JWW3iGybc_o-00000-00000200-00000700 Families of Tunisians missing at sea denounce authorities' indifference Tunis, 31 May 2017 JWW3iGybc_o-00001-00001110-00002420 This case concerns people who have gone missing during irregular migration JWW3iGybc_o-00002-00001280-00001700 Kasim Aafia Member of the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights JWW3iGybc_o-00003-00002640-00003130 or those with whom we lost contact after they left Tunisia JWW3iGybc_o-00004-00003200-00003650 The first ones to go missing were from the mining region in 2008 JWW3iGybc_o-00005-00003250-00003650 Mounira Ben Hassine President of Association Destiny for the Youth of the Mediterranean JWW3iGybc_o-00006-00003700-00004110 The second ones to go missing on 9 September 2010 were Amine Ben Hassine and his companions JWW3iGybc_o-00007-00004200-00005020 There were two boats in 2011, on March 14 and March 29 JWW3iGybc_o-00008-00005100-00006000 There were boats on 4 April, 29 April, 5 May JWW3iGybc_o-00009-00006010-00006800 boats on 6, 7 and 22 September 2012, JWW3iGybc_o-00010-00006820-00007540 a boat on 27 March 2016...and with all of these there are 504 missing. JWW3iGybc_o-00011-00007750-00008200 We went to meet with Mr. Beji when he won the first round of the elections JWW3iGybc_o-00012-00008220-00009040 He told us that, "if I am elected president, the first affair addressed will be yours" JWW3iGybc_o-00013-00009100-00009830 This year on February 8, Mehrzia and I and the others attended a meeting Italy, JWW3iGybc_o-00014-00009860-00010490 We met the president again and asked him about our children. He said don't worry. Shortly after, the police arrested us until the president left the country. JWW3iGybc_o-00015-00010500-00011150 We observed party politics, narrow interests, etc. while dealing with this government JWW3iGybc_o-00016-00011200-00012060 In some how JWW3iGybc_o-00017-00012100-00012650 the whole affair is being throlled by a struggle between the components of this government JWW3iGybc_o-00018-00012680-00013000 Nobody addressed this affair with us. To this day we don't know who is in charge-- JWW3iGybc_o-00019-00013010-00013719 The Minister of Foreign Affairs? of Social Affairs? I even wonder if I belong to another country--Nicaragua, Venezuela... JWW3iGybc_o-00020-00013740-00014300 They dropped this affair with other agreements in mind JWW3iGybc_o-00021-00014310-00015040 There have been many opportunities to raise the issue even during the negotiations with the European Union JWW3iGybc_o-00022-00015060-00016000 We think that if the government took this affair seriously, we would have uncovered the truth JWW3iGybc_o-00023-00016010-00016540 I met the Italian Interior Minister, I met the president of Italy's parliament, I met the former Italian president two times JWW3iGybc_o-00024-00016600-00016980 They all said, bring a paper from the government All of civil society have faith that the government will pursue the case JWW3iGybc_o-00025-00017000-00018100 The president of Italy's parliament says if Tunis wanted to open this case it would be much easier. He said that the Italian government sent 5 letters on the subject and has heard nothing back. JXk50lP7Pcc-00000-00000042-00000529 Hi my name is Penny Metzger here from the Office of Instructional Technology at the JXk50lP7Pcc-00001-00000529-00001128 University of New Orleans and today we are going over how to change your course visibility JXk50lP7Pcc-00002-00001128-00001714 in Moodle. Course visibility lets you control what your students see in a course. When you JXk50lP7Pcc-00003-00001714-00002302 get a new course it is automatically set to be invisible. This means your students cannot JXk50lP7Pcc-00004-00002302-00002838 see the course when they log into Moodle and will not be able to access it. Let's enter JXk50lP7Pcc-00005-00002838-00003386 the course you would like to work on. Today I'll be working in the Moodle Training Sandbox. JXk50lP7Pcc-00006-00003386-00003951 I'm going to go ahead and dock my navigation block just to give me more room on the screen. JXk50lP7Pcc-00007-00003951-00004389 If you need help with docking we have a lesson on that, and I'll post a link to the video JXk50lP7Pcc-00008-00004389-00005063 in the description. Now to alter our course visibility we're going to "edit settings" JXk50lP7Pcc-00009-00005063-00005763 here undet the settings bar. Now you should see an area that says "general" and you can JXk50lP7Pcc-00010-00005882-00006581 change your visibility here from hide to show. All you need to do now is just scroll to the JXk50lP7Pcc-00011-00006856-00007556 bottom of the screen and click save changes. Students will now be able to see your course, JXk50lP7Pcc-00012-00007786-00008357 but you can also change the visibility on individual activities, documents, forums, JXk50lP7Pcc-00013-00008357-00009057 etc. To do that you will first turn your editing on. JXk50lP7Pcc-00014-00009160-00009652 Now just roll your mouse over the item you would like to change the visibility on and JXk50lP7Pcc-00015-00009652-00010190 you should see a grey eyeball. When this eye appears open it means students can see the JXk50lP7Pcc-00016-00010190-00010890 item. Now if we click this icon the eyeball will close and the text of the item will appear JXk50lP7Pcc-00017-00011011-00011602 in grey instead of black. This means the item is invisible to students. To make the it visible JXk50lP7Pcc-00018-00011602-00012302 again just click on the closed eyeball. And the item is now visible. You now have a basic JXk50lP7Pcc-00019-00012386-00012589 understanding of course visibility. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00000-00001100-00001573 I’m David Bentley, and I’m currently Vice President and Chief Scientist at Illumina. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00001-00001573-00002363 I was born in Windsor, England in 1958 under the eaves of the castle. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00002-00002363-00002996 My parents -- at the time my father was working the theater. He was a musical director at JY2Q4UVnbwI-00003-00002996-00003421 the theater Royal Windsor and my mother was a biology teacher. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00004-00003421-00003873 There was. My mother started it off because she was actually in Cambridge at the time JY2Q4UVnbwI-00005-00003873-00004355 of certainly the protein, structural protein work that was going on. And she knew some JY2Q4UVnbwI-00006-00004355-00004903 of the people involved. Dorothy Hodgkin and so on and she had knew of many of the people JY2Q4UVnbwI-00007-00004903-00005314 who were really developing that field. So she started me off. She knew some of the people JY2Q4UVnbwI-00008-00005314-00005828 who were writing popular articles that I was reading. But I’d also single out a biology JY2Q4UVnbwI-00009-00005828-00006550 teacher in high school. My secondary school which ironically called Watson. No known relation JY2Q4UVnbwI-00010-00006550-00007084 but Ian Watson was a tremendous, passionate, enthusiastic man and he had the benefit of JY2Q4UVnbwI-00011-00007084-00007584 almost a whole year off curriculum. We were able to be taught whatever he felt like talking JY2Q4UVnbwI-00012-00007584-00008334 us -- teaching us. So he taught us a lot about molecular biology. And also about the whole JY2Q4UVnbwI-00013-00008334-00008875 convergence of genetic inheritance with the molecular basis of it and the chromosomal JY2Q4UVnbwI-00014-00008875-00009346 basis of inheritance. It was clearly one of his pet topics and I just lapped it up, I JY2Q4UVnbwI-00015-00009346-00009446 loved it. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00016-00009446-00009897 So, there are many people -- to many to tell or even remember but Cambridge was a wonderful JY2Q4UVnbwI-00017-00009897-00010517 time for me. I read natural sciences which really provides a blend including chemistry, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00018-00010517-00011050 in particular, and my link to the chemistry department of course became very important JY2Q4UVnbwI-00019-00011050-00011822 for later on. But really, one of the tremendous tutors there, David Hanky, who was in my college, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00020-00011822-00012349 Jesus College, really was a tutor to me throughout the time. It was a lucky break. He was teaching JY2Q4UVnbwI-00021-00012349-00012951 me for much of the first two years. And that one to one or one to two tutorial was a feature JY2Q4UVnbwI-00022-00012951-00013475 of the Cambridge system that really allowed us to explore areas in this case of biology JY2Q4UVnbwI-00023-00013475-00014168 and to really pursue our passions together. He was a tremendous guiding light in the -- then JY2Q4UVnbwI-00024-00014168-00014986 I went on to biochemistry. That was my final year subject and a tremendous course which JY2Q4UVnbwI-00025-00014986-00015447 really gave me a broad view of biochemistry without too much specialization I think, genetics JY2Q4UVnbwI-00026-00015447-00015826 wasn’t a particularly strong feature of that course. But we’d had a lot of genetics JY2Q4UVnbwI-00027-00015826-00016504 already, so that was really the basis for my degree. It was a three-year degree. Really JY2Q4UVnbwI-00028-00016504-00017264 rather short by today’s standards and I certainly, by the age of 21 I was considering JY2Q4UVnbwI-00029-00017264-00017437 my next step. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00030-00017437-00018262 So, my first PhD year was in the laboratory of molecular biology. I was in Fred Sanger’s JY2Q4UVnbwI-00031-00018262-00019045 division, protein nucleic acid chemistry. Wonderful time to be there, 1979, 1980, and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00032-00019045-00019592 it was just at the time when the whole concept -- first of all, being in an environment that JY2Q4UVnbwI-00033-00019592-00020279 simply pursued technology. They really were less interested in the biological problems. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00034-00020279-00020823 George Brownlee had been Fred’s first PhD student I think and so I was one of George’s JY2Q4UVnbwI-00035-00020823-00021348 PhD students so continuing the lineage. And I had the pleasure both of working with George JY2Q4UVnbwI-00036-00021348-00021898 directly and George was a great innovator. He liked to do different -- he liked to do JY2Q4UVnbwI-00037-00021898-00022398 something no one else was doing. He’d spent a lot of time working on RNA sequencing in JY2Q4UVnbwI-00038-00022398-00023151 his earlier days and that innovative and adventurous spirit showed through in this remarkably quiet JY2Q4UVnbwI-00039-00023151-00023795 but enthusiastic man. And his enthusiasm just came through. And so he encouraged me to do JY2Q4UVnbwI-00040-00023795-00024312 something very different as well and tackled the -- probably in hindsight -- pretty impossible JY2Q4UVnbwI-00041-00024312-00024917 problem to solve. And I was left to explore and to learn from many, any of the people JY2Q4UVnbwI-00042-00024917-00025383 in the laboratory of molecular biology which is a tremendous environment for me. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00043-00025383-00026173 Fred is a remarkable man, was a remarkable man. He’s quiet. A quiet presence in the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00044-00026173-00026714 LMB. Great to see him strolling down the corridor every morning to get his ice from the ice JY2Q4UVnbwI-00045-00026714-00027198 bucket, ice machine and go back to his lab. And he was also the holder of the all-important JY2Q4UVnbwI-00046-00027198-00027836 P32, the P32 DHEP which we used for all the sequencing. And you had to go to Fred’s JY2Q4UVnbwI-00047-00027836-00028316 lab to collect your [unintelligible] of P32. And certainly on occasion I would see him JY2Q4UVnbwI-00048-00028316-00028702 standing there. There’s a photograph in fact of him which is just like how I remember JY2Q4UVnbwI-00049-00028702-00029173 him, standing there with his red cardigan on staring at the [unintelligible] graph that JY2Q4UVnbwI-00050-00029173-00029764 to his apparent surprise it really worked rather well. And Fred was a really modest JY2Q4UVnbwI-00051-00029764-00030168 man but of course at the same time very quiet, very thoughtful, and very direct actually JY2Q4UVnbwI-00052-00030168-00030854 in the way he talked and it was a pleasure to get to know Fred, to talk to Fred. And JY2Q4UVnbwI-00053-00030854-00031195 I had a number of connections with Fred later on of course because later on Fred actually JY2Q4UVnbwI-00054-00031195-00031841 did come to the Sanger Centre. He blessed it, allowed us to use his name and even more JY2Q4UVnbwI-00055-00031841-00032492 recently George Brownlee actually was writing his biography. So small world. We came together JY2Q4UVnbwI-00056-00032492-00033232 again and George actually asked for some help with a chapter in the book. And then of course JY2Q4UVnbwI-00057-00033232-00033674 that all came to a head when Fred died so the biography really became very timely and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00058-00033674-00034222 was published shortly after. So it was wonderful really to still be there and to have a change JY2Q4UVnbwI-00059-00034222-00034702 to perhaps acknowledge and reflect on Fred’s enormous contributions in a very quiet way, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00060-00034702-00035226 in a personal way as well as of course a scientific achievement that Fred really brought to the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00061-00035226-00035757 whole field. He was a great mentor and guide as well as tremendous scientist. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00062-00035757-00036249 Yes, after a year George Brownlee was already actually about to leave the LMB and set up JY2Q4UVnbwI-00063-00036249-00036890 at the Dunn School of Pathology in Oxford so my PhD got transferred to an Oxford [unintelligible]. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00064-00036890-00037509 And four of us including George was a small nuclear group that moved across from the LNB JY2Q4UVnbwI-00065-00037509-00038253 to Oxford and we set up the lab and that was a remarkable experience. Very enjoyable. We JY2Q4UVnbwI-00066-00038253-00038774 really had to do everything including borrowing equipment and driving it over to Oxford to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00067-00038774-00039256 set up the lab and the LNB were very helpful and supportive of George and setting up. So JY2Q4UVnbwI-00068-00039256-00039888 we had a chance to really just set up a lab from empty to doing the first Sanger Dideoxy JY2Q4UVnbwI-00069-00039888-00040508 sequences in the Oxford lab some two months later which was a sign of success of the transfer JY2Q4UVnbwI-00070-00040508-00041087 that we were able to transfer what at the time was a fairly sensitive protocol -- fairly JY2Q4UVnbwI-00071-00041087-00041871 complex protocol. But it was a great time, yeah. That was actually the same time that JY2Q4UVnbwI-00072-00041871-00042353 Fred Sanger was awarded his Nobel Prize and it was a very curious moment. I was actually JY2Q4UVnbwI-00073-00042353-00042841 driving back from Oxford to Cambridge on the day. And I heard the news on the radio. Fred JY2Q4UVnbwI-00074-00042841-00043713 had just been awarded a Nobel Prize for sequencing so this was along with Maxam-Gilbert as well. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00075-00043713-00044278 And I got to the LMB and I couldn’t believe it because the lab was completely empty. I JY2Q4UVnbwI-00076-00044278-00044762 almost thought it’s not a weekend, what’s happening here? The lab was completely empty. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00077-00044762-00045241 Nobody was in any of the floors of the laboratory. I thought this was strange. And of course, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00078-00045241-00045762 sure enough, they were all crammed into the canteen up on the fourth floor and rumor has JY2Q4UVnbwI-00079-00045762-00046258 it that [unintelligible] two others had bought up the entire champagne supply from Cambridge JY2Q4UVnbwI-00080-00046258-00046916 and it was being busily used to celebrate Fred’s second Nobel Prize. It was a wonderful JY2Q4UVnbwI-00081-00046916-00047193 moment. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00082-00047193-00047666 So the work in the Dunn school of pathology certainly went back a long way but I think JY2Q4UVnbwI-00083-00047666-00048280 covered many areas of cell biology in particular Henry Harris the director at the time had JY2Q4UVnbwI-00084-00048280-00048858 put a great contribution of cell biology to it. And so in that sense there was a breadth JY2Q4UVnbwI-00085-00048858-00049530 of research going on in the Dunn School. And like many things, I think in molecular biology JY2Q4UVnbwI-00086-00049530-00049987 you come along with a technology and the question is how it will have an impact on the environment JY2Q4UVnbwI-00087-00049987-00050592 around you. George in particular interacted not just with the Dunn School but with the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00088-00050592-00051259 other departments close by as well. Biochemistry in particular. And set up collaborations where JY2Q4UVnbwI-00089-00051259-00051841 we were -- we had the chance to see how the molecular biology, the techniques, so cloning JY2Q4UVnbwI-00090-00051841-00052466 as well as sequencing of course was a predominant technology at the time and it had enormous JY2Q4UVnbwI-00091-00052466-00052992 universal applicability to many research problems so there were great collaborations being set JY2Q4UVnbwI-00092-00052992-00053521 up. One of the very prominent partnerships which George formed was actually with the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00093-00053521-00054136 then professor of biochemistry, it was Rodney Porter. And who—cause he ran a tremendous JY2Q4UVnbwI-00094-00054136-00054778 protein chemistry lab and so there was a tremendous discipline and trying to understand proteins JY2Q4UVnbwI-00095-00054778-00055234 and characterize proteins through purifying them and characterizing them at the peptide JY2Q4UVnbwI-00096-00055234-00055790 level had been all the rage. But it was getting more and more difficult because the proteins JY2Q4UVnbwI-00097-00055790-00056244 that remained to be discovered of course were in much smaller amounts, vanishingly small JY2Q4UVnbwI-00098-00056244-00056816 amounts difficult to purify, difficult to know if you’d purified the right thing. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00099-00056816-00057448 And so to the protein chemistry lab the excitement of extending the characterization of the proteins JY2Q4UVnbwI-00100-00057448-00057908 involved in immunochemistry -- which is Rodney Porter’s particular interest, the compliment JY2Q4UVnbwI-00101-00057908-00058652 proteins -- suddenly became a ripe target for molecular biology to lend a hand and to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00102-00058652-00059221 start to find another ways of searching through the nucleic acid based approach to find these JY2Q4UVnbwI-00103-00059221-00059895 elusive genes or messenger RNAs. And that spawned the whole field in Oxford of eukaryotic JY2Q4UVnbwI-00104-00059895-00060532 molecular genetics, human molecular genetics through George’s lab. George then attracted JY2Q4UVnbwI-00105-00060532-00061280 a number of visitors who were very influential, particularly people who were involved in hemophilia, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00106-00061280-00061875 hemophilia b. And so George embarked on a pretty extensive program to clone the Factor JY2Q4UVnbwI-00107-00061875-00062803 9 gene and that was a successful approach and others after it. And on the back of that JY2Q4UVnbwI-00108-00062803-00063379 experience, that pioneering experience of how to get a gene cloned from a little bit JY2Q4UVnbwI-00109-00063379-00063836 of protein information. It was something which was replicated time and time again and so JY2Q4UVnbwI-00110-00063836-00064346 that was the basis for much of the characterization of the compliment proteins a few years after JY2Q4UVnbwI-00111-00064346-00064955 that. Or perhaps only a year after that. And so I was working then. I transferred then JY2Q4UVnbwI-00112-00064955-00065521 from George’s lab at the end of my [unintelligible] to work directly with Rodney Porter and to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00113-00065521-00066278 continue that gradual dissemination of the molecular biology techniques from one department JY2Q4UVnbwI-00114-00066278-00066823 to another. To the biochemistry department and the Dunn’s School tremendous access JY2Q4UVnbwI-00115-00066823-00067429 of collaboration in Oxford, something which I enjoyed for a number of years. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00116-00067429-00067676 So I guess I should put a couple of things together. I’ll say one more thing about JY2Q4UVnbwI-00117-00067676-00068156 George and Rod in the contrast which is a fascinating one. Because I mentioned already JY2Q4UVnbwI-00118-00068156-00068945 George was very much innovative, tried to do something different. Rodney actually was JY2Q4UVnbwI-00119-00068945-00069429 almost on the other -- on the other extreme. Rodney believed in doing the obvious. If there JY2Q4UVnbwI-00120-00069429-00069941 was a job to do you should get it done and you should not hesitate. You should not try JY2Q4UVnbwI-00121-00069941-00070574 to think of the less obvious experiment but you just march over the ground and characterize JY2Q4UVnbwI-00122-00070574-00071209 things. And we did. We hit a seam with molecular genetics, human genes, and we did a great JY2Q4UVnbwI-00123-00071209-00071680 deal. It taught a great deal about the productivity that you could actually engender by developing JY2Q4UVnbwI-00124-00071680-00072224 a field and really working with it and expanding the applications and collaborating more and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00125-00072224-00072820 more widely. And that was an interesting contrast in the style of work to George. Both are incredibly JY2Q4UVnbwI-00126-00072820-00073491 valuable, incredibly valuable training. It was still in George’s lab both before and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00127-00073491-00074456 after I had moved. Not only some of the key people involved in hemophilia and one or two JY2Q4UVnbwI-00128-00074456-00075241 other medical, genetic subjects but in particular there were two people who both joined George JY2Q4UVnbwI-00129-00075241-00076422 on sabbatical for a year in George’s lab. One was Ted Freedman from UCSD who was very JY2Q4UVnbwI-00130-00076422-00076677 interested in gene therapy and he’d known George for a long time I think. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00131-00076677-00077481 And Ted was a wonderful mentor, really great guy to have around and really took some time JY2Q4UVnbwI-00132-00077481-00078046 with us to teach us something of what he thought about where things were going. The other was JY2Q4UVnbwI-00133-00078046-00078627 Francesco Giannelli, a hematologist from Guy’s Hospital in London and he was my next boss JY2Q4UVnbwI-00134-00078627-00079179 though I didn’t know it at the time. And he in particular, both of them actually collaborated JY2Q4UVnbwI-00135-00079179-00079659 very closely with the lady who then became my wife. So I met my wife in the same laboratory JY2Q4UVnbwI-00136-00079659-00080273 as well. And my wife was also working on hemophilia B. And so together there were projects that JY2Q4UVnbwI-00137-00080273-00081226 increasingly became relevant to patients and the move from the appetite to find the gene JY2Q4UVnbwI-00138-00081226-00081682 through knowledge of the protein moved to now we have the gene. Now we can really get JY2Q4UVnbwI-00139-00081682-00082416 access to the genetics. And of course, the genetics really involved this is a means to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00140-00082416-00083139 identify mutations and conditions and that’s where really George and Francesco in particular JY2Q4UVnbwI-00141-00083139-00084102 with others. Charles Ritzer in Oxford and set up the suggestion they would collect DNA JY2Q4UVnbwI-00142-00084102-00084685 samples from hemophilia patients and actually characterize them at the DNA level to search JY2Q4UVnbwI-00143-00084685-00085300 for mutations which were involved in the cause of hemophilia B. And that was really for me, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00144-00085300-00085863 that began to -- it began to open my eyes to some of this, the medical aspects of it. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00145-00085863-00086652 Because Francesco was a hematologist he worked in a pediatric research unit in Guy’s Hospital. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00146-00086652-00087105 Certainly when I got talking to him rather more it became rather more obvious that this JY2Q4UVnbwI-00147-00087105-00087640 was a whole new direction of research to go in. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00148-00087640-00088547 Well, yeah, the human genome project -- not by name for three or four years more I think. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00149-00088547-00089370 I guess I heard about it when I’d already moved to Guy’s. 1986 was a very important JY2Q4UVnbwI-00150-00089370-00089938 year for me when really I began to hear more discussions about the human genome project. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00151-00089938-00090788 But the concept of mapping and characterizing human chromosomes was actually rather earlier. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00152-00090788-00091502 And in looking back just recently I’ve reckoned a few times there was a project way back during JY2Q4UVnbwI-00153-00091502-00092415 my first post doc with Rod Porter where we actually mapped four of the compliment class JY2Q4UVnbwI-00154-00092415-00092933 three genes together in a small contig but at the time it was a huge effort to assemble JY2Q4UVnbwI-00155-00092933-00093559 a small contig of four cosmids that overlapped, that were shown to overlap and they identified JY2Q4UVnbwI-00156-00093559-00094239 this cluster of four genes. And that was the nature of physically mapping out in cloned JY2Q4UVnbwI-00157-00094239-00095152 DNA to try to replicate or reproduce the pattern of the genes as they actually sat in the chromosome. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00158-00095152-00095769 And this for me was really -- it was something you could almost feel physically. It was actually JY2Q4UVnbwI-00159-00095769-00096298 characterizing something that you could definitely prove to be right. Interestingly it was never JY2Q4UVnbwI-00160-00096298-00096792 the complete picture. There was always more to discover. But that was my first contribution JY2Q4UVnbwI-00161-00096792-00097343 to rather rapid coming together of a contig of clones to map genes to begin to understand JY2Q4UVnbwI-00162-00097343-00097962 something which really nobody had had a concept of distance along a chromosome before. And JY2Q4UVnbwI-00163-00097962-00098389 from that -- this is where Ted Freedman and Francesco Giannelli and George all come in. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00164-00098389-00098973 And again, they started from sitting on the Factor 9 gene and actually the Factor 8 gene JY2Q4UVnbwI-00165-00098973-00099714 next to it which George was involved in for a while, to actually again, asking the question JY2Q4UVnbwI-00166-00099714-00100433 well, could we link up genes on the X chromosome? Of course the X chromosome was particularly JY2Q4UVnbwI-00167-00100433-00100846 an exciting chromosome because of all the diseases that were known to be associated JY2Q4UVnbwI-00168-00100846-00101351 with the X chromosome. The homozygous nature of the male really immediately manifested JY2Q4UVnbwI-00169-00101351-00101989 -- in males recessive conditions immediately manifested themselves. So hemophilia B and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00170-00101989-00102683 hemophilia A were only two of many X-linked diseases. So, suddenly the idea of taking JY2Q4UVnbwI-00171-00102683-00103272 this whole concept of mapping rather further linking genes up and then perhaps being able JY2Q4UVnbwI-00172-00103272-00103815 to search in the material in between and to really begin to capitulate the linear nature JY2Q4UVnbwI-00173-00103815-00104580 of DNA and its ability to code along an entire chromosome and to start a map back the concept JY2Q4UVnbwI-00174-00104580-00105253 of linkage at the molecular level. This was my exciting year at school all over again. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00175-00105253-00105811 The ability to start characterizing the unknown marching through it. But Rodney Porter had JY2Q4UVnbwI-00176-00105811-00106504 taught me don’t think too hard about it, just do it. And that was an exciting moment. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00177-00106504-00106969 So that was really where the idea of mapping genes and looking, really taking advantage JY2Q4UVnbwI-00178-00106969-00107608 of the linear continuity of DNA and walking along the chromosomes in some fashion took JY2Q4UVnbwI-00179-00107608-00108311 root. So this I think was somewhat before the human genome project was properly defined JY2Q4UVnbwI-00180-00108311-00108700 but nevertheless, the concept was there and I’m sure many people around the world were JY2Q4UVnbwI-00181-00108700-00109178 having experiences like this. And so when the concept of the human genome project was JY2Q4UVnbwI-00182-00109178-00109580 vocalized, formalized it made a lot of sense. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00183-00109580-00110118 The geneticists were branding people with particular qualities which I’m sure that JY2Q4UVnbwI-00184-00110118-00110628 it’s not really true. But if an individual let’s say has been working on the genetics JY2Q4UVnbwI-00185-00110628-00111184 of a particular disease which involves a particular gene then that’s one thing and they rapidly JY2Q4UVnbwI-00186-00111184-00111658 go down the medical route of understanding, seeking to characterize the genetics of the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00187-00111658-00112172 disease. But when you broaden the field to applying the concept to what you know a lot JY2Q4UVnbwI-00188-00112172-00112802 about in terms of aging and a disease and the mutations that may cause it you recognize JY2Q4UVnbwI-00189-00112802-00113236 instantly that that can be applied to any genetic disease and probably many we don’t JY2Q4UVnbwI-00190-00113236-00114122 even know are genetic. It becomes a universal principle. And that’s where genomics actually JY2Q4UVnbwI-00191-00114122-00114654 helps. So genomics is not there to steal the genetics from the geneticists. Genomics is JY2Q4UVnbwI-00192-00114654-00115283 there to really help and support and make genetics much more accessible to many more JY2Q4UVnbwI-00193-00115283-00116197 diseases, many more patients, and to provide a much more streamlined process for characterizing JY2Q4UVnbwI-00194-00116197-00116751 the molecular genetics of disease. So I wouldn’t claim to be doing genomes before the human JY2Q4UVnbwI-00195-00116751-00117253 genome project. The human genome project was a wonderful description of the concepts, the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00196-00117253-00118150 isolated events, the examples which I had seen and suddenly it came together. Another JY2Q4UVnbwI-00197-00118150-00118756 very important element in all this which also -- on the one hand there’s the human genetics JY2Q4UVnbwI-00198-00118756-00119317 that makes the interest and the utility of the human genome sequence so important. The JY2Q4UVnbwI-00199-00119317-00119798 promise of the human genome project is that it will help and revolutionize genetics and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00200-00119798-00120460 medicine. But it was also the work on other genomes that was more advanced that wasn’t JY2Q4UVnbwI-00201-00120460-00121251 motivated by human genetics but it was nevertheless motivated by the same idea of characterizing JY2Q4UVnbwI-00202-00121251-00121882 a complete organism at the genetic level and here particularly, and I will pick out the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00203-00121882-00122486 nematode worm because that’s one. I didn’t really know John from when I was at the LMB JY2Q4UVnbwI-00204-00122486-00123026 but I did get to know John when I -- shortly after I arrived in London. And I was just JY2Q4UVnbwI-00205-00123026-00123582 beginning to absorb the genetics of X-linked disease at Guy’s Hospital and become immersed JY2Q4UVnbwI-00206-00123582-00124323 in that. But I was also there actually on purpose to do research on areas that could JY2Q4UVnbwI-00207-00124323-00124908 not be funded from other sources. That was the terms of the generation trust, a private JY2Q4UVnbwI-00208-00124908-00125545 trust fund which was funding my research and so that’s where chromosome mapping was really JY2Q4UVnbwI-00209-00125545-00126458 one of the things we tried to get our teeth into back in 1985 I guess this was. And I JY2Q4UVnbwI-00210-00126458-00127213 went along to a London molecular biology club seminar and there were three talks at it. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00211-00127213-00127826 Bob [unintelligible], John Sulston, and Peter Little. And they all talked about the same JY2Q4UVnbwI-00212-00127826-00128486 thing in the sense that they talked about establishing contigs of clones that represented JY2Q4UVnbwI-00213-00128486-00129130 different organisms. John of course in particular was talking about the worm genome and their JY2Q4UVnbwI-00214-00129130-00129631 work and beginning to assemble contigs of clones to characterize the complete genome. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00215-00129631-00130218 And I’m sure I don’t know this, but I anticipate anyway, that John’s interest JY2Q4UVnbwI-00216-00130218-00130811 was always to characterize everything about a living system. John heard previously and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00217-00130811-00131286 he told me on more than one occasion the happiest time of his life was sitting in a tiny room JY2Q4UVnbwI-00218-00131286-00131801 with a microscope at one end actually staring all day and mapping out the lineage of cells JY2Q4UVnbwI-00219-00131801-00132298 in the nematode. And of course he eventually, I believe established the complete lineage JY2Q4UVnbwI-00220-00132298-00132858 of cells in the nematode as well as discovering phenomena like [unintelligible] and programmed JY2Q4UVnbwI-00221-00132858-00133472 cell death as it was originally I think coined, the term is coined. But again, the idea that JY2Q4UVnbwI-00222-00133472-00133950 we -- I’ve done that, so the next thing I do I’m also going to have an appetite JY2Q4UVnbwI-00223-00133950-00134459 to try to cover the whole thing. And that was clearly behind John’s motivation and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00224-00134459-00134894 I loved that. The idea of doing the whole thing, getting the whole job done. Doesn’t JY2Q4UVnbwI-00225-00134894-00135385 matter how long it takes, maybe a lot of marching but march through and do it and don’t stop JY2Q4UVnbwI-00226-00135385-00135923 until you’ve done it. And one of the other important influences is Maynard. Maynard Olson. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00227-00135923-00136685 I met Maynard again fairly early on in my time at Guy’s. And there are two or three JY2Q4UVnbwI-00228-00136685-00137337 threads where I met Maynard but this particular one is when he came to Guy’s hospital to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00229-00137337-00137986 a course, a Wellcome trust advanced genomics? No, advanced genetics course. I can’t remember JY2Q4UVnbwI-00230-00137986-00138561 the name of it now. Wellcome trust advanced courses anyway. This particular one three JY2Q4UVnbwI-00231-00138561-00139454 of us were teaching genomics, the technology to various people that were very keen to start. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00232-00139454-00140285 Maynard was one of the keynote seminar speakers. And after the talk we ended up drinking beer JY2Q4UVnbwI-00233-00140285-00140949 in Guy’s Hospital somewhere in one of the older parts of the hospital. And he said in JY2Q4UVnbwI-00234-00140949-00141400 his view that the yeast mapping project which had been going on in parallel to the nematode-mapping JY2Q4UVnbwI-00235-00141400-00141792 project -- Maynard and John knew each other very well -- he regarded it as a failure. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00236-00141792-00142457 And I said, why on earth do you think it’s a failure? Maynard said, well, there are six JY2Q4UVnbwI-00237-00142457-00143021 gaps or however many there were. The idea was to get continuity and I couldn’t close JY2Q4UVnbwI-00238-00143021-00143470 the gaps. I hadn’t closed the gaps. He was missing stuff. And it was a bit like, it was JY2Q4UVnbwI-00239-00143470-00143916 very like the approach that John Sulston was taking to looking at the whole problem and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00240-00143916-00144528 until you’ve done it you haven’t succeeded. But Maynard was rather more purist about it. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00241-00144528-00145304 And I said to Maynard at the time, well, I don’t agree with you. Maybe the job isn’t JY2Q4UVnbwI-00242-00145304-00145719 finished in terms of continuity but look at all the stuff you have done. Look at the value JY2Q4UVnbwI-00243-00145719-00146327 that’s in the 99 or so percent that you’ve got. And I think I said at that moment, if JY2Q4UVnbwI-00244-00146327-00146892 I had a human genome that had a few gaps in it I’d still be pretty happy with the outcome. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00245-00146892-00147336 And Maynard thought about it and I don’t think he necessarily commented on that much. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00246-00147336-00147872 But, clearly it was an interesting concept and a very good one to try to motivate to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00247-00147872-00148558 get complete continuity not to stop. And of course, these genome -- the worm genome and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00248-00148558-00148946 the human genome in particular -- still has gaps. There’s no question. And those gaps JY2Q4UVnbwI-00249-00148946-00149641 become a point of debate both of the ones in the achromatic sequence, the odd percent, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00250-00149641-00150252 what’s one percent? Well, actually, that’s 100th of all the genes maybe. And then of JY2Q4UVnbwI-00251-00150252-00150789 course, we don’t necessarily usually refer to the heterochromatic regions and those things JY2Q4UVnbwI-00252-00150789-00151665 which are almost completely uncharacterized. So, completeness is certainly a relative term JY2Q4UVnbwI-00253-00151665-00152157 and so the concept of Maynard and John striving hard to really get the job done and completed JY2Q4UVnbwI-00254-00152157-00152777 was an important one and probably drove both my understanding of just how determined you JY2Q4UVnbwI-00255-00152777-00153468 have to be, how much you have to slog through and how much you have to be looking very hard JY2Q4UVnbwI-00256-00153468-00154295 at methods that seek to achieve the goal but don’t actually look encouraging when you JY2Q4UVnbwI-00257-00154295-00154841 look at them close up. There are methods that were published that really were claiming long JY2Q4UVnbwI-00258-00154841-00155315 range continuity but there were shortcomings and you have to look very hard and critically JY2Q4UVnbwI-00259-00155315-00156085 -- self-critically often to actually try to adhere to the concept of doing a really good JY2Q4UVnbwI-00260-00156085-00156804 job. And ultimately faithfully representing a piece of DNA in its entirety in some immortalized JY2Q4UVnbwI-00261-00156804-00157465 form whether cloned, biologically or ultimately of course sequenced and stored as information. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00262-00157465-00158324 Maynard’s a great thinker and a great communicator and he thinks both very clearly not too much JY2Q4UVnbwI-00263-00158324-00158792 in the detail but he will certainly try to see right through a problem from basic principles JY2Q4UVnbwI-00264-00158792-00159279 and I think try to create something I think very individually, create something almost JY2Q4UVnbwI-00265-00159279-00160004 from scratch. He will not spend too much time basing his own ideas on other people’s theories JY2Q4UVnbwI-00266-00160004-00160454 necessarily. He really will certainly question other background information, other theories JY2Q4UVnbwI-00267-00160454-00160878 and really build something from scratch and I think there’s a purity in there and a JY2Q4UVnbwI-00268-00160878-00161410 clarity which is tremendous. He’s also a great communicator because he will evolve JY2Q4UVnbwI-00269-00161410-00162316 a whole theory, strategy, whatever almost without pause. You can sit and listen for JY2Q4UVnbwI-00270-00162316-00162880 20 minutes and you learn a huge amount and he never really deviates from the subject JY2Q4UVnbwI-00271-00162880-00163641 in hand. And it’s clear that he just has absorbed a huge amount of background and perspective JY2Q4UVnbwI-00272-00163641-00164166 to enable him to see clearly and to concentrate on the important things in his mind and I JY2Q4UVnbwI-00273-00164166-00164940 think I agree with pretty much everything he thought about. And it’s a tremendous JY2Q4UVnbwI-00274-00164940-00165534 synergy that I felt or respect for his approach. Because I fell into his way of thinking quite JY2Q4UVnbwI-00275-00165534-00166006 easily. It was easy to follow the thread. There was a strong thread there, there was JY2Q4UVnbwI-00276-00166006-00166966 logic and it was -- it was I say very easy to follow Maynard’s thinking. Also great JY2Q4UVnbwI-00277-00166966-00167797 philosopher particularly on the science. If you’ve seen Maynard quite often I think JY2Q4UVnbwI-00278-00167797-00168369 gets given the task of summing up an entire conference. And he goes around getting opinions JY2Q4UVnbwI-00279-00168369-00168875 from everybody and just in three days he not only manages to absorb all this new information JY2Q4UVnbwI-00280-00168875-00169334 that’s coming out at a conference in a very concentrated fashion but to somehow distill JY2Q4UVnbwI-00281-00169334-00169835 it down into some very clear messages and some very strong messages and to communicate JY2Q4UVnbwI-00282-00169835-00170430 them at the end of the conference. And that’s a remarkable capability. He’s also very JY2Q4UVnbwI-00283-00170430-00171020 hard to put off. Because on one occasion when I think he was doing the summing up, I think JY2Q4UVnbwI-00284-00171020-00171723 it was a conference that Eric and I were organizing, but actually the lights went out in the middle JY2Q4UVnbwI-00285-00171723-00172123 of Maynard’s summing up. And apart from a quick quip and a pausing he simply carried JY2Q4UVnbwI-00286-00172123-00172770 on. And the clarity and the drive to get to the end of his point was absolutely crystal JY2Q4UVnbwI-00287-00172770-00173066 clear. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00288-00173066-00173634 In the years just coming up to the Sanger Centre I -- I was following John Sulston’s JY2Q4UVnbwI-00289-00173634-00174261 work quite closely on the nematode worm. I’m very attracted by the global view of trying JY2Q4UVnbwI-00290-00174261-00174668 to do a complete job on the nematode work molecular level. The mapping level this was, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00291-00174668-00175335 this was before sequencing. And I did actually meet John a few times and shared what I was JY2Q4UVnbwI-00292-00175335-00175975 try8ing to do with human DNA. And I was trying to really apply a lot of the technology and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00293-00175975-00176625 lessons learned from the worm to mapping human chromosomes and we went further. We actually JY2Q4UVnbwI-00294-00176625-00177267 collaborated to start using C. elegans software tools, HTB in particular is when I met Richard JY2Q4UVnbwI-00295-00177267-00177872 Durbin. And so quite along contacts were formed with John and John was very aware of what JY2Q4UVnbwI-00296-00177872-00178354 I was working on. Sometime later he actually -- when I actually published a paper on a JY2Q4UVnbwI-00297-00178354-00178967 very small piece of the X chromosome that I managed to map both in yaks and in cosmids JY2Q4UVnbwI-00298-00178967-00179829 done by a student of mine, Jill Holland. And he actually confessed after that he was very JY2Q4UVnbwI-00299-00179829-00180283 surprised when we got it to work. He didn’t think we’d get it to work because of all JY2Q4UVnbwI-00300-00180283-00180772 the repeats in the human genome that prevented this from hybridizing from one level of the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00301-00180772-00181275 genome to one level of the reagents to another. And I don’t know how much that counted but JY2Q4UVnbwI-00302-00181275-00181659 we did manage to get a great deal to work. We used his finger printing techniques. We JY2Q4UVnbwI-00303-00181659-00182497 used his filter based hybridization strategy and employed it all on human chromosomes. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00304-00182497-00183285 On the X and on 22. And clearly we’d been working quite closely with Richard Durbin. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00305-00183285-00184080 I can’t quite remember when it was 1991, maybe 1990. And as it turns out this was sort JY2Q4UVnbwI-00306-00184080-00184742 of about the time when the whole -- the beginnings, the early foundations, or perhaps the seeds JY2Q4UVnbwI-00307-00184742-00185391 of the Sanger Centre were sown and the idea that both John and Bob -- Bob [unintelligible] JY2Q4UVnbwI-00308-00185391-00185936 needed to be given a foundation, a more secure foundation to work on the worm and on the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00309-00185936-00186697 sequencing of the worm genome. And so, there was a remarkable moment when actually -- we JY2Q4UVnbwI-00310-00186697-00187291 actually, we were hosting a visitor in Guy’s Hospital at the time in my department, Kay JY2Q4UVnbwI-00311-00187291-00187998 Davies who was being hosted by Martin Bobrown, the head of the department. And happened to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00312-00187998-00188817 be in Francesco Giannelli’s office where I was as well and so we were talking and the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00313-00188817-00189219 phone went. And Francesco picked up the phone and then passed on the call to me because JY2Q4UVnbwI-00314-00189219-00189904 it was for me. And it was John Sulston. And I wasn’t really expecting a call from john. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00315-00189904-00190419 And John said, “Oh hello, David. How are you? You’re well? Yes?” And he said, “I’ll JY2Q4UVnbwI-00316-00190419-00190713 come straight to the point.” He said, “How would you like to come to Cambridge and join JY2Q4UVnbwI-00317-00190713-00191594 me in setting up an institute?” And I froze because I felt that well, Kay and Martin and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00318-00191594-00192113 Francesco surely had heard the entire conversation going on. But it was a remarkable phone call JY2Q4UVnbwI-00319-00192113-00192596 and we realized it was another time would be better to talk. But that was the beginning. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00320-00192596-00193259 Certainly of course, when something like that happens you suddenly feel the whole landscape JY2Q4UVnbwI-00321-00193259-00193842 change. And of course the mind starts to work very fast on what the opportunity might be. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00322-00193842-00194752 It just changes all the conceptions, the previous conceptions and previous thoughts. And a very JY2Q4UVnbwI-00323-00194752-00195415 stimulating time. I was very happy at Guy’s. I was doing a great deal with human genetics JY2Q4UVnbwI-00324-00195415-00195952 at this point. But clearly this was another opportunity. Perhaps a difficult decision JY2Q4UVnbwI-00325-00195952-00196400 but clearly as time went on, a relatively short space of time, it was clear this was JY2Q4UVnbwI-00326-00196400-00196919 a very big opportunity. And an opportunity to really get much more involved in a very JY2Q4UVnbwI-00327-00196919-00197683 new venture which really drew together many of the early experiences that I had. And so JY2Q4UVnbwI-00328-00197683-00198450 I think it was less than a year later the Sanger Centre grant was awarded and I moved JY2Q4UVnbwI-00329-00198450-00199004 some six, nine months after that to set up a group and to bring some people with me from JY2Q4UVnbwI-00330-00199004-00199515 Guy’s who had been working on the X chromosome and chromosome 22. And that was the basis JY2Q4UVnbwI-00331-00199515-00200213 for the human genome component of the Sanger program. So that’s how we really got into JY2Q4UVnbwI-00332-00200213-00200772 the project. And I should say as much of the pilot studies we’d done at Guy’s were JY2Q4UVnbwI-00333-00200772-00201523 funded by the MRC who set up an HGMP, a ring fenced program for funding small projects. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00334-00201523-00201949 But it was clear that if this job was going to be done, it needed a whole different scale JY2Q4UVnbwI-00335-00201949-00202460 of investment. And I think both the MRC and the Wellcome Trust both worked together to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00336-00202460-00203026 make that happen and to create the Sanger Centre. So at that point I think I was at JY2Q4UVnbwI-00337-00203026-00203797 least involved in genome projects. When the Sanger was first set up it was actually set JY2Q4UVnbwI-00338-00203797-00204549 up to support John to sequence the worm and Bob [unintelligible] in fact to sequence yeast. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00339-00204549-00205046 And I think it was more a question and to work out how to tackle the human genome. What JY2Q4UVnbwI-00340-00205046-00206061 to do, how to contribute to the human genome. And it was, I think almost every year after JY2Q4UVnbwI-00341-00206061-00206526 that there were ongoing discussions with the Wellcome Trust and proposals to continue and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00342-00206526-00206971 extend the program and to really start working on the human genome. And I guess it was probably JY2Q4UVnbwI-00343-00206971-00207682 about a year after that that we went for additional funding. And indeed, the Wellcome trust agreed JY2Q4UVnbwI-00344-00207682-00208262 that it was time to do more directly -- more direct work on actually working out how to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00345-00208262-00208746 and actually starting on sequencing the human genome. And that was when chromosome 22 and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00346-00208746-00209142 the X chromosome had been going on for several years before it and they’d come up from JY2Q4UVnbwI-00347-00209142-00209908 Guy’s. Became the center of the human genome program along with a piece of chromosome four JY2Q4UVnbwI-00348-00209908-00210244 if I recall which had the [unintelligible] disease lockers in it somewhere though it JY2Q4UVnbwI-00349-00210244-00210367 hadn’t been found before. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00350-00210367-00210909 I think there was no limitation in will. There was very definitely a will to do it, so I JY2Q4UVnbwI-00351-00210909-00211497 think the two major limitations were probably -- it was resource-limited. It was funding-limited, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00352-00211497-00212071 although the Wellcome Trust are being very generous, and I think there was still a general JY2Q4UVnbwI-00353-00212071-00212632 sense of caution, that actually it wasn’t unanimously necessarily the right thing to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00354-00212632-00212991 do, or to do it this way, or was it going to cost too much. I think there was still JY2Q4UVnbwI-00355-00212991-00213549 some debate about should we be waiting for new technology, or perhaps the debate had JY2Q4UVnbwI-00356-00213549-00214021 happened and we’d moved on, but of course not everybody had necessarily really satisfied JY2Q4UVnbwI-00357-00214021-00214521 themselves that the technology was ready, and I think there were technology gaps. Clearly, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00358-00214521-00214969 sequencing was the technology that was chosen, and that lasted, stood the test of time for JY2Q4UVnbwI-00359-00214969-00215735 entire human genome, but there were gaps. I think YACs kind of came and went. They weren’t JY2Q4UVnbwI-00360-00215735-00216365 sufficiently stable to actually contain a faithful copy of the DNA within them, although JY2Q4UVnbwI-00361-00216365-00217078 they were quite good for a long-range continuity. Cosmids were too small; perhaps some level JY2Q4UVnbwI-00362-00217078-00217616 of bias. So one of the important gaps that was then filled was the PAC and the BAC system. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00363-00217616-00218146 That was missing at the beginning of the program and that was an important transition, filled JY2Q4UVnbwI-00364-00218146-00218814 a really important gap. I think one of the other technology gaps was actually a framework JY2Q4UVnbwI-00365-00218814-00219652 to independently verify, demonstrate, and even create the higher level order of contigs JY2Q4UVnbwI-00366-00219652-00220311 along a chromosome, and this where both first [unintelligible] genetic map, and certainly JY2Q4UVnbwI-00367-00220311-00220929 in the U.K., the eyes were on the European initiative in France in the [unintelligible] JY2Q4UVnbwI-00368-00220929-00221365 laboratories in Généthon [spelled phonetically] where Jean Weissenbach, of course, created JY2Q4UVnbwI-00369-00221365-00222082 a microsatellite based map, very elegant piece of work that really provided a level of continuity, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00370-00222082-00222705 albeit the points were somewhat far apart, followed relatively quickly by the radiation JY2Q4UVnbwI-00371-00222705-00223478 hybrid mapping, which was a very exciting time indeed, where we actually went from being JY2Q4UVnbwI-00372-00223478-00223967 -- having a system that could not only make use of non-polymorphic markers, and many more JY2Q4UVnbwI-00373-00223967-00224432 of them, and achieve higher densities, but they also could integrate the Généthon markers JY2Q4UVnbwI-00374-00224432-00225091 as well because it was all PCR-based. It was all STSs, a concept that Maynard and his colleagues JY2Q4UVnbwI-00375-00225091-00226360 had advanced, and suddenly automating very high throughput PCR reactions to map out JY2Q4UVnbwI-00376-00226360-00226814 a set of markers much higher density than the genetic map. That really provided the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00377-00226814-00227479 density of markers needed along a chromosome to allow the clones to then take over, and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00378-00227479-00228003 we no longer needed YACs to provide the continuity; the distances could be filled with PACs and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00379-00228003-00228580 BACs. And of course John Sulston’s fingerprinting method which still really enables us to link JY2Q4UVnbwI-00380-00228580-00229298 clones together. So we now suddenly had two approaches, orthogonal approaches, to create JY2Q4UVnbwI-00381-00229298-00229851 the continuity that was so important. There was the fingerprinting of the PACs and the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00382-00229851-00230335 BACs to provide the continuity, but there was also the reference points from all the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00383-00230335-00231181 STSs anchor points to actually identify individual clones underneath those markers, and if we JY2Q4UVnbwI-00384-00231181-00231624 needed more markers we could now do them. We could generate more markers, do more PCRs, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00385-00231624-00232217 and actually add markers to the same map, and that integration, that very close integration JY2Q4UVnbwI-00386-00232217-00232817 between the genetic, the radiation hybrid, and the clone maps, was a very important area, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00387-00232817-00233561 two technology gaps filled in fairly quick succession by the pioneering efforts of laboratories JY2Q4UVnbwI-00388-00233561-00234144 around the world. Radiation hybrid map famously brought together the David Cox lab and Peter JY2Q4UVnbwI-00389-00234144-00234644 Goodfellow’s background, and of course the concept actually came, in part at least, from JY2Q4UVnbwI-00390-00234644-00235094 Henry Harris in the Dunn School of Pathology some years earlier in constructing these mouse-human JY2Q4UVnbwI-00391-00235094-00235746 hybrids that became the reagents that underpinned the radiation hybrid map. So those technology JY2Q4UVnbwI-00392-00235746-00236373 gaps were important to fill; they led to very constructive international collaborations. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00393-00236373-00236826 We were exploring how to collaborate, meeting the whole community through these efforts, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00394-00236826-00237721 and that, I think, quite quickly really stimulated the funding agencies, probably, to do more JY2Q4UVnbwI-00395-00237721-00238191 and to consider that there was really -- there was a coherent approach that was very step JY2Q4UVnbwI-00396-00238191-00238691 by step. The Human Genome Project must be the most step-by-step hierarchical study of JY2Q4UVnbwI-00397-00238691-00239246 any genome, I think, that’s ever been done, but that was partly because we were working JY2Q4UVnbwI-00398-00239246-00239685 every step out at -- one after the other, rather sequentially. We were relying on different JY2Q4UVnbwI-00399-00239685-00240492 techniques to try to tackle a very large problem, and also I think the community in general, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00400-00240492-00240967 and perhaps the funding agencies in particular, needed to see those levels of evidence, the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00401-00240967-00241592 levels of proof, the levels of being able to obtain completion at different levels of JY2Q4UVnbwI-00402-00241592-00242184 resolution to be confident of moving on to the next level, and I think that was a fairly JY2Q4UVnbwI-00403-00242184-00242735 compelling element of the project that enabled us quite quickly to move through the barriers, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00404-00242735-00243064 and to confidently expand the program. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00405-00243064-00243625 Clearly, the sequencing technology in multiple labs and within the Sanger certainly -- John JY2Q4UVnbwI-00406-00243625-00244270 himself and Jane Rogers took a very personal interest in putting the technology providers JY2Q4UVnbwI-00407-00244270-00244894 through their paces. But the sequencing was really coming on apace, I think, although JY2Q4UVnbwI-00408-00244894-00245408 it looked a little shaky to start with, the automation of the -- to get fluorescent detection JY2Q4UVnbwI-00409-00245408-00245891 instead of radioactivity. I think some of the early limited cosmids -- there was at JY2Q4UVnbwI-00410-00245891-00246435 least one person who was convinced that the right way to do it was [unintelligible] radioactive JY2Q4UVnbwI-00411-00246435-00246939 sequencing while the first fluorescent machines were not really delivering so much, but it JY2Q4UVnbwI-00412-00246939-00247361 was the right thing to do, no question. Embracing a new technology; getting away from radioactivity; JY2Q4UVnbwI-00413-00247361-00247898 a high level of automation. They were absolute bellwethers for progress. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00414-00247898-00248813 It’s interesting. I think from the very beginning JY2Q4UVnbwI-00415-00248813-00249780 the sense that the human genome could be done, from my perspective, and it was based very JY2Q4UVnbwI-00416-00249780-00250458 much on the argument, well, one, there’s 100 megabases and that looks like it’s going JY2Q4UVnbwI-00417-00250458-00251117 to get done. In fact, it was probably largely done by the time we came to this point, and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00418-00251117-00251676 done to highly automated sequencing, but also finishing and all the hallmarks of a high JY2Q4UVnbwI-00419-00251676-00252532 quality product were there. And each human chromosome is about the size of a nematode JY2Q4UVnbwI-00420-00252532-00253230 genome, so all we have to do is divide the project up by 20 or so and we have 20 nematode JY2Q4UVnbwI-00421-00253230-00253771 projects, and that seems to be really quite manageable. That’s one example of the philosophy JY2Q4UVnbwI-00422-00253771-00254326 of going chromosome by chromosome. But I think it worked quite naturally, because that’s JY2Q4UVnbwI-00423-00254326-00254753 what people had been doing for some time. We’d been working on 22 and part of the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00424-00254753-00255407 X chromosome at Guy’s Hospital, and that illustrated two things. The reason that we JY2Q4UVnbwI-00425-00255407-00256065 chose chromosome 22 was actually to get away from a busy chromosome where lots of people JY2Q4UVnbwI-00426-00256065-00256509 were working on different parts, because -- fine! We would all discuss and work out, and some JY2Q4UVnbwI-00427-00256509-00256978 people were working on the same bits as others, and we’d figure that out at some point. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00428-00256978-00257614 I think Eric Green and I actually had a go at suggesting as long as you went -- stuck JY2Q4UVnbwI-00429-00257614-00258083 within your own gap between two STSs, then we would actually carve up the entire genome JY2Q4UVnbwI-00430-00258083-00258846 STSs by STSs. That never quite worked, and instead, chromosomes were the much more logical JY2Q4UVnbwI-00431-00258846-00259361 currency. So we moved to chromosome 22 because it was essentially almost unstudied, at genome JY2Q4UVnbwI-00432-00259361-00260073 level anyway. It was also small, so continuity and finishing the map was going to be much JY2Q4UVnbwI-00433-00260073-00261014 quicker than the X or an average size chromosome, and at sum-33 megabases, of course, was only JY2Q4UVnbwI-00434-00261014-00261442 a third the size of the worm genome, so things were starting to look up, that we could actually JY2Q4UVnbwI-00435-00261442-00262121 make progress quite quickly. So between those two examples, chromosome 22, we were simply JY2Q4UVnbwI-00436-00262121-00262692 looking at the whole thing. The X chromosome, bigger chromosome, popular chromosome, brought JY2Q4UVnbwI-00437-00262692-00263235 with it its problems both in terms of size and the complexity of the community. So those JY2Q4UVnbwI-00438-00263235-00263565 two models rather played out for the whole genome, I think, and others were doing -- I JY2Q4UVnbwI-00439-00263565-00264095 think following probably exactly the same logic. David Cox and Rick Myers were interested JY2Q4UVnbwI-00440-00264095-00264596 in chromosome four because of an early interest in certain genes on it, I think, chromosome JY2Q4UVnbwI-00441-00264596-00265398 six, and others. Gradually the splitting-up of the genome organizationally into chromosomes JY2Q4UVnbwI-00442-00265398-00266097 reflecting the natural interests of different laboratories was how I think it really took JY2Q4UVnbwI-00443-00266097-00266647 place. And I do recall one or two meetings where we got together quite quickly at the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00444-00266647-00267146 beginning of one coordination meeting to try to divvy up the chromosomes between the groups, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00445-00267146-00267475 and it kind of worked quite well because most groups were actually working on different JY2Q4UVnbwI-00446-00267475-00267930 chromosomes. There were one or two debates, and the X chromosome was always going to be JY2Q4UVnbwI-00447-00267930-00268416 more of a mosaic, but some of the others were more straightforward, and alliances were formed. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00448-00268416-00269000 People began to realize if they were all part of something bigger, and actually you had JY2Q4UVnbwI-00449-00269000-00269382 a chance to look at the rise [spelled phonetically] for the whole genome, then it made much more JY2Q4UVnbwI-00450-00269382-00269958 sense to try and get the whole job done than to fight over one chromosome. So I think the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00451-00269958-00270309 idea of splitting teams up between chromosomes worked very well, and worked at a particular JY2Q4UVnbwI-00452-00270309-00270758 meeting. It was a very different agreement to work on certain chromosomes, and this was JY2Q4UVnbwI-00453-00270758-00271634 about -- I’m not sure, ’95 or ’96. I would say ’95, but I’d have to check on JY2Q4UVnbwI-00454-00271634-00272176 that. It coincided with the Wellcome Trust agreeing to fund the Sanger for more, and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00455-00272176-00272833 so that’s when we started chromosome six. Within a week we had a chromosome six team. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00456-00272833-00273280 It was astonishing. We took people from 22 and from the X team and formed the chromosome JY2Q4UVnbwI-00457-00273280-00273771 six team. We suddenly were able to expand onto another chromosome and clearly illustrated JY2Q4UVnbwI-00458-00273771-00274258 the scalability of the whole program at the human level as well as at the technology level. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00459-00274258-00274755 One of the great things that happened at that time -- Wellcome Trust had funded us for a JY2Q4UVnbwI-00460-00274755-00275478 sixth of the genome, and the other members of the G5 and other labs as well were funded JY2Q4UVnbwI-00461-00275478-00276095 to varying degrees for other chromosomes, and I once drew up a poster which summarized JY2Q4UVnbwI-00462-00276095-00276611 -- I boxed each of the chromosomes in colors to represent each of the people contributing. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00463-00276611-00277516 And about a third of the chromosome were not assigned. We had a royal visit at Sanger. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00464-00277516-00278322 Princess Anne came to visit the Sanger, and I think officially opened a building, and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00465-00278322-00278660 as she walked down the corridor, and I had this poster up on the wall, and she actually JY2Q4UVnbwI-00466-00278660-00279231 stopped to say hello. Princess Anne is not a geneticist. She’s not a biologist, but JY2Q4UVnbwI-00467-00279231-00279603 like other members of the royal family, they’re very perceptive and knew the questions to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00468-00279603-00280164 ask. So she looked at this diagram and she said, “Who’s going to take responsibility JY2Q4UVnbwI-00469-00280164-00280863 for the other ones?” And that was such a good question to ask, because of course -- it JY2Q4UVnbwI-00470-00280863-00281464 was exactly the right question, and of course it was eventually the question that got resolved JY2Q4UVnbwI-00471-00281464-00281883 maybe a year later, or less than a year later, when suddenly everything scaled up to the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00472-00281883-00282503 concept of “we need the whole genome; we need to do it now; we need to have a strategy. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00473-00282503-00282930 What’s the strategy? We need to make sure there aren’t any parts of the genome that JY2Q4UVnbwI-00474-00282930-00283392 aren’t covered.” And then I think the chromosome by chromosome strategy really did JY2Q4UVnbwI-00475-00283392-00283892 expand. More resources became available as Sanger funded -- was funded for now up to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00476-00283892-00284611 a third of the genome, and at the same time, I think, the NIH must have done a lot to really JY2Q4UVnbwI-00477-00284611-00284935 stimulate that. The DOE, I think, came in possibly more firmly, so everything happened JY2Q4UVnbwI-00478-00284935-00285188 at about that time. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00479-00285188-00285736 I think it’s important to say that the G5 didn’t do the entire genome. There were JY2Q4UVnbwI-00480-00285736-00286485 contributions small and large, and I think that was a very important concept. I think JY2Q4UVnbwI-00481-00286485-00287206 the simple solution to it is that if you release your data and you share your data in some JY2Q4UVnbwI-00482-00287206-00287667 standardized, coordinated fashion, then it is clear that you are working and contributing JY2Q4UVnbwI-00483-00287667-00288183 to the whole, and it makes no sense to duplicate it. So, in that sense, a small group can survive JY2Q4UVnbwI-00484-00288183-00288697 under certain precepts like being coordinated and being transparent and showing and sharing JY2Q4UVnbwI-00485-00288697-00289542 their contributions. Clearly, the question of scale and being able to make economics JY2Q4UVnbwI-00486-00289542-00290165 of scale is very important, and that’s inevitably a driving force. This may have been a decent JY2Q4UVnbwI-00487-00290165-00290601 level of automation around the sequencing, but there was still a huge amount of potential JY2Q4UVnbwI-00488-00290601-00291315 economy of scale as a result of really building dedicated teams and dedicated laboratories JY2Q4UVnbwI-00489-00291315-00291780 that really did this. Sanger was like that. Sanger was working on two and sometimes three JY2Q4UVnbwI-00490-00291780-00292293 shifts a day. That was not something a small lab was going to necessarily keep up, so inevitably JY2Q4UVnbwI-00491-00292293-00292942 there was a question of cost overall. But I think it’s -- I’m delighted the smaller JY2Q4UVnbwI-00492-00292942-00293511 labs, the labs that contributed smaller parts of the sequence, did stay and contribute because JY2Q4UVnbwI-00493-00293511-00293944 they added a great deal, I think, in other ways to the project. And of course one of JY2Q4UVnbwI-00494-00293944-00294625 the latest and most recent members of the consortium, China, came in late to the game, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00495-00294625-00295284 but contributed some sequence to the program, and of course the outcome of China becoming JY2Q4UVnbwI-00496-00295284-00295801 part of the Human Genome Project of course had huge ramifications for the future in a JY2Q4UVnbwI-00497-00295801-00296452 very global way. I think, clearly, if that had not become possible and if they hadn’t JY2Q4UVnbwI-00498-00296452-00297234 been welcomed to the community, then the world and the Chinese sequencing community would JY2Q4UVnbwI-00499-00297234-00297523 be the poorer for it, or would possibly not have evolved. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00500-00297523-00298061 One of the very interesting things that the community tested out somewhat before the G5, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00501-00298061-00298805 back in the first Bermuda meeting in ’96, was the decision to create this framework JY2Q4UVnbwI-00502-00298805-00299785 of data sharing, transparency, and to begin to set standards about what was being generated. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00503-00299785-00300805 But the data release policy demanded that the requirements of the project were put ahead JY2Q4UVnbwI-00504-00300805-00301423 of the constraints of individual nations or laboratories, and that was a hard decision JY2Q4UVnbwI-00505-00301423-00301769 for some people to take. I think one or two people actually couldn’t, that they had JY2Q4UVnbwI-00506-00301769-00302202 to go back to their national constraints, their governments, and decide whether they JY2Q4UVnbwI-00507-00302202-00302814 could participate or not. But achieving that transparency, that sharing, really formed JY2Q4UVnbwI-00508-00302814-00303378 the basis for setting of a common standard, and that’s when both large and small groups JY2Q4UVnbwI-00509-00303378-00303861 could participate as long as the standards were set and the necessary constraints were JY2Q4UVnbwI-00510-00303861-00304088 met. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00511-00304088-00304628 I think people were always talking about SNPs to some extent during and before the program, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00512-00304628-00305670 really. SNPs, any type of variation certainly, whether it was an RFLP or not, was very important JY2Q4UVnbwI-00513-00305670-00306485 in genetics. In that sense, it was all being talked about. I think the concept of scaling JY2Q4UVnbwI-00514-00306485-00307046 up clearly became possible -- I think it was starting to get talked about before the genome JY2Q4UVnbwI-00515-00307046-00307802 was assembled. That’s certainly the case. There was a fascinating transition once the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00516-00307802-00308489 concept had been established that it was a really good idea to develop a SNP map of the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00517-00308489-00308952 genome, or to collect a large number of SNPs for the genome. I guess it embraced the idea JY2Q4UVnbwI-00518-00308952-00309626 that here we were being able to look genome-wide. Here we were -- the concept, perhaps, of the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00519-00309626-00310370 STS was really, again, providing some momentum to the idea of being able to spread markers JY2Q4UVnbwI-00520-00310370-00310915 right across a genome and the power of doing so at an ever higher density, plus the fact JY2Q4UVnbwI-00521-00310915-00311519 that there were ways of doing it through sequencing, and sequencing was now much easier to do at JY2Q4UVnbwI-00522-00311519-00312233 scale, and suddenly that was not the limitation. Only six, seven years earlier, sequencing JY2Q4UVnbwI-00523-00312233-00312706 had been an impossible, cost-limited element to doing an experiment, and suddenly sequencing JY2Q4UVnbwI-00524-00312706-00313170 was a currency you could work with and generate large amounts of sequence data from other JY2Q4UVnbwI-00525-00313170-00313819 individuals, compare them to each other and later on to the genome to actually identify JY2Q4UVnbwI-00526-00313819-00314657 variations systematically at speed. Fascinating transitions happened during the SNP consortium, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00527-00314657-00315168 and we’re skipping over the SNP consortium a little bit here into the early part of experimental JY2Q4UVnbwI-00528-00315168-00315856 strategy, but when we first started the SNP consortium, the centers that contributed to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00529-00315856-00316791 it, we started an approach that did not assume the existence of the genome sequence. We started JY2Q4UVnbwI-00530-00316791-00317735 on a process where experimentally we targeted specific subsets of the genome in a genome-wide JY2Q4UVnbwI-00531-00317735-00318196 fashion, so we would simply take restriction fragments of a certain size which were scattered JY2Q4UVnbwI-00532-00318196-00318732 throughout the genome, but they sampled a very small subset of the genome, and we generated JY2Q4UVnbwI-00533-00318732-00319467 SNPs across those regions. A little while later the draft genome sequence had been accumulated JY2Q4UVnbwI-00534-00319467-00319977 all the time and it suddenly became possible to essentially not just compare all the sequences JY2Q4UVnbwI-00535-00319977-00320486 to each other in the defined regions that we had created, but also to look right across JY2Q4UVnbwI-00536-00320486-00321036 the genome. One read was suddenly enough to call a SNP because it could be aligned to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00537-00321036-00321550 this wonderful, free, innovative draft genome sequence and variants could be caught all JY2Q4UVnbwI-00538-00321550-00322102 over the genome with much greater efficiency. Then I think the whole question of developing JY2Q4UVnbwI-00539-00322102-00322502 a dense SNP map became much more a reality. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00540-00322502-00322968 Yes, I was quite involved in the SNP consortium, probably actually not at the beginning. I JY2Q4UVnbwI-00541-00322968-00323454 think at the very beginning there was clearly a series of discussions, probably founded JY2Q4UVnbwI-00542-00323454-00323868 from the various meetings, to discuss the importance of variation, the recognition, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00543-00323868-00324584 perhaps, that variation was very important not just to genomes and genetics, but to pharma JY2Q4UVnbwI-00544-00324584-00325276 companies as well. So there clearly was an interest in variation within the pharma companies, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00545-00325276-00325756 and I think there had already been some individual investments in individual companies to try JY2Q4UVnbwI-00546-00325756-00326620 to address the problem of getting a reliable, comprehensive set of variants to actually JY2Q4UVnbwI-00547-00326620-00327218 answer questions about genetic predispositions, variability of drug response, whatever it JY2Q4UVnbwI-00548-00327218-00328104 might be. It must have been at least a year, I think, that there was this tremendous negotiation JY2Q4UVnbwI-00549-00328104-00328823 going on between pharma companies, orchestrated, I think, largely by Alan Williamson who is JY2Q4UVnbwI-00550-00328823-00329371 another friend and mentor of mine. Alan must have spent, I think, at least 12 months working JY2Q4UVnbwI-00551-00329371-00330404 on putting together this idea of the SNP consortium, of developing both a public/private partnership JY2Q4UVnbwI-00552-00330404-00331379 and also persuading or encouraging the pharma companies to agree that this particular resource JY2Q4UVnbwI-00553-00331379-00332072 of collecting information, collecting variants, could be considered pre-competitive, and that JY2Q4UVnbwI-00554-00332072-00332614 was a really important element of the program which enabled people to agree that, yes, A, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00555-00332614-00333117 we can’t do this alone; B, there’s little point in 10 or 11 companies doing the same JY2Q4UVnbwI-00556-00333117-00333486 thing, so let’s pool our resources and do it much more systematically in a much more JY2Q4UVnbwI-00557-00333486-00334026 organized fashion, and agree that it is a pre-competitive space. And from that moment JY2Q4UVnbwI-00558-00334026-00334760 on, I think the concept of the pre-competitive space of course then drew on the concept of JY2Q4UVnbwI-00559-00334760-00335269 rapid data release; being able to share the information; different laboratories working JY2Q4UVnbwI-00560-00335269-00335934 to a common standard, a common set of standards for the quality of the cull; and methods for JY2Q4UVnbwI-00561-00335934-00336277 verifying. Indeed, there was something of a round robin -- not quite a round robin; JY2Q4UVnbwI-00562-00336277-00336863 there was something of a verification process anyway for the SNP culling to ensure the resource JY2Q4UVnbwI-00563-00336863-00337542 was both standardized and high quality. This was the point at which moving from the early JY2Q4UVnbwI-00564-00337542-00338234 negotiations to establish the governance and the guidelines of the consortium to actually JY2Q4UVnbwI-00565-00338234-00338945 getting the job done, and that was of course when the academic labs were approached. Sanger JY2Q4UVnbwI-00566-00338945-00339719 and Washington University and the White Institute, as it was at the time, were certainly approached JY2Q4UVnbwI-00567-00339719-00340241 as -- if we were provided funding from such a consortium, how would we approach to do JY2Q4UVnbwI-00568-00340241-00340678 it? And I think largely independently, two of us at least, if not all of us, came up JY2Q4UVnbwI-00569-00340678-00341199 with similar ideas or the same ideas for an approach, and that lent some conviction to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00570-00341199-00341793 the idea we could all work within our own laboratory organizations but contribute variants JY2Q4UVnbwI-00571-00341793-00342217 of a common standard that were distributed across the genome as a whole. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00572-00342217-00342850 Well, SNPs can be used in many different ways, of course. Essentially using SNPs for linkage JY2Q4UVnbwI-00573-00342850-00343230 analyses in pedigrees, they have a lot of power over a lot of distance because there JY2Q4UVnbwI-00574-00343230-00343622 are relatively [unintelligible] few crossovers that are informative in terms of identifying JY2Q4UVnbwI-00575-00343622-00344428 or finding your way around the genome and inherited phenotypes with a particular pedigree. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00576-00344428-00345066 But a much higher density of SNPs, essentially the target of the SNP consortium, of course, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00577-00345066-00345519 was stated as 300,000. I’m not sure how much that was genetic theory and how much JY2Q4UVnbwI-00578-00345519-00346016 that was budget-limited, but 300,000 was a stated goal. It was a good density, an average JY2Q4UVnbwI-00579-00346016-00346859 density of SNPs to go for, and clearly did match the ability to start measuring linkage JY2Q4UVnbwI-00580-00346859-00347581 disequilibrium in populations, and this was the start of something much bigger. I think JY2Q4UVnbwI-00581-00347581-00347894 it was always going to be true the more SNPs you have the better you could characterize JY2Q4UVnbwI-00582-00347894-00348863 genomes with using the linkage disequilibrium in different populations, and from my perception, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00583-00348863-00349422 the fields evolved somewhat in parallel. People were working with small regions or, in our JY2Q4UVnbwI-00584-00349422-00350075 case, chromosome. We were looking at LD on chromosome 22 with a set of SNPs and we clearly JY2Q4UVnbwI-00585-00350075-00350610 recognized that calibrated the density of the map at one level, but others, like Jeffrey’s JY2Q4UVnbwI-00586-00350610-00350953 [spelled phonetically] in particular, was working at very high density in a very small JY2Q4UVnbwI-00587-00350953-00351669 region of the genome and demonstrating crossovers and demonstrating the ability to really characterize JY2Q4UVnbwI-00588-00351669-00352261 in very fine detail the pattern of recombination in populations. So, clearly, the more denser JY2Q4UVnbwI-00589-00352261-00352691 the maps, the more valuable the resource would be. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00590-00352691-00353420 I think, from my perspective, I was largely involved in data generation for the actual JY2Q4UVnbwI-00591-00353420-00354438 SNP collections. Two things happened, one quite early on in the TSC, which is when -- I’ve JY2Q4UVnbwI-00592-00354438-00354781 already described to some extent the fact that actually we could make much greater use JY2Q4UVnbwI-00593-00354781-00355259 of the data we had by incorporating the genome and, essentially almost overnight, we could JY2Q4UVnbwI-00594-00355259-00355947 quadruple the number of SNPs we had in the same resource. Clearly by now the whole concept JY2Q4UVnbwI-00595-00355947-00356428 of collecting SNPs, mapping SNPs, using the draft genome that was getting better and better JY2Q4UVnbwI-00596-00356428-00356944 all the time, of course really changed the game in terms of what we could do to generate JY2Q4UVnbwI-00597-00356944-00357490 a good resource. At the beginning of the HapMap project, or slightly before the beginning JY2Q4UVnbwI-00598-00357490-00358040 of the HapMap project, one of the questions surrounding it -- I remember David Artschuler JY2Q4UVnbwI-00599-00358040-00358335 and Tom Hudson [spelled phonetically] and myself, Mark Daily [spelled phonetically] JY2Q4UVnbwI-00600-00358335-00359152 one or two others, met early one year and discussed the possibilities. One of the elements JY2Q4UVnbwI-00601-00359152-00359569 was actually generating more SNPs, a higher density, and at this point we were able to, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00602-00359569-00360008 once again, actually take a chromosome by chromosome approach and flow-sort [spelled JY2Q4UVnbwI-00603-00360008-00360368 phonetically] more chromosomes and sequence them and align to the draft genome. This was JY2Q4UVnbwI-00604-00360368-00360853 again getting easier, the currency of sequencing was yielding more and more, more efficiently. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00605-00360853-00361365 One of the elements of the HapMap was the recognition that with all the pilot studies JY2Q4UVnbwI-00606-00361365-00361877 and measurements of LD having been carried out, we began to think -- to get a better JY2Q4UVnbwI-00607-00361877-00362473 idea of the number of SNPs that were required, or the benefits of more SNPs. So SNP generation JY2Q4UVnbwI-00608-00362473-00363024 was actually a first part of the HapMap project as well and was pretty much being done at JY2Q4UVnbwI-00609-00363024-00363811 the time we published the principles of the HapMap project kind of before it started in JY2Q4UVnbwI-00610-00363811-00364370 earnest, but at the same time we were already generating more SNPs in preparation for the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00611-00364370-00364482 HapMap project. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00612-00364482-00365399 Well, I think much of the leadership of our consortium again came from Francis. I think JY2Q4UVnbwI-00613-00365399-00366190 Francis took a very prominent hand in organizing, and particularly ensuring the involvement JY2Q4UVnbwI-00614-00366190-00366631 of so many people, both who had been involved before and those who were newcomers to it, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00615-00366631-00367141 both large and small. This was the first consortium that worked closely, I think, with Yusuke JY2Q4UVnbwI-00616-00367141-00367538 Nakamura, and Japan was really very much part of this, the single biggest contributor to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00617-00367538-00368527 the first phase of HapMap. That was a very exciting and stimulating entry into the community. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00618-00368527-00369341 And I also remember a very large meeting here in Washington -- I think the Renaissance Hotel JY2Q4UVnbwI-00619-00369341-00370158 or something -- where actually there were members of every possible community and participant JY2Q4UVnbwI-00620-00370158-00370739 and skill set all gathered in this room to really explore over a day and a half, I think JY2Q4UVnbwI-00621-00370739-00371564 it was, what this project was, what it meant. Many different population representatives JY2Q4UVnbwI-00622-00371564-00372215 were present and lots of discussion was had, both outlining what the project would be and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00623-00372215-00372821 how it affected people, how it affected populations, how it affected society, and the impact it JY2Q4UVnbwI-00624-00372821-00373447 could have ultimately on population genetics and disease. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00625-00373447-00373857 I think pretty early on -- I don’t know what stimulated it actually, but I do remember JY2Q4UVnbwI-00626-00373857-00374676 early on I think a number of us felt very keen on sampling different ethnic groups, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00627-00374676-00375136 certainly to pick from Asia, certainly to pick in Africa. I also remember a discussion JY2Q4UVnbwI-00628-00375136-00375579 that then went from that to deciding, and Eric Lander was on the call at this point JY2Q4UVnbwI-00629-00375579-00376251 as well, but a call where we agreed, Eric and myself and several others, I think, that JY2Q4UVnbwI-00630-00376251-00376961 we really needed to go to the indigenous populations to actually collect the samples. While it JY2Q4UVnbwI-00631-00376961-00377517 was much more difficult, it added a whole level of difficulty to the program compared JY2Q4UVnbwI-00632-00377517-00378320 to utilizing an African-American group, a European group, which was already a research JY2Q4UVnbwI-00633-00378320-00379021 cohort or something. But to go to indigenous populations for me felt very important from JY2Q4UVnbwI-00634-00379021-00379914 the point of view of going back to the source. The Africans are in Africa. But, of course, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00635-00379914-00380405 very much also important, it globalizes the whole project. It engaged communities in a JY2Q4UVnbwI-00636-00380405-00380780 way that was at once very challenging, because here were communities who’d never heard JY2Q4UVnbwI-00637-00380780-00381506 of HapMap, didn’t necessarily know what the benefit was, and so the idea of contributing JY2Q4UVnbwI-00638-00381506-00382394 freely to a consortium -- they needed to work a lot of that out as part of the engagement. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00639-00382394-00382748 It was a fascinating process. I wasn’t very involved in engagement; I was involved in JY2Q4UVnbwI-00640-00382748-00383330 one engagement process in particular with a tribe of the Masai in Kenya, and that was JY2Q4UVnbwI-00641-00383330-00383974 a tremendous experience, and illustrated to me all the work that must have gone into the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00642-00383974-00384561 recruitment that I think was very systematically done by more than one team as part of the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00643-00384561-00384707 HapMap project. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00644-00384707-00385270 I was enormously impressed by Charles Rotimi’s contributions and thinking about the whole JY2Q4UVnbwI-00645-00385270-00385916 thing. There was a simple and very right philosophy, and of course he really, of all people, could JY2Q4UVnbwI-00646-00385916-00386416 do this. He understood exactly the cultural differences and what could and could not be JY2Q4UVnbwI-00647-00386416-00386950 done. I’m delighted at Charles’s leadership, which also was happening at the same time JY2Q4UVnbwI-00648-00386950-00387408 as the African Society of Human Genetics was set up, and Charles was the initial chair JY2Q4UVnbwI-00649-00387408-00387984 or president of the African Society. He invited me out there, in fact, which is how I came JY2Q4UVnbwI-00650-00387984-00388802 to be in Kenya, involved in waiting to engage the Masai. Charles was there and they had JY2Q4UVnbwI-00651-00388802-00389556 a small team of us essentially waiting for the call from the local doctor, [foreign language], JY2Q4UVnbwI-00652-00389556-00390399 who eventually drove us out to actually meet the chief of the tribe to discuss what it JY2Q4UVnbwI-00653-00390399-00390593 was we wanted. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00654-00390593-00391400 And just as you described, of course, we explained or tried to explain the concepts of what we JY2Q4UVnbwI-00655-00391400-00391925 were doing [unintelligible] inheritance, and of course two things emerge from this discussion JY2Q4UVnbwI-00656-00391925-00392748 from a very wise, young tribal chief, a remarkable man, completely on the ball. But we had some JY2Q4UVnbwI-00657-00392748-00393208 trouble explaining inheritance and we talked about things being passed on from generation JY2Q4UVnbwI-00658-00393208-00393813 to generation. This went off in the direction of cattle and goods and things that get passed JY2Q4UVnbwI-00659-00393813-00394681 on. “No, that’s not quite what we meant.” We then got onto blood, and somehow they understood JY2Q4UVnbwI-00660-00394681-00395161 the concept of things in the blood that get passed on, and they weren’t talking infectious JY2Q4UVnbwI-00661-00395161-00395702 disease. They were talking about patterns between generations. They understood then JY2Q4UVnbwI-00662-00395702-00396361 that we wanted to study this idea of things that get passed on, patterns that get passed JY2Q4UVnbwI-00663-00396361-00397065 on, and they were very interested and excited. They got this because it meant a lot of them, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00664-00397065-00397651 the family ancestry was a very strong element for them. So suddenly we got off onto a common JY2Q4UVnbwI-00665-00397651-00398123 ground, common interest, and they absolutely saw why we should be interested in this, and JY2Q4UVnbwI-00666-00398123-00398674 they were delighted to help. The other interesting thing that happened was actually -- whether JY2Q4UVnbwI-00667-00398674-00399274 it was Charles or Pat, I don’t know -- asked if they’d like something in return for their JY2Q4UVnbwI-00668-00399274-00399822 generous gift of permission to engage their particular community. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00669-00399822-00400417 One of the very interesting things, that they -- we asked them I think either Charles or JY2Q4UVnbwI-00670-00400417-00401139 Pat asked them did they want anything in return for their generous gift of giving us permission JY2Q4UVnbwI-00671-00401139-00401932 to engage the tribe. And they -- he came out with it straightaway that the chief HIV testing. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00672-00401932-00402391 And we asked him to expand a bit on that, and he said -- because we don't have HIV. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00673-00402391-00403069 He said yet. He said but we know it's coming, and when it comes we want to be ready. As JY2Q4UVnbwI-00674-00403069-00403476 ready as we can be, we want to do what we can. And so he was completely in touch with JY2Q4UVnbwI-00675-00403476-00404009 what was happening in other parts of Africa even though it was a relatively isolated tribe. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00676-00404009-00404543 It was a fascinating exchange. And I asked him afterwards as we walked across for a celebratory JY2Q4UVnbwI-00677-00404543-00405224 soda in the local soda bar. I asked him if he felt -- clearly he felt part of his tribe, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00678-00405224-00405747 because he was in charge of his tribe. Did he feel part of all the Maasai, the other JY2Q4UVnbwI-00679-00405747-00406280 tribes? And he said, “Yes.” And I said, “Did he feel part of all of Africa?” And JY2Q4UVnbwI-00680-00406280-00406700 he said, “Yes, all of Africa.” And I said, “Do you feel part of the whole world?” JY2Q4UVnbwI-00681-00406700-00407315 He said, “No.” And that astonished me, because he clearly got way beyond his own JY2Q4UVnbwI-00682-00407315-00407834 boundaries of what he saw on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, and his responsibilities, to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00683-00407834-00408440 Africa as a whole -- as a population. But he said he did not feel the same connection JY2Q4UVnbwI-00684-00408440-00409190 with the rest of the world. And that of course was exactly what HapMap project was actually JY2Q4UVnbwI-00685-00409190-00409724 seeking to define. And at that point I recognized we were really coming from rather different JY2Q4UVnbwI-00686-00409724-00410237 backgrounds, myself, and the Maasai chief. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00687-00410237-00410670 Yeah, I was not involved in the human diversity project at all, and I didn't really know much JY2Q4UVnbwI-00688-00410670-00411154 about it, but I was aware that as the early discussions about the HapMap project took JY2Q4UVnbwI-00689-00411154-00411589 off, that there was this sensitivity. There was this past history that it was very important JY2Q4UVnbwI-00690-00411589-00412374 to work differently to fully engage communities, and I think that was very much a part of the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00691-00412374-00412906 motivation and the agenda for this very big meeting in this hotel here in Washington, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00692-00412906-00413456 DC. The Renaissance I think. Where we did have members of many of these communities JY2Q4UVnbwI-00693-00413456-00413955 present, to have a voice, to speak out, to voice their concerns and their interests. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00694-00413955-00414397 And clearly that was a very major part of community engagement, and of course community JY2Q4UVnbwI-00695-00414397-00414962 engagement became a big part of the HapMap, and rightly so. And I think I'm very glad JY2Q4UVnbwI-00696-00414962-00415481 when it was done on so many levels. It was done on the levels of going to get samples JY2Q4UVnbwI-00697-00415481-00416054 with the indigenous populations, but using a process of engagements to get them to understand JY2Q4UVnbwI-00698-00416054-00416672 and just explore their interest in that. So I think the extent to which that may have JY2Q4UVnbwI-00699-00416672-00417247 been presaged by experience from human diversity project I think is a very good way of managing JY2Q4UVnbwI-00700-00417247-00417868 the situation as far as I'm aware. The process was extremely successful. I don't know the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00701-00417868-00418295 details, it was another group that was doing it, but at the same time it was certainly JY2Q4UVnbwI-00702-00418295-00418727 good and certainly I enjoyed the brief passage of committee engagement that I was involved JY2Q4UVnbwI-00703-00418727-00418892 in with the Maasai. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00704-00418892-00419818 So I wasn't very directly involved in the real definition of the boundaries of what's JY2Q4UVnbwI-00705-00419818-00420189 HapMap-able and what is not. But it was clear the concept was there were regions that were JY2Q4UVnbwI-00706-00420189-00420674 difficult for one reason or another. Either we weren't finding snips in those regions JY2Q4UVnbwI-00707-00420674-00421022 or there was something intrinsic about the structure of those regions or there simply JY2Q4UVnbwI-00708-00421022-00421472 wasn't any L.D., and there was perhaps more recombination in this put two or three of JY2Q4UVnbwI-00709-00421472-00422037 those components together and you suddenly get a region that really defies characterization. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00710-00422037-00422833 Not to say it isn't map-able, but to say that it would involve a disproportionate investment JY2Q4UVnbwI-00711-00422833-00423289 to get across the region perhaps, and we didn't necessarily have good approaches at the time JY2Q4UVnbwI-00712-00423289-00423858 to target every region of the HapMap-- of the genome to ensure that it could be mapped JY2Q4UVnbwI-00713-00423858-00424375 to the same extent. And so as a result we had to come up with a definition of so when JY2Q4UVnbwI-00714-00424375-00424996 is the project declared done? Probably not unlike the human genome in a sense, it was JY2Q4UVnbwI-00715-00424996-00425508 just less easy to define. The human genome is clear. Well it's done -- well it's done JY2Q4UVnbwI-00716-00425508-00426075 when we've done the euchromatic regions, because we know we can't do the heterochromatic regions. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00717-00426075-00426450 So it's done in one sense, it's not done in the sense a cytogeneticist would say where's JY2Q4UVnbwI-00718-00426450-00427168 the end of that chromosome. Particularly the short arms of the acrocentric chromosomes. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00719-00427168-00427706 There are ribosomal genes up there, but we can't say it's part of a 2-megabase contig JY2Q4UVnbwI-00720-00427706-00428327 or something. So clearly the unsequenceable regions of the human genome can be defined JY2Q4UVnbwI-00721-00428327-00429146 based on a lot of other evidence about structures being different, presumably perhaps base composition JY2Q4UVnbwI-00722-00429146-00429580 may different, repetitive sequences. We can see the elements that they're in, the unsequencable JY2Q4UVnbwI-00723-00429580-00430229 regions, and of course we can then continue to begin to work on them. Although they take JY2Q4UVnbwI-00724-00430229-00430793 a lot more investment than the rest of the genome. The value of course perhaps considered JY2Q4UVnbwI-00725-00430793-00431231 particularly for supporting genetics and medicine and much of biology of course, you're in where JY2Q4UVnbwI-00726-00431231-00431893 all the genes are. And hence the euchromatic region emerged as being the primary finishing JY2Q4UVnbwI-00727-00431893-00432426 post for the human genome sequence. The same is true of HapMap. But we need a different JY2Q4UVnbwI-00728-00432426-00432892 finishing post, but the problem was the same. The regions that defied characterization for JY2Q4UVnbwI-00729-00432892-00433312 somewhat unknown properties, and this case of course in some cases the properties were JY2Q4UVnbwI-00730-00433312-00433758 less well known because there wasn't so much evidence to say why was that region different, JY2Q4UVnbwI-00731-00433758-00434242 why was it not actually being populated with markers or why was there no LD across the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00732-00434242-00434831 regions. Perhaps we didn't have the right samples to genotype, perhaps more work could've JY2Q4UVnbwI-00733-00434831-00435360 yielded smaller gaps. But I think therefore it's a rather operational endpoint to the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00734-00435360-00435827 project that got defined by a number of things, including the number of snips and including JY2Q4UVnbwI-00735-00435827-00436256 the number of samples in the different groups, and changing any one of those parameters would JY2Q4UVnbwI-00736-00436256-00436762 make a difference to the unmapped regions. At the same time I think we reckon that the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00737-00436762-00437244 first approximation is to -- when we sat round a table I think at Kolfee [spelled phonetically] JY2Q4UVnbwI-00738-00437244-00437952 harbor actually, and discussed what the bounds of the project would be, we felt that actually JY2Q4UVnbwI-00739-00437952-00438613 to have potentially 85 percent of the genome of 85 percent of the sequenced genome, 85 JY2Q4UVnbwI-00740-00438613-00439329 percent of the euchromatic part of the genome essentially captured in HapMap blocks was JY2Q4UVnbwI-00741-00439329-00440063 a tremendous outcome. It was a good endpoint to aim for, and that we should then direct JY2Q4UVnbwI-00742-00440063-00440584 our strategy to try to cover that, rather than saying we should direct all our effort JY2Q4UVnbwI-00743-00440584-00441133 to the remaining 10 or 15 percent. It was important to gather the majority essentially. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00744-00441133-00441579 The job would not be finished by one measure. This is going right back to the concept of JY2Q4UVnbwI-00745-00441579-00442254 the east genome and Maynard but -- even a product with some gaps is a jolly useful product. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00746-00442254-00442785 Look at the 85 percent you have and not the 15 percent that you don't have. Clearly when JY2Q4UVnbwI-00747-00442785-00443456 you move to applying the results of such a structure to genetic associations to genome JY2Q4UVnbwI-00748-00443456-00444000 wide association studies or whatever it might be. The fact that you only have 85 percent JY2Q4UVnbwI-00749-00444000-00444622 of the genome means that assuming associations or susceptibility factors are distributed JY2Q4UVnbwI-00750-00444622-00445268 evenly throughout the genome, you will find 85 percent of them based on the SNPs that JY2Q4UVnbwI-00751-00445268-00445708 you have if you have sufficient power in your studies. So it was a pretty good starting JY2Q4UVnbwI-00752-00445708-00446247 point. Look at what you can achieve as opposed to worrying about the 15 percent that you JY2Q4UVnbwI-00753-00446247-00446380 can't get at the moment. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00754-00446380-00446960 Well I think there were two ways to go from that point. I think one was to continue with JY2Q4UVnbwI-00755-00446960-00447596 developing the concept of the HapMap and addressing some of the original areas that we'd had to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00756-00447596-00448231 put to rest for now, to park, which included more snips, more populations as well. More JY2Q4UVnbwI-00757-00448231-00448593 populations question had been there right from the beginning. Clearly we don't know JY2Q4UVnbwI-00758-00448593-00449249 about the level of similarity or real applicability of one sect to another until we're actually JY2Q4UVnbwI-00759-00449249-00449716 doing other populations, so I think that was a tremendous opportunity to diversify the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00760-00449716-00450109 populations involved in the study. And we're still only scratching the surface as far as JY2Q4UVnbwI-00761-00450109-00450752 the human population is concerned. But the other way to go which became more of a focus JY2Q4UVnbwI-00762-00450752-00451480 for me was the unanswered question of how a good genome wide association studies really JY2Q4UVnbwI-00763-00451480-00452604 were, could be, could they be better. Because there was -- there had for some time been JY2Q4UVnbwI-00764-00452604-00453035 many antagonists. People who didn't believe that the GWAS program was really going to JY2Q4UVnbwI-00765-00453035-00453945 either identify the right factors or the sites identified in the genome wouldn't JY2Q4UVnbwI-00766-00453945-00454787 necessarily provide insights on disease. And so I think once this comprehensive HapMap JY2Q4UVnbwI-00767-00454787-00455505 map is available with the snips to enable it to be applied to case control studies. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00768-00455505-00456091 There was a big unanswered question. Well now we have the opportunity to evaluate once JY2Q4UVnbwI-00769-00456091-00456503 and for all the utility of this approach. And we're either going to prove it or it's JY2Q4UVnbwI-00770-00456503-00457093 going to stop garnering funds for further work. This is a discussion in the U.K. So JY2Q4UVnbwI-00771-00457093-00457631 I think John Bell was involved, Peter Donnelly was involved, and the question was, were we JY2Q4UVnbwI-00772-00457631-00458293 really going to mount a program to evaluate for ourselves what the HapMap would bring JY2Q4UVnbwI-00773-00458293-00458927 to powering GWAS studies rather better? And that really was an interesting transition JY2Q4UVnbwI-00774-00458927-00459562 to becoming a national consortium. This was a welcome trust case control consortium started JY2Q4UVnbwI-00775-00459562-00460072 to utilize the HapMap to take advantage of existing case control cohorts in the U.K. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00776-00460072-00460720 to really start to look for can we now find associations now that we have a HapMap of JY2Q4UVnbwI-00777-00460720-00461008 at least a significant density. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00778-00461008-00461528 Yeah, I wasn't really much involved in the GWAS studies early on, I was fairly compelled JY2Q4UVnbwI-00779-00461528-00462321 by the fact [unintelligible] association study with deep vein thrombosis and the numbers JY2Q4UVnbwI-00780-00462321-00462864 -- the logic seemed to make sense, but clearly as you scaled up, yes there were shortcomings JY2Q4UVnbwI-00781-00462864-00463513 of some of the studies. And the HapMap of course provided at least reduced the limitations JY2Q4UVnbwI-00782-00463513-00463952 of some of those studies by going truly genome wide, or at least asking the questions of JY2Q4UVnbwI-00783-00463952-00464702 85 percent of the genome in a fairly well measured way. So that was a positive contribution JY2Q4UVnbwI-00784-00464702-00465107 that the HapMap could make to those studies. And I think it did. I think it stimulated JY2Q4UVnbwI-00785-00465107-00465685 a great many more findings -- findings that were statistically strong, developed new ways JY2Q4UVnbwI-00786-00465685-00466293 of actually analyzing the data as a result, and clearly a great many targets of the genome JY2Q4UVnbwI-00787-00466293-00467189 have been found in various cohorts. It's still a struggle I think for two reasons. One is JY2Q4UVnbwI-00788-00467189-00467741 to actually find the variant that is directly associated with the condition, the causal JY2Q4UVnbwI-00789-00467741-00468372 variant is still a leap from the association. And the other of course is these are common JY2Q4UVnbwI-00790-00468372-00468832 conditions and the multifactorial nature of the program means that even if you found a JY2Q4UVnbwI-00791-00468832-00469497 really strong hit, it's only part of the architecture of particular disease or the cause of the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00792-00469497-00469950 phenotype. And there again is another whole complexity to the study of common disease JY2Q4UVnbwI-00793-00469950-00470935 through this kind of approach. It's a big challenge. JY2Q4UVnbwI-00794-00470935-00471758 By now I was at Solexa, and very much the sequencing technology development and Illumina JY2Q4UVnbwI-00795-00471758-00472310 has acquired Solexa as well. So not since I was less involved in the actual inception JY2Q4UVnbwI-00796-00472310-00473079 of the project, but certainly some of the unanswered questions of the HapMap and genetic JY2Q4UVnbwI-00797-00473079-00473850 maps and incompleteness of the coverage which had been posed by these projects were clearly JY2Q4UVnbwI-00798-00473850-00474647 once again being challenged. There was the question now we could really overcome in popular JY2Q4UVnbwI-00799-00474647-00475424 -- at a population scale. The gaps between SNPs. And to start in particular I think the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00800-00475424-00476075 idea being able to capture every variant in a person's genome. Completely change the dynamic JY2Q4UVnbwI-00801-00476075-00476645 between indirect and direct association studies. In the direct association study, you're working JY2Q4UVnbwI-00802-00476645-00477106 with the actual variant that's causing the particular condition. The association signal JY2Q4UVnbwI-00803-00477106-00477614 is going to be much stronger than any indirect association that relies on LD, between the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00804-00477614-00478106 cause and the mutation and the actual marker in question. So the idea of having every variant JY2Q4UVnbwI-00805-00478106-00478788 in an individual was actually a concept that I was thinking much more about, even in the JY2Q4UVnbwI-00806-00478788-00479289 1000 genomes project. The 1000 genomes project sorts the sequence individuals, but to accumulate JY2Q4UVnbwI-00807-00479289-00479784 all the variance they could find to make a better resource of variation. And that already JY2Q4UVnbwI-00808-00479784-00480360 went a lot of the way towards a much -- to fill in the gaps to really study variation JY2Q4UVnbwI-00809-00480360-00480904 across every part of the genome at least that was covered by sequence. And you could really JY2Q4UVnbwI-00810-00480904-00481442 close the gap between the 85 percent HapMap-ability, and the fact that the reference sequence was JY2Q4UVnbwI-00811-00481442-00482025 covering 98, 99 percent of the euchromatic sequence. So what is in that difference between JY2Q4UVnbwI-00812-00482025-00482575 85 and 99? Does the 1000 genomes project provide those variants? I think that was a very important JY2Q4UVnbwI-00813-00482575-00484502 question to -- for the 1000 genomes project to answer. JZRucfyD5yQ-00000-00000020-00000215 - What happens when an appraisal comes in higher? JZRucfyD5yQ-00001-00000215-00000396 Hi, I'm Jeff Chubb with the eXp Realty JZRucfyD5yQ-00002-00000396-00000611 and we're here with Jason Bonarrigo of RMS Mortgage JZRucfyD5yQ-00003-00000611-00000780 talking to you about what happens JZRucfyD5yQ-00004-00000780-00000939 when that appraisal comes in higher JZRucfyD5yQ-00005-00000939-00001093 and make sure you stick around to find out JZRucfyD5yQ-00006-00001093-00001220 at the end of the video JZRucfyD5yQ-00007-00001220-00001382 what we're doing with a thousand dollars. JZRucfyD5yQ-00008-00001382-00001644 So, Jason, tell me first off, what is an appraisal? JZRucfyD5yQ-00009-00001644-00001864 - Well, an appraisal is a way that the lenders JZRucfyD5yQ-00010-00001864-00002267 essentially certify the market value of the property. JZRucfyD5yQ-00011-00002267-00002463 We don't always put in exact numbers JZRucfyD5yQ-00012-00002463-00002546 of the purchase and sale. JZRucfyD5yQ-00013-00002546-00002722 So we have an independent third-party go out there JZRucfyD5yQ-00014-00002722-00002868 and see what the market analysis is. JZRucfyD5yQ-00015-00002868-00002962 - Okay. So we get the appraisal. JZRucfyD5yQ-00016-00002962-00003262 So comes back, what happens if that appraisal, JZRucfyD5yQ-00017-00003262-00003434 that third-party opinion of the value, JZRucfyD5yQ-00018-00003434-00003768 actually comes in higher than agreed upon price? JZRucfyD5yQ-00019-00003768-00004010 - So let's just say agreed upon price is 500,000 JZRucfyD5yQ-00020-00004010-00004093 - mhmm JZRucfyD5yQ-00021-00004093-00004227 - and that appraisal comes back 520. JZRucfyD5yQ-00022-00004227-00004407 - Yeah. Nothing. JZRucfyD5yQ-00023-00004407-00004644 No, I mean, essentially it doesn't really impact, JZRucfyD5yQ-00024-00004644-00004942 it's certainly not a negative thing for the buyer. JZRucfyD5yQ-00025-00004942-00005098 - Right. Good thing - it's a good thing. JZRucfyD5yQ-00026-00005098-00005300 They, you know, essentially tactically could have picked JZRucfyD5yQ-00027-00005300-00005417 up maybe 20 grand in equity. JZRucfyD5yQ-00028-00005417-00005517 - A hypothetical extra 20,000 JZRucfyD5yQ-00029-00005517-00005600 - Hypothetical, - 20,00 JZRucfyD5yQ-00030-00005600-00005727 - It doesn't mean that it's not real money, JZRucfyD5yQ-00031-00005727-00005838 - Right JZRucfyD5yQ-00032-00005838-00005997 - but yeah it doesn't really impact their financing. JZRucfyD5yQ-00033-00005997-00006099 It's good to know. JZRucfyD5yQ-00034-00006099-00006302 But again the key point there is obviously as a lender, JZRucfyD5yQ-00035-00006302-00006516 we're always going to take the lesser of the two JZRucfyD5yQ-00036-00006516-00006633 - The lesser of the two. JZRucfyD5yQ-00037-00006633-00006716 - The lesser of the two, JZRucfyD5yQ-00038-00006716-00006884 So if the purchase and sale is 500 JZRucfyD5yQ-00039-00006884-00007093 and the appraisal is 520 JZRucfyD5yQ-00040-00007093-00007214 we're going to go off the purchase and sale. JZRucfyD5yQ-00041-00007214-00007444 And obviously, as we talked about in another video JZRucfyD5yQ-00042-00007444-00007542 is if it goes the other way JZRucfyD5yQ-00043-00007542-00007720 we're going to always take the lesser of the two. JZRucfyD5yQ-00044-00007720-00007931 - Okay, so some questions that I get JZRucfyD5yQ-00045-00007931-00008069 and I think they're great questions JZRucfyD5yQ-00046-00008069-00008210 - from buyers is - yep JZRucfyD5yQ-00047-00008210-00008391 all right, that appraisal came in higher. JZRucfyD5yQ-00048-00008391-00008624 Do I get that extra money somehow? JZRucfyD5yQ-00049-00008624-00008765 Can I finance more? JZRucfyD5yQ-00050-00008893-00009176 I mean, again, you have it down the line JZRucfyD5yQ-00051-00009176-00009273 - Right - once you've taken control JZRucfyD5yQ-00052-00009273-00009365 of the property and you own it, JZRucfyD5yQ-00053-00009365-00009667 again, that market value is indicated in that JZRucfyD5yQ-00054-00009667-00009777 - You have that hypothetical equity. JZRucfyD5yQ-00055-00009777-00009920 - We have the hypothetical equity. JZRucfyD5yQ-00056-00009920-00010058 - Yeah - There you go. Say that twice JZRucfyD5yQ-00057-00010058-00010241 but no, you don't again JZRucfyD5yQ-00058-00010241-00010418 because we're going off the lesser of the two JZRucfyD5yQ-00059-00010418-00010553 the financing is going to stay the same. JZRucfyD5yQ-00060-00010553-00010732 So it's not any cash that you're going to realize JZRucfyD5yQ-00061-00010732-00010815 at the closing, yeah. - right. JZRucfyD5yQ-00062-00010815-00011177 Okay, so what about, so that appraisal comes back at 520. JZRucfyD5yQ-00063-00011177-00011425 Number one, does the seller find out about that JZRucfyD5yQ-00064-00011425-00011697 and do they now charge me that 520? JZRucfyD5yQ-00065-00011697-00011860 Or can they change the sales price of our property? JZRucfyD5yQ-00066-00011860-00012001 - We get that question a lot. JZRucfyD5yQ-00067-00012001-00012087 I mean, it does, you know, JZRucfyD5yQ-00068-00012087-00012284 the appraisers don't bring it in JZRucfyD5yQ-00069-00012284-00012665 well over purchase and sale, it happens very rarely, JZRucfyD5yQ-00070-00012665-00012812 but we do get that question. JZRucfyD5yQ-00071-00012812-00012947 Is that real money? JZRucfyD5yQ-00072-00012947-00013031 And no, the seller doesn't, JZRucfyD5yQ-00073-00013031-00013241 I mean they can have the right to find out, JZRucfyD5yQ-00074-00013241-00013372 but it doesn't mean that they have the right JZRucfyD5yQ-00075-00013372-00013488 to change the negotiations. JZRucfyD5yQ-00076-00013488-00013616 They have a signed contract, - right JZRucfyD5yQ-00077-00013616-00013729 - they're under agreement JZRucfyD5yQ-00078-00013729-00013919 and it's only a good thing for both parties. JZRucfyD5yQ-00079-00013919-00014043 - Well, and I think the other part of that is JZRucfyD5yQ-00080-00014043-00014204 is that who owns that appraisal? JZRucfyD5yQ-00081-00014204-00014306 - right? JZRucfyD5yQ-00082-00014306-00014402 - So the buyer islands that appraisal JZRucfyD5yQ-00083-00014402-00014612 - Right and they are certified to get a copy of it JZRucfyD5yQ-00084-00014612-00014780 - so the seller actually has no right to that appraisal. JZRucfyD5yQ-00085-00014780-00014863 - They don't. JZRucfyD5yQ-00086-00014863-00015019 - And the only time we really give the seller JZRucfyD5yQ-00087-00015019-00015211 the appraisal is if there's an issue, right? JZRucfyD5yQ-00088-00015211-00015396 - if there's an issue on a negative side JZRucfyD5yQ-00089-00015396-00015545 or we have to go back to the negotiation table JZRucfyD5yQ-00090-00015545-00015629 - right. JZRucfyD5yQ-00091-00015629-00015756 - We're not going to say, Hey, it came in value. JZRucfyD5yQ-00092-00015756-00015954 It's only, it only certifies their value as well JZRucfyD5yQ-00093-00015954-00016037 and their selling price. JZRucfyD5yQ-00094-00016037-00016120 So it's usually a good thing. JZRucfyD5yQ-00095-00016120-00016235 - Yeah. Perfect. - Yeah. JZRucfyD5yQ-00096-00016235-00016377 Well stick around for that thousand dollars. JZRucfyD5yQ-00097-00016377-00016553 I'm Jeff Chubb with eXp Realty, Jason. JZRucfyD5yQ-00098-00016553-00017005 - Jason Bonarrigo, RMS mortgage (617) 413-5038. JZRucfyD5yQ-00099-00017005-00017370 - And our number is (617) 480-2600 JZRucfyD5yQ-00100-00017370-00017527 or online at Boston2.com JZRucfyD5yQ-00101-00017527-00017778 So that $1,000, make sure that you hit that subscribe JZRucfyD5yQ-00102-00017778-00018030 button below because when we hit 1000 subscribers, JZRucfyD5yQ-00103-00018030-00018308 we're going to give a thousand dollars to the ASPCA. JZRucfyD5yQ-00104-00018308-00018482 We're trying to save some puppies and some cats. JZRucfyD5yQ-00105-00018482-00018675 - And some cats, right - so we'll include that JZRucfyD5yQ-00106-00018675-00018825 - and some cats would be good too (laughs) JZRucfyD5yQ-00107-00018825-00018977 - So we're just trying to save some lives JZRucfyD5yQ-00108-00018977-00019094 - Overall animals - yeah. JZRucfyD5yQ-00109-00019094-00019257 - it's a good cause and a worthy cause JZRucfyD5yQ-00110-00019257-00019450 - So 1000 subscribers, $1,000 - subscribe JZRucfyD5yQ-00111-00019450-00019563 - We appreciate it. JZRucfyD5yQ-00112-00019563-00019740 If you share our video with friends, family members JZRucfyD5yQ-00113-00019740-00020031 who also might find this content informative, and JZRucfyD5yQ-00114-00020031-00020114 - We're here to help JZRucfyD5yQ-00115-00020114-00020364 - Help them to find more about Real estate. JZRucfyD5yQ-00116-00020364-00020551 So keep your questions coming. JZRucfyD5yQ-00117-00020551-00020681 And we look forward to hearing from you JZRucfyD5yQ-00118-00020681-00020862 and we really appreciate you watching. JZRucfyD5yQ-00119-00020862-00021121 (upbeat music) Jb3tt9alJAy-00000-00000056-00000816 i've noticed that some of the comments i saw the last likes. this rarely happened but because of the Jb3tt9alJAy-00001-00000816-00001464 large number of extra lives on luke davidson's video, i noticed them more clearly, and one of Jb3tt9alJAy-00002-00001464-00002048 them even happened on my own link, so this means you might have noticed it a few times before. JiBQHta0gFu-00000-00000000-00000375 so I've got a question for my buddy Finn and they say what is the best time to meditate JiBQHta0gFu-00001-00000375-00000803 is it in them early out of the morning or in the evening or any other time in between and JiBQHta0gFu-00002-00000803-00001176 I actually have some very specific advice for this question which is gonna really help you not JiBQHta0gFu-00003-00001176-00001545 just with meditation but with everything else as well so by the way I know this isn't about JiBQHta0gFu-00004-00001545-00001959 lucid dreaming it's kind of gonna relate back to this I mean if you're new here I'm Steph I teach JiBQHta0gFu-00005-00001959-00002451 lucid dreaming and consciousness but this specific video is about meditation and brainwave frequency JiBQHta0gFu-00006-00002842-00003415 now I'm going to answer the question very briefly now and say that the best time to JiBQHta0gFu-00007-00003415-00003910 meditate is there are two times okay first thing in the morning and also every time you have been JiBQHta0gFu-00008-00003910-00004372 in a stressful situation after you've been in that stressful situation then meditate now that's the JiBQHta0gFu-00009-00004372-00004798 basic answer those of you are interested in just that you can probably click away now go on my JiBQHta0gFu-00010-00004798-00005140 channel what something else anyone who wants a more detailed answer as well as one particular JiBQHta0gFu-00011-00005140-00005557 warning about the morning meditation session stick around so all throughout the day and JiBQHta0gFu-00012-00005557-00006070 night our brains operate in different frequencies different ranges of frequencies known as brainwave JiBQHta0gFu-00013-00006070-00006514 frequency States brainwave States and these frequencies do different things they allow JiBQHta0gFu-00014-00006514-00006958 different parts of your brain to function they allowed levels of access to your subconscious JiBQHta0gFu-00015-00006958-00007456 mind and it's incredibly important to realize this and to bear in mind when and how you do JiBQHta0gFu-00016-00007456-00007858 certain things throughout the day now a clear example of this is when you first wake up in JiBQHta0gFu-00017-00007858-00008269 the morning your brain is in what we call alpha the Alpha brainwave state is between seven and JiBQHta0gFu-00018-00008269-00008836 a half and 14 Hertz Hertz is basically how you measure brainwaves and how fast they're running JiBQHta0gFu-00019-00008836-00009301 basically so it's measured in cycles per second and like I said alpha is seven and a half to 14 JiBQHta0gFu-00020-00009301-00009733 Hertz or cycles per second and you are in alpha when you first wake up now what does this mean JiBQHta0gFu-00021-00009733-00010186 okay so if you're trying to focus on something if you're trying to do or study something or learn JiBQHta0gFu-00022-00010186-00010714 something alpha is where you want to be okay alpha is like literally the top alpha means stuff first JiBQHta0gFu-00023-00010714-00011245 the best way or the best state to be in because it allows you to have enhanced learning you can JiBQHta0gFu-00024-00011245-00011635 focus on something but you're not being distracted by all these different things you're focused on JiBQHta0gFu-00025-00011635-00012034 one thing and you're able to connect the two hemispheres of your brain the left and right JiBQHta0gFu-00026-00012034-00012421 hemisphere most of the time we're in the left hemisphere left brain and what you want to do is JiBQHta0gFu-00027-00012421-00012934 to be able to synchronize the two hemispheres of the brain and used both of them at the same time JiBQHta0gFu-00028-00012934-00013468 in what we call flow state now flow state is where you have both hemispheres of the brain functioning JiBQHta0gFu-00029-00013468-00013927 at the same time sharing information and ideas and they're connected via the bridge in the middle of JiBQHta0gFu-00030-00013927-00014344 the two hemispheres called the corpus callosum incredibly important state to be in and flow JiBQHta0gFu-00031-00014344-00014791 state for those of you who don't know is where you basically lose track of time you lose track of any JiBQHta0gFu-00032-00014791-00015250 other distractions and ideas and you focus just on the one thing that you do want to do now flow JiBQHta0gFu-00033-00015250-00015772 state is the goal the holy grail for learning and studying focusing but here's one incredibly JiBQHta0gFu-00034-00015772-00016311 powerful warning for you okay by being an alpha by being in the alpha stage you open up your JiBQHta0gFu-00035-00016311-00016788 subconscious mind and so that's how that's one of the reasons you're able to achieve flow state is JiBQHta0gFu-00036-00016788-00017283 by letting the subconscious mind flood into your conscious awareness and connects different ideas JiBQHta0gFu-00037-00017283-00017700 from all kinds of different parts of your brain during your memories and mix them together into JiBQHta0gFu-00038-00017700-00018201 a sparkling kind of cocktail of really interesting stuff now the danger of that is that when you're JiBQHta0gFu-00039-00018201-00018744 in our four brain wave states you are very open to suggestion any ideas and concepts and things JiBQHta0gFu-00040-00018744-00019179 well that you hear or experience during when you're in alpha state will be absorbed by your JiBQHta0gFu-00041-00019179-00019554 subconscious brain like a sponge and this is why the first thing you should do when you wake up JiBQHta0gFu-00042-00019554-00020112 is do not look at your phone don't consume any media don't watch the TV don't turn on the news JiBQHta0gFu-00043-00020112-00020547 okay that is the absolute worst time to do that because you will absorb those ideas and beliefs JiBQHta0gFu-00044-00020547-00021060 like a sponge so it's great for meditation because the goal of meditation is to get into either alpha JiBQHta0gFu-00045-00021060-00021528 or theta the theta is for really kind of deep meditation most of us won't be doing that because JiBQHta0gFu-00046-00021528-00021954 most people don't meditate for more than about 10 minutes if you really want to get into theta and JiBQHta0gFu-00047-00021954-00022419 even Delta in some extreme cases then you need to be spending more time meditating that's when JiBQHta0gFu-00048-00022419-00022764 you want to look at things like mind machines like to bind your beats by the way there are some links JiBQHta0gFu-00049-00022764-00023097 in the description if you want to go that deep but most of you will just want to meditate and JiBQHta0gFu-00050-00023097-00023583 get into alpha alpha brain wave state now this is great for meditation and in that sense you should JiBQHta0gFu-00051-00023583-00023913 meditate first thing in the morning because you're kind of already there you're already JiBQHta0gFu-00052-00023913-00024357 waking up in alpha so it's the first thing you do when you wake up is to meditate you're already in JiBQHta0gFu-00053-00024357-00024810 that brainwave frequency range so it's gonna be fairly easy to stay there now why would you JiBQHta0gFu-00054-00024810-00025335 want to meditate after a stressful situation well here's the main benefit of meditation it reverses JiBQHta0gFu-00055-00025335-00025812 and reduces aging by lengthening your telomeres by increasing your telomeres you reverse or slow down JiBQHta0gFu-00056-00025812-00026337 the aging process so what happens if you imagine telomeres like the kind of the caps on the ends of JiBQHta0gFu-00057-00026337-00026783 your shoelaces the little plastic caps and then the shoelaces when the cap is gone the shoelace JiBQHta0gFu-00058-00026783-00027227 kind of fries and decays and splinters out into all these different pieces with the cap there or JiBQHta0gFu-00059-00027227-00027770 the telomere in this case your chromosomes or the shoelace is protected so it doesn't really decay JiBQHta0gFu-00060-00027770-00028248 as fast you know it's protected against that so by meditating you lengthen your tail Amir's you JiBQHta0gFu-00061-00028248-00028686 basically strengthen the protective caps on the ends of your chromosomes which helps reverse or JiBQHta0gFu-00062-00028686-00029169 slow down the aging process so why do you care about that well in relation to stress stress is JiBQHta0gFu-00063-00029169-00029817 one of the biggest fact for aging and for health in general okay stress and in particular chronic JiBQHta0gFu-00064-00029817-00030324 stress is a very dangerous thing to experience on a long-term basis because it will damage your JiBQHta0gFu-00065-00030324-00030756 cells it will make your immune system weaker your motivation levels will drop you'll get JiBQHta0gFu-00066-00030756-00031194 all kinds of health problems if you have chronic stress now chronic stress is usually caused by JiBQHta0gFu-00067-00031194-00031761 one or two things every day it might be like you get caught up in traffic you might you know not JiBQHta0gFu-00068-00031761-00032127 be able to park properly your boss shouts at you okay something stressful happens and you let that JiBQHta0gFu-00069-00032127-00032697 stress sit there all day and you don't let it go some people just can't let things go easily it's JiBQHta0gFu-00070-00032697-00033144 easier with practice but what you should really do is every time you know you are stressed you're in JiBQHta0gFu-00071-00033144-00033564 a stressful situation you're annoyed you're angry take a minute to calm down when you think you've JiBQHta0gFu-00072-00033564-00034020 calmed down that's when you should meditate when you think you've already calmed down so if you JiBQHta0gFu-00073-00034020-00034371 try and meditate in the middle of being angry you're not really gonna be able to do it it's JiBQHta0gFu-00074-00034371-00034725 gonna be quite difficult but if you wait until after you've you think you've calmed down and JiBQHta0gFu-00075-00034725-00035217 then you meditate you're gonna massively reduce that stress response your hormonal response will JiBQHta0gFu-00076-00035217-00035826 lower down and calm down and you will massively decrease your stress levels you'll get back into JiBQHta0gFu-00077-00035826-00036276 alpha and away from beta so really what happens when you're stressed is your brainwaves go into JiBQHta0gFu-00078-00036276-00036693 beta but you're also really stressed and you have all kinds of stress hormones running through your JiBQHta0gFu-00079-00036693-00037164 body now what you need to do is to meditate after you've been stressed bring yourself back to alpha JiBQHta0gFu-00080-00037164-00037608 and calm down now you can meditate just before going to bed as well however I wouldn't recommend JiBQHta0gFu-00081-00037608-00038049 doing this just before going to bed I like to meditate about an hour or so before I go to JiBQHta0gFu-00082-00038049-00038655 sleep but you can also meditate as sort of like a bridge between your working life and your relaxing JiBQHta0gFu-00083-00038655-00039099 life in the evening so to answer the question at the beginning very simply okay the best time to JiBQHta0gFu-00084-00039099-00039549 meditate after a stressful situation first thing in the morning and about an hour or so before you JiBQHta0gFu-00085-00039549-00039921 go to sleep that's when you're gonna get the most benefits but I really want to just emphasize the JiBQHta0gFu-00086-00039921-00040365 alpha brainwaves day don't consume content don't look at your phone don't do anything which could JiBQHta0gFu-00087-00040365-00040776 have ideas or concepts that you do not want in your subconscious mind when you're in the alpha JiBQHta0gFu-00088-00040776-00041280 brainwave state so in particular after you've meditated that sort of like the first half an JiBQHta0gFu-00089-00041280-00041778 hour after you finished meditating do not take your social media don't watch videos on YouTube JiBQHta0gFu-00090-00041778-00042126 don't do any of that stuff because there is always a risk that there will be something or JiBQHta0gFu-00091-00042126-00042618 some idea some concept some belief that will be embedded there that will be stuck in your sock JiBQHta0gFu-00092-00042618-00043011 mind because you're in that alpha brainwaves today the Alpha state is basically like you're opening JiBQHta0gFu-00093-00043011-00043488 your subconscious mind and saying I'm gonna take in any information right now so if great JiBQHta0gFu-00094-00043488-00043812 if you want to learn something if you're trying to learn if you're trying to learn a language if JiBQHta0gFu-00095-00043812-00044154 you're trying to focus on stuff then you want the Alpha brainwave safe to be there because you want JiBQHta0gFu-00096-00044154-00044592 your subconscious mind to be engaged you want it to absorb things so it's great for language JiBQHta0gFu-00097-00044592-00045027 learning great for focusing and studying but terribly dangerous if you're consuming media JiBQHta0gFu-00098-00045027-00045471 or content with negative messages programming things you don't want to have in your brain and JiBQHta0gFu-00099-00045471-00046029 in your subconscious mind negative beliefs and all of those dangerous things like that for most of JiBQHta0gFu-00100-00046029-00046479 you just meditate in the morning for about 10 to 15 minutes with some binaural beats as well I'll JiBQHta0gFu-00101-00046479-00046764 put links to all of this in the description by the way and if you really want to go deeper with JiBQHta0gFu-00102-00046764-00047169 your meditation I would advise you to check out mind machines they're a really powerful way of JiBQHta0gFu-00103-00047169-00047631 you know how like I said before that that when you meditate you're taking your brainwaves from JiBQHta0gFu-00104-00047631-00048075 beta which is like your focus and you're thinking critically about you you also stressed you're also JiBQHta0gFu-00105-00048075-00048504 thinking about everything else you have to do it's a great brainwave state to be in for socializing JiBQHta0gFu-00106-00048504-00048969 and you know day to day activities but if you're trying to focus on something or meditate if you're JiBQHta0gFu-00107-00048969-00049449 trying to do those higher brain activities those more important things you need to be an alpha and JiBQHta0gFu-00108-00049449-00049839 by the way if you want to meditate even deeper you need to be in theta or Delta now to get to JiBQHta0gFu-00109-00049839-00050280 those brainwave states typically you would have to meditate for about half an hour or more usually JiBQHta0gFu-00110-00050280-00050682 it's more than an hour to get down into Delta okay and that's what someone who's experienced JiBQHta0gFu-00111-00050682-00051069 they're meditating if you want a shortcut that if you want to reach a thief to our Delta without JiBQHta0gFu-00112-00051069-00051534 having to spend an hour there is a device called a mind machine meditation machine or a light and JiBQHta0gFu-00113-00051534-00051924 sound machine basically it's like smooth goggles that you put on and some headphones youporn and JiBQHta0gFu-00114-00051924-00052353 it's connected up to this device which has a tracklist and these tracks are synchronized JiBQHta0gFu-00115-00052353-00052776 and produced to synchronize the effect of the in the goggles there are loads of flashing lights JiBQHta0gFu-00116-00052776-00053178 different colored flashing lights and then the headphones played binaural beats y.newval beats JiBQHta0gFu-00117-00053178-00053634 are a great way of creating what we call a frequency following response in your brain JiBQHta0gFu-00118-00053634-00054099 what this means is you hear this kind of sound these tones right slightly different frequencies JiBQHta0gFu-00119-00054099-00054486 one played in each ear through stereo headphones and they create a frequency following response JiBQHta0gFu-00120-00054486-00054924 which makes your brainwaves kind of follow along with that so if you listen to it for JiBQHta0gFu-00121-00054924-00055419 long enough you'll reach that brainwave state now a mind machine combines the binaural beats with a JiBQHta0gFu-00122-00055419-00055954 visual stimuli ganzfeld frames or the flashing colored lights basically synchronized ethically JiBQHta0gFu-00123-00055954-00056458 to the binaural beats which makes your brain wait is hard to explain really but it basically turns JiBQHta0gFu-00124-00056458-00057037 your brainwaves into the brain waves that you want them to be a lot faster so without struggling over JiBQHta0gFu-00125-00057037-00057445 way to explain that imagine that you're going to be able to plug this thing up in for five minutes JiBQHta0gFu-00126-00057445-00057928 and get the same effect of an hour of meditation my machines are really powerful and like I said JiBQHta0gFu-00127-00057928-00058228 links to those are in the description you should check them out they're pretty cool JiN5alAcfGo-00000-00000000-00000483 In this video I'm going to show you how to add image descriptions to make your JiN5alAcfGo-00001-00000483-00001055 Blackboard content accessible. First click on the down arrow next to the item JiN5alAcfGo-00002-00001055-00001736 you would like to edit. Select "edit" to access the text editor to add an image. JiN5alAcfGo-00003-00001736-00002358 Click on the "insert edit image icon." From here you have three options, you can JiN5alAcfGo-00004-00002358-00002847 paste the URL of an image you found on the Internet, you can click on "Browse JiN5alAcfGo-00005-00002847-00003384 Computer" and upload an image from your computer, or you can select "Browse Course" JiN5alAcfGo-00006-00003384-00003909 to select an image that has already been uploaded to your Blackboard course. In JiN5alAcfGo-00007-00003909-00004364 this case we're going to select "Browse Computer." Click on the image you want to JiN5alAcfGo-00008-00004364-00005034 upload, then click "Open". To make this image accessible add a title and a JiN5alAcfGo-00009-00005034-00005471 description. I already wrote my description so I'm going to paste it JiN5alAcfGo-00010-00005471-00006243 here. Remember that your image description needs to be as detailed as JiN5alAcfGo-00011-00006243-00006639 possible in a way that someone with vision impairment is able to imagine JiN5alAcfGo-00012-00006639-00007290 what you described. If the image does not have any educational value and it is JiN5alAcfGo-00013-00007290-00007856 just for decoration, you can write "null" on the description. Before you close the JiN5alAcfGo-00014-00007856-00008403 window click "Insert" on the lower right-hand corner then "Submit". If you JiN5alAcfGo-00015-00008403-00008918 have any questions please feel free to contact us at online that support at JiN5alAcfGo-00016-00008918-00009346 online.support@usi.edu JkCVOuzuJZI-00001-00017003-00019799 tsurreal,prod. tsurreal,a boogie wit da hoodie type beat,a boogie type beat,a boogie wit da hoodie type beat free,a boogie wit da hoodie type beat 2022,chris brown type beat tsurreal,artist 2.0 deluxe type beat,tsurreal chris brown type beat,chris brown type beat 2022 free,a boogie artist 2.0 type beat,artist 2.0 type beat,a boogie wit da hoodie artist 2.0 type beat,a boogie type beat free for profit,a boogie type beat free 2020,a boogie type beat free download JlS1QH2vi_k-00000-00000155-00000639 I want you to open your Bibles to Matthew please. Matthew chapter 9. Our lesson will JlS1QH2vi_k-00001-00000639-00001205 be taken from Matthew chapter 9 this evening. Matthew chapter 9. Please read JlS1QH2vi_k-00002-00001205-00002210 along with me. "Getting into a boat, Jesus crossed over the sea and came to His own JlS1QH2vi_k-00003-00002210-00002772 city. And they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. Seeing their faith. Jesus JlS1QH2vi_k-00004-00002772-00003314 said to the paralytic, 'Take courage, son; your sins are forgiven.' And some of the JlS1QH2vi_k-00005-00003314-00003779 scribes said to themselves, 'This fellow blasphemes.' And Jesus knowing JlS1QH2vi_k-00006-00003779-00004246 their thoughts said, 'Why are you thinking evil in your hearts? Which is easier, to JlS1QH2vi_k-00007-00004246-00004940 say, "Your sins are forgiven," or to say, "Get up, and walk?" But so that you may know JlS1QH2vi_k-00008-00004940-00005390 that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins' ---then He said to JlS1QH2vi_k-00009-00005390-00006030 the paralytic, 'Get up, pick up your bed and go home.' And he got up and he went JlS1QH2vi_k-00010-00006030-00006659 home. But when the crowd saw this, they were awestruck, and glorified God, who had JlS1QH2vi_k-00011-00006659-00007452 given such authority to men." In verse 8 Matthew says that the people after JlS1QH2vi_k-00012-00007452-00008358 having heard Jesus forgive the paralytic and then heal him, Matthew says they JlS1QH2vi_k-00013-00008358-00009407 praise God for giving authority, power, to heal and to forgive men. Now they heard JlS1QH2vi_k-00014-00009407-00010236 and they saw what Jesus did and they glorified God for giving to a man such JlS1QH2vi_k-00015-00010236-00011015 authority and such power. The people in this story gave honor to God, but they JlS1QH2vi_k-00016-00011015-00011950 didn't really get it. They didn't really understand. They didn't really perceive. JlS1QH2vi_k-00017-00011950-00012515 How great their awe would have been if they would have recognized the full JlS1QH2vi_k-00018-00012515-00013223 truth; and the full truth was that God Himself was present before them. If they JlS1QH2vi_k-00019-00013223-00013553 were awestruck by watching what they thought was a man do something, JlS1QH2vi_k-00020-00013553-00013971 imagine how they would have felt if they understood that that man standing in JlS1QH2vi_k-00021-00013971-00014802 front of them was the Son of God. How many times do we miss a spiritual JlS1QH2vi_k-00022-00014802-00015533 reality, a feature of the unseen world that is right in front of our eyes, but JlS1QH2vi_k-00023-00015533-00016199 because of lack of faith, insight, perhaps even purity, we miss it. JlS1QH2vi_k-00024-00016199-00016866 For example, we experience suffering and pain, but we're blind to the discipline JlS1QH2vi_k-00025-00016866-00017570 of the Lord behind it. We don't see the Lord working behind what we're going JlS1QH2vi_k-00026-00017570-00018183 through, all we see is the pain; or we feel the allure of temptation, but we JlS1QH2vi_k-00027-00018183-00018897 don't recognize the form of Satan lurking in the background; or we sense JlS1QH2vi_k-00028-00018897-00019503 the inconvenience of a service asked of us, but we don't recognize the angel JlS1QH2vi_k-00029-00019503-00020265 who's asking us for that favor; or we see just people at worship, but we fail to JlS1QH2vi_k-00030-00020265-00020919 see the presence of the Lord with His people. With time the Jews in JlS1QH2vi_k-00031-00020919-00021438 this story became more blind to the realities of the unseen world and JlS1QH2vi_k-00032-00021438-00021906 ultimately they crucified the One that they had praised God for in this very JlS1QH2vi_k-00033-00021906-00022728 scene. You see the spiritual world comes into view as you practice looking for it, JlS1QH2vi_k-00034-00022728-00023394 and if you know practice looking for it, it disappears altogether as our eyesight JlS1QH2vi_k-00035-00023394-00024114 for lack of practice becomes way too dull to see it at all. Now the rest of JlS1QH2vi_k-00036-00024114-00024779 this chapter is filled with examples of people who saw or who missed seeing the JlS1QH2vi_k-00037-00024780-00025490 unseen world. Let me demonstrate. Let's keep going, verse 9. "As Jesus went JlS1QH2vi_k-00038-00025490-00025914 on from there, he saw a man called Matthew, sitting in the tax collector's JlS1QH2vi_k-00039-00025914-00026558 booth and He said to him, 'Follow Me!' And he got up and followed Him." So Matthew as JlS1QH2vi_k-00040-00026558-00027066 an example saw the kingdom coming in Jesus and he left his world to JlS1QH2vi_k-00041-00027066-00027606 enter into the kingdom with Christ. Matthew recognized Jesus as the Son of JlS1QH2vi_k-00042-00027606-00028410 God and he left the god of Mammon in order to follow the Son of God. Let's JlS1QH2vi_k-00043-00028410-00028877 keep going. Verse 10 to 13. There's just one example after another. It says, "Then it JlS1QH2vi_k-00044-00028877-00029283 happened that as Jesus was reclining at table in the house, behold, many tax JlS1QH2vi_k-00045-00029283-00029750 collectors and sinners came and were dining with Jesus and His disciples. When JlS1QH2vi_k-00046-00029750-00030216 the Pharisees saw this, they said to His disciples, 'Why is it your Teacher eating JlS1QH2vi_k-00047-00030216-00030774 with the tax collectors and sinners?' But when Jesus heard this, He said, 'It is not JlS1QH2vi_k-00048-00030774-00031172 those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick. But go JlS1QH2vi_k-00049-00031172-00031568 and learn what this means" "I DESIRE COMPASSION AND NOT SACRIFICE," JlS1QH2vi_k-00050-00031568-00032148 for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.'" So in this scene the JlS1QH2vi_k-00051-00032148-00032775 Pharisees, what do they see? Well, they only saw a man like themselves and since JlS1QH2vi_k-00052-00032775-00033309 they could not even see their own sins they actually saw Jesus as a man who was JlS1QH2vi_k-00053-00033309-00033876 inferior to themselves and since they couldn't see their sins they didn't JlS1QH2vi_k-00054-00033876-00034626 recognize the One who had come to save them from their sins. They saw Jesus JlS1QH2vi_k-00055-00034626-00035265 alright, but they didn't see the unseen part of the kingdom that Jesus was JlS1QH2vi_k-00056-00035265-00035808 bringing with Him. We continue right down. Verse 14 says, "Then the disciples of JlS1QH2vi_k-00057-00035808-00036278 John came to Him, asking, 'Why do we and the Pharisees fast, but Your disciples do JlS1QH2vi_k-00058-00036278-00036762 not fast?' And Jesus said to them, 'The attendants of the bridegroom cannot JlS1QH2vi_k-00059-00036762-00037156 mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them, can they? But the days will come JlS1QH2vi_k-00060-00037156-00037668 when the bridegroom has taken away from them, and then they will fast. But no one JlS1QH2vi_k-00061-00037668-00038106 puts a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from JlS1QH2vi_k-00062-00038106-00038548 the garment, and a worse tear results. Nor do people put new wine JlS1QH2vi_k-00063-00038548-00039150 into old wineskins; otherwise the wine skins burst, and the wine pours out and JlS1QH2vi_k-00064-00039150-00039657 the wineskins are ruined; but they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both JlS1QH2vi_k-00065-00039657-00040140 are preserved.'" In this instance, it's the disciples JlS1QH2vi_k-00066-00040140-00040752 of John; and what do the disciples of John see in Jesus? Well, they see JlS1QH2vi_k-00067-00040752-00041409 competition, not completion. They saw someone that would take away from their JlS1QH2vi_k-00068-00041409-00041874 leader's prestige, but they were blind to the fact that their leader was preparing JlS1QH2vi_k-00069-00041874-00042552 them for Jesus. They were too blind even to see the purpose of their own leader JlS1QH2vi_k-00070-00042552-00043293 and so they missed the significance of Jesus' arrival. And then in verses 18 to JlS1QH2vi_k-00071-00043293-00043887 26, too long a passage, familiar one for us, let me summarize, but in the same vein JlS1QH2vi_k-00072-00043887-00044382 as what we're talking about; in the passage, in verse 18 to 26, we read about JlS1QH2vi_k-00073-00044382-00044832 two people: the woman with the issue of blood and the synagogue leader whose JlS1QH2vi_k-00074-00044832-00045476 child had died. These people came to Jesus for help with seemingly hopeless JlS1QH2vi_k-00075-00045476-00045966 situations; one with a lifelong hemorrhage that no one could heal, and JlS1QH2vi_k-00076-00045966-00046596 the other with a child that had died, however, they saw Jesus not just as a JlS1QH2vi_k-00077-00046596-00047238 teacher, but as One who could heal, One who had the power from God over illness JlS1QH2vi_k-00078-00047238-00047807 and death and their vision of Him was confirmed as He healed the woman and JlS1QH2vi_k-00079-00047807-00048741 restored the child to life. We keep going, verse 27 this time. Verse 27, it says, "As JlS1QH2vi_k-00080-00048741-00049166 Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed Him, crying out, 'Have mercy on us JlS1QH2vi_k-00081-00049166-00049632 Son of David!' When He entered the house, the blind men came up to Him, and Jesus JlS1QH2vi_k-00082-00049632-00050016 said to them, 'Do you believe that I am able to do this?' and they said to Him, 'Yes JlS1QH2vi_k-00083-00050016-00050416 Lord.' Then He touched their eyes, saying, 'It shall be done to you according to JlS1QH2vi_k-00084-00050416-00050864 your faith.' And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly warned them: 'See that JlS1QH2vi_k-00085-00050864-00051290 no one knows about this!' But they went out and spread the news about Him JlS1QH2vi_k-00086-00051290-00051872 throughout all that land." So in this scene, the blind men, they JlS1QH2vi_k-00087-00051872-00052355 couldn't physically see, but they nevertheless could see that Jesus was JlS1QH2vi_k-00088-00052355-00052869 the Messiah; they called out to Him, 'Son of David! Lord,' which goes to show you JlS1QH2vi_k-00089-00052869-00053436 that you don't need physical eyes in order to see the un-- JlS1QH2vi_k-00090-00053436-00054125 seen. And then in verses 32 to 34, it says, "As they were going out, a mute, JlS1QH2vi_k-00091-00054125-00054626 demon-possessed man was brought to Him. After the demon was cast out, the mute JlS1QH2vi_k-00092-00054626-00055094 man spoke; and the crowds were amazed, and they were saying, 'Nothing like this has JlS1QH2vi_k-00093-00055094-00055622 ever been seen in Israel.' But the Pharisees were JlS1QH2vi_k-00094-00055622-00056176 saying, 'He casts out the demons by the ruler of the demons.'" After yet another JlS1QH2vi_k-00095-00056178-00056523 great miracle is performed before their very eyes JlS1QH2vi_k-00096-00056523-00057261 the Pharisees again refused to see what is by now plainly evident that Jesus is JlS1QH2vi_k-00097-00057261-00057839 the Messiah. They have become so blind that they see only what their evil JlS1QH2vi_k-00098-00057839-00058604 hearts want to see, and that is that Jesus somehow represents or is the devil. JlS1QH2vi_k-00099-00058604-00059312 And then we finish up the chapter, verse 35. It says, "Jesus was going JlS1QH2vi_k-00100-00059312-00059641 through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and JlS1QH2vi_k-00101-00059641-00060088 proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and JlS1QH2vi_k-00102-00060090-00060542 every kind of sickness. Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they JlS1QH2vi_k-00103-00060542-00060950 were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to JlS1QH2vi_k-00104-00060950-00061312 His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore JlS1QH2vi_k-00105-00061312-00062105 beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” JlS1QH2vi_k-00106-00062108-00062676 So the apostles only saw people. When they looked at the people that followed JlS1QH2vi_k-00107-00062676-00063320 Jesus they only saw people who were poor and leaderless and sorrowful, but Jesus JlS1QH2vi_k-00108-00063320-00063842 tells them to see the people as a harvest of souls, ready to be gathered. JlS1QH2vi_k-00109-00063842-00064352 And so in each of these situations people were faced with two worlds: the JlS1QH2vi_k-00110-00064352-00065027 world that they saw and the unseen world; and their ability to discern the unseen JlS1QH2vi_k-00111-00065027-00065529 world required three things and I would like to share those with you. And if JlS1QH2vi_k-00112-00065529-00065858 you're wondering, saying, 'You know, that passage of scripture sure sounds JlS1QH2vi_k-00113-00065858-00066132 familiar,' that's because Marty was preaching off JlS1QH2vi_k-00114-00066132-00066579 of this this morning, but he wouldn't a completely different direction, which JlS1QH2vi_k-00115-00066579-00067107 shows you how wonderful God's word is. Amen. We can preach on it and he JlS1QH2vi_k-00116-00067107-00067503 could come back here tomorrow and preach on it again and take it yet in JlS1QH2vi_k-00117-00067503-00068124 another direction to edify everyone. The reason I read all of these JlS1QH2vi_k-00118-00068124-00068583 is that they're just a collection of stories or incidences that JlS1QH2vi_k-00119-00068583-00069063 demonstrate how people were observing; whether they actually saw what was JlS1QH2vi_k-00120-00069063-00069573 before them or if they actually saw the thing that Jesus was trying to show them. JlS1QH2vi_k-00121-00069573-00070166 And in order to see the unseen, a couple of things you need to have. Number one, JlS1QH2vi_k-00122-00070166-00070839 you need to look for it. You want to see the unseen world? It's there, but you have JlS1QH2vi_k-00123-00070839-00071316 to look for it. In Hebrews 11:6 the writer says, "And without faith it is JlS1QH2vi_k-00124-00071316-00071882 impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and JlS1QH2vi_k-00125-00071882-00072657 that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6. For JlS1QH2vi_k-00126-00072657-00073239 those who think that this world is all that exists, for those who think that JlS1QH2vi_k-00127-00073239-00073713 this world is all that they see; everything said, everything done and JlS1QH2vi_k-00128-00073713-00074268 thought about relates only to what can be experienced physically; some people, JlS1QH2vi_k-00129-00074268-00074862 that's it, that's the sum total, but in order to see what is unseen the Hebrew JlS1QH2vi_k-00130-00074862-00075309 writer tells us that the individual must believe that it actually exists and JlS1QH2vi_k-00131-00075309-00076086 search for it diligently. The world around us that we can see points to a JlS1QH2vi_k-00132-00076086-00076770 world and a God that is unseen. Paul tells us this in Romans chapter 1 verse JlS1QH2vi_k-00133-00076770-00077330 20. He says, "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His JlS1QH2vi_k-00134-00077330-00077996 eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood JlS1QH2vi_k-00135-00077996-00078760 through what has been made, so that they are without excuse." JlS1QH2vi_k-00136-00078760-00079620 Notice what he says here. Everything that is seen points to Someone who is not JlS1QH2vi_k-00137-00079620-00080392 seen, not seen. The conscience that he mentions a little JlS1QH2vi_k-00138-00080392-00080944 later on, or before this, the conscience within us also relates to the physical JlS1QH2vi_k-00139-00080944-00081426 universe, but we know intuitively that the conscience was designed to function JlS1QH2vi_k-00140-00081426-00082095 in a universe that is unseen, and that is the moral universe. I go back to chapter JlS1QH2vi_k-00141-00082096-00082578 1 of Romans, this time a little further back in verse 19. He says, "Because that JlS1QH2vi_k-00142-00082578-00083176 which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to JlS1QH2vi_k-00143-00083176-00083988 them." So our outer world and our inner world both make a witness that there is JlS1QH2vi_k-00144-00083988-00084570 another world; an unseen world that exists and in order to see it we must JlS1QH2vi_k-00145-00084570-00084982 want to see it and look for it diligently through prayer and the JlS1QH2vi_k-00146-00084982-00085561 reading of the word and devotion to God's service. Cornelius in the JlS1QH2vi_k-00147-00085561-00086126 book of Acts prayed and he did good works and God let him see an angel that JlS1QH2vi_k-00148-00086126-00086976 gave him the instructions on how to bring the gospel into his home. JlS1QH2vi_k-00149-00086976-00087622 Another thing we need to do in order to see the unseen, and these are not just JlS1QH2vi_k-00150-00087622-00088162 like suggestions, this is what we actually have to do in order to do this JlS1QH2vi_k-00151-00088162-00088833 thing. So another thing to do in order to see the unseen is believe that Jesus is JlS1QH2vi_k-00152-00088833-00089326 the Son of God. Why do you think that's the confession of faith we make when we JlS1QH2vi_k-00153-00089326-00089982 become Christians? Because faith that Jesus is truly the Son of God, that we JlS1QH2vi_k-00154-00089982-00090400 accept that as true, that we believe that, that's the key that opens the door to JlS1QH2vi_k-00155-00090400-00091405 the unseen world. Jesus said, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father," John JlS1QH2vi_k-00156-00091405-00091813 14:9. And God sent His Son Jesus as a human JlS1QH2vi_k-00157-00091813-00092316 for the express purpose of allowing human beings to actually see God. JlS1QH2vi_k-00158-00092316-00093069 We can't relate to God in His pure form, pure spirit form. There's no way we can JlS1QH2vi_k-00159-00093069-00093714 relate to Him and so God condescends to us to become a JlS1QH2vi_k-00160-00093714-00094470 man that we may have a glimpse of God in Jesus Christ. John says of his experience JlS1QH2vi_k-00161-00094470-00095157 with Jesus, "What we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we beheld JlS1QH2vi_k-00162-00095157-00095898 and our hands handled," First John 1 verse 1. And so the key to unlock the door that JlS1QH2vi_k-00163-00095898-00096435 opens to the unseen world is the belief that Jesus is the divine Lord, the JlS1QH2vi_k-00164-00096435-00097004 Messiah, the Son of God. I go back to John, Jesus says, "I am the JlS1QH2vi_k-00165-00097005-00097590 way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through Me," and JlS1QH2vi_k-00166-00097590-00098175 the Father is in the unseen world and Jesus is saying, 'You cannot go to the JlS1QH2vi_k-00167-00098175-00098739 unseen world, you cannot see the unseen world unless you come through Me, I'm the JlS1QH2vi_k-00168-00098739-00099203 one that takes you there, I'm the one that opens your eyes to these things.' And JlS1QH2vi_k-00169-00099203-00099902 so the people in Matthew who just didn't get it they shared one common feature, JlS1QH2vi_k-00170-00099902-00100614 they did not believe that Jesus was more than just a man. They did not believe JlS1QH2vi_k-00171-00100614-00101145 that He was the Son of God, and because they did not have that faith they JlS1QH2vi_k-00172-00101145-00101754 couldn't see the things that He was showing them from the unseen world. Those JlS1QH2vi_k-00173-00101754-00102432 that did became witnesses not only to God's power, but also to His purpose for JlS1QH2vi_k-00174-00102432-00103065 their lives. People long to know God. People want to JlS1QH2vi_k-00175-00103065-00103602 gain insight to spiritual worlds that they know exist and they try all kinds JlS1QH2vi_k-00176-00103602-00104208 of methods and practices to gain access, but the only way to have one's eyes JlS1QH2vi_k-00177-00104208-00104832 opened is to believe in Jesus as the Son of God, that's the only way to the Father, JlS1QH2vi_k-00178-00104832-00105447 the only way that the eyes actually open so that you can see the unseen JlS1QH2vi_k-00179-00105447-00105978 world. And then finally, to be able to see the unseen you have to leave this world JlS1QH2vi_k-00180-00105978-00106790 and live in the unseen world. It's a little difficult. If you want to JlS1QH2vi_k-00181-00106790-00107327 see that world, you have to leave this world and go to that world. Now the reason JlS1QH2vi_k-00182-00107327-00107858 people don't see the unseen is that they like it here in this world a lot, they JlS1QH2vi_k-00183-00107858-00108752 love sin, they don't want to let it go. What did Jesus say? Marty was quoting JlS1QH2vi_k-00184-00108752-00109332 that very familiar passage in John chapter 3 verse 16, "For God so JlS1QH2vi_k-00185-00109332-00109778 loved the world," and it was appropriate in His lesson, but if we go a JlS1QH2vi_k-00186-00109778-00110462 couple of verses past John 3:16 and we get to John 3:19, that's where Jesus JlS1QH2vi_k-00187-00110462-00111164 explains why people stayed in the dark, why people could not see who He was, why JlS1QH2vi_k-00188-00111164-00111752 people did not get a glimpse of the unseen world. And why is that? Jesus says JlS1QH2vi_k-00189-00111752-00112406 it, "And this is the judgment, that the Light is come into the world, and men JlS1QH2vi_k-00190-00112406-00113066 loved the darkness more than the Light, for their deeds were evil." People don't JlS1QH2vi_k-00191-00113066-00113618 want to see the unseen world, they want to stay in this world, because they like JlS1QH2vi_k-00192-00113619-00114185 this world. Now some people knew that it exists, they even knew how to see it, but JlS1QH2vi_k-00193-00114185-00114704 they refused to do so because they want to stay in this world and continue to JlS1QH2vi_k-00194-00114704-00115146 enjoy for a little while longer the things that are familiar to the eyes, the JlS1QH2vi_k-00195-00115146-00115541 things that are familiar to the taste, and to the touch and to the senses. They JlS1QH2vi_k-00196-00115541-00115976 don't want to let that go. Anyone who begins to see the unseen JlS1QH2vi_k-00197-00115976-00116649 world faces a dramatic challenge; he or she must now deal with what they have JlS1QH2vi_k-00198-00116649-00116990 seen. It's like Peter, they bring them in JlS1QH2vi_k-00199-00116990-00117428 before the Sanhedrin, they beat him up, they threaten him, they do all kinds of JlS1QH2vi_k-00200-00117428-00117901 things to him. They tell him, 'Stop talking about this. Stop preaching this gospel. JlS1QH2vi_k-00201-00117901-00118337 Stop talking about Jesus,' and what does he say? JlS1QH2vi_k-00202-00118337-00119025 I paraphrase, 'I can't deny what I've just seen. You can beat me up. You JlS1QH2vi_k-00203-00119025-00119483 can threaten me. You can kill me, but I can't say that what I saw isn't true, JlS1QH2vi_k-00204-00119483-00120313 I've seen it!' Well that spirit, that understanding has JlS1QH2vi_k-00205-00120313-00120711 to come down to us as well when we're challenged in the world; JlS1QH2vi_k-00206-00120711-00121264 maybe we're not threatened to be beaten up, Satan has other tactics for us, he JlS1QH2vi_k-00207-00121264-00121900 burdens us with a lot of material things. He seduces us into too much activity. He JlS1QH2vi_k-00208-00121900-00122425 makes sure that we dig in to this earth here and we sink deep, deep roots JlS1QH2vi_k-00209-00122425-00123073 so that we don't budge. Why? Because if we see that world, if we JlS1QH2vi_k-00210-00123073-00123490 get a glimpse of it, we'll want to leave this world; we'll be in a hurry to leave JlS1QH2vi_k-00211-00123490-00123994 this place. As I say, anyone who begins to see the unseen world faces a dramatic JlS1QH2vi_k-00212-00123994-00124654 challenge, they have to deal with what they've seen. The Pharisees, they chose to JlS1QH2vi_k-00213-00124654-00125275 deny the reality of it and block the view so no one else could see it, and the JlS1QH2vi_k-00214-00125275-00125736 doubters refused to change their vision to accommodate the new reality of what JlS1QH2vi_k-00215-00125736-00126333 they had seen. 'Don't bother me with facts, my mind's already made up,' and JlS1QH2vi_k-00216-00126333-00126922 the sinners ignored the call to take a look preferring to enjoy what was before JlS1QH2vi_k-00217-00126922-00127722 them instead, but some people whose eyes were opened, some of them left everything, JlS1QH2vi_k-00218-00127722-00128259 abandoned the status quo in order to follow the new vision of the unseen JlS1QH2vi_k-00219-00128259-00128980 world revealed to them by Jesus Christ. Unless we leave this world and JlS1QH2vi_k-00220-00128980-00129613 enter the unseen world, our vision will only serve to harden our hearts and dull JlS1QH2vi_k-00221-00129613-00129959 our eyes to spiritual things in the future. JlS1QH2vi_k-00222-00129959-00130888 You see, seeing without changing results in blindness, spiritual blindness. Now it JlS1QH2vi_k-00223-00130888-00131683 is possible and necessary to perceive the unseen world. We don't propose any JlS1QH2vi_k-00224-00131683-00132562 magic tricks, no voodoo, no emotionalism--- get all hot and sweaty, jump JlS1QH2vi_k-00225-00132562-00133031 up and down, yell out Jesus' name forty times in a row, that's not JlS1QH2vi_k-00226-00133031-00133568 what we're talking about. It's possible to perceive the unseen world, it requires JlS1QH2vi_k-00227-00133568-00134303 that we accept the reality of this world and begin looking for it diligently. Have JlS1QH2vi_k-00228-00134303-00134740 you ever had the prayer, 'Lord, let me see more of You?' JlS1QH2vi_k-00229-00134740-00135526 Have we ever prayed that prayer? 'Lord, open my eyes to my own sinfulness.' JlS1QH2vi_k-00230-00135526-00136415 Have we ever prayed that prayer? 'Lord, give me a greater glimpse of heaven. Lord, JlS1QH2vi_k-00231-00136415-00137101 expand the capacity of my heart to understand what Your will is for my life, JlS1QH2vi_k-00232-00137101-00137846 for my service, for my ministry.' That's the kind of prayer that seeks the unseen JlS1QH2vi_k-00233-00137846-00138392 world. I've also said that it requires faith in Jesus Christ as the one who JlS1QH2vi_k-00234-00138392-00139106 will reveal the true spiritual world to us and bring us there. Those of you who JlS1QH2vi_k-00235-00139106-00139631 are regular Bible readers, you know that's a misnomer, I've always called it JlS1QH2vi_k-00236-00139631-00140072 regular, but I'm a regular Bible reader, but I read my Bible everyday; you see I JlS1QH2vi_k-00237-00140072-00140471 started out as a regular Bible reader, two- three times a week, and then I said JlS1QH2vi_k-00238-00140471-00140852 why not four times? Well, shoot it's Friday, why not five times? Pretty soon JlS1QH2vi_k-00239-00140852-00141545 it got to be a habit. If you want to see the unseen world you have to put your JlS1QH2vi_k-00240-00141545-00141971 eyes on Jesus, look at Him, He's the one that shows it to us and the only way to JlS1QH2vi_k-00241-00141971-00142715 do that is to read His word, His words, read about Him. And then it requires that JlS1QH2vi_k-00242-00142715-00143270 we be prepared to leave this world and enter the other world because once you JlS1QH2vi_k-00243-00143270-00144103 see it you must go there. One of the big problems in mission work, for example, is JlS1QH2vi_k-00244-00144103-00144626 there was a time where the strategy of the church was to bring missionaries JlS1QH2vi_k-00245-00144626-00145088 or people from other countries to bring them here to the United States JlS1QH2vi_k-00246-00145088-00145601 and train them here and then send them back to their countries and many who JlS1QH2vi_k-00247-00145601-00146171 came were from developing countries, very poor countries and so on and so forth, JlS1QH2vi_k-00248-00146171-00146558 and we were finding out, those who were training the missionaries, that these JlS1QH2vi_k-00249-00146558-00147023 individuals were coming from these poor countries eager to learn more about the JlS1QH2vi_k-00250-00147023-00147521 gospel and be trained, but once they had lived here for three or four years in JlS1QH2vi_k-00251-00147521-00148702 the United States, didn't want to go back, they wanted to stay. Why? Well, they saw a JlS1QH2vi_k-00252-00148702-00149438 vision of a country that was orderly and prosperous and not violent and so on JlS1QH2vi_k-00253-00149438-00149878 and so forth, so different from their own nation. It was a tremendous JlS1QH2vi_k-00254-00149878-00150551 temptation to not want to go back. Why? Because they had seen something that was JlS1QH2vi_k-00255-00150551-00151192 so much better than their own place. It's the same way when we see the JlS1QH2vi_k-00256-00151192-00151714 kingdom. We want to be there. We don't want to be here anymore. Isn't that what JlS1QH2vi_k-00257-00151714-00152249 Paul talks about? He longs to be with the Father, but he says to the church, but JlS1QH2vi_k-00258-00152249-00153130 it's better for you that I stay. He had a good vision of the unseen world. JlS1QH2vi_k-00259-00153130-00153746 So I ask you this evening, how is your spiritual eyesight? Every JlS1QH2vi_k-00260-00153746-00154223 sermon has a point, every point has something that we need to hopefully ask JlS1QH2vi_k-00261-00154223-00154799 ourselves. How's your spiritual eyesight? If there was a scale, like on JlS1QH2vi_k-00262-00154799-00155491 your sermon notes, there's a scale there that ranged from blind to 20/20, JlS1QH2vi_k-00263-00155491-00156197 how would your spiritual eyesight register? Where are you there? I JlS1QH2vi_k-00264-00156197-00156914 had a friend in Montreal many, many years ago who was blind. He was blind almost JlS1QH2vi_k-00265-00156914-00157598 from birth and they couldn't operate on him, there's JlS1QH2vi_k-00266-00157598-00158213 nothing to do, there was no way, there was no technology, to help him receive his JlS1QH2vi_k-00267-00158213-00159200 sight. He was permanently blind. Nothing that human technology or modern medicine JlS1QH2vi_k-00268-00159200-00159708 could do for him; thankfully there is a treatment and a JlS1QH2vi_k-00269-00159708-00160304 healing for spiritual blindness. We don't have to stay that way if we don't want JlS1QH2vi_k-00270-00160304-00160955 to. It begins with the desire to see, a confession of belief that Jesus as the JlS1QH2vi_k-00271-00160955-00161607 Son of God can cure us, and a decision to come out of the darkness and walk into JlS1QH2vi_k-00272-00161607-00162224 the light because the light that the Bible gives is the light that shines on JlS1QH2vi_k-00273-00162224-00163064 the unseen world. And so if you're blind, if your spiritual eyesight has gotten JlS1QH2vi_k-00274-00163064-00163703 blurry lately, why not come to Jesus Christ who can cure you and restore you JlS1QH2vi_k-00275-00163703-00164387 with perfect vision, with hope and with forgiveness? Those who wish to see JlS1QH2vi_k-00276-00164387-00164958 tonight or to see again, we encourage you to come forward now, as we stand as JlS1QH2vi_k-00277-00164958-00165548 we sing our song of encouragement. Brother Harold... JlaNKdvCo-U-00000-00000072-00000608 Hi, I'm Max Anderson and a recent graduate of the doctoral program in instructional technology JlaNKdvCo-U-00001-00000608-00001032 from Northern Illinois University. My regular job is as the director JlaNKdvCo-U-00002-00001032-00001448 of instructional design and learning innovation at the University of Illinois College of Medicine. JlaNKdvCo-U-00003-00001504-00002039 I'm happy to share my doctoral study with you. For my dissertation, I did a US-based study JlaNKdvCo-U-00004-00002039-00002552 on behavioral intention to use and actual usage behavior of educational technology JlaNKdvCo-U-00005-00002552-00003056 among medical education faculty who teach or facilitate inquiry-based learning activities. JlaNKdvCo-U-00006-00003176-00003568 My years of experience working with medical students clinical faculty and basic sciences JlaNKdvCo-U-00007-00003568-00004088 faculty include developing educational activities that are case-based as well as group based. JlaNKdvCo-U-00008-00004160-00004752 In this respect, case-based activities can be done with either the whole class or within groups. Up JlaNKdvCo-U-00009-00004752-00005280 until much more recently and especially with the pandemic any technology that was used to deliver JlaNKdvCo-U-00010-00005280-00005768 these types of activities utilized basic and ubiquitous educational technology like JlaNKdvCo-U-00011-00005768-00006352 PowerPoint for software, laptops and projectors for hardware and perhaps polling devices or software. JlaNKdvCo-U-00012-00006480-00006872 My study was completed prior to the COVID pandemic and the results reflect it. JlaNKdvCo-U-00013-00006928-00007512 More on future plans later in this presentation. For this study I used the term inquiry-based JlaNKdvCo-U-00014-00007512-00008080 learning or ibl as an umbrella term to discuss three specific types of case-based instruction: JlaNKdvCo-U-00015-00008136-00008808 case-based learning or CBL, problem-based learning or PBL, and team-based learning or TBL. In general, JlaNKdvCo-U-00016-00008808-00009352 IBL is a type of active learning where students receive sequenced and scaffolded information JlaNKdvCo-U-00017-00009352-00009952 about a task or an ill-structured problem. An ill-structured problem is defined as one JlaNKdvCo-U-00018-00009952-00010448 where there is no easily identifiable solution and students traditionally work in groups to JlaNKdvCo-U-00019-00010448-00010992 collaborate and come up with potential solutions. Some additional characteristics of IBL include JlaNKdvCo-U-00020-00011080-00011592 deep engagement with materials and opportunities to work with teams and faculty facilitators JlaNKdvCo-U-00021-00011592-00012072 to discover solutions to problems; scaffolding of information with the gradual reduction JlaNKdvCo-U-00022-00012072-00012672 in facilitator direction; situated cognition in which instruction is based on specific realistic JlaNKdvCo-U-00023-00012672-00013176 situations; and there's usually preparatory work for students to complete prior to the JlaNKdvCo-U-00024-00013176-00013896 scheduled session to enable a more robust informed discussion. In addition to the ubiquitous software JlaNKdvCo-U-00025-00013896-00014368 and hardware I previously mentioned, there are also other educational software tools that can be used JlaNKdvCo-U-00026-00014368-00014872 to automate many of the steps in the delivery of IBL activities, leaving the faculty facilitators to JlaNKdvCo-U-00027-00014872-00015416 focus more of their attention on the delivery of content. However, there can be a lack of pedagogical JlaNKdvCo-U-00028-00015416-00015952 purpose in the use of technology in IBL activities and challenges for students an activity to get JlaNKdvCo-U-00029-00015952-00016408 them to be functional at all, which can disrupt their teaching and learning experiences. JlaNKdvCo-U-00030-00016608-00017080 What we know based on previous studies is that there can be resistance from faculty to try JlaNKdvCo-U-00031-00017080-00017536 different delivery methods because they deliver their content in the same way it has been done JlaNKdvCo-U-00032-00017536-00018080 for years and some don't want to change, as they feel it adds more work on their already busy plate. JlaNKdvCo-U-00033-00018192-00018592 The existing research on barriers and buy-in for faculty regarding educational JlaNKdvCo-U-00034-00018592-00019120 technology suggests that there may be a perception that the introduction of these tools can disrupt JlaNKdvCo-U-00035-00019120-00019424 their academic freedoms andfamiliar teaching activities. JlaNKdvCo-U-00036-00019584-00020016 There may be specific technologies though, that can enhance the delivery of content for both students JlaNKdvCo-U-00037-00020016-00020568 and instructors and should not necessarily be ignored. Valid concerns such as the availability JlaNKdvCo-U-00038-00020568-00021016 of support mechanisms and how faculty might be influenced by their peers should be considered. JlaNKdvCo-U-00039-00021112-00021752 We also know that technology use can reduce paper waste. For example, traditional delivery of TBLs JlaNKdvCo-U-00040-00021752-00022288 include the use of paper scantrons, pencils, and packets or folders with case-based information. JlaNKdvCo-U-00041-00022368-00022832 There's a growing number of technology solutions that are appearing on the market to convert JlaNKdvCo-U-00042-00022832-00023568 traditional delivery of IBL, TBL, etc to an online format. There's also a lack of empirical studies JlaNKdvCo-U-00043-00023568-00024056 on faculty perspectives of using technology for IBL however there are many more studies JlaNKdvCo-U-00044-00024056-00024464 that focus on student perspectives. The data collected for this study can be JlaNKdvCo-U-00045-00024464-00024952 used to identify influencing characteristics and determine ways to support faculty more effectively. JlaNKdvCo-U-00046-00025016-00025456 What are their beliefs and attitudes about the integration of technology in IBL activities? JlaNKdvCo-U-00047-00025456-00025912 What are their intentions to do it or not? Can we use this information to provide better and JlaNKdvCo-U-00048-00025912-00026520 more appropriate interventions? So, in response to a gap in literature on this topic that I discovered, JlaNKdvCo-U-00049-00026520-00026944 the purpose of this quantitative study was to explore medical school faculty members JlaNKdvCo-U-00050-00026944-00027488 behavioral intention to use and actual usage behavior of educational technology to deliver JlaNKdvCo-U-00051-00027488-00028136 IBL activities. In addition, the study aimed to assess the moderating effects of demographic JlaNKdvCo-U-00052-00028136-00028583 characteristics such as age, gender,experience, and voluntariness of use JlaNKdvCo-U-00053-00028583-00029136 on attitudes toward behavioral intention and actual usage behavior regarding technology use JlaNKdvCo-U-00054-00029136-00029704 in IBL activities. For a little background. this chart shows the number of medical schools and the JlaNKdvCo-U-00055-00029704-00030320 instructional formats they used for the 2017-2018 academic year. This data is collected every year JlaNKdvCo-U-00056-00030320-00030872 by the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) and this is the most recent data they JlaNKdvCo-U-00057-00030872-00031256 have shared with the public on their website. Based on data they collect from medical schools, JlaNKdvCo-U-00058-00031383-00031727 these charts show that there are many medical schools that are going through significant JlaNKdvCo-U-00059-00031727-00032160 curricular changes which could be argued as potentially the perfect time to introduce JlaNKdvCo-U-00060-00032160-00032608 alternative delivery mechanisms. The chart on the right shows the number of medical schools JlaNKdvCo-U-00061-00032608-00033176 that increased their use of team-based learning specifically for the 2017-2018 academic year. JlaNKdvCo-U-00062-00033264-00033736 Even with this, case-based learning is the most popular type of IBL activity used in medical JlaNKdvCo-U-00063-00033736-00034288 schools in the United States. It should also be noted that many schools use more than one JlaNKdvCo-U-00064-00034288-00034912 IBL delivery type so there's some overlap. This shows the theoretical framework for the unified JlaNKdvCo-U-00065-00034912-00035504 theory of acceptance and use of technology or UTAUT developed by Venkatesh, Morris, Davis and Davis in JlaNKdvCo-U-00066-00035504-00036096 2003 that was the framework for my study. Many theoretical frameworks have been proposed over JlaNKdvCo-U-00067-00036096-00036640 the years to explain determinants of technology acceptance such as the technology acceptance model, JlaNKdvCo-U-00068-00036696-00037240 the theory of planned behavior, the diffusion of innovation theory, and others. The UTAUT integrated JlaNKdvCo-U-00069-00037240-00037696 eight other technology adoption models by incorporating key aspects of them to create JlaNKdvCo-U-00070-00037696-00038440 a new more encompassing model. In this figure, performance expectancy is the degree to which an JlaNKdvCo-U-00071-00038440-00038888 individual believes that using a technology tool will improve their job performance in some way. JlaNKdvCo-U-00072-00039000-00039504 Effort expectancy is the degree of ease associated with using an educational technology tool. JlaNKdvCo-U-00073-00039592-00039960 Social influence is how an individual perceives the importance of JlaNKdvCo-U-00074-00039960-00040696 other people using an educational technology tool. Facilitating conditions is defined by variances JlaNKdvCo-U-00075-00040696-00041152 in individual belief that there is a support mechanism available to them for use of a tool. JlaNKdvCo-U-00076-00041304-00041736 Behavioral intention is the likelihood of someone to use a technology, JlaNKdvCo-U-00077-00041736-00042352 and usage behavior refers to the actual use of technology. My research questions were: JlaNKdvCo-U-00078-00042440-00042976 What are the relationships between performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and JlaNKdvCo-U-00079-00042976-00043384 facilitating conditions (going forward I'll just refer to these as the main constructs) JlaNKdvCo-U-00080-00043440-00043960 and medical school faculty member's behavioral intention to use educational technology in IBL. JlaNKdvCo-U-00081-00044104-00044552 And then the second one was what are the relationships between these main constructs JlaNKdvCo-U-00082-00044552-00045192 and their actual use of educational technology. My third research question was do age, gender, JlaNKdvCo-U-00083-00045192-00045672 experience, and voluntariness of use moderate the relationships between the main constructs and JlaNKdvCo-U-00084-00045672-00046112 medical school faculty members behavioral intention to use educational technology? JlaNKdvCo-U-00085-00046112-00046624 Then the final one was essentially the same focusing on actual use of educational technology. JlaNKdvCo-U-00086-00046688-00047336 In previous studies including one where UTAUT was developed, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, JlaNKdvCo-U-00087-00047336-00048008 social influence, directly determined intention to use technology or behavioral intention. Behavioral JlaNKdvCo-U-00088-00048008-00048512 intention and facilitating conditions directly determine actual usage behavior. JlaNKdvCo-U-00089-00048512-00049056 Moderating variables that can affect these main constructs include the ones I mentioned and the JlaNKdvCo-U-00090-00049056-00049488 authors of the framework felt that the UTAUT could help to better understand what drives JlaNKdvCo-U-00091-00049488-00050104 technology acceptance in order to make proactive interventions. In my study, performance expectancy JlaNKdvCo-U-00092-00050104-00050592 represented the medical educators belief that their use of educational technology and IBL JlaNKdvCo-U-00093-00050592-00051224 activities will help achieve gains in content delivery. Effort expectancy represented the JlaNKdvCo-U-00094-00051224-00051696 medical educators belief about the ease of use of educational technology and IBL activities. JlaNKdvCo-U-00095-00051800-00052255 Social influence represented the medical educators perceptions of how others believe JlaNKdvCo-U-00096-00052255-00052920 he or she should use educational technology in IBL activities. Facilitating conditions represented the JlaNKdvCo-U-00097-00052920-00053384 medical educators belief regarding the level of technical support that is available to them. JlaNKdvCo-U-00098-00053544-00054048 Behavioral intention represented medical educators intention to use educational technology JlaNKdvCo-U-00099-00054048-00054648 in IBL activities, and finally, usage behavior represented the medical educators actual use of JlaNKdvCo-U-00100-00054648-00055160 these technologies. So, as I mentioned earlier there are familiar and ubiquitous types of educational JlaNKdvCo-U-00101-00055160-00055840 technology that include personal computers, navigation devices, smartphones, apple tv, roku. JlaNKdvCo-U-00102-00055840-00056296 For many of these tools, they've become so second nature and ubiquitous that people do not always JlaNKdvCo-U-00103-00056296-00057016 consider them when asked about their technology use. In many places, faculty have also been advised JlaNKdvCo-U-00104-00057016-00057624 to avoid the quote-unquote shiny thing effect. There are also generational issues and the digital JlaNKdvCo-U-00105-00057624-00058184 divide to consider. Some characteristics of learners across generations include generation z JlaNKdvCo-U-00106-00058184-00058816 or the i generation which is 1994 to present. These people are considered true digital natives, demand JlaNKdvCo-U-00107-00058816-00059408 convenience and immediacy, have a limited attention span, and they are accustomed to interacting solely JlaNKdvCo-U-00108-00059408-00059864 in the digital world. For earlier generations this is not necessarily their experience. JlaNKdvCo-U-00109-00059952-00060384 The original UTAUT researchers theorized that the characteristics of collaborative technology JlaNKdvCo-U-00110-00060448-00060879 along with the characteristics of individuals and groups were some of the predictors of the main JlaNKdvCo-U-00111-00060879-00061479 constructs. My study used a cross-sectional survey in order to collect data to make inferences about JlaNKdvCo-U-00112-00061479-00061864 the population of interest at one point in time and to measure multiple JlaNKdvCo-U-00113-00061864-00062424 variables at one point in time. IRB approval was obtained prior to the deployment of the survey JlaNKdvCo-U-00114-00062424-00062888 instrument. My survey was developed and modified based on the original author's research studies. JlaNKdvCo-U-00115-00063000-00063591 The survey instrument was open for about three weeks in october 2019. A correlational research JlaNKdvCo-U-00116-00063591-00064000 design was used to measure associations or relationships between two or more variables JlaNKdvCo-U-00117-00064079-00064520 the strength of the relationship between the independent variables of the main constructs JlaNKdvCo-U-00118-00064520-00064912 and the dependent variables of behavioral intention and actual usage behavior JlaNKdvCo-U-00119-00064912-00065391 were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlations and Spearman Rank Order JlaNKdvCo-U-00120-00065391-00065872 Correlations. The survey instrument included a section to collect demographic information from JlaNKdvCo-U-00121-00065872-00066496 participants such as age, gender, educational level, years of experience with educational technologies, JlaNKdvCo-U-00122-00066496-00067024 and level of perceived voluntariness of use of educational technologies. There were 55 JlaNKdvCo-U-00123-00067024-00067616 items in this survey and consisted of four broad categories: demographic information, experience JlaNKdvCo-U-00124-00067616-00068168 or employment information, the main constructs, and then behavioral intention and actual use. JlaNKdvCo-U-00125-00068304-00068808 The first question in the survey asked whether the potential participant had delivered IBL activities JlaNKdvCo-U-00126-00068808-00069216 within the previous five years which helped to weed out respondents to focus on those with JlaNKdvCo-U-00127-00069216-00069888 more recent experience. The demographics section examined such variables as age, gender, degrees, JlaNKdvCo-U-00128-00069888-00070400 years of teaching, academic rank, and clinical experience. A five point Likert scale was used JlaNKdvCo-U-00129-00070400-00071032 to measure each item in the UTAUT ranging from one strongly disagree to five strongly agree. Three JlaNKdvCo-U-00130-00071032-00071480 questions for effort expectancy were negatively worded so during the data analysis these questions JlaNKdvCo-U-00131-00071480-00072000 were reverse coded. To locate appropriate subjects I relied on virtual communities of practice that JlaNKdvCo-U-00132-00072000-00072600 use listservs such as DR-ED which is for medical educators, team based learning collaborative, and JlaNKdvCo-U-00133-00072600-00073424 EDUCAUSE. A multiple regression a priori power analysis was calculated using an alpha level of JlaNKdvCo-U-00134-00073424-00074248 0.05 power of 0.80 with a maximum of 4 predictors to detect a medium effect size a minimum of JlaNKdvCo-U-00135-00074248-00074744 85 participants was needed. Here are just a few examples of the questions for my survey instrument. JlaNKdvCo-U-00136-00075032-00075408 Here are a few more examples of my questions from my survey instrument. JlaNKdvCo-U-00137-00075408-00075784 Here are a few more examples of questions from my survey instrument. JlaNKdvCo-U-00138-00076048-00076568 Multiple linear correlation analysis was used to assess if independent variables predict the JlaNKdvCo-U-00139-00076568-00077136 dependent variables. For research questions one and two, bivariate correlations examined between JlaNKdvCo-U-00140-00077136-00077704 independent and correlation variables. Research questions one and two bivariate correlations JlaNKdvCo-U-00141-00077704-00078200 examined between independent and dependent variables. It asked about the relationship among JlaNKdvCo-U-00142-00078200-00078896 the four constructs and behavioral intention, usage behavior. Correlational coefficients were utilized. JlaNKdvCo-U-00143-00078896-00079400 For research questions three and four same with added interaction terms. Multiple regression was JlaNKdvCo-U-00144-00079400-00080032 used to analyze these data. Some general findings the age of respondents was primarily between JlaNKdvCo-U-00145-00080032-00080584 41 and 60 years old, there were more people with a doctoral degree than md who replied to JlaNKdvCo-U-00146-00080584-00081072 the survey, and the bulk of teaching experience among respondents was between 16 and 35 years. JlaNKdvCo-U-00147-00081264-00081784 So. research question one the constructs of performance expectancy effort expectancy JlaNKdvCo-U-00148-00081784-00082320 and social influence shows significance while facilitating conditions did not show. JlaNKdvCo-U-00149-00082320-00082872 And this is typically the case according to past research. For research question 2, the construct JlaNKdvCo-U-00150-00082872-00083408 of effort expectancy shows significance. Past research also shows this is typically the case. JlaNKdvCo-U-00151-00083584-00084128 For research question 3, past research shows significant interaction effects for gender and JlaNKdvCo-U-00152-00084128-00084672 voluntariness of use with performance expectancy and this outcome aligns with previous studies. JlaNKdvCo-U-00153-00084896-00085312 In previous studies, effort expectancy had no significant interaction effect with any of JlaNKdvCo-U-00154-00085312-00085808 the moderating variables and this is the same with this study. Social influence, facilitating JlaNKdvCo-U-00155-00085808-00086352 conditions, and moderating variables or interaction terms had similar results as previous studies. The JlaNKdvCo-U-00156-00086352-00086992 same with research question 4. Some implications of the findings: gender showed a significant effect JlaNKdvCo-U-00157-00086992-00087488 on the relationships of performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, and behavioral intention. JlaNKdvCo-U-00158-00087544-00087968 Further investigation by administrators might uncover a belief system impacted by gender. JlaNKdvCo-U-00159-00088112-00088672 Voluntariness of use of technology is integral on faculty expectations and intention. JlaNKdvCo-U-00160-00088736-00089928 The more faculty feel their use of technology is voluntary as opposed to required impacts intention and actual use Some additional questions that came out of the study: what interventions need to happen JlaNKdvCo-U-00161-00089928-00090568 to better support faculty? And do faculty bow to peer pressure? Future studies can expand on this JlaNKdvCo-U-00162-00090568-00091112 study to delve deeper into linkages between age and behavioral intention, etc., to determine how to JlaNKdvCo-U-00163-00091112-00091688 better support faculty. As for future plans, I plan on doing a follow-up to this study JlaNKdvCo-U-00164-00091688-00092312 during COVID to determine the differences in intention in actual usage behavior from pre-COVID. JlaNKdvCo-U-00165-00092400-00092744 And here are some references; there are three sides of references. JlaNKdvCo-U-00166-00093296-00093346 Thank you. JmcZH-ylAeY-00000-00000623-00001039 It was a great example to see, JmcZH-ylAeY-00001-00001040-00001609 really, the effect of emphasizing data JmcZH-ylAeY-00002-00001610-00002449 —all our thoughts and emotions and experiences— and have that really in a visual way laid out, JmcZH-ylAeY-00003-00002450-00003246 what would happen in a group of people, or you yourself, just rely on data and act on them. JmcZH-ylAeY-00004-00003246-00003839 And then to come here and see the results JmcZH-ylAeY-00005-00003840-00004666 of something about you that is completely powerful, empowered and of benefit. JmcZH-ylAeY-00006-00004666-00005143 And then to see these two ways to go. JmcZH-ylAeY-00007-00005143-00005653 You can choose. It’s the most important choice in your life, to see, well, JmcZH-ylAeY-00008-00005653-00006146 will I choose to emphasize my thoughts and emotions and experiences, JmcZH-ylAeY-00009-00006146-00006906 and then we heard how that could look like, or, and it’s a very disempowering way to live JmcZH-ylAeY-00010-00006906-00007339 and we all know it, we all have experience in that, JmcZH-ylAeY-00011-00007340-00007789 or we come here and to the Balanced View Training JmcZH-ylAeY-00012-00007790-00008466 and are introduced to something about us that is, well that’s our natural state, JmcZH-ylAeY-00013-00008466-00009156 first of all, and can provides a life of total benefit—total benefit and ease. JmcZH-ylAeY-00014-00009156-00009576 I can just share my experience, how my life completely shifted JmcZH-ylAeY-00015-00009576-00010039 to a life of ease and benefit, JmcZH-ylAeY-00016-00010040-00010713 where everything, no matter what comes up— all my thoughts and emotions and experiences— JmcZH-ylAeY-00017-00010713-00011076 they don’t affect me, and they don’t make me act. JmcZH-ylAeY-00018-00011196-00011899 And if you just imagine here at the Center everybody acting out JmcZH-ylAeY-00019-00011900-00012493 —and we did that just before, acting out on our data streams— JmcZH-ylAeY-00020-00012493-00012739 we wouldn’t want to come here right? JmcZH-ylAeY-00021-00012740-00013156 Like, it would be unpleasant, and we might have to hide, JmcZH-ylAeY-00022-00013156-00013446 and have many cupboards, and JmcZH-ylAeY-00023-00013446-00014276 like just dating place, and just go wild. JmcZH-ylAeY-00024-00014276-00014866 But here’s a place of complete empowerment. JmcZH-ylAeY-00025-00014866-00015373 It’s an environment of empowerment and respectful relating, JmcZH-ylAeY-00026-00015373-00015733 of seeing what we are capable of as a human being. JmcZH-ylAeY-00027-00015733-00016156 And then we see it here at the Center, and then we see that it’s possible in the world. JmcZH-ylAeY-00028-00016156-00016709 Now that’s an amazing step. But once you test it in your experience, you know exactly. JmcZH-ylAeY-00029-00016710-00017179 Then you know what is said here, what is being shared here, JmcZH-ylAeY-00030-00017180-00017449 how when we test it in our experience, JmcZH-ylAeY-00031-00017452-00017839 how that is possible for ourselves, relying on open intelligence JmcZH-ylAeY-00032-00017840-00018176 and seeing we don’t have to go with all our data streams. JmcZH-ylAeY-00033-00018176-00018779 And we can take full responsibility for our data streams. JmcZH-ylAeY-00034-00018780-00019143 Then we can see what that means for the world. JmcZH-ylAeY-00035-00019143-00019496 First we see it here in the community. JmcZH-ylAeY-00036-00019496-00019796 Is a place of total openness JmcZH-ylAeY-00037-00019796-00020216 and respectful relating and benefit—being of benefit. JmcZH-ylAeY-00038-00020216-00020663 And even if lots of data are going on JmcZH-ylAeY-00039-00020663-00021239 like, “I don’t like this” or, “I can’t do that” and, “I feel sick today and I,” JmcZH-ylAeY-00040-00021240-00021696 just that—it jumps this and that in all directions JmcZH-ylAeY-00041-00021696-00021999 —and that is where the empowerment is. JmcZH-ylAeY-00042-00022000-00022513 We have that choice to recognize open intelligence JmcZH-ylAeY-00043-00022628-00023019 and go the empowerment way, JmcZH-ylAeY-00044-00023020-00023503 or we disempower ourselves by emphasizing all these data streams. JmcZH-ylAeY-00045-00023503-00024106 And the Four Mainstays, they support that empowerment completely. JmcZH-ylAeY-00046-00024106-00024489 And we can use them however we want to use them. JmcZH-ylAeY-00047-00024490-00024886 When we come here, everything is available. JmcZH-ylAeY-00048-00024886-00025303 The short moments are available, right now. JmcZH-ylAeY-00049-00025528-00026189 The trainings are available. At the information table you can see all the big array JmcZH-ylAeY-00050-00026189-00026703 of trainings that are available. And they evoke open intelligence. JmcZH-ylAeY-00051-00026703-00027383 You heard about the transmission power. Just coming here, you see that there is something. JmcZH-ylAeY-00052-00027383-00027896 Well it was for me like that. I came and saw there’s something I want. JmcZH-ylAeY-00053-00027896-00028338 And that’s the transmission power. And then when you read texts, JmcZH-ylAeY-00054-00028339-00028886 they evoke open intelligence, without you needing to do anything, because it’s already present. JmcZH-ylAeY-00055-00028888-00029235 Open intelligence is inseparable of everything, JmcZH-ylAeY-00056-00029235-00029625 like the color blue and the sky, the breeze and the air. JmcZH-ylAeY-00057-00029766-00030219 And then the trainer, giving direct instructions and sharing their experience, JmcZH-ylAeY-00058-00030221-00030660 so you have everybody knows, “Okay. I can do it too.” JmcZH-ylAeY-00059-00030816-00031166 You have guidance, direct instruction. JmcZH-ylAeY-00060-00031166-00031556 Like, a great metaphor is like when you want to climb the Mount Everest, JmcZH-ylAeY-00061-00031556-00032066 you take a guide with you. You just don’t just walk off and, JmcZH-ylAeY-00062-00032066-00032366 “Okay, I’ll just walk to that peak up there.” JmcZH-ylAeY-00063-00032366-00032859 You might want to be prepared and to see what kind of tools you take and have a guide JmcZH-ylAeY-00064-00032860-00033399 who says, “Okay, well we’ll not jump from here,” and, “We’ll walk up there.” JmcZH-ylAeY-00065-00033400-00033836 And just in a very simple way, the trainer provides these instructions JmcZH-ylAeY-00066-00033836-00034229 and guidance, shares their own experience, JmcZH-ylAeY-00067-00034230-00034609 “Well, how did I use the Four Mainstays; how am I using the Four Mainstays?” JmcZH-ylAeY-00068-00034610-00035076 Four Mainstays are like a lifestyle. They’re just, I can’t even JmcZH-ylAeY-00069-00035076-00035433 think about my life without the Four Mainstays. JmcZH-ylAeY-00070-00035433-00036046 It’s just what is. And it means open intelligence power. JmcZH-ylAeY-00071-00036046-00036583 And then the community as well, the Fourth Mainstay. JmcZH-ylAeY-00072-00036583-00036866 And we spoke a lot about the community today, JmcZH-ylAeY-00073-00036866-00037293 and just seeing the power in people relying on open intelligence. JmcZH-ylAeY-00074-00037293-00037753 And you know what happens sometimes, if we would go out for dinner somewhere, JmcZH-ylAeY-00075-00037753-00038280 we would just sit there, and somebody comes and says, “What is with you all?” JmcZH-ylAeY-00076-00038323-00038869 You know they just, they don’t have a reason why they come, but they sense something. JmcZH-ylAeY-00077-00038870-00039459 You know like that happens to us so often, like, “Why are you all there together?” JmcZH-ylAeY-00078-00039460-00039789 And then if they ask which country, then we have so many countries, JmcZH-ylAeY-00079-00039790-00040399 you know, like: Germany, England, U.S. Oh well if I start with the countries JmcZH-ylAeY-00080-00040400-00040873 I don’t want to leave anybody out, so you, all the countries you know, all the countries. JmcZH-ylAeY-00081-00040873-00041269 And then, “Well how?” and, “What is?” You know? JmcZH-ylAeY-00082-00041270-00041686 Just that power of people relying on open intelligence JmcZH-ylAeY-00083-00041686-00042129 —complete openness, openheartedness, respectful relating. JmcZH-ylAeY-00084-00042130-00042846 But there’s something, where you can’t really understand. JmcZH-ylAeY-00085-00042846-00043433 It’s the power of open intelligence that shines benefit, no matter what’s going on. JmcZH-ylAeY-00086-00043433-00044089 If we let data dominate our actions, then that’s what is felt, JmcZH-ylAeY-00087-00044090-00044589 and that’s always very tense and disempowering. JmcZH-ylAeY-00088-00044590-00045313 So that’s why, you know, why are we coming back again and again here to the open meeting? JmcZH-ylAeY-00089-00045313-00045733 I’m coming back to the open meeting since eight years I think. JmcZH-ylAeY-00090-00045733-00046143 Only, doesn’t mean. It’s not long. It’s amazing. JmcZH-ylAeY-00091-00046143-00046756 Just and it’s so, I come back, and I can hear it again and I think, “Wow.” JmcZH-ylAeY-00092-00046756-00047036 Because it’s inexhaustible. It’s inexhaustible. JmcZH-ylAeY-00093-00047036-00047539 Gaining confidence in open intelligence, the Four Mainstays is inexhaustible. JmcZH-ylAeY-00094-00047540-00048349 Life gets better and better. And the power to be of benefit together gets more and more. JmcZH-ylAeY-00095-00048350-00048859 When I just think, Candice was saying, I think the last sentence was, JmcZH-ylAeY-00096-00048860-00049333 “And there are more and more people coming.” Now I can’t, well just paraphrasing here. JmcZH-ylAeY-00097-00049333-00049899 And I was just then thinking about when we came here first time to Goa. JmcZH-ylAeY-00098-00049900-00050399 Well first of all Candice came first time to India. There were no communities in Europe. JmcZH-ylAeY-00099-00050400-00050795 There were some communities in California and Montana. JmcZH-ylAeY-00100-00050795-00051066 And then she comes to India, to Rishikesh. JmcZH-ylAeY-00101-00051066-00051446 And we, you know, we just stumble upon a poster thank JmcZH-ylAeY-00102-00051446-00051883 —we were so lucky to stumble upon a poster— JmcZH-ylAeY-00103-00051883-00052416 and go into the open meeting. And from there, JmcZH-ylAeY-00104-00052578-00052936 and from there it really started, that communities, JmcZH-ylAeY-00105-00052936-00053359 that people listened to the introduction to open intelligence JmcZH-ylAeY-00106-00053360-00053883 and started relying on open intelligence and the Four Mainstays. JmcZH-ylAeY-00107-00053883-00054126 And then we went down to Goa. We just went down. JmcZH-ylAeY-00108-00054126-00054696 We were sitting over there in the Magic Park on cushions. JmcZH-ylAeY-00109-00054696-00054953 And we were maybe twenty people. JmcZH-ylAeY-00110-00054953-00055349 And when Candice did the first open meeting, it was just like just a handful of people. JmcZH-ylAeY-00111-00055350-00056089 You have to think, ”Wow.” And then, over these years, it just grew. And then look. In Europe now, JmcZH-ylAeY-00112-00056090-00056796 and in the United States, and all over all continents, there are people now relying on open intelligence JmcZH-ylAeY-00113-00056796-00057376 and using the Four Mainstays, empowering the Four Mainstays lifestyle, JmcZH-ylAeY-00114-00057376-00058003 to empower themselves and to see what they are capable of as a human being, JmcZH-ylAeY-00115-00058003-00058420 and to say no to disempowering ways of relating, JmcZH-ylAeY-00116-00058503-00058843 of treating ourselves and other people. JmcZH-ylAeY-00117-00058843-00059493 And when that happens here we just we say, “We don’t speak like that with each other. JmcZH-ylAeY-00118-00059493-00060049 It’s just not a place. We don’t allow disrespectful relating. JmcZH-ylAeY-00119-00060050-00060573 It’s just,” And we can stand up and say, “That’s not what we’re doing here. JmcZH-ylAeY-00120-00060573-00060946 This is an environment of respectful relating and empowerment.” JmcZH-ylAeY-00121-00060946-00061816 And to stand up like that in our lives, we stand up in the world for the benefit of all, JmcZH-ylAeY-00122-00061816-00062583 to not allow what is happening around the world. And we have, we take responsibility for that. JmcZH-ylAeY-00123-00062583-00063079 And people who are open to it, they test it out. JmcZH-ylAeY-00124-00063079-00063506 People who are not open to it don’t test it out. But the ship is turning. JmcZH-ylAeY-00125-00063506-00063919 Do you know that metaphor, where we are all on the ship JmcZH-ylAeY-00126-00063920-00064326 and the ship is turning and everybody is turning? JmcZH-ylAeY-00127-00064326-00064659 The world can’t go on with disrespect. JmcZH-ylAeY-00128-00064660-00065296 And the “disrespect” is a mild word for what’s happening in the world right? JmcZH-ylAeY-00129-00065298-00066173 It’s violence, discrimination, isolation, abuse. JmcZH-ylAeY-00130-00066173-00066749 I mean we, and we want to make a stop there, and see what we are capable of. JmcZH-ylAeY-00131-00066750-00067319 And we are capable of an era of great benefit. JmcZH-ylAeY-00132-00067320-00067820 As we can, and we test that in our experience first, when we stand up for that. JmcZH-ylAeY-00133-00067886-00068176 So you see that the Four Mainstays lifestyle JmcZH-ylAeY-00134-00068176-00068663 is the starting point of complete mental and emotional stability JmcZH-ylAeY-00135-00068664-00069286 and ease in life. And then we are just so amazed. “Wow, that’s possible?” JmcZH-ylAeY-00136-00069286-00069663 Then that’s the starting point. JmcZH-ylAeY-00137-00069663-00069949 And then to see what is possible. JmcZH-ylAeY-00138-00069950-00070573 So we test it out, like a scientist, in our experience. “What is possible for me?” JmcZH-ylAeY-00139-00070573-00070916 And we only have the data streams we have—the thoughts and emotions. JmcZH-ylAeY-00140-00070916-00071373 And that’s the perfect, perfect data stream to recognize open intelligence. JmcZH-ylAeY-00141-00071373-00072149 And then we have the scientific research in our own lab JmcZH-ylAeY-00142-00072150-00072843 and see that it works. We see the result of the Four Mainstays lifestyle. JmcZH-ylAeY-00143-00072843-00073103 So, well that was my experience with it. JmcZH-ylAeY-00144-00073103-00073899 So I simply share my experience of how I am just amazed what the Four Mainstays, JmcZH-ylAeY-00145-00073900-00074506 what they do to my life. It’s unbelievable. JmcZH-ylAeY-00146-00074506-00075003 And I am very grateful to and I’m grateful not only for my life, JmcZH-ylAeY-00147-00075003-00075192 I am grateful for seeing everybody JmcZH-ylAeY-00148-00075193-00075506 and seeing what is possible what we can do in our world. JmcZH-ylAeY-00149-00075506-00075933 I always wanted to be of benefit. Something’s missing; something has to be, JmcZH-ylAeY-00150-00075933-00076546 and we can’t continue on. And now to have a solution to all problems? JmcZH-ylAeY-00151-00076546-00077051 Open intelligence? No more searching: that’s amazing. K0Isq4BzQ0E-00000-00000000-00000304 #wokeandfly K2cDdy6ZILQ-00000-00000271-00000397 Whoa. So much ammo! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00001-00000412-00000626 Why the hell can’t I get up the ladder? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00002-00000646-00000952 I think we’re at some sort of power station. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00003-00001016-00001263 Ooh! Just got some contact grenades! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00004-00001778-00001878 Holy shit! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00005-00001896-00002043 Those are pretty good I heard. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00006-00002069-00002436 So... It looks like someone’s just got some contact grenades. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00007-00002472-00002628 Take a look at your score now. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00008-00002671-00002851 Good thing I wasn’t around. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00009-00003014-00003402 I have a positive score for the first time since I’ve started playing this game. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00010-00003415-00003608 And I just won back 3 points. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00011-00003847-00004145 I had −167, now I have −164. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00012-00004330-00004430 Nice! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00013-00004716-00004816 Holy shit! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00014-00004907-00005114 Great timing! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00015-00005292-00005592 I saw the target, didn’t see any obstacles. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00016-00005918-00006160 I didn’t find you, but I did find another VCR. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00017-00006171-00006358 Stand back! I might hit you! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00018-00006455-00006742 Actually, no. I think it’s an oscilloscope after all. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00019-00007032-00007132 Shieet. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00020-00007168-00007334 Give it a rest, will you? Where are you, guys? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00021-00007388-00007576 Savv, I didn’t aim at you even remotely! We went back. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00022-00007716-00007876 I see, we’re regressing. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00023-00008091-00008279 Bowewod, wait! I’ll give you a medkit! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00024-00008312-00008412 Oh, thanks. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00025-00008917-00009137 Even though you don’t deserve it. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00026-00009347-00009447 Have a car! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00027-00009588-00009688 A car?! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00028-00009819-00010079 You win the super-prize, an automobile! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00029-00011622-00011749 That’s a funny pose. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00030-00013540-00013640 You got him! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00031-00013849-00014325 We’re filling it full of lead for ages—useless! Then you show up with a crowbar and bam! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00032-00014351-00014504 Just like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00033-00014518-00014912 You can kill anything with a knife: controllers, pseudo-giants and the rest. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00034-00015029-00015431 They pretty much ignore your bullets, but if you come up and poke them with a knife—that’s it. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00035-00015446-00015560 Huh. What’s this? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00036-00015631-00015968 I got into the elevator with a Moskvich and we went up. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00037-00016003-00016103 It’s green. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00038-00016221-00016515 I wonder if I can spawn a drivable Moskvich. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00039-00016671-00016878 Well, it doesn’t have any wheels. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00040-00017120-00017290 What a start! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00041-00018288-00018521 So, we’re getting somewhere, right? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00042-00019411-00019551 Dibs on the Moskvich. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00043-00021339-00021446 For crying out loud. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00044-00021655-00021815 Just what are you doing? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00045-00021996-00022410 The Russian Payday 2 community is so small everybody knows each other. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00046-00022437-00022568 Well, almost. Yeah, It is quite small. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00047-00022583-00022778 I’d say about 300-400 people. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00048-00022789-00023029 Let me through for Christ’s sake! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00049-00023219-00023333 Wait, wait, wait. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00050-00023701-00023868 I am the ricochet master! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00051-00024442-00024828 Please note: that was the combine. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00052-00024929-00025069 Totally not my fault. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00053-00025079-00025212 The combine harvester? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00054-00025263-00025390 I’m unable to move. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00055-00025444-00025544 I’m paralysed, guys! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00056-00025720-00025820 I’ll cure you! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00057-00026041-00026141 Oops. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00058-00026188-00026301 I’ll cure myself! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00059-00026460-00026594 Cured the wrong man. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00060-00027067-00027267 Try not to “cure” yourself while you’re at it. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00061-00028064-00028618 Huh, when you’re holding the rocket launcher, the back bit of your, er, tube is solid. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00062-00028660-00028760 Is this normal? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00063-00028781-00028941 Not sure. I’m an old man after all. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00064-00028973-00029106 Anything’s possible. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00065-00029242-00029482 For an old man it’s normal, I think. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00066-00029556-00029656 Whoa, that was close! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00067-00029859-00030199 There’s half a zombie creeping up on you. Grenade! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00068-00030214-00030314 Careful! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00069-00030458-00030585 Oh, that’s nothing! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00070-00030754-00030881 Just a flesh wound. But a scratch! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00071-00031265-00031385 Tis but a scratch. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00072-00031758-00031835 Whoa. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00073-00032484-00032692 What did that vending machine ever do to you? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00074-00032705-00032838 Come here, Chelovek. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00075-00033020-00033167 I have a gift for you. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00076-00033208-00033415 Where’s your gnome, by the way? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00077-00033631-00033771 Where did you put it? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00078-00033967-00034112 You do have a lot of medkits. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00079-00034146-00034266 Let me put it this way: K2cDdy6ZILQ-00080-00034280-00034547 The gnome fought that combine like a hero. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00081-00034564-00034664 I see, yeah. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00082-00034752-00034912 Savv broke the system. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00083-00035456-00035583 What just happened, Darnell? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00084-00035823-00036063 I think there was a barrel in there. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00085-00036080-00036346 There was, but what happened to Darnell? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00086-00036595-00036735 Well, the thing is... K2cDdy6ZILQ-00087-00036769-00036893 My, erm, roommate... K2cDdy6ZILQ-00088-00037017-00037124 Yasha’s the name. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00089-00037151-00037364 He decided to jump on the table. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00090-00037486-00037645 [At the best moment, too.] K2cDdy6ZILQ-00091-00037685-00037805 Yasha the beaver?! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00092-00037857-00037977 No, Yasha the cat. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00093-00038632-00038825 Was that an explosive barrel? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00094-00038847-00038947 Yes. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00095-00039075-00039295 Fine, I’ll leave the props alone. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00096-00039412-00039673 Check this out, Savv: Just an ordinary day at work. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00097-00040188-00040395 “Argh! My leg!” There you have it: occupational injury. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00098-00040437-00040670 Off to the first aid post with you. And then home, right? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00099-00040684-00040767 Yeah. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00100-00040778-00040999 Great! A day off! Hey, I have a chair for you. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00101-00041039-00041116 Here. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00102-00041132-00041238 An office chair. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00103-00041385-00041629 Your leg may be broken, but you can still do paperwork. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00104-00041658-00041758 Whoa there. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00105-00041857-00042097 Here’s your PC. And a table as well. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00106-00042127-00042274 There you go: take it. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00107-00042511-00042711 And don’t forget the keyboard. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00108-00043616-00043716 Right. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00109-00043777-00043942 Welp, we had it coming. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00110-00044261-00044621 Savv suspected something and stayed out of the room. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00111-00044792-00045239 Sure, if you keep hitting a petrol barrel, it’ll eventually blow up. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00112-00045322-00045521 Imagine it in real life. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00113-00045539-00045938 There’s a petrol barrel and you’re just standing there and punching it. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00114-00045974-00046315 It’s friction. There’s a reason petrol tankers have metal chains that drag along the road. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00115-00046363-00046610 To get rid of the static electricity. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00116-00046629-00046702 So, there you go. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00117-00046719-00047031 I really doubt you can create this much friction with just your fists. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00118-00047047-00047242 Depends on the way you punch. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00119-00047354-00047574 Reminds me of that old conundrum: K2cDdy6ZILQ-00120-00047597-00048057 How fast do you have to move your legs to walk on water like Jesus? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00121-00048067-00048207 Same sort of question. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00122-00049007-00049107 Got it. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00123-00050085-00050378 And it registered as a suicide. Yeah, right! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00124-00050563-00050663 Is this it? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00125-00050776-00050923 Yeah. That was quick. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00126-00051031-00051238 There’s still someone fighting. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00127-00051355-00051495 I found the exit too. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00128-00052566-00052719 Maybe we shouldn’t have... K2cDdy6ZILQ-00129-00052783-00052883 Gone there. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00130-00052958-00053145 What’s wrong with this exit? K2cDdy6ZILQ-00131-00053187-00053414 Well, the map barely even started. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00132-00053774-00053874 Holy... K2cDdy6ZILQ-00133-00054047-00054147 Some exit, huh! K2cDdy6ZILQ-00134-00054167-00054448 Please note that this is in fact “islandlockdown3," the previous map. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00135-00054465-00054550 Yeah. K2cDdy6ZILQ-00136-00054564-00054704 We went back a level. K6_ZNetlZqY-00000-00000006-00000729 Welcome my friends, today it's pasta time. I'm in my kitchen and today I'm gonna show you K6_ZNetlZqY-00001-00000729-00001508 how to do traditional Italian pasta. And I have chosen K6_ZNetlZqY-00002-00001508-00002567 aglio, olio and pepperoncini K6_ZNetlZqY-00003-00002567-00003155 oil, garlic and chili pepper pasta, this is the most traditional Italian pasta K6_ZNetlZqY-00004-00003155-00003885 whatsoever And now I will show you how to do it K6_ZNetlZqY-00005-00003885-00004701 so you need italian spaghetti, garlic, olive oil (the good one) K6_ZNetlZqY-00006-00004701-00005301 please don't get a cheap stuff, we need good olive oil and our spicy chili pepper K6_ZNetlZqY-00007-00005301-00006314 salt obviously, fresh parsley and then K6_ZNetlZqY-00008-00006314-00006845 we need some old Parmesan cheese; so in the original recipe K6_ZNetlZqY-00009-00006845-00007563 there is no cheese in it. But today I will not do 100% original one, but I will K6_ZNetlZqY-00010-00007563-00008052 do it a 100% best one. so this one, goes in. K6_ZNetlZqY-00011-00008052-00008939 i will show you the recipe for one person. 150 grams of pasta and then the other ingredients K6_ZNetlZqY-00012-00008939-00011604 so you get your parsley and you start cutting it small, not too small K6_ZNetlZqY-00013-00011604-00012229 next step is our chili pepper. Make sure you open them K6_ZNetlZqY-00014-00012931-00014437 okay so take out the seeds and now you cut chili pepper in small pieces K6_ZNetlZqY-00015-00014893-00015680 perfect. So we just want to have a few seeds in it, not all of them K6_ZNetlZqY-00016-00015680-00016147 that's what we need and now our garlic, and I will show you a K6_ZNetlZqY-00017-00016147-00016645 little trick how to cut this garlic as tiny as possible, because we want it to K6_ZNetlZqY-00018-00016645-00017920 melt into our pasta, so instead of using your knife, we will use this. K6_ZNetlZqY-00019-00017920-00018676 Get your garlic piece, start rubbing it in here just like you would do it with a piece of cheese K6_ZNetlZqY-00020-00018676-00020423 it's easy, its quick, and the end result is phenomenal, look at this as tiny as K6_ZNetlZqY-00021-00020423-00021332 possible put in here. Next step our cheese, you can use the same one and you K6_ZNetlZqY-00022-00021332-00022139 go with your cheese rub it right in. Put in a lot of cheese, because we are K6_ZNetlZqY-00023-00022139-00022357 cheese lovers K6_ZNetlZqY-00024-00022659-00023465 perfect and that's your cheese okay the ingredients are ready, so we have K6_ZNetlZqY-00025-00023465-00024464 our pasta, parsley, Chily pepper, garlic, parmesan cheese, salt and pepper K6_ZNetlZqY-00026-00024464-00025169 now it's time for water. We have the water for our spaghetti here, but we will not cook the K6_ZNetlZqY-00027-00025169-00025637 spaghetti through completely. Just 3/4 after that you get your cooking pan K6_ZNetlZqY-00028-00025637-00026120 and in here we're gonna put our olive oil and all the rest, and we're K6_ZNetlZqY-00029-00026120-00026595 gonna finish our perfect delicious plate in here K6_ZNetlZqY-00030-00026595-00027130 so now, generously salt your water K6_ZNetlZqY-00031-00027394-00028016 Spaghetti will need eleven minutes so we'll cook them in here for seven K6_ZNetlZqY-00032-00028016-00028820 put them in, set the timer, seven minutes because we want them 3/4 through, not K6_ZNetlZqY-00033-00028820-00029872 completely cooked. Make sure they are in the water, perfect K6_ZNetlZqY-00034-00029931-00030687 so now it's time to prepare our oil garlic and chili pepper. Put in some oil K6_ZNetlZqY-00035-00030687-00032114 put it on medium heat and put in your garlic. Put it in when your oil is still cold K6_ZNetlZqY-00036-00032114-00032754 Now we'll let it work, we will slowly melt this garlic in here and K6_ZNetlZqY-00037-00032754-00033573 after that we put in our chili pepper. So like I said, we will not cook the K6_ZNetlZqY-00038-00033573-00034122 spaghetti completely through, because we will finish it, in this cooking pan later K6_ZNetlZqY-00039-00034122-00034835 and we will keep on putting some of this water in here, to finish our spaghetti K6_ZNetlZqY-00040-00034835-00035829 our oil is getting warm, our garlic is melting away, now we are ready with our K6_ZNetlZqY-00041-00035829-00036387 chili pepper. We're not going to use cream or butter or other stuff, because K6_ZNetlZqY-00042-00036387-00037388 we try to be a little bit more healthy today. You can see our oil is getting hot K6_ZNetlZqY-00043-00037388-00038000 and our garlic is melting K6_ZNetlZqY-00044-00038586-00039637 so now we're gonna put in our chili pepper and we get a little bit of our K6_ZNetlZqY-00045-00039637-00040356 water and put it slowly in here, too and this is the base of our cream K6_ZNetlZqY-00046-00040356-00041331 that we need later for our spaghetti, this oil is gonna keep on cooking for another few K6_ZNetlZqY-00047-00041331-00041715 minutes and then we got to put our spaghetti in here and we're gonna finish K6_ZNetlZqY-00048-00041715-00042474 the last three, four minutes in here. So again, medium heat, not too much K6_ZNetlZqY-00049-00042474-00042987 we did put our garlic in first you see it's melting away, we did put our K6_ZNetlZqY-00050-00042987-00044062 chili pepper now in and a little bit of our water. Seven minutes are over and K6_ZNetlZqY-00051-00044062-00044765 now we're getting our pasta and we're gonna put it in here K6_ZNetlZqY-00052-00045809-00046658 you can tell, this is still really really al dente. it's not through, we will keep K6_ZNetlZqY-00053-00046658-00046951 on cooking in here K6_ZNetlZqY-00054-00047409-00048796 keep on putting some of this water in, too now we need a little bit more heat. Make sure K6_ZNetlZqY-00055-00048796-00049203 it's not drying out, we always need some water in here K6_ZNetlZqY-00056-00049203-00050250 again get some water and put it in here and this keeps on cooking now K6_ZNetlZqY-00057-00050615-00051216 so the pasta has been cooking for another few minutes in here, so now it's time for our K6_ZNetlZqY-00058-00051216-00052420 cheese to go in here. So you gotta put it all in, you will see how our spaghetti K6_ZNetlZqY-00059-00052420-00053107 will absorbe the cheese and the cream is getting better and better, without using K6_ZNetlZqY-00060-00053107-00054088 any butter or whipped cream or other fat stuff. Still cooking, if you see it's K6_ZNetlZqY-00061-00054088-00054664 drying out too much, get some more water and put it in, don't let it dry out K6_ZNetlZqY-00062-00054664-00055344 now we almost good, it's time for our parsley K6_ZNetlZqY-00063-00056525-00057357 so last step give it some fresh black pepper K6_ZNetlZqY-00064-00057357-00057913 and now we just have to finish our spaghetti, the best thing to know if they're ready or K6_ZNetlZqY-00065-00057913-00059587 not is this, you get a spaghetti and you try it. really good "al dente" K6_ZNetlZqY-00066-00059587-00061716 I think another minute and they're ready. If you will tell anybody that you did not put K6_ZNetlZqY-00067-00061716-00062125 any cream or any butter in here, they won't believe you. Look at this K6_ZNetlZqY-00068-00062125-00064362 this is creamy as it could be, so now just put it into our plate. look at this K6_ZNetlZqY-00069-00064362-00065331 delicious, so now for me, just one thing missing. Eating it! So I will eat it now K6_ZNetlZqY-00070-00065331-00066742 and I will tell you later how it was. Guys it's delicious, mmm perfect K6_ZNetlZqY-00071-00066742-00067486 and please, for spaghetti just a fork I don't want to see you using any spoon, right. K6_ZNetlZqY-00072-00067486-00067981 I am feeling like a baby in a candy shop, pasta was delicious K6_ZNetlZqY-00073-00067981-00068641 seriously really really good. So I hope you try to do the same, if you got any K6_ZNetlZqY-00074-00068641-00068938 suggestion to make, please write them down in the comments. I will read them K6_ZNetlZqY-00075-00068938-00069373 i will try to improve, again thanks a lot for watching, please subscribe to my K6Ly4KhK3GI-00000-00000000-00000944 I want to share with you a message that I will call it" keep LORD in GOD", keep Lord in God. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00001-00001056-00001680 Genesis chapter 3 the famous temptation story, the first temptation story, the first of many things K6Ly4KhK3GI-00002-00001680-00002640 happened in Genesis 3. The first sin, the first mention of curse, the first man blaming his wife K6Ly4KhK3GI-00003-00002704-00003215 not the last one though, but it's the first one ,uh wife blaming the devil also not the last one. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00004-00003215-00003624 And not only wife but other people blaming the devil. So a lot of first things we see, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00005-00003624-00004064 the first mention of the serpent coming into the picture, a lot of the first things, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00006-00004064-00004744 and I want to read just one verse, the first verse of chapter 3. Now the serpent was more cunning K6Ly4KhK3GI-00007-00004744-00005408 than any beast of the field whom the Lord God, somebody say LORD GOD, somebody said the Lord God, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00008-00005528-00006408 whom the Lord God had made and he said to the woman has God indeed said you shall not eat K6Ly4KhK3GI-00009-00006408-00007176 of every tree of the garden . So we know in the first two chapters of the book of the bible, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00010-00007176-00007936 we see that God makes the the earth, He then makes it really beautiful . He makes humans in it, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00011-00008048-00008632 and then He puts them in the garden , called the garden of Eden. Now for us the garden of Eden, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00012-00008632-00008944 we know that it's somewhere , where the turkey is somewhere in that area K6Ly4KhK3GI-00013-00009000-00009544 but the garden of Eden was more than just a nice garden where God had beautiful plants, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00014-00009544-00010256 beautiful trees and beautiful fruits. The garden of Eden tells us in other scriptures, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00015-00010256-00010800 it lets us know when you read between the lines that the garden of Eden was not just the dwelling K6Ly4KhK3GI-00016-00010800-00011536 place of Adam and Eve, the garden of Eden was God's office, His spiritual dwelling place as K6Ly4KhK3GI-00017-00011536-00012128 well. In fact it was so common in the garden of Eden for God to walk through the garden. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00018-00012280-00012752 The bible says that when serpents showed up and most of us when we think of a serpent, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00019-00012752-00013240 we think of a hissing snake. This wasn't a hissing snake, in fact we see in, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00020-00013312-00013847 in Ezekiel chapter 18 it refers to the devil in the garden and look what it says about him, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00021-00013847-00014408 you were in Eden, the garden of God , every precious stone was your covering. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00022-00014496-00015072 you were the anointed cherubim who covers, I established you . You were on the Holy K6Ly4KhK3GI-00023-00015072-00015640 mountain of God, still talking about the Eden, you walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stone. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00024-00015752-00016440 So I want you to switch your mind of how you think about the garden of Eden. This is not a satan, the K6Ly4KhK3GI-00025-00016440-00017408 snake. This is a cherubim coming to ,to Adam and Eve. This is somebody who has stones on him. This K6Ly4KhK3GI-00026-00017408-00017992 is a spiritual being that appears in the garden and Eve is not freaked out, like for example, if K6Ly4KhK3GI-00027-00017992-00018488 I see a snake, or some kind of a being, I'll freak out. We see people in the new testament, you know K6Ly4KhK3GI-00028-00018488-00019032 the angel showed up in the temple and and zeke and Zechariah and others were like scared whoa ,whoa. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00029-00019248-00019800 She wasn't scared. That tells us, it was common for Adam and Eve to interact with spiritual K6Ly4KhK3GI-00030-00019800-00020592 beings. They were making appearances regularly. The world of God and the world K6Ly4KhK3GI-00031-00020592-00021504 of men was together. God had his home office, his entourage in the garden. He had a spiritual family K6Ly4KhK3GI-00032-00021576-00022016 and God made a physical family. How do we know that God had a spiritual family because we see K6Ly4KhK3GI-00033-00022016-00022584 these references, let US make men. Now a lot of times people refer to the saying that, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00034-00022584-00023136 that's God speaking to the three persons of the trinity, but three persons of the trinity are God K6Ly4KhK3GI-00035-00023136-00023736 they don't need to know anything that they don't know. They're omniscient, they know everything. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00036-00023736-00024232 God does not need to ask the son, the son does not need to ask the spirit. They know everything. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00037-00024312-00024864 So this is not referring to many scholars believe to the trinity . This is referring to God's ,what K6Ly4KhK3GI-00038-00024864-00025536 they call God's counsel or God's spiritual family that God was around, where God is asking them, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00039-00025536-00026264 let US make man in our image and likeness. Then we see more where Adam's sin, God says K6Ly4KhK3GI-00040-00026264-00026968 let us they now know what we know and let's kick them out of garden and then God puts one of his K6Ly4KhK3GI-00041-00026968-00027839 spiritual beings as a security guard, a watchman, in the garden and a sword around the garden. when K6Ly4KhK3GI-00042-00027839-00028344 Adam and Eve, you know they passed away, their descendants had the flood et-cetera and they K6Ly4KhK3GI-00043-00028344-00028976 built a tower then God says let US come down and see what they built. You must say who are these K6Ly4KhK3GI-00044-00028976-00029727 US ? We see more verses in the scripture in 1st kings 22 verse 19 it says, I saw the Lord sitting K6Ly4KhK3GI-00045-00029727-00030504 on his throne, this is way later and all the hosts of heaven standing by on his right hand and on his K6Ly4KhK3GI-00046-00030504-00031280 left hand. God's world is so unique. our minds cannot comprehend. In book of revelation, we see K6Ly4KhK3GI-00047-00031280-00031952 living creatures, we see elders, we see thrones, not just the throne, we see different thrones. So K6Ly4KhK3GI-00048-00031952-00032600 God has an entourage, God has an office, God has a staff , God has this spiritual family. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00049-00032672-00033288 And we see in book of Genesis, when God makes the earth, He creates the garden and these two K6Ly4KhK3GI-00050-00033288-00034032 worlds were very close to each other, most likely they bridge together. God's spiritual K6Ly4KhK3GI-00051-00034032-00034752 family and God's earthly family made of Adam and Eve. It was common for Adam and Eve to interact K6Ly4KhK3GI-00052-00034824-00035384 with spiritual beings. Therefore when one of them came and started to talk to Eve, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00053-00035384-00036024 Eve did not freak out. Eve did not run. Eve did not panic and Eve did not scream. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00054-00036120-00036832 The world that God created both of the worlds were together. God's assignment for Adam and Eve K6Ly4KhK3GI-00055-00036832-00037856 was to take this beautiful union between humanity and eternal God, all around the globe, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00056-00037856-00038408 to spread the garden of Eden, to make babies, so that there's more children K6Ly4KhK3GI-00057-00038408-00039384 and that they could rule and reign on this earth, along, under, with their creator God. of course, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00058-00039448-00040088 we know what happened chapter 3 happened. This being, the spiritual being came to Adam and Eve K6Ly4KhK3GI-00059-00040176-00040736 and some people say well a lot of people who are studying the bible for living Hebrew, Greek and K6Ly4KhK3GI-00060-00040736-00041432 all of that stuff they're saying this is when the devil rebelled, he had a problem with God having K6Ly4KhK3GI-00061-00041568-00042448 other children, other family. He had a problem that God entrusted them with rulership on earth K6Ly4KhK3GI-00062-00042552-00043448 and he was jealous. He wanted to be the only one. And he went and undermined God's authority K6Ly4KhK3GI-00063-00043552-00044184 and talking to Eve, he started to, I want you to see the beginning of the temptation K6Ly4KhK3GI-00064-00044312-00044816 and that's what this whole message is going to be about. In chapter 2 of Genesis you will see K6Ly4KhK3GI-00065-00044816-00045272 this phrase, if you read very carefully, I want you to pay attention, It says this, The Lord God, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00066-00045328-00045976 The Lord God, The Lord God, The Lord God. It mentions The Lord God. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00067-00046064-00046792 Genesis 2 :4, Genesis 2:5, Genesis 2:7, Genesis 2: 8, Genesis 2:9, Genesis 2:15, Genesis 2 :16, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00068-00046792-00047512 Genesis 2 :18, Genesis 2:19, Genesis 2:21, Genesis 2:22 and Genesis 3:1. it's exactly what we read K6Ly4KhK3GI-00069-00047512-00048248 The Lord God, The Lord God. See God was not just a maker, He was also Lord meaning everything on the K6Ly4KhK3GI-00070-00048248-00048728 earth was His possession. He was the owner and everything was submitted under His rulership. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00071-00048840-00049480 I want you to notice, how the devil starts the question, has God said. he takes the Lord out. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00072-00049728-00050376 And how does Eve respond back, she says, yes, God said. she takes the Lord out as well. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00073-00050560-00051752 Before Eve fell with eating the fruit, she stepped out from under the Lordship of her God . keep K6Ly4KhK3GI-00074-00051752-00052760 the Lord in God , meaning satan does not come to make Eve an atheist. satan doesn't K6Ly4KhK3GI-00075-00052760-00053176 mind that you have a religion or you believe in God. In fact, if you don't believe in God K6Ly4KhK3GI-00076-00053248-00053744 you believe in something and you have a religion . Atheism is, atheism is a religion. I know they're K6Ly4KhK3GI-00077-00053744-00054152 saying it's a science. it's not a science, it's religion. You have to believe in something you K6Ly4KhK3GI-00078-00054152-00054832 can't prove, it's still a religion. so satan does not mind if you have a religion. he did K6Ly4KhK3GI-00079-00054832-00055552 not come to Eve and question the existence of God the creator , he came and his first beginning of K6Ly4KhK3GI-00080-00055552-00056184 his whole thing is this, there is the God, he's not my Lord . He shouldn't be your Lord either. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00081-00056272-00057024 it's when satan can get the Lord out of God. he got you on the hook, after that it's just a K6Ly4KhK3GI-00082-00057024-00057640 matter of time, it depends on what really you will take a bite off. Some of us it's drugs, some of us K6Ly4KhK3GI-00083-00057640-00058079 it's alcohol, some of us it's immorality, some of us it's honestly a success, it's pride, different K6Ly4KhK3GI-00084-00058079-00058672 bait for a different person. But the first thing where he knocks the wind out of us is this, has K6Ly4KhK3GI-00085-00058672-00059952 God said, Has God said. God wants to be your Lord. He is Lord of heaven and the earth, and our life K6Ly4KhK3GI-00086-00059952-00060944 ought to be submitted to Him as Lord not just as God . Can somebody say, Amen Lord, yes Lord. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00087-00061152-00061784 If you remember the story of the last supper. when Jesus is saying somebody is going to betray me, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00088-00061855-00062688 and disciples in Matthew 26: 22 say this one after another said Is It I Lord. I want you to know K6Ly4KhK3GI-00089-00062688-00063264 this, disciples relationship with Jesus, Lord is It I. want you to notice the reference see we're K6Ly4KhK3GI-00090-00063264-00063879 using word Lord. we don't have Lords and somebody who claims to be Lord should see a doctor, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00091-00064008-00064696 it's not good. Because, word Lord means you own. Word Lord means honestly, absolute submission to K6Ly4KhK3GI-00092-00064696-00065216 that Lord. So if somebody walks around, I know the bible says that Sarah called Abraham Lord. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00093-00065336-00065760 I don't know what she meant by that, but like that's, that's a pretty huge word okay. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00094-00065760-00066328 So if you call your husband Lord, you just means you're his like property, okay. Not really good K6Ly4KhK3GI-00095-00066328-00067040 for your marriage but hey makes him probably feel good. When your boss calls you, you know, he calls K6Ly4KhK3GI-00096-00067040-00067560 himself Lord that means he owns you. That, that, that's prohibited in America. That's illegal. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00097-00067624-00068376 That's slavery. so when a human being calls himself Lord, we, we get this special Americans K6Ly4KhK3GI-00098-00068376-00068992 who got our independence from Great Britain like we're like, heck no , no I'm gonna fight. I got K6Ly4KhK3GI-00099-00068992-00069496 guns. I got like first amendment rights, second amendments, I got amendments, I got constitution. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00100-00069496-00069928 so we don't like anybody ruling over us because the last thing we need is a tyrant. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00101-00070048-00070520 And so when we think of God we think is God is a body. I can go to Wendy's with. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00102-00070664-00071440 Jesus and I we're chill, we're homies, we got this really amazing relationship, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00103-00071512-00071936 but I want to destroy that today. Because Jesus became too familiar to a lot of us. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00104-00072096-00072896 Jesus is not your body. He is God and He is Lord and disciples is not saying , hey is it I K6Ly4KhK3GI-00105-00072952-00073728 buddy ? They say is that I Lord. So though they've been with him for three years, they did not become K6Ly4KhK3GI-00106-00073728-00074376 so familiar, when he lost the Lordship. Now did they make mistakes, oh you bet, did they betray K6Ly4KhK3GI-00107-00074376-00074832 him, did they forsook him , yeah they made a lot of mistakes. But I want you to notice between them K6Ly4KhK3GI-00108-00074832-00075456 and Judas. Because then Jesus looks at Judas and this is what Judas replies to Jesus, so the K6Ly4KhK3GI-00109-00075456-00076308 disciples said Is It I Lord and Judas says, Judas who would betray him answered, is it I a Rabbi ?. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00110-00076480-00077424 you're not my Lord, never been, never will be. But you are my teacher. Therefore I can sell you out. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00111-00077504-00077840 But see when He's your Lord, you can fall and trip, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00112-00077992-00078552 you're still gonna be under his covering, you're still gonna repent, you're gonna still come back. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00113-00078552-00079280 See it's that relationship, it's why Jesus had the audacity to call Judas, the devil. Why is he the K6Ly4KhK3GI-00114-00079280-00080152 devil because the devil was the first person who said God without Lord. The devil's number one task K6Ly4KhK3GI-00115-00080224-00080696 is to make you religious and remove your relationship to the Lordship of God. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00116-00080824-00081160 And if maybe just tweak it, miss it. I know we live in a democracy, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00117-00081160-00081592 I know we don't have Lords. we got a president, he's in, in four years, we can't wait for him K6Ly4KhK3GI-00118-00081592-00082056 to finish his course and get out. Another guy will come in, we, we like him for six months, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00119-00082056-00082408 we don't like him after that for three and a half years. Presidents, they make promises, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00120-00082408-00082784 they don't keep. Politicians are like diapers you gotta switch them constantly for the same reason. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00121-00083128-00083496 Because they're, you give them too much power, they don't know what to do with it. they mess up, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00122-00083496-00084000 they're humans and that's normal. God forbid if we will make our president, previous one or this K6Ly4KhK3GI-00123-00084000-00084632 one Lord, we would definitely have to, go to Canada or other places. Because give them too K6Ly4KhK3GI-00124-00084632-00085136 much power they'll destroy, give your husband all the power, give your child all the power, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00125-00085136-00085736 give anybody none of us can handle that power. But there is somebody who is the creator, there's K6Ly4KhK3GI-00126-00085736-00086176 somebody who this power doesn't go into his head, He's not corrupt, He doesn't have beginning, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00127-00086176-00086760 He doesn't have the end, and He's not just God over the planet distant like thanos, he just K6Ly4KhK3GI-00128-00086760-00087264 simply snaps his fingers and he got his rings by crushing everybody's planet. No He actually made K6Ly4KhK3GI-00129-00087264-00087912 everything, He created everything and He wanted the humans to be part of his physical family. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00130-00088056-00088400 I remember reading a book this week and I would recommend you it called supernatural K6Ly4KhK3GI-00131-00088400-00088816 by Dr. Michael Heiser and he had this phrase there that ministered to me so well, I even K6Ly4KhK3GI-00132-00088816-00089224 shouted before I went to sleep and my wife said hey what did you read ? I said no, you have to K6Ly4KhK3GI-00133-00089224-00089672 read it yourself to discover the truth, but then she bribed me into sharing that with her as well, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00134-00089760-00090496 and this is the phrase that he said, he said, people say why can't God just remove evil just K6Ly4KhK3GI-00135-00090496-00091144 click delete, trash, empty the trash can, start all over. For God to remove evil he would have to K6Ly4KhK3GI-00136-00091144-00091720 remove two of his families, his spiritual family because that's where the corruption started, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00137-00091816-00092224 with the devil, and he would have to remove his physical family, that's where the corruption K6Ly4KhK3GI-00138-00092280-00092904 also started, the earthly family, Adam and Eve and also you and I included. If he would remove both K6Ly4KhK3GI-00139-00092904-00093688 of those families that means that his plan to rule the planet and the universe through his family K6Ly4KhK3GI-00140-00093784-00094088 was a mistake and he doesn't make mistakes. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00141-00094472-00095080 This might not satisfy your longing for that answer, but God could remove it. The only way K6Ly4KhK3GI-00142-00095080-00095528 he can remove it, is to remove you, remove me, and remove the devil, to remove everybody, but K6Ly4KhK3GI-00143-00095528-00096176 God that would mean that, God made a mistake by having this plan of involving us in reaching and K6Ly4KhK3GI-00144-00096176-00096680 spreading his message on the earth and God does not make mistakes. I want to encourage you today K6Ly4KhK3GI-00145-00096680-00097440 that the Lord our God wants to be our lord, Amen. The second thing that I want to highlight and that K6Ly4KhK3GI-00146-00097440-00098352 is, today the enemy will not maybe remove the Lord out of God, he will settle for empty confession K6Ly4KhK3GI-00147-00098352-00099184 without full practice of Lordship. Jesus said that in Matthew 7: 21 not everyone who say Lord, Lord, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00148-00099280-00099936 Luke chapter 6: 46 it says why do you call me Lord, Lord but you don't do what I tell you. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00149-00100040-00100712 Today the devil is okay with you calling God, Lord, as long as it's not backed up K6Ly4KhK3GI-00150-00100712-00101384 with your life, as long as just an empty word. I don't know if you ever seen those um people who K6Ly4KhK3GI-00151-00101384-00102056 put an apple and attach it to their pc computer and make it an apple computer. never seen it. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00152-00102056-00102696 you ever seen somebody cut out a Mercedes emblem and stick it on the Toyota. you never seen it ? I, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00153-00102696-00103272 I've seen it. I've seen somebody print a Starbucks cup and uh tape it with the tape on their cup. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00154-00103432-00103896 I've seen somebody take a Rolex cut out just a piece, a piece, piece of um a printed Rolex K6Ly4KhK3GI-00155-00103896-00104480 and and stick it, just tape it, under, under watch. Now if you see those things they're funny, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00156-00104559-00105072 but you know that that's not real. So this is what Jesus is addressing in the new testament, he's K6Ly4KhK3GI-00157-00105072-00105752 saying that not everyone who prints Lord, Lord and sticks it on whatever they're doing now , is the K6Ly4KhK3GI-00158-00105752-00106344 one that's actually obeying the will of my father. Jesus is saying is this just a fake lordship, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00159-00106344-00106928 meaning you can profess it without possessing it, you can profess it without surrendering, and so K6Ly4KhK3GI-00160-00106928-00107528 the dilemma that happens in the generation today is people who claim the Lordship of Jesus Christ K6Ly4KhK3GI-00161-00107528-00108072 but they don't live their lives surrendered. They barely go to church, they barely open the bible, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00162-00108072-00108600 they don't give , they don't serve, they don't participate in anything and they simply say Lord, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00163-00108600-00109128 Lord and some of them they can even have some spiritual gifts like bible says, the bible says K6Ly4KhK3GI-00164-00109128-00109535 that some of them can prophesy, they can heal the sick, but my friend the question is not can you K6Ly4KhK3GI-00165-00109535-00110080 prophesy ? the question is not can you heal the sick ? the question is not even do you know the K6Ly4KhK3GI-00166-00110080-00110576 Christian lingo ? The question is can you talk to christianese ? the question is not that. The K6Ly4KhK3GI-00167-00110576-00111224 question is that have you been doing the Will of your Father ? To do his will means you have to K6Ly4KhK3GI-00168-00111224-00111783 yield your own . I'm not talking about agreeing with God and the things you agree with God like K6Ly4KhK3GI-00169-00111783-00112328 bless me, heal me, deliver me, I'm talking about when your wills clash, you say Lord not my Will K6Ly4KhK3GI-00170-00112328-00113016 but Your Will be done. That is living under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. That is living under K6Ly4KhK3GI-00171-00113016-00113683 the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Come on, touch your neighbor and say to keep the Lord in God . K6Ly4KhK3GI-00172-00113783-00114680 Jesus cannot be my savior if he is not my Lord. The bible says that, in Acts chapter 16 verse 31 K6Ly4KhK3GI-00173-00114680-00115168 it says, the Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is required for salvation. have you noticed K6Ly4KhK3GI-00174-00115224-00115904 in the Lord Jesus Christ, not in Jesus Christ, but in the Lord Jesus Christ. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00175-00116024-00116552 Salvation has become, come to the front, pray a prayer, mean it from the bottom of the heart K6Ly4KhK3GI-00176-00116552-00117104 and please understand, we'll do that again today. But I want to warn every person who thinks that, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00177-00117104-00117783 you can just print a sticker, pray a prayer, without death to your will. I'm not talking about K6Ly4KhK3GI-00178-00117783-00118256 death to your sin, I'm not talking about death to your problems, I'm not talking about death to K6Ly4KhK3GI-00179-00118256-00118952 your heartbreak, I'm talking about death to your will. To do His will, You have to give up yours. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00180-00119056-00119640 Jesus is not wanting to be nobody's fire insurance. He says I am either Lord of all K6Ly4KhK3GI-00181-00119640-00120368 or I am not at all. He wants to be your Lord and only one worthy to be qualified of that title. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00182-00120520-00121024 Jesus has to be Lord. If he wants to be, if you want to make him your savior, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00183-00121152-00121808 that's what the bible says, that means, I can accept him as savior and reject him as Lord. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00184-00121808-00122335 There's no such a thing, you take him as your savior and you take him as your Lord, Christianity K6Ly4KhK3GI-00185-00122335-00123216 is very dangerous, in the sense that you lose your life to get His, you give your life to Him, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00186-00123304-00123648 and you acknowledge, what does that mean when He is your Lord, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00187-00123776-00124359 it means three things, I acknowledge His ownership, somebody say ownership, that K6Ly4KhK3GI-00188-00124359-00125016 means I belong to Him. I'm not like a property to the Lord, but I am his priceless possession. I'm K6Ly4KhK3GI-00189-00125016-00125559 not a property, God doesn't play with me like with a napkin, use me and throw me out. No God treats K6Ly4KhK3GI-00190-00125559-00126192 me like a price, like , like a peril of a great price I, I'm precious to him but nevertheless, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00191-00126192-00126920 I am his possession, that means that, you are owned by him, you're already owned by him but K6Ly4KhK3GI-00192-00126920-00127583 you choose to acknowledge that. Number two having the Lordship of God means absolute surrender. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00193-00127783-00128311 absolute surrender, we don't like things that we own, that don't listen to us. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00194-00128416-00128983 Like even if you have a pet and that pet don't listen to you, like man I bought you. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00195-00129200-00130096 I gave you a medical shot, I put a chip inside of you, I am your lord. I feed you. you wouldn't K6Ly4KhK3GI-00196-00130096-00130680 even know where to get food without me. I care for you, you little four-legged animal K6Ly4KhK3GI-00197-00130824-00131288 and you're giving me an attitude, and I can sell you as fast as I bought you. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00198-00131568-00131936 we don't like it, now of course some of those things that need to be trained but I want to tell K6Ly4KhK3GI-00199-00131936-00132560 you something, the Lord wants to have absolute surrender. when you buy a car and your car has K6Ly4KhK3GI-00200-00132560-00133080 a mind of its own, you're going to get rid of that car very soon. you will go to a mechanic K6Ly4KhK3GI-00201-00133144-00133512 you will sell it on Copart or something, but you're going to be like I am not K6Ly4KhK3GI-00202-00133512-00133848 going to drive something that does not listen to me, and want to drive itself. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00203-00133936-00134368 I mentioned a story one time when I bought this Audi off of craigslist in Portland, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00204-00134368-00134896 very bad decision, and this Russian guy that was selling me, he wasn't even there, his wife sold K6Ly4KhK3GI-00205-00134896-00135400 it to me. And I started, I didn't even know how to start Audi because, you don't start it like this, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00206-00135400-00135912 you have to push the key in, so I had to YouTube on how to start an Audi because I've never had K6Ly4KhK3GI-00207-00135912-00136368 an Audi. and so it was an older off of the auction and so I pushed it in, and it made it K6Ly4KhK3GI-00208-00136496-00136960 so I thought it was terrible, his wife told me like well that's turbo and so um okay sounds K6Ly4KhK3GI-00209-00136960-00137432 good I've never had a turbo, so I have a car with the turbo and Audi and I was driving, one time, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00210-00137432-00138064 one time after morning prayer going to the ghost gym, and right here on the on the turn the car K6Ly4KhK3GI-00211-00138064-00138672 decided to accelerate. when I was pressing brakes like a mind of its own that turbo turned on, it K6Ly4KhK3GI-00212-00138672-00139096 starts going so fast on the red light, thankfully I pulled the brakes, pulled the key out, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00213-00139256-00139720 came to a stop and I took it to a mechanic literally the same day and I said listen you K6Ly4KhK3GI-00214-00139720-00140432 need to fix this . why this thing doesn't listen to its owner, it does not have absolute surrender. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00215-00140696-00141592 Therefore I can't have it, use it, until it learns there's only one boss and it's not it, it's me. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00216-00141592-00142104 Now I understand it's a car. we're not a car. we're humans. we're made in the image and likeness K6Ly4KhK3GI-00217-00142104-00142792 of God. But when you acknowledge His Lordship, you want to be used of him. You have to be absolutely K6Ly4KhK3GI-00218-00142792-00143520 surrendered. God won't use you, like you use the car but he wants to know you're fully surrendered. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00219-00143696-00144400 The third meaning of surrender of Lordship is, willingness to serve. is you are willing to serve K6Ly4KhK3GI-00220-00144400-00144944 his purposes and you're willing to serve his goals and his agenda. There's a story, I've shared it K6Ly4KhK3GI-00221-00144944-00145568 with our tribe on Monday, that it's been my verse for this season of my life, I want to read it with K6Ly4KhK3GI-00222-00145568-00146344 you right now. If you have your bible, let's go to 2nd Samuel chapter 15 and verse 25 and 26. that's K6Ly4KhK3GI-00223-00146344-00146752 the other portion of the bible that I'm going to read today. 2nd Samuel chapter 15: K6Ly4KhK3GI-00224-00146752-00147632 25 and 26. this comes, when David is out of Israel his son Absalom went bananas and K6Ly4KhK3GI-00225-00147632-00148104 decided to declare himself to be a king. A king he had a lot of good people around him, so he K6Ly4KhK3GI-00226-00148104-00148584 felt like that validates him to be a king. His dad is too old, he doesn't know what he's doing and so K6Ly4KhK3GI-00227-00148664-00149192 he's moving to Jerusalem to take over the throne. David instead of creating a fight, he decides to K6Ly4KhK3GI-00228-00149192-00149976 step back and walk away from the throne, verse 25. then king said to Zadok carry the ark of God back K6Ly4KhK3GI-00229-00149976-00150616 into the city . If I find favor in the eyes of the Lord. I want you to notice how David sees God, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00230-00150696-00151288 the Lord. in fact it's later on, he gives a messianic prophecy he said, the Lord said to my K6Ly4KhK3GI-00231-00151288-00151888 Lord, he's talking about two Lords . He says the Lord said to my Lord. And Jesus used that K6Ly4KhK3GI-00232-00151888-00152472 prophecy to confuse the Pharisees and he said who was David talking about ? he said whose Lord was K6Ly4KhK3GI-00233-00152472-00152880 he talking to, when he was talking about his Lord . And he totally messed up the Pharisees, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00234-00152880-00153360 because it simply meant that God had a son and a simple amen that there is, you know, God the K6Ly4KhK3GI-00235-00153360-00153832 Father and there is God the Son . But I want you to notice the relationship David has with God, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00236-00153832-00154608 he says, if I find the favor in the eyes of the Lord, he's not just his God. To David, yes I'm a K6Ly4KhK3GI-00237-00154608-00155296 king , yes I call the shots, yes I'm the guy in charge, but listen I have a God who is my Lord. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00238-00155360-00155984 He says, if I find favor in the eyes of the Lord , He will bring me back and show me both it and K6Ly4KhK3GI-00239-00155984-00156344 His dwelling place. verse 26, this is the key verse, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00240-00156512-00157680 if he says thus, I have no delight in him, here I am, let him do to me as seems good to him. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00241-00157888-00158536 Mike drop right there. Are you kidding me? Do you remember his predecessor, when God came to K6Ly4KhK3GI-00242-00158536-00159112 Saul and says Saul you're fired. you've been disobedient to me and Saul got so addicted to K6Ly4KhK3GI-00243-00159112-00159648 the throne, he got so addicted to the privileges that came with the throne, he loved his entourage, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00244-00159648-00160168 he loved that fact that he had the palace, he had everybody obeying him, but God's like Saul you're, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00245-00160168-00160664 you're done here . And Saul said, no I'm going to hold on to this. And here we see David K6Ly4KhK3GI-00246-00160664-00161144 is walking out from the throne. God is not telling David to leave the throne. David is K6Ly4KhK3GI-00247-00161144-00161552 seeing a problem ,his son is about to make a big mess, a lot of blood will be spilled . He's like K6Ly4KhK3GI-00248-00161552-00162104 I don't want this to happen and what David does is that, David walks away from the throne. He K6Ly4KhK3GI-00249-00162104-00162576 meets Zadok and Zadok is like we got the ark of god man let's go David like the old times , me K6Ly4KhK3GI-00250-00162576-00162992 ,ark and then we're just going to go fight it and Absalom is going to die. And David says, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00251-00162992-00163536 take the ark back inside, it belongs to Jerusalem, and he says, if God , if I find favor in the eyes K6Ly4KhK3GI-00252-00163536-00163904 of God, he said I'll be back. He'll show me the ark, He'll show me his dwelling place everything K6Ly4KhK3GI-00253-00163904-00164440 will be fine, and then David throws this thing. He says if God, for some reason unknown to me, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00254-00164440-00165224 says I no longer delight in David, I don't find pleasure in him, honestly I don't like him, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00255-00165328-00165816 David says this is what I'm going to do. I don't know if he will say that or not but in case he K6Ly4KhK3GI-00256-00165816-00166432 does, I want you to Zadok, to know my response. I won't go crazy. I won't fight for the throne. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00257-00166488-00167120 I will say this, " Here I am, do to me what seems good to you". K6Ly4KhK3GI-00258-00167288-00167680 Put me back in the shepherd's field, do whatever you want with me, why K6Ly4KhK3GI-00259-00167744-00168728 because you're my Lord. I am their king but, you are my Lord. God never said, I have no K6Ly4KhK3GI-00260-00168728-00169328 delight in David. God never said you should not be a king. But David's response was this, Lord K6Ly4KhK3GI-00261-00169400-00170144 here I am. Isaiah said, Here I am, Send me. God comes to Ananias and says go to see Saul and K6Ly4KhK3GI-00262-00170144-00170440 Ananya says, Here I am Lord. I'm going to do what you want me to do. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00263-00170528-00170984 God comes to Abraham and says, Abraham sacrifice your son, and Abraham said, Here I am Lord. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00264-00171120-00171912 God comes to Jacob, and he says, Here I am Lord. And God comes to David in a premeditated version K6Ly4KhK3GI-00265-00171912-00172472 not physically but David is already assuming in case, he comes and he said David you are fired, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00266-00172472-00172872 David you've done too much bad, David you lost your job as a king, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00267-00172872-00173408 David I have no delight in you, and David is already have a pre-made answer, " Here I am, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00268-00173472-00174032 do to me what seems good to you." My friend I want to challenge you, to live with this position K6Ly4KhK3GI-00269-00174032-00174664 in your heart," Here I am, do to me what seems good to you". I know, we know God's will to heal, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00270-00174720-00175184 but if something does not happen as you want it, Here I am, do good to me as it seems good to you. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00271-00175256-00175664 I know that, we know God's promised to deliver but I want you to have a posture in your heart, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00272-00175664-00176216 Here I am, do to me as it seems good to you. I know it's God's will for you to get married, but K6Ly4KhK3GI-00273-00176216-00176808 here I am do to me as it seems good to you. It is god's will to prosper you, but have this posture, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00274-00176808-00177416 Here I am, do to me as it seems good to you. I know God says, he will give you children and your K6Ly4KhK3GI-00275-00177416-00177872 children will possess the gates of your enemies, but you have to have a posture, Here I am, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00276-00177872-00178336 do to me as it seems good to you. I know that God has given you a prophetic word, and a K6Ly4KhK3GI-00277-00178336-00178864 prophetic dream of your future, but if things take a route that is different than what you expected, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00278-00178864-00179360 Here I am, do to me what seems good to you. I know God calls you into ministry, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00279-00179360-00179840 but god wants you to have a posture, Here I am, do to me as it seems good to you. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00280-00180112-00180800 Do to me as it seems good to you. Do to me as it seems good to you. Lord I surrender to you. Lord I K6Ly4KhK3GI-00281-00180800-00181480 yield my ministry to you. Lord I yield my children to you. Lord I yield my life to you. Lord I lead K6Ly4KhK3GI-00282-00181480-00182096 my body to you, Lord do to me what seems good to you. Iif you want to take me through the fire, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00283-00182096-00182736 I am yours. If you want to take me to the top, i am yours. If you want to show in me an example K6Ly4KhK3GI-00284-00182736-00183368 of suffering, Lord do to me as it seems good to you. Not my will be done but your will be done. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00285-00183368-00183888 God eventually brought David back to the throne. God eventually established David's throne. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00286-00183888-00184600 But God wants you to have this posture in your heart, " Here I am, do to me what seems good K6Ly4KhK3GI-00287-00184600-00185168 to you". This does not mean that you don't fight for what god has given to you this does not mean K6Ly4KhK3GI-00288-00185168-00185640 that you don't fight for your healing, this does not mean that you don't fight for your family, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00289-00185640-00186288 it just means you have a posture in your heart, between you and God . God I belong to you. God K6Ly4KhK3GI-00290-00186288-00187184 you're my owner. God you are my owner I belong to you. I give you absolute surrender. God do to me, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00291-00187256-00187912 what seems good to you. we want our ministry to grow and touch the world, but what if it doesn't K6Ly4KhK3GI-00292-00187912-00188656 happen at how I expected, my response Here I am, do to me, as it seems good to you. I remember even K6Ly4KhK3GI-00293-00188656-00189232 came to pass through this daily, I want you to lead the church, I want to serve you he's like no, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00294-00189232-00189784 my response now to to the things of ministry when it comes to leading the church, preaching is, Lord K6Ly4KhK3GI-00295-00189784-00190272 here I am do to me what seems good to you. And if God, if you don't fight pleasure and you want K6Ly4KhK3GI-00296-00190272-00190904 me to step down and do something else God. I will say, here I am do to me as it seems good to you. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00297-00190960-00191360 I'm not saying I achieved the posture of David but I want to be like David in this regard, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00298-00191432-00191936 when God gave David a promise that he will be a king, David has so many opportunities to take K6Ly4KhK3GI-00299-00191936-00192392 the shortcut but he didn't do it, why because his posture is, God here I am, do to me as it K6Ly4KhK3GI-00300-00192392-00192832 seems good to you. when God says I'll give you an enemy, you can do whatever you want with it, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00301-00192832-00193504 and then that enemy was Saul, he went to urinate in the cave and one of the brothers of David K6Ly4KhK3GI-00302-00193504-00193960 reminded David and said remember the promise that Samuel or all the prophets gave you, that God will K6Ly4KhK3GI-00303-00193960-00194400 finally make the enemy put him into your hands and you can do to him whatever you want, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00304-00194400-00194848 and you can just take him out right now, and then you'll become a king, all the promises will come K6Ly4KhK3GI-00305-00194848-00195384 true. God gave you the green light and David just got the robe of Saul and even then he felt bad, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00306-00195384-00195920 because David wouldn't take a shortcut. To David it wasn't about the throne, it wasn't about the K6Ly4KhK3GI-00307-00195920-00196592 promise, to , David it was not about, it was about making sure his lord is pleased with his servant. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00308-00196720-00197176 Make sure that his Lord, not make sure my stock portfolio is good, not make sure my reputation is K6Ly4KhK3GI-00309-00197176-00197608 doing good, not make sure everybody talks good about me, not make sure my following is good, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00310-00197608-00198056 not make sure I have the best army, not make sure that I have the best position and the best perks, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00311-00198056-00198416 not make sure of them, I make sure my Lord is pleased with his servant. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00312-00198592-00199376 Here I am, do to me what seems good to you. pray that prayer, it's a scary prayer because you're K6Ly4KhK3GI-00313-00199376-00199760 surrendering your rights . But I want to tell you something, God is not a monster, he's not a K6Ly4KhK3GI-00314-00199760-00200240 Pharaoh, he's not a Pilot, he's not a Herod, he's not a Hitler, he doesn't take advantage of people. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00315-00200304-00200816 This doesn't mean, you surrender to your sickness, this doesn't mean you surrender to a special needs K6Ly4KhK3GI-00316-00200816-00201280 child or you, you surrender to the situation that you can't control. This simply means you K6Ly4KhK3GI-00317-00201280-00201832 take everything that you're going through, and you surrender it to the sovereignty of your Lord. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00318-00201832-00202144 It doesn't mean, you don't know whether he wants to heal you or not, you do know K6Ly4KhK3GI-00319-00202144-00202640 he wants to heal you, because he made it clear but sometimes there are situations like Absalom, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00320-00202640-00203008 sometimes there's a situation like happening in your life, you have no explanation for, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00321-00203008-00203624 what do you do, you posture your heart and you say, Here I am, do to me what seems good to you. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00322-00203720-00204152 Brothers and sisters who are going in the 10/ 40 window right now, some of them who are watching, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00323-00204152-00204584 and who are honestly losing their job. some of them who are losing their relationships, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00324-00204584-00205136 some of them will be shipped to different camps and prisons because of their faith in Christ. yes. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00325-00205136-00205880 God promises to rescue them but some of them will die because Paul says whether we live or die we K6Ly4KhK3GI-00326-00205880-00206752 to the Lord. Whether we live or we die we belong to the Lord. We are his subjects. He has ownership K6Ly4KhK3GI-00327-00206752-00207384 of us. He has us. We belong to Him in absolute surrender. Whether it is through death or whether K6Ly4KhK3GI-00328-00207384-00208223 it's through life, we belong to God . "Here I am, do to me as it seems good to you". Whether it is K6Ly4KhK3GI-00329-00208223-00208719 starting three services, whether it's generously giving, whether it's serving, whether it's living K6Ly4KhK3GI-00330-00208719-00209448 with passion for God, Here I am, do to me as it seems good to you. If a snake comes to your garden K6Ly4KhK3GI-00331-00209448-00210096 and said, has God said, you said devil let me stop you there. He is your God but He is my Lord. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00332-00210096-00210576 and he said, and he settles it, and I believe him. And therefore, devil get out of my garden, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00333-00210632-00211271 Devil get out of my family, get out of my situation, why because He is your God but He is my K6Ly4KhK3GI-00334-00211271-00211928 Lord God. He is my savior . Hallelujah. You might be going through, today, what K6Ly4KhK3GI-00335-00211984-00212344 lepers were going through, and I love what they said, when they met Jesus, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00336-00212496-00213296 they said, Lord if you will, you can make me clean. Lord my servant is lying paralyzed at home. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00337-00213392-00214184 Lord, if it is you, command me, to come to you on water. Yes Lord, even the dogs eat the crumbs K6Ly4KhK3GI-00338-00214184-00214848 that fall from their masters table. Blind uh, the father with the special needs child and, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00339-00214848-00215216 and also demonized child, he says, Lord, have mercy on my son. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00340-00215280-00215808 Blind man said, Lord let our eyes be opened. Jesus says, go find a donkey and when they say K6Ly4KhK3GI-00341-00215808-00216464 what are you doing, he says, Lord, the Lord needs them. Matthew 22: 37, love the Lord your God. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00342-00216871-00217519 Pray to the Lord of the harvest. The son of man is the Lord of the sabbath. The most beautiful K6Ly4KhK3GI-00343-00217519-00218192 part about his Lordship is, when you submit to it, he takes not only ownership, he always is K6Ly4KhK3GI-00344-00218192-00219208 responsible for what he owns. And then you have not only the right, the privilege, Lord heal me. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00345-00219360-00220360 Why, I'm your property, I'm your possession, my body is yours. My life is yours. Lord, God, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00346-00220448-00220952 heal me that means I acknowledge your Lordship. I acknowledge your sovereignty. K6Ly4KhK3GI-00347-00220952-00221960 I acknowledge your power over my life. Do to me what seems good to you. To overcome temptation, K6Ly4KhK3GI-00348-00222023-00222616 never let the devil take you out of the realm, umbrella and protection of the Lord God. K8Gj7TmrHTY-00000-00000000-00000200 Mstar tv Kqu6HxxzwEu-00000-00002190-00002366 i have no idea what im doing Kqu6HxxzwEu-00001-00002366-00002452 well this is a wast of time Kqu6HxxzwEu-00004-00002784-00002952 will this is a wast of time KrjEWBj8i0y-00000-00000016-00000632 the best places to visit in india exploring india india is on the bucket list of every traveler KrjEWBj8i0y-00001-00000720-00001368 the beauty the chaos the culture the cuisines everything is exceptionally unique here KrjEWBj8i0y-00002-00001456-00001968 the country's various landscapes provide travelers with stellar travel escapes KrjEWBj8i0y-00003-00002023-00003008 so you can explore beaches mountains deserts old forts and so much KrjEWBj8i0y-00004-00003008-00003664 rishikesh if you are intrigued by yoga and spirituality then come to rishikesh known KrjEWBj8i0y-00005-00003664-00004384 as the yoga capital of the world rishikesh is a stunning destination it is also home to the holy KrjEWBj8i0y-00006-00004384-00005784 river ganga and the ganga arties see something that you do not want to miss out on when here KrjEWBj8i0y-00007-00006728-00007344 jaipur take a crash course on royalty here at jaipur the city is situated in the state KrjEWBj8i0y-00008-00007344-00008128 of rajasthan and holds secrets of an ancient world it is home to forts palaces and new age KrjEWBj8i0y-00009-00008128-00008784 cafes where you can discuss it all jaipur happens to be one of the most important place KrjEWBj8i0y-00010-00008784-00009984 of interest for international visitors and for good reason it is charming elegant and beautiful KrjEWBj8i0y-00011-00011216-00011712 kolkata historic city kolkata was once the british capital of india KrjEWBj8i0y-00012-00011808-00012488 visiting the city is like taking a time machine back to a different era popular as the cultural KrjEWBj8i0y-00013-00012488-00013088 capital of india kolkata is definitely one of the most beloved destinations in the country KrjEWBj8i0y-00014-00013176-00014184 it is best to visit during the festival of durga puja or even during the winters KrjEWBj8i0y-00015-00015256-00015568 carolina you are not prepared for this beauty KrjEWBj8i0y-00016-00015568-00016160 it is called god's own country because it really is so the state of kerala is full of KrjEWBj8i0y-00017-00016160-00016816 green landscapes rolling hills of the western ghats beaches and backwaters where sailing in KrjEWBj8i0y-00018-00016816-00018384 a houseboat is a dreamy adventure let us not forget its incredible cuisine KrjEWBj8i0y-00019-00018968-00019520 varanasi on the banks of the holy river ganges varanasi is an ancient town that KrjEWBj8i0y-00020-00019520-00020136 is a spiritual destination here at varanasi you will find yourself lost KrjEWBj8i0y-00021-00020136-00021200 in the philosophies of life and everything about it pushes you towards a great awakening KrjEWBj8i0y-00022-00021200-00021624 sikkem the himalayan kingdom in the east of india as a world of its own KrjEWBj8i0y-00023-00021720-00022440 its charm is undeniable and its experiences are stellar here at sikkim you will find yourself KrjEWBj8i0y-00024-00022440-00022936 going on adventurous treks visiting various little hill towns and more KrjEWBj8i0y-00025-00023032-00023984 of course there is gangtok one of the finest hill stations you will visit in india KrjEWBj8i0y-00026-00025184-00025727 taj mahal no visit to india is complete without visiting the taj mahal in agri KrjEWBj8i0y-00027-00025808-00026127 the marble structure is known as a symbol of love KrjEWBj8i0y-00028-00026127-00026656 and has been an inspiration for people around the world pictures do it no KrjEWBj8i0y-00029-00026656-00028183 justice and you will be amazed at its beauty when you come to see it with your own eyes KrjEWBj8i0y-00030-00028888-00029336 hampi karnataka is hampi is an open-air museum from a different time KrjEWBj8i0y-00031-00029439-00030039 beautiful carved structures such as a carved chariot sits here for all to see and appreciate KrjEWBj8i0y-00032-00030127-00030576 it dates back to the biyanagara empire in the 14th century KrjEWBj8i0y-00033-00030576-00032383 and has been mesmerizing visitors for many years now it is a unesco world heritage site KrjEWBj8i0y-00034-00033304-00033968 mega leia one of northeast india's most reputed destinations meghalaya is nature's paradise KrjEWBj8i0y-00035-00034064-00034600 it is home to the hill town of shalom the incredibly beautiful docky river KrjEWBj8i0y-00036-00034600-00035224 beautiful forests with living roof bridges and so much more you have got to explore KrjEWBj8i0y-00037-00035224-00036584 its culture too the various tribes and their cuisines will floor you that's all for today KrjEWBj8i0y-00038-00039056-00039106 you KyNkEqyXjB0-00000-00000446-00000580 Alright guys. KyNkEqyXjB0-00001-00000580-00001016 This week I’m going to talk about Level of Detail and what this means for 3D art. KyNkEqyXjB0-00002-00001016-00001504 The term Level of detail refers to the method of reducing the number of polygons or triangles KyNkEqyXjB0-00003-00001504-00001864 used in 3D models based on their distance from the player or camera. KyNkEqyXjB0-00004-00001864-00002234 This technique increases the efficiency of rendering by reducing the workload on the KyNkEqyXjB0-00005-00002234-00002420 graphics card or GPU. KyNkEqyXjB0-00006-00002420-00002795 This is usually achieved through the use of level of detail groups. KyNkEqyXjB0-00007-00002795-00003180 The way these work is for each asset or piece of scenery in a game, a number of models are KyNkEqyXjB0-00008-00003180-00003311 actually created. KyNkEqyXjB0-00009-00003311-00003682 Each of these models has a different polygon count ranging from the most detailed version KyNkEqyXjB0-00010-00003682-00004164 which may be tens of thousands of triangles down to a version featuring very little detail KyNkEqyXjB0-00011-00004164-00004367 and a vastly reduced polygon count. KyNkEqyXjB0-00012-00004367-00004769 This is demonstrated in this example featuring a bunny that we’ll call Nigel; KyNkEqyXjB0-00013-00004769-00005171 As you can see each model represents exactly the same bunny. KyNkEqyXjB0-00014-00005171-00005382 All of these are clearly Nigel. KyNkEqyXjB0-00015-00005382-00005801 These four models would represent the different levels of detail in a LOD group. KyNkEqyXjB0-00016-00005801-00006285 The clever thing about the way LOD works is that the closer the object is to the camera, KyNkEqyXjB0-00017-00006285-00006577 the higher the level of detail that is shown to player. KyNkEqyXjB0-00018-00006577-00006989 So if in a game we’re standing right next to Nigel, we’ll be shown the version with KyNkEqyXjB0-00019-00006989-00007627 69,451 polygons but if Nigel's right at the other side of the level we’ll only see the KyNkEqyXjB0-00020-00007627-00007727 76 poly version. KyNkEqyXjB0-00021-00007727-00008065 The next example demonstrates the way that this works; KyNkEqyXjB0-00022-00008065-00008475 As you can see, when we’re close to Nigel we need to see the highest quality version KyNkEqyXjB0-00023-00008475-00008927 in order to see all of the detail but as he moves further away the polygon count can be KyNkEqyXjB0-00024-00008927-00009168 reduced without us really being able to tell. KyNkEqyXjB0-00025-00009168-00009597 This avoids wasting processing power on rendering detail that we can’t see because the object KyNkEqyXjB0-00026-00009597-00010021 is too far away and it ensures that the game can maintain an acceptable frame rate. KyNkEqyXjB0-00027-00010021-00010440 Here’s a video which shows level of detail being handled by an algorithm rather than KyNkEqyXjB0-00028-00010440-00010574 an LOD group. KyNkEqyXjB0-00029-00010574-00010939 The closer we are to the terrain, the higher the number of polygons that are shown to create KyNkEqyXjB0-00030-00010939-00011076 all of the detail we can see. KyNkEqyXjB0-00031-00011076-00011521 But as we move further away you can see the polygon count being dynamically reduced to KyNkEqyXjB0-00032-00011521-00011903 lower the amount of processing needed on geometry that doesn’t need to show a high level of KyNkEqyXjB0-00033-00011903-00012022 detail. KyNkEqyXjB0-00034-00012022-00012247 So there you have it, Level of detail. KyNkEqyXjB0-00035-00012247-00012595 I hope I’ve given a clear explanation of what this is and if you think that I have KyNkEqyXjB0-00036-00012595-00012927 then please show your support by hitting that thumbs up button below the video. KyNkEqyXjB0-00037-00012927-00013300 I upload a new video every week so if you want to see more videos like this one then KyNkEqyXjB0-00038-00013300-00013469 please subscribe to my channel. KyNkEqyXjB0-00039-00013469-00013897 If you have any questions or comments on this video or anything else to do with 3D graphics, KyNkEqyXjB0-00040-00013897-00014341 game design or media studies in general then drop a comment below the video or contact KyNkEqyXjB0-00041-00014341-00014588 me through any of the methods you can see on screen. KyNkEqyXjB0-00042-00014588-00014728 Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next one. K-6PRtLwMrA-00000-00000191-00000291 Hi, it's Alex! K-6PRtLwMrA-00001-00000291-00000521 Today I want to talk about rejection, K-6PRtLwMrA-00002-00000521-00000660 and I want to talk about K-6PRtLwMrA-00003-00000660-00000902 rejecting people in K-6PRtLwMrA-00004-00000902-00001113 romantic or sexual situations K-6PRtLwMrA-00005-00001113-00001438 in a way that is both respectful to them K-6PRtLwMrA-00006-00001438-00001555 and makes it likely K-6PRtLwMrA-00007-00001555-00001852 that your boundaries will be respected. K-6PRtLwMrA-00008-00001852-00002072 The key idea here is that I think K-6PRtLwMrA-00009-00002072-00002209 there is this common way K-6PRtLwMrA-00010-00002209-00002333 of rejecting people K-6PRtLwMrA-00011-00002333-00002560 that I see a lot in our society, K-6PRtLwMrA-00012-00002560-00002815 and I've experienced it myself, K-6PRtLwMrA-00013-00002815-00002964 and it's to reject people K-6PRtLwMrA-00014-00002964-00003168 based on appeal to a category. K-6PRtLwMrA-00015-00003168-00003271 So, for example, K-6PRtLwMrA-00016-00003271-00003468 people might say things like: K-6PRtLwMrA-00017-00003468-00003636 "I only like you 'as a friend'" K-6PRtLwMrA-00018-00003636-00003964 or like: "I'm not interested in you 'like that'". K-6PRtLwMrA-00019-00003964-00004228 Those are two of the sorts of phrases K-6PRtLwMrA-00020-00004228-00004354 that I've heard a lot, K-6PRtLwMrA-00021-00004354-00004501 and I've heard them directed at me K-6PRtLwMrA-00022-00004501-00004694 and I've heard them directed at other people. K-6PRtLwMrA-00023-00004694-00004974 And I don't think this is a good way K-6PRtLwMrA-00024-00004974-00005098 of rejecting people. K-6PRtLwMrA-00025-00005098-00005327 And I want to share some personal stories K-6PRtLwMrA-00026-00005327-00005459 about why, K-6PRtLwMrA-00027-00005459-00005794 and why I think it's better to, instead, K-6PRtLwMrA-00028-00005794-00006100 to assert specific boundaries with people. K-6PRtLwMrA-00029-00006100-00006228 So, the first story, K-6PRtLwMrA-00030-00006228-00006437 there was someone I was hanging out with K-6PRtLwMrA-00031-00006437-00006545 a long time ago, K-6PRtLwMrA-00032-00006545-00006855 and we were spending a lot of time together K-6PRtLwMrA-00033-00006855-00006955 one on one, K-6PRtLwMrA-00034-00006955-00007162 and I felt very attracted to her. K-6PRtLwMrA-00035-00007162-00007364 I wasn't particularly attached K-6PRtLwMrA-00036-00007364-00007522 to being involved with her K-6PRtLwMrA-00037-00007522-00007622 in a specific way, K-6PRtLwMrA-00038-00007622-00007722 but I definitely liked K-6PRtLwMrA-00039-00007722-00007841 spending time with her. K-6PRtLwMrA-00040-00007841-00008033 And we would cook together, K-6PRtLwMrA-00041-00008033-00008180 and we would cuddle a lot. K-6PRtLwMrA-00042-00008180-00008297 So we would like sit together K-6PRtLwMrA-00043-00008297-00008426 with our arms around each other, K-6PRtLwMrA-00044-00008426-00008672 or like holding hands, and talk, K-6PRtLwMrA-00045-00008672-00008864 about pretty intimate topics. K-6PRtLwMrA-00046-00008864-00009156 And, we had been doing this for some time, K-6PRtLwMrA-00047-00009156-00009444 and, one time, I went, K-6PRtLwMrA-00048-00009444-00009710 and I kissed her on the forehead, K-6PRtLwMrA-00049-00009710-00009906 and, she freaked out. K-6PRtLwMrA-00050-00009906-00010006 She was like: K-6PRtLwMrA-00051-00010006-00010140 "Oh my God, what are you doing?" K-6PRtLwMrA-00052-00010140-00010345 "I think you have the wrong idea." K-6PRtLwMrA-00053-00010345-00010560 like: "I'm not interested in you like this." K-6PRtLwMrA-00054-00010560-00010760 "I'm not wanting this kind of relationship." K-6PRtLwMrA-00055-00010760-00011114 And, I was like, kind of taken aback, K-6PRtLwMrA-00056-00011114-00011225 because I was like, K-6PRtLwMrA-00057-00011225-00011547 not thinking of this action I was doing K-6PRtLwMrA-00058-00011547-00011647 towards her, K-6PRtLwMrA-00059-00011647-00011747 like kissing her in this way, K-6PRtLwMrA-00060-00011747-00011937 as being a very big deal to me, K-6PRtLwMrA-00061-00011937-00012093 like it didn't seem like K-6PRtLwMrA-00062-00012093-00012193 much of a change K-6PRtLwMrA-00063-00012193-00012323 from all the ways in which K-6PRtLwMrA-00064-00012323-00012601 we were already physically intimate with each other. K-6PRtLwMrA-00065-00012601-00012727 But the thing is, K-6PRtLwMrA-00066-00012727-00012863 different people perceive K-6PRtLwMrA-00067-00012863-00013061 different types of intimacy K-6PRtLwMrA-00068-00013061-00013303 and physical touch and activities differently. K-6PRtLwMrA-00069-00013303-00013536 So, evidently, for her, K-6PRtLwMrA-00070-00013536-00013718 this was crossing a major boundary. K-6PRtLwMrA-00071-00013718-00013980 But the way she responded to it, K-6PRtLwMrA-00072-00013980-00014241 it involved appeal to this category, K-6PRtLwMrA-00073-00014241-00014454 and it, it felt kind of bad, K-6PRtLwMrA-00074-00014454-00014581 because it felt like she was K-6PRtLwMrA-00075-00014581-00014726 assuming something about me K-6PRtLwMrA-00076-00014726-00015025 that might not have been my intent at all. K-6PRtLwMrA-00077-00015025-00015183 Like, I wasn't trying to like K-6PRtLwMrA-00078-00015183-00015372 "escalate" the level of intimacy, K-6PRtLwMrA-00079-00015372-00015631 I just was really relaxed and comfortable, K-6PRtLwMrA-00080-00015631-00015731 and I was doing something K-6PRtLwMrA-00081-00015731-00016069 that felt very natural for me to do. K-6PRtLwMrA-00082-00016069-00016203 I was not attached K-6PRtLwMrA-00083-00016203-00016492 to the idea of being romantically involved with her, K-6PRtLwMrA-00084-00016492-00016801 and I'm completely comfortable K-6PRtLwMrA-00085-00016801-00017137 with her asserting any sort of boundary. K-6PRtLwMrA-00086-00017137-00017396 But like, the way she talked about it K-6PRtLwMrA-00087-00017396-00017672 made it seem like I was trying to move things K-6PRtLwMrA-00088-00017672-00017851 into a sort of romantic direction K-6PRtLwMrA-00089-00017851-00018063 or that I had romantic intent K-6PRtLwMrA-00090-00018063-00018319 behind my actions. K-6PRtLwMrA-00091-00018319-00018625 And, it made me feel pretty bad. K-6PRtLwMrA-00092-00018625-00018871 And, I didn't understand this at the time. K-6PRtLwMrA-00093-00018871-00018971 Like, back then, K-6PRtLwMrA-00094-00018971-00019137 I didn't know how to articulate K-6PRtLwMrA-00095-00019137-00019237 all these thoughts K-6PRtLwMrA-00096-00019237-00019373 that we're going over. K-6PRtLwMrA-00097-00019373-00019481 So I don't think I handled K-6PRtLwMrA-00098-00019481-00019701 or resolved that situation very well. K-6PRtLwMrA-00099-00019701-00019875 Like, that evening ended K-6PRtLwMrA-00100-00019875-00019985 pretty awkwardly, K-6PRtLwMrA-00101-00019985-00020100 and we ended up kind of K-6PRtLwMrA-00102-00020100-00020348 becoming pretty distant after that point, K-6PRtLwMrA-00103-00020348-00020448 and we drifted apart. K-6PRtLwMrA-00104-00020448-00020772 I want to share an example of K-6PRtLwMrA-00105-00020772-00020997 a situation that went really differently. K-6PRtLwMrA-00106-00020997-00021370 So, once I went to a party, K-6PRtLwMrA-00107-00021370-00021559 and I stayed pretty late at the party, K-6PRtLwMrA-00108-00021559-00021659 and afterwards, K-6PRtLwMrA-00109-00021659-00021773 I went back with one of my friends K-6PRtLwMrA-00110-00021773-00021951 to crash at her apartment. K-6PRtLwMrA-00111-00021951-00022378 And, we ended up sleeping in the same bed. K-6PRtLwMrA-00112-00022378-00022552 And, she told me, she was like: K-6PRtLwMrA-00113-00022552-00022668 "I'm really comfortable with you" K-6PRtLwMrA-00114-00022668-00022879 "and I really want to cuddle with you," K-6PRtLwMrA-00115-00022879-00023024 "but I don't want to kiss" K-6PRtLwMrA-00116-00023024-00023223 "and I don't want to hold hands." K-6PRtLwMrA-00117-00023223-00023417 And I really liked that, K-6PRtLwMrA-00118-00023417-00023634 because it was asserting a boundary. K-6PRtLwMrA-00119-00023634-00023734 She was like, K-6PRtLwMrA-00120-00023734-00023863 "Hey, this is what I'm comfortable with." K-6PRtLwMrA-00121-00023863-00024103 "This is what I'm not comfortable with." K-6PRtLwMrA-00122-00024103-00024234 She didn't say anything about K-6PRtLwMrA-00123-00024234-00024361 what it meant, K-6PRtLwMrA-00124-00024361-00024508 she didn't say anything about K-6PRtLwMrA-00125-00024508-00024747 my intent or her intent K-6PRtLwMrA-00126-00024747-00024945 or how that related to sort of K-6PRtLwMrA-00127-00024945-00025089 cultural categories of like K-6PRtLwMrA-00128-00025089-00025419 friendship or relationship or whatever. K-6PRtLwMrA-00129-00025419-00025608 And, she just talked about K-6PRtLwMrA-00130-00025608-00025708 what her boundaries were. K-6PRtLwMrA-00131-00025708-00025862 And, so we cuddled together, K-6PRtLwMrA-00132-00025862-00026045 and we went to sleep, and I woke up, K-6PRtLwMrA-00133-00026045-00026219 and it was really comfortable, K-6PRtLwMrA-00134-00026219-00026423 and I felt really comfortable with her, K-6PRtLwMrA-00135-00026423-00026695 I felt really close to her, K-6PRtLwMrA-00136-00026695-00026795 and we stayed friends, K-6PRtLwMrA-00137-00026795-00026927 and there was never any awkwardness, K-6PRtLwMrA-00138-00026927-00027208 like, I felt like I became closer to her K-6PRtLwMrA-00139-00027208-00027463 because of that experience. K-6PRtLwMrA-00140-00027463-00027563 And I was thinking, like K-6PRtLwMrA-00141-00027563-00027710 it would have been great, K-6PRtLwMrA-00142-00027710-00027895 in this other experience I had had, K-6PRtLwMrA-00143-00027895-00028118 if the person had kind of asserted K-6PRtLwMrA-00144-00028118-00028263 a clear boundary with me K-6PRtLwMrA-00145-00028263-00028451 about like what types of touch K-6PRtLwMrA-00146-00028451-00028551 she wanted K-6PRtLwMrA-00147-00028551-00028651 and what types she didn't. K-6PRtLwMrA-00148-00028651-00028799 And of course I could have taken K-6PRtLwMrA-00149-00028799-00028982 the responsibility for that, K-6PRtLwMrA-00150-00028982-00029138 if I had the wisdom and insight K-6PRtLwMrA-00151-00029138-00029238 that I have now, K-6PRtLwMrA-00152-00029238-00029338 I could have been like: K-6PRtLwMrA-00153-00029338-00029444 "Oh, hey," like "I'm really sorry" K-6PRtLwMrA-00154-00029444-00029579 "for overstepping this boundary." K-6PRtLwMrA-00155-00029579-00029836 "What are the types of touch you're comfortable with?" K-6PRtLwMrA-00156-00029836-00029975 "What are the types of touch" K-6PRtLwMrA-00157-00029975-00030126 "you're not comfortable with?" K-6PRtLwMrA-00158-00030126-00030277 So like, if you're rejected K-6PRtLwMrA-00159-00030277-00030543 in this sort of "categorical" way, K-6PRtLwMrA-00160-00030543-00030713 you can still steer the conversation K-6PRtLwMrA-00161-00030713-00030818 in the direction of boundaries, K-6PRtLwMrA-00162-00030818-00031022 which I think is a good thing to do. K-6PRtLwMrA-00163-00031022-00031327 But like, if you're in a situation K-6PRtLwMrA-00164-00031327-00031533 and someone oversteps a boundary, K-6PRtLwMrA-00165-00031533-00031801 I think it's really the best way to handle it K-6PRtLwMrA-00166-00031801-00032026 to assert a specific boundary, K-6PRtLwMrA-00167-00032026-00032307 and not to rely on these like categories K-6PRtLwMrA-00168-00032307-00032582 of like: "Oh I just like you as a friend." K-6PRtLwMrA-00169-00032582-00032799 Because like, what does that mean? K-6PRtLwMrA-00170-00032799-00032994 I've had people say that to me K-6PRtLwMrA-00171-00032994-00033222 in response to things that seemed K-6PRtLwMrA-00172-00033222-00033516 utterly bizarre, like for example, K-6PRtLwMrA-00173-00033516-00033616 when I asked someone K-6PRtLwMrA-00174-00033616-00033792 if they want to go out to lunch, K-6PRtLwMrA-00175-00033792-00033914 like in college, like, K-6PRtLwMrA-00176-00033914-00034130 if they want to get lunch in the dining hall, K-6PRtLwMrA-00177-00034130-00034266 like this is a group setting K-6PRtLwMrA-00178-00034266-00034455 where like, it's likely other people K-6PRtLwMrA-00179-00034455-00034668 are gonna see one of us and sit down together, K-6PRtLwMrA-00180-00034668-00034999 like, I would not think of that as like a "date", K-6PRtLwMrA-00181-00034999-00035135 but apparently some people K-6PRtLwMrA-00182-00035135-00035239 have reacted that way K-6PRtLwMrA-00183-00035239-00035506 to me asking that to them, K-6PRtLwMrA-00184-00035506-00035726 and so like, when people do this, K-6PRtLwMrA-00185-00035726-00035888 it can be off-putting to me, K-6PRtLwMrA-00186-00035888-00035988 because I'm like, K-6PRtLwMrA-00187-00035988-00036160 I'm not trying to date you, K-6PRtLwMrA-00188-00036160-00036390 I'm not trying to express romantic interest, K-6PRtLwMrA-00189-00036390-00036546 I'm just like, "Hey I want to eat," K-6PRtLwMrA-00190-00036546-00036709 "I want to have someone to eat with," K-6PRtLwMrA-00191-00036709-00036809 "Do you want to eat" K-6PRtLwMrA-00192-00036809-00037097 "at this time in this dining hall?" K-6PRtLwMrA-00193-00037097-00037314 Umm, I've had people react that way K-6PRtLwMrA-00194-00037314-00037603 to me telling them that I care about them. K-6PRtLwMrA-00195-00037603-00037830 Again, really off-putting, like, K-6PRtLwMrA-00196-00037830-00037959 I care about all people. K-6PRtLwMrA-00197-00037959-00038065 I care about you, K-6PRtLwMrA-00198-00038065-00038186 if you're watching this video, K-6PRtLwMrA-00199-00038186-00038286 and you're human, K-6PRtLwMrA-00200-00038286-00038451 I definitely care about you, K-6PRtLwMrA-00201-00038451-00038556 and I like telling people K-6PRtLwMrA-00202-00038556-00038678 that I care about them. K-6PRtLwMrA-00203-00038678-00038821 I understand though, K-6PRtLwMrA-00204-00038821-00039013 some people have this association K-6PRtLwMrA-00205-00039013-00039190 that like that's a sort of "relationship" thing K-6PRtLwMrA-00206-00039190-00039459 or it's like more intimate. K-6PRtLwMrA-00207-00039459-00039559 But I still don't like it K-6PRtLwMrA-00208-00039559-00039676 like when people assume K-6PRtLwMrA-00209-00039676-00039936 that I necessarily mean a certain thing K-6PRtLwMrA-00210-00039936-00040044 by saying that. K-6PRtLwMrA-00211-00040044-00040261 Like, I like telling all people K-6PRtLwMrA-00212-00040261-00040361 that I care about them, K-6PRtLwMrA-00213-00040361-00040524 especially my friends. K-6PRtLwMrA-00214-00040524-00040760 So like, I think though that K-6PRtLwMrA-00215-00040760-00040933 if someone doesn't like this, K-6PRtLwMrA-00216-00040933-00041055 for whatever reason, K-6PRtLwMrA-00217-00041055-00041155 I think it's important K-6PRtLwMrA-00218-00041155-00041328 that they assert a boundary. K-6PRtLwMrA-00219-00041328-00041533 Same goes for frequency of contact. K-6PRtLwMrA-00220-00041533-00041680 Like, one boundary that people K-6PRtLwMrA-00221-00041680-00041802 have overstepped with me, K-6PRtLwMrA-00222-00041802-00042025 and I've also overstepped it with other people, K-6PRtLwMrA-00223-00042025-00042225 is contacting someone too often, K-6PRtLwMrA-00224-00042225-00042431 and I think if someone is doing that to you, K-6PRtLwMrA-00225-00042431-00042531 the best thing to do K-6PRtLwMrA-00226-00042531-00042642 is to just be like, K-6PRtLwMrA-00227-00042642-00042883 "Hey," like "you've been texting me a lot." K-6PRtLwMrA-00228-00042883-00043082 like: "I don't really feel comfortable" K-6PRtLwMrA-00229-00043082-00043232 "texting you this often." K-6PRtLwMrA-00230-00043232-00043344 And you can explain like, K-6PRtLwMrA-00231-00043344-00043475 it's not personal, it's just like, K-6PRtLwMrA-00232-00043475-00043715 "I don't text very much in general." K-6PRtLwMrA-00233-00043715-00043971 or like: "I don't like getting a lot of notifications" K-6PRtLwMrA-00234-00043971-00044071 "on my phone". K-6PRtLwMrA-00235-00044071-00044232 You can say things to make it clear K-6PRtLwMrA-00236-00044232-00044375 that it's not that you don't like them, K-6PRtLwMrA-00237-00044375-00044527 it's just that you don't want them K-6PRtLwMrA-00238-00044527-00044647 texting you as often. K-6PRtLwMrA-00239-00044647-00044886 And I think it's best with something like this K-6PRtLwMrA-00240-00044886-00045046 if you give a specific frequency, K-6PRtLwMrA-00241-00045046-00045146 you're like: "Hey," K-6PRtLwMrA-00242-00045146-00045331 "I feel more comfortable getting like" K-6PRtLwMrA-00243-00045331-00045471 "one or two texts a week" or like K-6PRtLwMrA-00244-00045471-00045680 "if you only text me if you're" K-6PRtLwMrA-00245-00045680-00045847 "wanting to do a specific thing" K-6PRtLwMrA-00246-00045847-00045996 "or you have a specific reasons." K-6PRtLwMrA-00247-00045996-00046243 like: "I don't really like to chat over text." K-6PRtLwMrA-00248-00046243-00046490 You can say whatever it is you need to say, K-6PRtLwMrA-00249-00046490-00046710 to communicate your boundary. K-6PRtLwMrA-00250-00046710-00046962 I highly recommend doing that. K-6PRtLwMrA-00251-00046962-00047378 I think that if people would reject people K-6PRtLwMrA-00252-00047378-00047611 by asserting specific boundaries, K-6PRtLwMrA-00253-00047611-00047749 and not by these sort-of K-6PRtLwMrA-00254-00047749-00048040 appeal to categories, K-6PRtLwMrA-00255-00048040-00048233 people would have better relationships, K-6PRtLwMrA-00256-00048233-00048375 like there would be people who would K-6PRtLwMrA-00257-00048375-00048550 be able to stay friends K-6PRtLwMrA-00258-00048550-00048778 instead of having this awkward distancing K-6PRtLwMrA-00259-00048778-00048931 that can sometimes happen. K-6PRtLwMrA-00260-00048931-00049174 I also think that people would find K-6PRtLwMrA-00261-00049174-00049333 that their boundaries are more likely K-6PRtLwMrA-00262-00049333-00049474 to be respected. K-6PRtLwMrA-00263-00049474-00049671 Like, if someone tells me: K-6PRtLwMrA-00264-00049671-00049835 "I don't like you like that." K-6PRtLwMrA-00265-00049835-00050087 I don't know how to respect their boundaries K-6PRtLwMrA-00266-00050087-00050210 because I don't know K-6PRtLwMrA-00267-00050210-00050568 what particular actions or things K-6PRtLwMrA-00268-00050568-00050730 they interpret as being like K-6PRtLwMrA-00269-00050730-00051050 "relationship" things. K-6PRtLwMrA-00270-00051050-00051150 Does that mean that K-6PRtLwMrA-00271-00051150-00051250 they don't want me to K-6PRtLwMrA-00272-00051250-00051352 contact them as much? K-6PRtLwMrA-00273-00051352-00051452 Does that mean that K-6PRtLwMrA-00274-00051452-00051613 they don't me to be K-6PRtLwMrA-00275-00051613-00051744 as affection with them? K-6PRtLwMrA-00276-00051744-00051844 And if so, like, K-6PRtLwMrA-00277-00051844-00052001 what are the types of affection K-6PRtLwMrA-00278-00052001-00052130 that overstep those boundaries? K-6PRtLwMrA-00279-00052130-00052270 Like, I don't know that, K-6PRtLwMrA-00280-00052270-00052421 and I know for a fact that K-6PRtLwMrA-00281-00052421-00052666 it's different from one person to the next, K-6PRtLwMrA-00282-00052666-00052833 so like if someone doesn't tell me that, K-6PRtLwMrA-00283-00052833-00053069 like it puts me in a really difficult position. K-6PRtLwMrA-00284-00053069-00053348 Yeah, that's what I have to say. K-6PRtLwMrA-00285-00053348-00053450 So I would encourage you, K-6PRtLwMrA-00286-00053450-00053629 if you ever feel the impulse K-6PRtLwMrA-00287-00053629-00053749 to tell someone that K-6PRtLwMrA-00288-00053749-00053904 "I don't like you like that." K-6PRtLwMrA-00289-00053904-00054091 or like: "I just think of you as a friend." K-6PRtLwMrA-00290-00054091-00054264 like, think twice before saying that. K-6PRtLwMrA-00291-00054264-00054364 And like, think: K-6PRtLwMrA-00292-00054364-00054464 "What are the boundaries" K-6PRtLwMrA-00293-00054464-00054604 "that I really care about?" K-6PRtLwMrA-00294-00054604-00054741 "What are the boundaries" K-6PRtLwMrA-00295-00054741-00054910 "that I want this other person" K-6PRtLwMrA-00296-00054910-00055030 "to respect?" K-6PRtLwMrA-00297-00055030-00055207 And maybe consider K-6PRtLwMrA-00298-00055207-00055366 asserting those boundaries explicitly. K-6PRtLwMrA-00299-00055366-00055610 You may find that K-6PRtLwMrA-00300-00055610-00055710 it leads the other person K-6PRtLwMrA-00301-00055710-00055916 to feel better, and K-6PRtLwMrA-00302-00055916-00056050 to respect your boundaries better. K-6PRtLwMrA-00303-00056050-00056341 Yeah, thank you! KCuUqRIVNtM-00000-00001256-00001816 hi guys yuri here again welcome to ybplaysmusic if you're new to the channel you might not KCuUqRIVNtM-00001-00001816-00002192 notice but to all the people that already subscribed you might notice that it's a KCuUqRIVNtM-00002-00002192-00002936 different setup than usually normally i'm upstairs in my recording room i would say and usually most KCuUqRIVNtM-00003-00002936-00003615 of my tutorials are guitar based and some of you might know or not but i first learned how KCuUqRIVNtM-00004-00003615-00004112 to play the piano before i started to learn how to play the guitar but starting today i'm going KCuUqRIVNtM-00005-00004112-00004760 to show you guys how to start learning music in general uh regardless if you want to learn how KCuUqRIVNtM-00006-00004760-00005416 to play the piano just want to understand music or learn another instrument for that matter because KCuUqRIVNtM-00007-00005416-00006096 a keyboard is actually in my opinion the easiest tool to learn how to play music because of the KCuUqRIVNtM-00008-00006096-00006759 structure of the keyboard itself and all its aspects in that so let's start off by taking KCuUqRIVNtM-00009-00006759-00007320 a look at the keyboard right here now there are different kind of keyboards and not all of them KCuUqRIVNtM-00010-00007320-00008008 have the same amount of keys in them but if you have a full keyboard there are 88 keys from top KCuUqRIVNtM-00011-00008008-00008792 to bottom including the black keys and the white keys together now in music we have different notes KCuUqRIVNtM-00012-00008792-00009472 and there are actually only 12 unique notes but we have each of those in different octaves KCuUqRIVNtM-00013-00009472-00009984 and that means for example if we have a C, that's one of the notes which is this one KCuUqRIVNtM-00014-00010272-00010720 we have that in multiple octaves we have it in a couple of octaves lower we have it in a couple KCuUqRIVNtM-00015-00010720-00011384 of octaves higher so if i want to have the C but an octave lower than this one then i go KCuUqRIVNtM-00016-00011464-00011864 one lower which is here if i go one higher it's right here KCuUqRIVNtM-00017-00012032-00012704 but it's the same note it's all the C but it's in different octaves so we only have 12 unique KCuUqRIVNtM-00018-00012704-00013568 notes actually but you might ask yourself then why do we have 88 keys if there only are 12 unique KCuUqRIVNtM-00019-00013568-00014224 notes well that's because those 12 different notes repeat themselves in different octaves and those KCuUqRIVNtM-00020-00014224-00014960 octaves can be higher or lower and so we see the same notes coming back when we go higher on the KCuUqRIVNtM-00021-00014960-00015488 keyboard or lower on the keyboard now i'm going to come back to explain what an octave exactly KCuUqRIVNtM-00022-00015488-00016360 is so from the 12 different unique notes that we have on the keyboard we have seven ones that are KCuUqRIVNtM-00023-00016360-00016984 white keys and we have five ones that are black keys so count them together we have 12 notes KCuUqRIVNtM-00024-00017040-00017808 okay so let's just disregard the black notes for a moment and just focus on the white keys so in KCuUqRIVNtM-00025-00017808-00018528 english we have different letters for these notes being A, B, C, D, E, F, G and those are all the KCuUqRIVNtM-00026-00018528-00019184 basic notes we have and those are actually all the white keys on the keyboard right now you might ask KCuUqRIVNtM-00027-00019184-00019784 then what are the black keys called and that's where the term sharp (#) or flat (b) comes in KCuUqRIVNtM-00028-00019888-00020624 because we just add those to the letters that we have now let's first off show you which notes KCuUqRIVNtM-00029-00020624-00021344 are which letters we start with the letter A and that's right here we have a couple more right here KCuUqRIVNtM-00030-00021496-00022632 or we have higher ones as well those are all the note A then if we go one higher we have B then C D KCuUqRIVNtM-00031-00022760-00023864 E F and G now if we continue further on we again have A but it's a higher one an octave higher KCuUqRIVNtM-00032-00023864-00024712 than the one below okay now when we want to give names to the black keys on the keyboard we add the KCuUqRIVNtM-00033-00024712-00025232 sharp (#) or the flat (b) term to the notes that we have and we have different kind of options KCuUqRIVNtM-00034-00025288-00025872 let's see for example we have the A right here and the B one higher KCuUqRIVNtM-00035-00026032-00026808 but there is one black key in between here there are two names that we can give that key or we can KCuUqRIVNtM-00036-00026808-00027639 call it the A# sharp because it's half a tone higher so it could be A# the a sharp KCuUqRIVNtM-00037-00027639-00028439 or we can call it Bb because it's half a tone lower than the B so that's your own choice it KCuUqRIVNtM-00038-00028439-00028976 depends a little bit on the key in which a song is written or piece of music is written KCuUqRIVNtM-00039-00028976-00029527 that depends on what they will call that note but practically it's the same note A# or Bb KCuUqRIVNtM-00040-00029624-00030239 right and we have the same with all the black keys so if we have this black key right here if we take KCuUqRIVNtM-00041-00030239-00030983 the note left from it that's the C if we take the note at the right of it we have the note D KCuUqRIVNtM-00042-00031136-00031776 so again we have two names for these or you can call it the C# because it's half a tone KCuUqRIVNtM-00043-00031776-00032383 higher than the C or we can call it the Db because it's half a tone lower than the D KCuUqRIVNtM-00044-00032495-00033336 okay both are correct the same with D# or Eb that's this one then we have the F# or the Gb KCuUqRIVNtM-00045-00033608-00034400 or we have right here the G# because it's half a tone higher than the G KCuUqRIVNtM-00046-00034400-00035008 or the Ab because right here we have another A but it's half A tone lower than that so G# KCuUqRIVNtM-00047-00035080-00035664 or Ab these are all the notes when i learn music in primary school and in high school and such KCuUqRIVNtM-00048-00035848-00036600 in dutch we learn the terms do re mi fa sol la si do and those are less used terms definitely KCuUqRIVNtM-00049-00036600-00037352 in english but in dutch we call the notes by those names actually and for some reason that starts at KCuUqRIVNtM-00050-00037472-00038432 the C so C is the do then the re or re is the D then the E is the mi KCuUqRIVNtM-00051-00038624-00039520 then F is fa G is sol we go further to the A which is la KCuUqRIVNtM-00052-00039712-00040416 and then we go further on to the B which is si and then we go further on to the next octave KCuUqRIVNtM-00053-00040416-00040976 of the do or the C now that we know all the names of the notes of these 12 unique KCuUqRIVNtM-00054-00040976-00041720 notes why is in my opinion the keyboard the best tool to learn music and the easiest regardless KCuUqRIVNtM-00055-00041720-00042216 if you want to learn how to play the piano or just learn music or learn how to play another KCuUqRIVNtM-00056-00042216-00042968 instrument if you want to understand music i think this is the easiest tool why is that in my KCuUqRIVNtM-00057-00042968-00043584 opinion that is mostly because of the structure of the keyboard one thing is that all the notes KCuUqRIVNtM-00058-00043704-00044344 from low to high are next to each other from left to the keyboard to to the right of the keyboard KCuUqRIVNtM-00059-00044424-00044888 so that is already easy to understand the higher you go on the keyboard the higher the note will be KCuUqRIVNtM-00060-00044888-00045512 whilst on a lot of other instruments it's not as clear as that like on stringed instruments guitar KCuUqRIVNtM-00061-00045512-00046176 violin and such you have different strings and on each string you can progress higher but there are KCuUqRIVNtM-00062-00046176-00046664 different positions in which you can play the same note the same pitch on the keyboard that's KCuUqRIVNtM-00063-00046664-00047368 not the case we have different octaves but one specific pitch for example this one this this C KCuUqRIVNtM-00064-00047480-00048256 it's only at this key there's no other way to play this pitch on the keyboard it's only right here KCuUqRIVNtM-00065-00048256-00048680 another thing is that it's very easy to visualize and to navigate on the keyboard KCuUqRIVNtM-00066-00048736-00049336 because of the structure of those octaves which i told you before we have the white keys and we KCuUqRIVNtM-00067-00049336-00049864 have the black keys now if we take an octave for example and technically an octave is from the C KCuUqRIVNtM-00068-00050008-00051064 uh until the next C and each octave we have a pair of black keys next to each other with one white in KCuUqRIVNtM-00069-00051064-00051688 between and we have a trio of black keys next to each other right here as well and we have the same KCuUqRIVNtM-00070-00051688-00052216 pattern coming back always so we have two next to each other three next to each other two three KCuUqRIVNtM-00071-00052216-00052864 two three and that way it's pretty easy to see at which note we are right every time we have the two KCuUqRIVNtM-00072-00052864-00053704 ones close to each other the one below that is the C right the note before the three ones is the F KCuUqRIVNtM-00073-00053864-00054504 and that is easy to understand next guys why is an octave called an octave let's KCuUqRIVNtM-00074-00054504-00055079 say for example we have the C the note C if we go one octave higher KCuUqRIVNtM-00075-00055224-00056000 that's this C how many notes is that higher than this one eight notes that's why it's called an KCuUqRIVNtM-00076-00056000-00056855 octave so this is the first note two three four five six seven eight higher we have the next C KCuUqRIVNtM-00077-00056855-00057416 note so the same if we go lower one two three four five six seven eight KCuUqRIVNtM-00078-00057560-00058016 okay and that's one octave lower like i said in the beginning of the video if you have KCuUqRIVNtM-00079-00058016-00058536 a full keyboard those are 88 keys and they will usually start by the letter A* (not E) KCuUqRIVNtM-00080-00058672-00059167 that's a very low A* (not E) note and an octave theoretically starts with the KCuUqRIVNtM-00081-00059167-00060048 C note right which is here this is the first C on the keyboard so we call this the C1 KCuUqRIVNtM-00082-00060288-00061600 if we go an octave higher this is a C2 the C3 4 5 6 7 and 8 to end now if this is called the C1 KCuUqRIVNtM-00083-00061600-00062591 now how are these notes before that called because that's a B Bb or A# and the A those are the A0 KCuUqRIVNtM-00084-00062808-00063704 A#0 or Bb0 and the B0 and then we start from the C1 and further on and we build up like that KCuUqRIVNtM-00085-00063704-00064367 so guys that was probably a lot of information if you're a beginner in music but i'm sure if you KCuUqRIVNtM-00086-00064367-00064855 watch a couple of times that you will get all of this but it's very important that we understand KCuUqRIVNtM-00087-00064855-00065376 how these notes work how these octaves work and how we can navigate on the keyboard to learn how KCuUqRIVNtM-00088-00065376-00066008 to use it to our advantage and how to learn music so guys i hope you learned something again today KCuUqRIVNtM-00089-00066008-00066424 don't forget to subscribe like and share the video also don't forget to check out my other KCuUqRIVNtM-00090-00066424-00066912 tutorials because i have a lot of tutorials on guitar if you want to learn how to play KCuUqRIVNtM-00091-00066912-00067440 the guitar and this might be useful for both actually i also have reaction videos where i KCuUqRIVNtM-00092-00067440-00068040 react to music related stuff and give my opinion my reaction and i have my own music videos on KCuUqRIVNtM-00093-00068040-00068672 my channel as well uh which are posted more sporadically because those take a lot of time KCuUqRIVNtM-00094-00068672-00070184 to make so thank you so much for watching guys and i hope to see you guys in the next tutorial bye KCuUqRIVNtM-00095-00071424-00072072 uh but all do um where i record and usually because it's a very con KCuUqRIVNtM-00096-00072128-00072720 because it's a very structured because we have that we have it in a couple of actors KCuUqRIVNtM-00097-00072720-00073312 of lower we have it angular we have it in a but it's in dictionary they're actually and KCuUqRIVNtM-00098-00073528-00074528 so we have oh but theoretic but theoretically it's but practice if we n so g KCuUqRIVNtM-00099-00074744-00075440 and those are the and those are why is it that why is it in my opinion KCuUqRIVNtM-00100-00075440-00076280 why is the keyboard in my opinion the easiest tool to learn how to get whilst on whilst KCuUqRIVNtM-00101-00076592-00077384 whilst on a couple of and we have a triple of we have a triple of we have a triplet of KCuUqRIVNtM-00102-00077480-00078400 we have a triple and we have it so one two three four five six so so that's eight n so that's KCuUqRIVNtM-00103-00078400-00079248 the octave actually technically and the arc and the octave tier and then how are these notes in KFzImu3YB_M-00000-00000075-00000504 Selecting an appropriate topic is often one of the most challenging pieces of doing a KFzImu3YB_M-00001-00000504-00000613 research project. KFzImu3YB_M-00002-00000613-00001200 The XYZ Method is a tool that you can use to help you develop a focused and searchable KFzImu3YB_M-00003-00001200-00001370 research topic. KFzImu3YB_M-00004-00001370-00001935 The XYZ Method follows a specific format, which is “I am working on the topic of X KFzImu3YB_M-00005-00001935-00002489 because I want to learn more about Y so that I can help others understand Z.” KFzImu3YB_M-00006-00002489-00002716 The X refers to your basic topic. KFzImu3YB_M-00007-00002716-00003175 Keep your topic as simple as possible and don’t worry if it’s not very detailed. KFzImu3YB_M-00008-00003175-00003702 The Y should refer to your basic topic but also include a narrower, more specific element. KFzImu3YB_M-00009-00003702-00004079 This is where you will go from a broader to a more specific topic and where you would KFzImu3YB_M-00010-00004079-00004307 include additional details. KFzImu3YB_M-00011-00004307-00004478 The Z should answer the “So what?” KFzImu3YB_M-00012-00004478-00004578 question. KFzImu3YB_M-00013-00004578-00004781 Why should readers care about your topic and research assignment? KFzImu3YB_M-00014-00004781-00004941 Why does it matter? KFzImu3YB_M-00015-00004941-00005142 Let’s look at an example. KFzImu3YB_M-00016-00005142-00005612 Say my topic is looking at the environmental impact of plastic pollution, specifically KFzImu3YB_M-00017-00005612-00006124 microplastics, on the ocean to determine how we can reduce harmful effects. KFzImu3YB_M-00018-00006124-00006342 The X of my topic is plastic pollution. KFzImu3YB_M-00019-00006342-00006695 I’ve kept it pretty broad and as simple as possible. KFzImu3YB_M-00020-00006695-00007206 The Y of my topic is looking at the environmental effects of microplastics on the ocean. KFzImu3YB_M-00021-00007206-00007595 It looks at a narrower, more specific aspect of plastic pollution. KFzImu3YB_M-00022-00007595-00007988 The Z of my topic is how we can reduce the harmful effects of plastic pollution on the KFzImu3YB_M-00023-00007988-00008123 ocean. KFzImu3YB_M-00024-00008123-00008613 After you’ve considered the X, Y, and Z of your topic, you can then focus on creating KFzImu3YB_M-00025-00008613-00009032 good keywords and synonyms that you will use to search for sources. KFzImu3YB_M-00026-00009032-00009432 Since you already know the specifics of your topic, brainstorming keywords will be much KFzImu3YB_M-00027-00009432-00009532 easier. KFzImu3YB_M-00028-00009532-00010014 If you have any questions about developing your topic using the XYZ Method, please contact KFzImu3YB_M-00029-00010014-00010158 the Kreitzberg Library for help! KHZj2p-WR-k-00000-00000083-00000240 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. KHZj2p-WR-k-00001-00000240-00000437 HERE'S WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND YOUR NAVY. KHZj2p-WR-k-00002-00000460-00000670 THE NAVY RELEASED UPDATES TO THE SPECIAL DUTY KHZj2p-WR-k-00003-00000670-00000890 ASSIGNMENT PAY FOR ELIGIBLE ENLISTED SAILORS KHZj2p-WR-k-00004-00000890-00000990 IN A NEW NAVADMIN. KHZj2p-WR-k-00005-00001064-00001361 SDAP ENHANCES THE NAVY'S ABILITY TO SIZE, KHZj2p-WR-k-00006-00001361-00001591 SHAPE AND STABILIZE THE FORCE BY ENCOURAGING KHZj2p-WR-k-00007-00001591-00001841 QUALIFIED SAILORS TO SERVE IN DESIGNATED SPECIAL DUTY KHZj2p-WR-k-00008-00001841-00002095 ASSIGNMENTS FOR A MONTHLY MONETARY INCENTIVE RANGING KHZj2p-WR-k-00009-00002095-00002272 FROM 75 TO 450 DOLLARS. KHZj2p-WR-k-00010-00002272-00002522 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON SPECIAL DUTY ASSIGNMENT KHZj2p-WR-k-00011-00002522-00002696 PAY AND TO SEE IF YOU QUALIFY, KHZj2p-WR-k-00012-00002696-00002796 CHECK OUT THE NAVADMIN. KHZj2p-WR-k-00013-00002912-00003123 USS MOUNT WHITNEY MADE HISTORY AS THE FIRST KHZj2p-WR-k-00014-00003123-00003323 AMPHIBIOUS COMMAND SHIP TO LAND AN OSPREY ON ITS KHZj2p-WR-k-00015-00003323-00003436 FLIGHT DECK. KHZj2p-WR-k-00016-00003436-00003666 THE OSPREY SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED SEVEN LANDINGS KHZj2p-WR-k-00017-00003666-00003890 AND A HOT REFUELING, BEFORE RETURNING TO MORN KHZj2p-WR-k-00018-00003890-00003990 AIR BASE, SPAIN. KHZj2p-WR-k-00019-00004054-00004254 THE MOUNT WHITNEY LATER PULLED INTO LISBON, KHZj2p-WR-k-00020-00004254-00004454 PORTUGAL, BEFORE HEADING TO THE BALTIC SEA TO KHZj2p-WR-k-00021-00004454-00004617 PARTICIPATE IN BALTOPS 2016. KHZj2p-WR-k-00022-00004708-00004908 YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND KHZj2p-WR-k-00023-00004908-00005108 YOUR NAVY AT NAVY.MIL. KI740fUw7h0-00000-00000044-00000225 fill it fill it fill it okay KI740fUw7h0-00001-00000246-00000568 this week we’re hosting a materials camp for high school students KI740fUw7h0-00002-00000568-00000744 throughout the Greater Milwaukee Area KI740fUw7h0-00003-00000745-00001098 and we're bringing them in to introduce them to not only material science but KI740fUw7h0-00004-00001098-00001244 engineering and stem KI740fUw7h0-00005-00001244-00001609 in general this is a super cool thing there are students are coming in that are KI740fUw7h0-00006-00001609-00001943 curious they're naturally curious about the world and they've taken high school KI740fUw7h0-00007-00001943-00002244 chemistry and looking to get a little bit of a feel about engineering KI740fUw7h0-00008-00002244-00002649 and this is one way to introduce them to that today we made solar cells KI740fUw7h0-00009-00002649-00002993 just using berries and some glass we measured KI740fUw7h0-00010-00002993-00003295 amperes and current so we made electricity KI740fUw7h0-00011-00003295-00003792 yeah it was great I really enjoyed just making a solar cell and making electricity by myself KI740fUw7h0-00012-00003792-00004042 I've always been interested in science and engineering KI740fUw7h0-00013-00004042-00004395 and I saw how much fun it is and I really want to do this KI740fUw7h0-00014-00004395-00004759 for a future career I really want to be an engineer KI740fUw7h0-00015-00004759-00005200 and when I heard about materials engineering I thought that might be something that KI740fUw7h0-00016-00005200-00005314 would interest me so I KI740fUw7h0-00017-00005314-00005705 figured I'd give it a shot and I really like it so far it's pretty cool because KI740fUw7h0-00018-00005705-00006039 I've done a lot of things haven't done before KI740fUw7h0-00019-00006039-00006360 I'm learning about different materials and how they work and KI740fUw7h0-00020-00006360-00006584 the properties of materials and how that KI740fUw7h0-00021-00006584-00006731 affects the things that we use KI740fUw7h0-00022-00006731-00007086 almost everyday you really wanna start to show the high school students what KI740fUw7h0-00023-00007086-00007145 kind of KI740fUw7h0-00024-00007145-00007517 path forward they have and getting those opportunities to interact and talk with KI740fUw7h0-00025-00007517-00007566 some KI740fUw7h0-00026-00007566-00007975 undergraduates lets them ask those kind of casual questions about hey what's it like to KI740fUw7h0-00027-00007975-00008070 be an engineer KI740fUw7h0-00028-00008070-00008429 what's it like go to school and it's really great way to get them ready to go to that KI740fUw7h0-00029-00008429-00008667 next step I think this is a great opportunity for UWM KI740fUw7h0-00030-00008667-00009038 because you know a lot of times I think people even in the area don't recognize KI740fUw7h0-00031-00009038-00009217 what kind of capabilities we have KI740fUw7h0-00032-00009217-00009628 right here in middle the city and we are one of the two institutions in the state KI740fUw7h0-00033-00009628-00009835 that has a degree in materials engineering KI740fUw7h0-00034-00009835-00010233 and to let students know this opportunity is here right in their back door KI740fUw7h0-00035-00010233-00010435 is I think a a great thing for the campus Kpag-bP9QBc-00000-00001087-00001518 And now we're going to look at some examples for the APA, so we get some very Kpag-bP9QBc-00001-00001518-00002322 clear idea of how this functions. Here is an in-line citation, and you can see that Kpag-bP9QBc-00002-00002322-00002766 we have the author here, and we have the date. Kpag-bP9QBc-00003-00002766-00003269 However the APA guide line says you need to have a date inside the parentheses, Kpag-bP9QBc-00004-00003269-00004001 remember it's called parenthetical, read as a parentheses so, "Gazzaniga (1967) Kpag-bP9QBc-00005-00004001-00004488 flashe pictures to the right or left visual field of each patient whose Kpag-bP9QBc-00006-00004488-00005337 corpus callosum had been surgically severed." Plese remember space before, space Kpag-bP9QBc-00007-00005337-00006387 after parentheses, but no space inside the parentheses, just before and after. Easy Kpag-bP9QBc-00008-00006387-00006891 to get mixed up on that. Let's look at this example here: "In one of the earliest Kpag-bP9QBc-00009-00006891-00007553 studies (Anand, Chhina, & Singh, 1961) researchers presented a variety of Kpag-bP9QBc-00010-00007553-00008247 stimuli to a yogi as he meditated. Anand, Chhina, and Singh reported no Kpag-bP9QBc-00011-00008247-00009122 disruption of the Yogi's alpha wave-- as indicated by EEG recordings--by a tuning Kpag-bP9QBc-00012-00009122-00009731 fork fork or a hand clap." That is long, right? Two sentences. What's the point here? The Kpag-bP9QBc-00013-00009731-00010158 point here is we have a reference up here which looks good. I don't see a Kpag-bP9QBc-00014-00010158-00010634 problem. You can see the ampersand is used there not a-n-d. Then we have the Kpag-bP9QBc-00015-00010634-00011297 same paper being cited again down here. However, you remember the special rule Kpag-bP9QBc-00016-00011297-00011789 that applies to this? The first time we list the authors, we list them all, but Kpag-bP9QBc-00017-00011789-00012236 then the second time, we can use et al, because it's three or more authors, so we Kpag-bP9QBc-00018-00012236-00012894 have the et al. We also have the date. Why do we have the date? It's in the same Kpag-bP9QBc-00019-00012894-00013561 paragraph. It's being repeated, but remember that if the authors were outside Kpag-bP9QBc-00020-00013561-00013966 the parentheses, and if you're outside, you cannot use amersand. You must use Kpag-bP9QBc-00021-00013966-00014512 the a-n-d. Then in that case, we would not need the date anymore, Kpag-bP9QBc-00022-00014512-00014916 would we? because that's that other special case, so many special places aren't Kpag-bP9QBc-00023-00014916-00015466 there, but in this situation, we have the multiple authors-- three or more, and we Kpag-bP9QBc-00024-00015466-00016549 use the et al. "Personality changes may occur later in life (Neugarten, 1973; Kpag-bP9QBc-00025-00016549-00017398 Neugarten & Hagestad, 1976;..Neugarten, 1977)." So in this case, we have the same author Kpag-bP9QBc-00026-00017398-00018013 but different years. We also have one author with a different author, and then Kpag-bP9QBc-00027-00018013-00018553 the question becomes how do we align these? So in this case, we take Neugarten, Kpag-bP9QBc-00028-00018553-00019312 because he's the same person, and we combine the date by splitting them up with a Kpag-bP9QBc-00029-00019312-00019795 comma, so this is a comma there. And then which one goes first? Kpag-bP9QBc-00030-00019795-00020764 The smallest date goes first. So 1973 is first; 1977 is second, because 1977 is Kpag-bP9QBc-00031-00020764-00021622 later. The next issue is we have Neugarten, and we have Neugarten. So which Kpag-bP9QBc-00032-00021622-00022204 one goes first? Here we have a semicolon, right? Remember that? Semicolon between Kpag-bP9QBc-00033-00022204-00022704 authors between different authors, so here's Neugarten; here's Neugarten and Kpag-bP9QBc-00034-00022704-00023198 Hagestad. So here we have Neugarten and that's all; There's nothing more here, so Kpag-bP9QBc-00035-00023198-00023782 empty; that's empty. That will be earlier than using the H. H Kpag-bP9QBc-00036-00023782-00024354 becomes later, because H goes after empty. That's a general rule of thumb. If Kpag-bP9QBc-00037-00024354-00025101 something is empty, that's the same as being before A or before zero. Kpag-bP9QBc-00038-00025326-00025916 "The concept of chunking was introduced by Miller (Miller, 1956)." Clearly you can Kpag-bP9QBc-00039-00025916-00026361 see there's a problem here, right? This problem is you don't need to repeat Kpag-bP9QBc-00040-00026361-00026961 Miller. You just have the year. So in APA we have the author, on the outside of the Kpag-bP9QBc-00041-00026961-00027591 parentheses inside the sentence-- "introduced by Miller," and then we have Kpag-bP9QBc-00042-00027591-00028037 the year by itself, just like that. That's acceptable. Kpag-bP9QBc-00043-00028037-00028854 "Other authors focus on the role of affect (Zajonc, American Psychologist 1984)." Kpag-bP9QBc-00044-00028854-00029352 So here, you can see there's a comma, and then we have a Kpag-bP9QBc-00045-00029352-00029955 journal name. However, in APA very clearly, we don't need a journal name. We just Kpag-bP9QBc-00046-00029955-00030641 need the author, comma, year. And let's pay attention to that: Before comma, no space; Kpag-bP9QBc-00047-00030641-00031451 after comma, one space, then the year of the publication, 1984. That's all you need. KPlvUa3n0kA-00000-00000064-00000164 Good night! KPlvUa3n0kA-00001-00000164-00000545 "God still makes dreams come true, have faith and trust!" KPvpbSDyxX0-00000-00000104-00002736 Music Playing KPTndYdyPTE-00000-00000024-00000848 one thank you for calling cinema world our box office opens every afternoon at 2 30. today in KPTndYdyPTE-00001-00000848-00002023 cinema a we are showing holiday in rome starring gina jones show times are 3 40 5 45 7 55 and 10 15 KPTndYdyPTE-00002-00002264-00003536 2. in cinema b we are showing hong kong warrior show times are 4 30 6 40 8 30 and 10 45 don't KPTndYdyPTE-00003-00003536-00004384 forget to visit our new coffee bar located next to cinema b it's open every day from 2 30 to 10 30. KPTndYdyPTE-00004-00004504-00005216 three in cinema c we are showing ralph the rabbit show times are three o'clock KPTndYdyPTE-00005-00005280-00005632 four forty six thirty and eight fifteen KPTndYdyPTE-00006-00005720-00006528 also at 10 o'clock tonight only a sneak preview of crazy cops hollywood's latest comedy action film KPTndYdyPTE-00007-00006768-00007472 four in cinema d we are showing the alien from saturn show times are KPTndYdyPTE-00008-00007472-00008584 3 20 5 10 7 20 and 9 40. don't forget our box office closes every evening at 9 55. KTWERFlnAHc-00000-00000010-00000063 >> Josh: GOOD EVENING, EVERYONE. KTWERFlnAHc-00001-00000063-00000070 >> Josh: GOOD EVENING, EVERYONE. KTWERFlnAHc-00002-00000070-00000290 >> Josh: GOOD EVENING, EVERYONE. I'M JOSH PETERSON. KTWERFlnAHc-00003-00000290-00000296 >> Josh: GOOD EVENING, EVERYONE. I'M JOSH PETERSON. KTWERFlnAHc-00004-00000296-00000470 >> Josh: GOOD EVENING, EVERYONE. I'M JOSH PETERSON. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR JOINING US KTWERFlnAHc-00005-00000470-00000477 I'M JOSH PETERSON. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR JOINING US KTWERFlnAHc-00006-00000477-00000503 I'M JOSH PETERSON. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. KTWERFlnAHc-00007-00000503-00000510 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. KTWERFlnAHc-00008-00000510-00000710 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR JOINING US TONIGHT. A CROW WING COUNTY MAN HAS BEEN KTWERFlnAHc-00009-00000710-00000717 TONIGHT. A CROW WING COUNTY MAN HAS BEEN KTWERFlnAHc-00010-00000717-00001014 TONIGHT. A CROW WING COUNTY MAN HAS BEEN CHARGED WITH TEN FELONIES FOR KTWERFlnAHc-00011-00001014-00001021 A CROW WING COUNTY MAN HAS BEEN CHARGED WITH TEN FELONIES FOR KTWERFlnAHc-00012-00001021-00001438 A CROW WING COUNTY MAN HAS BEEN CHARGED WITH TEN FELONIES FOR ALLEGEDLY POSSESSING CHILD KTWERFlnAHc-00013-00001438-00001444 CHARGED WITH TEN FELONIES FOR ALLEGEDLY POSSESSING CHILD KTWERFlnAHc-00014-00001444-00001598 CHARGED WITH TEN FELONIES FOR ALLEGEDLY POSSESSING CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. KTWERFlnAHc-00015-00001598-00001604 ALLEGEDLY POSSESSING CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. KTWERFlnAHc-00016-00001604-00001674 ALLEGEDLY POSSESSING CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. HE WAS CHARGED ON MARCH 1st WITH KTWERFlnAHc-00017-00001674-00001681 PORNOGRAPHY. HE WAS CHARGED ON MARCH 1st WITH KTWERFlnAHc-00018-00001681-00001915 PORNOGRAPHY. HE WAS CHARGED ON MARCH 1st WITH TEN COUNTS OF POSSESSING KTWERFlnAHc-00019-00001915-00001921 HE WAS CHARGED ON MARCH 1st WITH TEN COUNTS OF POSSESSING KTWERFlnAHc-00020-00001921-00002001 HE WAS CHARGED ON MARCH 1st WITH TEN COUNTS OF POSSESSING PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL. KTWERFlnAHc-00021-00002001-00002008 TEN COUNTS OF POSSESSING PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL. KTWERFlnAHc-00022-00002008-00002168 TEN COUNTS OF POSSESSING PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL. ENLUND WAS CHARGED AFTER AN KTWERFlnAHc-00023-00002168-00002175 PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL. ENLUND WAS CHARGED AFTER AN KTWERFlnAHc-00024-00002175-00002439 PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL. ENLUND WAS CHARGED AFTER AN INVESTIGATION THAT WAS LED BY KTWERFlnAHc-00025-00002439-00002445 ENLUND WAS CHARGED AFTER AN INVESTIGATION THAT WAS LED BY KTWERFlnAHc-00026-00002445-00003733 ENLUND WAS CHARGED AFTER AN INVESTIGATION THAT WAS LED BY THE BCA INTERNET CRIMES AGAINST KTWERFlnAHc-00027-00003733-00003740 INVESTIGATION THAT WAS LED BY THE BCA INTERNET CRIMES AGAINST KTWERFlnAHc-00028-00003740-00003947 INVESTIGATION THAT WAS LED BY THE BCA INTERNET CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN TASK FORCE. KTWERFlnAHc-00029-00003947-00003953 THE BCA INTERNET CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN TASK FORCE. KTWERFlnAHc-00030-00003953-00004070 THE BCA INTERNET CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN TASK FORCE. TUMBLR PROVIDED THE INFORMATION KTWERFlnAHc-00031-00004070-00004077 CHILDREN TASK FORCE. TUMBLR PROVIDED THE INFORMATION KTWERFlnAHc-00032-00004077-00004337 CHILDREN TASK FORCE. TUMBLR PROVIDED THE INFORMATION TO THE BCA. KTWERFlnAHc-00033-00004337-00004344 TUMBLR PROVIDED THE INFORMATION TO THE BCA. KTWERFlnAHc-00034-00004344-00004537 TUMBLR PROVIDED THE INFORMATION TO THE BCA. THE PERSON USING THE IP KTWERFlnAHc-00035-00004537-00004544 TO THE BCA. THE PERSON USING THE IP KTWERFlnAHc-00036-00004544-00004958 TO THE BCA. THE PERSON USING THE IP ADDRESSED WAS DETERMINED TO BE KTWERFlnAHc-00037-00004958-00004964 THE PERSON USING THE IP ADDRESSED WAS DETERMINED TO BE KTWERFlnAHc-00038-00004964-00005028 THE PERSON USING THE IP ADDRESSED WAS DETERMINED TO BE ENLUND. KTWERFlnAHc-00039-00005028-00005035 ADDRESSED WAS DETERMINED TO BE ENLUND. KTWERFlnAHc-00040-00005035-00005231 ADDRESSED WAS DETERMINED TO BE ENLUND. AUTHORITIES EXECUTED A SEARCH KTWERFlnAHc-00041-00005231-00005238 ENLUND. AUTHORITIES EXECUTED A SEARCH KTWERFlnAHc-00042-00005238-00005612 ENLUND. AUTHORITIES EXECUTED A SEARCH WARRANT AT ENLUND'S HOME. KTWERFlnAHc-00043-00005612-00005618 AUTHORITIES EXECUTED A SEARCH WARRANT AT ENLUND'S HOME. KTWERFlnAHc-00044-00005618-00005672 AUTHORITIES EXECUTED A SEARCH WARRANT AT ENLUND'S HOME. ENLUND IS SCHEDULED TO APPEAR IN KWZkOCeNCTE-00000-00000000-00001071 Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to a new Flash video! Back to talk about Flesh and Blood! November will be a very unique month for the New Zealand game. KWZkOCeNCTE-00001-00001071-00002298 Yes, because not only the new set, called Destiny, will arrive on the gaming tables on November 11th, adding 247 new cards to the already numerous arsenal available KWZkOCeNCTE-00002-00002298-00003250 to the fighters on Rathe, but there will be the event, which will consecrate Flesh, to tcg who has every intention of staying, and not being a meteor. KWZkOCeNCTE-00003-00003250-00004543 In fact, starting from 3 to 6, again next month, in California, United States, there will be the first FAB world championship, which will crown and award the winner of the world KWZkOCeNCTE-00004-00004543-00005078 title, the first for this collectible card game. KWZkOCeNCTE-00005-00005078-00006129 So that it is a long time since they have dealt with topics concerning the creation of the LSS on the channel, let's say that I have been taken, and still am, by projects on KWZkOCeNCTE-00006-00006129-00007173 which I am working in close contact with the sector and professionals of all kinds, I hope that by the beginning of next year, everything will be ready to make you KWZkOCeNCTE-00007-00007173-00007388 participate in these magnificent news! KWZkOCeNCTE-00008-00007388-00008510 Returning to FAB, I believe that it is a really well structured TCG aimed at always daring the best of itself, constantly implementing its game dynamics, which I am sure KWZkOCeNCTE-00009-00008510-00009250 will reserve great surprises for each expansion and new product that will be published and markets eti in the future. KWZkOCeNCTE-00010-00009250-00010363 So person I give full confidence to the Flesh and Blood project, which we remember has just completed three years of life, and which is still in the Start-up phase, but which KWZkOCeNCTE-00011-00010363-00011420 is already projected to great goals, as if it were a GCC with twenty and more years of experience behind them. As always, the legend has been able to move, and I look KWZkOCeNCTE-00012-00011420-00012160 forward to new developments, so that I can talk about it with all of you here on the channel, through dedicated content. KWZkOCeNCTE-00013-00012160-00013312 As for all the news just mentioned, or the new set and the world championship, as always I will leave you the link in the description, so that you can take a closer look at KWZkOCeNCTE-00014-00013312-00014542 the fantastic month of November that will await every new fighter, veteran or beginner. , I intend to fight in the numerous arenas scattered throughout Rathe. And you, what do KWZkOCeNCTE-00015-00014542-00015490 you think of these developments regarding the title of the New Zealand house? As always let me know in the comments, also subscribe to the channel KWZkOCeNCTE-00016-00015490-00016180 and also follow me on Instagram if you want to find out more news, coming from the Crucible! KXdXIMOYndk-00000-00000016-00002634 Fala pessoal, após muito tempo hoje voltarei com a série sobre samurai x, que está a KXdXIMOYndk-00001-00002634-00003135 bastante tempo parada, pois são vídeos complexos de se fazer devido eu gostar de rever todos KXdXIMOYndk-00002-00003135-00003536 os episódios de forma que possa gerar um conteúdo novo em vez de ficar reproduzindo KXdXIMOYndk-00003-00003536-00003986 o que já tem na net, além de ser através deles que faço algumas experimentações KXdXIMOYndk-00004-00003986-00004648 de edição para youtube, como por exemplo saber até posso ir com o uso de trechos dos KXdXIMOYndk-00005-00004648-00005073 episódios, motivo pelo qual já tomei strike e tive que recortar o vídeo anterior. Hoje KXdXIMOYndk-00006-00005073-00005657 continuarei o resumo da trama onde acontece o primeiro encontro com o grande vilão da KXdXIMOYndk-00007-00005657-00006363 história, que dará início a uma das melhores sagas de todos os tempos da história dos KXdXIMOYndk-00008-00006363-00007455 animes. sem mais delongas, bora pro vídeo. Após explicar o perigo que ameaçava o país, KXdXIMOYndk-00009-00007455-00008325 Okubo deixa a cidade. Mas logo em seguida Kenshin recebe a notícia de sua morte, numa KXdXIMOYndk-00010-00008325-00008794 emboscada feita por radicais anti-imperialistas. Mas ao visitar a cena do crime, o andarilho KXdXIMOYndk-00011-00008794-00010817 descobre tratar-se de um assassinato a mando de makoto shishio. Saito expõe sua visão KXdXIMOYndk-00012-00010817-00011422 de que Okubo era o último homem influente com apoio popular no império; sem ele o Japão KXdXIMOYndk-00013-00011422-00012192 tornara-se extremamente vulnerável aos planos de shishio para tomada do poder. Deixando KXdXIMOYndk-00014-00012192-00013402 claro que irá pessoalmente a Kyoto, para se certificar que alguém pare a ameaça. KXdXIMOYndk-00015-00013402-00013935 Apesar de toda a pressão emocional e oposição de Kaoru, Kenshin decide juntar-se à luta KXdXIMOYndk-00016-00013935-00014331 contra a nova ameaça, partindo sem se despedir de mais ninguém. KXdXIMOYndk-00017-00014331-00014847 Saito fica sabendo da decisão do protagonista, ao mesmo tempo que descobre Sanosuke iniciando KXdXIMOYndk-00018-00014847-00016016 uma jornada paralela a qual resolve interromper, fazendo questão de humilhá-lo numa luta, KXdXIMOYndk-00019-00016016-00016937 de forma a expor seu baixo nível e convencê-lo que apenas atrapalharia, já que sua fraqueza KXdXIMOYndk-00020-00016937-00017567 e amizade com Battousai seriam exploradas pelo inimigo. Mas Sanosuke obviamente não KXdXIMOYndk-00021-00017567-00018214 é o melhor personagem do anime a toa, e mesmo comendo porrada pra dez sozinho, resiste a KXdXIMOYndk-00022-00018214-00018702 todos os ataques, rivalizando com o saito que aparentemente mesmo sem admitir, reconhece KXdXIMOYndk-00023-00018702-00020114 seu valor e volta atrás com a ideia de impedi-lo. Inicialmente Saito oferece carona para irem KXdXIMOYndk-00024-00020114-00020884 juntos, mas kenshin recusa, alegando ser muito perigoso estarem todos juntos, gerando o risco KXdXIMOYndk-00025-00020884-00021598 de envolver inocentes numa grande batalha surpresa, decidindo que a melhor estratégia KXdXIMOYndk-00026-00021598-00022267 seria se dispersarem, viajando por caminhos separados, ao mesmo tempo em que Sanosuke KXdXIMOYndk-00027-00022267-00022887 parte sozinho cortando caminho pela floresta. Mas além do nosso trio principal, havia outra KXdXIMOYndk-00028-00022887-00023586 pessoa poderosa e importante na jogada, Aoshi. Ao saber de seu retorno e reconhecendo suas KXdXIMOYndk-00029-00023586-00024056 habilidades, Saito tenta o aliciar para que se torne aliado na batalha contra Shishio. KXdXIMOYndk-00030-00024056-00024534 Mas além de Aoshi nutrir um profundo ódio pelo império para qual trabalhava, diz que KXdXIMOYndk-00031-00024534-00025134 seu único interesse é ceifar a vida de Battousai. Nesse ponto descobrimos que a rede de espionagem KXdXIMOYndk-00032-00025134-00025995 de shishio é implacável, e o mesmo já estava ciente de todo o ocorrido juntamente com os KXdXIMOYndk-00033-00025995-00026804 planos do governo. Ele manda seu melhor homem ao encontro de KXdXIMOYndk-00034-00026804-00027268 Aoshi após uma pequena batalha de teste, que diferente de Saito, consegue argumentos KXdXIMOYndk-00035-00027268-00028911 bem convincentes para que se junte ao seu grupo na batalha contra Battousai. Mesmo sem KXdXIMOYndk-00036-00028911-00030518 responder a proposta, Aoshi se mostra totalmente inclinado a aceitar. KXdXIMOYndk-00037-00030518-00030898 Por ironia do destino, durante sua jornada Kenshin conhece uma ninja ladra com a qual KXdXIMOYndk-00038-00030898-00031405 estabelece amizade, espontaneamente descobrindo que fazia parte da gangue oni e aguardava KXdXIMOYndk-00039-00031405-00031594 o retorno de Aoshi e seus amigos. KXdXIMOYndk-00040-00031594-00032108 Mais a frente, nosso protagonista se depara com uma pequena vila que havia sido conquistada KXdXIMOYndk-00041-00032108-00032768 pelos homens de shishio, os quais exterminaram todos os soldados e reforços enviados. Devido KXdXIMOYndk-00042-00032768-00033319 às derrotas e isolamento do local, são deixados completamente a mercê pelo império, permitindo KXdXIMOYndk-00043-00033319-00033802 que os homens de shishio promovessem uma total carnificina. KXdXIMOYndk-00044-00033802-00034588 Finalmente kenshin abstrai plenamente o que o domínio de Makoto Shishio como shogun espalharia KXdXIMOYndk-00045-00034588-00035765 naquela sociedade, podendo jogar novamente o país num estado de barbárie e miséria. KXdXIMOYndk-00046-00035765-00036587 Assim, ele líquida todos os inimigos, com uma pequena ajuda de Saito no final. KXdXIMOYndk-00047-00036587-00037085 Mesmo derrotando todos, ajudando quando ninguém mais se importou com eles, vergonhosamente KXdXIMOYndk-00048-00037085-00038508 o povo do vilarejo movido pelo medo dá aquela mugida covarde de fazer o curral estremecer. KXdXIMOYndk-00049-00038508-00040549 Saito revela ter encontrado Kenshin graças a sua rede de espionagem descobrir que o vilão KXdXIMOYndk-00050-00040549-00041109 estava escondido numa mansão secreta naquela região, partindo imediatamente ao seu encontro, KXdXIMOYndk-00051-00041109-00041902 o que não era novidade para ele, que já estava nos preparativos para sua chegada. KXdXIMOYndk-00052-00041902-00042587 Da forma mais cínica possível, os samurais são recebidos solenemente com bastante educação. KXdXIMOYndk-00053-00042587-00043116 O vilão chega a debochar, afirmando ter tomado o vilarejo para fundar uma base militar e KXdXIMOYndk-00054-00043116-00043647 controlar a região, com o bônus de uma fonte de águas terapêuticas para suas cicatrizes. KXdXIMOYndk-00055-00043647-00044696 Durante um longo diálogo, Shishio expõe seu plano supremacista de impor KXdXIMOYndk-00056-00044696-00046339 a ditadura dos mais fortes, e que pouco ligava para as pessoas fracas que queriam viver em KXdXIMOYndk-00057-00046339-00047403 paz. Afirma também estar ansioso para confrontá-los, mas que ainda era cedo demais, enviando um KXdXIMOYndk-00058-00047403-00047902 dos homens de sua gangue particular, responsável pela conquista do vilarejo, Senkaku. Apesar KXdXIMOYndk-00059-00047902-00048552 de sua aparência imponente e hostil, é facilmente derrotado usando sua própria força e tamanho. KXdXIMOYndk-00060-00048552-00049157 Mesmo assim Shishio demonstra toda sua prepotência ao desprezar o estado atual do andarilho, KXdXIMOYndk-00061-00049157-00049700 que havia se tornado fraco, sendo apenas o verdadeiro battousai digno de um combate, KXdXIMOYndk-00062-00049700-00050328 dando sua própria espada para Soujirou, segundo mais poderoso do bando. Afirmando que lhe KXdXIMOYndk-00063-00050328-00051019 aguardava em Kyoto no caso de sobrevivência, partindo imediatamente. KXdXIMOYndk-00064-00051019-00052000 Soujirou é um personagem bastante complexo, com uma infância traumatizante que o transformou KXdXIMOYndk-00065-00052000-00052633 num sociopata assassino frio e calculista. Era um filho bastardo registrado como legítimo KXdXIMOYndk-00066-00052633-00053227 pela família do pai para proteger a própria honra. Quando criança, foi tratado como um KXdXIMOYndk-00067-00053227-00053786 escravo, sofrendo severas punições por não cumprir as metas estabelecidas, que o fez KXdXIMOYndk-00068-00053786-00054419 desenvolver o hábito de sorrir incondicionalmente, mostrando indiferença enquanto ocultava seu KXdXIMOYndk-00069-00054419-00054519 sofrimento. KXdXIMOYndk-00070-00054519-00055082 Numa certa noite, o jovem Soujirou se depara com um poderoso assassino enfaixado matando KXdXIMOYndk-00071-00055082-00055651 soldados do império, o qual não deixaria testemunhas anunciando a morte do garoto. KXdXIMOYndk-00072-00055651-00056225 Mas até mesmo Shishio, recém sobrevivente da queima de arquivos imperial, ficou impressionado KXdXIMOYndk-00073-00056225-00057379 com a indiferença do menino com sua própria vida à beira da execução. Assim decide KXdXIMOYndk-00074-00057379-00058141 poupá-lo, utilizando o garoto como apoio enquanto se mantinha oculto. KXdXIMOYndk-00075-00058141-00058748 Ao conversar percebe que o mesmo havia se condicionado a acreditar que o fato de ser KXdXIMOYndk-00076-00058748-00059388 bastardo justificava o tipo de tratamento recebido, por ser inferior, um fruto podre KXdXIMOYndk-00077-00059388-00060052 do pecado. Mas então Shishio expôs sua visão sobre tal situação, o que mudaria para sempre KXdXIMOYndk-00078-00060052-00060567 sua vida. Afirma que tudo lhe era imposto não pelas condições de seu nascimento, KXdXIMOYndk-00079-00060567-00061170 mas apenas por sua fraqueza, pois a sociedade segue as leis da natureza, com os fortes sobrevivendo KXdXIMOYndk-00080-00061170-00061842 enquanto os fracos sofrem. Para agradecer os favores o menino é presenteado com sua KXdXIMOYndk-00081-00061842-00062139 própria espada. Posteriormente, após verificarem que todo KXdXIMOYndk-00082-00062139-00062595 estoque de ataduras havia sumido, a família atribui a culpa ao menino, deduzindo que estava KXdXIMOYndk-00083-00062595-00062991 ajudando o bandido enfaixado procurado pela polícia. Então Decidem matá-lo, deixando KXdXIMOYndk-00084-00062991-00063988 o garoto em estado de choque, fugindo para onde havia escondido o presente dado por seu KXdXIMOYndk-00085-00063988-00065188 novo e único amigo, e no momento de maior desespero as palavras de shishio ecoaram em KXdXIMOYndk-00086-00065188-00065643 sua mente transformando-o completamente, o que o leva a eliminar todos. KXdXIMOYndk-00087-00065643-00066845 Perante tal acontecimento, o Vilão o convida a segui-lo como seu aprendiz e protegido, KXdXIMOYndk-00088-00066845-00067223 e desse dia em diante, tornou-se o seu mais leal e poderoso servo. KXdXIMOYndk-00089-00067223-00067917 Nesse ponto da trama nos é entregue o combate mais realista de todo o anime, pois ao contrário KXdXIMOYndk-00090-00067917-00068552 de como os samurais são retratados na cultura pop, com lutas cheias de ação, acrobacias KXdXIMOYndk-00091-00068552-00069026 com enxurradas de golpes a alta velocidade; os combates samurais consistiam em vencer KXdXIMOYndk-00092-00069026-00069599 o duelo com o mínimo de movimento possível, sendo focado na leitura corporal do inimigo KXdXIMOYndk-00093-00069599-00070141 aliado ao prévio estudo de seu estilo, de forma a deduzir seus movimentos e fazer o KXdXIMOYndk-00094-00070141-00070508 contra ataque mais eficiente possível. O que torna esse embate extremamente tenso KXdXIMOYndk-00095-00070508-00071144 é o fato de ninguém conseguir fazer leitura alguma em soujirou, graças a sua indiferença KXdXIMOYndk-00096-00071144-00071436 e ausência de emoções, impossibilitando qualquer previsão tornando o contra ataque KXdXIMOYndk-00097-00071436-00072062 uma aposta de sorte, o que seria suicidio perante um oponente tão habilidoso, capaz KXdXIMOYndk-00098-00072062-00072586 de impressionar até mesmo o frio e calculista hajime saito. KXdXIMOYndk-00099-00072586-00073354 Sem opções o andarilho parte para o ataque, enquanto soujirou em tom de deboche rapidamente KXdXIMOYndk-00100-00073354-00073850 imita sua postura, e quando finalmente cruzam espadas temos um empate como resultado, pois KXdXIMOYndk-00101-00073850-00074417 graças ao poder dos golpes, ambas saem destruídas. Soujirou com sua indiferença diz que está KXdXIMOYndk-00102-00074417-00075018 na hora de ter sua própria espada e o aguardará para finalizarem aquele combate, enquanto KXdXIMOYndk-00103-00075018-00075519 deixa o local tranquilamente. Apesar do Saito estar presente não interfere, pois seria KXdXIMOYndk-00104-00075519-00076004 uma total desonra atacar um oponente desarmado. Ao se reencontrar com seu mestre, que admite KXdXIMOYndk-00105-00076004-00076624 ter subestimado Kenshin, recebe a ordem de reunir todos os membros do juppongatana em KXdXIMOYndk-00106-00076624-00077192 kyoto, pois seria a única maneira de pressioná-lo o suficiente para que o verdadeiro battousai KXdXIMOYndk-00107-00077192-00077529 volte à tona. Com isso o anime entrará na sua melhor fase, KXdXIMOYndk-00108-00077529-00077912 com personagens icônicos e carismáticos e combates memoráveis, com um roteiro complexo KXdXIMOYndk-00109-00077912-00078550 e impecável que supera de longe a maioria dos animes rasos que são entregues nos dias KXdXIMOYndk-00110-00078550-00079413 atuais, uma jornada cheia de nostalgia que terei todo o prazer em resumir e expor nesses KXdXIMOYndk-00111-00079413-00079917 canal. Se gostou do conteúdo deixa o like e compartilha, KXdXIMOYndk-00112-00079917-00080057 nos vemos na próxima. KYCS9DKhdO4-00000-00000451-00000622 Let's start off the question KYCS9DKhdO4-00001-00000622-00000882 What is Earth's axis? KYCS9DKhdO4-00002-00000882-00001266 Think of it as an invisible line going from the north pole to the south pole. KYCS9DKhdO4-00003-00001266-00001401 right in the middle of the year KYCS9DKhdO4-00004-00001401-00001798 and it still could add twenty three d angle now you know what the axes is KYCS9DKhdO4-00005-00001798-00002114 let's talk about how it got its tilt KYCS9DKhdO4-00006-00002114-00002549 when yours is very young it was hit by a margin sized objects KYCS9DKhdO4-00007-00002549-00003249 this collision creating explosion now is so powerful it tilted the earth KYCS9DKhdO4-00008-00003272-00003654 it was the same explosion that created the mood KYCS9DKhdO4-00009-00003654-00004034 also if the accident tilted we would only have one sees it KYCS9DKhdO4-00010-00004034-00004301 which would get really bored quickly KYCS9DKhdO4-00011-00004301-00004739 well that's how it's gonna still that sees and i hope you will learn something KYOj71MKRg4-00000-00000388-00000746 The application of human rights law in armed conflict KYOj71MKRg4-00001-00000746-00001146 also raises specific problems for armed groups. KYOj71MKRg4-00002-00001238-00001786 There is no problem for them when human rights law directly applies in armed conflict, KYOj71MKRg4-00003-00001786-00002094 since, as we have already seen, KYOj71MKRg4-00004-00002094-00002720 human rights law therefore only applies to States and not to non-state actors. KYOj71MKRg4-00005-00002888-00003444 There may have some problems when human rights law is used to interpret IHL KYOj71MKRg4-00006-00003444-00003742 or to contribute to customary IHL. KYOj71MKRg4-00007-00003842-00004114 Being integrated under IHL, KYOj71MKRg4-00008-00004114-00004758 the human rights law requirements would therefore indirectly apply to armed groups. KYOj71MKRg4-00009-00004920-00005228 This may first lead to legal problems: KYOj71MKRg4-00010-00005228-00005476 for example, as already seen, KYOj71MKRg4-00011-00005476-00006084 common Article 3 to the four Geneva Conventions provides for fair trial guarantees KYOj71MKRg4-00012-00006084-00006668 and in particular that the trials must be conducted by a regularly constituted Court. KYOj71MKRg4-00013-00006812-00007272 If this is interpreted in light of human rights law, KYOj71MKRg4-00014-00007272-00007604 this would mean "established by law" KYOj71MKRg4-00015-00007604-00007728 and, according to some, KYOj71MKRg4-00016-00007728-00008190 this refers to the laws and procedure already in force in the country. KYOj71MKRg4-00017-00008288-00008846 It is well-known that no country will ever authorize armed groups to create courts; KYOj71MKRg4-00018-00008966-00009514 so such groups will never be able to comply with Common Art 3. KYOj71MKRg4-00019-00009684-00010131 In the same way, Additional Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions KYOj71MKRg4-00020-00010132-00010406 provides for some guarantees KYOj71MKRg4-00021-00010406-00010674 with respect to criminal prosecutions KYOj71MKRg4-00022-00010674-00010932 and includes the principle of legality. KYOj71MKRg4-00023-00011140-00011322 According to that principle, KYOj71MKRg4-00024-00011322-00011564 (and I quote Additional Protocol II): KYOj71MKRg4-00025-00011578-00011922 "no one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence KYOj71MKRg4-00026-00011922-00012212 on account of any act or omission KYOj71MKRg4-00027-00012212-00012506 which did not constitute a criminal offence, KYOj71MKRg4-00028-00012506-00012682 under the law, KYOj71MKRg4-00029-00012682-00012904 at the time when it was committed". KYOj71MKRg4-00030-00012972-00013272 Again, if the law is interpreted KYOj71MKRg4-00031-00013272-00013778 in light of human rights law as referring to the national law of the country, KYOj71MKRg4-00032-00013778-00014089 armed groups will never be able to comply KYOj71MKRg4-00033-00014089-00014318 with the principle of legality KYOj71MKRg4-00034-00014318-00014538 contained in Additional Protocol II. KYOj71MKRg4-00035-00014790-00015039 Indirect application of human rights law KYOj71MKRg4-00036-00015039-00015258 may also lead to practical problems KYOj71MKRg4-00037-00015258-00015414 for armed groups KYOj71MKRg4-00038-00015414-00015836 and make them difficult to comply with IHL. KYOj71MKRg4-00039-00016036-00016354 IHL applies to a variety of armed groups, KYOj71MKRg4-00040-00016354-00016746 including those which do not have any territorial control. KYOj71MKRg4-00041-00016818-00017432 Interpreting some IHL requirement applicable to them in light of human rights law KYOj71MKRg4-00042-00017432-00017728 may lead them to comply with requirements KYOj71MKRg4-00043-00017728-00018092 which are unrealistic given their capabilities. KYOj71MKRg4-00044-00018304-00018496 This may for example be the case KYOj71MKRg4-00045-00018496-00019084 if the fair trial guarantees include in light of human rights law KYOj71MKRg4-00046-00019084-00019462 the right for the accused to have a legal counsel KYOj71MKRg4-00047-00019462-00019784 or the obligation to appoint as judges, KYOj71MKRg4-00048-00019784-00020072 persons having a legal qualification. KZLlzm1akUc-00000-00000450-00001273 Managing your DDS-CAD projects has never been as easy as with the enhanced Start Page and the new Project Navigator in DDS-CAD 16! KZLlzm1akUc-00001-00001273-00001723 The Start Page now serves as a complete hub to search and create projects. KZLlzm1akUc-00002-00001723-00002126 You can directly select and open your desired working directory. KZLlzm1akUc-00003-00002126-00002649 The projects contained in the active working directory are displayed with thumbnails. KZLlzm1akUc-00004-00002650-00003096 You can also toggle between this list and your recent projects. KZLlzm1akUc-00005-00003096-00003919 By clicking the pin you can add projects to the favorites list. Within this list you can also sort the projects as you like. KZLlzm1akUc-00006-00003920-00004526 Use the “Search for projects” field if you want to search for projects in multiple locations. KZLlzm1akUc-00007-00004526-00005263 And when you create a new project on the Start Page, you can now instantly select your preferred discipline. KZLlzm1akUc-00008-00005310-00005796 Another unique feature of DDS-CAD 16 is the new Project Navigator. KZLlzm1akUc-00009-00005796-00006526 Here you can create new models, or select existing models, as well as selecting the discipline you want to work with. KZLlzm1akUc-00010-00006526-00007783 The Project Navigator displays the whole content of your project – for example the different models, the distribution board documentation, or the diagrams – in a clearly arranged tree structure. KZLlzm1akUc-00011-00007783-00008279 Additionally you can copy entire models to a storey above or below. This feature is a huge timesaver if several floors of a building have an identical setup. KZLlzm1akUc-00012-00008280-00009080 This feature is a huge time saver if several floors of a building have an identical setup. KZLlzm1akUc-00013-00009080-00009883 As you can see, in DDS-CAD 16 you get a wide variety of new functions for easier project management. KZLlzm1akUc-00014-00009883-00010446 If you want to see more videos like this subscribe to our channel, and hit the bell to be notified of new videos! KiTse7xo7sY-00000-00000525-00000829 hello everyone KiTse7xo7sY-00001-00000829-00001643 Two weeks ago, we started to read the discourse which Jesus, at the start of His ministry, KiTse7xo7sY-00002-00001643-00002356 delivered specifically to His disciples on a plain at the foot of a mountain. KiTse7xo7sY-00003-00002356-00002972 By then, Jesus had announced the Good News about the Kingdom of God; had given insights KiTse7xo7sY-00004-00002972-00003534 on the scriptures in synagogues; and performed many wonders in some parts of the Galilee KiTse7xo7sY-00005-00003534-00003686 region. KiTse7xo7sY-00006-00003686-00004094 A large crowd of people kept following Him wherever He went. KiTse7xo7sY-00007-00004094-00005073 A group of fishermen, namely Peter, John, and James and others, after a catch of a miraculous KiTse7xo7sY-00008-00005073-00005847 amount of fish and in response to the call of Jesus, left behind everything, including KiTse7xo7sY-00009-00005847-00006631 boats, nets, and livelihoods, they followed Jesus to become His disciples. KiTse7xo7sY-00010-00006631-00007308 And knowing that discipleship would be a lifelong process, and the path would not be easy, Jesus KiTse7xo7sY-00011-00007308-00007855 began His teaching to them with a pronouncement of "blessings" and "woes". KiTse7xo7sY-00012-00007855-00008507 They were intended to show His disciples the two ways of living and their consequences KiTse7xo7sY-00013-00008507-00009380 - one that leads to happiness and life, and the other that leads to misery and death. KiTse7xo7sY-00014-00009380-00010152 In last week's gospel, we heard of Jesus's instruction on how the disciples should treat KiTse7xo7sY-00015-00010152-00010400 their enemies. KiTse7xo7sY-00016-00010400-00010983 He exhorted them to show love and kindness to enemies by blessing them, doing good to KiTse7xo7sY-00017-00010983-00011421 them and even praying for them. KiTse7xo7sY-00018-00011421-00011996 But Jesus knew the disciples' propensity to dodge His demands, to judge their enemies KiTse7xo7sY-00019-00011996-00012495 and to excuse themselves from not loving such persons. KiTse7xo7sY-00020-00012495-00012984 He knew how hard it would be for them to love those who hated them. KiTse7xo7sY-00021-00012984-00013665 So, He admonished them to focus on showing mercy, even towards those who wrong them, KiTse7xo7sY-00022-00013665-00014463 "to be merciful just as God the Father is merciful" that is, to forgive them unconditionally, KiTse7xo7sY-00023-00014463-00014777 Luke (6:27-38). KiTse7xo7sY-00024-00014777-00015456 To further emphasize the same message, Jesus used three humorous imageries taken from everyday KiTse7xo7sY-00025-00015456-00015813 life which we read in today's gospel. KiTse7xo7sY-00026-00015813-00016509 With these pictures drawn from common life, Jesus wanted his disciples to refrain from KiTse7xo7sY-00027-00016509-00017490 ever setting up themselves as judges of others and instead to look to themselves first. KiTse7xo7sY-00028-00017490-00018272 In the first imagery, Jesus raised two rhetorical questions, "Can a blind person guide a blind KiTse7xo7sY-00029-00018272-00018372 person? KiTse7xo7sY-00030-00018372-00018970 Will not both fall into a pit?", Luke (6:39). KiTse7xo7sY-00031-00018970-00019736 Throughout His ministry, Jesus had asked many rhetorical questions, not expecting an answer, KiTse7xo7sY-00032-00019736-00019961 but to make the people think. KiTse7xo7sY-00033-00019961-00021101 Here, of course, the answer to the first question is "No" and to the second, "Yes" is the answer. KiTse7xo7sY-00034-00021101-00021612 The central message of this teaching was that His disciples would not be able to lead and KiTse7xo7sY-00035-00021612-00022273 guide others unless they themselves believed in and faithfully put into practice all His KiTse7xo7sY-00036-00022273-00022382 teachings. KiTse7xo7sY-00037-00022382-00023016 Otherwise, it would be like a blind person guiding another blind person. KiTse7xo7sY-00038-00023016-00023665 However, Jesus reminded them that while they must have a clearer vision than the persons KiTse7xo7sY-00039-00023665-00024304 they would seek to lead, they would never rise above their Teacher, that is, Jesus Himself: KiTse7xo7sY-00040-00024304-00025037 for a disciple learns from his master and teacher but cannot rise above him. KiTse7xo7sY-00041-00025037-00025550 Then, when they were "fully trained", they would be more like their teacher in their KiTse7xo7sY-00042-00025550-00026132 thoughts, words and actions and, therefore, would be qualified to guide others in holiness KiTse7xo7sY-00043-00026132-00026610 and righteousness, Luke (6:40). KiTse7xo7sY-00044-00026610-00027245 Jesus pressed his point further by using another imagery using two questions that cannot be KiTse7xo7sY-00045-00027245-00027519 so easily answered. KiTse7xo7sY-00046-00027519-00028041 He asked the disciples, "Why do you notice the splinter in your brothers' eye, but do KiTse7xo7sY-00047-00028041-00028461 not perceive the wooden beam in your own? KiTse7xo7sY-00048-00028461-00028980 How can you say to your brother, "Brother, let me remove that splinter in your eye", KiTse7xo7sY-00049-00028980-00029704 when you do not even notice the wooden beam in your own eye?", Luke (6:41-42). KiTse7xo7sY-00050-00029704-00030488 Here, Jesus pointed out a human tendency inherent in all of us, the tendency to notice a "splinter" KiTse7xo7sY-00051-00030488-00031085 or "speck" or "dust" in someone else's eyes while ignoring a "wooden beam" or a "log" KiTse7xo7sY-00052-00031085-00031287 in one's own eye. KiTse7xo7sY-00053-00031287-00032023 It's very much like exaggerating the evil in others and overlook the evil in ourselves. KiTse7xo7sY-00054-00032023-00032725 It's easy to find fault with others, far too easy for most of us. KiTse7xo7sY-00055-00032725-00033226 But Jesus warned His disciples not to be the kind of disciples who were quick to point KiTse7xo7sY-00056-00033226-00033961 out the faults in others' lives but slow to recognize the sin in their own lives. KiTse7xo7sY-00057-00033961-00034662 In other words, He urged them to reform themselves first before reforming others; to be a good KiTse7xo7sY-00058-00034662-00035437 example first: only then could they help others; or else, they would be seen as "hypocrites", KiTse7xo7sY-00059-00035437-00036000 who are blinded by their own sins and only interested in exposing others' failures and KiTse7xo7sY-00060-00036000-00036226 weaknesses, Luke (6:42). KiTse7xo7sY-00061-00036226-00036924 Jesus, then, used an agricultural imagery to illustrate the supernatural effect of living KiTse7xo7sY-00062-00036924-00037198 a holy life. KiTse7xo7sY-00063-00037198-00037892 The fig tree, the most common type of tree in Palestine, symbolizes fertility, peace, KiTse7xo7sY-00064-00037892-00038049 and prosperity. KiTse7xo7sY-00065-00038049-00038689 Moreover, grapes produce wine, which symbolizes joy. KiTse7xo7sY-00066-00038689-00039364 In contrast, thorns and brambles were only good for burning as fuel for fire. KiTse7xo7sY-00067-00039364-00039747 And the disciples were all well acquainted with this image. KiTse7xo7sY-00068-00039747-00040395 They knew figs came from a tree that naturally produced figs, they could not come from thorn KiTse7xo7sY-00069-00040395-00040542 bushes. KiTse7xo7sY-00070-00040542-00041233 Likewise, grapes came from a vine that naturally produced grapes, they could not come from KiTse7xo7sY-00071-00041233-00041333 brambles. KiTse7xo7sY-00072-00041333-00042087 Besides, there is also a proverbial saying, "a tree is known by its fruits". KiTse7xo7sY-00073-00042087-00042571 This is to say that the quality of a tree is known by the quality of the fruits that KiTse7xo7sY-00074-00042571-00042829 it bears. KiTse7xo7sY-00075-00042829-00043292 A good tree does not bear rotten fruit, Luke (6:43-44). KiTse7xo7sY-00076-00043292-00043944 By saying that, Jesus warned His disciples that just as a good tree bears good fruit KiTse7xo7sY-00077-00043944-00044546 and a bad tree bears bad fruit, so also a good person produces good and an evil person KiTse7xo7sY-00078-00044546-00044752 evil. KiTse7xo7sY-00079-00044752-00045364 In other words, when and if the disciples choose to live a life grounded in Him, that KiTse7xo7sY-00080-00045364-00045990 is, Christ, the effect would be that good fruits would be produced in their lives. KiTse7xo7sY-00081-00045990-00046485 They would bring forth "good fruits", such as fortitude, kindness, gentleness, compassion, KiTse7xo7sY-00082-00046485-00047426 faith, hope and love and which would have the power to reform and purify the lives of KiTse7xo7sY-00083-00047426-00047623 others. KiTse7xo7sY-00084-00047623-00047875 What is the message for us? KiTse7xo7sY-00085-00047875-00048687 Today, all of us have become part of the community of disciples of Jesus, baptized into Jesus' KiTse7xo7sY-00086-00048687-00048921 way of life. KiTse7xo7sY-00087-00048921-00049616 As our Teacher, Jesus challenges us to examine whether we, as Christian parents, teachers, KiTse7xo7sY-00088-00049616-00050353 pastors, leaders, guides, spiritual heads and in whatever role, are first of all motivated KiTse7xo7sY-00089-00050353-00050822 and influenced by His teachings before guiding and teaching others. KiTse7xo7sY-00090-00050822-00051626 For, if we ourselves do not choose Jesus' way of life and are not convinced of it, showing KiTse7xo7sY-00091-00051626-00052213 His way to others will be like a blind person leading the way for other blind people and KiTse7xo7sY-00092-00052213-00052466 falling into a pit. KiTse7xo7sY-00093-00052466-00053213 Therefore, to lead others in the faith requires that we ourselves must do the basics well KiTse7xo7sY-00094-00053213-00053394 in the first place. KiTse7xo7sY-00095-00053394-00054344 First, we shall truly pray, praying well and hard, let our lives be centred on prayer. KiTse7xo7sY-00096-00054344-00055208 Second, we shall learn our faith: let us read the scriptures, learn all that God has revealed KiTse7xo7sY-00097-00055208-00055852 through the Church, read the teachings of the saints, and learn from other holy people. KiTse7xo7sY-00098-00055852-00056614 Third, we shall live a good sacramental life: let us regularly go to Mass, celebrate the KiTse7xo7sY-00099-00056614-00057341 Sacrament of Reconciliation, understand the grace of our Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, KiTse7xo7sY-00100-00057341-00057492 Ordination, etc. KiTse7xo7sY-00101-00057492-00058041 Remember that the Sacraments nourish, strengthen, and express our faith. KiTse7xo7sY-00102-00058041-00058583 Through the sacraments, Jesus gives us sufficient grace to help us lead a good life in this KiTse7xo7sY-00103-00058583-00058940 world and bring us into the Kingdom of God. KiTse7xo7sY-00104-00058940-00059659 Fourth, we shall stay on the path of becoming more and more like Jesus in character: let KiTse7xo7sY-00105-00059659-00060254 us live consistently in accordance with Christ's instructions and imitate His merciful and KiTse7xo7sY-00106-00060254-00060433 forgiving attitude. KiTse7xo7sY-00107-00060433-00061147 However, we cannot be good disciples unless we have learned from our Teacher. KiTse7xo7sY-00108-00061147-00061862 We shall, therefore, submit ourselves to our head and master, our supreme prophet and teacher, KiTse7xo7sY-00109-00061862-00062462 our pattern and exemplar who wants to train us to be more like Him and be given the power KiTse7xo7sY-00110-00062462-00062752 to act like Him. KiTse7xo7sY-00111-00062752-00063629 One of the reasons nowadays of children, students, parishioners, and young Christians not wanting KiTse7xo7sY-00112-00063629-00064169 to obey or respect our authority as Christian parents, teachers, pastors and leaders is KiTse7xo7sY-00113-00064169-00064866 that they notice a discrepancy in our teaching and actions, they notice a log in our eyes KiTse7xo7sY-00114-00064866-00065044 so easily. KiTse7xo7sY-00115-00065044-00065682 Therefore, before judging others, we should look first in the mirror to see how we ourselves KiTse7xo7sY-00116-00065682-00065782 appear. KiTse7xo7sY-00117-00065782-00066626 When and if we point out other peoples' faults, when we have faults of our own or ignore our KiTse7xo7sY-00118-00066626-00067415 own faults, Jesus calls us "hypocrites". KiTse7xo7sY-00119-00067415-00068032 Just as we come to know whether any tree is good or bad from its fruits, so also will KiTse7xo7sY-00120-00068032-00068644 others come to know from our behaviour and actions whether our intentions are good or KiTse7xo7sY-00121-00068644-00068750 evil. KiTse7xo7sY-00122-00068750-00069233 Our internal dispositions are revealed in our external behaviour. KiTse7xo7sY-00123-00069233-00069606 Our actions are an outward expression of our inward being. KiTse7xo7sY-00124-00069606-00069864 We are known by our deeds. KiTse7xo7sY-00125-00069864-00070617 When we do good deeds, we show others that we have the good, loving heart of a disciple. KiTse7xo7sY-00126-00070617-00071274 Hence, let our love for God and others be without any hypocrisy. KiTse7xo7sY-00127-00071274-00072272 Let us prove by our words and our lives that we are genuine believers in Jesus Christ. KiTse7xo7sY-00128-00072272-00072785 An incident from the life of Saint Moses the Black may be appropriate for an understanding KiTse7xo7sY-00129-00072785-00073338 of how we relate to other people's sins. KiTse7xo7sY-00130-00073338-00074049 Moses was one of the early orthodox monks in the period of desert Christian monasticism. KiTse7xo7sY-00131-00074049-00074820 Before he became a monk, as a young man, he was a slave to a government official in Egypt. KiTse7xo7sY-00132-00074820-00075418 He was dismissed for theft and suspected murder and, thereafter, became a leader of a gang KiTse7xo7sY-00133-00075418-00076122 of bandits that roamed the Nile valley with a reputation for terror and violence. KiTse7xo7sY-00134-00076122-00076705 On one occasion, when he sought to hide from local authorities, he took shelter with some KiTse7xo7sY-00135-00076705-00077116 monks in a monastic colony in the desert. KiTse7xo7sY-00136-00077116-00077733 The dedication of their lives influenced him so deeply that he gave up his old way of life KiTse7xo7sY-00137-00077733-00077981 and became a monk himself. KiTse7xo7sY-00138-00077981-00078588 There are several interesting facts about him. KiTse7xo7sY-00139-00078588-00079015 Once, one of the young monks committed a fault. KiTse7xo7sY-00140-00079015-00079999 A council met and Moses, who was quite old by then, was invited but refused to attend. KiTse7xo7sY-00141-00079999-00080711 Someone came to him to let him know that the others were waiting, at which prompting, Moses KiTse7xo7sY-00142-00080711-00080944 went to the meeting. KiTse7xo7sY-00143-00080944-00081506 He took a leaking jug filled with water and carried it on his shoulder. KiTse7xo7sY-00144-00081506-00082283 When he arrived, the others came out to meet him asking, "What is this?" KiTse7xo7sY-00145-00082283-00083079 Moses replied, "My sins run out behind me and I do not see them, but today I am coming KiTse7xo7sY-00146-00083079-00083529 to judge the errors of another". KiTse7xo7sY-00147-00083529-00084286 Hearing that, they said nothing more to the erring brother, but forgave him unconditionally. KiTse7xo7sY-00148-00084286-00085002 We shall pray that we may become true followers of our Lord and Master and Teacher. KiTse7xo7sY-00149-00085002-00085663 We shall pray that He may lead and guide us along the path of personal integrity, so that KiTse7xo7sY-00150-00085663-00086086 our intentions may be pure and our judgements positive. KiTse7xo7sY-00151-00086086-00086285 (P) Amen. KiTse7xo7sY-00152-00086285-00086379 God Bless You! KlOB3kxdGwu-00000-00000030-00000210 Suzuki Minoru! KlOB3kxdGwu-00001-00000253-00000560 Or should I say… Old uncle Minoru… KlOB3kxdGwu-00002-00000716-00001153 Give me a shot at that title! KlOB3kxdGwu-00003-00001586-00002343 And with a chair is how Suzuki responds to Makabe’s request. KlOB3kxdGwu-00004-00003246-00003500 The people are behind Makabe! KlOB3kxdGwu-00005-00003510-00003890 And the Young Lions face the consequences for trying to rein in Suzuki. KlOB3kxdGwu-00006-00004066-00004240 Even the chair was no match. KlOB3kxdGwu-00007-00004306-00004686 They suffered the backlash from this challenge. KlOB3kxdGwu-00008-00004923-00005876 Suzuki, as always, makes his feelings heard and felt. KlOB3kxdGwu-00009-00005933-00006246 He heard what Makabe had to say... KnpRWYi9nuA-00000-00001275-00001570 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. KnpRWYi9nuA-00010-00004052-00004364 Every soul shall have a taste of death: KnpRWYi9nuA-00011-00004364-00004532 And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. KnpRWYi9nuA-00012-00004532-00004873 And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. KnpRWYi9nuA-00013-00004895-00005189 Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): KnpRWYi9nuA-00014-00005189-00005423 Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): KnpRWYi9nuA-00015-00005423-00005710 Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): KnpRWYi9nuA-00016-00005710-00005981 For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception. KnpRWYi9nuA-00017-00005981-00006207 For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception. KnpRWYi9nuA-00018-00006455-00006750 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. KnpRWYi9nuA-00022-00007804-00008042 Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, KnpRWYi9nuA-00023-00008042-00008275 and the alternation of night and day, KnpRWYi9nuA-00024-00008275-00008567 and the alternation of night and day, KnpRWYi9nuA-00025-00008567-00008795 - there are indeed Signs for men of understanding,- KnpRWYi9nuA-00026-00008795-00008976 - there are indeed Signs for men of understanding,- KnpRWYi9nuA-00027-00009220-00009515 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. KnpRWYi9nuA-00033-00011426-00011765 Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, KnpRWYi9nuA-00034-00011765-00012055 standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, KnpRWYi9nuA-00035-00012055-00012242 standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, KnpRWYi9nuA-00036-00012242-00012574 standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, KnpRWYi9nuA-00037-00012591-00012929 (With the thought): "Our Lord! not for naught Hast Thou created (all) this! KnpRWYi9nuA-00038-00012934-00013230 Glory to Thee! KnpRWYi9nuA-00039-00013230-00013525 Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire. KnpRWYi9nuA-00040-00013525-00013625 Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire. KnpRWYi9nuA-00041-00013880-00014175 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. KnpRWYi9nuA-00046-00015424-00015675 If ye (but) eschew the most heinous of the things which ye are forbidden to do, KnpRWYi9nuA-00047-00015675-00015963 If ye (but) eschew the most heinous of the things which ye are forbidden to do, KnpRWYi9nuA-00048-00015963-00016257 We shall expel out of you all the evil in you, and admit you to a gate of great honour. KnpRWYi9nuA-00049-00016257-00016501 We shall expel out of you all the evil in you, and admit you to a gate of great honour. KnpRWYi9nuA-00050-00016780-00017075 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. KnpRWYi9nuA-00057-00018907-00019199 Allah accept the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and repent soon afterwards; KnpRWYi9nuA-00058-00019199-00019498 Allah accept the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and repent soon afterwards; KnpRWYi9nuA-00059-00019498-00019739 Allah accept the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and repent soon afterwards; KnpRWYi9nuA-00060-00019739-00020034 Allah accept the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and repent soon afterwards; KnpRWYi9nuA-00061-00020034-00020380 to them will Allah turn in mercy: KnpRWYi9nuA-00062-00020401-00020586 to them will Allah turn in mercy: KnpRWYi9nuA-00063-00020586-00020818 For Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom. KnpRWYi9nuA-00064-00021100-00021395 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. KnpRWYi9nuA-00071-00023072-00023321 Let those fight in the cause of Allah Who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. KnpRWYi9nuA-00072-00023321-00023602 Let those fight in the cause of Allah Who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. KnpRWYi9nuA-00073-00023602-00023843 Let those fight in the cause of Allah Who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. KnpRWYi9nuA-00074-00023849-00024179 To him who fighteth in the cause of Allah,- whether he is slain or gets victory - Soon shall We give him a reward of great (value). KnpRWYi9nuA-00075-00024214-00024531 To him who fighteth in the cause of Allah,- whether he is slain or gets victory - Soon shall We give him a reward of great (value). KnpRWYi9nuA-00076-00024531-00024777 To him who fighteth in the cause of Allah,- whether he is slain or gets victory - Soon shall We give him a reward of great (value). KnpRWYi9nuA-00077-00025100-00025395 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. KnpRWYi9nuA-00085-00027499-00027793 Say: Who hath forbidden the beautiful (gifts) of Allah, which He hath produced for His servants, and the things, clean and pure, (which He hath provided) for sustenance? KnpRWYi9nuA-00086-00027793-00028077 Say: Who hath forbidden the beautiful (gifts) of Allah, which He hath produced for His servants, and the things, clean and pure, (which He hath provided) for sustenance? KnpRWYi9nuA-00087-00028077-00028396 Say: Who hath forbidden the beautiful (gifts) of Allah, which He hath produced for His servants, and the things, clean and pure, (which He hath provided) for sustenance? KnpRWYi9nuA-00088-00028396-00028729 Say: They are, in the life of this world, for those who believe, (and) purely for them on the Day of Judgment. KnpRWYi9nuA-00089-00028729-00028966 Say: They are, in the life of this world, for those who believe, (and) purely for them on the Day of Judgment. KnpRWYi9nuA-00090-00028966-00029225 Say: They are, in the life of this world, for those who believe, (and) purely for them on the Day of Judgment. KnpRWYi9nuA-00091-00029225-00029460 Thus do We explain the signs in detail for those who understand. KnpRWYi9nuA-00092-00029460-00029676 Thus do We explain the signs in detail for those who understand. KnpRWYi9nuA-00093-00029940-00030235 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. KnpRWYi9nuA-00100-00031877-00032224 When some of them said: KnpRWYi9nuA-00101-00032225-00032487 "Why do ye preach to a people whom Allah will destroy or visit with a terrible punishment?" KnpRWYi9nuA-00102-00032487-00032630 "Why do ye preach to a people whom Allah will destroy or visit with a terrible punishment?" KnpRWYi9nuA-00103-00032630-00032900 "Why do ye preach to a people whom Allah will destroy or visit with a terrible punishment?" KnpRWYi9nuA-00104-00032900-00033144 "Why do ye preach to a people whom Allah will destroy or visit with a terrible punishment?" KnpRWYi9nuA-00105-00033181-00033439 said the preachers:" To discharge our duty to your Lord, and perchance they may fear Him." KnpRWYi9nuA-00106-00033439-00033683 said the preachers:" To discharge our duty to your Lord, and perchance they may fear Him." KnpRWYi9nuA-00107-00033683-00033906 said the preachers:" To discharge our duty to your Lord, and perchance they may fear Him." KnpRWYi9nuA-00108-00033906-00034156 said the preachers:" To discharge our duty to your Lord, and perchance they may fear Him." KnpRWYi9nuA-00109-00034156-00034296 said the preachers:" To discharge our duty to your Lord, and perchance they may fear Him." KnpRWYi9nuA-00110-00034580-00034875 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. KnpRWYi9nuA-00116-00036376-00036677 And do thou (O reader!) Bring thy Lord to remembrance in thy (very) soul, with humility and in reverence, KnpRWYi9nuA-00117-00036677-00036865 And do thou (O reader!) Bring thy Lord to remembrance in thy (very) soul, with humility and in reverence, KnpRWYi9nuA-00118-00036865-00037149 without loudness in words, in the mornings and evenings; and be not thou of those who are unheedful. KnpRWYi9nuA-00119-00037149-00037327 without loudness in words, in the mornings and evenings; and be not thou of those who are unheedful. KnpRWYi9nuA-00120-00037327-00037573 without loudness in words, in the mornings and evenings; and be not thou of those who are unheedful. KnpRWYi9nuA-00121-00037915-00038210 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. KnpRWYi9nuA-00127-00039712-00039891 For, Believers are those who, when Allah is mentioned, KnpRWYi9nuA-00128-00039891-00040195 For, Believers are those who, when Allah is mentioned, KnpRWYi9nuA-00129-00040195-00040458 feel a tremor in their hearts, and when they hear KnpRWYi9nuA-00130-00040495-00040767 His signs rehearsed, find their faith strengthened, and put (all) their trust in their Lord; KnpRWYi9nuA-00131-00040767-00041076 His signs rehearsed, find their faith strengthened, and put (all) their trust in their Lord; KnpRWYi9nuA-00132-00041076-00041297 His signs rehearsed, find their faith strengthened, and put (all) their trust in their Lord; KnpRWYi9nuA-00133-00041297-00041592 His signs rehearsed, find their faith strengthened, and put (all) their trust in their Lord; Lo31HDshVFU-00000-00000030-00000672 Meet Narfis. He's cooking for his grateful but nervous mates. He might not get the recipes right, Lo31HDshVFU-00001-00000672-00001074 but he puts all the glass bottles and jars in the yellow lid bin. Good job, Lo31HDshVFU-00002-00001074-00001308 Narfis. Let's get it sorted. [Music] Lo8ul4nVaFg-00000-00000064-00000736 OER Hub Tips and Tricks Video Tutorial Series: Importing From Microsoft Word Into Pressbooks. Lo8ul4nVaFg-00001-00000903-00001336 In this short tutorial we will demonstrate how to import parts of a project Lo8ul4nVaFg-00002-00001336-00001920 or a whole project from Microsoft Word into Pressbooks if you would prefer to write your Lo8ul4nVaFg-00003-00001920-00002512 content in Microsoft Word before working in press books that's no problem you can add parts of a Lo8ul4nVaFg-00004-00002512-00003056 project or an entire project from Word directly into Pressbooks by using the import feature. Lo8ul4nVaFg-00005-00003311-00003832 Please note that PDF is not currently a valid import file format and is not supported. Lo8ul4nVaFg-00006-00004328-00004776 Please note that your Word document must meet certain formatting rules in order to be processed Lo8ul4nVaFg-00007-00004776-00005784 correctly and reduce the amount of formatting work you may have to do after the import. Lo8ul4nVaFg-00008-00006384-00006823 To create an entirely new project and import your content from Microsoft Word Lo8ul4nVaFg-00009-00006823-00007344 follow these steps. From your admin dashboard click create new book. Lo8ul4nVaFg-00010-00008472-00008776 Fill in the create a new book form with a unique URL, Lo8ul4nVaFg-00011-00008840-00009456 book title, language selected, and privacy chosen. Then click create book. Lo8ul4nVaFg-00012-00009760-00010232 You will be taken to your new book’s dashboard. From the left menu click on import, Lo8ul4nVaFg-00013-00010352-00011384 select your import type, in this case Microsoft Word .docx. Upload your file. Lo8ul4nVaFg-00014-00011448-00011944 Click the begin import button. Depending on the size of the file this may take some time. Lo8ul4nVaFg-00015-00012112-00012688 Once your import is finished select which chapters or parts should go where and check show imported Lo8ul4nVaFg-00016-00012688-00014184 content in web. From the dashboard, review your imported content and format as necessary. Lo8ul4nVaFg-00017-00014832-00015208 You can also import content from Word into an existing book. Lo8ul4nVaFg-00018-00015208-00015712 Perhaps you want to add a new chapter that was written in Word. To do this follow these Lo8ul4nVaFg-00019-00015712-00016464 steps. Navigate to the book you wish to import the content into. Click on import from the left menu. Lo8ul4nVaFg-00020-00016552-00017376 Select your import type, in this case Microsoft Word Word .docx. Upload your file. Click the Lo8ul4nVaFg-00021-00017376-00018040 begin import button. Depending on the size of the file this may take some time. Once your import is Lo8ul4nVaFg-00022-00018040-00018600 finished select which chapters or parts should go where and check show imported content in web. Lo8ul4nVaFg-00023-00019704-00020264 From the dashboard select the imported chapter part and move to change the order if necessary. Lo8ul4nVaFg-00024-00020368-00021184 Review the imported chapter from the visual editor and edit or format as necessary. Lo8ul4nVaFg-00025-00022136-00022608 The Conestoga OER hub provides a variety of resources to help you with your OER Lo8ul4nVaFg-00026-00022608-00023240 projects. You can find resources for project management, development resources, checklists, Lo8ul4nVaFg-00027-00023240-00023904 staff contacts for support, and more. In this video we reviewed how to import a whole book Lo8ul4nVaFg-00028-00023904-00024520 or parts of content from Microsoft Word into Pressbooks. If you have any questions about this Lo8ul4nVaFg-00029-00024520-00025384 or any other or related topic please reach out thank you for watching. L224KNKTIpI-00000-00000158-00000900 Just got a good contact from everything as well man. To promote and to do everything as well man L224KNKTIpI-00001-00000900-00001434 good for Carolina as well and good for everybody cos he works with a television L224KNKTIpI-00002-00001434-00002193 industrial so it's another thing that we can promote everything that we can promote everything as well man. Well done L224KNKTIpI-00003-00002193-00002615 to me. Unbelievable that I got this contact today man. It's amazing. Good. L224KNKTIpI-00004-00002865-00003558 Hello amigo. Tudo bom? How are you? listen I've already spoke to my friend L224KNKTIpI-00005-00003558-00004095 here the guy from the wines he can get anything you can get the guy you can L224KNKTIpI-00006-00004095-00004743 present the wine there you can get everything so anything we can do we can L224KNKTIpI-00007-00004743-00005367 take it and then he can take the wine there present the wine do anything so L224KNKTIpI-00008-00005367-00005802 it's even a better thing so let me know where we stand or something but anyway we L224KNKTIpI-00009-00005955-00006570 we talk when we get there okay I'll speak you soon okay I'll play that L224KNKTIpI-00010-00006570-00007047 you know on the level because you know we having a few drinks today so let you know L224KNKTIpI-00011-00007047-00007673 when we play that song probably I dunno maybe tomorrow or the day after but L224KNKTIpI-00012-00007673-00008484 I'll let you know that yes I will my teacher I will know the opportunity and L224KNKTIpI-00013-00008484-00009033 let you know but I'll take a picture right now of the the singers which they L224KNKTIpI-00014-00009033-00009490 are my group as I'm well known here in Madeira L224KNKTIpI-00015-00009490-00010003 that you know by law and rights you have to give me 12 weeks notice L224KNKTIpI-00016-00010003-00010465 it's the same thing you sack now you have to give me 12 weeks payment or you give L224KNKTIpI-00017-00010465-00010933 me 12 weeks weeks notice because you know my friend he was a manager in a hospital L224KNKTIpI-00018-00010933-00011507 I knew it because it happened to me before what tracks the you want me to play one L224KNKTIpI-00019-00011507-00012324 of our tracks that we play there or which one now you want me to play let me L224KNKTIpI-00020-00012324-00012803 know is it the one that we we were talking about or the tracks you want L224KNKTIpI-00021-00012803-00013701 you to play at the same time when we play all together. What?! Ten years, ten fucking years I've known you L224KNKTIpI-00022-00013701-00014504 yet until we have the certificate and then you can open L224KNKTIpI-00023-00014504-00014943 and you got to prove the new company and then the bailiffs cannot come and L224KNKTIpI-00024-00014943-00015594 invade your shop saying this shop still owes us money, is owned by Bruno. you know all right L224KNKTIpI-00025-00015594-00016136 this shop is owned by the new company and you've got the certificate here L224KNKTIpI-00026-00016623-00017104 I'm going to send you a picture of the crab that we did last time you know at Bruno's you know that time you know L224KNKTIpI-00027-00017104-00017347 actually a very big crab you know I mean actually I think it was two or three crabs L224KNKTIpI-00028-00017347-00017767 and with the sauce as well you know we take out the crab the legs and L224KNKTIpI-00029-00017767-00018270 all that "eurgh" and then the thing we do is kind of sauce with it to go with the L224KNKTIpI-00030-00018270-00018778 little crackers or something like that and then the legs are all spread out on L224KNKTIpI-00031-00018778-00019137 the plates and all that with lemon and all that and then that's what you break it L224KNKTIpI-00032-00019137-00019731 and then you eat the inside and all that were really good....was to basically pick it up L224KNKTIpI-00033-00019731-00020031 so go back to the final sentence of him and then you're going to hear yourself L224KNKTIpI-00034-00020031-00020845 saying "What?" that's just one two seconds or after when you ask him let's say five seconds L224KNKTIpI-00035-00020845-00021394 Oh so I was fast enough to.. yeah I asked him once and then I wanted to hear him say it again L224KNKTIpI-00036-00021394-00021631 and everyone just stayed quiet until you kind of like yeah L224KNKTIpI-00037-00021631-00022066 What? and then we so because the question was because there was this whole tour L224KNKTIpI-00038-00022066-00022470 that we've heard a long story about yes which was Romario coming to London and he wasn't L224KNKTIpI-00039-00022470-00022923 happy with the Novotel and then Pokas took him to the Ritz and then on L224KNKTIpI-00040-00022923-00023362 shopping and took him to his tailor in wherever it was, Willesden? where was L224KNKTIpI-00041-00023362-00023791 the tailor? in somewhere unusual was it the tailor was like proper half-price deal L224KNKTIpI-00042-00023791-00024166 he got his clothes made from a proper pukka it was it wasn't it was for the L224KNKTIpI-00043-00024166-00024706 presents. Exactly. It was for the gifts for the people back home they did he got L224KNKTIpI-00044-00024706-00025279 knockoff gifts. That was other part of the story it was a great story L224KNKTIpI-00045-00025279-00025662 he was running with he was telling us the whole thing about his experience of L224KNKTIpI-00046-00025662-00026295 chaperoning and providing concierge, conshierge to Romario while he was here and then I L224KNKTIpI-00047-00026295-00026784 stopped and I said well you know because he was staying in the Novotel I said well L224KNKTIpI-00048-00026784-00027205 who was paying for the trip? Obviously who pays for the trip is putting up the L224KNKTIpI-00049-00027205-00027799 hotel right and and then he said he said the church and I think that surprised L224KNKTIpI-00050-00027799-00028128 everybody yeah at that point I'd already switched off but as soon as I heard L224KNKTIpI-00051-00028128-00028525 the church I switched the record button button back on again because I wanted to L224KNKTIpI-00052-00028525-00028957 get the reaction and that's what you get at the end of the track called future is L224KNKTIpI-00053-00028957-00029402 everybody going whaat?!? the ch..... L224KNKTIpI-00054-00029627-00030185 now mama dark historico at kids dead L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00000-00001494-00002046 The European standard EN 1176 includes safety requirements L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00001-00002060-00002400 and we are going to check some of them, such as for example L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00002-00002412-00002840 entrapment, safety areas, surfacing, moving parts, etc. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00003-00002908-00003354 One of the requirements of the European EN 1176 standard provides for L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00004-00003354-00003538 the entrapment of the head and neck. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00005-00003543-00004135 Here we have three test probes that are of different sizes and shapes, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00006-00004135-00004564 which simulate parts of the body, one is the torso and the other two simulate L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00007-00004564-00004766 the head of a child. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00008-00004766-00005304 They range from between 89 millimetres and 230 millimetres in size, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00009-00005304-00005660 and they can be used to test all completely bound openings, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00010-00005660-00006012 whose lower edge is higher than 60 centimetres. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00011-00006012-00006810 These test probes are used here to check the risk of getting through feet first. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00012-00006823-00007470 First, the torso probe is used to simulate that the child puts their foot through, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00013-00007470-00008125 falls and gets their head stuck between the platform and the barriers. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00014-00008250-00008670 Now we are going to show how these probes would be used. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00015-00008680-00009306 Given the fact that children love to explore, any part of the playground equipment can be used for this, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00016-00009308-00009504 to go up and to go down. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00017-00009508-00010138 Certain openings are not designed to be used to go downwards although children do use them for this. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00018-00010140-00010400 Now we are going to see that this opening, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00019-00010400-00010820 is not an unacceptable opening pursuant to requirements of the standard. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00020-00010820-00011474 We use the torso probe for this, as it simulates that a child can L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00021-00011474-00012051 get through this opening, putting their feet first L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00022-00012052-00012618 so that they can get down, and the head probe has to get through it too. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00023-00012656-00013122 As the two probes go through it is an acceptable risk, therefore the opening L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00024-00013123-00013297 complies with the requirements of the standard. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00025-00013378-00013828 Here we have playground equipment that has been designed correctly, but L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00026-00013832-00014224 due to the lack of upkeep, in this case one of the barrier slats is missing, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00027-00014224-00014491 so it might be an unacceptable opening. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00028-00014547-00015050 We are going to see whether this opening, is acceptable or not. For this we are going to L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00029-00015051-00015485 do exactly the same as we did with the previous opening. We are going to use the torso probe L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00030-00015512-00016016 that simulates the child going down through here, putting their feet L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00031-00016028-00016208 first in front. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00032-00016390-00017082 This probe goes through the opening, which means that the child’s feet can get through for them to get down. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00033-00017448-00017728 Here we see that the head can’t get through this opening. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00034-00017728-00018034 The child would get their head stuck and be left hanging there. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00035-00018104-00018362 This is an unacceptable opening according to the standard. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00036-00018450-00018768 Continuing on with entrapments, now we are going to discuss L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00037-00018768-00018934 entrapment of clothing/hair L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00038-00018934-00019348 To do this I am going to show you this toggle and chain test device that is used, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00039-00019348-00019624 to determine this type of entrapment. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00040-00019746-00020150 This device is defined in the EN 1176-1 standard. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00041-00020160-00020492 And it is used in places where a child L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00042-00020493-00020951 is subject to a forced movement, that is, when the child starts moving L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00043-00020951-00021519 and can’t stop. These places include slides, fire poles, roofs. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00044-00021576-00022038 It can also be used in rotating parts, such as carousels. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00045-00022038-00022640 The risk of a child getting stuck here means that they might get strangled. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00046-00022814-00023102 Let’s see an example of how the toggle and chain test device is used to determine the risk of L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00047-00023102-00023458 entrapment of clothing/hair. To do this we are going to put the device L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00048-00023460-00024126 at right angles to the movement of the child, thus, simulating how they are going to move. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00049-00024150-00024650 Then, the chain and the toggle simulate the hoodie string of a L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00050-00024650-00025130 jacket, a sweatshirt, an anorak... L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00051-00025130-00025362 What we do is throw it in all positions L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00052-00025370-00025656 where the chain and the toggle and chain reach. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00053-00025818-00026320 Then, we simulate this movement of the child, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00054-00026598-00026880 and we can see that the chain and the toggle do not get stuck. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00055-00026956-00027286 This means that the risk of entrapment is minimum. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00056-00027452-00027756 Another example of entrapment that we are going to see is trapped fingers. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00057-00028027-00028458 These are the test probes used to determine whether in one of the grooves or gaps L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00058-00028458-00029024 entrapment is possible. These sizes have been defined in the EN 1176-1 standard, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00059-00029048-00029602 and they can be used, firstly in the case of forced movement, in places where L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00060-00029602-00030172 the child moves and can’t stop. For example, on slides, carousels, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00061-00030172-00030462 cableways, seesaws, swings. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00062-00030562-00031138 Another case where it can be used is in openings, where the lower edge is higher than one meter. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00063-00031156-00031664 The risk here is that the child could get their fingers stuck L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00064-00031664-00031927 and break a phalanx. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00065-00032095-00032439 Another risk that exists in playground equipment is associated with the foundations. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00066-00032489-00032848 Here, the foundations are covered by a natural surface layer of sand L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00067-00032848-00033392 and there is also the salt that comes from the sea breeze, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00068-00033392-00033812 this could pose a risk in terms of damaging the materials. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00069-00033872-00034404 Therefore, it is important to check the state of these foundations. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00070-00034404-00035032 They must be inspected annually or every three months L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00071-00035033-00035600 seeing as here they might have rusted away L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00072-00035600-00035926 or be rotten due to these conditions. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00073-00036048-00036340 Another key point, which is covered by the European standard, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00074-00036382-00036720 is the impact attenuating playground surfacing that is installed L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00075-00036721-00037030 within the falling space of the playground equipment. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00076-00037092-00037370 The first thing that we have to do is determine what the free height of fall is L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00077-00037370-00037910 of the playground equipment, to do this we measure its height. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00078-00038098-00038518 In this case the free height of fall of the playground equipment is 1,500 millimeters, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00079-00038519-00038702 that is to say, a meter and a half. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00080-00038702-00039028 This means that the surfacing that is put down within the falling space, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00081-00039038-00039438 that is, here; has to be capable of absorbing the impact of a fall from this height. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00082-00039442-00039864 For this we use this measuring equipment L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00083-00039866-00040312 that simulates the head of a child who falls freely onto the ground. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00084-00040345-00040703 In this case it is rubber surfacing that must be able to L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00085-00040704-00041130 absorb the impact of a fall of a free height from this playground equipment. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00086-00041236-00041762 Another risk that the EN 1176-1 standard provides for is L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00087-00041762-00042178 the free space. This means that each playground equipment, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00088-00042178-00042452 must have its own free space. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00089-00042452-00042862 Some can overlap and others can’t. Those that move L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00090-00042862-00043272 can never overlap with other areas of safety space of other playground equipment. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00091-00043444-00043854 Well, so far we have seen some of the hazards provided for in the European standard. L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00092-00043854-00044294 We recommend that whenever you want to design a good product, install it and look after it, L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00093-00044294-00044686 read the European standard on children’s playgrounds equipment and surfacing very carefully; L5ZwGWY1DIQ-00094-00044694-00045064 along with the relevant laws, decrees, rules and regulations, etc. L6e5J8or8tg-00000-00000039-00000139 Hi! L6e5J8or8tg-00001-00000139-00000917 Today I want to improvise about "to detox".I looked in the dictionary and it means to neutralize L6e5J8or8tg-00002-00000917-00002247 the action of toxic products from our system.I am at a detox workshop,is called Detox Evening L6e5J8or8tg-00003-00002247-00003570 with Ioan Micut and is very ok,is very good and I figured out that to detox is not what L6e5J8or8tg-00004-00003570-00003765 is written in dictionary. L6e5J8or8tg-00005-00003765-00004630 For me is something else,to take a step back and to look at myself leniently,to give myself L6e5J8or8tg-00006-00004630-00005775 space to be able to feel,to be able to think,to be able to love but from this space I gave L6e5J8or8tg-00007-00005775-00006684 myself and I feel yet to increase it to myself.Maybe I am a little bit philosiphical but today L6e5J8or8tg-00008-00006684-00007422 I create to myself more space for myself.Me for myself.For you what does it mean "to detox?" L6e5J8or8tg-00009-00007422-00007462 Bye! L8qO3ydrSyU-00000-00000048-00000496 in this new review on the intakes of berries and their brightly colored pigments called L8qO3ydrSyU-00001-00000496-00000960 anthocyanins they know four out of five studies suggest that increased intake L8qO3ydrSyU-00002-00000960-00001432 is significantly associated with the reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease the number L8qO3ydrSyU-00003-00001432-00002112 one killer of men and women by between 12 and 32 that lower range is from studies of older L8qO3ydrSyU-00004-00002112-00002648 individuals and the greater reduction of risk was noted in younger populations so perhaps the L8qO3ydrSyU-00005-00002648-00003360 earlier we start eating berries the better and maybe the more the better a 47 drop in heart L8qO3ydrSyU-00006-00003360-00003952 attack risk for those in the top 10 percent of berry consumption it's almost like one to one L8qO3ydrSyU-00007-00003952-00004728 for every 15 milligram increase a day a 17 drop in risk so how can you get a hundred milligrams a day L8qO3ydrSyU-00008-00004728-00005360 by eating less than a half cup of blueberries a day my daily dozen recommendation for berry intake L8qO3ydrSyU-00009-00005480-00006240 why the drop in risk though i mean what do berries have to do with the heart there have been over 20 L8qO3ydrSyU-00010-00006240-00006695 randomized controlled trials putting berries to the test more than a thousand people and berries L8qO3ydrSyU-00011-00006695-00007280 were shown to help control bad cholesterol blood pressure blood sugars body weight diabetes and L8qO3ydrSyU-00012-00007280-00007752 inflammation now lots of plant foods can do this i mean is there something L8qO3ydrSyU-00013-00007752-00008480 special about berries like cholesterol all whole plant foods have fiber fiber lowers cholesterol L8qO3ydrSyU-00014-00008480-00009096 but even blueberry tea can lower cholesterol even in kids who are genetically predisposed L8qO3ydrSyU-00015-00009096-00009632 to high cholesterol we used to think only about 1 in 500 people had this high cholesterol gene L8qO3ydrSyU-00016-00009688-00010432 but now we're realizing it may be as many as 1 in 250 still for the 249 others who think L8qO3ydrSyU-00017-00010432-00010944 high cholesterol just runs in their family more likely bad diets are what's being passed down L8qO3ydrSyU-00018-00011032-00011544 but even if you do have the gene what happens when you give kids blueberry tea just powdered L8qO3ydrSyU-00019-00011544-00012040 blueberries in a tea bag dipped in hot water for five minutes so they're not even eating the L8qO3ydrSyU-00020-00012040-00012584 whole food well i mean you can imagine the water turning blue as the pigments seep into the water L8qO3ydrSyU-00021-00012584-00013016 and indeed the antioxidant capacity of their bloodstream increased over the six months they L8qO3ydrSyU-00022-00013016-00013663 were in the study two things of note here first of all no change in the control group as expected L8qO3ydrSyU-00023-00013719-00014336 but note it took three months for the t to start having a significant effect and then of course L8qO3ydrSyU-00024-00014336-00014832 six months after they stopped drinking the tea they were back to where they started okay but L8qO3ydrSyU-00025-00014832-00015463 what happened to their cholesterol no real change in the control group but a 30 drop in ldl in the L8qO3ydrSyU-00026-00015463-00016032 tea group that's like what you'd get putting these kids on a statin drug and they just had to drink L8qO3ydrSyU-00027-00016032-00016984 some yummy tea but of course when they stopped the tea their cholesterol bounced right back L9L3HoEWkL0-00000-00000641-00001163 I would like to transport all of you to the West Australian Wheatbelt. L9L3HoEWkL0-00001-00001163-00001652 I would like you to imagine that you are a farmer and you have to choose which seed L9L3HoEWkL0-00002-00001652-00002202 to sow for this year's crop. Now this is an important decision and it's also a L9L3HoEWkL0-00003-00002202-00002880 very stressful decision as this crop could determine not only your mortgage L9L3HoEWkL0-00004-00002880-00003407 but your family's livelihood. However, once the seeds germinate and you have L9L3HoEWkL0-00005-00003407-00003860 these baby plants growing in your field there's actually not a lot you can do to L9L3HoEWkL0-00006-00003860-00004317 determine the fate of these plants. These baby seedlings have to face heat L9L3HoEWkL0-00007-00004317-00005057 stress, cold stress, drought, pathogens and pests and diseases. And so if you're L9L3HoEWkL0-00008-00005057-00005403 sitting there and you're watching these plants it could be very stressful L9L3HoEWkL0-00009-00005403-00005867 considering this determined your family's livelihood. So as plant breeders L9L3HoEWkL0-00010-00005867-00006257 and plant scientists we've tried to breed crops that can fight off drought L9L3HoEWkL0-00011-00006257-00006786 or fight off pests and diseases but it's actually very hard to combine both of L9L3HoEWkL0-00012-00006786-00007196 those traits into one plant. And that's because we generally select the plant L9L3HoEWkL0-00013-00007196-00007631 that is good at drought or good at fighting pests but combining them is L9L3HoEWkL0-00014-00007631-00008204 very difficult. But what if we could, what if we could combine multiple traits into L9L3HoEWkL0-00015-00008204-00008688 a single plant? If we could have a plant that could respond to each challenge as L9L3HoEWkL0-00016-00008688-00009365 it faced throughout the growing season? So for the last 15 years I've spent my time L9L3HoEWkL0-00017-00009365-00009890 and research working on how to change plant gene expression. I can control the L9L3HoEWkL0-00018-00009890-00010521 single pathways and turn them on and off. But now with the advent of CRISPR we can L9L3HoEWkL0-00019-00010521-00011034 now actually integrate multiple pathways and perform a kind of logic inside a plant. L9L3HoEWkL0-00020-00011034-00011450 So with these logic gates down here, we L9L3HoEWkL0-00021-00011450-00011915 can create genetic DNA circuits. And these circuits integrate all the L9L3HoEWkL0-00022-00011915-00012410 multiple pathways to enact a response that's required at the time that it is L9L3HoEWkL0-00023-00012410-00012858 needed. And by doing so the plant can use all of its resources to fight that L9L3HoEWkL0-00024-00012858-00013293 particular pest and then use its resources to fight drought. L9L3HoEWkL0-00025-00013293-00013690 This technology wouldn't be possible without CRISPR and so we hope to make smart plants in L9L3HoEWkL0-00026-00013690-00014251 the future for fighting various stresses. Now you might be thinking, I don't L9L3HoEWkL0-00027-00014251-00014631 actually want genetic circus or CRISPR in my food. This guy is crazy. L9L3HoEWkL0-00028-00014631-00015175 But there are actually many different applications for these circuits. And what L9L3HoEWkL0-00029-00015175-00015679 I'm about to do is provide choice for both farmers and consumers. So plants L9L3HoEWkL0-00030-00015679-00016156 produce a lot of helpful things such as vaccines, fragrances, pharmaceuticals and L9L3HoEWkL0-00031-00016156-00016789 there are now producing plants that can fight Ebola, the influenza viruses, L9L3HoEWkL0-00032-00016789-00017383 a whole bunch of different medicines and cosmetics that people wear. So if this L9L3HoEWkL0-00033-00017383-00017820 research was supported further, we would use high throughput robots designed L9L3HoEWkL0-00034-00017820-00018156 better switches for all of these applications. And so that we can L9L3HoEWkL0-00035-00018156-00018718 transition ourselves to a greener economy and give farmers and consumers L9L3HoEWkL0-00036-00018718-00019083 choice in what they use. Thank you very much. L9YxWRxNfZU-00000-00000018-00000376 Hello Geo subscriber, I hope you are well. And your holiday season too L9YxWRxNfZU-00001-00000396-00000596 Just a little info L9YxWRxNfZU-00002-00000618-00001028 Have a tendency to make it pleasure to eat, to force-feed. It's winter, it's Christmas L9YxWRxNfZU-00003-00001050-00001388 you have to do some rind to keep out when Geocacher goes L9YxWRxNfZU-00004-00001412-00002382 but do not rest and remain vigilant, because in a few hours and a few days there are two memories to win L9YxWRxNfZU-00005-00002408-00002950 as a reminder the memory is a virtual badge that is on your profile geocaching.com L9YxWRxNfZU-00006-00002978-00003258 and that we get by doing specific actions on specific days L9YxWRxNfZU-00007-00003306-00004058 there are two to come. The last cache of 2017 L9YxWRxNfZU-00008-00004088-00004604 it is to be realized on December 31st. To get this souvenir you have to L9YxWRxNfZU-00009-00004626-00005126 to log a cache that day. Or participate in an event L9YxWRxNfZU-00010-00005154-00005444 it's very simple and * POUUUF * you have a little souvenir L9YxWRxNfZU-00011-00005444-00005610 and the next day we start again L9YxWRxNfZU-00012-00005646-00006144 with this one, which is the first cache of 2018 to be made on January 1st, 2018 L9YxWRxNfZU-00013-00006170-00006688 and it is realized in the same way, either by logging a cache or by participating in an event L9YxWRxNfZU-00014-00006756-00007476 So there are these two "Souvenir" to get, to have on your profile is ABSOLUTELY essential a memory (LAUGH) L9YxWRxNfZU-00015-00007581-00008118 So you're saying yes, but how to go geocacher is the new year's eve L9YxWRxNfZU-00016-00008118-00008236 POP POP POP POP POP L9YxWRxNfZU-00017-00008258-00008674 there is aunty Paulette who will make toast while Jean-Robert opens the champagne L9YxWRxNfZU-00018-00008698-00009090 At this moment you disappear and PAAAN you made a little cache not far away L9YxWRxNfZU-00019-00009116-00009372 There is a lot not very far from you (laugh) L9YxWRxNfZU-00020-00009406-00010126 And for those who want to participate in an event for the reveillon, there is full in France or in the World L9YxWRxNfZU-00021-00010156-00010382 do not hesitate it's the moment or never L9YxWRxNfZU-00022-00010404-00010802 all you have to do is achieve both goals, these two souvenirs L9YxWRxNfZU-00023-00010826-00011376 do not hesitate to tell me in the comments, to send me photos etc etc if you realize this small challenge L9YxWRxNfZU-00024-00011428-00011938 if you are like me and you like challenges and especially Geocoin L9YxWRxNfZU-00025-00011966-00012612 he released this Geocoin with the Travel Bug, I put the link in the description L9YxWRxNfZU-00026-00012676-00013063 me if I realize both souvenirs, I think that's what will happen L9YxWRxNfZU-00027-00013096-00013558 I would offer the Geocoin, to complete my collection and start 2018 L9YxWRxNfZU-00028-00013588-00014202 here, I tell you very quickly for a new video, Geo friendship. See you soon friends LsMJpHVEOdQ-00000-00000026-00000534 On behalf of all the members of the Manifesting Team - I welcome you. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00001-00000534-00000832 My name is Srdjan Roje but friends call me Sergio LsMJpHVEOdQ-00002-00000832-00001145 and you're encouraged to do so as well. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00003-00001147-00001518 What you are going to share with you here is a complete manual LsMJpHVEOdQ-00004-00001518-00001901 for scientifically and empirically proven method LsMJpHVEOdQ-00005-00001904-00002348 for creating perfect, fearless and enjoyable life. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00006-00002348-00002758 In the process we'll show you how to remove any fear, stress, LsMJpHVEOdQ-00007-00002761-00003186 anxiety, guilt or anger from your life. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00008-00003186-00003716 Because, believe it or not, there IS a simple method to reach great clarity LsMJpHVEOdQ-00009-00003719-00004051 and transcend your problems along the way. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00010-00004054-00004832 And it is NOT by finding the answers, but by undoing the basis of the problem. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00011-00004832-00005186 There is no dogma, there is no belief system involved. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00012-00005186-00005716 You verify everything for yourself, so you cannot be misled. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00013-00005716-00005973 There is no dependence on any teaching. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00014-00005976-00006310 It follows the dicta: "Know thyself, be thyself". LsMJpHVEOdQ-00015-00006310-00006454 And it works for everyone. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00016-00006454-00006928 It doesn't matter what's your cultural background, or age, or gender LsMJpHVEOdQ-00017-00006928-00007226 or if you're a spiritual person or not. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00018-00007226-00007642 Since method is your own - no one can take it from you. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00019-00007642-00007916 You are safe from disillusionment. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00020-00007916-00008114 Just stay open. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00021-00008114-00008476 It is exactly like Bertrand Russell told us: LsMJpHVEOdQ-00022-00008523-00009030 "What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out," LsMJpHVEOdQ-00023-00009032-00009385 "which is the exact opposite." LsMJpHVEOdQ-00024-00009387-00009932 You will become happier, healthier, more successful with much less effort LsMJpHVEOdQ-00025-00009932-00010450 and more capable of real love. Just like some weights are being lifted. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00026-00010450-00010648 And these changes are permanent. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00027-00010648-00010904 You are not going to get high and then crash later. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00028-00010904-00011194 Things are just going to get better and better. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00029-00011197-00011404 And it's so simple and logical. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00030-00011404-00011752 Maybe it will seem counterintuitive at first LsMJpHVEOdQ-00031-00011755-00012109 but once you think about it... It will seem so obvious. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00032-00012112-00012334 Like you already knew that. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00033-00012378-00012870 So these are all big claims. Who am I to tell you how to live your life? LsMJpHVEOdQ-00034-00012873-00013026 Why should you trust me? LsMJpHVEOdQ-00035-00013028-00013413 Well, you shouldn't. You shouldn't trust anyone. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00036-00013413-00013678 It is exactly like Buddha told us: LsMJpHVEOdQ-00037-00013704-00014126 "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who said it," LsMJpHVEOdQ-00038-00014129-00014544 "no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason" LsMJpHVEOdQ-00039-00014544-00014812 "and your own common sense". LsMJpHVEOdQ-00040-00014883-00015208 Before we continue - just a quick check: did everyone receive a copy LsMJpHVEOdQ-00041-00015208-00015638 of this workbook? It's pretty important. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00042-00015638-00015982 If you are watching this on a video, please download this workbook LsMJpHVEOdQ-00043-00015982-00016504 from the link provided below and print out a copy for yourself. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00044-00016504-00016928 It will help you follow this course and it also contains some additional examples LsMJpHVEOdQ-00045-00016928-00017299 and exercises that you may find useful or interesting. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00046-00017302-00017714 But most of the time it will just ask you to write down LsMJpHVEOdQ-00047-00017714-00018211 the most important ideas or concepts that we are going to share during this course. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00048-00018263-00018640 And maybe it will sound silly: "Why should I write down" LsMJpHVEOdQ-00049-00018640-00019021 something that I have just heard?" But actually, it's quite useful. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00050-00019023-00019538 Because the sheer act of writing something down will help you LsMJpHVEOdQ-00051-00019540-00020110 ground that information, crystallize it and integrate it into your being. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00052-00020112-00020532 So this course companion is really highly recommended. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00053-00020618-00020818 And since I'm not a native English speaker LsMJpHVEOdQ-00054-00020820-00021200 I am bound to some grammatical inconsistencies but don't worry. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00055-00021202-00021442 If you have trouble following this course LsMJpHVEOdQ-00056-00021445-00022013 just enable subtitles. We already provided you with English subtitles LsMJpHVEOdQ-00057-00022015-00022566 but then we'll continue to work hard to provide you subtitles and translations LsMJpHVEOdQ-00058-00022568-00022929 for as many languages as we possibly can. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00059-00022931-00023582 So check it out, enable subtitles - maybe your language is already included. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00060-00023584-00024015 Subtitles are also useful if you are trying to listen to this course LsMJpHVEOdQ-00061-00024018-00024656 in some really noisy environment, or you wanna be really inconspicuous about it. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00062-00024658-00024928 So subtitles a really great addition. LsMJpHVEOdQ-00063-00024975-00025609 And that's it. Let's go and manifest us some abundance. Lu4Td21osty-00000-00000071-00000208 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. Lu4Td21osty-00001-00000208-00000483 THESE ARE YOUR HEADLINES FROM AROUND THE FLEET. Lu4Td21osty-00002-00000483-00000936 THE NAVY'S FLIGHT DEMONSTRATION TEAM, THE BLUE ANGELS, PERFORMED IN A CEREMONY IN BOSTON Lu4Td21osty-00003-00000936-00001069 JULY 4TH. Lu4Td21osty-00004-00001069-00001582 THE CEREMONY WAS HELD TO COMMEMORATE THE BICENTENNIAL OF THE WAR OF 1812 AND WAS THE HIGHLIGHT OF Lu4Td21osty-00005-00001582-00001830 BOSTON'S NAVY WEEK. Lu4Td21osty-00006-00001830-00002293 NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER AND NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS CENTER HOSTED A MARITIME ENVIRONMENTAL Lu4Td21osty-00007-00002293-00002755 CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP ON BOARD HIGH SPEED VESSEL SWIFT AS PART OF AFRICA PARTNERSHIP Lu4Td21osty-00008-00002755-00002935 STATION 2012. Lu4Td21osty-00009-00002935-00003444 THIRTEEN MEMBERS OF THE TANZANIAN PEOPLE'S DEFENSE FORCE, POLICE AND PORT SECURITY OFFICIALS Lu4Td21osty-00010-00003444-00003869 GRADUATED FROM THE TWO-DAY WORKSHOP, WHERE THEY LEARNED ABOUT HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT, Lu4Td21osty-00011-00003869-00004216 OIL SPILLS AND INCIDENT RESPONSE PLANS. Lu4Td21osty-00012-00004216-00004435 YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT THESE STORIES AT NAVY.MIL. Lu4Td21osty-00013-00004435-00004712 FOR ALL HANDS UPDATE, I'M PETTY OFFICER AMARA TIMBERLAKE. LuJYHTjBxcy-00000-00000114-00001170 Greetings, dear friends. The Ukrainian-Russian war has been going on for over a year now. LuJYHTjBxcy-00001-00001278-00002058 Both sides recorded a huge number of victims. Moreover, in Ukraine, LuJYHTjBxcy-00002-00002058-00002982 these victims are not only military personnel, but also civilians, including children. LuJYHTjBxcy-00003-00003144-00004044 The pretext for this war on the part of Russia is the protection of the Russian-speaking LuJYHTjBxcy-00004-00004044-00004860 population of Ukraine, which the Russians consider part of the single Russian people. LuJYHTjBxcy-00005-00004968-00005874 At the same time, Ukrainian nationalists claim that their Russian-speaking fellow LuJYHTjBxcy-00006-00005874-00006798 citizens speak the language of the occupier and, in fact, are Russified ethnic Ukrainians. LuJYHTjBxcy-00007-00006888-00007722 Russia offers Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine to become citizens of Russia and LuJYHTjBxcy-00008-00007722-00008736 recognize the territory of their residence as part of the territory of Russia, and Ukrainian LuJYHTjBxcy-00009-00008736-00009498 nationalists are forcing Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine to abandon their claims LuJYHTjBxcy-00010-00009498-00010206 to equality with their Ukrainian-speaking fellow citizens in the field of language. LuJYHTjBxcy-00011-00010206-00010698 Neither Russia nor Ukrainian nationalists LuJYHTjBxcy-00012-00010698-00011370 want to abandon the forced assimilation of Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine, LuJYHTjBxcy-00013-00011370-00012192 and this forces us to look for ways to stop this forced assimilation. LuJYHTjBxcy-00014-00012318-00013122 My rather lengthy and in-depth research in the field of searching LuJYHTjBxcy-00015-00013122-00013872 for the geopolitical foundations of self-identification of Russian-speaking LuJYHTjBxcy-00016-00013872-00014928 citizens of Ukraine allowed me to offer a fairly simple and effective means that will provide an LuJYHTjBxcy-00017-00014928-00015756 opportunity to preserve the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine as a separate, original LuJYHTjBxcy-00018-00015756-00016872 community, protect them from forced assimilation and ensure their equality with representatives LuJYHTjBxcy-00019-00016872-00017868 of other linguo-ethnic communities. in the legal field of Ukrainian legislation. LuJYHTjBxcy-00020-00017940-00018318 This means is the renaming of the language LuJYHTjBxcy-00021-00018318-00019134 spoken by Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine from Russian to Novo-Bulgarian. LuJYHTjBxcy-00022-00019200-00019614 To implement this tool in the legal field, LuJYHTjBxcy-00023-00019614-00020262 I organized a collection of signatures in support of a petition LuJYHTjBxcy-00024-00020358-00021426 called ON RENAMING THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE used by the citizens of Ukraine into NOVOBULGARIAN. LuJYHTjBxcy-00025-00021498-00022386 The text of the PETITION is posted on the OpenPetition.eu resource, LuJYHTjBxcy-00026-00022386-00023370 designed to publish citizens' appeals in order to enter into a dialogue with politicians. LuJYHTjBxcy-00027-00023448-00023928 The purpose of the PETITION is to ensure the possibility LuJYHTjBxcy-00028-00023928-00024318 of self-determination of Russian-speaking citizens LuJYHTjBxcy-00029-00024318-00024990 of Ukraine as a community of people separate from Russians and Russia. LuJYHTjBxcy-00030-00025056-00025788 Her text is:A well-known philologist and linguist, academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, a LuJYHTjBxcy-00031-00025788-00027095 researcher of the origin of the Russian language, concluded that the modern Russian language LuJYHTjBxcy-00032-00027198-00028104 originated from Old Bulgarian, or as it is also called the Church Slavonic language. LuJYHTjBxcy-00033-00028194-00028956 The Old Bulgarian (Church Slavonic) language was spoken by citizens of Great Bulgaria, LuJYHTjBxcy-00034-00028956-00030006 located in the 7th century on the territory of modern Ukraine, namely in the Dnieper region, LuJYHTjBxcy-00035-00030006-00031158 including Kyiv, Crimea, Don and Kuban. Later, the Old Bulgarian language was transformed into LuJYHTjBxcy-00036-00031158-00031794 the Russian language. The Old Bulgarian language began to be called Russian in LuJYHTjBxcy-00037-00031794-00032718 connection with the occupation of the territory of Ukraine in the 9th century by the ethnos Rus, LuJYHTjBxcy-00038-00032802-00033564 headed by Prince Oleg, who called Kyiv the mother of Russian cities. LuJYHTjBxcy-00039-00033696-00034710 According to the Tale of Bygone Years by the chronicler Nestor, Oleg, having come to the LuJYHTjBxcy-00040-00034710-00035706 mountains of Kyiv, asked the people: “To whom do you pay tribute?” The occupied people answered: LuJYHTjBxcy-00041-00035706-00036624 "Khazars." Oleg said: "Don't give to the Khazars, but pay me." Then one Khazar LuJYHTjBxcy-00042-00036624-00037608 occupier was replaced by another Rus occupier. In this regard, there are all scientific, LuJYHTjBxcy-00043-00037608-00038700 historical and political grounds for renaming the modern Russian language, the alphabet and writing LuJYHTjBxcy-00044-00038700-00039666 for which was created by the Bulgarians Cyril and Methodius and their students, into New Bulgarian. LuJYHTjBxcy-00045-00039720-00040626 Renaming the Russian language, which is spoken by the citizens of Ukraine, into the LuJYHTjBxcy-00046-00040626-00041538 new Bulgarian language, firstly, will deprive Ukrainian nationalists of the opportunity to LuJYHTjBxcy-00047-00041538-00042456 call the Russian language, which is spoken by the citizens of Ukraine, the language of the occupier. LuJYHTjBxcy-00048-00042516-00043278 Secondly, it will make it impossible for Russians to claim that Russia's LuJYHTjBxcy-00049-00043278-00043830 military aggression against Ukraine was caused by LuJYHTjBxcy-00050-00043830-00044556 discrimination against the rights of the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine. LuJYHTjBxcy-00051-00044610-00045540 And, finally, thirdly, it will return to the language spoken by the Russian-speaking citizens LuJYHTjBxcy-00052-00045540-00046320 of Ukraine, the historically justified name of the New Bulgarian language. LuJYHTjBxcy-00053-00046416-00047166 As for the historical justification for renaming the language spoken by LuJYHTjBxcy-00054-00047166-00047970 the Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine into Novo-Bulgarian, I will repeat it again. LuJYHTjBxcy-00055-00048042-00049008 First. The origin of the modern Russian language from the Old Bulgarian (Church Slavonic) language LuJYHTjBxcy-00056-00049008-00049986 was proved by the academician, philologist and linguist Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev . LuJYHTjBxcy-00057-00049986-00050790 Second. The Old Bulgarian (Church Slavonic) language was spoken by citizens of Great LuJYHTjBxcy-00058-00050790-00051552 Bulgaria , located in the 7th century on the territory of modern Ukraine, LuJYHTjBxcy-00059-00051552-00052241 namely in the Dnieper region, including Kiev, Crimea, Don and Kuban. LuJYHTjBxcy-00060-00052241-00052872 Later, the Old Bulgarian language was transformed into the Russian language. LuJYHTjBxcy-00061-00052872-00053610 Third. The Old Bulgarian language began to be called Russian in connection with the LuJYHTjBxcy-00062-00053610-00054702 occupation of the territory of Ukraine in the 9th century by the ethnos Rus, headed by Prince Oleg, LuJYHTjBxcy-00063-00054702-00055926 who called Kyiv the mother of Russian cities. This conclusion is confirmed by the written source The LuJYHTjBxcy-00064-00055926-00057126 Tale of Bygone Years by Nestor the Chronicler, according to which the leader of Russia Oleg, LuJYHTjBxcy-00065-00057126-00058500 having come to the mountains of Kiev in 882, asked the people: “To whom are you paying tribute?” LuJYHTjBxcy-00066-00058500-00059328 The occupied people answered: "Khazars." Oleg said: "Don't give to the Khazars, but pay me." LuJYHTjBxcy-00067-00059412-00061266 Since tribute is a sign of enslavement or occupation, this means that in 882 one occupier LuJYHTjBxcy-00068-00061266-00062250 of the people living on the territory of Ukraine, the Khazars, was replaced by another occupier Rus. LuJYHTjBxcy-00069-00062322-00062964 Thus, the renaming of the language spoken by the Russian-speaking citizens LuJYHTjBxcy-00070-00062964-00063744 of Ukraine into the New Bulgarian language is politically and historically justified. LuJYHTjBxcy-00071-00063846-00064494 You just have to go to the site by clicking on the link LuJYHTjBxcy-00072-00064494-00064572 https://www.openpetition.eu/petition/online/o-pereimenovanii-russkogo-azyka-ispolzuemogo-grazdanami-ukrainy-v-novobolgarskij LuJYHTjBxcy-00073-00064572-00064932 and sign this petition online. LuJYHTjBxcy-00074-00065166-00066036 With such a simple action, you will make a huge contribution to the protection of LuJYHTjBxcy-00075-00066036-00066858 the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine from Russian invaders and from discrimination LuJYHTjBxcy-00076-00066858-00068046 on the basis of language within Ukraine by ukroethno-nationality-centrists. And God help us. LwWlpcp_WTY-00000-00000262-00000541 Russia is opposed to a new international agreement that LwWlpcp_WTY-00001-00000541-00000967 primarily benefits the interests of the United States, according to President Vladimir Putin. LwWlpcp_WTY-00002-00000967-00001286 He explained that some countries have strong economic and military ties to the US, LwWlpcp_WTY-00003-00001286-00001530 which causes them to support the US in its conflict with Russia. LwWlpcp_WTY-00004-00001530-00002039 Although being fully aware that the US actions are driven exclusively by LwWlpcp_WTY-00005-00002039-00002502 their own self-interest, the American allies are a part of this coalition. LwWlpcp_WTY-00006-00002502-00002889 A nation's activities occasionally conflict with those of its friends. LwWlpcp_WTY-00007-00002889-00002989 Additionally, LwWlpcp_WTY-00008-00002989-00003401 he thinks that Russia's position as one of several world powers will ultimately triumph. LwWlpcp_WTY-00009-00003401-00003945 Putin even asserts that NATO and the West are complicit in the conflict in LwWlpcp_WTY-00010-00003945-00004068 Ukraine by arming Kiev. LwWlpcp_WTY-00011-00004068-00004359 He also believes that Moscow had to take into account the LwWlpcp_WTY-00012-00004359-00004530 total nuclear weapons of the West. LwWlpcp_WTY-00013-00004530-00004725 Russia will not be included in the LwWlpcp_WTY-00014-00004725-00004927 West's group of "civilized" nations unless it is LwWlpcp_WTY-00015-00004927-00005078 divided into smaller, more manageable portions. LwWlpcp_WTY-00016-00005078-00005576 That's why today, we will talk about how Russia just destroyed NATO and the West over nuclear LwWlpcp_WTY-00017-00005576-00005985 claims, which changes everything! LwWlpcp_WTY-00018-00005985-00006325 Hey, folks! LwWlpcp_WTY-00019-00006325-00006492 Before we start, LwWlpcp_WTY-00020-00006492-00006698 make sure to hit the LIKE button below and SUBSCRIBE to Tech Revolution! LwWlpcp_WTY-00021-00006698-00006864 President Vladimir Putin characterizes the disagreement with the West over the LwWlpcp_WTY-00022-00006864-00007156 turmoil in Ukraine as a struggle for Russia and its citizens' survival. LwWlpcp_WTY-00023-00007156-00007450 He also agrees that he must take into account NATO's nuclear capabilities. LwWlpcp_WTY-00024-00007450-00007797 Putin has emphasized the significance of the battle as a turning point in Russian history. LwWlpcp_WTY-00025-00007797-00008000 Additionally, he expresses worry that the nation LwWlpcp_WTY-00026-00008000-00008184 and its citizens are in danger. LwWlpcp_WTY-00027-00008184-00008285 When he gave the LwWlpcp_WTY-00028-00008285-00008417 order to invade Ukraine, a year has passed. LwWlpcp_WTY-00029-00008417-00008569 Putin claimed that his opponents wanted to LwWlpcp_WTY-00030-00008569-00008715 disintegrate the entire former Soviet Union, including Russia. LwWlpcp_WTY-00031-00008715-00009117 NATO and the West, on the other hand, refute this LwWlpcp_WTY-00032-00009117-00009384 assertion and insist that their intention is to LwWlpcp_WTY-00033-00009384-00009543 aid Ukraine in fending off an unprovoked invasion. LwWlpcp_WTY-00034-00009543-00009793 According to Putin, the West wants to partition LwWlpcp_WTY-00035-00009793-00009992 Russia in order to control its abundant natural resources, which could be harmful LwWlpcp_WTY-00036-00009992-00010300 to the various ethnic groups living there, including the majority group, ethnic Russians. LwWlpcp_WTY-00037-00010300-00010710 He believes that this could ultimately lead to the destruction of the Russian people. LwWlpcp_WTY-00038-00010710-00011035 Putin expressed skepticism about the Russian people's ability to survive LwWlpcp_WTY-00039-00011035-00011257 as an ethnic group in their present form. LwWlpcp_WTY-00040-00011257-00011382 Additionally, he mentioned the existence of LwWlpcp_WTY-00041-00011382-00011602 documented Western blueprints but did not specify where they were. LwWlpcp_WTY-00042-00011602-00011858 The US has denied having any desire to completely destroy Russia. LwWlpcp_WTY-00043-00011858-00011968 President Joe Biden did, however, LwWlpcp_WTY-00044-00011968-00012725 issue a warning that another world war might break out if Russia and NATO started fighting. LwWlpcp_WTY-00045-00012725-00013540 In spite of this, Biden stated that he thought Putin should lose his position of authority. LwWlpcp_WTY-00046-00013540-00014172 Putin asserted that Russia and NATO are currently at odds because of the LwWlpcp_WTY-00047-00014172-00014777 considerable military assistance that the US and Europe have given to Ukraine. LwWlpcp_WTY-00048-00014777-00015372 Now, throughout the Cold War, leaders of both the Soviet Union and Western LwWlpcp_WTY-00049-00015372-00015660 nations feared this eventuality. LwWlpcp_WTY-00050-00015660-00015878 On the other side, Ukraine is still adamant about getting LwWlpcp_WTY-00051-00015878-00016010 rid of all Russian troops from its territory, including Crimea, which Russia annexed in LwWlpcp_WTY-00052-00016010-00016110 2014. LwWlpcp_WTY-00053-00016110-00016315 RUSSIA The way Putin is framing the battle provides LwWlpcp_WTY-00054-00016315-00017045 him more options for the possible weaponry he will employ while preparing the Russian LwWlpcp_WTY-00055-00017045-00017849 people for a protracted and serious conflict. LwWlpcp_WTY-00056-00017849-00018311 If someone strikes Russia with conventional LwWlpcp_WTY-00057-00018311-00018820 weapons that could destroy the nation or with weapons of mass destruction, LwWlpcp_WTY-00058-00018820-00019186 Russia is permitted to deploy its nuclear weapons. LwWlpcp_WTY-00059-00019186-00019436 According to Putin, the restart of negotiations LwWlpcp_WTY-00060-00019436-00019842 would depend on the inclusion of French and British nuclear weapons. LwWlpcp_WTY-00061-00019842-00020297 The Soviet Union left behind the largest arsenal of nuclear warheads for Russia to possess. LwWlpcp_WTY-00062-00020297-00020654 The Federation of American Scientists estimates that Russia has more warheads than LwWlpcp_WTY-00063-00020654-00020952 the combined numbers of the US, UK, and France. LwWlpcp_WTY-00064-00020952-00021126 Putin said that in light of the current situation, LwWlpcp_WTY-00065-00021126-00021680 in which NATO countries want to undermine Russia strategically and damage their citizens. LwWlpcp_WTY-00066-00021680-00021870 Nevertheless, it is impossible to ignore these nations' nuclear capability. LwWlpcp_WTY-00067-00021870-00021970 Putin also admitted LwWlpcp_WTY-00068-00021970-00022534 that the greatest success of the previous year was the unity of the Russian people. LwWlpcp_WTY-00069-00022534-00023131 In the meantime, Dmitry Medvedev of the Russian Federation's Security Council LwWlpcp_WTY-00070-00023131-00023601 has cautioned that arming Kiev could end in a LwWlpcp_WTY-00071-00023601-00023995 terrible nuclear threat to the entire world. LwWlpcp_WTY-00072-00023995-00024412 Former Russian President and close buddy of Vladimir Putin is Dmitry Medvedev. LwWlpcp_WTY-00073-00024412-00025151 He recently said that if Western countries continue to supply Kyiv with weapons, LwWlpcp_WTY-00074-00025151-00025378 it might result in a global nuclear catastrophe. LwWlpcp_WTY-00075-00025378-00025478 He has previously threatened LwWlpcp_WTY-00076-00025478-00025662 nuclear war in connection with Ukraine. LwWlpcp_WTY-00077-00025662-00025948 Many think Medvedev is using this language LwWlpcp_WTY-00078-00025948-00026294 to deter the NATO military alliance, which is LwWlpcp_WTY-00079-00026294-00026677 led by the US, and Kyiv's Western allies from LwWlpcp_WTY-00080-00026677-00027152 continuing to take part in the year-long fight, which has not gone well for Moscow. LwWlpcp_WTY-00081-00027152-00027537 Following Putin's nuclear weapons warning and remarks in which he referred to Russia's LwWlpcp_WTY-00082-00027537-00028312 conflict with the West as a struggle for the existence of Russia and its people, LwWlpcp_WTY-00083-00028312-00028530 Medvedev recently made some declarations. LwWlpcp_WTY-00084-00028530-00028786 Medvedev voiced fear that the ongoing LwWlpcp_WTY-00085-00028786-00028952 shipment of weaponry could eliminate any hope of LwWlpcp_WTY-00086-00028952-00029068 restarting dialogue in an interview with Izvestia. LwWlpcp_WTY-00087-00029068-00029361 He claimed that those opposed to us are unwilling to recognize how their goals LwWlpcp_WTY-00088-00029361-00029888 will result in a total catastrophe, harming everyone and creating a disastrous situation. LwWlpcp_WTY-00089-00029888-00030239 People will lose all memory of their former lives for centuries until the destruction's LwWlpcp_WTY-00090-00030239-00030592 remains are no longer radioactive since it will be so devastating. LwWlpcp_WTY-00091-00030592-00030939 Speaking at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, French Foreign Minister LwWlpcp_WTY-00092-00030939-00031169 Catherine Colonna criticized Medvedev's remarks as using "provocative rhetoric." LwWlpcp_WTY-00093-00031169-00031483 She claimed that Mr. Medvedev has a history of making absurd and careless claims. LwWlpcp_WTY-00094-00031483-00031714 These claims are unfounded and intended to provoke a commotion. LwWlpcp_WTY-00095-00031714-00031814 She wishes LwWlpcp_WTY-00096-00031814-00031914 he will tone down his profanity. LwWlpcp_WTY-00097-00031914-00032014 HAS PUTIN DRIVEN THE UNITED STATES LwWlpcp_WTY-00098-00032014-00032114 AND RUSSIA NEARER THE EDGE OF NUCLEAR WAR? LwWlpcp_WTY-00099-00032114-00032280 According to David Logan of the LA Times, New LwWlpcp_WTY-00100-00032280-00032738 START prohibits Russia and the US from possessing more than 1,550 "strategic" nuclear warheads LwWlpcp_WTY-00101-00032738-00032838 as LwWlpcp_WTY-00102-00032838-00032996 well as 700 nuclear missiles and bombers. LwWlpcp_WTY-00103-00032996-00033243 This agreement is significant because it LwWlpcp_WTY-00104-00033243-00034046 increases the stability of international strategy and relieves pressure to engage in an arms LwWlpcp_WTY-00105-00034046-00034146 race. LwWlpcp_WTY-00106-00034146-00034436 Additionally, he asserted that the approach fosters open dialogue, LwWlpcp_WTY-00107-00034436-00034865 transparency, and predictability between the world's two most potent nuclear powers. LwWlpcp_WTY-00108-00034865-00035291 Putin chose to partially suspend the deal rather than entirely withdraw, LwWlpcp_WTY-00109-00035291-00035571 therefore Russia is still a party to it. LwWlpcp_WTY-00110-00035571-00035787 Russia asserts that it will continue to LwWlpcp_WTY-00111-00035787-00036351 abide by the New START restrictions and to inform the US in advance of missile launches. LwWlpcp_WTY-00112-00036351-00036673 The treaty's suspension may not have an immediate effect because the US can LwWlpcp_WTY-00113-00036673-00037049 continue to monitor Russia's compliance with it via satellite photography. LwWlpcp_WTY-00114-00037049-00037310 This halt, though, would jeopardize Russia's expensive LwWlpcp_WTY-00115-00037310-00037496 and dragged-out nuclear modernization projects. LwWlpcp_WTY-00116-00037496-00037630 The Bilateral Consultative Commission meetings, LwWlpcp_WTY-00117-00037630-00038783 data exchanges, and site inspections that the treaty established to aid in compliance LwWlpcp_WTY-00118-00038783-00039016 may also come to an end as a result. LwWlpcp_WTY-00119-00039016-00039172 The deal ran into problems when it LwWlpcp_WTY-00120-00039172-00039428 appeared that Russia was disregarding the provisions earlier this year. LwWlpcp_WTY-00121-00039428-00039785 The agreement permits biannual nuclear base inspections between the parties and LwWlpcp_WTY-00122-00039785-00040022 regular meetings to discuss compliance issues. LwWlpcp_WTY-00123-00040022-00040271 But, according to the State Department, Russia did LwWlpcp_WTY-00124-00040271-00040745 not organize meetings as needed and did not permit LwWlpcp_WTY-00125-00040745-00041370 American inspectors to visit their nuclear plants. LwWlpcp_WTY-00126-00041370-00042244 These might be affected by Russia's decision to suspend the New START Treaty. LwWlpcp_WTY-00127-00042244-00042568 The pact could LwWlpcp_WTY-00128-00042568-00043607 be suspended in response, and data and inspections could be withheld. LwWlpcp_WTY-00129-00043607-00044538 In putting the treaty into effect, the US is dedicated to reciprocity, predictability, LwWlpcp_WTY-00130-00044538-00044638 and stability. LwWlpcp_WTY-00131-00044638-00044950 Also, this action by Russia may undermine its international diplomatic relations. LwWlpcp_WTY-00132-00044950-00045266 Without criticizing Russia's choice, China strives for constructive engagement and LwWlpcp_WTY-00133-00045266-00045788 cooperation to overcome the disagreements and LwWlpcp_WTY-00134-00045788-00046618 ensure the treaty's successful implementation. LwWlpcp_WTY-00135-00046618-00047065 Current Russian non-compliance with the New START LwWlpcp_WTY-00136-00047065-00047356 accord has added to failing arms control efforts. LwWlpcp_WTY-00137-00047356-00047668 President Trump terminated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Weapons Treaty with Russia in 2019 LwWlpcp_WTY-00138-00047668-00047768 after LwWlpcp_WTY-00139-00047768-00048030 alleging that Moscow had violated the agreement by stationing missiles LwWlpcp_WTY-00140-00048030-00048410 with 310–3,400 mile ranges on the ground. LwWlpcp_WTY-00141-00048410-00048822 The US then left the Open Skies Treaty, which LwWlpcp_WTY-00142-00048822-00048996 permitted unarmed surveillance aircraft in 2020, LwWlpcp_WTY-00143-00048996-00049485 accusing Russia of breaking the agreement as well. LwWlpcp_WTY-00144-00049485-00049834 However, the US decision was opposed by NATO members, Ukraine, and soon after, LwWlpcp_WTY-00145-00049834-00050328 Russia also withdrew from the treaty. LwWlpcp_WTY-00146-00050328-00050540 So now, what do you think of Russia’s LwWlpcp_WTY-00147-00050540-00050893 response to NATO aid in Ukraine and its nuclear capabilities? LwWlpcp_WTY-00148-00050893-00050993 Let me know what LwWlpcp_WTY-00149-00050993-00051183 you think in the comments section below! LwWlpcp_WTY-00150-00051183-00051359 And that's it for this video! LwWlpcp_WTY-00151-00051359-00051459 Thanks for LwWlpcp_WTY-00152-00051459-00051582 watching till the end! LwWlpcp_WTY-00153-00051582-00051954 Before you go, make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE, and click the NOTIFICATION LwWlpcp_WTY-00154-00051954-00052429 BELL to trigger YouTube's algorithm, and see more of our videos on your homepage. LwWlpcp_WTY-00155-00052429-00052763 Thanks for watching and see you next time for more interesting videos like this! L_8w4CdyFiU-00000-00000000-00000200 Status in clio LOc1dFMktJ4-00001-00031000-00031200 This is where I was supposed to add my Instagram but forgot. @zstefani LPIOLumqOxM-00000-00000976-00001600 So we have shown you how to set up netflow and netflow export on your campus routers. LPIOLumqOxM-00001-00001600-00002128 We've shown you some of the tools that are used on collectors to gather these flow records and LPIOLumqOxM-00002-00002128-00002552 let you summarize and visualize them. And so let's have a look at some LPIOLumqOxM-00003-00002552-00002976 of the references for some of these tools that we've been talking about. LPIOLumqOxM-00004-00002976-00003479 For nfdump and nfSen you can go to the url shown on the slide. LPIOLumqOxM-00005-00003560-00004328 Both are hosted on sourceforge.net nfdump is kept reasonably up-to-date but notice LPIOLumqOxM-00006-00004328-00004912 that work on nfSen has kind of slowed down if not stopped altogether, LPIOLumqOxM-00007-00004976-00005448 in fact, the community is looking at next generation replacements for nfSen. LPIOLumqOxM-00008-00005504-00005752 So it is worth doing your research LPIOLumqOxM-00009-00005752-00006256 to find out what the most modern version for this netflow sensing tool is. LPIOLumqOxM-00010-00006464-00006784 We didn't mention them but they're also pmacct and pmgraph LPIOLumqOxM-00011-00006784-00007136 which can be useful traffic flow analysis tools LPIOLumqOxM-00012-00007136-00007680 and there's also flow-tools itself noted at the url on the bottom of the slide. LPIOLumqOxM-00013-00007872-00008288 We also have the wikipedia entry describing netflow LPIOLumqOxM-00014-00008288-00008928 in general this IETF standardization effort, the IP Flow Export Working Group Charter, LPIOLumqOxM-00015-00009000-00009504 the Abilene NetFlow page, for example that's the Cisco Centric Open Source Community LPIOLumqOxM-00016-00009504-00009984 and there's also the Cisco Netflow Collector User Guide as well. LPIOLumqOxM-00017-00010272-00010728 The rest of the slide deck which we're not going to cover in this video series LPIOLumqOxM-00018-00010728-00011064 has a look at some more detailed information about netflow. LPIOLumqOxM-00019-00011120-00011528 I'll quickly run through them but you should look at the rest of the presentation LPIOLumqOxM-00020-00011528-00012048 referenced below this video for more information about netflow and its uses. LPIOLumqOxM-00021-00012176-00012352 There are some examples of filters. LPIOLumqOxM-00022-00012432-00012912 There are some examples of use for netflow including problem identification solving, LPIOLumqOxM-00023-00012912-00013263 traffic classification, denial of service traceback. LPIOLumqOxM-00024-00013328-00013552 There's traffic analysis and engineering. LPIOLumqOxM-00025-00013608-00014072 We have inter-AS traffic analysis reporting on application proxies. LPIOLumqOxM-00026-00014168-00014488 Some network operators use netflow for accounting or billing, LPIOLumqOxM-00027-00014560-00015040 more for cross-verification from other sources rather than actual billing itself. LPIOLumqOxM-00028-00015263-00015688 We have examples of use of detection of anomalous events, for example, LPIOLumqOxM-00029-00015688-00016047 the famous SQL Slammer we say in early 2000s. LPIOLumqOxM-00030-00016047-00016648 How netflow was used to detect it and deal or help network operators deal LPIOLumqOxM-00031-00016648-00016984 with that serious denial of service attack. LPIOLumqOxM-00032-00017064-00017576 This flow based detection so once you've built a baseline for your network infrastructure LPIOLumqOxM-00033-00017576-00018424 you can use netflow to detect anomalous activity, in other words activity that you don't expect. LPIOLumqOxM-00034-00018424-00018792 There are several flow-based commercial tools. Too many to mention LPIOLumqOxM-00035-00018992-00019264 and we show an example of a large-scale DoS attack. LPIOLumqOxM-00036-00019264-00019616 How the commercial detection tool can be used for that. LPIOLumqOxM-00037-00019616-00020176 These are slides from the global internet in the public domain and with some LPIOLumqOxM-00038-00020176-00020736 examples for flow accounting as well. We also include a quick summary of the LPIOLumqOxM-00039-00020736-00021096 different Cisco netflow versions all the way from netflow version 1 LPIOLumqOxM-00040-00021160-00021744 through to version five which was the commonly used one when it was first released. netflow LPIOLumqOxM-00041-00021744-00022304 version six which found its way on the Cisco catalyst line of chassis based ethernet switches LPIOLumqOxM-00042-00022304-00022864 and then through to netflow version nine which is the current version which supports IPv6 LPIOLumqOxM-00043-00022864-00023984 32 bit AS numbers as needed for bgp and additional fields like MPLS labels and so on. LQ6L2P6eGwo-00000-00000100-00000430 EVERY YEAR YOKOSUKA'S MWR HOSTS THE FESTIVAL OF LQ6L2P6eGwo-00001-00000430-00000537 TREES. LQ6L2P6eGwo-00002-00000537-00000730 THIS EVENT FEATURES CHRISTMAS TREES DECORATED LQ6L2P6eGwo-00003-00000730-00000944 BY VARIOUS COMMANDS AND ORGANIZATIONS. LQ6L2P6eGwo-00004-00000944-00001261 THE PARTICIPANTS ARE CHOSEN AT RANDOM BY MWR, LQ6L2P6eGwo-00005-00001261-00001531 SO EVERY YEAR BRINGS A NEW SELECTION OF DECORATIONS LQ6L2P6eGwo-00006-00001531-00001644 FOR PEOPLE TO ENJOY. LQ6L2P6eGwo-00007-00001668-00001868 EVERYBODY GETS EXCITED ABOUT THE TREE THAT LQ6L2P6eGwo-00008-00001868-00002105 REPRESENTS THEIR COMMAND, OR SOME SORT OF LQ6L2P6eGwo-00009-00002105-00002325 ORGANIZATION OR GROUP THAT THEY'RE A PART OF. LQ6L2P6eGwo-00010-00002325-00002522 TO ADD TO THE FESTIVE ATMOSPHERE, LQ6L2P6eGwo-00011-00002522-00002722 KIDS FROM SEIKA KINDERGARTEN A LOCAL LQ6L2P6eGwo-00012-00002722-00002969 JAPANESE SCHOOL PREFORMED A SELECTION OF TRADITIONAL LQ6L2P6eGwo-00013-00002969-00003083 CHRISTMAS SONGS. LQ6L2P6eGwo-00014-00003083-00003470 THOUGH WE'RE HERE IN JAPAN AND MAYBE SEPARATED FROM LQ6L2P6eGwo-00015-00003470-00003580 SOME OF THOSE FAMILIAR THINGS, LQ6L2P6eGwo-00016-00003580-00003927 WE HAVE CHRISTMAS TOO AND OF COURSE IT REALLY IS LQ6L2P6eGwo-00017-00003927-00004254 ABOUT THE SENSE OF HOPE, THE SENSE OF COMRADERY. LQ6L2P6eGwo-00018-00004254-00004524 MWR HOSTS THESE EVENTS SO THAT SAILORS AND THEIR LQ6L2P6eGwo-00019-00004524-00004781 FAMILIES CAN A LITTLE MORE AT HOME DURING THE HOLIDAY LQ6L2P6eGwo-00020-00004781-00004881 SEASON. LQ6L2P6eGwo-00021-00004881-00005018 PETTY OFFICER SONJA WICKARD, LQ6L2P6eGwo-00022-00005018-00005218 YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE JAPAN. LR6JqmdvzAE-00000-00000190-00000688 Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games are my favourite genre of games for LR6JqmdvzAE-00001-00000688-00001120 a variety of reasons. First of all, they’re ambitious. These are LR6JqmdvzAE-00002-00001120-00001778 huge scale productions, requiring so much effort from developers in design, story, art, LR6JqmdvzAE-00003-00001778-00002455 sound and music. They’re brimming with complicated systems and features and modes. They usually LR6JqmdvzAE-00004-00002455-00003084 require huge financial investments, and as you can see, many have used cinematic trailers LR6JqmdvzAE-00005-00003084-00003709 to try to pull in equally huge audiences. And akin to big movie blockbusters, even when LR6JqmdvzAE-00006-00003709-00004220 they fail - or you might say especially when they fail - they are very interesting pieces LR6JqmdvzAE-00007-00004220-00004771 of entertainment to pick apart. Often my favourite MMOs are defined more by their flaws than LR6JqmdvzAE-00008-00004771-00005118 their successes, so they’re fascinating to talk about. LR6JqmdvzAE-00009-00005118-00005655 MMO games are also - as a result of being massive, multiplayer and online - strongly LR6JqmdvzAE-00010-00005655-00006263 affected by players, and player choice. They’re open enough that as a player you can be creative LR6JqmdvzAE-00011-00006263-00006859 in the way you play, and have a unique and personalised experience. And since everyone’s LR6JqmdvzAE-00012-00006859-00007416 experience is varied, it feels especially worth talking about - AKA why I’m talking LR6JqmdvzAE-00013-00007416-00007920 here right now. But, this also means that developers are often surprised by what happens LR6JqmdvzAE-00014-00007920-00008499 in their own games, and I think this unpredictability is what MMOs are all about. They’re more LR6JqmdvzAE-00015-00008499-00009017 affected by the human aspect than any other genre of games, and it’s always exciting LR6JqmdvzAE-00016-00009017-00009415 to see what people will do in these virtual worlds. LR6JqmdvzAE-00017-00009415-00010011 Which brings me to my next favourite thing - the worlds. MMOs are an ultimate form of LR6JqmdvzAE-00018-00010011-00010556 escapism, of glimpsing into a whole other reality. And this connects to roleplaying: LR6JqmdvzAE-00019-00010556-00011172 every player is equal, and anyone can be anything. It’s the ultimate playing dress-ups. LR6JqmdvzAE-00020-00011172-00012033 There’s also the sheer technical impressiveness. MMOs constantly employ the latest in server and computing LR6JqmdvzAE-00021-00012033-00012626 technologies to power their big online worlds, and that’s exciting to think about for any LR6JqmdvzAE-00022-00012626-00013096 techhead. So, I like MMOs. I think we’ve covered that. LR6JqmdvzAE-00023-00013096-00013563 Now what’s interesting is the MMO landscape. We’re in a time when MMOs have splintered LR6JqmdvzAE-00024-00013563-00013995 off in every direction. There’s no longer a small handful at the centre of the market LR6JqmdvzAE-00025-00013995-00014518 - like a decade ago, everyone pretty much played World of Warcraft or EverQuest or maybe LR6JqmdvzAE-00026-00014518-00015172 Star Wars Galaxies. But now there are dozens of MMOs maintaining some degree of success. LR6JqmdvzAE-00027-00015172-00015690 And this bigger picture keeps becoming more and more difficult to grasp, because MMOs LR6JqmdvzAE-00028-00015690-00016340 don’t die, they change. They’re patched and expanded and updated. Even most of the LR6JqmdvzAE-00029-00016340-00016934 games that have no official servers anymore are available in some form, such as fan-operated LR6JqmdvzAE-00030-00016934-00017456 unofficial servers. So in this video series I’m going to dive LR6JqmdvzAE-00031-00017456-00018098 briefly into a bunch of MMOs which I think are interesting or important or new or inventive. LR6JqmdvzAE-00032-00018098-00018530 I’ll summarise their pasts, their futures and whether I think they’re worth playing LR6JqmdvzAE-00033-00018530-00019140 in the present. Primarily what I think is noteworthy or unique about them. These won’t LR6JqmdvzAE-00034-00019140-00019745 be in-depth endgame analyses or anything, I’m not a hardcore min-maxer, and there’s LR6JqmdvzAE-00035-00019745-00020166 obviously some games I haven’t played much. But hopefully I’ll be able to start to make LR6JqmdvzAE-00036-00020166-00020751 sense of the ever-changing MMO landscape. And my hope is to hear back from others along LR6JqmdvzAE-00037-00020751-00021377 the way, because I want this to be a discussion. We can learn from all art, and MMOs are no LR6JqmdvzAE-00038-00021377-00021668 different. Thanks for listening to my voice, hope to LR6JqmdvzAE-00039-00021668-00021895 see you around these parts again, Thoroughmas out. LUPlhb1aWNA-00000-00000008-00000496 ( Tenisha sings 🎵 ): Active Learning Ambush, Active Learning Ambush. LUPlhb1aWNA-00001-00000522-00001308 ( upbeat music playing 🎵 ) LazTOaZ6rAu-00000-00000680-00001272 what is up marvel squad and welcome back to our channel we are literally almost to 200 LazTOaZ6rAu-00001-00001272-00001736 000 subscribers if you are not already subscribed you should hit that subscribe button and join the LazTOaZ6rAu-00002-00001736-00002192 marvel family because we post every wednesdays fridays and sundays and you don't want to miss out LazTOaZ6rAu-00003-00002192-00002704 on any single one of our videos i'm really excited i can't even believe that we're about to hit 200k LazTOaZ6rAu-00004-00002704-00003136 i think that's so awesome 2020 like i said it's going to be a year and i just really can't wait LazTOaZ6rAu-00005-00003136-00003704 to see what else is going to come and we have 4.6 million on tick tock which is crazy about LazTOaZ6rAu-00006-00003704-00004240 5 million i just can't believe how supportive you guys are throughout all of our social medias and LazTOaZ6rAu-00007-00004240-00004736 we cannot thank you guys enough also comment down below the next giveaway idea you guys LazTOaZ6rAu-00008-00004736-00005280 think that we should do we are debating on doing like a macbook or we're doing like maybe do like LazTOaZ6rAu-00009-00005280-00005728 little gifts so multiple people can win but as you remember the title i'm going to be doing the LazTOaZ6rAu-00010-00005728-00006192 falling down the stairs prank bill is currently in the shower and he just got home from work so what LazTOaZ6rAu-00011-00006192-00006544 i'm going to do is i'm going to set up the camera and i'm going to go to the bathroom whatever and LazTOaZ6rAu-00012-00006544-00007023 i'm going to come down the stairs and just fall down and hurt myself and see how he reacts things LazTOaZ6rAu-00013-00007023-00007488 he's super funny he's gonna at least not expect it and hashtag team ryan had to come back with a lit LazTOaZ6rAu-00014-00007488-00007968 prank you already freaking know he thinks he runs the channel i'm sorry bill but i run this channel LazTOaZ6rAu-00015-00007968-00008400 i come back with the prize looks like 10 times harder so i also want to announce that we will be LazTOaZ6rAu-00016-00008400-00008832 attending playlists live in orlando florida we're gonna be there all weekend we are super excited LazTOaZ6rAu-00017-00008832-00009272 to meet so many of you guys i can't wait to take a lot of pictures i can't always take like tick tock LazTOaZ6rAu-00018-00009272-00009704 videos whoever is on tick tock i just can't wait to just give you guys all a hug i think i'm we're LazTOaZ6rAu-00019-00009704-00010128 just really really excited this is our first event that we're going to you cannot wait to meet so LazTOaZ6rAu-00020-00010128-00010608 many other creators you guys are the reason we're able to do everything that we do and even just do LazTOaZ6rAu-00021-00010608-00011016 this as our living like our job like it's crazy that we're able to do this full time and just LazTOaZ6rAu-00022-00011016-00011504 be happy with what we're doing like i'm just very very very blessed yeah we're just so excited make LazTOaZ6rAu-00023-00011504-00011928 sure to give this video a big thumbs up if you're not like i said already subscribe just go hit that LazTOaZ6rAu-00024-00011928-00012304 subscribe button and before i even get on to this video i do have to give a beginning of the video LazTOaZ6rAu-00025-00012304-00012824 post notification shout out kit kat versus dogs all right mama squad so i'm gonna listen up the LazTOaZ6rAu-00026-00012824-00014184 camera and i will see you guys once bill is out of the shower and we get this prank roll LazTOaZ6rAu-00027-00015496-00015744 time we could do and it's it's like baby face LazTOaZ6rAu-00028-00015808-00016168 and i'll show you oh everyone's doing it's a trend right now LazTOaZ6rAu-00029-00016984-00017760 that fit looks nice babe and i picked those out i picked them off you don't like that no LazTOaZ6rAu-00030-00017760-00018304 i didn't it's weird i picked those out for you just go straight down you like them see LazTOaZ6rAu-00031-00019248-00019784 it's a ranch salad is that okay LazTOaZ6rAu-00032-00021720-00022584 foreign LazTOaZ6rAu-00033-00023136-00023984 are you okay oh my gosh LazTOaZ6rAu-00034-00024768-00025328 oh my gosh babe you like slid on this thing well that hurt really bad babe LazTOaZ6rAu-00035-00025328-00025704 oh my gosh i can't even move let me help you up i can't even move LazTOaZ6rAu-00036-00025776-00026183 no i just sit for a second for a second oh and i hurt my arms really bad LazTOaZ6rAu-00037-00026648-00026976 it hurts really bad babe that we're really bad LazTOaZ6rAu-00038-00027136-00027848 so embarrassed that's so so embarrassing all right here let me help you out oh my god LazTOaZ6rAu-00039-00028088-00028336 i can't get up right now hold on you let me say it for a minute LazTOaZ6rAu-00040-00028448-00029048 oh my god that really hurt my back i like hit my back on the stairs and my butt like LazTOaZ6rAu-00041-00029048-00029495 now my butt bone hurts let me help you out hold on i don't want to get up right now yes LazTOaZ6rAu-00042-00030176-00030552 i don't think so just let me sit here for a second oh don't touch that ow wow LazTOaZ6rAu-00043-00030552-00031024 i'm just saying okay i'm just seeing if it hurts just wait what do you want from me no i don't LazTOaZ6rAu-00044-00031024-00031424 know it just hurt really bad why don't we get you on the couch i can't get on the couch right LazTOaZ6rAu-00045-00031424-00031832 now but i just said i need to sit for a minute oh my gosh you just scared the crap out of me LazTOaZ6rAu-00046-00031832-00032592 oh that hurt baby well let me do something oh wow that really freaking hurts it hurts babe LazTOaZ6rAu-00047-00032592-00033128 okay i'm really hurting myself i know i know i saw you fall you like rolled down the stairs LazTOaZ6rAu-00048-00033128-00033696 really hurt myself okay then what hurts you have to like tell me i can't tell you is it LazTOaZ6rAu-00049-00034376-00034672 i feel like i need a wheelchair like i'm serious i don't think i can move like LazTOaZ6rAu-00050-00034800-00035184 disabled like right here LazTOaZ6rAu-00051-00036080-00036440 but we have to get you up so i can see when it hurts no i can't get up yet LazTOaZ6rAu-00052-00036440-00037016 it just hurts really bad okay well what hurts your elbows no my arms are hurt but it's more LazTOaZ6rAu-00053-00037016-00037568 of my back and my butt like it's not good that's not good if you get something like hard oh LazTOaZ6rAu-00054-00037664-00038040 that hurts i didn't even touch you yes you did you touched my belly LazTOaZ6rAu-00055-00038040-00038632 it hurts yeah that hurts i'm barely putting pressure on it if that hurts that's not good LazTOaZ6rAu-00056-00038632-00039040 you could have broken something actually oh it hurts really bad baby would you want me to call LazTOaZ6rAu-00057-00039040-00039528 someone i don't know we should do i don't know it just hurts to know because if you want me to call LazTOaZ6rAu-00058-00039528-00040512 someone that we got to get you like diagnostic it's really bad i really hurt myself we didn't LazTOaZ6rAu-00059-00040688-00041112 well i i don't know what to do because if we if i call him an ice pack he will give me an ice pack LazTOaZ6rAu-00060-00041560-00042184 he go give me something or just help me here i don't know what to do LazTOaZ6rAu-00061-00042272-00042832 okay i just need to know like if is it bad enough that to call like the ambulance or something LazTOaZ6rAu-00062-00042888-00043288 to get you checked out because they need to stay here here do a whole test to see if you're LazTOaZ6rAu-00063-00043288-00044016 okay whatever they breathe okay does it feel bad enough where something's broke it hurts baby yeah LazTOaZ6rAu-00064-00044016-00044400 if i move it hurts really bad did you slip on something or did you just i don't know LazTOaZ6rAu-00065-00044400-00044904 what happened i just fell i tripped over myself in the clothes but it hurts to move like if i LazTOaZ6rAu-00066-00044904-00045400 start moving it's going to hurt okay well keeping your back straight which is good well try bending LazTOaZ6rAu-00067-00045400-00045944 your back i can't i'm scared it hurts when you are touching it ow that hurts i can't just stop LazTOaZ6rAu-00068-00046040-00046648 yeah that hurt when you're pushing up okay well that's not good you want me to call someone for LazTOaZ6rAu-00069-00046648-00047144 real i'm doing this on you like you try sitting up will you help me yeah come here okay grab my back LazTOaZ6rAu-00070-00047360-00048008 grab my back both hands both hands okay all right grab it like grabbing LazTOaZ6rAu-00071-00048408-00049488 oh okay okay i understand that just like oh i don't know what to do it hurts really freaking bad LazTOaZ6rAu-00072-00049696-00049720 oh LazTOaZ6rAu-00073-00050080-00050352 i'm not trying to physically do her does it already yeah no it doesn't LazTOaZ6rAu-00074-00050352-00050584 really hurt there it just hurts my back really bad and that that LazTOaZ6rAu-00075-00050640-00051416 pressure it puts pressure on it does it hurt on your butt yes it's worse okay all back here LazTOaZ6rAu-00076-00051416-00051767 this is what the ambulance people are gonna do if they come they're gonna just feel you LazTOaZ6rAu-00077-00051767-00052167 and see if well i don't need an ambulance it just hurts really bad no i just hurt really LazTOaZ6rAu-00078-00052167-00052767 bad come on hold on stay here all right okay are you fine yeah just need to sit up LazTOaZ6rAu-00079-00052984-00053384 it'll be okay it probably is just about you probably just got bruised LazTOaZ6rAu-00080-00053872-00054784 oh baby hurts so bad that's all i got what the hell i'm not putting that on my back it's like LazTOaZ6rAu-00081-00055744-00055791 this is LazTOaZ6rAu-00082-00056112-00056616 i don't want that turkey my back it's okay it's in the package well i don't even can't even move it LazTOaZ6rAu-00083-00056616-00057248 put that under like that okay hold on i don't like any of that you have to put something on your back LazTOaZ6rAu-00084-00057512-00058255 it doesn't matter if you need to beat him okay what i don't want to put this LazTOaZ6rAu-00085-00058432-00059200 oh i'm holding it i don't want i can't i don't LazTOaZ6rAu-00086-00059200-00059824 want too much pressure on it that's fine the way it is okay okay okay LazTOaZ6rAu-00087-00059936-00060416 make sure it's on your back i'm the best yes it's on there it's on there okay i'm sorry oh just give LazTOaZ6rAu-00088-00060416-00060800 me a minute can you just give me my space for a second you need to like you're constricted you LazTOaZ6rAu-00089-00060800-00061272 need to like just give me breathe just give me a minute it's probably just bruised really bad it is LazTOaZ6rAu-00090-00061272-00061704 because i saw you slide down i thought you were like messing with me no you need that LazTOaZ6rAu-00091-00062360-00062664 in my life where if you don't put it on right away it'll start swelling and it'll start LazTOaZ6rAu-00092-00062664-00063432 hurting even more this will make this quality not even happen okay i know it does i know it does oh LazTOaZ6rAu-00093-00063432-00064584 do you want to go sit on the couch yeah let's try let's try i'll be easy you already got this one LazTOaZ6rAu-00094-00065832-00065984 stay here LazTOaZ6rAu-00095-00067328-00067536 what oh my god LazTOaZ6rAu-00096-00067736-00068312 be careful why are you laughing right stop your back is gonna actually if it's that brutal hi LazTOaZ6rAu-00097-00068464-00069032 what do you mean i'm good i'm fine i didn't really fall just prank i'm just messing with you LazTOaZ6rAu-00098-00069320-00069728 i'm fine that is not funny your back's okay though LazTOaZ6rAu-00099-00069728-00070184 yeah LazTOaZ6rAu-00100-00071048-00071584 that's disgusting i don't want it on my back at all apparently not even LazTOaZ6rAu-00101-00072888-00073552 oh my gosh how you feeling hold on you're so bad that's so funny i can't even believe my fall down LazTOaZ6rAu-00102-00073552-00073936 the stairs was so perfect i was starting to laugh something i'm trying to figure out how to do this LazTOaZ6rAu-00103-00073936-00074424 without physically hurting myself and i started busting out laughing yeah how did i do how did LazTOaZ6rAu-00104-00074424-00075144 i do i'm hesitant team mariah that was so good he was making a salad too yeah you're going to LazTOaZ6rAu-00105-00075144-00075800 spoil the salad no that was the squad i just think that prank is so funny like i could do so that was LazTOaZ6rAu-00106-00075800-00076272 so funny hey do i know what's funny i think i'm gonna laugh more myself falling down the stairs LazTOaZ6rAu-00107-00076272-00076584 was phoning i was laughing because i saw you like sliding down the stairs i didn't know you LazTOaZ6rAu-00108-00076584-00077016 actually like hurt yourself no i didn't actually hurt myself when i looked at her she's just like LazTOaZ6rAu-00109-00077016-00077624 going down the stairs like i'm like i started laughing until i realized that you apparently like LazTOaZ6rAu-00110-00077624-00078176 hurt yourself i freaking did a good job i care too much literally you're lucky i didn't call the damn LazTOaZ6rAu-00111-00078176-00078568 ambulance because they would i would have stopped you before you did i was going to until you told LazTOaZ6rAu-00112-00078568-00079144 me it wasn't that bad giggy how do you feel about this no i don't think jiggy really cares i think LazTOaZ6rAu-00113-00079144-00079736 he's like that's funny he's a hashtag team aria right and before anybody comments about his cage LazTOaZ6rAu-00114-00079736-00080464 okay we let him roam around the kitchen he plays he he get he is actually the most spoiled bunny LazTOaZ6rAu-00115-00080464-00080952 i think anybody's ever met like he just comes out of his cage whenever he wants he's so spoiled LazTOaZ6rAu-00116-00080952-00081608 he mariah see he walked away he knew he knows team arai is the best team he wasn't funny guys LazTOaZ6rAu-00117-00081608-00082336 look at bill's new haircut look at his hair shout out to justin um look at look at his slit in his LazTOaZ6rAu-00118-00082336-00082808 eyebrow and his hair i'm gonna have to do jumping off a house to see how i go no when you better not LazTOaZ6rAu-00119-00082808-00083304 do anything like that never do anything like that anyways marvel squad we're gonna go eat some um LazTOaZ6rAu-00120-00083304-00083808 salad salad and then i'm gonna prank her back no you're not make sure to give give this video LazTOaZ6rAu-00121-00083808-00084288 a big thumbs up for hashtag teammariah my team is lit and i came back really strong my team's LazTOaZ6rAu-00122-00084288-00084824 lit too everyone loves my pranks that's what you think no they all do that's what you think LazTOaZ6rAu-00123-00084824-00085736 we will see you guys in the next video love you guys peace you freaking knew i had no idea how LazTOaZ6rAu-00124-00085736-00086176 embarrassing is that embarrassing i was just caring i think i care too much yeah you do LazTOaZ6rAu-00125-00086176-00086536 next time you fall down the stairs oh you better believe me cause i'll actually be i know i'm i'm LazTOaZ6rAu-00126-00086536-00086936 gonna believe you i literally like no matter how many times you fall i will believe you because LazTOaZ6rAu-00127-00086936-00087440 i'm not like ever going to look how bomb the salad looks me and bill always make salads LazTOaZ6rAu-00128-00087440-00088456 and that's like one thing that i really love about us we both love salads all right squad you Lb9t_XPLrU8-00000-00000128-00000448 And Sandy, please come and join us! Lb9t_XPLrU8-00001-00000656-00001272 Sandy Huse. "Can You Hear?" Wood, egg beater, cell phone, wire, and paint. Lb9t_XPLrU8-00002-00001328-00002048 Nine inches by four inches by sixteen inches. 2020. This sculpture has a black oval base Lb9t_XPLrU8-00003-00002048-00002736 resembling pitted metal. Mounted lengthwise on an arch support is an antique hand cranked metal egg Lb9t_XPLrU8-00004-00002736-00003368 beater. The beaters smack up against the screen of a cell phone painted navy blue and pink. Over Lb9t_XPLrU8-00005-00003368-00004008 the phone's screen are spider web-like strands of silver. A loop of twisted wire folds over the Lb9t_XPLrU8-00006-00004008-00004560 right corner of the screen to hold up the phone and extends behind it down to the black base. Lb9t_XPLrU8-00007-00004632-00005456 Hi, everyone. Um, I am not in the disabled world, um, and the reason Opulent Mobility Lb9t_XPLrU8-00008-00005456-00006040 came to my attention was a few years ago a friend of mine had uterine cancer. And I was struck by Lb9t_XPLrU8-00009-00006040-00006664 the fact that she had her lymph nodes removed from her lower body, and that she had to wear those Lb9t_XPLrU8-00010-00006664-00007168 horrible support stockings to keep from filling up with fluid because she was sitting a lot, and they Lb9t_XPLrU8-00011-00007168-00007672 were the ugliest damn things I'd ever seen. And I thought, she has to wear them, she was really, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00012-00007672-00008144 had nothing to do, and I asked her if she was interested in maybe decorating them or doing Lb9t_XPLrU8-00013-00008144-00008736 something with them, and, um, we ended up not fulfilling that project because she got sicker, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00014-00008736-00009136 but for some reason during that period of time somebody had mentioned Opulent Mobility several Lb9t_XPLrU8-00015-00009136-00009568 years ago. And, um, I looked at it and I thought, oh that's really interesting, but I kind of, you Lb9t_XPLrU8-00016-00009568-00010064 know, it was sort of in the back, but anyway she got, um, sicker and sicker and eventually she went Lb9t_XPLrU8-00017-00010064-00010864 into the hospital to sort of go, and, um, she had brought her own wheelchair, and, and to understand Lb9t_XPLrU8-00018-00010864-00011472 Nancy, she was a thrift store maven and so she bought the cheapest junkiest piece of shit, wheel, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00019-00011472-00012016 you know, wheelchair she could find for 30 bucks at some random, you know, thrift store, and she Lb9t_XPLrU8-00020-00012016-00012544 had brought it in and, and put it next to her bed so that she wouldn't have to wait for, you know, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00021-00012544-00013008 for treatments or whatever. The wheelchair was there. And it was promptly stolen. Somebody took Lb9t_XPLrU8-00022-00013008-00013632 it. Now I don't think they meant to. I think the hospital thought it was part of their crappy herd, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00023-00013736-00014032 so they went and found it and sure enough it had been, you know, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00024-00014128-00014552 corralled with other ugly wheelchairs somewhere in the hospital. Anyway, so she brought it up Lb9t_XPLrU8-00025-00014552-00015112 to her room and she spent some time decorating it and she put a peacock on it and she put the Lb9t_XPLrU8-00026-00015184-00015872 name on it so it was never moved again because it was the Tarzinski wheelchair and that really Lb9t_XPLrU8-00027-00015872-00016552 inspired me. And, um, my art practice actually has to do with, I'm a kinetic artist or kinetic and Lb9t_XPLrU8-00028-00016552-00017104 automata artist. I, um, I've worked primarily in wood, but now I've become, sort of, other things Lb9t_XPLrU8-00029-00017104-00017608 have come in. And just like Laura said at the beginning, you know, you look at things that move, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00030-00017696-00018176 wheelchairs, crutches, all those appliances, they all have a component to either help you move Lb9t_XPLrU8-00031-00018176-00018576 or they move themselves, and there's something about them that moves so that's attractive to me, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00032-00018576-00019128 but they're so damn ugly. Not being in the disabled world I don't know what the practicality Lb9t_XPLrU8-00033-00019128-00019576 is. I'm assuming that some of it is to keep things hygienic, to keep them clean, to keep your body in Lb9t_XPLrU8-00034-00019576-00020208 a certain position, but oh my god! And I, and that incident with the wheelchair, with the wheelchair Lb9t_XPLrU8-00035-00020208-00020712 going missing obviously showed me that, that it's an impersonal and Lb9t_XPLrU8-00036-00020784-00021504 highly medicalized and highly cold world, and, and you need having a project like Opulent Mobility. Lb9t_XPLrU8-00037-00021576-00022040 Um, and I've seen some others where, um, people are making these incredible prosthetic limbs Lb9t_XPLrU8-00038-00022104-00022560 that are just beautiful, and, and the shapes of the wheelchairs and stuff. I'm completely Lb9t_XPLrU8-00039-00022560-00023288 fascinated. Bringing us into this round of calls for this year's Opulent Mobility, I had been, um, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00040-00023288-00023816 involved in a, a call and response collaboration, there were 60 of us all together and each artist Lb9t_XPLrU8-00041-00023816-00024432 was paired up with another artist randomly and we had to create a work of art in response to the Lb9t_XPLrU8-00042-00024432-00025000 other artists. One of us started off and, um, you had 24 hours to make a piece of work that, that Lb9t_XPLrU8-00043-00025000-00025456 was that. You, you, you absolutely had to do that and I think it was, we ended up doing it over 16 Lb9t_XPLrU8-00044-00025456-00026024 days, so each of us had to produce eight pieces of work in 16 days. (Laugh) No pressure! The prompt, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00045-00026024-00026464 although, it allowed us to make stuff from things we had around. You know, you didn't have to go out Lb9t_XPLrU8-00046-00026464-00027056 and make a completely finished product or have important materials that would go in a museum. Lb9t_XPLrU8-00047-00027112-00027832 So I was paired with a video artist. Um, I don't understand video. (Laugh) It doesn't Lb9t_XPLrU8-00048-00027832-00028720 speak to me very much in a way that I can respond to, in a warm way. That's just a personal thing. Lb9t_XPLrU8-00049-00028720-00029439 But she started out and her, um, her art was way way way farther out than I would even. I would Lb9t_XPLrU8-00050-00029439-00029872 never have looked at this artist's work, ever. I would have seen the first 10 seconds and said no, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00051-00029872-00030439 I'm not interested. Well, I was forced to because I made a commitment, so I had to look at her Lb9t_XPLrU8-00052-00030439-00030960 pieces and some of them made me uncomfortable and some of them were, there was a lot of writhing and Lb9t_XPLrU8-00053-00030960-00031272 nudity and all kinds of interesting things and I'm kind of going what am I going to do Lb9t_XPLrU8-00054-00031272-00031624 with this? How am I going to respond? But then you start looking at things, just like you look Lb9t_XPLrU8-00055-00031624-00032136 at people with disabilities, it's something that, that's just there, it's just something to accept. Lb9t_XPLrU8-00056-00032200-00032712 So that's where I ended up. Anyway, this piece that I created, um, was just made with stuff I Lb9t_XPLrU8-00057-00032712-00033400 had around the house. I called it "Can You Hear". So this piece, um, is an automata Lb9t_XPLrU8-00058-00033400-00033808 and the eggbeater moves, so what it does is that, the, I had a broken cell phone in the house, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00059-00033808-00034384 I had this old egg beater, and I made the little wooden base for it, and you turn the crank of the Lb9t_XPLrU8-00060-00034384-00035096 handle and the egg beater beats on the machine. It beats on the front of the, the phone and, um, it Lb9t_XPLrU8-00061-00035096-00035696 makes this kind of clackety bangy. It wobbles back and forth. It's kind of amusing. So there it is. Lb9t_XPLrU8-00062-00035784-00036296 Just this, and you can't really hear it, but it makes this kind of clackety weird sound, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00063-00036296-00036728 but my thought on the process was that we've got all these gadgets, we've got all this stuff, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00064-00036728-00037496 but we're still trapped in this with this little box that doesn't always work for us, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00065-00037496-00037752 and I thought, I keep, I kept thinking about, you know, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00066-00037920-00038632 disabled materials, disabled, um, machines and how we've got all this great stuff now but we're still Lb9t_XPLrU8-00067-00038632-00039136 sort of trapped in this whole idea of not being able to hear, not being able to see, not being Lb9t_XPLrU8-00068-00039136-00039720 able to communicate, even though we're connected. So that's the genesis of that particular piece and Lb9t_XPLrU8-00069-00039720-00040184 I decided to submit it, and here we all are in this lovely grouping of people, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00070-00040184-00040672 you know, I'm, I'm delighted and, and, and I, I must tell you that I appreciate, I'm, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00071-00040672-00041200 I'm inspired by all you people. I'm saying the thing but it's great, because it's a world that Lb9t_XPLrU8-00072-00041200-00042024 since I'm not in directly, I don't understand sometimes, um, how people are viewed, and it Lb9t_XPLrU8-00073-00042024-00042856 makes me very upset that, that people aren't just taken for granted. Um, like you had said, Abigail, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00074-00042928-00043376 why is my other friend, why are you focusing on me? Stop it! Why did, why do people walk up Lb9t_XPLrU8-00075-00043376-00043768 to pregnant women in a grocery store and think that they can put their hand on their stomach, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00076-00043768-00044328 for god's sake! So let's just, you know, let's, let's bring this, this this thing that Laura's Lb9t_XPLrU8-00077-00044328-00044736 got here, let's bring it in and make it, make it so it's so cool. It's cool to have Lb9t_XPLrU8-00078-00044792-00045416 a cool walker or a cool chair. Doesn't make life any less complicated on certain levels. but it's Lb9t_XPLrU8-00079-00045416-00046000 cool. It's, it's another accessory, and that's how I would like to to view it. So, there it is, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00080-00046000-00046632 that's my story. Thanks, Laura! Thank you so much for joining us, I was really appreciating it, and Lb9t_XPLrU8-00081-00046632-00047304 also because we didn't have anything about hearing. Right. In other pieces. So I am trying Lb9t_XPLrU8-00082-00047304-00047952 to do this as inclusively as possible, and that was not a topic we touched on in past exhibits, Lb9t_XPLrU8-00083-00047952-00048480 so that was a real pressure on that one, like, great! Thank you. Okay, there you go. Lc46TiH3Ys8-00000-00000754-00001179 Community safety is our top priority and we have an exceptional record of Lc46TiH3Ys8-00001-00001179-00001563 protecting Queensland. From the establishment of the first Brisbane jail Lc46TiH3Ys8-00002-00001563-00002094 in 1850, Corrective Services now span across the state with 11 high security Lc46TiH3Ys8-00003-00002094-00002701 and 6 low security correctional centres, 13 work camps, 36 district offices and Lc46TiH3Ys8-00004-00002701-00003277 more than 150 reporting locations. We are deeply embedded in our local communities Lc46TiH3Ys8-00005-00003277-00003753 and we are proud to support our regional and remote towns, throughout our work, to Lc46TiH3Ys8-00006-00003753-00004290 ensure community safety. We know from international research that providing Lc46TiH3Ys8-00007-00004290-00004819 access to key programs such as community service, prison industries and work camps Lc46TiH3Ys8-00008-00004819-00005205 has a direct relationship with rehabilitation and reducing the Lc46TiH3Ys8-00009-00005206-00005554 likelihood of prisoners and offenders reoffending. Lc46TiH3Ys8-00010-00005864-00006314 We provide programs, education, job training and work camp opportunities Lc46TiH3Ys8-00011-00006314-00006768 to more than 8,000 prisoners in full-time custody in preparation for their release and Lc46TiH3Ys8-00012-00006769-00007156 reintegration into society, from correctional centres, farms and work Lc46TiH3Ys8-00013-00007156-00007576 camps. Prison industries operates workshops in each high-security Lc46TiH3Ys8-00014-00007576-00008056 Correctional Centre. We produce a range of manufactured components and assemble Lc46TiH3Ys8-00015-00008056-00008440 goods for clients and have contributed to key tourism initiatives such as Lc46TiH3Ys8-00016-00008440-00008890 signage projects, kit toilets for national parks and manufacturing of Lc46TiH3Ys8-00017-00008890-00009448 various boat and camping trailers. Our capabilities include assembly, laundry, Lc46TiH3Ys8-00018-00009448-00009951 metal fabrication, textile and clothing, plastics, timber and joinery and Lc46TiH3Ys8-00019-00009951-00010447 agriculture and horticulture. Prison industries provides mutual benefits for Lc46TiH3Ys8-00020-00010447-00010888 prisoners and clients, where prisoners gain real work experience and skills and Lc46TiH3Ys8-00021-00010888-00011287 clients can access cost-effective, high quality goods and services at Lc46TiH3Ys8-00022-00011287-00011691 competitive rates. We have strict processes in place to Lc46TiH3Ys8-00023-00011691-00012042 ensure prison industries do not disadvantage local businesses or work Lc46TiH3Ys8-00024-00012042-00012546 opportunities. We actively seek to work in partnership with local industry to Lc46TiH3Ys8-00025-00012546-00012910 provide a competitive edge against imports or offshore production. Lc46TiH3Ys8-00026-00012910-00013297 The work camp program is one of the most successful prisoner rehabilitation schemes Lc46TiH3Ys8-00027-00013297-00013697 in Australia, injecting millions of dollars worth of labour into regional Lc46TiH3Ys8-00028-00013700-00014262 Queensland through community services each year. There are 13 work camp sites Lc46TiH3Ys8-00029-00014262-00014790 across Queensland, with 11 camps of male prisoners and two camps of female prisoners. Lc46TiH3Ys8-00030-00014790-00015156 Geographically they are spread from as far south as Dirrabandi, near Lc46TiH3Ys8-00031-00015156-00015609 the New South Wales border, to as far north as Innisfail. Work camps provide Lc46TiH3Ys8-00032-00015609-00016019 valuable labour for community service projects in regional Queensland, while Lc46TiH3Ys8-00033-00016019-00016422 also providing prisoners with an opportunity to make reparation. Lc46TiH3Ys8-00034-00016422-00016944 Glengallan Homestead is a tourist attraction on the Darling Downs at Warwick. Lc46TiH3Ys8-00035-00016944-00017742 We've been open for 17 years now, and the ladies have been cleaning the homestead Lc46TiH3Ys8-00036-00017742-00018500 for about 15 years. They do polishing the furniture inside, cleaning windows, Lc46TiH3Ys8-00037-00018500-00019143 vacuuming the floor, sweeping the verandahs, and they've been also enabled to help us Lc46TiH3Ys8-00038-00019143-00019710 with restoring the cedar doors on the homestead, which haven't been done for Lc46TiH3Ys8-00039-00019710-00020350 many, many years. And it takes the pressure off some of our volunteers and myself. Lc46TiH3Ys8-00040-00020350-00020744 Yeh, we get the ladies from the work camp here in Warwick. They've been Lc46TiH3Ys8-00041-00020745-00021306 fantastic. I think in last two or three years when we've had them here, they do a Lc46TiH3Ys8-00042-00021306-00021792 lot of cleaning, especially on carriages and rolling stock. They've been a great Lc46TiH3Ys8-00043-00021792-00022137 help. Sometimes we think 'oh wouldn't it be good if they can come more than once Lc46TiH3Ys8-00044-00022137-00022551 a month' but that once a month they really scrub it from top to bottom. Lc46TiH3Ys8-00045-00022551-00022989 On Saturday, when we go out, and the first comment we get from most of the Lc46TiH3Ys8-00046-00022989-00023332 passengers is 'oh isn't it in beautiful condition'. Lc46TiH3Ys8-00047-00023332-00023964 The work completed by prisoners is an invaluable resource contributing to the regional tourism. Lc46TiH3Ys8-00048-00023964-00024356 It includes the ongoing maintenance of parks and showgrounds, the restoration of Lc46TiH3Ys8-00049-00024357-00024762 significant landmarks and buildings of historical importance and preparation Lc46TiH3Ys8-00050-00024762-00025140 for large-scale events, which bring tourists from far and wide to invest in Lc46TiH3Ys8-00051-00025140-00025456 our outback communities. Lc46TiH3Ys8-00052-00026212-00026652 Community service is an invaluable opportunity for offenders to give back Lc46TiH3Ys8-00053-00026652-00027177 to the community they've harmed against and contribute to regional tourism. Lc46TiH3Ys8-00054-00027177-00027645 From graffiti removal to beautification activities and garden maintenance, our Lc46TiH3Ys8-00055-00027645-00028120 officers are dedicated to ensuring projects provide valuable labor to our Lc46TiH3Ys8-00056-00028120-00028432 local communities, where and when they need it. Lc46TiH3Ys8-00057-00028432-00028872 The community service programs, which Community Corrections operate statewide, Lc46TiH3Ys8-00058-00028872-00029344 assist offenders to develop employment skills to better their future. Lc46TiH3Ys8-00059-00029344-00029795 For some people, who may have never had a job in their life, this can have a massive Lc46TiH3Ys8-00060-00029797-00030358 impact on their future. Some of our more remote towns heavily rely on our Lc46TiH3Ys8-00061-00030358-00030763 community service workers because logistically, they just aren't the Lc46TiH3Ys8-00062-00030763-00031216 resources for these projects to continually operate without them. Lc46TiH3Ys8-00063-00031216-00031702 We are proud to provide this labor through each of our local projects to support our Lc46TiH3Ys8-00064-00031702-00032188 regional and remote towns in encouraging tourists both internationally and from Lc46TiH3Ys8-00065-00032188-00032736 across Australia to experience our unique Outback and invest in our local economies. LdKsfEHkO4U-00000-00000000-00000700 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm LdKsfEHkO4U-00001-00000700-00000964 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm LdKsfEHkO4U-00002-00000964-00001140 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm LdKsfEHkO4U-00003-00001140-00001839 hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00004-00001839-00002540 hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys 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guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00008-00004640-00005340 hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00009-00005340-00006040 hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00010-00006040-00006090 Take me LdKsfEHkO4U-00011-00006090-00006698 hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00012-00006698-00006850 hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00013-00006850-00007002 hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00014-00007002-00007154 hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00015-00007154-00007306 hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00016-00007306-00007458 hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00017-00007458-00007609 hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00018-00007609-00007762 hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00019-00007762-00007914 hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00020-00007914-00008066 hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00021-00008066-00008218 hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00022-00008218-00008370 hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00023-00008370-00008522 hey guys its daisy here LdKsfEHkO4U-00024-00008522-00009222 hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here hey guys its daisy here LeKScjX0CfY-00000-00002156-00002400 Let me show you what arrived LeKScjX0CfY-00001-00003020-00003120 let me see LeKScjX0CfY-00002-00003797-00004120 Hello My friends, I´m Gonzalo Codesal, From Buenos Aires Argentina LeKScjX0CfY-00003-00004120-00004454 I'm Really happy because we are having success LeKScjX0CfY-00004-00004472-00004700 each video be better than previous LeKScjX0CfY-00005-00004700-00005260 it surpasses it in views, surpasses them in comments and reproduction time LeKScjX0CfY-00006-00005346-00005596 And in likes LeKScjX0CfY-00007-00005656-00005850 today we are launching a new series LeKScjX0CfY-00008-00005889-00006129 Its call "Llego la Medca De Dia" (The Merchan Days arrived) LeKScjX0CfY-00009-00006363-00006618 his name says what it is about LiYkiFtm4eA-00000-00000206-00000514 The next step in the data lifecycle is action. LiYkiFtm4eA-00001-00000514-00000919 Knowledge for the sake of knowledge is a noble pursuit and valuable in it's own right. LiYkiFtm4eA-00002-00000919-00001312 However, in order for data to be valuable to our business, it must lead to some form LiYkiFtm4eA-00003-00001314-00001416 of action. LiYkiFtm4eA-00004-00001416-00001936 So, in data science we use the results of our data analysis to take an action of some kind. LiYkiFtm4eA-00005-00001936-00002367 This stage begins with making a decision on what action to take based on the data and LiYkiFtm4eA-00006-00002367-00002542 our analysis. LiYkiFtm4eA-00007-00002542-00002972 This may also include making the decision not to act (i.e. choosing inaction based on LiYkiFtm4eA-00008-00002972-00003092 our analysis). LiYkiFtm4eA-00009-00003092-00003510 Next, we take the appropriate action in order to affect positive change. LiYkiFtm4eA-00010-00003510-00003940 For example, we might approve a customer for a loan, recommend a product on our website, LiYkiFtm4eA-00011-00003940-00004178 or change a business process. LiYkiFtm4eA-00012-00004178-00004628 Finally, this stage ends with an outcome which is either positive, negative, or resulted LiYkiFtm4eA-00013-00004628-00004821 in no change at all. LiYkiFtm4eA-00014-00004821-00005160 We need to observe and record the outcome of our actions as data, because we're going LiYkiFtm4eA-00015-00005160-00005520 to use this outcome in the final step in our process. LiYkiFtm4eA-00016-00005520-00005734 Action from data can take on many forms. LiYkiFtm4eA-00017-00005734-00005976 For example: We can make a decision based upon our own LiYkiFtm4eA-00018-00005976-00006276 data analysis and then act upon our decision. LiYkiFtm4eA-00019-00006276-00006648 We can communicate our findings to a wider audience in order to encourage others to take LiYkiFtm4eA-00020-00006648-00006809 a specific action. LiYkiFtm4eA-00021-00006809-00007225 Or we can automate a decision-making process with a computer so that the action happens LiYkiFtm4eA-00022-00007225-00007623 automatically when the right pattern of data are observed by the machine. LiYkiFtm4eA-00023-00007623-00007939 No matter who is performing the action, we always want to make sure that we've chosen LiYkiFtm4eA-00024-00007939-00008176 the best action given the data. Ljb-hvXj96U-00000-00004736-00005288 alrighty guys welcome back to the shop the knife makers of youtube organized by tyrell knifeworks Ljb-hvXj96U-00001-00005288-00005680 are competing once again in a knife makers challenge this time around we're going to Ljb-hvXj96U-00002-00005680-00006096 be making daggers i really appreciate these challenges and the work that goes Ljb-hvXj96U-00003-00006096-00006504 into setting them up so major shout out to the other competitors and mr tyrell Ljb-hvXj96U-00004-00006568-00006928 i gotta say i've always felt slightly behind the eight ball in these challenges Ljb-hvXj96U-00005-00006928-00007400 i'm not used to working on a timeline and this dagger was a mad dash to the finish line Ljb-hvXj96U-00006-00007400-00007880 once again i'll be making a style of knife i haven't made before not only have i never made Ljb-hvXj96U-00007-00007880-00008424 this dagger but i've also never made a knife at this size this dagger was an excellent opportunity Ljb-hvXj96U-00008-00008424-00008912 to test out the saucer small wheel attachment sent to me by george from northridge tool Ljb-hvXj96U-00009-00008912-00009304 the kit comes with a few different sizes and a platen to cut your belts with Ljb-hvXj96U-00010-00009304-00009816 i think the belt cutter is particularly a good idea it works by replacing your existing platen Ljb-hvXj96U-00011-00009816-00010288 and inserting a razor blade from the back of the platen through the belt once i had the belts cut i Ljb-hvXj96U-00012-00010288-00010880 scribed some grind lines and a bar of 1084 and set it up on my work rest so that i could cut a fuller Ljb-hvXj96U-00013-00010880-00011408 in the center of the bar overall like everything from northridge these saucer small wheels are a Ljb-hvXj96U-00014-00011408-00011848 really well made item however in this application i wasn't particularly happy Ljb-hvXj96U-00015-00011848-00012336 with the results in the fuller i think a big part of it was the user error of me using j Ljb-hvXj96U-00016-00012336-00012856 flex belts with this attachment i went back and looked over northridge's instagram and they used Ljb-hvXj96U-00017-00012856-00013408 the attachment with a more rigid ceramic belt this likely would have produced a better result and Ljb-hvXj96U-00018-00013408-00013952 i'll try it in the future for sure also looking at their instagram the saucer small wheel appears to Ljb-hvXj96U-00019-00013952-00014447 do a darn good job at cutting serrations and i could see it being used for a gut hook as well Ljb-hvXj96U-00020-00014447-00014888 as always i appreciate george giving me the opportunity to test some new attachments and Ljb-hvXj96U-00021-00014888-00015384 i plan to keep messing around with the saucer in future projects to finish out the fuller on this Ljb-hvXj96U-00022-00015384-00015944 dagger i resorted to my largest small wheel and was able to achieve my desired dimensions i worked Ljb-hvXj96U-00023-00015944-00016512 the finish up to a 400 grit cork belt now that the fuller is ground nice and centered in my bar Ljb-hvXj96U-00024-00016512-00017056 i'll work on profiling the dagger i made a template in nanocad which is a free cat software Ljb-hvXj96U-00025-00017056-00017520 and then printed it out with two pieces of paper which i taped together to get the full length Ljb-hvXj96U-00026-00017520-00017952 getting the template centered on the fuller i just ground was pretty challenging and it took Ljb-hvXj96U-00027-00017952-00018416 a little finagling around i ended up cutting some windows in the template so that i can line them Ljb-hvXj96U-00028-00018416-00019064 up with the center line of the bar to remove bulk material out of this 250 000 thick piece of 1084 Ljb-hvXj96U-00029-00019064-00019584 i started with my bench top bandsaw being such a thick piece of material the cutting was slow but Ljb-hvXj96U-00030-00019584-00020200 the job got done i did the rest of the profiling down to my template lines with the northridge 2x72 Ljb-hvXj96U-00031-00020200-00020720 i started off in the normal vertical orientation to remove bulk material then laid the grinder Ljb-hvXj96U-00032-00020720-00021288 down horizontally to achieve smooth square lines along the dagger's edge with a dagger it seems Ljb-hvXj96U-00033-00021288-00021776 like you're constantly chasing symmetry and to make my life easier i decided to mill each side Ljb-hvXj96U-00034-00021776-00022392 of the dagger so that i have a parallel datum to work from i achieved this by using my 3990 mini Ljb-hvXj96U-00035-00022392-00022960 mill from littlemachineshop.com and a one-half of an inch end mill i did a whole video on this mill Ljb-hvXj96U-00036-00022960-00023448 a couple of months ago and have been extremely happy with its performance thus far once i have Ljb-hvXj96U-00037-00023448-00024000 nice flat parallel surfaces to work with i used a height scribe on my granite surface plate to mark Ljb-hvXj96U-00038-00024000-00024456 out some guidelines one thing i found out with this project which was really rhetorical Ljb-hvXj96U-00039-00024456-00024992 is that grinding bevels on a dagger is difficult normally you're attempting to get two bevels Ljb-hvXj96U-00040-00024992-00025440 even and symmetrical but obviously on a dagger you're going to be doing this with four bevels Ljb-hvXj96U-00041-00025440-00025927 with a long blade like this one i'm finding the push stick method to work fairly well Ljb-hvXj96U-00042-00025927-00026424 and you can see here that i'm using a teflon push stick to apply pressure into the belt Ljb-hvXj96U-00043-00026424-00026800 at this point in the process i'm just trying to get the bevels rough ground in before heat Ljb-hvXj96U-00044-00026800-00027312 treating and i'll come back to true everything up post tempering to harden this blade i'll be Ljb-hvXj96U-00045-00027312-00027864 using my diy heat treating oven i built this oven a while back and have a full video tutorial posted Ljb-hvXj96U-00046-00027864-00028376 on how i did it if you're interested the steel i'm working with came annealed from the vendor and i'm Ljb-hvXj96U-00047-00028376-00029072 just going to be running some normalization cycles before quenching it i did one at 1600 one at 1550 Ljb-hvXj96U-00048-00029072-00029560 and then i quenched at 1500 in the park's 50 quenching after which i clamped the blade in Ljb-hvXj96U-00049-00029560-00030064 my straightening plates to ensure i came out of the process with a straight dagger the blade stays Ljb-hvXj96U-00050-00030064-00030552 straight and hardened up nicely you may have seen during the quench that i had a little fireball Ljb-hvXj96U-00051-00030552-00030976 which doesn't normally happen to me i'm thinking it's because i had a lot more steel here than i'm Ljb-hvXj96U-00052-00030976-00031408 used to working with and the knife maintained a higher heat than i normally have pulling Ljb-hvXj96U-00053-00031408-00031952 out of the oil all that said i did have a fire extinguisher handy and i would advise all of you Ljb-hvXj96U-00054-00031952-00032544 to have multiple fire extinguishers in your shop i ran two two hour tempering cycles on this blade at Ljb-hvXj96U-00055-00032544-00033264 390 degrees fahrenheit then moved over to the 2x72 to start cleaning up my bevels fuller and plunges Ljb-hvXj96U-00056-00033320-00033848 i worked the fuller back to a 400 grit cork belt finish and progressively work my bevels and Ljb-hvXj96U-00057-00033848-00034456 plunges up to a 320 grit j-flex belt i also used my surface grinding attachment to clean up the Ljb-hvXj96U-00058-00034456-00035088 ricasso area before fully dialing in my plunges on the waterfall platen i decided to hand sand up Ljb-hvXj96U-00059-00035088-00035704 all my bevels to a 320 grit rhino wet sandpaper finish it's at this point that the thought went Ljb-hvXj96U-00060-00035704-00036184 through my mind that this blade would look awesome stonewashed however i abandoned this thought in Ljb-hvXj96U-00061-00036184-00036752 order to match the apple iphone emoji that i was shooting for i started using a waterfall platen Ljb-hvXj96U-00062-00036752-00037264 after watching master smith kyle royer and it's done pretty good for me i really need to order Ljb-hvXj96U-00063-00037264-00037816 some trisack j flex belts to try out on it since the belt bump with the aluminum oxide j-flex belts Ljb-hvXj96U-00064-00037816-00038280 can be a pain to deal with with the little bevels and a dagger it was a bit of a challenge to index Ljb-hvXj96U-00065-00038280-00038848 a knife onto the platen but with some patience i got the job done in the next operations i'll Ljb-hvXj96U-00066-00038848-00039408 be doing some milling on the tang along with some threading so i wanted to soften it up so i started Ljb-hvXj96U-00067-00039408-00039936 at the tip of the tang with a torch and worked the straw color back towards my ricasso i was Ljb-hvXj96U-00068-00039936-00040448 shooting for a straw color right at the ricasso and a bluish color towards the end of the tank Ljb-hvXj96U-00069-00040448-00041008 i used a quarter of an inch carbide end mill to mill in my shoulders and then i also relieve the Ljb-hvXj96U-00070-00041008-00041592 ricasso by around eight thousandths of an inch to make my guard fitting easier i then move towards Ljb-hvXj96U-00071-00041592-00042152 the tang side of the knife by around a quarter of an inch and relieved an additional five 000 of an Ljb-hvXj96U-00072-00042152-00042648 inch there this ensures i won't have to deal with the majority of the tang while fitting my guard Ljb-hvXj96U-00073-00042648-00043040 this process worked out pretty darn good for me and definitely makes you realize how valuable Ljb-hvXj96U-00074-00043040-00043568 a minnie mouse can be for the knife maker after i got the milling done on the tang i remove material Ljb-hvXj96U-00075-00043568-00044064 from the tang downstream of the milling to make sure it was thinner than the milled section if you Ljb-hvXj96U-00076-00044064-00044536 don't do this the guard slot would end up being too big for the milled ricasso to clean things Ljb-hvXj96U-00077-00044536-00045048 up i also rounded over most of the corners of the tang with a slack belt for my guard i'm going to Ljb-hvXj96U-00078-00045048-00045528 be using a 3 8 thick piece of stainless steel to get everything prepped for the slotting and Ljb-hvXj96U-00079-00045528-00046112 fitting i start off by milling the guard square on all four flats this ensures i'm not going to have Ljb-hvXj96U-00080-00046112-00046680 any unwanted misalignments throughout the process the 3990 mill with this one and one half of an Ljb-hvXj96U-00081-00046680-00047224 inch face mill did a great job and i really like the finish that the face mill put on the guard Ljb-hvXj96U-00082-00047224-00047752 i've been asked about this face mill a few times on instagram so i'll put an affiliate link to it Ljb-hvXj96U-00083-00047752-00048288 in this video's description i picked up this guard slotting method i'll be using today from Ljb-hvXj96U-00084-00048288-00048856 soon to be master smith carl anderson he uses some clamps on his mill table to set up table stops Ljb-hvXj96U-00085-00048856-00049392 on each side of the slot then progressively mills a slot deeper i like his method and i think i'll Ljb-hvXj96U-00086-00049392-00049920 be building some integral table stops for this mill in the near future using my newly installed Ljb-hvXj96U-00087-00049920-00050360 digital readout i milled the slot pretty much exactly to the thickness of the tang i'm fitting Ljb-hvXj96U-00088-00050360-00050864 plus around one or two thousandths of an inch on the back end of the guard i used a larger quarter Ljb-hvXj96U-00089-00050864-00051391 inch end mill to relieve my guard slot and make it so that i'm not fussing around with fitting Ljb-hvXj96U-00090-00051391-00051888 more than 40 thousandths of an inch of the guard the corners of my guard slot are rounded due to Ljb-hvXj96U-00091-00051888-00052376 the end mill so i use a file that has been surface ground on the flats to square up these corners Ljb-hvXj96U-00092-00052440-00052824 this will allow the guard to fit into the tank's shoulders without any gaps Ljb-hvXj96U-00093-00052824-00053272 once i have the corners fairly square i'll test fit the guard onto the tang by driving it on Ljb-hvXj96U-00094-00053272-00053840 with a hammer this process is repeated until i have a square guard fit without any visible gaps Ljb-hvXj96U-00095-00053840-00054288 i'm not going to lie i'm still a novice with this process so this took me a few hours to complete Ljb-hvXj96U-00096-00054288-00054752 to my liking guard fitting is one of those knife making processes that can really distinguish a Ljb-hvXj96U-00097-00054752-00055240 skilled knife maker from a newbie and requires a significant amount of practice to get right Ljb-hvXj96U-00098-00055240-00055648 i'm still learning for sure and have a long way to come but i was pretty darn happy with the fit up Ljb-hvXj96U-00099-00055648-00056176 i achieved on this guard now that the guard is fit we're going to move on to the handle i'll be using Ljb-hvXj96U-00100-00056176-00056664 a piece of ebony for my handle on the stagger which i think obviously matches the emoji color Ljb-hvXj96U-00101-00056664-00057224 pretty darn well like the guard my first step is to make the block square and true with a one and Ljb-hvXj96U-00102-00057224-00057688 one half of an inch face mill on my mini mill this process can be a little messy so i make sure to Ljb-hvXj96U-00103-00057688-00058264 have the shop back running i purchased some extra long 3 16 7 inch end mills for slotting my tanks Ljb-hvXj96U-00104-00058264-00058752 this allows me to use my mill to slot the handleblock tank holes which is really nice it Ljb-hvXj96U-00105-00058752-00059376 took me a while to find this guy on amazon so like the face mail i'll put a link to it below having Ljb-hvXj96U-00106-00059376-00059896 a nice crisp tank slot in your handle really helps the fitting process and reduces some of Ljb-hvXj96U-00107-00059896-00060504 the hand work at this juncture i decided to round over the part of my tang that i'll be threading i Ljb-hvXj96U-00108-00060504-00060952 really wish i would have taken more time here to describe in some layout lines but i guess i was Ljb-hvXj96U-00109-00060952-00061376 in a hurry and just winged it on the belt grinder everything ended up working out but i had to make Ljb-hvXj96U-00110-00061376-00061944 some adjustments later in the build to accommodate my hastiness for my pommel i ordered some one and Ljb-hvXj96U-00111-00061944-00062512 one half of an inch 416 stainless cut-offs on ebay and i was able to get around 30 pounds of Ljb-hvXj96U-00112-00062512-00063232 cut-offs for around 50 bucks i used my 1930s atlas craftsman lathe to clean up the face of this bar Ljb-hvXj96U-00113-00063232-00063744 and also turned in some champers i ended up leaving the turned finish of my pommel because Ljb-hvXj96U-00114-00063744-00064120 i thought it would look cool however at the end of the project i wish i would have brought them Ljb-hvXj96U-00115-00064120-00064640 up to a satin finish i cut my pommel out of the bar with a hacksaw since i really suck at using Ljb-hvXj96U-00116-00064640-00065072 the cutting tool on my lathe and then cleaned up the other side of it with the pommel turned Ljb-hvXj96U-00117-00065072-00065504 i clamped it up in my mill vise to mill in a flat this will be the part of the pommel that Ljb-hvXj96U-00118-00065504-00066088 fits up against my ebony handle i then use an edge finder to start locating the center of my pommel Ljb-hvXj96U-00119-00066088-00066552 while this center finding method is possible without a digital readout i never took the time to Ljb-hvXj96U-00120-00066552-00067040 use it since it was kind of a pain to do but with a dro this process is really precise and quick Ljb-hvXj96U-00121-00067112-00067512 once i get the center started i drill a one quarter of an inch hole all the way through the Ljb-hvXj96U-00122-00067512-00068096 pommel and i'll eventually turn the pommel over and mill in a 5 16 of an inch shoulder to accept Ljb-hvXj96U-00123-00068096-00068680 my finial while i have the center of the pommel found i use my dro to locate some dowel pin holes Ljb-hvXj96U-00124-00068744-00069136 these pins will allow me to put the knife together and take it apart multiple times Ljb-hvXj96U-00125-00069136-00069608 during the fit up process and have all the pieces oriented the same way each time Ljb-hvXj96U-00126-00069608-00070176 like i mentioned i'll be using a piece of 5 16 of an inch stainless steel for my finial so i'm Ljb-hvXj96U-00127-00070176-00070808 going to use a 5 16 of an inch end mill to mill in a shoulder on my pommel once i got it all lined up Ljb-hvXj96U-00128-00070808-00071320 in the middle adding this shoulder was painless the last piece we need to make here is the finial Ljb-hvXj96U-00129-00071320-00071912 i'll be forming this guy on the lathe using an e32 collette and my four jaw chuck i really Ljb-hvXj96U-00130-00071912-00072376 need to get with littlemachineshop.com and get their opinion on a three-jaw chuck for my lathe Ljb-hvXj96U-00131-00072376-00072840 in order to make turning these small diameter pieces easier but this is what i had so i rolled Ljb-hvXj96U-00132-00072840-00073464 with it i turned down the 5 16 of an inch rod to around a quarter of an inch and then Ljb-hvXj96U-00133-00073464-00073944 drilled a hole in the center of the finial to accept the threads of my tank generally Ljb-hvXj96U-00134-00073944-00074520 i like to use a 10 32 thread but i reduced my tank diameter a little too much on the grinder Ljb-hvXj96U-00135-00074520-00075112 and had the thread a 10 24. once i got it threaded i cleaned it up with some sandpaper and drilled an Ljb-hvXj96U-00136-00075112-00075560 eighth of an inch hole on the end to give me a way to put the knife together and take it apart Ljb-hvXj96U-00137-00075616-00076032 now that all the pieces are made i went back to the guard and handled to drill my locator pins Ljb-hvXj96U-00138-00076088-00076504 i centered them up in the middle and then used the same dimensions i had on the pommel Ljb-hvXj96U-00139-00076504-00076976 this is a little different than the spacer method i've used in the past but it seemed to work out Ljb-hvXj96U-00140-00076976-00077480 pretty well once again this is a major flex on the part of the digital readout once you get one of Ljb-hvXj96U-00141-00077480-00077928 these bad boys you'll wonder how you ever use the mill with apple if you all are interested in what Ljb-hvXj96U-00142-00077928-00078480 it takes to install a dro on a mini mill i'll put my video tutorial in the cards above at this point Ljb-hvXj96U-00143-00078480-00078960 in the build all the handle pieces are fitted up and all we have to do now is get them shaped i Ljb-hvXj96U-00144-00078960-00079488 drew up a guard shape and nano cad and printed it out i then cut out a fourth of it and glued it to Ljb-hvXj96U-00145-00079488-00080064 a thin piece of sheet metal this will be the guide i use to scribe the shape of my desired guard into Ljb-hvXj96U-00146-00080064-00080624 my existing guard i clamp the template onto the face of the guard while fitted onto the blade and Ljb-hvXj96U-00147-00080624-00081256 scribe all four quadrants this ensures my fitted guard will be nice and symmetrical to the ricasso Ljb-hvXj96U-00148-00081256-00081792 using the band saw and the 2 by 72 belt grinder i removed material down to my scribe lines Ljb-hvXj96U-00149-00081792-00082392 i brought the sides up to a 320 grit finish this is really one of the nice use cases for a grinder Ljb-hvXj96U-00150-00082392-00082784 that can tilt horizontally since all my scratches will be going in the appropriate direction Ljb-hvXj96U-00151-00082848-00083400 i'm going to be grinding in a chamfer around the entire guard and to do this i decided to rig up an Ljb-hvXj96U-00152-00083400-00083864 extension to my work rest this will allow me to use my grinder in the horizontal position Ljb-hvXj96U-00153-00083864-00084400 to rough in and finish this chamfer i'll be grinding in this chamfer at around 50 degrees Ljb-hvXj96U-00154-00084400-00084840 i started off by marking in some target grind lines with my height gauge and the surface plate Ljb-hvXj96U-00155-00084840-00085328 i then pulled up a stool to the grinder and spent around an hour roughing in the chamfers with a 60 Ljb-hvXj96U-00156-00085328-00085856 grit belt and finished them out all the way to a 400 grit cork belt with the guard finished up i Ljb-hvXj96U-00157-00085856-00086328 moved on to the handle i found this handle pretty darn hard to keep symmetrical but i guess that's Ljb-hvXj96U-00158-00086328-00086816 everything with a dagger i'll ground in a slight palm swell in the center of the handle in order Ljb-hvXj96U-00159-00086816-00087368 to fill the hand comfortably i used a one two three block covered with masking tape to rest the Ljb-hvXj96U-00160-00087368-00087936 ricasso of my blade on and mark out some target grind lines i also marked off where the edges Ljb-hvXj96U-00161-00087936-00088520 of the pommel land on my handle so that i don't over grind past them once i cleaned up the back Ljb-hvXj96U-00162-00088520-00088976 end and the handle i marked some angles on the front of the handle block in order to accommodate Ljb-hvXj96U-00163-00088976-00089496 the guard dimensions during the initial shaping process of this handle i kept everything very Ljb-hvXj96U-00164-00089496-00089976 angular this helped me move the facets around in order to achieve the best symmetry i could Ljb-hvXj96U-00165-00090032-00090448 while they looked cool they weren't comfortable in hand and i ended up rounding everything over Ljb-hvXj96U-00166-00090512-00091112 to achieve this rounding i used a slack belt on my 2x72 belt driver after i had sanded the entire Ljb-hvXj96U-00167-00091112-00091600 handle up to a thousand grit finish i gently bullnosed over a portion of the handle to meet Ljb-hvXj96U-00168-00091600-00092080 up with the palm the handle at this point was kind of a pain to manage and i really need to build a Ljb-hvXj96U-00169-00092080-00092552 jig to hold handles like this in the future before we can put this guy together i need to make one Ljb-hvXj96U-00170-00092552-00093120 more pass at hand sanding the blade and etch in my maker's mark i'll be using my diy etching machine Ljb-hvXj96U-00171-00093120-00093528 i made a while ago on the channel if you go back to that video please don't judge the production Ljb-hvXj96U-00172-00093528-00094080 quality because it's pretty bad since i get asked on just about every video now i get my stencils Ljb-hvXj96U-00173-00094080-00094648 from tus industries alright this is the start of the final assembly i'm going to be epoxying this Ljb-hvXj96U-00174-00094648-00095128 whole handle together i start off by driving the guard onto the ricasso ensuring there is Ljb-hvXj96U-00175-00095128-00095744 no gapping i then mix up some epoxy and carefully drip it into the recessed section on the back of Ljb-hvXj96U-00176-00095744-00096256 the guard i used to slap the whole handle together at this point but i really have been liking this Ljb-hvXj96U-00177-00096256-00096744 alternate method i installed my guard jack onto the tang in order to apply even pressure to the Ljb-hvXj96U-00178-00096744-00097336 guard and hold it in its appropriate place while the epoxy dries this ensures nothing moves around Ljb-hvXj96U-00179-00097336-00097800 and i have a perfect guard fit before moving on to the rest of the handle like i said earlier i Ljb-hvXj96U-00180-00097800-00098432 have a long way to go but this is the best guard fit i've been able to achieve to date after the Ljb-hvXj96U-00181-00098432-00099032 epoxy has had time to cure i remove the guard jack and clean up any stray epoxy with a piece of brass Ljb-hvXj96U-00182-00099104-00099520 i make a few adjustments to the angle of my ebony block and then it's time to assemble Ljb-hvXj96U-00183-00099520-00100048 the rest of the handle i'll be using some west systems g-flex epoxy to get everything glued up Ljb-hvXj96U-00184-00100104-00100520 i start gluing up on the bench but quickly found that it was more convenient to do this in the vise Ljb-hvXj96U-00185-00100584-00101104 i took my time and poured the epoxy into the annulus between the tang and the epoxy block being Ljb-hvXj96U-00186-00101104-00101600 sure to work out any air bubbles once the bubbles were all cleared out and the handle was full of Ljb-hvXj96U-00187-00101600-00102200 epoxy i carefully installed my pommel and locator pins followed by the finial i carefully tightened Ljb-hvXj96U-00188-00102200-00102816 the finial and then left to handle the cure for 24 hours after the epoxy was cured i used a hacksaw Ljb-hvXj96U-00189-00102816-00103311 to cut off the bulk material on the finial and then cleaned up the rest of it to a 400 grit cork Ljb-hvXj96U-00190-00103311-00103880 belt finish on the belt grinder i then used my housework sharpening kit on the 2x72 belt grinder Ljb-hvXj96U-00191-00103880-00104408 running in reverse to sharpen the blade this was a pretty darn challenging blade to sharpen Ljb-hvXj96U-00192-00104408-00104792 and i made a few mistakes that i had to go back and fix on the hand sanding bench Ljb-hvXj96U-00193-00104848-00105296 looking back over this project i probably should have hollow ground this blade since my resulting Ljb-hvXj96U-00194-00105296-00105816 blade geometry was a little obtuse part of my inspiration for this dagger other than the apple Ljb-hvXj96U-00195-00105816-00106359 iphone emoji were the daggers used by crusaders i'm not sure about this but i feel like knights Ljb-hvXj96U-00196-00106359-00106983 would air on the side of a robust stabbing dagger than a thin flexible slicey dagger to fight other Ljb-hvXj96U-00197-00106983-00107448 knights and armor like i said though i'm not a historian and could be way wrong about that Ljb-hvXj96U-00198-00107520-00107952 so with that i'm going to first go over some things i really like about this blade and then Ljb-hvXj96U-00199-00107952-00108440 some things i didn't like before i do i encourage all y'all to go down into the description Ljb-hvXj96U-00200-00108440-00108983 or pinned top comment and vote on your favorite night from the participating youtube channels Ljb-hvXj96U-00201-00108983-00109440 and don't worry my feelings won't be hurt at all if y'all don't vote for mine there are other Ljb-hvXj96U-00202-00109440-00109904 knives that i've seen in this challenge so far that for sure deserve your votes more than mine Ljb-hvXj96U-00203-00109959-00110392 okay so the things i like about this dagger first of all i feel like it does a good job Ljb-hvXj96U-00204-00110392-00110935 at looking like the apple dagger emoji and since that was my goal i can check that off the list Ljb-hvXj96U-00205-00110992-00111408 the second thing i really like about this knife is the guard fit i really took my time with Ljb-hvXj96U-00206-00111408-00111904 the guard and ricasso area of this knife and i think it showed on the finished project i know Ljb-hvXj96U-00207-00111904-00112264 i've mentioned this in previous videos but i'm still learning the ropes on hidden tang knife Ljb-hvXj96U-00208-00112264-00112752 construction and i'm happy to improve from knife to knife this handle fit up was one of the best Ljb-hvXj96U-00209-00112752-00113320 i've done so far and that's great now on to the things i don't like about the dagger first and Ljb-hvXj96U-00210-00113320-00113792 foremost a dagger is blade heavy i really should have attempted a hologram in this dagger and the Ljb-hvXj96U-00211-00113792-00114296 fuller could have gone all the way through the tip the grind resulted in a really obtuse edge that is Ljb-hvXj96U-00212-00114296-00114824 more suited for chopping and slicing however like i mentioned a crusader may not have minded that Ljb-hvXj96U-00213-00114824-00115320 since he'd used a dagger to parry sword blows and stabbed through armor i really don't like Ljb-hvXj96U-00214-00115320-00115783 how i left the turned finish on the faces of the pommel while i thought it could look cool Ljb-hvXj96U-00215-00115783-00116272 and ended up just looking unfinished to me and my last gripe with this blade was symmetry it may be Ljb-hvXj96U-00216-00116272-00116792 hard to tell but there are some slight symmetrical issues with the blade and ebony handle while the Ljb-hvXj96U-00217-00116792-00117280 casual user won't see it i see it after being intimately tied to this dagger's construction Ljb-hvXj96U-00218-00117352-00117768 to those of you who i've seen in the comments that may not like how i critique my blades at the end Ljb-hvXj96U-00219-00117768-00118328 of my videos i do apologize that it bothers you however let me try to explain why i feel it's Ljb-hvXj96U-00220-00118328-00118904 so important in knife making and in reality any important endeavor in your life you have to be Ljb-hvXj96U-00221-00118904-00119400 critical of your work and hold yourself to a high standard in order to improve on this channel i'm Ljb-hvXj96U-00222-00119400-00119904 not coming to you as a professional knife maker but as a novice who is still trying to learn to Ljb-hvXj96U-00223-00119904-00120480 craft so please keep that in mind as always i love seeing any feedback in the comment section below Ljb-hvXj96U-00224-00120544-00120864 so if y'all got something out of this video please consider subscribing to the channel Ljb-hvXj96U-00225-00120864-00121983 and smash that like button until next time i'll catch you all on the flip side LnpWBgY_wmI-00000-00000075-00000791 To turn on the Waiting Room for a Zoom Room--first, it would depend on whether it's your Personal LnpWBgY_wmI-00001-00000791-00001088 Meeting Room or a scheduled room. LnpWBgY_wmI-00002-00001088-00001420 So let's do the Personal Meeting Room first. LnpWBgY_wmI-00003-00001420-00001760 Click on Personal Meeting Room and you scroll down. LnpWBgY_wmI-00004-00001760-00002143 And you go "Edit this meeting". LnpWBgY_wmI-00005-00002143-00002623 If you scroll down, you'll have this option right here under Meeting Options that says LnpWBgY_wmI-00006-00002623-00002771 "Enable waiting room". LnpWBgY_wmI-00007-00002771-00003036 You want to select that and then you'll just hit save. LnpWBgY_wmI-00008-00003036-00003597 It will bring you back to this page and you'll see that it (Waiting Room) is enabled. LnpWBgY_wmI-00009-00003597-00004014 So that's how you do it with Personal Meeting Rooms, if it is a meeting that you have set LnpWBgY_wmI-00010-00004014-00004382 up, you find that in your Upcoming Meetings. LnpWBgY_wmI-00011-00004382-00004530 You click on the link. LnpWBgY_wmI-00012-00004530-00005334 It brings you to the Meeting Set Up page and you hit the "Edit this Meeting" button. LnpWBgY_wmI-00013-00005334-00005730 Again, you scroll down and you find "Enable waiting room". LnpWBgY_wmI-00014-00005730-00005852 You select that. LnpWBgY_wmI-00015-00005852-00006212 You hit Save and you're all set. LnpWBgY_wmI-00016-00006212-00006430 So that is how you enable the waiting room. MoDsIDrXOEg-00000-00000613-00003000 [Kamen Rider RX OST Opening indonesian Version] MoDsIDrXOEg-00002-00006271-00006609 Hi all, whats up? MoDsIDrXOEg-00003-00006609-00006905 Good day MoDsIDrXOEg-00004-00006905-00007175 incase idk good morning, good evening & good night MoDsIDrXOEg-00005-00007175-00007311 welcome to my youtube channel MoDsIDrXOEg-00006-00007311-00007634 with me: Purnomo a.k.a. Tartul MoDsIDrXOEg-00007-00007634-00008242 2d, 3d, vfx & tarantula keeper MoDsIDrXOEg-00008-00008246-00008543 if you dont mind MoDsIDrXOEg-00009-00008544-00008990 please push: liked, subcribe & notification button MoDsIDrXOEg-00010-00009010-00009592 the simple things that you do help me to produce more MoDsIDrXOEg-00011-00009622-00010130 if you wanna watch the video now, please go to minute: 3 MoDsIDrXOEg-00012-00010152-00010406 digital painting im showing you now MoDsIDrXOEg-00013-00010406-00011114 only use a dual core, 2 gb ram, without gpu laptop MoDsIDrXOEg-00014-00011138-00011984 if tou wnna know more: im using acer aspire 4730Z MoDsIDrXOEg-00015-00012022-00012370 wow thats ancient? thats right this laptop from 2010 MoDsIDrXOEg-00016-00012372-00012622 im using genius pentab MoDsIDrXOEg-00017-00012636-00013166 so if you have technically issue, you can share with me MoDsIDrXOEg-00018-00013182-00013668 Everyone can do digital painting MoDsIDrXOEg-00019-00013668-00013963 im using photoshop cs3 MoDsIDrXOEg-00020-00013991-00014241 in windows 7 MoDsIDrXOEg-00021-00014272-00014619 Before this im using photoshop cs2 MoDsIDrXOEg-00022-00014619-00014997 but always force close MoDsIDrXOEg-00023-00015018-00015368 so im google it & find out the problem MoDsIDrXOEg-00024-00015386-00015682 not compatible with windows 7 MoDsIDrXOEg-00025-00015716-00016040 ok, he we go, lets start the timelapse MoDsIDrXOEg-00026-00016040-00016368 im going to speed up, but you can pause it & rewind. in case boredom with long video MoDsIDrXOEg-00027-00053688-00053858 this is it, the finnaly rendered MoDsIDrXOEg-00028-00053905-00054329 so he we are, the last minute of the videos MoDsIDrXOEg-00029-00054358-00054662 i hope the videos helped you MoDsIDrXOEg-00030-00054690-00055248 if you like. please push like, Subscribe & notification button MoDsIDrXOEg-00031-00055276-00055741 feel free to ask any question MoDsIDrXOEg-00032-00055774-00056039 see you next time MoDsIDrXOEg-00033-00056040-00056505 take care & thanks for watching my videos M4kuYI90TPu-00000-00000000-00000413 [ MUSIC ] M4kuYI90TPu-00001-00000413-00001455 Earth's Magnetosphere - presented by Science@NASA M4kuYI90TPu-00002-00001455-00001993 Enveloping our planet and protecting us from the fury of the Sun is a giant bubble of magnetism M4kuYI90TPu-00003-00001993-00002546 called the magnetosphere. It deflects most of the solar material sweeping towards us M4kuYI90TPu-00004-00002546-00003110 from our star at 1 million miles per hour or more. Without the magnetosphere, M4kuYI90TPu-00005-00003110-00003582 the relentless action of these solar particles could strip the Earth of its protective layers, M4kuYI90TPu-00006-00003582-00003956 which shield us from the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. M4kuYI90TPu-00007-00003956-00004446 It's clear that this magnetic bubble was key to helping Earth develop into a habitable planet. M4kuYI90TPu-00008-00004446-00005090 Compare Earth to Mars - a planet that lost its magnetosphere about 4.2 billion years ago. M4kuYI90TPu-00009-00005090-00005566 The Solar wind is thought to have stripped away most of Mars' atmosphere, M4kuYI90TPu-00010-00005566-00005882 possibly after the red planet's magnetic field dissipated. M4kuYI90TPu-00011-00005882-00006505 This has left Mars as the stark, barren world we see today through the 'eyes' of NASA orbiters and rovers. M4kuYI90TPu-00012-00006505-00007023 By contrast, Earth's magnetosphere seems to have kept our atmosphere protected. M4kuYI90TPu-00013-00007023-00007645 Eftyhia Zesta of the Geospace Physics Laboratory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center notes, M4kuYI90TPu-00014-00007645-00008280 "If there were no magnetic field, we might have a very different atmosphere left without life as we know it." M4kuYI90TPu-00015-00008280-00008761 Understanding our magnetosphere is a key element to helping scientists M4kuYI90TPu-00016-00008761-00009185 someday forecast space weather that can affect Earth's technology. M4kuYI90TPu-00017-00009185-00009803 Extreme space weather events can disrupt communications networks, GPS navigation, and electrical power grids. M4kuYI90TPu-00018-00009803-00010503 The magnetosphere is a permeable shield. The solar wind will periodically connect to the magnetosphere M4kuYI90TPu-00019-00010503-00011217 forcing it to reconfigure. This can create a rift, allowing energy to pour into our safe haven. M4kuYI90TPu-00020-00011217-00011745 These rifts open and close many times daily or even many times hourly. M4kuYI90TPu-00021-00011745-00012261 Most of them are small and short-lived; others are vast and sustained. M4kuYI90TPu-00022-00012261-00012811 With the Sun's magnetic field connecting to Earth's in this way, the fireworks start. M4kuYI90TPu-00023-00012811-00013515 Zesta says, "The Earth's magnetosphere absorbs the incoming energy from the solar wind, M4kuYI90TPu-00024-00013515-00013996 and explosively releases that energy in the form of geomagnetic storms and substorms." M4kuYI90TPu-00025-00013996-00014524 How does this happen? Magnetic lines of force converge and reconfigure, M4kuYI90TPu-00026-00014524-00015082 resulting in magnetic energy and charged-particles flying off at intense speeds. M4kuYI90TPu-00027-00015082-00015594 Scientists have been trying to learn why this crisscrossing of magnetic field lines, M4kuYI90TPu-00028-00015594-00016287 called magnetic reconnection, triggers such a violent explosion, opening the rifts into the magnetosphere. M4kuYI90TPu-00029-00016287-00016808 NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, or MMS, was launched in March 2015 M4kuYI90TPu-00030-00016808-00017338 to observe the electron physics of magnetic reconnection for the first time. M4kuYI90TPu-00031-00017338-00017707 Bristling with energetic particle detectors and magnetic sensors, M4kuYI90TPu-00032-00017707-00018355 the four MMS spacecraft flew in close formation to areas on the front side of Earth's magnetosphere M4kuYI90TPu-00033-00018355-00019009 where magnetic reconnection occurs. MMS has since been conducting a similar hunt in the magnetosphere's tail. M4kuYI90TPu-00034-00019009-00019741 MMS complements missions from NASA and partner agencies, such as THEMIS, Cluster, and Geotail, M4kuYI90TPu-00035-00019741-00020329 contributing critical new details to the ongoing study of Earth's magnetosphere. M4kuYI90TPu-00036-00020329-00020735 Together, data from these investigations not only help unravel the fundamental physics of space, M4kuYI90TPu-00037-00020735-00021031 but also help improve space weather forecasting. M4kuYI90TPu-00038-00021031-00021794 For more on the active space that surrounds Earth, stay tuned to science.nasa.gov. M7vmwcIfTJE-00000-00000021-00000217 Welcome to 5-Minute German Grammar. M7vmwcIfTJE-00001-00000217-00000357 Thank you for watching! M7vmwcIfTJE-00002-00000357-00000819 This presentation will introduce separable prefix verbs. M7vmwcIfTJE-00003-00000819-00001366 There are two types of verb prefixes in German: Separable and inseparable. M7vmwcIfTJE-00004-00001366-00001867 Both types change the meaning of the original verb, although it is sometimes difficult to M7vmwcIfTJE-00005-00001867-00002272 predict what the exact nature of this change will be. M7vmwcIfTJE-00006-00002272-00002671 Let's take a look at the verb “kommen” (“to come” or “arrive”) to see this M7vmwcIfTJE-00007-00002671-00002936 idea in action. M7vmwcIfTJE-00008-00002936-00003469 Most separable prefixes are generally related to prepositions, so it is possible to guess M7vmwcIfTJE-00009-00003469-00003992 the meaning of the new verb based on the original meaning of the preposition. M7vmwcIfTJE-00010-00003992-00004480 With the verb “mitkommen” (“to accompany” or “to come along”) one can see the dative M7vmwcIfTJE-00011-00004480-00004973 preposition “mit” (meaning “with”) at the beginning of the verb. M7vmwcIfTJE-00012-00004973-00005523 Roughly translated, then, the new verb means “to come with,” which is very close to M7vmwcIfTJE-00013-00005523-00005782 the dictionary definition “to accompany.” M7vmwcIfTJE-00014-00005782-00006436 It is important to know that, when pronouncing separable prefix verbs, the prefix will be M7vmwcIfTJE-00015-00006436-00006820 stressed (“mitkommen”). M7vmwcIfTJE-00016-00006820-00007304 Inseparable prefixes are not related to prepositions and generally do not have a meaning that can M7vmwcIfTJE-00017-00007304-00007606 be directly translated into English. M7vmwcIfTJE-00018-00007606-00008215 For example, the prefix “ent-” can indicate the act of removing something from an object, M7vmwcIfTJE-00019-00008215-00008621 a conversion to an opposite condition, or the beginning of an action. M7vmwcIfTJE-00020-00008621-00009138 It is difficult, therefore, to determine the meaning of “entkommen” (meaning “to M7vmwcIfTJE-00021-00009138-00009516 escape”) by looking only at the prefix and the verb. M7vmwcIfTJE-00022-00009516-00009775 One simply must memorize the definition. M7vmwcIfTJE-00023-00009775-00010377 It is important to know that, when pronouncing inseparable prefix verbs, the root of the M7vmwcIfTJE-00024-00010377-00010982 verb – and not the prefix – will be stressed (“entkommen”). M7vmwcIfTJE-00025-00010982-00011520 Separable prefixes are so-called because, when they are used in a sentence, the separable M7vmwcIfTJE-00026-00011520-00011879 prefix will come at the end of the sentence or clause. M7vmwcIfTJE-00027-00011879-00012235 Let's take a look at “mitkommen” once again to clarify this point. M7vmwcIfTJE-00028-00012235-00012746 In the sentence you see on the screen, “Ich komme heute abend mit” (“I will come along M7vmwcIfTJE-00029-00012746-00013269 this evening”), the separable prefix has been removed from the verb stem and comes M7vmwcIfTJE-00030-00013269-00013569 at the very end of the sentence. M7vmwcIfTJE-00031-00013569-00014080 You will notice, however, that the conjugation of the verb stem has not been changed in the M7vmwcIfTJE-00032-00014080-00014188 process. M7vmwcIfTJE-00033-00014188-00014685 It still agrees with the first-person singular personal pronoun (“Ich”), which is the M7vmwcIfTJE-00034-00014685-00014825 subject of the sentence. M7vmwcIfTJE-00035-00014825-00015472 If a verb with a separable prefix is used in a subordinate clause, then the verb stem M7vmwcIfTJE-00036-00015472-00015838 will rejoin the prefix at the end of that clause. M7vmwcIfTJE-00037-00015838-00016358 For example: “Sie wissen, dass ich heute abend mitkomme” (“They know, that I will M7vmwcIfTJE-00038-00016358-00016587 come along this evening”). M7vmwcIfTJE-00039-00016587-00017104 We will examine subordinate clauses in a later presentation. M7vmwcIfTJE-00040-00017104-00017495 Even though the verb stem comes at the end of the clause, you will see that it still M7vmwcIfTJE-00041-00017495-00018009 agrees with the first-person singular personal pronoun (“ich”), which is the subject M7vmwcIfTJE-00042-00018009-00018216 of the clause. M7vmwcIfTJE-00043-00018216-00018684 This changes, however, when another verb appears in the second position. M7vmwcIfTJE-00044-00018684-00019193 For example: “Ich darf heute abend mitkommen” (“I may come along this evening”). M7vmwcIfTJE-00045-00019193-00019873 In this case, the modal verb “darf” (meaning “may”) appears in the second position, M7vmwcIfTJE-00046-00019873-00020348 which then “kicks” the verb stem in its infinitive form to the end of the sentence, M7vmwcIfTJE-00047-00020348-00020698 where it rejoins the separable prefix. M7vmwcIfTJE-00048-00020698-00021244 The topic of modal verbs, like subordinate clauses, is something we will cover in a later M7vmwcIfTJE-00049-00021244-00021434 presentation. M7vmwcIfTJE-00050-00021434-00022016 The 5-Minute German Grammar series is produced by David Neville, Associate Professor of German. M7vmwcIfTJE-00051-00022016-00022624 The videos, scripts, and lecture slides are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike M7vmwcIfTJE-00052-00022624-00022815 4.0 International license. M7vmwcIfTJE-00053-00022815-00022995 Don't be a square – remix and share! M9op1dt6Dyk-00000-00000047-00000138 One more time... M9op1dt6Dyk-00001-00000138-00000233 Please do it again! M9op1dt6Dyk-00002-00000329-00000590 Congratulations on your solo album!!! M9op1dt6Dyk-00003-00000844-00001147 [Nine's 1-minute introduction of the album "beyOnd"] [#Fast #Accurate] M9op1dt6Dyk-00004-00001147-00001250 [Having a meal] M9op1dt6Dyk-00005-00001250-00001581 I'll show you my favorite photo now! M9op1dt6Dyk-00006-00001581-00001670 [Drumroll] M9op1dt6Dyk-00007-00001670-00001859 Actually, this isn't the favorite photo but I want to show you anyway. M9op1dt6Dyk-00008-00001985-00002083 I look awesome. M9op1dt6Dyk-00009-00002083-00002296 And this is my favorite photo! M9op1dt6Dyk-00010-00002296-00002462 [Nine picked this photo as his favorite!] M9op1dt6Dyk-00011-00002462-00002578 Seriously... M9op1dt6Dyk-00012-00002578-00002761 This one right here is my favorite. [The two Nines are next to each other.] M9op1dt6Dyk-00013-00002761-00002919 [He definitely knows what we want.] M9op1dt6Dyk-00014-00002919-00003225 I'm sitting here, imagining that lyOns are next to me... M9op1dt6Dyk-00015-00003225-00003346 [We love that idea too. ;) ♥] M9op1dt6Dyk-00016-00003346-00003639 Ta-da~ [Also revealing the back cover of his album] M9op1dt6Dyk-00017-00003639-00003772 Wanna see the photo card? M9op1dt6Dyk-00018-00004122-00004306 [This must be the best way to show us.] M9op1dt6Dyk-00019-00004306-00004387 Red card! [Nine's warning.] M9op1dt6Dyk-00020-00004438-00004603 Wanna see one more? M9op1dt6Dyk-00021-00004668-00004780 [What did we just see...] M9op1dt6Dyk-00022-00005075-00005221 [Yes, he's human and not an inflatable tube man.] M9op1dt6Dyk-00023-00005221-00005336 [A common reaction of lyOns after watching his MV] M9op1dt6Dyk-00024-00005336-00005656 Alright then. LyOns, I'm gonna go now. M9op1dt6Dyk-00025-00005656-00005741 See ya! M9op1dt6Dyk-00026-00005741-00005999 I love you~ [Please show lots of interest and love for Nine's "beyOnd"!] MqY0VrM3vIY-00000-00000006-00000524 The topic of today is what is the future of dropshipping in 29 MB on MqY0VrM3vIY-00001-00001275-00001739 All right, so the way I see drop shipping is it's always gonna be around MqY0VrM3vIY-00002-00001807-00002393 So the answer that question straightaway I get asked a lot is is dropshipping dying. So MqY0VrM3vIY-00003-00002446-00003002 No, it's not dying. It's evolving. Okay, like anything in life once something becomes a MqY0VrM3vIY-00004-00003102-00003785 Standard that never dies. It just changes. Okay, if we look at the evolution of everything in our lives, it's never die MqY0VrM3vIY-00005-00003786-00003879 That's just changed MqY0VrM3vIY-00006-00003879-00004079 if you look at Facebook with MqY0VrM3vIY-00007-00004080-00004340 Facebook went through a period a tough period with MqY0VrM3vIY-00008-00004354-00004940 The data breach people said it was going to die. And what happened? It didn't die. It evolved decay it MqY0VrM3vIY-00009-00005007-00005525 Transitioned itself into a different company that now won't let that happen again MqY0VrM3vIY-00010-00005532-00005747 and it's the same with drop shipping is MqY0VrM3vIY-00011-00005794-00006450 So what's going to happen with drop shipping more now is so people are still gonna be using Aliexpress overlay drop right all that MqY0VrM3vIY-00012-00006475-00007127 To ship their products what's gonna happen now is is that shipping is becoming the big thing? MqY0VrM3vIY-00013-00007173-00007839 Okay, so with the amount of competitors in the market for drop shipping here MqY0VrM3vIY-00014-00007903-00008103 the incentive is MqY0VrM3vIY-00015-00008152-00008745 Now the advantage is the people going to the excretory of the customer service. Okay, so that's the big difference MqY0VrM3vIY-00016-00008799-00009147 And then customer service is one of the big things that we can control is shipping MqY0VrM3vIY-00017-00009165-00009581 so if you're marketing to United States, for instance, which most of us are MqY0VrM3vIY-00018-00009636-00010259 Myself included that's where I primarily focus most of my my attention and for my clients and everything MqY0VrM3vIY-00019-00010365-00011018 So what the solution there is to use fulfillment centers. So there's like ship Bob. There's CJ drop shipping MqY0VrM3vIY-00020-00011018-00011465 So let's say shit Bob is you have to buy inventory and you send it to the fulfillment center MqY0VrM3vIY-00021-00011545-00011895 CJ drop shipping is they source the products into their fulfillment centers and MqY0VrM3vIY-00022-00011953-00012371 You pay whatever the price they quote. Okay for that product just takes a bit of time MqY0VrM3vIY-00023-00012439-00013118 The difference between that do is these shipping times ship Bob literally has like a two three day turnover get the item MqY0VrM3vIY-00024-00013118-00013340 Okay. Now people have always MqY0VrM3vIY-00025-00013429-00013901 Never taken this serious, but I have a number of clients and including myself MqY0VrM3vIY-00026-00013965-00014513 Where as a result of these fast shipping times customers come back time and time and time again, you know what they do MqY0VrM3vIY-00027-00014568-00015092 So looks triggers and then they come back and they give a review when they buy again MqY0VrM3vIY-00028-00015093-00015419 so that's what just one future and not being way ahead with that and MqY0VrM3vIY-00029-00015531-00015998 I'm not saying that I'm I'm better than anyone but I just can see that you know what people MqY0VrM3vIY-00030-00016006-00016653 have forgotten with dropshipping is that it's a customer service orientated business like any business people think MqY0VrM3vIY-00031-00016687-00016887 That they can get away with MqY0VrM3vIY-00032-00017007-00017348 Providing poor customer service. Okay that that is what's changing MqY0VrM3vIY-00033-00017368-00017984 okay, so that's one thing so Facebook's going is going to be even more strict on e-commerce stores and just MqY0VrM3vIY-00034-00018040-00018257 businesses in general providing crappy service MqY0VrM3vIY-00035-00018429-00018553 So MqY0VrM3vIY-00036-00018553-00018836 What's going to happen is peoples and accounts are going to get blocked MqY0VrM3vIY-00037-00018851-00019238 People's business managers are going to get locked down their pixels going to be completely locked as well MqY0VrM3vIY-00038-00019270-00019913 So that's why I've always said that your customer feedback is very important because what happens now is Facebook ordered your business MqY0VrM3vIY-00039-00019954-00020154 through the customers so they'll get a MqY0VrM3vIY-00040-00020235-00020660 Random order but feedback and they'll give you a rating out of five MqY0VrM3vIY-00041-00020660-00021245 Then they'll say you know, what was the best experience? What was the worst experience? Okay, so that's what's going to happen MqY0VrM3vIY-00042-00021376-00021612 Further to this as well MqY0VrM3vIY-00043-00021726-00022334 Providing just crappy products now is not going to cut it. Okay. There's going to be a lot more chargebacks there MqY0VrM3vIY-00044-00022443-00022709 So that's going to not cut it as much anymore MqY0VrM3vIY-00045-00022804-00022998 That's another point MqY0VrM3vIY-00046-00022998-00023198 the other point that's really going to MqY0VrM3vIY-00047-00023268-00023861 happen in drops even more is a lot more branded content a case of people and now going to extra step of MqY0VrM3vIY-00048-00023890-00024384 shipping faster with their product in let's say United States and then actually MqY0VrM3vIY-00049-00024426-00024755 with things like sheep problem that you get your boxes you get your little MqY0VrM3vIY-00050-00024859-00025059 business cards and even MqY0VrM3vIY-00051-00025110-00025226 stamping and basically MqY0VrM3vIY-00052-00025226-00025712 Let's say on the back of your t-shirt or whatever your product okay in your brand name MqY0VrM3vIY-00053-00025713-00026163 and that is what's going to happen evolution is is that MqY0VrM3vIY-00054-00026275-00027002 General stores are becoming tougher unless you're already a big general store that's doing a great amount of testing that's going to become MqY0VrM3vIY-00055-00027037-00027347 Continually harder, so that's why people are moving to niche MqY0VrM3vIY-00056-00027424-00028119 Brainy's stores now and I've always been on that because means you can focus on one type of customer repeat customers MqY0VrM3vIY-00057-00028119-00028388 So if you have rainy days, then you're going to be fine MqY0VrM3vIY-00058-00028408-00028977 The other thing that's going to happen, which I'm seeing because a number of larger dropship is in me MqY0VrM3vIY-00059-00029068-00029312 Are doing is they're using Google more. Okay, so MqY0VrM3vIY-00060-00029364-00029639 now Google is going to be utilized more as a MqY0VrM3vIY-00061-00029691-00030389 ecommerce marketing platform for the general community because people have always thought the Facebook's the quickest and easiest which even in regards it was MqY0VrM3vIY-00062-00030408-00030902 It is definitely the quickest but it's not necessarily the easiest anymore whereas Google is slower MqY0VrM3vIY-00063-00030919-00031505 But it has more room for potential now in many regards. Okay. It's sort of a bit of an untapped industry MqY0VrM3vIY-00064-00031531-00031881 Okay, so people are going to be using that more things like Google shopping MqY0VrM3vIY-00065-00031953-00032735 Google search and Google remarketing. Okay. So okay primarily do Google shopping and Google remarketing on it. Okay, and MqY0VrM3vIY-00066-00032806-00032986 dynamic remarketing MqY0VrM3vIY-00067-00032986-00033246 That's what I mainly use a for and it gets good results MqY0VrM3vIY-00068-00033246-00033659 The thing with Google is it works on PPC pay-per-click as opposed to impressions? MqY0VrM3vIY-00069-00033684-00034103 So what that means is if someone sees the product, but they don't click it. You don't pay anything MqY0VrM3vIY-00070-00034103-00034502 Okay, so that's a big benefit gu the downside is you don't you? MqY0VrM3vIY-00071-00034581-00035144 Typically don't get results as quick or you can't scale as high as you can with Facebook MqY0VrM3vIY-00072-00035149-00035390 all right, the next thing that's going to happen is MqY0VrM3vIY-00073-00035518-00036140 Influencer marketing is sort of coming back as a bit of a temporary trend. However, I see the influence of marketing especially on Instagram MqY0VrM3vIY-00074-00036175-00036596 He's going to become tougher. Okay, because people are all going into the same niches MqY0VrM3vIY-00075-00036603-00037139 All right, and if you don't know what those niches are, it's fashion. It's jewelry. It's it's baby MqY0VrM3vIY-00076-00037174-00037610 It's kitchen and it's sort of house where it garden stuff. Okay? MqY0VrM3vIY-00077-00037611-00038052 So those are the niches that most people are in it and those are the top five niches MqY0VrM3vIY-00078-00038100-00038621 So that that's what's going to happen and it's going to make influencer marketing even more difficult MqY0VrM3vIY-00079-00038706-00038906 and further to this MqY0VrM3vIY-00080-00039069-00039780 My opinion stripe and pay and obviously shot profile any merchants and are going to be more strict on e-commerce because MqY0VrM3vIY-00081-00039914-00040443 Customers have been hurt too much. Okay, so that's that's something to be aware of and that's why MqY0VrM3vIY-00082-00040505-00040951 Again, I know I say this a lot. But this is why I emphasize so much on the automation so much on the backend MqY0VrM3vIY-00083-00040951-00041181 So much on customer retention so much on customer service MqY0VrM3vIY-00084-00041231-00041281 Okay MqY0VrM3vIY-00085-00041281-00041341 You know MqY0VrM3vIY-00086-00041341-00041773 I'm certainly used more Zendesk to help with customer service with G suite and MqY0VrM3vIY-00087-00041810-00041993 trying to emphasize that MqY0VrM3vIY-00088-00041993-00042628 Just things like that do make such a difference because the faster someone can get a response that's saying mini chat the better experience MqY0VrM3vIY-00089-00042628-00043111 They're gonna have the less chance of you a up getting flag, you know, all these things. Okay? MqY0VrM3vIY-00090-00043111-00043563 So what 2019 the core of 2019 is really going to be about MqY0VrM3vIY-00091-00043628-00043995 Is customer service? Okay, so dropshipping started what? MqY0VrM3vIY-00092-00044051-00044592 Yeah, 10 years ago from my understanding and you know all the big boys are already big boys there MqY0VrM3vIY-00093-00044651-00045192 But I guarantee you that back then customer service was there was few stores a kid MqY0VrM3vIY-00094-00045269-00045630 It was easy to market on Facebook was easy to get sales you had to do jack. Oh MqY0VrM3vIY-00095-00045731-00046404 okay, so that that's now changed me out further to this as well the other parts that you know have to emphasize on is if MqY0VrM3vIY-00096-00046405-00046840 You have a winning product and you're scaling it you now have to test your creatives more MqY0VrM3vIY-00097-00046966-00047406 Because it is becoming more competitive so, you know, testing your thumbnails or just testing your copy MqY0VrM3vIY-00098-00047407-00047707 okay, you can use the same video or whatever, but just try and definitely ridges and MqY0VrM3vIY-00099-00047768-00048241 You can get very different results or different copy and you can get different results. Okay? MqY0VrM3vIY-00100-00048299-00048568 and the other part that I see is a MqY0VrM3vIY-00101-00048704-00048981 Mini chat is going to become much bigger MqY0VrM3vIY-00102-00048982-00049027 Okay MqY0VrM3vIY-00103-00049027-00049335 so I've been a big advocate for mini check for a long time and MqY0VrM3vIY-00104-00049370-00049995 I love mini chat and I'm using it more and more and more for my econ businesses and my clients and just everything MqY0VrM3vIY-00105-00050033-00050550 Because it has incredibly high open rates. It's going to have a lot more functionality currently MqY0VrM3vIY-00106-00050551-00050659 It's set for Legion MqY0VrM3vIY-00107-00050659-00051111 But it's definitely going once it taps into the e-commerce and gets that properly set up I can MqY0VrM3vIY-00108-00051140-00051567 guarantee you it will do it because it currently is still a bit of a MqY0VrM3vIY-00109-00051628-00052047 untapped area and people why myself and others MqY0VrM3vIY-00110-00052157-00052622 Most others are mainly just using it just to help with their their click-through rate their YouTube show MqY0VrM3vIY-00111-00052767-00053103 Whereas ecommerce it has huge benefits, okay MqY0VrM3vIY-00112-00053179-00053358 absolutely huge benefits MqY0VrM3vIY-00113-00053358-00053750 so that's pretty much what I see is 2019 for the most part everything else be much the same it's going to be trying to MqY0VrM3vIY-00114-00053751-00053970 Find products so because you're still always going to have to have winners MqY0VrM3vIY-00115-00053986-00054455 But it's going to be about building a brand store and providing really good customer experience MqY0VrM3vIY-00116-00054455-00054483 Okay MqY0VrM3vIY-00117-00054483-00054980 Because if you want to be successful and you're still going to use Facebook Ads Facebook ads will always be viable MqY0VrM3vIY-00118-00054994-00055316 The same is drop the shop shop fire as well as drop shipping MqY0VrM3vIY-00119-00055339-00056018 The bit the thing that is going to differentiate from everyone else. It's going that step further to provide excellent customer service through automation MqY0VrM3vIY-00120-00056079-00056337 faster shipping through fulfillment centers and MqY0VrM3vIY-00121-00056362-00056970 Branding your content through paying that bit of extra to get it on a box get it on there the product okay, though MqY0VrM3vIY-00122-00056970-00057542 That's what's going to happen in 2019. Anyone that's not taking that time once they get get MqY0VrM3vIY-00123-00057604-00058023 Consistency to do that is going to struggle a lot more no matter what people are saying MqY0VrM3vIY-00124-00058023-00058374 I honestly feel from what I see that most MqY0VrM3vIY-00125-00058591-00059075 Just making ends meet and that's the reality that that's just how I feel and MqY0VrM3vIY-00126-00059179-00059618 You know, we see these flashy figures all the time, but that doesn't mean that's their money that's taking home MqY0VrM3vIY-00127-00059638-00059922 Okay, and that that's why I always emphasize MqY0VrM3vIY-00128-00060001-00060121 on MqY0VrM3vIY-00129-00060121-00060291 Going with your gut feeling MqY0VrM3vIY-00130-00060291-00060849 Don't ever think things. You know, this is just on personal basis. Hey guys, so that's pretty much it from this one MqY0VrM3vIY-00131-00060849-00061119 This is just what might think the future of drop shipping is MqY0VrM3vIY-00132-00061201-00061916 What I am getting my stores towards okay, always gearing towards, you know, I think six to twelve months in advance, okay? MqY0VrM3vIY-00133-00061916-00062124 What's that next step? What can I do further? MqY0VrM3vIY-00134-00062146-00062466 If you did like today's video don't forget to Like share and subscribe MqY0VrM3vIY-00135-00062500-00062970 And hit that notification bell from when I provide updates or provide updates twice a week MqY0VrM3vIY-00136-00062991-00063777 All right guys now if I get 100 likes I'm going to be running a competition for a coaching call. Alright, and MqY0VrM3vIY-00137-00063910-00064566 if I get those hundred likes it'll be a half nail coaching call for all the winner and all you have to do is get MqY0VrM3vIY-00138-00064566-00065195 A hundred likes on this video and then if if I see the hundred likes within the next week in that following video MqY0VrM3vIY-00139-00065196-00065596 I'll run a competition for perching Hall which I'll decide at that and MqY0VrM3vIY-00140-00065696-00066297 Someone will be a lucky winner winner getting a coaching call. All right, don't forget to follow me on instagram at ricky haze MqY0VrM3vIY-00141-00066302-00066865 IG my Instagram is growing greatly. I'm getting very close and personal with people. I really like it. Alright guys MqY0VrM3vIY-00142-00066865-00067065 So thanks for your time have a lovely day MsGqgy80If0-00000-00000006-00000546 Hello everyone! Welcome again to Universal English Studio, and as you already know I am Miss Queen, MsGqgy80If0-00001-00000546-00001110 your English teacher. So what are we going to talk about today? Well, today we're going to talk about MsGqgy80If0-00002-00001110-00001734 the Present Continuous, the use of the Present Continuous. Last time we talked about the Present MsGqgy80If0-00003-00001734-00002376 Simple and how it's formed and how it's used, now we'll talk about the Present Continuous, how it's MsGqgy80If0-00004-00002376-00002958 formed and how it's used and in which other cases, apart from the its main use, can we use it. Well, MsGqgy80If0-00005-00002958-00003822 let's get started! So when do we use the Present Continuous? Well, simple. Simply say: "we use the Present MsGqgy80If0-00006-00003822-00004446 Continuous to talk about things happening right now." We use the Present Continuous to talk about MsGqgy80If0-00007-00004446-00005226 things happening right now, in this very moment, right now, at the moment, okay. This is when we MsGqgy80If0-00008-00005226-00006126 use the Present Continuous. For example: I am talking; I am teaching English; You are listening MsGqgy80If0-00009-00006126-00007164 to me; They are playing; okay, We are watching TV; They are dancing; she is...okay, and so forth. So MsGqgy80If0-00010-00007164-00007812 as you've noticed, to form the Present Continuous we need the verb "To Be" - I am, you are, he is, MsGqgy80If0-00011-00007812-00008634 she is, and so forth, plus the main verb. For example: I am teaching; we are learning English; MsGqgy80If0-00012-00008634-00009390 Okay, verb To Be, main verb, but we have to transform the main verb in the ING form, in MsGqgy80If0-00013-00009390-00010422 the -ing form. So not I am teach but I am teaching; not you are listen but you are listening; okay, MsGqgy80If0-00014-00010422-00011070 so that's the Present Continuous. So we use it to talk about what's happening...happening in the very moment MsGqgy80If0-00015-00011070-00011700 we're speaking, in this very moment. Is this the only use of the Present Continuous? Well, this MsGqgy80If0-00016-00011700-00012348 is not the only use but this is its main use. We also use the Present Continuous to talk about the MsGqgy80If0-00017-00012348-00012960 future, for example when something is programmed we can use the Present Continuous also. I could say, MsGqgy80If0-00018-00012960-00013710 for example, "I am visiting my mum next week". Next week, future, I am visiting my mum. Why can MsGqgy80If0-00019-00013710-00014340 I say I am visiting my mum? Well, if everything is programmed, is confirmed, is sure to happen, MsGqgy80If0-00020-00014340-00014802 certain, let's say for example I have taken all necessary steps to visit my mum, MsGqgy80If0-00021-00014802-00015660 I've bought my tickets, I have booked my hotel or my flight, whatever is needed, and I've maybe asked for days MsGqgy80If0-00022-00015660-00016278 off from work, okay, from by boss, I've done everything needed, maybe I'm even preparing or I've even prepared MsGqgy80If0-00023-00016278-00016992 my luggage, so I can say I am visiting my mum next week. Well, we'll talk more about the use...more MsGqgy80If0-00024-00016992-00017538 about the Present continuous, using...using it to refer to the Future, when we talk about the MsGqgy80If0-00025-00017538-00018222 Future. Now let's focus on its main use, which is to talk about what's happening right now. So it's MsGqgy80If0-00026-00018222-00018846 formed with the verb To Be, okay, subject plus verb To Be and the main verb in its -ing form, MsGqgy80If0-00027-00018846-00019374 ING form. This is the use, this is the structure of the Present Continuous and we use it to talk MsGqgy80If0-00028-00019374-00019920 about what's happening now, for example: I am speaking; I am teaching English; MsGqgy80If0-00029-00019920-00020502 and you are listening to me. Thank you so much for having followed this lesson and I hope to see MsGqgy80If0-00030-00020502-00020958 you my next lesson. If you have any questions about this please contact me or you can write MsGqgy80If0-00031-00020958-00021468 your questions or doubts, anything at all, in the comments section. Thank you very much! Bye! MtFUPZVcppA-00000-00000624-00001016 Trump About To Drop MOAB On Armed Leftist Mobs’ ‘Violent’ Strikes Ahead Of Kavanaugh MtFUPZVcppA-00001-00001016-00001191 Confirmation MtFUPZVcppA-00002-00001191-00001661 From the very beginning of all of this, the threats of violence, intimidation, and harassment MtFUPZVcppA-00003-00001661-00001816 have come from the left. MtFUPZVcppA-00004-00001816-00002209 Remember that as this continues to devolve into actual confrontations. MtFUPZVcppA-00005-00002209-00002651 It would make no difference who was nominated to the Supreme Court by President Trump. MtFUPZVcppA-00006-00002651-00003081 Something similar to what is happening now would play out and it probably won’t end MtFUPZVcppA-00007-00003081-00003181 well. MtFUPZVcppA-00008-00003181-00003607 Leftists, such as Antifa and Smash Racism DC, are now calling for violence if Brett MtFUPZVcppA-00009-00003607-00004037 Kavanaugh is ultimately confirmed to the Supreme Court as an associate justice. MtFUPZVcppA-00010-00004037-00004454 The below threads base their call for violent strikes ahead of or after Kavanaugh’s confirmation MtFUPZVcppA-00011-00004454-00004800 on the overturning of Roe vs. Wade which legalized abortion. MtFUPZVcppA-00012-00004800-00004985 That’s just an excuse though. MtFUPZVcppA-00013-00004985-00005290 They plan to get their violence on regardless I would imagine. MtFUPZVcppA-00014-00005290-00005481 It’s what they do. MtFUPZVcppA-00015-00005481-00005867 Immediately after Thursday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Judge Kavanaugh and MtFUPZVcppA-00016-00005867-00006303 his accuser, leftists on Twitter began discussing the need for a “violent general strike” MtFUPZVcppA-00017-00006303-00006433 if he were to be confirmed. MtFUPZVcppA-00018-00006433-00006822 There is a good possibility they might not even wait that long. MtFUPZVcppA-00019-00006822-00007342 These threats come just days after Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his wife Heidi were surrounded MtFUPZVcppA-00020-00007342-00007756 by Smash Racism DC in a DC restaurant and threatened. MtFUPZVcppA-00021-00007756-00008221 After that, the group proceeded to make credible threats against the lives of Senator Cruz, MtFUPZVcppA-00022-00008221-00008699 Judge Kavanaugh, President Trump, and others from their Twitter and Facebook accounts. MtFUPZVcppA-00023-00008699-00008835 Crickets in the media. MtFUPZVcppA-00024-00008835-00009238 However, I take them at their word and I find this very alarming. MtFUPZVcppA-00025-00009238-00009575 The original tweet and thread on this came from someone who has a large following on MtFUPZVcppA-00026-00009575-00009675 Twitter. MtFUPZVcppA-00027-00009675-00010049 Emily Gorcenski is a Data Scientist and a left-wing activist. MtFUPZVcppA-00028-00010049-00010496 She proceeded to ask her 32,000 followers if the confirmation of Kavanaugh would finally MtFUPZVcppA-00029-00010496-00010909 be enough for them to organize a “violent general strike,” not just a “general strike” MtFUPZVcppA-00030-00010909-00011096 but a violent one. MtFUPZVcppA-00031-00011096-00011597 Emily is a very outspoken supporter of Antifa and she’s all in for their violent tactics. MtFUPZVcppA-00032-00011597-00012022 The woman claims to be an anarchist but naturally gravitates towards communism. MtFUPZVcppA-00033-00012022-00012546 Emily also supports Smash Racism DC, the violent group that surrounded Cruz and his wife and MtFUPZVcppA-00034-00012546-00012685 threatened them. MtFUPZVcppA-00035-00012685-00013116 Emily seems to be very much like most on the left, spouting the same kind of rhetoric you MtFUPZVcppA-00036-00013116-00013249 hear from them. MtFUPZVcppA-00037-00013249-00013816 But as I said, she has a large following on Twitter and she is one of only 3,641 people MtFUPZVcppA-00038-00013816-00014315 that is followed by Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey and one of 503 people followed by the Southern MtFUPZVcppA-00039-00014315-00014487 Poverty Law Center‘s “Hate Watch” account. MtFUPZVcppA-00040-00014487-00015005 A number of her followers seem to be enthused by her call to violence against the right. MtFUPZVcppA-00041-00015005-00015188 From Far Left Watch: MtFUPZVcppA-00042-00015188-00015654 “One Twitter user, claiming to be a member of the far-left militia organization, Redneck MtFUPZVcppA-00043-00015654-00016115 Revolt, quote tweeted Emily saying that he “didn’t join Redneck revolt for no reason”, MtFUPZVcppA-00044-00016115-00016577 the implication, of course, being that he is “down” for armed political violence. MtFUPZVcppA-00045-00016577-00017168 “Redneck Revolt is mostly comprised of Communist, Socialists, and other far-left activists. MtFUPZVcppA-00046-00017168-00017580 They claim to have over 30 active cells nationwide and until recently they offered a downloadable MtFUPZVcppA-00047-00017580-00018011 guerrilla warfare manual on their website that included sections on “kidnapping”, MtFUPZVcppA-00048-00018011-00018214 “executions”, and “terrorism”. MtFUPZVcppA-00049-00018214-00018672 “The recent spike in violent rhetoric from the far-left is not a departure from the norm, MtFUPZVcppA-00050-00018672-00018901 it is a return to it. MtFUPZVcppA-00051-00018901-00019361 Far-left political ideologies, like all forms of authoritarianism, are fully dependent on MtFUPZVcppA-00052-00019361-00019716 the use of violence from their proponents and ultimately from the state which they always MtFUPZVcppA-00053-00019716-00020035 seek to expand and grant more centralized power. MtFUPZVcppA-00054-00020035-00020519 Considering that just over a year ago a far-left extremist opened fire on a GOP Congressional MtFUPZVcppA-00055-00020519-00020989 baseball practice game, I sincerely hope our reporting results in an investigation by the MtFUPZVcppA-00056-00020989-00021136 authorities.” MtFUPZVcppA-00057-00021136-00021601 The Democrats fully support Antifa and others such as Smash Racism DC. MtFUPZVcppA-00058-00021601-00022024 Democratic Socialists of America are also in that mix that is supported by the left. MtFUPZVcppA-00059-00022024-00022395 Several of their members were just elected to office as Democrats. MtFUPZVcppA-00060-00022395-00022770 This is certainly not the first time that Antifa has called for violence. MtFUPZVcppA-00061-00022770-00023173 They just recently called for the killing of border enforcement as well. MtFUPZVcppA-00062-00023173-00023273 From Newsweek: MtFUPZVcppA-00063-00023273-00023721 “An Antifa activist compared the Immigration and Customs Enforcement to the Gestapo and MtFUPZVcppA-00064-00023721-00024145 called for the slaughter of “the fascistic Border Patrol dogs and their bosses.” MtFUPZVcppA-00065-00024145-00024602 “In an article published on Thursday on the far-left website Incendiary News, Antifa MtFUPZVcppA-00066-00024602-00025065 activist Ulrike Salazar compared ICE officers to “shadowy Gestapo agents” who “take MtFUPZVcppA-00067-00025065-00025595 away young boys and girls, tear apart families, throw away undesirables into dark and cramped MtFUPZVcppA-00068-00025595-00025695 dungeons.” MtFUPZVcppA-00069-00025695-00026114 “The author also wrote that he hopes this “chapter in American history will also include MtFUPZVcppA-00070-00026114-00026525 the moment when revolutionaries rose up with the masses and slaughtered the fascistic Border MtFUPZVcppA-00071-00026525-00027030 Patrol dogs and their bosses, slaying them with revolutionary fire and justice.” MtFUPZVcppA-00072-00027030-00027389 Watch for President Trump to come down hard on these violent leftists should they pull MtFUPZVcppA-00073-00027389-00027637 anything they threaten. MtFUPZVcppA-00074-00027637-00028650 They won’t know what hit them. Mud9wTM31Fk-00000-00000177-00000455 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00001-00000455-00000505 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00002-00000505-00000555 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00003-00000622-00000822 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00004-00000822-00000872 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00005-00000920-00001120 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00006-00001120-00001170 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00007-00001170-00001220 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00008-00001224-00001274 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00009-00001274-00001324 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00010-00001324-00001374 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00011-00001434-00001634 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00012-00001634-00001684 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00013-00001717-00001917 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00014-00001917-00001967 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00015-00001970-00002020 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00016-00002020-00002070 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00017-00002170-00002370 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00018-00002370-00002420 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00019-00002420-00002470 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00020-00002478-00002678 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00021-00002678-00002728 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00022-00002728-00002778 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00023-00002778-00002828 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00024-00002828-00002878 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00025-00002878-00002928 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00026-00002991-00003191 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00027-00003191-00003241 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00028-00003257-00003457 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00029-00003457-00003507 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00030-00003507-00003557 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00031-00003561-00003761 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00032-00003761-00003811 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00033-00003811-00003861 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00034-00003863-00004063 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00035-00004063-00004113 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00036-00004159-00004359 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00037-00004359-00004409 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00038-00004409-00004459 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00039-00004508-00004708 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00040-00004708-00004758 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00041-00004758-00004808 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00042-00004831-00005031 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00043-00005031-00005081 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00044-00005111-00005161 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00045-00005161-00005211 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00046-00005211-00005261 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00047-00005261-00005311 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00048-00005334-00005384 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00049-00005384-00005434 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00050-00005434-00005484 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00051-00005525-00005725 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00052-00005725-00005775 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00053-00005775-00005825 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00054-00005847-00006047 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00055-00006047-00006097 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00056-00006097-00006147 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00057-00006147-00006347 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00058-00006347-00006397 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00059-00006397-00006447 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00060-00006475-00006675 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00061-00006675-00006725 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00062-00006761-00006961 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00063-00006961-00007011 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00064-00007053-00007253 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00065-00007253-00007303 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00066-00007338-00007538 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00067-00007538-00007588 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00068-00007631-00007831 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mud9wTM31Fk-00069-00007831-00007881 Haryanvi Singer Sapna Choudhary Joins BJP Mv26vu-UYG4-00000-00006436-00006886 welcome to the joy of music my name is Diane bish and I would like to welcome Mv26vu-UYG4-00001-00006886-00007559 you today as we take you on a musical journey of southern Germany it is a Mv26vu-UYG4-00002-00007559-00008092 region filled with unique towns and cities splendid castles half-timbered Mv26vu-UYG4-00003-00008092-00008782 houses in market squares and churches ranging from Romanesque to Rococo today Mv26vu-UYG4-00004-00008782-00009228 our program takes us on a musical journey to famous monasteries churches Mv26vu-UYG4-00005-00009228-00010315 and Abbey's of this beautiful region thank you for joining us Mv26vu-UYG4-00006-00012587-00013113 one of the most unique towns on the north shore of Lake Constance is lindau Mv26vu-UYG4-00007-00013113-00013800 an historical town with bays and winding lanes ancient noble houses castles Mv26vu-UYG4-00008-00013800-00015783 beautiful flowers and vistas and the stately Church of st. Stephen's Mv26vu-UYG4-00009-00019439-00019976 it is my special pleasure to welcome as my guest at st. Stephen's Church in Mv26vu-UYG4-00010-00019976-00020469 Lindau Ann Martindale Williams principal cellist of the Pittsburgh Mv26vu-UYG4-00011-00020469-00021112 Symphony and one of the outstanding Cellists in the world today Mv26vu-UYG4-00012-00055094-00056604 not far from lindau on lake constance is the quaint town of meersburg one of the Mv26vu-UYG4-00013-00056604-00057132 most picturesque towns on lake constance ismir's burg a romantic fairytale Mv26vu-UYG4-00014-00057132-00057774 village with half-timbered houses cobblestone streets old historic castles Mv26vu-UYG4-00015-00057774-00058386 all covered with bright colorful flowers meersburg is actually a town with two Mv26vu-UYG4-00016-00058386-00058920 phases the upper town is built around the old castle and the lower town on the Mv26vu-UYG4-00017-00058920-00059379 lake a stroll from the upper town to the Loire will take you by the castle Mv26vu-UYG4-00018-00059379-00060203 grounds vineyards bustling shops and restaurants all brimming with flowers Mv26vu-UYG4-00019-00074376-00074914 our musical journey of southern Germany continues from meersburg in lake Mv26vu-UYG4-00020-00074914-00075700 constance to the magnificent abbey of vine garden right off the main highway Mv26vu-UYG4-00021-00075700-00076245 from friedrich - to ohm in southern germany we find the awesome abbey of Mv26vu-UYG4-00022-00076245-00077086 vine Garten the abbey church was built between 1715 and 1724 the building has a Mv26vu-UYG4-00023-00077086-00077925 convex facade - spires and a dome all rising high over the town on a hillside Mv26vu-UYG4-00024-00077925-00078564 pilgrims have been coming here for a thousand years to venerate the relic a Mv26vu-UYG4-00025-00078564-00079263 vial of Earth believed to have been soaked with Christ's blood Mv26vu-UYG4-00026-00094399-00094979 one of the crowning glories of the vine garden Abbey is that gobbler organ built Mv26vu-UYG4-00027-00094979-00095684 in the mid 1700s by the deeply religious Joseph cobbler the organ is found high Mv26vu-UYG4-00028-00095684-00096236 above the end of the giant nave the richness of sound of the organ is only Mv26vu-UYG4-00029-00096236-00096857 equalled by the ornamentation and casework no other organ has such rich Mv26vu-UYG4-00030-00096857-00097562 details the keyboards stop knobs the console itself and of course the case Mv26vu-UYG4-00031-00097562-00098135 work of the organ which is artistically displayed so the windows show through Mv26vu-UYG4-00032-00098135-00098939 the facade and pipe work the organ has 64 speaking stops and 5 divisions some Mv26vu-UYG4-00033-00098939-00099437 other very interesting aspects of the organ are the character stops for Mv26vu-UYG4-00034-00099437-00100192 instance unusual for a classical organ is a carillon Mv26vu-UYG4-00035-00101008-00102125 a low signal or a bird stop and a cuckoo stop Mv26vu-UYG4-00036-00118463-00119084 from vine Garten we travel on north to the small village of oxen housing we're Mv26vu-UYG4-00037-00119084-00119688 in the rolling countryside we find another monument of faith the oxen house Mv26vu-UYG4-00038-00119688-00120458 in monastery this pristine monastery as in vine garden houses a gobbler organ Mv26vu-UYG4-00039-00120458-00122858 one of the great organs of southern Germany Mv26vu-UYG4-00040-00156082-00156544 my name is Diane bish and I would like to thank you for being with us today on Mv26vu-UYG4-00041-00156544-00157171 the joy of music as we have brought you a musical journey of southern Germany we Mv26vu-UYG4-00042-00157171-00157642 thank you for joining us and we look forward to seeing you again next week on Mv26vu-UYG4-00044-00161803-00162400 if you would like to purchase today's program or any program in our library of Mv26vu-UYG4-00045-00162400-00163024 over 400 videos and CDs from the great organs and historic churches of the Mv26vu-UYG4-00046-00163024-00163846 world please call one eight hundred nine three three four eight four four we hope Mv26vu-UYG4-00047-00163846-00164750 to hear from you Mv_-6foYZY8-00000-00000000-00002528 Subscribe For More #Shorts Mw8FO6AtIDy-00000-00013818-00014678 Security was tightened after 40 odd CRPF PERSONNEL WERE KILLED IN A SUICIDE ATTACK in February 2019. Mxu417AuxNQ-00000-00000536-00000588 Hi people Mxu417AuxNQ-00001-00000640-00000824 This is a new Godot Tutorial Mxu417AuxNQ-00002-00000927-00001204 Now, we start a new tutorial series Mxu417AuxNQ-00003-00001352-00001480 about "programing" Mxu417AuxNQ-00004-00001592-00002268 I waiting for long to make these tutorials because this subject is very vast... and in some cases mistaken! Mxu417AuxNQ-00005-00002348-00002680 But is a subject that a lot of people feel necessary Mxu417AuxNQ-00006-00002768-00003304 If you is here is because you already feel it Mxu417AuxNQ-00007-00003315-00004200 You notice that the pre made environment sometimes not is capable to make ALL of your dreams Mxu417AuxNQ-00008-00004300-00004716 When this new features begun to be needed. We begin to explore more deep Mxu417AuxNQ-00009-00004760-00004984 always more and more deep inside Mxu417AuxNQ-00010-00005036-00005260 the tool that we have: The Engine Mxu417AuxNQ-00011-00005340-00005776 Until arrive in a point that we call "programing" Mxu417AuxNQ-00012-00005880-00006088 Now we try to make focus in Mxu417AuxNQ-00013-00006160-00006684 a programing language with no prejudice about it. like... Mxu417AuxNQ-00014-00006736-00006864 programing is hard; Mxu417AuxNQ-00015-00006959-00007859 I not have ability to do it; I not need use programing; It's only a NERD junk; Programing not have relationship with Game Development; etc... Mxu417AuxNQ-00016-00007864-00008016 it is only prejudice! Mxu417AuxNQ-00017-00008072-00008720 Of other professions; People have not patience to learn; Lazy people; and at most, trolls Mxu417AuxNQ-00018-00009016-00009256 The most of people, has associate the programing to Mxu417AuxNQ-00019-00009336-00009608 to an alone guy Mxu417AuxNQ-00020-00009652-00010176 closed in a room in front to a black screen with a lot of indecipherable words Mxu417AuxNQ-00021-00010196-00010408 and who read, don't can understand nothing! Mxu417AuxNQ-00022-00010460-00010692 and this guy generally make himself separated of the rest of world... Mxu417AuxNQ-00023-00010756-00010924 without relationship with others!? Mxu417AuxNQ-00024-00010992-00011124 It is a point of view... Mxu417AuxNQ-00025-00011264-00011484 that people have about programmers Mxu417AuxNQ-00026-00011600-00011776 is a prejudice from people out of computer area. Mxu417AuxNQ-00027-00011856-00012424 But... from people near this profile Mxu417AuxNQ-00028-00012496-00012636 begin to arise the "things"! Mxu417AuxNQ-00029-00012736-00012928 People like that, as Alan Turing, Mxu417AuxNQ-00030-00012963-00013096 Ada Lovecale, Mxu417AuxNQ-00031-00013144-00013252 Maddog ( Jon Hall ), Mxu417AuxNQ-00032-00013284-00013408 Richard Stallman, Mxu417AuxNQ-00033-00013491-00013591 among others. Mxu417AuxNQ-00034-00013696-00013791 These people Mxu417AuxNQ-00035-00013860-00014296 closed inside your worlds, appears that Mxu417AuxNQ-00036-00014352-00014496 is producing nothing. But... Mxu417AuxNQ-00037-00014572-00015028 Inside that screen, is born all that is inside his minds. Mxu417AuxNQ-00038-00015247-00015380 It is "programming" Mxu417AuxNQ-00039-00015432-00015772 From it, arises all things that we have today Mxu417AuxNQ-00040-00015819-00015972 like Operation Systems Mxu417AuxNQ-00041-00016047-00016556 with his millions of colours, video capacity, games capacity... Mxu417AuxNQ-00042-00016660-00017064 his fantastic usability, in all systems that we have today Mxu417AuxNQ-00043-00017168-00017316 the cell phones themselves Mxu417AuxNQ-00044-00017432-00017696 today we can programm to... Mxu417AuxNQ-00045-00017724-00017956 cars, refrigerators... Mxu417AuxNQ-00046-00018036-00018264 for a lot of different devices Mxu417AuxNQ-00047-00018324-00018516 Robots already is reality Mxu417AuxNQ-00048-00018740-00019184 Someone of these devices, besides the mechanical structure Mxu417AuxNQ-00049-00019228-00019712 Was need another part that controlled the logic, that have brain to these devices Mxu417AuxNQ-00050-00019768-00019900 At this point enter the programmer Mxu417AuxNQ-00051-00020016-00020488 And you can see that from time these devices go into evolution Mxu417AuxNQ-00052-00020532-00020856 From the PC now whe have a little cell phone, to tablets Mxu417AuxNQ-00053-00020968-00021624 The Google was tried to launch the Glass, that is a little computer in front your eyes Mxu417AuxNQ-00054-00021732-00021916 And I hope that with some studies that Mxu417AuxNQ-00055-00022016-00022388 go arise. For examplo like Mxu417AuxNQ-00056-00022600-00022884 Nicolelis, for example Mxu417AuxNQ-00057-00022932-00023276 Soon we have a user interface Mxu417AuxNQ-00058-00023324-00023716 totally neural. The subject will have some electrodes Mxu417AuxNQ-00059-00023828-00024192 near the cranium, and make their body fully free from gadgets! Mxu417AuxNQ-00060-00024244-00024548 You no more need touch, manipulate Mxu417AuxNQ-00061-00024596-00025208 and no look for nothing. Just use your thinking and you can move objects Mxu417AuxNQ-00062-00025272-00025552 interact with devices, communicate with other people Mxu417AuxNQ-00063-00025664-00025895 ... like a pure Ghost in the Shell... think it. Mxu417AuxNQ-00064-00026020-00026095 Then... Mxu417AuxNQ-00065-00026204-00026527 for each, new interface, someone need to work Mxu417AuxNQ-00066-00026604-00026927 Begin for scratch this new thing, and Mxu417AuxNQ-00067-00026983-00027127 inevitably Mxu417AuxNQ-00068-00027276-00027439 the programmer is necessary. Mxu417AuxNQ-00069-00027600-00028152 Appears that all is done, all is connectable, in modern times. But a huge of new things will born Mxu417AuxNQ-00070-00028224-00028352 The evolution do Mxu417AuxNQ-00071-00028436-00028888 forcing you to create new things. Often you need to use Mxu417AuxNQ-00072-00028972-00029372 a primary force. And this "primary force" is the "programming" Mxu417AuxNQ-00073-00029412-00029676 Is a thing that always follow the computer science Mxu417AuxNQ-00074-00029883-00030116 And now you think: What hell is a computer program? Mxu417AuxNQ-00075-00030412-00030524 A computer Mxu417AuxNQ-00076-00030652-00030912 we spoke "language", but in really Mxu417AuxNQ-00077-00030956-00031095 have a vocabulary Mxu417AuxNQ-00078-00031183-00031383 almost, very extremely smaller than the our. Mxu417AuxNQ-00079-00031616-00032172 Then it use a little set of words to define a work. To you can communicate with it. Mxu417AuxNQ-00080-00032439-00032695 These words we can call "commands" Mxu417AuxNQ-00081-00032700-00033048 We split the programming languages on Mxu417AuxNQ-00082-00033096-00033268 High and Low level Mxu417AuxNQ-00083-00033516-00034016 What is a High-Level language? Imagine you speaking to other man Mxu417AuxNQ-00084-00034092-00034624 You say: Please, get for me an object over that table. Mxu417AuxNQ-00085-00034820-00035084 He will going to the table and get the object. Mxu417AuxNQ-00086-00035204-00036240 For the computer it represent a complex system of commands and concepts that him need to Mxu417AuxNQ-00087-00036356-00036960 find the correct concept to be made. Mxu417AuxNQ-00088-00037052-00037128 For example: Mxu417AuxNQ-00089-00037204-00037580 "go to" - it need to "go" to "someplace" Mxu417AuxNQ-00090-00037664-00038172 "on that table" - is the "someplace" target, to go Mxu417AuxNQ-00091-00038260-00038960 "get" - for we it a simple verb, but to computer it is a command to execute Mxu417AuxNQ-00092-00039104-00039320 "that object" (target to get on target to go) Mxu417AuxNQ-00093-00039360-00039996 and, then, to computer to define that is the object is another hard work, but Mxu417AuxNQ-00094-00040268-00040720 to computer that phrase is something like it! When to us it is normally simple Mxu417AuxNQ-00095-00040796-00041472 To computer is a group of commands and concepts organized to make some action. Mxu417AuxNQ-00096-00041552-00042020 When the computer can understand it in a similar way as we speak Mxu417AuxNQ-00097-00042100-00042316 We call it High-Level Programming Language Mxu417AuxNQ-00098-00042508-00043428 It is realized in some graphical languages, like... [mind in blank]... And languages more cool like Ruby Mxu417AuxNQ-00099-00043500-00044284 when sometimes you is typing your code and note that appears to be "talking" with the machine! These languages can be make it! Mxu417AuxNQ-00100-00044384-00044644 For example: take that object to Ruby is Mxu417AuxNQ-00101-00044740-00045328 made easy, it no need a fine specification about the object. It reach on table and Mxu417AuxNQ-00102-00045392-00045684 the first thing that appears an object, it take it. Like as human Mxu417AuxNQ-00103-00045748-00045900 Then Ruby is a High-Level Programming Language Mxu417AuxNQ-00104-00046004-00046556 It can take a basic object concept, find some like it and take it Mxu417AuxNQ-00105-00046628-00046828 in programming we call it Duck Typing Mxu417AuxNQ-00106-00046940-00047136 we will see it later, Godot make good use of it Mxu417AuxNQ-00107-00047228-00047512 And we have the Low-Level Programming Languages Mxu417AuxNQ-00108-00047584-00047740 An Low-Level Language Mxu417AuxNQ-00109-00047812-00048100 is simply the oposite of the High-Level Mxu417AuxNQ-00110-00048156-00048644 Think so, the computer need to break that phrase in a lot of concepts Mxu417AuxNQ-00111-00048720-00048844 varous little commands Mxu417AuxNQ-00112-00048912-00049044 The go there to it is Mxu417AuxNQ-00113-00049140-00049320 Mean the one need to "turn" Mxu417AuxNQ-00114-00049368-00049596 to "target" direction, and define "target" as "table" Mxu417AuxNQ-00115-00049600-00049752 need find this "target" Mxu417AuxNQ-00116-00049760-00049860 the "table" Mxu417AuxNQ-00117-00049904-00050260 need to make a step, other step, other step... Mxu417AuxNQ-00118-00050308-00050876 successively onto find the "target", that is the "table", and proceed with the remained commands Mxu417AuxNQ-00119-00050924-00051612 Note that I take the actions of first phrase, and monstrously increase the number of items? Mxu417AuxNQ-00120-00051776-00052004 It is a Low-Level Programming Language Mxu417AuxNQ-00121-00052084-00052736 The machine work with little number of commands. As I tell, it have a very low number of words than us. Mxu417AuxNQ-00122-00052872-00053372 The Low-Level Language is a language like the computer spoke. When more it appears to it Mxu417AuxNQ-00123-00053504-00053767 more it is defined "low-level" Mxu417AuxNQ-00124-00053876-00054120 As C++, for example Mxu417AuxNQ-00125-00054264-00054444 under it, we have Assembly! Mxu417AuxNQ-00126-00054516-00055296 Because it, we generally use a intermediary language. The Godot have a script language with a level more high than C++ Mxu417AuxNQ-00127-00055355-00055555 Even so it have a level below... Mxu417AuxNQ-00128-00055596-00055960 But it is sufficient to do a lot of things with few commands Mxu417AuxNQ-00129-00055988-00056388 How much less commands is needed to be made something in a language Mxu417AuxNQ-00130-00056532-00056796 more "agile" it is Mxu417AuxNQ-00131-00056836-00057412 "Agile" is a concept that in current times is becoming to very very important Mxu417AuxNQ-00132-00057644-00058224 We'll, take in mind that all program use a thing called "Logic" Mxu417AuxNQ-00133-00058320-00058616 The "Logic" is a controversial subject Mxu417AuxNQ-00134-00058644-00059428 Some people say Logic is not so important, another ones say that Logic is essential and you need to learn it BEFORE programming. Mxu417AuxNQ-00135-00059644-00060240 ... in really without Logic ABSOLUTELY NOTHING RUNS! The machine is 100% Logic Mxu417AuxNQ-00136-00060384-00061232 Then one not work without another one. But sometimes the student want jump the steps to reach more fast to objective. Mxu417AuxNQ-00137-00061300-00061736 jump into steps not work! You don't learn because not understand that occurs. Mxu417AuxNQ-00138-00061808-00061960 the "cause and effect" system Mxu417AuxNQ-00139-00062004-00062312 which is the "cause", which is the "effect"? You try to understand "effect" without know that "cause" it. Mxu417AuxNQ-00140-00062455-00063072 Obvious, we no can arrested in a fully study about Logic. It is... Mxu417AuxNQ-00141-00063179-00063340 tiring and time consuming Mxu417AuxNQ-00142-00063428-00064028 Then we try to maximize our logic learning with our programming learning. Mxu417AuxNQ-00143-00064336-00064812 Inside programming, we have a thing called "algorithm" Mxu417AuxNQ-00144-00064855-00065012 Algorithm is a set Mxu417AuxNQ-00145-00065196-00065388 mounted linearly Mxu417AuxNQ-00146-00065496-00065808 of actions, commands and decisions Mxu417AuxNQ-00147-00065900-00066008 based on "Logic" Mxu417AuxNQ-00148-00066076-00066320 When we work on Logic we working too on algorithm Mxu417AuxNQ-00149-00066436-00066828 a program is a collection of a lot of algorithms Mxu417AuxNQ-00150-00066900-00067220 in some cases some millions of algorithms to make a program Mxu417AuxNQ-00151-00067764-00068028 First at all, I show you a very simple program Mxu417AuxNQ-00152-00068120-00069060 Easy to developed for normal people. And common daily use. Maybe it sound weird to you, but is it a program Mxu417AuxNQ-00153-00069240-00069348 Go work, yet Mxu417AuxNQ-00154-00069448-00069716 We take our development environment Mxu417AuxNQ-00155-00069896-00070220 development environment is nothing more than a software Mxu417AuxNQ-00156-00070268-00070528 made to simplify the production Mxu417AuxNQ-00157-00070580-00070952 in some programming language. In this case Mxu417AuxNQ-00158-00071020-00071240 I programme this device Mxu417AuxNQ-00159-00071344-00071712 to alert me in a arbitrary time lapse. Mxu417AuxNQ-00160-00071876-00072100 I go to use these environment here Mxu417AuxNQ-00161-00072140-00072300 that already comes with Mxu417AuxNQ-00162-00072396-00072500 the device Mxu417AuxNQ-00163-00072592-00072924 Then it is very intuitive to be used for all users Mxu417AuxNQ-00164-00073012-00073340 I click on "more" button to create a new program Mxu417AuxNQ-00165-00073464-00073736 and it accept an entry that is a condition Mxu417AuxNQ-00166-00073808-00074092 this condition, I do set it here Mxu417AuxNQ-00167-00074252-00074708 that is an arbitrary time. Maybe... 5 minutes from now Mxu417AuxNQ-00168-00074972-00075268 I have options here Mxu417AuxNQ-00169-00075324-00075900 to improve my condition. Like repetitions to it Mxu417AuxNQ-00170-00076004-00076396 and others aspects... even the name of my condition. Mxu417AuxNQ-00171-00076984-00077124 and save it Mxu417AuxNQ-00172-00077412-00077484 done. Mxu417AuxNQ-00173-00077536-00078232 It's made my program. That make this device to start a sound alarm in next 5 minutes Mxu417AuxNQ-00174-00078488-00078580 Basically Mxu417AuxNQ-00175-00078664-00079388 in all aspects, this is a program. I have a entrance of data, a condition to execute some action Mxu417AuxNQ-00176-00079556-00079992 and a device to run this condition. Mxu417AuxNQ-00177-00080248-00080648 Now you see a program made from scratch Mxu417AuxNQ-00178-00080796-00081808 inside a environment interface. It have all prerequisite to be considered a program. Runnable, have a inicialization system, have... Mxu417AuxNQ-00179-00081920-00082092 a environment to run. Mxu417AuxNQ-00180-00082208-00082568 Now we expand it to our game universe Mxu417AuxNQ-00181-00082976-00083508 Suppose that you have a automatic game. With one character Mxu417AuxNQ-00182-00083868-00084220 and this character go walk over a road Mxu417AuxNQ-00183-00084468-00084568 a beautiful road Mxu417AuxNQ-00184-00084768-00084832 filled of trees Mxu417AuxNQ-00185-00085028-00085100 flowery Mxu417AuxNQ-00186-00085448-00086020 at certain moment in this road, our character find a obstacle Mxu417AuxNQ-00187-00087924-00088292 is a great wall at his front Mxu417AuxNQ-00188-00088516-00088676 and he will have the option Mxu417AuxNQ-00189-00089608-00089724 ...let's say... Mxu417AuxNQ-00190-00091468-00091532 Jump Mxu417AuxNQ-00191-00091988-00092244 the obstacle or turn to right Mxu417AuxNQ-00192-00093580-00093648 over the florest Mxu417AuxNQ-00193-00094860-00094908 of the darkness Mxu417AuxNQ-00194-00095388-00095428 Then Mxu417AuxNQ-00195-00096160-00096780 He start his journey here, start marker, on reach the wall Mxu417AuxNQ-00196-00097016-00097236 we need to get a decision Mxu417AuxNQ-00197-00098428-00098692 Suppose that computer make it for us Mxu417AuxNQ-00198-00099016-00099184 Then... we have Mxu417AuxNQ-00199-00099452-00099708 Start - to begin our journey Mxu417AuxNQ-00200-00100336-00100552 From the start of journey we go to move Mxu417AuxNQ-00201-00101796-00102072 However when you are in moving Mxu417AuxNQ-00202-00102228-00102620 If you find a object, like an obstacle Mxu417AuxNQ-00203-00103516-00103683 You need to make a decision of Mxu417AuxNQ-00204-00103840-00103976 jump or turn right Mxu417AuxNQ-00205-00106896-00107059 Nothe that I do Mxu417AuxNQ-00206-00107244-00107472 organize it on a way that Mxu417AuxNQ-00207-00107896-00108024 with elegant spaces Mxu417AuxNQ-00208-00108388-00109356 this in programming we call "Indentation". You use it to separate your ideas in blocks Mxu417AuxNQ-00209-00109635-00109844 Inside the algorithm it is very very important Mxu417AuxNQ-00210-00110040-00110356 to you can ordenate your vision of things Mxu417AuxNQ-00211-00111716-00112008 it already is a functional system, yet Mxu417AuxNQ-00212-00112288-00112520 it is called "Pseudo Code" Mxu417AuxNQ-00213-00113432-00114592 Is a code independent of platform, environment... and all. Just ideas placed on paper to you can see that is need to be done Mxu417AuxNQ-00214-00114804-00115011 and you can see... re see Mxu417AuxNQ-00215-00115088-00115404 and detect that this can be made with a better option Mxu417AuxNQ-00216-00115824-00116016 is repeat "move forward" Mxu417AuxNQ-00217-00116376-00116848 one time that he turn to right, the front of he is to here Mxu417AuxNQ-00218-00116964-00117664 after turn right, he repeat some act to move forward until reach the forest. Mxu417AuxNQ-00219-00117876-00117952 checks Mxu417AuxNQ-00220-00118072-00118340 if he jump, he reach the castle Mxu417AuxNQ-00221-00118740-00119072 at this point you stop and detect... oops, I made some shit Mxu417AuxNQ-00222-00119344-00119908 one obstacle... I jump over the castle? Jump over the forest? What I do? From here I cannot proceed Mxu417AuxNQ-00223-00120183-00120820 then occurs an interesting thing in our algorithm, we extend it Mxu417AuxNQ-00224-00121059-00121235 this entire part, here Mxu417AuxNQ-00225-00121464-00121635 and put it in this side Mxu417AuxNQ-00226-00122040-00122111 extend it Mxu417AuxNQ-00227-00123168-00123288 I have an obstacle Mxu417AuxNQ-00228-00124208-00124292 is the wall? Mxu417AuxNQ-00229-00124911-00125164 and from here I have to decide Mxu417AuxNQ-00230-00125568-00125764 jump or Mxu417AuxNQ-00231-00126700-00126916 Good, it solves the wall problem. Mxu417AuxNQ-00232-00127132-00128856 if have a obstacle and the obstacle is a forest Mxu417AuxNQ-00233-00129608-00130459 Not has much to be made on forest. Just reach and... Fight Monsters! Mxu417AuxNQ-00234-00130788-00131180 suprise mothafocka, our forest is filled of monsters Mxu417AuxNQ-00235-00131380-00131528 the same logic Mxu417AuxNQ-00236-00131664-00131900 like the famous "copy and paste" Mxu417AuxNQ-00237-00133436-00133492 castle Mxu417AuxNQ-00238-00133680-00133800 Reach the castle Mxu417AuxNQ-00239-00134048-00134436 Fight the Boss Mxu417AuxNQ-00240-00134816-00135220 and... if win Mxu417AuxNQ-00241-00136048-00136452 get the Princess. If not Mxu417AuxNQ-00242-00136960-00137024 you die Mxu417AuxNQ-00243-00137448-00137532 This Mxu417AuxNQ-00244-00137612-00138904 For it exist this pseudo code and it is very free. Because all time you need to change, scratch some thing on it Mxu417AuxNQ-00245-00139024-00139488 You need only a minimum of organization to know that are work Mxu417AuxNQ-00246-00139624-00140436 Like me, you don't need a beautiful handwriting, can be a grotesque handwriting, You need only know that need be made Mxu417AuxNQ-00247-00141800-00142412 And review the pseudocode you can find better ways to make the thing Mxu417AuxNQ-00248-00142628-00143440 From it you can note something, as I say, we use few words to reach a result Mxu417AuxNQ-00249-00143660-00144504 In general it is limited to the words that computers have, the GD Script have it, and we can extend these words Mxu417AuxNQ-00250-00144520-00144908 with others that we add with our program, our code Mxu417AuxNQ-00251-00145044-00145244 in a similar, as it here Mxu417AuxNQ-00252-00145340-00145544 I expand the function here Mxu417AuxNQ-00253-00145552-00145820 for it we can expand the words of language Mxu417AuxNQ-00254-00146144-00146504 Now, redirect our forces to produce a sample game Mxu417AuxNQ-00255-00146688-00146932 to make inside Godot, a little study Mxu417AuxNQ-00256-00147792-00148272 In our game design... it works as... we have a counter Mxu417AuxNQ-00257-00148388-00148684 from top, to registry our hits Mxu417AuxNQ-00258-00149000-00149220 our user entry is Mxu417AuxNQ-00259-00150604-00150860 is based on "clicks" Mxu417AuxNQ-00260-00150984-00151120 The user click Mxu417AuxNQ-00261-00151552-00151868 and if he click over a enemy, the enemy will explode Mxu417AuxNQ-00262-00152236-00152528 and the enemies, that will be a more simple thing in the world Mxu417AuxNQ-00263-00152564-00152644 goes from Mxu417AuxNQ-00264-00152832-00152932 from right Mxu417AuxNQ-00265-00153128-00153332 ...[ERROR]... from left to right of screen Mxu417AuxNQ-00266-00153584-00153676 arise Mxu417AuxNQ-00267-00153776-00154076 in a time lapse, repetitious... here Mxu417AuxNQ-00268-00154280-00154624 just for make a simple game as more simple than possible Mxu417AuxNQ-00269-00154636-00155080 Then, our "game mechanic" is this Mxu417AuxNQ-00270-00155160-00155652 You click on the screen, if you hit an enemy you gain a point. Mxu417AuxNQ-00271-00155756-00156176 From the defined game mechanic, we began to mount our algorithm Mxu417AuxNQ-00272-00156496-00156804 Start based on the necessary elements Mxu417AuxNQ-00273-00156940-00157496 The majority already exist inside Godot, but we need to create the: Mxu417AuxNQ-00274-00157560-00157744 the Enemy sprite Mxu417AuxNQ-00275-00158288-00158532 explosion sprite Mxu417AuxNQ-00276-00159168-00159472 and... appears to stay fine Mxu417AuxNQ-00277-00159608-00160156 The enemies come in a predefined time lapse Mxu417AuxNQ-00278-00160352-00160668 for now, you need to understand a little more about the engine that you works Mxu417AuxNQ-00279-00160796-00161404 One of more simple ways to inser this on Godot, make a time lapse Mxu417AuxNQ-00280-00161436-00162036 is to insert a Timer inside you game object tree Mxu417AuxNQ-00281-00162732-00163324 then it is a hidden object, but is very important inside game. Without it no have spaceships on the scene. Mxu417AuxNQ-00282-00163604-00163744 And talking about spaceships borning Mxu417AuxNQ-00283-00163864-00164180 this timer call a algorithm Mxu417AuxNQ-00284-00164284-00164716 inside the game that we call _spawn Mxu417AuxNQ-00285-00165056-00165424 remember, previously I teach that a program is made with a lot of algorithms Mxu417AuxNQ-00286-00165592-00166260 yes, we have a lot of algorithm running inside a major algorithm that is our game Mxu417AuxNQ-00287-00166464-00166720 then (provisionally) we call it as sub-algorithms Mxu417AuxNQ-00288-00168152-00168328 this timer call the _spawn Mxu417AuxNQ-00289-00168740-00168996 the event that user click on screen Mxu417AuxNQ-00290-00169204-00169328 is an event called _click Mxu417AuxNQ-00291-00169728-00170220 is more one algorithm running. It's pieces of code that we will write Mxu417AuxNQ-00292-00170404-00171040 Have too a hidden algorithm, but Godot make it as default all times than you make a game Mxu417AuxNQ-00293-00171272-00171348 _ready Mxu417AuxNQ-00294-00171448-00172296 when you object is done, loaded in memory, instantiated on screen, ready to play Mxu417AuxNQ-00295-00172376-00172692 this algorithim called _ready Mxu417AuxNQ-00296-00172800-00173628 note that is a series of events. Because it, it is called "Event Driver Programming" Mxu417AuxNQ-00297-00175408-00176012 it is not the exact basis of Godot. You listen about this reference so much few Mxu417AuxNQ-00298-00176088-00176652 you listen some other different terms... TO DISORIENT YOU! Like... Mxu417AuxNQ-00299-00176788-00177536 Duck Tiping; Object Oriented Programming. This Godot use very much. Mxu417AuxNQ-00300-00177632-00178044 But, that more emerges to a beginner is the "Event Driver". Mxu417AuxNQ-00301-00178060-00178428 click, is a event. It call a function. Done! Mxu417AuxNQ-00302-00178580-00179300 and is it. In the final result all of other methods will oriented us to "event driver" Mxu417AuxNQ-00303-00179876-00180340 One more object, that you can be noted, is this "the counter" Mxu417AuxNQ-00304-00181716-00182196 and this counter store the correct hits that we do in enemies Mxu417AuxNQ-00305-00182996-00183564 Then, thinking it: Our game is a algorithm. It have sub-algorithms Mxu417AuxNQ-00306-00184972-00185272 I put here, the counter object Mxu417AuxNQ-00307-00185320-00185848 it goes vary his value. Sum one always than we use it... goes vary his value Mxu417AuxNQ-00308-00185888-00186576 for the fact of this store a value of clicks... and it vary. We call it "variable" :P Mxu417AuxNQ-00309-00187872-00187992 variable counter Mxu417AuxNQ-00310-00188280-00188536 it is part of our main algorithm Mxu417AuxNQ-00311-00188900-00189512 Next. We have the _ready that start always when all is done Mxu417AuxNQ-00312-00189948-00190160 it is on our main algorithm Mxu417AuxNQ-00313-00190628-00190968 what I need to be made in this _ready? Mxu417AuxNQ-00314-00191036-00191708 some things that I can do inside de _ready is to set our "counter" Mxu417AuxNQ-00315-00192152-00192516 to zero. It begun without clicks Mxu417AuxNQ-00316-00192700-00192772 all right? Mxu417AuxNQ-00317-00193016-00193164 An alternative Mxu417AuxNQ-00318-00193352-00194216 This programming language allows that I start this value on same time that I declare it, at begining Mxu417AuxNQ-00319-00194356-00194540 Then it is not needed Mxu417AuxNQ-00320-00194664-00195348 In practice, the _ready need only a command "pass": Leave it and pass! Mxu417AuxNQ-00321-00195352-00195552 Leave it like this, for default. Mxu417AuxNQ-00322-00196080-00196252 We have other events here Mxu417AuxNQ-00323-00196372-00196644 _spawn that is triggered by our timer Mxu417AuxNQ-00324-00197300-00197980 In this _spawn... it create a enemy object and instanciate it Mxu417AuxNQ-00325-00198248-00198432 Let's get a enemy object Mxu417AuxNQ-00326-00199360-00199796 Make a instance of it. I create using this function inside the engine Mxu417AuxNQ-00327-00199984-00200636 enemy.instantiate means that I create a new instance/copy of enemy. Is this all the same enemy, but I just repeat it Mxu417AuxNQ-00328-00201240-00201784 And I'll add a enemy Mxu417AuxNQ-00329-00202280-00202388 in our scene Mxu417AuxNQ-00330-00202868-00203288 It is the pseudocode for _spawn function Mxu417AuxNQ-00331-00203516-00203704 Next. We have the _click function Mxu417AuxNQ-00332-00205260-00205364 if the click Mxu417AuxNQ-00333-00206436-00206648 is over an enemy Mxu417AuxNQ-00334-00206884-00207064 I get the "counter" Mxu417AuxNQ-00335-00207184-00207319 and add more one to it Mxu417AuxNQ-00336-00207544-00208432 Now (repeating) begin that question about the computer has many few words to Mxu417AuxNQ-00337-00208608-00208804 to speak that we desire to it Mxu417AuxNQ-00338-00208919-00209280 Usually you speak to other human Mxu417AuxNQ-00339-00209380-00209619 Add more one to the counter Mxu417AuxNQ-00340-00209676-00210336 Exist some languages that can do it. You speak it, and it make it in easy way. Mxu417AuxNQ-00341-00210588-00210956 in our situation, we have no this facility Mxu417AuxNQ-00342-00211032-00211356 I need to set the value direct to counter Mxu417AuxNQ-00343-00211440-00211823 as I made at begining. I say that the value of it is zero, at here I need to make the same act Mxu417AuxNQ-00344-00211936-00212292 I I made it: counter = 1 Mxu417AuxNQ-00345-00212396-00212740 It's result in always that you click on a Enemy the counter has value of 1 Mxu417AuxNQ-00346-00213048-00213404 It not add it, it just only make it equal to 1 and done! Mxu417AuxNQ-00347-00213776-00214356 Then whe need to get the value that existing in "counter" and add it 1 Mxu417AuxNQ-00348-00214508-00214832 how I get this value? Simple, from itself! Mxu417AuxNQ-00349-00215196-00215560 The variables can too be used to make calculations Mxu417AuxNQ-00350-00215667-00215864 among other things very cool Mxu417AuxNQ-00351-00215940-00216100 Then I get his value Mxu417AuxNQ-00352-00216256-00216619 in pratice, it is a "value". I get it and add to 1 Mxu417AuxNQ-00353-00216716-00217267 result in 1. In next click it add to 1 and result 2. And successively Mxu417AuxNQ-00354-00217608-00217971 And, in addition, it will destroy the enemy Mxu417AuxNQ-00355-00219519-00220119 This is the necessary algorithm and sub-algorithms to made our game Mxu417AuxNQ-00356-00220432-00220867 basically is it. Now go to adapt it into Godot engine Mxu417AuxNQ-00357-00221580-00221688 Then, let's go Mxu417AuxNQ-00358-00221848-00222276 I pre made a basic game project Mxu417AuxNQ-00359-00222344-00222508 to our tutotial Mxu417AuxNQ-00360-00222567-00223216 with a background, a enemy, a explosion. Determined a little while ago Mxu417AuxNQ-00361-00223608-00223784 a basic structure Mxu417AuxNQ-00362-00223936-00224400 just a bakground, animated. All animated by timeline Mxu417AuxNQ-00363-00224523-00224712 From there we start to work Mxu417AuxNQ-00364-00224964-00225323 The Godot use a pattern to his scripts Mxu417AuxNQ-00365-00225452-00225923 All nodes in scene can receive a script. Mxu417AuxNQ-00366-00225976-00226628 Well, a script is nothing more than a "algorithm" write in a specialized language. Mxu417AuxNQ-00367-00226919-00227288 from now we speak "script", instead word "algorithm" Mxu417AuxNQ-00368-00227448-00228240 For a pattern, we get the first node... the root node in our sceen tree... and click in this little S Mxu417AuxNQ-00369-00228416-00228740 and automatically is created a script with same name of scene Mxu417AuxNQ-00370-00228840-00229100 inside project's folder Mxu417AuxNQ-00371-00229380-00230076 The Godot insert by default a little template, that will be our script Mxu417AuxNQ-00372-00230271-00230708 For now we ignore some strange words here. Mxu417AuxNQ-00373-00230819-00231316 We just make our tutorial based in that pseudocode. Mxu417AuxNQ-00374-00231467-00231892 How I talked about, in our primary layer of code Mxu417AuxNQ-00375-00231967-00232428 of our script, you create some basic objects. Mxu417AuxNQ-00376-00232519-00232792 In this case we create the "counter" Mxu417AuxNQ-00377-00232896-00233564 And after, we take these sub-codes. The "sub-algorithms". In this case the "functions" Mxu417AuxNQ-00378-00233632-00233884 It is called "functions" inside the script. Mxu417AuxNQ-00379-00233976-00234764 Like _ready that make just as I declared in the pseudo-code: nothing. Mxu417AuxNQ-00380-00234828-00235144 Godot by default insert it to you. Mxu417AuxNQ-00381-00235204-00235871 The _ready declared with the command to pass on. It is a pattern. Mxu417AuxNQ-00382-00236040-00236508 And show, here, how you declare your variables. Mxu417AuxNQ-00383-00236736-00236896 Just follow this pattern here. Mxu417AuxNQ-00384-00236932-00237388 Well, we have a counter to declare in this layer of our script. Mxu417AuxNQ-00385-00237452-00237944 Just follow this model: var counter Mxu417AuxNQ-00386-00238623-00239344 The word "var", to Godot, do "declare" or say to create a variable Mxu417AuxNQ-00387-00239452-00240019 The object that is named on right of "var" word Mxu417AuxNQ-00388-00240084-00241448 will be a variable. It can be a number (like it), a text string, an object, another scene... it can be anything. Mxu417AuxNQ-00389-00241612-00242423 And finally it can change his value during the script life. Because that, we called it "variable" :P Mxu417AuxNQ-00390-00242867-00243104 Our _ready function is here! We will don't make nothing. Mxu417AuxNQ-00391-00243188-00243796 Now, continuing with our project's theory Mxu417AuxNQ-00392-00244612-00245100 I need a timer object to call the function _spawn to create a enemy, yet? Mxu417AuxNQ-00393-00245432-00245876 I make a timer inside our scene tree Mxu417AuxNQ-00394-00246248-00247028 This object here. And set the time of wait of this is a half second. Mxu417AuxNQ-00395-00247184-00247600 It takes multiple hits, then I not turn on "one shot" Mxu417AuxNQ-00396-00247640-00248408 It use autostart, without needed declare it on _ready function. Load and run. Mxu417AuxNQ-00397-00248664-00249612 Now, do it be work. Select it on scene tree. "Connections" Mxu417AuxNQ-00398-00249840-00250400 All objects have specific functions that it can call. In the Timer case Mxu417AuxNQ-00399-00250516-00251223 This have this one for default: timeout. That occurs always on the waiting time is out. Mxu417AuxNQ-00400-00251328-00251423 It is a "Event" Mxu417AuxNQ-00401-00251592-00252264 This "event" we will connect to our script. Clicking in "connect" and on "timeout" here Mxu417AuxNQ-00402-00252516-00253588 I select the slice of script that receive our event call. Get here the basis of our script... Mxu417AuxNQ-00403-00253760-00253952 it receive a function Mxu417AuxNQ-00404-00254076-00254384 That we called in the pseudo code as _spawn Mxu417AuxNQ-00405-00254596-00254736 just click on "connect" Mxu417AuxNQ-00406-00254948-00255856 Then here, on _spawn, as defined, it make a new enemy and put it on screen Mxu417AuxNQ-00407-00256576-00256816 As I mentioned, the enemy scene already is made. Mxu417AuxNQ-00408-00256919-00257744 Is a simple scene found in our project folder. The explosion too. Mxu417AuxNQ-00409-00258116-00259576 Now we need be get this scene on folder, load into game and put it on scene tree. Mxu417AuxNQ-00410-00259680-00260616 The Godot have some specific commands to perform this actions. First to load the scene into our game Mxu417AuxNQ-00411-00260800-00260919 preload Mxu417AuxNQ-00412-00262324-00262984 "preload" is a native command of Godot, it made the pre load of that scene. Mxu417AuxNQ-00413-00263132-00263876 All command need be followed by "open" and "close" parenthesis. Mxu417AuxNQ-00414-00264408-00265776 Optionally, depending of command type, it need to receive some values... some parameters to make something. In case of preload it need be receive the name of scene to be loaded. Mxu417AuxNQ-00415-00266092-00266540 As name is considered a String (more forward we see it better) Mxu417AuxNQ-00416-00266628-00267104 It need be put surrounded by quotes, single or double Mxu417AuxNQ-00417-00267180-00267996 The Godot accept the two. The important is always use the same type in begining and ending of name. Mxu417AuxNQ-00418-00268240-00268552 Just this preload, is not enough. Mxu417AuxNQ-00419-00268900-00269232 The object not appears. But is loaded at each half second. Mxu417AuxNQ-00420-00269456-00270720 That occurs because this is loading the scene but just loading the base of scene. We need insert this one in our scene tree Mxu417AuxNQ-00421-00270876-00271124 To make it we have other command Mxu417AuxNQ-00422-00271312-00271388 dot Mxu417AuxNQ-00423-00271544-00271644 instance Mxu417AuxNQ-00424-00272044-00272952 Some thing, a command need open and close parentesis. Note that I separate the two commands after parentesis by a dot. Mxu417AuxNQ-00425-00273192-00273796 This dot is a delimiter of different objects Mxu417AuxNQ-00426-00273840-00274520 The preload load the scene... consider that this little text is an object Mxu417AuxNQ-00427-00274640-00274972 The loaded scene, for us, is an object. Like counter is an object. Mxu417AuxNQ-00428-00275052-00275448 than I separate this of other command by a dot Mxu417AuxNQ-00429-00275644-00275916 For our surprise "instance" give to us a other object. Mxu417AuxNQ-00430-00276024-00276212 However it not appears Mxu417AuxNQ-00431-00276400-00276724 I need to put this object in our main scene Mxu417AuxNQ-00432-00277296-00277840 Godot has another command, all nodes accept this command Mxu417AuxNQ-00433-00277996-00278688 I will use node root with this command, that is: add_child Mxu417AuxNQ-00434-00278860-00279292 It automatically open and close parenthesis, but inside these parenthesis Mxu417AuxNQ-00435-00279452-00279676 I put this other command here Mxu417AuxNQ-00436-00279936-00280156 As I mentioned instance is an object Mxu417AuxNQ-00437-00280368-00280584 enemy intanciated. Mxu417AuxNQ-00438-00281580-00281744 Note the name "instance" Mxu417AuxNQ-00439-00281876-00282736 Always that I have a enemy instance, this is like our mould. Always when I need a enemy in scene I need to create a "instance" of this. Mxu417AuxNQ-00440-00282784-00283584 An instance is a individual object based on that scene that we get. Mxu417AuxNQ-00441-00283932-00284372 Now, if you notice. It is create always in same location Mxu417AuxNQ-00442-00284520-00284664 our enemy. Mxu417AuxNQ-00443-00284712-00285696 Have a lot of ways to make it random. But, we'll try one of most simple as possible. Mxu417AuxNQ-00444-00285980-00286524 Instead using add_child directly as here. I'll create one variable Mxu417AuxNQ-00445-00286560-00286688 like as made in "counter" Mxu417AuxNQ-00446-00286780-00286964 but inside the _spawn. Mxu417AuxNQ-00447-00287020-00287436 Note that is an upper level, attention to this indentation (this arrow show it better). Mxu417AuxNQ-00448-00287668-00287864 I named this variable Mxu417AuxNQ-00449-00288104-00288420 and equality to... to receive a value Mxu417AuxNQ-00450-00288488-00289044 This value to be received is the "enemy instance" Mxu417AuxNQ-00451-00289668-00290656 "enemy" is a sprite, it have some custom methods. I write "enemy" push "dot" key Mxu417AuxNQ-00452-00290728-00291264 You can see all methods with this "autocomplete" Mxu417AuxNQ-00453-00291380-00291880 "set" is a common word used to setting something. Underline... Mxu417AuxNQ-00454-00292144-00292336 "pos", I'll set a position to this. Mxu417AuxNQ-00455-00292508-00292604 set_pos is a command Mxu417AuxNQ-00456-00292772-00293048 as I talk before it can receive a value. Mxu417AuxNQ-00457-00293140-00293580 Here Godot already show a example of use. The value that it can receive. Mxu417AuxNQ-00458-00293776-00294508 Curiously. Instead to receive the coordinates of screen, it ask for an object. Mxu417AuxNQ-00459-00294588-00294856 This object is typed Vector2 Mxu417AuxNQ-00460-00295048-00295200 just write Vector2 here Mxu417AuxNQ-00461-00295392-00296464 open... and close parenthesis. It already show a usage example. It ask for two values, X and Y. To locate it on screen. Mxu417AuxNQ-00462-00296604-00297084 The X, I use -64 ... Why? Mxu417AuxNQ-00463-00297208-00298764 Because our enemy is a sprite of 128x128. Then -64 make It to born on this side of sprite, beyond this blue line Mxu417AuxNQ-00464-00298980-00299336 Just to not appears on a wrong way, hard and direct Mxu417AuxNQ-00465-00299656-00300276 This is X. Now the Y, that is our vertical axis. Mxu417AuxNQ-00466-00300480-00300888 To Y we need some more special methods from Godot. Mxu417AuxNQ-00467-00301508-00301856 randrage is a special command Mxu417AuxNQ-00468-00302120-00302924 it works like this: a initial value to a limit value. Are two params that it receives Mxu417AuxNQ-00469-00303040-00304016 I use zero, comma, and the height of our Y (that is our vertical size of game screen) that is 480 Mxu417AuxNQ-00470-00304228-00304996 randrage is a function that returns a aleatory value inside these values that I declared: 0 and 480 Mxu417AuxNQ-00471-00305164-00305276 It is cool, all right? Mxu417AuxNQ-00472-00305348-00305808 Now if you note "enemy" is just droped here. Mxu417AuxNQ-00473-00305904-00306664 It is declared into the variable, but not pushed to scene tree, as made before. Mxu417AuxNQ-00474-00306768-00307664 To solve it, I simply go here... add_child... instead copy that preload slice I use an Mxu417AuxNQ-00475-00307944-00308096 our variable "enemy" Mxu417AuxNQ-00476-00308264-00308440 done, it will be inserted on scene Mxu417AuxNQ-00477-00308476-00309184 A important thing on Godot. You always need a enter here... to always exist a blank line on end of you script Mxu417AuxNQ-00478-00310012-00310340 Now they appears randomly in our screen. Mxu417AuxNQ-00479-00310540-00310712 Finally this have a aparence of game. Mxu417AuxNQ-00480-00311080-00311456 How I talk about, we need other functions here Mxu417AuxNQ-00481-00311676-00312156 and it can vary a little in the final implementation. Is it will occurs now Mxu417AuxNQ-00482-00312448-00312848 I'll show a important detail in debug panel, performance Mxu417AuxNQ-00483-00313320-00313912 Note the amount of objects in execution Mxu417AuxNQ-00484-00314136-00314440 it increases continuosly Mxu417AuxNQ-00485-00314576-00314896 It is because it will create these enemies Mxu417AuxNQ-00486-00315060-00315556 normally. But it create one each half second. And NOT stop! Mxu417AuxNQ-00487-00315660-00316292 The enemy stops his animation. And remain stopped on this side of screen. Mxu417AuxNQ-00488-00316900-00317664 How solve it? We click here on enemy. Has a way to escape this. Mxu417AuxNQ-00489-00318200-00318576 I'll create inside the enemy, one more script. Mxu417AuxNQ-00490-00318708-00319304 The same process was I made before. You see that the name of script is the same name of scene. Then, create Mxu417AuxNQ-00491-00319460-00319696 It create a template script for us Mxu417AuxNQ-00492-00319812-00320128 Now we add here one timer, again. Mxu417AuxNQ-00493-00320608-00321176 This animation, if you see on timeline of enemy sprite, has one second and a half. Mxu417AuxNQ-00494-00321360-00321660 I will make this timer trigger on a second and half. Mxu417AuxNQ-00495-00321856-00322060 always with a dot here, when you type Mxu417AuxNQ-00496-00322284-00322628 And "one shot". I want to hit one time. Mxu417AuxNQ-00497-00322768-00322976 Autostart. To begin automatically Mxu417AuxNQ-00498-00323060-00323236 same procces. I'll connect Mxu417AuxNQ-00499-00323368-00323696 timeout that is when trigged the event Mxu417AuxNQ-00500-00323920-00324604 in the root script. In this case the script inside enemy, we not working anymore in main, you note that we work in other scene. Mxu417AuxNQ-00501-00324660-00325084 I not change the name here. No need. Connect Mxu417AuxNQ-00502-00325528-00325972 And here, instead use "pass" I type Mxu417AuxNQ-00503-00326108-00326276 queue_free() Mxu417AuxNQ-00504-00326608-00327752 queue_free is other native command of Godot. That remove this enemy, free his memory, and make our game lightweight. It stop of accumulate enemies in scene Mxu417AuxNQ-00505-00327900-00328360 You can the difference now. Performance, object count Mxu417AuxNQ-00506-00328696-00329308 It now is stabilized. Is because the end of sub-scene enemy is destroyed, Mxu417AuxNQ-00507-00329544-00330000 This is a little tricks that you need in implementation time Mxu417AuxNQ-00508-00330056-00330184 when is outside of pseudocode Mxu417AuxNQ-00509-00330220-00331112 is one of reasons that people think that learn logic first, when user needs learn programing, is wrong. As if that would disorient the user. Mxu417AuxNQ-00510-00331160-00331540 Because in the implementation time, some differences occurs. Mxu417AuxNQ-00511-00331636-00332164 Unfortunately, don't have a way to learn something very complex Mxu417AuxNQ-00512-00332220-00332944 without explain the basic principies. But we try it, through these tutorials Mxu417AuxNQ-00513-00333512-00333844 I will already say, we need make the same in explosion Mxu417AuxNQ-00514-00333972-00334704 A make a script for this. Add a timer too Mxu417AuxNQ-00515-00334832-00335068 explosion have 0.8 seconds Mxu417AuxNQ-00516-00335212-00336104 Then explode in 0,8. One shot. Autostart. Connect. Timeout Mxu417AuxNQ-00517-00336208-00336340 no need rename Mxu417AuxNQ-00518-00336572-00336896 Same process. queue_free(). Done. Mxu417AuxNQ-00519-00337276-00337456 Go back in enemy Mxu417AuxNQ-00520-00337644-00337796 Make one more analyze Mxu417AuxNQ-00521-00338060-00338304 It need to explode on hit Mxu417AuxNQ-00522-00338924-00339728 I'll insert here a TextureButton, this is a transparent button, very useful Mxu417AuxNQ-00523-00340068-00340632 And as we talk about events, TextureButton also can receive a event Mxu417AuxNQ-00524-00340808-00341496 pressed. Is the event that occurs immediately when you touch width the finger or push the mouse button Mxu417AuxNQ-00525-00341600-00341940 It occurs before you release the button or finger. That is "release". Mxu417AuxNQ-00526-00342004-00342304 Then it is the first of all events when you hit, the "pressed". Mxu417AuxNQ-00527-00342348-00342428 Connect Mxu417AuxNQ-00528-00342604-00342776 His root, in this case Enemy Mxu417AuxNQ-00529-00342936-00343024 underscore Mxu417AuxNQ-00530-00343072-00343124 click Mxu417AuxNQ-00531-00343308-00343396 connect Mxu417AuxNQ-00532-00343460-00343776 It began to show as our pseudocode. Mxu417AuxNQ-00533-00343836-00344440 The difference is because _click is no more in main script. Mxu417AuxNQ-00534-00344568-00344860 in main. Is now inside Enemy Mxu417AuxNQ-00535-00345260-00346480 This does not mean he does not have access to our main script. Each enemy is instanciated over the Godot main scene tree Mxu417AuxNQ-00536-00346568-00347304 Note that it is transformed in a tree structure. With parent and child nodes. Mxu417AuxNQ-00537-00347360-00348092 As a folder structure in your system Mxu417AuxNQ-00538-00348348-00348680 Then I can navigate on it as the same way Mxu417AuxNQ-00539-00348784-00349244 at first, if is need to access to counter in the main Mxu417AuxNQ-00540-00349292-00349796 then we understand that enemy is on the tree, the "base" is his father. Mxu417AuxNQ-00541-00349808-00350352 In the "base" that has our script, and is in this script has our "counter" Mxu417AuxNQ-00542-00350408-00350752 Then I can go into enemy script Mxu417AuxNQ-00543-00350992-00351684 and in the _click I work in his father, right! get_parent() Mxu417AuxNQ-00544-00351960-00352284 counter is equal to one Mxu417AuxNQ-00545-00352404-00352636 I desire to add 1 to our counter Mxu417AuxNQ-00546-00352860-00353576 But how I see in algorithm, I just not put a number 1 here. Because it always be 1 all time that I click. Mxu417AuxNQ-00547-00353616-00354004 I need get a pre existing value and add 1 to it Mxu417AuxNQ-00548-00354300-00354596 Where is this pre existing value? In the counter itself. Mxu417AuxNQ-00549-00354664-00355128 I go here. Get it again. counter is equal Mxu417AuxNQ-00550-00355236-00355428 to himself value added to 1 Mxu417AuxNQ-00551-00355528-00356340 This variable objects, if you use it as a number, for example, you can use it as a therm of a mathematical expression. Mxu417AuxNQ-00552-00356380-00356708 Yes, like that equations that you made in mathematic classes. Mxu417AuxNQ-00553-00357120-00357352 NOW, we show it on the screen! Mxu417AuxNQ-00554-00357492-00358436 Note that in main, I not put the counter to appears on screen. We will put it now. Mxu417AuxNQ-00555-00359176-00359316 It show on the top Mxu417AuxNQ-00556-00360152-00360516 now. we get back on enemy script Mxu417AuxNQ-00557-00360804-00361120 get_parent() ... get_node() Mxu417AuxNQ-00558-00361528-00362012 "Label"... set_text() Mxu417AuxNQ-00559-00362508-00362596 str() Mxu417AuxNQ-00560-00362760-00362904 Here begin to be more complex. Mxu417AuxNQ-00561-00363260-00363416 I show it step by step Mxu417AuxNQ-00562-00364536-00364752 See the counter increase on each hit Mxu417AuxNQ-00563-00365548-00365964 Now, go to the complex explanation about that bizarre line, typed ago Mxu417AuxNQ-00564-00366196-00367344 get_parent is the same as before, I have access to script body on the base. This is the parent of script that run on enemy instance Mxu417AuxNQ-00565-00367472-00367556 It is simple. Mxu417AuxNQ-00566-00367624-00368180 get_node I want to getting the Label object here Mxu417AuxNQ-00567-00368204-00368724 It is named Label, because it I use get_node with his name Mxu417AuxNQ-00568-00369136-00370208 This Label object have his own methods. And one of these is just the method to change the text to show in it. Then set_text Mxu417AuxNQ-00569-00370372-00371248 done. Just need a text. How I talk about the text need be surrounded by quotes. Mxu417AuxNQ-00570-00371396-00372044 get_parent().counter here is just the number. It is used without quotes Mxu417AuxNQ-00571-00372108-00372196 Say so. Mxu417AuxNQ-00572-00372316-00372944 Then I need to make a coversion, of this number to a string. Then I have other command Mxu417AuxNQ-00573-00373056-00373624 str, that is the command that transform numbers to strings. That is the param type requested in set_text Mxu417AuxNQ-00574-00373732-00374356 This handling of object types is very common in all programing languages Mxu417AuxNQ-00575-00374408-00375004 Even the ones, that I say on beginning, that make the "duck typing" Mxu417AuxNQ-00576-00375028-00375716 Even though more intelligent, sometimes have need this manual conversion. But it is for other video. Mxu417AuxNQ-00577-00376008-00376492 You note that our enemy is not exploding, right? We will do it now. Mxu417AuxNQ-00578-00376680-00376936 Remember the command preload? Mxu417AuxNQ-00579-00377704-00378464 I do load of explosion scene, make a instance of it Mxu417AuxNQ-00580-00378676-00378976 I need to make the same thing that I made on enemy before. Why? Mxu417AuxNQ-00581-00379636-00380116 You notice that this sprite here, change his location Mxu417AuxNQ-00582-00381196-00381280 at all time Mxu417AuxNQ-00583-00381860-00382980 We need get his position and positioning the explosion on same place. It can be make inside the enemy sprite Mxu417AuxNQ-00584-00383008-00383428 ... the enemy scene... or better... in the sub-scene of enemy Mxu417AuxNQ-00585-00384012-00385088 set_pos as same I made before, but instead to create a Vector2 as showed here, I get Mxu417AuxNQ-00586-00385512-00387016 the node that named Sprite here. Type a dot and see the others methods as here. get_pos, obviously if I have a set_pos I have a get_pos Mxu417AuxNQ-00587-00387224-00387796 And it return a value like is requested in set_pos. I no need to declare Vector2, bla, bla, bla Mxu417AuxNQ-00588-00388444-00389492 And the same proccess with add_child. But in this time I not add it to the base, if I desired it I need to use get_parent() here. Mxu417AuxNQ-00589-00389572-00389900 Will add it to itself. Inside the enemy scene. Mxu417AuxNQ-00590-00390608-00390832 And make other thing too Mxu417AuxNQ-00591-00390916-00391032 get_node() Mxu417AuxNQ-00592-00391136-00391264 that Sprite Mxu417AuxNQ-00593-00391368-00391776 I hide it! Just to it not remains flying after own explosion Mxu417AuxNQ-00594-00391920-00392128 Hide have a method to it here Mxu417AuxNQ-00595-00392324-00392472 Let's see how it was. Mxu417AuxNQ-00596-00393744-00393876 and running Mxu417AuxNQ-00597-00394300-00394568 Our counter increasing all time that one explode. Mxu417AuxNQ-00598-00395280-00395364 Then, it's all folks! Mxu417AuxNQ-00599-00395368-00395764 My first programing tutorial using the Godot Mxu417AuxNQ-00600-00395908-00396016 And to the next. My8UbpS-FII-00000-00000051-00000372 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE, I'M PETTY OFFICER JEN BLAKE. My8UbpS-FII-00001-00000372-00000833 TAX SEASON IS HERE, AND YOUR 2014 W-2 TAX STATEMENTS ARE AVAILABLE. My8UbpS-FII-00002-00000833-00001242 MILITARY ONESOURCE PARTNERED WITH H&R BLOCK TO PROVIDE YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES HELP PREPARING My8UbpS-FII-00003-00001242-00001342 YOUR TAXES. My8UbpS-FII-00004-00001342-00001845 DUE TO THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT, ALL SERVICE MEMBERS, MILITARY RETIREES AND FAMILY MEMBERS My8UbpS-FII-00005-00001845-00002189 MUST REPORT HEALTH CARE COVERAGE ON THEIR 2014 TAXES. My8UbpS-FII-00006-00002189-00002622 TRICARE COVERAGE FOR ACTIVE DUTY AND RETIREES MEETS THE MINIMUM ESSENTIAL COVERAGE REQUIRED My8UbpS-FII-00007-00002622-00002861 BY THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT. My8UbpS-FII-00008-00002861-00003188 RETIRED AND SELECTIVE RESERVISTS MAY NEED TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL COVERAGE TO MEET THE My8UbpS-FII-00009-00003188-00003348 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. My8UbpS-FII-00010-00003348-00003644 VISIT THE TRICARE WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION. My8UbpS-FII-00011-00003644-00004092 ACTIVE DUTY SAILORS, THEIR DEPENDENTS, AND RETIREES CAN USE THE VOLUNTEER INCOME TAX My8UbpS-FII-00012-00004092-00004496 ASSISTANCE OR VITA PROGRAM FOR FREE HELP FILING THEIR TAXES. My8UbpS-FII-00013-00004496-00004929 TO FIND A LOCAL VITA SITE NEAR YOU, OR TO FIND OUT HOW TO BECOME A VOLUNTEER, VISIT My8UbpS-FII-00014-00004929-00005651 THE IRS WEBSITE. MygQf2iTENE-00000-00000567-00001137 Queen Mother's former lady-in-waiting reveals she told Elizabeth to 'be brave' MygQf2iTENE-00001-00001254-00001805 Prudence, Lady Penn became a close confidant of the Queen and her mother MygQf2iTENE-00002-00001922-00002446 She has spoken about her relationship with the monarch in a new documentary MygQf2iTENE-00003-00002563-00003083 Also how the Queen found social situations 'daunting' as a child MygQf2iTENE-00004-00003200-00003943 The Queen was once told to be 'brave' by her mother in a bid to boost her confidence, a new documentary has . MygQf2iTENE-00005-00004060-00005175 Prudence, Lady Penn, a former lady-in-waiting to the Queen Mother and a friend of the Queen, has that a young Princess Elizabeth used to find walking into a crowded room 'daunting'. MygQf2iTENE-00006-00005292-00006232 Long before she became the nation's longest-reigning sovereign and a composed head of state, her mother urged her to step through the door as if she was in charge. MygQf2iTENE-00007-00006349-00007559 Lady Penn appears in a new Channel 5 documentary series, Elizabeth: Our Queen, which begins on Tuesday to coincide with the 66th anniversary of the Queen's accession to the throne. MygQf2iTENE-00008-00007677-00008665 Scroll down for video Princess Elizabeth became Queen on February 6, 1952 following the death of King George VI. MygQf2iTENE-00009-00008782-00009554 The 25-year-old was thousands of miles away in Kenya on a Commonwealth tour with the Duke of Edinburgh at the time. MygQf2iTENE-00010-00009671-00011002 Gun salutes will be fired to mark Accession Day including a 41-gun salute by the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery in London's Green Park and a 62-gun salute by the Honourable Artillery Company at the Tower of London. MygQf2iTENE-00011-00011119-00012128 As she does most years, the Queen will reflect on the anniversary of her father's death in private at Sandringham, where she has been staying for her annual winter break. MygQf2iTENE-00012-00012245-00012949 Lady Penn said in the documentary: 'The Queen Mother told the Queen when she was very young to be brave. MygQf2iTENE-00013-00013066-00013719 'I think the Queen probably when she was young felt walking into a room full of people was rather daunting. MygQf2iTENE-00014-00013837-00014538 'So she said to her 'What you want to do, when you walk into a room, walk through the middle of the door'. MygQf2iTENE-00015-00014656-00015161 'And I think by that she meant, don't sort of go in apologetically MygQf2iTENE-00016-00015278-00015781 You walk through as if I'm in charge I think that was very good advice.' MygQf2iTENE-00017-00015897-00016941 The first episode also tells how Princess Elizabeth learned of her uncle Edward VIII's abdication in 1936 from a footman after she returned from a swimming lesson. MygQf2iTENE-00018-00017058-00017933 She heard noises outside the palace and asked what they were, only to be told her uncle was no longer monarch and her father was now king. MygQf2iTENE-00019-00018050-00018493 The 10-year-old princess had become the heiress presumptive. MygQf2iTENE-00020-00018610-00019353 Episode one of Elizabeth: Our Queen will be screened on Channel 5 on February 6 at 9pm MygQf2iTENE-00021-00019470-00020570 Who is Prudence, Lady Penn? Prudence, Lady Penn was a former lady-in-waiting to the Queen Mother who later became a close confidant and family friend of the royals. MygQf2iTENE-00022-00020687-00021727 In the new Channel 5 documentary Elizabeth: Our Queen, she speaks candidly about her close relationship with the monarch, who is the same age as her at 91 MygQf2iTENE-00023-00021844-00022524 'I suppose people may now see a 91-year-old lady and forget she was once young,' she said. MygQf2iTENE-00024-00022641-00023422 'I remember going with her and Prince Philip to a nightclub in Leicester Square called The 400, which was the smart place to go MygQf2iTENE-00025-00023539-00023996 'And we had drinks, and something to eat and we danced MygQf2iTENE-00026-00024113-00024551 She loved to do normal things like you do when you are young.' MygQf2iTENE-00027-00024668-00025596 She also spoke about the Queen's fears of being broadcast during her coronation in 1953, saying: 'Television was very new MygQf2iTENE-00028-00025713-00026395 'And I think it worried people that it was going to be an intrusion on a very sacred and solemn moment in her life.' MygQf2iTENE-00029-00026513-00027481 Lady Penn also forged a close bond with the Queen Mother and once said of her youngest daughter:'I can't bear to see the way Princess Margaret treats you.' MygQf2iTENE-00030-00027598-00028189 The Queen Mother is said to have replied: 'Oh, you mustn't worry about that MygQf2iTENE-00031-00028307-00029631 I'm quite used to it.' Lady Penn remains close to the Queen today, and the pair were spotted dining together at Mayfair restaurant Bellamys in March 2016 to celebrate the former lady-in-waiting's 90th birthday. MyW2e57gQ_c-00000-00000448-00000927 why does blackbird sound so good why is it so haunting and attractive MyW2e57gQ_c-00001-00001168-00001192 well MyW2e57gQ_c-00002-00001472-00001592 one of the reasons MyW2e57gQ_c-00003-00001864-00002152 is because it has so many chromatic chords MyW2e57gQ_c-00004-00002504-00002984 today we're talking about chromatic guitar chords that is chords that go outside of a key MyW2e57gQ_c-00005-00003247-00003856 i'm jared from soundguitarlessons.com chromatic guitar chords what does chromatic mean chromatic MyW2e57gQ_c-00006-00003856-00004416 means that we are including notes that are outside of the key that don't come from the diatonic scale MyW2e57gQ_c-00007-00004416-00005104 the diatonic scale means the complete scale the seven note scale chromatic it means the the notes MyW2e57gQ_c-00008-00005104-00005568 outside of that and so often chromatic is thought of as this thing where it's every note in a row MyW2e57gQ_c-00009-00005640-00006032 because well that's the chromatic scale but really chromatic just means you know you can MyW2e57gQ_c-00010-00006032-00006559 include one chromatic note and that is a note that didn't come from the diatonic realm the blues note MyW2e57gQ_c-00011-00006872-00007600 that's a chromatic note i used another chromatic note by playing a note below the root of that MyW2e57gQ_c-00012-00007600-00008304 scale something outside of the key because the scale of the key is called the diatonic scale MyW2e57gQ_c-00013-00008304-00008840 these are also called non-diatonic chords so the diatonic chords are the chords that MyW2e57gQ_c-00014-00008840-00009312 just exist in from the scale and in the key and in this lesson series i've talked a ton about MyW2e57gQ_c-00015-00009312-00009624 that stuff we have the one chord the two chord the three chord the four chord the five chord MyW2e57gQ_c-00016-00009624-00010360 etc these are the diatonic chords so a chromatic chord is a non-diatonic chord something changed MyW2e57gQ_c-00017-00010360-00010800 there are two types of chromatic chords that i want to talk about in this lesson these two types MyW2e57gQ_c-00018-00010800-00011416 of chromatic chords are secondary dominance or secondary chords or applied dominance or applied MyW2e57gQ_c-00019-00011416-00011872 chords the other one is called modal borrowing sometimes called modal mixture sometimes called MyW2e57gQ_c-00020-00011872-00012392 modal interchange we'll explain both of these let's talk about secondary dominant first MyW2e57gQ_c-00021-00012392-00012816 dominant is the fifth chord of a key one chord two chord three chord four chord v chord that's MyW2e57gQ_c-00022-00012816-00013552 that's dominant the fifth chord the one chord is tonic so the dominant chord the function of it in MyW2e57gQ_c-00023-00013552-00014208 functional harmony is that it often is leading back to the tonic chord so if we're in the key MyW2e57gQ_c-00024-00014208-00014944 of c we have c and then one seven six five the five chord is g so this chord is five one five one MyW2e57gQ_c-00025-00014944-00015456 kind of functioning as resolving in the most kind of traditional sound for us five one five MyW2e57gQ_c-00026-00015456-00016272 one five one and so the tonic chord is the home base the dominant chord is considered MyW2e57gQ_c-00027-00016352-00016880 pointing at in a way the tonic chord the idea of a secondary dominant is that you can take MyW2e57gQ_c-00028-00016880-00017272 any other chord and you can tonicize that chord and that's the word for it you're MyW2e57gQ_c-00029-00017272-00017816 you're pretending it's tonic for this moment so if we take the two chord of the key of c which is d MyW2e57gQ_c-00030-00017816-00018304 minor and then i find the five of that one seven six five and i always count with the major scale MyW2e57gQ_c-00031-00018304-00018776 you can you can count with other structures but that's just what he is one seven six five five so MyW2e57gQ_c-00032-00018776-00019664 now i'm playing the five of two five two so i'm just playing a major five chord dominant chord MyW2e57gQ_c-00033-00019720-00020616 leading to something that is not the actual original tonic so five of two two five one MyW2e57gQ_c-00034-00020792-00021224 you can do that with any chord of the key so the three chord in the key of c one MyW2e57gQ_c-00035-00021224-00021912 seven six five four three is e minor and if i wanna find the five chord of that MyW2e57gQ_c-00036-00021912-00022784 one two three four five then i found it b i'm gonna create a major chord or dominant seven chord MyW2e57gQ_c-00037-00022904-00023288 off of that five of three so five of three or five of e minor MyW2e57gQ_c-00038-00023528-00024152 and then resolve to that so even in the key of c c is the tonic g is the v chord c MyW2e57gQ_c-00039-00024304-00025096 g f is in that key g c now i'm gonna go to the five of three and five of three MyW2e57gQ_c-00040-00025320-00025384 and three MyW2e57gQ_c-00041-00026927-00027424 this majorly multiplies the options for chords right you're not stuck anymore with just seven MyW2e57gQ_c-00042-00027424-00027952 chords i mean you have a five of everything now except for five of seven is not really a thing MyW2e57gQ_c-00043-00027952-00028448 so you have almost double the chords with this idea so what i recommend doing is taking any key MyW2e57gQ_c-00044-00028448-00029048 finding your chords through that key and earlier in this series we did our diatonic chords through MyW2e57gQ_c-00045-00029048-00029600 b flat just because it's really good to see your chords along one string to kind of get a sense of MyW2e57gQ_c-00046-00029600-00030152 the theory so one chord two chord three chord four chord five chord six seven one seven six MyW2e57gQ_c-00047-00030152-00030824 five four three two one and then you just wanna create put a uh secondary dominant before every MyW2e57gQ_c-00048-00030824-00032232 chord's a one five of two two five of three three five of four four five of five five five of six MyW2e57gQ_c-00049-00032304-00032872 six seven doesn't get a secondary dominant in front of it five one one MyW2e57gQ_c-00050-00033128-00033592 let's look at a couple song examples that use this on the road again by willie nelson MyW2e57gQ_c-00051-00033592-00034464 on the road again oh i can't wait to get on the road again that's the five of six you could also MyW2e57gQ_c-00052-00034464-00034912 think of it as the three chord that's major so you could call it a major three chord or a dominant MyW2e57gQ_c-00053-00034912-00035616 seven and three chord but it's it's existing and functioning and pulling to the sixth chord MyW2e57gQ_c-00054-00035616-00036152 of the key however this is a good example because you don't always have to go to the chord that it MyW2e57gQ_c-00055-00036152-00036680 is the five of you can go anywhere else so in this song it actually doesn't resolve to the MyW2e57gQ_c-00056-00036680-00037184 tonic that it's tonicizing but still it would be considered a secondary dominant on the road again MyW2e57gQ_c-00057-00037392-00037928 i can't wait to get on the road again the life i love is making MyW2e57gQ_c-00058-00038624-00039064 the classic standard all of me uses the same secondary dominant as the second chord and what's MyW2e57gQ_c-00059-00039064-00039768 cool about this is it actually goes to another secondary dominant so we got one and then we have MyW2e57gQ_c-00060-00039856-00040800 five of six and then we have five of two and then we go to two okay so we got a string of secondary MyW2e57gQ_c-00061-00040800-00041328 dominance together when i say 506 that would be written with a roman numeral five slash roman MyW2e57gQ_c-00062-00041328-00042152 numeral six five of six or when i say five of two roman numeral five slash roman numeral two that's MyW2e57gQ_c-00063-00042152-00042568 how we can determine so this you don't have to think of the actual key you can say it's the one MyW2e57gQ_c-00064-00042568-00043312 chord and then five is six five of two two in the same way that these applied dominants or secondary MyW2e57gQ_c-00065-00043312-00043792 dominants work we have what are called applied diminished chords and so if you take a diminished MyW2e57gQ_c-00066-00043792-00044288 chord we're going to take a just fully diminished seven chord you can apply that to anything MyW2e57gQ_c-00067-00044352-00044792 and point directly to resolving to it by just putting it a half step below anything you can MyW2e57gQ_c-00068-00044792-00045176 actually do more than that but just to keep it simple for now we're going to do that so MyW2e57gQ_c-00069-00045176-00045872 wherever you play this chord you can think of it as pointing to something that is a half step up MyW2e57gQ_c-00070-00045944-00046424 you hear that resolution there so the way this is very often used is to connect two chords that are MyW2e57gQ_c-00071-00046424-00047112 next to each other like c major seven and then c sharp diminished seven and then d minor seven and MyW2e57gQ_c-00072-00047112-00047960 then wherever you're going after that one chord seven of two two you could do seven of three three MyW2e57gQ_c-00073-00048016-00048600 you do seven of four four i did a video on exactly that exercise a while ago i'll put a link in MyW2e57gQ_c-00074-00048600-00049096 the description to that i used something by the beatles as an example recently so that's coming to MyW2e57gQ_c-00075-00049968-00050632 that chord that it goes to c c major seven c seven c seven in the key of c MyW2e57gQ_c-00076-00050632-00051144 is the five of four it's the secondary dominant of the iv chord so MyW2e57gQ_c-00077-00051616-00052832 this song goes on have a d7 in it in the key of c d7 is five of five it's the secondary dominant MyW2e57gQ_c-00078-00052832-00053208 of the five chord okay the other way to play chromatic chords that i want to talk about MyW2e57gQ_c-00079-00053208-00053640 is using a device called modal mixture i did two videos on this a while ago check those out MyW2e57gQ_c-00080-00053640-00054120 if you want to know more that one of them is a really cool exercise modal mixture is MyW2e57gQ_c-00081-00054224-00055032 such a cool sounding approach to harmony and it's simply this idea you take all the chords MyW2e57gQ_c-00082-00055032-00055464 in a key one chord two chord three chord four chord five and then you take all of MyW2e57gQ_c-00083-00055464-00056120 the chord options that are in a parallel key a parallel scale or a parallel mode parallel means MyW2e57gQ_c-00084-00056120-00056704 something else some other scale some other key that's off the same route okay so the the typical MyW2e57gQ_c-00085-00056704-00057352 example if you say modal mixture most of the time we're thinking major and minor so all the chords MyW2e57gQ_c-00086-00057352-00057879 from c major and all the chords from c minor and you just mix them up you can just interchange MyW2e57gQ_c-00087-00057879-00058352 between them as much as you want obviously when you're in the key of c major and you take a c MyW2e57gQ_c-00088-00058352-00058936 minor chord that's a chromatic chord because even if one note changed you are borrowing from that c MyW2e57gQ_c-00089-00058936-00059384 minor chord and that one note makes it a chromatic chord so you have to know your chords through a MyW2e57gQ_c-00090-00059384-00059872 major scale and through a minor scale and i have videos on both of those things in this series and MyW2e57gQ_c-00091-00059872-00060336 i'll link to those in the description but off of b flat where we can kind of see the linear MyW2e57gQ_c-00092-00060336-00060776 along the fifth string approach to the fretboard one chord two chord three chord four chord v MyW2e57gQ_c-00093-00060776-00061352 chord etc and then you have your minor chord and your two chord and your three chord and your four MyW2e57gQ_c-00094-00061352-00061784 chord and your five chords so uh then you just play around with them back to the song something MyW2e57gQ_c-00095-00062160-00062591 the intro that's kind of odd sounding is because of a modal mixture chord we have the four chord of MyW2e57gQ_c-00096-00062591-00063288 the key f and then we have the flat three major chord which comes from c minor so we have the MyW2e57gQ_c-00097-00063360-00063840 c major key the iv chord the flat three major chord just comes from the parallel minor MyW2e57gQ_c-00098-00063840-00064200 and then we have just the normal v chord and the one chord MyW2e57gQ_c-00099-00064200-00064584 the song creep by radiohead famously uses a minor chord MyW2e57gQ_c-00100-00065024-00065296 and the second chord is actually a secondary dominant MyW2e57gQ_c-00101-00065512-00065984 and then it goes to the four chord and then minor four chord MyW2e57gQ_c-00102-00066064-00066552 and that's borrowing from g minor and there's so many other examples as one more thing to MyW2e57gQ_c-00103-00066552-00066928 look at let's look at blackbird and look at what's going on with that MyW2e57gQ_c-00104-00067368-00067864 everything's pretty straightforward there then we have the four chord well this motion here MyW2e57gQ_c-00105-00067864-00068408 is the applied diminished chord so we have like four chord applied diminished chord MyW2e57gQ_c-00106-00068488-00068832 two chord applied diminished chord so that's actually going on MyW2e57gQ_c-00107-00069152-00069456 okay you can think of this as the sixth chord of the key MyW2e57gQ_c-00108-00069456-00070184 and then the flat six major chord borrowed from the parallel minor and then it goes MyW2e57gQ_c-00109-00070624-00070832 c minor just like in creep c major MyW2e57gQ_c-00110-00070952-00071584 c minor major iv chord minor iv chord borrowed from the parallel minor MyW2e57gQ_c-00111-00071816-00072448 secondary dominant two chord one chord so do you need to understand exactly MyW2e57gQ_c-00112-00072448-00072896 what's going on in blackbird right now no because we could take a whole lesson MyW2e57gQ_c-00113-00072896-00073336 on analyzing all of those details i just want to show you in this fun way like how much MyW2e57gQ_c-00114-00073336-00073744 this is being used all over the place in music and just starting to ponder about MyW2e57gQ_c-00115-00073744-00074216 these concepts and how they exist what i'd love for you to do as a little assignment is MyW2e57gQ_c-00116-00074216-00074632 to come up with your own chord progression that uses chromatic chords use at least one MyW2e57gQ_c-00117-00074632-00075112 applied chord secondary dominant or applied diminished chord and at least one modal mixture MyW2e57gQ_c-00118-00075112-00075472 option if you come up with something that you really like love to see it in the comments you MyW2e57gQ_c-00119-00075472-00076064 can write it out with the actual chord names and or write it out with the roman numeral notation MyW2e57gQ_c-00120-00076064-00076504 too if you feel like doing that all right that's it for today i'm here every week make sure you're MyW2e57gQ_c-00121-00076504-00077048 subscribed next week i'm talking about inversions looking forward to seeing you there thanks so much M_VB0fXtavg-00000-00000006-00001152 we have this LG washer is my made by LG and see these options and now turn on the water now see M_VB0fXtavg-00001-00001152-00002705 these options yeah baby watch those kids hand wash more steel washer steam cycle downloaded M_VB0fXtavg-00002-00002705-00004427 bulky palm press commoner normal and baby wash delicate hand wash wool speed wash and then we M_VB0fXtavg-00003-00004427-00005756 had these options right here you choose and you shoot no spin you choose low dose normal heavy M_VB0fXtavg-00004-00005756-00007166 and you choose like and you put the water and it does let's see it lights up let's see it lights up M_VB0fXtavg-00005-00007166-00008453 now close the door and you turn on back the washer it does not light up I just M_VB0fXtavg-00006-00008453-00008984 wanted to say what I wanted you to say that now turn off the washers now time for the M_VB0fXtavg-00007-00008984-00009878 dryer one okay this is Samson well what's this well how much it's a regular something M_VB0fXtavg-00008-00009878-00011486 yeah well I don't know yeah don't block those in number let's turn on the washer M_VB0fXtavg-00009-00011665-00012799 and gone let's turn off this house the house is so big we do nothing to do go dance mom where's M_VB0fXtavg-00010-00012799-00014425 the shower other people are doing oh nevermind mister I'm on the diet one now you're the absent M_VB0fXtavg-00011-00014425-00016540 it doesn't turn on no lecture wait is this rain what does this mean it's rank yes this is the M_VB0fXtavg-00012-00016540-00018160 sounder no sound is off but mi mine and you put your liquid detergent up with a pretty jerk is M_VB0fXtavg-00013-00018160-00019219 snow from beach and and your turn off you open the door and let's see it lights up no it doesn't why M_VB0fXtavg-00014-00019219-00019936 does it lights up well this one doesn't have that option but it has it or you don't know MC3Tx9R74qy-00000-00000320-00000520 Football highlight MEt05tAFIJc-00000-00000446-00000578 HOOK: Cuz I don’t give a fuck what you say MEt05tAFIJc-00001-00000578-00001084 Yeah imma do shit my way So you can go kick rocks MEt05tAFIJc-00002-00001084-00001492 Imma stack bricks up Build what I want to make MEt05tAFIJc-00003-00001492-00001592 VERSE 1 I gotta lot of shit to say MEt05tAFIJc-00004-00001592-00001904 So imma do this every day I’ll be writing things until I’m fucking MEt05tAFIJc-00005-00001904-00002111 buried in my grave 6 feet deep under MEt05tAFIJc-00006-00002111-00002392 But my body won’t decay Cuz my messages are timeless, so they’ll MEt05tAFIJc-00007-00002392-00002630 put ‘em on display Oh yeah I rap with a certainty MEt05tAFIJc-00008-00002630-00002884 I have a sense of urgency A message for eternity MEt05tAFIJc-00009-00002884-00003134 For everyone internally I had some people burning me MEt05tAFIJc-00010-00003134-00003464 But now they fucking learning see I ain’t the one to fuck with, now they lookin MEt05tAFIJc-00011-00003464-00003564 on nervously MEt05tAFIJc-00012-00003564-00003704 And I don’t really care what you think of me MEt05tAFIJc-00013-00003704-00003900 Respectfully You can kick rocks if you think you’re fucking MEt05tAFIJc-00014-00003900-00004286 better see I will out work you, turn you to an enemy MEt05tAFIJc-00015-00004286-00004634 Hurt you so bad that you gonna need some therapy That's right! MEt05tAFIJc-00016-00004634-00004895 I got the mother fucking recipe I been cooking up hits, imma leave a legacy MEt05tAFIJc-00017-00004895-00005279 You’ll be looking small when you standing right next to me MEt05tAFIJc-00018-00005279-00005379 I’m 5’ 10” bitch, but I’m 10 feet mentally MEt05tAFIJc-00019-00005379-00005479 HOOK: Cuz I don’t give a fuck what you say MEt05tAFIJc-00020-00005479-00005579 Yeah imma do shit my way So you can go kick rocks MEt05tAFIJc-00021-00005579-00005679 Imma stack bricks up Build what I want to make MEt05tAFIJc-00022-00005679-00005994 Cuz I don’t give a fuck what you say Yeah imma do shit my way MEt05tAFIJc-00023-00005994-00006234 So you can go kick rocks Imma stack bricks up MEt05tAFIJc-00024-00006234-00007238 Build what I want to make MEt05tAFIJc-00025-00007238-00008240 Yeah imma do it MY WAY! MEt05tAFIJc-00026-00008240-00008408 (2x) MEt05tAFIJc-00027-00008408-00009411 VERSE 2 I can’t contain it MEt05tAFIJc-00028-00009411-00010032 I’m coming out with a statement “You’ve really changed man all your music MEt05tAFIJc-00029-00010032-00010276 and arrangement” You don’t know shit, shut your mouth you MEt05tAFIJc-00030-00010276-00010529 can save it I’m the same dude that got his come up from MEt05tAFIJc-00031-00010529-00010629 the basement…. MEt05tAFIJc-00032-00010629-00010857 100 songs 100 weeks didnt change it Experiments, development, intelligence, and MEt05tAFIJc-00033-00010857-00010957 patience I’ll do it all again cuz I never feel complacent MEt05tAFIJc-00034-00010957-00011057 Let’s keep the good vibes, positivity’s contagious MEt05tAFIJc-00035-00011057-00011182 I’m never looking back cuz I made a life that’s passionate… MEt05tAFIJc-00036-00011182-00011838 A college graduate suppressing all his talents yet MEt05tAFIJc-00037-00011838-00012061 He found a way to go and change, become an advocate MEt05tAFIJc-00038-00012061-00012161 For taking control of your life go out and battle and- MEt05tAFIJc-00039-00012161-00012775 You think you have a dream then act on it MEt05tAFIJc-00040-00012775-00012875 Get after it Get out your head and fucking capture it MEt05tAFIJc-00041-00012875-00012975 You got one life to master it Don’t give up on your future MEt05tAFIJc-00042-00012975-00013075 We all start losers We’re all late bloomers MEt05tAFIJc-00043-00013075-00013175 Gotta struggle through the sewers MEt05tAFIJc-00044-00013175-00013311 HOOK: Cuz I don’t give a fuck what you say MEt05tAFIJc-00045-00013311-00014226 Yeah imma do shit my way So you can go kick rocks MEt05tAFIJc-00046-00014226-00014496 Imma stack bricks up Build what I want to make MEt05tAFIJc-00047-00014496-00015159 Cuz I don’t give a fuck what you say Yeah imma do shit my way MEt05tAFIJc-00048-00015159-00015893 So you can go kick rocks Imma stack bricks up MEt05tAFIJc-00049-00015893-00016334 Build what I want to make MEt05tAFIJc-00050-00016334-00016773 Yeah imma do it MY WAY! MEt05tAFIJc-00051-00016773-00016846 (2x) MPNfHKMp6no-00000-00000864-00001464 hello world how's it going time for another t-o-t and for those who are wondering what a t-o-t is MPNfHKMp6no-00001-00001464-00002104 that's uh this old tank so let's head upstairs and then this is what it looked like seven years ago MPNfHKMp6no-00002-00002104-00002688 i actually put my mascara barbs in here so that tells you how old my mascara barbs are in my one MPNfHKMp6no-00003-00002688-00003120 big tank that you guys watch on my friday night live stream but i did have these wooden miller eye MPNfHKMp6no-00004-00003176-00003672 breed out in there in between as well one of the coolest most beautiful fish i've put in there MPNfHKMp6no-00005-00003752-00004456 and i do have videos here if you youtube search lrb aquatics geophagus should pop up let's check MPNfHKMp6no-00006-00004456-00005424 out this 125 gallon high that's in our bedroom it's a 26 inches high it's 5 foot long and 18 MPNfHKMp6no-00007-00005424-00005984 inches deep really really cool tank absolutely love this tank one of my favorites in the fish MPNfHKMp6no-00008-00005984-00006736 room because it's just so odd and different and just watching all the behaviors of what's in here MPNfHKMp6no-00009-00006816-00007384 is really neat so we'll get into it share all that with you guys but real quick uh you see MPNfHKMp6no-00010-00007384-00007904 here i don't have the water level up all the way it's mainly because of these rope fish MPNfHKMp6no-00011-00007904-00008536 since i don't have a lid on it i like to keep my tanks open air so since i don't have a lid MPNfHKMp6no-00012-00008536-00009008 on it they could end up jumping out if the water level is too high but i've never had an issue MPNfHKMp6no-00013-00009008-00009656 with it at this height i would say as i don't know probably about eight inches seven inches MPNfHKMp6no-00014-00009656-00010376 eight inches but i absolutely love how this balance say [ __ ] here flows in with these rope MPNfHKMp6no-00015-00010376-00011080 fish as they just weave in and out of it they'll hang on top of it these guys are so personable MPNfHKMp6no-00016-00011080-00011712 i absolutely love rope fish big shout out to oddball aquatics for getting me into rope fish MPNfHKMp6no-00017-00011776-00012352 i don't know if i would say i would have never gotten into them but definitely definitely MPNfHKMp6no-00018-00012352-00013160 influenced me into doing so i mean how cool are those look how they just slink around everywhere MPNfHKMp6no-00019-00013384-00014184 just float like little water dragons and i got a jumbo betta that's from my uh buddy ben MPNfHKMp6no-00020-00014352-00014608 he gave that to me at the last aqua shella MPNfHKMp6no-00021-00014719-00015200 and you see tons of panda guards here playing everywhere oh yeah that was cool right MPNfHKMp6no-00022-00015344-00016240 coming out of that bulbitis i i love the panagarra and ropefish mix like they'll sit around they'll MPNfHKMp6no-00023-00016240-00016984 eat together they'll play together and then that bobitus that's just like a hut for these guys MPNfHKMp6no-00024-00017040-00017448 and there's actually a ton of shrimp so right by his tail you see MPNfHKMp6no-00025-00017560-00018176 it's a itty bitty bitty bitty shrimp oh there's another one they're all over the place in here MPNfHKMp6no-00026-00018344-00018640 but it is colonized with shrimp they live in here with them MPNfHKMp6no-00027-00018896-00019280 naturally established well besides me putting them in there but MPNfHKMp6no-00028-00019280-00019936 i mean they've been in there for years and some random rainbows we got dwarf neons MPNfHKMp6no-00029-00020040-00020368 i'm not sure what that is i think that might be a sick uensis MPNfHKMp6no-00030-00020832-00021600 and then as i mentioned the balance site crep is the plant this is marcelia minuta on the bottom MPNfHKMp6no-00031-00021832-00022376 and once again the bulb this hudalotti but uh let's go ahead and feed these guys get them MPNfHKMp6no-00032-00022376-00022808 a little more active you know then panda garage or search and see them on the hunt MPNfHKMp6no-00033-00023104-00023656 all right busting out the old tried and true tropical granules well i'm back buddy MPNfHKMp6no-00034-00023656-00024288 i'm feeding you you just missed it you like to feed across the tank rainbows they don't MPNfHKMp6no-00035-00024288-00024816 take no time they're already all over it but i do like to feed across the tank that way MPNfHKMp6no-00036-00024912-00025408 food will get down here for the shrimp i mean there's nowhere that food is going to sit that MPNfHKMp6no-00037-00025520-00025904 something's not going to get to it whether it be the panda garage the rope fish MPNfHKMp6no-00038-00026112-00026592 or the shrimp should just be quiet and play music to this what do you guys think should i MPNfHKMp6no-00039-00026592-00028183 keep rambling or put play music i think i'll play the music we'll go around this tank a little bit MPNfHKMp6no-00040-00031495-00031800 now as far as the water parameters on this tank MPNfHKMp6no-00041-00031912-00032695 we are sitting at 237 so i mean it's a little over neutral so it's not real hard MPNfHKMp6no-00042-00032808-00033608 but it's a little hard and as far as the temperature we are at 77 degrees and i've got MPNfHKMp6no-00043-00033608-00034384 a simple shop light i think i got that one from walmart and then one of these aqua neets it's kind MPNfHKMp6no-00044-00034384-00034928 of dimmed out seems to be enough for these plants these plants don't really require too much i could MPNfHKMp6no-00045-00034928-00035632 sit around and watch the rope fish all day long little on these panda guards things are so cool MPNfHKMp6no-00046-00036272-00036376 i mean just look at that MPNfHKMp6no-00047-00037672-00038200 and i do got a little cave built back here too so those rope oh well you can see the rope fish MPNfHKMp6no-00048-00038200-00038608 actually sitting there i didn't even see them camouflaged pretty well but there MPNfHKMp6no-00049-00038608-00039096 is a cave back there that they actually did in and hide in it are these guys bringing in here MPNfHKMp6no-00050-00039312-00039656 what you're doing in this tunnel either looking for food or breeding MPNfHKMp6no-00051-00039800-00040000 kicking up all that mold hard to tell MPNfHKMp6no-00052-00040496-00040920 you see how clear the water stays too even though they kick up a lot of stuff MPNfHKMp6no-00053-00040920-00041512 between the rope fish and the pina garas a lot gets kicked up it usually settles MPNfHKMp6no-00054-00041512-00042184 after feeding time but it has no airline no filter just mother nature in a box MPNfHKMp6no-00055-00043336-00043728 i hope you guys are enjoying this old tank series and if you guys are hit MPNfHKMp6no-00056-00043728-00044128 that like button that'd be awesome hit that subscribe button should have more coming out MPNfHKMp6no-00057-00044192-00044720 of these tots because there's a lot of tanks here to do them on and yeah i appreciate you MPNfHKMp6no-00058-00044720-00046384 all watching and thank you thank you all so much until next time everybody peace have a great one MPNfHKMp6no-00059-00046880-00047784 so MPNfHKMp6no-00060-00050416-00050584 good day MPNfHKMp6no-00061-00052024-00053384 birthday MPNfHKMp6no-00062-00055816-00055824 you MRqtzlzYAj4-00000-00000000-00000106 welcome to this video MRqtzlzYAj4-00001-00000106-00000244 today is Father's Day MRqtzlzYAj4-00002-00000244-00000441 and Angela and Philou arranged a MRqtzlzYAj4-00003-00000441-00000554 big surprise for me MRqtzlzYAj4-00004-00001390-00001570 I don't have any clue what it's gonna be MRqtzlzYAj4-00005-00001570-00001855 I had to be at a certain point within 30 minutes from now MRqtzlzYAj4-00006-00001855-00002144 so really exciting to get to know MRqtzlzYAj4-00007-00002144-00002292 what the surprise will be MRqtzlzYAj4-00008-00002292-00002540 but before I go first back to this morning MRqtzlzYAj4-00009-00002540-00002722 and show you what we started the day MRqtzlzYAj4-00010-00002722-00002836 I just woke up MRqtzlzYAj4-00011-00002836-00003064 I was woken by Philou and Angela MRqtzlzYAj4-00012-00003826-00004010 <dank je wel> thanks so much MRqtzlzYAj4-00013-00004184-00004234 strawberries ;-) MRqtzlzYAj4-00014-00004610-00004734 oh yeah "het huis" the house MRqtzlzYAj4-00015-00004734-00004848 and the flowers MRqtzlzYAj4-00016-00004848-00005133 I love it it's really beautiful MRqtzlzYAj4-00017-00005134-00005246 look at this drawing MRqtzlzYAj4-00018-00005532-00005626 <Dank je wel> MRqtzlzYAj4-00019-00005798-00005894 Start here... MRqtzlzYAj4-00020-00005894-00005986 Do you need your glasses? MRqtzlzYAj4-00021-00005986-00006124 No, I think I will be fine. MRqtzlzYAj4-00022-00006124-00006320 <wat uhh...> MRqtzlzYAj4-00023-00006320-00006472 Shall I get your glasses? MRqtzlzYAj4-00024-00006631-00006776 I need my glasses ;-) MRqtzlzYAj4-00025-00006776-00007116 <laughing> MRqtzlzYAj4-00026-00007312-00007550 Oh, that's much better! MRqtzlzYAj4-00027-00007550-00007964 Dear Tino, it's your goal to make us happy MRqtzlzYAj4-00028-00007964-00008104 You do everything for us MRqtzlzYAj4-00029-00008240-00008312 and it says MRqtzlzYAj4-00030-00008324-00008380 that I am MRqtzlzYAj4-00031-00008396-00008866 the most most most sweetest man there is MRqtzlzYAj4-00032-00008986-00009100 yes, you are MRqtzlzYAj4-00033-00009978-00010464 step on the bike and then we go to our grandparents MRqtzlzYAj4-00034-00010464-00010680 to celebrate Father's Day MRqtzlzYAj4-00035-00010680-00010894 and I think MRqtzlzYAj4-00036-00010894-00011328 they have pancakes American pancakes MRqtzlzYAj4-00037-00011328-00011439 Yes! MRqtzlzYAj4-00038-00011600-00011752 well, jump on the bike! MRqtzlzYAj4-00039-00014368-00014491 as you saw earlier in the video MRqtzlzYAj4-00040-00014491-00014596 I have another surprise MRqtzlzYAj4-00041-00014596-00014713 that's for this afternoon MRqtzlzYAj4-00042-00014713-00015054 yep and it's right over there in the park MRqtzlzYAj4-00043-00019166-00019230 well done MRqtzlzYAj4-00044-00022282-00022376 that was a lovely brunch MRqtzlzYAj4-00045-00022376-00022516 with opa and oma and MRqtzlzYAj4-00046-00022516-00022698 uncle and auntie Leo & Lian MRqtzlzYAj4-00047-00022714-00023074 for Philou it was lovely she had the pancake she loves the pancakes MRqtzlzYAj4-00048-00023074-00023170 meanwhile MRqtzlzYAj4-00049-00023170-00023422 leave in the comments below how you spend this day MRqtzlzYAj4-00050-00023422-00023594 like this video MRqtzlzYAj4-00051-00023594-00023780 and don't forget to subscribe MRqtzlzYAj4-00052-00023780-00023930 and hit the notification bell MRqtzlzYAj4-00053-00023930-00023993 almost there MRqtzlzYAj4-00054-00023993-00024276 over there that's the entrance MRqtzlzYAj4-00055-00024276-00024622 and can't wait what the surprise is going to be MRqtzlzYAj4-00056-00024700-00024816 there they are MRqtzlzYAj4-00057-00025127-00025348 over there Philou is already waving MRqtzlzYAj4-00058-00025348-00025544 ah, so sweet MRqtzlzYAj4-00059-00025660-00025918 that's nice it's gonna be awesome picnic I think MRqtzlzYAj4-00060-00025918-00026050 Wow MRqtzlzYAj4-00061-00026283-00026476 <wat leuk! -Leuk he!> So nice MRqtzlzYAj4-00062-00026564-00026700 Look, there is daddy MRqtzlzYAj4-00063-00026820-00026977 what a surprise Philou MRqtzlzYAj4-00064-00027738-00027936 well what a surprise MRqtzlzYAj4-00065-00027936-00028236 Angela and Philou they arranged a picnic here in the park MRqtzlzYAj4-00066-00028236-00028570 it's from one of our favorite places in our home town MRqtzlzYAj4-00067-00028570-00028710 Francis MRqtzlzYAj4-00068-00028710-00028980 we will put the link below MRqtzlzYAj4-00069-00028980-00029295 because when you're in Dordrecht, you can try it MRqtzlzYAj4-00070-00033796-00034252 Philou is playing with the other kids in the park MRqtzlzYAj4-00071-00040728-00040938 Philou made new friends MRqtzlzYAj4-00072-00040938-00041048 yeah a lot of them MRqtzlzYAj4-00073-00041048-00041212 yeah because that was the big surprise MRqtzlzYAj4-00074-00041212-00041374 the picnic MRqtzlzYAj4-00075-00041374-00041614 the picnic and it was perfect MRqtzlzYAj4-00076-00041614-00041698 and lovely MRqtzlzYAj4-00077-00041698-00041858 and I had another surprise MRqtzlzYAj4-00078-00041858-00042050 and that's next Friday MRqtzlzYAj4-00079-00042050-00042320 I will have a deep dive for one hour MRqtzlzYAj4-00080-00042320-00042458 for YouTube MRqtzlzYAj4-00081-00042458-00042640 that's a gift from Angela and Philou as well MRqtzlzYAj4-00082-00042640-00042844 and that's so MRqtzlzYAj4-00083-00042844-00043176 that's with Tim Schmoyer so Tim see you next to her Friday MRqtzlzYAj4-00084-00043176-00043414 but thanks for all the surprises dears MRqtzlzYAj4-00085-00043414-00043584 it was, it's really lovely MRqtzlzYAj4-00086-00043584-00043840 a great Father's Day MRqtzlzYAj4-00087-00043840-00043998 that's your the best dad in the world MRqtzlzYAj4-00088-00044122-00044186 I love you MRqtzlzYAj4-00089-00044186-00044274 I love you too MRqtzlzYAj4-00090-00044284-00044412 if you want to see MRqtzlzYAj4-00091-00044412-00044520 how I surprised MRqtzlzYAj4-00092-00044520-00044680 Angela for Mother's Day MRqtzlzYAj4-00093-00044680-00044912 watch the video over here MRqtzlzYAj4-00094-00045074-00045748 subscribe and like this video MS466BqLGYY-00000-00001388-00001919 всем привет на моем канале сегодня я MS466BqLGYY-00001-00001655-00002108 сделаю обзор на насадке из набора 24 MS466BqLGYY-00002-00001919-00002390 штуки которыми я не пользуюсь вообще MS466BqLGYY-00003-00002108-00002609 либо использовала очень-очень редко MS466BqLGYY-00004-00002390-00002867 девочки очень часто задают вопросы где MS466BqLGYY-00005-00002609-00003080 купить насадки какой набор купить и MS466BqLGYY-00006-00002867-00003322 сразу покупают допустим тоже наборами MS466BqLGYY-00007-00003080-00003569 как и я но потом эти насадки просто MS466BqLGYY-00008-00003322-00003776 валяюсь я потом даже до купола те MS466BqLGYY-00009-00003569-00003956 которые мне были необходимы где-то по MS466BqLGYY-00010-00003776-00004238 размеру допустим отличались либо по MS466BqLGYY-00011-00003956-00004460 форме и данные наборы также они бывают MS466BqLGYY-00012-00004238-00004604 разные тоже обратите внимание на тот MS466BqLGYY-00013-00004460-00004727 который у вас можете не писать MS466BqLGYY-00014-00004604-00005057 комментарии мне будет очень интересно MS466BqLGYY-00015-00004727-00005297 почитать и также если вы знаете как MS466BqLGYY-00016-00005057-00005575 применить ту или иную насадку который я MS466BqLGYY-00017-00005297-00005789 не пользуюсь если вы именно по десертам MS466BqLGYY-00018-00005575-00006068 специализируетесь либо вас обучали MS466BqLGYY-00019-00005789-00006257 где-то чему-то то тогда тоже мне эту MS466BqLGYY-00020-00006068-00006550 информацию очень пригодится ему что я MS466BqLGYY-00021-00006257-00006893 что-нибудь из этого назад вернул свой MS466BqLGYY-00022-00006550-00007097 рабочий процесс также немножко расскажу MS466BqLGYY-00023-00006893-00007415 про адаптер я ими тоже перестал MS466BqLGYY-00024-00007097-00007604 абсолютно пользуется будто позже покажу MS466BqLGYY-00025-00007415-00007873 ближе насадки их очень много у меня MS466BqLGYY-00026-00007604-00008107 обзор есть такой в ускоренной съёмке в MS466BqLGYY-00027-00007873-00008347 принципе там просто способы украшения MS466BqLGYY-00028-00008107-00008606 каждой насадки поэтому для просмотра для MS466BqLGYY-00029-00008347-00008785 общего развития обучения ну тут нечему MS466BqLGYY-00030-00008606-00008950 обучать как нажимать на пакет чтобы MS466BqLGYY-00031-00008785-00009190 выдавить кремль и думаю это лишнее MS466BqLGYY-00032-00008950-00009509 объяснять показывать я буду на белковым MS466BqLGYY-00033-00009190-00009696 кремом белковый крем у меня без сиропа MS466BqLGYY-00034-00009509-00010013 то есть я его заваривай на водяной бане MS466BqLGYY-00035-00009696-00010253 это очень классный рецепт намного проще MS466BqLGYY-00036-00010013-00010489 готовить с его чем на сиропе и здесь MS466BqLGYY-00037-00010253-00010786 сахара меньше в 2 раза смотрите какой он MS466BqLGYY-00038-00010489-00010999 у меня сегодня плотный многие пишут не MS466BqLGYY-00039-00010786-00011118 получается такой ну просто нужно дольше MS466BqLGYY-00040-00010999-00011459 взбивать MS466BqLGYY-00041-00011118-00011718 здесь на 4 белка я на лопатку его прям MS466BqLGYY-00042-00011459-00011718 всего взяла MS466BqLGYY-00043-00011734-00012110 очень классный ссылочку оставлю под MS466BqLGYY-00044-00011974-00012292 видео в описании сейчас у вас может MS466BqLGYY-00045-00012110-00012568 появиться в подсказках переходите MS466BqLGYY-00046-00012292-00012824 смотрите и учитесь мой любимый крем не MS466BqLGYY-00047-00012568-00013019 уступает вообще белково-заварной крем MS466BqLGYY-00048-00012824-00013283 она сиропе ну я его до сих пор не MS466BqLGYY-00049-00013019-00013499 готовлю нет смысла мне переводить MS466BqLGYY-00050-00013283-00013709 продукты иногда даже этот крем у меня не MS466BqLGYY-00051-00013499-00013909 получается потому что все зависит от яиц MS466BqLGYY-00052-00013709-00014183 от сахара от того насколько у вас MS466BqLGYY-00053-00013909-00014429 хватило терпения постоять за плитой всё MS466BqLGYY-00054-00014183-00014740 это взбивать это я готовлю ручной миксер MS466BqLGYY-00055-00014429-00014954 и немножко про адаптеры когда я выбирала MS466BqLGYY-00056-00014740-00015241 себе набор насадок то есть это было MS466BqLGYY-00057-00014954-00015454 давным-давно мне посоветовали адаптер MS466BqLGYY-00058-00015241-00015769 вам нужно я говорю ну давайте я взяла 2 MS466BqLGYY-00059-00015454-00016181 1 побольше второй поменьше принципе для MS466BqLGYY-00060-00015769-00016462 этого набора подходит но есть насадка MS466BqLGYY-00061-00016181-00016697 которая сваливается отсюда и она даже не MS466BqLGYY-00062-00016462-00016892 одевается и не закрепляется поэтому я MS466BqLGYY-00063-00016697-00017150 приобрела еще вот такой дополнительно по MS466BqLGYY-00064-00016892-00017368 моему маленький ну на него хорошо MS466BqLGYY-00065-00017150-00017659 садится насадкой закручивается сейчас MS466BqLGYY-00066-00017368-00017935 для чего адаптер для того чтобы вы могли MS466BqLGYY-00067-00017659-00018238 одним и тем же цветом крема допустим MS466BqLGYY-00068-00017935-00018515 меня в насадку работать для адаптера MS466BqLGYY-00069-00018238-00018838 берете кондитерский мешок вставляется MS466BqLGYY-00070-00018515-00019126 карта кстати и только потом уже в MS466BqLGYY-00071-00018838-00019298 процессе работы нескольких там как MS466BqLGYY-00072-00019126-00019591 устных ситуаций когда давишь крем и MS466BqLGYY-00073-00019298-00019843 прямо насадка вылетает поэтому пакете MS466BqLGYY-00074-00019591-00020159 должен быть вровень с адаптером чтобы MS466BqLGYY-00075-00019843-00020306 прям накручивать на пакет таким образом MS466BqLGYY-00076-00020159-00020572 он закрепляется и в принципе никуда не MS466BqLGYY-00077-00020306-00020572 денется и MS466BqLGYY-00078-00020631-00021282 таким да это очень удобно но сейчас MS466BqLGYY-00079-00021007-00021515 покажу другой более простой вариант MS466BqLGYY-00080-00021282-00021873 чтобы дополнительно и не мыть еще MS466BqLGYY-00081-00021515-00022169 адаптеры берете мешок вставляете насадку MS466BqLGYY-00082-00021873-00022412 так чтобы она немножко вы выглядывала MS466BqLGYY-00083-00022169-00022751 иначе если чуть больше тоже если крем MS466BqLGYY-00084-00022412-00023044 сильно плотный она вылетает и берете 2 MS466BqLGYY-00085-00022751-00023362 кондитерский мешок куда закладывает MS466BqLGYY-00086-00023044-00023638 секрет выставляется в этот мешок мешок MS466BqLGYY-00087-00023362-00023932 очень удобный вариант экономный в MS466BqLGYY-00088-00023638-00024187 принципе тоже меньше возьми кто как MS466BqLGYY-00089-00023932-00024425 привык про этот адаптер тоже покажу и MS466BqLGYY-00090-00024187-00024662 расскажу в принципе ну вот для этого MS466BqLGYY-00091-00024425-00024875 набора он вообще не подходит он даже не MS466BqLGYY-00092-00024662-00025031 закручивается если вы такое решили MS466BqLGYY-00093-00024875-00025306 купить не факт что у вас получится MS466BqLGYY-00094-00025031-00025451 что-то сделать нужны другие насадки он MS466BqLGYY-00095-00025306-00025666 состоит из трех частей MS466BqLGYY-00096-00025451-00025954 они пронумерованы то есть тут еще MS466BqLGYY-00097-00025666-00026125 определенную нужно стороной собрать это MS466BqLGYY-00098-00025954-00026549 для чего является MS466BqLGYY-00099-00026125-00026788 вниз и допустим здесь красный цвет MS466BqLGYY-00100-00026549-00027025 зеленый цвет а здесь например еще MS466BqLGYY-00101-00026788-00027100 какой-нибудь желтой соединяются между MS466BqLGYY-00102-00027025-00027374 собой MS466BqLGYY-00103-00027100-00027733 потом одевается на сотку закручиваете MS466BqLGYY-00104-00027374-00027938 это все плюс это все нужно еще какой-то MS466BqLGYY-00105-00027733-00028141 большой кондитерский мешок засунуть MS466BqLGYY-00106-00027938-00028450 короче я не пользовалась этой штукой MS466BqLGYY-00107-00028141-00028633 проставляется у меня сделан более MS466BqLGYY-00108-00028450-00028886 упрощенный способ и MS466BqLGYY-00109-00028633-00029095 дешевые то когда вы берете пищевую MS466BqLGYY-00110-00028886-00029338 пленку разматывайте ну нужной вам длины MS466BqLGYY-00111-00029095-00029552 допустим вот кондитерский мешок и сюда MS466BqLGYY-00112-00029338-00029738 полосочками выдавливайте крем либо MS466BqLGYY-00113-00029552-00030025 просто ложкой выкладывайте ровненько MS466BqLGYY-00114-00029738-00030352 желтый зеленый красный синий оранжевый MS466BqLGYY-00115-00030025-00030709 потом вот так вот скручиваете в трубочку MS466BqLGYY-00116-00030352-00030919 и так или так без разницы фиксируйте MS466BqLGYY-00117-00030709-00031187 края обрезайте с одной стороны MS466BqLGYY-00118-00030919-00031369 вставляйте этот крем с полосочками в MS466BqLGYY-00119-00031187-00031568 кондитерский мешок обрезаны в куда вам MS466BqLGYY-00120-00031369-00031890 надо насадка рыбу и тоже сюда ставить MS466BqLGYY-00121-00031568-00032152 намного удобней и проще MS466BqLGYY-00122-00031890-00032537 итак 1 насадка которая не пользовалась MS466BqLGYY-00123-00032152-00032750 вообще никогда это вот такого плана с MS466BqLGYY-00124-00032537-00033044 одной стороны она идет такими зубчиками MS466BqLGYY-00125-00032750-00033269 а со второй стороны изгиб не знаю в чем MS466BqLGYY-00126-00033044-00033590 ее применяется возможно для цветов если MS466BqLGYY-00127-00033269-00033863 знаете пишите и название и для чего ее MS466BqLGYY-00128-00033590-00034147 можно применить на сашку я мешок MS466BqLGYY-00129-00033863-00034418 кондитерский а во второй набираю крем MS466BqLGYY-00130-00034147-00034786 крем постоял начал пузырить цент поэтому MS466BqLGYY-00131-00034418-00034786 его нужно хорошенько пронесется MS466BqLGYY-00132-00035281-00035838 честно даже не знаю как вы поставить ну MS466BqLGYY-00133-00035659-00036286 вот что-то типа того MS466BqLGYY-00134-00035838-00036286 может какие-то рюшечки получится MS466BqLGYY-00135-00037809-00038250 но это все что я придумаю больше даже не MS466BqLGYY-00136-00038076-00038501 знаю на чем показать можно попробовать MS466BqLGYY-00137-00038250-00038760 сделать цветок MS466BqLGYY-00138-00038501-00039035 она чем-то похожа на насадку от MS466BqLGYY-00139-00038760-00039035 хризантемы MS466BqLGYY-00140-00039456-00040013 в общем нет такая насадка не подходит MS466BqLGYY-00141-00039786-00040013 для работы MS466BqLGYY-00142-00040037-00040595 пакет остается чистым убираю просто MS466BqLGYY-00143-00040341-00040805 насадку снимаю с минимальным количеством MS466BqLGYY-00144-00040595-00041118 потей крема MS466BqLGYY-00145-00040805-00041586 вторая насадка из этого набора она такая MS466BqLGYY-00146-00041118-00041799 же как и это просто она больше в два MS466BqLGYY-00147-00041586-00041799 раза MS466BqLGYY-00148-00042305-00042761 ну вот этой стороны можно сделать все MS466BqLGYY-00149-00042558-00043061 допустим плетение для MS466BqLGYY-00150-00042761-00043061 корзинки MS466BqLGYY-00151-00043662-00043958 ведь то же самое MS466BqLGYY-00152-00044096-00044837 просто больше выхода прям третья насадка MS466BqLGYY-00153-00044463-00045512 это вот такого плана нас двух сторон MS466BqLGYY-00154-00044837-00045512 похоже напасть счету у нас 2 2 зубчиками MS466BqLGYY-00155-00046932-00047508 предыдущие 3 насадки заменяет вот это MS466BqLGYY-00156-00047172-00047772 одна плоская сантиметр на выходе она MS466BqLGYY-00157-00047508-00047958 идет с одной стороны зубчиками со второй MS466BqLGYY-00158-00047772-00048425 стороны прямая также подходит для MS466BqLGYY-00159-00047958-00048786 плетения корзинки например ice cream и MS466BqLGYY-00160-00048425-00049020 поэтому это я вот пользуюсь 4 насадка MS466BqLGYY-00161-00048786-00049346 которую я никогда тоже не использовала MS466BqLGYY-00162-00049020-00049688 показывала только в обзоре это вот такая MS466BqLGYY-00163-00049346-00050210 то есть с двух сторон дырочки MS466BqLGYY-00164-00049688-00050210 перемычка посередине на нас похожи MS466BqLGYY-00165-00050285-00050768 даже не знаю что с ним получится MS466BqLGYY-00166-00050490-00050768 показать MS466BqLGYY-00167-00051571-00052250 [музыка] MS466BqLGYY-00168-00051852-00052250 муж берешь и какие-то или что MS466BqLGYY-00169-00052594-00053172 в принципе то и все больше тут не на чем MS466BqLGYY-00170-00052903-00053172 останавливаться MS466BqLGYY-00171-00053576-00054072 есть еще одна насадка которую я редко MS466BqLGYY-00172-00053855-00054444 очень использую однако она рабочая и MS466BqLGYY-00173-00054072-00054615 подходит для листьев от тюльпанов когда MS466BqLGYY-00174-00054444-00054979 вы отсаживают степан это листочки MS466BqLGYY-00175-00054615-00055245 делается вот этой вот насадкой круглая с MS466BqLGYY-00176-00054979-00055409 уголочком загнутым получается очень MS466BqLGYY-00177-00055245-00055644 красивые листья MS466BqLGYY-00178-00055409-00055880 дальше вот эти две насадки они MS466BqLGYY-00179-00055644-00056241 аналогичны отличаются размером я имею MS466BqLGYY-00180-00055880-00056454 вообще не пользовалась никогда но видела MS466BqLGYY-00181-00056241-00056721 как их используют при изготовлении MS466BqLGYY-00182-00056454-00056937 десертов да если вы занимаете десертами MS466BqLGYY-00183-00056721-00057174 тогда это очень хорошо либо вы только MS466BqLGYY-00184-00056937-00057384 кремовые торты делаете тогда тоже можно MS466BqLGYY-00185-00057174-00057892 что то придумать ну и на примере одной MS466BqLGYY-00186-00057384-00057892 из этих двух покажу что можно сделать MS466BqLGYY-00187-00058416-00058912 чем медленнее видео тогда образуется MS466BqLGYY-00188-00058614-00059333 волна либо ее можно самостоятельно MS466BqLGYY-00189-00058912-00059333 сделать еще можно вот так MS466BqLGYY-00190-00059795-00060298 есть еще насадки трубочки но я очень MS466BqLGYY-00191-00060082-00060562 часто заменяю их просто на обрезанный MS466BqLGYY-00192-00060298-00060813 пакетик мне так проще потому что даже MS466BqLGYY-00193-00060562-00061041 вот здесь она идет то не ровная по MS466BqLGYY-00194-00060813-00061351 диаметру сверху на выходе получается то MS466BqLGYY-00195-00061041-00061582 же самое что us пакета дальше вот эта MS466BqLGYY-00196-00061351-00061854 маленькая насадка я использую для MS466BqLGYY-00197-00061582-00062113 паутинки но последнее время я ее вообще MS466BqLGYY-00198-00061854-00062304 на забросила тут я и делаю но на выходе MS466BqLGYY-00199-00062113-00062536 получается как-то не очень мне больше MS466BqLGYY-00200-00062304-00062794 нравится с пакетиком были моменты когда MS466BqLGYY-00201-00062536-00063007 крупинки сахара попадают они застревают MS466BqLGYY-00202-00062794-00063258 и насадку приходится чистить это не MS466BqLGYY-00203-00063007-00063601 очень удобно остальные рабочие здесь вот MS466BqLGYY-00204-00063258-00063888 этот насадка для розы с выходом 2 чем-то MS466BqLGYY-00205-00063601-00064135 сантиметра здесь тоже насадка для розы MS466BqLGYY-00206-00063888-00064452 здесь выход меньше и она идет фигурные MS466BqLGYY-00207-00064135-00064707 то есть изогнутая такая цветы делать MS466BqLGYY-00208-00064452-00064963 хорошо и еще одна есть насадка которой я MS466BqLGYY-00209-00064707-00065220 не пользуюсь это вот насадка рюши здесь MS466BqLGYY-00210-00064963-00065422 слишком большая прорезь допустим даже MS466BqLGYY-00211-00065220-00065694 если делать кремовый торт представляете MS466BqLGYY-00212-00065422-00065986 какой слой крема будет если торт выслуги MS466BqLGYY-00213-00065694-00066256 ну соответственно и крема больше есть MS466BqLGYY-00214-00065986-00066489 насадка немножко поменьше это насадку MS466BqLGYY-00215-00066256-00066673 нужно поворачивать в ту сторону какая у MS466BqLGYY-00216-00066489-00067018 вас рабочие из какой вы ведете вправо MS466BqLGYY-00217-00066673-00067377 влево вот я допустим правой рукой ставлю MS466BqLGYY-00218-00067018-00067731 краю нажимаю чем сильнее давлю либо виду MS466BqLGYY-00219-00067377-00067731 тем она отличается MS466BqLGYY-00220-00067839-00068193 или вот так MS466BqLGYY-00221-00068464-00068941 я сейчас вот эту насадку лучше не MS466BqLGYY-00222-00068734-00069244 использую почему потому что я заменила MS466BqLGYY-00223-00068941-00069531 на насадку для розы не очень хорошо тоже MS466BqLGYY-00224-00069244-00069531 получается рюш MS466BqLGYY-00225-00070464-00070917 вот такой обзор у меня получился надеюсь MS466BqLGYY-00226-00070734-00071118 я не затянуло не утомилась своими MS466BqLGYY-00227-00070917-00071298 разговорами возможно новичкам это будет MS466BqLGYY-00228-00071118-00071550 интересно послушать посмотреть потому MS466BqLGYY-00229-00071298-00071735 что в принципе в интернете ему я не MS466BqLGYY-00230-00071550-00071946 видел обзоров на эти насадки MS466BqLGYY-00231-00071735-00072150 как-то вскользь и в основном все MS466BqLGYY-00232-00071946-00072393 работают абсолютно другими при MS466BqLGYY-00233-00072150-00072621 оформление тортов поэтому возможно вы MS466BqLGYY-00234-00072393-00072981 для себя какую-то информацию и возьмете MS466BqLGYY-00235-00072621-00073251 на заметку мне будет приятно так что MS466BqLGYY-00236-00072981-00073500 кому идея видео понравилось пишите MS466BqLGYY-00237-00073251-00073716 комментарии ставьте лайки всего вам MS466BqLGYY-00238-00073500-00073937 самого доброго будьте здоровы всем пока MS466BqLGYY-00239-00073716-00073937 пока MTuwfO8h3UE-00000-00001016-00001839 hello greetings and warm welcome to tegulio design district as president of the world design MTuwfO8h3UE-00001-00001839-00002544 organization i'm always pleased and proud to see investments in design the forthcoming contribution MTuwfO8h3UE-00002-00002544-00003264 of tdd will continue to bridge the gap between professional designers and non-designers as well MTuwfO8h3UE-00003-00003264-00003920 as shine a light on the importance of good and sustainable design now more than ever MTuwfO8h3UE-00004-00004040-00004712 my name is srini sreenivasan and it's my pleasure to share and perhaps introduce you to MTuwfO8h3UE-00005-00004800-00005664 world design organization and the work of a global community under text wdo is the only global design MTuwfO8h3UE-00006-00005664-00006495 organization that connects design professionals design educators promotional entities corporations MTuwfO8h3UE-00007-00006495-00007344 and municipalities from over 40 countries together we set trends and host activities on topics with MTuwfO8h3UE-00008-00007344-00008112 global appeal and urgency such as sustainability social innovation and better quality of life MTuwfO8h3UE-00009-00008184-00008968 founded in 1957 as strictly an association of industrial design organizations wdo has led MTuwfO8h3UE-00010-00008968-00009632 the charge of championing design and designers from around the globe fostering collaborations MTuwfO8h3UE-00011-00009632-00010256 international congresses and conferences and acting as the global voice of design MTuwfO8h3UE-00012-00010360-00011032 most recently we have strengthened our commitment to the united nations and its 17 sustainable MTuwfO8h3UE-00013-00011032-00011736 development goals to ensure that designers are embracing the role they can play to tackle the MTuwfO8h3UE-00014-00011736-00012480 large problems and challenges of inequalities good health and well-being clean water and sanitation MTuwfO8h3UE-00015-00012480-00013240 and responsible production and consumption just to name a few through its programs and initiatives MTuwfO8h3UE-00016-00013240-00013800 wdo highlights the ways in which design is a key actor and driver of change MTuwfO8h3UE-00017-00013856-00014632 not only through products but also in behavior we as designers have the power and the ability MTuwfO8h3UE-00018-00014632-00015280 to ensure a better future for the next generations to come sustainability doesn't MTuwfO8h3UE-00019-00015280-00016056 only refer to investments in recycled materials or energy efficiency but extends beyond the MTuwfO8h3UE-00020-00016056-00016888 environment to include economic cultural and social sustainability this is at the heart of MTuwfO8h3UE-00021-00016888-00017800 our programs and i encourage you to visit wdo.org to find out more about world design capital world MTuwfO8h3UE-00022-00017800-00018648 design impact price young designer circle world industrial design day our sustainability platform MTuwfO8h3UE-00023-00018648-00019344 and much much more i look forward to the future tdd events and the platform it will offer for MTuwfO8h3UE-00024-00019344-00020136 designers in italy and beyond and encourage our wdo members and wider community to get involved MTuwfO8h3UE-00025-00020136-00021184 and embrace the possibilities that a new design district can offer wishing you much success grazie MTuwfO8h3UE-00026-00022856-00022864 you MUC3L9GBkpo-00000-00000000-00000135 NO LABEL NO MENAGEMENT MUC3L9GBkpo-00001-00000393-00000501 EVERYTHING MUC3L9GBkpo-00002-00000800-00000900 D.I.Y. MUC3L9GBkpo-00003-00001600-00001700 PRESENTS MUC3L9GBkpo-00004-00002501-00003100 self-immolation and the path to the cross MUC3L9GBkpo-00005-00003300-00003895 I'll change into the power to bite and to sting MUC3L9GBkpo-00006-00004101-00004710 I won’t hide my pride I won’t hide my grudge MUC3L9GBkpo-00007-00004910-00005526 I rise from my knees and I clench my fist MUC3L9GBkpo-00008-00006326-00006721 the championship of pretexts I give up by concession MUC3L9GBkpo-00009-00006721-00007071 fuck all the poser shitheads and fuck this dirty whore MUC3L9GBkpo-00010-00007071-00007400 it’s the end of my patience for this fuckin masquerade MUC3L9GBkpo-00011-00007401-00007771 I dominate your game by changing all it’s rules MUC3L9GBkpo-00012-00007771-00008109 say what you want about me I’ve had my share of shit MUC3L9GBkpo-00013-00008109-00008485 my wounds they are still open and I’ve buried more than few MUC3L9GBkpo-00014-00008485-00008735 but I can swallow all this bitterness MUC3L9GBkpo-00015-00008735-00008951 keep all evil inside so babe please stop saying bullshit MUC3L9GBkpo-00016-00008951-00009118 bout me being a wuss MUC3L9GBkpo-00017-00009118-00009288 that statement is all shit MUC3L9GBkpo-00018-00009368-00009600 I hit nails on it’s head MUC3L9GBkpo-00019-00010566-00011200 If someone would have to stop this hateful crap MUC3L9GBkpo-00020-00011216-00011760 I remain humbly silent, though it’s easier to let it all out MUC3L9GBkpo-00021-00011985-00012643 though I won’t forget any one reason of the burning scars MUC3L9GBkpo-00022-00012668-00013206 though I carry it inside of me I’ll never let it out MVGHhwbygLU-00000-00000008-00000528 what's up guys it's Drigo welcome back to the channel today we are talking about three red flags MVGHhwbygLU-00001-00000528-00000919 you need to be looking out for when working with your next client let's get right into it MVGHhwbygLU-00002-00000976-00001448 number one they want a discount right from the beginning this is a first time client you have MVGHhwbygLU-00003-00001448-00001864 never worked with them before they're calling you they're asking for a discount right off the jump MVGHhwbygLU-00004-00001920-00002392 these are the kind of clients i always avoid these are the clients are not going to value what MVGHhwbygLU-00005-00002392-00002792 you're doing and what you have to offer and they're going to be always the most demanding MVGHhwbygLU-00006-00002792-00003279 I've learned this the hard way and Ive learned this the easy way the clients that tend to pay you MVGHhwbygLU-00007-00003279-00003800 more are easier to work with the ones are always asking for a discount are always more demanding MVGHhwbygLU-00008-00003896-00004288 now when the client does call you asking for a discount right off the jump MVGHhwbygLU-00009-00004288-00004912 what I normally do is tell them like hey this opportunity sounds really exciting but we don't MVGHhwbygLU-00010-00004912-00005376 offer discounts for first-time clients I'd be more than happy to offer you a discount MVGHhwbygLU-00011-00005376-00005912 on our next project based and on how this one goes - how does that sound? this puts really the ball under MVGHhwbygLU-00012-00005912-00006376 and on the court but then also this allows you to figure out is this gonna be a good client for you MVGHhwbygLU-00013-00006376-00006816 to work with because if you might work with them and you realize okay I might not want to give them MVGHhwbygLU-00014-00006816-00007352 a discount I'm gonna actually charge them extra because they're so hard to work with number two MVGHhwbygLU-00015-00007416-00007880 you start talking about the project and they have no clear goal or results for what they're MVGHhwbygLU-00016-00007880-00008448 expecting out the video this right here is just leaving you open for all types of problems because MVGHhwbygLU-00017-00008520-00008888 how are you supposed to know what you're supposed to capture what you're filming for without a MVGHhwbygLU-00018-00008888-00009432 purpose normally I used to do this when I first started you know talk to business owner they're MVGHhwbygLU-00019-00009432-00009920 like hey just shoot something cool we don't care and then the video normally doesn't perform as MVGHhwbygLU-00020-00009920-00010376 well because there's no purpose for it figure out what is the goal that they're trying to achieve MVGHhwbygLU-00021-00010376-00010800 what are they looking to do in their business ask them why are you trying to create a video MVGHhwbygLU-00022-00010800-00011280 now these are all questions that will allow you to figure out what kind of video are you looking to MVGHhwbygLU-00023-00011280-00011744 shoot for them they're telling you that they're looking to you know maybe convert more clients MVGHhwbygLU-00024-00011744-00012296 coming to their website maybe a testimonial talking about you know their previous patients MVGHhwbygLU-00025-00012296-00012784 coming in talking about how well they like you know their practice or maybe you're doing a sales MVGHhwbygLU-00026-00012784-00013368 video that kind of helps explain the services they have to offer um so asking those kind of questions MVGHhwbygLU-00027-00013368-00013896 will allow you to have a clear goal and result for what they're trying to achieve number three MVGHhwbygLU-00028-00013896-00014336 they were really bad communicators and this could be anything from you know them calling MVGHhwbygLU-00029-00014336-00015072 you at really odd hours of the night or you know emailing you and you know asking for a quick reply MVGHhwbygLU-00030-00015072-00015536 and then not hearing from them for three days or so you have to imagine yourself working with MVGHhwbygLU-00031-00015536-00016040 this client for the next four to six weeks do you really want to be in that kind of situation that a MVGHhwbygLU-00032-00016040-00016584 client emailing you revisions you know three days later and expecting them to you know for those MVGHhwbygLU-00033-00016584-00017136 changes right away save yourself the trouble this is a bonus one they talk bad about their MVGHhwbygLU-00034-00017136-00017616 last videographer this is one of those key things they need to look out for it's one of those things MVGHhwbygLU-00035-00017616-00018080 you know if you're dating somebody and they just talk really poorly about their past relationships MVGHhwbygLU-00036-00018080-00018424 you don't want to get dragged into that you know what I mean I think how they talk about MVGHhwbygLU-00037-00018424-00019000 the previous you know videographer says a lot about them normally you know we started working MVGHhwbygLU-00038-00019000-00019424 with clients we asked them have you done video before and they'd be like yeah I worked with the MVGHhwbygLU-00039-00019424-00019912 you know the company like oh that's awesome can I see the work they produce for you um why are MVGHhwbygLU-00040-00019912-00020336 you not working with them anymore you want to find out these things so they might tell you like well MVGHhwbygLU-00041-00020336-00020848 I like working with that guy but he took really long to deliver the files and then the production MVGHhwbygLU-00042-00020848-00021344 value that we're looking for just wasn't there great now when you can see that video that when MVGHhwbygLU-00043-00021344-00021816 they send that over to you you'll be like okay I just need to step up my delivery time and I need MVGHhwbygLU-00044-00021816-00022280 to provide a better quality of production than what they got and the other really great trick MVGHhwbygLU-00045-00022280-00022688 about asking that question you can ask them well how much did you pay for them to produce MVGHhwbygLU-00046-00022688-00023128 something like that for you they're like well we paid a thousand bucks so if I could deliver MVGHhwbygLU-00047-00023128-00023648 something for two thousand dollars for you at a faster rate and better production quality MVGHhwbygLU-00048-00023712-00024256 would we do we have a deal here you know just delivering that without stuttering of course MVGHhwbygLU-00049-00024256-00024688 but those are the things that allows you to start asking the clients for more money is MVGHhwbygLU-00050-00024688-00025192 when you start having more educated conversations with them forget about the video or the style of MVGHhwbygLU-00051-00025192-00025744 video that they're making you want to focus on the goal and then base your price around that MWIeTwYwvGy-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 4090 + R7 5800X Evil West 4K, 1440p, 1080p Gameplay BOSS FIGHT MWaM7BH8FLo-00000-00000115-00000166 music MWaM7BH8FLo-00001-00001003-00001898 Hey this is Kiss Hair don't care back at it again with another video like share comment subscribe MWaM7BH8FLo-00002-00002042-00002092 music MWaM7BH8FLo-00003-00006708-00006820 music MfiWKx2gS_M-00000-00000020-00000819 In 1702, nearly 320 years back, a Dutch Scientist wrote a letter to the Royal Society of London. MfiWKx2gS_M-00001-00000869-00001520 In which he stated that he found an awesome organism and that it had been dead for 20 to 30 years. MfiWKx2gS_M-00002-00001602-00001802 it was revived once it came in contact with water. MfiWKx2gS_M-00003-00001932-00002570 Later in 1773, Johann August did more research on it MfiWKx2gS_M-00004-00002570-00003370 He collected the fossils aging nearly 53 crore years of that organism. MfiWKx2gS_M-00005-00003370-00003670 They named the organism as "Tardigrade". MfiWKx2gS_M-00006-00003670-00004270 Tardigrade means slow walker - an organism that walks slowly. MfiWKx2gS_M-00007-00004270-00004670 What did we find out in this organism in the past 320 years. MfiWKx2gS_M-00008-00004670-00004970 There is an enduring research about this organism. MfiWKx2gS_M-00009-00005070-00005970 The reason behind the research on this organism is its "Survival of the fittest" nature. MfiWKx2gS_M-00010-00005970-00006370 100 degree Celsius is the boiling point of water. MfiWKx2gS_M-00011-00006370-00006570 All the micro organisms and bacteria in the water would be killed at this temperature. MfiWKx2gS_M-00012-00006670-00006970 This organism can survive even at 150 degree Celsius. MfiWKx2gS_M-00013-00007070-00007370 It survives even if you boil it in water for more than fifteen minutes. MfiWKx2gS_M-00014-00007370-00008420 It can survive even the freezing temperatures in the Antarctica and the Arctic regions up-to 273 degree Celsius below zero. MfiWKx2gS_M-00015-00008420-00009470 Due to heat withstanding capacity it is found in the volcanoes. MfiWKx2gS_M-00016-00009470-00009870 Not only temperature it has got even pressure withstanding capabilities. MfiWKx2gS_M-00017-00010020-00010470 It is also found under high pressure areas. MfiWKx2gS_M-00018-00010470-00011270 It is also found in Mariana Trench the deepest sea and also the one with most pressure. MfiWKx2gS_M-00019-00011270-00012070 Additionally it was also sent to space to check its survival in vacuum (space where is no air). MfiWKx2gS_M-00020-00012070-00012170 Shockingly it survived there also. MfiWKx2gS_M-00021-00012170-00012570 Is this creature from Earth or from any other planet? MfiWKx2gS_M-00022-00012570-00012869 Hello, I am your Mr. GK MfiWKx2gS_M-00023-00014019-00014369 Tardigrade - If you are finding it difficult to pronounce, you can call it as water bear. MfiWKx2gS_M-00024-00014369-00015269 The reason behind the name is that it moves like a bear. MfiWKx2gS_M-00025-00015269-00015569 Can we see it with the naked eye? MfiWKx2gS_M-00026-00015669-00016269 No we cannot as it ranges from 0.1 mm to 1.5 mm MfiWKx2gS_M-00027-00016269-00016670 It has eight legs, one small face and a small mouth in it. MfiWKx2gS_M-00028-00016670-00017270 Its mouth is extendable as it can move it in and out. MfiWKx2gS_M-00029-00017270-00017870 How does it survive without food and water? MfiWKx2gS_M-00030-00018020-00018270 ANHYDROBIOSIS is the process by which it survives. MfiWKx2gS_M-00031-00018270-00018870 In Greek it (ANHYDROBIOSIS) means life without water MfiWKx2gS_M-00032-00018870-00019070 It is achieved by going into the TUN state. MfiWKx2gS_M-00033-00019070-00019470 TUN meaning curling its body and going into a dormant mode. MfiWKx2gS_M-00034-00019470-00019570 Conservation mode. MfiWKx2gS_M-00035-00019570-00020070 In this mode it does not spend its body energy. MfiWKx2gS_M-00036-00020070-00021070 At this time a synthesized molecule, and an anti freeze material something similar for glycerol is formed. MfiWKx2gS_M-00037-00021070-00021570 It spreads throughout its body and repairs the areas like cell degeneration, DNA degeneration. MfiWKx2gS_M-00038-00021570-00022270 In case we die or if we don't get water, our metabolism stops and our cells are damaged. MfiWKx2gS_M-00039-00022420-00023470 At this point of time this special molecule spreads and stops this damage. MfiWKx2gS_M-00040-00023470-00024470 Without food and water, once in the TUN mode it can stop its metabolism to 99.9%. MfiWKx2gS_M-00041-00024470-00025470 At this stage you are almost dead but your cells, protein, DNA all are protected. MfiWKx2gS_M-00042-00025470-00025770 That is why, it goes into TUN mode if it does not get food. MfiWKx2gS_M-00043-00025770-00026620 It revives itself once it comes in contact with water after being carried away by the winds. MfiWKx2gS_M-00044-00026620-00028070 In 1948, an Italian zoologist noted a 120 year old dead Tartigrade, moving its legs once it came in contact with water. MfiWKx2gS_M-00045-00028070-00028170 Very astonishing right? MfiWKx2gS_M-00046-00028270-00028970 In 2007, 2008 the European space agency sent 3000 Tartigrades to space. MfiWKx2gS_M-00047-00028970-00029470 After travelling on the Earth's lower orbit for ten days, it returned to Earth. MfiWKx2gS_M-00048-00029470-00029870 The scientists thought that it would be great if at least 10 % of them survived it would be great. MfiWKx2gS_M-00049-00029870-00030470 To their astonishment 67% of them survived. MfiWKx2gS_M-00050-00030620-00031370 You have 1000 times more severe UV rays in space. MfiWKx2gS_M-00051-00031470-00031670 and it is very difficult for organisms like this to survive. MfiWKx2gS_M-00052-00031670-00032570 The reason behind its survival was a special protein called "Damage suppressor". MfiWKx2gS_M-00053-00032570-00032870 It had reduced the damage by 40% with this special protein. MfiWKx2gS_M-00054-00033020-00033770 This 40% is equivalent to 1000 times X-ray damage to other organisms. MfiWKx2gS_M-00055-00033770-00033970 This Tartigrade had this special type of protection. MfiWKx2gS_M-00056-00033970-00034170 Why do we study these Tartigrades. MfiWKx2gS_M-00057-00034270-00034770 Why is its research progressing even after 300 years? What is its use? MfiWKx2gS_M-00058-00034770-00034870 We do have many benefits. MfiWKx2gS_M-00059-00034870-00035470 Now this "Survival of the Fittest" can teach us many things. MfiWKx2gS_M-00060-00035470-00037670 For example: We can use its reviving capacity after 30 to 40 years to prolong the validity of the vaccines. MfiWKx2gS_M-00061-00037720-00037970 Next we use it for stress tolerant crop. MfiWKx2gS_M-00062-00037970-00038870 A crop that withstands the climatic changes, Earth's temperature changes. MfiWKx2gS_M-00063-00038870-00039570 The method in which it evolves itself after so many years. MfiWKx2gS_M-00064-00039670-00040670 The astronauts learn to protect themselves from the UV rays from this organism. MfiWKx2gS_M-00065-00040820-00041070 I think you wish to see these Tartigrades. MfiWKx2gS_M-00066-00041170-00041870 As I already told you they live in the Himalayas, Antarctica, under the sea, marsh lands and rain forests. MfiWKx2gS_M-00067-00042020-00043470 If you wish to see these organisms, collect a tree bark, algae or some plant parts and put in water for some time. MfiWKx2gS_M-00068-00043570-00044070 Then filter the water and examine it under a microscope. MfiWKx2gS_M-00069-00044070-00044870 In case if it is in a trans state and revived or if it is already alive you will be able to see it. MfiWKx2gS_M-00070-00044970-00045170 If you continue doing this you will get a better chance. MfiWKx2gS_M-00071-00045170-00045270 Good Luck MfiWKx2gS_M-00072-00045270-00045420 There are a lot of things to learn. MfiWKx2gS_M-00073-00045420-00045670 Stay connected with Mr. GK. MfiWKx2gS_M-00074-00045770-00045870 THANK U MkMqb5yxddc-00000-00000125-00000233 Chop your money MkMqb5yxddc-00001-00000347-00000462 Chop your money MkMqb5yxddc-00002-00000579-00000691 Chop your money MkMqb5yxddc-00003-00000800-00000917 Chop your money MkMqb5yxddc-00004-00000970-00001408 Happy birthday to my brother no body go fit to stop your shine o MkMqb5yxddc-00005-00001439-00001863 Nobody o oh, nobody o oh no-no-no-no yeh-yeh MkMqb5yxddc-00006-00001885-00002367 Never ever u to bother this is time to shop ur kili kili money (money) MkMqb5yxddc-00007-00002389-00002725 Billi billi money o money o yeh MkMqb5yxddc-00008-00002747-00003225 It's your birthday, you gonna chop your money MkMqb5yxddc-00009-00003259-00003661 On my birthday, I'm gonna chop my money MkMqb5yxddc-00010-00003687-00004105 If it's your birthday, you better chop your money MkMqb5yxddc-00011-00004141-00004705 Cause on my next birthday eh, sorry for my money (che) MkMqb5yxddc-00012-00004727-00005205 Odimegwu nwanne m chop your money (odimegwu odogwu) MkMqb5yxddc-00013-00005231-00005638 Pasca nwanne m more more wisdom oh-no-no (oh-no-no) MkMqb5yxddc-00014-00005660-00006064 Gbalu m chuckwu dalu nya mepelugi uzor oh-no-no (oh) MkMqb5yxddc-00015-00006085-00006847 Ofala na brownsville chop your money (Che, legitmated owegbedi ihe ifu) MkMqb5yxddc-00016-00006871-00007303 Happy birthday to my brother no body go fit to stop your shine o MkMqb5yxddc-00017-00007321-00007761 No body o oh, nobody o oh no-no-no-no yeh-yeh MkMqb5yxddc-00018-00007778-00008240 Never ever u to bother this is time to shop ur kili kili money (money) MkMqb5yxddc-00019-00008260-00008631 Billi billi money o money o yeh MkMqb5yxddc-00020-00008653-00008863 Now them dey wonder who dey do (who dey do) MkMqb5yxddc-00021-00008867-00009101 Ofala nwanne m kanyi nye fa gbedu o (nye fa gbedu o) MkMqb5yxddc-00022-00009114-00009554 Pasca gbalu m chuckwu dalu obulu godi once in a year (agu enanu?) MkMqb5yxddc-00023-00009561-00009748 I say them dey wonder who dey do (who dey do) MkMqb5yxddc-00024-00009754-00010025 Ofala nwanne m kanyi nye fa gbedu o (nye fa gbedu o) MkMqb5yxddc-00025-00010031-00010489 Pasca gbalu m chuckwu dalu obulu godi once in a year (agu enanu?) MkMqb5yxddc-00026-00010495-00010927 It's your birthday, you gonna chop your money MkMqb5yxddc-00027-00010947-00011366 On my birthday, I'm gonna chop my money MkMqb5yxddc-00028-00011374-00011809 If it's your birthday, you better chop your money MkMqb5yxddc-00029-00011839-00012750 Cause on my next birthday eh, sorry for my money (Che, legitmated owegbedi ihe ifu) MkMqb5yxddc-00030-00012772-00013186 It's your birthday, you gonna chop your money MkMqb5yxddc-00031-00013203-00013613 On my birthday, I'm gonna chop my money MkMqb5yxddc-00032-00013631-00014088 If it's your birthday, you better chop your money MkMqb5yxddc-00033-00014099-00014720 Cause on my next birthday eh, sorry for my money (che) MkMqb5yxddc-00034-00014727-00015116 Ofala nwanne m chop your money MkMqb5yxddc-00035-00015197-00015435 Owelor... MkMqb5yxddc-00036-00015571-00015964 Hehe :) legitmated MkMqb5yxddc-00037-00016041-00016444 Phy phy phyzzi superstar... Mlh2AdPahdo-00000-00000894-00001241 MEMORIAL HOLIDAY IS A DAY THAT HOLDS GREAT REVERENCE FOR AMERICANS. Mlh2AdPahdo-00001-00001241-00001660 VETERANS AND SERVICE MEMBERS PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION SETTING ASIDE TIME TO PAY RESPECTS TO THEIR Mlh2AdPahdo-00002-00001660-00002013 FALLEN COMRADES AND LEAVING OFFERINGS TO SHOW THEIR RESPECT. Mlh2AdPahdo-00003-00002013-00002793 "JUST TO REMEMBER AND AT LEAST ONE DAY A YEAR AS ON MEMORIAL DAY TAKE THAT OPPORTUNITY TO Mlh2AdPahdo-00004-00002793-00003243 RESPECT AND HONOR THOSE THAT HAVE COME BEFORE US." Mlh2AdPahdo-00005-00003243-00003751 NAVAL BASE ROTA BASE CHAPLAIN LIEUTENANT COMMANDER PAT RILEY GIVES HIS FEELINGS ON THE HOLIDAY Mlh2AdPahdo-00006-00003751-00004050 AND WHY IT'S IMPORTANT FOR SERVICE MEMBERS TO HONOR THEIR FOREBEARS. Mlh2AdPahdo-00007-00004050-00004664 "WELL IT'S IMPORTANT TO THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF THOSE BEFORE BECAUSE IT GIVES US A REMINDER Mlh2AdPahdo-00008-00004664-00004794 OF WHY WE ARE HERE. Mlh2AdPahdo-00009-00004794-00005303 WE NEED TO LOOK BEYOND OURSELVES AND PAY THAT PRICE AS WELL IF NECESSARY." Mlh2AdPahdo-00010-00005303-00005567 PETTY OFFICER ANDREW SMITH, ROTA, SPAIN. Mm4HfxrPXny-00000-00000928-00001421 I'm Kaitlyn Starnes and I'm a junior this year and some things that I Mm4HfxrPXny-00001-00001422-00001838 participate in are band, student council, and NHS. Mm4HfxrPXny-00002-00001838-00002226 my name is Aiden Casarez. I am a senior at Castleberry high school. Mm4HfxrPXny-00003-00002226-00002862 I have participated in baseball, marching band, mariachi band, deca. The list goes on. Mm4HfxrPXny-00004-00002894-00003420 Hello my name is Devontae Lacasse. I'm a senior at Castleberry high school and a few of the activities Mm4HfxrPXny-00005-00003420-00004090 I participate in are UIL academics, marching band/concert band and mariachi. Mm4HfxrPXny-00006-00004090-00004470 I'm Alexis Aguillon and I'm a senior at Casper high school. Mm4HfxrPXny-00007-00004470-00004858 I participate in athletics, cheerleading, and latinas in progress. Mm4HfxrPXny-00008-00004888-00005188 My name is Patrick Thompson and I am a senior at Castleberry high school. Mm4HfxrPXny-00009-00005206-00005498 I participate in marching band and Student Council. Mm4HfxrPXny-00010-00005864-00006244 it really helps me prepare for college and get a feel of what it'll be like. Mm4HfxrPXny-00011-00006244-00006528 Like the rigor your study habits that you need. Mm4HfxrPXny-00012-00006528-00006920 The credits you will have going into college these can help tremendously Mm4HfxrPXny-00013-00006920-00007336 getting some of your basics out of the way so you can go ahead and start your major. Mm4HfxrPXny-00014-00007336-00007970 I've learned a lot of skills there. Time management, organization skills, and teamwork. Mm4HfxrPXny-00015-00008358-00008662 By learning to be more responsible. Mm4HfxrPXny-00016-00008662-00009210 Which means turning in assignments on time and managing my time well. Mm4HfxrPXny-00017-00009210-00009456 Because it's given me a better work ethic and given me Mm4HfxrPXny-00018-00009456-00009730 much better time management skills as well. Mm4HfxrPXny-00019-00010108-00010666 Some of my academic goals in high school are making sure I stay in the top 10% in my class. Mm4HfxrPXny-00020-00010666-00011192 These courses are weighted. They can really help your GPA as long as you work hard. Mm4HfxrPXny-00021-00011192-00011610 My academic goals were simply just to earn A's and B's Mm4HfxrPXny-00022-00011610-00012188 and join student clubs such as cheerleading to make more friends and put myself out there . Mm4HfxrPXny-00023-00012188-00012828 GPA I think being in the top 10 I think. But it wasn't so much that as the journey Mm4HfxrPXny-00024-00012828-00013206 My biggest academic goal in high school is make sure that I'm prepared for college. Mm4HfxrPXny-00025-00013206-00013586 Financially, academically, things of that matter. Mm4HfxrPXny-00026-00013972-00014396 The amount of time you have to dedicate to everything, and you don't want Mm4HfxrPXny-00027-00014396-00014813 to give 100 percent to one class and zero percent to the other so you kind of Mm4HfxrPXny-00028-00014813-00015212 have to figure out how to balance everything out and I think that's one thing Mm4HfxrPXny-00029-00015212-00015540 that I didn't really understand before I attended these classes. Mm4HfxrPXny-00030-00015582-00016216 Things I know now about College are how to manage my time and how to form some study groups Mm4HfxrPXny-00031-00016266-00016706 Through On-Ramps and TCC I especially that college courses, Mm4HfxrPXny-00032-00016706-00017080 most of them are exams so you have to build your way towards those exams. Mm4HfxrPXny-00033-00017368-00017776 the fact that the amount of work and responsibilities you have Mm4HfxrPXny-00034-00017776-00018130 have increased you know. Your teachers are going to be harder on you, Mm4HfxrPXny-00035-00018130-00018574 but it's always good that they're harder on you because they also, Mm4HfxrPXny-00036-00018574-00018898 you know, push you and drive you to keep doing well. Mm4HfxrPXny-00037-00018898-00019156 They have a higher rigor they expect more out of you, but at the same time Mm4HfxrPXny-00038-00019156-00019714 the challenges that are presented really come back with results for the students. Mm4HfxrPXny-00039-00019732-00020206 You learn way more in an advanced course than I think you do in a regular course Mm4HfxrPXny-00040-00020206-00020796 because it expands out so many other issues and topics that go on Mm4HfxrPXny-00041-00021168-00021562 The only real way you're going to learn how to figure this stuff out is by Mm4HfxrPXny-00042-00021562-00022009 asking questions don't be afraid to go up to someone you don't know and ask Mm4HfxrPXny-00043-00022009-00022297 them hey can you help me with this problem if they understand it because Mm4HfxrPXny-00044-00022297-00022676 you know you need to develop relationships with your peers along the Mm4HfxrPXny-00045-00022676-00023132 way and even just asking for help on one problem that can really benefit you. Mm4HfxrPXny-00046-00023132-00023362 The things that I do whenever I need help in the class is Mm4HfxrPXny-00047-00023362-00023658 first I'll ask my peers. Usually they have a different mindset Mm4HfxrPXny-00048-00023658-00023966 that is able to attack the problem, but if they don't understand the problem, Mm4HfxrPXny-00049-00023966-00024320 or if they have the same difficulties as me I would ask the teacher Mm4HfxrPXny-00050-00024378-00024744 whenever I needed help I simply just went to my teacher for help, Mm4HfxrPXny-00051-00024744-00025166 or I just went to a classmate that I knew I can count on. And even if my teacher Mm4HfxrPXny-00052-00025166-00025662 didn't know the answer we could simply just email the UT professor. Mm4HfxrPXny-00053-00026060-00026662 To me success means challenging myself and succeeding in those challenges. Mm4HfxrPXny-00054-00026662-00026908 A grade is never gonna define who you are. Mm4HfxrPXny-00055-00026908-00027104 You're the only person who can define what you are. Mm4HfxrPXny-00056-00027104-00027419 I think success is not the number it's the journey that you've taken. Mm4HfxrPXny-00057-00027419-00028027 to me success is trying your hardest no matter how difficult you think something Mm4HfxrPXny-00058-00028027-00028504 will be it's just finishing it and going through with it not giving up. Mm4HfxrPXny-00059-00028504-00028977 Success in the class doesn't necessarily to me mean getting an A it can also mean that I've Mm4HfxrPXny-00060-00028977-00029322 learned something that I've gained something along the way. Mm4HfxrPXny-00061-00029658-00029930 I would tell them to go for it because it's really worth it. Mm4HfxrPXny-00062-00029930-00030236 You earn the college credit and you won't have to take those classes. Mm4HfxrPXny-00063-00030268-00030870 I think it would be very beneficial for all students to try one advanced academic course Mm4HfxrPXny-00064-00030870-00031427 because it really; you learn so much about yourself that way. You learn the best way to study, Mm4HfxrPXny-00065-00031432-00031860 but you also learn that if you try hard enough you can make it. You can succeed Mm4HfxrPXny-00066-00032364-00032754 In five years from now I see myself in medical school. Mm4HfxrPXny-00067-00032754-00033178 Still volunteering at the hospitals like I volunteer at Cook's. Mm4HfxrPXny-00068-00033206-00033502 I'm really interested in sports. I'm interested in going into Mm4HfxrPXny-00069-00033502-00033826 sports entertainment marketing and broadcasting. something along those lines. Mm4HfxrPXny-00070-00033826-00034204 I'm thinking about West Point I'm also applying to Mm4HfxrPXny-00071-00034204-00034598 a lot of the Ivey league and tier one schools so it just depends. Mm4HfxrPXny-00072-00034598-00034804 I'll make that decision towards the end of the year. Mm4HfxrPXny-00073-00034804-00035120 After I leave Castleberry high school I want to go to college. Mm4HfxrPXny-00074-00035120-00035570 I'm not sure where exactly where yet, but I want to study social work. Mm4HfxrPXny-00075-00035570-00036104 My plans after leaving Castleberry High School I'm attending UNT in fall 2020 Mm4HfxrPXny-00076-00036108-00036474 I'm going to hopefully be majoring in computer science MmO_jGSgf2g-00000-00000022-00000071 English N1qu5T201ZI-00000-00000514-00000830 Everybody. It's Erik Johnson from Arete Throws Nation and today is Quick Tip Friday. N1qu5T201ZI-00001-00000832-00000933 Here we go. Two minutes. N1qu5T201ZI-00002-00000933-00001329 One of the things we want to see young throwers do is get out of the squat. N1qu5T201ZI-00003-00001356-00001530 When we look at rotational throws, N1qu5T201ZI-00004-00001530-00002025 so many throwers are squatted down and then whether it's the rotational shot, N1qu5T201ZI-00005-00002025-00002340 they got to come around and they are too squatted in the discus. N1qu5T201ZI-00006-00002343-00002721 This is a really a killer. When we see this type of thing and then we're here, N1qu5T201ZI-00007-00002742-00003096 we kind of get this type of motion. You can see how that makes me do this. N1qu5T201ZI-00008-00003117-00003525 Remember there's a slight up down action and there's a right way and a wrong way. N1qu5T201ZI-00009-00003525-00003684 When we will start a little bit taller, N1qu5T201ZI-00010-00003684-00004022 especially in the discus you're going to notice the best throwers in the world N1qu5T201ZI-00011-00004023-00004494 are typically up here. Many women throwers kind of come up as they drop in, N1qu5T201ZI-00012-00004524-00004962 but they're always in a position that's high that enables them to drop down and N1qu5T201ZI-00013-00004962-00005322 sprint right to apply that angle and the rotational shot too. N1qu5T201ZI-00014-00005322-00005463 You're going to see most elite throwers. N1qu5T201ZI-00015-00005463-00005712 They're going to be up here so they can drop down. N1qu5T201ZI-00016-00005715-00006180 Do you see very few throwers staying down here and doing this because you can N1qu5T201ZI-00017-00006180-00006627 see how that's going to move. So remember in the throws pillar 1, N1qu5T201ZI-00018-00006636-00006912 we set up our chain reaction. We're taller, N1qu5T201ZI-00019-00006912-00007236 a smidge taller shot and discus are different. We're going to talk about that N1qu5T201ZI-00020-00007236-00007662 in another Quick Tip Friday or one of our youtube videos, but pay attention. N1qu5T201ZI-00021-00007662-00008013 Stay a little taller so that you can turn and drop into your throat, N1qu5T201ZI-00022-00008028-00008349 which is pillar 1-2-3 and you will throw much farther faster. N1qu5T201ZI-00023-00008349-00008469 Thanks so much for watching. We'll see you next. N1qu5T201ZI-00024-00008520-00008794 We talk about the difference between the shot and the discus. N1qu5T201ZI-00025-00008830-00009121 The discus is the [inaudible] is a way. Everything's taller and longer, N1qu5T201ZI-00026-00009148-00009496 and we're going to be kind of more in this position when we throw and the N1qu5T201ZI-00027-00009496-00009907 rotational shot. We're bent a little bit more and knees are still towards, N1qu5T201ZI-00028-00009933-00010183 but what I'm talking about is one critical difference. N1qu5T201ZI-00029-00010199-00010498 So many young discus throwers or shot putters if they've been. N3cZKGPWczU-00024-00008984-00009852 Welcome to channel RifkatXband N6PrxWw5_WE-00000-00000074-00000127 hi. N6PrxWw5_WE-00001-00000444-00000705 sometimes.. i feel scared. N6PrxWw5_WE-00002-00000811-00000996 most of the time actually. N6PrxWw5_WE-00003-00001188-00001400 sometimes i'm afraid to cross the street. N6PrxWw5_WE-00004-00001655-00002126 when i was little i thought it was a skill that was only achieved by growing up. N6PrxWw5_WE-00005-00002665-00002888 sometimes i don't feel capable... N6PrxWw5_WE-00006-00003637-00003800 but despite everything... N6PrxWw5_WE-00007-00004044-00004207 the little things... N6PrxWw5_WE-00008-00004496-00004670 they keep me happy. N6PrxWw5_WE-00009-00005154-00005618 so sometimes I prefer monotony.. over a change. N6PrxWw5_WE-00010-00006062-00006328 most of the time the future overwhelms me.. N6PrxWw5_WE-00011-00006400-00006711 even though I don't know everything that's gonna happen N6PrxWw5_WE-00012-00006979-00007166 sometimes I wish I didn't exist. N6PrxWw5_WE-00013-00007419-00007470 but.. N6PrxWw5_WE-00014-00007627-00007829 i don't.. wish to die. N6PrxWw5_WE-00015-00008042-00008172 in such a way.. N6PrxWw5_WE-00016-00008352-00008408 that.. N6PrxWw5_WE-00017-00008498-00008763 instead of stopping my life.. N6PrxWw5_WE-00018-00008907-00009132 i wish i was simply an spectator. N6PrxWw5_WE-00019-00010058-00010204 i'm afraid of many things... N8FzDl9dOWM-00000-00000642-00000986 An unforeseen visitor N8FzDl9dOWM-00001-00001098-00001218 Actors: N8FzDl9dOWM-00002-00001546-00001796 Crew members: N8FzDl9dOWM-00003-00003096-00003374 Ranny Renata? N8FzDl9dOWM-00004-00003596-00003796 Come in please N8FzDl9dOWM-00005-00012862-00013136 Doctor doctor, the aliens invade us! Ahhh~ N9H0Yugycmg-00000-00000053-00000438 Asalamualaikum kembali lagi dengan bang ona N9H0Yugycmg-00001-00000438-00001291 kali ini bang ona mau makan empal ayam dan ini ada sayur toge kacang ada ayam kecap, N9H0Yugycmg-00002-00001291-00002286 saus dan nasi teman teman sebelum makan kita baca Nq3Ku901aTU-00000-00000008-00000400 As recent as 2009 I had to study the sexual selection theory at Nq3Ku901aTU-00001-00000400-00000933 University. This theory poses that because women have a limited amount of eggs Nq3Ku901aTU-00002-00000933-00001307 and they have to invest lot of time and energy into Nq3Ku901aTU-00003-00001307-00001697 bearing and raising children it's only natural for them to be Nq3Ku901aTU-00004-00001697-00002075 choosy and coy. Men on the other hand have an Nq3Ku901aTU-00005-00002075-00002480 unlimited amounts sperm and it only takes 3 minutes to ejaculate Nq3Ku901aTU-00006-00002480-00002902 so it's only natural for them to sleep with us many women as possible Nq3Ku901aTU-00007-00002902-00003227 who they think that are healthy and will bring them lots of children. Nq3Ku901aTU-00008-00003227-00003578 This theory is total nonsense. When taking an Nq3Ku901aTU-00009-00003578-00003954 objective look at human behavior and the human body Nq3Ku901aTU-00010-00003954-00004314 there's only one conclusion one can make: the human Nq3Ku901aTU-00011-00004314-00004703 race is polygamous. Men mate with multiple women Nq3Ku901aTU-00012-00004703-00005078 and women mate with multiple men. While some men are noisy, Nq3Ku901aTU-00013-00005078-00005602 it's typically the woman who is louder in bed. This phenomenon is known as female copulatory Nq3Ku901aTU-00014-00005602-00005917 vocalization, which can range from moaning or Nq3Ku901aTU-00015-00005917-00006609 breathing heavily to actually screaming, laughing, crying or talking dirty. Nq3Ku901aTU-00016-00006609-00006911 In evolutionary terms it's only like yesterday that Nq3Ku901aTU-00017-00006911-00007220 human beings lived in hunter-gatherer societies Nq3Ku901aTU-00018-00007220-00007559 consisting of about 75 to 150 people. Nq3Ku901aTU-00019-00007559-00007897 With the joyous sexual screams, the woman is Nq3Ku901aTU-00020-00007897-00008407 allerting the surroundings that she's getting it on. This of course is rather dangerous, Nq3Ku901aTU-00021-00008407-00008815 making her and her sexual partner an easy prey for predators Nq3Ku901aTU-00022-00008815-00009174 like foxes and lions. The supposed evolutionary advantage of Nq3Ku901aTU-00023-00009174-00009525 the women were making these vocalizations during intercourse Nq3Ku901aTU-00024-00009525-00009841 is that she attracted the attention of the Nq3Ku901aTU-00025-00009841-00010258 other men of the tribe and they would all head over and she would mate with Nq3Ku901aTU-00026-00010258-00010574 each everyone them, in a row. Nq3Ku901aTU-00027-00010574-00010911 Now is all these men come quickly and the woman has the ability to have Nq3Ku901aTU-00028-00010911-00011046 multiple orgasms, Nq3Ku901aTU-00029-00011046-00011382 the woman accumulates sperm from multiple men in Nq3Ku901aTU-00030-00011382-00011771 her vagina, where then sperm competition takes place: Nq3Ku901aTU-00031-00011771-00012082 may the best sperm fertilize the egg. Nq3Ku901aTU-00032-00012082-00012424 In doing so, the chances of getting healthy, ferto;e Nq3Ku901aTU-00033-00012424-00012751 babies are increased by the millions Nq3Ku901aTU-00034-00012751-00013103 compared to selectively choosing a sexual partner and Nq3Ku901aTU-00035-00013103-00013521 future parent for your offspring. Nq3Ku901aTU-00036-00013521-00013818 Darling it is only natural to scream for joy, Nq3Ku901aTU-00037-00013818-00014119 to feel sexually attracted to other men Nq3Ku901aTU-00038-00014119-00014541 despite loving your own husband, to continue Nq3Ku901aTU-00039-00014541-00014899 to be surprised how quickly he climaxes Nq3Ku901aTU-00040-00014899-00015315 and then be flabbergasted that he is already half asleep when you were just getting started. Nq3Ku901aTU-00041-00015315-00015891 I'll discuss our permanently sexting bodies, men's designer penis and other Nq3Ku901aTU-00042-00015891-00016272 traits that all support that human kind is actually polygamous in future videos. Nq3Ku901aTU-00043-00016275-00016685 But next week let's look at our luscious lips. Bye! NsOrevIxs0o-00000-00003421-00003621 thank you NsOrevIxs0o-00001-00044077-00044277 Thank you so much. Thank you NxfR0s_Fka8-00000-00000000-00000474 In April 2013 Vickery broke into a house in st. Augustine Florida and started to NxfR0s_Fka8-00001-00000474-00000849 pleasure himself in the upstairs bathroom but quickly got sidetracked NxfR0s_Fka8-00002-00000849-00001409 when he saw a green remote-controlled helicopter. As one does! The toy needed NxfR0s_Fka8-00003-00001409-00001755 batteries so he searched the house, found some and proceeded to fly the helicopter NxfR0s_Fka8-00004-00001755-00002453 around until he wore them out. The batteries!? The batteries. Holy fuck. He's NxfR0s_Fka8-00005-00002453-00003108 there like all day. They were also double D's. Before he headed back to NxfR0s_Fka8-00006-00003108-00003543 the upstairs bathroom to resume his unfinished business, he sat down to eat a NxfR0s_Fka8-00007-00003543-00003979 salad that he had brought with him. Okay, okay, this guy is a hero! NxfR0s_Fka8-00008-00004100-00004562 When he finally made it back upstairs deputies had arrived at the residence. Aw NxfR0s_Fka8-00009-00004562-00005196 fuck. Lost track of time! Fuck I was supposed to be here for a quick minute to rub NxfR0s_Fka8-00010-00005196-00005639 one out but.. Oh,I also broke the toilet. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00000-00001424-00001655 Hello everyone and welcome one more day to my channel! NEE0ZmOBUEM-00001-00001655-00002106 For those of you who don't know me, my name is Alba and in this channel you will find mainly DIYs:) NEE0ZmOBUEM-00002-00002106-00002309 Today I finally bring you a new video. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00003-00002310-00002930 I really wanted to upload a new video, but I needed a few weeks to get used to erasmus life. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00004-00002930-00003470 Now that I'm adapted, I want to upload more videos again. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00005-00003470-00003934 Today I bring you a DIY Christmas tree plus 15 ornaments. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00006-00003934-00004430 Last year I uploaded a similar video but as it was late December nobody saw it. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00007-00004440-00004994 So this year I upload it earlier so you can all see it and if you want you can make some ideas. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00008-00005004-00005452 I don't roll up anymore, and let's start with the video!! NEE0ZmOBUEM-00009-00005456-00006148 To start with DIY we will need 4 woods, two, 30 centimeters longer than the other two. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00010-00006156-00006930 Next, we will join the first two logs, as you can see in the video, and mark with a pencil the diagonal they form. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00011-00006936-00007198 We will rotate the logs and do the same. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00012-00007206-00008004 Now, we will look at the distance we have made the upper mark of the diagonal, and we will mark it on one of the faces of the wood. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00013-00008004-00008768 Then, we will look at the distance we have made the lower mark of the diagonal, and we will mark it on the other side of the wood. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00014-00008788-00009604 Now we will cut the wood by the mark we just made, at first I tried to cut the wood with a marquetry saw, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00015-00009640-00010308 but as the blades every 5 minutes broke, I decided to use a larger saw. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00016-00010330-00011108 If it happens to you as it does to me, and the cut doesn't look too good, not to say bad, you can use a sandpaper to improve it. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00017-00011450-00012062 Finally, to finish with the wood, we will make two holes every 20 centimeters. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00018-00012224-00012634 Once we have the four woods ready, we will begin to join them. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00019-00012704-00013636 At first I tried to join them vertically, placing glue for wood and nailing, but as the nails were not nailed, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00020-00013736-00014038 I decided to place the wood horizontally on the floor. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00021-00014068-00014584 I can assure you that joining the woods in this way is much easier. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00022-00015306-00015838 To finish with the wooden triangle, we will cut the base, to the measure that we wish, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00023-00015844-00016208 and, once again, we will join it with tail and nails. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00024-00016960-00017752 Once we have the two wooden triangles finished, one, about 30 centimeters smaller than the other, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00025-00017758-00018494 place a base on the floor, nail the largest triangle, and then the smallest. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00026-00019662-00020510 This is how the structure of the tree looks. I really liked the result, but since my dining room is very brown, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00027-00020522-00021072 I decided to paint the tree white, so that it would stand out more. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00028-00027783-00028518 To make the angels we will start cutting and wrapping with wool a piece of cardboard of 6 by 6 centimeters. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00029-00028527-00029658 Once we have made about 25 turns, we will remove the cardboard from the wool, we will pass a piece of wool through the hole, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00030-00029670-00030494 we will knot it, we will knot another piece of wool around, as you see in the video, and we will cut the ends. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00031-00031318-00031766 Now, with two pieces of wire, we will make the fairy's arms. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00032-00031786-00032195 I have made them this way, but you can make them any way you want. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00033-00032483-00033264 Next, we will place the arms inside the pompom and we will give them a few turns with the wool that has been left over from the knot. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00034-00033626-00034404 Once we have the head threaded, take about 8 pieces of wool, make a knot in the middle and braid each part. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00035-00035146-00035518 We will stick to the head of the fairy the braid that we have just made, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00036-00035872-00036102 we will pay him a pair of feathers, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00037-00036112-00036476 that will create the effect of a few wings, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00038-00036488-00036960 and with a small piece of wire, we will make his legs and we will stick them in the middle of the tassel. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00039-00038364-00038686 For the second idea we will start by removing the caps from different glass jars. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00040-00038892-00039332 Next, we'll punch a hole in the lid with whatever you have at hand. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00041-00039382-00040438 Don't have fireman's ideas and do things well, because at first I didn't do it, and I almost ruined the machine. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00042-00040448-00040902 Once we have the holes done, we put a ring, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00043-00041094-00041750 fill the jars with anything we have at home, close the jars and we'll have it done NEE0ZmOBUEM-00044-00043008-00043245 This idea is very simple. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00045-00043246-00044482 It consists, only, of cutting a piece of felt with the shape we want, in my case a heart, and sewing pearls of different colors and sizes. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00046-00044482-00045404 You see that the procedure is super easy and the result is very nice. I have sewed pearls but any kind of bead will do. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00047-00047478-00048100 For the fourth idea we will cut out a circle of cardboard, we will tie a piece of thread in the middle, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00048-00048106-00048660 we will take many buttons and we will stick them all around the circle. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00049-00048692-00049400 This idea is very easy and I have done very well to use a lot of buttons that I had loose at home. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00050-00050342-00050600 This ornament is also very easy! NEE0ZmOBUEM-00051-00050612-00051200 In the channel I have a thousand and one ideas where we use pompoms to decorate anything, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00052-00051205-00051612 I don't know why but I always make pompoms of the same color. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00053-00051617-00052170 This time, I decided to roll up the cardboard with different colors, to see if it would look good, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00054-00052205-00052790 and honestly I love the result, I think there are some super elegant and beautiful ornaments. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00055-00054960-00055658 To make the stars we will need 3 sticks of wire about 20 centimeters. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00056-00055670-00056105 To begin, we will roll the three pieces of wire together. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00057-00056891-00057360 Once done, thread beads at each end. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00058-00057367-00057754 If you look at all the ornaments I have used the same range of colors, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00059-00057754-00058474 because unlike last year I wanted to have a tree more minimalist, elegant, white ... NEE0ZmOBUEM-00060-00058478-00058940 but well, even that I have done so everyone should do it to their liking. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00061-00059450-00059836 Finally we will pull the ends of the wire inwards. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00062-00059836-00060536 One we will leave them longer than the others, since this we will use it to attach the ornament to the tree. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00063-00062005-00062738 The penultimate adornment consists only of decorating a ball with some nice thread that we have at home. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00064-00062738-00063198 I've used the same color all along, because it's the way I liked it, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00065-00063198-00063838 but if you want you can also play with colors, textures... you can even mix beads, buttons... NEE0ZmOBUEM-00066-00063838-00064020 or whatever comes to mind. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00067-00064617-00065362 This idea is very simple as it consists only of placing anything inside transparent balls. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00068-00065367-00065954 We can place feathers, beads, sequins, real fabric, glitter, buttons ... NEE0ZmOBUEM-00069-00065956-00066462 This is the easiest idea of all but I really think it is very pretty and elegant. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00070-00067958-00068608 Some balls, as you see, I have also decided to decorate them for out, with glitter or beads. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00071-00071650-00071980 The last idea, in terms of decorations for the tree, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00072-00071980-00072478 consists of decorating old balls that we have from other years with glitter. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00073-00072478-00073440 You can make shapes, such as a heart, a star or lines, or you can cover them 100% with glitter. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00074-00074444-00074978 And... yes, I forgot, I also decided to decorate some balls with cloth. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00075-00074978-00075474 If anyone is interested in seeing this DIY step by step in more detail, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00076-00075486-00075884 I leave you the link to last year's video in the information box. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00077-00077140-00077474 The two strips of ornaments I made are very simple. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00078-00077478-00078124 The first one consists in making chain stitch and seeing when to thread a pineapple. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00079-00078126-00078800 To make a chain stitch we will pass the crochet under the thread, we will take the thread, we will pull it, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00080-00078816-00079368 we will pass the crochet under the thread, we will take the thread and we will pull it. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00081-00079378-00080234 To place the pineapple, we will pass the thread inside the trunk, and we will make a stitch in the same way that we have done it before. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00082-00080244-00080922 In the video is not too clear step by step why without realizing I was going to margin, NEE0ZmOBUEM-00083-00080936-00081488 but I assure you that if you do you will see that it is super easy. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00084-00082356-00082734 For the second strip I did exactly the same as in the previous one. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00085-00082734-00083354 The only difference is that, this time, instead of threading pineapples, I threaded snowflakes. NEE0ZmOBUEM-00086-00085060-00085468 I hope you liked the video, see you next week! NEE0ZmOBUEM-00087-00085474-00086086 Goodbye! NFSgCOVfaCM-00000-00001308-00001466 Who will play with us? NFSgCOVfaCM-00001-00001466-00001652 Michael and Valentina NFSgCOVfaCM-00002-00001652-00001734 We have already won NFSgCOVfaCM-00003-00001734-00002034 We have to guess who said the sentence of Soy Luna NFSgCOVfaCM-00004-00002034-00002272 That's a lot of fun because it remembers us a lot of season 1 NFSgCOVfaCM-00005-00002272-00002544 so we have to guess which character said which sentence NFSgCOVfaCM-00006-00002544-00002628 [K] Okay perfect [R] Are you ready? NFSgCOVfaCM-00007-00002628-00002678 Ready NFSgCOVfaCM-00008-00002678-00003056 Who said it? NFSgCOVfaCM-00009-00003056-00003186 Okay Karol are you ready? NFSgCOVfaCM-00010-00003186-00003340 [K] No [R] What? No? NFSgCOVfaCM-00011-00003340-00003604 [K] Yes [R] Okay you seem to be very ready NFSgCOVfaCM-00012-00003604-00004029 "You won't manipulate me. Our thing is over" NFSgCOVfaCM-00013-00004029-00004280 [V] I know, I know [M] Okay tell me NFSgCOVfaCM-00014-00004280-00004372 Okay I'll tell you NFSgCOVfaCM-00015-00004372-00004542 [K] Matteo, Matteo [R] I said it to Ámbar NFSgCOVfaCM-00016-00004542-00004616 Yes, yes NFSgCOVfaCM-00017-00004616-00004818 [M] That's obvious [V] Yes I know NFSgCOVfaCM-00018-00004818-00005056 [V] It was [R&K] Matteo NFSgCOVfaCM-00019-00005056-00005298 Matteo who sait it to Ámbar NFSgCOVfaCM-00020-00005298-00005622 You won't manipulate me. Our thing is over NFSgCOVfaCM-00021-00005622-00005964 [R] Amazing [M] Yes, I knew it NFSgCOVfaCM-00022-00005964-00006122 We'll win NFSgCOVfaCM-00023-00006122-00006414 [V] Matteo said it to Ámbar, poor thing [M] Yes NFSgCOVfaCM-00024-00006414-00006630 Very easy, come on, a little bit harder please NFSgCOVfaCM-00025-00006630-00006908 [K] No, not harder [R] Okay then easier NFSgCOVfaCM-00026-00006908-00007252 "I dreamed of being on a rink, skating and dancing" NFSgCOVfaCM-00027-00007252-00007595 [M] No, that's not difficult [V] Wait, I don't know who it is. You? NFSgCOVfaCM-00028-00007595-00007902 [K] Luna [K&R] Two, three, Luna NFSgCOVfaCM-00029-00007902-00008168 [M] Luna [V] Luna Valente NFSgCOVfaCM-00030-00008168-00008526 I dreamed of being on a rink, skating and dancing NFSgCOVfaCM-00031-00008526-00009208 Again very good. Even my grandma would have known that sentence NFSgCOVfaCM-00032-00009208-00009654 Yes because it is from the first episode and that is one of the most important episodes NFSgCOVfaCM-00033-00009654-00010082 I think everyone agrees on that and I remember because I said it NFSgCOVfaCM-00034-00010082-00010316 We guessed it NFSgCOVfaCM-00035-00010324-00010866 "the deepest and most honest things always come from the bottom of your heart" NFSgCOVfaCM-00036-00010866-00010926 I know NFSgCOVfaCM-00037-00010926-00011152 [V] You not, You didn't were it? [M] No NFSgCOVfaCM-00038-00011152-00011458 Because it is so romantic. Okay I'll say NFSgCOVfaCM-00039-00011458-00011628 Cato to Amanda NFSgCOVfaCM-00040-00011628-00011700 Simón NFSgCOVfaCM-00041-00011700-00012134 The deepest and most honest things always come from the bottom of your heart NFSgCOVfaCM-00042-00012134-00012412 Are you kidding me? You were it and you don't remember? NFSgCOVfaCM-00043-00012412-00012692 Yes NFSgCOVfaCM-00044-00012692-00012897 Change my partner, change my partner please NFSgCOVfaCM-00045-00012897-00013219 No Mike, don'z be mad. It wasn't that bad NFSgCOVfaCM-00046-00013219-00013534 We won, we won NFSgCOVfaCM-00047-00013534-00013766 Sorry Michael and Valentina but we are the best NFSgCOVfaCM-00048-00013766-00014006 We're the best. I think we are the kings of the rink NFSgCOVfaCM-00049-00014006-00014224 Okay we're the kings of the rink and also of this game NFSgCOVfaCM-00050-00014224-00014324 Of the games NFTG9stPa74-00000-00002790-00002990 I'm going to break those sand blocks! NFTG9stPa74-00001-00003425-00003545 Wth is that? NFTG9stPa74-00002-00003670-00003788 Look at this douchebag! NFTG9stPa74-00003-00003788-00003875 He's so fast! NFTG9stPa74-00004-00003875-00004231 NO! MONKEY! STUPID MONKEY! NFTG9stPa74-00005-00004323-00004547 Look! It's Sandro! The classic Sandro! NFTG9stPa74-00006-00005363-00005637 Hey everyone! I'm going to make a special livestream today! NFTG9stPa74-00007-00005637-00005837 I'm counting on your presence! NFTG9stPa74-00008-00007437-00007757 Good night everyone! How is it going? NFTG9stPa74-00009-00007757-00007953 Oh crap, it's look that I'm... NFTG9stPa74-00010-00007953-00008611 "hi" NFTG9stPa74-00011-00008611-00008931 "will you play Fortnite?" NMYDJlhm_8c-00000-00000016-00000576 Yoo Jeong-yeon better recognized as jungyeon is a south korean singer. Twice jungyeon was NMYDJlhm_8c-00001-00000576-00001256 born on the 1st of november 1996. She is a part of twice, a south korean girl group created by NMYDJlhm_8c-00002-00001256-00001864 Jyp entertainment. TWICE jungyeon was born as Yoo kyung-wan in Suwon, South Korea. She joined NMYDJlhm_8c-00003-00001864-00002512 jyp entertainment after crossing the sixth open audition on march 2010. She trained for five years NMYDJlhm_8c-00004-00002512-00003208 ere her debut with twice. From 2013 to early 2015 it was assumed that twice jungyeon would NMYDJlhm_8c-00005-00003208-00003824 become a member of the new jyp girl group beside current twice members nayeon sana and jihyo. NMYDJlhm_8c-00006-00004280-00004848 Jeongyeon is quite a fit and strong person, plus her dancing skills are also off the chart. NMYDJlhm_8c-00007-00004848-00005208 Jeongyeon has to keep her physique just like any other kpop artist NMYDJlhm_8c-00008-00005208-00005784 so it is not surprising that she holds herself fit. But what happened to jungyeon now? NMYDJlhm_8c-00009-00006472-00006976 Jeongyeon used to be one of the tallest and skinniest twice members but her recent appearance NMYDJlhm_8c-00010-00006976-00007480 has shocked the public. Some netizens even called this the most shocking change of appearance in NMYDJlhm_8c-00011-00007480-00008192 k-pop history even more than 2ne1 CL. Twice is one of the most famous k-pop groups in the industry NMYDJlhm_8c-00012-00008192-00008736 and the members have worked extremely hard since their debut until now. Active for over six years NMYDJlhm_8c-00013-00008736-00009192 the twice members try hard to make sure all the members are active in schedules despite their NMYDJlhm_8c-00014-00009192-00009912 busy lives. However in late 2020 and 2021 member jungyeon had to sit out of activities. Jeongyeon NMYDJlhm_8c-00015-00009912-00010456 went on her first hiatus from twice activities in October 2020. Sitting out of promotions for NMYDJlhm_8c-00016-00010456-00011072 "I can't stop me" she returned to twice in january 2021 appearing with the group at the seoul music NMYDJlhm_8c-00017-00011072-00011608 awards. Many were happy to see jongyeon appear with the group but were also shocked by the idol's NMYDJlhm_8c-00018-00011608-00012144 apparent weight gain. She also participated in twice online japanese concert though her weight NMYDJlhm_8c-00019-00012144-00012784 gain was noticeable many defended and protected the idol from criticism about her appearance. NMYDJlhm_8c-00020-00013408-00013919 Jeongyeon participated in twice comeback in June 2021 with alcohol free for these NMYDJlhm_8c-00021-00013919-00014472 promotions Jeongyeon revealed that she had lost eight kilograms to show her best side for onces NMYDJlhm_8c-00022-00014472-00014936 Jeongyeon's rapid weight change caused attention from people online with many worried that she NMYDJlhm_8c-00023-00014936-00015447 was losing weight too quickly. Losing eight kilogram in a short amount of time is not easy NMYDJlhm_8c-00024-00015447-00015952 as jungyeon was still undergoing treatment for her physical and mental health. Many were worried NMYDJlhm_8c-00025-00015952-00016400 that jonyun went through unhealthy methods to lose weight. During the group's performance NMYDJlhm_8c-00026-00016400-00016984 on inkigayo Jungyeon appeared tired and in pain while performing which further worried viewers. NMYDJlhm_8c-00027-00017800-00018248 During the feels era screenshots of Jeongyeon from a behind-the-scenes video went viral NMYDJlhm_8c-00028-00018248-00018672 with many surprised by her sudden weight gain. But the reason for this drastic change of NMYDJlhm_8c-00029-00018672-00019192 Jeongyeon has caused netizens to feel extremely upset and empathetic toward the twice member. NMYDJlhm_8c-00030-00019192-00019760 In August jyp announced that jungyeon had to stop all activities to focus on her recovery NMYDJlhm_8c-00031-00019760-00020144 due to psychological anxiety and herniated disc in her neck. NMYDJlhm_8c-00032-00020216-00020712 Her medications have inevitably led to side effects such as water retention and hormonal NMYDJlhm_8c-00033-00020712-00021240 imbalances in the body and thereby cause such a change in appearance. Some people understood NMYDJlhm_8c-00034-00021240-00021752 why she suddenly gained weight, others took the opportunity to criticize for her visuals NMYDJlhm_8c-00035-00021752-00022144 now netizens feel sorry for jungyeon after knowing the reason for her weight gain. NMYDJlhm_8c-00036-00022360-00022816 The female idol is now earning praise for her sudden weight loss in a recent live stream. NMYDJlhm_8c-00037-00022816-00023312 During the 26th anniversary live stream it was noted that she was already losing NMYDJlhm_8c-00038-00023312-00023736 weight however many were surprised by just how much weight she lost during her birthday NMYDJlhm_8c-00039-00023736-00024248 v live and many were surprised to see that the female idol had shed a lot during her hiatus. NMYDJlhm_8c-00040-00024248-00025384 Many are happy to see the idol regain her healthy and radiant aura NNkluN1jWQQ-00000-00000200-00000647 There are four ways that you can connect to full text articles online. NNkluN1jWQQ-00001-00000647-00001236 Your best option is a PDF version of the article in a database NNkluN1jWQQ-00002-00001236-00001891 If that’s not available, look for a link to the HTML version of the article. NNkluN1jWQQ-00003-00001891-00002250 If you don’t see any “full text.” look for the “Get This” button. NNkluN1jWQQ-00004-00002250-00002900 It will check to see if the article is available full text in another Greenville College database. NNkluN1jWQQ-00005-00002900-00003650 Sometimes the article is not available in any database that Greenville subscribes to. NNkluN1jWQQ-00006-00003650-00004300 Using the “Get This” button will allow you to request the article through Interlibrary Loan. NNkluN1jWQQ-00007-00004300-00005000 Interlibrary Loan is a service that allows students to get materials owned by other libraries. NNkluN1jWQQ-00008-00005000-00005400 Typically articles will be emailed to you within a few days. NNn6EJcK7Ik-00000-00000701-00000901 HELLO NNn6EJcK7Ik-00001-00000901-00001101 WE ARE ON HOLIDAY NNEjUb_IUr8-00000-00000026-00000190 Welcome! NNEjUb_IUr8-00001-00000190-00000764 This video tutorial offers a detailed description of how to use VLOOKUP in Excel. NNEjUb_IUr8-00002-00000764-00001022 This function works like a phone book. NNEjUb_IUr8-00003-00001022-00001406 Based on the information you know Excel will look up the details you don’t know NNEjUb_IUr8-00004-00001406-00001634 and need to find out in a data table. NNEjUb_IUr8-00005-00001634-00002094 For example, you know what an employee’s ID is and based on that, NNEjUb_IUr8-00006-00002094-00002330 you can look up the employee’s family name. NNEjUb_IUr8-00007-00002330-00002776 If you’re curious how to use VLOOKUP, let’s go through it, step by step, together! NNEjUb_IUr8-00008-00003224-00003472 Hello! And welcome to EasyClick Academy! NNEjUb_IUr8-00009-00003472-00003797 My name’s Maria and together with our EasyClick team, NNEjUb_IUr8-00010-00003797-00004198 we’re here to make sure you’ll be able to use Excel in a quick and easy way, NNEjUb_IUr8-00011-00004198-00004518 thanks to our digestible video tutorials. NNEjUb_IUr8-00012-00004518-00005082 The VLOOKUP function is particularly useful if there’s a great deal of data stored in the data table NNEjUb_IUr8-00013-00005082-00005524 in which you regularly need to carry out the search for certain information. NNEjUb_IUr8-00014-00005524-00006128 Today, we’re gonna have a look at how to look up the last name of an employee based on their ID. NNEjUb_IUr8-00015-00006128-00006564 To begin, select the cell where you want the search result to appear. NNEjUb_IUr8-00016-00006564-00006958 In this case, it will be the cell next to ‘Last Name’. NNEjUb_IUr8-00017-00006958-00007488 Type in the equal sign, then ‘VLOOKUP’, and select the suggested function. NNEjUb_IUr8-00018-00007488-00007920 To make the function work, we’ll need to enter some more details. NNEjUb_IUr8-00019-00007920-00008482 First, we need to state according to what Excel should look for the piece of information we need to find, NNEjUb_IUr8-00020-00008482-00008750 which will be ‘Employee ID’. NNEjUb_IUr8-00021-00008750-00009098 The Employee ID will be entered in the cell G2, NNEjUb_IUr8-00022-00009098-00009616 so we’ll click and select that cell to include it in the formula and enter a comma. NNEjUb_IUr8-00023-00009616-00010112 The next piece of information Excel needs is the area which will be searched. NNEjUb_IUr8-00024-00010112-00010660 This area must include both details ‘Employee ID’ as well as ‘Last Name’. NNEjUb_IUr8-00025-00010660-00011152 Here we need to mention that VLOOKUP works with the information thoroughly organised. NNEjUb_IUr8-00026-00011152-00011516 he function looks to the right, which means that if you want it to work, NNEjUb_IUr8-00027-00011516-00011808 the information based on which you carry out your search NNEjUb_IUr8-00028-00011808-00012234 must be located to the left of the information you want to find. NNEjUb_IUr8-00029-00012234-00012632 This means that the Employee ID column must be on the left, NNEjUb_IUr8-00030-00012632-00013052 and the Last Name column needs to appear on the right in the table. NNEjUb_IUr8-00031-00013052-00013424 To select the area of search, you can mark the whole table. NNEjUb_IUr8-00032-00013634-00014026 Add a comma and we’ll move on to the next step. NNEjUb_IUr8-00033-00014026-00014608 What Excel needs here is the number of the column that contains the information we want to retrieve. NNEjUb_IUr8-00034-00014608-00015180 The column numbering in the selected area is standard – 1, 2 and 3. NNEjUb_IUr8-00035-00015180-00015632 Since we want to look up the last name, and this information is stored in the second column, NNEjUb_IUr8-00036-00015632-00015866 we’ll type in ‘2’. NNEjUb_IUr8-00037-00015866-00016288 Enter a comma again, and we’ve got the last bit ahead of us. NNEjUb_IUr8-00038-00016288-00016794 In the last part, the formula requires one of the words ‘True’ or ‘False’. NNEjUb_IUr8-00039-00016794-00017214 If you enter ‘True’, Excel will look for an approximate match. NNEjUb_IUr8-00040-00017214-00017902 That is the default option. But if you are looking for the exact match, you need to type in ‘False’. NNEjUb_IUr8-00041-00017902-00017990 In this case, NNEjUb_IUr8-00042-00017990-00018588 we want Excel to look up the employee’s family name based on the exact match of the employee’s ID, NNEjUb_IUr8-00043-00018588-00019186 so we’ll use ‘False’ here. Click on ‘Enter’ and the job’s done! NNEjUb_IUr8-00044-00019186-00019728 The VLOOKUP function is complete and correct, but we didn’t enter any Employee ID. NNEjUb_IUr8-00045-00019728-00020200 That’s why there’s no result in the field ‘Last Name’ for the time being. NNEjUb_IUr8-00046-00020200-00020688 Once we enter an ID, it will look for the exact match of what we entered, and based on it, NNEjUb_IUr8-00047-00020688-00021036 Excel will provide us with the employee’s family name. NNEjUb_IUr8-00048-00021036-00021892 So, if we enter for example ‘1004’, Excel will find for us the Last Name of the employee with the ID 1004, NNEjUb_IUr8-00049-00021892-00022196 which is, in this case, Williams. NNEjUb_IUr8-00050-00022196-00022884 If we type in ‘1013’, Excel will show that the last name of the employee with this ID is Walsh. NNEjUb_IUr8-00051-00022884-00023492 If we enter an ID which is not present in the data table, Excel will not show any valid result. NNEjUb_IUr8-00052-00023492-00024086 Well, this was a short video on how to use one of the most favourite functions in Excel – VLOOKUP. NNEjUb_IUr8-00053-00024086-00024570 More video tutorials on other popular functions are listed in the description below. NNEjUb_IUr8-00054-00024570-00025162 If you found this tutorial helpful, give us a like and watch other video tutorials by EasyClick Academy. NNEjUb_IUr8-00055-00025162-00025488 Learn how to use Excel in a quick and easy way! NNEjUb_IUr8-00056-00025488-00025688 Is this your first time on EasyClick? NNEjUb_IUr8-00057-00025688-00026000 We’ll be more than happy to welcome you in our online community. NNEjUb_IUr8-00058-00026000-00026292 Hit that Subscribe button and join the EasyClickers! NNEjUb_IUr8-00059-00026292-00026744 Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next video! NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00000-00000672-00001384 hello everyone and welcome to red united tv it's your boy ivorian spice back at it again NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00001-00001384-00001904 with another match reaction and remember guys if you're new to the channel remember to subscribe NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00002-00001904-00002448 smash that like button and also remember to share because sharing i've wearing spices caring guys NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00003-00002448-00002872 you check me and if you want to contribute you can always contribute via the paypal NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00004-00002872-00003464 links in the description of always and also catch me alive to send you a super chat but it is NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00005-00003464-00004232 manchester united free brentford new manchester united they get in their spray cans out their NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00006-00004232-00005008 inset spray and this bug smasher when whenever those beats be going we just get our spray can go NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00007-00005168-00005984 yes back in your face you bees yes we got rid of you we didn't end up in hospital needing to wound NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00008-00005984-00006640 our and hospitalise our stings our stingrays our bees things and everything no way imagine that NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00009-00006640-00007280 have destroyed brentford yes you can only be who's in front of you but mention that getting that free NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00010-00007280-00007895 place securing their position in europe you know it will be europa league football but real people NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00011-00007895-00008472 is needed for erik ten hag to get the best out of these players but back to the game manchester NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00012-00008472-00009072 united delivered because it was a monday night monday night football it was even bank holiday NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00013-00009072-00009592 football and not on a bad quality gonna let us down we don't want to end our bank holiday with NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00014-00009592-00010144 you losing and spend the whole entire bank holiday weekend hell no hell no imagine i said you know NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00015-00010144-00010696 what last game of the at old trafford we want to give you guys a good send off although we've let NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00016-00010696-00011200 you down if we've been sold and [ __ ] throughout the whole entire season but today we're gonna give NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00017-00011200-00011784 you a performance and manchester united today gave us the performance in the second half more like NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00018-00011784-00012320 the first half breakfast because they started off a bit well breakfast the way they started NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00019-00012384-00012840 graphic the first half was a bit decent but when breakfast started they were all over mention that NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00020-00012840-00013408 in the first seven minutes and then eventually bruno fernandes with anthony elanga which who NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00021-00013408-00014063 played well today who was instrumental and who was a problem against bretford crossing that ball NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00022-00014063-00014712 for bruno to finish it off to make it one-nil for manchester united half time one no we're thinking NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00023-00014712-00015168 okay we didn't get the second goal at halftime and i know manchester united might consider going the NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00024-00015168-00015632 first couple of minutes and second off please god let us just come out and do a thing against NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00025-00015632-00016136 bradford and that's exactly what manchester united did guys coming in the second half NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00026-00016136-00016856 ronaldo with a penalty and ronaldo he won that penalty he made sure he wanted he barged off the NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00027-00016856-00017272 brentford defender and the brentford defender can you imagine he was like no you're not gonna barge NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00028-00017272-00017712 me i'm gonna barge you back oh my god it's in the penalty box i'm such an idiot that's what he did NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00029-00017776-00018160 conceding the penalty the breakfast defender trying to burst right on the back NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00030-00018160-00018856 you know to concede a penalty we were saying to ourself bruno don't take this penalty hell no NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00031-00018856-00019336 last time you missed you've done nonsense ronaldo take this penalty it's been a couple of weeks now NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00032-00019336-00019936 you should be good mentally strong and ronaldo was mentally strong he scored that penalty NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00033-00019936-00020616 it was suii up in this place you get me because he got his first goal taking off due to offside NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00034-00020616-00021232 in the first half when we made it too new but he cemented it again he said nah tim old definitely NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00035-00021232-00021832 and then came the third goal a set piece and we haven't been scoring goals from set pieces NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00036-00021832-00022448 and for the third set piece this season i think third to touch fourth raphael varane one fred NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00037-00022736-00023288 manchester united he scored his first goal for manchester united it was a scruffy one but from NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00038-00023288-00023984 a set piece i will take that i'm glad for rafael veron full time free no manchester united checking NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00039-00023984-00024568 off what's better than the first half i was happy we're all happy we deserve three points because NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00040-00024568-00025232 we've had three games of shitness of poor [ __ ] poor and everything pissed pants poor i don't NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00041-00025232-00025832 even know what to say man dude that's what we had all this time for the last three or four games NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00042-00025832-00026400 but i'm glad guys i'm really in guys players-wise today's elanga got i thought he did well and i got NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00043-00026400-00026976 did his thing it was exceptional at times ronaldo man not a match my opinion that which i would let NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00044-00026976-00027712 you know bruno you did okay but you still lost the ball at times guys you know that not teaching mata NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00045-00027864-00028472 class is permanent you know plus kevin about it's just a damn shame form isn't you know but yes NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00046-00028536-00029295 but man i'm actually there guys for me got to go to cristiano ronaldo the man again in his NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00047-00029295-00029952 23rd goal of the season he ain't no problem to me he's the man don't give the match alex telles NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00048-00029952-00030695 yeah you're you're a donkey like what he did today him and stella as well NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00049-00030695-00031208 but telles on his side was very vulnerable he was getting it most of the problems that NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00050-00031208-00031727 brentford was having caused no mention it came from telles side at times and also dalot side NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00051-00031920-00032639 well it's guys manchester in europe we should be in europe the next two games that's all we NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00052-00032639-00033056 have left we've been doing a lot of [ __ ] this season i'm just glad it's almost coming NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00053-00033056-00033432 to an end you know because boy i've had to just watch lungs and it's been hurting me NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00054-00033496-00034016 but it is what it is man where is is but guys this has been your match reaction from your boy NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00055-00034016-00034496 ivorian spice let me know who your who your donkey of the match is and also who your man of the match NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00056-00034496-00034840 and what's your thoughts on the game as always remember to tune in for the live NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00057-00034840-00035272 watch long for the manch i mean sorry the real madrid versus manchester city NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00058-00035272-00035744 game championing on wednesday at 7 50 and also manchester united game on the weekend NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00059-00035824-00036192 so make sure you tune in today as a float live watch along as always NNT1Gnn0QsQ-00060-00036344-00037696 remember to keep it united and remember to keep it red united because your boy is out NOJeXj5Bz7u-00000-00000960-00001512 I want to welcome Leslie O'Flavahan. Is that right? Did I pronounce it right? No, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00001-00001512-00002280 it's oh-fla-haven. Sorry -- fla-haven. Okay uh well I'll leave it in. That will let the NOJeXj5Bz7u-00002-00002280-00002824 students know that I also make mistakes. There we go. We are delighted to have you with us. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00003-00002936-00003888 We have spent some time in your LinkedIn course on writing in plain language. I think the students NOJeXj5Bz7u-00004-00003888-00004744 are going to be really excited to get to meet you outside of that more formal venue. One of the NOJeXj5Bz7u-00005-00004744-00005312 questions that they have is a little bit about your professional experience. In other words, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00006-00005384-00005960 not only how did you get started in plain language? But how did you end up with a course on NOJeXj5Bz7u-00007-00005960-00006688 LinkedIn in plain language? Indeed I'd be glad to answer that. So whenever I'm asked about my NOJeXj5Bz7u-00008-00006688-00007359 work history, the first thing I do is cut my eyes over to my computer clock because I have a lot of NOJeXj5Bz7u-00009-00007359-00007976 work history, and I'm afraid I'm going to talk too long. So I'm going to come in under two minutes. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00010-00008031-00008680 Here I go. I was trained as an English teacher, a high school English teacher. And NOJeXj5Bz7u-00011-00008744-00009240 it was a career I loved. I was a high school English teacher for nine years. And I taught NOJeXj5Bz7u-00012-00009240-00009944 writing mostly. That's my passion. And that's my professional expertise. When my first NOJeXj5Bz7u-00013-00009944-00010728 daughter was born, who's just turned 30, I had a very naive thought, which was I cannot possibly NOJeXj5Bz7u-00014-00010728-00011400 work full time as a teacher and raise this child. That is impossible. What I'll do is NOJeXj5Bz7u-00015-00011400-00012000 start my own business. Well the universe has a great sense of humor because I didn't have NOJeXj5Bz7u-00016-00012000-00012768 more free time as a self-employed person. And in some ways, I had less free time when i became a NOJeXj5Bz7u-00017-00012768-00013376 self-employed consultant. For about three, four, five years, I was kind of an itinerant freelance NOJeXj5Bz7u-00018-00013376-00013863 education writer. Because I live in the Washington DC area, I wrote curriculum NOJeXj5Bz7u-00019-00013863-00014528 for various Smithsonian Institutions. And then I did a class or two, a day-long class or two, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00020-00014528-00015256 of writing training at a federal agency. And this was just at the time that business email was NOJeXj5Bz7u-00021-00015256-00015944 coming into the workplace. I told you I've been in it for a while. When people started answering NOJeXj5Bz7u-00022-00015944-00016440 and writing business emails at their desks, I was an experienced writing teacher. I knew NOJeXj5Bz7u-00023-00016440-00017128 that that was going to change their writing life a lot. Because in a lot of ways, email is NOJeXj5Bz7u-00024-00017128-00017832 improv and the point at which you create it and you publish, it's almost simultaneous. You create, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00025-00017832-00018312 and you publish. Most other kinds of business writing you create and you review and you publish. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00026-00018312-00018840 They're not improv. So as a writing teacher, I knew ah something big is going to happen. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00027-00018840-00019472 And another woman and I formed EWRITE in 1995, and we officially launched in 1996. Because we NOJeXj5Bz7u-00028-00019472-00019976 had a strong sense that there would be a market for help in writing better email. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00029-00019976-00020640 We were wrong we were wrong. No one cared about writing better email when it was first launched. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00030-00020640-00021096 What they wanted to know about and what we could help with was helping people write better web NOJeXj5Bz7u-00031-00021096-00021752 content. That's how EWRITE was formed. I'll click fast forward because I'm watching that clock. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00032-00021832-00022424 My LinkedIn Learning courses, the six I have done (the plain language course is the sixth) NOJeXj5Bz7u-00033-00022424-00023256 these have been a a professional gift but not an accident. A gift to me. That is, the first course NOJeXj5Bz7u-00034-00023256-00024016 I was recruited to do. That was the one on writing customer service email, and it I did it in 2016. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00035-00024016-00024824 It was published in 2017. The others that came along -- some they asked me to do, and some I NOJeXj5Bz7u-00036-00024824-00025392 pushed to do. The plain language one I pushed, I advocated for it because I believed in it. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00037-00025456-00026504 Awesome! How important is email today versus maybe in the past? And is chat taking over as the NOJeXj5Bz7u-00038-00026504-00027376 way to deliver customer service? Yes, I think chat is. Chat and messaging are taking over NOJeXj5Bz7u-00039-00027488-00028112 many people's preferences for how they want to communicate with companies although many NOJeXj5Bz7u-00040-00028112-00028976 companies lag behind customers' preferences. Still in this day and age, most customer service NOJeXj5Bz7u-00041-00028976-00029864 interactions are by telephone call -- most, a large percentage. Email and live chat are vying NOJeXj5Bz7u-00042-00029864-00030576 for the percentage they represent of the number of contacts. Then text messages are starting to NOJeXj5Bz7u-00043-00030576-00031368 creep up into that number of chats and emails. I think that email as a customer service channel NOJeXj5Bz7u-00044-00031368-00032127 is on its way out. It's dying a slow-ish death, and the death rate may accelerate. That's because NOJeXj5Bz7u-00045-00032216-00032912 the younger a person is, the younger an adult consumer is, the less likely they are to have a NOJeXj5Bz7u-00046-00032912-00033672 lively writing life in their inbox. The inbox is a workplace channel and really not a very NOJeXj5Bz7u-00047-00033672-00034200 welcome one. With Slack and all other kinds of messaging channels, people even at work, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00048-00034200-00034888 people aren't spending much time in their inbox. So I think email will dwindle in in the number NOJeXj5Bz7u-00049-00034888-00035328 of contacts it carries for companies who give customer service in that channel. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00050-00035504-00035864 We're talking ... you're talking mostly about customer B2C NOJeXj5Bz7u-00051-00035992-00036424 organizations. What kind of ... do you know much about ... have you worked much with B2B? NOJeXj5Bz7u-00052-00036528-00036984 Yes, of course. Yes, I have. Would you talk a little bit about how customer service works NOJeXj5Bz7u-00053-00036984-00037592 there? And the role of writing with customers? Indeed there's little difference. Although the NOJeXj5Bz7u-00054-00037712-00038168 B2B organizations sometimes think there's a lot of difference. But there's little difference. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00055-00038168-00038840 It's the same -- not very big difference from public-facing web content and the intranet. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00056-00038928-00039784 Not a big difference. You know there's sometimes ... the communication in a B2B NOJeXj5Bz7u-00057-00039784-00040448 situation ... customer service communication can endure a little bit more jargon. It can endure NOJeXj5Bz7u-00058-00040512-00041272 some more insider references to processes or mission. Or you know organizations, for example, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00059-00041272-00042248 that have a partner or an affiliate structure, everyone who's requesting service or reading NOJeXj5Bz7u-00060-00042248-00042696 the responses for service, they understand those structures. They don't need much help NOJeXj5Bz7u-00061-00042696-00043368 in understanding them. But everyone needs plain language. And actually, I think we are beholden to NOJeXj5Bz7u-00062-00043368-00043976 give our readers plain language. But we're really beholden to give the readers who are just like us NOJeXj5Bz7u-00063-00043976-00044560 plain language. Because you know you don't feed your family a horrible dinner just because they NOJeXj5Bz7u-00064-00044560-00045360 will eat it.You feed your family a delicious meal because they will enjoy it. We don't inflict NOJeXj5Bz7u-00065-00045360-00045968 UNplain language on B2B connections simply because they're a little bit ... they share NOJeXj5Bz7u-00066-00045968-00046768 more vocabulary with us. That's just wrong. Who have you found most resistant to writing NOJeXj5Bz7u-00067-00046768-00047272 in plain language? You've you've worked with lots of people, lots of industries, lots of different NOJeXj5Bz7u-00068-00047400-00048264 types of writers. Who do you think is most resistant? I'll answer this in two ways. The NOJeXj5Bz7u-00069-00048264-00049288 most resistant profession is (inside companies) is the lawyers. Because for them, every word NOJeXj5Bz7u-00070-00049392-00049984 carries immeasurable amount of risk. The risks are not to be denied because they'll be hashed NOJeXj5Bz7u-00071-00049984-00050656 out in court. So what I have found ... sometimes I work with marketing teams, sometimes I work with NOJeXj5Bz7u-00072-00050656-00051352 content teams, sometimes I work with scientists or customer service teams ... however closely NOJeXj5Bz7u-00073-00051352-00052224 that team works with lawyers, I can predict their caution level will go way up. That's where the NOJeXj5Bz7u-00074-00052224-00053296 resistance comes from. So if, for example, I'm working with a group of scientists. For example, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00075-00053296-00053904 I recently worked at the Mine Safety and Health Administration, which is a government agency, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00076-00053967-00054720 the lawyers leave them alone. That's a research group so they were ... while their writing NOJeXj5Bz7u-00077-00054720-00055328 was thick to the point of impenetrability, we could still convince them there was nothing to be NOJeXj5Bz7u-00078-00055328-00056008 afraid of. It was just a strange task to write in plain language. But when I work in customer care, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00079-00056008-00056704 for example, with a consumer package goods company that sells pharmaceuticals or skin care products, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00080-00056704-00057272 their lawyers are very close to that operation. And they are trying to protect themselves from NOJeXj5Bz7u-00081-00057272-00058048 legal risk. So when a customer emails in and says "I used your headache tablets and then I got a NOJeXj5Bz7u-00082-00058048-00058679 rash" ... from a customer service standpoint, a plain language response would be "thank you for NOJeXj5Bz7u-00083-00058679-00059144 letting us know that immediately after you used our headache tablets, you got a rash" ... that's NOJeXj5Bz7u-00084-00059144-00059720 an empathetic, plain customer service response. But the lawyers aren't having any of that because NOJeXj5Bz7u-00085-00059720-00060479 now we just admitted that the tablets gave the rash. So the resistance to plain language comes NOJeXj5Bz7u-00086-00060616-00061391 from people's perceived risk or a profession's perceived risk as an estimation of how much NOJeXj5Bz7u-00087-00061391-00062128 legal risk they're is. Excellent. Very, very interesting. Kim, in the example I just gave, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00088-00062128-00062791 we can satisfy the customer's need to read a plain language response and the company's aversion to NOJeXj5Bz7u-00089-00062791-00063416 legal risk. These are not exclusive. We can do both. We could write back "thank you very NOJeXj5Bz7u-00090-00063416-00064055 much for letting us know about what happened when you took our headache tablets." I didn't mention NOJeXj5Bz7u-00091-00064055-00064864 the rash (or what did I say? hives or something?). The second sentence would be something like "we NOJeXj5Bz7u-00092-00064864-00065496 we want to be sure that you get the headache relief that our tablets are intended to provide" NOJeXj5Bz7u-00093-00065608-00066136 You know there's plenty to say. There's plenty of plain language to say that doesn't increase the NOJeXj5Bz7u-00094-00066136-00066760 legal risk. Okay, that's super important to know because I'm guessing most people (like me) just NOJeXj5Bz7u-00095-00066760-00067480 assume that, if you're going to protect yourself, you can't use plain language. Absolutely not. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00096-00067592-00068488 In considering like the "dumbing down" of language ... like the assignment we just had that was based NOJeXj5Bz7u-00097-00068488-00069208 on a HUD response ... how do you ... how much do you consider audience, Leslie? Because I've been NOJeXj5Bz7u-00098-00069208-00069728 a renter for a long time, and I've known other people who have rented. And I really took out a NOJeXj5Bz7u-00099-00069728-00070312 lot of the larger words because I knew some people I knew ... a lot of people ... would immediately NOJeXj5Bz7u-00100-00070312-00070800 shut down. Other people ... English as their second language ... so I was trying not to dumb NOJeXj5Bz7u-00101-00070800-00071344 it down. But how much do you really consider your audience? Because you don't want to be NOJeXj5Bz7u-00102-00071528-00072464 insulting. But you also really want to be clear. Indeed. First of all, people who resist plain NOJeXj5Bz7u-00103-00072464-00073224 language as a communication philosophy or as an editorial practice ... they use the phrase NOJeXj5Bz7u-00104-00073224-00073840 "dumbing down," but we we never do. We NEVER do. We're not having it, right? We don't say NOJeXj5Bz7u-00105-00073840-00074616 it. That's the d-word. We don't say it. So what we say instead is: no,I'm not dumbing it down; NOJeXj5Bz7u-00106-00074616-00075216 I'm writing for my intended reader. I understand what my intended reader needs. And I'm writing NOJeXj5Bz7u-00107-00075216-00075912 for my intended reader. And anything that fails to make this content useful for my intended reader is NOJeXj5Bz7u-00108-00075912-00076456 the problem -- not the fact that I'm simplifying some of the draft or the original content. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00109-00076672-00077560 The challenge is sometimes we actually know our intended reader's level of sophistication or or NOJeXj5Bz7u-00110-00077560-00078312 language capabilities and sometimes we're guessing. What we actually only know is that this NOJeXj5Bz7u-00111-00078312-00079200 version that HUD published is too complicated, right? When we actually know our readers ... when NOJeXj5Bz7u-00112-00079200-00079824 there's a relatively narrow set of readers ... not a super broad one like Laura. Your example was NOJeXj5Bz7u-00113-00079944-00080904 renters, prospective renters, first language English renters, landlords, second language NOJeXj5Bz7u-00114-00080904-00081496 English renters ... this is a wide readership. We don't know everything we might need to know about NOJeXj5Bz7u-00115-00081496-00082232 all of them. As plain language editors or advocates, we're reducing the complexity of the NOJeXj5Bz7u-00116-00082232-00082808 content on the reader's behalf because we believe we probably understand what the readers need. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00117-00082928-00083680 But you know I'm glad you said "dumbing down" because I want you all ... if you intend to NOJeXj5Bz7u-00118-00083680-00084136 do plain language work or if the philosophies of plain language mean something to you ... I NOJeXj5Bz7u-00119-00084136-00084640 want you to pick that "dumbing down" up, and you beat resistors over the head with it, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00120-00084640-00085432 okay? Because that is kind of an aristocratic approach, don't you think? NOJeXj5Bz7u-00121-00085432-00086064 You know like: oh, these renters ... they need my help you know ... they NOJeXj5Bz7u-00122-00086064-00086480 need your help. So we're not dumbing it down, we're making it useful for them. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00123-00086760-00087380 How much do you think the 2010 Plain Language Act ... NOJeXj5Bz7u-00124-00087448-00088040 how much impact do you believe it's had on the way our federal government communicates with us? NOJeXj5Bz7u-00125-00088152-00088920 A great deal. And not enough. Yeah, in fact, I started a plain language weekly clubhouse (if NOJeXj5Bz7u-00126-00088920-00089456 anyone's on Clubhouse). I started it, and we met for the first time today. There were just three NOJeXj5Bz7u-00127-00089456-00090456 of us, gassing on. We talked a lot about the lack of consequences for not writing in plain language. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00128-00090552-00091392 The Plain Writing Act of 2010 is 10 years old. It took about 45 years or 40 years of advocacy in NOJeXj5Bz7u-00129-00091392-00091968 the federal government to get it passed. And now it's 10 years old. It would be easy to sit back NOJeXj5Bz7u-00130-00091968-00092704 and say, yeah, that didn't do anything. Because the requirements of the Plain Writing Act of 2010 NOJeXj5Bz7u-00131-00092704-00093472 are ones without punishment. You can ignore ... agencies can ignore them without punishment. And NOJeXj5Bz7u-00132-00093472-00094240 yet, Kim, I am certain we wouldn't be having this class or this conversation if it weren't for the NOJeXj5Bz7u-00133-00094240-00094960 Plain Writing Act of 2010. And I am also certain that the possible plain language professionals who NOJeXj5Bz7u-00134-00094960-00095504 are joining us on the Zoom meeting, the plain language professionals of the future wouldn't NOJeXj5Bz7u-00135-00095576-00096432 be here with the same readiness. I often compare the Plain Writing Act of 2010 to the food pyramid, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00136-00096432-00096864 which has been replaced by the USDA with the plate or something ... but we know what the NOJeXj5Bz7u-00137-00096864-00097576 food pyramid is. It's not that the food pyramid forced people to eat healthy foods. It didn't. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00138-00097576-00098312 But it described a healthy diet. And without an accurate and nimble description of a healthy diet, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00139-00098312-00098984 we couldn't easily measure what we or children or people who were feeding in any setting NOJeXj5Bz7u-00140-00098984-00099536 was healthy ... whether their diet was healthy. That's why the Plain Writing Act of 2010 has been NOJeXj5Bz7u-00141-00099536-00100312 so important ... because it fostered a community of professionals like us. It has multiple NOJeXj5Bz7u-00142-00100312-00100920 awards in agencies ... outside of federal agencies, so recognition for plain writing. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00143-00100992-00101624 It has driven research and funding. To me it's a great success. It hasn't punished many people. But NOJeXj5Bz7u-00144-00101624-00102240 it's embarrassed quite a few. One of the things that I, of course, told students about is the NOJeXj5Bz7u-00145-00102448-00102816 Plain Language Center and or the Center for Plain Language and NOJeXj5Bz7u-00146-00102816-00103616 their annual report card, which I think is ... that is all done so well. If that doesn't NOJeXj5Bz7u-00147-00103616-00104111 convince people that you want to be in the column where you're making at least passing grades. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00148-00104335-00104800 Many of the agencies that they're looking at are making passing grades. Yes, you know, there are. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00149-00104888-00105520 HUD happens to be one that's not, which is why I selected their stuff for the students' NOJeXj5Bz7u-00150-00105520-00106304 exercise this week. I actually deal with HUD a lot just because I work in NOJeXj5Bz7u-00151-00106304-00106888 the mortgage industry so I've read through a lot of HUD-related things. And I write a lot of it. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00152-00106968-00107552 One thing that really does bother me is the fact that we can't enforce some sort of plain language NOJeXj5Bz7u-00153-00107744-00108359 for customers really. I guess my question is more how come we don't look at plain language NOJeXj5Bz7u-00154-00108424-00109111 through the lens of accessibility? Maybe we do. But I kind of take that along the lines of, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00155-00109183-00109704 you know, creating accommodations for those who are deaf and they need to call in or they have an NOJeXj5Bz7u-00156-00109704-00110232 issue or those who are hard of seeing and they get braille documents. So I feel like plain language NOJeXj5Bz7u-00157-00110232-00110920 really should be an accessibility item, and it's interesting that it's outside of that. Indeed you NOJeXj5Bz7u-00158-00110920-00111688 know the Section 508 predates the Plain Writing Act of 2010. But you're right. They go hand in NOJeXj5Bz7u-00159-00111688-00112496 hand. I often think about the Plain Writing Act of 2010 ... and I have worked with many government NOJeXj5Bz7u-00160-00112496-00113096 agencies who care about it or those who don't care about it ... those who don't even know about NOJeXj5Bz7u-00161-00113096-00114008 it ... but the idea that the distillation of the Plain Writing Act is that your intended reader is NOJeXj5Bz7u-00162-00114096-00114744 entitled to understand, care about, and act on what you've written. That also does cross over NOJeXj5Bz7u-00163-00114744-00115408 to when we think about making content accessible. This intended or possible reader isn't under is NOJeXj5Bz7u-00164-00115408-00116064 entitled to be able to access what I've written. I think that's really well said, Danielle. You know, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00165-00116304-00116935 I'm sure you're all a bit discouraged or maybe even disgusted by this difficult HUD content that NOJeXj5Bz7u-00166-00116935-00117704 you looked at. But there are so many examples of clear, efficient communication. Danielle, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00167-00117704-00118280 you mentioned you work in the mortgage industry. If you have used the Consumer Financial Protection NOJeXj5Bz7u-00168-00118280-00119056 Bureau's content (the CFPB), these are the most elegant plain language writers in NOJeXj5Bz7u-00169-00119056-00119552 the federal government -- except for all of the other ones ... the National Cancer Institute. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00170-00119552-00120256 I mean they respond with such clarity and such poise. Then just one after another NOJeXj5Bz7u-00171-00120256-00121135 organization ... components within an agency ... that are communicating very, very clearly ... like NOJeXj5Bz7u-00172-00121135-00121792 the Energy Information Administration. I highly recommend that you look at eia.gov (Energy NOJeXj5Bz7u-00173-00121792-00122352 Information Administration). They are one of I think the eight statistical agencies NOJeXj5Bz7u-00174-00122352-00123024 in the federal government. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is another. EIA communicates about NOJeXj5Bz7u-00175-00123080-00123816 fuel and energy costs. Boring but no! I mean they are renowned ... multiple NOJeXj5Bz7u-00176-00123816-00124520 Clear Mark Award winners. They and their their communications will show you again and again NOJeXj5Bz7u-00177-00124520-00125240 that there are gifted government communicators who are really making content easy for people to read. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00178-00125600-00126472 Believe me, the CFPB, Danielle, is definitely ... they're one of the organizations that ... one of NOJeXj5Bz7u-00179-00126472-00127583 the federal offices that ... they always earn high praise from those annual report cards. In fact, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00180-00127583-00128496 I think they almost always have an "A." They work really hard to do a great job, including NOJeXj5Bz7u-00181-00128496-00129032 things like, you know, user testing -- really all the best practices that we teach you all about. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00182-00129159-00130216 They have adopted all of those. They really have. How many of these clients that you work with ... NOJeXj5Bz7u-00183-00130216-00130959 do they all have style guides? Do they have voice and tone guides? Do they ... are they any good? NOJeXj5Bz7u-00184-00130959-00131688 Do they use them? Do you use them when you do training or writing for them? This is very easy NOJeXj5Bz7u-00185-00131688-00132048 for me to answer because one of the services I offer is to write NOJeXj5Bz7u-00186-00132144-00132688 style guides or to write brand, voice and tone style guides or to update the style guides. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00187-00132920-00133608 Many of the organizations I work with ... most of them have some kind of voice and tone and NOJeXj5Bz7u-00188-00133608-00134536 brand style guide. Most of the time, the writing advice is not deep and not ample. You know this is NOJeXj5Bz7u-00189-00134536-00135504 very dear to me. Because I think ...I'm fond ... of people's mistakes. Most of the time, I think NOJeXj5Bz7u-00190-00135504-00136008 they're kind of sweet, especially when I'm in the role where I can help. So I don't bother getting NOJeXj5Bz7u-00191-00136008-00136696 all angry. The advice is all the same. They all say "we communicate in a natural style, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00192-00136752-00137304 we're empathetic, we're conversational." They all say this. And the writing almost never NOJeXj5Bz7u-00193-00137304-00137952 is. So that suggests that people aren't reading the style guide. But I think it's actually NOJeXj5Bz7u-00194-00138040-00138352 two different problems other than they're not reading it. Number 1: NOJeXj5Bz7u-00195-00138432-00139048 many, many people don't know the company has a style guide. They don't know. The communicators NOJeXj5Bz7u-00196-00139048-00139720 do, especially any communicator who's spending money on a PR agency or an ad agency. They know NOJeXj5Bz7u-00197-00139720-00140184 about the style guide because lots of times the brand, voice, style guide also includes NOJeXj5Bz7u-00198-00140248-00140768 guidance about the, you know, the pixels, or the logo and the color palette, and the font, and NOJeXj5Bz7u-00199-00140768-00141384 all that. The other thing is ... the other reason the style guide's underused is because it doesn't NOJeXj5Bz7u-00200-00141384-00142232 include actionable advice. And that's often where I come in. If the style guide is 35 pages long, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00201-00142232-00142704 and if it talks about our mission, our core values, and our logo, and our color palette, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00202-00142776-00143296 and the imagery we use, and our font ... it's going to have two pages about voice and tone. And NOJeXj5Bz7u-00203-00143296-00143816 the pages will say, "we write in an empathetic, conversational tone." They all say this. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00204-00143816-00144720 But non-writers can't follow that advice. It's too abstract. So what I usually do is build these NOJeXj5Bz7u-00205-00144720-00145576 style guides out. Build them out big, so there's examples because the less writerly a person is, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00206-00145576-00146224 the less nimble they are with words, the more they'll rely on the example. That's the kind NOJeXj5Bz7u-00207-00146224-00146792 of work I've done . I. wish i could share it with you right now. But end of December, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00208-00146792-00147488 I wrote a web content style guide for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This will be available NOJeXj5Bz7u-00209-00147488-00148312 publicly. I wrote it according to my own values of writing a style guide, namely fully illustrated NOJeXj5Bz7u-00210-00148312-00148888 with positive examples from the organization's own content and annotations for those examples. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00211-00149024-00149672 I can't wait to see it. That's awesome. I will use it in the future. Use it -- it's copyright NOJeXj5Bz7u-00212-00149672-00150432 cleared. Awesome. Awesome -- paid for by our tax dollars. Indeed. What do you think about NOJeXj5Bz7u-00213-00150432-00151416 readability formulas? Do they help you? Do they help anyone achieve plain language do you think? NOJeXj5Bz7u-00214-00151664-00152184 They help very good writers achieve plain language. And they also help NOJeXj5Bz7u-00215-00152344-00153136 people who know very concretely what their readers can ... what their reader's reading level is. They NOJeXj5Bz7u-00216-00153136-00154200 may help them a great deal. I don't find much value, and I do find much damage in the reading NOJeXj5Bz7u-00217-00154200-00155072 readability scores that describe a person's grade level. This is just stupid because grade level, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00218-00155072-00155680 you know ... what did I go ... did I go to ... I don't know ... did I go to 20th grade? I don't NOJeXj5Bz7u-00219-00155680-00156352 know what grade level did I go through? You know I did it 40 years ago. What in the world does this NOJeXj5Bz7u-00220-00156352-00157016 describe about me? I would never describe myself as an eighth grade reader. Yet I subscribe to the NOJeXj5Bz7u-00221-00157016-00157568 Washington Post, which is ostensibly written at the seventh grade level (I think). Often I read NOJeXj5Bz7u-00222-00157568-00158288 an article twice because I didn't understand it the first time. So I hope our profession NOJeXj5Bz7u-00223-00158288-00159048 will ... actually I hope our profession will kind of obscure this term "grade level" NOJeXj5Bz7u-00224-00159048-00159768 because I think it allows people to dismiss these measures because describing the grade level of the NOJeXj5Bz7u-00225-00159768-00160840 reader is random to them. Readability statistics I think can be quite useful if you want a quick NOJeXj5Bz7u-00226-00160840-00161488 picture of your content. I'll give you an example. One of my clients is the Washington Metropolitan NOJeXj5Bz7u-00227-00161488-00162304 Transit Authority -- it's our subway system. Their internal communicators had been saying that NOJeXj5Bz7u-00228-00162304-00162832 their internal newsletters were too boring, and they wanted to write them better. I said, okay, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00229-00162832-00163520 let's talk about this. The boss's boss's boss's boss is a big fan of Axios (the news publisher). NOJeXj5Bz7u-00230-00163584-00164272 So what what they had been saying internally was: we want our internal newsletters to be written NOJeXj5Bz7u-00231-00164272-00164896 in Axios style. Now this is a bad idea and a good idea at once. It's good to have a model ... to NOJeXj5Bz7u-00232-00164896-00165416 know what you're going toward. It's a bad idea to talk about internal communications newsletters NOJeXj5Bz7u-00233-00165416-00166080 sounding like breaking news. Axios -- that's not a good connection. But that was what they had so, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00234-00166080-00166760 as part of the workshop I developed, I did a lot of readability statistics on the Axios style. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00235-00166760-00167312 When we sat down and said ... we have a model. We were able to see: ooh look, under the hood, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00236-00167312-00167808 how is it built? What percentage passive voice are they using? How long are their paragraphs? NOJeXj5Bz7u-00237-00167808-00168456 How long are their sentences? That was a quite useful application of readability statistics. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00238-00168648-00169160 Awesome! The reason that I asked that question .. I mean I think that Leslie probably knows I'm NOJeXj5Bz7u-00239-00169160-00169736 not much of a fan of readability formulas ... but I do believe they have a place. And I love NOJeXj5Bz7u-00240-00169736-00170336 that you have an example of how you can use readability formulas within the context of a NOJeXj5Bz7u-00241-00170336-00171080 bigger effort to help convince people or give people a snapshot of what content looks like. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00242-00171160-00171776 I have ... the students ... one of the things that they're doing this week in my class -- not all NOJeXj5Bz7u-00243-00171776-00172504 of these folks are in that class -- but the ones that are ... I asked them to compute readability NOJeXj5Bz7u-00244-00172592-00173296 in at least one way on HUD content that they're reviewing. I didn't ask them to do it to their own NOJeXj5Bz7u-00245-00173352-00173720 because I don't ... whatever ... it's not really I don't believe it has any NOJeXj5Bz7u-00246-00173720-00174392 real value for them, helping them revise necessarily. But I did think that it would NOJeXj5Bz7u-00247-00174392-00174976 be really useful for them as an exercise to see: so what does the readability formula tell me about NOJeXj5Bz7u-00248-00175040-00175584 the quality of this content now? Is it better? Is it ... what is it missing? NOJeXj5Bz7u-00249-00175864-00176360 I think anybody who creates content or messes with content for a living NOJeXj5Bz7u-00250-00176472-00177048 needs to know something about readability because non-experts know what readability -- well they've NOJeXj5Bz7u-00251-00177048-00177592 heard of it. Yes, they do. They do. And actually I agree with you completely. This is a job skill. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00252-00177592-00178368 So you want to know how the different readability scores ... what subtle differences they'll reveal. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00253-00178368-00179080 You want to have one you prefer: the less worser, the less worst one. You want to be NOJeXj5Bz7u-00254-00179080-00179872 able to talk about when they're authentic measures of quality and when they aren't. You know I NOJeXj5Bz7u-00255-00179872-00180280 mentioned earlier, in my brief introduction, for a while -- a long time ago -- I was writing NOJeXj5Bz7u-00256-00180280-00180816 educational materials for the Smithsonian Institution, and those were written strictly NOJeXj5Bz7u-00257-00180816-00181464 to certain grade or reading levels because we knew exactly who was going to use them. There was no NOJeXj5Bz7u-00258-00181464-00182224 stepping off of the readability level for the curriculum. So sometimes they are NOJeXj5Bz7u-00259-00182224-00182944 useful. To me, I always think that a readability score is like a yardstick. If you walk around with NOJeXj5Bz7u-00260-00182944-00183504 a 10-foot yardstick trying to figure out whether people are tall or short, everyone's short. You NOJeXj5Bz7u-00261-00183504-00183944 know? You need the right size yardstick or you're not going to learn anything. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00262-00184080-00184728 That's terrific! Yes, I actually wanted to add on to that because I had a content analysis NOJeXj5Bz7u-00263-00184728-00185176 class last semester, where we really focused on readability scoring. And that was like NOJeXj5Bz7u-00264-00185296-00185912 one of the more frustrating things because we had to prove everything ... all of our points by NOJeXj5Bz7u-00265-00185912-00186632 comparing the different scores. I was finding that ones that were just based off of exactly grade NOJeXj5Bz7u-00266-00186632-00187048 level ... like the scores from whatever grade you're in ... I was kind of wondering why is say, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00267-00187048-00187520 ninth grade, why is that like the plain language standard that we have to constantly follow? NOJeXj5Bz7u-00268-00187608-00188016 So I was do you think that we should just like stop using those all together? I know you said NOJeXj5Bz7u-00269-00188016-00188496 it's good to have ... they're good like a good snapshot of kind of like where your writing is NOJeXj5Bz7u-00270-00188496-00188864 at that point in time. But do you think they're doing more harm than good? NOJeXj5Bz7u-00271-00188864-00189424 I do in some cases. But let's imagine you're going forward as a professional communicator, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00272-00189424-00190080 and someone has asked you to use those measures in your work. You know your thought bubble says like NOJeXj5Bz7u-00273-00190080-00190624 "oh, terrible idea. I don't want to do that." But they've asked you to. They require you to. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00274-00190624-00191392 Or they may have a measure in place. They may say, we write to the seventh grade level. Well NOJeXj5Bz7u-00275-00191392-00191992 as a professional communicator, you'd want to ask them: well, why? Do you know why? NOJeXj5Bz7u-00276-00191992-00192536 But they may not end up with a good answer. And they're paying you. It'll be your job to NOJeXj5Bz7u-00277-00192608-00193136 to suck it up, you know. I mean that's just the way it goes. That's whyI would say, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00278-00193232-00193712 know them well enough. Know them ... the various measures ... well enough (you know there's at NOJeXj5Bz7u-00279-00193712-00194400 least four or five that professional communicators accept) where you could push to substitute one NOJeXj5Bz7u-00280-00194400-00194800 for reading level for grade level if you thought another one was better. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00281-00194800-00195432 Or you could push to say I just want to use a software application like Grammarly, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00282-00195432-00196040 VisibleThread, Hemingway. I'm just gonna use some software here that's a better outcome. Then NOJeXj5Bz7u-00283-00196040-00196832 you know people who don't understand why readability scores are not the be-all and end-all. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00284-00196832-00197488 This is wicked ... what i'm going to say ... but they can often be dissuaded by one study. So what NOJeXj5Bz7u-00285-00197488-00198240 you would do is cue up some research that supports your standpoint -- some usability research -- that NOJeXj5Bz7u-00286-00198240-00198984 supports your standpoint. Then push back a little against that not very useful readability measure. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00287-00199112-00199464 Then you might end up doing what they've asked you to do. Because life. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00288-00199672-00200272 Thank you. That really helped. Leslie, will you give us a story maybe to end? NOJeXj5Bz7u-00289-00200360-00200816 Tell us about (you can take a few minutes to think about an answer) NOJeXj5Bz7u-00290-00201024-00201440 one of your biggest wins. You know, like a time when you thought, well NOJeXj5Bz7u-00291-00201552-00202168 I'm not sure how this is gonna go. But it ended up being way better than you thought it would be. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00292-00202248-00202904 Or you overcame I don't know tremendous resistance to change and somehow NOJeXj5Bz7u-00293-00203008-00203499 it happened anyway. I would be glad to tell a story. Thank you for asking. That's NOJeXj5Bz7u-00294-00203560-00204112 a sweet request. But beforeI tell it (because then we'll wrap up) just wanted to say thank you, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00295-00204112-00204672 Kim. What a joy to be with you and anyone who's on this call. Or any of your students, if you want to NOJeXj5Bz7u-00296-00204672-00205400 contact me, you know, I'd be more than happy to hear from you. I'll put... here's my email. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00297-00205623-00205919 There's my email, so you can sure reach out to me that way. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00298-00206184-00207384 I formed this company EWRITE in 1996. So it's been a while. I have had bone dry frustrating projects, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00299-00207384-00207896 and I have had pinch-me projects. I'll tell you about one of them, where it was NOJeXj5Bz7u-00300-00208071-00208767 deep and wide, we could go deep and wide. So the outcomes were great. Here's my quick story. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00301-00208767-00209688 (Catching the computer clock so I don't go on too long.) In 2013, 2014 and 2017, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00302-00209688-00210944 I worked with Delta Airlines customer care team. This was about 400 people in Georgia, about maybe NOJeXj5Bz7u-00303-00210944-00211904 40 or 50 in Minneapolis, and about 400 people in Mumbai and in Pune in India (two cities in India). NOJeXj5Bz7u-00304-00212008-00213056 Their marketing team in 2013 had done a huge rebrand, including even changing the flight NOJeXj5Bz7u-00305-00213056-00213832 attendants uniforms. What they wanted to do is take all that the (I always call these like the NOJeXj5Bz7u-00306-00213832-00214512 hipster glasses and sub-stash people ... the people with some, you know, swagger) NOJeXj5Bz7u-00307-00214512-00215000 all of those folks, I wanted to make sure that the frontline customer service agents ... the NOJeXj5Bz7u-00308-00215000-00215560 hundreds I mentioned ... could write to customers in an updated and modern brand NOJeXj5Bz7u-00309-00215560-00216152 voice because they were writing to customers in a very outdated brand voice. Briefly I'll NOJeXj5Bz7u-00310-00216152-00216648 describe the project. Then I want to tell you the project's name because it was so wonderful. The NOJeXj5Bz7u-00311-00216648-00217312 services I offered included developing a writing curriculum for all those hundreds of frontline NOJeXj5Bz7u-00312-00217312-00218184 customer service agents in the four locations. I wrote a customer care brand voice style guide NOJeXj5Bz7u-00313-00218184-00218712 that supported the corporate style guide but was specific for people who write to customers NOJeXj5Bz7u-00314-00218712-00219519 all day. I developed a briefing that I delivered for executives several times. And i got to go NOJeXj5Bz7u-00315-00219519-00220384 to India three times to work with their writers there. The writing really really did change. With NOJeXj5Bz7u-00316-00220384-00221104 that much input and those resources, people's writing did change. To kick off the project, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00317-00221216-00221816 Delta asked all of its employees who would be participating in it whether they wanted to give NOJeXj5Bz7u-00318-00221816-00222504 the project a name. They said, our project is to write in a modern on-brand plain language NOJeXj5Bz7u-00319-00222504-00223056 style to our customers. Can anyone propose a name? It was a contest. And there was an award. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00320-00223056-00223936 The winning name was Project LOL, and it stood for Project Less Official Language. That sets NOJeXj5Bz7u-00321-00223936-00224608 the tone! We had t-shirts. We had lanyards. We had prizes. The work I did mattered, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00322-00224608-00225184 and it changed Delta's communication style via email substantially and measurably because there NOJeXj5Bz7u-00323-00225184-00225936 was also a measurement component to this project. Now in the intervening years, Delta has moved more NOJeXj5Bz7u-00324-00225936-00226504 of its customer contacts away from email. In general, customer satisfaction scores are lower NOJeXj5Bz7u-00325-00226504-00227056 in email than they are in other channels. But the the leave-behind work still stands. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00326-00227256-00227967 A terrific ... that's a terrific story! I love it! Project LOL: Less Official Language. They NOJeXj5Bz7u-00327-00227967-00228744 invited all of those hundreds of people to share pictures: how do you LOL? People had pictures of NOJeXj5Bz7u-00328-00228744-00229288 themselves with their two german shepherds in their lap, and the german shepherds have their NOJeXj5Bz7u-00329-00229288-00229864 fingers on the keyboard, and somebody took their laptop and stuck it on a treadmill and did a video NOJeXj5Bz7u-00330-00229864-00230344 of themselves trying to answer emails while they were on a treadmill. It was really ... it was NOJeXj5Bz7u-00331-00230344-00231200 playful and corporate. I am so thrilled that we got to have you live with us for a little while NOJeXj5Bz7u-00332-00231200-00231912 today. And I am so grateful that you were willing to take time out of your day to spend it with us. NOJeXj5Bz7u-00333-00231912-00232471 It's my pleasure. You know, besides getting to spend some time with you, Kim, personally, NOJeXj5Bz7u-00334-00232536-00232936 I really do want to encourage you -- if any of you ... if you're thinking of NOJeXj5Bz7u-00335-00232936-00233519 making a career here, I hope ... it was my plan to convey joy. I feel it. And I NOJeXj5Bz7u-00336-00233519-00235384 wanted to share it. It's been a wonderful career. I'll encourage you all along the way.