hErnZ0dwUY4-00000-00000010-00000423 THE BREAK. hErnZ0dwUY4-00001-00000423-00000430 THE BREAK. hErnZ0dwUY4-00002-00000430-00000740 THE BREAK. >>> AFTER A GAME TWO LOSS BSU hErnZ0dwUY4-00003-00000740-00000747 THE BREAK. >>> AFTER A GAME TWO LOSS BSU hErnZ0dwUY4-00004-00000747-00000904 THE BREAK. >>> AFTER A GAME TWO LOSS BSU WOMEN'S HOKE, TIED 1-1 IN THE hErnZ0dwUY4-00005-00000904-00000910 >>> AFTER A GAME TWO LOSS BSU WOMEN'S HOKE, TIED 1-1 IN THE hErnZ0dwUY4-00006-00000910-00000937 >>> AFTER A GAME TWO LOSS BSU WOMEN'S HOKE, TIED 1-1 IN THE SERIES. hErnZ0dwUY4-00007-00000937-00000944 WOMEN'S HOKE, TIED 1-1 IN THE SERIES. hErnZ0dwUY4-00008-00000944-00001224 WOMEN'S HOKE, TIED 1-1 IN THE SERIES. THE WINNER TAKE ALL GAME THREE hErnZ0dwUY4-00009-00001224-00001231 SERIES. THE WINNER TAKE ALL GAME THREE hErnZ0dwUY4-00010-00001231-00001297 SERIES. THE WINNER TAKE ALL GAME THREE SUNDAY AFTERNOON. hErnZ0dwUY4-00011-00001297-00001304 THE WINNER TAKE ALL GAME THREE SUNDAY AFTERNOON. hErnZ0dwUY4-00012-00001304-00001488 THE WINNER TAKE ALL GAME THREE SUNDAY AFTERNOON. A TRIP TO THE FINALS. hErnZ0dwUY4-00013-00001488-00001494 SUNDAY AFTERNOON. A TRIP TO THE FINALS. hErnZ0dwUY4-00014-00001494-00001821 SUNDAY AFTERNOON. A TRIP TO THE FINALS. FACEOFF ON THE LINE. hErnZ0dwUY4-00015-00001821-00001828 A TRIP TO THE FINALS. FACEOFF ON THE LINE. hErnZ0dwUY4-00016-00001828-00001905 A TRIP TO THE FINALS. FACEOFF ON THE LINE. TOP-RANKED WISCONSIN. hErnZ0dwUY4-00017-00001905-00001911 FACEOFF ON THE LINE. TOP-RANKED WISCONSIN. hErnZ0dwUY4-00018-00001911-00002726 FACEOFF ON THE LINE. TOP-RANKED WISCONSIN. THE LOSER, THEIR SEASON IS OVER hErnZ0dwUY4-00019-00002726-00002732 TOP-RANKED WISCONSIN. THE LOSER, THEIR SEASON IS OVER hErnZ0dwUY4-00020-00002732-00002802 TOP-RANKED WISCONSIN. THE LOSER, THEIR SEASON IS OVER LET'S HEAD TO AMSOIL ARENA FOR hErnZ0dwUY4-00021-00002802-00002809 THE LOSER, THEIR SEASON IS OVER LET'S HEAD TO AMSOIL ARENA FOR hErnZ0dwUY4-00022-00002809-00002869 THE LOSER, THEIR SEASON IS OVER LET'S HEAD TO AMSOIL ARENA FOR THE FINALE. NO SCORE FIRST hErnZ0dwUY4-00023-00002869-00002876 LET'S HEAD TO AMSOIL ARENA FOR THE FINALE. NO SCORE FIRST hErnZ0dwUY4-00024-00002876-00002936 LET'S HEAD TO AMSOIL ARENA FOR THE FINALE. NO SCORE FIRST PERIOD BUT THE GREEN MACHINE hErnZ0dwUY4-00025-00002936-00002942 THE FINALE. NO SCORE FIRST PERIOD BUT THE GREEN MACHINE hErnZ0dwUY4-00026-00002942-00003006 THE FINALE. NO SCORE FIRST PERIOD BUT THE GREEN MACHINE CHANGES THAT. EMILY BERGLAND hErnZ0dwUY4-00027-00003006-00003013 PERIOD BUT THE GREEN MACHINE CHANGES THAT. EMILY BERGLAND hErnZ0dwUY4-00028-00003013-00003103 PERIOD BUT THE GREEN MACHINE CHANGES THAT. EMILY BERGLAND WITH THE GOAL 1-0, BEAVERS. hErnZ0dwUY4-00029-00003103-00003109 CHANGES THAT. EMILY BERGLAND WITH THE GOAL 1-0, BEAVERS. hErnZ0dwUY4-00030-00003109-00003183 CHANGES THAT. EMILY BERGLAND WITH THE GOAL 1-0, BEAVERS. FRESHMAN KERRIGAN DOWHY ONCE hErnZ0dwUY4-00031-00003183-00003189 WITH THE GOAL 1-0, BEAVERS. FRESHMAN KERRIGAN DOWHY ONCE hErnZ0dwUY4-00032-00003189-00003460 WITH THE GOAL 1-0, BEAVERS. FRESHMAN KERRIGAN DOWHY ONCE AGAIN IN NET AND SHE WAS BRILLI hErnZ0dwUY4-00033-00003460-00003466 FRESHMAN KERRIGAN DOWHY ONCE AGAIN IN NET AND SHE WAS BRILLI hErnZ0dwUY4-00034-00003466-00003730 FRESHMAN KERRIGAN DOWHY ONCE AGAIN IN NET AND SHE WAS BRILLI MAKES THE SAVE HERE TO KEEP THE hErnZ0dwUY4-00035-00003730-00003736 AGAIN IN NET AND SHE WAS BRILLI MAKES THE SAVE HERE TO KEEP THE hErnZ0dwUY4-00036-00003736-00003907 AGAIN IN NET AND SHE WAS BRILLI MAKES THE SAVE HERE TO KEEP THE THEN SHE GOT MORE HELP IN THE hErnZ0dwUY4-00037-00003907-00003913 MAKES THE SAVE HERE TO KEEP THE THEN SHE GOT MORE HELP IN THE hErnZ0dwUY4-00038-00003913-00004104 MAKES THE SAVE HERE TO KEEP THE THEN SHE GOT MORE HELP IN THE THIRD SCRUM OUT FRONT HALEY MACK hErnZ0dwUY4-00039-00004104-00004110 THEN SHE GOT MORE HELP IN THE THIRD SCRUM OUT FRONT HALEY MACK hErnZ0dwUY4-00040-00004110-00004284 THEN SHE GOT MORE HELP IN THE THIRD SCRUM OUT FRONT HALEY MACK THEN GETS THE BACKHAND TO GO. hErnZ0dwUY4-00041-00004284-00004290 THIRD SCRUM OUT FRONT HALEY MACK THEN GETS THE BACKHAND TO GO. hErnZ0dwUY4-00042-00004290-00004547 THIRD SCRUM OUT FRONT HALEY MACK THEN GETS THE BACKHAND TO GO. BSU BY TWO. BULLDOGS PULL THE hErnZ0dwUY4-00043-00004547-00004554 THEN GETS THE BACKHAND TO GO. BSU BY TWO. BULLDOGS PULL THE hErnZ0dwUY4-00044-00004554-00004871 THEN GETS THE BACKHAND TO GO. BSU BY TWO. BULLDOGS PULL THE GOALIE BUT BAILEY WRIGHT THE DA hErnZ0dwUY4-00045-00004871-00004878 BSU BY TWO. BULLDOGS PULL THE GOALIE BUT BAILEY WRIGHT THE DA hErnZ0dwUY4-00046-00004878-00005028 BSU BY TWO. BULLDOGS PULL THE GOALIE BUT BAILEY WRIGHT THE DA TIME TO CELEBRATE. THE BEAVERS hErnZ0dwUY4-00047-00005028-00005035 GOALIE BUT BAILEY WRIGHT THE DA TIME TO CELEBRATE. THE BEAVERS hErnZ0dwUY4-00048-00005035-00005288 GOALIE BUT BAILEY WRIGHT THE DA TIME TO CELEBRATE. THE BEAVERS ARE ADVANCING TO THE FINAL FACE hErnZ0dwUY4-00049-00005288-00005295 TIME TO CELEBRATE. THE BEAVERS ARE ADVANCING TO THE FINAL FACE hErnZ0dwUY4-00050-00005295-00005765 TIME TO CELEBRATE. THE BEAVERS ARE ADVANCING TO THE FINAL FACE FINAL SCORE, 3-0. DOWHY'S FIRST hErnZ0dwUY4-00051-00005765-00005772 ARE ADVANCING TO THE FINAL FACE FINAL SCORE, 3-0. DOWHY'S FIRST hErnZ0dwUY4-00052-00005772-00005835 ARE ADVANCING TO THE FINAL FACE FINAL SCORE, 3-0. DOWHY'S FIRST THEY'LL PLAY TOP-SEEDED hErnZ0dwUY4-00053-00005835-00005842 FINAL SCORE, 3-0. DOWHY'S FIRST THEY'LL PLAY TOP-SEEDED hErnZ0dwUY4-00054-00005842-00005895 FINAL SCORE, 3-0. DOWHY'S FIRST THEY'LL PLAY TOP-SEEDED WISCONISN SATURDAY IN THE SEMIF hHm2aVaZJuc-00000-00004704-00005004 Lol, I die! hHm2aVaZJuc-00001-00007904-00008104 He win, congrats! hHm2aVaZJuc-00002-00008504-00009304 Bye guys, remeber to subscribe to him link des. hHsV6mg7ubU-00000-00000020-00000858 정정합니다 벼락맞은나무도마가 아닙니다 제가 착각을했습니다 hHsV6mg7ubU-00005-00028623-00029923 이빵팬에 사용된 나무는 [퍼플하트] 입니다 (색이참이뻐요) hHsV6mg7ubU-00006-00029923-00032912 프리미엄 소노클린 로즈우드 커팅보드 도마 hLVGfUvw_aU-00000-00000017-00000568 The zebra shark has a cylindrical body with a large, slightly flattened head and a short, hLVGfUvw_aU-00001-00000568-00000724 blunt snout. hLVGfUvw_aU-00002-00000724-00001216 The eyes are small and placed on the sides of the head; the spiracles are located behind hLVGfUvw_aU-00003-00001216-00001475 them and are as large or larger. hLVGfUvw_aU-00004-00001475-00002032 The last 3 of the 5 short gill slits are situated over the pectoral fin bases, and the fourth hLVGfUvw_aU-00005-00002032-00002414 and fifth slits are much closer together than the others. hLVGfUvw_aU-00006-00002414-00002853 Each nostril has a short barbel and a groove running from it to the mouth. hLVGfUvw_aU-00007-00002853-00003436 The mouth is nearly straight, with three lobes on the lower lip and furrows at the corners. hLVGfUvw_aU-00008-00003436-00004150 There are 28–33 tooth rows in the upper jaw and 22–32 tooth rows in the lower jaw; hLVGfUvw_aU-00009-00004150-00004609 each tooth has a large central cusp flanked by two smaller ones. hLVGfUvw_aU-00010-00004609-00005080 There are five distinctive ridges running along the body in adults, one along the dorsal hLVGfUvw_aU-00011-00005080-00005334 midline and two on the sides. hLVGfUvw_aU-00012-00005334-00005853 The dorsal midline ridge merges into the first dorsal fin, placed about halfway along the hLVGfUvw_aU-00013-00005853-00006225 body and twice the size of the second dorsal fin. hLVGfUvw_aU-00014-00006225-00006704 The pectoral fins are large and broad; the pelvic and anal fins are much smaller but hLVGfUvw_aU-00015-00006704-00006984 larger than the second dorsal fin. hLVGfUvw_aU-00016-00006984-00007455 The caudal fin is almost as long as the rest of the body, with a barely developed lower hLVGfUvw_aU-00017-00007455-00007867 lobe and a strong ventral notch near the tip of the upper lobe. hLVGfUvw_aU-00018-00007867-00008524 The zebra shark attains a length of 2.5 m (8.2 ft), with an unsubstantiated record of hLVGfUvw_aU-00019-00008524-00008856 3.5 m (11 ft). hLVGfUvw_aU-00020-00008856-00009235 Males and females are not dimorphic in size.[10] hLVGfUvw_aU-00021-00009235-00009711 The color pattern in young sharks is dark brown above and light yellow below, with vertical hLVGfUvw_aU-00022-00009711-00009970 yellow stripes and spots. hLVGfUvw_aU-00023-00009970-00010825 As the shark grows to 50–90 cm (20–35 in) long, the dark areas begin to break up, hLVGfUvw_aU-00024-00010825-00011334 changing the general pattern from light-on-dark stripes to dark-on-light spots.There is substantial hLVGfUvw_aU-00025-00011334-00011983 variation in pattern amongst adults, which can be used to identify particular individuals. hLVGfUvw_aU-00026-00011983-00012604 A rare morph, informally called the sandy zebra shark, is overall sandy–brown in color hLVGfUvw_aU-00027-00012604-00013118 with inconspicuous dark brown freckles on its upperside, lacking the distinct dark-spotted hLVGfUvw_aU-00028-00013118-00013445 and banded pattern typical of the species. hLVGfUvw_aU-00029-00013445-00013919 The appearance of juveniles of this morph is unknown, but subadults that are transitioning hLVGfUvw_aU-00030-00013919-00014326 into adult sandy zebra sharks have a brown-netted pattern. hLVGfUvw_aU-00031-00014326-00014851 Faint remnants of this pattern can often be seen in adult sandy zebra sharks. hLVGfUvw_aU-00032-00014851-00015352 This morph, which is genetically inseparable from the normal morph, is only known from hLVGfUvw_aU-00033-00015352-00015859 the vicinity of Malindi in Kenya, although seemingly similar individuals have been reported hLVGfUvw_aU-00034-00015859-00016188 from Japan and northwestern Australia. hLVGfUvw_aU-00035-00016188-00016829 In 1964, a partially albino zebra shark was discovered in the Indian Ocean. hLVGfUvw_aU-00036-00016829-00017298 It was overall white and completely lacked spots, but its eyes were blackish-brown as hLVGfUvw_aU-00037-00017298-00017679 typical of the species and unlike full albinos. hLVGfUvw_aU-00038-00017679-00018495 The shark, a 1.9 m (6.2 ft) long mature female, was unusual in that albino animals rarely hLVGfUvw_aU-00039-00018495-00018707 survive long in the wild due to their lack of crypsis. hWkT8ZGPykg-00000-00000300-00000760 The Rich Life of Lionel Messi hWkT8ZGPykg-00001-00000760-00001096 Net Worth hWkT8ZGPykg-00002-00001190-00001538 Net Worth: $340 Million hXdbfM7fWVM-00000-00002900-00003279 Hello and welcome again dear viewers, Hashim al Alawi here hXdbfM7fWVM-00001-00003279-00003760 And if this is your first time visting this channel, dont forget to press the like button hXdbfM7fWVM-00002-00003760-00004190 and subscribe to the channel and share it with anyone interested in such topics hXdbfM7fWVM-00003-00004190-00004540 so that we can reach the largest number of people worldwide hXdbfM7fWVM-00004-00004540-00005130 in todays video, well be taking a look at another microphone from Warm Audio hXdbfM7fWVM-00005-00005130-00005580 The microphone that we will be looking at today is the WA-251 hXdbfM7fWVM-00006-00005580-00005930 Which is a tube microphone; tube microphones hXdbfM7fWVM-00007-00005930-00006480 have a distinct sound due to the tube inside hXdbfM7fWVM-00008-00006480-00006940 The power supply is also a poler pattern switcher. If you look here hXdbfM7fWVM-00009-00006940-00007620 theres a switch that lets us choose between cardioid, omni, and figure 8 hXdbfM7fWVM-00010-00007620-00008120 Of course, for voice overs, i usually prefer to keep it on cardioid hXdbfM7fWVM-00011-00008120-00008490 However, if youre recording a band, you may keep it on omni hXdbfM7fWVM-00012-00008490-00009110 Or if youre recording a dialogue, you may switch it to figure 8 hXdbfM7fWVM-00013-00009110-00009540 The company Warm Audio, did not come short when selecting the components of this microphone hXdbfM7fWVM-00014-00009540-00010550 If you noticed the wire, it's of the Gothem type which is known to be of utmost quality hXdbfM7fWVM-00015-00010550-00010980 So even when it comes to cable selection, the company didnt come short and selected the best wires hXdbfM7fWVM-00016-00010980-00011350 in the market, so we can obtain the best sound quality hXdbfM7fWVM-00017-00011350-00011730 The package also comes with a shockmount, this shockmount hXdbfM7fWVM-00018-00011730-00011990 is very high in quality and it can be placed on any stand hXdbfM7fWVM-00019-00011990-00012000 via these threads hXdbfM7fWVM-00020-00012000-00012540 that you can place it on to stabalize the microphone hXdbfM7fWVM-00021-00012540-00013030 the microphone can record frequencies from 20Hz to 20kHz hXdbfM7fWVM-00022-00013030-00013619 and this is ofcourse the normal range of most Warm Audio Microphones hXdbfM7fWVM-00023-00013619-00014240 The decibal range of the microhpone is 132Db, however, what do we need from these technical details hXdbfM7fWVM-00024-00014240-00014850 The important part is the actual sound of the microphone, hows the quality and clearness of the sound that'll be recorded hXdbfM7fWVM-00025-00014850-00015369 This time, I decided to do a special experiment which is to record a rehersal using this microphone hXdbfM7fWVM-00026-00015369-00015850 Using a different technique, so hopefully it intrigues you hXdbfM7fWVM-00027-00015850-00017070 Lets test it out together now. hXdbfM7fWVM-00028-00017070-00017860 My father was a wealthy merchant who left me a lot of money, but it never helped me hXdbfM7fWVM-00029-00017860-00018570 For I have used it all until there was barely any left hXdbfM7fWVM-00030-00018570-00018700 -Audio Channel WA-215 > WA-2A- hXdbfM7fWVM-00031-00018700-00019800 So i took whats left of it and bought goods to go on a sea voyage hXdbfM7fWVM-00032-00019800-00020030 We traveled from one island to the other hXdbfM7fWVM-00033-00020090-00020880 until we arrived at the end to a beautiful island, its beauty compared to hXdbfM7fWVM-00034-00020880-00020990 Gods heaven on earth hXdbfM7fWVM-00035-00021220-00021740 As we reach the conclusion of this video, dont forget to hit the like button hXdbfM7fWVM-00036-00021740-00022180 And subscribe to the channel, also dont forget to share it around hXdbfM7fWVM-00037-00022180-00022700 with people that are interested in such topics, so we can reach the largest community possible around the world hXdbfM7fWVM-00038-00022700-00023010 I wish you guys the the best I'll see you in a future video! hX5Q-Oyq-s4-00000-00000000-00000200 (FREE) dom corleo + hardrock + clams casino type beat Psycho (@prodLaasiu + @Prod.st10 ) hXjn7bT9LwM-00000-00000010-00000063 ISSUE SAY MORE DATA IS NEEDED ON hXjn7bT9LwM-00001-00000063-00000070 ISSUE SAY MORE DATA IS NEEDED ON hXjn7bT9LwM-00002-00000070-00000403 ISSUE SAY MORE DATA IS NEEDED ON THE PROBLEM. >>> THE LEECH LAKE hXjn7bT9LwM-00003-00000403-00000410 ISSUE SAY MORE DATA IS NEEDED ON THE PROBLEM. >>> THE LEECH LAKE hXjn7bT9LwM-00004-00000410-00000563 ISSUE SAY MORE DATA IS NEEDED ON THE PROBLEM. >>> THE LEECH LAKE EMS AND POLICE TEAM ARE FIGHTIN hXjn7bT9LwM-00005-00000563-00000570 THE PROBLEM. >>> THE LEECH LAKE EMS AND POLICE TEAM ARE FIGHTIN hXjn7bT9LwM-00006-00000570-00000747 THE PROBLEM. >>> THE LEECH LAKE EMS AND POLICE TEAM ARE FIGHTIN OPIOID EPIDEMIC BY PROVIDING hXjn7bT9LwM-00007-00000747-00000754 EMS AND POLICE TEAM ARE FIGHTIN OPIOID EPIDEMIC BY PROVIDING hXjn7bT9LwM-00008-00000754-00001041 EMS AND POLICE TEAM ARE FIGHTIN OPIOID EPIDEMIC BY PROVIDING NARCAN KITS AND TRAINING TO THE hXjn7bT9LwM-00009-00001041-00001047 OPIOID EPIDEMIC BY PROVIDING NARCAN KITS AND TRAINING TO THE hXjn7bT9LwM-00010-00001047-00001241 OPIOID EPIDEMIC BY PROVIDING NARCAN KITS AND TRAINING TO THE TOMORROW THEY WILL HOST THEIR hXjn7bT9LwM-00011-00001241-00001247 NARCAN KITS AND TRAINING TO THE TOMORROW THEY WILL HOST THEIR hXjn7bT9LwM-00012-00001247-00001785 NARCAN KITS AND TRAINING TO THE TOMORROW THEY WILL HOST THEIR 36TH CLASS SINCE NOVEMBER IT hXjn7bT9LwM-00013-00001785-00001791 TOMORROW THEY WILL HOST THEIR 36TH CLASS SINCE NOVEMBER IT hXjn7bT9LwM-00014-00001791-00001858 TOMORROW THEY WILL HOST THEIR 36TH CLASS SINCE NOVEMBER IT WILL BE HELD AT THE MINNESOTA hXjn7bT9LwM-00015-00001858-00001865 36TH CLASS SINCE NOVEMBER IT WILL BE HELD AT THE MINNESOTA hXjn7bT9LwM-00016-00001865-00001925 36TH CLASS SINCE NOVEMBER IT WILL BE HELD AT THE MINNESOTA CHIPPEWA TRIBE ADULT DAY hXjn7bT9LwM-00017-00001925-00001931 WILL BE HELD AT THE MINNESOTA CHIPPEWA TRIBE ADULT DAY hXjn7bT9LwM-00018-00001931-00001991 WILL BE HELD AT THE MINNESOTA CHIPPEWA TRIBE ADULT DAY SERVICES OFFICE. SO FAR, EMS hXjn7bT9LwM-00019-00001991-00001998 CHIPPEWA TRIBE ADULT DAY SERVICES OFFICE. SO FAR, EMS hXjn7bT9LwM-00020-00001998-00002152 CHIPPEWA TRIBE ADULT DAY SERVICES OFFICE. SO FAR, EMS OFFICIALS PREDICT TRAINED MORE hXjn7bT9LwM-00021-00002152-00002158 SERVICES OFFICE. SO FAR, EMS OFFICIALS PREDICT TRAINED MORE hXjn7bT9LwM-00022-00002158-00002328 SERVICES OFFICE. SO FAR, EMS OFFICIALS PREDICT TRAINED MORE THAN 790 PEOPLE AND HAVE GIVEN hXjn7bT9LwM-00023-00002328-00002335 OFFICIALS PREDICT TRAINED MORE THAN 790 PEOPLE AND HAVE GIVEN hXjn7bT9LwM-00024-00002335-00002479 OFFICIALS PREDICT TRAINED MORE THAN 790 PEOPLE AND HAVE GIVEN OUT MORE THAN 650 NARCAN KITS. hXjn7bT9LwM-00025-00002479-00002485 THAN 790 PEOPLE AND HAVE GIVEN OUT MORE THAN 650 NARCAN KITS. hXjn7bT9LwM-00026-00002485-00002952 THAN 790 PEOPLE AND HAVE GIVEN OUT MORE THAN 650 NARCAN KITS. THEIR GOAL IS TO MAKE SURE hXjn7bT9LwM-00027-00002952-00002959 OUT MORE THAN 650 NARCAN KITS. THEIR GOAL IS TO MAKE SURE hXjn7bT9LwM-00028-00002959-00003029 OUT MORE THAN 650 NARCAN KITS. THEIR GOAL IS TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE IN THE COMMUNITY HAS A hXjn7bT9LwM-00029-00003029-00003036 THEIR GOAL IS TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE IN THE COMMUNITY HAS A hXjn7bT9LwM-00030-00003036-00003446 THEIR GOAL IS TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE IN THE COMMUNITY HAS A KIT TO SAVE LIVES. hXjn7bT9LwM-00031-00003446-00003453 EVERYONE IN THE COMMUNITY HAS A KIT TO SAVE LIVES. hXjn7bT9LwM-00032-00003453-00003570 EVERYONE IN THE COMMUNITY HAS A KIT TO SAVE LIVES. >> I REALLY BELIEVE ANYONE WITH hXjn7bT9LwM-00033-00003570-00003576 KIT TO SAVE LIVES. >> I REALLY BELIEVE ANYONE WITH hXjn7bT9LwM-00034-00003576-00003783 KIT TO SAVE LIVES. >> I REALLY BELIEVE ANYONE WITH A NARCAN KIT WITH -- IS ABLE TO hXjn7bT9LwM-00035-00003783-00003790 >> I REALLY BELIEVE ANYONE WITH A NARCAN KIT WITH -- IS ABLE TO hXjn7bT9LwM-00036-00003790-00004020 >> I REALLY BELIEVE ANYONE WITH A NARCAN KIT WITH -- IS ABLE TO SAVE A LIFE NOW. hXjn7bT9LwM-00037-00004020-00004027 A NARCAN KIT WITH -- IS ABLE TO SAVE A LIFE NOW. hXjn7bT9LwM-00038-00004027-00004190 A NARCAN KIT WITH -- IS ABLE TO SAVE A LIFE NOW. WITH THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WE hXjn7bT9LwM-00039-00004190-00004197 SAVE A LIFE NOW. WITH THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WE hXjn7bT9LwM-00040-00004197-00004340 SAVE A LIFE NOW. WITH THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WE TRAINED, WE'RE NOT SURE ABOUT hXjn7bT9LwM-00041-00004340-00004347 WITH THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WE TRAINED, WE'RE NOT SURE ABOUT hXjn7bT9LwM-00042-00004347-00004611 WITH THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WE TRAINED, WE'RE NOT SURE ABOUT THE NUMBERS, BUT WE KNOW OF A hXjn7bT9LwM-00043-00004611-00004617 TRAINED, WE'RE NOT SURE ABOUT THE NUMBERS, BUT WE KNOW OF A hXjn7bT9LwM-00044-00004617-00004821 TRAINED, WE'RE NOT SURE ABOUT THE NUMBERS, BUT WE KNOW OF A FEW THAT THE GENERAL POPULATION hXjn7bT9LwM-00045-00004821-00004828 THE NUMBERS, BUT WE KNOW OF A FEW THAT THE GENERAL POPULATION hXjn7bT9LwM-00046-00004828-00005091 THE NUMBERS, BUT WE KNOW OF A FEW THAT THE GENERAL POPULATION HAS BEEN ABLE TO SAVE A PERSON hXjn7bT9LwM-00047-00005091-00005098 FEW THAT THE GENERAL POPULATION HAS BEEN ABLE TO SAVE A PERSON hXjn7bT9LwM-00048-00005098-00005181 FEW THAT THE GENERAL POPULATION HAS BEEN ABLE TO SAVE A PERSON AND THAT'S NOT LAW ENFORCEMENT hXjn7bT9LwM-00049-00005181-00005188 HAS BEEN ABLE TO SAVE A PERSON AND THAT'S NOT LAW ENFORCEMENT hXjn7bT9LwM-00050-00005188-00005575 HAS BEEN ABLE TO SAVE A PERSON AND THAT'S NOT LAW ENFORCEMENT OR EMS BEFORE WE GOT THERE. hXjn7bT9LwM-00051-00005575-00005582 AND THAT'S NOT LAW ENFORCEMENT OR EMS BEFORE WE GOT THERE. hXjn7bT9LwM-00052-00005582-00005839 AND THAT'S NOT LAW ENFORCEMENT OR EMS BEFORE WE GOT THERE. WITH THE NARCAN TRAINING AND THE hXjn7bT9LwM-00053-00005839-00005845 OR EMS BEFORE WE GOT THERE. WITH THE NARCAN TRAINING AND THE hXjn7bT9LwM-00054-00005845-00005899 OR EMS BEFORE WE GOT THERE. WITH THE NARCAN TRAINING AND THE KITS. hXjn7bT9LwM-00055-00005899-00005905 WITH THE NARCAN TRAINING AND THE KITS. hXjn7bT9LwM-00056-00005905-00006276 WITH THE NARCAN TRAINING AND THE KITS. >> YOU CAN FIND OUT ABOUT OTHER hXjn7bT9LwM-00057-00006276-00006282 KITS. >> YOU CAN FIND OUT ABOUT OTHER hXjn7bT9LwM-00058-00006282-00006349 KITS. >> YOU CAN FIND OUT ABOUT OTHER NARCAN TRAINING CLASSES THROUGH hXjn7bT9LwM-00059-00006349-00006356 >> YOU CAN FIND OUT ABOUT OTHER NARCAN TRAINING CLASSES THROUGH hXjn7bT9LwM-00060-00006356-00006426 >> YOU CAN FIND OUT ABOUT OTHER NARCAN TRAINING CLASSES THROUGH THE LEECH LAKE EMS AND EDUCATION hXjn7bT9LwM-00061-00006426-00006433 NARCAN TRAINING CLASSES THROUGH THE LEECH LAKE EMS AND EDUCATION hXjn7bT9LwM-00062-00006433-00006486 NARCAN TRAINING CLASSES THROUGH THE LEECH LAKE EMS AND EDUCATION FACEBOOK PAGE. THE TEAM IS ALSO hYdnkzFLpeQ-00000-00000000-00000088 January 29th hZk2DT3-0Io-00000-00000225-00000429 Welcome to English Comp 1! hZk2DT3-0Io-00001-00000429-00000936 I want to give you a video tutorial of our classroom so that you feel comfortable navigating hZk2DT3-0Io-00002-00000936-00001094 around our Canvas classroom. hZk2DT3-0Io-00003-00001094-00001493 I am currently on the home page, which is our jumping off point for everything you will hZk2DT3-0Io-00004-00001493-00001629 access in the classroom. hZk2DT3-0Io-00005-00001629-00002130 The first thing I want to mention is the browser you will use to access Canvas. hZk2DT3-0Io-00006-00002130-00002550 Chrome and Firefox are the most compatible browsers, so please try to use one of those hZk2DT3-0Io-00007-00002550-00002650 two. hZk2DT3-0Io-00008-00002650-00003127 If you have any issues, though, you can click on the gray shield in the upper right if you hZk2DT3-0Io-00009-00003127-00003468 are in Chrome and the shield in the upper left in Firefox. hZk2DT3-0Io-00010-00003468-00003780 That will usually clear up any issues. hZk2DT3-0Io-00011-00003780-00004263 First I want to take you to the Modules link on the left side of the tool bar. hZk2DT3-0Io-00012-00004263-00004744 This link will take you to nearly everything you will need to access for this course. hZk2DT3-0Io-00013-00004744-00005230 Now that I’ve clicked on the Modules link you can see all the content for this class. hZk2DT3-0Io-00014-00005230-00005623 The Start Here module will answer many of your questions, and I would like to see you hZk2DT3-0Io-00015-00005623-00006006 go through each link so that you feel more comfortable with the course. hZk2DT3-0Io-00016-00006006-00006563 In this section you will find the syllabus and my contact information. hZk2DT3-0Io-00017-00006563-00007163 Next you will see our Blackboard Collaborate button where you can access my office hours hZk2DT3-0Io-00018-00007163-00007301 each week. hZk2DT3-0Io-00019-00007301-00007737 Below that will be the modules that hold the course content. hZk2DT3-0Io-00020-00007737-00007986 Consider this section the textbook of the course. hZk2DT3-0Io-00021-00007986-00008498 It’s important to read each link so that you are prepared for the quiz at the end of hZk2DT3-0Io-00022-00008498-00008668 each module. hZk2DT3-0Io-00023-00008668-00009260 Each of these modules begins with a “Why It Matters” section explaining why this hZk2DT3-0Io-00024-00009260-00009795 module is important to learn, and it ends with a “Putting It Together” section, hZk2DT3-0Io-00025-00009795-00010130 which will help you review for the quiz. hZk2DT3-0Io-00026-00010130-00010592 After all the course content, you will find the Performance Assessments. hZk2DT3-0Io-00027-00010592-00011075 These are the assignments you must show mastery in to pass this course. hZk2DT3-0Io-00028-00011075-00011570 After working through all the modules and taking the quizzes, you should be prepared hZk2DT3-0Io-00029-00011570-00011808 to tackle the performance assessments. hZk2DT3-0Io-00030-00011808-00012357 You will need a 80% mastery on each of these to pass the course. hZk2DT3-0Io-00031-00012357-00012813 Another notable link on the left side of the homepage is Grades. hZk2DT3-0Io-00032-00012813-00013451 At any time, you can click on this and see the scores of any submissions. hZk2DT3-0Io-00033-00013451-00014116 Additionally, you can access the Performance Assessments and quizzes from the tool bar hZk2DT3-0Io-00034-00014116-00014282 as well. hZk2DT3-0Io-00035-00014282-00014854 Finally, if ever you want to reach me, click on the Inbox button on the upper right side hZk2DT3-0Io-00036-00014854-00015485 of the page, and you can send me an email, which I will respond to within 24-48 hours. hZk2DT3-0Io-00037-00015485-00015993 Hopefully this video will help navigating through Canvas much easier, but if you have hZk2DT3-0Io-00038-00015993-00016418 any questions at all about the course navigation, please don’t hesitate to ask. hdXqlBkbc28-00000-00000178-00000278 The One-Quarter Jaw Cuticle Nipper cuts cuticles with sharp clean cuts. hdXqlBkbc28-00001-00000278-00000574 This professional stainless steel cuticle nipper makes cutting and cleaning cuticles hdXqlBkbc28-00002-00000574-00000674 easy. hdXqlBkbc28-00003-00000674-00001105 It’s double spring action and smooth cutting motion, comfortably ergonomically designed hdXqlBkbc28-00004-00001105-00001693 handle and sharp one-quarter jaw tip allows for a superior cuticle nipping job. hdXqlBkbc28-00005-00001693-00002147 Used by nail professionals, this cuticle nipper has a long shelf life and remains a must have hdXqlBkbc28-00006-00002147-00002335 tool for you nail grooming needs. hdXqlBkbc28-00007-00002335-00002801 In order to use the nipper, apply cuticle softener or warm soapy water to the cuticle hdXqlBkbc28-00008-00002801-00003018 area for 5 to 10 minutes. hdXqlBkbc28-00009-00003018-00003472 Use a cuticle pusher such as the SS-303 to push back the cuticles. hdXqlBkbc28-00010-00003472-00003701 Use the nipper to cut off the pushed back cuticles. hdXqlBkbc28-00011-00003701-00003955 And you can use the nipper on both fingers and toes. hdXqlBkbc28-00012-00003955-00004055 No pulling or tugging. hdXqlBkbc28-00013-00004055-00004257 Just cut for a clean nail bed. hdXqlBkbc28-00014-00004257-00004573 Be careful not to cut too close to the skin to prevent bleeding. hdXqlBkbc28-00015-00004573-00004792 When finished you may apply lotion to soothe the area. hdXqlBkbc28-00016-00004792-00004830 To learn more about this nipper and other Seki Edge products, please visit SekiEdge.com hg93iRYUN1E-00000-00000000-00000400 video Someone has disliked your own videos. hh368m8oshU-00000-00000512-00000688 I love bicycle boulevards, hh368m8oshU-00001-00000688-00000876 and I think that the more bicycle boulevards we have hh368m8oshU-00002-00000936-00001234 the better it's gonna improve our business model, hh368m8oshU-00003-00001234-00001514 Because we're going to be able to reach different parts hh368m8oshU-00004-00001514-00001618 of Durham that we can't right now. hh368m8oshU-00005-00001618-00001830 I think that we're really missing that key component [bicycle boulevards] hh368m8oshU-00006-00001830-00002044 and I think that's once we can enter that key component [bicycle boulevards] hh368m8oshU-00007-00002048-00002170 it's gonna change everything about Durham hh368m8oshU-00008-00002182-00002248 And I'm really excited about it hh368m8oshU-00009-00002316-00002484 And I hope that we do it! hh368m8oshU-00010-00002484-00002566 Yeah, I really do. hh368m8oshU-00011-00003006-00003086 Hi, I'm Kat. hh368m8oshU-00012-00003447-00003758 We are a 100% bicycle-powered compost service in Durham, NC hh368m8oshU-00013-00003820-00004050 Right now, we servivce mostly residential subscribers hh368m8oshU-00014-00004050-00004162 We have about 300 hh368m8oshU-00015-00004230-00004414 So right now we have 14 riders hh368m8oshU-00016-00004414-00004624 We drop off at 5 local community gardens hh368m8oshU-00017-00004696-00004928 One of our missions for 2017 is to divert hh368m8oshU-00018-00004928-00005166 more of our food scraps to local community gardens hh368m8oshU-00019-00005182-00005436 Right now, we partner with Interfaith Food Shuttle hh368m8oshU-00020-00005436-00005582 Geer Street Learning Garden hh368m8oshU-00021-00005582-00005828 And they're really special because they don't sell any of their produce hh368m8oshU-00022-00005828-00006100 They give it all to the recovery center across the street hh368m8oshU-00023-00006100-00006172 It's called Sunset Recovery hh368m8oshU-00024-00006208-00006436 It's the tightest agricultural loop you can find. hh368m8oshU-00025-00006473-00006654 So we give compost to the garden hh368m8oshU-00026-00006666-00006794 They grow food hh368m8oshU-00027-00006809-00006931 They give the food to Sunset hh368m8oshU-00028-00006931-00007066 Sunset gives us their scraps hh368m8oshU-00029-00007066-00007120 We turn it into compost hh368m8oshU-00030-00007120-00007220 and it starts over again. hh368m8oshU-00031-00007220-00007520 It shows that we really truly care about the community hh368m8oshU-00032-00007520-00007692 and the community members hh368m8oshU-00033-00007692-00007906 and we try to be as sustainable as possible. hh368m8oshU-00034-00007906-00008159 And that includes green transportation, it's really important to us. hh368m8oshU-00035-00008286-00008758 Another unfortunate thing about Durham not being the best bikable place hh368m8oshU-00036-00008758-00009150 Is that it really limits the amount and the kind of people who can ride for us hh368m8oshU-00037-00009164-00009326 We want younger people to come hh368m8oshU-00038-00009326-00009494 we want, like, high schoolers to come hh368m8oshU-00039-00009494-00009682 people who aren't like, very great on a bike hh368m8oshU-00040-00009682-00009790 to be able to come and do this job hh368m8oshU-00041-00009790-00010070 and right now, with the current infrastructure, that's not gonna happen. hh368m8oshU-00042-00010070-00010234 And that's really unfortunate. hh368m8oshU-00043-00010542-00010734 I think it's going to help Durham become a friendler community hh368m8oshU-00044-00010734-00010784 a healthier community hh368m8oshU-00045-00010784-00011120 a more environmentally sustainable community hh368m8oshU-00046-00011120-00011398 And I think overall Durham is really great about hh368m8oshU-00047-00011398-00011544 that being the core of their mission as a city, hh368m8oshU-00048-00011544-00011862 But I think that we're really missing that key component [bicyle boulevards] hlfjik0zooY-00000-00000509-00000660 SOON hlfjik0zooY-00001-00000690-00000802 "PAPERS" hlfjik0zooY-00002-00001182-00001458 Yes, The boy didn’t tell anyone about it. hmyH_NRZA0k-00000-00000162-00000972 Hello guys welcome to My channel in this video I will show you how to download free fire Max hack hmyH_NRZA0k-00001-00001032-00001386 so first of all open description for link and download file hmyH_NRZA0k-00002-00001476-00002208 open this app and follow these steps to install hack password in the video and extract the file hmyH_NRZA0k-00003-00002526-00002640 Copy the folder hmyH_NRZA0k-00004-00003246-00003324 Paste here hmyH_NRZA0k-00005-00003744-00003936 Use this hack in guest ID hmyH_NRZA0k-00006-00004566-00005052 Enjoy the hack please support me this video is very very late hmyH_NRZA0k-00007-00005136-00005454 Please Subscribe and hit Bell icon blah blah blah hmyH_NRZA0k-00008-00006318-00006462 Thanks for watching bye hnO5XXS3sS8-00000-00000006-00000602 so, you have just finished your Sketchup 3d model and you're looking for the hnO5XXS3sS8-00001-00000602-00001184 fastest way to get terrain into Sketchup Geolocate your Sketchup model and hnO5XXS3sS8-00002-00001184-00001884 add a site grading? then stay tuned because I'll show you three simple steps hnO5XXS3sS8-00003-00001884-00002435 to place your Sketchup models into the real world! hnO5XXS3sS8-00004-00002897-00003950 first, geo-locate your Sketchup model. choose file, geolocation, and add location hnO5XXS3sS8-00005-00003950-00004748 here, type your desired address location, and click the grab button. this, will add hnO5XXS3sS8-00006-00004748-00005210 a geolocation to a sketchup file. hnO5XXS3sS8-00007-00005465-00006231 now, if you don't see your elevation terrain, turn on the layer of your location hnO5XXS3sS8-00008-00006231-00006473 terrain hnO5XXS3sS8-00009-00007181-00007920 second, position your Sketchup model. to do this, open or go to your Sketchup 3d hnO5XXS3sS8-00010-00007920-00008903 model, select it, and simply type ctrl C to copy. now, go back to your previous file hnO5XXS3sS8-00011-00008903-00009457 and paste it by doing ctrl V hnO5XXS3sS8-00012-00010145-00011089 third, add grading to your Sketchup model. to do this, choose tools, sandbox, hnO5XXS3sS8-00013-00011089-00011910 And stamp. now, select your model base by clicking on it. then, type in a number for hnO5XXS3sS8-00014-00011910-00012472 your grading offset. you will see it display in red lines. hnO5XXS3sS8-00015-00012472-00013212 finally, click and hold on Google map terrain, adjust your desired grading hnO5XXS3sS8-00016-00013212-00013637 height, and we are done! hnO5XXS3sS8-00017-00013933-00014677 now, we had added grading automatically to our sketchup model. you've been watching hnO5XXS3sS8-00018-00014677-00015235 to the Lazy Arquitecto. I want to thank you and invite you to subscribe to the hnO5XXS3sS8-00019-00015235-00015894 channel. Until next Tuesday, keep up sharing what you've learned! i3jq0kMifQk-00000-00000000-00000200 Love teaching my kids the lawn business i5aXXEK5Dhk-00000-00000300-00000574 Hi guys. We’ ve been invited to show you how to make films with this, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00001-00000700-00001102 this is an samsung galaxy s10+, but you do it with every touchscreen phone you’ve got. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00002-00001328-00001804 To do it properly, we'll work on special character, who’s an everyday’s anti hero. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00003-00001830-00002030 His name is Scyther. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00004-00005296-00005544 So now let’s talk about camera settings. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00005-00005582-00005954 If you are using DSLR or DSLM camera you should already know that i5aXXEK5Dhk-00006-00005954-00006662 when you set the aperture, the lower is the value, the brighter the image as more light comes into the lens. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00007-00006680-00007364 Going further, setting the aperture high, in this case 22 because it’s sunny outside, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00008-00007364-00007859 will darken the image because of less light coming into the sensor. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00009-00007894-00008516 Also remember that lower aperture will give you more background blur i5aXXEK5Dhk-00010-00008556-00008816 and higher will give a sharper image overall. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00011-00008888-00009306 It's important if you want to separate your character i5aXXEK5Dhk-00012-00009368-00009754 from the background you’ll use low value of aputure. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00013-00010230-00010652 Using your pocket cameras, you have to keep your screen as clean as possible, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00014-00010676-00011100 so to have a clear vision on what you’re recording, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00015-00011100-00011400 also keep your lenses clean as possible, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00016-00011440-00011792 so grab a microfiber towel and wipe it clean. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00017-00011792-00012238 Keep in mind, that having the brightness up will give you clear vision in bright environment, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00018-00012266-00012670 but remember check if your device is not getting too hot. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00019-00012730-00013126 In this case it was so sunny outside that you can see a reflection of me, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00020-00013236-00013516 even if I set the brightness at max value. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00021-00013610-00014054 Remember to keep your ratio settings right for your kind of film, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00022-00014150-00014568 in galaxy s10 we have got FULL that extends the screen, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00023-00014636-00015222 we have got 1:1 - a square image, and the most common ratio 16:9. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00024-00015419-00015834 You will also meet ratios like 4:3 i5aXXEK5Dhk-00025-00015834-00016234 but as I said, it depends on what you’re recording right now, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00026-00016234-00016710 most of the time 16:9 will do. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00027-00016800-00017130 You shouldn’t use a flashlight because most of the time i5aXXEK5Dhk-00028-00017164-00017540 it doesn’t really give us what we are looking for. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00029-00017852-00018238 The light is hard and so gives us a hard shadow. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00030-00018238-00018596 Even if you record in a dark scenery, you shouldn’t really use it. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00031-00018596-00019004 Remember that the light sensors in your phones are small so the more light they get, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00032-00019276-00019498 will give you the better image quality, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00033-00019498-00019842 speaking of image quality, let’s get into recording settings, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00034-00019842-00020240 we’ve got variety of settings here but the most important ones i5aXXEK5Dhk-00035-00020240-00020866 for you now are ratio, frames per second and resolution. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00036-00020866-00021388 Most of the time - available settings depend on what brand you have. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00037-00021586-00022336 You can see that we have a 4k resolution here but remember that higher resolution doesn’t really give you more quality, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00038-00022336-00022832 sometimes it will be just harder to edit, so keep that in mind. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00039-00022832-00023388 For example fullhd image from DSLR camera, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00040-00023532-00023658 will always be better i5aXXEK5Dhk-00041-00023690-00023958 than 4k image from phone for example. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00042-00024204-00024572 Some of your phones will have a stabilization helper, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00043-00024572-00024838 in this case it’s called super steady. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00044-00024878-00025552 t’s useful because how it works is that it blends frames of your footage and cuts them, so they feel smoother, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00045-00025584-00026048 but that lowers your image quality and as you can see it gives us a fish eye effect i5aXXEK5Dhk-00046-00026130-00026558 so that’s not really what we want most of the time. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00047-00026616-00027126 Now, in like, every touch screen phone, you have got the option to set the focus i5aXXEK5Dhk-00048-00027292-00027486 by tapping on a part of the frame. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00049-00027508-00027956 Most of the time you just tap on your subject and it just sets the focus on them, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00050-00027980-00028224 but you can tap on the sky, in this case, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00051-00028242-00028630 so the sharpness goes there and the rest of the image gets darker, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00052-00028630-00029132 because your phone wants to keep your selected subject the most detailed part of the image. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00053-00029156-00029454 It's important that you tap before the take i5aXXEK5Dhk-00054-00029470-00029870 so your device knows that this is your subject and if it moves, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00055-00029904-00030245 the autofocus will do it's job. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00056-00030245-00030606 Always remember that every style of showing your character, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00057-00030638-00031036 says different things and gets your viewer to react specifically. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00058-00031062-00031356 If you wanna show your character as important in story i5aXXEK5Dhk-00059-00031368-00031842 you have to use closed up takes like medium shot or mid shot. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00060-00031866-00032222 If u wanna show emotions of your character you have to use close up, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00061-00032222-00032776 and finally thing that makes film cinematic is extreme close up takes. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00062-00032868-00033498 They are used to show very important details like, eye, ring or lip moving. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00063-00033498-00033862 This take style helps to get your viewers attention into the story, i5aXXEK5Dhk-00064-00033950-00034422 it lets the viewers feel emotions of your character. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00065-00034422-00034828 As You can see guys, during shooting, all the Time, my knees are bent. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00066-00034874-00035162 It helps to Control and stabilise footage. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00067-00035162-00035460 Also important thing is the way of holding your Phone. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00068-00035460-00035872 Look that i'm holding it with Both hands. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00069-00035966-00036494 That helps to Control camera and isolate unwanted shakes or movements in shot. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00070-00036518-00036850 There you have examples of a take with this technique and without. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00071-00036870-00037192 At last we’d like to show you the difference between i5aXXEK5Dhk-00072-00037206-00037498 image taken on gimbal - a stabilization device i5aXXEK5Dhk-00073-00037578-00037974 and a take made by hand with correct technique. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00074-00038682-00038892 We hope that with this tutorial i5aXXEK5Dhk-00075-00038892-00039196 you will be able to get the most out of your pocket cameras. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00076-00039208-00039690 In the Next episode will teach you how to use your footage in editing. i5aXXEK5Dhk-00077-00039716-00039820 So see You! i73b7uvxL5u-00000-00001100-00001800 Everything in Hrithik-Tiger film is about scale: Siddharth Anand i73b7uvxL5u-00001-00001900-00004000 Hrithik Roshan Everything in Hrithik-Tiger film is about scale: Siddharth Anand Director Siddharth Anand has said that his next film, featuring Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff, will be extensively shot around the globe and feature some death-defying stunts. i73b7uvxL5u-00002-00004100-00005600 Director Siddharth Anand has said that his next film, featuring Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff, will be extensively shot around the globe and feature some death-defying stunts. i73b7uvxL5u-00003-00005700-00007300 The director said the presence of two actors who have made a name for themselves in the action genre necessitated them to go global for the yet-untitled action film, backed by Yash Raj Films. i73b7uvxL5u-00004-00007400-00008100 "Everything in this film is about scale. i73b7uvxL5u-00005-00008200-00011000 We have Hrithik and Tiger, so you can imagine they will push their limits do the biggest action sequences that people have seen and we intend to make this film a visual and action spectacle for audiences," Anand said in a statement. The director revealed that the film, which will also feature "Befikre" star Vaani Kapoor, will be filmed in six countries. i73b7uvxL5u-00006-00011100-00011800 "We want to stand apart and redefine how action films are made in Bollywood. i73b7uvxL5u-00007-00011900-00012700 We are shooting in Spain, Georgia, Italy, Portugal and Sweden and of course India. i73b7uvxL5u-00008-00012800-00013500 Some of the biggest action sequences will be shot in these countries," Anand said. i73b7uvxL5u-00009-00013600-00014600 "So far, Portugal, with its beautiful beaches, mountains and historic cities, is unexplored on Hindi film. i73b7uvxL5u-00010-00014700-00015400 Sweden will add another dimension to scale as it has hardly been seen in films. i73b7uvxL5u-00011-00015500-00016600 While shooting in Italy, we will film at some of the most expensive holiday destinations like Lake Como and the Amalfi Coast," he added. i73b7uvxL5u-00012-00016700-00017600 The director, who earlier directed Hrithik in "Bang Bang", said the new film will begin shooting in September. iqSst2u6giQ-00000-00000476-00000622 Hello friends! iqSst2u6giQ-00001-00000622-00000750 My name Taras iqSst2u6giQ-00002-00000750-00001354 Today I want to tell about chargers to electromobiles iqSst2u6giQ-00003-00001356-00001972 I currently have all the chargers in this video, "Type 1" (J1772 / EV Plug) iqSst2u6giQ-00004-00001972-00002794 These chargers are suitable for electric cars: Nissan Leaf, Smart Fortwo 451 ,BMW i3, Ford Focus electric, Fiat 500E iqSst2u6giQ-00005-00002794-00003458 Smart American assembly because in the European one connector type 2 is installed iqSst2u6giQ-00006-00003458-00004152 You can see that most of the chargers are manufactured at the factory iqSst2u6giQ-00007-00004152-00004484 Let's start with the most popular Nissan Leaf charger iqSst2u6giQ-00008-00004484-00004866 This is a native charger Nissan Leaf iqSst2u6giQ-00009-00004870-00005262 It has a long wire, up to 5 meters iqSst2u6giQ-00010-00005262-00005852 In the axis this block is located all the electricity that controls the charge of electric vehicles iqSst2u6giQ-00011-00005852-00007059 It is precisely this device we have reworked for 3.3 kilowatts, the manufacturer provides a power of 2.2 kilowatts iqSst2u6giQ-00012-00007059-00007352 Usually this device requires grounding iqSst2u6giQ-00013-00007352-00007830 but after upgrading it can be recharged without grounding iqSst2u6giQ-00014-00007830-00008062 This is a charging gun, type 1 iqSst2u6giQ-00015-00008314-00008468 Very easy iqSst2u6giQ-00016-00008468-00008708 Because the controller is in block iqSst2u6giQ-00017-00008904-00009180 the length of the wire is about 5 meters iqSst2u6giQ-00018-00009220-00009624 You can see the left-hand side of a self-made charge that has the same length of cable iqSst2u6giQ-00019-00009760-00010122 Let's talk about grounding on this charger iqSst2u6giQ-00020-00010122-00010384 In many private homes, sockets are not grounded iqSst2u6giQ-00021-00010384-00010610 then the charge does not work iqSst2u6giQ-00022-00010610-00011136 Error is not eliminated, you need to ground the outlet iqSst2u6giQ-00023-00011250-00011972 As I said, the device can be upgraded to 3.3 kilowatts. iqSst2u6giQ-00024-00011972-00012334 And make sure that charging does not require grounding iqSst2u6giQ-00025-00012334-00012888 But if the electric car will be charged without ground, it may be a shock to the car iqSst2u6giQ-00026-00012888-00013512 the price of this device is $ 250 iqSst2u6giQ-00027-00013512-00014113 the price depends on the condition of the device and the length of the wire iqSst2u6giQ-00028-00014194-00014497 Depending on the car, for example, the Nissan E-NV200 cable is shorter iqSst2u6giQ-00029-00014497-00014786 it also has a Type 1 outlet iqSst2u6giQ-00030-00014786-00014991 but the cable is much shorter, up to 4 meters iqSst2u6giQ-00031-00015072-00015936 By the way, you can notice the hole on the keys, it's made there so that the device is not stolen on the street iqSst2u6giQ-00032-00015936-00016386 In this hole, you can attach the holder (lock), and then the key is not pressed iqSst2u6giQ-00033-00016386-00016900 many electric cars do not have a charger holder in the car iqSst2u6giQ-00034-00016918-00017294 Sorry, you did not have time to translate ((( iqTAxQZmlII-00000-00000000-00000316 Just by stretching your calves, it’s capable of getting rid of those calf knots! iqTAxQZmlII-00001-00000316-00000650 The original calves stretching video has proven reviews in the comments! iqTAxQZmlII-00002-00000650-00000791 And it’s finally time!!! iqTAxQZmlII-00003-00000791-00001041 An upgraded version of the original calves stretch! iqTAxQZmlII-00004-00001041-00001448 We don’t simply change the moves slightly to call it an upgrade! iqTAxQZmlII-00005-00001448-00001641 This version is much more detailed than the original iqTAxQZmlII-00006-00001641-00001975 It will tackle and smoothen out each and every section of your calves iqTAxQZmlII-00007-00001975-00002268 It’s finally here! The Merciless Stretch to Make Calves Smaller! iqTAxQZmlII-00008-00002550-00002985 Hello, this is Jiny from Jiny Diet V^_^V iqTAxQZmlII-00009-00002985-00003113 Hello~! iqTAxQZmlII-00010-00003113-00003595 Everyone has their own versions and forms of calf knots iqTAxQZmlII-00011-00003595-00003878 I’m sure you’re all anxiously waiting for today’s routine iqTAxQZmlII-00012-00003878-00004064 Before that, let’s go over 3 main things iqTAxQZmlII-00013-00004064-00004223 1. The Reason Behind Calf Knots iqTAxQZmlII-00014-00004223-00004466 2. Reason Why Calf Stretches Are Essential iqTAxQZmlII-00015-00004466-00004795 And lastly, why today’s routine is important! iqTAxQZmlII-00016-00004795-00004979 After that, we’ll get right into it! iqTAxQZmlII-00017-00004979-00005178 Firstly, the reason why we get calf knots iqTAxQZmlII-00018-00005178-00005536 Calf knots happen due to imbalances in the body iqTAxQZmlII-00019-00005536-00005970 Imbalances can happen from the upper or lower side of our bodies iqTAxQZmlII-00020-00005970-00006073 What does this mean? iqTAxQZmlII-00021-00006073-00006521 From the upper side, if you hunch over as you walk, this destroys the upper balance iqTAxQZmlII-00022-00006521-00006758 Thus leading to an imbalance in the lower body as well iqTAxQZmlII-00023-00006758-00006948 From this, calf knots can grow immensely iqTAxQZmlII-00024-00006948-00007078 Especially towards the back! iqTAxQZmlII-00025-00007078-00007441 And from the lower body, it may be caused by a lack of stability in the legs and/or ankles iqTAxQZmlII-00026-00007441-00007684 Causing the calves to knot over from an improper form of walking iqTAxQZmlII-00027-00007684-00007891 These knots appear on the sides of the calves iqTAxQZmlII-00028-00007891-00008303 Secondly, the reason why stretching your calves is the answer iqTAxQZmlII-00029-00008303-00008565 I’ve just told you the two reasons that cause knots in your calves iqTAxQZmlII-00030-00008565-00008976 Whether it’s driven by your upper body or your lower body iqTAxQZmlII-00031-00008976-00009266 It’s as difficult to pinpoint whether it’s the chicken or the egg iqTAxQZmlII-00032-00009266-00009650 But when it comes to the resolution, there is an absolute priority iqTAxQZmlII-00033-00009650-00009781 Which is to untangle the knots iqTAxQZmlII-00034-00009781-00010323 This can be solved with enough relaxation iqTAxQZmlII-00035-00010340-00010798 Of course, the balance in the muscles rely on relaxation and strengthening iqTAxQZmlII-00036-00010798-00011196 But specifically for calf knots, they’ve been knotted for a long time iqTAxQZmlII-00037-00011196-00011346 The knots are rather strong iqTAxQZmlII-00038-00011346-00011738 And the knots get tighter even by standing iqTAxQZmlII-00039-00011738-00012158 Just by focusing on relieving these knots, it can help you achieve beautiful calves iqTAxQZmlII-00040-00012158-00012625 And lastly, the reason why you need to do today’s stretch! iqTAxQZmlII-00041-00012625-00012971 If you take a detailed look at how people walk, it varies so much! iqTAxQZmlII-00042-00012971-00013338 Some walk by pushing off against the ball of their feet iqTAxQZmlII-00043-00013338-00013619 Some people walk with their feet not as curved iqTAxQZmlII-00044-00013619-00013996 Some walk with a forward or backward landing, it varies so much! iqTAxQZmlII-00045-00013996-00014416 With these small differences, the calf knots grow differently iqTAxQZmlII-00046-00014416-00015353 If the original calves stretching video focused on relieving the hardest knots in our calves iqTAxQZmlII-00047-00015353-00015921 This stretch tackles each and every segment of your calves in a detailed fashion iqTAxQZmlII-00048-00015921-00016105 Just from the middle of your calves iqTAxQZmlII-00049-00016105-00016418 Each section, upper section x3 iqTAxQZmlII-00050-00016418-00016866 Even for the sides, a little more to the left and to the bottom x2 iqTAxQZmlII-00051-00016866-00017043 It tackles each and every part! iqTAxQZmlII-00052-00017043-00017328 It will relieve your ENTIRE calves! iqTAxQZmlII-00053-00017328-00017918 If you’re wondering about the results, search for “Jiny Calves” or “Jiny Calves 2”! iqTAxQZmlII-00054-00017918-00018175 You’ll be able to see proven results from the comments in those videos! iqTAxQZmlII-00055-00018175-00018633 Today’s routine is slightly more painful than the previous ones but the results are amazing iqTAxQZmlII-00056-00018633-00019051 Now, let’s go fight against the knots in our calves! iqTAxQZmlII-00057-00019051-00019116 Let’s go! iqTAxQZmlII-00058-00019208-00019401 We will begin the stretch iqTAxQZmlII-00059-00019401-00019769 Each move will be for 20 seconds each iqTAxQZmlII-00060-00019769-00020305 The moves are made of A,B,C,D,E sections using 5 various forms of your feet iqTAxQZmlII-00061-00020355-00020675 The A course will aim to awaken your entire legs iqTAxQZmlII-00062-00020751-00020980 Get into a tabletop position on a mat iqTAxQZmlII-00063-00020980-00021393 Keep your knees a fist length apart with your hands shoulder width apart iqTAxQZmlII-00064-00021455-00021911 Bring your right foot in front of you with your feet planted on the mat iqTAxQZmlII-00065-00021911-00022253 Straighten your knees and hold this position iqTAxQZmlII-00066-00022253-00022626 Keep your left knee right below your left hip iqTAxQZmlII-00067-00022626-00023053 Use your right thigh to keep your right leg straight iqTAxQZmlII-00068-00023053-00023368 Lightly engage your core iqTAxQZmlII-00069-00023368-00023828 Keep your chin inwards and lift your shoulders upwards iqTAxQZmlII-00070-00023828-00024291 If your knees cannot straighten any further, this is due to tight hamstrings or glutes iqTAxQZmlII-00071-00024291-00024526 Try to stretch your knees as much as you can iqTAxQZmlII-00072-00024671-00025033 From here, move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00073-00025033-00025330 Breathe comfortably iqTAxQZmlII-00074-00025330-00025803 Try to move your butt as much as possible without falling iqTAxQZmlII-00075-00025803-00026236 Try to keep your right butt facing the floor as this will bring better results iqTAxQZmlII-00076-00027075-00027606 Briefly rest by stretching your right leg forward and straightening it out again iqTAxQZmlII-00077-00027635-00027975 This B course will aim to stretch out the entire back side of your calves iqTAxQZmlII-00078-00028033-00028508 This time, fold your ankles and hold your feet as you stay in this position iqTAxQZmlII-00079-00028594-00029081 The important point is NOT to just pull your foot towards you iqTAxQZmlII-00080-00029081-00029476 Ensure your entire foot is at a right angle iqTAxQZmlII-00081-00029476-00029963 Especially target the outer part of your foot iqTAxQZmlII-00082-00029963-00030655 Rather than trying to pull your foot, it’s much more important to grab the outer part of your foot iqTAxQZmlII-00083-00030655-00031110 We will now begin to move our butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00084-00031110-00031488 Make sure your right butt is facing the floor as you engage your core iqTAxQZmlII-00085-00031488-00032001 If it’s hard to gain balance, bring your right hand further out towards the right iqTAxQZmlII-00086-00033131-00033580 This time, pull your toes towards your body as you stretch iqTAxQZmlII-00087-00033580-00034496 Like the previous move, try to fold against the outer part of your foot including your toes towards you iqTAxQZmlII-00088-00034496-00035028 It also works to bring your left hand against all your toes as you pull it towards you iqTAxQZmlII-00089-00035651-00036021 With your toes and foot pulled towards you, move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00090-00036021-00036646 At this time, try to move in equal lengths from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00091-00036646-00037361 Even if it hurts, make sure your chin is tucked in and your shoulders aren’t drooping iqTAxQZmlII-00092-00038086-00038676 Briefly fold your right knee as we rest and we’ll begin the next course iqTAxQZmlII-00093-00038676-00039050 Course C will aim to stretch the outer parts of your calves iqTAxQZmlII-00094-00039050-00039455 Grab the outer part of your foot along your pinky toe iqTAxQZmlII-00095-00039455-00039896 Bring your foot towards your body while holding the outer part of your foot iqTAxQZmlII-00096-00039896-00040289 If you’re unsure, please review the close-up shot iqTAxQZmlII-00097-00040289-00040860 If possible, ensure your right butt is facing down and try to maintain a pelvic tilt iqTAxQZmlII-00098-00040893-00041301 It’s a lot harder to tilt your pelvis in this position iqTAxQZmlII-00099-00041301-00042064 Even by trying to slightly tilt your pelvis, this will help immensely with the results! iqTAxQZmlII-00100-00042064-00042500 Breathe comfortably as you move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00101-00042500-00042786 Even if it hurts, don’t bring your butt up iqTAxQZmlII-00102-00042786-00043006 Keep your butt at this height iqTAxQZmlII-00103-00043006-00043401 Move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00104-00044541-00044991 Using your left hand, pull your right foot towards you iqTAxQZmlII-00105-00044991-00045396 Try to keep your back as straight as possible iqTAxQZmlII-00106-00045396-00045803 Don’t let go of your core but try to contain it iqTAxQZmlII-00107-00045803-00046101 This will help your lower body to relax better iqTAxQZmlII-00108-00047000-00047388 Exhale as you move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00109-00047388-00047905 Try to move more from left to right iqTAxQZmlII-00110-00047905-00048151 Breathe comfortably as you do this iqTAxQZmlII-00111-00048151-00048513 Even if it hurts, try to breathe comfortably iqTAxQZmlII-00112-00049426-00049991 Rest your right leg by folding it iqTAxQZmlII-00113-00050063-00050501 The D course will aim to relieve the instep and remaining areas in the calves iqTAxQZmlII-00114-00050546-00050891 By tilting your right foot towards the left (towards you) iqTAxQZmlII-00115-00050891-00051214 Hold your feet with your hand as you stay in this position iqTAxQZmlII-00116-00051214-00051733 If you’re confused from the previous move, please review the close-up shot iqTAxQZmlII-00117-00051733-00052441 If you’re still confused, just try to mimic what you can see by pulling your foot like this iqTAxQZmlII-00118-00052441-00052770 The difference between the C and D course is whether your toes have been curled iqTAxQZmlII-00119-00052770-00053110 Or whether it’s been let go iqTAxQZmlII-00120-00053110-00053566 As we stay in this position, always make sure your butt is facing the floor iqTAxQZmlII-00121-00053566-00053933 Tilt your pelvis and engage your core iqTAxQZmlII-00122-00053970-00054514 With your foot pulled towards you, move from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00123-00054514-00055178 As you distribute the weight from side to side, it will relieve the knots in your calves iqTAxQZmlII-00124-00055210-00055958 Don’t move in small movements because it hurts, but take a larger range to tackle all sides iqTAxQZmlII-00125-00055958-00056158 Continue to do this! iqTAxQZmlII-00126-00056506-00057100 This time, pull your feet with your toes curled inwards iqTAxQZmlII-00127-00057148-00057475 It’s great if you feel the stretch in your instep (top part of foot) iqTAxQZmlII-00128-00057521-00057829 Keep your butt in the middle of the mat iqTAxQZmlII-00129-00057829-00058429 If your wrists hurt, try to lift your shoulder blades upwards iqTAxQZmlII-00130-00059135-00059398 Keep holding your foot with your toes curled inwards iqTAxQZmlII-00131-00059398-00059788 Move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00132-00059788-00060100 This is the main part of today’s stretch iqTAxQZmlII-00133-00060100-00060606 You’re doing great if you can feel the stretch in your instep and your calves iqTAxQZmlII-00134-00060606-00061086 Even if it hurts, continue to pull through for the sake of your calves! iqTAxQZmlII-00135-00061791-00062131 Briefly rest your right leg by folding your knees iqTAxQZmlII-00136-00062131-00062354 We will enter into the last course iqTAxQZmlII-00137-00062563-00062914 The E course will aim to relieve the inner calves iqTAxQZmlII-00138-00063004-00063458 Tilt your right foot towards the right side (outer side) iqTAxQZmlII-00139-00063511-00064045 Try to hold the ball of your feet right below your toes towards you iqTAxQZmlII-00140-00064093-00064656 Feel the stretch in your inner calves and breathe comfortably as you stretch iqTAxQZmlII-00141-00065528-00065826 Slowly move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00142-00065826-00066154 This will help stretch the rest of the calves iqTAxQZmlII-00143-00066185-00066489 Keep your butt facing the floor iqTAxQZmlII-00144-00066489-00066846 Lift your shoulder blades towards the sky iqTAxQZmlII-00145-00068204-00068600 Bring your foot towards you by folding your toes iqTAxQZmlII-00146-00068600-00069275 First try to pull against your toes and then your ankles next iqTAxQZmlII-00147-00070598-00070971 Last move, keep pulling your foot towards you with your hands iqTAxQZmlII-00148-00070971-00071313 Move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00149-00071313-00071625 This is the main part of today’s stretch iqTAxQZmlII-00150-00071625-00072148 Using the mat as your middle ground, try to move in equal lengths from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00151-00072148-00072468 Breathe comfortably as you lightly engage your core iqTAxQZmlII-00152-00072468-00072900 Rather than gazing far out, keep your eyes on your foot iqTAxQZmlII-00153-00073328-00073600 We will do the same for the other left leg iqTAxQZmlII-00154-00073646-00074131 From the table top position, bring your left leg forward iqTAxQZmlII-00155-00074163-00074483 The A course will aim to awaken your entire legs iqTAxQZmlII-00156-00074551-00075008 Bring your left foot in front of you with your feet planted on the mat iqTAxQZmlII-00157-00075020-00075281 Straighten your knees and hold this position iqTAxQZmlII-00158-00075361-00075735 Keep your right knee right below your right hip iqTAxQZmlII-00159-00075735-00076095 Use your left thigh to keep your left leg straight iqTAxQZmlII-00160-00076095-00076370 Lightly engage your core iqTAxQZmlII-00161-00076370-00076754 Keep your chin inwards and lift your shoulders upwards iqTAxQZmlII-00162-00076754-00077218 If your knees cannot straighten any further, this is due to tight hamstrings or glutes iqTAxQZmlII-00163-00077218-00077479 Try to stretch your knees as much as you can iqTAxQZmlII-00164-00077561-00077923 From here, move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00165-00077923-00078395 Breathe comfortably iqTAxQZmlII-00166-00078395-00078868 Try to move your butt as much as possible without falling iqTAxQZmlII-00167-00078868-00079301 Try to keep your left butt facing the floor as this will bring better results iqTAxQZmlII-00168-00079941-00080518 Briefly rest by stretching your left leg forward and straightening it out again iqTAxQZmlII-00169-00080518-00080900 This B course will aim to stretch out the entire back side of your calves iqTAxQZmlII-00170-00080971-00081446 This time, fold your ankles and hold your feet as you stay in this position iqTAxQZmlII-00171-00081533-00082020 The important point is NOT to just pull your foot towards you iqTAxQZmlII-00172-00082020-00082391 Ensure your entire foot is at a right angle iqTAxQZmlII-00173-00082391-00082901 Especially target the outer part of your foot iqTAxQZmlII-00174-00083593-00084008 We will now begin to move our butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00175-00084008-00084496 Even if it hurts, try to breathe comfortably iqTAxQZmlII-00176-00084496-00085068 If it’s hard to gain balance, bring your left hand further out towards the left iqTAxQZmlII-00177-00086076-00086546 This time, pull your toes towards your body as you stretch iqTAxQZmlII-00178-00086546-00086920 At this time, rather than folding to a comfortable degree iqTAxQZmlII-00179-00086920-00087270 Ensure you pull against the outer parts of your foot iqTAxQZmlII-00180-00087270-00087895 By folding against all your toes with your right hand, then pull against your ankle iqTAxQZmlII-00181-00088573-00088975 With your toes and foot pulled towards you, move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00182-00088975-00089689 Even if it hurts, make sure your chin is tucked in and your shoulders aren’t drooping iqTAxQZmlII-00183-00091014-00091545 Briefly fold your left knee as we rest and we’ll begin the next course iqTAxQZmlII-00184-00091545-00091964 Course C will aim to stretch the outer parts of your calves iqTAxQZmlII-00185-00092011-00092385 Grab the outer part of your foot along your pinky toe iqTAxQZmlII-00186-00092385-00092863 Bring your foot towards your body while holding the outer part of your foot iqTAxQZmlII-00187-00092863-00093275 If you’re unsure, please review the close-up shot iqTAxQZmlII-00188-00093275-00093854 If possible, ensure your left butt is facing down and try to maintain a pelvic tilt iqTAxQZmlII-00189-00093854-00094263 It’s a lot harder to tilt your pelvis in this position iqTAxQZmlII-00190-00094263-00094870 Even by trying to slightly tilt your pelvis, this will help immensely with the results! iqTAxQZmlII-00191-00094939-00095414 Breathe comfortably as you move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00192-00095414-00095701 Even if it hurts, don’t bring your butt up iqTAxQZmlII-00193-00095735-00096363 Move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00194-00097379-00097858 Using your right hand, pull your left foot towards you iqTAxQZmlII-00195-00097858-00098538 Try to keep your back as straight as possible or even into a cat position iqTAxQZmlII-00196-00098554-00099041 Even if it doesn’t look that way, it’s enough if you can imagine doing so iqTAxQZmlII-00197-00099041-00099451 Don’t let go of your core but contain it iqTAxQZmlII-00198-00099451-00099778 This will help to relieve your lower body iqTAxQZmlII-00199-00099850-00100210 Exhale as you move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00200-00100236-00100704 Try to move more from left to right iqTAxQZmlII-00201-00100704-00100951 Breathe comfortably as you do this iqTAxQZmlII-00202-00100951-00101339 Even if it hurts, try to breathe comfortably iqTAxQZmlII-00203-00102268-00102833 Briefly rest your left leg by folding it before we move on to the next course iqTAxQZmlII-00204-00102833-00103358 The D course will aim to relieve the instep and remaining areas in the calves iqTAxQZmlII-00205-00103363-00103708 By tilting your left foot towards the right (towards you) iqTAxQZmlII-00206-00103708-00104016 Hold your feet with your hand as you stay in this position iqTAxQZmlII-00207-00104081-00104600 If you’re confused from the previous move, please review the close-up shot iqTAxQZmlII-00208-00104650-00105150 The difference is whether your toes have been curled or not iqTAxQZmlII-00209-00105200-00105651 As we stay in this position, always make sure your butt is facing the floor iqTAxQZmlII-00210-00105651-00106018 Tilt your pelvis and engage your core iqTAxQZmlII-00211-00106018-00106563 With your foot pulled towards you, move from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00212-00106626-00107198 As you distribute the weight from side to side, it will relieve the knots in your calves iqTAxQZmlII-00213-00107198-00107916 Don’t move in small movements because it hurts, but take a larger range to tackle all sides iqTAxQZmlII-00214-00108570-00109115 This time, pull your feet with your toes curled inwards iqTAxQZmlII-00215-00109209-00109561 It’s great if you feel the stretch in your instep (top part of foot) iqTAxQZmlII-00216-00109561-00109761 It’s also okay if you do not feel anything iqTAxQZmlII-00217-00109768-00110193 Keep your butt at the middle of your mat iqTAxQZmlII-00218-00110193-00110598 If your wrists hurt, try to lift your shoulder blades upwards iqTAxQZmlII-00219-00111181-00111445 Keep holding your foot with your toes curled inwards iqTAxQZmlII-00220-00111445-00111684 Move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00221-00111684-00112238 If you’re feeling the stretch in your instep and your calves, this is a good sign! iqTAxQZmlII-00222-00112238-00112654 Even if it hurts, continue to pull through for the sake of your calves! iqTAxQZmlII-00223-00113733-00114216 Briefly rest your left leg by folding your knees iqTAxQZmlII-00224-00114251-00114603 The E course will aim to relieve the inner calves iqTAxQZmlII-00225-00114603-00114811 You can do this! This is the last course! iqTAxQZmlII-00226-00114821-00115275 Tilt your left foot towards the left side (outer side) iqTAxQZmlII-00227-00115275-00115808 Try to hold the ball of your feet right below your toes towards you iqTAxQZmlII-00228-00115838-00116401 Feel the stretch in your inner calves and breathe comfortably as you stretch iqTAxQZmlII-00229-00117304-00117876 Slowly move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00230-00117876-00118266 Bring your left butt down facing the floor iqTAxQZmlII-00231-00118266-00118671 Lift your shoulder blades towards the sky and keep your core contained iqTAxQZmlII-00232-00119570-00119965 Bring your foot towards you by folding your toes iqTAxQZmlII-00233-00119988-00120504 First try to pull against your toes and then your ankles next iqTAxQZmlII-00234-00121978-00122259 Last move, keep pulling your foot towards you with your hands iqTAxQZmlII-00235-00122259-00122511 Move your butt from side to side iqTAxQZmlII-00236-00122565-00122868 Breathe comfortably as you engage your core iqTAxQZmlII-00237-00122868-00123251 Rather than gazing far out, keep your eyes on your foot iqTAxQZmlII-00238-00124596-00124713 You’ve done well :) iqTAxQZmlII-00239-00124713-00125038 *CLAP CLAP CLAP* x999999 iqTAxQZmlII-00240-00125038-00125354 You’ve done so well! Yay!!!!! iqTAxQZmlII-00241-00125395-00125701 Now today’s MSTMCS (Merciless Stretch to Make Calves Smaller) iqTAxQZmlII-00242-00125701-00126283 I recommend you to do it every day for a week starting today! iqTAxQZmlII-00243-00126283-00126653 If you’re used to doing the original calves stretch iqTAxQZmlII-00244-00126653-00126845 Pause it in the meantime iqTAxQZmlII-00245-00126845-00127193 After trying today’s stretch everyday for one week iqTAxQZmlII-00246-00127193-00127643 Then you can start mixing the original, ver. 2 and today’s stretch on different days iqTAxQZmlII-00247-00127643-00127796 Mix it up as the days go by iqTAxQZmlII-00248-00127796-00128031 And for those of you who might have been confused iqTAxQZmlII-00249-00128031-00128570 To explain the differences between the original, ver. 2 and today’s stretch iqTAxQZmlII-00250-00128570-00129071 The original version tackled the entire back and side knots in the calves iqTAxQZmlII-00251-00129071-00129493 Version 2 was for those individuals who had a hard time straightening their knees iqTAxQZmlII-00252-00129493-00129861 Or for those who had a hard time with their wrists iqTAxQZmlII-00253-00129861-00130615 As for today’s routine, it tackles the details and shoots down all the different areas in the calves! iqTAxQZmlII-00254-00130615-00130988 This has been Jiny, who brings routines with guaranteed results! iqTAxQZmlII-00255-00130988-00131290 Short but great with effective results! iqTAxQZmlII-00256-00131290-00131506 Bye~! isADLLAaTkg-00000-00000000-00000747 Great Anarchists, number five, Oscar Wilde. By Ruth Kinna and Clifford Harper. isADLLAaTkg-00001-00000747-00001689 Scholar, poet, play write, socialite and wit, Wilde is one of those magnetic figures that isADLLAaTkg-00002-00001689-00002139 everyone now seems to want to own a piece of. His literary genius accounts for some of the isADLLAaTkg-00003-00002139-00002619 competition. But the vindictiveness of the reaction to his public disgrace as a ‘posing isADLLAaTkg-00004-00002619-00003177 sodomite’ is at least as significant for his story. Wilde endured two years of hard labour isADLLAaTkg-00005-00003177-00003633 after the collapse of his libel action against the Marquis of Queensbury, father of his lover Lord isADLLAaTkg-00006-00003633-00004173 Alfred Douglas. When the jury at this first trial failed to reach a verdict the Crown felt compelled isADLLAaTkg-00007-00004173-00004818 to retry the case: he received the maximum sentence for ‘gross indecency’. Wilde was the isADLLAaTkg-00008-00004818-00005397 cultural superstar of his age and he was dropped like a stone. His name was removed from theatre isADLLAaTkg-00009-00005397-00006072 hoardings, performances of his plays ceased; friends disappeared and the institutions that had isADLLAaTkg-00010-00006072-00006717 once gloried in their association with him moved quickly to erase his memory. Wilde’s illustrious isADLLAaTkg-00011-00006717-00007242 school in Enniskillen – the so-called Eton of Ireland - scratched his name from the honours isADLLAaTkg-00012-00007242-00007851 board that boasted his scholarship to Trinity College, Dublin, later restoring it when Wilde isADLLAaTkg-00013-00007851-00008520 was rehabilitated. The ferocity of the public outrage explains why liberals, libertarians of isADLLAaTkg-00014-00008520-00009093 all stripes and especially gay rights campaigners are now eager to declare him as their own. isADLLAaTkg-00015-00009093-00009696 Can anarchists also lay claim to Wilde? The Soul of Man Under Socialism, the essay he published isADLLAaTkg-00016-00009696-00010281 in 1891, usually puts him in the anarchist frame, typically as a kind of individualist. As the book isADLLAaTkg-00017-00010281-00010734 makes clear, the individualism Wilde had in mind was defined by art. This was the most ‘intense isADLLAaTkg-00018-00010734-00011322 mode’ of individualism the world had ever known. Wilde’s defence of art explained why, taking aim isADLLAaTkg-00019-00011322-00011982 at orthodox Marxist social democracy, he rejected authoritarian, ‘industrial-barrack’ socialism’. isADLLAaTkg-00020-00011982-00012714 It also explained why he despaired of commonsense reformist socialism: the socialism of the Fabians isADLLAaTkg-00021-00012714-00013350 and other democratic do-gooders. This was practical, dull, unadventurous and unambitious. isADLLAaTkg-00022-00013350-00014076 Its proposals were conceivable in conditions that were objectionable and which should be rejected isADLLAaTkg-00023-00014076-00014724 as ‘wrong and foolish’. It charted a map of the world that did not include utopia and so it was isADLLAaTkg-00024-00014724-00015360 ‘not worth even glancing at’. Art was equally at the heart of Wilde’s reformulation of Henry isADLLAaTkg-00025-00015360-00016013 David Thoreau’s observation ‘that government is best which governs least’. Wilde’s version was: isADLLAaTkg-00026-00016013-00016524 ‘the form of government that is most suitable to the artist is no government at all’. isADLLAaTkg-00027-00016524-00017229 Finally, Wilde’s conception of art as individualism contextualised his depiction isADLLAaTkg-00028-00017229-00017865 of Kropotkin as the ‘beautiful White Christ’. The apparently flowery language Wilde used in isADLLAaTkg-00029-00017865-00018330 De Profundis, the letter he wrote in 1897 just before his release, builds on the interpretation isADLLAaTkg-00030-00018330-00018915 of Christ’s message that he presents in The Soul of Man. This was ‘Be thyself’. That Kropotkin isADLLAaTkg-00031-00018915-00019347 had experienced the hardships and humiliations of prison was significant for Wilde, but the fulsome isADLLAaTkg-00032-00019347-00019758 praise he heaped on Kropotkin reflected his view that Kropotkin had followed Christ’s teaching isADLLAaTkg-00033-00019758-00020232 precisely. Having had the option of keeping his head down and enjoying his privilege Kropotkin isADLLAaTkg-00034-00020232-00020640 decided that he could not live contentedly in conditions that denied the soul’s development. isADLLAaTkg-00035-00020640-00021087 Indeed, Kropotkin was the nihilist who rejected ‘all authority because he knows authority to be isADLLAaTkg-00036-00021087-00021609 evil, and welcomes all pain, because through that he realises his personality’. Throwing in isADLLAaTkg-00037-00021609-00022149 his lot with the anarchists, Kropotkin became the ‘real Christian’: artist and individualist. isADLLAaTkg-00038-00022531-00022842 Should anarchists claim Wilde? Anarchists should surely reserve a place for him in the pantheon of isADLLAaTkg-00039-00022842-00023475 Great Anarchists, but perhaps should not expect him to rush to fill it. Wilde never identified isADLLAaTkg-00040-00023475-00024042 as anarchist and he dodged all the ideological markers that were beginning to be applied in the isADLLAaTkg-00041-00024042-00024747 late nineteenth century. Wilde’s first play, Vera; or the Nihilist was a disaster, closing in New isADLLAaTkg-00042-00024747-00025335 York only a week after it opened, and he quickly disowned it. Yet for all his embarrassment about isADLLAaTkg-00043-00025335-00025977 its literary merits, his choice of topic gave a clue to the tenor of his thinking. He described isADLLAaTkg-00044-00025977-00026601 himself as a ‘born antinomian’ - someone who rejects moral law and obligation on the basis of isADLLAaTkg-00045-00026601-00027279 faith. He was ‘made for exceptions, not for laws’. His social theory bore the imprint of William isADLLAaTkg-00046-00027279-00027870 Morris’s socialism. The ethos of the arts and crafts movement was stamped all over the lectures isADLLAaTkg-00047-00027870-00028587 he delivered in North America in the 1880s just before his rise to fame and it is detectable in isADLLAaTkg-00048-00028587-00029079 The Soul of Man, too. Yet Wilde directed his invective against social compliance rather isADLLAaTkg-00049-00029079-00029595 than capitalism per se. Moreover, The Soul of Man had little of the romance of Morris’s News From isADLLAaTkg-00050-00029595-00030132 Nowhere, published the year before. Wilde injected Morris’s love of nature and decorative art with a isADLLAaTkg-00051-00030132-00030672 more flamboyant, darker aesthetic. His friend and literary executor Robert Ross spotted an affinity isADLLAaTkg-00052-00030672-00031116 with Nietzsche. In the twentieth century the art historian Herbert Read reworked this striking isADLLAaTkg-00053-00031116-00031620 amalgamation, albeit to very different effect. Art and creativity were central to both but isADLLAaTkg-00054-00031620-00032082 whereas Read recruited art principally to the service of education Wilde pursued it to find isADLLAaTkg-00055-00032082-00032505 a path to deliverance. Against Democracy. isADLLAaTkg-00056-00032946-00033558 Unexcited by the promise of the Gettysburg Address, Wilde rewrote Abraham Lincoln’s epigram isADLLAaTkg-00057-00033558-00034224 about democracy as ‘the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people’. He was opposed to isADLLAaTkg-00058-00034224-00034902 democracy for two reasons. First, democracy was a form of government and like other forms it was isADLLAaTkg-00059-00034902-00035580 a mechanism for the exercise of authority. In contrast to oligarchy, which was ‘unjust to the isADLLAaTkg-00060-00035580-00036285 many’ or ocholcracy (mob rule) which was ‘unjust to the few’, democracy was most like despotism: isADLLAaTkg-00061-00036285-00036942 ‘unjust to everybody, including the despot’. It replicated the ‘sceptre of the Prince’ and the isADLLAaTkg-00062-00036942-00037659 ‘triple tiara of the Pope’. Yet in contrast to despotism, it was not obviously unjust. On the isADLLAaTkg-00063-00037659-00038196 contrary, democracy was the kindest form of government and it used carrots rather than isADLLAaTkg-00064-00038196-00038844 sticks to bring people to heel. This was the peoples’ opiate, not religion as Marx had it, isADLLAaTkg-00065-00038844-00039339 because it rendered the routine cruelty and brutality of government acceptable, isADLLAaTkg-00066-00039339-00039930 thereby dampening opposition to tyranny. Wilde’s second objection to democracy isADLLAaTkg-00067-00039930-00040389 was that it left class divisions between rich and poor intact. These were rooted in isADLLAaTkg-00068-00040389-00040800 property ownership. Wilde argued that property imposed burdens on the rich and poor alike, isADLLAaTkg-00069-00040800-00041271 channelling the energies of the owners to the preservation of the prestige and status that isADLLAaTkg-00070-00041271-00041751 property conferred and reducing non-owners to poverty and starvation. The effect was the same isADLLAaTkg-00071-00041751-00042309 in both cases: the worship of property ‘crushed’ true individualism and made ‘gain not growth its isADLLAaTkg-00072-00042309-00042933 aim’. Wilde admitted that the rich were more able to realise individualism than the poor. Byron, isADLLAaTkg-00073-00042933-00043440 Shelley, Victor Hugo, Baudelaire all fell into this category. But he nonetheless believed that isADLLAaTkg-00074-00043440-00043857 property compromised art; none of these writers was able to achieve what they might otherwise isADLLAaTkg-00075-00043857-00044373 have accomplished in a propertyless regime. Likewise, taking issue with the scholars who isADLLAaTkg-00076-00044373-00044880 celebrated the great men of history, Wilde denied that Caesar or the emperor-philosopher Marcus isADLLAaTkg-00077-00044880-00045321 Aurelius had perfected themselves. A perfect life could only be lived in perfect conditions, isADLLAaTkg-00078-00045321-00045891 where one was not ‘wounded, or worried or maimed, or in danger’. Property made this impossible. isADLLAaTkg-00079-00045891-00046563 Democracy was toothless against property because class tensions reinforced the principle of isADLLAaTkg-00080-00046563-00047145 ownership. Property owners lived in perpetual fear that a sudden change in economic fortunes isADLLAaTkg-00081-00047145-00047709 would strip them of all their possessions and the rights that came with it, but never dreamed of isADLLAaTkg-00082-00047709-00048300 giving up their assets for the sake of serenity. The poor, too, struggled to maintain property. If isADLLAaTkg-00083-00048300-00048897 they were keen to alleviate the worst effects of the mal-distribution, their aspiration was to be isADLLAaTkg-00084-00048897-00049557 rich and possess the things property laws denied them. Indeed, poverty had so degraded the poor isADLLAaTkg-00085-00049557-00050214 that most were unable to understand that property was the cause of their suffering. Wilde commented isADLLAaTkg-00086-00050214-00050781 that starved peasants had freely died for ‘the hideous cause of feudalism’ during the French isADLLAaTkg-00087-00050781-00051479 revolution. Likewise he believed that too many of the poor had absorbed the language of virtue, isADLLAaTkg-00088-00051479-00052071 thrift and charity to utilise democracy as a tool for property’s abolition. isADLLAaTkg-00089-00052071-00052587 Democracy levelled out access to rights and removed the exclusive liberties and powers isADLLAaTkg-00090-00052587-00053079 that property owners enjoyed: its promise was to stabilise the power relations and hierarchies isADLLAaTkg-00091-00053079-00053490 of knowledge that property underpinned. In authority the people were politically isADLLAaTkg-00092-00053490-00053942 disempowered but culturally supreme. Having once bemoaned the arbitrary power of the despot, isADLLAaTkg-00093-00053942-00054366 they now revelled in their capacity to determine what was right, good, just, isADLLAaTkg-00094-00054366-00054936 virtuous and beautiful and impose these standards uniformly. Eagerly punishing waywardness and isADLLAaTkg-00095-00054936-00055314 rejoicing in their obedience to the rules and conventions they introduced, the people had isADLLAaTkg-00096-00055314-00055833 become oblivious to their own degeneration. Democrats went through life as automatons, isADLLAaTkg-00097-00055890-00056277 ‘thinking other people’s thoughts, living by other people’s standards, wearing practically ... other isADLLAaTkg-00098-00056277-00056604 people’s second hand clothes, and never being themselves for a single moment’. If isADLLAaTkg-00099-00056604-00057066 by some fluke they appreciated the uncommon art of an individual, they usually absorbed isADLLAaTkg-00100-00057066-00057546 it without any reflection on the oppression they exercised. The people were priests without souls. isADLLAaTkg-00101-00057546-00058245 By altering the basis of authority and retaining class divisions, democracy summoned two appalling isADLLAaTkg-00102-00058245-00058962 monsters into being: public opinion and popular taste. These were in fact creatures of the deeply isADLLAaTkg-00103-00058962-00059562 conservative elite in which journalists and critics prevailed. Wilde was horrified by isADLLAaTkg-00104-00059562-00060198 their dogmatism and banality. Journalists ‘invite the public to discuss an incident, isADLLAaTkg-00105-00060198-00060744 to exercise authority in the matter, to give their views ... to carry them into action, isADLLAaTkg-00106-00060744-00061395 to dictate to the man upon all other points, to dictate to his party, to dictate to his isADLLAaTkg-00107-00061395-00062112 country ... to make themselves ridiculous, offensive, and harmful’. They ‘supply the isADLLAaTkg-00108-00062112-00062679 public with what the public wants’ and ‘compete with other journalists in making that supply as isADLLAaTkg-00109-00062679-00063453 full and satisfying to the gross popular appetite as possible’. Critics exacerbated the problem by isADLLAaTkg-00110-00063453-00064023 acting as brakes on innovation and experiment. They assessed art by the standards of the past isADLLAaTkg-00111-00064023-00064689 to maintain the status quo. Wilde called the past ‘what man should not have been’ and the present isADLLAaTkg-00112-00064689-00065429 ‘what man ought not to be’. Democracy structured both long into the future and was anathema to art isADLLAaTkg-00113-00065429-00065906 and true individualism. Art Activism. isADLLAaTkg-00114-00065906-00066788 Wilde recommended disobedience, ‘man’s original virtue’, as the cure for democracy. Physical isADLLAaTkg-00115-00066788-00067349 force was one aspect of this art, probably the best form available to the impoverished. Just as isADLLAaTkg-00116-00067349-00067943 charity reduced the have-nots, rebellion ennobled them. An ‘ungrateful, unthrifty, discontented’ isADLLAaTkg-00117-00067943-00068462 poor man had real personality. Wilde admitted it was safer to beg than to steal but believed isADLLAaTkg-00118-00068462-00068948 it was ‘finer to take than to beg’. His view dovetailed with Emma Goldman’s recommendation: isADLLAaTkg-00119-00068948-00069329 ‘Ask for work. If they don’t give you work, ask for bread. If they do not give you work or bread, isADLLAaTkg-00120-00069329-00069917 then take bread’. Identifying individualism with the spirit of revolt and fearful that democracy isADLLAaTkg-00121-00069917-00070424 would smother it, he also called for agitators to ‘sow the seeds of discontent’ amongst the poor. isADLLAaTkg-00122-00070424-00070994 Wilde rejected the view that force signalled a failure of reason. Violent revolution made ‘the isADLLAaTkg-00123-00070994-00071567 public grand and splendid for a moment’. It had also ‘solved entirely’ some of ‘most important isADLLAaTkg-00124-00071567-00072005 problems of the last few centuries’, notably ‘the continuance of personal government in England’ and isADLLAaTkg-00125-00072005-00072509 ‘the feudalism of France’. Returning to the theme of press freedom and justice, he commented that isADLLAaTkg-00126-00072509-00072953 it was ‘a fatal day when the public discovered that the pen is mightier than the paving stone, isADLLAaTkg-00127-00072953-00073565 and can be made as offensive as the brickbat’. Refusing to bow to public opinion was his isADLLAaTkg-00128-00073565-00074258 preferred strategy. This form of disobedience was not rebellious or deliberately transgressive for isADLLAaTkg-00129-00074258-00074927 that gave too much ground to tyranny. Byron had battled too long with ‘stupidity and hypocrisy isADLLAaTkg-00130-00074927-00075545 and Philistinism’. In Shelley, too, the ‘note of rebellion’ was too strong. In terms of isADLLAaTkg-00131-00075545-00076163 professional practice, the non-compliant artist ‘selects his own subject, and treats it as he isADLLAaTkg-00132-00076163-00076826 chooses’. The insubordination was the refusal to draw inspiration from the past in order to isADLLAaTkg-00133-00076826-00077450 make art intelligible, popular or marketable. Thus the individualist created something that isADLLAaTkg-00134-00077450-00078140 had never been. In a broader sense, Wilde’s view was that artists perfected personality through isADLLAaTkg-00135-00078140-00078812 self-reflection, just as Christ had done. In this sense, too, individualism was about isADLLAaTkg-00136-00078812-00079520 self-expression and creation and behaving as one willed whether or not others approved. But above isADLLAaTkg-00137-00079520-00080186 all, it was about finding peace with oneself. Jesus said: ‘You have a wonderful personality. isADLLAaTkg-00138-00080186-00080855 Develop it. Be yourself. Don’t imagine that our perfection lies in accumulating or possessing isADLLAaTkg-00139-00080855-00081461 external things ... Ordinary riches can be stolen from a man. Real riches cannot’. isADLLAaTkg-00140-00081461-00082154 Wilde denied that the individualism he cherished was selfish or egotistical. Selfishness ‘is not isADLLAaTkg-00141-00082154-00082646 living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live’. Artists were isADLLAaTkg-00142-00082646-00083144 unselfish because they let everyone follow their own paths. They had no desire to impose on others: isADLLAaTkg-00143-00083144-00083687 this was egotistical. He also denied that art was self-sacrificing. Self-sacrifice was about isADLLAaTkg-00144-00083687-00084338 duty. Art was about inclination and voluntarism. It admitted no compulsion. However, individualism isADLLAaTkg-00145-00084338-00084818 involved pain and demanded resilience. Inevitably, individualists would confront hatred, isADLLAaTkg-00146-00084818-00085367 fear and ignorance. Wilde cautioned the true personality not to fight but suffer and find isADLLAaTkg-00147-00085367-00085880 sympathy in suffering. The real Christ was ‘maimed and marred’. He was the tortured, isADLLAaTkg-00148-00085880-00086345 sombre soul depicted in mediaeval art, not the beautiful composed figure that featured isADLLAaTkg-00149-00086345-00086987 in Renaissance pastels. Artists would find their souls living ‘intensely, fully, perfectly’ isADLLAaTkg-00150-00086987-00087512 tolerating pain as ‘provisional and a protest’. The present seemed bleak but the prospects for isADLLAaTkg-00151-00087512-00088076 art were good. Wilde looked forward to joyful individualism in socialism. Refusing all laws and isADLLAaTkg-00152-00088076-00088691 authority except its own, it would be ‘freer, far finer, and far more intensified than it is now’. isADLLAaTkg-00153-00088822-00089488 These short introductions delve into the anarchist canon to recover some of the isADLLAaTkg-00154-00089488-00090022 distinctive ideas that historical anarchists advanced to address problems relevant to their isADLLAaTkg-00155-00090022-00090517 circumstances. Although these contexts were special, many of the issues the anarchists isADLLAaTkg-00156-00090517-00091018 wrestled with still plague our lives. Anarchists developed a body of writing about power, isADLLAaTkg-00157-00091018-00091666 domination, injustice and exploitation, education, prisons and a lot more besides. isADLLAaTkg-00158-00091818-00092271 Honing in on different facets of the anarchist canon is not just an interesting archaeological isADLLAaTkg-00159-00092271-00092718 exercise. The persistence, development and adaptation of anarchist traditions depends on isADLLAaTkg-00160-00092718-00093213 our surveying the historical landscape of ideas and drawing on the resources it contains. The isADLLAaTkg-00161-00093213-00093561 theoretical toolbox that this small assortment of anarchists helped to construct is there to use, isADLLAaTkg-00162-00093561-00095035 amend and adapt. Agitate, Educate, Organise! Read by Barbara Graham and Jim Donaghey. Great isADLLAaTkg-00163-00095035-00095587 Anarchists is a ten-part pamphlet series by Ruth Kinna with artwork by Clifford Harper, isADLLAaTkg-00164-00095587-00096037 published by Dog Section Press and Active Distribution in 2018/19. isADLLAaTkg-00165-00096133-00096502 The pamphlets’ subjects are Peter Kropotkin, Voltairine de Cleyre, isADLLAaTkg-00166-00096502-00097093 Michael Bakunin, Louise Michel, Oscar Wilde, Max Stirner, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Lucy Parsons, isADLLAaTkg-00167-00097093-00097672 William Godwin, and Errico Malatesta. Visit dogsection.org or activedistribution.org to isADLLAaTkg-00168-00097672-00098071 find out more, and click the link to find our readings of the other pamphlets in the series. i_dG-dkFC0U-00000-00000192-00000292 SEBASTIEN: Hi, everyone. i_dG-dkFC0U-00001-00000292-00000786 My name is Sebastien Sanz de Santamaria, former co-founder of Residency Unlimited. i_dG-dkFC0U-00002-00000786-00001043 ASHLEY: And I'm Ashley Tucker, I'm the program director i_dG-dkFC0U-00003-00001043-00002135 at Artistic Freedom Initiative. i_dG-dkFC0U-00004-00002135-00002585 The title's missing. i_dG-dkFC0U-00005-00002585-00003156 So today we're going to talk to you about a residency program for at-risk artists. i_dG-dkFC0U-00006-00003156-00003894 It's titled the New York City Artists Safe Haven Prototype. i_dG-dkFC0U-00007-00003894-00004246 The prototype supports artists who are persecuted for their work, i_dG-dkFC0U-00008-00004246-00004710 threatened on the basis of their political or religious affiliations, ethnicity, i_dG-dkFC0U-00009-00004710-00005389 sexual orientation or gender identity, or has been forcibly displaced, i_dG-dkFC0U-00010-00005389-00005922 needs a respite from dangerous situations, or from countries experiencing i_dG-dkFC0U-00011-00005922-00006825 active violent conflict or oppression. i_dG-dkFC0U-00012-00006825-00007248 The concept was workshops back in 2011 when Residency Unlimited i_dG-dkFC0U-00013-00007248-00007732 created a panel discussion on artists residencies in conflict areas i_dG-dkFC0U-00014-00007732-00008143 in partnership with Goethe-Institut and was subsequently workshops i_dG-dkFC0U-00015-00008143-00008584 at the Collaboration Laboratory on Wasan Island in Canada i_dG-dkFC0U-00016-00008584-00008910 in its partnership with freeDimensional, some of you may know i_dG-dkFC0U-00017-00008910-00009313 freeDimensional as a 10-year project activating at-risk, i_dG-dkFC0U-00018-00009313-00009636 supporting at-risk artists through the artist, International i_dG-dkFC0U-00019-00009636-00010132 Artist Residence network. i_dG-dkFC0U-00020-00010132-00011021 And from that, the idea came that i_dG-dkFC0U-00021-00011021-00011589 while it's complex and energy-consuming and difficult to support, i_dG-dkFC0U-00022-00011589-00012006 to get artists out of danger once they are out and in i_dG-dkFC0U-00023-00012006-00012481 places like New York City, they're left to the challenges, i_dG-dkFC0U-00024-00012481-00013159 that is, being here with little access to community or resources. i_dG-dkFC0U-00025-00013159-00013476 And so the premise is that like-minded organizations i_dG-dkFC0U-00026-00013476-00013829 and institutions and initiatives which share resources i_dG-dkFC0U-00027-00013829-00014454 together in support of artists who are here temporarily or permanently i_dG-dkFC0U-00028-00014454-00014765 depending on their situation. i_dG-dkFC0U-00029-00014765-00015422 And so basically, short-term, long-term and providing resources i_dG-dkFC0U-00030-00015422-00015901 like psychosocial resources, legal, housing, employment, education, i_dG-dkFC0U-00031-00015901-00016294 professional development. i_dG-dkFC0U-00032-00016294-00016556 As my side from Residency Unlimited, which some of you know i_dG-dkFC0U-00033-00016556-00016968 supports visual artists within the residency context, i_dG-dkFC0U-00034-00016968-00017229 that organization would extend its professional development i_dG-dkFC0U-00035-00017229-00017537 to a visual artist at-risk. i_dG-dkFC0U-00036-00017537-00017804 And this was in 2012. i_dG-dkFC0U-00037-00017804-00018368 So seven years later, the challenges that happened back then i_dG-dkFC0U-00038-00018368-00018637 that took so long for the program to take form i_dG-dkFC0U-00039-00018637-00019056 was basically what everyone deals with in the city, i_dG-dkFC0U-00040-00019056-00019498 and that's housing. i_dG-dkFC0U-00041-00019498-00020242 So it took a while to get to it. i_dG-dkFC0U-00042-00020242-00020561 So now we're gonna get to it. i_dG-dkFC0U-00043-00020561-00020924 I'm gonna talk to you a little bit about through how this coalition came together i_dG-dkFC0U-00044-00020924-00021170 and what each one of these partner organizations i_dG-dkFC0U-00045-00021170-00021401 represents within the coalition. i_dG-dkFC0U-00046-00021401-00021662 It really started, as I've said, with the housing. i_dG-dkFC0U-00047-00021662-00022034 Westbeth, some of you may know Westbeth Artist community i_dG-dkFC0U-00048-00022034-00022182 over in the West Village of Manhattan. i_dG-dkFC0U-00049-00022182-00022459 It's been around for a long time, very much an institution. i_dG-dkFC0U-00050-00022459-00022836 They approached Todd Lester, formerly of freeDimensional i_dG-dkFC0U-00051-00022836-00023312 now of ArtistSafety.net, with the idea in mind i_dG-dkFC0U-00052-00023312-00023534 that they had a little bit of surplus housing i_dG-dkFC0U-00053-00023534-00023823 and they wanted to utilize that for the purposes i_dG-dkFC0U-00054-00023823-00024395 of helping in some way with the, the Syrian refugee crisis. i_dG-dkFC0U-00055-00024395-00024779 And in speaking with Todd, he kind of steered them in the direction i_dG-dkFC0U-00056-00024779-00025320 of looking at at-risk artists as a really interesting and important way i_dG-dkFC0U-00057-00025320-00025648 that they could contribute this surplus housing. i_dG-dkFC0U-00058-00025648-00025974 At-risk artists may need a shorter term housing period i_dG-dkFC0U-00059-00025974-00026199 than perhaps a refugee might need, for example. i_dG-dkFC0U-00060-00026199-00026682 So it seemed like this was a smart way for Westbeth to utilize this resource. i_dG-dkFC0U-00061-00026682-00026831 Some of the other resources that were missing i_dG-dkFC0U-00062-00026831-00027195 in the development of this program were legal services, i_dG-dkFC0U-00063-00027195-00027567 for example, for talking about artists who are coming from other countries. i_dG-dkFC0U-00064-00027567-00027773 Certainly, if there are no immigration attorneys i_dG-dkFC0U-00065-00027773-00027969 who can help them with the legal work that they need i_dG-dkFC0U-00066-00027969-00028305 to be able to stay and work and continue to create art, i_dG-dkFC0U-00067-00028305-00028452 then again it's not possible. i_dG-dkFC0U-00068-00028452-00028826 So Todd and ArtistSafety.net were really called upon to i_dG-dkFC0U-00069-00028826-00029201 be sort of the masterminds behind developing the strategy i_dG-dkFC0U-00070-00029201-00029336 and capacity building. i_dG-dkFC0U-00071-00029336-00029602 They began to identify some various partners i_dG-dkFC0U-00072-00029602-00029806 that they could bring on board who would really sort i_dG-dkFC0U-00073-00029806-00030077 of complete the picture and fill in the gaps that i_dG-dkFC0U-00074-00030077-00030423 had existed since 2012, as Seb mentioned. i_dG-dkFC0U-00075-00030423-00030887 So the first organization is the one that I'm the program director of, i_dG-dkFC0U-00076-00030887-00031079 Artistic Freedom Initiative. i_dG-dkFC0U-00077-00031079-00031514 We, our mission is essentially as immigration and human rights attorneys i_dG-dkFC0U-00078-00031514-00031794 to provide pro bono immigration representation i_dG-dkFC0U-00079-00031794-00032005 to artists under threat. i_dG-dkFC0U-00080-00032005-00032391 So in addition to that, we also facilitate resettlement assistance that i_dG-dkFC0U-00081-00032391-00032761 looks like matching artists with residency programs, grant, i_dG-dkFC0U-00082-00032761-00033065 fellowship opportunities, emergency funds, things of that nature. i_dG-dkFC0U-00083-00033065-00033508 And this residency program is a part of that resettlement i_dG-dkFC0U-00084-00033508-00033675 assistance that we offer. i_dG-dkFC0U-00085-00033675-00034150 Lastly, we also partner with arts and cultural organizations, museums, i_dG-dkFC0U-00086-00034150-00034484 galleries, curators, to put on exhibitions, i_dG-dkFC0U-00087-00034484-00034818 performances, any, and create these platforms i_dG-dkFC0U-00088-00034818-00035125 and opportunities for artists to showcase their work. i_dG-dkFC0U-00089-00035125-00035406 So our contribution to the coalition is primarily i_dG-dkFC0U-00090-00035406-00035711 providing the legal services that these artists need i_dG-dkFC0U-00091-00035711-00036134 in order to be able to stay and work. i_dG-dkFC0U-00092-00036134-00036693 The Westbeth, of course, providing that critical piece of the puzzle. i_dG-dkFC0U-00093-00036693-00036991 They've offered us, at this point we have two active units i_dG-dkFC0U-00094-00036991-00037460 and we are hoping to extend that up to six over the course of a few years. i_dG-dkFC0U-00095-00037460-00037778 It's, this is a look inside actually the first studio i_dG-dkFC0U-00096-00037778-00037922 that they offered us. i_dG-dkFC0U-00097-00037922-00038189 I'm very proud to say that I went shopping at IKEA i_dG-dkFC0U-00098-00038189-00038472 and got all the furniture for this and built it all myself i_dG-dkFC0U-00099-00038472-00038713 including a bed frame, pretty impressive, right? i_dG-dkFC0U-00100-00038713-00039009 So not only do we offer legal services, but IKEA construction i_dG-dkFC0U-00101-00039009-00039167 services as well. i_dG-dkFC0U-00102-00039167-00039405 (laughs) We have a second unit that's active now i_dG-dkFC0U-00103-00039405-00039745 and I'll talk about that in a minute. i_dG-dkFC0U-00104-00039745-00040422 SEBASTIEN: And so then Residency Unlimited provides the artistic support. i_dG-dkFC0U-00105-00040422-00040875 Residency Unlimited started in 2009 as a sort of alternative format i_dG-dkFC0U-00106-00040875-00041352 to the centralized studio structures, like studio programs, i_dG-dkFC0U-00107-00041352-00041615 that exist in the city. i_dG-dkFC0U-00108-00041615-00042134 And the program really sort of is in tune with the concept i_dG-dkFC0U-00109-00042134-00042484 of the partnership, that is that Residency Unlimited i_dG-dkFC0U-00110-00042484-00042875 is, has an event space, but essentially it works in a i_dG-dkFC0U-00111-00042875-00043275 horizontal decentralized way, and it really thrives by i_dG-dkFC0U-00112-00043275-00043575 creating relationships and partnerships with other organizations i_dG-dkFC0U-00113-00043575-00043859 and other institutions whether it's to levy a i_dG-dkFC0U-00114-00043859-00044369 gallery or studio space or help an artist ride i_dG-dkFC0U-00115-00044369-00044506 a horse down Broadway. i_dG-dkFC0U-00116-00044506-00044805 I did that once. i_dG-dkFC0U-00117-00044805-00045231 And yeah, so it's really, it provides the resources i_dG-dkFC0U-00118-00045231-00045536 that a visual artist would need to nurture i_dG-dkFC0U-00119-00045536-00046007 its, his or her practice. i_dG-dkFC0U-00120-00046007-00046289 And then, ArtistSafety.net really is sort of i_dG-dkFC0U-00121-00046289-00046711 the resting place for the original freeDimensional and i_dG-dkFC0U-00122-00046711-00047231 Critical Resistance fund, which started almost now 15 years ago. i_dG-dkFC0U-00123-00047231-00047660 Todd Lester, the founder, started with freeDimensional, i_dG-dkFC0U-00124-00047660-00048153 and then, and then essentially really plays a role as the glue i_dG-dkFC0U-00125-00048153-00048531 for all the coalition partners for this prototype, i_dG-dkFC0U-00126-00048531-00049011 and also, provides sort of expertise on intake and experience i_dG-dkFC0U-00127-00049011-00049278 on the complexities of identifying and i_dG-dkFC0U-00128-00049278-00049418 activating artists at-risk. i_dG-dkFC0U-00129-00049418-00049931 ASHLEY: PEN America's Artists at Risk Connection i_dG-dkFC0U-00130-00049931-00050143 is a relatively new program, though PEN America has been i_dG-dkFC0U-00131-00050143-00050258 around for a long time. i_dG-dkFC0U-00132-00050258-00050578 They work, they are a free expression advocacy organization, i_dG-dkFC0U-00133-00050578-00050786 essentially working with writers at-risk. i_dG-dkFC0U-00134-00050786-00051102 So the second unit that's currently active at the Westbeth i_dG-dkFC0U-00135-00051102-00051388 is managed by PEN and Artists at Risk Connection i_dG-dkFC0U-00136-00051388-00052003 in conjunction with Fordham University, who has made space for a writer at-risk i_dG-dkFC0U-00137-00052003-00052316 to do a teaching fellowship at Fordham University. i_dG-dkFC0U-00138-00052316-00052648 So we have a visual artist in the first unit i_dG-dkFC0U-00139-00052648-00053214 and a writer in the second unit. i_dG-dkFC0U-00140-00053214-00053388 These are our artists. i_dG-dkFC0U-00141-00053388-00053729 Hadi Nasiri was our very first artist in the first unit. i_dG-dkFC0U-00142-00053729-00053996 He's from Iran visual artist multidisciplinary, i_dG-dkFC0U-00143-00053996-00054264 though also interested in film. i_dG-dkFC0U-00144-00054264-00054667 The second artist here, Kanchana, she's the writer at-risk that I mentioned. i_dG-dkFC0U-00145-00054667-00054791 She's in the second unit. i_dG-dkFC0U-00146-00054791-00055137 Hadi completed his year-long fellowship residency i_dG-dkFC0U-00147-00055137-00055532 at the Westbeth with us in the summer, this past summer. i_dG-dkFC0U-00148-00055532-00055939 And he's since been replaced by our second visual artist in residence, i_dG-dkFC0U-00149-00055939-00056212 Rashwan Abdelbaki, who is from Syria. i_dG-dkFC0U-00150-00056212-00056687 He is a painter and printmaker and we're very excited to share i_dG-dkFC0U-00151-00056687-00057103 that he will be on exhibit in December at the Queens Museum. i_dG-dkFC0U-00152-00057103-00057383 We're opening a show there for a month and he will have his i_dG-dkFC0U-00153-00057383-00057491 beautiful paintings there. i_dG-dkFC0U-00154-00057491-00057725 So come and see him and meet him. i_dG-dkFC0U-00155-00057725-00058117 SEBASTIEN: And then, the project is supported i_dG-dkFC0U-00156-00058117-00058694 by the Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation, the Art and Social Justice Grant i_dG-dkFC0U-00157-00058694-00059272 that we got funded for this year, and we're actively awaiting i_dG-dkFC0U-00158-00059272-00059558 the answer for next year. i_dG-dkFC0U-00159-00059558-00059724 Yeah. i_dG-dkFC0U-00160-00059724-00059945 And then, upcoming, Ashley. i_dG-dkFC0U-00161-00059945-00060174 (beeping) So this is what's in store. i_dG-dkFC0U-00162-00060174-00060395 We're hoping to expand the project to up to six units i_dG-dkFC0U-00163-00060395-00060610 so we can provide for more artists. i_dG-dkFC0U-00164-00060610-00060813 We are working on a guide to safety hosting i_dG-dkFC0U-00165-00060813-00061118 that's New York City specific and that can be replicated i_dG-dkFC0U-00166-00061118-00061227 to other cities. i_dG-dkFC0U-00167-00061227-00061482 And in conjunction with that, we want to do some workshops i_dG-dkFC0U-00168-00061482-00061598 and training for folks who are interested in trying i_dG-dkFC0U-00169-00061598-00061698 to do something similar. i_dG-dkFC0U-00170-00061698-00062564 And there's our new website, so check it out. i_dG-dkFC0U-00171-00062564-00062805 Thank you. i_iXlb0mT40-00000-00000388-00000798 85m from the sea i_iXlb0mT40-00001-00001178-00001978 6000 sq/m plot i_iXlb0mT40-00002-00002448-00003060 For development Slopping i_iXlb0mT40-00003-00003486-00004114 3.5 km distance from the village and the port i_iXlb0mT40-00004-00004522-00005394 Contact Tel : (+30) 2754031164 Email : sales@geoland.gr iDiYX8yr9Ik-00000-00000923-00003656 🎵One-Winged Angel (FFVII: Advent Children)🎵 iDiYX8yr9Ik-00001-00003656-00004430 🎵Noli manere, manere in memoria🎵 (Do not remain, remain in memory) iDiYX8yr9Ik-00002-00004430-00004560 🎵Sephiroth!🎵 iDiYX8yr9Ik-00003-00004820-00004966 🎵Sephiroth!🎵 iDiYX8yr9Ik-00004-00005210-00005990 🎵Saevam iram, iram et dolorem🎵 (Raging anger, anger and sorrow) iDiYX8yr9Ik-00005-00005990-00006120 🎵Sephiroth!🎵 iDiYX8yr9Ik-00006-00006380-00006523 🎵Sephiroth!🎵 iDiYX8yr9Ik-00007-00009700-00010483 🎵Mi fili, veni, veni, veni, mi fili🎵 (My son, come, come, come, my son) iDiYX8yr9Ik-00008-00010483-00010863 🎵Mi fili, veni, veni, veni, mi fili🎵 🎵Qui mortem invitavit🎵 (My son, come, come, come, my son) (He invited death) iDiYX8yr9Ik-00009-00010863-00011006 🎵Sephiroth!🎵 iDiYX8yr9Ik-00010-00011900-00012206 🎵SEPHIROTH!!!!!🎵 iF_ep4M-WU0-00000-00000080-00000210 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. iF_ep4M-WU0-00001-00000210-00000407 HERE'S WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND YOUR NAVY. iF_ep4M-WU0-00002-00000440-00000557 THE U.S. iF_ep4M-WU0-00003-00000557-00000740 NAVY CONDUCTED A SERIES OF COOPERATIVE AIR DEFENSE iF_ep4M-WU0-00004-00000740-00000970 TEST EXERCISES WITH THE SPANISH NAVY TESTING THE iF_ep4M-WU0-00005-00000970-00001187 LATEST AEGIS WEAPON SYSTEM, BASELINE. iF_ep4M-WU0-00006-00001187-00001464 DURING THE TESTS, USS ARLEIGH BURKE AND SPANISH iF_ep4M-WU0-00007-00001464-00001751 FRIGATE CRISTOBOL COLON ALONG WITH AN E-2 HAWKEYE, iF_ep4M-WU0-00008-00001751-00001951 SHARED A COMMON TACTICAL PICTURE USING TACTICAL iF_ep4M-WU0-00009-00001951-00002108 DATA LINKS. iF_ep4M-WU0-00010-00002108-00002218 THE DWIGHT D. iF_ep4M-WU0-00011-00002218-00002409 EISENHOWER STRIKE GROUP BEGAN MISSIONS IN THE iF_ep4M-WU0-00012-00002409-00002609 ARABIAN GULF IN SUPPORT OF OPERATION INHERENT iF_ep4M-WU0-00013-00002609-00002719 RESOLVE. iF_ep4M-WU0-00014-00002719-00002909 THE PRIMARY FOCUS OF THE CARRIER STRIKE GROUP IN iF_ep4M-WU0-00015-00002909-00003109 THE REGION IS TO DISMANTLE AND ROLL BACK TERRORIST iF_ep4M-WU0-00016-00003109-00003319 NETWORKS IN SYRIA, IRAQ AND ELSEWHERE WHILE iF_ep4M-WU0-00017-00003319-00003450 ENSURING FREE FLOW OF COMMERCE. iF_ep4M-WU0-00018-00003576-00003797 FUTURE USS DETROIT SUCCESSFULLY CONCLUDED ITS iF_ep4M-WU0-00019-00003797-00004030 ACCEPTANCE TRIAL AFTER COMPLETING IN-PORT AND iF_ep4M-WU0-00020-00004030-00004130 UNDERWAY DEMONSTRATIONS. iF_ep4M-WU0-00021-00004207-00004411 THE ACCEPTANCE TRIAL IS THE LAST MAJOR MILESTONE iF_ep4M-WU0-00022-00004411-00004661 FOR LCS 7 BEFORE ITS DELIVERED TO THE NAVY, iF_ep4M-WU0-00023-00004661-00004768 WHICH IS PLANNED FOR THIS FALL. iF_ep4M-WU0-00024-00004838-00005035 YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND iF_ep4M-WU0-00025-00005035-00005235 YOUR NAVY AT NAVY.MIL. iJ1f54a4DiA-00000-00000000-00000270 Здравствуйте, коллеги! Как поживаете? iJ1f54a4DiA-00001-00000270-00000495 Надеюсь у вас все ОК! iJ1f54a4DiA-00002-00000495-00000758 Представляю вам свою работу iJ1f54a4DiA-00003-00000758-00001013 Это устройство я склеил на работе iJ1f54a4DiA-00004-00001013-00001276 в перерывах между авралами :) iJ1f54a4DiA-00005-00001276-00001814 Оно задает движение площадке за счет привода от двух двигателей имеющих регулировку числа оборотов iJ1f54a4DiA-00006-00001814-00002112 Площадка совершает согласованное движение в двух направлениях iJ1f54a4DiA-00007-00002112-00002627 Оно задает движение фломастеру iJ1f54a4DiA-00008-00002627-00002863 А на его месте могут быть разные инструменты iJ1f54a4DiA-00009-00002863-00003110 Я подумал что здесь должен быть электрод -инструмент для струйной обработки iJ1f54a4DiA-00010-00003133-00003353 просто трубка :) для начала iJ1f54a4DiA-00011-00003374-00003569 можно менять ее высоту iJ1f54a4DiA-00012-00003569-00003824 и скорость движения по Х или У iJ1f54a4DiA-00013-00003844-00004178 куда без математики:) iJ1f54a4DiA-00014-00004178-00004490 не смотрите что это примитив в движении только в двух направлениях iJ1f54a4DiA-00015-00004500-00004825 изменение этих параметров заложено во многих приборах iJ1f54a4DiA-00016-00004825-00005099 например в осциллографе :) iJMmHUhdb40-00000-00000046-00000449 My name is Sharon and I am a Republican in Pennsylvania. iJMmHUhdb40-00001-00000497-00000860 I joined the Republican party based on one single issue, because I'm pro-life. iJMmHUhdb40-00002-00000952-00001187 I do believe that the constitution protects life. iJMmHUhdb40-00003-00001189-00001421 I think it's found in the preamble of the constitution. iJMmHUhdb40-00004-00001460-00001855 I think the preamble of the constitution is what helps us to understand exactly iJMmHUhdb40-00005-00001873-00002063 who we are and what we doing as a nation. iJMmHUhdb40-00006-00002158-00002405 Preamble of the constitution begins with, "We, the people." iJMmHUhdb40-00007-00002462-00002874 It tells us what we're doing, how we're doing it, and why we're doing it: iJMmHUhdb40-00008-00002886-00003094 For ourselves and for our posterity. iJMmHUhdb40-00009-00003258-00003558 We, the people, is what Donald Trump is calling into doubt. iJMmHUhdb40-00010-00003627-00003933 We, the people is who Donald Trump wants us not to trust. iJMmHUhdb40-00011-00003975-00004269 Donald Trump wants us to trust him not we, the people. iJMmHUhdb40-00012-00004368-00004551 Think about it, who's at your polling place? iJMmHUhdb40-00013-00004608-00005010 It's your neighbors, it's your friends, it's your family, of both parties. iJMmHUhdb40-00014-00005055-00005400 They are there working the polls and they are there doing the counting afterwards. iJMmHUhdb40-00015-00005478-00005900 Donald Trump wants me to believe that those people are liars and cheaters. iJMmHUhdb40-00016-00005936-00005980 Why? iJMmHUhdb40-00017-00006052-00006530 Not to protect posterity, but to protect power for himself and for his cronies. iJMmHUhdb40-00018-00006605-00007228 If we doubt the unity of we, the people, the legitimacy of our elections, and iJMmHUhdb40-00019-00007228-00007447 ultimately our constitution, fails. iJMmHUhdb40-00020-00007534-00007834 You know your neighbors, you know your friends, you know your family. iJMmHUhdb40-00021-00007921-00008285 You know what havoc Donald Trump's lies have wreaked on us. iJMmHUhdb40-00022-00008438-00008721 You know you must support the unity of we, the people. iJMmHUhdb40-00023-00008736-00009177 You know you must support the legitimacy of our elections and ultimately iJMmHUhdb40-00024-00009189-00009759 the legitimacy of our constitution for ourselves and for posterity. iLbGAzpwqb8-00000-00000000-00000200 this if it happens 😳🤧 iM9_DAqp9lc-00000-00003492-00004061 [MEMBER] SPEAKING... iM9_DAqp9lc-00001-00004072-00005788 [MEMBER] SPEAKING... iM9_DAqp9lc-00002-00008668-00009362 [MEMBER] SPEAKING... iM9_DAqp9lc-00004-00035546-00036894 [PARENTAL ADVISORY] ipvXwppg79c-00000-00000155-00000308 Kevin Martens: Okay and ipvXwppg79c-00001-00000327-00001925 Kevin Martens: welcome to the Jenkins Documentation office hours. Today is February 20, third, and this is the Us. EU addition of it. Today we have myself, Bruno Verachten and ipvXwppg79c-00002-00001934-00002292 Kevin Martens: Sayantan Mondal ipvXwppg79c-00003-00002322-00002494 Kevin Martens: is this first time joining us, Sayantan. ipvXwppg79c-00004-00002602-00002830 No, this is not my first time. ipvXwppg79c-00005-00002841-00002970 Sayantan Mondal: It's my code ipvXwppg79c-00006-00002992-00004124 Kevin Martens: awesome. Welcome back, then. In that case I've been having some weird issues, or i'm out late the last few weeks. So if I haven't seen you. I'm sorry. I apologize now. But yeah, great to have you here. Thank you very much for joining ipvXwppg79c-00007-00004177-00004933 today on the agenda. I had a few action items for them recaps by our wonderful Jenkins participants. ipvXwppg79c-00008-00004935-00005964 Kevin Martens: the Google Summer of code participation announcement has gone live, and we also have opened up our CD foundation awards issues. And we'll talk more about that ipvXwppg79c-00009-00006052-00007390 Kevin Martens: first item on the list after the actual items is the jenkins awards for 2,023. So we'll talk about the announce of that, and just some general information about it. What you can do to nominate where to go. All that sort of stuff. ipvXwppg79c-00010-00007566-00009079 Kevin Martens: We'll talk briefly about the documentation transition, the Java 17. There's some a new release of W. And 12 coming out, which is gonna change, how things are gonna be written and constructed it for the documentation. But it's in the best interest of everyone. ipvXwppg79c-00011-00009216-00010682 Kevin Martens: Something that we've been discussing. The last couple of weeks is an end of life Checklist. So when something is reaching end of life, what are the areas we check? What are the repositories we should refer to? What kind of things should we be looking out for in place and ipvXwppg79c-00012-00010724-00011002 Kevin Martens: instances could this be potentially used in? ipvXwppg79c-00013-00011026-00011329 So we've got some idea, some ipvXwppg79c-00014-00011334-00011844 Kevin Martens: items that are coming to end of life within the next year, and then some of the checklist ideas. ipvXwppg79c-00015-00011926-00013509 Kevin Martens: Next is prep for centos 7 end of life. This is something that mark has been put has proposed. There are some tickets to track the work for this, but it's still in the proposal stage, so nothing concrete has really been happening on that front. ipvXwppg79c-00016-00013566-00013991 And last, but certainly not least, Google summer code preparation. ipvXwppg79c-00017-00013993-00015312 Kevin Martens: And we've got a couple of updates on the participation in our status as a mental organization, and some just if anyone has questions or ideas or anything they want to share about the projects or Google summer of code in general. ipvXwppg79c-00018-00015324-00015487 Kevin Martens: we'll have time for that, too. ipvXwppg79c-00019-00015626-00016447 Kevin Martens: Is there anything else that would be good to add to the agenda? Or is that cover everything for today, as far as everyone's concerned. ipvXwppg79c-00020-00016600-00016812 Bruno Verachten: Fine with me. ipvXwppg79c-00021-00016910-00017056 Sayantan Mondal: No fine with me. Yes. ipvXwppg79c-00022-00017126-00017244 thank you very much. ipvXwppg79c-00023-00017317-00018646 Kevin Martens: So first things first the action item. So we have 3 new blog posts to talk to highlight what the first one is the Fosdham recap. So Fosdham is an event that's held in Brussels. ipvXwppg79c-00024-00018646-00020336 Kevin Martens: and this was a great chance for a bunch of Jenkins team members to go and interact with the open source community. So you can see here, Damian Bruno, Stefan and Alexander Brandis all hanging out at the Jenkins Booth ipvXwppg79c-00025-00020336-00021914 Kevin Martens: having fun interacting with people, lots of crowds. And then you have some really great insights. As to you know their experience and time at bosom. So just a really nice recap to to showcase what we were able to do, and and just foss them in general. ipvXwppg79c-00026-00021936-00023157 Kevin Martens: and thanks to the to all the participants and folks who made this possible for the Jenkins booth. I know, Alyssa. I did a lot of work organizing and getting things ipvXwppg79c-00027-00023177-00024402 Kevin Martens: set up so that we were we were successful. So yeah, big thanks to everyone and just a great response and crowd if i'm not mistaken, based on what I heard. Bruno, you can attest to that for sure. ipvXwppg79c-00028-00024403-00026451 Bruno Verachten: Yes, you are right. We had a huge crowd for the whole weekend, and people were really enthusiastic about Jenkins. It was my first time at first time for the Jenkins, and I was a little bit afraid of people coming to round, you know, not happy about Jenkins. But no, that did not happen ipvXwppg79c-00029-00026458-00027358 Bruno Verachten: one time. People were just spreading love. We do love Jenkins. Okay, it's sometimes ugly. Sometimes the commutation is missing some parts, but ipvXwppg79c-00030-00027360-00027733 Bruno Verachten: it works so. That was cool. ipvXwppg79c-00031-00027817-00027894 Kevin Martens: Nice. ipvXwppg79c-00032-00027910-00028580 Kevin Martens: It's always nice when things work. I'm Sure, people appreciate that fact. It's reliable. Everyone likes reliableness. So ipvXwppg79c-00033-00028599-00028726 liability ipvXwppg79c-00034-00028736-00030616 Kevin Martens: great. So yeah. So that's the first blog post, the second one. Here is our Google summer of code participation announcement. This just went live a little bit earlier. And essentially we've been selected as one of the mentoring organizations for Google Summer of code 2,023. This is our ipvXwppg79c-00035-00030616-00030862 our blog post to announce and celebrate that fact. ipvXwppg79c-00036-00031006-00032314 Kevin Martens: Thanks to John Mark, my son, for creating the blog post, and putting all this together, and a list of Tong for helping organize and get this together as well. They've they're They are 2 0f the Org admins along with Bruno ipvXwppg79c-00037-00032329-00033685 Kevin Martens: for the Google summer of Code and Jenkins. And just so far it's been a really great experience. They're doing a wonderful job, organizing and engaging with everyone. And again, this is just in blog post to celebrate and announce our participation. ipvXwppg79c-00038-00033794-00034842 Kevin Martens: John Mark's also gone ahead and included some information about next steps how to apply. If you want to be a mentor, the timeline which is really helpful. ipvXwppg79c-00039-00034891-00036763 Kevin Martens: Yeah, just a lot just like a lot of good for information. And there are links t0 0ther posts that we have for call for mentors information for mentors. We had a previous one about talking about being a mentor and what that entails. So just a lot of good information here to get us ready for Google summer of code. ipvXwppg79c-00040-00036784-00037587 Kevin Martens: And again, thanks for the nice collage of all the mentors that we have signed up really nice to see. ipvXwppg79c-00041-00037994-00039018 Kevin Martens: and we are still accepting project proposals. We'll get to that a little bit more when we get to the Google summer of Code section. But we're ipvXwppg79c-00042-00039018-00040286 Kevin Martens: We've been announced that doesn't mean anything's set in stone yet. Besides the fact that we're participating, there are still plenty of time for people to submit ideas, proposals, applications to be mentors, etc. So ipvXwppg79c-00043-00040364-00041904 Bruno Verachten: yep, we still can communicate via Committee Jenkins. I. O. Via the guitar channel. and we have lots of meetings, and one which is called the Office Hours Meeting, which is every Thursday. ipvXwppg79c-00044-00041906-00042805 Bruno Verachten: It was 3h, maybe from now. 4 Pm: Utc: yeah. Got it. So if ever you are interested, just ipvXwppg79c-00045-00042833-00043392 Bruno Verachten: join the Zoom Meeting and let us know why you are interested. I know. ipvXwppg79c-00046-00043451-00045408 Kevin Martens: Yeah, they good Point Bruno, and and in addition to that, we have this document here, the agenda. All the meetings will be recorded, so there'll be available on Youtube after the fact as well. So even if that 4 Pm. Utc. Time is hard to make, it's obviously later in other parts of the world earlier is ipvXwppg79c-00047-00045408-00045819 earlier in in others. So this is not the ipvXwppg79c-00048-00045846-00047296 Kevin Martens: a perfect time, but it's the best time we had available for now, and individual projects will also have their own meetings to t0 0rganize and schedule and work with after that, after we get to that point. ipvXwppg79c-00049-00047428-00047505 Kevin Martens: So ipvXwppg79c-00050-00047568-00048218 Kevin Martens: yeah, there's there's plenty of places, As Bruno was saying, we have our getter channel for the G saw. We have ipvXwppg79c-00051-00048226-00048430 Kevin Martens: the community discourse ipvXwppg79c-00052-00048461-00050544 Kevin Martens: which is on our community, Dot Jenkins, the I/O site. So lots of places to communicate, engage, ask questions, especially you get her and community are excellent places to ask questions and get insight from other community members. A lot of folks are active in the chat and ipvXwppg79c-00053-00050544-00050869 are quick to respond. We were talking earlier about. ipvXwppg79c-00054-00050871-00051923 Kevin Martens: I think it's like 800 plus messages have been sent in the G. Sock Channel. It's only been a few weeks that's crazy. That's a lot ipvXwppg79c-00055-00052534-00052652 Kevin Martens: very impressive ipvXwppg79c-00056-00052921-00053211 Kevin Martens: and great. Any other questions on that one ipvXwppg79c-00057-00053305-00054816 Kevin Martens: alright, next up it would be CD. Foundations award CD. Foundation award. So this is something that we've participated in Years prior this year. We're just going about the process a little differently. But same idea applies. ipvXwppg79c-00058-00054816-00056544 Kevin Martens: The Cdf. Awards are ways to highlight and celebrate people that really put their all into this, and have, you know, as you can see here for Jenkins. They're a valuable advocate. They're a valuable contributor. They're helping out with security and a really stellar way. ipvXwppg79c-00059-00056544-00057319 Kevin Martens: And these are our specific awards for Jenkins. With each of these awards you can nominate someone to. ipvXwppg79c-00060-00057329-00058586 Kevin Martens: so that they can hopefully be in the running for it. What we've done this year is, instead of having the CD Foundation host, the issues and the nominations on their repository. ipvXwppg79c-00061-00058595-00058941 Kevin Martens: each project is hosting them in their own repository. So ipvXwppg79c-00062-00058946-00059373 Kevin Martens: this year we've got 3 separate issues for Jenkins ipvXwppg79c-00063-00059376-00060397 Kevin Martens: again. Most valuable advocate, most valuable contributor and security. Mvp: They're all separate issues, and then of their own right. They have a similar content here. ipvXwppg79c-00064-00060407-00061734 Kevin Martens: But the idea is that you can nominate someone, share reasons why that you think they should be nominated, and then people are gonna just kind of support that with stuff like emojis voting. And then. ipvXwppg79c-00065-00061778-00063017 Kevin Martens: once the nominations have closed, the CD Foundation will then gather all the names, and then voting will take place at a later time with a Google form. So ipvXwppg79c-00066-00063073-00063928 Kevin Martens: down the line there'll be a more formal way to vote right now it's all happening in the Github issue, and stuff like emojis and whatnot. ipvXwppg79c-00067-00063966-00065827 Kevin Martens: I don't know that we have any nominations on our tickets as of yet, so please by all means take time. Check them out. They're in the issue tracker for Jenkins, the I/O Github, so they are readily available, and they also have ipvXwppg79c-00068-00065836-00067591 Kevin Martens: first off these little trophy emojis. But more importantly, they also have the community tag, which is something that I created recently. To make sure we can highlight these sort of posts a little bit more clearly, and have the community realize that that's something they can take on and engage with and not have to worry about ipvXwppg79c-00069-00067599-00067743 Kevin Martens: fixing something. So ipvXwppg79c-00070-00067910-00070024 Kevin Martens: yeah, and yeah, so couple of notes about the awards. So you do need to have a Github account to nominate or vote last year's winners cannot win the same award this year. However, they can be nominated for other awards, so that doesn't make them ineligible for anything ipvXwppg79c-00071-00070030-00071086 Kevin Martens: you can see here, like Basel pr0 0ne most valuable Jenkins contributor last year. He can't win it this year, but he could still be nominated for most Ju valuable. Jenkins's advocate. ipvXwppg79c-00072-00071350-00072415 Kevin Martens: Yeah. And then, yeah, and again, the CD Foundation Awards site has a lot more information about all the different awards and their processes and stuff like that. So ipvXwppg79c-00073-00072600-00073251 Kevin Martens: it has some information. A lot of the information we have posted in our blog post now, though, so ipvXwppg79c-00074-00073366-00073713 Kevin Martens: pretty much the same information. ipvXwppg79c-00075-00073764-00075039 Kevin Martens: Yeah. So you can rely on our blog post as well. And again big big shout outs, and thanks to Alyssa and the CD. Foundation for organizing this and getting everything set up so that we can proceed with this. ipvXwppg79c-00076-00075045-00075184 Kevin Martens: the award nominations ipvXwppg79c-00077-00075334-00075518 and just ipvXwppg79c-00078-00075518-00077473 Kevin Martens: yeah, nominations do close next Friday, March third. So if there is anyone you want to nominate, please don't hesitate. Make sure you go into that issue. And even if it's not a super detailed reason Why, right now, if you want to just put it in there. So you know it's there perfectly fine. You can always edit things after the fact that's not a big deal. ipvXwppg79c-00079-00077592-00079262 Kevin Martens: and then voting itself will open 5 5 days later. On Wednesday, March eighth voting will close at the end of March on the 20 eighth, and then the results will actually be announced at CD. Con. In 2,000 twenty-free, where the winner will be given the rewards and recognition. ipvXwppg79c-00080-00079464-00079903 Any other questions on the Jenkins, awards 2024. ipvXwppg79c-00081-00080075-00080161 Kevin Martens: There is ipvXwppg79c-00082-00080406-00081428 Kevin Martens: next up the document transition to Java 17 so this is something that, with the release of Debian 12 coming in this spring, sometime in April or May. ipvXwppg79c-00083-00081457-00082438 Kevin Martens: there is going to be a transition of the documentation on Jenkins to move from using Java 11 in things like the Install Guide to using Java 17. ipvXwppg79c-00084-00082447-00083134 This is just for the fact that Java 17 has more functionality available, and it's fully supported. At this time. ipvXwppg79c-00085-00083154-00085328 Kevin Martens: Job 11 still fully supported. It's going to continue to be fully supported. It's not gonna we're not dropping support for Job 11 anytime soon. But in the interest of trying to make sure we're ahead of the game or head of everyone else. Transitioning to Java 17 in the documentation provides a better baseline for people to start from. ipvXwppg79c-00086-00085328-00087121 Kevin Martens: And again, the functionality is more abundant. There it's more testing is available. It's just better experience overall for a development as well. So the idea is that we're gonna move the documentation to use Java 17, and that'll be throughout the documentation as well. ipvXwppg79c-00087-00087354-00088359 Kevin Martens: The windows and Linux install box will also be transition from drive 11 to Job 17 again. It's making sure that this is consistent across every platform, not just one or another. ipvXwppg79c-00088-00088451-00089819 Kevin Martens: And then I still need to do this, but I need to email him. Jacob, who is our Jenkins Release Leap officer and let him know that this is going to be something that changes. Just so. He's not ipvXwppg79c-00089-00089834-00091080 Kevin Martens: surprise all of a sudden when Java 11 now, says Java, 17 everywhere, so i'll be sure to take that action item and make and email him for this ipvXwppg79c-00090-00091081-00091256 Kevin Martens: before the end of the day Today ipvXwppg79c-00091-00091589-00092803 Kevin Martens: and again, this is all coinciding with the release of Debian 12. This isn't just some independent idea we had. Debian 12 is not going to roll with open Jdk. 11. So ipvXwppg79c-00092-00092845-00093385 Kevin Martens: it's part of their overall next steps to ipvXwppg79c-00093-00093817-00093935 so. ipvXwppg79c-00094-00093944-00095186 Kevin Martens: End of life. Checklist again. The end of Life's checklist is something that we want to have going forward. We don't have anything like this right now. It's really just searching and finding the places that may mention the the ipvXwppg79c-00095-00095226-00096489 Kevin Martens: end of life, product or platform. So things like boon t0 18, Alpine, 3.14 and 15. These are all coming end of life this year. Cent of 7 is going to be end of life next year. ipvXwppg79c-00096-00096501-00097528 Kevin Martens: So the fast the sooner we get ahead of it, how to check less ready, and know what places to look for. All these things the better the more prepared will be when that time comes. ipvXwppg79c-00097-00097590-00099548 Kevin Martens: So in previous sessions we're talking about checking in the dot, obviously checking the documentation, checking the packaging sites and packaging repository that the releases repository for anything coming out container images. We have the updates at Jenkins, the I/O site for any references. ipvXwppg79c-00098-00099548-00100559 Kevin Martens: so there are a lot of places to check out, and i'm sure that there's more that we haven't come up with or listed here yet. But if anyone has ideas or any ipvXwppg79c-00099-00100581-00101859 Kevin Martens: best practices that they might have had in previous experience with what to look for or places that we could also look for by all means feel free to share message in the in the Doc Skater Channel anything like that at all. ipvXwppg79c-00100-00101929-00103356 Kevin Martens: And we are going to be looking at a couple of site generation projects for Google, summer of code, or at least one side generation, project the Google summer of code. So this may come up in that instance where we're moving to the site. ipvXwppg79c-00101-00103365-00104054 Kevin Martens: Some of the content might need to change or be modified in some way, shape or form when it comes down to it, but ipvXwppg79c-00102-00104076-00104206 ultimately ipvXwppg79c-00103-00104279-00105155 Kevin Martens: this is just something that we want to. This is gonna help us d0 0ur our due diligence as we come to the end of life on these things. ipvXwppg79c-00104-00105566-00106461 Kevin Martens: and then so prep for centos 7 end of life. Again, this is something that Mark has proposed. Centos. 7 end of life is coming. ipvXwppg79c-00105-00106494-00106747 dream thirtieth next year. So ipvXwppg79c-00106-00106847-00107117 Kevin Martens: there are a lot of reasons to not ipvXwppg79c-00107-00107133-00108527 Kevin Martens: have it anymore. Mark's arguments and bias is that because it's looking at ancient command line versions and just older versions of dependencies and and operations. ipvXwppg79c-00108-00108527-00109788 Kevin Martens: It's not the best choice going forward. It's not gonna be viable after next year. So really, the idea is to clean this up. Make sure that we're providing the most up to date and ipvXwppg79c-00109-00109844-00111039 Kevin Martens: useful information to folks who are browsing through the documentation. So if that means cent 0 7 is not going to be used any longer. That means making sure that it's not misinforming someone in the documentation as well. ipvXwppg79c-00110-00111172-00112076 Kevin Martens: Again, These are a lot more just of the reasons why deprecating and removing the centos. 7 information is a good idea. ipvXwppg79c-00111-00112107-00113091 Kevin Martens: Stuff like the fact that it's been the dock container has been deprecated since this past September. It's not supported by the Rpm. Installer. ipvXwppg79c-00112-00113118-00113768 Kevin Martens: It's been in maintenance since 2020, and again the end of the life is happening next June. So ipvXwppg79c-00113-00113776-00115397 Kevin Martens: there's a lot of reasons why we should be moving on to the next option the next set. and we have actually started, including the Alma, Linux Rocky Linux and oracle Linux information in documentation. Marks gone ahead and started putting that into some areas. ipvXwppg79c-00114-00115576-00116355 Kevin Martens: and there will be a Jeff. for containing all of these things. This is clear. This is going to be more than one ticket ipvXwppg79c-00115-00116356-00117281 Kevin Martens: to take care of, so the Jp. Will help bridge that and connect everything together that way. We can keep track of the ipvXwppg79c-00116-00117291-00117500 Kevin Martens: removal and changes that we're making. ipvXwppg79c-00117-00117858-00118305 Kevin Martens: and then the last I don't know the list is G. Google, Some more code Prep. ipvXwppg79c-00118-00118308-00120063 Kevin Martens: So first and foremost, Chris, thanks to Chris Stern for updating the Google summer of code status page, the Google published their list yesterday, so we were able to update our page yesterday afternoon, so you can see gsal 23 we've been accepted Yay. ipvXwppg79c-00119-00120194-00121254 Kevin Martens: but and there's an application, mentoring or application form here for anyone interested like we mentioned. We'll have weekly office hours. Thursday is at 16, Utc. ipvXwppg79c-00120-00121343-00122174 Kevin Martens: And the project ideas list is very live, very available to check it out and see what the projects are starting to look like. ipvXwppg79c-00121-00122592-00123136 So yeah. So again, weekly office hours. They're hosted by Jean Mark. Messen. ipvXwppg79c-00122-00123146-00123411 Kevin Martens: Those are going to be Thursdays, 4 Pm. Utc. ipvXwppg79c-00123-00123533-00124225 Kevin Martens: The agendas there. There are 2 different agendas right now in the ipvXwppg79c-00124-00124241-00124908 Kevin Martens: calendar meeting. Invite it has both last year's and this year's, and the nice thing is ipvXwppg79c-00125-00124933-00126135 Kevin Martens: I don't know who took care of it. But the 2,022 agenda does actually the first line is saying, hey, if you're looking for 2,023, it's right here. So either way you'll be able to get to the correct link. ipvXwppg79c-00126-00126194-00126375 Kevin Martens: and then I ipvXwppg79c-00127-00126377-00127119 Kevin Martens: I think the last item in here was something that might have come up during the previous Asia Docs office hours ipvXwppg79c-00128-00127136-00127244 Kevin Martens: with Mark ipvXwppg79c-00129-00127255-00128604 Kevin Martens: Roger even May. But one of the projects for Google. Summer of code is site generation, for Jenkins is Ohio, moving from what we are currently on, which is off struck to something like in Torah or another version documentation. ipvXwppg79c-00130-00128729-00129959 Kevin Martens: And it looks like Reggieve is wanting to mentor that project. Yeah, and it like we said, the idea is to use it, or to build Jenkins that I/O instead of like awesome, and then just move everything over accordingly. ipvXwppg79c-00131-00129959-00132092 Kevin Martens: That would allow us to use version, specific documentation as well, so we can have detailed instructions for the Lts versus the Weekly versus an older version of it that we're still supporting. So this is just going to be a really nice way for us to make the documentation cleaner and the site a lot more user friendly in terms of navigation. ipvXwppg79c-00132-00132667-00133366 Kevin Martens: Okay, so that covered everything I have on the agenda today. Does anyone have anything else? I want to share highlight? ipvXwppg79c-00133-00133405-00134139 Sayantan Mondal: I have a question. It's not exactly related to this. But can I ask it? ipvXwppg79c-00134-00134208-00134626 Sayantan Mondal: Yeah. ipvXwppg79c-00135-00134641-00135024 Sayantan Mondal: And what I was thinking like the plugin side. ipvXwppg79c-00136-00135058-00135536 it should be pulling the data from the Api. But when I inspected the ipvXwppg79c-00137-00135570-00136398 Sayantan Mondal: side it's pulling the data from Algolia and i'm not able to understand how I mean. And the documentation is not clear in the ipvXwppg79c-00138-00136430-00136817 Sayantan Mondal: plugins site. Ap: so i'm very confused with getting the data from. ipvXwppg79c-00139-00136981-00137346 Kevin Martens: and as far as the Algolia stuff ipvXwppg79c-00140-00137371-00138915 Kevin Martens: I that is new. That was something that Gavin Mogan was recently able to take care of and fix up because the search was a lot more basic prior. That's just something we added within the last couple of months. So now the ipvXwppg79c-00141-00138922-00139691 Kevin Martens: the full. All the Jenkins searches are done through Algolia. but that is ipvXwppg79c-00142-00139732-00140112 Kevin Martens: separate from the rest of the fight, in a sense. ipvXwppg79c-00143-00140271-00140817 Kevin Martens: because I I think the ipvXwppg79c-00144-00140856-00141223 Kevin Martens: I'm not 100% sure how that works. But ipvXwppg79c-00145-00141509-00142533 Kevin Martens: is the question, Why is it going from? No. My actual question was, where's the plugin site? Api being used? And what is the endpoint for it? Because ipvXwppg79c-00146-00142545-00142845 Sayantan Mondal: and the Github page, it's ipvXwppg79c-00147-00142847-00143297 Sayantan Mondal: plugins. ipvXwppg79c-00148-00143531-00143738 Kevin Martens: Gotcha. Okay. ipvXwppg79c-00149-00143741-00143808 Kevin Martens: Hmm. ipvXwppg79c-00150-00143909-00144364 Kevin Martens: I am not a 100% sure about the back end. The Api stuff, as far as ipvXwppg79c-00151-00144377-00144711 Kevin Martens: that goes. ipvXwppg79c-00152-00144720-00144864 Kevin Martens: Do you have ipvXwppg79c-00153-00144882-00145171 an idea of? Okay. ipvXwppg79c-00154-00145179-00145541 Kevin Martens: Yeah. So the only the ipvXwppg79c-00155-00145588-00146135 Bruno Verachten: I I really don't know the answer to that. ipvXwppg79c-00156-00146136-00147228 Kevin Martens: I think this is a good question, though, to find out from the rest of the community team. So what i'm gonna do is let me see here. ipvXwppg79c-00157-00148003-00148071 Bruno Verachten: Yeah. ipvXwppg79c-00158-00148099-00148409 Bruno Verachten: sounds reasonable. Yeah. ipvXwppg79c-00159-00148410-00148503 Kevin Martens: alright. ipvXwppg79c-00160-00149160-00149280 Kevin Martens: or ipvXwppg79c-00161-00149358-00150801 Kevin Martens: I, I can take care of that. I'll also throw out the option. If you feel comfortable, or if want to, you can check in one of the getter channels. We have a bunch of different ones, new covered contributions. I've seen outreach, but I think ipvXwppg79c-00162-00150803-00151569 newcomer contributions to probably be the best place to ask. That's one of the more active channels with a lot of different users. ipvXwppg79c-00163-00151569-00153568 Kevin Martens: I know Gavin Morgan is pretty active in that channel as far as helping to guide people, and Gavin knows a lot about the back end that Api side of, especially the plugin site. It's a little separate from the Jenkins to I/O site like they're all this. They're all connected, but they're separate. So ipvXwppg79c-00164-00153568-00155096 Kevin Martens: yeah, it's it's a little weird in the back end of it. But but if you wanna if you feel comfortable and want to ask there you can again. You don't have to. I will be more than happy to take this up with team and and check in with folks, because it might. ipvXwppg79c-00165-00155111-00155717 Sayantan Mondal: It might be that someone else knows too ipvXwppg79c-00166-00155736-00155854 Bruno Verachten: cool. Thank you. ipvXwppg79c-00167-00155856-00157538 Kevin Martens: Yeah, Great. Thank you so much. Really appreciate it. And again, if that's something that ends up being a deeper discussion, it can be taken offline on, or it can be taken out of getter into the discourse site. The community, Jenkins, the I/O site, where we can have real ipvXwppg79c-00168-00157538-00159058 in more in depth discussions there as opposed to the chat which can kind of get locked down, depending on the number of responses and folks and threads, and everything else going on. The the discourse is just a lot easier to keep track of and be alerted about so. ipvXwppg79c-00169-00159077-00159406 Kevin Martens: but that's that'll be decided at that point. ipvXwppg79c-00170-00159602-00160526 Kevin Martens: So yeah, great question. Thank you very much. ipvXwppg79c-00171-00160653-00161453 Kevin Martens: But yeah, no, I i'll. I'll keep an eye on on the Github channel. Obviously, of course, to make sure. But yeah, that's that's great. Thank you very much for ipvXwppg79c-00172-00161489-00162661 Kevin Martens: inquiring about that. It's something I don't necessarily think about myself too t00 0ften. I'm documentation officer for drinking, so my concerns are mostly with the documentation and and how they how it ipvXwppg79c-00173-00162692-00163097 reads and looks and stuff like that. So I don't necessarily touch the ipvXwppg79c-00174-00163112-00163900 Kevin Martens: the Api end of it, the back end, the calls and responses. So yeah, no th. It's great perspective. Thank you very much for bringing it. ipvXwppg79c-00175-00164219-00164854 Kevin Martens: Okay. And does anyone else have any questions for the session today, or any other comments. ipvXwppg79c-00176-00165105-00165220 Kevin Martens: you guys know. ipvXwppg79c-00177-00165224-00166031 Kevin Martens: So then i'll go ahead and and stop recording. It'll probably be available within 24 t0 48h. ipvXwppg79c-00178-00166084-00167934 Kevin Martens: Mark usually takes care of the uploads, and he's out today and tomorrow. Oh, awesome. iOG8KimZuD4-00000-00002528-00002795 我现在人在Taman Merdeka工业区 Now i at Taman Merdeka industry area iOG8KimZuD4-00001-00002811-00003050 听说这里有一档很好吃的 i heard there is 1 nice stall sell iOG8KimZuD4-00002-00003050-00003188 Nasi Lemak iOG8KimZuD4-00003-00003215-00003483 可是我现在眼前看一下都是工业区 but now what i see industry area iOG8KimZuD4-00004-00003483-00003623 没有看到有Nasi Lemak didnt see any nasi lemak iOG8KimZuD4-00005-00003841-00004301 现在我的身后只有在包装玉米 now behind me is just the corn packing iOG8KimZuD4-00006-00004318-00004498 可是没有看到Nasi Lemak didnt see any nasi lemak iOG8KimZuD4-00007-00005486-00005558 哎 aik iOG8KimZuD4-00008-00005558-00005711 我发现了一个东西 i notice something iOG8KimZuD4-00009-00006358-00006466 这个Nasi Lemak this nasi lemak iOG8KimZuD4-00010-00006466-00006738 就是隐藏在这间厂的后面 is just located behind the factory iOG8KimZuD4-00011-00013894-00014141 想要来这边吃Nasi Lemak的朋友 for those want to drop by for nasi lemak iOG8KimZuD4-00012-00014150-00014283 可以来试一试 you can give a try iP4kwpFC8Hy-00000-00000000-00000231 Love Live! in 30 seconds (1 minute) iP4kwpFC8Hy-00001-00000231-00000392 My name is Honoka KOUSAKA iP4kwpFC8Hy-00002-00000396-00000824 My High School is about to be close, and I will form an Idol group iP4kwpFC8Hy-00003-00000824-00001056 That will be more popular than K-on! iP4kwpFC8Hy-00004-00001056-00001218 After many adventures iP4kwpFC8Hy-00005-00001218-00001334 Profound stories iP4kwpFC8Hy-00006-00001344-00001510 and a great character development iP4kwpFC8Hy-00007-00001536-00001872 we finally form the definitive group idol iP4kwpFC8Hy-00008-00001873-00002036 with many great hits iP4kwpFC8Hy-00009-00002036-00002114 that will NEVER iP4kwpFC8Hy-00010-00002114-00002346 be forgotten by the anime fan base iP4kwpFC8Hy-00011-00002346-00002594 and our HIGH SCHOOL won't be close iP4kwpFC8Hy-00012-00002594-00002896 Now our fate, as the best idols iP4kwpFC8Hy-00013-00002896-00003112 Is to participate in the Love Live (contest, not the anime :v) iP4kwpFC8Hy-00014-00003112-00003314 After many psychedelic trips iP4kwpFC8Hy-00015-00003314-00003522 a plot more complex than Evangelion iP4kwpFC8Hy-00016-00003522-00003734 extremelly overuse memes iP4kwpFC8Hy-00017-00003734-00003865 filler enemies iP4kwpFC8Hy-00018-00003865-00004047 and scientifically prove the myth that watch Love Live iP4kwpFC8Hy-00019-00004047-00004160 minimizes your penis iP4kwpFC8Hy-00020-00004160-00004394 Finally, we won the absolute competition iP4kwpFC8Hy-00021-00004394-00004526 of school idols iP4kwpFC8Hy-00022-00004526-00004682 we accomplish our dreams iP4kwpFC8Hy-00023-00004682-00004986 And now is time to do the exact same thing iP4kwpFC8Hy-00024-00004994-00005132 In the third season iP4kwpFC8Hy-00025-00005134-00005338 but with different characters :v iR0CWjwjOGU-00000-00000003-00000438 So let's say we have two coordinate systems, like this, and two events happen iR0CWjwjOGU-00001-00000438-00001268 which we assign x,y and z coordinates with respect to each coordinate system. iR0CWjwjOGU-00002-00001268-00001662 Now we can calculate what we call the Euclidean distance between these points. iR0CWjwjOGU-00003-00001662-00001952 We call this d and just using the Pythagoras theorem, d-squared is equal to distance iR0CWjwjOGU-00004-00001952-00002444 in x-squared plus distance in y-squared plus distance in z-squared, and before we iR0CWjwjOGU-00005-00002444-00002876 knew about relativity, this distance was thought to be invariant between frames; iR0CWjwjOGU-00006-00002876-00003360 it didn't matter if I was moving, if someone was rotated; the distance that two people iR0CWjwjOGU-00007-00003360-00003432 would measure would be the same. However, with things like length contraction, iR0CWjwjOGU-00008-00003432-00004338 we now know that this is no longer the case. So what can we use instead as our idea of distance? iR0CWjwjOGU-00009-00004338-00004962 So the answer turns out to be something that we call the "Invariant iR0CWjwjOGU-00010-00004962-00005652 interval": ds, and this is calculated by: Ds-squared is change in x-squared plus iR0CWjwjOGU-00011-00005652-00006291 y-squared plus z-squared, minus c-squared times the time space between the two iR0CWjwjOGU-00012-00006291-00006777 events. Now this is the same between any two frames, which you can work out by iR0CWjwjOGU-00013-00006777-00007181 just plugging in the Lorentz transformations. Now in our iR0CWjwjOGU-00014-00007181-00007542 transformations, we've made assumptions that all the motion is along the x-axis iR0CWjwjOGU-00015-00007542-00007983 that the coordinate systems are not rotated relative to each other and then iR0CWjwjOGU-00016-00007983-00008450 at time T equals 0 the origins coincide. Now you don't have to make any of those iR0CWjwjOGU-00017-00008450-00008850 assumptions, so you can go ahead and do the most general kind of transformation iR0CWjwjOGU-00018-00008850-00009350 which would be a lot more complicated but you'd still find that this interval iR0CWjwjOGU-00019-00009350-00010017 is invariant. Now we never actually deal with ds; we always talk about the iR0CWjwjOGU-00020-00010017-00010518 interval squared; ds-squared, and the reason for this is that the interval can iR0CWjwjOGU-00021-00010518-00011075 be negative because of this minus c-squared delta t-squared term, so for iR0CWjwjOGU-00022-00011075-00011613 simplicity, let's assume the two events occurred along the x-axis, so there's no iR0CWjwjOGU-00023-00011613-00012107 separation in y, there's no separation in z, and let's look at the three cases for iR0CWjwjOGU-00024-00012107-00012800 if ds-squared is greater than 0, equal to 0 or less than 0. So if ds-squared is iR0CWjwjOGU-00025-00012800-00013329 greater than 0, that tells us that Δx-squared is greater than c-squared iR0CWjwjOGU-00026-00013329-00013965 Δ t-squared or in other words; Δx on Δt is greater than c. What this iR0CWjwjOGU-00027-00013965-00014543 means is if an object wants to travel between these two events; it would have iR0CWjwjOGU-00028-00014543-00015062 to travel at a speed (distance over time) greater than the speed of light so in iR0CWjwjOGU-00029-00015062-00015576 other words it's impossible; nothing, no signal, can travel between these two iR0CWjwjOGU-00030-00015576-00016251 events and we say that the events are "spacelike separated". If ds-squared is iR0CWjwjOGU-00031-00016251-00017118 equal to zero, then we have Δd is equal to cΔt or Δx on Δt iR0CWjwjOGU-00032-00017118-00017345 is equal to c. So if something wanted to travel between these two events it iR0CWjwjOGU-00033-00017345-00017759 would have to travel at the speed of light and for that reason we call these iR0CWjwjOGU-00034-00017759-00018326 events "lightlike separated". Lastly, there's the case where ds-squared is iR0CWjwjOGU-00035-00018326-00018750 less than zero, so these are the two events where signals can travel between iR0CWjwjOGU-00036-00018750-00019209 them; one of them can influence the other and these are the events that we call iR0CWjwjOGU-00037-00019209-00019865 "timelike". The reason for calling these events "spacelike" and "timelike" is you iR0CWjwjOGU-00038-00019865-00020475 can show; if two events are "spacelike separated", you can find a reference frame iR0CWjwjOGU-00039-00020475-00021056 where they happen at the same time but at different points in space. iR0CWjwjOGU-00040-00021056-00021434 Meanwhile, if two events are "timelike separated" you can find a reference frame where iR0CWjwjOGU-00041-00021434-00022115 they happen at the same place but at different points in time one after the other iS0VobR44hu-00000-00000026-00000323 Don't forget to subscribe iY_3Ea0p7YM-00000-00000008-00000640 whoa whoa whoa everybody check it out we get the two biggest crts i think i've ever seen in my life iY_3Ea0p7YM-00001-00000712-00001408 a couple of mitsubishi 40 inch crt televisions here and look i'm sorry you might hear a little iY_3Ea0p7YM-00002-00001408-00002039 bit of background noise i am at the museum of fine arts here in houston and we're doing a crt class iY_3Ea0p7YM-00003-00002039-00002696 and that's cathode ray tube class of course and so i just wanted to show you some of the amazing crts iY_3Ea0p7YM-00004-00002696-00003192 they have here starting with these unbelievable mitsubishis first let's just look around the back iY_3Ea0p7YM-00005-00003368-00003815 we have the mitsubishi cs40307 iY_3Ea0p7YM-00006-00003904-00004952 120 volts 60 hertz 199 watts this is from may of 1996. we have coax for vhf iY_3Ea0p7YM-00007-00004952-00005848 and uhf and then of course just a couple composite video inputs as well as s video so look at that iY_3Ea0p7YM-00008-00005936-00006528 yeah there's there's something about purity where you can tell this whether the tv's facing north iY_3Ea0p7YM-00009-00006528-00007216 south or neutral to kind of help your um your purity because these tubes would obviously need iY_3Ea0p7YM-00010-00007216-00008023 a lot of good degaussing and could easily be impacted from the uh difference and size of the iY_3Ea0p7YM-00011-00008023-00008848 tube and the magnetism can definitely get to into the picture but i've already got a super nintendo iY_3Ea0p7YM-00012-00008904-00009600 here with s video coming out of it and we're going to turn this tv on and get a good look at it iY_3Ea0p7YM-00013-00009656-00010440 to see how it looks this is a very dirty one we got power volume channel iY_3Ea0p7YM-00014-00010496-00011128 input and there's even an extra degaussing button on there and an av reset look i've already got the iY_3Ea0p7YM-00015-00011128-00011784 240p monoscope pattern pulled up and just check it out i didn't think that wow look at that geometry iY_3Ea0p7YM-00016-00011784-00012504 it's actually not half bad for just firing it up it looks really good i'm really surprised by that iY_3Ea0p7YM-00017-00012504-00013336 all right so up here in the left hand corner we can see some obvious purity issues so that's what iY_3Ea0p7YM-00018-00013336-00013768 the switch is there for to help you clear up the purity and not end up with that kind of a iY_3Ea0p7YM-00019-00013928-00014416 glaring purity problem where the colors just changed over here in this upper left-hand corner iY_3Ea0p7YM-00020-00014519-00014752 pretty good linearity huh not bad iY_3Ea0p7YM-00021-00014888-00015584 we're gonna get in here real quick and look at the scan lines on some video games iY_3Ea0p7YM-00022-00015880-00016984 so iY_3Ea0p7YM-00023-00018896-00019784 foreign iY_3Ea0p7YM-00024-00021392-00022584 so iY_3Ea0p7YM-00025-00024456-00024928 well so the screen looks pretty great but we still should try to do something about this purity iY_3Ea0p7YM-00026-00024928-00025440 let's try to use the external degaussing wand see if we can't get it to clear up a little bit iY_3Ea0p7YM-00027-00026168-00026783 well that looks pretty trippy iY_3Ea0p7YM-00028-00027616-00028183 oh iY_3Ea0p7YM-00029-00028672-00029583 holy moly iY_3Ea0p7YM-00030-00029864-00029952 oh hell yeah iY_3Ea0p7YM-00031-00030256-00030424 i still don't want to really clean up iY_3Ea0p7YM-00032-00030792-00031352 this house it's like that's the best i've been able to clear it up so far well everybody there's iY_3Ea0p7YM-00033-00031352-00031936 the second one it's a little bit cleaner and it still has a little bit of a purity issue not as so iY_3Ea0p7YM-00034-00031936-00032344 not as bad as the first time that's definitely the biggest problem with this size of a tube iY_3Ea0p7YM-00035-00032344-00032664 is getting the interference cleared up you saw when i tried to do with the other one iY_3Ea0p7YM-00036-00032727-00033232 i was still having trouble even with the wand if you just look at the stands it actually this iY_3Ea0p7YM-00037-00033232-00033824 person who originally bought these did have a stand system built and actually these custom iY_3Ea0p7YM-00038-00033824-00034496 boxes for it because he was using them as promotional pieces for businesses is his iY_3Ea0p7YM-00039-00034496-00035184 sticker right there from california and after he closed up he sold these to the museum and iY_3Ea0p7YM-00040-00035288-00035752 they have those cool custom wood plates at the bottom to hold them in place and then you could iY_3Ea0p7YM-00041-00035752-00036440 sit there and take a forklift actually and lift this up and set it on top of these two boxes iY_3Ea0p7YM-00042-00036528-00036960 at an art show or display or something so that's real reasoning behind them but really cool stuff iY_3Ea0p7YM-00043-00036960-00037448 those mitsubishi's they come with remotes if you ever see one of these and you want the biggest iY_3Ea0p7YM-00044-00037520-00038008 shadow mess tube this might be your chance and just really thrilled to get to look iY_3Ea0p7YM-00045-00038008-00038432 at him thanks for joining me today if you're interested in learning more about the houston iY_3Ea0p7YM-00046-00038432-00038984 trip i took out to the museum please check out my podcast the cathode ray podcast i do iY_3Ea0p7YM-00047-00038984-00039632 on the zes retro channel that's my buddy zez and myself otherwise i'll see you next time everybody ibvBAkGX2q0-00000-00000016-00000220 A.J. FELDMAN. ibvBAkGX2q0-00001-00000220-00000226 A.J. FELDMAN. ibvBAkGX2q0-00002-00000226-00000346 A.J. FELDMAN. >>> UNBEATEN WARROAD GIRLS ibvBAkGX2q0-00003-00000346-00000353 A.J. FELDMAN. >>> UNBEATEN WARROAD GIRLS ibvBAkGX2q0-00004-00000353-00000470 A.J. FELDMAN. >>> UNBEATEN WARROAD GIRLS HOCKEY IS ON A MISSION THIS ibvBAkGX2q0-00005-00000470-00000477 >>> UNBEATEN WARROAD GIRLS HOCKEY IS ON A MISSION THIS ibvBAkGX2q0-00006-00000477-00000533 >>> UNBEATEN WARROAD GIRLS HOCKEY IS ON A MISSION THIS YEAR. ibvBAkGX2q0-00007-00000533-00000540 HOCKEY IS ON A MISSION THIS YEAR. ibvBAkGX2q0-00008-00000540-00000643 HOCKEY IS ON A MISSION THIS YEAR. TO GET BACK TO THE STATE TITLE ibvBAkGX2q0-00009-00000643-00000650 YEAR. TO GET BACK TO THE STATE TITLE ibvBAkGX2q0-00010-00000650-00000870 YEAR. TO GET BACK TO THE STATE TITLE GAME AND WIN IT THIS YEAR. ibvBAkGX2q0-00011-00000870-00000877 TO GET BACK TO THE STATE TITLE GAME AND WIN IT THIS YEAR. ibvBAkGX2q0-00012-00000877-00001024 TO GET BACK TO THE STATE TITLE GAME AND WIN IT THIS YEAR. BUT TO GET THE EX, FIRST THEY ibvBAkGX2q0-00013-00001024-00001031 GAME AND WIN IT THIS YEAR. BUT TO GET THE EX, FIRST THEY ibvBAkGX2q0-00014-00001031-00001177 GAME AND WIN IT THIS YEAR. BUT TO GET THE EX, FIRST THEY HAD TO EXPEL THIEF RIVER FALLS, ibvBAkGX2q0-00015-00001177-00001184 BUT TO GET THE EX, FIRST THEY HAD TO EXPEL THIEF RIVER FALLS, ibvBAkGX2q0-00016-00001184-00001324 BUT TO GET THE EX, FIRST THEY HAD TO EXPEL THIEF RIVER FALLS, RANKED 6th IN THE STATE, AND ibvBAkGX2q0-00017-00001324-00001331 HAD TO EXPEL THIEF RIVER FALLS, RANKED 6th IN THE STATE, AND ibvBAkGX2q0-00018-00001331-00001454 HAD TO EXPEL THIEF RIVER FALLS, RANKED 6th IN THE STATE, AND WHO HAVE GIVEN THE WARRIORS SOME ibvBAkGX2q0-00019-00001454-00001461 RANKED 6th IN THE STATE, AND WHO HAVE GIVEN THE WARRIORS SOME ibvBAkGX2q0-00020-00001461-00001551 RANKED 6th IN THE STATE, AND WHO HAVE GIVEN THE WARRIORS SOME OF THEIR TOUGHEST TESTS THIS ibvBAkGX2q0-00021-00001551-00001558 WHO HAVE GIVEN THE WARRIORS SOME OF THEIR TOUGHEST TESTS THIS ibvBAkGX2q0-00022-00001558-00001768 WHO HAVE GIVEN THE WARRIORS SOME OF THEIR TOUGHEST TESTS THIS SEASON. ibvBAkGX2q0-00023-00001768-00001775 OF THEIR TOUGHEST TESTS THIS SEASON. ibvBAkGX2q0-00024-00001775-00002008 OF THEIR TOUGHEST TESTS THIS SEASON. THE WARRIORS WITH NO BLEMISHES ibvBAkGX2q0-00025-00002008-00002015 SEASON. THE WARRIORS WITH NO BLEMISHES ibvBAkGX2q0-00026-00002015-00002172 SEASON. THE WARRIORS WITH NO BLEMISHES ON THE YEAR JUST ONE TIE ALL ibvBAkGX2q0-00027-00002172-00002178 THE WARRIORS WITH NO BLEMISHES ON THE YEAR JUST ONE TIE ALL ibvBAkGX2q0-00028-00002178-00002222 THE WARRIORS WITH NO BLEMISHES ON THE YEAR JUST ONE TIE ALL SEASON. ibvBAkGX2q0-00029-00002222-00002228 ON THE YEAR JUST ONE TIE ALL SEASON. ibvBAkGX2q0-00030-00002228-00002348 ON THE YEAR JUST ONE TIE ALL SEASON. LESS THAN A MINUTE INTO THE ibvBAkGX2q0-00031-00002348-00002355 SEASON. LESS THAN A MINUTE INTO THE ibvBAkGX2q0-00032-00002355-00002475 SEASON. LESS THAN A MINUTE INTO THE SECOND, SCORELESS. ibvBAkGX2q0-00033-00002475-00002482 LESS THAN A MINUTE INTO THE SECOND, SCORELESS. ibvBAkGX2q0-00034-00002482-00002742 LESS THAN A MINUTE INTO THE SECOND, SCORELESS. WARROAD WITH THE PRESSURE. ibvBAkGX2q0-00035-00002742-00002749 SECOND, SCORELESS. WARROAD WITH THE PRESSURE. ibvBAkGX2q0-00036-00002749-00002889 SECOND, SCORELESS. WARROAD WITH THE PRESSURE. MARLEY JOHNSON GOES, THIS TIME ibvBAkGX2q0-00037-00002889-00002896 WARROAD WITH THE PRESSURE. MARLEY JOHNSON GOES, THIS TIME ibvBAkGX2q0-00038-00002896-00003032 WARROAD WITH THE PRESSURE. MARLEY JOHNSON GOES, THIS TIME THE ONE-TIMER FINDS THE BACK OF ibvBAkGX2q0-00039-00003032-00003039 MARLEY JOHNSON GOES, THIS TIME THE ONE-TIMER FINDS THE BACK OF ibvBAkGX2q0-00040-00003039-00003106 MARLEY JOHNSON GOES, THIS TIME THE ONE-TIMER FINDS THE BACK OF THE NET. ibvBAkGX2q0-00041-00003106-00003113 THE ONE-TIMER FINDS THE BACK OF THE NET. ibvBAkGX2q0-00042-00003113-00003229 THE ONE-TIMER FINDS THE BACK OF THE NET. THEY'RE UP 1-0. ibvBAkGX2q0-00043-00003229-00003236 THE NET. THEY'RE UP 1-0. ibvBAkGX2q0-00044-00003236-00003429 THE NET. THEY'RE UP 1-0. THEY KEEP UP THE INTENSE AT ibvBAkGX2q0-00045-00003429-00003436 THEY'RE UP 1-0. THEY KEEP UP THE INTENSE AT ibvBAkGX2q0-00046-00003436-00003493 THEY'RE UP 1-0. THEY KEEP UP THE INTENSE AT THIS. ibvBAkGX2q0-00047-00003493-00003500 THEY KEEP UP THE INTENSE AT THIS. ibvBAkGX2q0-00048-00003500-00003623 THEY KEEP UP THE INTENSE AT THIS. HANNAH CUTS ACROSS THE SLOT, ibvBAkGX2q0-00049-00003623-00003630 THIS. HANNAH CUTS ACROSS THE SLOT, ibvBAkGX2q0-00050-00003630-00003763 THIS. HANNAH CUTS ACROSS THE SLOT, GETS THE SHOT THROUGH TO THE ibvBAkGX2q0-00051-00003763-00003770 HANNAH CUTS ACROSS THE SLOT, GETS THE SHOT THROUGH TO THE ibvBAkGX2q0-00052-00003770-00003900 HANNAH CUTS ACROSS THE SLOT, GETS THE SHOT THROUGH TO THE GOAL TO MAKE IT 2-0. ibvBAkGX2q0-00053-00003900-00003907 GETS THE SHOT THROUGH TO THE GOAL TO MAKE IT 2-0. ibvBAkGX2q0-00054-00003907-00004044 GETS THE SHOT THROUGH TO THE GOAL TO MAKE IT 2-0. THE PROWLERS CAN'T KEEP UP ibvBAkGX2q0-00055-00004044-00004050 GOAL TO MAKE IT 2-0. THE PROWLERS CAN'T KEEP UP ibvBAkGX2q0-00056-00004050-00004137 GOAL TO MAKE IT 2-0. THE PROWLERS CAN'T KEEP UP TONIGHT. ibvBAkGX2q0-00057-00004137-00004144 THE PROWLERS CAN'T KEEP UP TONIGHT. ibvBAkGX2q0-00058-00004144-00004260 THE PROWLERS CAN'T KEEP UP TONIGHT. WARROAD WINS 4-1. ibvBAkGX2q0-00059-00004260-00004267 TONIGHT. WARROAD WINS 4-1. ibvBAkGX2q0-00060-00004267-00004394 TONIGHT. WARROAD WINS 4-1. THEY ADVANCE TO THE STATE ibvBAkGX2q0-00061-00004394-00004401 WARROAD WINS 4-1. THEY ADVANCE TO THE STATE ibvBAkGX2q0-00062-00004401-00004477 WARROAD WINS 4-1. THEY ADVANCE TO THE STATE TOURNAMENT. ibvBAkGX2q0-00063-00004477-00004484 THEY ADVANCE TO THE STATE TOURNAMENT. ibvBAkGX2q0-00064-00004484-00004631 THEY ADVANCE TO THE STATE TOURNAMENT. >> EVEN THOUGH WE DIDN'T COME ibvBAkGX2q0-00065-00004631-00004637 TOURNAMENT. >> EVEN THOUGH WE DIDN'T COME ibvBAkGX2q0-00066-00004637-00004788 TOURNAMENT. >> EVEN THOUGH WE DIDN'T COME OUT HARD THE FIRST YEAR, I THINK ibvBAkGX2q0-00067-00004788-00004794 >> EVEN THOUGH WE DIDN'T COME OUT HARD THE FIRST YEAR, I THINK ibvBAkGX2q0-00068-00004794-00004951 >> EVEN THOUGH WE DIDN'T COME OUT HARD THE FIRST YEAR, I THINK WE REALIZED WE HAD TO KICK IT ibvBAkGX2q0-00069-00004951-00004958 OUT HARD THE FIRST YEAR, I THINK WE REALIZED WE HAD TO KICK IT ibvBAkGX2q0-00070-00004958-00005058 OUT HARD THE FIRST YEAR, I THINK WE REALIZED WE HAD TO KICK IT INTO GEAR. ibvBAkGX2q0-00071-00005058-00005065 WE REALIZED WE HAD TO KICK IT INTO GEAR. ibvBAkGX2q0-00072-00005065-00005218 WE REALIZED WE HAD TO KICK IT INTO GEAR. THE SECOND PERIOD WE CAME OUT ibvBAkGX2q0-00073-00005218-00005225 INTO GEAR. THE SECOND PERIOD WE CAME OUT ibvBAkGX2q0-00074-00005225-00005288 INTO GEAR. THE SECOND PERIOD WE CAME OUT HARD. ibvBAkGX2q0-00075-00005288-00005295 THE SECOND PERIOD WE CAME OUT HARD. ibvBAkGX2q0-00076-00005295-00005422 THE SECOND PERIOD WE CAME OUT HARD. THOSE FIRST TWO GOALS REALLY ibvBAkGX2q0-00077-00005422-00005428 HARD. THOSE FIRST TWO GOALS REALLY ibvBAkGX2q0-00078-00005428-00005542 HARD. THOSE FIRST TWO GOALS REALLY HELPED US AND BUILT OUR ibvBAkGX2q0-00079-00005542-00005548 THOSE FIRST TWO GOALS REALLY HELPED US AND BUILT OUR ibvBAkGX2q0-00080-00005548-00005595 THOSE FIRST TWO GOALS REALLY HELPED US AND BUILT OUR CONFIDENCE UP. ibvBAkGX2q0-00081-00005595-00005602 HELPED US AND BUILT OUR CONFIDENCE UP. ibvBAkGX2q0-00082-00005602-00005742 HELPED US AND BUILT OUR CONFIDENCE UP. >> I WOULD SAY THE FEELING NEVER ibvBAkGX2q0-00083-00005742-00005749 CONFIDENCE UP. >> I WOULD SAY THE FEELING NEVER ibvBAkGX2q0-00084-00005749-00005839 CONFIDENCE UP. >> I WOULD SAY THE FEELING NEVER GETS OLD. ibvBAkGX2q0-00085-00005839-00005845 >> I WOULD SAY THE FEELING NEVER GETS OLD. ibvBAkGX2q0-00086-00005845-00006022 >> I WOULD SAY THE FEELING NEVER GETS OLD. IT FEELS SO GOOD TO BE ABLE TO ibvBAkGX2q0-00087-00006022-00006029 GETS OLD. IT FEELS SO GOOD TO BE ABLE TO ibvBAkGX2q0-00088-00006029-00006212 GETS OLD. IT FEELS SO GOOD TO BE ABLE TO PLAY IN THE EX AND JUST TO BE ibvBAkGX2q0-00089-00006212-00006219 IT FEELS SO GOOD TO BE ABLE TO PLAY IN THE EX AND JUST TO BE ibvBAkGX2q0-00090-00006219-00006379 IT FEELS SO GOOD TO BE ABLE TO PLAY IN THE EX AND JUST TO BE ABLE TO GO A WEEK LONGER WITH ibvBAkGX2q0-00091-00006379-00006386 PLAY IN THE EX AND JUST TO BE ABLE TO GO A WEEK LONGER WITH ibvBAkGX2q0-00092-00006386-00006479 PLAY IN THE EX AND JUST TO BE ABLE TO GO A WEEK LONGER WITH THESE TEAMMATES. ibvBAkGX2q0-00093-00006479-00006486 ABLE TO GO A WEEK LONGER WITH THESE TEAMMATES. ibvBAkGX2q0-00094-00006486-00006689 ABLE TO GO A WEEK LONGER WITH THESE TEAMMATES. I MEAN, I LOVE THESE GIRLS TO ibvBAkGX2q0-00095-00006689-00006696 THESE TEAMMATES. I MEAN, I LOVE THESE GIRLS TO ibvBAkGX2q0-00096-00006696-00006753 THESE TEAMMATES. I MEAN, I LOVE THESE GIRLS TO DEATH. ibvBAkGX2q0-00097-00006753-00006759 I MEAN, I LOVE THESE GIRLS TO DEATH. ibvBAkGX2q0-00098-00006759-00006906 I MEAN, I LOVE THESE GIRLS TO DEATH. >>A.J. Feldman: THEY'LL PLAY ON ibvBAkGX2q0-00099-00006906-00006913 DEATH. >>A.J. Feldman: THEY'LL PLAY ON ibvBAkGX2q0-00100-00006913-00006963 DEATH. >>A.J. Feldman: THEY'LL PLAY ON WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00000-00000443-00001276 I was fortunate to have this chance against Tenzan. But I wanted to do better than I did. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00001-00001363-00001746 I came up short, again. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00002-00001766-00002083 When I first got here... ig0MUy6R9Xc-00003-00002423-00002963 I was his assistant, running errands for him. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00004-00003010-00003650 I always listened when he spoke. He gave me a lot of advice. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00005-00003656-00005050 I gave him everything I had out there. I felt like that was the best way to repay him. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00006-00005153-00005940 I’ve got another one tomorrow. I’ll leave it all out there. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00007-00006643-00007603 He hits exactly as you’d expect, like a boulder. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00008-00007616-00008273 He’s solid. It’s not easy to take him down. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00009-00008410-00008590 Yeah… He's pretty awesome. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00010-00008616-00009266 But he’s a Young Lion who’s not very young. He’s excursion’s coming up. Looking forward to it. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00011-00009376-00010613 He only just debuted, and he’ll be off soon. I wonder what kind of monster he’ll become. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00012-00010633-00011783 When he comes through on the other side, he’ll either be the best or just plain shit. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00013-00011863-00012033 It’s hard to know. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00014-00012073-00012880 Even though he’s not very young, he’s got a great build and tons of heart, ig0MUy6R9Xc-00015-00012900-00013516 And I know he’s very dedicated to being successful. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00016-00013663-00013890 Anyway, I’m excited for him. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00017-00013906-00014573 When he returns, it’ll be a lot more difficult than it was today. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00018-00014593-00014693 That’s likely. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00019-00014793-00015456 But if he can’t get it done, that’s bad for New Japan’s future. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00020-00015566-00016016 Kitamura is the one I’m watching the closest. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00021-00016040-00016540 I want him to succeed, he was my assistant, after all. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00022-00016553-00017766 No matter where goes next, as long as he banks on his physique, he should come back and dominate. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00023-00017916-00018610 I can sense some of it coming, but it should be even greater in the future. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00024-00018733-00019133 He almost destroyed me, a few times out there. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00025-00019273-00019800 But that fired me up even more. I wasn’t going down that easily. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00026-00019836-00020606 Kitamura, keep fighting, get to the top, wherever you're at. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00027-00020626-00021083 And then come back here. ig0MUy6R9Xc-00028-00021093-00021306 Thank you. iigodlgffSY-00000-00000010-00000060 FINANCE AUTHORITY ALSO PLAN TO iigodlgffSY-00001-00000060-00000066 FINANCE AUTHORITY ALSO PLAN TO iigodlgffSY-00002-00000066-00000360 FINANCE AUTHORITY ALSO PLAN TO PROVIDE LOCAL INCENTIVES. iigodlgffSY-00003-00000360-00000367 FINANCE AUTHORITY ALSO PLAN TO PROVIDE LOCAL INCENTIVES. iigodlgffSY-00004-00000367-00000433 FINANCE AUTHORITY ALSO PLAN TO PROVIDE LOCAL INCENTIVES. THE MINNESOTA STATE PATROL AND iigodlgffSY-00005-00000433-00000440 PROVIDE LOCAL INCENTIVES. THE MINNESOTA STATE PATROL AND iigodlgffSY-00006-00000440-00000500 PROVIDE LOCAL INCENTIVES. THE MINNESOTA STATE PATROL AND THE MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES iigodlgffSY-00007-00000500-00000507 THE MINNESOTA STATE PATROL AND THE MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES iigodlgffSY-00008-00000507-00000573 THE MINNESOTA STATE PATROL AND THE MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES RECENTLY TEAMED UP TO CREATE AN iigodlgffSY-00009-00000573-00000580 THE MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES RECENTLY TEAMED UP TO CREATE AN iigodlgffSY-00010-00000580-00000660 THE MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES RECENTLY TEAMED UP TO CREATE AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE REGARDING iigodlgffSY-00011-00000660-00000667 RECENTLY TEAMED UP TO CREATE AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE REGARDING iigodlgffSY-00012-00000667-00001157 RECENTLY TEAMED UP TO CREATE AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE REGARDING DISTRACTED DRIVING. iigodlgffSY-00013-00001157-00001164 IMPORTANT MESSAGE REGARDING DISTRACTED DRIVING. iigodlgffSY-00014-00001164-00001234 IMPORTANT MESSAGE REGARDING DISTRACTED DRIVING. PSA FEATURING THE WOLVES MASCOT iigodlgffSY-00015-00001234-00001241 DISTRACTED DRIVING. PSA FEATURING THE WOLVES MASCOT iigodlgffSY-00016-00001241-00001454 DISTRACTED DRIVING. PSA FEATURING THE WOLVES MASCOT CRUNCH SHOWS THE EFFECTS iigodlgffSY-00017-00001454-00001461 PSA FEATURING THE WOLVES MASCOT CRUNCH SHOWS THE EFFECTS iigodlgffSY-00018-00001461-00001531 PSA FEATURING THE WOLVES MASCOT CRUNCH SHOWS THE EFFECTS OF BEING DISTRACTED WHILE ON THE iigodlgffSY-00019-00001531-00001538 CRUNCH SHOWS THE EFFECTS OF BEING DISTRACTED WHILE ON THE iigodlgffSY-00020-00001538-00001951 CRUNCH SHOWS THE EFFECTS OF BEING DISTRACTED WHILE ON THE COURT. iigodlgffSY-00021-00001951-00001958 OF BEING DISTRACTED WHILE ON THE COURT. iigodlgffSY-00022-00001958-00002042 OF BEING DISTRACTED WHILE ON THE COURT. THE CONSEQUENCES ARE MUCH MORE iigodlgffSY-00023-00002042-00002048 COURT. THE CONSEQUENCES ARE MUCH MORE iigodlgffSY-00024-00002048-00002375 COURT. THE CONSEQUENCES ARE MUCH MORE SERIOUS WHEN BEHIND THE WHEEL iigodlgffSY-00025-00002375-00002382 THE CONSEQUENCES ARE MUCH MORE SERIOUS WHEN BEHIND THE WHEEL iigodlgffSY-00026-00002382-00002786 THE CONSEQUENCES ARE MUCH MORE SERIOUS WHEN BEHIND THE WHEEL OF A $2,000-POUND VEHICLE. iigodlgffSY-00027-00002786-00002792 SERIOUS WHEN BEHIND THE WHEEL OF A $2,000-POUND VEHICLE. iigodlgffSY-00028-00002792-00002862 SERIOUS WHEN BEHIND THE WHEEL OF A $2,000-POUND VEHICLE. JOE TIKALSKY DIED IN A 2015 FROM iigodlgffSY-00029-00002862-00002869 OF A $2,000-POUND VEHICLE. JOE TIKALSKY DIED IN A 2015 FROM iigodlgffSY-00030-00002869-00002922 OF A $2,000-POUND VEHICLE. JOE TIKALSKY DIED IN A 2015 FROM A DISTRACTED DRIVER AND iigodlgffSY-00031-00002922-00002929 JOE TIKALSKY DIED IN A 2015 FROM A DISTRACTED DRIVER AND iigodlgffSY-00032-00002929-00002989 JOE TIKALSKY DIED IN A 2015 FROM A DISTRACTED DRIVER AND FAMILY AND FRIENDS ARE DOING iigodlgffSY-00033-00002989-00002996 A DISTRACTED DRIVER AND FAMILY AND FRIENDS ARE DOING iigodlgffSY-00034-00002996-00003386 A DISTRACTED DRIVER AND FAMILY AND FRIENDS ARE DOING WHAT THEY CAN TO RAISE AWARENESS iigodlgffSY-00035-00003386-00003393 FAMILY AND FRIENDS ARE DOING WHAT THEY CAN TO RAISE AWARENESS iigodlgffSY-00036-00003393-00003473 FAMILY AND FRIENDS ARE DOING WHAT THEY CAN TO RAISE AWARENESS SO OTHERS DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER iigodlgffSY-00037-00003473-00003480 WHAT THEY CAN TO RAISE AWARENESS SO OTHERS DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER iigodlgffSY-00038-00003480-00003777 WHAT THEY CAN TO RAISE AWARENESS SO OTHERS DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER FROM A TRAGEDY LIKE THEY HAVE. iigodlgffSY-00039-00003777-00003783 SO OTHERS DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER FROM A TRAGEDY LIKE THEY HAVE. iigodlgffSY-00040-00003783-00004047 SO OTHERS DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER FROM A TRAGEDY LIKE THEY HAVE. >> I MISS HIM SO MUCH, AND IT'S iigodlgffSY-00041-00004047-00004054 FROM A TRAGEDY LIKE THEY HAVE. >> I MISS HIM SO MUCH, AND IT'S iigodlgffSY-00042-00004054-00004200 FROM A TRAGEDY LIKE THEY HAVE. >> I MISS HIM SO MUCH, AND IT'S HARD FOR ME TO THINK ABOUT HIM iigodlgffSY-00043-00004200-00004207 >> I MISS HIM SO MUCH, AND IT'S HARD FOR ME TO THINK ABOUT HIM iigodlgffSY-00044-00004207-00004350 >> I MISS HIM SO MUCH, AND IT'S HARD FOR ME TO THINK ABOUT HIM NOT BEING IN GRADUATION NEXT iigodlgffSY-00045-00004350-00004357 HARD FOR ME TO THINK ABOUT HIM NOT BEING IN GRADUATION NEXT iigodlgffSY-00046-00004357-00004808 HARD FOR ME TO THINK ABOUT HIM NOT BEING IN GRADUATION NEXT YEAR OR OTHER FAMILY EVENTS. iigodlgffSY-00047-00004808-00004814 NOT BEING IN GRADUATION NEXT YEAR OR OTHER FAMILY EVENTS. iigodlgffSY-00048-00004814-00005115 NOT BEING IN GRADUATION NEXT YEAR OR OTHER FAMILY EVENTS. HE WAS A FAMILY ORIENTED PERSON, iigodlgffSY-00049-00005115-00005121 YEAR OR OTHER FAMILY EVENTS. HE WAS A FAMILY ORIENTED PERSON, iigodlgffSY-00050-00005121-00005418 YEAR OR OTHER FAMILY EVENTS. HE WAS A FAMILY ORIENTED PERSON, AND I MISS HIM SO MUCH. iigodlgffSY-00051-00005418-00005425 HE WAS A FAMILY ORIENTED PERSON, AND I MISS HIM SO MUCH. iigodlgffSY-00052-00005425-00005698 HE WAS A FAMILY ORIENTED PERSON, AND I MISS HIM SO MUCH. PLEASE DO NOT COMMIT A CRIME AS iigodlgffSY-00053-00005698-00005705 AND I MISS HIM SO MUCH. PLEASE DO NOT COMMIT A CRIME AS iigodlgffSY-00054-00005705-00005922 AND I MISS HIM SO MUCH. PLEASE DO NOT COMMIT A CRIME AS BAD AS THIS. iigodlgffSY-00055-00005922-00005929 PLEASE DO NOT COMMIT A CRIME AS BAD AS THIS. iigodlgffSY-00056-00005929-00006029 PLEASE DO NOT COMMIT A CRIME AS BAD AS THIS. DISTRACTED DRIVING IS DANGEROUS, iigodlgffSY-00057-00006029-00006036 BAD AS THIS. DISTRACTED DRIVING IS DANGEROUS, iigodlgffSY-00058-00006036-00006279 BAD AS THIS. DISTRACTED DRIVING IS DANGEROUS, AND YOU NEED TO MAKE THE iigodlgffSY-00059-00006279-00006286 DISTRACTED DRIVING IS DANGEROUS, AND YOU NEED TO MAKE THE iigodlgffSY-00060-00006286-00006506 DISTRACTED DRIVING IS DANGEROUS, AND YOU NEED TO MAKE THE DECISION NOT TO TEXT AND DRIVE. iigodlgffSY-00061-00006506-00006513 AND YOU NEED TO MAKE THE DECISION NOT TO TEXT AND DRIVE. iigodlgffSY-00062-00006513-00006573 AND YOU NEED TO MAKE THE DECISION NOT TO TEXT AND DRIVE. AN EXTRA DISTRACTED DRIVING iigodlgffSY-00063-00006573-00006579 DECISION NOT TO TEXT AND DRIVE. AN EXTRA DISTRACTED DRIVING iigodlgffSY-00064-00006579-00006649 DECISION NOT TO TEXT AND DRIVE. AN EXTRA DISTRACTED DRIVING ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN IS UNDERWAY iigodlgffSY-00065-00006649-00006656 AN EXTRA DISTRACTED DRIVING ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN IS UNDERWAY iigodlgffSY-00066-00006656-00006713 AN EXTRA DISTRACTED DRIVING ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN IS UNDERWAY AND IN THE FIRST WEEK LAW iigodlgffSY-00067-00006713-00006720 ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN IS UNDERWAY AND IN THE FIRST WEEK LAW iigodlgffSY-00068-00006720-00006883 ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN IS UNDERWAY AND IN THE FIRST WEEK LAW ENFORCEMENT HAS ENCOUNTERED SOME iigodlgffSY-00069-00006883-00006890 AND IN THE FIRST WEEK LAW ENFORCEMENT HAS ENCOUNTERED SOME iigodlgffSY-00070-00006890-00006996 AND IN THE FIRST WEEK LAW ENFORCEMENT HAS ENCOUNTERED SOME DISTURBING EXAMPLES OF iigodlgffSY-00071-00006996-00007003 ENFORCEMENT HAS ENCOUNTERED SOME DISTURBING EXAMPLES OF iigodlgffSY-00072-00007003-00007123 ENFORCEMENT HAS ENCOUNTERED SOME DISTURBING EXAMPLES OF DISTRACTED DRIVING INCLUDING iigodlgffSY-00073-00007123-00007130 DISTURBING EXAMPLES OF DISTRACTED DRIVING INCLUDING iigodlgffSY-00074-00007130-00007283 DISTURBING EXAMPLES OF DISTRACTED DRIVING INCLUDING THIS PERSON WHO IS BRUSHING HIS iigodlgffSY-00075-00007283-00007290 DISTRACTED DRIVING INCLUDING THIS PERSON WHO IS BRUSHING HIS iigodlgffSY-00076-00007290-00007534 DISTRACTED DRIVING INCLUDING THIS PERSON WHO IS BRUSHING HIS TEETH WHILE BEHIND THE WHEEL. iigodlgffSY-00077-00007534-00007540 THIS PERSON WHO IS BRUSHING HIS TEETH WHILE BEHIND THE WHEEL. iigodlgffSY-00078-00007540-00007927 THIS PERSON WHO IS BRUSHING HIS TEETH WHILE BEHIND THE WHEEL. SOME OTHER EXAMPLES INCLUDE: iigodlgffSY-00079-00007927-00007934 TEETH WHILE BEHIND THE WHEEL. SOME OTHER EXAMPLES INCLUDE: iigodlgffSY-00080-00007934-00008378 TEETH WHILE BEHIND THE WHEEL. SOME OTHER EXAMPLES INCLUDE: A WOMAN IN MOORHEAD EATING AND iigodlgffSY-00081-00008378-00008385 SOME OTHER EXAMPLES INCLUDE: A WOMAN IN MOORHEAD EATING AND iigodlgffSY-00082-00008385-00008448 SOME OTHER EXAMPLES INCLUDE: A WOMAN IN MOORHEAD EATING AND TEXTING, A 30-YEAR-OLD DRIVER iigodlgffSY-00083-00008448-00008455 A WOMAN IN MOORHEAD EATING AND TEXTING, A 30-YEAR-OLD DRIVER iigodlgffSY-00084-00008455-00008515 A WOMAN IN MOORHEAD EATING AND TEXTING, A 30-YEAR-OLD DRIVER CITED FOR A SCHOOL BUS ARM iigodlgffSY-00085-00008515-00008521 TEXTING, A 30-YEAR-OLD DRIVER CITED FOR A SCHOOL BUS ARM iigodlgffSY-00086-00008521-00008571 TEXTING, A 30-YEAR-OLD DRIVER CITED FOR A SCHOOL BUS ARM VIOLATION IN KASSON. iigodlgffSY-00087-00008571-00008578 CITED FOR A SCHOOL BUS ARM VIOLATION IN KASSON. iigodlgffSY-00088-00008578-00008641 CITED FOR A SCHOOL BUS ARM VIOLATION IN KASSON. THAT DRIVER WAS EATING CEREAL iigodlgffSY-00089-00008641-00008648 VIOLATION IN KASSON. THAT DRIVER WAS EATING CEREAL iigodlgffSY-00090-00008648-00008798 VIOLATION IN KASSON. THAT DRIVER WAS EATING CEREAL FROM A BOWL WHILE DRIVING. iigodlgffSY-00091-00008798-00008805 THAT DRIVER WAS EATING CEREAL FROM A BOWL WHILE DRIVING. iigodlgffSY-00092-00008805-00009172 THAT DRIVER WAS EATING CEREAL FROM A BOWL WHILE DRIVING. A 17-YEAR-OLD FEMALE DRIVER WHO iigodlgffSY-00093-00009172-00009179 FROM A BOWL WHILE DRIVING. A 17-YEAR-OLD FEMALE DRIVER WHO iigodlgffSY-00094-00009179-00009456 FROM A BOWL WHILE DRIVING. A 17-YEAR-OLD FEMALE DRIVER WHO WAS ON SNAPCHAT WHILE DRIVING iigodlgffSY-00095-00009456-00009462 A 17-YEAR-OLD FEMALE DRIVER WHO WAS ON SNAPCHAT WHILE DRIVING iigodlgffSY-00096-00009462-00009689 A 17-YEAR-OLD FEMALE DRIVER WHO WAS ON SNAPCHAT WHILE DRIVING AND A 34-YEAR-OLD MAN NEAR iigodlgffSY-00097-00009689-00009696 WAS ON SNAPCHAT WHILE DRIVING AND A 34-YEAR-OLD MAN NEAR iigodlgffSY-00098-00009696-00009889 WAS ON SNAPCHAT WHILE DRIVING AND A 34-YEAR-OLD MAN NEAR LENGBY WHO WAS STOPPED BY A iigodlgffSY-00099-00009889-00009896 AND A 34-YEAR-OLD MAN NEAR LENGBY WHO WAS STOPPED BY A iigodlgffSY-00100-00009896-00009963 AND A 34-YEAR-OLD MAN NEAR LENGBY WHO WAS STOPPED BY A TROOPER WHILE MAKING A FANTASY iigodlgffSY-00101-00009963-00009969 LENGBY WHO WAS STOPPED BY A TROOPER WHILE MAKING A FANTASY iigodlgffSY-00102-00009969-00010136 LENGBY WHO WAS STOPPED BY A TROOPER WHILE MAKING A FANTASY NBA DRAFT LIST ON HIS PHONE. iigodlgffSY-00103-00010136-00010143 TROOPER WHILE MAKING A FANTASY NBA DRAFT LIST ON HIS PHONE. iigodlgffSY-00104-00010143-00010310 TROOPER WHILE MAKING A FANTASY NBA DRAFT LIST ON HIS PHONE. THE EXTRA DISTRACTED DRIVING iigodlgffSY-00105-00010310-00010316 NBA DRAFT LIST ON HIS PHONE. THE EXTRA DISTRACTED DRIVING iigodlgffSY-00106-00010316-00010393 NBA DRAFT LIST ON HIS PHONE. THE EXTRA DISTRACTED DRIVING ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN STARTED ON iigodlgffSY-00107-00010393-00010400 THE EXTRA DISTRACTED DRIVING ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN STARTED ON iigodlgffSY-00108-00010400-00010470 THE EXTRA DISTRACTED DRIVING ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN STARTED ON APRIL 10TH AND RUNS THROUGH THE iigodlgffSY-00109-00010470-00010477 ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN STARTED ON APRIL 10TH AND RUNS THROUGH THE iigodlgffSY-00110-00010477-00010734 ENFORCEMENT CAMPAIGN STARTED ON APRIL 10TH AND RUNS THROUGH THE 23RD. iigodlgffSY-00111-00010734-00010740 APRIL 10TH AND RUNS THROUGH THE 23RD. iigodlgffSY-00112-00010740-00010827 APRIL 10TH AND RUNS THROUGH THE 23RD. IT INVOLVES DEPUTIES, POLICE iigodlgffSY-00113-00010827-00010834 23RD. IT INVOLVES DEPUTIES, POLICE iigodlgffSY-00114-00010834-00010914 23RD. IT INVOLVES DEPUTIES, POLICE OFFICERS AND TROOPERS FROM MORE iigodlgffSY-00115-00010914-00010920 IT INVOLVES DEPUTIES, POLICE OFFICERS AND TROOPERS FROM MORE iigodlgffSY-00116-00010920-00010997 IT INVOLVES DEPUTIES, POLICE OFFICERS AND TROOPERS FROM MORE THAN 300 AGENCIES STATEWIDE. ijY1kQDtuBk-00000-00000677-00001537 The other block the we can do in our layout is using the spacer. Now the spacer in itself has options, we can ijY1kQDtuBk-00001-00001537-00002113 make it something that is just two pixels, and we can give it even a class ijY1kQDtuBk-00002-00002113-00002515 and then change its color. So what I'm going to do is I'm just going to update ijY1kQDtuBk-00003-00002515-00003252 this, I'll move it up, update that, and then I'm going to reload this page, ijY1kQDtuBk-00004-00003252-00003779 let's go and see visually what it does, you will see that it has given us space here. ijY1kQDtuBk-00005-00003779-00004396 We have a spacer which has about 20 pixels in height so it's helping us space ijY1kQDtuBk-00006-00004396-00004840 our content. And that's what the spacer does. Equally in the layout ijY1kQDtuBk-00007-00004840-00005344 elements, in the layout blocks we have a separator, now this one works a little ijY1kQDtuBk-00008-00005344-00005803 different compared to what we have here as a spacer. The spacer adds space, ijY1kQDtuBk-00009-00005803-00006373 while the separator in itself adds a proper horizontal line. So if we update ijY1kQDtuBk-00010-00006373-00006981 this, and come back and reload our page here on the front end, you are actually going to ijY1kQDtuBk-00011-00006981-00007429 realize we have a whole long line that's cutting across. Now this would be useful ijY1kQDtuBk-00012-00007429-00008004 if you had lots of content in terms of words and you wanted to separate it. ijY1kQDtuBk-00013-00008004-00008772 so the separator would do a good job, with the separator ijY1kQDtuBk-00014-00008772-00009274 you have an option of changing the color, you can add some styles, you can make it ijY1kQDtuBk-00015-00009274-00009688 into dots which are just three dots, or you can have it to be a very wide ijY1kQDtuBk-00016-00009688-00010276 line, or you can have it simply a fraction of your space. So you ijY1kQDtuBk-00017-00010276-00010771 can either use the graphical interface here just to describe this, describe ijY1kQDtuBk-00018-00010771-00011595 what you want your separator to be, or you can use the drop-down to do that. ikwlqDeDr2E-00000-00000045-00000596 Hello everybody, my name is Tsurugi and this Operator Showcase video will be a little different. ikwlqDeDr2E-00001-00000596-00001162 Yes, I’m still introducing new operators because… spoiler alert, but this time, it ikwlqDeDr2E-00002-00001162-00001417 comes in pairs instead of one. ikwlqDeDr2E-00003-00001417-00002267 The operators right here are Texas and Yato, but they are now the executors. ikwlqDeDr2E-00004-00002267-00002899 Yes, instead of vanguards where they used to be, they now share the same branch, and ikwlqDeDr2E-00005-00002899-00003094 same rarity with Phantom. ikwlqDeDr2E-00006-00003094-00003707 While Texas alter appears in limited banners since The Siracusan event, Yato alter appears ikwlqDeDr2E-00007-00003707-00004071 exclusively in Monster Hunter collaboration event only. ikwlqDeDr2E-00008-00004071-00004617 That’s right, out of 3 6-star executors, these two are limited. ikwlqDeDr2E-00009-00004617-00005105 So, for this video, I’ll be showcasing both operators with Pot 1 only. ikwlqDeDr2E-00010-00005105-00005566 Hence, this video will be slightly friendly to F2P players. ikwlqDeDr2E-00011-00005566-00006235 Just forget about every gameplay video with a max potted Texas alter or Yato alter. ikwlqDeDr2E-00012-00006235-00006936 Texas alter, aka Texas the Omertosa, is a DPS-focused executor, so her skills and talents ikwlqDeDr2E-00013-00006936-00007233 are about dealing as much damage as possible. ikwlqDeDr2E-00014-00007233-00007775 Her Texas Tradition allows her to reactivate her skills, her Texas Swordsmanship upscales ikwlqDeDr2E-00015-00007775-00008335 her DPS, and both talents provide her extra survivability. ikwlqDeDr2E-00016-00008335-00008657 Her only module so far reminds me of Passenger’s second talent. ikwlqDeDr2E-00017-00008657-00009257 And, her skills are mainly about dealing arts damage to enemies, a reminiscent of her second ikwlqDeDr2E-00018-00009257-00009442 skill as a vanguard. ikwlqDeDr2E-00019-00009442-00009954 On the other hand, Kirin X Yato has a nuker tag, because her job is to deal extra damages ikwlqDeDr2E-00020-00009954-00010105 within a split second. ikwlqDeDr2E-00021-00010105-00010586 Like Texas alter, Yato alter can deal arts damage through her first talent, and she still ikwlqDeDr2E-00022-00010586-00011047 can deal some damages despite her skill time is depleted. ikwlqDeDr2E-00023-00011047-00011477 Her skills focus on how to nuke an enemy, or a few by her skill 3. ikwlqDeDr2E-00024-00011477-00012110 I do recommend to unlock her module because it is the exact module as with Phantom, Waai ikwlqDeDr2E-00025-00012110-00012346 Fu and Gravel. ikwlqDeDr2E-00026-00012346-00012689 Only time will tell if both of them have the second module. ikwlqDeDr2E-00027-00012689-00013541 Now, for the gameplay, I’m using both operators at E2L60, skill level 7 for both 1st and 2nd ikwlqDeDr2E-00028-00013541-00013803 skills, and no modules. ikwlqDeDr2E-00029-00013803-00015001 The only difference is their skill 3, Texas alter’s at M2 while Yato alter’s at M1. ikwlqDeDr2E-00033-00094618-00094866 Now... My opinions on both operators. ikwlqDeDr2E-00034-00094899-00095280 I cannot say much about pros and cons about deploying them both because they ikwlqDeDr2E-00035-00095280-00095459 are equally powerful. ikwlqDeDr2E-00036-00095496-00095833 Executor is one of the most popular branches among all specialists ikwlqDeDr2E-00037-00095833-00095985 because some of them can deal much damage, ikwlqDeDr2E-00038-00095985-00096456 and honestly, Yato alter and Texas alter are both reliable. ikwlqDeDr2E-00039-00096523-00097080 Although, the DP cost of 6-star executors are the pain-in-the-ass when you deploy them ikwlqDeDr2E-00040-00097080-00097218 over and over again. ikwlqDeDr2E-00041-00097218-00097548 Given the fact that you need a Pot 2 to reduce their DP by 1, ikwlqDeDr2E-00042-00097548-00098231 and max pot them will further reduce their DP by 1, which brings up to 2 in total. ikwlqDeDr2E-00043-00098231-00098691 I’m sure most of y’all gamers save up many orundums just for either of ikwlqDeDr2E-00044-00098691-00099020 them or both, but to me, Pot 1 is enough. ikwlqDeDr2E-00045-00099074-00099411 We still have other executors like Kafka and Projekt Red. ikwlqDeDr2E-00046-00099411-00100104 But, the fact that both Yato and Texas alters are so strong, that some said they should ikwlqDeDr2E-00047-00100104-00100355 be one of the Big Threes. ikwlqDeDr2E-00048-00100355-00100914 I doubt if the statement is exaggerated but, at least, Bagpipe the gatekeeper allows them ikwlqDeDr2E-00049-00100914-00101088 to join the meta-operators team. ikwlqDeDr2E-00050-00101143-00101700 So there you have it, the operator showcase video for Texas the Omertosa and Kirin X Yato. ikwlqDeDr2E-00051-00101700-00101913 And I’ll see you in the next video. ikwlqDeDr2E-00052-00101913-00101963 Peace out. ilxrrqi-imE-00000-00000000-00001830 Point 1: Don’t buy the message of the commercial media. ilxrrqi-imE-00001-00001830-00002380 Michael: We put this very unpopular point first because it is, after all, the primary thing. ilxrrqi-imE-00002-00002380-00002870 We need to cleanse the mind just as we every now and then ilxrrqi-imE-00003-00002870-00003300 go and buy some stuff in a health food store and cleanse the body. ilxrrqi-imE-00004-00003300-00003800 We have been subjected in our civilization – ilxrrqi-imE-00005-00003800-00004170 I’m speaking here of Western industrialized countries ilxrrqi-imE-00006-00004170-00004390 or Eastern industrialized countries for that matter. ilxrrqi-imE-00007-00004390-00005170 We have been subjected to years and years of rather disorientating conditioning. ilxrrqi-imE-00008-00005170-00005880 And we here at Metta feel that this is really what’s keeping humanity back. ilxrrqi-imE-00009-00005880-00006530 This is the stumbling block to preventing us from unleashing the great shift. ilxrrqi-imE-00010-00006530-00006730 Call it, “A great turning,” or what you will. ilxrrqi-imE-00011-00006730-00007220 The fact of the matter is if you live in this civilization ilxrrqi-imE-00012-00007220-00007750 you are exposed to between 3-5000 commercial messages every day. ilxrrqi-imE-00013-00007750-00008260 And if you analyze those messages, what are they telling you? ilxrrqi-imE-00014-00008260-00008580 Underneath the surface message which is, you know, ilxrrqi-imE-00015-00008580-00008850 “Buy this kind of cigarette or that kind of toothpaste. ilxrrqi-imE-00016-00008850-00009150 Or put your money in this kind of bank.” ilxrrqi-imE-00017-00009150-00009540 Underneath that message, they’re all telling you ilxrrqi-imE-00018-00009540-00010040 that you do not have the resources within yourself to be fulfilled and happy. ilxrrqi-imE-00019-00010040-00010270 Remember, this is – ilxrrqi-imE-00020-00010270-00010820 we identified this as the biggest misconception of corporate civilization. ilxrrqi-imE-00021-00010820-00011120 “Homo-commercialis,” I sometimes say, ilxrrqi-imE-00022-00011120-00011590 the commercialized human being – depersonalized human being. ilxrrqi-imE-00023-00011590-00012160 So, this is, if you will, the biggest lie, the lie that happiness does not lie within us. ilxrrqi-imE-00024-00012160-00012500 It lies outside us, and we have to buy it. ilxrrqi-imE-00025-00012500-00013030 But in the words of a great spiritual teacher of modern India, Sri Ramana Maharshi, ilxrrqi-imE-00026-00013030-00013360 he pointed out very simply and very straightforwardly, ilxrrqi-imE-00027-00013360-00013760 there is no happiness in any object of the world. ilxrrqi-imE-00028-00013760-00014290 So, it’s by constantly looking outside of ourselves for fulfillment ilxrrqi-imE-00029-00014290-00014740 that we overlook the power that is within us. ilxrrqi-imE-00030-00014740-00015140 And we may think that, “Oh, I’m very sophisticated. ilxrrqi-imE-00031-00015140-00015369 I don’t believe all of this stuff, ilxrrqi-imE-00032-00015369-00015750 so watching this commercial media isn’t going to bother me any.” ilxrrqi-imE-00033-00015750-00016000 But many studies have shown that ilxrrqi-imE-00034-00016000-00016470 underlying messages are more powerful than surface messages. ilxrrqi-imE-00035-00016470-00016890 And those underlying messages get deep into our consciousness ilxrrqi-imE-00036-00016890-00017100 through constant repetition. ilxrrqi-imE-00037-00017100-00017620 So, the final solution which is, you know, quite unpopular ilxrrqi-imE-00038-00017620-00018070 and requires some self-sacrifice and some renunciation, ilxrrqi-imE-00039-00018070-00018340 but you know, no pain, no gain in this business. ilxrrqi-imE-00040-00018340-00018760 The final solution is just boycott the darn things. ilxrrqi-imE-00041-00018760-00019230 I mean I never had a television set in my possession ilxrrqi-imE-00042-00019230-00019600 in my home from the day that I left for college. ilxrrqi-imE-00043-00019600-00019960 And I think I’m pretty aware of what’s going on in the world. ilxrrqi-imE-00044-00019960-00020210 And I’m a much happier person for it. ilxrrqi-imE-00045-00020210-00020510 Thousands of families have tried the experiments ilxrrqi-imE-00046-00020510-00020920 of not watching television for a period of time. ilxrrqi-imE-00047-00020920-00021200 And what they immediately discover, interestingly enough, ilxrrqi-imE-00048-00021200-00021490 is that the kids fight a lot more ilxrrqi-imE-00049-00021490-00021810 because they’ve been sitting mesmerized in front of the TV. ilxrrqi-imE-00050-00021810-00022220 But then by fighting and arguing and tussling with one another, ilxrrqi-imE-00051-00022220-00022560 they work their problems out instead of suppressing them. ilxrrqi-imE-00052-00022560-00022990 And when those problems are worked out, the family is much more cohesive. ilxrrqi-imE-00053-00022990-00023500 And I have a strong feeling that the destruction of the modern family ilxrrqi-imE-00054-00023500-00023880 is largely due to the stupefaction of individuals ilxrrqi-imE-00055-00023880-00024090 who then don’t face one another ilxrrqi-imE-00056-00024090-00024530 and don’t work out their destiny in interaction with one another. ilxrrqi-imE-00057-00024530-00024740 They don’t live in a human world anymore. ilxrrqi-imE-00058-00024740-00025240 They live in the idealized world of these commercial fantasies. ilxrrqi-imE-00059-00025240-00026260 So, if we decide that as far as in us lies, as far as we can control our environment, ilxrrqi-imE-00060-00026260-00026439 we're not going to watch TV. ilxrrqi-imE-00061-00026439-00026710 We're going to get our news from alternative media. ilxrrqi-imE-00062-00026710-00027620 We're going to only watch films that don’t exploit violence ilxrrqi-imE-00063-00027620-00028070 and exploit us in the process, that don’t exploit vulgarity, ilxrrqi-imE-00064-00028070-00028800 that don’t create a very low, empty, separate, crass image of the human being. ilxrrqi-imE-00065-00028800-00029530 If we’d make that decision, we're clearing out a lot of these old superstitious cobwebs ilxrrqi-imE-00066-00029530-00029900 about the human being being a separate personal object, ilxrrqi-imE-00067-00029900-00030200 condemned to compete for scarce resources. ilxrrqi-imE-00068-00030200-00030580 We’ll still see plenty of this stuff because, you know, walking down the street, ilxrrqi-imE-00069-00030580-00030830 looking at the side of a bus, we’ll see it. ilxrrqi-imE-00070-00030830-00031150 But I think it’s extremely important to make that effort of will ilxrrqi-imE-00071-00031150-00031620 to sequester ourselves from that influence. ilxrrqi-imE-00072-00031620-00032089 When we make that effort of will, I think that in itself is a big protection. ilxrrqi-imE-00073-00032089-00032570 And I’m speaking here as a person who has done this himself for a long time. ilxrrqi-imE-00074-00032570-00032980 And I have found it’s, you know, it’s very healthy ilxrrqi-imE-00075-00032980-00033200 and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. ilxrrqi-imE-00076-00033200-00033610 Especially, if we follow this up with the other four points. inrqMxJnBSI-00000-00000086-00000413 Hi, I'm Don McRae, Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation. inrqMxJnBSI-00001-00000413-00000721 October is Community Living Month in British Columbia. inrqMxJnBSI-00002-00000721-00001004 This is a time to recognize the contributions of people with inrqMxJnBSI-00003-00001004-00001142 developmental disabilities inrqMxJnBSI-00004-00001142-00001552 and to acknowledge the people who support them. I would like to thank all the parents and family members inrqMxJnBSI-00005-00001552-00001704 for the extra work that you do. inrqMxJnBSI-00006-00001704-00002118 You make a huge difference in the lives of your adult children and in the lives of other families as well. inrqMxJnBSI-00007-00002118-00002162 and in the lives of other families as well. inrqMxJnBSI-00008-00002162-00002530 Thank you as well to the many service providers, home share providers and inrqMxJnBSI-00009-00002530-00002671 caregivers around the province. inrqMxJnBSI-00010-00002671-00002986 The reason we have quality services and supports available inrqMxJnBSI-00011-00002986-00003321 is because of your hard work, your dedication and passion for helping others. inrqMxJnBSI-00012-00003321-00003707 And, thank you to the thousands of self advocates who asked for inclusion and inrqMxJnBSI-00013-00003707-00004151 are taking steps to make that happen. Over the coming month, I'll be spending inrqMxJnBSI-00014-00004151-00004362 much of my time traveling around the province inrqMxJnBSI-00015-00004362-00004753 visiting with communities and going to as many events as I can. inrqMxJnBSI-00016-00004753-00005072 I'll be visiting workplaces, group homes, inrqMxJnBSI-00017-00005072-00005517 day programs and community events in over 25 cities and towns inrqMxJnBSI-00018-00005517-00005905 in all regions of the province. I look forward to meeting with individuals and inrqMxJnBSI-00019-00005905-00005975 families inrqMxJnBSI-00020-00005975-00006311 and hearing about successes and accomplishments ... as well as some of the challenges. inrqMxJnBSI-00021-00006311-00006451 that people in groups face. inrqMxJnBSI-00022-00006451-00006764 Community Living Month is also about celebrating diversity. inrqMxJnBSI-00023-00006764-00007132 The best communities, the best employers and even the best friendships inrqMxJnBSI-00024-00007132-00007563 all have one thing in common ... and that's diversity. We all belong and are equal inrqMxJnBSI-00025-00007563-00007884 and, we can all help make our communities be more inclusive inrqMxJnBSI-00026-00007884-00008017 and welcoming for others. inrqMxJnBSI-00027-00008017-00008447 Thank you -- all of you -- for helping to make our province an inclusive place to live inrqMxJnBSI-00028-00008447-00008585 for people with developmental disabilities. intWhmssb_E-00000-00000559-00000661 - [Jeremy] Hi, I'm Jeremy Pickens, intWhmssb_E-00001-00000661-00000827 the nursery and greenhouse specialist intWhmssb_E-00002-00000827-00000977 with Alabama extension. intWhmssb_E-00003-00000977-00001199 And I'm going to present a study that, intWhmssb_E-00004-00001199-00001343 or trial that I did intWhmssb_E-00005-00001343-00001601 with Dr. Chris Marble at University of Florida intWhmssb_E-00006-00001601-00001867 on post emergent we control an Asiatic Jasmine intWhmssb_E-00007-00001867-00002159 and dwarf Mondo grass ground covers. intWhmssb_E-00008-00002159-00002418 So ground covers are a popular alternative to turf. intWhmssb_E-00009-00002418-00002693 You can use them on places or in places intWhmssb_E-00010-00002693-00003019 where mowers are not accessible, like steep slopes intWhmssb_E-00011-00003019-00003392 or in deep shade where grass or turf doesn't grow well. intWhmssb_E-00012-00003392-00003636 Over time, it can reduce your mulching costs. intWhmssb_E-00013-00003636-00003893 There's not a lot of pest pressure intWhmssb_E-00014-00003893-00004115 for the most of these ground covers. intWhmssb_E-00015-00004115-00004325 However, early on in establishment intWhmssb_E-00016-00004325-00004475 weeds can become a problem. intWhmssb_E-00017-00004584-00004825 So some of the species that are commonly used intWhmssb_E-00018-00004825-00005017 in Alabama would be Asiatic Jasmine intWhmssb_E-00019-00005103-00005400 Mondo, or dwarf Mondo grass, English Ivy, intWhmssb_E-00020-00005400-00005589 cast irons, and junipers, intWhmssb_E-00021-00005589-00005751 those are all pretty common, intWhmssb_E-00022-00005751-00006044 but we are just going to be discussing intWhmssb_E-00023-00006044-00006423 the Asiatic Jasmine and dwarf Mondo today. intWhmssb_E-00024-00006423-00006818 There are some success strategies to keep the weeds out intWhmssb_E-00025-00006912-00007047 or reduce weed pressure intWhmssb_E-00026-00007047-00007436 and that would be to use fast growing species if possible, intWhmssb_E-00027-00007436-00007588 or increase your plant density. intWhmssb_E-00028-00007588-00007745 So the more plants you have per area, intWhmssb_E-00029-00007745-00007925 the faster it's going to fill in, intWhmssb_E-00030-00007925-00008282 and just keep in mind that the less amount of sunlight intWhmssb_E-00031-00008282-00008429 that is hitting the soil intWhmssb_E-00032-00008429-00008733 is gonna equal less weeds germinating. intWhmssb_E-00033-00008733-00008911 Some mulch can be used. intWhmssb_E-00034-00008911-00009038 It's a little difficult sometimes intWhmssb_E-00035-00009038-00009385 to get mulch in and around some of these small plants. intWhmssb_E-00036-00009385-00009562 So chopped pine straw, intWhmssb_E-00037-00009562-00009829 or maybe a little bit finer grade mulch intWhmssb_E-00038-00009829-00010050 sometimes may help with that. intWhmssb_E-00039-00010050-00010289 There's also some plenty of pre-emergent herbicides. intWhmssb_E-00040-00010289-00010494 And I'll show you a list of these labeled intWhmssb_E-00041-00010494-00010829 for both of these species, Asiatic Jasmine and dwarf Mondo. intWhmssb_E-00042-00010829-00011082 You definitely, if you have the ability to intWhmssb_E-00043-00011082-00011254 to hand weed often. intWhmssb_E-00044-00011254-00011752 Just going in and rouging through that ground cover intWhmssb_E-00045-00011752-00011867 as often as possible intWhmssb_E-00046-00011867-00012081 is going to really reduce the weed pressure intWhmssb_E-00047-00012081-00012260 by keeping that seed bank low. intWhmssb_E-00048-00012260-00012411 And then when you need it intWhmssb_E-00049-00012411-00012748 there's also the option for chemical post emergent control. intWhmssb_E-00050-00012748-00013091 And that's what we're going to be talking about today. intWhmssb_E-00051-00013091-00013324 So here is a list of some of the pre-emergent herbicides intWhmssb_E-00052-00013324-00013487 labeled for Asiatic Jasmine, intWhmssb_E-00053-00013487-00013801 plenty of granular and spray applied products. intWhmssb_E-00054-00013801-00014126 And you can always hit pause and write these down. intWhmssb_E-00055-00014126-00014304 There's also a post emergent herbicides intWhmssb_E-00056-00014304-00014421 and we're going to talk about some of these intWhmssb_E-00057-00014421-00014756 that we evaluated as far as plant safety goes. intWhmssb_E-00058-00014756-00014957 Also mono grass, intWhmssb_E-00059-00014957-00015256 plenty of options for pre-merger products intWhmssb_E-00060-00015256-00015563 and post emergent products. intWhmssb_E-00061-00015563-00015812 So the purpose of this trial was to evaluate intWhmssb_E-00062-00015812-00016119 10 commonly used post emergent herbicides intWhmssb_E-00063-00016119-00016456 for over the top of Asiatic Jasmine dwarf Mondo. intWhmssb_E-00064-00016456-00016840 We are just evaluating how this affect plant growth intWhmssb_E-00065-00016840-00016976 or plant safety, intWhmssb_E-00066-00016976-00017358 did it hurt our ground covers really what we're after. intWhmssb_E-00067-00017358-00017615 And so this project was led by Chris Marble intWhmssb_E-00068-00017615-00017722 at the university of Florida, intWhmssb_E-00069-00017722-00017951 and he conducted his trial at the station in Apopka, intWhmssb_E-00070-00017951-00018318 looking at Asiatic Jasmine and perennial peanut. intWhmssb_E-00071-00018318-00018554 We're just going to be discussing Asiatic Jasmine today intWhmssb_E-00072-00018554-00018860 because we don't grow a lot of perennial peanut in Alabama. intWhmssb_E-00073-00018860-00019152 And then at the ornamental horticulture research station intWhmssb_E-00074-00019152-00019338 we did a dwarf Mondo grass. intWhmssb_E-00075-00019338-00019670 So it repeated the study each trial twice. intWhmssb_E-00076-00019670-00020170 And we used 2X the label rate at 30 gallons per acre. intWhmssb_E-00077-00020220-00020515 So that's two times the, I think the highest label rate. intWhmssb_E-00078-00020515-00020705 So this was like a worst case scenario. intWhmssb_E-00079-00020705-00020946 So if you went out and kinda messed up on your calibrate intWhmssb_E-00080-00020946-00021241 and put too much out, would these be safe? intWhmssb_E-00081-00021241-00021492 And so also we did two applications intWhmssb_E-00082-00021492-00021726 one of course at initiation intWhmssb_E-00083-00021726-00021972 and then another one at eight weeks after initial treatment. intWhmssb_E-00084-00021972-00022291 So all in all how these plants were evaluated intWhmssb_E-00085-00022291-00022459 about 14 to 16 weeks. intWhmssb_E-00086-00022459-00022756 And again, that was two applications in that time period. intWhmssb_E-00087-00022929-00023033 So I'll just go through each intWhmssb_E-00088-00023033-00023247 of the active ingredients that we tested. intWhmssb_E-00089-00023247-00023403 So Bentazon, intWhmssb_E-00090-00023403-00023754 we use the product Basagran turf and ornamental. intWhmssb_E-00091-00023754-00023909 It really targets a nutsedge. intWhmssb_E-00092-00023909-00024253 What's nice about this product is it kills the tuber. intWhmssb_E-00093-00024253-00024435 So it does several of nutsedge. intWhmssb_E-00094-00024435-00024576 It does several sedges, intWhmssb_E-00095-00024682-00025029 and several large, excuse me, broadleaf weeds. intWhmssb_E-00096-00025029-00025212 It is not labeled for Asiatic Jasmine intWhmssb_E-00097-00025212-00025389 and is not labeled for dwarf Mondo intWhmssb_E-00098-00025510-00025697 and the amount of injury we saw, intWhmssb_E-00099-00025697-00025816 I would not recommend using it, intWhmssb_E-00100-00025816-00026141 again, it's not labeled for either of these crops, intWhmssb_E-00101-00026141-00026375 it did significantly injured both crops intWhmssb_E-00102-00026375-00026783 and it reduced growth by either 51 or 29%. intWhmssb_E-00103-00026942-00027188 Clopyralid, the product we use was Lontrel. intWhmssb_E-00104-00027272-00027476 It was used on several large broadleaf weeds, intWhmssb_E-00105-00027476-00027674 especially thistles. intWhmssb_E-00106-00027674-00027864 And it does suppress dollar weed. intWhmssb_E-00107-00027864-00028174 There is an over the top application on several junipers intWhmssb_E-00108-00028174-00028361 and other ornamental plants. intWhmssb_E-00109-00028361-00028560 Asiatic Jasmine, however is not labeled. intWhmssb_E-00110-00028560-00028788 We did see significant injury, intWhmssb_E-00111-00028788-00029006 with 30% reduction in growth. intWhmssb_E-00112-00029006-00029236 Dwarf Mondo is also not labeled. intWhmssb_E-00113-00029236-00029489 We did not see any injury after two applications intWhmssb_E-00114-00029489-00029591 at the 2X rate. intWhmssb_E-00115-00029677-00029913 We did see a reduction in growth by about 24% intWhmssb_E-00116-00029913-00030142 when we compared that to the control. intWhmssb_E-00117-00030142-00030294 So this might be a product intWhmssb_E-00118-00030294-00030554 that could potentially be used, although not labeled intWhmssb_E-00119-00030677-00030782 in a situation intWhmssb_E-00120-00030782-00031138 where you already had an existing stand of dwarf Mondo, intWhmssb_E-00121-00031138-00031326 and you had to control some weeds intWhmssb_E-00122-00031326-00031460 that might be on the species, intWhmssb_E-00123-00031460-00031612 I mean, excuse me, on the label. intWhmssb_E-00124-00031612-00031907 And you weren't really worried about a reduction in growth. intWhmssb_E-00125-00032062-00032333 So Fluazifop, the product we use was Fusillade. intWhmssb_E-00126-00032333-00032572 This is a gramicidin, so that is grass specific, intWhmssb_E-00127-00032572-00032747 it will only kill grass. intWhmssb_E-00128-00032747-00033031 It does control assortment of grass. intWhmssb_E-00129-00033031-00033165 You can consult the label for that. intWhmssb_E-00130-00033165-00033357 Some of the ones that might be interesting intWhmssb_E-00131-00033357-00033708 to you would be Bermuda grass, crab grass or torpedo grass. intWhmssb_E-00132-00033708-00033916 It does an excellent job on all those. intWhmssb_E-00133-00033916-00034138 Asiatic Jasmine, it is labeled for overtop intWhmssb_E-00134-00034138-00034315 as well as dwarf Mondo grass. intWhmssb_E-00135-00034315-00034606 We didn't have any problems with this active ingredient intWhmssb_E-00136-00034606-00034877 being applied, no reduction growth and no damage. intWhmssb_E-00137-00035226-00035386 With Glufosinate or glyphosate, intWhmssb_E-00138-00035386-00035855 these are both broad spectrum, systemic herbicides. intWhmssb_E-00139-00035980-00036241 Of course, these are used to just basically intWhmssb_E-00140-00036241-00036475 wipe out whatever they are sprayed on. intWhmssb_E-00141-00036475-00036739 And of course, both of these crops are not labeled. intWhmssb_E-00142-00036739-00037041 We did see significant injury with Asiatic Jasmine intWhmssb_E-00143-00037041-00037389 and significant growth reduction both of about 50%, intWhmssb_E-00144-00037389-00037671 however, dwarf Mondo grass, it totally wiped it out, intWhmssb_E-00145-00037671-00037808 and nearly 100% mortality. intWhmssb_E-00146-00037808-00038100 So if you want to kill a dwarf Mondo grass, intWhmssb_E-00147-00038100-00038324 both these products worked really well. intWhmssb_E-00148-00038324-00038535 Of course, we use the 2x rate. intWhmssb_E-00149-00038772-00039095 Halosulfuron, the product we tested was SedgeHammer. intWhmssb_E-00150-00039095-00039284 It controls both yellow and purple nutsedge intWhmssb_E-00151-00039284-00039541 and several broadleaf weeds. intWhmssb_E-00152-00039541-00039808 Asiatic Jasmine and dwarf Mondo are not labeled. intWhmssb_E-00153-00039808-00040243 We did see significant injury after the second application intWhmssb_E-00154-00040243-00040415 on Asiatic Jasmine. intWhmssb_E-00155-00040415-00040799 And we did see a 26% reduction in growth. intWhmssb_E-00156-00040799-00041235 Excuse me, there was no injury after two applications. intWhmssb_E-00157-00041235-00041422 And so this is again a potential resource intWhmssb_E-00158-00041422-00041535 for established plantings intWhmssb_E-00159-00041535-00041814 if you're not worried about growth, intWhmssb_E-00160-00041814-00041944 however it did, intWhmssb_E-00161-00042138-00042353 it is not labeled for that use. intWhmssb_E-00162-00042353-00042541 Dwarf Mondo grass, again, not labeled. intWhmssb_E-00163-00042541-00042788 We did see minor injury after one application, intWhmssb_E-00164-00042903-00043137 but it was not acceptable intWhmssb_E-00165-00043137-00043312 and did reduce growth by 55%. intWhmssb_E-00166-00043312-00043638 So I would stay away from Mondo grass intWhmssb_E-00167-00043638-00043889 with this active ingredient, Halosulfuron. intWhmssb_E-00168-00044068-00044216 Imazaquin, the product we use intWhmssb_E-00169-00044216-00044360 was Septor turf and ornamental. intWhmssb_E-00170-00044360-00044692 It is a product that controls sedges, intWhmssb_E-00171-00044692-00044974 does control dollar weed, wild garlic, henbit. intWhmssb_E-00172-00045059-00045297 It is labeled for both Asiatic Jasmine intWhmssb_E-00173-00045297-00045555 and dwarf Mondo grass. intWhmssb_E-00174-00045555-00045745 We only saw minor injury intWhmssb_E-00175-00045830-00046130 and no growth reduction in Asiatic Jasmine. intWhmssb_E-00176-00046130-00046458 Only minor injury with dwarf Mondo. intWhmssb_E-00177-00046458-00046637 in some cases, moderate and injury. intWhmssb_E-00178-00046637-00046895 And it did reduce growth by 47%. intWhmssb_E-00179-00046895-00047213 But again, this is at a 2X rate and two applications intWhmssb_E-00180-00047213-00047425 within six to eight weeks of each other. intWhmssb_E-00181-00047612-00047827 Sethodxydim, another gramicidin, intWhmssb_E-00182-00047827-00048327 does a good job on plenty of perennial and annual grasses. intWhmssb_E-00183-00048444-00048716 It will control bahia, Bermuda and crab grass, intWhmssb_E-00184-00048716-00049029 both Asiatic Jasmine and Mondo grass are labeled. intWhmssb_E-00185-00049029-00049322 And we didn't see any problems using this product. intWhmssb_E-00186-00049322-00049594 For the active ingredient, sulfentrazone, we used Dismiss, intWhmssb_E-00187-00049594-00049892 it controls both yellow and purple nutsedge, intWhmssb_E-00188-00049892-00050268 with 24 to 48 hours control. intWhmssb_E-00189-00050268-00050580 Does do several broadleaf weeds including dollar weed. intWhmssb_E-00190-00050580-00050765 Asiatic Jasmine is not labeled. intWhmssb_E-00191-00050765-00050990 We did see minor injury, but it recovered, intWhmssb_E-00192-00050990-00051151 did not see any growth reduction, intWhmssb_E-00193-00051151-00051280 that's at the 2X rate. intWhmssb_E-00194-00051280-00051564 Dwarf Mondo grass, we saw a severe injury intWhmssb_E-00195-00051564-00051827 and it reduced growth by 61%. intWhmssb_E-00196-00052115-00052401 Sulfosulfuron, or Certainty is a product we use. intWhmssb_E-00197-00052401-00052663 It does also control yellow and purple nutsedge. intWhmssb_E-00198-00052663-00052911 It does control chamber bitter, dollar weed intWhmssb_E-00199-00052911-00053341 and several other large grass and sedges, intWhmssb_E-00200-00053341-00053476 broadleaf weeds also. intWhmssb_E-00201-00053561-00053817 Asiatic Jasmine is labeled for over the top intWhmssb_E-00202-00053817-00054040 and we saw unacceptable injury. intWhmssb_E-00203-00054040-00054292 It reduced growth by 36%. intWhmssb_E-00204-00054292-00054449 It's labeled for over the top use, intWhmssb_E-00205-00054449-00054688 but again, we were using the 2X rate, intWhmssb_E-00206-00054688-00054864 so it may have different results, intWhmssb_E-00207-00054864-00055148 if you were using the normal labeled rate. intWhmssb_E-00208-00055148-00055484 Dwarf Mondo grass, minor injury for first application, intWhmssb_E-00209-00055484-00055761 unacceptable injury for the second application, intWhmssb_E-00210-00055761-00056032 and it reduced our growth by 48%. intWhmssb_E-00211-00056177-00056379 If you wanted to take a look at the data intWhmssb_E-00212-00056482-00056739 and a nice summary of this work, intWhmssb_E-00213-00056739-00057020 you can find it free online intWhmssb_E-00214-00057020-00057204 at the journal of environmental horticulture, intWhmssb_E-00215-00057204-00057560 that's through the horticulture research institute's website intWhmssb_E-00216-00057560-00057846 under the title "Tolerance of Three Deep South intWhmssb_E-00217-00057846-00058016 "Non Turf Ornamental Ground Covers intWhmssb_E-00218-00058016-00058321 "to Applications of Post Emergent Herbicides." intWhmssb_E-00219-00058321-00058657 If you're looking for efficacy data intWhmssb_E-00220-00058657-00058841 on certain products related intWhmssb_E-00221-00058841-00059097 to nursery and landscape crops, intWhmssb_E-00222-00059097-00059192 please take a look intWhmssb_E-00223-00059192-00059434 at the Southeastern U.S. pest control guide intWhmssb_E-00224-00059434-00059558 for nursery crops. intWhmssb_E-00225-00059558-00059740 NC state hosted on their website, intWhmssb_E-00226-00059740-00059891 there's a free PDF, intWhmssb_E-00227-00059891-00060092 if you want to buy a hard copy, intWhmssb_E-00228-00060092-00060319 you can purchase that through their website. intWhmssb_E-00229-00060319-00060500 And also you can do that through Amazon. intWhmssb_E-00230-00060500-00060603 It's a great resource intWhmssb_E-00231-00060603-00060942 and I would encourage you to get a copy. intWhmssb_E-00232-00060942-00061057 If you have any questions, intWhmssb_E-00233-00061057-00061504 please feel free to contact me Jeremy.pickins@auburn.edu. intWhmssb_E-00234-00061504-00061696 And you can always reach me at the station intWhmssb_E-00235-00061696-00062048 at 251-342-2366. inDxqubABiI-00000-00000206-00000492 Hi guys! This is a bit of a different video inDxqubABiI-00001-00000492-00000785 It's about my boyfriend laughing inDxqubABiI-00002-00000786-00001114 at me out and open on social media. inDxqubABiI-00003-00001812-00002039 So guys you know how during the inDxqubABiI-00004-00002039-00002271 holidays people bake and then they post inDxqubABiI-00005-00002271-00002468 pictures of these beautiful cakes and inDxqubABiI-00006-00002468-00002702 muffins and things on social media, like on Instagram. inDxqubABiI-00007-00003544-00003711 So that's what I wanted to do too. inDxqubABiI-00008-00003711-00003876 I found a really easy recipe for inDxqubABiI-00009-00003876-00004094 vegan apple muffins and here's the recipe. inDxqubABiI-00010-00004148-00004416 I followed the recipe but my muffins inDxqubABiI-00011-00004416-00004635 were not pretty. I was not going to post inDxqubABiI-00012-00004635-00004854 a picture of them on social media, no way! inDxqubABiI-00013-00004854-00005068 But the guy I'm currently living inDxqubABiI-00014-00005118-00005328 with decided to take a picture and post it. inDxqubABiI-00015-00005328-00005660 This is how much fun he had when he did it. inDxqubABiI-00016-00006012-00006346 "Instagram has been full of pics today, when people inDxqubABiI-00017-00006346-00006618 have baked lovely cakes. inDxqubABiI-00018-00006618-00006984 My boyfriend also baked delicious looking cupcakes like this." inDxqubABiI-00019-00008964-00009164 They tasted ok though! inDxqubABiI-00020-00009442-00009712 Well, it was quite funny I was inDxqubABiI-00021-00009752-00009965 laughing right alongside of him. inDxqubABiI-00022-00009965-00010071 I'll trying to do it again. inDxqubABiI-00023-00010071-00010364 I try next time and I'm just happy to inDxqubABiI-00024-00010364-00010650 produce joy to people so I'll try again inDxqubABiI-00025-00010650-00010809 I bake more later and they will look inDxqubABiI-00026-00010809-00011271 more beautiful I promise till then, whoa! inDxqubABiI-00027-00011271-00011604 Not exactly my day today, is it? inDxqubABiI-00028-00011604-00011825 See you next time! Till then please remember to inDxqubABiI-00029-00011825-00012003 love yourself because you can't love inDxqubABiI-00030-00012003-00012218 yourself how in the hell can you love inDxqubABiI-00031-00012218-00012342 somebody else! inDxqubABiI-00032-00012342-00012614 Ciao! jo_IO7Wdhqc-00000-00000323-00000766 Good morning, Mr. Lynch. jo_IO7Wdhqc-00001-00000766-00001319 It's July 10th, 2021 and it's a Saturday. jo_IO7Wdhqc-00002-00001319-00002253 Here in Naples 32 celsius degrees and about 91 fahrenheit. jo_IO7Wdhqc-00003-00002253-00003106 So this means that, as in days and in this period it's a very, very, very, very hot day. jo_IO7Wdhqc-00004-00003106-00003206 It's a sunny day. jo_IO7Wdhqc-00005-00003206-00004964 Today I was thinking about the fact that I thank him for the sentence on the projects jo_IO7Wdhqc-00006-00004964-00006475 and I reciprocate with him for his projects and for the projects of the audience and all jo_IO7Wdhqc-00007-00006475-00006895 the people. jo_IO7Wdhqc-00008-00006895-00008094 Anyway as he see from the mythical window with the coloured courtains we have jo_IO7Wdhqc-00009-00008094-00008830 those beautiful blue skies and golden sunshine all along the way. jo_IO7Wdhqc-00010-00008830-00009614 So from the mythical window with the coloured courtains and from my mythical keyboard jo_IO7Wdhqc-00011-00009614-00010279 have a great day him and everyone too j2FiaC-dWTy-00000-00000044-00000545 I have a view of randomly generated articles I'd like to be able to change the post date j2FiaC-dWTy-00001-00000545-00000810 on multiple articles without having to edit them individually. j2FiaC-dWTy-00002-00000819-00001440 To do this, I will rely on two additional modules: Rules, including the Rules UI and Views Bulk Operations. j2FiaC-dWTy-00003-00001450-00002060 In order for Views Bulk Operations to integrate with Rules we have to create, what are called, Components. j2FiaC-dWTy-00004-00002070-00002250 Components are simply re-usable rules. j2FiaC-dWTy-00005-00002270-00002770 I'll add a new component, in this case I'll just add an Action Set. j2FiaC-dWTy-00006-00002870-00003390 The action set will be called "change post date". j2FiaC-dWTy-00007-00003410-00003940 It's affecting Articles, so I'll go ahead and add a tag of "articles". j2FiaC-dWTy-00008-00003950-00004540 The component can take variables. In this case, I'm going to pass in a node, labeled "article" j2FiaC-dWTy-00009-00004560-00004900 and I'm going to ask the user for a date. j2FiaC-dWTy-00010-00005230-00005720 We'll need one action performed inside of this [rule] and that will be to "set a data value" j2FiaC-dWTy-00011-00005900-00006200 on the article created date. j2FiaC-dWTy-00012-00006200-00006640 For the "data value", I will switch to "data selection mode" j2FiaC-dWTy-00013-00006650-00006950 and allow the end user to specify a post date. j2FiaC-dWTy-00014-00007000-00007630 That's it, the changes have been saved. I'll navigate to my view for articles. j2FiaC-dWTy-00015-00007650-00008190 I'll add a new field. Right up top is the "Bulk operations" for content. j2FiaC-dWTy-00016-00008190-00008579 I'll label this "operations". j2FiaC-dWTy-00017-00008579-00009000 Down here you can select "change post date". And I'll save the view. j2FiaC-dWTy-00018-00009050-00009350 I'll navigate to the articles view. j2FiaC-dWTy-00019-00009550-00009990 And now there's an operations select box, including my "change post date". j2FiaC-dWTy-00020-00010000-00010480 In the checkbox column on the right side, I'll select several articles. j2FiaC-dWTy-00021-00010490-00010760 [Use] my "change post date" operation. j2FiaC-dWTy-00022-00010780-00011000 And I'll simply change the year. j2FiaC-dWTy-00023-00011000-00011080 Lets post these in 2012. j2FiaC-dWTy-00024-00011090-00011520 It's going to confirm, [and] perform the process on the selected items. j2FiaC-dWTy-00025-00011530-00011910 Now, scrolling to the bottom I see I have three articles published in 2012. j6S9xE6UDko-00000-00000000-00000200 Only status jtJbdsbb9nY-00000-00000040-00000853 Welcome to the SkillsCommons repository. In this video we will go over the various ways that you can browse for materials so let's begin. jtJbdsbb9nY-00001-00000903-00001459 Open your web browser and go to www.skillscommons.org jtJbdsbb9nY-00002-00001460-00001913 In the main menu at the top of the page click on browse. jtJbdsbb9nY-00003-00001913-00002609 In this video will go over how to browse by Grant project,material type, credential type, jtJbdsbb9nY-00004-00002610-00003306 institution, and industry. We also have a visual browse for industry which we will go over as well. jtJbdsbb9nY-00005-00003366-00003869 So let's start with browsing by Grant project. jtJbdsbb9nY-00006-00003870-00004663 When you click on the browse by Grant project, you'll be presented with a list of all of the Grant projects that are contributing jtJbdsbb9nY-00007-00004663-00005193 materials to the repository. You can scroll through the list and find a grant project that you are jtJbdsbb9nY-00008-00005193-00005726 interested in finding or if you know the name you can just jump to jtJbdsbb9nY-00009-00005726-00006519 that section. So let's just go ahead and look for the national stem consortium. So I will click on N jtJbdsbb9nY-00010-00006520-00007056 and there we go national stem consortium and click on that jtJbdsbb9nY-00011-00007116-00007443 so once you're on the grant project page you can see that jtJbdsbb9nY-00012-00007443-00008069 you can view the learning resources that the national stem consortium has uploaded jtJbdsbb9nY-00013-00008070-00008343 or the program support materials jtJbdsbb9nY-00014-00008343-00008866 and we do get a lot of questions about the difference between the two so we do have in jtJbdsbb9nY-00015-00008866-00009389 our FAQ in our support center a little definition of the two I'll just click over there quickly jtJbdsbb9nY-00016-00009390-00010060 so this is in our FAQ and it's what's the difference between the learning resource materials collection and the program support jtJbdsbb9nY-00017-00010060-00010733 materials collection. So basically learning resources are the materials that are used for teaching a course jtJbdsbb9nY-00018-00010733-00011203 while program support materials are used to administrate or support the course. jtJbdsbb9nY-00019-00011203-00011576 And it gives you a list of typical program support materials jtJbdsbb9nY-00020-00011576-00012019 Such as in a program administration materials, job training, jtJbdsbb9nY-00021-00012020-00012513 program assess evaluation. So if you're looking to find the difference between jtJbdsbb9nY-00022-00012513-00013009 the two these, this is where you'd find it in the FAQs in the support services center. jtJbdsbb9nY-00023-00013063-00013693 so let's go back to the grant project page for the national stem consortium and let's just jtJbdsbb9nY-00024-00013693-00014323 taka a look at the learning resources that they've uploaded jtJbdsbb9nY-00025-00014323-00015059 and so you can see a full list of the courses. So they have a lot of courses here that they've uploaded jtJbdsbb9nY-00026-00015060-00015383 into the repository so you will get the full definition jtJbdsbb9nY-00027-00015383-00016086 You can actually download the course or the materials that they have uploaded for each submission jtJbdsbb9nY-00028-00016086-00016499 We will go ahead and go back to the main page this is learning resource collection again and then jtJbdsbb9nY-00029-00016500-00016916 let's take a look at some their program support materials jtJbdsbb9nY-00030-00016916-00017679 so we can just take a look at this NSC model report and you can see the full submission here jtJbdsbb9nY-00031-00017680-00018003 and if you want to take a look at you would just click on this jtJbdsbb9nY-00032-00018003-00018816 and you could see it. So let's just go back again to the grant project page and then you can also see some statistical information about this jtJbdsbb9nY-00033-00018816-00019359 particular grant project and that would be true for every grant project page that you visit. jtJbdsbb9nY-00034-00019420-00020180 So we have covered browsing by grant project lets a move on to the next item and that will be browsing by material type. jtJbdsbb9nY-00035-00020180-00020943 So go ahead once again and go back to the main menu click on browse and then click on material type. jtJbdsbb9nY-00036-00020943-00021759 What you'll have here is the list of different material types for all of this submission that have been uploaded to the repository so you jtJbdsbb9nY-00037-00021760-00022303 may be interested in only looking at animations so you can see that as of right now jtJbdsbb9nY-00038-00022303-00022849 there are 268 submissions that have animations, jtJbdsbb9nY-00039-00022850-00023186 you could just be looking for case studies jtJbdsbb9nY-00040-00023186-00023973 or a final program reports or only hybrid/blended courses is so let's go ahead and of a pick one of jtJbdsbb9nY-00041-00023973-00024499 these. How about we pickonline course so these are submissions that jtJbdsbb9nY-00042-00024500-00025026 when they were uploaded were given the tag of an online course so here you can see there are jtJbdsbb9nY-00043-00025026-00025556 currently 425 online courses that have been uploaded jtJbdsbb9nY-00044-00025556-00026339 and you can scroll through and look at the various courses. This might this may be too broad of jtJbdsbb9nY-00045-00026339-00026813 a list for you. You could then come on the left go down and jtJbdsbb9nY-00046-00026813-00027316 start to refine your search a little bit so jtJbdsbb9nY-00047-00027316-00028143 maybe you were only interested in Health Care online courses so you would see the various industries here that you could have jtJbdsbb9nY-00048-00028143-00028696 narrow your search down to, You could say well maybe I'm only interested in jtJbdsbb9nY-00049-00028696-00029316 online courses that are part of a bachelor's degree so you could click on that jtJbdsbb9nY-00050-00029316-00030163 and then that will give you the 30 courses that are online courses that are also part of a bachelor's degree jtJbdsbb9nY-00051-00030193-00030736 and now if you wanted to remove any of these limitations that you had set jtJbdsbb9nY-00052-00030736-00031449 while you were browsing you can just go and do that by clicking on the facts so maybe we are more removed the bachelor's degree and jtJbdsbb9nY-00053-00031450-00032166 just go back to the full list of online courses you just click on the "X" and then you'd get back that way. jtJbdsbb9nY-00054-00032223-00032899 So let's go ahead and move on to the next browse by type and that is credential type. So jtJbdsbb9nY-00055-00032900-00033580 once again go to browse the top of the menu and then in the drop down select credential type jtJbdsbb9nY-00056-00033580-00034253 and then here is where you can select, maybe you are only interested in a specific credential type. You are looking for materials jtJbdsbb9nY-00057-00034253-00035283 that are only part of a bachelors degree program or are part of a diploma program or a stacked latticed credential model. jtJbdsbb9nY-00058-00035283-00035969 So this is where you would start browsing by credential type jtJbdsbb9nY-00059-00036030-00036373 So that's pretty straightforward so we'll go ahead and go back jtJbdsbb9nY-00060-00036373-00037476 and take a look at the next browse by type and that is going to be institution. So go and click on institution jtJbdsbb9nY-00061-00037476-00038226 and you may be interested in finding materials that have been uploaded by maybe a sister institution or jtJbdsbb9nY-00062-00038226-00038833 you know a community college in your area or community college that you know has jtJbdsbb9nY-00063-00038833-00039443 courses that are very similar to courses that you teach so here's where you be able to jtJbdsbb9nY-00064-00039443-00039639 browse by institution and jtJbdsbb9nY-00065-00039640-00040030 just like the Grant project browse you could jtJbdsbb9nY-00066-00040030-00040890 scroll through the whole list and you know continue to click next until you find your institution or you can go straight to it jtJbdsbb9nY-00067-00040890-00041156 to the institution just by clicking on the jtJbdsbb9nY-00068-00041156-00041696 the "Skip to" letter at the top and say we were looking for jtJbdsbb9nY-00069-00041696-00042196 Rand Lake College and go ahead and click there and we see that they have 8 jtJbdsbb9nY-00070-00042196-00042406 submissions jtJbdsbb9nY-00071-00042406-00042773 and their 8 submissions would be listed. jtJbdsbb9nY-00072-00042833-00043676 So let's go now and hit on the last browse by item which is browse by industry. jtJbdsbb9nY-00073-00043676-00044283 and once you click on the browse by industry you'll get a full list jtJbdsbb9nY-00074-00044283-00044633 of the industries that are jtJbdsbb9nY-00075-00044633-00045133 in the repository. So maybe you're interested in manufacturing jtJbdsbb9nY-00076-00045133-00045803 materials that have been uploaded you could go ahead and then drill down this way clicking on manufacturing you could at this point view jtJbdsbb9nY-00077-00045803-00046253 everything that the falls within the manufacturing jtJbdsbb9nY-00078-00046253-00046916 industry or you can then choose one of the sub disciplines so maybe its machinery manufacturing that you know you're interested jtJbdsbb9nY-00079-00046916-00047359 in and then you could view all of the machinery Manufacturing Materials or you can continue jtJbdsbb9nY-00080-00047360-00047803 to drill down so you could do you know metalworking jtJbdsbb9nY-00081-00047803-00048163 from or industrial machinery manufacturing jtJbdsbb9nY-00082-00048163-00048976 and this would give you the materials that are in the repository that are in industrial machinery manufacturing jtJbdsbb9nY-00083-00049050-00049566 we do have more detailed videos and information on browsing jtJbdsbb9nY-00084-00049566-00049893 by specific industry jtJbdsbb9nY-00085-00049893-00050159 and those can be found in the support center jtJbdsbb9nY-00086-00050160-00050926 the skillscommons support center. So you would go to the support center and then find the area for browsing by industry and jtJbdsbb9nY-00087-00050926-00051426 you'll see that you'll find specific information for browsing by manufacturing you can see a jtJbdsbb9nY-00088-00051426-00051929 video that focuses just on browsing by manufacturing jtJbdsbb9nY-00089-00051929-00052829 if you go back you can see a video and information that is specific to the healthcare industry. jtJbdsbb9nY-00090-00052896-00053753 So let's go ahead and hit on the last item which is also browsing by industry but using a visual and we call it a wheel as you can see this jtJbdsbb9nY-00091-00053753-00054326 in the shape of a wheel. And what it does is it shows you jtJbdsbb9nY-00092-00054326-00055229 the different industries in a visual so if you just kind of scroll over some of the sections you can see that this purple sections manufacturing jtJbdsbb9nY-00093-00055229-00055833 while this orange/peach color is Health Care and social assistance. jtJbdsbb9nY-00094-00055833-00056636 And you just kind of hover your mouse over and this is construction so let's just say that I'm looking for jtJbdsbb9nY-00095-00056636-00057359 materials and construction I can go and click on the section and it's going to take me just to the construction section jtJbdsbb9nY-00096-00057360-00057953 and here I can continue to drill down. Here is construction of buildings and here is foundation. jtJbdsbb9nY-00097-00057953-00058409 And so say this is as far as I'd like to drill down and I'm going to go ahead and click on this section jtJbdsbb9nY-00098-00058410-00058866 I can either do that by clicking here in jtJbdsbb9nY-00099-00058866-00059436 the blue area and it will take me to the materials am looking for or jtJbdsbb9nY-00100-00059436-00060079 I can click on the actual text so Fenwick hearing clicked on the actual text as well jtJbdsbb9nY-00101-00060079-00060290 I would get the same set of results jtJbdsbb9nY-00102-00060290-00061103 So I'm going to go back once again and then I'm going to show you if you have drilled down and now want to get back to the the wheel jtJbdsbb9nY-00103-00061103-00061646 with all of the industrys you were just click into this middle area. jtJbdsbb9nY-00104-00061646-00061979 and that would take you back. jtJbdsbb9nY-00105-00062090-00062679 This concludes our video on how to use the browse feature in SkillsCommons. jtJbdsbb9nY-00106-00062776-00063623 if you have questions or need assistance please feel free to contact us at support at skills commons.org jtJbdsbb9nY-00107-00063623-00065133 please visit our support services center at www.skills common stock or for additional videos and tutorials jxEVA9UTEwu-00000-00000042-00000326 Good morning, mr. Lynch. jxEVA9UTEwu-00001-00000326-00000918 It's August 21th, 2021 and it's a Saturday. jxEVA9UTEwu-00002-00000918-00001600 Here from the mythical villa Vannucchi are 90 fahrenheit aroun 32-33 celsius. jxEVA9UTEwu-00003-00001600-00002181 And this means that is over and over that very, very, very, very hot day like in these jxEVA9UTEwu-00004-00002181-00003844 days and in this period. jxEVA9UTEwu-00005-00003844-00004056 It's obviously a total sunny day. jxEVA9UTEwu-00006-00004056-00004353 Today I was thinking nothing of particular. jxEVA9UTEwu-00007-00004353-00005853 Only to the fact that behind me jxEVA9UTEwu-00008-00005853-00007443 there is this beautiful giant tree. jxEVA9UTEwu-00009-00007443-00009308 Not like the giant tree in Twin Peaks The Return in the Jack Rabbit zone jxEVA9UTEwu-00010-00009308-00010727 but however a beautiful giant tree and with beautiful green leaves. jxEVA9UTEwu-00011-00010727-00011653 And are seven giant trees and they are also in front of this "wisteria" purple flowers jxEVA9UTEwu-00012-00011653-00012148 behind me (that I already showed him some times). jxEVA9UTEwu-00013-00012148-00012248 one jxEVA9UTEwu-00014-00012248-00012348 two jxEVA9UTEwu-00015-00012348-00012448 three jxEVA9UTEwu-00016-00012448-00012548 four jxEVA9UTEwu-00017-00012548-00012648 five jxEVA9UTEwu-00018-00012648-00012748 six jxEVA9UTEwu-00019-00012748-00012847 seven. jxEVA9UTEwu-00020-00012847-00013304 So all this could be also a hope for, a new hope for the fact that jxEVA9UTEwu-00021-00013304-00014324 Wisteria / Unrecorded Night could be the continuos of Twin Peaks. jxEVA9UTEwu-00022-00014324-00014627 But we'll see. jxEVA9UTEwu-00023-00014627-00016829 So from here we have those beautiful, beautiful blue skies and golden, golden sunshine all jxEVA9UTEwu-00024-00016829-00017159 along he way. jxEVA9UTEwu-00025-00017159-00018534 So from this mythical and beautiful giant tree and from its beautiful green leaves jxEVA9UTEwu-00026-00018534-00019968 have a great day him and everyone too! j-VEI5GnvTo-00000-00000000-00000501 First off, banger midi for this level j-VEI5GnvTo-00001-00000601-00001601 I like being able to collect ammo first before I start fighting enemies, otherwise I struggle grabbing things later j-VEI5GnvTo-00002-00002101-00002801 This takes a slight bit lol j-VEI5GnvTo-00003-00003601-00003860 We begin with this chaingunner j-VEI5GnvTo-00004-00004760-00005460 I like running into this alcove immediately as I am safe here, plus there is a vital Rocket Launcher and Mega Armor j-VEI5GnvTo-00005-00005460-00006759 I now must peek out and try to slowly kill these Chaingunners and Revenants, I aim for the right side j-VEI5GnvTo-00006-00008059-00009050 I can only easily get hits if the enemy stops to attack me, making this a slightly tedious fight, plus, enemies can teleport behind me and attack there too j-VEI5GnvTo-00007-00012250-00012561 Woah almost got crushed lol j-VEI5GnvTo-00008-00013061-00013706 Now we grab the blue key and escape into the alcove again, there will be a CyBruiser we need to kill with rockets j-VEI5GnvTo-00009-00016006-00017078 And yes of course there's more two more Revenants j-VEI5GnvTo-00010-00018278-00018416 Lucky! j-VEI5GnvTo-00011-00019416-00019716 Only one left j-VEI5GnvTo-00012-00020016-00020355 That rocket was even more lucky! j-VEI5GnvTo-00013-00020755-00021043 We can get an easy kill on this Chaingunner right here j-VEI5GnvTo-00014-00021643-00022223 Now we gotta kill these two Hell Knights and final Chaingunner. j-VEI5GnvTo-00015-00022523-00022736 Almost got sniped by that stupid Mancubus j-VEI5GnvTo-00016-00024436-00025558 We're going to take a specific route here to collect some items. Also we're running a race I'll explain later j-VEI5GnvTo-00017-00025658-00025875 First we're gonna drop down to collect the RadSuit, and we'll need to do a decent bit in those 60 seconds j-VEI5GnvTo-00018-00025975-00026320 Plus some health here, a teleporter to the start, and then time to rush to the chaingun! j-VEI5GnvTo-00019-00026638-00026738 wOaH j-VEI5GnvTo-00020-00027238-00027498 Now time to rush the next switch! j-VEI5GnvTo-00021-00027698-00028318 Remember how I said we were doing a race? If we're too slow, we'd get blocked by these Cacodemons and Pain Elemental j-VEI5GnvTo-00022-00028401-00028700 Back through the teleporter, and to the right this time! j-VEI5GnvTo-00023-00029100-00029311 Immediately rocket the two revenants j-VEI5GnvTo-00024-00029711-00030096 If you've been quick, the RadSuit should still be active j-VEI5GnvTo-00025-00031196-00031555 Make sure to quickly kill the Pain Elemental first, mine actually got stuck, but that's rare j-VEI5GnvTo-00026-00031655-00031905 RadSuit 2! j-VEI5GnvTo-00027-00032105-00033001 Now time to flip the switch to reveal the Arch-Vile. He teleports away allowing you to kill the Revenants in the middle of this room (he would have resurrected them from inside the big rock) j-VEI5GnvTo-00028-00033401-00033646 It also reveals a secret Megasphere! j-VEI5GnvTo-00029-00033746-00034046 This is a really good run and my health is high enough where I can save the Megasphere. j-VEI5GnvTo-00030-00034446-00034916 Finally I can kill you guys! j-VEI5GnvTo-00031-00037116-00037620 Ignore me dropping down to the teleporter because I forget where to go j-VEI5GnvTo-00032-00037820-00038186 We're grabbing another secret j-VEI5GnvTo-00033-00038586-00038686 RadSuit 3!!! j-VEI5GnvTo-00034-00039085-00039416 Plasma Gun! We need to use this immediately j-VEI5GnvTo-00035-00039516-00039951 Cybruiser in a tight space teleporting behind you incoming! j-VEI5GnvTo-00036-00040051-00040503 Also for some reason, GZDoom likes to freeze on me sometimes, that's incoming too j-VEI5GnvTo-00037-00042003-00042306 Yeah I love enemies that fire rockets at you as soon as you peek!!! Absolutely! j-VEI5GnvTo-00038-00042406-00043165 Also, because Cybruisers in this WAD replace Spider Masterminds, they keep the Spider Mastermind's rocket splash damage immunity. This makes the Plasma Gun more effective. j-VEI5GnvTo-00039-00043365-00043656 Time for another secret, which is the Red Key for the secret exit! j-VEI5GnvTo-00040-00043956-00044361 This releases another teleporting Arch-Vile and a Mancubus behind. j-VEI5GnvTo-00041-00044661-00045161 Now we kill the Arch-Viles and then the rest of the Revenants and Chaingunners. This can take a little bit. j-VEI5GnvTo-00042-00047515-00047661 One down, let's go! j-VEI5GnvTo-00043-00048361-00048711 Nice, now for the tedious part again lol j-VEI5GnvTo-00044-00052011-00052641 All done, thank god. Also, I forgot to save some rockets for a Mancubus coming up, so time to snipe j-VEI5GnvTo-00045-00053641-00053821 Forgetting and getting lost again lol j-VEI5GnvTo-00046-00054121-00054671 Next though, are two Cybruisers, so we'll take each one out separately with the Plasma Gun j-VEI5GnvTo-00047-00055771-00055946 There's that Mancubus lol j-VEI5GnvTo-00048-00058046-00058263 gg ez j-VEI5GnvTo-00049-00059563-00059756 gg ez x2 j-VEI5GnvTo-00050-00061656-00062008 I would like to see if I can hold off grabbing this next Megasphere j-VEI5GnvTo-00051-00062508-00063508 For this next room, i will need to press the switch, kill the Chaingunner next to me, and then kill the nearby Revenant, all while hiding from a Cybruiser in the middle cage j-VEI5GnvTo-00052-00065508-00065720 God why did I wait so long here lmao j-VEI5GnvTo-00053-00067320-00067801 The other Chaingunner and Revenant aren't hard. I still have to kill the Cybruiser though. j-VEI5GnvTo-00054-00068001-00068401 Of course he only peeks here when I'm not ready, classic Doom j-VEI5GnvTo-00055-00068701-00068938 Thanks Cybruiser, wait your turn j-VEI5GnvTo-00056-00070938-00071109 NOW'S a good time for that Megasphere j-VEI5GnvTo-00057-00071208-00071410 WOAH I freaked out here lmao j-VEI5GnvTo-00058-00071910-00072273 Another Cybruiser is coming up, he's pretty easy j-VEI5GnvTo-00059-00072373-00072731 Also not sure why I'm wasting the health bonuses here lol j-VEI5GnvTo-00060-00073940-00074048 bruh j-VEI5GnvTo-00061-00074146-00074223 bruh again j-VEI5GnvTo-00062-00074421-00075095 An Arch-Vile teleports behind you here, I just turn and hope he doesn't zap me because there are two Revenants outside as well j-VEI5GnvTo-00063-00078195-00078666 Another Arch-Vile coming up, along with a Pain Elemental, both are easy j-VEI5GnvTo-00064-00080466-00080693 Banger Midi lol j-VEI5GnvTo-00065-00080993-00081273 Pretty much the final fight of the level right here, easy stuff at this point j-VEI5GnvTo-00066-00088473-00089051 The rest of the video is basically just me having to look up the final secrets and finding the final monster (an Arch-Vile in a secret). j-VEI5GnvTo-00067-00089051-00089476 So now's a good time to appreciate the MIDI! j-VEI5GnvTo-00068-00089476-00090176 The MIDI is titled "Enigma", written by James Paddock. This MIDI originally was made for Back to Saturn X Episode 2 j-VEI5GnvTo-00069-00093976-00094681 The only reason why I honestly don't know where these secrets are is because I never do practice runs or research where secrets are beforehand. j-VEI5GnvTo-00070-00094681-00095481 The only reason this video exists is because I wanted to record the winning run of this level since it took me a while to beat, all through trial and error. j-VEI5GnvTo-00071-00096581-00097059 Now enjoy me trying to find out how to get in this secret like a fool for a while lmao j-VEI5GnvTo-00072-00097858-00098214 Nope not this way buddy j-VEI5GnvTo-00073-00100413-00100648 Yay! j-VEI5GnvTo-00074-00101248-00101580 I was ready for you! j-VEI5GnvTo-00075-00102080-00102305 Only three more secrets j-VEI5GnvTo-00076-00103305-00103656 If you're a pro player, get crushed by a crusher right here j-VEI5GnvTo-00077-00103756-00104220 Guess I'm just a pro player, that's how good I am, I got crushed by that crusher. j-VEI5GnvTo-00078-00104220-00104420 With no interference or monsters j-VEI5GnvTo-00079-00104420-00104690 With plenty of wind-up j-VEI5GnvTo-00080-00108290-00108641 And yes, this next secret I'm looking up on my phone j-VEI5GnvTo-00081-00109833-00110433 Beep, BeepBoop, Beep, BeepBoop, Beep, BeepBoop, Beep, BeepBoop j-VEI5GnvTo-00082-00110433-00110618 etc. j-VEI5GnvTo-00083-00111016-00111356 I'm alive again! j-VEI5GnvTo-00084-00113556-00114776 Funny story, I saw this little button you have to shoot here on one of my first playthroughs. I wasted a bunch of time on multiple attempts trying to press it from below, just to find out you have to shoot it from here, I felt pretty dumb j-VEI5GnvTo-00085-00114976-00115109 OH SHIT j-VEI5GnvTo-00086-00115109-00115309 Okay we're good nevermind j-VEI5GnvTo-00087-00115309-00116238 Well I hope you enjoyed the video! I might even make another one sometime! See ya! jADyJ6DdJKI-00000-00001616-00002060 I have worked with human remains for many years now. jADyJ6DdJKI-00001-00002060-00002624 The skills that I use for reconstructing the life ways of ancient people, those techniques jADyJ6DdJKI-00002-00002624-00003246 and skills are applicable to the location, recovery and identification of Australian jADyJ6DdJKI-00003-00003246-00003661 service people who have lost their lives in various conflicts. jADyJ6DdJKI-00004-00003661-00004169 The main thing we do with this work is we are creating a biological profile from the remains that jADyJ6DdJKI-00005-00004169-00004621 we find and then we use the records, the medical records, of the soldiers of the time to try jADyJ6DdJKI-00006-00004621-00005105 to match those remains to the soldiers and try to get a positive identification. jADyJ6DdJKI-00007-00005105-00005948 For me it's obviously being able to find and identify and repatriate Australians is the jADyJ6DdJKI-00008-00005948-00006620 ultimate goal, but it's also enormously satisfying to be able to do that with respect to other jADyJ6DdJKI-00009-00006620-00007239 soldiers who were involved in that conflict, even if they had been enemies of Australia jADyJ6DdJKI-00010-00007239-00007344 at the time. jADyJ6DdJKI-00011-00007344-00007968 I believe everyone deserves an identity, it doesn't matter who they are and these are jADyJ6DdJKI-00012-00007968-00008425 young people who have gone away to try to fight for their country and they have never jADyJ6DdJKI-00013-00008425-00009300 come home and their family also needs be able to have that sort of resolution, that this jADyJ6DdJKI-00014-00009300-00009820 is their relative be it however long ago but it is sort of more than that in a way for jADyJ6DdJKI-00015-00009820-00010274 that soldier themselves, to regain their identity and to be recognised for their sacrifice they jADyJ6DdJKI-00016-00010274-00010374 made. jADyJ6DdJKI-00017-00010374-00010981 ANZAC Day is a day to reflect, a special time to sit back and think about those sacrifices jADyJ6DdJKI-00018-00010981-00011954 and to also think about the fact that you can make some small contribution to the greater jADyJ6DdJKI-00019-00011962-00012124 effort I guess. jG36a-a65n0-00000-00000120-00000291 What is METCO? jG36a-a65n0-00001-00000329-00000462 Hello, Reading community. jG36a-a65n0-00002-00000462-00000804 My name is Kurtis Martin and I'm your District METCO Director. jG36a-a65n0-00003-00000875-00001201 When I first started this role, one of my first tasks at hand jG36a-a65n0-00004-00001234-00001526 was making sure that all of our staff understood jG36a-a65n0-00005-00001526-00001860 what the METCO program is and what the METCO program is not. jG36a-a65n0-00006-00001860-00002377 To do this, I created a quick video for staff only that we sent out jG36a-a65n0-00007-00002377-00002902 to all of our principals, which detailed what the METCO program is, what it isn't, jG36a-a65n0-00008-00002902-00003361 and some of my own personal experiences going through the METCO program. jG36a-a65n0-00009-00003440-00003674 Check out the video now. jG36a-a65n0-00010-00003770-00003849 Hello, everyone. jG36a-a65n0-00011-00003849-00004012 My name is Kurtis Martin. jG36a-a65n0-00012-00004012-00004183 Many of you I've had the pleasure of meeting jG36a-a65n0-00013-00004183-00004491 and speaking with and some of you I just haven't had the chance to meet yet. jG36a-a65n0-00014-00004542-00004854 For those who don't know who I am, I am the District METCO Director. jG36a-a65n0-00015-00004913-00005138 In this video, I hope to explain to everyone jG36a-a65n0-00016-00005138-00005459 what the METCO program is and what the METCO program isn't. jG36a-a65n0-00017-00005559-00005618 I first just jG36a-a65n0-00018-00005618-00005922 want to read off to you part of the state law. jG36a-a65n0-00019-00005922-00006297 Authorized by state law in 1965, jG36a-a65n0-00020-00006310-00006710 Massachusetts General Law Chapter 76 Section 12A jG36a-a65n0-00021-00006744-00007132 gave city and town school committees and districts the right to help jG36a-a65n0-00022-00007161-00007624 alleviate racial isolation and racial imbalance by placing jG36a-a65n0-00023-00007624-00008070 children of color who reside in Boston into their school districts. jG36a-a65n0-00024-00008137-00008495 Now, let's put some more meat to the bone. jG36a-a65n0-00025-00008495-00008842 As being a voluntary program, districts jG36a-a65n0-00026-00008842-00009146 have to reach out to the METCO program in order to participate. jG36a-a65n0-00027-00009146-00009401 The METCO program does not reach out jG36a-a65n0-00028-00009401-00009730 to any district and request them to participate in the program. jG36a-a65n0-00029-00009788-00010085 So when a district reaches out to the METCO program, whether they're jG36a-a65n0-00030-00010155-00010535 saying that they want to bring diversity to their communities jG36a-a65n0-00031-00010568-00010960 and by the definition, they're saying they want to alleviate jG36a-a65n0-00032-00010960-00011223 racial isolation and racial imbalances. jG36a-a65n0-00033-00011294-00011586 Now why is it important to bring students of color jG36a-a65n0-00034-00011586-00011924 to a predominantly white school district in a predominantly white town? jG36a-a65n0-00035-00011978-00012212 Well, we know that if black and white children, jG36a-a65n0-00036-00012212-00012512 which is how this all first started, grow up together jG36a-a65n0-00037-00012575-00012829 through education and genuine friendships, jG36a-a65n0-00038-00012829-00013163 we will be able to eliminate a lot of stereotypes jG36a-a65n0-00039-00013217-00013471 because for most people who live in predominantly jG36a-a65n0-00040-00013471-00013826 white neighborhoods and work in predominantly white environments, jG36a-a65n0-00041-00013826-00014335 all you know about people of color is what you see on TV and in the news. jG36a-a65n0-00042-00014372-00014722 Now that we understand that districts sign up for the METCO program jG36a-a65n0-00043-00014722-00015015 to bring diversity to its school districts, jG36a-a65n0-00044-00015015-00015377 why would families from Boston sign up for the METCO program? jG36a-a65n0-00045-00015427-00015707 Well, families from Boston sign up for the METCO program jG36a-a65n0-00046-00015707-00016036 so that they can have expanded opportunities jG36a-a65n0-00047-00016086-00016399 at education, not better education. jG36a-a65n0-00048-00016424-00016591 Expanded opportunities. jG36a-a65n0-00049-00016591-00016850 Also to get a sense of feel jG36a-a65n0-00050-00016850-00017213 of what a suburban life is like when you're growing up in a city. jG36a-a65n0-00051-00017288-00017684 So now we're at the part where we have two communities have signed up for the METCO jG36a-a65n0-00052-00017684-00018084 program: the district like Reading and then the families from Boston. jG36a-a65n0-00053-00018172-00018418 Now, knowing that we both signed up for the program, jG36a-a65n0-00054-00018451-00018747 that would make every student a METCO student, jG36a-a65n0-00055-00018806-00019094 every staff member a METCO staff member, jG36a-a65n0-00056-00019127-00019502 and everyone's taking part in this diversity program jG36a-a65n0-00057-00019519-00019823 with the hopes of ending racial isolation, jG36a-a65n0-00058-00019861-00020153 stereotypes, and producing students jG36a-a65n0-00059-00020153-00020578 who can go out to the future and make the changes that we need so badly jG36a-a65n0-00060-00020628-00020983 and erasing and making sure that our history never repeats itself. jG36a-a65n0-00061-00021050-00021300 Now, let's talk a little bit about what the METCO program is not. jG36a-a65n0-00062-00021337-00021634 The METCO program was not created for students of color jG36a-a65n0-00063-00021634-00021980 from Boston to come to suburban districts to get a better education. jG36a-a65n0-00064-00022034-00022501 A lot of families can get better education in Boston through Boston Public Schools, jG36a-a65n0-00065-00022530-00022985 Boston Public Charter Schools and Boston charter schools because those schools jG36a-a65n0-00066-00022985-00023381 are actually statistically ranked better than a lot of METCO districts. jG36a-a65n0-00067-00023398-00023506 Not all, but some. jG36a-a65n0-00068-00023619-00023665 The METCO jG36a-a65n0-00069-00023665-00023986 program also has nothing to do with your financial status, jG36a-a65n0-00070-00024053-00024470 as many students in our district and across the state come from parents jG36a-a65n0-00071-00024470-00024841 who are principals, parents who are college professors, jG36a-a65n0-00072-00024883-00025333 teachers, administrators, Boston police officers, registered jG36a-a65n0-00073-00025333-00025813 nurses, lawyers, Boston firefighters, politicians, jG36a-a65n0-00074-00025838-00026317 community activists, homeowners, business owners and run businesses. jG36a-a65n0-00075-00026355-00026693 The METCO program and diversity is not putting kids of color on a school bus jG36a-a65n0-00076-00026693-00027010 and shipping them to your district and stopping the buck there. jG36a-a65n0-00077-00027010-00027331 The METCO program is what I experienced when I became a student jG36a-a65n0-00078-00027331-00027581 in the second grade in the Wayland Public School systems jG36a-a65n0-00079-00027652-00027898 all the way up to when I graduated in 2003. jG36a-a65n0-00080-00027919-00028253 Never once did I not feel like a Wayland Public School student. jG36a-a65n0-00081-00028253-00028557 My whole time there, I was treated as a Wayland jG36a-a65n0-00082-00028557-00028958 Public School student, never isolated as a METCO student, jG36a-a65n0-00083-00028958-00029325 because in Wayland, all of our students were METCO students jG36a-a65n0-00084-00029375-00029642 and we were all taking part in this two way street. jG36a-a65n0-00085-00029704-00030192 Diversity was when I got off the bus, I saw representation of myself jG36a-a65n0-00086-00030192-00030422 in elementary school before I even entered the building. jG36a-a65n0-00087-00030451-00030680 It was the black and white hands shaking hands. jG36a-a65n0-00088-00030714-00031135 It was representations of myself that I saw in the hallways in and of other jG36a-a65n0-00089-00031135-00031560 cultures and religions and in different backgrounds and ethnicities. jG36a-a65n0-00090-00031598-00031865 It was what we learned in the classroom about our history. jG36a-a65n0-00091-00031911-00032357 It was a few field trips to the Museum of African-American Artists. jG36a-a65n0-00092-00032386-00032665 It was field trips to the Museum of Fine Arts when there was different jG36a-a65n0-00093-00032741-00032953 African American exhibits. jG36a-a65n0-00094-00032999-00033391 It was also field trips to the Freedom Trail and the skating rinks like Chez jG36a-a65n0-00095-00033391-00033445 Vous. jG36a-a65n0-00096-00033445-00033691 My friends in Wayland stayed the night of my house jG36a-a65n0-00097-00033691-00033921 just the way I stayed the night at their house. jG36a-a65n0-00098-00033921-00034021 They came to Boston jG36a-a65n0-00099-00034021-00034342 to my birthday parties, just like I went to their birthday parties jG36a-a65n0-00100-00034342-00034426 and bar mitzvahs in Wayland. In jG36a-a65n0-00101-00034584-00034605 Middle jG36a-a65n0-00102-00034605-00034914 School was me learning about Rosewood and Black Wall Street. jG36a-a65n0-00103-00034914-00035318 In High School was reading books by black authors in our senior year, jG36a-a65n0-00104-00035322-00035477 taking a race class. jG36a-a65n0-00105-00035477-00035748 That's what the METCO program is supposed to be about, jG36a-a65n0-00106-00035760-00036098 and that's what diversity looked like for me during my personal experience, jG36a-a65n0-00107-00036131-00036461 and that's the bare minimum for what I'm trying to build here in Reading. jG36a-a65n0-00108-00036494-00036711 I'm looking to be way better than that. jG36a-a65n0-00109-00036711-00037062 As METCO director., every student is my student, jG36a-a65n0-00110-00037112-00037199 and it's my role jG36a-a65n0-00111-00037199-00037545 to make sure that the Boston students, when they get off the school bus, jG36a-a65n0-00112-00037583-00037946 feel like this is their home and they are not just visitors. jG36a-a65n0-00113-00038012-00038338 It's my role to also make sure that the Reading residents of color jG36a-a65n0-00114-00038338-00038430 in different religions jG36a-a65n0-00115-00038430-00038780 and background also see themselves and feel like Reading is their home. jG36a-a65n0-00116-00038822-00039255 And as for the white students from Reading to learn from these different cultures jG36a-a65n0-00117-00039255-00039368 and backgrounds jG36a-a65n0-00118-00039368-00039710 and for our teachers to make sure that we're bringing everyone together jG36a-a65n0-00119-00039731-00040081 and that we're showing that we're not afraid to have tough conversations. jG36a-a65n0-00120-00040144-00040377 My job is to bring the communities together jG36a-a65n0-00121-00040407-00040811 and make sure that we are truly diverse and producing students jG36a-a65n0-00122-00040811-00041141 that can enter our country and our world and make change. jG36a-a65n0-00123-00041216-00041403 I hope to meet you all soon. jG36a-a65n0-00124-00041403-00041478 Have a good day. jG36a-a65n0-00125-00041649-00041729 As mentioned in the jG36a-a65n0-00126-00041729-00042008 video, the METCO program is funded by a grant. jG36a-a65n0-00127-00042071-00042459 This grant covers daily transportation for Boston resident students, jG36a-a65n0-00128-00042500-00042880 supports for Boston resident students to be academically successful, jG36a-a65n0-00129-00042917-00043080 supports for Boston resident jG36a-a65n0-00130-00043080-00043443 students to equitably participate in extracurricular activities, jG36a-a65n0-00131-00043493-00043785 support for METCO staff and family supports jG36a-a65n0-00132-00043785-00044106 that bring the Reading families and the Boston families together jG36a-a65n0-00133-00044110-00044456 to build cross-cultural learning and understanding of each other. jG36a-a65n0-00134-00044565-00044823 The METCO program is a marginal seating program. jG36a-a65n0-00135-00044894-00045295 This means Boston resident students can only take available jG36a-a65n0-00136-00045295-00045608 open seats in a district that will not force the district jG36a-a65n0-00137-00045608-00045891 to hire more teachers or build new buildings. jG36a-a65n0-00138-00045970-00046121 I want to share this picture with you jG36a-a65n0-00139-00046121-00046358 often this past October at a friend's wedding. jG36a-a65n0-00140-00046429-00046817 The wedding turned into a mini Wayland High School Class of 2003 reunion. jG36a-a65n0-00141-00046884-00047130 At first, the picture was nothing more than a bunch of friends jG36a-a65n0-00142-00047130-00047330 enjoying themselves at a wedding. jG36a-a65n0-00143-00047330-00047459 Then it hit me. jG36a-a65n0-00144-00047459-00047876 This photo is a portrait of what the METCO program's supposed to be. jG36a-a65n0-00145-00047876-00048264 In this picture, depending on what elementary school we went to in Wayland, jG36a-a65n0-00146-00048289-00048535 some of us have been friends since the second grade. jG36a-a65n0-00147-00048581-00048827 But all of us have been friends since sixth grade. jG36a-a65n0-00148-00048915-00049265 We are all living the lives that our parents and school district want for us. jG36a-a65n0-00149-00049303-00049628 We are diverse in race, religion and political views, jG36a-a65n0-00150-00049678-00049991 but we are all on the same page regarding social issues jG36a-a65n0-00151-00050012-00050229 and judging a person by their character. jG36a-a65n0-00152-00050354-00050487 No media headline can jG36a-a65n0-00153-00050487-00050788 fool us, because in our district, the METCO program jG36a-a65n0-00154-00050788-00051209 was a two way street and we built genuine relationships with each other. jG36a-a65n0-00155-00051209-00051634 Almost 20 years after high school, we still communicate so much that jG36a-a65n0-00156-00051634-00052014 our children now hang out with each other and attend each other's birthdays. jG36a-a65n0-00157-00052081-00052235 I want the same experience jG36a-a65n0-00158-00052235-00052594 my friends and I had for all Reading Public School students. jG36a-a65n0-00159-00052640-00053032 The program is here to build genuine relationships among the students, jG36a-a65n0-00160-00053086-00053470 the parents, the staff that will last a lifetime. jG36a-a65n0-00161-00054054-00054408 So I look at METCO, I've been on the school committee jG36a-a65n0-00162-00054408-00055017 for about 15 years, and I look at METCO as an organization jG36a-a65n0-00163-00055017-00055384 that has been around for over 50 years jG36a-a65n0-00164-00055384-00055642 and it's really evolved jG36a-a65n0-00165-00055751-00055985 from its original mission. jG36a-a65n0-00166-00056080-00056381 And I look at the students jG36a-a65n0-00167-00056381-00056769 in the METCO program as Reading students. jG36a-a65n0-00168-00056769-00056944 They aren't METCO jG36a-a65n0-00169-00057086-00057140 students. jG36a-a65n0-00170-00057140-00057273 They come to Reading. jG36a-a65n0-00171-00057273-00057453 They're part of the Reading community. jG36a-a65n0-00172-00057453-00057899 And I think it's really it's so important jG36a-a65n0-00173-00057899-00058283 to have them to be a part of our community jG36a-a65n0-00174-00058337-00058637 and be part of the Reading community. jG36a-a65n0-00175-00058679-00059029 And they just, not onl jG36a-a65n0-00176-00059029-00059438 are we providing an opportunity for them, jG36a-a65n0-00177-00059438-00059772 but they're providing even more so jG36a-a65n0-00178-00059822-00060089 a tremendous opportunity jG36a-a65n0-00179-00060089-00060322 for our students and our community jG36a-a65n0-00180-00060431-00060902 in terms of getting to know diversity and jG36a-a65n0-00181-00061015-00061223 different cultures. jG36a-a65n0-00182-00061223-00061532 I couldn't imagine a school district jG36a-a65n0-00183-00061532-00061899 without a program like this. jG36a-a65n0-00184-00061899-00062466 So I think that it's again, these are our students. jG36a-a65n0-00185-00062470-00062754 They're not METCO students and jG36a-a65n0-00186-00062854-00063096 they're a tremendous asset jG36a-a65n0-00187-00063192-00063492 to our whole overall student body. jG36a-a65n0-00188-00063571-00063784 I've had the pleasure of joining Mr. jG36a-a65n0-00189-00063784-00064243 Martin and our staff this summer at a field trip in Boston. jG36a-a65n0-00190-00064243-00064718 Our very last stop on our field trip was to METCO headquarters, jG36a-a65n0-00191-00064752-00065060 where the executive director gave a very candid jG36a-a65n0-00192-00065094-00065436 explanation of an assessment of where she thought jG36a-a65n0-00193-00065465-00065757 Reading's METCO program was over jG36a-a65n0-00194-00065757-00066032 the following days and weeks. jG36a-a65n0-00195-00066070-00066462 I tried to digest all that information and to process it, jG36a-a65n0-00196-00066516-00066941 and I ended up doing quite a lot of brainstorming jG36a-a65n0-00197-00066941-00067275 and thinking about ways in which we could improve our program. jG36a-a65n0-00198-00067354-00067838 One thing that has been clearly evident to me is that our commitment from staff, jG36a-a65n0-00199-00067942-00068105 from senior management jG36a-a65n0-00200-00068105-00068322 teachers all inclusive jG36a-a65n0-00201-00068384-00068802 want to have one of the best METCO programs in the state. jG36a-a65n0-00202-00068893-00069123 So how do we make a program better? jG36a-a65n0-00203-00069123-00069548 We make a program better by allowing our students from Boston jG36a-a65n0-00204-00069548-00069978 to forge relationships with our students from Reading, right, as Mr. jG36a-a65n0-00205-00069978-00070182 Martin has said over and over. jG36a-a65n0-00206-00070203-00070653 We are a METCO district, so all students and all staff are METCO. jG36a-a65n0-00207-00070708-00071146 So how do we forge those relationships and allow our students jG36a-a65n0-00208-00071162-00071796 to have relationships outside of school in addition to inside of school? jG36a-a65n0-00209-00071796-00072309 METCO program was started in Boston or in the state in 1966 jG36a-a65n0-00210-00072351-00072618 and in the mid seventies. jG36a-a65n0-00211-00072664-00073160 My family, my parents, chose for us to be METCO co-host families. jG36a-a65n0-00212-00073193-00073602 So we had two students come over to our house on half days jG36a-a65n0-00213-00073602-00074036 and spend some hours with us before they went back home. jG36a-a65n0-00214-00074069-00074436 So that is something that's not a new concept, but that may be a concept jG36a-a65n0-00215-00074436-00074853 that is new to Reading and something that may be on our horizon. jG36a-a65n0-00216-00074883-00075396 So I would encourage families and parents and students to jG36a-a65n0-00217-00075517-00075821 embrace that opportunity for us to jG36a-a65n0-00218-00075959-00076313 get into potentially being host families in the future. jG36a-a65n0-00219-00076347-00076668 I think it's important for people to know that METCO is for everyone. jG36a-a65n0-00220-00076701-00077227 It's a mutually beneficial program where students are learning from one another. jG36a-a65n0-00221-00077243-00077452 Families are learning from one another. jG36a-a65n0-00222-00077552-00077894 It's a program that Reading chooses to be a part of jG36a-a65n0-00223-00077894-00078249 because they recognize how beneficial it can be for everyone. jG36a-a65n0-00224-00078290-00078653 It's an opportunity for learning and growth jG36a-a65n0-00225-00078653-00079062 and creating lifelong relationships and friendships. jG36a-a65n0-00226-00079124-00079487 I've had the pleasure of partnering with METCO for the past sixteen years, jG36a-a65n0-00227-00079541-00079792 and I truly believe on a personal level, jG36a-a65n0-00228-00079817-00080171 I've become a better educator and a better person for that relationship. jG36a-a65n0-00229-00080288-00080538 I worked in a district prior to coming to Reading jG36a-a65n0-00230-00080567-00081014 that was one of the founding districts that worked with the METCO program. jG36a-a65n0-00231-00081060-00081414 And you know, for me, it is about opportunity and growth jG36a-a65n0-00232-00081435-00081860 for the community, not only about individuals and individual families. jG36a-a65n0-00233-00081936-00082219 Really, the entire community jG36a-a65n0-00234-00082219-00082499 benefits from our relationship with the METCO program jG36a-a65n0-00235-00082557-00082928 and you know, unfortunately, it doesn't always work both ways. jG36a-a65n0-00236-00082928-00083199 And we have plenty of work to do here at Reading jG36a-a65n0-00237-00083199-00083533 to make sure that all of our families, whether they live in Reading jG36a-a65n0-00238-00083533-00083904 or whether they live in the Boston, feel connected to our community jG36a-a65n0-00239-00083967-00084275 and part of that work is what we do here in schools. jG36a-a65n0-00240-00084342-00084659 But part of that work is also what we do as a community outside of schools. jG36a-a65n0-00241-00084713-00085001 And for me, for the program to really be jG36a-a65n0-00242-00085222-00085418 to reach its fullest potential, jG36a-a65n0-00243-00085418-00085935 we want to make sure that we have, first of all, a robust program. jG36a-a65n0-00244-00085948-00086265 And I'm very excited that Reading is expanding their program jG36a-a65n0-00245-00086344-00086511 and have worked with Mr. jG36a-a65n0-00246-00086511-00086586 Martin jG36a-a65n0-00247-00086661-00086886 to make sure that we have jG36a-a65n0-00248-00086886-00087128 a group of students at each grade level. jG36a-a65n0-00249-00087187-00087612 To me, what would be beneficial would at minimum having twelve students jG36a-a65n0-00250-00087641-00087946 as part of the METCO program at each grade level. jG36a-a65n0-00251-00088046-00088259 That way, you don't have this jG36a-a65n0-00252-00088259-00088542 singleton where one or two students, jG36a-a65n0-00253-00088571-00088830 instead you'd have more of a cohort that could work together. jG36a-a65n0-00254-00088922-00089147 I also think we have a lot of work to do as a community. jG36a-a65n0-00255-00089247-00089514 When we look at being an inclusive school, jG36a-a65n0-00256-00089514-00089802 when we look at instances of jG36a-a65n0-00257-00089877-00090311 perhaps not having after school activities or different events jG36a-a65n0-00258-00090311-00090686 accessible to our students in Boston, in part due to transportation, jG36a-a65n0-00259-00090728-00090945 we've got to remove those obstacles and barriers jG36a-a65n0-00260-00090945-00091295 because those in fact, are keeping our students from jG36a-a65n0-00261-00091345-00091637 in an organic way, getting to know work with one another. jG36a-a65n0-00262-00091695-00092279 So, you know, the benefits of METCO in our relationship, I think, are far jG36a-a65n0-00263-00092408-00092613 or wide spread. jG36a-a65n0-00264-00092613-00092972 But I think that on a personal level, for me, it jG36a-a65n0-00265-00092972-00093343 really, truly is one of the reasons why I have come to Reading jG36a-a65n0-00266-00093464-00093822 not to say that I wouldn't be here otherwise, but I think the notion jG36a-a65n0-00267-00093822-00094256 of having this to be more of a diverse, almost cosmopolitan jG36a-a65n0-00268-00094419-00094865 suburban community outside of Boston. jG36a-a65n0-00269-00094919-00095153 For me, that makes this even more exciting jG36a-a65n0-00270-00095190-00095624 and it makes us more of really what we stand for here as rocket. jG36a-a65n0-00271-00095745-00096237 Reading is a METCO district, which means all of our schools are METCO schools. jG36a-a65n0-00272-00096279-00096780 All of our students are METCO students and all of our staff are METCO staff. jG36a-a65n0-00273-00096780-00097001 By being a METCO district, jG36a-a65n0-00274-00097084-00097413 it means that we believe that diversity is important. jG36a-a65n0-00275-00097439-00097797 We believe the best learning environments for our students jG36a-a65n0-00276-00097835-00098252 are those in which we have students with different experiences. jG36a-a65n0-00277-00098281-00098469 Students from different cultures jG36a-a65n0-00278-00098469-00098744 and students and families with different perspectives. jG36a-a65n0-00279-00098807-00099232 And that by learning together, we become a stronger and better community. jG36a-a65n0-00280-00099295-00099582 One of the great things about being a METCO district jG36a-a65n0-00281-00099620-00100170 is that we become stronger by building shared experiences across our students jG36a-a65n0-00282-00100183-00100450 from different cultures and with different backgrounds. jG36a-a65n0-00283-00100554-00100700 So METCO is at the core jG36a-a65n0-00284-00100700-00101080 of who we are as a district in what we believe in as a district,. jG36a-a65n0-00285-00101080-00101409 We believe in diversity and we believe that diversity jG36a-a65n0-00286-00101409-00101739 creates more rich learning environments for all of our students. jG36a-a65n0-00287-00101739-00102189 And the METCO program is one of the ways that we create a more racially and jG36a-a65n0-00288-00102189-00102623 ethnically diverse classroom experience and learning experience for our students, jG36a-a65n0-00289-00102652-00102923 both for our Boston residents and for our residents. jG36a-a65n0-00290-00102998-00103248 And we believe that this is creates a really powerful jG36a-a65n0-00291-00103248-00103511 learning opportunity experience for our students. jG36a-a65n0-00292-00103578-00103849 And I'd like to emphasize that the METCO program is jG36a-a65n0-00293-00103849-00104187 not just for is not just our Boston resident students. jG36a-a65n0-00294-00104229-00104629 Every student in Reading is a METCO student. jG36a-a65n0-00295-00104679-00105021 Every staff member in Reading is a METCO staff member, jG36a-a65n0-00296-00105038-00105522 and we believe that the METCO program makes us a stronger and better district jG36a-a65n0-00297-00105555-00105814 as it the core of who we are and what we believe in. jG36a-a65n0-00298-00105814-00106072 METCO is an important part of the Reading jG36a-a65n0-00299-00106076-00106414 public schools and even more so the Reading community as a whole. jG36a-a65n0-00300-00106552-00106819 It's not something we should look at as individual students, it's jG36a-a65n0-00301-00106819-00107240 something we should look at as a program and a process that we're going through jG36a-a65n0-00302-00107282-00107761 within Reading, where we bring in some students from outside of Reading jG36a-a65n0-00303-00107803-00108095 to be part of our greater community, to enrich our community, jG36a-a65n0-00304-00108195-00108416 that we can learn from them and they can learn from us. jG36a-a65n0-00305-00108454-00108737 It's bi-directional and it's very important that it's bi directional. jG36a-a65n0-00306-00108871-00109129 I think back to the time I had when I was growing up in Denver jG36a-a65n0-00307-00109138-00109521 and the school I went to was very, very much an integrated school jG36a-a65n0-00308-00109542-00109776 and it gave me a rich appreciation jG36a-a65n0-00309-00109901-00110064 of the background of different people. jG36a-a65n0-00310-00110064-00110472 It broke down walls and broke down barriers of communication jG36a-a65n0-00311-00110535-00110781 where we see challenges in the media. jG36a-a65n0-00312-00110819-00111090 When you see somebody face to face, it's much, much different jG36a-a65n0-00313-00111110-00111236 from an experience perspective. jG36a-a65n0-00314-00111236-00111557 When you get to know them individually, It's much different jG36a-a65n0-00315-00111557-00111786 from an experience perspective, both ways. jG36a-a65n0-00316-00111870-00112178 And so it helps enrich our community, helps enrich jG36a-a65n0-00317-00112178-00112508 our students and helps challenge our students. jG36a-a65n0-00318-00112558-00112829 Collectively, all of our students brings jG36a-a65n0-00319-00112829-00113100 perspectives that maybe we wouldn't otherwise see. jG36a-a65n0-00320-00113163-00113575 And it's a very important investment that we are all making. jG36a-a65n0-00321-00113638-00113847 And that's not an investment that's one sided either. jG36a-a65n0-00322-00113880-00114122 It's an investment that goes both ways. jG36a-a65n0-00323-00114122-00114180 It's an investment jG36a-a65n0-00324-00114180-00114435 the Reading community is making in the students that are coming in, jG36a-a65n0-00325-00114435-00114739 and it's an investment those students are making and coming into Reading as well. jG36a-a65n0-00326-00114827-00115194 And the chance, the time they're taking to come on the bus on a day by day basis, jG36a-a65n0-00327-00115231-00115373 to spend time here with our jG36a-a65n0-00328-00115373-00115765 with the rest of the community here to grow in the rest of the community here. jG36a-a65n0-00329-00115765-00115886 To participate. jG36a-a65n0-00330-00115886-00116291 To add to the rest of the community here, it's a bi directional investment. jG36a-a65n0-00331-00116291-00116641 As I think about that a little bit more and I think about the portrait jG36a-a65n0-00332-00116641-00116754 of the graduate. jG36a-a65n0-00333-00116754-00117037 It ties very closely with what we have jG36a-a65n0-00334-00117104-00117438 said is important from our graduation, from our graduates perspective. jG36a-a65n0-00335-00117508-00117734 You know, we want people who can be empathetic. jG36a-a65n0-00336-00117734-00117951 We want people who can see other perspectives. jG36a-a65n0-00337-00118013-00118330 And with a program such as METCO with a town like Reading jG36a-a65n0-00338-00118334-00118726 to invest in a program such as METCO, we're able to see those perspectives. jG36a-a65n0-00339-00118751-00119023 They're able to see ours and we're able to see theirs. jG36a-a65n0-00340-00119110-00119331 I shouldn't even have to say we and they. jG36a-a65n0-00341-00119331-00119744 Frankly, we as a collective are able to see each other's perspectives, jG36a-a65n0-00342-00119803-00119940 and that's important. jG36a-a65n0-00343-00119940-00120065 We learn from those. jG36a-a65n0-00344-00120065-00120265 We were enriched by them jG36a-a65n0-00345-00120436-00120557 as a whole. jG36a-a65n0-00346-00120595-00120954 And that's important for all of us to understand other things. jG36a-a65n0-00347-00120954-00121296 As we think about it from portrait of the graduate perspective, jG36a-a65n0-00348-00121358-00121613 we're able to really challenge ideas. jG36a-a65n0-00349-00121646-00121934 We're really able to look at things critically jG36a-a65n0-00350-00121988-00122217 and and understand what's happening. jG36a-a65n0-00351-00122230-00122476 We're able to interact. jG36a-a65n0-00352-00122476-00122776 We're able to see. jG36a-a65n0-00353-00122806-00122876 Hear. jG36a-a65n0-00354-00122876-00123239 Know and understand the reality of what people are going through jG36a-a65n0-00355-00123335-00123644 and through that understanding our empathy grows jG36a-a65n0-00356-00123702-00123969 through that understanding our partnership jG36a-a65n0-00357-00123986-00124299 in improving each other's lives grows. jG36a-a65n0-00358-00124420-00124641 I don't know about you, but I see things much different jG36a-a65n0-00359-00124641-00124887 when I'm able to talk to somebody face to face. jG36a-a65n0-00360-00124887-00125120 We break down barriers, jG36a-a65n0-00361-00125120-00125400 we break down communication gaps jG36a-a65n0-00362-00125400-00125650 that may be there and we build bridges appropriately. jG36a-a65n0-00363-00125713-00126055 So METCO is a huge portion of that for us, not just jG36a-a65n0-00364-00126159-00126518 from some students perspective, but from all students. jG36a-a65n0-00365-00126518-00126755 And it's important we think of it that way. jG36a-a65n0-00366-00126755-00127081 And I would encourage the community as a whole to put their hands up jG36a-a65n0-00367-00127081-00127398 to reach out and see what we can do to support this even more. jG36a-a65n0-00368-00127481-00127823 There's been great strides this year in improving things like after school bussing jG36a-a65n0-00369-00127869-00128073 so that some of our students don't have to go back home jG36a-a65n0-00370-00128073-00128432 immediately after school and participate in after school activities. jG36a-a65n0-00371-00128478-00128678 I'd love to see more of that, jG36a-a65n0-00372-00128678-00128949 and that may mean we need more assistance from the community as well, jG36a-a65n0-00373-00129024-00129266 who can help and provide jG36a-a65n0-00374-00129270-00129654 a house or a meal after school so the student doesn't have to go back jG36a-a65n0-00375-00129654-00129754 immediately. jG36a-a65n0-00376-00129754-00130096 Who can help support with transportation so they can be invested jG36a-a65n0-00377-00130096-00130288 in some of our existing clubs? jG36a-a65n0-00378-00130288-00130484 Whether it's a drama club, whether it's the football team, jG36a-a65n0-00379-00130484-00130797 whether it's a basketball team, the baseball team, whether it's the model, jG36a-a65n0-00380-00130797-00131126 U.N. club, whatever it may be at the higher levels, jG36a-a65n0-00381-00131168-00131360 the more chance they have to interact, jG36a-a65n0-00382-00131360-00131568 the more chance they have to be part of the community, jG36a-a65n0-00383-00131568-00131685 the better off we'll all be. jG36a-a65n0-00384-00131685-00131840 And so I'd love to see jG36a-a65n0-00385-00131840-00132261 more of the community reach out and invest themselves and their time in that way. jG36a-a65n0-00386-00132357-00132453 Be on the lookout jG36a-a65n0-00387-00132453-00132569 in the upcoming following weeks jG36a-a65n0-00388-00132569-00133049 for more information coming out on how we can do this, how we can build that jG36a-a65n0-00389-00133049-00133495 two way street and build these relationships that last a lifetime jG36a-a65n0-00390-00133516-00133875 that me and my friends have. jG36a-a65n0-00391-00133875-00134042 We are all in this together. jHBOCWB5CbU-00000-00000110-00001530 Austria, Georgia, Lebanon, Italy, Mexico Spain, United kingdom, Polska, Portugal jHBOCWB5CbU-00001-00001530-00002127 Latvia, Germany, quarantine like around the world. Hello guys my name is jHBOCWB5CbU-00002-00002127-00002693 Anna and I'm from Georgia I'm in quarantine for three weeks and I know that we jHBOCWB5CbU-00003-00002693-00003167 have very difficult time in the world but we need to be strong we need to jHBOCWB5CbU-00004-00003167-00003735 stay at home we have too much time to improve our skills discover ourselves jHBOCWB5CbU-00005-00003735-00004410 and discover new habits, new hobbies and so on. For me personally, it's not jHBOCWB5CbU-00006-00004410-00004950 difficult to be a quarantine at all because I'm in the village and I have a jHBOCWB5CbU-00007-00004950-00005503 small farm and I'm helping to my parents for planting potatoes and vegetables jHBOCWB5CbU-00008-00005503-00006071 screen grapes and I have also some cows and chickens so I can go outside and jHBOCWB5CbU-00009-00006071-00006572 breathe the fresh air. So I had too much time to walk outside but when I am at jHBOCWB5CbU-00010-00006572-00007097 home we have a distance learning from the University and I have some online jHBOCWB5CbU-00011-00007097-00007742 lectures and after that I'm watching some movies and so also I have time for jHBOCWB5CbU-00012-00007742-00008661 myself and I hope everything will be okay soon and be healthy and don't be in jHBOCWB5CbU-00013-00008661-00009354 a panic and I hope that we'll finish soon and I send you too much hugs from jHBOCWB5CbU-00014-00009354-00009790 Georgia jHBOCWB5CbU-00015-00009790-00010747 Portugal, day 27. I'm feeling very stressed about all the things that are jHBOCWB5CbU-00016-00010747-00011289 happening around social media and Internet because every day when I wake jHBOCWB5CbU-00017-00011289-00011853 up I'm so afraid I'm losing something important because there are classes jHBOCWB5CbU-00018-00011853-00012706 online and free workshops and gymnastic and yoga and in the photography classes jHBOCWB5CbU-00019-00012706-00013225 and then, concerts and festivals and all the artists are doing something online jHBOCWB5CbU-00020-00013225-00013786 so it's like I spent all day worrying about not having time to do everything jHBOCWB5CbU-00021-00013786-00014829 so I've been super stressed all these quarantine, all these 27 days jHBOCWB5CbU-00022-00014829-00015420 My name is Rosy, a Filipina living in Vietnam and I am now on 14 days jHBOCWB5CbU-00023-00015420-00016029 quarantine and I have to say that I feel truly lucky being in this country during jHBOCWB5CbU-00024-00016029-00016635 this pandemic crisis because Vietnam is actually doing such a great job to jHBOCWB5CbU-00025-00016635-00017278 combat Covid 19 virus. People here are calm and strictly following the jHBOCWB5CbU-00026-00017278-00017845 preventive measures. I am also one of those thousands of people across the jHBOCWB5CbU-00027-00017845-00018478 world who lost my job during this pandemic period I actually hadn't been jHBOCWB5CbU-00028-00018478-00019147 working the past two and a half months. However I remain positive in every jHBOCWB5CbU-00029-00019147-00019831 aspects in life. How am i dealing this quarantine period ? I got myself busy jHBOCWB5CbU-00030-00019831-00020509 planting, I joined the 30 day yoga challenge, cooked some good food more jHBOCWB5CbU-00031-00020509-00021156 often, I spent a lot of time talking to my loved ones and Friends, watch movies jHBOCWB5CbU-00032-00021156-00022513 and I go for cycling when I needed to jIRLRS3LhsQ-00000-00000328-00000469 Hello and welcome to the Fort Report. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00001-00000493-00000572 I'm Ehleshea Woodruff. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00002-00000597-00000704 >> and I'm Chris Connolly. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00003-00000746-00001118 Ehleshia, I don’t know if you’ve seen the Lawn Whisperer in your jIRLRS3LhsQ-00004-00001129-00001447 neck of the woods, but he’s not just on billboards—he real! jIRLRS3LhsQ-00005-00001473-00001702 I found him crawling around on his belly in my backyard jIRLRS3LhsQ-00006-00001717-00001953 and it kinda creeped me out a little bit jIRLRS3LhsQ-00007-00001963-00002260 >>Let me guess…he found that you were watering too much, right? jIRLRS3LhsQ-00008-00002271-00002405 >>He came to your place too? jIRLRS3LhsQ-00009-00002427-00002730 >>No, but overwatering is a serious problem in North Texas. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00010-00002765-00003210 Overwatering not only wastes a valuable natural resource; jIRLRS3LhsQ-00011-00003220-00003324 it also wastes money. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00012-00003339-00003606 Be sure to follow the City’s water conservation rules: jIRLRS3LhsQ-00013-00003617-00004100 First, watering your lawn with sprinklers is only allowed between the hours of jIRLRS3LhsQ-00014-00004111-00004235 6 p.m. and 10 a.m. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00015-00004245-00004606 Your lawn will thank you for it, and you’ll conserve water and jIRLRS3LhsQ-00016-00004615-00004732 avoid a costly citation. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00017-00004747-00005182 Second, water deeply and less often to develop a deep healthy root system. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00018-00005199-00005702 Third, maintain your sprinkler system, fix leaky parts, and check the jIRLRS3LhsQ-00019-00005711-00006078 sprinkler coverage areas— don’t water the streets or sidewalks. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00020-00006087-00006289 they do just fine without water. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00021-00006303-00006633 >>Yea, and if you see water being wasted in Fort Worth, jIRLRS3LhsQ-00022-00006642-00006931 report it online at fortworthgov.org/water jIRLRS3LhsQ-00023-00006959-00007217 Man, you won’t find me doing that jIRLRS3LhsQ-00024-00007233-00007591 Anyway, you’ll never guess what day June 16 is… jIRLRS3LhsQ-00025-00007606-00007676 >>Thursday? jIRLRS3LhsQ-00026-00007684-00007795 >>No... jIRLRS3LhsQ-00027-00007803-00008014 I mean yeah… but it’s a special day. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00028-00008023-00008090 >>Okay I give up. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00029-00008098-00008235 >>It’s Dump the Pump Day! jIRLRS3LhsQ-00030-00008245-00008595 June 16 is the sixth annual National Dump the Pump Day jIRLRS3LhsQ-00031-00008608-00008722 as in the gas pump jIRLRS3LhsQ-00032-00008733-00008967 It’s a magical time to say to heck with these gas prices jIRLRS3LhsQ-00033-00008977-00009095 and the air pollution! jIRLRS3LhsQ-00034-00009104-00009495 Instead of filling up that gas guzzler, why not ride the bus, walk or ride a bike. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00035-00009508-00009818 Public transportation helps reduce our carbon footprint and saves jIRLRS3LhsQ-00036-00009830-00010040 billions of gallons of gas each year. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00037-00010055-00010391 So, let’s use Dump the Pump Day to save some cash, help the environment, jIRLRS3LhsQ-00038-00010403-00010729 reduce our dependence on oil and improve our quality of life. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00039-00010760-00010892 >>That’s good advice, Chris. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00040-00010907-00011134 Thanks for getting us pumped up! jIRLRS3LhsQ-00041-00011160-00011470 Something else the people of Fort Worth should be pumped up for is jIRLRS3LhsQ-00042-00011480-00011626 the Election Day! jIRLRS3LhsQ-00043-00011636-00012005 Don’t forget to vote! Early voting ends June 14 and Election Day is this jIRLRS3LhsQ-00044-00012017-00012180 Saturday, June 18. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00045-00012194-00012539 Residents in northwest Fort Worth will choose their next representative jIRLRS3LhsQ-00046-00012549-00012918 in District 7, and the big race, of course, is for our next Mayor. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00047-00012947-00013065 Get out the vote people! jIRLRS3LhsQ-00048-00013102-00013327 Hey, Snoopy jIRLRS3LhsQ-00049-00013340-00013459 What's up? jIRLRS3LhsQ-00050-00013469-00013779 Oh, hey, Ehleshea. I just went over to Omaha Surplus over on White Settlement jIRLRS3LhsQ-00051-00013788-00013991 to pick up this stuff because Father's day is coming up jIRLRS3LhsQ-00052-00014005-00014293 and my dad doesn't wear neckties. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00053-00014416-00014763 If you are looking for a unique father's day gift, a scenic flight above jIRLRS3LhsQ-00054-00014774-00015040 Fort Worth is memorable, but there's nothing like seeing it from a B-25 bomber. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00055-00015052-00015455 These vintage flights are available June 11-19 and packages vary between jIRLRS3LhsQ-00056-00015469-00015743 the B-25 or a classic DC-3. jIRLRS3LhsQ-00057-00015771-00016238 Call 817-659-9249 to get the details and get flying! jIRLRS3LhsQ-00058-00016253-00016406 Now, where was I? jIRLRS3LhsQ-00059-00016437-00016530 Oh, yeah. jKnk85Mnvqo-00000-00000066-00000278 We've gotten very used to the Internet. jKnk85Mnvqo-00001-00000312-00000770 We are constantly sharing information about ourselves and our private lives: jKnk85Mnvqo-00002-00000800-00000996 food we eat, people we meet, jKnk85Mnvqo-00003-00001018-00001248 places we go, and the stuff we read. jKnk85Mnvqo-00004-00001328-00001464 Let me explain it better. jKnk85Mnvqo-00005-00001492-00001773 Right at this moment, if someone attempts to look you up, jKnk85Mnvqo-00006-00001805-00002248 they'll see your real identity, precise location, operating system, jKnk85Mnvqo-00007-00002280-00002650 all the sites you've visited, the browser you use to surf the web, jKnk85Mnvqo-00008-00002670-00002914 and so much more information about you and your life jKnk85Mnvqo-00009-00002962-00003246 which you probably didn't mean to share with unknown strangers, jKnk85Mnvqo-00010-00003292-00003584 who could easily use this data to exploit you. jKnk85Mnvqo-00011-00003622-00003811 But not if you're using Tor! jKnk85Mnvqo-00012-00003914-00004284 Tor Browser protects our privacy and identity on the Internet. jKnk85Mnvqo-00013-00004356-00004676 Tor secures your connection with three layers of encryption jKnk85Mnvqo-00014-00004694-00005176 and passes it through three voluntarily operated servers around the world, jKnk85Mnvqo-00015-00005228-00005552 which enables us to communicate anonymously over the Internet. jKnk85Mnvqo-00016-00005856-00006028 Tor also protects our data jKnk85Mnvqo-00017-00006040-00006390 against corporate or government targeted and mass surveillance. jKnk85Mnvqo-00018-00006488-00006934 Perhaps you live in a repressive country which tries to control and surveil the Internet. jKnk85Mnvqo-00019-00006990-00007380 Or perhaps you don't want big corporations taking advantage of your personal information. jKnk85Mnvqo-00020-00007488-00007764 Tor makes all of its users to look the same jKnk85Mnvqo-00021-00007792-00008080 which confuses the observer and makes you anonymous. jKnk85Mnvqo-00022-00008150-00008498 So, the more people use the Tor network, the stronger it gets jKnk85Mnvqo-00023-00008514-00008980 as it's easier to hide in a crowd of people who look exactly the same. jKnk85Mnvqo-00024-00009070-00009324 You can bypass the censorship without being worried about jKnk85Mnvqo-00025-00009340-00009610 the censor knowing what you do on the Internet. jKnk85Mnvqo-00026-00009854-00010144 The ads won't follow you everywhere for months, jKnk85Mnvqo-00027-00010164-00010330 starting when you first clicked on a product. jKnk85Mnvqo-00028-00010588-00010938 By using Tor, the sites you visit won't even know who you are, jKnk85Mnvqo-00029-00010954-00011176 from what part of the world you're visiting them, jKnk85Mnvqo-00030-00011192-00011392 unless you login and tell them so. jKnk85Mnvqo-00031-00011620-00011784 By downloading and using Tor, jKnk85Mnvqo-00032-00011820-00012056 you can protect the people who need anonymity, jKnk85Mnvqo-00033-00012088-00012364 like activists, journalists and bloggers. jKnk85Mnvqo-00034-00012400-00012900 Download and use Tor! Or run a relay! jKrETghNAcM-00000-00000372-00000671 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00001-00000671-00000871 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00002-00000871-00000921 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00003-00000940-00001140 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00004-00001140-00001190 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00005-00001224-00001424 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00006-00001424-00001474 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00007-00001474-00001524 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00008-00001532-00001732 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00009-00001732-00001782 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00010-00001800-00002000 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00011-00002000-00002050 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00012-00002050-00002100 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00013-00002106-00002306 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00014-00002306-00002356 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00015-00002386-00002586 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00016-00002586-00002636 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00017-00002636-00002686 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00018-00002691-00002891 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00019-00002891-00002941 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00020-00002941-00002991 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00021-00002992-00003192 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00022-00003192-00003242 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00023-00003242-00003292 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00024-00003317-00003367 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00025-00003367-00003417 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00026-00003417-00003467 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00027-00003590-00003640 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00028-00003640-00003690 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00029-00003759-00003959 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00030-00003959-00004009 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00031-00004009-00004059 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00032-00004241-00004291 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00033-00004291-00004341 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00034-00004438-00004488 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00035-00004488-00004538 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00036-00004811-00005011 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00037-00005011-00005061 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00038-00005061-00005111 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00039-00005158-00005208 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00040-00005208-00005258 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00041-00005353-00005553 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00042-00005553-00005603 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00043-00005673-00005873 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00044-00005873-00005923 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00045-00005923-00005973 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00046-00006026-00006226 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00047-00006226-00006276 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00048-00006276-00006326 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00049-00006424-00006474 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00050-00006474-00006524 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00051-00006668-00006718 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00052-00006718-00006768 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00053-00006815-00006865 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00054-00006865-00006915 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00055-00006947-00006997 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00056-00006997-00007047 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00057-00007112-00007162 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00058-00007162-00007212 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00059-00007212-00007262 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00060-00007404-00007454 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00061-00007454-00007504 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00062-00007632-00007832 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00063-00007832-00007882 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00064-00007882-00007932 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00065-00007983-00008033 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00066-00008033-00008083 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00067-00008083-00008133 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00068-00008133-00008183 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00069-00008300-00008500 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00070-00008500-00008550 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00071-00008616-00008666 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00072-00008666-00008716 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00073-00008790-00008990 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00074-00008990-00009040 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00075-00009040-00009090 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00076-00009098-00009148 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00077-00009148-00009198 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00078-00009198-00009248 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00079-00009324-00009374 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00080-00009374-00009424 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00081-00009727-00009777 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00082-00009777-00009827 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00083-00009827-00009877 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00084-00009877-00009927 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00085-00010005-00010205 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00086-00010205-00010255 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00087-00010282-00010332 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00088-00010332-00010382 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00089-00010382-00010432 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00090-00010432-00010482 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00091-00010570-00010620 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00092-00010620-00010670 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00093-00010670-00010720 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00094-00010720-00010770 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00095-00010889-00010939 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00096-00010939-00010989 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00097-00010989-00011039 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00098-00011178-00011378 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00099-00011378-00011428 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jKrETghNAcM-00100-00011428-00011478 India vs Australia , World Cup 2019 jOgz9UxgMj4-00000-00000036-00000468 last time we found out we could no longer reverse after trying to find jOgz9UxgMj4-00001-00000468-00000900 Solutions in the uni we decided to head to the Chilean border for some quicker jOgz9UxgMj4-00002-00000900-00001278 ways to solve our transmission problem good morning from Chile jOgz9UxgMj4-00003-00001368-00002226 let's go check if the van is going to make it another day left at a gas station is there a jOgz9UxgMj4-00004-00002226-00003210 leak there is no puddle and that is a good sign I heard some talk from the ProMaster Forum that I jOgz9UxgMj4-00005-00003210-00003911 should try unplugging these sensors could just be sensors I don't know I'm just glad there's no leak jOgz9UxgMj4-00006-00004248-00004686 yeah he fixed that leak but let's go get that Louie yeah well first jOgz9UxgMj4-00007-00004686-00005226 we're gonna go try some food some folk local food huh yeah people say Chile jOgz9UxgMj4-00008-00005226-00005664 doesn't have good food so let's see we can wrestle up over here jOgz9UxgMj4-00009-00005838-00006473 but unfortunately we have an engine code it's the oil pressure sensor in the engine again it doesn't jOgz9UxgMj4-00010-00006473-00007290 seem to cause an issue so far foreign the guy told me my surfboard will be gone in the morning jOgz9UxgMj4-00011-00008760-00009012 so what do you think Emily your first restaurant in Chile jOgz9UxgMj4-00012-00009108-00009774 it was pretty good nice matcha latte here though I almost 10 bucks it's a nice little Feast mine jOgz9UxgMj4-00013-00009774-00010398 was like three dollars so oh yeah so the other thing that we do whenever we enter a country is jOgz9UxgMj4-00014-00010398-00011100 get a new SIM card for our phones Danny used to be on Google fly but they cut him off so he has been jOgz9UxgMj4-00015-00011100-00011574 joining the struggle with me of not having cell phone service until you get a chip so I think one jOgz9UxgMj4-00016-00011574-00012084 of us is going to get into and the other is going to get collateral so all of the little stores on jOgz9UxgMj4-00017-00012084-00012846 the corners of each block they do sell chips for SIM cards so that you can immediately start using jOgz9UxgMj4-00018-00012846-00013397 your phone the only problem with that is is that they don't register the phone so in about a month jOgz9UxgMj4-00019-00013397-00013896 your phone won't work anymore and that's fine if you only are gonna be in the country for a couple jOgz9UxgMj4-00020-00013896-00014490 of weeks or less than a month but we're planning on being here for three so we have to go to a Rio jOgz9UxgMj4-00021-00014490-00015041 collateral store and register our phone and that's just so that they have our phone in their system jOgz9UxgMj4-00022-00015041-00015618 just in case it gets stolen oh my gosh parking in the city is much harder than I expected without jOgz9UxgMj4-00023-00015618-00016302 reverse but Emily is super smart she this looks fly to me that it's slightly uphill there so you jOgz9UxgMj4-00024-00016302-00016902 know I was able to find this parallel parking spot pull in put it in neutral back up and I jOgz9UxgMj4-00025-00016902-00017472 think it's because I have a stick shift for so long that I like never used reverse so I just jOgz9UxgMj4-00026-00017472-00018060 slide into places yeah yeah and we're only like a block away from the main stores of claro and until jOgz9UxgMj4-00027-00018138-00019020 so we'll leave the dog here this is pretty sketchy I guess um so wish us luck so we got our phones jOgz9UxgMj4-00028-00019020-00019728 registered and two new Chips I got Intel then you got claro and for the registration they actually jOgz9UxgMj4-00029-00019728-00020412 wouldn't do it at the store which is really wild I can get unlimited everything for seven jOgz9UxgMj4-00030-00020412-00021120 days for six dollars six US dollars so that's only twenty one dollars a month like you know jOgz9UxgMj4-00031-00021120-00021804 20 some dollars a month for unlimited everything for me which is pretty great yeah for me for three jOgz9UxgMj4-00032-00021804-00022656 dollars I can get 15 gigabytes crazy that's so cheap the SIM cards we did pay I think like 2 jOgz9UxgMj4-00033-00022656-00023082 000 pesos so probably two and a half dollars each for our SIM cards but that includes jOgz9UxgMj4-00034-00023142-00023844 um like a gig for her and I think two for me so I got phones again yeah we got Google Maps live jOgz9UxgMj4-00035-00023844-00024714 we're gonna go pick up our transmission fluid it's pretty hard to come by down here ATF plus four got jOgz9UxgMj4-00036-00024714-00025452 the exact right brand exact right one and six quarts was about a hundred dollars so not bad I jOgz9UxgMj4-00037-00025452-00025932 don't know how much it costs in the US I've spent that much on oil we've decided just to get out of jOgz9UxgMj4-00038-00025932-00026627 this city Calama because there's so many warnings here on ioverlander about robberies thefts and jOgz9UxgMj4-00039-00026627-00027233 the next town is called antofagos antofagasta it's right by the coast where it sounds nice and jOgz9UxgMj4-00040-00027233-00027900 there's also no warnings if this city was a huge step up from where we were in Bolivia oh Chile jOgz9UxgMj4-00041-00027900-00028416 is a huge step up in infrastructure the prices are more that's how things are going right now jOgz9UxgMj4-00042-00028680-00028860 okay jOgz9UxgMj4-00043-00029022-00029652 and I looked up and I just saw like a measly little sign that said Tropic of jOgz9UxgMj4-00044-00029652-00030306 Capricorn lines so we just froze the traffic in Capricorn we're so jOgz9UxgMj4-00045-00030306-00031272 when we were going down Baja California so we've crossed like an insane amount of the planet now jOgz9UxgMj4-00046-00031272-00031739 whenever we passed a Tropic of Cancer I was like oh we're really starting this thing you know jOgz9UxgMj4-00047-00031739-00032820 welcome to antofagasta well probably the main thing for me jOgz9UxgMj4-00048-00032820-00033300 is this skate park right there the van is right across the street not too bad jOgz9UxgMj4-00049-00033546-00034122 foreign jOgz9UxgMj4-00050-00035388-00036414 like an hour and a half and he mentioned what might be a good idea is there's a port right jOgz9UxgMj4-00051-00036414-00036912 here at dry Port he said it would be about as cheap as the gasoline and the tolls to jOgz9UxgMj4-00052-00036912-00037440 get down to Santiago then we wouldn't have to worry about the transmission and just get it jOgz9UxgMj4-00053-00037440-00037998 looked at while we have our apartment there on Google Maps and I Overlander I messaged jOgz9UxgMj4-00054-00037998-00038760 a ton of different transmission places any that I can find we got a guy who kind of has jOgz9UxgMj4-00055-00038760-00039330 an Overlander spot like very close to here and he came and knocked on the van I guess when we jOgz9UxgMj4-00056-00039330-00039732 were across the he said hey there's nobody here but a cat but anyway he's gonna roll back up in jOgz9UxgMj4-00057-00039732-00040188 about five minutes and have a chat about I don't know what we're gonna chat about but we're just jOgz9UxgMj4-00058-00040188-00040878 trying everything we can to figure out what we can do good morning we're gonna try and change jOgz9UxgMj4-00059-00040878-00041610 the transmission fluid and see if that helps us out at all all and then after that we have two jOgz9UxgMj4-00060-00041610-00042414 plans wait until Wednesday to get another mechanic to look at the van who's actually a automatic jOgz9UxgMj4-00061-00042414-00043308 transmission mechanic Drive ourselves to Santiago or a load up the van on a flatbed and have it jOgz9UxgMj4-00062-00043308-00043974 being brought to Santiago best case scenario we can drive out and drive ourselves to Santiago jOgz9UxgMj4-00063-00044424-00045270 I'm tense and Emily's great the van is under the knife now we just gotta wait and see the jOgz9UxgMj4-00064-00045270-00045798 toughest moment of Van life just waiting to see is the mechanic able to do a complicated jOgz9UxgMj4-00065-00045798-00046572 job well a non-standard job for him getting stuck somewhere this is definitely the worst part the jOgz9UxgMj4-00066-00046572-00047202 hardest part being not a mechanic and we've done it way too much lately so there's a slight chance jOgz9UxgMj4-00067-00047202-00047844 this gets us driving well again if we get the filter out and the filter is completely clogged jOgz9UxgMj4-00068-00047916-00048606 this could fix everything if we get the filter out and we see pieces of metal in there that's bad jOgz9UxgMj4-00069-00048678-00049260 we shouldn't drive to Santiago if in the liquid there's black fibrous material jOgz9UxgMj4-00070-00049260-00049842 that's like the wear parts that's not as bad as metal you know it's a waiting game now and it's jOgz9UxgMj4-00071-00049842-00050676 nerve-wracking and thank you so much Emily for helping me try to relax okay so here jOgz9UxgMj4-00072-00050928-00051678 it's almost uh it's got the screws up now we got this guy cracked open that's the filter jOgz9UxgMj4-00073-00051840-00052248 smells super burnt so we found a piece of metal jOgz9UxgMj4-00074-00052320-00052950 oh boy so it's really bad that we found that piece of metal already jOgz9UxgMj4-00075-00053934-00054479 and now we're seeing some of this black fibrous material which is the wear pieces of the clutch jOgz9UxgMj4-00076-00054648-00055434 wow what is that look at this piece it was a huge piece of metal oh my God jOgz9UxgMj4-00077-00055626-00056586 that's not good more of that black stuff oh no inside of the filter there was a lot more pieces jOgz9UxgMj4-00078-00056586-00057617 of metal we got a whole gear oh my God it's a Dodge Ram ProMaster okay we got the bill to change jOgz9UxgMj4-00079-00057617-00058355 the fluid change and we know what the problem is well they were pretty great in there helped us get jOgz9UxgMj4-00080-00058355-00059058 that all figured out but on the way out thing got ripped open all right got that fan fixed enough jOgz9UxgMj4-00081-00059058-00059616 seems good which is great because this is kind of a garbage dump out front here the mechanics jOgz9UxgMj4-00082-00059826-00060155 oh what a life so we have to hit the dry port jOgz9UxgMj4-00083-00060246-00060912 we're here asking truckers for favors and apparently that side is going north up here jOgz9UxgMj4-00084-00060912-00061500 they say are people heading to Santiago this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever done in my jOgz9UxgMj4-00085-00061500-00062022 life hey Emily I know I've only been gone about five minutes but we've already found a truck 300 jOgz9UxgMj4-00086-00062022-00062796 Lucas the gasoline price would be 300 oh you got the keys we gotta go up on the truck right now jOgz9UxgMj4-00087-00063036-00063444 you ready to go we're going to Santiago today oh my God yeah there's just a whole bunch jOgz9UxgMj4-00088-00063444-00064284 of truckers here just waiting to take this seems like a niche kind of thing jOgz9UxgMj4-00089-00064914-00065441 oh it's a container problems jOgz9UxgMj4-00090-00065441-00066588 decided not to be trapped in there claustrophobically and this guy offered us the jOgz9UxgMj4-00091-00066588-00067248 same price he's got a flatbed second try that was really good that Emily recommended we not do that jOgz9UxgMj4-00092-00067248-00067734 yeah he said we could bring the pets up front and everything we're getting it for like just as cheap jOgz9UxgMj4-00093-00067734-00068244 as driving there and yet for them they're excited about it maybe I should have offered this we can jOgz9UxgMj4-00094-00068244-00068670 stay in the van yeah I would much rather be in there it's just easier because then we don't have jOgz9UxgMj4-00095-00068670-00069168 to have the cat in a container he said it would be a different price remember yeah he just wants to jOgz9UxgMj4-00096-00069168-00069654 leave there's already a car in there he's got like a daughter in there they were just having a nap jOgz9UxgMj4-00097-00069960-00070632 I really understand where Danny's coming from like yeah just uh give it full blast all the jOgz9UxgMj4-00098-00070632-00071142 way on to this truck and we're gonna put a bunch of pieces of broken pallet down so that you can jOgz9UxgMj4-00099-00071142-00071676 make it over the top of it I better put this down before I try and make this walk over to the door jOgz9UxgMj4-00100-00072756-00073122 thank you jOgz9UxgMj4-00101-00073428-00074874 look at this rant by the way that is DIY 18 hours Santiago so how do you get in the van oh yes jOgz9UxgMj4-00102-00076164-00076686 oh hey I just saw you doing that tightrope that was scary I got some empanadas and he jOgz9UxgMj4-00103-00076686-00077238 said there might even be a shower on the way don't get my hopes up like that at the rest stops jOgz9UxgMj4-00104-00077436-00077580 of course bananas it says you're ahead jOgz9UxgMj4-00105-00078222-00078456 what do you think so Rito who's driving jOgz9UxgMj4-00106-00078564-00079374 somebody tell you driving girl she seems kind of freaked out this should be an 18 hour ride when we jOgz9UxgMj4-00107-00079374-00080076 were coming from a uni that pass was so dusty that honestly the corner of the bed is like a desert jOgz9UxgMj4-00108-00080076-00080706 right over there now we're gonna look into can we rent a place in Santiago for a month we also have jOgz9UxgMj4-00109-00080706-00081528 two mechanics that we found that they both sound pretty reputable 18 hours we got some work to do jOgz9UxgMj4-00110-00081876-00082578 good morning jOgz9UxgMj4-00111-00084168-00084294 foreign jOgz9UxgMj4-00112-00087270-00087840 get that no one she's just too excited I can get her she's pumped down jOgz9UxgMj4-00113-00087840-00088212 I don't need your help I don't oh jOgz9UxgMj4-00114-00088302-00088926 she's just so excited jOgz9UxgMj4-00115-00089160-00090030 sorry oh man this is so crazy right now I think there's just so many things to fix obviously the jOgz9UxgMj4-00116-00090030-00090456 most important is the transmission and we got these uh gas station copies here jOgz9UxgMj4-00117-00090516-00091008 that helps a bit at least our current house is on Wheels even if we need to push it hopefully jOgz9UxgMj4-00118-00091008-00091686 by the time we get to Santiago about five hours we can hammer down a place to live I was able to jOgz9UxgMj4-00119-00091686-00092340 get one guy off of Airbnb 100 airbnb's place is like 1600 for the month kind of pricey so jOgz9UxgMj4-00120-00092340-00092790 I'm trying to work on him on that if you find something Airbnb you talk to the guy say hey jOgz9UxgMj4-00121-00092790-00093420 can I see it and then you can get out of airbnb's 20 cut for locals and apartments should be like jOgz9UxgMj4-00122-00093420-00093984 uh 500 000 Chilean pesos a month I know we could do better but I get to enjoy the countryside jOgz9UxgMj4-00123-00093984-00094854 without driving to so much up in the air doing our best this is about hour 25 of our ride on the back jOgz9UxgMj4-00124-00094854-00095694 of a truck to Santiago Chile we have an apartment lined up and we get to look at it first too so jOgz9UxgMj4-00125-00095694-00096282 we're gonna Park in the spot for my Overlander and go take a peek it's always good to just check it jOgz9UxgMj4-00126-00096282-00096804 out first if that doesn't work Emily even line up another one in person to check out another jOgz9UxgMj4-00127-00096804-00097356 apartment tomorrow morning hopefully the van can drive the minimal distance is required today yeah jOgz9UxgMj4-00128-00097542-00098478 I'm I'm filming it you know who's driving who's driving somebody get your hands jOgz9UxgMj4-00129-00099516-00100188 okay we're almost to the loading dock hopefully this one is better than the last one because jOgz9UxgMj4-00130-00100188-00100854 the last one was kind of sketchy and we also have to push ourselves off of this one change jOgz9UxgMj4-00131-00100854-00101400 of plans the holiday might have helped us get a good deal but it's not helping us get unloaded jOgz9UxgMj4-00132-00101478-00101814 the place was completely closed so he said we're gonna have to cross town jOgz9UxgMj4-00133-00101904-00102432 it's 30 minutes but he said it's free to unload there we should still make it on time to our jOgz9UxgMj4-00134-00102492-00102948 meeting to check out the apartment but whatever that's tangential it's better jOgz9UxgMj4-00135-00102948-00103446 just to get this figured out first of course okay so here's our loading dock jOgz9UxgMj4-00136-00103932-00104076 a bit of a gap there jOgz9UxgMj4-00137-00105306-00105659 okay so you gotta turn the wheel a little bit left okay okay jOgz9UxgMj4-00138-00106248-00107111 the back of that truck and we're driving in the van it feels okay though right now so that's jOgz9UxgMj4-00139-00107111-00107748 good first you want to get the van off of that truck the truck is a little bit higher than the jOgz9UxgMj4-00140-00107748-00108276 dock so we had to load up on different rocks and everything to make it so that the van wouldn't jOgz9UxgMj4-00141-00108276-00108918 scrape the metal on the way down I just put it into neutral and Denny pushed the van I never jOgz9UxgMj4-00142-00108918-00109608 really thought about it before but yeah getting a flatbed when there's a dock around to tow you jOgz9UxgMj4-00143-00109608-00110183 somewhere this is the best way to go if you have to go a very long long time welcome to Santiago jOgz9UxgMj4-00144-00110183-00111018 we're killing it today so we managed to get the van driven too well actually it's final resting jOgz9UxgMj4-00145-00111018-00111828 place nah but but it made it across town and now we get to walk and go check out an apartment got a jOgz9UxgMj4-00146-00111828-00112290 list of things to check you know how they let the dog go in the elevator not make us walk like in jOgz9UxgMj4-00147-00112290-00113130 Cartagena yeah so many stairs yeah but so let's go check it out we'll see you guys next time as jOgz9UxgMj4-00148-00113130-00113711 we switch from full-time van live to fixing the van life thanks for joining us if you like this jOgz9UxgMj4-00149-00113711-00114161 video share it and if you'd like to support us a little more check out our patreon see ya jOgz9UxgMj4-00150-00115254-00115385 foreign jR4Ubq93ApY-00000-00000000-00000289 Hello, I'm Chef Bae Jae Hoon of Kappo Aki. jR4Ubq93ApY-00001-00000510-00000744 The restaurant is Kappo Aki. jR4Ubq93ApY-00002-00000754-00001048 If you translate ‘Kappo dish’, jR4Ubq93ApY-00003-00001048-00001382 It means cooking on fire and cutting it. jR4Ubq93ApY-00004-00001392-00001806 It's not too hard and not too much like a course meal. jR4Ubq93ApY-00005-00001823-00002316 It is a bar where you can enjoy Japanese cuisine casually. jR4Ubq93ApY-00006-00002325-00002721 First of all, the lighting is very dark in terms of interior. jR4Ubq93ApY-00007-00002728-00003192 So, it's like the mood for drinking. There is Pocheon stone from Pocheon. jR4Ubq93ApY-00008-00003192-00003552 We're going to emphasize the pillar with that stone decoration. jR4Ubq93ApY-00009-00003552-00003989 With a new concept that didn't exist before, jR4Ubq93ApY-00010-00004008-00004500 It gives that a forceful strong feeling. jR4Ubq93ApY-00011-00004500-00004708 It's a masculine interior concept. jR4Ubq93ApY-00012-00004716-00005013 I liked Japanese food cartoons when I was young. jR4Ubq93ApY-00013-00005013-00005366 And I really like cooking alone at home, too. jR4Ubq93ApY-00014-00005366-00005843 I was interested in cooking as a hobby for the first time. jR4Ubq93ApY-00015-00005857-00006362 The chef that I respect is running Sushi Hyo. jR4Ubq93ApY-00016-00006362-00006644 It is Chef Ahn Hyo Joo who I have respected since I was young. jR4Ubq93ApY-00017-00006644-00006963 While reading the books and videos that he wrote, jR4Ubq93ApY-00018-00006963-00007398 I was influenced a lot as a role model. jR4Ubq93ApY-00019-00007398-00007774 We usually eat a lot of Korean food for staff meal. jR4Ubq93ApY-00020-00007774-00008180 We have high quality Korean beef, one of ingredients at our restaurant. jR4Ubq93ApY-00021-00008191-00008646 Using Korean beef leftover after cooking, jR4Ubq93ApY-00022-00008646-00009058 The staff really liked it when I cooked Japchae. jR4Ubq93ApY-00023-00009058-00009192 It is a good memory. jR4Ubq93ApY-00024-00009192-00009468 Out of the dishes I showed you today, jR4Ubq93ApY-00025-00009468-00010000 Among the main ingredients, there was mackerel and hairtail. jR4Ubq93ApY-00026-00010000-00010283 For mackerel, Jeju mackerel is very delicious. jR4Ubq93ApY-00027-00010283-00010669 When it's deep and seasoned with vinegar, jR4Ubq93ApY-00028-00010669-00010932 When it's deep and seasoned with vinegar, jR4Ubq93ApY-00029-00010932-00011316 It's a food ingredient that I really like and is a popular menu. jR4Ubq93ApY-00030-00011316-00011579 The menu is called isobemaki in Japanese. jR4Ubq93ApY-00031-00011579-00011993 Using seaweed to marinate mackerel and put in the ingredients. jR4Ubq93ApY-00032-00011993-00012567 It's in the form of roll, and the deep and rich taste is very attractive. jR4Ubq93ApY-00033-00012567-00013052 WeI cook a pot rice using Jeju's most famous silver hairtail in Jeju. jR4Ubq93ApY-00034-00013052-00013594 When cooking pot rice, pot rice water uses the bones that are cut into hairtail. jR4Ubq93ApY-00035-00013594-00013875 We made it so that the broth of hairtail can go in. jR4Ubq93ApY-00036-00013875-00014075 It is a our recipe of pot rice. jR4Ubq93ApY-00037-00014086-00014298 Taking flesh out so that it's easy to eat. jR4Ubq93ApY-00038-00014298-00014540 We fried it and put it on top of the pot rice. jR4Ubq93ApY-00039-00014540-00014931 The light and savory taste is very attractive. jR4Ubq93ApY-00040-00014943-00015519 Among the ingredients we used earlier, there are Jeju asparagus and green citron. jR4Ubq93ApY-00041-00015529-00015847 Green citron is a specialty of Jeju Island. jR4Ubq93ApY-00042-00015847-00016213 It's a seasonal ingredient that comes out briefly in the fall. It smells really good. jR4Ubq93ApY-00043-00016222-00016536 I really like the citrus scent that smells sour. jR4Ubq93ApY-00044-00016547-00016789 I sprinkle it on mackerel. jR4Ubq93ApY-00045-00016789-00017175 And when you season the hairtail, jR4Ubq93ApY-00046-00017175-00017558 I squeeze the citron and put it in to make the citron scent. jR4Ubq93ApY-00047-00017558-00017932 Asparagus is a food ingredient that comes out on main land too. jR4Ubq93ApY-00048-00017932-00018175 Jeju asparagus is soft and nice. jR4Ubq93ApY-00049-00018175-00018633 That's why we're using Jeju asparagus. jR4Ubq93ApY-00050-00018633-00018930 There's a store in Jeju Island, so I go on business trips to Jeju often. jR4Ubq93ApY-00051-00018930-00019242 Out of the foods that you can only eat in Jeju, jR4Ubq93ApY-00052-00019242-00019423 I really like bracken soup. jR4Ubq93ApY-00053-00019423-00019843 It's called Woojin Bracken Soup. It's close to the airport. jR4Ubq93ApY-00054-00019843-00020314 That soup is unique in taste. jR4Ubq93ApY-00055-00020314-00020696 With boiling pork bones and bracken, jR4Ubq93ApY-00056-00020704-00020859 The soup is very attractive. jR4Ubq93ApY-00057-00020859-00021059 It is very good for a relief of hangover. jR4Ubq93ApY-00058-00021067-00021449 Nowadays we have faced the tough times. jR4Ubq93ApY-00059-00021449-00021649 With the situation change, jR4Ubq93ApY-00060-00021649-00022042 It is a good news but jR4Ubq93ApY-00061-00022042-00022665 I had to tighten the staff before. jR4Ubq93ApY-00062-00022665-00023163 With the sudden change, jR4Ubq93ApY-00063-00023177-00023443 I expect a lot of customers to come. jR4Ubq93ApY-00064-00023443-00023777 I thought it would take a long time to get used to it. jR4Ubq93ApY-00065-00023777-00024429 Additional personnel and menu renewal are being considered. jR4Ubq93ApY-00066-00024429-00024716 It is time to prepare for it. jR4Ubq93ApY-00067-00024716-00024986 It's been 20 years since I started cooking. jR4Ubq93ApY-00068-00024986-00025342 I still have a long way to go. I think I need to study more. jR4Ubq93ApY-00069-00025342-00025756 It's not limited to Japanese food. jR4Ubq93ApY-00070-00025766-00026210 The food I develop will be different from the typical one. jR4Ubq93ApY-00071-00026210-00026675 If Kappo Aki itself became a genre other than Japanese food, jR4Ubq93ApY-00072-00026675-00027008 I want to make an effort in that way. jR4Ubq93ApY-00073-00027008-00027402 As the owner chef, my business management is very important, too. jR4Ubq93ApY-00074-00027402-00027871 It should be natural to cook well. In addition to that, making manuals or systems jR4Ubq93ApY-00075-00027871-00028088 It's very important to operate it. jR4Ubq93ApY-00076-00028088-00028474 We have 6 stores now. jR4Ubq93ApY-00077-00028474-00029191 Each store has a good layout and menu frame. jR4Ubq93ApY-00078-00029191-00029551 So that the employees don't have a hard time to work for customers, jR4Ubq93ApY-00079-00029551-00030000 So that we can maintain a certain taste. jR4Ubq93ApY-00080-00030008-00030375 A unique menu unlike franchise or something. jR4Ubq93ApY-00081-00030387-00030822 We try to offer customers our own taste and service. jR4Ubq93ApY-00082-00030822-00031075 Since I really like cooking, jR4Ubq93ApY-00083-00031083-00031514 You should think about cooking ideally, but sales are realistic. jR4Ubq93ApY-00084-00031514-00031818 I think I'm focusing well on that. jR4Ubq93ApY-00085-00031818-00032339 The composition of the menu is very important. jR4Ubq93ApY-00086-00032339-00032953 Since it's a Japanese dish, I'm paying attention to the freshness and preprocessing. jR4Ubq93ApY-00087-00032953-00033356 The composition is grilled, fried, and especially meals. jR4Ubq93ApY-00088-00033369-00033764 Since it's a place where you drink together, jR4Ubq93ApY-00089-00033775-00034456 A meal that feels like a good snack when you drink is also prepared very well. jR4Ubq93ApY-00090-00034468-00035000 The seasonal feeling is very important for Japanese food. jR4Ubq93ApY-00091-00035000-00035475 To express the season with seasonal ingredients. It's the characteristic of our stores. jR4Ubq93ApY-00092-00035475-00035991 We twist the recipe which looks alike others jR4Ubq93ApY-00093-00035991-00036736 So that customers can feel this kind of food for the first time. jR4Ubq93ApY-00094-00036736-00037033 Maintaining the basic structure well, jR4Ubq93ApY-00095-00037033-00037279 Twisting the recipe uniquely, jR4Ubq93ApY-00096-00037279-00037479 I think I'm good at making use of that. jR4Ubq93ApY-00097-00037500-00038086 I like drinking and I also like matching drinks with food. jR4Ubq93ApY-00098-00038086-00038527 When I eat Italian or French food, I drink wine, too. jR4Ubq93ApY-00099-00038527-00039245 For Korean food, I drink a soju or a somaek, and I like it a lot. jR4Ubq93ApY-00100-00039245-00039793 Of course, sake and other neat drinks go well with Japanese food. jR4Ubq93ApY-00101-00040430-00040730 It is perfect match hobby-work. jR4Ubq93ApY-00102-00040736-00040986 So while doing what I like, jR4Ubq93ApY-00103-00040986-00041484 I'm very happy because it is successful. jSZQerHBXsI-00000-00000876-00001548 http://www.mentaltoughnesstrainer.com How To Build Self Esteem jSZQerHBXsI-00001-00001548-00002763 It is a process and it doesn't happen just one time that they are on the practice field jSZQerHBXsI-00002-00002763-00003016 or following a game. jSZQerHBXsI-00003-00003016-00003271 Sometimes it just starts with some verbal praise. jSZQerHBXsI-00004-00003271-00003602 It could be generic like, "I see how hard you are trying. jSZQerHBXsI-00005-00003602-00003907 I see you are giving great effort." jSZQerHBXsI-00006-00003907-00004242 For other kids it may be very specific, "Wow! jSZQerHBXsI-00007-00004242-00004541 You caught such a tough ball when you made that out." jSZQerHBXsI-00008-00004541-00005140 Or, "I am so proud of you the way you dribble the ball down the court." jSZQerHBXsI-00009-00005140-00005680 I think you focus on what they are doing and let them know that you are noticing and paying jSZQerHBXsI-00010-00005680-00005887 attention to that. jSZQerHBXsI-00011-00005887-00006012 That to me is more the process. jSZQerHBXsI-00012-00006012-00006295 It is not the performance or the outcome. jSZQerHBXsI-00013-00006295-00006734 Also, anything that they can do that makes them feel good about themselves, because you jSZQerHBXsI-00014-00006734-00007111 are really trying to build that intrinsic motivation. jSZQerHBXsI-00015-00007111-00007454 That they want to do it and they want to feel good and they want to feel better. jSZQerHBXsI-00016-00007454-00008134 I think what was universal throughout the book is these athletes, almost every one of jSZQerHBXsI-00017-00008134-00008525 them, said they were driven because they wanted it. jSZQerHBXsI-00018-00008525-00008690 They loved sports. jSZQerHBXsI-00019-00008690-00009402 The fire was within them whether it was Jason Taylor, Santana Moss, many, many others. jSZQerHBXsI-00020-00009402-00009638 No one had to push them out the door. jSZQerHBXsI-00021-00009638-00010067 One section of the story from Mark Jackson, who is now the coach of the Golden State Warriors, jSZQerHBXsI-00022-00010067-00010496 played for St. John's, New York Nicks, and several other teams, during his NBA career, jSZQerHBXsI-00023-00010496-00010722 and Mark tells the story like it was yesterday. jSZQerHBXsI-00024-00010722-00011188 He was nine years old and he had not gotten in the game the whole year and he wasn't any jSZQerHBXsI-00025-00011188-00011288 good. jSZQerHBXsI-00026-00011288-00011592 He was growing up in New York, which if you want to be a basketball player in New York jSZQerHBXsI-00027-00011592-00012070 and you are not any good at a young age, that's a tough place to not be very good in the beginning. jSZQerHBXsI-00028-00012070-00012629 He got in the game late once towards the end of the season and he made one free throw. jSZQerHBXsI-00029-00012629-00012892 His coach acted like it was the greatest thing in the world. jSZQerHBXsI-00030-00012892-00013274 He scored this one point and they put him in. jSZQerHBXsI-00031-00013274-00013374 So what did he take from that? jSZQerHBXsI-00032-00013374-00013876 He decided basically he wanted to get better because he wanted more of that feeling. jSZQerHBXsI-00033-00013876-00014088 He wasn't satisfied with just that one time. jSZQerHBXsI-00034-00014088-00014643 Lastly, what made him as an athlete is he tells that story because it gave him a feeling jSZQerHBXsI-00035-00014643-00014986 of self-worth at that time and made him feel as if he was part of the team. jSZQerHBXsI-00036-00014986-00015496 I think that story shows the benefit of getting the kid in the game that time and allowing jSZQerHBXsI-00037-00015496-00015666 the child to have some success. jSZQerHBXsI-00038-00015666-00016236 What ends up happening is the child ends up developing some talent, and he ends up as jSZQerHBXsI-00039-00016236-00016417 the years went on, to be the best player on his team. jSZQerHBXsI-00040-00016417-00016754 I am sure there were other players that got an opportunity to play at the end. jSZQerHBXsI-00041-00016754-00017198 I spoke to 120 athletes that all were successful. jSZQerHBXsI-00042-00017198-00017646 You would think a lot of them would have come to us and said they were pushed, but they jSZQerHBXsI-00043-00017646-00017897 all almost uniformly said they were not pushed. jSZQerHBXsI-00044-00017897-00018257 They had what Andrea said was that intrinsic motivation. jSZQerHBXsI-00045-00018257-00018506 They had something inside of them that told them they wanted to play. jSZQerHBXsI-00046-00018506-00018780 A lot of them said that if they had been pushed. jSZQerHBXsI-00047-00018780-00019141 We got this Clint Richardson who played in the NBA and many others that said they don't jSZQerHBXsI-00048-00019141-00019346 know that they would have continued. jSZQerHBXsI-00049-00019346-00019747 The story that I always cite, and I will give the mike back to Andrea after this is, the jSZQerHBXsI-00050-00019747-00019915 Derrick Brooks example. jSZQerHBXsI-00051-00019915-00020604 This is someone who ended up becoming a NFL elite linebacker for years and is probably jSZQerHBXsI-00052-00020604-00020944 headed to the Hall of Fame now that his career is over. jSZQerHBXsI-00053-00020944-00021209 Derrick had a very strict step-father. jSZQerHBXsI-00054-00021209-00021578 He went home and told his step-father that he didn't like football practice his first jSZQerHBXsI-00055-00021578-00021737 day going. jSZQerHBXsI-00056-00021737-00022126 He thought that his step-father was going to be very angry with him and was going to jSZQerHBXsI-00057-00022126-00022242 take it out on him. jSZQerHBXsI-00058-00022242-00022706 His step-father said, "If you don't want to play, you don't have to play." jSZQerHBXsI-00059-00022706-00023137 So what happened was Derrick decided to basically go out for baseball that next year because jSZQerHBXsI-00060-00023137-00023341 his friends were going out for baseball. jSZQerHBXsI-00061-00023341-00023742 Then they went out for football together. jSZQerHBXsI-00062-00023742-00024151 He made a decision to play because he wanted to be with his friends and over time he came jSZQerHBXsI-00063-00024151-00024304 to like the sport more. jSZQerHBXsI-00064-00024304-00024709 The point was is if he had been pushed by his step-father then he probably never would jSZQerHBXsI-00065-00024709-00024809 have gone back to it. jSZQerHBXsI-00066-00024809-00026076 He probably would have rebelled against it because he was not; he made a decision jSZQerHBXsI-00067-00026076-00026176 on his own. jSZQerHBXsI-00068-00026176-00026475 Visit http://www.teenmentaltoughness.com to download FREE: jSZQerHBXsI-00069-00026475-00027497 "The 10 Commandments For A Great Sports Parent" ebook jSZQerHBXsI-00070-00027497-00028294 Share this video with this link: http://youtu.be/JewqmhP_bMQ jUZEgzi_x60-00000-00000401-00000501 OK. jUZEgzi_x60-00001-00000501-00000602 Hello. jUZEgzi_x60-00002-00000602-00001360 "Sneaker For Men" Essentially a” uncool on purpose” New Jack Swing tribute. jUZEgzi_x60-00003-00001360-00001969 If you'd like to look into New Jack Swing, you could consider the works of Keith Sweat jUZEgzi_x60-00004-00001969-00002415 and New Edition for instance. jUZEgzi_x60-00005-00002415-00003128 So we start with the little scratch sample. jUZEgzi_x60-00006-00003128-00003797 All the scratching in here is Yamaha CS1X one-shot it that comes with the keyboard. jUZEgzi_x60-00007-00003797-00004678 So the idea behind the scratching is that it is actually sampled scratching as opposed jUZEgzi_x60-00008-00004678-00004964 to really using normal scratching. jUZEgzi_x60-00009-00004964-00005785 There's just something about the statement of using a kind of “fake version” of what jUZEgzi_x60-00010-00005785-00006133 you're trying to achieve on purpose that I enjoy. jUZEgzi_x60-00011-00006133-00006990 "Sneakers For Men" - the song title came from me scouring Amazon product categories for jUZEgzi_x60-00012-00006990-00007184 any kind of title. jUZEgzi_x60-00013-00007184-00007758 The original title was "Urban Techno" which was kind of an attempt at being incredibly jUZEgzi_x60-00014-00007758-00008242 uncool with an uncool song title. jUZEgzi_x60-00015-00008242-00008920 But I came across "Sneakers For Men" because it had this kind of sense of a metropolitan jUZEgzi_x60-00016-00008920-00009799 kind of “skipping down the streets” It has a certain sort of up-tempo vibe that feels jUZEgzi_x60-00017-00009799-00010071 like walking with a skip to me. jUZEgzi_x60-00018-00010071-00010510 And also there's a bit of a interplay between the idea of “Sneakers for Men” and then jUZEgzi_x60-00019-00010510-00010757 “High Heels”. jUZEgzi_x60-00020-00010757-00011220 And this curious question that sneakers are generally for men and the idea that you would jUZEgzi_x60-00021-00011220-00011681 interpelllate sneakers as "sneakers for men" is kind of funny. jUZEgzi_x60-00022-00011681-00011827 All shoes are good on everyone. jUZEgzi_x60-00023-00011827-00012081 Let's all agree. jUZEgzi_x60-00024-00012081-00012181 Right. jUZEgzi_x60-00025-00012181-00012281 Moving right along. jUZEgzi_x60-00026-00012281-00012941 The initial ideas for the song came from this little doohickey called ChordSpace, which jUZEgzi_x60-00027-00012941-00013438 is a free midi generator keyboard. jUZEgzi_x60-00028-00013438-00013916 These look like they're arranged in a pretty strange way. jUZEgzi_x60-00029-00013916-00014053 But these are the Roman chord numbers. jUZEgzi_x60-00030-00014053-00014583 And it is (I think) around jazz theory around tetrachords, four note chords. jUZEgzi_x60-00031-00014583-00015153 So you've got each Roman numeral chord and its substitutions. jUZEgzi_x60-00032-00015153-00015803 For example for chord V, I'm slightly out of my depth here, you have B7 and you also jUZEgzi_x60-00033-00015803-00016445 have F minor, which are apparently the chord substitutions for chord V in any key. jUZEgzi_x60-00034-00016445-00016714 So in this key of B flat. jUZEgzi_x60-00035-00016714-00017085 The actual key ended up being more like A flat major. jUZEgzi_x60-00036-00017085-00017757 But anyway, as soon as you hear this stuff, you'll hear how this came out. jUZEgzi_x60-00037-00017757-00018354 [MUSIC PLAYING] jUZEgzi_x60-00038-00018354-00018802 So I would just sort of lay down a tempo track and just tap. jUZEgzi_x60-00039-00018802-00019840 And as you can see, there are different results for different chords. jUZEgzi_x60-00040-00019840-00020276 But it is a nice way of laying out chords when you don't understand chord theory from jUZEgzi_x60-00041-00020276-00020701 a sort of pianist perspective, rather than more of a sort of geometrical perspective. jUZEgzi_x60-00042-00020701-00021145 It's a free plug-in that I think only runs in 32-bit Windows, hence why I'm still running jUZEgzi_x60-00043-00021145-00021271 in 32-bit Windows. jUZEgzi_x60-00044-00021271-00021959 But one of those little sort of machine-assisted type midi generators that I've used a lot jUZEgzi_x60-00045-00021959-00022296 on a lot of records in addition to a few others. jUZEgzi_x60-00046-00022296-00023121 But this kind of interrupting a kind of keyboard workflow with the strange diagram. jUZEgzi_x60-00047-00023121-00023663 So we have a New Jack Swing beat, we have an intentionally uncool set of sounds. jUZEgzi_x60-00048-00023663-00024135 We're trying to be uncool on purpose but sort of being lighthearted and sincere about it jUZEgzi_x60-00049-00024135-00024565 at the same time. jUZEgzi_x60-00050-00024565-00025558 Hence we've got this upright bass which sounds quote unquote "cool" to me. jUZEgzi_x60-00051-00025558-00026752 The original song was laid up against a breakbeat, which I'll unmute in a second when it comes jUZEgzi_x60-00052-00026752-00026919 up. jUZEgzi_x60-00053-00026919-00027309 So this breakbeat is not included in the stems because I don't know whether it's my intellectual jUZEgzi_x60-00054-00027309-00027409 property or not. jUZEgzi_x60-00055-00027409-00027646 I don't know where it came from. jUZEgzi_x60-00056-00027646-00028144 It was on a-- it was on a breakbeat pack that I got off the early internet. jUZEgzi_x60-00057-00028144-00028286 So here we are. jUZEgzi_x60-00058-00028286-00029056 Anyway, the idea is that we're using breakbeat architecture and a kind of a looped recording jUZEgzi_x60-00059-00029056-00029571 as a kind of basis for the rhythms, and then writing something else with oneshots later. jUZEgzi_x60-00060-00029571-00030074 So the idea is that this is an audio clip. jUZEgzi_x60-00061-00030074-00030320 We can scrub it. jUZEgzi_x60-00062-00030320-00030777 But these ones are sort of the same idea of the beat, but just done with oneshots. jUZEgzi_x60-00063-00030777-00031380 So this is the drum sampler. jUZEgzi_x60-00064-00031380-00032655 And as always, using the hi-hat to kind of “push” the rhythm at the end of the bars jUZEgzi_x60-00065-00032655-00032987 with this kind of broken up hi-hat. jUZEgzi_x60-00066-00032987-00034206 We'll mute the break beat again because it's no longer relevant. jUZEgzi_x60-00067-00034206-00034427 [MUSIC PLAYING] jUZEgzi_x60-00068-00034427-00035094 Now these two types of transition things I would like to show y'all. jUZEgzi_x60-00069-00035094-00035744 And it would be this one: “SweetTynes” which is like an electric piano. jUZEgzi_x60-00070-00035744-00036128 That sounds more like a harp. jUZEgzi_x60-00071-00036128-00036626 As that's panning left to right, that's actually going through, if I'm not wrong, it's going jUZEgzi_x60-00072-00036626-00037041 into-- yeah, it's going into a reverb send which is panning off in the opposite direction. jUZEgzi_x60-00073-00037041-00037806 So this other line of automation down here is actually the effect send for this transition. jUZEgzi_x60-00074-00037806-00038438 And I would have moved it in there if later on - working on later records, I would have jUZEgzi_x60-00075-00038438-00038652 put that right next to it up here. jUZEgzi_x60-00076-00038652-00039171 But we'll keep it where it was just for wholeness’s sake. jUZEgzi_x60-00077-00039171-00039897 So anyway, the tine gliss runs from the left general to the right channel but the reverb jUZEgzi_x60-00078-00039897-00040149 send runs from the right to the left. jUZEgzi_x60-00079-00040149-00040591 So you have this kind of rotating effect where the sound moves into one ear and then the jUZEgzi_x60-00080-00040591-00041324 aftersound moves into the other ear, which you don't really hear in the mix. jUZEgzi_x60-00081-00041324-00041841 And I've made it sort of not obvious and not direct with the exact timing of the sort of jUZEgzi_x60-00082-00041841-00042071 delayed out any time it moves. jUZEgzi_x60-00083-00042071-00042237 It moves semi-opposite. jUZEgzi_x60-00084-00042237-00042868 But just not being too rigid about the - not trying to show off. jUZEgzi_x60-00085-00042868-00043190 I'm just trying to make space with this. jUZEgzi_x60-00086-00043190-00043811 The other transition element that we can have a look at is the pre-verbs. jUZEgzi_x60-00087-00043811-00044575 So it's this audio track here. jUZEgzi_x60-00088-00044575-00044980 So that's just the sets of bells. jUZEgzi_x60-00089-00044980-00046100 The first note of the sets of bells being sort of this A sharp and this A sharp. jUZEgzi_x60-00090-00046100-00046630 They’re run through reverb - a single note - hit and then that's reversed so that you jUZEgzi_x60-00091-00046630-00046730 have a reverse echo. jUZEgzi_x60-00092-00046730-00047391 And hello to the cars honking outside and beautiful dusky Kowloon. jUZEgzi_x60-00093-00047391-00047650 OK. jUZEgzi_x60-00094-00047650-00048450 So you’ve got this build of energy where it sort of feels like this thing's coming jUZEgzi_x60-00095-00048450-00048718 out of nowhere and then slams on that first note dry. jUZEgzi_x60-00096-00048718-00049921 So it's sort of a wetness kind of echo that comes back to - like bam - and you're on this jUZEgzi_x60-00097-00049921-00050486 melody. jUZEgzi_x60-00098-00050486-00051168 And this kind of uncool thing, this whole melody section is just kind of painting by jUZEgzi_x60-00099-00051168-00051268 numbers. jUZEgzi_x60-00100-00051268-00051760 We're just trying to be - just trying to go with it here. jUZEgzi_x60-00101-00051760-00052007 Nothing too engaging. jUZEgzi_x60-00102-00052007-00052814 And then there's that glissando from the SweetTynes. jUZEgzi_x60-00103-00052814-00055100 This whole section's about giving the listener a bit of space before the more complicated jUZEgzi_x60-00104-00055100-00055621 bits happen. jUZEgzi_x60-00105-00055621-00056142 Same preverb. jUZEgzi_x60-00106-00056142-00056303 I like how this change just kind of rolls along. jUZEgzi_x60-00107-00056303-00056582 It doesn't sort of surprise the listener yet. jUZEgzi_x60-00108-00056582-00057266 There's nothing too mega about any of the sections. jUZEgzi_x60-00109-00057266-00057715 There's quite a nice little pairing of bell sounds between the left and right channels. jUZEgzi_x60-00110-00057715-00057871 I will always do this. jUZEgzi_x60-00111-00057871-00058614 If I make a sort of bell sound, I'll duplicate - I'm pretty sure this WaterBells left was jUZEgzi_x60-00112-00058614-00058846 duplicated to make a HarmoBell on the right. jUZEgzi_x60-00113-00058846-00059409 So you basically duplicate the track, change the preset, change the patch, and then pan jUZEgzi_x60-00114-00059409-00060073 them left and right so you get a kind of wide sound. jUZEgzi_x60-00115-00060073-00060741 [MUSIC PLAYING] jUZEgzi_x60-00116-00060741-00061854 And there's all kind of background detail. jUZEgzi_x60-00117-00061854-00062176 We'd let everything just be driven by the chord progression and the main melodies and jUZEgzi_x60-00118-00062176-00062312 nothing too flashy. jUZEgzi_x60-00119-00062312-00062745 In terms of the key, I think it's in A flat major-ish. jUZEgzi_x60-00120-00062745-00062871 But there are a lot of minor chords. jUZEgzi_x60-00121-00062871-00063629 But what I don't ever really do is minor key music and that's kind of capital S sad. jUZEgzi_x60-00122-00063629-00064216 It ends up being more kind of opulent and rich rather than sort of sad. jUZEgzi_x60-00123-00064216-00064584 It's a funny dichotomy between major happy, minor sad. jUZEgzi_x60-00124-00064584-00064814 I don't really prescribe to it. jUZEgzi_x60-00125-00064814-00064995 I've always sort of written in modes and stuff. jUZEgzi_x60-00126-00064995-00065454 So I always tend to sort of go halfway between on a minor key. jUZEgzi_x60-00127-00065454-00066221 But this kind of C minor 7, D minor 7, C, G minor 7. jUZEgzi_x60-00128-00066221-00066490 A flat major 7. jUZEgzi_x60-00129-00066490-00066886 So you're hitting the major on the last chord. jUZEgzi_x60-00130-00066886-00067615 And one is just a-- pretty sure it's just an inversion of this first section. jUZEgzi_x60-00131-00067615-00067838 This is the same chord progression. jUZEgzi_x60-00132-00067838-00068855 But the notes have just been moved around a bit. jUZEgzi_x60-00133-00068855-00069298 Yeah, something like that. jUZEgzi_x60-00134-00069298-00069853 So what I would do, I'd still do a lot, is take a chord progression that sort of runs. jUZEgzi_x60-00135-00069853-00070016 This kind of goes down and up. jUZEgzi_x60-00136-00070016-00070756 Just keep inverting it towards a climb. jUZEgzi_x60-00137-00070756-00071038 And you get little weird intervals that you’ve got to deal with. jUZEgzi_x60-00138-00071038-00071418 But you get the idea. jUZEgzi_x60-00139-00071418-00071961 What else can we say about this funny little tune? jUZEgzi_x60-00140-00071961-00072575 Left and right offbeats. jUZEgzi_x60-00141-00072575-00072675 Always go to the offbeats. jUZEgzi_x60-00142-00072675-00073503 That's something I always do that I sort of a bit - it's a little bit Eyeliner being Eyeliner. jUZEgzi_x60-00143-00073503-00073957 These are bussed out hard left and hard right into a track called “Wide EPiano”. jUZEgzi_x60-00144-00073957-00074825 And then we thin up the track using the allocation left and right buses. jUZEgzi_x60-00145-00074825-00075097 So it goes in hard left, hard right. jUZEgzi_x60-00146-00075097-00075468 And then the group track is used to set the wideness of that bus. jUZEgzi_x60-00147-00075468-00076024 It's much easier than trying to dial in something goes left 40, right 40, left 60, right 60. jUZEgzi_x60-00148-00076024-00076184 You just got hard left, hard right. jUZEgzi_x60-00149-00076184-00076985 And then you use another group channel to change the width of it afterwards. jUZEgzi_x60-00150-00076985-00077442 [MUSIC PLAYING] jUZEgzi_x60-00151-00077442-00078356 Trying to find this. jUZEgzi_x60-00152-00078356-00079049 There's this one bass note that I really like that I haven't done with much else. jUZEgzi_x60-00153-00079049-00079745 Ah, Here it is. jUZEgzi_x60-00154-00079745-00079919 Nope. jUZEgzi_x60-00155-00079919-00080788 It's bar-- I guess this. jUZEgzi_x60-00156-00080788-00080982 We had this little one 16th. jUZEgzi_x60-00157-00080982-00081216 Is it even a 16th? jUZEgzi_x60-00158-00081216-00081356 Is it 32th? jUZEgzi_x60-00159-00081356-00081848 This tiny stutter note that I've only just realized I'm doing that quite on purpose that jUZEgzi_x60-00160-00081848-00082804 it crashes again to sort of double accent the one. jUZEgzi_x60-00161-00082804-00082917 I really like that. jUZEgzi_x60-00162-00082917-00083379 And I'll be using that again in future records. jUZEgzi_x60-00163-00083379-00083922 So thank you National Libraries for making me look. jUZEgzi_x60-00164-00083922-00084153 Because it felt a bit too smooth. jUZEgzi_x60-00165-00084153-00084649 There wasn't enough skip in this part. jUZEgzi_x60-00166-00084649-00085462 But with this kind of double slam, it makes it a bit more unpredictable. jUZEgzi_x60-00167-00085462-00085986 But not too unpredictable. jUZEgzi_x60-00168-00085986-00088246 And look at the ending now. jUZEgzi_x60-00169-00088246-00088634 These little percussion bits, if I see a space, I'll chuck something in there and try to be jUZEgzi_x60-00170-00088634-00089100 as sort of fun-loving as I can. jUZEgzi_x60-00171-00089100-00089414 It's got the weird little side stick. jUZEgzi_x60-00172-00089414-00089570 Whatever that is. jUZEgzi_x60-00173-00089570-00089674 Roto toms. jUZEgzi_x60-00174-00089674-00089830 Love roto toms. jUZEgzi_x60-00175-00089830-00091244 There's a side stick in the actual main percussion track here. jUZEgzi_x60-00176-00091244-00092031 And in a typical kind of ending where we let it sort of fall apart, just mute sections, jUZEgzi_x60-00177-00092031-00092753 mark off time slowly with the kick drum, and roto toms. jUZEgzi_x60-00178-00092753-00093088 Little transition effect. jUZEgzi_x60-00179-00093088-00093423 Then this bell. jUZEgzi_x60-00180-00093423-00093827 Now that bell at the end is for Daft Punk's "Aerodynamic". jUZEgzi_x60-00181-00093827-00094608 I realized when this bell from this Omnisphere patch very quiet in the mix, and very quiet jUZEgzi_x60-00182-00094608-00095228 in velocity until the end I think I just take a little zoomy-looky. jUZEgzi_x60-00183-00095228-00095699 Yeah, it doesn't really start kicking in til the last few bars of the whole piece. jUZEgzi_x60-00184-00095699-00096194 I just noticed that when I hit this last chord, it sounded a lot like the end of "Aerodynamic" jUZEgzi_x60-00185-00096194-00096362 by Daft Punk. jUZEgzi_x60-00186-00096362-00096724 And I was like, leave that one in. jUZEgzi_x60-00187-00096724-00096930 That's a good song. jUZEgzi_x60-00188-00096930-00097417 The loose sections at the end, there are a lot of ideas here. jUZEgzi_x60-00189-00097417-00097612 Hopefully they'll be in the right tempo map. jUZEgzi_x60-00190-00097612-00097778 Am I starting on the right bars? jUZEgzi_x60-00191-00097778-00097909 Yeah, we look OK. jUZEgzi_x60-00192-00097909-00098660 If I'm off time, the shuffle won't work and it'll sound completely discombobulated. jUZEgzi_x60-00193-00098660-00099049 So this is slow off beats. jUZEgzi_x60-00194-00099049-00099704 This is-- too slow. jUZEgzi_x60-00195-00099704-00100141 Then this. jUZEgzi_x60-00196-00100141-00100804 So typical Eyeliner stuff, you get the chord progression, you arpeggiate it. jUZEgzi_x60-00197-00100804-00101486 I like the two sections of these two chords. jUZEgzi_x60-00198-00101486-00101784 This could have been a little middle eight in there, but I felt like the tune was sort jUZEgzi_x60-00199-00101784-00102511 of busy enough or sort of needed to roll along on its own steam without being that interrupted. jUZEgzi_x60-00200-00102511-00104105 I don't know what this one is coming up, but we'll-- I think this is the working section jUZEgzi_x60-00201-00104105-00104391 for that middle eight type part. jUZEgzi_x60-00202-00104391-00104972 Here's the double note but it hasn't made it onto the slap bass which is this track jUZEgzi_x60-00203-00104972-00105072 below. jUZEgzi_x60-00204-00105072-00106255 Yeah, this is me just trying to work out that climb, and where we land to. jUZEgzi_x60-00205-00106255-00106934 Yeah, this is a more questioning type version of that bell sound. jUZEgzi_x60-00206-00106934-00108395 Too questioning, too like - what are you doing? jUZEgzi_x60-00207-00108395-00109146 And this is, I think I was-- yeah I was trying to figure out the melody that was coming-- jUZEgzi_x60-00208-00109146-00109613 we can figure it out. jUZEgzi_x60-00209-00109613-00109725 Yeah. jUZEgzi_x60-00210-00109725-00110211 That became this section. jUZEgzi_x60-00211-00110211-00110311 This part. jUZEgzi_x60-00212-00110311-00110830 This dum, dum, dum, dum, dum just started out as being a kind of sort of phantom. jUZEgzi_x60-00213-00110830-00111830 No, wait, wait, this part. jUZEgzi_x60-00214-00111830-00112511 So that whole section that I played previously that made it into the song started with this jUZEgzi_x60-00215-00112511-00112747 kind of question and answer - answer. jUZEgzi_x60-00216-00112747-00112979 It's more of an answer on its own. jUZEgzi_x60-00217-00112979-00114713 It's an answer without a question. jUZEgzi_x60-00218-00114713-00115214 This would have been figuring out that second section. jUZEgzi_x60-00219-00115214-00115838 Ah, yeah. jUZEgzi_x60-00220-00115838-00116902 Trying variations on-- trying to take this one part, the loops, and building another jUZEgzi_x60-00221-00116902-00117341 section onto it. jUZEgzi_x60-00222-00117341-00117634 Didn't work. jUZEgzi_x60-00223-00117634-00118166 And I believe this is - the first part - was this walking bass line. jUZEgzi_x60-00224-00118166-00118858 So it may have been the case that I came up with this walking bassline type thing, and jUZEgzi_x60-00225-00118858-00119810 then I grabbed the key - the implied musical key - from this bassline, into ChordSpace jUZEgzi_x60-00226-00119810-00120375 and then made the chord structure. jUZEgzi_x60-00227-00120375-00120698 And that's basically "Sneakers For Men". jUZEgzi_x60-00228-00120698-00120808 Oh, additional trivia. jUZEgzi_x60-00229-00120808-00121143 There is a vaporwave artist called "Haircuts For Men" that I didn't know about. jUZEgzi_x60-00230-00121143-00121534 And if I knew about them, I would have not used it as a song because it is too close jUZEgzi_x60-00231-00121534-00121835 to their work. jUZEgzi_x60-00232-00121835-00121954 But here we are. jUZEgzi_x60-00233-00121954-00122233 So sorry if I missed you. jUZEgzi_x60-00234-00122233-00122326 "Sneakers For Men." jWcgAh5OcuE-00000-00002010-00002736 Hello, I'm Brian Ferrill, and welcome to PACE-IT's session on configuring switches part I. jWcgAh5OcuE-00001-00002736-00003270 Today, we're going to talk about unmanaged versus managed switches and then we're going to talk jWcgAh5OcuE-00002-00003271-00003869 about Spanning Tree Protocol. There is a whole lot of information to cover, but not a lot jWcgAh5OcuE-00003-00003869-00004307 of time, so let's jump into this session. jWcgAh5OcuE-00004-00004307-00004939 I'm going to begin by talking about unmanaged switches and managed switches. jWcgAh5OcuE-00005-00004939-00005430 Before we begin discussing the differences between unmanaged and managed switches, let's jWcgAh5OcuE-00006-00005430-00006241 talk switch basics. Most switches operate at Layer 2, the data link layer, of the OSI jWcgAh5OcuE-00007-00006241-00006923 reference model. What makes a switch a switch, is an application specific integrated chip, jWcgAh5OcuE-00008-00006923-00007623 or an ASIC chip. It is used to make switching decisions in place of software. This allows jWcgAh5OcuE-00009-00007623-00008227 switches to break up collision domains, this allows switches to run in full duplex mode, jWcgAh5OcuE-00010-00008227-00008909 and this allows switches to make faster decisions than either bridges or routers. jWcgAh5OcuE-00011-00008909-00009577 When a switch receives a frame on a port, it makes some simple decisions based on its jWcgAh5OcuE-00012-00009577-00010287 media access control table, or its MAC table. It will make one of three decisions. It may jWcgAh5OcuE-00013-00010287-00010849 decide to forward the frame. That is where the frame is directed out the port on which jWcgAh5OcuE-00014-00010849-00011503 the destination MAC address resides. It may decide to filter the packet. That is where jWcgAh5OcuE-00015-00011503-00012198 the frame is not directed out of ports which are not associated with the destination MAC address. jWcgAh5OcuE-00016-00012198-00012744 The final decision that it may make is to flood the frame. The frame is flooded jWcgAh5OcuE-00017-00012745-00013523 or sent out all of the points on the switch, except for the port on which it came in on. jWcgAh5OcuE-00018-00013523-00014143 An unmanaged switch is a simple switch. Plug it in and it works. There is no method provided jWcgAh5OcuE-00019-00014143-00014724 for configuration. The unmanaged switch is designed with ease of installation as its jWcgAh5OcuE-00020-00014724-00015346 main attribute. Managed switches on the other hand can be configured through either the jWcgAh5OcuE-00021-00015346-00015987 command line or a browser-based interface. Managed switches provide for a high degree jWcgAh5OcuE-00022-00015987-00016795 of network customization and control. A managed switch can also be set up so that an administrator jWcgAh5OcuE-00023-00016795-00017584 can monitor its performance remotely and use protocols such as SNMP to make some modifications jWcgAh5OcuE-00024-00017584-00017824 to its configuration. jWcgAh5OcuE-00025-00017824-00018229 Let's move on to Spanning Tree Protocol. jWcgAh5OcuE-00026-00018229-00018848 Spanning Tree Protocol is a loop avoidance technology. A switching loop can occur on jWcgAh5OcuE-00027-00018848-00019502 networks where there are multiple paths to reach destination MAC addresses. Digital Equipment jWcgAh5OcuE-00028-00019502-00020238 Corporation created the Spanning Tree Protocol, or STP, to reduce the possibility of switching loops. jWcgAh5OcuE-00029-00020238-00020791 The switches elect a root bridge to control the switched network. The switches jWcgAh5OcuE-00030-00020791-00021456 will shut down ports that are not the best path to the root bridge, thus reducing the jWcgAh5OcuE-00031-00021456-00021895 risk of loops. No network traffic can flow until after the jWcgAh5OcuE-00032-00021895-00022551 STP process has taken place and a stable state has been achieved. The stable state is called jWcgAh5OcuE-00033-00022551-00023259 convergence and it can take a significant amount of time with STP, up to 50 seconds. jWcgAh5OcuE-00034-00023259-00023935 After convergence, the STP-selected switch ports send out bridge protocol data unit packets, jWcgAh5OcuE-00035-00023935-00024435 or BPDU packets, to help maintain the stable state. jWcgAh5OcuE-00036-00024436-00025168 All switch ports in an STP-enabled network can be in one of five states. First off, there jWcgAh5OcuE-00037-00025168-00025831 is the disabled state. That is where the port is administratively shut down. It's not receiving jWcgAh5OcuE-00038-00025831-00026441 packets; it's not sending packets; it's just completely disabled. Then there's the blocking state. jWcgAh5OcuE-00039-00026442-00027074 In this state, the port will not forward packets but it's still receiving BPDU packets jWcgAh5OcuE-00040-00027075-00027609 and will drop all other frames. Then there's the listening state. In this state, the port jWcgAh5OcuE-00041-00027609-00028245 will not forward packets but listens to BPDU packets to make sure that no loops can occur jWcgAh5OcuE-00042-00028245-00028786 in preparation for the next state. Then there's the learning state. In this state, the port jWcgAh5OcuE-00043-00028786-00029464 will not forward packets but it is learning all of the paths in the network. It is populating jWcgAh5OcuE-00044-00029464-00030137 its MAC address table in preparation for the next state. The last state in Spanning Tree jWcgAh5OcuE-00045-00030137-00030800 Protocol is the forwarding state. In this state, the port will forward and receive all jWcgAh5OcuE-00046-00030800-00031362 packets that are flowing across the network that are directed to that port. jWcgAh5OcuE-00047-00031362-00032200 The IEEE liked STP so much, that it created the 802.1D standard. This is their version jWcgAh5OcuE-00048-00032200-00033268 of STP. All modern Layer 2 switches run the 802.1D standard by default. The slow convergence jWcgAh5OcuE-00049-00033268-00034153 time of the 802.1D standard led to the creation of Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol, or RSTP, jWcgAh5OcuE-00050-00034153-00035374 which is also known as the IEEE 802.1W standard. RSTP has a much faster convergence time than 802.1D. jWcgAh5OcuE-00051-00035374-00035790 With RSTP enabled on all switches, a network jWcgAh5OcuE-00052-00035790-00036356 can achieve its stable state in approximately five seconds. That's a whole lot faster than jWcgAh5OcuE-00053-00036356-00037271 the up to 50 seconds with the 802.1D standard. RSTP is not turned on by default on Layer jWcgAh5OcuE-00054-00037271-00037681 2 switches. It must be enabled by an administrator. jWcgAh5OcuE-00055-00037682-00038504 Instead of five possible port states, RSTP defines three possible port states. The first jWcgAh5OcuE-00056-00038505-00039144 of these states is discarding. In this state, the port may be administratively disabled jWcgAh5OcuE-00057-00039144-00039772 or it may be in a blocking mode or a listening mode. The next state is learning. In this jWcgAh5OcuE-00058-00039772-00040487 state, the port is populating its MAC address table in preparation for forwarding packets. jWcgAh5OcuE-00059-00040487-00041229 The final state is forwarding. In this state the port is actively forwarding packets. jWcgAh5OcuE-00060-00041229-00041890 That concludes this session on configuring switches part I. I talked about unmanaged jWcgAh5OcuE-00061-00041890-00042510 versus managed switches and then I had a brief discussion on Spanning Tree Protocol. jWcgAh5OcuE-00062-00042510-00043054 On behalf of PACE-IT, thank you for watching this session, and I look forward to doing another. jZDWaUJvv-g-00000-00000056-00000680 now that our channel went from 5 000 using the last 48 hours, to become only 4 000 jZDWaUJvv-g-00001-00000680-00001488 views in the last 48 hours, you're gonna know why this happened, and it's all because of the default jZDWaUJvv-g-00002-00001488-00002168 view rate on our channel slowing down from 80 to only become 60 at morning. jZDWaUJvv-g-00003-00002296-00002888 and we started out great with this promotion, although there was a 20 minute break. this does jZDWaUJvv-g-00004-00002888-00003520 happen at the view rate that's 15 or less, so it's okay if this happens at least one. jZDWaUJvv-g-00005-00003640-00004496 the result, another normal run was 14 views in the last 60 minutes from that video, jZDWaUJvv-g-00006-00004496-00005040 and if it keeps going, we can end up with about 150, because it will be seven more hours. jdTQIvPSvby-00000-00001316-00001583 So, in these excerpts, We see Kant trying to do 2 things. jdTQIvPSvby-00001-00001583-00001796 He’s trying to answer 2 questions. jdTQIvPSvby-00002-00001796-00002230 First question is how should I live my life—pretty much the topic of the whole semester. jdTQIvPSvby-00003-00002230-00002791 The second question is really in response to the first question. jdTQIvPSvby-00004-00002791-00003227 So Kant is posing this question: How should I live my life? jdTQIvPSvby-00005-00003227-00003629 And his answer is you should live your life according to your duty. jdTQIvPSvby-00006-00003629-00004155 The second question follows quickly from that: Then what is my duty? jdTQIvPSvby-00007-00004155-00004666 For Kant the answer comes from rationality. jdTQIvPSvby-00008-00004666-00005154 It’s not so much allegiance to one’s country or even to… jdTQIvPSvby-00009-00005154-00005453 Uh, you know, a set of principles or anything like that. jdTQIvPSvby-00010-00005453-00006247 Rather what your duty is determined by rationality and rationality is determined by the will. jdTQIvPSvby-00011-00006247-00006656 It’s also important to remember something about Kant’s theory—what he is giving jdTQIvPSvby-00012-00006656-00007106 us is a conception of morality where more rules are absolute. jdTQIvPSvby-00013-00007106-00007392 That means those rules have absolutely no exceptions. jdTQIvPSvby-00014-00007392-00007730 You must obey the rules no matter what else follows. jdTQIvPSvby-00015-00007730-00008117 This is contrasted to what we might consider Ceteris Paribus laws or rules. jdTQIvPSvby-00016-00008117-00008800 Ceteris Paribus, in Latin, means ‘all other things considered equal’. jdTQIvPSvby-00017-00008800-00009146 So the idea—and you know this idea is pretty typical, when you conceive of morality as jdTQIvPSvby-00018-00009146-00009612 a set of rules, all things are considered equal. jdTQIvPSvby-00019-00009612-00009813 You know, you don’t lie. jdTQIvPSvby-00020-00009813-00010403 You don’t go around telling people falsehoods when there’s nothing else at stake. jdTQIvPSvby-00021-00010403-00010908 Now suppose something that we think is more important is at stake, say peoples’ live, jdTQIvPSvby-00022-00010908-00011008 is at stake. jdTQIvPSvby-00023-00011008-00011108 Then we think it’s perfectly fine to lie. jdTQIvPSvby-00024-00011108-00011800 So Ceteris Paribus laws/ rules, which encapsulate what we’ve been dealing with so far are jdTQIvPSvby-00025-00011800-00012345 rules that, uh, you follow of all things considered equal. jdTQIvPSvby-00026-00012345-00012863 But when you travel outside of normal circumstances, you have to reevaluate the rules. jdTQIvPSvby-00027-00012863-00013281 That doesn’t mean anything goes but you have to reevaluate the rules. jdTQIvPSvby-00028-00013281-00013522 Kant strenuously disagrees. jdTQIvPSvby-00029-00013522-00013709 Morality is absolute. jdTQIvPSvby-00030-00013709-00013903 Morality is without exceptions. jdTQIvPSvby-00031-00013903-00014666 For Kant, the only thing that is good—the only thing that matters is the will. jdTQIvPSvby-00032-00014666-00015028 This means that whatever decisions you make, it doesn’t matter what the consequences jdTQIvPSvby-00033-00015028-00015128 are. jdTQIvPSvby-00034-00015128-00015316 As long as you willed in the right way. jdTQIvPSvby-00035-00015316-00015794 It doesn’t matter what you will, all that matters is how you will it. jdTQIvPSvby-00036-00015794-00016190 It doesn’t matter what you decide, it just matters how you decide it. jdTQIvPSvby-00037-00016190-00016689 It doesn’t matter what happens as a result of your decision… jdTQIvPSvby-00038-00016689-00017159 If something dreadful happens or if something wonderful happens, it doesn’t matter. jdTQIvPSvby-00039-00017159-00018108 If you will in the wrong way and something wonderful happens, you haven’t done something jdTQIvPSvby-00040-00018108-00018208 moral. jdTQIvPSvby-00041-00018208-00018358 The consequences aren’t important for Kant. jdTQIvPSvby-00042-00018358-00018745 The only thing that matters is the will. jdTQIvPSvby-00043-00018745-00019285 You might be tempted to think that what Kant thinks here is something along the lines of jdTQIvPSvby-00044-00019285-00019576 “What were your motivations—what did you intend to happen?” jdTQIvPSvby-00045-00019576-00019774 That doesn’t matter. jdTQIvPSvby-00046-00019774-00020272 Your character doesn’t matter—whether you’re a coward or whether you’re brave, jdTQIvPSvby-00047-00020272-00020670 or whether you’re cruel—that doesn’t matter. jdTQIvPSvby-00048-00020670-00021306 The only thing that matters is how you will, not what you will or what you intend to happen, jdTQIvPSvby-00049-00021306-00021943 but how you intend, how you make a decision and how you will. jdTQIvPSvby-00050-00021943-00022381 You might wonder for Kant at this point what will determine how you will. jdTQIvPSvby-00051-00022381-00023097 If it’s not consequence or character or motives or the results of your actions—then jdTQIvPSvby-00052-00023097-00023428 what is it that matters when you will? jdTQIvPSvby-00053-00023428-00024045 For Kant, how you’re supposed to will is by conforming your will to duty. jdTQIvPSvby-00054-00024045-00024415 You might ask yourself “How do I know what my duty is? jdTQIvPSvby-00055-00024415-00024612 Is it my country?” jdTQIvPSvby-00056-00024612-00024784 That’s not it for Kant. jdTQIvPSvby-00057-00024784-00025081 Remember, for Kant the only thing that’s good is the will. jdTQIvPSvby-00058-00025081-00025249 What does the will do? jdTQIvPSvby-00059-00025249-00025386 It makes decisions. jdTQIvPSvby-00060-00025386-00025529 It’s rational. jdTQIvPSvby-00061-00025529-00025852 Your duty, then, is to rationality. jdTQIvPSvby-00062-00025852-00026275 Rationality to self—not to any particular will or any particular person but to rationality jdTQIvPSvby-00063-00026275-00026397 itself. jdTQIvPSvby-00064-00026397-00027072 Now, to illustrate what Kant means by rationality, I’m going to start with a notion: Self-defeating jdTQIvPSvby-00065-00027072-00027172 actions. jdTQIvPSvby-00066-00027172-00027342 This is important to remember. jdTQIvPSvby-00067-00027342-00027916 This is not a concept that Kant describes, at least not explicitly. jdTQIvPSvby-00068-00027916-00028391 But I’m going to use this idea in order to illustrate the kind of rationality that jdTQIvPSvby-00069-00028391-00028514 Kant is getting at. jdTQIvPSvby-00070-00028514-00029130 Again, I want to be clear that the concept of a self-defeating action is not Kant’s jdTQIvPSvby-00071-00029130-00029283 concept, at least not explicitly. jdTQIvPSvby-00072-00029283-00029641 This is something Kant puts together to explain what Kant means by rational. jdTQIvPSvby-00073-00029641-00030089 He doesn’t mean rationality in terms of truth, he means rationality in terms of practical jdTQIvPSvby-00074-00030089-00030189 reason. jdTQIvPSvby-00075-00030189-00030608 And what it’s getting at here is that every action—at least the ones that we perform—are jdTQIvPSvby-00076-00030608-00030807 for a purpose. jdTQIvPSvby-00077-00030807-00031508 It’s a matter of practical rationality that if you want to be healthy, you should eat jdTQIvPSvby-00078-00031508-00031660 right and exercise. jdTQIvPSvby-00079-00031660-00031906 That’s practical rationality. jdTQIvPSvby-00080-00031906-00032145 Performing those actions achieves the purpose. jdTQIvPSvby-00081-00032145-00032702 A self-defeating action is an action that actually defeats the purpose for which you’re jdTQIvPSvby-00082-00032702-00032802 performing. jdTQIvPSvby-00083-00032802-00033466 Considering health, we can think of something silly as—oh, I don’t know, eating nothing jdTQIvPSvby-00084-00033466-00033700 but Milky Ways—candy bars. jdTQIvPSvby-00085-00033700-00034384 The idea is that I will have just enough to not go over my calorie limit and that’s jdTQIvPSvby-00086-00034384-00034516 going to be “healthy”. jdTQIvPSvby-00087-00034516-00034919 That’s a self-defeating action because there’s all kinds of things that you’re not getting jdTQIvPSvby-00088-00034919-00035138 from those candy bars—vitamins, proteins… jdTQIvPSvby-00089-00035138-00035361 Well, you’re getting proteins, [Laughter]. jdTQIvPSvby-00090-00035361-00035548 But you’re not getting minerals. jdTQIvPSvby-00091-00035548-00036113 All you’re getting is a bunch of empty calories and fat. jdTQIvPSvby-00092-00036113-00036419 Okay, (Cannot hear him/her) that’s a trivial example. jdTQIvPSvby-00093-00036419-00036547 There’s lots more. jdTQIvPSvby-00094-00036547-00036779 There’s lots of examples of self-defeating actions. jdTQIvPSvby-00095-00036779-00037033 We kind of actually tend to do these a lot. jdTQIvPSvby-00096-00037033-00037133 Suppose… jdTQIvPSvby-00097-00037133-00037958 You and a friend are having a discussion and you’re trying to reach a point of agreement. jdTQIvPSvby-00098-00037958-00038177 Let’s say you’re debating politics. jdTQIvPSvby-00099-00038177-00039018 You’re trying to reach a common ground—a point in which both of you can settle on and jdTQIvPSvby-00100-00039018-00039230 then move from there. jdTQIvPSvby-00101-00039230-00039463 But after a while you haven’t been able to do this. jdTQIvPSvby-00102-00039463-00040031 So you say, “Let’s just agree to disagree”. jdTQIvPSvby-00103-00040031-00040203 But that’s a self-defeating action. jdTQIvPSvby-00104-00040203-00040651 You’re trying to say you can agree to disagree, meaning this is the common ground in which jdTQIvPSvby-00105-00040651-00040818 we will start. jdTQIvPSvby-00106-00040818-00041109 But you haven’t reached a common ground. jdTQIvPSvby-00107-00041109-00041532 All you’ve said is that our common ground is that we don’t have a common ground. jdTQIvPSvby-00108-00041532-00042007 That defeats the purpose of the discussion. jdTQIvPSvby-00109-00042007-00042605 You may have ended the discussion but you haven’t ended the disagreement. jdTQIvPSvby-00110-00042605-00042894 The point of the discussion was to find a common ground—the point of the discussion jdTQIvPSvby-00111-00042894-00043435 was to find a point of agreement where you two can begin and move from there. jdTQIvPSvby-00112-00043435-00043891 There are other examples of self-defeating actions. jdTQIvPSvby-00113-00043891-00044375 As I said in the text, you may have heard “Question everything. jdTQIvPSvby-00114-00044375-00044812 Question authority”. jdTQIvPSvby-00115-00044812-00045343 An imperative is what’s given by authority, right? jdTQIvPSvby-00116-00045343-00045856 Well, that means you’re supposed to question the very authority that tells you to question jdTQIvPSvby-00117-00045856-00046070 authority. jdTQIvPSvby-00118-00046070-00046294 Suppose it changes to “Question everything”. jdTQIvPSvby-00119-00046294-00046427 Well, including that command? jdTQIvPSvby-00120-00046427-00046825 If someone says, “Question everything”, respond with “Why?” jdTQIvPSvby-00121-00046825-00047065 [Laughter] Or say, “Including you? jdTQIvPSvby-00122-00047065-00047344 You’re not the boss of me.” jdTQIvPSvby-00123-00047344-00047919 So, self-defeating actions are actions that defeat the very purpose for why you are performing jdTQIvPSvby-00124-00047919-00048038 the action. jdTQIvPSvby-00125-00048038-00048333 So, this brings us to imperatives. jdTQIvPSvby-00126-00048333-00048619 Imperatives are these obligations or principles upon the will. jdTQIvPSvby-00127-00048619-00048849 That’s what’s demanded by practical reason. jdTQIvPSvby-00128-00048849-00049655 And remember for practical reason you perform these actions to achieve this goal or purpose. jdTQIvPSvby-00129-00049655-00050263 So, for Kant, imperatives come in 2 kinds: hypothetical or categorical. jdTQIvPSvby-00130-00050263-00050747 A hypothetical imperative is an action—or commanded or demanded of you by practical jdTQIvPSvby-00131-00050747-00051036 reason to fulfill some further good or purpose. jdTQIvPSvby-00132-00051036-00051672 So an example of a hypothetical imperative: If you have the goal of health, you ought jdTQIvPSvby-00133-00051672-00052786 to eat right and exercise, including pull-ups or walking. jdTQIvPSvby-00134-00052786-00053223 For another example of a hypothetical imperative, uh, suppose your goal or purpose is to complete jdTQIvPSvby-00135-00053223-00053512 an education or a particular course. jdTQIvPSvby-00136-00053512-00054094 In order to do that you would have to study, take notes, read and take tests. jdTQIvPSvby-00137-00054094-00054239 That might be narrowed down even further, right. jdTQIvPSvby-00138-00054239-00054563 A hypothetical imperative for a Chemistry class Would be different that for an English jdTQIvPSvby-00139-00054563-00054663 Literature class. jdTQIvPSvby-00140-00054663-00055069 A hypothetical imperative for a Chemistry class would include going to a lab and carrying jdTQIvPSvby-00141-00055069-00055729 out an experiment, but that would be different for an English Lit class. jdTQIvPSvby-00142-00055729-00056118 These hypothetical imperatives are hypothetical in the sense that if you were to have those jdTQIvPSvby-00143-00056118-00056932 goal or purpose then you perform these actions. jdTQIvPSvby-00144-00056932-00057036 Categorical imperative is different. jdTQIvPSvby-00145-00057036-00057486 A categorical imperative is an imperative you follow regardless of what good or purpose jdTQIvPSvby-00146-00057486-00057593 you have. jdTQIvPSvby-00147-00057593-00057905 This is what Kant calls good in and of itself. jdTQIvPSvby-00148-00057905-00058404 Now that’s the definition of a categorical imperative. jdTQIvPSvby-00149-00058404-00058824 Kant believes that this definition of categorical imperative leads to only one categorical imperative. jdTQIvPSvby-00150-00058824-00059370 We don’t have a set of them, we just have one. jdTQIvPSvby-00151-00059370-00059686 This brings us to Kant’s argument for the categorical imperative. jdTQIvPSvby-00152-00059686-00060476 For Kant, the categorical imperative is that you must act in such a way that what you act jdTQIvPSvby-00153-00060476-00060664 you can will into universal law. jdTQIvPSvby-00154-00060664-00061220 And by that he means that anybody can do it and does do it. jdTQIvPSvby-00155-00061220-00061692 So, um, that’s kind of extreme, right. jdTQIvPSvby-00156-00061692-00062341 What’s moral is what’s rational and what’s rational is that you act in a way that can jdTQIvPSvby-00157-00062341-00062498 be made into universal law. jdTQIvPSvby-00158-00062498-00062760 He has some reasons for this. jdTQIvPSvby-00159-00062760-00063444 As we saw from the beginning, he has this idea that rationality is what matters morally. jdTQIvPSvby-00160-00063444-00063944 So, pretty much quite simply or stupidly then: If you’re acting irrationally then you’re jdTQIvPSvby-00161-00063944-00064081 acting immorally. jdTQIvPSvby-00162-00064081-00064432 That’s kind of the first major step. jdTQIvPSvby-00163-00064432-00064744 Suppose, if… jdTQIvPSvby-00164-00064744-00065693 If I act or one acts in a way that the actions performed cannot be made into universal law—well, jdTQIvPSvby-00165-00065693-00066426 if you’re doing that then you’re acting in such a way that a person’s decisions jdTQIvPSvby-00166-00066426-00066724 can be stopped or hindered. jdTQIvPSvby-00167-00066724-00067079 So if you’re acting in such a way that can’t be made into universal law, then you’re jdTQIvPSvby-00168-00067079-00067582 acting in such a way that somebody’s will can be obstructed. jdTQIvPSvby-00169-00067582-00067798 What he means by that is that if you’re acting in such a way that can be made into jdTQIvPSvby-00170-00067798-00068241 universal law, what happens is some people can’t perform that action and if they can’t jdTQIvPSvby-00171-00068241-00068525 perform that action, their will is obstructed. jdTQIvPSvby-00172-00068525-00069314 Okay, well if you’re acting in a way where someone’s will can be hindered, you’re jdTQIvPSvby-00173-00069314-00069997 acting in a way where anyone’s will can be hindered. jdTQIvPSvby-00174-00069997-00070389 And you may wonder “Why anyone’s will, not just my own?” jdTQIvPSvby-00175-00070389-00070830 well, remember what matters for Kant—the will, not your will. jdTQIvPSvby-00176-00070830-00071088 But the will itself. jdTQIvPSvby-00177-00071088-00071673 All wills are equal in Kant’s eyes it doesn’t matter whose will it is. jdTQIvPSvby-00178-00071673-00072087 Just like it doesn’t matter what is being willed, just how it’s being willed. jdTQIvPSvby-00179-00072087-00072307 It doesn’t matter who s willing. jdTQIvPSvby-00180-00072307-00072701 It only matters how it’s willing. jdTQIvPSvby-00181-00072701-00073286 So if you’re acting in a way where somebody’s decisions can be hindered, then you’re acting jdTQIvPSvby-00182-00073286-00073637 in a way that can hinder your will, your decisions. jdTQIvPSvby-00183-00073637-00073979 Well, if you’re acting in a way that can hinder your own decisions, you’re acting jdTQIvPSvby-00184-00073979-00074292 against your own will. jdTQIvPSvby-00185-00074292-00074673 You are making that claim, “Anyone’s will can be hindered, including mine!” jdTQIvPSvby-00186-00074673-00074910 That’s not gonna work, right? jdTQIvPSvby-00187-00074910-00075342 That’s contrary to rationality and practical reason. jdTQIvPSvby-00188-00075342-00075948 If you’re acting in a way where your will is hindered, that is contrary to reason. jdTQIvPSvby-00189-00075948-00076729 So that’s irrational, and as we saw before: If it’s irrational, it’s immoral. jdTQIvPSvby-00190-00076729-00077686 Kant—since what started this whole deal is the idea that—acting in this way where jdTQIvPSvby-00191-00077686-00078061 it can’t be made into universal law, that’s what’s immoral. jdTQIvPSvby-00192-00078061-00078692 If that’s what’s immoral, then acting in a way such that your action can be made jdTQIvPSvby-00193-00078692-00080252 into universal law, that’s what moral and rational. jeicrHCz2By-00000-00000779-00001095 So hello hosts of the first nordic jeicrHCz2By-00001-00001095-00001242 film festival jeicrHCz2By-00002-00001242-00001610 there's gonna be a time sometime in the near future when people won't jeicrHCz2By-00003-00001610-00001742 remember jeicrHCz2By-00004-00001742-00002184 that film's weren't distributed like this they'll be a time when people will jeicrHCz2By-00005-00002184-00002689 forget that films were distributed not by friends inviting friends to come see jeicrHCz2By-00006-00002689-00002848 films they care about jeicrHCz2By-00007-00002848-00003207 but by companies selling tickets and having people come to a large cinemas jeicrHCz2By-00008-00003207-00003433 were all they know the people to bring jeicrHCz2By-00009-00003433-00003829 so you should be proud and i'm excited to see you launch a different way to jeicrHCz2By-00010-00003829-00004126 distribute film by connecting people to people jeicrHCz2By-00011-00004126-00004535 and people the film's in small environments in larger environments jeicrHCz2By-00012-00004535-00004901 maybe in some big environments but in a different way to connect people to culture jeicrHCz2By-00013-00004901-00005094 thank you for this project je_R1FsL7Sc-00000-00000006-00000203 BLACKPINK, BLACKPINK BLACKPINK, BLACKPINK je_R1FsL7Sc-00001-00001010-00002236 Kick in the door, waving the coco Just get your popcorn, don't even think about getting involved I talk that talk, runways I walk, walk Close your eyes, pop, pretend you're not looking je_R1FsL7Sc-00002-00002236-00003036 One by one, then two by two Everything is collapsing at the flick of my fingertip It was flashy for a fake show Makes no sense you couldn't get a dollar outta me je_R1FsL7Sc-00003-00003036-00004073 It's tonight, I'm a venomous flower After taking your soul Look what you made us do je_R1FsL7Sc-00004-00004109-00005409 A fire that will slowly put you to sleep (Fire) It's so beautiful, it's cruel I bring the pain like je_R1FsL7Sc-00005-00005409-00005803 This, that pink venom This, that pink venom This, that pink venom je_R1FsL7Sc-00006-00005803-00006103 Get 'em, get 'em, gеt 'em Straight to ya dome like Woah, woah, woah je_R1FsL7Sc-00007-00006203-00006403 Straight to ya dome like ah,ah,ah je_R1FsL7Sc-00008-00006403-00007503 Taste that pink venom Taste that pink venom Taste that pink venom Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em Straight to ya dome like Woah, woah, woah Straight to ya dome like Ah, ah, ah [ je_R1FsL7Sc-00009-00007503-00008503 Black paint and ammo, got bodies like Rambo Rest in peace, please light up a candle This the life of a vandal, masked up and I'm still in CELINE Designer crimes or it wouldn't be me, ooh [ je_R1FsL7Sc-00010-00008503-00009503 Diamonds shining, drive in silence, I don't mind it, I'm riding Flying private side by side with the pilot up in the sky And I'm wilding, styling on them and there's no chance 'Cause we got bodies on bodies like this a slow dance je_R1FsL7Sc-00011-00009503-00010503 It's tonight, I'm a venomous flower After taking your soul Look what you made us do je_R1FsL7Sc-00012-00010503-00011503 The fire that’ll slowly put you to sleep, so beautiful it’s brutal ... je_R1FsL7Sc-00013-00011503-00011703 I bring the pain like je_R1FsL7Sc-00014-00011703-00012103 This, that pink venom This, that pink venom This, that pink venom je_R1FsL7Sc-00015-00012103-00012503 Get 'em, get 'em, gеt 'em Straight to ya dome like Woah, woah, woah je_R1FsL7Sc-00016-00012503-00012703 Straight to ya dome like ah,ah,ah je_R1FsL7Sc-00017-00012803-00013103 Taste that pink venom Taste that pink venom Taste that pink venom je_R1FsL7Sc-00018-00013103-00013503 Get 'em, get 'em, gеt 'em Straight to ya dome like Woah, woah, woah je_R1FsL7Sc-00019-00013503-00013803 Straight to ya dome like ah,ah,ah je_R1FsL7Sc-00020-00013803-00014403 Provoke us if you want You can't handle it, and you know this je_R1FsL7Sc-00021-00014403-00016003 It's already spread, shot that potion Pink ocean right before your eyes Come and give me all the smoke It's this or that, I'm so rock and roll Come and give me all the smoke Everybody stand in line, stop, drop I bring the pain like je_R1FsL7Sc-00022-00016003-00017003 Brrah, ta-ta-ta, krrah, ta-ta-ta Brrah, ta-ta-ta, krrah, ta-ta-ta Brrah, ta-ta-ta, krrah, ta-ta-ta Straight to ya, straight to ya, straight to ya dome like je_R1FsL7Sc-00023-00017003-00018103 Brra-ta-ta-ta, krra-ta-ta-ta (BLACKPINK) Brra-ta-ta-ta, krra-ta-ta-ta (BLACKPINK) Brra-ta-ta-ta, krra-ta-ta-ta (BLACKPINK) I bring the pain like jk1INt_mNvE-00000-00000463-00000728 Okay so I think in the interest of time we can jk1INt_mNvE-00001-00000824-00001396 go ahead and get going we're really glad to welcome everybody here for our fifth Open Force jk1INt_mNvE-00002-00001396-00002032 Field workshop which is amazing and exciting and we have a bunch of really great updates jk1INt_mNvE-00003-00002032-00002728 to give you today and I'm looking forward to the dialogue that starts and the great things to come jk1INt_mNvE-00004-00002968-00003568 so we'll be doing a bit of jumping around between speakers to cover the different areas jk1INt_mNvE-00005-00003568-00004096 of updates with an Open Force Field I'm going to lead off with kind of an overview and some jk1INt_mNvE-00006-00004096-00004456 highlights of what's going to come in the rest of the talk and then you're going to hear from Jeff jk1INt_mNvE-00007-00004552-00005024 about infrastructure and toolkits and the great software working on jk1INt_mNvE-00008-00005024-00005448 and then from Lilly on science and Diego on the project management side jk1INt_mNvE-00009-00005696-00006152 a couple points of order so we have this set up as a webinar so that we can handle larger jk1INt_mNvE-00010-00006152-00006664 numbers of people and so on and that means it works a little bit different but feel free to jk1INt_mNvE-00011-00006664-00007231 use the chat and the Q&A features in zoom to ask questions during the talk so typing them in jk1INt_mNvE-00012-00007304-00007712 and then the speakers will try to answer questions in the Q&A after we're done with jk1INt_mNvE-00013-00007712-00008408 their presentations and there can be some dialogue in the Q&A over there the chat as things go on jk1INt_mNvE-00014-00008488-00008872 because other people also know the answers aside from just the speakers and then after jk1INt_mNvE-00015-00008936-00009440 the conclusion of talks there will be discussion and opportunities for more Q&A we do have to jk1INt_mNvE-00016-00009440-00009984 enable your mic so you'll have to raise your hand and we'll call on you when it's your turn jk1INt_mNvE-00017-00010128-00010744 so without further ado to get going you know really we're here because of you and you know jk1INt_mNvE-00018-00010744-00011368 this is a slide you've seen many times before I think but you know it's great working with jk1INt_mNvE-00019-00011368-00011888 such an exciting group of people and having this feeling that we share a common set of problems jk1INt_mNvE-00020-00011888-00012496 that we really can make headway on by working together so it's a a great group of people great jk1INt_mNvE-00021-00012576-00013096 all the industry folks supporting great team and we won't walk through all of that right now jk1INt_mNvE-00022-00013096-00013736 because we want to spend our time updating you on what's going on I'll remind you that OMSF the Open jk1INt_mNvE-00023-00013736-00014480 Molecular Software Foundation is our host entity right now and so that plays a coordinating role jk1INt_mNvE-00024-00014576-00015376 and anyway so let's get going on the science again you've seen this before but a key point jk1INt_mNvE-00025-00015376-00016024 is that openness is central to everything we're doing and really this is partly because jk1INt_mNvE-00026-00016160-00016664 our problems are too big to tackle alone or in small groups we share so many of the jk1INt_mNvE-00027-00016664-00017344 same problems and they're too big for any one person or any small group of people to tackle jk1INt_mNvE-00028-00017344-00017720 in isolation so we need to share and we need to be open about the problems and about the jk1INt_mNvE-00029-00017720-00018168 infrastructure and about the tools we can use to solve them and so that drives a lot of what we do jk1INt_mNvE-00030-00018376-00018784 and that's part of why we're so excited to have more more people and as many jk1INt_mNvE-00031-00018784-00019096 people as possible participating because there's too many problems to go around jk1INt_mNvE-00032-00019296-00020096 now originally we came into this initiative with a bit more of this idea that force field development jk1INt_mNvE-00033-00020096-00020632 and just an improvement would be a linear and organized process where we would take an idea jk1INt_mNvE-00034-00020632-00021040 we'd implement the idea we would make force fields with that idea we test the force fields jk1INt_mNvE-00035-00021040-00021592 they would be great and we would release them and as time has gone on we've realized that our ideas jk1INt_mNvE-00036-00021592-00022032 and what we think is going to work best doesn't always work out the way we expect jk1INt_mNvE-00037-00022096-00022824 and so it works better to take a bunch of ideas to try them with as little effort as possible or jk1INt_mNvE-00038-00022824-00023616 in with a minimum investment of like human time and then see which of those ideas look the best jk1INt_mNvE-00039-00023776-00024104 actually look like they're going to improve accuracy the most and then get those into the jk1INt_mNvE-00040-00024104-00024544 toolkits and the force fields then release them and so that's kind of changing how we're doing jk1INt_mNvE-00041-00024544-00025024 things and I think that's a theme you're going to see coming up in the other presentations as well jk1INt_mNvE-00042-00025256-00025664 so we're going to tell you about the science and about the infrastructure so one of the jk1INt_mNvE-00043-00025664-00026312 first things you're going to hear about today is infrastructure from Jeff Wagner and I'm just jk1INt_mNvE-00044-00026312-00026904 highlighting an overview here but he's going to be going through a lot more of the details ranging jk1INt_mNvE-00045-00026904-00027520 from new functionality like BespokeFit for fitting custom torsions to things that support the science jk1INt_mNvE-00046-00027520-00028304 we're going to later to key interoperability and other factors that our users really need jk1INt_mNvE-00047-00028536-00028768 one of the things you'll hear about is virtual site support jk1INt_mNvE-00048-00028839-00029376 off-site charges and where this can be placed and how those are looking as we start trying them out jk1INt_mNvE-00049-00029376-00029912 in force fields and we're excited that we are now trying these out in force fields and this really jk1INt_mNvE-00050-00030039-00030480 hinges a lot on the work of Simon and others in the infrastructure space jk1INt_mNvE-00051-00030680-00031600 also now in the wild is our BespokeFit toolkit for making custom more accurate torsion parameters so jk1INt_mNvE-00052-00031600-00032336 it can take a molecule or a chemical series fragment it and easily make custom torsions jk1INt_mNvE-00053-00032336-00033008 that greatly improve accuracy here's one example on the top right orange is where we started and jk1INt_mNvE-00054-00033008-00033632 then QM and the BespokeFit results are much more similar and one of the cool things about this is jk1INt_mNvE-00055-00033632-00034488 you get to easily you can choose your favorite QM method including GFN-XTB and which is really fast jk1INt_mNvE-00056-00034488-00035032 so it's not true QM method you can go to something slower and higher accuracy if you want but it's jk1INt_mNvE-00057-00035208-00035728 really fast and improved accuracy and so on the bottom right we have some preliminary results from jk1INt_mNvE-00058-00035728-00036200 binding free energy benchmarking and there'll be more of that to come one of the reasons this jk1INt_mNvE-00059-00036200-00037080 is cool is that the bottom left we have really few different distinct torsional parameters in jk1INt_mNvE-00060-00037080-00037640 the force field which actually results in a quite general and pretty accurate force field some other jk1INt_mNvE-00061-00037640-00038368 force fields have far more torsional parameters but potentially we could get really high accuracy jk1INt_mNvE-00062-00038464-00038944 torsions by just fitting some custom torsions for your chemical series of interest without jk1INt_mNvE-00063-00039024-00039504 having to make our force fields dramatically more complex and of course you're going to jk1INt_mNvE-00064-00039504-00040328 hear also about biopolymer support for our coming Rosemary release as I can attest from some of my jk1INt_mNvE-00065-00040328-00040888 postdoctoral work handling covalent modifications of proteins can be a real pain in the neck jk1INt_mNvE-00066-00041032-00041872 with current force fields but with once we have a protein force field we can easily consistently jk1INt_mNvE-00067-00041872-00042224 treat the protein and the small molecule and you're going to see an example of that today jk1INt_mNvE-00068-00042224-00042736 here's a snapshot from a simulation of this where we have an Amber protein force field on the back jk1INt_mNvE-00069-00042736-00043624 on the backbone and sage small molecule force field for the covalent modification and it works jk1INt_mNvE-00070-00043624-00043944 another thing on the infrastructure front that we're continuing to work on is jk1INt_mNvE-00071-00044024-00044832 benchmarking infrastructure as you've heard in the past a key thing driving people's interest jk1INt_mNvE-00072-00044832-00045256 in Open Force Field has been using force fields for binding free energy calculations jk1INt_mNvE-00073-00045256-00045584 and so we've done some work in the past on benchmarking those but we really need to turn jk1INt_mNvE-00074-00045584-00046200 this into something that we can routinely run in a high-throughput manner to always rapidly assess jk1INt_mNvE-00075-00046200-00046608 how our force fields are doing so we're working on getting that type of infrastructure jk1INt_mNvE-00076-00046608-00047416 going on Folding at Home so we can benchmark rapidly on a large scale and assess progress jk1INt_mNvE-00077-00047616-00048064 at the same time to all the infrastructure work there's a whole lot of really great jk1INt_mNvE-00078-00048064-00048928 science going going on from checking that we're using an appropriate level of QM theory to better jk1INt_mNvE-00079-00049088-00049560 initial guesses to force fields and a key one is protein parameters and you're also going to jk1INt_mNvE-00080-00049560-00050008 hear about work on virtual sites and graph charge models and a lot of other things that are going on jk1INt_mNvE-00081-00050272-00050840 one of the results so since our last Open Force Field meeting we did release our Sage jk1INt_mNvE-00082-00050840-00051448 force field and one of the results from that I wanted to highlight is that we fit jk1INt_mNvE-00083-00051504-00052240 refit Lennard-Jones to do a better job handling mixture data particularly we fit instead of to jk1INt_mNvE-00084-00052312-00052872 pure densities and pure heats of vaporization we looked at fitting to heat of mixing and jk1INt_mNvE-00085-00052960-00053488 mixture densities and other properties and we found that training to mixture data actually jk1INt_mNvE-00086-00053488-00054024 improves the performance relative to training to pure data only so if you look at like jk1INt_mNvE-00087-00054079-00054576 prediction of so not on training data but test data salvation free energy jk1INt_mNvE-00088-00054712-00055488 you can see that in the orange and the purple if we train in the old way we increase the error jk1INt_mNvE-00089-00055488-00055952 whereas if we train in this new way we decrease the error and get closer jk1INt_mNvE-00090-00056088-00056496 the distribution is more evenly distributed and you see the same thing in this data in this jk1INt_mNvE-00091-00056560-00057208 visualization as well so that's exciting and I think new in the force field jk1INt_mNvE-00092-00057272-00057816 development area that that pure data can cause some systematic problems it looks like jk1INt_mNvE-00093-00058032-00058664 especially potentially the heat of vaporization we've also made a bunch of improvements to the jk1INt_mNvE-00094-00058664-00059191 force field fitting process itself and these are going to get rolled into our next release jk1INt_mNvE-00095-00059191-00059712 we expect one of them is that previously what most of the data we're using for jk1INt_mNvE-00096-00059712-00060352 torsion fitting was coming from torsion drives only but it turns out we also have data on jk1INt_mNvE-00097-00060352-00060991 what torsions should be doing from optimized geometries so we started looking at including jk1INt_mNvE-00098-00061176-00061816 information from those optimized geometries looking at how wrong torsions are when we jk1INt_mNvE-00099-00061816-00062344 MM optimized geometries versus QM optimize them and we can include that in fitting jk1INt_mNvE-00100-00062448-00063304 and when we do that it looks like it improves accuracy of geometries coming out so these are jk1INt_mNvE-00101-00063304-00063767 plots you'll see these quite a bit and this is a torsion fingerprint deviation on the top jk1INt_mNvE-00102-00063832-00064567 and we're looking for this peak close to zero to get higher we've done also another thing we've jk1INt_mNvE-00103-00064567-00065144 tried out is taking different initial guesses for parameters from the modified seminarian method jk1INt_mNvE-00104-00065200-00065816 based on QM and that also seems to improve accuracy of the fits we get we're also for jk1INt_mNvE-00105-00065816-00066520 the first time starting to fit our improper torsions and that also improves RMSD jk1INt_mNvE-00106-00066624-00067120 so geometric measure measures your performance and maintains good energies and so on the jk1INt_mNvE-00107-00067120-00067776 bottom you can see a bunch of these different improvements being tested at once and what we're jk1INt_mNvE-00108-00067776-00068360 seeing in the orange is the best performance and that combines several of these different jk1INt_mNvE-00109-00068664-00069384 improvements and you can see this on industry benchmarking as well this is looking at energy jk1INt_mNvE-00110-00069384-00070224 error and the purple and red methods are combining more of these different improvements jk1INt_mNvE-00111-00070224-00071024 and we see significant improvement in how much what fraction of the data is in the lowest jk1INt_mNvE-00112-00071144-00071888 energy error bin and so we see that significantly improved we're also fixing a problem with torsion jk1INt_mNvE-00113-00071888-00072408 multiplicities where we originally had some torsions that combine had central atoms jk1INt_mNvE-00114-00072408-00073016 involving different valences so in this case with two connections or with three connections jk1INt_mNvE-00115-00073016-00073432 that results in different numbers of torsions passing through the same central bonds jk1INt_mNvE-00116-00073432-00074120 and it turns out that's a mistake so we are addressing that we were able to refit already jk1INt_mNvE-00117-00074120-00074584 based on optimization data but we're doing more torsion drives and a full refit based on that jk1INt_mNvE-00118-00074584-00075160 but again we see improvement from that also TFD and RMSD as we start with Sage and then jk1INt_mNvE-00119-00075160-00075784 we fix begin fixing this multiplicity problem we see performance improve jk1INt_mNvE-00120-00076000-00076544 we also have and you'll hear more about this a preliminary test of work with virtual sites jk1INt_mNvE-00121-00076544-00077032 and we expect that this would make a significant difference in condensed phase properties jk1INt_mNvE-00122-00077032-00077648 but we're also seeing that it improves accuracy of geometries and energetics relative to quantum jk1INt_mNvE-00123-00077648-00078368 mechanics again these same type of plots the top is energy error bottom or geometry errors and jk1INt_mNvE-00124-00078368-00078840 we're seeing that the virtual sites actually improves performance on these significantly jk1INt_mNvE-00125-00078952-00079264 in addition to impacting the condensed property calculations jk1INt_mNvE-00126-00079656-00080488 and therefore okay just making my slide advance here also we've been working as many of you know jk1INt_mNvE-00127-00080488-00081112 we've been working a lot on automated benchmarking with industry and that's showing progress as well jk1INt_mNvE-00128-00081184-00081536 so as we go through our different force fields jk1INt_mNvE-00129-00081600-00082376 1.2 1.3 too we see improving performance on RMSD dde torsion fingerprint deviation jk1INt_mNvE-00130-00082616-00083480 and that's encouraging benchmarking on proprietary data sets shows the same thing this is these are jk1INt_mNvE-00131-00083480-00084184 plots from a forthcoming industry benchmarking paper and this the top two include OPLS data jk1INt_mNvE-00132-00084248-00084976 and compare Open Force Field 2.0 to OPLS and GAFF the bottom shows progress across different jk1INt_mNvE-00133-00084976-00085456 open forcefield versions and so we see as we get to 2.0 we've improved performance a lot and we jk1INt_mNvE-00134-00085536-00085728 feel like we're still just getting started there's jk1INt_mNvE-00135-00085728-00086120 a lot of a lot left to do so we're excited to tell you about where that's going today jk1INt_mNvE-00136-00086376-00086680 and another way of looking at the same thing and this is on jk1INt_mNvE-00137-00086824-00087872 public and proprietary data is that if you look at what fraction of molecules in a data set have jk1INt_mNvE-00138-00087872-00088416 energies and geometries within a specified threshold and you can vary that threshold jk1INt_mNvE-00139-00088416-00089048 in the top we're looking at Open Force Field and GAFF versus OPLS on public data sets from jk1INt_mNvE-00140-00089048-00089680 industry on the bottom this is proprietary data in internal partner testing where we just compare jk1INt_mNvE-00141-00089680-00090272 GAFF and Open Force Field and so you can see in the three different Open Force Field jk1INt_mNvE-00142-00090272-00090768 colors we've made significant progress and this is really looking quite good jk1INt_mNvE-00143-00091088-00091600 and we can also use that same data to look for trouble spots where are there systematic errors jk1INt_mNvE-00144-00091680-00092584 and then begin trying to fix those so there's a lot more in this on our in our forthcoming paper jk1INt_mNvE-00145-00092696-00093096 and then you'll also hear a quick update on the status of the protein force field and jk1INt_mNvE-00146-00093096-00093576 how that's coming along and we're excited to be able to make a consistent protein jk1INt_mNvE-00147-00093576-00094224 and small molecule force field very soon so with that I hope I've gotten you interested jk1INt_mNvE-00148-00094224-00095384 in what's coming and I'm going to hand it over to Jeff for updates on infrastructure jk1INt_mNvE-00149-00095384-00096048 great thank you David yeah so I'm Jeff Wagner I'm the technical lead for Open jk1INt_mNvE-00150-00096048-00096488 Force Field and today I'm going to give an update on what we've been working on since jk1INt_mNvE-00151-00096488-00096784 our last annual meeting and what we're going to be doing in the coming year jk1INt_mNvE-00152-00097008-00097512 there we go so this year I'm organizing my talk in terms of our organization's values jk1INt_mNvE-00153-00097568-00098016 and I'm doing this because as we've grown we've needed to figure out how to coordinate progress jk1INt_mNvE-00154-00098016-00098648 on these interlocking research and development efforts we have really creative people on the team jk1INt_mNvE-00155-00098648-00099192 and we've got a ton of project ideas but we've got more creativity and ideas than we have time jk1INt_mNvE-00156-00099192-00099920 and so it's important that we keep all of our efforts aligned this is Diego not me Diego is jk1INt_mNvE-00157-00099920-00100392 our new project manager and he has final say on which projects we pursue and how Lily and jk1INt_mNvE-00158-00100392-00100992 I ultimately spend our time Diego shortly after joining pointed out that if we don't know what jk1INt_mNvE-00159-00100992-00101416 it is we value we're going to lose a ton of time being confused about what's our main objective jk1INt_mNvE-00160-00101416-00101888 as opposed to a side quest so he's going to talk more about this later but once Diego jk1INt_mNvE-00161-00101888-00102408 had time to study our organization he pointed out that we have sort of a hierarchy of values jk1INt_mNvE-00162-00102576-00103128 and our highest value is product leadership and for us this means accurate force fields accessible jk1INt_mNvE-00163-00103128-00103656 infrastructure and broad interoperability offerings for our users our second highest jk1INt_mNvE-00164-00103656-00104168 objective is what's called proximity with users and so this is things like custom solutions jk1INt_mNvE-00165-00104296-00104880 or features that apply to a subset of force field users but not all and engaging in deliberate joint jk1INt_mNvE-00166-00104880-00105632 development with other simulation ecosystems to make shared features and third we want to achieve jk1INt_mNvE-00167-00105632-00106335 operational excellence and for us that means improved transparency about our plans and improved jk1INt_mNvE-00168-00106335-00106783 predictability about the timelines and the scope of the projects that we're going to undertake jk1INt_mNvE-00169-00107072-00107424 so today I'm actually going to go through these priorities backwards from lowest to jk1INt_mNvE-00170-00107424-00107776 highest because after me you'll be hearing from our science lead who's jk1INt_mNvE-00171-00107776-00108264 entirely consumed with force field accuracy so she's got a lot of cool things to share jk1INt_mNvE-00172-00108264-00108576 and at the end we'll switch over to her to hear about workforce field developments jk1INt_mNvE-00173-00108872-00109304 so in everything that we do there's this constant pressure to add one more feature jk1INt_mNvE-00174-00109304-00109832 or to take a passing suggestion and redirect the work that we're doing to do a bit more jk1INt_mNvE-00175-00109896-00110311 but this comes at the cost of uncertain time estimates and miscommunications over goals jk1INt_mNvE-00176-00110376-00110856 so after working through a bunch of projects we found that when we have scope creep or ambiguity jk1INt_mNvE-00177-00110856-00111448 and who gets to make decisions and when they happen the cost ends up becoming very high so here jk1INt_mNvE-00178-00111448-00111920 I'm showing some project plan pages from public confluence where we have these clearly defined jk1INt_mNvE-00179-00111920-00112376 rules that ensure that the relevant stakeholders stay informed but that decisions can be made by jk1INt_mNvE-00180-00112376-00112896 the people that are most involved for a few of our major development projects we're using these sorts jk1INt_mNvE-00181-00112896-00113424 of pages to ensure transparency and predictability and this ensures that everybody understands the jk1INt_mNvE-00182-00113424-00113888 goals and that there's a concrete framework for changing them when new information emerges jk1INt_mNvE-00183-00114200-00114672 and even more so than our code it's incredibly important that we keep our standards and jk1INt_mNvE-00184-00114672-00115111 specifications public and current so here I'm showing the latest published version of the jk1INt_mNvE-00185-00115111-00115688 Smirnoff specification which now has a dedicated home in the Open Force Field standards repository jk1INt_mNvE-00186-00115759-00116368 this lets the specification be discussed and versioned independently of our software so far in jk1INt_mNvE-00187-00116368-00116896 our efforts our greatest successes have come from this pattern of specifying first and implementing jk1INt_mNvE-00188-00116896-00117504 second and going specification first guarantees that we wind up with fairly thoughtful feature jk1INt_mNvE-00189-00117504-00117959 design for us and it really lowers the barriers to other people when they want to interoperate jk1INt_mNvE-00190-00118096-00118735 with Open Force Field software but this is just the readable view it doesn't imply that jk1INt_mNvE-00191-00118735-00119496 this is publicly writable and that's why we have a public source repository for the same standards jk1INt_mNvE-00192-00119496-00120088 and specifications so by maintaining a public standards repo we ensure that we can communicate jk1INt_mNvE-00193-00120088-00120616 plans and potential changes to other maintainers adjacent to our ecosystem and that we have a jk1INt_mNvE-00194-00120616-00121183 platform for their feedback early on we added a few pressing Smirnoff enhancements that were jk1INt_mNvE-00195-00121183-00121728 brought up in the past year those would be things like clarifying ambiguities in the specification jk1INt_mNvE-00196-00121728-00122224 and some minor adjustments to facilitate interoperability on the left here I'm showing jk1INt_mNvE-00197-00122224-00122864 the issue tracker from the standards repository showing the enhancement proposals that have gone jk1INt_mNvE-00198-00122864-00123376 into the Smirnoff specification and I would really love if other developers in the ecosystem could jk1INt_mNvE-00199-00123376-00123816 follow this repository and weigh in when we're making important decisions that might affect them jk1INt_mNvE-00200-00124264-00124728 and since we're still talking about operational excellence here's some data from Ben Pritchard jk1INt_mNvE-00201-00124728-00125328 showing our cumulative total number of core hours used and cumulative total number of jobs completed jk1INt_mNvE-00202-00125328-00125959 on QCArchive I've labeled the Parsley and Sage releases on this graph so you can get a sense for jk1INt_mNvE-00203-00125959-00126511 how the our QCArchive growth lines up with our project history and so jk1INt_mNvE-00204-00126511-00126880 these numbers are going to be a bit noisy because some jobs are trickier than others jk1INt_mNvE-00205-00126880-00127376 but this shows a really cool story about the scale that we're working on and over on the right jk1INt_mNvE-00206-00127376-00127848 I really want to recognize the QC submission team because they're doing an amazing job of jk1INt_mNvE-00207-00127848-00128480 marshaling a ton of really heterogeneous compute resources where for many of them a condition of jk1INt_mNvE-00208-00128480-00128888 use is that our jobs can be preempted by paying customers or higher priority users jk1INt_mNvE-00209-00128976-00129383 and they've been dealing with a ton of unique challenges that they've overcome so this team's jk1INt_mNvE-00210-00129383-00129704 really brilliant and we're getting some really awesome data sets from this for our fitting jk1INt_mNvE-00211-00130152-00130568 and as a final point for operational excellence I wanted to show what I'm jk1INt_mNvE-00212-00130568-00131080 going to call the subway diagram for where we are in terms of the infrastructure team's goals jk1INt_mNvE-00213-00131168-00131672 Diego's pushing us to more clearly communicate our plans and I found it really interesting to jk1INt_mNvE-00214-00131672-00132000 make this because it helped us discuss longer term options and trade-offs jk1INt_mNvE-00215-00132096-00132680 the way to read this is that full lines show tasks that are done and dashed lines are tasks jk1INt_mNvE-00216-00132680-00133240 that are in progress while dotted lines aren't yet started the colors indicate who's working on jk1INt_mNvE-00217-00133240-00133656 what and when things are in gray that means that nobody's been assigned to do them yet jk1INt_mNvE-00218-00133936-00134272 so I've added in this vertical line that shows where we are right now jk1INt_mNvE-00219-00134272-00134872 so from top to bottom we have BespokeFit having been released a couple weeks ago for those of you jk1INt_mNvE-00220-00134872-00135376 who are watching and this is a black line because Simon and Josh Horton mostly worked on this jk1INt_mNvE-00221-00135496-00136144 in green we have Josh Mitchell's work and this is the documentation track so our themes across jk1INt_mNvE-00222-00136144-00136624 all of our repositories have been standardized in our documentation and we've released user jk1INt_mNvE-00223-00136624-00137112 guides for all of our major packages and next up on Josh's plate is going to be the jk1INt_mNvE-00224-00137112-00137720 centralizing documentation examples and preparing a series of example videos and running hackathons jk1INt_mNvE-00225-00137960-00138544 next is the toolkit track and in black we have the completion of a refactor of our virtual site jk1INt_mNvE-00226-00138544-00139064 implementation which I'll be talking about more later and it's black because Simon did this before jk1INt_mNvE-00227-00139064-00139784 he moved on from Open Force Field and in blue we have what's going to be our next major release jk1INt_mNvE-00228-00139784-00140248 which is the toolkit biopolymer refactor and you should expect to see this in the coming weeks jk1INt_mNvE-00229-00140464-00141080 in red this is David Dotson's work on our QC compute marshalling so like I jk1INt_mNvE-00230-00141080-00141608 showed before we have heavily automated QC computations and jk1INt_mNvE-00231-00141608-00141984 in the next few weeks QCArchive and MolSSI are going to be releasing a new version of jk1INt_mNvE-00232-00141984-00142400 QCFractal that's going to require some updates to our infrastructure which David's working on jk1INt_mNvE-00233-00142696-00143184 like Mobley showed at the beginning we ran a season of benchmarking using a couple of jk1INt_mNvE-00234-00143184-00143672 custom-made tools and that's complete but we do want to continue on benchmarking jk1INt_mNvE-00235-00143672-00144184 especially making a more modular benchmarking framework that the science team can use where jk1INt_mNvE-00236-00144184-00144680 we can add in new sorts of analyses to guide our force field development jk1INt_mNvE-00237-00144928-00145384 in red we have David Dotson working on interoperability with Open Free Energy jk1INt_mNvE-00238-00145384-00145936 and after that he'll be working to complete our interface with Folding at Home and I'll jk1INt_mNvE-00239-00145936-00146536 talk more about that later and finally last but not least in orange we have Matt Thompson jk1INt_mNvE-00240-00146592-00147160 working doing incredible amount of work really to prepare Interchange and Interchange has already jk1INt_mNvE-00241-00147160-00147776 been integrated into the toolkit and it will be a major part of our next toolkit biopolymer release jk1INt_mNvE-00242-00147864-00148384 but in the future we're going to work on getting our Amber and GROMACS exporters production ready jk1INt_mNvE-00243-00148384-00148792 and able to handle proteins and virtual sites and after that jk1INt_mNvE-00244-00148792-00149280 we're going to work on importers for things like parmtops and serialized OpenMM systems jk1INt_mNvE-00245-00149832-00150128 so that's what I have to say about our operational excellence our next jk1INt_mNvE-00246-00150128-00150544 highest priority is proximity with users and to me jk1INt_mNvE-00247-00150608-00151024 this means new feature development tailored to either a subset of our force field users jk1INt_mNvE-00248-00151024-00151384 or direct commitment of resources to engage with another simulation community jk1INt_mNvE-00249-00151688-00152088 so for the lucky people in this audience who haven't yet been woken up by my midnight jk1INt_mNvE-00250-00152088-00152648 slack notifications you'll be happy to know that BespokeFit has had its production release this is jk1INt_mNvE-00251-00152648-00153192 a first in an operational model that we'd like to reuse in the future where we have the science team jk1INt_mNvE-00252-00153192-00153712 writing some great code and functionality and then we want to transition the maintenance of that to jk1INt_mNvE-00253-00153712-00154104 the infrastructure team so that the science team isn't burdened and they can continue forward with jk1INt_mNvE-00254-00154104-00154760 making more ambitious developments the release of BespokeFit is thanks to a massive amount of effort jk1INt_mNvE-00255-00154760-00155336 from Josh Horton and Simon Boothroyd and a lot of polishing of the documentation by Josh Mitchell jk1INt_mNvE-00256-00155488-00156136 so BespokeFit is a way of running quick QM torsion scans of your molecule's degree of freedom to jk1INt_mNvE-00257-00156136-00156576 generate extra accurate torsion parameters that replace the generic torsion parameters from a jk1INt_mNvE-00258-00156576-00157232 given force field BespokeFit first fragments your input molecule into representative substructures jk1INt_mNvE-00259-00157232-00157624 both to reduce computation time in the torsion scans and also to avoid jk1INt_mNvE-00260-00157624-00158152 adding complexity from distant atoms or other degrees of freedom there's a number jk1INt_mNvE-00261-00158152-00158624 of options to reduce the computational cost of the subsequent QM calculations jk1INt_mNvE-00262-00158624-00159176 but the most likely use case for BespokeFit would be to improve the parameter quality of a molecule jk1INt_mNvE-00263-00159176-00159640 before something like an even more expensive operation like a free energy calculation so for jk1INt_mNvE-00264-00159640-00160168 a lot of users the cost of the QM here is going to be kind of negligible compared to the next steps jk1INt_mNvE-00265-00160560-00160936 Simon and Josh Horton put a ton of thought into the design of BespokeFit jk1INt_mNvE-00266-00160936-00161280 and you can deploy BespokeFit in such a way that instead of feeding in jk1INt_mNvE-00267-00161336-00161856 one molecule at a time and possibly doing a lot of redundant work if they fragment into identical jk1INt_mNvE-00268-00161856-00162416 fragments you can feed in a ligand series from the beginning and BespokeFit will identify the jk1INt_mNvE-00269-00162416-00162928 common core torsions and only run the minimum number of QM jobs needed to parameterize them jk1INt_mNvE-00270-00163400-00163952 so BespokeFit is really powerful it's also a bit more complex than many of our other jk1INt_mNvE-00271-00163952-00164312 published tools and so I strongly recommend that people who want to jk1INt_mNvE-00272-00164312-00164728 get started with BespokeFit look at the quickstart guide which you can find by jk1INt_mNvE-00273-00164728-00165128 searching on Github or you can grab the link from the slide once we send the slide deck out jk1INt_mNvE-00274-00165336-00165936 this walks through a pretty neat custom use case where to save time instead of doing full DFT jk1INt_mNvE-00275-00166056-00166824 the BespokeFit can be set to use GFN2-xTB which is a fast open source semi-empirical QC method jk1INt_mNvE-00276-00166928-00167496 where you might find that to have a better cost benefit ratio for your use cases than full-on QM jk1INt_mNvE-00277-00167600-00168232 so I think this is a really cool example of hot documentation from Open Force Field and jk1INt_mNvE-00278-00168232-00168840 I'd recommend that you jump into these docks and sort of choose your own adventure but one thing jk1INt_mNvE-00279-00168840-00169344 we'll be doing is polling for follow-up workshops after this meeting and we'll have a poll open for jk1INt_mNvE-00280-00169344-00169808 about a week and then we'll run some follow-up workshops in the coming months on topics of jk1INt_mNvE-00281-00169808-00170264 interest and BespokeFit can be a topic that we can go into more depth about or help users customize jk1INt_mNvE-00282-00170768-00171272 and so since we're still talking about the user proximity goal I did want to follow up on last jk1INt_mNvE-00283-00171272-00171800 year's benchmarking project so to review this is a project where people could feed in a bunch jk1INt_mNvE-00284-00171800-00172336 of molecules and then have RDKit generate conformers of them then use Psi4 to run a jk1INt_mNvE-00285-00172336-00172896 quantum chemical optimization of the conformers that RDKit generated then we bring in a bunch jk1INt_mNvE-00286-00172896-00173472 of different MM force fields and we see for each of these minimized QM conformers one jk1INt_mNvE-00287-00173472-00174040 with the force field keep the molecule in that QM minimum by looking at the geometry and two jk1INt_mNvE-00288-00174096-00174632 what these MM force fields accurately predict the energy differences determined by QM between these jk1INt_mNvE-00289-00174632-00175272 conformers so this manuscript is nearly done and a lot of you have probably been getting harassed to jk1INt_mNvE-00290-00175272-00175776 review the the early state and approve it and we will of course be waking you up at midnight jk1INt_mNvE-00291-00175776-00176152 with channel blast in the general channel when we've uploaded it to a pre-print server jk1INt_mNvE-00292-00176400-00177056 so what's cool about this coordinated benchmarking project wasn't just about so much interfacing with jk1INt_mNvE-00293-00177056-00177480 users but it also gave us a ton of information about the weakest parts of our force fields jk1INt_mNvE-00294-00177536-00178064 so on the left Lorenzo who ran the study identified some simple molecules where we're jk1INt_mNvE-00295-00178064-00178704 getting conformer energies wrong and Lorenzo used our toolkits to identify which specific parameters jk1INt_mNvE-00296-00178704-00179248 were in these degrees of freedom that ended up having large error and so we're seeing that like jk1INt_mNvE-00297-00179248-00180016 t64 the torsion parameter t74 is appearing a few times and t75 keep causing trouble jk1INt_mNvE-00298-00180272-00180584 on the right Lorenzo does a more statistical approach jk1INt_mNvE-00299-00180640-00181248 and he looks at how often we're getting torsion angles wrong so that's this measure of violation jk1INt_mNvE-00300-00181352-00181976 and which parameters are assigned to the torsion when that happens so again our toolkit offers a jk1INt_mNvE-00301-00181976-00182464 bunch of custom ways to dig into what's going on with these force fields on the left we see sort jk1INt_mNvE-00302-00182464-00182968 of a case-by-case inspection whereas on the right we can we have a larger data big data set approach jk1INt_mNvE-00303-00183184-00183784 and so this is great in the scope of our overall strategy this is a nice situation where a single jk1INt_mNvE-00304-00183784-00184400 project serves both as a way to interface with our users and help them build familiarity with our jk1INt_mNvE-00305-00184400-00184960 tools but also as a way to provide quantitative data that can help the force field team so here jk1INt_mNvE-00306-00184960-00185392 we could take these portions that Lorenzo's identified and suggest targeted improvements jk1INt_mNvE-00307-00185392-00185808 like maybe we could split these parameters up based around their surrounding chemical context jk1INt_mNvE-00308-00186288-00186752 okay so now we're getting onto the main course let's talk about how the infrastructure team jk1INt_mNvE-00309-00186752-00187184 is making our force fields and toolkits more accurate accessible and interoperable jk1INt_mNvE-00310-00187480-00187784 and so in this talk I wanted to start each section by saying jk1INt_mNvE-00311-00187880-00188480 what we did do since our last annual meeting and this year we've done a lot of small things jk1INt_mNvE-00312-00188480-00188856 we've worked on the documentation we've tried to improve the user experience on a lot of fronts jk1INt_mNvE-00313-00188912-00189512 and so I can't really enumerate everything so when I should be talking about how we've improved jk1INt_mNvE-00314-00189512-00190048 the accessibility of our software I think that the best thing I can do is report the success by proxy jk1INt_mNvE-00315-00190048-00190456 so the y-axis on this chart is the number of stars on Github jk1INt_mNvE-00316-00190456-00191000 that a project has and these are kind of like facebook likes for developers and the x-axis is jk1INt_mNvE-00317-00191000-00191496 the date and again I've labeled where we've had our major force field releases Parsley and Sage jk1INt_mNvE-00318-00191736-00192232 now each different colored line is a different Open Force Field project repository jk1INt_mNvE-00319-00192232-00192664 and I'm showing them for a bunch of our user-facing packages jk1INt_mNvE-00320-00192800-00193256 so I want to say that this tells us that we're doing right by our users and our downstream jk1INt_mNvE-00321-00193256-00193800 developers we're investing in better documentation we're keeping the api stable and overall we're jk1INt_mNvE-00322-00193800-00194488 working on having a good user experience so the Open Force Field toolkit is our oldest package jk1INt_mNvE-00323-00194488-00194928 and you can see that it's been gaining adoption since 2018 I didn't even join jk1INt_mNvE-00324-00194928-00195416 the project actually until late 2018 so this was already well on its way before I came in jk1INt_mNvE-00325-00195640-00196232 but we have two major new projects that I expect to be rocketing up in the coming months and years jk1INt_mNvE-00326-00196232-00196888 and those are BespokeFit in purple which as I said just launched a few weeks ago and it's jk1INt_mNvE-00327-00196888-00197672 already gaining a lot of traction and Interchange in brown which is I think a slow and steady growth jk1INt_mNvE-00328-00197672-00198072 but we're hoping that this is going to become the core of a lot of user workflows in the future jk1INt_mNvE-00329-00198576-00199248 and so stars are easy to measure but they aren't the be-all and end-all for us one thing that jk1INt_mNvE-00330-00199248-00199696 actually really cheers me up when I'm having a bad day is to see how many other people are jk1INt_mNvE-00331-00199696-00200360 using our tools so this is a Github code search for the string from OpenFF and this is a string jk1INt_mNvE-00332-00200360-00200864 that would pop up in your python script if you're using our toolkits so when I do a search of public jk1INt_mNvE-00333-00200864-00201536 code on Github I get over 1200 results and a lot of these are going to be our own files because we jk1INt_mNvE-00334-00201536-00202016 import our own stuff and a lot of these are going to be bots and duplications and things like that jk1INt_mNvE-00335-00202128-00202544 but I think this is still really cool I don't know who these people are I don't know what jk1INt_mNvE-00336-00202544-00202984 their projects are doing and that's a great way that we can have a project that scales jk1INt_mNvE-00337-00202984-00203600 out to a lot of users so this is useful for me as a developer because sometimes we're jk1INt_mNvE-00338-00203600-00204064 in a situation where we want to make a little change to the api or remove something and we're jk1INt_mNvE-00339-00204120-00204584 pretty sure that nobody uses these small features but we can do a search on Github jk1INt_mNvE-00340-00204584-00204896 for that feature that we want to change or remove and sometimes we'll find that jk1INt_mNvE-00341-00204896-00205328 somebody is using it and they're using it in a way that we didn't expect and that can be jk1INt_mNvE-00342-00205328-00205784 enough to convince us that we should just keep the feature there intact or maybe we start issuing a jk1INt_mNvE-00343-00205784-00206144 deprecation warning that tells the user what commands to replace it with in the future jk1INt_mNvE-00344-00206744-00207367 and so I think a really big component of our user growth has been the result of some great focused jk1INt_mNvE-00345-00207367-00207888 work by Josh Mitchell so Josh is our specialist technical writer and scientific communicator jk1INt_mNvE-00346-00207984-00208664 he's a computational chemist who's absolutely obsessed with pros and page layouts and he's been jk1INt_mNvE-00347-00208664-00209319 doing some great work all over our repositories and documentation what's really helpful is that jk1INt_mNvE-00348-00209319-00209784 he also brings a fresh pair of eyes and can see the things that we've gotten like accustomed to jk1INt_mNvE-00349-00209784-00210367 overlook it so for example he realized that when users go look at documentation for one project jk1INt_mNvE-00350-00210432-00210928 there's very rarely references to the existence of other Open Force Field projects jk1INt_mNvE-00351-00211032-00211423 and so these users will come in for help with a certain task but they don't end up jk1INt_mNvE-00352-00211423-00211776 discovering that we have other tools that can help them complete their whole workflow jk1INt_mNvE-00353-00211904-00212376 so Josh saw this thing that this problem that we've had for a long time jk1INt_mNvE-00354-00212376-00212984 and one day he just made this central documentation page it's docs.openforcefield.org jk1INt_mNvE-00355-00213071-00213567 and this page is really simple it just lists all of our public-facing production-ready jk1INt_mNvE-00356-00213567-00214256 software and links to their documentation and provides short descriptions for all of them and jk1INt_mNvE-00357-00214256-00214728 it you know I think when you're standing so close to a problem you start forgetting that it's there jk1INt_mNvE-00358-00214728-00215192 and Josh can come in and just fix stuff like this which I think is really great jk1INt_mNvE-00359-00215664-00216304 another example of a complete oversight by us is one day Josh opened this poll request called jk1INt_mNvE-00360-00216304-00216808 molecular gastronomy and gastronomy is this obscure word that basically means cooking jk1INt_mNvE-00361-00216871-00217512 so Josh had added a quote cookbook to the Open Force Field toolkit documentation jk1INt_mNvE-00362-00217616-00217976 and this just lists every single way that you could make a molecule jk1INt_mNvE-00363-00218088-00218448 and I realized that actually when I talk to new users or when I try to convince somebody to use jk1INt_mNvE-00364-00218448-00218919 the open field toolkit I always have to start by explaining what's an SDF and what are all jk1INt_mNvE-00365-00218919-00219352 the ways that they could make their molecule and it's like oh yeah wait we could have just jk1INt_mNvE-00366-00219416-00219967 made a page and listed all the ways to make a molecule and that's you know the big barrier jk1INt_mNvE-00367-00219967-00220384 that probably deflects a lot of our early users so Josh does all sorts of great stuff like this jk1INt_mNvE-00368-00220688-00221128 he did a really good job of standardizing the themes of our documentation so now when you go jk1INt_mNvE-00369-00221128-00221648 to all of our different repositories things are very consistent we've got that cool logo I love jk1INt_mNvE-00370-00221648-00222096 this logo and we're using the right shade of blue so it matches up with our the rest of our branding jk1INt_mNvE-00371-00222408-00222823 and you know I'd like to walk through a lot of specific stuff that Josh did but it's just jk1INt_mNvE-00372-00222880-00223048 like everything got easier jk1INt_mNvE-00373-00223200-00223792 and if you look at on the left this is the old form of our documentation on the right is the jk1INt_mNvE-00374-00223792-00224376 new and when I interface with these pages I just find them more pleasant to look at and faster jk1INt_mNvE-00375-00224376-00224936 to navigate so this is supposed to be the end of me talking about Josh's work but you're actually jk1INt_mNvE-00376-00224936-00225584 going to see a lot more of it because I've stolen a ton of his figures for the rest of this talk jk1INt_mNvE-00377-00225744-00226136 okay so that was accessibility let's talk about interoperability jk1INt_mNvE-00378-00226248-00226784 first I need to apologize to everyone we are going to be switching our units package in the next Open jk1INt_mNvE-00379-00226784-00227408 Force Field toolkit release the units package formerly known as simtk units which is now known jk1INt_mNvE-00380-00227408-00227992 as OpenMM units aren't really the best option for us moving forward and so instead we're switching jk1INt_mNvE-00381-00227992-00228576 over to a solution based on Pint Pint is this really broadly supported units package that's used jk1INt_mNvE-00382-00228576-00229248 all over the place including in MolSSI software like QCArchive and our big advantages here are jk1INt_mNvE-00383-00229248-00229616 that we're going to have tighter control over the serialization of our data and that jk1INt_mNvE-00384-00229616-00230016 we'll be able to swap in different co-data references as needed among other advantages jk1INt_mNvE-00385-00230144-00230623 so we do know that a lot of you have scripts that need to talk to an interface that expect OpenMM jk1INt_mNvE-00386-00230623-00231128 units or that emit OpenMM units and so we've made sure that we have these very straightforward jk1INt_mNvE-00387-00231128-00231912 converters we have to OpenMM and we have from OpenMM and so it should be really easy to update jk1INt_mNvE-00388-00232056-00232608 your existing scripts to work with the new toolkit and if it would help to see these in action jk1INt_mNvE-00389-00232608-00232960 we're going to be updating all of our examples for the next toolkit release so you can see jk1INt_mNvE-00390-00233056-00233232 exactly how these converters can be used jk1INt_mNvE-00391-00233704-00234184 some other big news for interoperability is that we're about to have Interchange fully integrated jk1INt_mNvE-00392-00234184-00234704 into the Open Force Field toolkit and this has been the result of a really huge amount of work jk1INt_mNvE-00393-00234704-00235088 by Matt Thompson to do the initial development and the validation to show that we're getting the jk1INt_mNvE-00394-00235088-00235744 correct outputs he actually in implementing this and in validating it he looked so thoroughly that jk1INt_mNvE-00395-00235744-00236128 we found places where the original toolkit code was doing the wrong things jk1INt_mNvE-00396-00236128-00236784 he went fishing with dynamite and a net and he found a bunch of bugs out in the ocean jk1INt_mNvE-00397-00236880-00237528 and so yeah we found existing toolkit bugs just by doing large enough searches and jk1INt_mNvE-00398-00237528-00238064 he found areas of the Smirnoff specification where when you looked at it it was actually incomplete jk1INt_mNvE-00399-00238064-00238519 and so he spearheaded a lot of both development and specification work to shore these up jk1INt_mNvE-00400-00238623-00239144 what I'm showing here is a workflow that's sort of the main use of Interchange for most users jk1INt_mNvE-00401-00239223-00239952 and in this case we're loading a prototype of a protein force field this is ff14sb ported jk1INt_mNvE-00402-00239952-00240528 from Amber into Smirnoff format and we've got a topology that already exists and now instead jk1INt_mNvE-00403-00240528-00240984 of running forcefield.create_openmm system we're running forcefield.create_Interchange jk1INt_mNvE-00404-00241104-00241608 and if we inspect this object that comes out we see it's an Interchange it knows what kind jk1INt_mNvE-00405-00241608-00242288 of potentials it contains and how many atoms and with Interchange you can go and query parameters jk1INt_mNvE-00406-00242288-00242680 directly so if you want to change some bond parameters or see what's assigned where jk1INt_mNvE-00407-00242680-00243088 all of the information is in there and it's accessible through the Interchange api jk1INt_mNvE-00408-00243271-00243928 but what's great is most users don't care and so you can still go right to OpenMM using this jk1INt_mNvE-00409-00243928-00244496 Interchange.to_OpenMM function and you'll get out the same OpenMM system that you would have jk1INt_mNvE-00410-00244496-00245184 by running forcefield.create_openmmm system so to drive this point home jk1INt_mNvE-00411-00245336-00245712 your existing scripts for just about all of our users are going to have a call to jk1INt_mNvE-00412-00245712-00246448 forcefield.create_openmm system where you pass in a chemical topology and now we have the option of jk1INt_mNvE-00413-00246448-00246792 running forcefield.create_Interchange with that same topology jk1INt_mNvE-00414-00246864-00247528 and then running Interchange.2_openmm so this is a meme from the office corporate needs to define the jk1INt_mNvE-00415-00247528-00248088 difference between this picture and that picture they're the same picture and I mean that in more jk1INt_mNvE-00416-00248088-00248719 than a you'll get the same result sort of way I mean now in both cases the same code will be run jk1INt_mNvE-00417-00248840-00249471 so you can trust Interchange to be a core part of your workflow once we get it into the next release jk1INt_mNvE-00418-00249776-00250288 okay so a bigger picture what is Interchange Interchange is a lot of things to a lot of people jk1INt_mNvE-00419-00250416-00250832 in a workflow Interchange is the thing that you have after you've applied a force field jk1INt_mNvE-00420-00250832-00251448 to a molecule but before you've exported that to a specific simulation format you can do all sorts of jk1INt_mNvE-00421-00251448-00251960 manipulations at this stage for example you can combine Interchanges to add in components that jk1INt_mNvE-00422-00251960-00252504 came out of different workflows so for forced field developers Interchange is a way to reach jk1INt_mNvE-00423-00252504-00252967 into a molecule that's already had parameters assigned and modify the physics and that's jk1INt_mNvE-00424-00252967-00253440 going to be really helpful for our fitting team for other people Interchange is going to be our jk1INt_mNvE-00425-00253440-00253823 replacement for ParmEd's conversion functionality kind of like what you see on the slide jk1INt_mNvE-00426-00253976-00254519 some workflows that users want to use are only available starting with Amber and GROMACS format jk1INt_mNvE-00427-00254519-00255016 files and workflow makers will need a way to get their parametrized components into those formats jk1INt_mNvE-00428-00255096-00255712 that's what we hope to offer for them with Interchange at this moment we're only endorsing jk1INt_mNvE-00429-00255712-00256288 fully the OpenMM export route like I said we've done a lot of validation on this and we've proven jk1INt_mNvE-00430-00256288-00256776 that it's equivalent to the existing toolkit behavior but we also have partially featured jk1INt_mNvE-00431-00256776-00257280 Amber and GROMACS exporters in place and we'll be updating you as we develop and validate these more jk1INt_mNvE-00432-00257448-00257840 one thing that's not actually shown in this picture but it's really important nonetheless jk1INt_mNvE-00433-00257840-00258400 is that for machine learning people who want an entire simulation system defined as numerical jk1INt_mNvE-00434-00258400-00259088 arrays there are api points and Interchange that export to vectorized representations but because jk1INt_mNvE-00435-00259088-00259632 there isn't really a single standard destination format for how you'd represent a simulation system jk1INt_mNvE-00436-00259632-00260319 in a machine learning library you may need to access the lower level api to make your custom jk1INt_mNvE-00437-00260319-00260776 exporter that we do have some existing exporters that may work for you just out of the box jk1INt_mNvE-00438-00261271-00261848 so a question that we get a lot about Interchange is well when can I fully replace ParmEd in my jk1INt_mNvE-00439-00261848-00262456 workflow and the answer is that it depends on exactly what you're using ParmED for so this is a jk1INt_mNvE-00440-00262456-00262848 work breakdown structure that Diego helped us make and we've been making these for a few projects jk1INt_mNvE-00441-00262848-00263208 in Open Force Field but they're super technical so we're not going to show any other ones today jk1INt_mNvE-00442-00263304-00263792 but this is the WBS the work breakdown structure for the upcoming Interchange releases jk1INt_mNvE-00443-00263880-00264344 now on the top right is our color guide for the priority of each item so blue is top priority jk1INt_mNvE-00444-00264432-00265008 and then green and then yellow and then purple and you can read these colors as sort of corresponding jk1INt_mNvE-00445-00265008-00265712 to major upcoming Interchange releases so in our work breakdown we've got these branches for the jk1INt_mNvE-00446-00265712-00266296 major simulation engine we've got Amber and GROMACS and OpenMM and under each one we have jk1INt_mNvE-00447-00266296-00267040 a split between export functionality and import functionality and what's important to see here jk1INt_mNvE-00448-00267040-00267584 is that the exporters are all in the top three tiers of priority they're blue green and yellow jk1INt_mNvE-00449-00267928-00268400 but the importers are all in the bottom purple tier and this is because during our early jk1INt_mNvE-00450-00268400-00268944 design work it became clear that imports like making an Interchange from a parmtop or from jk1INt_mNvE-00451-00268944-00269544 a serialized OpenMM system that's going to be way harder than exporting and so jk1INt_mNvE-00452-00269544-00269976 because both directions are valuable we're going to get fully featured exporters working jk1INt_mNvE-00453-00269976-00270520 before we move on to making importers now what that means for you if you're jk1INt_mNvE-00454-00270520-00271072 using ParmEd right now to convert from OpenMM systems made by the Open Force Field toolkit jk1INt_mNvE-00455-00271072-00271744 to an on disk format and you're only doing that for small molecules we call that vanilla and jk1INt_mNvE-00456-00271744-00272112 you can go ahead and start trying to put in Interchange right now we're fairly confident jk1INt_mNvE-00457-00272112-00272472 that you're going to get the right numbers or that there's only a few more bugs to shake out jk1INt_mNvE-00458-00272712-00273296 but then we would call proteins non-vanilla because we need to do some more validation about jk1INt_mNvE-00459-00273296-00273864 how we're handling hierarchy information like residue names and residue numbers and in some jk1INt_mNvE-00460-00273864-00274448 formats we need to resolve issues where residue definitions can be tied to the physical parameters jk1INt_mNvE-00461-00274568-00274912 and that's going to be complex for us because Smirnoff parameter application rules don't know jk1INt_mNvE-00462-00274912-00275352 about residues so we're going to try to get residue handling in as soon as we can jk1INt_mNvE-00463-00275456-00276024 so that you can export the systems made by our next generation of force fields jk1INt_mNvE-00464-00276024-00276608 it's a similar situation with virtual sites we're going to get these in as soon as possible jk1INt_mNvE-00465-00276608-00277088 and we're going to prioritize these higher if it becomes clear that our Rosemary force field will jk1INt_mNvE-00466-00277088-00277624 have virtual sites in it but right now that's a maybe and not a must so if that becomes certain jk1INt_mNvE-00467-00277624-00278008 the priority of the virtual site exporters will go up jk1INt_mNvE-00468-00278256-00278560 but the big thing that want to get across is this message at the bottom and that is jk1INt_mNvE-00469-00278616-00279088 if you're using ParmEd in a workflow to load components from files so if you're loading jk1INt_mNvE-00470-00279088-00279536 a parmtop or if you're loading a serialized OpenMM system and subsequently combining them jk1INt_mNvE-00471-00279592-00280040 then it's going to be a while before you can use Interchange to replace that that's going jk1INt_mNvE-00472-00280040-00280648 to require importers and I would say that those almost certainly will not be supported in 2022. jk1INt_mNvE-00473-00281232-00281672 okay so that's an update on Interchange I did want to talk about now getting into jk1INt_mNvE-00474-00281672-00282240 force field accuracy topics we're looking at the possibility of using virtual sites jk1INt_mNvE-00475-00282240-00282856 in Rosemary or a subsequent force field release so we'd worked on an initial implementation of jk1INt_mNvE-00476-00282856-00283296 virtual sites in the toolkit a few years ago but what we found is that the further we got jk1INt_mNvE-00477-00283296-00283720 into development the more complexity we had to add to handle some really tricky edge cases jk1INt_mNvE-00478-00283904-00284304 and these edge cases were technically allowed in spec but it pretty much indicated that the jk1INt_mNvE-00479-00284304-00284952 user was doing something wrong but we tried hard to accommodate all of these edge cases and the jk1INt_mNvE-00480-00284952-00285384 complexity of this initial implementation ended up being really severe and it made it susceptible to jk1INt_mNvE-00481-00285384-00285992 a lot of bugs so when Simon our previous science lead went to work on virtual sites he kind of jk1INt_mNvE-00482-00285992-00286512 took a machete to this complexity he proposed an update to the Smirnoff specification and he jk1INt_mNvE-00483-00286512-00286952 added a new implementation in the toolkit that just ruled that weird edge cases are unsupported jk1INt_mNvE-00484-00287056-00287520 so Simon did a great job with this refactor it adopts simpler behavior and it doesn't allow jk1INt_mNvE-00485-00287520-00288184 ambiguous uses and even better this refactor was accompanied by some really stringent tests for jk1INt_mNvE-00486-00288184-00288744 parameter assignment and geometry and that will help us keep the complexity in check in the future jk1INt_mNvE-00487-00288864-00289216 and so here we're showing a couple different kinds of virtual sites that can be applied jk1INt_mNvE-00488-00289336-00289696 Lily will talk more about the kinds of virtual sites that are likely to go into our initial jk1INt_mNvE-00489-00289696-00290232 force field but this is sort of a proof that we're doing it right now the geometry looks great jk1INt_mNvE-00490-00290328-00290808 and these are are correctly interacting off-site interaction centers jk1INt_mNvE-00491-00291208-00291592 now as we're preparing to make a protein force field jk1INt_mNvE-00492-00291592-00292096 there are a few new pieces of infrastructure that we'll need to add to the fitting pipeline jk1INt_mNvE-00493-00292096-00292536 now in particular I'm pretty sure that a lot of our users are here because they want to know jk1INt_mNvE-00494-00292536-00292896 if our force fields are going to perform well in predicting binding free energies jk1INt_mNvE-00495-00293088-00293512 so John Chordera was gracious enough to make us an introduction to the Folding at Home team jk1INt_mNvE-00496-00293512-00294024 and by a stroke of luck the Open Free Energy consortium got started right at the same time jk1INt_mNvE-00497-00294080-00294360 so we started working together on making the infrastructure to jk1INt_mNvE-00498-00294360-00294752 regularly run protein ligand binding free energy calculations on Folding at Home jk1INt_mNvE-00499-00294848-00295264 and what I'm showing here is an early working draft of an object diagram jk1INt_mNvE-00500-00295264-00295912 involving a mix of existing Open Force Field components and planned Open Free Energy components jk1INt_mNvE-00501-00296008-00296488 and a lot of these are have a proof of concept implementation or are fully featured jk1INt_mNvE-00502-00296696-00297112 so what's happening is that we're working with Open Free Energy to define the core object jk1INt_mNvE-00503-00297112-00297672 models for their infrastructure we're preparing and formatting some protein ligand data sets jk1INt_mNvE-00504-00297672-00298072 that we can use as standard benchmarks for force fields and we're ensuring that jk1INt_mNvE-00505-00298072-00298536 our infrastructure will be highly interoperable with the Open Free Energy toolkits and workflows jk1INt_mNvE-00506-00298696-00299048 and so this is very early stage that's all I'm going to say about it today we'll have jk1INt_mNvE-00507-00299048-00299472 more to talk about next year or in the coming months but I do want to really encourage you jk1INt_mNvE-00508-00299472-00299848 to tune in to the Open Free Energy team to hear more about what they have coming jk1INt_mNvE-00509-00300360-00300776 okay now the final thing I want to talk about today is adding protein support jk1INt_mNvE-00510-00300776-00301384 to the Open Force Field toolkit by quote supporting proteins I mean a few things jk1INt_mNvE-00511-00301488-00302064 so for one I mean efficiently assigning parameters to very large molecules using chemical perception jk1INt_mNvE-00512-00302064-00302416 which is possible but it's required a bit of refactoring in the toolkit jk1INt_mNvE-00513-00302528-00303024 another thing that it means is adding data fields in logic for handling hierarchy information like jk1INt_mNvE-00514-00303024-00303728 residue names and chains to our core object models but most of all it required doing the one thing jk1INt_mNvE-00515-00303728-00304232 that we keep telling you not to do and that is you cannot make an Open Force Field molecule jk1INt_mNvE-00516-00304232-00304936 from pdb and what we've done is we've made this new api point called Molecule.from_polymer_pdb jk1INt_mNvE-00517-00305024-00305480 that assuming that your input pdb has explicit hydrogens is only made of canonical jk1INt_mNvE-00518-00305480-00306264 amino acids and normal in you know reasonable protonation states and has a correct atom names jk1INt_mNvE-00519-00306264-00306784 we can load that into an Open Force Field toolkit molecule jk1INt_mNvE-00520-00306912-00307352 so you might say well wait why couldn't I load molecules from pdb like RDKit can jk1INt_mNvE-00521-00307352-00307976 do it right here's arginine main chain capped and it looks like things are going well we've jk1INt_mNvE-00522-00307976-00308344 we've identified a formal charge on the side chain and we've got some double bonds here jk1INt_mNvE-00523-00308432-00308632 what's wrong you know you think that everybody wins jk1INt_mNvE-00524-00308912-00309296 but very often with ptb files in the wild you run into trouble jk1INt_mNvE-00525-00309296-00309824 so here we try to load a capped histidine protonated at the delta nitrogen jk1INt_mNvE-00526-00309976-00310432 and here it wasn’t able to recognize any of these bond orders there’s something wrong about jk1INt_mNvE-00527-00310432-00310984 this input and this is a pretty realistic input I believe this came out of Amber tools and so jk1INt_mNvE-00528-00311040-00311632 we have to be a little bit strict in how we handle pdb loading because we don't want to have jk1INt_mNvE-00529-00311688-00312056 fail deadly cases like this where we automatically try to add some information jk1INt_mNvE-00530-00312128-00312464 but we do it wrong and we have no way of warning the user that that happened jk1INt_mNvE-00531-00312808-00313192 so the fundamental issue is that a pdb file doesn't contain jk1INt_mNvE-00532-00313192-00313672 all of the connection table information that we need so instead it's defined that jk1INt_mNvE-00533-00313672-00314184 certain atoms with certain names in certain residues should match up with an authoritative jk1INt_mNvE-00534-00314184-00314616 template for this residue and that that template will fill in the bond orders and formal charges jk1INt_mNvE-00535-00314912-00315224 now that authoritative reference is the RCSB jk1INt_mNvE-00536-00315224-00315632 chemical components dictionary so in conjunction with OpenMM's jk1INt_mNvE-00537-00315632-00316184 very strict pdb reader we've put together functionality in the Open Force Field toolkit jk1INt_mNvE-00538-00316184-00316632 that parses the chemical components dictionary to load the connection table information that we need jk1INt_mNvE-00539-00316712-00317152 so to us a protein is just a really large calculate structure suitable for Smirnoff jk1INt_mNvE-00540-00317152-00317640 parameter assignment and while you might say you know wow that's a lot of work for something that jk1INt_mNvE-00541-00317640-00318216 RDKit could kind of do already what's even more exciting is that building this infrastructure jk1INt_mNvE-00542-00318216-00318736 for proteins opens the door for us to load and parameterize user-defined polymers in the jk1INt_mNvE-00543-00318736-00319760 future so I want to take a quick detour and show you what a loaded protein looks like in jk1INt_mNvE-00544-00319760-00320432 the Open Force Field toolkit in the first box here I'm showing our residue iterator jk1INt_mNvE-00545-00320432-00320952 and I have this philosophy that as you move away from the pdb specification and towards anybody jk1INt_mNvE-00546-00320952-00321512 holding a force field the odds that you can find to people that agree on what a residue is it jk1INt_mNvE-00547-00321512-00322112 becomes astronomically unlikely so we expose this default residue iterator it's very lightweight jk1INt_mNvE-00548-00322112-00322616 you can customize it if you like and we expose these default iterators for residues and chains jk1INt_mNvE-00549-00322688-00323096 they're really just there for your convenience in the Open Force Field toolkit we still jk1INt_mNvE-00550-00323096-00323408 for a parameter assignment we only look at the graph jk1INt_mNvE-00551-00323408-00323776 and so these residues don't affect parameter assignment in the Open Force Field toolkit jk1INt_mNvE-00552-00324008-00324552 these residue objects also have a little api where you can query their atoms and a few other things jk1INt_mNvE-00553-00324616-00324984 and we're hoping that this will make it more convenient to deal with proteins in the toolkit jk1INt_mNvE-00554-00325288-00325792 we've also done significant work to build in logic for conversions and round trips so that hierarchy jk1INt_mNvE-00555-00325792-00326464 information will survive going to other formats in the first box we are sending a Open Force Field jk1INt_mNvE-00556-00326464-00327032 molecule and topology over to OpenMM and we see that OpenMM does recognize that there's one chain jk1INt_mNvE-00557-00327032-00327576 there's some number of residues and you know the atoms and bonds and if we go further into that jk1INt_mNvE-00558-00327576-00328128 OpenMM topology and we ask about a specific atom that atom knows about its its residue information jk1INt_mNvE-00559-00328360-00328736 and this is sort of a similar thing here instead of OpenMM we've sent that protein to jk1INt_mNvE-00560-00328736-00329288 an RDMol and we can query the atoms of that RDMol and we see that they know their their residue jk1INt_mNvE-00561-00329288-00329904 information so this functionality is really exciting we're just finishing off the final stages jk1INt_mNvE-00562-00329904-00330368 before we put this in a production release so you can try out the pre-alpha now and we jk1INt_mNvE-00563-00330368-00330824 expect to begin a one-month RC period in the next week or two and then to have the final release jk1INt_mNvE-00564-00331144-00331696 okay so at this point you sat through a boring rant about pdbs maybe some of you people are weird jk1INt_mNvE-00565-00331696-00332136 and you like that and then you looked at a bunch of pictures of Jupiter notebooks and so I'd feel jk1INt_mNvE-00566-00332136-00332648 wrong if I let you go home empty-handed thinking that that's all that we had for pdb functionality jk1INt_mNvE-00567-00332768-00333216 so as part of our alpha testing for the next toolkit release I asked our scientific jk1INt_mNvE-00568-00333216-00333888 communicator Josh who's been laboring away thanklessly for months on documentation pros jk1INt_mNvE-00569-00333888-00334448 and page margins and color shades to double check that our infrastructure would eventually be able jk1INt_mNvE-00570-00334448-00334976 to handle non-standard proteins and so what I'm going to show you is very pre-production jk1INt_mNvE-00571-00334976-00335352 but if you'd like to learn more we could run a follow-up workshop on this topic jk1INt_mNvE-00572-00335352-00335640 and you can we'll make sure that you can vote for it in the coming poll jk1INt_mNvE-00573-00335896-00336432 okay so here's an alpha helix on the left this is five alanines a cysteine and then five more jk1INt_mNvE-00574-00336432-00337152 alanines and here's a dye and this is called fluorescein 5-maleimide and it's got this bond jk1INt_mNvE-00575-00337152-00337648 in the red circle and this bond really likes to stick to cysteines so with a little connection jk1INt_mNvE-00576-00337648-00337992 table manipulation we can combine these to make the product of their coupling shown jk1INt_mNvE-00577-00337992-00338672 here on the right so this central cysteine in the alpha helix has gained a bond to the dye jk1INt_mNvE-00578-00338864-00339456 well it would be really neat if we could simulate this but if I look from the perspective of any jk1INt_mNvE-00579-00339456-00340000 single force field you know a normal protein force field would look and say no thanks you jk1INt_mNvE-00580-00340000-00340384 know I can't deal with this messy modified amino acid in the middle I don't recognize that thing jk1INt_mNvE-00581-00340600-00340952 and if I look from the perspective of just a small molecule force field it's going to say jk1INt_mNvE-00582-00341008-00341440 well yeah sure I suppose I could handle that but you know I'll put some numbers jk1INt_mNvE-00583-00341440-00341784 on these alanines and these backbone torsions but it's not going to be pretty jk1INt_mNvE-00584-00341864-00342360 and so if only there was some way to let the protein force field handle the stuff that it knows jk1INt_mNvE-00585-00342360-00342728 and then anything that it can't cover to delegate that to the small molecule force field jk1INt_mNvE-00586-00342992-00343416 well an interesting thing about this Smirnoff format we keep talking about jk1INt_mNvE-00587-00343488-00343912 is that they act directly on calculate structures so they don't care about atom types or residues jk1INt_mNvE-00588-00344064-00344488 and you can actually if you read the fine print you can add two Smirnoff jk1INt_mNvE-00589-00344488-00344920 force fields together and when you do that you put the parameters that you want to be generic jk1INt_mNvE-00590-00344920-00345272 in the first force field and the parameters that you want to be specific jk1INt_mNvE-00591-00345272-00345672 that will override the generic parameters you put those in the second force field jk1INt_mNvE-00592-00345800-00346472 so we could in theory load a small molecule force field like Sage and then append a protein force jk1INt_mNvE-00593-00346472-00346920 field and the molecules that this combined force field parametrizes would get protein jk1INt_mNvE-00594-00346920-00347416 parameters for the recognized residues and small molecule parameters for the unrecognized residues jk1INt_mNvE-00595-00347664-00348008 well and like I mentioned before it just so happens that we worked jk1INt_mNvE-00596-00348008-00348520 with Dave Cerutti a while ago to make a Smirnoff format port of Amber's ff14sb jk1INt_mNvE-00597-00348592-00349024 where the parameters were based on SMIRKS patterns that looked for entire amino acids jk1INt_mNvE-00598-00349120-00349832 so we can make a single force field by joining Sage to this port of Amber's ff14sb jk1INt_mNvE-00599-00350168-00350728 and it basically just worked on the left I'm showing all the bonds that were assigned to this jk1INt_mNvE-00600-00350728-00351360 modified protein of interest and which force field they came from so all of the bonds and angles and jk1INt_mNvE-00601-00351360-00351792 torsions and van der waals terms were successfully assigned from either the small molecule or the jk1INt_mNvE-00602-00351792-00352288 protein force field and the protein-looking parts the alanines and the the backbone jk1INt_mNvE-00603-00352368-00352920 got protein parameters those are in yellow for Amber and the unrecognized parts got Sage jk1INt_mNvE-00604-00352920-00353464 parameters those are in green and in this case it's actually kind of interesting to see that the jk1INt_mNvE-00605-00353536-00354008 cysteine got protein parameters even though they're part of a larger modified residue jk1INt_mNvE-00606-00354008-00354664 because the substructure happens to look exactly like CYX the dyed sulfide bonded cysteine residues jk1INt_mNvE-00607-00354896-00355424 but then all of the modified like all of the dye and the modified amino acid got valence jk1INt_mNvE-00608-00355424-00355872 parameters from Sage now the partial charges were a bit trickier because we didn't have a jk1INt_mNvE-00609-00355872-00356448 library charge for the modified amino acid so over here on the right we had to go and do a separate jk1INt_mNvE-00610-00356448-00356912 step where we made a library charge by splicing out the modified residue and then capping and jk1INt_mNvE-00611-00356912-00357504 charging it using AM1BCC then turning that into a new library charge in this combined force field jk1INt_mNvE-00612-00357976-00358488 and here it is simulating the things that seem like they should be planar stay planar jk1INt_mNvE-00613-00358488-00358864 nothing unfolds and so things don't look too bad at all jk1INt_mNvE-00614-00359040-00359552 we would love to run a force field workshop on hackery like this and so you can feel free to jk1INt_mNvE-00615-00359552-00360056 vote for this in the follow-up polls I'll say at this point we wouldn't recommend that you actually jk1INt_mNvE-00616-00360056-00360664 use this workflow for publishing or anything Sage and ff14sb have never met so combining jk1INt_mNvE-00617-00360664-00361336 them is maybe a little bit scientifically dubious not to mention that our ff14sb port is jk1INt_mNvE-00618-00361424-00362104 a little bit unwieldy but the protein force but the the force field combinations that we did here jk1INt_mNvE-00619-00362104-00362560 are very similar to how we're going to be making the Rosemary force field we're hoping jk1INt_mNvE-00620-00362560-00363128 to use parameter overriding to titrate in a small number of protein-specific parameters jk1INt_mNvE-00621-00363128-00363632 into a small molecule force field like Sage to wind up with a force field that captures the jk1INt_mNvE-00622-00363632-00364184 most important aspects of protein structure while also remaining well-suited for small molecules jk1INt_mNvE-00623-00364296-00364832 so on this high note I'm going to turn over the talk to Lily to talk about the details jk1INt_mNvE-00624-00364832-00365584 of exactly how we're going to be making Rosemary and what else is on the road map for the future jk1INt_mNvE-00625-00365648-00366488 thank you Jeff so hi everyone I'm Lily I just joined Open Force Field at the start jk1INt_mNvE-00626-00366488-00367008 of this month as the science lead and today I'd just like to show some of the amazing jk1INt_mNvE-00627-00367008-00367448 work that the science team has done over the past year what we're currently working on jk1INt_mNvE-00628-00367544-00368384 and some exciting future developments to come that is if I can change this slide jk1INt_mNvE-00629-00368576-00369248 uh oh you may need to click in the window to get it yeah no I am doing that jk1INt_mNvE-00630-00369504-00369784 let me cut off and ensure you try again jk1INt_mNvE-00631-00370008-00370176 okay could you request once more jk1INt_mNvE-00632-00370424-00371320 oh great cool so at the last meeting Simon introduced the development that went into jk1INt_mNvE-00633-00371320-00371888 the Sage force field which was released at the end of august as David and Jeff jk1INt_mNvE-00634-00371888-00372424 have both introduced our next big goal is the release of a bipolymer force field Rosemary jk1INt_mNvE-00635-00372744-00373216 Rosemary will be the first OpenFF force field to incorporate parameters that support proteins jk1INt_mNvE-00636-00373216-00373984 and other biopolymers alongside small molecules Jeff I still seem to be able to change slides jk1INt_mNvE-00637-00374056-00375384 oh I'm sorry let me restart the share and then we can take one more try jk1INt_mNvE-00638-00375448-00375600 okay can you request once more jk1INt_mNvE-00639-00376456-00377376 oh is that me yep that's you okay yeah fantastic thank you yeah sorry about that cool yeah so the jk1INt_mNvE-00640-00377376-00378136 next big goal is Rosemary which has been really a massive project it's been led and driven by jk1INt_mNvE-00641-00378136-00378736 Chapin Cavender but honestly many people across the entire organization have contributed to the jk1INt_mNvE-00642-00378736-00379224 science and the infrastructure and all the other needs of building operating force field jk1INt_mNvE-00643-00379360-00380184 for example as has been shown by Jeff a crucial part of this project is an efficient intuitive jk1INt_mNvE-00644-00380184-00380784 fully featured interface for working with proteins in the OpenFF toolkit and to build this OpenFF jk1INt_mNvE-00645-00380784-00381248 script out all the necessary features by listening to and working with stakeholders in the community jk1INt_mNvE-00646-00381304-00381744 so the infrastructure team particularly Jeff and Ivan spent a significant part of jk1INt_mNvE-00647-00381744-00382144 the last year on this really incredible refactor and extension of the toolkit jk1INt_mNvE-00648-00382200-00382560 and the result is the impressive support that Jeff has just shown jk1INt_mNvE-00649-00382728-00383160 and the additional software features are really just one part of the Rosemary project jk1INt_mNvE-00650-00383160-00383808 with Rosemary we are focusing on adding several new biopolymer specific parameters such as the jk1INt_mNvE-00651-00383808-00384488 backbone torsions in a protein to fit these new parameters we've really been able to jk1INt_mNvE-00652-00384576-00385200 capitalize on the existing quantum chemistry pipelines laid out before to systematically jk1INt_mNvE-00653-00385200-00385688 generate testing and training data such as optimized geometries and torsion profiles jk1INt_mNvE-00654-00385768-00386384 and this itself has been kind of a back and forth process where as you generate this QM data we use jk1INt_mNvE-00655-00386384-00386960 it to guide us on selecting which parameters to optimize and where we might need to generate more jk1INt_mNvE-00656-00386960-00387816 data to look more into the science so for example one question we've had to ask is how specifically jk1INt_mNvE-00657-00387816-00388360 should a single torsion parameter apply with the Smirnoff format we can choose to model jk1INt_mNvE-00658-00388360-00389184 all protein torsions or protein backbone torsions with say one parameter or to have different unique jk1INt_mNvE-00659-00389184-00389672 torsions depending on the side chain involved or possibly even the rotameric form of the side chain jk1INt_mNvE-00660-00389864-00390328 so to look into this Chapin computed torsion drives of several capped peptides jk1INt_mNvE-00661-00390440-00390920 he looked particularly at one rotamer of alanine two rotamers of proline and two jk1INt_mNvE-00662-00390920-00391680 rotamers of tryptophan to see how how different the energy profiles were between them so jk1INt_mNvE-00663-00391760-00392120 the side chains were constrained to the particular rotameric forms jk1INt_mNvE-00664-00392120-00392712 and the QM energy was calculated at various phi angles on the x-axis and psi angles on the y-axis jk1INt_mNvE-00665-00392848-00393832 he looked at he also labeled the secondary structure motifs on this plot jk1INt_mNvE-00666-00393832-00394464 so with alanine the torsion drive pretty much looks as we expect with minima at the jk1INt_mNvE-00667-00394464-00395440 gauche confirmations when he looks at the most populated rotamer of tryptophan it actually does jk1INt_mNvE-00668-00395440-00396064 look quite similar to alanine except for this additional minimum here at about psi equals zero jk1INt_mNvE-00669-00396144-00396384 which is likely driven by the bulky side chain jk1INt_mNvE-00670-00396576-00397024 looking at the second rotamer of tryptophan however we see quite a dramatic difference jk1INt_mNvE-00671-00397176-00397592 for example this minimum at psi equals zero has flipped to about 180 degrees here jk1INt_mNvE-00672-00397720-00398304 and the differences are particularly highlighted if you plot the energy the profiles of the energy jk1INt_mNvE-00673-00398304-00398992 differences so the difference between the tryptophan rotamer is on top is much jk1INt_mNvE-00674-00398992-00399512 more dramatic in scale than between the most populated rotamers of tryptophan and alanine jk1INt_mNvE-00675-00399720-00400080 ultimately though while looking at these QM energy profiles is useful jk1INt_mNvE-00676-00400144-00400912 what OpenFF actually cares about is whether we can follow and reproduce the shape of this energy jk1INt_mNvE-00677-00400912-00401424 profile with MM parameters specifically with some number of torsion parameters jk1INt_mNvE-00678-00401608-00402512 so therefore it's probably more useful to compare the different rotamers looking at a few different jk1INt_mNvE-00679-00402512-00403400 targets the differences in RMSE between the energy profiles of the QM energy of the MM energy as jk1INt_mNvE-00680-00403400-00403944 computed by the Sage force field and of the MM target the target that we're looking at here is jk1INt_mNvE-00681-00403944-00404416 the difference between the QM and the MM energies but without the torsion parameters involved jk1INt_mNvE-00682-00404472-00404888 so the target is basically the energy that we would use to fit a torsion parameter jk1INt_mNvE-00683-00405104-00405480 so interestingly if we look at just the differences between jk1INt_mNvE-00684-00405480-00406224 rotamers of the same side chain and also alanine and tryptophan we see that the RMSE is actually jk1INt_mNvE-00685-00406224-00406880 quite low between the MM targets which implies that they actually wind up being fairly similar jk1INt_mNvE-00686-00407104-00407584 once you look at either rotamer of proline with any other side chain however jk1INt_mNvE-00687-00407752-00408600 the differences increase dramatically so given the relatively small differences between rotamers jk1INt_mNvE-00688-00408600-00409152 but the large differences between proline and every other side chain the initial plan for jk1INt_mNvE-00689-00409152-00409743 Rosemary was has been decided to train backbone torsions individually for each side chain jk1INt_mNvE-00690-00409888-00410464 and to generate some rotamaric data for validation but to jk1INt_mNvE-00691-00410464-00411064 treat the possibility of fitting the independent torsions as a goal for a future release jk1INt_mNvE-00692-00411272-00411888 so this QM data is still being generated once that's completed Rosemary will move on to the jk1INt_mNvE-00693-00411888-00412535 fitting stage and here the currently existing small molecule parameters and the new protein jk1INt_mNvE-00694-00412535-00413232 parameters will be fit at the same time so that the entire force field is self-consistent jk1INt_mNvE-00695-00413232-00413888 and that brings us to the final but very essential part of the Rosemary project the benchmarking jk1INt_mNvE-00696-00413888-00414600 stage Chapin has been leading a huge effort to curate the experimental datasets for evaluating jk1INt_mNvE-00697-00414600-00415143 protein force fields based on discussions with domain experts in the theoretical and jk1INt_mNvE-00698-00415143-00415808 experimental community we've decided for now to focus on NMR observables such as chemical jk1INt_mNvE-00699-00415808-00416400 shifts and scalar couplings and as Jeff said earlier we're also working with Open Free Energy jk1INt_mNvE-00700-00416504-00416992 to automate protein ligand binding free energies which are being designed to run on Folding at Home jk1INt_mNvE-00701-00417112-00417496 so since Rosemary will be a single force field that can handle both proteins and jk1INt_mNvE-00702-00417496-00418104 small molecule ligands this will provide a means for routine benchmarking against jk1INt_mNvE-00703-00418104-00418504 standard protein ligand datasets so this will give us confidence jk1INt_mNvE-00704-00418504-00419000 that our parameters can provide accurate results and can also be used for diversity of targets jk1INt_mNvE-00705-00419360-00419816 besides the fitting of printing parameters the team at Open Force Field has been working on jk1INt_mNvE-00706-00419816-00420224 many other projects alongside exploring the many other aspects of force field jk1INt_mNvE-00707-00420224-00420728 fitting the parameters of a force field can be broken down into three groups jk1INt_mNvE-00708-00420847-00421224 which have actually aligned with the major focus of each force field released so far jk1INt_mNvE-00709-00421288-00421696 the valence parameters which were refit and Parsley the van der waals parameters which jk1INt_mNvE-00710-00421696-00422312 were refit in Sage along with another valence refit and now we're looking at the electrostatics jk1INt_mNvE-00711-00422439-00422960 we're currently working on two major projects that may or may not make it into Rosemary depending on jk1INt_mNvE-00712-00422960-00423535 how confident we are about the quality but that we think will be hugely valuable going forward jk1INt_mNvE-00713-00423600-00424384 and the first is moving away from QM-based methods for electrostatic method for electrostatics jk1INt_mNvE-00714-00424496-00424768 towards using machine learning models such as jk1INt_mNvE-00715-00424880-00425160 graph convolutional networks for predicting partial charges jk1INt_mNvE-00716-00425512-00426000 so graph charges and graph models as a whole are very appealing for a couple of reasons jk1INt_mNvE-00717-00426135-00426768 firstly especially in light of the forthcoming release of Rosemary they jk1INt_mNvE-00718-00426824-00427447 are likely to scale much better to larger molecules than QM methods it would be very useful jk1INt_mNvE-00719-00427447-00428016 to be able to apply an efficient unified charge model to both macromolecules and small molecules jk1INt_mNvE-00720-00428143-00428743 the AM1BCC method that we currently use becomes quite slow for molecules larger than 150 atoms jk1INt_mNvE-00721-00428743-00429200 and it's really prohibitively expensive for anything on the scale of proteins jk1INt_mNvE-00722-00429360-00430056 secondly the known flaw of QM-based methods and AM1BCC is that they give us charges that are jk1INt_mNvE-00723-00430056-00430688 conformer-dependent so the same molecule can get different charges you know if different conformers jk1INt_mNvE-00724-00430688-00431200 are generated and this does affect simulation results and makes them a bit less reproducible jk1INt_mNvE-00725-00431264-00431720 so with a properly trained graph network model we may be able to support generating partial jk1INt_mNvE-00726-00431720-00432408 charges that have the same quality as AM1BCC but do not show this conformer dependence jk1INt_mNvE-00727-00432496-00433128 and could be much faster so over the past year Simon and the infrastructure team have jk1INt_mNvE-00728-00433128-00433647 put together a few software tools both for training graph models and for applying them jk1INt_mNvE-00729-00433647-00434216 with the OpenFF toolkit and we're now looking at answering scientific questions such as jk1INt_mNvE-00730-00434216-00434728 what would be the best features to incorporate initially and selecting relevant hyperparameters jk1INt_mNvE-00731-00435104-00435624 this project is quite exciting because graph models as a whole just show a lot of promise with jk1INt_mNvE-00732-00435624-00436304 force fields the Espaloma project and package spearheaded by Yuanqing Wang has been able to jk1INt_mNvE-00733-00436304-00436760 learn and predict not just partial charges but also valence parameters simultaneously jk1INt_mNvE-00734-00436824-00437384 and it's been able to produce self-consistent biopolymer and small molecular force field jk1INt_mNvE-00735-00437384-00438039 parameters that perform quite well on test protein the consistence and in fact really jk1INt_mNvE-00736-00438039-00438656 excitingly Espaloma has been able to predict AM1BCC partial charges with lower error than jk1INt_mNvE-00737-00438656-00439256 the differences between the toolkit backends used by Open Force Field so that's really encouraging jk1INt_mNvE-00738-00439335-00439776 and it might mean that we should soon move to a similar charge model given well all the other jk1INt_mNvE-00739-00439776-00440376 advantages of this approach such as scalability and giving it's conformer-independent charges jk1INt_mNvE-00740-00440704-00441320 the second big electrostatics project I'd like to talk about is adding off-site jk1INt_mNvE-00741-00441320-00442104 charges with virtual sites so it's quite difficult for the classical atom centered jk1INt_mNvE-00742-00442296-00443096 fixed charge model to accurately represent parts of the electrostatic surface around the molecule jk1INt_mNvE-00743-00443096-00443639 so for example this methyl bromide has a sigma hole here on the electrostatic surface jk1INt_mNvE-00744-00443935-00444943 at HF/6-31G* that is if however you project a surface the surface generated by atom jk1INt_mNvE-00745-00444943-00445576 centered AM1BCC charges like these in Sage the sigma hole is missing jk1INt_mNvE-00746-00445856-00446335 this and similar issues can result in clear and systematic errors in simulation properties such jk1INt_mNvE-00747-00446335-00447192 as hydration free energies so knowing that we can add virtual sites to improve the anisotropy jk1INt_mNvE-00748-00447272-00447672 and gives an electrostatic surface that corresponds with the QM much more closely jk1INt_mNvE-00749-00447672-00448280 seems like a clear direction forward for improving our simulation results jk1INt_mNvE-00750-00448496-00448935 so following this hypothesis the team at Open Force Field primarily Simon jk1INt_mNvE-00751-00448935-00449584 Owen and Trevor have been working towards the goal of adding virtual sites to a foster release jk1INt_mNvE-00752-00449720-00450304 as discussed by Jeff the OpenFF toolkit now has robust support for virtual sites jk1INt_mNvE-00753-00450304-00450672 and we're now able to train and test a set of virtual site jk1INt_mNvE-00754-00450672-00451592 parameters and a proof of concept study on the enthalpy of mixing of halogens and pyridines was jk1INt_mNvE-00755-00451592-00452343 quite promising in both releases of OpenFF force field so far with mixtures containing chlorine the jk1INt_mNvE-00756-00452343-00452872 enthalpy of mixing is systematically overestimated in simulation compared to the experimental value jk1INt_mNvE-00757-00452976-00453480 adding virtual sites and retraining the charges brought these properties much more in line with jk1INt_mNvE-00758-00453480-00454432 experimental values we saw a similar effect with heteroaromatics so these data points over here jk1INt_mNvE-00759-00454432-00455032 are mixtures of pyridine and pyrrole in both OpenFF releases the enthalpies of mixing are jk1INt_mNvE-00760-00455032-00455647 calculated at about zero in simulation even though they have much lower values in experiment jk1INt_mNvE-00761-00455856-00456439 again adding virtual sites brought them much more in line with experiment but it jk1INt_mNvE-00762-00456439-00456776 did actually worsen the enthalpies of mixing of these data points here jk1INt_mNvE-00763-00456839-00457504 so while this proof of concept is quite promising and exciting there's still a jk1INt_mNvE-00764-00457504-00457984 bit of work to do before virtual sites can make it into a general force field release jk1INt_mNvE-00765-00458200-00458847 in terms of benchmarks as David has said it was quite encouraging to see that adding virtual sites jk1INt_mNvE-00766-00458847-00459488 resulted in generally modest improvements overall for our benchmarks looking at the jk1INt_mNvE-00767-00459488-00460080 calculated energy geometry and torsion fingerprint metrics over the standard industry benchmark set jk1INt_mNvE-00768-00460152-00460935 and this was sorry again particularly surprising for the gas phase energetics as we hadn't really jk1INt_mNvE-00769-00460935-00461312 expected to see a lot of improvement here making this even more encouraging jk1INt_mNvE-00770-00461616-00462200 so yeah we're quite excited about these three projects virtual sites graph charge models and jk1INt_mNvE-00771-00462200-00462847 the protein parameters but a lot more has been going on in parallel and the dedicated jk1INt_mNvE-00772-00462847-00463335 team at Open Force Field has been running many other studies into advancing our force fields jk1INt_mNvE-00773-00463447-00463752 and these can these have looked at quite fundamental questions such as jk1INt_mNvE-00774-00463752-00464072 the modifications that we can make to the force field feeding process jk1INt_mNvE-00775-00464072-00464568 and even what level of theory that we should be using to generate the QM data that we use to fit jk1INt_mNvE-00776-00464824-00465384 and this was a necessary question to ask because we do want to ensure that we are jk1INt_mNvE-00777-00465384-00465943 using the best method possible to get the best data possible for training our force fields jk1INt_mNvE-00778-00466000-00466504 and there are hundreds of post-hartree-fock methods basis sets and functionals that could jk1INt_mNvE-00779-00466504-00467128 all be used and they all vary in accuracy and over chemical regions and computational cost jk1INt_mNvE-00780-00467360-00467952 Hyesu and Pavan curated a set of molecules covering a diverse range of chemistry and jk1INt_mNvE-00781-00467952-00468384 calculated torsion profiles using a number of different methods shown here jk1INt_mNvE-00782-00468504-00468968 and after doing all that work surprisingly they found that the current default method jk1INt_mNvE-00783-00468968-00469728 that we're already using actually work quite well that's B3LYP-D3BJ with a double-zeta basis set jk1INt_mNvE-00784-00470000-00470800 where the RMSE in torsion profiles was only about 0.1 kilocalories per mole jk1INt_mNvE-00785-00470912-00471176 worse than the best functional that they tested jk1INt_mNvE-00786-00471256-00471920 and quite importantly it was also the fastest function that they tested so given this optimal jk1INt_mNvE-00787-00471920-00472456 balance between quality and speed we decided to keep using this method for generating QM data jk1INt_mNvE-00788-00472856-00473224 so looking back at the overall fitting pipeline we've also been looking at updates jk1INt_mNvE-00789-00473224-00473696 to the fitting process itself this included both the initial values that we use to fit jk1INt_mNvE-00790-00473696-00474184 and updates to how we construct the target and and objective function for optimization jk1INt_mNvE-00791-00474504-00474856 the first project looking at initial values solves a couple of different problems jk1INt_mNvE-00792-00474928-00475288 when Parsley was released we realized that our fitting procedure jk1INt_mNvE-00793-00475432-00475952 had been resulting in unphysically low sulfonamide valence angles especially in stimulation jk1INt_mNvE-00794-00476024-00476552 and that actually these angles have been getting lower with each force field release this struggle jk1INt_mNvE-00795-00476552-00477056 was fixed in Sage by excluding vibrational frequency targets when fitting parameters so jk1INt_mNvE-00796-00477056-00477584 a different update to the force field fitting process but another systematic solution jk1INt_mNvE-00797-00477647-00478256 is to use the modified Seminario method to derive initial bond and angular and angular values from jk1INt_mNvE-00798-00478256-00479008 the QM Hessian matrix instead this gives us much more physically intuitive bonds and angles and jk1INt_mNvE-00799-00479008-00479680 actually also results in some improvement on the geometry targets on our standard benchmark set jk1INt_mNvE-00800-00480000-00480488 this was actually part of a systematic exploration of potential updates to the fitting process jk1INt_mNvE-00801-00480592-00480880 another thing we looked at as David mentioned earlier was also jk1INt_mNvE-00802-00481088-00481560 explicitly including dihedral deviations when we fit to optimize geometry targets jk1INt_mNvE-00803-00481656-00482104 combining this change with the modified Seminario method to the fitting process jk1INt_mNvE-00804-00482104-00482456 showed greater improvements in the geometry and torsion fingerprint jk1INt_mNvE-00805-00482600-00483168 benchmarks than either change alone so these are really great examples of advances that we jk1INt_mNvE-00806-00483168-00483688 can make to force fields without needing new parameters or input data but just by tweaking jk1INt_mNvE-00807-00483688-00484176 the fitting process itself and measuring performance on standard benchmarks jk1INt_mNvE-00808-00484335-00484704 and we have quite a few other studies for improving force field fittings jk1INt_mNvE-00809-00484792-00485432 in the works one really cool direction is applying surrogate modeling to an optimization process jk1INt_mNvE-00810-00485535-00486568 here instead of using simulation data to optimize as we currently are the simulations are first used jk1INt_mNvE-00811-00486568-00487080 instead to construct the surrogate model the surrogate model is optimized instead jk1INt_mNvE-00812-00487168-00487784 and the solution is checked kind of iteratively using simulations before a solution is accepted jk1INt_mNvE-00813-00488024-00488328 this addresses two problems with our current optimization process jk1INt_mNvE-00814-00488392-00488920 firstly that it's quite likely that the solutions we currently get from our simulation-based models jk1INt_mNvE-00815-00488920-00489632 are in relatively close local minima and secondly that training to jk1INt_mNvE-00816-00489632-00490184 simulation-based physical properties is just quite expensive computationally jk1INt_mNvE-00817-00490256-00490776 so Owen has carried out a really exciting proof of concept study where he used surrogate modeling jk1INt_mNvE-00818-00490776-00491432 to refit van der Waals' parameters from the first partly force field this surrogate fit resulted in jk1INt_mNvE-00819-00491432-00492376 a much lower objective function as shown in this the black crosses here and also gave sigma and jk1INt_mNvE-00820-00492376-00492920 epsilon values that were dramatically changed from the initial Parsley force field so this is pretty jk1INt_mNvE-00821-00492920-00493647 cool it suggests that optimization did manage to at least explore different minima so we're quite jk1INt_mNvE-00822-00493647-00494384 excited to explore surrogate modeling further and see how it can improve how we fit our force fields jk1INt_mNvE-00823-00494535-00494984 another direction that could really change up our process is Trevor's jk1INt_mNvE-00824-00494984-00495784 work on using automated chemical perception to determine parameters to fit in the force field jk1INt_mNvE-00825-00495888-00496352 so basically this is starting this is the idea that you can start from jk1INt_mNvE-00826-00496416-00496920 one very general parameter such as one for every single bond or angle of torsion in the jk1INt_mNvE-00827-00496920-00497520 force field and split it out automatically to apply to different chemistries as needed jk1INt_mNvE-00828-00497600-00498016 this would be much more systematic and efficient than the manual process that we currently follow jk1INt_mNvE-00829-00498208-00498720 it would hopefully reduce the likelihood of grouping dissimilar parameters together with jk1INt_mNvE-00830-00498720-00499543 overly broad parameters or supporting redundant values and yeah in fact Trevor's been doing a lot jk1INt_mNvE-00831-00499543-00500208 of work on an alkane data set and when comparing it to Sage he's shown that we can achieve close jk1INt_mNvE-00832-00500208-00500696 force field fits with much fewer bonds and angle parameters than the Sage force field currently has jk1INt_mNvE-00833-00500800-00501384 so there's a lot of room for automated parameter perception to really advance our force fields jk1INt_mNvE-00834-00501608-00502056 and yeah there are more projects many more that Open Force Field is working on jk1INt_mNvE-00835-00502056-00502743 that we can really show here just to name a few and I will note that the dotted lines jk1INt_mNvE-00836-00502743-00503368 here don't quite correspond with Jeff's these projects are definitely well like jk1INt_mNvE-00837-00503616-00504024 have already been started and have already had a lot of work and effort invested into them jk1INt_mNvE-00838-00504504-00505376 some of the works here look at tweaking the parameters themselves like explicitly in jk1INt_mNvE-00839-00505376-00506288 your writing torsion multiplicities work done by Jessica Maat and Pavan Bahara or using Wiberg Bond jk1INt_mNvE-00840-00506288-00506968 Orders to interpolate improper torsions and we're also looking at using internal coordinate Hessians jk1INt_mNvE-00841-00506968-00507696 as fitting targets in optimization work that was originally started by Hyesu Jang jk1INt_mNvE-00842-00507839-00508384 so yeah we believe that everything on this page and all of these directions that we're exploring jk1INt_mNvE-00843-00508384-00508847 will be really valuable in advancing our force fields and our process and hopefully will show jk1INt_mNvE-00844-00508847-00509520 up in a force field release in the coming future and we're always looking around for more ideas jk1INt_mNvE-00845-00509520-00509943 so please do stay for the discussion at the end of the keynote if you have ideas on where we should jk1INt_mNvE-00846-00509943-00510496 go after Rosemary but different projects will require more or less effort for varying levels of jk1INt_mNvE-00847-00510496-00510992 payoff so we do have to choose which to prioritize with the resources that we have available jk1INt_mNvE-00848-00511056-00511384 and this kind of planning is an organization level decision jk1INt_mNvE-00849-00511560-00512320 and something that we really depend on Diego for so with that I'll hand over to Diego for a broader jk1INt_mNvE-00850-00512320-00512800 perspective on the long-term goals of Open Force Field and the strategy that we need to get there jk1INt_mNvE-00851-00513256-00514239 thank you so much Lily yeah hi everyone I'm Diego Nolasco I'm the scientific project manager jk1INt_mNvE-00852-00514312-00515008 at OMSF and for now I'm being shared between OpenFF and OpenFE and jk1INt_mNvE-00853-00515096-00515728 it's been a really cool journey for me since January so jk1INt_mNvE-00854-00515896-00516904 today i'm not talking about project management I'm talking about a little bit about strategy and the jk1INt_mNvE-00855-00517000-00517920 OpenFF initiative is a Sci-Tech organization and in this way our endeavor involves both science jk1INt_mNvE-00856-00517920-00518752 and technology we can divide our efforts into two equally important fronts making our models jk1INt_mNvE-00857-00518960-00520328 more accurate/useful and providing additional features/functionalities for our users jk1INt_mNvE-00858-00520416-00521056 the balance between these two possibilities is defined only by the jk1INt_mNvE-00859-00521056-00521784 amount of resources available to us if we choose to be a low-cost institution jk1INt_mNvE-00860-00522160-00522624 we will be forced to commit ourselves sorry to interrupt Diego jk1INt_mNvE-00861-00522624-00522992 yeah you need to you need to click to take over the screen oh jk1INt_mNvE-00862-00523384-00524032 I'm clicking yeah could you please go back two slides yes this one jk1INt_mNvE-00863-00524032-00524704 thank you so much I'm going to try to next one yeah it's working could you please go back jk1INt_mNvE-00864-00524960-00525928 nice thank you so I was saying that yeah if we choose to be a low-cost institution jk1INt_mNvE-00865-00526016-00526680 we will be forced to commit ourselves much more to maintaining and gradually developing jk1INt_mNvE-00866-00526680-00527464 a few foundational core products than to the possibility of innovating on a daily basis jk1INt_mNvE-00867-00527528-00528512 if we assume a somewhat more expensive positioning we can lean much more towards the new features jk1INt_mNvE-00868-00528512-00529312 without of course neglecting the maintenance of the quality of what has already been released jk1INt_mNvE-00869-00529544-00530088 in that in view of that a well-defined strategy is crucial jk1INt_mNvE-00870-00530296-00530800 dealing with the unknown is a must some do this by relying jk1INt_mNvE-00871-00530800-00531552 on luck hoping that tomorrow will magically bring the dreamed results others simply engage jk1INt_mNvE-00872-00531632-00532328 taking responsibility for building each step that will lead them to their most audacious goals jk1INt_mNvE-00873-00532464-00533504 rather than waiting for the future to arrive so let me show you how I believe we should align jk1INt_mNvE-00874-00533504-00534488 organizational strategy with our concrete plans so what are our organizational value disciplines jk1INt_mNvE-00875-00534680-00535416 organizations that have taken leadership positions in their industries over the past decade jk1INt_mNvE-00876-00535416-00536288 have generally done so by narrowing not broadening their focus they focused on delivering superior jk1INt_mNvE-00877-00536288-00537064 customer value according to one of three value disciplines product leadership user proximity jk1INt_mNvE-00878-00537168-00538120 or operational excellence and meeting minimal industry standards in the others at OpenFF we are jk1INt_mNvE-00879-00538120-00538952 not that different in discussions with the OpenFF team leads we ranked 21 organizational priorities jk1INt_mNvE-00880-00538952-00539696 related to the aforementioned value disciplines the results indicated that our initiative should jk1INt_mNvE-00881-00539696-00540632 focus on product leadership with user intimacy as a secondary goal and operational excellence jk1INt_mNvE-00882-00540632-00541648 in the last place for us product leadership refers to the accuracy and usability of our force fields jk1INt_mNvE-00883-00541704-00542536 and core tools whereas proximity with users refers to hands-on support in building jk1INt_mNvE-00884-00542536-00543472 custom solutions given our unique position as an open source initiative the resources we put into jk1INt_mNvE-00885-00543472-00544304 product leadership will compound and we will get a disproportionate return on investment compared to jk1INt_mNvE-00886-00544304-00545120 custom solutions for individual users for example as we improve the quality of our force fields more jk1INt_mNvE-00887-00545120-00545968 external packages will contribute resources toward interoperability which will benefit everyone jk1INt_mNvE-00888-00546072-00546704 what product leadership really means is that we want to produce the best force field and jk1INt_mNvE-00889-00546704-00547584 software in this space and be recognized as doing so this means we need to work closely jk1INt_mNvE-00890-00547920-00548496 with you guys our core users to ensure we meet your needs jk1INt_mNvE-00891-00548784-00549736 but also that our operations need to be excellent that's of course not enough though the force jk1INt_mNvE-00892-00549736-00550520 fields and tools themselves need to be outstanding the goal to excel in the force field area jk1INt_mNvE-00893-00550520-00551448 must play a key role in how we prioritize our software and infrastructure product leadership jk1INt_mNvE-00894-00551448-00552344 depends on usability the usability of our models and the accuracy of their predictions we could be jk1INt_mNvE-00895-00552344-00553184 covering more chemistry we could be building more accurate parameters new functional forms and we jk1INt_mNvE-00896-00553184-00554056 could be exporting them to more formats i'm sure this is a matter of time and resources of course jk1INt_mNvE-00897-00554192-00554776 to promote proximity with users we need to expand the scope of our communication jk1INt_mNvE-00898-00554776-00555584 channels this goes beyond holding meetings with our boards we need to build channels that allow jk1INt_mNvE-00899-00555584-00556160 personalized and specialized service especially when it comes to requesting new features jk1INt_mNvE-00900-00556304-00556896 finally it is extremely necessary to give differentiated attention to the pursuit of jk1INt_mNvE-00901-00556896-00557848 operational excellence if we manage to optimize our processes accordingly defining specific teams jk1INt_mNvE-00902-00557848-00558512 for specific tasks such as development and maintenance we will end up promoting jk1INt_mNvE-00903-00558512-00559504 more than specialization we will be promoting reactivity speed finally it is quite evident jk1INt_mNvE-00904-00559504-00560184 that all these possibilities lack resources both human and financial jk1INt_mNvE-00905-00560480-00561328 so why should we have a strategy our strategy must be the source of reasoning jk1INt_mNvE-00906-00561416-00562184 for our decision making it is the strategy that should guide the process of building our project jk1INt_mNvE-00907-00562184-00563152 portfolio and this should be based on how we will add value to our users projects in turn need to jk1INt_mNvE-00908-00563152-00564096 allow the delivery of results that when analyzed collectively reflect our mission our daily work jk1INt_mNvE-00909-00564096-00564920 must be focused on achieving this mission of course we need constant monitoring so we jk1INt_mNvE-00910-00564920-00565880 recognize when we go off track and can readjust our strategy must serve as the key basis for jk1INt_mNvE-00911-00565880-00566888 everything we do but also must be something that adapts to reality as the project goes on jk1INt_mNvE-00912-00567664-00568280 what is a project for the Open Force Field initiative is a project jk1INt_mNvE-00913-00568280-00569056 driven organization this means that we must always be planning executing or studying jk1INt_mNvE-00914-00569056-00569776 projects because of that the most important definitions of my current professional life are jk1INt_mNvE-00915-00569904-00570528 projects are ways of delivering the organization's strategy and jk1INt_mNvE-00916-00570616-00571384 a project is a temporary endeavor that aims for a single outcome and has limited resources jk1INt_mNvE-00917-00571440-00572144 I repeat these phrases every day I need to internalize these two definitions jk1INt_mNvE-00918-00572144-00572880 like I internalize my daughter's name I do this to empower myself when I need to decide in favor jk1INt_mNvE-00919-00572880-00573744 of the projects I manage and consequently in favor of our organizational strategy projects serve to jk1INt_mNvE-00920-00573744-00574544 translate the strategy into reality projects are where we actually take action and make decisions jk1INt_mNvE-00921-00574632-00575352 when we do this in an organized and appropriate way we always have the chance to reduce the risks jk1INt_mNvE-00922-00575352-00576008 inherent to the process and speed up the launch of our products to our user community jk1INt_mNvE-00923-00576104-00576864 as we need to understand that time and cost are extremely closely related continuous improvement jk1INt_mNvE-00924-00576864-00577752 must also be considered in our project ideas as it is through this that we will pave the way towards jk1INt_mNvE-00925-00577752-00578816 excellence thus we need to learn all the time in every opportunity because this is the mindset that jk1INt_mNvE-00926-00578816-00579472 will drive us to improve every day and that will ensure that we will continue on the right path jk1INt_mNvE-00927-00579576-00580360 to continue to succeed into the future we must continue to innovate in a sustainable way so jk1INt_mNvE-00928-00580576-00581424 how does strategy affect our daily lives the Open Force Field Initiative or something jk1INt_mNvE-00929-00581424-00582144 similar to it has been dreamed off by different players who are interested in building a solid jk1INt_mNvE-00930-00582144-00582864 bridge between academia and industry even here in Brazil professors like me have always conjectured jk1INt_mNvE-00931-00582864-00583584 about the possibility of designing some kind of organization that would work as a link between jk1INt_mNvE-00932-00583584-00584272 research groups with the potential to do science and develop technologies and companies with the jk1INt_mNvE-00933-00584272-00585192 budget to offer support so please know we work in a pioneering organization if you are part of jk1INt_mNvE-00934-00585192-00586120 the OpenFF team feel privileged as your role is to contribute to the solidification of an extremely jk1INt_mNvE-00935-00586120-00587256 audacious undertaking hopefully many of our pharma partners feel the same way about the effort as a jk1INt_mNvE-00936-00587256-00588104 whole we're excited about the way this project allows us to share and Interchange ideas and data jk1INt_mNvE-00937-00588104-00588840 and work together as what sometimes feels like a global team with no single organizational home jk1INt_mNvE-00938-00588960-00589608 I would like to understand I would like you to understand how we as an organization jk1INt_mNvE-00939-00589608-00590064 that brings together professionals with different skills are ahead of our time jk1INt_mNvE-00940-00590160-00590808 if you like me have been in the workforce for over 20 years I'm sure you agree jk1INt_mNvE-00941-00590880-00591672 with me when I say that the Open Force Field Initiative is a genuinely avant-garde initiative jk1INt_mNvE-00942-00591752-00592472 instead of hierarchy structures we implement interdisciplinary structures this implies jk1INt_mNvE-00943-00592472-00593504 understanding that we act as if we were our own bosses as we contribute each in our own way unique jk1INt_mNvE-00944-00593504-00594360 and complementary skills instead of bureaucratic bonds we implement value-based relationships where jk1INt_mNvE-00945-00594360-00595184 we seek to provide value to one another instead of activity management we implement self-managing jk1INt_mNvE-00946-00595272-00596264 teams as each of us is self-motivated and highly inspired in doing what we do jk1INt_mNvE-00947-00596328-00596840 instead of centralized information we implement distributed information since jk1INt_mNvE-00948-00596840-00597616 transparency is one of our pillars instead of sector results we value collective results jk1INt_mNvE-00949-00597616-00598312 as we understand that we are free to do what we do because we trust our co-workers will take care jk1INt_mNvE-00950-00598368-00599144 of the other tasks that need to be performed finally instead of a physical environment jk1INt_mNvE-00951-00599144-00599792 we seek excellence in the virtual environment which allows us to achieve considerable jk1INt_mNvE-00952-00599792-00600584 financial savings in short we are able to reach extraordinary levels of achievement because we jk1INt_mNvE-00953-00600584-00601256 have the freedom to make the most of our abilities which means that we feel free to put our knowledge jk1INt_mNvE-00954-00601256-00601792 and our abilities at the service of this organization with the attitude of someone jk1INt_mNvE-00955-00601792-00602568 who knows they have the freedom to do so all of this is the result of a judgment-free environment jk1INt_mNvE-00956-00602744-00603784 and how can you help build foster and sustain our strategy well this is jk1INt_mNvE-00957-00603784-00604504 this is an easy one just understand that whatever your role is you can get involved jk1INt_mNvE-00958-00604504-00605088 or inspire others to get involved with the initiative we need more scientists jk1INt_mNvE-00959-00605088-00605752 more developers and more industrial partners so we can actually make the future we dream about jk1INt_mNvE-00960-00605752-00606384 a reality I honestly hope you understand that what I am doing now is an invitation jk1INt_mNvE-00961-00606464-00607120 a request I would even say for you to engage in broadcasting the purpose of the Open Force Field jk1INt_mNvE-00962-00607120-00607944 Initiative translating cutting-edge science around molecular modeling and simulation into technology jk1INt_mNvE-00963-00608264-00609088 there is so much great science and engineering to do and we need and want your continuing help jk1INt_mNvE-00964-00609088-00609760 doing it it has been and I hope it continues to be a pleasure to build rational solutions jk1INt_mNvE-00965-00609760-00610672 to the problems of humanity at your side thank you very much David back to you I think yeah thank you jk1INt_mNvE-00966-00610872-00611768 so we're at the end of our time and we're coming up on the end of our time and so I just want to jk1INt_mNvE-00967-00611768-00612592 wrap up by recapping a little bit we've told you about a bunch of the exciting science that's going jk1INt_mNvE-00968-00612592-00613088 on or at least giving you a flavor of some of it ranging from where we're heading with the jk1INt_mNvE-00969-00613152-00613800 protein force field to different aspects of science that are being explored virtual sites jk1INt_mNvE-00970-00613800-00614624 graph charge models modified Seminario method for better starting parameters and a lot in this space jk1INt_mNvE-00971-00614624-00615184 and we hope you're excited about where things are headed we certainly are and there's so much left jk1INt_mNvE-00972-00615184-00615720 to be done and we're convinced that we're going to be able to continue improving force field accuracy jk1INt_mNvE-00973-00615808-00616528 as we work through this and on the infrastructure side there's a lot going on as well bespoke fit jk1INt_mNvE-00974-00616528-00617208 is out now lots of different improvements coming including for biopolymers and support jk1INt_mNvE-00975-00617208-00617808 for the other science that's going on Folding at Home benchmarking interfaces and Interchange jk1INt_mNvE-00976-00617888-00618552 so we hope you're excited about all this we certainly are and we have appreciate you taking jk1INt_mNvE-00977-00618552-00619448 the time to join us today it's an exciting time and we hope that you continue to interact with us jk1INt_mNvE-00978-00619448-00620184 and take advantage of what we're building with that we're gonna wrap up and move to discussion jk1INt_mNvE-00979-00620184-00620864 I think one please raise your hands if you have anything you'd like to chime in here are some jk1INt_mNvE-00980-00620864-00621400 ideas for things we could we could talk about but also if you have questions on things that we've jk1INt_mNvE-00981-00621400-00622368 covered we're happy to take questions one thing that's come up if you're interested in support for jk1INt_mNvE-00982-00622576-00623216 non-protein polymer force fields so maybe polymer developments jk1INt_mNvE-00983-00623288-00623992 for non-biopolymers there's a funding opportunity that's been brought to us in that area so if jk1INt_mNvE-00984-00623992-00624416 you're working in industry and have interest in that area please reach out as we could jk1INt_mNvE-00985-00624416-00624984 potentially connect you up with something but anyway please weigh in on these um jk1INt_mNvE-00986-00625216-00625432 we're interested also in input on jk1INt_mNvE-00987-00625816-00625984 several other areas so how should we jk1INt_mNvE-00988-00626208-00626816 combine parameterized components where should we plan to go after graph charges and virtual jk1INt_mNvE-00989-00626816-00627384 sites and bigger picture what would you like to see Open Force Field look like in three years jk1INt_mNvE-00990-00627680-00628280 Alberto asked about non-protein polymer support including lipids yeah that that could be one jk1INt_mNvE-00991-00628720-00629160 I've shared a possible funding opportunity jk1INt_mNvE-00992-00629160-00629632 in the consortium advisory board channel so that could be a place to look but jk1INt_mNvE-00993-00629896-00630544 so biopolymers lipids and nucleic acids might be more in the biopolymers area but jk1INt_mNvE-00994-00630544-00630912 they could fall within the scope of that anybody have hands up jk1INt_mNvE-00995-00631288-00631584 I don't see any hands up yet jk1INt_mNvE-00996-00631936-00633040 oh we got Chris Bayly go ahead Chris I should have unmuted your mic okay so and firstly I have jk1INt_mNvE-00997-00633040-00633608 tons of questions but I'm sure other people have them too I'll just begin with one and that is with jk1INt_mNvE-00998-00633608-00634352 the biopolymer force field one of the things that makes it difficult to apply a Smirnoff force field jk1INt_mNvE-00999-00634352-00635184 is that the Smirnoff approach depends upon using substructure search to identify where to apply jk1INt_mNvE-01000-00635184-00635880 parameter but with a biopolymer once you know it's a histidine you actually almost don't need that jk1INt_mNvE-01001-00635936-00636688 kind of format anymore in that you know from the graph all the torsions they're all in a library jk1INt_mNvE-01002-00636688-00637600 so this whole aspect for biopolymers with residues you've got it seems to be library structured could jk1INt_mNvE-01003-00637600-00638280 one adapt the Open Force Field so with biopolymer perhaps we don't need to use this substructure jk1INt_mNvE-01004-00638280-00638816 based matching but instead take advantage of library parameters and library charges jk1INt_mNvE-01005-00639080-00639784 yeah I jump into that and I would say two fronts number one I mean that's how jk1INt_mNvE-01006-00639784-00640128 tleap work that's how a lot of existing tools work and so jk1INt_mNvE-01007-00640320-00640976 you know there wouldn't be really an advantage to reinventing that given that the infrastructure jk1INt_mNvE-01008-00640976-00641616 already exists the second is if I don't know if you've looked at our ff14SB port jk1INt_mNvE-01009-00641680-00642248 but we do this library approach and what we wind up with is kind of a large unwieldy force field jk1INt_mNvE-01010-00642456-00642720 because we have to cover different protonation states and consider jk1INt_mNvE-01011-00642776-00643392 cases where things are c-terminal or n-terminal or both we end up with this explosion of very large jk1INt_mNvE-01012-00643392-00643952 parameters and it makes the force field sort of hard to manipulate and hard to reason about where jk1INt_mNvE-01013-00644032-00644288 you know we look at our small molecule force field and we can point at one jk1INt_mNvE-01014-00644288-00644672 particular torsion and say hey maybe we should split this up in different chemical contexts jk1INt_mNvE-01015-00644792-00645632 with a library-based force field these parameters are going to be so large and you know so specific jk1INt_mNvE-01016-00645632-00646192 in their initial construction that they will be really hard to improve in a gradual way jk1INt_mNvE-01017-00646784-00646984 thanks jk1INt_mNvE-01018-00647768-00648032 I have another one please jk1INt_mNvE-01019-00648168-00648696 well while we're if I'd be happily seed the floor to other people who want to ask questions jk1INt_mNvE-01020-00648808-00649672 in Lilly's presentation on the virtual sites it really struck me how when we looked at the overall jk1INt_mNvE-01021-00649752-00650560 objective metrics and how well they improved the you know the improvements were modest jk1INt_mNvE-01022-00650560-00650992 but that was kind of looking at the global parameters and what I'm wondering is whether jk1INt_mNvE-01023-00651104-00651888 the global metric improvement is how you assess the overall force field but with the virtual side jk1INt_mNvE-01024-00651888-00652464 so this is looking at the objective function in terms of the overall improvements to the energies jk1INt_mNvE-01025-00652464-00653432 and torsions it's kind of one of the other yeah so a couple slides after this thanks Jeff and jk1INt_mNvE-01026-00653432-00654000 so I'm wondering whether well you know those are the metrics which drive the overall force field jk1INt_mNvE-01027-00654088-00654480 I'm wondering whether it's worth saying well where we would look for improvements jk1INt_mNvE-01028-00654480-00654960 with the virtual sites is in the chemistries that are actually using the virtual sites jk1INt_mNvE-01029-00655024-00655752 and that's something that I wouldn't mind seeing is you know in the ddes jk1INt_mNvE-01030-00655752-00656336 and in the RMSDs and then torsion fingerprints how much of an improvement was actually attained jk1INt_mNvE-01031-00656336-00656896 in the chemistries which were really using and exercising those virtual sites jk1INt_mNvE-01032-00657568-00658224 thanks Chris that's a really good point and honestly Simon would be a better person jk1INt_mNvE-01033-00658224-00658896 to talk about this but my perspective is because the charges were refit to account for the virtual jk1INt_mNvE-01034-00658896-00659624 sites we do also want to check that at least they didn't result in on "unimprovements" on jk1INt_mNvE-01035-00659624-00660232 the benchmarks and detract from results to standard chemistries that we don't want to jk1INt_mNvE-01036-00660232-00660856 be affected by the virtual sites yes I completely agree with you and I guess that's what I'm saying jk1INt_mNvE-01037-00660960-00661520 what I'm these this slide that I'm looking at is a slide that shows me that we haven't ruined jk1INt_mNvE-01038-00661520-00662104 anything you know we made everything became a hair better but I think what would really be jk1INt_mNvE-01039-00662104-00662720 convincing to me as somebody who's done a lot of you know small molecule modeling in industry is jk1INt_mNvE-01040-00662720-00663448 knowing that in the chemical moieties that were really suffering from not having the virtual sites jk1INt_mNvE-01041-00663448-00664048 if I've got a major improvement in there then that kind of is the justification for all the jk1INt_mNvE-01042-00664048-00664616 overhead and weight of putting in those virtual sites even if over the thousands jk1INt_mNvE-01043-00664616-00665184 and thousands of molecules that don't have any virtual site it at least hasn't broken anything jk1INt_mNvE-01044-00665632-00665920 and I guess where m going with this also is as jk1INt_mNvE-01045-00665976-00666240 I was hearing in the presentation today as we're going to jk1INt_mNvE-01046-00666360-00667064 custom fitting or focused fitting on certain areas of the force field or certain chemistries jk1INt_mNvE-01047-00667176-00667672 it might be really you know ultimately we've got to show we haven't ruined the large force field jk1INt_mNvE-01048-00667672-00668176 but what might be really helpful to see is how much we've improved the area that we focused on jk1INt_mNvE-01049-00668816-00669288 yeah I think that would be a good idea and we actually had a question from a member of jk1INt_mNvE-01050-00669288-00669656 the governing board the other day about where exactly we're planning on putting virtual sites jk1INt_mNvE-01051-00670000-00670296 and so yeah when we when we talk about oh well what if we only look at the jk1INt_mNvE-01052-00670296-00670784 subset of molecules where we do get virtual sites or chemistries where we do get them jk1INt_mNvE-01053-00670864-00671120 and I can't recall Lily if you mentioned it but we're jk1INt_mNvE-01054-00671208-00671704 we're aiming to be a little bit conservative with the initial release I think we're looking at sigma jk1INt_mNvE-01055-00671704-00672272 holes and aromatic nitrogens and then things like lone pairs on sulfurs or oxygens may come later jk1INt_mNvE-01056-00672384-00672768 so not a direct answer to your question but maybe a little more context about jk1INt_mNvE-01057-00672912-00673584 how exactly they'll be used the other note on that is you know that's some level a whole science jk1INt_mNvE-01058-00673584-00674296 project or series of science projects that can and should be done is where exactly do virtual jk1INt_mNvE-01059-00674296-00674736 sites provide the most gains this is a good area of interface with Danny Cole's group and their jk1INt_mNvE-01060-00674736-00675256 work on Bespoke force fields for individual molecules because they have quite a bit of jk1INt_mNvE-01061-00675256-00675912 insight from that on where virtual sites seem to be helping so in some cases we can draw on their jk1INt_mNvE-01062-00675912-00676504 molecule specific findings and try to generalize a bit but yeah the infrastructure supports putting jk1INt_mNvE-01063-00676504-00677136 them in pretty arbitrary places so this is a good a good place for people to get involved with jk1INt_mNvE-01064-00677256-00677784 you know spin-off science projects to see where they're gonna provide the most gains jk1INt_mNvE-01065-00678904-00679264 gonna go back to our discussion slide there's a lot of great discussion happening in chat jk1INt_mNvE-01066-00679640-00680112 and I see I'm misaddressing my messages but yeah does anybody else jk1INt_mNvE-01067-00680240-00680584 want to ask a new question feel free to raise your hand jk1INt_mNvE-01068-00680728-00681984 for a new question on voice chat or we can we can continue in the text chat as well jk1INt_mNvE-01069-00682152-00682744 yeah I do see some it sounds like twice today now we're thinking about ways that we could jk1INt_mNvE-01070-00682744-00683304 take advantage of residue information to make something like a a library parameter jk1INt_mNvE-01071-00683304-00683824 that matches a whole residue and it recognizes that whole residue either by substructure or by jk1INt_mNvE-01072-00683944-00684648 sort of pdb residue name information atom name information and so again I do want to re-emphasize jk1INt_mNvE-01073-00684648-00685152 that it's a big part of our philosophy that we don't want to be looking at cosmetic things like jk1INt_mNvE-01074-00685152-00685600 residue names during parameter assignment it's important that we look only at the chemistry jk1INt_mNvE-01075-00685664-00686232 and it's by doing this that we'll we'll be able to wind up using a consistent set of tooling to jk1INt_mNvE-01076-00686232-00686792 gracefully handle modified proteins and stuff like that where the force fields meld nicely jk1INt_mNvE-01077-00686880-00687328 between sort of unnatural components and natural components if we start treating jk1INt_mNvE-01078-00687456-00687824 the protein as you know whole substructures or something like that I think we do jk1INt_mNvE-01079-00687904-00688384 get ourselves in a little bit of risk that this you know the arbitrary small molecule jk1INt_mNvE-01080-00688384-00688984 part of the force field and the protein part of the force field won't end up being compatible jk1INt_mNvE-01081-00690936-00691232 any other input on these discussion points or anything else jk1INt_mNvE-01082-00691664-00692400 this is also a good time to mention do we have a slide on this the follow-up workshop topics we'll jk1INt_mNvE-01083-00692400-00692944 be sending out a survey shortly we've assembled and we'll do that in the general channel and we'll jk1INt_mNvE-01084-00692944-00693480 also send a follow-up email to the invitation to this meeting and so you'll have one week to jk1INt_mNvE-01085-00693480-00694320 vote on follow-up topics that you'd like to be the subject of an interactive workshop yeah so we did jk1INt_mNvE-01086-00694320-00694856 this before and it worked well so we went really fast through a lot of things today and if you're jk1INt_mNvE-01087-00694952-00695400 interested in hearing more about some of them you're gonna get a chance to vote on what you'd jk1INt_mNvE-01088-00695400-00696000 like to hear more about and we'll have a follow-up workshop on that Alberto you have your hand up jk1INt_mNvE-01089-00696592-00697088 yeah and Alberto we've enabled your microphone but you need to turn it on from your end yeah jk1INt_mNvE-01090-00697088-00697960 can you hear me now yes okay for the virtual sites couldn't we look at our QM data and find examples jk1INt_mNvE-01091-00697960-00698784 where the electrostatic potentials differ from QM to what we currently have and use that to identify jk1INt_mNvE-01092-00698984-00699272 places where we could help with virtual sites jk1INt_mNvE-01093-00699528-00699976 that's a great question and I'll let Lilly take the first swing at that but if she declines I jk1INt_mNvE-01094-00699976-00700824 can jump in yeah that's a good question that would be an interesting approach jk1INt_mNvE-01095-00701056-00701488 well we've been targeting the lower hanging fruit so far but that would be jk1INt_mNvE-01096-00701488-00701880 I think a great way to move in the future Jeff did you have anything else to say jk1INt_mNvE-01097-00702040-00702760 yeah so one interesting thing is that like I talked about our QC stack is jk1INt_mNvE-01098-00702824-00703272 a little bit particular and it has to deal with some interesting constraints and so generally jk1INt_mNvE-01099-00703272-00704096 when we run our QC jobs we're not saving the wave functions or the output electrostatics grids but jk1INt_mNvE-01100-00704096-00704576 shortly before he left I think Simon did recognize the importance of having a large diverse set of jk1INt_mNvE-01101-00704768-00705192 completed QM jobs where we have this information where we can reconstruct the electrostatics grid jk1INt_mNvE-01102-00705288-00706008 or the electron density grid and so before he left he put together a very large data set of molecules jk1INt_mNvE-01103-00706008-00706616 that could be good candidates for virtual sites or other sort of charge fitting and that's something jk1INt_mNvE-01104-00706616-00707024 that we can draw upon now that it's now that it's done it took a while to run on QC archive jk1INt_mNvE-01105-00707080-00707520 but now that it's available we can draw on that to do exactly the kind of things that you said jk1INt_mNvE-01106-00707728-00707752 great jk1INt_mNvE-01107-00708072-00708712 Owen and Pavan have posted the data set for that in the chat if you want to go check it out jk1INt_mNvE-01108-00709584-00710008 cool well thank you so much everyone we've reached the end of our time but jk1INt_mNvE-01109-00710008-00710488 you're probably all on slack and you can feel free to contact us in other ways again be watching your jk1INt_mNvE-01110-00710488-00711104 email and the general channel on slack for the link to the follow-up workshop poll and we know jk1INt_mNvE-01111-00711104-00711624 that all of Europe is about to go on vacation for two months so we'll probably be scheduling these jk1INt_mNvE-01112-00711624-00712024 follow-up workshops to happen in late August or a little bit later that will also give our jk1INt_mNvE-01113-00712024-00712432 presenters time to assemble software that you can actually install and distribute notebooks jk1INt_mNvE-01114-00712712-00712784 thanks everybody jk1INt_mNvE-01115-00713288-00713648 see you later thank you thank you jk1INt_mNvE-01116-00713976-00714184 thank you jlpdVpvd6BE-00000-00000046-00000120 One lemonade coming right u- jlpdVpvd6BE-00001-00000120-00000273 No baby, I’m not done. jlpdVpvd6BE-00002-00000273-00000570 I want two cubes of sugar, and Stir it twice after each cube. jlpdVpvd6BE-00003-00000570-00000793 Use a long spoon not a table spoon. I can tell the difference! jlpdVpvd6BE-00004-00000793-00000916 So don’t try me. jlpdVpvd6BE-00005-00000916-00001093 Water should be at 55.4 degrees jlpdVpvd6BE-00006-00001093-00001336 And I’ll take a splash of mint with a lemon wedge on the side. jlpdVpvd6BE-00007-00001357-00001496 Thank you~!😍 jlpdVpvd6BE-00008-00001633-00001796 That will be one dollar and 50 cents. jlpdVpvd6BE-00009-00001796-00001880 This ain’t what I ordered. jlpdVpvd6BE-00010-00001880-00002039 We know but this a lemonade stand not a- jlpdVpvd6BE-00011-00002039-00002183 All you can eat buffet? jlpdVpvd6BE-00012-00002183-00002233 No, that’s food. jlpdVpvd6BE-00013-00002233-00002326 They got drinks too! jlpdVpvd6BE-00014-00002326-00002543 Look the customer is always right and I’m not paying for this. jlpdVpvd6BE-00015-00002543-00002596 UGHHHHHH jlpdVpvd6BE-00016-00002596-00002940 Fresh lemonade.. freshly squeezed..🎶 jlpdVpvd6BE-00017-00002940-00002990 Shuichi. jlpdVpvd6BE-00018-00002990-00003103 Pour it in a cup.. 💔🎶 jlpdVpvd6BE-00019-00003103-00003200 Shuichi, stop. 😒 jlpdVpvd6BE-00020-00003200-00003376 Can’t get ENOUG- jlBMFj8nugo-00000-00000000-00001764 https://islandtourseychelles.com jnwUaPjv2LE-00000-00000000-00000200 Canadian Dancer Joins Indian YouTuber To Recreate 'Dola Re Dola' In Lehengas On New York Street jnNrhVl9W9c-00000-00000003-00000751 I bring people into the mountains with me who are visionaries, creatives, jnNrhVl9W9c-00001-00000751-00001386 rule-breakers, free spirits, free thinkers, people with big ideas, people who have a jnNrhVl9W9c-00002-00001386-00002049 vision and sometimes just people who are stuck and have lost connection with jnNrhVl9W9c-00003-00002049-00002559 their vision. But all leaders in their own right. They may be leaders in their jnNrhVl9W9c-00004-00002559-00003119 life. They may be leaders without knowing that their leaders. Are their leaders in jnNrhVl9W9c-00005-00003119-00003720 business. I bring them - I bring you into the mountains with me so that you can jnNrhVl9W9c-00006-00003720-00004266 literally get a different perspective on your life. I take you into a space that jnNrhVl9W9c-00007-00004266-00004980 is quiet that is expansive. Where there is no disturbance. Where there is jnNrhVl9W9c-00008-00004980-00005396 no stress. Where there's no constant connection to the internet and to your jnNrhVl9W9c-00009-00005396-00006375 phone and to email. There's nothing that can cause your stress. Now people often jnNrhVl9W9c-00010-00006375-00006829 ask me "Do I have to be really fit to come with jnNrhVl9W9c-00011-00006829-00007534 you? and the answer is, "No". I'm not saying that you have to have no fitness at all. jnNrhVl9W9c-00012-00007534-00008221 That's also a "No". You have to be able to walk for something like three four hours jnNrhVl9W9c-00013-00008221-00009460 a day. At a pace that is comfortable, at home. Let me rephrase this: jnNrhVl9W9c-00014-00009460-00009904 When you're at home and you go for a walk you should be able to walk for jnNrhVl9W9c-00015-00009904-00010680 about something like four hours 3-4 hours. Because in the mountains you walk jnNrhVl9W9c-00016-00010680-00011320 differently. At home you probably go at what I would call city pace. It's the jnNrhVl9W9c-00017-00011320-00011686 pace that people maintain, that people have, when they go from one appointment jnNrhVl9W9c-00018-00011686-00012517 to the next. When they hurry to catch the subway or the bus or the train. It's the jnNrhVl9W9c-00019-00012517-00013172 pace that you pretty much see everybody that's not a tourist have in a big city. jnNrhVl9W9c-00020-00013172-00013698 Doesn't matter whether it's Amsterdam or it is London or Paris, you can jnNrhVl9W9c-00021-00013698-00014350 immediately tell the locals from the tourists apart. Because the locals will jnNrhVl9W9c-00022-00014350-00015201 be moving a lot faster than the tourists will. Now if you come with me into the jnNrhVl9W9c-00023-00015201-00015640 mountains what I teach you is to find your own pace. it's one of the many jnNrhVl9W9c-00024-00015640-00016156 things that I teach but that is the first one. And it's perhaps the most jnNrhVl9W9c-00025-00016156-00016747 important one, because going through life at your own pace, going trhough business at jnNrhVl9W9c-00026-00016747-00017318 your own pace is important. You don't want to constantly compare jnNrhVl9W9c-00027-00017318-00017912 yourself to other people. And I must admit when I'm hiking, when I'm going into jnNrhVl9W9c-00028-00017912-00018605 the mountains I sometimes ... Of course! It's almost 7:00 jnNrhVl9W9c-00029-00018605-00019076 so of course the bells, the church bells are going to jnNrhVl9W9c-00030-00019076-00019512 to sound. Anyways ... When you go into the mountains you have jnNrhVl9W9c-00031-00019512-00020058 to find a pace that you can maintain for a long time. And that is a pace that is a jnNrhVl9W9c-00032-00020058-00020486 lot slower than city pace. jnNrhVl9W9c-00033-00020609-00021089 It's also a pace where you do not want to be comparing yourself with other jnNrhVl9W9c-00034-00021089-00021659 people. And I sometimes still - even after all these years have difficulty doing jnNrhVl9W9c-00035-00021659-00022253 that. When I get overtaken by people who are faster than I am. My jnNrhVl9W9c-00036-00022253-00022874 competitive streak rears its ugly head and I have to constantly remind myself not jnNrhVl9W9c-00037-00022874-00023552 to try and go as fast as these people go. Because when I do I know I will not be jnNrhVl9W9c-00038-00023552-00024548 able to get to where I'm going. Going in the mountains is a typical case jnNrhVl9W9c-00039-00024548-00025173 of slowing down to get where you're going faster. It sounds weird, I know but jnNrhVl9W9c-00040-00025173-00025943 trust me, it's true. It works! So when you want to come to the mountain - which of jnNrhVl9W9c-00041-00025943-00026252 course you do! why wouldn't you want to come to jnNrhVl9W9c-00042-00026252-00026772 something as beautiful as this? So when you want to come to the jnNrhVl9W9c-00043-00026772-00027211 mountains with me and you want to do some training for it. Basically all you have jnNrhVl9W9c-00044-00027211-00027825 to do, is start walking. Go for a walk everyday. jnNrhVl9W9c-00045-00027825-00028420 Start out easily. Do something like half an hour and slowly build it up. And also jnNrhVl9W9c-00046-00028420-00028802 slowly start getting used to wearing a backpack. jnNrhVl9W9c-00047-00028802-00029255 In the beginning of that can be empty you don't have to do anything jnNrhVl9W9c-00048-00029255-00029825 in it. In the beginning it's just your body getting used to something jnNrhVl9W9c-00049-00029825-00030467 additional that you're carrying. And as you get, as you train, as you walk more jnNrhVl9W9c-00050-00030467-00030923 often and you start walking longer, you start also adding some weight to that pack. jnNrhVl9W9c-00051-00030923-00031454 And that weight can simply be your rain gear: rain pants and a rain jacket. Or a jnNrhVl9W9c-00052-00031454-00032142 bottle of water. Stuff like that. And it doesn't have to ... In the end ... jnNrhVl9W9c-00053-00032142-00032556 By the time you're coming to Austria you should be able to walk for about jnNrhVl9W9c-00054-00032556-00033369 four hours a day, just in the area where you live. And you should be able to carry jnNrhVl9W9c-00055-00033369-00033924 a pack that weighs about ... something around 5, 6 kg. More than that, it's not jnNrhVl9W9c-00056-00033924-00034794 necessary. And it's all about getting your body used to all that. And one tip jnNrhVl9W9c-00057-00034794-00035277 that I will leave you with is, when you start training ... when you want to do this jnNrhVl9W9c-00058-00035277-00035949 and you need some training, be sure to not just train on level ground in the sense of nice jnNrhVl9W9c-00059-00035949-00036563 asphalt or a nice pavement. Try and find jnNrhVl9W9c-00060-00036587-00037109 ground that is not as a level ... that is a bit undulated where you use many more jnNrhVl9W9c-00061-00037109-00037544 muscle groups than you would if you were just walking on pavement. jnNrhVl9W9c-00062-00037544-00038156 It's also - and I'm going to leave you with another thing ... When things start jnNrhVl9W9c-00063-00038156-00038822 hurting: slow down! Build in a rest day! Rest is as good and jnNrhVl9W9c-00064-00038822-00039851 as important to training as movement in itself. So when you think he needs some training to come to jnNrhVl9W9c-00065-00039851-00040292 the mountains with me, start walking every day! Start building jnNrhVl9W9c-00066-00040292-00040836 it up and start getting used to carrying a bit of weight on your back in a jnNrhVl9W9c-00067-00040836-00042407 backpack. That's what I did when I didn't live here yet. All I did was take my jnNrhVl9W9c-00068-00042407-00042631 dog for a walk in the morning and a walk in the afternoon. jnNrhVl9W9c-00069-00042778-00043288 Now those were ... Those were hour long walks. An hour in the morning and an hour in the jnNrhVl9W9c-00070-00043288-00043805 afternoon. Because I had a dog that wanted a lot of movement jnNrhVl9W9c-00071-00043805-00044313 but that's what I did. That's all I did and by the time I go to Austria to go jnNrhVl9W9c-00072-00044313-00044862 hiking, I was fit enough to do that. Hope this helps. If you have any jnNrhVl9W9c-00073-00044862-00045202 questions ... When you have any questions regarding the physical aspect jnNrhVl9W9c-00074-00045202-00045408 of coming into the mountains with me, jnNrhVl9W9c-00075-00045422-00046027 let me know! And one thing you won't be hearing when we're up in the mountains is these wonderful jnNrhVl9W9c-00076-00046027-00046578 wonderful church bells. As always ... Go dare greatly k0fmObw55wo-00000-00000000-00000700 Wach Music, Bajrangi bhai Yadav ka romantic video song, RK recording studio Delhi, mars entertainment, Avdhesh Premi, k1WvJWootig-00000-00000119-00000375 I turn red and every day is crackle-cackle-cackle k1WvJWootig-00001-00000375-00000530 Monday goes around and around k1WvJWootig-00002-00000530-00000662 I can't wait more k1WvJWootig-00003-00000662-00000897 Is T-T-T-Tuesday here yet? k1WvJWootig-00004-00000897-00001156 Sundays when I can see you k1WvJWootig-00005-00001791-00002462 God in my heart says, "Attack the good things on the good days! k1WvJWootig-00006-00002462-00002603 So special undies! k1WvJWootig-00007-00002603-00002882 Senpai! Love! Love! I adore you! k1WvJWootig-00008-00002882-00003159 Please play with me! Don't make me understand! k1WvJWootig-00009-00003159-00003424 For the first time ever, I'm starting to ***** k1WvJWootig-00010-00003424-00003681 I woke up with a start and realized it was a dream k1WvJWootig-00011-00003731-00004161 Juice! Ju-Ju-juice! Gubi! Gummmorning! k1WvJWootig-00012-00004278-00004548 I don't love you k1WvJWootig-00013-00004548-00004816 Out of my way, Wednesday (that's it!) k1WvJWootig-00014-00004816-00005101 I think I'm at my limit! Soon to be Pettanko!(flat) k1WvJWootig-00015-00005101-00005227 Another world, I want to go, fight off laziness k1WvJWootig-00016-00005227-00005325 No matter how much there is, it's never enough k1WvJWootig-00017-00005325-00005470 It's awful. k1WvJWootig-00018-00005470-00005712 I turn red and every day is crackle-crackle-cackle k1WvJWootig-00019-00005712-00005912 Thursday goes around and around k1WvJWootig-00020-00005912-00006056 I can't wait more k1WvJWootig-00021-00006056-00006627 I count one, two, three, and then on Sunday I see you k1WvJWootig-00022-00006627-00006872 God, listen to me! k1WvJWootig-00023-00006872-00007143 Isn't "Like" magic? k1WvJWootig-00024-00007143-00007386 Meh! I can't wait to play with you k1WvJWootig-00025-00007386-00007707 I'm so excited about Sunday k1WvJWootig-00026-00008322-00008611 Kiniro Kirakira Friday k1WvJWootig-00027-00008611-00008925 More, more, more! Moore! k1WvJWootig-00028-00009032-00009271 Fun time, what I want to do k1WvJWootig-00029-00009271-00009575 My mental health, my current strengths k1WvJWootig-00030-00009575-00009803 Will become my future self! k1WvJWootig-00031-00009803-00010320 That's why I'm going to do what I love and work hard! k1WvJWootig-00032-00010556-00010826 I don't love you k1WvJWootig-00033-00010826-00011015 It's a regrettable, Saturday k1WvJWootig-00034-00011166-00011447 Nimble is sure, Pittanko(stick) with fashionable! k1WvJWootig-00035-00011447-00011517 I want to do it, stop it k1WvJWootig-00036-00011517-00011572 cross over, run away k1WvJWootig-00037-00011572-00011639 show it, disappear k1WvJWootig-00038-00011639-00011712 Want to live? Want to die? k1WvJWootig-00039-00011712-00011781 Wish and wish to come true k1WvJWootig-00040-00011781-00011857 Crushed and buried k1WvJWootig-00041-00011857-00012057 Love and hate, success and defeat, and heaps of corpses all around, but... k1WvJWootig-00042-00012130-00012357 You can be desperate, you can be angry, you can cry. k1WvJWootig-00043-00012357-00012673 That you've stumbled into a roundabout destiny. k1WvJWootig-00044-00012673-00012879 If you chant one, two, three k1WvJWootig-00045-00012879-00013209 You'll be a little stronger k1WvJWootig-00046-00013209-00013443 I turn red and every day is crackle-cackle-cackle k1WvJWootig-00047-00013443-00013615 Sunday goes around and around k1WvJWootig-00048-00013615-00013784 It's an "I can't wait more" bowl k1WvJWootig-00049-00013784-00014348 I'm so excited about Sunday so I float in the air k1WvJWootig-00050-00014348-00014593 God, please tell me k1WvJWootig-00051-00014593-00014878 Is this magic? k1WvJWootig-00052-00014878-00015109 Meh! Let's go and have lots of fun! k1WvJWootig-00053-00015109-00015391 I'm so excited about Sunday! k1WvJWootig-00054-00015420-00015697 Soon, it will be Sunday k1cECw6ThKE-00000-00001082-00001354 Hello Friends its our 3rd day in New York k1cECw6ThKE-00001-00001373-00001706 As you must have known from earlier videos that k1cECw6ThKE-00002-00001715-00001879 I am staying in AirBnB appartment k1cECw6ThKE-00003-00002029-00002200 AirBnB facilities are solution for budget travellers k1cECw6ThKE-00005-00002548-00002801 All of you who don't want to spend more on travelling k1cECw6ThKE-00006-00002910-00003083 and stay in expensive hotels k1cECw6ThKE-00007-00003201-00003477 they can use such cheaper options k1cECw6ThKE-00008-00003477-00003791 However there are pros. & cons of taking this option k1cECw6ThKE-00009-00003791-00003974 AirBnB facilities mostly don't have free breakfast facility k1cECw6ThKE-00010-00004045-00004366 that is why we have gone to shop for some breakfast items k1cECw6ThKE-00011-00004366-00004586 like bread, k1cECw6ThKE-00012-00004684-00004997 some banana to get energy for the day k1cECw6ThKE-00013-00004997-00005097 long walking around k1cECw6ThKE-00014-00005102-00005321 and a bottle of juice k1cECw6ThKE-00015-00005364-00005679 These two items we brought with us from Pakistan k1cECw6ThKE-00016-00005679-00005790 because you can't find Lipton tea of Pakistani taste k1cECw6ThKE-00018-00006065-00006378 and we also brought everyday dry milk k1cECw6ThKE-00021-00006695-00006938 We are going to start making breakfast by ourselves k1cECw6ThKE-00022-00006997-00007186 and will show you guys how we manage to do this k1cECw6ThKE-00023-00007248-00007553 I am not good in cooking anything k1cECw6ThKE-00024-00007557-00007657 so my friend will take the lead k1cECw6ThKE-00025-00007753-00008056 to make awesome breakfast and then we k1cECw6ThKE-00026-00008056-00008398 shall leave to explore the city of New York so keep watching k1cECw6ThKE-00028-00009459-00009626 This is the view of the living room in the apartment we are staying in k1cECw6ThKE-00029-00009733-00009996 it is a small size but comfortable lounge k1cECw6ThKE-00030-00009996-00010244 where you can relax and enjoy watching TV k1cECw6ThKE-00031-00010244-00010522 Meet my friend Mubbashir, Hello Mubbashir k1cECw6ThKE-00032-00010534-00010828 Hi (from Mubbashir), Are you enjoying stay k1cECw6ThKE-00033-00010828-00011129 in this apartment? yeah this is lovely k1cECw6ThKE-00034-00011129-00011471 This is the TV I was talking about k1cECw6ThKE-00035-00011531-00011760 being smart TV it is connected with internet so you can watch almost everything k1cECw6ThKE-00037-00012168-00012455 Mubbashir can you please start cooking k1cECw6ThKE-00038-00012478-00012758 meanwhile I can start eating some bananas k1cECw6ThKE-00040-00013082-00013275 lets try to make some eggs omelete k1cECw6ThKE-00043-00013855-00014149 both of us don't know cooking so yesterday we sort of messed up k1cECw6ThKE-00044-00014149-00014446 and we put so much salt and chilli k1cECw6ThKE-00045-00014446-00014714 so lets try to put less chilies today k2jrdKqfM3M-00000-00000704-00001026 Hey Marines, today on Gunner's Underground — small UAS. k2jrdKqfM3M-00001-00001068-00001342 We're out at TLZ Falcon with Maj. Dineen k2jrdKqfM3M-00002-00001342-00001739 to discuss small UAS current and future capabilities in the Marine Corps. k2jrdKqfM3M-00003-00001912-00002244 We're operating the RQ-11Raven system. k2jrdKqfM3M-00004-00002430-00002968 We also have the RQ-20 Bravo Puma system, which is our largest small UAS, k2jrdKqfM3M-00005-00003082-00003456 and that gives us a huge capability with a 5 megapixel camera k2jrdKqfM3M-00006-00003456-00003864 as well as a 210 minute long endurance lithium battery. k2jrdKqfM3M-00007-00004318-00004546 As part of the Quads for Squads initiative, k2jrdKqfM3M-00008-00004546-00004940 there is also the InstantEye quadcopter training going on. k2jrdKqfM3M-00009-00005158-00005542 Quads for Squads initiative developed at the Commandant Headquarters Marine Corps level, k2jrdKqfM3M-00010-00005542-00005920 he wanted to have every squad in the Marine Corps to have the capability to get eyes over, k2jrdKqfM3M-00011-00005944-00006409 around obstacles in order to identify enemies more efficiently. k2jrdKqfM3M-00012-00006630-00007052 I ask that you provide bottom-up feedback, that's why the commandant gave you these systems. k2jrdKqfM3M-00013-00007078-00007381 He wants to know how you want to employ them and are they gonna work for you. k2jrdKqfM3M-00014-00007381-00007638 And we're not going to be able to do that unless we receive feedback. k2jrdKqfM3M-00015-00007638-00007845 See you next time on Gunner's Underground. k2w-EN_YOWA-00000-00000037-00000537 Greetings from the Royal Castle the following radio program was a spoken in in Cebuano Language k2w-EN_YOWA-00001-00000537-00000986 but rest assured that this presentation is supported with legal and reliable k2w-EN_YOWA-00002-00001000-00001416 Documents all written in english form that will serve as translation for easy k2w-EN_YOWA-00003-00001444-00002142 Understanding has exposed the Conspiracy and corrupt practices of the corporate de facto republic and the entire hierarchy k2w-EN_YOWA-00004-00002160-00002438 if you have any questions suggestions recommendations k2w-EN_YOWA-00005-00002530-00003192 Feel free to put it in the comment section below and dont forget to subscribe and share this video to get the latest of this k2w-EN_YOWA-00006-00003222-00003422 Exclusively from our youtube channel k2w-EN_YOWA-00007-00003827-00004027 Mabuhay ang Inag Bayan (LongLive the Motherland) k2w-EN_YOWA-00008-00004232-00004896 I'm America and kuppuswami Longo a la the only my own Asia and consular office k2w-EN_YOWA-00009-00004928-00005496 Okay and consular office well up until I get only at the diplomatic corps k2w-EN_YOWA-00010-00005503-00006300 Hey Aaron, socata Busan Maha Maha salute back upon selasa filipinas Omaha bank upon selasa Filipinos k2w-EN_YOWA-00011-00006353-00006840 Elam on trabajo unpack relinquish sokrati book and only only k2w-EN_YOWA-00012-00006893-00007413 Satya, the existing nation, which is the sovereign Republic of the Philippines k2w-EN_YOWA-00013-00007484-00008152 My own an existing nation that is under the ratification under the peace treaty 1898 k2w-EN_YOWA-00014-00008231-00008469 so under the peace treaty of k2w-EN_YOWA-00015-00008561-00008663 1898 k2w-EN_YOWA-00016-00008663-00009342 Monica run DJ like a gong America, we are to July 5th. Mr. Rendon asila of ninguna k2w-EN_YOWA-00017-00009342-00009648 silla now, we will abandon our cert our k2w-EN_YOWA-00018-00009719-00010464 Consular office. I'm honoring abandon Kangin. Oh, man voila an island terminal at the same time k2w-EN_YOWA-00019-00010570-00010866 America it is their duty now. Yeah k2w-EN_YOWA-00020-00010958-00011220 Chinese military Nanak occupies our k2w-EN_YOWA-00021-00011261-00011823 spot Lee la solana G mo na d dawa Silla nigga asteroid on k2w-EN_YOWA-00022-00011855-00012441 China say along military pero todo el pasad morning, England k2w-EN_YOWA-00023-00012503-00013194 Track of national security. She kindly favored Manchester China instead fighting the right of k2w-EN_YOWA-00024-00013286-00013770 the Philippines and the Filipino para at all k2w-EN_YOWA-00025-00013770-00014310 Right Cottonwood que en el trabajo, but of course he is a corporate president k2w-EN_YOWA-00026-00014398-00014670 under the rule new China k2w-EN_YOWA-00027-00014744-00014952 Such Chinese the dragon k2w-EN_YOWA-00028-00015022-00015661 and Elon gay gas aboard Manila is actually Chinese Anya my Roberta Oh, k2w-EN_YOWA-00029-00015694-00016044 Bellissimo biood, I'm problema de hua Tony la cuarta k2w-EN_YOWA-00030-00016065-00016386 I'm Filipino and my biood my own Allah hematin k2w-EN_YOWA-00031-00016430-00016920 Displayed the article illegal method and this is the financial slavery k2w-EN_YOWA-00032-00017026-00017385 But in this air we will spread the good news k2w-EN_YOWA-00033-00017417-00017976 So people will be safe and God will spare the people and our land k2w-EN_YOWA-00034-00018040-00018331 Yeah, DJ Lika. Okay. There's a lot much k2w-EN_YOWA-00035-00018454-00018654 You know some no permit animated pass k2w-EN_YOWA-00036-00018740-00018948 of no texture my k2w-EN_YOWA-00037-00019051-00019368 pocket anima belacan among a Filipino kong k2w-EN_YOWA-00038-00019462-00019734 china musasa Pilipinas guy k2w-EN_YOWA-00039-00019859-00020589 Ok, cool up on man America cannot oh my hey move bikini. No cargo boat on someone on my him only her, but you see k2w-EN_YOWA-00040-00020798-00021217 Nobody I come on want me to cut the would say, is that what we carry? Someone say you k2w-EN_YOWA-00041-00021310-00021606 Should not come home would defend certain unity k2w-EN_YOWA-00042-00021709-00021918 Bakugan cool Osama defense now k2w-EN_YOWA-00043-00021953-00022620 Abigail a and then combo defender defender car your defender with God and country now now I by k2w-EN_YOWA-00044-00022694-00022831 Bala k2w-EN_YOWA-00045-00022831-00023031 yamicraw do look k2w-EN_YOWA-00046-00023035-00023727 Subpoena me said, you know I'm in you president Otello one. Oh come on mama and not the presidentís fellow one k2w-EN_YOWA-00047-00023845-00024312 Nutella one man then how on an Akuma are sobering Patriots, you know k2w-EN_YOWA-00048-00024313-00024831 We march in were ever use are you are scared. We do not run a man k2w-EN_YOWA-00049-00025081-00025584 Louis Menino there. I mean your pant leg movement but not gonna learn good. No connealy k2w-EN_YOWA-00050-00025584-00026142 Good movement depends on okay. I don't borrow money more only thing acceptable k2w-EN_YOWA-00051-00026201-00026347 Ocala Bhutan k2w-EN_YOWA-00052-00026347-00027105 Parabola, mapa de plane. Okay, nine man about the way came open a movie Poznan you completely moment by ID. I'm at now k2w-EN_YOWA-00053-00027106-00027354 I know I did and three. Let me read this k2w-EN_YOWA-00054-00027514-00028158 DJ like her sorry solution sir Sangguniang Ning on Cilla article 3 k2w-EN_YOWA-00055-00028264-00028894 whereas article article 3 section 4 5 7 paragraph B Republic at 7 1 6 0 k2w-EN_YOWA-00056-00028966-00029122 local k2w-EN_YOWA-00057-00029122-00029802 Local government code and in dangerous cultural community so he considered 8 mil Andorra to the other k2w-EN_YOWA-00058-00029833-00030169 Sector where it provides among representatives k2w-EN_YOWA-00059-00030238-00031023 From the women and all and shall be determined by the Sangguniang holding so some good en meaning k2w-EN_YOWA-00060-00031055-00031159 corporate k2w-EN_YOWA-00061-00031159-00031268 Salama k2w-EN_YOWA-00062-00031268-00031977 Holding Neela's a llama investor of the local election from the agricultural and industrial water k2w-EN_YOWA-00063-00032006-00032415 So l-'alamin mo kamo maarat al-nouman are male, dude k2w-EN_YOWA-00064-00032415-00032952 Manila ba and one indigenous cultural community or disabled person k2w-EN_YOWA-00065-00032984-00033318 the repelling Clause of the final provision k2w-EN_YOWA-00066-00033418-00033618 article 13 section k2w-EN_YOWA-00067-00033677-00033877 83 Presidential Decree k2w-EN_YOWA-00068-00033949-00034072 four-one-oh k2w-EN_YOWA-00069-00034072-00034602 executive order 1 1 B and 1 1 C and all other k2w-EN_YOWA-00070-00034700-00035355 Inconsistent with this app are hereby repealed and modified accordingly. So well and good money are gonna continue k2w-EN_YOWA-00071-00035408-00036159 Solera under gluto Sri Lanka girl in Hong maanteeeca, and then it says the public art 83-71 defies k2w-EN_YOWA-00072-00036247-00036609 indigenous cultural community of people who mojit homogenize k2w-EN_YOWA-00073-00036727-00036927 homogeneous society k2w-EN_YOWA-00074-00037012-00037224 identified by others who have k2w-EN_YOWA-00075-00037297-00037530 continuously living a defined territory k2w-EN_YOWA-00076-00037568-00038178 So occupy a tiny little defined territory and I am the only one who holds the defined territory k2w-EN_YOWA-00077-00038237-00038691 Then its face and who have under claim of ownership k2w-EN_YOWA-00078-00038771-00038971 since time immemorial k2w-EN_YOWA-00079-00038981-00039411 So meaning before even you exist and the world exists k2w-EN_YOWA-00080-00039443-00040000 Hakuna and espírito Mona d'ottawa cook Alpha Omega the beginning and the end k2w-EN_YOWA-00081-00040021-00040251 So morning under a since time immemorial k2w-EN_YOWA-00082-00040346-00040843 common bands of language crossed from tradition and other distinctive cultures k2w-EN_YOWA-00083-00040921-00041565 Monogamous alike distinctive culture light Megumi development good. Mr. Hockley butanna deacon, mr. Le bouton k2w-EN_YOWA-00084-00041596-00041880 Let transcend me to be a sovereign citizen k2w-EN_YOWA-00085-00041971-00042336 faithful the spiritual warrior under God and country k2w-EN_YOWA-00086-00042343-00042864 So this has to be respected and then it also says and become historical k2w-EN_YOWA-00087-00043025-00043127 Differentiate k2w-EN_YOWA-00088-00043127-00043890 From the majority of the Filipinos so but differentiate you'd mean your kimono kami because we stand with our rights k2w-EN_YOWA-00089-00043925-00044511 We fight for the rights our rights and for the Philippine people who wants to embrace k2w-EN_YOWA-00090-00044564-00045174 Sovereignty I thought me getting beat up the more bargaining not as a radio a Mogan engi k2w-EN_YOWA-00091-00045209-00045942 Not getting my pass away. I've been in yoga beer. No kidding man. Animal lungs radio money supporter Nick inspired k2w-EN_YOWA-00092-00045943-00046642 That's also part of conspiracy. And this is a criminal act the better stop because one way or the other k2w-EN_YOWA-00093-00046697-00047208 They get caught in what they said. I'm Stan man. Good night. Oh mama. Goodnight k2w-EN_YOWA-00094-00047209-00047731 Maka, maka, pre Sunnah - bantayan Otto and I don't get Pamela k2w-EN_YOWA-00095-00047747-00048276 Well, I don't give a Malone instructor good protected Goethe moaning Mia k2w-EN_YOWA-00096-00048431-00049101 91.5 freedom radio Acuna shangay g declare ida clicks that this will be the sovereign k2w-EN_YOWA-00097-00049238-00049626 Station that will speak truth and I want to make sure k2w-EN_YOWA-00098-00049712-00050139 reckoning station reckoning my radio Delaney Salafist station King k2w-EN_YOWA-00099-00050140-00050766 I know Levi admit it our trans Anila and biood but I'm no longer radio like me k2w-EN_YOWA-00100-00050828-00051394 Like amongst others rocking Anglin and Allegra Pamela Mamula move. Biblia k2w-EN_YOWA-00101-00051413-00051790 You know what goodness about good more subpool on Sugino? k2w-EN_YOWA-00102-00051812-00051880 otherwise k2w-EN_YOWA-00103-00051880-00052639 you are part of the deception the false prophet and then for speaking for the government you make sure you have k2w-EN_YOWA-00104-00052664-00053247 Territory you make sure now I get my territory of Union depends on an Indian Territory, okay k2w-EN_YOWA-00105-00053251-00053967 Oh c'mon granny Paquita, not me. No, he postman in your satin and public in the puddle public beside name of post k2w-EN_YOWA-00106-00053967-00054727 No bills a boat on Melanie. No an illegal corporate. Now. I tell to you eva has additional information. So Dominic so k2w-EN_YOWA-00107-00054812-00055134 Mystical meaning to say I've could be a lunatic. Yeah k2w-EN_YOWA-00108-00055187-00055627 Tengaman go DJ like a goober no, mana on, Utah k2w-EN_YOWA-00109-00055787-00056466 Unconstitutional so I'm Constitution is the supreme law of the land deeper meaning i'm supreme, you know k2w-EN_YOWA-00110-00056573-00056833 Ample ooh, no, not a preamble k2w-EN_YOWA-00111-00056917-00057295 Laughter good night. Gentlemen, - man own of New England gettin a new partner k2w-EN_YOWA-00112-00057353-00057550 Moran and then Lincoln good no k2w-EN_YOWA-00113-00057550-00058150 No, Alex, my mark do ordain and promulgate this constitution know diddly k2w-EN_YOWA-00114-00058150-00058444 I'm late about mangos DJ like an unknown a to Leon Adam k2w-EN_YOWA-00115-00058499-00058983 Adam lugar beta would instead a formal gate and 1987 Constitution k2w-EN_YOWA-00116-00059036-00059461 Or perhaps even the Republic oxygen-16. Oh and k2w-EN_YOWA-00117-00059516-00059721 83-71 under him on a him alone k2w-EN_YOWA-00118-00059774-00060001 Ilunga convert of federal k2w-EN_YOWA-00119-00060079-00060649 Meaning were like territorial. I not at the APEC. Yes a goober. No, Martin es el gobierno k2w-EN_YOWA-00120-00060689-00061315 libero Guinea sir, pala Oberon guy, mohnish and Kingdom Filipina Hacienda k2w-EN_YOWA-00121-00061366-00061714 Reckoning Kingdom Philippine agenda. So time immemorial k2w-EN_YOWA-00122-00061820-00062349 unjust namaha England and young king heavy and young a bollocks a cat to look at lo k2w-EN_YOWA-00123-00062408-00062649 Toluca drow is in the third millennium k2w-EN_YOWA-00124-00062795-00063156 In the second coming of Christ, Billy k2w-EN_YOWA-00125-00063166-00063840 Jesus are Y like Jesus the way in the second coming of Christ in the recent Christ the Holy Spirit k2w-EN_YOWA-00126-00063899-00064432 So Holy Spirit now summon, Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit is God's Word k2w-EN_YOWA-00127-00064499-00065046 In fact in words and indeed. I am holy and be holy k2w-EN_YOWA-00128-00065102-00065571 Meaning to say as we speak we have to learn to listen k2w-EN_YOWA-00129-00065615-00066411 We have to learn to follow we have to learn to obey and we have to assert our right the bar k2w-EN_YOWA-00130-00066488-00066873 In doing so we broke our knob ionica k2w-EN_YOWA-00131-00066877-00067548 Say Iman Coughlin ona o goggling on by a nice Edgar say among youth on the town and native land k2w-EN_YOWA-00132-00067607-00067807 like a bunker k2w-EN_YOWA-00133-00067925-00068275 144,000 come on, uh tau D have Safari so k2w-EN_YOWA-00134-00068330-00068489 time immemorial k2w-EN_YOWA-00135-00068489-00069277 Said young ji a box a just a man and a young man and not the absolute separate issue. Uh, no. Marijuana is k2w-EN_YOWA-00136-00069467-00070258 144,000 tribes of Israel guna tribes Malaysia. No, no, no. No, no Anu no meaning k2w-EN_YOWA-00137-00070331-00070854 Grandfather tried my own a Shia Imam and Rahma owner Shang Alpha Omega k2w-EN_YOWA-00138-00070952-00071152 and k2w-EN_YOWA-00139-00071276-00071478 Soon IANA mubarak now k2w-EN_YOWA-00140-00071567-00072274 And then basically Putin in your muscle NASA compost Josiah and nasarah coming from new k2w-EN_YOWA-00141-00072326-00072526 US Treasury k2w-EN_YOWA-00142-00072539-00072952 Not a lengthy declare you are in your body in your k2w-EN_YOWA-00143-00072983-00073755 Digital and in your crypto and in your Bitcoin and in your vision and as a banker and in your banker is null and void k2w-EN_YOWA-00144-00073787-00074415 Delete my bank. Oh, I'm concerned with the people are our family friends and friends not k2w-EN_YOWA-00145-00074489-00074878 Come on shut down. I mean your banker dilamuca. We don't know k2w-EN_YOWA-00146-00074984-00075522 What not putting in your car Takeda monetize Mandira? Yes, but Harlan unis are composed k2w-EN_YOWA-00147-00075662-00075990 Show me that you are you visit my post Queen k2w-EN_YOWA-00148-00076067-00076659 Salvation Legazpi they have Makita in your compost Hawkins declaration k2w-EN_YOWA-00149-00076784-00077376 Because I am a certain a third thing my rice, which is your right k2w-EN_YOWA-00150-00077453-00077878 Katana. Katana, come on, sir, Onuaku. The little man said k2w-EN_YOWA-00151-00077954-00078727 More thorough deaconate moo-moo-moo soon would polygon Kanagawa transom of Iligan right deep space for us k2w-EN_YOWA-00152-00078827-00079518 Imagination bubble. Oh good. What pin don't negate me? Okay. I'm on marker open my new lewdness at the ring k2w-EN_YOWA-00153-00079547-00080119 So come o Pandavas mo from the moment by a dilemma gusto more appeal Simone k2w-EN_YOWA-00154-00080141-00080580 Simone pug borrowed meaning in yoga to mood. Okay long k2w-EN_YOWA-00155-00080582-00080632 No k2w-EN_YOWA-00156-00080632-00081279 I got what we what we use ago was elegant Agra an Tommaso Tila Tama Huata juku gusta Nino k2w-EN_YOWA-00157-00081317-00081753 Awesomo with some of his lapdog anti monkeys like a meeting say keyhole k2w-EN_YOWA-00158-00081793-00082141 Pill emoji /y valiant amadito Ponyo boy mo dito k2w-EN_YOWA-00159-00082183-00082791 Okay, saga and Potemkin up a balloon Anya who's now my intention in your doc bein silligan k2w-EN_YOWA-00160-00082826-00083397 sorry Numa corporate citizen selamat singleton and support amino grease and k2w-EN_YOWA-00161-00083458-00083658 91.5 freedom radio k2w-EN_YOWA-00162-00083690-00084150 Unreduced Apatow an unreduced comet Orin and sovereign k2w-EN_YOWA-00163-00084215-00084626 Radio station. I declare that this will bring message k2w-EN_YOWA-00164-00084646-00084986 Send message to you with the truth and righteousness k2w-EN_YOWA-00165-00085033-00085469 So we all can be can be protected under God k2w-EN_YOWA-00166-00085540-00085775 My look Uncle Louie said, you know my boots k2w-EN_YOWA-00167-00085776-00086561 I'd put that canoe selamat Aeneas to Papa me now run in such a that befell bassoon and in Oconee man continued Oh k2w-EN_YOWA-00168-00086674-00087060 Vocally Putin when amino okay and uh, don't pollute the about money k2w-EN_YOWA-00169-00087060-00087492 So podcast Ocala buton Oakland his autumn isla k2w-EN_YOWA-00170-00087562-00088326 archipelago, my husband continued channel open a you know, not open Tomino Canaan liberal not charter city that actually k2w-EN_YOWA-00171-00088384-00088767 Nozzle a blessed Silla r2 Union on but button Oh bollocks k2w-EN_YOWA-00172-00088810-00089229 Uma, Bhuvan llama or upon generally not Griffith k2w-EN_YOWA-00173-00089302-00089464 therapy led k2w-EN_YOWA-00174-00089464-00089727 Invulnerable now as a good NASA, sir k2w-EN_YOWA-00175-00089800-00090210 constitution article 18 section 3 una panache a k2w-EN_YOWA-00176-00090253-00090662 decision support for a CAG RHP seven, seven one four k2w-EN_YOWA-00177-00090718-00091344 promulgated null and void corporate Republic of the Philippines my own title in the Koran God loves you and k2w-EN_YOWA-00178-00091474-00091749 Good morning back to the studio DJ k2w-EN_YOWA-00179-00092050-00092721 Like much a new Papa me now god bless us all and good morning k2Gna_wcLlI-00000-00000388-00000488 [MUSIC] Hello I'm Neil k2Gna_wcLlI-00001-00000488-00001067 This is the Tightwad Dad vlog - it's day 22 - all the twos... k2Gna_wcLlI-00002-00001067-00001425 [Music] [Music] k2Gna_wcLlI-00003-00001425-00002540 So day 22 Look I read somewhere that that it takes 21 k2Gna_wcLlI-00004-00002540-00002939 days to form a habit I don't feel like I've formed a habit yet k2Gna_wcLlI-00005-00002939-00003401 with this daily vlog Basically I show up every day here on YouTube k2Gna_wcLlI-00006-00003401-00003907 to share with you the joy and the happiness that we're trying to find through my family's k2Gna_wcLlI-00007-00003907-00004646 wanton spending - all of us as a unit - and I'm trying to share that happiness with you k2Gna_wcLlI-00008-00004646-00005298 I hope it's working for you So twenty two days in - this was going to k2Gna_wcLlI-00009-00005298-00005710 be a very very quick video because we only spent on one thing today - just take a shot k2Gna_wcLlI-00010-00005710-00006075 of it now we had a top-up shop in the big chain supermarket. k2Gna_wcLlI-00011-00006075-00006312 Put it down as a joy of ten. k2Gna_wcLlI-00012-00006312-00006981 What's not to like about reduced Chinese meals and pretend Japanese sushi k2Gna_wcLlI-00013-00006981-00007334 But there's something else I wanted to share with you because it happened a few weeks ago k2Gna_wcLlI-00014-00007334-00008117 I listen just relentlessly to anything that Seth Godin produces and he has a podcast it's k2Gna_wcLlI-00015-00008117-00008328 called the akimbo podcast it's brilliant k2Gna_wcLlI-00016-00008328-00008947 I'll put a link in the description below But they they choose two questions every week k2Gna_wcLlI-00017-00008947-00009878 I imagine that one or two people send in questions I was shocked that mine was chosen and I wanted k2Gna_wcLlI-00018-00009878-00010302 to share it with you because his answer I think is beautiful k2Gna_wcLlI-00019-00010302-00010709 And I'll put words on the screen so you can read along with them too k2Gna_wcLlI-00020-00010709-00011217 Hi Seth, this is Neil Mossey calling from Hampshire in the United Kingdom. k2Gna_wcLlI-00021-00011217-00011422 Longtime listener first-time caller. k2Gna_wcLlI-00022-00011422-00012252 I have a son and he's 10 and in under a year he's going to go to high school. k2Gna_wcLlI-00023-00012252-00012392 Big school. k2Gna_wcLlI-00024-00012392-00013018 And we have a culture in the UK that that is pretty much the time when we give our kids k2Gna_wcLlI-00025-00013018-00013222 a smartphone. k2Gna_wcLlI-00026-00013222-00013919 It's under the pretext that they'll need some way of calling home if they get into trouble k2Gna_wcLlI-00027-00013919-00014162 to and from school. k2Gna_wcLlI-00028-00014162-00014262 But... k2Gna_wcLlI-00029-00014262-00015132 I can't help feeling as a Dad that I'm effectively giving him the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes. k2Gna_wcLlI-00030-00015132-00015790 And on the surface it looks like my options are obvious. k2Gna_wcLlI-00031-00015790-00016431 But I'm really curious Seth: What do you think my options are at this stage? k2Gna_wcLlI-00032-00016431-00016922 Am I helping him to effectively do the equivalent of starting smoking? k2Gna_wcLlI-00033-00016922-00017679 Or am I helping arm him to develop himself in the Industrial Smartphone Complex? k2Gna_wcLlI-00034-00017679-00018074 Really interested to hear your thoughts on this, thanks again Seth. k2Gna_wcLlI-00035-00018074-00018306 [LONG PAUSE] SETH: k2Gna_wcLlI-00036-00018306-00018709 This is such a poignant question and I really appreciate you asking it. k2Gna_wcLlI-00037-00018709-00018906 I guess I'd start with this. k2Gna_wcLlI-00038-00018906-00019067 What is parenting for? k2Gna_wcLlI-00039-00019067-00019444 That 12 year old, that 13 year old in your house. k2Gna_wcLlI-00040-00019444-00019965 What is your role in helping that person become who they can become. k2Gna_wcLlI-00041-00019965-00020556 Well one model which seems like the easy short-term model is to help them fit in. k2Gna_wcLlI-00042-00020556-00021131 To help them go all the way into the centre of a gang of other 13 year olds. k2Gna_wcLlI-00043-00021131-00021538 There's enormous pressure on 13 year olds to do this. k2Gna_wcLlI-00044-00021538-00022245 The question we need to ask is does "fitting-in the most" lead to the best life. k2Gna_wcLlI-00045-00022245-00022534 To the happiest long-term outcome. k2Gna_wcLlI-00046-00022534-00023289 Or is it okay to challenge our kids encourage our kids and push our kids to not be the one k2Gna_wcLlI-00047-00023289-00023539 who's the lowest common denominator. k2Gna_wcLlI-00048-00023539-00023743 To not be the one who fits in. k2Gna_wcLlI-00049-00023743-00024182 To learn what it feels like to turn to people and say: "No. k2Gna_wcLlI-00050-00024182-00024401 I don't want to do that." k2Gna_wcLlI-00051-00024401-00024881 Because without parents that's really unlikely to happen. k2Gna_wcLlI-00052-00024881-00025195 So you're probably guessing what my answer is here. k2Gna_wcLlI-00053-00025195-00025576 We know a lot about the efficacy of smartphones. k2Gna_wcLlI-00054-00025576-00025982 We also know a lot about their side effects. k2Gna_wcLlI-00055-00025982-00026544 It seems to me - and your mileage may vary - that a kid who waits two years or three k2Gna_wcLlI-00056-00026544-00027314 years longer than average to start diving deep into the maelstrom of Instagram and Facebook k2Gna_wcLlI-00057-00027314-00027807 and the rest of social media, probably comes out ahead on the other side. k2Gna_wcLlI-00058-00027807-00027907 I don't know. k2Gna_wcLlI-00059-00027907-00028550 No one knows for sure, but we do need to answer the question: "This parenting I'm doing. k2Gna_wcLlI-00060-00028550-00028717 What is it for?" k2Gna_wcLlI-00061-00028717-00029326 Because if all you want to do is encourage your kid to fit in, that's the easy path. k2Gna_wcLlI-00062-00029326-00029607 Thanks again for listening we'll see you next time. k2Gna_wcLlI-00063-00029607-00029835 That's lovely isn't it. k2Gna_wcLlI-00064-00029835-00030458 So that's it if you've reached this point in the vlog thank you why not leave me a thumbs k2Gna_wcLlI-00065-00030458-00030702 up to let me know that someone reached this point in the video k2Gna_wcLlI-00066-00030702-00031069 That'll be lovely and if you haven't done so already I'm very k2Gna_wcLlI-00067-00031069-00031616 grateful for everyone who has subscribed because each subscription takes me closer to that k2Gna_wcLlI-00068-00031616-00032094 magic golden 1000 subscriptions I guess that's part of the social media addiction k2Gna_wcLlI-00069-00032094-00032476 that er - that was talked about in the podcast. k2Gna_wcLlI-00070-00032476-00033030 I've learned nothing at all But what I have learned is that if I reach k2Gna_wcLlI-00071-00033030-00033703 of thousand subscribers YouTube start paying us some pennies so thank you for taking us k2Gna_wcLlI-00072-00033703-00034197 closer to that And I'll see you on day 23 - tomorrow's tightwad k2Gna_wcLlI-00073-00034197-00034681 dad vlog Can you please help my daddy get 1000 subscribers k2Gna_wcLlI-00074-00034681-00035005 just click on his face thanks bye! k2Gna_wcLlI-00075-00035005-00035098 How's that? k2WUef99tTc-00000-00000021-00000909 Panda Offers Do you still believe in all the malls and k2WUef99tTc-00001-00000909-00001355 traditional purchase As the best way to buy a safe and secure? k2WUef99tTc-00002-00001355-00001919 Did not try yet fun saving time, effort and money k2WUef99tTc-00003-00001919-00002019 In online shopping? k2WUef99tTc-00004-00002019-00002232 Panda Offers Grab it now k2WUef99tTc-00005-00002232-00002593 The best record in the electronic stores Arabic And frequented by thousands of buyers every k2WUef99tTc-00006-00002593-00002897 day from all the Arab countries Where you'll get the best deals and offers k2WUef99tTc-00007-00002897-00003147 and discounts That may reach more than 70% of the original k2WUef99tTc-00008-00003147-00003247 value Hyper Panda k2WUef99tTc-00009-00003247-00003490 Miscellaneous goods and meet all your needs from A to Z. k2WUef99tTc-00010-00003490-00003528 Sgelo now k5gq39XjhA4-00000-00000065-00000165 Intro k5gq39XjhA4-00001-00000165-00000265 Hello my friends, k5gq39XjhA4-00002-00000265-00000430 welcome to the 30 days rank push challenge k5gq39XjhA4-00003-00000430-00000707 where I’m uploading a new ML guide for 30 days straight k5gq39XjhA4-00004-00000707-00000911 We are on day 3 today k5gq39XjhA4-00005-00000911-00001245 Here you have the full upload plan for the challenge k5gq39XjhA4-00006-00001245-00001528 Today we will talk about 3 defence items k5gq39XjhA4-00007-00001528-00001910 Athena's Shield, Immortality and Queen's Wings k5gq39XjhA4-00008-00001910-00002733 First the 5 shoutouts of the day goes to k5gq39XjhA4-00009-00002733-00003036 If you want to have the chance to get a shoutout in the next video k5gq39XjhA4-00010-00003036-00003218 just write something nice into the comments k5gq39XjhA4-00011-00003218-00003601 Last quick note don’t forget about the giveaway I’m running for the challenge k5gq39XjhA4-00012-00003601-00004011 The rules and all information you need you’ll find in the description box below k5gq39XjhA4-00013-00004011-00004244 Now let’s get into today's topic Stats k5gq39XjhA4-00014-00004244-00004479 First we will go through the stats of Athena’s Shield k5gq39XjhA4-00015-00004479-00004644 You get +900 HP k5gq39XjhA4-00016-00004644-00004814 +62 Magic defense k5gq39XjhA4-00017-00004814-00005008 and +2 health regeneration k5gq39XjhA4-00018-00005008-00005143 This Item has 1 effect k5gq39XjhA4-00019-00005143-00005561 It’s called shield and gets triggered when you take magic damage k5gq39XjhA4-00020-00005561-00005943 It reduces the magic damage taken by 25% for 5 seconds k5gq39XjhA4-00021-00005943-00006218 This is including the magic damage that triggers this effect k5gq39XjhA4-00022-00006218-00006593 This effect can be triggered again after leaving combat for 10 seconds k5gq39XjhA4-00023-00006593-00006770 Let me show you how it works Demonstration k5gq39XjhA4-00024-00006770-00006904 I’m using Eudora k5gq39XjhA4-00025-00006904-00007126 and our favorite tank Layla for the demonstration k5gq39XjhA4-00026-00007126-00007594 This is the damage Layla takes without the Item equipped k5gq39XjhA4-00027-00007594-00008153 And now together with the Item k5gq39XjhA4-00028-00008153-00008525 First you of course receive less damage because of the magic defense you gain k5gq39XjhA4-00029-00008525-00008738 and secondly from the passive effect k5gq39XjhA4-00030-00008738-00009182 Just be aware that smart players could try to trigger this effect before bursting you k5gq39XjhA4-00031-00009182-00009647 down k5gq39XjhA4-00032-00009647-00009942 Also let me show you how to be able to trigger the effect again k5gq39XjhA4-00033-00009942-00010277 You can see that the effect is available when this icon is present k5gq39XjhA4-00034-00010277-00010604 Now after I received magic damage the effect is triggered k5gq39XjhA4-00035-00010604-00010820 as you can see from the violet circle k5gq39XjhA4-00036-00010820-00011439 and I have to leave any combat for 10 seconds to make it abailable again k5gq39XjhA4-00037-00011439-00011678 After hiding in here for 10 seconds it’s back k5gq39XjhA4-00038-00011678-00011836 If I would just stay in combat k5gq39XjhA4-00039-00011836-00012069 the effect will not be available again until I leave it k5gq39XjhA4-00040-00012069-00013886 Who is this Item for and who not? k5gq39XjhA4-00041-00013886-00014072 So who is this item for? k5gq39XjhA4-00042-00014072-00014318 This Item can be used theoretically by any hero k5gq39XjhA4-00043-00014318-00014790 when you’re playing against burst mages such as Eudora, Vale or Aurora k5gq39XjhA4-00044-00014790-00015132 or when playing against many heroes who deal magic damage k5gq39XjhA4-00045-00015132-00015393 If you’re playing against burst mages as a squishy hero k5gq39XjhA4-00046-00015393-00015677 I would recommend to build this Item as your defensive item k5gq39XjhA4-00047-00015677-00016026 For most squishy heroes it’s a good idea to have at least 1 defensive item in their k5gq39XjhA4-00048-00016026-00016126 build k5gq39XjhA4-00049-00016126-00016371 and this is your go to item when you need magic defense k5gq39XjhA4-00050-00016371-00016604 Tanks can build this Item already as first core Item k5gq39XjhA4-00051-00016604-00016852 if they are playing against many heroes with magic damage k5gq39XjhA4-00052-00016852-00017165 Fighters can build it as their first or second defense Item k5gq39XjhA4-00053-00017165-00017352 so usually as 5th or 6th Item Combos k5gq39XjhA4-00054-00017352-00017681 You can combine Athena’s Shield with the new Item Radiant Armor k5gq39XjhA4-00055-00017681-00017851 to further increase you magic defense k5gq39XjhA4-00056-00017851-00018124 I’ll also explain you this Item in a couple of days k5gq39XjhA4-00057-00018124-00018415 so make sure you’re subscribed to not miss this video k5gq39XjhA4-00058-00018415-00018623 and all the other videos from the challenge k5gq39XjhA4-00059-00018623-00018887 Now let’s talk about the Immortality Stats k5gq39XjhA4-00060-00018887-00019060 We start again with the stats k5gq39XjhA4-00061-00019060-00019207 You get +800 HP k5gq39XjhA4-00062-00019207-00019382 and +40 Physical Defence k5gq39XjhA4-00063-00019382-00019655 This Item has 1 effect that is called Immortal k5gq39XjhA4-00064-00019655-00020034 And honestly I think 99% of you know this one already k5gq39XjhA4-00065-00020034-00020343 After you died you’ll be resurrected after 2.5 seconds k5gq39XjhA4-00066-00020343-00020620 and get 20% of your max HP back and a Shield k5gq39XjhA4-00067-00020620-00020876 The amount of Shield you gain scales with your level k5gq39XjhA4-00068-00020876-00021048 and it lasts for 3 seconds k5gq39XjhA4-00069-00021048-00021470 This Item has a whopping 210 seconds cooldown Demonstration k5gq39XjhA4-00070-00021470-00021934 Again I’m using Layla for the demonstration k5gq39XjhA4-00071-00021934-00022413 As you can see I got my HP back and a Shield that disappears after 3 seconds k5gq39XjhA4-00072-00022413-00022738 You can also see this little Icon while the effect is on cooldown k5gq39XjhA4-00073-00022738-00022915 Pretty self explaining right? k5gq39XjhA4-00074-00022915-00023015 But you know what k5gq39XjhA4-00075-00023015-00023163 I’ve got a little ninja tip for you k5gq39XjhA4-00076-00023163-00023329 While this effect is on cooldown k5gq39XjhA4-00077-00023329-00023568 you can exchange this Item for another one k5gq39XjhA4-00078-00023568-00023898 This usually makes sense when you have already build your 6 Items k5gq39XjhA4-00079-00023898-00024233 The cooldown is still running down while you haven’t equipped Immortality k5gq39XjhA4-00080-00024233-00024512 So for example I could build winter truncheon quickly k5gq39XjhA4-00081-00024512-00024657 to have the freeze effect k5gq39XjhA4-00082-00024657-00025051 and can exchange this one again with Immortality when the effect is available again k5gq39XjhA4-00083-00025051-00025174 If you have really quick hands k5gq39XjhA4-00084-00025174-00025460 you can make the exchange while you’re getting resurrected k5gq39XjhA4-00085-00025460-00025853 For this you should add the Item you want to change to as additional item in your build k5gq39XjhA4-00086-00025853-00025953 cool right? k5gq39XjhA4-00087-00025953-00026053 Who is this Item for and who not? k5gq39XjhA4-00088-00026053-00026182 So who is this item for? k5gq39XjhA4-00089-00026182-00026445 It’s basically for everyone who wants to have a second life k5gq39XjhA4-00090-00026445-00026545 and more HP and physical defence k5gq39XjhA4-00091-00026545-00026908 I wouldn’t build this Item when you go against 3 or more magic damage based heroes k5gq39XjhA4-00092-00026908-00027158 Then you should focus on a magic defense Item k5gq39XjhA4-00093-00027158-00027386 Otherwise you can go for it anytime Combos k5gq39XjhA4-00094-00027386-00027486 No combos k5gq39XjhA4-00095-00027486-00027622 At least I couldn’t think of one k5gq39XjhA4-00096-00027622-00027993 Now it’s time for today's secret word to enter the giveaway another time k5gq39XjhA4-00097-00027993-00028288 It is Def k5gq39XjhA4-00098-00028288-00028572 Again all infos about the giveaway you find in the description k5gq39XjhA4-00099-00028572-00028856 Now let’s talk about the last Item for today Queen’s wings k5gq39XjhA4-00100-00028856-00029056 Stats We start again with the stats k5gq39XjhA4-00101-00029056-00029252 You get +900 HP k5gq39XjhA4-00102-00029252-00029400 +25 Physical Attack k5gq39XjhA4-00103-00029400-00029809 which makes it the only defense Item that increases your physical attack k5gq39XjhA4-00104-00029809-00029937 and +10% Cooldown Reduction k5gq39XjhA4-00105-00029937-00030064 This Item has 1 effect k5gq39XjhA4-00106-00030064-00030322 It’s called Demonize and gets triggered k5gq39XjhA4-00107-00030322-00030523 when your health goes below 40% k5gq39XjhA4-00108-00030523-00030752 It reduces the damage taken by 20% k5gq39XjhA4-00109-00030752-00030998 and increases your Spell Vamp by 25% k5gq39XjhA4-00110-00030998-00031394 this effect has a 60 second cooldown Demonstration k5gq39XjhA4-00111-00031394-00031594 I keep abusing my main Tank hero k5gq39XjhA4-00112-00031594-00031983 Before the passive gets triggered I make 304 damage k5gq39XjhA4-00113-00031983-00032408 After the passive gets triggered I only make 244 damage for the next 5 seconds k5gq39XjhA4-00114-00032408-00032727 Also before it’s triggered I didn’t have any spell vamp k5gq39XjhA4-00115-00032727-00033075 and therefore also no regeneration when using a skill k5gq39XjhA4-00116-00033075-00033247 But this changes now k5gq39XjhA4-00117-00033247-00033486 The HP regeneration I get from the kills k5gq39XjhA4-00118-00033486-00033790 comes from the assassin emblem effect killing spree btw k5gq39XjhA4-00119-00033790-00034403 I will talk soon about each emblem as well Who is this Item for and who not? k5gq39XjhA4-00120-00034403-00034614 So who is this item for? k5gq39XjhA4-00121-00034614-00034809 This Item is made for skill based heroes k5gq39XjhA4-00122-00034809-00035252 who wants to benefit from the reduced damage and the 25% extra spell vamp k5gq39XjhA4-00123-00035252-00035678 In general it can be also used by heroes who greatly benefit from spell vamp k5gq39XjhA4-00124-00035678-00035990 and want to add an additional spell vamp item into their build k5gq39XjhA4-00125-00035990-00036390 Heroes that rely on basic attack on the other hand shouldn’t buy this Item k5gq39XjhA4-00126-00036390-00036875 Before patch 1.5.88 this Item gave 40% physical lifesteal k5gq39XjhA4-00127-00036875-00037093 and was very useful for those kind of heroes k5gq39XjhA4-00128-00037093-00037450 But now with the change to spell vamp this heroes shouldn’t build this Item anymore k5gq39XjhA4-00129-00037450-00037728 Combos To increase your survivability you could include k5gq39XjhA4-00130-00037728-00037950 other spell vamp Items into your build k5gq39XjhA4-00131-00037950-00038250 Otherwise this is usually an Item you build in the late game k5gq39XjhA4-00132-00038250-00038484 and doesn’t have any significant combo k5gq39XjhA4-00133-00038484-00038711 Now go and check out the whole playlist k5gq39XjhA4-00134-00038711-00038944 Or if you’re a daily viewer see you tomorrow k5gq39XjhA4-00135-00038944-00039040 Have a great day! k5Gdu4apFbg-00000-00000000-00000297 Guys, this is me in a taxi. k97Wh4a41qo-00000-00000026-00000249 Your path to recovery isn't like mine. k97Wh4a41qo-00001-00000249-00000443 But when you need a hand with a mental health issue k97Wh4a41qo-00002-00000443-00000709 or substance use disorder, reach out until you find one. k97Wh4a41qo-00003-00000709-00000936 For information on mental and substance use disorders, k97Wh4a41qo-00004-00000936-00001086 including prevention and treatment referral, k97Wh4a41qo-00005-00001086-00001249 call 1-800-662-HELP, or 4357. k97Wh4a41qo-00006-00001249-00001299 Brought to you by the k97Wh4a41qo-00007-00001299-00001483 U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. kqp2xy01oVM-00000-00000378-00000640 And then maybe the an issue that is getting more to the meat of kqp2xy01oVM-00001-00000640-00000795 what you guys are interested in. kqp2xy01oVM-00002-00000795-00001206 And this is going to be the cutting edge and I, I keep having to revise my class kqp2xy01oVM-00003-00001206-00001707 slides every semester because there's something new coming up in this area. kqp2xy01oVM-00004-00001707-00001829 Warrantless GPS tracking. kqp2xy01oVM-00005-00001982-00002163 Warrantless GPS tracking. kqp2xy01oVM-00006-00002163-00002606 Now it's clear, if the police go ahead and get a search warrant and kqp2xy01oVM-00007-00002606-00003033 comply with the search warrant and a judge approves it, there is no issue. kqp2xy01oVM-00008-00003033-00003442 Geospatial intelligence of any kind with a search warrant is going to be kqp2xy01oVM-00009-00003442-00003701 okay as long as there was probable cause as we defined it. kqp2xy01oVM-00010-00003809-00004101 The problem is, in most of these cases as you've seen and for kqp2xy01oVM-00011-00004101-00004264 reasons that are not entirely clear to me, kqp2xy01oVM-00012-00004264-00004711 maybe they don't have enough evidence, the police do this without a search warrant. kqp2xy01oVM-00013-00004711-00005078 And if you've followed me from the start you know then that, if the police do it kqp2xy01oVM-00014-00005078-00005641 without a warrant, then they have to show that the Fourth Amendment does not apply. kqp2xy01oVM-00015-00005641-00005858 To show that the Fourth Amendment does not apply, kqp2xy01oVM-00016-00005858-00006305 they have to then show that there were was no reasonable expectation of privacy in, kqp2xy01oVM-00017-00006305-00006479 in this case a person's movements. kqp2xy01oVM-00018-00006479-00006693 [COUGH] kqp2xy01oVM-00019-00006693-00007165 Now the police argue, when they put, they slap GPS trackers onto vehicles, kqp2xy01oVM-00020-00007165-00007554 I feel that's mostly what it is, and then ch, you know, track it from satellites. kqp2xy01oVM-00021-00007554-00007925 That your movements in a public place, I mean, kqp2xy01oVM-00022-00007925-00008229 what can be more plain view than that? kqp2xy01oVM-00023-00008229-00008428 That is the essence of plain view. kqp2xy01oVM-00024-00008428-00008635 You're travelling around on public roads. kqp2xy01oVM-00025-00008635-00008744 Where is the privacy? kqp2xy01oVM-00026-00008855-00008971 Where is the privacy right? kqp2xy01oVM-00027-00009084-00009491 Well, where, what the courts are starting to say, and this is where, kqp2xy01oVM-00028-00009491-00009942 this is exactly minute by minute cutting edge sort of development of law. kqp2xy01oVM-00029-00010091-00010654 While yes, your public movements are are, are, are open. kqp2xy01oVM-00030-00010654-00011039 And yes, in the old days the cops could've just assigned an officer to kqp2xy01oVM-00031-00011039-00011529 follow you 24/7, or I guess three officers on eight hour shifts to follow you 24/7. kqp2xy01oVM-00032-00011529-00011766 And there would be no need for a warrant. kqp2xy01oVM-00033-00011766-00011985 They're just following you around where you're driving right? kqp2xy01oVM-00034-00011985-00012114 Everybody gets that. kqp2xy01oVM-00035-00012114-00012189 You don't need a warrant. kqp2xy01oVM-00036-00012189-00012294 There's no privacy there. kqp2xy01oVM-00037-00012294-00012478 You're driving on the road and they just follow you. kqp2xy01oVM-00038-00012599-00012937 But the argument that some judges are starting to make and that I discuss in my kqp2xy01oVM-00039-00012937-00013616 IST 452 class is that the nature and the all encompassing sort of kqp2xy01oVM-00040-00013616-00014097 abilities of surveillance technology these days are raising what I call in class, and kqp2xy01oVM-00041-00014097-00014459 what some legal scholars have called the, the creepiness factor. kqp2xy01oVM-00042-00014459-00014947 Yes, police could have followed you 24/7 for three weeks. kqp2xy01oVM-00043-00014947-00015108 But is it likely that they would've done so? kqp2xy01oVM-00044-00015108-00015311 That they would've had the resources or kqp2xy01oVM-00045-00015311-00015626 the personnel, or the money that it would cost to do that. kqp2xy01oVM-00046-00015626-00015938 To dedicate one, or three officers to your case. kqp2xy01oVM-00047-00015938-00016376 Now they can do just by slapping a GPS, you know, device on your car. kqp2xy01oVM-00048-00016376-00016451 And they, that's what they do. kqp2xy01oVM-00049-00016451-00016683 They go and your cars parked in a public place, kqp2xy01oVM-00050-00016683-00017142 they just slap the GPS device on and they can track you 24/7. kqp2xy01oVM-00051-00017142-00017300 And this is what courts are starting to grapple with. krk1atwnlDI-00000-00000032-00000175 Number six krk1atwnlDI-00001-00000175-00000326 man URINATES krk1atwnlDI-00002-00000326-00000481 on fellow PASSENGER krk1atwnlDI-00003-00000481-00000689 for not being allowed to smoke krwBFny8MKU-00000-00000000-00000200 BY BLOCKING EVERYONE ELSE ktOaXLotcLU-00000-00014280-00014755 OBRIGADO POR ASSISTIR : ) kvgGOzH9XOc-00000-00000272-00000502 IT is one of the most powerful tools kvgGOzH9XOc-00001-00000502-00000629 the world has ever seen. kvgGOzH9XOc-00002-00000629-00000821 IT has the power to help the kvgGOzH9XOc-00003-00000821-00001046 developing world and get to the point kvgGOzH9XOc-00004-00001046-00001211 where they can really enjoy their quality kvgGOzH9XOc-00005-00001211-00001523 of life. Over the last few years I've kvgGOzH9XOc-00006-00001523-00001711 learned many technical skills but kvgGOzH9XOc-00007-00001711-00001871 the one thing that has been the most kvgGOzH9XOc-00008-00001871-00002068 impactful thing in my life is the new kvgGOzH9XOc-00009-00002068-00002251 people I have met through this journey. kvgGOzH9XOc-00010-00002251-00002522 Griffith sort of presented me with this kvgGOzH9XOc-00011-00002522-00002714 whole wild world of different opportunities. kvgGOzH9XOc-00012-00002714-00003028 Ever since the beginning of this course kvgGOzH9XOc-00013-00003028-00003263 I always are felt like I'm in kvgGOzH9XOc-00014-00003263-00003533 charge of my future which is great. kvgGOzH9XOc-00015-00003533-00003599 A great feeling. kvgGOzH9XOc-00016-00003599-00003902 Last year in December I had this kvgGOzH9XOc-00017-00003902-00004121 opportunity to do a 10 week internship kvgGOzH9XOc-00018-00004121-00004274 and one of the great things that came out kvgGOzH9XOc-00019-00004274-00004505 of that was I got a permanent job after I kvgGOzH9XOc-00020-00004505-00004909 graduate and that's really nice. kvgGOzH9XOc-00021-00004909-00005092 My name is Chirag Choudhary and I'm currently kvgGOzH9XOc-00022-00005092-00005293 studying a Bachelor of IT, majoring kvgGOzH9XOc-00023-00005293-00005434 in software development at kvgGOzH9XOc-00024-00005434-00005532 Griffith University. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00000-00000064-00000600 Hello everyone, I am Bich Tran from IHE Delft. In this video, I will demonstrate how to kzOOiaUU5Lg-00001-00000600-00001048 use 'Jupyter Notebook' to run python codes. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00002-00001208-00001607 In this video, I will use the python 3 tutorial jupyter notebooks kzOOiaUU5Lg-00003-00001626-00001964 by Dr. Hans van der Kwast as an example. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00004-00001964-00002250 You can access these notebooks from a Github repository. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00005-00002268-00002608 On the Github repository site, click on kzOOiaUU5Lg-00006-00002608-00003024 the green 'Code' button select 'Download ZIP' kzOOiaUU5Lg-00007-00003024-00003544 to save all the files in the repository to your computer. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00008-00004280-00004816 And then, unzip or extract the compressed file in the folder. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00009-00004816-00005328 In the extracted folder there, are several files with the 'ipynb' kzOOiaUU5Lg-00010-00005328-00005630 extension, which is ipython notebook. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00011-00005806-00006194 To start 'Jupyter Notebook' from 'Anaconda Prompt', kzOOiaUU5Lg-00012-00006194-00006447 in the Anaconda Prompt window, change to kzOOiaUU5Lg-00013-00006447-00007136 the folder containing the notebook using 'cd' command as you can see here. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00014-00007136-00007636 then use a command line 'jupyter notebook' to start the program kzOOiaUU5Lg-00015-00009192-00009664 Jupyter notebook will be opened in your default web browser at a 'localhost' on kzOOiaUU5Lg-00016-00009664-00010079 your computer. Here under the 'Files' tab, you will find kzOOiaUU5Lg-00017-00010079-00010375 the list of all the notebooks in the folder. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00018-00010375-00010720 You can create a new notebook by clicking at the 'New' kzOOiaUU5Lg-00019-00010720-00011279 button and then select 'Python 3'. The 'Upload' button next to it is to kzOOiaUU5Lg-00020-00011279-00011615 upload files from the computer to this folder. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00021-00011615-00012056 Click on the notebook in the list to open it. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00022-00012168-00012656 The notebook will be loading in a new tab and connecting with a Python 'kernel', kzOOiaUU5Lg-00023-00012656-00013072 which is the computational engine that executes the Python code contained in a kzOOiaUU5Lg-00024-00013072-00013559 notebook document. Now, the kernel is ready and its status kzOOiaUU5Lg-00025-00013559-00013944 shown here as 'idle', which means it is not executing kzOOiaUU5Lg-00026-00013944-00014304 anything at the moment. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00027-00014304-00014736 In the 'Home' tab you will see that the notebook icon color is green, which means kzOOiaUU5Lg-00028-00014736-00015031 a kernel is currently active in this notebook. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00029-00015031-00015391 If you want to shut down the kernel, tick on the selection box next to the kzOOiaUU5Lg-00030-00015391-00015912 notebook, then select 'Shutdown'. You can also do this in the notebook tab kzOOiaUU5Lg-00031-00015912-00016448 by opening the 'Kernel' in the menu bar then selecting 'Shutdown'. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00032-00016448-00016704 And now, we will look into this notebook. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00033-00016708-00016984 The element of Jupyter notebook is a cell kzOOiaUU5Lg-00034-00016996-00017208 It can be a text, text with image, or kzOOiaUU5Lg-00035-00017208-00017551 python code. For example, this first cell type is kzOOiaUU5Lg-00036-00017552-00018024 'Markdown', which contains only text. Here, it says to kzOOiaUU5Lg-00037-00018024-00018478 type a line of command in the cell below which is a 'Code' type of cell. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00038-00018608-00018872 Now, we will try to type in this cell kzOOiaUU5Lg-00039-00018872-00019282 below here the command line 'print('Hello, World')'. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00040-00019968-00020368 To run the Python code in this cell, we can click on the 'Run' button kzOOiaUU5Lg-00041-00020368-00020959 on the toolbar or select 'Run cells' in the 'Cell' drop down list on kzOOiaUU5Lg-00042-00020960-00021194 the menu bar. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00043-00021370-00021734 Using keyboards, we can also press 'Shift' + 'Enter' kzOOiaUU5Lg-00044-00021742-00022086 to execute the command lines in this cell kzOOiaUU5Lg-00045-00022208-00022976 Here, we see the output of the code shown below the code cell which is the string kzOOiaUU5Lg-00046-00022976-00023272 'Hello, world'. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00047-00023623-00023959 On the toolbar, there are also buttons to cut, kzOOiaUU5Lg-00048-00023960-00024158 copy and paste cells. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00049-00024258-00024588 You can also move the position of the cell up and kzOOiaUU5Lg-00050-00024602-00024846 down in the notebook document. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00051-00024986-00025208 The number next to each code cell kzOOiaUU5Lg-00052-00025212-00025448 indicates the order in which the code kzOOiaUU5Lg-00053-00025448-00025568 was executed. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00054-00025604-00025814 For example, this cell is a copy of the kzOOiaUU5Lg-00055-00025832-00026300 cell above but it was executed after so its number is 2. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00056-00026439-00026914 You can add an empty code cell by clicking the plus button. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00057-00026988-00027488 Now, I will run a 'while True' command to show how to continuously kzOOiaUU5Lg-00058-00027488-00027700 print the line 'Hello, World'. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00059-00027848-00028100 As you can see in the output box below kzOOiaUU5Lg-00060-00028100-00028424 the code cell, Python is printing the lines and kzOOiaUU5Lg-00061-00028424-00028592 the kernel is now 'Busy'. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00062-00028716-00028960 The cell running is indicated by the kzOOiaUU5Lg-00063-00028960-00029189 '*' symbol in the bracket. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00064-00029189-00029436 To stop python kernel from executing, kzOOiaUU5Lg-00065-00029436-00029570 select the running cell kzOOiaUU5Lg-00066-00029682-00029945 then choose interrupt kernel button kzOOiaUU5Lg-00067-00030039-00030370 the kernel status is now 'Idle' again kzOOiaUU5Lg-00068-00030382-00030780 and the cell number becomes 3 kzOOiaUU5Lg-00069-00030880-00031244 and in the output it shows 'KeyboardInterrupt' error kzOOiaUU5Lg-00070-00031376-00031832 When the output is very long, you can toggle to hide it with a double click kzOOiaUU5Lg-00071-00031832-00032000 in the space next to it. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00072-00032480-00032900 You can also disable or enable scrolling kzOOiaUU5Lg-00073-00032900-00033040 with a click kzOOiaUU5Lg-00074-00033112-00033338 To stop jupyter notebook program, kzOOiaUU5Lg-00075-00033338-00033596 make sure you save all your results in the notebook. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00076-00033596-00033894 then shut down all active kernels. kzOOiaUU5Lg-00077-00034304-00034750 close the notebook tab and choose 'Quit' on the 'Home' tab. k-h6o2LveGU-00000-00000018-00000498 Summer is right around the corner, which means everybody wants a six pack. But planking? more k-h6o2LveGU-00001-00000498-00001206 like puking! Sit ups? More like throw up! Nobody likes doing this, but I got an alternative for k-h6o2LveGU-00002-00001206-00001734 you. It is called the two point bird dog. Or as most people call it, just the bird dog. k-h6o2LveGU-00003-00001734-00002172 Here's how you get set up. Come to your hands and knees, making sure the hand is right underneath k-h6o2LveGU-00004-00002172-00002700 the shoulder. Then the knee is right underneath the hip. What you're going to do is opposite arm, k-h6o2LveGU-00005-00002700-00003186 opposite leg are going to reach out as far out in front of you as you can. Keeping the k-h6o2LveGU-00006-00003186-00003708 back nice and flat as you come together, you switch to the other side. Easy peasy, k-h6o2LveGU-00007-00003708-00004338 Lemon squeezy. What you are not doing is crunching in and then overextending as you go straight. k-h6o2LveGU-00008-00004338-00004584 I hope this helps you get that six pack. k-h6o2LveGU-00009-00004584-00004896 Let's have fun, work hard, get sweaty, and I'll see you on the next one. k_pIRzoiDdM-00000-00000048-00000432 okay guys great now that you have your credit report it's important that we get organized k_pIRzoiDdM-00001-00000432-00000903 that we start the process of identifying the items that we want to correct i've included a k_pIRzoiDdM-00002-00000903-00001528 worksheet it looks a little like this and we're basically going to list out everything that we k_pIRzoiDdM-00003-00001528-00002016 want to correct on the credit report so go ahead and click next download the worksheet k_pIRzoiDdM-00004-00002072-00002424 keep that handy along with your credit report and we'll start going through the k_pIRzoiDdM-00005-00002424-00002824 report and identifying the items we want to correct i'll see you in the next video kB8smjb_Er0-00243-00077801-00077901 Faith tv Bangla kDWDCqinkBM-00000-00000666-00000875 Namaskaar Maharishikaa kDWDCqinkBM-00001-00000875-00000945 Namaskaar kDWDCqinkBM-00002-00001191-00001441 I have learned a lot from you about kDWDCqinkBM-00003-00001441-00001587 takingcare of matter kDWDCqinkBM-00004-00001587-00001870 and when I do clear the house... kDWDCqinkBM-00005-00001870-00002145 do the tidying, I immediately feel the difference kDWDCqinkBM-00006-00002145-00002345 in the space, in myself... kDWDCqinkBM-00007-00002345-00002470 but the thing is, that taking care of matter often kDWDCqinkBM-00008-00002470-00002720 but the thing is, that taking care of matter often kDWDCqinkBM-00009-00002720-00002958 ends up loweron the list of priorities. kDWDCqinkBM-00010-00002958-00003204 It's something that I just... kDWDCqinkBM-00011-00003204-00003308 I don't know... somehow it's kDWDCqinkBM-00012-00003308-00003483 something I don'tpick up... kDWDCqinkBM-00013-00003483-00003650 it sort of slips kDWDCqinkBM-00014-00003650-00003933 so I wanted to know, what to do? kDWDCqinkBM-00015-00004137-00004383 I think you need to write down kDWDCqinkBM-00016-00004383-00004641 on big piecesof paper kDWDCqinkBM-00017-00004641-00004962 ...'clear up, throw out, dust, clean'... kDWDCqinkBM-00018-00004962-00005216 ...'now, now, now'... kDWDCqinkBM-00019-00005216-00005504 and stick them everywhere kDWDCqinkBM-00020-00005504-00005829 and I'mpretty sure you won't see them after a while. kDWDCqinkBM-00021-00005829-00006000 because that's a big problem kDWDCqinkBM-00022-00006000-00006137 that I thinkeveryone faces kDWDCqinkBM-00023-00006137-00006362 and it's one of the fundamental... kDWDCqinkBM-00024-00006537-00006737 In fact the first thing when people... kDWDCqinkBM-00025-00006737-00006941 you know kDWDCqinkBM-00026-00006941-00007075 start out on a... kDWDCqinkBM-00027-00007075-00007483 on a path of... of self-realization, is... kDWDCqinkBM-00028-00007483-00007850 you have to clean the mess, take care of matter. kDWDCqinkBM-00029-00007850-00007983 Very, very crucial kDWDCqinkBM-00030-00007983-00008187 and that is because ofthe energetics kDWDCqinkBM-00031-00008187-00008454 associated with matter that's lying around kDWDCqinkBM-00032-00008454-00008675 not taken care of. You have... kDWDCqinkBM-00033-00008675-00009041 youhave energetic attachments, you have... kDWDCqinkBM-00034-00009041-00009100 you know... kDWDCqinkBM-00035-00009100-00009300 The entire atmosphere is full of kDWDCqinkBM-00036-00009300-00009541 various energies kDWDCqinkBM-00037-00009541-00009754 and they attach themselves to matter kDWDCqinkBM-00038-00009754-00010112 and create noise in the atmosphere. kDWDCqinkBM-00039-00010112-00010691 There'snoise when there is matter not taken care of kDWDCqinkBM-00040-00010691-00010916 and that noise has to be cleared kDWDCqinkBM-00041-00010916-00011195 sothat there's quiet in the atmosphere. kDWDCqinkBM-00042-00011195-00011454 How to do it, how to remind yourself? kDWDCqinkBM-00043-00011454-00011800 Put onan alarm, or put on a reminder, and... kDWDCqinkBM-00044-00011800-00012320 and just remember like, you can do alot kDWDCqinkBM-00045-00012320-00012754 psychologically, or conceptually, or whatever to kDWDCqinkBM-00046-00012754-00013095 to realize Self in a deeper and deeper way kDWDCqinkBM-00047-00013095-00013275 but if there is clutter kDWDCqinkBM-00048-00013275-00013541 if there is mess, if there is dirt... kDWDCqinkBM-00049-00013541-00013850 if there is uncaredfor matter around kDWDCqinkBM-00050-00013850-00014129 you can't have the quiet kDWDCqinkBM-00051-00014129-00014375 because there is energetic noise kDWDCqinkBM-00052-00014375-00014587 and thatenergetic noise kDWDCqinkBM-00053-00014587-00014766 has to be first cleared kDWDCqinkBM-00054-00014766-00015175 whichis also why, in ancient cultures they kDWDCqinkBM-00055-00015175-00015470 often burnt down their entire homes kDWDCqinkBM-00056-00015470-00015758 every year, atspringtime kDWDCqinkBM-00057-00015758-00016025 just their huts, everything was burnt. kDWDCqinkBM-00058-00016025-00016170 The old was thrown away kDWDCqinkBM-00059-00016170-00016391 and then they startedout new again kDWDCqinkBM-00060-00016391-00016654 and that's because of that reason, because kDWDCqinkBM-00061-00016654-00017025 you need to cleanse, and clean, and clear, and... kDWDCqinkBM-00062-00017025-00017345 and also to move the positions of objects kDWDCqinkBM-00063-00017345-00017583 because when you have... when you have objects kDWDCqinkBM-00064-00017583-00017879 standing in one place for a very long time kDWDCqinkBM-00065-00017879-00018204 they build energetic patterns in yourspace kDWDCqinkBM-00066-00018204-00018520 and that amplifies the noise. kDWDCqinkBM-00067-00018520-00018812 So it's always good to move objects around kDWDCqinkBM-00068-00018812-00019087 youalso clear, you dust, you clean. kDWDCqinkBM-00069-00019087-00019408 To maintain that cleanliness is very important kDWDCqinkBM-00070-00019408-00019633 for a... for... kDWDCqinkBM-00071-00019633-00019941 forthe quiet needed to feel the Impulse... kDWDCqinkBM-00072-00019941-00020170 to move towards that experience kDWDCqinkBM-00073-00020170-00020541 of centerednessand surrender. kEzUT-ihjpQ-00000-00000568-00001232 the 2gig edge security system allows users to view live camera feeds directly on their system's panel kEzUT-ihjpQ-00001-00001232-00001864 and remote keypads the following video will show you how to stream an alarm.com camera kEzUT-ihjpQ-00002-00001864-00002624 to a 2gig edge panel or remote keypad note if you need to add a local network camera kEzUT-ihjpQ-00003-00002624-00002984 please view our streaming local network cameras video kEzUT-ihjpQ-00004-00003128-00003552 you'll want to first create the alarm.com account for the new edge user kEzUT-ihjpQ-00005-00003552-00004248 if you haven't done so already next make sure the edge panel and or keypads are all connected kEzUT-ihjpQ-00006-00004248-00005056 to the user's wifi network if you're not sure how to check the panel and keypad network details view kEzUT-ihjpQ-00007-00005056-00005888 our adding updating wireless network settings or adding keypads videos next follow the instructions kEzUT-ihjpQ-00008-00005888-00006431 listed in the camera's quick start guide to connect the camera to the user's wifi network kEzUT-ihjpQ-00009-00006712-00007184 and then add the camera to the user's alarm.com account kEzUT-ihjpQ-00010-00007359-00007728 next you'll want to log into the usersalarm.com account kEzUT-ihjpQ-00011-00007728-00008280 if you haven't done so already and select the video tab from the left hand menu kEzUT-ihjpQ-00012-00008488-00008792 click the settings tab from the upper menu kEzUT-ihjpQ-00013-00009032-00009752 and then select the stream video to security panel screen option note kEzUT-ihjpQ-00014-00009752-00010304 if you don't see this option listed on screen there may be a networked connection issue kEzUT-ihjpQ-00015-00010416-00011248 check to ensure your camera panel and any keypads are all connected to the same wi-fi network also kEzUT-ihjpQ-00016-00011248-00011816 make sure your wi-fi network is functioning properly once you resolve any network issues kEzUT-ihjpQ-00017-00011880-00012592 log out of the usersalarm.com account and then log back in you should see the stream option appear on kEzUT-ihjpQ-00018-00012592-00013384 screen now open the stream video to panel page and then locate the new camera from the on-screen list kEzUT-ihjpQ-00019-00013552-00013856 click the check mark button under view at the panel kEzUT-ihjpQ-00020-00014072-00014240 and then click the save button kEzUT-ihjpQ-00021-00014424-00015024 wait two to five minutes and then go to the panel and tap the smart home button on the home screen kEzUT-ihjpQ-00022-00015168-00015880 select cameras and then you'll see the name of the newly added camera along with a preview you kEzUT-ihjpQ-00023-00015880-00016608 can view the camera feed in full screen mode by tapping the preview congratulations you've now kEzUT-ihjpQ-00024-00016608-00017336 successfully streamed the new alarm.com camera to the user's 2gig edge panel the live camera feed kEzUT-ihjpQ-00025-00017336-00017832 can also now be viewed on any remote keypads connected to the 2gig edge system as well kEzUT-ihjpQ-00026-00018112-00018632 make sure to subscribe to our youtube page and click the show more tab underneath the kEzUT-ihjpQ-00027-00018632-00019032 video where you can view valuable links pertaining to this product kEzUT-ihjpQ-00028-00019096-00019688 similar how-to videos and our low-cost no contract alarm monitoring services kGztVUIaJgk-00000-00000190-00000490 Why Physicians Choose KP: Quality Care & Innovation by Kaiser Permanente kGztVUIaJgk-00001-00000670-00000846 Because of all of the accolades, kGztVUIaJgk-00002-00000846-00001188 Kaiser Permanente have gotten recognized as the place to be if you're kGztVUIaJgk-00003-00001188-00001263 a physician. kGztVUIaJgk-00004-00001263-00001613 It gives you the freedom of choice in terms of how to treat patients under the kGztVUIaJgk-00005-00001613-00001982 umbrella of technology and resources that are probably more vast than any kGztVUIaJgk-00006-00001982-00002208 other healthcare system in the United States. kGztVUIaJgk-00007-00002208-00002512 On top of that, lay in our ability to innovate, try new things, kGztVUIaJgk-00008-00002580-00002766 it's the ideal place for a physician to work. kGztVUIaJgk-00009-00002850-00003058 Kaiser Permanente. Choose Better. kI952ustgyc-00000-00000037-00000433 We're so happy that Noah is finally here. We've been trying to breastfeed. And kI952ustgyc-00001-00000433-00000838 how do we tell if he's getting enough milk? My sister breastfed and had a lot kI952ustgyc-00002-00000838-00001240 of problems. We also have a lot of questions about circumcision. Isn't that kI952ustgyc-00003-00001240-00001509 painful for him? kNUWajrjoN8-00000-00000256-00000560 [Greig] kNUWajrjoN8-00001-00000312-00000624 hi everybody um thank you all very much kNUWajrjoN8-00002-00000560-00000927 for kNUWajrjoN8-00003-00000624-00001240 um joining us for the um first kNUWajrjoN8-00004-00000927-00001479 uh magnet seminar of 2021 kNUWajrjoN8-00005-00001240-00001648 and the series that we ran last year was kNUWajrjoN8-00006-00001479-00001855 was very successful kNUWajrjoN8-00007-00001648-00001952 and it was really great to see uh so kNUWajrjoN8-00008-00001855-00002240 many people kNUWajrjoN8-00009-00001952-00002368 uh still coming in already we're over 17 kNUWajrjoN8-00010-00002240-00002600 still counting kNUWajrjoN8-00011-00002368-00002784 so it's really fantastic that we've got kNUWajrjoN8-00012-00002600-00003016 so many people here kNUWajrjoN8-00013-00002784-00003119 supporting our community um through some kNUWajrjoN8-00014-00003016-00003400 sort of kNUWajrjoN8-00015-00003119-00003536 challenging times that we're all facing kNUWajrjoN8-00016-00003400-00003847 um kNUWajrjoN8-00017-00003536-00003871 so just a quick um note for for people kNUWajrjoN8-00018-00003847-00004104 who kNUWajrjoN8-00019-00003871-00004280 haven't actually attended these seminars kNUWajrjoN8-00020-00004104-00004584 we've got a few new faces kNUWajrjoN8-00021-00004280-00004712 um joining us now um these seminars are kNUWajrjoN8-00022-00004584-00005048 typically on the order for kNUWajrjoN8-00023-00004712-00005223 25 to um 30 minutes long we have a kNUWajrjoN8-00024-00005048-00005503 little bit of flexibility because i know kNUWajrjoN8-00025-00005223-00005584 lisa is gone for a slightly longer talk kNUWajrjoN8-00026-00005503-00005912 but kNUWajrjoN8-00027-00005584-00006071 we'll squeeze we'll squeeze it in um but kNUWajrjoN8-00028-00005912-00006384 can i just ask that everybody kNUWajrjoN8-00029-00006071-00006695 um please keep your microphones muted um kNUWajrjoN8-00030-00006384-00006823 while the presenter is is speaking um kNUWajrjoN8-00031-00006695-00006888 and if you're struggling with internet kNUWajrjoN8-00032-00006823-00007136 connection kNUWajrjoN8-00033-00006888-00007231 um if you turn your mic your video off kNUWajrjoN8-00034-00007136-00007472 and that can often kNUWajrjoN8-00035-00007231-00007743 um improve some of the speed um at the kNUWajrjoN8-00036-00007472-00007959 end of the seminar we'll have a 10 or kNUWajrjoN8-00037-00007743-00008056 15 minute chance for for questions and kNUWajrjoN8-00038-00007959-00008343 discussion kNUWajrjoN8-00039-00008056-00008384 um you can either raise your hand and kNUWajrjoN8-00040-00008343-00008592 ask an kNUWajrjoN8-00041-00008384-00008711 oral question or you can type in into kNUWajrjoN8-00042-00008592-00009007 the chat window kNUWajrjoN8-00043-00008711-00009136 and one of us most likely myself will kNUWajrjoN8-00044-00009007-00009479 read out the question kNUWajrjoN8-00045-00009136-00009543 um for you and just a reminder that you kNUWajrjoN8-00046-00009479-00009832 know kNUWajrjoN8-00047-00009543-00009960 we all have life going on around us in kNUWajrjoN8-00048-00009832-00010232 the background so kNUWajrjoN8-00049-00009960-00010336 if you have to to to go halfway through kNUWajrjoN8-00050-00010232-00010575 these seminars kNUWajrjoN8-00051-00010336-00010720 and just go we all know what it's like kNUWajrjoN8-00052-00010575-00010896 uh working from home kNUWajrjoN8-00053-00010720-00011088 or up early in the morning and all sorts kNUWajrjoN8-00054-00010896-00011256 of things going on that doesn't apply to kNUWajrjoN8-00055-00011088-00011456 you lisa you're here for the duration kNUWajrjoN8-00056-00011256-00011632 i'm afraid um kNUWajrjoN8-00057-00011456-00011856 and at the end of the seminar we'll have kNUWajrjoN8-00058-00011632-00012071 a chance uh for a bit of a catch-up kNUWajrjoN8-00059-00011856-00012175 because we're all um spread around the kNUWajrjoN8-00060-00012071-00012311 world not really kNUWajrjoN8-00061-00012175-00012504 interacting with each other in the same kNUWajrjoN8-00062-00012311-00012536 ways that we used to so there'll be time kNUWajrjoN8-00063-00012504-00012768 for kNUWajrjoN8-00064-00012536-00012839 a catch a catch up on a chat uh later on kNUWajrjoN8-00065-00012768-00012984 at the end kNUWajrjoN8-00066-00012839-00013176 and that part of the seminar is not kNUWajrjoN8-00067-00012984-00013512 going to be recorded so it's it's it's kNUWajrjoN8-00068-00013176-00013840 um uh a bit more relaxed kNUWajrjoN8-00069-00013512-00014047 um and so our speaker for today um is kNUWajrjoN8-00070-00013840-00014184 lisa talks i'm really grateful for her kNUWajrjoN8-00071-00014047-00014391 for kNUWajrjoN8-00072-00014184-00014544 speaking today for our first seminar of kNUWajrjoN8-00073-00014391-00014712 2021 kNUWajrjoN8-00074-00014544-00014880 and today she'll be talking about kNUWajrjoN8-00075-00014712-00015119 understanding non-ideal kNUWajrjoN8-00076-00014880-00015223 paleointensity recorders in igneous kNUWajrjoN8-00077-00015119-00015640 rocks kNUWajrjoN8-00078-00015223-00015840 so i will hand over to you lisa okay can kNUWajrjoN8-00079-00015640-00016168 [Lisa] I share my screen kNUWajrjoN8-00080-00015840-00016392 [Greig] yep okay kNUWajrjoN8-00081-00016168-00016392 um kNUWajrjoN8-00082-00016405-00017048 [Music] kNUWajrjoN8-00083-00016544-00017528 [Lisa] if this works kNUWajrjoN8-00084-00017048-00017528 can y'all see that yeah that's perfect kNUWajrjoN8-00085-00017584-00018359 uh I think I shared the wrong screen kNUWajrjoN8-00086-00017992-00018712 uh um do you have it in present review kNUWajrjoN8-00087-00018359-00018712 yeah just a minute kNUWajrjoN8-00088-00018751-00019256 um so let me share kNUWajrjoN8-00089-00019264-00019984 this screen kNUWajrjoN8-00090-00020072-00020456 how's that can you see that or do you kNUWajrjoN8-00091-00020280-00020759 see two slides or one slide kNUWajrjoN8-00092-00020456-00021112 uh we see one slide okay great kNUWajrjoN8-00093-00020759-00021400 okay so the talk today um uh kNUWajrjoN8-00094-00021112-00021504 is with my uh collaborators Christeanne kNUWajrjoN8-00095-00021400-00021879 Santos kNUWajrjoN8-00096-00021504-00021912 Brendan Cych Xiang Zhao Andrew Roberts kNUWajrjoN8-00097-00021879-00022264 Les kNUWajrjoN8-00098-00021912-00022608 Nagy and Wynn Williams was the paper kNUWajrjoN8-00099-00022264-00022856 and um and so kNUWajrjoN8-00100-00022608-00023023 I just I'm going to launch in without kNUWajrjoN8-00101-00022856-00023176 you know skipping all the jokes in the kNUWajrjoN8-00102-00023023-00023487 beginning kNUWajrjoN8-00103-00023176-00023704 and uh talk about I mean mostly kNUWajrjoN8-00104-00023487-00023831 people in paleomagnetism understand that kNUWajrjoN8-00105-00023704-00024120 the basic kNUWajrjoN8-00106-00023831-00024215 laws of the paleointensity experiment kNUWajrjoN8-00107-00024120-00024648 are kNUWajrjoN8-00108-00024215-00024959 that remanence is blocked at the same kNUWajrjoN8-00109-00024648-00025264 temperature at which it's unblocked kNUWajrjoN8-00110-00024959-00025464 that partial remanences that are blocked kNUWajrjoN8-00111-00025264-00025647 between two temperatures are independent kNUWajrjoN8-00112-00025464-00025991 of all the others kNUWajrjoN8-00113-00025647-00026304 and that the sum of the TRM kNUWajrjoN8-00114-00025991-00026624 acquired through a bunch of steps of kNUWajrjoN8-00115-00026304-00026968 pTRM acquisition would be the same as kNUWajrjoN8-00116-00026624-00027280 the total TRM and kNUWajrjoN8-00117-00026968-00027480 when these laws are obeyed you have an kNUWajrjoN8-00118-00027280-00027672 unblocking temperature spectrum and a kNUWajrjoN8-00119-00027480-00027863 blocking temperature spectrum kNUWajrjoN8-00120-00027672-00028063 there's a little tiny red line inside kNUWajrjoN8-00121-00027863-00028247 the blue line and so the blocking and kNUWajrjoN8-00122-00028063-00028624 unblocking are the same kNUWajrjoN8-00123-00028247-00028624 then we do this experiment kNUWajrjoN8-00124-00028688-00029127 which is a Koernigsberger Thellier-Thellier kNUWajrjoN8-00125-00028960-00029368 type experiment kNUWajrjoN8-00126-00029127-00029512 but we do it in a particular way where kNUWajrjoN8-00127-00029368-00029760 we alternate in kNUWajrjoN8-00128-00029512-00029975 field steps and out of field steps and kNUWajrjoN8-00129-00029760-00030183 this slide just kind of summarizes the kNUWajrjoN8-00130-00029975-00030480 experiment kNUWajrjoN8-00131-00030183-00030647 and then if you plot the magnetization kNUWajrjoN8-00132-00030480-00030824 remaining against the magnetization kNUWajrjoN8-00133-00030647-00030912 acquired at each step you get a straight kNUWajrjoN8-00134-00030824-00031095 line kNUWajrjoN8-00135-00030912-00031303 the slope of which is proportional to kNUWajrjoN8-00136-00031095-00031680 the field so that's great kNUWajrjoN8-00137-00031303-00032039 now what happens if the two if we kNUWajrjoN8-00138-00031680-00032319 no longer have reciprocity so kNUWajrjoN8-00139-00032039-00032408 the blocking temperature is higher kNUWajrjoN8-00140-00032319-00032616 blocking temperature kNUWajrjoN8-00141-00032408-00032752 spectrum is higher than the unblocking kNUWajrjoN8-00142-00032616-00033136 temperature spectrum kNUWajrjoN8-00143-00032752-00033480 in this case you'll get a downward bowed kNUWajrjoN8-00144-00033136-00033728 Arai plot kNUWajrjoN8-00145-00033480-00033912 on the right that's a the plot the kNUWajrjoN8-00146-00033728-00033991 remanence remaining against the remanence kNUWajrjoN8-00147-00033912-00034336 gained kNUWajrjoN8-00148-00033991-00034536 and it sags below the line, now kNUWajrjoN8-00149-00034336-00034800 i'm glad to see that Dunlop and Ozdemir are kNUWajrjoN8-00150-00034536-00035152 here because this was a great paper kNUWajrjoN8-00151-00034800-00035488 um you have um the kNUWajrjoN8-00152-00035152-00035903 you give it uh they gave remanence to kNUWajrjoN8-00153-00035488-00036056 um uh by cooling in a field between 370 kNUWajrjoN8-00154-00035903-00036360 and 350 kNUWajrjoN8-00155-00036056-00036640 and then demagnetized that remanence kNUWajrjoN8-00156-00036360-00036824 and found that much a lot of the kNUWajrjoN8-00157-00036640-00037144 remanence started to decay kNUWajrjoN8-00158-00036824-00037391 well below the blocking temperature kNUWajrjoN8-00159-00037144-00037488 giving rise to something we call low kNUWajrjoN8-00160-00037391-00037824 temperature kNUWajrjoN8-00161-00037488-00038128 tails pTRM tails and kNUWajrjoN8-00162-00037824-00038319 and some of it remained um after kNUWajrjoN8-00163-00038128-00038496 the blocking temperature which are high kNUWajrjoN8-00164-00038319-00038888 temperature tails kNUWajrjoN8-00165-00038496-00039160 and they did Arai they did um kNUWajrjoN8-00166-00038888-00039224 uh paleointensity experiments on them and kNUWajrjoN8-00167-00039160-00039424 plotted kNUWajrjoN8-00168-00039224-00039552 something that looked a lot like an Arai kNUWajrjoN8-00169-00039424-00039863 plot kNUWajrjoN8-00170-00039552-00040312 um where you can see that kNUWajrjoN8-00171-00039863-00040728 all the the coarser grains kNUWajrjoN8-00172-00040312-00041096 the purple plus signs at 135 microns kNUWajrjoN8-00173-00040728-00041400 gives significantly saggy kNUWajrjoN8-00174-00041096-00041584 um Arai plots whereas as kNUWajrjoN8-00175-00041400-00041816 the grain size gets smaller and smaller kNUWajrjoN8-00176-00041584-00042056 you get straighter Arai plots kNUWajrjoN8-00177-00041816-00042128 and I didn't notice for a long time but kNUWajrjoN8-00178-00042056-00042440 that the kNUWajrjoN8-00179-00042128-00042568 the x-axis was normalized by the total kNUWajrjoN8-00180-00042440-00042880 trm kNUWajrjoN8-00181-00042568-00043112 on the x-axis and the y-axis kNUWajrjoN8-00182-00042880-00043224 was normalized by the original remnants kNUWajrjoN8-00183-00043112-00043456 and so kNUWajrjoN8-00184-00043224-00043656 i thought from this diagram that you kNUWajrjoN8-00185-00043456-00043824 could just take the total trm and get kNUWajrjoN8-00186-00043656-00044272 the right answer kNUWajrjoN8-00187-00043824-00044568 but that may not be true as was um kNUWajrjoN8-00188-00044272-00044847 uh shown by a few years later by kNUWajrjoN8-00189-00044568-00045103 Krasa et al. 2003 kNUWajrjoN8-00190-00044847-00045303 where if you have very fine-grained kNUWajrjoN8-00191-00045103-00045552 material 60 nanometers kNUWajrjoN8-00192-00045303-00045624 you get the right answer in the lab kNUWajrjoN8-00193-00045552-00045975 field the kNUWajrjoN8-00194-00045624-00046128 the um these experiments were done in 60 kNUWajrjoN8-00195-00045975-00046416 microtesla lab fields kNUWajrjoN8-00196-00046128-00046647 and you can see the figure on the left I kNUWajrjoN8-00197-00046416-00046984 don't know if you can see my mouse but kNUWajrjoN8-00198-00046647-00047375 I can't even see my mouse never mind um kNUWajrjoN8-00199-00046984-00047575 uh the that you get 59.3 you know you kNUWajrjoN8-00200-00047375-00047903 get the right answer kNUWajrjoN8-00201-00047575-00048136 whereas for larger grain sizes you can kNUWajrjoN8-00202-00047903-00048384 see the one on the right hand side is 12 kNUWajrjoN8-00203-00048136-00048384 micron kNUWajrjoN8-00204-00048447-00049319 material and it's underestimated by kNUWajrjoN8-00205-00048856-00049719 uh by by hugely it's 42 kNUWajrjoN8-00206-00049319-00050056 microtesla instead of 60. and um kNUWajrjoN8-00207-00049719-00050408 and that just seemed to be that the more kNUWajrjoN8-00208-00050056-00050736 curved the Arai plots the worse kNUWajrjoN8-00209-00050408-00050887 the uh total TRM answer or the best fit kNUWajrjoN8-00210-00050736-00051159 line answer was kNUWajrjoN8-00211-00050887-00051351 so is does this happen in nature or is kNUWajrjoN8-00212-00051159-00051767 this only something about these kNUWajrjoN8-00213-00051351-00052247 just big synthetic magnetites kNUWajrjoN8-00214-00051767-00052520 um so I um kNUWajrjoN8-00215-00052247-00052616 I have been collecting data for a long kNUWajrjoN8-00216-00052520-00052951 time kNUWajrjoN8-00217-00052616-00053208 and here are uh four examples of four kNUWajrjoN8-00218-00052951-00053527 lava flows kNUWajrjoN8-00219-00053208-00053648 that have specimens in the lava flow kNUWajrjoN8-00220-00053527-00053904 that gave kNUWajrjoN8-00221-00053648-00054088 very nice straight Arai plots that's kNUWajrjoN8-00222-00053904-00054448 the top row kNUWajrjoN8-00223-00054088-00054655 and the bottom row are sister specimens kNUWajrjoN8-00224-00054448-00054960 from the same lava flow kNUWajrjoN8-00225-00054655-00055191 and you can see that whereas kNUWajrjoN8-00226-00054960-00055432 the one historical lava flow that we kNUWajrjoN8-00227-00055191-00055832 have this hawaii 108 kNUWajrjoN8-00228-00055432-00056160 um we know the answer; the answer was kNUWajrjoN8-00229-00055832-00056464 a 39 kNUWajrjoN8-00230-00056160-00056712 microtesla is the correct answer kNUWajrjoN8-00231-00056464-00056895 this uh the Arai plot from the straight kNUWajrjoN8-00232-00056712-00057279 one got the right answer kNUWajrjoN8-00233-00056895-00057567 um but the sister specimen from the same kNUWajrjoN8-00234-00057279-00057632 flow uh the best fit line and the total kNUWajrjoN8-00235-00057567-00057991 TRM kNUWajrjoN8-00236-00057632-00058072 are low by 30 microtesla so very very kNUWajrjoN8-00237-00057991-00058408 wrong kNUWajrjoN8-00238-00058072-00058479 extremely low bias and we found that if kNUWajrjoN8-00239-00058408-00058816 you take kNUWajrjoN8-00240-00058479-00059024 uh straight Arai plots from lava flows in kNUWajrjoN8-00241-00058816-00059112 general if you compare them to the kNUWajrjoN8-00242-00059024-00059344 results from kNUWajrjoN8-00243-00059112-00059527 curved Arai plots from the same lava kNUWajrjoN8-00244-00059344-00059855 flow you tend to get kNUWajrjoN8-00245-00059527-00060216 an underestimate, so there is a bias kNUWajrjoN8-00246-00059855-00060216 associated with kNUWajrjoN8-00247-00060264-00060744 with uh curved Arai plots and it tends kNUWajrjoN8-00248-00060607-00061055 to be kNUWajrjoN8-00249-00060744-00061320 that if they're downward sagged kNUWajrjoN8-00250-00061055-00061383 that there's a negative there's a low kNUWajrjoN8-00251-00061320-00061648 bias kNUWajrjoN8-00252-00061383-00061695 and interestingly if there's an upward kNUWajrjoN8-00253-00061648-00062095 bow kNUWajrjoN8-00254-00061695-00062304 it tends to be overestimated kNUWajrjoN8-00255-00062095-00062400 why? I don't know and maybe we can figure kNUWajrjoN8-00256-00062304-00062776 this out um kNUWajrjoN8-00257-00062400-00063216 but um the kNUWajrjoN8-00258-00062776-00063639 this so kNUWajrjoN8-00259-00063216-00063936 the um the blue uh kNUWajrjoN8-00260-00063639-00064072 circle is around one particular lava kNUWajrjoN8-00261-00063936-00064432 flow that kNUWajrjoN8-00262-00064072-00064767 we published in 2009 kNUWajrjoN8-00263-00064432-00064888 and um we sampled this from Isla Socorro kNUWajrjoN8-00264-00064767-00065200 in the Pacific Ocean kNUWajrjoN8-00265-00064888-00065327 and um and found this and I thought kNUWajrjoN8-00266-00065200-00065712 because at the time kNUWajrjoN8-00267-00065327-00065712 this was about in 2006. kNUWajrjoN8-00268-00065720-00066120 we were talking in the community I kNUWajrjoN8-00269-00065944-00066224 remember having conversations with many kNUWajrjoN8-00270-00066120-00066424 of you kNUWajrjoN8-00271-00066224-00066648 um at many meetings about how we should kNUWajrjoN8-00272-00066424-00066751 be comparing unblocking with unblocking kNUWajrjoN8-00273-00066648-00066960 and not kNUWajrjoN8-00274-00066751-00067168 blocking with unblocking and so on and kNUWajrjoN8-00275-00066960-00067392 so forth so I thought well kNUWajrjoN8-00276-00067168-00067504 why don't I just give this guy a fresh kNUWajrjoN8-00277-00067392-00067848 TRM kNUWajrjoN8-00278-00067504-00067944 and then do it properly. but the problem kNUWajrjoN8-00279-00067848-00068304 was kNUWajrjoN8-00280-00067944-00068512 that you can see that this is another kNUWajrjoN8-00281-00068304-00068695 pair another sample from the same lava kNUWajrjoN8-00282-00068512-00069104 flow kNUWajrjoN8-00283-00068695-00069392 that um the Arai plot in the original kNUWajrjoN8-00284-00069104-00069512 from the original experiment which is um kNUWajrjoN8-00285-00069392-00069816 in the top kNUWajrjoN8-00286-00069512-00070144 diagram was quite curved but kNUWajrjoN8-00287-00069816-00070232 the uh Arai plot when we gave it a fresh kNUWajrjoN8-00288-00070144-00070512 TRM kNUWajrjoN8-00289-00070232-00070704 in the lab is the lower right hand side kNUWajrjoN8-00290-00070512-00071024 and you can see it's perfectly straight kNUWajrjoN8-00291-00070704-00071392 so the curvature was not reproducible kNUWajrjoN8-00292-00071024-00071695 and so therefore any attempt to compare kNUWajrjoN8-00293-00071392-00071927 um the blocking temperature kNUWajrjoN8-00294-00071695-00072032 in the lab with the or the unblocking kNUWajrjoN8-00295-00071927-00072168 temperature in the lab with the kNUWajrjoN8-00296-00072032-00072263 unblocking temperature in the original kNUWajrjoN8-00297-00072168-00072607 would not give kNUWajrjoN8-00298-00072263-00072736 a good result um and I don't I did not kNUWajrjoN8-00299-00072607-00073127 understand kNUWajrjoN8-00300-00072736-00073320 why uh this happened I couldn't kNUWajrjoN8-00301-00073127-00073448 these are a couple hundred thousand year kNUWajrjoN8-00302-00073320-00073839 old lava flows so kNUWajrjoN8-00303-00073448-00074320 VRM is not really an option here kNUWajrjoN8-00304-00073839-00074656 and um and so I was puzzled kNUWajrjoN8-00305-00074320-00074976 uh and I I now call this behavior kNUWajrjoN8-00306-00074656-00075039 "fragile curvature" so it's not the same kNUWajrjoN8-00307-00074976-00075216 thing kNUWajrjoN8-00308-00075039-00075392 that what Dunlop and Ozdemir were kNUWajrjoN8-00309-00075216-00075639 looking at or Krasa kNUWajrjoN8-00310-00075392-00075751 were looking at which is a reproducible kNUWajrjoN8-00311-00075639-00076072 curvature kNUWajrjoN8-00312-00075751-00076360 and that you can maybe compensate for kNUWajrjoN8-00313-00076072-00076416 because it's reproducible in the lab but kNUWajrjoN8-00314-00076360-00076720 this kNUWajrjoN8-00315-00076416-00077104 fragile curvature which seems to be kNUWajrjoN8-00316-00076720-00077416 everywhere in natural samples kNUWajrjoN8-00317-00077104-00077760 um particularly lava flows uh kNUWajrjoN8-00318-00077416-00078112 is is a is a bear so kNUWajrjoN8-00319-00077760-00078112 um how um kNUWajrjoN8-00320-00078136-00078783 um that's that's a a bummer uh kNUWajrjoN8-00321-00078456-00078944 so it started me thinking about this kNUWajrjoN8-00322-00078783-00079424 problem a while ago kNUWajrjoN8-00323-00078944-00079883 what causes curvature and Arai plots and kNUWajrjoN8-00324-00079424-00080032 what cause why what causes this fragile kNUWajrjoN8-00325-00079883-00080263 curvature kNUWajrjoN8-00326-00080032-00080456 does this fragile curvature we start out kNUWajrjoN8-00327-00080263-00080576 with a nice straight arai plot does the kNUWajrjoN8-00328-00080456-00080888 fragile curvature kNUWajrjoN8-00329-00080576-00081039 increase with time and are data from kNUWajrjoN8-00330-00080888-00081400 these kinds of kNUWajrjoN8-00331-00081039-00081656 samples biased? and is there kNUWajrjoN8-00332-00081400-00081824 some hope and it's the remedy part that kNUWajrjoN8-00333-00081656-00082000 i'm probably not going to get to today kNUWajrjoN8-00334-00081824-00082248 because you can see i have way too many kNUWajrjoN8-00335-00082000-00082248 slides kNUWajrjoN8-00336-00082351-00083000 so I I can think right now of of kNUWajrjoN8-00337-00082688-00083207 two sources of curvature kNUWajrjoN8-00338-00083000-00083351 one is the stuff that Dunlopt and kNUWajrjoN8-00339-00083207-00083904 Ozdemir published about kNUWajrjoN8-00340-00083351-00084119 and Krasa and uh those are domain walls kNUWajrjoN8-00341-00083904-00084400 that produce this curvature the kNUWajrjoN8-00342-00084119-00084744 separation of blocking and unblocking kNUWajrjoN8-00343-00084400-00085080 and I think that um that kNUWajrjoN8-00344-00084744-00085383 that phenomenon is kNUWajrjoN8-00345-00085080-00085512 pretty well understood maybe not but kNUWajrjoN8-00346-00085383-00085695 um I'm not going to worry about it kNUWajrjoN8-00347-00085512-00085832 because most of my samples don't have kNUWajrjoN8-00348-00085695-00086112 multi-domain grains kNUWajrjoN8-00349-00085832-00086232 or big multi-domains but there's this kNUWajrjoN8-00350-00086112-00086512 fragile curvature kNUWajrjoN8-00351-00086232-00086768 which is not reproducible its cause is kNUWajrjoN8-00352-00086512-00086983 a mystery kNUWajrjoN8-00353-00086768-00087168 and i think it's a failure of the kNUWajrjoN8-00354-00086983-00087424 additivity test kNUWajrjoN8-00355-00087168-00087527 and through micromagnetic modeling i'm kNUWajrjoN8-00356-00087424-00087839 hoping that kNUWajrjoN8-00357-00087527-00087912 Les Nagy and Wyn Williams can help me kNUWajrjoN8-00358-00087839-00088263 figure out kNUWajrjoN8-00359-00087912-00088536 what is going on um kNUWajrjoN8-00360-00088263-00088576 and um I mean you can you can ima I've kNUWajrjoN8-00361-00088536-00088919 got kNUWajrjoN8-00362-00088576-00089263 some guesses we've got guesses um and kNUWajrjoN8-00363-00088919-00089568 um it is a serious problem kNUWajrjoN8-00364-00089263-00089760 because I think anything that is kNUWajrjoN8-00365-00089568-00089872 curved right now I would be highly kNUWajrjoN8-00366-00089760-00090192 suspicious of kNUWajrjoN8-00367-00089872-00090407 the result so kNUWajrjoN8-00368-00090192-00090719 in order to investigate this further kNUWajrjoN8-00369-00090407-00091072 Shaar Ron Shaar then my postdoc kNUWajrjoN8-00370-00090719-00091280 and I took a bunch of samples that were kNUWajrjoN8-00371-00091072-00091448 curved Arai plots originally gave kNUWajrjoN8-00372-00091280-00091488 them fresh TRMs they were perfectly kNUWajrjoN8-00373-00091448-00091816 straight kNUWajrjoN8-00374-00091488-00091951 we aged them for two years and the kNUWajrjoN8-00375-00091816-00092151 curvature increased kNUWajrjoN8-00376-00091951-00092376 and the results were biased relative to kNUWajrjoN8-00377-00092151-00092672 the lab field so kNUWajrjoN8-00378-00092376-00092719 then Christeanne Santos was a master kNUWajrjoN8-00379-00092672-00093080 student kNUWajrjoN8-00380-00092719-00093368 in my lab and we added kNUWajrjoN8-00381-00093080-00093432 we decided to do it again this time kNUWajrjoN8-00382-00093368-00093751 taking kNUWajrjoN8-00383-00093432-00094119 what we considered to be ideal specimens kNUWajrjoN8-00384-00093751-00094295 so ones that had straight Arai plots to kNUWajrjoN8-00385-00094119-00094639 begin with kNUWajrjoN8-00386-00094295-00094983 and um give them a fresh TRM kNUWajrjoN8-00387-00094639-00095312 and then do this experiment again kNUWajrjoN8-00388-00094983-00095512 and so we did that and published it in kNUWajrjoN8-00389-00095312-00095848 2019 kNUWajrjoN8-00390-00095512-00095944 we came up with several categories of kNUWajrjoN8-00391-00095848-00096344 behavior kNUWajrjoN8-00392-00095944-00096663 and here we used Greig's marvelous kNUWajrjoN8-00393-00096344-00096800 curvature criterion which we just use it kNUWajrjoN8-00394-00096663-00097224 as a way to separate kNUWajrjoN8-00395-00096800-00097448 things that uh into kNUWajrjoN8-00396-00097224-00097536 well-behaved straight Arai plots and kNUWajrjoN8-00397-00097448-00097960 poorly kNUWajrjoN8-00398-00097536-00098319 behaved curved Arai plots so it's just a kNUWajrjoN8-00399-00097960-00098439 empirically based um way of separating kNUWajrjoN8-00400-00098319-00098688 things that are kNUWajrjoN8-00401-00098439-00098863 quote unquote good from things that are kNUWajrjoN8-00402-00098688-00099168 quote unquote curved kNUWajrjoN8-00403-00098863-00099488 so we had this behavior where we had kNUWajrjoN8-00404-00099168-00099872 four categories of behavior one kNUWajrjoN8-00405-00099488-00100048 that the original TRMs in the upper kNUWajrjoN8-00406-00099872-00100224 left-hand corner were straight kNUWajrjoN8-00407-00100048-00100416 perfectly straight and then when we gave kNUWajrjoN8-00408-00100224-00100639 them a fresh TRM they were perfectly kNUWajrjoN8-00409-00100416-00101016 straight and we call those kNUWajrjoN8-00410-00100639-00101295 straight goes to straight and that's SS kNUWajrjoN8-00411-00101016-00101448 um then we found a bunch that were kNUWajrjoN8-00412-00101295-00101639 straight in the original kNUWajrjoN8-00413-00101448-00101800 where actually it's only one lava flow kNUWajrjoN8-00414-00101639-00101983 but it's a kNUWajrjoN8-00415-00101800-00102224 it's a it's kind of overrepresented kNUWajrjoN8-00416-00101983-00102600 because I thought they were straight kNUWajrjoN8-00417-00102224-00102807 um the straight kNUWajrjoN8-00418-00102600-00102943 uh original Arai plot in the lower kNUWajrjoN8-00419-00102807-00103248 left-hand corner kNUWajrjoN8-00420-00102943-00103488 went to a curved array plot but you can kNUWajrjoN8-00421-00103248-00103735 see it's a particular kind of curvature kNUWajrjoN8-00422-00103488-00103848 it's got this high temperature hook to kNUWajrjoN8-00423-00103735-00104095 it kNUWajrjoN8-00424-00103848-00104264 and so that we call the straight goes to kNUWajrjoN8-00425-00104095-00104359 curve I'm not going to focus a lot on kNUWajrjoN8-00426-00104264-00104695 those kNUWajrjoN8-00427-00104359-00104848 and then there was this case which was kNUWajrjoN8-00428-00104695-00105208 in the sparbouri kNUWajrjoN8-00429-00104848-00105567 study where we had a lava flow kNUWajrjoN8-00430-00105208-00105935 that gave a curved arai plot and that's kNUWajrjoN8-00431-00105567-00106320 on the right hand side top row kNUWajrjoN8-00432-00105935-00106535 and then when we gave them a fresh TRM kNUWajrjoN8-00433-00106320-00106728 in the lab they became straight kNUWajrjoN8-00434-00106535-00107064 according to Greig's criterion you can kNUWajrjoN8-00435-00106728-00107352 see that it really did straighten out kNUWajrjoN8-00436-00107064-00107583 and that's what I'm calling fragile kNUWajrjoN8-00437-00107352-00107935 curvature kNUWajrjoN8-00438-00107583-00108296 and then there was this set that kNUWajrjoN8-00439-00107935-00108744 started out curved um and kNUWajrjoN8-00440-00108296-00108855 um went a lot straighter in the lower kNUWajrjoN8-00441-00108744-00109024 right hand corner kNUWajrjoN8-00442-00108855-00109200 they're much straighter but they're kNUWajrjoN8-00443-00109024-00109320 still curved according to Greig's kNUWajrjoN8-00444-00109200-00109576 criterion so kNUWajrjoN8-00445-00109320-00109728 these are the four categories of kNUWajrjoN8-00446-00109576-00110103 behavior kNUWajrjoN8-00447-00109728-00110352 so then um Christeanne and I kNUWajrjoN8-00448-00110103-00110455 and I pulled in some others to help me kNUWajrjoN8-00449-00110352-00110752 on this kNUWajrjoN8-00450-00110455-00110752 who are on the paper kNUWajrjoN8-00451-00110759-00111159 took sister specimens from each of those kNUWajrjoN8-00452-00110976-00111520 samples kNUWajrjoN8-00453-00111159-00111624 10 sister specimens um unfortunately you kNUWajrjoN8-00454-00111520-00111903 can't do this kNUWajrjoN8-00455-00111624-00112128 study using the same samples over and kNUWajrjoN8-00456-00111903-00112367 over again because we age them for kNUWajrjoN8-00457-00112128-00112520 a couple years and so we'd be here until kNUWajrjoN8-00458-00112367-00112759 um kNUWajrjoN8-00459-00112520-00112888 the next century probably trying to do kNUWajrjoN8-00460-00112759-00113120 this experiment kNUWajrjoN8-00461-00112888-00113248 so we did it this way and there are kNUWajrjoN8-00462-00113120-00113552 design flaws but kNUWajrjoN8-00463-00113248-00113783 that's just the reality of of kNUWajrjoN8-00464-00113552-00113864 of how we had to do the experiment so we kNUWajrjoN8-00465-00113783-00114064 took 10 kNUWajrjoN8-00466-00113864-00114255 sister specimens from each of those kNUWajrjoN8-00467-00114064-00114552 samples that I just kNUWajrjoN8-00468-00114255-00114552 uh told you about kNUWajrjoN8-00469-00114559-00115367 and we uh gave them um kNUWajrjoN8-00470-00114959-00115608 identical uh we we gave them a TRM and a kNUWajrjoN8-00471-00115367-00115855 70 microtesla field kNUWajrjoN8-00472-00115608-00116040 then we put them in various orientations kNUWajrjoN8-00473-00115855-00116455 to two different lab fields kNUWajrjoN8-00474-00116040-00116528 so a 70 microtesla lab field parallel to kNUWajrjoN8-00475-00116455-00116800 the remanence kNUWajrjoN8-00476-00116528-00116911 is position one top row so nothing kNUWajrjoN8-00477-00116800-00117335 should happen right kNUWajrjoN8-00478-00116911-00117576 it's it's in its equilibrium happy place kNUWajrjoN8-00479-00117335-00117848 so nothing should change for position kNUWajrjoN8-00480-00117576-00118111 one in 70 microtesla kNUWajrjoN8-00481-00117848-00118216 and we did it at uh in five different kNUWajrjoN8-00482-00118111-00118479 positions kNUWajrjoN8-00483-00118216-00118640 then we also did a set where we aged it kNUWajrjoN8-00484-00118479-00118952 in a lower field of kNUWajrjoN8-00485-00118640-00119255 35 microtesla kNUWajrjoN8-00486-00118952-00119655 same positions and so kNUWajrjoN8-00487-00119255-00120032 we um for the study the Tauxe et al. 2021 kNUWajrjoN8-00488-00119655-00120367 study we aged them for two years kNUWajrjoN8-00489-00120032-00120600 and um and did some rock mag kNUWajrjoN8-00490-00120367-00120783 on them to try to characterize them I kNUWajrjoN8-00491-00120600-00121040 did have a whole set of slides to kNUWajrjoN8-00492-00120783-00121328 explain these figures but I'm just gonna kNUWajrjoN8-00493-00121040-00121520 move on on the left hand side most of kNUWajrjoN8-00494-00121328-00121783 you are familiar with the conventional kNUWajrjoN8-00495-00121520-00122072 FORC diagrams kNUWajrjoN8-00496-00121783-00122144 so the top one is a conventional FORC kNUWajrjoN8-00497-00122072-00122567 diagram kNUWajrjoN8-00498-00122144-00122815 the top left of one of the SS kNUWajrjoN8-00499-00122567-00123008 uh specimens straight their single kNUWajrjoN8-00500-00122815-00123296 domain and they look single domain right kNUWajrjoN8-00501-00123008-00123424 I mean sure they're single domain and kNUWajrjoN8-00502-00123296-00123752 then the SC kNUWajrjoN8-00503-00123424-00124296 um the ones that went that had this kNUWajrjoN8-00504-00123752-00124296 hook on them have this pirate hat kNUWajrjoN8-00505-00124359-00124696 um distribution in their conventional kNUWajrjoN8-00506-00124583-00124920 FORC kNUWajrjoN8-00507-00124696-00125024 and you can see that the one in the kNUWajrjoN8-00508-00124920-00125224 lower left the kNUWajrjoN8-00509-00125024-00125432 curved has probably a lot of kNUWajrjoN8-00510-00125224-00125735 multi-domain in there kNUWajrjoN8-00511-00125432-00126040 then we did the remanence FORV and kNUWajrjoN8-00512-00125735-00126303 the transient FORC and the kNUWajrjoN8-00513-00126040-00126479 induced FORC and the one on the right is kNUWajrjoN8-00514-00126303-00126800 this induced FORC that kNUWajrjoN8-00515-00126479-00126935 Xiang Zhao came up with um kNUWajrjoN8-00516-00126800-00127167 I think it was him it might have been kNUWajrjoN8-00517-00126935-00127503 Andy I don't know one of those two kNUWajrjoN8-00518-00127167-00127808 um and the induced FORC kNUWajrjoN8-00519-00127503-00127920 has has some features and I don't kNUWajrjoN8-00520-00127808-00128328 understand them kNUWajrjoN8-00521-00127920-00128600 yet but the upper right hand kNUWajrjoN8-00522-00128328-00128672 is characteristic of single domain kNUWajrjoN8-00523-00128600-00129015 material kNUWajrjoN8-00524-00128672-00129064 you can see this in magnetic recording kNUWajrjoN8-00525-00129015-00129352 type kNUWajrjoN8-00526-00129064-00129559 you know type section of of single kNUWajrjoN8-00527-00129352-00129855 domain stuff kNUWajrjoN8-00528-00129559-00129896 and um and the lower right hand corner kNUWajrjoN8-00529-00129855-00130224 is kNUWajrjoN8-00530-00129896-00130600 characteristic of multi-domain uh kNUWajrjoN8-00531-00130224-00130815 or multi-axial large um kNUWajrjoN8-00532-00130600-00131024 I mean I think we call them casually kNUWajrjoN8-00533-00130815-00131396 multi-domain but they might be kNUWajrjoN8-00534-00131024-00131791 some of these weird bizarre um kNUWajrjoN8-00535-00131396-00131864 multi-axial vortex states I don't know kNUWajrjoN8-00536-00131791-00132055 um kNUWajrjoN8-00537-00131864-00132255 and you can see that it has this pattern kNUWajrjoN8-00538-00132055-00132400 of negative positive negative positive kNUWajrjoN8-00539-00132255-00132632 negative kNUWajrjoN8-00540-00132400-00132815 positive up at the top right hand side kNUWajrjoN8-00541-00132632-00133032 um and that's characteristic of the kNUWajrjoN8-00542-00132815-00133455 coarsest grains kNUWajrjoN8-00543-00133032-00133455 now these two middle iFORCS kNUWajrjoN8-00544-00133464-00133776 have a feature which I haven't seen kNUWajrjoN8-00545-00133624-00134128 described in the literature kNUWajrjoN8-00546-00133776-00134448 yet it's I've called it n plus kNUWajrjoN8-00547-00134128-00134648 so it's a double lobe of negative you kNUWajrjoN8-00548-00134448-00134872 don't see it in the coarsest grains you kNUWajrjoN8-00549-00134648-00135152 don't see it in the finest grains kNUWajrjoN8-00550-00134872-00135248 and it's characteristic of a lot of lava kNUWajrjoN8-00551-00135152-00135576 flow kNUWajrjoN8-00552-00135248-00135664 type things um where you get this double kNUWajrjoN8-00553-00135576-00136048 negative kNUWajrjoN8-00554-00135664-00136472 um in the in uh in the zone kNUWajrjoN8-00555-00136048-00136855 uh one and three of the iFORC kNUWajrjoN8-00556-00136472-00137264 and so I interpret this to mean that kNUWajrjoN8-00557-00136855-00137584 SS are single domain mostly kNUWajrjoN8-00558-00137264-00137903 and CC is a broad kNUWajrjoN8-00559-00137584-00138120 span of grain sizes between kNUWajrjoN8-00560-00137903-00138400 all the way from superparamagnetic up kNUWajrjoN8-00561-00138120-00138703 to perhaps multi-domain kNUWajrjoN8-00562-00138400-00138703 some multi-domain kNUWajrjoN8-00563-00138712-00139320 and then um the two middle ones kNUWajrjoN8-00564-00139048-00139552 I think are intermediate grain sizes kNUWajrjoN8-00565-00139320-00139864 that span the range from kNUWajrjoN8-00566-00139552-00140272 from um uh from kNUWajrjoN8-00567-00139864-00140608 small um up to uh kNUWajrjoN8-00568-00140272-00140896 up to single vortex and and um kNUWajrjoN8-00569-00140608-00141160 and I I don't know any more than that kNUWajrjoN8-00570-00140896-00141552 you guys can make something up kNUWajrjoN8-00571-00141160-00142072 so uh the next question is why kNUWajrjoN8-00572-00141552-00142320 are curves what causes fragile curvature kNUWajrjoN8-00573-00142072-00142440 its reproducible curvature is in the kNUWajrjoN8-00574-00142320-00142640 multi-domains kNUWajrjoN8-00575-00142440-00142760 state fragile curvature is kNUWajrjoN8-00576-00142640-00143040 characteristic of these kNUWajrjoN8-00577-00142760-00143072 medium grain sizes the the ones with the kNUWajrjoN8-00578-00143040-00143440 n kNUWajrjoN8-00579-00143072-00143920 plus what I'm calling a butterfly kNUWajrjoN8-00580-00143440-00143920 uh lobe in the iFORC kNUWajrjoN8-00581-00143927-00144336 and then we'll get to the rest of these kNUWajrjoN8-00582-00144127-00144688 um questions later so kNUWajrjoN8-00583-00144336-00144984 here's my guess that it the the fragile kNUWajrjoN8-00584-00144688-00145240 curvature has something to do kNUWajrjoN8-00585-00144984-00145367 with um I mean the Neel state is you kNUWajrjoN8-00586-00145240-00145600 have two stable kNUWajrjoN8-00587-00145367-00145744 states and it can go from one to the kNUWajrjoN8-00588-00145600-00145848 other there's an energy barrier in kNUWajrjoN8-00589-00145744-00146064 between kNUWajrjoN8-00590-00145848-00146184 but there's only two choices left to kNUWajrjoN8-00591-00146064-00146512 right kNUWajrjoN8-00592-00146184-00146832 and um in Neel theory um kNUWajrjoN8-00593-00146512-00147208 but uh of course uh Wynn and Les have kNUWajrjoN8-00594-00146832-00147503 pointed out that there's many more kNUWajrjoN8-00595-00147208-00147696 states um I mean Wynn was one of the kNUWajrjoN8-00596-00147503-00147832 discoverers of the vortex state in the kNUWajrjoN8-00597-00147696-00148184 beginning kNUWajrjoN8-00598-00147832-00148488 and along with uh Dunlop and kNUWajrjoN8-00599-00148184-00148703 um and my buddy Neil Bertram kNUWajrjoN8-00600-00148488-00148703 but kNUWajrjoN8-00601-00148791-00149144 they discovered that there's these more kNUWajrjoN8-00602-00148984-00149184 complicated states but that was in the kNUWajrjoN8-00603-00149144-00149527 late kNUWajrjoN8-00604-00149184-00149927 80s um and so now kNUWajrjoN8-00605-00149527-00150176 um we know that there's some some kNUWajrjoN8-00606-00149927-00150303 very bizarre states in between the kNUWajrjoN8-00607-00150176-00150648 domain and kNUWajrjoN8-00608-00150303-00151032 in between single domain and vortex kNUWajrjoN8-00609-00150648-00151279 and uh that if you have a multiplicity kNUWajrjoN8-00610-00151032-00151479 of choice I call it it's sort of the kNUWajrjoN8-00611-00151279-00151727 tyranny of choice kNUWajrjoN8-00612-00151479-00151967 then you can you can have your blocking kNUWajrjoN8-00613-00151727-00152200 temperature change kNUWajrjoN8-00614-00151967-00152400 without changing the net magnetization kNUWajrjoN8-00615-00152200-00152576 which is another feature that during the kNUWajrjoN8-00616-00152400-00152815 aging process kNUWajrjoN8-00617-00152576-00153008 the NRM did not change at all and yet kNUWajrjoN8-00618-00152815-00153400 you have this growth of kNUWajrjoN8-00619-00153008-00153672 of curvature so this is a a kNUWajrjoN8-00620-00153400-00153760 kind of a weird thing but i think it's kNUWajrjoN8-00621-00153672-00154040 explained by kNUWajrjoN8-00622-00153760-00154264 something on the right hand side and of kNUWajrjoN8-00623-00154040-00154344 course we need to do a lot more work on kNUWajrjoN8-00624-00154264-00154672 that kNUWajrjoN8-00625-00154344-00155008 um what could be causing it but for now kNUWajrjoN8-00626-00154672-00155240 the key question for me as a practicing kNUWajrjoN8-00627-00155008-00155632 paleomagnetist kNUWajrjoN8-00628-00155240-00155720 is uh does fragile curvature increase kNUWajrjoN8-00629-00155632-00156015 with time? and kNUWajrjoN8-00630-00155720-00156215 two are data from curved Arai plots kNUWajrjoN8-00631-00156015-00156440 generally biased? kNUWajrjoN8-00632-00156215-00156640 and is there some way we can get around kNUWajrjoN8-00633-00156440-00156952 this because this is kNUWajrjoN8-00634-00156640-00157272 most of the data in the PINT database kNUWajrjoN8-00635-00156952-00157432 i just have to say so it's it is kNUWajrjoN8-00636-00157272-00157624 serious if we want to know anything kNUWajrjoN8-00637-00157432-00157920 about the ancient magnetic field we have kNUWajrjoN8-00638-00157624-00158255 to solve this problem. kNUWajrjoN8-00639-00157920-00158600 so does curvature change with time? kNUWajrjoN8-00640-00158255-00158664 on the left you have uh kernel density kNUWajrjoN8-00641-00158600-00159032 estimates kNUWajrjoN8-00642-00158664-00159472 of curvature in the fresh TRMs kNUWajrjoN8-00643-00159032-00159784 from the Santos study the the 2019 study kNUWajrjoN8-00644-00159472-00159840 and you can see that even the worst are kNUWajrjoN8-00645-00159784-00160152 uh kNUWajrjoN8-00646-00159840-00160391 less than 0.4 that's still pretty bad kNUWajrjoN8-00647-00160152-00160544 but then when you sit these same or kNUWajrjoN8-00648-00160391-00160912 these sister specimens kNUWajrjoN8-00649-00160544-00161327 in a field for two years kNUWajrjoN8-00650-00160912-00161640 the curvature uh increased kNUWajrjoN8-00651-00161327-00161784 not so much for the finest grain the red kNUWajrjoN8-00652-00161640-00162103 curve there which are the kNUWajrjoN8-00653-00161784-00162440 SS samples but kNUWajrjoN8-00654-00162103-00162832 it changed a lot for the kNUWajrjoN8-00655-00162440-00163136 CC and um kNUWajrjoN8-00656-00162832-00163455 um and the um kNUWajrjoN8-00657-00163136-00163824 CS and the SC to some extent kNUWajrjoN8-00658-00163455-00164015 yes so um those the x-axes are the same kNUWajrjoN8-00659-00163824-00164272 on both of those plots kNUWajrjoN8-00660-00164015-00164527 and so I can say I think with some kNUWajrjoN8-00661-00164272-00164848 confidence that even over two years kNUWajrjoN8-00662-00164527-00165215 the curvature of the Arai plots um kNUWajrjoN8-00663-00164848-00165360 increased significantly and that dotted kNUWajrjoN8-00664-00165215-00165864 line is Greig's kNUWajrjoN8-00665-00165360-00166208 cut off for straight on the left of it kNUWajrjoN8-00666-00165864-00166208 and curved on the right kNUWajrjoN8-00667-00166288-00166648 I hope you can't hear the screaming in kNUWajrjoN8-00668-00166479-00166808 the background it's my grandson enjoying kNUWajrjoN8-00669-00166648-00167127 his breakfast kNUWajrjoN8-00670-00166808-00167496 um so kNUWajrjoN8-00671-00167127-00167767 so this fragile curvature exists kNUWajrjoN8-00672-00167496-00167920 even within our lifetimes and um and kNUWajrjoN8-00673-00167767-00168191 it's not explained by kNUWajrjoN8-00674-00167920-00168415 by any kind of viscous theory that kNUWajrjoN8-00675-00168191-00168736 involves Neel theory so kNUWajrjoN8-00676-00168415-00169032 um the kNUWajrjoN8-00677-00168736-00169112 then the then the critical question is kNUWajrjoN8-00678-00169032-00169527 is what I kNUWajrjoN8-00679-00169112-00169744 said uh true I said in the beginning kNUWajrjoN8-00680-00169527-00169967 I started the talk by saying I think kNUWajrjoN8-00681-00169744-00170327 that things that are downward sagged kNUWajrjoN8-00682-00169967-00170615 are biased low and this is bad kNUWajrjoN8-00683-00170327-00170703 so let's see how these just two-year kNUWajrjoN8-00684-00170615-00171039 aged kNUWajrjoN8-00685-00170703-00171367 uh samples perform kNUWajrjoN8-00686-00171039-00171760 so um I lumped all the kNUWajrjoN8-00687-00171367-00172152 uh fresh and aged results kNUWajrjoN8-00688-00171760-00172496 the fresh results from the Santos 2019 kNUWajrjoN8-00689-00172152-00172815 paper are the blue line kNUWajrjoN8-00690-00172496-00173152 the kernel density estimate for the kNUWajrjoN8-00691-00172815-00173232 the blue line is clearly the lab field kNUWajrjoN8-00692-00173152-00173488 was 70 kNUWajrjoN8-00693-00173232-00173591 as I said and you can see that there is kNUWajrjoN8-00694-00173488-00173776 a bias kNUWajrjoN8-00695-00173591-00173976 to lower fields you might say well it's kNUWajrjoN8-00696-00173776-00174144 only five microtesla lisa kNUWajrjoN8-00697-00173976-00174408 don't worry about it but I said this is kNUWajrjoN8-00698-00174144-00174767 only two years, come on! kNUWajrjoN8-00699-00174408-00175312 and if you if you take from those kNUWajrjoN8-00700-00174767-00175520 data only the things that are curved kNUWajrjoN8-00701-00175312-00175720 you get the solid blue line which is kNUWajrjoN8-00702-00175520-00175936 clearly biased and the solid red line kNUWajrjoN8-00703-00175720-00176255 which is also biased kNUWajrjoN8-00704-00175936-00176472 and if you take the straight Arai kNUWajrjoN8-00705-00176255-00176615 plots from that same data set kNUWajrjoN8-00706-00176472-00176872 and do the same thing you can see kNUWajrjoN8-00707-00176615-00177167 they're not biased kNUWajrjoN8-00708-00176872-00177432 so there does seem to be a slight bias kNUWajrjoN8-00709-00177167-00177736 associated with kNUWajrjoN8-00710-00177432-00177736 curved Arai plots kNUWajrjoN8-00711-00177791-00178512 and um so now um kNUWajrjoN8-00712-00178184-00178815 do I have time to keep going Greig kNUWajrjoN8-00713-00178512-00178888 yeah yeah you can go on for another few kNUWajrjoN8-00714-00178815-00179144 more minutes kNUWajrjoN8-00715-00178888-00179255 so so now we get to well what do we do kNUWajrjoN8-00716-00179144-00179567 about it kNUWajrjoN8-00717-00179255-00179920 um and here are some ideas whoops kNUWajrjoN8-00718-00179567-00180232 um you could do LTD-shaw method kNUWajrjoN8-00719-00179920-00180455 which is supposed to knock out the kNUWajrjoN8-00720-00180232-00180720 multi-domain contribution kNUWajrjoN8-00721-00180455-00180903 and Yuhji Yamamoto I gave him one of the kNUWajrjoN8-00722-00180720-00181215 sets of samples which had been kNUWajrjoN8-00723-00180903-00181520 aged at the time I think four years kNUWajrjoN8-00724-00181215-00181824 and his method I can he's kNUWajrjoN8-00725-00181520-00181967 writing up the paper I think but kNUWajrjoN8-00726-00181824-00182224 basically what kNUWajrjoN8-00727-00181967-00182320 the way he does it now is he'll reject kNUWajrjoN8-00728-00182224-00182576 the same kNUWajrjoN8-00729-00182320-00182648 samples that i do if i use Greig kNUWajrjoN8-00730-00182576-00182848 Paterson's kNUWajrjoN8-00731-00182648-00183024 curvature criterion to say okay I'm not kNUWajrjoN8-00732-00182848-00183344 going to use any curved kNUWajrjoN8-00733-00183024-00183679 results that's what the kNUWajrjoN8-00734-00183344-00183896 Cromwell criteria does um kNUWajrjoN8-00735-00183679-00184079 he rejects the same specimen so his kNUWajrjoN8-00736-00183896-00184248 method works but it doesn't get around kNUWajrjoN8-00737-00184079-00184527 this problem kNUWajrjoN8-00738-00184248-00184703 because he just chucks them out the way kNUWajrjoN8-00739-00184527-00184976 I do kNUWajrjoN8-00740-00184703-00185103 so the multi-specimen technique was kNUWajrjoN8-00741-00184976-00185455 supposed to correct kNUWajrjoN8-00742-00185103-00185791 for multi-domain behavior kNUWajrjoN8-00743-00185455-00186232 um and so let's try that the kNUWajrjoN8-00744-00185791-00186288 um and it occurred to me after talking kNUWajrjoN8-00745-00186232-00186615 to kNUWajrjoN8-00746-00186288-00186703 Thomas Bernt that maybe a fragile kNUWajrjoN8-00747-00186615-00187048 curvature kNUWajrjoN8-00748-00186703-00187336 is caused by these weird unstable the kNUWajrjoN8-00749-00187048-00187639 things i've been calling the bad boys kNUWajrjoN8-00750-00187336-00187967 maybe if we AF demagnetize kNUWajrjoN8-00751-00187639-00188176 the samples is part of our paleo kNUWajrjoN8-00752-00187967-00188327 intensity experiment so before each kNUWajrjoN8-00753-00188176-00188648 measurement we just af kNUWajrjoN8-00754-00188327-00188832 at 10 milli tesla maybe that kNUWajrjoN8-00755-00188648-00189144 solves a problem kNUWajrjoN8-00756-00188832-00189208 or maybe we just assume that there's a kNUWajrjoN8-00757-00189144-00189376 bias kNUWajrjoN8-00758-00189208-00189591 and correct for it and that's the work kNUWajrjoN8-00759-00189376-00189703 of Brendan Cych I'm not going to talk kNUWajrjoN8-00760-00189591-00189976 about that because it's kNUWajrjoN8-00761-00189703-00190208 I'm going to he's working on a way to kNUWajrjoN8-00762-00189976-00190551 get around this that I think might work kNUWajrjoN8-00763-00190208-00190920 I'm pretty excited so kNUWajrjoN8-00764-00190551-00191112 so um I um kNUWajrjoN8-00765-00190920-00191367 did some of these things so I'm going to kNUWajrjoN8-00766-00191112-00191584 quickly show you the results kNUWajrjoN8-00767-00191367-00191767 brief history of the multi-specimen kNUWajrjoN8-00768-00191584-00192191 approach it was first proposed by kNUWajrjoN8-00769-00191767-00192455 Hoffman ken Hoffman in 1989 kNUWajrjoN8-00770-00192191-00192520 and then Dekkers and Bohnel uh refined kNUWajrjoN8-00771-00192455-00192808 it kNUWajrjoN8-00772-00192520-00192936 and their title is reliable absolute kNUWajrjoN8-00773-00192808-00193103 paleointensity is independent of kNUWajrjoN8-00774-00192936-00193248 magnetic domain state so that should be kNUWajrjoN8-00775-00193103-00193527 a good place to start kNUWajrjoN8-00776-00193248-00193639 then Fabian and Leonhardt uh refined it kNUWajrjoN8-00777-00193527-00193896 even more kNUWajrjoN8-00778-00193639-00194167 and it's supposed to be better for kNUWajrjoN8-00779-00193896-00194503 domain state correction kNUWajrjoN8-00780-00194167-00194800 and so um let's try those out kNUWajrjoN8-00781-00194503-00195024 on one of the sets of aged specimens so kNUWajrjoN8-00782-00194800-00195503 here kNUWajrjoN8-00783-00195024-00195800 I took uh one batch and applied kNUWajrjoN8-00784-00195503-00195800 the um kNUWajrjoN8-00785-00195824-00196536 did did the Dekkers Bohnel approach kNUWajrjoN8-00786-00196208-00196888 to uh this the upper left kNUWajrjoN8-00787-00196536-00197024 is Dekkers Bohnel on our ss sample so kNUWajrjoN8-00788-00196888-00197367 the single domain kNUWajrjoN8-00789-00197024-00197672 and you can see that the um the kNUWajrjoN8-00790-00197367-00197896 result is does not include kNUWajrjoN8-00791-00197672-00197976 the lab field which was 70 microteslas kNUWajrjoN8-00792-00197896-00198176 so this is not kNUWajrjoN8-00793-00197976-00198360 an accurate this is inaccurate and it kNUWajrjoN8-00794-00198176-00198672 has low bias kNUWajrjoN8-00795-00198360-00198884 and these are the single domain ones kNUWajrjoN8-00796-00198672-00199055 then if you do the Fabian and Leonhardt kNUWajrjoN8-00797-00198884-00199448 correction kNUWajrjoN8-00798-00199055-00199848 it's uh worse so um kNUWajrjoN8-00799-00199448-00200232 it has a an expected field of kNUWajrjoN8-00800-00199848-00200584 57 microtesla instead of 70. kNUWajrjoN8-00801-00200232-00200920 then the um the ones with the hook kNUWajrjoN8-00802-00200584-00201239 this the hooked ones the straight went kNUWajrjoN8-00803-00200920-00201455 curved um ones that's pretty accurate kNUWajrjoN8-00804-00201239-00201591 on the Dekkers Bohnel but then when you kNUWajrjoN8-00805-00201455-00201903 apply the Fabian kNUWajrjoN8-00806-00201591-00202272 Leonhardt correction it's inaccurate kNUWajrjoN8-00807-00201903-00202376 and a low bias then for the larger grain kNUWajrjoN8-00808-00202272-00202720 sizes kNUWajrjoN8-00809-00202376-00203055 the Dekkers Bohnel method kNUWajrjoN8-00810-00202720-00203312 on the the CS samples kNUWajrjoN8-00811-00203055-00203455 the ones with fragile curvature you get kNUWajrjoN8-00812-00203312-00203727 the right answer but it's kNUWajrjoN8-00813-00203455-00203888 extremely imprecise of course I suppose kNUWajrjoN8-00814-00203727-00204096 you could do more specimens in there and kNUWajrjoN8-00815-00203888-00204376 try to tamp it down kNUWajrjoN8-00816-00204096-00204439 and when you do the Fabian and Leonhardt kNUWajrjoN8-00817-00204376-00204672 correction kNUWajrjoN8-00818-00204439-00204784 you get the right answer right it's it's kNUWajrjoN8-00819-00204672-00205119 pretty good kNUWajrjoN8-00820-00204784-00205439 so um the kNUWajrjoN8-00821-00205119-00205832 the curvatured ones uh kNUWajrjoN8-00822-00205439-00206215 the the coarsest grain ones the CCs kNUWajrjoN8-00823-00205832-00206567 um the Dekkers Bohnel approach kNUWajrjoN8-00824-00206215-00206904 the error bars include the right answer kNUWajrjoN8-00825-00206567-00207128 um it's very imprecise and um kNUWajrjoN8-00826-00206904-00207344 but when you apply the Dekkers Bohnel kNUWajrjoN8-00827-00207128-00207480 the Fabian Leonhardt correction you get kNUWajrjoN8-00828-00207344-00207719 the wrong answer kNUWajrjoN8-00829-00207480-00207935 and it's biased low so i'm not very kNUWajrjoN8-00830-00207719-00208144 optimistic about this technique kNUWajrjoN8-00831-00207935-00208280 solving our problem because the thing kNUWajrjoN8-00832-00208144-00208648 that was supposed to fix kNUWajrjoN8-00833-00208280-00209023 were the things on the lower um lower kNUWajrjoN8-00834-00208648-00209480 row there, so maybe there's another way kNUWajrjoN8-00835-00209023-00209856 um uh we uh kNUWajrjoN8-00836-00209480-00210192 and that is to do this AF-IZZI uh kNUWajrjoN8-00837-00209856-00210344 technique and so I did a bunch or kNUWajrjoN8-00838-00210192-00210648 Christeanne did a bunch kNUWajrjoN8-00839-00210344-00211023 on um specimens from kNUWajrjoN8-00840-00210648-00211152 position two the 35 microtest and 70 kNUWajrjoN8-00841-00211023-00211448 microtesla kNUWajrjoN8-00842-00211152-00211592 um fields these are all of the remaining kNUWajrjoN8-00843-00211448-00211952 samples kNUWajrjoN8-00844-00211592-00212256 and so you can see on the top row kNUWajrjoN8-00845-00211952-00212488 that's the results of our AF-IZZI kNUWajrjoN8-00846-00212256-00212576 and you can see that on the right hand kNUWajrjoN8-00847-00212488-00212896 side kNUWajrjoN8-00848-00212576-00213367 as a curved went curved this AF kNUWajrjoN8-00849-00212896-00213719 IZZI did not cure the curvature kNUWajrjoN8-00850-00213367-00213952 and uh and I was hoping it would kNUWajrjoN8-00851-00213719-00214040 but it doesn't the stuff still curved kNUWajrjoN8-00852-00213952-00214511 it's still kNUWajrjoN8-00853-00214040-00214848 and so is it still biased? kNUWajrjoN8-00854-00214511-00215200 so AF-IZZI um here kNUWajrjoN8-00855-00214848-00215296 are the curvature results uh on the kNUWajrjoN8-00856-00215200-00215680 upper kNUWajrjoN8-00857-00215296-00216048 left hand side the curve the kNUWajrjoN8-00858-00215680-00216223 results of AF-IZZI of course these were kNUWajrjoN8-00859-00216048-00216416 there's a I mean there's a technical kNUWajrjoN8-00860-00216223-00216576 difference between these these were aged kNUWajrjoN8-00861-00216416-00216759 five years before we got around to kNUWajrjoN8-00862-00216576-00216952 measuring them instead of two years so kNUWajrjoN8-00863-00216759-00217256 there's a slight difference kNUWajrjoN8-00864-00216952-00217400 however it seems pretty clear that AF kNUWajrjoN8-00865-00217256-00217871 -IZZI kNUWajrjoN8-00866-00217400-00218183 resulted in worse curvature kNUWajrjoN8-00867-00217871-00218511 in all cases and kNUWajrjoN8-00868-00218183-00218823 the total TRMs are kNUWajrjoN8-00869-00218511-00219232 um interestingly for the kNUWajrjoN8-00870-00218823-00219632 finest grain material are um kNUWajrjoN8-00871-00219232-00219992 biased high so kNUWajrjoN8-00872-00219632-00220040 I don't know uh and with the plain IZZI kNUWajrjoN8-00873-00219992-00220352 uh kNUWajrjoN8-00874-00220040-00220711 the curved results were biased low kNUWajrjoN8-00875-00220352-00220759 so maybe five milli tesla is better I kNUWajrjoN8-00876-00220711-00221104 don't know kNUWajrjoN8-00877-00220759-00221392 but um I'm I'm now uh over kNUWajrjoN8-00878-00221104-00221432 curved results and so um what I want to kNUWajrjoN8-00879-00221392-00221776 do kNUWajrjoN8-00880-00221432-00222096 is to encourage uh Brendan Cych kNUWajrjoN8-00881-00221776-00222504 to work on on his idea kNUWajrjoN8-00882-00222096-00222816 of how to fix this so stay tuned I'm kNUWajrjoN8-00883-00222504-00223135 not gonna talk about that kNUWajrjoN8-00884-00222816-00223383 right now okay kNUWajrjoN8-00885-00223135-00223383 questions? kNUWajrjoN8-00886-00223448-00223919 [Greig] excellent thank you very much Lisa that kNUWajrjoN8-00887-00223616-00224023 was uh that's a really interesting kNUWajrjoN8-00888-00223919-00224159 somebody said they think that's an kNUWajrjoN8-00889-00224023-00224240 interesting talk if you can hear my kNUWajrjoN8-00890-00224159-00224544 background kNUWajrjoN8-00891-00224240-00224744 um I'll just ask everybody to join me in kNUWajrjoN8-00892-00224544-00224888 a virtual round of applause for Lisa you kNUWajrjoN8-00893-00224744-00225040 can do that through zoom or you can just kNUWajrjoN8-00894-00224888-00225207 hold your hands up to the camera and kNUWajrjoN8-00895-00225040-00225704 clap that's a really interesting kNUWajrjoN8-00896-00225207-00226032 um presentation so I will um kNUWajrjoN8-00897-00225704-00226296 open open the floor to any questions for kNUWajrjoN8-00898-00226032-00226296 for Lisa kNUWajrjoN8-00899-00226352-00226792 and I do have a bundle so um I will kNUWajrjoN8-00900-00226607-00227183 invite other people before I kNUWajrjoN8-00901-00226792-00227183 uh jump in kNUWajrjoN8-00902-00227232-00227632 [Lisa] I will say I'm loving your curvature kNUWajrjoN8-00903-00227496-00228007 parameter kNUWajrjoN8-00904-00227632-00228311 [Greig] uh yeah I think I mean it's um kNUWajrjoN8-00905-00228007-00228511 [Lisa]yes BDS not so much but [Greig] yeah I mean the kNUWajrjoN8-00906-00228311-00228656 curvature is a very much it's a kNUWajrjoN8-00907-00228511-00228935 you know an empirical thing it's a kNUWajrjoN8-00908-00228656-00229183 geometry of of how the Arai plot um kNUWajrjoN8-00909-00228935-00229280 behaves and it's kind of intuitive that kNUWajrjoN8-00910-00229183-00229440 um kNUWajrjoN8-00911-00229280-00229592 you have a higher chance of getting or kNUWajrjoN8-00912-00229440-00229864 selecting a sort of kNUWajrjoN8-00913-00229592-00229896 inaccurate result if you're Arai plot kNUWajrjoN8-00914-00229864-00230223 isn't kNUWajrjoN8-00915-00229896-00230400 isn't straight um so kNUWajrjoN8-00916-00230223-00230704 I'm going to jump in with a question kNUWajrjoN8-00917-00230400-00231216 about your multi-specimen stuff kNUWajrjoN8-00918-00230704-00231576 um so you're comparing the um kNUWajrjoN8-00919-00231216-00232064 the Dekkers Bohnel method and the kNUWajrjoN8-00920-00231576-00232271 um uh Fabian corrected method kNUWajrjoN8-00921-00232064-00232392 is that when you're doing the Dekkers kNUWajrjoN8-00922-00232271-00232616 Bohnel that's just the kNUWajrjoN8-00923-00232392-00232704 original method that's not taking the kNUWajrjoN8-00924-00232616-00232967 fraction kNUWajrjoN8-00925-00232704-00233176 correction into account is it? [Lisa] no it was kNUWajrjoN8-00926-00232967-00233448 just the original one as proposed kNUWajrjoN8-00927-00233176-00233552 and then I used the Fabian and but but kNUWajrjoN8-00928-00233448-00233904 that one kNUWajrjoN8-00929-00233552-00234216 it seems to work better than the the kNUWajrjoN8-00930-00233904-00234392 mainstay corrected one of Fabian kNUWajrjoN8-00931-00234216-00234519 [Gregig] so the I guess I mean the domain state kNUWajrjoN8-00932-00234392-00234759 corrected one kNUWajrjoN8-00933-00234519-00234888 kind of always shifts the result kNUWajrjoN8-00934-00234759-00235152 downwards it can never kNUWajrjoN8-00935-00234888-00235296 increase the intensity but I wonder if kNUWajrjoN8-00936-00235152-00235480 if some of the results if kNUWajrjoN8-00937-00235296-00235648 you just did the fraction correction but kNUWajrjoN8-00938-00235480-00235816 not the domain state correction if that kNUWajrjoN8-00939-00235648-00236048 might actually give kNUWajrjoN8-00940-00235816-00236223 you know you've got accurate and more kNUWajrjoN8-00941-00236048-00236511 more precision maybe kNUWajrjoN8-00942-00236223-00236567 and something [Lisa] I'm not optimistic maybe kNUWajrjoN8-00943-00236511-00236848 um kNUWajrjoN8-00944-00236567-00237080 but but my feeling is that you don't kNUWajrjoN8-00945-00236848-00237400 know which category you're in kNUWajrjoN8-00946-00237080-00237504 if you do this, you only know that do a kNUWajrjoN8-00947-00237400-00237807 full kNUWajrjoN8-00948-00237504-00238144 uh paleointensity experiment um kNUWajrjoN8-00949-00237807-00238448 that and that only some kNUWajrjoN8-00950-00238144-00238800 of the specimens performed kNUWajrjoN8-00951-00238448-00239064 well with um with the kNUWajrjoN8-00952-00238800-00239200 any of the multi-specimen approaches and kNUWajrjoN8-00953-00239064-00239496 so my feeling is that kNUWajrjoN8-00954-00239200-00239623 if if your samples are are curved or kNUWajrjoN8-00955-00239496-00239807 biased or kNUWajrjoN8-00956-00239623-00239952 have this fragile curvature that you're kNUWajrjoN8-00957-00239807-00240152 basically kNUWajrjoN8-00958-00239952-00240359 if you don't know that you are going to kNUWajrjoN8-00959-00240152-00240656 make a mistake you're going to be kNUWajrjoN8-00960-00240359-00240883 um you're just not you're going to have kNUWajrjoN8-00961-00240656-00241248 to by especially kNUWajrjoN8-00962-00240883-00241440 [Greig] um I.. sorry Adrian did you flash your hand kNUWajrjoN8-00963-00241248-00241759 up for a quick question I don't see you kNUWajrjoN8-00964-00241440-00241911 up anymore um but if anybody has a kNUWajrjoN8-00965-00241759-00242128 question you can just kNUWajrjoN8-00966-00241911-00242304 raise your hands through some otherwise kNUWajrjoN8-00967-00242128-00242567 I will I'll just dominate and ask kNUWajrjoN8-00968-00242304-00242623 tons more questions.. Ah Claire Claire has kNUWajrjoN8-00969-00242567-00242807 a question kNUWajrjoN8-00970-00242623-00242959 Claire Nichols when you go [Claire] all kNUWajrjoN8-00971-00242807-00243248 right look at the wrong screen kNUWajrjoN8-00972-00242959-00243448 I'm yeah um hi lisa great talk I was kNUWajrjoN8-00973-00243248-00243664 just wondering with the kNUWajrjoN8-00974-00243448-00243816 uh you see the bios after two years as kNUWajrjoN8-00975-00243664-00244000 five microtesla and kNUWajrjoN8-00976-00243816-00244144 I guess if that's a linear bias that kNUWajrjoN8-00977-00244000-00244416 gets worse most of the time kNUWajrjoN8-00978-00244144-00244535 then it's a big problem but do you know kNUWajrjoN8-00979-00244416-00244735 if it actually gets kNUWajrjoN8-00980-00244535-00244944 much worse very quickly and then kind of kNUWajrjoN8-00981-00244735-00245383 settles or if it continues like kNUWajrjoN8-00982-00244944-00245383 is it twice as bad after five years? kNUWajrjoN8-00983-00245431-00246128 [Lisa] it's time to talk to you in five years kNUWajrjoN8-00984-00245759-00246231 I just uh in order to do these last kNUWajrjoN8-00985-00246128-00246519 two experiments kNUWajrjoN8-00986-00246231-00246600 the last three ideas i used up all the kNUWajrjoN8-00987-00246519-00246959 specimens that were kNUWajrjoN8-00988-00246600-00247207 aging and so now we don't have any more kNUWajrjoN8-00989-00246959-00247304 so someone else can start I just retired kNUWajrjoN8-00990-00247207-00247640 so kNUWajrjoN8-00991-00247304-00248016 I've gotta be here to get to the answer kNUWajrjoN8-00992-00247640-00248280 um uh iI think it keeps getting worse kNUWajrjoN8-00993-00248016-00248496 I don't know the answer if you look at kNUWajrjoN8-00994-00248280-00248680 the original Arai plots kNUWajrjoN8-00995-00248496-00248807 for some of these they're really very kNUWajrjoN8-00996-00248680-00249152 curved and so I kNUWajrjoN8-00997-00248807-00249448 imagine that the curvature just was kNUWajrjoN8-00998-00249152-00249519 you know over a hundred thousand years I kNUWajrjoN8-00999-00249448-00249848 don't know kNUWajrjoN8-01000-00249519-00250159 [Claire] okay have to start aging some samples kNUWajrjoN8-01001-00249848-00250367 [Lisa]why don't you do it we'll talk to you in kNUWajrjoN8-01002-00250159-00250519 five years ten years kNUWajrjoN8-01003-00250367-00250688 [Greig] so it sounds like somebody could start a kNUWajrjoN8-01004-00250519-00251016 career out of this kNUWajrjoN8-01005-00250688-00251414 um so uh Andrei you have your hand up kNUWajrjoN8-01006-00251016-00251414 [Music] kNUWajrjoN8-01007-00251848-00252528 oh okay now kNUWajrjoN8-01008-00252207-00252816 [Andrei] okay now yeah okay kNUWajrjoN8-01009-00252528-00252816 okay Lisa kNUWajrjoN8-01010-00252992-00253640 well there is a kNUWajrjoN8-01011-00253311-00253744 brief question and also a sort of kNUWajrjoN8-01012-00253640-00254104 suggestion kNUWajrjoN8-01013-00253744-00254464 uh first kNUWajrjoN8-01014-00254104-00254800 when you see in your curved kNUWajrjoN8-01015-00254464-00254800 nagata Arari plots kNUWajrjoN8-01016-00254919-00255464 how did your ptrm checks generally kNUWajrjoN8-01017-00255216-00255464 behave kNUWajrjoN8-01018-00255552-00255944 [Lisa] these samples were chosen because they kNUWajrjoN8-01019-00255840-00256328 had all kNUWajrjoN8-01020-00255944-00256640 undergone a atelier experiment kNUWajrjoN8-01021-00256328-00256935 and had shown no alteration so the kNUWajrjoN8-01022-00256640-00257080 alteration checks on these were fine kNUWajrjoN8-01023-00256935-00257383 that's not the issue kNUWajrjoN8-01024-00257080-00257719 here, in this case all right kNUWajrjoN8-01025-00257383-00257976 [Andrei] let's still uh okay i might i'm kNUWajrjoN8-01026-00257719-00258152 I may be blowing in my own trumpet but kNUWajrjoN8-01027-00257976-00258504 uh okay kNUWajrjoN8-01028-00258152-00258776 uh some 20 20 plus years ago kNUWajrjoN8-01029-00258504-00258831 Michelle Prevot and I published the kNUWajrjoN8-01030-00258776-00259231 paper kNUWajrjoN8-01031-00258831-00259544 which showed what you call fragile kNUWajrjoN8-01032-00259231-00259752 uh curvature and we did the same kNUWajrjoN8-01033-00259544-00259935 we did basically the same experiment kNUWajrjoN8-01034-00259752-00260240 with two kNUWajrjoN8-01035-00259935-00260783 [Lisa] what was that published [Andrei] we published kNUWajrjoN8-01036-00260240-00260783 the the paper in JGI in '98 kNUWajrjoN8-01037-00261128-00261480 and we did basically the same experiment kNUWajrjoN8-01038-00261416-00261783 and kNUWajrjoN8-01039-00261480-00262096 ended up with basically the same kNUWajrjoN8-01040-00261783-00262176 the same conclusion that you have you kNUWajrjoN8-01041-00262096-00262488 have very kNUWajrjoN8-01042-00262176-00262576 very curved Nagata-Arai right plots on kNUWajrjoN8-01043-00262488-00262864 original kNUWajrjoN8-01044-00262576-00263048 samples and then you get almost kNUWajrjoN8-01045-00262864-00263456 straight lines when you do the kNUWajrjoN8-01046-00263048-00263920 Thellier experiment on the total TRM kNUWajrjoN8-01047-00263456-00264272 and we we did the we went a little bit kNUWajrjoN8-01048-00263920-00264648 further on on the rock mag line and kNUWajrjoN8-01049-00264272-00265000 investigated the hysteresis loops kNUWajrjoN8-01050-00264648-00265544 at elevated temperatures kNUWajrjoN8-01051-00265000-00265544 and actually we found out that kNUWajrjoN8-01052-00265600-00266448 in all in all these samples with a kNUWajrjoN8-01053-00266111-00266792 fragile curvature was good good term kNUWajrjoN8-01054-00266448-00267080 okay they showed uh kNUWajrjoN8-01055-00266792-00267335 they showed up very very characteristic kNUWajrjoN8-01056-00267080-00267624 changes in coercivity kNUWajrjoN8-01057-00267335-00267711 upon heating and it was sufficient to kNUWajrjoN8-01058-00267624-00268104 heat up the kNUWajrjoN8-01059-00267711-00268440 samples to something like kNUWajrjoN8-01060-00268104-00268544 250 to 75 degrees centigrade to end up kNUWajrjoN8-01061-00268440-00268816 with very kNUWajrjoN8-01062-00268544-00268880 this clearly irreversible behavior of kNUWajrjoN8-01063-00268816-00269224 histeresis kNUWajrjoN8-01064-00268880-00269431 of histeresis and our kNUWajrjoN8-01065-00269224-00269552 our interpretation with Michelle was kNUWajrjoN8-01066-00269431-00269848 that uh kNUWajrjoN8-01067-00269552-00269983 when you heat this uh when you heat the kNUWajrjoN8-01068-00269848-00270416 samples kNUWajrjoN8-01069-00269983-00270680 with this and we change this kNUWajrjoN8-01070-00270416-00270744 the internal stresses which which kNUWajrjoN8-01071-00270680-00271135 controls kNUWajrjoN8-01072-00270744-00271424 the coercitivity and that's kNUWajrjoN8-01073-00271135-00271559 and unfortunately the answer to your kNUWajrjoN8-01074-00271424-00271920 last question kNUWajrjoN8-01075-00271559-00271968 seems that there is no remedy apart from kNUWajrjoN8-01076-00271920-00272072 this kNUWajrjoN8-01077-00271968-00272296 perhaps this kNUWajrjoN8-01078-00272296-00272952 if this interpretation is correct then kNUWajrjoN8-01079-00272728-00273083 the our only hope would be this kNUWajrjoN8-01080-00272952-00273368 numerical kNUWajrjoN8-01081-00273083-00273624 correction but once again we kNUWajrjoN8-01082-00273368-00273759 we need to figure out how to do that kNUWajrjoN8-01083-00273624-00274128 properly kNUWajrjoN8-01084-00273759-00274383 [Lisa] so maybe Brendan can get a seminar in uh kNUWajrjoN8-01085-00274128-00274520 maybe a month a couple weeks or a month kNUWajrjoN8-01086-00274383-00274680 um kNUWajrjoN8-01087-00274520-00274831 because he's about to submit a kNUWajrjoN8-01088-00274680-00275135 manuscript which I kNUWajrjoN8-01089-00274831-00275472 I think may be kNUWajrjoN8-01090-00275135-00275831 a way forward [Andrei] yeah of course and kNUWajrjoN8-01091-00275472-00276152 uh one thing to uh one thing to kNUWajrjoN8-01092-00275831-00276488 recall about this whole study was that kNUWajrjoN8-01093-00276152-00276776 the pro the worst uh curved kNUWajrjoN8-01094-00276488-00276848 sample was there was one with the kNUWajrjoN8-01095-00276776-00277152 largest kNUWajrjoN8-01096-00276848-00277464 Mrs/Ms ratio kNUWajrjoN8-01097-00277152-00277792 of something 0.3 so it was nearly kNUWajrjoN8-01098-00277464-00278135 in the single domain verge kNUWajrjoN8-01099-00277792-00278407 [Lisa]i don't know yeah [Andrei] and the coercivity was kNUWajrjoN8-01100-00278135-00278559 something like 40 30 milli tesla and kNUWajrjoN8-01101-00278407-00278904 still it behaved kNUWajrjoN8-01102-00278559-00279407 terribly but mind you but in that case kNUWajrjoN8-01103-00278904-00279816 uh we did see the we did see the kNUWajrjoN8-01104-00279407-00280159 failed pTRM checks at the uh kNUWajrjoN8-01105-00279816-00280248 where the where the curvature was kNUWajrjoN8-01106-00280159-00280559 developed kNUWajrjoN8-01107-00280248-00280559 because well kNUWajrjoN8-01108-00280610-00281030 [Lisa] okay yeah richard has a question now kNUWajrjoN8-01109-00281031-00281416 [Greig] yeah i agree we'll move on to it kNUWajrjoN8-01110-00281224-00281728 otherwise we'll lose all of our time kNUWajrjoN8-01111-00281416-00281983 [Richard] yeah okay um okay so kNUWajrjoN8-01112-00281728-00282128 a non-paleomagnetist question so kNUWajrjoN8-01113-00281983-00282472 implications kNUWajrjoN8-01114-00282128-00282648 um so we spent many years doing analysis kNUWajrjoN8-01115-00282472-00282792 of all sorts of or putting into models kNUWajrjoN8-01116-00282648-00283088 all sorts of data kNUWajrjoN8-01117-00282792-00283248 so for example it always puzzled me that kNUWajrjoN8-01118-00283088-00283400 the field seems to be stronger now than kNUWajrjoN8-01119-00283248-00283631 it was in the past kNUWajrjoN8-01120-00283400-00283759 could this be part of the the story kNUWajrjoN8-01121-00283631-00284088 behind that kNUWajrjoN8-01122-00283759-00284448 um is this only volcanic kNUWajrjoN8-01123-00284088-00284792 so archeom. kNUWajrjoN8-01124-00284448-00284888 [Lisa] but I do think that to feel the kNUWajrjoN8-01125-00284792-00285072 stronger kNUWajrjoN8-01126-00284888-00285207 the present than in the past because if kNUWajrjoN8-01127-00285072-00285568 you choose only kNUWajrjoN8-01128-00285207-00285896 uh good results that have straight kNUWajrjoN8-01129-00285568-00286016 Arai plots that's what it shows so I'm kNUWajrjoN8-01130-00285896-00286352 confident now but kNUWajrjoN8-01131-00286016-00286688 this does raise a question so how kNUWajrjoN8-01132-00286352-00286911 how about results in uh kNUWajrjoN8-01133-00286688-00287096 databases that do not include the kNUWajrjoN8-01134-00286911-00287400 original measurements? kNUWajrjoN8-01135-00287096-00287535 what confidence can we have in those kNUWajrjoN8-01136-00287400-00287735 results? kNUWajrjoN8-01137-00287535-00287855 like for example the PINT database that kNUWajrjoN8-01138-00287735-00288159 has just studied kNUWajrjoN8-01139-00287855-00288552 just site level uh kNUWajrjoN8-01140-00288159-00288752 estimates and you have no idea about kNUWajrjoN8-01141-00288552-00288904 where they curve did they not occur kNUWajrjoN8-01142-00288752-00289231 where were they yeah kNUWajrjoN8-01143-00288904-00289480 so um uh kNUWajrjoN8-01144-00289231-00289648 I'm advocating for people putting their kNUWajrjoN8-01145-00289480-00289888 data into the database kNUWajrjoN8-01146-00289648-00290000 and the good news is that if Brendan's kNUWajrjoN8-01147-00289888-00290320 method does work kNUWajrjoN8-01148-00290000-00290664 then we can rescue a lot of results kNUWajrjoN8-01149-00290320-00291031 and correct for this bias but kNUWajrjoN8-01150-00290664-00291159 um for now you know that story about the kNUWajrjoN8-01151-00291031-00291496 high field recently kNUWajrjoN8-01152-00291159-00291655 is is a lot of archaeological data and kNUWajrjoN8-01153-00291496-00291983 archaeological artifacts um kNUWajrjoN8-01154-00291655-00292088 Despina was on uh she can attest to the kNUWajrjoN8-01155-00291983-00292296 fact that kNUWajrjoN8-01156-00292088-00292488 a lot of um archaeological kNUWajrjoN8-01157-00292296-00292744 archaeomagnetic data are really kNUWajrjoN8-01158-00292488-00292816 great they're straight Arai plots they're kNUWajrjoN8-01159-00292744-00293135 not don't kNUWajrjoN8-01160-00292816-00293335 have this problem it's only when you get kNUWajrjoN8-01161-00293135-00293535 back further further in time and I would kNUWajrjoN8-01162-00293335-00294000 say that this is a general problem of kNUWajrjoN8-01163-00293535-00294248 lava flows but not of the lava flow tops kNUWajrjoN8-01164-00294000-00294407 which are glassy or finer grained and kNUWajrjoN8-01165-00294248-00294528 then you get yourself into the single kNUWajrjoN8-01166-00294407-00294752 domain range kNUWajrjoN8-01167-00294528-00295072 and so you can get good results from kNUWajrjoN8-01168-00294752-00295376 lava flows as shown by Cromwell kNUWajrjoN8-01169-00295072-00295744 and um and that's been our approach kNUWajrjoN8-01170-00295376-00296024 for the last 30 30 years kNUWajrjoN8-01171-00295744-00296135 20 long time 20 since 1990 I started kNUWajrjoN8-01172-00296024-00296504 trying to find kNUWajrjoN8-01173-00296135-00296631 single domain material um kNUWajrjoN8-01174-00296504-00296776 [Richard] i'm very pleased that you're not kNUWajrjoN8-01175-00296631-00296920 throwing away the glassy breathing kNUWajrjoN8-01176-00296776-00297055 otherwise you might disappear out your kNUWajrjoN8-01177-00296920-00297359 own um kNUWajrjoN8-01178-00297055-00297624 so that's very good to hear [Lisa] I'm not kNUWajrjoN8-01179-00297359-00297744 throwing away the glassy stuff although kNUWajrjoN8-01180-00297624-00298111 Julie Bowles might kNUWajrjoN8-01181-00297744-00298359 for me for some other reason kNUWajrjoN8-01182-00298111-00298535 [Richard] i don't know no but I mean I can kNUWajrjoN8-01183-00298359-00298704 appreciate what you're saying about kNUWajrjoN8-01184-00298535-00298880 trying to find the best data but when kNUWajrjoN8-01185-00298704-00299031 you were going through your conditions kNUWajrjoN8-01186-00298880-00299240 I have to admit I was less worried about kNUWajrjoN8-01187-00299031-00299311 the one that was kind of imprecise but kNUWajrjoN8-01188-00299240-00299559 at least kNUWajrjoN8-01189-00299311-00299648 accurate I didn't care so much because kNUWajrjoN8-01190-00299559-00299896 there it's the kNUWajrjoN8-01191-00299648-00300024 it's the consistency it's the systematic kNUWajrjoN8-01192-00299896-00300352 bias that's the problem kNUWajrjoN8-01193-00300024-00300672 if you've got inaccurate but accurate kNUWajrjoN8-01194-00300352-00300848 but or accurate but um wide sounds that kNUWajrjoN8-01195-00300672-00301383 just take lots of the data kNUWajrjoN8-01196-00300848-00301383 that's right so that's kNUWajrjoN8-01197-00301983-00302400 [Lisa] give me another five years and maybe kNUWajrjoN8-01198-00302144-00302759 we'll solve it kNUWajrjoN8-01199-00302400-00302983 [Greig] um i just want to thank uh Lisa again um kNUWajrjoN8-01200-00302759-00303111 for a fantastic talk some really kNUWajrjoN8-01201-00302983-00303311 interesting stuff in there kNUWajrjoN8-01202-00303111-00303448 and I'm looking forward to uh some of kNUWajrjoN8-01203-00303311-00303664 the future stuff kNUWajrjoN8-01204-00303448-00303768 um as a note because you kept mentioning kNUWajrjoN8-01205-00303664-00303928 Brendan's kNUWajrjoN8-01206-00303768-00304111 method and Brendan should give a kNUWajrjoN8-01207-00303928-00304240 presentation he kNUWajrjoN8-01208-00304111-00304431 Brendan actually gave a kNUWajrjoN8-01209-00304240-00304735 presentation as part of kNUWajrjoN8-01210-00304431-00304840 uh Magnetic Interactions um earlier uh kNUWajrjoN8-01211-00304735-00305104 this year kNUWajrjoN8-01212-00304840-00305183 um as part of MagNetZ we recorded that kNUWajrjoN8-01213-00305104-00305552 seminar kNUWajrjoN8-01214-00305183-00305783 and one of my MagNetZ duties is to kNUWajrjoN8-01215-00305552-00305935 upload all of those videos online uh kNUWajrjoN8-01216-00305783-00306248 which is coming kNUWajrjoN8-01217-00305935-00306328 they are um coming on so everyone um can kNUWajrjoN8-01218-00306248-00306711 catch up on kNUWajrjoN8-01219-00306328-00306944 on uh magnetic interactions um 2020 and kNUWajrjoN8-01220-00306711-00307168 Brendan's talk and its a pretty cool kNUWajrjoN8-01221-00306944-00307496 looking method of of correcting kNUWajrjoN8-01222-00307168-00307559 um some of these uh biases so I just kNUWajrjoN8-01223-00307496-00307776 want to thank kNUWajrjoN8-01224-00307559-00307888 uh Lisa once again and you can throw up kNUWajrjoN8-01225-00307776-00308128 another virtual kNUWajrjoN8-01226-00307888-00308200 uh round of applause for for Lisa for a kNUWajrjoN8-01227-00308128-00308520 fantastic kNUWajrjoN8-01228-00308200-00308864 talk um kNUWajrjoN8-01229-00308520-00308959 and and before we um bring um today's kNUWajrjoN8-01230-00308864-00309152 session to kNUWajrjoN8-01231-00308959-00309288 to a close um I just want to remind kNUWajrjoN8-01232-00309152-00309552 everybody um that kNUWajrjoN8-01233-00309288-00309648 that moving into 2021 we've got several kNUWajrjoN8-01234-00309552-00310031 more people kNUWajrjoN8-01235-00309648-00310135 uh lined up to to give presentations kNUWajrjoN8-01236-00310031-00310392 so we're going to be running the kNUWajrjoN8-01237-00310135-00310535 seminars um every two weeks kNUWajrjoN8-01238-00310392-00310704 uh and you can see that we've we've kNUWajrjoN8-01239-00310535-00311040 already got kNUWajrjoN8-01240-00310704-00311144 our lineup for the next few weeks a few kNUWajrjoN8-01241-00311040-00311448 months sorry kNUWajrjoN8-01242-00311144-00311768 um we're going to take a break for uh kNUWajrjoN8-01243-00311448-00311904 egu and to give people um a little bit kNUWajrjoN8-01244-00311768-00312216 of a chance to kNUWajrjoN8-01245-00311904-00312504 uh not be bombarded by too many um kNUWajrjoN8-01246-00312216-00312576 seminars um but after EGU we're actually kNUWajrjoN8-01247-00312504-00312872 going to change kNUWajrjoN8-01248-00312576-00313080 um our time slot a little bit um so that kNUWajrjoN8-01249-00312872-00313328 we're running in an EU kNUWajrjoN8-01250-00313080-00313496 um eastern hemisphere slot so that we kNUWajrjoN8-01251-00313328-00313672 have a chance for kNUWajrjoN8-01252-00313496-00313831 some of our colleagues in Australia and kNUWajrjoN8-01253-00313672-00314088 China and Japan kNUWajrjoN8-01254-00313831-00314176 to join these seminars live but also to kNUWajrjoN8-01255-00314088-00314400 to actually kNUWajrjoN8-01256-00314176-00314520 um present some of the science that that kNUWajrjoN8-01257-00314400-00314744 they're doing kNUWajrjoN8-01258-00314520-00314952 um and I'll give more details about that kNUWajrjoN8-01259-00314744-00314992 um later on as we get closer to that kNUWajrjoN8-01260-00314952-00315168 time kNUWajrjoN8-01261-00314992-00315359 but we've got a few a few people lined kNUWajrjoN8-01262-00315168-00315648 up and to give a range of kNUWajrjoN8-01263-00315359-00315744 of talks and and as we move forward into kNUWajrjoN8-01264-00315648-00315935 2021 kNUWajrjoN8-01265-00315744-00316216 um we're we're always looking for more kNUWajrjoN8-01266-00315935-00316504 speakers so if anybody is interested in kNUWajrjoN8-01267-00316216-00316655 giving a seminar um please just um get kNUWajrjoN8-01268-00316504-00317007 in touch with us kNUWajrjoN8-01269-00316655-00317368 and we can sort out a future slot kNUWajrjoN8-01270-00317007-00317768 um and one last little mention is um kNUWajrjoN8-01271-00317368-00317896 up until now um our MagNetZ seminars have kNUWajrjoN8-01272-00317768-00318072 been made available through kNUWajrjoN8-01273-00317896-00318264 the MagIC YouTube channel and I want to kNUWajrjoN8-01274-00318072-00318568 thank the MagIC team kNUWajrjoN8-01275-00318264-00318816 for helping us get started and host that kNUWajrjoN8-01276-00318568-00318944 moving forward we will have our own kNUWajrjoN8-01277-00318816-00319111 dedicated kNUWajrjoN8-01278-00318944-00319283 MagNetZ YouTube channel where these kNUWajrjoN8-01279-00319111-00319535 videos will be kNUWajrjoN8-01280-00319283-00319776 uploaded um well I'll send around some kNUWajrjoN8-01281-00319535-00319864 more details uh for the web links and so kNUWajrjoN8-01282-00319776-00320248 on there kNUWajrjoN8-01283-00319864-00320472 but this will have our 2021 series kNUWajrjoN8-01284-00320248-00320616 and I'll have the Magnetic Interactions kNUWajrjoN8-01285-00320472-00320920 uh seminars as well kNUWajrjoN8-01286-00320616-00321224 but I'll pass those uh details around um kNUWajrjoN8-01287-00320920-00321472 and as always um any feedback kNUWajrjoN8-01288-00321224-00321616 ideas and criticisms um are always kNUWajrjoN8-01289-00321472-00321976 welcome to to improve kNUWajrjoN8-01290-00321616-00322264 um our community uh seminar series but kNUWajrjoN8-01291-00321976-00322416 thank you all again um for for joining kNUWajrjoN8-01292-00322264-00322783 magnets and i'll see you all in a couple kNUWajrjoN8-01293-00322416-00322783 of weeks kpEUb5fNaak-00000-00000046-00000294 Which one are you? kR51b54wIik-00000-00000886-00000888 samantha kR51b54wIik-00001-00000888-00001087 samantha i can see you kR51b54wIik-00002-00001087-00001088 i can see you kR51b54wIik-00003-00001088-00001311 i can see you i miss being a drunk there's a lot less kR51b54wIik-00004-00001311-00001312 i miss being a drunk there's a lot less kR51b54wIik-00005-00001312-00001456 i miss being a drunk there's a lot less accountability kR51b54wIik-00006-00001456-00001457 accountability kR51b54wIik-00007-00001457-00001718 accountability [Music] kR51b54wIik-00008-00001718-00001719 [Music] kR51b54wIik-00009-00001719-00001871 [Music] what brings you here today public kR51b54wIik-00010-00001871-00001872 what brings you here today public kR51b54wIik-00011-00001872-00002095 what brings you here today public intoxication destruction of personal kR51b54wIik-00012-00002095-00002096 intoxication destruction of personal kR51b54wIik-00013-00002096-00002431 intoxication destruction of personal property almost blinding my co-worker kR51b54wIik-00014-00002431-00002432 property almost blinding my co-worker kR51b54wIik-00015-00002432-00002767 property almost blinding my co-worker being awesome i hate to be a bus girl kR51b54wIik-00016-00002767-00002768 being awesome i hate to be a bus girl kR51b54wIik-00017-00002768-00002958 being awesome i hate to be a bus girl hello smother did you just talk about me kR51b54wIik-00018-00002958-00002959 hello smother did you just talk about me kR51b54wIik-00019-00002959-00003183 hello smother did you just talk about me the whole time yes mother it's all about kR51b54wIik-00020-00003183-00003184 the whole time yes mother it's all about kR51b54wIik-00021-00003184-00003263 the whole time yes mother it's all about you kR51b54wIik-00022-00003263-00003264 you kR51b54wIik-00023-00003264-00003510 you but yeah basically kR51b54wIik-00024-00003510-00003511 but yeah basically kR51b54wIik-00025-00003511-00003759 but yeah basically [Music] kR51b54wIik-00026-00003759-00003760 [Music] kR51b54wIik-00027-00003760-00003975 [Music] i just got out of rehab i'm so glad kR51b54wIik-00028-00003975-00003976 i just got out of rehab i'm so glad kR51b54wIik-00029-00003976-00004143 i just got out of rehab i'm so glad you're back we're gonna potty like when kR51b54wIik-00030-00004143-00004144 you're back we're gonna potty like when kR51b54wIik-00031-00004144-00004391 you're back we're gonna potty like when tom was still with the patriots i can't kR51b54wIik-00032-00004391-00004392 tom was still with the patriots i can't kR51b54wIik-00033-00004392-00004567 tom was still with the patriots i can't hey i wanted to tell you about this in kR51b54wIik-00034-00004567-00004568 hey i wanted to tell you about this in kR51b54wIik-00035-00004568-00004735 hey i wanted to tell you about this in person my best friend's marrying my kR51b54wIik-00036-00004735-00004736 person my best friend's marrying my kR51b54wIik-00037-00004736-00005079 person my best friend's marrying my ex-boyfriend oh no i want all the booze kR51b54wIik-00038-00005079-00005080 ex-boyfriend oh no i want all the booze kR51b54wIik-00039-00005080-00005286 ex-boyfriend oh no i want all the booze and all the drugs all at the same time kR51b54wIik-00040-00005286-00005287 and all the drugs all at the same time kR51b54wIik-00041-00005287-00005431 and all the drugs all at the same time you want to come in for a cup of tea kR51b54wIik-00042-00005431-00005432 you want to come in for a cup of tea kR51b54wIik-00043-00005432-00005688 you want to come in for a cup of tea it's not blow but it's all i have kR51b54wIik-00044-00005688-00005689 it's not blow but it's all i have kR51b54wIik-00045-00005689-00005927 it's not blow but it's all i have [Music] kR51b54wIik-00046-00005927-00005928 [Music] kR51b54wIik-00047-00005928-00006183 [Music] didn't know there'd be so much stuff and kR51b54wIik-00048-00006183-00006184 didn't know there'd be so much stuff and kR51b54wIik-00049-00006184-00006351 didn't know there'd be so much stuff and feelings or whatever that's the worst kR51b54wIik-00050-00006351-00006352 feelings or whatever that's the worst kR51b54wIik-00051-00006352-00006734 feelings or whatever that's the worst part but like a long shot kR51b54wIik-00052-00006831-00006831 whoa kR51b54wIik-00053-00006831-00006998 whoa whoa good or well bad you're kind of kR51b54wIik-00054-00006998-00007000 whoa good or well bad you're kind of kR51b54wIik-00055-00007000-00007151 whoa good or well bad you're kind of untouchable until you're a year and a kR51b54wIik-00056-00007151-00007152 untouchable until you're a year and a kR51b54wIik-00057-00007152-00007398 untouchable until you're a year and a day sober who can i complain to kR51b54wIik-00058-00007398-00007400 day sober who can i complain to kR51b54wIik-00059-00007400-00007591 day sober who can i complain to no one kR51b54wIik-00060-00007591-00007592 no one kR51b54wIik-00061-00007592-00007846 no one what do i do just try to be a person kR51b54wIik-00062-00007846-00007847 what do i do just try to be a person kR51b54wIik-00063-00007847-00008046 what do i do just try to be a person brush your teeth take a shower you make kR51b54wIik-00064-00008046-00008047 brush your teeth take a shower you make kR51b54wIik-00065-00008047-00008255 brush your teeth take a shower you make your bed every day is the make your bed kR51b54wIik-00066-00008255-00008256 your bed every day is the make your bed kR51b54wIik-00067-00008256-00008414 your bed every day is the make your bed thing metaphorical or should i really do kR51b54wIik-00068-00008414-00008415 thing metaphorical or should i really do kR51b54wIik-00069-00008415-00008535 thing metaphorical or should i really do that kR51b54wIik-00070-00008535-00008536 that kR51b54wIik-00071-00008536-00008767 that it feels bad and good at the same time kR51b54wIik-00072-00008767-00008768 it feels bad and good at the same time kR51b54wIik-00073-00008768-00008927 it feels bad and good at the same time that's nice kR51b54wIik-00074-00008927-00008928 that's nice kR51b54wIik-00075-00008928-00009231 that's nice my friend is 30 days so much you should kR51b54wIik-00076-00009231-00009232 my friend is 30 days so much you should kR51b54wIik-00077-00009232-00009414 my friend is 30 days so much you should be proud kR51b54wIik-00078-00009414-00009415 be proud kR51b54wIik-00079-00009415-00009655 be proud don't judge me for having some wine at kR51b54wIik-00080-00009655-00009656 don't judge me for having some wine at kR51b54wIik-00081-00009656-00009751 don't judge me for having some wine at night kR51b54wIik-00082-00009751-00009752 night kR51b54wIik-00083-00009752-00009942 night it's hard to be a person kR51b54wIik-00084-00009942-00009943 it's hard to be a person kR51b54wIik-00085-00009943-00010183 it's hard to be a person i hear you single drunk female series kR51b54wIik-00086-00010183-00010184 i hear you single drunk female series kR51b54wIik-00087-00010184-00010399 i hear you single drunk female series premiere january 20th on freeform and kR51b54wIik-00088-00010399-00010400 premiere january 20th on freeform and kR51b54wIik-00089-00010400-00010607 premiere january 20th on freeform and stream on hulu kR51b54wIik-00090-00010607-00010608 stream on hulu kR51b54wIik-00091-00010608-00010922 stream on hulu [Music] kTgfqqbHqjA-00000-00000104-00000576 You hear what's happening with copper iron ore etc and yet we're getting the third-quarter GDP kTgfqqbHqjA-00001-00000576-00001112 coming out in just over an hour we're expecting an expectation we're expecting a number of kTgfqqbHqjA-00002-00001112-00001528 33.1% that would be unchanged from the second estimate a month ago but this is the final reading kTgfqqbHqjA-00003-00001528-00002048 and I know it's a snapback from the second quarter contraction what's your take on this impacting kTgfqqbHqjA-00004-00002048-00002624 markets and the economic recovery I mean it's an awesome number but it's backwards looking and kTgfqqbHqjA-00005-00002624-00003104 is one of the reasons why our firm was bullish back in you know really March-April one of the kTgfqqbHqjA-00006-00003104-00003608 few firms it was for the record but I think what's more remarkable is if we look at GDP next year kTgfqqbHqjA-00007-00003608-00004136 we're calling for 4.5% which isjust an awesome number and when you start thinking kTgfqqbHqjA-00008-00004136-00004592 about that it's because we're going to have an absolute spending explosion next year when you kTgfqqbHqjA-00009-00004592-00005032 get to the second part of the year and that pent up demand I mean consumers are literally sitting on kTgfqqbHqjA-00010-00005032-00005664 1.5 trillion dollars right now Maria and they paid down like 150 billion dollars worth of debt so kTgfqqbHqjA-00011-00005664-00006080 it's kind of like we're going to party like it's the 1980s when we get to the second half of next kTgfqqbHqjA-00012-00006080-00006480 year I already talked a lot of my friends talking about how they're just going to like go out kTgfqqbHqjA-00013-00006480-00007064 and go on trips and do like do it up next part of the latter part of next year and I think kTgfqqbHqjA-00014-00007064-00007568 the other tailwind here is talking about the 80s is if you start thinking about the demographics kTgfqqbHqjA-00015-00007568-00007976 millennials are now getting into their peak earning and spending years they're the biggest kTgfqqbHqjA-00016-00007976-00008472 cohort and it's kind of like the baby boomers back in the 1980s and my dad was a stockbroker kTgfqqbHqjA-00017-00008472-00008872 back on Wall Street in the 1980s and you know they lived it up they had a great time and I kTgfqqbHqjA-00018-00008872-00009336 think you're going to see that again so we can kind of see the roaring 20s here so next year is kTgfqqbHqjA-00019-00009336-00009712 going to be an awesome year and Dennis I love your Bob Dylan quote how to get that in there kTgfqqbHqjA-00020-00009896-00010416 thank you you're great that that is funny so you're bypassing the 90s you say we're kTgfqqbHqjA-00021-00010416-00010896 going to be partying like the 80s that was that was the disco that was the disco time kTgfqqbHqjA-00022-00010896-00011480 wasn't it the 80s we'll see about that. So the issue for you Ryan becomes do you want to kTgfqqbHqjA-00023-00011480-00011928 invest in these companies if they're going to be forced to break be forced to break up kTgfqqbHqjA-00024-00011928-00012408 or if they're going to be forced to pay out who knows how much in fees and fines kTgfqqbHqjA-00025-00012584-00013063 it's a great point Maria and they're two of the largest companies in the S&P 500 and kTgfqqbHqjA-00026-00013063-00013496 their valuations are already through the roof and then you had Amazon we talked about this last week kTgfqqbHqjA-00027-00013496-00014080 the EU is going after them for their marketplace practices so I think you're gonna have this ironic kTgfqqbHqjA-00028-00014080-00014712 thing next year where the economy booms and and the S&P 500 could possibly lag because these kTgfqqbHqjA-00029-00014712-00015240 big tech companies now and I agree it's bipartisan are going to have fines, new rules in place that kTgfqqbHqjA-00030-00015240-00015696 could be a game-changer and you could miss out on the whole economic recovery by just concentrating kTgfqqbHqjA-00031-00015696-00016136 your money there so I think it's a good reason to diversify right now and not just own the kTgfqqbHqjA-00032-00016136-00017016 S&P 500. Ryan does that argue for going into mid-caps and small caps? 100%, in fact, small caps kTgfqqbHqjA-00033-00017016-00017456 probably benefit the most from the reopening of the economy and they had the best November kTgfqqbHqjA-00034-00017456-00018008 ever in the history of small caps it just shows you know that's where the money's going. kUPzizD7ZlY-00000-00000000-00000200 How to use counta and if together in Excel kW673dgulVE-00000-00000032-00000313 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-00002-00000546-00000731 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-00009-00005399-00005546 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-00023-00009316-00009610 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-00067-00021718-00022009 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-00847-00240947-00241057 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-00848-00241105-00241419 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-00901-00255166-00255512 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-00913-00258629-00258827 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-01072-00303770-00304074 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-01155-00327855-00328171 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-01270-00359772-00360047 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-01354-00383895-00384192 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-01516-00429970-00430251 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-01542-00437614-00437921 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-01885-00532808-00533103 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kW673dgulVE-01886-00533103-00533395 send your prayer requests at bcgprayertower@gmail.com kWXvIoh_m1Y-00000-00000000-00000200 យួនព្យាយាមលាក់បាំងមិនឲ្យខ្មែរស្គាល់សិទ្ធិរបស់ខ្លួន kYEAte4l8nA-00000-00000000-00000200 welcome kZGdhcpF-do-00000-00000000-00000372 [intro music] Greetings and welcome to In The Margins, kZGdhcpF-do-00001-00000385-00000700 a multimedia project, and Minecraft server kZGdhcpF-do-00002-00000700-00000947 I am, as always, InMyOwnWorld... kZGdhcpF-do-00003-00000947-00001152 ...thank you for joining me here. kZGdhcpF-do-00004-00001152-00001324 My pronouns are they/them kZGdhcpF-do-00005-00001324-00001617 and, as a reminder, I have motor and vocal tics. kZGdhcpF-do-00006-00001617-00001987 You will hear odd sounds from time to time. [fnngt] kZGdhcpF-do-00007-00001987-00002264 For more information about the In The Margins project, kZGdhcpF-do-00008-00002264-00002569 visit marginallyactive.com kZGdhcpF-do-00009-00002569-00002769 In today's video kZGdhcpF-do-00010-00002769-00002984 we're going to be taking a look at kZGdhcpF-do-00011-00002984-00003207 the new server spawn. kZGdhcpF-do-00012-00003207-00003518 No more of this old one built in 1.14, kZGdhcpF-do-00013-00003518-00004082 now we have the spawn built with 1.18 world generation. kZGdhcpF-do-00014-00004082-00004851 As always, typing '/spawn' into chat will teleport you into the spawn room. kZGdhcpF-do-00015-00004851-00005151 (spawn chamber? spawn room?) kZGdhcpF-do-00016-00005151-00005327 It used to be the top of the spawn pyramid, kZGdhcpF-do-00017-00005327-00005604 now it's the spawn chamber, so it's not 'as always', kZGdhcpF-do-00018-00005604-00005950 but typing '/spawn' into chat will teleport you to spawn kZGdhcpF-do-00019-00005950-00006392 The spawn chamber here has a few odds and ends for you, kZGdhcpF-do-00020-00006392-00006592 including the ender chest kZGdhcpF-do-00021-00006592-00007000 and a deposit box where you can put items. kZGdhcpF-do-00022-00007174-00007521 Because it is a locked chexst — locked chest, kZGdhcpF-do-00023-00007521-00007794 items will not be drawn through by the hopper kZGdhcpF-do-00024-00007794-00007963 until the chest closes. kZGdhcpF-do-00025-00008025-00008136 [brief squeak] kZGdhcpF-do-00026-00008136-00008274 From the spawn chamber, kZGdhcpF-do-00027-00008274-00008562 you can teleport to the old spawn, if you want to. kZGdhcpF-do-00028-00008562-00008806 It still has our old nether network kZGdhcpF-do-00029-00008806-00009188 and, uh, is close to a bunch of old builds. kZGdhcpF-do-00030-00009188-00009406 So, if you want to go back and check out your old things, kZGdhcpF-do-00031-00009406-00009776 or you just want to keep using your old base and this is how you get to it... kZGdhcpF-do-00032-00009776-00009942 ...not a problem. kZGdhcpF-do-00033-00009954-00010226 [buzz] [smzznt] kZGdhcpF-do-00034-00010226-00010579 Let's actually just head back straight to spawn kZGdhcpF-do-00035-00010579-00010712 [buhbip] kZGdhcpF-do-00036-00010712-00010912 There is also the warp room kZGdhcpF-do-00037-00010912-00011167 where there are more of these warp tubes. kZGdhcpF-do-00038-00011167-00011454 [snybzybnypnypnyp] kZGdhcpF-do-00039-00011454-00011836 including a warp back to our old spawn, kZGdhcpF-do-00040-00011836-00012055 a warp to the End, kZGdhcpF-do-00041-00012055-00012257 a portal to get to the Nether, kZGdhcpF-do-00042-00012257-00012553 (I suppose it's not actually a warp to the End, it's actually a portal to the End). kZGdhcpF-do-00043-00012553-00012820 There are a few other, uh, [dbyt] kZGdhcpF-do-00044-00012820-00013000 few other places in here kZGdhcpF-do-00045-00013000-00013592 including one where the teleport, uh, pipe has not yet been built, kZGdhcpF-do-00046-00013592-00013874 and ones where the teleport pipes has been built. kZGdhcpF-do-00047-00013874-00014278 [squeak] Expect it—expect it to expand over time. kZGdhcpF-do-00048-00014278-00014478 [bnzmnypnyp] kZGdhcpF-do-00049-00014787-00014903 [skvp] kZGdhcpF-do-00050-00014903-00015103 We also have the Town of Spark. kZGdhcpF-do-00051-00015103-00015348 There's no town there yet, however kZGdhcpF-do-00052-00015348-00015716 [squeak] [fnzypnypnypnyp] kZGdhcpF-do-00053-00015716-00016088 there is certainly place to build a town. kZGdhcpF-do-00054-00016520-00016588 [squeak] kZGdhcpF-do-00055-00016588-00016970 In addition, there's a deposit box. kZGdhcpF-do-00056-00016970-00017601 Lights will go on when the public storage is completely full kZGdhcpF-do-00057-00017601-00017801 uh kZGdhcpF-do-00058-00017801-00018126 and hoppers underneath the chest will be locked. kZGdhcpF-do-00059-00018126-00018261 Items won't go through. kZGdhcpF-do-00060-00018261-00018519 However, here... oops [chest doesn't open] kZGdhcpF-do-00061-00018519-00018774 I will have to fix that. kZGdhcpF-do-00062-00018774-00018974 There's a number of things I still have to fix. kZGdhcpF-do-00063-00018974-00019260 If you run into any problems at spawn, let me know. kZGdhcpF-do-00064-00019260-00019460 Once I have fixed permissions, kZGdhcpF-do-00065-00019460-00019683 players will be able to put items into that chest kZGdhcpF-do-00066-00019683-00019944 which will then be sent along, uh, kZGdhcpF-do-00067-00019944-00020192 through a pipe underneath this rail kZGdhcpF-do-00068-00020192-00020452 into the public sorters at spawn. kZGdhcpF-do-00069-00020452-00020599 [hvnt hvnt] kZGdhcpF-do-00070-00020738-00021261 This rail is a little bit slow, but it's going to take us along a nice scenic route kZGdhcpF-do-00071-00021261-00021722 and we'll take a look a the sheep and chicken farms on the way back through. kZGdhcpF-do-00072-00021722-00021922 [squeak] kZGdhcpF-do-00073-00021922-00022569 So we have a sheep farm. They will eat the grass and be sheared by the dispensers. kZGdhcpF-do-00074-00022569-00023062 Might be a good idea every now and then to see if there are still shears in there. kZGdhcpF-do-00075-00023062-00023302 Um. Okay, cat. kZGdhcpF-do-00076-00023302-00023502 You're making this hard on me. kZGdhcpF-do-00077-00023502-00023702 Thank you. [smznt] kZGdhcpF-do-00078-00023702-00024058 The wool will come through in here. [squeak] kZGdhcpF-do-00079-00024058-00024353 I guess that needs to go there, kZGdhcpF-do-00080-00024353-00024553 that needs to go there, kZGdhcpF-do-00081-00024553-00024906 that needs to go... there. [buzz] kZGdhcpF-do-00082-00024906-00025372 A not automatic chicken farm. kZGdhcpF-do-00083-00025372-00025541 You were a shepherd, kZGdhcpF-do-00084-00025541-00025629 I'm gonna have to go find... kZGdhcpF-do-00085-00025629-00025818 Gonna have to go and put you back kZGdhcpF-do-00086-00025818-00026158 in with the sheep or something. kZGdhcpF-do-00087-00026158-00026260 [squeak] kZGdhcpF-do-00088-00026260-00026460 [nyipnpnp] kZGdhcpF-do-00089-00026644-00026911 We have a trading village kZGdhcpF-do-00090-00026911-00027246 The villagers are currently... kZGdhcpF-do-00091-00027246-00027522 Waking up? Going to bed? kZGdhcpF-do-00092-00027726-00027926 Chatting? I'm not sure. kZGdhcpF-do-00093-00028000-00028286 But it feels like they ought to be out and about. kZGdhcpF-do-00094-00028461-00028661 Ah. There. Okay, so it's not work time, kZGdhcpF-do-00095-00028661-00028913 When it's work time, they'll come down here kZGdhcpF-do-00096-00028913-00029367 and we can trade with Librarians and a bunch of other villagers [tsbebyt] kZGdhcpF-do-00097-00029638-00029838 Um... kZGdhcpF-do-00098-00029922-00030122 What am I doing? kZGdhcpF-do-00099-00030158-00030427 I'm gonna go back up to Spawn, I guess. kZGdhcpF-do-00100-00030777-00030977 [nzypnip] kZGdhcpF-do-00101-00030977-00031261 So public storage is really the biggie. kZGdhcpF-do-00102-00031461-00031814 As I said, there is an autosorter, kZGdhcpF-do-00103-00031814-00032438 and the autosorter will sort items into this room. kZGdhcpF-do-00104-00032438-00033248 A light means that there is a full chest (or something) at that location, kZGdhcpF-do-00105-00033248-00033565 and the more lights are on, the fuller it is. kZGdhcpF-do-00106-00033565-00033816 So over here we have a stone chest kZGdhcpF-do-00107-00033816-00034016 and the shulker box is full. kZGdhcpF-do-00108-00034016-00034216 If I were to take a few items out... kZGdhcpF-do-00109-00034216-00034445 stuff [is coming] through. kZGdhcpF-do-00110-00034445-00034742 Okay. So it's still full. Let's go ahead and kZGdhcpF-do-00111-00034742-00034942 press the red button to break it. kZGdhcpF-do-00112-00034942-00035381 Red buttons will break shulkers, green buttons will place shulkers kZGdhcpF-do-00113-00035381-00035839 as long as there are still empty shulkers in the dispenser. kZGdhcpF-do-00114-00035839-00036039 There we are. kZGdhcpF-do-00115-00036039-00036481 Your items... Your full shulkers can go into the barrel down below. kZGdhcpF-do-00116-00036481-00036853 When the barrel below is fairly full, you can press the button down here kZGdhcpF-do-00117-00036853-00037277 to release a few items into the shulker silos below. kZGdhcpF-do-00118-00037277-00037567 There are signs to remind you of all this. kZGdhcpF-do-00119-00037567-00037862 There are also some shulker stations over here, kZGdhcpF-do-00120-00037862-00038208 if you want to, yourself, uh [gllp] kZGdhcpF-do-00121-00038208-00038737 uh, load up... load up some of your own shulkers with a few loose items from various places. kZGdhcpF-do-00122-00038737-00039009 If you have items you don't want to hang onto, kZGdhcpF-do-00123-00039009-00039536 you can just toss them into the, uh, storage pipe here, kZGdhcpF-do-00124-00039536-00039872 which will send items through the auto sorter. kZGdhcpF-do-00125-00039872-00040364 Items that are not the blocks that are displayed kZGdhcpF-do-00126-00040364-00040748 [squeak] will end up going into the overflow, kZGdhcpF-do-00127-00040748-00041075 which has lights to tell you how full it is. kZGdhcpF-do-00128-00041075-00041458 And that's actually down here on this floor kZGdhcpF-do-00129-00041458-00041723 where the shulkers are. kZGdhcpF-do-00130-00041723-00041902 So shulker storage. kZGdhcpF-do-00131-00041902-00042279 Full shulker boxes come down here. kZGdhcpF-do-00132-00042279-00042852 And again, we have lights to tell you how full the system is. [squeak] kZGdhcpF-do-00133-00042852-00043094 In the corners, we have a few items. kZGdhcpF-do-00134-00043094-00043489 We have our slime and iron area. kZGdhcpF-do-00135-00043489-00043783 [squeak] [neet] kZGdhcpF-do-00136-00043783-00044206 You may hear a cat meowing shortly, if you didn't already hear it the first time. kZGdhcpF-do-00137-00044206-00044997 So we have various items, including a lot of fish and a little bit of iron kZGdhcpF-do-00138-00044997-00045515 And... some more iron [squeak], kZGdhcpF-do-00139-00045515-00046160 glowsacs [hmnt] and some storage areas for it. (forgot to mention slime) kZGdhcpF-do-00140-00046160-00046499 [sbzbt] Um... Oh, right. kZGdhcpF-do-00141-00046499-00047028 And I was in the process of trying to make another farm there. kZGdhcpF-do-00142-00047028-00047401 This spawn will grow. More things will be added. kZGdhcpF-do-00143-00047401-00047710 This is bare bones. Uh. Well. Maybe not. kZGdhcpF-do-00144-00047710-00048027 [laughing] This part of it isn't bare bones, but uh... kZGdhcpF-do-00145-00048027-00048281 Take back my firework rockets. kZGdhcpF-do-00146-00048281-00048605 and there's the flesh and the gunpowder, as you see, having gone through. kZGdhcpF-do-00147-00048605-00049385 Uh, I also have a corner that has crops kZGdhcpF-do-00148-00049639-00049857 So when this is fixed properly, kZGdhcpF-do-00149-00049857-00050223 there will be a couple of farmers who spend some time down here, kZGdhcpF-do-00150-00050223-00050637 Uh, anything that grows that I make a farm out of will be down here. kZGdhcpF-do-00151-00050637-00050949 So, I have not yet made mushroom, sea pickle, kZGdhcpF-do-00152-00050949-00051238 uh, kelp, or bamboo farms down here kZGdhcpF-do-00153-00051238-00051412 but I've made pretty much all the others. kZGdhcpF-do-00154-00051412-00052015 So, we have a bunch of different crops available kZGdhcpF-do-00155-00052015-00052368 and some farmers that you can sell some of them to for emeralds. [squeak] kZGdhcpF-do-00156-00052368-00052975 There is a cleric over here, who you can sell rotten flesh to. kZGdhcpF-do-00157-00052975-00053299 [squeak] [smmszmn] kZGdhcpF-do-00158-00053544-00054000 And...... uh... yeah. kZGdhcpF-do-00159-00054000-00054331 Uh, there's an enchanting table one floor up, kZGdhcpF-do-00160-00054331-00054688 over by these bookcases. kZGdhcpF-do-00161-00054688-00054799 [squeak] kZGdhcpF-do-00162-00054799-00055020 [smnzyp] kZGdhcpF-do-00163-00055305-00055453 [sumbipbyp] kZGdhcpF-do-00164-00055453-00056183 There are also various secrets around that you can attempt to find kZGdhcpF-do-00165-00056427-00056627 [fn fnyp] kZGdhcpF-do-00166-00056627-00057184 that will take you around the, uh, the island. kZGdhcpF-do-00167-00057603-00057803 [habizzp] kZGdhcpF-do-00168-00057803-00057945 [squeak] kZGdhcpF-do-00169-00058233-00058433 As I say, there are... kZGdhcpF-do-00170-00058433-00058845 there's a lot of spawn that nothing has been built in yet. kZGdhcpF-do-00171-00058845-00059192 Uh, however, this means there's a lot of spawn with kZGdhcpF-do-00172-00059192-00059735 giant holes and areas that players aren't really supposed to be in. kZGdhcpF-do-00173-00059735-00059966 I mean, they shouldn't be able to mess things up too badly. kZGdhcpF-do-00174-00059966-00060275 And if they do, tell me so I can fix it, please. kZGdhcpF-do-00175-00060275-00060927 But, uh. Yeah. This is just a place to explore kZGdhcpF-do-00176-00060927-00061232 and see [squeak] kZGdhcpF-do-00177-00061232-00061759 and experiment and play kZGdhcpF-do-00178-00061759-00062465 and get the resources that you need for, uh, kZGdhcpF-do-00179-00062500-00062973 for building things elsewhere on the server. [sbzzt] kZGdhcpF-do-00180-00062973-00063344 I guess I'm just sort of rambling at this point, so... kZGdhcpF-do-00181-00063344-00063844 There's a whole lot more, and I will try to show it to you... kZGdhcpF-do-00182-00064306-00064628 ...as I build it [laughs]. kZGdhcpF-do-00183-00064628-00065083 I'll try to give you more detailed videos at a later date. kZGdhcpF-do-00184-00065083-00065283 But, for now, kZGdhcpF-do-00185-00065283-00065627 this is our brand new spawn, kZGdhcpF-do-00186-00065627-00065817 finally open to players. kZGdhcpF-do-00187-00065817-00066094 I've been working on it for quite some time, kZGdhcpF-do-00188-00066094-00066329 and I'm very , very pleased with it. kZGdhcpF-do-00189-00066329-00066588 So... Happy Crafting! kZGdhcpF-do-00190-00066588-00066761 [chirps] [squeak] kZGdhcpF-do-00191-00066836-00067031 [smnypnp] kZGdhcpF-do-00192-00067031-00067273 [short burst of fast paced outro music] kZGdhcpF-do-00193-00067551-00067847 [hnyeepnypnyp kZGdhcpF-do-00194-00068364-00068571 [togbdip] kZGdhcpF-do-00195-00069146-00069299 [hnyyp] kZGdhcpF-do-00196-00070028-00070275 [umzzzvt] kZGdhcpF-do-00197-00070910-00071111 [mnyaaat] kZGdhcpF-do-00198-00072500-00072696 [sbgbgbyyp] kZGdhcpF-do-00199-00072943-00073139 [chirp] [squeak] kZGdhcpF-do-00200-00073721-00073856 [mnyp] kZGdhcpF-do-00201-00074862-00075070 [very strange sigh] kZGdhcpF-do-00202-00075796-00075941 [very strange hiccup] kZSqQVBCCUu-00000-00000021-00000420 The Challenger disaster was one of NASA's greatest tragedies and the kZSqQVBCCUu-00001-00000420-00001190 lessons that taught us are still just as important today. kZSqQVBCCUu-00002-00001190-00001404 The story of Challenger kZSqQVBCCUu-00003-00001404-00001928 is pretty well known by now. On the morning of Tuesday, January 28, 1986 the kZSqQVBCCUu-00004-00001928-00002790 crew of STS-51L boarded their spacecraft. At 11:38 local time in Florida, the space shuttle lifted off the launch pad kZSqQVBCCUu-00005-00002790-00003180 and it looked like it would be a beautiful successful 25th mission of the shuttle kZSqQVBCCUu-00006-00003180-00003720 program, but it never reached orbit. 73 seconds after launch an explosion ripped kZSqQVBCCUu-00007-00003720-00004260 through the sky and NASA lost seven American astronauts live on television. kZSqQVBCCUu-00008-00004260-00004607 In the wake of the accident, a Presidential Commission was established kZSqQVBCCUu-00009-00004607-00005217 to figure out what exactly went wrong. The culprit it found was an o-ring. This kZSqQVBCCUu-00010-00005217-00005705 was a joint seal between sections of the solid rocket boosters. Those two rockets kZSqQVBCCUu-00011-00005705-00006168 on either side of the main tank of the shuttle stack. The so-called Rogers kZSqQVBCCUu-00012-00006168-00006543 Commission report painted a very different picture of what looked to kZSqQVBCCUu-00013-00006543-00007026 average observers on the ground like a beautiful launch. Right before liftoff kZSqQVBCCUu-00014-00007026-00007586 there was smoke coming from one of the joints on the right SRB. 66 seconds after kZSqQVBCCUu-00015-00007586-00008061 launch at the same point they could see a flame coming from that same spot on kZSqQVBCCUu-00016-00008061-00008574 the SRB. That flame grew and was pushed inwards and backwards by the aerodynamic kZSqQVBCCUu-00017-00008574-00009138 slipstream. Eventually it hit the main tank; the big orange external tank that kZSqQVBCCUu-00018-00009138-00009615 was under the belly of the shuttle. The flame breached the main tank and the kZSqQVBCCUu-00019-00009615-00010050 first to rupture was the liquid hydrogen tank. It exploded with enough force to kZSqQVBCCUu-00020-00010050-00010511 send the physical tank going into the liquid oxygen tank, forcing it to rupture kZSqQVBCCUu-00021-00010511-00010961 as well. This meant that the two tanks (which were nearly full because it was only kZSqQVBCCUu-00022-00010961-00011489 73 seconds after launch) were ripe to become a massive explosion. This ripped kZSqQVBCCUu-00023-00011489-00011979 the Shuttle Orbiter apart and it was all because a joint seal failed on the SRB. kZSqQVBCCUu-00024-00011979-00012407 But why did the joint seal fail? It turned out that the o-rings were kZSqQVBCCUu-00025-00012407-00012834 designed to work at temperatures above 53 degrees centigrade, but temperatures kZSqQVBCCUu-00026-00012834-00013172 on the launch pad around the time the crew ingress the spacecraft that morning kZSqQVBCCUu-00027-00013172-00013613 were almost freezing- just thirty-six degrees Fahrenheit. Physicist kZSqQVBCCUu-00028-00013613-00013968 Richard Feynman, who was part of that Presidential Commission, made a brilliant kZSqQVBCCUu-00029-00013968-00014406 demonstration of this fact in a press conference about five months after the kZSqQVBCCUu-00030-00014406-00014847 accident. He took an o-ring, twisted it, and put it in a clamp and then put it in kZSqQVBCCUu-00031-00014847-00015255 cold water. Just an average glass of drinking water with ice in it. When he kZSqQVBCCUu-00032-00015255-00015681 released the clamp the o-ring didn't bounce back to shape. It was clear kZSqQVBCCUu-00033-00015681-00016152 evidence that if an o-ring was too cold it would lose elasticity, at least for a kZSqQVBCCUu-00034-00016152-00016596 little bit, which meant that as the SRB started firing the o-ring wasn't allowed kZSqQVBCCUu-00035-00016596-00017145 or able rather to expand to fill the gap. This allowed the leak, which allowed the kZSqQVBCCUu-00036-00017145-00017541 flame, which allowed the entire shuttle stack to rupture and explode. kZSqQVBCCUu-00037-00017541-00018014 Of course, this raised a much larger and much more significant question: if kZSqQVBCCUu-00038-00018014-00018363 Morton Thiokol knew that there were problems with o-rings at cold temperatures kZSqQVBCCUu-00039-00018363-00018744 and everyone involved in the launch knew that it was nearly freezing on the kZSqQVBCCUu-00040-00018744-00019209 morning of launch, why did NASA launch at all? On this point, the Rogers kZSqQVBCCUu-00041-00019209-00019719 Commission unveiled a disastrous culture at NASA. Not only were the concerns of kZSqQVBCCUu-00042-00019719-00020181 Thiokol engineers not properly communicated to NASA management, no one kZSqQVBCCUu-00043-00020181-00020583 at NASA was concerned with the technical issues so much as the public relations kZSqQVBCCUu-00044-00020583-00021048 issues that would come from not launching on time. You see, one of the kZSqQVBCCUu-00045-00021048-00021510 main reasons people were interested in the launch of STS-51L was because kZSqQVBCCUu-00046-00021510-00021975 Christa McAuliffe was on board. McAuliffe was flying as part of NASA's teacher and kZSqQVBCCUu-00047-00021975-00022407 space initiative and the mission had her giving a live lesson from orbit on the kZSqQVBCCUu-00048-00022407-00022833 fourth day of the mission. The launch on Tuesday meant that the broadcast would kZSqQVBCCUu-00049-00022833-00023316 be on Friday when all the kids in America were in school. If NASA delayed kZSqQVBCCUu-00050-00023316-00023754 the launch by another day, that broadcast would fall on Saturday and that would kZSqQVBCCUu-00051-00023754-00024225 mean nobody would be in the classroom to watch. It would be a massive PR loss for kZSqQVBCCUu-00052-00024225-00024537 the agency. Another concern NASA had was that kZSqQVBCCUu-00053-00024537-00024885 President Ronald Reagan was meant to mention McAuliffe and the teacher and kZSqQVBCCUu-00054-00024885-00025266 space program in his State of the Union address that Tuesday night. If NASA kZSqQVBCCUu-00055-00025266-00025644 didn't launch on Tuesday it wouldn't get the publicity that would come from a kZSqQVBCCUu-00056-00025644-00026039 mention in the State of the Union address. Add to that but NASA was falling kZSqQVBCCUu-00057-00026039-00026495 badly behind on its Shuttle promises. When the program was incepted NASA had kZSqQVBCCUu-00058-00026495-00026938 the goal of launching upwards of 50 shuttle missions a year. That is so kZSqQVBCCUu-00059-00026938-00027333 many space shuttle flights- especially considering the fact that the agency kZSqQVBCCUu-00060-00027333-00027913 only had four orbiters at the time. So in December of '86, NASA was only launching kZSqQVBCCUu-00061-00027913-00028447 its 25th mission that's an average of just five launches a year, not 50. NASA kZSqQVBCCUu-00062-00028447-00028863 really needed to launch on time and fly a successful mission to prove that the kZSqQVBCCUu-00063-00028863-00029247 program was worth the taxpayer dollars. The presidential mention would, of kZSqQVBCCUu-00064-00029247-00029670 course, help that. Ultimately the Rogers Commission found that the cause of the kZSqQVBCCUu-00065-00029670-00030138 Challenger accident was an o-ring; it was a technical flaw. But the root cause of kZSqQVBCCUu-00066-00030138-00030682 the accident, the cause that had allowed that flaw to fly, was NASA's own culture. kZSqQVBCCUu-00067-00030682-00031081 The Challenger disaster also changed America's relationship with space flight. kZSqQVBCCUu-00068-00031081-00031470 Not 20 years after the moon landing, when we were supposed to have people on Mars kZSqQVBCCUu-00069-00031470-00031963 already, America was reminded that spaceflight is dangerous, and that even kZSqQVBCCUu-00070-00031963-00032283 though we may have developed the technology, the technology can still turn kZSqQVBCCUu-00071-00032283-00032772 back on us and show us who is really in control. This is scratching the surface kZSqQVBCCUu-00072-00032772-00033247 of a much larger story. One that I took a deeper dive into over on history.com kZSqQVBCCUu-00073-00033247-00033597 If you would like to read my full thoughts on how the Challenger disaster kZSqQVBCCUu-00074-00033597-00033955 affected American space flight, be sure to check it out the link is in the kZSqQVBCCUu-00075-00033955-00034365 description. If you love space flight history be sure to subscribe for weekly kZSqQVBCCUu-00076-00034365-00034828 Vintage Space videos and remember that you can now sponsor Vintage Space that kZSqQVBCCUu-00077-00034828-00035190 means you have a chance to help make sure that I can keep making the content kZSqQVBCCUu-00078-00035190-00035593 that you guys love. And of course leave me all of your thoughts in the comments kZSqQVBCCUu-00079-00035593-00035916 below! Any questions, comments, thoughts, things you'd like to see in future kZSqQVBCCUu-00080-00035916-00036349 episodes, leave all of that down in the comments. And you can also follow me on kZSqQVBCCUu-00081-00036349-00036751 social media for a daily Vintage Space content. That's Instagram Twitter and kZSqQVBCCUu-00082-00036751-00037302 Facebook. And as always guys thank you so much for watching! kfu8p141Gf4-00000-00000106-00000806 stand wait do not go away to live without you I can not. kfu8p141Gf4-00001-00005530-00006230 I loved you once, I'll marry you Look how good I am, it's better you kfu8p141Gf4-00002-00012052-00012752 do not find me! Look how good I am, it's better you do not kfu8p141Gf4-00003-00014552-00014888 find me! Money is there? kfu8p141Gf4-00004-00014888-00015193 What? What? Money is there? kfu8p141Gf4-00005-00015193-00015893 yes! yes! You have a lot of them? kfu8p141Gf4-00006-00016156-00016856 We have enough for two! If there is money, I will marry me! kfu8p141Gf4-00007-00017730-00017958 Oh you my goat! kfP95SKUe00-00001-00003965-00006343 it's a pleasure for me to welcome you to the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art. kfP95SKUe00-00002-00006343-00008175 As most of you know, the center opened in March of 2007. Our mission to raise awareness kfP95SKUe00-00003-00008175-00009204 of Feminism's cultural contributions and to educate new generations, about the meaning kfP95SKUe00-00004-00009204-00010597 of Feminist art. To maintain a dynamic learning facility, which this forum has become for kfP95SKUe00-00005-00010597-00012184 us. To present discussions on Feminist activism, and Feminist art. kfP95SKUe00-00006-00012184-00013508 We have, over the past year and a half, had five news making exhibitions, and scores of kfP95SKUe00-00007-00013508-00014384 lectures, and panel discussions. We continue to influence supporting Feminist artists, kfP95SKUe00-00008-00014384-00015204 and women artists, in museums and also in the market place. kfP95SKUe00-00009-00015204-00016182 So it's a very happy moment in time as we go towards this new year. We'll be having kfP95SKUe00-00010-00016182-00017113 our second anniversary in March and it has been a very, very good year and a half. Since kfP95SKUe00-00011-00017113-00018436 Maura Reilly, the founding curator of the center has left, Lauren Ross is our interim kfP95SKUe00-00012-00018436-00018965 curator. She's here with us today. kfP95SKUe00-00013-00018965-00020253 This lecture would not have been possible, without Lauren So I want to thank her very kfP95SKUe00-00014-00020253-00021381 much for her commitment, and her assistance to making this happen. First Saturdays at kfP95SKUe00-00015-00021381-00022079 the museum, as many of you know, are quite extraordinary and it takes an entire staff, kfP95SKUe00-00016-00022079-00024081 of an entire museum to prepare for the crowds that descend upon us in a couple of hours. kfP95SKUe00-00017-00024081-00025017 It was Lauren's commitment, to this exhibition, and to the center that made it possible for kfP95SKUe00-00018-00025017-00026348 us to be here. Also, that we'll be taping this lecture, so that we can put it on our kfP95SKUe00-00019-00026348-00026927 website during the run of the exhibition. kfP95SKUe00-00020-00026927-00027895 Hannah Wilke's Sculptor, and Sculpture, is going to be presented by Tracy Fitzpatrick, kfP95SKUe00-00021-00027895-00029093 as I say, plus one. You will see why in a moment, for those of you who don't know already. kfP95SKUe00-00022-00029093-00030077 I'm delighted to have this as an invitational lecture in honor of Hannah Wilke. We have kfP95SKUe00-00023-00030077-00031062 the magnificent Rosebud, outside. It's lent by the Arthur M. Sackler collection's trust kfP95SKUe00-00024-00031062-00032057 for the benefit and in honor for the center and that it is being included in the current kfP95SKUe00-00025-00032057-00032968 exhibition, Burning Down the House. Building a Feminist collection is, a wonderful thing. kfP95SKUe00-00026-00032968-00033983 I was going to go into a whole long mystery of life having run into Tommy Schwartz, which kfP95SKUe00-00027-00033983-00034982 means you know how long I've known him. Because most people know him as either Tom, or Thomas kfP95SKUe00-00028-00034982-00035512 Schwartz. Who's president of SUNY Purchase, at the Neuberger Museum, which is where Tracy kfP95SKUe00-00029-00035512-00035612 hails from. kfP95SKUe00-00030-00035612-00036104 I ran into him at an art table lunch. A couple weeks later- I had invited him my house, and kfP95SKUe00-00031-00036104-00036772 a couple of weeks later I had received a letter. From the Neuberger, asking for assistance kfP95SKUe00-00032-00036772-00036872 for their absolutely fabulous and fantastic Hannah Wilke gestures, which is up at the kfP95SKUe00-00033-00036872-00036972 moment. kfP95SKUe00-00034-00036972-00037072 So I returned the call and it was Tracy, and I did what I could to assist in public programming kfP95SKUe00-00035-00037072-00037172 for it. Tommy came to my house for the party, and I said- I did respond positively to the kfP95SKUe00-00036-00037172-00037272 letter. He said what letter. kfP95SKUe00-00037-00037272-00037372 I didn't... kfP95SKUe00-00038-00037372-00037472 I know, it was marvelous. He said I don't know what you're talking about. I said that's kfP95SKUe00-00039-00037472-00037572 good news because it means somebody is really doing their work. kfP95SKUe00-00040-00037572-00037672 I want to say that not only was Tracy doing, good work in contacting me. I very much appreciate, kfP95SKUe00-00041-00037672-00037772 being part of that exhibition. But she has curated an absolutely fabulous and important kfP95SKUe00-00042-00037772-00037872 exhibition, which is up at the Neuberger Museum. I want to thank you for it, Tracy. I think kfP95SKUe00-00043-00037872-00037972 if you haven't been there you should really make the trip up to see it. It will be up kfP95SKUe00-00044-00037972-00038072 until January 25. I thank you for inviting me to participate in it and I thank you for kfP95SKUe00-00045-00038072-00038172 participating today. We hope we'll get through this afternoon without having to call an ambulance. kfP95SKUe00-00046-00038172-00038272 Because I'm going to introduce Tracy Fitzpatrick plus one. kfP95SKUe00-00047-00038272-00038372 Dr. Fitzpatrick is a curator at the Neuberger Museum of art, and an assistant professor kfP95SKUe00-00048-00038372-00038472 of art history in the undergraduate program, and the masters degree program in modern and kfP95SKUe00-00049-00038472-00038572 contemporary art, criticism and theory at Purchase College SUNY. kfP95SKUe00-00050-00038572-00038672 Combining curatorial work with curricular initiatives, Fitzpatrick organizes exhibitions, kfP95SKUe00-00051-00038672-00038772 and teaches in the areas of modern American art and museology. kfP95SKUe00-00052-00038772-00038872 Fitzpatrick has curated many exhibitions including Facing Abstractions: Refiguring the Body in kfP95SKUe00-00053-00038872-00038972 the 20th Century in 2006. Underground Art: A Centennial Celebration of the New York City kfP95SKUe00-00054-00038972-00039072 Subway 2005. Another Dimension: Sculptures and printmaking, and Artful Advocacy: Cartoons kfP95SKUe00-00055-00039072-00039172 From the Women's Suffrage Movement. kfP95SKUe00-00056-00039172-00039272 Her forthcoming book, Art in the Subway New York Underground will be released in Spring kfP95SKUe00-00057-00039272-00039372 of 2009 and I very much look forward to seeing that. She is a recipient of fellowships from kfP95SKUe00-00058-00039372-00039634 the Mellon Foundation, The Henry Luce Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies. kfP95SKUe00-00059-00039634-00040187 She is, of course, a member of the AAM, art table and all those organizations we know kfP95SKUe00-00060-00040187-00040310 and love. She received her PhD from Rutgers University, also a great sister of this museum. kfP95SKUe00-00061-00040310-00040430 I would like you to, assist me in welcoming Tracy Fitzpatrick plus one. kfP95SKUe00-00062-00040430-00040530 Welcome. kfP95SKUe00-00063-00040530-00041069 Thank you. Thank you so much Elizabeth. kfP95SKUe00-00064-00041069-00041229 You're welcome. kfP95SKUe00-00065-00041229-00042016 I would like to thank you so much for, being so generous with your support for the- I'm kfP95SKUe00-00066-00042016-00043654 going to knock these cords down...exhibition and for inviting me here today, and Lauren kfP95SKUe00-00067-00043654-00044370 also. Thank you so much. kfP95SKUe00-00068-00044370-00044540 Let's put this here on water on it, and put this microphone on. Which I was told to do. kfP95SKUe00-00069-00044540-00045158 S o this talk is derived from my work on the exhibition on Wilke Gestures, which is on kfP95SKUe00-00070-00045158-00045334 view on the Neuberger until the 25th. kfP95SKUe00-00071-00045334-00046210 I'm sorry, I don't usually sit when I'm giving a public presentation, but I think if you'll kfP95SKUe00-00072-00046210-00046662 excuse me in my current condition, while I am talking. I think we'll all be better off kfP95SKUe00-00073-00046662-00046785 if I sit while talking. kfP95SKUe00-00074-00046785-00047658 I've been interested in Wilke's work for a long time and the aspect of it that has interested kfP95SKUe00-00075-00047658-00048251 me most recently is really the idea behind the exhibition. Which is that she's generally kfP95SKUe00-00076-00048251-00048909 thought of mainly as a performance artists, mainly as a photographer, and that somehow kfP95SKUe00-00077-00048909-00049467 the roots of her practice as a sculptor, seem to fall by the way side. kfP95SKUe00-00078-00049467-00050104 The idea of the exhibition is to retrace those roots, recover some of that practice, and kfP95SKUe00-00079-00050104-00050968 then link it to the performance, to the photography, link it really to almost every aspect of what kfP95SKUe00-00080-00050968-00051507 she did. kfP95SKUe00-00081-00051507-00052283 I think that the definitions of her as a performance artist, as photographer are a little bit narrow. kfP95SKUe00-00082-00052283-00053040 And that it's possible that this has occurred or that this definitions have emerged because kfP95SKUe00-00083-00053040-00053729 of the way people have written about her work, because of the way her photographs, particularly kfP95SKUe00-00084-00053729-00054554 the photographs from her "IntraVenus series", her last body of work, have been distributed kfP95SKUe00-00085-00054554-00054769 in journals and magazines and so forth. kfP95SKUe00-00086-00054769-00055348 A lot of these kinds of objects, for example the "IntraVenus series" when it was originally kfP95SKUe00-00087-00055348-00056042 exhibited, it was shown with sculptural components. Like "The Black One" and "Why not sneeze." kfP95SKUe00-00088-00056042-00056613 But people don't see the installation shots of the way these objects were originally shown. kfP95SKUe00-00089-00056613-00057323 They really just see the photographs. And so I think this has contributed to the loss kfP95SKUe00-00090-00057323-00057838 of thinking about her really as a sculpture. kfP95SKUe00-00091-00057838-00058603 "Why not sneeze" by the way is related to the Duchamp piece, Why not sneeze. And Duchamp kfP95SKUe00-00092-00058603-00059011 was one of Wilke's very important sources. kfP95SKUe00-00093-00059011-00060160 Hanna Wilke created a sculpture through gestures. Simple folds of movements, or simple folds kfP95SKUe00-00094-00060160-00060833 and movements of materials whether it was clay, or bubble gum, or Play Doh. It was really kfP95SKUe00-00095-00060833-00061580 gestures that turn them and herself, I'll argue in this talk, into sculpture. kfP95SKUe00-00096-00061580-00062274 And here you see her in her studio in a kind of sea of her clay folds, and she produced kfP95SKUe00-00097-00062274-00063285 these folds throughout her career. She began experimenting with both radical form, and kfP95SKUe00-00098-00063285-00064132 content, at a young age. Continuing this path as an undergraduate, a sculpture major at kfP95SKUe00-00099-00064132-00064777 Tyler's School of Art at Temple University. She graduated from there in 1962, with a Bachelors kfP95SKUe00-00100-00064777-00065227 of Fine Arts, and a Bachelor of Science in Education. kfP95SKUe00-00101-00065227-00065847 Some of the earliest sculptures that she produced there, like this two part on the left. This kfP95SKUe00-00102-00065847-00066543 two piece untitled work from about 1960. Were fashioned out of plaster of Paris. These are kfP95SKUe00-00103-00066543-00067158 very sort of crackly looking works, they have very fragile surfaces. kfP95SKUe00-00104-00067158-00067678 You can see when you look closely at a work like this, you can actually see the artist's kfP95SKUe00-00105-00067678-00068482 fingerprints left in the plaster where she was working it while it was still wet. This kfP95SKUe00-00106-00068482-00068843 is figurative and abstract. kfP95SKUe00-00107-00068843-00069424 The work on the right is an example of painted fiber glass and metal. The anthropophonic, kfP95SKUe00-00108-00069424-00070136 form for 1963. This is another material that Wilke worked in very early in her career. kfP95SKUe00-00109-00070136-00071227 Wilke described these works as, "abstracted arm and leg like structures reaching up with kfP95SKUe00-00110-00071227-00071457 big separate centers connecting them." kfP95SKUe00-00111-00071457-00072106 They do look like- or this one does sort of look like a sort of an over grown flower, kfP95SKUe00-00112-00072106-00072766 and the surface is very modeled with this very rich kinds of greens. And you see the kfP95SKUe00-00113-00072766-00073089 tentacles that are extruding from it. kfP95SKUe00-00114-00073089-00073908 Now after working for a period of time using plaster, using fiber glass. She determined kfP95SKUe00-00115-00073908-00074624 that these materials were not malleable enough. She had also been working with clay. And it's kfP95SKUe00-00116-00074624-00075483 about at this moment when she really turns to clay, as a mainstay of her work. kfP95SKUe00-00117-00075483-00076208 Among the earliest examples, of her use of clay are these very small delicate forms she kfP95SKUe00-00118-00076208-00077070 called blooms, or boxes. Which is a pun, on contemporary slang for the word vagina. And kfP95SKUe00-00119-00077070-00077586 almost all of the works that Wilke did during this period were abstracted images of the kfP95SKUe00-00120-00077586-00078427 body, particularly vaginal forms. To give shape to female desire, to give shape to sexual kfP95SKUe00-00121-00078427-00078570 fulfillment. kfP95SKUe00-00122-00078570-00079192 The anthropomorphic form, also. It has a kind of a secret. You can just make out in the kfP95SKUe00-00123-00079192-00079606 centre of it. You can see the white table underneath it. kfP95SKUe00-00124-00079606-00080574 It has kind of secret center to it, but it's hidden by these petal like folds. And, these kfP95SKUe00-00125-00080574-00081341 were definitely images of the female body, that Wilke was making during this time. kfP95SKUe00-00126-00081341-00082137 The boxes- and here you see one of her clay boxes from the early 1960's. They're these kfP95SKUe00-00127-00082137-00082898 sort of deep caverns. They are constructed of layers of clay, sometimes with these...you kfP95SKUe00-00128-00082898-00083573 can see in the detail these little slits at the bottom. Built up by these overlapping kfP95SKUe00-00129-00083573-00084056 layers, where she would, in this particular case, add texture to the clay by pressing kfP95SKUe00-00130-00084056-00084566 burlap or some other kind of fabric into the clay while, it's still wet. kfP95SKUe00-00131-00084566-00085724 At first she was quite reticent to talk about the content of her work. She would explain kfP95SKUe00-00132-00085724-00086593 it to her peers in school and otherwise, but she rarely revealed the subject matter of kfP95SKUe00-00133-00086593-00087206 the work to her teachers at Tyler, or to her earliest employers. She was quite fearful kfP95SKUe00-00134-00087206-00087852 of, people knowing what it was that she was making imagery of. And, of course, this is kfP95SKUe00-00135-00087852-00088588 very early. This is the 1960's. Not the 1970's. When it becomes more commonplace for women, kfP95SKUe00-00136-00088588-00089419 particularly of the feminist art movement to make imagery like this. kfP95SKUe00-00137-00089419-00089927 She was also quite reticent to reveal what she was making. The content of the work to kfP95SKUe00-00138-00089927-00090614 the art world at large. She later observed in 1974 that in the early '60s- she says, kfP95SKUe00-00139-00090614-00091167 In the early 60's, I was scared to show my work around because you were put down if you kfP95SKUe00-00140-00091167-00091714 were making images of female genitalia. kfP95SKUe00-00141-00091714-00092473 Her work and the complications surrounding her revealing its contents to her teachers, kfP95SKUe00-00142-00092473-00093002 her employees demonstrates some of the key problems and paradoxes that feminist artists kfP95SKUe00-00143-00093002-00093585 working later in the 1970's would face, as they argued against perceptions of gender kfP95SKUe00-00144-00093585-00094647 and gendered roles through the use of clearly gendered forms. kfP95SKUe00-00145-00094647-00096051 Negotiating, through varied artistic and conceptual concerns, Wilke was always adventurous, exceptionally kfP95SKUe00-00146-00096051-00096779 adventurous, in her exploration of the sculpture process. There was simply nothing that was kfP95SKUe00-00147-00096779-00097497 out bounds for her in her search for malleable materials. In the 1970's, for example, she kfP95SKUe00-00148-00097497-00097970 molded this raw bacon on a plate. kfP95SKUe00-00149-00097970-00098734 On the right side you see one of many little, Play-Doh folds that she created. Kind of emphasizing kfP95SKUe00-00150-00098734-00099420 the playfulness, of her work. She made kind of families of this. So this blue, basically kfP95SKUe00-00151-00099420-00100482 it's a round of blue, and white, and yellow Play-Doh that she roles out and then turned kfP95SKUe00-00152-00100482-00100626 into a fold. kfP95SKUe00-00153-00100626-00101262 These are by far the most fragile objects or the most fragile material that she worked kfP95SKUe00-00154-00101262-00101542 in I think. We'll talk about the latex in a minute, but even more fragile than the latex. kfP95SKUe00-00155-00101542-00102112 Of anything that on view in the exhibition at the Neuberger right now, this is the piece kfP95SKUe00-00156-00102112-00102748 that I most fear something happening to. They're just incredibly fragile. kfP95SKUe00-00157-00102748-00103598 I mentioned the latex a minute ago. This is one of the earliest materials that she worked kfP95SKUe00-00158-00103598-00104275 in, this liquid latex. She would create small folds out of the liquid latex. She would pour kfP95SKUe00-00159-00104275-00105127 it over clay folds. She would pour it over lengths of twine. She would pour it out on kfP95SKUe00-00160-00105127-00105624 a plaster of Paris surface, and the plaster of Paris would kind of suck some of the moisture kfP95SKUe00-00161-00105624-00105958 out of it and make it easier to work with. kfP95SKUe00-00162-00105958-00106345 Among the more unusual examples of the small fold or teasel cushion (I'm sorry I don't kfP95SKUe00-00163-00106345-00106915 have a picture of that), but it's a small work from 1967 that she actually placed on kfP95SKUe00-00164-00106915-00107927 top of artificial turf. Which was a very unusual material for artists to be working with, at kfP95SKUe00-00165-00107927-00108651 the time: something that emerged, in the early 1960s, and became popularized, as a substitute kfP95SKUe00-00166-00108651-00109391 for grass, when it was installed in the Houston Astrodome, for the first time in 1965. kfP95SKUe00-00167-00109391-00110408 She would also create these very large wall pieces, pouring the latex into rounds, bending kfP95SKUe00-00168-00110408-00111153 it like clay, and, then, using snaps and pushpins, to piece the objects together. Some of them kfP95SKUe00-00169-00111153-00111745 are very large: "Centerfold", for example, an early latex work, was twelve feet high kfP95SKUe00-00170-00111745-00112108 and five feet wide. kfP95SKUe00-00171-00112108-00112894 Unfortunately, the latex formula that she used, at first, was not stable. And, so, almost kfP95SKUe00-00172-00112894-00113854 all of the latex pieces that she made up to about 1974 have either disintegrated or become kfP95SKUe00-00173-00113854-00114183 so fragile that they can no longer be exhibited. kfP95SKUe00-00174-00114183-00114830 In '75, she changed her formula, and "Vertical Verde for Garcia-Lorca" is an example of one kfP95SKUe00-00175-00114830-00115789 of the pieces from that period of time, based on a stanza of a poem, by one of her favorite kfP95SKUe00-00176-00115789-00116430 poets: Federico Garcia Lorca. And, so, this is from 1975. And, then, "Rosebud", which kfP95SKUe00-00177-00116430-00117086 is on loan to Burning Down the House exhibition. I think is also '75. I think. kfP95SKUe00-00178-00117086-00117190 75, 76. kfP95SKUe00-00179-00117190-00117954 75, 76. So that also, survived, because it is made from this new formula. She used a kfP95SKUe00-00180-00117954-00118467 new formula of latex and, then, combined it with liquitex, so that it would strengthen kfP95SKUe00-00181-00118467-00119782 the latex and also, allow her to tint the objects. Works like Rosebud, in particular, kfP95SKUe00-00182-00119782-00120027 are kind of sensual, and fleshy. kfP95SKUe00-00183-00120027-00120637 And, if you haven't seen it, it's out in the right as you first walk in to the exhibition kfP95SKUe00-00184-00120637-00121577 here. It has sort of soft petal-like folds, which are very vulnerable in appearance. In kfP95SKUe00-00185-00121577-00122332 1972, the critic Douglas Crimp described the early versions, of these very vulnerable looking kfP95SKUe00-00186-00122332-00123392 objects as, not only vulnerable in their ability to be undone/unsnapped, but also that they kfP95SKUe00-00187-00123392-00123908 were sort of crying out to be touched. kfP95SKUe00-00188-00123908-00124757 The vulnerability of Wilke's work, which Crimp observed, became particularly important to kfP95SKUe00-00189-00124757-00125815 her artistic production. So, raw bacon would rot. The thin rounds of Play-Doh could crack, kfP95SKUe00-00190-00125815-00126091 under the slightest amount of pressure. kfP95SKUe00-00191-00126091-00126835 She observed in 1975, the same year she began to work with the new latex formula, quote kfP95SKUe00-00192-00126835-00127186 "One strength of American art right now is that we are involved in a culture that is kfP95SKUe00-00193-00127186-00127735 about destructiveness. Some of the best art has a planned obsolescence". kfP95SKUe00-00194-00127735-00128270 So, although she didn't know that her earliest latex pieces would fall apart, it was something kfP95SKUe00-00195-00128270-00128933 that she not only endured but, eventually, came to appreciate, as a critical part of kfP95SKUe00-00196-00128933-00129208 her process. kfP95SKUe00-00197-00129208-00130250 This idea of vulnerability, of potential violation is a theme that runs through her body of work, kfP95SKUe00-00198-00130250-00131235 particularly in objects that appear fragile, easily torn, broken. It's important to remember kfP95SKUe00-00199-00131235-00131760 that she, Wilke, the artist, is always in control, to a certain degree, of those objects kfP95SKUe00-00200-00131760-00132078 that appear fragile of that violation. kfP95SKUe00-00201-00132078-00132794 One of the ways that she explored this idea was to start exhibiting work on the floor. kfP95SKUe00-00202-00132794-00133363 She did this for the first time in an exhibition in 1974, at Ronald Feldman Fine Art, called kfP95SKUe00-00203-00133363-00134217 the Floor Show. This was one of the most unusual, works that she exhibited in the Floor Show. kfP95SKUe00-00204-00134217-00135130 You can see the installation shot in 1974, and then recent photography of this work called kfP95SKUe00-00205-00135130-00135864 Laundry Lint CO's. That's how it looks right now in the Neuberger exhibition and the detail kfP95SKUe00-00206-00135864-00136298 of one of the pieces in the upper right hand corner. kfP95SKUe00-00207-00136298-00137037 This is made, literally, from laundry lint, nothing else, that she collected over the kfP95SKUe00-00208-00137037-00137766 course of about two or three years from her then partner Klaus Oldenburg's dryer. kfP95SKUe00-00209-00137766-00138382 She essentially followed the same methodology that she had used from the other folded works, kfP95SKUe00-00210-00138382-00138991 the clay works and whatever. She would essentially fold flat lengths of this compressed laundry kfP95SKUe00-00211-00138991-00139680 lint into objects. Then here, again, exhibiting on the floor. kfP95SKUe00-00212-00139680-00140225 They're very kind of surprising when you look at them and their material and how delicate kfP95SKUe00-00213-00140225-00140877 they are. They give the appearance of being very easily broken apart, very easily able kfP95SKUe00-00214-00140877-00141498 to disintegrate and at the same time, they're remarkable for their color. They've got extraordinarily kfP95SKUe00-00215-00141498-00141598 vivid color. kfP95SKUe00-00216-00141598-00142244 If you think about laundry linen, the laundry linen that comes out of your own dryer probably kfP95SKUe00-00217-00142244-00142836 doesn't always have this bright, beautiful pink hue or yellow hue. Mine does not. It kfP95SKUe00-00218-00142836-00143034 tends to be rather gray. kfP95SKUe00-00219-00143034-00143583 So it's remarkable that the lint looks the way it does and it has what lint has in it. kfP95SKUe00-00220-00143583-00144304 It has fibers and labels and hair and dust. It is one of the ways in which she addressed kfP95SKUe00-00221-00144304-00145063 feminist concerns. Because, of course, she's essentially seizing the garbage of women's kfP95SKUe00-00222-00145063-00145801 labor, doing the laundry, certainly what was construed as women's labor at that time, and kfP95SKUe00-00223-00145801-00146288 converting it into this creative production. kfP95SKUe00-00224-00146288-00147351 This is another piece that she showed, in the Floor Show. 176 one-fold gestural sculptures. kfP95SKUe00-00225-00147351-00148002 This is a group of sculptures that very in size, from just over an inch to over five kfP95SKUe00-00226-00148002-00148624 inches in width or length, placed in random patterns on the floor. Some of the forms are kfP95SKUe00-00227-00148624-00149212 open, some are closed, some are smooth, some are very craggy. Together they create a kind kfP95SKUe00-00228-00149212-00149874 of, sea of clay forms. It was first shown as 176 one-fold gestural sculptures. kfP95SKUe00-00229-00149874-00150748 Now it's shown as 159 one-fold gestural sculptures. Very, very vulnerable. Very like the Play-Doh, kfP95SKUe00-00230-00150748-00150908 kind of frightening to a curator installing in their exhibition space because it sits kfP95SKUe00-00231-00150908-00152095 directly on the floor and you can walk right up to it. It is a good demonstration of the kfP95SKUe00-00232-00152095-00152737 way she turned to work that has that kind of vulnerability, to it, or experimented with kfP95SKUe00-00233-00152737-00152837 that. kfP95SKUe00-00234-00152837-00153525 Another very unusual material she installed on the floor in that exhibition was a long kfP95SKUe00-00235-00153525-00153996 line of store bought fortune cookies. In the 70's she began purchasing cookies. kfP95SKUe00-00236-00153996-00154709 She would keep them in her studio and they would sort of, according to her account, slowly kfP95SKUe00-00237-00154709-00155570 disappear. Probably being taken by small creatures that would come into the studio at night and kfP95SKUe00-00238-00155570-00156445 borrow them or nibble on them. She saw the cookies as being very related to the folds kfP95SKUe00-00239-00156445-00156852 that she was making visually, conceptually. They are also extremely, extremely fragile. kfP95SKUe00-00240-00156852-00157524 The idea of buying store bought objects or prefabricated objects and exhibiting them kfP95SKUe00-00241-00157524-00158326 as her own work of art was, of course, a conceptual act; something that we now term appropriation kfP95SKUe00-00242-00158326-00159083 art, and clearly inspired by Duchamp, again, who was, as I mentioned before, sort of touchstone kfP95SKUe00-00243-00159083-00159183 for Wilke. kfP95SKUe00-00244-00159183-00159788 Of course, some of his best known pieces- his store bought urinal, his store bought kfP95SKUe00-00245-00159788-00160496 bicycle wheel and stool- were works that he sometimes modified, referred to as readymades. kfP95SKUe00-00246-00160496-00161275 And really, what Wilke's fortune cookies are, are readymades in the spirit of Duchamp. kfP95SKUe00-00247-00161275-00161922 Just some other materials that she worked in. These are works made out of kneaded eraser. kfP95SKUe00-00248-00161922-00162490 She not only loved work that was conceptually challenging but also loved language and wordplay. kfP95SKUe00-00249-00162490-00162750 Puns were staple of her work. kfP95SKUe00-00250-00162750-00163552 She used...This is among her earliest uses of wordplay, the kneaded eraser series, which kfP95SKUe00-00251-00163552-00164424 she also exhibited in the floor show. She would make these small, folded sculptures kfP95SKUe00-00252-00164424-00164975 out of varying sized kneaded erasers, and place them on square boards. The color of kfP95SKUe00-00253-00164975-00165483 the erasers vary from work to work. The color of kneaded erasers varied from eraser to eraser. kfP95SKUe00-00254-00165483-00165851 Some were very, very tiny, only an eighth of inch wide. Some are arranged in random kfP95SKUe00-00255-00165851-00166710 patterns, as you can see in the work on the left, number four, or arranged in the grid kfP95SKUe00-00256-00166710-00166913 pattern, as you see in the work on the right. kfP95SKUe00-00257-00166913-00167671 The kneaded erasers don't dry. They are pliable just like clay. They are typically used for kfP95SKUe00-00258-00167671-00168303 the removal of graphite or charcoal or as a method of subtractive drawing, in which kfP95SKUe00-00259-00168303-00169097 the artist would actually use the eraser to lighten or remove elements of drawing. kfP95SKUe00-00260-00169097-00169964 They are unique, in that, they will absorb...unlike other erasers, they will actually absorb the kfP95SKUe00-00261-00169964-00170880 color of the thing that they are erasing. So, they change color. They always stay the kfP95SKUe00-00262-00170880-00171320 same size, but they will wear out from over use, becoming less pliable and less absorbent. kfP95SKUe00-00263-00171320-00172215 So she's really shifting the use of a tool for correction or subtraction to a tool of kfP95SKUe00-00264-00172215-00172915 sculptural construction. And as she adopts the kneaded eraser, she not only modifies kfP95SKUe00-00265-00172915-00173488 its use but she also draws on it conceptually, as she puns the word kneaded eraser. kfP95SKUe00-00266-00173488-00174172 So, in the 1970's, when she's making this work, the idea of erasure would have been kfP95SKUe00-00267-00174172-00174624 particularly important those interested in reinserting women into the art historical kfP95SKUe00-00268-00174624-00175588 cannon. There's also sort of the more personal aspect of it, as referencing her experiences kfP95SKUe00-00269-00175588-00176046 in romantic relationships. kfP95SKUe00-00270-00176046-00176445 She used kneaded erasers in other ways. She used them on postcards. As an example of just kfP95SKUe00-00271-00176445-00177009 one of the postcards- Franklin's tomb of 1976. She used them on utensils. kfP95SKUe00-00272-00177009-00177632 And here you see knife and fork, 1974, and saucer and spoon of 1974, both of which are kfP95SKUe00-00273-00177632-00178061 on view in the exhibition. The work on the right, I believe, has not been shown before, kfP95SKUe00-00274-00178061-00178576 so it's exciting for us to have that piece in the show. kfP95SKUe00-00275-00178576-00179040 These are works that evoke surrealist objects, and surrealism was something that was also kfP95SKUe00-00276-00179040-00179614 very important to Wilke. And here, just an example, I am showing you Meret Oppenheim's kfP95SKUe00-00277-00179614-00180482 object from 1936, this fur-lined cup, saucer and spoon, which is the kind of object that kfP95SKUe00-00278-00180482-00181537 would have influenced Wilke in her thinking about the pieces at time. kfP95SKUe00-00279-00181537-00182750 Kneading- whether it was kneading clay, needing eraser was something to which she was clearly kfP95SKUe00-00280-00182750-00183792 very devoted. Among the materials that she eventually needed was her own skin. And this kfP95SKUe00-00281-00183792-00184759 is a still from a video called Gestures from 1974. It was also included in the floor show. kfP95SKUe00-00282-00184759-00185014 And you're seeing a still and then photographic stills into a series of photographs. kfP95SKUe00-00283-00185014-00185958 On the right hand side, this is a 35 minute video, 35 plus minute video, really one of kfP95SKUe00-00284-00185958-00186245 her first uses of video. kfP95SKUe00-00285-00186245-00186940 And here she manipulates her flesh in the way that she manipulated all other malleable kfP95SKUe00-00286-00186940-00187460 materials, really sculpting it into form. So she would just sort of knead her face over, kfP95SKUe00-00287-00187460-00188065 and over, and over again, creating different gestures and different facial features and kfP95SKUe00-00288-00188065-00188333 expressions. kfP95SKUe00-00289-00188333-00188880 After Gestures she uses her body... She continued to use her body as sculpture material. And kfP95SKUe00-00290-00188880-00189286 this is a performance she did in 1974 called Super-t-Art. kfP95SKUe00-00291-00189286-00189899 It was part of a multimedia event held at the kitchen in New York City where many, many kfP95SKUe00-00292-00189899-00190357 artists were invited to give these kind of two minute performances. And here you're seeing kfP95SKUe00-00293-00190357-00190536 stills from the performance. kfP95SKUe00-00294-00190536-00191336 Super-t-Art was a pun on the title of the event, Soup and Tart. A pun on the popular kfP95SKUe00-00295-00191336-00191996 rock musical Jesus Christ Superstar. That the rock opera opened in 71 and was released kfP95SKUe00-00296-00191996-00192672 as a film in 73, just the year before she did this performance. kfP95SKUe00-00297-00192672-00193350 For the performance, she stood on top of a little pedestal draped with this white table kfP95SKUe00-00298-00193350-00193834 cloth worn over her shoulder. And over the course of the two minutes she struck a series kfP95SKUe00-00299-00193834-00194552 of poses or tableaus, moving the cloth, her torso, her limbs and her facial expression. kfP95SKUe00-00300-00194552-00195099 Now she described this work as a transformation from the Virgin Mary, in the upper left hand kfP95SKUe00-00301-00195099-00195758 corner, to the crucified Christ in the lower right hand corner. And you can see how she kfP95SKUe00-00302-00195758-00196365 rolls up the materials so it creates a kind of loincloth around her body in the final kfP95SKUe00-00303-00196365-00196739 image that was taken from that performance. kfP95SKUe00-00304-00196739-00197338 And so she's queering ideas about the boundaries of religion and faith and the body within kfP95SKUe00-00305-00197338-00197561 the framework of Christianity. kfP95SKUe00-00306-00197561-00198253 And at the same time, I think that this work can be placed squarely within ancient Greek kfP95SKUe00-00307-00198253-00198872 sculptural traditions, which is something that's not talked about with reference to kfP95SKUe00-00308-00198872-00199074 Wilke's work all that often. kfP95SKUe00-00309-00199074-00199646 But at time that she produced this, she was well aware of Greco-Roman sculpture. She had kfP95SKUe00-00310-00199646-00200267 traveled to Greece, she had been to the British Museum, which of course has many, many examples kfP95SKUe00-00311-00200267-00200908 of Greek sculpture. She had been to the antiquities, seen the antiquities in the original Getty kfP95SKUe00-00312-00200908-00201192 Mansion during a trip to Los Angeles. kfP95SKUe00-00313-00201192-00201841 Super-t-Art is particularly reminiscent to my eye of Hellenistic traditions. kfP95SKUe00-00314-00201841-00202567 And Wilke's gestures in the performance and in the stills that she chose from the performance kfP95SKUe00-00315-00202567-00203203 to create the photographic version of the event. Evoke a spirit of Hellenistic pathos kfP95SKUe00-00316-00203203-00203824 in sculpture. And the Hellenistic world sought the expression of emotions that were both kfP95SKUe00-00317-00203824-00204073 transitory and fleeting. kfP95SKUe00-00318-00204073-00204986 And in sculpture, those were rendered through pantomimic gesture, pantomimic posing that kfP95SKUe00-00319-00204986-00205814 were both dramatic and exaggerated. Those were the kinds of gestures that Wilke's creating kfP95SKUe00-00320-00205814-00206108 in the Super-t-Art performance. kfP95SKUe00-00321-00206108-00207084 So her use of what's called pathos, what's called the pathetic approach, not in the way kfP95SKUe00-00322-00207084-00207731 we think of pathetic now. But linking to the word pathos was reinforced by her use of the kfP95SKUe00-00323-00207731-00208478 drapery and in this case the white table cloth. One of the things that Greek sculpture was kfP95SKUe00-00324-00208478-00209446 most praised for was the way in which Greek sculptors evoked what's called empnoos, in kfP95SKUe00-00325-00209446-00210121 their work and this was the idea of a sculpture that was full of life or literally full of kfP95SKUe00-00326-00210121-00210221 breath. kfP95SKUe00-00327-00210221-00211075 This was a level of sculptural accuracy that most all Greek sculpture aspired to. There kfP95SKUe00-00328-00211075-00212485 was a kind of magic, to the sculptures where a sculpture that appeared almost animated, kfP95SKUe00-00329-00212485-00213158 lifelike, and here we see Wilke making these life sculptures, these living sculptures. kfP95SKUe00-00330-00213158-00213923 This is something that was highly, highly praised among the Greek world. There was also kfP95SKUe00-00331-00213923-00214834 ephratic writing about these sculptors. Meaning writing in the arts about how these sculptures kfP95SKUe00-00332-00214834-00215604 looked as though they were literally alive and sometimes they required watchful eyes kfP95SKUe00-00333-00215604-00216500 or required being chained to their pedestal so they wouldn't just leap up and run off. kfP95SKUe00-00334-00216500-00217542 An often-cited example is a marble cow by the sculptor Myron, which was on the Acropolis kfP95SKUe00-00335-00217542-00217651 in Athens. kfP95SKUe00-00336-00217651-00218382 According to descriptions of the cow, the cow was so lifelike that shepherd boys would kfP95SKUe00-00337-00218382-00219257 try to yoke it and calves would try to suckle from it, bulls would try to mount it. There's kfP95SKUe00-00338-00219257-00219928 no particular evidence that Wilke was thinking about this particular aspect of Greek sculpture kfP95SKUe00-00339-00219928-00220755 when she made these works. But, there's no question that her use of the Greek tradition kfP95SKUe00-00340-00220755-00221626 in thinking about the way she positioned her body, and the way she used drapery. Is rooted kfP95SKUe00-00341-00221626-00222948 in that tradition of the living sculpture, the kind of Greco-Roman living sculpture. kfP95SKUe00-00342-00222948-00223533 This was also tied to the way in which marble Gods and Goddesses were treated. For example, kfP95SKUe00-00343-00223533-00224189 on the left you're looking at a votive that's reflective of the way the Athena Parthenos, kfP95SKUe00-00344-00224189-00224773 would have looked like, and on the right is the Aphrodite of Knidos. These are among the kfP95SKUe00-00345-00224773-00225437 most renown representations of marble Gods and Goddesses, who were treated like real kfP95SKUe00-00346-00225437-00225828 human beings, and they were made offerings to in their temples. kfP95SKUe00-00347-00225828-00226404 They were literal inhabitants of their temples. They were prayed to, they were adorned, they kfP95SKUe00-00348-00226404-00227112 were provided offerings, sometimes ritualistically bathed. In several of her living sculpture kfP95SKUe00-00349-00227112-00227755 projects she transformed herself into a Goddess, often the Goddess of love and beauty Venus, kfP95SKUe00-00350-00227755-00228284 the Roman version of Aphrodite. This is a recurrent theme throughout her work. kfP95SKUe00-00351-00228284-00228971 She produced latex pieces in the early 70's, Venus basin, Venus cushion. For the Greek kfP95SKUe00-00352-00228971-00229430 world, Aphrodite had multiple links to this idea of a living sculpture. kfP95SKUe00-00353-00229430-00230144 It was Aphrodite who, according to legend, inspired the sculptor Pygmalion to fabricate kfP95SKUe00-00354-00230144-00230844 his ideal woman out of ivory, naming her Galatea. Pygmalion fell in love with his creation, kfP95SKUe00-00355-00230844-00231477 prayed to Aphrodite, who then brought the work to life. In the fourth century, Praxiteles' kfP95SKUe00-00356-00231477-00231827 Aphrodite of Knidos was so shocking. kfP95SKUe00-00357-00231827-00232696 It so shocked Greek society because it was one of the first life-size representations kfP95SKUe00-00358-00232696-00233244 of the female nude. There is writing about the Aphrodite of Knidos similar to the writing kfP95SKUe00-00359-00233244-00234213 about the cow where she had very dewy eyes, that marble created a kind of sensuality that kfP95SKUe00-00360-00234213-00234516 hadn't been seen in sculpture like this before. kfP95SKUe00-00361-00234516-00235606 Wilke used the Venus figure in other life sculpture projects that she did. One in an kfP95SKUe00-00362-00235606-00236250 event called "Life Sculpture" that was orchestrated by Lil Picard sculpture, now, in 1974, and kfP95SKUe00-00363-00236250-00237094 another that same year, where she also posed as Venus as a life sculpture in an event called kfP95SKUe00-00364-00237094-00237528 "White Sheets and Quiet Dots". kfP95SKUe00-00365-00237528-00238544 And then one of her best known performance on July 4th, 1976, she performed "My Country kfP95SKUe00-00366-00238544-00239276 'tis of Thee" at the Albright Knox Museum. There were earlier versions of this. She performed kfP95SKUe00-00367-00239276-00239894 at first a version of it for cable television and at an artist's rights exhibition in 1975; kfP95SKUe00-00368-00239894-00240423 then at the Whitney, and another version of this in 1976. kfP95SKUe00-00369-00240423-00241130 And for the Buffalo Project, which is her most fully formed version of the idea, she kfP95SKUe00-00370-00241130-00241726 placed these three, 11 foot goddess photographs of herself along the south facade of the museum kfP95SKUe00-00371-00241726-00242292 in front four caryatids by Augustus Saint-Gaudens. kfP95SKUe00-00372-00242292-00242819 The Albright Knox Museum being modeled after the Erectheion in Greece. kfP95SKUe00-00373-00242819-00243441 And, here, clearly she's repeating patterns that you can see. It's hard to see in the kfP95SKUe00-00374-00243441-00243955 image on the image, but she's repeating patterns. Let's see, I think I have another... Yeah, kfP95SKUe00-00375-00243955-00244681 you can see that she's repeating the drapery in the photographs that she has on the lower kfP95SKUe00-00376-00244681-00245246 half of her body. That's repeating the drapery that the caryatids that the female figures kfP95SKUe00-00377-00245246-00245844 that literary hold up the facade of the building that they are also wearing. kfP95SKUe00-00378-00245844-00246542 Then on the left hand side, you see her during the "My Country 'tis of Thee, " creating chew kfP95SKUe00-00379-00246542-00247107 gum freeze. So she's working on the sidewalk with people walking by, lots of children and kfP95SKUe00-00380-00247107-00247750 other people, where they would come and they would chew gum and then she would form little kfP95SKUe00-00381-00247750-00248316 sculptures out of it. Chewing gum being one of her other signature materials that she kfP95SKUe00-00382-00248316-00248458 worked with. kfP95SKUe00-00383-00248458-00249013 She would take the chewed gum, create the little sculptures, put them on rag board. kfP95SKUe00-00384-00249013-00249996 And then you see how she arranged the rag board around the building as a kind of a frieze. kfP95SKUe00-00385-00249996-00250659 She observed that the frieze that she created was a way in which to "put color back into kfP95SKUe00-00386-00250659-00251129 the architecture." And, of course, she's referencing the way in which ancient buildings, Greco-Roman kfP95SKUe00-00387-00251129-00251830 buildings, which now appear white to us actually were polychromatic when they were first made. kfP95SKUe00-00388-00251830-00252691 The frieze is not only a way in which to embellish the building, but also links through her love kfP95SKUe00-00389-00252691-00253321 of language to a pun. And here's she's, of course, punning the song, the traditional kfP95SKUe00-00390-00253321-00253927 patriotic song my "My Country 'tis of Thee". kfP95SKUe00-00391-00253927-00254571 This is the July 4th, 1976. This is the Bicentennial. And, of course, the founding of the United kfP95SKUe00-00392-00254571-00255173 States was inspired by Greek ideology, and the link between Greek ideology and American kfP95SKUe00-00393-00255173-00255815 democracy was manifested in the importation of Greek forms to our architecture in the kfP95SKUe00-00394-00255815-00255962 United States in the 19th century. kfP95SKUe00-00395-00255962-00256507 So if you think of the mall in the Washington, that's all this Greco-Roman form that all kfP95SKUe00-00396-00256507-00257111 links back to the way...and the way of our system of democracy links further back to kfP95SKUe00-00397-00257111-00257508 Greek ideology. kfP95SKUe00-00398-00257508-00258401 She is making a frieze that would essentially take the place of narrative, on a Greek building. kfP95SKUe00-00399-00258401-00258846 So the freeze is the place where you tell the story of the building or tell out some kfP95SKUe00-00400-00258846-00259594 other significant kind of story. Here she's forming a narrative out of these little sculptural kfP95SKUe00-00401-00259594-00260502 folds, that she referred to as "cunt forms. " Thus lending architectural and ideological kfP95SKUe00-00402-00260502-00261123 form to her punning the word cuntry, and also re-inscribing... kfP95SKUe00-00403-00261123-00261800 Of course, you know, "My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land kfP95SKUe00-00404-00261800-00262475 where my fathers died ..." this is a gendered...it's a patriotically song. It's a clearly a gendered kfP95SKUe00-00405-00262475-00263142 song, but actually is a song that is derived from a gender neutral song, which is: "God kfP95SKUe00-00406-00263142-00263904 save the queen, or god save the king, " depending what ruler happens to be in...depending on kfP95SKUe00-00407-00263904-00264080 the circumstances of monarchical rule. kfP95SKUe00-00408-00264080-00264783 So she's not only re-inscribing the female into this whole patriotic system, but also kfP95SKUe00-00409-00264783-00265430 into the anthem itself. kfP95SKUe00-00410-00265430-00266105 Her version of "My Country 'tis of Thee" demonstrates the ways in which she not only investigated kfP95SKUe00-00411-00266105-00266866 the body as sculpture, but also queried cultural constructions of female beauty. kfP95SKUe00-00412-00266866-00267443 And her reliance on ancient Greco-Roman forms, for example, played a critical role in the kfP95SKUe00-00413-00267443-00268146 way she considered how beauty is defined and viewed. And, of course, there's the Greek kfP95SKUe00-00414-00268146-00269157 formulation of perfection, of correct proportion, is a canon that was also a gendered canon. kfP95SKUe00-00415-00269157-00269729 It was based on the male body; the sort of the perfect male body. kfP95SKUe00-00416-00269729-00270990 And this is this place is in which she, Wilke, uses her work to investigate the notion of kfP95SKUe00-00417-00270990-00271520 perfect and the notion of perfection as a gendered idea and as culturally inscribed. kfP95SKUe00-00418-00271520-00272295 And if you look at these two images, a still from "Super-t-Art" from 1974 and then one kfP95SKUe00-00419-00272295-00272910 of the photographs from "Intra-Venus, " you can see how throughout her body of work she kfP95SKUe00-00420-00272910-00273310 is considering these ideas. kfP95SKUe00-00421-00273310-00273931 So the "Super-t-Art" image- she's life, she's nude, with the exception of the fabric from kfP95SKUe00-00422-00273931-00275062 the waist down and her shoes. By contrast, in the "Intra-Venus" work, which is the last kfP95SKUe00-00423-00275062-00275824 body of work that she does, where she effectively documents her own death from lymphoma in 1933, kfP95SKUe00-00424-00275824-00276538 she holds her hands up; she balances an urn of flowers on head, striking the classical kfP95SKUe00-00425-00276538-00276685 caryatid pose again. kfP95SKUe00-00426-00276685-00277494 But this time the nude body is aged. The nude body is bloated. Dressed not in a skirt or kfP95SKUe00-00427-00277494-00277916 a tablecloth but covered by bandages near her waist, protecting the wounds from her kfP95SKUe00-00428-00277916-00278098 cancer treatments. kfP95SKUe00-00429-00278098-00278762 And so, she is, again, positioning herself as embodying the classical body, the body kfP95SKUe00-00430-00278762-00279274 of Venus, but giving further revision to the way in which she investigates the classical kfP95SKUe00-00431-00279274-00279849 form, and again, queries this idea of the cultural construction of perfection and the kfP95SKUe00-00432-00279849-00280078 cultural construction of beauty. kfP95SKUe00-00433-00280078-00280931 The chewing gum that she used in the performance in 1976, she used that about a year and a kfP95SKUe00-00434-00280931-00281542 half after the first time that she started using chewing gum, which was for her "S.O.S.- kfP95SKUe00-00435-00281542-00281845 Starification Object Series". kfP95SKUe00-00436-00281845-00282605 This is mastication box that she produced in late 1974 for an exhibition called "Artist kfP95SKUe00-00437-00282605-00283052 Make Toys, " which was on view in January 1975. kfP95SKUe00-00438-00283052-00283642 This is an exhibition that had many different kinds of toys by variety of artists, including kfP95SKUe00-00439-00283642-00284229 Mark di Suvero. Oldenburg exhibited in this show with Trisha Brown and Jarred Bark. They kfP95SKUe00-00440-00284229-00285056 made a four foot horse that opened up to reveal a theatre inside. And then Red Grooms and kfP95SKUe00-00441-00285056-00285581 other artists who participated in the show made a giant wooden picture puzzle. kfP95SKUe00-00442-00285581-00286468 Her box, the mastication box, had these unopened, chewing gums of different kinds of flavors kfP95SKUe00-00443-00286468-00287167 and brands. These tiny gum sculptures encased in plexiglass boxes, playing cards, and these kfP95SKUe00-00444-00287167-00287915 28 of these little photographs that you see in the lower right of her with gum. She's kfP95SKUe00-00445-00287915-00289034 in various poses with gum attached to her body. kfP95SKUe00-00446-00289034-00289556 By placing the gum on her body and then having herself photographed for the mastication box kfP95SKUe00-00447-00289556-00290376 she really made a kind of final collapse between her body and her sculpture. She observed in kfP95SKUe00-00448-00290376-00291075 an artist roundtable in 1975 'my chewing gum sculpture is about me, my body and me. kfP95SKUe00-00449-00291075-00291699 "I make body art where I put chewing gum sculptures on my body. I become my art. My art becomes kfP95SKUe00-00450-00291699-00292406 me." It was from the mastication box that several other works and ideas emerged. kfP95SKUe00-00451-00292406-00293473 Here you see in 1975 she was invited to participate in an exhibition in Paris. This wonderful kfP95SKUe00-00452-00293473-00293949 description of what occurred when she went there and did her performance with the chewing kfP95SKUe00-00453-00293949-00294476 gum: 'Wilke arrived with no less than 3, 000 pieces of brightly colored gum unavailable kfP95SKUe00-00454-00294476-00294576 in Paris'. kfP95SKUe00-00455-00294576-00295046 That's true that the colors she was using in her gum were only available in the United kfP95SKUe00-00456-00295046-00295565 States. 'And did a three hour performance at the opening. Amid nonstop television cameras kfP95SKUe00-00457-00295565-00295980 and flashing bulbs, she offered super cherry, apple green, and chocolate flavored gum to kfP95SKUe00-00458-00295980-00296141 the elegantly attired guests. kfP95SKUe00-00459-00296141-00296768 The chewed pieces were either returned to Wilke, who rapidly molded them into 120 sexual kfP95SKUe00-00460-00296768-00297300 sculptures push-pinned to the wall or fastened to the artist's half-nude body'. kfP95SKUe00-00461-00297300-00297935 So she saw the gum not only as a part of herself, but also a part of the people who participate kfP95SKUe00-00462-00297935-00298722 in the SOS project. She said people chew the gum for me, I make an object from the chewed kfP95SKUe00-00463-00298722-00299278 gum which contains remnants of their saliva after the gum's sweetness is removed. Part kfP95SKUe00-00464-00299278-00299779 of their body was in the object, which was later preserved on the paper as sculptural kfP95SKUe00-00465-00299779-00299879 drawing. kfP95SKUe00-00466-00299879-00300445 So it's in this way that her body not only becomes part of her art, but also the bodies kfP95SKUe00-00467-00300445-00300715 of her audience. kfP95SKUe00-00468-00300715-00301403 In the SOS project, 'starification' was a pun on the word scarification. kfP95SKUe00-00469-00301403-00301839 Throughout the course of her career she framed the use of scarification in the SOS series kfP95SKUe00-00470-00301839-00302340 in several ways. She linked the practice of scarring to tattoo numbers with which Jews kfP95SKUe00-00471-00302340-00302592 were marked in concentration camps. kfP95SKUe00-00472-00302592-00303125 She observed, as a Jew, quote 'I would have been destroyed had I been born in Europe at kfP95SKUe00-00473-00303125-00303694 that time'. She also related her scarification with gum to the practice of African scarification, kfP95SKUe00-00474-00303694-00304298 in which the body is incised with a sharp tool to create patterning and to create gender kfP95SKUe00-00475-00304298-00304618 stereotypes. kfP95SKUe00-00476-00304618-00305504 She said, 'I decorated my body relating to the African scarification or to the caste kfP95SKUe00-00477-00305504-00306132 system, or macho male photographs with cowboy hats and guns or little uniforms, maid outfits kfP95SKUe00-00478-00306132-00306734 and hair curlers. So they were psychological poses that related to me as emotional wounds kfP95SKUe00-00479-00306734-00307068 that we carry within us that really hurt us.' kfP95SKUe00-00480-00307068-00308041 These kinds of scars as they pertain to Jews in the Holocaust or African culture were permanent kfP95SKUe00-00481-00308041-00308765 modifications of the body that fixed a kind of status of the scar, a kind of social status kfP95SKUe00-00482-00308765-00309617 or status otherwise linked to female sexuality indicating, particularly in African culture, kfP95SKUe00-00483-00309617-00309973 stages of adolescence and puberty. kfP95SKUe00-00484-00309973-00310721 In Wilke's version, the scars are not fixed. They are temporary. They can be removed at kfP95SKUe00-00485-00310721-00310906 any time. kfP95SKUe00-00486-00310906-00311562 The SOS series is often linked in the way her own body was marked by her battle with kfP95SKUe00-00487-00311562-00312328 lymphoma, and also the way in which her mother's body was marked through her battle with breast kfP95SKUe00-00488-00312328-00313061 cancer. This is a work called In Memoriam: So I'm A Better Mommy from 1979 to 1983. kfP95SKUe00-00489-00313061-00314171 Her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1970, underwent a radical double mastectomy. kfP95SKUe00-00490-00314171-00314803 As Wilke's sister, Marcy Charlotte observed to me, she said we were both devastated when kfP95SKUe00-00491-00314803-00314904 she had the surgery. kfP95SKUe00-00492-00314904-00315403 The surgery was on Hannah's 30th birthday. She said in those days a woman was put to kfP95SKUe00-00493-00315403-00315924 sleep not knowing whether she would awaken without a breast. Wilke didn't often link kfP95SKUe00-00494-00315924-00316600 the SOS series to her illness, at least not to critics, really until later. kfP95SKUe00-00495-00316600-00317223 It was really not until she started making photographs of her mother after her mother kfP95SKUe00-00496-00317223-00317750 suffered a stroke, that that prompted her cancer to return that she began to link the kfP95SKUe00-00497-00317750-00318413 SOS series to the way her mother's body was ravaged by her illness. The way in which her kfP95SKUe00-00498-00318413-00319138 mother's body had disintegrated, and then later, the link being made to the way her kfP95SKUe00-00499-00319138-00319726 own body would disintegrate from her own illness. kfP95SKUe00-00500-00319726-00320860 Given her concerns with fragility and permanence, changeability, disintegration it may seem, kfP95SKUe00-00501-00320860-00321488 and it certainly did to me at first, illogical that her sculpture practice was also largely kfP95SKUe00-00502-00321488-00322087 concerned with monumental art, with public art. Which is probably the least well-known kfP95SKUe00-00503-00322087-00322448 aspect of her practice. kfP95SKUe00-00504-00322448-00322982 At the same time she was, like most artists, very concerned about her artistic legacy and kfP95SKUe00-00505-00322982-00323781 focused, I think, far more attention on this monumental public sculpture aspect of her kfP95SKUe00-00506-00323781-00324110 work, than is known. kfP95SKUe00-00507-00324110-00324788 She in 1978 and 1979 experimented in casting, and foundry, while she was an artist in residence kfP95SKUe00-00508-00324788-00325744 at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. It was there she created bronze models as proposals kfP95SKUe00-00509-00325744-00326160 for monumental sculptures. What I'm showing you here, are some cast bronze folds that kfP95SKUe00-00510-00326160-00326638 she created, while she was learning to work in the foundry. kfP95SKUe00-00511-00326638-00327306 Another example of a work that she produced as a monumental sculpture, this is Color Fields kfP95SKUe00-00512-00327306-00328130 monument for large sculpture at Federal Plaza, of 1985. This is a work that was produced kfP95SKUe00-00513-00328130-00328525 for an exhibition that called After Tilted Arc- that was held at the store front for kfP95SKUe00-00514-00328525-00328911 Art and Architecture in New York City in November, 1985. kfP95SKUe00-00515-00328911-00329545 It was earlier that year that a Manhattan jury ordered the removal of Richard Sara's kfP95SKUe00-00516-00329545-00330168 Serra's 1981 Tilted Arc, which you see in the bottom right-hand corner. kfP95SKUe00-00517-00330168-00330836 The exhibition, according to the organizers, was not intended to be critical of Sara or kfP95SKUe00-00518-00330836-00331448 his sculpture. But rather to redirect the argument surrounding the piece because the kfP95SKUe00-00519-00331448-00332144 argument had become so heated and derisive they really wanted to engage in a discussion kfP95SKUe00-00520-00332144-00332737 about what is public art, what work can be accepted and understood by the viewers? What kfP95SKUe00-00521-00332737-00332974 is the artist's responsibility? kfP95SKUe00-00522-00332974-00333867 This is Wilke's contribution to the exhibition, these ten what would have been large-scale kfP95SKUe00-00523-00333867-00334714 painting of colorful folds shown in a grid pattern. Just a couple other examples of her kfP95SKUe00-00524-00334714-00335335 interesting monumental sculpture. This is a drawing for a proposal for a sculpture on kfP95SKUe00-00525-00335335-00335435 a golf course. kfP95SKUe00-00526-00335435-00336086 These had kind of a humorous side to them. You can see the drawing on the right hand kfP95SKUe00-00527-00336086-00336858 showing you the models for soft pyramids, which are tiny, tiny little models made out kfP95SKUe00-00528-00336858-00337529 of various materials, bronze, lead, these are undated. kfP95SKUe00-00529-00337529-00338125 So experimenting with what a golf course would look like if she was given the opportunity kfP95SKUe00-00530-00338125-00339092 to create her monumental sculpture on a golf course. kfP95SKUe00-00531-00339092-00339836 These are a group of five drawings that she created in which she adorned advertisements kfP95SKUe00-00532-00339836-00340599 for estate properties being marketed by this high-end realtor with drawings for monumental kfP95SKUe00-00533-00340599-00340884 sculpture. kfP95SKUe00-00534-00340884-00341476 You can see on the right hand side she's essentially showing you what your big estate would be kfP95SKUe00-00535-00341476-00342103 if you gave her the opportunity to build her large sculpture on your front lawn or on your kfP95SKUe00-00536-00342103-00342360 beach front property over on the left hand side. kfP95SKUe00-00537-00342360-00342807 In the largest drawing in the series, the one in the center, she quotes a passage from kfP95SKUe00-00538-00342807-00343519 Karl Marx's Das Kapital, which was published in 1867 as a criticism of the way in which kfP95SKUe00-00539-00343519-00344071 capitalism had redefined commodities from the purchase and sale of goods to the purchase kfP95SKUe00-00540-00344071-00344178 and sale of labor. kfP95SKUe00-00541-00344178-00344969 This is something, this idea of exchange values, something that she addressed over and over kfP95SKUe00-00542-00344969-00346180 throughout her body of work, this idea of using Marx's name as a pun. She's punning kfP95SKUe00-00543-00346180-00346903 his name, she leaving her own marks on the estate. kfP95SKUe00-00544-00346903-00348109 Also sort of querying her role as a laborer, as an artist who is marketed and who has to kfP95SKUe00-00545-00348109-00348254 market her work. kfP95SKUe00-00546-00348254-00349104 In conclusion, making her mark on the landscape, on her body, and clay bake, and Play-Doh. kfP95SKUe00-00547-00349104-00349615 Hannah Wilke was always concerned with the sculptural quality of her work. It was, I kfP95SKUe00-00548-00349615-00350384 believe, always an underlying theme, and methodology that permeated almost, everything that she kfP95SKUe00-00549-00350384-00351020 did From her earliest sculpture all the way through her final series, the Intra-Venus kfP95SKUe00-00550-00351020-00351120 works. kfP95SKUe00-00551-00351120-00351356 Thank you very much. kfP95SKUe00-00552-00351356-00353202 Is there time for questions? I'd be happy to answer questions, or stay a minute after. kfP95SKUe00-00553-00353202-00353628 Did she ever realize any monumental... sculpture? kfP95SKUe00-00554-00353628-00354036 No, I should have put that in the beginning. It's a very good question. Not as far as I kfP95SKUe00-00555-00354036-00354652 know. Although I have been asked if maybe the Neuberger would like to pay for that. kfP95SKUe00-00556-00354652-00354936 I don't think the Neuberger would like to pay for that, but it has come up. kfP95SKUe00-00557-00354936-00355408 Are there any proposals that they would like to support? kfP95SKUe00-00558-00355408-00355611 Anyone else? Thank you very much. kfP95SKUe00-00559-00355611-00356271 No, I have a question still. It's not sculpture-specific, but I was wondering why she changed her name, kfP95SKUe00-00560-00356271-00356493 that Wilke was not her actual name. kfP95SKUe00-00561-00356493-00357148 Well, Wilke was her married name from her first husband and Hannah was her middle name. kfP95SKUe00-00562-00357148-00358295 Her given name as Arlene Hannah Butter, and she did kind of work with that name, Butter, kfP95SKUe00-00563-00358295-00359171 because butter can be easily spread. She writes about that. My son's in the room now, so I'm kfP95SKUe00-00564-00359171-00359718 not going to go any further. Anything else? kfP95SKUe00-00565-00359718-00361080 I'd like to thank Tracy for venturing out on the eve of her new son's arrival. kfP95SKUe00-00566-00361080-00362232 Well, not the actual eve I hope. The metaphorical eve. kfP95SKUe00-00567-00362232-00362610 The metaphorical eve. And for the information and bringing to life and to light some more kfP95SKUe00-00568-00362610-00362923 dimensions, I think, of Hannah Wilke and her artwork. kfP95SKUe00-00569-00362923-00363561 Steven Sollins, who is a male feminist artist who is in this show, Burning Down the House: kfP95SKUe00-00570-00363561-00364368 Building a Feminist Art Collection, here at the center, is going to be lecturing here kfP95SKUe00-00571-00364368-00364660 at the forum at seven o'clock. kfP95SKUe00-00572-00364660-00365317 Next Saturday, December 13, Gloria Steinem is moderating Sex Trafficking: the New Abolitionists kfP95SKUe00-00573-00365317-00365976 with a wonderful panel and it will be in the Cantor auditorium, on the third floor We're kfP95SKUe00-00574-00365976-00366390 going to have then a reception here at the center immediately afterward. kfP95SKUe00-00575-00366390-00367144 Sunday the 14th, here in the forum. Jennifer Cody Epstein is going to be here reading from, kfP95SKUe00-00576-00367144-00367531 and discussing her novel The Painter from Shanghai. kfP95SKUe00-00577-00367531-00368030 Again, I thank you very much, Tracy, and thank you all for being here this afternoon and kfP95SKUe00-00578-00368030-00368129 enjoy the day.