 like a bus just from one Baucus are yNKyi3UultY-00250-00100714-00101242 let's see chain abject I found the yNKyi3UultY-00251-00101242-00101641 picture by me yNKyi3UultY-00252-00101641-00102159 it said yeah and the another yNKyi3UultY-00253-00102159-00102220 fresh yNKyi3UultY-00254-00102220-00102609 of served away name and it's like yNKyi3UultY-00255-00102609-00102923 to an ice cream cone of ice planet yNKyi3UultY-00256-00102923-00103395 to see it yNKyi3UultY-00257-00103395-00103833 yeah we do it looks like a dog II need a figurehead administrator so that the yNKyi3UultY-00258-00103833-00104129 image stays on the screen or even you could send it to me but to yNKyi3UultY-00259-00104129-00104429 it looks like a dog with like a beehive hairdo yNKyi3UultY-00260-00104429-00104803 holding up a.m. and iced pool etc yNKyi3UultY-00261-00104803-00105129 well awry and their huge great game yNKyi3UultY-00262-00105129-00105766 and after chef's hat yNKyi3UultY-00263-00105766-00105910 serves up another yNKyi3UultY-00264-00105910-00106125 tasty yNKyi3UultY-00265-00106125-00106617 now another fresh soft serve delight mmm yNKyi3UultY-00266-00106617-00106676 I wonder yNKyi3UultY-00267-00106676-00107333 raga down here do you have for them yNKyi3UultY-00268-00107333-00107416 and now yNKyi3UultY-00269-00107416-00107796 money well um went up to keeper yNKyi3UultY-00270-00107796-00108192 I'm keep jet man yeah but I gotta go to bed yNKyi3UultY-00271-00108192-00108507 me thanks for checking out guided reading the Coeur yNKyi3UultY-00272-00108507-00108934 that this hangouts works a minute scrap yards billion yNKyi3UultY-00273-00108934-00109342 learning more about and third building a presence online yNKyi3UultY-00274-00109342-00109819 um look at Michael Hyatt Hyatt yNKyi3UultY-00275-00109819-00110167 yeah just like the hotel okay yNKyi3UultY-00276-00110167-00110571 but I think he has a website called Michael Hyatt that commerce something yNKyi3UultY-00277-00110571-00110972 where the books you reading right now I'm reading I'm reading linchpin yNKyi3UultY-00278-00110972-00111318 by a a.m. said Goten and I yNKyi3UultY-00279-00111318-00111648 talking about like being that mean person that everybody needs in the yNKyi3UultY-00280-00111648-00111732 organization yNKyi3UultY-00281-00111732-00112052 like you get fire a linchpin because they're just key to your business yNKyi3UultY-00282-00112052-00112146 creativity yNKyi3UultY-00283-00112146-00112626 and I'm also are I was reading rework by Jason Fried and he's a guy that made yNKyi3UultY-00284-00112626-00112809 base camp at 37signals yNKyi3UultY-00285-00112809-00113110 I listen to a podcast yNKyi3UultY-00286-00113110-00113493 were just today where he was talking and I've heard him yNKyi3UultY-00287-00113493-00113918 on golden but I don't recognize mean that book I'm yNKyi3UultY-00288-00113918-00114275 um well I'm halfway through yNKyi3UultY-00289-00114275-00114826 Harry Potter the first book for some over read that series they said the yNKyi3UultY-00290-00114826-00114886 reader yNKyi3UultY-00291-00114886-00115194 um non-fiction I'm reading yNKyi3UultY-00292-00115194-00115505 at the outer limits Oaks science yNKyi3UultY-00293-00115505-00115853 which basically talks about the um yNKyi3UultY-00294-00115853-00116216 know the outer limits the reason it's called the yNKyi3UultY-00295-00116216-00116568 farthest types of things we can know there's some things we can't know yNKyi3UultY-00296-00116568-00116965 you know like the Heisenberg uncertainty principle mathematical chaos yNKyi3UultY-00297-00116965-00117414 those cats that things is really interesting so yNKyi3UultY-00298-00117414-00117952 goes that's what I'm in the middle for but it not reading anything yNKyi3UultY-00299-00117952-00118302 care I'm in a class yNKyi3UultY-00300-00118302-00118698 yeah review yNKyi3UultY-00301-00118698-00119017 but you've heard interesting stuff where the iPod and eReader yNKyi3UultY-00302-00119017-00119385 yeah I know if you're interesting yNKyi3UultY-00303-00119385-00119771 I I'm yNKyi3UultY-00304-00119771-00120143 or Anna were in a class for yNKyi3UultY-00305-00120143-00120515 on attempting natural childbirth yNKyi3UultY-00306-00120515-00120974 ha and I'm leaving thats yNKyi3UultY-00307-00120974-00121284 a twelve-step class for women yNKyi3UultY-00308-00121284-00121684 your church and yNKyi3UultY-00309-00121684-00122066 yeah yNKyi3UultY-00310-00122066-00122433 you remaining yNKyi3UultY-00311-00122433-00122786 well that map thanks so much for for callin to you yNKyi3UultY-00312-00122786-00123154 yeah and I thought you went on a shooting bcz anything its new yNKyi3UultY-00313-00123154-00123602 p.m. have a smartphone yNKyi3UultY-00314-00123602-00124043 finely oh my gosh that's a Google like they had yNKyi3UultY-00315-00124043-00124504 mark bone I got it um April 16th on my birthday yNKyi3UultY-00316-00124504-00124904 a so I finally it's a Google Nexus yNKyi3UultY-00317-00124904-00125316 by have been so I can actually do always kinda mobile step yNKyi3UultY-00318-00125316-00125777 now I have hangouts on the phone so feel free to to text me yNKyi3UultY-00319-00125777-00126205 on hangouts or send me pictures that way home anytime yNKyi3UultY-00320-00126205-00126518 so the air will help the yNKyi3UultY-00321-00126518-00126957 hang out again sometime when a.m. maybe it maybe if we cancer plan ahead a yNKyi3UultY-00322-00126957-00127018 little bit yNKyi3UultY-00323-00127018-00127411 I'll call you guys up when a man you know if that a min yNKyi3UultY-00324-00127411-00127750 and I'm so the other people you might know yNKyi3UultY-00325-00127750-00128168 and with the West Bengal reelection and I'm stuck out here in idaho yNKyi3UultY-00326-00128168-00128583 why why not do a video chat and pull in like five people you can pull up yNKyi3UultY-00327-00128583-00129009 up to 10 people and then unauthorized you can plan yNKyi3UultY-00328-00129009-00129391 another five people more but you don't like 15 minutes just chat like a what's yNKyi3UultY-00329-00129391-00129483 on your mind you know yNKyi3UultY-00330-00129483-00129835 I think we call yeah I like that idea will make it home yNKyi3UultY-00331-00129835-00130210 not a midnight and 1am yNKyi3UultY-00332-00130210-00130567 yeah maybe not this late next time K yNKyi3UultY-00333-00130567-00130876 alright breakthrough expert on yNKyi3UultY-00334-00130876-00131095 next thing you know effect you later yOLEgEr8IzA-00000-00000128-00000830 Badt citizenship is becoming apparent in this country today. One form of bad yOLEgEr8IzA-00001-00000830-00001236 citizenship among many is evident around us on the part of the people yOLEgEr8IzA-00002-00001236-00001817 themselves, who, not having been taught to think of the future, or of their country, yOLEgEr8IzA-00003-00001817-00002340 allow themselves to come under the despotic power of a few professional yOLEgEr8IzA-00004-00002340-00002883 agitators whose living depends on agitating (whether it is needed or not); yOLEgEr8IzA-00005-00002883-00003473 and, blinded by the talk of these men, they attack the hand that finds the yOLEgEr8IzA-00006-00003473-00004046 money, till they force employers to spend fortunes, either in devising machinery yOLEgEr8IzA-00007-00004046-00004539 that will take their place and not go on strike, or in removing their business to yOLEgEr8IzA-00008-00004539-00005057 other countries, leaving the agitators fat and happy, and a mass of people yOLEgEr8IzA-00009-00005057-00005639 unemployed and starving and unable to provide for the crowds of children they yOLEgEr8IzA-00010-00005639-00006318 continue improvidently to bring into the world. Indifferent citizenship is, and always yOLEgEr8IzA-00011-00006318-00006834 has been, the progeny of indifferent government. With it there arises a crop yOLEgEr8IzA-00012-00006834-00007456 of doctors to suggest remedies: faddists on feeding, faddists on Socialism, yOLEgEr8IzA-00013-00007456-00008163 faddists like myself on scouting, and so on. Some may be right, some wrong; all mean yOLEgEr8IzA-00014-00008163-00008820 well. A certain class of Socialist, for instance, has come to the fore lately. As yOLEgEr8IzA-00015-00008820-00009293 a matter of fact we're all Socialists in that we want to see the abolition of the yOLEgEr8IzA-00016-00009293-00009804 existing brutal anachronism of war and of extreme poverty and misery yOLEgEr8IzA-00017-00009804-00010325 shivering alongside of superabundant wealth, and so on; but we do not quite yOLEgEr8IzA-00018-00010325-00010845 agree as to how it is to be brought about. Some of us are for pulling down yOLEgEr8IzA-00019-00010845-00011289 the present social system, but the plans for what is going to be erected in its yOLEgEr8IzA-00020-00011289-00011850 place are very hazy. We have not all got the patience to see that improvement is yOLEgEr8IzA-00021-00011850-00012461 in reality gradually being effected before our eyes. We have a parallel in yOLEgEr8IzA-00022-00012461-00012972 London just now in the several railway stations, which having been found to be yOLEgEr8IzA-00023-00012972-00013246 out-of-date and inadequate for their increased yOLEgEr8IzA-00024-00013246-00013765 traffic, are being reconstructed. The Man in the Street has demanded that they yOLEgEr8IzA-00025-00013765-00014215 should be pulled down at once, and that afterwards something better should be yOLEgEr8IzA-00026-00014215-00014755 devised and built up. But the management have been wiser; they have recognized the yOLEgEr8IzA-00027-00014755-00015232 defects of the old, but before pulling down they have seen that it would be yOLEgEr8IzA-00028-00015232-00015694 fatal to stop traffic during the alterations, and have therefore laid the yOLEgEr8IzA-00029-00015694-00016234 new foundations outside the old; they have erected the new buildings over the yOLEgEr8IzA-00030-00016234-00016822 effete ones, and have then pulled these away piecemeal, without interrupting the yOLEgEr8IzA-00031-00016822-00017469 public convenience, trade, or routine for a moment. It is easy to pull down; the yOLEgEr8IzA-00032-00017469-00018073 difficulty is to do so without damage to the country. We ought to begin by yOLEgEr8IzA-00033-00018073-00018678 building up on a sounder foundation before destroying the old. yP-ySHQUefM-00000-00003910-00004205 <i>Uwasa No Musume (The Girl In The Rumour)</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00001-00005403-00005650 <i>Chiba Sachiko: Kunie</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00002-00005800-00006066 <i>Fujiwara Kamatari: Uncle</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00003-00006175-00006499 <i>Ito Tomoko: Oyo</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00004-00006612-00006891 <i>Mihashi Ko: Kenkichi</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00005-00006995-00007231 <i>Okawa Heihachiro: Shintaro</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00006-00007336-00007553 <i>Shiomi Yo: Keisaku</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00007-00007647-00007912 <i>Umezono Ryuko: Kimiko</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00008-00008133-00008468 <i>Written and directed by Mikio Naruse</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00009-00010738-00011072 The Nadaya really seems to be going down hill, doesn't it? yP-ySHQUefM-00010-00011095-00011479 It seems to have declined a lot since the time the grandfather was running it. yP-ySHQUefM-00011-00011707-00011983 He seems to have been quite a flamboyant person. yP-ySHQUefM-00012-00011985-00012154 The person I really sorry for is the guy who's running it now. yP-ySHQUefM-00013-00012284-00012477 He was adopted into his wife's family yP-ySHQUefM-00014-00012477-00012777 and the place was going downhill when he got there. yP-ySHQUefM-00015-00014026-00014128 Here you go. yP-ySHQUefM-00016-00014382-00014539 One bottle of juice, please. yP-ySHQUefM-00017-00014619-00014774 I'm going to Oyu's place. Could you mind the store while I'm out? yP-ySHQUefM-00018-00014794-00014881 Certainly. yP-ySHQUefM-00019-00016111-00016317 <i>- I'll have another. - Coming up!</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00020-00016402-00016520 <i>Thank you.</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00021-00017609-00017818 Kunie, I'm going out again. yP-ySHQUefM-00022-00017876-00017976 Alright. yP-ySHQUefM-00023-00018076-00018360 Your grandfather still likes to drink, doesn't he? yP-ySHQUefM-00024-00018467-00018717 He starts in the morning and comes out a few times for more. yP-ySHQUefM-00025-00019913-00020172 That's because he's really lonely. yP-ySHQUefM-00026-00020373-00020854 But it's a lot of trouble really. He never thinks about the business. yP-ySHQUefM-00027-00025207-00025317 What's happening? yP-ySHQUefM-00028-00025324-00025521 - That's my father. - The man on the bicycle? yP-ySHQUefM-00029-00025640-00026108 I'm going to the bus stop. Bye, bye! yP-ySHQUefM-00030-00026379-00026586 - Can you mind the store for me? - Alright! yP-ySHQUefM-00031-00027763-00027812 I'm home. yP-ySHQUefM-00032-00027854-00027923 Welcome back. yP-ySHQUefM-00033-00028179-00028350 - Did the fish come? - Yes. yP-ySHQUefM-00034-00028357-00028470 Good. I'm going to go in the house, yP-ySHQUefM-00035-00028470-00028670 so could you go to the greengrocer's for me? yP-ySHQUefM-00036-00029872-00030064 <i>Where's my sister?</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00037-00030360-00030438 Where's my sister? yP-ySHQUefM-00038-00030491-00030729 She went in! yP-ySHQUefM-00039-00031628-00031998 Kimi-chan, if you take the money from the store, we'll all go broke. yP-ySHQUefM-00040-00032113-00032294 If you need money, just ask me for it. yP-ySHQUefM-00041-00032324-00032569 You won't give me any even if I ask! You always have some reason to say no. yP-ySHQUefM-00042-00032647-00033022 But we're not in a position to waste money, now. yP-ySHQUefM-00043-00033171-00033333 Never mind, I don't need any. yP-ySHQUefM-00044-00033686-00033992 I guess I won't be doing that favour for you tomorrow. yP-ySHQUefM-00045-00034027-00034124 Tomorrow? yP-ySHQUefM-00046-00034190-00034538 Tomorrow you're supposed to meet your fiancée, but probably I won't be going with you! yP-ySHQUefM-00047-00034637-00035084 You're just awful. I'm always losing to you. yP-ySHQUefM-00048-00036341-00036480 <i>I can understand how you feel.</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00049-00036580-00036780 <i>If you can marry the boy from the Saginomiya,</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00050-00036859-00037344 <i>there'd be some money, and that would help us out a lot now.</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00051-00037562-00037974 But that's why I'd like to oppose this match all the more. yP-ySHQUefM-00052-00038515-00038995 And I know you're thinking about Kimiko and her mother. yP-ySHQUefM-00053-00039047-00039165 I'm not trying... yP-ySHQUefM-00054-00039227-00039778 Everyone knows what you're thinking, but there's nothing you can do about that. yP-ySHQUefM-00055-00040933-00041289 I don't want to sign any papers for that. yP-ySHQUefM-00056-00041387-00041706 If you look at it from my point of view, you'll understand. yP-ySHQUefM-00057-00041751-00042093 My marriage with your mother wasn't happy. I want to be careful with yours. yP-ySHQUefM-00058-00042179-00042465 I'm thinking about your future and your happiness. yP-ySHQUefM-00059-00042465-00042765 You don't have to think about anything else, right? yP-ySHQUefM-00060-00043679-00043829 I'm going out for a bit, again. yP-ySHQUefM-00061-00043880-00044010 - Are you going to change? - No. yP-ySHQUefM-00062-00044739-00044993 Kimiko seems to be coming home late these days. yP-ySHQUefM-00063-00044993-00045324 She says she's getting her picture taken with her friends today. yP-ySHQUefM-00064-00045349-00045668 She's a little too light-hearted and careless. You need to watch out for her. yP-ySHQUefM-00065-00045668-00045971 Don't worry, father, she's better than I am. yP-ySHQUefM-00066-00046104-00046390 I'm worried about her new boyfriend. yP-ySHQUefM-00067-00046930-00047098 Grandfather hasn't changed, though. yP-ySHQUefM-00068-00047143-00047362 I think he's gone out to eat again. yP-ySHQUefM-00069-00047384-00047673 Whatever else, this place has a great owner. yP-ySHQUefM-00070-00047724-00047879 Yes, she's a real masterpiece. yP-ySHQUefM-00071-00047947-00048050 Ease up a little, fellow. yP-ySHQUefM-00072-00048284-00048499 If I were a little younger... yP-ySHQUefM-00073-00048577-00048740 That's what I think, too. yP-ySHQUefM-00074-00048842-00049008 Listen to that! yP-ySHQUefM-00075-00049237-00049371 How about another drink? yP-ySHQUefM-00076-00049399-00049736 Don't mind if I do. Oh, I have something for you. yP-ySHQUefM-00077-00050033-00050312 <i>Going home already? You don't have to, do you?</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00078-00050359-00050531 How about this? yP-ySHQUefM-00079-00050639-00050825 <i>"Rejuvenation Pills"</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00080-00050883-00051241 I'm promoting this right now, so I'll give it to you at a special, low price. yP-ySHQUefM-00081-00051304-00051400 Does it work? yP-ySHQUefM-00082-00051429-00051683 Whatever else it does, it most definitely improves your efficiency. yP-ySHQUefM-00083-00052903-00053063 The guy who just came in is her boyfriend? yP-ySHQUefM-00084-00053146-00053310 - Yes. - He runs the Nadaya, doesn't he? yP-ySHQUefM-00085-00053410-00053708 He's been coming in since before his wife died. yP-ySHQUefM-00086-00053753-00054203 She's like a wife to him. They have a child, too. yP-ySHQUefM-00087-00056278-00056801 A customer told me about this medicine. It's supposed to work very well. yP-ySHQUefM-00088-00056827-00057050 Is that so? Thanks. yP-ySHQUefM-00089-00057529-00057709 Kunie's marriage interview is tomorrow, right? yP-ySHQUefM-00090-00057848-00058244 Yes, she says that it's going well. yP-ySHQUefM-00091-00058423-00058981 But knowing her, she's worried about Kimiko and me. yP-ySHQUefM-00092-00059288-00059744 She says she isn't. She says she wants you to come live with us soon. yP-ySHQUefM-00093-00059791-00060175 I can tell that she's thinking about the business. yP-ySHQUefM-00094-00060175-00060356 But that's so... yP-ySHQUefM-00095-00060713-00061150 I think it's about time to tell Kimiko the truth. That kid is so selfish. yP-ySHQUefM-00096-00061517-00062083 She's always making things difficult for Kunie. yP-ySHQUefM-00097-00062375-00062717 You shouldn't marry off Kunie. yP-ySHQUefM-00098-00063426-00064245 30 sen, 50 sen, 60 sen, 2 yen, 50 sen, 40 sen, 1 yen, 10 sen, 80 sen, 2 yen, 40 sen, yP-ySHQUefM-00099-00064245-00064919 1 yen, 20 sen, 1 yen, 3 yen, 60 sen, 1 yen, 30 sen, 1 yen, 60 sen, yP-ySHQUefM-00100-00065019-00065619 12 sen, 80 sen, 20 sen, 1 yen, 30 sen, 40 sen, 50 sen, 12 sen. yP-ySHQUefM-00101-00065703-00065862 18 yen, 60 sen! yP-ySHQUefM-00102-00065917-00066248 It's no use. We've done this five times and gotten five different results! yP-ySHQUefM-00103-00066545-00066743 18 yen, 80 sen! yP-ySHQUefM-00104-00066873-00067237 Never mind, I'll do it myself later. Go to bed. Good night. yP-ySHQUefM-00105-00067386-00067517 Good night! yP-ySHQUefM-00106-00069096-00069179 I'm home! yP-ySHQUefM-00107-00069236-00069392 Welcome back. yP-ySHQUefM-00108-00069661-00070339 Kimi, father's worried about you. Come home earlier once in a while. yP-ySHQUefM-00109-00070370-00070538 Are they home already? yP-ySHQUefM-00110-00072249-00072506 - Hello, everyone! - Welcome back! yP-ySHQUefM-00111-00072640-00073045 Kunie, sorry but I took a cab home. yP-ySHQUefM-00112-00073093-00073237 How much is it? 50 sen? yP-ySHQUefM-00113-00073339-00073714 The driver is waiting in the car. yP-ySHQUefM-00114-00074600-00074908 You're a terrible grandfather! We'll all pay for this, you know. yP-ySHQUefM-00115-00075001-00075273 Sorry. I ran into an old friend, he asked me along, yP-ySHQUefM-00116-00075379-00075712 but I decided it was too much trouble, and came home. yP-ySHQUefM-00117-00075750-00076016 You know that doesn't make a difference. yP-ySHQUefM-00118-00076387-00076550 Sorry. yP-ySHQUefM-00119-00076750-00076950 Let's keep this a secret from your father, shall we? yP-ySHQUefM-00120-00078039-00078267 - Grandfather, did you just get in? - Yes. How are you? yP-ySHQUefM-00121-00078439-00078564 Welcome home. yP-ySHQUefM-00122-00078744-00078966 I see grandfather came home in a cab again. yP-ySHQUefM-00123-00078992-00079150 He's just awful. yP-ySHQUefM-00124-00079587-00079861 Oyu said that she'd like to talk to you when you have the time. yP-ySHQUefM-00125-00079931-00080101 Is that so? yP-ySHQUefM-00126-00080435-00080517 Thank you. yP-ySHQUefM-00127-00080660-00080776 Keep the change. yP-ySHQUefM-00128-00081300-00081482 I think I'd better take that change. yP-ySHQUefM-00129-00085064-00085145 Where are you going? yP-ySHQUefM-00130-00085183-00085370 It's starting. I want to see it. yP-ySHQUefM-00131-00085437-00085722 Just wait a little. Everyone's still here. yP-ySHQUefM-00132-00085847-00086059 It wouldn't hurt to just sit with us a for a little, no? yP-ySHQUefM-00133-00086474-00086732 Kunie, you prefer plays, don't you? yP-ySHQUefM-00134-00086845-00087104 Everything she likes is behind the times. yP-ySHQUefM-00135-00087281-00087450 And you're good at dancing, too? yP-ySHQUefM-00136-00087519-00087899 She dances, but her specialty is singing. yP-ySHQUefM-00137-00087934-00088130 Really? yP-ySHQUefM-00138-00088249-00088520 You must be way past your debut. yP-ySHQUefM-00139-00088555-00088746 But I like debuts. yP-ySHQUefM-00140-00088746-00088992 That's funny. You never come along with me when I invite you to one. yP-ySHQUefM-00141-00089019-00089205 You're always telling me that you don't like them. yP-ySHQUefM-00142-00089444-00089563 Your sister is a mature person yP-ySHQUefM-00143-00089588-00089884 and doesn't like coming to these things with loud people like you. yP-ySHQUefM-00144-00089940-00090240 You're so calm, Kunie! yP-ySHQUefM-00145-00090305-00090798 She's the solid type and a real help in the store. yP-ySHQUefM-00146-00090862-00091021 She must be! yP-ySHQUefM-00147-00091725-00091928 Sato-san, you went to Keio University, didn't you? yP-ySHQUefM-00148-00091941-00092021 That's right. yP-ySHQUefM-00149-00092071-00092234 Did you know Fujita on the rugby club? yP-ySHQUefM-00150-00092256-00092472 I knew him well when we were in school. yP-ySHQUefM-00151-00092472-00092735 That's great. Would you introduce him to me sometime? yP-ySHQUefM-00152-00092735-00092930 Kimiko, why are you talking? yP-ySHQUefM-00153-00093205-00093402 And... what is your favourite sport? yP-ySHQUefM-00154-00093447-00093652 I don't know much about sports, but my sister sometimes yP-ySHQUefM-00155-00093675-00094111 takes me to things like rugby games and explains them to me. yP-ySHQUefM-00156-00094111-00094303 I was really embarrassed the other day when she... yP-ySHQUefM-00157-00095587-00095753 Why did you bring Kimiko along? yP-ySHQUefM-00158-00095835-00096169 She says she wanted me along if at all possible. yP-ySHQUefM-00159-00096198-00096459 I'd get nervous if I went without her. yP-ySHQUefM-00160-00096493-00096708 It just seems that she is undoing everything we do. yP-ySHQUefM-00161-00096742-00096835 That's a terrible thing to say. yP-ySHQUefM-00162-00096977-00097190 You're almost ready to get married yourself. yP-ySHQUefM-00163-00097249-00097446 If you keep acting like that, no one is going to marry you. yP-ySHQUefM-00164-00097468-00097787 Come on! I wouldn't even think of having an arranged marriage. yP-ySHQUefM-00165-00098153-00098275 So what do you think? yP-ySHQUefM-00166-00098359-00098803 I don't think we can get an answer right away, but how do you feel about him? yP-ySHQUefM-00167-00098894-00099134 That guy doesn't seem to have anything to him. yP-ySHQUefM-00168-00099181-00099299 Who asked you? yP-ySHQUefM-00169-00099449-00099662 Well, there's the opinion of the other side to consider. yP-ySHQUefM-00170-00099714-00099903 I'll let you decide, uncle. yP-ySHQUefM-00171-00099933-00100098 Are you sure? That's OK with me. yP-ySHQUefM-00172-00100302-00100566 Sister, are you really going to marry so hastily? yP-ySHQUefM-00173-00100593-00100843 You're going to tell me that I'm old-fashioned again, right? yP-ySHQUefM-00174-00100927-00101064 Your sister has a good character. yP-ySHQUefM-00175-00101099-00101496 She's not one of those who talk about 'love' and 'passion' like you. yP-ySHQUefM-00176-00101526-00101720 Uncle, do you think I'm a fool? yP-ySHQUefM-00177-00101974-00102402 Aren't you always telling me that you married for love? yP-ySHQUefM-00178-00102552-00102856 No, you see, in my case it was a little different. yP-ySHQUefM-00179-00102896-00103158 - You're turning red! - Fool! yP-ySHQUefM-00180-00103162-00103316 No, I'm not. I'm going home. yP-ySHQUefM-00181-00103841-00104323 I'm going that way. I'll be at home. Give my regards to your father. yP-ySHQUefM-00182-00104930-00105028 Bye. yP-ySHQUefM-00183-00105742-00106192 Our parents had an arranged marriage, didn't they? yP-ySHQUefM-00184-00106232-00106366 Why do you ask? yP-ySHQUefM-00185-00106366-00106613 Because they couldn't have gotten along very well. yP-ySHQUefM-00186-00106669-00106935 That's why father had a mistress. yP-ySHQUefM-00187-00107266-00107729 I think the problem was more with mother. yP-ySHQUefM-00188-00107753-00107890 Kunie, no matter what it is, yP-ySHQUefM-00189-00107890-00108190 you always think women shouldn't get in the way of men. yP-ySHQUefM-00190-00108230-00108391 I don't like that way of thinking. yP-ySHQUefM-00191-00108431-00108888 You're scary! Always telling me that I'm old-fashioned. yP-ySHQUefM-00192-00109034-00109489 You should be. I just can't sympathise with people like mother and father, yP-ySHQUefM-00193-00109588-00109831 and I have nothing but contempt for mistresses. yP-ySHQUefM-00194-00110949-00111398 You know, Kimiko, Oyu's father is a very good person. yP-ySHQUefM-00195-00111433-00112001 And you know that father and granddad need someone around, yP-ySHQUefM-00196-00112045-00112455 so I've been thinking of asking her to move in with us. yP-ySHQUefM-00197-00112477-00112685 - Move in? - As our mother. yP-ySHQUefM-00198-00112782-00113009 Are you going to call her "mother"? yP-ySHQUefM-00199-00113009-00113084 No. yP-ySHQUefM-00200-00113101-00113371 I don't think there's any way I could call her that. yP-ySHQUefM-00201-00114426-00114682 Isn't it kind of a shame to let go of this place, yP-ySHQUefM-00202-00114682-00114882 now that it's doing so well? yP-ySHQUefM-00203-00115101-00115747 I'm a little tired of this business. And I have a bit of money. yP-ySHQUefM-00204-00115776-00116043 OK then, I won't hold you to your contract. yP-ySHQUefM-00205-00118097-00118339 <i>Master, we got a delivery from Watanabe.</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00206-00118377-00118550 What about Yoshida and the others? yP-ySHQUefM-00207-00118550-00118763 Izumi still hasn't gone home. yP-ySHQUefM-00208-00121530-00121883 Ken-san, I think the sake has gotten a little worse lately. yP-ySHQUefM-00209-00121953-00122191 No, that can't be right. yP-ySHQUefM-00210-00122320-00122558 Maybe it's just me, then. yP-ySHQUefM-00211-00124966-00125571 Father seems restless these days, but he says everything is going well. yP-ySHQUefM-00212-00125740-00126207 When he's here, it often seems to me that he's got something on his mind, yP-ySHQUefM-00213-00126850-00127229 but even when I ask him, he won't say anything. yP-ySHQUefM-00214-00127294-00127548 This is hard for me to say, yP-ySHQUefM-00215-00127636-00128186 but I think the only person who can help him is you. yP-ySHQUefM-00216-00128233-00128356 No, that's not true. yP-ySHQUefM-00217-00128356-00128877 No, it is true. Grandfather is, you know... grandfather. yP-ySHQUefM-00218-00128902-00129183 I think he could consult with you about the business. yP-ySHQUefM-00219-00129183-00129483 Nothing would work better than you coming to live with us. yP-ySHQUefM-00220-00129533-00129788 I don't deserve such words. yP-ySHQUefM-00221-00129888-00130328 Besides, how would you do in your marriage talks with a mother like me? yP-ySHQUefM-00222-00130395-00130564 Don't worry about that. yP-ySHQUefM-00223-00130888-00131490 I understand. I've been waiting for your father to ask me about it. yP-ySHQUefM-00224-00131584-00132011 Why do you think a person like me could do this? yP-ySHQUefM-00225-00132080-00132192 That's not what I'm getting at. yP-ySHQUefM-00226-00132192-00132392 I think it's for the good of the family. yP-ySHQUefM-00227-00132512-00133211 As for me, I don't think I can have a happy marriage, anyway. yP-ySHQUefM-00228-00135597-00135787 - Thanks for the other day! - Thank you. yP-ySHQUefM-00229-00135999-00136132 Where are you going? yP-ySHQUefM-00230-00136132-00136350 What? Nowhere in particular. yP-ySHQUefM-00231-00136450-00136650 It's convenient that I met you here. yP-ySHQUefM-00232-00136714-00136986 There's something I've been wanting to talk to you about. yP-ySHQUefM-00233-00137286-00137564 You know, I don't mind leaving my friends and going with you. yP-ySHQUefM-00234-00137589-00137739 Really? yP-ySHQUefM-00235-00138375-00138443 Hello. yP-ySHQUefM-00236-00138631-00138803 - Come in. - Is he in? yP-ySHQUefM-00237-00138918-00139010 Come in. yP-ySHQUefM-00238-00139065-00139294 - How are you doing? - Thanks for the other day. yP-ySHQUefM-00239-00139334-00139489 Don't worry about that. yP-ySHQUefM-00240-00140088-00140310 Sorry, but may I have a cup of sake? yP-ySHQUefM-00241-00140659-00140767 Go in. yP-ySHQUefM-00242-00141009-00141193 I'll get his sake. yP-ySHQUefM-00243-00142472-00142813 I don't understand today's young people at all. yP-ySHQUefM-00244-00142856-00142980 What are you getting at? yP-ySHQUefM-00245-00143038-00143686 The marriage proposal has turned into something really weird. yP-ySHQUefM-00246-00143929-00143998 Weird? yP-ySHQUefM-00247-00144102-00144497 The kid from the Saginomiya says he prefers Kimiko. yP-ySHQUefM-00248-00144636-00144736 Kimiko? yP-ySHQUefM-00249-00144785-00145210 I don't know what he sees in that tomboy, yP-ySHQUefM-00250-00145211-00145411 but the other side wants me to do what I can. yP-ySHQUefM-00251-00145485-00145673 I wonder what's going on. yP-ySHQUefM-00252-00146290-00146589 The mother had all sorts of nice things to say about Kunie. yP-ySHQUefM-00253-00146658-00147048 I think she's right. To tell you the truth, I think you should keep her at home. yP-ySHQUefM-00254-00147048-00147517 She's such a good girl. You probably want to keep her near you. yP-ySHQUefM-00255-00147649-00147833 So what do you think? yP-ySHQUefM-00256-00147833-00148116 I think we should just drop it. yP-ySHQUefM-00257-00148271-00148543 But you have to consider .... yP-ySHQUefM-00258-00148563-00149394 I don't know what Kimiko will say, but Kunie doesn't especially like him. yP-ySHQUefM-00259-00150160-00150774 But sending a daughter over there will help the family out. yP-ySHQUefM-00260-00150849-00151020 I think she'll understand. yP-ySHQUefM-00261-00151178-00151597 Yes, but Kunie had all sorts of plans. yP-ySHQUefM-00262-00151697-00151997 There's all sorts of delicate feelings we have to consider. yP-ySHQUefM-00263-00153061-00153137 Grandfather! yP-ySHQUefM-00264-00153280-00153429 <i>Oh, it's you, Kunie.</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00265-00153470-00153655 What were you looking at? yP-ySHQUefM-00266-00154068-00154599 These days there are some pretty nice things at quite reasonable prices. yP-ySHQUefM-00267-00154643-00154992 Looking at furniture? Not that I don't believe you... yP-ySHQUefM-00268-00155251-00155690 What are you talking about? There's been talk of you getting married, so... yP-ySHQUefM-00269-00155690-00155918 Oh, so you're going to buy me a present? yP-ySHQUefM-00270-00155940-00156476 Even though I'm the one who's getting an allowance from you. yP-ySHQUefM-00271-00156604-00156745 Where were you Grandfather? yP-ySHQUefM-00272-00156796-00157145 I was just walking around. And you? yP-ySHQUefM-00273-00157270-00157986 I was at Oyu's place. She says that she'd like to talk to you about something. yP-ySHQUefM-00274-00158014-00158140 What was that? yP-ySHQUefM-00275-00158174-00158408 I wonder if there's a quiet place where we could talk. yP-ySHQUefM-00276-00158508-00158902 I had something I wanted to talk to you about, too. yP-ySHQUefM-00277-00158902-00159076 What was that? yP-ySHQUefM-00278-00159321-00159500 Shall we go in there? yP-ySHQUefM-00279-00159559-00159685 <i>ODEN SHOP</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00280-00159928-00160114 We can't go in there. yP-ySHQUefM-00281-00160212-00160345 Why not? yP-ySHQUefM-00282-00160633-00160850 So, for the time being, we'll turn down the proposal. yP-ySHQUefM-00283-00160914-00161216 I don't want my daughters to hear about this for quite a while, yP-ySHQUefM-00284-00161266-00161412 so let's keep this to ourselves, shall we? yP-ySHQUefM-00285-00161557-00162096 I see. Shall I try again sometime? yP-ySHQUefM-00286-00162096-00162259 Yes, please. Bye. yP-ySHQUefM-00287-00163981-00164278 So what do you think, grandfather? yP-ySHQUefM-00288-00164329-00164926 So long as it's OK with you, I won't oppose bringing in Oyu to our house. yP-ySHQUefM-00289-00164964-00165183 You should tell father how you feel. yP-ySHQUefM-00290-00165243-00165443 I think it will work out really well! yP-ySHQUefM-00291-00165511-00165726 Yes, I think it's a good idea. yP-ySHQUefM-00292-00166855-00167039 What was it that you were going to tell me? yP-ySHQUefM-00293-00167093-00167352 It's about your father. yP-ySHQUefM-00294-00167432-00167577 What about him? yP-ySHQUefM-00295-00167743-00168246 He seems really worried about the business these days. yP-ySHQUefM-00296-00168380-00168534 I know what you mean. yP-ySHQUefM-00297-00168713-00169080 And the sake doesn't taste right. yP-ySHQUefM-00298-00169432-00170037 I've been drinking it for decades, so I don't think it's my taste that has changed. yP-ySHQUefM-00299-00170116-00170344 How has it changed? yP-ySHQUefM-00300-00170435-00170671 I don't think it's possible that somebody at our place yP-ySHQUefM-00301-00170671-00170871 would be doing something to the sake. yP-ySHQUefM-00302-00171139-00171454 But I think it'd be better if you could slip in a warning to him sometime. yP-ySHQUefM-00303-00171592-00171726 I don't think he'd listen to me. yP-ySHQUefM-00304-00172403-00172867 When they get withdrawn, people start thinking about things they shouldn't. yP-ySHQUefM-00305-00173327-00173553 Tomorrow the wind will blow in a different direction. yP-ySHQUefM-00306-00173553-00173753 He should relax a little! yP-ySHQUefM-00307-00175209-00175333 Are you on your way home? yP-ySHQUefM-00308-00175504-00175632 You're coming from our place? yP-ySHQUefM-00309-00175805-00175997 Uncle, what's happening with the marriage talks? yP-ySHQUefM-00310-00176049-00176429 Oh, that? I've been busy with my work yP-ySHQUefM-00311-00176468-00176706 and haven't had time to talk it over with them. yP-ySHQUefM-00312-00176749-00176858 Is that so? yP-ySHQUefM-00313-00177092-00177186 See you. yP-ySHQUefM-00314-00177293-00177429 So you've been busy? yP-ySHQUefM-00315-00177429-00177611 Yes, thank you. yP-ySHQUefM-00316-00177644-00177816 You're making lots of money then? yP-ySHQUefM-00317-00177816-00177960 Not really. yP-ySHQUefM-00318-00177998-00178208 But don't you make money when you're busy? yP-ySHQUefM-00319-00178208-00178424 Well, you don't lose money. yP-ySHQUefM-00320-00178487-00178716 Then how about a little for me. yP-ySHQUefM-00321-00178752-00178845 What? yP-ySHQUefM-00322-00178873-00179126 I don't even get my allowance these days! yP-ySHQUefM-00323-00179197-00179408 There wouldn't be any for you, anyway. yP-ySHQUefM-00324-00180264-00180401 That's not fair, uncle! yP-ySHQUefM-00325-00180834-00180925 We're home! yP-ySHQUefM-00326-00181009-00181133 Welcome back. yP-ySHQUefM-00327-00182423-00182795 That was quick. You should have done something fun as long as you were out. yP-ySHQUefM-00328-00182997-00183346 I talked to grandfather about it while we were out. yP-ySHQUefM-00329-00183473-00183780 Grandfather says it's OK to have Oyu come live with us. yP-ySHQUefM-00330-00183920-00184453 Thanks. I'll think about it. yP-ySHQUefM-00331-00185063-00185307 - I'd like some sake. - Certainly! yP-ySHQUefM-00332-00185635-00185885 I'll take 3 cups of the 30 sen sake. yP-ySHQUefM-00333-00190066-00190273 Here it is. yP-ySHQUefM-00334-00190625-00190909 Thank you very much for your business. yP-ySHQUefM-00335-00191216-00191253 I'm home! yP-ySHQUefM-00336-00191570-00191686 I ran into uncle. yP-ySHQUefM-00337-00192238-00192452 - You met uncle? - Aye. yP-ySHQUefM-00338-00192848-00193217 Kimiko, did he say anything? yP-ySHQUefM-00339-00193301-00193423 No. yP-ySHQUefM-00340-00193785-00193958 What did he say to you? yP-ySHQUefM-00341-00194093-00194379 Oh, he came to talk about some other things. yP-ySHQUefM-00342-00194451-00194956 He's busy and hasn't talked to them yet. yP-ySHQUefM-00343-00195076-00195224 Is that so? yP-ySHQUefM-00344-00196572-00196763 Sorry to ask so soon after you've gotten back home, yP-ySHQUefM-00345-00196806-00197008 but I’ve got another errand to do. yP-ySHQUefM-00346-00197100-00197201 Go ahead. yP-ySHQUefM-00347-00197433-00197513 I'm going now. yP-ySHQUefM-00348-00197559-00197816 That's fine. I just want to change. yP-ySHQUefM-00349-00200039-00200267 It seems the marriage talks are still up in the air. yP-ySHQUefM-00350-00200328-00200483 How do you know? yP-ySHQUefM-00351-00200518-00200686 Uncle told me. yP-ySHQUefM-00352-00201369-00201539 I don't think they see your good points. yP-ySHQUefM-00353-00206158-00206403 "Parting wiping tears..." yP-ySHQUefM-00354-00214279-00214379 Where's your father? yP-ySHQUefM-00355-00214448-00214679 He went somewhere. yP-ySHQUefM-00356-00214679-00214879 Did you want to talk to him? yP-ySHQUefM-00357-00214900-00215066 No, nothing particular. yP-ySHQUefM-00358-00218925-00219003 Who's there? yP-ySHQUefM-00359-00219172-00219283 It's me. yP-ySHQUefM-00360-00219950-00220025 What is it? yP-ySHQUefM-00361-00220375-00220493 Father! yP-ySHQUefM-00362-00220899-00221014 Come in. yP-ySHQUefM-00363-00222359-00222842 Father, tell me the truth. I'm worried. yP-ySHQUefM-00364-00222918-00223196 Like I told you, there's nothing to worry about. yP-ySHQUefM-00365-00223276-00223580 I just started researching sake as a hobby. yP-ySHQUefM-00366-00224364-00224594 If it goes well, I might be able to come up with a recipe yP-ySHQUefM-00367-00224594-00224794 that will make us more money. yP-ySHQUefM-00368-00224924-00225088 But Grandfather says... yP-ySHQUefM-00369-00225183-00225612 He's wrong! There's something wrong with his taste these days. yP-ySHQUefM-00370-00225660-00225741 But... yP-ySHQUefM-00371-00225813-00225988 Don't worry about little things. yP-ySHQUefM-00372-00226418-00226618 I'm going back to the store. yP-ySHQUefM-00373-00226925-00227327 Thanks for the other day. Yes. Yes, I'll go. Wait for me. yP-ySHQUefM-00374-00227600-00227655 <i>Kimi.</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00375-00227733-00227800 Yes? yP-ySHQUefM-00376-00227991-00228200 Are you going out again in this rain? yP-ySHQUefM-00377-00228250-00228524 I promised my friends I would. yP-ySHQUefM-00378-00230214-00230640 <i>"We believe taste and aroma come first. Superior teas. Ohimeya."</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00379-00230981-00231459 In any case, there's no definite answer from the other side. yP-ySHQUefM-00380-00232032-00232330 But even if it's "no", it's no big deal. yP-ySHQUefM-00381-00232429-00232701 There are plenty of men who'd take you. yP-ySHQUefM-00382-00232737-00232943 In fact, you're too good for that guy. yP-ySHQUefM-00383-00232995-00233352 But that was the best proposal so far. yP-ySHQUefM-00384-00233449-00233707 I can come up with 10 or 20 just like that. yP-ySHQUefM-00385-00233748-00233943 Do you want to hear about them? yP-ySHQUefM-00386-00234171-00234297 Don't be in such a rush. yP-ySHQUefM-00387-00234821-00235261 Uncle, have you heard? Oyu's place is going to be sold. yP-ySHQUefM-00388-00235698-00236099 It'll be hard on her. We should do something for her. yP-ySHQUefM-00389-00236205-00236596 I agree. She's a good, solid person. yP-ySHQUefM-00390-00236610-00236863 You should bring her in to the family as soon as you can. yP-ySHQUefM-00391-00236897-00237087 No one would object to that. yP-ySHQUefM-00392-00238461-00238767 The place will probably change for the better. yP-ySHQUefM-00393-00238842-00239308 It works out well for me, but what about you? yP-ySHQUefM-00394-00239395-00239574 That's my problem. yP-ySHQUefM-00395-00239893-00239991 <i>I'm going for a bath.</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00396-00240027-00240135 See you later, then. yP-ySHQUefM-00397-00241531-00241987 If you were to come to our place, I'd let you handle the business. yP-ySHQUefM-00398-00242011-00242203 That's not what I want! yP-ySHQUefM-00399-00242255-00242694 I could go somewhere and find some job to do. yP-ySHQUefM-00400-00242875-00243281 I thought grandfather and Kunie wouldn't approve, yP-ySHQUefM-00401-00243328-00243718 but everyone likes the idea. I think it'll work out fine. yP-ySHQUefM-00402-00244018-00244218 Anyway, tomorrow is Kimiko's birthday, yP-ySHQUefM-00403-00244261-00244508 so it's the best time to talk to her about it. yP-ySHQUefM-00404-00244748-00244842 Yes. yP-ySHQUefM-00405-00245720-00246007 Why don't you come over to our place tomorrow, in the afternoon, say. yP-ySHQUefM-00406-00246007-00246214 That's sounds alright. yP-ySHQUefM-00407-00246262-00246389 Kunie will be the happiest. yP-ySHQUefM-00408-00246585-00247320 Speaking of Kunie, do you think we could marry off Kimiko leave Kunie at home? yP-ySHQUefM-00409-00247343-00247544 It would be difficult for me otherwise. yP-ySHQUefM-00410-00247574-00248122 She's close to you, and I'd like it better that way myself. yP-ySHQUefM-00411-00248150-00248728 I can see what she's thinking, but... yP-ySHQUefM-00412-00248891-00249203 I'll try talking to her. yP-ySHQUefM-00413-00252602-00252750 What's going on? yP-ySHQUefM-00414-00256015-00256152 Three cups would be fine. yP-ySHQUefM-00415-00256291-00256579 Sorry, I forgot. yP-ySHQUefM-00416-00258633-00258681 What? yP-ySHQUefM-00417-00258977-00259254 There's something I want to talk to you about. yP-ySHQUefM-00418-00259519-00259701 About what you saw? yP-ySHQUefM-00419-00259938-00260093 Are you worried? yP-ySHQUefM-00420-00260146-00260382 I don't want to mistrust you. yP-ySHQUefM-00421-00260437-00260662 I don't keep secrets. yP-ySHQUefM-00422-00261293-00261563 I was just keeping quiet for your sake. yP-ySHQUefM-00423-00261592-00261746 Why? What is it? yP-ySHQUefM-00424-00261977-00262237 Father and uncle are lying to you. yP-ySHQUefM-00425-00262306-00262443 What about? yP-ySHQUefM-00426-00262501-00262715 I don't know if I should tell you. yP-ySHQUefM-00427-00262898-00263071 Please. I don't care what it is. yP-ySHQUefM-00428-00263247-00263566 Sato says that he wants me more than you. yP-ySHQUefM-00429-00263566-00263766 Uncle must have told father about that. yP-ySHQUefM-00430-00264484-00264792 But I haven't deliberately tried to hurt you, Kunie. yP-ySHQUefM-00431-00264905-00265298 I just met him accidently one day. He's got money. yP-ySHQUefM-00432-00265497-00265761 I think it's good that I found someone. yP-ySHQUefM-00433-00266081-00266345 I'm not complaining about what you're doing. yP-ySHQUefM-00434-00266485-00267032 You just don't know anything. Just try to understand how I feel. yP-ySHQUefM-00435-00267113-00267244 What's wrong? yP-ySHQUefM-00436-00267503-00267573 Never mind. yP-ySHQUefM-00437-00269807-00269920 What happened? yP-ySHQUefM-00438-00270126-00270284 Nothing. yP-ySHQUefM-00439-00270843-00271076 Did you have a fight with Kimiko? yP-ySHQUefM-00440-00272530-00272676 It's nice! yP-ySHQUefM-00441-00272822-00272922 Who's it from? yP-ySHQUefM-00442-00273398-00273501 S. Sato. Who's that? yP-ySHQUefM-00443-00273764-00273918 Someone I can't tell you about. yP-ySHQUefM-00444-00274338-00274557 It's not nice to keep secrets from us. yP-ySHQUefM-00445-00274614-00274754 Let's get her! yP-ySHQUefM-00446-00275959-00276159 - Did you go to Yoshikawa's? - Yes, I made the delivery. yP-ySHQUefM-00447-00276449-00276596 Grandfather, are you going somewhere? yP-ySHQUefM-00448-00276596-00276845 I'm going across the street to have them run the razor over my face. yP-ySHQUefM-00449-00277278-00277397 Oyu is coming over later. yP-ySHQUefM-00450-00277425-00277561 That's fine with me. yP-ySHQUefM-00451-00278484-00279244 Kenkichi? There's something strange happening with the Sato boy again. yP-ySHQUefM-00452-00279583-00279768 Kimiko? yP-ySHQUefM-00453-00279862-00280265 Yes, it seems they've gotten really close. yP-ySHQUefM-00454-00280290-00280380 Why? yP-ySHQUefM-00455-00280439-00280943 Well, today's young people do things quickly, so you never know what's going on. yP-ySHQUefM-00456-00280981-00281422 Anyway, his parents want you to ask her. yP-ySHQUefM-00457-00281925-00282064 I'll ask Kimiko about it. yP-ySHQUefM-00458-00282900-00282966 Come in. yP-ySHQUefM-00459-00283291-00283375 Come this way. yP-ySHQUefM-00460-00284754-00284877 Would you mind waiting on the second floor? yP-ySHQUefM-00461-00285863-00286282 Kunie, Oyo's here. Could you make some tea? yP-ySHQUefM-00462-00287076-00287221 Kimiko, come here a minute. yP-ySHQUefM-00463-00287308-00287390 What is it? yP-ySHQUefM-00464-00287460-00287608 Just come here. yP-ySHQUefM-00465-00288296-00288752 You were seeing the Sato boy without saying anything to me or your sister. yP-ySHQUefM-00466-00289056-00289288 What were you trying to do? Tell me! yP-ySHQUefM-00467-00289613-00290193 You don't know how nice your sister has been to you and your mother. yP-ySHQUefM-00468-00290416-00290679 I brought someone here for you to see. Come with me. yP-ySHQUefM-00469-00290932-00291026 Come! yP-ySHQUefM-00470-00293438-00293667 This is your mother. Say hello to her. yP-ySHQUefM-00471-00294817-00295207 I didn't want to tell you about it until the time was right. yP-ySHQUefM-00472-00295840-00295955 You know what I'm talking about. yP-ySHQUefM-00473-00296396-00296541 It's all so sudden. yP-ySHQUefM-00474-00296886-00297092 And you need to apologise to your sister. yP-ySHQUefM-00475-00297533-00297891 She was always thinking of you and your mother, yP-ySHQUefM-00476-00297891-00298091 but you stomped all over her heart. yP-ySHQUefM-00477-00298212-00298362 - Father! - Apologize! yP-ySHQUefM-00478-00298514-00298689 - No. - What? yP-ySHQUefM-00479-00298876-00299126 Kimi, I don't care if you apologize to me. yP-ySHQUefM-00480-00299212-00299381 Just say something to your mother. yP-ySHQUefM-00481-00299695-00300064 No! How could I do that now? yP-ySHQUefM-00482-00300205-00300311 Father! yP-ySHQUefM-00483-00300666-00300836 I'm going to rearrange your nose! yP-ySHQUefM-00484-00301030-00301356 I don't care if I'm bad. I don't need a mother. yP-ySHQUefM-00485-00301531-00301844 I don't need you father. I don't need a family. I don't need anything. yP-ySHQUefM-00486-00302730-00302903 Kimi-chan, where are you going? yP-ySHQUefM-00487-00304254-00304394 The police are here yP-ySHQUefM-00488-00304394-00304794 and they say they want to talk to the person who runs the place. yP-ySHQUefM-00489-00305544-00305965 There are a bunch of police at your place. yP-ySHQUefM-00490-00307008-00307238 There's something we'd like to check. yP-ySHQUefM-00491-00307292-00307359 Yes. yP-ySHQUefM-00492-00307517-00307687 What do you suppose it is? yP-ySHQUefM-00493-00307750-00307937 Oh, nothing probably. yP-ySHQUefM-00494-00309786-00309842 Come. yP-ySHQUefM-00495-00310801-00311010 We'd like you to come to the station with us. yP-ySHQUefM-00496-00312130-00312224 Father! yP-ySHQUefM-00497-00312607-00312838 Don't worry. I'll be back soon. yP-ySHQUefM-00498-00314455-00314623 Sorry. yP-ySHQUefM-00499-00314676-00314816 It's OK. It's OK. yP-ySHQUefM-00500-00314861-00315108 Things just turned out the way they were going to turn out. yP-ySHQUefM-00501-00315568-00315747 That's all. We'll be seeing you. yP-ySHQUefM-00502-00317202-00317312 What was it? yP-ySHQUefM-00503-00318084-00318293 Nothing. They just want the sign changed, that's all. yP-ySHQUefM-00504-00318428-00318596 <i>"Nadaya Sake"</i> yP-ySHQUefM-00505-00320486-00320672 - What's happening? - What's going on? yP-ySHQUefM-00506-00321783-00321866 Grandfather! yP-ySHQUefM-00507-00321924-00322471 There's nothing to cry about. It's alright. Everything will turn out fine. yP-ySHQUefM-00508-00323051-00323270 Things look terrible for the Nadaya. yP-ySHQUefM-00509-00323335-00323480 Yes, they sure do. yP-ySHQUefM-00510-00323569-00323820 And it was such a famous place. yP-ySHQUefM-00511-00324169-00324448 What do you think will take its place? yP-ySHQUefM-00512-00324525-00324875 Shall we bet something on it? yP-ySHQUefM-00513-00324949-00325065 Bet? Sure. yP-ySHQUefM-00514-00325266-00325943 What will it be? Another drinking place? A greengrocer's? yP-ySHQUefM-00515-00326081-00326249 But there's a greengrocer right next door. yP-ySHQUefM-00516-00326349-00326549 I wonder what it will be. yP-ySHQUefM-00517-00326877-00327625 <i>The End. Synch, check: Dan Translation: Guy Yasko</i> yTxxpDeJUX4-00000-00000038-00000791 This is part four of the event history analysis course. It is devoted to event yTxxpDeJUX4-00001-00000791-00001440 consistency checks. In a previous lesson, we saw how to draw a lifeline from a yTxxpDeJUX4-00002-00001440-00002036 sequence of events described in a long format. In particular, we can identify yTxxpDeJUX4-00003-00002036-00002810 the gaps when the individual was out of the study area. More generally, we can yTxxpDeJUX4-00004-00002810-00003419 verify the consistency in the sequence of events ordered by date of occurrence. yTxxpDeJUX4-00005-00003419-00004055 This will tell us if the data were correctly collected and managed. yTxxpDeJUX4-00006-00004055-00004755 These event and date consistency checks are of two kinds. The 1st kind is to check yTxxpDeJUX4-00007-00004755-00005453 for non-logical dates. Are the dates of birth out of range? Examples are too many yTxxpDeJUX4-00008-00005453-00006180 centenarians or too many people born the 1st Jan 1960, etc. To include early yTxxpDeJUX4-00009-00006180-00006665 deaths, that is babies who died very shortly after they were born, yTxxpDeJUX4-00010-00006665-00007386 it is necessary to count a few hours between birth, BTH, and death, DTH, if the birth and yTxxpDeJUX4-00011-00007386-00007931 death occurred on the same calendar day. Remember that in demography only the yTxxpDeJUX4-00012-00007931-00008532 babies who were born alive are counted in mortality rates. It is also advised to yTxxpDeJUX4-00013-00008532-00009104 count one day or at least a few hours between internal exit and entry. yTxxpDeJUX4-00014-00009104-00009717 The logical sequence of events depends on the date and time at which these events occurred. yTxxpDeJUX4-00015-00009717-00010332 If the date and time are not right, this results in non-logical yTxxpDeJUX4-00016-00010332-00010914 sequence of events, such as death before birth, or out migration before yTxxpDeJUX4-00017-00010914-00011553 enumeration, etc. Actually the second kind of consistency checks has to do with yTxxpDeJUX4-00018-00011553-00012089 non-logical sequence of events. The first event for any individual should always yTxxpDeJUX4-00019-00012089-00013037 be either of these three events: enumeration, in-migration or birth. yTxxpDeJUX4-00020-00013037-00013422 Non-logical sequence of events could be birth before yTxxpDeJUX4-00021-00013422-00013938 death, or enumeration, or in-migration. Non-logical sequence of events could yTxxpDeJUX4-00022-00013938-00014544 also be a succession of the same events. For example in-migration followed by in-migration. yTxxpDeJUX4-00023-00014544-00015494 Also internal moves should be first exit and then entry. The last event yTxxpDeJUX4-00024-00015494-00016182 should always be an end-of-observation event, that is OBE. We will see later that yTxxpDeJUX4-00025-00016182-00016707 it is essential for good longitudinal data management to include such an event. yTxxpDeJUX4-00026-00016707-00017256 Following the preceding comments on the sequence of events, an essential tool to yTxxpDeJUX4-00027-00017256-00017901 check these sequences is the EVENT CONSISTENCY MATRIX. yTxxpDeJUX4-00028-00017901-00018432 This matrix is important to check before introducing any other events than those yTxxpDeJUX4-00029-00018432-00019110 listed in this matrix. To display this matrix, you just need to order events by date to create yTxxpDeJUX4-00030-00019110-00019725 a variable identifying the preceding event, that is the EventCode on the preceding yTxxpDeJUX4-00031-00019725-00020250 record for each individual. Then to cross- tabulate the event code variable with the yTxxpDeJUX4-00032-00020250-00020931 preceding EventCode variable, including the missing values. You will get a matrix yTxxpDeJUX4-00033-00020931-00021639 similar to this one. If everything is in order the number of records should be 0 yTxxpDeJUX4-00034-00021639-00022751 in the crossed cells. For example, there should be no observations in the cell yTxxpDeJUX4-00035-00022751-00023553 crossing ENU and ENU because you cannot be enumerated twice. Also you cannot be yTxxpDeJUX4-00036-00023553-00024432 enumerated before birth and vice versa. As you can see there are many non-logical sequences. yTxxpDeJUX4-00037-00024432-00025115 The column of missing values marked with dots yTxxpDeJUX4-00038-00025235-00025857 applies to the last record for a particular individual. This column should yTxxpDeJUX4-00039-00025857-00026568 not appear in the table because all sequences should finish with the OBE, yTxxpDeJUX4-00040-00026568-00027086 the end of observation. Consequently, the line for OBE should not yTxxpDeJUX4-00041-00027086-00028058 appear in the matrix since there should be no record after OBE. All the cells yTxxpDeJUX4-00042-00028058-00028738 that are not crossed may contain numbers in an HDSS or National Register framework. yTxxpDeJUX4-00043-00028738-00029532 In the cell crossing out-migration with death there's a question mark. yTxxpDeJUX4-00044-00029532-00030187 This is because in some instances death might be recorded after the yTxxpDeJUX4-00045-00030187-00030664 individual had migrated, because the individual is still attached to the yTxxpDeJUX4-00046-00030664-00031153 household that reported the death. However for analytical purposes you yTxxpDeJUX4-00047-00031153-00031594 will have to check the duration between the out-migration and the subsequent yTxxpDeJUX4-00048-00031594-00032113 death to decide if this death should be included as part of the deaths in the yTxxpDeJUX4-00049-00032113-00032600 surveillance area or not. If you are using this course to analyse yTxxpDeJUX4-00050-00032600-00033143 retrospective survey data then there should be no death event. yTxxpDeJUX4-00051-00033143-00033662 This is because in a survey all respondents are alive at the time of observation. yTxxpDeJUX4-00052-00033662-00034171 Also respondents have to be a resident in the study area to respond, so there should yTxxpDeJUX4-00053-00034171-00035168 not be any OBE after an out-migration. If you're analyzing cohort data there yTxxpDeJUX4-00054-00035168-00035815 should be no missing event before in-migration because in cohort studies all yTxxpDeJUX4-00055-00035815-00036271 observations start with either enumeration or birth. yTxxpDeJUX4-00056-00036271-00036650 A more complex event consistency matrix is found in our yTxxpDeJUX4-00057-00036650-00037315 manual published in BMC. This more complex matrix includes other events yTxxpDeJUX4-00058-00037315-00038087 such as internal exit and entry, round of data collection, and last interview. yTxxpDeJUX4-00059-00038087-00038638 Let's finish with some general recommendations for quality checks. yTxxpDeJUX4-00060-00038638-00039146 The process of checking event consistencies is iterative. Generally after you run the yTxxpDeJUX4-00061-00039146-00039694 matrix you will start to fix a number of inconsistencies in the data. yTxxpDeJUX4-00062-00039694-00040109 However correcting some errors may create other inconsistencies. yTxxpDeJUX4-00063-00040109-00040646 In practice the consistency matrix has to be checked several times yTxxpDeJUX4-00064-00040646-00041276 until the errors become negligible. Very often when the inconsistencies are many yTxxpDeJUX4-00065-00041276-00041765 for one individual, it is better to return to questionnaires or to original yTxxpDeJUX4-00066-00041765-00042158 data extracted from the field to check what was wrong. yTxxpDeJUX4-00067-00042158-00042619 Often the records for the same individuals are repeated in the file but yTxxpDeJUX4-00068-00042619-00043268 with different dates. Generally you should not tolerate more than 2% errors in the yTxxpDeJUX4-00069-00043268-00043871 consistency matrix. That is the sum of all records in the crossed cells should yTxxpDeJUX4-00070-00043871-00044461 not exceed 2% of the total number of records. This 2% rule is a rule of thumb yTxxpDeJUX4-00071-00044461-00044990 don't look for hard sciences here. In practice, after corrections of yTxxpDeJUX4-00072-00044990-00045701 inconsistencies HDSS have much lower rate of errors. The matrix is also a data yTxxpDeJUX4-00073-00045701-00046253 management tool that helps a lot to make corrections in the original data yTxxpDeJUX4-00074-00046253-00046781 extracted from the field. It should be used by Data Manager and Data Analysts yTxxpDeJUX4-00075-00046781-00047330 before releasing the data. Once the event consistency matrix is checked and yTxxpDeJUX4-00076-00047330-00047941 errors corrected then other events can be merged with the basic core residency file. yTxxpDeJUX4-00077-00047941-00048253 This can be employment history, yTxxpDeJUX4-00078-00048253-00048809 matrimonial history, birth history, etc. Before merging the core residency file yTxxpDeJUX4-00079-00048809-00049522 with other event files, make sure that all files end up with an OBE, preferably yTxxpDeJUX4-00080-00049522-00050134 with the same end of observation date. To merge these files you will need to use a yTxxpDeJUX4-00081-00050134-00050720 special program named "tmerge". You should run a consistency check after each yTxxpDeJUX4-00082-00050720-00051200 merging. Again, the detailed procedures are found in our longitudinal data yTxxpDeJUX4-00083-00051200-00051742 management manual, as an attachment to our BMC research note. yTxxpDeJUX4-00084-00051742-00052012 Many thanks foryour kind attention yXEaDElbt6c-00000-00001096-00001544 Hi everyone! I'm Sarah and today on BudgetSew I'm going to show you how to make the perfect yXEaDElbt6c-00001-00001544-00002088 knife pleats. This technique makes even uniform pleats without all the pinning and measuring. yXEaDElbt6c-00002-00002088-00002616 This is a quick and easy technique that will add drama to your sewing. So go grab a fork from your yXEaDElbt6c-00003-00002616-00003256 kitchen so we can get started. Now this is a skirt before. I'll be adding pleats to lengthen this yXEaDElbt6c-00004-00003256-00003736 Calvin Klein skirt that I purchased a few years ago from Value Village. I love the faux leather yXEaDElbt6c-00005-00003736-00004336 top section of the skirt. It's gorgeous but it's just a bit too short for me. I can't bear to part yXEaDElbt6c-00006-00004336-00004824 with this skirt and donated back to Value Village so I thought lengthening it would be a great idea. yXEaDElbt6c-00007-00004824-00005144 Adding length to a skirt is a quick and easy fix to extend the life of your yXEaDElbt6c-00008-00005144-00005784 skirts. yXEaDElbt6c-00009-00006120-00006592 The fabric that I chose was a black woven polyester and was purchased at Value Village yXEaDElbt6c-00010-00006592-00007448 for $4.99. It was approximately 60 inches wide and 72 inches long for this skirt. I decided to add 7 yXEaDElbt6c-00011-00007448-00008000 inches to the length. This includes 5/8 of an inch for the seam allowance as well as a 1 inch hem. yXEaDElbt6c-00012-00008064-00008664 I cut three pieces of fabric 7 inches long by the width of the fabric. Pleating uses a lot yXEaDElbt6c-00013-00008664-00009080 of fabric so I wasn't sure how much I would need but I thought that since the skirt was yXEaDElbt6c-00014-00009080-00009984 less than 60 inches around that three pieces of fabric that were 60 inches wide would do it. yXEaDElbt6c-00015-00012280-00012784 I pinned the three band pieces right sides together so that I had one long strip. yXEaDElbt6c-00016-00014319-00015584 Then I sewed them. yXEaDElbt6c-00017-00019320-00019856 Now here's the fun part with the fork. To make a pleat slide the last tong in the fork underneath yXEaDElbt6c-00018-00019856-00020520 the fabric, trapping the fabric between the last two tongs. Then roll the fabric under folding the yXEaDElbt6c-00019-00020520-00021208 fabric underneath. Slide the fork out holding the fabric in place. Then sew half the pleat yXEaDElbt6c-00020-00021208-00021632 don't sew all the way to the edge of the pleat because when you try to roll the next one, yXEaDElbt6c-00021-00021632-00021800 the sewing machine foot will be in the yXEaDElbt6c-00022-00021800-00022584 way. yXEaDElbt6c-00023-00029927-00030104 This is what the pleats look like. yXEaDElbt6c-00024-00030392-00030816 I sewed the pleats using the fork for the entire length of the band. yXEaDElbt6c-00025-00030816-00031120 The process became much quicker once I developed the pattern. yXEaDElbt6c-00026-00031183-00032383 Slide fork, roll underneath, sew, slide fork, roll underneath, then sew. yXEaDElbt6c-00027-00043288-00043640 My next step was to pin the pleated band to the hem of the skirt. yXEaDElbt6c-00028-00043696-00044272 I did not let down the original hem so I pinned the right side of the top of the band to the wrong yXEaDElbt6c-00029-00044272-00044944 side of the skirt's hem. I started at one side seam of the skirt and pinned all the way around. yXEaDElbt6c-00030-00044944-00045432 I cut off most of the excess pleated fabric leaving a seam allowance plus about an inch. yXEaDElbt6c-00031-00045760-00046360 Then I sewed the band to the skirt. I started sewing about half an inch from the open side seam yXEaDElbt6c-00032-00046360-00046744 and left about half an inch at the other end so that I would have room yXEaDElbt6c-00033-00046744-00047224 to stitch the vertical side seam later. I did not stitch the vertical side seam yXEaDElbt6c-00034-00047224-00047688 first because I wanted to ensure that I had enough pleating to go around the skirt yXEaDElbt6c-00035-00047688-00048120 without pulling. Because the gray section of the skirt is a knit and the pleats are yXEaDElbt6c-00036-00048120-00049184 woven there would be no way for me to stretch the fabric into place if I cut off too much. yXEaDElbt6c-00037-00056832-00058984 My next step was to pin close the open side seam of the pleated band. Then I stitched it together. yXEaDElbt6c-00038-00059400-00059736 I also cut off any excess fabric in that side seam. yXEaDElbt6c-00039-00060360-00061784 My next step was to sew the band to the skirt at the side seam that I had just stitched closed. yXEaDElbt6c-00040-00062560-00063008 Next I pinned the hem. I folded over about half an inch of fabric yXEaDElbt6c-00041-00063008-00064584 and then folded it over another half an inch completely enclosing the fraying raw edge. yXEaDElbt6c-00042-00065664-00067384 Then I sewed the hem ensuring that any fraying threads were enclosed. yXEaDElbt6c-00043-00073232-00074384 After that it was ready to go! Here is the finished skirt. yXEaDElbt6c-00044-00076560-00076864 I hope you enjoyed learning how to sew knife pleats with me. yXEaDElbt6c-00045-00076864-00078392 Please subscribe to BudgetSew to stay connected. Thanks for watching! See you next time! yZqGLNIX1rc-00000-00000006-00000212 three people but only two teams yZqGLNIX1rc-00001-00000212-00001128 Dada a chicken yeah he a chicken we got this yZqGLNIX1rc-00002-00001128-00002235 they do got this yZqGLNIX1rc-00003-00002235-00003003 who will win back to another video okay guys we gonna get right into it today's challenge yZqGLNIX1rc-00004-00003003-00003752 we gonna be doing the stir fry hot ramen noodle challenge are you guys ready yeah are you yZqGLNIX1rc-00005-00003752-00004468 guys ready no wait a minute this is another level guys this ain't like the hot cold challenge yZqGLNIX1rc-00006-00004468-00005111 or the hot chips challenge this is a whole nother level this is level spicy two guys yZqGLNIX1rc-00007-00005111-00005694 are you guys ready yeah we can't do this all right guys you guys versus me this is the yZqGLNIX1rc-00008-00005694-00006440 real deal you ready yeah yeah one two three yZqGLNIX1rc-00009-00006440-00007195 all right guys this is now or never so it's no tap outs okay okay no Tempo this is a whole yZqGLNIX1rc-00010-00007195-00007886 nother level so we each only get one bottle of water once you drink it all no more water yZqGLNIX1rc-00011-00007886-00010798 let's go let the best man win one two three nope yZqGLNIX1rc-00012-00010798-00010898 foreign yZqGLNIX1rc-00013-00010898-00011114 [Applause] yZqGLNIX1rc-00014-00011114-00011663 oh [Music] yZqGLNIX1rc-00015-00011663-00012232 keep eating it yZqGLNIX1rc-00016-00012232-00013231 samosa yZqGLNIX1rc-00017-00013231-00013576 this is some spicy stuff right here yZqGLNIX1rc-00018-00013576-00014122 I'm turning red I'm good yZqGLNIX1rc-00019-00014122-00016324 I'm a tiger [Applause] yZqGLNIX1rc-00020-00016324-00016806 foreign yZqGLNIX1rc-00021-00016806-00017288 [Music] yZqGLNIX1rc-00022-00017288-00019000 come on oh my God yZqGLNIX1rc-00023-00019000-00020091 bro if I eat this hole oh my goodness okay guys we couldn't take it no more we need a yZqGLNIX1rc-00024-00020091-00021084 bread to cool our mouths now then we try it again let's go guys oh this is some hot stuff yZqGLNIX1rc-00025-00021084-00021204 this is some hot stuff yZqGLNIX1rc-00026-00021204-00021775 there's some hot stuff yZqGLNIX1rc-00027-00021775-00024031 y'all got this y'all got this let's go yZqGLNIX1rc-00028-00024031-00024666 the deal is off I have to go get bread ice cream and water because this we gonna finish yZqGLNIX1rc-00029-00024666-00025587 this challenge okay by any means necessary all right yeah my mom is hot yeah you gonna yZqGLNIX1rc-00030-00025587-00026744 keep it going all right yeah yZqGLNIX1rc-00031-00026744-00027169 this is hot everybody yZqGLNIX1rc-00032-00027169-00028416 let's hop out okay we couldn't finish the hot noodle challenge it was too hot you know yZqGLNIX1rc-00033-00028416-00029183 what I guess we all fell but we tried right yeah too hot we all chicken yZqGLNIX1rc-00034-00029183-00030169 [Music] big thumbs up and make sure you subscribe bye yZqGLNIX1rc-00035-00030169-00030307 [Music] yZqGLNIX1rc-00036-00030307-00030715 [Music] foreign [Music] yadPm87KsBM-00000-00000014-00000447 hey everyone my name is Rachel and before we get started I want to extend a yadPm87KsBM-00001-00000447-00000803 huge thank you to Chris for letting me have this little feature on his channel yadPm87KsBM-00002-00000803-00001200 and give me a little shout out like this he's incredible I've loved his channel yadPm87KsBM-00003-00001200-00001623 for I don't know how long I've been watching now but pretty outfit Lee I'll yadPm87KsBM-00004-00001623-00001853 tell you that he's also done a really amazing video yadPm87KsBM-00005-00001853-00002199 that's over on my channel if you wanna go see that my name is Rachel oh it says yadPm87KsBM-00006-00002199-00002561 probably a link in the description down below as well and if you don't know me I yadPm87KsBM-00007-00002561-00002993 usually talk about like Science Easter I'm kind of 8 years and you stuff but yadPm87KsBM-00008-00002993-00003479 also like social stuff lots of like pro-lgbt lots of pro kind of like yadPm87KsBM-00009-00003479-00003984 talking about mental health stuff and it just is very varied you know I'm just yadPm87KsBM-00010-00003984-00004503 bit all over the place I am someone who suffered with issues around depression yadPm87KsBM-00011-00004503-00004946 and anxiety in the past I've been medicated for probably the last six or yadPm87KsBM-00012-00004946-00005412 so years years and I still am now so talking about my experiences with that yadPm87KsBM-00013-00005412-00005855 something that I'd quite like to share with you guys and talk about like what's yadPm87KsBM-00014-00005855-00006216 affected me in the past and how I've worked through it and gotten over things yadPm87KsBM-00015-00006216-00006593 and how I'm in such a good place now and I want to kind of like share my yadPm87KsBM-00016-00006593-00006947 experiences to try and help some of you guys out who might be in a similar sort yadPm87KsBM-00017-00006947-00007422 of position or her friends who are in that kind of position as well and kind yadPm87KsBM-00018-00007422-00007692 of mostly to let people know that you know there are other people going yadPm87KsBM-00019-00007692-00008031 through the same stuff and there is a way out and there is a way that things yadPm87KsBM-00020-00008031-00008424 get better and hopefully try and help a few people like giving them some like yadPm87KsBM-00021-00008424-00008843 coping mechanisms and little hints and tips along the way and that's why I want yadPm87KsBM-00022-00008843-00009282 to talk about today because Christmas is such a stressful time anyway and yadPm87KsBM-00023-00009282-00009663 especially for people with mental health problems like depression or anxiety like yadPm87KsBM-00024-00009663-00010227 I had or any range of things I know that kind of winter Christmastime always used yadPm87KsBM-00025-00010227-00010746 to be horrific for me it used to bring me down it was so difficult to get yadPm87KsBM-00026-00010746-00011103 through and so today I'm gonna try and share a few little tips that helped me yadPm87KsBM-00027-00011103-00011472 get through the holiday season that hopefully might help some of you as well yadPm87KsBM-00028-00011472-00011943 obviously not all these tips are going to be perfect for everyone and but if yadPm87KsBM-00029-00011943-00012300 you guys have any other suggestions I'm not going to talk about today just drop yadPm87KsBM-00030-00012300-00012575 them in the comments below we can start a really cool conversation about this yadPm87KsBM-00031-00012575-00013022 share your experience there share your stories share what helped you and that yadPm87KsBM-00032-00013022-00013362 would be really great my first bit of advice for looking after your month yadPm87KsBM-00033-00013362-00013806 health during the holiday season is to simply talk to people whoever you're yadPm87KsBM-00034-00013806-00014184 spending Christmas with whether it's your family or friends talk to them if yadPm87KsBM-00035-00014184-00014531 you can tell them what you're going through tell them how they can help yadPm87KsBM-00036-00014531-00014919 support you I never used to do this I used to try and hide it from everyone yadPm87KsBM-00037-00014919-00015290 and kind of suffer through it on my own and honestly it made everything ten yadPm87KsBM-00038-00015290-00015563 times worse I remember those as worn Christmas where yadPm87KsBM-00039-00015563-00016056 I just like I couldn't face anyone and I spent the entirety of Boxing Day like yadPm87KsBM-00040-00016056-00016497 locked in my old bedroom at my parents house like trying to sleep just kind of yadPm87KsBM-00041-00016497-00016820 shut everything out and when I did eventually emerge at like 8:00 p.m. at yadPm87KsBM-00042-00016820-00017145 night my entire family was mad at me for ignoring them all day and it caused a yadPm87KsBM-00043-00017145-00017570 big argument it just made me worse if I'd actually spoken to them and told yadPm87KsBM-00044-00017570-00017862 them what was going on with me they wouldn't have been so judgmental or yadPm87KsBM-00045-00017862-00018159 angry they would have been there to support me and maybe I wouldn't have had yadPm87KsBM-00046-00018159-00018620 quite so crappy at Christmas I know it's not always easy for people to talk to yadPm87KsBM-00047-00018620-00019101 their family or their friends and I know it's not always possible but on the yadPm87KsBM-00048-00019101-00019545 whole I think it's really good to give people a chance most people are way more yadPm87KsBM-00049-00019545-00019910 understanding and you expect them to be a once they kind of understand what yadPm87KsBM-00050-00019910-00020381 you're going through or understand how to like notice certain little like maybe yadPm87KsBM-00051-00020381-00020754 warning signs with you or notice and little things like maybe you're not yadPm87KsBM-00052-00020754-00021072 quite feeling yourself or you're not feeling your best they can be there to yadPm87KsBM-00053-00021072-00021531 say okay Jim I'll just go off and have 10-15 minutes by yourself or they can be yadPm87KsBM-00054-00021531-00021843 there to support you or help you in whatever way I find just been really yadPm87KsBM-00055-00021843-00022173 open and honest with the people around you always helps my second bit of advice yadPm87KsBM-00056-00022173-00022590 and this might not be one for everyone and also for some people it might be one yadPm87KsBM-00057-00022590-00022988 that's really difficult to follow but my second bit of advice is to avoid all yadPm87KsBM-00058-00022988-00023501 limit how much alcohol you're drinking especially if you're on medication for yadPm87KsBM-00059-00023501-00023916 me when I first started taking citalopram I couldn't have like a glass yadPm87KsBM-00060-00023916-00024279 of wine without it really affecting my mood and bring me down and making me yadPm87KsBM-00061-00024279-00024710 super anxious and it just it messed me up completely I had no idea where my yadPm87KsBM-00062-00024710-00025050 tolerance for alcohol was going to be I had no idea how it was really going to yadPm87KsBM-00063-00025050-00025428 affect my mood if it was gonna you know give me this incredible high or bring me yadPm87KsBM-00064-00025428-00025800 on this like horrific low he just exaggerated everything I was feeling yadPm87KsBM-00065-00025800-00026252 when I started on the medication now I'm in a better place where I'm on yadPm87KsBM-00066-00026252-00026645 sertraline and while I still shouldn't be drinking yadPm87KsBM-00067-00026645-00026999 with it I can have like a glass of wine every now and again or a glass of wine yadPm87KsBM-00068-00026999-00027445 with a meal or a little cocktail for fun and I know that it's not gonna kind of yadPm87KsBM-00069-00027445-00028001 affect me because I'm in this better place and I'm pretty stable now and put yadPm87KsBM-00070-00028001-00028580 up my lowest points I found that not drinking alcohol really really helped to yadPm87KsBM-00071-00028580-00028964 help me stay in control of my moods and help me understand how I was feeling yadPm87KsBM-00072-00028964-00029420 better it stopped me having these big highs and lows and spikes I mean even if yadPm87KsBM-00073-00029420-00029816 you're not medicated or taking any kind of medication alcohol is a depressant yadPm87KsBM-00074-00029816-00030287 which if we're going to put this really really simply basically means it slows yadPm87KsBM-00075-00030287-00030680 down everything in your brain it can't seem to be helping at first especially yadPm87KsBM-00076-00030680-00031061 if you have anxiety because it can seem to be making you feel a little bit more yadPm87KsBM-00077-00031061-00031481 relaxed and chilled out these kind of like positive effects really don't last yadPm87KsBM-00078-00031481-00031925 long and then afterwards you get these like Oh horrific heightened feelings of yadPm87KsBM-00079-00031925-00032420 anxiety or depression it really heightens the lows if that makes sense yadPm87KsBM-00080-00032420-00032912 and commit you feel so much worse so I find that the best thing to do if yadPm87KsBM-00081-00032912-00033362 you're worried about your mental health or having one of these like low points yadPm87KsBM-00082-00033362-00033695 or a pat or if you're worried about panic attacks coming on anything like yadPm87KsBM-00083-00033695-00034046 that the best thing is to try and stay in control of your body and that means yadPm87KsBM-00084-00034046-00034319 avoiding alcohol we're also avoiding drugs and things yadPm87KsBM-00085-00034319-00034688 like that and anything that is like a mood altering substance I know it's yadPm87KsBM-00086-00034688-00034928 tough when you know you maybe want to have a glass of wine with Christmas yadPm87KsBM-00087-00034928-00035297 dinner but if that's the case and you still want to enjoy yourself a bit maybe yadPm87KsBM-00088-00035297-00035612 just pour yourself half a glass instead of a full one something like that and yadPm87KsBM-00089-00035612-00035930 just be very aware of how it is affecting you while you're drinking it yadPm87KsBM-00090-00035930-00036323 never feel any pressure to drink anything you don't want to and know yadPm87KsBM-00091-00036323-00036671 where your limits are if you want to find out a little bit more about the yadPm87KsBM-00092-00036671-00037046 effects of alcohol on depression anxiety you know the mental health issues and yadPm87KsBM-00093-00037046-00037400 I'll provide some links which I think Kris is going to pop down in the yadPm87KsBM-00094-00037400-00037688 description for you guys you can read a little bit more about it you know from yadPm87KsBM-00095-00037688-00038135 someone who is more knowledgeable than me my third bit of advice might sound yadPm87KsBM-00096-00038135-00038531 really really simple but this was a life changer for me and let's just simply yadPm87KsBM-00097-00038531-00038957 plan in advance one of the big things that would always trigger panic attacks yadPm87KsBM-00098-00038957-00039332 for me and I used to get them really badly I have one of the things that yadPm87KsBM-00099-00039332-00039829 triggered it for me was feeling out of control so taking control of Christmas yadPm87KsBM-00100-00039829-00040193 really helped me it's Oh God it's such a crazy time right yadPm87KsBM-00101-00040193-00040610 cuz honored by anyone else but every Christmas for me I have to take like at yadPm87KsBM-00102-00040610-00041015 least three trains to go visit my family and there was really long they're always yadPm87KsBM-00103-00041015-00041351 like really crowded stations it's always so busy I usually end up stood on the yadPm87KsBM-00104-00041351-00041747 train for like three hours and it's just it's a nightmare and I have to like haul yadPm87KsBM-00105-00041747-00042143 my presents up there as well really heavy I was always worried about money yadPm87KsBM-00106-00042143-00042557 so I can't do those can't do this booking trains but uh and now I'd yadPm87KsBM-00107-00042557-00042905 actually get to Peniston and I would be so stressed about seeing people I went yadPm87KsBM-00108-00042905-00043298 to school with and I just like I have all this anxiety building up and I can't yadPm87KsBM-00109-00043298-00043646 tell you the number of train stations around this country that I've cried on yadPm87KsBM-00110-00043646-00044198 it's an embarrassing number so couple of things that helped me there was to start yadPm87KsBM-00111-00044198-00044609 planning early in advance that meant booking trains early so I'd actually get yadPm87KsBM-00112-00044609-00044978 a seat and not be stood up on the trains it meant planning my route really yadPm87KsBM-00113-00044978-00045449 carefully to have like the minimum number of changes but also giving plenty yadPm87KsBM-00114-00045449-00045890 of time between train changes to take into account like late trains and I yadPm87KsBM-00115-00045890-00046268 wouldn't be rushing around the stations and stuff like that another thing I did yadPm87KsBM-00116-00046268-00046577 was instead of doing my Christmas shopping in person now I do it all yadPm87KsBM-00117-00046577-00046916 online so I can just get everything sent up to my parents house in South yadPm87KsBM-00118-00046916-00047258 Yorkshire and it's all waiting for me there when I go up on Christmas Eve and yadPm87KsBM-00119-00047258-00047726 all I need to do is unpack it and wrap it all up and it's all done ready so yadPm87KsBM-00120-00047726-00048170 there's no looking big bags across the country it's just I go up with a yadPm87KsBM-00121-00048170-00048677 rucksack now and Kyra obviously and down and and it's just it's easy for us it's yadPm87KsBM-00122-00048677-00049064 so much easier and so I don't have to wait around in Sheffield for like an yadPm87KsBM-00123-00049064-00049391 hour and a half waiting for a train and they get in a long train back to tennis yadPm87KsBM-00124-00049391-00049772 turns on and I asked my sister for help and now she picks me up at the train yadPm87KsBM-00125-00049772-00050345 station so I don't have to spend as much time worrying about bumping into people yadPm87KsBM-00126-00050345-00050884 I don't want to see it's the little things but planning like that in advance yadPm87KsBM-00127-00050884-00051353 gives me a sense of being more in control it means there's less stuff to yadPm87KsBM-00128-00051353-00051809 go wrong there's less unexpected stuff and it just makes everything so much yadPm87KsBM-00129-00051809-00052267 more easier and simpler for me and I'm less prone to panic attacks now which is yadPm87KsBM-00130-00052267-00052610 very very good of course it is important remember that you can't control yadPm87KsBM-00131-00052610-00052858 everything chances are some things are going to go yadPm87KsBM-00132-00052858-00053327 wrong in which case have a contingency plan and have some little techniques in yadPm87KsBM-00133-00053327-00053602 place if you feel your anxiety rising you know yadPm87KsBM-00134-00053602-00054037 how to calm yourself down for me it's a series of breathing exercises and yadPm87KsBM-00135-00054037-00054485 counting exercises that really help kind of I always say it's kind of resets my yadPm87KsBM-00136-00054485-00054848 brain that's that's what really helped me but there are some great apps out yadPm87KsBM-00137-00054848-00055235 there like headspace and calm home and stuff like that figure out what works yadPm87KsBM-00138-00055235-00055567 best for you and have them ready to go if you do feel do you feel your anxiety yadPm87KsBM-00139-00055567-00055991 rising that means as soon as you feel a panic attack coming on you can stop yadPm87KsBM-00140-00055991-00056194 dinners tracks you're ready you're prepared yadPm87KsBM-00141-00056194-00056566 it's all about feeling in control and taking control because you can do that yadPm87KsBM-00142-00056566-00057019 you have the power and the skill to do that and in a similar vein to this make yadPm87KsBM-00143-00057019-00057394 sure that if you are taking medication make sure you've got enough to see you yadPm87KsBM-00144-00057394-00057800 over the Christmas period usually if you are gonna run out while you're away you yadPm87KsBM-00145-00057800-00058189 can go to a pharmacy or your doctor early and get a little bit extra to kind yadPm87KsBM-00146-00058189-00058501 of tide you over if you're going to be away but again make sure you're prepared yadPm87KsBM-00147-00058501-00058835 you're not forgetting your medication you're definitely taking it with you yadPm87KsBM-00148-00058835-00059218 you've got the correct doses you've got the right amount just double-check yadPm87KsBM-00149-00059218-00059549 before you leave and finally my last little bit of advice which again might yadPm87KsBM-00150-00059549-00059989 sound really simple but it's one that I always used to forget so it's something yadPm87KsBM-00151-00059989-00060410 that's kind of worth reminding yourself of is don't overload yourself Christmas yadPm87KsBM-00152-00060410-00060781 is stressful at the best of times when you're dealing with mental health issues yadPm87KsBM-00153-00060781-00061207 it can be a nightmare don't feel like you owe it to everyone else to do this yadPm87KsBM-00154-00061207-00061543 and do this and do this and do this just take a step back and remember that yadPm87KsBM-00155-00061543-00061985 Christmas should be about having fun and relaxing and you deserve to do that it yadPm87KsBM-00156-00061985-00062380 doesn't have to be about everyone else it can just be about you doing what you yadPm87KsBM-00157-00062380-00062758 want to do or what you don't want to do you know if you just want to sit there yadPm87KsBM-00158-00062758-00063191 and veg out for a week you do that you don't owe it to anyone to do anything yadPm87KsBM-00159-00063191-00063580 fancy or go to these club nights or go here or do this same thing with buying yadPm87KsBM-00160-00063580-00063958 presents if you're worried about money only buy what you can afford people are yadPm87KsBM-00161-00063958-00064306 going to appreciate that you put in thought rather than that you've you know yadPm87KsBM-00162-00064306-00064775 gone into debt to them don't feel forced to go on nights out don't feel like you yadPm87KsBM-00163-00064775-00065054 have to do anything drink anything take anything that you're not comfortable yadPm87KsBM-00164-00065054-00065545 with if you're visiting family and staying with them only stay you know the yadPm87KsBM-00165-00065545-00065873 minimum number of nights that you feel comfortable with don't force yourself yadPm87KsBM-00166-00065873-00066256 they're longer if it's going to make you unhappy it is okay to say no to people yadPm87KsBM-00167-00066256-00066685 it's important that you know your limits you know what you can yadPm87KsBM-00168-00066685-00067243 you can't do and you kind of live within those limits again this goes back to yadPm87KsBM-00169-00067243-00067606 talking to the people around you if you explain to them why you can or can't do yadPm87KsBM-00170-00067606-00067914 certain things they'll be way more understanding if you yadPm87KsBM-00171-00067914-00068341 say sorry I can't really face a club tonight you guys go out without me or yadPm87KsBM-00172-00068341-00068704 sorry I don't really want to go to the pub maybe we could have you know a yadPm87KsBM-00173-00068704-00068968 little game night in instead or something like that yadPm87KsBM-00174-00068968-00069300 so yeah I'm gonna end up there I know some of these seemed a little bit basic yadPm87KsBM-00175-00069300-00069625 but they're things that really really helped me over the Christmas period and yadPm87KsBM-00176-00069625-00070194 they still do you know it's what the 13th of December at the minute and I've yadPm87KsBM-00177-00070194-00070597 already got my train tickets booked I've got my plan while I'm up there all in yadPm87KsBM-00178-00070597-00070930 place I got all my Christmas presents for and ready at my parents house yadPm87KsBM-00179-00070930-00071305 waiting to be wrapped I am sorted which means these next like yadPm87KsBM-00180-00071305-00071751 two weeks before Christmas I can just sit back and relax go to the pub with my yadPm87KsBM-00181-00071751-00072244 friends on a night if you want have some film nights in with them you know I'm yadPm87KsBM-00182-00072244-00072574 I'm just relaxing and enjoying this because I've already got my plan in yadPm87KsBM-00183-00072574-00072981 place and I feel good about it you know I mean there's honestly a lot more that yadPm87KsBM-00184-00072981-00073338 I could suggest or you know stories I could tell you guys about things that yadPm87KsBM-00185-00073338-00073705 have helped and things that haven't helped but honestly everyone's different yadPm87KsBM-00186-00073705-00074187 and I think the biggest bit of advice I can give you is just understand yourself yadPm87KsBM-00187-00074187-00074643 understand what works for you understand what doesn't what triggers you what yadPm87KsBM-00188-00074643-00075156 helps you who can help you Christmas can be stressful but it shouldn't have to be yadPm87KsBM-00189-00075156-00075552 it should just be about relaxing and having fun and enjoying yourself you yadPm87KsBM-00190-00075552-00075904 deserve to have that you deserve to have a break and if you are feeling stressed yadPm87KsBM-00191-00075904-00076332 or you are a low point just remember that it's just Christmas in the grand yadPm87KsBM-00192-00076332-00076668 scheme of things it doesn't really matter it'll be over in a couple of yadPm87KsBM-00193-00076668-00077052 weeks and we'll be another one along next year so it's not really a big deal yadPm87KsBM-00194-00077052-00077422 you don't have to worry about it that much and it's okay to kind of take a yadPm87KsBM-00195-00077422-00077812 step back from things and say no this year I need to focus on me and my health yadPm87KsBM-00196-00077812-00078175 because that's what's important but anyway I'm kind of rambling at this yadPm87KsBM-00197-00078175-00078675 point hopefully this least helps so if you guys a little bit or gave you an yadPm87KsBM-00198-00078675-00079050 idea of how you can help yourselves or other people I don't know but like I say yadPm87KsBM-00199-00079050-00079458 share your advice or how you deal with kind of looking after your mental health yadPm87KsBM-00200-00079458-00079905 at Christmas noble holiday period share those ideas down in the comments below yadPm87KsBM-00201-00079905-00080236 because I definite want to hear some of your stories and yadPm87KsBM-00202-00080236-00080500 advice and what you guys have been through don't forget to go check out my yadPm87KsBM-00203-00080500-00080862 channel and Christmas video over there and before I finish once again a huge yadPm87KsBM-00204-00080862-00081280 thank you to Chris for popping me on his channel like this it's a really great yadPm87KsBM-00205-00081280-00081868 opportunity I know I'm not as cool or as smart as he is but I'm trying okay but yadPm87KsBM-00206-00081868-00082257 thank you so much for watching today and even though this isn't my channel I hope yadPm87KsBM-00207-00082257-00082526 I'll see you again soon ycuLHMQtJu4-00000-00000000-00000103 Joshua: Gotcha Bitch! ycuLHMQtJu4-00001-00000106-00000466 Tread carefully my friend there are limits to what i find amusing yemtzzntIzg-00001-00003603-00006000 in the pinned comment. It was very difficult for me, but I still gathered my thoughts and decided to return to YouTube. As you know, there has been no monetization or any other income on Youtube for a long time, but I have no doubt that there will be people among you who want and will support me in any way they can. Thank you all very much. I am immensely grateful to you Grateful. Yes, I almost forgot, I want to share with you a very important news. yemtzzntIzg-00002-00006000-00008566 Many of you probably know, but for those who do not know, I will explain. Recently I did a survey in the community about whether to record a video with your face. Many have agreed, so I think I will do so soon. Review of new manga chapters, anime review, and even a joint viewing, where you can see my reaction, for example, to the new season of anime Bleach, yemtzzntIzg-00003-00008566-00009710 Chainsaw man, psycho mob and so on, there are very there are a lot of anime that I want to watch with you. I think it will be very fun and interesting. yemtzzntIzg-00004-00009710-00012360 Well, now, let's move on to the review of chapter 216 of the Wangpanchmen manga, because that's what we're here for. At the time of recording this video, 219 chapters have been released, but don't worry, I will do my best to catch up with Van and Murata. Today you will see a review, tomorrow a voiceover for this chapter, I will try to post a video every day. So, chapter 216 is completely redrawn from Wang's webcomic, yemtzzntIzg-00005-00012360-00014803 yes, of course it's not the first one, because Van and Murata work together, and everything sooner or later went to the Webcam, but it wasn't always like that, for example, the Battle of Garou against Saitama was made much bigger, I'm talking about the fact that Garou sent Saitama to the Jupiter satellite, time travel, the appearance of a Blast and much more. In this chapter, everything is exactly like in the Webcam, and it's cool. yemtzzntIzg-00006-00014803-00016063 Before the release of this chapter, I hoped that they would do so. And what was it like my joy when I saw that they left everything as it is. And in the following chapters, the same thing. Well, let's move on to the review of the chapter. yemtzzntIzg-00007-00016063-00017823 The first to meet us is a cool Tatsu on the cover, who seems ready to disassemble our cyborg Genos. Judge for yourself why she needs these nuts and bolts, she clearly shows that she still holds a grudge against Genos after he called her a baby. yemtzzntIzg-00008-00017823-00018232 hey Genos, do something... yemtzzntIzg-00009-00018232-00018609 hey, letle baby, shut up or i ... yemtzzntIzg-00010-00018609-00018710 lets go Genooos! yemtzzntIzg-00011-00018710-00019173 Seriously? you say, no, it's a joke. yemtzzntIzg-00012-00019173-00019513 maybe yes or not, a mb f*ck you? yemtzzntIzg-00013-00019513-00021600 Okay The A-class heroes come to Saitama's new apartment, where he was settled after he lost his home in the city of Z. So, 104 apartment, hmm... Are you thinking the same thing I'm thinking? Saitama, a fan of the Anime Attack of the Titans? 104 apartment, 104-intelligence, building. yemtzzntIzg-00014-00021933-00023006 Unexpectedly for our heroes, the door is opened by King, the strongest man on the planet, who also came to Saitama, but he was not at home. They were terribly scared, Meeting King yemtzzntIzg-00015-00023679-00025390 they said that they settled in the neighborhood, and they were just outraged that Saitama did not greet them, so they decided to do it. Meanwhile, the Association of Heroes flew for the Link of the god who escaped from the hospital, and they wanted to do it with the help of a class A hero named Air. yemtzzntIzg-00016-00025390-00026523 Of course, he will not be able to do this, because out of nowhere there is an Evil Natural Water that shoots at him and almost takes his life, and the Pig-dog just swallows this water, and that's it. yemtzzntIzg-00017-00026788-00029773 There are probably still survivors among the monsters, and one of them is a Black-sperm, who is trying to somehow get out of these ruins. At this moment, he catches up with Genos and Saitama, who are looking for their belongings among the wreckage of their house. Chernos was scared when he saw Saitama, because he is the only one besides Genome who knows that he stopped Garou with one blow, although King and the others also think they probably guess yemtzzntIzg-00018-00029990-00031906 Genos and Saitama discover the Dog Orochi, Black-Sperm thinks that they are going to kill him now, but it wasn't there, Saitama takes the Tramp in his arms and starts squeezing him, he tells Genos that the Dog is man's best Friend, although Genos replied that the dog is really cute, but it's clear from his look that he is Jealous. yemtzzntIzg-00019-00031906-00034030 Genos suddenly has things to do and he leaves, and Black-sperm, seeing that Saitama is very kind and, most importantly, strong, thought that there could be no better Protection. Since in his opinion he is an animal defender and hopes that he will take him home with the tramp. This Concludes chapter 216. yemtzzntIzg-00020-00034030-00035746 Well, the beginning of a new Arch is very cool, as I said at the beginning, I'm very glad that they left everything as it was in the Webcam. I will immediately take up the voiceover of this chapter, and I will try to upload the video to the channel tomorrow. After tomorrow, my review for chapter 217 will be released, after the voiceover, etc yemtzzntIzg-00021-00035746-00037024 Chapter 220 is coming out soon, and I need to hurry to catch up with Van and Murata, so wait for the daily videos. If you want to support me, the link to the donation will be in the description and the pinned comment. yemtzzntIzg-00022-00037024-00037979 Don't forget to also like this video and subscribe to the channel. Thank you so much for your support. But I was with you, Animanga. All bye. ygdp9vjupRo-00000-00001418-00001502 hello. ygdp9vjupRo-00001-00001538-00001723 my name is Hariadi Adha Firmansyah ygdp9vjupRo-00002-00001792-00001968 usually, my friend call me Hari! ygdp9vjupRo-00003-00002080-00002390 i'm an undergraduate student in telkom university ygdp9vjupRo-00004-00002390-00002564 major in informatics degree ygdp9vjupRo-00005-00002646-00003076 i was born in Cirebon, march 27th 1999. ygdp9vjupRo-00006-00003228-00003372 i have some skills like ygdp9vjupRo-00007-00003404-00003454 public speaking, ygdp9vjupRo-00008-00003570-00003632 teamwork, ygdp9vjupRo-00009-00003682-00003732 programming, ygdp9vjupRo-00010-00003832-00003932 User Interface Design, ygdp9vjupRo-00011-00004038-00004116 and video editing. ygdp9vjupRo-00012-00005666-00006002 I already joined many organization and committee ygdp9vjupRo-00013-00006098-00006622 because, I like to work together and make good communication in team ygdp9vjupRo-00014-00007350-00007406 and also ygdp9vjupRo-00015-00007428-00007526 i have some interest like ygdp9vjupRo-00016-00007690-00007778 film making, ygdp9vjupRo-00017-00007820-00007870 traveling, ygdp9vjupRo-00018-00007942-00007998 hiking, ygdp9vjupRo-00019-00008070-00008145 photography, ygdp9vjupRo-00020-00008204-00008254 music, ygdp9vjupRo-00021-00008310-00008368 and sport. ygdp9vjupRo-00022-00009862-00010046 for further information and detail about me ygdp9vjupRo-00023-00010046-00010176 you can scan the barcode. ygdp9vjupRo-00024-00010248-00010430 or you can check my CV ygdp9vjupRo-00025-00010460-00010692 by click the link in description bellow ygdp9vjupRo-00026-00010790-00010892 thank you for watching! yj6EFwT2HNg-00000-00000037-00000252 (Sadhguru): You know, Charles Darwin yj6EFwT2HNg-00001-00000252-00000405 You’ve heard of Charles Darwin? yj6EFwT2HNg-00002-00000405-00000633 Participant: Yes. yj6EFwT2HNg-00003-00000633-00000790 Sadhguru: An English man yj6EFwT2HNg-00004-00000790-00001064 That’s why I'm asking. (Laughs) yj6EFwT2HNg-00005-00001409-00001612 Two hundred years ago born yj6EFwT2HNg-00006-00001612-00001957 but about hundred and fifty years ago he said yj6EFwT2HNg-00007-00001957-00002167 you were all monkeys – yj6EFwT2HNg-00008-00002167-00002501 not me, I'm not saying, he said yj6EFwT2HNg-00009-00002501-00002953 you were all monkeys, your tail fell away, you became… you became human; yj6EFwT2HNg-00010-00002953-00003343 you know the story. yj6EFwT2HNg-00011-00003343-00003846 When you were a monkey you did not aspire to be human, yj6EFwT2HNg-00012-00003846-00004079 nature just pushed you on, yj6EFwT2HNg-00013-00004079-00004315 you did not choose, yj6EFwT2HNg-00014-00004315-00004517 but once you’ve become a human, yj6EFwT2HNg-00015-00004517-00004772 if you want to evolve from here on yj6EFwT2HNg-00016-00004772-00005004 you have to consciously evolve, yj6EFwT2HNg-00017-00005004-00005235 otherwise there is no other way. yj6EFwT2HNg-00018-00005235-00005759 When I say you have to consciously evolve yj6EFwT2HNg-00019-00005759-00006160 what you call as human is not an established state, yj6EFwT2HNg-00020-00006160-00006360 it's a flux. yj6EFwT2HNg-00021-00006360-00006813 This moment you can be godlike, yj6EFwT2HNg-00022-00006813-00007057 next moment you can be a brute. yj6EFwT2HNg-00023-00007057-00007256 You have seen with yourself yj6EFwT2HNg-00024-00007256-00007443 this moment you're wonderful, yj6EFwT2HNg-00025-00007443-00007641 next moment you're nasty, yj6EFwT2HNg-00026-00007641-00007813 next moment you're beautiful, yj6EFwT2HNg-00027-00007813-00007962 next moment you're ugly – yj6EFwT2HNg-00028-00007962-00008121 is this not happening to you? yj6EFwT2HNg-00029-00008121-00008216 Participants: Yes. yj6EFwT2HNg-00030-00008216-00008650 Sadhguru: So a human is not a being, he is a becoming, yj6EFwT2HNg-00031-00008650-00008854 he is an ongoing process, yj6EFwT2HNg-00032-00008854-00009094 nothing is fixed. yj6EFwT2HNg-00033-00009094-00009436 You can be whichever way you want to be. yj6EFwT2HNg-00034-00009436-00009706 This freedom that you have, yj6EFwT2HNg-00035-00009706-00010075 that you're not fixed like every other creature on this planet, yj6EFwT2HNg-00036-00010075-00010254 if you're aware, yj6EFwT2HNg-00037-00010254-00010765 this is the greatest benediction because you can make yourself whatever you want. yj6EFwT2HNg-00038-00010765-00011017 If you're unaware, this is the greatest curse. yj6EFwT2HNg-00039-00011017-00011399 Humanity is right now suffering this freedom. yj6EFwT2HNg-00040-00011399-00011778 Humanity is not suffering bondage as people are saying. yj6EFwT2HNg-00041-00011778-00012054 Humanity is suffering its freedom. yj6EFwT2HNg-00042-00012054-00012365 If your life was also fixed like every other creature, yj6EFwT2HNg-00043-00012365-00012601 you would have gone about without any stress, yj6EFwT2HNg-00044-00012601-00012905 you didn’t have to do yoga, isn't it? (Laughter) yj6EFwT2HNg-00045-00012905-00013118 Isn't it so? yj6EFwT2HNg-00046-00013118-00013522 If your life was fixed like every other creature on this planet, yj6EFwT2HNg-00047-00013522-00013796 you wouldn’t be stressed. yj6EFwT2HNg-00048-00013796-00014012 Only because it is not fixed, yj6EFwT2HNg-00049-00014012-00014209 you can be anything you want, yj6EFwT2HNg-00050-00014209-00014507 anything… just about anything can happen in your mind, yj6EFwT2HNg-00051-00014507-00014757 this is why the stress, isn't it? yj6EFwT2HNg-00052-00014757-00014838 Participants: Yes. (Laughter) yj6EFwT2HNg-00053-00014838-00014997 Sadhguru: Being human means yj6EFwT2HNg-00054-00014997-00015449 See, suppose a tiger is born yj6EFwT2HNg-00055-00015449-00016170 a tiger is not sitting and worrying how to become a good tiger. (Laughter) yj6EFwT2HNg-00056-00016170-00016674 Just get enough food, he will become a good tiger. yj6EFwT2HNg-00057-00016674-00016837 He's not worried, yj6EFwT2HNg-00058-00016837-00017032 ‘Will I become a good tiger, yj6EFwT2HNg-00059-00017032-00017291 will I end up as a house cat?’ (Laughter) yj6EFwT2HNg-00060-00017291-00017562 No such problems. yj6EFwT2HNg-00061-00017562-00017832 You're born as a human being, yj6EFwT2HNg-00062-00017832-00018279 but still how many things you have to do to be a good human being yj6EFwT2HNg-00063-00018279-00018583 and still you don’t know where you belong, isn't it? yj6EFwT2HNg-00064-00018583-00018688 Participants: Yes. yj6EFwT2HNg-00065-00018688-00018950 Sadhguru: Only in comparison with somebody you can say, yj6EFwT2HNg-00066-00018950-00019257 ‘Compared to this person I'm little better.’ yj6EFwT2HNg-00067-00019257-00019592 By yourself you don’t know where you belong. Isn't it so? yj6EFwT2HNg-00068-00019592-00019683 Participants: Yes. yj6EFwT2HNg-00069-00019683-00019768 Sadhguru: Isn't it so? yj6EFwT2HNg-00070-00019768-00019795 Participants: Yes. yj6EFwT2HNg-00071-00019795-00020166 Sadhguru: Because what is human is not an established state, yj6EFwT2HNg-00072-00020166-00020413 it is a possibility. yj6EFwT2HNg-00073-00020413-00020635 It is not a fixed state. yj6EFwT2HNg-00074-00020635-00021079 If this possibility has to be made use of, yj6EFwT2HNg-00075-00021079-00021698 there is a whole system of understanding that needs to happen. yj6EFwT2HNg-00076-00021698-00021941 Understanding the mechanics of yj6EFwT2HNg-00077-00021941-00022292 how this life functions and what we can do with it yj6EFwT2HNg-00078-00022292-00022461 this mechanics, yj6EFwT2HNg-00079-00022461-00022657 this technology, yj6EFwT2HNg-00080-00022657-00023006 this science we are referring to as yoga. ylWCko3_gNA-00000-00001540-00002003 For our bait dog too depressed to lift her head can't stop wagging her tail now ylWCko3_gNA-00001-00002244-00002756 Dogfighting is barbaric it leaves visible and invisible scars that never truly heal ylWCko3_gNA-00002-00002802-00003269 Dogs that are part of a dogfighting operation are often severely emaciated and neglected ylWCko3_gNA-00003-00003289-00003650 They're chained with heavy chains and don't have access to food or water in ylWCko3_gNA-00004-00003718-00004359 August the SPCA of Texas found 14 dogs at a suspected dogfighting location in abil Springs ylWCko3_gNA-00005-00004359-00004875 Texas all the dogs were jumping up and down when the rescuers arrived except one ylWCko3_gNA-00006-00004975-00005345 Madeline Neiman remember seeing the tiny emaciated dog on the brink of death ylWCko3_gNA-00007-00005392-00005910 The dog's collar was clamped tightly around her neck and the chain was attached to an old car axle ylWCko3_gNA-00008-00005950-00006605 The poor creature didn't have any shelter from the hot Texas Sun and was too weak to move when rescuers freed her from the collar ylWCko3_gNA-00009-00006634-00006981 All the dog could do was sit in one place with her head hanging down ylWCko3_gNA-00010-00007018-00007340 The doctor who examined her said she had almost no blood in her veins ylWCko3_gNA-00011-00007404-00008006 The team started to treat her immediately. They gave her a bath to get rid of her fleas. She was given several blood transfusions ylWCko3_gNA-00012-00008061-00008236 water and food ylWCko3_gNA-00013-00008236-00008434 they named her Gwen as ylWCko3_gNA-00014-00008434-00008808 The days passed when got stronger and was able to pick her head up a little higher ylWCko3_gNA-00015-00008875-00009476 Now Gwen greets everyone. She sees with a wagging tail head held high and a very Wiggly body ylWCko3_gNA-00016-00009540-00009962 Gwen loves running and playing outside and she's loved by everyone at the shelter ylWCko3_gNA-00017-00010015-00010499 Watch Glenn below and contact the SPCA of Texas if you can provide her with a forever home ylWCko3_gNA-00018-00010611-00010811 share away people ylWCko3_gNA-00019-00012545-00012745 You zoUD64CSjk4-00000-00000000-00000200 There is a neqw Apple even t coming September 7. z135RIop5C0-00000-00000247-00002810 mati dak dice amay ai natidiye allah banaice z135RIop5C0-00001-00002810-00002848 amay z338IviG4Wg-00000-00000000-00000474 Purpose Changes Everything - by Excellent Collaboration Society 2019 z338IviG4Wg-00001-00000560-00001102 You know you are special! But you're not quite sure why... z338IviG4Wg-00002-00001102-00001614 Where do you belong? Are you in the right place? Others seem to go on with what they love and embrace. z338IviG4Wg-00003-00001614-00001852 With your purpose you'd know what there would be to say z338IviG4Wg-00004-00001852-00002170 to answer the question what makes you you all the way. z338IviG4Wg-00005-00002170-00002704 A purpose, what is it? You want to know, can I make it fit? How does it show? z338IviG4Wg-00006-00002704-00003315 How nice would it be to have something to guide you! But isn't that something already inside you? z338IviG4Wg-00007-00003315-00003890 A purpose helps you make decisions and grow. It will let you move forward and allow you to glow. z338IviG4Wg-00008-00003890-00004222 it can be all BIG. It can be small, too! It does not matter 'cause it's just for you! z338IviG4Wg-00009-00004222-00004634 It should challenge you, or rather it will, for you to move forward and not just stand still. z338IviG4Wg-00010-00004634-00005198 It can act like a shield when you know what to do and will keep you away from what's useless to you. z338IviG4Wg-00011-00005198-00005716 Then you know why you are and you know what you do. The one who decides is not them. It is you! z338IviG4Wg-00012-00005728-00006166 You'll let some stuff go and you'll let some stuff stay. Some stuff you'll discover when you get on your way. z338IviG4Wg-00013-00006166-00006600 As you find your purpose in all that you do, your purpose becomes more purposeful, too! z338IviG4Wg-00014-00006600-00007016 With your purpose detected, soon you will see, interacting with others will go easily. z338IviG4Wg-00015-00007026-00007545 They will notice you shining with a different light, and understand you much better. They'll know what feels right. z338IviG4Wg-00016-00007545-00008030 So your personal purpose will inspire mostly you but can also touch others; it depends what you do. z338IviG4Wg-00017-00008030-00008594 Your mind will grow, and you'll change your view. As your life develops, your purpose will, too. z338IviG4Wg-00018-00008594-00009162 Now go on and find it. It's simple, you'll see! Find others to help you. Set your purpose free! z338IviG4Wg-00019-00009168-00009812 You are not like all others, indeed that is true. But others are also as special as you. z338IviG4Wg-00020-00009812-00010496 Project Lead:Nadja Schnetzler, Laurent Burst Idea and Illustration:Veronika Kaiping. Music:Nemo Music z338IviG4Wg-00021-00010496-00010960 www.generation-purpose.org z3k4kh_eRYY-00000-00003870-00004482 Cliff Lynch: Welcome everybody. And we'll be getting started in about 90 seconds or so. z3k4kh_eRYY-00001-00008205-00008553 Cliff Lynch: Thanks for joining us, we'll be getting started in about a minute. z3k4kh_eRYY-00002-00010584-00010941 Cliff Lynch: Glad you could join us, we'll be starting in about 30 seconds. z3k4kh_eRYY-00003-00013506-00015294 Cliff Lynch: Alright, it's time to get started. I think I'm. Welcome. I'm Cliff Lynch. I'm the director of the Coalition for network information and you're here with us for one of the project briefing sessions on the second day of week two of the CNI z3k4kh_eRYY-00004-00015504-00016632 Cliff Lynch: Virtual member meeting. And just to remind you of a couple of things this week is themed around the transformation of organizations and professions. z3k4kh_eRYY-00005-00016791-00018813 Cliff Lynch: We are recording this session we have and will make it available after we do have closed captioning available if you'd like to avail yourself of that there is a chat and feel free to use that to comment to introduce yourself as needed. z3k4kh_eRYY-00006-00019002-00020181 Cliff Lynch: We also have a Q AMP a tool on the bottom of the screen. I invite you to queue up questions at any time will take all the questions at the end of the presentation. z3k4kh_eRYY-00007-00020232-00021390 Cliff Lynch: And Diane golden for card from CNN, I will moderate that Q AMP a session. But as I say, feel free to queue up questions at any point during the presentation as they occur to you. z3k4kh_eRYY-00008-00021471-00023271 Cliff Lynch: Finally, I'll just remind you that starting with week two of this virtual Fall Meeting, we are making available, not just synchronous sessions, but also a few pre recorded videos so please have a look at those when you have time z3k4kh_eRYY-00009-00023373-00025386 Cliff Lynch: And I think with that, it's time to introduce our speakers, we have two speakers in the session. Katie O'Neill, and Matthew traction. Both of them are with loyal and notre DOM library and session is going to focus on a z3k4kh_eRYY-00010-00025518-00025881 Cliff Lynch: What what really is sort of a classical z3k4kh_eRYY-00011-00025986-00027758 Cliff Lynch: CNA partnership between academic libraries and it but infused with a new dimension, which is deep engagement with academic affairs around an agenda tied to student success. z3k4kh_eRYY-00012-00027867-00027995 Cliff Lynch: And I think z3k4kh_eRYY-00013-00028125-00029100 Cliff Lynch: With that frame, I will just welcome you all. Thanks. Katie and Matthew for agreeing to do this presentation and pass it over to Katie z3k4kh_eRYY-00014-00029244-00029958 Katy O'Neill: Thanks so much, Cliff. We appreciate the opportunity to be with you all today and and I look forward to z3k4kh_eRYY-00015-00030114-00030936 Katy O'Neill: Talking with you all about this topic as Cliff mentioned, my name is Katie O'Neill. I'm the associate director of the Loyola notre DOM library. z3k4kh_eRYY-00016-00030983-00031380 Katy O'Neill: I'm here with my colleague, Matthew trashcan. The library's technology librarian. z3k4kh_eRYY-00017-00031419-00032532 Katy O'Neill: Today we'd like to share with you our libraries journey to infuse technology with pedagogy leveraging campus partnerships with it and academic affairs to support students success. z3k4kh_eRYY-00018-00032583-00034290 Katy O'Neill: I'll be sharing context about the work that we've done to build the foundation for this for success and Matthew will then talk about the programs and user experiences. He and his Technology Services Unit have co created with colleagues across the library and the campuses next z3k4kh_eRYY-00019-00034458-00035757 Katy O'Neill: Yeah, said Ellen. Do we like to say it takes to LDL is a little different. We're one of only two independent academic libraries in the United States. That means we're a separate 501 c three nonprofit. z3k4kh_eRYY-00020-00035889-00037005 Katy O'Neill: And don't report directly into either of the two schools that we support under the leadership of our library director Barbara priest since 2012 z3k4kh_eRYY-00021-00037050-00038001 Katy O'Neill: The library has been aligning its purpose with the educational missions of the two universities, we support Loyola University Maryland and notre DOM. z3k4kh_eRYY-00022-00038127-00038646 Katy O'Neill: Of Maryland University in Northwest Baltimore as Barbara likes to say z3k4kh_eRYY-00023-00038730-00039909 Katy O'Neill: To succeed in our work, we really, she has to work with to provosts to CIOs and to CFO is to make things happen and we do that throughout the organization with the partnerships that we have z3k4kh_eRYY-00024-00040002-00040737 Katy O'Neill: The library aligned with line with the strategic plans for both institution and has been transitioning to an innovative center of learning. z3k4kh_eRYY-00025-00040797-00041916 Katy O'Neill: To a debt that adapts to users changing needs for space both physical and virtual information and technology to support the research, teaching and learning of students and faculty z3k4kh_eRYY-00026-00041979-00043335 Katy O'Neill: Dr. Grammar Gani, the Associate Dean of applied and natural sciences for Loyola College of Arts and Sciences was actually an early partner and supporter of the development of a campus maker space in the library. z3k4kh_eRYY-00027-00043377-00043875 Katy O'Neill: After winning a pathways to innovation grant through the National Science Foundation in 2015 z3k4kh_eRYY-00028-00043956-00044772 Katy O'Neill: And 2017 he was dubbed an honorary library and for his work with us when the innovation station maker space officially opened z3k4kh_eRYY-00029-00044823-00046284 Katy O'Neill: The partnership has expanded with the use of the library space for programs support and funding for new technology by Wendy Bolger she's loyal as inaugural director of their new center of internet innovation and entrepreneurship. z3k4kh_eRYY-00030-00046407-00046452 Next, z3k4kh_eRYY-00031-00046611-00046656 Katy O'Neill: Early in z3k4kh_eRYY-00032-00046836-00047511 Katy O'Neill: Our director and loyalists chief of in Chief Information Officer sponsored a technology audit for the library. z3k4kh_eRYY-00033-00047556-00048051 Katy O'Neill: I was partnered with the library is acting head of digital services at the time. Daniel Ren Johnson. z3k4kh_eRYY-00034-00048084-00049272 Katy O'Neill: And David our net, who was the associate director of servers and storage at Loyola Technology Services department we get all of our technology infrastructure from the bigger school which is Loyola z3k4kh_eRYY-00035-00049323-00050022 Katy O'Neill: We developed a plan to demonstrate how technology can best support students success in a 21st century academic library. z3k4kh_eRYY-00036-00050070-00051483 Katy O'Neill: This plan was approved by the library's board of directors, as we're an independent organization. And it also had to be reviewed and approved by the board of directors for both schools at the end of the full implementation of this plan and z3k4kh_eRYY-00037-00051600-00052512 Katy O'Neill: The following results were achieved funding for library technology was increased annually on average by 52.5% z3k4kh_eRYY-00038-00052554-00053466 Katy O'Neill: Until the pandemic. This level of funding was sustained we are in a pause this year as imagine you all are feeling, you know, pinches on budget. z3k4kh_eRYY-00039-00053514-00053997 Katy O'Neill: But the commitment remain strong around educational technology for the library. z3k4kh_eRYY-00040-00054063-00054939 Katy O'Neill: All 23 recommendations were fully recommended and implemented building the digital infrastructure that's allowed us to upgrade and maintain building technology. z3k4kh_eRYY-00041-00054996-00056013 Katy O'Neill: Optimize libraries operations and the customer experience while also building partnerships with faculty to integrate educational technology into the curriculum. z3k4kh_eRYY-00042-00056066-00056904 Katy O'Neill: This slide really illustrates our transition of the main level of the library with the introduction introduction of the copyright information center and 2016 z3k4kh_eRYY-00043-00056954-00058071 Katy O'Neill: The innovation station maker space. As I mentioned before, and 2017 the Digital Learning Commons and 2018 and a virtual reality classroom and a recording studio in 2019 z3k4kh_eRYY-00044-00058116-00059619 Katy O'Neill: Despite the pandemic in the fall of 2020 with our partners in in the CI any the innovation and entrepreneurship center we introduced a new laser cutter for our maker space. Next slide. z3k4kh_eRYY-00045-00059867-00061191 Katy O'Neill: Additionally, the library has expanded our institutional capacity to reposition our services by focusing on user needs Allendale has 26 full time employees with a headcount of 42 employees on part time employees are included. z3k4kh_eRYY-00046-00061257-00061983 Katy O'Neill: Early on the library reframed roles to meet current and anticipated needs as staff changes occurred over time. z3k4kh_eRYY-00047-00062028-00062940 Katy O'Neill: Matthews position of technology librarian is a good example of this. This position was redefined as an outcome of the technology report. z3k4kh_eRYY-00048-00063003-00063744 Katy O'Neill: Key communication and collaboration infrastructure was added to provide formal and informal means for creative problem solving. z3k4kh_eRYY-00049-00063783-00064899 Katy O'Neill: In 2012 managers used to meet bi monthly and managers meeting and unit meetings across departments occurred really based on department had preferences. z3k4kh_eRYY-00050-00064947-00065910 Katy O'Neill: Today, decision making happens at a directors advisory group, which means bi monthly and include senior library administrators to make sure that z3k4kh_eRYY-00051-00065937-00067149 Katy O'Neill: There's awareness of programs across, across the board, that are happening regular department unit as well as liaison meetings for with academic units now also occur regularly. z3k4kh_eRYY-00052-00067221-00068268 Katy O'Neill: charges for standing committees and use of task forces to innovate programs and integrate engage users has remained really critical to our ongoing success to z3k4kh_eRYY-00053-00068328-00069621 Katy O'Neill: Facilitate change. This approach has been particularly important for staffing and sustainability sustainably growing the library is digital scholarship program which Matthew will talk about a little bit later. z3k4kh_eRYY-00054-00069711-00070929 Katy O'Neill: new consortium memberships and East and US MA I our Maryland state consortium here has provided opportunities for networking and professional development for librarians and staff. z3k4kh_eRYY-00055-00070995-00072645 Katy O'Neill: Finally, as this slide illustrates as the work evolve so did our organization structure in 2018 with the technology infrastructure in place the library reorganized shifting away from a traditional public services and technical services model and created z3k4kh_eRYY-00056-00072786-00074016 Katy O'Neill: To two different departments collections and access services and Research and Technology Services. This placed our technology services unit with our research and instruction librarians to really maximize z3k4kh_eRYY-00057-00074097-00075786 Katy O'Neill: The breath of programming that we could allow to partner with academic affairs and it has allowed us to optimize collection development Access Services Building use and really helped us expand our instruction and consultation and average programming. z3k4kh_eRYY-00058-00076179-00076896 Katy O'Neill: Specifically this reorganization really facilitated a reframing of our library instruction program. z3k4kh_eRYY-00059-00076926-00078327 Katy O'Neill: So that we could support and promote information digital and data fluency is you can see we used our information literacy, which has had a strong background in active and engaged learning to build a basis to build upon to add in z3k4kh_eRYY-00060-00078438-00078708 Katy O'Neill: Our destruction program in the technology. z3k4kh_eRYY-00061-00078879-00079698 Katy O'Neill: digital scholarship copyright and we just launched data management consultation this fall as well. z3k4kh_eRYY-00062-00079947-00080019 Next slide. z3k4kh_eRYY-00063-00080304-00081477 Katy O'Neill: When we look at specifically at the digital fluency aspects of of the expanded instruction program. We have really focused on the following z3k4kh_eRYY-00064-00081549-00083154 Katy O'Neill: Model and competencies to help us kind of frame frame that frame that program. I'm going to turn the presentation over to Matthew at this point because he can share with you examples of how we're going about doing this work together with our partners and academic affairs. z3k4kh_eRYY-00065-00083658-00084507 Matthew Treskon: Loyal notre DOM library has provided digital scholarship support in some capacity for several years. However, until recently, the support was generally ad hoc z3k4kh_eRYY-00066-00084564-00086259 Matthew Treskon: And FYI 20 the library completed a digital scholarship program review and and and this we evaluated the current state of digital scholarship at the library benchmarked against peer institutions and developed decide the best practices and also established procedures and website language. z3k4kh_eRYY-00067-00086370-00087969 Matthew Treskon: Key. This work was formalizing the life cycle assessment of our digital scholarship program. This included intake interview slash form and a three year review process. In this way, we set help set expectations and manage our capacity. z3k4kh_eRYY-00068-00088143-00088218 Matthew Treskon: Skills. z3k4kh_eRYY-00069-00088347-00089214 Matthew Treskon: Included include a collection development project management web technology and programming online training and we work with existing staff members, myself included. z3k4kh_eRYY-00070-00089250-00090285 Matthew Treskon: To find ideas. Ideas and interests and skills that leverage our interest level and excitement and partner with universities faculty members in ways that z3k4kh_eRYY-00071-00090387-00090822 Matthew Treskon: Are our standard traditional things like a mega versus other things like z3k4kh_eRYY-00072-00090927-00091458 Matthew Treskon: Working with API is to analyze citations analyze what z3k4kh_eRYY-00073-00091614-00091815 Matthew Treskon: Analyze a news news analysis. z3k4kh_eRYY-00074-00092025-00092715 Matthew Treskon: Products are these projects ranged from work that is limited to classroom exercise to those that are developed with the broader academic community. z3k4kh_eRYY-00075-00092757-00093675 Matthew Treskon: In mind. One such product has been the ones literary couple Baltimore, which was a multi year project that includes several semesters of classroom scholarship Clara love z3k4kh_eRYY-00076-00093717-00094494 Matthew Treskon: Now, a member of our digital scholarship team worked in this project as a student in 2018 she and I presented at the Bucknell digital scholarship conference. z3k4kh_eRYY-00077-00094608-00095421 Matthew Treskon: And the following year the digital scholarship team worked with an education professor for a project that involves both web work and create creative making z3k4kh_eRYY-00078-00095481-00097347 Matthew Treskon: And seeing the right hand side and holy comics Batman. Batman. This was a classroom exercise and is a good example of what classes can do. Although the scope is limited to the interest and the of the developing the students understanding of the curriculum. z3k4kh_eRYY-00079-00097521-00098001 Matthew Treskon: That later that year we presented the Prussian I presented the box elders digital scholarship conference. z3k4kh_eRYY-00080-00098541-00099645 Matthew Treskon: We continue to partner with academics and academic affairs faculty and other and other units across both campuses that support the research, teaching and learning of the two universities. z3k4kh_eRYY-00081-00099702-00100860 Matthew Treskon: One area we do this. As mentioned before, are these hands on tech technology Papa classes that were really the brainchild of the associate dean applied natural sciences at Loyola these z3k4kh_eRYY-00082-00101007-00102012 Matthew Treskon: The library continues to develop what we believe that the ability to create and navigate technology is an alignment with expanded scope the information literacy as described z3k4kh_eRYY-00083-00102060-00103050 Matthew Treskon: In the association in college. Research Libraries framework from information literacy and works towards answering the need for digital fluency which the Horizon report considers a significant challenge. z3k4kh_eRYY-00084-00103146-00103725 Matthew Treskon: By positioning students as makers libraries can engage them in critically thinking about choices that influenced the development z3k4kh_eRYY-00085-00103764-00105003 Matthew Treskon: And application of media and technology. And second, the information creation is a process justice information does does information or knowledge just doesn't exist. The world of technology doesn't just exist and evolves. z3k4kh_eRYY-00086-00105110-00106527 Matthew Treskon: Data and libraries develop this this pop up class series as well as launched a successful maker space, starting in 2017 library organized a series of classes each semester on emerging technologies such as Arduino. z3k4kh_eRYY-00087-00106629-00107457 Matthew Treskon: Raspberry Pi's virtual reality audio audio video editing to ensure technologies such as bread. Make the biology of bread making and knitting. z3k4kh_eRYY-00088-00107585-00107786 Matthew Treskon: This initiative started. Sorry. z3k4kh_eRYY-00089-00107933-00108402 Matthew Treskon: And an addition. The we're going to the innovation station which launched in 2017 z3k4kh_eRYY-00090-00108507-00109389 Matthew Treskon: Brennan, the innovation station we start started with 3D printing 3D scanning computer I sewing embroidery large my printer one button recording studio z3k4kh_eRYY-00091-00109458-00111120 Matthew Treskon: And music creation editing computer and later. The following year, we expanded to include the full fledged recording studio a digital paper cutting machine eliminator bowmaker virtuality classroom an argument is an Arduino and raspberry is available for checkout. z3k4kh_eRYY-00092-00111315-00111921 Matthew Treskon: integral to our success has been our partnerships with faculty and integration with with their curriculum. z3k4kh_eRYY-00093-00112053-00112842 Matthew Treskon: I'm particular one particular notable example is our with our recording studio, which was developed in partnership with a faculty z3k4kh_eRYY-00094-00112875-00113367 Matthew Treskon: Member at the loan universal law University Maryland communicates department who is also the TV, radio manager. z3k4kh_eRYY-00095-00113418-00114833 Matthew Treskon: He helped him with his expertise. He let us know like what equipment was necessary to get it working what people would be expecting and how to do our best insulate the sound is an isolate the sound of a speaker with the proper microphones. z3k4kh_eRYY-00096-00114993-00116094 Matthew Treskon: He also helps teach Papa classes on various video editing software and it has developed has helped develop library staff members with our expertise so that we can help him help his students z3k4kh_eRYY-00097-00116304-00117255 Matthew Treskon: Our VR classroom launched a bit later has been focused on providing experiential learning opportunities pertaining to psychology with z3k4kh_eRYY-00098-00117447-00117546 Matthew Treskon: Apps from z3k4kh_eRYY-00099-00117683-00119091 Matthew Treskon: Guardian VR on various psychological experiences nursing with schizophrenia, which we got specific to the professor's need and historical reference points like religious studies and z3k4kh_eRYY-00100-00119229-00119490 Matthew Treskon: And and middle medieval Europe. z3k4kh_eRYY-00101-00119652-00120531 Matthew Treskon: Are one been in studio has been used extensively by the English Language Institute at Notre DOM for the purposes of practicing learning z3k4kh_eRYY-00102-00120624-00121548 Matthew Treskon: Practicing speaking English. This program bring students from all around the world to to Baltimore to learn how to be to be Martian English language. z3k4kh_eRYY-00103-00121586-00122241 Matthew Treskon: And this technology which, if you're not familiar with it. It's a simple way of you put your thumb drive in press the button to start recording z3k4kh_eRYY-00104-00122285-00122643 Matthew Treskon: And then when you're done recording press a button and then it's automatically saved your thumb drive z3k4kh_eRYY-00105-00122682-00123921 Matthew Treskon: This simple technology really simple for the end users experience makes it really easy for them to practice speaking. The other point eat together a really simple play or speaking in a monologue explaining about where they're from, what type of food, they like to eat. z3k4kh_eRYY-00106-00124074-00124377 Matthew Treskon: And and and find one other point that we'd like to bring up is that z3k4kh_eRYY-00107-00124433-00125613 Matthew Treskon: We also are heavily integrated with the first year experience at both both universities at Loyola. It is the Messina program which Paris generally two very different disciplines together and has some kind of overarching theme. z3k4kh_eRYY-00108-00125724-00126086 Matthew Treskon: And also at Notre DOM, which has a first year experience as well. z3k4kh_eRYY-00109-00126201-00127961 Matthew Treskon: We provide many class tours and we also have had the opportunity to engage them with a maker space and making having creative exercises that produce artifacts that use the use of technology, but in ways that that further. The point of the exercise. z3k4kh_eRYY-00110-00128217-00129156 Matthew Treskon: Library has also broaden the reach of the innovation station beyond these academic departments to other areas of that's for the education mission, such as Center for Entrepreneurship innovation. z3k4kh_eRYY-00111-00129209-00130032 Matthew Treskon: Are visible and console and our consultation spaces have been integral in with their vaults printers program, which provides z3k4kh_eRYY-00112-00130133-00130881 Matthew Treskon: Potential business startups with opportunity to meet with experts in areas, what, how to do business research how to z3k4kh_eRYY-00113-00130998-00132210 Matthew Treskon: A very self aware and other end, how to set up the financials and things like that. And also the den summer program, which provided the opportunity for high school students in the Baltimore area to learn about z3k4kh_eRYY-00114-00132324-00133149 Matthew Treskon: Various made making technologies and ways that we can potentially love that leverage those things for potential careers and in business. z3k4kh_eRYY-00115-00133284-00133386 Matthew Treskon: And and making z3k4kh_eRYY-00116-00133773-00134112 Matthew Treskon: And and one more thing I'd like to mention is our book bank which z3k4kh_eRYY-00117-00134238-00135450 Matthew Treskon: With an in partnership with copyright librarian and her expertise and copyright. We were leveraging our streaming video service to host Storytime videos for Baltimore City public school teachers to use with our students. z3k4kh_eRYY-00118-00135846-00135879 Matthew Treskon: And z3k4kh_eRYY-00119-00136041-00136101 Matthew Treskon: Went right had z3k4kh_eRYY-00120-00136236-00136398 Matthew Treskon: Anyways, so we z3k4kh_eRYY-00121-00136554-00137583 Matthew Treskon: In three years we've sought we've seen dramatic increase in use of our maker space, both in terms of equipment use and check away called check out because we use our library catalog to determine the chocolate cupcakes and such. z3k4kh_eRYY-00122-00137646-00138459 Matthew Treskon: And also in seen numerous dozens of class tours and exercises with departments for all across campus. z3k4kh_eRYY-00123-00138627-00140106 Matthew Treskon: We, however, then in as we all know, coven 19 hit and we had to shut down the building and plan for what we figure out what we can do in the interim, while we're all virtual and we're all superstar virtual there and z3k4kh_eRYY-00124-00140214-00140604 Matthew Treskon: How we can what we would do need to do an open up back safely. z3k4kh_eRYY-00125-00140742-00141639 Matthew Treskon: The technology services department modified it services in order to follow University guidelines from Loyola and notre DOM and best practices that are derived from a la z3k4kh_eRYY-00126-00141690-00142710 Matthew Treskon: Our consortium and peer institutions. These modifications limit the need for face to face interaction encourage social distancing from what virtual services facilitate the cleaning of touch points. z3k4kh_eRYY-00127-00142959-00144063 Matthew Treskon: While we're working virtually we figured out what we can do remotely. And one of the things, one of the things we did was to mail packets to mussina class couple Messina classes. The first year class at Loyola z3k4kh_eRYY-00128-00144180-00145377 Matthew Treskon: And where we provided them with the equipment necessary to experiment with paper circuits with conductive tape led and such. And we have also taught classes that z3k4kh_eRYY-00129-00145512-00146877 Matthew Treskon: That help students remotely, but the virtual maker space such things that can be installed on their computer like open source podcasting technology or video, audio editing like audacity and also mapping technology such as story maps. z3k4kh_eRYY-00130-00147099-00147975 Matthew Treskon: In an important note is that when we're planning for the town, how to open it back up, both in the fall and possibly the spring, we're thinking about how to z3k4kh_eRYY-00131-00148023-00149049 Matthew Treskon: Work from not just get through this and provide educational services and media, but how we can do those things in ways that improve the experience of z3k4kh_eRYY-00132-00149139-00150588 Matthew Treskon: The University of students and faculty over and in the future. Some of these things, including provide developing a virtual tour of the maker space or HR the library provide virtual training and and also provide virtual support. z3k4kh_eRYY-00133-00150705-00151755 Matthew Treskon: And what the virtual support. We have two levels. One is that we've worked. We've partnered with the research instruction librarians vibrate chat service to be a possible answer questions. z3k4kh_eRYY-00134-00151854-00153234 Matthew Treskon: Pertaining technology and the second level is that we are available for video training at a distance using our zoom cart. The station the maker space. So this way with with a SIM card. We can provide z3k4kh_eRYY-00135-00153342-00153999 Matthew Treskon: In detail support at a distance over an extended period of time without having to worry about contact tracing potential infection. z3k4kh_eRYY-00136-00154053-00155463 Matthew Treskon: But also, this is something that we could leverage in the future for after our supports that way we can provide this kind of training at a distance. Say it eight o'clock at night when we're generally not working, but we can flex your time and figure out how to do that. z3k4kh_eRYY-00137-00155619-00156672 Matthew Treskon: In addition, we're also having. We also have the opportunity to discuss the faculty members in higher level classes about how to design classes that leverage our technology. z3k4kh_eRYY-00138-00156717-00157617 Matthew Treskon: Such as 3D design and development well for the communications department and also VR and next our development for nursing z3k4kh_eRYY-00139-00158013-00158421 Matthew Treskon: Another way that the library has supported. Oh, we're running on time. Wow. z3k4kh_eRYY-00140-00158634-00159159 Matthew Treskon: Has been to make people has been to produce P P for the university's we've z3k4kh_eRYY-00141-00159237-00160083 Matthew Treskon: We, we partnered with the open works to produce 548 shields for them to deliver to the healthcare workers. I've also just shifted towards production for the university. z3k4kh_eRYY-00142-00160128-00160767 Matthew Treskon: To make completed face shields and this work is featured in ed tech magazine, a local business journal and also the student newspaper z3k4kh_eRYY-00143-00161022-00161622 Matthew Treskon: And finally, we support students access through creative partnerships, working with a student clubs such as robotics providing space for them. z3k4kh_eRYY-00144-00161673-00162687 Matthew Treskon: And also provide an opportunity for them to teach pop up classes on how to work out arenas and they develop their own curriculum, they develop their own training procedures and also the Society of Women Engineers. z3k4kh_eRYY-00145-00162795-00163548 Matthew Treskon: We also work with the cops the department's computer science data science and engineering other senior capstone project we provide them with opportunity to z3k4kh_eRYY-00146-00163638-00164400 Matthew Treskon: Where we serve as client for them to think through these creative problems that we post, such as, like, how do you do a dry erase board, use the system or z3k4kh_eRYY-00147-00164445-00165555 Matthew Treskon: Meeting Room availability and also artificial intelligence, where we provided them with privacy restricted search vibrate chats to to analyze how the summit. z3k4kh_eRYY-00148-00165597-00166617 Matthew Treskon: To identify summit sentiment and clustering for a data science and the students have gone on to be partners in the university to do well in higher z3k4kh_eRYY-00149-00166815-00167097 Matthew Treskon: I received some feedback forms that are going on in z3k4kh_eRYY-00150-00167199-00168102 Matthew Treskon: The various software development companies defense and such two. And part of that they are able to think through the challenges of writing. z3k4kh_eRYY-00151-00168195-00169161 Matthew Treskon: Writing through the procedures and describing things in such a way that they're, they can do the stuff, but they can also work with people to get the problems understood and define okay z3k4kh_eRYY-00152-00169212-00170562 Katy O'Neill: Thanks, Matthew, so none of this happens without a creative staff and a culture of assessment, as you all come out. Imagine, um, and that's been as Matthew said very critical for us as we've worked through our reopening Matthew, if you can switch to the next slide. z3k4kh_eRYY-00153-00170853-00171807 Katy O'Neill: We also realized that all of this happens and you need to make sure we're understanding the impact that this is happening in addition to a library impact dashboard. z3k4kh_eRYY-00154-00171843-00172686 Katy O'Neill: We're currently working with colleagues and academic affairs to define and demonstrate each student success for the overall new instruction program that I mentioned earlier. z3k4kh_eRYY-00155-00172719-00173568 Katy O'Neill: We've crosswalk the ACL information literacy framework with the ACU values rubric that's used by both of our schools for accreditation purposes. z3k4kh_eRYY-00156-00173625-00174960 Katy O'Neill: This shop slide shows you where our instruction program and the work. Matthew described earlier supports the rubric by learning outcome and discipline and this fall. We're actually piloting a common assessment tool across all programs last. Next slide. z3k4kh_eRYY-00157-00175128-00175476 Katy O'Neill: And finally, a common question we often get is, how do you get started. z3k4kh_eRYY-00158-00175515-00176229 Katy O'Neill: On deals learned that it's about starting the conversation and keeping it going while remaining open to new ideas in partnership as they emerge. z3k4kh_eRYY-00159-00176265-00176931 Katy O'Neill: at Elon do outreach was prioritized early on from all areas of the library. The library is liaison program was redesigned z3k4kh_eRYY-00160-00176964-00177654 Katy O'Neill: Quite early on our social media and social events committees and a communication and collaboration task force. z3k4kh_eRYY-00161-00177708-00179244 Katy O'Neill: Have been charged over time to really engage people in virtual settings and spotlight high visibility and new programs and in 2018 a staff member was promoted to a reef reframed outreach and engagement librarian position to expand our reach. Last slide Matthew z3k4kh_eRYY-00162-00179439-00180333 Katy O'Neill: And so ultimately, we are still working to find the best ways to connect with both campuses to share how the library can best support faculty and students. z3k4kh_eRYY-00163-00180399-00181686 Katy O'Neill: This work is is imagine is true and all of your organization's is never done. Matthew and I want to thank you for your time this afternoon, and we'd be happy to take any questions now or any follow up after the session via email. z3k4kh_eRYY-00164-00181710-00181785 Katy O'Neill: Thank you all. z3k4kh_eRYY-00165-00181950-00182703 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Thank you. Katie and Matthew, for that wonderful presentation. It's great to hear of all the interesting things that you are z3k4kh_eRYY-00166-00182772-00184332 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Doing there in Baltimore and really interesting stuff going on the floor is now open for questions, so please feel free to type your questions into the Q AMP a box and our speakers will feel them now. z3k4kh_eRYY-00167-00184494-00185205 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): While we're waiting for people to think about that. I didn't want to follow up. Katie on z3k4kh_eRYY-00168-00185340-00185580 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): The transition in the library. z3k4kh_eRYY-00169-00185730-00186384 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): To this new alignment, it must have. I mean, you mentioned you did talk about the staff. z3k4kh_eRYY-00170-00186624-00187812 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Adjustments some of the realignment of the staffing. I was wondering if you could talk a little bit more about that. I'm sure that was a big undertaking. You know what was involved. How did it go. What were some of your takeaways from that. z3k4kh_eRYY-00171-00187905-00189381 Katy O'Neill: Sure, um, interestingly enough, I think the the reorganization, we did in the middle where I described kind of moving us to that halfway point was probably the larger adjustment than the shift to z3k4kh_eRYY-00172-00189432-00190338 Katy O'Neill: The research, you know, combining the research and technology units together and that cause. And I think that's because we were still in the phase where we were. z3k4kh_eRYY-00173-00190437-00190992 Katy O'Neill: We had a number of new positions you know that as people retired, you know, primarily right you know z3k4kh_eRYY-00174-00191079-00192417 Katy O'Neill: You know, you would take the opportunity to reframe positions, but also at that point in time partnerships, we're still in early development right across the campuses. So understanding how to connect and how that work drove things z3k4kh_eRYY-00175-00192528-00194190 Katy O'Neill: So I think that was a larger adjustment. I mean, for example, in that phase we combined our reference desk with our circulation desk into that integrated desk. That was a big cultural change that that you know that was part of that mid you know re z3k4kh_eRYY-00176-00194283-00195507 Katy O'Neill: Reorganization and I think I'm, you know, we really use the task force from both units to explore it define it, and they owned that that transition so z3k4kh_eRYY-00177-00195558-00196992 Katy O'Neill: Back to using those short term task force with clear charges to help and make sure though there's collaborative involved teams in those processes to help us define the work. So there was more by z3k4kh_eRYY-00178-00197103-00198270 Katy O'Neill: As we made those changes. So the other piece that we're still working on is communication and collaboration. It's one of those things. You're never done right. And so we like I said in the past year. z3k4kh_eRYY-00179-00198339-00199593 Katy O'Neill: We did a culture survey for our organization. Last year we scored very high and very well, but an area of ongoing improvement, you know, even though the scores were very z3k4kh_eRYY-00180-00199656-00200580 Katy O'Neill: You know, high around with communication and collaboration. So you know we have a task force. Now that's looking at additional ways for us to continue to grow, you know, in that area. z3k4kh_eRYY-00181-00200613-00201240 Katy O'Neill: But I think because we took an incremental working starting small to work, big as the way we like to think about it. z3k4kh_eRYY-00182-00201279-00202374 Katy O'Neill: I think and made sure that we weren't too far ahead of the campus, but it was very much tied to customer service, which was a strong ethos and value for all of the organization in the library. z3k4kh_eRYY-00183-00202416-00203289 Katy O'Neill: I can't say it wasn't without some pain and some disagreement obviously along the way but it allowed us to evolve our organization over time. Sure. z3k4kh_eRYY-00184-00203361-00204015 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Okay, that's very helpful and really interesting. Thank you for elaborating on that cliff has got z3k4kh_eRYY-00185-00204126-00205890 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): A question or a comment here he's he's asking if you could talk a little bit more about the virtual maker spaces Africa after coven and what kind of reception. This guy and also whether user community, whether the user community changed when the space when virtual z3k4kh_eRYY-00186-00205992-00206088 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Any comments on that. z3k4kh_eRYY-00187-00206127-00207108 Matthew Treskon: Sure, I can speak to that. So our virtual maker space. Our pop ups this this past semester. We're online before previously. They're all an in person. z3k4kh_eRYY-00188-00207183-00207810 Matthew Treskon: But there have been benefits with that there have been more opportunities, being able to record that share that after the fact, with people who may have missed it. z3k4kh_eRYY-00189-00207888-00208833 Matthew Treskon: And it's also provided them with opportunity for just to check in and check out or like when they're, when they're, when they're, when they're available and when they're z3k4kh_eRYY-00190-00208884-00209391 Matthew Treskon: When they have need, as opposed to like walking to the campus walking away from walking back to the dorm and things like that. z3k4kh_eRYY-00191-00209471-00210267 Matthew Treskon: So those the puppet class series went pretty well went well. The semester similar use maybe a bit more apt to add up the total numbers. z3k4kh_eRYY-00192-00210321-00211311 Matthew Treskon: And regarding the support of the maker technology, our equipment is generally is still available for use, although that has been very few people on campus. So it hasn't been used that much but z3k4kh_eRYY-00193-00211359-00212283 Matthew Treskon: We are focusing on how to provide these virtual trainings, the students that have gotten through the training when they walk into the library and we set up the zoom cart and they can z3k4kh_eRYY-00194-00212334-00212958 Matthew Treskon: They can work with one of my colleagues to be training the sewing machine and such that has gone and just as well as in person. z3k4kh_eRYY-00195-00213000-00214155 Matthew Treskon: So it's it's really quite nice. That's one, one of those all Logitech meetup cameras with nice zoom. It's really with good with good microphone. It really does just as good a job as being there in person. z3k4kh_eRYY-00196-00214332-00214494 Matthew Treskon: He's also had the opportunity to z3k4kh_eRYY-00197-00214584-00214659 Matthew Treskon: What else is there. z3k4kh_eRYY-00198-00214823-00215751 Matthew Treskon: And then provide support for some software that is not some open source software like audacity and story maps and Archie is not open source, but z3k4kh_eRYY-00199-00215814-00217239 Matthew Treskon: We have some limited licenses with that so we can provide them with support for these technologies in ways that are starting to merge the definite the boundaries between what is maker space and what is like digital scholarship. Right. Interesting. z3k4kh_eRYY-00200-00217281-00217884 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Well, thank you, thank you so much for that elaboration things clear for the question. I see that we are z3k4kh_eRYY-00201-00217956-00218754 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): A little past time here. So I'm going to go ahead and close down the public portion of the presentation by stopping the recording. z3k4kh_eRYY-00202-00218808-00220128 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): But I invite any attendees who have time and wish to stay and chat with our speakers, please feel free to hang out a bit, raise your hand. I'll be happy to unmute you and z3k4kh_eRYY-00203-00220248-00221841 Diane Goldenberg-Hart (CNI): Give you an opportunity to engage with our speakers. With that, I just want to thank all of our attendees both of our speakers. Thank you so much for coming to see and I, and we hope to see everyone back at CNN eyes Fall Meeting here again soon. Take care everyone z6yOPZPIuGE-00000-00000000-00000200 #Busan Attractions #Haedong Yonggungsa z7kerl5Pcso-00000-00000000-00001500 SUBSCRIBE!!!!👇🏾 z7kerl5Pcso-00001-00001500-00003000 MY MUSIC ON SPOTIFY❤👇🏾 z8F6J0Cyx-U-00000-00000140-00000796 Covalent bonds and ionic bonds are much stronger than intermolecular forces. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00001-00000796-00001463 But, while intermolecular forces are weaker, they are still really important. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00002-00001463-00002017 The strongest intermolecular force is called hydrogen bonding. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00003-00002017-00002415 Hydrogen bonds are all around us and are essential for life. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00004-00002415-00003236 They’re at play in water and in our DNA. The structure of our DNA is a double helix. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00005-00003236-00003922 This shape is important for replicating DNA. It is built by having two chains of nucleotides z8F6J0Cyx-U-00006-00003922-00004723 which are held together by hydrogen bonds. The reason water sticks together (for example, z8F6J0Cyx-U-00007-00004723-00005403 to create strong surface tension) is because of hydrogen bonds. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00008-00005403-00006084 Hydrogen bonding requires an intermolecular dipole, made up of a hydrogen on one side, z8F6J0Cyx-U-00009-00006084-00006630 and an electronegative atom with a lone pair of electrons on the other side. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00010-00006630-00007255 This occurs most often where there is the hydrogen atom covalently bonded with nitrogen, z8F6J0Cyx-U-00011-00007255-00007742 oxygen and [OR] flourine, and sometimes with Sulphur. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00012-00007742-00008479 Hydrogen-Oxygen, Hydrogen-Fluorine and Hydrogen-Nitrogen bonds share electron density unequally. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00013-00008479-00009222 So much so that the hydrogen attracts another Oxygen, Flourine, or Nitrogen that's attached z8F6J0Cyx-U-00014-00009222-00009860 to another hydrogen on a different molecule. For example, in water, hydrogen bonding occurs z8F6J0Cyx-U-00015-00009860-00010577 between the hydrogen of one molecule and they oxygen of another. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00016-00010577-00011236 In ammonia, hydrogen bonding occurs between the hydrogen of one molecule and the nitrogen z8F6J0Cyx-U-00017-00011236-00011683 of another. Note, that it’s important for the oxygen, z8F6J0Cyx-U-00018-00011683-00012094 nitrogen or flourine to have a lone pair of electrons. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00019-00012094-00012768 Hydrogen bonding can occur between two mol ecules that are the same (like water), but also between z8F6J0Cyx-U-00020-00012768-00013219 unlike molecules, such as this hydrogen fluoride and water. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00021-00013219-00013751 In larger molecules, it can also occur within the molecule – where different areas of z8F6J0Cyx-U-00022-00013751-00014298 the molecule hydrogen bond to each other. If there isn’t a lone pair available, for z8F6J0Cyx-U-00023-00014298-00014909 example in ammonium NH₄⁺ , it won’t be able to hydrogen bond. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00024-00014909-00015420 Here’s another situation where hydrogen bonding is important: drugs. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00025-00015420-00015769 This is aspirin. If you haven’t come across these organic z8F6J0Cyx-U-00026-00015769-00016120 molecule structures before, don’t worry, you will. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00027-00016120-00016645 Where there’s lines meeting, it means there’s a satisfied carbon. So, a carbon with the z8F6J0Cyx-U-00028-00016645-00017081 right amount of hydrogens to be balanced and not have an overall charge. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00029-00017081-00017516 We can ignore them for now. Looking at aspirin, where could hydrogen bonding z8F6J0Cyx-U-00030-00017516-00017893 occur? Are there any oxygens, flourines or nitrogens? z8F6J0Cyx-U-00031-00017893-00018415 Yeah, we've got four oxygens. Are there of those Oxygens bonded to a hydrogen? z8F6J0Cyx-U-00032-00018415-00018916 Yep, this one. So all of these locations are potentials for z8F6J0Cyx-U-00033-00018916-00019320 hydrogen bonding. The oxygens could bond to a hydrogen of another z8F6J0Cyx-U-00034-00019320-00019829 aspirin molecule, and the hydrogen could bond to an oxygen on another aspirin molecule. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00035-00019829-00020351 Or they could bond to water molecules. This is important in the synthesis of medicines. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00036-00020351-00020698 They need to be absorbed by the body and enter the blood. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00037-00020698-00021245 If they have too many or two few potential areas for hydrogen bonding, they may not be z8F6J0Cyx-U-00038-00021245-00021620 absorbed at all. This is ibuprofen. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00039-00021620-00022118 Where on this molecule could hydrogen bonding occur? z8F6J0Cyx-U-00040-00022118-00022762 Hydrogen bonding could occur on these two oxygens (to hydrogens of another molecule) z8F6J0Cyx-U-00041-00022762-00023545 or on this hydrogen (to the oxygen of another ibuprofen), or in fact, to any oxygen, nitrogen z8F6J0Cyx-U-00042-00023545-00024103 or fluorine that’s bonded to a hydrogen on another molecule. z8F6J0Cyx-U-00043-00024103-00024547 This one is diclofenac. Where on this molecule could hydrogen bonding z8F6J0Cyx-U-00044-00024547-00024964 occur? Hydrogen bonding could occur on this nitrogen z8F6J0Cyx-U-00045-00024964-00025727 and these two oxygens (to hydrogens of another molecule) or on this hydrogen (to any oxygen, z8F6J0Cyx-U-00046-00025727-00026318 nitrogen or fluorine that's bonded to a hydrogen on another molecule). z94Ck-c9ztk-00000-00000301-00000636 BJP z94Ck-c9ztk-00001-00000677-00000960 Bharatiya Janata Party z94Ck-c9ztk-00002-00000960-00001263 Yogi Adityanath z94Ck-c9ztk-00003-00001263-00001544 Sharad Tripathi z94Ck-c9ztk-00004-00001544-00001757 Rakesh Singh z94Ck-c9ztk-00005-00001827-00001997 BJP MP z94Ck-c9ztk-00006-00002101-00002301 Uttar Pradesh z94Ck-c9ztk-00007-00002301-00002433 BJP MLA zt4O5Se7nHM-00000-00000000-00001371 ITS MY FIRST COVER SO IT MAYBE TRASH (cuz it is :skull: also pls subscribe) zt4O5Se7nHM-00001-00002006-00002630 Also thx to jamitel for the flp :skull: zt_SnmqMlpc-00000-00000003-00000561 In this video, we're going to talk about why routinely exploring the 'Devil In The Details' zt_SnmqMlpc-00001-00000561-00001128 is important to the overall health and well-being of our company. But before we get into that, hello zt_SnmqMlpc-00002-00001128-00001728 friends and welcome. I'm Maranda Tylor of Business Mastery Pro.com where I make informational videos zt_SnmqMlpc-00003-00001728-00002259 on the secrets of hospitality management and performance training. If you're new here, please zt_SnmqMlpc-00004-00002259-00002709 consider clicking on the subscribe button and if you don't want to miss a thing, be sure to click on zt_SnmqMlpc-00005-00002709-00003471 the notification bell icon as well. Derived from an earlier phrase, 'God is in the details' means that zt_SnmqMlpc-00006-00003471-00004143 paying attention to the details is important. The devil is in the details means that unforeseen zt_SnmqMlpc-00007-00004143-00004710 problems or difficulties are often hidden in the details and if even the smallest of details goes zt_SnmqMlpc-00008-00004710-00005280 unchecked, they can have a very large and often negative impact to our business, that ultimately zt_SnmqMlpc-00009-00005280-00006738 threatens its survival. So, here's an example that might help to clarify this point. Back in the day, when I was hired for a new management position, I knew zt_SnmqMlpc-00010-00006738-00007275 I would need some time to discover what areas of the business may have required a tune-up zt_SnmqMlpc-00011-00007275-00008061 or possibly a complete overhaul. So, I spent the first couple of zt_SnmqMlpc-00012-00008061-00008724 days accumulating information by asking questions, watching staff interact with customers, management zt_SnmqMlpc-00013-00008724-00009462 and each other, lending a hand where I could, establishing my open-door policy and gathering zt_SnmqMlpc-00014-00009462-00010143 allies for when it became necessary to implement change. Now, because I entered the situation with zt_SnmqMlpc-00015-00010143-00010719 a fresh pair of eyes and no affiliations, I was able to identify areas where change could have zt_SnmqMlpc-00016-00010719-00011463 been achieved quickly, in things like... general cleanliness, health and safety regulations, timely zt_SnmqMlpc-00017-00011463-00012279 food prep and presentation, adherence to company mandate, repairs and maintenance etc. Once the zt_SnmqMlpc-00018-00012279-00012813 easier projects were out of the way, the ones that I knew would ensure daily operations were running zt_SnmqMlpc-00019-00012813-00013347 fairly smoothly, I then focused my attention on digging into the nitty-gritty aspects of zt_SnmqMlpc-00020-00013347-00014343 the business to uncover those 'devilish details'. Things like reevaluating accounting procedures, zt_SnmqMlpc-00021-00014343-00015054 reassessing profit and loss statements, sourcing lower priced products, reviewing suppliers and zt_SnmqMlpc-00022-00015054-00015690 vendor Terms of Service, revamping policies and procedures and the like. Owning and operating zt_SnmqMlpc-00023-00015690-00016722 any company is a huge undertaking and the simple fact is we get busy, which makes it all too easy zt_SnmqMlpc-00024-00016722-00017232 to lose sight of the little things. But, despite the fact that it will take a bit more time and effort zt_SnmqMlpc-00025-00017232-00017802 to concentrate our attention on cleaning up and straightening out those areas of the organization zt_SnmqMlpc-00026-00017802-00018432 that may have fallen by the wayside, once we do, we gain a better understanding of how each element zt_SnmqMlpc-00027-00018432-00018954 affects the overall health and well-being of our business. Following that, it then becomes a zt_SnmqMlpc-00028-00018954-00019470 matter of maintenance with possible thoughts towards future growth. And that my friends is zt_SnmqMlpc-00029-00019470-00020118 why it's important to routinely explore the 'devil in those details'. For more information zt_SnmqMlpc-00030-00020118-00020640 about our evergreen management courses, e-books or how to contact us, please take a look in the zt_SnmqMlpc-00031-00020640-00021180 description box below this video. That's all I have for now so, thank you for taking the time zt_SnmqMlpc-00032-00021180-00021678 to join me today. And until we meet again... I wish you peace and prosperity always. z-TaHFZiEpu-00000-00000336-00000605 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00001-00000851-00001159 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00002-00001405-00001689 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00003-00001935-00002242 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00004-00002489-00002796 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00005-00003029-00003298 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00006-00003521-00003802 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00007-00004049-00004332 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00008-00004555-00004837 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00009-00005083-00005391 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00010-00005614-00005894 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00011-00006141-00006448 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00012-00006681-00006950 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00013-00007196-00007504 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00014-00007727-00008008 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00015-00008254-00008562 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00016-00008795-00009063 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00017-00009310-00009617 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00018-00009864-00010171 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00019-00010404-00010672 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00020-00010896-00011176 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00021-00011400-00011681 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00022-00011927-00012235 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00023-00012481-00012765 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00024-00012998-00013266 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00025-00013499-00013768 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00026-00014015-00014298 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00027-00014545-00014852 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00028-00015098-00015406 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00029-00015639-00015907 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00030-00016131-00016411 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00031-00016644-00016913 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00032-00017160-00017443 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00033-00017676-00017945 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00034-00018191-00018499 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00035-00018732-00019000 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00036-00019247-00019530 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00037-00019753-00020035 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00038-00020281-00020589 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00039-00020835-00021142 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00040-00021375-00021644 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00041-00021877-00022145 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00042-00022369-00022649 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00043-00022872-00023154 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00044-00023400-00023708 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00045-00023954-00024238 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00046-00024471-00024739 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00047-00024986-00025293 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00048-00025516-00025797 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00049-00026030-00026299 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00050-00026545-00026829 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00051-00027052-00027333 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00052-00027580-00027887 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00053-00028110-00028391 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00054-00028614-00028895 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00055-00029142-00029449 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00056-00029696-00030003 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00057-00030249-00030557 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00058-00030780-00031061 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00059-00031307-00031614 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00060-00031862-00032145 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00061-00032392-00032699 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00062-00032932-00033200 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00063-00033447-00033754 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00064-00033987-00034256 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00065-00034502-00034810 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00066-00035033-00035313 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00067-00035547-00035815 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00068-00036048-00036317 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00069-00036563-00036870 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00070-00037117-00037424 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00071-00037657-00037926 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00072-00038159-00038427 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00073-00038660-00038929 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00074-00039176-00039459 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00075-00039706-00040013 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00076-00040246-00040515 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00077-00040748-00041016 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00078-00041263-00041570 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00079-00041803-00042072 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00080-00042318-00042602 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00081-00042825-00043106 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00082-00043339-00043608 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00083-00043841-00044109 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00084-00044356-00044663 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00085-00044909-00045193 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00086-00045439-00045747 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00087-00045994-00046277 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00088-00046524-00046807 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00089-00047054-00047361 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00090-00047608-00047915 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00091-00048162-00048446 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00092-00048692-00048999 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00093-00049246-00049553 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00094-00049800-00050083 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00095-00050330-00050614 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00096-00050860-00051144 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00097-00051367-00051648 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00098-00051895-00052178 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00099-00052425-00052709 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00100-00052932-00053213 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00101-00053460-00053743 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00102-00053990-00054297 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00103-00054543-00054851 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00104-00055074-00055355 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00105-00055601-00055908 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00106-00056155-00056462 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00107-00056695-00056964 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00108-00057210-00057517 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00109-00057764-00058071 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00110-00058295-00058576 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00111-00058809-00059077 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00112-00059324-00059607 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00113-00059854-00060161 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00114-00060408-00060715 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00115-00060962-00061246 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00116-00061492-00061776 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00117-00061999-00062280 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00118-00062513-00062782 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00119-00063005-00063285 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00120-00063509-00063790 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00121-00064036-00064344 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00122-00064590-00064897 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00123-00065121-00065401 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00124-00065624-00065906 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00125-00066139-00066407 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00126-00066654-00066961 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00127-00067184-00067465 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00128-00067698-00067967 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00129-00068190-00068471 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00130-00068717-00069001 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00131-00069224-00069505 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00132-00069752-00070059 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00133-00070306-00070589 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00134-00070822-00071091 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00135-00071314-00071595 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00136-00071828-00072097 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00137-00072330-00072598 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00138-00072845-00073128 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00139-00073375-00073659 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00140-00073905-00074189 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00141-00074422-00074690 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00142-00074937-00075221 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00143-00075467-00075775 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00144-00076021-00076305 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00145-00076551-00076859 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00146-00077092-00077360 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00147-00077583-00077865 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00148-00078088-00078369 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00149-00078615-00078922 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00150-00079155-00079424 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00151-00079657-00079925 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00152-00080172-00080479 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00153-00080726-00081033 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00154-00081279-00081587 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00155-00081834-00082117 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00156-00082364-00082671 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00157-00082918-00083225 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00158-00083458-00083727 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00159-00083973-00084257 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00160-00084503-00084810 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00161-00085057-00085364 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00162-00085611-00085895 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00163-00086141-00086448 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00164-00086682-00086950 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00165-00087183-00087452 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00166-00087675-00087955 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00167-00088202-00088509 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00168-00088756-00089063 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00169-00089309-00089617 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00170-00089850-00090118 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00171-00090342-00090623 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00172-00090869-00091177 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00173-00091410-00091678 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00174-00091925-00092208 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00175-00092441-00092710 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00176-00092943-00093211 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00177-00093458-00093765 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00178-00094012-00094296 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00179-00094519-00094800 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00180-00095023-00095304 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00181-00095537-00095806 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00182-00096029-00096309 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00183-00096533-00096814 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00184-00097060-00097368 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00185-00097601-00097869 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00186-00098102-00098371 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00187-00098594-00098875 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00188-00099098-00099379 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00189-00099625-00099933 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00190-00100156-00100437 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00191-00100670-00100938 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00192-00101185-00101492 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00193-00101738-00102046 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00194-00102293-00102576 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00195-00102800-00103080 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00196-00103327-00103611 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00197-00103857-00104165 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00198-00104398-00104666 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00199-00104899-00105168 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00200-00105401-00105669 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00201-00105916-00106199 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00202-00106446-00106753 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00203-00106976-00107258 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00204-00107504-00107811 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00205-00108044-00108313 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00206-00108546-00108815 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00207-00109061-00109368 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00208-00109615-00109922 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00209-00110145-00110426 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00210-00110673-00110957 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00211-00111180-00111460 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00212-00111693-00111962 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00213-00112209-00112493 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00214-00112726-00112994 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00215-00113217-00113498 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00216-00113721-00114002 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00217-00114249-00114556 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00218-00114803-00115110 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00219-00115356-00115640 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00220-00115887-00116171 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00221-00116404-00116672 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00222-00116895-00117176 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00223-00117409-00117678 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00224-00117924-00118231 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00225-00118464-00118733 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00226-00118966-00119234 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00227-00119481-00119765 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00228-00119988-00120269 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00229-00120502-00120770 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00230-00120994-00121275 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00231-00121521-00121805 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00232-00122028-00122309 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00233-00122556-00122839 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00234-00123072-00123341 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00235-00123587-00123895 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00236-00124128-00124396 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00237-00124643-00124927 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00238-00125173-00125481 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00239-00125727-00126034 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00240-00126281-00126564 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00241-00126788-00127069 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00242-00127292-00127573 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00243-00127806-00128074 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00244-00128321-00128605 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00245-00128828-00129109 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00246-00129355-00129663 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00247-00129886-00130167 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00248-00130413-00130697 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00249-00130943-00131251 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00250-00131498-00131781 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00251-00132028-00132335 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00252-00132558-00132839 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00253-00133086-00133370 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00254-00133616-00133923 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00255-00134170-00134453 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00256-00134686-00134955 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00257-00135201-00135509 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00258-00135732-00136013 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00259-00136260-00136567 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00260-00136800-00137069 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00261-00137315-00137622 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00262-00137846-00138126 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00263-00138373-00138680 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00264-00138926-00139234 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00265-00139467-00139735 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00266-00139959-00140240 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00267-00140486-00140794 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00268-00141040-00141347 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00269-00141580-00141849 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00270-00142095-00142403 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00271-00142649-00142933 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00272-00143179-00143487 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00273-00143733-00144040 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00274-00144273-00144542 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00275-00144788-00145096 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00276-00145319-00145600 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00277-00145847-00146130 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00278-00146377-00146684 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00279-00146930-00147238 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00280-00147484-00147792 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00281-00148039-00148322 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00282-00148545-00148826 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00283-00149073-00149357 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00284-00149603-00149887 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00285-00150120-00150388 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00286-00150611-00150893 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00287-00151139-00151446 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00288-00151693-00151976 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00289-00152209-00152478 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00290-00152725-00153008 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00291-00153255-00153562 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00292-00153785-00154066 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00293-00154313-00154620 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00294-00154866-00155174 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00295-00155420-00155728 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00296-00155975-00156258 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00297-00156481-00156762 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00298-00157008-00157316 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00299-00157562-00157870 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00300-00158093-00158374 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00301-00158620-00158904 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00302-00159150-00159458 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00303-00159704-00160012 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00304-00160259-00160542 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00305-00160765-00161046 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00306-00161279-00161548 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00307-00161795-00162078 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00308-00162325-00162632 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00309-00162878-00163162 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00310-00163409-00163693 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00311-00163939-00164246 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00312-00164479-00164748 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00313-00164971-00165252 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00314-00165499-00165782 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00315-00166029-00166336 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00316-00166583-00166866 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00317-00167113-00167397 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00318-00167643-00167927 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00319-00168150-00168431 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00320-00168654-00168935 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00321-00169181-00169489 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00322-00169735-00170043 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00323-00170289-00170596 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00324-00170829-00171098 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00325-00171344-00171652 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00326-00171899-00172182 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00327-00172415-00172684 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00328-00172907-00173188 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00329-00173434-00173742 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00330-00173988-00174295 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00331-00174542-00174826 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00332-00175049-00175330 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00333-00175563-00175831 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00334-00176055-00176336 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00335-00176582-00176866 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00336-00177089-00177370 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00337-00177617-00177900 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00338-00178133-00178402 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00339-00178648-00178956 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00340-00179203-00179486 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00341-00179733-00180040 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00342-00180286-00180570 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00343-00180793-00181074 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00344-00181298-00181578 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00345-00181825-00182109 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00346-00182355-00182663 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00347-00182909-00183216 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00348-00183450-00183718 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00349-00183964-00184272 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00350-00184518-00184802 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00351-00185049-00185332 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00352-00185579-00185886 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00353-00186133-00186416 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00354-00186663-00186947 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00355-00187193-00187477 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00356-00187700-00187981 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00357-00188204-00188485 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00358-00188731-00189039 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00359-00189285-00189593 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00360-00189839-00190146 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00361-00190393-00190677 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00362-00190923-00191231 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00363-00191464-00191732 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00364-00191979-00192262 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00365-00192495-00192764 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00366-00192997-00193265 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00367-00193499-00193767 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00368-00194014-00194298 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00369-00194544-00194828 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00370-00195074-00195381 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00371-00195605-00195886 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00372-00196132-00196416 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00373-00196662-00196970 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00374-00197193-00197474 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00375-00197707-00197976 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00376-00198222-00198506 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00377-00198752-00199059 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00378-00199306-00199613 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00379-00199846-00200115 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00380-00200348-00200616 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00381-00200863-00201147 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00382-00201380-00201648 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00383-00201895-00202202 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00384-00202425-00202706 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00385-00202953-00203237 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00386-00203483-00203791 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00387-00204037-00204344 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00388-00204567-00204848 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00389-00205095-00205379 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00390-00205612-00205880 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00391-00206113-00206382 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00392-00206628-00206912 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00393-00207158-00207466 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00394-00207712-00208019 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00395-00208266-00208550 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00396-00208796-00209080 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00397-00209303-00209584 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00398-00209831-00210114 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00399-00210361-00210668 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00400-00210901-00211170 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00401-00211393-00211674 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00402-00211921-00212228 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00403-00212461-00212730 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00404-00212953-00213233 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00405-00213457-00213738 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00406-00213984-00214268 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00407-00214514-00214822 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00408-00215055-00215323 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00409-00215570-00215854 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00410-00216100-00216408 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00411-00216654-00216961 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00412-00217208-00217515 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00413-00217762-00218045 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00414-00218292-00218599 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00415-00218845-00219153 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00416-00219386-00219654 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00417-00219887-00220156 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00418-00220379-00220660 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00419-00220907-00221214 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00420-00221461-00221768 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00421-00222001-00222269 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00422-00222516-00222823 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00423-00223046-00223327 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00424-00223573-00223881 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00425-00224104-00224385 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00426-00224632-00224939 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00427-00225162-00225443 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00428-00225666-00225948 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00429-00226171-00226451 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00430-00226698-00226982 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00431-00227228-00227536 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00432-00227782-00228090 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00433-00228336-00228643 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00434-00228876-00229145 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00435-00229391-00229699 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00436-00229922-00230203 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00437-00230449-00230756 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00438-00231003-00231310 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00439-00231557-00231864 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00440-00232097-00232366 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00441-00232589-00232870 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00442-00233116-00233424 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00443-00233657-00233925 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00444-00234148-00234429 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00445-00234652-00234934 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00446-00235180-00235487 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00447-00235734-00236041 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00448-00236274-00236543 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00449-00236766-00237047 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00450-00237293-00237601 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00451-00237824-00238105 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00452-00238328-00238609 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00453-00238855-00239163 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00454-00239410-00239693 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00455-00239916-00240197 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00456-00240430-00240699 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00457-00240945-00241252 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00458-00241499-00241806 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00459-00242053-00242360 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00460-00242607-00242891 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00461-00243137-00243444 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00462-00243691-00243974 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00463-00244221-00244528 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00464-00244751-00245033 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00465-00245279-00245563 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00466-00245809-00246116 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00467-00246363-00246647 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00468-00246880-00247148 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00469-00247395-00247679 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00470-00247902-00248183 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00471-00248429-00248713 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00472-00248959-00249267 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00473-00249500-00249768 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00474-00250001-00250270 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00475-00250516-00250824 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00476-00251047-00251328 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00477-00251561-00251830 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00478-00252076-00252383 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00479-00252630-00252913 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00480-00253160-00253467 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00481-00253714-00253998 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00482-00254244-00254528 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00483-00254751-00255032 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00484-00255279-00255586 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00485-00255832-00256116 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00486-00256349-00256618 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00487-00256841-00257122 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00488-00257369-00257652 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00489-00257898-00258206 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00490-00258439-00258707 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00491-00258931-00259212 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00492-00259458-00259766 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00493-00259989-00260269 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00494-00260516-00260823 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00495-00261070-00261354 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00496-00261577-00261858 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00497-00262105-00262388 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00498-00262635-00262918 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00499-00263165-00263472 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00500-00263719-00264026 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00501-00264259-00264528 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00502-00264751-00265032 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00503-00265255-00265536 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00504-00265783-00266066 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00505-00266313-00266596 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00506-00266843-00267150 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00507-00267373-00267655 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00508-00267901-00268185 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00509-00268418-00268686 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00510-00268909-00269191 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00511-00269437-00269744 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00512-00269978-00270246 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00513-00270492-00270800 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00514-00271023-00271304 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00515-00271550-00271857 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00516-00272104-00272388 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00517-00272621-00272890 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00518-00273123-00273391 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00519-00273614-00273895 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00520-00274141-00274449 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00521-00274696-00274979 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00522-00275226-00275533 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00523-00275780-00276087 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00524-00276310-00276591 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00525-00276838-00277121 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00526-00277354-00277623 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00527-00277846-00278127 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00528-00278374-00278657 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00529-00278904-00279187 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00530-00279434-00279741 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00531-00279964-00280246 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00532-00280492-00280799 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00533-00281033-00281301 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00534-00281547-00281831 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00535-00282054-00282335 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00536-00282582-00282865 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00537-00283112-00283396 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00538-00283629-00283898 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00539-00284131-00284399 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00540-00284646-00284953 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00541-00285199-00285483 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00542-00285729-00286037 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00543-00286260-00286541 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00544-00286788-00287095 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00545-00287318-00287599 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00546-00287846-00288129 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00547-00288376-00288683 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00548-00288916-00289185 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00549-00289418-00289686 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00550-00289933-00290240 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00551-00290487-00290794 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00552-00291040-00291348 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00553-00291571-00291852 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00554-00292098-00292405 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00555-00292629-00292910 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00556-00293143-00293411 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00557-00293635-00293915 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00558-00294162-00294446 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00559-00294692-00295000 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00560-00295246-00295553 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00561-00295787-00296055 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00562-00296301-00296585 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00563-00296818-00297087 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00564-00297320-00297588 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00565-00297811-00298093 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00566-00298339-00298623 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00567-00298856-00299124 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00568-00299371-00299655 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00569-00299901-00300208 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00570-00300455-00300762 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00571-00300995-00301264 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00572-00301487-00301768 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00573-00302001-00302269 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00574-00302516-00302823 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00575-00303069-00303377 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00576-00303623-00303931 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00577-00304154-00304435 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00578-00304668-00304937 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00579-00305183-00305490 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00580-00305737-00306020 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00581-00306267-00306551 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00582-00306797-00307105 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00583-00307351-00307635 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00584-00307868-00308136 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00585-00308369-00308638 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00586-00308861-00309142 E z-TaHFZiEpu-00587-00309389-00309672 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00588-00309919-00310203 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00589-00310449-00310757 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00590-00311003-00311287 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00591-00311520-00311788 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00592-00312035-00312319 A z-TaHFZiEpu-00593-00312565-00312873 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00594-00313119-00313426 N z-TaHFZiEpu-00595-00313659-00313928 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00596-00314161-00314430 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00597-00314663-00314931 T z-TaHFZiEpu-00598-00315177-00315461 A z_XG7xJJgWk-00000-00000072-00000456 It’s crazy when you think about all of the different kinds of food we eat. z_XG7xJJgWk-00001-00000456-00000784 We just swallow and hope it all works out for the best. z_XG7xJJgWk-00002-00000840-00001080 Well, it turns out there are better ways z_XG7xJJgWk-00003-00001080-00001408 to think about keeping our bodies humming healthfully along. z_XG7xJJgWk-00004-00001408-00001607 Welcome to Nutrition Facts. z_XG7xJJgWk-00005-00001607-00001896 I’m your host Dr. Michael Greger. z_XG7xJJgWk-00006-00001896-00002336 Today we’ve got more from our series on the best diet for thyroid function, z_XG7xJJgWk-00007-00002336-00002752 starting with some research on plant based foods and thyroid health. z_XG7xJJgWk-00008-00002752-00003096 There are several autoimmune diseases that affect the thyroid gland, z_XG7xJJgWk-00009-00003096-00003615 the most common being Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. z_XG7xJJgWk-00010-00003615-00004112 Graves' disease results in hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid gland. z_XG7xJJgWk-00011-00004112-00004512 Though slaughterhouses are supposed to remove thyroid glands, z_XG7xJJgWk-00012-00004512-00004928 should some neck meat slip in, you can suffer a similar syndrome z_XG7xJJgWk-00013-00004928-00005216 called hamburger thyrotoxicosis. z_XG7xJJgWk-00014-00005216-00005528 But that's not from your body making too much thyroid hormone; z_XG7xJJgWk-00015-00005528-00005816 that's from your body eating too much thyroid hormone. z_XG7xJJgWk-00016-00005816-00006288 Graves' disease is much more common, and meat-free diets may be able to help z_XG7xJJgWk-00017-00006288-00006568 with both, as plant-based diets may be associated z_XG7xJJgWk-00018-00006568-00006816 with a low prevalence of autoimmune disease z_XG7xJJgWk-00019-00006816-00007208 in general, as observed, for example, in rural sub-Saharan Africa. z_XG7xJJgWk-00020-00007208-00007495 Maybe it's because plants are packed with antioxidants, z_XG7xJJgWk-00021-00007495-00007808 which are possible protective factors against autoimmune diseases. z_XG7xJJgWk-00022-00007864-00008192 Maybe it's because plants are packed with anti-inflammatory compounds. z_XG7xJJgWk-00023-00008192-00008640 After all, a whole food plant-based diet is basically synonymous with z_XG7xJJgWk-00024-00008640-00009304 an anti-inflammatory diet. But you don't know until you put it to the test. z_XG7xJJgWk-00025-00009304-00009744 It turns out the exclusion of all animal foods was associated with z_XG7xJJgWk-00026-00009744-00010152 half the prevalence of hyperthyroidism compared with omnivorous diets. z_XG7xJJgWk-00027-00010152-00010456 Lacto-ovo vegetarian and fish-only diets were associated z_XG7xJJgWk-00028-00010456-00010936 with intermediate protection, but a 52% lower odds of hyperthyroidism z_XG7xJJgWk-00029-00010936-00011240 among those eating strictly plant-based diets. z_XG7xJJgWk-00030-00011312-00011640 This apparent protection may be due to the exclusion of animal foods, z_XG7xJJgWk-00031-00011640-00011928 the benefits of plant foods, or both. z_XG7xJJgWk-00032-00011928-00012216 Animal foods, like meat, eggs, and dairy products, may contain z_XG7xJJgWk-00033-00012216-00012464 high estrogen concentrations, for example, z_XG7xJJgWk-00034-00012464-00012768 which have been linked to autoimmunity in preclinical studies. z_XG7xJJgWk-00035-00012768-00013136 Or the decrease in animal protein may downregulate IGF-1, z_XG7xJJgWk-00036-00013136-00013376 which is not just a cancer- promoting growth hormone, z_XG7xJJgWk-00037-00013376-00013680 but may play a role in autoimmune diseases as well. z_XG7xJJgWk-00038-00013752-00014088 Or it could be the good stuff in plants that may protect cells, z_XG7xJJgWk-00039-00014088-00014519 like the polyphenol phytochemicals, such as flavonoids found in plant foods. z_XG7xJJgWk-00040-00014519-00014840 Maybe it's the environmental toxins that build up in the food chain. z_XG7xJJgWk-00041-00014840-00015200 For example, fish contaminated with industrial pollutants, like PCBs, z_XG7xJJgWk-00042-00015200-00015584 are associated with increased frequency of thyroid disorders. z_XG7xJJgWk-00043-00015736-00016224 Okay, what about the other autoimmune thyroid disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, z_XG7xJJgWk-00044-00016224-00016592 which, assuming you're getting enough iodine, is the primary cause z_XG7xJJgWk-00045-00016592-00017144 of hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid gland. Graves' disease z_XG7xJJgWk-00046-00017144-00017568 wasn't the only autoimmune disorder that was rare or virtually unknown z_XG7xJJgWk-00047-00017568-00017984 among those living in rural sub-Saharan Africa, eating near-vegan diets. z_XG7xJJgWk-00048-00017984-00018488 They also appeared to have less Hashimoto's. There's evidence z_XG7xJJgWk-00049-00018488-00018864 that those with Hashimoto's have compromised antioxidant status, z_XG7xJJgWk-00050-00018864-00019104 but we don't know if it's cause or effect. z_XG7xJJgWk-00051-00019104-00019424 But if you look at the dietary factors associated with blood levels z_XG7xJJgWk-00052-00019424-00019904 of autoimmune anti-thyroid antibodies, animal fats seem to be associated z_XG7xJJgWk-00053-00019904-00020000 with higher levels, z_XG7xJJgWk-00054-00020000-00020368 whereas vegetables and other plant foods are associated with lower levels. z_XG7xJJgWk-00055-00020368-00020632 So again, anti-inflammatory diets may be useful. z_XG7xJJgWk-00056-00020704-00021032 No surprise, as Hashimoto's is an inflammatory disease. z_XG7xJJgWk-00057-00021032-00021472 That's what thyroiditis means: inflammation of the thyroid gland. z_XG7xJJgWk-00058-00021528-00021896 Another possibility is the reduction in methionine intake, an amino acid z_XG7xJJgWk-00059-00021896-00022312 concentrated in animal protein, thought to be one reason why the consumption z_XG7xJJgWk-00060-00022312-00022760 of whole plant foods is likely to have a favorable influence on longevity, z_XG7xJJgWk-00061-00022760-00023144 through decreasing the risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. z_XG7xJJgWk-00062-00023144-00023520 And methionine restriction improves thyroid function in mice, z_XG7xJJgWk-00063-00023520-00024016 but it has yet to be put to the test for Hashimoto's in humans. z_XG7xJJgWk-00064-00024016-00024456 If you compare the poop of patients with Hashimoto's to controls, z_XG7xJJgWk-00065-00024456-00024792 the condition appears to be related to a clear reduction z_XG7xJJgWk-00066-00024792-00025296 in the concentration of Prevotella species. Prevotella are good z_XG7xJJgWk-00067-00025296-00025664 fiber-eating bugs known to enhance anti-inflammatory activities. z_XG7xJJgWk-00068-00025664-00025952 Decreased Prevotella levels are also something you see in z_XG7xJJgWk-00069-00025952-00026376 other autoimmune conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes. z_XG7xJJgWk-00070-00026439-00026880 How do you get more Prevotella? Eat more plants. z_XG7xJJgWk-00071-00026960-00027248 But put a vegetarian on a diet of meat, eggs, and dairy, z_XG7xJJgWk-00072-00027248-00027639 and within as few as four days you can drive down levels. z_XG7xJJgWk-00073-00027639-00028088 So one would expect those eating plant- based diets to have less Hashimoto's, z_XG7xJJgWk-00074-00028088-00028448 but in a previous video I expressed concern about insufficient iodine intake, z_XG7xJJgWk-00075-00028448-00028639 which could also lead to hypothyroidism. z_XG7xJJgWk-00076-00028639-00028976 So, which is it? Let's find out. z_XG7xJJgWk-00077-00029072-00029439 Vegan diets tended to be associated with lower, not higher, z_XG7xJJgWk-00078-00029439-00029824 risk of hypothyroid disease. Why the word "tended"? z_XG7xJJgWk-00079-00029880-00030239 Because the associated protection against hypothyroidism incidence and prevalence z_XG7xJJgWk-00080-00030239-00030560 studies did not reach statistical significance. z_XG7xJJgWk-00081-00030624-00030864 It wasn't just because they were slimmer. z_XG7xJJgWk-00082-00030864-00031048 The lower risk existed even after z_XG7xJJgWk-00083-00031048-00031432 controlling for body weight, so they think maybe it's because z_XG7xJJgWk-00084-00031432-00031695 animal products may induce inflammation. z_XG7xJJgWk-00085-00031695-00032095 The question I have, though, is: if someone who already has Hashimoto's, z_XG7xJJgWk-00086-00032095-00032344 I mean, what happens if you change their diet? z_XG7xJJgWk-00087-00032344-00032695 That's exactly what I'll explore next. z_XG7xJJgWk-00088-00032784-00033240 Finally today, we look at the results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial z_XG7xJJgWk-00089-00033240-00033784 of a half teaspoon of powdered black cumin a day in Hashimoto’s patients. z_XG7xJJgWk-00090-00033784-00034312 Autoimmune thyroiditis, also known as Hashimoto's disease, is an organ-specific z_XG7xJJgWk-00091-00034312-00034728 autoimmune disorder where your body attacks your own thyroid gland, z_XG7xJJgWk-00092-00034728-00035152 often leading to hypothyroidism due to destruction and scarring z_XG7xJJgWk-00093-00035152-00035256 of the gland itself. z_XG7xJJgWk-00094-00035312-00035664 We know there's a genetic component, since identical twins are more likely to z_XG7xJJgWk-00095-00035664-00036192 share the disease than fraternal twins. However, even with identical twins, z_XG7xJJgWk-00096-00036192-00036712 the concordance rate was only about 50%, meaning even if your identical twin, z_XG7xJJgWk-00097-00036712-00037160 with basically the exact same DNA as you, has the disease, there's only like z_XG7xJJgWk-00098-00037160-00037672 a flip of a coin's chance you'll get it, emphasizing that other important factors z_XG7xJJgWk-00099-00037672-00038112 other than your genes play a role in the development of the disease. z_XG7xJJgWk-00100-00038112-00038560 Genes load the gun, but environment may pull the trigger. z_XG7xJJgWk-00101-00038616-00038968 More than 90 chemicals have been noted disrupting hormonal balance z_XG7xJJgWk-00102-00038968-00039320 or thyroid function; however, only a few such pollutants show evidence z_XG7xJJgWk-00103-00039320-00039632 that they contribute to autoimmune thyroid disease. z_XG7xJJgWk-00104-00039632-00039984 These include polyaromatic hydrocarbons, which smokers z_XG7xJJgWk-00105-00039984-00040152 get a lot from their cigarettes, z_XG7xJJgWk-00106-00040152-00040552 but in nonsmokers, exposure comes almost entirely from food. z_XG7xJJgWk-00107-00040616-00040952 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are primarily formed when muscle meats, z_XG7xJJgWk-00108-00040952-00041248 such as beef and pork, fish, or chicken, are cooked z_XG7xJJgWk-00109-00041248-00041480 by high temperature methods such as grilling. z_XG7xJJgWk-00110-00041568-00042032 PBBs are a type of flame-retardant chemical no longer manufactured z_XG7xJJgWk-00111-00042032-00042320 in the U.S., but still found in the aquatic food chain. z_XG7xJJgWk-00112-00042320-00042776 And PCBs are used in a number of industrial processes and end up z_XG7xJJgWk-00113-00042776-00043120 in peoples' bodies largely through the consumption of fish as well, z_XG7xJJgWk-00114-00043120-00043304 but also other meat and eggs. z_XG7xJJgWk-00115-00043360-00043736 So one might suspect those eating plant- based diets would have lower rates z_XG7xJJgWk-00116-00043736-00044104 of hypothyroidism, and indeed, despite their lower iodine intake, z_XG7xJJgWk-00117-00044104-00044344 vegan diets tended to be protective. z_XG7xJJgWk-00118-00044344-00044696 But they've never been put to the test in an interventional trial. z_XG7xJJgWk-00119-00044696-00045184 A modification of the Paleolithic diet has been tried in Hashimoto's patients, z_XG7xJJgWk-00120-00045248-00045544 but didn't appear to improve thyroid function. z_XG7xJJgWk-00121-00045544-00045944 What did, though, was Nigella Sativa. z_XG7xJJgWk-00122-00045944-00046392 That name should sound familiar to anyone who's read my latest book "How Not to Diet" z_XG7xJJgWk-00123-00046392-00046832 or watched my latest live presentation "Evidence-Based Weight Loss." z_XG7xJJgWk-00124-00046832-00047432 Nigella Sativa is the sciency name for black cumin, which is just z_XG7xJJgWk-00125-00047432-00047872 a simple spice, but it's also used for a variety of medicinal purposes. z_XG7xJJgWk-00126-00047936-00048376 In this study, a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial of eight weeks z_XG7xJJgWk-00127-00048376-00048840 of a half teaspoon of powdered black cumin a day in Hashimoto's patients. z_XG7xJJgWk-00128-00048840-00049176 Not only was there a significant reduction in body weight, z_XG7xJJgWk-00129-00049176-00049640 which is why I profiled it in the book, it also significantly reduced thyroid z_XG7xJJgWk-00130-00049640-00050048 stimulating hormone, a sign that thyroid function was improving. z_XG7xJJgWk-00131-00050048-00050472 It even lowered the level of autoimmune anti-thyroid antibodies, as well as z_XG7xJJgWk-00132-00050472-00050968 increasing blood levels of thyroid hormone T3 in these Hashimoto's patients. z_XG7xJJgWk-00133-00050968-00051255 In addition, there was a significant drop in Interleukin 23, z_XG7xJJgWk-00134-00051255-00051720 a proinflammatory cell signal thought to help promote the autoimmune inflammation z_XG7xJJgWk-00135-00051720-00052288 of the thyroid, so further confirming the anti-inflammatory nature of the plant. z_XG7xJJgWk-00136-00052288-00052744 And what were the side effects? Well, a 17% drop in LDL bad cholesterol. z_XG7xJJgWk-00137-00052800-00053104 Given the fact that patients with Hashimoto's may be at particularly z_XG7xJJgWk-00138-00053104-00053455 high risk of developing heart disease, this is exactly z_XG7xJJgWk-00139-00053455-00053616 the kind of side effect we'd want. z_XG7xJJgWk-00140-00053679-00053920 Considering these health-promoting effects of black cumin, z_XG7xJJgWk-00141-00053920-00054144 it can be considered as a therapeutic approach z_XG7xJJgWk-00142-00054144-00054536 in the management of Hashimoto's- related metabolic abnormalities. z_XG7xJJgWk-00143-00054600-00054872 A similar trial failed to find a benefit though. z_XG7xJJgWk-00144-00054872-00055304 Same dose, same time frame, but no significant changes in thyroid function. z_XG7xJJgWk-00145-00055367-00055760 In contrast with the last study, though, they were not all Hashimoto's patients, z_XG7xJJgWk-00146-00055760-00056216 but rather hypothyroid for any reason, and that may have diluted the results. z_XG7xJJgWk-00147-00056216-00056584 And it's possible that telling patients to take the black cumin doses z_XG7xJJgWk-00148-00056584-00056936 with their thyroid hormone replacement therapy may have interfered z_XG7xJJgWk-00149-00056936-00057264 with its absorption, similar to other foods and drugs, z_XG7xJJgWk-00150-00057264-00057584 which is why patients are normally told to take it on an empty stomach. z_XG7xJJgWk-00151-00057664-00058016 Since there are no downsides— I mean, it's just a simple spice— z_XG7xJJgWk-00152-00058016-00058184 I figure, why not give it a try? z_XG7xJJgWk-00153-00058184-00058647 The worst that can happen is you'll have tastier food. z_XG7xJJgWk-00154-00058752-00059032 We would love it if you could share with us your stories z_XG7xJJgWk-00155-00059032-00059352 about reinventing your health through evidence-based nutrition. z_XG7xJJgWk-00156-00059352-00059600 Go to nutritionfacts.org/testimonials. z_XG7xJJgWk-00157-00059600-00059952 We may share it on our social media to help inspire others. z_XG7xJJgWk-00158-00060024-00060455 To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, or studies mentioned here, z_XG7xJJgWk-00159-00060455-00060816 please go to the Nutrition Facts Podcast landing page. z_XG7xJJgWk-00160-00060816-00061055 There you’ll find all the detailed information you need – z_XG7xJJgWk-00161-00061055-00061504 plus links to all of the sources we cite for each of these topics. z_XG7xJJgWk-00162-00061504-00061848 For a timely text on the pathogens that cause pandemics – z_XG7xJJgWk-00163-00061848-00062008 you can order the e-book, audio book, z_XG7xJJgWk-00164-00062008-00062504 or hard copy of my latest book “How to Survive a Pandemic.” z_XG7xJJgWk-00165-00062504-00062840 For recipes, check out my new “How Not to Diet Cookbook”. z_XG7xJJgWk-00166-00062840-00063400 It’s beautifully designed, with more than 100 recipes for delicious and nutritious meals. z_XG7xJJgWk-00167-00063400-00063872 And all proceeds I receive from the sales of all my books goes to charity. z_XG7xJJgWk-00168-00063928-00064376 NutritionFacts.org itself is a nonprofit, science-based public service, z_XG7xJJgWk-00169-00064376-00064608 where you can sign up for free daily updates z_XG7xJJgWk-00170-00064608-00065016 on the latest in nutrition research via bite-sized videos and articles. z_XG7xJJgWk-00171-00065016-00065224 Everything on the website is free. z_XG7xJJgWk-00172-00065224-00065479 There’s no ads, no corporate sponsorship. z_XG7xJJgWk-00173-00065479-00065792 It’s strictly non-commercial. I’m not selling anything. z_XG7xJJgWk-00174-00065792-00066156 I just put it up as a public service, as a labor of love – z_XG7xJJgWk-00175-00066156-00066416 as a tribute to my grandmother – z_XG7xJJgWk-00176-00066416-00066680 whose own life was saved with evidence-based nutrition. zDHo9IfPJb0-00000-00000000-00000474 I present to you that 90% of the body of Christ is ignorant of these things. And zDHo9IfPJb0-00001-00000474-00001625 even more than that, about some of things I'm going to share. The Holy Ghost is God zDHo9IfPJb0-00002-00001625-00002474 in the earth today. Did you know that? And how do you walk with Him? By saying words. zDHo9IfPJb0-00003-00002474-00003077 That's right. You've got that. You've got a lot if you got that. You've got a lot more than zDHo9IfPJb0-00004-00003077-00003654 a lot of other people have. Did you know that? I mean, you can distill a lot of zDHo9IfPJb0-00005-00003654-00004557 things down to that! Anyway, so do you have a Bible? Awesome. Let's go to first zDHo9IfPJb0-00006-00004557-00005048 Corinthians chapter 12 zDHo9IfPJb0-00007-00005053-00005766 Hallelujah. First Corinthians chapter 12 and then let's pray. Holy Ghost I thank zDHo9IfPJb0-00008-00005766-00006276 you for being here for being God in the earth today where we can walk with you by zDHo9IfPJb0-00009-00006276-00006797 saying words. We thank you that those words go forth into the earth and cause zDHo9IfPJb0-00010-00006797-00007256 manifestations that have never happened before. We thank you that things are zDHo9IfPJb0-00011-00007256-00007802 happening right now and we yield to you Holy Ghost in Jesus name Amen zDHo9IfPJb0-00012-00007802-00008685 all right so we've been talking about this I think is the third message on the zDHo9IfPJb0-00013-00008685-00009390 diversity of operations. have you heard that before say diversity of operations zDHo9IfPJb0-00014-00009390-00009822 you know and I'm hoping to kind of wrap things up today but I don't know if zDHo9IfPJb0-00015-00009822-00010265 that's gonna happen but in first Corinthians yeah first Corinthians zDHo9IfPJb0-00016-00010265-00011165 chapter 12 and let's start in verse 1 now concerning spiritual gifts brethren zDHo9IfPJb0-00017-00011165-00011853 I would not have you ignorant who wrote who wrote these words the Holy Ghost zDHo9IfPJb0-00018-00011853-00012420 inspired Paul that we know of to write these words and he says concerning zDHo9IfPJb0-00019-00012420-00013044 things pertaining to me or to the spirit I don't want you to be ignorant now what zDHo9IfPJb0-00020-00013044-00013608 would that imply it the things that follow they might be zDHo9IfPJb0-00021-00013608-00014160 ignorant of those things I present to you 90% of the body of Christ is zDHo9IfPJb0-00022-00014160-00014499 ignorant of these things and even more than that about some of the things I'm zDHo9IfPJb0-00023-00014499-00015294 gonna share say ignorant right they're ignorant of it the Bible clearly says zDHo9IfPJb0-00024-00015294-00015744 they are right that could apply to us too but you know hopefully this is zDHo9IfPJb0-00025-00015744-00016104 written here so that we won't be as ignorant as we were before we got here zDHo9IfPJb0-00026-00016104-00017016 right say I'd like to be not as ignorant as I was before I got here well welcome zDHo9IfPJb0-00027-00017016-00017505 right okay now concerning things pertaining the zDHo9IfPJb0-00028-00017505-00017898 spirit it could be written that way brethren I would not have you ignorant zDHo9IfPJb0-00029-00017898-00018510 you know that you were Gentiles carried away unto these dumb idols even as you zDHo9IfPJb0-00030-00018510-00019052 were led now why do you think he called him dumb idols because they don't speak zDHo9IfPJb0-00031-00019052-00019647 right so and we know that walking with the Holy Ghost is by speaking and guess zDHo9IfPJb0-00032-00019647-00020235 what the Holy Ghost speaks and he speaks of himself you know that you were zDHo9IfPJb0-00033-00020235-00020724 Gentiles carried away into these dumb idols even as you were led wherefore I zDHo9IfPJb0-00034-00020724-00021381 give you to understand that no man speaking say speaking speaking by the zDHo9IfPJb0-00035-00021381-00021993 Spirit of God so you have a guy who's dumb and not speaking and you have one zDHo9IfPJb0-00036-00021993-00022509 who is not dumb because he's speaking by the Spirit of God are you here is this zDHo9IfPJb0-00037-00022509-00023028 too difficult well if I give you to understand that no man speaking by the zDHo9IfPJb0-00038-00023028-00023679 Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed right and that no man can say that jesus is zDHo9IfPJb0-00039-00023679-00024270 the lord but by the holy ghost so what mechanism is somebody going to zDHo9IfPJb0-00040-00024270-00024858 say that "Jesus is lord" by by the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost inspiring them can zDHo9IfPJb0-00041-00024858-00025560 they do that without the Holy Ghost No now verse four now there are diversities zDHo9IfPJb0-00042-00025560-00026460 of gifts but the same spirit what spirit different spirit you you don't think zDHo9IfPJb0-00043-00026460-00026688 he's talking about different spirit in verse four now zDHo9IfPJb0-00044-00026688-00027225 no the same spirit right there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit zDHo9IfPJb0-00045-00027225-00027861 there are differences of administration's but the same who Lord zDHo9IfPJb0-00046-00027861-00028341 who would this Lord be talking about would have to be the Holy Ghost because zDHo9IfPJb0-00047-00028341-00028664 he says now concerning things pertaining to the spirit I don't want you to be zDHo9IfPJb0-00048-00028664-00029022 ignorant he goes on and says they're all by the spirit and then he says the same zDHo9IfPJb0-00049-00029022-00029412 Lord I can take you to other verses of Scripture where the Holy Ghost is called zDHo9IfPJb0-00050-00029412-00030127 Lord many times but we're still talking about the same spirit right so he's got zDHo9IfPJb0-00051-00030127-00030702 diversities of gifts and there are differences of administration's right zDHo9IfPJb0-00052-00030702-00031083 the administration's could be service we could translate that that might make a zDHo9IfPJb0-00053-00031083-00031686 little more sense to us differences of gifts but the same spirit differences of zDHo9IfPJb0-00054-00031686-00032367 administration's but the same Lord there are diversities of operations say zDHo9IfPJb0-00055-00032367-00033270 diversities of operations diversities of operations but it is the same God which zDHo9IfPJb0-00056-00033270-00033828 works all in all are you seeing this so he's called the spirit zDHo9IfPJb0-00057-00033828-00034398 he's called Lord he's called the same God who are we talking about the Holy zDHo9IfPJb0-00058-00034398-00034944 Ghost and things pertaining to the Holy Ghost right there are diversities of zDHo9IfPJb0-00059-00034944-00035460 operations but the same God which works all in all and then verse 7 which have zDHo9IfPJb0-00060-00035460-00036039 preached on many times but the manifestation of the Spirit is given to zDHo9IfPJb0-00061-00036039-00036831 every man to profit withal now I've told you that there's a new manifestation of zDHo9IfPJb0-00062-00036831-00037209 the Spirit coming because we've been sowing new things to the spirit zDHo9IfPJb0-00063-00037209-00037719 predominantly worship which hasn't been done before which means when you sow to zDHo9IfPJb0-00064-00037719-00038166 the spirit you of the Spirit reap if you sow something different to the spirit zDHo9IfPJb0-00065-00038166-00038724 you're going to of the Spirit reap something different you see that and zDHo9IfPJb0-00066-00038724-00039258 though God won't be mocked over it there's a new manifestation of the zDHo9IfPJb0-00067-00039258-00039744 Spirit coming have you ever heard me say that can you hear that you can hear it zDHo9IfPJb0-00068-00039744-00040174 there's a new manifestation of the Spirit coming zDHo9IfPJb0-00069-00040174-00040823 but there's not gonna be a new manifest you see this new manifestation of the zDHo9IfPJb0-00070-00040823-00041405 spirit the but the manifestation of the Spirit is given you see that verse seven zDHo9IfPJb0-00071-00041405-00041867 there's not going to be a new manifestation of the Spirit given unless zDHo9IfPJb0-00072-00041867-00042359 there's a verse six the new manifestation of the Spirit given is in zDHo9IfPJb0-00073-00042359-00043250 verse seven right what's in verse six diversities of operation so there's no zDHo9IfPJb0-00074-00043250-00043712 new manifestation of the Spirit well verse six are you seeing this I'm really zDHo9IfPJb0-00075-00043712-00044030 kind of reviewing some stuff cuz I'm trying to wrap things up I've got some zDHo9IfPJb0-00076-00044030-00044720 more things to say about this but we need to get up to speed I worship you zDHo9IfPJb0-00077-00044720-00045449 Holy Ghost or using the words I worship you Holy Ghost is an operation of the zDHo9IfPJb0-00078-00045449-00045743 Spirit it's a new operation of the Spirit zDHo9IfPJb0-00079-00045743-00046415 it's a diversities of operation the word diversities means completely different zDHo9IfPJb0-00080-00046415-00046886 it's different than something else it's completely different so there's an zDHo9IfPJb0-00081-00046886-00047471 operation of the Spirit that's completely different right diversity zDHo9IfPJb0-00082-00047471-00048046 means different operation means effect an operation you go in for an operation zDHo9IfPJb0-00083-00048046-00048569 hopefully you get the right operation one operation does one thing another zDHo9IfPJb0-00084-00048569-00048968 does something else how many stories have you heard somebody you know huh zDHo9IfPJb0-00085-00048968-00049522 they have to write on their leg with a magic marker don't cut this one off zDHo9IfPJb0-00086-00049522-00050144 there are diversities of operations and I've told you and I hope you heard by zDHo9IfPJb0-00087-00050144-00050597 the Spirit of God that worshiping the Holy Ghost or using the words I worship zDHo9IfPJb0-00088-00050597-00050926 you Holy Ghost what does that mean using the words that worship your Holy Ghost zDHo9IfPJb0-00089-00050926-00051359 yeah in saying them right you go hi where's a few Holy Ghost Oh what is that zDHo9IfPJb0-00090-00051359-00051791 I worship you Holy Ghost there's so much that goes into that you're worshiping zDHo9IfPJb0-00091-00051791-00052202 God in the earth today how do you worship God how you walk with God by zDHo9IfPJb0-00092-00052202-00052630 saying words what words I worship you Holy Ghost would be a good place to zDHo9IfPJb0-00093-00052630-00053373 start right I worship you Holy Ghost is a different of zDHo9IfPJb0-00094-00053373-00053916 it's a different operation it has a different result do you know this when zDHo9IfPJb0-00095-00053916-00054288 you start using the words I worship you Holy Ghost which is an operation of the zDHo9IfPJb0-00096-00054288-00054777 Spirit it will take you to a place that can't be gotten to zDHo9IfPJb0-00097-00054777-00055620 without those words or that operation right you can't get there without going zDHo9IfPJb0-00098-00055620-00056220 from here so we can see that I worship you Holy Ghost is designed to take you zDHo9IfPJb0-00099-00056220-00056850 someplace it's an operation of the Spirit it's completely different it's so zDHo9IfPJb0-00100-00056850-00057432 different it doesn't even exist in most circles what does that mean if we've zDHo9IfPJb0-00101-00057432-00057714 been down these road what does that mean if it doesn't exist in that circle and zDHo9IfPJb0-00102-00057714-00058119 you worship the Holy Ghost you have to go outside that circle you go outside zDHo9IfPJb0-00103-00058119-00058566 the camp now the problem with going outside the camp it's scary because zDHo9IfPJb0-00104-00058566-00058944 nobody else is there and then you question everything but believe me I've zDHo9IfPJb0-00105-00058944-00059426 questioned everything I've tried to answer these questions as much as I can zDHo9IfPJb0-00106-00059426-00059850 message after message on the website you go there and look them up it answers all zDHo9IfPJb0-00107-00059850-00060314 of those questions what about this what about that what about this questions zDHo9IfPJb0-00108-00060314-00060891 right oh well the first question is old should I be doing this yeah should I be zDHo9IfPJb0-00109-00060891-00061505 worshipping God hmm that's a tough one let's see don't people don't think about zDHo9IfPJb0-00110-00061505-00062046 it that way wrote that down here told me to say that last week they have not zDHo9IfPJb0-00111-00062046-00062598 known me as God in the earth today if they had they would worship me it's as zDHo9IfPJb0-00112-00062598-00063116 simple as that if you know him as God in the earth today who the holy ghost he's zDHo9IfPJb0-00113-00063116-00063459 God in the earth today if you know him as God in the earth today you would zDHo9IfPJb0-00114-00063459-00064089 worship Him simple right but that doesn't exist it doesn't exist in those zDHo9IfPJb0-00115-00064089-00064725 circles I know I've been in all the circles running around in a circle are zDHo9IfPJb0-00116-00064725-00065085 you here and we see that I worship You Holy Ghost is designed to take you zDHo9IfPJb0-00117-00065085-00065547 someplace else now if I worship you Holy Ghost is an operation of the Spirit and zDHo9IfPJb0-00118-00065547-00066125 I've hopefully I've proved this to you and it's designed to take you somewhere zDHo9IfPJb0-00119-00066125-00066615 then without it you can't get to the place you need to go and I've talked zDHo9IfPJb0-00120-00066615-00066879 about other operation the spirit and operation of the spirit zDHo9IfPJb0-00121-00066879-00067176 with you being filled with the holy ghost of praying in other tongues that zDHo9IfPJb0-00122-00067176-00067682 is a wonderful operation of the spirit I do it a lot zDHo9IfPJb0-00123-00067706-00068241 elbow healing is an operation of the spirit the healing revival right we'll zDHo9IfPJb0-00124-00068241-00068547 talk about all these other revivals God doing an operation in the earth zDHo9IfPJb0-00125-00068547-00069027 administering things who the Holy Ghost I worship you Holy Ghost will take you zDHo9IfPJb0-00126-00069027-00069357 it can't it's a different operation is this making sense zDHo9IfPJb0-00127-00069357-00070098 there we for we can't get there by having a revival of old-time revivals we zDHo9IfPJb0-00128-00070098-00070461 all with great old time revival wonderful but it won't take us to where zDHo9IfPJb0-00129-00070461-00071004 we need to be right and all of the old-time revivals had people that had to zDHo9IfPJb0-00130-00071004-00071322 go outside the camp because the people in the camp didn't want anything to do zDHo9IfPJb0-00131-00071322-00071856 with that now you're here and it's uncomfortable because they're all zDHo9IfPJb0-00132-00071856-00072423 criticizing you and they all say you're a heretic so the Holy Ghost worship puts zDHo9IfPJb0-00133-00072423-00073029 you in a different category it's not found in Christianity I've looked it zDHo9IfPJb0-00134-00073029-00073470 means you have to go outside the camp does it mean you're a heretic no it just zDHo9IfPJb0-00135-00073470-00074091 means that you're moving with the Holy Ghost in a diverse operation say I'm zDHo9IfPJb0-00136-00074091-00075179 moving with the Holy Ghost in a diverse operation are you seeing this good zDHo9IfPJb0-00137-00075179-00075621 there's some circles they still debate whether people should speak in tongues zDHo9IfPJb0-00138-00075621-00076329 or not I'm floored over this because you know they obviously have no idea what's zDHo9IfPJb0-00139-00076329-00076788 going on that they would debate that debate all that passed away I had a zDHo9IfPJb0-00140-00076788-00077283 friend who you know we got him saved and filled with the Holy Ghost and all that zDHo9IfPJb0-00141-00077283-00077640 happy stuff you know and we'd have these Bible studies during the week and uh zDHo9IfPJb0-00142-00077640-00078012 come to find out later on he was like scared of me I didn't know that but he zDHo9IfPJb0-00143-00078012-00078444 was he was frightened of me the way I presented myself but he came anyway he zDHo9IfPJb0-00144-00078444-00079023 went off to a Bible College say a Bible College yeah they were kind of Fundy zDHo9IfPJb0-00145-00079023-00079443 fundamentalist types you know and he came back on vacation when were like zDHo9IfPJb0-00146-00079443-00079881 meeting up with him hey how's it going good to see you and you know he told us zDHo9IfPJb0-00147-00079881-00080202 that he could no longer pray tongues cuz he couldn't do it in faith zDHo9IfPJb0-00148-00080202-00080714 they had instructed him at the Bible College that this wasn't for today zDHo9IfPJb0-00149-00080714-00081339 people debate it people teach this and preach this so here we have people that zDHo9IfPJb0-00150-00081339-00081792 here's an operation of God coming through and he wants people right to be zDHo9IfPJb0-00151-00081792-00082134 filled with the Holy Ghost and he has this charismatic movement and now these zDHo9IfPJb0-00152-00082134-00082809 people are rejecting that it's gonna be difficult for them to catch up what zDHo9IfPJb0-00153-00082809-00083076 about you know and then you've got the healing people people would debate zDHo9IfPJb0-00154-00083076-00083571 whether it's God's will to heal people or not I don't know how they do that zDHo9IfPJb0-00155-00083571-00084177 with the word you know he heals you of all your sickness is right and all your zDHo9IfPJb0-00156-00084177-00084663 diseases how many is all well then what are you debating what's the debate I zDHo9IfPJb0-00157-00084663-00085074 guess the debate is whether you believe the word or not well the same debate zDHo9IfPJb0-00158-00085074-00085518 would go for us here with the Holy Ghost isn't the Holy Ghost God well yeah zDHo9IfPJb0-00159-00085518-00086151 should you worship him know if you knew him as God in the earth today you would zDHo9IfPJb0-00160-00086151-00086484 worship Him and if you did that's an operation of God that will take you zDHo9IfPJb0-00161-00086484-00086865 somewhere that you can't go without it right what about the Word of Faith so zDHo9IfPJb0-00162-00086865-00087372 much good teaching came out of the word of faith people debate it hate it zDHo9IfPJb0-00163-00087372-00087927 mock it criticize it write books about it have radio shows that do nothing but zDHo9IfPJb0-00164-00087927-00088671 Mock the word of faith or the prosperity message how do they do this something zDHo9IfPJb0-00165-00088671-00089046 that God is moving in the earth with operating on his body in the earth and zDHo9IfPJb0-00166-00089046-00089472 they reject it they're not going to be able to go on are they they've rejected zDHo9IfPJb0-00167-00089472-00089823 the past ones alright hey you here I think I made my point zDHo9IfPJb0-00168-00089823-00090371 some people would doubt it some people would debate it right zDHo9IfPJb0-00169-00090371-00091029 some would debate using the words I worship you Holy Ghost wouldn't they if zDHo9IfPJb0-00170-00091029-00091455 you tell people you go yeah I worship the Holy Ghost cuz he is God in the zDHo9IfPJb0-00171-00091455-00092190 earth today and he does something completely different to me would they zDHo9IfPJb0-00172-00092190-00092514 debate that they say oh well your that's not right zDHo9IfPJb0-00173-00092514-00093171 the first scripture they'll show you is that he doesn't speak of himself now zDHo9IfPJb0-00174-00093171-00093531 what it means he doesn't speak away from himself he is zDHo9IfPJb0-00175-00093531-00094066 the Spirit of Truth he won't speak away from the truth so help him God he's like zDHo9IfPJb0-00176-00094066-00094356 putting his hand on the Bible and saying I'll say the truth and nothing but the zDHo9IfPJb0-00177-00094356-00094885 truth so help me me that's what that means but they say oh he doesn't speak zDHo9IfPJb0-00178-00094885-00095229 of himself so he's not even going to talk about himself that's that's crazy zDHo9IfPJb0-00179-00095229-00095613 talk he's gone and show you time after time where the Holy Ghost is saying zDHo9IfPJb0-00180-00095613-00096298 listen to me go do this so how can they ever get to that place where they're zDHo9IfPJb0-00181-00096298-00096975 receiving this new operation of God this diverse operation if they don't receive zDHo9IfPJb0-00182-00096975-00097362 him as God in the earth today because I guarantee you if they received him as zDHo9IfPJb0-00183-00097362-00097707 God in the earth they would worship him because that's what you're supposed to zDHo9IfPJb0-00184-00097707-00098229 do with God I don't know if you knew that or not you worship God and pagans zDHo9IfPJb0-00185-00098229-00098829 know that you know pagans in India they have all these gods what do they do they zDHo9IfPJb0-00186-00098829-00099350 worship the God a little statue of the dumb ones they worship the dumb ones zDHo9IfPJb0-00187-00099350-00100263 we're not worshiping a dumb one he's the Holy Ghost he speaks right okay I think zDHo9IfPJb0-00188-00100263-00100707 we're making ground we're covering some ground here so some would debate whether zDHo9IfPJb0-00189-00100707-00101157 you should worship the Holy Ghost some would debate whether the Holy Ghost is zDHo9IfPJb0-00190-00101157-00101664 the only part of the Godhead in the earth today they would debate this and zDHo9IfPJb0-00191-00101664-00101998 if they're not debating it even though they might give lip service to it zDHo9IfPJb0-00192-00101998-00102426 they're certainly not acting that way any time I hear somebody giving an altar zDHo9IfPJb0-00193-00102426-00102997 call and say calm and and Jesus is going to touch you Jesus isn't going to touch zDHo9IfPJb0-00194-00102997-00103455 them Jesus isn't going to do anything that he hasn't already done 2,000 years zDHo9IfPJb0-00195-00103455-00104184 ago who will touch them the Holy Ghost because he's God in the earth today my zDHo9IfPJb0-00196-00104184-00104505 point here is that people would debate you on this and people would would take zDHo9IfPJb0-00197-00104505-00104886 the opposite stand and say that you're a heretic over this by saying hey well the zDHo9IfPJb0-00198-00104886-00105465 Holy Ghost he's the only part of the Godhead near of today in fact it's not zDHo9IfPJb0-00199-00105465-00105864 even up for debate in almost 90% of the churches it's not zDHo9IfPJb0-00200-00105864-00106201 even if this question of whether he's God in the earth today and you should zDHo9IfPJb0-00201-00106201-00106657 worship Him isn't up for debate it doesn't exist nobody's even zDHo9IfPJb0-00202-00106657-00107491 the question that's our job is to make sure people are getting this question zDHo9IfPJb0-00203-00107491-00108139 and we're proposing the question are you seeing this at some point your journey zDHo9IfPJb0-00204-00108139-00108643 takes you outside the camp what camp would you go outside of well the camps zDHo9IfPJb0-00205-00108643-00109059 were they don't worship the holy ghost who's God in the earth today what camp zDHo9IfPJb0-00206-00109059-00109563 would that be that'd be all the camps zDHo9IfPJb0-00207-00109569-00110058 but this is how it's done nobody likes it this way nobody wants a message it zDHo9IfPJb0-00208-00110058-00110484 takes him outside the camp unless they're hungry for God and he's taking zDHo9IfPJb0-00209-00110484-00110914 them outside the camp to give them a revelation that nobody else has and zDHo9IfPJb0-00210-00110914-00111298 that's rough because you sit there and you question yourself all the time zDHo9IfPJb0-00211-00111298-00111928 I need why me how many times you heard me say that why me why me probably it zDHo9IfPJb0-00212-00111928-00112453 sounds like to God you know I believe it I'm not the first one that God's given zDHo9IfPJb0-00213-00112453-00112809 this message to it's that they won't go there they're not willing remember the zDHo9IfPJb0-00214-00112809-00113230 other week guys sure they're not willing to sacrifice their big edifice that they zDHo9IfPJb0-00215-00113230-00113845 have for a revelation they don't consider that as valuable as all this zDHo9IfPJb0-00216-00113845-00114388 other stuff same thing I mean any of the other operations of God pray in tongues zDHo9IfPJb0-00217-00114388-00114823 is is praying in tongues or speaking in tongues more valuable to you than zDHo9IfPJb0-00218-00114823-00115185 staying in the camp that you're in that's the question you have to ask zDHo9IfPJb0-00219-00115185-00115908 yourself right most of us said well yeah I can't deny that now I mean you go far zDHo9IfPJb0-00220-00115908-00116283 enough into worshiping the Holy Ghost you can't go back and you can't deny him zDHo9IfPJb0-00221-00116283-00116995 I'm gonna deny him I know him as God in the earth today I must worship Him well zDHo9IfPJb0-00222-00116995-00118035 you can't hear well then I'm not here I'm over there right at some point your zDHo9IfPJb0-00223-00118035-00118225 journey takes you outside the camp you still here zDHo9IfPJb0-00224-00118225-00119020 any time you receive the new it removes you from the old I used to think old now zDHo9IfPJb0-00225-00119020-00119650 I think new you see and that new thinking especially when you worship the zDHo9IfPJb0-00226-00119650-00119998 Holy Ghost because he teaches you to profit he leads zDHo9IfPJb0-00227-00119998-00120349 you by the way that you should go he teaches you he's the one that Jesus sent zDHo9IfPJb0-00228-00120349-00120823 in the earth to teach you things he'll teach you everything right from the very zDHo9IfPJb0-00229-00120823-00121392 beginning and it's only when you wait a minute I don't know all the stuff that I zDHo9IfPJb0-00230-00121392-00121965 thought I used to know that you start to be open to what he's instructing you in zDHo9IfPJb0-00231-00121965-00122851 and it's very expensive it costs a lot it costs you everything many times say zDHo9IfPJb0-00232-00122851-00123247 everything did Jesus talked about this how many times did Jesus talk about this zDHo9IfPJb0-00233-00123247-00123607 so what you haven't come follow me he wasn't just talking about money he's zDHo9IfPJb0-00234-00123607-00123984 talking about all this stuff if I go follow him I'm gonna be accused of being zDHo9IfPJb0-00235-00123984-00124644 one of those no tongue talker your tongue talker if I'm talking don't talk zDHo9IfPJb0-00236-00124644-00125026 well I'm a Holy Ghost worshiper I believe the Holy Ghost is the only part zDHo9IfPJb0-00237-00125026-00125704 of the Godhead in yours today is that heresy there's that scripture it's zDHo9IfPJb0-00238-00125704-00126307 Scripture so I worship God in the earth he came into the earth now be different zDHo9IfPJb0-00239-00126307-00126847 if Jesus never left he said I'm gonna leave and send another did he yeah who's zDHo9IfPJb0-00240-00126847-00127453 the another the Holy Ghost is he here yet did he leave no did Jesus come back zDHo9IfPJb0-00241-00127453-00127825 yet now we've been on this a hundred times so who does that leave in the zDHo9IfPJb0-00242-00127825-00128259 earth the Holy Ghost who is God and we worship zDHo9IfPJb0-00243-00128259-00128932 Him and we walk with Him are you getting this so it's very expensive it costs zDHo9IfPJb0-00244-00128932-00129645 more now the expensive things are usually more valuable is that difficult zDHo9IfPJb0-00245-00129645-00130102 expensive things are usually more valuable right if it costs you a lot zDHo9IfPJb0-00246-00130102-00130654 it's usually it's usually better especially in the long run zDHo9IfPJb0-00247-00130654-00131291 you figure you buy an expensive car is it cost more to run and maintain yeah zDHo9IfPJb0-00248-00131291-00131815 right you get a cheap car yeah and throw a $30 part in it you buy you know a very zDHo9IfPJb0-00249-00131815-00132484 expensive car there are no $30 parts to throw in it and it costs more to drive zDHo9IfPJb0-00250-00132484-00133186 across more to maintain and cost more to insure right but is it better and we go zDHo9IfPJb0-00251-00133186-00133729 to a proverbs want you to see this proverbs 14 find it zDHo9IfPJb0-00252-00133729-00134599 proverbs 14 let's look at verse 4 where no oxen are the crib is clean is that zDHo9IfPJb0-00253-00134599-00134830 right let's say you got it you got a barn I'll zDHo9IfPJb0-00254-00134830-00135297 back your house and there's a crib in there for oxen and you don't have any zDHo9IfPJb0-00255-00135297-00135766 how clean is it in there it's pretty clean there's no oxygen in there and zDHo9IfPJb0-00256-00135766-00136174 what happens when I win a cow or an oxen goes into a place they dirty it up zDHo9IfPJb0-00257-00136174-00136753 pretty quickly they're big animals where no oxen are the crib is clean but much zDHo9IfPJb0-00258-00136753-00137308 increase say much increase much increases by the strength of the Ox zDHo9IfPJb0-00259-00137308-00137896 you see that what do you mean you can plow more you can go farther much zDHo9IfPJb0-00260-00137896-00138442 increase a much increase much increase comes by having the thing that has power zDHo9IfPJb0-00261-00138442-00139228 by having the thing that can do the work right and it's expensive I had you know zDHo9IfPJb0-00262-00139228-00139678 a woman's last time you bought an ox it's a while right they've gone up in zDHo9IfPJb0-00263-00139678-00140008 price they're not cheap anymore do you understand what I'm saying zDHo9IfPJb0-00264-00140008-00140509 an ox in the day would be a tractor price a tractor out what's a John Deere zDHo9IfPJb0-00265-00140509-00141154 tractor go for these days where no oxen are the crib is clean but much increase zDHo9IfPJb0-00266-00141154-00141448 comes by the strength of the box it means you know things get dirty things zDHo9IfPJb0-00267-00141448-00141859 get confusing things get their tech requires more maintenance I'm talking zDHo9IfPJb0-00268-00141859-00142543 about the diversity of operation of worshiping the Holy Ghost it's expensive zDHo9IfPJb0-00269-00142543-00143610 it cost a lot but say but but it does something that the other things can't do zDHo9IfPJb0-00270-00143610-00144097 it's like a tractor that can perform things that the other ones can't do zDHo9IfPJb0-00271-00144097-00144814 talking tongues all day I know I've even experimented with this caca dongsuk zDHo9IfPJb0-00272-00144814-00145249 tongues talking talking talking talking talking dongs all day long and it still zDHo9IfPJb0-00273-00145249-00145657 doesn't get me to the same place that I worship you Holy Ghost does for five zDHo9IfPJb0-00274-00145657-00146134 minutes am i against speaking in tongues no because that does something zDHo9IfPJb0-00275-00146134-00146729 completely different and it's good but it'll never do the same zDHo9IfPJb0-00276-00146729-00147221 the thing that I worship you holy ghost does are you seeing this and the expense zDHo9IfPJb0-00277-00147221-00147647 isn't just in purchasing you don't purchase these you know you purchase it zDHo9IfPJb0-00278-00147647-00148001 by studying the word and going I worship you Holy Ghost cuz you're God in the zDHo9IfPJb0-00279-00148001-00148397 earth today and as you do that it gets costly because it starts to cut off zDHo9IfPJb0-00280-00148397-00148768 things that you thought were really precious to you but now they're welding zDHo9IfPJb0-00281-00148768-00149251 there's some friendships some people don't like it when you say stuff to them zDHo9IfPJb0-00282-00149251-00149864 right is that true and then we go oh well maybe I shouldn't say anything why zDHo9IfPJb0-00283-00149864-00150923 maybe they needed to hear it so we have this is good we have a power that no one zDHo9IfPJb0-00284-00150923-00151670 else has you can't say that we have a power that no one else has you have a zDHo9IfPJb0-00285-00151670-00152033 power that no one else had if you worship the Holy Ghost and you use the zDHo9IfPJb0-00286-00152033-00152402 words I worship you Holy Ghost you have a power that no one else has we have a zDHo9IfPJb0-00287-00152402-00153143 message that is expensive that will do something that nobody else has and a lot zDHo9IfPJb0-00288-00153143-00153736 of people don't even want because they don't want to pay for it zDHo9IfPJb0-00289-00153736-00154193 back to tongues again I know preachers that won't talk about it cuz they lose zDHo9IfPJb0-00290-00154193-00155294 half their congregation you know that's true right how about this oh this you zDHo9IfPJb0-00291-00155294-00155897 got to worship the Holy Ghost and Jesus isn't here yeah that'll fly over big and zDHo9IfPJb0-00292-00155897-00156506 he's not coming back until he comes back which means he left but if he didn't zDHo9IfPJb0-00293-00156506-00156809 leave he didn't send the another and he sent the another so that's the proof zDHo9IfPJb0-00294-00156809-00157382 that he left so us worshiping the Holy Ghost is proof that Jesus isn't here you zDHo9IfPJb0-00295-00157382-00157814 know and he's not mad at me for saying that I would be considered a heretic zDHo9IfPJb0-00296-00157814-00158402 Tovar saying that when the reality is bear the heretic because they're the one zDHo9IfPJb0-00297-00158402-00159053 preaching stuff that isn't scriptural ezekiel chapter 3 you there zDHo9IfPJb0-00298-00159053-00159803 look at verse 8 behold I've made thy face strong against their faces and thy zDHo9IfPJb0-00299-00159803-00160616 forehead strong against their foreheads yeah as an adamant harder than flint zDHo9IfPJb0-00300-00160616-00161132 have I made thy forehead fear them not neither be dismayed at their looks zDHo9IfPJb0-00301-00161132-00161957 though they be a rebellious house you see you see so God does this to you and zDHo9IfPJb0-00302-00161957-00162251 when he gives you a message you understand that we've got a message that zDHo9IfPJb0-00303-00162251-00162845 nobody else had we have it it's something I remember I was preaching the zDHo9IfPJb0-00304-00162845-00163234 remember I preached on up yeah then God wants to renew your youth zDHo9IfPJb0-00305-00163234-00163742 you ever heard that and we have this series out there on you know youth zDHo9IfPJb0-00306-00163742-00164195 renewal God healing you and by restoring your youth that there are a bunch of zDHo9IfPJb0-00307-00164195-00164741 diseases that come on people because they get older and those diseases are zDHo9IfPJb0-00308-00164741-00165284 not found in younger kids so one of the methods that God uses to heal those zDHo9IfPJb0-00309-00165284-00165857 diseases that came on people cuz they got older is what he renews the youth in zDHo9IfPJb0-00310-00165857-00166244 that area where did I get that message from you made it up really I wish I wish zDHo9IfPJb0-00311-00166244-00166586 I made it up that'd be great I would be an awful lot smarter and zDHo9IfPJb0-00312-00166586-00167159 think I was a lot smarter than I actually a.m. but I didn't I got that zDHo9IfPJb0-00313-00167159-00167633 message from the Holy Ghost and this message was out there and somebody who zDHo9IfPJb0-00314-00167633-00168118 contacted me not too long ago and he said I've never heard that before zDHo9IfPJb0-00315-00168118-00168437 that's totally / I can't believe blew me away zDHo9IfPJb0-00316-00168437-00168881 and I said hey guess what it's your message now you go and take that with zDHo9IfPJb0-00317-00168881-00169430 you but see God gave me a message and now he's got the message and he can go zDHo9IfPJb0-00318-00169430-00169988 with it you see that well who paid the price to get it I did by praying in zDHo9IfPJb0-00319-00169988-00170408 tongues a lot and meditating on youth renewal and preaching on youth renewal zDHo9IfPJb0-00320-00170408-00171185 you see it was expensive and we give it away freely such as you zDHo9IfPJb0-00321-00171185-00172106 have you give to people right all right sorry you saw that right it makes your zDHo9IfPJb0-00322-00172106-00172469 face strong against their faces why would this be it makes your forehead zDHo9IfPJb0-00323-00172469-00173015 harder than theirs so that you don't break under the criticism or the lifted zDHo9IfPJb0-00324-00173015-00173444 eyebrow that mm-hmm or the look of them going on zDHo9IfPJb0-00325-00173444-00174340 like you was like join the club you don't have to like me but this message zDHo9IfPJb0-00326-00174340-00174778 is coming from the Holy Ghost it's coming from God in the earth today and zDHo9IfPJb0-00327-00174778-00175090 you better like that because if you don't like it you're rejecting an zDHo9IfPJb0-00328-00175090-00175808 operation of God in the earth today say God in the earth today who are you zDHo9IfPJb0-00329-00175808-00176600 talking about the Holy Ghost remember we played that song early on though we zDHo9IfPJb0-00330-00176600-00176866 played it tonight Holy Ghost your God in the earth today zDHo9IfPJb0-00331-00176866-00177374 and there's this girl in one of our early services she was in cemetery I zDHo9IfPJb0-00332-00177374-00177813 mean seminary and she would lux she saw the words up on the screen and she went zDHo9IfPJb0-00333-00177813-00178459 she was dumbfounded she goes I can't the theology in this song is dumbfounding zDHo9IfPJb0-00334-00178459-00178949 she'd never heard that before the father's in heaven Jesus is at his zDHo9IfPJb0-00335-00178949-00179440 right hand and the Holy Ghost has gotten the earth today she's in seminary how zDHo9IfPJb0-00336-00179440-00180205 does she not know this well god is she serving so they've not known me as God zDHo9IfPJb0-00337-00180205-00180800 the earth today otherwise they would be worshiping me says the Holy Ghost first zDHo9IfPJb0-00338-00180800-00181622 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 19 for there must be also what is this in your zDHo9IfPJb0-00339-00181622-00182672 Bible there must be also heresies among you say among you that they which are zDHo9IfPJb0-00340-00182672-00183158 approved they what they heresies which the heresies which are approved may be zDHo9IfPJb0-00341-00183158-00184090 made manifest among you if I reject all of these things oh well we can't have zDHo9IfPJb0-00342-00184090-00184562 any of that Holy Ghost business have you ever heard that I've heard that we don't zDHo9IfPJb0-00343-00184562-00185299 want any of that Holy Ghost business are you a true what are you what are you zDHo9IfPJb0-00344-00185299-00185708 there must also be heresies among you that they which are approved say zDHo9IfPJb0-00345-00185708-00186382 approved approved what and approve heresy zDHo9IfPJb0-00346-00186405-00186941 who's the heresy is the heresy to God is is it a heresy to God that you worship zDHo9IfPJb0-00347-00186941-00187332 the holy ghost because he's gotten here today is that a heresy to him no but zDHo9IfPJb0-00348-00187332-00187737 it's a it's to others and they if they don't have it among them zDHo9IfPJb0-00349-00187737-00188175 it can't be approved and that can it then it can't be among them it can't zDHo9IfPJb0-00350-00188175-00188547 benefit them I'm probably making this more difficult than it has to be but you zDHo9IfPJb0-00351-00188547-00189132 understand right did you know that was in there so a Holy Ghost only being the zDHo9IfPJb0-00352-00189132-00189762 Holy Ghost he's the only part of the Godhead in the earth today and using the zDHo9IfPJb0-00353-00189762-00190055 words I worship you Holy Ghost to worship the Holy Ghost who's God in the zDHo9IfPJb0-00354-00190055-00190739 earth today those things need to be approved by people they need to receive zDHo9IfPJb0-00355-00190739-00191385 them we need to bring it up for debate so to speak not necessarily oh let's zDHo9IfPJb0-00356-00191385-00191690 debate it me and also you can tell me you know but they don't know anything zDHo9IfPJb0-00357-00191690-00192428 about it it's our job because right now you know it as well as I do it's not it zDHo9IfPJb0-00358-00192428-00192882 doesn't even exist in there in the camps because we've had to come outside the zDHo9IfPJb0-00359-00192882-00193529 camp but eventually it goes back into the camp you get it right now that's zDHo9IfPJb0-00360-00193529-00194235 part of our job introducing the Holy Ghost into the equation that you worship zDHo9IfPJb0-00361-00194235-00194579 Him he's God in the earth today he's the only God near today that's our message zDHo9IfPJb0-00362-00194579-00194972 you know that God gave us a message what's your message that God gave you zDHo9IfPJb0-00363-00194972-00195329 that the Holy Ghost has gotten the earth today and you walk with him by saying zDHo9IfPJb0-00364-00195329-00195996 words you ever heard that how'd you get there you should know how you got there zDHo9IfPJb0-00365-00195996-00196710 so that's part of our job right but that's not our only job verse zDHo9IfPJb0-00366-00196710-00197400 Corinthians 9:24 know ye not that they which run a race run all but one zDHo9IfPJb0-00367-00197400-00198341 receives the prize so run that you may obtain so run that who may obtain you zDHo9IfPJb0-00368-00198341-00198965 may obtain you see it's not just so everybody else can obtain that's our zDHo9IfPJb0-00369-00198965-00199362 message we present it you know we hold forth the word of life there's a zDHo9IfPJb0-00370-00199362-00199715 scripture that says that we hold it forth whether people receive it or zDHo9IfPJb0-00371-00199715-00200126 reject it doesn't matter because my main job isn't to get zDHo9IfPJb0-00372-00200126-00200798 them to convert its it's to obtain it's for me to run I'm running in such a way zDHo9IfPJb0-00373-00200798-00201401 that I may obtain say that I may obtain what about healing O'Connor you want to zDHo9IfPJb0-00374-00201401-00201874 run that race well how you gonna run that race so that you obtain it right zDHo9IfPJb0-00375-00201874-00202346 what about the prosperity race you're gonna run that one yeah he says hey run zDHo9IfPJb0-00376-00202346-00203393 a race run all that's a problem right there a lot of people aren't running so zDHo9IfPJb0-00377-00203393-00203606 you're gonna run you know what running means right zDHo9IfPJb0-00378-00203606-00204227 you guys you got the walk walk walk walk so walk is that what it says and then zDHo9IfPJb0-00379-00204227-00204788 the running is like a fast walk even faster than a walk you can't even walk zDHo9IfPJb0-00380-00204788-00205208 anymore ever see the Olympics where they do the fast walk a walking race I'm like zDHo9IfPJb0-00381-00205208-00205855 hey how does that that doesn't make sense and they look ridiculous still zDHo9IfPJb0-00382-00205855-00206651 gonna walk faster than you why don't you run that's not allowed alright I'm zDHo9IfPJb0-00383-00206651-00207035 almost done you there what does it say no you're not the day what's running a zDHo9IfPJb0-00384-00207035-00207902 race run all but one receives the prize so run so run that you may obtain that zDHo9IfPJb0-00385-00207902-00208462 you may obtain right and what are we talking about obtaining what if we're zDHo9IfPJb0-00386-00208462-00208987 talking about worshipping the holy ghost right we've been given a diverse zDHo9IfPJb0-00387-00208987-00209477 operation of the Spirit which is using the words I worship you Holy Ghost and zDHo9IfPJb0-00388-00209477-00209917 knowing that the Holy Ghost is God near today and worshipping Him right and that zDHo9IfPJb0-00389-00209917-00210401 takes us somewhere that the other things can't take you doesn't mean you don't do zDHo9IfPJb0-00390-00210401-00211079 the other things it means do this in this race of Holy Ghost worship you want zDHo9IfPJb0-00391-00211079-00212017 to obtain what whatever it is that's in Holy Ghost worship obtain what number zDHo9IfPJb0-00392-00212017-00212525 one you'll be taint obtaining a new coating coating like a coating like zDHo9IfPJb0-00393-00212525-00213287 Teflon no a coating like it codes your inner programming and it recode zyou to zDHo9IfPJb0-00394-00213287-00213713 something completely different I want that you keep worshiping the Holy zDHo9IfPJb0-00395-00213713-00214127 Ghost you will want that he'll put the desire in there he'll change it you know zDHo9IfPJb0-00396-00214127-00214417 because when you're outside the camp the view is different than inside the camp zDHo9IfPJb0-00397-00214417-00214871 did you know that you ever heard yeah you can't see the forest zDHo9IfPJb0-00398-00214871-00215392 there's too many trees look at this tree that tree well when you get outside the zDHo9IfPJb0-00399-00215392-00215855 forest and go oh well this is really a pretty big forest let's go that way see zDHo9IfPJb0-00400-00215855-00216344 when you get outside it's different - view is different in holy ghost worship zDHo9IfPJb0-00401-00216344-00217058 the view is different so we're talking about running and obtaining what are we zDHo9IfPJb0-00402-00217058-00217553 gonna obtain new coating what if I don't worship the holy ghost enough to get zDHo9IfPJb0-00403-00217553-00218413 completely new coating did I win the race no you got you stalled out zDHo9IfPJb0-00404-00218413-00218909 you're like the marathon you know the Boston Marathon or whatever you have you zDHo9IfPJb0-00405-00218909-00219410 know 20,000 pdf' you have a guy from Kenya two guys from Kenya and a woman zDHo9IfPJb0-00406-00219410-00220004 from Finland and 20,000 losers that's a marathon but that's not gonna zDHo9IfPJb0-00407-00220004-00220451 be you you're gonna run so that you can obtain obtain what obtain what is in zDHo9IfPJb0-00408-00220451-00221009 worship the Holy Ghost right being new cut newly coated completely transformed zDHo9IfPJb0-00409-00221009-00221564 and remember I told you there's a new manifestation of the Spirit but where is zDHo9IfPJb0-00410-00221564-00222182 that it's in Holy Ghost worship it's at the end result it's across the finish zDHo9IfPJb0-00411-00222182-00222830 line of worshipping the Holy Ghost so run that you may obtain a pain what as zDHo9IfPJb0-00412-00222830-00223526 far as the operation of God takes you that's how far we need to run that with zDHo9IfPJb0-00413-00223526-00224003 this we need to keep running with it they keep running do you win the race if zDHo9IfPJb0-00414-00224003-00224579 you stop running halfway through but this is no small revelation this is no zDHo9IfPJb0-00415-00224579-00225061 small thing it cost a lot to get here I don't know if you know that or not and zDHo9IfPJb0-00416-00225061-00225598 it's of great value it's a pearl of great price it supersedes all of the zDHo9IfPJb0-00417-00225598-00226151 other things he's the Holy Ghost he's God in the earth today all the promises zDHo9IfPJb0-00418-00226151-00226661 in him are yes and amen forget not all the zDHo9IfPJb0-00419-00226661-00227121 mrs. of God who forgives all your sins heals all your iniquities heals all your zDHo9IfPJb0-00420-00227121-00227744 diseases right renews your youth oh I forgot that one don't forget them you zDHo9IfPJb0-00421-00227744-00228128 won't forget them listen to me you won't forget them in the Holy Ghost zDHo9IfPJb0-00422-00228128-00228789 worshipping him he'll remind you of them I worship you Holy Ghost is an operation zDHo9IfPJb0-00423-00228789-00229521 of God it's a diversities of operations are you here and it will take us to some zDHo9IfPJb0-00424-00229521-00230214 place that nothing else can and that's our race we need to go there stay there zDHo9IfPJb0-00425-00230214-00230648 live there learn there fully commit to going there regardless of the cost zDHo9IfPJb0-00426-00230648-00231176 regardless of who else isn't going to go you know if you decided your walk with zDHo9IfPJb0-00427-00231176-00231677 God who's God by the way the Holy Ghost you decided your walk with God I'm not zDHo9IfPJb0-00428-00231677-00232328 gonna keep going if my friends don't go with me right how far you gonna get zDHo9IfPJb0-00429-00232328-00232760 Jesus even talked about that the cost chill out it's it's it's expensive to zDHo9IfPJb0-00430-00232760-00233300 follow God but the rewards are eternal they're great and we have something that zDHo9IfPJb0-00431-00233300-00233771 nobody else has we have a gift we have an operation of God operating in you zDHo9IfPJb0-00432-00233771-00234650 that nobody else has run with it run run you get a run run with it get up in the zDHo9IfPJb0-00433-00234650-00235079 morning and what do you say I worship you Holy Ghost then it's very important zDHo9IfPJb0-00434-00235079-00235491 what you say after you say I worship you Holy Ghost why cuz you've got his zDHo9IfPJb0-00435-00235491-00235733 attention I suggest doing your confessions and zDHo9IfPJb0-00436-00235733-00236088 some scriptures and that glory to God Holy Ghost I thank you that you are zDHo9IfPJb0-00437-00236088-00236471 blessing these people great things are coming upon them and to them right now zDHo9IfPJb0-00438-00236471-00237008 don't let them miss it say this after me I worship you Holy Ghost don't let me zDHo9IfPJb0-00439-00237008-00237923 miss it and I'll continue to worship you until I win the great prize in Jesus zDHo9IfPJb0-00440-00237923-00238228 name Amen zDHo9IfPJb0-00441-00238306-00240056 Oh God today Oh God zFaT8hVQ-fU-00000-00000035-00000544 The search operator AND helps narrow a search to get fewer but more relevant results. zFaT8hVQ-fU-00001-00000544-00000932 Use the search command when combing two or more concepts in your search. zFaT8hVQ-fU-00002-00000932-00001441 For example, “hip hop” AND hippopotamus will find results that contain both concepts. zI_dY5_p-Tg-00000-00000000-00000200 I CAN put my own coat on..... zJ_eURxp1oA-00000-00000052-00000152 Hey everyone! zJ_eURxp1oA-00001-00000152-00000651 Alex here again, your trusted John L. Scott Realtor and SE Portland specialist. zJ_eURxp1oA-00002-00000651-00001226 I am back with another neighborhood highlight with my good friend, Ross Blanchard, director zJ_eURxp1oA-00003-00001226-00001592 of the Ford Gallery. zJ_eURxp1oA-00004-00002196-00002488 How long have you been with the Ford Gallery? zJ_eURxp1oA-00005-00002488-00002798 Well, I started the Ford Gallery a year and a half ago. zJ_eURxp1oA-00006-00002798-00003062 Before that it was a different gallery. zJ_eURxp1oA-00007-00003062-00003626 The building management came to me a couple years ago and said, "Hey, the gallery is coming up. zJ_eURxp1oA-00008-00003628-00003790 Do you want it?" zJ_eURxp1oA-00009-00003792-00003994 And I just couldn't pass it up. zJ_eURxp1oA-00010-00003996-00004638 Maybe just for those who don't know the gallery, we're situated on 11th and Division in the zJ_eURxp1oA-00011-00004639-00004950 southeast, and its an incredible building. zJ_eURxp1oA-00012-00004950-00005346 How would you describe the Ford Gallery to someone thats never heard of it before? zJ_eURxp1oA-00013-00005346-00005920 Well the Ford Gallery, its in the main community space, inside the Ford Building on the main floor. zJ_eURxp1oA-00014-00005922-00006360 So it goes all the way from the foyer up by Ford Food and Drink which is a coffee shop zJ_eURxp1oA-00015-00006360-00006573 bar that everybody knows about. zJ_eURxp1oA-00016-00006573-00006957 It starts there and kind of wonders down the hall and opens up into a big gallery in the zJ_eURxp1oA-00017-00006957-00007410 center of the building where you can get into different businesses like Blackbacks and Vinnie's zJ_eURxp1oA-00018-00007410-00007698 Hair Cut Salon and different places like that. zJ_eURxp1oA-00019-00007698-00008010 So thats the main space. zJ_eURxp1oA-00020-00008010-00008597 We've got a nice desk there that has all of the gallery information on it and our art zJ_eURxp1oA-00021-00008597-00008842 is, of course, all around down the walls. zJ_eURxp1oA-00022-00008842-00009299 And when I was just walking through there, and I had noticed it earlier on, zJ_eURxp1oA-00023-00009299-00009599 you've got a really special event going on right now. zJ_eURxp1oA-00024-00009599-00009788 I think its "The Big 500"? zJ_eURxp1oA-00025-00009788-00009888 The Big 500. Yes. zJ_eURxp1oA-00026-00009888-00010352 We were lucky enough to get the Big 500 this year, and its the ninth year in its existence. zJ_eURxp1oA-00027-00010352-00010949 It used to happen downtown at the Pioneer Mall in the galleries that were on the top floor. zJ_eURxp1oA-00028-00010950-00011088 And those galleries are no longer. zJ_eURxp1oA-00029-00011089-00011664 So I contacted the owners of those galleries this last spring and said, "Hey, if you're zJ_eURxp1oA-00030-00011664-00012109 looking for a home for the Big 500 we'd love to take it on." zJ_eURxp1oA-00031-00012109-00012731 Because it benefits the Oregon Food Bank and there's over 5 to 6000 pieces of art, zJ_eURxp1oA-00032-00012731-00013030 all only $40 a piece. zJ_eURxp1oA-00033-00013030-00013438 And the reason I wanted that, other than benefitting the Food Bank and getting a lot of artists zJ_eURxp1oA-00034-00013438-00014141 on the walls is because.. the Ford Gallery, its our goal to get original art on the walls zJ_eURxp1oA-00035-00014141-00014354 in every Portland home. zJ_eURxp1oA-00036-00014354-00014608 And there's no better way to start than with a $40 piece of art. zJ_eURxp1oA-00037-00014608-00015040 If you've never bought a piece of local art before, and you don't know what you're doing, zJ_eURxp1oA-00038-00015040-00015791 you're used to maybe going to the mall and getting some renaissance art or impressionist zJ_eURxp1oA-00039-00015791-00016584 art, or just a print, this is a good gateway into knowing local art, getting familiar with zJ_eURxp1oA-00040-00016584-00016985 the artists and not having to spend a lot of money to do it. zJ_eURxp1oA-00041-00016985-00017591 And, if you've got people who are tough to buy gifts for around the holiday time, then zJ_eURxp1oA-00042-00017591-00017691 you're not if they have anything. zJ_eURxp1oA-00043-00017691-00018172 Well I can guarantee you, anything you pull off that wall, they don't have. zJ_eURxp1oA-00044-00018172-00018330 Each one is an original piece. zJ_eURxp1oA-00045-00018331-00018431 That a brilliant idea. zJ_eURxp1oA-00046-00018431-00018911 And, of course, you're seeing some pictures of that right now, of what's up in the gallery. zJ_eURxp1oA-00047-00018911-00019243 This is actually half of what you started out with. zJ_eURxp1oA-00048-00019243-00019587 There was 5000 pieces of art? zJ_eURxp1oA-00049-00019587-00019687 Over 5000. zJ_eURxp1oA-00050-00019687-00019800 How many artists was that? zJ_eURxp1oA-00051-00019800-00019990 Between 5 and 600, I believe. zJ_eURxp1oA-00052-00019990-00020090 Oh my goodness. zJ_eURxp1oA-00053-00020090-00020374 And just to pull that together, what a great thing. zJ_eURxp1oA-00054-00020374-00020688 You must have a great group of volunteers helping you out with that as well. zJ_eURxp1oA-00055-00020688-00020788 Oh yes. zJ_eURxp1oA-00056-00020788-00020888 And we were just the hosts for this. zJ_eURxp1oA-00057-00020888-00021215 The Big 500 crew, Chris Haberman, Jason Brown and Jessie McGrath. zJ_eURxp1oA-00058-00021215-00021475 I believe they all live in the southeast here... zJ_eURxp1oA-00059-00021475-00021654 Foster Powell area and that. zJ_eURxp1oA-00060-00021654-00021843 They've been doing this for nine years. zJ_eURxp1oA-00061-00021843-00022501 They're the ones that we invited and they provided all the volunteers to staff it, and zJ_eURxp1oA-00062-00022501-00022679 to throw the opening event. zJ_eURxp1oA-00063-00022679-00022932 They've been great to work with. zJ_eURxp1oA-00064-00022932-00023351 We're hoping to get it next year because it worked so well in our space. zJ_eURxp1oA-00065-00023351-00023767 Well I love it and certainly wish you all the best because I think it brings just an zJ_eURxp1oA-00066-00023767-00024312 amazing sense of culture and accessibility to culture in SE Portland. zJ_eURxp1oA-00067-00024312-00024434 It sure does. zJ_eURxp1oA-00068-00024434-00024758 Where can someone find out information about this. zJ_eURxp1oA-00069-00024758-00025004 I think you've got a Facebook page, we'll have a link to that. zJ_eURxp1oA-00070-00025004-00025104 Anywhere else? zJ_eURxp1oA-00071-00025104-00025252 Fordgallerypdx.com zJ_eURxp1oA-00072-00025252-00025478 Fordgallerypdx.com. zJ_eURxp1oA-00073-00025478-00025794 Alright, we'll definitely have a link to that with this video. zJ_eURxp1oA-00074-00025794-00026032 And finally, we're in a really cool room. zJ_eURxp1oA-00075-00026032-00026154 You see the light behind us. zJ_eURxp1oA-00076-00026154-00026274 These old furnaces. zJ_eURxp1oA-00077-00026274-00026437 This is the Mechanical Room. zJ_eURxp1oA-00078-00026437-00026768 This is the old Mechanical Room in the Ford Building. zJ_eURxp1oA-00079-00026768-00027311 So, in addition to the gallery upstairs, we have this space that we use as our offices zJ_eURxp1oA-00080-00027311-00027991 and after each of our art openings I hold a, what I call, an art and literary salon, zJ_eURxp1oA-00081-00027991-00028256 a "Mechanical Salon" once a month. zJ_eURxp1oA-00082-00028256-00029024 Its purpose is to get artists and curators and musicians and writers and performers and zJ_eURxp1oA-00083-00029024-00029674 anyone interested in the arts to get together, to connect, and we've seen different pods zJ_eURxp1oA-00084-00029674-00029797 and artist around town. zJ_eURxp1oA-00085-00029797-00030387 Ya know, get them together, get them to produce, and try to get them to know each other well zJ_eURxp1oA-00086-00030387-00030743 enough so that they'll collaborate and bring the community together. zJ_eURxp1oA-00087-00030744-00031030 So its about building, ya know, building the creative community up. zJ_eURxp1oA-00088-00031030-00031342 Wonderful. Don't stay in that bubble. Get together and make magic happen. zJ_eURxp1oA-00089-00031342-00031577 Yep, and we use the space for that. zJ_eURxp1oA-00090-00031577-00032077 So Ross, knowing from passing by, this building is clearly old. zJ_eURxp1oA-00091-00032077-00032364 Its been here for a while in the southeast. zJ_eURxp1oA-00092-00032364-00032497 Do you know the history on it? zJ_eURxp1oA-00093-00032497-00033087 I do, through talking to the building owner and different historians that have been in zJ_eURxp1oA-00094-00033087-00033258 this building with their businesses. zJ_eURxp1oA-00095-00033258-00034040 From what I understand, the building was built about 1917, 1916'ish, in there, by Henry Ford. zJ_eURxp1oA-00096-00034040-00034291 And what this building is used for is.. zJ_eURxp1oA-00097-00034291-00034955 Ford Motor company would truck in or training in parts of cars. zJ_eURxp1oA-00098-00034955-00035275 They would be disassembled, they would be on a train, they would come here. zJ_eURxp1oA-00099-00035275-00035727 They would then be shipped to the third floor in this building and then an assembly line zJ_eURxp1oA-00100-00035727-00035827 would start. zJ_eURxp1oA-00101-00035827-00036162 And they would start building it on the third floor, build it more on the second floor, zJ_eURxp1oA-00102-00036162-00036600 finish it on the first floor, and they would roll it into a showroom zJ_eURxp1oA-00103-00036600-00036864 right where Ford Food and Drink is. zJ_eURxp1oA-00104-00036865-00037052 That used to be a Ford showroom. zJ_eURxp1oA-00105-00037052-00037222 Made just above? zJ_eURxp1oA-00106-00037222-00037556 These car made on sight above, brought down to the show room right here below. zJ_eURxp1oA-00107-00037556-00038030 They came in in parts and they assembled car here and wheeled them right out for sale. zJ_eURxp1oA-00108-00038030-00038271 Oh you do not see that done anymore these days. zJ_eURxp1oA-00109-00038271-00038538 What a wonderful era of automobiles. zJ_eURxp1oA-00110-00038538-00038696 And the ingenuity. zJ_eURxp1oA-00111-00038696-00039004 It was Henry Ford all over. zJ_eURxp1oA-00112-00039004-00039408 And now you, of course, have lived in the southeast as well for quite a while now. zJ_eURxp1oA-00113-00039409-00039550 What do you love about this area? zJ_eURxp1oA-00114-00039550-00039911 Why not the northwest, or southwest. zJ_eURxp1oA-00115-00039911-00040462 Well I've live in the southeast ever since moving here in 1998. zJ_eURxp1oA-00116-00040462-00040703 I lived over on Morrison and 20th for a while. zJ_eURxp1oA-00117-00040703-00040930 I lived on in East Moreland after that. zJ_eURxp1oA-00118-00040930-00041187 I lived over on Barbur Blvd for a bit. zJ_eURxp1oA-00119-00041187-00041524 Its just wasn't as walkable over there. zJ_eURxp1oA-00120-00041524-00041788 Couldn't get around as easy. zJ_eURxp1oA-00121-00041788-00042294 And I couldn't get to the places I wanted to by walking. zJ_eURxp1oA-00122-00042294-00042580 And now, I live in Sellwood and, ya know, my kids walk to school. zJ_eURxp1oA-00123-00042580-00043066 My son has an easy bus or train trip over to Cleveland high school, zJ_eURxp1oA-00124-00043066-00043284 which is a great school. He loves it. zJ_eURxp1oA-00125-00043314-00043928 So my son walks to Sellwood middle or he can bike over there or scooter over there and zJ_eURxp1oA-00126-00043928-00044160 my youngest is still in elementary school at Llewellyn. zJ_eURxp1oA-00127-00044160-00044380 And, we walk down to the store, we walk out to eat. zJ_eURxp1oA-00128-00044380-00044791 We can even walk across the street to the pet shop and can get dog food. zJ_eURxp1oA-00129-00044791-00044981 And, ya know, everything is right there. zJ_eURxp1oA-00130-00044981-00045615 And now with all the wonderful bicycle racks, the bike exchange by Nike, the orange ones zJ_eURxp1oA-00131-00045616-00046172 around, they're making it easier and easier i the southeast to live your life without zJ_eURxp1oA-00132-00046172-00046440 a car, if thats what you want to do. zJ_eURxp1oA-00133-00046440-00046540 So much convenience. zJ_eURxp1oA-00134-00046540-00046774 Ya, I can hop on the Max and get down to the Ford Building here. zJ_eURxp1oA-00135-00046774-00046874 No problem. zJ_eURxp1oA-00136-00046874-00047228 So I can drive, bike, take the bus, take the Max. zJ_eURxp1oA-00137-00047228-00047605 So, I always found the southeast Portland really easy to get around in. zJ_eURxp1oA-00138-00047605-00048408 I spend a lot of time down in the Ford district here, out in Foster/Powell, with friends and zJ_eURxp1oA-00139-00048408-00048662 art galleries out there, and of course in Sellwood. zJ_eURxp1oA-00140-00048662-00048765 I don't know... zJ_eURxp1oA-00141-00048765-00048974 I just love it, always have. zJ_eURxp1oA-00142-00048974-00049216 Well, I hope you never leave, man. zJ_eURxp1oA-00143-00049216-00049316 So good to speak with you. zJ_eURxp1oA-00144-00049316-00049416 Thanks for the info. zJ_eURxp1oA-00145-00049416-00049466 Thanks Alex. zJE2xCf06L0-00000-00000196-00000520 To change your wallpaper or theme in Windows 10, zJE2xCf06L0-00001-00000596-00000784 right click on your desktop. zJE2xCf06L0-00002-00000900-00001036 Go to Personalize. zJE2xCf06L0-00003-00001372-00001698 Here you can select one of the preloaded images or click ... zJE2xCf06L0-00004-00001698-00001907 Browse to upload your own image. zJE2xCf06L0-00005-00002028-00002296 I prefer to go to Themes in the left menu. zJE2xCf06L0-00006-00002588-00002784 These are themes I've already downloaded zJE2xCf06L0-00007-00002876-00003267 or I can go to Get more themes in Microsoft Store to ... zJE2xCf06L0-00008-00003267-00003419 select a new theme. zJE2xCf06L0-00009-00003884-00004078 Once there, you can scroll through a ... zJE2xCf06L0-00010-00004078-00004175 number of themes. zJE2xCf06L0-00011-00004248-00004500 But if you have a specific one you're looking for, zJE2xCf06L0-00012-00004500-00004611 this can take a while. zJE2xCf06L0-00013-00004864-00005176 If you click on the search menu and type of search term. zJE2xCf06L0-00014-00005256-00005571 That will not only bring up the themes, but apps and games ... zJE2xCf06L0-00015-00005571-00005823 that might not fit what you're looking for. zJE2xCf06L0-00016-00005900-00006096 So in the Departments drop down, zJE2xCf06L0-00017-00006220-00006308 choose Apps. zJE2xCf06L0-00018-00006612-00006780 In the Category drop down, zJE2xCf06L0-00019-00006968-00007144 select Personalization. zJE2xCf06L0-00020-00007431-00007592 Under Personalization, zJE2xCf06L0-00021-00007648-00007772 choose Themes zJE2xCf06L0-00022-00007992-00008088 and now you'll get zJE2xCf06L0-00023-00008156-00008524 the themes that match with the term you're looking for. zJE2xCf06L0-00024-00008740-00008868 Let's go with zJE2xCf06L0-00025-00009064-00009344 Smiling Creatures. That sounds nice and positive. zJE2xCf06L0-00026-00009884-00010161 If you scroll down, you can see some of the images that ... zJE2xCf06L0-00027-00010161-00010347 are available with this theme pack zJE2xCf06L0-00028-00010552-00010652 and when you're ready, zJE2xCf06L0-00029-00010704-00010916 click get on the right. zJE2xCf06L0-00030-00010980-00011256 It may require you to log into the Microsoft Store zJE2xCf06L0-00031-00011812-00012072 and it will start downloading within a few seconds. zJE2xCf06L0-00032-00013152-00013268 Once it is finished, zJE2xCf06L0-00033-00013384-00013572 click on apply on the right. zJE2xCf06L0-00034-00014124-00014263 It will take a few seconds zJE2xCf06L0-00035-00014400-00014576 until you have your new theme. zJE2xCf06L0-00036-00015008-00015376 You can also click on it down here in the Themes area. zJE2xCf06L0-00037-00015584-00015955 Now you can see I have 16 different backgrounds that it ... zJE2xCf06L0-00038-00015955-00016251 will rotate between. The color is dark blue. zJE2xCf06L0-00039-00016319-00016616 The sounds and the cursor. if I click on color, zJE2xCf06L0-00040-00016800-00017044 I can choose whether I want light or dark mode. zJE2xCf06L0-00041-00017120-00017448 for windows or apps, transparency effects, zJE2xCf06L0-00042-00017504-00017628 and my accent color. zJE2xCf06L0-00043-00017780-00018072 If I don't want blue, I can go down here and pick a ... zJE2xCf06L0-00044-00018072-00018275 different color, for example, green. zJE2xCf06L0-00045-00018628-00018932 I can also choose a custom color and decide where I ... zJE2xCf06L0-00046-00018932-00019095 want that color to appear. zMkasn33kYM-00000-00000000-00000200 HOW TO MAKE CHINESE SAPO TOFU SEA FOOD zMkasn33kYM-00001-00000200-00000400 Chinese food Halal recipe zMkasn33kYM-00002-00000400-00000600 For the complete recipe, see description zMkasn33kYM-00003-00000600-00000800 This video has 2 subtitles : Indonesia and English zNodmaHoiWc-00000-00000010-00000153 POSSIBLY ACCIDENT. zNodmaHoiWc-00001-00000153-00000160 POSSIBLY ACCIDENT. zNodmaHoiWc-00002-00000160-00000226 POSSIBLY ACCIDENT. ANYONE WITH INFORMATION ON THE zNodmaHoiWc-00003-00000226-00000233 POSSIBLY ACCIDENT. ANYONE WITH INFORMATION ON THE zNodmaHoiWc-00004-00000233-00000300 POSSIBLY ACCIDENT. ANYONE WITH INFORMATION ON THE INCIDENT IS ASKED TO CALL THE zNodmaHoiWc-00005-00000300-00000306 ANYONE WITH INFORMATION ON THE INCIDENT IS ASKED TO CALL THE zNodmaHoiWc-00006-00000306-00000377 ANYONE WITH INFORMATION ON THE INCIDENT IS ASKED TO CALL THE SHERIFFS OFFICE AT 218-829-4749. zNodmaHoiWc-00007-00000377-00000383 INCIDENT IS ASKED TO CALL THE SHERIFFS OFFICE AT 218-829-4749. zNodmaHoiWc-00008-00000383-00000453 INCIDENT IS ASKED TO CALL THE SHERIFFS OFFICE AT 218-829-4749. MINNESOTA LAWMAKERS WILL RETURN zNodmaHoiWc-00009-00000453-00000460 SHERIFFS OFFICE AT 218-829-4749. MINNESOTA LAWMAKERS WILL RETURN zNodmaHoiWc-00010-00000460-00000527 SHERIFFS OFFICE AT 218-829-4749. MINNESOTA LAWMAKERS WILL RETURN TO THE NEWLY REFURBISHED CAPITOL zNodmaHoiWc-00011-00000527-00000533 MINNESOTA LAWMAKERS WILL RETURN TO THE NEWLY REFURBISHED CAPITOL zNodmaHoiWc-00012-00000533-00000790 MINNESOTA LAWMAKERS WILL RETURN TO THE NEWLY REFURBISHED CAPITOL TOMORROW TO BEGIN THE 2017 zNodmaHoiWc-00013-00000790-00000797 TO THE NEWLY REFURBISHED CAPITOL TOMORROW TO BEGIN THE 2017 zNodmaHoiWc-00014-00000797-00000910 TO THE NEWLY REFURBISHED CAPITOL TOMORROW TO BEGIN THE 2017 LEGISLATIVE SESSION. zNodmaHoiWc-00015-00000910-00000917 TOMORROW TO BEGIN THE 2017 LEGISLATIVE SESSION. zNodmaHoiWc-00016-00000917-00000980 TOMORROW TO BEGIN THE 2017 LEGISLATIVE SESSION. AS THE ELECTED OFFICIALS HEAD zNodmaHoiWc-00017-00000980-00000987 LEGISLATIVE SESSION. AS THE ELECTED OFFICIALS HEAD zNodmaHoiWc-00018-00000987-00001041 LEGISLATIVE SESSION. AS THE ELECTED OFFICIALS HEAD BACK TO WORK, THEY FACE zNodmaHoiWc-00019-00001041-00001047 AS THE ELECTED OFFICIALS HEAD BACK TO WORK, THEY FACE zNodmaHoiWc-00020-00001047-00001531 AS THE ELECTED OFFICIALS HEAD BACK TO WORK, THEY FACE ANOTHER TEST OF WHETHER zNodmaHoiWc-00021-00001531-00001538 BACK TO WORK, THEY FACE ANOTHER TEST OF WHETHER zNodmaHoiWc-00022-00001538-00001604 BACK TO WORK, THEY FACE ANOTHER TEST OF WHETHER DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON zNodmaHoiWc-00023-00001604-00001611 ANOTHER TEST OF WHETHER DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON zNodmaHoiWc-00024-00001611-00001668 ANOTHER TEST OF WHETHER DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON AND THE ALL-REPUBLICAN zNodmaHoiWc-00025-00001668-00001674 DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON AND THE ALL-REPUBLICAN zNodmaHoiWc-00026-00001674-00001741 DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON AND THE ALL-REPUBLICAN LEGISLATURE CAN AGREE ON A NEW, zNodmaHoiWc-00027-00001741-00001748 AND THE ALL-REPUBLICAN LEGISLATURE CAN AGREE ON A NEW, zNodmaHoiWc-00028-00001748-00001818 AND THE ALL-REPUBLICAN LEGISLATURE CAN AGREE ON A NEW, TWO-YEAR BUDGET WITHOUT BRINGING zNodmaHoiWc-00029-00001818-00001825 LEGISLATURE CAN AGREE ON A NEW, TWO-YEAR BUDGET WITHOUT BRINGING zNodmaHoiWc-00030-00001825-00001881 LEGISLATURE CAN AGREE ON A NEW, TWO-YEAR BUDGET WITHOUT BRINGING THE STATE GOVERNMENT TO A zNodmaHoiWc-00031-00001881-00001888 TWO-YEAR BUDGET WITHOUT BRINGING THE STATE GOVERNMENT TO A zNodmaHoiWc-00032-00001888-00002135 TWO-YEAR BUDGET WITHOUT BRINGING THE STATE GOVERNMENT TO A STANDSTILL. zNodmaHoiWc-00033-00002135-00002142 THE STATE GOVERNMENT TO A STANDSTILL. zNodmaHoiWc-00034-00002142-00002208 THE STATE GOVERNMENT TO A STANDSTILL. THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED IN TWENTY zNodmaHoiWc-00035-00002208-00002215 STANDSTILL. THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED IN TWENTY zNodmaHoiWc-00036-00002215-00002278 STANDSTILL. THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED IN TWENTY ELEVEN, THE LAST TIME DAYTON zNodmaHoiWc-00037-00002278-00002285 THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED IN TWENTY ELEVEN, THE LAST TIME DAYTON zNodmaHoiWc-00038-00002285-00002342 THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED IN TWENTY ELEVEN, THE LAST TIME DAYTON FACED FULL GOP CONTROL. zNodmaHoiWc-00039-00002342-00002349 ELEVEN, THE LAST TIME DAYTON FACED FULL GOP CONTROL. zNodmaHoiWc-00040-00002349-00002766 ELEVEN, THE LAST TIME DAYTON FACED FULL GOP CONTROL. BUT MUCH OF THEIR AGENDA WILL BE zNodmaHoiWc-00041-00002766-00002772 FACED FULL GOP CONTROL. BUT MUCH OF THEIR AGENDA WILL BE zNodmaHoiWc-00042-00002772-00003123 FACED FULL GOP CONTROL. BUT MUCH OF THEIR AGENDA WILL BE UNFINISHED WORK FROM YEARS zNodmaHoiWc-00043-00003123-00003129 BUT MUCH OF THEIR AGENDA WILL BE UNFINISHED WORK FROM YEARS zNodmaHoiWc-00044-00003129-00003169 BUT MUCH OF THEIR AGENDA WILL BE UNFINISHED WORK FROM YEARS PAST. zNodmaHoiWc-00045-00003169-00003176 UNFINISHED WORK FROM YEARS PAST. zNodmaHoiWc-00046-00003176-00003239 UNFINISHED WORK FROM YEARS PAST. THE TOP PRIORITY IS ADDRESSING zNodmaHoiWc-00047-00003239-00003246 PAST. THE TOP PRIORITY IS ADDRESSING zNodmaHoiWc-00048-00003246-00003309 PAST. THE TOP PRIORITY IS ADDRESSING SKYROCKETING HEALTH INSURANCE zNodmaHoiWc-00049-00003309-00003316 THE TOP PRIORITY IS ADDRESSING SKYROCKETING HEALTH INSURANCE zNodmaHoiWc-00050-00003316-00003379 THE TOP PRIORITY IS ADDRESSING SKYROCKETING HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS THAT TOOK EFFECT WITH zNodmaHoiWc-00051-00003379-00003386 SKYROCKETING HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS THAT TOOK EFFECT WITH zNodmaHoiWc-00052-00003386-00003783 SKYROCKETING HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS THAT TOOK EFFECT WITH THE NEW YEAR FOR SHOPPERS ON THE zNodmaHoiWc-00053-00003783-00003790 PREMIUMS THAT TOOK EFFECT WITH THE NEW YEAR FOR SHOPPERS ON THE zNodmaHoiWc-00054-00003790-00003847 PREMIUMS THAT TOOK EFFECT WITH THE NEW YEAR FOR SHOPPERS ON THE INDIVIDUAL MARKET. zNodmaHoiWc-00055-00003847-00003853 THE NEW YEAR FOR SHOPPERS ON THE INDIVIDUAL MARKET. zNodmaHoiWc-00056-00003853-00003920 THE NEW YEAR FOR SHOPPERS ON THE INDIVIDUAL MARKET. OLD DEBATES OVER TAX RELIEF AND zNodmaHoiWc-00057-00003920-00003927 INDIVIDUAL MARKET. OLD DEBATES OVER TAX RELIEF AND zNodmaHoiWc-00058-00003927-00004033 INDIVIDUAL MARKET. OLD DEBATES OVER TAX RELIEF AND TRANSPORTATION FUNDING ARE zNodmaHoiWc-00059-00004033-00004040 OLD DEBATES OVER TAX RELIEF AND TRANSPORTATION FUNDING ARE zNodmaHoiWc-00060-00004040-00004401 OLD DEBATES OVER TAX RELIEF AND TRANSPORTATION FUNDING ARE EXPECTED TO CONTINUE AS WELL. zNodmaHoiWc-00061-00004401-00004407 TRANSPORTATION FUNDING ARE EXPECTED TO CONTINUE AS WELL. zNodmaHoiWc-00062-00004407-00004471 TRANSPORTATION FUNDING ARE EXPECTED TO CONTINUE AS WELL. THE LEGISLATURE WILL ADJOURN zNodmaHoiWc-00063-00004471-00004477 EXPECTED TO CONTINUE AS WELL. THE LEGISLATURE WILL ADJOURN zNodmaHoiWc-00064-00004477-00004524 EXPECTED TO CONTINUE AS WELL. THE LEGISLATURE WILL ADJOURN SOMETIME IN LATE MAY. zPETXQHHt7u-00000-00001644-00002730 Extreme zPETXQHHt7u-00001-00002730-00004614 commerce collaborate with zPETXQHHt7u-00002-00004614-00005768 Prime zPETXQHHt7u-00003-00005768-00006798 minister Kamayab jawan program Rawalpindi only zQstaIJjwho-00000-00000000-00000400 The primary structure of NASA’s next flagship zQstaIJjwho-00001-00000400-00000800 telescope - the Nancy Grace Roman Space telescope zQstaIJjwho-00002-00000800-00001200 is in the clean room.This marks an zQstaIJjwho-00003-00001200-00001600 un-official kickoff to the assembly of this widefield telescope. zQstaIJjwho-00004-00001600-00002000 With the primary structure providing its foundation, Roman will zQstaIJjwho-00005-00002000-00002400 survey large sweeps of the sky. Unlike the Webb telescope, zQstaIJjwho-00006-00002400-00002800 which peers with a far narrower focus. These surveys allow zQstaIJjwho-00007-00002800-00003200 astronomers to understand large scale structures of the Universe zQstaIJjwho-00008-00003200-00003600 mysterious substances like dark energy and dark matter. zQstaIJjwho-00009-00003600-00004000 A telescope like this zQstaIJjwho-00010-00004000-00004400 is assembled bones first, and those bones were zQstaIJjwho-00011-00004400-00004800 built here at Goddard’s machine shop. zQstaIJjwho-00012-00004800-00005200 Today we’re preparing to put the spacecraft primary structure onto the skirts. zQstaIJjwho-00013-00005200-00005600 Next week we’ll be moving the structure and the skirt all the way zQstaIJjwho-00014-00005600-00006000 up to building 29, up the hill where it will sit on an observatory dolly. zQstaIJjwho-00015-00006000-00006400 Roman’s initial construction phase zQstaIJjwho-00016-00006400-00006800 requires readying these large pieces like the primary structure zQstaIJjwho-00017-00006800-00007200 which houses critical systems like the propulsion system zQstaIJjwho-00018-00007200-00007600 its power and attitude control and moving them around like puzzle pieces. zQstaIJjwho-00019-00007600-00008000 Ready? Heave! zQstaIJjwho-00020-00008000-00008400 This is the Pantheon. zQstaIJjwho-00021-00008400-00008800 It’s the scaffolding structure that allows people to easily reach zQstaIJjwho-00022-00008800-00009200 the already tall telescope pieces. zQstaIJjwho-00023-00009200-00009600 And with the platform in position, the cleanroom is finally ready zQstaIJjwho-00024-00009600-00010000 for the first central piece of hardware. zQstaIJjwho-00025-00010000-00010400 music zQstaIJjwho-00026-00010400-00010800 Now that this internal skeleton is zQstaIJjwho-00027-00010800-00011200 here along with a final hoist, zQstaIJjwho-00028-00011200-00011600 we can say zQstaIJjwho-00029-00011600-00012000 that Roman has officially arrived. zQstaIJjwho-00030-00012000-00012400 music zQstaIJjwho-00031-00012400-00012665 music zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00000-00000008-00000624 this is the best personal statement i've ever edited it shows vulnerability growth their why zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00001-00000624-00001112 medicine in a compelling way stick around so you can tell your story as effectively first make sure zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00002-00001112-00001504 to subscribe and hit that bell so you don't miss a video on all things personal statement zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00003-00001504-00002112 and secondaries hi i am dr josie this is write your acceptance as a university writing faculty zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00004-00002112-00002560 personal statement coach with 15 years of experience in higher education and working zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00005-00002560-00003088 with students i know what they're looking for this personal statement got into top top programs zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00006-00003088-00003608 across the country and so now it's your turn okay so i'm going to read it in chunks and kind of walk zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00007-00003608-00004040 you through why that moment is so compelling and why it works so well alright so this is zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00008-00004040-00004584 the beginning doctor his face is twitching the nurse declared as a physician penetrated the area zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00009-00004584-00005144 between the zygomatic arch and the mandibular notch with a 20 gauge needle where almost the zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00010-00005144-00005600 target nerve hang in there the physician told the patient as the needle disappeared into the zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00011-00005600-00006144 patient's flesh his spasms worsened and his vitals rose this was not a case i saw while shattering a zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00012-00006144-00006744 physician in this case the patient was me it was fall 2017 the year i was to begin medical school zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00013-00006744-00007440 instead i was in a hospital bed so this section the first two paragraphs in its entirety are about zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00014-00007440-00007831 800 characters and i tell you that because you really want to think about the essay zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00015-00007831-00008384 real estate of the personal statement so kind of beginning middle and end this is a chronic pain zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00016-00008384-00008928 that is happening to him it sidelined him he will talk about why it was such a formative moment but zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00017-00008928-00009288 it's not something he intentionally sought out right so if it's a passive experience you want zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00018-00009288-00009792 it to be very specific and it not take up too much room in your personal statement but it zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00019-00009792-00010488 establishes in a very interesting way they're why they're reapplicant right or why they are kind of zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00020-00010488-00011088 delayed in their journey where they expect it to be versus where they are right now and they do zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00021-00011088-00011496 it very early sometimes students will do it or usually students will do it kind of toward the zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00022-00011496-00012000 end of the essay and it's one of the last things we hear i like that the student begins with it zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00023-00012000-00012440 right off the bat it really establishes kind of where this essay is going to go zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00024-00012720-00013208 so paragraph three multiple gap years were never part of my plan but unfortunately chronic pain zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00025-00013263-00013776 runs on its own time in the process of surmounting chronic pain i continued my commitment to medicine zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00026-00013776-00014256 by seeking research and clinical experiences my circumstances placed me in a unique position to zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00027-00014256-00014704 view medicine via two vantage points that of a patient and of a future clinician as zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00028-00014704-00015191 a result i have developed a keen awareness of both disparities and hope here we explain the zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00029-00015191-00015784 kind of story right we give that story context and depth about the gap years about their why and zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00030-00015784-00016344 in a way we set up for the thesis statement so this is not academic writing but it does help zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00031-00016344-00016856 kind of anchor your essay sometimes to have a thesis statement not all do but we have as zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00032-00016856-00017232 a result i have developed a keen awareness of both disparities and hope disparities and hope zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00033-00017288-00017864 those two kind of buzzwords are going to be thematically intertwined throughout the essay um zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00034-00017864-00018424 so in a very interesting way it is establishing the parameters and his why medicine in a very zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00035-00018424-00019208 specific anchored manner which is strong so now we start with hope the middle part of the essay zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00036-00019208-00019744 is the most important in my opinion because it really shows how the student has intentionally zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00037-00019744-00020512 sought out experiences so it is kind of like an active moment what experiences has a student found zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00038-00020512-00021048 and looked for and engaged in how have they connected with patients to really figure out zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00039-00021048-00021640 that this is not only a profession but a calling so we begin at north bay neuroscience institute we zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00040-00021640-00022160 were the only group in northern california running early detection trials for alzheimer's disease zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00041-00022160-00022688 and drove over three hours to see us desperately seeking hope for her 60 year old father who began zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00042-00022688-00023216 having cognitive issues in his mid-50s now he needed around-the-clock care as the only child zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00043-00023216-00023648 she took on the huge responsibility of being his caregiver in addition to being a single mom zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00044-00023712-00024160 in those few seconds the gravity of the situation struck me this was no longer just some cool zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00045-00024160-00024600 research for my medical school application this was a real human in a grave situation zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00046-00024600-00025208 in that moment nothing else mattered besides being present for her so in this paragraph in zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00047-00025208-00025800 a very kind of seamless manner we kind of dip into their first formative or one of the first zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00048-00025800-00026448 formative experiences that they have a medical clinical trial for alzheimer's we meet anne and zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00049-00026448-00026968 kind of her backstory with her father and then we really in a very honest and vulnerable way zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00050-00027024-00027656 see how the experience changes for the student and deepens and humanizes when he starts to to meet zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00051-00027656-00028272 the faces and stories behind the actual trial so we have this kind of sense of hope and zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00052-00028272-00028895 hopelessness right and seeking hope so one of the themes in the thesis statement is being kind of zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00053-00028895-00029424 teased out are you stuck knowing kind of what your story is but you're not sure how to kind zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00054-00029424-00029992 of go about it if you are by the way comment below i'd love to help you out so next section zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00055-00029992-00030416 a sobering stillness remained with me that day as i ponder the heavy responsibility the white zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00056-00030416-00031064 coat carries i love that image the responsibility i felt became heavier as my pondering took me from zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00057-00031064-00031592 ann who at least had an opportunity to be seen to all the local at-risk hispanics who we could zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00058-00031592-00032072 not even include in our research due to strict language regulations i concluded that medicine zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00059-00032072-00032624 is not a job it is a noble commitment to serve humanity so now we went from someone seeking hope zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00060-00032624-00033208 but having the opportunity to seek that hope right to a vulnerable population minority population zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00061-00033208-00033688 because they don't speak the language don't even have access to this trial to this kind of zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00062-00033688-00034232 line of guidance and help right so we are kind of teetering between balancing between zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00063-00034232-00034632 the disparities and hope mentioned in the thesis so now we're going to go into a zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00064-00034632-00035256 specific example about this disparity right but notice the sentences i love and probably one of zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00065-00035256-00035736 the hardest things about a personal statement is making sure that you have transitional sentences zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00066-00035736-00036168 that move you from one experience to the next so the last sentence of that previous paragraph that zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00067-00036168-00036648 i just read i concluded that medicine is not a job it is a noble commitment to serve humanity zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00068-00036648-00037224 right and then first line of the next sentence my call to serve humanity came early when a hospice zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00069-00037224-00037744 assignment landed me within one of the most neglected crevices of our society nursing homes zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00070-00037744-00038240 so we have commitment to serve humanity as the last phrase of the previous sentence and then my zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00071-00038240-00038848 call to serve humanity came early and then we go into now this nursing home experience as i entered zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00072-00038848-00039368 jose's small room my heart broke he had no family pictures no personal items nothing that spoke to zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00073-00039368-00040024 who he was except for one thing a small picture of his mariachi group sitting on his dresser at that zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00074-00040024-00040440 instant i realized why i was a perfect volunteer for him aside from being the only one who spoke zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00075-00040440-00041048 spanish we shared the same culture i began playing classic mariachi songs on my phone and his eyes zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00076-00041048-00041672 lit up music became a bonding medium jose played a crucial role in my journey he not only illuminated zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00077-00041672-00042048 the existence of serious disparities within healthcare disparities right so one of the zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00078-00042048-00042496 buzzwords but he showed me that i could be part of the solution seniors in nursing homes zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00079-00042496-00043024 are among society's most fragile demographic and unfortunately they're also among the most isolated zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00080-00043024-00043568 lamentably for jose his language and cultural barrier amplified his isolation within his nursing zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00081-00043568-00044224 home i like this section because it does a little bit of everything for the student it allows them zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00082-00044224-00044896 to be in action right and when i say action it could be a small kind of effort experience right zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00083-00044896-00045536 he meets jose he meets this resident at the nursing home he finds commonality and his duties zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00084-00045536-00046096 are not to come and play jose's favorite mariachi songs but he goes beyond what's expected of him to zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00085-00046096-00046640 make a connection and forge a sense of belonging for jose in this nursing home right and so we see zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00086-00046640-00047184 that so we have a story just enough to kind of see that connection and then we go into not only what zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00087-00047184-00047656 jose taught him from an individual perspective but then we have some kind of greater insight zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00088-00047656-00048272 on just nursing homes and this patient population in general without ever pretending like the zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00089-00048272-00048848 student knows what it means to be a doctor what it's like to be a doctor right they're just coming zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00090-00048848-00049328 from insight and experience that they've had specifically so that is very very important make zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00091-00049328-00049856 sure it always comes back to any lesson that you say any insight that you gather make sure it comes zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00092-00049856-00050400 it's anchored in very personal experiences and so then we start toward the end for me medicine zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00093-00050400-00050864 has become a deep-rooted purpose that i cannot abandon in a twisted way i am thankful for the zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00094-00050864-00051288 tribulations for the last five years because it revealed to me that becoming a physician zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00095-00051288-00051776 is more than just a dream it has become a calling that i will answer witnessing medicine via zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00096-00051776-00052264 multiple fronts has given me the means to become a relatable physician who will both remedy patients zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00097-00052264-00052879 and remedy healthcare gaps i will as hippocrates pledged cure sometimes treat often comfort always zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00098-00052879-00053344 i have distanced myself from chronic pain and never once gave up on my dream i have proven zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00099-00053344-00053904 my resilience to my doctors mentors families and most important to myself i have become the patient zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00100-00053904-00054400 and it is now time i don a white coat and become the newest member of a second family a family of zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00101-00054400-00054967 healers so beautifully ending i think it was most most important and crucial to come back zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00102-00054967-00055455 to the chronic pain that we started with right because it shows the distance that we have from zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00103-00055455-00055912 it so it shows that the student you know it's not a red flag it's not a cause for concern they have zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00104-00055912-00056496 kind of effective pain management strategies in place that clearly the student is ready and able zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00105-00056496-00057072 to manage a rigorous medical education i love the critical choices that the student made by zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00106-00057072-00057600 starting with that right most students would then just consolidate the entire chronic pain paragraph zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00107-00057600-00058032 as a second to last paragraph at the end and then kind of wrap up and then that's the last thing the zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00108-00058032-00058448 ad comms are reading and thinking about right now i'm thinking about jose i'm thinking about zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00109-00058448-00059096 that mariachi right the sensorial so there's so much going on in between that was stuff that was zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00110-00059096-00059624 intentional and that the student actively sought out that is most important so that zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00111-00059624-00060144 is why this is one of my favorite essays ever i get attached to essays what can i tell you so for zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00112-00060144-00060584 more transition tricks for more guidance on your personal statement definitely download your free zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00113-00060584-00061288 personal statement guide it's in the description below and watch this video to get your 10 10 must zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00114-00061288-00061808 tips that every personal statement should kind of check off before saying that it is done make zQ-Ya9XYy8A-00115-00061808-00062240 sure you hit that subscribe and like button and we'll see you soon thank you so much bye zVRUX0OLo8k-00000-00000040-00000584 hello friend welcome in ogild our knowledge and skill sharing platform in today's video zVRUX0OLo8k-00001-00000584-00001120 of a complete python video lecture series series for beginner we will discuss about object oriented zVRUX0OLo8k-00002-00001120-00001776 programming in python so let's start these are the contents that we will discuss in today's lecture zVRUX0OLo8k-00003-00001776-00002456 that is how to create a class create object object methods and finally we will discuss about python zVRUX0OLo8k-00004-00002456-00003096 inheritance which is most important part so first of all we will understand how to create a zVRUX0OLo8k-00005-00003096-00003584 class so as we know that python is an object-oriented programming language zVRUX0OLo8k-00006-00003664-00004248 object-oriented programming language so what is the object-oriented programming language what it zVRUX0OLo8k-00007-00004248-00004880 mean we had already discussed this about this in lecture video one uh if still you did not see that zVRUX0OLo8k-00008-00004880-00005448 video so please uh must see that video in which we had discussed about object oriented programming zVRUX0OLo8k-00009-00005528-00006272 so uh let's move uh everything in python in terms of class and object yes because uh we deal with zVRUX0OLo8k-00010-00006272-00007088 class and objects in python so first question is how to create a class so for that we use class zVRUX0OLo8k-00011-00007088-00007952 keyword class keyword is used to create a class in python so this is the practical example so here we zVRUX0OLo8k-00012-00007952-00008672 have class keyword and this is the class name valid variable name class name and after that zVRUX0OLo8k-00013-00008672-00009328 colon symbol and here so simple rule is how to create a class you will just use class keyword zVRUX0OLo8k-00014-00009576-00009704 and after that class name zVRUX0OLo8k-00015-00009920-00010600 you will write and after that colon symbol for example class here student zVRUX0OLo8k-00016-00010864-00011432 so one important thing is class contains properties zVRUX0OLo8k-00017-00011936-00012080 plus methods zVRUX0OLo8k-00018-00012352-00012680 so every class contains properties and methods zVRUX0OLo8k-00019-00012680-00013200 so here we have two properties name and age these are the properties zVRUX0OLo8k-00020-00013632-00014304 so these are the properties and method that is display displays this method zVRUX0OLo8k-00021-00014519-00015016 so how to create method or define the method we had already made the video on this zVRUX0OLo8k-00022-00015016-00015616 if you still didn't see that video so please see the video function in python so you will zVRUX0OLo8k-00023-00015616-00016176 understand how to create and define the function so here in this class student we have defined two zVRUX0OLo8k-00024-00016176-00016752 properties name and ih and one method that is display that will simply print the name zVRUX0OLo8k-00025-00016848-00017272 one questionnaire is that what is self so self what is self here zVRUX0OLo8k-00026-00017576-00018384 so we will discuss about in uh next slide about self so let's move zVRUX0OLo8k-00027-00018448-00018968 so first question we have already completed that how to create class then after that zVRUX0OLo8k-00028-00018968-00019824 how to create object so after creating a class we need to create object so how we can create zVRUX0OLo8k-00029-00019824-00020632 object that we have already made the class student name ajay h20 and this method we have already made zVRUX0OLo8k-00030-00020632-00021256 so this is the way this is this line basically this will create an object of class student zVRUX0OLo8k-00031-00021256-00021816 so how to create object in python simply you have to give object name zVRUX0OLo8k-00032-00022360-00022584 assignment operator then class name zVRUX0OLo8k-00033-00022856-00023224 class name you will give so here the object name is zVRUX0OLo8k-00034-00023224-00023984 st1 we have taken we can take any variable name and class name is student zVRUX0OLo8k-00035-00024096-00024544 so this way we have created the object of student class we can zVRUX0OLo8k-00036-00024544-00025296 take any object names like a student one any variable name we can take then object zVRUX0OLo8k-00037-00025296-00025808 then class name we will write so it will create the object so very simple and after that when zVRUX0OLo8k-00038-00025808-00026472 creating the object as tu1 we have create the object stu1 when we apply dot operator zVRUX0OLo8k-00039-00026472-00026927 then we can access all the public properties and method here we call the method display zVRUX0OLo8k-00040-00027208-00027439 with the help of this class zVRUX0OLo8k-00041-00027512-00028200 object stu1 okay so now you can see the output name rj and h22 because display method simply zVRUX0OLo8k-00042-00028200-00029583 print the name and age so this what itself so self is is is used as used as reference type zVRUX0OLo8k-00043-00029744-00029960 type to access zVRUX0OLo8k-00044-00030208-00031527 current class object current class object so it is the same as uh we used this this in java in java zVRUX0OLo8k-00045-00031527-00032344 language we use this keyword same here we use self as a reference type to access current class object zVRUX0OLo8k-00046-00032344-00032952 so now you understand what is the use of self so let's move uh now you also understand how zVRUX0OLo8k-00047-00032952-00033536 to create object so let's do the practical demonstration of this in pi charm so that zVRUX0OLo8k-00048-00033536-00034088 you will understand how to create a class and objects so first of all we will create zVRUX0OLo8k-00049-00034320-00034392 create class zVRUX0OLo8k-00050-00034600-00034664 in python zVRUX0OLo8k-00051-00035072-00036584 so simple we will use class keyword then class name suppose we have given the class name student zVRUX0OLo8k-00052-00036768-00037040 so here we have taken two properties name zVRUX0OLo8k-00053-00037248-00037808 suppose its value is nothing suppose i am taking name rj zVRUX0OLo8k-00054-00037960-00039384 and h suppose i have given 22 and these are the properties zVRUX0OLo8k-00055-00039528-00039848 of class student zVRUX0OLo8k-00056-00040568-00041328 so now we will create method so we have method we can create method with dev keyword zVRUX0OLo8k-00057-00041464-00042184 method name is display and zVRUX0OLo8k-00058-00042440-00042912 so self is a reference type which is will use to access current class zVRUX0OLo8k-00059-00042912-00043584 object as we already discussed so name we will print with the help of self zVRUX0OLo8k-00060-00043656-00044192 you can see when i will type dot you can see the current as class object name and a two property we zVRUX0OLo8k-00061-00044192-00044984 have already see we can already see here so first of all we will print name and after that print zVRUX0OLo8k-00062-00045272-00046736 h equals to comma self dot h so we have created the class now we will create object create object zVRUX0OLo8k-00063-00047048-00047112 of class zVRUX0OLo8k-00064-00047368-00047416 student zVRUX0OLo8k-00065-00047776-00048520 so we will create the class object of student class so simply we will give object name suppose zVRUX0OLo8k-00066-00048520-00049184 i have given this object name as t1 then class name that is student so you can see it's so now zVRUX0OLo8k-00067-00049288-00050176 so when i will choose stu1 dot this operator gives the all the properties that we have defined zVRUX0OLo8k-00068-00050176-00051367 here when will save this you can see now we have two properties age and name and one method that is zVRUX0OLo8k-00069-00051367-00052367 display method we have defined so all all the attributes and method we have available here zVRUX0OLo8k-00070-00052504-00053248 so i will call the display method and after saving this when i will call this zVRUX0OLo8k-00071-00053367-00054360 you can see output that is name rj and h20 because display method simply print the properties zVRUX0OLo8k-00072-00054360-00055024 okay so this is the way how you can create class and object in python so let's move zVRUX0OLo8k-00073-00055088-00055832 next slide so we will discuss about object methods as we know that in class we define zVRUX0OLo8k-00074-00055832-00056376 different different method we can define different different methods according to our requirements zVRUX0OLo8k-00075-00056376-00056879 for example here this in this class already we have discussed this is a class student now you zVRUX0OLo8k-00076-00056879-00057584 understand how to create class this class has two properties these are the properties zVRUX0OLo8k-00077-00057936-00058360 so now you understand properties name and age properties of the class student zVRUX0OLo8k-00078-00058360-00059048 now we have this this is the uh very important thing that is work as a constructor zVRUX0OLo8k-00079-00059344-00060040 as you heard this name is java also constructor is a spatial member function or method zVRUX0OLo8k-00080-00060040-00060536 which you use to initialize the class object which is used to zVRUX0OLo8k-00081-00060808-00060879 is used to zVRUX0OLo8k-00082-00061552-00062440 initialize the class object this is the feature of constructor constructor zVRUX0OLo8k-00083-00062440-00063096 is used to create object to initialize the object okay so this is the uh in zVRUX0OLo8k-00084-00063232-00063808 is a special method that is called constructor with the help of self reference it will initialize zVRUX0OLo8k-00085-00063808-00064655 the value of name rj and h24 now you here you can see we have defined two method first zVRUX0OLo8k-00086-00064655-00065272 method is create get create get data method for class student we are creating this is the method zVRUX0OLo8k-00087-00065488-00066184 one first method this is first method and in which this method we are taking the values from keyboard zVRUX0OLo8k-00088-00066184-00066968 and self dot name input enter the name enter the student name and age and we have typecast into zVRUX0OLo8k-00089-00066968-00067328 integer because by default input function return string type zVRUX0OLo8k-00090-00067328-00068072 so we have entered the values or properties values from the get data method from the keyboard and zVRUX0OLo8k-00091-00068072-00068784 second method and this is also method and this is method number second in this is called display zVRUX0OLo8k-00092-00068864-00069216 method in this method we are simply displaying the zVRUX0OLo8k-00093-00069432-00070056 properties values using self reference so it will work so here first of all we will create zVRUX0OLo8k-00094-00070056-00070648 the object of the student class student1 then with the help of student1 dot this dot operator zVRUX0OLo8k-00095-00070648-00071336 will give the access of two method first first one first time we have directly called display method zVRUX0OLo8k-00096-00071336-00071880 so because we have not entered the value of keyboard and we are not calling first zVRUX0OLo8k-00097-00071880-00072736 get data method so it simply initialize the object with the initial value that name rj and h24 and it zVRUX0OLo8k-00098-00072736-00073472 will display using print function and second time we have first called the get data method zVRUX0OLo8k-00099-00073472-00074344 so now get data method will call this get data method will call and it will give a chance to zVRUX0OLo8k-00100-00074344-00074776 enter the student name from the keyboard we have entered the name aman and enter zVRUX0OLo8k-00101-00074776-00075368 the age we have entered the 28 now it will overwrite the default value that is ajay with zVRUX0OLo8k-00102-00075424-00076408 amman and the age 28 with 24 so now the output is you can see the output name aman and age zVRUX0OLo8k-00103-00076464-00077312 28 so this is the way how we can create object methods so let's do the practical implementation zVRUX0OLo8k-00104-00077312-00078096 in python so we will go on python here we have already clear create the class student so zVRUX0OLo8k-00105-00078512-00079320 here we will define now none here and name also none and with the help of spatial member function zVRUX0OLo8k-00106-00079320-00080000 that is constructor we will initialize this is the new thing that you will learn using def zVRUX0OLo8k-00107-00080464-00080976 so we will object methods object zVRUX0OLo8k-00108-00081360-00081416 methods zVRUX0OLo8k-00109-00081664-00082008 we will define so def then zVRUX0OLo8k-00110-00082232-00082800 init zVRUX0OLo8k-00111-00082800-00082832 here zVRUX0OLo8k-00112-00083232-00084640 i will define self dot name suppose i will give the value i j and self dot h zVRUX0OLo8k-00113-00084760-00085304 that is 22 we have defined then we have defined display method to print the simply the value zVRUX0OLo8k-00114-00085376-00086000 so first and second method we will also define to get value from keyboard we will define zVRUX0OLo8k-00115-00086000-00086984 second method this is constructor we have defined this is the constructor zVRUX0OLo8k-00116-00087560-00087712 class constructor zVRUX0OLo8k-00117-00088248-00088888 so after that we will do we will create one method zVRUX0OLo8k-00118-00089272-00089528 tab get data zVRUX0OLo8k-00119-00089776-00090544 we will create this method first of all and with the help of this method we will enter the value zVRUX0OLo8k-00120-00090712-00091184 from the keyboard input zVRUX0OLo8k-00121-00091760-00092000 and self dot similarly h zVRUX0OLo8k-00122-00092296-00092872 we will type cast into integer because by default input function return a string type zVRUX0OLo8k-00123-00093096-00093168 enter h zVRUX0OLo8k-00124-00093376-00094032 so finally we have defined a two method zVRUX0OLo8k-00125-00094032-00094552 method first and this one is zVRUX0OLo8k-00126-00094760-00094848 method second zVRUX0OLo8k-00127-00095240-00095840 so we have defined two method and now we will try so first of all we will create the object zVRUX0OLo8k-00128-00095840-00096352 we have already created the object and first of all we will directly call uh when and when i will zVRUX0OLo8k-00129-00096352-00096912 write dot symbol here you can see we have two properties name and age and age and two zVRUX0OLo8k-00130-00096912-00097480 method display and get data you can see here so first of all i will directly call display method zVRUX0OLo8k-00131-00097616-00098712 so that it will show the use of constructor and second time i will first call get data method zVRUX0OLo8k-00132-00098824-00099624 and after that i will call display method dot display so when i will do i will save this zVRUX0OLo8k-00133-00099952-00100088 and execute this zVRUX0OLo8k-00134-00100368-00101152 now you can see here in output stream by default it is in slice the name is ajay and a is 22 zVRUX0OLo8k-00135-00101152-00101736 because we have used special member function that is constructor which is used to initialize class zVRUX0OLo8k-00136-00101736-00102488 object here the class object is in slice with the name rj and h22 now after that it we have called zVRUX0OLo8k-00137-00102488-00103000 the get data method here you can see we have called cat data method so it is asking to enter zVRUX0OLo8k-00138-00103000-00103744 the name suppose i have entered the name amit and the age i have given 29 so now you can see zVRUX0OLo8k-00139-00103744-00104576 the output name amit and h29y because now these values overwrite with default values so now you zVRUX0OLo8k-00140-00104576-00105264 understand how to create object how to differ object different methods and how now you have zVRUX0OLo8k-00141-00105264-00106183 also learned how to use constructor first time in python so we will move to the next slide so that zVRUX0OLo8k-00142-00106383-00106792 so now i am going to discuss very important terminology that is python zVRUX0OLo8k-00143-00106792-00107183 inheritance very important concept in object oriented programming zVRUX0OLo8k-00144-00107288-00107983 most important thing inspire inheritance is reusability reusability zVRUX0OLo8k-00145-00108359-00108528 a reusability we can reuse zVRUX0OLo8k-00146-00108752-00109192 so inheritance is uber feature oh that is object in the programming zVRUX0OLo8k-00147-00109192-00109535 feature to derive subclass that is child class zVRUX0OLo8k-00148-00110208-00110440 that inherit that is inherit means save zVRUX0OLo8k-00149-00110616-00111135 all the methods and properties of from base class that is called parent class zVRUX0OLo8k-00150-00111328-00112159 so here we have seen two term child class and parent class or sub class or base class so first zVRUX0OLo8k-00151-00112159-00112800 question is how to create parent class so first question is how to create parent class what is zVRUX0OLo8k-00152-00112800-00113720 parent class parent class is base class from where properties and method is inherit share the class zVRUX0OLo8k-00153-00113720-00114568 from where we will inherit the properties and methods into subclass or child class so let's come zVRUX0OLo8k-00154-00114568-00115304 into the practical example here we have create already class student in previous like uh topic zVRUX0OLo8k-00155-00115376-00116016 previous topic we have already discussed class strength we have two properties these are two zVRUX0OLo8k-00156-00116016-00117111 properties we have name an age and this now you understand what is this this is constructor zVRUX0OLo8k-00157-00117432-00117776 so what is the use of constructor now you understand we have initialize zVRUX0OLo8k-00158-00117832-00118144 and now this is the type of parameterized constructor zVRUX0OLo8k-00159-00118688-00119383 parameterized constructor because in this constructor we have passed two parameters name zVRUX0OLo8k-00160-00119383-00119968 and h and this name this this two properties with the help of self zVRUX0OLo8k-00161-00119968-00120408 reference name is in a size with name and h is in a slice with h zVRUX0OLo8k-00162-00120408-00121159 so this is type of parameterized constructor we have used here in the previous topic we had zVRUX0OLo8k-00163-00121159-00121983 use the constructor that is default constructor this constructor is default constructor zVRUX0OLo8k-00164-00122176-00122735 default constructor mean it automatically call if will not create it will automatically create zVRUX0OLo8k-00165-00122735-00123400 and it with any slice when with the help of some garbage value so this is a two wave one zVRUX0OLo8k-00166-00123400-00123992 is default constructor and second is that is here uh parameterized constructor we have used so with zVRUX0OLo8k-00167-00123992-00124328 the help of parameterized constructor we have initialized name with name and zVRUX0OLo8k-00168-00124328-00124968 h is with age local variable this these name and age are local variable for this function zVRUX0OLo8k-00169-00124968-00125600 this special function and name and this name and edge are the prop the properties of the class so zVRUX0OLo8k-00170-00125600-00126311 we have defined them one method in this base class that is display info which self parameter is used zVRUX0OLo8k-00171-00126311-00126856 to reference type to access current class object that we have already discussed so it will print zVRUX0OLo8k-00172-00126856-00127368 this display info method for the class student it will simply print the name and age so this zVRUX0OLo8k-00173-00127368-00127976 is the way we have created the base class first of all we will create the base class so let's zVRUX0OLo8k-00174-00128056-00128976 go and create the base class for this inheritance let's we will go on our pycharm window so we have zVRUX0OLo8k-00175-00128976-00129711 already created the class and here we have defines that is default constructor so now zVRUX0OLo8k-00176-00129711-00130392 we will create a parameterized constructor here i will pass name and h also and here i zVRUX0OLo8k-00177-00130392-00131344 will initialize this name with this name local variable and age with this local h variable so zVRUX0OLo8k-00178-00131616-00131784 our topic is now zVRUX0OLo8k-00179-00132048-00132304 create base class zVRUX0OLo8k-00180-00132776-00133184 for inheritance zVRUX0OLo8k-00181-00133592-00134584 so class is a student we have two properties name and age and these this is uh zVRUX0OLo8k-00182-00134640-00134728 parameterize zVRUX0OLo8k-00183-00135224-00135648 parameterize constructor now you understand we have the past two parameters here zVRUX0OLo8k-00184-00135712-00136664 and now we have defined one method we have we will define one method here that is display info method zVRUX0OLo8k-00185-00136856-00137024 which will simply define zVRUX0OLo8k-00186-00137336-00138016 and this will simply print the name and age so now we have created the class base class zVRUX0OLo8k-00187-00138120-00138328 now we have created base class for the zVRUX0OLo8k-00188-00138424-00139120 inheritance in this base class we have base class is a student this is base class zVRUX0OLo8k-00189-00139624-00140360 so in this base class we have two properties name and age and one parameterized constructor we have zVRUX0OLo8k-00190-00140360-00141000 defined and one public method that is display info we have already created so let's move on the slide zVRUX0OLo8k-00191-00141000-00141952 so we'll discuss next thing that is create child class what is child class so child class is a zVRUX0OLo8k-00192-00141952-00142672 subclass subclass who inherits who inherits properties and methods from parents or base zVRUX0OLo8k-00193-00142672-00143296 class so here you can see in this example we have already created the base class this is base class zVRUX0OLo8k-00194-00143560-00144144 we have already created and we have defined two properties and one method here and one zVRUX0OLo8k-00195-00144144-00144592 parameterized constructor this is parameterized constructor we have zVRUX0OLo8k-00196-00145072-00145904 constructor so we have defined here and one method display info let's see here zVRUX0OLo8k-00197-00145904-00146384 so how to use inheritance so define inheritance we use class zVRUX0OLo8k-00198-00146632-00147376 then sub class name here sub class name is course subclass name sub class zVRUX0OLo8k-00199-00147504-00148184 name and then parenthesis then after that we will write base class name zVRUX0OLo8k-00200-00148464-00149208 then coolant symbol for example here class base class drive subclass is course zVRUX0OLo8k-00201-00149472-00149888 and in this course class course class will inherit the properties zVRUX0OLo8k-00202-00149888-00151008 and method of student class so student is the this is base class and this is child class zVRUX0OLo8k-00203-00151336-00151744 so base class or parent class we can say parent class also zVRUX0OLo8k-00204-00151744-00152536 so here we this line create the inheritance create subclass inheritance you can see and in this uh zVRUX0OLo8k-00205-00152648-00153032 subclass we have again defined its class para constructor zVRUX0OLo8k-00206-00153336-00153408 so this is zVRUX0OLo8k-00207-00153632-00154184 course class constructor course class constructor zVRUX0OLo8k-00208-00154376-00154824 so this is course class class constructor we have defined here zVRUX0OLo8k-00209-00155352-00155840 constructor we have defined and one important thing in inheritance zVRUX0OLo8k-00210-00156856-00157136 constructor is not zVRUX0OLo8k-00211-00157352-00157944 inherit that mean is that is not ser zVRUX0OLo8k-00212-00158176-00158968 so for that we have to call the base class constructor from the subclass zVRUX0OLo8k-00213-00158968-00159560 very important thing please keep uh see properly this is very important thing zVRUX0OLo8k-00214-00159688-00160336 for that for that we use a spatial function that is super super zVRUX0OLo8k-00215-00160648-00160704 to call zVRUX0OLo8k-00216-00161016-00161184 base class zVRUX0OLo8k-00217-00161456-00161792 base class constructor zVRUX0OLo8k-00218-00162208-00162232 in zVRUX0OLo8k-00219-00162480-00163400 child class child class since this is very important so we have your super dot in it zVRUX0OLo8k-00220-00163400-00163952 this will call the base class constructor and base class center constructor we have zVRUX0OLo8k-00221-00163952-00164600 two parameters name and age so we have passed to parameter name and age here you can see here zVRUX0OLo8k-00222-00164600-00165464 name and age so by the way the base class constructor will use here so by default it zVRUX0OLo8k-00223-00165464-00166152 is not inherit from the in the inheritance so we have to call the spatial function that is super zVRUX0OLo8k-00224-00166208-00166672 which is used to call to call base class constructor zVRUX0OLo8k-00225-00166672-00167344 so now uh this course class have one property that is course name and this course name zVRUX0OLo8k-00226-00167344-00167856 will be initialized with this this is also a parameterized constructor in subclass zVRUX0OLo8k-00227-00167856-00168576 with the code cname and this class of class has also one method that is display course display zVRUX0OLo8k-00228-00168576-00169136 course and this is this class uh displays method for the class note class student for the class zVRUX0OLo8k-00229-00169344-00170016 for the class is course this is the class course not for the class student so zVRUX0OLo8k-00230-00170016-00170680 here we just print the uh course name with help solve self.course name so now you can zVRUX0OLo8k-00231-00170680-00171216 see we are creating the object of subclass we are not creating the object of base class zVRUX0OLo8k-00232-00171216-00172384 we are creating the object inheritance always we always in inheritance we always create the zVRUX0OLo8k-00233-00172728-00172800 inheritance zVRUX0OLo8k-00234-00173160-00173376 we always zVRUX0OLo8k-00235-00173632-00173904 create object zVRUX0OLo8k-00236-00174112-00175112 of child class child class so we have created the object of child class that is course and zVRUX0OLo8k-00237-00175112-00175784 in this class we have passed three parameters why before that you if you see in the before lectures zVRUX0OLo8k-00238-00175864-00176616 uh when we had created the object in this lecture in this slide we have created the object but we zVRUX0OLo8k-00239-00176616-00177264 have we did not pass any parameters when we when we were creating the object because we are using zVRUX0OLo8k-00240-00177264-00177904 in this default parameter default constructor we are not use parameterized constructor so it zVRUX0OLo8k-00241-00177904-00178616 will automatically initialize the properties with default uh values that we have given here zVRUX0OLo8k-00242-00178616-00179504 so here we have used we have used uh different not default parameters default constructor we zVRUX0OLo8k-00243-00179504-00180112 have used parameterized constructor that's why we are providing three three properties uh first zVRUX0OLo8k-00244-00180112-00180608 for the first two for base class and third for derived class because in derived class we have zVRUX0OLo8k-00245-00180688-00181264 derived class constructor why we are sending three because we are creating the object of zVRUX0OLo8k-00246-00181264-00181896 uh derived class and in derived class or child class we can see we have defined three properties zVRUX0OLo8k-00247-00181952-00182424 name age and we have passed three parameter actually we have passed three parameter name zVRUX0OLo8k-00248-00182424-00183056 age and cname course name so we are providing first name and age and then third course name zVRUX0OLo8k-00249-00183056-00184072 when i will call obj dot display info you can say display info it will call it will it will call the zVRUX0OLo8k-00250-00184360-00184504 you can see it will call zVRUX0OLo8k-00251-00184928-00185416 it will call parent class zVRUX0OLo8k-00252-00185720-00185936 class method zVRUX0OLo8k-00253-00186144-00186416 that is display info zVRUX0OLo8k-00254-00186640-00187352 this is the beauty of inheritance we are calling the method of zVRUX0OLo8k-00255-00187544-00188104 base class with the help of object of derived class so it is sharing shared zVRUX0OLo8k-00256-00188104-00188712 here it is inherit here so obj dot display info is the method of base class you can see zVRUX0OLo8k-00257-00188712-00189296 the method of base class and with the help of object of the derived class i i am calling the zVRUX0OLo8k-00258-00189496-00189904 base class method and obj dot display course this is a method of derived class zVRUX0OLo8k-00259-00189904-00190648 so now you can see the name amit age 23 and course pca it was it is showing the um zVRUX0OLo8k-00260-00190648-00191440 output so uh let's do the total practical implementation so that all thing will be clear zVRUX0OLo8k-00261-00191440-00192000 in your mind so i'm going in pycharm again so that you will understand completely we have zVRUX0OLo8k-00262-00192000-00193384 already create the base class here so now we will create a child class zVRUX0OLo8k-00263-00193528-00194136 child class we will create the child class so we will write class keyword then sub we zVRUX0OLo8k-00264-00194136-00194848 have the child classes course and inside that i will define the base class that is parent class zVRUX0OLo8k-00265-00195480-00196184 and colon and here i will give drive class constructor zVRUX0OLo8k-00266-00196512-00197656 and here i will pass three parameters name h and course name and in slice zVRUX0OLo8k-00267-00197864-00198392 super function what is the use of super function this is special function zVRUX0OLo8k-00268-00198392-00198984 that is used in inheritance to access the base class constructor because in inheritance zVRUX0OLo8k-00269-00199072-00199736 constructor is not inherit so it will inherit the base class constructor so zVRUX0OLo8k-00270-00199976-00200912 we will pass name and h here and after that we will pass we will set the course name zVRUX0OLo8k-00271-00201248-00201784 name with the help of cname so now we have defined our zVRUX0OLo8k-00272-00202024-00202736 drag class constructor and here i will also define one method display zVRUX0OLo8k-00273-00202872-00203720 course so with the help of print statement i will print course name zVRUX0OLo8k-00274-00204272-00204344 self dot zVRUX0OLo8k-00275-00204560-00204776 you can see here course name also zVRUX0OLo8k-00276-00204992-00205648 so now we have created the drive class or child class now if you understand we have created the zVRUX0OLo8k-00277-00205704-00205984 this is the constructor zVRUX0OLo8k-00278-00207319-00207736 child this is child's last constructor and zVRUX0OLo8k-00279-00207944-00208784 super function call base class zVRUX0OLo8k-00280-00208848-00208928 constructor zVRUX0OLo8k-00281-00209248-00210112 in case of inheritance vk we use in this case is this in case of inheritance zVRUX0OLo8k-00282-00210112-00210680 so now we will create the object of of the derived class that is course class zVRUX0OLo8k-00283-00211008-00211367 obj object name i can take any object name obj zVRUX0OLo8k-00284-00211367-00212064 one suppose i have taken then class name that is codes and here i will pass three parameter zVRUX0OLo8k-00285-00212288-00212328 amit zVRUX0OLo8k-00286-00212680-00213392 23 and code suppose i have given p i t so after that zVRUX0OLo8k-00287-00213392-00214384 obj one dot first of all i will call display info and after that i will call ob j one dot zVRUX0OLo8k-00288-00214448-00215544 display course so and i will save this and call this you can see the output name amit and age 23 zVRUX0OLo8k-00289-00215544-00216167 these two are displaying with the help of display a display info method of base class and course zVRUX0OLo8k-00290-00216167-00216784 name is different display with the help of the derived class method so now you understand here zVRUX0OLo8k-00291-00216840-00217592 we have used base class and derived class in base class we have two properties name and age and zVRUX0OLo8k-00292-00217656-00218192 one method that is display info and b this is base class constructor and drive class have zVRUX0OLo8k-00293-00218192-00218816 one property course name and one method display info and with help of this line we have create zVRUX0OLo8k-00294-00219256-00219432 create constructor zVRUX0OLo8k-00295-00219688-00219984 create inheritance sorry zVRUX0OLo8k-00296-00220464-00220888 okay yes okay now you understand so zVRUX0OLo8k-00297-00221144-00221456 i think now you understand how we can zVRUX0OLo8k-00298-00221767-00222560 understand everything how to create base class how to create child class so finally the delete zVRUX0OLo8k-00299-00222560-00223119 object how we delete the object dell keyword we use dell keyword to delete the object for example zVRUX0OLo8k-00300-00223119-00223728 dell student it will clear delete the object student so dell keyword is used to delete the zVRUX0OLo8k-00301-00223784-00224616 object from the memory so this is about inheritance topic we can see here also zVRUX0OLo8k-00302-00224616-00225719 practically in pycharm so if i will delete this like del then i have delete the student zVRUX0OLo8k-00303-00226000-00226360 and then i will save this and when i will execute this zVRUX0OLo8k-00304-00226904-00227104 sorry when i will delete zVRUX0OLo8k-00305-00227319-00227392 the course zVRUX0OLo8k-00306-00228128-00228976 and when i will save this and execute this you can see here name course is not defined because zVRUX0OLo8k-00307-00228976-00229871 now this course class is deleted from the memory so it is showing the error message so dell keyword zVRUX0OLo8k-00308-00229871-00230496 is used to delete the object from the memory so now you understand uh everything uh regarding zVRUX0OLo8k-00309-00230496-00231296 to inheritance that's about that's all about the object-oriented concept programming concept about zVRUX0OLo8k-00310-00231296-00232328 in python so you can get our all videos in ogild this is our official website where you can get all zVRUX0OLo8k-00311-00232328-00233000 the videos of our channel and we you can access our ogild youtube channel also in youtube also zVRUX0OLo8k-00312-00233216-00233840 youtube channel also you can access ogild so thank you very much zYjrKvLmyFY-00000-00000000-00000582 Do watch the "close-up" [Week 2 "close-up"] of the rotations and the positions zYjrKvLmyFY-00001-00000582-00000919 that the baby will go through in the process of being born. zYjrKvLmyFY-00002-00000934-00001432 In skills lab [see the skills lab videos] you learn to attach an external monitor to pregnant women. zYjrKvLmyFY-00003-00001432-00001952 There is also an internal monitoring, which is invasive. You will not learn to zYjrKvLmyFY-00004-00001952-00002376 do that in this rotation, and in fact, you will have to be an experienced OB nurse zYjrKvLmyFY-00005-00002376-00002792 before you are taught how to do that. Essentially, it involves inserting a zYjrKvLmyFY-00006-00002792-00003256 pressure monitor between the fetus and uterine wall. So the membranes have to be zYjrKvLmyFY-00007-00003256-00003768 ruptured to do this... and actually screwing a small spiral electrode into zYjrKvLmyFY-00008-00003768-00004248 the fetal scalp. The [monitor] strips, however, are going to look about the same whether its zYjrKvLmyFY-00009-00004248-00004728 internal or external monitoring, and you will learn to read these monitors strips. zYjrKvLmyFY-00010-00004728-00005248 This is an entire specialty, and if you go into OB, you will probably want to get zYjrKvLmyFY-00011-00005248-00005736 certified in this, but you will learn the rudiments now. Read this chapter zYjrKvLmyFY-00012-00005736-00006104 carefully, and make sure you can distinguish between the three types of zYjrKvLmyFY-00013-00006104-00006584 decelerations and what they indicate, accelerations and zYjrKvLmyFY-00014-00006584-00007008 what a reassuring and reactive strip should look like. zYjrKvLmyFY-00015-00007008-00007504 You will find that this chapter is somewhat a review of some of the earlier concepts. zYjrKvLmyFY-00016-00007504-00007984 It covers what happens in labor and delivery, how we deal with pain, how we zYjrKvLmyFY-00017-00007984-00008528 monitor the mom and baby during the process-- because all of that is a part of zYjrKvLmyFY-00018-00008528-00008928 nursing care during labor. But there's new material here as well. zYjrKvLmyFY-00019-00008928-00009344 In the box that describes how to distinguish true from false labor, zYjrKvLmyFY-00020-00009344-00009568 you will find information that you need- zYjrKvLmyFY-00021-00009568-00009984 and you will end up seeing on all the tests that cover this topic. zYjrKvLmyFY-00022-00009984-00010240 All told, this chapter will be a good review for zYjrKvLmyFY-00023-00010240-00010864 the upcoming tests. All women who receive prenatal care from any provider will zYjrKvLmyFY-00024-00010864-00011296 have records maintained by the the provider, the nurse midwife, or doctor. zYjrKvLmyFY-00025-00011296-00011824 All of the providers make it a policy to send these prenatal records into the zYjrKvLmyFY-00026-00011824-00012448 hospital or facility at which the woman plans to deliver by at least 36 weeks. zYjrKvLmyFY-00027-00012448-00012900 If a woman delivers at an unplanned time and unplanned location-- maybe she's on zYjrKvLmyFY-00028-00012900-00013360 vacation --it is customary for the facility to contact the woman's provider zYjrKvLmyFY-00029-00013360-00013888 and the provider will immediately fax records to them. Prenatal history is so zYjrKvLmyFY-00030-00013888-00014350 important, that we want the patient's records to be available to anyone who zYjrKvLmyFY-00031-00014350-00014752 may need to give this woman care. Most prenatal records have the same zYjrKvLmyFY-00032-00014752-00015263 information in a pretty standard form. Your book gives several multicultural zYjrKvLmyFY-00033-00015263-00015647 examples of labor and delivery, and you will need to know some of the more zYjrKvLmyFY-00034-00015647-00016144 common, for instance Hispanic and Asian for upcoming tests. The more aware you zYjrKvLmyFY-00035-00016144-00016656 become at the beliefs and practices of other cultures in regard to women's health, zYjrKvLmyFY-00036-00016656-00017264 the better care you can give. All of the nurse alerts in this chapter are really good. zYjrKvLmyFY-00037-00017264-00017872 They always are. Note the physical examination components that are a part zYjrKvLmyFY-00038-00017872-00018320 of the initial OB admission on page 4 It's quite different from what we do in zYjrKvLmyFY-00039-00018320-00018752 critical care, and it's funny how things change from one floor of the hospital to zYjrKvLmyFY-00040-00018752-00019136 the other. As a critical care nurse (which I went into immediately after I zYjrKvLmyFY-00041-00019136-00019536 graduated from nursing school and stayed there until I saw all the fun I was zYjrKvLmyFY-00042-00019536-00019952 missing out on!) I looked for entirely different things. zYjrKvLmyFY-00043-00019952-00020320 As a critical care nurse I find that having the two specialties gives me a zYjrKvLmyFY-00044-00020320-00020848 lot more perspective. The thing I don't like is when my specialties overlap! zYjrKvLmyFY-00045-00020848-00021424 It usually means bad news, and we will be covering situations of this sort as we zYjrKvLmyFY-00046-00021424-00021952 go into the complications of obstetric patients in later chapters. Know this zYjrKvLmyFY-00047-00021952-00022464 though, that all ---every one of your assessment skills--- will come into play in zYjrKvLmyFY-00048-00022464-00023008 OB. You will see inservices that offer to give you new skills --many zYjrKvLmyFY-00049-00023008-00023328 offered by the education department in your hospital. zYjrKvLmyFY-00050-00023328-00023744 Go to these and learn from the more experienced nurses. zYjrKvLmyFY-00051-00023744-00024064 Learn as much as you can from all the nurses you work with, zYjrKvLmyFY-00052-00024064-00024432 even if they're LVN's. I've learned a great deal from Tech's or CNAs, zYjrKvLmyFY-00053-00024432-00024880 and you will too. They have an entirely different perspective than we do, which zYjrKvLmyFY-00054-00024880-00025344 we are not free to adopt. But in some way, they have figured out ways of doing things, zYjrKvLmyFY-00055-00025344-00025792 and hints for patient care, that can be really helpful and efficient. zYjrKvLmyFY-00056-00025792-00026256 I think the most important skill you must use every single day on every single zYjrKvLmyFY-00057-00026256-00026688 patient, is listening to what your patient says. Unfortunately you will see zYjrKvLmyFY-00058-00026688-00027216 nurses who are not listening on this rotation. ...You will see that if zYjrKvLmyFY-00059-00027216-00027616 they had listened, they would have had advanced warning. I can't tell you how zYjrKvLmyFY-00060-00027616-00028100 many times I've heard a patient say, " I think the baby's coming now!" and the zYjrKvLmyFY-00061-00028100-00028464 nurse says, "Can't be-- I just checked you thirty minutes ago when you were only zYjrKvLmyFY-00062-00028464-00028927 dilated to five." Then she happens to glance at the woman, and finds that the zYjrKvLmyFY-00063-00028927-00029520 baby's head is crowning! The human body defies the norm at so many unexpected zYjrKvLmyFY-00064-00029520-00030000 points! We think we're so smart, and we can use our partograms... we can zYjrKvLmyFY-00065-00030000-00030544 demonstrate exactly how labor will happen... how it's gonna go... and it doesn't zYjrKvLmyFY-00066-00030544-00030960 always happen that way! Be humble and patient and admit that you're not always zYjrKvLmyFY-00067-00030960-00031408 right, or else human physiology will humble you and make you patient in an zYjrKvLmyFY-00068-00031408-00031836 embarrassing way! As I say this I am thinking of things that happen in each zYjrKvLmyFY-00069-00031836-00032380 OB rotation that I am a part of. In every single rotation, something happens that zYjrKvLmyFY-00070-00032380-00032780 generates a lot of comment in post conferences, which someone on the team zYjrKvLmyFY-00071-00032780-00033200 has been way off in an assessment or prediction of when or how things will happen. zYjrKvLmyFY-00072-00033200-00033650 Nurses and physicians know they will never know it all, and they are zYjrKvLmyFY-00073-00033650-00034236 willing to be students of the human body. Only those who are willing to BE those students zYjrKvLmyFY-00074-00034236-00034560 will be the ones that won't make fools of themselves on a regular basis! zYjrKvLmyFY-00075-00034584-00035156 If you know that you take vital signs every 30 minutes during everything except "transition"-- zYjrKvLmyFY-00076-00035156-00035716 which is every 15 minutes-- then you won't go wrong. We don't do vaginal exams zYjrKvLmyFY-00077-00035716-00036316 any more than is absolutely necessary to give good care-- once or twice a shift is enough. zYjrKvLmyFY-00078-00036316-00036800 And usually we wait until there's an indication. We do one on admission zYjrKvLmyFY-00079-00036800-00037230 and when we have a good reason. We do them when we suspect that the woman is fully zYjrKvLmyFY-00080-00037230-00037500 dilated and can now push if she wants, and that's all. zbky1KLBmoU-00000-00000000-00000200 I somehow recorded this… zbXq0oHllQ4-00000-00000948-00001100 Talking about events now - zbXq0oHllQ4-00001-00001100-00001302 In our industry, especially in the last 2 years zbXq0oHllQ4-00002-00001310-00001496 we've really been flooded with zbXq0oHllQ4-00003-00001548-00001700 a number of new events zbXq0oHllQ4-00004-00001700-00001850 not just from organisations zbXq0oHllQ4-00005-00001864-00002068 but also from technology providers themselves zbXq0oHllQ4-00006-00002250-00002408 associations, a whole bunch of people are coming zbXq0oHllQ4-00007-00002408-00002506 up with events now. zbXq0oHllQ4-00008-00002526-00002666 There's a lot of competition out there zbXq0oHllQ4-00009-00002666-00002812 So how zbXq0oHllQ4-00010-00002812-00002936 as the incoming president zbXq0oHllQ4-00011-00002936-00003162 How do you intend to keep HEDNA relevant zbXq0oHllQ4-00012-00003162-00003302 when it comes to that space? zbXq0oHllQ4-00013-00003302-00003440 It's a competitive area now zbXq0oHllQ4-00014-00003442-00003646 I think I've been personally involved for at least zbXq0oHllQ4-00015-00003646-00003752 10 years at HEDNA zbXq0oHllQ4-00016-00003752-00003952 and what is unique about HEDNA and what zbXq0oHllQ4-00017-00003952-00004166 continues to be unique about HEDNA is zbXq0oHllQ4-00018-00004166-00004298 the level of collaboration zbXq0oHllQ4-00019-00004298-00004520 This is a non-profit organisation zbXq0oHllQ4-00020-00004520-00004722 that is there for its membership zbXq0oHllQ4-00021-00004722-00004888 in order to bring technology zbXq0oHllQ4-00022-00004888-00005080 to bring education forward zbXq0oHllQ4-00023-00005080-00005392 and no other organisation in the world does that zbXq0oHllQ4-00024-00005392-00005490 in this way zbXq0oHllQ4-00025-00005490-00005802 in this collaborative, partnership-oriented kind of way zbXq0oHllQ4-00026-00005812-00006076 and I think that makes HEDNA unique zbXq0oHllQ4-00027-00006100-00006382 Of course we have to push each other forward zbXq0oHllQ4-00028-00006400-00006559 to keep the content relevant zbXq0oHllQ4-00029-00006559-00006900 to use current topics that are relevant to our audience zbXq0oHllQ4-00030-00006964-00007192 and the board and the members are committed zbXq0oHllQ4-00031-00007192-00007314 to push zbXq0oHllQ4-00032-00007320-00007631 and keep innovating, so that we remain relevant zbXq0oHllQ4-00033-00007652-00007726 for our audience zbXq0oHllQ4-00034-00007726-00007822 Just to add to that as well zbXq0oHllQ4-00035-00007822-00007973 we have the people that are zbXq0oHllQ4-00036-00007973-00008140 solutioning on stage zbXq0oHllQ4-00037-00008164-00008320 They're not just talking about the problems zbXq0oHllQ4-00038-00008320-00008498 but the people that are actually going to build zbXq0oHllQ4-00039-00008498-00008650 the solutions are on stage zbXq0oHllQ4-00040-00008650-00008844 The hoteliers at the level that are actually zbXq0oHllQ4-00041-00008844-00009018 dealing with some of the problems zbXq0oHllQ4-00042-00009026-00009194 are on stage and working together zbXq0oHllQ4-00043-00009200-00009310 to solve those problems zbXq0oHllQ4-00044-00009310-00009516 Which you don't always see at the other conferences zbXq0oHllQ4-00045-00009536-00009656 Balance is extremely important zbXq0oHllQ4-00046-00009656-00009858 for this organisation, right zbXq0oHllQ4-00047-00009902-00010128 The board is comprised of mostly hoteliers zbXq0oHllQ4-00048-00010130-00010362 and hospitality professionals zbXq0oHllQ4-00049-00010378-00010472 By or bilaws (XXX) zbXq0oHllQ4-00050-00010472-00010618 and it's a critical component zbXq0oHllQ4-00051-00010618-00010886 We want a balanced approach zbXq0oHllQ4-00052-00010896-00011198 and we want a conversation amongst partners. zc7bcE1IsM0-00000-00000360-00000838 So today we're completing the sealing of the surface of the Saxton Velodrome, the zc7bcE1IsM0-00001-00000838-00001162 pavement surface here with the specialized equipment that's come in zc7bcE1IsM0-00002-00001162-00001554 from the North Island. It's able to pave a seven metre wide surface without any zc7bcE1IsM0-00003-00001554-00001960 joins down the centre of the track, which traditionally, in the past, smaller zc7bcE1IsM0-00004-00001960-00002308 machines have put a joint through the centre. It's the first time ever in New Zealand zc7bcE1IsM0-00005-00002308-00002668 and it's a great honour or great privilege that Downer's have been able to zc7bcE1IsM0-00006-00002668-00003390 fulfill that. zc7bcE1IsM0-00007-00003390-00003769 yeah so this is the the widest anyone in New Zealand has ever paved a velodrome. normally they're done into two rips but we're going one with zc7bcE1IsM0-00008-00003769-00004282 the whole way around. So it's a new Vogele track paver. It's come down from zc7bcE1IsM0-00009-00004282-00004735 Auckland and the crew to man it has come from Tauranga it so we've picked the the zc7bcE1IsM0-00010-00004735-00005142 finest that Downer's has got to offer in the country to finish it. zc7bcE1IsM0-00011-00005142-00005560 It's been challenging obviously the steep angles, and running plant around in steep angles zc7bcE1IsM0-00012-00005560-00005971 you can see the rollers behind us have got machines tethered to them so they zc7bcE1IsM0-00013-00005971-00006339 don't topple over and same with the paver. The paver had to be zc7bcE1IsM0-00014-00006339-00006772 loaded by excavator. So it's yeah, it's been a few challenges but it's been a zc7bcE1IsM0-00015-00006772-00007201 good one to overcome. zc7bcE1IsM0-00016-00007201-00007597 Yes we're happy with today. There were some unknowns that we had to overcome zc7bcE1IsM0-00017-00007597-00008050 that we weren't quite sure of until we got the paver on the track, but we're happy with today. zc7bcE1IsM0-00018-00008159-00008592 Yeah, so the velodrome project, it's been ongoing for probably about eight years zc7bcE1IsM0-00019-00008592-00009202 was communications with the Saxton Cycling Trust where they were originally zc7bcE1IsM0-00020-00009202-00009724 based at Trafalgar Park in Nelson. With with the changes at Trafalgar Park they zc7bcE1IsM0-00021-00009724-00010078 were looking for a new home so Saxton Field was identified. zc7bcE1IsM0-00022-00010202-00010588 Oh, I think it's magic really. You know it's been a long time in the planning zc7bcE1IsM0-00023-00010704-00011236 and you'll just see the, the cycling grow, I believe, here in Nelson and Tasman. zc7bcE1IsM0-00024-00011236-00011836 We've got a lot of interest already from both clubs private users or the public and New Zealand team zc7bcE1IsM0-00025-00011836-00012241 have identified already that they will be down next year to do some training here zc7bcE1IsM0-00026-00012241-00012595 in Nelson and promote the, promote cycling which is which is great you know, zc7bcE1IsM0-00027-00012595-00012982 we're not even up and running yet we're still sealing. As well as every school zc7bcE1IsM0-00028-00012982-00013528 has shown an interest in bringing learn to ride programmes from the district here to zc7bcE1IsM0-00029-00013528-00014004 the velodrome. So that's going to be good! zdtKv2fXsAc-00000-00001952-00002152 peanut butter zdtKv2fXsAc-00001-00002224-00002400 make smoother with fine sandpaper if needed zdtKv2fXsAc-00002-00002523-00002688 wipe on the peanut butter zdtKv2fXsAc-00003-00003665-00003800 wipe it off with some paper zdtKv2fXsAc-00004-00004071-00004225 before zdtKv2fXsAc-00005-00004508-00004708 after zdAQ2rylI0y-00000-00000059-00000159 Amy: Oh, hi! zdAQ2rylI0y-00001-00000159-00000291 Are you here for the video? zdAQ2rylI0y-00002-00000291-00000391 Good choice! zdAQ2rylI0y-00003-00000391-00000784 Instructional videos are a great way to engage students, humanize your course, and provide zdAQ2rylI0y-00004-00000784-00001087 focus and emphasis for key concepts and skills. zdAQ2rylI0y-00005-00001087-00001232 Ileana: Yeah! zdAQ2rylI0y-00006-00001232-00001550 A well-planned video is an amazing teaching tool-- zdAQ2rylI0y-00007-00001550-00002260 --but a poorly designed video can be long and boring, lowering its effectiveness. zdAQ2rylI0y-00008-00002260-00002555 Lené: Hey, quiet in front! zdAQ2rylI0y-00009-00002555-00002787 The movie is starting! zdAQ2rylI0y-00010-00002787-00003383 [film reel running] zdAQ2rylI0y-00011-00003387-00005383 [music] zdAQ2rylI0y-00012-00005389-00005939 Lene: Welcome to our virtual studio. zdAQ2rylI0y-00013-00005939-00006175 Let’s get started, team! zdAQ2rylI0y-00014-00006175-00006804 Amy: Video combines visual and audio information--it’s inherently multi-media. zdAQ2rylI0y-00015-00006804-00007247 Effective video is an important tool for online teaching, but most of us were not trained zdAQ2rylI0y-00016-00007247-00007745 to be screenwriters, video editors, or foley artists! zdAQ2rylI0y-00017-00007789-00008252 Thankfully, we can use desktop tools to help us develop effective video. zdAQ2rylI0y-00018-00008252-00008820 Ileana: In this short presentation, we’ll introduce you to four concepts of multimedia zdAQ2rylI0y-00019-00008820-00009500 design--segmenting, signaling, weeding, and matching modality--and show you how to draw zdAQ2rylI0y-00020-00009500-00009995 on these concepts as you’re developing, producing, and distributing your videos! zdAQ2rylI0y-00021-00009995-00010210 Lené: Okay, that’s a wrap! zdAQ2rylI0y-00022-00010210-00010442 Let’s get the presentation started! zfmkBUUzep8-00000-00001299-00001399 TRANSCRIPT zfmkBUUzep8-00001-00001399-00001499 Grant Caruthers: I’m Grant Caruthers. zfmkBUUzep8-00002-00001499-00001599 I’m the CEO of Burra Foods. zfmkBUUzep8-00003-00001599-00001845 We’re a dairy processor in Gippsland, Victoria. zfmkBUUzep8-00004-00001845-00002602 Burra Foods is a collector of raw milk off farm and we process it into powdered milk, zfmkBUUzep8-00005-00002602-00002963 infant formula, cheese and other dairy products. zfmkBUUzep8-00006-00002963-00003476 Victoria is very good at regional processing of food products, particularly dairy products. zfmkBUUzep8-00007-00003476-00003979 All the action is in Korumburra, which is in South Gippsland, 120 kilometres away. zfmkBUUzep8-00008-00003979-00004575 That is the area of excellence for growing and collecting milk and processing it. zfmkBUUzep8-00009-00004575-00004836 We are a customised ingredient company. zfmkBUUzep8-00010-00004836-00005487 So we will work intimately with the technical team of our customer to tailor a product, zfmkBUUzep8-00011-00005487-00005722 an ingredient for their application. zfmkBUUzep8-00012-00005722-00006258 In Japan we’ve been able to develop some ingredients that work very well with some zfmkBUUzep8-00013-00006258-00006675 manufacturers in the beverage industry and the yoghurt and ice-cream industry. zfmkBUUzep8-00014-00006675-00007254 It is a big importer of dairy products until China came along, the biggest importer of zfmkBUUzep8-00015-00007254-00007422 dairy products in the world. zfmkBUUzep8-00016-00007422-00007964 For Burra Foods’ export business, the real hero is the Chinese Free Trade Agreement. zfmkBUUzep8-00017-00007964-00008321 The China market is so big you really can’t get your mind around it. zfmkBUUzep8-00018-00008321-00008835 They want dairy, they want dairy protein in their diet and they’re increasingly being zfmkBUUzep8-00019-00008835-00009040 able to afford it. zfmkBUUzep8-00020-00009040-00009499 Burra’s China strategy is all about infant formula, which was triggered by the tariff zfmkBUUzep8-00021-00009499-00010143 reductions that we saw in 2012 and the Free Trade Agreement that is to be signed, hopefully zfmkBUUzep8-00022-00010143-00010325 in 2015. zfmkBUUzep8-00023-00010325-00011025 We currently pay between 10 and 20 per cent tariff on all products and that will edge zfmkBUUzep8-00024-00011025-00011125 down. zfmkBUUzep8-00025-00011125-00011634 The agenda’s been set and being on the ground in a market has given us a great dividend. zfmkBUUzep8-00026-00011634-00012238 We’ve done it in Japan, we had an office established in 1999, and we’ve decided to zfmkBUUzep8-00027-00012238-00012463 do the same in China. zfmkBUUzep8-00028-00012463-00013153 The FTA for the dairy industry is a clear way forward to effectively a zero tariff provider zfmkBUUzep8-00029-00013153-00013376 of food into the world’s biggest food market. zfmkBUUzep8-00030-00013376-00013401 [END TRANSCRIPT] zhkbB50AqNc-00000-00000803-00001266 What's going on guys, we are Jade and Ssunge from Block Info. zhkbB50AqNc-00001-00001302-00001372 What zhkbB50AqNc-00002-00001420-00002056 Today we are going to study cryptocurrency English words. zhkbB50AqNc-00003-00002078-00002260 So I brought Ssunge. zhkbB50AqNc-00004-00002330-00002550 Ssunge, how well do you speak English? zhkbB50AqNc-00005-00002566-00002798 I lived in US for zhkbB50AqNc-00006-00002810-00002964 3 weeks. zhkbB50AqNc-00007-00002982-00003134 as a traveler. zhkbB50AqNc-00008-00003164-00003458 Back then, I communicated with them zhkbB50AqNc-00009-00003464-00003654 using body language. zhkbB50AqNc-00010-00003672-00003784 And few days ago, zhkbB50AqNc-00011-00003784-00004188 I had a private conversation with a foreigner zhkbB50AqNc-00012-00004244-00004318 Okay zhkbB50AqNc-00013-00004342-00004582 Ssunge speaks English really well. zhkbB50AqNc-00014-00004614-00004670 Exactly zhkbB50AqNc-00015-00004672-00004952 I already asked you this question before. zhkbB50AqNc-00016-00004980-00005420 What do you call bitcoin, ethereum, ADA, EOS, zhkbB50AqNc-00017-00005436-00005720 all these coins in Korean? zhkbB50AqNc-00018-00005726-00005838 Cryptocurrency zhkbB50AqNc-00019-00005866-00005992 IN KOREAN! zhkbB50AqNc-00020-00006152-00006262 Ahh in Korean zhkbB50AqNc-00021-00006278-00006422 I got nervous, sorry. zhkbB50AqNc-00022-00006444-00006586 In Korean. Coin! zhkbB50AqNc-00023-00006594-00006644 NO zhkbB50AqNc-00024-00006644-00006816 Virtual currency! virtual currency zhkbB50AqNc-00025-00006826-00006881 right zhkbB50AqNc-00026-00006881-00007108 In Korea, we call it virtual currency. zhkbB50AqNc-00027-00007128-00007304 Even in the news articles, zhkbB50AqNc-00028-00007326-00007618 or an official government announcement, zhkbB50AqNc-00029-00007618-00007866 they all say "virtual currency". zhkbB50AqNc-00030-00007908-00008222 These days, people use "cryptocurrency". zhkbB50AqNc-00031-00008222-00008460 What's cryptocurrency in English? zhkbB50AqNc-00032-00008470-00008582 cryptocurrency zhkbB50AqNc-00033-00008582-00008796 Right. It's cryptocurrency in English. zhkbB50AqNc-00034-00008834-00009102 Virtual currency is different. zhkbB50AqNc-00035-00009138-00009552 It's like VR, virtual reality, not real. zhkbB50AqNc-00036-00009600-00009778 But it's not virtual. zhqcNPC6B_k-00000-00000048-00000304 in the last video we started to study zhqcNPC6B_k-00001-00000208-00000616 the concept of zhqcNPC6B_k-00002-00000304-00000959 phoneme. a phoneme is our zhqcNPC6B_k-00003-00000616-00001288 mental representation of a sound zhqcNPC6B_k-00004-00000959-00001648 in a human language. for example zhqcNPC6B_k-00005-00001288-00001792 in, if we have the sounds [s] and [ʃ] zhqcNPC6B_k-00006-00001648-00002032 speakers of English would think that zhqcNPC6B_k-00007-00001792-00002248 these two sounds are different zhqcNPC6B_k-00008-00002032-00002416 mentally they feel like they are two zhqcNPC6B_k-00009-00002248-00002584 separate things zhqcNPC6B_k-00010-00002416-00002719 and as a matter of fact we can know that zhqcNPC6B_k-00011-00002584-00002927 there are separate things because zhqcNPC6B_k-00012-00002719-00003032 if you switched one for the other, the zhqcNPC6B_k-00013-00002927-00003368 meaning would change zhqcNPC6B_k-00014-00003032-00003560 as in [sɪp] versus [ʃɪp] zhqcNPC6B_k-00015-00003368-00003704 however the same sounds can be zhqcNPC6B_k-00016-00003560-00003807 classified differently in other zhqcNPC6B_k-00017-00003704-00004120 languages zhqcNPC6B_k-00018-00003807-00004344 in Korean the sounds [s] and [ʃ] were zhqcNPC6B_k-00019-00004120-00004648 actually two different personalities zhqcNPC6B_k-00020-00004344-00004728 of the same mental representation. they zhqcNPC6B_k-00021-00004648-00005055 were two zhqcNPC6B_k-00022-00004728-00005352 allophones of the same phoneme zhqcNPC6B_k-00023-00005055-00005439 so we only saw [ʃ] when it was followed zhqcNPC6B_k-00024-00005352-00005752 by the sound zhqcNPC6B_k-00025-00005439-00006096 [i] as in [ʃigan] 'power' zhqcNPC6B_k-00026-00005752-00006392 and everywhere else we saw the [s] so zhqcNPC6B_k-00027-00006096-00006487 these two were allophones and whenever zhqcNPC6B_k-00028-00006392-00006776 we saw one zhqcNPC6B_k-00029-00006487-00006847 we never saw the other, so English and zhqcNPC6B_k-00030-00006776-00007136 Korean zhqcNPC6B_k-00031-00006847-00007215 organize these two sounds differently zhqcNPC6B_k-00032-00007136-00007376 in this video zhqcNPC6B_k-00033-00007215-00007568 we're going to look at the opposite zhqcNPC6B_k-00034-00007376-00007679 example. we're going to look at two zhqcNPC6B_k-00035-00007568-00007959 sounds zhqcNPC6B_k-00036-00007679-00008079 where speakers of English think that zhqcNPC6B_k-00037-00007959-00008296 these two sounds are just zhqcNPC6B_k-00038-00008079-00008456 different personalities or allophones of zhqcNPC6B_k-00039-00008296-00008800 the same phoneme zhqcNPC6B_k-00040-00008456-00008952 however, speakers of Hindi and Urdu zhqcNPC6B_k-00041-00008800-00009128 might feel that these are actually zhqcNPC6B_k-00042-00008952-00009464 different. so zhqcNPC6B_k-00043-00009128-00009464 we have the sounds [p] and [pʰ] zhqcNPC6B_k-00044-00009504-00010088 unaspirated [p] and aspirated [pʰ] zhqcNPC6B_k-00045-00009847-00010200 and these two sounds are, as a matter of zhqcNPC6B_k-00046-00010088-00010368 fact, physically different zhqcNPC6B_k-00047-00010200-00010592 let me show you with my scientific zhqcNPC6B_k-00048-00010368-00010896 instrument. so the first one is zhqcNPC6B_k-00049-00010592-00011152 unaspirated and the second one has zhqcNPC6B_k-00050-00010896-00011152 aspiration zhqcNPC6B_k-00051-00011343-00011752 so you can see that the unaspirated one zhqcNPC6B_k-00052-00011575-00011992 does not have a puff of air zhqcNPC6B_k-00053-00011752-00012256 and the aspirated one does they are zhqcNPC6B_k-00054-00011992-00012488 identical except for that zhqcNPC6B_k-00055-00012256-00012784 so these two sounds are physically zhqcNPC6B_k-00056-00012488-00013056 measurably different zhqcNPC6B_k-00057-00012784-00013200 however, from our mindset of English we zhqcNPC6B_k-00058-00013056-00013416 think that these two are just zhqcNPC6B_k-00059-00013200-00013584 different personalities of one zhqcNPC6B_k-00060-00013416-00013631 overarching reality that we're going to zhqcNPC6B_k-00061-00013584-00013991 call zhqcNPC6B_k-00062-00013631-00014144 /p/, that somehow one /p/ has two different zhqcNPC6B_k-00063-00013991-00014504 personalities that are zhqcNPC6B_k-00064-00014144-00014816 similar. /p/...[pa] and [pʰa] zhqcNPC6B_k-00065-00014504-00015312 however, what does Hindi think and Urdu? zhqcNPC6B_k-00066-00014816-00015312 let's, uh, take a listen at these two zhqcNPC6B_k-00067-00015484-00015784 words zhqcNPC6B_k-00068-00016848-00017295 so [paːl] means to 'take care of something' and [pʰaːl] means zhqcNPC6B_k-00069-00017104-00017544 'blade' zhqcNPC6B_k-00070-00017295-00017616 let me ask you, are these two different zhqcNPC6B_k-00071-00017544-00018072 phonemes zhqcNPC6B_k-00072-00017616-00018464 of Hindi and Urdu? what do you say? zhqcNPC6B_k-00073-00018072-00018776 the answer is yes. first of all zhqcNPC6B_k-00074-00018464-00018831 and the most important reason is that we zhqcNPC6B_k-00075-00018776-00019168 have zhqcNPC6B_k-00076-00018831-00019512 minimal pairs for these two sounds zhqcNPC6B_k-00077-00019168-00019728 so the first word is [paːl] 'to take care' zhqcNPC6B_k-00078-00019512-00019887 and it is identical to the second one zhqcNPC6B_k-00079-00019728-00020272 except for the first zhqcNPC6B_k-00080-00019887-00020448 sound. so this one is [paːl] and [pʰaːl] zhqcNPC6B_k-00081-00020272-00020640 you can see that they're identical zhqcNPC6B_k-00082-00020448-00020759 except for this one has the unaspirated zhqcNPC6B_k-00083-00020640-00021015 one and this one has the zhqcNPC6B_k-00084-00020759-00021144 aspirated one. because the only zhqcNPC6B_k-00085-00021015-00021431 difference between the two zhqcNPC6B_k-00086-00021144-00021504 is the..this one sound we call these zhqcNPC6B_k-00087-00021431-00021759 words zhqcNPC6B_k-00088-00021504-00021872 minimal pairs. they are words where if zhqcNPC6B_k-00089-00021759-00022120 you switched zhqcNPC6B_k-00090-00021872-00022223 this sound for the other, the meaning zhqcNPC6B_k-00091-00022120-00022415 would change zhqcNPC6B_k-00092-00022223-00022656 as it in fact does. one means 'take care' zhqcNPC6B_k-00093-00022415-00022840 and the other one means 'blade' zhqcNPC6B_k-00094-00022656-00023031 also i want to take a look at how they zhqcNPC6B_k-00095-00022840-00023320 have the same environments zhqcNPC6B_k-00096-00023031-00023512 so here we have the unaspirated [p] and it zhqcNPC6B_k-00097-00023320-00023856 is preceded by the edge of a word zhqcNPC6B_k-00098-00023512-00023976 and followed by long [a], which is exactly zhqcNPC6B_k-00099-00023856-00024256 how we find zhqcNPC6B_k-00100-00023976-00024336 this aspirated [pʰ] preceded by the edge of zhqcNPC6B_k-00101-00024256-00024623 a word zhqcNPC6B_k-00102-00024336-00024656 followed by a long [a], so these two sounds zhqcNPC6B_k-00103-00024623-00024984 are zhqcNPC6B_k-00104-00024656-00025143 phonemes of Hindi and Urdu zhqcNPC6B_k-00105-00024984-00025287 people who speak these languages would zhqcNPC6B_k-00106-00025143-00025520 think that these are two zhqcNPC6B_k-00107-00025287-00025751 different mental realities and they can zhqcNPC6B_k-00108-00025520-00026007 use them to distinguish between words zhqcNPC6B_k-00109-00025751-00026200 as we just saw we're going to write them zhqcNPC6B_k-00110-00026007-00026552 with the slanted bars or slash zhqcNPC6B_k-00111-00026200-00026727 to indicate that they are phonemes zhqcNPC6B_k-00112-00026552-00026880 so that's what speakers of Hindi and zhqcNPC6B_k-00113-00026727-00027127 Urdu would think but zhqcNPC6B_k-00114-00026880-00027183 what would speakers of English think zhqcNPC6B_k-00115-00027127-00027519 when they zhqcNPC6B_k-00116-00027183-00027919 hear these sounds, when they hear [p] and [pʰ] zhqcNPC6B_k-00117-00027519-00028119 and are they different phonemes? zhqcNPC6B_k-00118-00027919-00028256 the first...i want you to look at this zhqcNPC6B_k-00119-00028119-00028495 English data set zhqcNPC6B_k-00120-00028256-00028616 10 words in English and the first thing zhqcNPC6B_k-00121-00028495-00028832 i want you to do is to zhqcNPC6B_k-00122-00028616-00028983 write these words down in regular zhqcNPC6B_k-00123-00028832-00029247 English orthography zhqcNPC6B_k-00124-00028983-00029304 so grab a piece of paper, say these out zhqcNPC6B_k-00125-00029247-00029647 loud zhqcNPC6B_k-00126-00029304-00029775 and then write them in the orthography zhqcNPC6B_k-00127-00029647-00029856 that you regularly use for the English zhqcNPC6B_k-00128-00029775-00030039 language zhqcNPC6B_k-00129-00029856-00030288 so what are these words that are zhqcNPC6B_k-00130-00030039-00030512 transcribed in IPA zhqcNPC6B_k-00131-00030288-00031063 please grab a piece of paper and go for zhqcNPC6B_k-00132-00030512-00031303 it please pause the video zhqcNPC6B_k-00133-00031063-00031383 all right, so we have that these words zhqcNPC6B_k-00134-00031303-00031688 are zhqcNPC6B_k-00135-00031383-00032047 'pat' 'pill' 'pam' 'pace' zhqcNPC6B_k-00136-00031688-00032439 'pin' and 'spat' 'spill' zhqcNPC6B_k-00137-00032047-00032663 'spam' 'space' 'spin' zhqcNPC6B_k-00138-00032439-00032903 so we have a data set in English, small zhqcNPC6B_k-00139-00032663-00033216 but let's see what we can do with it zhqcNPC6B_k-00140-00032903-00033491 and some of the words have the aspirated zhqcNPC6B_k-00141-00033216-00033684 sound [pʰ] and some of the words have the zhqcNPC6B_k-00142-00033491-00034072 unaspirated sound zhqcNPC6B_k-00143-00033684-00034144 [p], so i want you to draw this on a piece zhqcNPC6B_k-00144-00034072-00034368 of paper zhqcNPC6B_k-00145-00034144-00034503 and then try to go through each of the zhqcNPC6B_k-00146-00034368-00034728 data points zhqcNPC6B_k-00147-00034503-00034944 and extract the...in every environment zhqcNPC6B_k-00148-00034728-00035256 where we find the aspirated [pʰ] zhqcNPC6B_k-00149-00034944-00035408 and the unaspirated [p]. so for..for example zhqcNPC6B_k-00150-00035256-00035744 in example number zhqcNPC6B_k-00151-00035408-00036047 one, we would have that the aspirated [pʰ] zhqcNPC6B_k-00152-00035744-00036416 is preceded by the edge of a word zhqcNPC6B_k-00153-00036047-00036584 and followed by the...by the vowel [æ] zhqcNPC6B_k-00154-00036416-00036775 so i want you to go through every zhqcNPC6B_k-00155-00036584-00037031 example and then zhqcNPC6B_k-00156-00036775-00037144 fill these two out with the number of zhqcNPC6B_k-00157-00037031-00037384 the example zhqcNPC6B_k-00158-00037144-00037584 and the environments where each of these zhqcNPC6B_k-00159-00037384-00038184 sounds occur zhqcNPC6B_k-00160-00037584-00038184 please pause the video zhqcNPC6B_k-00161-00038296-00038591 all right you should have something that zhqcNPC6B_k-00162-00038424-00038768 looks a little bit like this. oh i don't zhqcNPC6B_k-00163-00038591-00039184 need this one anymore zhqcNPC6B_k-00164-00038768-00039512 so you should have for the aspirated one zhqcNPC6B_k-00165-00039184-00039831 that example one has the aspirated zhqcNPC6B_k-00166-00039512-00039991 with, um, the word edge before it and then zhqcNPC6B_k-00167-00039831-00040336 the [æ] after it zhqcNPC6B_k-00168-00039991-00040656 examples two and five, um, zhqcNPC6B_k-00169-00040336-00040728 have the exact same phonetic...phonetic zhqcNPC6B_k-00170-00040656-00041080 environment zhqcNPC6B_k-00171-00040728-00041200 as you can see, we have the, uh, aspirated zhqcNPC6B_k-00172-00041080-00041503 [pʰ] preceded zhqcNPC6B_k-00173-00041200-00041896 by the edge of a word and followed zhqcNPC6B_k-00174-00041503-00042168 by the vowel [ɪ], so we have this one here zhqcNPC6B_k-00175-00041896-00042312 in number three we find [pʰ] in 'pam' so zhqcNPC6B_k-00176-00042168-00042408 preceded by the edge of a word and zhqcNPC6B_k-00177-00042312-00042696 followed by the vowel zhqcNPC6B_k-00178-00042408-00042856 [æ] and here we have it preceded by the zhqcNPC6B_k-00179-00042696-00042936 edge of a word and followed by the zhqcNPC6B_k-00180-00042856-00043191 complex vowel zhqcNPC6B_k-00181-00042936-00043488 [eɪ]. you could also just write the, like, zhqcNPC6B_k-00182-00043191-00043728 half of the diphthong and just write [e] zhqcNPC6B_k-00183-00043488-00043856 so we have that we always find this one zhqcNPC6B_k-00184-00043728-00044144 at the edge of a word zhqcNPC6B_k-00185-00043856-00044336 and preceded by a bunch of vowels. how zhqcNPC6B_k-00186-00044144-00044575 about the unaspirated one zhqcNPC6B_k-00187-00044336-00044728 in example six we have that the [p] is zhqcNPC6B_k-00188-00044575-00045031 preceded by the [s] zhqcNPC6B_k-00189-00044728-00045175 and followed by the vowel [æ] zhqcNPC6B_k-00190-00045031-00045375 in number seven we find that it's zhqcNPC6B_k-00191-00045175-00045800 preceded by the [s] and followed zhqcNPC6B_k-00192-00045375-00046191 by the vowel [ɪ]. we also find this in ten zhqcNPC6B_k-00193-00045800-00046552 in number eight [s] and [æ] as in 'spam' zhqcNPC6B_k-00194-00046191-00046887 and in number nine we have [speɪ] zhqcNPC6B_k-00195-00046552-00047247 for these two, so zhqcNPC6B_k-00196-00046887-00047584 are these phonemes? do we... zhqcNPC6B_k-00197-00047247-00047968 is there a minimal pair in the set? zhqcNPC6B_k-00198-00047584-00048175 the answer is no. if...if we had a minimal zhqcNPC6B_k-00199-00047968-00048472 pair, then we would have a word like zhqcNPC6B_k-00200-00048175-00048519 [spʰæt] for example, and it would have a zhqcNPC6B_k-00201-00048472-00048775 different zhqcNPC6B_k-00202-00048519-00048880 meaning from this one and we do not see zhqcNPC6B_k-00203-00048775-00049175 that zhqcNPC6B_k-00204-00048880-00049280 also if we had a minimal pair maybe it zhqcNPC6B_k-00205-00049175-00049608 could look like zhqcNPC6B_k-00206-00049280-00049759 [pæt] versus [pʰæt] and these two words would zhqcNPC6B_k-00207-00049608-00050031 mean something different zhqcNPC6B_k-00208-00049759-00050168 so we don't have any minimal pairs, so zhqcNPC6B_k-00209-00050031-00050512 they're probably zhqcNPC6B_k-00210-00050168-00050784 not different phonemes zhqcNPC6B_k-00211-00050512-00050896 so let's take a look at the phonological zhqcNPC6B_k-00212-00050784-00051175 environments zhqcNPC6B_k-00213-00050896-00051215 and try to figure out the pattern of zhqcNPC6B_k-00214-00051175-00051424 where zhqcNPC6B_k-00215-00051215-00051559 does this one show up and where does zhqcNPC6B_k-00216-00051424-00051688 this one show up zhqcNPC6B_k-00217-00051559-00051903 and you might have already seen a zhqcNPC6B_k-00218-00051688-00052088 pattern emerging zhqcNPC6B_k-00219-00051903-00052271 um, they are in complementary zhqcNPC6B_k-00220-00052088-00052312 distribution because you only find this zhqcNPC6B_k-00221-00052271-00052624 one zhqcNPC6B_k-00222-00052312-00052895 at the edge of a word in this data set zhqcNPC6B_k-00223-00052624-00052983 and you only find this one when it, uh, zhqcNPC6B_k-00224-00052895-00053279 when it has an zhqcNPC6B_k-00225-00052983-00053544 [s] to the left of it and that's an [s] zhqcNPC6B_k-00226-00053279-00053872 before it zhqcNPC6B_k-00227-00053544-00054016 so Hindi and Urdu have the same zhqcNPC6B_k-00228-00053872-00054248 i'm sorry, Hindi, Urdu and English have zhqcNPC6B_k-00229-00054016-00054344 the same sounds but they organize them zhqcNPC6B_k-00230-00054248-00054583 differently zhqcNPC6B_k-00231-00054344-00054672 in English we think that these two are zhqcNPC6B_k-00232-00054583-00054936 different zhqcNPC6B_k-00233-00054672-00055008 phonetic realizations or allophones of zhqcNPC6B_k-00234-00054936-00055304 the same zhqcNPC6B_k-00235-00055008-00055416 overarching phoneme /p/ and that we see zhqcNPC6B_k-00236-00055304-00055727 this one zhqcNPC6B_k-00237-00055416-00055808 after an [s] and this one at the start of zhqcNPC6B_k-00238-00055727-00055960 a word zhqcNPC6B_k-00239-00055808-00056112 and by the way this rule is incomplete zhqcNPC6B_k-00240-00055960-00056320 we'll come back to it when we study zhqcNPC6B_k-00241-00056112-00056472 syllables zhqcNPC6B_k-00242-00056320-00056632 we uh...we have this pattern in English zhqcNPC6B_k-00243-00056472-00056879 but in Hindi and Urdu these two are zhqcNPC6B_k-00244-00056632-00057072 different phonemes because we see them zhqcNPC6B_k-00245-00056879-00057383 in minimal pairs zhqcNPC6B_k-00246-00057072-00057655 so two sounds but...but English and Urdu zhqcNPC6B_k-00247-00057383-00058016 do different things with those sounds zhqcNPC6B_k-00248-00057655-00058079 in general a phoneme is a...is a bundle of zhqcNPC6B_k-00249-00058016-00058312 sounds zhqcNPC6B_k-00250-00058079-00058408 or allophones that is perceived to be zhqcNPC6B_k-00251-00058312-00058567 the same, to zhqcNPC6B_k-00252-00058408-00058736 be perceived to be the same mental zhqcNPC6B_k-00253-00058567-00058983 reality zhqcNPC6B_k-00254-00058736-00059191 phonemes distinguish between words and zhqcNPC6B_k-00255-00058983-00059527 they form minimal pairs zhqcNPC6B_k-00256-00059191-00059704 and allophones are zhqcNPC6B_k-00257-00059527-00059879 two sounds that are in complementary zhqcNPC6B_k-00258-00059704-00060120 distribution and they are the actual zhqcNPC6B_k-00259-00059879-00060295 phonetic manifestation of how we're zhqcNPC6B_k-00260-00060120-00060464 going to produce them zhqcNPC6B_k-00261-00060295-00060636 in the next video we'll continue to look zki1bLF9M_0-00000-00000003-00000392 a good place to start your research is academic search complete. It's a zki1bLF9M_0-00001-00000392-00000894 multidisciplinary collection of articles from scholarly journals, magazines, news zki1bLF9M_0-00002-00000894-00001353 sources, and more. It could help you find information including original research zki1bLF9M_0-00003-00001353-00001788 on a wide variety of topics. To get to academic search complete start out at zki1bLF9M_0-00004-00001788-00002435 the university library's homepage: library.unm.edu. Notice the databases zki1bLF9M_0-00005-00002435-00002907 by title area. Academic search complete starts with the letter A so click on A. zki1bLF9M_0-00006-00002907-00003269 This gives us links for all of the databases that start with that letter zki1bLF9M_0-00007-00003269-00003885 scroll down a bit and click on the link for academic search complete. Here we are. zki1bLF9M_0-00008-00003885-00004353 You'll enter your search terms in these boxes. Lower on the page you'll see some zki1bLF9M_0-00009-00004353-00004794 ways to limit your search results for instance to find only scholarly articles zki1bLF9M_0-00010-00004794-00005166 only english-language results or only materials published within a certain zki1bLF9M_0-00011-00005166-00005592 date range. You can also apply these limits after you search so I'm not going zki1bLF9M_0-00012-00005592-00006032 to choose any for now. Let's try out a search and see how it works. Say I'm zki1bLF9M_0-00013-00006032-00006414 writing a paper on the effect of material wealth on happiness. Typing zki1bLF9M_0-00014-00006414-00006734 questions or long strings of words typically won't give you the results you zki1bLF9M_0-00015-00006734-00007172 want, so try to think of words that reflect each topic that makes up your zki1bLF9M_0-00016-00007172-00007842 research. In this case I'll use "happiness" and "wealth" as my search terms. For better zki1bLF9M_0-00017-00007842-00008159 results separate your search topics by putting them in their own boxes zki1bLF9M_0-00018-00008159-00008643 I'll put happiness in one box and wealth in another you can also add terms that zki1bLF9M_0-00019-00008643-00009075 might be synonyms for your topic to the same box by separating them with ORs so zki1bLF9M_0-00020-00009075-00009513 I'll add OR income to the wealth box. This tells the database that I'm happy zki1bLF9M_0-00021-00009513-00010038 to get results that mention wealth or income. By the way I made OR all caps zki1bLF9M_0-00022-00010038-00010368 just to make it easier for me to see my terms it works just as well in lower. zki1bLF9M_0-00023-00010368-00010895 Let's click on search to view our results. zki1bLF9M_0-00024-00010961-00011354 This is our results page. If you look on the left side of the screen you'll see zki1bLF9M_0-00025-00011354-00011757 various options for narrowing down the results since I did a broad search you zki1bLF9M_0-00026-00011757-00012402 can see that I got a lot of hits 1,024 if I look at the list I can see that my zki1bLF9M_0-00027-00012402-00012819 search returned some articles from academic journals like these some videos zki1bLF9M_0-00028-00012819-00013362 and scrolling through the list I see there are some magazine articles zki1bLF9M_0-00029-00013362-00013991 newspaper articles and here's even a book review for some articles you'll see zki1bLF9M_0-00030-00013991-00014495 a link to the full text like this that means academic search complete has the zki1bLF9M_0-00031-00014495-00014906 full article as part of the database click the link and you'll get the entire zki1bLF9M_0-00032-00014906-00015479 article for others you see the find at UNM icon that means academic search zki1bLF9M_0-00033-00015479-00015861 complete only has information about the article and you'll need to take an extra zki1bLF9M_0-00034-00015861-00016194 step to see if the full article is available let's click on this one to zki1bLF9M_0-00035-00016194-00016757 show you what I mean so now we've got more details about the article here zki1bLF9M_0-00036-00016757-00017286 including an abstract which is a summary of the article this one's a very short zki1bLF9M_0-00037-00017286-00017654 abstract often they can be a few paragraphs long but that's all there is zki1bLF9M_0-00038-00017654-00018188 in order for me to find out if I can get the article I click on the find at UNM zki1bLF9M_0-00039-00018188-00018963 icon and here we see different choices to get the full text okay coming back to zki1bLF9M_0-00040-00018963-00019370 the results page take a look at the list of subject terms these will help you zki1bLF9M_0-00041-00019370-00019740 decide whether the article you're looking at is relevant to your research zki1bLF9M_0-00042-00019740-00020241 topic but it might also give you ideas about different search terms to use for zki1bLF9M_0-00043-00020241-00020616 example if happiness was giving us too many results that weren't relevant we zki1bLF9M_0-00044-00020616-00021075 might want to try quality of life instead look over on the right side of zki1bLF9M_0-00045-00021075-00021516 the screen there are a number of useful tools here like add to folder which you zki1bLF9M_0-00046-00021516-00021915 can use to collect promising looking results as you browse options to save zki1bLF9M_0-00047-00021915-00022428 print or email the result and this one site which automatically generates a zki1bLF9M_0-00048-00022428-00022895 citation for the article in a variety of styles including APA MLA and Chicago zki1bLF9M_0-00049-00022895-00023334 this has been a very brief introduction to academic search complete for more zki1bLF9M_0-00050-00023334-00023701 in-depth help and tutorials check out the help link in the upper right corner zki1bLF9M_0-00051-00023701-00024178 thanks for your attention if you have any questions you can always ask one of zki1bLF9M_0-00052-00024178-00024479 the UNM librarians Z3RDdsbcZxy-00000-00000012-00000327 EXP: "How to Protect Yourself from Housing Fraud". A simple guide Z3RDdsbcZxy-00001-00000327-00000639 to help protect your home and money from scammers. Z3RDdsbcZxy-00002-00000639-00000940 And with you today...PST: Professor KnowItAll... Z3RDdsbcZxy-00003-00000940-00001250 EXP: Professor, what is this? You're a superhero Z3RDdsbcZxy-00004-00001250-00001557 today? PST: That's right, today I come to protect Z3RDdsbcZxy-00005-00001557-00001863 those in need. EXP: Really? Z3RDdsbcZxy-00006-00001863-00002173 PST: There are lots of scammers out there. A friend of mine almost lost his Z3RDdsbcZxy-00007-00002173-00002482 home because of fraud. Z3RDdsbcZxy-00008-00002482-00002791 EXP: Well that's true, but you don't need a cape to help. All you really need Z3RDdsbcZxy-00009-00002791-00003096 is to be informed on the topic. Z3RDdsbcZxy-00010-00003096-00003410 PST: Umm... EXP : Take a look at the information in the Z3RDdsbcZxy-00011-00003410-00003717 Consumer Action Handbook - Which by the way, you can order free at Z3RDdsbcZxy-00012-00003717-00004031 www.usa.gov - Z3RDdsbcZxy-00013-00004031-00004340 it helps protect people and shows how to be on the lookout for Z3RDdsbcZxy-00014-00004340-00004647 housing fraud, like what happened to your friend. Z3RDdsbcZxy-00015-00004647-00004650 PST: Tell me more...EXP : Before buying a home, Z3RDdsbcZxy-00016-00004650-00004955 you should do a few things Z3RDdsbcZxy-00017-00004955-00005262 One : Do some background research Z3RDdsbcZxy-00018-00005262-00005569 on your realtor and lenders. See if others have filed Z3RDdsbcZxy-00019-00005569-00005874 complaints regarding their professionalism. Z3RDdsbcZxy-00020-00005874-00006178 Two : Take a look at the current interest rates. Three Z3RDdsbcZxy-00021-00006178-00006484 :Verify the rates for 30, 20 and 15 year mortgages. Z3RDdsbcZxy-00022-00006484-00006791 Four : Ask whether the rate is fixed or adjustable. Z3RDdsbcZxy-00023-00006791-00007097 Five : Ask for information about terms and types Z3RDdsbcZxy-00024-00007097-00007415 of loans from various lenders for comparison and Z3RDdsbcZxy-00025-00007415-00007727 don't forget to ask about all the fees upfront, Z3RDdsbcZxy-00026-00007727-00008045 nothing should be added on at the last minute. Never Z3RDdsbcZxy-00027-00008045-00008351 sign incomplete documents. Six : Beware of high pressure Z3RDdsbcZxy-00028-00008351-00008657 sales tactics : for example if they say they're the only Z3RDdsbcZxy-00029-00008657-00008963 ones that can get you a certain rate, or if they tell you to act Z3RDdsbcZxy-00030-00008963-00009268 fast because it's the last one on the market. Z3RDdsbcZxy-00031-00009268-00009575 Many times these companies will say they're backed by the government. Z3RDdsbcZxy-00032-00009575-00009896 Be careful with this... If you have any question or Z3RDdsbcZxy-00033-00009896-00010202 problems with mortgage payments, you can get help from official Z3RDdsbcZxy-00034-00010202-00010510 and trusted resources. All this information and more Z3RDdsbcZxy-00035-00010510-00010814 is available at USA.gov or in Spanish at Z3RDdsbcZxy-00036-00010814-00011120 GobiernoUSA.gov or by calling Z3RDdsbcZxy-00037-00011120-00011437 1-844-USA-GOV1. Z3RDdsbcZxy-00038-00011437-00011746 PST: Wow, you know a lot. Better take my cape -- You're the real superhero. Z3RDdsbcZxy-00039-00011746-00012052 EXP: I'm no superhero, I'm just a person that likes to Z3RDdsbcZxy-00040-00012052-00012356 get informed. I also have the Consumer Action Handbook, Z3RDdsbcZxy-00041-00012356-00012664 which remember, you too can request at USA.gov. Z3RDdsbcZxy-00042-00012664-00012976 It's free!PST: I'll do that... Z3RDdsbcZxy-00043-00012976-00013288 ♪ Z3RDdsbcZxy-00044-00013288-00013396 ♪ Z7g9gbo-chc-00000-00000014-00000158 >> And the nurse is gonna come in right now. Z7g9gbo-chc-00001-00000158-00000330 She's gonna give you some shots, Z7g9gbo-chc-00002-00000330-00000584 and they will probably be in your-- Z7g9gbo-chc-00003-00000584-00000678 Oh no! Z7g9gbo-chc-00004-00000706-00000778 If they come in, Z7g9gbo-chc-00005-00000778-00000884 they're not gonna be able to find you, Z7g9gbo-chc-00006-00000884-00001092 and they'll never be able to give you your shots! Z7g9gbo-chc-00007-00001092-00001326 >> I don't need one shot. Z7g9gbo-chc-00008-00001386-00001500 >> It was a big scene, Z7g9gbo-chc-00009-00001500-00001668 and she was kicking and screaming, Z7g9gbo-chc-00010-00001668-00001896 and I had to hold her on my lap as she-- Z7g9gbo-chc-00011-00001896-00002096 [Captions by Mary V. at Y Translator] [Music] Z7g9gbo-chc-00012-00002096-00002272 [Music] Z7g9gbo-chc-00013-00002272-00002564 Thank you Energizer for sponsoring today's video. Z7g9gbo-chc-00014-00002636-00002912 >> She said to go to a castle, Z7g9gbo-chc-00015-00002916-00003024 and I did, Z7g9gbo-chc-00016-00003024-00003311 when it actually moved out... Z7g9gbo-chc-00017-00003342-00003638 >> 35 million pounds, awesome. Z7g9gbo-chc-00018-00003710-00003992 >> Help yourself to as many one of those, let you bring home the– Z7g9gbo-chc-00019-00003992-00004084 [chuckles] Z7g9gbo-chc-00020-00004084-00004148 >> That's funny! Z7g9gbo-chc-00021-00004148-00004258 >> Hey, take care! Z7g9gbo-chc-00022-00004258-00004308 >> Thanks! Z7g9gbo-chc-00023-00004308-00004422 >> So pretty. Z7g9gbo-chc-00024-00004426-00004520 >> They are so pretty! Z7g9gbo-chc-00025-00004520-00004698 I'm gonna have you pick one. Z7g9gbo-chc-00026-00004762-00004956 >> I like pink. Z7g9gbo-chc-00027-00004956-00005056 >> Pink's fun. Z7g9gbo-chc-00028-00005056-00005198 Okay! You want the pink one? Z7g9gbo-chc-00029-00005250-00005408 Okay, let's put the rest back. Z7g9gbo-chc-00030-00005786-00006026 I'm glad that he looked at your ear, Z7g9gbo-chc-00031-00006026-00006380 you have a little bit of a fungus infection that turned into a bacterial infection, Z7g9gbo-chc-00032-00006380-00006540 and we're gonna put some medicine on it. Z7g9gbo-chc-00033-00006570-00006756 He gave us the prescription, Z7g9gbo-chc-00034-00006859-00007002 and the nurse is gonna come in right now, Z7g9gbo-chc-00035-00007002-00007168 and she's gonna give you some shots, Z7g9gbo-chc-00036-00007168-00007634 and they will probably be in your legs right here. Z7g9gbo-chc-00037-00007723-00007776 Okay. Z7g9gbo-chc-00038-00007776-00007908 I'm just giving you a warning. Z7g9gbo-chc-00039-00007945-00008148 >> I'm really afraid! Z7g9gbo-chc-00040-00008148-00008506 I have a special surprise for you tomorrow if you can be brave. Z7g9gbo-chc-00041-00008506-00008726 Like a really really cool surprise. Z7g9gbo-chc-00042-00008726-00008924 >> Just like last time? Z7g9gbo-chc-00043-00008924-00009004 >> Yeah but this-- Z7g9gbo-chc-00044-00009004-00009070 Wait a minute. Z7g9gbo-chc-00045-00009126-00009338 I'm getting my days mixed up. Z7g9gbo-chc-00046-00009338-00009807 The surprises for Russell, Abby, and Julie, Z7g9gbo-chc-00047-00009854-00010128 they're getting new bikes! Z7g9gbo-chc-00048-00010192-00010424 But Eve doesn't need one. >> I'm really nervous! Z7g9gbo-chc-00049-00010502-00010792 >> So, I'm trying to think, "Oh, that's part of a surprise I could give Eve." Z7g9gbo-chc-00050-00010792-00011128 Ugh! Mom problems. >> I can't be brave. Z7g9gbo-chc-00051-00011138-00011348 >> Uhm, what should I tell Eve? Z7g9gbo-chc-00052-00011348-00011468 It's her surprise. Z7g9gbo-chc-00053-00011468-00011548 Help me. Z7g9gbo-chc-00054-00011548-00011618 Now! Z7g9gbo-chc-00055-00011618-00011908 Tell me! I need some help now! Z7g9gbo-chc-00056-00011960-00012010 Eve? Z7g9gbo-chc-00057-00012066-00012368 What would you like as a surprise for being brave? Z7g9gbo-chc-00058-00012442-00012694 >> I'm just really nervous! Z7g9gbo-chc-00059-00012694-00012869 >> That's okay to be nervous. Z7g9gbo-chc-00060-00012869-00013094 It's okay to be nervous. Z7g9gbo-chc-00061-00013094-00013406 Do you wanna go with me to get an ice cream cone when we're done? Z7g9gbo-chc-00062-00013500-00013893 Usually, all of my kids have had their immunizations done by two. Z7g9gbo-chc-00063-00013893-00014009 There was this little thing, Z7g9gbo-chc-00064-00014009-00014150 "Immunize by two! It's up to you," Z7g9gbo-chc-00065-00014150-00014424 and I thought, "oh Eve's got her immunizations up-to-date." Z7g9gbo-chc-00066-00014458-00014544 No. Z7g9gbo-chc-00067-00014572-00014700 I have been lazy, Z7g9gbo-chc-00068-00014700-00014908 and apparently, she's really behind. Z7g9gbo-chc-00069-00014960-00015216 She has several shots she needs to catch up, Z7g9gbo-chc-00070-00015216-00015416 before she goes to kindergarten next year. Z7g9gbo-chc-00071-00015416-00015752 So, we're gonna take it this year, and get up-to-date on those shots. Z7g9gbo-chc-00072-00015952-00016054 [chuckles] Z7g9gbo-chc-00073-00016054-00016140 There you are! Z7g9gbo-chc-00074-00016140-00016308 I couldn't find you! Oh no! Z7g9gbo-chc-00075-00016334-00016514 If they come in, they're not gonna be able to find you, Z7g9gbo-chc-00076-00016514-00016748 and they'll never be able to give you your shots. Z7g9gbo-chc-00077-00016748-00016990 >> I don't need one shot. Z7g9gbo-chc-00078-00017052-00017160 >> Where's Eve? Z7g9gbo-chc-00079-00017216-00017386 >> No shots! Z7g9gbo-chc-00080-00017426-00017730 >> Okay! I just thought of the perfect gift! Z7g9gbo-chc-00081-00017730-00017900 All of my kids have one, Z7g9gbo-chc-00082-00017954-00018080 and Eve's gonna love one. Z7g9gbo-chc-00083-00018080-00018196 She's gonna love it. Z7g9gbo-chc-00084-00018338-00018756 I can't believe I'm crawling on the floor in the Doctor's office! Z7g9gbo-chc-00085-00018756-00018906 This is disgusting! Z7g9gbo-chc-00086-00019060-00019470 Eve, I have a perfect idea what I can give you when we get home. Z7g9gbo-chc-00087-00019568-00019714 Do you know what it is? Z7g9gbo-chc-00088-00019842-00019984 >> A fan. >> Nope. Z7g9gbo-chc-00089-00019984-00020058 You gotta get out of here, Z7g9gbo-chc-00090-00020058-00020188 and I'm gonna tell you if you get out. Z7g9gbo-chc-00091-00020366-00020416 Come on! Z7g9gbo-chc-00092-00020506-00020622 Don't wanna miss it out! Z7g9gbo-chc-00093-00021006-00021068 Come here. Z7g9gbo-chc-00094-00021068-00021432 >> I just don't wanna go to the nurse! Z7g9gbo-chc-00095-00021536-00021720 [whispers] Z7g9gbo-chc-00096-00021720-00021842 Would you like that? Z7g9gbo-chc-00097-00021982-00022162 When you are exhausted, Z7g9gbo-chc-00098-00022180-00022532 and the eyelashes are pulling the weight of your eyes Z7g9gbo-chc-00099-00022532-00022828 down to where you can hardly keep them open, Z7g9gbo-chc-00100-00022894-00023172 and your hair is drab and flat, Z7g9gbo-chc-00101-00023172-00023518 and your daughter is hiding from the doctor. Z7g9gbo-chc-00102-00023582-00023702 >> The nurse. Z7g9gbo-chc-00103-00023702-00023834 >> You're hiding from the nurse? Z7g9gbo-chc-00104-00023834-00024104 >> Yes, that sucked! Z7g9gbo-chc-00105-00024148-00024464 >> On the nastiest, grossest floor, Z7g9gbo-chc-00106-00024464-00024843 and you don't want to pick her up because she keeps screaming, Z7g9gbo-chc-00107-00024844-00025294 and you're afraid it's going to distract everybody else in the building. Z7g9gbo-chc-00108-00025334-00025418 >> Oh look! Z7g9gbo-chc-00109-00025418-00025692 I found a live spider, then I killed it, Z7g9gbo-chc-00110-00025772-00025980 with my own little shoe. Z7g9gbo-chc-00111-00026094-00026268 >> May he rest in peace! Z7g9gbo-chc-00112-00026294-00026700 AIl can say is, I'm really glad the doctor prescribed us an antibiotic Z7g9gbo-chc-00113-00026700-00026848 because we're gonna need it, Z7g9gbo-chc-00114-00026912-00027068 one way or another. Z7g9gbo-chc-00115-00027068-00027704 [Music] Z7g9gbo-chc-00116-00027704-00027870 ## Z7g9gbo-chc-00117-00027870-00028200 She got the back of each arm, Z7g9gbo-chc-00118-00028270-00028470 and on each leg. Z7g9gbo-chc-00119-00028676-00028745 But! Z7g9gbo-chc-00120-00028745-00028880 You're all up-to-date. Z7g9gbo-chc-00121-00028906-00029245 You don't have to get shots anymore until you're a teenager, Z7g9gbo-chc-00122-00029245-00029388 until junior high. Z7g9gbo-chc-00123-00029388-00029598 You got your kindergarten shots today. Z7g9gbo-chc-00124-00029598-00030030 The only way we were able to get Eve to let go of her tight grip, Z7g9gbo-chc-00125-00030030-00030137 Well, we didn't get her like, oh... Z7g9gbo-chc-00126-00030137-00030330 We literally peeled her fingers back. Z7g9gbo-chc-00127-00030330-00030531 The two of us nurses were pulling her, Z7g9gbo-chc-00128-00030531-00030745 and she's holding on to the chair, Z7g9gbo-chc-00129-00030745-00030948 and like dragging the chair across the room. Z7g9gbo-chc-00130-00031066-00031168 I didn't film it. Z7g9gbo-chc-00131-00031239-00031344 But let me tell you, Z7g9gbo-chc-00132-00031394-00031508 it was a big scene. Z7g9gbo-chc-00133-00031508-00031670 And she was kicking and screaming, Z7g9gbo-chc-00134-00031670-00031962 and I had to hold her on my lap as she was like, Z7g9gbo-chc-00135-00032066-00032268 waking the dead from their sleep. Z7g9gbo-chc-00136-00032268-00032402 You ready to go home? Z7g9gbo-chc-00137-00032477-00032726 I have something that's gonna help you sleep tonight. Z7g9gbo-chc-00138-00032806-00033136 And yep, you're getting your bling-bling. Z7g9gbo-chc-00139-00033136-00033426 [Music] Z7g9gbo-chc-00140-00033426-00033572 >> Chocolate? Z7g9gbo-chc-00141-00033572-00034860 [Music] Z7g9gbo-chc-00142-00034978-00036240 [Music] Z7g9gbo-chc-00143-00036240-00036442 >> Look what came! Z7g9gbo-chc-00144-00036462-00036562 Julie? Z7g9gbo-chc-00145-00036644-00036720 Hey come here! Z7g9gbo-chc-00146-00036720-00036946 Look what came from the dry cleaners. Z7g9gbo-chc-00147-00037060-00037284 I am, I don't even know if it works, Z7g9gbo-chc-00148-00037284-00037462 but I wanted you to be the first. Z7g9gbo-chc-00149-00037536-00037682 Tell everybody what happened. Z7g9gbo-chc-00150-00037682-00037872 Did you guys remember the video we did? Z7g9gbo-chc-00151-00037906-00038026 >> I do! Z7g9gbo-chc-00152-00038026-00038128 >> What was the video? Z7g9gbo-chc-00153-00038238-00038746 >> So, I got persimmon pudding all over it? Z7g9gbo-chc-00154-00038854-00039132 >> Don't be too disappointed if it didn't get it clean. Z7g9gbo-chc-00155-00039254-00039398 >> They are all out! Z7g9gbo-chc-00156-00039692-00039850 >> Oh my word! Z7g9gbo-chc-00157-00039850-00039998 This bag is like... Z7g9gbo-chc-00158-00040162-00040344 >> It looks brand-new! Z7g9gbo-chc-00159-00040344-00040504 >> I can't believe they got that all out. Z7g9gbo-chc-00160-00040650-00040798 Julie! Z7g9gbo-chc-00161-00040896-00041158 That is so cool! >> I'm gonna go show Abby. Z7g9gbo-chc-00162-00041422-00041626 >> They got it out, yeah! Z7g9gbo-chc-00163-00041626-00041714 >> What is it? Z7g9gbo-chc-00164-00041714-00042010 >> I got slime all over and the dry cleaners got it out. Z7g9gbo-chc-00165-00042010-00042110 >> Oh that's cool! Z7g9gbo-chc-00166-00042110-00042210 >> It looks brand-new. Z7g9gbo-chc-00167-00042210-00042266 >> I know! Z7g9gbo-chc-00168-00042366-00042556 >> This is a reminder to myself, Z7g9gbo-chc-00169-00042556-00042738 to stay puffy. Z7g9gbo-chc-00170-00042738-00043100 Julie was like crying that day, Z7g9gbo-chc-00171-00043100-00043322 when she had to tell me she ruined her backpack, Z7g9gbo-chc-00172-00043322-00043602 and it's like, there is hope for the future. Z7g9gbo-chc-00173-00043602-00043742 Kevin isn't home. Z7g9gbo-chc-00174-00043790-00043930 He's on a business trip. Z7g9gbo-chc-00175-00043964-00044080 And so, Z7g9gbo-chc-00176-00044080-00044376 I always have to take that into consideration, too. Z7g9gbo-chc-00177-00044376-00044487 When I'm feeling a little blue Z7g9gbo-chc-00178-00044487-00044868 because I think it's usually when Kevin's gone. Z7g9gbo-chc-00179-00044908-00045116 Look how sweet this is. Z7g9gbo-chc-00180-00045116-00045290 To Mom, from Julie. Z7g9gbo-chc-00181-00045360-00045466 Dear mom, Z7g9gbo-chc-00182-00045498-00045712 I know dinner really sucked, Z7g9gbo-chc-00183-00045768-00045974 but I want you to know I really love you. Z7g9gbo-chc-00184-00046036-00046222 And if it wasn't for you going to the store, Z7g9gbo-chc-00185-00046222-00046431 and getting the ice cream sandwiches, Z7g9gbo-chc-00186-00046432-00046555 we would have been doomed. Z7g9gbo-chc-00187-00046620-00046878 But I really do love you. Z7g9gbo-chc-00188-00046878-00047006 Sincerely, Julie. Z7g9gbo-chc-00189-00047050-00047196 Thank goodness for moms. Z7g9gbo-chc-00190-00047196-00047312 They might ruin dinner, Z7g9gbo-chc-00191-00047312-00047552 but at least you end up with ice cream sandwiches, Z7g9gbo-chc-00192-00047552-00047721 as a consolation prize. Z7g9gbo-chc-00193-00047822-00048038 Okay the kids are downstairs watching a movie, Z7g9gbo-chc-00194-00048038-00048524 and I sneaked away for just a moment, to get their surprise ready for tonight. Z7g9gbo-chc-00195-00048980-00049074 You ready? Z7g9gbo-chc-00196-00049074-00049388 [Music] Z7g9gbo-chc-00197-00049388-00049848 Energizer just sent our entire family their very own Energizer Vision HD Z7g9gbo-chc-00198-00049849-00050072 + Focus LED Headlight. Z7g9gbo-chc-00199-00050072-00050549 [Music] Z7g9gbo-chc-00200-00050549-00050796 It also features five different lighting modes, Z7g9gbo-chc-00201-00050796-00051158 and is roughly four times brighter than the standard LED technology. Z7g9gbo-chc-00202-00051158-00051736 [Music] Z7g9gbo-chc-00203-00051736-00052066 The easy-to-use switches cycle through five operating light modes, Z7g9gbo-chc-00204-00052066-00052612 High, low, full, spot, full-flood and night vision. Z7g9gbo-chc-00205-00052720-00053217 The light reaches up to 85 meters and puts out up to 315 lumens. Z7g9gbo-chc-00206-00053217-00053410 It's ideal for a power outage, Z7g9gbo-chc-00207-00053410-00053666 or if you have a flat tire in the middle of the night, Z7g9gbo-chc-00208-00053666-00053770 or an evening jog, Z7g9gbo-chc-00209-00053770-00053940 or camping outdoors. Z7g9gbo-chc-00210-00053940-00054260 [Music] Z7g9gbo-chc-00211-00054260-00054526 This headlight is lightweight and comfortable Z7g9gbo-chc-00212-00054526-00054705 with pivoting functionality Z7g9gbo-chc-00213-00054705-00054908 so you can direct the light where it's needed, Z7g9gbo-chc-00214-00054908-00055114 and keep your hands-free. Z7g9gbo-chc-00215-00055272-00055682 This durable headlight resists damage from drops up to one meter high. Z7g9gbo-chc-00216-00055758-00056078 Our family has seriously been using these for years, Z7g9gbo-chc-00217-00056078-00056541 and not for ... not for maybe the uses they're intended for, Z7g9gbo-chc-00218-00056541-00056867 but they make the best birthday presents. Z7g9gbo-chc-00219-00056867-00057241 Literally, every time my kids have a birthday party to go to, Z7g9gbo-chc-00220-00057242-00057448 whether they're three years old, Z7g9gbo-chc-00221-00057448-00057713 and that's such a fun age to get one of these for your birthday, Z7g9gbo-chc-00222-00057713-00058126 or if they have a friend that they're going to and they're 13 years old, Z7g9gbo-chc-00223-00058126-00058484 I always stop and get them an Energizer headlamp. Z7g9gbo-chc-00224-00058508-00058729 Because they are super affordable, Z7g9gbo-chc-00225-00058729-00058912 and they're super fun. Z7g9gbo-chc-00226-00058979-00059272 All right sister Sue, are you ready for your present? Z7g9gbo-chc-00227-00059460-00059620 >> It looks cool! Z7g9gbo-chc-00228-00059770-00059870 >> Do you know how to work-- Z7g9gbo-chc-00229-00059870-00060129 [chuckles] Z7g9gbo-chc-00230-00060129-00060314 >> Thanks mom! Z7g9gbo-chc-00231-00060386-00060517 It's so, wow! Z7g9gbo-chc-00232-00060517-00060712 It looks so light. Z7g9gbo-chc-00233-00060862-00061408 Everyone will say, "wow! That's a cool headlamp." Z7g9gbo-chc-00234-00061408-00061878 [Music] Z7g9gbo-chc-00235-00061878-00062046 >> Good night Eve. I love you. Z7g9gbo-chc-00236-00062132-00062316 >> I got a cool one of these. Z7g9gbo-chc-00237-00062360-00062779 >> I was telling our viewers what we always get when there's a birthday Z7g9gbo-chc-00238-00062780-00062910 party in the neighborhood. Z7g9gbo-chc-00239-00062910-00063064 What do we always get them? Z7g9gbo-chc-00240-00063064-00063208 >> Headlamps! Z7g9gbo-chc-00241-00063270-00063564 >> Well, if you guys need any headlamps for birthdays, Z7g9gbo-chc-00242-00063564-00063829 or just to use for your ownself, Z7g9gbo-chc-00243-00063829-00064260 or to play out on the trampoline, and sleep out on the trampoline. Z7g9gbo-chc-00244-00064329-00064664 I have some more information about these headlamps in the link below. Z7g9gbo-chc-00245-00064664-00065220 [Music] Z7g9gbo-chc-00246-00065224-00065476 Thanks Energizer for sponsoring today's video. ZtxG_gLMMv8-00000-00000003-00000658 Hi I'm George Kao and I want to tell you about the Authentic Video Course and ZtxG_gLMMv8-00001-00000658-00001332 Mastermind. I'm excited about this because making these simple ZtxG_gLMMv8-00002-00001332-00001971 authentic videos that I do twice a week has been transformational for my ZtxG_gLMMv8-00003-00001971-00002594 business. It has helped potential clients get to know me at scale... so a lot of ZtxG_gLMMv8-00004-00002594-00003108 people are watching my videos at any given time and they are thinking about ZtxG_gLMMv8-00005-00003108-00003621 working with me or joining one of my programs and this all happens you know ZtxG_gLMMv8-00006-00003621-00004355 24 hours a day because I have lots of videos out there. Video is much more powerful as you ZtxG_gLMMv8-00007-00004355-00005000 can probably imagine for building a potential relationship with clients and ZtxG_gLMMv8-00008-00005000-00005739 buyers than written words. Now, written words of course are useful -- we need ZtxG_gLMMv8-00009-00005739-00006159 to have them on our website and we need to learn to write well. ZtxG_gLMMv8-00010-00006159-00006833 but learning how to show up with your unique personality and with ZtxG_gLMMv8-00011-00006833-00007614 an open heart on video-- is there is nothing like it besides meeting in person with ZtxG_gLMMv8-00012-00007614-00008283 somebody so before we get holographic technology where people could show up 3d ZtxG_gLMMv8-00013-00008283-00008870 and you're out in your home we've got video and this is the best medium to ZtxG_gLMMv8-00014-00008870-00009679 attract and enroll people into various programs products services at scale and ZtxG_gLMMv8-00015-00009679-00010368 not just to enroll as you probably know most of my videos are simply to share ZtxG_gLMMv8-00016-00010368-00011015 some insight some knowledge experience something to bless my audience without ZtxG_gLMMv8-00017-00011015-00011496 needing them to buy anything but of course I also make videos to sell things ZtxG_gLMMv8-00018-00011496-00012099 like I'm doing in this video so I want to tell you about my upcoming actually ZtxG_gLMMv8-00019-00012099-00012446 by the time you watch this this may already be finished recording and you ZtxG_gLMMv8-00020-00012446-00012962 could buy at any time the authentic video course and mastermind so it's it's ZtxG_gLMMv8-00021-00012962-00013365 it's two things combined in one the course itself is a ZtxG_gLMMv8-00022-00013365-00013973 three-hour video training that walks you step-by-step through my entire process ZtxG_gLMMv8-00023-00013973-00014669 of brainstorming and making and marketing my videos these kinds of ZtxG_gLMMv8-00024-00014669-00015218 videos as you know that I make are ones that anyone can do if they're willing to ZtxG_gLMMv8-00025-00015218-00015828 show up I don't do any video editing as you know this video is as a live video ZtxG_gLMMv8-00026-00015828-00016347 in fact so there's no video editing there's no script that I'm reading so ZtxG_gLMMv8-00027-00016347-00016631 I'm gonna walk you through how I remember what to say ZtxG_gLMMv8-00028-00016631-00017034 instead of going mmm what do I say next you know which is what a lot of people ZtxG_gLMMv8-00029-00017034-00017409 are concerned about the perfectionism of showing up and not knowing what to say ZtxG_gLMMv8-00030-00017409-00017759 so I'll show you how my techniques for remembering what to say ZtxG_gLMMv8-00031-00017759-00018260 and for showing up confidently with an open heart and our unique personality ZtxG_gLMMv8-00032-00018260-00018873 because the key is it's not about performing I think it's really important ZtxG_gLMMv8-00033-00018873-00019738 if you've watched my videos you know that I prize and value most of all being ZtxG_gLMMv8-00034-00019738-00020387 real with you so even when I'm selling you something I'm not scripted but I'm ZtxG_gLMMv8-00035-00020387-00021003 actually trying to connect in a way that can show you whether or not this product ZtxG_gLMMv8-00036-00021003-00021462 or service is right for you so the course itself is like I said a ZtxG_gLMMv8-00037-00021462-00021845 comprehensive training walks you through step by step how I make my videos how I ZtxG_gLMMv8-00038-00021845-00022212 brainstorm structure the content remember what to say and of course I'll ZtxG_gLMMv8-00039-00022212-00022879 also cover the the basic technology that I recommend which webcam the lighting ZtxG_gLMMv8-00040-00022879-00023400 the the microphone you know the software all that's a but ZtxG_gLMMv8-00041-00023400-00023834 but it's there's no video editing involved so it's really for anybody with ZtxG_gLMMv8-00042-00023834-00024444 regardless of your tech savviness okay so I don't I'm there are wonderful video ZtxG_gLMMv8-00043-00024444-00024876 editing people and one of your video editing courses this is not that this is ZtxG_gLMMv8-00044-00024876-00025532 about speaking authentically with your unique personality on camera on a ZtxG_gLMMv8-00045-00025532-00026195 consistent basis which not only does it like I said attract potential clients ZtxG_gLMMv8-00046-00026195-00026685 make them you know build trust with them because your that's ZtxG_gLMMv8-00047-00026685-00027051 that's the best way of doing building trust besides being in person much ZtxG_gLMMv8-00048-00027051-00027774 better than writing words so besides you know building your business I think ZtxG_gLMMv8-00049-00027774-00028476 showing up consistently on video is also to me it's really a lot about personal ZtxG_gLMMv8-00050-00028476-00029283 growth when you starts practicing and showing up authentically on video you ZtxG_gLMMv8-00051-00029283-00030089 are essentially finding your souls expression in in front of others I mean ZtxG_gLMMv8-00052-00030089-00030606 you're finding your voice and your transformational presence and nothing ZtxG_gLMMv8-00053-00030606-00031335 can nothing has made me feel more alive than going into my authentic creativity ZtxG_gLMMv8-00054-00031335-00031927 so to me that's really the biggest benefit of making videos consistently is ZtxG_gLMMv8-00055-00031927-00032787 finding that creative vibrance that makes life so wonderful and so alive and ZtxG_gLMMv8-00056-00032787-00033189 like I said the additional benefit is that it grows your business as well ZtxG_gLMMv8-00057-00033189-00033783 because it builds an audience of true fans when you show up in performance ZtxG_gLMMv8-00058-00033783-00034266 mode which is what a lot of people on Instagram you know they they post ZtxG_gLMMv8-00059-00034266-00034629 pictures of them looking amazing and you know all that stuff when you're ZtxG_gLMMv8-00060-00034629-00034920 performing all the time and if this is true in writing too when you're ZtxG_gLMMv8-00061-00034920-00035445 copywriting and making sure that you're trying to persuade people you you you ZtxG_gLMMv8-00062-00035445-00035859 might build an audience but it's not really an audience of people who like ZtxG_gLMMv8-00063-00035859-00036378 and love you for just who you are for just you being your without having to ZtxG_gLMMv8-00064-00036378-00036789 perform and that's what I hope this course and the mastermind which I'll ZtxG_gLMMv8-00065-00036789-00037634 talk about shortly will help you to step into is your powerful authentic self ZtxG_gLMMv8-00066-00037634-00038340 online in a way that brings your kindred spirits to you people who love just how ZtxG_gLMMv8-00067-00038340-00038787 you are without you having to perform without you having to be perfect or to ZtxG_gLMMv8-00068-00038787-00039531 know exactly the right things to say but when you show up confidently and when I ZtxG_gLMMv8-00069-00039531-00039878 said confident I don't mean that you have to ZtxG_gLMMv8-00070-00039878-00040469 you know like I said again perform or or try to be confident but when you have an ZtxG_gLMMv8-00071-00040469-00041069 authentic confidence it's about your heart being open and connected to the ZtxG_gLMMv8-00072-00041069-00041504 potential viewer that you know is there because that potential Muir may be just ZtxG_gLMMv8-00073-00041504-00042011 like you a few years ago or it may be just like a loved one that you helped or ZtxG_gLMMv8-00074-00042011-00042428 a friend that you helped that potential viewer is someone you want to connect ZtxG_gLMMv8-00075-00042428-00043061 with and serve and and be of be of ministry to essentially so I think ZtxG_gLMMv8-00076-00043061-00043580 authentic confidence is about being of the heart showing up consistently as ZtxG_gLMMv8-00077-00043580-00043913 yourself and when you do that you build an audience of people who just love who ZtxG_gLMMv8-00078-00043913-00044252 you are and when you have an audience people of true fans who just love who ZtxG_gLMMv8-00079-00044252-00044963 you are selling becomes no easy it becomes something that you can whisper ZtxG_gLMMv8-00080-00044963-00045518 and people buy it can become something where you're not selling but you're ZtxG_gLMMv8-00081-00045518-00045947 simply inviting friends a bunch of friends to say hey I created something ZtxG_gLMMv8-00082-00045947-00046358 nice might be interesting for you or let's co-create it together I like to ZtxG_gLMMv8-00083-00046358-00046786 co-create things my audience product and services all the things I launched I ZtxG_gLMMv8-00084-00046786-00047228 co-create in some way with my audience so so the course is comprehensive ZtxG_gLMMv8-00085-00047228-00047819 training for through the beginning and end of how I brainstorm make and market ZtxG_gLMMv8-00086-00047819-00048449 my videos the mastermind which is also part of this and I should mention the ZtxG_gLMMv8-00087-00048449-00048836 one there's a one-time fee for the course in the mastermind it's only 120 ZtxG_gLMMv8-00088-00048836-00049391 US dollars which I think you see if you agree with me I think it's a really good ZtxG_gLMMv8-00089-00049391-00050021 deal because most online courses and masterminds combined are several hundred ZtxG_gLMMv8-00090-00050021-00050555 or several thousand dollars Seth Godin right now is launching his course in ZtxG_gLMMv8-00091-00050555-00050969 mastermind and it's eight hundred dollars and you barely get any personal ZtxG_gLMMv8-00092-00050969-00051464 feedback from Seth Godin whereas in this mastermind you get my personal feedback ZtxG_gLMMv8-00093-00051464-00051986 on at least three of your videos my personal feedback plus you get the ZtxG_gLMMv8-00094-00051986-00052516 feedback of your lots of peers in our in our mastermind group so it's only 120 ZtxG_gLMMv8-00095-00052516-00053005 bucks and that's for three months of the mastermind in the three months you can ZtxG_gLMMv8-00096-00053005-00053614 post as many videos as you want or feedback my only request is that when ZtxG_gLMMv8-00097-00053614-00054104 you post a video for feedback you also give feedback to to other people to ZtxG_gLMMv8-00098-00054104-00054422 other videos in the mastermind so it's you know when you're giving feedback to ZtxG_gLMMv8-00099-00054422-00054730 others you're also learning because you're like oh that's right I know this ZtxG_gLMMv8-00100-00054730-00055150 is person do this I really like it when they do that and in my mastermind it's ZtxG_gLMMv8-00101-00055150-00055558 not about it's certainly not about criticizing anybody ZtxG_gLMMv8-00102-00055558-00055957 I encourage as you when you go into the mastermind you'll see that I encourage ZtxG_gLMMv8-00103-00055957-00056479 people to notice and call out each other's strengths that's really the ZtxG_gLMMv8-00104-00056479-00057062 value the core value of the mastermind the culture is to call out each other ZtxG_gLMMv8-00105-00057062-00057472 strengths so that we can say oh yeah that's unique about you that is really ZtxG_gLMMv8-00106-00057472-00057967 resonant when you do that and when you say that when you say it in that way ZtxG_gLMMv8-00107-00057967-00058666 that really feels feels alive and it feels authentic so in a mastermind ZtxG_gLMMv8-00108-00058666-00058966 you're gonna get that kind of feedback so that you can be more and more into ZtxG_gLMMv8-00109-00058966-00059462 your strengths rather than saying well you know like but many of you have ZtxG_gLMMv8-00110-00059462-00059849 experienced Toastmasters which is a public speaking kind of training Club ZtxG_gLMMv8-00111-00059849-00060307 and you know into in clubs like Toastmasters they count your arms and ZtxG_gLMMv8-00112-00060307-00060931 ahhs and and you might feel you know insecure about speaking and you might ZtxG_gLMMv8-00113-00060931-00061588 have to be on performance mode know when you find your authentic and powerful ZtxG_gLMMv8-00114-00061588-00062056 self you don't have to perform anymore and yet you're really attractive so ZtxG_gLMMv8-00115-00062056-00062539 that's what the mastermind is intended to help you step into so I'm really ZtxG_gLMMv8-00116-00062539-00062936 excited about it there is a lot more information if you want to read about ZtxG_gLMMv8-00117-00062936-00063601 the kinds of questions that will be covered I have already recorded the ZtxG_gLMMv8-00118-00063601-00064274 actual course has been recorded but for for this year for 2020 I'm adding 10 Q&A ZtxG_gLMMv8-00119-00064274-00064700 and feedback calls at different times so that'll work for people in North America ZtxG_gLMMv8-00120-00064700-00065066 South America and Europe and Australia and Asia ZtxG_gLMMv8-00121-00065066-00065624 there are times for Q&A calls for all of these and they're all recorded so if you ZtxG_gLMMv8-00122-00065624-00065938 can't attend any of the community college you can watch them later I'll be ZtxG_gLMMv8-00123-00065938-00066502 giving I'll be giving live feedback on videos on those calls video calls ZtxG_gLMMv8-00124-00066502-00066749 they'll giving feedback as I watch videos ZtxG_gLMMv8-00125-00066749-00067145 together with with the people on the call including your videos with ZtxG_gLMMv8-00126-00067145-00067670 whichever videos used to admit for my review so I hope you check it out if you ZtxG_gLMMv8-00127-00067670-00068296 have been interested in thinking about showing up on video especially ZtxG_gLMMv8-00128-00068296-00068732 consistently so that you can practice your authentic voice and really step ZtxG_gLMMv8-00129-00068732-00069137 into that authentic power if you've been thinking about that and saying gosh I ZtxG_gLMMv8-00130-00069137-00069433 wish I could get some nudge and some inspiration and motivation and ZtxG_gLMMv8-00131-00069433-00069932 accountability to actually get going on this this might be the perfect thing for ZtxG_gLMMv8-00132-00069932-00070406 you this is what I've designed it to be by the end of this course of mastermind ZtxG_gLMMv8-00133-00070406-00070979 the intention is that you will have gotten into a consistent routine or ZtxG_gLMMv8-00134-00070979-00071567 rhythm consistent rhythm of making authentic videos where you are ZtxG_gLMMv8-00135-00071567-00072023 continually stepping more and more into your authentic strength and power which ZtxG_gLMMv8-00136-00072023-00072683 makes you naturally attractive to your true fans to your kindred spirits so I ZtxG_gLMMv8-00137-00072683-00073124 hope this you know is giving you enough information if you want more information ZtxG_gLMMv8-00138-00073124-00073487 there's a link somewhere it's either above or below it depending on how ZtxG_gLMMv8-00139-00073487-00073751 you're watching this above or below the video there's a link for more ZtxG_gLMMv8-00140-00073751-00074195 information and to purchase the course in the mastermind again it's only 120 ZtxG_gLMMv8-00141-00074195-00074672 dollars us four it's a one-time fee for three months plus the comprehensive ZtxG_gLMMv8-00142-00074672-00075169 course plus three months of feedback and accountability and encouragement so ZtxG_gLMMv8-00143-00075169-00075593 anyway if you have any questions let me know I look forward to your comments ZtxG_gLMMv8-00144-00075593-00076170 below alright maybe I'll see you in the mastermind take care ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00000-00000009-00000334 Ralph Droms The influence actually started back around ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00001-00000334-00000522 1989, when I started working with the IETF. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00002-00000522-00001203 I had the opportunity to lead the Dynamic Host Configuration Working Group, which developed ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00003-00001203-00001478 the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00004-00001478-00001820 We worked on that protocol and then published it finally about 1995. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00005-00001820-00002353 It was picked up by Windows - Windows 9 5- picked up by Microsoft. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00006-00002353-00003003 It was integrated into the Microsoft server and so as Windows 95 came out, it revolutionized ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00007-00003003-00003394 the way in which devices would connect to the Internet. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00008-00003394-00003805 Prior to that time, there was a lot of manual configuration that you would have to go through. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00009-00003805-00004524 You would have to type in a lot of addresses and subnet masks and other kinds of configuration ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00010-00004524-00004624 information. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00011-00004624-00005137 All that was taken away by DHCP and done automatically, so you could just turn on your computer, plug ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00012-00005137-00005496 it in and it would get the DHCP information and takeoff. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00013-00005496-00005796 A few years later, we did the same thing for IPv6. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00014-00005796-00006301 You’ve heard of IPv6 as the new version of the Internet Protocol. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00015-00006301-00006790 We needed that same functionality for DHCPv6, so we worked on that protocol and in fact ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00016-00006790-00007367 published it in 2003, in fact we just celebrated the tenth anniversary of the publication of ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00017-00007367-00007670 DHCPv6 earlier this week. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00018-00007670-00008177 So, DHCP has really had a strong influence on the Internet - it really automated the ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00019-00008177-00008543 process of getting devices connected to the Internet, and it’s the thing that makes ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00020-00008543-00009134 it possible to take your laptop home, turn it on and connect wirelessly and not have ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00021-00009134-00009556 to do any configuration, any kind of work to get it to connect to the Internet. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00022-00009556-00010157 It just connects and starts working. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00023-00010157-00010504 There are a couple related to this initial work on DHCP. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00024-00010504-00010950 The first is to give you an idea of how things have changed over the years. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00025-00010950-00011524 The reason I took on the DHCP working group is that the chair of the IETF at the time ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00026-00011524-00011967 had been a grad student with me a few years before that at Penn State University. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00027-00011967-00012418 And so he and I we're having a social visit, enjoying a social visit, and we got together ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00028-00012418-00012905 and he told me about the IETF and told me about this this configuration problem and ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00029-00012905-00013207 I thought, “Gee, that sounds like a really interesting thing to do.” ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00030-00013207-00013869 So the first IETF meeting I went to was in Cocoa Beach in 1989. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00031-00013869-00014269 We formed the DHCP working group and took off from there. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00032-00014269-00014935 And the part of that that was really interesting to me was that we had collaboration amongst ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00033-00014935-00015513 all the major computer vendors including both PC vendors and other larger system vendors ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00034-00015513-00016093 - collaboration together to bring this this protocol about. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00035-00016093-00016515 That is there is no competition about - we sort of checked our vendor hats at the door ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00036-00016515-00016974 are and all work together to make DHCP come together. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00037-00016974-00017679 We had people from Microsoft, from Apple, from Sun Microsystems, from Cisco and a variety ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00038-00017679-00018548 of other vendors at the time, all working together to make this happen. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00039-00018548-00018704 In my mind, very unsettled. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00040-00018704-00019539 We're at a time - a huge expansion of the Internet outside of the kinds of Internet ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00041-00019539-00019776 connections and devices that we're familiar with. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00042-00019776-00020227 We've seen some of that over the past few years as we've moved from laptops and desktop ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00043-00020227-00020730 computers to smartphones and tablets and we've seen a big increase right now. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00044-00020730-00021619 Instead of a tablet and a laptop at home, you've got a tablet, two iPhones and a desktop ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00045-00021619-00021771 computer. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00046-00021771-00022309 The next big expansion is going to be for tiny little devices that we've come to call ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00047-00022309-00022629 the “Internet of Things.” ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00048-00022629-00023208 I'm working on a project with some students at Purdue University to provide the IPv6 software ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00049-00023208-00023539 that will run on these Internet of Things devices. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00050-00023539-00023931 We're soon going to go from four to five to half a dozen or maybe ten devices in the home ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00051-00023931-00024219 to perhaps 20 or 100 devices in each home. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00052-00024219-00024661 And all those devices will be directly accessible from the Internet. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00053-00024661-00025305 What's unsettled is how we're going to keep all those devices safe and private and make ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00054-00025305-00025832 sure that we have the appropriate security and access control in place so that we don't ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00055-00025832-00026355 have problems with people from the outside coming in and manipulating our heating systems ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00056-00026355-00026639 or unlocking doors when we don't want them to be unlocked. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00057-00026639-00026883 So there’s a lot of work to do in that area of security. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00058-00026883-00027074 That's the part that’s unsettled right now. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00059-00027074-00027564 Security is always the thing that we do last in the IETF and we really need to be in front ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00060-00027564-00028226 of that with this particular expansion. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00061-00028226-00029035 My hope for the Internet is that as we develop these new devices and we provide these additional ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00062-00029035-00029568 capabilities to all the things that operate in your home, in your car, in buildings that ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00063-00029568-00030422 we can provide a an application development environment that's open and freely available ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00064-00030422-00030687 and that lots of people can participate in. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00065-00030687-00031247 So, just like the development of apps for the iPhone and for Android, we will have that ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00066-00031247-00031727 same capability to develop those kinds of applications that can talk directly to the ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00067-00031727-00032324 devices in the home, talk to things in your car and bring them together and - using the ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00068-00032324-00032745 innovation of lots of different people, as opposed to just sort of expert programmers ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00069-00032745-00033281 or people who understand and have built how the network works - we want to make it accessible ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00070-00033281-00033578 to a much wider range of people. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00071-00033578-00034098 My big fear for the Internet is the security and privacy problems. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00072-00034098-00034476 We want to make sure that while we're doing this we provide the right kind of security ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00073-00034476-00034921 and we provide the privacy that we need so that we're not exposing information that we ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00074-00034921-00035490 don't want to expose. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00075-00035490-00035956 Some of the specifications - the specifications that we're developing in the IETF take security ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00076-00035956-00036449 into consideration - I just finished working with the ZigB Alliance, between ZigBee Alliance ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00077-00036449-00037045 and the IETF, on something called the ZigBee IP protocol - ZigBee IP specification is a ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00078-00037045-00037655 way of running IPv6 out to these Internet of Things devices, and we integrated security ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00079-00037655-00037793 into that from the very beginning. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00080-00037793-00038262 So when a device comes up on this network, it first has to authenticate itself into the ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00081-00038262-00038602 network it has to say, you know, “I'm allowed to connect to this network,” and at the ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00082-00038602-00039101 same time it checks that the network is the network that it really wants to confirm “connect” ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00083-00039101-00039201 to. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00084-00039201-00039588 So it gets information back from the network that proves to this new device that, yes, ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00085-00039588-00039888 that's a good network and it’s allowed to attach to it. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00086-00039888-00040584 Once we have that authentication in place, then we can exchange information so the device ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00087-00040584-00041244 can communicate securely with all the other devices in the network and it can communicate ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00088-00041244-00041729 privately, you can encrypt its communication so that it can't be listened in on and read ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00089-00041729-00042602 by a third party watching the radio communication. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00090-00042602-00043346 One thing is we want to encourage as much participation in the IETF or in other places ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00091-00043346-00043880 and as much innovation as we can so that we can take advantage of all these new capabilities. ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00092-00043880-00044580 We want to have the right programming environment, developing environment, so people can really ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00093-00044580-00045287 very easily take their ideas and put them into practice really, really quickly and get ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00094-00045287-00045862 familiar with doing that at a very young age so that, you know, by the time you get to ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00095-00045862-00046651 get going to college, you already have experience with building real computing devices, doing ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00096-00046651-00047088 things with real computing devices and you're able to do - you have a real passion and interest ZtNi4Cj8y7Y-00097-00047088-00047376 in building those kinds of tools and systems. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00000-00000104-00000382 [DJ Scip tallking] Welcome to Foundation After Midnight, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00001-00000382-00000606 the free Foundation Radio show broadcasting Zyj4AbJO6s0-00002-00000606-00000780 around the world and into space Zyj4AbJO6s0-00003-00000852-00001036 That's right, we know you can hear us up there! Zyj4AbJO6s0-00004-00001206-00001466 Anyway, we're bending time and space and clearance levels Zyj4AbJO6s0-00005-00001466-00001752 to bring you all the newest updates from around the Foundation. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00006-00001823-00001954 Not midnight where you're at? Zyj4AbJO6s0-00007-00002012-00002102 Well it's.. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00008-00002102-00002272 kind of hard to tell if it's day or night Zyj4AbJO6s0-00009-00002272-00002624 with all the anomalous activity going on, but it's definitely midnight here! Zyj4AbJO6s0-00010-00002690-00002882 I'm your host, DJ Scip, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00011-00002882-00003240 and you're listening to 93.[REDACTED] FAM Radio Zyj4AbJO6s0-00012-00003254-00003779 And this is the memetic mind wiping agent to weed out anyone who doesn't have the proper clearance levels Zyj4AbJO6s0-00013-00003779-00003934 to access this channel. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00014-00003934-00004092 [memetic mind wiping agent plays] ♪♪ [very strange sound] Zyj4AbJO6s0-00015-00004092-00004556 [static starts to interfere with the memetic mind wiping agent] Zyj4AbJO6s0-00016-00004556-00004790 [static over takes the signal, a ticking sound is heard] Zyj4AbJO6s0-00017-00004790-00005256 [signal returns to normal memetic mind wiping agent ♪♪ sound] Zyj4AbJO6s0-00018-00005328-00005476 Can you still remember your name? Zyj4AbJO6s0-00019-00005508-00005644 Glad to hear it! Zyj4AbJO6s0-00020-00005670-00006060 To start things off, we would like to remind everyone that since Protocol Svalinn, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00021-00006060-00006244 global quarantine is in effect. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00022-00006244-00006780 All non-essential resources and personnel are being reassigned to site teams. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00023-00006780-00007302 Teams will be focusing on the various on going sun related cataclysms threatening the world, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00024-00007302-00007481 and how to best solve them. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00025-00007481-00007754 In an effort to raise morale within the Foundation, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00026-00007754-00008138 higher ups have been allowing groups to choose their own team names. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00027-00008138-00008806 So far, team "Mechanical Masterminds of Math" has had the most promising brainstorming, having the most Zyj4AbJO6s0-00028-00008814-00009304 the most concepts confiscated and classified by highers out of any group so far. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00029-00009416-00009922 Reports have come in from the Foundation Space Program about a new satellite mass that has appeared Zyj4AbJO6s0-00030-00009924-00010196 just beyond the Earth's moon. It seems during Zyj4AbJO6s0-00031-00010202-00010508 the Space Program's launches last week that the shuttle Zyj4AbJO6s0-00032-00010508-00010972 that was transporting two hundred and thirty seven self-replication keter class cakes Zyj4AbJO6s0-00033-00010972-00011168 exploded on its way to the sun. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00034-00011242-00011504 So we have good news and bad news. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00035-00011556-00012054 The bad news is that it has been growing at an exponential rate, nearly doubling its size everyday. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00036-00012096-00012866 The good news, is that this broadcast is coming in clearer as the cakes are absorbing the increasing solar flare activity. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00037-00012910-00013158 Via team "Golden Comet" 's proposal Zyj4AbJO6s0-00038-00013158-00013462 a unique crew has been sent to the surface to investigate. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00039-00013462-00014134 Comprised of D-Class personnel who have exhibited exceptional skill and cooperation in the past in the consumption of cakes. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00040-00014160-00014768 They have been tasked with exploring options and stemming its growth, and have been fitting dubbed team "Death by Chocolate". Zyj4AbJO6s0-00041-00014878-00015432 Well I can't say I envy the D-Class personnel, but that does sound delicious. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00042-00015813-00016188 An update on the whereabouts of the damn hard to kill reptile. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00043-00016224-00016880 With its newly formed "solar wings", its current course will have it passing Venus in the next few minutes, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00044-00016880-00017214 liking continuing its trajectory towards Earth. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00045-00017310-00017576 Guess the scaly fucker really wants to come home. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00046-00017684-00018398 If anyone has any suggestions on how to secure and contain the space lizard, your team has about one week to submit your ideas. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00047-00018398-00018914 At this point, everything barring "throw it back into the sun," will be accepted and considered. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00048-00018914-00019224 Good try team "Knights Who Save Nickle (Ni)". Zyj4AbJO6s0-00049-00019298-00019696 While construction for the Temporal Anomaly Research Development and Integration Station Zyj4AbJO6s0-00050-00019696-00020150 has only been been underway for a week, exciting new reports have already come in from the station! Zyj4AbJO6s0-00051-00020154-00020608 Unfortunately, no researchers have been assigned to the station yet, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00052-00020608-00020886 So the reports are being investigated for authenticity Zyj4AbJO6s0-00053-00020907-00021211 and will not be release to the Foundation public at this time. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00054-00021230-00021342 Oh! Zyj4AbJO6s0-00055-00021394-00021686 This just handed to me! All site personnel are to be on high alert! Zyj4AbJO6s0-00056-00021686-00022096 A suspicious person of interest may or may not be walking around the facility, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00057-00022096-00022460 and the person in question may be disguised as a member of staff. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00058-00022460-00022650 Or an anomalous entity. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00059-00022658-00022860 Or maybe as a cat? Zyj4AbJO6s0-00060-00022860-00023360 So far no one has been able to record the individual or produce any evidence of the encounter with it. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00061-00023360-00023960 And everyone who claims to have seen the suspicious person seems to have trouble recalling anything about it at all. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00062-00023960-00024298 So if you see someone wandering around that you do not recognize, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00063-00024313-00024731 Or have trouble remembering, or can't remember, of, they are a cat.. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00064-00024731-00025235 Or all these things, ah, please keep a visual on them and try your best to report it as soon as possible. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00065-00025235-00025573 Further updates as will be announced as details come in. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00066-00025573-00025807 Though, umm, don't hold your breath. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00067-00026039-00026527 As you all know, or may not know, I am a lover and supporter of the arts. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00068-00026527-00027208 With that, the IT department would like me to remind you that DVD copies of the test recordings from SCP-630 Zyj4AbJO6s0-00069-00027208-00027414 are still available for $50 a pop. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00070-00027414-00027554 Yes that is right! Zyj4AbJO6s0-00071-00027604-00028156 You can now personally own a recording of the spontaneous and often hilarious song and dance routines, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00072-00028156-00028524 and musical performances acted out by various members of personnel. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00073-00028524-00028833 Including such favorites as, Agent Lament: Zyj4AbJO6s0-00074-00028833-00029298 [Agent Lament singing] ♪Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00075-00029354-00029762 ♪bright copper soul jars and warm cotton mittens Zyj4AbJO6s0-00076-00029762-00030176 ♪heaven assassins and old mattress springs, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00077-00030176-00030568 ♪these are a few of my favorite things. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00078-00030604-00030804 [DJ Scip talking] Professor Bjornsen: Zyj4AbJO6s0-00079-00030833-00031116 [Professor Bjornsen singing] ♪Look at this skip, isn't it neat? Zyj4AbJO6s0-00080-00031116-00031470 ♪Wouldn't you think the containment's complete? Zyj4AbJO6s0-00081-00031470-00032122 ♪Wouldn't you think we're the site, the site that holds everything? Zyj4AbJO6s0-00082-00032172-00032372 [DJ Scip talking] And Scruffy the Janitor. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00083-00032372-00032870 [Scruffy the Janitor singing] ♪Anomalous. Do, do, do-do-do. Anomalous do, do-do-do Zyj4AbJO6s0-00084-00032888-00033510 ♪Anomalous, do, do, do-do-do, do-do, do-do, do-do-do-do do-do-do do! Zyj4AbJO6s0-00085-00033560-00034076 [DJ Scip talking] Just talk to any member of the department or send an email the usual IT help contact. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00086-00034076-00034336 New videos available every month every month! Zyj4AbJO6s0-00087-00034336-00034546 Cash or money orders only. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00088-00034594-00035006 [DJ Scip starts humming ♪"Anomalous, do, do, do-do-do"] [the sound of pages being flipped through is heard while he hums] Zyj4AbJO6s0-00089-00035006-00035760 [in the distance background something is heard being announced, a metal slam, and machine gun fire is faintly heard] [DJ Scip continues humming ♪"Anomalous, do, do, do-do-do"] Zyj4AbJO6s0-00090-00035760-00036566 [DJ Scip talking] It seems tempers reached a boiling point when a food fight got out of hand in the staff lounge yesterday after a research member, whose name has not yet been disclosed, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00091-00036566-00037106 kicked SCP-294 for dispensing coffee that he claimed was, "Too cold." Zyj4AbJO6s0-00092-00037106-00038218 When the researcher ordered another cup, with a request for, "Hotter coffee," 294 proceeded to rapidly dispense hot coffee in what many witnesses described as agitated manner. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00093-00038218-00038470 Splattering the surrounding area. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00094-00038470-00038840 While the offending researcher was able to avoid the coffee spray, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00095-00038840-00039378 a nearby personnel was caught in the crossfire and mistook the action as some sort of prank. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00096-00039378-00039878 Apparently in response to the imagined insult, they proceeded to throw their own drink Zyj4AbJO6s0-00097-00039878-00040090 into the face of the first researcher. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00098-00040090-00040568 From there the two began to order liquids from the vending machine and throw them at one another. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00099-00040568-00041322 Drinks, and we're using that word lightly mind you, recorded during this exchange included, but were not limited to; Zyj4AbJO6s0-00100-00041322-00041462 Cola soda, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00101-00041462-00041624 soy milk, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00102-00041624-00041747 everclear, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00103-00041747-00041890 skunk musk, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00104-00041890-00042065 gasoline, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00105-00042066-00042252 dog feces, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00106-00042252-00042562 though I'm sure more colorful language was used at the time, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00107-00042562-00043302 and a yet unidentified grey fluid that when exposed to skin causes yellow boils to appear. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00108-00043302-00043762 All personnel involved were taken to medical and reprimanded accordingly. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00109-00043792-00043910 From now on, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00110-00043910-00044500 three guards of security clearance level 3 will be assigned to monitor the vending machine at all times. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00111-00044500-00044830 [DJ Scip sips some coffee] Zyj4AbJO6s0-00112-00044830-00045258 We'd like to take a moment to remind all [static starts to build] of our listeners that when facing off against.. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00113-00045258-00045498 [signal is overpowered by static] [DJ Scip is no longer audible] Zyj4AbJO6s0-00114-00045498-00045616 [static continues, the sound of other broadcasts and voices is heard] Zyj4AbJO6s0-00115-00045616-00045666 Eat Zyj4AbJO6s0-00116-00045666-00046010 [static continues, ticking sound is heard] Zyj4AbJO6s0-00117-00046010-00046302 [strange signal searching sound plays] [static begins to fade] Zyj4AbJO6s0-00118-00046302-00046688 [DJ Scip's voice comes back in mid sentence] ..melting the face of every person in the vicinity. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00119-00046688-00047026 Thankfully, we all know better now. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00120-00047026-00047874 If you have access to outside media you may have heard some of the cover stories for the unforeseen consequences of the Foundation Space program. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00121-00047902-00048600 We wanted to take this time to clear up some of these "fact", that have been planted by the Department of Disinformation. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00122-00048660-00049214 For starters, while we do advise you avoid exposure to the sun, it will not give you, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00123-00049214-00049594 "sudden cancer", or "extreme cases of blindness". Zyj4AbJO6s0-00124-00049636-00049984 All the doctors in those commercials are paid by the Foundation. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00125-00050158-00050562 Also, though anxiety and depression are on the rise, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00126-00050562-00051168 the cause is from direct exposure to the sun, or from a subsequential lack of natural light from avoiding the sun. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00127-00051229-00052084 Not from any financial recession, nuclear weapon tension, or the systematic deconstruction of our social communities. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00128-00052084-00052614 Those are fabrications by the Office of Misdirection, though good job guys, you almost had me on those, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00129-00052679-00053260 And lastly it should be known that that no asteroid has collided with Mercury, and the planet has not fractured. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00130-00053260-00053764 The random eclipses that we've been experiencing have been from anomalous activity involving the sun, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00131-00053764-00054010 not chunks of planetary debris. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00132-00054010-00054772 For the time being, all faculty engaging with the general public should maintain that Mercury is to be removed from the modern star charts. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00133-00055028-00055488 Between all the craziness with the sun, we still have news from our infrequent sports corner! Zyj4AbJO6s0-00134-00055488-00055622 [♪"Take me out to the ballgame" plays in background] Zyj4AbJO6s0-00135-00055622-00055894 The softball league games have continued as scheduled, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00136-00055894-00056620 and in an upsetting turn of events this last weekend, Site-REDACTED's Unkillable Lizards lost to Site-19's Staring Statues, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00137-00056620-00056896 with a score of 11-15. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00138-00056896-00057470 Site-REDACTED's fans were livid, or would have been if it weren't for the evacuation of the stadium Zyj4AbJO6s0-00139-00057470-00058074 due to another intense wave of solar flares loving sent to us by SCP-682. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00140-00058074-00058850 I think that Site-REDACTED will likely be considering a new name and mascot as there really is not much love left for the damn lizard since Zyj4AbJO6s0-00141-00058850-00059208 its return trip from the sun as some celestial, solar-serpent. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00142-00059236-00059714 It seems the sun only made it madder and it's definitely bringing the heat. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00143-00059714-00059910 Unlike the softball team. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00144-00060048-00060928 This week, Site-19's Staring Statues will face off against Site-103's Critical Tomatoes, who I made remind you have been leading in the brackets. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00145-00060928-00061502 Can the Staring Statues "ketchup" with the Critical Tomatoes? We'll see.. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00146-00061708-00062308 All personnel are reminded that when filing reports, please be specific and carefully clarify you intentions Zyj4AbJO6s0-00147-00062308-00062774 when using the word "terminate" in reference to disciplinary action. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00148-00062774-00063346 Please define whether you mean, "to end the employment of," or "to end the life of," said person. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00149-00063348-00063976 The HR Department would like to point out that death as a means of punishment is inhumane and unreasonable. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00150-00063979-00064667 The HR Department would also like to go on record that on occasion death really is the viable solution, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00151-00064667-00065108 but that is for them to decide, not you. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00152-00065262-00065748 Collaborating together, team "Batman Signal" and team "Korea's Got Seoul" Zyj4AbJO6s0-00153-00065748-00066228 have proposed an exciting new plan to at least solve of our sun related disasters. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00154-00066235-00066863 Though the risk of cross SCP contamination is always present, it's not like we have much to lose at this point. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00155-00066866-00067267 In order to lessen to anomalous effect from the expose of the sun, Zyj4AbJO6s0-00156-00067267-00067509 the teams have devised a method of world wide overcast. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00157-00067510-00068050 Focusing SCP-938 through SCP-1149. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00158-00068050-00068416 While limiting on their own, the plans suggests that when combined the two may- Zyj4AbJO6s0-00159-00068608-00068808 And then the sun went out. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00161-00080808-00081008 [♪♪FAM Radio credit music begins to play] Zyj4AbJO6s0-00162-00081008-00081234 [Toadking07 aka Eric Stover, begins talking] Thank you for choosing to listen to us Zyj4AbJO6s0-00163-00081234-00081490 for the last 13 minutes over any other audio choices you could have made. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00164-00081490-00081606 We appreciate that. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00165-00081606-00082066 FAM radio is written by Kyle Stover and toadking07, aka Eric Stover. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00166-00082066-00082540 It is produced by Toad King Studios and the voice of DJ Scip is done by Kyle Stover. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00167-00082544-00083144 Content is of course based off the SCP Foundation and is released under the creative commons 3.0 license. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00168-00083144-00083654 To the best of our abilities, inspiring works and authors will be credited in the space provided. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00169-00083654-00083968 Links to the articles listed in today's program will also be posted. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00170-00083968-00084572 This episode's music "Secure. Contain. Protect." was created by Chang31ing and can be found on Sound.com. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00171-00084572-00084772 Link provided where possible. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00172-00084804-00085576 Here at Foundation After Midnight, we strongly believe in collaboration and sharing, as we get our inspiration for the series from all across the SCP Universe. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00173-00085576-00086026 If you are interested in us using your music or work in future episodes, let us know! Zyj4AbJO6s0-00174-00086026-00086368 We would love to work with you and see what you can do with our work as well. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00175-00086368-00087438 If you have questions, fanmail, or want to report a sighting of the Shark Punching Center, email us at: SCP93.FAMRadio@gmail.com. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00176-00087438-00088032 Or call our radio hotline at 512-93-RADIO. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00177-00088032-00088462 If you want to support us, we starving artists in need of your help. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00178-00088462-00088850 We are also Nigerian princes and we could use your American help and American currency. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00179-00088850-00089140 Check the accompanying description for more information and links. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00180-00089220-00089424 Cause that didn't sound funny at all. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00181-00089504-00090432 Keep an eye out for us online and be sure to subscribe, follow, like, share, plus one, where applicable, and check back for more broadcasts. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00182-00090432-00090882 Thank you again for listening, stay tuned for more Foundation After Midnight Radio. Zyj4AbJO6s0-00183-00090882-00091278 [♪♪ FAM Radio credit music plays out] ZzuTggo-TRu-00000-00000195-00000295 ស្ទាបបេះដូងបងតើអូនបានលីអ្វី មានសូរអ្វីទេស្រីស្រែកចេញពីបេះដូង ZzuTggo-TRu-00001-00000295-00000806 បងនឺងតោកយ៉ាក I can't let you go ZzuTggo-TRu-00002-00000806-00000906 បេះស្រែកថ្ងួចថ្ងូរ អង្វរអូនកុំទៅ ZzuTggo-TRu-00003-00000906-00001006 នៅទីបំផុតមិនអាចឃាត់អូន ដល់ពេលដែលបងត្រូវដោះលែងអូន ZzuTggo-TRu-00004-00001006-00001256 ពេលនេះតទៅអស់សីទ្ទិពីអូន Baby you go and break my heart ZzuTggo-TRu-00005-00001256-00001368 កុំធើ្វបែបនេះ កុំអោយបងឈី ZzuTggo-TRu-00006-00001368-00001468 បើសំរេចចិត្តហើយអូនអាចចេញពីបង ZzuTggo-TRu-00007-00001468-00001568 នៅទីបំផុតយើងត្រូវបែកគ្នា ដោយគ្មានពាក្យលាបពា្ចប់អាល័យ ZzuTggo-TRu-00008-00001568-00001668 ការចងចាំល្អ ល្អត្រូវឥតន័យ ZzuTggo-TRu-00009-00001668-00002649 Baby you go and break my heart កុំធើ្វបែបនេះ ZzuTggo-TRu-00010-00002649-00003068 កុំអោយបងឈី បើសំរេចចិត្តហើយអូនអាចចេញពីបង ZzuTggo-TRu-00011-00003068-00003489 ពេលអូនចេញទៅវាលាឈីចាប់បានមកដល់ បងឈីចាប់ណាហ់អូនដឺងទេ ZzuTggo-TRu-00012-00003489-00004121 អូនដឺងទេ អូនដឺងទេ​ បងឈីចាប់ ZzuTggo-TRu-00013-00004121-00004330 ជឿជាក់លីអូនទើបបងត្រូវឈីចាប់ ZzuTggo-TRu-00014-00004330-00006834 I think you should get away get away Get off my life girl ZzuTggo-TRu-00016-00012963-00013569 You wanna leave You wanna go ZzuTggo-TRu-00017-00013569-00013669 នៅទីបំផុតយើងត្រូវបែកគ្នា ដោយគ្មានពាក្យលាបពា្ចប់អាល័យ ZzuTggo-TRu-00018-00013669-00014154 ការចងចាំល្អ ល្អត្រូវឥតន័យ Baby you go and break my heart ZzuTggo-TRu-00019-00014154-00014949 កុំធើ្វបែបនេះ កុំអោយបងឈី ZzuTggo-TRu-00020-00014949-00015744 បើសំរេចចិត្តហើយអូនអាចចេញពីបង ពេលអូនចេញទៅវាលាឈីចាប់បានមកដល់ ZzuTggo-TRu-00021-00015744-00016538 បងឈីចាប់ណាហ់អូនដឺងទេ អូនដឺងទេ ZzuTggo-TRu-00022-00016538-00017731 អូនដឺងទេ​ បងឈីចាប់ ជឿជាក់លីអូនទើបបងត្រូវឈីចាប់ ZzuTggo-TRu-00023-00017731-00017859 I think you should get away get away Get off my life girl ZzuTggo-TRu-00024-00017859-00017959 ស្ទាបបេះដូងបងតើអូនបានលីអ្វី មានសូរអ្វីទេស្រីស្រែកចេញពីបេះដូង ZzuTggo-TRu-00025-00017959-00018059 ភ្នែកសង្វែករកស្រី I can let you go ZzuTggo-TRu-00026-00018059-00019798 បេះស្រែកថ្ងួចថ្ងូរ អង្វរអូនចេញទៅ ZzuTggo-TRu-00027-00019798-00021676 ពេលអូនចេញទៅវាលាឈីចាប់បានមកដល់ បងឈីចាប់ណាហ់អូនដឺងទេ ZzuTggo-TRu-00028-00021676-00024493 អូនដឺងទេ អូនដឺងទេ​ បងឈីចាប់ ZzuTggo-TRu-00029-00024493-00025432 ជឿជាក់លីអូនទើបបងត្រូវឈីចាប់ ZzuTggo-TRu-00031-00029880-00031165 Get off my life girl...� ZD3AuthAcRY-00000-00000000-00000200 RP PanDa ZEeSbAkiFAI-00000-00000348-00000660 foreign ZEeSbAkiFAI-00001-00000977-00001410 So today we're just going to have a quick look at um the double O gauge ballast that we do sell ZEeSbAkiFAI-00002-00001410-00001860 at Detail Modelling and I'm just going to do a quick little demonstration on putting it onto ZEeSbAkiFAI-00003-00001860-00002322 the track and there's a few different ways of actually doing this I'm going to go for a bit of ZEeSbAkiFAI-00004-00002322-00002970 a rustic way some of you might not agree um you can get actually some kind of ballast spreaders ZEeSbAkiFAI-00005-00003114-00003624 I tend to just go a sage a straight sort of in there and just sort of throw it down on the ZEeSbAkiFAI-00006-00003624-00004014 track and then what you want to get is a really really soft brush you can use a bit of a bigger ZEeSbAkiFAI-00007-00004014-00004536 brush than this if you you've got quite a lot of track to do and basically what you're wanting ZEeSbAkiFAI-00008-00004536-00005022 what you're looking for is just spreading that ballast just across the top of the ties just to ZEeSbAkiFAI-00009-00005022-00005424 sort of get it level and you don't want any of the ballast sat on top of the actual ties themselves ZEeSbAkiFAI-00010-00005562-00006330 so it is a little bit messy this basically what you're looking for is kind of a smooth finish all ZEeSbAkiFAI-00011-00006330-00006720 the way across so I normally start in the middle of the Rails obviously if you're doing this on a ZEeSbAkiFAI-00012-00006720-00007128 baseboard any of the stuff that goes over the top just ends up on the outside of the truck ZEeSbAkiFAI-00013-00007218-00007608 in my case here that is going all over the table but never mind ZEeSbAkiFAI-00014-00007716-00008244 so just getting it somewhat near at the moment ZEeSbAkiFAI-00015-00008424-00008928 once you actually start going with this as well it is actually quite a a quick process really ZEeSbAkiFAI-00016-00009150-00009306 it's quite a therapeutic thing ZEeSbAkiFAI-00017-00009678-00009918 so just smoothing it off along the top there ZEeSbAkiFAI-00018-00010236-00010716 a little bit more just on this top end I say it's not an issue obviously everything ZEeSbAkiFAI-00019-00010716-00011412 is um reusable so all you want to do what I quite like to do is finish off maybe a meter ZEeSbAkiFAI-00020-00011412-00011832 something like that and then just get the Hoover put a sock over the end of it Hoover ZEeSbAkiFAI-00021-00011832-00012174 it back up and it just collect it all in the sock and you can put it back into your box ZEeSbAkiFAI-00022-00012360-00012960 and obviously with our ballast as well and it is all it is all genuine rocks so ZEeSbAkiFAI-00023-00013086-00013428 you can't really go wrong with it there's no no issue if it gets ZEeSbAkiFAI-00024-00013428-00013728 knocked or anything like that it doesn't split it doesn't Mark it's ZEeSbAkiFAI-00025-00014004-00014808 so that's great so the steps were sort of finishing up here and just making sure that ZEeSbAkiFAI-00026-00014808-00015360 every last little bit of ballast is just off the top of those truck ties obviously if you are doing ZEeSbAkiFAI-00027-00015360-00015924 a run down sort of track area or maybe a disused sort of siding and then you might have a little ZEeSbAkiFAI-00028-00015924-00016524 bit of ballast that has been kind of kicked up and just sort of left typically if you've got sort of ZEeSbAkiFAI-00029-00016524-00017058 lines that are running regularly or sidings that are being used every day and that sort of thing ZEeSbAkiFAI-00030-00017166-00017622 the ballast that does end up on the track tends to get shaken off and then ends up back in sort ZEeSbAkiFAI-00031-00017622-00017994 of the sides and obviously maintenance and everything like that I'll make sure that it's ZEeSbAkiFAI-00032-00017994-00018474 in the place it's meant to be so it's completely up to you either way isn't wrong same with all ZEeSbAkiFAI-00033-00018474-00018900 sort of things on model Railways whatever you're happy with is the right way to do it ZEeSbAkiFAI-00034-00019008-00019482 so that looks about right to me everything's sort of tatted up you can obviously after we've done it ZEeSbAkiFAI-00035-00019578-00019998 kind of touch you up a little bit if there is sort of things that are actually there or don't look ZEeSbAkiFAI-00036-00019998-00020346 quite right or if there's a little Gap or anything like that you can fill them in later as well ZEeSbAkiFAI-00037-00020430-00020838 um so what I always like to do now just before we start to actually blow anything down is I like to ZEeSbAkiFAI-00038-00020838-00021360 take a wagon any salt wagon and just something that you're not too fussed off and it kind of ZEeSbAkiFAI-00039-00021360-00021906 getting a bit Mucky if need be I just like to put that onto the track itself and just kind of run ZEeSbAkiFAI-00040-00021906-00022374 that up and down just to make sure that there's nothing in the way and obviously it's running ZEeSbAkiFAI-00041-00022374-00022872 freely especially if you're doing a larger segment of track or you're doing a few tracks in a line ZEeSbAkiFAI-00042-00022872-00023406 you can get a little bit um kind of ballast blind and it's just nice to make sure that everything's ZEeSbAkiFAI-00043-00023406-00023820 just running freely and you're all happy with it so what you can do at this stage I like to ZEeSbAkiFAI-00044-00023820-00024276 take some ice of Purple alcohol again it's not a necessary step as such but it just sort of ZEeSbAkiFAI-00045-00024276-00024720 frees everything up and just make sure that the glue and everything that we put onto it does go ZEeSbAkiFAI-00046-00024720-00025140 right into the track so it's a very very sort of light misting just kind of across everything ZEeSbAkiFAI-00047-00025254-00025788 and you will notice without our ballast obviously with it being a genuine sort of um product I mean ZEeSbAkiFAI-00048-00025788-00026358 sprayer bottle's not working um with it being a genuine um rock product when it does get wet it ZEeSbAkiFAI-00049-00026358-00026808 does go black so I'll just zoom in just a little bit for you there just so you can kind of get a ZEeSbAkiFAI-00050-00026808-00027420 full picture of it and so it does go black and it will go even darker when we put the glue on it and ZEeSbAkiFAI-00051-00027420-00027972 everything like that but once it dries out maybe a day later something like that it will go back ZEeSbAkiFAI-00052-00027972-00028542 to the color that it was when it was delivered so this kind of can't quite see and so this sort of ZEeSbAkiFAI-00053-00028542-00029214 gray um granite gray that we do actually sell so great so just let that seep in for just a minute ZEeSbAkiFAI-00054-00029214-00029670 and then what I've got in this little pot here is just a very very simple mix so it's just a few ZEeSbAkiFAI-00055-00029670-00030156 drops of PVA obviously the more you're doing the more you want and there's no sort of real quantity ZEeSbAkiFAI-00056-00030156-00030774 it's just quite a water mix really as long as it's got a good amount of PVA in there and I don't know ZEeSbAkiFAI-00057-00030774-00031326 if you can quite see the consistency there so it is really really watery and a few drops PVA a bit ZEeSbAkiFAI-00058-00031326-00031866 of water and then I do put a little bit of heavy liquid in there as well again not a necessary step ZEeSbAkiFAI-00059-00031866-00032327 I've done it both ways it's worked both ways that the ballast never moves once it's got a glue on it ZEeSbAkiFAI-00060-00032327-00032700 but the liquid does help it does seep through right to the very bottom especially if you're ZEeSbAkiFAI-00061-00032700-00033060 doing a little bit of a thicker track or if you're working on a different gauge or anything like that ZEeSbAkiFAI-00062-00033060-00033642 just to make sure that everything is fully stuck down so what I've got is a little pipette here and ZEeSbAkiFAI-00063-00033702-00034212 just filling that pipette up and then all we're doing is just dropping PVA mix just ZEeSbAkiFAI-00064-00034212-00034698 in between each of the truck ties again I just like to start in the middle you don't have to ZEeSbAkiFAI-00065-00034878-00035580 just making sure that everything there is very very well saturated so don't worry about getting ZEeSbAkiFAI-00066-00035580-00036174 it on top of the track or onto the actual metal work itself and what we'll do is afterwards you ZEeSbAkiFAI-00067-00036174-00036546 can use a track Rubber and just kind of run it over or to slice the Purple alcohol in ZEeSbAkiFAI-00068-00036546-00037062 a little cloth and just get that off it's it isn't going to cause you any issues whatsoever ZEeSbAkiFAI-00069-00037242-00037740 right so that's the the middle done and again it doesn't matter kind of how much you are putting ZEeSbAkiFAI-00070-00037740-00038544 down it will all evaporate it will all dry in so it's getting it really well saturated there ZEeSbAkiFAI-00071-00039264-00039810 that's it so that's great and then what you can just do at this point as well is just ZEeSbAkiFAI-00072-00039810-00040248 double checking again that you haven't sort of got anything on the rail so I knocked it a little bit ZEeSbAkiFAI-00073-00040248-00040704 there just got a little bit on yeah I've just got a pair of tweezers I'm just going to fix up the ZEeSbAkiFAI-00074-00040704-00041262 areas that I've kind of got it on there but other than that that's pretty much it so obviously you ZEeSbAkiFAI-00075-00041262-00041760 can extend that across your entire Railway and just just have fun with it really just enjoy it ZEeSbAkiFAI-00076-00041760-00042168 take your time just make sure that you're happy with everything at each stage don't try and do ZEeSbAkiFAI-00077-00042168-00042714 the full layout at once and and then that's it so you're leaving that for about maybe 24 hours some ZEeSbAkiFAI-00078-00042714-00043116 tracks may need a little bit longer the game just depending on how deep you've done it and ZEeSbAkiFAI-00079-00043116-00043626 after that it'll all be solid what you can do then once it is all sold and it's all fixed down take ZEeSbAkiFAI-00080-00043626-00044052 you over again just suck up on the top there and it'll get rid of all of the loose bits of ZEeSbAkiFAI-00081-00044052-00044610 ballast so what you can do as well is double check with your wagon again just that it's still freely ZEeSbAkiFAI-00082-00044610-00045066 running and everything's fine if you do get a bit of glue on here just give it a wipe straight away ZEeSbAkiFAI-00083-00045066-00045792 and jobs are good and so we're back with a little over 24 hours later and so you can see that the ZEeSbAkiFAI-00084-00045792-00046284 track has dried really really well and the Eagle ad viewers amongst you will also notice that we do ZEeSbAkiFAI-00085-00046284-00046740 also have an O gauge version here as well and very similar process to actually lay the ballast down ZEeSbAkiFAI-00086-00046806-00047346 and just to show you the kind of finish on both of the gauges there as well so with our double O ZEeSbAkiFAI-00087-00047346-00047916 gauge that we were working on yesterday and see everything's kind of dried and what you want to ZEeSbAkiFAI-00088-00047916-00048366 do now is take your Hoover with the sock over it kind of run it over and just to make sure that any ZEeSbAkiFAI-00089-00048366-00048762 of the loose ballast is picked up obviously if your layout is staying in fixed in permanently ZEeSbAkiFAI-00090-00048762-00049092 it's not going to move it's not the end of the world because there's a bit of load ballast I'm ZEeSbAkiFAI-00091-00049092-00049440 going to be a little bit lazy just because I can and just knock it knock on the back there ZEeSbAkiFAI-00092-00049440-00049962 and just get everything off so you can see there wasn't actually that much kind of leftover if you ZEeSbAkiFAI-00093-00049962-00050406 do have any blank sort of areas or you notice a little bit of area that needs touching up just put ZEeSbAkiFAI-00094-00050406-00050760 a bit more ballast in there put a bit more glue on it and wait for it to dry it's as easy as that ZEeSbAkiFAI-00095-00050868-00051294 um so in regard to this ballast if you are interested in obviously you can send us over ZEeSbAkiFAI-00096-00051294-00051810 a message at any time and or you can also order a free sample off the website as well all the ZEeSbAkiFAI-00097-00051810-00052290 charges the postage and any kind of questions you've got after receiving your sample obviously ZEeSbAkiFAI-00098-00052290-00052794 and just send them over to us as well we are here for all the help that you may need in terms ZEeSbAkiFAI-00099-00052794-00053267 of laying the ballast um or any issues with your particular track or anything like that obviously ZEeSbAkiFAI-00100-00053267-00053778 any of our other products as well and we sell it in a few different kind of sizes starting at 400 ZEeSbAkiFAI-00101-00053778-00054354 grams all the way up to 10 kilo boxes and if you have got a bit of a larger layout than the 10K ZEeSbAkiFAI-00102-00054354-00054858 in the box is a great way to save some money as well and so other than that that's pretty ZEeSbAkiFAI-00103-00054858-00055224 much it and obviously if you're working on top of cork and everything if you've got cork under ZEeSbAkiFAI-00104-00055224-00055667 your track it's exactly the same process and what does look quite nice is leave it going ZEeSbAkiFAI-00105-00055667-00056028 just over the Cork and leaving a little bit of a ridge over the top of your track as well ZEeSbAkiFAI-00106-00056088-00056436 and obviously if you're working with points again just make sure that everything's kind of running ZEeSbAkiFAI-00107-00056436-00056946 freely and the same on you straight track all your curved pieces and just make sure that all ZEeSbAkiFAI-00108-00056946-00057294 of your wagons and your locals are happy to go over it if there are any Little Bits then just ZEeSbAkiFAI-00109-00057294-00057750 use a pair of tweezers or something just to chip them off other than that we're all good to go ZEeSbAkiFAI-00110-00057750-00058241 so what I will do now in another video is I will whether this um track and just add a little bit of ZEeSbAkiFAI-00111-00058241-00058667 detail to it just to show you how you can do that but other than that that's everything pretty much ZEeSbAkiFAI-00112-00058667-00059052 sorted for this piece today so if you do have any questions after this video just send them ZEeSbAkiFAI-00113-00059052-00059508 over to us and otherwise we hope to hear from you soon and thank you very much for watching ZEeSbAkiFAI-00114-00060174-00060432 oh ZEEDglUMJLE-00000-00000006-00000412 Welcome to the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art. ZEEDglUMJLE-00001-00000412-00000534 I am Elizabeth Sackler. ZEEDglUMJLE-00002-00000534-00000876 It is a pleasure to be here. ZEEDglUMJLE-00003-00000876-00001061 I hope you all had a wonderful summer. ZEEDglUMJLE-00004-00001061-00001182 I did. ZEEDglUMJLE-00005-00001182-00001923 This autumnal weather, I think we're in Indian Summer. ZEEDglUMJLE-00006-00001923-00002599 This is our first program of the season that I've had an opportunity to come and introduce ZEEDglUMJLE-00007-00002599-00002758 our speaker. ZEEDglUMJLE-00008-00002758-00003269 I'm particularly excited about that today. ZEEDglUMJLE-00009-00003269-00003811 As many of you know, the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art, is an exhibition ZEEDglUMJLE-00010-00003811-00004423 space with a permanent house of the diner party by Judy Chicago. ZEEDglUMJLE-00011-00004423-00004878 We are an education facility dedicated to feminist art. ZEEDglUMJLE-00012-00004878-00005518 Our mission for three and a half years now has been to raise awareness of feminism's ZEEDglUMJLE-00013-00005518-00005741 cultural contributions. ZEEDglUMJLE-00014-00005741-00006484 We host lectures, discussions on feminist art, feminist theory, and feminist activism. ZEEDglUMJLE-00015-00006484-00006982 Since our inception we've hosted scores, I think we must be going on hundreds at this ZEEDglUMJLE-00016-00006982-00007423 point, of excellent and wideranging programming. ZEEDglUMJLE-00017-00007423-00008750 Today is the first lecture as I said that I've had the pleasure to introduce my friend, ZEEDglUMJLE-00018-00008750-00009024 my very good friend, Mary Beckinsale. ZEEDglUMJLE-00019-00009024-00009860 I met Mary in Florence in Italy, obviously, in 2004. ZEEDglUMJLE-00020-00009860-00010820 We were randomly seated as luncheon partners in a room that held more than 40 people. ZEEDglUMJLE-00021-00010820-00011578 We immediately discovered our shared passion about the then contemporary political heirs, ZEEDglUMJLE-00022-00011578-00012442 our rage at unethical behavior, and our tendencies for provocative social activism. ZEEDglUMJLE-00023-00012442-00013106 And, of course, our love of all things, feminist, and of art. ZEEDglUMJLE-00024-00013106-00013609 Our relationship has grown and deepened over the years. ZEEDglUMJLE-00025-00013609-00014309 I am an enormous fan of Mary Beckinsale, and of my painting mistro, her husband, Jules ZEEDglUMJLE-00026-00014309-00015069 Maidoff, and their wonderful institution in Florence, the Studio Art Centers International. ZEEDglUMJLE-00027-00015069-00015859 Mary and I have been discussing what makes, what means feminist art for a couple of years ZEEDglUMJLE-00028-00015859-00016033 now. ZEEDglUMJLE-00029-00016033-00016765 There is no one better equipped I would call her Encyclopedia Beckinsale to reinterpret ZEEDglUMJLE-00030-00016765-00017554 major works of art throughout history by identifying their feminist content. ZEEDglUMJLE-00031-00017554-00017984 This is what she has taken on for this lecture. ZEEDglUMJLE-00032-00017984-00018818 She's moving beyond traditional analysis and recasting these works in this new and in this ZEEDglUMJLE-00033-00018818-00018981 scholarly light. ZEEDglUMJLE-00034-00018981-00019809 There are only a handful of people with the knowledge and brilliance of mind this requires. ZEEDglUMJLE-00035-00019809-00020659 Mary is in the company of our beloved Linda Lochmann and Lucy Lippard. ZEEDglUMJLE-00036-00020659-00021587 Let me read you a brief bio which does not include a myriad of things. ZEEDglUMJLE-00037-00021587-00022200 Mary Beckinsale, internationally recognized art educator and art historian, is President ZEEDglUMJLE-00038-00022200-00022529 of Studio Art Centers International. ZEEDglUMJLE-00039-00022529-00023132 Since 1993 SACI has been affiliated with Bowling Green State University in one of the premier ZEEDglUMJLE-00040-00023132-00023631 studyabroad institutions in Italy and worldwide. ZEEDglUMJLE-00041-00023631-00024231 Under Dr. Beckinsale's leadership in Rome and has grown to over 100 to 200 students ZEEDglUMJLE-00042-00024231-00024949 each semester, with 80 percent of SACI students coming from American universities. ZEEDglUMJLE-00043-00024949-00025545 The program draws upon the rich past of Florence plus its resources in museums, architecture ZEEDglUMJLE-00044-00025545-00026167 art specialists and wide cultural offerings, while concurrently presenting contemporary ZEEDglUMJLE-00045-00026167-00026668 developments in Italian art and culture. ZEEDglUMJLE-00046-00026668-00027450 I would like to say also that when I met Mary and Jules it was as if, I don't know... our ZEEDglUMJLE-00047-00027450-00027794 molecules immediately wed. ZEEDglUMJLE-00048-00027794-00028761 Since I am trying to think what year we started at but there is Elizabeth A. Sackler SACI ZEEDglUMJLE-00049-00028761-00030055 scholarship, which provides a young woman student artists to come and supports her at ZEEDglUMJLE-00050-00030055-00030566 SACI in Florence, which has been a wonderful thing. ZEEDglUMJLE-00051-00030566-00030872 I am delighted to have done that. ZEEDglUMJLE-00052-00030872-00031298 Mary received the degree in art history from Cambridge University and the Master's degree ZEEDglUMJLE-00053-00031298-00032019 in Philosophy from the Warburg institute in London in 1968, with the thesis on the conquest ZEEDglUMJLE-00054-00032019-00032225 of Mexico. ZEEDglUMJLE-00055-00032225-00032608 It was in those years that she had the good fortune to study with some of the greatest ZEEDglUMJLE-00056-00032608-00033255 intellectuals of the last century including Michael Jaffe, Ernst Gombrich, Michael is ZEEDglUMJLE-00057-00033255-00033850 it Baxandall, probably I should know who this is, so that's an embarrassment to me and Otto ZEEDglUMJLE-00058-00033850-00033950 Kurz. ZEEDglUMJLE-00059-00033950-00034446 Later she received a twoyear Leverhulme scholarship to continue her research in Spain. ZEEDglUMJLE-00060-00034446-00035040 But, those were the years of Franco's dictatorship and that experience changed her life. ZEEDglUMJLE-00061-00035040-00035531 On returning to England she wanted to help social justice and taught in high schools ZEEDglUMJLE-00062-00035531-00035784 in the North of England. ZEEDglUMJLE-00063-00035784-00036124 These were the years of feminism and social change. ZEEDglUMJLE-00064-00036124-00036694 Oxford and Cambridge colleges opened their doors to women and women began to win greater ZEEDglUMJLE-00065-00036694-00036806 social rights. ZEEDglUMJLE-00066-00036806-00036941 I think Mary will tell you. ZEEDglUMJLE-00067-00036941-00037427 I will ask her to tell you how many men there were when she was there and how many women. ZEEDglUMJLE-00068-00037427-00037994 So maybe you could just include that little piece of historic information because it tells ZEEDglUMJLE-00069-00037994-00038564 those who might not be aware of what we have accomplished over the last 40 years, 'what' ZEEDglUMJLE-00070-00038564-00038844 we have accomplished over the last 40 years. ZEEDglUMJLE-00071-00038844-00039343 She later moved to Florence where she became Dean at SACI, working with Jules Maidoff, ZEEDglUMJLE-00072-00039343-00039887 the painterartist who founded SACI in 1975 and whom she married. ZEEDglUMJLE-00073-00039887-00040691 In August 2010, this past August, Mary Beckinsale was awarded an honorary degree from BGSU. ZEEDglUMJLE-00074-00040691-00041247 So it is a wonderful opportunity. ZEEDglUMJLE-00075-00041247-00041847 It is a real pleasure for me to welcome Mary to this side of the Atlantic, and to thank ZEEDglUMJLE-00076-00041847-00042778 her for coming to point out how we have been trained to see art, and to suggest how we ZEEDglUMJLE-00077-00042778-00043543 can refresh our personal lenses as we approach art in whatever physical context we see it, ZEEDglUMJLE-00078-00043543-00043895 whether it's museums, galleries, or other. ZEEDglUMJLE-00079-00043895-00044861 So please join me in welcoming Dr. Mary Beckinsale. ZEEDglUMJLE-00080-00044861-00045769 Well I hope I live up to that extremely enchanting introduction. ZEEDglUMJLE-00081-00045769-00046299 And obviously, first of all, I want to thank Elizabeth for inviting me to talk at the center, ZEEDglUMJLE-00082-00046299-00047187 but also the Brooklyn Museum for giving me this possibility of talking to you. ZEEDglUMJLE-00083-00047187-00047727 This lecture grew out of a discussion that I had over two years with Elizabeth, which ZEEDglUMJLE-00084-00047727-00047921 is "What is feminist art?" ZEEDglUMJLE-00085-00047921-00048183 Is it art that is produced by women? ZEEDglUMJLE-00086-00048183-00048987 Or is it actually the content of the work that should be feminist or not feminist? ZEEDglUMJLE-00087-00048987-00049622 And on that challenge, I thought as an art historian, as a trained art historian, I'm ZEEDglUMJLE-00088-00049622-00050231 going to look back into the past, into the iconic pieces that we know from the past, ZEEDglUMJLE-00089-00050231-00050656 and say which of these are actually indisputably feminist. ZEEDglUMJLE-00090-00050656-00050997 And there are a lot of pieces that you can argue one way or the other. ZEEDglUMJLE-00091-00050997-00051732 A piece like the "Judith of Holofernes" by Artemisia Gentileschi, you can't completely ZEEDglUMJLE-00092-00051732-00051915 take that with you. ZEEDglUMJLE-00093-00051915-00052401 So I decided I would select four and see what happens selecting four. ZEEDglUMJLE-00094-00052401-00052711 So it's a sort of experiment that I went through. ZEEDglUMJLE-00095-00052711-00053298 And if any of you are art historians or teachers, it's an experiment you might try for yourselves. ZEEDglUMJLE-00096-00053298-00053865 To actually look back over the work you love and see if any of them are actually feminist ZEEDglUMJLE-00097-00053865-00053965 in content. ZEEDglUMJLE-00098-00053965-00054076 Do come and sit down. ZEEDglUMJLE-00099-00054076-00054298 There's lots of seats. ZEEDglUMJLE-00100-00054298-00054544 So that's where I started from. ZEEDglUMJLE-00101-00054544-00055352 But before I actually go through the four pieces that I selected and worked on, I have ZEEDglUMJLE-00102-00055352-00056013 to say that in this instance, my definition of feminism is the simplest one. ZEEDglUMJLE-00103-00056013-00056689 It's the idea that a work of art could portray the power, independence, quality, dignity, ZEEDglUMJLE-00104-00056689-00056984 and identity of women. ZEEDglUMJLE-00105-00056984-00057648 Before actually starting on those four I want to go through a few other images just to put ZEEDglUMJLE-00106-00057648-00058060 you in a sort of context. ZEEDglUMJLE-00107-00058060-00058651 The oldest artworks that have been found anywhere in the world are these artworks that come ZEEDglUMJLE-00108-00058651-00059422 from the Paleolithic or the Neolithic and they're so called Venuses. ZEEDglUMJLE-00109-00059422-00059954 They actually date from as far back as 35,000 years ago. ZEEDglUMJLE-00110-00059954-00060536 The first Venus of this kind was found in the Dordogne over a century ago. ZEEDglUMJLE-00111-00060536-00060914 It's related to the artwork of the CroMagnon. ZEEDglUMJLE-00112-00060914-00061719 More than 100 of these pieces have been found and steadily more are being dug up. ZEEDglUMJLE-00113-00061719-00062413 They range from very tiny charms that you'd wear on a necklace to actually the Willendorf ZEEDglUMJLE-00114-00062413-00064329 Venus that was found in 2009. ZEEDglUMJLE-00115-00064329-00064747 This is the one they just recently found. ZEEDglUMJLE-00116-00064747-00065120 And when they found it, it was broken into six pieces. ZEEDglUMJLE-00117-00065120-00065639 It was found in the headwaters of the Danube last year. ZEEDglUMJLE-00118-00065639-00065878 They restored it and put it back together. ZEEDglUMJLE-00119-00065878-00066607 It must have taken hundreds of hours to carve this piece, which was made out of mammoth ZEEDglUMJLE-00120-00066607-00066707 tusks. ZEEDglUMJLE-00121-00066707-00067352 There are Venuses like this that are usually painted red. ZEEDglUMJLE-00122-00067352-00067850 They were put in sacred places in the dwellings that people lived in. ZEEDglUMJLE-00123-00067850-00068838 They range over time from 35,000 years ago to about 3,500, such as this one from Malta, ZEEDglUMJLE-00124-00068838-00069439 which is more recent and comes from 3,600 years ago. ZEEDglUMJLE-00125-00069439-00070106 These pieces are found all over Europe and from Siberia to Irkutsk. ZEEDglUMJLE-00126-00070106-00070616 Strangely enough none have been found on the Iberian Peninsula, which is Spain. ZEEDglUMJLE-00127-00070616-00071250 They may have found one in Morocco but this is the only area where they are found. ZEEDglUMJLE-00128-00071250-00071816 It's the extended Western Europe that these pieces keep turning up. ZEEDglUMJLE-00129-00071816-00072454 They seem to show the appreciation of women as a symbol of fertility, and plenty, and ZEEDglUMJLE-00130-00072454-00072654 a source of life. ZEEDglUMJLE-00131-00072654-00073250 They represent the idea of women as the earth goddess or of abundance. ZEEDglUMJLE-00132-00073250-00073871 Since the time that I studied archeology in the late 1960s in the 1960s there was this ZEEDglUMJLE-00133-00073871-00074644 idea of that certainly in the Neolithic period, society was matrilineal and matriarchal. ZEEDglUMJLE-00134-00074644-00075079 It's now being deeply challenged this idea. ZEEDglUMJLE-00135-00075079-00075613 All sorts of different patriarchal systems have been suggested. ZEEDglUMJLE-00136-00075613-00076460 But, if you have ever visited Malta, and Malta, just in case you don't know is an island that ZEEDglUMJLE-00137-00076460-00077355 is 120 miles off Tunisia, and 90 miles off Sicily, so it's sort of a key strategic place ZEEDglUMJLE-00138-00077355-00077633 in the middle of the Mediterranean. ZEEDglUMJLE-00139-00077633-00078218 It's the place where the knights of Malta, when they lost Rhoades, they were put on this ZEEDglUMJLE-00140-00078218-00078850 barren island to try and defend Christendom from the might of Islam as it was spreading ZEEDglUMJLE-00141-00078850-00079189 across the Mediterranean. ZEEDglUMJLE-00142-00079189-00079419 They have lived there ever since. ZEEDglUMJLE-00143-00079419-00080056 But what is extraordinary about Malta, is that it was originally attached to the mainland ZEEDglUMJLE-00144-00080056-00080650 when the sea was less deep, as was Sicily. ZEEDglUMJLE-00145-00080650-00081088 It had an extraordinary flora and fauna which they're now digging out. ZEEDglUMJLE-00146-00081088-00081725 For example, it had miniature hippopotamuses, and miniature elephants, and then it had giant ZEEDglUMJLE-00147-00081725-00082379 swans, and what makes it sound even more like "Alice in Wonderland,� is it had giant dormice. ZEEDglUMJLE-00148-00082379-00083049 It had this bizarre sort of different type of flora and fauna, and what they found on ZEEDglUMJLE-00149-00083049-00083867 Malta are these extraordinary temples with these figures, and it seems as though they ZEEDglUMJLE-00150-00083867-00084413 had a cult of the Goddess or of twin Goddesses. ZEEDglUMJLE-00151-00084413-00085193 They seemed to have been involved in a trance or dreamlike cult of rebirth about the ongoing ZEEDglUMJLE-00152-00085193-00085482 cycle of birth and death. ZEEDglUMJLE-00153-00085482-00086398 Now the idea of the cult of rebirth on Malta was first explored by a female scholar called ZEEDglUMJLE-00154-00086398-00086921 Maria Gimbutas between 1921 and 1994. ZEEDglUMJLE-00155-00086921-00087414 It's now been more recognized that her work seems to be correct. ZEEDglUMJLE-00156-00087414-00088479 Fairly recently in 1902, they discovered something called the Hypogeum on Malta, which is a temple ZEEDglUMJLE-00157-00088479-00088787 that dates from 4,000 BC. ZEEDglUMJLE-00158-00088787-00089263 It has three levels and an oracle chamber. ZEEDglUMJLE-00159-00089263-00090162 In it they discovered the sleeping lady on the left, which is not by Botero, it is actually ZEEDglUMJLE-00160-00090162-00091110 these large, happy ladies, OK? ZEEDglUMJLE-00161-00091110-00091412 These are some of the temples that they have found. ZEEDglUMJLE-00162-00091412-00091957 Now, they estimate that there were over 40 temples of this kind on Malta. ZEEDglUMJLE-00163-00091957-00092784 Now there are remains of 20 of them, and six of them are in major state of preservation. ZEEDglUMJLE-00164-00092784-00093548 ?gantija, on the temples on Gozo, which is a tiny island just next to Malta, is thought ZEEDglUMJLE-00165-00093548-00093863 to be the oldest freestanding structure in the world. ZEEDglUMJLE-00166-00093863-00094207 It dates from 3,600 BC. ZEEDglUMJLE-00167-00094207-00095127 It's built of these massive; I mean enormous limestone blocks, alternating in grand pink. ZEEDglUMJLE-00168-00095127-00095586 They're often called the mother and the daughter temple. ZEEDglUMJLE-00169-00095586-00096167 You have to remember that these temples were built before proper tools. ZEEDglUMJLE-00170-00096167-00096714 So that the tools that they were shipping in, obsidian tools, were coming in from these ZEEDglUMJLE-00171-00096714-00097173 tiny islands off Malta called Lick Perry and Pantalaria. ZEEDglUMJLE-00172-00097173-00097857 These temples have walls that are six feet high and blocks that weigh over 50 tons. ZEEDglUMJLE-00173-00097857-00098781 They are in clover form or circular shapes and they seem to be very female and womb like. ZEEDglUMJLE-00174-00098781-00099270 You can clearly see where the places were where there were curtains, where there were ZEEDglUMJLE-00175-00099270-00100226 libations and there were sanctuaries and they're decorated with beautiful geometrical decorations. ZEEDglUMJLE-00176-00100226-00101069 Inside these you find these extraordinary figures, like these, what we could fore call ZEEDglUMJLE-00177-00101069-00101430 fat ladies basically. ZEEDglUMJLE-00178-00101430-00102332 It seems fairly clear that this was a cult, a female cult about fertility and so on. ZEEDglUMJLE-00179-00102332-00102864 There is another work that I want to include before I start on my four pieces, which I ZEEDglUMJLE-00180-00102864-00103575 think is another great example of work that is certainly about women and that is the Villa ZEEDglUMJLE-00181-00103575-00103675 of the Mysteries. ZEEDglUMJLE-00182-00103675-00104356 If you know the Villa of the Mysteries, it's a villa that was buried when Vesuvius erupted. ZEEDglUMJLE-00183-00104356-00104763 It was buried in ash and it wasn't found until the last century. ZEEDglUMJLE-00184-00104763-00105280 But, because it had been buried in ash, it was preserved in the most beautiful state ZEEDglUMJLE-00185-00105280-00105450 of preservation. ZEEDglUMJLE-00186-00105450-00105836 And these frescos are done by an extraordinary artist. ZEEDglUMJLE-00187-00105836-00106267 I mean they're absolutely outstanding. ZEEDglUMJLE-00188-00106267-00107280 What it represents is a female cult, a Dionysian Greek cult, which was probably initialing ZEEDglUMJLE-00189-00107280-00107734 girls into the secrets of marriage and sexuality. ZEEDglUMJLE-00190-00107734-00108431 It was hidden inside a villa, probably belonging to Julia the wife of Claudius, but perhaps ZEEDglUMJLE-00191-00108431-00108631 one of her servants. ZEEDglUMJLE-00192-00108631-00108886 It's still all being worked on. ZEEDglUMJLE-00193-00108886-00109278 It dates from 186 B.C. ZEEDglUMJLE-00194-00109278-00109932 And because it is a secret cult where men were not admitted, it is very possible and ZEEDglUMJLE-00195-00109932-00110514 probable, that these frescos were painted by women. ZEEDglUMJLE-00196-00110514-00111209 The best discussion on this work is by this extraordinary scholar, a woman called Bice ZEEDglUMJLE-00197-00111209-00111309 Benvenuto. ZEEDglUMJLE-00198-00111309-00111981 She wrote a book called Concerning the Rites of Psychoanalysis or the Villa of the Mysteries. ZEEDglUMJLE-00199-00111981-00112502 If you look at some of these frescos, for example, the figure running in in a state ZEEDglUMJLE-00200-00112502-00113236 of terror is the initiate, who is terrified by what she's going to find. ZEEDglUMJLE-00201-00113236-00113548 It's quite complicated, there she is. ZEEDglUMJLE-00202-00113548-00114344 This figure on the left is Dominia, the matron of the Dionysian rituals. ZEEDglUMJLE-00203-00114344-00115152 They take you through the punishment that is actually delightful, and the unveiling ZEEDglUMJLE-00204-00115152-00115272 of the phallus. ZEEDglUMJLE-00205-00115272-00115841 It's a very complicated and deeply profound ritual. ZEEDglUMJLE-00206-00115841-00116058 This is what she says about it. ZEEDglUMJLE-00207-00116058-00116603 In many ways, what she says about it is better than what I can say. ZEEDglUMJLE-00208-00116603-00117151 "The frescoes lead you through the terror of initiation to enjoyment, knowledge of ecstasy ZEEDglUMJLE-00209-00117151-00117451 and shame, but not of guilt. ZEEDglUMJLE-00210-00117451-00117955 This is too complicated a subject to really go into depth here, but it needs to be noted ZEEDglUMJLE-00211-00117955-00118206 as a major feminist work. ZEEDglUMJLE-00212-00118206-00119058 It shows a work that deals with reality, representation, reason and experience, being and nonbeing. ZEEDglUMJLE-00213-00119058-00119678 It shows that the real is neither rational nor is it truth, and that reality as perceived ZEEDglUMJLE-00214-00119678-00120208 by our senses deceives us and drives us out of our senses." ZEEDglUMJLE-00215-00120208-00120546 Basically, it shows the female unconscious. ZEEDglUMJLE-00216-00120546-00120923 It's really worth looking at this work and seeing what she writes about it, because it's ZEEDglUMJLE-00217-00120923-00121043 very extraordinary. ZEEDglUMJLE-00218-00121043-00121574 She ends up with this wonderful conclusion, which is, "Beecher ironically notes that women ZEEDglUMJLE-00219-00121574-00122233 marry hoping to find a god, but are disappointed to find a man." ZEEDglUMJLE-00220-00122233-00123352 After this introduction, I want to go on to the four works that I have chosen today. ZEEDglUMJLE-00221-00123352-00124159 All four are sculpture, and they all four reproduce female figures. ZEEDglUMJLE-00222-00124159-00124680 The first is the "Great Frieze" of the Pantheon off in Berlin. ZEEDglUMJLE-00223-00124680-00124840 That's the one at the bottom. ZEEDglUMJLE-00224-00124840-00125314 It's a very complicated piece, so I'm not doing the top and I'm not doing the top frieze. ZEEDglUMJLE-00225-00125314-00125851 I'm talking about the bottom frieze, which is extraordinary. ZEEDglUMJLE-00226-00125851-00127183 It was cut in marble between 197 and 156 BC, and it was built in the Greek city of Pergamon. ZEEDglUMJLE-00227-00127183-00127860 Now, it's called Bergama in today's Turkey in northwest Anatolia. ZEEDglUMJLE-00228-00127860-00128524 This temple was connected with the great library of Pergamon, which was second only to that ZEEDglUMJLE-00229-00128524-00128699 of Alexandria. ZEEDglUMJLE-00230-00128699-00129382 It was built to outmatch the Athenian temple of the Acropolis in Athens. ZEEDglUMJLE-00231-00129382-00129482 It was a challenge. ZEEDglUMJLE-00232-00129482-00129929 It was saying this better and bigger and larger than Athens. ZEEDglUMJLE-00233-00129929-00130180 And it's to Athena. ZEEDglUMJLE-00234-00130180-00130452 It's mentioned in the Bible in the book of Revelations. ZEEDglUMJLE-00235-00130452-00130952 It actually says, "In Pergamon, where Satan has his throne." ZEEDglUMJLE-00236-00130952-00131773 And in Ampelius, in the "Libra Memorialis," it talks about a "large marble altar, 40 feet ZEEDglUMJLE-00237-00131773-00132276 high, with a great many sculptures, among which is a battle of the giants." ZEEDglUMJLE-00238-00132276-00132792 The altar is now in Berlin on the Museum Island. ZEEDglUMJLE-00239-00132792-00133590 It was shipped there from Turkey between 1879 to 1904, and it was first displayed in 1910. ZEEDglUMJLE-00240-00133590-00134288 The Russians took it for war reparations, and it wasn't returned to Berlin until 1956 ZEEDglUMJLE-00241-00134288-00134605 by Khrushchev, so you couldn't actually see it until 1956. ZEEDglUMJLE-00242-00134605-00135471 The Gigantomachia that's this battle with the giants, which I'm about to speak about ZEEDglUMJLE-00243-00135471-00136241 it's 371 feet long, or it's 113 meters. ZEEDglUMJLE-00244-00136241-00136634 Although the Greeks didn't use those measurements, the interesting thing is, it doesn't matter ZEEDglUMJLE-00245-00136634-00136829 how you measure this. ZEEDglUMJLE-00246-00136829-00137171 The measurements always come out as prime numbers. ZEEDglUMJLE-00247-00137171-00137356 That's quite peculiar. ZEEDglUMJLE-00248-00137356-00138117 The frieze is composed of a sequence of isolated and tightly knit and selfcontained groups ZEEDglUMJLE-00249-00138117-00138311 and figures. ZEEDglUMJLE-00250-00138311-00138562 Each group was assigned to one workshop. ZEEDglUMJLE-00251-00138562-00139151 What happened was that these large blocks of marble were cut, and they were sent. ZEEDglUMJLE-00252-00139151-00139360 One would be sent to Mykonos. ZEEDglUMJLE-00253-00139360-00139658 One would be sent to another place in Greece. ZEEDglUMJLE-00254-00139658-00140111 They would carve their particular figures, and then they put them all together. ZEEDglUMJLE-00255-00140111-00140304 Quite extraordinary. ZEEDglUMJLE-00256-00140304-00140647 They must have had some way of communicating. ZEEDglUMJLE-00257-00140647-00140940 Perhaps they had a huge drawing or something. ZEEDglUMJLE-00258-00140940-00141558 The different blocks were being done by different parts of the Greek empire, as it was then, ZEEDglUMJLE-00259-00141558-00141690 to show their loyalty. ZEEDglUMJLE-00260-00141690-00142148 They went to different studios all over the area. ZEEDglUMJLE-00261-00142148-00142820 We know this because the workshop, the signatures, and the city names are often carved on the ZEEDglUMJLE-00262-00142820-00143134 blocks, so we know where some of them came from. ZEEDglUMJLE-00263-00143134-00143770 We equally know some of the names of the gods and goddesses because they're still legible. ZEEDglUMJLE-00264-00143770-00144318 Some of the sculptures could have been carved by women, because more and more they're discovering, ZEEDglUMJLE-00265-00144318-00145016 the archaeologists, that female sculptors did exist in Greece, and were working with ZEEDglUMJLE-00266-00145016-00145435 male sculptors in these different areas. ZEEDglUMJLE-00267-00145435-00146137 The blocks come from a marble quarry in Marmara, and they consist of 380 tons of high quality ZEEDglUMJLE-00268-00146137-00146242 marble. ZEEDglUMJLE-00269-00146242-00147000 The sequences have been read as, East, the Olympians; (now I'll go on a bit) West, the ZEEDglUMJLE-00270-00147000-00147641 earth and water gods and goddesses; South, the celestial and light deities; North, the ZEEDglUMJLE-00271-00147641-00147913 gods and goddesses of night and constellations. ZEEDglUMJLE-00272-00147913-00148818 Obviously, the one on the left are the water gods, so you can identify the different groups. ZEEDglUMJLE-00273-00148818-00149403 But it can also be seen as showing the descendants of the Titans or the Olympians, and that the ZEEDglUMJLE-00274-00149403-00149829 whole altar could be an ancestral record of the Attalid kings. ZEEDglUMJLE-00275-00149829-00150053 That's the later Greek kings. ZEEDglUMJLE-00276-00150053-00150768 The temple can be seen as an offering from Eumenes II to the gods, stressing his divine ZEEDglUMJLE-00277-00150768-00151438 inheritance and giving thanks to the fact that he just survived an assassination attempt ZEEDglUMJLE-00278-00151438-00151680 when he was in Delphi. ZEEDglUMJLE-00279-00151680-00151933 The frieze consists of 100 figures. ZEEDglUMJLE-00280-00151933-00152278 28 of them are animals. ZEEDglUMJLE-00281-00152278-00152486 59 are giants. ZEEDglUMJLE-00282-00152486-00152685 The giants are being wiped out. ZEEDglUMJLE-00283-00152685-00152904 You can see they're having a very tough time. ZEEDglUMJLE-00284-00152904-00153167 They are definitely crumbling, there. ZEEDglUMJLE-00285-00153167-00153658 There are 20 gods, and there are 34 goddesses. ZEEDglUMJLE-00286-00153658-00153827 Now, I want to repeat that. ZEEDglUMJLE-00287-00153827-00154047 There are 20 gods. ZEEDglUMJLE-00288-00154047-00154828 And there are 34 goddesses that's 14 more female figures than male figures. ZEEDglUMJLE-00289-00154828-00155601 The goddesses are warlike and victorious, and they're just as strong as their male counterparts. ZEEDglUMJLE-00290-00155601-00155894 Look at her she's getting him. ZEEDglUMJLE-00291-00155894-00156550 They are confident, unruffled, and physically competent, showing an easy power. ZEEDglUMJLE-00292-00156550-00157153 They are carefully and with graceful force killing the giants, who represent unreason ZEEDglUMJLE-00293-00157153-00157351 and the unnatural. ZEEDglUMJLE-00294-00157351-00157662 They are totally equal to the gods. ZEEDglUMJLE-00295-00157662-00157919 This is a stunning and powerful work. ZEEDglUMJLE-00296-00157919-00158129 If you've never seen it, it is worth going. ZEEDglUMJLE-00297-00158129-00158472 You stand in the middle of this frieze, which is shown inside. ZEEDglUMJLE-00298-00158472-00158862 Originally, it would have been on the outside of the building, but you're in the middle ZEEDglUMJLE-00299-00158862-00159022 of it. ZEEDglUMJLE-00300-00159022-00159642 As a woman, you are suddenly aware of the fact that you are surrounded by these powerful ZEEDglUMJLE-00301-00159642-00160436 women, bashing a jar of snakes over a man's head or skewering him with a... ZEEDglUMJLE-00302-00160436-00160810 You have never seen anything like this before. ZEEDglUMJLE-00303-00160810-00161366 It is quite extraordinary. ZEEDglUMJLE-00304-00161366-00161659 It really is like nothing else. ZEEDglUMJLE-00305-00161659-00161863 It's worth going and having a look. ZEEDglUMJLE-00306-00161863-00162351 I'm now going to jump from the Pergamon Altar. ZEEDglUMJLE-00307-00162351-00162964 I'm going to jump 1,700 years, which is quite a long time. ZEEDglUMJLE-00308-00162964-00163354 The works I've picked tend to be in Italy because I live in Italy, and they tend to ZEEDglUMJLE-00309-00163354-00163489 be in Florence. ZEEDglUMJLE-00310-00163489-00164029 Normally, for my students, I can say you can go and see this, but you're going to have ZEEDglUMJLE-00311-00164029-00164277 to come to Florence to see these. ZEEDglUMJLE-00312-00164277-00165046 I'm jumping ahead to a work that is in the Bargello Museum in Florence. ZEEDglUMJLE-00313-00165046-00165486 It's a work that talks about female identity. ZEEDglUMJLE-00314-00165486-00166489 It's Bernini's great portrait of Costanza Bonarelli. ZEEDglUMJLE-00315-00166489-00167204 Since Roman times, it is perhaps the first great portrait of a woman that shows who she ZEEDglUMJLE-00316-00167204-00167630 was, psychologically, spiritually, intellectually as a woman. ZEEDglUMJLE-00317-00167630-00168080 It's the first great portrait. ZEEDglUMJLE-00318-00168080-00168355 When Bernini carved this sculpture... ZEEDglUMJLE-00319-00168355-00168763 He was perhaps the greatest marble sculptor who has ever lived. ZEEDglUMJLE-00320-00168763-00168931 I was just going to show you. ZEEDglUMJLE-00321-00168931-00169442 Look at the carving of that from a piece of marble, OK? ZEEDglUMJLE-00322-00169442-00170278 Imagine carving that, and how extraordinary this man is. ZEEDglUMJLE-00323-00170278-00170777 He was deeply and passionately in love with Costanza. ZEEDglUMJLE-00324-00170777-00171453 That passion for her whole being, her person and her mind, is contained in this work. ZEEDglUMJLE-00325-00171453-00171845 It is surely one of the great female portraits. ZEEDglUMJLE-00326-00171845-00172129 Bernini lived from 1598 to 1686. ZEEDglUMJLE-00327-00172129-00172937 He carved Costanza between 1636 and seven when he was in his late 30s, when he was, ZEEDglUMJLE-00328-00172937-00173653 as he put it, "fieramente innamorato.� I mean, desperately in love with her. ZEEDglUMJLE-00329-00173653-00174337 He tried to breathe life into this work, so he shows her with her wild hair, her loose ZEEDglUMJLE-00330-00174337-00174536 clothes, and her half glance. ZEEDglUMJLE-00331-00174536-00174789 Her mouth's open, talking. ZEEDglUMJLE-00332-00174789-00175185 It's cut in pink marble and it's completely lifelike. ZEEDglUMJLE-00333-00175185-00175741 Normally, you left the back of the sculpture in those days because it's so much hard work ZEEDglUMJLE-00334-00175741-00175849 cutting marble. ZEEDglUMJLE-00335-00175849-00175967 You left the back. ZEEDglUMJLE-00336-00175967-00176605 He's cut it all the way around, the tiny bits of her hair at the back When he first cut ZEEDglUMJLE-00337-00176605-00176994 it, he painted the irises of her eyes black. ZEEDglUMJLE-00338-00176994-00177465 They've since been cleaned off, because they didn't understand that was actually his intention ZEEDglUMJLE-00339-00177465-00177635 when he did it. ZEEDglUMJLE-00340-00177635-00178160 No one's dared to put her eyes back in, but he painted her pupils black when he actually ZEEDglUMJLE-00341-00178160-00178294 first cut her. ZEEDglUMJLE-00342-00178294-00179017 Now, the idea has gone down in art history that Costanza who was the wife of one of his ZEEDglUMJLE-00343-00179017-00179483 assistants, was a common slut. ZEEDglUMJLE-00344-00179483-00180020 The true story is something quite different, but I'll start with the story. ZEEDglUMJLE-00345-00180020-00180667 The story is that when Lorenzo discovered that his brother, Luigi, was coming out of ZEEDglUMJLE-00346-00180667-00180969 her house, he suspected the worst. ZEEDglUMJLE-00347-00180969-00181342 He attacked Luigi with an iron bar and broke two of his ribs. ZEEDglUMJLE-00348-00181342-00181744 Luigi rushed off, hid in a church, and slammed the church door. ZEEDglUMJLE-00349-00181744-00182230 The Reverend Mother had to come and drive away Lorenzo, who was trying to kill his brother ZEEDglUMJLE-00350-00182230-00182891 for having had a sexual relationship with his girlfriend. ZEEDglUMJLE-00351-00182891-00183349 Bernini tried to kick the door down, insulted the Reverend Mother, and then the nastiest ZEEDglUMJLE-00352-00183349-00183505 thing you can imagine, really. ZEEDglUMJLE-00353-00183505-00184186 He sent his servant round with two bottles of wine as a present to Costanza. ZEEDglUMJLE-00354-00184186-00184673 When he presented her with the wine, he slashed her face with a razor. ZEEDglUMJLE-00355-00184673-00185300 This beautiful woman that he loved so much is actually the person he attacked. ZEEDglUMJLE-00356-00185300-00186259 At this point, the Pope, Urban VII, for whom Bernini was working, intervened. ZEEDglUMJLE-00357-00186259-00186552 I have to say, Urban VII is not my favorite pope. ZEEDglUMJLE-00358-00186552-00186853 He's the one that condemned Galileo. ZEEDglUMJLE-00359-00186853-00187390 He also condemned sneezing because he said it was too close to the sexual act. ZEEDglUMJLE-00360-00187390-00187711 And he banned tobacco. ZEEDglUMJLE-00361-00187711-00188241 So, he is not my favorite pope. ZEEDglUMJLE-00362-00188241-00189074 Anyway, at this point, the Pope intervened and sent Luigi away to Bologna for safety ZEEDglUMJLE-00363-00189074-00189452 on the urging of Bernini's mother. ZEEDglUMJLE-00364-00189452-00189857 Costanza was put in prison for adultery. ZEEDglUMJLE-00365-00189857-00190324 The servant was put in prison for slashing her face. ZEEDglUMJLE-00366-00190324-00190901 But Bernini got off with a small fine, and was told by the Pope that if he settled down ZEEDglUMJLE-00367-00190901-00191221 and married a good woman, all would be forgiven. ZEEDglUMJLE-00368-00191221-00191788 Bernini was then married off to the daughter of a rich lawyer, Caterina Tezio whom the ZEEDglUMJLE-00369-00191788-00192423 Pope selected for him in 1639 and with whom he went on to have 11 children. ZEEDglUMJLE-00370-00192423-00192664 Now, I want to go back to Costanza. ZEEDglUMJLE-00371-00192664-00193082 Who, actually, was Costanza? ZEEDglUMJLE-00372-00193082-00193835 The idea is, and it's put out by people like Vico, very responsible art historians, that ZEEDglUMJLE-00373-00193835-00194135 Costanza was a common painter's prostitute. ZEEDglUMJLE-00374-00194135-00194327 But she was not. ZEEDglUMJLE-00375-00194327-00194861 Costanza was probably from the Piccolomini family, which was one of the great papal families ZEEDglUMJLE-00376-00194861-00195045 from Viterbo. ZEEDglUMJLE-00377-00195045-00195875 And her mother was probably a poetess and a friend of Vittoria Colonna, who had actually ZEEDglUMJLE-00378-00195875-00196553 married a servant, a courtier at court and so beneath her. ZEEDglUMJLE-00379-00196553-00197339 It was almost certain, also, that Costanza is related to the lady of... ZEEDglUMJLE-00380-00197339-00198121 If you've read "The Duchess of Malfi" by Webster, which is a terrible tragedy, she was either ZEEDglUMJLE-00381-00198121-00198389 her aunt or her grandmother. ZEEDglUMJLE-00382-00198389-00199015 They were a family that were disinherited, and lost their land and their power because ZEEDglUMJLE-00383-00199015-00199294 of the deaths of husbands and sons. ZEEDglUMJLE-00384-00199294-00199598 The women couldn't hold onto the land. ZEEDglUMJLE-00385-00199598-00199842 She came from a very interesting family. ZEEDglUMJLE-00386-00199842-00200295 That still has got to be researched, so if anyone is an archivist and a good researcher, ZEEDglUMJLE-00387-00200295-00200516 please come and do this. ZEEDglUMJLE-00388-00200516-00201257 Our Costanza was in her own right, however, a considerable art collector and an art dealer. ZEEDglUMJLE-00389-00201257-00201875 She married this assistant of Bernini, who was called Matteo Bonarelli. ZEEDglUMJLE-00390-00201875-00202463 He came from Lucca, and he probably came from the lower branch of the della Rovere family, ZEEDglUMJLE-00391-00202463-00202829 which was another papal family. ZEEDglUMJLE-00392-00202829-00203240 He was a sculptor and a major bronze caster in his own right. ZEEDglUMJLE-00393-00203240-00203611 Now, let me see where we go from here. ZEEDglUMJLE-00394-00203611-00204195 This is a work by Matteo Bonarelli, her husband, and it's of the visitation. ZEEDglUMJLE-00395-00204195-00205369 That is the moment when Mary and Elizabeth meet and tell each other that they're both ZEEDglUMJLE-00396-00205369-00205469 pregnant. ZEEDglUMJLE-00397-00205469-00205834 It's a moment of friendship between women. ZEEDglUMJLE-00398-00205834-00206378 If you go into almost any Italian church, you will find there is one altar that either ZEEDglUMJLE-00399-00206378-00207027 shows you the birth of Christ with the Virgin, or the visitation. ZEEDglUMJLE-00400-00207027-00207685 It's the altar where women will go to pray for safe delivery and childbirths. ZEEDglUMJLE-00401-00207685-00208014 It's a very feminist and strong theme. ZEEDglUMJLE-00402-00208014-00208269 This was cut by Matteo. ZEEDglUMJLE-00403-00208269-00208944 He actually invited Lorenzo to come and help him cut it in Savona, and they became friends ZEEDglUMJLE-00404-00208944-00209044 there. ZEEDglUMJLE-00405-00209044-00209811 After that, Lorenzo invited Matteo to come to Rome and work with him as an assistant. ZEEDglUMJLE-00406-00209811-00210754 Matteo Bonarelli was not just an assistant of Bernini; he was a very major figure in ZEEDglUMJLE-00407-00210754-00210971 his own right. ZEEDglUMJLE-00408-00210971-00211846 When Vel�zquez, the great painter, who had come to Rome to begin to decorate the great ZEEDglUMJLE-00409-00211846-00212234 castle of the kings of Spain, which was called the Alc�zar... ZEEDglUMJLE-00410-00212234-00212944 Now, you can't see this anymore because it was burnt down they rebuilt it with the royal ZEEDglUMJLE-00411-00212944-00213535 palace, the Palacio Real but originally, this was the greatest palace in Christendom. ZEEDglUMJLE-00412-00213535-00214035 It was the palace of the kings of Spain who were dominating the world. ZEEDglUMJLE-00413-00214035-00214583 It's the great fortress that was built by Mohammed the First of Cordoba. ZEEDglUMJLE-00414-00214583-00215183 It's a Moorish building from the 800s or the year 1000 that the kings of Spain began to ZEEDglUMJLE-00415-00215183-00215579 transform into this extraordinary palace. ZEEDglUMJLE-00416-00215579-00215710 They used Vel�zquez. ZEEDglUMJLE-00417-00215710-00216069 He was sent to Rome and he was said, "Find this artist. ZEEDglUMJLE-00418-00216069-00216264 Copy Roman statues. ZEEDglUMJLE-00419-00216264-00216385 Bring them to us. ZEEDglUMJLE-00420-00216385-00216714 Let us reform this collection." ZEEDglUMJLE-00421-00216714-00217377 Matteo cast, for example, these two great lions. ZEEDglUMJLE-00422-00217377-00218016 He cast 12 of those, and took them to Spain for the king of Spain. ZEEDglUMJLE-00423-00218016-00218192 Most of them were lost in the fire. ZEEDglUMJLE-00424-00218192-00218425 That's the best slide I can get of it. ZEEDglUMJLE-00425-00218425-00218905 I'm sorry, I did my best. ZEEDglUMJLE-00426-00218905-00219505 The other thing he was asked to do, he was asked to cast the "Hermaphrodite," which is ZEEDglUMJLE-00427-00219505-00219973 now in the Prado in front of Las Meninas. ZEEDglUMJLE-00428-00219973-00220558 These hermaphrodites in Rome they actually managed to dig up five of them, eventually ZEEDglUMJLE-00429-00220558-00221207 it was a very common subject, because the Romans believed that it was the height of ZEEDglUMJLE-00430-00221207-00221307 love. ZEEDglUMJLE-00431-00221307-00221646 It was the unity of the male with the female. ZEEDglUMJLE-00432-00221646-00221836 It was perfect consummation. ZEEDglUMJLE-00433-00221836-00222348 They very frequently had these figures in their garden. ZEEDglUMJLE-00434-00222348-00222569 You can see one in the Uffizi. ZEEDglUMJLE-00435-00222569-00223123 They turn it round so you have no idea it's a hermaphrodite. ZEEDglUMJLE-00436-00223123-00223306 This one is in the Louvre. ZEEDglUMJLE-00437-00223306-00224091 The actual figure, as you can see, is there, but the bed was cut by Bernini to actually ZEEDglUMJLE-00438-00224091-00224271 give it... ZEEDglUMJLE-00439-00224271-00224482 That was taken and it's in the Louvre. ZEEDglUMJLE-00440-00224482-00224598 There are others. ZEEDglUMJLE-00441-00224598-00224830 There are two in Rome. ZEEDglUMJLE-00442-00224830-00225585 There are two in the Doria Pamphili and one in the National Museum of Rome. ZEEDglUMJLE-00443-00225585-00226144 Matteo was asked to cast the "Hermaphrodite," and that's his work. ZEEDglUMJLE-00444-00226144-00226389 These are major commissions. ZEEDglUMJLE-00445-00226389-00226806 This is not just any old assistant. ZEEDglUMJLE-00446-00226806-00227709 All right, I'll come back to that in a minute. ZEEDglUMJLE-00447-00227709-00228276 When he was in Spain, he made over 100 copies of many of the main antiquities of Rome for ZEEDglUMJLE-00448-00228276-00228575 the emperor. ZEEDglUMJLE-00449-00228575-00229319 When this palace finally burnt down, fortunately, it caught on fire on Christmas Day when everyone ZEEDglUMJLE-00450-00229319-00229514 was out. ZEEDglUMJLE-00451-00229514-00229809 What is left of the great collection is in the Prado. ZEEDglUMJLE-00452-00229809-00230440 But in the fire, there were at least 500 of the greatest paintings were burned the greatest ZEEDglUMJLE-00453-00230440-00230935 Vel�zquez, the greatest Leonardos, Raphaels, Van Dykes, Tintoretto, Veronese, Rubens, the ZEEDglUMJLE-00454-00230935-00231207 list goes on and on. ZEEDglUMJLE-00455-00231207-00231761 One of the thing one needs to do as an art historian is actually work out what were the ZEEDglUMJLE-00456-00231761-00232013 lost paintings of the Al Kauthar. ZEEDglUMJLE-00457-00232013-00232348 Anyway, let's go back to Costanza. ZEEDglUMJLE-00458-00232348-00233181 An interest scholar called Sarah McPhee has recently done remarkable work on Constaza ZEEDglUMJLE-00459-00233181-00234016 and it was published in 2006, in a book called "Costanza Bonarelli: Biography Versus Archive." ZEEDglUMJLE-00460-00234016-00234662 She shows that Constanza was a wealthy collector and a freeliving woman. ZEEDglUMJLE-00461-00234662-00234998 Perhaps we would have called her a courtesan. ZEEDglUMJLE-00462-00234998-00235556 She was well educated with a very clear identity and she found her will. ZEEDglUMJLE-00463-00235556-00236030 In the will, the will lists the contents of her extensive house. ZEEDglUMJLE-00464-00236030-00236862 Leaving twothirds of her wealth to Olympia Caterina, her daughter, and onethird was left ZEEDglUMJLE-00465-00236862-00236962 to a convent. ZEEDglUMJLE-00466-00236962-00237757 The Pope had set up a system, by which, if you confessed and were deeply sorry and you ZEEDglUMJLE-00467-00237757-00238373 gave a third of your estate to a particular convent in Rome, you were forgiven all your ZEEDglUMJLE-00468-00238373-00238835 acts and sins of your life, so you could go to heaven. ZEEDglUMJLE-00469-00238835-00239626 But it also meant that her daughter could be absolved of her mother's shame in a certain ZEEDglUMJLE-00470-00239626-00239726 sense. ZEEDglUMJLE-00471-00239726-00240284 In the will she also lists a remarkable collection of sculptures and sculptural fragments, some ZEEDglUMJLE-00472-00240284-00240663 probably from classical pieces from Rome. ZEEDglUMJLE-00473-00240663-00240927 Fragments of legs, arms, feet and hands. ZEEDglUMJLE-00474-00240927-00241646 But also her picture collection which consisted of over 108 paintings, mostly landscape paintings, ZEEDglUMJLE-00475-00241646-00242073 and a copy of the Poussin that she had sold to Richelieu. ZEEDglUMJLE-00476-00242073-00242574 It's the Plague of Ashdod now in the Louvre. ZEEDglUMJLE-00477-00242574-00243109 But the list also contains, amongst over things, three paintings of bacchanals, they're their ZEEDglUMJLE-00478-00243109-00243253 like orgies, all right? ZEEDglUMJLE-00479-00243253-00243891 And pictures of St. Mary Magdalene, who is this penitent female sinner, usually very ZEEDglUMJLE-00480-00243891-00244334 sexy, and St. Mary of Egypt. ZEEDglUMJLE-00481-00244334-00244803 They were two woman saints who were reformed prostitutes. ZEEDglUMJLE-00482-00244803-00245223 There was also a portrait of herself. ZEEDglUMJLE-00483-00245223-00245923 The top floor was designed in blue leather, but the main floor was decorated in red leather, ZEEDglUMJLE-00484-00245923-00246271 and with red leather chairs and covered walls. ZEEDglUMJLE-00485-00246271-00246870 It had this portrait of herself hanging in the main position, which was probably one ZEEDglUMJLE-00486-00246870-00247257 of the portraits that Bernini had done of her. ZEEDglUMJLE-00487-00247257-00248171 Perhaps Constanza repented her prior life because she asked for this special pardon ZEEDglUMJLE-00488-00248171-00248750 by giving her money to the convent or the convertiti. ZEEDglUMJLE-00489-00248750-00249514 But it may just be that she was maneuvering in a male world and used to doing that. ZEEDglUMJLE-00490-00249514-00249960 She was clearly wealthy, educated and a real connoisseur. ZEEDglUMJLE-00491-00249960-00250389 She was anything but a Roman commoner or a slut. ZEEDglUMJLE-00492-00250389-00250876 There is one clause in the will which scholars have missed amongst the many masses that she ZEEDglUMJLE-00493-00250876-00251392 paid for her soul to go through purgatory. ZEEDglUMJLE-00494-00251392-00251827 Of course there's a mass that she pays for at the time of her death. ZEEDglUMJLE-00495-00251827-00252634 She also specifies that the day after she dies that a mass must be said in one of the ZEEDglUMJLE-00496-00252634-00253271 seven key Pilgrimage Churches of Rome, which is San Lorenzo fuori le Mura. ZEEDglUMJLE-00497-00253271-00253932 It's obvious it's her last mass to Lorenzo, her great love of her life. ZEEDglUMJLE-00498-00253932-00254887 Just in passing, this is a Caravaggio which shows Fillide; this was his model and his ZEEDglUMJLE-00499-00254887-00255213 great love in Rome. ZEEDglUMJLE-00500-00255213-00256071 They've just discovered Fillide's will and the extraordinary thing is she describes her ZEEDglUMJLE-00501-00256071-00256670 main sitting room, which is in red leather with red chairs in the Spanish style and it ZEEDglUMJLE-00502-00256670-00257363 has bacchanals, and it has Mary Magdalene, and it has Mary of Egypt, and it has a portrait ZEEDglUMJLE-00503-00257363-00257573 by Caravaggio of her. ZEEDglUMJLE-00504-00257573-00258204 So perhaps these courtesans in Rome actually had their own interior design. ZEEDglUMJLE-00505-00258204-00258848 They actually had a sort of floating world where they could show to customers or to their ZEEDglUMJLE-00506-00258848-00259117 friends what their life was. ZEEDglUMJLE-00507-00259117-00259675 But this is a new document that's just been discovered in all the research that's going ZEEDglUMJLE-00508-00259675-00260173 on on Caravaggio, so there's a lot more to do. ZEEDglUMJLE-00509-00260173-00260810 Obviously, one of the things that it was very difficult for the church to acknowledge, particularly ZEEDglUMJLE-00510-00260810-00261469 at the time of the Counter Reformation, was that there was a community of women of this ZEEDglUMJLE-00511-00261469-00262486 type living in Rome who seemed to have their own real identity and way of life, which is ZEEDglUMJLE-00512-00262486-00262636 quite interesting. ZEEDglUMJLE-00513-00262636-00263288 Now, I'm now going to go on to another artist completely. ZEEDglUMJLE-00514-00263288-00264057 I'm now going to talk about a work that is in Florence in the Pitti Gallery in the modern ZEEDglUMJLE-00515-00264057-00264279 art gallery. ZEEDglUMJLE-00516-00264279-00265334 This one here is called "The Mother" or "Maternity" and it's done by Adriano Cecioni. ZEEDglUMJLE-00517-00265334-00265653 He lived from 1836 to 1886. ZEEDglUMJLE-00518-00265653-00266088 He was the main sculptor of the movement of the Macchiaioli. ZEEDglUMJLE-00519-00266088-00266806 He shocked the art world when he exhibited, as his entry in an exhibition in Paris, a ZEEDglUMJLE-00520-00266806-00267079 defecating dog that was cast in bronze. ZEEDglUMJLE-00521-00267079-00267527 You weren't supposed to cast in bronze things of that kind. ZEEDglUMJLE-00522-00267527-00267801 He was a Macchiaioli painting. ZEEDglUMJLE-00523-00267801-00268345 The Macchiaioli painters were these revolutionary painters. ZEEDglUMJLE-00524-00268345-00268684 You must understand that Italy is a very, very new country. ZEEDglUMJLE-00525-00268684-00269386 It started becoming united from 1848, and it didn't actually pull itself together fully ZEEDglUMJLE-00526-00269386-00269704 as a nation until 1870. ZEEDglUMJLE-00527-00269704-00270292 All these young painters actually fought against the Bourbons in the South, and the Habsburgs ZEEDglUMJLE-00528-00270292-00270677 in the North, for a united Italy. ZEEDglUMJLE-00529-00270677-00271701 Whenever there was a ceasefire, and the lines were redrawn, the place they fled to was Tuscany ZEEDglUMJLE-00530-00271701-00272134 because it was the only republic, and a place where they could be safe. ZEEDglUMJLE-00531-00272134-00272769 So they gathered in Florence, and they met in a particular cafe on Via Cavour, and they ZEEDglUMJLE-00532-00272769-00273202 discussed the liberation of Italy. ZEEDglUMJLE-00533-00273202-00273796 But they also discussed, what is the new art that we are going to make, in the new country ZEEDglUMJLE-00534-00273796-00274289 that we are going to make, in the new built Italy? ZEEDglUMJLE-00535-00274289-00274952 This is a picture that Adriano did of them sitting in their cafe in Via Cavour, discussing ZEEDglUMJLE-00536-00274952-00275435 the art of the future. ZEEDglUMJLE-00537-00275435-00276051 Just to mention an aside, the guy with the enormously tall hat in the back, which is ZEEDglUMJLE-00538-00276051-00276493 almost as tall as Abraham Lincoln's hat, isn't it? ZEEDglUMJLE-00539-00276493-00277014 He was actually an artist called Silvestro Lega. ZEEDglUMJLE-00540-00277014-00277616 Inside of his hat, he kept rolled up posters, a pot of glue, and a brush. ZEEDglUMJLE-00541-00277616-00278104 Whenever he was in a street where there were no police, he whipped out his posters and ZEEDglUMJLE-00542-00278104-00278445 glued them up on the wall, calling for the independence of Italy. ZEEDglUMJLE-00543-00278445-00278735 So in that hat is a glue pot. ZEEDglUMJLE-00544-00278735-00279024 [laughter] But just to go on. ZEEDglUMJLE-00545-00279024-00279371 What they were discussing was the new art of Italy. ZEEDglUMJLE-00546-00279371-00279901 It very much came from the idea of Mazzini, and it goes on into Baudelaire, and into the ZEEDglUMJLE-00547-00279901-00280016 French, and into the Impressionists. ZEEDglUMJLE-00548-00280016-00280775 It begins in Italy, this idea of a new art that reflects the reality of our times, the ZEEDglUMJLE-00549-00280775-00280902 actual things. ZEEDglUMJLE-00550-00280902-00281519 Instead of going back to neoclassicism, and the Greeks and the Romans, to actually paint ZEEDglUMJLE-00551-00281519-00282160 the women, and the peasantry, and the fields, and the ordinary things of Italy. ZEEDglUMJLE-00552-00282160-00282922 To fight against the oppression of women, of peasantry, of Jews, of Protestants. ZEEDglUMJLE-00553-00282922-00283515 This work may not immediately strike you as particularly revolutionary, but if you look ZEEDglUMJLE-00554-00283515-00283791 at it, it is a peasant woman. ZEEDglUMJLE-00555-00283791-00284135 It's not just a woman, it is a peasant woman. ZEEDglUMJLE-00556-00284135-00284441 She's in her milking shoes. ZEEDglUMJLE-00557-00284441-00285201 She's just finished breastfeeding her baby, and it is that extraordinary moment in breastfeeding. ZEEDglUMJLE-00558-00285201-00285457 As mothers you probably know this. ZEEDglUMJLE-00559-00285457-00286090 When the baby's had enough, and it reaches back and gives you a smile, you know, it says, ZEEDglUMJLE-00560-00286090-00286190 thank you. ZEEDglUMJLE-00561-00286190-00286620 This is an extraordinary smile between the mother and the baby. ZEEDglUMJLE-00562-00286620-00287111 There's almost, you can almost hear the laughter between these two figures. ZEEDglUMJLE-00563-00287111-00287699 Now, nothing like this had ever been caught before or shown before. ZEEDglUMJLE-00564-00287699-00288318 A peasant woman breastfeeding, showing her humanity and maternity. ZEEDglUMJLE-00565-00288318-00289068 This is something absolutely extraordinary and it won a prize in the Cherin Exhibition ZEEDglUMJLE-00566-00289068-00289385 of 1880. ZEEDglUMJLE-00567-00289385-00290189 Unfortunately, no one ever came up with the money to cut it in marble so it's still in ZEEDglUMJLE-00568-00290189-00290489 gesso so it's pretty fragile. ZEEDglUMJLE-00569-00290489-00291715 Now, from this work he became really quite famous and he did the portraits of two of ZEEDglUMJLE-00570-00291715-00292189 the great poets or revolutionary poets. ZEEDglUMJLE-00571-00292189-00292696 One was Carducci and the other was Leopardi. ZEEDglUMJLE-00572-00292696-00293155 Those two portrait busts also exist in Florence. ZEEDglUMJLE-00573-00293155-00293831 Carducci was so moved by this work that he actually wrote a poem to it which was called ZEEDglUMJLE-00574-00293831-00294626 "Santa Natura.� The unique thing really, it's a seminal work. ZEEDglUMJLE-00575-00294626-00295217 It's a work where all the modern painters and sculptors that have followed this work ZEEDglUMJLE-00576-00295217-00295414 have done two things. ZEEDglUMJLE-00577-00295414-00296004 One is mother, Boccioni, Balla and so on have done mothers. ZEEDglUMJLE-00578-00296004-00296380 And the other is they have done the laugh. ZEEDglUMJLE-00579-00296380-00297035 And again you find whole series of entire paintings of people painting people laughing. ZEEDglUMJLE-00580-00297035-00297768 But it's in this work you have the two together, which is really rather extraordinary. ZEEDglUMJLE-00581-00297768-00298350 The other thing about Adriano Cecioni which is so interesting is he's one of the first ZEEDglUMJLE-00582-00298350-00298814 people who cared very deeply about the family and about women. ZEEDglUMJLE-00583-00298814-00299053 But he also cared about children. ZEEDglUMJLE-00584-00299053-00299636 And he produced his extraordinary pictures, which I cannot get copies of, I can't get ZEEDglUMJLE-00585-00299636-00300437 photographs of, showing the exploitation of working children in factories and working ZEEDglUMJLE-00586-00300437-00300592 on benches. ZEEDglUMJLE-00587-00300592-00301117 But he also did these pictures of his own children, and they're the first pictures of ZEEDglUMJLE-00588-00301117-00301823 children that are not sweet little Robin in his suit, but actually being children. ZEEDglUMJLE-00589-00301823-00302580 They're a thorough nuisance, they're in his studio and dressing up and being a real nuisance, ZEEDglUMJLE-00590-00302580-00302774 and looking silly. ZEEDglUMJLE-00591-00302774-00303267 And they're hanging out in the kitchen and picking their nose and doing all the things ZEEDglUMJLE-00592-00303267-00303411 children do. ZEEDglUMJLE-00593-00303411-00303794 They're actual children in real places. ZEEDglUMJLE-00594-00303794-00304494 And these are extraordinary pictures, and really sort of cut through in a way that is ZEEDglUMJLE-00595-00304494-00304989 very remarkable I think. ZEEDglUMJLE-00596-00304989-00305844 Going back to "Maternity" or "La madre," whichever way you want to call it, it is timeless in ZEEDglUMJLE-00597-00305844-00306267 its femininity and it's dangerous beauty. ZEEDglUMJLE-00598-00306267-00306935 And Cecioni tried to show the beauty of the ordinary or the ugly, challenging the bourgeoisie ZEEDglUMJLE-00599-00306935-00307446 canons of beauty and aesthetics. ZEEDglUMJLE-00600-00307446-00307626 I think he succeeds. ZEEDglUMJLE-00601-00307626-00307874 It's an extraordinary work. ZEEDglUMJLE-00602-00307874-00308877 OK, now we come on to another work, the last one. ZEEDglUMJLE-00603-00308877-00309587 It's a work about Anita Garibaldi. ZEEDglUMJLE-00604-00309587-00310126 It's a sculpture that was made to honor her, and it's on one of the hills of Rome called ZEEDglUMJLE-00605-00310126-00310313 the Gianicolo. ZEEDglUMJLE-00606-00310313-00310845 Giuseppe Garibaldi is also on a horse in Rome, and he's on the Pincio. ZEEDglUMJLE-00607-00310845-00311476 They're on different hills, and she's on the Gianicolo. ZEEDglUMJLE-00608-00311476-00312028 It's a work of propaganda that was very much orchestrated by Fascist propaganda. ZEEDglUMJLE-00609-00312028-00312635 Despite this, it still has a very great power. ZEEDglUMJLE-00610-00312635-00313382 Anita Garibaldi, whose real name was Ana Maria de Jesus Ribeiro da Silva di Garibaldi, lived ZEEDglUMJLE-00611-00313382-00314140 from 1821 to 49, and was a great revolutionary heroine of the Risorgimento. ZEEDglUMJLE-00612-00314140-00314694 She was Brazilian, from a Portuguese family from the Azores. ZEEDglUMJLE-00613-00314694-00315028 Garibaldi was the military arm of the Risorgimento. ZEEDglUMJLE-00614-00315028-00315454 The Risorgimento, the freeing of Italy, was made by three men. ZEEDglUMJLE-00615-00315454-00316120 It was made by Mazzini, who was a Republican; by Cavour, who worked for the kings of Piedmont ZEEDglUMJLE-00616-00316120-00316530 and eventually brought the whole of Italy into a monarchy. ZEEDglUMJLE-00617-00316530-00317280 And Giuseppe Garibaldi, who as a military expert, who had worked as a guerrilla fighter ZEEDglUMJLE-00618-00317280-00318340 in South America, came and actually raised the troops and defeated the different military ZEEDglUMJLE-00619-00318340-00319097 opponents in the south of Italy, and moved up Italy, liberating Italy. ZEEDglUMJLE-00620-00319097-00319585 Garibaldi actually met Anita in South America. ZEEDglUMJLE-00621-00319585-00320131 They were to marry, and she bore him four children, dying pregnant with the fifth on ZEEDglUMJLE-00622-00320131-00320518 the retreat from Rome in 1849. ZEEDglUMJLE-00623-00320518-00321120 She died on the Guiccioli farm in the marshes, trying to reach the coast near Ravenna. ZEEDglUMJLE-00624-00321120-00321604 She had been married very young to an abusive older husband. ZEEDglUMJLE-00625-00321604-00322108 She ran off with Garibaldi, who is reported to have whispered to her the first time he ZEEDglUMJLE-00626-00322108-00322488 met her, "You must be mine." ZEEDglUMJLE-00627-00322488-00322960 This is the description that Garibaldi wrote of Anita. ZEEDglUMJLE-00628-00322960-00323651 "She was an amalgam of the two elemental forces the strength and courage of a man, and the ZEEDglUMJLE-00629-00323651-00324215 charm and tenderness of a woman manifested by the daring and vigor with which she had ZEEDglUMJLE-00630-00324215-00324873 brandished her sword, and the beautiful oval of her face that framed the softness of her ZEEDglUMJLE-00631-00324873-00324992 extraordinary eyes." ZEEDglUMJLE-00632-00324992-00325591 They were married in 1842, shortly before returning to Italy. ZEEDglUMJLE-00633-00325591-00325764 They were deeply in love. ZEEDglUMJLE-00634-00325764-00326284 She never left him, going with him on all his campaigns in South America, later returning ZEEDglUMJLE-00635-00326284-00326950 with him to Italy, and following him from Sicily through the southern campaigns. ZEEDglUMJLE-00636-00326950-00327408 Let's find a picture of her. ZEEDglUMJLE-00637-00327408-00328554 This is what I'm talking about, the one on the right. ZEEDglUMJLE-00638-00328554-00329230 Eventually, it was decided that she must be honored, as well as Garibaldi. ZEEDglUMJLE-00639-00329230-00330002 They selected from her history a moment in Garibaldi's early biography, when he did not ZEEDglUMJLE-00640-00330002-00330229 return from a battle in Uruguay. ZEEDglUMJLE-00641-00330229-00330872 Anita, who had just very recently given birth to a child who was called Menotti, took her ZEEDglUMJLE-00642-00330872-00331397 baby in her arms, got on her horse, and took a gun. ZEEDglUMJLE-00643-00331397-00331961 She searched the battlefield, she found the wounded Garibaldi, and she hauled him onto ZEEDglUMJLE-00644-00331961-00332391 her horse, thereby saving his life. ZEEDglUMJLE-00645-00332391-00333344 This particular statue, that is now on the Gianicolo, was made by Mario Rutelli in 1932. ZEEDglUMJLE-00646-00333344-00333803 He's a sculptor who you probably have never heard of, but he did make a monument for sailors ZEEDglUMJLE-00647-00333803-00334106 that is an obelisk within Wales. ZEEDglUMJLE-00648-00334106-00334641 The monument was inaugurated by Mussolini on June the first. ZEEDglUMJLE-00649-00334641-00335365 It's really an example of how myth and memory, and even the family of Garibaldi, were manipulated ZEEDglUMJLE-00650-00335365-00335643 and used for political ends by Mussolini. ZEEDglUMJLE-00651-00335643-00336056 It is a heroic and powerful monument. ZEEDglUMJLE-00652-00336056-00336672 If you think of monuments to women, how many monuments, this is the only one I know that ZEEDglUMJLE-00653-00336672-00336963 shows a woman in full action. ZEEDglUMJLE-00654-00336963-00337214 Now, part of it is a bit silly. ZEEDglUMJLE-00655-00337214-00337684 You couldn't possibly have stayed on your horse riding sidesaddle, and you certainly ZEEDglUMJLE-00656-00337684-00338309 couldn't ride a horse sidesaddle holding a baby and firing a pistol in the air. ZEEDglUMJLE-00657-00338309-00338681 But it is fairly inspirational. ZEEDglUMJLE-00658-00338681-00339802 However, if you get back, the original friends of Garibaldi had actually commissioned this ZEEDglUMJLE-00659-00339802-00339902 work. ZEEDglUMJLE-00660-00339902-00340341 This is the one they wanted, which is much closer to the truth, in a sense. ZEEDglUMJLE-00661-00340341-00340771 She's got her rifle stuck in the back of her saddle. ZEEDglUMJLE-00662-00340771-00341396 This was commissioned in 1928 by someone called Antonio Sciortino. ZEEDglUMJLE-00663-00341396-00342135 The only thing we have are these photographs of the first clay of the monument. ZEEDglUMJLE-00664-00342135-00342709 You can see, unfortunately, why Fascists prefer the other more heroic one. ZEEDglUMJLE-00665-00342709-00342909 I prefer this one. ZEEDglUMJLE-00666-00342909-00343465 I like the way that Anita is going out purposefully, with her hat and her baby, and her gun in ZEEDglUMJLE-00667-00343465-00344468 the back, rather like going shopping off to the battlefield to find Garibaldi. ZEEDglUMJLE-00668-00344468-00345153 It's just part of the constant metamorphosis of monuments that goes on in Italy. ZEEDglUMJLE-00669-00345153-00345585 There's recently been a book published, called "Italy's Divided Memory." ZEEDglUMJLE-00670-00345585-00346236 And Italy is the only country in Europe where you don't just get two plaques in one place ZEEDglUMJLE-00671-00346236-00346356 contradicting each other. ZEEDglUMJLE-00672-00346356-00346975 You go to a site and one plaque says, "This town was bombed by the Allies," and the other ZEEDglUMJLE-00673-00346975-00347615 one says, "This town was bombed by the Germans" and they're next to each other. ZEEDglUMJLE-00674-00347615-00348126 And you even get to the point where there is actually one place, which is called Piazza ZEEDglUMJLE-00675-00348126-00348811 Fontana, where there are three contradictory versions of what happened on that piazza. ZEEDglUMJLE-00676-00348811-00349377 And so, there is this constant movement of monument and interpretation that is going ZEEDglUMJLE-00677-00349377-00349522 on even today. ZEEDglUMJLE-00678-00349522-00350162 And it's a really political hot potato, this thing of monuments. ZEEDglUMJLE-00679-00350162-00351424 And Anita did quite well to only go through two versions, in a sense. ZEEDglUMJLE-00680-00351424-00352261 And just to sum up, the one of Anita is the one in action. ZEEDglUMJLE-00681-00352261-00352914 And the one of Garibaldi, so extraordinary, is the one that is passive and still, and ZEEDglUMJLE-00682-00352914-00353461 he is surveying the city of Rome which he never succeeded in taking. ZEEDglUMJLE-00683-00353461-00354299 They had to add Rome very much later on to the independent Italy. ZEEDglUMJLE-00684-00354299-00354801 He never succeeded in actually completing the unification of Italy. ZEEDglUMJLE-00685-00354801-00355447 But this is a very extraordinary and actually inspirational monument for all its problems. ZEEDglUMJLE-00686-00355447-00356024 Now to sum up quickly, those are the four works I chose. ZEEDglUMJLE-00687-00356024-00356886 And I found that there were works of art that I'd already looked at or that came from the ZEEDglUMJLE-00688-00356886-00357555 iconic work that you study when you study art history that I truly believe are feminist ZEEDglUMJLE-00689-00357555-00357773 in content. ZEEDglUMJLE-00690-00357773-00358074 And it's rather strange. ZEEDglUMJLE-00691-00358074-00358517 And we know from the work that the National Museum of Women and the Arts has done that ZEEDglUMJLE-00692-00358517-00358878 there were over 3,000 women artists. ZEEDglUMJLE-00693-00358878-00359616 And you get something like the Frederick Hart textbook that we use in Florence on the Renaissance, ZEEDglUMJLE-00694-00359616-00360311 for example, and until 15 years ago, there wasn't a mention of a single woman in the ZEEDglUMJLE-00695-00360311-00360421 book. ZEEDglUMJLE-00696-00360421-00360989 I mean not a single female artist was mentioned, yet there are all these female artists. ZEEDglUMJLE-00697-00360989-00361590 And if you really begin to look at the works of art, they actually are female in content ZEEDglUMJLE-00698-00361590-00361896 as well. ZEEDglUMJLE-00699-00361896-00362152 So why is it we haven't seen them? ZEEDglUMJLE-00700-00362152-00363075 What is going on that we don't see these works and actually understand that they are feminist? ZEEDglUMJLE-00701-00363075-00363753 And that led me to another thought because one of the things that my old professor told ZEEDglUMJLE-00702-00363753-00364206 me, when I was in the Warburg, was that one of the curious things, for example, is the ZEEDglUMJLE-00703-00364206-00364624 Greeks did not know how a beehive was structured. ZEEDglUMJLE-00704-00364624-00364900 They thought the bees just buzzed in and out. ZEEDglUMJLE-00705-00364900-00365540 It was only when somebody postulated the idea that there might be a queen that they found ZEEDglUMJLE-00706-00365540-00366145 the queen bee, and they realized that the hive was structured. ZEEDglUMJLE-00707-00366145-00366833 I think what is happening is, we have not got the eyes to see the female artists or ZEEDglUMJLE-00708-00366833-00367349 the feminist works, because we have been so conditioned. ZEEDglUMJLE-00709-00367349-00367918 If you, yourselves, go home and sit down and say, "What are the four feminist works for ZEEDglUMJLE-00710-00367918-00368061 me?" ZEEDglUMJLE-00711-00368061-00368729 See if you find your own four, and see if they exist already. ZEEDglUMJLE-00712-00368729-00369296 Yet we are not seeing them in a way where we can understand that. ZEEDglUMJLE-00713-00369296-00369926 I end it by saying, it is as though there is a lack of memory or reporting, but not ZEEDglUMJLE-00714-00369926-00370120 a lack of presence. ZEEDglUMJLE-00715-00370120-00370639 It is as though the prohibitions of the "Villa of the Mysteries" still cover the sacred nature ZEEDglUMJLE-00716-00370639-00370886 of art. ZEEDglUMJLE-00717-00370886-00371488 In a certain sense, I found this a very intriguing journey, as an art historian. ZEEDglUMJLE-00718-00371488-00372302 I want to actually open it to you and say, please, you begin to look and reinterpret ZEEDglUMJLE-00719-00372302-00372894 what you're seeing. ZEEDglUMJLE-00720-00372894-00373428 OK? ZEEDglUMJLE-00721-00373428-00375649 I'm very, very happy to answer questions. ZEEDglUMJLE-00722-00375649-00375901 Could you do it with the microphone? ZEEDglUMJLE-00723-00375901-00376001 Yes. ZEEDglUMJLE-00724-00376001-00376101 Did you say it was, when you were talking about the 5,000 female artists... 3,000 is ZEEDglUMJLE-00725-00376101-00376201 what I... 3,000. ZEEDglUMJLE-00726-00376201-00376301 Did you say it was 50 years ago that they weren't mentioned? ZEEDglUMJLE-00727-00376301-00376401 15. ZEEDglUMJLE-00728-00376401-00376501 One five? ZEEDglUMJLE-00729-00376501-00376601 One five, yes. ZEEDglUMJLE-00730-00376601-00376701 I was checking the editions of Frederick Hart, and I found it was 15 years ago. ZEEDglUMJLE-00731-00376701-00377385 He did not have a single female artist in the book, which is really quite interesting. ZEEDglUMJLE-00732-00377385-00377485 Yes. ZEEDglUMJLE-00733-00377485-00377934 I was in Rome last summer looking for female imagery, and I went to the Villa Borzheezee... ZEEDglUMJLE-00734-00377934-00378135 BorGAYzay, yeah. ZEEDglUMJLE-00735-00378135-00378235 Borghese. ZEEDglUMJLE-00736-00378235-00378435 Yeah, sorry. ZEEDglUMJLE-00737-00378435-00378577 One of the statues... ZEEDglUMJLE-00738-00378577-00379847 What's in there, the statue of Anita...? ZEEDglUMJLE-00739-00379847-00379977 I don't think I saw it there, but where is it? ZEEDglUMJLE-00740-00379977-00380466 The Bernini, the Apollo and Daphne, is in the Villa Borghese, and indeed the Pluto, ZEEDglUMJLE-00741-00380466-00380952 which I used to show the fine cutting of the marble, is in the Villa Borghese. ZEEDglUMJLE-00742-00380952-00381426 The Anita is on the top of the hill behind the Vatican. ZEEDglUMJLE-00743-00381426-00381840 You have to go up the road behind the Vatican, and she's up there. ZEEDglUMJLE-00744-00381840-00382302 What's the name of the building? ZEEDglUMJLE-00745-00382302-00382705 It's on the top of the hill, and it's called the Gianicolo. ZEEDglUMJLE-00746-00382705-00383568 How do you spell that? ZEEDglUMJLE-00747-00383568-00384301 Wait a minute, I'll look it up, so that I don't get it wrong. ZEEDglUMJLE-00748-00384301-00384441 Wait a minute. ZEEDglUMJLE-00749-00384441-00384541 It's GIANICOLO. ZEEDglUMJLE-00750-00384541-00385163 But there are a lot of other works that I was halfthinking of talking about, like Artemisia ZEEDglUMJLE-00751-00385163-00385735 Gentileschi and Judith and Holofernes, but some of them you can give more than one interpretation ZEEDglUMJLE-00752-00385735-00385835 to. ZEEDglUMJLE-00753-00385835-00386517 What I wanted to do with this was take indisputable examples of what I thought you really could ZEEDglUMJLE-00754-00386517-00386936 not argue that this was not feminist in its actual content. ZEEDglUMJLE-00755-00386936-00387800 But there are many, many others out there which probably are, but you've got to really ZEEDglUMJLE-00756-00387800-00388273 make certain you really question what is going on. ZEEDglUMJLE-00757-00388273-00389363 For example, Botticelli's Birth of Venus, would you see that as an indication of a feminist ZEEDglUMJLE-00758-00389363-00389463 vision? ZEEDglUMJLE-00759-00389463-00389575 I am afraid I don't think I would. ZEEDglUMJLE-00760-00389575-00390075 I think it is much more a male vision. ZEEDglUMJLE-00761-00390075-00390630 I think it is much more a work of pleasure for the Medici. ZEEDglUMJLE-00762-00390630-00391436 There is a lot of painting of women that is mild porn, it is erotic. ZEEDglUMJLE-00763-00391436-00392058 A lot of art was painted and made for the sexual market, and still is. ZEEDglUMJLE-00764-00392058-00392636 It does not mean it is an evil market, because sexuality is a part of where we all live, ZEEDglUMJLE-00765-00392636-00392844 particularly in our private homes. ZEEDglUMJLE-00766-00392844-00393653 There is no reason not to have art that appeals also to different senses. ZEEDglUMJLE-00767-00393653-00394015 I am not saying that in a way of putting it down. ZEEDglUMJLE-00768-00394015-00394617 I believe that work belongs to that category. ZEEDglUMJLE-00769-00394617-00396130 Can you think of a work that is explicitly sexual in nature, made by a male artist, and ZEEDglUMJLE-00770-00396130-00396271 is feminist? ZEEDglUMJLE-00771-00396271-00396970 I think the closest you get is perhaps Goya's "La maja desnuda." ZEEDglUMJLE-00772-00396970-00397670 He did two versions of the clothed and naked women. ZEEDglUMJLE-00773-00397670-00398511 The extraordinary nature of that is that she is not a beautiful elegant lady of the court. ZEEDglUMJLE-00774-00398511-00399412 She is actually a maja, a peasant gypsy girl and he treats her with enormous respect and ZEEDglUMJLE-00775-00399412-00399752 he likes her style. ZEEDglUMJLE-00776-00399752-00400592 It is erotic but it is extremely respectful to her and who she is and the fun of who she ZEEDglUMJLE-00777-00400592-00400692 is. ZEEDglUMJLE-00778-00400692-00401057 Because she is enjoying it, it is not something that is imposed upon her. ZEEDglUMJLE-00779-00401057-00401332 I quote that as showing that you can do it. ZEEDglUMJLE-00780-00401332-00401582 It doesn't have to be oppressive. ZEEDglUMJLE-00781-00401582-00401688 Yes. ZEEDglUMJLE-00782-00401688-00403220 The Bust of Costanza, there are very visible striations in her face, and color is showing. ZEEDglUMJLE-00783-00403220-00403320 Now, what is the chronology of that? ZEEDglUMJLE-00784-00403320-00403420 That isn't... ZEEDglUMJLE-00785-00403420-00403520 That's not often. ZEEDglUMJLE-00786-00403520-00403620 He used a very pink marble. ZEEDglUMJLE-00787-00403620-00403958 He picked a piece of pink marble that looks like flesh. ZEEDglUMJLE-00788-00403958-00404609 It's probably a pretty bad slide, sort of photograph, so excuse me. ZEEDglUMJLE-00789-00404609-00405147 But no, we don't know what her face was like afterwards. ZEEDglUMJLE-00790-00405147-00405792 But we do know that she lived a very prosperous and successful life, and left a good inheritance ZEEDglUMJLE-00791-00405792-00405989 to her daughter. ZEEDglUMJLE-00792-00405989-00406778 And that she appears to have remained married to her husband, who continued to work as a ZEEDglUMJLE-00793-00406778-00406947 very notable sculptor. ZEEDglUMJLE-00794-00406947-00407259 But it must have been a huge scandal, the whole thing. ZEEDglUMJLE-00795-00407259-00407359 Yes? ZEEDglUMJLE-00796-00407359-00407626 Do you mind sharing where that piece is now? ZEEDglUMJLE-00797-00407626-00407878 It's in Bargello, in Florence. ZEEDglUMJLE-00798-00407878-00408385 And people go around the Bargello, and they walk straight past Costanza. ZEEDglUMJLE-00799-00408385-00408857 She's usually right next to the box office, I mean the place you buy the tickets. ZEEDglUMJLE-00800-00408857-00409310 And everyone walks straight past, they take no notice of her whatsoever. ZEEDglUMJLE-00801-00409310-00409783 And she is certainly one of the greatest sculptures of all time. ZEEDglUMJLE-00802-00409783-00410202 I mean it makes me very sad. ZEEDglUMJLE-00803-00410202-00410829 She was recently exhibited in an exhibition they had on the Baroque Portraits as a central ZEEDglUMJLE-00804-00410829-00410929 piece. ZEEDglUMJLE-00805-00410929-00411206 But she is really remarkable. ZEEDglUMJLE-00806-00411206-00411605 And you know, the way her dress is opening with a button, you can almost see inside, ZEEDglUMJLE-00807-00411605-00411827 and the bits of hair. ZEEDglUMJLE-00808-00411827-00412529 I mean, it is the most extraordinary piece of carving and of portraiture. ZEEDglUMJLE-00809-00412529-00413207 If they put it under a plastic box, people would look at it. ZEEDglUMJLE-00810-00413207-00413327 Isn't that sad? ZEEDglUMJLE-00811-00413327-00413885 But he also painted portraits of himself with her. ZEEDglUMJLE-00812-00413885-00414442 And then when they quarreled, he cut off her side and ripped it off, and we only have his ZEEDglUMJLE-00813-00414442-00414791 portrait and we don't know where she has gone. ZEEDglUMJLE-00814-00414791-00415846 So he tried to really obliterate her.And he got rid of her portrait bust, he gave it away ZEEDglUMJLE-00815-00415846-00416287 to be further humiliating, in a sense to dismiss it. ZEEDglUMJLE-00816-00416287-00416560 But it is one of the alltime pieces. ZEEDglUMJLE-00817-00416560-00416660 Yeah? ZEEDglUMJLE-00818-00416660-00417196 What is the concept, in which that sculpture was created? ZEEDglUMJLE-00819-00417196-00417435 I don't think he... ZEEDglUMJLE-00820-00417435-00417535 Love. ZEEDglUMJLE-00821-00417535-00417650 Well, he created it for himself, right? ZEEDglUMJLE-00822-00417650-00417967 He created it for himself in total passion. ZEEDglUMJLE-00823-00417967-00418570 It's as though this was someone that was so important to him that he had to immortalize ZEEDglUMJLE-00824-00418570-00419253 her forever exactly as close to her being alive as he could make her. ZEEDglUMJLE-00825-00419253-00419628 And you can feel that when you see it. ZEEDglUMJLE-00826-00419628-00420405 It's like a huge statement of love. ZEEDglUMJLE-00827-00420405-00420953 Did he consider it one of his best sculptures as well? ZEEDglUMJLE-00828-00420953-00421053 Because he didn't destroy it. ZEEDglUMJLE-00829-00421053-00421153 He didn't destroy it. ZEEDglUMJLE-00830-00421153-00421577 You know, he did so much for the Pope that was so public. ZEEDglUMJLE-00831-00421577-00422371 And he must have seen something like the Apollo and Daphne as an absolute quintessential highest ZEEDglUMJLE-00832-00422371-00422535 point of marble cutting. ZEEDglUMJLE-00833-00422535-00422970 Because you know, you have these transparent olive leaves and so on. ZEEDglUMJLE-00834-00422970-00423792 So probably, in his terminology, the absolute masterpieces are Apollo and Daphne and Pluto. ZEEDglUMJLE-00835-00423792-00424818 In terms of psychological containment, spirituality of the piece, the real piece is Costanza, ZEEDglUMJLE-00836-00424818-00425223 nothing matches it. ZEEDglUMJLE-00837-00425223-00426235 I missed the name you mentioned concerning the rights of psychoanalysis? ZEEDglUMJLE-00838-00426235-00426885 It's Bice Benvenuto and it is about the Villa of the Mysteries. ZEEDglUMJLE-00839-00426885-00427334 The rest of the title is the Villa of the Mysteries. ZEEDglUMJLE-00840-00427334-00428378 Do you suggest that the museums and the galleries and the art world were to have a biennial ZEEDglUMJLE-00841-00428378-00430400 of feminist art and artists and something that concerns the interests of women. ZEEDglUMJLE-00842-00430400-00430556 Perhaps. ZEEDglUMJLE-00843-00430556-00430657 Perhaps it would be possible. ZEEDglUMJLE-00844-00430657-00430933 Do repeat what she suggested. ZEEDglUMJLE-00845-00430933-00431549 Well her suggestion was, would it be possible to curate an exhibition of pieces that are ZEEDglUMJLE-00846-00431549-00431846 feminist in content? ZEEDglUMJLE-00847-00431846-00431973 I think it could be. ZEEDglUMJLE-00848-00431973-00432229 I think it would be quite complicated. ZEEDglUMJLE-00849-00432229-00432675 It might open a lot of debate. ZEEDglUMJLE-00850-00432675-00433449 Certainly it's time that we went around museums thinking what is being said in this piece. ZEEDglUMJLE-00851-00433449-00433964 Is it chauvinist, is it sexist, is it feminist. ZEEDglUMJLE-00852-00433964-00434457 Women can also paint chauvinist painting. ZEEDglUMJLE-00853-00434457-00435010 It isn't that a woman automatically paints a feminist picture. ZEEDglUMJLE-00854-00435010-00435422 They may be worse than their male counterpart. ZEEDglUMJLE-00855-00435422-00435826 Surely what we've been looking at with feminism is the content. ZEEDglUMJLE-00856-00435826-00436185 What is being expressed. ZEEDglUMJLE-00857-00436185-00438366 We always see art that encourages brainstorming and discussing what is actually happening ZEEDglUMJLE-00858-00438366-00438701 in society. ZEEDglUMJLE-00859-00438701-00440477 Looking at some instances in the Middle East what has been happening to women. ZEEDglUMJLE-00860-00440477-00440796 We do have artist from these areas that experience brutal actions against women. ZEEDglUMJLE-00861-00440796-00441571 I do not see the western hemisphere to bring up these women's work to create discussions ZEEDglUMJLE-00862-00441571-00441693 like this. ZEEDglUMJLE-00863-00441693-00441793 I do see very few people. ZEEDglUMJLE-00864-00441793-00441893 I am coming from Baltimore, Maryland to listen to you, and I see only 500 people here and ZEEDglUMJLE-00865-00441893-00441993 I don't see much support somehow. ZEEDglUMJLE-00866-00441993-00442093 I personally like my audience, welcome. ZEEDglUMJLE-00867-00442093-00442391 [laughs] I just wish we were more. ZEEDglUMJLE-00868-00442391-00443002 But I think one of the interesting things if you look at sculptures that are in public ZEEDglUMJLE-00869-00443002-00443863 display in Florence, you have these sculptures of "The Rape of Persephone.� You'll have ZEEDglUMJLE-00870-00443863-00444639 the cutting off of the head of Medusa, you know?It is very welcome to have a sculpture ZEEDglUMJLE-00871-00444639-00445425 which is showing women in power, without being raped or having their heads cut off, OK? ZEEDglUMJLE-00872-00445425-00446155 I know that's a very simplistic way of saying it, but I do think it is worth actually focusing ZEEDglUMJLE-00873-00446155-00446864 on these ones that really are inspirational for women. ZEEDglUMJLE-00874-00446864-00446964 Please ask a question, a man. ZEEDglUMJLE-00875-00446964-00447467 I'd love to have a question from a man as well. ZEEDglUMJLE-00876-00447467-00447639 Looking very uncomfortable. ZEEDglUMJLE-00877-00447639-00447739 Yes? ZEEDglUMJLE-00878-00447739-00448885 Actually it's a bit of a jump in time and location, but I wondered what you thought ZEEDglUMJLE-00879-00448885-00448985 of those preRaphaelite woman? ZEEDglUMJLE-00880-00448985-00449085 What was the question? ZEEDglUMJLE-00881-00449085-00449295 What do I think of those preRaphaelite women? ZEEDglUMJLE-00882-00449295-00449743 OK, I'm really going to take this on. ZEEDglUMJLE-00883-00449743-00450555 Because you have to understand that when William Morris and Rossetti married working class ZEEDglUMJLE-00884-00450555-00451278 women, and they were both from shop girls, they could never sit down again at table with ZEEDglUMJLE-00885-00451278-00451564 their friends from the bourgeoisie. ZEEDglUMJLE-00886-00451564-00452316 So they had to invent a medieval alternative world in which they could be safe and superior. ZEEDglUMJLE-00887-00452316-00452546 And the same was with Macchiaioli. ZEEDglUMJLE-00888-00452546-00453121 So the great critic of the Macchiaioli, Diego Martelli, he married the prostitute that he ZEEDglUMJLE-00889-00453121-00453271 fell in love with. ZEEDglUMJLE-00890-00453271-00453860 And from that moment on he could never be accepted in any society in Florence. ZEEDglUMJLE-00891-00453860-00454433 So he lived on his estates outside Florence, and the only people who would talk to him ZEEDglUMJLE-00892-00454433-00454834 were artists, because artists are very odd people. ZEEDglUMJLE-00893-00454834-00455129 And the same with the PreRaphaelites. ZEEDglUMJLE-00894-00455129-00455575 They created these worlds against the social barriers. ZEEDglUMJLE-00895-00455575-00456218 So the first thing is, the PreRaphaelites were very brave to marry those two ladies. ZEEDglUMJLE-00896-00456218-00456602 And those two ladies were very extraordinary women. ZEEDglUMJLE-00897-00456602-00457452 Particularly Mrs. Morris, who lived six months of the year with Rossetti and six months with ZEEDglUMJLE-00898-00457452-00457846 William Morris, because she couldn't work out who she preferred. ZEEDglUMJLE-00899-00457846-00458010 And they accepted the situation. ZEEDglUMJLE-00900-00458010-00458787 So in a sense, they were really pushing the boundaries of Victorian marriage. ZEEDglUMJLE-00901-00458787-00459576 So I think both the women and their artist companions who created these alternative worlds ZEEDglUMJLE-00902-00459576-00459818 are real revolutionaries. ZEEDglUMJLE-00903-00459818-00460353 Not only in their production of the work they produced that changed taste, but in the way ZEEDglUMJLE-00904-00460353-00461421 they lived and the way that they dared actually break those conventions and marry shop girls. ZEEDglUMJLE-00905-00461421-00461863 OK? ZEEDglUMJLE-00906-00461863-00462860 If anyone's looking for a good thesis topic, one of the things that somebody needs to study ZEEDglUMJLE-00907-00462860-00463872 is Theresa, who was the wife of Diego Martelli, who was an extraordinary woman, quite clearly. ZEEDglUMJLE-00908-00463872-00464608 He met first when he was initiated into sexuality, as all men were, by going to the bordello. ZEEDglUMJLE-00909-00464608-00464793 He fell in love with her and married her. ZEEDglUMJLE-00910-00464793-00464914 She was obviously quite a remarkable woman. ZEEDglUMJLE-00911-00464914-00465014 Yes. ZEEDglUMJLE-00912-00465014-00467978 I have a question about the capability of both female and male artists to work with ZEEDglUMJLE-00913-00467978-00468078 feminist themes, to present the feminist theme. ZEEDglUMJLE-00914-00468078-00468178 Are they equally capable, or do you think there's any edge, in either direction, at ZEEDglUMJLE-00915-00468178-00468278 this current time in history or any other? ZEEDglUMJLE-00916-00468278-00468777 I don't know, because one of the problems with art is that very often the subject does ZEEDglUMJLE-00917-00468777-00469220 not necessarily reflect what actually happens. ZEEDglUMJLE-00918-00469220-00470047 That subjects escape from the artists themselves, that what is expressed is for sociological, ZEEDglUMJLE-00919-00470047-00470313 psychological, whatever reasons. ZEEDglUMJLE-00920-00470313-00470930 You can take a work that is supposed to be saying this, and it's actually saying the ZEEDglUMJLE-00921-00470930-00471093 opposite. ZEEDglUMJLE-00922-00471093-00471789 I don't think that it's necessarily consciously done by male or female. ZEEDglUMJLE-00923-00471789-00472034 I hope I'm answering your question. ZEEDglUMJLE-00924-00472034-00472864 I think that we still have a long way to go to show the power of women. ZEEDglUMJLE-00925-00472864-00474218 Perhaps neither one sufficiently appreciates that power? ZEEDglUMJLE-00926-00474218-00474648 Perhaps that's the problem? ZEEDglUMJLE-00927-00474648-00474748 Perhaps. ZEEDglUMJLE-00928-00474748-00475671 The work that was glorying in the maternity, the fertility, the prophecy from dreams... ZEEDglUMJLE-00929-00475671-00476275 Those are powers of women. ZEEDglUMJLE-00930-00476275-00476751 I don't want to go into some sort of hippy dream world. ZEEDglUMJLE-00931-00476751-00477688 But there are elements to what has been shown in the past that really show a force to the ZEEDglUMJLE-00932-00477688-00478325 internal power that that women should be expressing, that I'm not sure that present day work is ZEEDglUMJLE-00933-00478325-00478427 expressing. ZEEDglUMJLE-00934-00478427-00478530 Yes. ZEEDglUMJLE-00935-00478530-00480116 I haven't been able to articulate this within this context, but there is this theme going ZEEDglUMJLE-00936-00480116-00481753 around in my head, of course over the last 30 years we've argued more and more and more ZEEDglUMJLE-00937-00481753-00481853 about human arts. ZEEDglUMJLE-00938-00481853-00481953 Right now it's usually to have Rob Kushner hanging in the back of the show. ZEEDglUMJLE-00939-00481953-00482053 That's an improvement. ZEEDglUMJLE-00940-00482053-00483103 What I'm trying to say is basically it's still the strategy. ZEEDglUMJLE-00941-00483103-00483619 I think it encourages males, people, to express their feminist tendencies. ZEEDglUMJLE-00942-00483619-00485078 I have never met a male who admits to being a feminist, and yet there are plenty of them. ZEEDglUMJLE-00943-00485078-00485221 They show they are sensitive, but I think we need to award a male feminist, to be feminist. ZEEDglUMJLE-00944-00485221-00485321 They just don't know what to call themselves. ZEEDglUMJLE-00945-00485321-00485421 You have to meet the director of this museum, Arnold Lehman. ZEEDglUMJLE-00946-00485421-00485547 Yes, I do know that, and he does admit to it, of course. ZEEDglUMJLE-00947-00485547-00485824 An artist, for example, who might be tempted to do what we would call a feminist piece, ZEEDglUMJLE-00948-00485824-00486590 might also be insecure about his reception, because he might be viewed as a whole... ZEEDglUMJLE-00949-00486590-00486690 I think if other people agree, I don't know if they do, that males are welcome to express ZEEDglUMJLE-00950-00486690-00486790 feminist thoughts and images, and encourage people. ZEEDglUMJLE-00951-00486790-00486890 Of course the more we have that, there should be a companion in numbers. ZEEDglUMJLE-00952-00486890-00488483 This way you're not limited just to those of us who have been along to come in line ZEEDglUMJLE-00953-00488483-00488583 somehow. ZEEDglUMJLE-00954-00488583-00488683 I agree. ZEEDglUMJLE-00955-00488683-00488845 I couldn't put it better. ZEEDglUMJLE-00956-00488845-00488978 All I can say is yes. ZEEDglUMJLE-00957-00488978-00489078 [ Yes? ZEEDglUMJLE-00958-00489078-00489184 I'm just so curious about your perspective of a very contemporary artist. ZEEDglUMJLE-00959-00489184-00489308 Which one? ZEEDglUMJLE-00960-00489308-00489742 Audience Member : Well, it's not that contemporary. ZEEDglUMJLE-00961-00489742-00491106 I'm thinking specifically of the Cindy Sherman Film Stills and how you perceive them as feminist ZEEDglUMJLE-00962-00491106-00491206 or not? ZEEDglUMJLE-00963-00491206-00491306 Is that a fair question? ZEEDglUMJLE-00964-00491306-00491406 Yes. ZEEDglUMJLE-00965-00491406-00491860 I think that anyone who is exploring gender, and I think what she's doing is exploring ZEEDglUMJLE-00966-00491860-00492484 gender and identity, because of the nature of feminism at the moment, that is part of ZEEDglUMJLE-00967-00492484-00492854 the discourse, and therefore it is feminist. ZEEDglUMJLE-00968-00492854-00493517 I'm not sure if it's timeless, it may be a passing discourse. ZEEDglUMJLE-00969-00493517-00493751 Because what she's doing is looking at "Could I be this? ZEEDglUMJLE-00970-00493751-00493918 Could I be that? ZEEDglUMJLE-00971-00493918-00494055 Might I have been this?" ZEEDglUMJLE-00972-00494055-00494738 That exploration of who I am and what is my sexuality and what am I. That may just be ZEEDglUMJLE-00973-00494738-00495346 something that is a fashion, we'll have to wait and see. ZEEDglUMJLE-00974-00495346-00495864 But in the contemporary context, it certainly is feminist. ZEEDglUMJLE-00975-00495864-00496689 It may be nothing in the future. ZEEDglUMJLE-00976-00496689-00497210 I think one of the things I was concerned about with the four pieces I picked was that ZEEDglUMJLE-00977-00497210-00498476 they should be timeless, and they should be qualities that belong for all women for all ZEEDglUMJLE-00978-00498476-00498863 time. ZEEDglUMJLE-00979-00498863-00499637 Anything else? ZEEDglUMJLE-00980-00499637-00500024 Yes? ZEEDglUMJLE-00981-00500024-00500542 I just wanted to ask one last thing, because I've been thinking for the past 30 years that ZEEDglUMJLE-00982-00500542-00501139 women's issues are a part of the world. ZEEDglUMJLE-00983-00501139-00502289 In the 1980s a lot of things were happening and women were showing a face that was cut ZEEDglUMJLE-00984-00502289-00502816 off, and I just remember that is what I saw. ZEEDglUMJLE-00985-00502816-00503550 From that point on, I was working on my thesis, which I was doing something else, and completely ZEEDglUMJLE-00986-00503550-00503954 changed direction and went forward with art. ZEEDglUMJLE-00987-00503954-00504822 What you just mentioned about her question about finding one's self, what you are, who ZEEDglUMJLE-00988-00504822-00505888 you are, where you are going and all of that...there were sudden changes in society where we were ZEEDglUMJLE-00989-00505888-00506605 just looking at the history of women, what they have gone through, and what you have ZEEDglUMJLE-00990-00506605-00506705 mentioned about conditioning and how we as women are conditioned by men's understanding ZEEDglUMJLE-00991-00506705-00506844 of the world and our rules and how to be, and we are really given the path by men. ZEEDglUMJLE-00992-00506844-00507054 Even our politics, for example, our leaders and societies are all run by men and they ZEEDglUMJLE-00993-00507054-00507277 actually designate for us how to think, what we feel, what to do, what not to do. ZEEDglUMJLE-00994-00507277-00507483 I look at the past paintings and I can't even bring anything else unless you just see the ZEEDglUMJLE-00995-00507483-00509106 faces, the women are painted and are having to paint faces with all the feelings in it. ZEEDglUMJLE-00996-00509106-00510847 And I know I've been pushed away because you can see through the eyes of these women. ZEEDglUMJLE-00997-00510847-00511267 One of the most extraordinary things, as I did this piece, as I said to Elizabeth, I ZEEDglUMJLE-00998-00511267-00511842 picked these pieces, and then what came out as I did the research was to discover that ZEEDglUMJLE-00999-00511842-00512308 it reflected so much of the oppression that has been done to women. ZEEDglUMJLE-01000-00512308-00513043 I mean, cutting their faces, imprisoning them for adultery, marrying them young to abusive ZEEDglUMJLE-01001-00513043-00513346 husbands, dying in childbirth. ZEEDglUMJLE-01002-00513346-00514121 I felt as though these pieces that I had picked just by accident as art pieces reflected the ZEEDglUMJLE-01003-00514121-00514407 enormous oppression of women. ZEEDglUMJLE-01004-00514407-00514764 I thought that that was very extraordinary, that it came out even in these four. ZEEDglUMJLE-01005-00514764-00515477 That is why I wish that there were more art galleries or museums in France, even now we ZEEDglUMJLE-01006-00515477-00516313 hear of stoning of women. ZEEDglUMJLE-01007-00516313-00516539 Well fortunately we have this one. ZEEDglUMJLE-01008-00516539-00517492 I feel so happy you are all here, and we are giving support to this that is so important ZEEDglUMJLE-01009-00517492-00517672 and so unique. ZEEDglUMJLE-01010-00517672-00517800 Where are you from? ZEEDglUMJLE-01011-00517800-00517900 I am sorry to ask you. ZEEDglUMJLE-01012-00517900-00518014 I was born in Iran, but I came to study. ZEEDglUMJLE-01013-00518014-00519184 I heard what had gone wrong about women and so on. ZEEDglUMJLE-01016-00528342-00528442 and also bondage. ZEEDglUMJLE-01017-00528442-00528542 I read a book by Slammerkin, which is a nonfiction book, but she was the daughter of a pastor. ZEEDglUMJLE-01018-00528542-00528642 One day she realized how her religion put up men to a pedestal and women were seen as ZEEDglUMJLE-01019-00528642-00528742 sinners. ZEEDglUMJLE-01020-00528742-00528842 Just almost they're [inaudible 01:27:21]. ZEEDglUMJLE-01021-00528842-00528942 And just all western religions, Judaism, probably, Christianity and Muslim have a patriarchal ZEEDglUMJLE-01022-00528942-00529042 spin for them, and I think until we can find a new way that this is what our society. ZEEDglUMJLE-01023-00529042-00529142 I have to say, as a woman, a work that speaks to me as a feminist and is in the peace work. ZEEDglUMJLE-01024-00529142-00529242 I don't know the meaning of the painting because I'm not an art historian, but it's of women ZEEDglUMJLE-01025-00529242-00529376 dancing in a circle... ...of the dancers. ZEEDglUMJLE-01026-00529376-00529985 Yes, the dancers. ZEEDglUMJLE-01027-00529985-00530085 And I always feel, as a woman, it captures the joy of a friendship. ZEEDglUMJLE-01028-00530085-00530304 Beautiful, beautiful piece, and also it, again, doesn't have guilt. ZEEDglUMJLE-01029-00530304-00530658 It's a pagan innocence of the dance. ZEEDglUMJLE-01030-00530658-00531360 One of the reasons I think I picked some pieces from antiquity was because in both the Pergamon ZEEDglUMJLE-01031-00531360-00531975 Altar and the Villa of the Mysteries, there is not that sense of sin attached, which you ZEEDglUMJLE-01032-00531975-00532652 so often get, to nakedness in western art. ZEEDglUMJLE-01033-00532652-00533607 I want to thank Mary again. ZEEDglUMJLE-01034-00533607-00533873 This was a really superb, wonderful lecture. ZEEDglUMJLE-01035-00533873-00533987 I'm so proud. ZEEDglUMJLE-01036-00533987-00534177 I see that she's here. ZEEDglUMJLE-01037-00534177-00534367 Thank you all for coming. ZEEDglUMJLE-01038-00534367-00534556 It's very exciting for me. ZEEDglUMJLE-01039-00534556-00534918 We're growing into our fourth year. ZEEDglUMJLE-01040-00534918-00535710 The dialogues that have emerged in this room over this period of time have become much ZEEDglUMJLE-01041-00535710-00535989 richer, much stronger. ZEEDglUMJLE-01042-00535989-00536306 I feel that the center is doing its work. ZEEDglUMJLE-01043-00536306-00536928 I hope that there will be many more, and that each of you in your own ways, when you go ZEEDglUMJLE-01044-00536928-00537687 out into your worlds, will bring some of what has happened here with you. ZEEDglUMJLE-01045-00537687-00537881 Thank you very much for coming. ZH2L3weexg4-00000-00000000-00001592 foreign ZH2L3weexg4-00001-00001920-00002544 this video is made possible by ranger rob poopybags available in amazon right now ZH2L3weexg4-00002-00002624-00003256 hi guys this is ranger rob from ranger rob country living and thank you for joining us today ZH2L3weexg4-00003-00003336-00003704 kind of icky blustery day here right here the wind blowing sorry ZH2L3weexg4-00004-00003840-00004536 let me run over here out of the wind so today we are going to uh there we go ZH2L3weexg4-00005-00004656-00005160 sorry about the wind today we're going to add additives to all of our gas ZH2L3weexg4-00006-00005160-00005784 that we have in storage stabilizer and so uh the first thing we're gonna do is ZH2L3weexg4-00007-00005872-00006480 grab the stuff check out what the measurements are supposed to be geez and uh it's raining can ZH2L3weexg4-00008-00006480-00007000 you believe it uh we haven't seen rain here for quite a while but it's it's uh quite a day here ZH2L3weexg4-00009-00007064-00007784 anyway so we're gonna put stabilizer in all of our fuel all of our machines and uh because ZH2L3weexg4-00010-00007784-00008168 it's getting to be winter time and we're using things less and we're gonna have a lot of storage ZH2L3weexg4-00011-00008240-00008776 of fuel and we want it to be good in case we have to fire up the generators and stuff so ZH2L3weexg4-00012-00008840-00009424 wow it's uh interesting weather out here so let's get going well we got all the ZH2L3weexg4-00013-00009424-00010160 gas tanks all filled up with a stabilizer and uh so while we're kind of working on winterizing ZH2L3weexg4-00014-00010160-00010736 things we're gonna do the rv and uh it's a real simple process i thought it'd uh take you along ZH2L3weexg4-00015-00010736-00011424 okay one of the first things i gotta do is drain my tank uh of all fresh water ZH2L3weexg4-00016-00011752-00012104 but i can still do my winterizing even while i do drains ZH2L3weexg4-00017-00012224-00012784 so the first thing we have to do is drain the hot water tank so i'm gonna show my ZH2L3weexg4-00018-00012784-00013408 wife how to do that so let's get going on the montana fifth wheels super easy to do the uh ZH2L3weexg4-00019-00013480-00013888 winterizing here the first thing we wanna do is we're draining the main tank ZH2L3weexg4-00020-00013888-00014408 then we're gonna drain the hot water heater and i kind of want sherry to do this so she knows how to ZH2L3weexg4-00021-00014408-00015200 do it but in the controls here one of the things we want to do is turn on the hot water bypass ZH2L3weexg4-00022-00015280-00015840 because when we start putting the antifreeze in we don't want it going into the hot water ZH2L3weexg4-00023-00015904-00017048 tank so all i have to do is turn that to uh on so we actually turn it on and now when we pump any ZH2L3weexg4-00024-00017048-00017592 water into this it will no longer go into the hot water tank so we just opened up the hot water tank ZH2L3weexg4-00025-00017592-00018248 there's a bolt down here which actually goes to a zinc fitting in there it helps uh protect ZH2L3weexg4-00026-00018248-00018816 the water in the tank anyway so i'm gonna have sherry remove it and we're gonna drain this out ZH2L3weexg4-00027-00018816-00019208 the other thing that makes it a little easier is make sure to release the air out of the tank ZH2L3weexg4-00028-00019208-00019784 so the water will flow out typically when you open this thing up you're gonna get wet ZH2L3weexg4-00029-00021992-00022600 well sherry and i got a good shower um a little foggy here i'm not sure if i get that on ZH2L3weexg4-00030-00022600-00023096 film uh we just opened up the pressure thing the water is coming out i should have done that ZH2L3weexg4-00031-00023160-00023608 before we opened that there's a little pressure in there so it's not hot water in there now ZH2L3weexg4-00032-00023688-00024256 yeah we just want to drain that out we don't have to put any antifreeze or anything in this ZH2L3weexg4-00033-00024480-00025104 but we don't we don't want antifreeze in here because it will sit in there forever so anyway ZH2L3weexg4-00034-00025216-00025592 we're almost ready all right we're getting close to this stage i keep a little hose in here ZH2L3weexg4-00035-00025656-00026320 it's just a short hose with a that'll go into this bottle i got of antifreeze which will sit ZH2L3weexg4-00036-00026320-00026872 right here i just got to connect it and then uh share your return on the pump and it will actually ZH2L3weexg4-00037-00026872-00027416 pull the stuff into all the faucets what we do is we run the faucets till we see pink come out ZH2L3weexg4-00038-00027488-00028095 and then we stop and then we uh sorry about the wind anyway uh it's getting starting to be fall ZH2L3weexg4-00039-00028095-00028536 here a little bit sorry let me get this hooked up and then sherry and i will coordinate the uh ZH2L3weexg4-00040-00028616-00029216 pulling of this antifreeze into the system so we got the bottle in put my pipe in goes into my wind ZH2L3weexg4-00041-00029216-00029952 raising system then i turn the switch here this is turn on winterizing which means when she turns on ZH2L3weexg4-00042-00029952-00031104 the water pump they will start pumping antifreeze into all the pipes now this is a normal rv marine ZH2L3weexg4-00043-00031104-00031952 antifreeze which is not poisonous and uh what you want to do is get this into every faucet shower ZH2L3weexg4-00044-00032039-00033040 and you want to get into your what you call those p p traps p traps um and uh then pour some into ZH2L3weexg4-00045-00033184-00033784 the septic holding tank because we got stuff in there so we don't want that freezing ZH2L3weexg4-00046-00033848-00034456 and believe it or not we can do the whole rv with just one bottle which is amazing so sherry put ZH2L3weexg4-00047-00034456-00034840 the seal back in she's just going to tighten it up and that's all we have to do with the ZH2L3weexg4-00048-00034840-00035392 hot water tank so sherry's going inside she's going to turn on the electrical water system ZH2L3weexg4-00049-00035512-00035888 and uh after that she's gonna go to each sink ZH2L3weexg4-00050-00035960-00036400 and start drawing water until she sees pink come through it so i just come around here ZH2L3weexg4-00051-00036488-00037192 make sure that you can see as she's turned it on starting to drop drip or drop down ZH2L3weexg4-00052-00037424-00038160 and she's pulling the antifreeze into the water system and now she's going to go inside the rv ZH2L3weexg4-00053-00038160-00038680 go to the shower go to the head go to the kitchen run the water until she sees pink ZH2L3weexg4-00054-00039200-00039592 i'm in the rv right now it's a little dark but you can see she's been running the water in here ZH2L3weexg4-00055-00039664-00040416 she got pink water in here and she runs it in both sinks so a little bit of that goes into the ZH2L3weexg4-00056-00040416-00041112 p-traps and right now she's up in the head during the shower and the toilet ZH2L3weexg4-00057-00041184-00041696 and after that we're done so all the sinks and toilets are done i always have a little bit left ZH2L3weexg4-00058-00041696-00042448 in here so what i do is i give this to sherry she goes to the head and pours it on the top just to ZH2L3weexg4-00059-00042448-00043080 protect the seal on the toilet when it opens it's a little round seal that needs to be kept wet ZH2L3weexg4-00060-00043080-00043640 otherwise it'll dry out and it could uh leak so anyway we're done i just got to take this hose off ZH2L3weexg4-00061-00043712-00044328 give this to sherry and it's a done deal that's how easy it is to do a montana 5th wheel amazing ZH2L3weexg4-00062-00044328-00045000 so we had a funny phenomenon just happened here when we travel and winterize the rv like that my ZH2L3weexg4-00063-00045000-00045744 dog automatically went to the truck and she thinks we're going somewhere i cannot believe ZH2L3weexg4-00064-00045832-00046840 look at this cinder we're not going anywhere come here baby come here you guys are so smart ZH2L3weexg4-00065-00046936-00047576 is that amazing it's been like a year since i've done that and you know we usually winterize the rv ZH2L3weexg4-00066-00047672-00047992 and then we load the dogs into the truck she ZH2L3weexg4-00067-00048104-00048584 and she totally remembered that and she still thinks she's going somewhere ZH2L3weexg4-00068-00048672-00049192 i just can't get over that all right before we go the lighting's a little bad in here but that's all ZH2L3weexg4-00069-00049192-00050000 right i want to talk about shuri's new endeavor which is a starter the blob we call it the blob ZH2L3weexg4-00070-00050000-00050792 because she's got to feed it every day anyway sauce you made star sourdough starter right yes so ZH2L3weexg4-00071-00050864-00051336 first what's it take to even get this what do you have to do to actually start it it's two ZH2L3weexg4-00072-00051336-00052336 ingredients uh just water and i used a whole wheat flour that's all you have to do is just start at ZH2L3weexg4-00073-00052336-00053167 that like that yeah it's equal parts of water and flour you feed it you start with equal amounts ZH2L3weexg4-00074-00053255-00054360 the next day you come in and you feed it pour a cup of flour put a clap of water for the day two ZH2L3weexg4-00075-00054455-00055104 and then the next day you have to discard half of it and feed it again repeat it twice a day ZH2L3weexg4-00076-00055200-00055600 all right and discard once a day so we actually have been putting some of the ZH2L3weexg4-00077-00055600-00056320 discarding into the uh compost pile so it's supposed to be give it give it to your chickens ZH2L3weexg4-00078-00056384-00056976 do not put it down your drain because it's like cement i'll be calling a plumber and ZH2L3weexg4-00079-00057167-00057784 once i got it up to a little over two cups i made sourdough pancakes for the first time ZH2L3weexg4-00080-00057840-00058584 which means they're a wheat sourdough the wheat sourdough pancakes are not my favorite but it ZH2L3weexg4-00081-00058584-00059104 was a starter yeah and once you get your starter going then when you feed it after that you can use ZH2L3weexg4-00082-00059104-00059760 any flour and then gradually that will turn into like a white so it's not all the weeds yeah so ZH2L3weexg4-00083-00059855-00060479 we made pancakes with it today they're okay they're not our favorite but uh we're ZH2L3weexg4-00084-00060479-00061176 not really huge on wheat pancakes so we're gonna start i guess she's gonna start changing this over ZH2L3weexg4-00085-00061176-00061832 to regular flour and then we'll make some other sourdough endeavors after that yeah once it gets ZH2L3weexg4-00086-00061832-00062432 strong enough it's not strong enough yet but once it gets strong enough then um and to determine ZH2L3weexg4-00087-00062432-00063000 when it's strong enough it's once it will double in its size in a 24-hour period once it gets ZH2L3weexg4-00088-00063000-00063704 to that point then uh it's strong enough to make breads that's one that's truly the blob ZH2L3weexg4-00089-00063808-00064496 so hey um i thought it was pretty cool something that homesteads used to do in the old days is ZH2L3weexg4-00090-00064496-00065344 make their own uh it's it's not yeast it's a starter it's a starter okay another way to be ZH2L3weexg4-00091-00065344-00066008 self-sufficient not having to have dry yeast or around the pantry or anything like that ZH2L3weexg4-00092-00066008-00066784 it's a good way to start it cool so there you go guys um anyway uh once again sorry about the ZH2L3weexg4-00093-00066784-00067600 lighting uh i hope i had a busy day we got all the gasoline switched over we got the rv winterized ZH2L3weexg4-00094-00067680-00068208 uh we're pretty happy about that it's kind of a cold windy day here today we actually got ZH2L3weexg4-00095-00068208-00068696 a little rain which was good so anyway please take the time to like and subscribe and share ZH2L3weexg4-00096-00068696-00069304 our videos all over the whole wide world and share it to your best friend from high school ZH2L3weexg4-00097-00069304-00069872 you'll love this video all right guys talk to you later bye now thank you very much for watching our ZH2L3weexg4-00098-00069872-00070552 video please take the time to like subscribe and share our videos all over the whole wide world ZH2L3weexg4-00099-00070552-00071712 thanks you