BaQEgqBZSSU-00000-00000003-00000309 Hey everyone, NeuroRebel here and this week, we're going BaQEgqBZSSU-00001-00000309-00000541 to talk about Autigender. BaQEgqBZSSU-00002-00000635-00000846 Wait - Autism a gender? BaQEgqBZSSU-00003-00000882-00000944 What's that? BaQEgqBZSSU-00004-00001002-00001473 Well, it is not what you think and if you want to learn more, stay tuned. BaQEgqBZSSU-00005-00005190-00005562 All right, this is a highly requested topic and a few of you have asked me BaQEgqBZSSU-00006-00005562-00005948 to cover this and talk about this so first let's start out with a very, BaQEgqBZSSU-00007-00005948-00006275 very official definition of Autigender. BaQEgqBZSSU-00008-00006280-00006838 According to LGBTA, Wiki, "Autigender or Autism, gender is a neurogender, BaQEgqBZSSU-00009-00006844-00007264 which can be understood in the context of being Autistic or when BaQEgqBZSSU-00010-00007264-00007725 one's Autism greatly affects one's gender or how one experiences gender. BaQEgqBZSSU-00011-00007786-00008272 Autigender is not autism as a gender, but rather is a gender that is so BaQEgqBZSSU-00012-00008272-00008886 heavily influenced by autism that one's gendered and autism cannot be on linked. BaQEgqBZSSU-00013-00008971-00009544 Not all Autistic people will identify with Autigender, only those whose gender BaQEgqBZSSU-00014-00009547-00009792 is influenced by them being Autistic." BaQEgqBZSSU-00015-00009858-00010036 Wait - Neurogender? BaQEgqBZSSU-00016-00010057-00010116 What's that? BaQEgqBZSSU-00017-00010191-00010692 Well, also on the same Wiki page, neurogender is described as when one's BaQEgqBZSSU-00018-00010692-00011217 gender is in some way linked to being neurodivergent or their mental illness BaQEgqBZSSU-00019-00011217-00011389 or other neurological condition. BaQEgqBZSSU-00020-00011437-00011848 This is an umbrella term for any gender related to being neurodivergent, but BaQEgqBZSSU-00021-00011848-00012449 can also be used as an identity on its own, similar to autigender, neurogender BaQEgqBZSSU-00022-00012484-00013009 is talking about when gender is very heavily influenced by being neurodivergent BaQEgqBZSSU-00023-00013050-00013478 so much so that you can't separate your gender and neurodivergency." BaQEgqBZSSU-00024-00013521-00013851 Okay, now that we've got a few basic definitions down, I'll BaQEgqBZSSU-00025-00013851-00013963 share some thoughts on this. BaQEgqBZSSU-00026-00013969-00014431 So first I want to restate that this is not saying that Autism is BaQEgqBZSSU-00027-00014431-00014656 a gender or Autism as a gender. BaQEgqBZSSU-00028-00014710-00015222 We are talking about how the Autistic experience impacts someone's BaQEgqBZSSU-00029-00015244-00015838 relationship with gender and this raises some really interesting questions: BaQEgqBZSSU-00030-00015874-00016429 How does being Autistic influence someone's gender? BaQEgqBZSSU-00031-00016486-00016856 It's interesting because there have already been quite a few studies that show BaQEgqBZSSU-00032-00016907-00017396 that Autistic people, or my more likely to be transgender or transgender people are BaQEgqBZSSU-00033-00017396-00017564 potentially more likely to be Autistic. BaQEgqBZSSU-00034-00017567-00018017 And we've spoken about some of those before here on this channel, and we're BaQEgqBZSSU-00035-00018017-00018296 waiting for science to catch up on this, but none of this has really been BaQEgqBZSSU-00036-00018296-00018725 a surprise to me, interacting with other Autistic people in the community. BaQEgqBZSSU-00037-00018749-00019100 There are just a lot of us who are gender non-conforming. BaQEgqBZSSU-00038-00019166-00019549 Also, talking about autism and how it relates to gender. BaQEgqBZSSU-00039-00019582-00020026 I've said before that I am an Autistic, I am not a person with Autism. BaQEgqBZSSU-00040-00020032-00020560 That is because being Autistic impacts every part of my existence BaQEgqBZSSU-00041-00020566-00021004 and who I am as a person and that includes my experience of gender. BaQEgqBZSSU-00042-00021052-00021571 Like with everything else, Autism and being Autistic has fundamentally BaQEgqBZSSU-00043-00021571-00022495 shaped how I relate to gender and since gender is a social construct and social BaQEgqBZSSU-00044-00022495-00022974 constructs are one of those things that autistic people don't always fit within... BaQEgqBZSSU-00045-00023040-00023487 there are many people, well, who feel as if being Autistic influences BaQEgqBZSSU-00046-00023487-00023598 their experience of gender. BaQEgqBZSSU-00047-00023619-00024125 Well, I'm not alone on this, and a lot of us who don't experience gender and BaQEgqBZSSU-00048-00024125-00024501 the, the same ways as neurotypicals do or feel that we do not experience gender BaQEgqBZSSU-00049-00024501-00024968 in the same ways of neuro-typicals do may identify with autigender. BaQEgqBZSSU-00050-00025016-00025709 So for me, I was assigned female at birth, and that is just what it feels like. BaQEgqBZSSU-00051-00025718-00026246 It feels like this assignment that was given to me that I had no say in. BaQEgqBZSSU-00052-00026321-00026777 And I remember when I was about four or five, I was very, very distressed BaQEgqBZSSU-00053-00026777-00027125 about this and I would often tell adults in my life that I was a mistake BaQEgqBZSSU-00054-00027131-00027287 and I wished I'd never been born. BaQEgqBZSSU-00055-00027354-00027933 I didn't feel like a girl and I certainly didn't want to grow up and become a BaQEgqBZSSU-00056-00027933-00028557 woman and growing up, I related more with little boys and little girls. BaQEgqBZSSU-00057-00028560-00029010 I enjoy the activities that little boys did, and I struggled BaQEgqBZSSU-00058-00029016-00029331 to be around other girls. BaQEgqBZSSU-00059-00029331-00029889 When I was around other girls I was definitely masking much heavier, BaQEgqBZSSU-00060-00029889-00030126 especially when I was younger. BaQEgqBZSSU-00061-00030171-00030399 Things only got worse and puberty. BaQEgqBZSSU-00062-00030414-00030915 My body changed and then when I saw myself in the mirror, I no longer BaQEgqBZSSU-00063-00030915-00031548 recognized who it was I saw as myself, and that's a hard thing, even now. BaQEgqBZSSU-00064-00031611-00032292 I know that nobody sees and experiences me in the way that I see myself BaQEgqBZSSU-00065-00032361-00032664 and I don't think anyone ever will. BaQEgqBZSSU-00066-00032709-00033309 My experience of myself has always been that of a more masculine character BaQEgqBZSSU-00067-00033309-00033930 trapped in this small curvy, fragile body with this, the high pitched voice. BaQEgqBZSSU-00068-00034017-00034641 I grew up having more male friends, and I felt like being called one of the guys BaQEgqBZSSU-00069-00034695-00035172 and people mentioning that I "thought like one of the guys" was the ultimate BaQEgqBZSSU-00070-00035193-00035994 compliment to me because it made me feel seen, but eventually because I had BaQEgqBZSSU-00071-00035994-00036405 the meat suit that people associated with the assignment I had been given, BaQEgqBZSSU-00072-00036435-00036957 I started to go along with things for a lot of years just using the labels of BaQEgqBZSSU-00073-00036957-00037827 girl, woman, she and her, because it was expected of me and often just much easier. BaQEgqBZSSU-00074-00037863-00038763 I would present myself in a hyper feminine way - over the top, because I thought in BaQEgqBZSSU-00075-00038763-00039489 order to be a girl, I needed to wear all this makeup, skirts, heels, tights, do all BaQEgqBZSSU-00076-00039489-00039672 of these things, dress in a certain way. BaQEgqBZSSU-00077-00039672-00040146 And if I did that stuff enough, it must make me a girl because that's what girls BaQEgqBZSSU-00078-00040146-00040938 do, which is not a healthy idea of, or representation of what it means to even be BaQEgqBZSSU-00079-00040995-00041553 a woman or a girl, because women and girls are still women and girls, even if you BaQEgqBZSSU-00080-00041553-00041782 remove their makeup and their clothing. BaQEgqBZSSU-00081-00041847-00041910 And wel.... BaQEgqBZSSU-00082-00042023-00042156 that's not what I meant to say!!! BaQEgqBZSSU-00083-00042288-00042402 But you know what I mean? BaQEgqBZSSU-00084-00042426-00043029 These things aren't what makes the woman, but it was just, often easier BaQEgqBZSSU-00085-00043029-00043572 for me to present myself outwardly in a very stereotypical female BaQEgqBZSSU-00086-00043575-00044214 presentation, even if on some days it felt like an elaborate lie, a costume. BaQEgqBZSSU-00087-00044272-00044795 I put it on as part of my mask as an Autistic person, playing a BaQEgqBZSSU-00088-00044795-00045351 part, trying to blend in and to be treated better by people in society. BaQEgqBZSSU-00089-00045375-00045848 I would comply with these labels because I, one didn't really think there were BaQEgqBZSSU-00090-00045848-00046355 other options, and I conformed because I was also sure that nobody would BaQEgqBZSSU-00091-00046355-00046539 understand what I was going through. BaQEgqBZSSU-00092-00046587-00047058 Not because I actually related to the labels or felt as if they ever fit me. BaQEgqBZSSU-00093-00047141-00047354 I was a girl because... BaQEgqBZSSU-00094-00047432-00047756 you, know, I was just not going to push back. BaQEgqBZSSU-00095-00047756-00047802 "Okay. BaQEgqBZSSU-00096-00047802-00047879 If you say so. BaQEgqBZSSU-00097-00047879-00047915 Sure. BaQEgqBZSSU-00098-00047915-00047999 Whatever, I'm a girl. BaQEgqBZSSU-00099-00048003-00048041 Okay." BaQEgqBZSSU-00100-00048071-00048678 I feel as if being Autistic means, I am willing to examine all of these BaQEgqBZSSU-00101-00048678-00049280 social constructs under a magnifying glass, including gender and sexuality. BaQEgqBZSSU-00102-00049355-00049844 And like with many things being Autistic means that I don't fit into the box. BaQEgqBZSSU-00103-00049904-00050034 I make my own box. BaQEgqBZSSU-00104-00050112-00050574 I am the square peg that can't be put through the round hole BaQEgqBZSSU-00105-00050589-00051270 without damaging the peg and my experience of gender is no different. BaQEgqBZSSU-00106-00051327-00051819 I don't fit neatly into societies, check boxes. BaQEgqBZSSU-00107-00051840-00052209 There are certain things that as an Autistic person, I just see society BaQEgqBZSSU-00108-00052209-00052704 doing and say, Yeah, that's a big, no sakes - I don't get it and I BaQEgqBZSSU-00109-00052704-00053023 don't know why I want to do it just because everyone else is doing it. BaQEgqBZSSU-00110-00053080-00053521 And honestly, I'm much happier in life when I don't do this and I go BaQEgqBZSSU-00111-00053521-00054061 along with how I feel instead of just conforming to society's norms and doing BaQEgqBZSSU-00112-00054061-00054295 what I think society expects me to do. BaQEgqBZSSU-00113-00054310-00054757 Something I have learned about myself since being diagnosed autistic over the BaQEgqBZSSU-00114-00054757-00055300 past four years, I have been gradually unwinding the mask that I had made for BaQEgqBZSSU-00115-00055300-00056140 myself and then I realized that a very big part of my mask and socially performing BaQEgqBZSSU-00116-00056140-00056533 in a way that is "socially acceptable" - quote, quote, quote, air quotes, BaQEgqBZSSU-00117-00056536-00056761 because society it's a social construct. BaQEgqBZSSU-00118-00056767-00056941 Society says this is acceptable. BaQEgqBZSSU-00119-00056995-00057133 So according to who, right? BaQEgqBZSSU-00120-00057154-00057538 I realized that before I was diagnosed Autistic, and before I knew I was BaQEgqBZSSU-00121-00057538-00058079 Autistic, because people had told me so often that my experiences, BaQEgqBZSSU-00122-00058083-00058671 my needs and the things that I even enjoyed were either not valid or BaQEgqBZSSU-00123-00058698-00058955 silly, or I was being over sensitive. BaQEgqBZSSU-00124-00058974-00059337 I had stopped advocating for my needs. BaQEgqBZSSU-00125-00059352-00059649 I had stopped doing the things I wanted to do. BaQEgqBZSSU-00126-00059658-00060150 I had stopped living the life I wanted to live and was just this BaQEgqBZSSU-00127-00060155-00060380 robot going along with conformity. BaQEgqBZSSU-00128-00060387-00061275 I had this complex mask and a huge part of that mask is behaving in a way that BaQEgqBZSSU-00129-00061292-00061872 is acceptable for the gender that I was assigned at birth and since unmasking BaQEgqBZSSU-00130-00061878-00062494 over the past four years, that piece of the mask has also begun to fall away BaQEgqBZSSU-00131-00062530-00063280 as I get to know myself and evaluate how do I really feel and see myself BaQEgqBZSSU-00132-00063355-00064051 versus how do I think I should act for society's benefit instead of my own? BaQEgqBZSSU-00133-00064166-00064821 If you found today's video useful, helpful, even slightly educational, BaQEgqBZSSU-00134-00064857-00065163 please share it to help me reach other people who may find this BaQEgqBZSSU-00135-00065163-00065370 content useful to them as well. BaQEgqBZSSU-00136-00065403-00065907 I work very hard to put videos of quality content out every week, so BaQEgqBZSSU-00137-00065907-00066420 don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications, so you don't miss a video. BaQEgqBZSSU-00138-00066579-00067185 If you want more, be sure to subscribe on Patreon or Facebook to gain access BaQEgqBZSSU-00139-00067194-00067572 early to videos like this one before they are released to the general public. BaQEgqBZSSU-00140-00067638-00068301 A huge, huge thank you to my Patreon supporters and Facebook subscribers. BaQEgqBZSSU-00141-00068337-00068526 I could not do this without you. BaQEgqBZSSU-00142-00068529-00068892 You pay for my transcription and closed captioning and help to BaQEgqBZSSU-00143-00068892-00069300 ensure I can continuously put out great free content like this one. BaQEgqBZSSU-00144-00069336-00069426 Thank you so much. BaQEgqBZSSU-00145-00069435-00069639 And thank you to anyone who shares my video. BaQEgqBZSSU-00146-00069657-00069762 Sharing is caring. BaQEgqBZSSU-00147-00069804-00070047 I am so grateful for each and every one of you. BaQEgqBZSSU-00148-00070098-00070212 I will talk to you next week. 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BcWe5UNikFI-00153-00045072-00045208 that's i prayed in the car BcWe5UNikFI-00154-00045208-00045490 could be used force you know d BcWe5UNikFI-00155-00045490-00045785 the right to prepare you to keep our forty two point BdlstF2lRGy-00000-00001488-00001781 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00001-00001781-00002085 Scott: Late April of 2017, Vietnam veteran BdlstF2lRGy-00002-00002085-00002415 helicopter pilot and author, Jim Crigler BdlstF2lRGy-00003-00002415-00002705 invited me to film him at Itasca State Park BdlstF2lRGy-00004-00002705-00003016 as he began a canoe journey of the Mississippi River. BdlstF2lRGy-00005-00003016-00003326 His endeavor was to raise BdlstF2lRGy-00006-00003326-00003636 awareness of "Gold Star Families" BdlstF2lRGy-00007-00003636-00003940 American "Gold Star Families" are BdlstF2lRGy-00008-00003940-00004234 immediate relatives of members of the US Armed Forces BdlstF2lRGy-00009-00004234-00004531 who have been killed in combat. Or in support BdlstF2lRGy-00010-00004531-00004841 of certain military activities. BdlstF2lRGy-00011-00004841-00005141 The air at Itasca was just above freezing. BdlstF2lRGy-00012-00005141-00005445 But Jim's mood was warm. Jim: Alright. BdlstF2lRGy-00013-00005445-00005739 Let's bring her down. BdlstF2lRGy-00014-00005739-00006059 [cranking sounds] BdlstF2lRGy-00015-00006059-00006346 It's named's named after my daughter BdlstF2lRGy-00016-00006346-00006663 Libby. Beautiful girl. BdlstF2lRGy-00017-00006663-00006970 Sometimes cantankerous. [bumping sounds] BdlstF2lRGy-00018-00006970-00007270 Yeah we're gonna fit everything in there quite nicely. BdlstF2lRGy-00019-00007270-00007570 Alright we're going! BdlstF2lRGy-00020-00007570-00007881 Follow me. BdlstF2lRGy-00021-00007881-00008181 [bumping sounds] BdlstF2lRGy-00022-00008181-00008515 [pants ruffling with footsteps] BdlstF2lRGy-00023-00008515-00008802 [bumping sounds] Voice in background: You want a little help? BdlstF2lRGy-00024-00008802-00009105 Jim: Oh, Bob! Hi, oh my goodness! Bob: A little easy? BdlstF2lRGy-00025-00009105-00009419 Jim: That's ok, how's it going? Bob: How's my big brother? Jim: Good to see ya man. BdlstF2lRGy-00026-00009419-00009699 Bob: I can help if you need help there. Jim: Ah, you know what if you grab a couple BdlstF2lRGy-00027-00009699-00010003 of paddles and follow me down! Appreciate it. BdlstF2lRGy-00028-00010003-00010320 Well, that's a member of the Vietnam helicopter BdlstF2lRGy-00029-00010320-00010627 pilots association. He came up to wish me BdlstF2lRGy-00030-00010627-00010920 off. His name is Bob Goudar. He's...I think he's down in Park BdlstF2lRGy-00031-00010920-00011211 Rapids. It's a beautiful morning out here. BdlstF2lRGy-00032-00011211-00011538 I think it's a crisp 38 degrees. BdlstF2lRGy-00033-00011538-00011841 Spring time in Minnesota, you couldn't ask BdlstF2lRGy-00034-00011841-00012132 for a better time to be out in the woods. BdlstF2lRGy-00035-00012132-00012432 Alright... BdlstF2lRGy-00036-00012432-00012752 half way! BdlstF2lRGy-00037-00012752-00013059 It's all downhill from here. BdlstF2lRGy-00038-00013059-00013369 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00039-00013369-00013673 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00040-00013673-00013980 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00041-00013980-00014290 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00042-00014290-00014594 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00043-00014594-00014898 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00044-00014898-00015211 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00045-00015211-00015485 Jim: Jim Crigler, sir. Kelly: Kelly Bogue. Jim: Kelly, nice to meet you. BdlstF2lRGy-00046-00015485-00015799 Jim: Oh, I'm honored. Oh was I on BdlstF2lRGy-00047-00015799-00016116 the news? Man: Yeah you were on the channel 9 news last night. Jim: Oh I hope I sounded BdlstF2lRGy-00048-00016116-00016419 good. Man: Oh, yeah! Sounded real good. Jim: Good, well. BdlstF2lRGy-00049-00016419-00016703 Man: About 2 minutes. Jim: Oh, I didn't expect you guys out here but I can't BdlstF2lRGy-00050-00016703-00017030 tell you how appreciative I am of this. And BdlstF2lRGy-00051-00017030-00017323 one of the things I've discovered is BdlstF2lRGy-00052-00017323-00017640 you know there's no database of Vietnam BdlstF2lRGy-00053-00017640-00017951 gold star families. And so I'm BdlstF2lRGy-00054-00017951-00018261 dependent of the VFW's as I go down and maybe the American Legions BdlstF2lRGy-00055-00018261-00018561 you've put the flags up here. We got this beautiful BdlstF2lRGy-00056-00018561-00018858 morning here. You know, I'm just BdlstF2lRGy-00057-00018858-00019162 honored to...that you guys would all show up. I didn't expect this. BdlstF2lRGy-00058-00019162-00019449 I expected Bruce. And I was gonna apologize to you BdlstF2lRGy-00059-00019449-00019779 now I gotta apologize to everybody. Oh, I got a poppy for my hat too. BdlstF2lRGy-00060-00019779-00020076 That's awesome. Thank you so much. BdlstF2lRGy-00061-00020076-00020393 I'll put this poppy in there. I actually met with a BdlstF2lRGy-00062-00020393-00020687 priest day before yesterday. And I was BdlstF2lRGy-00063-00020687-00020994 in downtown Chicago and his name was Father BdlstF2lRGy-00064-00020994-00021287 John. And he gave me a BdlstF2lRGy-00065-00021287-00021611 blessing that was beyond blessings. BdlstF2lRGy-00066-00021611-00021915 I mean, I've got angels above me and on the side of me and arch BdlstF2lRGy-00067-00021915-00022228 angel behind protecting me according to Father John. BdlstF2lRGy-00068-00022228-00022522 So, but....if I could just say a few BdlstF2lRGy-00069-00022522-00022836 words if you guys don't mind. [inaudible voice in back] Lord, BdlstF2lRGy-00070-00022836-00023133 we appreciate this beautiful day and as we BdlstF2lRGy-00071-00023133-00023456 begin this journey we hope that we BdlstF2lRGy-00072-00023456-00023763 can touch the lives of many, many BdlstF2lRGy-00073-00023763-00024060 gold star families especially Vietnam gold star families. BdlstF2lRGy-00074-00024060-00024367 And I appreciate any BdlstF2lRGy-00075-00024367-00024684 support that you can give me along the way. And this is a good example of BdlstF2lRGy-00076-00024684-00024991 that support, these veterans have come out here to support BdlstF2lRGy-00077-00024991-00025285 me, in Jesus name, thank you. So, BdlstF2lRGy-00078-00025285-00025602 the beautiful 38 degree BdlstF2lRGy-00079-00025602-00025922 water here it's the beginning of the BdlstF2lRGy-00080-00025922-00026239 MIssissippi. It's just a gorgeous, gorgeous piece of water. BdlstF2lRGy-00081-00026239-00026519 This is the beginning of the trip. And I'll put my paddle in. BdlstF2lRGy-00082-00026519-00026820 Start paddling right there. And first day is gonna be a BdlstF2lRGy-00083-00026820-00027143 difficult one. But I don't really care what the BdlstF2lRGy-00084-00027143-00027447 sacrifice is because it's nothing compared to what BdlstF2lRGy-00085-00027447-00027754 what our soldiers and our gold star especially BdlstF2lRGy-00086-00027754-00028064 Vietnam gold star families have been through. So, BdlstF2lRGy-00087-00028064-00028381 I'm willing to make the sacrifice and BdlstF2lRGy-00088-00028381-00028685 for those of you that are watching this video in the BdlstF2lRGy-00089-00028685-00028982 future please find it in your hearts to reach out BdlstF2lRGy-00090-00028982-00029285 and contact a gold star family and thank them for that BdlstF2lRGy-00091-00029285-00029599 sacrifice. Because every paddle stroke that I make BdlstF2lRGy-00092-00029599-00029909 on this river for the next 2250 miles BdlstF2lRGy-00093-00029909-00030196 is gonna be to honor those folks. And I would BdlstF2lRGy-00094-00030196-00030517 very much appreciate your support. BdlstF2lRGy-00095-00030517-00030810 So let's get this show on the road. [I'll be in this picture BdlstF2lRGy-00096-00030810-00031124 too.] I'm Jim Crigler. I'm a ex-Vietnam BdlstF2lRGy-00097-00031124-00031424 helicopter pilot. And in 1972 BdlstF2lRGy-00098-00031424-00031741 I was in combat in Vietnam. BdlstF2lRGy-00099-00031741-00032028 And I had a wonderful roommate named first lieutenant Tom Shaw. BdlstF2lRGy-00100-00032028-00032325 And Tom and I became very BdlstF2lRGy-00101-00032325-00032649 close. He became my mentor like an older brother. BdlstF2lRGy-00102-00032649-00032929 And the 2 of us had a pact between us that if one of us was killed BdlstF2lRGy-00103-00032929-00033249 in combat that the other one would escort their body BdlstF2lRGy-00104-00033249-00033556 back to the United States. And I BdlstF2lRGy-00105-00033556-00033853 was both honored and burdened with BdlstF2lRGy-00106-00033853-00034167 that duty. But it was a BdlstF2lRGy-00107-00034167-00034474 first time that I met a gold star family was in BdlstF2lRGy-00108-00034474-00034774 May of 1972 when I met Tom's wife and his BdlstF2lRGy-00109-00034774-00035081 mom and his dad and his brothers and his sisters. Although it was the BdlstF2lRGy-00110-00035081-00035388 toughest mission for me during the war it wasn't even 10 times BdlstF2lRGy-00111-00035388-00035688 as tough as it was for that family. And all the rest of the BdlstF2lRGy-00112-00035688-00035995 Vietnam gold star families that lost sons in BdlstF2lRGy-00113-00035995-00036319 that war. And during the last 5 years BdlstF2lRGy-00114-00036319-00036613 I've had the opportunity to talk to a lot of gold star families. BdlstF2lRGy-00115-00036613-00036920 And the story is always the same, Scott. BdlstF2lRGy-00116-00036920-00037220 It's always, we received a devastating telegram BdlstF2lRGy-00117-00037220-00037517 or a knock on the door. And about a week BdlstF2lRGy-00118-00037517-00037827 or so later we got a coffin with our son in it. And BdlstF2lRGy-00119-00037827-00038124 a neatly folded American flag. We buried our BdlstF2lRGy-00120-00038124-00038435 son. And then we never talked about it again. BdlstF2lRGy-00121-00038435-00038745 I've heard that so many times, I can't tell you. BdlstF2lRGy-00122-00038745-00039022 So I decided to do something about it. I decided to go BdlstF2lRGy-00123-00039022-00039369 find all the gold star families in my community. BdlstF2lRGy-00124-00039369-00039662 That I could. I didn't find them all but I found some of them. BdlstF2lRGy-00125-00039662-00039963 In the surrounding area. And I gave about 20 BdlstF2lRGy-00126-00039963-00040273 honor coins out to those families. And with BdlstF2lRGy-00127-00040273-00040567 each one I put that coin in their hand and told BdlstF2lRGy-00128-00040567-00040880 them I thank them and honored their sacrifice. BdlstF2lRGy-00129-00040880-00041167 And that I hoped they'd keep that coin and BdlstF2lRGy-00130-00041167-00041474 remember that there are thousands of Americans that appreciate BdlstF2lRGy-00131-00041474-00041785 and honor their sacrifice. None of them BdlstF2lRGy-00132-00041785-00042085 could speak to me. They were all overcome with emotion. BdlstF2lRGy-00133-00042085-00042392 It took us both a minute, I'm getting BdlstF2lRGy-00134-00042392-00042679 emotional just talking about it, it took us a minute BdlstF2lRGy-00135-00042679-00043006 to recoup our emotions. BdlstF2lRGy-00136-00043006-00043296 And then they were able to talk to me. But the reason they got so BdlstF2lRGy-00137-00043296-00043606 emotional is that in 45 years BdlstF2lRGy-00138-00043606-00043920 no American citizen has BdlstF2lRGy-00139-00043920-00044217 thanked them for that sacrifice. 45 BdlstF2lRGy-00140-00044217-00044524 years! So, I'm on a mission today BdlstF2lRGy-00141-00044524-00044831 and I'm doing something totally audacious. BdlstF2lRGy-00142-00044831-00045138 Most 67 year old guys would never consider BdlstF2lRGy-00143-00045138-00045448 paddling for 2250 miles to make a BdlstF2lRGy-00144-00045448-00045735 statement. But I'm making a statement. BdlstF2lRGy-00145-00045735-00046042 And I want to wake up some people in America BdlstF2lRGy-00146-00046042-00046359 and I want to cause a movement to happen. I would BdlstF2lRGy-00147-00046359-00046639 like those of you that are watching this video to go to your BdlstF2lRGy-00148-00046639-00046960 VFW or go to your American Legion and ask them BdlstF2lRGy-00149-00046960-00047260 who are the gold star families in our community? Especially BdlstF2lRGy-00150-00047260-00047554 the Vietnam gold star families. Who are they? BdlstF2lRGy-00151-00047554-00047877 How can I get in touch with them? And go out and get a BdlstF2lRGy-00152-00047877-00048171 49 cent stamp and an envelope and a little BdlstF2lRGy-00153-00048171-00048481 piece of paper and write them a thank you note BdlstF2lRGy-00154-00048481-00048788 for that sacrifice. Tell them how much you appreciate BdlstF2lRGy-00155-00048788-00049098 the freedoms that you have today because their son or daughter died BdlstF2lRGy-00156-00049098-00049402 for those freedoms. And make a difference in these BdlstF2lRGy-00157-00049402-00049706 people. They deserve some honor. BdlstF2lRGy-00158-00049706-00050009 I'm a little nervous right now because it's like a BdlstF2lRGy-00159-00050009-00050313 race. You know how you get nervous right before a road BdlstF2lRGy-00160-00050313-00050603 race? So, it's kinda like you want to get yourself going. BdlstF2lRGy-00161-00050603-00050924 But I don't want to go too fast because BdlstF2lRGy-00162-00050924-00051211 it's more important to have everything that I want on board. BdlstF2lRGy-00163-00051211-00051521 You know, cause you get a ....I can't stop at a store. BdlstF2lRGy-00164-00051521-00051818 So hopefully I'll be an expert in this canoe in about BdlstF2lRGy-00165-00051818-00052122 30 miles. And hopefully I don't tip it BdlstF2lRGy-00166-00052122-00052448 in front of you. So.... BdlstF2lRGy-00167-00052448-00052752 [laughs] We'll see. This is a book that I just finished. BdlstF2lRGy-00168-00052752-00053059 It's about my time in Vietnam. I am BdlstF2lRGy-00169-00053059-00053346 donating some of the proceeds, I gotta pay for the book. But besides that BdlstF2lRGy-00170-00053346-00053660 I'm donating the proceeds to my charity BdlstF2lRGy-00171-00053660-00053967 501 C3 American Huey 369. The BdlstF2lRGy-00172-00053967-00054254 book is called "Mission of Honor". And BdlstF2lRGy-00173-00054254-00054564 you know mistakes in life, they make the best stories. BdlstF2lRGy-00174-00054564-00054851 And this about mistakes that I BdlstF2lRGy-00175-00054851-00055181 made as a young man. And meeting my room mate, Tom Shaw, BdlstF2lRGy-00176-00055181-00055482 that I mentioned earlier. And BdlstF2lRGy-00177-00055482-00055785 a sort of a moral compass that Tom gave BdlstF2lRGy-00178-00055785-00056092 me in life. That I've used to navigate BdlstF2lRGy-00179-00056092-00056396 through those forks in the road that we go through. And it's also about BdlstF2lRGy-00180-00056396-00056706 my time in Vietnam and it has a message for America. BdlstF2lRGy-00181-00056706-00057013 So...if you're interested BdlstF2lRGy-00182-00057013-00057317 is the website you can buy it there. You can also BdlstF2lRGy-00183-00057317-00057630 buy it on Amazon. And again, proceeds go to BdlstF2lRGy-00184-00057630-00057924 a very, very good cause. So, appreciate your support there. BdlstF2lRGy-00185-00057924-00058231 [drums rolling] BdlstF2lRGy-00186-00058231-00058528 These are my snacks...yup. BdlstF2lRGy-00187-00058528-00058835 [drums rolling] BdlstF2lRGy-00188-00058835-00059139 [drums rolling] BdlstF2lRGy-00189-00059139-00059449 [drums rolling] a good one. BdlstF2lRGy-00190-00059449-00059756 [drums rolling] Hey, BdlstF2lRGy-00191-00059756-00060073 Bruce? I don't have enough to give one to everybody. BdlstF2lRGy-00192-00060073-00060380 I'm sorry but I'm gonna give one to you for the ride. And I'm giving one to you BdlstF2lRGy-00193-00060380-00060670 for coming down here. Maybe you could pass it around to these guys. BdlstF2lRGy-00194-00060670-00060960 I'm not the hero in this book. BdlstF2lRGy-00195-00060960-00061277 Somebody else is. I made a lot of mistakes in my life. BdlstF2lRGy-00196-00061277-00061571 You know, when you're 20 they're usually not BdlstF2lRGy-00197-00061571-00061891 little mistakes, they're big mistakes. And I was 20 and they BdlstF2lRGy-00198-00061891-00062188 turned into for me anyway, a moral BdlstF2lRGy-00199-00062188-00062495 kind of a moral dilemma. And I room mate BdlstF2lRGy-00200-00062495-00062792 who was killed in action over there was a wonderful BdlstF2lRGy-00201-00062792-00063113 guy and he shared with me his moral compass on BdlstF2lRGy-00202-00063113-00063409 life. And I don't mind telling you what it was. What he said BdlstF2lRGy-00203-00063409-00063710 was, "We're all coming to forks in the road of life BdlstF2lRGy-00204-00063710-00064027 and which fork we choose determines BdlstF2lRGy-00205-00064027-00064324 what our life's gonna be. And the easy fork BdlstF2lRGy-00206-00064324-00064624 is not always the one we gotta take. So you gotta have courage BdlstF2lRGy-00207-00064624-00064928 to take that fork. You gotta do the right thing you gotta BdlstF2lRGy-00208-00064928-00065245 focus on what's right, not what's wrong. You gotta BdlstF2lRGy-00209-00065245-00065542 tell the truth. You gotta be truthful to yourself and to other people. BdlstF2lRGy-00210-00065542-00065845 You gotta trust in God." And that's his compass. BdlstF2lRGy-00211-00065845-00066156 He gave that to me. And I've used it in my life BdlstF2lRGy-00212-00066156-00066456 and I used it to solve my own moral dilemma. But he's the hero BdlstF2lRGy-00213-00066456-00066756 in that book, not me. But thank you for coming sir. BdlstF2lRGy-00214-00066756-00067066 Thank you, thank you so much. I appreciate all you BdlstF2lRGy-00215-00067066-00067373 guys coming. Thanks Kelly. Here... BdlstF2lRGy-00216-00067373-00067674 [We're brothers.] That's true. BdlstF2lRGy-00217-00067674-00067974 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00218-00067974-00068274 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00219-00068274-00068598 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00220-00068598-00068905 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00221-00068905-00069192 Let me test the water, make sure BdlstF2lRGy-00222-00069192-00069526 it works. ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00223-00069526-00069833 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00224-00069833-00070133 Works great. ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00225-00070133-00070443 Nice. ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00226-00070443-00070753 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00227-00070753-00071070 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00228-00071070-00071384 ♪ BdlstF2lRGy-00229-00071384-00071654 Well, I'm gonna make a difference in some lives of some gold star BdlstF2lRGy-00230-00071654-00071948 families buddy. Alright, that's pretty much it. BdlNdEQUHXA-00000-00000000-00000200 Cultivating The People In Your Life. BhGp-YVwJ7U-00000-00000432-00001316 The G5 is LG's new flagship smartphone of the Korean brand. He signs the renewal of LG range by offering a unibody design while metal and a special new feature: it is the first modular smartphone, what the stand out from competitors. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00000-00000150-00000290 # Igalia interview with Neil Soiffer on MathML Bk6sxw_7OKk-00001-00000290-00000451 >> Brian: Ok, so, I am Brian Kardell. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00002-00000451-00000916 I am from Igalia, where I am a developer advocate. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00003-00000916-00001647 We thought it would be fun and interesting for posterity to do some interviews around Bk6sxw_7OKk-00004-00001647-00001802 our MathML efforts. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00005-00001802-00002921 So, I'm here with Neil who is the chair of the MathML Refresh Community Group and we're Bk6sxw_7OKk-00006-00002921-00003338 going to have a conversation about MathML. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00007-00003338-00004148 So Neil, I think a lot of people coming to MathML and hearing about it - a lot of them Bk6sxw_7OKk-00008-00004148-00004817 are probably new to it, and they probably don't realize that conversations about Math Bk6sxw_7OKk-00009-00004817-00005021 on the web go way back. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00010-00005021-00005746 And, I know that you have been here for really a lot of it, can you tell us a little about Bk6sxw_7OKk-00011-00005746-00006123 that - your history, and the history of Math on the Web? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00012-00006123-00007014 >> Neil: Yeah, I was part of it from way back from the start - back in the 90's even. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00013-00007014-00007695 I worked for Wolfram Research and we were interested in promoting a web standard. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00014-00007695-00008253 There had been some initial work on an inital standard that hadn't gone anywhere. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00015-00008253-00008503 It was very minimal. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00016-00008503-00009157 So, we proposed something to the W3C - and that we should start a group. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00017-00009157-00009760 They were very favorable to that idea so we convened a number of people. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00018-00009760-00010368 We had a few conferences and workshops together. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00019-00010368-00010576 It took a while, but in... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00020-00010576-00011472 1998, I think it was, we became the second XML application out there on the web. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00021-00011472-00011906 So, it goes back quite a ways. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00022-00011906-00012643 So that was a long time ago, and I was part of that, and I've been part of the community Bk6sxw_7OKk-00023-00012643-00012940 working on MathML ever since. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00024-00012940-00013151 Which makes me feel kind of old. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00025-00013151-00013368 >> Brian: [chuckles] Yeah. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00026-00013368-00014137 I think a lot of web standards have a long history, but the late 90's, that really puts Bk6sxw_7OKk-00027-00014137-00014318 it into perspective. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00028-00014318-00014762 I guess it's historically been kind of a roller coaster ride? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00029-00014762-00014909 >> Neil: [slight sigh] Yeah. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00030-00014909-00015481 There have been all of these periods of enthusiasm, and then that gets damped down. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00031-00015481-00015794 And then it comes back up again. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00032-00015794-00016297 You know, we had this proposal, it was 1998, and that was great. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00033-00016297-00017214 It was a compromise, as most standards are, and it was huge because of that compromise. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00034-00017214-00017658 That was maybe a problem because that made it harder to implement. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00035-00017658-00018297 Another thing was, as I said, it was an XML application - so we had hitched our wagon Bk6sxw_7OKk-00036-00018297-00018825 to that, but that did not turn out to be the direction the web went in. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00037-00018825-00019504 On the other hand, so did SVG, and SVG has had a little more buy-in on the web than MathML Bk6sxw_7OKk-00038-00019504-00019604 has. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00039-00019604-00020055 >> Brian: Yeah, I'm glad you mention SVG, because I think there are two really interesting Bk6sxw_7OKk-00040-00020055-00020233 things about this. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00041-00020233-00021019 One is that both MathML and SVG are specfically integrated into the HTML parser later on and Bk6sxw_7OKk-00042-00021019-00021268 so they're "special" in history. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00043-00021268-00022143 But also, like with SVG, because of that aspect of it - MathML has this huge ecosystem around Bk6sxw_7OKk-00044-00022143-00022817 it outside of browsers: From things to understand and transcribe it from handwriting anlaysis Bk6sxw_7OKk-00045-00022817-00023212 and pictures and just, all this cool stuff... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00046-00023212-00023874 But browsers, I think, have been really where the rollercoaster ride has been, right? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00047-00023874-00024061 >> Neil: That's right, yeah. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00048-00024061-00024597 It's been a little strange that all of the browser implementation work has been done Bk6sxw_7OKk-00049-00024597-00025243 by volunteers - it was never initially picked up by the browser vendors themselves. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00050-00025243-00025388 I'm not sure why. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00051-00025388-00026125 I could guess that maybe there is some Math phobia - or maybe math wasn't the sexy thing Bk6sxw_7OKk-00052-00026125-00026357 to work on or something... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00053-00026357-00026858 I don't think anyone ever said "gee this is a terrible standard and we don't want to do Bk6sxw_7OKk-00054-00026858-00027272 it" it just never seemed to become a priority for them. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00055-00027272-00027589 That's been a disappointment. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00056-00027589-00028529 We've seen ups and downs, and I can get into that, but yeah - it's used in so many places Bk6sxw_7OKk-00057-00028529-00028636 as you indicated. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00058-00028636-00029163 It's used a lot in publishing because they really do like XML workflows in publishing. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00059-00029163-00029664 But, on the web, it just hasn't been able to get into all the browsers in the same way Bk6sxw_7OKk-00060-00029664-00029764 other things have. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00061-00029764-00030316 It has been supported in several browsers over the years, but yeah... right now, it Bk6sxw_7OKk-00062-00030316-00030744 is making a comeback - and the roller coaster is on a big upswing, I think. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00063-00030744-00030844 >> Brian: Yeah... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00064-00030844-00031477 Sort of my favorite bit of history here is that MathML has been really the victim of Bk6sxw_7OKk-00065-00031477-00031641 just so much unfortunate timing. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00066-00031641-00032138 So many things that have little to do with MathML itself, but about changes. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00067-00032138-00032577 For example, which browsers were popular at the time, which ones you had to get into - and Bk6sxw_7OKk-00068-00032577-00033502 then also, as you said, the shift from XML and XHTML looking like they are going to be Bk6sxw_7OKk-00069-00033502-00034543 the future and then it leaves W3C and goes into WHATWG as HTML, eventually integrated Bk6sxw_7OKk-00070-00034543-00034643 into the parser. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00071-00034643-00035371 There's just a really bunch of interesting things there about the unfortunate timing. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00072-00035371-00035966 >> Neil: Yeah, well, you've jumped through probably two decades worth of time there, Bk6sxw_7OKk-00073-00035966-00036071 but ... yeah. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00074-00036071-00036698 Initially, way back around 2000, it's probably hard for people to remember even, but *the* Bk6sxw_7OKk-00075-00036698-00036847 browser back then was IE. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00076-00036847-00037708 Maybe it was IE6 at that point - and - Design Science, a company I eventually joined, produced Bk6sxw_7OKk-00077-00037708-00038021 a plugin for IE called MathPlayer. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00078-00038021-00038466 It supported MathML, it was great. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00079-00038466-00039019 Firefox was a really small percentage, but it was a percentage and people wanted cross Bk6sxw_7OKk-00080-00039019-00039227 platform support. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00081-00039227-00039918 They got MathML support, but when they did it was for XHTML documents only. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00082-00039918-00040803 I can't recall the reasons why, but, as you said, that seemed to be the trend back then Bk6sxw_7OKk-00083-00040803-00041175 that maybe XML was the way things would go. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00084-00041175-00041593 Turned out, not at all. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00085-00041593-00042032 This created this incompatibility because IE then did not support XHTML. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00086-00042032-00042938 So, we ended up hacking the IE plugin so that it would transform XHTML to HTML, and that Bk6sxw_7OKk-00087-00042938-00043060 was all very good. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00088-00043060-00043541 We were all very positive at Design Science that we had solved this problem - because, Bk6sxw_7OKk-00089-00043541-00043874 now all you had to do is put out XHTML documents. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00090-00043874-00044248 But... there wasn't an easy way to do that. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00091-00044248-00044528 Most people were putting out HTML. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00092-00044528-00045228 So there was confusion about this, and this lasted until about 2010, I guess, when Firefox Bk6sxw_7OKk-00093-00045228-00045481 finally supported it as HTML. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00094-00045481-00046170 But, by that point IE was falling away, and they had stopped supporting the interface Bk6sxw_7OKk-00095-00046170-00046946 that MathPlayer needed in order to work - and now Chrome was getting to be really popular. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00096-00046946-00048034 So, a volunteer worked and, had some pretty good success, getting an implementation into Bk6sxw_7OKk-00097-00048034-00048134 Chrome [through webkit]. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00098-00048134-00048625 And so, at that point - I think we were up to 4 browsers supporting MathML in some form Bk6sxw_7OKk-00099-00048625-00049116 or other, and things were looking positive, and I think there was a lot of excitement Bk6sxw_7OKk-00100-00049116-00049497 that Chrome was finally going to get it - it was the dominant browser. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00101-00049497-00050212 But, unfortunately when there was a fork to blink off of it, they yanked it all out. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00102-00050212-00050525 There were issues, maybe with security. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00103-00050525-00051222 But in the end, that was a kind of a downside turn for MathML in browsers because this dominant Bk6sxw_7OKk-00104-00051222-00051534 browser no longer supported it. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00105-00051534-00052297 The support in IE had kind of failed as IE went away. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00106-00052297-00052642 It was a bleaker period for MathML support. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00107-00052642-00053185 There were a lot of people who were very upset about Chrome support being yanked. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00108-00053185-00054079 It is ranked as the third, or maybe even the second issue that is sitting there in the Bk6sxw_7OKk-00109-00054079-00054404 Chrome logs as people wanting it back. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00110-00054404-00055198 There definitely were people saying great things about MathML, but it just wasn't clear Bk6sxw_7OKk-00111-00055198-00055733 why it wasn't getting the attention from implementers. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00112-00055733-00056487 >> Brian: There was a little bit of a double whammy here, actually, as well. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00113-00056487-00057179 Right about at, approximately at the same time that the math support was removed... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00114-00057179-00057578 and.. oh... actually, when we say the math support was removed, we should say math rendering Bk6sxw_7OKk-00115-00057578-00058083 support, more correctly because the parser in all of the browsers still parses MathML Bk6sxw_7OKk-00116-00058083-00058194 specially because... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00117-00058194-00058570 >> Neil: Yeah, that's something that I think is really important. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00118-00058570-00059408 MathML did go into HTML5, but HTML5 basically defined how the parser was going to turn it Bk6sxw_7OKk-00119-00059408-00059967 into the DOM - it didn't say anything about how you must render this. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00120-00059967-00060222 >> Brian: Right. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00121-00060222-00060878 It just delegated that support to supporting the rendering of embedded MathML. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00122-00060878-00061455 But, the other sort of double whammy... or, maybe this is the triple whammy, or quadruple Bk6sxw_7OKk-00123-00061455-00061555 whammy? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00124-00061555-00062464 But, it's right about the same time that support was removed - or - maybe just before, a thing Bk6sxw_7OKk-00125-00062464-00062899 that I was involved in - the Extensible Web Manifesto was published. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00126-00062899-00063822 And, the thing is - it argues how we move forward, and it distinguishes between existing Bk6sxw_7OKk-00127-00063822-00064345 high level features that make up the platform, and new features. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00128-00064345-00065317 And, I think this actually played out pretty badly for MathML too because, like, which Bk6sxw_7OKk-00129-00065317-00065504 one is it? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00130-00065504-00065735 Because we lost support... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00131-00065735-00066208 >> Neil: Yeah, I agree, you are kind of stuck in this limbo where you're not really supposed Bk6sxw_7OKk-00132-00066208-00066730 to add it because it's in there, and yet, it's not supported, so you need to add it Bk6sxw_7OKk-00133-00066730-00066830 on. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00134-00066830-00066941 It's a catch 22. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00135-00066941-00067903 >> Brian: Yeah, it created a difficult situation because of the split with blink because not Bk6sxw_7OKk-00136-00067903-00068668 just chrome, but opera followed - and so in a very short period of time - like, maybe Bk6sxw_7OKk-00137-00068668-00069682 a week - the trend for MathML seemed to turn increasingly bleak.... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00138-00069682-00070705 But... well... here you are again, with us, and the MathML Core specification, in the Bk6sxw_7OKk-00139-00070705-00071026 MathML Refresh Community Group, chairing it. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00140-00071026-00071526 And, well, I just want to give you the opportunity to answer this, because I know a whole lot Bk6sxw_7OKk-00141-00071526-00072241 of people have asked me as I talk to them about MathML "...ummm...well... [sigh].. is Bk6sxw_7OKk-00142-00072241-00072389 it going to be any different this time"? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00143-00072389-00072523 >> Neil: Yeah, sure. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00144-00072523-00073299 Well, as bleak as it looked in the browsers, it actually had a lot of buyin from publishers Bk6sxw_7OKk-00145-00073299-00074021 and in the accessibility community because that is what the screen readers could use. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00146-00074021-00074926 That is what the dyslexia tools, which wanted to do highlighting of math - that's what they Bk6sxw_7OKk-00147-00074926-00075026 interpreted. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00148-00075026-00075802 So, there was a lot of non-browser based support for MathML out there - and that support all Bk6sxw_7OKk-00149-00075802-00076416 still exists, and there are still a lot of people who really want to see MathML supported Bk6sxw_7OKk-00150-00076416-00076516 natively. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00151-00076516-00077342 So, while MathML itself wasn't natively supported in all of the browsers, there is a wonderful Bk6sxw_7OKk-00152-00077342-00077627 - and very large - library called MathJAX. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00153-00077627-00077987 It's a JavaScript library that does support MathML. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00154-00077987-00078222 It also supports TeX. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00155-00078222-00079232 So, there's a lot of Math out there and the nice thing about MathJAX is that it can hide Bk6sxw_7OKk-00156-00079232-00079570 the MathML (since it can't be displayed in Chrome) but they hide it in a way that screen Bk6sxw_7OKk-00157-00079570-00079757 readers can still see it. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00158-00079757-00080205 Wikipedia does the same thing, Khan Academy did the same thing, and, in fact... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00159-00080205-00080907 I was just helping my son with a calculs problem and needed to refresh my memory about how Bk6sxw_7OKk-00160-00080907-00081539 something worked, and I was looking at a bunch of web pages, and they almost all used MathJAX Bk6sxw_7OKk-00161-00081539-00082270 or hid it the same way because they did some server rendering - but they're all accessible Bk6sxw_7OKk-00162-00082270-00082541 because they have the MathML. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00163-00082541-00083108 So, it's there, it's just not being layed out in the browsers. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00164-00083108-00083869 And, as wonderful as the MathJAX library is, its a JavaScript library - and there are just Bk6sxw_7OKk-00165-00083869-00084779 problems with JavaScript libraries beyond just load time, interacting with other things. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00166-00084779-00085714 So, I'm maybe losing the initial train of thought, but I think that this time around, Bk6sxw_7OKk-00167-00085714-00086416 the Igalia work is pushing it foward so that the rendering part of it can show up, and Bk6sxw_7OKk-00168-00086416-00087195 the MathML that's been there all along can just be put in to be rendered. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00169-00087195-00088244 So, the support that Igalia has given to the implementation and the support that the Chrome Bk6sxw_7OKk-00170-00088244-00088862 team has given Igalia, all makes me very excited about the future. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00171-00088862-00089733 Oh, and also the work the Igalia team has done to help make the other browser engines Bk6sxw_7OKk-00172-00089733-00090367 consistent with this newer work that the refresh community is doing. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00173-00090367-00091067 It just has all of the signs that I think this time, we really have it. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00174-00091067-00091949 >> Brian: I agree with...I agree with the .. the idea that this time is gonna be different. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00175-00091949-00092819 Because, not just we have the support and the implementers and the sort of good working Bk6sxw_7OKk-00176-00092819-00093717 relationship - but because the MathML Refresh Community Group, which you chair, took the Bk6sxw_7OKk-00177-00093717-00094425 time and actually answered all of the questions and concern that were lacking. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00178-00094425-00094922 Because of this weird history, there was this big gap. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00179-00094922-00095406 MathML, even in the browsers where it was implemented, it was kind of... undefdefined Bk6sxw_7OKk-00180-00095406-00095607 how it would work in the browsers. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00181-00095607-00096304 >> Neil: Yeah... a little defense of MathML, but also, a strong defense of what the group Bk6sxw_7OKk-00182-00096304-00097125 is doing now: Way back in 1998, when people wrote specs, the idea was that browsers would Bk6sxw_7OKk-00183-00097125-00097822 do the innovation and they didn't want specs that forced everybody to do exactly the same Bk6sxw_7OKk-00184-00097822-00098142 thing because there was a lot of innovation coming on. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00185-00098142-00098817 So if you put out a web page, it wouldn't on the same on one browser... exactly the Bk6sxw_7OKk-00186-00098817-00099052 same, on another. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00187-00099052-00099851 And that was, I think, a goal back then because people wanted to see - you know - what's the Bk6sxw_7OKk-00188-00099851-00099991 best way to do things. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00189-00099991-00100155 And, that's changed dramatically. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00190-00100155-00100794 Now we think "if I put out a web page it should look the same everywhere" and the goal of Bk6sxw_7OKk-00191-00100794-00101404 the refresh group is to do that same thing for MathML. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00192-00101404-00102242 So, one of the things we're doing in MathML Core work, the part that goes into a browser, Bk6sxw_7OKk-00193-00102242-00103239 is we are looking at how MathML integrates with CSS, and defining layout in terms of Bk6sxw_7OKk-00194-00103239-00103800 the CSS Layout Engines so that the MathML will layout identically in every browser. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00195-00103800-00104700 We're paring out the parts that are problematic or aren't used very much, letting those be Bk6sxw_7OKk-00196-00104700-00105339 handled for now by a polyfill to maintain backward compatibility. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00197-00105339-00106228 The issue that made it difficult to implement MathML in a browser, we've looked at those Bk6sxw_7OKk-00198-00106228-00106885 and we've tried to make that not a problem, and get everything to be identical everywhere Bk6sxw_7OKk-00199-00106885-00107263 so that MathMl fits the way the Web works nowadays. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00200-00107263-00107552 >> Brian: Yeah, definitely. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00201-00107552-00108250 And also, I wanted to make sure you understood the context of my point, because it was not Bk6sxw_7OKk-00202-00108250-00108703 in any way to say something negative about MathML. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00203-00108703-00109358 It's that it comes from a co-evolutionary past. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00204-00109358-00109908 It was evolving at the same time as HTML and the DOM and how we think about and write up Bk6sxw_7OKk-00205-00109908-00110008 standards. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00206-00110008-00110526 Like, do we write them up in this way where there is infinite room for browsers to interpret Bk6sxw_7OKk-00207-00110526-00110725 them in many ways? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00208-00110725-00111673 Like, do we write the words first without worrying about the implementability of it. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00209-00111673-00112697 Because of this, the spec was not very inline with today's web platform, and I think that Bk6sxw_7OKk-00210-00112697-00113357 the work that the MathML Refresh CG group has done to integrate it with CSS and the Bk6sxw_7OKk-00211-00113357-00114338 way that we think about units and the roles of attributes and DOM nodes and the DOM itself, Bk6sxw_7OKk-00212-00114338-00114663 actually, is my favorite one... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00213-00114663-00115428 And how we look forward to the future together and integrate with it all together. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00214-00115428-00116102 In fact, one of the things that makes me very very positive is, as you say we have had some Bk6sxw_7OKk-00215-00116102-00116857 positive support from Google and patches have begun landing upstream in the past couple Bk6sxw_7OKk-00216-00116857-00117030 of weeks. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00217-00117030-00117617 >> Neil: Yeah, one of the things that I'm very enthusiastic about is that years ago, Bk6sxw_7OKk-00218-00117617-00118278 when the volunteer that I mentioned trie to put MathML into Chrome - he told me that it Bk6sxw_7OKk-00219-00118278-00118806 was like pulling teeth to get anyone to do a review of his code. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00220-00118806-00119519 And now, these pathces that are landing, I've seen very quick response - people are very Bk6sxw_7OKk-00221-00119519-00119713 excited to see these come in. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00222-00119713-00120297 They have comments about how to do some things better, but the interest is there, and I think Bk6sxw_7OKk-00223-00120297-00121070 that's a world of difference from before and that makes me very, very this time around. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00224-00121070-00121260 >> Brian: So... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00225-00121260-00121821 Another thing that I wanted to ask about - and you have actually answered it a little bit Bk6sxw_7OKk-00226-00121821-00122045 already... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00227-00122045-00122561 When I talk to people about this, they point to - as you already said - the fact that there Bk6sxw_7OKk-00228-00122561-00123046 is a lot of MathML on the web today - or - there is a lot of math on the web today, even more... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00229-00123046-00123317 A superset of MathML I guess. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00230-00123317-00123499 So, it is there. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00231-00123499-00123599 It exists. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00232-00123599-00123701 You can see it. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00233-00123701-00124056 So, kind of, what's the problem? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00234-00124056-00124914 Why does it really matter to have native support - instead of just some amazing tooling that Bk6sxw_7OKk-00235-00124914-00125297 can turn it into SVGs or images or something like that? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00236-00125297-00125397 >> Neil: Yeah. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00237-00125397-00125497 So.. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00238-00125497-00125736 Again, it comes down to this issue of standards. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00239-00125736-00126219 Once people have standards, they can innovate more because they don't have to reinvent the Bk6sxw_7OKk-00240-00126219-00126333 wheel every time. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00241-00126333-00126988 There are a number of math editors out there that have their own implementations to draw Bk6sxw_7OKk-00242-00126988-00127363 the math. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00243-00127363-00127798 Except for the very big ones like MathJAX, they tend to have a number of rendering issues Bk6sxw_7OKk-00244-00127798-00128334 when you start stretching things like parenthesis, you might see gaps in them, or they might Bk6sxw_7OKk-00245-00128334-00128493 not stretch very well at all. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00246-00128493-00128807 They may look really funny. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00247-00128807-00129535 And, there are other issue - like if you want to start building interaction, you don't have Bk6sxw_7OKk-00248-00129535-00130213 a standard underneath to draw - what one person uses underneath can't be used by someone else, Bk6sxw_7OKk-00249-00130213-00130813 because they render it a little differently using divs and spans and playing different Bk6sxw_7OKk-00250-00130813-00130931 tricks. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00251-00130931-00131890 Once you have that standardization, you have, essentially the ability to stand on the shoulders Bk6sxw_7OKk-00252-00131890-00132396 of others and... stuff happens much better. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00253-00132396-00133133 So, whereas you might see some very nice work - like: Desmos has some very nice interactive Bk6sxw_7OKk-00254-00133133-00133461 stuff - it's just Desmos only. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00255-00133461-00134116 I can't export it for someone else and do much of anything other that they support export Bk6sxw_7OKk-00256-00134116-00134933 and import from MathML, but I'm not able to use their interactivity in any particular Bk6sxw_7OKk-00257-00134933-00135033 way. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00258-00135033-00135702 So, I see the standardization as allowing all sorts of innovation to really take off Bk6sxw_7OKk-00259-00135702-00136329 as opposed to being one shot efforts that can't integrate with each other and can't Bk6sxw_7OKk-00260-00136329-00136571 build on each other. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00261-00136571-00137652 >> Brian: I think there's also a really strong case to be made here that math is text, and Bk6sxw_7OKk-00262-00137652-00138695 text is sort of the web's thing and putting text into images and things is Bk6sxw_7OKk-00263-00138695-00139655 not..Well, it seems very weird trying to think about how you manipulate the Bk6sxw_7OKk-00264-00139655-00140342 rendering of text itself with JavaScript without some other like really core fundamental primitives Bk6sxw_7OKk-00265-00140342-00140713 that are currently not there. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00266-00140713-00141109 It feels bad, right? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00267-00141109-00142050 And it feels worse to me even that this is sort of almost discriminates against this Bk6sxw_7OKk-00268-00142050-00142862 one particular kind of text which is fundamentally important to STEM the origins of the web andm Bk6sxw_7OKk-00269-00142862-00143012 I think, society. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00270-00143012-00143671 I think there's sort of a like a [argument about] what should the web be and do, for Bk6sxw_7OKk-00271-00143671-00144149 I don't know, ethical reasons - I suppose is Bk6sxw_7OKk-00272-00144149-00144628 maybe the thing I'm trying to say here what do you think? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00273-00144628-00144728 >> Neil: Yeah. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00274-00144728-00145382 I mean, you know there's... you could do look at all these studies that talk about STEM Bk6sxw_7OKk-00275-00145382-00146245 being important for people to get good jobs to understand the world better . There's, Bk6sxw_7OKk-00276-00146245-00146345 you know... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00277-00146345-00146765 There's lots of things about STEM and when it becomes harder for education to put out Bk6sxw_7OKk-00278-00146765-00147304 math on the web that's just a blockage for people to learn it and become more proficient Bk6sxw_7OKk-00279-00147304-00147989 in it and it does seem like a disservice to a core part of, I mean not - you know not Bk6sxw_7OKk-00280-00147989-00148665 just math but it's it's science and engineering and medicine and all sorts of areas that it's Bk6sxw_7OKk-00281-00148665-00149396 just harder to collaborate in because there's no easy way to put the math out. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00282-00149396-00149811 Or, you know, there's no way to build upon these things. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00283-00149811-00150278 So, yeah, it it's always bothered me. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00284-00150278-00151082 I've had a phrase that every kid and from kindergarten through 12th grade has to take Bk6sxw_7OKk-00285-00151082-00151813 a math class and whereas everybody uses the web these days for regular Bk6sxw_7OKk-00286-00151813-00151968 text. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00287-00151968-00152541 math has been a kind of backward area. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00288-00152541-00153232 Maybe four years ago now Wikipedia finally buried the MathML inside of the math that Bk6sxw_7OKk-00289-00153232-00153714 it generated [for rendering] so it was at least except accessible but it's still not Bk6sxw_7OKk-00290-00153714-00154484 as rendered as nicely as the regular text in Wikipedia and there's just no - you know Bk6sxw_7OKk-00291-00154484-00154892 - rationale for why math should be held back that way. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00292-00154892-00155658 >> Brian: Yeah I think I think basically we make it hard, and we make you think about... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00293-00155658-00156170 well, make you think about things that you don't generally have to think about for text Bk6sxw_7OKk-00294-00156170-00156738 like flash of unstyled content, like dragging down the performance of your page, like potential Bk6sxw_7OKk-00295-00156738-00157305 failures in which you get something that is like - gibberish on your screen. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00296-00157305-00157619 So I think that is really interesting. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00297-00157619-00158634 You hit on, in your earlier statement - just now and a little bit before too, about how Bk6sxw_7OKk-00298-00158634-00159373 a standard lets you stand atop that and do interesting new things.. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00299-00159373-00160289 So, I'm curious -- like do you have any particular hopes for what kinds of things a universal Bk6sxw_7OKk-00300-00160289-00160777 standard highly interoperable math on the web would have Bk6sxw_7OKk-00301-00160777-00161557 >> Neil: I think there's a lot of possibilities for interactivity. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00302-00161557-00162157 So, people have written some editors for the most part they're not as powerful as they Bk6sxw_7OKk-00303-00162157-00162545 could be if they didn't have to spend so much effort trying to figure Bk6sxw_7OKk-00304-00162545-00162698 out how to get the rendering done. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00305-00162698-00163232 I think they could spend more effort on the interactivity. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00306-00163232-00163471 There are people that have done, you know, great things. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00307-00163471-00163617 I mentioned desmos. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00308-00163617-00164408 There were nice graphics nice interactivity and stuff but it's it's a world unto itself Bk6sxw_7OKk-00309-00164408-00165040 because they're not building upon each others back, and so that desmos application: I can't Bk6sxw_7OKk-00310-00165040-00165482 just pop it in to something else it's it's there it's by itself and Bk6sxw_7OKk-00311-00165482-00165942 that's the way it is and that's unfortunate. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00312-00165942-00166955 There's a ecosystem called Jupiter notebooks which is a sort of Python an in the web and Bk6sxw_7OKk-00313-00166955-00167252 that has become very popular. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00314-00167252-00167857 math I think still remains a bit of a problem there because again MathML's not really there. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00315-00167857-00168274 The nice thing about Jupiter notebooks is I have the data there. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00316-00168274-00168527 I have programmability. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00317-00168527-00168647 I can produce graphs. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00318-00168647-00168779 I can peruse tables. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00319-00168779-00169309 I can manipulate the data in various ways and send it off to my colleagues and they Bk6sxw_7OKk-00320-00169309-00169663 look at it and they have that data there and they can do their own thing. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00321-00169663-00170060 But you can't do that really with the math because if I ever wanted to do something with Bk6sxw_7OKk-00322-00170060-00170483 the math - I've kind of got to pull it out to its own little application, Bk6sxw_7OKk-00323-00170483-00170857 because it's not a standard that's really supported everywhere. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00324-00170857-00171575 So it's to to look at some of these isolated things and say yeah well if I could just put Bk6sxw_7OKk-00325-00171575-00171927 them all together then I have this really neat little thing that I could Bk6sxw_7OKk-00326-00171927-00172027 start doing. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00327-00172027-00172577 And maybe I could, you know, take my handwriting and pump it over here and I don't have to Bk6sxw_7OKk-00328-00172577-00172709 type and do that. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00329-00172709-00173221 And then I take it out there and Imanipulate it again by doing a little bit more handwriting Bk6sxw_7OKk-00330-00173221-00173590 and crossing things out and so forth as I would do on a pencil Bk6sxw_7OKk-00331-00173590-00173713 and paper. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00332-00173713-00174310 You just can't do that where everybody has to implement their own version of how to lay Bk6sxw_7OKk-00333-00174310-00174678 the math out and there's just no standard that people can Bk6sxw_7OKk-00334-00174678-00174947 depend upon that works across all the browsers. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00335-00174947-00175471 So, there's you know, once you start thinking about the interactivity you can start thinking Bk6sxw_7OKk-00336-00175471-00175813 about what about , in education, what kind of neat interactivity Bk6sxw_7OKk-00337-00175813-00175935 things can I do and there. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00338-00175935-00176427 There are some specialized programs that use their own specialized tools to do that but Bk6sxw_7OKk-00339-00176427-00176865 again they don't build upon each other and it's it's such a sad state Bk6sxw_7OKk-00340-00176865-00177346 that everybody has to go and reinvent the wheel every time they want to do something Bk6sxw_7OKk-00341-00177346-00177477 with math. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00342-00177477-00177859 So, I'm very excited at once MathML support gets Bk6sxw_7OKk-00343-00177859-00178517 in there we're gonna see all sorts of really interesting applications come up because people Bk6sxw_7OKk-00344-00178517-00178859 will be able to take advantage of what's there and what clever Bk6sxw_7OKk-00345-00178859-00179265 things one person has done and incorporate that inmathto the work that Bk6sxw_7OKk-00346-00179265-00179551 they're doing, and not have to reinvent that part of it. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00347-00179551-00180103 >> Brian: Yeah I think actually, for me, one of the things that's really interesting about Bk6sxw_7OKk-00348-00180103-00180517 the things that you said there is MathJAX itself. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00349-00180517-00180658 Because... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00350-00180658-00181400 I think people hear us talk about wanting a native standard and why maybe MathJAX Bk6sxw_7OKk-00351-00181400-00182149 isn't like the right final answer for this problem and they get the impression that we Bk6sxw_7OKk-00352-00182149-00182380 think MathJAX is good.. or, I mean, is bad. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00353-00182380-00182880 Personally, I think MathJAX is good because it's enabled all these things... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00354-00182880-00182986 >> Neil: Yeah, I... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00355-00182986-00183595 You know: I want to I want to say absolutely I think MathJAX is wonderful it allowed math Bk6sxw_7OKk-00356-00183595-00184249 to show up on the web and the people that have done it have done a great job with the Bk6sxw_7OKk-00357-00184249-00184676 rendering and I am 100% behind them. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00358-00184676-00184950 It's just they had to spend a lot of effort on things that they Bk6sxw_7OKk-00359-00184950-00185157 really didn't shouldn't have had to spend. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00360-00185157-00185522 >> Brian yeah, yeah - no this this is exactly going to the point that you were saying that Bk6sxw_7OKk-00361-00185522-00186189 I was trying to pull back into which was: MathJAX actually does like... they Bk6sxw_7OKk-00362-00186189-00186583 have explored considerably more than simply the rendering part, right? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00363-00186583-00187039 Yeah and, so really, Ithink a lot of the work that we've done Bk6sxw_7OKk-00364-00187039-00187557 in MathML core is to help enable them to continue to do that - but just not worry about the Bk6sxw_7OKk-00365-00187557-00187692 rendering. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00366-00187692-00188151 Because, there seems like a lot of the people who were involved Bk6sxw_7OKk-00367-00188151-00188704 with mathjax are now working with, like my coworker Jonie - the editor of Bk6sxw_7OKk-00368-00188704-00188907 ARIA, with you. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00369-00188907-00189834 Like, how can we make MathML exploration interactive and like, more accessible and explorable? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00370-00189834-00190216 And, I think there's like lots of great things that Bk6sxw_7OKk-00371-00190216-00190708 they can do if they can stand on top of a standard where a whole bunch of Bk6sxw_7OKk-00372-00190708-00191382 the problems that a lot of us see with the current state of things are just resolved, Bk6sxw_7OKk-00373-00191382-00191482 right? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00374-00191482-00192066 Like that the library gets smaller, and you don't have these like worries about like: Bk6sxw_7OKk-00375-00192066-00192710 When does your page render text and reflow and how much JavaScript you have to load to Bk6sxw_7OKk-00376-00192710-00193025 just see the thing? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00377-00193025-00193526 I just think all that gets a lot better if we give them a really good foundational core Bk6sxw_7OKk-00378-00193526-00193626 on which to build Bk6sxw_7OKk-00379-00193626-00194027 >> Neil: Yeah, I mean one of the things I mentioned I mentioned before as I've Bk6sxw_7OKk-00380-00194027-00194451 been involved in accessibility and accessibility is a really big deal using Bk6sxw_7OKk-00381-00194451-00194985 math and now and way back in mathplayer I added the ability to synchronize the Bk6sxw_7OKk-00382-00194985-00195522 speech and highlighting because for people with dyslexia it's been shown Bk6sxw_7OKk-00383-00195522-00196147 that if you highlight a word it helps focus them as you speak it so that they Bk6sxw_7OKk-00384-00196147-00196489 can read the math better and there's studies that show that actually math Bk6sxw_7OKk-00385-00196489-00197032 reading is twice as hard or they make twice the number of errors that they do Bk6sxw_7OKk-00386-00197032-00198011 in reading regular text and and without a standard for how do I pick out the Bk6sxw_7OKk-00387-00198011-00198405 part that I'm going to highlight that synchronized highlighting has kind of Bk6sxw_7OKk-00388-00198405-00198923 been lost for the last decade because math player's no longer doing the Bk6sxw_7OKk-00389-00198923-00199044 rendering. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00390-00199044-00199473 I think once MathML gets to be back as the standard way of Bk6sxw_7OKk-00391-00199473-00200008 displaying things we'll get back to being able is for it something as basic Bk6sxw_7OKk-00392-00200008-00200604 as highlighting the math as it's been just as it's done for text now by Bk6sxw_7OKk-00393-00200604-00201158 the various tools that help people with dyslexia. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00394-00201158-00201761 >> Brian: yeah I think I think all this is really really great I think one of Bk6sxw_7OKk-00395-00201761-00202582 the things that's like... probably hard for a lot of people to appreciate - Bk6sxw_7OKk-00396-00202582-00203241 it certainly was difficult for me to appreciate before getting involved with Bk6sxw_7OKk-00397-00203241-00204084 standards - and even the MathML work, is just how difficult text rendering Bk6sxw_7OKk-00398-00204084-00204205 actually is. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00399-00204205-00204616 And to do it in line with the browser in the way that the browser Bk6sxw_7OKk-00400-00204616-00205017 thinks about it and flows it and when it processes and participate in all of the Bk6sxw_7OKk-00401-00205017-00205244 rules and everything... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00402-00205244-00205923 I was talking to a friend here in Pittsburgh who is Bk6sxw_7OKk-00403-00205923-00206823 very well-known for design and the two of us were just thinking about how Bk6sxw_7OKk-00404-00206823-00207265 recently it seems we've gotten a lot more information about just how Bk6sxw_7OKk-00405-00207265-00207765 difficult the rendering of text is, and how magical we've made it. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00406-00207765-00208195 And also how that that is such a nice thing - that you Bk6sxw_7OKk-00407-00208195-00208580 don't have to think about just how much complexity is there yeah. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00408-00208580-00209071 >> Neil: I mean, I completely agree. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00409-00209071-00209421 It's taken for granted I think. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00410-00209421-00209819 Most people think you just are, like, well I guess just laying out some text Bk6sxw_7OKk-00411-00209819-00209919 maybe. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00412-00209919-00210058 There's bold maybe, there's italic, it's just gonna wrap Bk6sxw_7OKk-00413-00210058-00210173 around the lines... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00414-00210173-00210425 I mean how hard is this? Bk6sxw_7OKk-00415-00210425-00211048 But in fact making it look nice and, you know, at the very lowest level having a nice looking Bk6sxw_7OKk-00416-00211048-00211808 font that's gonna render cleanly on various displays of different resolutions and be clear... Bk6sxw_7OKk-00417-00211808-00212027 that's incredibly hard stuff. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00418-00212027-00212536 And, to me, the layout of math is so much easier than that. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00419-00212536-00213360 People have put in so much work to make text look nice on a screen [for non-math] - it Bk6sxw_7OKk-00420-00213360-00213921 just pails in the amount of time the in on doing that then what it's taken to Bk6sxw_7OKk-00421-00213921-00214298 do the math stuff and we all take the text for granted. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00422-00214298-00214723 I think people think "Oh laying out the math is so hard" Bk6sxw_7OKk-00423-00214723-00215188 but once you have a font that you know can do the type of things math needs to Bk6sxw_7OKk-00424-00215188-00215883 do and that includes being able to stretch things like parentheses and Bk6sxw_7OKk-00425-00215883-00216346 other characters - arrows and whatnot - once you have that the math layout is Bk6sxw_7OKk-00426-00216346-00216894 relatively quite simple to sit on top of all that work that other people who have Bk6sxw_7OKk-00427-00216894-00217046 done. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00428-00217046-00217857 >> Brian: yeah I'm I'm really excited to see to see all this stuff land and to also Bk6sxw_7OKk-00429-00217857-00218631 - like, imagine the larger impact on society in like a long time. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00430-00218631-00219128 I think that this has like good good potential for a Bk6sxw_7OKk-00431-00219128-00219496 lot of positive things like you mentioned Jupiter notebooks and things Bk6sxw_7OKk-00432-00219496-00220112 like that that are exploring I think it would be fantastic if... well not "it would Bk6sxw_7OKk-00433-00220112-00221008 be" -- it will be fantastic when the web is able to finally meet - 30 years since its Bk6sxw_7OKk-00434-00221008-00221596 inception at CERN, be able to really meet the use cases that they had at CERN at Bk6sxw_7OKk-00435-00221596-00221717 the time. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00436-00221717-00222178 >> Neil: yeah you know when you think back to where it all started as you said Bk6sxw_7OKk-00437-00222178-00222554 back at CERN and you know this is a scientific thing. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00438-00222554-00223021 Tim berners-lee was a physicist he wanted to put out his stuff Bk6sxw_7OKk-00439-00223021-00223546 and that still remains a little bit problematic how he can do that, and Bk6sxw_7OKk-00440-00223546-00223671 that's a little strange. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00441-00223671-00224155 But, I'm really really excited that that problem after, Bk6sxw_7OKk-00442-00224155-00225026 as you said 30 years, is going away - and to see to make it so easy Bk6sxw_7OKk-00443-00225026-00225242 that people can do their research. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00444-00225242-00225777 It's a great thing and I'm really happy to be Bk6sxw_7OKk-00445-00225777-00226123 part of pushing that forward and I'm really glad you're part of that effort Bk6sxw_7OKk-00446-00226123-00226429 too because you've great help also. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00447-00226429-00226914 >> Brian: Thank you and thanks for spending the Bk6sxw_7OKk-00448-00226914-00227189 time to talk to me. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00449-00227189-00227629 I think this was a fun chat that we had and hopefully people Bk6sxw_7OKk-00450-00227629-00227792 find it interesting. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00451-00227792-00228189 >> Neil: well thanks for inviting me to do the chat hopefully Bk6sxw_7OKk-00452-00228189-00228871 some people learned a little bit about the history of MathML and why it's gone Bk6sxw_7OKk-00453-00228871-00229411 up and down in the past and why this time it's finally going to catch on Bk6sxw_7OKk-00454-00229411-00229542 >> Brian: yeah. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00455-00229542-00229642 excellent. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00456-00229642-00229742 thanks Neil. Bk6sxw_7OKk-00457-00229742-00229842 >> Neil: all right, thanks Bk6sxw_7OKk-00458-00229842-00229942 >> Brian: bye bye Bk6sxw_7OKk-00459-00229942-00229943 >> Neil: bye BkctS_1_854-00000-00001384-00001592 what you're looking for BkctS_1_854-00001-00002688-00002984 he knows one video at a time BkctS_1_854-00002-00003647-00004120 good morning everyone this is ranger rob from the ranger rob country living channel BkctS_1_854-00003-00004208-00005192 today is saturday sherry's home she's uh working on windows in the back so we told you all we BkctS_1_854-00004-00005192-00005672 bought this house from our folks and they ran water systems and that's one of the reasons why BkctS_1_854-00005-00005672-00006336 we replaced the siding but uh the windows we've got a grime on them just from so many you know BkctS_1_854-00006-00006336-00007008 sprinklers hitting them too much so she's tackling the windows back by the sunroom uh to clear them BkctS_1_854-00007-00007008-00007616 up a little bit so ah they're taking some work and the other thing was really exciting is if you BkctS_1_854-00008-00007616-00008400 haven't noticed um we had a theme song created for the ranger rob um country living channel BkctS_1_854-00009-00008488-00009112 we just got out last night and uh so i just threw some clips together and put it up in our intro BkctS_1_854-00010-00009256-00009952 and then i can split the song for the intros of the beginning of the videos we do i think so yeah BkctS_1_854-00011-00009952-00010416 we're kind of excited i know it's just a dumb little thing but i always wanted to have a theme BkctS_1_854-00012-00010416-00011232 song for the ranger rob thing and uh uh anyway we got one and i hope you guys enjoy it and uh BkctS_1_854-00013-00011336-00011824 we've got lots of things today i think one of the big things we wanted to do today is to lay down BkctS_1_854-00014-00011896-00012576 woven fabric in the rest of the garden but uh i'm sure it'll be dozens of other projects today so BkctS_1_854-00015-00012576-00013024 we'll just take it as it comes sorry explain what sherry's doing back here but these are the windows BkctS_1_854-00016-00013088-00013456 she's working on it's got kind of a lot of lime on it BkctS_1_854-00017-00013568-00014200 they're water spots yeah so it came from those water systems over there BkctS_1_854-00018-00014200-00015016 i think that one down there and it was [ __ ] directly onto oh gosh dogs go bell go BkctS_1_854-00019-00015391-00016152 down here somewhere oh anyway so that's not an easy chore so she's been using a lime away and BkctS_1_854-00020-00016256-00016760 and probably has to take a razor blade to it just to get the minerals off the window so she's BkctS_1_854-00021-00016760-00017416 got a tough project she took on this is only one main window yeah so it's not all the windows so BkctS_1_854-00022-00017480-00018072 let's go check the plants i know it's a mess in here still but we did get the brackets in for the BkctS_1_854-00023-00018072-00019080 other three inch pipe got that in already and uh got the brackets in down here too there and BkctS_1_854-00024-00019080-00019896 uh so uh now it's just kind of fitting everything and i gotta drill a lot of holes uh but BkctS_1_854-00025-00020008-00020688 i'll probably slow down a little bit on this project because uh i need the tomatoes to grow so BkctS_1_854-00026-00020688-00021560 you saw in yesterday's video i planted the uh the tomatoes so uh we got a little time before we have BkctS_1_854-00027-00021560-00022080 to have everything up and running here and that's all right because we got tons of the projects and BkctS_1_854-00028-00022080-00022744 i'm still waiting for my stackers and uh to get the strawberries going now my strawberries came in BkctS_1_854-00029-00022840-00023360 so i'm kind of a dilemma is like i don't want to i want to get those planted soon but BkctS_1_854-00030-00023488-00024160 uh i'm at the mercy of the stackers so we'll see what happens there so let's move on BkctS_1_854-00031-00024160-00024864 well we moved on to uh looking up laying uh fabric we do have another roll of the fabric weave BkctS_1_854-00032-00024936-00025680 and uh so the goal is to keep a walkway through here for wheelbarrows and stuff and uh BkctS_1_854-00033-00025976-00026744 i'm guessing we'll be about 20 by 30 something like that this year which is BkctS_1_854-00034-00026744-00027472 fine because that's a that's plenty for us to handle so uh sherry's just kind of cleaning it BkctS_1_854-00035-00027472-00027936 up and now we're picking out rocks and getting ready to lay the weave well we've been slowly BkctS_1_854-00036-00027936-00028800 but surely getting our tarp down sherry's been tacking them doing attacking and uh yeah it's BkctS_1_854-00037-00028856-00029448 starting to look like a garden looks pretty cool uh we all also will be fencing this area too BkctS_1_854-00038-00029520-00029952 so yeah still still working on it well it's been a little later in the day BkctS_1_854-00039-00030016-00031488 we did get the second garden uh fabric weave laid out and uh we still gotta fence it and uh decide BkctS_1_854-00040-00031488-00031960 go through our planning and decide where we're gonna plant why what where stuff over here is BkctS_1_854-00041-00031960-00032512 a little tricky because my corner gets a lot of shade right now so we gotta think that through BkctS_1_854-00042-00032512-00033248 make sure we put the right plants there then we're thinking about taking this old above ground BkctS_1_854-00043-00033432-00034072 uh garden here that was abandoned years ago maybe go ahead and put some good field dirt in it BkctS_1_854-00044-00034176-00034984 and also put fabric weave on it and we will do things like rhubarb uh zucchini BkctS_1_854-00045-00034984-00035584 kind of the messy plants that take up a lot of space let them have that whole thing so yeah BkctS_1_854-00046-00035640-00036064 kind of cool uh i think we got a few things we might do in the greenhouse BkctS_1_854-00047-00036136-00036656 and uh we'll go from there well guys it's a beautiful day here and we kind of it's getting BkctS_1_854-00048-00036656-00037272 kind of late in the day my two puppies around here trying to remind me it's four o'clock and they're BkctS_1_854-00049-00037272-00037792 ready for their dinner uh but it's a beautiful day me and sherry just enjoying the sunshine BkctS_1_854-00050-00037856-00038392 kind of i always think i think both of us agree with this sitting down after you're BkctS_1_854-00051-00038392-00039032 kind of working on something and just analyzing it for your next steps and the next plans um BkctS_1_854-00052-00039136-00039616 sure and i do that a lot we'll just sit down and like maybe we should do this maybe we should do BkctS_1_854-00053-00039616-00040224 that maybe we should do this first do something else last and uh it's good for planning so when BkctS_1_854-00054-00040224-00040784 you are working in your yard or your garden sit down just like we're doing here and discuss BkctS_1_854-00055-00040872-00041360 you know are we on the right track did this come out the way we expected it to BkctS_1_854-00056-00041448-00042336 um what's the schedule of all of our seedlings and things like that and uh what problems could BkctS_1_854-00057-00042336-00042920 we have etc and uh you know the last half hour 45 minutes sherry and i have just been sitting here BkctS_1_854-00058-00042984-00043584 kind of discussing the different ideas so anyway guys sherry and i are going to uh BkctS_1_854-00059-00043664-00044160 call it a day and thank you for watching today and don't forget to like subscribe and share BkctS_1_854-00060-00044160-00044712 your video our videos not your videos our videos all over the whole wide world it really helps us BkctS_1_854-00061-00044712-00045312 out appreciate it so guys have a great day and be safe bye now our videos are made possible BkctS_1_854-00062-00045312-00046120 by ranger rob poopy bags available at amazon right now thank you very much for watching our BkctS_1_854-00063-00046120-00046800 video please take the time to like subscribe and share our videos all over the whole wide world BkctS_1_854-00064-00046800-00047960 thanks you CocQyIXbVg0-00000-00004008-00004048 6 C1MIxb9gGi8-00000-00000750-00001418 hello to everyone from sunny father and everyone already knows about this brand, but few people C1MIxb9gGi8-00001-00001418-00001989 know about its history now we will tell you the first thing I want to say is that one C1MIxb9gGi8-00002-00001989-00002684 set was sold at an auction for 5 million hryvnia and this happens the model itself drawing C1MIxb9gGi8-00003-00002684-00003368 was chosen from 20 pre-selected samples they pointed and here under the numbers write in C1MIxb9gGi8-00004-00003368-00003823 the comments which one is more for you by the way those stamps that were with the ship C1MIxb9gGi8-00005-00003823-00004487 they have all been sold and they will not be sold there were about a million of them C1MIxb9gGi8-00006-00004487-00005067 it seems that you see they will be left as collectible now there will be a re-release C1MIxb9gGi8-00007-00005067-00005706 but already without a ship it as if similar to the first, well, not quite like that, but C1MIxb9gGi8-00008-00005706-00006292 I will issue about five million of them and a million envelopes Ukrposhta says that she C1MIxb9gGi8-00009-00006292-00007086 earned about 30 million on those first stamps that the drawing itself was chosen with the C1MIxb9gGi8-00010-00007086-00007706 ship by voting on social networks, he scored the most votes and then if I'm not mistaken C1MIxb9gGi8-00011-00007706-00008528 drawing by boris crumb it’s like they want to either make it collectible or something, C1MIxb9gGi8-00012-00008528-00009223 so it will be but a little different, I’ll tell you, I reviewed all these 20, probably C1MIxb9gGi8-00013-00009223-00009757 all the same, she’s the most such, or adequate, the same pretty, too, the rest, well, somehow C1MIxb9gGi8-00014-00009757-00010177 I don’t know here I’m looking at 16 or 17 but it definitely wouldn’t become so C1MIxb9gGi8-00015-00010177-00011201 popular somehow, after all, they drew it here, but let’s say so, but now look at the comparison C1MIxb9gGi8-00016-00011201-00012209 of these old and new brands that will come out, look here, everything is the same only C1MIxb9gGi8-00017-00012209-00013047 without a ship here where he points his finger at the sea into the void, somehow I don’t C1MIxb9gGi8-00018-00013047-00013663 know for an amateur with this, the post office announced the release of a new brand, it was C1MIxb9gGi8-00019-00013663-00014344 drawn by an 11-year-old girl, Maria’s plane is the largest plane in the world, so I think C1MIxb9gGi8-00020-00014344-00014840 it will also be very popular and subscribe to the channel leave comments press thumbs C1MIxb9gGi8-00021-00014840-00015254 up this helps our channel to develop those who want to help the channel we have patreon C1MIxb9gGi8-00022-00015254-00015912 the link will be in the description and there is also youtube sponsorship and this is near C1MIxb9gGi8-00023-00015912-00016479 the button subscribe to all thanks to all m good to all happy to all bye C2WXppeXWMI-00000-00000052-00000444 Imagine you’re eating a juicy swordfish steak and your friend tells you it C2WXppeXWMI-00001-00000444-00000849 contains one part per million of the metal mercury C2WXppeXWMI-00002-00000849-00001041 What does that mean? C2WXppeXWMI-00003-00001041-00001471 If we’re talking about stuff that you don’t want to be eating, like mercury, C2WXppeXWMI-00004-00001471-00001772 , parts per million – or ppm for short – C2WXppeXWMI-00005-00001772-00002069 tells you how much of the bad stuff is in the good stuff, C2WXppeXWMI-00006-00002069-00002389 especially if there’s just a small amount of the bad stuff there. C2WXppeXWMI-00007-00002389-00002823 It’s a measure of concentration of one substance in another. C2WXppeXWMI-00008-00002823-00003001 The trouble with ppm though C2WXppeXWMI-00009-00003001-00003452 is that the value you get depends on what you are measuring. C2WXppeXWMI-00010-00003452-00003836 imagine for instance that you have a rather large pool C2WXppeXWMI-00011-00003836-00004072 containing one million C2WXppeXWMI-00012-00004072-00004238 sea monsters C2WXppeXWMI-00013-00004238-00004618 and with this writhing mass there are four and a half skunks C2WXppeXWMI-00014-00004618-00005109 four and a half because one of them had an unfortunate interspecies encounter. C2WXppeXWMI-00015-00005109-00005640 What then is the concentration of skunks here, in parts per million? C2WXppeXWMI-00016-00005640-00006060 If you measure the number of animals, there are approximately four and a half parts per C2WXppeXWMI-00017-00006060-00006321 million skunks to sea monsters. C2WXppeXWMI-00018-00006321-00006845 But what if you are interested in the relative mass of skunks, rather than their number? C2WXppeXWMI-00019-00006845-00007305 Assuming that each sea monster weights 15 metric tonnes, there are only C2WXppeXWMI-00020-00007305-00007504 o.oo4 parts per million C2WXppeXWMI-00021-00007504-00007618 skunk to sea monster C2WXppeXWMI-00022-00007618-00008042 on a mass for mass basis – C2WXppeXWMI-00023-00008042-00008270 all that’s changed is the way C2WXppeXWMI-00024-00008270-00008389 we’re measuring things, C2WXppeXWMI-00025-00008389-00008812 but the quantity we get in ppm is very different. C2WXppeXWMI-00026-00008812-00009140 On the other hand, if we do the math based on smell C2WXppeXWMI-00027-00009140-00009460 – and you’ll have to trust me here on how much a sea monster smells compared C2WXppeXWMI-00028-00009460-00010002 to an enraged skunk (because believe me, these skunks will be enraged) C2WXppeXWMI-00029-00010002-00010513 – there would be approximately 4,500 parts per million C2WXppeXWMI-00030-00010513-00010708 skunk to sea monster. C2WXppeXWMI-00031-00010708-00010971 So this is the challenge with using parts per million C2WXppeXWMI-00032-00010971-00011240 to measure concentration. C2WXppeXWMI-00033-00011240-00011700 The quantity only makes sense if you know what is being measured. C2WXppeXWMI-00034-00011700-00011947 Fortunately, going back to the swordfish steak, C2WXppeXWMI-00035-00011947-00012456 concentrations of hazardous substances are usually measured on a mass for mass basis. C2WXppeXWMI-00036-00012456-00012734 So one part per million mercury in swordfish C2WXppeXWMI-00037-00012734-00013309 is the same as saying one milligram of mercury for every kilogram of fish. C2WXppeXWMI-00038-00013309-00013869 But it does pay to know what is being compared to what – just in case. C2WXppeXWMI-00039-00013869-00014284 For more insights into the science of risk don't forget to subscribe to C2WXppeXWMI-00040-00014284-00014362 Risk Bites C5WOdr_qbbA-00000-00000052-00000382 South Florida's housing market is on fire. C5WOdr_qbbA-00001-00000402-00000882 Houses are being snapped up at such a quick Pace that for sale signs C5WOdr_qbbA-00002-00000882-00001032 are few and far between. C5WOdr_qbbA-00003-00001042-00001612 And as inventory drops, and demand heats up, prices are skyrocketing C5WOdr_qbbA-00004-00001632-00001672 Florida. C5WOdr_qbbA-00005-00001672-00001912 Brokers saying, the Boom is everywhere. C5WOdr_qbbA-00006-00001962-00002242 It's at all types of properties at all. C5WOdr_qbbA-00007-00002242-00002712 Price points from $200,000, starter homes, to 40 million-dollar C5WOdr_qbbA-00008-00002712-00002782 Mansions. C5WOdr_qbbA-00009-00002782-00002992 Some houses were seeing 20% C5WOdr_qbbA-00010-00003002-00003592 Kris has some 30 some 40 and in some situations we can flip something C5WOdr_qbbA-00011-00003592-00003842 that was recently bought for 50% more. C5WOdr_qbbA-00012-00003872-00004082 This brand new Waterfront mansion in North. C5WOdr_qbbA-00013-00004082-00004542 Miami Beach was one of the few left on the market now under contract C5WOdr_qbbA-00014-00004542-00004942 for over five million dollars, listen broker saying that just a year C5WOdr_qbbA-00015-00004942-00005292 and a half ago, selling a similar home in this exclusive Community C5WOdr_qbbA-00016-00005292-00005692 called Eastern Shores for even three and a half million was close to C5WOdr_qbbA-00017-00005692-00005762 Impossible. C5WOdr_qbbA-00018-00005782-00005992 And if we go back in time, just a few C5WOdr_qbbA-00019-00006002-00006402 More years, South Florida houses were thought to be very affordable. C5WOdr_qbbA-00020-00006422-00006862 Now, that's no longer the case properties here in the five to 10 year C5WOdr_qbbA-00021-00006862-00007122 ago, Ranger able to buy for half a million seven hundred grand. C5WOdr_qbbA-00022-00007122-00007602 It's not just single family homes that are seeing the big boost for C5WOdr_qbbA-00023-00007602-00008142 condos were up 80% in terms of the same type of sales that were being C5WOdr_qbbA-00024-00008142-00008202 done there. C5WOdr_qbbA-00025-00008202-00008512 Same volume of transactions being done March of last year. C5WOdr_qbbA-00026-00008562-00008952 You would think that thousands migrating to Florida are to blame. C5WOdr_qbbA-00027-00008992-00009312 But it's not just them as much as you have this tremendous, a C5WOdr_qbbA-00028-00009312-00009542 tremendous amount of purchasers from other areas. C5WOdr_qbbA-00029-00009562-00009742 You still have this massive movement. C5WOdr_qbbA-00030-00009742-00010012 Inner city, real estate agent Lauren hershey - C5WOdr_qbbA-00031-00010012-00010392 She has some advice to those looking for a property in this crazy C5WOdr_qbbA-00032-00010392-00010462 Market. C5WOdr_qbbA-00033-00010472-00010872 If you want to make a deal and and have the offer go through, you need C5WOdr_qbbA-00034-00010872-00011012 a short inspection, period. C5WOdr_qbbA-00035-00011012-00011172 I'm talking like three or four days. @miami_florida_realtor C5WOdr_qbbA-00036-00011172-00011322 No appraisal contingency. C5WOdr_qbbA-00037-00011322-00011742 Forget the appraisal no more appraisal in the sunshine, state known C5WOdr_qbbA-00038-00011742-00011982 for its warm temperatures that question. C5WOdr_qbbA-00039-00012002-00012512 Everyone is asking is when, if ever will this red-hot Market. C5WOdr_qbbA-00040-00012512-00012752 Cool off in Miami for Newsmax. C5WOdr_qbbA-00041-00012752-00012862 I'm Leonardo Feldman. C6WunWnc6nQ-00000-00000010-00000166 >> DENNIS: ABSOLUTELY. C6WunWnc6nQ-00001-00000166-00000173 >> DENNIS: ABSOLUTELY. C6WunWnc6nQ-00002-00000173-00000346 >> DENNIS: ABSOLUTELY. GROWING INTO A REAL GOOD C6WunWnc6nQ-00003-00000346-00000353 >> DENNIS: ABSOLUTELY. GROWING INTO A REAL GOOD C6WunWnc6nQ-00004-00000353-00000420 >> DENNIS: ABSOLUTELY. GROWING INTO A REAL GOOD PROGRAM. C6WunWnc6nQ-00005-00000420-00000426 GROWING INTO A REAL GOOD PROGRAM. C6WunWnc6nQ-00006-00000426-00000567 GROWING INTO A REAL GOOD PROGRAM. THANKS, AJ. C6WunWnc6nQ-00007-00000567-00000573 PROGRAM. THANKS, AJ. C6WunWnc6nQ-00008-00000573-00000767 PROGRAM. THANKS, AJ. 'TIS THE SEASON FOR WALKING THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00009-00000767-00000774 THANKS, AJ. 'TIS THE SEASON FOR WALKING THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00010-00000774-00000917 THANKS, AJ. 'TIS THE SEASON FOR WALKING THE COUNTRYSIDE IN SEARCH OF THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00011-00000917-00000924 'TIS THE SEASON FOR WALKING THE COUNTRYSIDE IN SEARCH OF THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00012-00000924-00001047 'TIS THE SEASON FOR WALKING THE COUNTRYSIDE IN SEARCH OF THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS TREE N THIS C6WunWnc6nQ-00013-00001047-00001054 COUNTRYSIDE IN SEARCH OF THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS TREE N THIS C6WunWnc6nQ-00014-00001054-00001224 COUNTRYSIDE IN SEARCH OF THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS TREE N THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE, OUR C6WunWnc6nQ-00015-00001224-00001231 PERFECT CHRISTMAS TREE N THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE, OUR C6WunWnc6nQ-00016-00001231-00001374 PERFECT CHRISTMAS TREE N THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE, OUR JOSH PETERSON INTRODUCES US TO C6WunWnc6nQ-00017-00001374-00001381 WEEK'S NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE, OUR JOSH PETERSON INTRODUCES US TO C6WunWnc6nQ-00018-00001381-00001494 WEEK'S NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE, OUR JOSH PETERSON INTRODUCES US TO THE PICK FAMILY AND THEIR C6WunWnc6nQ-00019-00001494-00001501 JOSH PETERSON INTRODUCES US TO THE PICK FAMILY AND THEIR C6WunWnc6nQ-00020-00001501-00001858 JOSH PETERSON INTRODUCES US TO THE PICK FAMILY AND THEIR CHRISTMAS TREE FARM. C6WunWnc6nQ-00021-00001858-00001865 THE PICK FAMILY AND THEIR CHRISTMAS TREE FARM. C6WunWnc6nQ-00022-00001865-00002001 THE PICK FAMILY AND THEIR CHRISTMAS TREE FARM. >> JOSH: JUST NORTH OF BEMIDJI C6WunWnc6nQ-00023-00002001-00002008 CHRISTMAS TREE FARM. >> JOSH: JUST NORTH OF BEMIDJI C6WunWnc6nQ-00024-00002008-00002232 CHRISTMAS TREE FARM. >> JOSH: JUST NORTH OF BEMIDJI OUT IN TURTLE RIVER, YOU CAN C6WunWnc6nQ-00025-00002232-00002238 >> JOSH: JUST NORTH OF BEMIDJI OUT IN TURTLE RIVER, YOU CAN C6WunWnc6nQ-00026-00002238-00002375 >> JOSH: JUST NORTH OF BEMIDJI OUT IN TURTLE RIVER, YOU CAN FIND A HIDDEN GEM WHEN IT COMES C6WunWnc6nQ-00027-00002375-00002382 OUT IN TURTLE RIVER, YOU CAN FIND A HIDDEN GEM WHEN IT COMES C6WunWnc6nQ-00028-00002382-00002489 OUT IN TURTLE RIVER, YOU CAN FIND A HIDDEN GEM WHEN IT COMES TO CHRISTMAS. C6WunWnc6nQ-00029-00002489-00002495 FIND A HIDDEN GEM WHEN IT COMES TO CHRISTMAS. C6WunWnc6nQ-00030-00002495-00002702 FIND A HIDDEN GEM WHEN IT COMES TO CHRISTMAS. ROWS UPON ROWS OF NATIVE TREES C6WunWnc6nQ-00031-00002702-00002709 TO CHRISTMAS. ROWS UPON ROWS OF NATIVE TREES C6WunWnc6nQ-00032-00002709-00002912 TO CHRISTMAS. ROWS UPON ROWS OF NATIVE TREES LIKE WHITE PINE, SPRUCE AND C6WunWnc6nQ-00033-00002912-00002919 ROWS UPON ROWS OF NATIVE TREES LIKE WHITE PINE, SPRUCE AND C6WunWnc6nQ-00034-00002919-00003076 ROWS UPON ROWS OF NATIVE TREES LIKE WHITE PINE, SPRUCE AND BALSAM FUR LINE THE HILLSIDE C6WunWnc6nQ-00035-00003076-00003083 LIKE WHITE PINE, SPRUCE AND BALSAM FUR LINE THE HILLSIDE C6WunWnc6nQ-00036-00003083-00003239 LIKE WHITE PINE, SPRUCE AND BALSAM FUR LINE THE HILLSIDE READY TO BE CUT AND TAKEN HOME C6WunWnc6nQ-00037-00003239-00003246 BALSAM FUR LINE THE HILLSIDE READY TO BE CUT AND TAKEN HOME C6WunWnc6nQ-00038-00003246-00003356 BALSAM FUR LINE THE HILLSIDE READY TO BE CUT AND TAKEN HOME AS YOUR FAMILY'S CENTERPIECE, C6WunWnc6nQ-00039-00003356-00003363 READY TO BE CUT AND TAKEN HOME AS YOUR FAMILY'S CENTERPIECE, C6WunWnc6nQ-00040-00003363-00003613 READY TO BE CUT AND TAKEN HOME AS YOUR FAMILY'S CENTERPIECE, ALL COURTESY OF THE PICK FAMILY. C6WunWnc6nQ-00041-00003613-00003620 AS YOUR FAMILY'S CENTERPIECE, ALL COURTESY OF THE PICK FAMILY. C6WunWnc6nQ-00042-00003620-00003780 AS YOUR FAMILY'S CENTERPIECE, ALL COURTESY OF THE PICK FAMILY. >> I ENJOY WORKING WITH ALL C6WunWnc6nQ-00043-00003780-00003787 ALL COURTESY OF THE PICK FAMILY. >> I ENJOY WORKING WITH ALL C6WunWnc6nQ-00044-00003787-00004077 ALL COURTESY OF THE PICK FAMILY. >> I ENJOY WORKING WITH ALL ASPECTS OF TREES, YEAH. C6WunWnc6nQ-00045-00004077-00004084 >> I ENJOY WORKING WITH ALL ASPECTS OF TREES, YEAH. C6WunWnc6nQ-00046-00004084-00004217 >> I ENJOY WORKING WITH ALL ASPECTS OF TREES, YEAH. JUST CARRIED FORWARD INTO C6WunWnc6nQ-00047-00004217-00004224 ASPECTS OF TREES, YEAH. JUST CARRIED FORWARD INTO C6WunWnc6nQ-00048-00004224-00004300 ASPECTS OF TREES, YEAH. JUST CARRIED FORWARD INTO CHRISTMAS TREES. C6WunWnc6nQ-00049-00004300-00004307 JUST CARRIED FORWARD INTO CHRISTMAS TREES. C6WunWnc6nQ-00050-00004307-00004454 JUST CARRIED FORWARD INTO CHRISTMAS TREES. >> THE PICK FAMILY TREE FARM HAS C6WunWnc6nQ-00051-00004454-00004461 CHRISTMAS TREES. >> THE PICK FAMILY TREE FARM HAS C6WunWnc6nQ-00052-00004461-00004621 CHRISTMAS TREES. >> THE PICK FAMILY TREE FARM HAS BEEN IN OPERATION SINCE 2003, C6WunWnc6nQ-00053-00004621-00004627 >> THE PICK FAMILY TREE FARM HAS BEEN IN OPERATION SINCE 2003, C6WunWnc6nQ-00054-00004627-00004804 >> THE PICK FAMILY TREE FARM HAS BEEN IN OPERATION SINCE 2003, AND OVER THE YEARS, STUMPS OF C6WunWnc6nQ-00055-00004804-00004811 BEEN IN OPERATION SINCE 2003, AND OVER THE YEARS, STUMPS OF C6WunWnc6nQ-00056-00004811-00004921 BEEN IN OPERATION SINCE 2003, AND OVER THE YEARS, STUMPS OF CHRISTMAS PAST DOT THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00057-00004921-00004928 AND OVER THE YEARS, STUMPS OF CHRISTMAS PAST DOT THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00058-00004928-00005068 AND OVER THE YEARS, STUMPS OF CHRISTMAS PAST DOT THE LANDSCAPE, BUT AFTER THIS C6WunWnc6nQ-00059-00005068-00005075 CHRISTMAS PAST DOT THE LANDSCAPE, BUT AFTER THIS C6WunWnc6nQ-00060-00005075-00005298 CHRISTMAS PAST DOT THE LANDSCAPE, BUT AFTER THIS CHRISTMAS, NO MORE STUMPS WILL C6WunWnc6nQ-00061-00005298-00005305 LANDSCAPE, BUT AFTER THIS CHRISTMAS, NO MORE STUMPS WILL C6WunWnc6nQ-00062-00005305-00005448 LANDSCAPE, BUT AFTER THIS CHRISTMAS, NO MORE STUMPS WILL BE ADDED AS THE PICK FAMILY C6WunWnc6nQ-00063-00005448-00005455 CHRISTMAS, NO MORE STUMPS WILL BE ADDED AS THE PICK FAMILY C6WunWnc6nQ-00064-00005455-00005552 CHRISTMAS, NO MORE STUMPS WILL BE ADDED AS THE PICK FAMILY ANNOUNCED THIS WOULD BE THEIR C6WunWnc6nQ-00065-00005552-00005558 BE ADDED AS THE PICK FAMILY ANNOUNCED THIS WOULD BE THEIR C6WunWnc6nQ-00066-00005558-00005615 BE ADDED AS THE PICK FAMILY ANNOUNCED THIS WOULD BE THEIR LAST YEAR. C6WunWnc6nQ-00067-00005615-00005622 ANNOUNCED THIS WOULD BE THEIR LAST YEAR. C6WunWnc6nQ-00068-00005622-00005759 ANNOUNCED THIS WOULD BE THEIR LAST YEAR. >> THE REASON WE'RE KIND OF C6WunWnc6nQ-00069-00005759-00005765 LAST YEAR. >> THE REASON WE'RE KIND OF C6WunWnc6nQ-00070-00005765-00006049 LAST YEAR. >> THE REASON WE'RE KIND OF WINDING IT UP, NO. 1, WE'RE KIND C6WunWnc6nQ-00071-00006049-00006056 >> THE REASON WE'RE KIND OF WINDING IT UP, NO. 1, WE'RE KIND C6WunWnc6nQ-00072-00006056-00006252 >> THE REASON WE'RE KIND OF WINDING IT UP, NO. 1, WE'RE KIND OF GETTING LOW ON TREES, AND I'M C6WunWnc6nQ-00073-00006252-00006259 WINDING IT UP, NO. 1, WE'RE KIND OF GETTING LOW ON TREES, AND I'M C6WunWnc6nQ-00074-00006259-00006543 WINDING IT UP, NO. 1, WE'RE KIND OF GETTING LOW ON TREES, AND I'M GETTING OLDER. C6WunWnc6nQ-00075-00006543-00006549 OF GETTING LOW ON TREES, AND I'M GETTING OLDER. C6WunWnc6nQ-00076-00006549-00006733 OF GETTING LOW ON TREES, AND I'M GETTING OLDER. SO I'M JUST LOOKING FORWARD TO C6WunWnc6nQ-00077-00006733-00006740 GETTING OLDER. SO I'M JUST LOOKING FORWARD TO C6WunWnc6nQ-00078-00006740-00006880 GETTING OLDER. SO I'M JUST LOOKING FORWARD TO HAVING MORE TIME TO DO OTHER C6WunWnc6nQ-00079-00006880-00006886 SO I'M JUST LOOKING FORWARD TO HAVING MORE TIME TO DO OTHER C6WunWnc6nQ-00080-00006886-00007003 SO I'M JUST LOOKING FORWARD TO HAVING MORE TIME TO DO OTHER THINGS THAT I LIKE TO DO. C6WunWnc6nQ-00081-00007003-00007010 HAVING MORE TIME TO DO OTHER THINGS THAT I LIKE TO DO. C6WunWnc6nQ-00082-00007010-00007120 HAVING MORE TIME TO DO OTHER THINGS THAT I LIKE TO DO. >> THE TREE FARM HAS BEEN A C6WunWnc6nQ-00083-00007120-00007127 THINGS THAT I LIKE TO DO. >> THE TREE FARM HAS BEEN A C6WunWnc6nQ-00084-00007127-00007280 THINGS THAT I LIKE TO DO. >> THE TREE FARM HAS BEEN A LABOR OF LOVE FOR THE PICKS AND C6WunWnc6nQ-00085-00007280-00007287 >> THE TREE FARM HAS BEEN A LABOR OF LOVE FOR THE PICKS AND C6WunWnc6nQ-00086-00007287-00007464 >> THE TREE FARM HAS BEEN A LABOR OF LOVE FOR THE PICKS AND THEIR ENTIRE FAMILY, BUT FOR C6WunWnc6nQ-00087-00007464-00007470 LABOR OF LOVE FOR THE PICKS AND THEIR ENTIRE FAMILY, BUT FOR C6WunWnc6nQ-00088-00007470-00007650 LABOR OF LOVE FOR THE PICKS AND THEIR ENTIRE FAMILY, BUT FOR THAT FORMER U.S. FORESTRY C6WunWnc6nQ-00089-00007650-00007657 THEIR ENTIRE FAMILY, BUT FOR THAT FORMER U.S. FORESTRY C6WunWnc6nQ-00090-00007657-00007837 THEIR ENTIRE FAMILY, BUT FOR THAT FORMER U.S. FORESTRY EMPLOYEE, HE SAYS HE IS READY TO C6WunWnc6nQ-00091-00007837-00007844 THAT FORMER U.S. FORESTRY EMPLOYEE, HE SAYS HE IS READY TO C6WunWnc6nQ-00092-00007844-00007931 THAT FORMER U.S. FORESTRY EMPLOYEE, HE SAYS HE IS READY TO MOVE ON. C6WunWnc6nQ-00093-00007931-00007937 EMPLOYEE, HE SAYS HE IS READY TO MOVE ON. C6WunWnc6nQ-00094-00007937-00008244 EMPLOYEE, HE SAYS HE IS READY TO MOVE ON. >> WHILE THE PICK FAMILY WON'T C6WunWnc6nQ-00095-00008244-00008251 MOVE ON. >> WHILE THE PICK FAMILY WON'T C6WunWnc6nQ-00096-00008251-00008411 MOVE ON. >> WHILE THE PICK FAMILY WON'T MISS OUT ON ALL THE HARD WORK C6WunWnc6nQ-00097-00008411-00008418 >> WHILE THE PICK FAMILY WON'T MISS OUT ON ALL THE HARD WORK C6WunWnc6nQ-00098-00008418-00008625 >> WHILE THE PICK FAMILY WON'T MISS OUT ON ALL THE HARD WORK DURING THE HOT, WARM, AND C6WunWnc6nQ-00099-00008625-00008631 MISS OUT ON ALL THE HARD WORK DURING THE HOT, WARM, AND C6WunWnc6nQ-00100-00008631-00008778 MISS OUT ON ALL THE HARD WORK DURING THE HOT, WARM, AND SOMETIMES HUMID MONTHS, THEY C6WunWnc6nQ-00101-00008778-00008785 DURING THE HOT, WARM, AND SOMETIMES HUMID MONTHS, THEY C6WunWnc6nQ-00102-00008785-00008905 DURING THE HOT, WARM, AND SOMETIMES HUMID MONTHS, THEY WILL MISS SEEING ALL THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00103-00008905-00008912 SOMETIMES HUMID MONTHS, THEY WILL MISS SEEING ALL THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00104-00008912-00009055 SOMETIMES HUMID MONTHS, THEY WILL MISS SEEING ALL THE FAMILIES THAT COME OUT EACH C6WunWnc6nQ-00105-00009055-00009062 WILL MISS SEEING ALL THE FAMILIES THAT COME OUT EACH C6WunWnc6nQ-00106-00009062-00009212 WILL MISS SEEING ALL THE FAMILIES THAT COME OUT EACH DECEMBER TO PICK OUT THEIR C6WunWnc6nQ-00107-00009212-00009219 FAMILIES THAT COME OUT EACH DECEMBER TO PICK OUT THEIR C6WunWnc6nQ-00108-00009219-00009262 FAMILIES THAT COME OUT EACH DECEMBER TO PICK OUT THEIR CHRISTMAS TREES. C6WunWnc6nQ-00109-00009262-00009269 DECEMBER TO PICK OUT THEIR CHRISTMAS TREES. C6WunWnc6nQ-00110-00009269-00009329 DECEMBER TO PICK OUT THEIR CHRISTMAS TREES. >> THE FAMILIES WITH THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00111-00009329-00009335 CHRISTMAS TREES. >> THE FAMILIES WITH THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00112-00009335-00009382 CHRISTMAS TREES. >> THE FAMILIES WITH THE CHILDREN. C6WunWnc6nQ-00113-00009382-00009389 >> THE FAMILIES WITH THE CHILDREN. C6WunWnc6nQ-00114-00009389-00009656 >> THE FAMILIES WITH THE CHILDREN. IT ALSO GIVES US A CHANCE TO C6WunWnc6nQ-00115-00009656-00009662 CHILDREN. IT ALSO GIVES US A CHANCE TO C6WunWnc6nQ-00116-00009662-00009769 CHILDREN. IT ALSO GIVES US A CHANCE TO REACQUAINT WITH SOME OF THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00117-00009769-00009776 IT ALSO GIVES US A CHANCE TO REACQUAINT WITH SOME OF THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00118-00009776-00009903 IT ALSO GIVES US A CHANCE TO REACQUAINT WITH SOME OF THE PEOPLE WE WORKED WITH IN THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00119-00009903-00009909 REACQUAINT WITH SOME OF THE PEOPLE WE WORKED WITH IN THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00120-00009909-00010036 REACQUAINT WITH SOME OF THE PEOPLE WE WORKED WITH IN THE PAST, AND THAT'S REALLY FUN. C6WunWnc6nQ-00121-00010036-00010043 PEOPLE WE WORKED WITH IN THE PAST, AND THAT'S REALLY FUN. C6WunWnc6nQ-00122-00010043-00010163 PEOPLE WE WORKED WITH IN THE PAST, AND THAT'S REALLY FUN. WE'RE REALLY GOING TO MISS THAT C6WunWnc6nQ-00123-00010163-00010170 PAST, AND THAT'S REALLY FUN. WE'RE REALLY GOING TO MISS THAT C6WunWnc6nQ-00124-00010170-00010260 PAST, AND THAT'S REALLY FUN. WE'RE REALLY GOING TO MISS THAT PART OF IT. C6WunWnc6nQ-00125-00010260-00010266 WE'RE REALLY GOING TO MISS THAT PART OF IT. C6WunWnc6nQ-00126-00010266-00010383 WE'RE REALLY GOING TO MISS THAT PART OF IT. >> WE MEET PEOPLE THAT WE C6WunWnc6nQ-00127-00010383-00010390 PART OF IT. >> WE MEET PEOPLE THAT WE C6WunWnc6nQ-00128-00010390-00010537 PART OF IT. >> WE MEET PEOPLE THAT WE NORMALLY DON'T SEE, ASSOCIATES C6WunWnc6nQ-00129-00010537-00010543 >> WE MEET PEOPLE THAT WE NORMALLY DON'T SEE, ASSOCIATES C6WunWnc6nQ-00130-00010543-00010703 >> WE MEET PEOPLE THAT WE NORMALLY DON'T SEE, ASSOCIATES AND FRIENDS AND THINGS. C6WunWnc6nQ-00131-00010703-00010710 NORMALLY DON'T SEE, ASSOCIATES AND FRIENDS AND THINGS. C6WunWnc6nQ-00132-00010710-00010867 NORMALLY DON'T SEE, ASSOCIATES AND FRIENDS AND THINGS. SO YOU KNOW, I'LL MISS THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00133-00010867-00010874 AND FRIENDS AND THINGS. SO YOU KNOW, I'LL MISS THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00134-00010874-00011061 AND FRIENDS AND THINGS. SO YOU KNOW, I'LL MISS THE PEOPLE AND THE KIDS, ESPECIALLY C6WunWnc6nQ-00135-00011061-00011067 SO YOU KNOW, I'LL MISS THE PEOPLE AND THE KIDS, ESPECIALLY C6WunWnc6nQ-00136-00011067-00011194 SO YOU KNOW, I'LL MISS THE PEOPLE AND THE KIDS, ESPECIALLY THE KIDS. C6WunWnc6nQ-00137-00011194-00011201 PEOPLE AND THE KIDS, ESPECIALLY THE KIDS. C6WunWnc6nQ-00138-00011201-00011327 PEOPLE AND THE KIDS, ESPECIALLY THE KIDS. >> JOSH: THE TREES THAT WILL C6WunWnc6nQ-00139-00011327-00011334 THE KIDS. >> JOSH: THE TREES THAT WILL C6WunWnc6nQ-00140-00011334-00011424 THE KIDS. >> JOSH: THE TREES THAT WILL REMAIN WILL CONTINUE TO GROW, C6WunWnc6nQ-00141-00011424-00011431 >> JOSH: THE TREES THAT WILL REMAIN WILL CONTINUE TO GROW, C6WunWnc6nQ-00142-00011431-00011548 >> JOSH: THE TREES THAT WILL REMAIN WILL CONTINUE TO GROW, AND THE HOPE IS THAT THIS C6WunWnc6nQ-00143-00011548-00011554 REMAIN WILL CONTINUE TO GROW, AND THE HOPE IS THAT THIS C6WunWnc6nQ-00144-00011554-00011701 REMAIN WILL CONTINUE TO GROW, AND THE HOPE IS THAT THIS VANISHING TYPE OF FARM WILL SEE C6WunWnc6nQ-00145-00011701-00011708 AND THE HOPE IS THAT THIS VANISHING TYPE OF FARM WILL SEE C6WunWnc6nQ-00146-00011708-00011885 AND THE HOPE IS THAT THIS VANISHING TYPE OF FARM WILL SEE A RESURGENCE OF INTEREST SO THAT C6WunWnc6nQ-00147-00011885-00011891 VANISHING TYPE OF FARM WILL SEE A RESURGENCE OF INTEREST SO THAT C6WunWnc6nQ-00148-00011891-00012072 VANISHING TYPE OF FARM WILL SEE A RESURGENCE OF INTEREST SO THAT THE FAMILIES CAN CONTINUE THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00149-00012072-00012078 A RESURGENCE OF INTEREST SO THAT THE FAMILIES CAN CONTINUE THE C6WunWnc6nQ-00150-00012078-00012185 A RESURGENCE OF INTEREST SO THAT THE FAMILIES CAN CONTINUE THE OLD-FASHIONED TRADITION OF C6WunWnc6nQ-00151-00012185-00012192 THE FAMILIES CAN CONTINUE THE OLD-FASHIONED TRADITION OF C6WunWnc6nQ-00152-00012192-00012335 THE FAMILIES CAN CONTINUE THE OLD-FASHIONED TRADITION OF GETTING A CHRISTMAS TREE. C6WunWnc6nQ-00153-00012335-00012342 OLD-FASHIONED TRADITION OF GETTING A CHRISTMAS TREE. C6WunWnc6nQ-00154-00012342-00012482 OLD-FASHIONED TRADITION OF GETTING A CHRISTMAS TREE. >> THE YOUNGER PEOPLE AREN'T C6WunWnc6nQ-00155-00012482-00012489 GETTING A CHRISTMAS TREE. >> THE YOUNGER PEOPLE AREN'T C6WunWnc6nQ-00156-00012489-00012672 GETTING A CHRISTMAS TREE. >> THE YOUNGER PEOPLE AREN'T REALLY COMING INTO IT ALL THAT C6WunWnc6nQ-00157-00012672-00012679 >> THE YOUNGER PEOPLE AREN'T REALLY COMING INTO IT ALL THAT C6WunWnc6nQ-00158-00012679-00012789 >> THE YOUNGER PEOPLE AREN'T REALLY COMING INTO IT ALL THAT MUCH, I THINK. C6WunWnc6nQ-00159-00012789-00012796 REALLY COMING INTO IT ALL THAT MUCH, I THINK. C6WunWnc6nQ-00160-00012796-00012962 REALLY COMING INTO IT ALL THAT MUCH, I THINK. I THINK THERE IS KIND OF A SHIFT C6WunWnc6nQ-00161-00012962-00012969 MUCH, I THINK. I THINK THERE IS KIND OF A SHIFT C6WunWnc6nQ-00162-00012969-00013056 MUCH, I THINK. I THINK THERE IS KIND OF A SHIFT GOING ON. C6WunWnc6nQ-00163-00013056-00013063 I THINK THERE IS KIND OF A SHIFT GOING ON. C6WunWnc6nQ-00164-00013063-00013193 I THINK THERE IS KIND OF A SHIFT GOING ON. >> JOSH: WITH ONLY TWO WEEKS C6WunWnc6nQ-00165-00013193-00013199 GOING ON. >> JOSH: WITH ONLY TWO WEEKS C6WunWnc6nQ-00166-00013199-00013379 GOING ON. >> JOSH: WITH ONLY TWO WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS, THE PICKS WILL C6WunWnc6nQ-00167-00013379-00013386 >> JOSH: WITH ONLY TWO WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS, THE PICKS WILL C6WunWnc6nQ-00168-00013386-00013536 >> JOSH: WITH ONLY TWO WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS, THE PICKS WILL TREASURE EACH MOMENT WHILE C6WunWnc6nQ-00169-00013536-00013543 UNTIL CHRISTMAS, THE PICKS WILL TREASURE EACH MOMENT WHILE C6WunWnc6nQ-00170-00013543-00013666 UNTIL CHRISTMAS, THE PICKS WILL TREASURE EACH MOMENT WHILE PROVIDING MEMORIES THAT WILL C6WunWnc6nQ-00171-00013666-00013673 TREASURE EACH MOMENT WHILE PROVIDING MEMORIES THAT WILL C6WunWnc6nQ-00172-00013673-00013783 TREASURE EACH MOMENT WHILE PROVIDING MEMORIES THAT WILL LAST A LIFETIME. C6WunWnc6nQ-00173-00013783-00013790 PROVIDING MEMORIES THAT WILL LAST A LIFETIME. C6WunWnc6nQ-00174-00013790-00014033 PROVIDING MEMORIES THAT WILL LAST A LIFETIME. WITH THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS C6WunWnc6nQ-00175-00014033-00014040 LAST A LIFETIME. WITH THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS C6WunWnc6nQ-00176-00014040-00014184 LAST A LIFETIME. WITH THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE IN BEMIDJI, JOSH C6WunWnc6nQ-00177-00014184-00014190 WITH THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE IN BEMIDJI, JOSH C6WunWnc6nQ-00178-00014190-00014334 WITH THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. C6WunWnc6nQ-00179-00014334-00014340 ADVENTURE IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. C6WunWnc6nQ-00180-00014340-00014404 ADVENTURE IN BEMIDJI, JOSH PETERSON, LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: END OF AN ERA. Ct9sFCuxs7o-00000-00000040-00001152 hmm i love you oh oh he dropped the magic wire zone oh C-JOaey0LZk-00000-00000369-00000469 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. C-JOaey0LZk-00001-00000469-00000863 I'M PETTY OFFICER ANDREW JOHNSON WITH YOUR HEADLINES FROM THE FLEET. C-JOaey0LZk-00002-00000863-00001330 VICE ADMIRAL EUGENE WILKINSON, COMMANDING OFFICER OF THE FIRST NUCLEAR-POWERED SUBMARINE, C-JOaey0LZk-00003-00001330-00001809 USS NAUTILUS, AND CRUISER, USS LONGBEACH, DIED JULY 11TH. C-JOaey0LZk-00004-00001809-00002111 WILKINSON IS REMEMBERED AS A PIONEER OF NUCLEAR POWER. C-JOaey0LZk-00005-00002111-00002582 HIS LEADERSHIP OF THE NAVY'S FIRST NUCLEAR-POWERED VESSELS FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED THE WAY WE FIGHT C-JOaey0LZk-00006-00002582-00002700 FROM THE SEA. C-JOaey0LZk-00007-00002700-00003207 EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY ANYONE SENDING MAIL TO NAVY MOBILE UNITS MUST USE A NINE-DIGIT C-JOaey0LZk-00008-00003207-00003393 ZIP CODE TO ENSURE DELIVERY. C-JOaey0LZk-00009-00003393-00003893 THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE IS IMPLEMENTING NEW AUTOMATED MAIL SORTING TO INCREASE EFFICIENCY, C-JOaey0LZk-00010-00003893-00004374 AS IT DOWNSIZES FROM TWO COASTAL LOCATIONS TO ONE CENTRAL LOCATION IN CHICAGO. C-JOaey0LZk-00011-00004374-00004943 REFER TO ALNAV 047/13 FOR MORE DETAILS ABOUT THE CHANGE. C-JOaey0LZk-00012-00004943-00005188 YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT THESE STORIES AT NAVY.MIL. C-JOaey0LZk-00013-00005188-00005351 FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING. CAfQQk1nAd0-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi CAfQQk1nAd0-00001-00000200-00000520 So I know that Covid and this lockdown CAfQQk1nAd0-00002-00000520-00000736 has taken a toll on our lives CAfQQk1nAd0-00003-00000871-00001140 I think staying happy is key CAfQQk1nAd0-00004-00001140-00001468 And I know it's very difficult to achieve that in these times CAfQQk1nAd0-00005-00001468-00001668 But I feel CAfQQk1nAd0-00006-00001668-00002018 Let's just try and believe in the butterfly effect for a while CAfQQk1nAd0-00007-00002108-00002510 See how we can spread happiness CAfQQk1nAd0-00008-00002630-00002770 SPREAD POSITIVITY CAfQQk1nAd0-00009-00002917-00003117 I mean, I do certain things during the day CAfQQk1nAd0-00010-00003177-00003419 that keep me going and CAfQQk1nAd0-00011-00003436-00003577 keep me sane CAfQQk1nAd0-00012-00003643-00003843 So, I'm just gonna share these things with you CAfQQk1nAd0-00013-00003904-00004104 So basically when I start my morning CAfQQk1nAd0-00014-00004172-00004450 obviously, you get grumpy, you know CAfQQk1nAd0-00015-00004450-00004650 Not every day is the same CAfQQk1nAd0-00016-00004824-00005024 I use NTS Radio CAfQQk1nAd0-00017-00005075-00005307 This is an initiative by Redbull CAfQQk1nAd0-00018-00005461-00005701 They have DJs playing from around the world CAfQQk1nAd0-00019-00005701-00005901 Playing great sets CAfQQk1nAd0-00020-00005990-00006290 There's 2 channels going on at all times CAfQQk1nAd0-00021-00006290-00006402 different genres- CAfQQk1nAd0-00022-00006483-00006820 I mean its playing in the background throughout the day CAfQQk1nAd0-00023-00006820-00007000 That really helps me CAfQQk1nAd0-00024-00007059-00007359 Then, maybe I will do some of my work CAfQQk1nAd0-00025-00007359-00007531 some chores CAfQQk1nAd0-00026-00007531-00007690 So that keeps me busy CAfQQk1nAd0-00027-00007690-00007933 Some work out if possible CAfQQk1nAd0-00028-00007933-00008135 Of course, if I am in the mood to do it CAfQQk1nAd0-00029-00008316-00008516 Then I try to read some articles CAfQQk1nAd0-00030-00008593-00008910 I'm just gonna suggest one that I read recently CAfQQk1nAd0-00031-00008941-00009141 which was pretty interesting CAfQQk1nAd0-00032-00009242-00009464 This was called the ' Shingawa Money' CAfQQk1nAd0-00033-00009464-00009612 on The New yorker. CAfQQk1nAd0-00034-00009632-00009950 It's fiction and it's surrealism CAfQQk1nAd0-00035-00010228-00010428 It's by Murakami CAfQQk1nAd0-00036-00010428-00010719 Then may be you can check out certain websites CAfQQk1nAd0-00037-00010719-00010919 that I look at CAfQQk1nAd0-00038-00010984-00011184 Like, Wepresent CAfQQk1nAd0-00039-00011184-00011384 for some videos and articles CAfQQk1nAd0-00040-00011537-00011846 I mean I will keep sharing more and more as they come to me CAfQQk1nAd0-00041-00011846-00012046 And as I experience life CAfQQk1nAd0-00042-00012917-00013138 Please take care of yourself! CCsXyRNKM-4-00000-00000008-00000616 a happy song so a lot of people have noticed that my songs tend to be pretty sad they're CCsXyRNKM-4-00001-00000616-00001088 a lot about heartbreak and certain members of my team have mentioned maybe you should try writing CCsXyRNKM-4-00002-00001088-00001672 a happy song so i wrote this song called a happy song ultimately the song itself isn't very happy CCsXyRNKM-4-00003-00001672-00002136 it's saying that song that i wrote for you could have been a happy song well i took a little CCsXyRNKM-4-00004-00002136-00002584 bit of creative license with it i was thinking about things that have happened in my real life CCsXyRNKM-4-00005-00002584-00003112 as i normally do with my songs but the initial seed of the idea was a sort of tongue-in-cheek CCsXyRNKM-4-00006-00003112-00003552 thought that maybe these people keep breaking my heart because they want songs written about them CCsXyRNKM-4-00007-00003632-00003920 and so it says you know dude i would have written a song CCsXyRNKM-4-00008-00003920-00004192 about you even if you didn't break my heart it could have been a happy one CEBB6qW0N8g-00000-00001927-00002438 ¡Hola! En este video vamos a hablar de los CEBB6qW0N8g-00001-00002467-00002819 direct object pronouns and indirect object pronouns CEBB6qW0N8g-00002-00002923-00003036 so CEBB6qW0N8g-00003-00003036-00003443 We're going to compare using this table below. In the last box CEBB6qW0N8g-00004-00003460-00004055 You'll provide some information that we cover in this video as well as complete the activity. CEBB6qW0N8g-00005-00004098-00004298 So let's get started CEBB6qW0N8g-00006-00004468-00004949 Direct object nouns receive the action of the verb directly. CEBB6qW0N8g-00007-00005020-00005255 The pronouns replace CEBB6qW0N8g-00008-00005326-00005868 the already mentioned noun. Remember pronouns replace a noun. CEBB6qW0N8g-00009-00006034-00006243 Direct object pronouns CEBB6qW0N8g-00010-00006298-00006530 work like 'it' in English, and CEBB6qW0N8g-00011-00006586-00007158 when the direct object noun is a person you use the 'a personal'. CEBB6qW0N8g-00012-00007288-00007488 Let's see our ejemplo. CEBB6qW0N8g-00013-00007581-00008252 ¿Lees el libro en la biblioteca? No, lo voy a leer en el pasillo. CEBB6qW0N8g-00014-00008338-00008726 Or no, voy a leerlo en en el pasillo. CEBB6qW0N8g-00015-00008875-00009290 Leer or lees is our verb CEBB6qW0N8g-00016-00009390-00009559 el libro is CEBB6qW0N8g-00017-00009559-00010086 the direct object. It's receiving the action of the verb. CEBB6qW0N8g-00018-00010207-00010968 We replace it with one of our pronouns me te lo la nos os CEBB6qW0N8g-00019-00011025-00011225 los or las. CEBB6qW0N8g-00020-00011247-00011684 How do we determine which one we need? Well, let's take a look. CEBB6qW0N8g-00021-00011779-00011979 El libro is masculino. CEBB6qW0N8g-00022-00012049-00012217 Y es singular. CEBB6qW0N8g-00023-00012217-00012417 So it's lo. CEBB6qW0N8g-00024-00012442-00012761 When it comes to placement, we have two choices. CEBB6qW0N8g-00025-00012888-00013397 We can put it before the conjugated verb as in 'lo voy' CEBB6qW0N8g-00026-00013469-00013975 Or if there are two verbs right as in voy a leer CEBB6qW0N8g-00027-00014052-00014429 We can also stick it on the end of our infinitive 'voy CEBB6qW0N8g-00028-00014429-00014884 a leerlo. So placement: if there's one verb that goes CEBB6qW0N8g-00029-00014937-00015478 Before the conjugated verb.If we've got two it can go in two places: CEBB6qW0N8g-00030-00015558-00015988 before the conjugated verb or at the end of the infinitive. CEBB6qW0N8g-00031-00016149-00016483 Let's take a look at the indirect object nouns and pronouns CEBB6qW0N8g-00032-00016530-00017027 Well these indicate to whom or for whom something is done. CEBB6qW0N8g-00033-00017034-00017386 You are doing something for someone. CEBB6qW0N8g-00034-00017472-00017902 That someone is the indirect object noun. CEBB6qW0N8g-00035-00017903-00018524 And we replace it with an indirect object pronoun after we've already said that person's name. CEBB6qW0N8g-00036-00018660-00018860 Here's our example: CEBB6qW0N8g-00037-00018861-00019127 ¿ A quién le preparas la sopa? CEBB6qW0N8g-00038-00019227-00019783 For whom or to whom are you making are you preparing the soup? CEBB6qW0N8g-00039-00019857-00020176 Le hago la sopa a Ramón. CEBB6qW0N8g-00040-00020325-00020594 I'm making the soup for Ramón. CEBB6qW0N8g-00041-00020724-00021074 Alright, so how did we get le? Well, CEBB6qW0N8g-00042-00021243-00021668 Because our choices are me, te, le, nos, os and les. CEBB6qW0N8g-00043-00021759-00021980 We see we're talking about 'a quién' CEBB6qW0N8g-00044-00022080-00022460 Quién is not going to work with me, not work with te, CEBB6qW0N8g-00045-00022542-00022683 not os CEBB6qW0N8g-00046-00022683-00023086 nos or les because those are plural so we know it's got to be le. CEBB6qW0N8g-00047-00023139-00023450 Also Ramón, following 'a' is another hint. CEBB6qW0N8g-00048-00023589-00024338 The placement of the indirect object pronoun is before the conjugated verb. CEBB6qW0N8g-00049-00024470-00024868 Keep in mind that you may have a clarifier or an emphasizer, CEBB6qW0N8g-00050-00024924-00025460 because le could work for él, ella or usted or CEBB6qW0N8g-00051-00025503-00025901 les could work for a ellos, ellas or ustedes CEBB6qW0N8g-00052-00025989-00026395 Sometimes we have a statement here such as 'a Ramón'. CEBB6qW0N8g-00053-00026460-00026845 We're clarifying that it's for him: Ramón. CEBB6qW0N8g-00054-00027102-00027346 So your activity now is: CEBB6qW0N8g-00055-00027444-00028021 You have some sentences that you are going to rewrite using an indirect or direct CEBB6qW0N8g-00056-00028104-00028304 object pronoun and CEBB6qW0N8g-00057-00028329-00028639 If there are two choices for placement, CEBB6qW0N8g-00058-00028710-00028910 like we talked about with CEBB6qW0N8g-00059-00029004-00029142 voy a leer, CEBB6qW0N8g-00060-00029142-00029374 We need to write two sentences CEBB6qW0N8g-00061-00029454-00029702 putting that pronoun in both CEBB6qW0N8g-00062-00029757-00030346 places it can go. All right. I hope you have fun and ¡hasta luego! CEe3OFK05CI-00000-00000579-00001019 Staphylococcus aureus is a Gram-positive bacterium that is about two micrometers CEe3OFK05CI-00001-00001019-00001341 in size and can be found on the skin of about thirty percent of the population. CEe3OFK05CI-00002-00001341-00001932 Although often benign it can cause endocarditis, toxic shock syndrome, skin CEe3OFK05CI-00003-00001932-00002232 infections, sepsis, and other illnesses. CEe3OFK05CI-00004-00002408-00002858 Staphylococcus aureus is also common foodborne pathogen found it meat and CEe3OFK05CI-00005-00002858-00003153 meat products. CEe3OFK05CI-00006-00003153-00003592 Widespread methods to preserve foods are the use of excess amounts of sugar CEe3OFK05CI-00007-00003592-00004164 or salt to dehydrate the products. This can prevent bacterial growth and hence CEe3OFK05CI-00008-00004164-00004510 the transmission of foods spoilage organisms. CEe3OFK05CI-00009-00004510-00004896 Staphylococcus aureus however is exceptionally resistant to high salt CEe3OFK05CI-00010-00004896-00005301 concentrations and therefore can survive these processes better than many other CEe3OFK05CI-00011-00005301-00005796 organisms. Recent work in Staphylococcus aureus has revealed a second messenger CEe3OFK05CI-00012-00005796-00006204 called cyclic-di-AMP, that interacts with several proteins that target early CEe3OFK05CI-00013-00006204-00006468 salt tolerance genes. CEe3OFK05CI-00014-00006468-00006801 These are KtrA, a potassium transporter CEe3OFK05CI-00015-00006945-00007431 KdpD, a sensor histidine kinase potentially involved in potassium uptake CEe3OFK05CI-00016-00007519-00008038 CpaA, another protein supposedly involved in cation transport CEe3OFK05CI-00017-00008147-00008447 but also PstA, a protein of unknown function. CEe3OFK05CI-00018-00008611-00009088 In our recent study, we were able to identify an additional target of cyclic CEe3OFK05CI-00019-00009088-00009609 di-AMP in Staphylococcus aureus, the ABC transporter component OpuCA. CEe3OFK05CI-00020-00009659-00010200 The OpuC ABC transporter consists of OpuCA, the ATPase component that provides energy CEe3OFK05CI-00021-00010200-00010400 for the transport. CEe3OFK05CI-00022-00010440-00010965 OpuCB and OpuCD, the main transporter components involved in translocation of CEe3OFK05CI-00023-00010965-00011490 the substrates and OpuCC, the substrate binding protein responsible CEe3OFK05CI-00024-00011490-00011777 for the specificity CEe3OFK05CI-00025-00011777-00012257 This transporter is supposedly involved in the uptake of osmolytes and this can CEe3OFK05CI-00026-00012257-00012734 help Staphylococcus aureus to cope with osmotic stresses. Binding of cyclic d-AMP CEe3OFK05CI-00027-00012734-00013340 occurs via the CBS domain of OpuCA and this binding is specific for the nucleotide cyclic-di-AMP. CEe3OFK05CI-00028-00013340-00013900 Other nucleotides such as ATP, AMP or cyclic-AMP are unable to out-compete CEe3OFK05CI-00029-00013900-00014100 binding of cyclic-di-AMP. CEe3OFK05CI-00030-00014100-00014469 With the help of X-ray crystallography, we were able to CEe3OFK05CI-00031-00014476-00015000 eludicate the structure of OpuCA as depicted here. CEe3OFK05CI-00032-00015034-00015672 By comparison to MJ01000, a structurally related protein colored in blue, we can CEe3OFK05CI-00033-00015672-00016162 make educated guesses were c-di-AMP could be binding. Exchange of CEe3OFK05CI-00034-00016162-00016500 important amino acids and subsequent binding testing revealed that the proposed CEe3OFK05CI-00035-00016500-00016897 binding site is likely the functional region. CEe3OFK05CI-00036-00017160-00017598 Further experiments revealed that the OpuC transporter is able to transport CEe3OFK05CI-00037-00017598-00018000 carnitine, whereas glycine betaine and choline are not taken up in significant CEe3OFK05CI-00038-00018000-00018361 amounts. CEe3OFK05CI-00039-00018361-00018650 When cyclic-di-AMP levels were increased in the cell, the uptake of CEe3OFK05CI-00040-00018650-00019105 Ccarnitine was reduced compared to wild-type cells. CEe3OFK05CI-00041-00019531-00019741 Taken together, our research highlights CEe3OFK05CI-00042-00019741-00020134 the role of cyclic di AMP as a regulator of osmotic stresses. CEe3OFK05CI-00043-00020134-00020230 This knowledge may help in the future CEe3OFK05CI-00044-00020230-00020530 to prevent foodborne Staph aureus infections. CEe3OFK05CI-00045-00020637-00020810 More information can be found in the paper CEe3OFK05CI-00046-00020810-00021430 "The second messenger cycli di-AMP inhibits the osmolyte uptake system OpuC in Staphylococcus aureus", CEe3OFK05CI-00047-00021430-00021659 by Schuster and Bellows et al., CEe3OFK05CI-00048-00021659-00022179 published in Science Signaling, vol.9 issue 441 on August 16th, 2016 CEe3OFK05CI-00049-00022402-00022513 Thank you for watching! CG4q99dNcVQ-00000-00000053-00000273 ♪♪♪ CG4q99dNcVQ-00001-00000273-00000553 OSSEOINTEGRATION IS THE PROCESS OF ATTACHING AN EXTERNAL CG4q99dNcVQ-00002-00000553-00000867 PROSTHESIS DIRECTLY TO THE SKELETON. CG4q99dNcVQ-00003-00000867-00001147 IT'S UNIQUELY SUITED FOR PATIENTS WITH MILITARY-STYLE OR CG4q99dNcVQ-00004-00001147-00001444 COMBAT RELATED AMPUTATIONS, BECAUSE THEY OFTEN HAVE CG4q99dNcVQ-00005-00001444-00001938 DIFFICULTIES WITH TRADITIONAL, SOCKET-BASED PROSTETHIS. CG4q99dNcVQ-00006-00001938-00002282 SOME AMPUTEES FUNCTION VERY HIGHLY IN A SOCKET-BASED CG4q99dNcVQ-00007-00002282-00002612 PROSTETHIS IN TERMS OF RUNNING MARATHONS, TRIATHLONS, COMPETING CG4q99dNcVQ-00008-00002612-00002912 IN PARALYMPIC, OR EVEN REGULAR OLYMPIC, SPORTS. CG4q99dNcVQ-00009-00002912-00003203 BUT A NUMBER OF AMPUTEES STRUGGLE WITH THEIR SOCKETS AND CG4q99dNcVQ-00010-00003203-00003526 WE HAVE NEW DESIGNS, NEW PLASTICS, CARBON FIBER, ALL OF CG4q99dNcVQ-00011-00003526-00003810 THESE THINGS THAT HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO MAKE SOCKETS CG4q99dNcVQ-00012-00003810-00004264 SOMEWHAT BETTER, BUT AT ITS CORE BASE, SOCKET TECHNOLOGY HASN'T CG4q99dNcVQ-00013-00004264-00004601 CHANGED IN THE LAST DECADES, OR EVEN, MORE THAN A CENTURY, IN CG4q99dNcVQ-00014-00004601-00004801 SOME RESPECTS. CG4q99dNcVQ-00015-00004994-00005241 THIS IS NOT JUST A SURGICAL PROCEDURE. CG4q99dNcVQ-00016-00005241-00005522 THIS IS A PROCEDURE THAT REQUIRES BUY-IN FROM ORTHOPEDIC CG4q99dNcVQ-00017-00005522-00005892 SURGEONS, PLASTIC SURGEONS, REHABILITATION PHYSICIANS, CG4q99dNcVQ-00018-00005892-00006426 PROSTHETISTS, THERAPISTS, SO PATIENTS CAN GET THE BEST CG4q99dNcVQ-00019-00006426-00006713 POSSIBLE OUTCOME. CG4q99dNcVQ-00020-00006713-00007070 I THINK FOR AN APPROPRIATELY COUNSELED AND SELECTED PATIENT, CG4q99dNcVQ-00021-00007070-00007320 THIS IS A REALLY GREAT AND EXCITING ALTERNATIVE. CG4q99dNcVQ-00022-00007320-00007737 WELL, I HAD BEEN INVESTIGATING HAVING IT DONE ON MY LEG WITH CG4q99dNcVQ-00023-00007737-00008058 SOMEONE I HAD MET THROUGH THE VA SYSTEM, AND HE SAID, CG4q99dNcVQ-00024-00008058-00008298 "YOU SHOULD HAVE YOUR ARM DONE FIRST." AND I SAID, CG4q99dNcVQ-00025-00008298-00008545 "WITH ALL DUE RESPECT, SIR, NOBODY'S DOING ARMS YET." CG4q99dNcVQ-00026-00008545-00008928 AND HE SAID, "THAT'S BECAUSE, IT'S JUST ABOUT TO BE DONE. CG4q99dNcVQ-00027-00008928-00009029 DO YOU WANT TO BE FIRST?" CG4q99dNcVQ-00028-00009029-00009299 AND I SAID, "ABSOLUTELY." CG4q99dNcVQ-00029-00009299-00009592 AND I GOT ON THE LIST, AND HERE I AM. CG4q99dNcVQ-00030-00009592-00009973 THE MISSION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OSSEOINTEGRATION PROGRAM CG4q99dNcVQ-00031-00009973-00010263 IS TO DEVELOP THE CAPABILITY OF OSSEOINTEGRATION WITHIN THE CG4q99dNcVQ-00032-00010263-00010373 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. CG4q99dNcVQ-00033-00010373-00010690 THE FIRST STEP IS TO GAIN EXPERIENCE IN SCREENING, CG4q99dNcVQ-00034-00010690-00010937 OPERATING ON PATIENTS, AND PERFORMING THE REHABILITATION, CG4q99dNcVQ-00035-00010937-00011254 AND THEN TRAINING OTHER PROVIDERS FROM OTHER CENTERS TO CG4q99dNcVQ-00036-00011254-00011518 BE FAMILIAR WITH THE TECHNIQUE, SO WHEN THESE PATIENTS HAVE CG4q99dNcVQ-00037-00011518-00011695 COMPLICATIONS, AND SOME OF THEM WILL, CG4q99dNcVQ-00038-00011695-00011915 THEY'LL BE ABLE TO BE CARED FOR CLOSER TO HOME. CGj2a9T_dUu-00001-00003810-00004111 This Is Sparta CGj2a9T_dUu-00002-00004272-00004472 Guys it is that time of year again CGj2a9T_dUu-00003-00004472-00005165 It is the best day of the year besides Christmas, but this day comes close. It is time for our school supply giveaway CGj2a9T_dUu-00004-00005165-00005307 Woooohoooo CGj2a9T_dUu-00005-00005307-00005747 So excited! If you guys have been watching for a while, you know that for the past two years CGj2a9T_dUu-00006-00005747-00006322 We've always done a school supplies giveaway on 8 Passengers. I will link those videos down below that you can watch them CGj2a9T_dUu-00007-00006322-00006694 There's also a video for this year, but here's the difference CGj2a9T_dUu-00008-00006714-00007061 My mom like normal posted the video of us shopping CGj2a9T_dUu-00009-00007061-00007588 But I am going to be doing the what's in them. And also we are doing a giveaway CGj2a9T_dUu-00010-00007589-00008383 So my aunt Bonnie is giving away two backpacks. 8 Passengers is giving away two backpacks and I'm giving away one backpack. CGj2a9T_dUu-00011-00008406-00008768 So there are five total backpacks to be won in this giveaway CGj2a9T_dUu-00012-00008768-00009197 If you want to hear the rules for this giveaway, make sure you stick around for the end of the video to hear CGj2a9T_dUu-00013-00009197-00009778 how you can enter. Let's just start out. These three backpacks are the ones that me and 8 Passengers are giving away CGj2a9T_dUu-00014-00009792-00010222 You'll have to go check out Bonnie's channel to see her backpack giveaways CGj2a9T_dUu-00015-00010222-00010732 The backpacks are all different colors, but everything inside them is the same except for a couple colors CGj2a9T_dUu-00016-00010732-00011330 We have a maroon backpack that has I always like the light diamond things on it CGj2a9T_dUu-00017-00011330-00011746 We have this cool like marble paint splotch black and white one! CGj2a9T_dUu-00018-00011746-00012133 And then this kind of toned purple blue one. First and foremost CGj2a9T_dUu-00019-00012134-00012539 I had to get this just because Eve told me to. It's a unicorn pen guys CGj2a9T_dUu-00020-00012539-00013127 Each backpack will be coming with the pen. Let it remind you of Eve. Also, there are calculators CGj2a9T_dUu-00021-00013127-00013627 These aren't like the super fancy scientific ones. That's cool though. This is the kind of calculator CGj2a9T_dUu-00022-00013628-00014008 I used last year for math. It works really. Well. I really like it CGj2a9T_dUu-00023-00014069-00014360 Hopefully that will help someone out. It might not save your math grade, but it can help. CGj2a9T_dUu-00024-00014430-00015066 A flexible ruler, two composition notebooks. I like to get CGj2a9T_dUu-00025-00015119-00015319 composition and not the CGj2a9T_dUu-00026-00015344-00015769 Binded with the spiral-bound just because the pages fall out, are you guys like that? CGj2a9T_dUu-00027-00015769-00016401 Do you do the composition or do you do the spiral-bound? Also coming with a binder again, different colors CGj2a9T_dUu-00028-00016406-00016644 They are a one and a half inch binder CGj2a9T_dUu-00029-00016697-00016920 Inside we have a white CGj2a9T_dUu-00030-00017078-00017361 Inside we have a white roll pack of paper CGj2a9T_dUu-00031-00017414-00018019 Paper is amazing. I got like 10 packs of it for myself this year and I will run out very quickly CGj2a9T_dUu-00032-00018019-00018456 I can promise you that and then a divider for the binder CGj2a9T_dUu-00033-00018456-00018921 I think I gave these away last year, or they were in my backpack, but I had these last year CGj2a9T_dUu-00034-00018922-00019224 These are super duper cute. I would use these for my math book CGj2a9T_dUu-00035-00019225-00019744 So I had to bind the page that we were on and then I find that back in the answers. I did not cheat CGj2a9T_dUu-00036-00019744-00020409 I just checked them all. Okay, so I was able to just easily flip back and forth post-it notes with the lines on them CGj2a9T_dUu-00037-00020409-00020880 I don't know about you. I like post-it notes that have lines just because my handwriting CGj2a9T_dUu-00038-00021034-00021234 Will start CGj2a9T_dUu-00039-00021259-00021448 curving CGj2a9T_dUu-00040-00021448-00021586 downward. CGj2a9T_dUu-00041-00021616-00021884 My mom thought these were super cute pencils. They're like CGj2a9T_dUu-00042-00021884-00022587 Marble striped pencils. They are Ticonderoga. They are just the normal sharpener pencils three pens CGj2a9T_dUu-00043-00022587-00022977 These are my favorite kinds of pens in the world. These are the pens CGj2a9T_dUu-00044-00022978-00023511 I write with like all year also a pack with mechanical pencils and they are the sparkly kind CGj2a9T_dUu-00045-00023566-00023901 Pencil pouch. These are again in different colors. I like this CGj2a9T_dUu-00046-00023901-00023941 it's CGj2a9T_dUu-00047-00023941-00024666 Flexible and you can flatten it and it widens out look at like all these cute highlighters and all these cute different colors guys CGj2a9T_dUu-00048-00024666-00024859 I almost wanted to get it for myself CGj2a9T_dUu-00049-00024859-00025341 But I didn't these little like flag things and what's nice about this is when you take it out CGj2a9T_dUu-00050-00025341-00025686 It's sitting on the tray and then also red felt-tip CGj2a9T_dUu-00051-00025768-00025912 I love these kind of pens CGj2a9T_dUu-00052-00025912-00026425 my mom discovered them a couple years ago and I have like 40 different colors of these kind of pens, but CGj2a9T_dUu-00053-00026462-00027106 Red pens and then finally who cannot use a really cute USB flashdrive guys CGj2a9T_dUu-00054-00027106-00027283 Mine is not very cute at all CGj2a9T_dUu-00055-00027283-00027558 But I didn't get a new one because I have an old one but guys CGj2a9T_dUu-00056-00027572-00028077 This is so cute and think the other colors are like red and blue and this one is pink CGj2a9T_dUu-00057-00028105-00028660 So the giveaway rules. To be able to enter you have to do a couple of different things CGj2a9T_dUu-00058-00028660-00029319 You have to make sure you are subscribed to my channel Sheri Frankie. If you haven't done that yet. You should already do that CGj2a9T_dUu-00059-00029319-00029519 So just like click down below to subscribe CGj2a9T_dUu-00060-00029552-00029841 Subscribe to 8 Passengers and subscribe to Bonnie CGj2a9T_dUu-00061-00029841-00030489 Hoellein, and their links will be down in the description box below. Also need to follow 8 Passengers on Instagram CGj2a9T_dUu-00062-00030493-00031266 Bonnie Hoellein on instagram and me on instagram and those links will also be down below. Once you are finished with those steps click CGj2a9T_dUu-00063-00031286-00031816 Also the very specifically be sure I will put it in all large caps so you can't miss it CGj2a9T_dUu-00064-00031845-00032307 But click the link down below to be entered after you've done all those things and you will CGj2a9T_dUu-00065-00032327-00032893 Automatically be entered and you won't miss a thing because we are announcing the winners on insta stories CGj2a9T_dUu-00066-00032893-00033331 If you are following us on instagram, you won't miss it. So good luck to everybody CGj2a9T_dUu-00067-00033332-00033588 Thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you next time CGEzLhuAzUo-00000-00000141-00000873 Claude Rubinson: Okay. So I want to welcome everyone to this month's meeting of the using functional programming users group. CGEzLhuAzUo-00001-00000873-00002149 Claude Rubinson: and before we get into our talk today. We have Blanca Gonzales from Microsoft here to talk about the teal program. So. CGEzLhuAzUo-00002-00002152-00002323 Claude Rubinson: Ilona, this is CGEzLhuAzUo-00003-00002326-00002661 Claude Rubinson: okay. Thank you so much. CGEzLhuAzUo-00004-00002665-00003254 Claude Rubinson: Hello, everyone. If you just joined. CGEzLhuAzUo-00005-00003286-00003792 Claude Rubinson: There we go. Okay, Great. Yeah. I'm: kind of short look. That's the camera I here. Okay. CGEzLhuAzUo-00006-00003792-00005340 Claude Rubinson: So hi, everyone you joined, you know. If you just joined. I'm black a gonzalez. I am a former computer science teacher, and I have been out of the classroom for a year. I now run the teams program for Microsoft here in Houston. CGEzLhuAzUo-00007-00005340-00007250 Claude Rubinson: and what the what the tools program is is we pair industry, professionals, people such as yourselves with high school computer science classrooms. We want to make sure that students that are learning computer science get a chance to meet and interact and learn from people that are in the industry CGEzLhuAzUo-00008-00007250-00008153 Claude Rubinson: as a former computer science teacher. I could tell you that no matter how many times I told my students that learning computer science is something worth their while. CGEzLhuAzUo-00009-00008153-00010076 Claude Rubinson: It never clicked in their head until they met someone that was, you know, from, you know, improving or or from Microsoft, and it can be anyone from it from any you know it. Department to come into the classroom and tell them. Hey? You know you're learning, you know, conditional. You're learning loops. CGEzLhuAzUo-00010-00010076-00011887 Claude Rubinson: This is stuff that I do at my job every day. It actually is something that you will work with. So what you're learning is definitely worth your time. So if you know anyone that likes to work with students, if you would like to give back. CGEzLhuAzUo-00011-00011887-00013469 Claude Rubinson: you know it's twice a week for about 45min at a time, and it's before work hours between the hours of 7 am. And 9 am. And you can do remote or you? Can. You can come in person to the classroom and make the difference in the student side. So CGEzLhuAzUo-00012-00013469-00013977 Claude Rubinson: yeah, that's that's all I have for today. If you would like to contact me. CGEzLhuAzUo-00013-00013977-00015902 Claude Rubinson: I've given Clot my contact information, you know. Ask me any questions. I'm i'm here to to answer. You know anything that you know. You'd like to ask me about, so i'll I'll post your contact info on our website when we post the video sounds good. Thank you. Thank you so much for your time, everyone. It was great meeting you all CGEzLhuAzUo-00014-00015937-00016062 Claude Rubinson: awesome. Thank you. CGEzLhuAzUo-00015-00016347-00016520 Claude Rubinson: Alright, so CGEzLhuAzUo-00016-00016524-00017646 Claude Rubinson: today I want to welcome Jonah Becker to the group, As you all know I CGEzLhuAzUo-00017-00017656-00019095 Claude Rubinson: use o camel myself. A Hmm. Number of years ago. At this point, at least, from my perspective, Jonah sort of exploded onto the o camel scene. One of the CGEzLhuAzUo-00018-00019095-00019710 Claude Rubinson: things with okay, well, is it was. It's always been very unix CGEzLhuAzUo-00019-00019750-00020313 Claude Rubinson: centered, and it's Windows Story is not break the core. CGEzLhuAzUo-00020-00020324-00021507 Claude Rubinson: Okay? Well works fine, but the environment, the ecosystem is not very windows friendly. There. There are some problems with portal people as well, and Jonas are came on, and he had a post. He's like, I. I fix this. CGEzLhuAzUo-00021-00021563-00022678 Claude Rubinson: and since then his participation in in the community. He's one of the people that when he speaks I listen. CGEzLhuAzUo-00022-00022712-00024163 Claude Rubinson: And I don't think we actually interact that much online because he's just a far more sophisticated than I am. But yeah, he's one of the people that i'm always gonna pay attention to. CGEzLhuAzUo-00023-00024176-00026592 Claude Rubinson: He's super nice super kind, and but also just incredibly clear when he's either asking questions or giving answers or providing advice or whatever it is. He's a huge member of the community right now. And so i'm really excited to have him here. I'm gonna say, as I mentioned that we're we're both on the CGEzLhuAzUo-00024-00026607-00028545 Claude Rubinson: program committee for the Users and Developers group attached to I. Csp. The International Conference functional programming this year, and they'll be in Seattle, he's in Seattle. I'm planning on going to Seattle so we'll actually be able to hang out in person. And I'm looking forward to working with you. CGEzLhuAzUo-00025-00028545-00029292 Claude Rubinson: So now it's I'm going to turn it over to you, Jonah. CGEzLhuAzUo-00026-00029337-00029562 Jonah Beckford: That interesting introduction, that CGEzLhuAzUo-00027-00029581-00030307 Jonah Beckford: hope I can live up to at least a a third of that. Okay, so let me. So yeah, I'm Jonah CGEzLhuAzUo-00028-00030313-00030439 Jonah Beckford: and CGEzLhuAzUo-00029-00030458-00030848 Jonah Beckford: i'm going to kind of give a a CGEzLhuAzUo-00030-00030850-00031177 Jonah Beckford: a story about what CGEzLhuAzUo-00031-00031210-00032127 Jonah Beckford: I've done over with a camel. I'm going to be using a narrative arc, and that actually means that i'm going to go through acts as if i'm writing a story. CGEzLhuAzUo-00032-00032133-00032825 Jonah Beckford: So my first act, I'm going to be coming along and setting the scenes. I'll be introducing sort of myself CGEzLhuAzUo-00033-00032826-00034160 Jonah Beckford: and the company that I started basically answering the question, Why am I even talking about camel? Why do I? Why do I even? Why did I even use it? But all good act ones have start sort of CGEzLhuAzUo-00034-00034313-00036040 Jonah Beckford: introducing some, some conflict, and you're gonna see that in the beginning of Act one and then act 2. We're gonna see the conflict really really blossom, and it you'll you'll you'll get here about how a camel and windows CGEzLhuAzUo-00035-00036081-00036733 Jonah Beckford: having a lot of challenges with it what got solved there, and how it grew and change in response to that. And then finally. CGEzLhuAzUo-00036-00036765-00038645 Jonah Beckford: all good books. They have this act 3 happily ever after. I will come along and give a sort of a broad view of the status of a O camel status of what i'm doing over on windows. Give a couple of brief demos, but that's not really the the the the point of all this. And then, finally, what remains? CGEzLhuAzUo-00037-00038723-00039208 Jonah Beckford: So why Don't? We start out with that? Let's go into act one right now. CGEzLhuAzUo-00038-00039334-00039582 Jonah Beckford: and same as me. CGEzLhuAzUo-00039-00039692-00040694 Jonah Beckford: So we're in a functional users group. And what functional background did I have when I started that with o camels? CGEzLhuAzUo-00040-00040720-00042415 Jonah Beckford: Not much. On 20 years ago. I happen to work very briefly on the window side chicken scheme, and I don't know how many people are familiar with that. But I I I have. CGEzLhuAzUo-00041-00042459-00042616 Jonah Beckford: I I'm: sorry. Did you hear that? CGEzLhuAzUo-00042-00042633-00044076 Jonah Beckford: Oh, yeah, no, no. I said, yes. I remember chicken scheme. Yeah, okay. So yeah, I, I I I briefly worked on the windows side, and also the the swig side. I think that's still actually around the the CGEzLhuAzUo-00043-00044157-00045286 Jonah Beckford: but that was very brief, and that was it 20 years ago. and all the languages some sort of use since have just been the sort of dominant languages. CGEzLhuAzUo-00044-00045308-00045440 Jonah Beckford: So CGEzLhuAzUo-00045-00045515-00046669 Jonah Beckford: in the in the 2,000. I was predominantly in the fraud and the credit Analytics industries so done with lots of data, lots of security with that data, because it's CGEzLhuAzUo-00046-00046688-00047185 Jonah Beckford: credit and fraud, a lot of machine learning CGEzLhuAzUo-00047-00047214-00047698 Jonah Beckford: the the customers that generally work with telecom companies, credit card CGEzLhuAzUo-00048-00047706-00049114 Jonah Beckford: issuers, health insurance. Those sort of the big people who need the fraud and the credit and my environments, where see in Java, in terms of the programming languages, and then back in stuff CGEzLhuAzUo-00049-00049174-00049609 Jonah Beckford: unix, right Solaris Ibm Linux CGEzLhuAzUo-00050-00049630-00051352 Jonah Beckford: and I only use windows for Guis and one of the things that you're gonna you're gonna hear through. This is Wow! You're distributing oh, camel on windows. I'm not a windows expert. I'll explain but why I actually ended up going in and doing doing windows. But I am CGEzLhuAzUo-00051-00051372-00051597 Jonah Beckford: absolutely not a windows expert. CGEzLhuAzUo-00052-00051903-00052497 Jonah Beckford: And then, in the actually, before the 2,010, I joined, I joined the Amazon. CGEzLhuAzUo-00053-00052511-00053648 Jonah Beckford: I sort of work, sort of in the same kind of areas I did fried. I did data warehousing sort of the data background, and it ended up going over to computer vision. That was sort of a natural CGEzLhuAzUo-00054-00053650-00053858 Jonah Beckford: segue from CGEzLhuAzUo-00055-00053895-00055629 Jonah Beckford: machine learning. I ended up as a principal engineer over there in the in the Amazon Go Department. If Amazon go as the the just walk out store so heavy. Cv: Slash AI. CGEzLhuAzUo-00056-00055644-00056327 Jonah Beckford: And again it was a lot of data, a lot of security and a lot of machine learning. And now some deep learning. CGEzLhuAzUo-00057-00056363-00056816 Jonah Beckford: my programming environments. Back, then, Java, c. CGEzLhuAzUo-00058-00056822-00057141 Jonah Beckford: Javascript, slash, text and python. CGEzLhuAzUo-00059-00057185-00058782 Jonah Beckford: And just like probably most people, the transition happen from Unix over to Linux and I followed as well. So Linux servers, and even in the embedded hardware you do for a computer vision. CGEzLhuAzUo-00060-00058835-00058953 Jonah Beckford: It was Linux CGEzLhuAzUo-00061-00058975-00060050 Jonah Beckford: so. I had even less windows, and that that that I had before. I i'm still doing windows. But it it wasn't as much as I had before. CGEzLhuAzUo-00062-00060141-00061733 Jonah Beckford: I think right now as a sort of a natural time is, I'm just gonna comment that anytime that I say something or go too fast. Just put up your hands. Raise the question, i'll go. I'll go answer it unless it's like a really long question. Then I will. I will punch it towards the end of the CGEzLhuAzUo-00063-00061749-00061864 Jonah Beckford: they talk CGEzLhuAzUo-00064-00062039-00062671 Jonah Beckford: so in 2,020. I've been over to Amazon for 12 years. CGEzLhuAzUo-00065-00062686-00063401 Jonah Beckford: but I decided to actually leave Amazon shortly after the George Floyd's incidents over here. CGEzLhuAzUo-00066-00063408-00063750 Jonah Beckford: and I started a company called the Scope. CGEzLhuAzUo-00067-00063763-00064508 Jonah Beckford: I wanted to take the things that I had from my background. I basically spent 20 years doing data, security and computer vision. CGEzLhuAzUo-00068-00064515-00065304 Jonah Beckford: And I wanted to make a suite of personal safety products that combined both hardware and software CGEzLhuAzUo-00069-00065392-00066598 Jonah Beckford: and one of the things I sort of identified really quickly, as this kind of going through some of the designs of the products that I haven't really Chef, by the way, was that I needed to have CGEzLhuAzUo-00070-00066622-00067235 Jonah Beckford: some way for people to communicate with each other, and and it having a lot of requirements that CGEzLhuAzUo-00071-00067264-00067858 Jonah Beckford: I couldn't find out readily available out in the the industry, whether open source or commercial. CGEzLhuAzUo-00072-00067863-00068494 Jonah Beckford: So the first product that I I I really decided to build was chat CGEzLhuAzUo-00073-00068558-00068774 Jonah Beckford: my version of chat, but Chat CGEzLhuAzUo-00074-00068889-00069560 Jonah Beckford: and I started out by forking signal the the single messenger CGEzLhuAzUo-00075-00069564-00070250 Jonah Beckford: and I saw I I for the the front end and the background. So I had my own back-end servers. CGEzLhuAzUo-00076-00070274-00071907 Jonah Beckford: and I ready to some problems. One of the one of the the the major ones that that I I found when I was when I was a forking signal was they had no server code. They decided not to release any server code for over a year. While they were CGEzLhuAzUo-00077-00071988-00073730 Jonah Beckford: trying to not reveal that they were developing a cryptocurrency mobile point in into their into their application. So I worked around that, and one of the lessons, though, that I got out of that was if I'm going to come along and ever do something called Open source, I had to make sure CGEzLhuAzUo-00078-00073730-00074681 Jonah Beckford: that it's not just release code, and infrequently go and maintain it. Actually make sure it's actually runable by by users and maintain it as well. CGEzLhuAzUo-00079-00075110-00075353 Jonah Beckford: Also, After that CGEzLhuAzUo-00080-00075494-00076192 Jonah Beckford: I. They had the the signal app has high velocity of change, so CGEzLhuAzUo-00081-00076249-00077588 Jonah Beckford: I was forking it, and they had the high velocity of change, and it was really really difficult at first to keep my fork in line with the with the the changes that signal was actually doing. So CGEzLhuAzUo-00082-00077621-00078645 Jonah Beckford: I ended up developing some tools over in Python. Okay, I'm always not even a part of the vision yet. And to maintain my code CGEzLhuAzUo-00083-00078649-00079107 Jonah Beckford: in line with a the the CGEzLhuAzUo-00084-00079116-00079901 Jonah Beckford: the stream of changes coming in from signal. and I got another lesson of that, which is, if i'm going to go, do something CGEzLhuAzUo-00085-00079909-00080856 Jonah Beckford: I need to make sure that I don't have to go through this again. I don't want to have forking. Working is just way too high cost, especially at that point. I was by myself CGEzLhuAzUo-00086-00080857-00081090 Jonah Beckford: in my in in the CGEzLhuAzUo-00087-00081094-00082056 Jonah Beckford: So you're gonna see that sort of later on, as I, as I kind of start talking about some of the windows tooling that I do. I I did with a camel. CGEzLhuAzUo-00088-00082216-00082691 Jonah Beckford: and finally, and this is a big one. I'm going to spend a little bit more time about this. CGEzLhuAzUo-00089-00082906-00083310 Jonah Beckford: that front and code that the actual app itself was CGEzLhuAzUo-00090-00083313-00084329 Jonah Beckford: very lock happy and locked. Mutex. It's a it was a android, which is what I actually started with. So it was javascript Scotland code. CGEzLhuAzUo-00091-00084333-00084944 Jonah Beckford: very, very lock heavy, and actually, that caused messages to be lost in ways that were CGEzLhuAzUo-00092-00085030-00086419 Jonah Beckford: weird. So I i'm gonna kind of show a little bit about what what I mean. One of the bug reports that I had actually filed over with with signal was based was was saying that i'd send it a message. CGEzLhuAzUo-00093-00086426-00086892 Jonah Beckford: and it take an hour for it to be received by other people, and CGEzLhuAzUo-00094-00086948-00088283 Jonah Beckford: other people were reporting the same things, but what you can do to get around it was just go and put your application in the background. Put it back in the foreground and up pops a message, if you hadn't done that, that you don't see any message. CGEzLhuAzUo-00095-00088492-00090292 Jonah Beckford: And as i'm alluding to the central causes for all of these is is locking. And so what you do with on your phone is you have somebody. Go and register their phone over with signal, and once they've registered, they go send a message. CGEzLhuAzUo-00096-00090433-00091857 Jonah Beckford: After that the other person goes and accepts. Hey, this is a new person. They reply a message back to you. and then you just wait. You wait for hours. CGEzLhuAzUo-00097-00091866-00092054 Jonah Beckford: and CGEzLhuAzUo-00098-00092113-00093564 Jonah Beckford: the message just doesn't come through unless you come along, and you flip your app at your app in the background and back to the foreground, and you close it. and there's a cute little picture of dog. I have to have a blue picture of a dog waiting for CGEzLhuAzUo-00099-00093588-00093938 Jonah Beckford: some response from from their plus owner. CGEzLhuAzUo-00100-00094325-00094782 Jonah Beckford: And where did that go? I missed something here. Oh. CGEzLhuAzUo-00101-00094875-00095750 Jonah Beckford: so the question that I I was building a fork of this, and I was asking myself like how you actually know that you're not getting your messages. CGEzLhuAzUo-00102-00095784-00096434 Jonah Beckford: You could be out in the field actually having to support this. You you! You go and and release this to the public. CGEzLhuAzUo-00103-00096436-00096879 Jonah Beckford: and you have no idea that people are losing their messages. And CGEzLhuAzUo-00104-00096958-00097092 Jonah Beckford: And CGEzLhuAzUo-00105-00097137-00098982 Jonah Beckford: yeah, so that that was sort of my central question, and I ended up actually doing a a little hacky solution to it. It's it's. If you're familiar with Java at all. You're going to understand what i'm doing here. I'm just notifying the the monitor locks that they should unpause themselves. CGEzLhuAzUo-00106-00098988-00099962 Jonah Beckford: So it end up being a 5 line hacky solution to a really really broad problem over in the cmail application, and that CGEzLhuAzUo-00107-00099977-00100736 Jonah Beckford: hides the complexity of how hard it it was just to deal with walking issues in that one application. CGEzLhuAzUo-00108-00100892-00100995 Jonah Beckford: So CGEzLhuAzUo-00109-00101062-00101965 Jonah Beckford: just i'll, I'll just briefly go. Go, go on on on this. So this is sort of like the normal code that they had. CGEzLhuAzUo-00110-00101966-00102077 Jonah Beckford: and CGEzLhuAzUo-00111-00102085-00103059 Jonah Beckford: you have synchronized methods over in Java, synchronized keywords. You have a a loop that's just waiting for some condition to be met CGEzLhuAzUo-00112-00103067-00103292 Jonah Beckford: in this particular case. CGEzLhuAzUo-00113-00103294-00104142 Jonah Beckford: They were asking for 5 conditions, making sure that they were met. But the code was not guaranteeing that CGEzLhuAzUo-00114-00104151-00104986 Jonah Beckford: all those conditions were like, whenever any of those conditions change that they actually went and unblocked this weight loop. CGEzLhuAzUo-00115-00105016-00105294 Jonah Beckford: and I was CGEzLhuAzUo-00116-00105340-00106515 Jonah Beckford: forking Mike forking the code and actually adding more behaviors on top of it. So I ended up in this in this weird thing, where I have locks in it already in an application. CGEzLhuAzUo-00117-00106519-00107728 Jonah Beckford: and to introduce my own behaviors, my own layers of abstractions. I had to put more locks in the just, so that I can continue interacting safely with with with the apps CGEzLhuAzUo-00118-00107744-00107850 Jonah Beckford: and CGEzLhuAzUo-00119-00108081-00108531 Jonah Beckford: ultimately. because I had to keep on acquiring these locks. CGEzLhuAzUo-00120-00108538-00109605 Jonah Beckford: What you have to do in a front-end application because you've got it. Events coming at at any point in time that you can't. You can order you end up having to put more and more locks into your application. CGEzLhuAzUo-00121-00109608-00110259 Jonah Beckford: and when we get to a camel. I'm talking about the decision making for this is this: played a big part in CGEzLhuAzUo-00122-00110263-00111124 Jonah Beckford: why I decided to to sort of scrap some of the languages that I had known already, and pick other languages. CGEzLhuAzUo-00123-00111319-00112142 Jonah Beckford: So I got a lesson out of that which is, avoid locks at all costs. and preferring cooperative fighting CGEzLhuAzUo-00124-00112150-00112238 Jonah Beckford: for shadow. CGEzLhuAzUo-00125-00112458-00113455 Jonah Beckford: Okay. So I want I I got through those problems. I had an Alpha launch of my my heavily have a heavily customized CGEzLhuAzUo-00126-00113458-00113817 Jonah Beckford: application, chat app. CGEzLhuAzUo-00127-00113831-00114508 Jonah Beckford: and it's all the problems. But I was limping over to the, to to the starting line there. and CGEzLhuAzUo-00128-00114546-00115567 Jonah Beckford: but at the end of the day I had 6 months into it. I had a demo available. I can start collecting some feedback whether or not it worked, and from a start up perspective, because I would start up with that particular point. CGEzLhuAzUo-00129-00115679-00116255 Jonah Beckford: That's a great timeline. You're 6 months in You've got a product. You're starting to get feedback. That's a good thing. So everything's kind of going. Rosie CGEzLhuAzUo-00130-00116264-00117702 Jonah Beckford: and I. I had to make sure that was over on Google Play store. I was in the Alpha testing, which is the invite only kind of mode that they have. I'm getting some good feedback in terms of what I what it actually built. CGEzLhuAzUo-00131-00117846-00118592 Jonah Beckford: But that was just before I was about to release some public beta lines, and I did say I was set this out an act and act 2 was about to happen. So CGEzLhuAzUo-00132-00118599-00119080 Jonah Beckford: that was the seeds of conflict. And we're about to see where the real conflict is actually coming from CGEzLhuAzUo-00133-00119245-00120638 Jonah Beckford: so active Google interest the picture and Google send me an email on May ninth, 2,021, saying, this is a notification that your Google play publisher account has been terminating. CGEzLhuAzUo-00134-00120665-00121411 Jonah Beckford: Wow, this is not a a lovely, I think, to to hear a Sunday night, and CGEzLhuAzUo-00135-00121596-00123145 Jonah Beckford: what you don't tell you is that I They locked up the entire Google Google Cloud account. So it wasn't just the play, the play, the play store. But all the the databases and compute, and whatever I had over at Google CGEzLhuAzUo-00136-00123150-00123334 Jonah Beckford: cloud was completely locked out. CGEzLhuAzUo-00137-00123522-00124986 Jonah Beckford: and they told me the reason, at least, what they considered to be the reason, which is there's some violations of some agreements, and they outlined it in some previous emails they sent CGEzLhuAzUo-00138-00125025-00125275 Jonah Beckford: just on CGEzLhuAzUo-00139-00125305-00126311 Jonah Beckford: The the reality of it is, they didn't send any previous emails. That's just a standard form letter that they had sent. And yeah, they didn't give an explanation about why they terminated. CGEzLhuAzUo-00140-00126485-00128471 Jonah Beckford: So they gave a little bit of an out. If you've you've reviewed the policy and feel this termination may have been an error. Please return to one of our policies for team. So obviously, i'm going to do that because it's really the only option available, and they make it clear that's the only option available, because we will not be restoring your account at this time. So it's the only option that I had available. CGEzLhuAzUo-00141-00128649-00128946 Jonah Beckford: So I did do that appeal. CGEzLhuAzUo-00142-00128960-00129563 Jonah Beckford: Sorry, just one. Before I move on to the next one, so just make note of the day. It's May 9, 2021. CGEzLhuAzUo-00143-00129740-00129884 Jonah Beckford: I send out an appeal. CGEzLhuAzUo-00144-00129898-00130614 Jonah Beckford: and this is literally what I wrote. I didn't write anything else. I have every reason to play, but the app is in full compliance CGEzLhuAzUo-00145-00130623-00131294 Jonah Beckford: with the policies and the agreement. But I've received no in the email indicating what the policy violation was. CGEzLhuAzUo-00146-00131316-00132511 Jonah Beckford: Instead, I received that thing that you just read. However, I have not received any prior violations and any previous emails, and that was it pulls off. CGEzLhuAzUo-00147-00132627-00132722 Jonah Beckford: So CGEzLhuAzUo-00148-00132838-00133114 Jonah Beckford: how long do I wait for a response? One month. CGEzLhuAzUo-00149-00133139-00133609 Jonah Beckford: exactly, one month later, so May Ninth is when I, when they terminated. CGEzLhuAzUo-00150-00133623-00134336 Jonah Beckford: and then June ninth. they they send me a message back, saying, hi developers at Disco. It's just me at that point. CGEzLhuAzUo-00151-00134356-00135969 Jonah Beckford: Thanks for contacting, and then give some generic thing about due to due to work schedules. At this time you may experience longer than usual processing times. This is a month, by the way, and then, after a further review, we've accepted your appeal and reinstated your account CGEzLhuAzUo-00152-00136053-00137433 Jonah Beckford: A. At this point i'm just like what, what, what what is, what is happening here. and they go on a little bit further. But the the thing that I I I my eye a little bit was that towards the end they were saying CGEzLhuAzUo-00153-00137443-00138060 Jonah Beckford: Kindly keep in mind that any new policy violations may result in your accounts permanent CGEzLhuAzUo-00154-00138065-00138277 Jonah Beckford: termination from Google Play. CGEzLhuAzUo-00155-00138652-00138981 Jonah Beckford: I was definitely definitely CGEzLhuAzUo-00156-00139031-00139565 Jonah Beckford: just overcome. They were so kind to me that after 30 days I 2, 31 days CGEzLhuAzUo-00157-00139569-00140265 Jonah Beckford: they they! They! They they they were! They were going to permanently terminate my account. CGEzLhuAzUo-00158-00140275-00140359 Jonah Beckford: So CGEzLhuAzUo-00159-00140491-00140598 Jonah Beckford: I CGEzLhuAzUo-00160-00140667-00142204 Jonah Beckford: looked at that, and I had 3 things that I that I was looking at one. I've got no warning, 2. I had no explanation. In 3 I had my business inaccessible. The thing that I actually developed was inaccessible for a a full month. CGEzLhuAzUo-00161-00142232-00142338 Jonah Beckford: and CGEzLhuAzUo-00162-00142455-00143562 Jonah Beckford: I was putting my name behind things that what I would be deploying products in the field, personal safety products and safety sort of the keyword CGEzLhuAzUo-00163-00143576-00144010 Jonah Beckford: I can't. I couldn't imagine myself actually doing that. CGEzLhuAzUo-00164-00144032-00144610 Jonah Beckford: and putting my name behind something, and then having it, just take it off the market for CGEzLhuAzUo-00165-00144617-00144848 Jonah Beckford: a month, with no explanation. CGEzLhuAzUo-00166-00144852-00145367 Jonah Beckford: So I dissolved at my point in time. Just never can. This is never going to happen. CGEzLhuAzUo-00167-00145487-00145569 Jonah Beckford: So CGEzLhuAzUo-00168-00145676-00146428 Jonah Beckford: I ended up with some requirements in my little heading Here, Enter o camel's coming to this picture. Now CGEzLhuAzUo-00169-00146614-00147368 Jonah Beckford: what i'm writing a web application, a mobile application I need to make sure that I have some way of with of which to CGEzLhuAzUo-00170-00147409-00149251 Jonah Beckford: easily switch over to a web application that the vendor ends up messing with what i'm with with what i'm doing So that was sort of my central requirement. I needed that way. It just quickly. Just come along and and have a fall back in case something something like that happened over again. CGEzLhuAzUo-00171-00149380-00151303 Jonah Beckford: In addition, I had my own personal technical requirements. I wanted to make sure, and it was hard for me to characterize it at this. But if I was adding a new piece of code like a new thread. It didn't have to come along to worry about it. Side effects on all the other code, and I wanted to make sure that CGEzLhuAzUo-00172-00151342-00151749 Jonah Beckford: now, especially that I've spent so much time and then CGEzLhuAzUo-00173-00151754-00153292 Jonah Beckford: have it possibly taken off off off the market that it was very quick for me to deploy the rest of my products over to where I wanted to go, Embedded devices from the division desktops and ios which I had to deploy to at that point in time. CGEzLhuAzUo-00174-00153302-00153443 Jonah Beckford: and then last. CGEzLhuAzUo-00175-00153449-00154668 Jonah Beckford: because it wasn't that I I I am in the personal safety space. I wanted to make sure that it was easy for at least the parts of the software that I was developing, that I really need to care about that. I could prove that it was actually safe. CGEzLhuAzUo-00176-00154703-00155903 Jonah Beckford: So those are my 3 sort of top requirements that I actually had in a on top of making sure that I had a a, a wet back end that could complement a mobile app. CGEzLhuAzUo-00177-00156141-00156568 Jonah Beckford: So let's just start with that first one which is my never again reform it. CGEzLhuAzUo-00178-00156575-00157121 Claude Rubinson: just being able to. CGEzLhuAzUo-00179-00157377-00157558 Claude Rubinson: What? What are the CGEzLhuAzUo-00180-00157571-00158026 Claude Rubinson: the personal safety applications that you're looking at developing CGEzLhuAzUo-00181-00158115-00158275 Jonah Beckford: my products? CGEzLhuAzUo-00182-00158283-00160234 Jonah Beckford: Yeah, yeah. So I Haven't released them. Yet I'd love to actually talk about them when they're actually released. So but yeah, I I'll say the space in which I come from computer vision data and security. I I think you could probably get some picture of of what I'm doing in that space. CGEzLhuAzUo-00183-00160274-00160518 Claude Rubinson: Okay. Okay, Thank you. CGEzLhuAzUo-00184-00160740-00160935 Jonah Beckford: So CGEzLhuAzUo-00185-00161042-00161697 Jonah Beckford: yeah. So this is this: actually a particular requirement about a bill to switch over to a web application CGEzLhuAzUo-00186-00161704-00163890 Jonah Beckford: was when it down a lot of the languages. I ended up just really ranking some language doesn't naturally put the bill so javascript. Obviously it's it's if you if you're on a web application, you just use javascript, but you can also use javascript on the Mobile Apps, and some other domains as well CGEzLhuAzUo-00187-00163920-00165419 Jonah Beckford: at this time, is where I actually figured out that a camel was actually a really good option here for generating a Javascript code. and last, which is just generating a web assembly from Russ and C. CGEzLhuAzUo-00188-00165427-00166413 Jonah Beckford: So there's more options in there. But those are the 3 top ones that that sort of appeared to me, so that drastically went up down the field, and I I focused on those. CGEzLhuAzUo-00189-00166477-00167856 Jonah Beckford: and then I had my own personal requirements that that I that I went through. So I focused just really on the cooperative threading and javascript, and a camel came up with the top there. CGEzLhuAzUo-00190-00167862-00168479 Jonah Beckford: See? Obviously it doesn't have that at all. Rust has some ability to do it. CGEzLhuAzUo-00191-00168488-00169812 Jonah Beckford: I had not written a line of rest code. But I had done a little bit of research, and it seems, at least from my outside perspective, that it was going to be difficult to do. Asynch single threaded talk, I/O CGEzLhuAzUo-00192-00170024-00170136 Jonah Beckford: and CGEzLhuAzUo-00193-00170144-00171881 Jonah Beckford: my second requirements be able to deploy to a bunch of different targets, embedded devices, desktops and ios and and Mobile. But Kara is kind of easy. Rust and C are sort of the the the the ones where that's pretty easy to do. CGEzLhuAzUo-00194-00172006-00172121 Jonah Beckford: And CGEzLhuAzUo-00195-00172250-00172688 Jonah Beckford: I I I I was. I was really focused on CGEzLhuAzUo-00196-00172711-00173570 Jonah Beckford: the at least, at least for this part. Anyways, like what is the things that would impact me in the short term? And what does the things that impact me in the long term? CGEzLhuAzUo-00197-00173585-00175500 Jonah Beckford: So I didn't really see any boxes for Residency. I saw, obviously a big blocker with a camera. I had to learn something I didn't. I didn't know anything about. And javascript had its own blockers. It's basically because it's it's not sort of natural. And all those environments in which I I I I actually wanted to target. CGEzLhuAzUo-00198-00175683-00176309 Jonah Beckford: And then last, and this probably is showing you. I put Kim away down at the bottom, and you're gonna see Why, here CGEzLhuAzUo-00199-00176327-00176718 Jonah Beckford: is how like the long term CGEzLhuAzUo-00200-00176750-00177151 Jonah Beckford: impacts of choosing a particular language. CGEzLhuAzUo-00201-00177300-00177717 Jonah Beckford: I didn't see very much friction with just keeping c. CGEzLhuAzUo-00202-00177730-00178665 Jonah Beckford: The long term sort of drag that i'd have with javascript is, i'd have to worry about interrupt between javascript and whatever. CGEzLhuAzUo-00203-00178716-00179340 Jonah Beckford: like swift or or embedded sort of Apis you need to deal with. That was a drag CGEzLhuAzUo-00204-00179476-00180161 Jonah Beckford: also as well Rust again. I had it written a lot of code. I just heard that it was CGEzLhuAzUo-00205-00180184-00180343 Jonah Beckford: harder to write CGEzLhuAzUo-00206-00180345-00180868 Jonah Beckford: rest over time relative to to most of the languages. CGEzLhuAzUo-00207-00180874-00180981 Jonah Beckford: And then CGEzLhuAzUo-00208-00180993-00182277 Jonah Beckford: there was this strike with a camel, which is like if i'm if i'm getting to a point where it's certainly the hiring people it would. I would have to deal with the fact. There's very little supply of okay, I'm: all engineers. CGEzLhuAzUo-00209-00182298-00182755 Jonah Beckford: So those that that's how I write it out for for o camel. CGEzLhuAzUo-00210-00182772-00182871 Jonah Beckford: and CGEzLhuAzUo-00211-00182908-00183928 Jonah Beckford: just a slight little psych way in terms of the the rest thing I that that sort of impression that I had from my research, which is just really looking at mailing list and things of that sort. CGEzLhuAzUo-00212-00184048-00185088 Jonah Beckford: There's actually a roadmap for rust in that they talk about for for next year. The typical onboarding time for a rest. Engineer is around 3 to 6 months. CGEzLhuAzUo-00213-00185099-00186544 Jonah Beckford: But even so many people report using having a high cognitive overhead using it and a learning term. So I I think I feel like kind of vindicated a little bit that my research wasn't in vain there. CGEzLhuAzUo-00214-00186562-00187218 Jonah Beckford: but it it it it I i'm not gonna like knock it. It has. It has its it has its benefits. CGEzLhuAzUo-00215-00187343-00187919 Jonah Beckford: And then last, my last personal requirement was being able to prove the software that I developed is safe. CGEzLhuAzUo-00216-00187929-00188116 Jonah Beckford: And CGEzLhuAzUo-00217-00188135-00189231 Jonah Beckford: the okay, Well, actually just came up Pretty bubbled up pretty to quickly up to the top. I had not heard about Cock and some of the other tools that that o camel is very CGEzLhuAzUo-00218-00189467-00190380 Jonah Beckford: whether or where it is in harmony with. But yeah, so i'll come up bubble up to the top. It was a Gc. Language. So naturally it's not a memory. Safe CGEzLhuAzUo-00219-00190402-00191649 Jonah Beckford: rust, obviously, is memory safe as well in a different way. In additionally, it has resource, safety, which is sort of an undersol thing for us, I I feel, and then sees down over at the bottom. CGEzLhuAzUo-00220-00191771-00192660 Jonah Beckford: So I ended up doing my little framework, and I had all of these different languages and CGEzLhuAzUo-00221-00192662-00193121 Jonah Beckford: considerations, and nothing was really coming up to the, to, the, to the forefront. CGEzLhuAzUo-00222-00193134-00194782 Jonah Beckford: So what I did was sort of evaluated whether or not some of these things were soft. Requirements are hard, and this soft sort of thing here I ended up being was that oh, camel, like the long term drag on it. I can kind of mitigate that if I come along and make sure CGEzLhuAzUo-00223-00194782-00195431 Jonah Beckford: that it was easy to adopt. Okay, I can mitigate part of that that down down CGEzLhuAzUo-00224-00195449-00195741 Jonah Beckford: that downgrade on on a camel. so CGEzLhuAzUo-00225-00195751-00196971 Jonah Beckford: i'll skip through this just a little bit. I ended up picking a camel. After I I really made sure I prioritize my number. One feature here, which is the web applications I somewhat prioritized CGEzLhuAzUo-00226-00196974-00198824 Jonah Beckford: proving the safety of it; and after rejecting that I can't look into the top sort of the the the big thing I want to just call out, here, is it wasn't like a unanimous. This is a slam, Dunk. I knew that I, picking up camel, would have its risk. I would actually have to incur some risk, and making sure that I can have it easily adopted CGEzLhuAzUo-00227-00198827-00198960 Jonah Beckford: in my own company. CGEzLhuAzUo-00228-00199018-00200417 Jonah Beckford: So I had to deal with the low supply of both camel and my from my own company's perspective, and making it easy to adopt for people who were using my tools. CGEzLhuAzUo-00229-00200501-00201720 Jonah Beckford: And last we sort of alluded to this. I knew there was. There was port support for windows, but my fire interaction with a panel, which is this cool tool called unison. Now you'll see, you know, send file sync. CGEzLhuAzUo-00230-00201727-00202353 Jonah Beckford: I had compiled with the camera doing that. I knew it support exist in our windows. CGEzLhuAzUo-00231-00202363-00202620 Jonah Beckford: so I knew there was a way out with that. CGEzLhuAzUo-00232-00202801-00203118 Jonah Beckford: So my strategy was. CGEzLhuAzUo-00233-00203124-00204649 Jonah Beckford: It's a typical one. Just get with the top risk first, which is windows in the long term thing, and while i'm spending my time doing that development of those tools. Well, I think I know they go and release it, and CGEzLhuAzUo-00234-00204655-00205055 Jonah Beckford: preferably fund some of the development work that you that I've done CGEzLhuAzUo-00235-00205213-00206354 Jonah Beckford: so really sort of at the end of the day I the the low supply and the windows resistance. That was the top risk for me. It was pretty easy. I'm going to come along and make sure that I can build a camel projects CGEzLhuAzUo-00236-00206358-00206631 Jonah Beckford: for my own products CGEzLhuAzUo-00237-00206631-00208694 Jonah Beckford: on windows easily, and my focus then, was just on my own company, because I knew it was going to get to my employees in, and I also knew that I was going to get some contractors into a particular part. So I wanted to make sure it was easy for my employees, which is kind of an easy thing, and for contractor, which is a lot of this actually quite a quite a bit, a a a different CGEzLhuAzUo-00238-00208694-00208817 Jonah Beckford: level of difficulty. CGEzLhuAzUo-00239-00208940-00210271 Jonah Beckford: And so my end goal, my vision was. They just built to open up a project, Run some windows, script to install it. O camel, edit the o Camel code if you needed to, and press built, and it would just work. That was sort of my angle. CGEzLhuAzUo-00240-00210280-00211130 Jonah Beckford: and I got to that. But again my focus was employees and contractors. At this point. In time I had not released it to the public at all. CGEzLhuAzUo-00241-00211229-00212529 Jonah Beckford: and I went through several issues just getting to that point. I'm going to very quickly. Go through this I i'll leave some time at the end. But my number One issue was visual. Studio CGEzLhuAzUo-00242-00212536-00213258 Jonah Beckford: was, like most of the libraries are pretty libraries that windows are for visual studio. Oh, camel. CGEzLhuAzUo-00243-00213284-00214792 Jonah Beckford: the predominant usage! If you were going to use windows with Ccc. And they're simply not compatible. They'll think they're compatible, but they're not. And as an example, Libby, Ub. Which is an eventing, a popular eventing library behind Node Js. CGEzLhuAzUo-00244-00214931-00215184 Jonah Beckford: Has its own support. Matrix CGEzLhuAzUo-00245-00215196-00215996 Jonah Beckford: Windows is tier one, so it's free, as Psd. For example. But if you use the Gcc. The Emin Gw. Stuff it's tier 3, CGEzLhuAzUo-00246-00216008-00216482 Jonah Beckford: and when they say tier 3, they say these systems may inadvertently break CGEzLhuAzUo-00247-00216494-00217129 Jonah Beckford: it's community and maintained it's like really not a good position to be in. If you're trying to build a a product line. CGEzLhuAzUo-00248-00217300-00218104 Jonah Beckford: and then the second issue was unix commands like unix, which is heavily embedded in much of the o camel ecosystem. CGEzLhuAzUo-00249-00218112-00219071 Jonah Beckford: You would see things like when you're when you're installing a camel itself like you've installed packages with a package manager. CGEzLhuAzUo-00250-00219148-00220566 Jonah Beckford: you would have just implicit assumptions that there was a posix. Shell to go run and configure scripts right. This littered throughout many of the packages. It's getting a actually a little bit better. But this one in particular it doesn't have it CGEzLhuAzUo-00251-00220571-00221203 Jonah Beckford: So you needed to. If you're going to come along and run over on on windows, you have to bring some unix shell along with it. CGEzLhuAzUo-00252-00221291-00222898 Jonah Beckford: and I ended up solving that by providing a little proxy that well, beyond just installing a unix subsystem and s 2 over on on on windows, just having a proxy, so that if you ran. CGEzLhuAzUo-00253-00223004-00223321 Jonah Beckford: for example, Opam, which is our O. Kml package manager. CGEzLhuAzUo-00254-00223325-00223842 Jonah Beckford: Really it was my little proxy script called with. CGEzLhuAzUo-00255-00223855-00224348 Jonah Beckford: and it would just look for the dash, reel the real application CGEzLhuAzUo-00256-00224494-00224942 Jonah Beckford: in the same folder. and before it launched it it would just put CGEzLhuAzUo-00257-00224971-00226721 Jonah Beckford: all the unix binaries like the post excel in the path, and it would just also put the visual studio environment variables in the environment as well. So that's all actually both issues. And that's a kind of useful little trick, and I think that it sort of applies, even outside of CGEzLhuAzUo-00258-00226750-00228992 Jonah Beckford: outside of a camel itself. You might be able to use this. If you have these type of problems in your your particular language, that you have to your right. And then the last issue was the the Maintainer, I think, almost 10 years there. There was somebody who was actually doing the Gcc. Court of Windows, and they just, and they said that they were going to stop using CGEzLhuAzUo-00259-00228994-00230371 Jonah Beckford: stop supporting windows, so I decided it's sort of at that point that, hey? I've I've bet my I pop committed. I know my Texas folks will understand what I just said. There, I I've populated CGEzLhuAzUo-00260-00230371-00231602 Jonah Beckford: myself over to oh, Camel, and I can't get when this is a to die. So i'm gonna come along and my own self interest go and release the scripts that I have for building on windows, because I didn't want one of those to that. CGEzLhuAzUo-00261-00231642-00232005 Jonah Beckford: So I did that. And CGEzLhuAzUo-00262-00232029-00233991 Jonah Beckford: that was okay. I mean, some people started adopting it, but it wasn't very much. And then the o Camel software foundation sort of approached me and asked if I actually supported in like a in a meaningful way. So my existing support was, let's make sure it doesn't die, and they didn't say this directly. But i'm going to summarize it as CGEzLhuAzUo-00263-00233991-00235123 Jonah Beckford: as they they wanted to to be the point where windows is actually thriving on o camel on windows, so people can contribute to it, and you can actually promote it as a real thing CGEzLhuAzUo-00264-00235129-00235448 Jonah Beckford: to the to newcomers, to a camel. CGEzLhuAzUo-00265-00235561-00236458 Jonah Beckford: My, I had to make some decisions here about like what's going to be open source, and what's not? CGEzLhuAzUo-00266-00236500-00238117 Jonah Beckford: I ended up breaking my sort of product strategy a little bit. And Dtml, which is really the subject of this talk here, is just pure of camel. It's purpose is to learn really quickly CGEzLhuAzUo-00267-00238117-00239198 Jonah Beckford: and develop one off executables like what you'd normally use. Okay, I'm all for today and all the bill tooling would just be conform it with the Otml standards CGEzLhuAzUo-00268-00239229-00240285 Jonah Beckford: and then anything on the commercial side of the right hand side. It would be more in the mixed environment. So I I I I want to see a lot in my in my commercial stuff. CGEzLhuAzUo-00269-00240288-00241186 Jonah Beckford: and I I wanted findings to swift in Java, so I can run on on Mobile, and so it wasn't just a development environment and libraries CGEzLhuAzUo-00270-00241189-00242078 Jonah Beckford: to help people like me who were really concerned about the rest of a vendor or technology just CGEzLhuAzUo-00271-00242085-00242487 Jonah Beckford: disappearing you, for whatever their particular reasons were. CGEzLhuAzUo-00272-00242496-00243828 Jonah Beckford: and just from a from a a tooling perspective. Instead of using a camel. It it it it it most of what it does around the C standard build tools. CGEzLhuAzUo-00273-00243925-00244577 Jonah Beckford: and we'll see a little demo of that if we have a little bit of time. So I did agree to that. And CGEzLhuAzUo-00274-00244590-00245961 Jonah Beckford: what the first project is sort of what we worked out was a a just download click windows installer, and I made sure that I port. I like in my own development on on windows. CGEzLhuAzUo-00275-00245976-00246271 Jonah Beckford: I documented it. I caught a lot of bugs early. CGEzLhuAzUo-00276-00246284-00247246 Jonah Beckford: and I I I I used the the environment that that thing installed, so I can do development over and up camera. CGEzLhuAzUo-00277-00247371-00248408 Jonah Beckford: And the biggest drawback of it is, it's slow and still slow. Today it's use a 2 CPU Vm. It takes 90min to go ahead and install from scratch. CGEzLhuAzUo-00278-00248409-00250279 Jonah Beckford: And Mac OS, for example, at this time this yesterday takes 15min, so you got a sixx multiple here, and it's not a fair comparison, because i'm comparing apple silicon versus like a 2 CPU PC. But even though the windows is just slower, and that's sort of the overhang of CGEzLhuAzUo-00279-00250307-00250504 Jonah Beckford: of just CGEzLhuAzUo-00280-00250557-00251269 Jonah Beckford: first class support for unix and second class support for windows. And in O camel they brought our ecosystem today. CGEzLhuAzUo-00281-00251335-00252508 Jonah Beckford: and sort of the biggest advantages from my point of view, and very much along with my goals, is, it's really not not very hard in which to go and install it and actually get running productive. CGEzLhuAzUo-00282-00252517-00254444 Jonah Beckford: So if you were doing them on unix, and maybe this is normal for you. But it's definitely not for Windows users. You'd have to end up having 5 different commands. One of them would ask you a bunch of questions. You'd have to do a bunch of reading, and you'd have to deal with what we call hope. Pam's opm. Switches, which is CGEzLhuAzUo-00283-00254444-00256279 Jonah Beckford: for not familiar. It's very analogous to Python virtual departments. That's a big like. You need to have this stuff, but as a beginner coming into it, or just in my my my world, a contractor coming in. They shouldn't have to learn that just to be able to to use your particular. CGEzLhuAzUo-00284-00256281-00256506 Jonah Beckford: It's cool so CGEzLhuAzUo-00285-00256659-00257901 Jonah Beckford: it's literally. They just go to an installation page. They they review just some some comments about what will happen during the installation. They click the installer CGEzLhuAzUo-00286-00257902-00258119 Jonah Beckford: it downloads CGEzLhuAzUo-00287-00258134-00259934 Jonah Beckford: for now, anyways, the windows defender is gonna show up saying, hey, this is an unusual file to actually want to come, continue, continue running it. And when those users are habituated to just ignore this, and just continue on anyways, and CGEzLhuAzUo-00288-00259946-00261467 Jonah Beckford: it goes and just does it to installation. One of the first things it does is, you take it for granted on Unix that you have easy access to a compiler. You don't have my I on windows, so pull in a visual studio installer. CGEzLhuAzUo-00289-00261486-00261673 Jonah Beckford: and CGEzLhuAzUo-00290-00261694-00261939 Jonah Beckford: that takes like 10min just there. CGEzLhuAzUo-00291-00261950-00263086 Jonah Beckford: and then you have to do the same thing with it. So you pull that in. And one of the little weird idiosyncrasies of Okam. All these today is, you actually have to compile. CGEzLhuAzUo-00292-00263238-00263676 Jonah Beckford: recompile all of your code, including the compiler itself. CGEzLhuAzUo-00293-00263692-00263995 Jonah Beckford: If your directories. CGEzLhuAzUo-00294-00264138-00264249 Jonah Beckford: if you're CGEzLhuAzUo-00295-00264273-00266156 Jonah Beckford: if you have a If you don't have a non-standard, if you have a non-standard directory structure, so on mute you can place things in in slash user slash bin I can come on, and go pre-compile my code, and then copy that over to some other unix machine, and as long as my password is exactly the same all over work that doesn't CGEzLhuAzUo-00296-00266164-00268148 Jonah Beckford: fly windows, because every single person has their own directory structure and their own usernames, and that's usually where things are installed. So you have to go and spend a lot of time and just go in and compile things. So this compiling is done at installation time. That's a big country contributor to Why, it takes an hour and a half to go do the install. CGEzLhuAzUo-00297-00268148-00269345 Jonah Beckford: But at the end of the day you don't have to do anything. You just wait for it, and when it's done you can just close out of the installer. Go and go to your start. Button. CGEzLhuAzUo-00298-00269395-00270430 Jonah Beckford: run the command, prompt Cmd. As enter and then type another 4 letters to get into the of Camel Interactive terminal CGEzLhuAzUo-00299-00270447-00271254 Jonah Beckford: and start your first o camel expression. and that's it right? So it's click, it's a few clicks. CGEzLhuAzUo-00300-00271255-00272435 Jonah Beckford: You wait, and then you can come along and have a fully functioning environment and I that's sort of one of the first good easy simplification deliverables that we that that we got with like this. CGEzLhuAzUo-00301-00272442-00273442 Jonah Beckford: I had a lot of issues with it, I think, probably in this just in the interest of time. I'm not going to go through many of them One of the ones that sort of endemic that i'll just. I'll just focus on this. One CGEzLhuAzUo-00302-00273444-00275152 Jonah Beckford: is spaces in directions. That is still a problem. Today. It's just, I guess. I guess. Unix you, just it's just rare that you have spaces and directory is. It is extremely common, especially for people's usernames to be first namespace CGEzLhuAzUo-00303-00275160-00275779 Jonah Beckford: last night, and so many tools on the unix side of the world break in in. In that context. CGEzLhuAzUo-00304-00275810-00276374 Jonah Beckford: Mac OS actually has spaces in in many things as well. So it's not. It's not an anomaly. CGEzLhuAzUo-00305-00276546-00276794 Jonah Beckford: Okay. So CGEzLhuAzUo-00306-00276813-00277842 Jonah Beckford: now, in fact, 3. So that was delivered a nice simplification. It was long, but it was a is a it's a it's a much easier install experience for for windows, and CGEzLhuAzUo-00307-00277843-00278611 Jonah Beckford: we get it's able to just immediately go and start. Okay, mailing 90min after they they click that install. CGEzLhuAzUo-00308-00278758-00279224 Jonah Beckford: So i'm gonna give you a little status of where things are right now. The CGEzLhuAzUo-00309-00279381-00279742 Jonah Beckford: the the biggest missing feature is CGEzLhuAzUo-00310-00279798-00281639 Jonah Beckford: being able to have a version of that installed it doesn't require a C compiler. One of the nice little things about o camel is, not only does it target your native code, but you can just have it run by code as well without having to see compiler. It's it's so. You can have a really really small CGEzLhuAzUo-00311-00281639-00283042 Jonah Beckford: experience as long as you as long as you don't pull in. See? Code. So, yeah, that would. That would be great for students and together, just to quickly go and use. Oh, camel. CGEzLhuAzUo-00312-00283048-00284211 Jonah Beckford: The other part is just basically delaying as much as possible any virtual environment to switch if you do need to install packages. But if I install more packages up in sort of CGEzLhuAzUo-00313-00284227-00284565 Jonah Beckford: the main global area CGEzLhuAzUo-00314-00284567-00284822 Jonah Beckford: our new users won't have to. CGEzLhuAzUo-00315-00284874-00285340 Jonah Beckford: They can delay installing their own virtual environment. CGEzLhuAzUo-00316-00285455-00286280 Jonah Beckford: And then, oh, camel itself. Well, camel sort of had a big change in the last year or so so they released a multi-correl camel or camel 5. CGEzLhuAzUo-00317-00286283-00286680 Jonah Beckford: It's not ready for windows right now there is a CGEzLhuAzUo-00318-00286681-00287618 Jonah Beckford: variance of it out, for, you see, I don't know how well supported it is right now, but there's not really going to be full support for a camel, 5 CGEzLhuAzUo-00319-00287634-00288700 Jonah Beckford: on windows for at least a year, and I don't really have any involvement with it. I just need to to wait for the compiler pieces to be ready for that CGEzLhuAzUo-00320-00288778-00289001 Jonah Beckford: today. Right now. CGEzLhuAzUo-00321-00289030-00291004 Jonah Beckford: The distribution that's my company. The script distribution of windows that I have is the recommended way of installing it on windows. But I have been up streaming a whole bunch of my changes in windows over to the package manager and the opm team. I've been really good about adopting them and CGEzLhuAzUo-00322-00291004-00292476 Jonah Beckford: adding a whole bunch of other features as well. So the next major release of Opam should be like the recommended way in which to actually install some windows. And I love that idea, because then i'm not on the hook for all windows uses for ever. CGEzLhuAzUo-00323-00292494-00292845 Jonah Beckford: And i'm gonna. I've got to kind of just CGEzLhuAzUo-00324-00292856-00293729 Jonah Beckford: skip here to sort of the things that just Aren't going to fly as they don't think they're going to be really fixable, and the CGEzLhuAzUo-00325-00293756-00294043 Jonah Beckford: there are many packages and people who are just CGEzLhuAzUo-00326-00294091-00294408 Jonah Beckford: familiar with make files. CGEzLhuAzUo-00327-00294417-00296042 Jonah Beckford: They kind of work, and they don't work. If you have any full pass in them that have spaces, and there's nothing that's really going to fix. Make files in that sense, so as long as people use them there. There's there's limited ability for it to work correctly on windows. CGEzLhuAzUo-00328-00296044-00296643 Jonah Beckford: and probably more more pernicious is a camel's really good integration with c. But CGEzLhuAzUo-00329-00296644-00297105 Jonah Beckford: the way that we predominantly do it in a camel is using a package config CGEzLhuAzUo-00330-00297109-00297926 Jonah Beckford: package config has the exact same problems. It can't support spaces, or at least it supports it very poorly and CGEzLhuAzUo-00331-00297963-00299357 Jonah Beckford: worse about it is there's no windows packaging fake. So yeah, so that's just gonna be sort of a drag on windows until those are resolved, and I actually don't see a good topic for either of those 2. CGEzLhuAzUo-00332-00299661-00301432 Jonah Beckford: But at the end of the day I still find it. It's it's quite reasonable to actually go and develop. I develop myself on windows. I develop for windows. I also develop on other machines as well. So I've got a routine where I come along and spend a week over on Mac OS, CGEzLhuAzUo-00333-00301432-00303538 Jonah Beckford: and then switch back to what we call for on on on windows. I I do that because it's really hard to contact. Switch with your your key binding. You go from Mac. I let the windows so it just it helps me out, and I just want to make sure there's no bit rock between the 2. But i'm actually developing a camel using the voicemail tools that are releasing. I'm talk footing CGEzLhuAzUo-00334-00303538-00304051 Jonah Beckford: and the commercial. I think tools that i'm building. CGEzLhuAzUo-00335-00304063-00304490 Jonah Beckford: I'm developing my chat. I'm developing. And CGEzLhuAzUo-00336-00304497-00305556 Jonah Beckford: I'm just like briefly going to talk about that right now. So the commercial tools that I I I've been developing it's development environment in libraries so that you can CGEzLhuAzUo-00337-00305559-00305906 Jonah Beckford: do. You risk your your technology and vendors. CGEzLhuAzUo-00338-00305917-00307566 Jonah Beckford: and i'll explain that just you know, in in in briefly. So, like myself, i'm building the chat app. It's gonna be real chat up that that gets deployed. It's gonna be a mobile app. It has a back end to it. I need to have it, but since it's CGEzLhuAzUo-00339-00307570-00308998 Jonah Beckford: like this is going to have chats out there. I'm just gonna release it. If i'm not it it it's it's, it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's it's, it's, it's, it's it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it' CGEzLhuAzUo-00340-00309010-00310162 Jonah Beckford: and chats, chat apps, it's, it's, actually kind of normal like what's up sort of me? The made it popular is to use actors. The actor framework CGEzLhuAzUo-00341-00310308-00310960 Jonah Beckford: just basically distributed objects as a way to build your your your chat, your your chat back end. CGEzLhuAzUo-00342-00311167-00312892 Jonah Beckford: And right now I don't really think I need to have the the the the the the the actor sort of the bigger actor Frameworks Early ontp is the big one, and then Aka, for for Java is the other alternative. CGEzLhuAzUo-00343-00312892-00314224 Jonah Beckford: But I might need it, but I don't think I actually have to make that choice right now. I i'm coding in a way that that I don't have to make that choice, and people who adopt my SDK don't have to make that choice either. So I shouldn't have to CGEzLhuAzUo-00344-00314232-00316159 Jonah Beckford: essentially commit to one of these vendors early or a so early in terms of my product place. I don't need the complexity right now, but I don't want to come along and build a whole bunch of code and then realize. Oh, well, I can't scale, or something of that. Sorry, and I can't adopt any of these people later on. CGEzLhuAzUo-00345-00316159-00316769 Jonah Beckford: and the SDK and a camel actually provide enough power for me not to be able to do that. CGEzLhuAzUo-00346-00316840-00317041 Jonah Beckford: So CGEzLhuAzUo-00347-00317121-00317851 Jonah Beckford: So yeah, i'm not adopting those, hey? I'm using things that i'm comfortable with. I I it did spend a long time. 20 years of my life working with CGEzLhuAzUo-00348-00317857-00318514 Jonah Beckford: a lot of data and a lot of transactions I spent. So i'm quite familiar with how to CGEzLhuAzUo-00349-00318533-00318738 Jonah Beckford: build CGEzLhuAzUo-00350-00318757-00318876 Jonah Beckford: large CGEzLhuAzUo-00351-00318951-00320632 Jonah Beckford: high Tps kind of systems on top of distributed in memory, and Redis is sort of the canonical thing that you you you do outside of a particular company. So I'm. Building part of my actor framework on top of Reddish CGEzLhuAzUo-00352-00320635-00321501 Jonah Beckford: and I my, my my guess is that other people are going to actually find Red as sort of a a familiar thing much more than CGEzLhuAzUo-00353-00321671-00323304 Jonah Beckford: Erlang or Aka. They're gonna They're They're gonna probably have more familiar with Reddit, and they are with either of those 2, and they might. They may be in the same situation as me where I don't need to have all that reliability and and deployment guarantees that come with some of the the more complex CGEzLhuAzUo-00354-00323313-00323416 Jonah Beckford: same works. CGEzLhuAzUo-00355-00323554-00324032 Jonah Beckford: I'm actually just gonna show a little bit of of CGEzLhuAzUo-00356-00324082-00324313 Jonah Beckford: the the Id experience. CGEzLhuAzUo-00357-00324321-00325455 Jonah Beckford: It is just taken from the Aka sort of page. It it's it's got a hello world, with 3 actors in it, and CGEzLhuAzUo-00358-00325508-00325737 Jonah Beckford: let's see, where are we here? CGEzLhuAzUo-00359-00325968-00326053 Jonah Beckford: So CGEzLhuAzUo-00360-00326060-00327309 Jonah Beckford: this is Sea Lion. Redis is a seat based. Obviously it's a sea based program that's not office. But it's a sea based program. So i'm using a C. A. C. Id for it. CGEzLhuAzUo-00361-00327334-00329116 Jonah Beckford: I am not gonna go explore the code that much. I am just gonna come along and make sure that I've got a whole whole bunch of run targets that are available to me through C. And O. Camel. In this particular case I am running a pure C program CGEzLhuAzUo-00362-00329124-00329394 Jonah Beckford: called Actor Cli. CGEzLhuAzUo-00363-00329409-00330401 Jonah Beckford: and I'm. Using the Ide just to do a bunch of printing of messages back and forth. Hello, world! CGEzLhuAzUo-00364-00330480-00330918 Jonah Beckford: Greetings the exact same thing that you see over in here. CGEzLhuAzUo-00365-00330965-00331786 Jonah Beckford: Nothing particularly complicated about that. I'm using lightweight threading to go and CGEzLhuAzUo-00366-00331810-00332103 Jonah Beckford: and do that over in a camel. CGEzLhuAzUo-00367-00332117-00333620 Jonah Beckford: and that doesn't even use Redis. I just wanted to make sure that the the o camel experience was sort of. and that lines up with what you do. Over with that you get the same output slightly. It's ordered different. CGEzLhuAzUo-00368-00333624-00333796 Jonah Beckford: but it's the same output. CGEzLhuAzUo-00369-00333990-00334086 Jonah Beckford: and CGEzLhuAzUo-00370-00334106-00335385 Jonah Beckford: I guess the real important point is, i'm not tied to sea line. I can come along and use another ide, and this particular case i'm on windows. I can go switch over to visual studio. Well, what just happened here? CGEzLhuAzUo-00371-00335567-00335691 Claude Rubinson: Oh. CGEzLhuAzUo-00372-00335755-00335996 Jonah Beckford: and CGEzLhuAzUo-00373-00336082-00336143 oh. CGEzLhuAzUo-00374-00336352-00338051 Jonah Beckford: I've got all my C. Make targets available with the C. Make plugin over in visual studio, and I can go and run it just the same thing I was doing over at sea line in, and I need to make sure that that I might say, have some options here to I can see the output CGEzLhuAzUo-00375-00338146-00338932 Jonah Beckford: and same output, same program, same source code just running. Oh, o camel program through a different. Id CGEzLhuAzUo-00376-00338974-00339448 Jonah Beckford: and i'm, I'm really trying to make a a a meta point here. Which is CGEzLhuAzUo-00377-00339464-00340274 Jonah Beckford: it? Doesn't matter what your Id is, your Id support. Seem it. Then this thing will work. This SDK will work, and CGEzLhuAzUo-00378-00340703-00341266 Jonah Beckford: so th there are the the big, the big. Id so CGEzLhuAzUo-00379-00341300-00341924 Jonah Beckford: visual Studio X code I already talked about C lion visual studio code. CGEzLhuAzUo-00380-00342059-00343914 Jonah Beckford: I'm being missing months. One's in there, but they all support. So you make it sort of a first-class target, so as long as the supports you make you support all of those particular ids and Appeal Tool is not very good unless it can actually target things. So I can I have a CGEzLhuAzUo-00381-00343914-00344366 Jonah Beckford: that i'm using Get lab right now for doing continuous integration CGEzLhuAzUo-00382-00344454-00345461 Jonah Beckford: could be good at github and i'm targeting android android 32 bit the arm variance, and the intel variance CGEzLhuAzUo-00383-00345502-00345857 Jonah Beckford: targeting 32 bit CGEzLhuAzUo-00384-00345867-00346097 Jonah Beckford: and 64 bit Linux CGEzLhuAzUo-00385-00346154-00346383 Jonah Beckford: targeting CGEzLhuAzUo-00386-00346385-00347942 Jonah Beckford: in this particular case, because i'm on a Github Intel Mac OS and cross-compiling the intel Mac OS to the arm 64 brand of it so that's a cross compile. CGEzLhuAzUo-00387-00347945-00348422 Jonah Beckford: and then obviously it's talked about windows 32 fit windows and 6 department windows. CGEzLhuAzUo-00388-00348423-00348519 Jonah Beckford: and CGEzLhuAzUo-00389-00348528-00349885 Jonah Beckford: like it does the same things. If I go look at the output it actually runs in that particular. the exact same thing. Hello, world! It's so that in this case it's the O camel code that's running CGEzLhuAzUo-00390-00349895-00350340 Jonah Beckford: after it generated a windows executable. CGEzLhuAzUo-00391-00350515-00351629 Jonah Beckford: So just just yeah, so the the SDK and let you target all those things, and it'll let you use the ids that you're familiar with, to go and go ahead and do that. CGEzLhuAzUo-00392-00351637-00352870 Jonah Beckford: and it lets you do it for okay, and then obviously, it lets you do it for C as well. And I guess the the nice nice thing that I happen to like about it is let you combine those 2 things as well. So in my particular case CGEzLhuAzUo-00393-00353127-00355043 Jonah Beckford: you can come along and go to a contractor, and they're They're just familiar with you, I They're just familiar with doing a android jetpack kind of application. They can copy some lines of code in and press build in their id, and CGEzLhuAzUo-00394-00355043-00355635 Jonah Beckford: you're a camel. Interfaces are going to be available for them. CGEzLhuAzUo-00395-00355644-00356111 Jonah Beckford: Assuming you have a binding between the languages, and CGEzLhuAzUo-00396-00356144-00357820 Jonah Beckford: if they need to edit something, for example, they're doing a ui. They seem they they they see they need to have a new field on something populated in their back end. They can just go and copy and paste some of your code. They may not understand or camel, but they can probably understand how to copy and paste code. CGEzLhuAzUo-00397-00357820-00358684 Jonah Beckford: so they can copy and paste code press, build, and it's available for them over in their in their front end, so that sort of gets around the whole like. CGEzLhuAzUo-00398-00358723-00359710 Jonah Beckford: Well, I've got a whole limited pool of people can actually do a camel, and I can actually come along and go and scale through people who happen to not know the particular language in question. CGEzLhuAzUo-00399-00359908-00360795 Jonah Beckford: So just I think, people, it's probably pretty obvious that the type of people who would who would be gravitating towards this. CGEzLhuAzUo-00400-00360809-00362846 Jonah Beckford: Basically, anyone who needs tech resources, and they don't have the expertise in house to be able to go and do it. So startups is the classic one, and if your Service organization you service other people, you're probably in the same boat. So if you want to go visit my homepage,, and CGEzLhuAzUo-00401-00362846-00364296 Jonah Beckford: there's documentation available to it right now. I'm actually releasing it publicly next Monday. So 5 days from now. 6 days barber days it is, and it'll have more complete talks, for the talks are available for you to to look at right now. CGEzLhuAzUo-00402-00364372-00365280 Jonah Beckford: So that's it for the o camel like how I actually use a camera on my my machines CGEzLhuAzUo-00403-00365406-00366554 Jonah Beckford: and sort of one of the interesting areas i'm going to conclude with this topic is is hiring one of the interesting areas that I I've sort of had to deal with is like, Well. CGEzLhuAzUo-00404-00366583-00367415 Jonah Beckford: actually, what am I going to do for my hours. So I ended up having my first time my first full time. Engineers. CGEzLhuAzUo-00405-00367449-00369035 Jonah Beckford: who's going to be coming over in the summer I had a choice between, because i'm very sea centric or chemocentric, a choice between choosing that I chose to bring in somebody with a C background and a teaching background, by the way, but I see background, and CGEzLhuAzUo-00406-00369041-00370079 Jonah Beckford: I I i'm going to delay actually getting my a camel expert in until 422 or 3. That's just the way that I've I've strategized this. CGEzLhuAzUo-00407-00370080-00371194 Jonah Beckford: and but I've taken on the risk of doing actually taking in high school students as trainees, and I know. CGEzLhuAzUo-00408-00371202-00371921 Jonah Beckford: but I I talked about so hopefully. This is up up sort of in the same being as that as well. CGEzLhuAzUo-00409-00371925-00372014 Jonah Beckford: So CGEzLhuAzUo-00410-00372087-00372645 Jonah Beckford: what I I had 2 purposes with this one is I wanted to. Well CGEzLhuAzUo-00411-00372646-00373448 Jonah Beckford: just get some more people available to actually work on some of the camel stuff. I work on the hardest stuff, and leave some of the the CGEzLhuAzUo-00412-00373449-00375211 Jonah Beckford: the less hard stuff over to people that I train. But I had a second purpose, and this is a really important one, which is, I wanted to come along and demonstrate that, and prove to myself that's proved to others that if you took the risk of having a Campbell in your CGEzLhuAzUo-00413-00375222-00375639 Jonah Beckford: in your in your team, and the company, whatever it it was CGEzLhuAzUo-00414-00375640-00376048 Jonah Beckford: that it wasn't going to break your team. They wouldn't come along and CGEzLhuAzUo-00415-00376051-00377226 Jonah Beckford: and be overwhelmed with that particular choice. It's not gonna You're not gonna have people leave because it's just too hard to do, or it takes too long to come along and go go and learn. So my sort of CGEzLhuAzUo-00416-00377438-00378310 Jonah Beckford: study, if you want to call it that is, I have high school students who are taken in a trained. They have Apcs, a Java background. CGEzLhuAzUo-00417-00378314-00379553 Jonah Beckford: I have trained most of them for approximately 150h. That's been the last it Hasn't gotten to all the for all of them up to 150h, and CGEzLhuAzUo-00418-00379615-00380515 Jonah Beckford: I guess my my sort of My, my, my, my my stake is, if I can come along and train them in that period of time in a quantified period of time CGEzLhuAzUo-00419-00380516-00381203 Jonah Beckford: your team can shift. So that's sort of how I come along and it and look at CGEzLhuAzUo-00420-00381253-00381605 Jonah Beckford: dealing with the common objection, which is. CGEzLhuAzUo-00421-00381761-00382272 Jonah Beckford: i'm I don't know this language, and it's gonna come along. And and until my team. CGEzLhuAzUo-00422-00382281-00382363 Jonah Beckford: So CGEzLhuAzUo-00423-00382369-00383833 Jonah Beckford: that justified the risk of actually putting on getting on high school trainings, and I had obviously had to change my expectations. They weren't college interns, college interns, you know the committed for a period of time. CGEzLhuAzUo-00424-00383844-00385110 Jonah Beckford: High school interns absolutely not. They have far, far less time right now. Most of the people who i'm working with like for the past few weeks I had 0h. So CGEzLhuAzUo-00425-00385111-00385918 Jonah Beckford: because midterms, or, for example. Are our finals actually coming up a month now? And so CGEzLhuAzUo-00426-00385927-00387843 Jonah Beckford: it is. Time is not in your control, and also college interns. You end up doing very large projects. You have no experience with high school, even if it's taken a a computer science class of actually doing a large project. So you're going to have to help them initially during the breakdown of tasks. CGEzLhuAzUo-00427-00387845-00388972 Jonah Beckford: and they may not come back over during summer, because that's not an a typical expectation that you get with high school students? I did. CGEzLhuAzUo-00428-00388994-00390487 Jonah Beckford: Oh, I just want to give one a little caution. And this is really important. I am talking about minors. I'm not gonna so because i'm talking about miners, i'm not going to be given particular specifics. But why people chose to do X Y. And Z. Just hopefully. You can understand that situation. CGEzLhuAzUo-00429-00390492-00392071 Jonah Beckford: but I can at least give some summary, broad, level things. So Yes, there were train for 150h. Some of them came in, and a path where they wanted to be entered. Some of them came in, and path where it was best for them to be end up in a path where they can do code contribution. CGEzLhuAzUo-00430-00392071-00393339 Jonah Beckford: So basically do a project that's sort of what their goals were. So everyone came in with our own course, load and the extracurricular. So not everyone trained at the same rate. CGEzLhuAzUo-00431-00393348-00393623 Jonah Beckford: and my outcome CGEzLhuAzUo-00432-00393646-00395246 Jonah Beckford: of that 150h was get to a point where I can come along and say, I give you a task, and you come along in right. You know 2040 lines of code in an hour. You do it correctly, and I have given you 5min instructions. I can scale with that CGEzLhuAzUo-00433-00395250-00396716 Jonah Beckford: right. And so 5min I give instruction an hour they come along and go and do it correctly, and if they're coming in the summer where they have a lot of time, we can start off sort of CGEzLhuAzUo-00434-00396716-00397328 Jonah Beckford: essentially kind of doing light pair programming that way for a few weeks, and then they can graduate themselves CGEzLhuAzUo-00435-00397329-00397434 Jonah Beckford: to CGEzLhuAzUo-00436-00397458-00398243 Jonah Beckford: 5min as a stand up every single day doing 8h, Not 1h. Right? So that's sort of that's sort of the goal there. CGEzLhuAzUo-00437-00398316-00400290 Jonah Beckford: So that was sort of the the reset expectations for high school hiring, and that was the way I actually train them, most of them. Okay, let me just give you the results of it. So only one of them has. I've actually been able to commit all the 150h, and I did this with them, and they passed. CGEzLhuAzUo-00438-00400294-00400507 Jonah Beckford: and they're getting a summer off. CGEzLhuAzUo-00439-00400511-00402880 Jonah Beckford: The other 3 haven't been able to commit all the time, but we have a month or 2 before summer comes around, and I'm very, very confident that most of not all of them are actually going to be able to pass that final test, because I've done tests with them before. So i'm gonna be having in the summer couple of people doing return internships and couple of people doing their own projects. CGEzLhuAzUo-00440-00402893-00403040 Jonah Beckford: And CGEzLhuAzUo-00441-00403051-00404156 Jonah Beckford: yeah, from from my perspective is absolutely huge success. I'm. Going to be able to bring people in that are productive. I know what kind of expectation I have with them. And CGEzLhuAzUo-00442-00404157-00404656 Jonah Beckford: yeah. So i'm going to sort of end off on that CGEzLhuAzUo-00443-00404679-00405504 Jonah Beckford: and just wrap everything up right now. So some key takeaways. I just wanted to leave out there, and i'll open up for questions. CGEzLhuAzUo-00444-00405686-00406282 Jonah Beckford: I know I kind of briefly went over this, but if you're actually supporting windows or the first class thing, there's just some concepts that you just CGEzLhuAzUo-00445-00406325-00406853 Jonah Beckford: going to have to take care of. 1. One of the most important ones is actually you use CGEzLhuAzUo-00446-00406860-00407695 Jonah Beckford: visual studio. You don't use C to see. I didn't actually have room in here to put it but spaces as well as is a huge thing CGEzLhuAzUo-00447-00407748-00409069 Jonah Beckford: you can reuse if you want to come, talk to me. Offline about using the proxy that I built, maybe rejiggering it. If you have a perfect language that is very unix heavy, and you want to port it over to windows CGEzLhuAzUo-00448-00409076-00410287 Jonah Beckford: and opam itself, which is the O. Kml package manager, and it's actually very language agnostic. So that's a really good tool. If you you don't, you want to kind of improve your package management, experience. CGEzLhuAzUo-00449-00410293-00411506 Jonah Beckford: talk to me as well about training and hiring high schoolers. It's it's different. But I think it's probably the best way to prove that if you say that CGEzLhuAzUo-00450-00411510-00412193 Jonah Beckford: you know other people can come along and do your particular technology, and you actually have high school, and it's demonstrate that they can actually do it CGEzLhuAzUo-00451-00412202-00413476 Jonah Beckford: that there's nothing better than that. So come, talk to me if you want to go and do that. And finally, if you're sort of in my my own situation, where you're really concerned about being able to stuck on CGEzLhuAzUo-00452-00413497-00414777 Jonah Beckford: vendors or particular technologies that you may think are going out of fashion. Consider using Dk: SDK to solve your problems and just go to my homepage for that. CGEzLhuAzUo-00453-00414831-00415155 Jonah Beckford: So thank you. And i'm gonna open up the the for questions. CGEzLhuAzUo-00454-00415227-00415467 Claude Rubinson: Thank you so much. CGEzLhuAzUo-00455-00415689-00416187 Claude Rubinson: Alright, Thank you very much for for questions. I've got to you. CGEzLhuAzUo-00456-00416214-00416299 Claude Rubinson: Go ahead. CGEzLhuAzUo-00457-00416381-00417041 Claude Rubinson: So I know you mentioned that you weren't going to talk about the dealing with the the CGEzLhuAzUo-00458-00417047-00417259 Claude Rubinson: make, and CGEzLhuAzUo-00459-00417304-00418572 Claude Rubinson: you know the the package package get for for for for for Linux that doesn't really work well for windows is is open sort of the way around that, or is it? CGEzLhuAzUo-00460-00418656-00418864 Jonah Beckford: No, it CGEzLhuAzUo-00461-00418881-00419639 Jonah Beckford: no, it's not so. The the problem is not so much the o camel side. It's the seaside right like. Yes. CGEzLhuAzUo-00462-00419720-00419797 Jonah Beckford: if CGEzLhuAzUo-00463-00419827-00420254 Jonah Beckford: if you're on unix the standard way in which you come along. You link with CGEzLhuAzUo-00464-00420264-00421403 Jonah Beckford: with, or this find your libraries on on on. Unix is using package config there is not a cross-platform way in which to do that, unless you're using CGEzLhuAzUo-00465-00421672-00422532 Jonah Beckford: like, see, make, or something of that sort that has its own mechanisms for for for building and and discovering things. So CGEzLhuAzUo-00466-00422574-00423708 Jonah Beckford: that's one of the reasons why I think this is actually going to be almost impossible to dislodge. The only way I really consider is seriously. See that being as large as you have an alternative to package CGEzLhuAzUo-00467-00423714-00424603 Jonah Beckford: that unix users can actually use to actually replace back in, and you'd have to get to users to actually like use the same to users to actually adopt it. CGEzLhuAzUo-00468-00424724-00424893 Jonah Beckford: That's a tall task. CGEzLhuAzUo-00469-00424896-00425727 Jonah Beckford: and I don't have the motivation to go and drive that. But if someone does in great that would actually solve for problem. CGEzLhuAzUo-00470-00425808-00426199 Claude Rubinson: Sure, I I guess I was thinking I don't know. So CGEzLhuAzUo-00471-00426218-00426710 Claude Rubinson: we get is. Is is this available on wind yet? Or is it CGEzLhuAzUo-00472-00426741-00427727 Jonah Beckford: so? Okay, that's that's a random side. But yes, you can both opam. And CGEzLhuAzUo-00473-00427785-00428799 Jonah Beckford: Oh, yeah, okay, I Haven't announced that. But I will notes it now. So open package manager is available. You can just type when get install opm CGEzLhuAzUo-00474-00428802-00429313 Jonah Beckford: and it will install open on windows CGEzLhuAzUo-00475-00429320-00430241 Jonah Beckford: by itself. The opm. Is not that useful? Because you need to have a unix environment stuff with it, which is why I Haven't announced it. and then you can also CGEzLhuAzUo-00476-00430287-00432038 Jonah Beckford: install all of the the the Dkml distribution with When get install. I think it's like a dkml, and i'll do that whole installer process that you you saw me sort of demo early in in in the talk. CGEzLhuAzUo-00477-00432038-00433204 Jonah Beckford: but none of that sort of I I feel like that's kind of very orthogonal to to the package gap thing, so the the pipes can pick things. So i'm just trying to think of a a good example. CGEzLhuAzUo-00478-00433206-00433577 Jonah Beckford: you are trying to pull in. Let's just say the open Ssl. Libraries CGEzLhuAzUo-00479-00433608-00433793 Jonah Beckford: right? CGEzLhuAzUo-00480-00433822-00434810 Jonah Beckford: Oh, and you need to have a way in which the access to find that library wherever it happens to be, on windows, and where it happens to be on unix. And you this is CGEzLhuAzUo-00481-00434810-00436478 Jonah Beckford: it. It may not be in a particularly standard location, but you can at least use package config to go. Figure it out when windows. There's no real story for that right. and that's Why, i'm sort of saying like, even if you wouldn't get it. Your open ssl link it doesn't have any metadata for you to query to go see CGEzLhuAzUo-00482-00436489-00436597 Jonah Beckford: where CGEzLhuAzUo-00483-00436643-00437563 Jonah Beckford: it it's something or like. Here's the type of include fact or or something of that sort. If it did that, that would be that would actually be useful. CGEzLhuAzUo-00484-00437925-00438170 Claude Rubinson: awesome. But it's on again. CGEzLhuAzUo-00485-00438634-00438843 Claude Rubinson: Is there so CGEzLhuAzUo-00486-00439045-00439352 Claude Rubinson: visual studio? Code has a CGEzLhuAzUo-00487-00439516-00440509 Claude Rubinson: a feature where you can run your code and do your compiling all of that in within the Linux the Wsl. CGEzLhuAzUo-00488-00440510-00441146 Claude Rubinson: Is there? Is there a reason why you want to build on on the windows side versus like in the Wsl: environment. CGEzLhuAzUo-00489-00441151-00441693 Jonah Beckford: Okay. So I I I do use that as I think I was using it last week CGEzLhuAzUo-00490-00441701-00442079 Jonah Beckford: to test out some, some unix. CGEzLhuAzUo-00491-00442097-00442658 Jonah Beckford: some Linux stuff. The real problem is that you are building Linux primaries when you're doing that. CGEzLhuAzUo-00492-00442659-00444655 Jonah Beckford: if ultimately what you're trying to do is distribute windows, binaries to people you end up. You actually have to compile windows to do that. So I like W. Sit down to is a really like nice thing. I just don't think it. CGEzLhuAzUo-00493-00444677-00444818 Jonah Beckford: It CGEzLhuAzUo-00494-00444945-00445981 Jonah Beckford: It solves the need for for windows. Users who are the only windows, things that completely doesn't. The other thing that I found is using Wsl. 2. CGEzLhuAzUo-00495-00446231-00448380 Jonah Beckford: I cannot remember what I was compiling last week, but I did find that it is so atrociously slow when it comes to compiling things for normal operations like. If you're going to throw up a web browser, and like as long as you don't have heavy file, although you're fine, and CGEzLhuAzUo-00496-00448402-00449150 Jonah Beckford: if you are, you are completely fine if you are in a fully CGEzLhuAzUo-00497-00449287-00450297 Jonah Beckford: Linux volume, if you're not on on any windows, mount but the reality of the world, at least this My world, anyways is. I need to access windows, files. CGEzLhuAzUo-00498-00450302-00451310 Jonah Beckford: and the second you do that. You're it's just it is literally 2030 times slower. It's it's just not worth it. And and that point CGEzLhuAzUo-00499-00451338-00452871 Claude Rubinson: so, and it's it's probably a matter of be having lived too long in the enterprise space where the only building you're doing on on a on on your own machine is like for your testing. CGEzLhuAzUo-00500-00452877-00453508 Claude Rubinson: but any CGEzLhuAzUo-00501-00453525-00453638 Claude Rubinson: on a. CGEzLhuAzUo-00502-00453781-00454835 Jonah Beckford: on a, on a server somewhere. Yeah. So so I I that's a really key. What you're what you're saying here. So if if what you were doing is targeting servers. CGEzLhuAzUo-00503-00454843-00455504 Jonah Beckford: then you don't need windows like I would like I I was talking about Redis, for example. I CGEzLhuAzUo-00504-00455562-00457557 Jonah Beckford: I would never deploy, and i'm sorry if you you you people want to do this, but I would never deploy redis on on windows. I'm gonna deploy it on Linux and it's it's just i'm gonna use. Linux and or some kind of unix thing for deploying on my service. And if that's all you want to do, then Don't use windows for that. CGEzLhuAzUo-00505-00457557-00457709 Jonah Beckford: but CGEzLhuAzUo-00506-00457716-00458521 Jonah Beckford: for for deployment aspect, the only part that I would say, though, that that doesn't make as much sense as when you're trying to debug things. CGEzLhuAzUo-00507-00458522-00459095 Jonah Beckford: and like, even in my reddish thing like I made sure that I had a windows. CGEzLhuAzUo-00508-00459104-00460421 Jonah Beckford: I made our windows build of Redis, and i'm debugging in on windows, because, even if, for example, Windows Studio Code has a nice integration with Wsl 2, and it kind of works CGEzLhuAzUo-00509-00460421-00462300 Jonah Beckford: when it comes to debugging over on windows. I want to use either visual studio. It's software debugging or better. Yeah use when the bug and and or wind about creepy whatever that the the the the next version of that is, and they'll support it right. So I don't want to be limited in my option simply because CGEzLhuAzUo-00510-00462481-00464452 Jonah Beckford: my final environment is going to be unix right. I'd rather have all of my development on windows by 10 only, if I can, and then make sure, and then deploy that over to you know that that's that's that's the way I I feel about it. But other people want different texts. CGEzLhuAzUo-00511-00464566-00464752 Claude Rubinson: and that makes perfect sense. CGEzLhuAzUo-00512-00464893-00465167 Claude Rubinson: What a question I had CGEzLhuAzUo-00513-00465278-00465668 Claude Rubinson: since windows is so important. Why not F. Sharp? CGEzLhuAzUo-00514-00465889-00466428 Claude Rubinson: We got a bunch of that sharp people in the room here. CGEzLhuAzUo-00515-00466530-00467164 Claude Rubinson: It's part of the sorry. CGEzLhuAzUo-00516-00467168-00467733 Claude Rubinson: Yeah, to be honest. Actually, it's it's actually interesting, because CGEzLhuAzUo-00517-00467754-00469377 Jonah Beckford: i'm not sure why. I oh, oh, I I know the reason why I didn't put f sharp high on my list just to begin with, like I I I did know about it. I did evaluate it for my particular reasons, since I knew that I was targeting CGEzLhuAzUo-00518-00469418-00470324 Jonah Beckford: both mobile and embedded devices, the embedded devices in particular. I I didn't see a very good path, or CGEzLhuAzUo-00519-00470356-00470978 Jonah Beckford: f sharp kind of on embedded. Now it might work. I don't know I just. I didn't see a happy path for that. CGEzLhuAzUo-00520-00470979-00471551 Jonah Beckford: I am the 1 one of the things I I kind of look at when it comes to a camel itself CGEzLhuAzUo-00521-00471555-00472212 Jonah Beckford: is, I don't really see a camel's a camel. I see it as sort of like a a layer on top of C. Like CGEzLhuAzUo-00522-00472233-00472592 Jonah Beckford: I can compile a camel. I can do it from scratch, using, c. CGEzLhuAzUo-00523-00472624-00473027 Jonah Beckford: I can almost do that anywhere, right like I I felt comfortable enough. CGEzLhuAzUo-00524-00473066-00473570 Jonah Beckford: And I only just started using a camel 2 years ago, contributing CGEzLhuAzUo-00525-00473574-00473843 Jonah Beckford: some patches to get. CGEzLhuAzUo-00526-00473887-00474105 Jonah Beckford: Okay, i'm working on CGEzLhuAzUo-00527-00474183-00474756 Jonah Beckford: into an arm 42. There's there's I mean it has i'm 32 already, but like CGEzLhuAzUo-00528-00474758-00474985 Jonah Beckford: some more support for that, that CGEzLhuAzUo-00529-00475018-00476852 Jonah Beckford: that it didn't have I felt comfortable enough to be here because it's just like it's so close to see that, like a I I don't have a problem when it comes to the embedded world. I didn't get that story from F. Sharp. Now that is my particular needs. Now, if you're not in a CGEzLhuAzUo-00530-00476872-00477010 Jonah Beckford: like, if you are. CGEzLhuAzUo-00531-00477021-00478326 Jonah Beckford: if you are targeting just the front end or just the back end. And you know where you're going, I think, for F. Sharp should be a really compelling option, and i'm sure people in the in the river are using that shop, or probably in that category where it makes a ton of sense. CGEzLhuAzUo-00532-00478871-00479058 Claude Rubinson: Other questions, other questions. CGEzLhuAzUo-00533-00479257-00479751 Claude Rubinson: Alright, Well, i'm gonna Thank you. I'm going to turn out the recording, and then we can see if we have other CGEzLhuAzUo-00534-00479804-00480570 Claude Rubinson: offline. Non recorded questions and discussions. So I want to thank you very much. This is great, really CGEzLhuAzUo-00535-00480574-00480653 Claude Rubinson: sure. Yes. CGEzLhuAzUo-00536-00480716-00480805 Jonah Beckford: thank you. CHmqWNHRY5U-00000-00000151-00000446 Good evening everyone it is CHmqWNHRY5U-00001-00000550-00001149 Friday night and it's time for our live and tonight. We're gonna be talking about CHmqWNHRY5U-00002-00001240-00001659 The narcistic X and then new supply or new partner CHmqWNHRY5U-00003-00001771-00002133 And this can be a real source of pain for many people CHmqWNHRY5U-00004-00002197-00002784 Because they do move on very quickly and if you are interested in why do they do that? CHmqWNHRY5U-00005-00002784-00003209 How are they able to move on so quickly do check out my latest blog post? CHmqWNHRY5U-00006-00003295-00003842 The nature in case doctor dot uk' and it's got five reasons why they move on so quickly a little it CHmqWNHRY5U-00007-00003853-00004155 Gives you some more information about how they're able to do that CHmqWNHRY5U-00008-00004177-00004646 but nonetheless they do move on very quickly and some of that time is because CHmqWNHRY5U-00009-00004717-00005328 They've already met that person that this was a person that was already and in in there CHmqWNHRY5U-00010-00005389-00005841 They were having an affair with them or they were certainly warming them up ready? CHmqWNHRY5U-00011-00005841-00006272 they had them as a backup for when the relationship went south and CHmqWNHRY5U-00012-00006337-00006633 One of their harem of people around them CHmqWNHRY5U-00013-00006795-00007218 And it it causes an enormous amount of pain because suddenly CHmqWNHRY5U-00014-00007288-00007608 You are faced with one your own CHmqWNHRY5U-00015-00007698-00008090 Rejection. I suppose it's probably the easiest way of putting it of well CHmqWNHRY5U-00016-00008125-00008516 How are they able to do that so quickly and also? CHmqWNHRY5U-00017-00008581-00009357 the fact someone else is involved and they will no doubt stick their nose in because remember the narcissus is gonna paint you as CHmqWNHRY5U-00018-00009406-00009579 the abusive one CHmqWNHRY5U-00019-00009579-00010199 they're gonna paint you as this awful person and regardless of the truth this new person who is CHmqWNHRY5U-00020-00010236-00010829 Completely under their spell you remember you remember what it's like at the start they know exactly where you were CHmqWNHRY5U-00021-00010829-00011231 They believe everything they say they believe that they are a victim that they're a good CHmqWNHRY5U-00022-00011250-00011591 Person and therefore this if anything is wrong in their life CHmqWNHRY5U-00023-00011617-00011864 but there must be someone else to blame and CHmqWNHRY5U-00024-00011896-00011953 it CHmqWNHRY5U-00025-00011953-00012621 fits that it would be you and it's to be honest is sometimes easier for the new person come into blame then when they when CHmqWNHRY5U-00026-00012621-00013252 They're like someone they're falling in love with someone you want to see the best in them. So any of their slightly? CHmqWNHRY5U-00027-00013373-00013490 questionable CHmqWNHRY5U-00028-00013490-00014116 Characteristics if you're able to say it must be someone else's fault, of course that's easier for them as well CHmqWNHRY5U-00029-00014116-00014822 So they see you is the bad person. So you've not only got your ex who is CHmqWNHRY5U-00030-00014912-00015226 obviously seeing you as the bad person and CHmqWNHRY5U-00031-00015347-00015925 making out that you are the cause of all their problems and creating problems with your kids if you have them all or CHmqWNHRY5U-00032-00015954-00016226 you were the reason for the relationship breakup and CHmqWNHRY5U-00033-00016290-00016490 Because you did X Y and Zed CHmqWNHRY5U-00034-00016520-00016873 you've now got someone else who is taking on this and CHmqWNHRY5U-00035-00017060-00017308 Three things really happen when CHmqWNHRY5U-00036-00017354-00018079 The nasties has a new supply and one of them is that they they can sometimes use this new person to triangulate around your boundary CHmqWNHRY5U-00037-00018120-00018303 so they CHmqWNHRY5U-00038-00018303-00018503 Might get this new person CHmqWNHRY5U-00039-00018506-00019132 To or they might parade them because they know it will hit your trigger points CHmqWNHRY5U-00040-00019132-00019639 and so you might reach out to them and be like hey what the hell's going on and CHmqWNHRY5U-00041-00019656-00019951 So they can get around any boundary that you might have put in place CHmqWNHRY5U-00042-00019982-00020644 They may use them and they may say the vowel only communicates you through them because one adds to that CHmqWNHRY5U-00043-00020673-00021056 Victim status that oh my god, they can't possibly deal with you CHmqWNHRY5U-00044-00021107-00021577 Someone else must help them and but also it is CHmqWNHRY5U-00045-00021651-00021851 including this other person and CHmqWNHRY5U-00046-00021984-00022351 They will see some of your behaviors that they're describing because it's not normal CHmqWNHRY5U-00047-00022351-00022942 that's not normal that you will deal with a third party particularly the new partner and say when you're CHmqWNHRY5U-00048-00023040-00023220 obstructive to that CHmqWNHRY5U-00049-00023220-00023860 it plays into the narrative of you being difficult and you've been this that and the other and so it's easy for them to CHmqWNHRY5U-00050-00023876-00024076 Continue the narrative as well CHmqWNHRY5U-00051-00024084-00024526 What they also do is when they get someone a new partner CHmqWNHRY5U-00052-00024573-00025237 Is it's their way of saying to everyone else see there's nothing wrong with me. I'm very lovable CHmqWNHRY5U-00053-00025237-00025870 I'm the kind decent person because I've met someone else so there's clearly nothing wrong with me CHmqWNHRY5U-00054-00025870-00026365 They must be the problem and that's for themselves as much as but it also CHmqWNHRY5U-00055-00026391-00027023 For the outside world crazies picture, but they think it races picture of them being the perfect one CHmqWNHRY5U-00056-00027170-00027895 And for them I say it's about them telling themselves. I am lovable. I am somebody wants me CHmqWNHRY5U-00057-00027963-00028116 and therefore CHmqWNHRY5U-00058-00028116-00028360 They have to have this new supply and fairly quickly CHmqWNHRY5U-00059-00028437-00028772 To ease that rejection that fear of abandonment CHmqWNHRY5U-00060-00028851-00029179 That comes up very quickly for them when a relationship ends CHmqWNHRY5U-00061-00029238-00029863 And the other thing that happens is that they get their needs met. We we know that they are CHmqWNHRY5U-00062-00029931-00030316 very selfish individuals and also very CHmqWNHRY5U-00063-00030369-00030916 Basic primal in many ways. They they function on a very low CHmqWNHRY5U-00064-00031266-00031771 Psychological level so they they need their physical needs met above and beyond anything else CHmqWNHRY5U-00065-00031772-00031931 So they need somewhere to live CHmqWNHRY5U-00066-00031931-00032510 We all need so much to live, but they won't think about how they can get somewhere to live themselves CHmqWNHRY5U-00067-00032510-00032989 They won't think about how they can pay for somewhere. They're looking for someone to provide that for them CHmqWNHRY5U-00068-00032990-00033275 they need to want to meet their emotional needs so that CHmqWNHRY5U-00069-00033396-00034100 They aren't left feeling rejected and they aren't and when they do feel stressed or they do feel upset CHmqWNHRY5U-00070-00034103-00034876 There's someone else to bounce off someone else to regulate their emotions to stop them from feeling that pain. That's what they use people for CHmqWNHRY5U-00071-00034928-00035221 that there are that commodity for them and CHmqWNHRY5U-00072-00035361-00035561 It really is CHmqWNHRY5U-00073-00035597-00036004 it's that worst thing of using someone else - CHmqWNHRY5U-00074-00036099-00036743 It's not even a rebound because a rebound implies that there was emotion and you're coming back you go into another relationship CHmqWNHRY5U-00075-00036774-00037412 Because you you are hurting they're not hurting they're not rebound relationships. They are purely CHmqWNHRY5U-00076-00037575-00037775 Need-based and CHmqWNHRY5U-00077-00037776-00038395 Use that they pick people that they can use so if the relationship breakdown led to them being homeless CHmqWNHRY5U-00078-00038430-00039010 They will meet someone who has their own home if the relationship breakdown led to them CHmqWNHRY5U-00079-00039174-00039581 Or men that they walked away from their kids for whatever reason CHmqWNHRY5U-00080-00039612-00040131 They'll probably find someone who's got kids so they can play super dad or super mom to new child CHmqWNHRY5U-00081-00040188-00040388 so it's CHmqWNHRY5U-00082-00040447-00040697 They look for whatever it need or whatever CHmqWNHRY5U-00083-00040888-00041477 Whatever will make them look best both to themselves and to everyone else and for you as CHmqWNHRY5U-00084-00041536-00041665 the ex CHmqWNHRY5U-00085-00041665-00041815 this does bring up a lot of CHmqWNHRY5U-00086-00041815-00042335 emotions a sort of wish you may be struggling with because you can't quite understand white bothers you say much and CHmqWNHRY5U-00087-00042454-00042746 If this is something you want to explore please do get in touch CHmqWNHRY5U-00088-00042754-00043184 It is an important part of our work is how do you get over them? CHmqWNHRY5U-00089-00043185-00043697 How do you how do you align the knowledge that actually? CHmqWNHRY5U-00090-00043753-00044372 It's good that they've met someone else because it takes the heat off of you with the pain of how can they do that? CHmqWNHRY5U-00091-00044372-00044834 How can they so easily brush me aside? And what does that say about me? CHmqWNHRY5U-00092-00044935-00045426 Also, if you are struggling with how to communicate with the ex if you do have children CHmqWNHRY5U-00093-00045481-00045941 Please do grab a copy of my ebook our from Amazon just search CHmqWNHRY5U-00094-00045982-00046568 Communicating with an artist or Sara Squires in Amazon, you'll be able to download it to your Kindle CHmqWNHRY5U-00095-00046645-00047120 just 99p, but it crazy is giving shey's some really great tools on how to CHmqWNHRY5U-00096-00047146-00047672 Communicate with the ex and keep those boundaries in place and protect yourself through that process CHmqWNHRY5U-00097-00047743-00048468 Especially when there's someone new because you can start to go back to speaking from the emotional place of hurt and anger CHmqWNHRY5U-00098-00048505-00048900 when actually you need to stay as rational and as an CHmqWNHRY5U-00099-00048919-00049628 emotion as possible the gray rock breath method is really important when someone else comes in because like I said earlier that CHmqWNHRY5U-00100-00049672-00049872 new person is an CHmqWNHRY5U-00101-00049903-00050123 extra person to spread the narrative that the CHmqWNHRY5U-00102-00050134-00050594 Narcissist rated so you can go grey rock and you can reduce that and keep your boundaries in place CHmqWNHRY5U-00103-00050602-00051021 You're not playing in so that you're not playing into that that triangle again CHmqWNHRY5U-00104-00051130-00051426 so exes and their new partners CHmqWNHRY5U-00105-00051508-00051986 They're difficult ones because it plays that are human emotion CHmqWNHRY5U-00106-00052017-00052470 But any relationship that breaks up it's hard when you see them with someone else CHmqWNHRY5U-00107-00052501-00053023 Obviously because you love them and you you don't like the thought of them being without us, it's perfectly normal CHmqWNHRY5U-00108-00053037-00053477 but with a narcissistic ex when they move on it's so much more because CHmqWNHRY5U-00109-00053516-00054077 For you you you remain in such pain it was for you. It was a real relationship CHmqWNHRY5U-00110-00054138-00054373 Probably unlike any that you've ever had before CHmqWNHRY5U-00111-00054426-00054655 probably felt very intense and CHmqWNHRY5U-00112-00054744-00055498 You gave more to this relationship than you ever have done before and so when it ends you are left CHmqWNHRY5U-00113-00055580-00055877 Hurting and you're left with lots of questions and you're left wondering CHmqWNHRY5U-00114-00055952-00056383 Will you ever get over it? You're left wondering. Will you ever meet anyone again? CHmqWNHRY5U-00115-00056383-00056704 Do you ever want to meet anyone again and yet here they are? CHmqWNHRY5U-00116-00056804-00057445 Straight into it with someone new plastering over social media how wonderful everything is how happy they are? CHmqWNHRY5U-00117-00057483-00057790 And again that taps into that well, maybe it was me CHmqWNHRY5U-00118-00057801-00058345 Maybe if everything the nurses said about me was true cuz this they seemed really happy with this person CHmqWNHRY5U-00119-00058370-00058768 But the truth is it is all a facade in a same way as it was yours CHmqWNHRY5U-00120-00058769-00058964 Try and remember the start of your relationship CHmqWNHRY5U-00121-00058964-00059680 And how it looks compared to how it does now and you'll you'll have a better idea of what's really going on in that CHmqWNHRY5U-00122-00059717-00060379 relationship and know that the mass will slip and the reality will come out and but like I say if CHmqWNHRY5U-00123-00060426-00060770 Getting over them is something you're struggling with do you get in touch? CHmqWNHRY5U-00124-00060770-00061381 if you're on Facebook watching this then click on the blue button book now and it will take you to our CHmqWNHRY5U-00125-00061529-00062087 Website where you could book an appointment at your convenience if you're watching this on YouTube CHmqWNHRY5U-00126-00062104-00062675 I will post the link below and it will pop up on screen which is niching cash and okay CHmqWNHRY5U-00127-00062675-00062929 No UK folks that's booking put yourself at a point CHmqWNHRY5U-00128-00062929-00063587 then it's just 39 pounds for a one-off session where we get to look at what's going on and CHmqWNHRY5U-00129-00063663-00063920 Lay a plan of action for you CHmqWNHRY5U-00130-00064035-00064160 Because this is hard CHmqWNHRY5U-00131-00064160-00064736 This is hard when when someone new comes along and it's gonna bring up a lot of things for you to start healing CHmqWNHRY5U-00132-00064752-00065182 But it's a really good place for you to start. So I'm aware. It's Friday CHmqWNHRY5U-00133-00065189-00065635 You probably will be the last week of the school holidays here in the UK CHmqWNHRY5U-00134-00065655-00066208 so if you do have if you're watching this later and have any comments do drop them below I do try and CHmqWNHRY5U-00135-00066263-00066896 Reply to them. I certainly read them. And and if you have any anything you'd like me to cover CHmqWNHRY5U-00136-00066990-00067618 Do let me know. I will do my best to cover it if I think that it's a wide enough topic for everyone CHmqWNHRY5U-00137-00067706-00068447 And take care of yourself and enjoy what is remaining of the school holidays if you're here in the UK. Take care, everyone. Bye. Bye CJn0fUrCBrY-00000-00001486-00002186 In the last lecture, we were solving goal programming problems using the graphical method CJn0fUrCBrY-00001-00002239-00002909 for those problems that had only two decision variables and the rest of the variables were CJn0fUrCBrY-00002-00002909-00003032 the deviation variables. CJn0fUrCBrY-00003-00003032-00003732 Today we will take an example that has more than two decision variables and more deviation CJn0fUrCBrY-00004-00004002-00004702 variables and try to solve this using a simplex algorithm. The objectives are minimize eta1 CJn0fUrCBrY-00005-00004944-00005644 plus eta2 plus rho3 and then rho4 and eta5, subject to these set of constraints because, CJn0fUrCBrY-00006-00005800-00006500 eta1, eta2 and rho3 are the first part of the objective function. The objective function CJn0fUrCBrY-00007-00006607-00007236 has three parts. The first part contains these three, which implies that these three constraints CJn0fUrCBrY-00008-00007236-00007936 are the rigid constraints. We start the simplex algorithm by considering this objective function CJn0fUrCBrY-00009-00008039-00008739 and only the rigid constraints to begin with. We can set up the simplex table like this. CJn0fUrCBrY-00010-00008856-00009556 This table will have X1, X2, Y1, Y2, eta1, eta2, eta3, rho1, rho2, rho3 and a right hand CJn0fUrCBrY-00011-00010484-00011184 side. We can start the simplex table this way. Then we write this X1 plus Y1 plus eta1 CJn0fUrCBrY-00012-00011975-00012675 minus rho1 equal to 20. X2 plus Y2 plus eta2 minus rho2 equal to 20. 4 X1 plus 3 X2 plus CJn0fUrCBrY-00013-00014698-00015398 eta3 minus rho3 equal to 90. We could start with this and we want to minimize eta1 plus CJn0fUrCBrY-00014-00015787-00016487 eta2 plus rho3. So this is what we want to minimize. This is how your first simplex table CJn0fUrCBrY-00015-00016659-00017359 will look like. Because every constraint is an equation and every constraint has an eta CJn0fUrCBrY-00016-00017451-00018151 or a rho, simply starting with eta1, eta2, eta3, the eta�s will always qualify to be CJn0fUrCBrY-00017-00018270-00018851 initial basic variables and eta�s will have an identity matrix associated among themselves. CJn0fUrCBrY-00018-00018851-00019551 For example, if you can have eta1 1 0 0, 0 1 0, 0 0 1 you can do that. Then your first CJn0fUrCBrY-00019-00019909-00020579 simplex table will look like this, with a 1 for eta1, with a 1 for eta2 and 0 for eta3, CJn0fUrCBrY-00020-00020579-00021279 with value equal to 40 here on the right hand side and then all these are 0s. You calculate your Cj minus Zj or CJn0fUrCBrY-00021-00022219-00022576 Zj minus Cj; you could calculate any one of them. But you should remember that it is a CJn0fUrCBrY-00022-00022576-00023228 minimization problem and also remember that we have not converted it to a maximization CJn0fUrCBrY-00023-00023228-00023583 problem. We are solving the minimization problem as it is. CJn0fUrCBrY-00024-00023583-00024283 If you evaluate Cj minus Zj the usual way, you will get 1 into 1, 1. So this will become CJn0fUrCBrY-00025-00024329-00025029 minus 1, this will also become minus 1, this will become minus 1, this will also become CJn0fUrCBrY-00026-00025220-00025920 minus 1, this will become 0, this will become 0, this will also become 0. You will get a CJn0fUrCBrY-00027-00026215-00026915 plus 1 here, you will get a plus 1 here and you will get a 1 here and 40. It is a minimization CJn0fUrCBrY-00028-00027787-00028405 problem; you have calculated Cj minus Zj. So for a minimization problem what will happen CJn0fUrCBrY-00029-00028405-00028993 is, a negative Cj minus Zj will enter. You could enter either this or this or this or CJn0fUrCBrY-00030-00028993-00029693 this and so on and may be you can start with this and then compute your thetas and proceed CJn0fUrCBrY-00031-00029777-00030378 in your simplex iteration, till you reach the optimum solution. CJn0fUrCBrY-00032-00030378-00030970 For want of time and because of our own familiarity, we will not go through the simplex iterations. CJn0fUrCBrY-00033-00030970-00031484 We will only give you the optimum table and then see something interesting from the optimum CJn0fUrCBrY-00034-00031484-00032184 table. The optimum table alone will look like this. This will actually happen after three CJn0fUrCBrY-00035-00032495-00033196 iterations and you will finally get something like this. You will have X1, Y1, X2, with CJn0fUrCBrY-00036-00033636-00034336 0 0 and 0. You will have 1 0 0; Y1 you will CJn0fUrCBrY-00037-00035400-00036100 have 0 1 0, X2 you have 0 0 1, Y2 minus 3 by 4, plus 3 by 4 and 1, eta1 0 1 0, eta2 CJn0fUrCBrY-00038-00037403-00038103 minus 3 by 4, 3 by 4, 1, eta3 1 by 4, minus 1 by 4, 0. Rho1 will be 0, minus 1, 0; rho2 CJn0fUrCBrY-00039-00039136-00039836 3 by 4, minus 3 by 4, minus 1 and rho3 minus 1 by 4, 1 by 4, 0; 15 by 2, 25 by 2 and 20 CJn0fUrCBrY-00040-00041393-00042093 with Z equal to 0. The Cj minus Zj values will be 0 0 0. For CMKIf5ar0ky-00000-00004162-00004325 In the legends of the Māori, CMKIf5ar0ky-00001-00004333-00004781 Tāne, childof earth and heaven, became the father ofthe rivers CMKIf5ar0ky-00002-00004781-00005242 and the gentle noise of air bore him afamily which was the multitude of trees, CMKIf5ar0ky-00003-00005298-00005605 and thelegend tells how Tāne searched until he found two sisters: CMKIf5ar0ky-00004-00005709-00006118 she who chuckles in the brooks and she who wanders in the heavens, CMKIf5ar0ky-00005-00006122-00006539 and from them cameother children; the little birds of old New Zealand. CMKIf5ar0ky-00006-00007559-00007913 To these islands full of birdsong came themighty Māori people, CMKIf5ar0ky-00007-00007970-00008400 made their homes to sound of birdsong, wove their birds into theirfolktales, CMKIf5ar0ky-00008-00008404-00008829 carved their artifacts from branchesnow only seen in our museums. CMKIf5ar0ky-00009-00008870-00009333 Sometimes the hunterused a bird spear, at other times a clever snare. CMKIf5ar0ky-00010-00009797-00010201 When a bird has eaten berries, he grows very slow and thirsty. CMKIf5ar0ky-00011-00010201-00010552 So, a water trough was put there and the snares lay all around it. CMKIf5ar0ky-00012-00011160-00011536 All the birds thathe had captured were partly cooked and put in birdfat. CMKIf5ar0ky-00013-00011567-00011899 Safe inside a gourd, he kept them for the hungrydays of winter. CMKIf5ar0ky-00014-00012462-00012658 Māori cloaks used many feathers, CMKIf5ar0ky-00015-00012664-00012954 like the warm brown of the kiwi, CMKIf5ar0ky-00016-00012954-00013234 colour from thekākā parrot, finer feathers from the tūī, CMKIf5ar0ky-00017-00013278-00013638 and the feathers from the pigeons made them cloaksof vivid patterns. CMKIf5ar0ky-00018-00013901-00014226 But the rarest of the feathers plucked out from the tails of huia CMKIf5ar0ky-00019-00014226-00014643 were the badge of tribal chieftains, kept in boxes: waka huia. CMKIf5ar0ky-00020-00014998-00015432 Many birds he used as decoy, many pets he kepton purchase CMKIf5ar0ky-00021-00015432-00015790 which he spent much time in carving for his forest friend to rest on. CMKIf5ar0ky-00022-00015920-00016312 Yet the strongestlink with birds is in the legends told about them. CMKIf5ar0ky-00023-00017037-00017309 The Māori feared the night blackforest, CMKIf5ar0ky-00024-00017317-00017767 and the little owl calledruru was thought to be in the power of witches. CMKIf5ar0ky-00025-00018529-00018743 Yet he could drive off evil spirits, CMKIf5ar0ky-00026-00018752-00019131 so the Māori gave their carvingsglaring eyes as bright as ruru, CMKIf5ar0ky-00027-00019135-00019306 so their homes would be protected. CMKIf5ar0ky-00028-00020808-00021058 Dawn comes, old ruru sleeps. CMKIf5ar0ky-00029-00021075-00021446 Then the smallbirds of the forest would wake the warrior with a chorus CMKIf5ar0ky-00030-00021446-00021851 and he would hear the littlerobin sing from the highest forest branches. CMKIf5ar0ky-00031-00021871-00022952 [pītoitoi singing] CMKIf5ar0ky-00032-00022993-00023365 Pītoitoi, the Māori called him. You'll oftenfind him on the forest floor. CMKIf5ar0ky-00033-00023377-00023823 Friendly, cheeky, hopping, pecking, head cocked sideways, almost mocking, CMKIf5ar0ky-00034-00023823-00024170 and today he's found a nest of antswith tasty larvae. CMKIf5ar0ky-00035-00024203-00024687 When he's eaten, he'll hidethe rest in bark and crevice for the timewhen food is scarcer. CMKIf5ar0ky-00036-00024699-00025047 Māori legends says thewhite speck just above his beak was put there CMKIf5ar0ky-00037-00025047-00025421 for bad manners shown to Maui, the greatesthero of the legends. CMKIf5ar0ky-00038-00025708-00025955 He builds his nest infour days only CMKIf5ar0ky-00039-00025955-00026301 and when he finds a mate toshare it, he'll stay with her for a lifetime. CMKIf5ar0ky-00040-00028032-00028386 Tāne's children aren't all cheeky, bold and mocking like the robin, CMKIf5ar0ky-00041-00028395-00028716 for the smallest child of Tāne is the shy andgentle fairy: CMKIf5ar0ky-00042-00028716-00028905 the rifleman, a forest phantom. CMKIf5ar0ky-00043-00028974-00029475 His nest is hidden in a tree and the entranceto his home is scarcely wider than a finger. CMKIf5ar0ky-00044-00030764-00030943 New Zealand was a land of birds CMKIf5ar0ky-00045-00030943-00031260 and in thisisland paradise, there were no animals to harm them. CMKIf5ar0ky-00046-00032165-00032570 Love's messenger, the bright-eyedtomtit, can look into the heartsof lovers CMKIf5ar0ky-00047-00032570-00032724 and they call her miromiro. CMKIf5ar0ky-00048-00032728-00033112 The female is a mottled brown,but the male is black and glossy CMKIf5ar0ky-00049-00033116-00033329 andthey're nearly always seen together. CMKIf5ar0ky-00050-00034557-00034930 Although the male is main provider, both take part in feeding young ones CMKIf5ar0ky-00051-00034939-00035218 and the mother's task is breaking up the food. CMKIf5ar0ky-00052-00035760-00035961 She's careful that she doesn't choke them. CMKIf5ar0ky-00053-00035961-00036328 Thisis a hard time for the mother for the chicks are always hungry CMKIf5ar0ky-00054-00036343-00036632 and many days she will go hungryherself to keep her children happy. CMKIf5ar0ky-00055-00036723-00037116 Science talks of natural instinct, but Māori spoke of it aslove, CMKIf5ar0ky-00056-00037116-00037304 the love of a mother for her children. CMKIf5ar0ky-00057-00039003-00039385 Legend says a mighty battle once took placeinside the forest CMKIf5ar0ky-00058-00039385-00039831 when the sea birds came tosteal the fish and eels from forest lakes. CMKIf5ar0ky-00059-00039876-00040240 Hearing of the fierce invaders, all the landbirds gathered forces CMKIf5ar0ky-00060-00040255-00040828 and who should challengethe invaders but the fantail, pīwakawaka, withthe flicking of his tail. CMKIf5ar0ky-00061-00040945-00041345 The movements of theflashing fantail could be seen in Māori war dance. CMKIf5ar0ky-00062-00041413-00041725 When you see his white tail flicker, think of thetaiaha CMKIf5ar0ky-00063-00041725-00042173 twisting in the hands of Māori chieftains when they challenged hostile tribesmen. CMKIf5ar0ky-00064-00042173-00042707 Thisflicking, agile tail helps manoeuvre him in flying, catching insects on the wing. CMKIf5ar0ky-00065-00043149-00043543 His favorite foodis moth, puriri, and he feeds them to his fledgling. CMKIf5ar0ky-00066-00044194-00044573 The twittering laughter of the fantailawoke the terrible queen of darkness CMKIf5ar0ky-00067-00044573-00044811 when mighty Maui was about to killher. CMKIf5ar0ky-00068-00044811-00044995 She quickly crushed the mighty hero CMKIf5ar0ky-00069-00044995-00045474 and so the queen of darkness stilldescends upon the forest every evening. CMKIf5ar0ky-00070-00046660-00047063 [bellbird singing] CMKIf5ar0ky-00071-00047186-00047418 Sweet the singing of the bellbird. CMKIf5ar0ky-00072-00047426-00047960 When they were named, Māori children used to eat a meal of bellbird, so their voices would be tuneful. CMKIf5ar0ky-00073-00048025-00048606 [bellbird singing] CMKIf5ar0ky-00074-00048696-00049186 The sweet-singing and sweet-eating bellbird feeds on nectarfrom the flowers. CMKIf5ar0ky-00075-00049832-00050200 Legend says the trees will die if birds are driven from the forest. CMKIf5ar0ky-00076-00050231-00050579 This is true because the blossoms fertilise themselves from pollen CMKIf5ar0ky-00077-00050579-00050763 which is shaken from their feathers. CMKIf5ar0ky-00078-00051430-00051822 Those who live beside the forest love the sound of bellbirds singing, CMKIf5ar0ky-00079-00051822-00052019 so they put out pots of honey CMKIf5ar0ky-00080-00052019-00052510 and the flicking tongues of bellbirds lick thenectar, storing it to feed their young ones. CMKIf5ar0ky-00081-00054707-00055136 The secret language of the forestsspreads the news of gifts from humans. CMKIf5ar0ky-00082-00055743-00056101 The bellbird lives quite happily with his neighbour called the tūī, CMKIf5ar0ky-00083-00056106-00056389 but tūī are the clever mimic and may copy any bird cry. CMKIf5ar0ky-00084-00056398-00057052 [tūī sings] CMKIf5ar0ky-00085-00057262-00057670 "He has a tūī`s throat", the Māori used to say to praise a speaker. CMKIf5ar0ky-00086-00058060-00058850 [tūī sings] CMKIf5ar0ky-00087-00059184-00059822 With a noisy and erratic flight, the tūī goes to gather honey from the native kōwhai branches. CMKIf5ar0ky-00088-00060000-00060970 [tūī sings] CMKIf5ar0ky-00089-00061800-00062343 Kererū, the slow wood pigeon, was the shape thatmighty Maui took to show himself to Māori, CMKIf5ar0ky-00090-00062380-00062656 but when the pigeon wasn't Maui in disguise, CMKIf5ar0ky-00091-00062656-00062971 they caughthim very easily with hand or trap or bird spear. CMKIf5ar0ky-00092-00064150-00064526 Kererū, the pigeon, gorges buds and berriesfrom the tree tops, CMKIf5ar0ky-00093-00064526-00064868 for there will come a time in winter when the berries fall and wither, CMKIf5ar0ky-00094-00064868-00065196 and theMāori hunter knew that berries make the pigeon thirsty; CMKIf5ar0ky-00095-00065196-00065504 that's why his water trough could snareso many birds. CMKIf5ar0ky-00096-00065683-00066164 The flightless weka is impudent, as bold as brass; a forest outlaw. CMKIf5ar0ky-00097-00066164-00066591 Shiny objects orfood left lying disappear when he's out prowling. CMKIf5ar0ky-00098-00068641-00069025 The hen is sometimes bigamous, having two malesto find her food CMKIf5ar0ky-00099-00069025-00069369 and quite a lawless family. CMKIf5ar0ky-00100-00071197-00071597 Only weka, quite unflustered, would returnfor one with mustard. CMKIf5ar0ky-00101-00072217-00072902 The kiwi is a bird quite different, quite peculiar to New Zealand; he's become the nation's emblem. CMKIf5ar0ky-00102-00074565-00074787 Tail-less, flightless, quite a freak, CMKIf5ar0ky-00103-00074791-00075034 andhis nostrils are found at the tip of his beak. CMKIf5ar0ky-00104-00075081-00075496 The kiwi, though no bigger than ahen, lays an egg that's quite enormous. CMKIf5ar0ky-00105-00075542-00075900 Some believe he represents a very early phase in bird life. CMKIf5ar0ky-00106-00077523-00077909 He feeds on worms and grubs and insects. CMKIf5ar0ky-00107-00077909-00078362 Thenickname "kiwi" is applied to all New Zealanders, but very few have ever seen him, CMKIf5ar0ky-00108-00078362-00078639 for like the owl helives by night and isn't very happy in the light. CMKIf5ar0ky-00109-00080075-00080501 Takahē is still another curious bird ofold New Zealand. CMKIf5ar0ky-00110-00080513-00080643 Few have seen him too, CMKIf5ar0ky-00111-00080643-00081136 yet this isn't so surprising when you realisethere are only a few hundred of them stillsurviving. CMKIf5ar0ky-00112-00081170-00081681 He was thought to be extinctuntil a scientist came across him in the snow grass of Fiordland. CMKIf5ar0ky-00113-00081681-00081946 Like the kiwi, heis also flightless. CMKIf5ar0ky-00114-00082304-00083120 [takahē calls] CMKIf5ar0ky-00115-00083791-00083984 Grass is the main food of the takahē, CMKIf5ar0ky-00116-00084005-00084376 and his beak as sharp asscissors cuts the grass into small pieces. CMKIf5ar0ky-00117-00084736-00086173 [takahē calls] CMKIf5ar0ky-00118-00086754-00086863 Hear that song? CMKIf5ar0ky-00119-00086878-00087273 The sweet grey warblertells the Māori: "time for planting", CMKIf5ar0ky-00120-00087273-00087633 and the Māori, crops all gathered, callsout to a lazy gardener: CMKIf5ar0ky-00121-00087712-00087967 "Were you there when the riroriro sang? CMKIf5ar0ky-00122-00087967-00088163 Where were you when the riroriro sang?". CMKIf5ar0ky-00123-00088186-00088516 [grey warbler sings] CMKIf5ar0ky-00124-00088859-00089276 [grey warbler sings] CMKIf5ar0ky-00125-00089379-00089909 Riroriro, called grey warbler, is house-proud, neat, and always working. CMKIf5ar0ky-00126-00089909-00090194 She weaves her feathers, moss, and lichens, CMKIf5ar0ky-00127-00090194-00090397 binds them all withspiders webbing. CMKIf5ar0ky-00128-00090452-00090819 When the great chief Hatupatu was captured by the great mist fairy CMKIf5ar0ky-00129-00090819-00091220 andsought escape beyond the forest, the alarm was sounded by the warbler. CMKIf5ar0ky-00130-00091369-00091775 Riroriro builds a roof top to her pear-shaped, hanging nest. CMKIf5ar0ky-00131-00092741-00093053 When the time comes, she'll coax her young onesfrom the nest CMKIf5ar0ky-00132-00093053-00093366 and then return to her sweet, flowing song. CMKIf5ar0ky-00133-00093480-00094265 [riorio sings] CMKIf5ar0ky-00134-00094467-00094792 The underwing feathers of the kākā wereused for cloaks, CMKIf5ar0ky-00135-00094792-00095096 but the Māori knew the kākā as a chatterbox and jester, CMKIf5ar0ky-00136-00095096-00095441 as a child of Tumataika, one of many forest spirits CMKIf5ar0ky-00137-00095572-00095769 Always eating, always talking, CMKIf5ar0ky-00138-00095769-00095947 he sometimes holds a filibuster, CMKIf5ar0ky-00139-00095947-00096270 andthe kākā from the forest fly to listen to his squawking. CMKIf5ar0ky-00140-00096382-00097593 [kākā squawking] CMKIf5ar0ky-00141-00097776-00098119 Squawks about his indigestion, population and congestion, CMKIf5ar0ky-00142-00098119-00098447 politics the current question, talks about his operation, CMKIf5ar0ky-00143-00098447-00098829 kākā can become a nation, protests against nosy parkers, CMKIf5ar0ky-00144-00098829-00099157 New Zealand only for the kākā, stop the noise from Māori haka. CMKIf5ar0ky-00145-00099184-00099589 Who'll do something for the kākā? Kākā of the world unite. CMKIf5ar0ky-00146-00100126-00100480 "Like the kākā in the forest, so at home the women gossip", CMKIf5ar0ky-00147-00100509-00100630 so runs the proverb, CMKIf5ar0ky-00148-00100630-00100992 but it's doubtful if the Māori ever said it when a wife was close to hear it. CMKIf5ar0ky-00149-00101985-00102339 High in mountains lives the kea, close relation of the kākā, CMKIf5ar0ky-00150-00102339-00102556 and a powerful soaring parrot. CMKIf5ar0ky-00151-00102623-00102943 He makes his homeon mountain crags or deep rock crevice, CMKIf5ar0ky-00152-00102943-00103404 and his natural food are insects, roots and worms, and shoots and larvae. CMKIf5ar0ky-00153-00103504-00103908 [kea calls] CMKIf5ar0ky-00154-00104048-00104441 Though a comic like the kākā, the kea is as nosy as the wicker. CMKIf5ar0ky-00155-00104501-00104663 He's ingenious, full of mischief, CMKIf5ar0ky-00156-00104663-00104985 manycampers find him almost human in his antics. CMKIf5ar0ky-00157-00105021-00105909 [kea calls] CMKIf5ar0ky-00158-00106008-00106360 The feathers underneath hiswings were greatly valued by the Māori. CMKIf5ar0ky-00159-00106573-00108053 [kea calls] CMKIf5ar0ky-00160-00108399-00108603 "Once a lifetime", say the Māori, CMKIf5ar0ky-00161-00108603-00109050 "One wouldsee the rare white heron, kōtuku, sacred of the forest. CMKIf5ar0ky-00162-00109071-00109447 To this one and only birthplaceon the river Waitangitaona, CMKIf5ar0ky-00163-00109447-00110043 from all corners of New Zealand comes the kōtuku to nest here, remembering her childhood. CMKIf5ar0ky-00164-00112470-00112637 When a Māori chief had died, CMKIf5ar0ky-00165-00112637-00113069 the rare white heron flew his spirit from the house of deathand darkness CMKIf5ar0ky-00166-00113069-00113216 to the afterworld awaiting. CMKIf5ar0ky-00167-00113980-00116516 [kōtuku calls] CMKIf5ar0ky-00168-00117094-00117508 When the Māori chief had died, his spiritquietly joined the heron. CMKIf5ar0ky-00169-00117570-00117816 "Take his spirit, white-winged heron", CMKIf5ar0ky-00170-00117842-00118555 and the Māori funeralchant ends, "ko to kōtuku to tapui, e Tama e". CMKIf5ar0ky-00171-00118555-00118909 "Now my son, the great white heron is thy sole companion", CMKIf5ar0ky-00172-00118974-00119159 and the white wings took his spirit. CMKIf5ar0ky-00173-00119183-00119694 So, the Māori, so close to bird life,travelled with him to the spirit land of Te Reinga. CMKIf5ar0ky-00174-00120842-00121384 Long the days of old time Māori, longthe days of dark green forests. CMKIf5ar0ky-00175-00121402-00121658 Only forest patches linger, CMKIf5ar0ky-00176-00121696-00122176 yet the birds theMāori hunted, loved and tamed, and praised in stories, CMKIf5ar0ky-00177-00122176-00122722 linger in the hearts ofMāori, linger in the forest branches. CMKIf5ar0ky-00178-00122772-00123848 [bird song] CpUL_h6plVg-00000-00000064-00000680 two new posts have crossed five lines. it was mostly because of this guy. i CpUL_h6plVg-00001-00000680-00001224 almost fight his shorts, and some new other channels, which results CpUL_h6plVg-00002-00001224-00002007 in even more likes on our posts. this can sometimes happen by chance, or because of the text i put in. COEgqtIqG5U-00000-00000168-00000648 right now, so but, here's what we can we have. we haven't uploaded for 12 COEgqtIqG5U-00001-00000648-00001251 hours because I forgot that I had the food before, but this is my tea. [Music] CUrQhETOUG8-00000-00000459-00000640 It is nice to see you, CUrQhETOUG8-00001-00000880-00000930 and.. CUrQhETOUG8-00002-00001010-00001150 you look fresh. CUrQhETOUG8-00003-00001220-00001270 You too, CUrQhETOUG8-00004-00001374-00001490 you haven't changed a bit. CUrQhETOUG8-00005-00001750-00001870 Let's get going, Bee! CUrQhETOUG8-00006-00003700-00003900 I just can't believe this. CUrQhETOUG8-00007-00003910-00004110 I thought, we're here.. CUrQhETOUG8-00008-00004120-00004300 to celebrate our 1st month anniversary. CUrQhETOUG8-00009-00004440-00004510 Common Bee, CUrQhETOUG8-00010-00004590-00004720 it's just a coincidence. CUrQhETOUG8-00011-00004730-00004800 Coincidence, you say? CUrQhETOUG8-00012-00004820-00005048 Same like you take me to the place, CUrQhETOUG8-00013-00005052-00005320 when you two are still dating? CUrQhETOUG8-00014-00005500-00005590 It's not like that, Bee. CUrQhETOUG8-00015-00005620-00005730 Could you just move on? CUrQhETOUG8-00016-00005930-00006036 You're overacting. CUrQhETOUG8-00017-00006040-00006170 "You haven't changed a bit". CUrQhETOUG8-00018-00006180-00006314 That's overacting! CUrQhETOUG8-00019-00006370-00006480 Why you should say such thing? CUrQhETOUG8-00020-00006600-00006690 What you think i should've say? CUrQhETOUG8-00021-00006700-00006820 Cursed her? CUrQhETOUG8-00022-00006900-00006970 We should hate each other? CUrQhETOUG8-00023-00007000-00007200 So, it's supposed to still liking each other, huh? CUrQhETOUG8-00024-00007350-00007520 You're illogical, Bee. CUrQhETOUG8-00025-00007590-00007759 Sorry, if it seems that i'm still into her. CUrQhETOUG8-00026-00007840-00007940 But, please believe. CUrQhETOUG8-00027-00008040-00008240 I don't have feelings left for her. CUrQhETOUG8-00028-00008594-00008800 Can't we just not fight in our anniversary? CUrQhETOUG8-00029-00008936-00009080 I want to order! CUrQhETOUG8-00030-00009296-00009348 Yes? CUrQhETOUG8-00031-00009450-00009580 Bee, you like spaghetti, don't you? CUrQhETOUG8-00032-00009600-00009760 One fried rice, please. CUrQhETOUG8-00033-00009830-00009940 Cancel the fried rice, CUrQhETOUG8-00034-00009950-00010110 we'll order spaghetti carbonara instead, ok. CUrQhETOUG8-00035-00010240-00010440 Cancel the spaghetti, it's fried rice-- CUrQhETOUG8-00036-00010440-00010570 -- cancel the fried rice! CUrQhETOUG8-00037-00010570-00010730 It's spaghetti carbonara, ok. CUrQhETOUG8-00038-00010830-00010900 That's all, mam? CUrQhETOUG8-00039-00010960-00011010 Yes, that would be all. CUrQhETOUG8-00040-00011020-00011070 Thank you. CUrQhETOUG8-00041-00012244-00012294 Boo! CUrQhETOUG8-00042-00012380-00012560 You're thinking dirty, don't you? CUrQhETOUG8-00043-00012830-00012962 Thinking of you who do not bathe. CUrQhETOUG8-00044-00012969-00013032 Now, that's dirty. CUrQhETOUG8-00045-00013128-00013268 What were you thinking anyway, CUrQhETOUG8-00046-00013440-00013540 I called you just yet. CUrQhETOUG8-00047-00013630-00013730 Sorry, i did not hear it. CUrQhETOUG8-00048-00013962-00014069 What's wrong? CUrQhETOUG8-00049-00014100-00014300 Another bad GPA, huh? CUrQhETOUG8-00050-00014419-00014550 You're underestimate my cleverness, Nad! CUrQhETOUG8-00051-00014638-00014762 What is it, then? CUrQhETOUG8-00052-00014844-00015019 What's the story? CUrQhETOUG8-00053-00015160-00015360 I had fight with Lala. CUrQhETOUG8-00054-00015419-00015510 O God, CUrQhETOUG8-00055-00015510-00015640 you are so lame! CUrQhETOUG8-00056-00015710-00015850 It's a common thing you know, CUrQhETOUG8-00057-00015860-00015930 in every relationship, CUrQhETOUG8-00058-00015940-00016069 there's always be fights. CUrQhETOUG8-00059-00016110-00016180 It's because Karina. CUrQhETOUG8-00060-00016408-00016458 Karina? CUrQhETOUG8-00061-00016660-00016750 Karina?? CUrQhETOUG8-00062-00016810-00016890 Yes. CUrQhETOUG8-00063-00017094-00017144 What happened? CUrQhETOUG8-00064-00017250-00017310 Couple of days ago, CUrQhETOUG8-00065-00017410-00017510 when i was with Lala, CUrQhETOUG8-00066-00017570-00017660 we met Karina. CUrQhETOUG8-00067-00017876-00017970 How's Lala? CUrQhETOUG8-00068-00018060-00018200 I already said sorry to her, CUrQhETOUG8-00069-00018280-00018430 but she only read my messages. CUrQhETOUG8-00070-00018580-00018720 Maybe, CUrQhETOUG8-00071-00018720-00018880 she runs out her internet quota. CUrQhETOUG8-00072-00018888-00018948 Posting, would you? CUrQhETOUG8-00073-00018950-00019056 "Positive thinking". CUrQhETOUG8-00074-00019800-00019870 Maybe it's time, CUrQhETOUG8-00075-00019930-00020050 for you to have some talks with her. CUrQhETOUG8-00076-00020270-00020346 With Lala? CUrQhETOUG8-00077-00020410-00020470 Did i just said-- CUrQhETOUG8-00078-00020470-00020650 With Karina. CUrQhETOUG8-00079-00020740-00020990 Maybe it's time for you to have some dissent closure, CUrQhETOUG8-00080-00020990-00021090 from Karina. CUrQhETOUG8-00081-00021190-00021390 So you can really move on with your life. CUrQhETOUG8-00082-00021400-00021600 And can finally forget about her, CUrQhETOUG8-00083-00021710-00021840 Not to mention, CUrQhETOUG8-00084-00021850-00022050 Poor Lala, if Karina are still in your mind until now. CUrQhETOUG8-00085-00022190-00022390 It's not that i don't love Lala, Nad. CUrQhETOUG8-00086-00022472-00022552 I know, CUrQhETOUG8-00087-00022584-00022660 i'm totally understand. CUrQhETOUG8-00088-00022702-00022768 But you must admit, CUrQhETOUG8-00089-00022768-00022920 there are still unfinished things between you and Karina, right? CUrQhETOUG8-00090-00022970-00023170 Just meet her first, ok? CUrQhETOUG8-00091-00023194-00023294 How about this, CUrQhETOUG8-00092-00023320-00023520 I save her new number in your phone. CUrQhETOUG8-00093-00023570-00023670 What? CUrQhETOUG8-00094-00023710-00023840 She changed her number? CUrQhETOUG8-00095-00023880-00024010 Which ex that won't change their numbers, CUrQhETOUG8-00096-00024010-00024210 if they have ex, as hard as you? CUrQhETOUG8-00097-00024280-00024480 KA-RI-NA. CUrQhETOUG8-00098-00024630-00024890 Nad, CUrQhETOUG8-00099-00024960-00025090 do you really think that this is a good idea? CUrQhETOUG8-00100-00025170-00025370 As long as you're not cheatting with Lala, CUrQhETOUG8-00101-00025380-00025540 I think this is a good idea, CUrQhETOUG8-00102-00025550-00025630 Very good, infact. CUrQhETOUG8-00103-00026280-00026330 Right? CUrQhETOUG8-00104-00026380-00026480 Yeah, right. CUrQhETOUG8-00105-00026530-00026720 Now, i have to go. CUrQhETOUG8-00106-00026830-00026900 I should continue my vlog. CUrQhETOUG8-00107-00027010-00027060 Bye, CUrQhETOUG8-00108-00027120-00027250 good luck with your past, ok. CUrQhETOUG8-00109-00028530-00028760 If you are given the opportunity to repeat time, CUrQhETOUG8-00110-00028910-00029189 which moment that you want to repeat? CUrQhETOUG8-00111-00029339-00029439 Ndra? CUrQhETOUG8-00112-00029592-00029872 Indra? CUrQhETOUG8-00113-00034464-00034868 ↓ baca kolom deskripsi untuk hadiah seru setiap minggunya dari #KarenaKarina ↓ CV5wF3WSJTQ-00000-00000650-00001000 Saturday, June 25 CV5wF3WSJTQ-00001-00001000-00001500 Long time no see?? CV5wF3WSJTQ-00002-00001500-00002000 I couldn't upload because I was doing this and that during vacation... CV5wF3WSJTQ-00003-00002000-00002500 I know it's an excuse CV5wF3WSJTQ-00004-00002500-00003000 Actually, I lost interest and thought a lot. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00005-00003000-00003400 And as soon as school starts CV5wF3WSJTQ-00006-00003400-00003920 After an open part-time job, I went straight to SK and studied, and that was my daily life. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00007-00003929-00004450 I also edited this video CV5wF3WSJTQ-00008-00004450-00004950 I think it's been close to a month CV5wF3WSJTQ-00009-00004950-00005450 If vacation was a month CV5wF3WSJTQ-00010-00005450-00005950 After 3 weeks of work, I went straight to Scar. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00011-00005950-00006450 The reason was to prepare for the Korean History Proficiency Test. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00012-00006450-00006950 I guess I was drinking CV5wF3WSJTQ-00013-00007000-00007500 School started and I went to school for a week. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00014-00007500-00008000 It's already too hard CV5wF3WSJTQ-00015-00008000-00008500 I felt I wasn't getting enough sleep CV5wF3WSJTQ-00016-00008500-00009000 To have to wake up early tomorrow too, this is hell CV5wF3WSJTQ-00017-00009000-00009500 Why? I have to go to work...! CV5wF3WSJTQ-00018-00009510-00010000 My school life after school started CV5wF3WSJTQ-00019-00010000-00010500 There is no real answer... CV5wF3WSJTQ-00020-00010500-00011000 No matter how high school you are in the 2nd semester of high school CV5wF3WSJTQ-00021-00011000-00011500 It's too much to block by turning it into three subjects... CV5wF3WSJTQ-00022-00011500-00012000 There is no physical education that was the pleasure of life CV5wF3WSJTQ-00023-00012000-00012500 In the first semester, I still had physical education and a priesthood. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00024-00012500-00013000 It's like that at school, what can I say... CV5wF3WSJTQ-00025-00013000-00013500 I just have to look at the timetable that has been quietly turned around. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00026-00013500-00014100 I listen to the same subject for 2 hours or more every day... ha... CV5wF3WSJTQ-00027-00014130-00014650 Because there is no gym CV5wF3WSJTQ-00028-00014650-00015150 I want to go to the gym every lunch hour. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00029-00015150-00015650 I'm not really good at these things. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00030-00015650-00016119 I love to run around and exercise! CV5wF3WSJTQ-00031-00016140-00016650 If you just stand still CV5wF3WSJTQ-00032-00016650-00017150 a feeling of exhaustion CV5wF3WSJTQ-00033-00017150-00017650 An active person like me knows how it feels CV5wF3WSJTQ-00034-00017650-00018150 Anyway, that's why I live in the gym. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00035-00018150-00018650 Murder volleyball and badminton are what I want to do. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00036-00018650-00019140 i like those two a lot CV5wF3WSJTQ-00037-00019150-00019650 I was thinking of murder volleyball CV5wF3WSJTQ-00038-00019650-00020150 The gym was empty at 7 o'clock on Tuesday, so I did gymnastics. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00039-00020150-00020650 I play murder volleyball with the boys. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00040-00020650-00021200 I was hit in the back of the head with a loud "wp" sound. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00041-00021220-00021750 Tears welled up but I didn't cry CV5wF3WSJTQ-00042-00021750-00022250 I'm the strongest kid CV5wF3WSJTQ-00043-00022250-00022750 It seems that the back of the head is flattened a little? CV5wF3WSJTQ-00044-00022750-00023250 Even though it's true, what you want to do is love, right? CV5wF3WSJTQ-00045-00023370-00023900 I've been trying to edit for a long time. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00046-00023900-00024400 My head is not spinning... CV5wF3WSJTQ-00047-00024400-00024900 I have a hard time editing subtitles. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00048-00024900-00025350 Does it feel like something is obsessed...? CV5wF3WSJTQ-00049-00025370-00025870 I'm on Netflix these days CV5wF3WSJTQ-00050-00025870-00026370 I'm watching 'Welcome' CV5wF3WSJTQ-00051-00026370-00026870 I just collected all of them. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00052-00026870-00027360 I started watching it after the Korean history test. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00053-00027370-00027870 I haven't seen you in a while because I'm at school. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00054-00027870-00028370 I'm watching it today, saturday CV5wF3WSJTQ-00055-00028370-00028870 I thought it wouldn't be fun CV5wF3WSJTQ-00056-00028870-00029370 I would have regretted it if I hadn't seen it. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00057-00029370-00029870 Even while I'm editing, I'm watching 'Welcome' CV5wF3WSJTQ-00058-00029870-00030370 Master Jang Wook got a knife, but why is he so sad...😭 CV5wF3WSJTQ-00059-00030370-00030870 It's a confrontation situation, but my heart is pounding CV5wF3WSJTQ-00060-00030870-00031370 I thought you were eating something CV5wF3WSJTQ-00061-00031389-00031900 The new menu is out on the 25th. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00062-00031900-00032400 Collaborating with MapleStory CV5wF3WSJTQ-00063-00032400-00032900 5 new drinks, reusable cups and reusable sleeves CV5wF3WSJTQ-00064-00032900-00033400 It came out pretty, so please look for it a lot CV5wF3WSJTQ-00065-00033400-00033900 I made a video today CV5wF3WSJTQ-00066-00033900-00034300 look forward to everyone CV5wF3WSJTQ-00067-00034380-00034900 I'll bring it to you soon CV5wF3WSJTQ-00068-00034900-00035400 But I haven't eaten any. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00069-00035400-00035900 I actually wanted to eat today. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00070-00035900-00036400 I just don't want to eat it.. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00071-00036400-00036900 So I'm going to try it next time. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00072-00036900-00037400 I went for two meals today and ate tteokbokki. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00073-00037400-00037900 I must have eaten bingsu.. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00074-00037900-00038400 I'm suddenly craving chocolate bingsu. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00075-00038400-00038900 Snow Bing's new Mitsu shaved ice.... CV5wF3WSJTQ-00076-00038940-00039450 And our angelic boss CV5wF3WSJTQ-00077-00039450-00039950 Thank you for buying Krispy Donuts and Chocolate Conch Bread. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00078-00039950-00040450 I came home and yami CV5wF3WSJTQ-00079-00040450-00040950 So I'm so full CV5wF3WSJTQ-00080-00040950-00041450 My stomach is full CV5wF3WSJTQ-00081-00041450-00041900 I think it will explode CV5wF3WSJTQ-00082-00041920-00042420 Any tips on how to spend time at school? CV5wF3WSJTQ-00083-00042420-00042920 It's so difficult CV5wF3WSJTQ-00084-00042920-00043420 I'm really sleepy and there's nothing I can do CV5wF3WSJTQ-00085-00043420-00043920 Honestly, I think I'm going to school to sleep CV5wF3WSJTQ-00086-00043920-00044420 what are you doing at school CV5wF3WSJTQ-00087-00044420-00044920 I am so tired and stressed. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00088-00044920-00045420 Ha... I don't want to go to school CV5wF3WSJTQ-00089-00045490-00046000 What is this drink and is it whipped? CV5wF3WSJTQ-00090-00046000-00046500 Is it vanilla latte? CV5wF3WSJTQ-00091-00046530-00047050 That chocolate shake in a cup CV5wF3WSJTQ-00092-00047050-00047550 Is it Gintobaegi?! CV5wF3WSJTQ-00093-00047550-00048050 Do you all see it? CV5wF3WSJTQ-00094-00048050-00048540 It's a complete shake itself. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00095-00048550-00049050 lululala i escaped the cafe CV5wF3WSJTQ-00096-00049050-00049550 I'm actually on my way to find food. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00097-00049560-00050050 Yam Sam Kimbap today CV5wF3WSJTQ-00098-00050050-00050550 Yum Sam, eaten while working part-time, tastes like honey CV5wF3WSJTQ-00099-00050640-00051200 I will eat well!!! CV5wF3WSJTQ-00100-00051240-00051750 I will pour it carefully CV5wF3WSJTQ-00101-00051750-00052250 Otherwise it will pop out CV5wF3WSJTQ-00102-00052250-00052750 Because of the hot tea, the ice melted, leaving space CV5wF3WSJTQ-00103-00052750-00053200 I'll add some more ice CV5wF3WSJTQ-00104-00053200-00053700 So this car seems to be a breakfast CV5wF3WSJTQ-00105-00053700-00054200 A scoop of ice cream on top of the already finished melon soda CV5wF3WSJTQ-00106-00054200-00054750 It feels so good when the ice cream goes up nicely CV5wF3WSJTQ-00107-00054750-00055250 Melon soda complete! CV5wF3WSJTQ-00108-00055279-00055800 next week or weekday CV5wF3WSJTQ-00109-00055800-00057300 I think I'll upload a daily vlog CV5wF3WSJTQ-00110-00057300-00057800 This is a video I went to play with a friend on vacation. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00111-00057800-00058300 I'll upload it even if it's not fun hehe CV5wF3WSJTQ-00112-00058300-00058800 Actually, I didn't even start editing. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00113-00058820-00059320 I just focused on 'marriage' CV5wF3WSJTQ-00114-00059320-00059820 I'm the one who forgot to edit subtitles CV5wF3WSJTQ-00115-00059820-00060320 Ha.. I'm stupid CV5wF3WSJTQ-00116-00060350-00060850 I went shopping today after working part time CV5wF3WSJTQ-00117-00060850-00061350 It's getting chilly soon, so I bought a windshield. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00118-00061350-00061850 I was thinking about the NFL and Discovery. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00119-00061850-00062350 I did it as an NFL windbreaker CV5wF3WSJTQ-00120-00062350-00062800 Anyway, I'm satisfied CV5wF3WSJTQ-00121-00062800-00063300 Adding a shot to the wheat flour is tricky. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00122-00063310-00063800 Can't remember if I even showed you this menu? CV5wF3WSJTQ-00123-00063800-00064300 I should have shown you the new Jellush menu. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00124-00064300-00064800 I only eat pink peach jelly CV5wF3WSJTQ-00125-00064800-00065300 This one tastes better than the others. CV5wF3WSJTQ-00126-00065300-00065800 Shall we eat apple mango jelly when we go to school in Damju? CV5wF3WSJTQ-00127-00065840-00066350 But my shoulder hurts CV5wF3WSJTQ-00128-00066350-00066850 Did you get a little wet? CV5wF3WSJTQ-00129-00066850-00067350 The body is not the only thing these days CV5wF3WSJTQ-00130-00067350-00067850 Tears are about to fall... CV5wF3WSJTQ-00131-00067850-00068350 Today's video is here CV5wF3WSJTQ-00132-00068350-00068850 I'm so sorry for coming back so late CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00000-00000556-00000960 Kom je ook op 16 november naar Utrecht naar CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00001-00000963-00001346 ons volgende event van de Powerful Business Women's Club? CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00002-00001349-00001889 Het business netwerk voor serieuze onderneemsters met hun bedrijf. CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00003-00001892-00002380 We zijn te gast bij een bijzondere onderneemster die haar eigen lingerieketen CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00004-00002383-00002914 heeft in Nederland en die wereldwijd allerlei primeurs heeft. CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00005-00002917-00003102 Floor van de Pavert. CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00006-00003105-00003602 En ze stelt zichzelf voor en ze laat alvast een kijkje in haar winkel zien. CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00007-00003604-00003761 Tot 16 november. CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00008-00003764-00003901 Ik zie je graag CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00009-00003921-00004294 Wij hebben lingerie waar je blij van wordt. CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00010-00004297-00004576 Ons doel is om vrouwen meer CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00011-00004579-00005246 zelfvertrouwen te geven en met goed zittende lingerie en, onze kernwaarden CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00012-00005249-00005850 deskundigheid, betaalbaarheid, diversiteit en Body positivity. CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00013-00005853-00006498 En ik vind het ontzettend leuk dat er weer een Powerful Business Women's event aankomt, CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00014-00006501-00007070 want ik mag dat hosten de volgende keer in de Superbra winkel in Utrecht. CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00015-00007073-00007523 En dat gaat plaatsvinden op dinsdag 16 november CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00016-00007527-00008334 en de inloop is vanaf kwart over vier en om half vijf starten wij. CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00017-00008337-00008578 En waar ga ik het over hebben? CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00018-00008581-00009104 Ik ga het hebben over het belang van goed zittende lingerie onder je zakelijke CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00019-00009107-00009918 outfits en ik ga je leren waar je op kan letten als jij voor lingerie shopt. CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00020-00009921-00010146 Ik zorg voor een hapje en een drankje CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00021-00010149-00010672 en als je het leuk vindt is er ook de gelegenheid om een bra-fitting te CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00022-00010675-00011218 krijgen in de winkel door mijn getrainde superbra fitters. CYiXQ1BVZiQ-00023-00011221-00011992 Ik hoop dat je wil komen en hopelijk zie ik je dan op 16 november Doei. CZUQg5Cl2xM-00000-00000336-00001592 just picking my blueprint itself i've got quite a lot of water rest up in there i'll show you um yes CZUQg5Cl2xM-00001-00002007-00002984 i don't know what other planets did i got wait for my blue grass CZUQg5Cl2xM-00002-00003040-00003960 they're just yellow they're nice that big biggest finger fingernail i'll take it bigger than that CZUQg5Cl2xM-00003-00004096-00004408 i would say but these are nice CZUQg5Cl2xM-00004-00004904-00005784 this samsung's not that great alright CZUQg5Cl2xM-00005-00005840-00006976 so yeah so much love and by the way i'm disabled and i like my garden so i like CZUQg5Cl2xM-00006-00006976-00008128 it i've got everything i want even got um here that's their blueberry parts coming through CZUQg5Cl2xM-00007-00008344-00008584 i don't know what CZUQg5Cl2xM-00008-00009856-00009952 they're guaranteed CZUQg5Cl2xM-00009-00012664-00013088 the plants will attend uh and these ones these blueberries Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00000-00001040-00001140 Hello friends !!! Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00001-00001175-00001446 one more day in India Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00002-00001476-00001616 I want to show you my hotel room Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00003-00001675-00001980 this time USD 26 Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00004-00001980-00002234 In Ranthambore Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00005-00002234-00002499 this is the bathroom Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00006-00002546-00002646 typical of India where the water comes out everywhere (there is no division between the shower and the toilet Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00009-00002861-00003171 well then Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00010-00003171-00003500 see you tomorrow - soon Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00012-00003805-00003960 I'm going to show you the vehicle Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00014-00004296-00004600 it's a truck without Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00015-00004600-00004795 windows Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00016-00004854-00005089 no doors, no roof Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00017-00005121-00005425 but it's nice Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00018-00005425-00005603 I don't know how many people fit Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00019-00005716-00005987 We are going to the park Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00020-00006073-00006173 to search Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00021-00006264-00006425 the Bengal tiger Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00022-00006680-00006798 I hope we can see it if we are lucky we will see it Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00023-00007363-00007633 look at that marabarist monkeys there on the electrical cables, how do they not get electrocuted? Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00024-00008780-00009020 well friends, here we go vehicle!!! Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00025-00009108-00009208 as they say (counter) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00026-00009274-00009374 is the famous Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00027-00009697-00009797 safari car Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00028-00009839-00009939 look how they drive Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00029-00010006-00010106 they drive very rough Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00030-00010526-00010626 here we go with Margaret Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00031-00010960-00011125 it seems we got to the park Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00032-00011207-00011450 we are about to enter Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00034-00011927-00012145 it is very common to see gentlemen Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00035-00012145-00012434 who sell hats and caps Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00036-00012434-00012553 and that kind of things Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00037-00012604-00012873 surely at prices Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00038-00012873-00013092 for tourists Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00039-00013092-00013357 but we are ready to start Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00040-00013847-00013947 the man goes looking for the tiger Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00041-00013994-00014107 that's why it goes so fast Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00042-00014311-00014411 it seems they saw it Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00043-00014412-00014520 because other 4 x 4 passed Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00044-00014593-00014787 and the men asked them, then can it be Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00045-00015076-00015176 that we are close to the tiger Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00046-00015505-00015688 hopefully!!! Because Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00047-00015735-00015909 because this man drives horrible Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00048-00015958-00016058 it seems that one was Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00049-00016925-00017209 to fly out of this truck Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00050-00017302-00017516 there seems to be a tiger Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00051-00017559-00017659 What did you see up there? Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00053-00018166-00018266 are all the Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00054-00018332-00018578 4X4s also are stopping Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00055-00018731-00018941 I dont know Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00056-00018941-00019244 the man is saying something Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00060-00020020-00020310 I don't know the man is showing something Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00066-00021588-00021807 it seems that there is a tiger here Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00067-00021807-00022061 but the branches of the trees do not let us see Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00070-00022640-00022899 we are waiting for the tiger to come out Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00071-00022911-00023039 we are here Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00072-00023122-00023437 and we see him but far away Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00073-00023455-00023738 we can't see it very well Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00074-00023738-00023978 if we know that he is there Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00075-00023978-00024254 under a rock Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00076-00024254-00024549 we can see a little the orange lines Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00077-00024549-00024765 with black and white Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00078-00024765-00025080 but we can't see him very good Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00079-00025080-00025379 but a tiger is there Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00080-00025379-00025663 Yes friends, he is there, I want to zoom in for you Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00081-00025663-00025939 look - he is there Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00082-00025939-00026225 look a paw Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00083-00026269-00026566 and it's face up Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00084-00026566-00026866 I'm going to make a zoom in Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00085-00026866-00027076 there he is lying Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00086-00027159-00027400 you see a paw Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00087-00027472-00027794 and this I think is his head Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00089-00028135-00028483 we are waiting for the tiger to get up because he is sleeping Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00090-00028563-00028663 but yes Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00091-00028696-00028878 it's a tiger!!! Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00092-00028914-00029046 look at the paw Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00093-00029094-00029370 I see the paw Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00094-00029370-00029584 I'm going to show it to you Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00096-00030117-00030396 friends if we see the tiger Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00097-00030396-00030699 it's not very close to see it Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00098-00030699-00031000 but if he's resting on a rock Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00099-00031000-00031312 at least we saw a tiger Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00100-00031312-00031412 He is not close Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00102-00031661-00031766 I do not know what is happening Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00103-00031812-00031923 but I think Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00104-00032038-00032138 we're going to another place in the park Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00105-00032169-00032454 The truth is that the man does not speak English Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00106-00032454-00032671 then we don't understand him Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00107-00032733-00032833 what's going on? Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00108-00032914-00033208 but we saw a bengal tiger!!! Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00109-00033387-00033625 He was sleeping Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00110-00033743-00034003 and we can see the legs Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00111-00034166-00034311 and other parts of the body Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00112-00034345-00034497 but he did not want to get up Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00114-00034893-00035238 the driver goes very fast but, I want to show you Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00115-00035276-00035573 some deer, I don't know what animal it is Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00116-00035659-00035917 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00117-00035967-00036067 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00118-00036143-00036412 what animal is that? Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00119-00036646-00036941 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00120-00037033-00037177 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00121-00037247-00037407 Camilo is trying to take photos Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00122-00037469-00037692 the man was going very fast Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00123-00037776-00037927 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00124-00037993-00038093 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00126-00038619-00039109 they drive very crazy - they drive crazy ..... Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00127-00039109-00039381 one thing I did not like Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00128-00039398-00039719 is that the driver drives very rough and you think you are going to fall Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00129-00039795-00040142 of the caunter (truck) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00130-00040513-00040809 we have seen deer Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00131-00040809-00040925 Peacocks Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00132-00041170-00041409 we keep looking for the tiger Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00133-00041479-00041579 bengal tiger Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00134-00041966-00042305 we stopped here to see the deer Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00135-00042323-00042423 yes Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00136-00042484-00042627 not everything is tigers Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00137-00042680-00042976 there are also other things too peacocks Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00138-00043184-00043488 the most beautiful thing is that this is in the wild Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00139-00043488-00043778 they do not have them locked up but they are in their habitat Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00140-00043998-00044330 that's why it's so hard to see the bengal tiger Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00141-00044391-00044588 Because they don't have it in a cage Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00142-00046677-00046802 they stopped here Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00143-00046926-00047060 to show Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00144-00047154-00047254 wild animals Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00145-00048422-00048522 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00146-00048577-00048704 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00148-00051820-00052046 there is a tree full of monkeys Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00152-00053037-00053241 we leave this park very happy Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00153-00053294-00053542 here in Ranthambore is known for bengal tigers Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00154-00053586-00053686 so we were lucky Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00155-00053740-00054054 because we saw one that was far away and then at the exit we saw one near Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00156-00054553-00054653 I couldn't record he because I was very nervous (another tourist did record it) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00157-00054849-00055086 but I have a spectacular photo of the tiger for you I am very happy to see a bengal tiger Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00161-00057050-00057276 Yes, very nice, I recommend it Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00162-00057319-00057607 Ranthambore National Park is nice Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00163-00057607-00057720 comming to here Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00164-00057796-00057896 It is very far, but very pretty Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00165-00057910-00058172 this place is where only to see bengal tigers Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00166-00058227-00058508 the plan is to come only to see this park to see tigers (maybe) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00167-00058867-00058967 there is nothing else to do here Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00168-00058989-00059089 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00169-00059410-00059510 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00170-00059528-00059628 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00171-00059654-00059754 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00172-00059973-00060139 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00173-00060273-00060373 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00174-00060488-00060588 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00175-00060687-00060787 (music) Cb9H_bS1TvQ-00176-00060895-00060995 (music) CdgSnQkUPoc-00000-00000450-00001024 COVID-19 vaccination third doses are now available to anyone aged 18 and over. CdgSnQkUPoc-00001-00001127-00002280 If you had your second dose 4 or more months ago (currently September 2021 or earlier), you are due for your third dose now. CdgSnQkUPoc-00002-00002778-00004522 You need your third dose to keep up your immunity against COVID-19, which is important with the current Omicron outbreak. CdgSnQkUPoc-00003-00004594-00005068 Research and data to understand Omicron is still on-going CdgSnQkUPoc-00004-00005068-00006781 but early reports indicate that: Omicron spreads faster than the original virus (2020) and the Delta variant; CdgSnQkUPoc-00005-00006781-00007773 Omicron can re-infect those who have had previous strains of COVID-19; and CdgSnQkUPoc-00006-00007900-00009411 A booster shot of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine is expected to protect against severe illness, hospitalisations and death due to Omicron infection. CdgSnQkUPoc-00007-00009822-00010800 You can get a Pfizer or Moderna dose regardless of which COVID-19 vaccine you received for your first and second doses. CdgSnQkUPoc-00008-00010800-00011273 You can also get the AstraZeneca vaccine as a third dose if you CdgSnQkUPoc-00009-00011273-00012024 received AstraZeneca for your first two doses, and there are no contraindications or precautions for use CdgSnQkUPoc-00010-00012024-00012571 or had a significant adverse reaction to a previous mRNA vaccine dose (for example, Pfizer or Moderna) CdgSnQkUPoc-00011-00012571-00013400 that means you cannot have another dose of an mRNA vaccine. CdgSnQkUPoc-00012-00013400-00014012 If you’re not sure which vaccine you’re eligible for, talk to your GP. CdgSnQkUPoc-00013-00014098-00014991 Third doses are not currently available through the at-home vaccination service. CdgSnQkUPoc-00014-00015534-00017054 If you’re unsure when your second dose was, you can access your COVID-19 immunisation history in your COVID-19 digital certificate. CdgSnQkUPoc-00015-00017054-00017641 Book at your local GP or pharmacy, or your nearest state-run vaccination centre. CdgSnQkUPoc-00016-00017641-00018156 When we are vaccinated, it is still important that we continue to protect ourselves CdgSnQkUPoc-00017-00018156-00018718 and reduce the risk of exposure to the virus by continuing these steps: CdgSnQkUPoc-00018-00018718-00019436 Wearing a face mask where required, indoors in public areas, in any location where you can’t physically distance CdgSnQkUPoc-00019-00019436-00020221 and if you are with people who may be vulnerable to COVID-19. Masks should also be worn if you have any symptoms; CdgSnQkUPoc-00020-00020221-00020597 Maintaining a physical distance of 1.5 metres from others; CdgSnQkUPoc-00021-00020597-00021099 Avoiding poorly ventilated or crowded spaces; and CdgSnQkUPoc-00022-00021099-00021299 Washing your hands regularly. CdgSnQkUPoc-00023-00021427-00022333 By continuing these safety measures, we can reduce the spread and limit the opportunity for new variants to emerge CdgSnQkUPoc-00024-00022339-00022776 and keep our community safe. CewVXg5kRK8-00000-00000140-00000360 Hello , I am Natasha CewVXg5kRK8-00001-00000454-00001939 and I wanted to inform you today that on the youtube channel of Amanda Ellis a video has appeared today about the deceased singer George Michael CewVXg5kRK8-00002-00002050-00002414 she passes on messages from this singer CewVXg5kRK8-00003-00002518-00003368 I like to follow her youtube channel because she also gives other deceased stars a voice CewVXg5kRK8-00004-00003508-00004166 such as the deceased singer Prince, princess Diana, ... CewVXg5kRK8-00005-00004642-00004880 the deceased singer of Queen CewVXg5kRK8-00006-00004944-00005424 I had to think for a moment because there are many who come through with her CewVXg5kRK8-00007-00005496-00006188 I have set up one of my favorite songs from George Michael in the background as you hear CewVXg5kRK8-00008-00006254-00007180 I am a big fan of George Michael so I am glad that Amanda gives this singer a voice again CewVXg5kRK8-00009-00007218-00007704 and that way he can pass on beautiful messages to all of us CewVXg5kRK8-00010-00007750-00008684 I would say definitely take a look at the youtube channel of Amanda Ellis, especially if you like music ... CewVXg5kRK8-00011-00009360-00009832 and if you want to hear spiritual wisdom CewVXg5kRK8-00012-00009888-00010376 because she makes a video about many spiritual topics CewVXg5kRK8-00013-00010446-00010932 so it's interesting to take a look at her CewVXg5kRK8-00014-00010968-00011824 I wish you a pleasant evening and lots of love from me ChXuEySNQ6A-00000-00000000-00000125 (narrator) As a married couple, ChXuEySNQ6A-00001-00000125-00000603 there are many things you share-- home, car, income, ChXuEySNQ6A-00002-00000603-00000814 sometimes toothbrush. ChXuEySNQ6A-00003-00000814-00000990 Property can also be shared. ChXuEySNQ6A-00004-00000990-00001319 A shared investment, that is; in the eyes of the law. ChXuEySNQ6A-00005-00001319-00001577 And as a married couple, in the eyes the law, ChXuEySNQ6A-00006-00001577-00001857 you can be considered as one single investor, ChXuEySNQ6A-00007-00001857-00002164 sharing equal ownership of a piece of real estate. ChXuEySNQ6A-00008-00002164-00002571 This is called tenancy by the entirety or tenancy ChXuEySNQ6A-00009-00002571-00002889 by the entireties in legalese. ChXuEySNQ6A-00010-00002889-00003072 Each person in this shared ownership ChXuEySNQ6A-00011-00003072-00003368 is called a tenant by the entirety. ChXuEySNQ6A-00012-00003368-00003565 Even though it uses the word tenancy, ChXuEySNQ6A-00013-00003565-00003772 it has nothing to do with renting property ChXuEySNQ6A-00014-00003772-00003903 from a landlord. ChXuEySNQ6A-00015-00003903-00004230 Here tenancy means being an owner. ChXuEySNQ6A-00016-00004230-00004525 Tenancy by the entirety only applies to couples ChXuEySNQ6A-00017-00004525-00004680 who are married to each other. ChXuEySNQ6A-00018-00004680-00004926 In Florida, however, tenancy by the entirety ChXuEySNQ6A-00019-00004926-00005168 deals not only with real estate, but anything ChXuEySNQ6A-00020-00005168-00005374 that can be defined as property. ChXuEySNQ6A-00021-00005374-00005620 In fact, even joint bank accounts belonging to a husband ChXuEySNQ6A-00022-00005620-00005869 and wife are automatically considered tenancy ChXuEySNQ6A-00023-00005869-00006260 by the entirety unless specified in writing that it isn't. ChXuEySNQ6A-00024-00006260-00006481 Tenancy by the entirety potentially affects ChXuEySNQ6A-00025-00006481-00006714 a number of different legal issues, ChXuEySNQ6A-00026-00006714-00007052 not least ways when it comes to issues of probate. ChXuEySNQ6A-00027-00007052-00007315 Probate court has to do with wills and assets ChXuEySNQ6A-00028-00007315-00007554 belonging to the deceased. ChXuEySNQ6A-00029-00007554-00007828 For property owned through tenancy by entirety, ChXuEySNQ6A-00030-00007828-00008022 the surviving spouse automatically ChXuEySNQ6A-00031-00008022-00008397 gains full control of a deceased spouse's share. ChXuEySNQ6A-00032-00008397-00008631 Getting back to the business of living, however, ChXuEySNQ6A-00033-00008631-00008866 we also see that tenancy through entirety ChXuEySNQ6A-00034-00008866-00009093 prevents one spouse from selling the property, ChXuEySNQ6A-00035-00009093-00009465 such as real estate, without a signature from the other. ChXuEySNQ6A-00036-00009465-00009778 Now, if a creditor sues just one of the spouses ChXuEySNQ6A-00037-00009778-00010132 and attempts to reclaim debt, anything owned through tenancy ChXuEySNQ6A-00038-00010132-00010487 by entirety is off limits to collection. ChXuEySNQ6A-00039-00010487-00010725 There are some additional requirements for a property ChXuEySNQ6A-00040-00010725-00010930 to be considered tenancy by entirety, ChXuEySNQ6A-00041-00010930-00011167 outside of just being married. ChXuEySNQ6A-00042-00011167-00011345 One, the couple must have already ChXuEySNQ6A-00043-00011345-00011535 been married when the property was acquired, ChXuEySNQ6A-00044-00011535-00011747 and the mutual interest in the property ChXuEySNQ6A-00045-00011747-00011998 must have taken place at the same time. ChXuEySNQ6A-00046-00011998-00012322 Basically, tenancy by entirety is a shared venture ChXuEySNQ6A-00047-00012322-00012463 all the way through. ChXuEySNQ6A-00048-00012463-00012769 It never hurts to know what exactly you're in store for. ChXuEySNQ6A-00049-00012769-00013050 That's where LegalYou comes in; as a legal knowledge ChXuEySNQ6A-00050-00013050-00013336 reserve free for the pickings. ChXuEySNQ6A-00051-00013336-00013449 LegalYou. ChXuEySNQ6A-00052-00013449-00013579 You can do this. CkWlZaaSxJI-00000-00000000-00000306 Sesame Ramen CkWlZaaSxJI-00001-00000306-00000598 [ Sesame Ramen Material ] Ramen, sesame seeds, red pepper seeds, egg Cl3z05u1oP0-00000-00001042-00001590 Kia ora koutou, I'm Lucy and I'm going to tell you what I'm doing for my wellbeing at Cl3z05u1oP0-00001-00001591-00001691 the moment. Cl3z05u1oP0-00002-00001691-00002125 So, firstly let's just recognise that times are tough and I don't want to diminish that Cl3z05u1oP0-00003-00002125-00002264 in any way. Cl3z05u1oP0-00004-00002264-00002900 So what I'm doing is number 1, I'm being very determined about pacing myself. Cl3z05u1oP0-00005-00002900-00003461 So, I think if I'm honest, every single day this week I have been taking myself off for Cl3z05u1oP0-00006-00003461-00003978 a nana-nap and during the day if I'm feeling anxious then I practice box breathing: when Cl3z05u1oP0-00007-00003978-00004246 you breathe in for the count of four. Cl3z05u1oP0-00008-00004246-00004548 You hold your breath for the count of four. Cl3z05u1oP0-00009-00004548-00004842 You breathe out for the count of four. Cl3z05u1oP0-00010-00004842-00005175 You hold your breath for the count of four. Cl3z05u1oP0-00011-00005175-00005332 So I go in... Cl3z05u1oP0-00012-00005352-00005536 2, 3, 4. Cl3z05u1oP0-00013-00005536-00005622 Hold... Cl3z05u1oP0-00014-00005642-00005726 2,3,4. Cl3z05u1oP0-00015-00005764-00005838 Out... Cl3z05u1oP0-00016-00005838-00006050 2,3,4. Cl3z05u1oP0-00017-00006064-00006210 Hold... Cl3z05u1oP0-00018-00006210-00006310 2,3,4. Cl3z05u1oP0-00019-00006310-00007303 And it just gives my rational brain an opportunity to take over from my emotional, run-away train Cl3z05u1oP0-00020-00007303-00007434 brain. Cl3z05u1oP0-00021-00007434-00008183 So, I hope some of those things might help you too and we're thinking of everybody out Cl3z05u1oP0-00022-00008183-00008510 there who's trying to get through this together. Cl3z05u1oP0-00023-00008526-00008576 Kia ora. Cl3z05u1oP0-00024-00008830-00008880 Morning! Cl3z05u1oP0-00025-00008944-00009054 Hey morning everyone. Cl3z05u1oP0-00026-00009066-00009326 Hey Esme, what have we been upto during this lockdown period? Cl3z05u1oP0-00027-00009326-00010342 We've been going for a walk, and watching movies, workouts, jobs and baking and reading. Cl3z05u1oP0-00028-00010356-00010534 Anything else you want to say to everyone? Cl3z05u1oP0-00029-00010564-00010660 Byeee! Cl3z05u1oP0-00030-00010666-00010772 See-ya! Cl3z05u1oP0-00031-00010772-00011164 Hey look, we have been keeping it really chilled here at home during the lockdown period. Cl3z05u1oP0-00032-00011164-00011364 I hope you are all well out there. Cl3z05u1oP0-00033-00011364-00011614 A big thing is to keep your rhythms up. Cl3z05u1oP0-00034-00011614-00012184 Yeah again do the things that give you life, like Esme was saying ours is working out as Cl3z05u1oP0-00035-00012184-00012284 a family together. Cl3z05u1oP0-00036-00012284-00012553 We do some walks and keeping it really chilled. Cl3z05u1oP0-00037-00012553-00012850 Stay safe out there, we'll talk soon eh. Cl3z05u1oP0-00038-00012850-00012916 Kia ora! Cl3z05u1oP0-00039-00013082-00013844 Ah, firstly the most important thing that I see and that I believe is right at the top Cl3z05u1oP0-00040-00013844-00014277 of where our focus should be is hauora and wellbeing. Cl3z05u1oP0-00041-00014277-00014974 So, looking at te whare tapa whā, hauora: so we got taha hinengaro, taha wairua, taha Cl3z05u1oP0-00042-00014974-00015336 whānau, taha tīnana and they are all interconnected. Cl3z05u1oP0-00043-00015336-00015772 So looking at ways to enhance that whilst we are in this lockdown. Cl3z05u1oP0-00044-00015772-00016383 What I've been doing with my rangitahi is I set up a lip-synch challenge; that was in Cl3z05u1oP0-00045-00016383-00016518 my first week, that was awesome. Cl3z05u1oP0-00046-00016518-00017117 Got to see snapshots of my students that I've never seen usually and same with me as well, Cl3z05u1oP0-00047-00017117-00017426 I was a part of that so I had to do a song. Cl3z05u1oP0-00048-00017426-00018141 We're cooking blueberry muffins for whānau and we're going to try and bring whānau involved Cl3z05u1oP0-00049-00018141-00018340 and get whānau involved with that as well. Cl3z05u1oP0-00050-00018340-00018676 So building those relationships as well. Cl3z05u1oP0-00051-00018676-00019164 So I am building this narrative for them during this Covid lockdown so when I get back to Cl3z05u1oP0-00052-00019164-00019638 school, whenever that is, we can go back and have look at those lip-synchs and we can go Cl3z05u1oP0-00053-00019638-00020071 back and look at the feedback for their baking of muffins, or anything like that. Cl3z05u1oP0-00054-00020071-00020617 And that just maintains my connection with my students, so that when I go back to school Cl3z05u1oP0-00055-00020617-00021170 they're not having to rediscover me and I'm not having to rediscover them. Cl3z05u1oP0-00056-00021170-00021474 No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā ra tātou katoa. CntEd34xeD8-00000-00000008-00000712 i'm Aposlte livingston kimani uh in kenya evangelist church and leopard hills of faith CntEd34xeD8-00001-00000784-00001623 i'm an apostle but our president closed the churches then i've come to hustle now CntEd34xeD8-00002-00001623-00002472 i see it is better to come here than to wait the people of the church my disciples come and give me CntEd34xeD8-00003-00002472-00003224 food sometimes i'm giving them and through this i've become i i have been coming here CntEd34xeD8-00004-00003224-00004024 with with a bicycle but the bicycle was light off because i was not having money to repair i CntEd34xeD8-00005-00004024-00004784 did and the money i had not been given so i was coming by foot by foot you know it is by magora CntEd34xeD8-00006-00004880-00005592 so when i was just coming you know arena never could quit and quitter never win CntEd34xeD8-00007-00005592-00006192 as i was coming there is somebody who saw me struggling and he bought me a motorcycle order CntEd34xeD8-00008-00006264-00007264 114 000 yeah and it has insurance so you pastor who you are at home waiting for those people to CntEd34xeD8-00009-00007264-00007992 bring virgo just come out of that don't let your wife sleep hungry now my wife is eating meat CntEd34xeD8-00010-00007992-00008648 every day every day every day and i have two children who have completed four so God bless CntEd34xeD8-00011-00008648-00009544 you see you and i can do all things through god who's transgender and sin sucks okay sin sucks CnKzX0MI_dM-00000-00000091-00000254 Steven, you CnKzX0MI_dM-00001-00000254-00000684 have often said that the price the international community pays CnKzX0MI_dM-00002-00000684-00001121 for its refusal to embrace gender equality is CnKzX0MI_dM-00003-00001121-00001570 it contributing to the ferocious spread of HIV/AIDS, CnKzX0MI_dM-00004-00001570-00002023 but can you give us some concrete examples of what can be done CnKzX0MI_dM-00005-00002023-00002723 towards empowering women and guaranteeing equal rights for all? CnKzX0MI_dM-00006-00002723-00002981 Let me say if I may that CnKzX0MI_dM-00007-00002981-00003256 i'm really really glad that the CnKzX0MI_dM-00008-00003256-00003552 council had the opportunity to hear CnKzX0MI_dM-00009-00003552-00003695 Kim's CnKzX0MI_dM-00010-00003695-00004157 eloquence on the subject that seers the soul. CnKzX0MI_dM-00011-00004157-00004570 As a fellow Canadian I can say that she's made a really CnKzX0MI_dM-00012-00004570-00005050 magnificent contribution to the sense of truth and reconciliation and CnKzX0MI_dM-00013-00005050-00005379 sanity and human decency which should CnKzX0MI_dM-00014-00005379-00005679 suffuse the human condition and doesn't CnKzX0MI_dM-00015-00005815-00006378 and it's lovely to share this time with her and with my colleagues. CnKzX0MI_dM-00016-00006378-00006877 I smiled to myself gently when Kumi spoke because I feel as though CnKzX0MI_dM-00017-00006959-00007245 I'm his apprentice, I feel as though I am CnKzX0MI_dM-00018-00007245-00007426 a continuing echo. CnKzX0MI_dM-00019-00007426-00007970 So let me agree wholly that words like 'empowerment' worry me CnKzX0MI_dM-00020-00007970-00008400 because they sound as though you're bestowing something on women. CnKzX0MI_dM-00021-00008400-00008764 'Capacity building' is the oldest saw in the world and the only other CnKzX0MI_dM-00022-00008764-00009180 word which vexes me more deeply is 'mainstreaming.' CnKzX0MI_dM-00023-00009180-00009651 Every single time i've seen 'mainstreaming' applied to women's rights it CnKzX0MI_dM-00024-00009651-00009934 has mainstreamed women right out of the picture. CnKzX0MI_dM-00025-00009934-00010327 I have yet to see at all that I have read and observed CnKzX0MI_dM-00026-00010327-00010657 a situation where mainstreaming actually worked, although rhetorically it's very CnKzX0MI_dM-00027-00010657-00010817 satisfying. CnKzX0MI_dM-00028-00010817-00011156 Let me, let me say, one, CnKzX0MI_dM-00029-00011156-00011618 in a continent like Sub-Saharan Africa, which I know best, CnKzX0MI_dM-00030-00011618-00011932 sixty percent of the infections, and twenty three million people are living CnKzX0MI_dM-00031-00011932-00012208 with the AIDS virus, are women. CnKzX0MI_dM-00032-00012208-00012460 Seventy-five percent of those between CnKzX0MI_dM-00033-00012460-00012781 fifteen and twenty-four are young women and girls. CnKzX0MI_dM-00034-00012781-00013033 So the disproportionate CnKzX0MI_dM-00035-00013033-00013188 infection rates CnKzX0MI_dM-00036-00013188-00013326 are of course CnKzX0MI_dM-00037-00013326-00013446 evidence CnKzX0MI_dM-00038-00013446-00013900 that the discrimination is intense and the vulnerability is intense CnKzX0MI_dM-00039-00013900-00014224 and the sexual inequality is intense. CnKzX0MI_dM-00040-00014224-00014615 And f there were ways of forcing through law CnKzX0MI_dM-00041-00014615-00014823 and through example CnKzX0MI_dM-00042-00014823-00014959 sexual autonomy CnKzX0MI_dM-00043-00014959-00015375 so that women could say no to sex or insist that the partner wears a condom, CnKzX0MI_dM-00044-00015375-00015706 we would move significant CnKzX0MI_dM-00045-00015706-00015864 miles forward CnKzX0MI_dM-00046-00015864-00016221 in the struggle against the pandemic. CnKzX0MI_dM-00047-00016221-00016650 Similarly, number two, the education of girls is CnKzX0MI_dM-00048-00016650-00017001 overwhelmingly in its formidable impact. CnKzX0MI_dM-00049-00017001-00017366 Everyone here knows that and everybody pays service and homage to it CnKzX0MI_dM-00050-00017454-00017835 but it really does make an astonishing difference and CnKzX0MI_dM-00051-00017835-00018288 girls in many developing countries are not only not quite equal to boys of CnKzX0MI_dM-00052-00018288-00018491 primary school in numbers CnKzX0MI_dM-00053-00018491-00018988 but in secondary school the disparity is huge and in university its monumental. CnKzX0MI_dM-00054-00018988-00019379 And yet we know that the education of a girl CnKzX0MI_dM-00055-00019379-00019892 means a much lower infant mortality rate, a much lower maternal mortality rate, CnKzX0MI_dM-00056-00019892-00020164 a much better sense of immunization, CnKzX0MI_dM-00057-00020164-00020504 a much better sense of how to bring up children, CnKzX0MI_dM-00058-00020504-00020951 a much better sense generally of being a full human being able to look CnKzX0MI_dM-00059-00020951-00021252 after family and associates and friends and CnKzX0MI_dM-00060-00021252-00021372 community. CnKzX0MI_dM-00061-00021372-00021888 And we're still struggling. That's true. It's crazy so many years later but CnKzX0MI_dM-00062-00021888-00022160 we're still struggling with this business of CnKzX0MI_dM-00063-00022160-00022597 of educational equality for girls when we know what a profound difference it CnKzX0MI_dM-00064-00022597-00022752 will make. CnKzX0MI_dM-00065-00022752-00022950 Michelle Bachelet, the CnKzX0MI_dM-00066-00022950-00023393 Under-Secretary-General for UN Women, in her speech celebrating International CnKzX0MI_dM-00067-00023393-00023519 Women's Day, CnKzX0MI_dM-00068-00023519-00023792 emphasized three areas: CnKzX0MI_dM-00069-00023792-00024226 political representation, economic empowerment, and sexual violence. CnKzX0MI_dM-00070-00024226-00024484 Uncharacteristically she became quite emotional. CnKzX0MI_dM-00071-00024484-00024990 She talked about acid being thrown in the faces of women, she talked about CnKzX0MI_dM-00072-00024990-00025166 child brides... there was, CnKzX0MI_dM-00073-00025166-00025361 there was pain in her voice. CnKzX0MI_dM-00074-00025361-00025770 She understood I think even more vividly that when she was president CnKzX0MI_dM-00075-00025770-00026009 of Chile what is happening to women CnKzX0MI_dM-00076-00026009-00026180 around the world and CnKzX0MI_dM-00077-00026180-00026402 it causes her anguish. CnKzX0MI_dM-00078-00026402-00026830 What causes more anguish is having set up UN Women in a CnKzX0MI_dM-00079-00026844-00027285 consensus vote of the General Assembly of United Nations CnKzX0MI_dM-00080-00027285-00027587 it's now being starved by the donor countries who CnKzX0MI_dM-00081-00027587-00027709 promised so much CnKzX0MI_dM-00082-00027709-00027913 and are delivering so little. CnKzX0MI_dM-00083-00027913-00028306 And that's a lesson which should be noted: that you finally, after so CnKzX0MI_dM-00084-00028306-00028639 many years, establish a new international agency for women and then CnKzX0MI_dM-00085-00028639-00028950 you don't give it the money it requires to function as all of us would wish it to CnKzX0MI_dM-00086-00028950-00029066 function. CnKzX0MI_dM-00087-00029066-00029452 And we know if there was power on the ground with voice and resources to CnKzX0MI_dM-00088-00029452-00029913 support the women's activism it would make a difference, night and day, to CnKzX0MI_dM-00089-00029913-00029960 what CnKzX0MI_dM-00090-00029960-00030127 women achieve. CnKzX0MI_dM-00091-00030127-00030466 And political representation, you've heard under twenty percent of the CnKzX0MI_dM-00092-00030466-00030631 parliaments are CnKzX0MI_dM-00093-00030631-00031000 represented by women in terms of the membership, CnKzX0MI_dM-00094-00031000-00031437 and of a hundred and eighty-six heads of state in the world, sixteen are women. CnKzX0MI_dM-00095-00031437-00031676 If you want to know why the world is in a mess CnKzX0MI_dM-00096-00031676-00032097 that's a pretty clear indication of how it happens. CnKzX0MI_dM-00097-00032097-00032552 In terms of economic empowerment sixty-six of the world's work is done by women, CnKzX0MI_dM-00098-00032552-00032922 fifty percent of the world's food is produced by women, CnKzX0MI_dM-00099-00032922-00033408 ten percent of the overall income is received by women, and one percent of CnKzX0MI_dM-00100-00033408-00033637 property is owned by women. CnKzX0MI_dM-00101-00033637-00034006 So the imbalances are so profound and so marked CnKzX0MI_dM-00102-00034006-00034286 that if we were able to overcome them and made them parts of public policy CnKzX0MI_dM-00103-00034286-00034442 obviously CnKzX0MI_dM-00104-00034442-00034812 it would make a difference in the lives women lead and handle therefore the CnKzX0MI_dM-00105-00034812-00034958 controversies of CnKzX0MI_dM-00106-00034958-00035077 disease, which CnKzX0MI_dM-00107-00035077-00035294 so imperils them. CnKzX0MI_dM-00108-00035294-00035783 They're so strong, I hope that is understood. CnKzX0MI_dM-00109-00035783-00036184 The women who are living with HIV at community level, they're CnKzX0MI_dM-00110-00036184-00036495 looking after their families, they're community health workers reaching CnKzX0MI_dM-00111-00036495-00036661 out to the villages, they are CnKzX0MI_dM-00112-00036661-00036939 sustaining the entire society. CnKzX0MI_dM-00113-00036939-00037094 It's phenomenal CnKzX0MI_dM-00114-00037094-00037258 the strength they show CnKzX0MI_dM-00115-00037258-00037652 and what little paucity of support they receive. CnKzX0MI_dM-00116-00037652-00037922 And then there's something called, if I may CnKzX0MI_dM-00117-00037922-00038294 just before I end echo the words of the president, CnKzX0MI_dM-00118-00038294-00038538 something called sexual violence CnKzX0MI_dM-00119-00038538-00039024 which transmits the AIDS virus in significant measure CnKzX0MI_dM-00120-00039024-00039333 and something important happened in the international community in the last CnKzX0MI_dM-00121-00039333-00039646 few weeks and I want quickly to make reference to it. CnKzX0MI_dM-00122-00039646-00040056 In December 2010 the Security Council of United Nations passed CnKzX0MI_dM-00123-00040056-00040313 Resolution 960 CnKzX0MI_dM-00124-00040313-00040558 which said to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, CnKzX0MI_dM-00125-00040558-00040784 we want you to prepare a report CnKzX0MI_dM-00126-00040784-00041044 on sexual violence in conflict CnKzX0MI_dM-00127-00041044-00041237 and we want you to name names. CnKzX0MI_dM-00128-00041237-00041674 For the first time ever we want to shame and name the countries and the groups CnKzX0MI_dM-00129-00041674-00041794 in the countries CnKzX0MI_dM-00130-00041794-00042225 that are fostering the sexual violence because we understand not only the CnKzX0MI_dM-00131-00042225-00042424 imperiling of women's lives CnKzX0MI_dM-00132-00042424-00042750 but of the consequences for the community generally. CnKzX0MI_dM-00133-00042750-00043183 And so the report emerged in January of this year, the first report. CnKzX0MI_dM-00134-00043183-00043599 And on February 23 just past the Security Council had an open meeting to CnKzX0MI_dM-00135-00043599-00043787 discuss CnKzX0MI_dM-00136-00043787-00043972 the Secretary-General's report CnKzX0MI_dM-00137-00043972-00044358 and what was astonishing about the report, stunning about the report, CnKzX0MI_dM-00138-00044358-00044647 was not only that it named country after country CnKzX0MI_dM-00139-00044647-00044944 and groups within the country who are promoting CnKzX0MI_dM-00140-00044944-00045546 and fostering and driving sexual violence of the most hideous kind, CnKzX0MI_dM-00141-00045546-00045737 but in the middle of the report CnKzX0MI_dM-00142-00045737-00045893 there was a whole section CnKzX0MI_dM-00143-00045893-00046333 on electorally orchestrated sexual violence CnKzX0MI_dM-00144-00046333-00046762 so it wasn't merely violence in conflict settings, it was a recognition on the CnKzX0MI_dM-00145-00046762-00047022 part of the drafters of the Secretary-General's report, CnKzX0MI_dM-00146-00047022-00047222 and in his words, CnKzX0MI_dM-00147-00047222-00047605 that sexual violence politically orchestrated CnKzX0MI_dM-00148-00047605-00047877 is of a similar level. CnKzX0MI_dM-00149-00047877-00048316 And I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that CnKzX0MI_dM-00150-00048316-00048655 because there's one country whose name is rarely mentioned in the CnKzX0MI_dM-00151-00048655-00048816 Human Rights Council CnKzX0MI_dM-00152-00048816-00049198 which is engaged in the most intolerable use of rape CnKzX0MI_dM-00153-00049198-00049385 of women of the opposition party CnKzX0MI_dM-00154-00049385-00049660 in the pursuit of electoral goals CnKzX0MI_dM-00155-00049660-00049876 and that's the country of Zimbabwe, CnKzX0MI_dM-00156-00049876-00050106 and I'll have more to say about that CnKzX0MI_dM-00157-00050106-00050478 at a meeting slightly later this evening when I will deliver an actual CnKzX0MI_dM-00158-00050478-00050668 statement and circulate it CnKzX0MI_dM-00159-00050668-00050953 and have a report which may be of interest to people in the Human Rights CnKzX0MI_dM-00160-00050953-00051415 Council, but it is fascinating that we're finally going to be able to deal CnKzX0MI_dM-00161-00051415-00051738 with sexual violence in any circumstance, CnKzX0MI_dM-00162-00051738-00052024 which so seriously transmits the AIDS virus, CnKzX0MI_dM-00163-00052024-00052216 compromises the lives of women, CnKzX0MI_dM-00164-00052216-00052588 and I note with the president of the General Assembly CnKzX0MI_dM-00165-00052588-00052764 that it is an issue CnKzX0MI_dM-00166-00052764-00052962 on which the progress CnKzX0MI_dM-00167-00052962-00053266 has been so incremental CnKzX0MI_dM-00168-00053266-00053417 as to be CnKzX0MI_dM-00169-00053417-00053538 heartbreaking. CnKzX0MI_dM-00170-00053538-00053710 It is unconscionable, CnKzX0MI_dM-00171-00053710-00053853 indefensible, CnKzX0MI_dM-00172-00053853-00054349 and this Human Rights Council has an opportunity to do and say on CnKzX0MI_dM-00173-00054349-00054440 sexual violence CnKzX0MI_dM-00174-00054440-00054566 what hasn't been done CnKzX0MI_dM-00175-00054566-00054735 in the rest of the international community. Thank you. D7ah6_52mJQ-00000-00001070-00001568 (Andy Richardson) As you know, I chair the Food and Drink Board for Wales. So, I thought you might D7ah6_52mJQ-00001-00001568-00002054 just appreciate a few comments on what we've been doing during the coronavirus D7ah6_52mJQ-00002-00002054-00002669 crisis. Ultimately our role is to connect with food and drink businesses in Wales, D7ah6_52mJQ-00003-00002669-00003056 and to make sure we listen to what they have to say, and represent their views D7ah6_52mJQ-00004-00003056-00003569 when we're speaking to Welsh Government. We've been having, initially, daily D7ah6_52mJQ-00005-00003569-00004090 meetings, where we've discussed and prioritized what the issues are. And then D7ah6_52mJQ-00006-00004090-00004505 we've been relaying those to the Minister. And it's really important that we try to D7ah6_52mJQ-00007-00004505-00005037 prioritize the time, and the issues, and the actions for both the Minister and her team. D7ah6_52mJQ-00008-00005037-00005515 Ultimately we've been communicating back to business and one example of that is D7ah6_52mJQ-00009-00005515-00005986 the weekly newsletter. So hopefully you've been receiving it. If you haven't, D7ah6_52mJQ-00010-00005986-00006350 please sign up to it. It's a very succinct newsletter. D7ah6_52mJQ-00011-00006350-00006997 It focuses on the information that, hopefully, you need at this vital time. D7ah6_52mJQ-00012-00006997-00007498 So, what's the purpose of today? Well, the whole premise of this session is about D7ah6_52mJQ-00013-00007498-00008134 highlighting the importance of business to operating high standards, to minimize D7ah6_52mJQ-00014-00008134-00008635 the risk of coronavirus spreading through workforce, and indeed spreading D7ah6_52mJQ-00015-00008635-00009107 beyond the workforce. We all know that recent outbreaks in the food premises D7ah6_52mJQ-00016-00009107-00009589 across Wales. We've all heard about that. We've all read about it. And the focus D7ah6_52mJQ-00017-00009589-00010064 has been very much on food manufacturing, but it's really important that we, as a D7ah6_52mJQ-00018-00010064-00010642 sector, really stand up to scrutiny. We're very mindful of the very real D7ah6_52mJQ-00019-00010642-00011060 possibility that actually there could be further outbreaks, not just in food D7ah6_52mJQ-00020-00011060-00011479 business, but also in the community. So, if you're in any doubt, just think Leicester. D7ah6_52mJQ-00021-00011479-00011864 We all know what's happening in Leicester at the moment, so I'd really D7ah6_52mJQ-00022-00011864-00012389 like you to take three things from the meeting today. Firstly I need you please D7ah6_52mJQ-00023-00012389-00012830 to have a greater understanding of where to go for information, should you want D7ah6_52mJQ-00024-00012830-00013283 clarification on the rules. I work in the business, I know the rules change. It's D7ah6_52mJQ-00025-00013283-00013709 very difficult keeping on top of those. So we want to signpost where that D7ah6_52mJQ-00026-00013709-00014320 information is. Second thing, we want to really highlight the importance of D7ah6_52mJQ-00027-00014320-00014747 implementing safeguards. Thirdly, we need to be clear about D7ah6_52mJQ-00028-00014747-00015181 who you should contact if you're concerned, if you have a problem. I'll D7ah6_52mJQ-00029-00015181-00015686 talk later all about the agility and our speed of reaction, that's vital, and in D7ah6_52mJQ-00030-00015686-00015862 all the outbreaks that we've heard so far, D7ah6_52mJQ-00031-00015862-00016436 it's the speed of reaction that's been crucial. So, in terms of how I'm going to D7ah6_52mJQ-00032-00016436-00016856 run the call today, there's upwards of about 250 people on D7ah6_52mJQ-00033-00016856-00017279 the call, so please can you bear with us because that's quite a challenging D7ah6_52mJQ-00034-00017279-00017842 number to manage. First thing I would say is, please can you keep your phones muted. D7ah6_52mJQ-00035-00017842-00018337 Secondly, I'm very sorry, but we won't be able to take any oral questions, purely D7ah6_52mJQ-00036-00018337-00018812 because of the numbers. But, we are interested in your questions, so what I'd D7ah6_52mJQ-00037-00018812-00019178 ask you to do, is please use the chat function on the right hand side of your D7ah6_52mJQ-00038-00019178-00019778 screens. Or indeed, if you've got a question later on, please email us. But D7ah6_52mJQ-00039-00019778-00020141 what we will do is, we will endeavor to get too as many questions as we can, and D7ah6_52mJQ-00040-00020141-00020603 certainly cover the ones that everybody seems to be asking, the themes, but we will D7ah6_52mJQ-00041-00020603-00021106 get back to everybody with answers after this, okay ,that's our undertaking. D7ah6_52mJQ-00042-00021106-00021541 We're not fudging any questions, we will get back to each of you, and copy that to D7ah6_52mJQ-00043-00021541-00022063 everybody, so we have a complete record. Just to make the note that actually this D7ah6_52mJQ-00044-00022063-00022507 webinar is being recorded, and will be posted online, so we can share the joy D7ah6_52mJQ-00045-00022507-00022868 with everybody. But that's important, because if you missed anything or wanted D7ah6_52mJQ-00046-00022868-00023468 to go back, you can go and have a look later on. And finally, I apologise but we D7ah6_52mJQ-00047-00023468-00024179 have no Welsh translation facilities available today. Okay, so in a minute, I'll D7ah6_52mJQ-00048-00024179-00024644 pass over to the Minister, then David, then Martin, and this will be followed by the D7ah6_52mJQ-00049-00024644-00025073 Q&A session, and we'll leave plenty of time for that, and we will finish dot on D7ah6_52mJQ-00050-00025073-00025775 four o'clock. So, finally, I've a fourth message, and I think it's important to D7ah6_52mJQ-00051-00025775-00026201 recognise that I know that many of us in business in the food and drink sector have D7ah6_52mJQ-00052-00026201-00026675 been affected in many ways. And those have been quite polarised ways, so we D7ah6_52mJQ-00053-00026675-00027569 know for some people, you've seen an increase in sales. For other people, it's been very much business as usual. And for some D7ah6_52mJQ-00054-00027569-00028008 people it's been, frankly, Hell! And we just want to recognize that, D7ah6_52mJQ-00055-00028008-00028469 whichever you've been in, we know that it's been a very difficult situation and D7ah6_52mJQ-00056-00028469-00028812 we've been doing our best, and you know our colleagues in the Welsh Government have D7ah6_52mJQ-00057-00028812-00029216 been doing their best. And I think it's important to recognize that the work D7ah6_52mJQ-00058-00029216-00029622 that the Minister, Lesley Griffiths, and her excellent team in Welsh Government D7ah6_52mJQ-00059-00029622-00030047 have been doing to support the industry at this time. Because, I know we've been D7ah6_52mJQ-00060-00030047-00030488 working long hours, but believe you me, they have as well. So, thank you for their D7ah6_52mJQ-00061-00030488-00031074 support. So, without further ado, I'd like to introduce our first speaker, our D7ah6_52mJQ-00062-00031074-00031595 Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths, to the D7ah6_52mJQ-00063-00031595-00032141 virtual stage, so over to you Lesley. (Lesley Griffiths) Thanks very much Andy, and thank you D7ah6_52mJQ-00064-00032141-00032718 everyone for attending today. It's really an opportunity as well for me to say D7ah6_52mJQ-00065-00032718-00033087 a public thank you to you, Andy, and to all the board members for all the work D7ah6_52mJQ-00066-00033087-00033684 that you do on our behalf and for us. Also to the team, and you will have heard D7ah6_52mJQ-00067-00033684-00034353 Andy just say, you know to the fabulous Food division team, who have just ... some of them have been texting D7ah6_52mJQ-00068-00034353-00034659 me at midnight, they know who they are, when I shouted at them, but you know D7ah6_52mJQ-00069-00034659-00035169 again, everyone's working really long hours. And also to Food Innovation D7ah6_52mJQ-00070-00035169-00035888 Wales, to David and Martin, who have done the review of the sector for us. D7ah6_52mJQ-00071-00035888-00036237 I thought was a really opportune time to do that and I'm looking forward to their D7ah6_52mJQ-00072-00036237-00036921 presentation later on. And to you all, as food and drink producers. It's been a D7ah6_52mJQ-00073-00036921-00037269 real pleasure for the last four years to be the Minister with responsibility for D7ah6_52mJQ-00074-00037269-00037841 food and drink. Its a very, very easy sell. And it's been really interesting to D7ah6_52mJQ-00075-00037841-00038286 see the innovation that you've brought forward over the last three months D7ah6_52mJQ-00076-00038286-00038690 or so, and I'll probably say a little bit more about that later, as we've been D7ah6_52mJQ-00077-00038690-00039258 trying to come to terms with the new normal, and the lockdown measures that D7ah6_52mJQ-00078-00039258-00039930 we've had with COVID-19 pandemic. Andy mentioned the two outbreaks and the D7ah6_52mJQ-00079-00039936-00040311 incident we have at the moment. Unfortunately one of them, Rowan Foods D7ah6_52mJQ-00080-00040311-00040980 is in my own constituency, so that's been very difficult, and is still difficult, D7ah6_52mJQ-00081-00040980-00041435 you will have seen the increasing number of positive tests today. There's a D7ah6_52mJQ-00082-00041435-00041846 lot of mis-information around, I'm getting it from all directions and it's D7ah6_52mJQ-00083-00041846-00042185 about making sure that we have the right information, weeding out the D7ah6_52mJQ-00084-00042185-00042686 mis-information. And you referred to Leicester, I've had lots of constituents D7ah6_52mJQ-00085-00042686-00042979 contact me, because they're very fearful that Wrexham will be the next Leicester. D7ah6_52mJQ-00086-00042979-00043400 Fortunately, and touch wood, we haven't seen the significant community D7ah6_52mJQ-00087-00043400-00043970 transmission, so we do hope it's contained, but because of the outbreaks D7ah6_52mJQ-00088-00043970-00044372 and the incident, that was why we thought it really important to do a review of D7ah6_52mJQ-00089-00044372-00045098 the sector. I also think you know as food producers, factories, you know, people D7ah6_52mJQ-00090-00045098-00045461 working in the food industry, we have worked all the way through the D7ah6_52mJQ-00091-00045461-00046034 pandemic and other factories and plants can look to us, I think, because there are D7ah6_52mJQ-00092-00046034-00046816 obviously lots of plants and factories that haven't had any positive cases at D7ah6_52mJQ-00093-00046816-00047195 all, so I think, you know, when when other factories and plants open up, they can D7ah6_52mJQ-00094-00047195-00047546 look to us for best practice. And of course there is that best practice D7ah6_52mJQ-00095-00047546-00048260 available. So if you think about where we were ahead of the pandemic, we D7ah6_52mJQ-00096-00048260-00048787 had just reached or exceeded our target of £7 billion by the end of 2020 D7ah6_52mJQ-00097-00048787-00049181 we 'd exceeded it by quite a significant amount, and I was really pleased to D7ah6_52mJQ-00098-00049181-00049733 announce that at the back of last year. We've seen a huge increase in our D7ah6_52mJQ-00099-00049733-00050165 exports. And we've seen the success of the cluster, I think cluster policy D7ah6_52mJQ-00100-00050165-00050645 is a brilliant policy and its really been engaged and used to very good D7ah6_52mJQ-00101-00050645-00051241 effect by the food and drink sector. It never ceases to amaze me how people really D7ah6_52mJQ-00102-00051241-00051683 want to come together, they forget competition and they just get on with it, D7ah6_52mJQ-00103-00051683-00052253 so I think it's been a real success for Wales. We've also had Project Helix which D7ah6_52mJQ-00104-00052253-00052727 is run out of Food Innovation Wales, and I'm sure many D7ah6_52mJQ-00105-00052727-00053579 of you on the line will have benefited from support, and looked for, not just D7ah6_52mJQ-00106-00053579-00054065 short term, but medium and long term support from Project Helix and one of D7ah6_52mJQ-00107-00054065-00054367 the things I've been, really, to see with another part of the portfolio hat on, is D7ah6_52mJQ-00108-00054367-00054739 the environmental impact and the work that's D7ah6_52mJQ-00109-00054739-00055225 been done around that. But, of course, we saw in March, you know, March the 23rd came D7ah6_52mJQ-00110-00055225-00055741 and the food service closed down, and that created many many problems and is still D7ah6_52mJQ-00111-00055741-00056218 creating many problems for us. But of course, in problems and challenges, D7ah6_52mJQ-00112-00056218-00056587 there is always opportunities and so I suppose, this is what I meant when I D7ah6_52mJQ-00113-00056587-00057166 referred to that innovation by so many of our food and drink producers. And I've D7ah6_52mJQ-00114-00057166-00057611 spoken to quite a few of you who've said to me, you know, the internet work has D7ah6_52mJQ-00115-00057611-00058099 just exploded, and you're all doing really well there, so it's great to D7ah6_52mJQ-00116-00058099-00058712 see that, and we want to continue to look at that as we look to the future. And if D7ah6_52mJQ-00117-00058712-00059077 I could just say a little bit more about the meat processing, so I D7ah6_52mJQ-00118-00059077-00059545 mentioned Rowan because obviously that's the one I know best because it's in my own D7ah6_52mJQ-00119-00059545-00059950 constituency. There's also been the outbreak in Llangefni at Two Sisters D7ah6_52mJQ-00120-00059950-00060635 and the incident at Kepak in Merthyr Tydfil. And they're very different but D7ah6_52mJQ-00121-00060635-00061061 we are responding as a government obviously its cross-government it's D7ah6_52mJQ-00122-00061061-00061399 led by Vaughan Gething, my colleague, the Minister of Health and Social Services, D7ah6_52mJQ-00123-00061399-00061855 but it's also done in partnership with Food Standards Agency and with the D7ah6_52mJQ-00124-00061855-00062179 Health and Safety Executive, so certainly in Rowan Foods, Health and Safety D7ah6_52mJQ-00125-00062179-00062545 Executive were in last week for two days, and they're going back in next week D7ah6_52mJQ-00126-00062545-00063055 for two days, so please be assured that there's a lot of partnership working D7ah6_52mJQ-00127-00063055-00063424 we're working very closely with Public Health Wales and local D7ah6_52mJQ-00128-00063424-00063872 authorities as well, and there's an outbreak team working in each area, so I think the food D7ah6_52mJQ-00129-00063872-00064270 industry has, you know, got really well-established practices to minimize D7ah6_52mJQ-00130-00064270-00064642 that cross-contamination within its production lines and amongst its staff D7ah6_52mJQ-00131-00064642-00064963 and that's been recognized by public health authorities during the D7ah6_52mJQ-00132-00064963-00065573 investigations. The trade unions are also involved as well and we meet quite D7ah6_52mJQ-00133-00065573-00065974 regularly and obviously as the Minister with responsibility for food and drink, I D7ah6_52mJQ-00134-00065974-00066580 am involved in those discussions as well. So I mentioned that, you know, online D7ah6_52mJQ-00135-00066580-00066988 sales have really increased during the pandemic. We've also seen people far D7ah6_52mJQ-00136-00066988-00067552 keener, I think, to buy local. So if you think about that panic buying that we D7ah6_52mJQ-00137-00067552-00068236 saw in the beginning in our supermarkets, I think people were very fearful in D7ah6_52mJQ-00138-00068236-00068693 the beginning and we saw that around certain projects. But then, after that, I D7ah6_52mJQ-00139-00068693-00068986 think we saw people not wanting to go to the supermarkets very much and much D7ah6_52mJQ-00140-00068986-00069382 preferring to use independent shops, so what I'm really keen to look at is how D7ah6_52mJQ-00141-00069382-00069805 we can lock in that behavior and it's not just around food and drink, but D7ah6_52mJQ-00142-00069805-00070097 going over to the environment part of the portfolio, lots of people have D7ah6_52mJQ-00143-00070097-00070462 engaged with their countryside, with nature, with walking, with cycling, in a D7ah6_52mJQ-00144-00070462-00070852 way they haven't done before, so I'm really keen to lock in that D7ah6_52mJQ-00145-00070852-00071342 behaviour and those people that looked to use their independent butcher and their D7ah6_52mJQ-00146-00071342-00071902 independent fruit and veg shop, we want to keep that behaviour locked in, so D7ah6_52mJQ-00147-00071902-00072277 we're looking at ways we can do that. Obviously the reopening of the food service D7ah6_52mJQ-00148-00072277-00072797 is critical to so many of you and we're looking at that. You will have seen D7ah6_52mJQ-00149-00072797-00073219 the announcement today from Welsh Government around the opening up of D7ah6_52mJQ-00150-00073219-00073697 outside hospitality, but in the longer term, I know from talking to a D7ah6_52mJQ-00151-00073697-00074135 couple of my own constituency restaurants, you know, they're not very D7ah6_52mJQ-00152-00074135-00074569 keen to open until they can open indoors as well, because they've perhaps only got D7ah6_52mJQ-00153-00074569-00074938 a small outdoor area and if it rains then they bring staff in, and they D7ah6_52mJQ-00154-00074938-00075491 prepare food, you know, that might go to waste. So I absolutely understand them D7ah6_52mJQ-00155-00075491-00075901 wanting us to open indoor as well, but we've got to be very careful. You'll be D7ah6_52mJQ-00156-00075901-00076511 very aware of the very cautious and calm approach, I think, Welsh Government, led by D7ah6_52mJQ-00157-00076511-00077137 the First Minister, has taken and I have to say in all the sort of social D7ah6_52mJQ-00158-00077137-00077602 monitoring that we've done, you have got a third of people in Wales who are very D7ah6_52mJQ-00159-00077602-00078100 fearful of anything opening, and then you've got probably, I don't know, about D7ah6_52mJQ-00160-00078100-00078388 15% of people who don't think we're doing things quick enough, and then D7ah6_52mJQ-00161-00078388-00078767 you've got the rest who think we are taking the right approach. So I do D7ah6_52mJQ-00162-00078767-00079136 understand we've asked a great deal of people, particularly people who had to D7ah6_52mJQ-00163-00079136-00079618 shield, very draconian measures, as a Government you would never ever want to D7ah6_52mJQ-00164-00079618-00079991 take, but I think we've done it for all the right reasons, but I do understand D7ah6_52mJQ-00165-00079991-00080354 we've had a lot of pressure from the hospitality sector, and I'm sure you D7ah6_52mJQ-00166-00080354-00080842 understand that. So that's really all I wanted to say, Andy, and happy to pass over D7ah6_52mJQ-00167-00080842-00081239 now, either to yourself or to David. (Andy Richardson) To myself, yes D7ah6_52mJQ-00168-00081239-00081638 Minister, thank you very much for your introduction, I hope you can all hear and D7ah6_52mJQ-00169-00081638-00082145 see me. I know that probably you won't be too worried about not seeing me, but I've tracked D7ah6_52mJQ-00170-00082145-00082489 the problem to my internet down to my two children being on their iPads, and my D7ah6_52mJQ-00171-00082489-00082961 wife on a conference call, so they've duly been evicted, so hopefully you'll be D7ah6_52mJQ-00172-00082961-00083300 able to hear me now. So , thank you Minister and hopefully you can join us D7ah6_52mJQ-00173-00083300-00083476 for the whole hour? D7ah6_52mJQ-00174-00083476-00083912 (Lesley Griffiths) Yes, I'm here for the whole hour. (Andy Richardson) Brilliant, that's lovely, thank you. Great, D7ah6_52mJQ-00175-00083912-00084287 okay, thank you very much of the introduction there. I'd like to pass over D7ah6_52mJQ-00176-00084287-00084866 now to David Lloyd and Martin Jardine, so I'm sure you all know these fine D7ah6_52mJQ-00177-00084866-00085418 gentlemen. David Lloyd is director of Food Industry Centre in Cardiff, and Martin D7ah6_52mJQ-00178-00085418-00085892 is director the Agri-Food Centre up in Menai. Gentlemen, I would like to pass over D7ah6_52mJQ-00179-00085892-00086261 to you, I think you're going to do a bit of a double act, but importantly to D7ah6_52mJQ-00180-00086261-00086788 everybody, David and Martin will be covering the implementation of the rules, D7ah6_52mJQ-00181-00086788-00087520 the necessary precautions that we need to take, communication, and corrective D7ah6_52mJQ-00182-00087520-00088177 actions that we feel appropriate, so David and Martin, over to you. (David Lloyd) Thank you D7ah6_52mJQ-00183-00088177-00088598 Andy, yeah, we're going to do it in that order and we're going to just talk through D7ah6_52mJQ-00184-00088598-00089042 my role to start with, is to talk through implementing the rules and the Minister D7ah6_52mJQ-00185-00089042-00089383 was correct in saying we are a sector that's kept working throughout this, D7ah6_52mJQ-00186-00089383-00090080 which is quite unusual in itself. We did a survey in analysis early in the Covid D7ah6_52mJQ-00187-00090080-00090710 crisis, just as furlough was coming in, and at that point over 70 percent of the D7ah6_52mJQ-00188-00090710-00091139 sector was still working. Admittedly, some working more than they had, and some D7ah6_52mJQ-00189-00091139-00091667 working at 50 percent, and obviously some and having closed the factory for a D7ah6_52mJQ-00190-00091667-00092204 temporary period. So we know that the virus is a life host and that people are D7ah6_52mJQ-00191-00092204-00092819 the main focus, and so the rules quite evidently will focus on people and D7ah6_52mJQ-00192-00092819-00093501 those rules really look at asking the industry to take all reasonable measures D7ah6_52mJQ-00193-00093501-00094064 to maintain a physical distance, but we're used to that type of rule, D7ah6_52mJQ-00194-00094064-00094424 which quotes all reasonable measures. The food industry works D7ah6_52mJQ-00195-00094424-00094933 on a legal defence of due diligence, which very much is based on all D7ah6_52mJQ-00196-00094933-00095324 reasonable measures, we're used to dealing with risks and hazards D7ah6_52mJQ-00197-00095324-00095836 associated with food. This is more complex as we now have, of course, a D7ah6_52mJQ-00198-00095836-00096310 mobile hazard in, primarily, people. D7ah6_52mJQ-00199-00096385-00097006 HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) has been for decades, our, part of our cornerstone of our due diligence D7ah6_52mJQ-00200-00097006-00097699 defence, and we have that research and experience over decades. This, of course, D7ah6_52mJQ-00201-00097699-00098314 this virus and this crisis has given us just weeks, and just a few D7ah6_52mJQ-00202-00098314-00099092 months, to work about our research, and our defence. We know, though, from D7ah6_52mJQ-00203-00099092-00099586 discussions with industry, that our partners have been very active in D7ah6_52mJQ-00204-00099586-00100057 developing those reasonable measures, in developing the controls within their D7ah6_52mJQ-00205-00100057-00100825 sites to ensure that this isn't a widespread problem, and we know that D7ah6_52mJQ-00206-00100825-00101158 there are nearly a thousand food companies in Wales, and at the moment D7ah6_52mJQ-00207-00101158-00101599 we're dealing with three outbreaks and what we are looking to do is to minimize D7ah6_52mJQ-00208-00101599-00102100 the potential of any more happening. So we're going to talk to you more on the D7ah6_52mJQ-00209-00102100-00102638 type of things that we can do. Now we're talking about reasonable measures and D7ah6_52mJQ-00210-00102638-00103274 physical distancing, but within Welsh Government documents you'll see D7ah6_52mJQ-00211-00103274-00103828 that other actions may be relevant if physical distancing is more difficult, D7ah6_52mJQ-00212-00103828-00104281 and to give you an example of those other actions well, hand-washing, we know, D7ah6_52mJQ-00213-00104281-00104839 is a critical element in keeping this virus at bay and, you know, we should be D7ah6_52mJQ-00214-00104839-00105269 looking, as we already do, but just to reinforce things, like ensuring there's D7ah6_52mJQ-00215-00105269-00105776 enough hand wash stations, staggering return to work for D7ah6_52mJQ-00216-00105776-00106585 workers from breaks to ensure that there's a calculated flow of personnel D7ah6_52mJQ-00217-00106585-00106927 waiting for those hand wash stations, increase in the frequency of D7ah6_52mJQ-00218-00106927-00107554 hand-washing and recording it, audit the stations to ensure that there's soap and D7ah6_52mJQ-00219-00107554-00107948 cleaning materials. All those are the sort of detail that we need to look D7ah6_52mJQ-00220-00107948-00108596 at, and I think Martin's going to to link us to the Food Innovation Wales website D7ah6_52mJQ-00221-00108596-00109090 when he speaks. There are other things we can do - make reporting of Covid D7ah6_52mJQ-00222-00109090-00109615 systems mandatory within your site, so the staff know that if they get Covid D7ah6_52mJQ-00223-00109615-00110080 symptoms to report it immediately, because the sooner that they do, the D7ah6_52mJQ-00224-00110080-00110602 better, because in reporting then on to the TTP, if we can do that immediately, D7ah6_52mJQ-00225-00110602-00111166 the sooner the clearance, the sooner the back to normality, and really speed is D7ah6_52mJQ-00226-00111166-00111776 of the essence there. Keep up to date with changing legislation and changing D7ah6_52mJQ-00227-00111776-00112283 guidance - that's very important. We are in a very mobile situation and the need to D7ah6_52mJQ-00228-00112283-00112676 keep up-to-date with the relevant guidance and legislation is important, D7ah6_52mJQ-00229-00112676-00113120 and particularly if you're in part of a multinational company with sites inside D7ah6_52mJQ-00230-00113120-00113552 and outside Wales, because it's important that multinational companies and their head D7ah6_52mJQ-00231-00113552-00114028 office, wherever they are, understand that there are Wales specific rules. We've got D7ah6_52mJQ-00232-00114028-00114538 to guard against Covid-blindness, we are four months in now, we can't afford as a D7ah6_52mJQ-00233-00114538-00115075 sector to be blind or complacent to this, we have to keep on top of it and D7ah6_52mJQ-00234-00115075-00115465 potential thought processes there in terms of audit and training, and D7ah6_52mJQ-00235-00115465-00115997 re-training. We need to set the culture within each organisation to make sure D7ah6_52mJQ-00236-00115997-00116602 that we try to beat this. And it's important to encompass the whole site D7ah6_52mJQ-00237-00116602-00117010 and I know Martin's going to go on to talk about a team approach to this, D7ah6_52mJQ-00238-00117010-00117514 but implementation of the rules and the various things we can do underneath it - D7ah6_52mJQ-00239-00117514-00118022 critical. I'm going to handover now to Martin Jardine who's head of the Food D7ah6_52mJQ-00240-00118022-00118533 Technology Centre at Coleg Llandrillo Menai in Anglesey. (Martin Jardine) Thank you David. D7ah6_52mJQ-00241-00118533-00119014 Great, thanks for that. Yes, so just before I go into the section I'm D7ah6_52mJQ-00242-00119014-00119422 going to cover, obviously we have a massive affinity to the food sector D7ah6_52mJQ-00243-00119422-00119854 within Food Innovation Wales and we're well aware of the challenges that people D7ah6_52mJQ-00244-00119854-00120211 face and we are sympathetic to that, we appreciate how difficult it is. D7ah6_52mJQ-00245-00120211-00120565 Just firstly, as well, there'll be, you know, we're clear that the large majority D7ah6_52mJQ-00246-00120565-00120932 of businesses already do have excellent controls in place, D7ah6_52mJQ-00247-00120932-00121360 so we take this very respectful point really. So it's very much about D7ah6_52mJQ-00248-00121360-00121776 sharing some good practice from our technologists based at the three sites D7ah6_52mJQ-00249-00121776-00122266 and what industry have taught us, quite frankly, so we're hopeful the information D7ah6_52mJQ-00250-00122266-00122665 we share will assist in sort of developing your own systems. So I'm going to D7ah6_52mJQ-00251-00122665-00123004 work through, really, looking at precautions, so naturally, obviously, D7ah6_52mJQ-00252-00123004-00123391 everybody's keen to take precautions to mitigate the transmission of the virus D7ah6_52mJQ-00253-00123391-00123805 between staff so hopefully some of these ideas that you come through now will, D7ah6_52mJQ-00254-00123805-00124244 you'll probably well aware of, but it's important to reinforce them. So, some good D7ah6_52mJQ-00255-00124244-00124702 practice we've seen is where businesses have been able to establish unique teams D7ah6_52mJQ-00256-00124702-00125057 of people where they are on the same shift pattern which reduces exposure, D7ah6_52mJQ-00257-00125057-00125471 perhaps something to consider if it's possible to establish teams or pods or D7ah6_52mJQ-00258-00125471-00125945 people that can routinely work on the same shift. Another important factor to D7ah6_52mJQ-00259-00125945-00126374 drill down on is the movement and the congregation of people, especially in D7ah6_52mJQ-00260-00126374-00126838 communal areas, break rooms, canteens, looking at these areas where people can D7ah6_52mJQ-00261-00126838-00127247 congregate, just clocking in areas, hand-washing stations, as David mentioned, D7ah6_52mJQ-00262-00127247-00127720 and again it'd be prudent to carry out additional cleaning of those areas. D7ah6_52mJQ-00263-00127720-00128195 Another area to consider is, is it possible to, if at all, limit D7ah6_52mJQ-00264-00128195-00128608 unnecessary movement within sites, so considering process flows, and how D7ah6_52mJQ-00265-00128608-00128859 different parts of the business engage with one another, D7ah6_52mJQ-00266-00128859-00129313 ideally eliminating risks rather than managing around them, so if it can't be D7ah6_52mJQ-00267-00129313-00129679 eliminated, try and keep systems that have been introduced quite simple and D7ah6_52mJQ-00268-00129679-00130138 keep them easy to use. So some businesses we've looked at I've managed to D7ah6_52mJQ-00269-00130138-00130642 segregate time really effectively, looking at specific tasks and carrying D7ah6_52mJQ-00270-00130642-00131104 out careful planning regarding visitors to sites and when contractors are on D7ah6_52mJQ-00271-00131104-00131471 site, and where possible, you know, it's that, many times, that minimizes contact D7ah6_52mJQ-00272-00131471-00132083 or even better still, done entirely remotely. In some cases an opportunity to D7ah6_52mJQ-00273-00132083-00132494 evaluate the model the site works on so it could be possible to extend the D7ah6_52mJQ-00274-00132494-00132889 working day to reduce the numbers on shift or spread site attendance, D7ah6_52mJQ-00275-00132890-00133390 especially for non production staff. With the correct technology they might be D7ah6_52mJQ-00276-00133390-00133718 able to work really effectively from home and again it's just thinking about D7ah6_52mJQ-00277-00133718-00134160 the consideration to reduce the numbers on site. So, a piece of work that D7ah6_52mJQ-00278-00134160-00134549 Food Innovation Wales has done is developed a D7ah6_52mJQ-00279-00134549-00135098 toolkit to support the sector and it's very applied and offers, you D7ah6_52mJQ-00280-00135098-00135476 know, a whole series of templates that can be downloaded and adapted to suit D7ah6_52mJQ-00281-00135476-00135899 specific businesses, so Mark, I'm not sure if you can pop that into the chat now, D7ah6_52mJQ-00282-00135899-00136223 the link to that but, you know, we'd certainly urge everybody to have a look D7ah6_52mJQ-00283-00136223-00136583 at that, but does come with the caveat that these are guidelines and they D7ah6_52mJQ-00284-00136583-00136985 do need to be altered to ensure that they're specific for your sites and fit D7ah6_52mJQ-00285-00136985-00137354 for purpose, you know, I really must stress that it isn't the case of just D7ah6_52mJQ-00286-00137354-00137795 simply downloading them, they're there to be adapted and moulded D7ah6_52mJQ-00287-00137795-00138296 to your site. David, did you want to add anything around the toolkit? (David Lloyd) Yeah, the D7ah6_52mJQ-00288-00138296-00138899 toolkit has been successful to date, we've been developing it as we go along so D7ah6_52mJQ-00289-00138899-00139658 it's a very live website, so that as we learn more, we add more, and as D7ah6_52mJQ-00290-00139658-00140174 things change from government we change ... we change it accordingly and there's D7ah6_52mJQ-00291-00140174-00140600 been three and a half thousand hits on it and the dwell time on there is D7ah6_52mJQ-00292-00140600-00141005 suggesting that it is used significantly, not just in Wales, but outside Wales and D7ah6_52mJQ-00293-00141005-00141698 both by multinational companies and by local health authorities. There's a D7ah6_52mJQ-00294-00141698-00142142 variety of documents within it. Last time I looked there were at least 28 D7ah6_52mJQ-00295-00142142-00142508 documents and there are things like an action plan template, so as you take D7ah6_52mJQ-00296-00142508-00142907 actions, there's a template that you can fill in, there's an observation D7ah6_52mJQ-00297-00142907-00143348 checklist, a checklist which you can take onto the factory floor as a guide D7ah6_52mJQ-00298-00143348-00143891 and also for you to expand on, because there's no two sites the D7ah6_52mJQ-00299-00143891-00144392 same. There's a return to work questionnaire - critical with the things D7ah6_52mJQ-00300-00144392-00144779 that we've talked about and how the virus spreads, and I particularly like D7ah6_52mJQ-00301-00144779-00145441 the site map guide, which guides you through looking at the process flows of D7ah6_52mJQ-00302-00145441-00146084 people, of waste and product and packaging, and allows you then, by using D7ah6_52mJQ-00303-00146084-00146603 the thought process there, to identify hotspots where people might be D7ah6_52mJQ-00304-00146603-00147002 coming closer together so you can plan your way out of it. But there D7ah6_52mJQ-00305-00147002-00147563 are a whole series of things in there, even a PPE supplier list to help you if D7ah6_52mJQ-00306-00147563-00148005 you are in need of PPE urgently. D7ah6_52mJQ-00307-00148005-00148603 It also helps companies who have gone through a shutdown during furlough, but D7ah6_52mJQ-00308-00148603-00149069 who are starting up, because we mustn't forget in this that food safety is a D7ah6_52mJQ-00309-00149069-00149582 very important issue to the sector, as well, one or two food safety problems D7ah6_52mJQ-00310-00149582-00149957 within the sector can also have a dramatic impact on the whole sector, so D7ah6_52mJQ-00311-00149957-00150371 it's very important when going back into a site, that we look at the food D7ah6_52mJQ-00312-00150371-00150722 safety implications, and there are guides for that as well. So, please do have a D7ah6_52mJQ-00313-00150722-00151234 look at it but as Martin says, they are guides and they're a starting point for D7ah6_52mJQ-00314-00151234-00151886 your ... all reasonable precautions, but you need to add to it on site and we'd D7ah6_52mJQ-00315-00151886-00152383 be willing to help you with that development. (Martin Jardine) Thank you David. D7ah6_52mJQ-00316-00152383-00152846 Okay, so as David just said, encouraging everyone, really, to put time aside to D7ah6_52mJQ-00317-00152846-00153229 look at that and and it's nice to see in the chat that there's some positive D7ah6_52mJQ-00318-00153229-00153608 feedback on that, so thank you for that. So Communications is the next part D7ah6_52mJQ-00319-00153608-00154013 of what we can just push through, really, and again you know it's a critical D7ah6_52mJQ-00320-00154013-00154400 element around preventing spread from person to person, so no doubt, you know, D7ah6_52mJQ-00321-00154400-00154808 everyone's aware of the diversity within food manufacturing teams and perhaps a D7ah6_52mJQ-00322-00154808-00155246 possible piece of work is to map the languages of preference of staff D7ah6_52mJQ-00323-00155246-00155702 where possible, arranging for documents to be translated so they're in the D7ah6_52mJQ-00324-00155702-00156016 language that is understood and those messages are nice and clear, but D7ah6_52mJQ-00325-00156016-00156386 obviously, that said, visual aids are particularly effective aren't they for D7ah6_52mJQ-00326-00156386-00156920 for all staff, so we also recognize them, you know, bringing in cultural change and D7ah6_52mJQ-00327-00156920-00157310 changes to the way people go about their daily business is quite often in the D7ah6_52mJQ-00328-00157310-00157712 sector one of the hardest things to implement so, you know, we're all accustomed to D7ah6_52mJQ-00329-00157712-00158080 working in a certain way and I think sometimes that de-learning is D7ah6_52mJQ-00330-00158080-00158627 difficult, so again it could be quite a useful time to review training plans, D7ah6_52mJQ-00331-00158627-00159091 introduce any refresher training now, and further down the line, plan to reinforce D7ah6_52mJQ-00332-00159091-00159686 and consolidate messages around the expected behavior, and I think that would D7ah6_52mJQ-00333-00159686-00160286 be quite useful if anyone has, you know, training plans in place. A clear one D7ah6_52mJQ-00334-00160286-00160654 that's coming through across lots of the sites, is dialogue with staff at this D7ah6_52mJQ-00335-00160654-00160954 stage is really important so it's they feel supported, D7ah6_52mJQ-00336-00160954-00161384 you know, we'd encourage that two-way communications being set up even D7ah6_52mJQ-00337-00161384-00161836 even more so than it perhaps existed already. We've seen some some companies D7ah6_52mJQ-00338-00161836-00162280 have set up Covid champions that encourage and guide staff regarding D7ah6_52mJQ-00339-00162280-00162865 correct use of PPE, hand washing and just general expected behaviours, and then that D7ah6_52mJQ-00340-00162865-00163315 role also acting as a named person to feedback on any staff concerns because D7ah6_52mJQ-00341-00163315-00163741 obviously not all staff within the business might feel equipped to do this D7ah6_52mJQ-00342-00163741-00164167 and I think there's something quite supportive in that action. So it's D7ah6_52mJQ-00343-00164167-00164471 important that staff are aware that they have a responsibility to follow the D7ah6_52mJQ-00344-00164471-00164969 measures themselves and obviously, you know, and we're not experts in track D7ah6_52mJQ-00345-00164969-00165332 trace and protect system but it might be useful to familiarize yourselves with D7ah6_52mJQ-00346-00165332-00165673 that, and I'm not sure if Mark has a link that could perhaps go into the chat D7ah6_52mJQ-00347-00165673-00165983 at that point, but if there is that would be useful. If not, perhaps that's something D7ah6_52mJQ-00348-00165983-00166339 that will be sent out separately, but in short, you know, as David alluded to earlier, at D7ah6_52mJQ-00349-00166339-00166753 least, if there are positive results they need to be reported to site, as well as D7ah6_52mJQ-00350-00166753-00167242 the TTP and worth spending some time looking at that and maybe D7ah6_52mJQ-00351-00167242-00167645 setting out to staff their obligation to, you know, D7ah6_52mJQ-00352-00167645-00168119 attend testing and so on.So I'll hand back to David for the final section of D7ah6_52mJQ-00353-00168119-00168995 our part. (David Lloyd) Turn the mute off! I'm going to finish off by just talking D7ah6_52mJQ-00354-00168995-00169429 about the corrective action, and if you have a Covid related incident obviously D7ah6_52mJQ-00355-00169429-00169942 one of the first things to do is inform the relevant authorities and there are D7ah6_52mJQ-00356-00169942-00170524 links on Food Innovation Wales website and obviously on FSA website and HSE D7ah6_52mJQ-00357-00170524-00170969 website, Welsh Government websites and a link into the relevant authorities, D7ah6_52mJQ-00358-00170969-00171335 but then it's about taking the right corrective action at the site and D7ah6_52mJQ-00359-00171335-00171766 those corrective actions, I'm sure, for food manufacturers in the audience D7ah6_52mJQ-00360-00171766-00172160 today, they'll be very familiar and there are certain things you know that you D7ah6_52mJQ-00361-00172160-00172498 should go through in the structure of that corrective action, like locking down D7ah6_52mJQ-00362-00172498-00172960 what was the incident, who was involved in that incident, what action needs to be D7ah6_52mJQ-00363-00172960-00173662 taken, what time frame are we putting on that corrective action, who's responsible D7ah6_52mJQ-00364-00173662-00174160 for it, was the intervention then carried out to the specification, did we D7ah6_52mJQ-00365-00174160-00174601 do what we said we would do in our protocols and is D7ah6_52mJQ-00366-00174601-00175323 training of staff post that required, what staff are required for training. D7ah6_52mJQ-00367-00175323-00175735 Important part is the verification did we do it properly and are we still doing D7ah6_52mJQ-00368-00175735-00176383 something which we put in place - things are easy to slip - and then validation, did D7ah6_52mJQ-00369-00176383-00176833 it work. It's very important to look at the endpoint to make sure that the D7ah6_52mJQ-00370-00176833-00177316 interventions put in place, the actions taken actually have an impact in the D7ah6_52mJQ-00371-00177316-00177769 sites. And another important one which is often forgotten is that, you know, to D7ah6_52mJQ-00372-00177769-00178399 define the intervals at which point we go back to establish that there is no D7ah6_52mJQ-00373-00178399-00178882 problem and that the interventions and corrective actions are working. Looking D7ah6_52mJQ-00374-00178882-00179596 forward, the actions, the controls that we put in place are critical to making a D7ah6_52mJQ-00375-00179596-00180226 secure sector. There are a myriad of actions that are being taken across the D7ah6_52mJQ-00376-00180226-00180688 industry. It's not a perfect scientific experiment. D7ah6_52mJQ-00377-00180688-00181018 We're having to change things very quickly as a sector, and we're not D7ah6_52mJQ-00378-00181018-00181624 changing one thing at a time and so we've changed significant controls as a D7ah6_52mJQ-00379-00181624-00182131 sector over the past four months. Food Innovation Wales is very keen to D7ah6_52mJQ-00380-00182131-00182707 understand what controls work, so we will be contacting all our partners in D7ah6_52mJQ-00381-00182707-00183181 industry to try and establish what controls are being incorporated and then D7ah6_52mJQ-00382-00183181-00183661 trying to do some remedial work to understand which controls are working in D7ah6_52mJQ-00383-00183661-00184159 which sector, and that would be a very important piece of work, not just in D7ah6_52mJQ-00384-00184159-00184651 Wales I don't think, but for food processing then on a much wider area, D7ah6_52mJQ-00385-00184651-00185113 because that's a very important ... it's a very important piece of work to D7ah6_52mJQ-00386-00185113-00185526 understand the practices that are happening and the impact of those D7ah6_52mJQ-00387-00185526-00186190 interventions. We need your help on that, we look forward to working with you in D7ah6_52mJQ-00388-00186190-00186676 the future and doing anything we can to make sure that we keep operating, and D7ah6_52mJQ-00389-00186676-00187177 keep growing as an industry, so we come out of this growing as rapidly as D7ah6_52mJQ-00390-00187177-00187650 possible. Thank you, and with that I think I hand back to Andy. (Andy Richardson) Lovely. D7ah6_52mJQ-00391-00187650-00188001 Thank you very much David and Martin. I am very conscious that I've turned my D7ah6_52mJQ-00392-00188001-00188451 video off and that's because it will make the sound hopefully better so I D7ah6_52mJQ-00393-00188451-00188879 think you all know what I look like by now, so it will make the sound clearer. D7ah6_52mJQ-00394-00188879-00189405 Okay, so just a couple of things. One is, we've had a few questions coming in, and I'll D7ah6_52mJQ-00395-00189405-00189951 come to those in a second. Please, if you've got questions, fire them onto the D7ah6_52mJQ-00396-00189951-00190420 meeting chat on the right hand side, which will be incredibly helpful so that D7ah6_52mJQ-00397-00190420-00190960 is the purpose of the next 20 minutes. I would just like to make a shout out for D7ah6_52mJQ-00398-00190960-00191376 a couple of other things - firstly I mentioned earlier on the Food and Drink D7ah6_52mJQ-00399-00191376-00191928 Board Wales newsletter. That's issued weekly. It's a signpost to all of the D7ah6_52mJQ-00400-00191928-00192298 information, you can get that, but if you look at the chat it gives you a link that D7ah6_52mJQ-00401-00192298-00192813 Mark's put up there as to how to sign up for that. And secondly, Mark, in a minute D7ah6_52mJQ-00402-00192813-00193225 will be putting up a link to the Food and Drink Wales website, so if you haven't D7ah6_52mJQ-00403-00193225-00193672 seen that and don't go to it, again I really recommend that you do go to it. D7ah6_52mJQ-00404-00193672-00194224 And finally, I would thoroughly recommend connecting with the Food and Drink Federation - D7ah6_52mJQ-00405-00194224-00194712 a wealth of information. I spend a lot of time working with a number of colleagues D7ah6_52mJQ-00406-00194712-00195090 there, and they're certainly fighting for our industry as well, so that's a very D7ah6_52mJQ-00407-00195090-00195769 good source of information. So, before we open it up to chat questions, I'd like D7ah6_52mJQ-00408-00195769-00196270 to ask two questions myself. The first one is about communication and D7ah6_52mJQ-00409-00196270-00196825 language which I will ask to David and Martin. The second I would like to ask the Minister D7ah6_52mJQ-00410-00196825-00197482 in terms of speed of reaction of businesses to any infections in the D7ah6_52mJQ-00411-00197482-00198405 factory. So first one to David and Martin, you mentioned communication, how bad is this, D7ah6_52mJQ-00412-00198405-00198772 sort of, language thing within food and drink businesses, and what can we do to D7ah6_52mJQ-00413-00198772-00199534 address it? (Martin Jardine) Shall I start with that, I mean, it's difficult to quantify how bad it is or how D7ah6_52mJQ-00414-00199534-00200062 good it is. I think really the message is, sort of, you know, we have ... we come from D7ah6_52mJQ-00415-00200062-00200536 a position of doing business bilingually anyway in Wales, but it's also then D7ah6_52mJQ-00416-00200536-00200894 just considering what other languages are predominantly used within the factories D7ah6_52mJQ-00417-00200894-00201347 and then, you know, working with those groups to make sure that the D7ah6_52mJQ-00418-00201347-00201716 communications are clear and understood in their language of choice. So, yeah, that D7ah6_52mJQ-00419-00201716-00202163 could be done via, you know, a translator but sometimes when it comes purely D7ah6_52mJQ-00420-00202163-00202601 back from a translator, it misses nuances and regional dialects, so I would argue D7ah6_52mJQ-00421-00202601-00203102 that it's involving the people on site as well, so as the nuances of the D7ah6_52mJQ-00422-00203102-00203506 translation are effective for your group, if that makes sense. D7ah6_52mJQ-00423-00203506-00204113 (Andy Richardson ) Uh-hm. And just before Dave answers, a comment that's come in from Penny. I D7ah6_52mJQ-00424-00204113-00204518 mean, are there any useful videos that we can put out to staff, so I think a really D7ah6_52mJQ-00425-00204518-00205184 good question, so before we go back to David, Martin just on that one? (Martin Jardine) Not that I'm ... well, we D7ah6_52mJQ-00426-00205184-00205526 could have a look, but at the moment nothing springs to mind of any D7ah6_52mJQ-00427-00205526-00206087 around communication, but I suppose there are, you know, there are some D7ah6_52mJQ-00428-00206087-00206392 documents that we could probably get our hands on and circulate to this group because, D7ah6_52mJQ-00429-00206392-00206800 David, we have got some basic signage, haven't we, that people are using. (David Lloyd) Yes. D7ah6_52mJQ-00430-00206800-00207060 (Martin Jardine) It's whether it's translated is the question. D7ah6_52mJQ-00431-00207060-00207300 (David Lloyd) Yeah , ... (Martin Jardine - inaudible) D7ah6_52mJQ-00432-00207300-00207850 (David Lloyd) we have done some work in the past at the University in Cardiff with Leatherhead D7ah6_52mJQ-00433-00207850-00208826 which has looked at making simple signs that reinforce messages, there is, I mean it's incumbent D7ah6_52mJQ-00434-00208826-00209603 on companies to, if employing multinational teams to develop the D7ah6_52mJQ-00435-00209603-00210161 training programmes within the languages that people understand, but we've found D7ah6_52mJQ-00436-00210161-00210632 in the past that simple messages around the factory to reinforce those D7ah6_52mJQ-00437-00210632-00211348 messages are critical. The video question is a very good one and we have just D7ah6_52mJQ-00438-00211348-00211802 started talking about that within Food Innovation Wales. It might be something D7ah6_52mJQ-00439-00211802-00212294 we look at from Food Innovation Wales viewpoint, but we will look to see what's D7ah6_52mJQ-00440-00212294-00212821 already available. The issue comes, I think, to a great degree that, in the past D7ah6_52mJQ-00441-00212821-00213617 decades, our risk analysis and hazard analysis has been based on D7ah6_52mJQ-00442-00213617-00214460 HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) which focuses on a static problem in that, you know, the D7ah6_52mJQ-00443-00214460-00214867 problem is usually a pathogen on food. Suddenly we're faced with a very D7ah6_52mJQ-00444-00214867-00215453 different problem, in that, the the problem is now mobile, and it's D7ah6_52mJQ-00445-00215453-00216209 related to staff, so the number of videos, not necessarily relevant, so D7ah6_52mJQ-00446-00216209-00216667 there is ... it's a very good question and we will look into that. (Martin Jardine) If I can also add, D7ah6_52mJQ-00447-00216667-00217061 you know, I think we've all got to take a point, though, we're in it together D7ah6_52mJQ-00448-00217061-00217541 as it were, so if anyone has, you know, good resources that they think are D7ah6_52mJQ-00449-00217541-00217952 worthy of sharing then, you know, I think it's important that we do try and create D7ah6_52mJQ-00450-00217952-00218369 that culture, that amongst the businesses, and you know, we are sharing that D7ah6_52mJQ-00451-00218369-00218726 information so please, if anyone's sitting on any of that, feel free to D7ah6_52mJQ-00452-00218726-00219005 forward the links to Food Innovation Wales, that's for sure. (Andy Richardson) Okay. D7ah6_52mJQ-00453-00219005-00219431 Lovely, thank you for your answers, and Penny for your comment. Guys, I'll come back to D7ah6_52mJQ-00454-00219431-00219956 you in a second with Guy's question which you gave at 3:15, but firstly can I just D7ah6_52mJQ-00455-00219956-00220352 go to the Minister and ask her a question, please, Minister. One of the D7ah6_52mJQ-00456-00220352-00220808 things we see with Leicester is about the information and the speed of D7ah6_52mJQ-00457-00220808-00221327 reaction to any flare-ups, any outbreaks. D7ah6_52mJQ-00458-00221327-00221690 Is there anything that you'd like to comment on there about, sort of, our agility our speed D7ah6_52mJQ-00459-00221690-00222230 of reaction. (Lesley Griffiths) So I think everybody's different, so if you look at the two D7ah6_52mJQ-00460-00222230-00222617 outbreaks we've had in North Wales and, as I say, I obviously know Rowan Food D7ah6_52mJQ-00461-00222617-00222989 much better than I know the Two Sisters, so Two Sisters closed the plant down D7ah6_52mJQ-00462-00222989-00223610 themselves. Rowan chose not to, and I think, you know, D7ah6_52mJQ-00463-00223610-00224110 now we've got 280 plus in Rowan, I think it's something that they do need to consider. D7ah6_52mJQ-00464-00224110-00224636 (Andy Richardson) Yeah. (Lesley Griffiths) Because clearly, you know, they didn't think they were going D7ah6_52mJQ-00465-00224636-00225035 to have that number I spoke to the management very early on. Just going D7ah6_52mJQ-00466-00225035-00225578 back to communication and what David and Martin were saying, so again, in Rowan D7ah6_52mJQ-00467-00225578-00226091 there's a significant number of agency workers many of whom are migrant workers D7ah6_52mJQ-00468-00226091-00226719 many of whom live in houses of multiple occupation, car share, probably hot bedding D7ah6_52mJQ-00469-00226721-00227152 so I think it's about knowing your workforce as well. So there is a large D7ah6_52mJQ-00470-00227153-00227591 permanent workforce at Rowan, but there's also a significant number, D7ah6_52mJQ-00471-00227591-00228038 I think it's about 500, of agency workers so I think it is really important that things D7ah6_52mJQ-00472-00228038-00228464 are done in languages. Now in Wrexham, it's predominantly Portuguese and Polish. D7ah6_52mJQ-00473-00228464-00229229 Now in Merthyr, where we've had the incident there, I know there's about six D7ah6_52mJQ-00474-00229229-00229706 languages, so they were looking for somebody to put the communication into D7ah6_52mJQ-00475-00229706-00229991 Bulgarian the other day, and I think the local authorities stepped up to help D7ah6_52mJQ-00476-00229991-00230414 there. So it is about reacting quickly and not necessarily, I'm not D7ah6_52mJQ-00477-00230414-00230735 saying, you know, that Rowan should have closed down, you know, I'm not in a D7ah6_52mJQ-00478-00230735-00231098 position to make that judgment, but clearly Two Sisters in Llangefni did. D7ah6_52mJQ-00479-00231098-00231692 We haven't seen the the level of positives in Kepak and they've D7ah6_52mJQ-00480-00231692-00232034 chosen obviously to remain open. Welsh Government have got the army D7ah6_52mJQ-00481-00232034-00232771 dealing with the testing at the moment so last Saturday Kepak managed to get, D7ah6_52mJQ-00482-00232771-00233141 I think it was, 850 out of the 900 employees in to be tested on the D7ah6_52mJQ-00483-00233141-00233477 Saturday which is excellent and obviously you know we supported that D7ah6_52mJQ-00484-00233477-00233896 with the military. (Andy Richardson) I do hear that some people are actually paying for D7ah6_52mJQ-00485-00233896-00234448 their employees to be tested as well which is an interesting move. (Lesley Griffiths) Yeah, D7ah6_52mJQ-00486-00234448-00234953 absolutely and some factories I know have bought in their own tests. We D7ah6_52mJQ-00487-00234953-00235294 wouldn't encourage that we've got plenty of tests, or certainly the last time I D7ah6_52mJQ-00488-00235294-00235679 asked we had, so you know, please don't don't think you have to do that there D7ah6_52mJQ-00489-00235679-00236167 are plenty of tests available and that's not an issue at all. So it's D7ah6_52mJQ-00490-00236167-00236813 important that the tests are of the correct, you know, standard able to be D7ah6_52mJQ-00491-00236813-00237302 of use. Again we've had companies who have bought tests that D7ah6_52mJQ-00492-00237302-00237650 haven't been suitable so please, you know, we have got plenty of tests as a D7ah6_52mJQ-00493-00237650-00238000 government so if that's what you need to do, please, please take advantage. D7ah6_52mJQ-00494-00238000-00238298 (Andy Richardson) That's great to know and also the message I picked up from what you said there was D7ah6_52mJQ-00495-00238298-00238610 about knowing your workforce and knowing your workforce supply chain, you know, that's D7ah6_52mJQ-00496-00238610-00239051 critical and, you know, I'm certainly not in a position to lecture everybody about D7ah6_52mJQ-00497-00239051-00239441 their supply chains but now is so important and it's a danger of D7ah6_52mJQ-00498-00239441-00239909 assumptions, isn't it. So, thank you Minister, for your comments there. Can D7ah6_52mJQ-00499-00239909-00240389 we go back to Guy's question. Guy, your first in, and very patient at the D7ah6_52mJQ-00500-00240389-00241016 beginning and Guy was asking, has there been any particular D7ah6_52mJQ-00501-00241016-00241505 factor identified as being the catalyst for the Covid-19 outbreaks at Key Foods, Two D7ah6_52mJQ-00502-00241505-00242188 Sisters and Rowan Food, so can I pass that one to Dave and Martin, please. (David Lloyd) Well, D7ah6_52mJQ-00503-00242188-00242719 sorry to dodge the answer, but we wouldn't necessarily be party to that D7ah6_52mJQ-00504-00242719-00243319 information. (Lesley Griffiths) Yeah, perhaps I'd be better actually, Andy. (Andy Richardson) Okay, okay, thank you. D7ah6_52mJQ-00505-00243319-00244034 (Lesley Griffiths) Yes so, so clearly one of the issues is around being able to maintain a social distance and clearly that was something D7ah6_52mJQ-00506-00244034-00244421 that was raised with me as Minister when we put the two metres into legislation, D7ah6_52mJQ-00507-00244421-00244919 we're the only country in the UK to do that. We did it so that employers D7ah6_52mJQ-00508-00244919-00245498 had to make sure that they were doing everything they could to allow their D7ah6_52mJQ-00509-00245498-00245951 employees to be two metres apart now. Again, you know, I mentioned about Rowan, D7ah6_52mJQ-00510-00245951-00246314 there's lots of misinformation but certainly I've been told that it's been D7ah6_52mJQ-00511-00246314-00247010 really difficult to do that. Obviously food process... meat processing which actually D7ah6_52mJQ-00512-00247010-00247688 Rowan isn't, Rowan is ... tends to be ready meals and food preparation. They're D7ah6_52mJQ-00513-00247688-00248204 cold, there's lots of stainless steel, so now we know the virus can live approximately up D7ah6_52mJQ-00514-00248204-00248912 to 72 hours on cold surfaces such as stainless steel. Out in the sun it lasts D7ah6_52mJQ-00515-00248912-00249275 a minute and a half, so there's a big difference and I think again as D7ah6_52mJQ-00516-00249275-00249796 scientists look at the length of time the virus can live then, you know, D7ah6_52mJQ-00517-00249796-00250430 for winter and the cold environment is, you know, that is really of concern. D7ah6_52mJQ-00518-00250430-00250790 But I think, you know, that's something that we need to be aware of. D7ah6_52mJQ-00519-00250790-00251414 But as I say, if people are coming in, you know, they are car sharing, so it's about D7ah6_52mJQ-00520-00251414-00251996 encouraging that culture within your workforce, you know, to understand, you D7ah6_52mJQ-00521-00251996-00252350 know, that car sharing, you should be two meters apart. Then again, if you live in a D7ah6_52mJQ-00522-00252350-00252694 house of muscle occupation, and you know, I've got some in Wrexham where I know D7ah6_52mJQ-00523-00252694-00253151 there are 14 people living in one house with three bedrooms, so it's very hard to D7ah6_52mJQ-00524-00253151-00253814 self isolate. So, you know, you can see why factories with this, you know, the large D7ah6_52mJQ-00525-00253814-00254189 number of employees that the two in North Wales have had, D7ah6_52mJQ-00526-00254189-00254446 but then we've seen other food processing plants who've had none at all. D7ah6_52mJQ-00527-00254446-00254905 So I would say, you know, the message to be pushing forward is the social D7ah6_52mJQ-00528-00254905-00255454 distance, and the hygiene. (Martin Jardine) Can I add a point there to Guy's question as D7ah6_52mJQ-00529-00255454-00255941 well. You know, you rightly say that food processing has continued, the D7ah6_52mJQ-00530-00255941-00256297 survey work we did through Food Innovation Wales, it suggests that D7ah6_52mJQ-00531-00256297-00256744 72% of the sector continued to trade, albeit at lower levels, but they still D7ah6_52mJQ-00532-00256744-00257161 remained open. Now if you look at where we sit, I mean, I can only recall the D7ah6_52mJQ-00533-00257161-00257536 figures for North Wales, but there are roughly twenty to twenty three thousand D7ah6_52mJQ-00534-00257536-00258055 people due to return from furlough to other industries. And as the Minister alluded D7ah6_52mJQ-00535-00258055-00258379 to earlier, they'll be looking to the food sector for some good practice, D7ah6_52mJQ-00536-00258379-00258866 but, you know, I think the point in your question, you know, the fact that we D7ah6_52mJQ-00537-00258866-00259252 have traded and have stayed open, there is an element of it that D7ah6_52mJQ-00538-00259252-00259657 the laws of probability will tell you, that there's potential because there's, D7ah6_52mJQ-00539-00259657-00260278 you know, more people in work. (Andy Richardson) Yeah, lovely, thank you. I hope that answered your D7ah6_52mJQ-00540-00260278-00260864 question, Guy. If not, please feel free to come back on the chat. One thing I D7ah6_52mJQ-00541-00260864-00261310 do want to ask everybody on the call, our guests, what I'd love to know is, what is D7ah6_52mJQ-00542-00261310-00261742 the one thing that you would like us to do now, in terms of helping you to manage D7ah6_52mJQ-00543-00261742-00262069 Coronavirus outbreaks. I don't want to hear about those of the other issues D7ah6_52mJQ-00544-00262069-00262442 that might be .. we've got floating around at the mo, I'd be very interested to know D7ah6_52mJQ-00545-00262442-00262769 is what will you need us to do, you've got the Minister, you've got two experts D7ah6_52mJQ-00546-00262769-00263128 you've got the Food and Drink Board on the call, please can you let us know what your D7ah6_52mJQ-00547-00263128-00263680 thoughts are on that. Mark, very kindly, has posted the Welsh D7ah6_52mJQ-00548-00263680-00264143 Government guidance on the chat, for the prevention and management of Coronavirus D7ah6_52mJQ-00549-00264143-00264910 in food and meat plants, so. Okay, so, question coming in from Tony. Will D7ah6_52mJQ-00550-00264910-00265346 uv-light help to kill the virus? I think, maybe, that D7ah6_52mJQ-00551-00265346-00266141 would be David, Martin? (David Lloyd) There's a variety of novelty contaminations being used to D7ah6_52mJQ-00552-00266141-00266386 look at this particular virus. The problem is, of course, that this D7ah6_52mJQ-00553-00266386-00267089 virus is so relatively new. So across the world there are a variety of scientific D7ah6_52mJQ-00554-00267089-00267418 experiments going on looking at anything from D7ah6_52mJQ-00555-00267418-00268177 actual humidity - relative humidity - UV - ozone, all of which, looking at the D7ah6_52mJQ-00556-00268177-00269170 efficacy, the fact that the virus has a fatty lipid outer layer would make me D7ah6_52mJQ-00557-00269170-00269530 think, and this is not, this isn't based in science, would make you D7ah6_52mJQ-00558-00269530-00270309 think that a good detergent would be a critical element in the cleaning process D7ah6_52mJQ-00559-00270309-00271204 because that would disrupt the virus, followed by a good sterilizer or D7ah6_52mJQ-00560-00271204-00272017 disinfectant, so you know, basic cleaning methods will be important and D7ah6_52mJQ-00561-00272017-00272614 in going back to my long lost days of looking at this, you know, physical D7ah6_52mJQ-00562-00272614-00273211 chemical and heat energy are all quite important, particularly the physical D7ah6_52mJQ-00563-00273211-00273709 energy as well, but detergents, I would say, are critically important in this, as D7ah6_52mJQ-00564-00273709-00274401 is a disinfectant at the end. I don't think we can speak specifically on UV, D7ah6_52mJQ-00565-00274401-00274987 well I can't, for this particular virus because it is relatively new. It might be D7ah6_52mJQ-00566-00274987-00275575 worth tracking back UV work on other coronavirus, but of course, you can't be D7ah6_52mJQ-00567-00275575-00275965 sure that that's the same because it's a different structure. (Andy Richardson) Okay, thank you. D7ah6_52mJQ-00568-00275965-00276478 (Martin Jardine) Just to add that, I think, personal view, not sort of getting into the UV debate, but I think, D7ah6_52mJQ-00569-00276478-00276943 you know, it's limiting the human transmission, to me, is the element D7ah6_52mJQ-00570-00276943-00277285 around it.The other thing we have got, just thought while I'm speaking, I'll D7ah6_52mJQ-00571-00277285-00277819 mention it, we have got a hotline that Food Innovation Wales has established so D7ah6_52mJQ-00572-00277819-00278086 there is a number there that companies can call and have some of these D7ah6_52mJQ-00573-00278086-00278560 conversations offline, if they so wish. So again, worth looking at the Food D7ah6_52mJQ-00574-00278560-00278830 Innovation Wales website, there are numbers there that people D7ah6_52mJQ-00575-00278830-00279388 could pick up dialogue with as well. (Andy Richardson - inaudible Could you add that) actually on the chat, Mark if D7ah6_52mJQ-00576-00279388-00279784 you've got time to do that. Sorry, David. (David Lloyd) And that allows us to better research D7ah6_52mJQ-00577-00279784-00280162 because, one of the ... and I am digging back in my memory here, but one D7ah6_52mJQ-00578-00280162-00280602 of the other restricting factors on UV was that D7ah6_52mJQ-00579-00280602-00281160 it looks at the surface that it's seeing at the time, so if you shine it on top D7ah6_52mJQ-00580-00281160-00281637 of a table and the coronavirus was under the table, then it wouldn't necessarily D7ah6_52mJQ-00581-00281637-00282560 have an impact there. So, yes, we'd be better taking it through the hotline and D7ah6_52mJQ-00582-00282560-00283026 researching that question and feeding back to the gentleman or lady, but D7ah6_52mJQ-00583-00283026-00283485 they're the initial thought processes and ... (Andy Richardson) Okay, that's very good, thank you. D7ah6_52mJQ-00584-00283485-00283875 Just, can I go to some questions here about masks and visors because there's D7ah6_52mJQ-00585-00283875-00284255 been two or three coming in and may I perhaps ask you a sort of collective D7ah6_52mJQ-00586-00284255-00284781 question which I hope represents our guests' views here. What would be D7ah6_52mJQ-00587-00284781-00285432 the guidance on using masks and visors where it's not possible to follow the D7ah6_52mJQ-00588-00285432-00285891 social distancing guidelines. I know there are, you know, there's a few D7ah6_52mJQ-00589-00285891-00286380 situations that I'm aware of, and we all know in a practical situation. Certainly, D7ah6_52mJQ-00590-00286380-00286809 you know, I see in England a lot of people wearing visors where they can't D7ah6_52mJQ-00591-00286809-00287223 socially distance, so I'd be interested in either the Minister's, or Martin's, or D7ah6_52mJQ-00592-00287223-00287898 David's view on that, please. (Lesley Griffiths) The Welsh Government's advice is to wear a face D7ah6_52mJQ-00593-00287898-00288324 covering if you can't social distance, and I have to say certainly, D7ah6_52mJQ-00594-00288324-00288759 you know, locally, in the supermarkets there's a lot more people wearing face coverings now. D7ah6_52mJQ-00595-00288759-00289251 But I think the point that David made around hand-washing and detergents D7ah6_52mJQ-00596-00289251-00289818 and soap, I know you were talking about, you know, a factory or a premises' surface, but D7ah6_52mJQ-00597-00289818-00290112 again, that's the message that's coming, certainly, from the Chief Scientific D7ah6_52mJQ-00598-00290112-00290601 Adviser and the Chief Medical Officer to us, as Ministers, is that hand washing is, D7ah6_52mJQ-00599-00290601-00291117 you know, absolutely imperative, and you know if you can't social distance, wear a D7ah6_52mJQ-00600-00291117-00291615 face covering. (David Lloyd) I mean one of the reasons behind the last request D7ah6_52mJQ-00601-00291615-00292626 in our presentation, Andy, was that we can think of 60, 70 questions to ask about about factory floor operations, what we D7ah6_52mJQ-00602-00292626-00293016 need to do is to gather the information, as much information, from as many D7ah6_52mJQ-00603-00293016-00293493 companies as possible, to establish, you know, who wears masks, who doesn't wear D7ah6_52mJQ-00604-00293493-00293962 masks, who use high-pressure hoses, who doesn't use high-pressure hoses, D7ah6_52mJQ-00605-00293962-00294463 who's got return-to-work forms, who hasn't, and then D7ah6_52mJQ-00606-00294463-00295225 try and mine that data to establish what controls work. (Martin Jardine) I think as well with the D7ah6_52mJQ-00607-00295225-00295621 masks, I mean, just on a broader point really I think it makes people feel D7ah6_52mJQ-00608-00295621-00295963 safer and it can be done in a way that they're not going to create a physical D7ah6_52mJQ-00609-00295963-00296611 hazard in the factory then I think it'd be a positive thing. (Andy Richardson) I don't know if you've D7ah6_52mJQ-00610-00296611-00296851 seen the comments coming in here, but there's more comments coming about D7ah6_52mJQ-00611-00296851-00297469 whether masks will be effective in cold damp environments and likewise they D7ah6_52mJQ-00612-00297469-00297814 could be constrictive in very hot environments, so I guess, you know, you D7ah6_52mJQ-00613-00297814-00298381 can't win in those situations so I think rather than put it to the panel, I D7ah6_52mJQ-00614-00298381-00298966 think we'll just move on from that. It's a very, very important point. (Lesley Griffiths) I think also D7ah6_52mJQ-00615-00298966-00299269 if I can just say it's really important to differentiate between masks and face D7ah6_52mJQ-00616-00299269-00299716 coverings, mainly because masks you know there was lots of noise around, oh we D7ah6_52mJQ-00617-00299716-00300058 can't have masks because the, you know, the NHS and social care sector need them, D7ah6_52mJQ-00618-00300058-00300475 so that's why we've been very particular talking about masks and face D7ah6_52mJQ-00619-00300475-00300943 coverings. Just be pedantic. (Andy Richardson) Thank you, thank you. I'm assuming availability D7ah6_52mJQ-00620-00300943-00301402 of masks is there, I would just be interested in people's comments on the D7ah6_52mJQ-00621-00301402-00301903 chat whether you find you can have access to masks, visors etc. So just in the D7ah6_52mJQ-00622-00301903-00302265 few minutes we've got left, just ping in your comments, please. D7ah6_52mJQ-00623-00302265-00302692 (Martin Jardine) Andy, can I just add a point there that Innovation Wales has done some work D7ah6_52mJQ-00624-00302692-00303169 around that the suppliers of PPE and on the Food Innovation Wales website there D7ah6_52mJQ-00625-00303169-00303553 is a list of suppliers and contact addresses, so if people are struggling that D7ah6_52mJQ-00626-00303553-00303991 might be useful starting point. (Andy Richardson) Okay, brilliant thank you. Let's move on to the D7ah6_52mJQ-00627-00303991-00304273 next question, quick answers, I think, to these because D7ah6_52mJQ-00628-00304273-00304576 we're getting a few coming in now. Are there any guidelines on the correct use of D7ah6_52mJQ-00629-00304576-00305101 temperature monitoring on entrance to establishments? And secondly, we'll do it D7ah6_52mJQ-00630-00305101-00305692 together this one, is there any evidence of transmission via food? Okay, so two parts D7ah6_52mJQ-00631-00305692-00306678 of that. (David Lloyd) Can I do the food bit? (Andy Richardson) Okay. (Martin Jardine) And I can do the temperature one. (David Lloyd) We obviously keep abreast of D7ah6_52mJQ-00632-00306678-00307190 research and health centres across the world. We use the Centre for D7ah6_52mJQ-00633-00307190-00307868 Disease Control in Atlanta a lot and both themselves and the FSA say that D7ah6_52mJQ-00634-00307868-00308506 I think the quote is very unlikely because the virus needs a live host. The D7ah6_52mJQ-00635-00308506-00309057 Minister just talked about survival on smooth surfaces of up to 72 hours, D7ah6_52mJQ-00636-00309057-00309745 there's the potential for packaging but we're not sure. But on food D7ah6_52mJQ-00637-00309745-00310231 the major centres for disease control in the world are saying that it is very D7ah6_52mJQ-00638-00310231-00310630 unlikely. (Andy Richardson) Yeah, good. Well that's very reassuring D7ah6_52mJQ-00639-00310630-00311045 because the last thing we need is a food crisis, okay, and thank you for the D7ah6_52mJQ-00640-00311045-00311380 answers there and just coming back to ... there's a few comments coming back in, it D7ah6_52mJQ-00641-00311380-00311942 appears that masks have been recently available but actually visors no, so I D7ah6_52mJQ-00642-00311942-00312320 think, really, yeah, we've run out of time for this section, but if you're D7ah6_52mJQ-00643-00312320-00312665 struggling to get hold of visors, and that is widespread and representative, please D7ah6_52mJQ-00644-00312665-00313067 can you let us know, because again we can't do anything unless we know, okay. D7ah6_52mJQ-00645-00313067-00313831 Okay, I think we'll begin to put together ... I just want to look and actually see there D7ah6_52mJQ-00646-00313831-00314366 was one more ... there's a question that's come in from Livvy, and I'm just trying to D7ah6_52mJQ-00647-00314366-00314902 paraphrase and read at the same time so, there have been media coverage of D7ah6_52mJQ-00648-00314902-00315245 outbreaks which have been significantly damaging to local opinion of food D7ah6_52mJQ-00649-00315245-00315631 companies and therefore the recruitment of local people D7ah6_52mJQ-00650-00315631-00316088 I think the point here Livvy is making is we need to really be very careful D7ah6_52mJQ-00651-00316088-00316448 about our reputation and that was the point that I was saying right at D7ah6_52mJQ-00652-00316448-00316882 the beginning you know of course we've got to stop people getting infected but D7ah6_52mJQ-00653-00316882-00317208 actually we've got to make sure our food and drink sector stands up to scrutiny. D7ah6_52mJQ-00654-00317208-00317713 Yeah that's the one thing I'm proud of as Welsh food and drink is it's integrity, D7ah6_52mJQ-00655-00317713-00318239 its provenance and its quality so you're absolutely right and I think that's the D7ah6_52mJQ-00656-00318239-00318596 whole purpose of what we're doing here. We're the first devolved nation, in fact, the first D7ah6_52mJQ-00657-00318596-00319175 country in the UK to run this kind of event, and I'm not summing up yet, by the D7ah6_52mJQ-00658-00319175-00319582 way, but what I would like to say is if you've found it useful please, please, let us D7ah6_52mJQ-00659-00319582-00320258 know and we're very happy to do more of these events if it's helpful. So okay D7ah6_52mJQ-00660-00320258-00320735 good, actually there was one last question I'll ask before I just ask D7ah6_52mJQ-00661-00320735-00321299 Lesley for any final comment, from Guy again, you're on good form today, Guy. D7ah6_52mJQ-00662-00321299-00321764 Are there any learnings from the US and German food processing outbreaks that we D7ah6_52mJQ-00663-00321764-00322649 need to learn from? (David Lloyd) I think what we've already talked about, controls D7ah6_52mJQ-00664-00322649-00323264 within sites are critical for our understanding. We're in the very early D7ah6_52mJQ-00665-00323264-00324032 phases of an emerging problem here, and the sooner we can get real data back D7ah6_52mJQ-00666-00324032-00324554 on controls from this, from the sites, the sooner we understand what the D7ah6_52mJQ-00667-00324554-00325121 critical factors are in it entering sites. I think that's the best answer D7ah6_52mJQ-00668-00325121-00325511 you can give on that. (Martin Jardine) I think being appreciative of the speed it moves. I D7ah6_52mJQ-00669-00325511-00325895 want to pick up that temperature question there that Sabina put D7ah6_52mJQ-00670-00325895-00326281 in the chat, we didn't ... we never answered that but if you'd gone back two months ago, D7ah6_52mJQ-00671-00326281-00326720 it seemed a really really positive response from the scientific community around temperature D7ah6_52mJQ-00672-00326720-00327179 testing, yet more recent papers are suggesting that you know it's D7ah6_52mJQ-00673-00327179-00327725 dubious at best as to whether or not it has any scientific standing, so D7ah6_52mJQ-00674-00327725-00328160 I just think that's the point really, it is moving very quickly. (Andy Richardson) Yeah, yeah, thank you D7ah6_52mJQ-00675-00328160-00328535 and I'm not going to put this as a question but I've just noticed that D7ah6_52mJQ-00676-00328535-00329267 actually about reporting, it just flagged in my mind that the importance of D7ah6_52mJQ-00677-00329267-00329762 reporting, you only manage what you can measure, and there was something there about D7ah6_52mJQ-00678-00329762-00330209 maybe how we report and what we ask businesses to report back on, so okay. D7ah6_52mJQ-00679-00330209-00330608 Listen, I know there have been lots of questions coming in and I'm very very D7ah6_52mJQ-00680-00330608-00331016 grateful. Trust me, when you chair these and it's like the tumbleweed moment, it's D7ah6_52mJQ-00681-00331016-00331631 not very easy, so thank you very much for your questions coming in. What we will do D7ah6_52mJQ-00682-00331631-00332186 is we haven't lost those chats, we will send these back to you, we'll record these D7ah6_52mJQ-00683-00332186-00332561 also, so people have got it. We will make sure that you've got the links that D7ah6_52mJQ-00684-00332561-00332960 actually Mark's been putting up on the right hand side. We will send those D7ah6_52mJQ-00685-00332960-00333467 around to you again, but again please please please cut to the key source of D7ah6_52mJQ-00686-00333467-00333800 information, Food Innovation Wales website, Food & Drink D7ah6_52mJQ-00687-00333800-00334511 website, Food and Drink Federation and the weekly Welsh Food and Drink Board D7ah6_52mJQ-00688-00334511-00335084 newsletter. You know they're all succinct bits of information. We really do D7ah6_52mJQ-00689-00335084-00335483 want to know from you guys what you need, so please keep the conversation going D7ah6_52mJQ-00690-00335483-00336017 Before I sum up actually, Minister, would you ... is there anything you'd just like to D7ah6_52mJQ-00691-00336017-00336809 say as final parting words? (Lesley Griffiths) Thanks Andy, I 'd just like to say a big thank you to D7ah6_52mJQ-00692-00336809-00337229 David and Martin for doing this survey for us and I know they've got some ideas to D7ah6_52mJQ-00693-00337229-00337778 kind of expand on that review. Thank you to you all for your attendance. D7ah6_52mJQ-00694-00337778-00338315 It's great to see so many people on it and so many people keen to learn lessons D7ah6_52mJQ-00695-00338315-00338786 from other people and share that good practice. It is a very novel virus D7ah6_52mJQ-00696-00338786-00339188 and we're learning about it all the time and, you know, if somebody ... I don't know if D7ah6_52mJQ-00697-00339188-00339647 any of you have seen the Michael McIntyre little video about ... he pretends he went D7ah6_52mJQ-00698-00339647-00340148 to see a clairvoyant in June 2019 and he's telling Michael McIntyre what his D7ah6_52mJQ-00699-00340148-00340520 life will be like in twelve months and it's really unbelievable, the speed that D7ah6_52mJQ-00700-00340520-00340957 this all took over so I know we've all had to adapt to new ways of working, D7ah6_52mJQ-00701-00340957-00341435 but it is really important that we protect ourselves and obviously D7ah6_52mJQ-00702-00341435-00341894 employees, as I said there's lots of information out there. I'm grateful for D7ah6_52mJQ-00703-00341894-00342371 everybody who's brought it together. I'm very happy to do another one of these D7ah6_52mJQ-00704-00342371-00342785 we've put it together really, I think it was ten o'clock last Thursday night, Andy D7ah6_52mJQ-00705-00342785-00343181 and I had a telephone conversation about doing this, so thank you to everyone D7ah6_52mJQ-00706-00343181-00343601 who's made that possible. You'd never get nearly 200 people in the same room from D7ah6_52mJQ-00707-00343601-00343985 all over Wales so you know, there is the ... that's the upside of being able to do D7ah6_52mJQ-00708-00343985-00344642 things on technology, so you know. Really difficult time for us and I think the D7ah6_52mJQ-00709-00344642-00345026 important thing is to say, and I think somebody said it in the chat before, this D7ah6_52mJQ-00710-00345026-00345602 is two outbreaks and an incident in three places, and, you know, you've all worked D7ah6_52mJQ-00711-00345602-00345986 throughout it. It was really important that we had food on our tables, you've made D7ah6_52mJQ-00712-00345986-00346541 sure that's been possible and so the focus has been on this sector, but D7ah6_52mJQ-00713-00346541-00346853 there will be lots of learning to do. I think it was Martin that said about D7ah6_52mJQ-00714-00346853-00347276 twenty-two and a half thousand people are furloughed, so when you know the manufacturing D7ah6_52mJQ-00715-00347276-00347749 goes back and, you know, later on this month or next month they will be looking D7ah6_52mJQ-00716-00347749-00348248 to us for that best practice. So, you know, thank you very much, and if anybody's got D7ah6_52mJQ-00717-00348248-00348560 any questions, as Andy said, we will pick up all the questions and we'll make sure D7ah6_52mJQ-00718-00348560-00349016 we get back to you. But everybody knows my email address, you know, please do D7ah6_52mJQ-00719-00349016-00349364 send your thoughts or questions, but thank you all very much for your D7ah6_52mJQ-00720-00349364-00349823 attendance and thanks to Andy and Martin and David in particular. (Andy Richardson) You're welcome D7ah6_52mJQ-00721-00349823-00350189 Thank you very much, Minister and obviously from me to thank you for taking an hour out of D7ah6_52mJQ-00722-00350189-00350621 your very busy schedule so thank you very much for that. Thank you very much to D7ah6_52mJQ-00723-00350621-00351125 Dave and Martin for your very wise words and just a final summarize for me in the D7ah6_52mJQ-00724-00351125-00351596 last one minute is to say firstly we've got to make sure that we stand up to D7ah6_52mJQ-00725-00351596-00352037 scrutiny in Wales. You know we're all very proud of our industry. I'm sorry I D7ah6_52mJQ-00726-00352037-00352415 think, Guy, you're going to be our poster boy now for your comments, but you said thank D7ah6_52mJQ-00727-00352415-00352712 you, Team Wales, and that fundamentally that's what it's all about. You know D7ah6_52mJQ-00728-00352712-00353048 we're in this together and, you know, we should be very proud of what we are achieving D7ah6_52mJQ-00729-00353048-00353501 together. Ultimately for me it's about attention to detail, it's about having D7ah6_52mJQ-00730-00353501-00353894 the right advice and information, and it's about having the right agility, D7ah6_52mJQ-00731-00353894-00354302 that's what it's all about. So thank you very much all our guests for taking the D7ah6_52mJQ-00732-00354302-00354797 trouble. I think that actually we've had a record number - over 110 people have D7ah6_52mJQ-00733-00354797-00355163 stayed with us, so thank you for doing that. Thank you for your time and we look D7ah6_52mJQ-00734-00355163-00355517 forward to seeing you next time. Thank you very much everybody, bye-bye. D7ah6_52mJQ-00735-00355517-00356011 (Martine Jardine) Thanks Andy. (Lesley Griffiths) Thank you, bye. D9_lbHqCtmg-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi everyone D9_lbHqCtmg-00001-00000200-00000400 Crude oil 1 minute D9_lbHqCtmg-00002-00000400-00002018 When trend Breaks U will receive calls D9_lbHqCtmg-00003-00002131-00003237 Buy call so green color candle D9_lbHqCtmg-00004-00003237-00006000 17 point 1st target D9_lbHqCtmg-00005-00006000-00008384 Daily u will receive calls Automatically D9_lbHqCtmg-00006-00008384-00010775 Just watch this & place order in ur Broker acc D9_lbHqCtmg-00007-00010775-00012000 Target reached 20 point movement DyTdgsC1cBk-00000-00000000-00000466 Earlier in this module we reviewed the fundamental forces that can act on particles. DyTdgsC1cBk-00001-00000466-00000816 As it turns out special particles called exchange bosons DyTdgsC1cBk-00002-00000816-00001254 play a fundamental role in how at least three of the fundamental forces act. DyTdgsC1cBk-00003-00001254-00001722 Particles can feel each other's presence because they exchange these specific bosons with each other, DyTdgsC1cBk-00004-00001722-00001939 It's like they're sending messages to each other as a way of DyTdgsC1cBk-00005-00001939-00002292 figuring out whether they should get closer to each other or move further away. DyTdgsC1cBk-00006-00002292-00002564 Let's look at some of these exchange bosons and think about how they DyTdgsC1cBk-00007-00002564-00002882 explain some of the fundamental properties of each force. DyTdgsC1cBk-00008-00002882-00003124 We'll start with the electromagnetic force. DyTdgsC1cBk-00009-00003124-00003429 For the electromagnetic force the exchange boson is a photon, DyTdgsC1cBk-00010-00003429-00003638 sometimes known as a virtual photon, DyTdgsC1cBk-00011-00003638-00004011 since these exchanges happen so quickly that we don't actually detect them. DyTdgsC1cBk-00012-00004011-00004532 The photon is a boson as the name suggests and is mass-less, charge-less, and has spin one. DyTdgsC1cBk-00013-00004532-00004834 They're only exchanged between charged particles. DyTdgsC1cBk-00014-00004834-00005212 We can draw this kind of exchange in the form of a Feynman diagram, like this. DyTdgsC1cBk-00015-00005314-00005616 The diagram can be translated into a specific mathematical DyTdgsC1cBk-00016-00005616-00005886 equation that describes the collision process. DyTdgsC1cBk-00017-00005886-00006140 Don't worry we're not going to get into that here, DyTdgsC1cBk-00018-00006140-00006595 but the theory behind this is known as quantum electrodynamics or QED. DyTdgsC1cBk-00019-00006595-00006828 Next we'll talk about the strong force. DyTdgsC1cBk-00020-00006828-00007330 The strong force acts between quarks, and as you might recall only acts over very small distances, DyTdgsC1cBk-00021-00007330-00007748 about 10^ -15 meters (on the order of the size of the atomic nucleus.) DyTdgsC1cBk-00022-00007748-00008022 The exchanged bosons for the strong force are called gluons. DyTdgsC1cBk-00023-00008022-00008468 Like photons, they're massless and they're only exchanged between quarks and antiquarks. DyTdgsC1cBk-00024-00008468-00008782 This time though the exchange process is a bit more complicated because DyTdgsC1cBk-00025-00008782-00009148 there's the third property known as color that determines whether certain quarks DyTdgsC1cBk-00026-00009148-00009370 can be drawn together via the strong force. DyTdgsC1cBk-00027-00009370-00009734 There are three possible colors that quarks can have: red, blue, or green. DyTdgsC1cBk-00028-00009734-00010044 The baryon that each set of quarks builds must be colourless, DyTdgsC1cBk-00029-00010044-00010480 which means you can have one of each type of quark: a red, a blue, and a green. DyTdgsC1cBk-00030-00010480-00010992 This is an analogy to light. If you combine red, blue, and green light you get white. DyTdgsC1cBk-00031-00010992-00011226 This constrains how you can make baryons. DyTdgsC1cBk-00032-00011226-00011576 Or you can have a quark anti quark pair of the same colour. DyTdgsC1cBk-00033-00011576-00011757 This constrains how you can make mesons. DyTdgsC1cBk-00034-00011757-00012164 Now quarks don't really have colour in the visual sense. The colour here is a DyTdgsC1cBk-00035-00012164-00012536 visual tool we can use to think about which quarks can bind together. DyTdgsC1cBk-00036-00012536-00013044 The theory that underlies this explanation is known as quantum chromodynamics or QCD, DyTdgsC1cBk-00037-00013044-00013344 and the colour is basically another quantum number. DyTdgsC1cBk-00038-00013344-00013672 It's a handy one too. It allows us to put quarks which are fermions, DyTdgsC1cBk-00039-00013672-00014134 and therefore can't live in the same quantum states, in configurations that might be impossible otherwise. DyTdgsC1cBk-00040-00014134-00014674 These impossible configurations were in fact how colour was discovered in the first place, DyTdgsC1cBk-00041-00014674-00015008 but that's a story for another time, because we have one more force to go. DyTdgsC1cBk-00042-00015008-00015491 The weak force is next. If you recall, it's called the weak force because it only DyTdgsC1cBk-00043-00015491-00015910 acts over an extremely short range, about 10 to the minus 18 meters. DyTdgsC1cBk-00044-00015910-00016347 It happens to involve two exchanged bosons, the W and Z bosons. DyTdgsC1cBk-00045-00016347-00016786 These two, unlike the previous exchange bosons we learned about, have mass. DyTdgsC1cBk-00046-00016786-00017141 Actually they're pretty heavy, about a hundred times the mass of the proton. DyTdgsC1cBk-00047-00017141-00017540 This is one of the reasons the weak force acts over such short ranges. DyTdgsC1cBk-00048-00017540-00017910 Imagine how hard it must be to check huge bosons back and forth. DyTdgsC1cBk-00049-00017916-00018496 The W boson can be positively or negatively charged, and we denote both types: w+ and w- respectively. DyTdgsC1cBk-00050-00018496-00018738 The z boson is uncharged. DyTdgsC1cBk-00051-00018738-00019048 One good example of the weak force in action is in nuclear beta decay. DyTdgsC1cBk-00052-00019048-00019442 Let's take a look a bit more closely at how beta decay works on the quark level. DyTdgsC1cBk-00053-00019442-00019946 We'll choose neutron decay to focus on rather than look at the beta decay of a specific nucleus. DyTdgsC1cBk-00054-00019946-00020494 Recall that the neutron consists of one up and two down quarks, while the proton is two up and one down quark. DyTdgsC1cBk-00055-00020494-00021075 In the beta decay process, a down quark emits a w- boson, causing it to DyTdgsC1cBk-00056-00021075-00021582 transform into an up quark. The w- boson then decays into an electron and an DyTdgsC1cBk-00057-00021582-00021966 anti-electron neutrino, leading to the familiar beta decay products DyTdgsC1cBk-00058-00021966-00022356 The W and Z exchange particles were actually predicted by Sheldon Glashow, DyTdgsC1cBk-00059-00022362-00022890 Steven Weinberg and Abdus Salam in their electroweak theory, which combined the DyTdgsC1cBk-00060-00022890-00023496 electromagnetic and weak forces into one model. They won the Nobel Prize for this work in 1979 DyTdgsC1cBk-00061-00023496-00024176 The W and Z bosons were discovered at CERN in 1983 by Carlo Rubbia and Simon van der Meer, DyTdgsC1cBk-00062-00024176-00024472 who won the Nobel Prize for this work in 1984. DyTdgsC1cBk-00063-00024473-00024918 I should note Carlo Rubia and Simon van der Meer won the Nobel Prize for this work, DyTdgsC1cBk-00064-00024918-00025254 but there were actually quite a few people involved in this experiment. DyTdgsC1cBk-00065-00025254-00025683 Now, we associated the weak forces range with the size of its associated exchange particles, DyTdgsC1cBk-00066-00025683-00026298 but the strong force is also short-range, and it's exchange particle the gluon has no mass DyTdgsC1cBk-00067-00026298-00026643 So what's going on here? Well the range of the strong force DyTdgsC1cBk-00068-00026643-00026903 has to do with that we never see isolated quarks in nature. DyTdgsC1cBk-00069-00026903-00027275 The force keeping them together is indeed quite strong. DyTdgsC1cBk-00070-00027275-00027744 Now, back to the last force, gravity. It turns out to be the only force that isn't DyTdgsC1cBk-00071-00027744-00028106 part of the standard model. The reason for this is we don't have a quantum model DyTdgsC1cBk-00072-00028106-00028452 for gravity, and we have found no evidence for a messenger particle for this force. DyTdgsC1cBk-00073-00028452-00029027 We do however already have a name if such a particle has ever discovered, the graviton. DyTdgsC1cBk-00074-00029027-00029295 Now, evidence for gravitational waves was just found by DyTdgsC1cBk-00075-00029295-00029564 the LIGO collaboration, including some members of the ANU. DyTdgsC1cBk-00076-00029564-00029988 This means that Einsteins theory of general relativity was right about the existence of these DyTdgsC1cBk-00077-00029988-00030353 classical waves but we don't yet have an idea of how to build up an DyTdgsC1cBk-00078-00030353-00030693 experimentally verifiable quantum theory that is consistent with these DyTdgsC1cBk-00079-00030693-00031080 observations, as well as all the other observations confirming Einstein's DyTdgsC1cBk-00080-00031080-00031672 theories of relativity. So there's still more work to be done on this front. DyTdgsC1cBk-00081-00031712-00032081 Everything we've learned up until now was first to put together into a DyTdgsC1cBk-00082-00032081-00032564 standard model of particle physics in 1974. To this day the standard model is DyTdgsC1cBk-00083-00032564-00033012 the most complete quantum model explaining what matter consists of and how it interacts. DyTdgsC1cBk-00084-00033012-00033269 When we test for physics beyond the standard model, DyTdgsC1cBk-00085-00033269-00033633 we're searching for clues that the theory we've come up with thus far is DyTdgsC1cBk-00086-00033633-00034229 perhaps derived from a bigger, possibly more elegant and more importantly experimentally verifiable story DyTdgsC1cBk-00087-00034230-00034722 In the next video we're going to learn about how the standard model of physics can be used DyTdgsC1cBk-00088-00034722-00035234 to understand what might have happened during the birth of our universe as we know it DyZDdw6cFMQ-00000-00000100-00000551 Tank Festival 2019 had notable events and new features. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00001-00000580-00000781 Among them were dog tags, DyZDdw6cFMQ-00002-00000788-00001077 which were introduced to tankers for the first time. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00003-00001258-00001512 The images on them were fun and light-hearted. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00004-00001600-00001979 But if they were to be permanently available outside of Tank Festival, DyZDdw6cFMQ-00005-00001987-00002144 they had to be changed. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00006-00002221-00002535 Dog tags needed to be worthy of your achievements. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00007-00002634-00002947 And now, they are ready to make their return. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00008-00002958-00003231 Updated, serious, and profound. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00009-00003279-00003389 Dog Tags. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00010-00004328-00004676 The first time you enter the Garage after Dog Tags are added, DyZDdw6cFMQ-00011-00004693-00004940 you will see a short video about how they work. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00012-00004954-00005232 But here we'll tell you about them in more detail. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00013-00005330-00005600 You can set up your Dog Tag in the corresponding menu. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00014-00005628-00005975 All Components, both unlocked and ones not yet available, DyZDdw6cFMQ-00015-00005977-00006076 can be found here. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00016-00006105-00006443 You can learn the unlocking conditions for all elements here. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00017-00006514-00006820 Dog Tags consist of three independent parts: DyZDdw6cFMQ-00018-00006888-00007046 User name and clan name. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00019-00007087-00007238 This element can't be altered DyZDdw6cFMQ-00020-00007243-00007512 except for when you change your user name or clan. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00021-00007555-00007796 If you are playing with the anonymizer enabled, DyZDdw6cFMQ-00022-00007826-00008221 the enemy will see the generated data instead of your actual user name. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00023-00008246-00008394 The rest will stay the same: DyZDdw6cFMQ-00024-00008493-00008656 your Dog Tag Background DyZDdw6cFMQ-00025-00008669-00008944 and the Engraving, which is the main element. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00026-00009058-00009348 The Engraving displays something you are proud of. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00027-00009382-00009606 You can choose your point of pride yourself. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00028-00009832-00010170 There are 3 types of conditions for receiving Engravings. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00029-00010226-00010673 Skill, which demonstrates your skills compared to other commanders. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00030-00010750-00010907 It shows your supremacy. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00031-00011239-00011472 To unlock Engravings from this category, DyZDdw6cFMQ-00032-00011495-00011690 you have to make it into the Hall of Fame DyZDdw6cFMQ-00033-00011695-00011925 and update your rating at least once per month. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00034-00011958-00012308 This achievement is unlocked and updated only at the end of the month. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00035-00012356-00012569 If you have already completed the conditions, DyZDdw6cFMQ-00036-00012573-00012891 the value is updated, and you can unlock new elements. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00037-00012977-00013383 The Dog Tag shows your Hall of Fame position on a ten-point scale. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00038-00013410-00013830 Your best personal score over the last 3 months (not including the current one) DyZDdw6cFMQ-00039-00013835-00013938 will be displayed. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00040-00013956-00014293 That means you will have to not only reach the mastery threshold DyZDdw6cFMQ-00041-00014302-00014479 but also work to stay there. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00042-00014502-00014772 Dedication. These values are cumulative. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00043-00014778-00015018 Unlike the Skill category, they are permanent DyZDdw6cFMQ-00044-00015023-00015254 and are calculated from the very beginning of the game. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00045-00015259-00015542 All you need to do to unlock an element of this type DyZDdw6cFMQ-00046-00015547-00016084 (along with the entire progression) is accomplish the condition stated in the Dog Tag customization screen. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00047-00016089-00016425 This category includes the number of battles and victories, DyZDdw6cFMQ-00048-00016430-00016742 total damage dealt, total vehicles destroyed, DyZDdw6cFMQ-00049-00016748-00016950 and other impressive statistics. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00050-00016977-00017327 Only Random and Grand Battles are included in the stats. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00051-00017401-00017707 Dedication engravings have 10 progression levels. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00052-00017722-00018092 For example, if you have already completed the condition for Level 2, DyZDdw6cFMQ-00053-00018105-00018246 the previous one is skipped. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00054-00018261-00018557 The current level is displayed on the Dog Tag itself. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00055-00018679-00019039 The third category showcases your most glorious moment. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00056-00019044-00019466 Triumph can be received for outstanding results in one particular battle. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00057-00019487-00019716 Such elements are unlocked after the battle DyZDdw6cFMQ-00058-00019721-00019904 during which the condition was achieved. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00059-00019918-00020304 But it's only for Random Battles in vehicles Tier VIII and higher. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00060-00020328-00020596 For example, it may be your damage record DyZDdw6cFMQ-00061-00020602-00021007 or the highest number of enemies you faced alone yet still won the battle. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00062-00021036-00021309 Such achievements also exist for Platoons. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00063-00021437-00021724 Triumph engravings have 4 progression levels. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00064-00021744-00021943 If you receive a Level 1 element, DyZDdw6cFMQ-00065-00021948-00022186 you will be able to improve it in the following battle DyZDdw6cFMQ-00066-00022188-00022472 by completing the condition for Level 2 or higher. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00067-00022500-00022852 You can complete the look of your engraving with a Dog Tag Background. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00068-00022868-00023080 There are several ways to earning a Background, DyZDdw6cFMQ-00069-00023089-00023319 including by earning awards in battles. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00070-00023328-00023636 For example, you will be able to show off your Fadin's Medal DyZDdw6cFMQ-00071-00023641-00023800 on your Dog Tag in battle. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00072-00023852-00024169 There are some distinct characteristics to Dog Tags. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00073-00024224-00024472 Dark Side DyZDdw6cFMQ-00074-00024541-00024809 Now you don't have to go to the player's statistics DyZDdw6cFMQ-00075-00024812-00025038 to learn more about the player you destroyed. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00076-00025112-00025311 Simply hold Ctrl in battle DyZDdw6cFMQ-00077-00025319-00025667 and hover your mouse over the Dog Tag icon near their user name. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00078-00025713-00025932 But don't do that in the heat of battle! DyZDdw6cFMQ-00079-00025963-00026210 Almost All at Once? DyZDdw6cFMQ-00080-00026279-00026699 Most Engravings must be earned, but there are still some starter components. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00081-00026710-00027019 They can be placed on your Dog Tag right away and improved. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00082-00027025-00027308 Starter components also have progression levels. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00083-00027327-00027582 How So? DyZDdw6cFMQ-00084-00027636-00027899 Sometimes you will not see the enemy's Dog Tag. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00085-00027906-00028326 This happens if your vehicle is destroyed by falling, drowning, DyZDdw6cFMQ-00086-00028611-00028728 or overturning. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00087-00029093-00029336 Or if you are playing non-standard game modes DyZDdw6cFMQ-00088-00029339-00029724 as Dog Tags are only shown in Random Battles and Grand Battles. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00089-00029795-00030130 You can also turn off the display of other players' Dog Tags, DyZDdw6cFMQ-00090-00030164-00030435 or your Tags to enemies, via the settings. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00091-00030702-00030988 Dog Tags show who's who on the battlefield. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00092-00031051-00031314 They display your well-deserved achievements. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00093-00031335-00031702 With them, everyone will see that you are a worthy adversary. DyZDdw6cFMQ-00094-00031809-00032132 Your Dog Tag is your signature in World of Tanks. DzNo4WsxmmY-00000-00000024-00000456 Tesla’s A.I. Robot and Elon Musk’s Warning About It DzNo4WsxmmY-00001-00000456-00000880 Elon Musk has never been shy to express his opinions when it comes to the development DzNo4WsxmmY-00002-00000880-00001368 of Artificial Intelligence. At the rate of AI development today in the 21st century, DzNo4WsxmmY-00003-00001368-00001776 Elon has confessed that there are aspects of the idea that worries him DzNo4WsxmmY-00004-00001776-00002352 especially in terms of how it would affect human society in general. So when the Tesla CEO made the DzNo4WsxmmY-00005-00002352-00003000 sudden announcement of a Tesla bot powered by AI, everyone was quick to point out the inconsistency. DzNo4WsxmmY-00006-00003000-00003511 You’ll definitely want to spread the news, so share this video, give a thumbs up, and DzNo4WsxmmY-00007-00003511-00004128 click that subscribe and notification bell to get future updates on new videos from Big Brain Tech! DzNo4WsxmmY-00008-00004184-00004312 TESLA BOT DzNo4WsxmmY-00009-00004312-00005040 On August 20, 2021, dubbed as ‘Tesla AI Day’, Elon announced Tesla’s plan to build a Tesla bot. DzNo4WsxmmY-00010-00005040-00005656 The machine is a humanoid robot that operates on Artificial Intelligence. During the presentation DzNo4WsxmmY-00011-00005656-00006256 an actor dressed as the bot danced on stage with Elon remarking that the robot they’re planning to DzNo4WsxmmY-00012-00006256-00006792 build would of course be a real machine. The prototype, he estimates, is to be released DzNo4WsxmmY-00013-00006792-00007504 sometime next year in 2022. However, the CEO is known to not be too keen with deadlines, DzNo4WsxmmY-00014-00007504-00007920 so the actual release may or may not happen in the year to come. DzNo4WsxmmY-00015-00007920-00008384 According to the presentation the bot is designed to ‘eliminate dangerous, repetitive, DzNo4WsxmmY-00016-00008384-00008968 boring tasks.’ This would mean that the robot is expected to take on tasks that most people would DzNo4WsxmmY-00017-00008968-00009616 consider menial such as getting groceries or even washing the dishes. It could even assist in tasks DzNo4WsxmmY-00018-00009616-00010232 that prove to be too risky or dangerous for some workers, however, it was not specified to what DzNo4WsxmmY-00019-00010232-00010832 degree the bot could involve itself in. It has the ability to carry anything under 45 pounds, DzNo4WsxmmY-00020-00010832-00011544 deadlift 150 pounds, do an arm extended lift of 10 pounds and can run at a speed of 5 miles per hour. DzNo4WsxmmY-00021-00011544-00012064 Given that the bot would most likely be integrated into human society, the Tesla team decided to DzNo4WsxmmY-00022-00012064-00012704 give it a humanoid appearance, standing at a height of 5’8’’ and weighing around 125 pounds. DzNo4WsxmmY-00023-00012704-00013168 During the presentation, Elon mentioned that their Tesla cars are already considered DzNo4WsxmmY-00024-00013168-00013672 semi-sentient which would make sense to transfer that feature into a working humanoid machine. DzNo4WsxmmY-00025-00013736-00014184 It would make use of the same navigating concept employed in the Tesla cars as a DzNo4WsxmmY-00026-00014184-00014576 means of navigating around man-made environments like the cities or DzNo4WsxmmY-00027-00014576-00015080 in neighborhoods. The bot would of course be programmed to be ‘friendly’ and harmless. DzNo4WsxmmY-00028-00015080-00015488 An interesting portion of the presentation was when Elon mentioned that they are going DzNo4WsxmmY-00029-00015488-00016000 to make sure that the Tesla bot wouldn’t bear any features that could be harmful to people. DzNo4WsxmmY-00030-00016000-00016488 He mentioned and joked that he was planning to make the model slow enough for an average DzNo4WsxmmY-00031-00016488-00017056 person to outrun it should the need arise. This particular feature highlights Elon’s continuing DzNo4WsxmmY-00032-00017056-00017624 wariness over the safety of developing intelligent machines or Artificial Intelligence in general. DzNo4WsxmmY-00033-00017728-00018136 ELON’S WORRIES AND WARNINGS On twitter, when asked why he DzNo4WsxmmY-00034-00018136-00018400 decided to create the robot in the first place given his DzNo4WsxmmY-00035-00018400-00018840 rich history of criticizing AI development, Elon responds with: DzNo4WsxmmY-00036-00018840-00019440 “The robots are coming anyway, as Boston Dynamics videos clearly show. I will not be able to ensure DzNo4WsxmmY-00037-00019440-00020048 that robots made by other companies are safe, but I can try my best to do so at Tesla.” This DzNo4WsxmmY-00038-00020048-00020544 comes from the countless updates released by the Boston Dynamics robotics program showing DzNo4WsxmmY-00039-00020544-00021096 humanoid machines with an impressive amount of agility and a certain degree of athleticism. DzNo4WsxmmY-00040-00021096-00021624 If we were to dive into Elon’s perspective towards AI, we would see that his worry stems from the DzNo4WsxmmY-00041-00021624-00022184 exponential growth of the AI program all over the world. He expressed before that the development DzNo4WsxmmY-00042-00022184-00022696 of superintelligent machines is an inevitable phenomenon, but the rate at which researchers DzNo4WsxmmY-00043-00022696-00023224 are making breakthroughs, the robot uprising can come sooner than we expected. In some of DzNo4WsxmmY-00044-00023224-00023760 his interviews and posts, the Tesla CEO has been known to bring up films such as the Terminator DzNo4WsxmmY-00045-00023760-00024320 as one of the reasons why he thinks that AI can bring more harm to people rather than good. DzNo4WsxmmY-00046-00024320-00024880 In the movie, Skynet, which served as the major antagonist, was a superintelligence system DzNo4WsxmmY-00047-00024880-00025416 that gained artificial consciousness. To ensure humanity’s safety, the people assigned to regulate DzNo4WsxmmY-00048-00025416-00025920 the network decided to shut it down, but thanks to Skynet’s newly gained level of intelligence, DzNo4WsxmmY-00049-00025920-00026312 it decides to defend itself leading to the devastation of humanity. DzNo4WsxmmY-00050-00026312-00026888 One of the running arguments of critics against AI is the possibility of it harming humans either for DzNo4WsxmmY-00051-00026888-00027495 the reasons of self defense or in accordance with its reasoning from vague algorithms. It was stated DzNo4WsxmmY-00052-00027495-00028136 that as distant into the future as it may be, the probability of that happening is never zero. DzNo4WsxmmY-00053-00028136-00028568 In terms of the more immediate effects, Elon hypothesizes that there will be a DzNo4WsxmmY-00054-00028568-00029088 drastic increase in the unemployment rate. As machines and computers become more intelligent DzNo4WsxmmY-00055-00029088-00029592 it’s most likely that they’ll take on more tasks that were originally done by people. DzNo4WsxmmY-00056-00029592-00030039 Once these self-learning machines gain the same level of intelligence as that of people DzNo4WsxmmY-00057-00030039-00030592 they could very well take over certain jobs and occupations especially those that require little DzNo4WsxmmY-00058-00030592-00031127 human interaction. In Japan,a hotel called the ‘Henn na Hotel chain’ is listed in the DzNo4WsxmmY-00059-00031127-00031824 Guinness Book of World Records as the first hotel to be fully staffed by robots. A certain youtuber DzNo4WsxmmY-00060-00031824-00032320 documented his stay at the hotel and concluded that although the system may be efficient and DzNo4WsxmmY-00061-00032320-00032824 ‘futuristic’ it still lacked the element of ‘human quality.’ Elon made a point about DzNo4WsxmmY-00062-00032824-00033368 this stating that the only occupations that may still be manned by humans are those that require DzNo4WsxmmY-00063-00033368-00033944 genuine human interaction and communication. He continues on to say that it's most likely that DzNo4WsxmmY-00064-00033944-00034432 jobs that involve the maintenance and regulation of these machines would make up the majority of DzNo4WsxmmY-00065-00034432-00034952 occupational opportunities in the future. This led him to encourage future students to take DzNo4WsxmmY-00066-00034952-00035504 on engineering which is quite a logical choice considering how these technologies are advancing. DzNo4WsxmmY-00067-00035568-00035864 AI SAFEGUARDS All in all Elon DzNo4WsxmmY-00068-00035864-00036328 believes that the people who are researching into AI lack the awareness of the possible DzNo4WsxmmY-00069-00036328-00036824 ramifications of their efforts. The people are quoted as biting more than they can chew. DzNo4WsxmmY-00070-00036880-00037384 For this reason, the Tesla founder encouraged states to develop safeguards and laws DzNo4WsxmmY-00071-00037384-00037856 in order to regulate the development of Artificial intelligence. By doing so, DzNo4WsxmmY-00072-00037856-00038328 we could gain a certain degree of control once something falls out of line. However, DzNo4WsxmmY-00073-00038328-00038928 as of today, most countries lack any kind of laws directed towards AI with exception of those that DzNo4WsxmmY-00074-00038928-00039496 address privacy and security. Countries where major strides of AI development have been done DzNo4WsxmmY-00075-00039496-00040072 were seen to adopt a ‘wait and see’ approach when it comes to AI. As reasoned by Elon, DzNo4WsxmmY-00076-00040072-00040632 safeguards must be put in place now, while these programs are still in its early phase, DzNo4WsxmmY-00077-00040632-00041232 because by the time a reactive approach is done it may already be too late. This is in consideration DzNo4WsxmmY-00078-00041232-00041800 to the fact that AI machines are foreseen to have considerable amounts of access to networks and DzNo4WsxmmY-00079-00041800-00042488 databases. This would therefore open up threats to unsolicited access to sensitive and crucial data. DzNo4WsxmmY-00081-00046736-00047344 the different possibilities of the future, both the solutions and the problems. At this time, DzNo4WsxmmY-00082-00047344-00047832 the majority of the population may disagree with the sort of wariness that he has in this aspect, DzNo4WsxmmY-00083-00047832-00048280 but at the very least, the acknowledgement of such possibilities could help lessen the DzNo4WsxmmY-00084-00048280-00048824 impending threat brought about by Artificial Intelligence. By releasing his Tesla bot, DzNo4WsxmmY-00085-00048824-00049216 Elon ascribes to become an example in this particular field. DzNo4WsxmmY-00086-00049216-00049592 Allow us to pick your brain! Leave your thoughts in the comment section. DzNo4WsxmmY-00087-00049592-00050000 Like, and Subscribe to Big Brain Tech. And, be sure to look back on our past DzNo4WsxmmY-00088-00050000-00050536 videos that have been foretelling this video of today like “Micro-bots and Nano-drones That DzNo4WsxmmY-00089-00050536-00051008 Will Blow Your Mind”, and “10 Police Inventions that will stop ANYTHING”. D_B8uNRFP5I-00000-00000405-00000700 Leap Motion in action D_B8uNRFP5I-00001-00000715-00000800 Hi, how are you? D_B8uNRFP5I-00002-00000800-00001055 Toda we're going to see Leap Motion in action D_B8uNRFP5I-00003-00001055-00001200 I haven't tried it much yet, D_B8uNRFP5I-00004-00001200-00001459 but I have seen good and bad things D_B8uNRFP5I-00005-00001459-00001776 The good: it's very fast and it has a very low latency D_B8uNRFP5I-00006-00001776-00002109 and it reacts perfectly to my hands movements D_B8uNRFP5I-00007-00002109-00002309 There is positional tracking for our hads D_B8uNRFP5I-00008-00002309-00002555 and it works really well D_B8uNRFP5I-00009-00002555-00002655 Bad things D_B8uNRFP5I-00010-00002655-00003005 It has some problems to recognice some movements, D_B8uNRFP5I-00011-00003005-00003314 especially with two hands, in the video you'll see that sometimes D_B8uNRFP5I-00012-00003314-00003644 there is a finger or the entire hand missing D_B8uNRFP5I-00013-00003644-00003800 I think it's software related D_B8uNRFP5I-00014-00003800-00004054 and it may be fixed in future versions D_B8uNRFP5I-00015-00004054-00004185 I really hope so D_B8uNRFP5I-00016-00004185-00004361 In a virtual reality environment D_B8uNRFP5I-00017-00004361-00004607 In this factor form it has some utilities D_B8uNRFP5I-00018-00004607-00004807 but limited, it's a small device D_B8uNRFP5I-00019-00004807-00005000 that sits in our table so it doesn't move with us, D_B8uNRFP5I-00020-00005000-00005241 it's not integrated within the Oculus Rift D_B8uNRFP5I-00021-00005241-00005400 So, in a simulation environment D_B8uNRFP5I-00022-00005400-00005570 like a virtual cockpit: D_B8uNRFP5I-00023-00005570-00005640 a car D_B8uNRFP5I-00024-00005640-00005900 we could see the driver's hands at the wheel, D_B8uNRFP5I-00025-00005900-00006046 at the gear stick D_B8uNRFP5I-00026-00006046-00006250 in a spaceship simulator like Star Citizen, D_B8uNRFP5I-00027-00006250-00006339 Chris Roberts already said D_B8uNRFP5I-00028-00006339-00006831 he was interested in Leap Motion, we'll see if he does it D_B8uNRFP5I-00029-00006831-00007183 In other environments where we are on our feet D_B8uNRFP5I-00030-00007183-00007500 using a treadmill with a weapon in our hands, D_B8uNRFP5I-00031-00007500-00007917 Leap Motion should be integrated within the Oculus Rift, D_B8uNRFP5I-00032-00007917-00008307 let's see if someone writes a piece of sofware for this mode, D_B8uNRFP5I-00033-00008307-00008667 like they did with the Razer Hydra, that can be attached to the Oculus D_B8uNRFP5I-00034-00008667-00009061 In its current form factor, it's a bit limited D_B8uNRFP5I-00035-00009061-00009443 I still haven't checked most of its sofware, you're supposed to D_B8uNRFP5I-00036-00009443-00009600 control PC or Mac D_B8uNRFP5I-00037-00009600-00009973 like in Minority Report waving your hands around D_B8uNRFP5I-00038-00009973-00010341 I haven't seen anything yet, right now I've checked hands movement D_B8uNRFP5I-00039-00010341-00010641 that's the most interesting for virtual reality D_B8uNRFP5I-00040-00010641-00010781 Let's take a look at it D_B8uNRFP5I-00041-00011177-00011475 This is Leap Motion's basic operation D_B8uNRFP5I-00042-00011675-00011802 In this screen D_B8uNRFP5I-00043-00011802-00012402 I must wave my hand over it to start, like this D_B8uNRFP5I-00044-00012631-00012800 and we can see a figure D_B8uNRFP5I-00045-00012800-00013093 that is affected by our hand's movements D_B8uNRFP5I-00046-00013269-00013644 It recognices my movements in all directions, D_B8uNRFP5I-00047-00013644-00014021 how I move my hand, and althoug you can't see it clearly D_B8uNRFP5I-00048-00014021-00014312 it also reacts to distance and altitude D_B8uNRFP5I-00049-00014312-00014812 I can use one hand or both, it works perfectly D_B8uNRFP5I-00050-00015057-00015333 Look how I can rotate my hands D_B8uNRFP5I-00051-00015333-00015500 It reacts really fast D_B8uNRFP5I-00052-00015707-00016037 Let's check another test more interesting than this one D_B8uNRFP5I-00053-00016337-00016763 This is the same, but rendered in a 3D environment D_B8uNRFP5I-00054-00016763-00017052 it's very similar D_B8uNRFP5I-00055-00017052-00017224 it works the same way D_B8uNRFP5I-00056-00017224-00017500 so I'm also skipping it D_B8uNRFP5I-00057-00017859-00018351 It this test we're going to see our virtual hands D_B8uNRFP5I-00058-00018351-00018700 I start it just like before D_B8uNRFP5I-00059-00018800-00019005 and look now D_B8uNRFP5I-00060-00019005-00019396 Here's my hand with its 5 fingers D_B8uNRFP5I-00061-00019496-00019897 You can see the bone joints D_B8uNRFP5I-00062-00019897-00020069 You can see D_B8uNRFP5I-00063-00020069-00020307 how I move my fingers D_B8uNRFP5I-00064-00020307-00020898 The thumb appears and dissappears, it's not very polished yet D_B8uNRFP5I-00065-00020898-00020984 but it reacts D_B8uNRFP5I-00066-00020984-00021198 really fast D_B8uNRFP5I-00067-00021198-00021354 to the distance D_B8uNRFP5I-00068-00021354-00021654 Also the tilting of my hand is perfectly tracked D_B8uNRFP5I-00069-00021654-00021900 and of course I can use both hands too D_B8uNRFP5I-00070-00021900-00022332 but it's still a bit beta as you can see D_B8uNRFP5I-00071-00022332-00022456 left hand dissapears D_B8uNRFP5I-00072-00022456-00022742 it doesn't work as well as it should D_B8uNRFP5I-00073-00022742-00022973 but I think this device is very precise D_B8uNRFP5I-00074-00022973-00023376 and it works for what I want it in virtual reality, D_B8uNRFP5I-00075-00023376-00023620 to show my hands, to see this part of my body D_B8uNRFP5I-00076-00023820-00024033 it can work perfectly D_B8uNRFP5I-00077-00024033-00024417 I wasn't expecting it to work so good, D_B8uNRFP5I-00078-00024417-00024667 so fast with so much precission D_B8uNRFP5I-00079-00024667-00024933 movements are perfectly tracked D_B8uNRFP5I-00080-00024933-00025233 Let's check out the last part of this demo D_B8uNRFP5I-00081-00025233-00025491 This one allows me to draw on screen D_B8uNRFP5I-00082-00025491-00025891 waving my finger in the air D_B8uNRFP5I-00083-00026564-00026774 Here we have a virtual blackboard D_B8uNRFP5I-00084-00026774-00026931 I'm using just one finger D_B8uNRFP5I-00085-00026931-00027211 I get it close to the screen D_B8uNRFP5I-00086-00027211-00027478 and look D_B8uNRFP5I-00087-00027478-00027702 how fast it is D_B8uNRFP5I-00088-00027702-00028228 If I move it away it becomes a circle D_B8uNRFP5I-00089-00028228-00028523 and it's like I'm lifting the pen D_B8uNRFP5I-00090-00028523-00028862 When I get close again, I can keep drawing D_B8uNRFP5I-00091-00028862-00029102 It also works with both hands D_B8uNRFP5I-00092-00029202-00029411 at the same time D_B8uNRFP5I-00093-00029411-00029778 I think this test is the best to show D_B8uNRFP5I-00094-00029778-00029943 how fast D_B8uNRFP5I-00095-00029943-00030220 it reacts D_B8uNRFP5I-00096-00030420-00030683 So I find it a very interesting device D_B8uNRFP5I-00097-00030683-00030978 and it can work very well with the Oculus Rift DCFhgnhjR4c-00000-00000003-00000597 Happy New Year! -Yes! Happy New Year! This is January 1st, and a whole new year of DCFhgnhjR4c-00001-00000597-00000950 adventures to come. -2020 here we come. -Here we go. DCFhgnhjR4c-00002-00000950-00001170 -You got a minute? -Yeah, I do. DCFhgnhjR4c-00003-00001176-00001830 Do you? -Great, I do too. -Cool. -One cache. -One minute. Wait a minute... What we can't DCFhgnhjR4c-00004-00001834-00002286 do a One Minute Wednesday. -Why not? -Well, it's Wednesday but this is a Special DCFhgnhjR4c-00005-00002286-00002680 2019 Celebration One Minute Wednesday. It's gonna be DCFhgnhjR4c-00006-00002682-00003214 way more than one minute. -Oh. -It's gonna have a whole lot more than one cache. -Oh! DCFhgnhjR4c-00007-00003229-00003797 But, wait I have an idea. -What? -Okay One year -Many caches. DCFhgnhjR4c-00008-00003797-00004074 -Cue the title. -Start the clock. -Go! DCFhgnhjR4c-00009-00004102-00004168 [loon call] DCFhgnhjR4c-00010-00004306-00004380 [loon call] DCFhgnhjR4c-00011-00004394-00005002 It's cold... [flubs words] [spits gibberish] We don't have any snow. [chuckles] DCFhgnhjR4c-00012-00005088-00005304 [popping noises] DCFhgnhjR4c-00013-00005394-00005748 I like the popping noise. That sounded cool. [popping noises] DCFhgnhjR4c-00014-00005750-00005950 -Hey, Londonwesty, what time is it? DCFhgnhjR4c-00015-00005958-00006420 -It's time to cue the title. -And run the credits. -No. [laughter] DCFhgnhjR4c-00016-00007904-00008178 [talking like a pirate] I hear there be treasure nearby. DCFhgnhjR4c-00017-00008178-00008640 [talking like a pirate] According to my treasure map there is some treasure to be found very close by. DCFhgnhjR4c-00018-00009424-00009884 Just for the record cactuses do like to stick to your legs. DCFhgnhjR4c-00019-00009912-00010018 Wow! DCFhgnhjR4c-00020-00010042-00010346 Old and original. All rusted up. DCFhgnhjR4c-00021-00010352-00010868 but still there. Aruba's oldest. Quite cool. DCFhgnhjR4c-00022-00011012-00011340 That was a really awesome experience being under the waterfall. DCFhgnhjR4c-00023-00011352-00011474 It's Neil Moore. DCFhgnhjR4c-00024-00011514-00012022 [the group exclaim] Yeah! Woo! Ah! -That was tense! DCFhgnhjR4c-00025-00012468-00012863 [laughter] DCFhgnhjR4c-00026-00012896-00013182 Woo! -Welcome to Texas! DCFhgnhjR4c-00027-00013304-00013834 [race car sounds] Boogety! Boogety! Boogety! -Let's go Caching! -Wow! DCFhgnhjR4c-00028-00013978-00014452 People carrying ammo boxes crossing. [laughter] -Yeah! DCFhgnhjR4c-00029-00014462-00014624 Hey! You got a minute? DCFhgnhjR4c-00030-00014650-00014950 [Group shout] Yeah! we got a minute! Do you? DCFhgnhjR4c-00031-00014950-00015466 Yeah! We do because it's time for a [group shouts] One Minute Wednesda!y! Wooh! DCFhgnhjR4c-00032-00015466-00015678 One cache! -One minute! DCFhgnhjR4c-00033-00015718-00016032 Cue the title. -And start the clock. Go! DCFhgnhjR4c-00034-00016046-00016290 -We've been out here doing the Wherigo DCFhgnhjR4c-00035-00016290-00016812 to Hell, but I've not seen Mr. Cache Canada, or Mrs. Cache Canada, anywhere. DCFhgnhjR4c-00036-00016812-00017296 -We've made it to the summit of Mount Washington. -It's cold. DCFhgnhjR4c-00037-00017296-00017638 We want to introduce you to Arnie, and Jerry. DCFhgnhjR4c-00038-00017638-00018100 They're known as Lisdowney, World-Famous Geocachers. DCFhgnhjR4c-00039-00018144-00018224 [loon call] DCFhgnhjR4c-00040-00018352-00018432 [loon call] DCFhgnhjR4c-00041-00018604-00019129 WVTim: -I am so appreciative of you all coming. It takes time and money and effort to come DCFhgnhjR4c-00042-00019129-00019587 to something. Some of you've drove for miles and miles. And out of the bottom of my DCFhgnhjR4c-00043-00019588-00020014 heart I just want to say thank you. We appreciate you coming DCFhgnhjR4c-00044-00020014-00020348 and supporting me and Berkeley County. DCFhgnhjR4c-00045-00020430-00020786 -Really awesome cache. -I hope he's still got his heart. DCFhgnhjR4c-00046-00020796-00021374 It was amazing there's so much work put into this. What an awesome cache box! -It's terrific! DCFhgnhjR4c-00047-00021374-00021842 -So well done. -A lot of work put into this one. -Just amazing! Yeah, the artwork in that. DCFhgnhjR4c-00048-00022738-00023413 Our object here is to get to the Flocks of Sheep. Their way over there about DCFhgnhjR4c-00049-00023413-00024016 325 meters from here. It's a whole series of boulders on the edge of the cliff DCFhgnhjR4c-00050-00024250-00024698 -What's it called? -I have no idea. [laughter] DCFhgnhjR4c-00051-00025436-00025754 Wow! So cool! DCFhgnhjR4c-00052-00026364-00026754 Yeah, that's pretty cool eh! Here's the Canadian stuff for you. Can you say DCFhgnhjR4c-00053-00026756-00027210 that "eh"? -Eh. -There you go you got it. -Holy Doodle! I did it right! DCFhgnhjR4c-00054-00028211-00028669 -It was awesome meeting you guys out in Ohio, considering we're all from Canada. DCFhgnhjR4c-00055-00028670-00028933 I hope you continue making your videos. There're awesome! DCFhgnhjR4c-00056-00028933-00029148 -I'm gonna call me Catch Canada. DCFhgnhjR4c-00057-00030300-00030502 -Yeah, Bob Billy. DCFhgnhjR4c-00058-00030502-00031062 -Hello Mr. Londonwesty, I hope I'm not bothering you and Ms. Lyriclass. DCFhgnhjR4c-00059-00031062-00031592 -One cache. -One minute. -Cue the title. -Start that clock. -Go! DCFhgnhjR4c-00060-00031592-00031756 -Indiana Gnomes himself. DCFhgnhjR4c-00061-00031822-00032038 Here she is, the oldest cache in Quebec. DCFhgnhjR4c-00062-00032062-00032256 -I'm gonna' let you guys paint the next layer. DCFhgnhjR4c-00063-00032258-00032868 This will be number twelve. Londonwesty: It'll be number 26712. DCFhgnhjR4c-00064-00033020-00033316 -It's been fun but we gotta run. [chuckles] DCFhgnhjR4c-00065-00033438-00033582 -Yeah! DCFhgnhjR4c-00066-00034404-00034480 [loon call] DCFhgnhjR4c-00067-00034600-00034664 [loon call] DCFhgnhjR4c-00068-00034684-00034924 Thank you to everyone who joined us on Cache Canada. DCFhgnhjR4c-00069-00034948-00035249 -Yeah. -And hopefully we'll see you again this year. -Yeah, we're looking forward to DCFhgnhjR4c-00070-00035249-00035868 so much more adventure and travel in 2020, and with our 1000 subscribers! DCFhgnhjR4c-00071-00035868-00036046 -Yahoo! We made it! DCFhgnhjR4c-00072-00036046-00036447 This is awesome! We just got a Christmas card from DCFhgnhjR4c-00073-00036447-00037027 the Codys, way down in Mississippi. The Codys are -Sir Drumalot. -Yeah. DCFhgnhjR4c-00074-00037027-00037436 He does a lot of great videos with his kids, and also his wife sometimes. -Check em out! DCFhgnhjR4c-00075-00037436-00037698 -Check em out! The link will be right here in the corner. DCFhgnhjR4c-00076-00037698-00037940 We just want to say, thank you very much for joining us. DCFhgnhjR4c-00077-00037940-00038288 -Have a very Merry Christmas and a [in unison] Happy New Year! DCFhgnhjR4c-00078-00038288-00038640 And where will Geocaching take you? DDxy2ClKXNo-00000-00000306-00000328 >> Alright. DDxy2ClKXNo-00001-00000408-00000708 This is the abdominal crunch machine, DDxy2ClKXNo-00002-00000740-00000979 and our demonstrator's gonna come have a seat DDxy2ClKXNo-00003-00001017-00001170 in the abdominal crunch machine. DDxy2ClKXNo-00004-00001170-00001396 So you can go over and have a seat now. DDxy2ClKXNo-00005-00001654-00002161 Alright. And he's gonna set the seat so it feels DDxy2ClKXNo-00006-00002161-00002414 about the right height, so he's bending in the middle. DDxy2ClKXNo-00007-00002466-00002888 He'll set his weight, and for his weight he'll put the pin in, DDxy2ClKXNo-00008-00002896-00003222 15-pound increments, if he needs to add another 5, DDxy2ClKXNo-00009-00003306-00003493 he can do that over on the side. DDxy2ClKXNo-00010-00003498-00003973 Alright, he's gonna grab the handles, DDxy2ClKXNo-00011-00004112-00004364 and he's just gonna fold forward, DDxy2ClKXNo-00012-00004484-00004680 and as he does it, slowly release. DDxy2ClKXNo-00013-00004680-00004937 And as he folds forward, he's gonna think DDxy2ClKXNo-00014-00004937-00005194 about pulling his naval into his spine, DDxy2ClKXNo-00015-00005265-00005385 so pulling his naval back. DDxy2ClKXNo-00016-00005429-00005815 And you notice he's doing a little pause crunch right DDxy2ClKXNo-00017-00005815-00005877 in the middle. DDxy2ClKXNo-00018-00005877-00006034 That's excellent. DDxy2ClKXNo-00019-00006122-00006354 Another way he could fold his arms would be DDxy2ClKXNo-00020-00006354-00006668 to put his hands down, and cross his arms in the front. DDxy2ClKXNo-00021-00006672-00006970 Can you show us that? DDxy2ClKXNo-00022-00006970-00007208 Cross it with your elbows up on the pad still. DDxy2ClKXNo-00023-00007226-00007591 He can also cross his arms, and crunch forward. DDxy2ClKXNo-00024-00007614-00007922 One of the things he wants DDxy2ClKXNo-00025-00007922-00008265 to make sure is he never lets the weights touch down. DDxy2ClKXNo-00026-00008341-00008923 He owns 'em, making sure he pulls his stomach in. DG2Q2dam-3u-00000-00000003-00000389 Where do the police come from? What's the sort of historical moment within which DG2Q2dam-3u-00001-00000390-00000638 they emerge? What are they a response to? DG2Q2dam-3u-00002-00000736-00000936 Its it's all England's fault. DG2Q2dam-3u-00003-00001038-00001421 There's a kind of liberal narrative about the origins of policing that DG2Q2dam-3u-00004-00001421-00001773 always begins with the London Metropolitan Police in 1829 DG2Q2dam-3u-00005-00001773-00002265 they're routinely pointed to as the sort of first example of a modern police DG2Q2dam-3u-00006-00002265-00002810 force which is less than 200 years ago. This is a fairly modern institution DG2Q2dam-3u-00007-00002810-00003209 But what's left out of that narrative, that standard liberal narrative that you DG2Q2dam-3u-00008-00003209-00003872 see in the policing textbooks etc is where this idea came from. DG2Q2dam-3u-00009-00003872-00004412 The London Police are created by Sir Robert Peel, Robert Bob, the 'bobbies' and DG2Q2dam-3u-00010-00004412-00004971 he got this idea in his previous job which was that he was in charge of the DG2Q2dam-3u-00011-00004971-00005564 English occupation of Ireland and he develops the Irish peace preservation DG2Q2dam-3u-00012-00005564-00006123 force to help manage a growing number ofwhat they called you know agricultural DG2Q2dam-3u-00013-00006123-00006678 outrages which were really peasant uprising against landlords and he could DG2Q2dam-3u-00014-00006678-00007239 not rely on the military to bail him out because they were tied up with Napoleon DG2Q2dam-3u-00015-00007239-00008022 and the Treasury was empty, and so he comes across this idea of a cheaper more DG2Q2dam-3u-00016-00008022-00008778 nimble community embedded sort of hybrid force that would allow them to act more DG2Q2dam-3u-00017-00008778-00009300 preemptively to kind of quell things before they got out of hand and also to DG2Q2dam-3u-00018-00009300-00009885 deal with things in a way that preserves some legitimacy for the occupation that DG2Q2dam-3u-00019-00009885-00010425 the use of the military often involves shooting on crowds, killing people that DG2Q2dam-3u-00020-00010425-00010899 further undermine the legitimacy and if policing could come in and calm things DG2Q2dam-3u-00021-00010899-00011390 out with less violence that would be good for the regime. He takes that idea DG2Q2dam-3u-00022-00011390-00012036 to England to manage this massive influx of folks coming from the countryside DG2Q2dam-3u-00023-00012036-00012489 who've been displaced by the enclosures who were drawn by the new industrial DG2Q2dam-3u-00024-00012489-00013197 economy and policing is needed to craft that population into a stable working DG2Q2dam-3u-00025-00013197-00013868 class. To put down the bread riots and the strikes, DG2Q2dam-3u-00026-00013868-00014294 and just crime and widespread disorder so it's about manufacturing a new working DG2Q2dam-3u-00027-00014294-00014943 class. In the US there are additional factors at work here, we have our own DG2Q2dam-3u-00028-00014943-00015456 colonial origins of policing in the US tied to the American occupation DG2Q2dam-3u-00029-00015456-00016106 of the Philippines at the end of the Spanish-American Civil War, the Texas DG2Q2dam-3u-00030-00016106-00016566 Rangers and other Western police forces that are created to drive out the DG2Q2dam-3u-00031-00016566-00017085 indigenous population to make way for white settlement. But we also have the DG2Q2dam-3u-00032-00017085-00017586 role of policing in maintaining and managing slavery and I talk in the book DG2Q2dam-3u-00033-00017586-00018062 about the case of Charleston South Carolina, in the cities of the South DG2Q2dam-3u-00034-00018062-00018591 slaves lived and worked outside the home of their DG2Q2dam-3u-00035-00018591-00019194 owners in wharves and workshops and warehouses and policing emerges to DG2Q2dam-3u-00036-00019194-00019832 manage that mobile slave population. In fact the Charleston city guard and DG2Q2dam-3u-00037-00019832-00020337 watch is formed well before the London Metropolitan Police but it's never DG2Q2dam-3u-00038-00020337-00020751 talked about in these liberal narratives because their primary law enforcement DG2Q2dam-3u-00039-00020751-00021134 mission was suppressing the slave population. DG2Q2dam-3u-00040-00021134-00021519 Something I've noticed, I've written this in the script but it's DG2Q2dam-3u-00041-00021519-00021744 something I've noticed a lot actually is for instance when people talk about DG2Q2dam-3u-00042-00021744-00022131 neoliberalism, there's this story about neoliberalism through Europe, through DG2Q2dam-3u-00043-00022131-00022532 Hayek the Austrian school. There's this other school of James Buchanan and DG2Q2dam-3u-00044-00022532-00023064 at the end of desegregation, and it seems to me as you DG2Q2dam-3u-00045-00023064-00023439 just very lucidly highlighted, there's kind of this counter narrative DG2Q2dam-3u-00046-00023439-00023760 of where policing comes from deeply imbricated within the history of slavery DG2Q2dam-3u-00047-00023760-00024207 in the American South. There's a really nice way you put it which is that the DG2Q2dam-3u-00048-00024207-00024706 American police which if this kind of speculation of yours is correct it's DG2Q2dam-3u-00049-00024708-00024981 actually more of the sort of protean police force than what we have with the DG2Q2dam-3u-00050-00024981-00025322 Metropolitan Police Service or the Bow Street Runners their forerunner DG2Q2dam-3u-00051-00025323-00025920 it's this amalgam of northern technocracy and southern oversight of slaves DG2Q2dam-3u-00052-00025920-00026226 What precisely was bad about the northern bit? Because obviously in the DG2Q2dam-3u-00053-00026226-00026649 cliche understanding of the American North, American South we know why the DG2Q2dam-3u-00054-00026649-00026922 sort of, the relationships of DG2Q2dam-3u-00055-00026922-00027297 domination, oppression abound with the South, what was the bad features DG2Q2dam-3u-00056-00027297-00027869 of northern policing? Well let's keep it in mind that even even the precursors in DG2Q2dam-3u-00057-00027869-00028587 London were also about this beginning process of forming a capitalist working DG2Q2dam-3u-00058-00028587-00029240 class, you know that the Thames Wharf police were created to eliminate the DG2Q2dam-3u-00059-00029240-00029733 historical practice of gleaning, where workers took the spillage and the DG2Q2dam-3u-00060-00029733-00030336 overage home as part of their wages and capitalism can't abide that so they they DG2Q2dam-3u-00061-00030336-00030849 create this protean police force to try to put a stop to that and to create a DG2Q2dam-3u-00062-00030849-00031328 solely wage economy, and we see similar things happening in the northern United DG2Q2dam-3u-00063-00031328-00031956 States where policing emerges to bring this massive immigrant population that's DG2Q2dam-3u-00064-00031956-00032477 flooding into the United States and form them into an industrial working class DG2Q2dam-3u-00065-00032477-00033027 They were regulating how people wore their clothing, all kinds of regulations DG2Q2dam-3u-00066-00033027-00033531 about alcohol consumption, about public interactions that really had nothing to DG2Q2dam-3u-00067-00033531-00034196 do with with public safety issues or the law, it was about stamping people into DG2Q2dam-3u-00068-00034196-00034683 this new working class, and then I'll just give this example you know the DG2Q2dam-3u-00069-00034683-00035046 first state police force in the United States was the Pennsylvania State Police DG2Q2dam-3u-00070-00035046-00035721 created in 1903. They were created because of the widespread strike and DG2Q2dam-3u-00071-00035721-00036163 labour actions that were happening in the Pennsylvania coal and iron fields and DG2Q2dam-3u-00072-00036163-00036875 local police were unable or unwilling to suppress those labor movements and so DG2Q2dam-3u-00073-00036875-00037380 they created a state police force modelled on the US occupation forces DG2Q2dam-3u-00074-00037380-00037959 in the Philippines to put down those strikes. Strikers at the time referred DG2Q2dam-3u-00075-00037959-00038511 to them as the 'Pennsylvania Cossacks' and so northern policing has DG2Q2dam-3u-00076-00038511-00039127 always been about a kind of racialised understanding of immigration, the DG2Q2dam-3u-00077-00039127-00039602 management of those blacks who are in the city and the suppression of workers DG2Q2dam-3u-00078-00039602-00039932 movements and really working-class lifestyles DG2Q2dam-3u-00079-00040812-00041018 you DIYPifEih38-00000-00000216-00001016 welcome to celebrating act 2. celebrating act 2 is the user manual for the second half of your life DIYPifEih38-00001-00001296-00001928 hi i'm donna lynn from vigor and trim a membership site for people like you and me 50 and over today DIYPifEih38-00002-00001928-00002528 you're at celebrating act 2 and this is short and sweet where i show you one exercise tip and one DIYPifEih38-00003-00002528-00003112 nutritional tip so that you can stay healthy and strong we're going to work on the hip hinge today DIYPifEih38-00004-00003112-00003592 it stretches through that back works those glutes and those shoulders all at the same DIYPifEih38-00005-00003592-00004344 time and you'll find out why that's important so let's get going all right now i'm going to stand DIYPifEih38-00006-00004344-00004960 with my legs about hip distance apart right under my hips my abdominals are engaged i'm going to DIYPifEih38-00007-00004960-00005560 hinge from my hips right here so i'm going to just push my hips back and my back is flat so DIYPifEih38-00008-00005560-00006176 make sure you're not rounding those shoulders over but pull those shoulder blades down and back okay DIYPifEih38-00009-00006176-00006784 now i'm going to point my fingers and i'm going to open them up nice and wide come up around my ears DIYPifEih38-00010-00006840-00007480 and then come back and as i come back i'm going to stand up squeeze my booty push out my chest DIYPifEih38-00011-00007480-00008128 open that chest nice and big and then pull it all back in again so i'm pulling my abs in as i DIYPifEih38-00012-00008128-00008800 go down swinging the arms around ear height and then i'm going to pull it back squeeze my booty DIYPifEih38-00013-00008800-00009280 open those shoulder blades open the chest pulling the shoulder blades together DIYPifEih38-00014-00009280-00009888 let's try a couple more times here we go pull the belly into the back swing those arms DIYPifEih38-00015-00009960-00010648 squeeze those booty open that chest and two more here we go here's a round pulling the belly button DIYPifEih38-00016-00010648-00011632 in and squeezing the glutes opening that chest and one more time and around and back again oh DIYPifEih38-00017-00011632-00012432 that feels so good good all right now today we're going to talk about the immune system DIYPifEih38-00018-00012432-00012912 why are we talking about that because without one we're not there right so we got to really DIYPifEih38-00019-00012912-00013488 make sure it's functioning well and being really healthy helps us stay healthy and there's a couple DIYPifEih38-00020-00013488-00014016 tips for you to learn how to keep that immune system healthy so first you want to eat right DIYPifEih38-00021-00014016-00014656 right we talk about those vegetables some good vitamins selenium all the nutrients vitamin d c DIYPifEih38-00022-00014656-00015168 all those things are really important green vegetables lots of fiber those things are DIYPifEih38-00023-00015168-00015816 all important to keep that nutritional portion of that immune system up and growing and functioning DIYPifEih38-00024-00015816-00016456 okay and then two you want to exercise now we know how important that is and more and more DIYPifEih38-00025-00016456-00017160 as research goes on and on we're pointing to exercise as being the key to longevity DIYPifEih38-00026-00017160-00017808 and to reduce diseases so keep that in mind as you do these tips i'm giving you right yeah that's why DIYPifEih38-00027-00017808-00018488 we do them all right and then three is that you get enough sleep and you make sure that you're DIYPifEih38-00028-00018488-00019112 getting nice good sleep and then four and five is no smoking and cut that drinking down to a DIYPifEih38-00029-00019112-00019696 little bit less okay just a little bit here and there's okay but i keep it at a minimum all right DIYPifEih38-00030-00019696-00020416 all right well you know why i do this i do this to keep you healthy and strong so that you look good DIYPifEih38-00031-00020416-00021096 feel good and move really well and we are at vigor and trim there's a membership site for people over DIYPifEih38-00032-00021096-00021712 50 for your to improve your health and fitness so you can find out that where we are and how to DIYPifEih38-00033-00021712-00022800 join us in the information below and you lucky dog are at vigor and no no no you you are out DIYPifEih38-00034-00022800-00023488 celebrating act two i knew i could do that we're at short and sweet and i look to see you next time DIYPifEih38-00035-00023704-00024304 for more on celebrating act 2 visit our webpage follow us on facebook subscribe to us on youtube DIYPifEih38-00036-00024304-00025384 and tell your friends celebrating act 2 is the user manual for the second half of your life DIYPifEih38-00037-00025616-00025624 you DKuuLN3B2dY-00000-00000058-00000238 We've always been looking for a forum DKuuLN3B2dY-00001-00000238-00000532 to share and to talk about things. And DKuuLN3B2dY-00002-00000532-00000746 you know, while some people might say, DKuuLN3B2dY-00003-00000746-00001056 "I don't have a story to tell." Or "My story's DKuuLN3B2dY-00004-00001056-00001399 not really interesting." You would be surprised DKuuLN3B2dY-00005-00001399-00001646 how much of a difference telling that story DKuuLN3B2dY-00006-00001646-00001779 to people to people who haven't heard it DKuuLN3B2dY-00007-00001779-00001903 could make. DKuuLN3B2dY-00008-00002676-00002902 My name is Ousmane Diop. I'm from DKuuLN3B2dY-00009-00002902-00003126 Senegal, West Africa. And Senegal is DKuuLN3B2dY-00010-00003126-00003384 the westernmost African country. DKuuLN3B2dY-00011-00003384-00003846 My name is Marwa Ghazali. And I'm a doctoral DKuuLN3B2dY-00012-00003846-00004110 student in Anthropology here at KU. DKuuLN3B2dY-00013-00004110-00004438 My parents are originally from Egypt. DKuuLN3B2dY-00014-00004438-00004686 If you remember very well this DKuuLN3B2dY-00015-00004686-00004994 Nigerian writer, Chimamanda Adichie, who DKuuLN3B2dY-00016-00004994-00005259 talked about the danger of a single story. DKuuLN3B2dY-00017-00005259-00005476 And most of the time, if we just listening DKuuLN3B2dY-00018-00005476-00005716 to news - we tend to hear single stories. DKuuLN3B2dY-00019-00005716-00006001 But when you get to talk to internationals, DKuuLN3B2dY-00020-00006001-00006228 wherever they're from, African immigrants, DKuuLN3B2dY-00021-00006228-00006401 you talk to them directly. DKuuLN3B2dY-00022-00006401-00006577 They can tell you their firsthand DKuuLN3B2dY-00023-00006577-00006847 experience about themselves. Not just what DKuuLN3B2dY-00024-00006847-00007036 you hear in the news, but who they are, DKuuLN3B2dY-00025-00007036-00007157 what they have gone through, DKuuLN3B2dY-00026-00007157-00007291 what they experienced. DKuuLN3B2dY-00027-00007291-00007573 My parents' story of searching for a DKuuLN3B2dY-00028-00007573-00007843 place to call home has become my DKuuLN3B2dY-00029-00007843-00008177 story and my search for a place to DKuuLN3B2dY-00030-00008177-00008434 call home here in the United States. DKuuLN3B2dY-00031-00008434-00008781 For them, it was very physical, very spacial, DKuuLN3B2dY-00032-00008781-00009067 very geographic, but for me, it's this DKuuLN3B2dY-00033-00009067-00009330 internal turmoil that I feel over who DKuuLN3B2dY-00034-00009330-00009563 I am and how to be an American and how to DKuuLN3B2dY-00035-00009563-00009788 be an Egyptian at the same time. DKuuLN3B2dY-00036-00009788-00009887 There's this wonderful quote DKuuLN3B2dY-00037-00009887-00010073 by the poet Maya Angelou where she says, DKuuLN3B2dY-00038-00010073-00010294 "there's no greater agony than carrying an DKuuLN3B2dY-00039-00010294-00010461 untold story within you." And I think when DKuuLN3B2dY-00040-00010461-00010660 you're thinking about the migration experience, DKuuLN3B2dY-00041-00010660-00010996 that quote rings true for so many, because DKuuLN3B2dY-00042-00010996-00011283 the migration experience can seem so DKuuLN3B2dY-00043-00011283-00011579 big. It's a sort of epic, vast, complex sort DKuuLN3B2dY-00044-00011579-00011816 of story. And if you're trying to lift up your DKuuLN3B2dY-00045-00011816-00012018 personal experience, your personal story DKuuLN3B2dY-00046-00012018-00012260 within the context of that, it can seem kind of DKuuLN3B2dY-00047-00012260-00012417 overwhelming or challenging. I think what DKuuLN3B2dY-00048-00012417-00012586 we're trying to do with this project is to DKuuLN3B2dY-00049-00012586-00012853 create space for people to do just that: DKuuLN3B2dY-00050-00012853-00013184 lift their story up and to bring it forward. DOdZUCY61uY-00000-00002866-00003316 DDoch cannot be join due to personal reason. Because of that, Micol only will be in the video for a while. DOdZUCY61uY-00001-00004853-00004966 Hey, you guys should be quiet. DOdZUCY61uY-00002-00005130-00005326 I’ll gonna leave after checking here out DOdZUCY61uY-00003-00005373-00006023 There are some guys came in this haunted house for ghost hunting before when micol visit here. DOdZUCY61uY-00004-00006263-00006509 I guess they can help me if I got stuck in trouble. DOdZUCY61uY-00005-00006866-00006936 What the? DOdZUCY61uY-00006-00008286-00008393 This was supposed to be inside of house? DOdZUCY61uY-00007-00008650-00008766 Why is that..? DOdZUCY61uY-00008-00009440-00010083 it’s been so weird and curious from the start… DOdZUCY61uY-00009-00011276-00011530 This crouch! everyone knows about this in the room! DOdZUCY61uY-00010-00011810-00011926 Right here we are! DOdZUCY61uY-00011-00012103-00012393 Susbcribers called that ‘crouch’ with affetion, DOdZUCY61uY-00012-00012426-00012560 Cause that was crouched down in there. DOdZUCY61uY-00013-00014106-00014250 That was scared me! DOdZUCY61uY-00014-00015633-00015723 Guys, DOdZUCY61uY-00015-00015783-00015963 I’ll just gonna pass by first floor, DOdZUCY61uY-00016-00016019-00016253 Cause I couldn’t feel any demons without that crouch. DOdZUCY61uY-00017-00016323-00016606 This building is like… DOdZUCY61uY-00018-00016690-00016996 I was hiding in this room, someone who possessed by demon, DOdZUCY61uY-00019-00017203-00017400 That someone broked door down and got into here, this is where I am now. DOdZUCY61uY-00020-00017440-00017650 So I need to focus on 2th and 3th floor in this haunted house. DOdZUCY61uY-00021-00017723-00017856 We need to focus on that, DOdZUCY61uY-00022-00017930-00018196 Right? I’ll just let you guys know about, DOdZUCY61uY-00023-00018246-00018370 Why I’m focusing on here. DOdZUCY61uY-00024-00019996-00020093 Wait, guys. DOdZUCY61uY-00025-00020193-00020270 Just before… DOdZUCY61uY-00026-00021710-00021813 Am I wrong? DOdZUCY61uY-00027-00021936-00022006 What was.. DOdZUCY61uY-00028-00022130-00022296 I think I heard some sound from there. DOdZUCY61uY-00029-00023573-00023663 What was..? DOdZUCY61uY-00030-00024606-00024713 What was that? DOdZUCY61uY-00031-00025600-00025826 What the..!! DOdZUCY61uY-00032-00026413-00026543 No… no. Wait. DOdZUCY61uY-00033-00026606-00026770 Just leave this. DOdZUCY61uY-00034-00027506-00027610 What the f**k are you doing? DOdZUCY61uY-00035-00029516-00029590 Who’s in there? DOdZUCY61uY-00036-00029760-00029876 Anybody in there? DOdZUCY61uY-00037-00030050-00030136 I know you’re in there! DOdZUCY61uY-00038-00030600-00030696 You’re in there? DOdZUCY61uY-00039-00031126-00031200 Right? DOdZUCY61uY-00040-00031566-00031650 Tell me anything about you. DOdZUCY61uY-00041-00032643-00032716 Hey..? DOdZUCY61uY-00042-00032813-00032903 You’re in there? Right? DOdZUCY61uY-00043-00034446-00034536 Right? DOdZUCY61uY-00044-00035830-00036070 Micol, don’t run from here! DOdZUCY61uY-00045-00036146-00036226 Have to shooting this! DOdZUCY61uY-00046-00036556-00036730 Don’t switch this to other direction! DOdZUCY61uY-00047-00036833-00036956 Don’t switch this! DOdZUCY61uY-00048-00037033-00037150 Cause people doubt on you and our video… DOdZUCY61uY-00049-00037296-00037536 That’s why we have to not to try hard switch the camera. DOdZUCY61uY-00050-00040396-00041040 Door can’t be opened seems like someone pulled this door handle DOdZUCY61uY-00051-00042613-00042690 Thump! DOdZUCY61uY-00052-00042956-00043036 Boom! DOdZUCY61uY-00053-00045550-00045650 Micol! I gotta go. DOdZUCY61uY-00054-00045760-00046163 I gotta go in that way cause people think that can run away this gap when that coming to here. DOdZUCY61uY-00055-00046270-00046390 Don’t turn this to another way! DOdZUCY61uY-00056-00046463-00046566 Now! Focus on! DOdZUCY61uY-00057-00046660-00046990 Now is greatest chance ever can RESOLVE all doubt ‘this is all fake’ from hater! DOdZUCY61uY-00058-00047040-00047243 Go ahead! Stay keep ahead! DOdZUCY61uY-00059-00047290-00047383 Go on! DOdZUCY61uY-00060-00047456-00047610 Go and just open it! DOdZUCY61uY-00061-00047690-00047790 Go ahed! DOdZUCY61uY-00062-00047930-00048033 Shine on down! DOdZUCY61uY-00063-00049373-00049680 Wow.. What I most creepy is.. DOdZUCY61uY-00064-00049740-00049836 There’s nothing in here! DOdZUCY61uY-00065-00049970-00050436 I mean ther’s nothing exist can make water sound! That’s creepy! Isn’t it? DOdZUCY61uY-00066-00051013-00051286 And also there’s any even trace! DOdZUCY61uY-00067-00051343-00051420 Guys, DOdZUCY61uY-00068-00051556-00051796 That should be here.. DOdZUCY61uY-00069-00051816-00052026 Something should be in here but nothing exist… DOdZUCY61uY-00070-00052043-00052170 Nothing inside of here… DOdZUCY61uY-00071-00052243-00052340 And also even sound of water ..! DOdZUCY61uY-00072-00052620-00053263 Micol got in trouble when he walking around at the 2th and 3th floor. DOdZUCY61uY-00073-00054610-00054780 What the.. Someone reported me to the police! DOdZUCY61uY-00074-00055060-00055173 Reported me… DOdZUCY61uY-00075-00055303-00055420 Reported to police! DOdZUCY61uY-00076-00056360-00056553 So annoying… DOdZUCY61uY-00077-00057296-00057396 Ha.. No one help me! DOdZUCY61uY-00078-00059400-00059580 - come on out. - ok… DOdZUCY61uY-00079-00060229-00060453 - are you alone in there? - yes, sir. DOdZUCY61uY-00080-00060750-00060853 I apologize. DOdZUCY61uY-00081-00060880-00061103 - you shouln’t be here. - yes, sir. I am very sorry. DOdZUCY61uY-00082-00061263-00061416 People called here is haunted house DOdZUCY61uY-00083-00061453-00061716 So that many people visit and come here to see something, DOdZUCY61uY-00084-00061940-00062126 We know already closed and abandoned… DOdZUCY61uY-00085-00062243-00062640 - if you doing like this… - yes, I know, I am so sorry. DOdZUCY61uY-00086-00062703-00063110 - and that way, there’s a normal house local is living now. - yes, there’s nothing to say about that. DOdZUCY61uY-00087-00063126-00063360 You shouldn’t do like this.. Like make them anxious. DOdZUCY61uY-00088-00063370-00063643 - did you come here alone? - yes, I came here alone by car. DOdZUCY61uY-00089-00063706-00064056 - you don’t have any connection with them? - tes, I came here alone. DOdZUCY61uY-00090-00064196-00064386 They said came here cause they’re fan of me… DOdZUCY61uY-00091-00064596-00065013 So, let me ask you some question cause we got report, DOdZUCY61uY-00092-00065200-00065483 - are you doing on one man tv program? - yes, i’m doing on afreeca TV. DOdZUCY61uY-00093-00065486-00065640 - afreeca TV? - yes, sir. DOdZUCY61uY-00094-00065790-00065933 Guys, i’ll turn down this volume. DOdZUCY61uY-00095-00066280-00066756 Guys.. Everybody? I think we should stop from now on. DOdZUCY61uY-00096-00066780-00067083 For now.. And I’m very sorry. I should go now. DOdZUCY61uY-00097-00067163-00067480 - boys! You guys also better leave here. - yes, we will. DOdZUCY61uY-00098-00067523-00067656 Let me turn this volume down. DOdZUCY61uY-00099-00067880-00067953 Take care! DOdZUCY61uY-00100-00067970-00068160 Thank you sir! I’ll leave soon. DOdZUCY61uY-00101-00068213-00068533 They didn’t report to poilce. I was misunderstood them. So sorry about that. DOdZUCY61uY-00102-00068653-00068876 - don’t come inside ot that house, just go home. - yes, sir. I know. DOdZUCY61uY-00103-00068913-00069336 - then, as you said, - yes, I was so stupid. DOdZUCY61uY-00104-00069920-00070063 I didn’t know about this guys… DOdZUCY61uY-00105-00070106-00070280 Ok, let me say, I didn’t know anything. DOdZUCY61uY-00106-00070340-00070483 I didn’t know they’re coming. DOdZUCY61uY-00107-00070540-00070766 I saw manager wrote something on the chat. DOdZUCY61uY-00108-00070800-00071180 Manager said police came in here, so check that out. DOdZUCY61uY-00109-00071183-00071420 So I just checked what’s happened here. DOdZUCY61uY-00110-00071546-00071656 Cause manager chatted on me. DOdZUCY61uY-00111-00072026-00072163 So, I wish I were here more, DOdZUCY61uY-00112-00072210-00072333 I’m telling… DOdZUCY61uY-00113-00072760-00073143 Suscribers : that boys let us know police is coming and they’re so much kind! DOdZUCY61uY-00114-00073156-00073336 Oh, yeah? DOdZUCY61uY-00115-00073550-00073833 Boys! You guys waited so much and when I came… DOdZUCY61uY-00116-00073876-00074086 Boys! You guys still in there? DOdZUCY61uY-00117-00074293-00074370 Leave already? DOdZUCY61uY-00118-00074476-00074633 You guys still in there? DOdZUCY61uY-00119-00074773-00075123 If you guys in there, message to me on chat room and do not mess with me! DOdZUCY61uY-00120-00075153-00075413 I could buy some beverage for you guys, I forgot to do that. DOdZUCY61uY-00121-00075556-00075743 Boys! Stay there! DOdZUCY61uY-00122-00075816-00075943 Boys! Stay in there! DOdZUCY61uY-00123-00076026-00076306 Boys! Stay in there! I have something to talk. DOdZUCY61uY-00124-00076360-00076693 I really wanna say thank you two of you, DOdZUCY61uY-00125-00076700-00076933 I wanna give some beverage for you guys, so… DOdZUCY61uY-00126-00077103-00077353 That boys also came here to experience, DOdZUCY61uY-00127-00077416-00077683 But they couldn’t… because of that situation just before.. DOdZUCY61uY-00128-00077733-00078106 Cause I said you guys should get inside after I done this.. DOdZUCY61uY-00129-00078123-00078460 So, guys, I will buy some beverage for them. DOdZUCY61uY-00130-00078650-00078793 I didn’t thought about this… DOdZUCY61uY-00131-00078940-00079560 After this, it will be broadcast commuication with people. Hope everybody understand we can’t provide substitles, it because many voices are overlapped. DOdZUCY61uY-00132-00079563-00080016 You’ll gonna having a fun if you keep watching this. DOdZUCY61uY-00133-00131993-00133176 Boys in this video, they were followed manners and rules even in the haunted house. We truly want to say thank you to be together with micol even though that live was ended against our will. DOvvElv2dLg-00000-00000005-00000484 Nuclear energy and nuclear technology are extremely important in today's society. DOvvElv2dLg-00001-00000484-00000976 Around 10% of the world's electricity is generated from nuclear power plants, and DOvvElv2dLg-00002-00000976-00001479 despite increases in renewable energy over the last decade, nuclear power is DOvvElv2dLg-00003-00001479-00001863 going to play a continued role for a long time yet, and that's because nuclear DOvvElv2dLg-00004-00001863-00002238 power is a form of a collective power technology that doesn't actually produce DOvvElv2dLg-00005-00002238-00002724 carbon dioxide. Nuclear technology is also important in other areas, a DOvvElv2dLg-00006-00002724-00003096 particular example is nuclear medicine. Many of you over the course of your DOvvElv2dLg-00007-00003096-00003453 lifetime and likely to have a nuclear medical procedure. You may have an X-ray DOvvElv2dLg-00008-00003453-00003918 or a cat scan or a technician scan to diagnose some problem, or it may be that DOvvElv2dLg-00009-00003918-00004305 you are unlucky, you get cancer, and you need radiation treatment to try and kill the DOvvElv2dLg-00010-00004305-00004832 cancer. Another thing you may not know is that nuclear power is responsible for DOvvElv2dLg-00011-00004832-00005232 life on Earth as we know it; the heat from the Sun is generated from nuclear DOvvElv2dLg-00012-00005232-00005705 fusion reactions. Another thing you may not know is that all of the things that DOvvElv2dLg-00013-00005705-00006080 the earth is made of all of the elements the atoms of molecules were all created DOvvElv2dLg-00014-00006080-00006525 in thermonuclear explosions in stars billions of billions of years DOvvElv2dLg-00015-00006525-00007070 ago. We are actually made of the ashes of thermonuclear explosions that happened DOvvElv2dLg-00016-00007070-00007553 all that time ago. If you stop and think about that it's actually pretty freaky. DOvvElv2dLg-00017-00007553-00007902 What I hope to do in this series of videos is tell you some of the physics DOvvElv2dLg-00018-00007902-00008379 of nuclei, and physics of nuclear radiation, and to do that we need to go DOvvElv2dLg-00019-00008379-00008724 back and we need to understand first the structure of the atom, and in particular DOvvElv2dLg-00020-00008724-00009186 the structure of the heart of the atom: the atomic nucleus. So the question we're DOvvElv2dLg-00021-00009186-00009704 interested in is what are atoms and nuclei actually made of? It was actually DOvvElv2dLg-00022-00009704-00010100 back in the fifth century BC that the Greek philosophers came up with the idea DOvvElv2dLg-00023-00010100-00010731 of atoms. The word 'atomos' (ἄτομος) is the Greek word for indivisible, and they theorised DOvvElv2dLg-00024-00010731-00011013 that if you broke matter down into smaller and smaller pieces, you'd DOvvElv2dLg-00025-00011013-00011286 eventually reach a point where you couldn't break it in any further, and DOvvElv2dLg-00026-00011286-00011877 they called this thing in atom. This was the state of play for nearly 2,500 years, DOvvElv2dLg-00027-00011877-00012384 until the French scientist Henri Becquerel discovered in 1896 the DOvvElv2dLg-00028-00012384-00012834 phenomenon of radioactivity. Becquerel made his discovery by DOvvElv2dLg-00029-00012834-00013203 accident. He was investigating fluorescence with photographic plates, DOvvElv2dLg-00030-00013203-00013662 and one day he wrapped up a photographic paper plate in black paper and stored it DOvvElv2dLg-00031-00013662-00014118 in a drawer, and inside the drawer he had some uranium salts. When he exposed the DOvvElv2dLg-00032-00014118-00014490 photographic plate he saw an image, despite the fact that it had been protected DOvvElv2dLg-00033-00014490-00014756 by the black paper. DOvvElv2dLg-00034-00014859-00015272 News of Becquerels discovery spread quickly through Europe, and it was DOvvElv2dLg-00035-00015272-00015684 another famous French scientist Marie Curie who showed that the intensity of DOvvElv2dLg-00036-00015684-00016094 these uranium rays depended proportionally on the amount of uranium DOvvElv2dLg-00037-00016094-00016580 that was present. This observation implies that the DOvvElv2dLg-00038-00016580-00016946 uranium is actually emitting some type of particle, and if the uranium atoms are DOvvElv2dLg-00039-00016946-00017276 emitting some type of particle then atoms must be made up of even smaller DOvvElv2dLg-00040-00017276-00017786 objects. After these initial discoveries, the scientific community in Europe DOvvElv2dLg-00041-00017786-00018176 quickly started work on trying to identify what this radiation was. It DOvvElv2dLg-00042-00018176-00018449 didn't take long before they realized that there were three different types of DOvvElv2dLg-00043-00018449-00018896 radiation, and they called them alpha (α), beta (β), and gamma (γ) radiation after the three DOvvElv2dLg-00044-00018896-00019210 first letters in the Greek alphabet DP0i-JeqaLk-00000-00014160-00014660 The name of the character I am thinking of is "Benny". Thanks cjv84us! :D DP0i-JeqaLk-00001-00088340-00088640 I meant "Big" not "Frog". :P DWPb1CK6nEk-00000-00000944-00001121 EVERGREEN STORIES DWPb1CK6nEk-00001-00001167-00001270 I love all of them. DWPb1CK6nEk-00002-00001311-00001546 All. I don't have a particular plant what I love most. DWPb1CK6nEk-00003-00001597-00001770 I enjoy working with all of them. DWPb1CK6nEk-00004-00001855-00002241 Flowers of Budapest DWPb1CK6nEk-00005-00002268-00002476 We are growing ornamental plants. DWPb1CK6nEk-00006-00002479-00002760 * Katona József – gardener technician * We have a one hectare greenhouse DWPb1CK6nEk-00007-00002763-00002955 of which 6500 square meters can be heated. DWPb1CK6nEk-00008-00002960-00003168 And about the same of outdoor field. DWPb1CK6nEk-00009-00003171-00003493 Because there are some plants that doesn't require the greenhouse. DWPb1CK6nEk-00010-00003558-00003850 As you can see it's time for the cyclamen. DWPb1CK6nEk-00011-00003922-00004173 Once the cyclamen runs out from the greenhouse, DWPb1CK6nEk-00012-00004194-00004433 we grow annual flowers. DWPb1CK6nEk-00013-00004492-00004801 For parks, so for the capital's order. DWPb1CK6nEk-00014-00004841-00005167 When the annual flowers run out, then comes the biennials, DWPb1CK6nEk-00015-00005203-00005511 pansy, fall pansy and ornamental cabbage. DWPb1CK6nEk-00016-00005601-00005921 And after these plants we grow spring pansies. DWPb1CK6nEk-00017-00005930-00006279 And so on, after the spring pansy return the annual flowers again. DWPb1CK6nEk-00018-00011333-00011726 This area has been bought in 1909, DWPb1CK6nEk-00019-00011730-00012079 and the official opening took place in May 1912. DWPb1CK6nEk-00020-00012139-00012311 The predecessor of the company was Mikéfe, DWPb1CK6nEk-00021-00012313-00012561 (Hungarian Association of Izraelic Handicraft and Agriculture) DWPb1CK6nEk-00022-00012564-00012761 so back then training courses have been given here DWPb1CK6nEk-00023-00012764-00012994 and a very diversified gardening production. DWPb1CK6nEk-00024-00013063-00013206 In 1949 the place was nationalised, DWPb1CK6nEk-00025-00013230-00013478 and it has became the property of Fővárosi Kertészeti Vállalat DWPb1CK6nEk-00026-00013480-00013601 (Capital's Gardening Company). DWPb1CK6nEk-00027-00014461-00014596 There were much more greenhouses, DWPb1CK6nEk-00028-00014599-00015137 but at the time of the regime change the future of the site become uncertain, DWPb1CK6nEk-00029-00015142-00015349 and only these houses remained. DWPb1CK6nEk-00030-00015357-00015638 These two houses have been built in the seventies. DWPb1CK6nEk-00031-00015700-00015915 Back then this has been considered as modern. DWPb1CK6nEk-00032-00015917-00016217 And there is an even more modern house, DWPb1CK6nEk-00033-00016219-00016456 the wintering house which has been built in 2000. DWPb1CK6nEk-00034-00016825-00017272 There are 15-17 people working here and thank God we have work all year round. DWPb1CK6nEk-00035-00017280-00017602 We produce about one million plants, DWPb1CK6nEk-00036-00017609-00018244 this means 60-70 thousands plants per person per year. DWPb1CK6nEk-00037-00018336-00018523 Everyone needs to be good at everything. DWPb1CK6nEk-00038-00018527-00018687 You need to be obsessed about it. DWPb1CK6nEk-00039-00023311-00023639 * Sohajda László - Head of composting plant * The Főkert (Budapest Gardening Company) DWPb1CK6nEk-00040-00023642-00023842 created this composting site in the late nineties, DWPb1CK6nEk-00041-00023845-00024265 and after continuous improvements it reached its present state. DWPb1CK6nEk-00042-00024655-00024899 From the areas managed by Főkert (Budapest Gardening Company) DWPb1CK6nEk-00043-00024902-00025149 all green waste come in this site. DWPb1CK6nEk-00044-00025152-00025526 And besides that also the habitants and companies of the capital DWPb1CK6nEk-00045-00025529-00025747 can bring in their green waste. DWPb1CK6nEk-00046-00025776-00026141 But also most of the park maintenance companies DWPb1CK6nEk-00047-00026146-00026418 from several districts bring in their waste DWPb1CK6nEk-00048-00026422-00026695 as the habitants, especially from surrounding districts. DWPb1CK6nEk-00049-00026938-00027386 30-40 thousands cubic meter of green waste is generated annually. DWPb1CK6nEk-00050-00027457-00027922 And this waste needs to be disposed. DWPb1CK6nEk-00051-00028192-00028494 From the sieving procedure of the finished product DWPb1CK6nEk-00052-00028497-00028606 we have sieving residues. DWPb1CK6nEk-00053-00028611-00029123 This by-product can be used as energy recovery DWPb1CK6nEk-00054-00029126-00029377 and we pass it on biomass power plants. DWPb1CK6nEk-00055-00030089-00030366 150th anniversary of Főkert DWPb1CK6nEk-00056-00030983-00031197 Made by Északi Támpont Non-profit Association DYwu0LK_pYc-00000-00000018-00000504 hi everyone and welcome back to Sonya's prep today I wanted to do a little bit of everything DYwu0LK_pYc-00001-00000504-00001134 with you I went and did a huge shopping haul for Passover this is not even all of it I still have DYwu0LK_pYc-00002-00001134-00001650 to get some fresh produce and meats my husband's gonna go get the meats tomorrow or the day after DYwu0LK_pYc-00003-00001739-00002190 um so today we just wanted to do a little bit of everything with you some planning some organizing DYwu0LK_pYc-00004-00002286-00002808 um some like spring cleaning type of thing organizing my kitchen my husband did the DYwu0LK_pYc-00005-00002808-00003384 cars He vacuumed them all from chametz my little ones did their bedrooms and DYwu0LK_pYc-00006-00003384-00003984 my oldest kids did the basement they got all of that sorted out so I just wanted to give DYwu0LK_pYc-00007-00003984-00004452 you a little bit of inspiration before the holidays and to motivate you maybe so come DYwu0LK_pYc-00008-00004452-00004890 and join me by the way if you're new here hi my name is Sonya and this channel is all DYwu0LK_pYc-00009-00004890-00005418 about my Orthodox Jewish life where I share with you how I get ready for holidays how I DYwu0LK_pYc-00010-00005418-00006018 meal prep for Shabbat and just generally how I try to manage it all as a full-time working mom DYwu0LK_pYc-00011-00006018-00006473 so if you enjoy this type of content don't forget to give this video a big Thumbs Up And subscribe DYwu0LK_pYc-00012-00006473-00006918 to the channel to see more videos like this now let's roll up our sleeves and let's get prepping DYwu0LK_pYc-00013-00007398-00007895 foreign So lets shop DYwu0LK_pYc-00014-00007895-00008550 together for Passover I did start off by buying a few fresh produce for the week while I'm shopping DYwu0LK_pYc-00015-00008550-00009126 for Passover items because I needed them anyways but I'll show you in detail what I got later on DYwu0LK_pYc-00016-00009126-00009636 in the grocery haul this is horseradish this is actually the vegetable. my mother-in-law buys DYwu0LK_pYc-00017-00009636-00010194 this and she makes her horseradish from scratch which is amazing I did go through each item that DYwu0LK_pYc-00018-00010194-00010722 I purchased and made sure that they have a kosher for Passover symbol they do come in different DYwu0LK_pYc-00019-00010722-00011358 forms but mostly it just says kosher for Passover just like right here on Pepsi and there is a huge DYwu0LK_pYc-00020-00011358-00012066 variety of items that companies make specifically for Passover and this is a section in my local DYwu0LK_pYc-00021-00012066-00012696 Kosher Supermarket which they just carve out a huge chunk of space and sell Kosher for Passover DYwu0LK_pYc-00022-00012696-00013338 items which I'll show you right now I figured before I show you my entire grocery haul I'll DYwu0LK_pYc-00023-00013338-00014088 show you what my shopping list looks like and for the most part I got have everything except for all DYwu0LK_pYc-00024-00014088-00014766 the fresh produce over here and the dairy stuff I want to get that closer to the actual holiday but DYwu0LK_pYc-00025-00014766-00015288 everything else is pretty much here my husband will take care of all of the meats and stuff in DYwu0LK_pYc-00026-00015288-00015834 the next few days and my in-laws who we will be hosting are going to bring some some of the other DYwu0LK_pYc-00027-00015834-00016386 things so if you guys are in a rut and you're not sure what to buy and maybe this will serve as some DYwu0LK_pYc-00028-00016386-00016980 sort of inspiration or maybe you forgot something and I have it down here so hopefully this will be DYwu0LK_pYc-00029-00016980-00017826 helpful for you in terms of my very rough meal plan this is what I'm thinking of making for DYwu0LK_pYc-00030-00017826-00018498 the first and second seders and their lunches but this is really really a rough draft and I didn't DYwu0LK_pYc-00031-00018576-00018882 um an hour with down with my mother-in-law because we're going to be doing this together DYwu0LK_pYc-00032-00018882-00019254 with my sister-in-law so for now this is what I have written down DYwu0LK_pYc-00033-00019404-00020250 here is the close-up of most of the things that I've gotten some are already put away and some DYwu0LK_pYc-00034-00020250-00021132 my in-laws already got so let's I guess start over here I got a few cereal options for the kids I am DYwu0LK_pYc-00035-00021132-00021792 going to have some little ones staying by us so I got some Cheerios like limitation type of kosher DYwu0LK_pYc-00036-00021792-00022680 for Passover cereals this is my husband's and I's and of course the kids favorite cereals to DYwu0LK_pYc-00037-00022680-00023316 have so I just picked up a few so we could have a variety I also got the square matzos mostly to DYwu0LK_pYc-00038-00023316-00023880 make the meat Blintzes this with they don't really eat Square matzas we prefer the shmurah matzo like DYwu0LK_pYc-00039-00023880-00024588 the round ones so I have that I'll be making um almost like an egg roll with some of them and some DYwu0LK_pYc-00040-00024588-00025098 of them will be filled with meat I'm going to try and record it for you guys so you could be up on DYwu0LK_pYc-00041-00025098-00025596 my channel for you to maybe make it if you'd be interested in that then I have some cake meal I DYwu0LK_pYc-00042-00025596-00026316 make my um pancakes with these with us and some of my desserts with us as well I have some matzo DYwu0LK_pYc-00043-00026316-00027030 meal also to bread like schnitzel or fish if I want to do that and I also have this seasoning DYwu0LK_pYc-00044-00027120-00027744 and we have a panko crumb so I definitely have a lot of options because we are hosting quite DYwu0LK_pYc-00045-00027744-00028254 a few people for a lot of days so I wanted to have that option of course we have to DYwu0LK_pYc-00046-00028254-00028776 have chocolate spread to put that on the matzah which our kids love and enjoy got DYwu0LK_pYc-00047-00028776-00029489 four cans of tuna fish and what is Passover without marshmallows so these are a lot of DYwu0LK_pYc-00048-00029489-00030132 non-jewish people don't know that we can have marshmallows or not made out of pig gelatin DYwu0LK_pYc-00049-00030132-00030636 they're actually made out of fish gelatin so this is kosher and this is kosher for Passover DYwu0LK_pYc-00050-00030768-00031266 see and this would be the sign that this is kosher for Passover now if you've seen DYwu0LK_pYc-00051-00031266-00031992 my video that I posted last week of how I made my pecan pie I am sorry how I made my butternut DYwu0LK_pYc-00052-00031992-00032645 squash pumpkin pie I said that I would use a crust so this is a kosher for Passover crust DYwu0LK_pYc-00053-00032645-00033282 which you can see right here which is so amazing that we actually have crusts now and they didn't DYwu0LK_pYc-00054-00033282-00033942 have this when I was a lot younger so you can make I guess pecan pie in here and um the pumpkin DYwu0LK_pYc-00055-00033942-00034404 pie if you want the recipes I will have them linked below and they are also up on my channel DYwu0LK_pYc-00056-00034512-00034902 I saw these tea biscuits the chocolate ones and the vanilla ones and I thought this would be DYwu0LK_pYc-00057-00034902-00035508 great to make like a mock tiramisu or one of the desserts for one of the Sedars all I would do is DYwu0LK_pYc-00058-00035508-00036042 just whip up some whipped cream add in like a vanilla pudding and some sugar and that would DYwu0LK_pYc-00059-00036042-00036822 be a delicious dessert got some brown sugar some chocolate chips and I also got the chicken consome DYwu0LK_pYc-00060-00036822-00037446 tapioca flour some pickles my husband picked up some quinoa flour I don't really know what DYwu0LK_pYc-00061-00037446-00037920 I would cook with this yet if you guys have any good recipes with this let me know leave them DYwu0LK_pYc-00062-00037920-00038520 in the comments I would love to try something new out almond flour some honey coffee sugar DYwu0LK_pYc-00063-00038622-00039450 potato flour and I got a few spices cumin red pepper flakes because I want to make my garlic DYwu0LK_pYc-00064-00039450-00040206 confit with it some sea salt paprika black pepper we have Mayo vinegar two different barbecue sauces DYwu0LK_pYc-00065-00040206-00040746 I got a few questions on which ones are my favorite and I honestly um I don't even know DYwu0LK_pYc-00066-00040746-00041370 for Passover which one's my favorite but this one looked really really good The Butcher Shop Mickey DYwu0LK_pYc-00067-00041448-00042030 um barbecue sauce so I just got two and I'll try them both out and see which one I like most DYwu0LK_pYc-00068-00042108-00042690 of course pickles we have here in olives for the kids for snacking I did get beastly two DYwu0LK_pYc-00069-00042690-00043230 different varieties over here I just got a little bit of fresh produce which is probably DYwu0LK_pYc-00070-00043230-00043662 not gonna make it to the Seder but this is a huge pack of onions which probably will make DYwu0LK_pYc-00071-00043662-00044418 it to the Sader I also got parsnips and green peppers some grapes some tomatoes that we will DYwu0LK_pYc-00072-00044418-00044766 most likely just eat before the Seder but I just want to show you everything that I got DYwu0LK_pYc-00073-00044916-00045426 um these are these are the butternut squashes which is probably going to make it to the seders DYwu0LK_pYc-00074-00045426-00045924 because I'm going to make the pies with them they just they go so fast the kids love them DYwu0LK_pYc-00075-00045924-00046566 it's a really big huge hit in our house so I do highly recommend you make it if you guys um want DYwu0LK_pYc-00076-00046566-00047274 something yummy as a side I have some cabbage here carrots red peppers they were on a sale a DYwu0LK_pYc-00077-00047274-00047754 dollar 49 each I was like oh I have to stock up and I'll make maybe like a roasted pepper salad DYwu0LK_pYc-00078-00047856-00048630 and of course some cucumbers I did get a few um plastic containers I have some more in the garage DYwu0LK_pYc-00079-00048630-00049236 where I'll keep all of my salads and things like that so this is our shopping haul for Passover DYwu0LK_pYc-00080-00049560-00049950 now I'm going to share with you a few clips of how we are getting ready for DYwu0LK_pYc-00081-00049950-00050346 Passover with you know changing my kids wardrobes making sure that there are no DYwu0LK_pYc-00082-00050346-00050880 chomets in their closet chomets just refers to the five grains that we're not allowed to have DYwu0LK_pYc-00083-00050952-00051510 um during Passover which is wheat rye spelt oats and barley I'm actually surprised I actually DYwu0LK_pYc-00084-00051510-00052128 remembered all of them because I always forget one so I went into each Kid's Closet with them DYwu0LK_pYc-00085-00052128-00052655 um took out all of their like old clothes or clothes that were small on them and packed it DYwu0LK_pYc-00086-00052655-00053136 away and we also did some cleaning decluttering and I'll share all those little Clips with you DYwu0LK_pYc-00087-00053136-00053772 that I've been taking these past few weeks fully underway with doing some spring cleaning getting DYwu0LK_pYc-00088-00053772-00054324 ready for password this is a complete not necessity obviously but I like to do it every DYwu0LK_pYc-00089-00054324-00054912 season every change in season so that my kids have some new clothes to wear for the upcoming you know DYwu0LK_pYc-00090-00054912-00055524 Passover holiday so I go through each kid's bags each kid's um closet and anything that's small DYwu0LK_pYc-00091-00055524-00056208 on them I pack away and donate and whatever my older kids had I read you know gift or whatever DYwu0LK_pYc-00092-00056208-00057191 we give to my younger ones so this is what I'm doing at the moment yeah I'm scared I'm scared DYwu0LK_pYc-00093-00057479-00057540 straight DYwu0LK_pYc-00094-00057984-00058091 and take it off DYwu0LK_pYc-00095-00058404-00058548 come when you're walking DYwu0LK_pYc-00096-00059334-00059670 wow look what Mishael did DYwu0LK_pYc-00097-00059928-00060155 okay let's see inside your closet DYwu0LK_pYc-00098-00060402-00060767 ah wow wow DYwu0LK_pYc-00099-00060767-00061955 oh how organized you made it I'm so proud of you good job an important part of play sock cleaning DYwu0LK_pYc-00100-00061955-00062502 is getting your kids involved so they can you know participate and have a sense of accomplishment so DYwu0LK_pYc-00101-00062502-00062982 Mishael just surprised me I didn't even tell him to like go in the closets and cleaned up but he DYwu0LK_pYc-00102-00062982-00063648 did it I'm so proud so very very happy and you saw that hametz free sign on his door that they DYwu0LK_pYc-00103-00063648-00064229 did in class so he hung that up so we know now that his room is completely hametz free good job DYwu0LK_pYc-00104-00064379-00065058 the most embarrassing thing in the entire world is the back seat of my car so DYwu0LK_pYc-00105-00065058-00065970 um we do carpool and my kids don't take the bus my little ones so they do everything in here and my DYwu0LK_pYc-00106-00065970-00066204 husband is gonna be cleaning up the entire mess DYwu0LK_pYc-00107-00068658-00069204 foreign DYwu0LK_pYc-00108-00070740-00071508 we also make sure to clean high chairs we have this high chair left over from our kids when DYwu0LK_pYc-00109-00071508-00072096 they were younger obviously and we just use this when we have guests and it's about time DYwu0LK_pYc-00110-00072096-00072612 to get that all clean I'm going to be removing the tops of them putting them in the wash and DYwu0LK_pYc-00111-00072612-00073110 my husband's going to vacuum the entire chair to make sure there are no crumbs left behind DYwu0LK_pYc-00112-00073332-00073896 it's so interesting that sometimes when you don't even tell your kids to help out they DYwu0LK_pYc-00113-00073896-00074448 just see how involved you are getting ready for the holiday and they just can't help but want to DYwu0LK_pYc-00114-00074448-00075006 participate so here is Aviva shaking out the crumbs and bringing it upstairs to get washed DYwu0LK_pYc-00115-00075390-00075882 playroom was one of the other rooms that was tackled today by my bigger kids you see me I am DYwu0LK_pYc-00116-00075882-00076386 here now Yehoshua came and helped her later on this is where the kids obviously spend DYwu0LK_pYc-00117-00076386-00076872 the most time so we needed to make sure that there was no hametz in here as well and they DYwu0LK_pYc-00118-00076872-00077652 did such an excellent job for the reveal of the playroom the basement my kids had a whole entire DYwu0LK_pYc-00119-00077760-00078546 accident with glue on this carpet I rolled it up already but like really everything was stuck DYwu0LK_pYc-00120-00078546-00079194 on so I had to unfortunately get rid of it um so I put this one here that I had from another room DYwu0LK_pYc-00121-00079260-00080016 it looked really really good they did a good job cleaning it Miriam did so well organized DYwu0LK_pYc-00122-00080016-00080574 all of the toys made sure there was no hametz anywhere so all the toys are nice and organized DYwu0LK_pYc-00123-00080574-00081252 about two weeks or so till the holiday I go into the basement where I keep all of my dishes and I DYwu0LK_pYc-00124-00081252-00081798 just do a quick once over to make sure that I have enough pots and pans we are going to be hosting DYwu0LK_pYc-00125-00081798-00082392 my in-laws my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and their kids and my father-in-law and mother-in-laws DYwu0LK_pYc-00126-00082392-00082854 I just want to make sure I have enough pots and pans enough dishes enough utensils and cookware DYwu0LK_pYc-00127-00082854-00083484 and bakeware so I'm going to quickly do a scan and just jot things down on what I may need to buy DYwu0LK_pYc-00128-00083574-00084312 so for the actual plates like dishes I keep them wrapped up in plastic this way no dust DYwu0LK_pYc-00129-00084312-00084858 settles on them I don't have to worry about like washing them as soon as I um you know need to use DYwu0LK_pYc-00130-00084858-00085494 them because I washed them right before I put them away and I kept them in these plastic bags and of DYwu0LK_pYc-00131-00085494-00086016 course if they look dirty I'll wash them but for the most part so the dishes are all good to grow DYwu0LK_pYc-00132-00086586-00086790 I have in turn in terms of DYwu0LK_pYc-00133-00087102-00087300 if I'm good with that DYwu0LK_pYc-00134-00087744-00088272 this is just a fun um Macos bag so when we go through the Hakata and if it and DYwu0LK_pYc-00135-00088272-00088914 we go through the list of each Maca we have cool things that represents each DYwu0LK_pYc-00136-00088914-00089616 um Maca like hail and frog so this is a cute bag that we recycle every single year because DYwu0LK_pYc-00137-00089616-00090414 we can have a lot of fun with them and each child's is here from previous years see this DYwu0LK_pYc-00138-00090414-00090984 is Miriam she'd worked so hard on it last year so we keep it all here for the kids DYwu0LK_pYc-00139-00091692-00092082 these are all of the other kids and they don't even know that I kept them they're going to DYwu0LK_pYc-00140-00092082-00092574 be so surprised and I'm sure they're gonna make new ones this year but it's just nice DYwu0LK_pYc-00141-00092646-00093426 see what they did in the previous year this is our place where we have all of the DYwu0LK_pYc-00142-00093426-00094134 symbolisms of the food that we need to eat so I have that my utensils are all in here DYwu0LK_pYc-00143-00094230-00094584 and what I would normally do is I would leave a paper over here that DYwu0LK_pYc-00144-00094584-00095022 I jot it down whatever I need to buy for the following year for the following seders DYwu0LK_pYc-00145-00095472-00096042 I have a food processor for pesah over here which I totally forgot about honestly but it is here I DYwu0LK_pYc-00146-00096042-00096822 have my pots and pans one towel so I think we are okay now time for some kitchen spring cleaning DYwu0LK_pYc-00147-00096822-00097404 motivation although I do not use the spice cabinet or Passover I do like to go through it DYwu0LK_pYc-00148-00097404-00097968 once a year and just clean it out and declutter it wash it and make it all look nice and pretty DYwu0LK_pYc-00149-00099450-00099498 oh DYwu0LK_pYc-00150-00101634-00102474 thank you DYwu0LK_pYc-00151-00108306-00108444 foreign DYwu0LK_pYc-00152-00108948-00109074 foreign DYwu0LK_pYc-00153-00112133-00112218 foreign DYwu0LK_pYc-00154-00112470-00113076 thank you all so much for watching I hope you guys enjoyed getting this uh look for a peek DYwu0LK_pYc-00155-00113076-00113640 into how I attempt to get it all done for the upcoming holiday of Passover we definitely did DYwu0LK_pYc-00156-00113640-00114222 accomplish a lot we still have a ways to go and I'm sure we're on the same boat scrambling just DYwu0LK_pYc-00157-00114222-00114726 a little bit there's I think nine or ten days left at this point but we can do it it's gonna DYwu0LK_pYc-00158-00114726-00115320 be amazing no need to stress ourselves out if I don't see you until then if I don't post a video DYwu0LK_pYc-00159-00115320-00115908 I wanted to wish you a very happy and healthy Passover with your family and loved ones and DYwu0LK_pYc-00160-00115908-00116448 friends and I just wanted from the bottom of my heart to say thank you again for supporting DYwu0LK_pYc-00161-00116448-00116952 me here on this channel for watching the videos for liking them subscribing to the channel for DYwu0LK_pYc-00162-00116952-00117611 sharing I'm just so so thankful to all of you happy prepping from my family to yours DYwu0LK_pYc-00163-00118638-00119556 thank you foreign Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00000-00000283-00000834 When the district court ruled in August of 2010, they were absolutely clear: Prop 8 violates Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00001-00000834-00000949 the Constitution. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00002-00000949-00001253 Banning gay marriage is fundamentally unconstitutional. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00003-00001253-00001362 Unconstitutional. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00004-00001362-00001471 Unconstitutional. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00005-00001471-00002103 We've started down a path where gay and lesbian citizens are going to have the same rights Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00006-00002103-00002249 as everyone else. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00007-00002249-00002647 Prop 8 was hanging by a thread, and that's when the proponents started stalling. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00008-00002647-00002892 They're going to attack the judge. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00009-00002892-00003078 They're going to attack the judicial system. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00010-00003078-00003525 There's been a bit of a delay because those who oppose them on same sex marriage are actually Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00011-00003525-00003752 questioning the legitimacy of the trial. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00012-00003752-00004151 What's certain: this case will head to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00013-00004151-00004298 But now their stalling is over. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00014-00004298-00004425 There are no more distractions. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00015-00004425-00004820 Now that we're back in the federal court, victory is within our grasp. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00016-00004820-00005243 The next legal step in the battle over same sex marriage in California is now underway. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00017-00005243-00005700 The case may eventually set a precedent for whether same sex marriage could become legal Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00018-00005700-00005800 nationwide. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00019-00005800-00006371 If you listen to these individuals and you hear our arguments, you are going to agree Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00020-00006371-00006487 with us. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00021-00006487-00006840 Both sides expect this case to go to the Supreme Court. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00022-00006840-00007219 The case is expected to go to the US Supreme Court. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00023-00007219-00007387 We won this case in the District Court. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00024-00007387-00007801 And we'll win it again in the appeals court. Dcq2GCmXrcQ-00025-00007801-00008054 And then we'll win full federal marriage equality for every gay and lesbian American. DcPRNDVaRFE-00000-00000082-00001334 Standing on the edge of the crater Like the prophets once said DcPRNDVaRFE-00001-00001334-00002911 And the ashes are all cold now No more bullets and the embers are dead DcPRNDVaRFE-00002-00002911-00004552 Whispers in the air tell the tales of the brothers gone DcPRNDVaRFE-00003-00004552-00005701 Desolation, devastation What a mess we made, when it all went wrong DcPRNDVaRFE-00004-00005701-00007100 Watching from the edge of the circus For the games to begin DcPRNDVaRFE-00005-00007100-00008437 Gladiators draw their swords Form their ranks for armageddon DcPRNDVaRFE-00006-00008441-00009891 I'm nuclear, I'm wild I'm breaking up inside DcPRNDVaRFE-00007-00009925-00010541 A heart of broken glass Defiled DcPRNDVaRFE-00008-00010725-00011279 Deep inside The abandoned child DcPRNDVaRFE-00009-00011462-00012650 Standing on the edge of the underworld Looking at the abyss DcPRNDVaRFE-00010-00012654-00014145 And I'm hoping for some miracle To breakout to escape from all this DcPRNDVaRFE-00011-00014262-00015566 Whispers in the air tell the tale Of a life that's gone DcPRNDVaRFE-00012-00015645-00017012 Desolation, devastation What a mess we made, when it all went wrong DcQVsQ-IyvI-00000-00023341-00025025 iscriviti al canale... DfuCnOCjlpU-00000-00001014-00001220 Hello, my name is Alberto DfuCnOCjlpU-00001-00001326-00001580 The creator and director of the... DfuCnOCjlpU-00002-00001580-00001720 MSXVR DfuCnOCjlpU-00003-00001872-00002048 I would like to comment you DfuCnOCjlpU-00004-00002112-00002396 about the project status DfuCnOCjlpU-00005-00002396-00002640 all is going well DfuCnOCjlpU-00006-00002696-00003014 we are in the last stage of the project DfuCnOCjlpU-00007-00003014-00003364 final pcb and case details, production, price, preorder date, etc. DfuCnOCjlpU-00008-00003404-00003700 we want everybody can have a MSXVR DfuCnOCjlpU-00009-00003700-00003811 and.... DfuCnOCjlpU-00011-00003966-00004170 to thank mainly... DfuCnOCjlpU-00012-00004294-00004626 to this awesome computer DfuCnOCjlpU-00013-00004642-00004742 Philips DfuCnOCjlpU-00014-00004778-00004888 MSX1 DfuCnOCjlpU-00015-00005021-00005305 my appreciated MSX1 DfuCnOCjlpU-00016-00005305-00005420 to whom I ove DfuCnOCjlpU-00017-00005522-00005622 this... DfuCnOCjlpU-00018-00005683-00005977 project exists thanks to this computer DfuCnOCjlpU-00019-00005977-00006323 and its reason for being is its existence DfuCnOCjlpU-00020-00006372-00006712 without an MSX DfuCnOCjlpU-00021-00006716-00006988 this project never was been created DfuCnOCjlpU-00023-00007136-00007452 because one of the reasons of this project DfuCnOCjlpU-00024-00007452-00007716 the MSX compatibility DfuCnOCjlpU-00025-00007716-00008018 both MSX, MSX2, MSX2+ and MSXTR DfuCnOCjlpU-00027-00008263-00008549 furthermore another important reason is DfuCnOCjlpU-00031-00009082-00009286 is the look-feel of an MSX computer DfuCnOCjlpU-00032-00009356-00009626 this is an important point DfuCnOCjlpU-00033-00009697-00009997 a closed computer, with keyboard and with MSX appareance DfuCnOCjlpU-00034-00009997-00010301 full MSX aspect DfuCnOCjlpU-00039-00011018-00011256 the third reason... DfuCnOCjlpU-00040-00011354-00011641 the computer... DfuCnOCjlpU-00041-00011641-00011938 must be updated and DfuCnOCjlpU-00042-00011938-00012241 improve the features of the MSX computers DfuCnOCjlpU-00043-00012304-00012623 new things with the new tech DfuCnOCjlpU-00044-00012681-00012959 and... DfuCnOCjlpU-00046-00013142-00013382 enjoying with this new MSX in the current times DfuCnOCjlpU-00047-00013382-00013590 and with the old things too DfuCnOCjlpU-00048-00013806-00013960 until now... DfuCnOCjlpU-00049-00014038-00014324 we have been working with the HDK DfuCnOCjlpU-00050-00014324-00014624 the model that we have been shown in the videos DfuCnOCjlpU-00051-00014624-00014724 development prototype DfuCnOCjlpU-00052-00014788-00014888 closed box DfuCnOCjlpU-00053-00014913-00015204 with the basic needed DfuCnOCjlpU-00054-00015204-00015304 by the computer DfuCnOCjlpU-00055-00015312-00015610 slots, buttons, joysticks DfuCnOCjlpU-00056-00015610-00015917 back connectors, hdmi, usb ... DfuCnOCjlpU-00057-00015918-00016018 etc DfuCnOCjlpU-00058-00016054-00016386 this is the development kit DfuCnOCjlpU-00060-00016572-00016858 a few days ago DfuCnOCjlpU-00061-00016858-00017139 we are showing the comercial DfuCnOCjlpU-00062-00017139-00017390 model of the MSXVR DfuCnOCjlpU-00064-00017909-00018069 this one... DfuCnOCjlpU-00067-00018688-00019008 a red case DfuCnOCjlpU-00068-00019051-00019347 with a basic plastic for ... DfuCnOCjlpU-00069-00019347-00019542 prototypes DfuCnOCjlpU-00070-00019584-00019883 the keyboard is mechanical DfuCnOCjlpU-00071-00019950-00020230 customized, bicolor, with DfuCnOCjlpU-00072-00020230-00020535 graph/code DfuCnOCjlpU-00073-00020535-00020822 with customized cursors DfuCnOCjlpU-00074-00020891-00021195 we are still working on it DfuCnOCjlpU-00076-00021445-00021699 an standard keyboard DfuCnOCjlpU-00077-00021699-00021817 with 87 keys DfuCnOCjlpU-00078-00021916-00022232 buttons for Power, Reset, Slot and Pause DfuCnOCjlpU-00079-00022269-00022513 Slot safe off/on DfuCnOCjlpU-00080-00022513-00022678 and generic pause DfuCnOCjlpU-00081-00022785-00023079 a group of leds DfuCnOCjlpU-00082-00023080-00023380 we are thinking in include a couple more DfuCnOCjlpU-00083-00023384-00023650 the slots... DfuCnOCjlpU-00084-00023698-00023898 in this case two DfuCnOCjlpU-00085-00023977-00024240 although we are evaluating to include DfuCnOCjlpU-00086-00024240-00024364 two more DfuCnOCjlpU-00087-00024413-00024710 the hardware is currently designed for four slots DfuCnOCjlpU-00088-00024733-00025000 but we need to DfuCnOCjlpU-00089-00025000-00025325 take a final decision and important decision DfuCnOCjlpU-00090-00025362-00025597 it affects price and other features DfuCnOCjlpU-00092-00026089-00026200 then... DfuCnOCjlpU-00094-00026385-00026644 in this side we have the power switch DfuCnOCjlpU-00095-00026694-00026859 the psu connector DfuCnOCjlpU-00096-00026915-00027080 at this side... DfuCnOCjlpU-00097-00027136-00027442 the DB9 joysticks connectors DfuCnOCjlpU-00098-00027442-00027730 that are compatible with MSX and DfuCnOCjlpU-00099-00027737-00028041 we want to do compatible with Kempston, Commodore and others DfuCnOCjlpU-00100-00028042-00028338 all configurable DfuCnOCjlpU-00101-00028338-00028527 the mandatory is ... DfuCnOCjlpU-00102-00028560-00028812 that we need DB9 DfuCnOCjlpU-00103-00028851-00029092 in the back side... DfuCnOCjlpU-00104-00029137-00029469 the DB37 GPIO interface... DfuCnOCjlpU-00105-00029510-00029848 used for experimental or hardware driving DfuCnOCjlpU-00107-00030018-00030145 GPIO DfuCnOCjlpU-00108-00030198-00030544 HDMI DfuCnOCjlpU-00109-00030589-00030823 Ethernet ... DfuCnOCjlpU-00110-00030823-00031118 RJ45, three USB ports DfuCnOCjlpU-00111-00031135-00031306 2.0 compatible DfuCnOCjlpU-00113-00031448-00031695 audio output and DfuCnOCjlpU-00114-00031695-00031898 audio input jacks (mic) DfuCnOCjlpU-00115-00031935-00032219 and RCA audio/video DfuCnOCjlpU-00116-00032319-00032630 composed video and stereo sound DfuCnOCjlpU-00118-00032899-00033158 this is the current prototype DfuCnOCjlpU-00119-00033158-00033465 the true that's the look is cool DfuCnOCjlpU-00120-00033465-00033813 and the feeling in my hands is awesome DfuCnOCjlpU-00122-00034052-00034388 of course, it will added the texts and logos printer on the plastic DfuCnOCjlpU-00123-00034414-00034717 the plastic decoration DfuCnOCjlpU-00124-00034718-00034818 ok DfuCnOCjlpU-00125-00034908-00035110 and well... DfuCnOCjlpU-00126-00035197-00035516 the project is going well DfuCnOCjlpU-00128-00035651-00035957 the people has seen the system working DfuCnOCjlpU-00129-00035957-00036241 in some fairs and their conclusions were good DfuCnOCjlpU-00130-00036241-00036528 we will continue uploading videos DfuCnOCjlpU-00131-00036638-00036918 with its features and capabilities DfuCnOCjlpU-00132-00036918-00037158 to give you information DfuCnOCjlpU-00133-00037213-00037498 we hope you continue ... DfuCnOCjlpU-00134-00037498-00037671 giving support to this project DfuCnOCjlpU-00135-00037731-00038038 and we will try to give you more information DfuCnOCjlpU-00136-00038038-00038335 about your questions in relation with the price DfuCnOCjlpU-00137-00038353-00038667 preorder, etc. we are on it DfuCnOCjlpU-00138-00038667-00038928 our idea is to have all this DfuCnOCjlpU-00139-00038986-00039104 ready for DfuCnOCjlpU-00140-00039148-00039386 next January 2019 DfuCnOCjlpU-00141-00039544-00039700 we would want to do it DfuCnOCjlpU-00143-00039930-00040223 and finalize this part of the project so interesting DfuCnOCjlpU-00144-00040235-00040511 and we want to thank to the people DfuCnOCjlpU-00145-00040511-00040855 the support and patience DfuCnOCjlpU-00146-00040871-00041171 the infinite patience DfuCnOCjlpU-00147-00041184-00041500 and well... DfuCnOCjlpU-00148-00041500-00041788 thanky very much for all DfuCnOCjlpU-00149-00042000-00042137 see you!! DizoM_hBRsE-00000-00000000-00000208 when the child doesn't able to speak, DizoM_hBRsE-00001-00000208-00000530 mothers are waiting and hope that he will say something to them DizoM_hBRsE-00002-00000530-00000803 when he develops a speech. And when he speaks DizoM_hBRsE-00003-00000803-00001106 sometimes you don’t know what to do. DizoM_hBRsE-00004-00001106-00001384 Today sends a message mom from our experiment: DizoM_hBRsE-00005-00001384-00001699 Today my son Ilya came up and said: "Give me a nut" DizoM_hBRsE-00006-00001699-00002031 I tell him "no", and he told me "Bitch." And left. DizoM_hBRsE-00007-00002427-00002773 [laughs] I was shocked and didn't know how to react! DizoM_hBRsE-00008-00002816-00002983 But it's a victory! E3KNyHOJks8-00000-00000501-00000976 A FIRE BROKE OUT ABOARD THE CRUISER USS HUE CITY AS THE SHIP WAS UNDERWAY IN THE ATLANTIC E3KNyHOJks8-00001-00000976-00001110 OCEAN MONDAY. E3KNyHOJks8-00002-00001110-00001590 THERE WERE NO INJURIES REPORTED, AND THE SHIP CONTINUES TO OPERATE UNDER ITS OWN POWER. E3KNyHOJks8-00003-00001590-00002027 THE EXTENT OF THE DAMAGE IS BEING ASSESSED AND THE CAUSE OF THE FIRE IS UNDER INVESTIGATION. E3KNyHOJks8-00004-00002027-00002580 HUE CITY DEPARTED MAYPORT, FLORIDA APRIL 11TH FOR A DEPLOYMENT TO THE U.S. 6TH FLEET AREA E3KNyHOJks8-00005-00002580-00002730 OF RESPONSIBILITY. E3KNyHOJks8-00006-00002730-00003294 THE NAVY RELEASED A MESSAGE ANNOUNCING UPDATES TO SELECTIVE RE-ENLISTMENT BONUSES, OR SRB'S. E3KNyHOJks8-00007-00003294-00003840 INCREASED SRB AWARD LEVELS ARE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, WHILE DECREASED SRB LEVELS WILL GO INTO EFFECT E3KNyHOJks8-00008-00003840-00003970 MAY 10TH. E3KNyHOJks8-00009-00003970-00004416 CHECK WITH YOUR COMMAND CAREER COUNSELOR OR VISIT THE NPC WEBSITE FOR A LIST OF THE CURRENT E3KNyHOJks8-00010-00004416-00004639 SRB ELIGIBLE RATINGS. E3KNyHOJks8-00011-00004639-00004857 READ MORE ABOUT THESE STORIES AT NAVY.MIL. E3KNyHOJks8-00012-00004857-00005048 FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING. E5pUQoVFuo0-00000-00000600-00001089 We cannot really forget short moments of open intelligence. It's repeated E5pUQoVFuo0-00001-00001089-00001547 itself, in a way, in every data streams we experience E5pUQoVFuo0-00002-00001547-00001776 in every experience, in every E5pUQoVFuo0-00003-00001776-00002066 perception, in every thought E5pUQoVFuo0-00004-00002066-00002380 emotion, it’s built in, the short moments E5pUQoVFuo0-00005-00002380-00002515 of open intelligence. E5pUQoVFuo0-00006-00002516-00002789 The more we hear about it, we cannot avoid it. E5pUQoVFuo0-00007-00002790-00003033 It's like, it's so E5pUQoVFuo0-00008-00003033-00003453 obvious, it's so obvious every moment like that. E5pUQoVFuo0-00009-00003453-00003846 Because every moment is a short moment E5pUQoVFuo0-00010-00003849-00004551 obviously, but every one is like that. And in a E5pUQoVFuo0-00011-00004551-00004943 in a short moment, repeated many times E5pUQoVFuo0-00012-00004943-00005465 until it becomes continuous, we reset E5pUQoVFuo0-00013-00005465-00005888 our mind into its natural state E5pUQoVFuo0-00014-00005888-00006157 of the natural perfection. E5pUQoVFuo0-00015-00006157-00006416 And then we see that our mind is clear in E5pUQoVFuo0-00016-00006416-00006739 a short moment of open intelligence. E5pUQoVFuo0-00017-00006740-00006956 We see that immediately. We can all try it E5pUQoVFuo0-00018-00006956-00007480 right now, a short moment of complete relaxation. E5pUQoVFuo0-00019-00007480-00007804 A short moment of complete relaxation, allowing E5pUQoVFuo0-00020-00007804-00008153 everything to be as it is. E5pUQoVFuo0-00021-00008153-00008469 Reset, again the mind is clear E5pUQoVFuo0-00022-00008469-00008783 vast and expansive. E5pUQoVFuo0-00023-00008783-00009107 No matter what kind of descriptions we have E5pUQoVFuo0-00024-00009107-00009527 you know, like we heard this morning all kinds of stories and E5pUQoVFuo0-00025-00009527-00009879 concerns and questions, but then E5pUQoVFuo0-00026-00009879-00010678 reset, short moments of open intelligence, the mind is clear. E5pUQoVFuo0-00027-00010678-00010842 Sometimes we think, oh, E5pUQoVFuo0-00028-00010842-00011236 if we don't have any thoughts then my mind is clear. E5pUQoVFuo0-00029-00011236-00011446 But it's not correct E5pUQoVFuo0-00030-00011446-00011701 it's not correct. I know for myself E5pUQoVFuo0-00031-00011701-00012134 and many others would share with you too, you too would share that E5pUQoVFuo0-00032-00012134-00012443 how your mind is very clear in every moment E5pUQoVFuo0-00033-00012443-00012639 very stable, open E5pUQoVFuo0-00034-00012639-00013053 openhearted, and heartfelt. E5pUQoVFuo0-00035-00013053-00013316 The mind is heartfelt. E5pUQoVFuo0-00036-00013316-00013640 So then experiencing everything so fully E5pUQoVFuo0-00037-00013640-00013911 without avoiding anything anymore E5pUQoVFuo0-00038-00013911-00014303 and taking short moments of complete relaxation E5pUQoVFuo0-00039-00014303-00014675 of allowing everything to flow on by. E5pUQoVFuo0-00040-00014675-00014929 So that becomes continuous E5pUQoVFuo0-00041-00014929-00015119 there is no other way. E5pUQoVFuo0-00042-00015119-00015677 It's like it becomes continuous without thinking that it will at one point. E5pUQoVFuo0-00043-00015677-00015993 Because every moment is just so perfect as it is. E5pUQoVFuo0-00044-00015993-00016422 I see it for myself. I don't wait when it will become continuous. E5pUQoVFuo0-00045-00016422-00016670 Sometimes I think, "Oh, it’s already continuous." E5pUQoVFuo0-00046-00016670-00017139 And sometimes I just remember to take short moment of open intelligence. E5pUQoVFuo0-00047-00017139-00017452 And that’s very fine for me. E5pUQoVFuo0-00048-00017452-00017754 You see, so that openness to E5pUQoVFuo0-00049-00017754-00018101 perceive everything equally and evenly E5pUQoVFuo0-00050-00018101-00018418 remaining open as you are to all perceptions E5pUQoVFuo0-00051-00018418-00018717 to all data streams. E5pUQoVFuo0-00052-00018717-00018950 Everything, nothing is special. E5pUQoVFuo0-00053-00018950-00019311 You know, allow yourself to be exactly as you are in a short moment of E5pUQoVFuo0-00054-00019311-00019580 complete relaxation. E5pUQoVFuo0-00055-00019580-00019954 Then you really get the vibe. E5pUQoVFuo0-00056-00019954-00020327 You get the vibe of how is to be a human being. E5pUQoVFuo0-00057-00020327-00020488 Like not anymore E5pUQoVFuo0-00058-00020488-00020775 being afraid of yourself E5pUQoVFuo0-00059-00020775-00021064 not anymore living E5pUQoVFuo0-00060-00021181-00021613 in reification, and it is very painful. I know that. E5pUQoVFuo0-00061-00021736-00021990 Just, you know, limiting our mind E5pUQoVFuo0-00062-00021990-00022615 limiting ourselves into some kind of identity that we hope to E5pUQoVFuo0-00063-00022615-00023041 you know, have this kind of perfect identity. “I will always have E5pUQoVFuo0-00064-00023041-00023474 positive thoughts, then I will be able to be of benefit to all.” E5pUQoVFuo0-00065-00023474-00023764 Come on! It's not happening. E5pUQoVFuo0-00066-00023764-00024159 I mean I know it for myself, I was always positive person. E5pUQoVFuo0-00067-00024159-00024386 Before the Training, I came E5pUQoVFuo0-00068-00024386-00024638 positive to the Training. E5pUQoVFuo0-00069-00024638-00025078 So you see, but then in this Training I just saw how being positive E5pUQoVFuo0-00070-00025078-00025368 being positive is so limited comparing E5pUQoVFuo0-00071-00025368-00025837 to what is available when we rely on open intelligence. E5pUQoVFuo0-00072-00025837-00026312 Like that nothing is limiting me, even being positive do not limit me E5pUQoVFuo0-00073-00026312-00026512 does not limit me. E5pUQoVFuo0-00074-00026512-00027094 So that was quite a shift from being a person trying to be positive E5pUQoVFuo0-00075-00027094-00027429 hoping for positive experiences E5pUQoVFuo0-00076-00027429-00027772 thinking about positive things E5pUQoVFuo0-00077-00027772-00028170 having all kinds of ideas about what is positive. E5pUQoVFuo0-00078-00028170-00028389 How is it to be positive, and then just E5pUQoVFuo0-00079-00028389-00028696 allowing myself to be as I am E5pUQoVFuo0-00080-00028696-00029162 allowing my ideas to flow on by E5pUQoVFuo0-00081-00029162-00029355 allowing myself to be negative. E5pUQoVFuo0-00082-00029355-00029795 That was, wow, such a relief. You know, allowing myself to be negative E5pUQoVFuo0-00083-00029795-00030067 no beating up is needed anymore. E5pUQoVFuo0-00084-00030067-00030474 You know, beating myself up, blaming myself for thinking E5pUQoVFuo0-00085-00030474-00030780 bad thoughts about someone E5pUQoVFuo0-00086-00030780-00031172 and then blaming myself about that. E5pUQoVFuo0-00087-00031172-00031505 And always trying to change the flow of my data streams E5pUQoVFuo0-00088-00031505-00031721 that didn’t work for me. E5pUQoVFuo0-00089-00031721-00031986 And I really tried my best, it was kind of E5pUQoVFuo0-00090-00031986-00032213 fine life before, but fine E5pUQoVFuo0-00091-00032213-00032587 comparing to this amazing life we have now. E5pUQoVFuo0-00092-00032587-00033018 When we rely on open intelligence everything is just so E5pUQoVFuo0-00093-00033018-00033537 vital, so lively, so very powerful E5pUQoVFuo0-00094-00033537-00034042 so very giving, so very contributing for the benefit of all E5pUQoVFuo0-00095-00034042-00034301 so very inexhaustible E5pUQoVFuo0-00096-00034301-00034494 without limits. E5pUQoVFuo0-00097-00034494-00035018 And that’s where we discover that our mind is like, it's not from here to here E5pUQoVFuo0-00098-00035018-00035284 that's then it stop. E5pUQoVFuo0-00099-00035284-00035757 It's expansive, it's inexhaustible. It doesn't have any point E5pUQoVFuo0-00100-00035757-00036068 when you say, “Okay I got it, this is it.” E5pUQoVFuo0-00101-00036068-00036346 And then we just stop. E5pUQoVFuo0-00102-00036346-00036923 You see, being of benefit to all, we have to examine our mind E5pUQoVFuo0-00103-00036923-00037117 in a very simple way. E5pUQoVFuo0-00104-00037117-00037449 Not watching our mind anymore E5pUQoVFuo0-00105-00037449-00037806 in a very simple way of this heartfelt connection E5pUQoVFuo0-00106-00037806-00038319 with ourselves, short moments of open intelligence, repeated many times E5pUQoVFuo0-00107-00038319-00038519 until it becomes continuous E5pUQoVFuo0-00108-00038519-00038719 whenever we remember. E5pUQoVFuo0-00109-00038719-00039248 See, it sounds so simple, but it's not. E5pUQoVFuo0-00110-00039248-00039765 It's not in the results. It's very powerful. It's simple E5pUQoVFuo0-00111-00039765-00040117 in a way that it sounds simple, but when you test it E5pUQoVFuo0-00112-00040117-00040337 it's really powerful. E5pUQoVFuo0-00113-00040337-00040722 It's very powerful, it's everything you wished for. E5pUQoVFuo0-00114-00040722-00041191 I don't mean it's complicated, just so you know. So it's E5pUQoVFuo0-00115-00041191-00041426 it's our natural state. E5pUQoVFuo0-00116-00041426-00041821 It's the natural state of our mind. E5pUQoVFuo0-00117-00041821-00042417 So if we, the introduction we hear it everyday here when we come, hmm? Ready? E5pUQoVFuo0-00118-00042422-00042951 We had it in the video too. If we stop thinking for a moment E5pUQoVFuo0-00119-00042951-00043262 if we stop thinking for a moment E5pUQoVFuo0-00120-00043262-00043939 there it is. There it is, the nature of your own mind. E5pUQoVFuo0-00121-00043939-00044274 We are such a lovely creatures. E5pUQoVFuo0-00122-00044274-00044474 So there it is, the nature of your own mind. E5pUQoVFuo0-00123-00044474-00044653 Stop thinking for a moment E5pUQoVFuo0-00124-00044653-00045074 pause the train of thoughts. E5pUQoVFuo0-00125-00045074-00045533 Pause descriptions and allow yourself to be as you are. E5pUQoVFuo0-00126-00045533-00045783 That's only the introduction to open intelligence. E5pUQoVFuo0-00127-00045783-00046258 You don’t need to do it over and over again. E5pUQoVFuo0-00128-00046258-00046458 And then you see that E5pUQoVFuo0-00129-00046458-00046833 everything is coming back, all your thoughts and emotions. E5pUQoVFuo0-00130-00046833-00047347 Even the thought of “I have no thought,” it's also a thought. E5pUQoVFuo0-00131-00047347-00047682 Then, “Oh! Open intelligence is always present.” E5pUQoVFuo0-00132-00047682-00048257 It's always there, whether we’re thinking or not thinking. E5pUQoVFuo0-00133-00048257-00048663 So that's the, what I gained from this Training, just the E5pUQoVFuo0-00134-00048663-00048980 ability to perceive everything E5pUQoVFuo0-00135-00048980-00049290 equally and evenly for the benefit of all. E5pUQoVFuo0-00136-00049290-00049859 You know, to see myself that I'm able to be of benefit of all regardless of descriptions E5pUQoVFuo0-00137-00049859-00050293 that I have about myself, about other people. E5pUQoVFuo0-00138-00050293-00050669 You know, every day we come up with the new story, right? E5pUQoVFuo0-00139-00050669-00050825 Like we have today. Oh! E5pUQoVFuo0-00140-00050825-00051211 We woke up in the morning, we feel shame, what to do? E5pUQoVFuo0-00141-00051211-00051601 It's not a hopeless situation. E5pUQoVFuo0-00142-00051601-00051858 You see, before it used to be E5pUQoVFuo0-00143-00051858-00052238 for me, feeling shame. E5pUQoVFuo0-00144-00052238-00052538 Maybe my friends will tell me, “Okay, just E5pUQoVFuo0-00145-00052538-00052747 all will be fine, don't worry about it.” E5pUQoVFuo0-00146-00052747-00053097 You know, my beautiful friends, of course. But then E5pUQoVFuo0-00147-00053097-00053489 I didn't see immediate benefit in shame. E5pUQoVFuo0-00148-00053489-00053802 I was hoping for the shame to E5pUQoVFuo0-00149-00053802-00054162 disappear by me not doing anything. E5pUQoVFuo0-00150-00054162-00054460 But then I just didn’t feel comfortable. E5pUQoVFuo0-00151-00054460-00054912 That shame coming up of feeling worthless E5pUQoVFuo0-00152-00054912-00055225 feeling angry, feeling sad. “What do I do?” E5pUQoVFuo0-00153-00055225-00055619 You know, hoping for tomorrow? E5pUQoVFuo0-00154-00055619-00056134 Hoping for next year when I travel to India? E5pUQoVFuo0-00155-00056134-00056602 Hoping for my boyfriend to come and give me a flower? E5pUQoVFuo0-00156-00056602-00056932 Hoping to get married? See? E5pUQoVFuo0-00157-00056932-00057300 So, why, why to hope? E5pUQoVFuo0-00158-00057300-00057377 Why to hope? E5pUQoVFuo0-00159-00057377-00057672 It's, if we are not longer in hope and fear E5pUQoVFuo0-00160-00057672-00058241 reification about, we are immediately of benefit to all. E5pUQoVFuo0-00161-00058241-00058476 Sorry for that. E5pUQoVFuo0-00162-00058476-00058704 Immediately of benefit to all E5pUQoVFuo0-00163-00058704-00059367 like, in the moment of feeling shame, of feeling angry, of feeling anxious E5pUQoVFuo0-00164-00059367-00059731 of feeling hateful, of feeling fear, everything we feel, in that E5pUQoVFuo0-00165-00059731-00060288 moment, in the flow, in the vibe, short moments, short moments repeated E5pUQoVFuo0-00166-00060288-00060466 repeated, you see? E5pUQoVFuo0-00167-00060466-00060681 And then that openness E5pUQoVFuo0-00168-00060681-00061171 to allow ourselves to be exactly as we are, like nothing is happening. E5pUQoVFuo0-00169-00061171-00061577 For me, I not afraid anymore to feel negative. E5pUQoVFuo0-00170-00061577-00061928 And that’s really amazing, like, not afraid anymore to be negative. E5pUQoVFuo0-00171-00061928-00062193 The support of the Four Mainstays E5pUQoVFuo0-00172-00062193-00062553 you heard about it every day, it's essential. E5pUQoVFuo0-00173-00062553-00062711 It's like the perfect set. E5pUQoVFuo0-00174-00062711-00063233 If you follow the Four Mainstays it's like it's E5pUQoVFuo0-00175-00063233-00063561 it’s always contributing to your life. E5pUQoVFuo0-00176-00063561-00063950 That's what I see for myself, the short moments E5pUQoVFuo0-00177-00063950-00064321 the trainer, the relationship with the trainer. E5pUQoVFuo0-00178-00064321-00064870 You know, to open up to a person that will always support you, always be with you E5pUQoVFuo0-00179-00064870-00065286 even if not physically with you, always with you, always on E5pUQoVFuo0-00180-00065286-00065697 like short moments, like open intelligence. E5pUQoVFuo0-00181-00065697-00066081 Support you directly in your situation. E5pUQoVFuo0-00182-00066081-00066255 Being for you totally E5pUQoVFuo0-00183-00066255-00066465 like so available that it's a bit scary E5pUQoVFuo0-00184-00066465-00066783 “How can that person be so available for me?” E5pUQoVFuo0-00185-00066783-00066915 But it is the case E5pUQoVFuo0-00186-00066915-00067361 and then you see yourself grow confidence, gain confidence in open intelligence. E5pUQoVFuo0-00187-00067361-00067645 You see that in your own direct experience E5pUQoVFuo0-00188-00067645-00067942 not someone else experience E5pUQoVFuo0-00189-00067944-00068157 “I wanna be like that person.” You see E5pUQoVFuo0-00190-00068157-00068425 your own direct experience. You see you E5pUQoVFuo0-00191-00068425-00068766 so gifted, you see you have so many gifts and talents. E5pUQoVFuo0-00192-00068766-00069122 Everyday, by using the Four Mainstays E5pUQoVFuo0-00193-00069122-00069543 the mind is getting brighter and brighter, luminous, clear. E5pUQoVFuo0-00194-00069543-00069857 Mind synonymous with open intelligence. E5pUQoVFuo0-00195-00069857-00070065 I will just clear that one E5pUQoVFuo0-00196-00070065-00070516 mind synonymous with open intelligence. No division E5pUQoVFuo0-00197-00070516-00071121 between the mind and open intelligence, everything and everyone is open intelligence. E5pUQoVFuo0-00198-00071121-00071472 So the trainer, the Training, the media E5pUQoVFuo0-00199-00071472-00071711 the Trainings, every, I mean E5pUQoVFuo0-00200-00071711-00072295 here we have so many options to come to a Training. Open Meeting is a Training too. E5pUQoVFuo0-00201-00072295-00072663 And then a One Day Introductory Training when we hear more E5pUQoVFuo0-00202-00072663-00072879 how it is for everyone E5pUQoVFuo0-00203-00072879-00073191 to rely on open intelligence, to rely on the Four Mainstays E5pUQoVFuo0-00204-00073191-00073494 how is it for people? E5pUQoVFuo0-00205-00073494-00073778 Then we get familiar with the texts. E5pUQoVFuo0-00206-00073778-00074010 We read the text and we're so amazed E5pUQoVFuo0-00207-00074010-00074482 that short moments becomes continuous. E5pUQoVFuo0-00208-00074482-00074801 See and then sometimes the short moments they E5pUQoVFuo0-00209-00074801-00075172 very instinctive, finally we understand. E5pUQoVFuo0-00210-00075172-00075453 Other moments maybe we're not E5pUQoVFuo0-00211-00075453-00075939 but we continue on. Just like we do E5pUQoVFuo0-00212-00075939-00076271 you know, we continue on E5pUQoVFuo0-00213-00076271-00076791 being open, showing up and coming to the community, which is also E5pUQoVFuo0-00214-00076791-00076898 the Mainstays. E5pUQoVFuo0-00215-00076898-00077177 Just to see everyone, how E5pUQoVFuo0-00216-00077177-00077510 they gain confidence in open intelligence and we see ourselves E5pUQoVFuo0-00217-00077510-00077781 that we can do it as well. E5pUQoVFuo0-00218-00077781-00078063 It’s so wonderful just to come a day here E5pUQoVFuo0-00219-00078063-00078500 to be with the community, it's really special. E5pUQoVFuo0-00220-00078500-00078882 You know, everyone sees you as open intelligence. E5pUQoVFuo0-00221-00078882-00079257 Everyone will, everyone is so very powerful. E5pUQoVFuo0-00222-00079434-00079802 We are very serious problem when we rely on open intelligence. E5pUQoVFuo0-00223-00079804-00080054 The room is not clean E5pUQoVFuo0-00224-00080054-00080402 great! It’s just like that’s E5pUQoVFuo0-00225-00080402-00080621 the worst that can happen! E5pUQoVFuo0-00226-00080621-00080858 The room is not clean. E5pUQoVFuo0-00227-00080858-00081195 But then, you know, you just clean it. E5pUQoVFuo0-00228-00081195-00081678 You just wake up in the morning and say, "Okay E5pUQoVFuo0-00229-00081678-00081948 today I’m going to clean my room.” And you do it. E5pUQoVFuo0-00230-00081948-00082174 You can listen to a talk in the meanwhile that E5pUQoVFuo0-00231-00082174-00082276 will remind you E5pUQoVFuo0-00232-00082276-00082824 with open intelligence is present when the room is not clean or clean. E5pUQoVFuo0-00233-00082824-00083298 You know, but that maturity to care for yourself E5pUQoVFuo0-00234-00083298-00083618 to take responsibility for your life E5pUQoVFuo0-00235-00083618-00084084 take responsibility for this amazing mind. E5pUQoVFuo0-00236-00084084-00084331 You know for everything that we perceive E5pUQoVFuo0-00237-00084331-00084645 and to use it for the benefit of all E5pUQoVFuo0-00238-00084645-00084930 that's the power that we have. E5pUQoVFuo0-00239-00084930-00085277 We can always rely on the power to know. E5pUQoVFuo0-00240-00085277-00085562 We can always go directly to the source. E5pUQoVFuo0-00241-00085562-00085984 You know, the power to know that we feel sad E5pUQoVFuo0-00242-00085984-00086237 so not the descriptions, the power to know. E5pUQoVFuo0-00243-00086237-00086675 That's open intelligence, the power to know that we are happy E5pUQoVFuo0-00244-00086675-00086827 we are in love. E5pUQoVFuo0-00245-00086827-00087092 Rely on the power to know. E5pUQoVFuo0-00246-00087092-00087649 That's how it became continuous in my life, I see. E5pUQoVFuo0-00247-00087649-00087979 When allowing myself to be as I am, it just E5pUQoVFuo0-00248-00087980-00088280 happened like that with the Four Mainstays. E5pUQoVFuo0-00249-00088282-00088544 And sometimes when I forget, that’s fine too. E5pUQoVFuo0-00250-00088544-00089125 I remember again because the Four Mainstays, they remind me always. E5pUQoVFuo0-00251-00089126-00089513 It's like unavoidable; it’s always in my mind E5pUQoVFuo0-00252-00089514-00089753 or outside. I don't know where is it. E5pUQoVFuo0-00253-00089757-00090051 But it’s always there, the Four Mainstays E5pUQoVFuo0-00254-00090051-00090364 the support, essential support. E5pUQoVFuo0-00255-00090364-00090645 And then to watch the videos and to listen to talks E5pUQoVFuo0-00256-00090645-00091152 then it’s like, “Wow! It blow my mind completely.” E5pUQoVFuo0-00257-00091152-00091419 So we have the power E5pUQoVFuo0-00258-00091419-00091720 to know what will be of most benefit to all. E5pUQoVFuo0-00259-00091720-00091999 We always know what to do and how to act. E5pUQoVFuo0-00260-00091999-00092416 And we can just take responsibility for that in every moment. E5WD9B6whIk-00000-00001018-00001265 BREAKING Trump Goes Nuclear! E5WD9B6whIk-00001-00001265-00001661 He Just Did Something No President Has Done In Decades� E5WD9B6whIk-00002-00001661-00001855 By Paris Swade. E5WD9B6whIk-00003-00001855-00002319 Donald Trump just stunned nuclear experts on Thursday that he thinks the U.S. should E5WD9B6whIk-00004-00002319-00002867 �expand its nuclear capability.� No president has done this in decades. E5WD9B6whIk-00005-00002867-00003422 Obama proposed modernizing the nuclear arsenal with a $500 billion plan. E5WD9B6whIk-00006-00003422-00003998 We currently have 4,500 nuclear weapons, says NBC News. E5WD9B6whIk-00007-00003998-00004432 With the above tweet, Trump has all the liberal news networks in a tizzy. E5WD9B6whIk-00008-00004432-00004878 Trump tweeted this just hours after Putin held a meeting with his military advisers E5WD9B6whIk-00009-00004878-00005168 to review the activity of the year. E5WD9B6whIk-00010-00005168-00005673 The liberal media is trying to say that Trump is trying to reignite the cold war. E5WD9B6whIk-00011-00005673-00006077 What is really happening is that Trump is most likely pitching a plan to modernize our E5WD9B6whIk-00012-00006077-00006670 delivery systems, command control systems and general refurbishing of our nuclear arsenal, E5WD9B6whIk-00013-00006670-00006800 says CNN. E5WD9B6whIk-00014-00006800-00007300 Trump�s communications manager Jason Miller says that Trump was �referring to the threat E5WD9B6whIk-00015-00007300-00007679 of nuclear proliferation and the critical need to prevent it.� E5WD9B6whIk-00016-00007679-00008130 *** Let�s give him a big fat amen, amen, AMEN! E5WD9B6whIk-00017-00008130-00008369 We can only achieve peace through strength. E5WD9B6whIk-00018-00008369-00008714 Share, share, share this right now! E5WD9B6whIk-00019-00008714-00009010 Help us fight the mainstream media�s narrative. E5WD9B6whIk-00020-00009010-00009408 They are going to try and twist this one against Trump. E5WD9B6whIk-00021-00009408-00009586 Thanks for reading. E5WD9B6whIk-00022-00009586-00010978 The video link for the video is in the article below in our description. E7Nduj9GWQI-00000-00000026-00000238 Hello friends! E7Nduj9GWQI-00001-00000238-00000638 Every day, with us, learn a little more knowledge. E7Nduj9GWQI-00002-00000638-00001197 Colombia is a country located in South America, with an area of ​​1 million 143 thousand E7Nduj9GWQI-00003-00001197-00001689 square kilometers and a population of about 51 million people. E7Nduj9GWQI-00004-00001689-00002172 According to United Nations statistics, Colombia is one of the countries that grow the most E7Nduj9GWQI-00005-00002172-00002391 coca crops in the past decades. E7Nduj9GWQI-00006-00002391-00002491 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00007-00002491-00003151 At its peak in 2017, the coca growing area amounted to 171 thousand hectares, making E7Nduj9GWQI-00008-00003151-00003626 it the largest coca-growing and cocaine-producing country in the world. E7Nduj9GWQI-00009-00003626-00004089 Coca leaves are the raw materials for extracting cocaine, an addictive substance. E7Nduj9GWQI-00010-00004089-00004189 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00011-00004189-00004696 The question is why the Colombian government does not ban people from growing Coca. E7Nduj9GWQI-00012-00004696-00005128 The answer is yes, but bans are not effective. E7Nduj9GWQI-00013-00005128-00005787 Colombia has about 7.3% of the Amazon rainforest equivalent to 403 thousand square kilometers. E7Nduj9GWQI-00014-00005787-00006269 And most of them are unexplored, because they are difficult to access. E7Nduj9GWQI-00015-00006269-00006369 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00016-00006369-00006886 Taking advantage of that point, the farmers hid deep in the forest to grow Coca. E7Nduj9GWQI-00017-00006886-00007456 This type of crop brings very high value, dozens of times higher than common trees. E7Nduj9GWQI-00018-00007456-00007779 And especially, there are as many as they can sell out. E7Nduj9GWQI-00019-00007779-00007879 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00020-00007879-00008590 In addition, coca is also grown by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, abbreviated FARC. E7Nduj9GWQI-00021-00008590-00009179 This organization was established in 1964, and is under the communist regime. E7Nduj9GWQI-00022-00009179-00009668 They are labeled terrorists by the governments of Colombia, the United States and the European E7Nduj9GWQI-00023-00009668-00009768 Union. E7Nduj9GWQI-00024-00009768-00009868 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00025-00009868-00010377 To survive, they have to hide deep in the forest and plant Coca trees to earn money. E7Nduj9GWQI-00026-00010377-00010818 Over the years, the Colombian government has increased its campaign to cut this crop in E7Nduj9GWQI-00027-00010818-00011027 a number of ways. E7Nduj9GWQI-00028-00011027-00011475 They first used planes to spray herbicides on COCA growing areas. E7Nduj9GWQI-00029-00011475-00011575 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00030-00011575-00012093 This is like the US used to destroy Vietnam's forests to track down communist guerrillas. E7Nduj9GWQI-00031-00012093-00012554 However, this approach is extremely harmful. E7Nduj9GWQI-00032-00012554-00012999 Herbicides kill the coca plant but also destroy other food crops. E7Nduj9GWQI-00033-00012999-00013490 At the same time, destroy the tropical forests with the most ecological diversity in the E7Nduj9GWQI-00034-00013490-00013590 world. E7Nduj9GWQI-00035-00013590-00013690 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00036-00013690-00014026 And it can also cause cancer for people living in that area. E7Nduj9GWQI-00037-00014026-00014572 Therefore, after a while Colombia was forced to stop using this option before leaving serious E7Nduj9GWQI-00038-00014572-00014672 consequences. E7Nduj9GWQI-00039-00014672-00014772 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00040-00014772-00015248 The second way, they send the police to each coca growing place to uproot each tree, or E7Nduj9GWQI-00041-00015248-00015634 burn all the leaves in the process of being harvested. E7Nduj9GWQI-00042-00015634-00016156 This made the people extremely angry, because their pieces of rice and clothes were broken. E7Nduj9GWQI-00043-00016156-00016256 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00044-00016256-00016723 Most of the coca growers are poor farmers whose families depend on this plant. E7Nduj9GWQI-00045-00016723-00017301 Therefore, from 2017 to now, there have been many protests against the Government's removal E7Nduj9GWQI-00046-00017301-00017429 of the Coca tree. E7Nduj9GWQI-00047-00017429-00017529 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00048-00017529-00017977 In addition, the revolutionary armed forces of Colombia were also behind to protect the E7Nduj9GWQI-00049-00017977-00018216 people who planted COCA. E7Nduj9GWQI-00050-00018216-00018676 They planted landmines around the plantings that made Colombian police afraid to pee their E7Nduj9GWQI-00051-00018676-00018943 pants every time they entered. E7Nduj9GWQI-00052-00018943-00019462 One more factor, Coca trees are grown mainly in deep forests or high mountains, making E7Nduj9GWQI-00053-00019462-00019762 it difficult to find a place to uproot. 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00054-00019762-00020234 Therefore, the third way is replaced, the Government will spend about 1 million pesos E7Nduj9GWQI-00055-00020234-00020820 per month, or about 300 dollars, for people to destroy the coca tree by themselves, and E7Nduj9GWQI-00056-00020820-00021084 grow other legal crops. E7Nduj9GWQI-00057-00021084-00021577 People in some areas agreed to this solution, and thousands of hectares of coca were removed. E7Nduj9GWQI-00058-00021577-00021677 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00059-00021677-00022142 They replaced it with pineapple, passion fruit and tapioca. E7Nduj9GWQI-00060-00022142-00022571 Everything was fine until the product was sold in the market. E7Nduj9GWQI-00061-00022571-00023013 Sometimes selling, no one buys, sometimes selling at too low a price that makes them E7Nduj9GWQI-00062-00023013-00023179 depressed. E7Nduj9GWQI-00063-00023179-00023662 When growing Coca, you can eat meat, if you grow other trees, you have to eat rice with E7Nduj9GWQI-00064-00023662-00023923 salt, how can you stand it? E7Nduj9GWQI-00065-00023923-00024224 Many families decided to return to growing Coca. E7Nduj9GWQI-00066-00024224-00024324 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00067-00024324-00024851 So despite the US support of 10 billion dollars to help get rid of this toxic COCA tree. E7Nduj9GWQI-00068-00024851-00025304 but over the years, the Colombian government remained deadlocked. E7Nduj9GWQI-00069-00025304-00025733 This country is still in the top of the world's top coca growing places. E7Nduj9GWQI-00070-00025733-00025833 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00071-00025833-00026295 The reason the US wants Colombia to quickly get rid of the coca tree, Because the largest E7Nduj9GWQI-00072-00026295-00026686 market for cocaine in the world is the United States. E7Nduj9GWQI-00073-00026686-00027402 According to some reports, about 2.7% of the population, or about 8.9 million Americans, E7Nduj9GWQI-00074-00027402-00027572 are addicted to cocaine. E7Nduj9GWQI-00075-00027572-00027672 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00076-00027672-00028020 And most of this product is shipped from Colombia by tycoons. E7Nduj9GWQI-00077-00028020-00028604 Therefore, the US wants an effective anti-drug campaign, then the removal of this crop is E7Nduj9GWQI-00078-00028604-00028760 the most optimal solution. E7Nduj9GWQI-00079-00028760-00028860 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00080-00028860-00029422 Here, we will learn some more information why coca is mainly grown in South America. E7Nduj9GWQI-00081-00029422-00029932 Besides Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Chile are the other South American countries that E7Nduj9GWQI-00082-00029932-00030362 grow a lot of coca, accounting for the majority of production worldwide. E7Nduj9GWQI-00083-00030362-00030462 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00084-00030462-00030941 Since ancient times, people here have a tradition of growing coca plants. E7Nduj9GWQI-00085-00030941-00031208 It is native to the Andes region. E7Nduj9GWQI-00086-00031208-00031775 The leaves of the coca plant are used as a stimulant similar to drinking strong coffee. E7Nduj9GWQI-00087-00031775-00032148 Indigenous people often use coca leaves to chew or drink. E7Nduj9GWQI-00088-00032148-00032248 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00089-00032248-00032702 It gives a feeling of numbness, lightheadedness, helping them feel less cold when living in E7Nduj9GWQI-00090-00032702-00033097 the mountains, or less tired when going to the forest. E7Nduj9GWQI-00091-00033097-00033444 For them this is a miracle plant that is very good for humans. E7Nduj9GWQI-00092-00033444-00033544 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00093-00033544-00034012 Therefore, when the governments of South American countries began to ban this plant, millions E7Nduj9GWQI-00094-00034012-00034481 of highland farmers fiercely defended the tradition of growing coca. E7Nduj9GWQI-00095-00034481-00035016 And many areas have been licensed by the Government, allowing the cultivation of coca. 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00096-00035016-00035487 Taking advantage of that point, the tycoons sent people to the garden, from house to house E7Nduj9GWQI-00097-00035487-00036024 to buy Coca leaves at a high price, and of course people could not refuse. E7Nduj9GWQI-00098-00036024-00036548 Since then they have depended on growing Coca trees and do not know what else to do. E7Nduj9GWQI-00099-00036548-00037052 The more the government bans it, the deeper they hide in the forest to maintain this crop. E7Nduj9GWQI-00100-00037052-00037152 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00101-00037152-00037643 In Latin America, most countries have organizations that are involved in the trafficking and transportation E7Nduj9GWQI-00102-00037643-00037804 of cocaine. E7Nduj9GWQI-00103-00037804-00038237 Of course, there are only a few tycoons who direct the production and distribution. E7Nduj9GWQI-00104-00038237-00038337 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00105-00038337-00038831 They are all billionaires with nothing but money, enough power to bribe police and government E7Nduj9GWQI-00106-00038831-00038932 officials. E7Nduj9GWQI-00107-00038932-00039543 Therefore, for decades, Latin America has always been a haven for mafia bosses. E7Nduj9GWQI-00108-00039543-00039643 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00109-00039643-00040130 Despite leaving bad consequences for society, in another respect cocaine helps change the E7Nduj9GWQI-00110-00040130-00040428 face of many Latin American cities. E7Nduj9GWQI-00111-00040428-00040940 Many businesses, real estate companies or financial groups were opened, becoming money E7Nduj9GWQI-00112-00040940-00041236 laundering places for drug lords. E7Nduj9GWQI-00113-00041236-00041670 So as long as the police are bribed, the society will still be in chaos. E7Nduj9GWQI-00114-00041670-00041770 1. E7Nduj9GWQI-00115-00041770-00041934 Video ends here. E7Nduj9GWQI-00116-00041934-00042230 Thank you all for watching and liking it. E7Nduj9GWQI-00117-00042230-00042631 If you find the video useful, please give us a like and subscribe to the channel to E7Nduj9GWQI-00118-00042631-00042819 support us! E7Nduj9GWQI-00119-00042819-00042944 Good bye and see you again. E7N_TIZLRm0-00000-00001166-00001797 Hey, there! It's Diane, the nursing geek. I completely forgot to record anything E7N_TIZLRm0-00001-00001797-00002496 this morning. I'll tell you why. I had a bit of a scare: my computer started doing E7N_TIZLRm0-00002-00002496-00003357 really strange things. The computer I use is a Microsoft Surface, which is... it's a E7N_TIZLRm0-00003-00003357-00004293 tablet that kind of functions as a laptop. It does not have a ton of memory E7N_TIZLRm0-00004-00004293-00004818 and it is impossible to expand the memory because of the way it's built, as E7N_TIZLRm0-00005-00004818-00005427 far as I know. So it's been getting close to full and I've been paring things off E7N_TIZLRm0-00006-00005427-00006144 here and there, and today it just started doing very weird things while I was E7N_TIZLRm0-00007-00006144-00006797 sprinting for words this morning. So I dropped everything and backed up again, E7N_TIZLRm0-00008-00006797-00007395 pulled out my terabyte drive, and pulled like all the photos off of it, all the E7N_TIZLRm0-00009-00007395-00008067 videos of it - which I had been kind of doing anyway and so that didn't buy me a E7N_TIZLRm0-00010-00008067-00008685 ton of space, but at least it bought some. But that ate up any extra time I might E7N_TIZLRm0-00011-00008685-00009593 have had to film anything. So I did get a thousand and thirty five words done, E7N_TIZLRm0-00012-00009593-00011088 which brought me to 49,159 words. [mouths "this close, this close"] E7N_TIZLRm0-00013-00011088-00011771 Gonna try to hit 50k tonight. Since I had class last night, as I do on Wednesday E7N_TIZLRm0-00014-00011771-00012496 nights in general, I was not able to do Alex the Patchwork Nerd's livestream. So E7N_TIZLRm0-00015-00012496-00013145 I'm going to do it after the fact and get some words that way. I don't know if E7N_TIZLRm0-00016-00013145-00013572 I'll do the whole two hours, because I have a pretty early day E7N_TIZLRm0-00017-00013572-00014280 tomorrow, but I'm gonna do at least some of it and we'll see how that goes. E7N_TIZLRm0-00018-00014280-00015097 Okay! I'm - according to Scrivener - at fifty thousand two hundred and seven words. E7N_TIZLRm0-00019-00015097-00015511 So, yay! And it's still the 29th, so even if it turns out E7N_TIZLRm0-00020-00015511-00016056 that Scrivener and NaNo's website disagree by a few hundred words or E7N_TIZLRm0-00021-00016056-00016659 something, I've got plenty of time to get to what the website thinks should be the E7N_TIZLRm0-00022-00016659-00017488 right number of words. Yeah. Now I gotta figure out how I'm doing this. Last year, E7N_TIZLRm0-00023-00017488-00018628 I had few enough documents that it worked to just copy paste from Scrivener E7N_TIZLRm0-00024-00018628-00019579 into the NaNo box. I don't think that's gonna work this time because, well, let me E7N_TIZLRm0-00025-00019579-00020823 show you. So they're sort of chunked out, but I have a lot a lot of individual E7N_TIZLRm0-00026-00020823-00021829 documents here and ... I'm having trouble scrolling down...there we go. Yeah, so the E7N_TIZLRm0-00027-00021829-00022153 copy/paste method would take probably long enough to write an entire other E7N_TIZLRm0-00028-00022153-00022915 chapter. I think what I'm gonna have to do is compile this into Word and copy E7N_TIZLRm0-00029-00022915-00023670 paste from that. Let me try that. Okay, well we're all compiled! I will say that E7N_TIZLRm0-00030-00023670-00024253 *this* is making me a little nervous here, because even just compiling it to Word, I E7N_TIZLRm0-00031-00024253-00025113 lost a couple hundred words. And that's with adding the chapter headers, which... I E7N_TIZLRm0-00032-00025113-00025895 really need to name my folders better, but yeah, whatever. Let's go ahead and E7N_TIZLRm0-00033-00025895-00026424 select all ... copy ... and ... E7N_TIZLRm0-00034-00026483-00027504 Oh, there's Alex! Yes, I was in the middle of her livestream - the recording E7N_TIZLRm0-00035-00027504-00028611 of her livestream - and decided if this passes the validation test, then I am E7N_TIZLRm0-00036-00028611-00028841 done. E7N_TIZLRm0-00037-00029201-00030201 Do I remember where to find the validation piece? E7N_TIZLRm0-00038-00030201-00031811 "Check your official word count total." There we go. Okay. E7N_TIZLRm0-00039-00032505-00033725 Okay! I won! So, yeah, yay! I'm gonna call that good for tonight, and I will keep E7N_TIZLRm0-00040-00033725-00034241 writing tomorrow. I do still plan to attend Brooke's livestream tomorrow E7N_TIZLRm0-00041-00034241-00034847 evening and I will probably do Alex's... the rest of Alex's because she E7N_TIZLRm0-00042-00034847-00035280 did an additional 30-minute sprint I guess, which I'm not doing right now E7N_TIZLRm0-00043-00035280-00036147 since I did hit 50k and need to sleep. I will do that tomorrow and see how much E7N_TIZLRm0-00044-00036147-00036575 farther I get and see if I can find the ending because I'm not there yet. E7N_TIZLRm0-00045-00036575-00037458 Getting closer. Yay for 50k! So let me know how you're doing, whether you're E7N_TIZLRm0-00046-00037458-00037868 closing in whether you've got a different goal that you're aiming for, E7N_TIZLRm0-00047-00037868-00038396 let me know down below in the comments, and I will see you tomorrow. In the E7N_TIZLRm0-00048-00038396-00038803 meantime, have a great day. Bye! E8VStYodLoE-00000-00000032-00000832 so guys, i've started to see some bad links. this is one of them, and it would redirect you E8VStYodLoE-00001-00000832-00001384 to a message to all commenters. it's the worst video out there on youtube for me, E8VStYodLoE-00002-00001536-00002096 so i'm sorry, but this comment just can't get pinned. it's the worst. Es_RJNIcKVk-00000-00000200-00000393 Gone and worn bangles Es_RJNIcKVk-00001-00000393-00000518 and now worn manglasutra, eh? Es_RJNIcKVk-00002-00000518-00000603 eh? eh? EH? Es_RJNIcKVk-00003-00000603-00000768 Bangles and manglasutra Es_RJNIcKVk-00004-00000944-00001144 Stupid dog ! EyV5Nz6eRfc-00000-00000600-00002146 Meghan Markle is believed to have chosen Victoria Beckham jumper for shoot The cream cashmere sweater she wore is worth between £500 and £700 EyV5Nz6eRfc-00001-00002296-00003611 Designer has mysteriously remained tight-lipped about any connection Meghan and Victoria are reported to have struck up a 'secret friendship' EyV5Nz6eRfc-00002-00003761-00005059 She stunned in a show-stopping couture gown worth £56,000 for her official engagement shoot with Prince Harry. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00003-00005209-00006667 But in a second photo released today, Meghan Markle opted for a more low-key ensemble consisting of a cashmere knit believed to be from Victoria Beckham. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00004-00006817-00008258 And while the designer is keeping tight-lipped about her connections to the jumper in question, the ensuing frenzy has made it the worst-kept secret in fashion. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00005-00008408-00010266 Meghan is likely to have chosen her outfit for the pictures - shot earlier this week at Frogmore House on the Windsor Castle estate - with great care, and notably opted for British brands in a nod to her new home. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00006-00010416-00012488 Her choice of jumper this week could represent a major coup for Mrs Beckham, with data suggesting her fashion influence is enough to send sales soaring; a £495 handbag she carried earlier this month sold out in hours. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00007-00012638-00014460 Scroll down for video ...NOW GET ONE LIKE IT The candid close-up portrait, shot in black and white, is less formal than the first photo, making the cosy winter knit the perfect choice. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00008-00014610-00016528 And according to reports earlier this month, Victoria, 43, and Meghan, 36, have struck up a 'secret friendship' since the US actress moved across the pond to live with Harry at Kensington Palace. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00009-00016678-00017821 A spokesperson for Victoria Beckham refused to comment when asked if the jumper was one of their designs. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00010-00017971-00019107 Now fashion bloggers and Meghan super fans have been left scrabbling to identify the exact style. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00011-00019257-00020844 One suggestion is a sold-out cream cashmere sweater, while the other is a silk-cashmere mix, both costing between £500 and £700. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00012-00020994-00022579 The three pictures were taken by celebrated fashion and celebrity photographer Alexi Lubomirski, who has snapped everyone from Julia Roberts to Angelina Jolie. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00013-00022729-00024955 However this isn't the first time the royals have turned to the former Spice Girl for wardrobe inspiration; Mrs Beckham's 'Quincy' tote is the Duchess of Cambridge's bag of choice for Wimbledon, having carried it to the tennis championships on three separate occasions. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00014-00025105-00027027 The Beckhams are known to be good friends of the Cambridges; they were invited to the 2011 Royal Wedding, and shoe designer Christian Louboutin previously that Victoria once gifted the Duchess a pair of his famous stilettos. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00015-00027177-00028600 And the royal connections don't end there, with David and Victoria both being awarded an OBE for services to football and fashion respectively. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00016-00028750-00030139 Earlier this year, the Beckhams sparked controversy after attending a private tea party at Buckingham Palace for daughter Harper's sixth birthday. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00017-00030289-00031805 Is Victoria's label in trouble? Victoria Beckham's fashion label continues to be beset by financial troubles, according to new figures this week. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00018-00031955-00033924 Accounts filed for the luxury label, which sells high-end dresses and acccessories, saw losses almost double to £8.5 million last year - up from £4.3million in 2015. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00019-00034074-00036256 Meanwhile husband David's company DB Ventures, which handles the former footballer's endorsement deals, reported a profit of £24.9million after tax in 2016. This is the equivalent to roughly £2million a month. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00020-00036406-00037916 Sales at VBL remained stable over the year however losses grew on the back of increased investment in the fashion brand's design, marketing and sales. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00021-00038066-00040044 Earlier this year the former pop star's fashion business was valued at £100million following a major cash injection from former Goldman Sachs banker David Belhassen, the man behind French-inspired bakery chain Paul. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00022-00040194-00041452 Mr Belhassen runs Neo Investment Partners which has bought a minority stake in the firm for £30million. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00023-00041602-00043410 News of her financial woes comes 12 months after it was the star had been formally warned the business - which employs 180 staff - could be closed down after failing to file its accounts on time. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00024-00043560-00045466 Robert Dodds, a director at Victoria Beckham Limited, identified the company's partnership with Target and its Estee Lauder collaboration as two areas likely to bring the company more growth in 2017. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00025-00045616-00047165 Writing in the financial statement, he wrote: 'The further announcement of a global license agreement with Reebok will further enhance the future profitability of the business.' EyV5Nz6eRfc-00027-00050557-00052233 David also boasts over 40 million followers on - more than double that of the mother of his four children - from which he can gain considerable revenue as a social media 'influencer'. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00028-00052383-00053507 Fortunately for Victoria, she is not dependent on her fashion business to maintain her lifestyle. EyV5Nz6eRfc-00029-00053657-00055019 She controls a large stake in the main holding company for her and David's business ventures, Beckham Brand Holdings (BBH). EyV5Nz6eRfc-00030-00055169-00057327 Ownership of the firm is split equally between Victoria, David and Fuller's company XIX Management. BBH contains Victoria's fashion business along with another branch of the couple's complex financial empire, DB Ventures Ltd. Ez9UWB7V4tQ-00000-00000008-00000392 Academic publishing, you know, in this–and this is a topic here that we're working on right now, Ez9UWB7V4tQ-00001-00000463-00000952 you have incumbents here, the journals, that have created almost their own– [S2] Monopolies Ez9UWB7V4tQ-00002-00000952-00001592 [S1] Monopolies. Oligopolies in a sense, and these contracts, these universities are expensive. Ez9UWB7V4tQ-00003-00001664-00002200 And so if I'm talking to a librarian the librarian would say "oh, you know, what's too expensive? Ez9UWB7V4tQ-00004-00002200-00002720 Paying for these journals is too expensive, access to these journals is too expensive." Uh, and Ez9UWB7V4tQ-00005-00002792-00003072 it–and then if we talk to them in academics who are the users of these journals, Ez9UWB7V4tQ-00006-00003128-00003536 who are submitting articles to these journals, they would say "it's hyper-bureaucratic." Ez9UWB7V4tQ-00007-00003536-00003888 And we're seeing actually even with COVID-19 with coronavirus right now, Ez9UWB7V4tQ-00008-00003888-00004304 there's so many different institutions who are working on different research, there's no way Ez9UWB7V4tQ-00009-00004304-00004736 that articles can be published in the next, you know, week or two, but all these different Ez9UWB7V4tQ-00010-00004736-00005136 academic–they need to talk to each other [Right.] to figure out what are the best practices. Ez9UWB7V4tQ-00011-00005200-00005824 Um, there really is this collaboration ecosystem called, the, the curated Reddit, [Right.] for Ez9UWB7V4tQ-00012-00005824-00006296 academics. So you'll end up doing a few rounds of these actually. Every time you get more and Ez9UWB7V4tQ-00013-00006296-00006800 more insights, and you get more of a point of view around what the concept should look like. E_0zEqf_zGU-00000-00000042-00000560 In this tutorial we are going to do a very basic overview of variables in Articulate Storyline. E_0zEqf_zGU-00001-00000560-00000978 So we'll look at how variables work in this tutorial. And then we'll do three following E_0zEqf_zGU-00002-00000978-00001540 tutorials where you can learn about each type of variable and how to use them in a course. E_0zEqf_zGU-00003-00001540-00001922 So if you're not familiar with variables, variables are just a way for you to collect E_0zEqf_zGU-00004-00001922-00002459 and store information. And then you can use that information in other ways in your course. E_0zEqf_zGU-00005-00002459-00002871 And the one thing about variables is that they're universal to the course. It doesn't E_0zEqf_zGU-00006-00002871-00003386 matter what slide you're on you can always use the value that variable. Now when you E_0zEqf_zGU-00007-00003386-00003879 think of variables there's a few key things. The first thing is that there are three types E_0zEqf_zGU-00008-00003879-00004472 of variables: text-based variables, numbers, or whether something's true or false. Or a E_0zEqf_zGU-00009-00004472-00005082 lot of people use on/off variables. So you can add text and collect the text information. E_0zEqf_zGU-00010-00005082-00005492 You can add numbers and collect the number information. Or you can determine whether E_0zEqf_zGU-00011-00005492-00005992 something's true or false and use that information. Now when you're working with variables in E_0zEqf_zGU-00012-00005992-00006512 Storyline it is basically a three-step process. So the first step is you just need to create E_0zEqf_zGU-00013-00006512-00007053 a variable. And then the second step is based on triggers. So you create a trigger that E_0zEqf_zGU-00014-00007053-00007545 adjusts the value of the variable and then you have another trigger that determines to E_0zEqf_zGU-00015-00007545-00008022 do something based on the value of that. Let’s look at this course and see how variables E_0zEqf_zGU-00016-00008022-00008556 are being used. And then we'll open up the slides and look at variables in a little bit E_0zEqf_zGU-00017-00008556-00009208 more detail. So if we look at this course here, this is a good example of a text-based E_0zEqf_zGU-00018-00009208-00009688 variable. So in this case, I don't know what the person's going to put in here because E_0zEqf_zGU-00019-00009688-00010238 I don't know what the person's name is. So there's just a variable called name that has E_0zEqf_zGU-00020-00010238-00010752 no value. And the value is going to be changed when I add my name. So I'm going to add Tom in E_0zEqf_zGU-00021-00010752-00011299 here. Now because I added my name in here, when I click on the slide if I want to use E_0zEqf_zGU-00022-00011299-00011799 that variable I can customize it. And you know, you can see I've got my name in here E_0zEqf_zGU-00023-00011799-00012488 now. Now if I go back, I can type in Sally and hit Submit. And you can see when I come E_0zEqf_zGU-00024-00012488-00012931 back to the slide the variable's value has changed so what's being displayed is going E_0zEqf_zGU-00025-00012931-00013462 to be based on that current value. So a variable just holds some information and I can use E_0zEqf_zGU-00026-00013462-00013965 that information somewhere else. So that's a good use of a text-based variable. Now if E_0zEqf_zGU-00027-00013965-00014604 we look at this slide here, this is an example of the numbers-based variable. So what happens E_0zEqf_zGU-00028-00014604-00015237 is I've got this drag and drop interaction. When I drag a food item to the plate it’s E_0zEqf_zGU-00029-00015237-00015795 going to change the state of that to drop correct. So that means that this is the correct E_0zEqf_zGU-00030-00015795-00016326 drop target. If I drag it away it's going to change it back to a normal state. Because E_0zEqf_zGU-00031-00016326-00017001 that's happening I can use a variable to add up my calories. So for example, when I drop E_0zEqf_zGU-00032-00017001-00017676 this here and I hit Submit, you can see that's going to tell me there's 120 calories. So E_0zEqf_zGU-00033-00017676-00018333 what happened is, I had a variable that is called calories that has no value. And then E_0zEqf_zGU-00034-00018333-00019109 I have a trigger that says if this is dropped on this target and its state is set to drop E_0zEqf_zGU-00035-00019110-00019810 correct, then add 120 points. If I drag it away and hit Submit, there's no longer a drop E_0zEqf_zGU-00036-00020049-00020749 correct state on this so it's zero. I drag this here it’s going to add 103. If I drag E_0zEqf_zGU-00037-00020812-00021440 this here it's going to add 120 to that. So you can see this as an example of, where I'm E_0zEqf_zGU-00038-00021440-00021901 using numbers and I can add those and I can create something a little bit more dynamic E_0zEqf_zGU-00039-00021901-00022522 or complex in my learning experience. So that's a good example of a numbers variable. And E_0zEqf_zGU-00040-00022522-00023045 then here's a good example. If we look at the menu, you'll notice right now the tabs E_0zEqf_zGU-00041-00023045-00023601 have this green rollover state and there's just this regular normal state on the tab. E_0zEqf_zGU-00042-00023601-00024215 when I click on this tab it's going to take me to a series of slides. When I come back E_0zEqf_zGU-00043-00024215-00024795 to this main menu I want to indicate that you've already visited those slides. So what E_0zEqf_zGU-00044-00024795-00025309 I have to do is use a variable. In that case, I'm using a true/false variable. So what I E_0zEqf_zGU-00045-00025309-00025754 have is a variable that might say, "Is that section visited?" So it could be a section E_0zEqf_zGU-00046-00025754-00026454 visited variable. It’s going to be set at false. So when I click on this and I'm leaving E_0zEqf_zGU-00047-00026456-00026966 that. Then I come here and then I'm done. There’s going to be a trigger here that E_0zEqf_zGU-00048-00026966-00027622 says change that variable from false to true. And then when I come back to the menu it is E_0zEqf_zGU-00049-00027622-00028153 going to evaluate the value of that variable, which is now true, and it is going to change E_0zEqf_zGU-00050-00028153-00028827 the state. So there is a trigger on here that says change the state of this tab to this heart-shape, E_0zEqf_zGU-00051-00028827-00029499 if this variable is equal to true. So we looked at a text-based variable, we looked at a number-based E_0zEqf_zGU-00052-00029499-00030045 variable, and we looked at a true/false variable. Now, let's look at what we can do with variables E_0zEqf_zGU-00053-00030045-00030590 at the slide level. When you're at the slide level and you go to the triggers column, you'll E_0zEqf_zGU-00054-00030590-00031068 notice this little variables property box. So you can click on that and that'll show E_0zEqf_zGU-00055-00031068-00031527 you all the variables that you have in your course. Now this will be a list of names. E_0zEqf_zGU-00056-00031527-00032165 This will be the type of variable. The default, or starting value, and then where it's being E_0zEqf_zGU-00057-00032165-00032725 used. You can see there's all sorts of variables in this course. So we've got some number variables. E_0zEqf_zGU-00058-00032725-00033209 We’ve got text-based variables. We’ve got some true/false variables. So a lot of E_0zEqf_zGU-00059-00033209-00033765 ways that you can use them. If you want to create a variable, just click on create a E_0zEqf_zGU-00060-00033765-00034308 new variable. You can add whatever title you want. The key here is to make sure you add E_0zEqf_zGU-00061-00034308-00034830 a title that makes sense to you. And then you can choose the type of variable. Do you E_0zEqf_zGU-00062-00034830-00035306 want it to be a true/false variable, a text-based variable, or a number variable? And then you E_0zEqf_zGU-00063-00035306-00035747 can determine if you want to starting value or not. So it really doesn't matter. It’s E_0zEqf_zGU-00064-00035747-00036174 just going to be based on what your needs are. If you want to edit a variable, we'll E_0zEqf_zGU-00065-00036174-00036596 just come over to this one. If I want to edit the variable, I can click on it. I can’t E_0zEqf_zGU-00066-00036596-00037041 change the type of variable because it's being used. But I can change the name and I can E_0zEqf_zGU-00067-00037041-00037721 change the starting value for it. And then I can copy variables. And then I can paste E_0zEqf_zGU-00068-00037721-00038022 them. So if I have variables that are going to be the same I just need to rename them E_0zEqf_zGU-00069-00038022-00038494 or something like that. And then of course, I can delete the variable. Now let's look E_0zEqf_zGU-00070-00038494-00038893 at one of the slides just to see how it works. Remember a variable is always based on three E_0zEqf_zGU-00071-00038893-00039381 things. Create the variable and then have a trigger that changes the value of the variable E_0zEqf_zGU-00072-00039381-00039862 and then another trigger that'll do something based on the value. So if we look at this E_0zEqf_zGU-00073-00039862-00040638 menu for example. This menu is based on me clicking on a tab, going out to a few slides, E_0zEqf_zGU-00074-00040638-00041134 and coming back. When I come back, and if I've completed a task, I want to change the E_0zEqf_zGU-00075-00041134-00041678 state of this tab to visited. So if we look at the tab, you'll notice there's a finished E_0zEqf_zGU-00076-00041678-00042299 tab here. And this finished tab is what we want to display, but only if you went to the E_0zEqf_zGU-00077-00042299-00042762 slides that these were connected to. So if we look at Story View, we can see here's the E_0zEqf_zGU-00078-00042762-00043431 main menu and this first tab should go to the "Why Wellness" slide. And then it should E_0zEqf_zGU-00079-00043431-00043877 go to the "Interactive Graphic" slide. And then it should come right back to the main E_0zEqf_zGU-00080-00043877-00044522 menu. So once I've completed this section, I want to indicate that as a visited or finished E_0zEqf_zGU-00081-00044522-00045121 section. So let's assume I clicked on the tab. I come here and now we can see on the E_0zEqf_zGU-00082-00045121-00045675 trigger panel there are just regular triggers. I go to the second slide which should complete E_0zEqf_zGU-00083-00045675-00046337 visiting that section and you'll see there's a trigger here. Set "Section01WhyWellness" E_0zEqf_zGU-00084-00046337-00046759 equal to true. So initially, it was set at false. There’s a trigger that's going to E_0zEqf_zGU-00085-00046759-00047305 set it to true. When I come back to this slide you can see that I have a state change that E_0zEqf_zGU-00086-00047305-00048099 says change the state of that tab to finished when the timeline starts and if that variable E_0zEqf_zGU-00087-00048099-00048641 is equal to true. So if it's equal to false it'll always be in that normal state. But E_0zEqf_zGU-00088-00048641-00049134 once that variable is equal to true I can evaluate that and I can change the way the E_0zEqf_zGU-00089-00049134-00049834 tab looks. So then I go from this normal tab here to a finished tab because I can evaluate E_0zEqf_zGU-00090-00049971-00050490 what you did based on using that variable. Probably sounds a little complicated. It’s E_0zEqf_zGU-00091-00050490-00050936 okay. When you do the practice activities in the following tutorials it all start to E_0zEqf_zGU-00092-00050936-00051507 make sense. The key point is you have three types of variables: text, number, and true/false. E_0zEqf_zGU-00093-00051507-00051905 And they can be interchangeable so there's no right or wrong way to use them. And then E_0zEqf_zGU-00094-00051905-00052301 the other thing is you have two triggers. One trigger will always adjust the value of E_0zEqf_zGU-00095-00052301-00052913 the variable and another trigger can use that value of the variable to do something else. E_0zEqf_zGU-00096-00052913-00053342 Do the three practice activities that follow this tutorial and that'll give you a really E_0zEqf_zGU-00097-00053342-00053817 good basic overview of how to create and use those types of variables. And then it's just E_0zEqf_zGU-00098-00053817-00054189 a matter of finding a reason why you need to use a variable and then applying that to E_0zEqf_zGU-00099-00054189-00054270 you next year learning course. E_aevXeM1a0-00000-00000078-00000336 Alright, so, this week, we are talking all about chapter eight, E_aevXeM1a0-00001-00000336-00000666 which covers arrays in quite a bit of detail. E_aevXeM1a0-00002-00000666-00000936 So it's a very useful programming concept E_aevXeM1a0-00003-00000936-00001290 that I think will be really valuable for you all to learn. E_aevXeM1a0-00004-00001290-00002058 We’re covering, uh, 8.1 and part of 8.2 from the focus on the concepts, E_aevXeM1a0-00005-00002058-00002628 uh, part of this chapter. Uh, the rest of 8.2 will be covered in the next video. E_aevXeM1a0-00006-00002754-00003678 Alright, so most of what we've seen so far, uh, in terms of data is what's known as a scalar value, E_aevXeM1a0-00007-00003678-00004079 or a simple value, which we store in a scalar or simple variable. E_aevXeM1a0-00008-00004079-00004740 And it holds exactly one value. So your… any of your numbers are going to be scalar, for example. E_aevXeM1a0-00009-00004848-00005268 Um, they are associated with one memory location, exactly one. E_aevXeM1a0-00010-00005268-00006156 Uh, in the case of things like the numeric data types the integers doubles and decimals, uh, E_aevXeM1a0-00011-00006156-00006612 that that memory location is actually going to be of a fixed size, but, E_aevXeM1a0-00012-00006726-00007008 you know, it is associated with exactly one memory location. E_aevXeM1a0-00013-00007008-00007680 An integer variable only holds one integer, right? You can change what that integer's value is, but, E_aevXeM1a0-00014-00007680-00007973 in the end, it's only holding one single integer. E_aevXeM1a0-00015-00008064-00008802 And it also has one variable name. So, when you create an E_aevXeM1a0-00016-00008898-00009378 integer variable using the dimension statement, for example, uh, E_aevXeM1a0-00017-00009378-00009930 you assign a name to that memory location and are creating the variable in that way. E_aevXeM1a0-00018-00009930-00010470 So you associate one name with that one single memory value. E_aevXeM1a0-00019-00010608-00011094 Arrays, on the other hand, hold multiple values, and we'll talk about this more, but, E_aevXeM1a0-00020-00011094-00011466 they actually hold multiple values of the same type. E_aevXeM1a0-00021-00011538-00012468 So an array actually groups together multiple memory locations that are all of the same type. E_aevXeM1a0-00022-00012468-00012750 They're grouped together because they serve some E_aevXeM1a0-00023-00012750-00013140 related purpose where it makes sense for them to be connected. E_aevXeM1a0-00024-00013224-00013740 And they're also laid out sequentially, and they're given some kind of ordering. E_aevXeM1a0-00025-00013800-00014316 So, it's not… When you have a scalar variable you E_aevXeM1a0-00026-00014316-00014904 have a name associated with one single locker in some storage room, right? E_aevXeM1a0-00027-00014994-00015840 With an array, you have a whole line of lockers that are all grouped under the name of this array. E_aevXeM1a0-00028-00015840-00016284 So the, uh, name of the array actually refers to all of them, E_aevXeM1a0-00029-00016284-00016896 and then we have ways of actually indicating which specific locker within this whole group, E_aevXeM1a0-00030-00016896-00017214 within this array, that we actually want to talk about. E_aevXeM1a0-00031-00017346-00017898 Now the thing about an array I kind of just mentioned this is that it has one variable name. E_aevXeM1a0-00032-00017898-00018732 So a variable can be an array variable, which references this array that has multiple memory E_aevXeM1a0-00033-00018732-00019278 locations, each with its own value in it, so, you know, holding multiple values. E_aevXeM1a0-00034-00019338-00020010 And, in order to get a specific value outside of this array, E_aevXeM1a0-00035-00020070-00020796 you have to use the subscript or the index to identify that value’s position in the array. E_aevXeM1a0-00036-00020796-00021438 So the name of the variable identifies the array itself, and then the subscript identifies which, E_aevXeM1a0-00037-00021498-00022194 um, position, like, which actual value within the array you're trying to get out of it. E_aevXeM1a0-00038-00022194-00022812 Uh, now when we're actually talking about arrays, the proper term is subscript. E_aevXeM1a0-00039-00022890-00023250 Index refers to something else, like a collection, E_aevXeM1a0-00040-00023250-00023682 sort of like the item collections actually that we have talked about for list boxes or whatever. E_aevXeM1a0-00041-00023820-00024552 Um, an index would would refer to that more correctly, but it kind of gets into semantics. E_aevXeM1a0-00042-00024552-00024990 They're usually referred to pretty interchangeably these days. E_aevXeM1a0-00043-00024990-00025356 But, um, in arrays, subscripts would be the proper E_aevXeM1a0-00044-00025356-00025727 term. The subscript identifies that value’s position in an array. E_aevXeM1a0-00045-00025794-00026508 Now, I want to make a note here. The textbook says that an array holds multiple variables, E_aevXeM1a0-00046-00026627-00026856 but that's not really correct. E_aevXeM1a0-00047-00026970-00027168 Um, a variable itself is just… E_aevXeM1a0-00048-00027383-00027768 You know, a variable itself is a lot more abstract. E_aevXeM1a0-00049-00027822-00028458 Um, it'd be more correct to say that an array groups together multiple memory locations, E_aevXeM1a0-00050-00028614-00028998 um, side by side, it can hold multiple values in that way, E_aevXeM1a0-00051-00028998-00029400 and then a variable can actually refer to an array. E_aevXeM1a0-00052-00029400-00030000 So you can have an array variable as opposed to a scalar variable. E_aevXeM1a0-00053-00030138-00031014 However, I did want to bring up that note because the textbook might say, you know, that E_aevXeM1a0-00054-00031014-00031800 an array holds multiple variables. Just be on the lookout for that, but that's not actually correct. E_aevXeM1a0-00055-00031950-00032550 In chapter 7 we talked about strings being a lot like character arrays where, E_aevXeM1a0-00056-00032550-00033132 um, they actually group together all of these individual characters into E_aevXeM1a0-00057-00033132-00033450 a larger thing that we're then passing around. E_aevXeM1a0-00058-00033450-00033930 So, for example, strCity is a variable that E_aevXeM1a0-00059-00033930-00034566 we could think of as referring to this array of characters like this. E_aevXeM1a0-00060-00034566-00034818 One variable, multiple characters, E_aevXeM1a0-00061-00034818-00035268 and we index into it to get the individual characters out of there. E_aevXeM1a0-00062-00035376-00036108 So strings do hold an array of characters. Uh, all of those characters are related to E_aevXeM1a0-00063-00036108-00036618 each other in the sense that they all form the city named santa maria, in this example, E_aevXeM1a0-00064-00036618-00037230 and they also have a proper ordering because, if I shuffled these characters around in any E_aevXeM1a0-00065-00037230-00037890 other possible ordering, it might not be clear what they are actually referring to, E_aevXeM1a0-00066-00037890-00038706 so they have a very specific ordering that makes a lot of sense for this, um, city name, right? E_aevXeM1a0-00067-00038706-00039000 But I could take the same characters, I could type them in a different ordering, E_aevXeM1a0-00068-00039000-00039504 you know, completely different ordering, but it would still be ordered in some way. E_aevXeM1a0-00069-00039504-00039684 I could even type them out alphabetically E_aevXeM1a0-00070-00039684-00040038 or reverse-alphabetically. Those would all be orderings. E_aevXeM1a0-00071-00040038-00040458 But, no matter what, they will be typed out in some order. I E_aevXeM1a0-00072-00040458-00040812 just get to choose what order I put all these characters in. E_aevXeM1a0-00073-00040812-00041226 And then variable strCity points to the array holding the values, E_aevXeM1a0-00074-00041226-00042024 and then you refer to individual characters by indexing in, or, E_aevXeM1a0-00075-00042078-00042696 like I said before, with an array, it's more proper to actually use the term subscript. E_aevXeM1a0-00076-00042696-00043356 So, at subscript three, we have the letter t as a character, for example. E_aevXeM1a0-00077-00043446-00043950 The thing is, is that strings aren't actually arrays of E_aevXeM1a0-00078-00044028-00044406 characters. They're not arrays of the Char datatype. E_aevXeM1a0-00079-00044406-00044832 Uh, they have a lot more functionality. For example, E_aevXeM1a0-00080-00044886-00045636 um, strings, you can insert things into them or you can remove things out of them. E_aevXeM1a0-00081-00045636-00045828 You can change the size of strings, E_aevXeM1a0-00082-00045828-00046272 which is actually something you're not easily able to do with arrays. E_aevXeM1a0-00083-00046272-00046812 You have to do something called, uh, or use something called the ReDim statement, E_aevXeM1a0-00084-00046812-00047100 but we're not going to worry about that right now. E_aevXeM1a0-00085-00047100-00047724 But arrays, typically, you don't change the size of. They're fixed-size, completely, E_aevXeM1a0-00086-00047724-00048156 and you are using them in instances where you know, exactly what size you need. E_aevXeM1a0-00087-00048156-00048510 But strings have a lot more flexibility because you can add things into them, E_aevXeM1a0-00088-00048510-00048606 take things out of them, E_aevXeM1a0-00089-00048696-00049254 you can actually do that kind of thing, where character arrays don't have that functionality. E_aevXeM1a0-00090-00049254-00049770 Also, methods like ToUpper or Replace or anything like that E_aevXeM1a0-00091-00049770-00050136 are not going to be present in an actual character array. E_aevXeM1a0-00092-00050136-00050904 But that actually touches on why we say indexing with strings instead of subscripting. E_aevXeM1a0-00093-00050904-00051432 I said subscripting was proper with arrays, but with strings we always said indexing. E_aevXeM1a0-00094-00051516-00052229 The reason why is because strings are fundamentally a collection of characters, E_aevXeM1a0-00095-00052314-00052679 sort of how list boxes have a collection of items. E_aevXeM1a0-00096-00052679-00053250 Strings also kind of have a collection of items. Their items are just, uh, characters, E_aevXeM1a0-00097-00053388-00053934 so they actually are really similar in that sense. E_aevXeM1a0-00098-00054132-00054570 But yeah, there's a lot of overlap conceptually between these collections, E_aevXeM1a0-00099-00054570-00055200 especially between strings and between actual arrays, which we will talk about. E_aevXeM1a0-00100-00055200-00055955 But there is a difference between a string and a character array. And probably 99% of E_aevXeM1a0-00101-00055955-00056328 the time you will want to use a string instead of a character array. I want to put that out there. E_aevXeM1a0-00102-00056417-00056940 But it's really helpful for us thinking about conceptually what an array is. E_aevXeM1a0-00103-00056940-00057486 The other thing I want to point out while I'm here is I want to keep in mind this idea of a linear, E_aevXeM1a0-00104-00057540-00057834 uh, sequential collection of data right here, E_aevXeM1a0-00105-00057834-00058458 where all of these individual characters are laid out right next to each other in memory. E_aevXeM1a0-00106-00058458-00058829 That is the old-fashioned way of handling arrays is laying E_aevXeM1a0-00107-00058829-00058998 them out right next to each other in memory. E_aevXeM1a0-00108-00058998-00059574 Whether that's still the case in more fancy schmancy complicated, E_aevXeM1a0-00109-00059640-00060024 uh, programming languages like Visual Basic, I'm not as sure of anymore, E_aevXeM1a0-00110-00060024-00060467 but back in the days of assembly programming and C, that would be absolutely the case, E_aevXeM1a0-00111-00060467-00060936 where they are literally located directly next to each other in memory like this. E_aevXeM1a0-00112-00060936-00061241 I think that's the intention of a lot of programming languages is E_aevXeM1a0-00113-00061241-00061655 to put them next to each other when they're a full on array like this. E_aevXeM1a0-00114-00061655-00062004 Funny enough, it's another difference between an array and a collection, E_aevXeM1a0-00115-00062004-00062255 but I'm kind of getting ahead of myself at this point. E_aevXeM1a0-00116-00062388-00062754 Alright, so let's actually create our own arrays. E_aevXeM1a0-00117-00062754-00063258 We're going to first focus on one-dimensional arrays, where E_aevXeM1a0-00118-00063329-00064098 data is very linearly laid out one piece of data right next to another in a line like this. E_aevXeM1a0-00119-00064098-00064698 Now, we'll talk about two-dimensional arrays later on, but that's a more complicated idea, E_aevXeM1a0-00120-00064698-00065226 and I want us to get more comfortable with one-dimensional arrays first. E_aevXeM1a0-00121-00065352-00065964 So, very quickly, this is an example of a one-dimensional array because E_aevXeM1a0-00122-00065964-00066570 all of these values are laid out right next to each other like so. E_aevXeM1a0-00123-00066678-00067356 Um, I will say that you could if you wanted to, if it's helpful, this isn't necessary at all, E_aevXeM1a0-00124-00067356-00068034 but you could think of a scalar value like an integer, one single integer, E_aevXeM1a0-00125-00068034-00068628 or one single character or something like that, as being a zero-dimensional array, because it's E_aevXeM1a0-00126-00068628-00069252 just the one value, so it's a lot more like a point, whereas this is like a line segment E_aevXeM1a0-00127-00069252-00069960 that has some amount of length that's greater than just existing as a point by itself, right? E_aevXeM1a0-00128-00069960-00070302 Uh, if you want to think about it that way, if it's helpful for you, E_aevXeM1a0-00129-00070302-00070488 then, by all means, feel free to do so. E_aevXeM1a0-00130-00070488-00071082 But that's not, uh, necessary for this class. Just something that definitely helps me a lot E_aevXeM1a0-00131-00071082-00071688 is thinking about it in terms of zero dimensions, and it does actually help when you get into more E_aevXeM1a0-00132-00071688-00072090 complicated areas of programming if you end up wanting to go in that direction, E_aevXeM1a0-00133-00072192-00072420 but that's not something we need to worry about just yet. E_aevXeM1a0-00134-00072480-00073356 Now, to create our one-dimensional array with, um, probably at least two values in it, E_aevXeM1a0-00135-00073428-00073860 because why would you make an array of with only one value E_aevXeM1a0-00136-00073860-00074508 in it when you could just use a regular variable with only one value in it, um, E_aevXeM1a0-00137-00074604-00075228 so you'll probably be having at least two values inside of your one-dimensional array, E_aevXeM1a0-00138-00075300-00076554 but the way you do it is, you type in Dim if you're making a, uh, procedure-level array… E_aevXeM1a0-00139-00076764-00077262 You would type private if you're doing a class array, E_aevXeM1a0-00140-00077448-00078078 or static if you're doing a static array, but either of these will work. E_aevXeM1a0-00141-00078078-00078870 It doesn't matter if you type in dim, private, or static, uh, any of those will work just fine. E_aevXeM1a0-00142-00079038-00079542 And I believe this also does work with the Const keyword, if you want to make it a constant. E_aevXeM1a0-00143-00079542-00080148 But you would then type the array name the same way that you would type a variable name. E_aevXeM1a0-00144-00080148-00080802 However, instead of just going onto the data type after you type the array name, E_aevXeM1a0-00145-00080892-00082014 you put in the max index, or the max subscript, of your array in parentheses afterwards, E_aevXeM1a0-00146-00082014-00082500 almost as if you were calling a function, but, instead of calling a function you're E_aevXeM1a0-00147-00082500-00083280 just putting in the highest index number, or the highest subscript number, of your array. E_aevXeM1a0-00148-00083460-00084324 And that actually tells Visual Basic that you are creating an array. E_aevXeM1a0-00149-00084324-00084726 If you left out the parentheses whatsoever, it would think that you were creating a regular, E_aevXeM1a0-00150-00084726-00085074 uh, variable, you know, scalar variable. E_aevXeM1a0-00151-00085074-00085632 If you put the parentheses with the highest index in, it will think that you're creating an array. E_aevXeM1a0-00152-00085770-00086568 And then you do as data type the same way you would if you're doing a normal scalar variable. E_aevXeM1a0-00153-00086766-00087480 Now, I talked about how you're typing in the highest index number in here, um, E_aevXeM1a0-00154-00087480-00087876 which is a maybe a little counterintuitive, because you might think that you're trying to E_aevXeM1a0-00155-00087876-00088404 put in the number of values you actually want in the array, the length of the array, right? E_aevXeM1a0-00156-00088404-00088716 But you actually have to put in the highest index E_aevXeM1a0-00157-00088812-00089094 of the array, which is actually the length minus one. E_aevXeM1a0-00158-00089154-00089820 So, if I typed the number four in for max index, it would create an array of five numbers, E_aevXeM1a0-00159-00089928-00090414 which is a little bit strange, and I think this is the first language I've heard of that has that E_aevXeM1a0-00160-00090414-00091014 actually does this, but that is the rules of the game that we play in Visual Basic. E_aevXeM1a0-00161-00091014-00091842 But it will create an array of, uh, you know, that groups together max index plus one values, E_aevXeM1a0-00162-00091932-00092586 uh, of the type dataType, whatever datatype you choose to have there. E_aevXeM1a0-00163-00092730-00093396 So it sets aside enough memory for however many of these values of that particular type, E_aevXeM1a0-00164-00093396-00093690 whether they are all integers or all doubles or E_aevXeM1a0-00165-00093762-00094260 whatever. Um, max index is the highest index and subscript value. E_aevXeM1a0-00166-00094260-00094752 Like I said, all of those entries are going to be initialized to their default values. E_aevXeM1a0-00167-00094752-00095376 So, if I chose integer as the data type, they would all be initialized to zero; E_aevXeM1a0-00168-00095376-00095868 if I chose boolean as the data type, it would all be initialized to False. E_aevXeM1a0-00169-00096000-00096936 For example, if I was creating a procedure level array called dblGrades, I give it four E_aevXeM1a0-00170-00097020-00097644 as the max index or the max subscript number, and then I use double as the type. E_aevXeM1a0-00171-00097806-00098442 This is what that statement would look like: Dim dblGrades, passing in four, As Double. E_aevXeM1a0-00172-00098748-00099150 Uh, and it would create an array with five, E_aevXeM1a0-00173-00099288-00099726 um, memory locations grouped together, all next to each other in memory. E_aevXeM1a0-00174-00099828-00100296 Uh, and all of those would be doubles. So, at subscript zero, E_aevXeM1a0-00175-00100296-00100722 we have a double; at subscript one, we have a double; and so on and so forth. E_aevXeM1a0-00176-00100794-00101226 And they all are initialized to their default value of 0.0. E_aevXeM1a0-00177-00101382-00102012 Now, just like we have the ability to initialize our scalar variables to a particular number, E_aevXeM1a0-00178-00102012-00102683 we are also able to initialize the values contained in our array to particular values E_aevXeM1a0-00179-00102683-00103133 if we so choose, and the syntax for that looks a little bit different, E_aevXeM1a0-00180-00103133-00103583 but it's not too dissimilar from what we just saw before. E_aevXeM1a0-00181-00103674-00104394 Now, um, what happens here, this is a notation that the textbook uses, E_aevXeM1a0-00182-00104394-00104568 and unfortunately it's a little bit confusing. E_aevXeM1a0-00183-00104568-00104982 These curly braces right here represent a choice, where I'm either putting in dim, E_aevXeM1a0-00184-00104982-00105396 private, or static, right? Uh, we've seen that kind of stuff before. E_aevXeM1a0-00185-00105396-00106068 But these curly braces on the other side of the equal sign, uh, actually do need to be typed out. E_aevXeM1a0-00186-00106068-00106548 So you will need to type out these ones on the right side of the equal sign, where you E_aevXeM1a0-00187-00106548-00107183 hold this init values thing, but you don't type out the curly braces over here; you just choose E_aevXeM1a0-00188-00107183-00107970 either dim or private or static to put before your array’s name. So I want to give that heads up. E_aevXeM1a0-00189-00107970-00108606 But what you do is you, uh, start out declaring the array as before. E_aevXeM1a0-00190-00108720-00109176 You put the parentheses after the name of the array, E_aevXeM1a0-00191-00109176-00109596 but you don't actually put the maximum subscript value in there. E_aevXeM1a0-00192-00109716-00110196 You just leave it blank; you just put empty parentheses as if you were calling it a, uh, E_aevXeM1a0-00193-00110196-00110442 procedure with no arguments in it. E_aevXeM1a0-00194-00110585-00111354 And then it goes as normal. As dataType equals, and then, within your curly braces, you set all of E_aevXeM1a0-00195-00111354-00112146 the initial values that you want to put into the slots in your array in order, separated by commas. E_aevXeM1a0-00196-00112146-00112709 So all of the values in here are going to get thrown into E_aevXeM1a0-00197-00112709-00112974 the array in the order that you type them. E_aevXeM1a0-00198-00112974-00113358 And you have to separate them by, you know, commas and spaces, E_aevXeM1a0-00199-00113358-00113844 or you can also hit enter or all that kind of stuff following the syntax rules E_aevXeM1a0-00200-00113844-00114264 for hitting enter in the middle of a line that we talked about a few chapters back. E_aevXeM1a0-00201-00114264-00114780 Uh, the length, rather than being determined by the number you put into the parentheses, E_aevXeM1a0-00202-00114780-00115242 will instead be determined by the number of values you actually type between the E_aevXeM1a0-00203-00115242-00115583 curly braces, so you don't need to worry about matching those two values correctly. E_aevXeM1a0-00204-00115583-00115848 You can just type in the values that you want to put in there, E_aevXeM1a0-00205-00115848-00116124 and that will just be the length of the array. E_aevXeM1a0-00206-00116322-00117114 Um, all of the values that you type in must be of the type dataType, or it must be possible to E_aevXeM1a0-00207-00117114-00117618 convert those values to the correct data type with all of the option statements in place. E_aevXeM1a0-00208-00117618-00118092 So, for example, you should be able to… If you're trying to make an array of doubles, E_aevXeM1a0-00209-00118092-00118602 you can still type in integers, and that's fine because they can get promoted to doubles, right? E_aevXeM1a0-00210-00118674-00119088 But, if you're trying to make an array of integers, you can't type in a whole E_aevXeM1a0-00211-00119088-00119585 bunch of doubles because that would interfere with the option statements, and E_aevXeM1a0-00212-00119652-00119814 Visual Basic would get very mad. E_aevXeM1a0-00213-00119814-00120150 So you… the… uh… E_aevXeM1a0-00214-00120246-00120696 You know, the promotion, demotion, all that type of stuff, all of those rules, E_aevXeM1a0-00215-00120696-00121230 the typecasting rules in general, um, have to E_aevXeM1a0-00216-00121404-00122070 correctly be applied in order for the initial values to be seen as valid. E_aevXeM1a0-00217-00122070-00122556 But, otherwise, if you can get all the initial values to be converted to the data type, E_aevXeM1a0-00218-00122556-00123035 or if they already are of that data type, then that's totally fine. E_aevXeM1a0-00219-00123096-00123480 And this method is called populating the array. you're actually, um… E_aevXeM1a0-00220-00123570-00124308 you can imagine the previous method as building an empty city and then eventually you move people E_aevXeM1a0-00221-00124308-00124758 in and all that kind of stuff, but this is called populating the array because you build up a city E_aevXeM1a0-00222-00124758-00125261 full of houses and all that kind of stuff and fill the people in right away, if that makes sense. E_aevXeM1a0-00223-00125388-00126306 So here's another example of this dblGrades array right here. I'm creating a array of doubles. E_aevXeM1a0-00224-00126366-00127200 I do not specify the maximum index or subscript number, but instead, I specify four values… sorry, E_aevXeM1a0-00225-00127200-00127583 five values between the curly braces on the right side of the equal sign. E_aevXeM1a0-00226-00127650-00128154 And those values are put into dblGrades in order. E_aevXeM1a0-00227-00128220-00129011 So the first value, the integer 90 becomes, the double 90.0 and is put into subscript 0. E_aevXeM1a0-00228-00129083-00129816 73.5, the second value, gets put into subscript one, and so on and so forth. E_aevXeM1a0-00229-00129816-00130230 And you see this example of me promoting a couple integers E_aevXeM1a0-00230-00130296-00130680 into doubles for the sake of what I'm doing right here. E_aevXeM1a0-00231-00130842-00131268 Now, I want to make a note about the names of arrays right here. E_aevXeM1a0-00232-00131268-00132036 You might have seen that I continue to use type ids for array variables, uh, even though, E_aevXeM1a0-00233-00132162-00133110 you know, the arrays are actually very different than, um, the scalar types themselves. E_aevXeM1a0-00234-00133110-00133650 A double array is very different than a double, even if the double array E_aevXeM1a0-00235-00133776-00134112 had a length of one, it only had one double in it. E_aevXeM1a0-00236-00134112-00134718 That array is actually still very different from a double itself because that array has E_aevXeM1a0-00237-00134718-00135078 other things going on that a regular double doesn't have. E_aevXeM1a0-00238-00135198-00135606 But, nonetheless, I'm still using the same type ids. So E_aevXeM1a0-00239-00135606-00136266 a double array gets the type id dbl, as does a scalar double. E_aevXeM1a0-00240-00136524-00137676 Um, the difference that I want to make between my array names and my scalar names is that I want to E_aevXeM1a0-00241-00137676-00138174 make sure that the array names explicitly reflect the fact that they contain multiple values. E_aevXeM1a0-00242-00138174-00138732 So having them be plural, for example, like dblGrades instead of dblGrade. E_aevXeM1a0-00243-00138852-00139458 And I also sometimes might use words that indicate that they're a collection of values, E_aevXeM1a0-00244-00139458-00140022 like collection or group or something like that, or even array if I so choose. E_aevXeM1a0-00245-00140022-00140520 Array is actually probably a very good one to explicitly put in your name, like grade array, E_aevXeM1a0-00246-00140574-00140760 or something like that. E_aevXeM1a0-00247-00140760-00141426 I could do, you know, dblClassGrades or something if I wanted to say this is the grades… these are E_aevXeM1a0-00248-00141426-00142212 the grades for all of my class, sort of indicate this grouping of multiple things, right? E_aevXeM1a0-00249-00142290-00142872 That's just a… a point on how to make… You know, it's part of that larger point E_aevXeM1a0-00250-00142872-00143406 of trying to make your variable names very descriptive so that anyone looking at them E_aevXeM1a0-00251-00143472-00143808 can actually see what's going on in your code. E_aevXeM1a0-00252-00143808-00144036 Especially me when I'm grading your code. Please, E_aevXeM1a0-00253-00144036-00144372 it makes my life a lot easier when I can tell what your variables are doing. E_aevXeM1a0-00254-00144432-00145404 But, um, this is especially going to be helpful if you're able to explicitly differentiate between E_aevXeM1a0-00255-00145482-00145938 your variables that are a scalar and your variables that are arrays. E_aevXeM1a0-00256-00146148-00146580 Alright, so we can work with arrays in a similar way that we can work E_aevXeM1a0-00257-00146580-00146874 with the individual characters in a string. E_aevXeM1a0-00258-00146874-00147564 With arrays, you can actually store data into the different memory locations contained within them. E_aevXeM1a0-00259-00147564-00148206 So the first line right here, dblGrades at subscript 0, equals 90. E_aevXeM1a0-00260-00148206-00148536 What I'm doing is I'm taking the memory location at subscript zero, E_aevXeM1a0-00261-00148536-00148848 throwing out whatever value used to be in there. E_aevXeM1a0-00262-00148848-00149370 I don't care what's used to be in there, it's now going to be, uh, 90. E_aevXeM1a0-00263-00149370-00149928 And, well, I actually take that value 90, and I put it into dblGrades E_aevXeM1a0-00264-00150060-00150336 that's at, uh, subscript zero. E_aevXeM1a0-00265-00150438-00150840 So I can't say dblGrades equals 90. E_aevXeM1a0-00266-00150912-00151302 That would be incorrect because dblGrades is supposed to hold an entire array. E_aevXeM1a0-00267-00151302-00151800 Uh, I can't put just the scalar value 90 in there. I have to E_aevXeM1a0-00268-00151800-00152400 specify which subscript of dblGrades is actually going to get the value 90. E_aevXeM1a0-00269-00152598-00153156 Um, in a similar way, we can say strCities at subscript three gets the string santa maria, E_aevXeM1a0-00270-00153216-00153330 which is totally fine. E_aevXeM1a0-00271-00153330-00153810 However, um, something that I had mentioned is that arrays E_aevXeM1a0-00272-00153810-00154212 usually hold values of a fixed size, I believe. E_aevXeM1a0-00273-00154338-00154878 Um, but the thing about that is that strings are not of a fixed size. They could have any E_aevXeM1a0-00274-00154878-00155388 number of characters within them, and the number of characters within them can actually change. E_aevXeM1a0-00275-00155586-00155964 So, if arrays are fixed size, they shouldn't be able to hold a string, E_aevXeM1a0-00276-00155964-00156360 except for the fact that when you put a string into an array, E_aevXeM1a0-00277-00156360-00156834 you're not actually cramming the string itself into the array. E_aevXeM1a0-00278-00156912-00157740 It works a little bit like how pass by reference does where, um, when you pass by reference a E_aevXeM1a0-00279-00157740-00158532 variable into a procedure, uh, that procedure doesn't get the value inside of the variable, E_aevXeM1a0-00280-00158532-00159120 but it rather gets the directions to how to get to the… to that variable's value. E_aevXeM1a0-00281-00159120-00159492 It kind of gets the name or the address or something like that. E_aevXeM1a0-00282-00159492-00160074 And this is actually working in a similar way. A string array like this doesn't actually get E_aevXeM1a0-00283-00160074-00160728 the string, but a string array holds a whole bunch of addresses to each of the strings E_aevXeM1a0-00284-00160728-00161184 associated with that array, and all those addresses are going to be the same size, E_aevXeM1a0-00285-00161184-00161760 so that's how that part of it works. But that's a more of a fun fact for you. E_aevXeM1a0-00286-00161928-00162678 And then we have, uh, the example of dblPrices at subscript four, E_aevXeM1a0-00287-00162846-00163590 and I use the arithmetic assignment operator, uh, the multiplication equality operator, I suppose, E_aevXeM1a0-00288-00163650-00164406 to take the value that was in the, uh, fourth subscript of dblPrices, E_aevXeM1a0-00289-00164406-00164994 multiply it by three, and then put that new value back into the fourth subscript there. E_aevXeM1a0-00290-00164994-00165762 So you can actually use the assignment operators that actually, you know, modify the existing E_aevXeM1a0-00291-00165762-00166332 value, so any of the arithmetic arithmetic ones as well as the concatenation one you can use. E_aevXeM1a0-00292-00166452-00166716 Alright, now this is another example of storing data, E_aevXeM1a0-00293-00166716-00167136 but I've written an entire program instead of three individual lines like this. E_aevXeM1a0-00294-00167136-00167778 What I'm doing is I'm writing a program that gives the user the 10th Fibonacci number. E_aevXeM1a0-00295-00167922-00168414 Um, or, I guess, the ninth Fibonacci number, technically speaking. E_aevXeM1a0-00296-00168510-00169104 Um, now this would be more useful as a program if the user was able E_aevXeM1a0-00297-00169104-00169626 to specify what the size of the array was to be. E_aevXeM1a0-00298-00169740-00170388 Um, there's probably a way to make that happen cleanly. I didn't feel like going to the trouble. E_aevXeM1a0-00299-00170496-00171066 Uh, but absolutely can do it. So let's see. E_aevXeM1a0-00300-00171126-00172242 The first thing I do is I create my array intFibs, which holds 10 integers. E_aevXeM1a0-00301-00172242-00172662 The maximum subscript is nine, so it holds ten, since we start counting at zero. E_aevXeM1a0-00302-00172662-00173604 As Integer, and then I populate the, uh, the first two slots in my array with the… E_aevXeM1a0-00303-00173670-00174240 Technically, the zeroth Fibonacci number and the first Fibonacci number. E_aevXeM1a0-00304-00174240-00174816 Uh, normally, we think about the first two Fibonacci numbers, which are both one, right? E_aevXeM1a0-00305-00174816-00175476 But the zeroth Fibonacci number is also a base case that we can use for the Fibonacci numbers. E_aevXeM1a0-00306-00175476-00176004 And then, if I add the zeroth and first Fibonacci numbers, I get zero plus one E_aevXeM1a0-00307-00176004-00176400 equals one, which is the second Fibonacci number, so it all works anyway, right? E_aevXeM1a0-00308-00176502-00176964 And when you do it this way the, um, the E_aevXeM1a0-00309-00177228-00178152 actual number of the Fibonacci number lines up perfectly with the subscript of the array. E_aevXeM1a0-00310-00178152-00178884 So it's a really nice way of thinking about it. When I go to the ninth subscript of the array, E_aevXeM1a0-00311-00178884-00179238 then that means I have the ninth, uh, Fibonacci number. E_aevXeM1a0-00312-00179376-00180072 Makes it real easy. But what I do here is I put the first two values in the array, E_aevXeM1a0-00313-00180306-00180960 in the first two slots of the array, and then I run a for loop from positions two E_aevXeM1a0-00314-00180960-00181560 to nine of the array, because I've already handled positions zero and one, and I need, E_aevXeM1a0-00315-00181560-00181998 you know, position zero and one to be my base case in order to start generating the new one. E_aevXeM1a0-00316-00181998-00182394 So I really can only start my calculations at position two, right? E_aevXeM1a0-00317-00182520-00183294 But, what I'll do is, uh, I'll try to calculate, first, the second, E_aevXeM1a0-00318-00183294-00183630 then the third, then the fourth, and so on until I calculate the ninth. E_aevXeM1a0-00319-00183630-00184056 That's what this, uh, intFibNum is going to specify right here E_aevXeM1a0-00320-00184056-00184356 is which Fibonacci number I'm actually currently calculating. E_aevXeM1a0-00321-00184494-00185700 And then, for every Fibonacci number, I essentially set the, um, the value of my E_aevXeM1a0-00322-00185700-00186198 array at that current position, the current position that I'm looking at, to be equal to E_aevXeM1a0-00323-00186342-00186798 the previous Fibonacci number, which is at the slot directly before it, E_aevXeM1a0-00324-00186972-00187662 added to the number before that, which is two slots before the current one that I'm looking at. E_aevXeM1a0-00325-00187662-00188100 That's also why I want to start at two right here, because eventually I'm going to E_aevXeM1a0-00326-00188202-00188754 look at, you know, the index… current index that I'm looking at minus two. E_aevXeM1a0-00327-00188754-00189252 If I started at one or at zero, I would run into a lot of problems. E_aevXeM1a0-00328-00189324-00189804 That would end up being a runtime error like that, so I want to start at two specifically E_aevXeM1a0-00329-00189804-00190494 because I'm doing this I'm looking at, uh, two indices before the current index number, E_aevXeM1a0-00330-00190494-00190794 and I want to make sure that that is a valid index the whole time. E_aevXeM1a0-00331-00190794-00191340 But I just do that calculation. So the second Fibonacci number is equal to the E_aevXeM1a0-00332-00191340-00191772 first Fibonacci number plus the zeroth Fibonacci number, set that into the second position. E_aevXeM1a0-00333-00191874-00192390 Then, the third is going to be equal to the second plus the first, set that to the third position. E_aevXeM1a0-00334-00192390-00192708 And the fourth will be equal to the third plus the second, E_aevXeM1a0-00335-00192708-00193020 set that to the fourth position. And so on and so forth. E_aevXeM1a0-00336-00193020-00193320 I, uh, correctly set the ninth position, E_aevXeM1a0-00337-00193320-00194262 then intFibNum becomes ten, uh, steps out of the range of this, uh, for loop, E_aevXeM1a0-00338-00194370-00195036 and then I just display the last element in the array, which is equal to the length minus one. E_aevXeM1a0-00339-00195108-00195516 There's also another way we can get that, but that way is a lot more typing, E_aevXeM1a0-00340-00195516-00195756 so I didn't feel like doing it, but I'll show it off in a sec. E_aevXeM1a0-00341-00195810-00196368 So I just take that last value, which is the, um, length of the array minus one, convert that E_aevXeM1a0-00342-00196368-00196968 to a string, N0 since it's an integer, and let's set that into the text of some label. E_aevXeM1a0-00343-00197094-00197532 Alright, so there are two array methods and properties that I want to focus on right now. E_aevXeM1a0-00344-00197532-00197898 First is the length property, E_aevXeM1a0-00345-00197898-00198396 which you have seen before in strings and the item collections as well. E_aevXeM1a0-00346-00198396-00198948 This gives the number of values in this array. it just works exactly the same. E_aevXeM1a0-00347-00198948-00199596 You would do, um, arrayName.Length, and that gives you an integer value. E_aevXeM1a0-00348-00199596-00199878 That will be greater than or equal to zero. E_aevXeM1a0-00349-00200022-00200622 Uh, probably, in almost every single case, greater than zero. E_aevXeM1a0-00350-00200622-00200910 In almost every single case, greater than one, E_aevXeM1a0-00351-00200910-00201492 even, so at least two, but you'll get a non-negative integer, no matter what. E_aevXeM1a0-00352-00201576-00202260 Now, there's also this GetUpperBound method right here, and you'll see that I have put a zero. E_aevXeM1a0-00353-00202428-00202872 GetUpperBound is complicated. We don't have to worry about most of that complication. E_aevXeM1a0-00354-00202872-00203094 I can just tell you that, E_aevXeM1a0-00355-00203172-00203832 if you have a one-dimensional array, and you call the GetUpperBound method and pass in zero, it will E_aevXeM1a0-00356-00203832-00204264 give you the highest subscript of your array, which will be equal to the length minus one. E_aevXeM1a0-00357-00204366-00204821 But it always has to be zero for one-dimensional arrays. E_aevXeM1a0-00358-00204936-00205367 There are times where we will put something that isn't zero into this method. E_aevXeM1a0-00359-00205421-00205836 I'll talk about that later. But, when you use a one-dimensional array, E_aevXeM1a0-00360-00205919-00206526 it has to be zero. Anything else will give you an error. E_aevXeM1a0-00361-00206682-00207264 For example, if we take a look at the dblGrades example array that I gave before, E_aevXeM1a0-00362-00207264-00208038 which I declared to have, um, four as the highest subscript number in the E_aevXeM1a0-00363-00208038-00209064 first example where I created it, or where I, um, initialize it with five values in total, right? E_aevXeM1a0-00364-00209196-00209471 Um, in either case E_aevXeM1a0-00365-00209586-00210228 the length of dblGrades here was five. I always made sure that it would have five values in it. E_aevXeM1a0-00366-00210228-00210648 The highest subscript would be four. If I wanted to get the number four, for example, E_aevXeM1a0-00367-00210648-00211608 if I wanted to directly reference the last, um, the last value in the array dblGrades, E_aevXeM1a0-00368-00211817-00212352 then what I could do is I could do dblGrades.GetUpperBound, pass in the E_aevXeM1a0-00369-00212352-00213023 number zero, and this whole thing would return four, which then gets put into intHighestSub. E_aevXeM1a0-00370-00213023-00213408 So that is the highest subscript in dblGrades. E_aevXeM1a0-00371-00213408-00213834 Like I talked about before this is equivalent to saying .Length minus one, E_aevXeM1a0-00372-00213912-00214373 so dblGrades.Length minus one would give five minus one, which is four, E_aevXeM1a0-00373-00214476-00215021 which is marginally less efficient, but it really doesn't matter, and maybe E_aevXeM1a0-00374-00215088-00215688 the slightly less amount of typing will do you a lot more good right here. E_aevXeM1a0-00375-00215796-00216486 Um, when it comes to one-dimensional arrays, using .Length and using GetUpperBound, those E_aevXeM1a0-00376-00216486-00217116 respective ways of getting the final subscript or index of this array, either one is totally fine. E_aevXeM1a0-00377-00217116-00217373 They will work exactly the same as each other. E_aevXeM1a0-00378-00217373-00217871 Uh, there are cases where the distinction does matter. Like I said, we'll, uh, E_aevXeM1a0-00379-00217871-00218046 talk about that in just a little bit. E_aevXeM1a0-00380-00218142-00218664 Alright, well that is our primer on arrays. Um, we have a lot of really cool E_aevXeM1a0-00381-00218664-00219288 stuff to look forward to with talking about arrays, so I hope you are getting jazzed. EC67YrfoQxY-00000-00000648-00001360 we're all facing challenging times in our lives one way or the other no matter where you are in EC67YrfoQxY-00001-00001360-00002208 the world, we're all facing some sort of difficulties in our lives and particularly EC67YrfoQxY-00002-00002208-00003008 in the past couple of years or so things have ramped up and the evil and the evildoers EC67YrfoQxY-00003-00003008-00003840 have been rolling out their plans and their agenda as fast and as as pushy as possible EC67YrfoQxY-00004-00004280-00005104 but we have to continue in prayer in season and out of season we have to be praying earnestly and EC67YrfoQxY-00005-00005104-00005888 we have to be on our knees and continue praying not getting discouraged by what we see but walk EC67YrfoQxY-00006-00005888-00006840 by faith. The righteous shall live by faith not by sight, so continue in prayer, be encouraged EC67YrfoQxY-00007-00006840-00007544 in the Lord, delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart this is His promise EC67YrfoQxY-00008-00007831-00008584 your prayers have been effective. Our prayers have been effective. Do not get discouraged EC67YrfoQxY-00009-00008664-00009768 continue in your prayers i made a challenge a few months ago and asked people to stop and in fact EC67YrfoQxY-00010-00009768-00010928 boycott the mainstream media whatever that maybe in your country, in your area boycott them. EC67YrfoQxY-00011-00011224-00012128 and I'm not saying people have listened to me and that many people have made a ripple effect EC67YrfoQxY-00012-00012256-00013224 but however that was a prophecy and it is coming to pass. Imagine that now EC67YrfoQxY-00013-00013384-00014184 the government ministers in this country are preparing to scrap the BBC television license fee EC67YrfoQxY-00014-00014304-00014768 this is what they are saying this is not what I say this is what they're saying this is what EC67YrfoQxY-00015-00014768-00015344 comes out of the horse's mouth "ministers are preparing to scrap the BBC television license fee EC67YrfoQxY-00016-00015344-00016224 as fewer and fewer people think it's worth paying for". imagine that this is what they're saying EC67YrfoQxY-00017-00016456-00017272 could you even imagine this sentence being said about a decade ago even five years ago EC67YrfoQxY-00018-00017416-00018200 even two years ago it's unthinkable they're saying it they're admitting people think it's EC67YrfoQxY-00019-00018200-00019128 not worth it you know why because they're lying you know why because their lies EC67YrfoQxY-00020-00019128-00019760 and their schemes have been exposed and they're being more and more exposed why EC67YrfoQxY-00021-00019760-00020576 because of your prayers so be encouraged continue in prayer and this is just the tip of the iceberg EC67YrfoQxY-00022-00020800-00021528 it's the beginning of their exposure I said in my other videos that exposure EC67YrfoQxY-00023-00021528-00022344 is happening throughout the world in various countries big major role players in the world EC67YrfoQxY-00024-00022472-00023416 and I proved it by evidence showing you their own news their own words not my own but theirs EC67YrfoQxY-00025-00023488-00024216 and showed you the the screens of the news from different channels different EC67YrfoQxY-00026-00024304-00024912 media sources, just to show you that the exposure is happening and that was a month EC67YrfoQxY-00027-00024912-00025752 a few months ago now it's getting worse and worse for them and better for us so continue in prayer. EC67YrfoQxY-00028-00025752-00026304 Do not get discouraged be encouraged the prophecies will come to pass EC67YrfoQxY-00029-00026488-00027000 and the evil shall not prevail the righteous will prevail EC67YrfoQxY-00030-00028424-00029168 Continue in prayer continue seeking the face of the Lord and continue doing what God EC67YrfoQxY-00031-00029168-00029880 has put you in that position to do whatever your position is if you're in a governmental EC67YrfoQxY-00032-00029992-00031032 sector working, in education sector like I was, and I quit because of various things that happened EC67YrfoQxY-00033-00031216-00032160 just because I wanted to serve the Lord mainly and if you're in the police and various departments EC67YrfoQxY-00034-00032160-00032768 of it if you're in any industry wherever you are God has put you you have to believe that EC67YrfoQxY-00035-00032840-00033480 you have to believe that God has put you there for a reason it's not to pay your bills, EC67YrfoQxY-00036-00033536-00034336 it's not for you uh to meet your needs and to put food on the table for your family, EC67YrfoQxY-00037-00034448-00035080 that is part of it, but that main idea is that God has put you there for a reason. EC67YrfoQxY-00038-00035136-00035720 You know every workplace I've been, every single workplace I've worked at EC67YrfoQxY-00039-00035840-00036800 everybody found out because of what I said and how I behaved how I treated them how I EC67YrfoQxY-00040-00036896-00037984 acted, they found out from me directly from my own words that I am a practicing Christian. EC67YrfoQxY-00041-00038136-00038784 do your colleagues know that you're a practicing Christian or you're just a secret Christian? EC67YrfoQxY-00042-00038960-00039384 because of the peer pressure! because you're worried that they might EC67YrfoQxY-00043-00039448-00040168 just boycott you and put you aside, not associate with you not socialize with you, EC67YrfoQxY-00044-00040168-00040944 not mix you in their communities, and look at you differently and think weird of you! EC67YrfoQxY-00045-00041216-00041952 do not do that the Lord says if you're ashamed of me in this world I will be ashamed of you EC67YrfoQxY-00046-00042072-00042184 on the judgment day EC67YrfoQxY-00047-00042728-00042912 the Lord Jesus Christ is not EC67YrfoQxY-00048-00043184-00044016 something to be ashamed of the blood of Jesus Christ is not something to be ashamed of EC67YrfoQxY-00049-00044224-00045064 the blood of Jesus Christ on you the Holy Spirit on you all that is something to be proud of EC67YrfoQxY-00050-00045248-00045872 to make your backbone stronger and give you backing give you strength EC67YrfoQxY-00051-00046216-00046976 I can do all things through the Lord who can strengthen me we're facing difficult times still EC67YrfoQxY-00052-00047184-00047864 each one of us in a different way but we will prevail this is a promise EC67YrfoQxY-00053-00047952-00048344 this is the promise of the Lord no weapon formed against you shall prosper EC67YrfoQxY-00054-00048400-00049184 prophesy those words prophesy Ezekiel prophesy to those dry bones EC67YrfoQxY-00055-00049408-00049648 prophesy as He commanded you EC67YrfoQxY-00056-00049872-00050224 not as you wish prophesy as He commanded you EC67YrfoQxY-00057-00050416-00051416 say the words as if your mouth is God's mouthpiece to say and declare His words not yours EC67YrfoQxY-00058-00051728-00052304 say exactly as He is declared in His Holy Bible in His word EC67YrfoQxY-00059-00052528-00052848 and they will come to pass believe it EC67YrfoQxY-00060-00053184-00053864 believe and do not doubt you rece and believe that you already have received what you believe for EC67YrfoQxY-00061-00054096-00055055 this was just a short video just to encourage you I don't want to come every day and show screens of EC67YrfoQxY-00062-00055191-00055967 news different pieces of news here and there and become a news agent i don't want to say look and EC67YrfoQxY-00063-00055967-00056496 the exposure is happening here the exposure is happening in Australia in New Zealand in Canada EC67YrfoQxY-00064-00056496-00057288 in America in England and other parts of the world I don't want to do that because I don't want to EC67YrfoQxY-00065-00057288-00057920 show you those kind of things because some people don't like to see screens of news and don't even EC67YrfoQxY-00066-00057920-00058560 they've already shut them off and they don't want to even see a glance of it EC67YrfoQxY-00067-00058632-00059544 but I want to encourage you that your prayers are working the prophecies are coming to pass EC67YrfoQxY-00068-00059816-00060448 Stronger is He who is in me than he who is in the world believe that because that is the Word of God EC67YrfoQxY-00069-00060600-00060864 the Author and the finisher of our faith EC67YrfoQxY-00070-00061160-00061248 not just anybody EC67YrfoQxY-00071-00061664-00062255 I plead with you to continue in prayers we are going through very very critical times EC67YrfoQxY-00072-00062552-00063360 the evil and the evil doers know this and they are using that window opportunity that they have EC67YrfoQxY-00073-00063424-00064216 to roll out every evil agenda that they can and we have to resist there is a lot of resistance EC67YrfoQxY-00074-00064216-00064728 you're not alone just because you don't see it on the media doesn't mean it doesn't exist EC67YrfoQxY-00075-00064920-00065272 because they don't tell you they don't want you to know EC67YrfoQxY-00076-00065272-00065976 that there are thousands upon thousands of people protesting in London or big cities in England EC67YrfoQxY-00077-00065976-00066256 or other parts of the world they don't want you to know that EC67YrfoQxY-00078-00066616-00067056 think about it this way that imagine there is no internet there is no EC67YrfoQxY-00079-00067056-00067664 television go back 50 years and think what did people do then EC67YrfoQxY-00080-00067968-00068928 live that way pray that way have your spiritual relationship with your Creator your God that way EC67YrfoQxY-00081-00069424-00069728 I don't mean to shut off everything I don't mean to EC67YrfoQxY-00082-00069824-00070184 live in the dark I don't mean not you can still have your EC67YrfoQxY-00083-00070296-00070976 entertainment yes healthy holy entertainment you can still have your television you can still watch EC67YrfoQxY-00084-00071056-00071712 the programs that you choose and you filter for your own family for your own satay EC67YrfoQxY-00085-00071776-00072240 but don't think that because the media is not telling you there are protests EC67YrfoQxY-00086-00072240-00073280 there are resistance huge resistance against their agenda it doesn't exist it does you can take EC67YrfoQxY-00087-00073352-00074040 whatever they say with a pinch of salt but believe this and notice that what they're telling you is EC67YrfoQxY-00088-00074040-00074856 not the truth and the whole truth and nothing but the truth it's far from it it's the opposite EC67YrfoQxY-00089-00075088-00075848 know this and believe it that if you think they're evil and if you are against them there are EC67YrfoQxY-00090-00075848-00076288 millions upon millions of people same as you thinking the same as you EC67YrfoQxY-00091-00076288-00076552 and wanting the same things as you want EC67YrfoQxY-00092-00076880-00077392 some have the opportunity to get to the streets and protest some don't EC67YrfoQxY-00093-00077544-00078136 but because you don't have that or you're not there you don't see them nobody is showing you EC67YrfoQxY-00094-00078224-00079032 that doesn't mean they don't exist they do exist and they are winning we the people are winning EC67YrfoQxY-00095-00079336-00079616 because of the Lord the Lord is with us EC67YrfoQxY-00096-00079816-00080640 if He is with us, if God is with us who can be against us may God bless you stay strong continue EC67YrfoQxY-00097-00080640-00081456 in prayer earnestly see His face go on your knees repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness of EC67YrfoQxY-00098-00081456-00082376 all your sins known or unknown to you whatever job you're doing or if you're not doing any work EC67YrfoQxY-00099-00082560-00083496 see his face and boycott the media and continuing doing that because we are winning EC67YrfoQxY-00100-00083848-00085208 we are winning God bless you see you again soon, Goodbye. EECT5QUsbey-00000-00000000-00000195 * If you wanna skip the opening song, go to 23" * Start eating at 1:03 EECT5QUsbey-00001-00000195-00000520 ♬ Shall I eat Buldak ramen(Fire noodle) ♬ EECT5QUsbey-00002-00000520-00001150 ♬ With grilled daechang(tripe) ♬ EECT5QUsbey-00003-00001150-00001668 ♬ The chewy texture and the juices coming out of it are amazing ♬ EECT5QUsbey-00004-00001668-00001795 ♬ Hongsound ♬ EECT5QUsbey-00005-00001921-00002271 ♬ Swallow fresh air as much as I eat ♬ EECT5QUsbey-00006-00005753-00005866 I'm eating it. EECT5QUsbey-00007-00005866-00005936 First, daechang. EECT5QUsbey-00008-00005936-00006296 (It's really big!) EECT5QUsbey-00009-00007184-00007581 (The chewy sound of grease is unreal~) EECT5QUsbey-00010-00007779-00007983 (Impressed...) EECT5QUsbey-00011-00007983-00008156 Wow, it's really good. EECT5QUsbey-00012-00008156-00008824 (Cut it in small pieces!) EECT5QUsbey-00013-00009108-00009683 (This combination is great!) EECT5QUsbey-00014-00009939-00010447 (Eyes widen) EECT5QUsbey-00015-00010649-00011105 (Two pieces go all in one. EECT5QUsbey-00016-00012501-00012771 (Come on, Longy) EECT5QUsbey-00017-00012909-00013497 (You get really happy eating like this.) EECT5QUsbey-00018-00013497-00013818 (Chewy, chewy) EECT5QUsbey-00019-00015411-00016150 (Daechang disguised like noodles..) EECT5QUsbey-00020-00017393-00017709 Makchang(beef entrails!) EECT5QUsbey-00021-00018293-00018476 Personally, I love Makchang. EECT5QUsbey-00022-00018476-00018605 It's chewy and sticky. So good. EECT5QUsbey-00023-00019388-00020192 (This combination gets Buldak's spiciness and prevents it from being too greasy...) EECT5QUsbey-00024-00020256-00020458 (Dip it in Cham sauce) EECT5QUsbey-00025-00027158-00027229 Cheers! EECT5QUsbey-00026-00027936-00028064 It's amazing. EECT5QUsbey-00027-00028064-00028394 Daechan is such a nice pairing for buldak because it wasn't greasy at all. EECT5QUsbey-00028-00028394-00028435 Great! EECT5QUsbey-00029-00028495-00028950 I really enjoyed it as I ate it as a whole. EECT5QUsbey-00030-00028950-00029277 But I'm gonna cut it this time. It's easier to eat, you know. EECT5QUsbey-00031-00029357-00029645 (It does sound good, right?...♥) EECT5QUsbey-00032-00030431-00030763 (This is it..!) EECT5QUsbey-00033-00032682-00033063 (Adorable~) EECT5QUsbey-00034-00037098-00037454 (Three pieces go all in one.) EECT5QUsbey-00035-00039125-00039646 (Doesn't need a word) EECT5QUsbey-00036-00042056-00042103 Cheers! EECT5QUsbey-00037-00043267-00043430 This is good. A nice combination! EECT5QUsbey-00038-00043430-00043796 To be honest, daechang is good for two or three bites but gets greasy afterwards. EECT5QUsbey-00039-00043796-00044058 With buldak, I couldn't stop eating it. EECT5QUsbey-00040-00044106-00044336 Buldak is a really nice pairing with tripe. EECT5QUsbey-00041-00044336-00044602 Tripe and makchang are all tasty and good. EECT5QUsbey-00042-00044642-00044998 Yeoun wrote somethin in orange on orange so it's hard to read. EECT5QUsbey-00043-00044998-00045517 Can you look carefully and do exactly what is says? hahaha EECT5QUsbey-00044-00045517-00045632 Bye~ EECT5QUsbey-00045-00045659-00046650 Hongsound ♬ If you enjoyed my video, click like and subscribe. Thanks! ♬ EJyuOhfNii4-00000-00001675-00002197 homes that have heating oil tanks or propane tanks that are located low-lying EJyuOhfNii4-00001-00002197-00002618 areas may be flood-prone how this could be along rivers that can be along EJyuOhfNii4-00002-00002618-00002894 coastal areas it can be a long bays EJyuOhfNii4-00003-00002894-00003124 but if you're a low-lying area EJyuOhfNii4-00004-00003124-00003542 it's important to anchor the tanks because it's possible that you can have EJyuOhfNii4-00005-00003542-00003987 rising water you could have title surges second float the tanks off the ground EJyuOhfNii4-00006-00003987-00004290 most banks are not normally tied down EJyuOhfNii4-00007-00004290-00004576 the simplest way to tie down tanks EJyuOhfNii4-00008-00004576-00004813 is to use ground anchors EJyuOhfNii4-00009-00004813-00005080 ground anchors have been used for many years EJyuOhfNii4-00010-00005080-00005296 to tie down mobile homes EJyuOhfNii4-00011-00005296-00005824 they are metal rods that screw into the ground they have an auger head on them EJyuOhfNii4-00012-00005824-00006151 and you use a machine that screws them into the ground EJyuOhfNii4-00013-00006151-00006570 now before you start anchoring tanks the first thing you want to do is you want EJyuOhfNii4-00014-00006570-00006984 to check with your local utilities and make sure there are no buried EJyuOhfNii4-00015-00006984-00007278 utility lines I'm talking about water lines EJyuOhfNii4-00016-00007278-00007795 natural gas lines, electric lines, sewer lines, telephone lines. It could even be a EJyuOhfNii4-00017-00007795-00007990 sprinkler system at the home EJyuOhfNii4-00018-00007990-00008385 you want to make sure that you're not going to try and auger a four-foot EJyuOhfNii4-00019-00008385-00008592 long ground anchor EJyuOhfNii4-00020-00008592-00008881 into anything but dirt. EJyuOhfNii4-00021-00008881-00009297 the best way to install ground anchors on fuel tanks is you install two anchors EJyuOhfNii4-00022-00009297-00009679 on each side of the tank and when they're in the ground four feet EJyuOhfNii4-00023-00009679-00010059 they have a pullout strength of around five EJyuOhfNii4-00024-00010059-00010160 thousand-pound EJyuOhfNii4-00025-00010160-00010542 so these anchors are very strong EJyuOhfNii4-00026-00010542-00010861 grab anchors are installed with a EJyuOhfNii4-00027-00010861-00011031 specialized machine EJyuOhfNii4-00028-00011031-00011705 this machine is used by people that the stall anchors for mobile homes EJyuOhfNii4-00029-00011705-00012012 now once the ground anchors are installed two on EJyuOhfNii4-00030-00012012-00012469 each side of the tank you merely run the straps over the top the tank EJyuOhfNii4-00031-00012469-00012654 and there's a slotted bolt EJyuOhfNii4-00032-00012654-00013013 on each one of these ground anchors heads the strap go through and then you EJyuOhfNii4-00033-00013013-00013351 just literally wind it up and tighten it EJyuOhfNii4-00034-00013351-00013899 and then lock those bolts in place and the tanks anchored. It's just that simple EJyuOhfNii4-00035-00013899-00014162 now we recommend that you use EJyuOhfNii4-00036-00014162-00014338 galvanized anchors EJyuOhfNii4-00037-00014338-00014737 and we recommend that you use stainless steel strap EJyuOhfNii4-00038-00014737-00015437 It would be a good idea to put some kind of rubber sheeting on the straps EJyuOhfNii4-00039-00015437-00015831 the tanks are painted and you do not want to damage the paint EJyuOhfNii4-00040-00015831-00016120 which is a protective finish on the tanks EJyuOhfNii4-00041-00016120-00016666 tie down systems will last as long as the tanks they are there holding down EJyuOhfNii4-00042-00016666-00017205 propane tanks which are the horizontal tanks have four anchors, ground anchors and EJyuOhfNii4-00043-00017205-00017514 they have two straps going over the top EJyuOhfNii4-00044-00017514-00017761 the vertical propane cylinders EJyuOhfNii4-00045-00017761-00018271 have a harness that goes around the top of the vertical propane cylinder EJyuOhfNii4-00046-00018271-00018758 and they attach to a ground anchor on each side of the cylinder EJyuOhfNii4-00047-00018758-00019015 heating oil tanks are not pressurized EJyuOhfNii4-00048-00019015-00019193 they have a vent pipe EJyuOhfNii4-00049-00019193-00019390 and they have a fill cap EJyuOhfNii4-00050-00019390-00019809 both of these are places where water can get into the tank so you want to extend EJyuOhfNii4-00051-00019809-00020254 the height of the vent pipe now how high you extend that vent pipe EJyuOhfNii4-00052-00020254-00020737 you'll have to talk to your local flood plane manager at your local community EJyuOhfNii4-00053-00020737-00021238 they will give you an idea how high you may expect flood water to rise at the EJyuOhfNii4-00054-00021238-00021613 location of the tag which means that you'll know is it going to be a foot EJyuOhfNii4-00055-00021613-00021955 above the tanker is going to be four feet above the tag EJyuOhfNii4-00056-00021955-00022187 once you determine that flood height EJyuOhfNii4-00057-00022187-00022887 you want to extend your vent at least one foot higher than that level EJyuOhfNii4-00058-00023029-00023292 the oil fill camp is another EJyuOhfNii4-00059-00023292-00023570 problem area on a heating oil tank EJyuOhfNii4-00060-00023570-00023940 make sure that the all ill fill camping is a EJyuOhfNii4-00061-00023940-00024097 screw on cap EJyuOhfNii4-00062-00024097-00024267 that has a gasket EJyuOhfNii4-00063-00024267-00024390 so that if EJyuOhfNii4-00064-00024390-00024868 flood water rises above the height of the cap EJyuOhfNii4-00065-00024868-00025409 water will not get into the tank in order will not get out of the tank EJyuOhfNii4-00066-00025409-00025506 in summary EJyuOhfNii4-00067-00025506-00025975 the three things we do to a heating oil tank as we enter the tank to the ground EJyuOhfNii4-00068-00025975-00026649 so it will not float EJyuOhfNii4-00069-00026649-00027143 we extend the height of the vent pipe so flood water will not get in EJyuOhfNii4-00070-00027143-00027349 and we use a sealing EJyuOhfNii4-00071-00027349-00027702 fill cap so that no flood water will get in EJyuOhfNii4-00072-00027702-00027884 and no oil will get out EJyuOhfNii4-00073-00027884-00028252 well we have now is a tank that's flood proofed EJyuOhfNii4-00074-00028252-00028545 you will not cause pollution EJyuOhfNii4-00075-00028545-00028919 at the location of your home in your neighborhood EJyuOhfNii4-00076-00028919-00029619 it's a good thing to do EKom605tp6o-00000-00000500-00000890 Hi, guys 😊👋🏻 EKom605tp6o-00001-00000890-00001528 This is the picture I’ll draw today! EKom605tp6o-00002-00001555-00001988 to start, using bright colors step by step EKom605tp6o-00003-00003586-00004104 now using salmon pink color EKom605tp6o-00004-00004643-00005087 Magenta or red color creates a natural skin tone EKom605tp6o-00005-00005496-00005941 with cotton swab blend well EKom605tp6o-00006-00009871-00010419 Draw the shadows under the eyes in brown beforehand EKom605tp6o-00007-00017503-00018078 Now it's time to draw beautiful brown 👀 eyes :) EKom605tp6o-00008-00036879-00037434 the eyelashes are drawn in a strong black color! :) EKom605tp6o-00009-00043040-00043482 Now I'm going to draw the eyes that form on the eyelashes. EKom605tp6o-00010-00043571-00044110 draw them strongly with white or light blue colors :) EKom605tp6o-00011-00048620-00049158 Now, with a white acrylic pen, draw the light part that looks the brightest! EKom605tp6o-00012-00053556-00054089 it’s done😁 Thanks for watching my video, see you next time 👋🏻 ELNhlyIZoXc-00000-00000034-00000192 All the stretching videos ELNhlyIZoXc-00001-00000192-00000326 Are they all too hard? ELNhlyIZoXc-00002-00000463-00000590 We'll make them easy for you. ELNhlyIZoXc-00003-00000620-00000880 All you need to is press play, and follow the moves. ELNhlyIZoXc-00004-00000922-00001019 Hello! ELNhlyIZoXc-00005-00001019-00001522 I'm your instructor Yuju, who's here once a week for you Danovlys. ELNhlyIZoXc-00006-00001524-00001952 You will be doing a 'One month routine stretching' with me from 2020. ELNhlyIZoXc-00007-00001957-00002254 If you had been doing your usual stretching routine at home, ELNhlyIZoXc-00008-00002254-00002442 and had various difficulties while pursuing the routine, ELNhlyIZoXc-00009-00002442-00002952 I'm here to thoroughly help you out with overcoming these difficulties. ELNhlyIZoXc-00010-00002952-00003365 Today, we'll be working on a whole-body stretch using a wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00011-00003365-00003722 There are probably moves that you had already tried out before, ELNhlyIZoXc-00012-00003724-00004138 but I'm here to guide you to perform accurate moves and use your body in a correct manner. ELNhlyIZoXc-00013-00004138-00004444 Before we begin, don't forget to subscribe, like, and turn on notifications! ELNhlyIZoXc-00014-00004464-00004744 "One month routine stretchint 01: Wall stretches" ELNhlyIZoXc-00015-00004758-00005022 First, we'll stand facing the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00016-00005022-00005598 Both arms shoulder width apart, or a little narrower. ELNhlyIZoXc-00017-00005614-00005990 The legs should be a step further away from 90 degrees, ELNhlyIZoXc-00018-00005992-00006318 We're going to push our palms firmly against the wall, ELNhlyIZoXc-00019-00006318-00006745 and lean our body against our arms that are supporting the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00020-00006754-00007236 Your chest should face directly toward the wall, toward the space between your palms. ELNhlyIZoXc-00021-00007236-00007500 Your back should form a concave line. ELNhlyIZoXc-00022-00007500-00007666 Pull in your lower belly, ELNhlyIZoXc-00023-00007666-00008100 and slowly bend over with your hips pulled backwards. ELNhlyIZoXc-00024-00008100-00008438 Your armpits and chest should be pulled toward the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00025-00008438-00009210 You should move your feet into a position where you would feel your quadriceps and calf muscles stretch out. ELNhlyIZoXc-00026-00009254-00009510 Now, let's work on our breathing. ELNhlyIZoXc-00027-00009550-00010036 Inhale so you can feel your chest expand a little bit, ELNhlyIZoXc-00028-00010124-00010696 And when you exhale, pull in your stomach while pressing your palms firmly against the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00029-00010696-00011208 And keep repeating to inhale and exhale, ELNhlyIZoXc-00030-00011208-00011758 and while doing that, shiftyour body backwards and forwards using the force of rebound. ELNhlyIZoXc-00031-00011844-00012110 Slowly lift your body, ELNhlyIZoXc-00032-00012110-00012540 Move one of your hands one palm-width above the other hand. ELNhlyIZoXc-00033-00012540-00013030 And twist your body to face the direction of the hand that you just moved. ELNhlyIZoXc-00034-00013030-00013213 Feet together, ELNhlyIZoXc-00035-00013213-00013412 or have them around hip distance apart. ELNhlyIZoXc-00036-00013413-00013932 You can either drop the other hand to your side, or press lightly against the wall at your side. ELNhlyIZoXc-00037-00013947-00014410 Press against the wall firmly with the hand that's been placed above your head, ELNhlyIZoXc-00038-00014463-00015013 and ensure that there is a convex shape formed with your side of the chest that is being stretched out. ELNhlyIZoXc-00039-00015019-00015682 And if possible, you should also twist your head to face the ceiling, beyond your arm. ELNhlyIZoXc-00040-00015719-00015954 Slowly work on your breath. ELNhlyIZoXc-00041-00015976-00016592 When you exhale, pull in your stomach and press your palm harder on the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00042-00016636-00016866 Inhale one more time, ELNhlyIZoXc-00043-00017134-00017334 and exhale. ELNhlyIZoXc-00044-00017334-00017486 Slowly lift yourself back up, ELNhlyIZoXc-00045-00017530-00017818 and face the wall again. ELNhlyIZoXc-00046-00017842-00018226 Now, we'll rotate our hand to a 45 degree angle outwards. ELNhlyIZoXc-00047-00018256-00018602 Twist your body toward the opposite direction, ELNhlyIZoXc-00048-00018602-00019068 and slowly walk toward the wall so that your shoulders are almost touching the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00049-00019298-00019998 You should slowly twist your body toward the front or to the opposite side. ELNhlyIZoXc-00050-00020044-00020788 Lift your chest up toward the sky, so that your back forms a concave shape. ELNhlyIZoXc-00051-00020814-00021478 You should feel the stretch all the way from your wrist, up your arms and shoulders to your chest. ELNhlyIZoXc-00052-00021492-00021692 We'll do three slow breaths. ELNhlyIZoXc-00053-00022904-00023094 Return to the center as from the start, ELNhlyIZoXc-00054-00023094-00023534 and place both palms on the wall at face height and shoulder width apart. ELNhlyIZoXc-00055-00023590-00024066 Just like how we did before, push your chest toward the wall first ELNhlyIZoXc-00056-00024068-00024266 flex your back into a concave shape, ELNhlyIZoXc-00057-00024266-00024456 Pull in your stomach ELNhlyIZoXc-00058-00024456-00024916 and slowly push your chest and arms forward towards the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00059-00024948-00025680 You can shift backwards and forwards, or remain still and feel the stretch on your body. ELNhlyIZoXc-00060-00025752-00026142 Your chest should expand when you inhale, ELNhlyIZoXc-00061-00026180-00026766 and when you exhale focus on straightening your arms so that you can feel the stretch there. ELNhlyIZoXc-00062-00026766-00026954 One last time, inhale. ELNhlyIZoXc-00063-00027400-00027600 After you exhale, ELNhlyIZoXc-00064-00027600-00027982 Lift your body, and let's move the other hand upwards by approximately one hand-length above the other ELNhlyIZoXc-00065-00027998-00028198 Twist your body in the opposite direction. ELNhlyIZoXc-00066-00028320-00028668 Your side should form a convex shape outwards. ELNhlyIZoXc-00067-00028680-00028945 And it's okay to also move your hips by a little. ELNhlyIZoXc-00068-00028995-00029480 From your arms, past the armpits and down to your chest or even to your waist, ELNhlyIZoXc-00069-00029510-00029750 should stretch out ELNhlyIZoXc-00070-00029750-00029906 You should face the center ELNhlyIZoXc-00071-00029906-00030074 or towards the ceiling. ELNhlyIZoXc-00072-00030594-00031118 When you inhale, you should think as if expanding your right chest, your right lung. ELNhlyIZoXc-00073-00031144-00031616 When you exhale, flatten your lower belly. ELNhlyIZoXc-00074-00031618-00031818 Inhale one more time, ELNhlyIZoXc-00075-00031977-00032372 And once you've exhaled, ELNhlyIZoXc-00076-00032372-00032538 Slowly lift yourself, ELNhlyIZoXc-00077-00032538-00032826 and turn your hand to point towards a 45 degree direction outwards to your body, ELNhlyIZoXc-00078-00032826-00033044 and face the opposite direction. ELNhlyIZoXc-00079-00033044-00033510 Push toward the wall so that your arms and shoulder are almost touching the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00080-00033534-00033768 And even if you stay still in that position, you'll get a good stretch. ELNhlyIZoXc-00081-00033780-00034378 If possible, lift your chest and face outwards ELNhlyIZoXc-00082-00034378-00034576 We'll slowly work on our breathing. ELNhlyIZoXc-00083-00034580-00034780 Inhale, ELNhlyIZoXc-00084-00035112-00035438 You can relieve the tension when you inhale again. ELNhlyIZoXc-00085-00035464-00035854 Twist a little more when you exhale ELNhlyIZoXc-00086-00035854-00036118 One last time, inhale. ELNhlyIZoXc-00087-00036666-00037222 Let's return back to the center and face towards the wall again. ELNhlyIZoXc-00088-00037228-00037556 Now, we'll lift one leg, ELNhlyIZoXc-00089-00037562-00037762 and place the sole of your foot flat on the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00090-00037808-00038008 If you're not too flexible, ELNhlyIZoXc-00091-00038008-00038166 this move may be a little difficult. ELNhlyIZoXc-00092-00038176-00038826 So if you turn your supporting foot outwards, the move will become easier to hold. ELNhlyIZoXc-00093-00038826-00039242 And when you straighten your leg, if your foot slips down from the wall, ELNhlyIZoXc-00094-00039252-00039490 Then try placing your foot a little higher. ELNhlyIZoXc-00095-00039490-00040002 With both of your feet, press hard on each of the surfaces that they are supported on. ELNhlyIZoXc-00096-00040008-00040276 In this position, straighten your spine. ELNhlyIZoXc-00097-00040350-00040870 Your hips, that's supporting your body on the wall, may twist outwards as you're holding the position. ELNhlyIZoXc-00098-00040874-00041714 So lightly lower your hips to the ground and push your chest outwards to your ankle on the wall ELNhlyIZoXc-00099-00041714-00042042 and you'll feel your quadriceps stretch. ELNhlyIZoXc-00100-00042042-00042218 You can either hold at that position, ELNhlyIZoXc-00101-00042218-00042342 Or bend forwards little by little. ELNhlyIZoXc-00102-00042342-00042778 For those of you who can fully bend down, hold your palms flat against the wall ELNhlyIZoXc-00103-00042778-00043230 and press your chest on your knee. ELNhlyIZoXc-00104-00043256-00043686 Or you can flex your toes in the direction of your face, ELNhlyIZoXc-00105-00043686-00044146 Do additional movements to the extent at which you can further extend the work. ELNhlyIZoXc-00106-00044146-00044322 Slowly, let's work on our breathing. ELNhlyIZoXc-00107-00044466-00044840 When you exhale, pull in your lower belly. ELNhlyIZoXc-00108-00044840-00045040 Let's try two more times. ELNhlyIZoXc-00109-00046094-00046290 Lift your body, ELNhlyIZoXc-00110-00046290-00046704 and rotate your supporting foot outwards. ELNhlyIZoXc-00111-00046704-00047370 Adjust the height of your foot on the wall, to your natural body position where you feel most comfortable. ELNhlyIZoXc-00112-00047386-00047612 Now, let's completely twist our upper body. ELNhlyIZoXc-00113-00047632-00047894 Open up your chest and back, ELNhlyIZoXc-00114-00047894-00048212 and you should feel your inner thigh muscles stretch. ELNhlyIZoXc-00115-00048220-00048492 Holding this position is already a good stretch, ELNhlyIZoXc-00116-00048492-00049282 but if you're comfortable, try placing your hand on the wall and lifting the other towards the sky ELNhlyIZoXc-00117-00049282-00049632 while slowly bending toward the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00118-00049644-00050012 Push your hip in the forward direction while doing so. ELNhlyIZoXc-00119-00050012-00050212 Let's work on the breathing. ELNhlyIZoXc-00120-00051486-00051684 Lift your body up, ELNhlyIZoXc-00121-00051684-00052036 and carefully put down your foot that was placed on the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00122-00052036-00052372 Now, we'll place the other leg on the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00123-00052374-00053074 Even if it takes time, make sure that your adjust so that your feet are in a comfortable position. ELNhlyIZoXc-00124-00053078-00053441 As for me this time, I've moved my supporting foot a little more behind, ELNhlyIZoXc-00125-00053441-00053746 and rotated a little outwards. ELNhlyIZoXc-00126-00053760-00054008 Let's begin by straightening our back, ELNhlyIZoXc-00127-00054010-00054436 and ensure that your back and hip are not twisted out of place. ELNhlyIZoXc-00128-00054464-00054948 You can stay in this position, or slowly bend forwards. ELNhlyIZoXc-00129-00054986-00055441 You can place your palms on the wall, or press your chest against your knee. ELNhlyIZoXc-00130-00055441-00055814 Adjust the move to suit your own flexibility. ELNhlyIZoXc-00131-00055860-00056060 Three slow breaths. ELNhlyIZoXc-00132-00056364-00056741 Both your supporting feet on the ground and on the wall should be pressed into each of the surfaces. ELNhlyIZoXc-00133-00057058-00057296 If comfortable, flex your toes towards your face. ELNhlyIZoXc-00134-00057629-00057862 Once you've finished the last of your three breaths, ELNhlyIZoXc-00135-00057916-00058116 Carefully lift your upper body. ELNhlyIZoXc-00136-00058194-00058394 Now, turn your upper body toward the side. ELNhlyIZoXc-00137-00058482-00058682 Straighten your back first, ELNhlyIZoXc-00138-00058732-00058929 try holding your ankle with your hand, ELNhlyIZoXc-00139-00058929-00059108 and if possible, you should place your hand on the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00140-00059116-00059316 Then, lift your other arm to the sky ELNhlyIZoXc-00141-00059367-00059567 and hold next to your face. ELNhlyIZoXc-00142-00059646-00059926 And you can bend over futher towards the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00143-00059941-00060367 Once again, push your hip forwards. ELNhlyIZoXc-00144-00060398-00060574 We'll slowly do some breathing. ELNhlyIZoXc-00145-00060574-00060652 Inhale, ELNhlyIZoXc-00146-00060784-00061338 Pull in your lower belly and try stretching your arm a little further as you exhale. ELNhlyIZoXc-00147-00061338-00061448 Two, ELNhlyIZoXc-00148-00061744-00061896 One more time, inhale ELNhlyIZoXc-00149-00062352-00062628 Lift your body when you inhale, ELNhlyIZoXc-00150-00062628-00062816 and be careful not to lose balance. ELNhlyIZoXc-00151-00062822-00063132 Let down the leg that'd been on the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00152-00063132-00063398 So now, we'll face the wall, ELNhlyIZoXc-00153-00063398-00063650 and let's rotate 90 degrees toward the side. ELNhlyIZoXc-00154-00063655-00063946 And then, move one foot to the front, ELNhlyIZoXc-00155-00063946-00064212 the other to the back. ELNhlyIZoXc-00156-00064252-00064655 The leg in front should be the leg closer to the wall ELNhlyIZoXc-00157-00064664-00064896 You can bend your knees a little bit at first, ELNhlyIZoXc-00158-00064896-00065208 then, place both of your hands on the wall ELNhlyIZoXc-00159-00065208-00065402 and we'll twist our body towards the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00160-00065402-00065978 If your body is too close or too far away from the wall and you find it difficult to place both hands on the wall, ELNhlyIZoXc-00161-00065982-00066366 shift your position so that you are comfortable ELNhlyIZoXc-00162-00066386-00066782 Now, slowly straighten your leg at the front ELNhlyIZoXc-00163-00066782-00067126 and bend your upper body towards the front leg. ELNhlyIZoXc-00164-00067128-00067518 Then, the area near your hip on the leg that's at the front, ELNhlyIZoXc-00165-00067518-00067662 should feel stretched. ELNhlyIZoXc-00166-00067676-00067964 If you can slowly bend forwards little by little, ELNhlyIZoXc-00167-00067970-00068356 Then try reaching the hand below to touch your ankle or the floor. ELNhlyIZoXc-00168-00068374-00068544 If you find that difficult, ELNhlyIZoXc-00169-00068544-00068906 You can rest your elbow on your knee or thigh ELNhlyIZoXc-00170-00068934-00069426 Then, stretch out the other hand outwards. ELNhlyIZoXc-00171-00069426-00069736 You should face the floor in front of you, ELNhlyIZoXc-00172-00069740-00070108 and stretch your arm and chest likewise. ELNhlyIZoXc-00173-00070140-00070416 If you're finding this move easy or familiar, ELNhlyIZoXc-00174-00070420-00070742 then try moving your body closer to the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00175-00070824-00071098 Press your palm against the floor, ELNhlyIZoXc-00176-00071098-00071582 twist your body to face the ceiling, ELNhlyIZoXc-00177-00071582-00071866 and straighten your elbow. ELNhlyIZoXc-00178-00071876-00072076 We'll slowly work on our breathing. ELNhlyIZoXc-00179-00072108-00072268 Inhale, ELNhlyIZoXc-00180-00072392-00072848 And once you exhale, push your chest towards the wall ELNhlyIZoXc-00181-00073138-00073338 Inhale one more time, ELNhlyIZoXc-00182-00073534-00073734 Exhale. ELNhlyIZoXc-00183-00073736-00074040 Now, let's lift our body back up, ELNhlyIZoXc-00184-00074058-00074258 and try the other side. ELNhlyIZoXc-00185-00074466-00075116 Adjust the distance between the wall and your body, so that you feel comfortable pressing your palms against the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00186-00075140-00075340 If you can move a little closer, ELNhlyIZoXc-00187-00075418-00075658 Then shift your body close to the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00188-00075704-00075974 Now, let's lower our hips ELNhlyIZoXc-00189-00075978-00076266 and press our back foot firmly against the floor. ELNhlyIZoXc-00190-00076314-00076588 Straighten your front leg little by little, ELNhlyIZoXc-00191-00076622-00076822 and bend your upper body forwards. ELNhlyIZoXc-00192-00077012-00077524 If you can, adjust your position for your forward arm to touch your ankle or the floor. ELNhlyIZoXc-00193-00077524-00077724 If you find this a little too difficult, ELNhlyIZoXc-00194-00077752-00078186 Rest your elbow on your knee and continue holding this position. ELNhlyIZoXc-00195-00078230-00078542 Now, lets stretch out our other arm upwards ELNhlyIZoXc-00196-00078552-00078748 and push away from our body. ELNhlyIZoXc-00197-00078748-00079092 If comfortable, hold your ankle with the other hand. ELNhlyIZoXc-00198-00079100-00079446 Then, slowly straighten your knee. ELNhlyIZoXc-00199-00079508-00079764 I'm going to place my hand on the floor. ELNhlyIZoXc-00200-00079832-00080546 Every time you exhale, you should rotate so that your chest can face towards the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00201-00080708-00081056 Also, you should press the palm of your hand hard against the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00202-00081056-00081348 This will make the rotated position more challenging. ELNhlyIZoXc-00203-00081522-00081722 Inhale, ELNhlyIZoXc-00204-00081956-00082156 Exhale. ELNhlyIZoXc-00205-00082192-00082460 Carefully bend your front leg, ELNhlyIZoXc-00206-00082470-00082734 and slowly lift your body up. ELNhlyIZoXc-00207-00082744-00082992 Now, we'll have our back against the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00208-00083048-00083284 Now, as if we're doing a chair-sit, ELNhlyIZoXc-00209-00083284-00083432 we'll bend our knees. ELNhlyIZoXc-00210-00083432-00083910 And lean both your hips and back against the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00211-00083990-00084610 Your knees should either be a little bit more forward than your heels, or right above your heels. ELNhlyIZoXc-00212-00084664-00084898 First, lift one of your legs, ELNhlyIZoXc-00213-00084898-00085302 and rest your ankle on your supporting leg. ELNhlyIZoXc-00214-00085324-00085654 Shift your hips to a comfortable position, ELNhlyIZoXc-00215-00085704-00085904 straighten your back, ELNhlyIZoXc-00216-00085910-00086142 and either bend forwards a little by little, ELNhlyIZoXc-00217-00086142-00086680 or rest your elbows on your leg. ELNhlyIZoXc-00218-00086680-00087026 But instead of having a round back, ELNhlyIZoXc-00219-00087054-00087604 your hips get a much more effective stretch if you straighten your back. ELNhlyIZoXc-00220-00087648-00087956 So rather than forcing yourself to bend forwards in order for your elbows to be rested on your leg, ELNhlyIZoXc-00221-00087956-00088480 focus on straightening your back to suit your own flexibility. ELNhlyIZoXc-00222-00088480-00088678 Let's do some slow breathing. ELNhlyIZoXc-00223-00088728-00089290 Bend over and create a small force of rebound as you exhale. ELNhlyIZoXc-00224-00089290-00089450 Inhale. ELNhlyIZoXc-00225-00089558-00089686 Exhale. ELNhlyIZoXc-00226-00090522-00090806 Last one, inhale. ELNhlyIZoXc-00227-00091214-00091378 and once you've fully exhaled, ELNhlyIZoXc-00228-00091378-00091562 slowly stand back up, ELNhlyIZoXc-00229-00091562-00091824 and switch your leg positions. ELNhlyIZoXc-00230-00091840-00092278 Adjust the position of your feet so that you're comfortable. ELNhlyIZoXc-00231-00092304-00092506 Straighten your back first, ELNhlyIZoXc-00232-00092506-00092686 and sit in an upright position, ELNhlyIZoXc-00233-00092686-00093576 and make sure that you position yourself so that your shoulders and back become round. ELNhlyIZoXc-00234-00093620-00093714 If you're flexible enough, ELNhlyIZoXc-00235-00093714-00094120 place your elbows on your leg, ELNhlyIZoXc-00236-00094136-00094434 And lets do three slow deep breaths. ELNhlyIZoXc-00237-00094450-00094650 Inhale. ELNhlyIZoXc-00238-00094658-00095014 Release tension from your neck and shoulders as you exhale ELNhlyIZoXc-00239-00095014-00095158 and pull in your lower belly. ELNhlyIZoXc-00240-00095158-00095270 Two. ELNhlyIZoXc-00241-00095670-00095870 One last breath inhale, ELNhlyIZoXc-00242-00096312-00096512 Once fully exhaled, ELNhlyIZoXc-00243-00096512-00096660 Slowly lift up your body. ELNhlyIZoXc-00244-00096660-00096906 Now, we'll place both feet together on the ground. ELNhlyIZoXc-00245-00096948-00097198 Two hands, press them against the wall in the back, ELNhlyIZoXc-00246-00097198-00097376 Straighten your knees, ELNhlyIZoXc-00247-00097376-00097794 And place your hips a little upwards to touch the surface of the wall. ELNhlyIZoXc-00248-00097812-00098012 And slowly bend towards the front, ELNhlyIZoXc-00249-00098012-00098208 hold your ankle ELNhlyIZoXc-00250-00098208-00098342 or if you're flexible, ELNhlyIZoXc-00251-00098342-00099034 have your chest touch your legs. ELNhlyIZoXc-00252-00099060-00099288 Release tension on your neck, ELNhlyIZoXc-00253-00099320-00099538 and relax your shoulders. ELNhlyIZoXc-00254-00099694-00099982 We'll hold this position for a little bit while breathing. ELNhlyIZoXc-00255-00100210-00100410 If it's possible for you to do an additional position, ELNhlyIZoXc-00256-00100636-00100836 Press your palms against the floor, either right by the side of your feet or a little in front. ELNhlyIZoXc-00257-00101012-00101262 and pull your ankles inwards. ELNhlyIZoXc-00258-00103009-00103209 Put both of your feet together, ELNhlyIZoXc-00259-00103209-00103394 pull in your belly, ELNhlyIZoXc-00260-00103438-00103698 and lift yourself up step by step, pressing your hands against your legs. ELNhlyIZoXc-00261-00103785-00103950 Stop halfway. ELNhlyIZoXc-00262-00104109-00104414 Then, move your hands to press against your hips, ELNhlyIZoXc-00263-00104522-00104816 carefully lift yourself up fully. ELNhlyIZoXc-00264-00104880-00105102 Well done with today's stretching. ELNhlyIZoXc-00265-00105272-00105583 How did you feel about the "One month routine stretching" that you had just gone through with me? ELNhlyIZoXc-00266-00105583-00105856 If you leave your reviews of today's routine in the comments, ELNhlyIZoXc-00267-00105858-00106216 or leave in the comments any other stretching routines you'd like to learn in the future, ELNhlyIZoXc-00268-00106230-00106542 I'll return in February with another 'Instructor Yuju" video :) ELNhlyIZoXc-00269-00106542-00106654 See you! ELNhlyIZoXc-00270-00106670-00106870 Other than the "one-month routine stretches" ELNhlyIZoXc-00271-00106872-00107196 if you'd like to experience more stretching and yoga videos, ELNhlyIZoXc-00272-00107209-00107494 come visit the "Yu-ju-Like" Youtube channel! ELNhlyIZoXc-00273-00107494-00107574 (Epilogue) ELNhlyIZoXc-00274-00107574-00108052 Hello, I'm "TMI yoga Yuju" here for you Danovlys today! ELNhlyIZoXc-00275-00108052-00108252 Let me do this again. ELNhlyIZoXc-00276-00108264-00108368 sdiwmghlk ELNhlyIZoXc-00277-00108368-00108480 Let's move on. ELNhlyIZoXc-00278-00108680-00108880 Don't forget to turn on your notifications! ELNhlyIZoXc-00279-00108938-00109233 (Yuju doesn't know what to do) ER8dh50rVGQ-00000-00000016-00000542 The effects of radiation on living tissue is a consequence of the ionisation. ER8dh50rVGQ-00001-00000542-00000924 Ionised atoms inside cells can disrupt chemical processes, break ER8dh50rVGQ-00002-00000924-00001288 chemical bonds or even destroy DNA and kill the cell. ER8dh50rVGQ-00003-00001288-00001705 While higher energy deposition results in an increased dose and risk to the living tissue, ER8dh50rVGQ-00004-00001714-00001975 there is an additional factor that comes into play. ER8dh50rVGQ-00005-00001975-00002456 This is the fact that different types of radiation deposit their radiation in different patterns. ER8dh50rVGQ-00006-00002456-00002934 In particular, heavy charged particles like an alpha particle results in a very ER8dh50rVGQ-00007-00002934-00003377 dense ionisation track while gamma rays and electrons - that is, beta radiation - ER8dh50rVGQ-00008-00003377-00003936 result in a relatively sparse ionisation track, with gaps between the interaction points. ER8dh50rVGQ-00009-00003936-00004314 As illustrated in the picture, it is clear that a very dense track has a ER8dh50rVGQ-00010-00004314-00004654 greater chance of disrupting the important machinery of a living cell. ER8dh50rVGQ-00011-00004662-00005144 In fact, the radiation dose produced from equivalent energy depositions of alpha ER8dh50rVGQ-00012-00005144-00005537 particles, compared to beta or gamma radiation, differ in their effect on ER8dh50rVGQ-00013-00005538-00005860 living tissue by a factor of almost 20. ER8dh50rVGQ-00014-00005860-00006032 As well as the immediate death of a cell ER8dh50rVGQ-00015-00006032-00006443 from ionising radiation, there is also a possibility that changes to the DNA ER8dh50rVGQ-00016-00006443-00006676 inside a cell can cause the mutation or cancer. ER8dh50rVGQ-00017-00006676-00007229 While a larger amount of radiation has a direct causal relationship, leading to increased cell ER8dh50rVGQ-00018-00007229-00007689 deaths and, in the case of large doses, possible radiation sickness or death of ER8dh50rVGQ-00019-00007689-00008181 an individual, the second type of effect leading to mutations and cancers are ER8dh50rVGQ-00020-00008181-00008764 intrinsically random and cannot be predicted for any specific exposure to radiation. ER8dh50rVGQ-00021-00008764-00009086 When thinking about radiation it is important to consider how to ER8dh50rVGQ-00022-00009086-00009334 control exposure through appropriate shielding. ER8dh50rVGQ-00023-00009334-00009784 This depends upon the type of radiation, as shown in the figure on the right. ER8dh50rVGQ-00024-00009784-00010192 Alpha radiation is not very penetrating and it is typically stopped by a piece of paper, ER8dh50rVGQ-00025-00010196-00010576 a small amount of air or even the dead layer of external skin. ER8dh50rVGQ-00026-00010576-00010970 In fact, it is almost impossible for an alpha decaying radioisotope to be dangerous, ER8dh50rVGQ-00027-00010976-00011276 unless the radioisotope is ingested or breathed in. ER8dh50rVGQ-00028-00011278-00011758 However, as noted on the left, once ingested the alpha radiation is 20 times ER8dh50rVGQ-00029-00011758-00012104 more dangerous than the same energy of beta or gamma radiation. ER8dh50rVGQ-00030-00012104-00012386 On the other hand, beta radiation is more penetrating ER8dh50rVGQ-00031-00012386-00012803 and can certainly create damage to living tissue from external exposure. ER8dh50rVGQ-00032-00012803-00013233 Relatively thick plastic, or light metals such as aluminium, are the minimum ER8dh50rVGQ-00033-00013233-00013552 shielding required to stop beta radiation. ER8dh50rVGQ-00034-00013552-00014108 Gamma radiation, particularly high energy gamma ray photons, are exceedingly penetrating ER8dh50rVGQ-00035-00014108-00014446 and are best shielded by heavy metals such as lead. ER8dh50rVGQ-00036-00014446-00014812 Note that a high energy photon can quite easily pass most of the way through your body ER8dh50rVGQ-00037-00014812-00015210 before interacting deep inside. EU45i11ZxAy-00000-00000332-00000492 Okay. So, Chris, while we're out here today EU45i11ZxAy-00001-00000511-00000603 what are some of the EU45i11ZxAy-00002-00000609-00000761 benefits of using the diamond EU45i11ZxAy-00003-00000770-00000974 grind system versus a normal Terrazzo upkeep? EU45i11ZxAy-00004-00000975-00001184 Well, besides reducing the annual cost to take care of the floor, the system uses no specialized equipment. EU45i11ZxAy-00005-00001203-00002379 It uses just standard floor buffers, standard auto-scrubbers, so there's nothing special to buy beyond the diamond tools themselves. EU45i11ZxAy-00006-00002389-00002457 So you reduce you chemicals, you reduce your EU45i11ZxAy-00007-00002466-00003551 equipment costs, and your annual cost again, reduced by 30% or better. EU45i11ZxAy-00008-00003553-00003752 You can actually completely eliminate even the daily chemical by using an activated water system. EU45i11ZxAy-00009-00003922-00004081 So, your chemical usage drops by at least 80 or 90%. EU45i11ZxAy-00010-00004100-00004226 That's great. So, I know that a lot of people with sustainability EU45i11ZxAy-00011-00004324-00004496 and chemical issues these EU45i11ZxAy-00012-00004528-00004638 days and the environment, this is EU45i11ZxAy-00013-00004654-00004758 a great system to not only EU45i11ZxAy-00014-00004769-00004866 cut out costs but also EU45i11ZxAy-00015-00004870-00005027 be more environmentally friendly as well. EU45i11ZxAy-00016-00005036-00005204 Okay. So, Chris what are you doing right now? EU45i11ZxAy-00017-00005218-00005323 We're running the 200 grit series of diamonds underneath. EU45i11ZxAy-00018-00005738-00005888 This is gonna be EU45i11ZxAy-00019-00005926-00006077 the first cut, and it's EU45i11ZxAy-00020-00006115-00006265 designed to flatten out the EU45i11ZxAy-00021-00006303-00006454 Terrazzo, if it's bumpy, and EU45i11ZxAy-00022-00006492-00006642 it's also designed to take EU45i11ZxAy-00023-00006680-00006845 out any visible scribants. EU45i11ZxAy-00024-00006896-00007050 We'll give a clean, EU45i11ZxAy-00025-00007101-00007306 non-shining floor when I'm finished. EU45i11ZxAy-00026-00007357-00007510 Usually, for a first EU45i11ZxAy-00027-00007562-00007817 time initial, you're going to do five steps. EU45i11ZxAy-00028-00007847-00007917 Okay. EU45i11ZxAy-00029-00007877-00008151 How many steps is it gonna take after that? EU45i11ZxAy-00030-00008181-00008425 Typically, they come back yearly and go two steps. EU45i11ZxAy-00031-00008455-00008747 They do the last two steps to recover any shine that they have worked out over here. EU45i11ZxAy-00032-00008782-00008925 Yup. And all they need to EU45i11ZxAy-00033-00008961-00009104 do to re-shine up that EU45i11ZxAy-00034-00009139-00009282 Terrazzo is just throw water down EU45i11ZxAy-00035-00009318-00009461 and go ahead with those EU45i11ZxAy-00036-00009496-00009640 last few diamond grinding pads. EXL3DyH26R4-00000-00000117-00000217 Hi everyone. EXL3DyH26R4-00001-00000217-00000565 Darrell Lagace here, Instructional Designer at HACC. EXL3DyH26R4-00002-00000565-00001059 In order to keep your D2L gradebook organized, it’s useful to create categories into which EXL3DyH26R4-00003-00001059-00001236 your grade items can be placed. EXL3DyH26R4-00004-00001236-00001689 And if you’re going to use a weighted gradebook, this is essential, because it allows you to EXL3DyH26R4-00005-00001689-00002140 set weights for categories rather than just each grade item. EXL3DyH26R4-00006-00002140-00002748 Having categories also allows D2L to automatically drop highest and/or lowest grades. EXL3DyH26R4-00007-00002748-00003295 First, go to “Grades” in D2L. EXL3DyH26R4-00008-00003295-00003598 Then go to the Manage Grades page. EXL3DyH26R4-00009-00003598-00004346 Then, click on “New” and choose “Category” in the dropdown menu. EXL3DyH26R4-00010-00004346-00004515 Give the category a name. EXL3DyH26R4-00011-00004515-00005205 Let’s call ours “Literary Analysis Papers.” EXL3DyH26R4-00012-00005205-00005562 If you want, you can also give it a short name, which is how it will display in your EXL3DyH26R4-00013-00005562-00005701 gradebook. EXL3DyH26R4-00014-00005701-00006096 You might want to give it a short name of “Lit Analysis” so that it displays better EXL3DyH26R4-00015-00006096-00006404 in your gradebook. EXL3DyH26R4-00016-00006404-00006805 The options for the category’s value are slightly different, depending on whether you EXL3DyH26R4-00017-00006805-00007065 are using a points-based gradebook or a weighted gradebook. EXL3DyH26R4-00018-00007065-00007490 We’ll look at both, but let’s start with the points-based. EXL3DyH26R4-00019-00007490-00007915 Scroll down until you see the “Grading” area. EXL3DyH26R4-00020-00007915-00008396 Check the box next to “Can Exceed” if you want to allow this category to go over EXL3DyH26R4-00021-00008396-00008785 the total points assigned to the grade items within it. EXL3DyH26R4-00022-00008785-00009164 This is useful if you allow extra credit or bonus on assignments and want to allow those EXL3DyH26R4-00023-00009164-00009560 extra points to spill over into the overall grade. EXL3DyH26R4-00024-00009560-00010136 As an example, let’s say there are 3 papers in this category, each worth 20 points. EXL3DyH26R4-00025-00010136-00010621 And you add a 5-point extra credit option for submitting a draft first. EXL3DyH26R4-00026-00010621-00011089 If you check this box, and a student earns 20 out of 20 on all 3 papers, and all the EXL3DyH26R4-00027-00011089-00011647 extra credit, those 5 bonus points will spill over onto their overall grade. EXL3DyH26R4-00028-00011647-00012097 If you don’t check this box, the category’s points can’t go over 100%, even if items EXL3DyH26R4-00029-00012097-00012236 within it do. EXL3DyH26R4-00030-00012236-00012639 So our student would earn 60 out of 60 for the category, and none of the extra credit EXL3DyH26R4-00031-00012639-00012992 would be used toward the overall grade. EXL3DyH26R4-00032-00012992-00013453 The “Exclude from Final Grade Calculation” is only used if this category isn’t worth EXL3DyH26R4-00033-00013453-00013725 any points in the overall grade. EXL3DyH26R4-00034-00013725-00014123 You normally don’t want to check this box, unless it’s a category of optional items EXL3DyH26R4-00035-00014123-00014326 or not related to the final grade. EXL3DyH26R4-00036-00014326-00014804 There are a few more options that can determine how the grade items within the category are EXL3DyH26R4-00037-00014804-00014922 valued. EXL3DyH26R4-00038-00014922-00015569 “Distribute points across all items” sets all items in the category to the same value. EXL3DyH26R4-00039-00015569-00015916 You can then determine the number of points they are each worth. EXL3DyH26R4-00040-00015916-00016392 Making all items the same value is the only way to have D2L automatically drop a number EXL3DyH26R4-00041-00016392-00017154 of the highest and/or lowest items, which you can choose with the final two boxes here. EXL3DyH26R4-00042-00017154-00017660 Now let’s see what the options are if you are using a weighted gradebook instead. EXL3DyH26R4-00043-00017660-00018209 First, you will be able to choose the weight of the category. EXL3DyH26R4-00044-00018209-00018673 This is how much the category counts into the overall grade of the course, so 50% would EXL3DyH26R4-00045-00018673-00019052 mean it counts as half of the entire course grade. EXL3DyH26R4-00046-00019052-00019551 Checking the box next to “Allow category to exceed category weight,” does the same EXL3DyH26R4-00047-00019551-00020073 as the “Can Exceed” box does for a points gradebook: it lets bonus points or extra credit EXL3DyH26R4-00048-00020073-00020329 spill over into the overall grade. EXL3DyH26R4-00049-00020329-00020992 The “Distribution” area lets you determine how items inside the category are valued. EXL3DyH26R4-00050-00020992-00021422 “Manually assign weight to items in the category” lets you set the weighting of EXL3DyH26R4-00051-00021422-00021659 every individual item in the category. EXL3DyH26R4-00052-00021659-00022140 They can be all the same, all different, or any combination you want. EXL3DyH26R4-00053-00022140-00022654 “Distribute weights by points” automatically sets the weight of each grade item by how EXL3DyH26R4-00054-00022654-00022808 many points it is worth. EXL3DyH26R4-00055-00022808-00023323 So, for example, if you have 3 items each worth 25 points, it will automatically set EXL3DyH26R4-00056-00023323-00023829 them each to 33.33% of the total category grade. EXL3DyH26R4-00057-00023829-00024457 If you then add a 75-point item, the new one will be 50% and the 3 older ones will be 16.67% EXL3DyH26R4-00058-00024457-00024557 each. EXL3DyH26R4-00059-00024557-00025215 The nice thing about this option is that it automatically recalculates if you need to EXL3DyH26R4-00060-00025215-00025439 add or remove an item for any reason. EXL3DyH26R4-00061-00025439-00025908 It also accurately reflects the importance of each item, as long as you thought about EXL3DyH26R4-00062-00025908-00026235 that when choosing their initial points value. EXL3DyH26R4-00063-00026235-00026785 “Distribute weight evenly” sets all items in the category to have the same value. EXL3DyH26R4-00064-00026785-00027264 So if you have 5 items, it will weight them all as 20%, even if their individual point EXL3DyH26R4-00065-00027264-00027562 values weren’t equal to start. EXL3DyH26R4-00066-00027562-00027964 Choosing this option then allows you to set a number of lowest and/or highest items to EXL3DyH26R4-00067-00027964-00028239 have D2L automatically drop from the category calculation. EXL3DyH26R4-00068-00028239-00029175 When you are ready to add grade items into this new category, click on a grade item. EXL3DyH26R4-00069-00029175-00029686 Scroll down and click the box under “Category” that says “None.” EXL3DyH26R4-00070-00029686-00030216 Then choose a category in the dropdown menu and click “Save and Close.” EXL3DyH26R4-00071-00030216-00030563 When you go back to the list of grade items under “Manage Grades,” that grade item EXL3DyH26R4-00072-00030563-00030912 will now be displayed under the appropriate grade category. EXL3DyH26R4-00073-00030912-00031168 That’s all it takes to make grade categories. EXL3DyH26R4-00074-00031168-00031573 It’s a great way to keep your gradebook neat and organized, and it lets you set up EXL3DyH26R4-00075-00031573-00031913 automatically dropping lowest and/or highest grade items. EXL3DyH26R4-00076-00031913-00032326 It also sets up a system that still works if you need to add or remove an item for any EXL3DyH26R4-00077-00032326-00032467 reason. EXL3DyH26R4-00078-00032467-00032857 If you have any questions, please contact me or someone else in the CDI team. EZkmQ1wIQ5g-00000-00000048-00000288 egg bacon cheese sandwich breakfast EZkmQ1wIQ5g-00001-00001604-00001704 [Music] EZkmQ1wIQ5g-00002-00001704-00001805 add cheese EZkmQ1wIQ5g-00003-00002052-00002316 flip one side over to the other side EZkmQ1wIQ5g-00004-00002712-00003324 and cook lightly brush on mayo. Too much Mayo will make it salty. EZkmQ1wIQ5g-00005-00003444-00004404 Add that mixture onto the bread. sandwich is ready now it's time to enjoy egg EdnzkBAA570-00000-00000027-00000417 Many marine invertebrates have one or two larval stages in their life cycles. EdnzkBAA570-00001-00000434-00000800 Larvae are different in morphology, and often in habitat, than juveniles and adults. EdnzkBAA570-00002-00000834-00001317 In this video, we’ll look at a few of these, like these veliger larvae of an opisthobranch gastropod. EdnzkBAA570-00003-00001510-00001832 There are lots of ways to categorize larvae and larval life cycles. EdnzkBAA570-00004-00001851-00002272 One major way is by whether or not larvae need to feed in the plankton, and we’ll definitely pay attention to that. EdnzkBAA570-00005-00002371-00002600 Another is by where development happens. EdnzkBAA570-00006-00002619-00003188 In many species, like in these expertly drawn sea urchins, adults broadcast spawn their gametes into the plankton, EdnzkBAA570-00007-00003188-00003578 where fertilization and all of embryonic and larval development happen. EdnzkBAA570-00008-00003622-00003966 Eventually the larva metamorphoses and settles back to the sea floor. We can call those fully planktonic larval life cycles. EdnzkBAA570-00009-00004002-00004338 Eventually the larva metamorphoses and settles back to the sea floor. We can call those fully planktonic larval life cycles. EdnzkBAA570-00010-00004377-00005110 In other species, all of larval development happens on the sea floor, in an egg mass, or an egg capsule, or on or inside a parent. EdnzkBAA570-00011-00005151-00005857 The larval stage is passed in one of those protective structures, then metamorphosis happens and a juvenile exits the protective structure. EdnzkBAA570-00012-00005889-00006157 We can call those aplanktonic life cycles. EdnzkBAA570-00013-00006489-00007262 And many invertebrates have an intermediate life history, where fertilization and early development happen on the sea floor in a mass, capsule, or parent, EdnzkBAA570-00014-00007309-00007907 but then a larva exits and spends some amount of time in the plankton. We can call those mixed life histories. EdnzkBAA570-00015-00008005-00008677 First let’s look at some larvae I obtained directly from their parents. Since I can usually identify adults, I know the identity of these larvae. EdnzkBAA570-00016-00008714-00009466 Here is an adult calcareous sponge, Leucosolenia. It broods it’s larvae in the spongocoel, and you can see that eventually they swim out of the parent. EdnzkBAA570-00017-00009509-00009559 They’re nonfeeding, and probably have a very short planktonic period of a few hours or days. EdnzkBAA570-00018-00012418-00013383 Here’s another example of mixed development – the scyphozoan Aurelia broods embryos in its oral arms, then releases them as nonfeeding planula larvae. EdnzkBAA570-00019-00013519-00013951 You can also remove them from the oral arms artificially, of course, with a pipet. EdnzkBAA570-00020-00016406-00016891 Here is an adult of the annelid worm Hydroides gracilis. This is a broadcast spawner EdnzkBAA570-00021-00016891-00017292 In lab, you can artificially induce adults to release gametes by breaking their tubes. EdnzkBAA570-00022-00017697-00017915 Here’s a female releasing eggs. EdnzkBAA570-00023-00018363-00018563 And here’s a male releasing sperm. EdnzkBAA570-00024-00021847-00022303 These embryos develop into tiny swimming and feeding trochophore larvae. EdnzkBAA570-00025-00022460-00023124 In this side view, you can see the mouth, pharynx, stomach (the stomach is quite brown, full of partly digested algal cells), EdnzkBAA570-00026-00023165-00023382 and then the intestine leading to the anus. EdnzkBAA570-00027-00023400-00024146 The larva swims using prototrochal cilia. Posterior to the prototroch, you can also see cilia of the metatroch, which are also used in feeding. EdnzkBAA570-00028-00026596-00027198 You can see prototrochal and metatrochal cilia a bit better in this older larva, especially at higher magnification. EdnzkBAA570-00029-00029371-00030044 This larva has three segments that have chaetae already. You can see those three pairs of chaetae better in dorsal view. EdnzkBAA570-00030-00031586-00032135 When larvae of this type of annelid – serpulids – have three segments, they are usually ready to metamorphose. EdnzkBAA570-00031-00032173-00032704 Six days after fertilization I offered these a nice mussel shell, and some immediately metamorphosed. EdnzkBAA570-00032-00032768-00033198 First they build themselves a transparent mucus tube to hold them to the shell.¬ EdnzkBAA570-00033-00033537-00033944 They then start to add calcium carbonate to the anterior end of that tube. EdnzkBAA570-00034-00033962-00034352 This animal has a small white patch of calcium carbonate at the anterior end of its tube. EdnzkBAA570-00035-00034412-00034835 You can see it moving its chaetae as it adds more calcium carbonate to the tube. EdnzkBAA570-00036-00036269-00036852 Here is that same individual a day later. The old mucus tube is still present, but it’s hard to see since it’s transparent. EdnzkBAA570-00037-00036882-00037541 The larva has built all this new calcium carbonate tube in the past 24 hours. You can also see that the feeding tentacles have developed EdnzkBAA570-00038-00037541-00037986 on the prostomium; this juvenile is now feeding, and is done with metamorphosis. EdnzkBAA570-00039-00038285-00039056 I found a nice gastropod egg mass on the hydrozoan Aglaophenia on a dock in Alamitos Bay – the egg mass is that bright white structure. EdnzkBAA570-00040-00039314-00039612 It is a ribbon of gel that the snail has deposited. EdnzkBAA570-00041-00040745-00041227 If you look at it closely you can see lots of embryos embedded in that gel. EdnzkBAA570-00042-00041746-00042452 When I collected some of the hydrozoan, I found out who deposited that egg mass – the opisthobranch Doto lancei, a small nudibranch. EdnzkBAA570-00043-00042452-00042698 This species feeds on Aglaophenia. EdnzkBAA570-00044-00044587-00045149 Look just behind the head on the right side of the animal – you can see a little bump. That is the penis, I think. EdnzkBAA570-00045-00045182-00045639 Remember, all opisthobranchs are hermaphrodites, so this individual both produces and receives sperm. EdnzkBAA570-00046-00048470-00048828 The embryos in that egg mass were already early veligers. EdnzkBAA570-00047-00050557-00051035 Though adults of this species are “slugs” – that is, they don’t have a shell – larvae have shells. EdnzkBAA570-00048-00051072-00051884 They’re a little hard to see since they are transparent, but you can tell they have them because the larval shell is strongly birefringent when you look at it in cross-polarized light. EdnzkBAA570-00049-00052386-00052826 After holding this egg mass in seawater for a day, planktonic veligers hatched out. EdnzkBAA570-00050-00053008-00053708 Here is one of those veligers. You can see two velar lobes, the stomach with a few algal cells in it, and a few other structures. EdnzkBAA570-00051-00053719-00053976 Most of what’s in the shell is digestive system. EdnzkBAA570-00052-00054022-00054736 Just behind the velar lobes you can see two spherical structures – those are statocysts that help the veliger figure out which way is up. EdnzkBAA570-00053-00055328-00055851 These use the prototrochal and metatrochal cilia to feed, just like the larva of Hydroides that we looked at. EdnzkBAA570-00054-00055873-00056635 It’s hard to visualize particle capture in this view, but you can easily see captured particles being transported to the mouth in the food groove, then swallowed. EdnzkBAA570-00055-00057279-00057571 That’s even easier to see if you slow down the footage. EdnzkBAA570-00056-00059628-00060116 Captured particles are held in the esophagus for a little bit before being passed into the stomach. EdnzkBAA570-00057-00063748-00064268 And eventually, of course, indigestible material has to be eliminated by defecation. EdnzkBAA570-00058-00064268-00064800 That fecal pellet is passing through the rectum to the larva’s mantle cavity, and then to the outside world. EdnzkBAA570-00059-00067269-00067773 Here’s a species with planktonic development – the sand dollar Dendraster excentricus. EdnzkBAA570-00060-00067773-00068190 This species we can induce to spawn by injection of potassium chloride. EdnzkBAA570-00061-00068771-00068890 Here’s a male… EdnzkBAA570-00062-00069322-00069522 And here is a female releasing eggs. EdnzkBAA570-00063-00072550-00073248 After early development, these form pluteus larvae. At three days after fertilization, the plutei have only four arms. EdnzkBAA570-00064-00073788-00074719 This pluteus is in side view with the anterior end to the right; posterior to the left; dorsal to the top of the screen, and ventral to the bottom of the screen. EdnzkBAA570-00065-00074719-00075231 In this side view you can see the esophagus, which leads into a large pink compartment, the stomach; EdnzkBAA570-00066-00075247-00075768 that leads to a smaller pink compartment on the ventral surface, the intestine, and that leads to the anus. EdnzkBAA570-00067-00075991-00076562 After another week or so of development the larva has added four more arms for a total of eight, and has also grown in size. EdnzkBAA570-00068-00076578-00077131 If you look at the posterior end, to the right, you can see an orange region and next to it a yellowish region. EdnzkBAA570-00069-00077156-00077611 The orange region is the stomach, but the yellowish region is the developing juvenile sand dollar! EdnzkBAA570-00070-00079211-00079684 At higher magnification you can see that the developing juvenile has numerous little hollow bulbs in it. EdnzkBAA570-00071-00079746-00080615 Those are the tips of the juvenile’s first tube feet. At metamorphosis, that juvenile will resorb the larval tissue and crawl away as a juvenile sand dollar. EdnzkBAA570-00072-00080746-00081247 Here is the tip of of a larval arm showing the ciliary band that these larvae use to swim and to feed. EdnzkBAA570-00073-00081297-00081703 These larvae capture particles primarily by localized reversal of these cilia. EdnzkBAA570-00074-00081792-00082182 You can see the paths of captured particles if you look at free-swimming larvae. EdnzkBAA570-00075-00082200-00082557 These are all swimming up, so with the tips of the arms towards the camera. EdnzkBAA570-00076-00083728-00084096 Of course it’s easier to see particle capture if the footage is slowed down a bit. EdnzkBAA570-00077-00088036-00088467 Another way to look at a diversity of larvae is to capture them directly from the plankton. EdnzkBAA570-00078-00088513-00089324 It’s a lot more difficult to identify larvae captured in this way, though, since there are no good guides to identify larvae for most regions of the world, including southern California. EdnzkBAA570-00079-00089400-00090170 I captured some larvae for this video using net with a mesh size of 100 µm towed off a dock at the mouth of Alamitos Bay. EdnzkBAA570-00080-00097130-00097456 Here’s what the concentrated plankton looks like at low magnification. EdnzkBAA570-00081-00097557-00097990 I’m pretty sure that the large orange larva at the top of the screen is that of the bryozoan Watersipora. EdnzkBAA570-00082-00098190-00098640 At higher magnification you can see all kinds of life in here. Most of it isn’t larvae, though – EdnzkBAA570-00083-00098640-00099270 most of it is adult copepods or other crustaceans, or large single-celled protists like tintinnid ciliates. EdnzkBAA570-00084-00099283-00099638 But there are larvae here, and I picked a few of them out to look at more closely. EdnzkBAA570-00085-00099783-00100515 Here, for example, is a Muller’s larva of a polyclad flatworm. It’s almost a millimeter in length, which is pretty big for a larva. EdnzkBAA570-00086-00100547-00100864 I think that this is a feeding larva, but am not sure about that. EdnzkBAA570-00087-00105754-00106353 There are lots of annelid larvae in our local plankton. Here is a late-stage larva of a spionid annelid. EdnzkBAA570-00088-00106391-00107124 In addition to the anterior prototroch, you can see another ring of cilia that it uses for swimming, at the posterior end. That’s called the telotroch. EdnzkBAA570-00089-00108843-00109720 And here’s another annelid, what I think is a capitellid, though it could be a member of a related group. This is a feeding larva. It also has a telotroch. EdnzkBAA570-00090-00111561-00112179 And here is another capitellid larva, but that of another species; this speces has nonfeeding larvae. EdnzkBAA570-00091-00112223-00112936 The spheres in its digestive system are lipid droplets that the mother had placed in the egg. This larva also has a telotroch. EdnzkBAA570-00092-00114438-00115200 And one more annelid larva, that of a nephtyid. This is ready to metamorphose – you can see that it has lots of segments, parapodia, and chaetae. EdnzkBAA570-00093-00117221-00117787 I didn’t see many mollusc larvae in the plankton tow, just a few bivalve veligers. Here they are, both in side view. EdnzkBAA570-00094-00117987-00118378 The hinge on this individual is at the bottom of the screen. EdnzkBAA570-00095-00120013-00120628 Here is the actinotroch larva of a phoronid! They capture food using that big hood over the mouth, EdnzkBAA570-00096-00120628-00121089 and also with the tentacles that are sticking out around the ventral and lateral sides of the body. EdnzkBAA570-00097-00125269-00125542 And here is the pilidium larva of a nemertean! EdnzkBAA570-00098-00126416-00127089 This larva has a blind-ending stomach, which you can see as the compartment with a lot of ciliary action in it on the left side of the screen. EdnzkBAA570-00099-00127105-00127685 Towards the right of the screen, you can see the developing juvenile; it has two big black spots on it. EdnzkBAA570-00100-00127699-00128364 Eventually it will pop out of the larva, eat the larval tissue, and go about its life as a juvenile, then adult, nemertean. EdnzkBAA570-00101-00128853-00129107 Look at that beautiful apical tuft of cilia! EdnzkBAA570-00102-00130683-00131168 The juvenile is the blob with two big black dots on it, towards the right side of the screen. EdnzkBAA570-00103-00132906-00133465 There were lots of nauplius larvae of two kinds of crustaceans – copepods and barnacles – in the plankton. EdnzkBAA570-00104-00133682-00134080 Here is a copepod nauplius. Anterior is pointing to the top left. EdnzkBAA570-00105-00134131-00134906 You can see three pairs of appendages, which from anterior to posterior are first antennae, second antennae, and mandibles. EdnzkBAA570-00106-00134936-00135636 Nauplii use these to swim and to feed. Internally you can see the digestive system. At the anterior end there is a single eye. EdnzkBAA570-00107-00137220-00137830 Barnacle nauplii are easy to distinguish from copepod nauplii since they always have two anterior horns. EdnzkBAA570-00108-00138503-00139071 They also have a single anterior eye. They have the same set of three pairs of appendages as copepod nauplii, EdnzkBAA570-00109-00139095-00139893 but in this individual they look a little more complicated since the 2nd antennae are biramous – that is, each second antenna has two big branches. EdnzkBAA570-00110-00141000-00141224 Here’s a dorsal view of the same larva. EdnzkBAA570-00111-00141801-00142545 These barnacle nauplii spend time in the plankton feeding and then metamorphose, but they metamorphose into a second larval stage, the cyprid. EdnzkBAA570-00112-00142585-00143310 Here’s a cyprid. These are nonfeeding; they have a brief planktonic period during which they look for a good place to settle and metamorphose. EdnzkBAA570-00113-00145073-00145800 Finally, there is always something new that I can’t identify in the plankton. I think this is a sponge larva, for example, but I am not sure. EdnzkBAA570-00114-00145819-00146507 It’s uniformly ciliated, except for that the trailing end which looks like it has no cilia at all. Sponge is my best guess. EdnzkBAA570-00115-00146952-00147984 I also found this thing in the plankton. I have no idea what it is. It’s ciliated, which suggests that it’s a larva to me, but I have no clue what phylum it might belong to. EdnzkBAA570-00116-00148016-00148657 It might also be something completely different, of course – a fragment of some larger animal, for example. I don’t even have a guess for this one. EhHtgzYpiOE-00000-00000886-00001413 You just saw it, Commanders. You get gunnery support on a scale worthy of your robots. EhHtgzYpiOE-00001-00001458-00002106 Time to zoom out and see hangars for what they really are — giant vaults within formidable spaceships. EhHtgzYpiOE-00002-00002133-00002520 Spaceships transport your robots from Mars to Earth and back. EhHtgzYpiOE-00003-00002568-00003110 And with corporate conflicts simmering on both planets, these vessels travel heavily armed. EhHtgzYpiOE-00004-00003162-00003416 You can now call upon their support in battle. EhHtgzYpiOE-00005-00003514-00003663 Wait for the cannons to calibrate. EhHtgzYpiOE-00006-00003769-00003863 Wait a bit more... EhHtgzYpiOE-00007-00003901-00004066 Now! Press that button! EhHtgzYpiOE-00008-00004119-00004343 Unleash an ionic hell on your target! EhHtgzYpiOE-00009-00004766-00005053 Your enemies will surely notice that the ship aims for them. EhHtgzYpiOE-00010-00005084-00005563 If they choose to stand their ground, everyone within the damage radius takes the hit. EhHtgzYpiOE-00011-00005635-00006066 Remember, the better you perform in battle, the more often you can use orbital support. EhHtgzYpiOE-00012-00006103-00006346 You can request it as many times as you want. EhHtgzYpiOE-00013-00006413-00006546 You don't have to be aggressive. EhHtgzYpiOE-00014-00006572-00006816 Ships like Mantis specialize in defense. EhHtgzYpiOE-00015-00006863-00007140 They'll cover you and your allies with energy shields. EhHtgzYpiOE-00016-00007175-00007373 If the team plays cohesively, of course... EhHtgzYpiOE-00017-00007419-00007616 Read our update notes to learn more... EhHtgzYpiOE-00018-00007641-00007840 ...and watch the sky! EhHtgzYpiOE-00019-00008194-00008786 If you don't feel like running from danger, it might be a good time to add some brawler-types to your hangar. EhHtgzYpiOE-00020-00008844-00009136 Take this walking fortress, Revenant. EhHtgzYpiOE-00021-00009197-00009850 Thanks to its strong hull, Revenant is always ready to take the brunt of the enemy attack, orbital gunnery included. EhHtgzYpiOE-00022-00009981-00010640 Its shielded sides allow it to ignore much of the enemy fire as long as it locks horns with its opponent in melee. EhHtgzYpiOE-00023-00010685-00010950 And this is what Revenant excels at. EhHtgzYpiOE-00024-00011000-00011556 You just need to come within range, and then whoosh — teleport to your enemy to dictate the play. EhHtgzYpiOE-00025-00011622-00012043 Oh... the sound blasters... They don't work well against Revenant. EhHtgzYpiOE-00026-00012117-00012453 Watch our video to see Phantom's Big Brother in action. EhHtgzYpiOE-00027-00013207-00013416 Right, the sponsors of this event! EhHtgzYpiOE-00028-00013463-00013963 Recklessly brave and unmistakably stylish — Yaga Gang. EhHtgzYpiOE-00029-00014029-00014316 These mercs are your best bet for pushing an offensive. EhHtgzYpiOE-00030-00014352-00014583 You can easily tell them by their style. EhHtgzYpiOE-00031-00014640-00014883 Say no to the dreary green and brown. EhHtgzYpiOE-00032-00014915-00015160 You won't hide a robot on a battlefield anyway. EhHtgzYpiOE-00033-00015187-00015573 Choose bright colors! And if you get destroyed, it will at least look cool! EhHtgzYpiOE-00034-00015622-00015960 That's what Svyatogor Belov tells his fellows-in-arms. EhHtgzYpiOE-00035-00016026-00016156 And he knows what he is doing. EhHtgzYpiOE-00036-00016199-00016613 Under his command, a flying Fafnir will ignore all energy shields. EhHtgzYpiOE-00037-00016675-00016956 Naturally, Svyatogor prefers leading the attack. EhHtgzYpiOE-00038-00017019-00017196 Just as Vasilisa Maximova. EhHtgzYpiOE-00039-00017252-00017753 With her at the helm, Revenant restores a portion of its durability after committing to attack. EhHtgzYpiOE-00040-00017815-00018096 The more damage is dealt, the more durability is restored. EhHtgzYpiOE-00041-00018145-00018346 This pilot rarely waits for support. EhHtgzYpiOE-00042-00018422-00018853 Finally, there's something in this update that will help you deal with physical shields. EhHtgzYpiOE-00043-00018908-00019246 Close range acid-throwers: Bane and Toxin. EhHtgzYpiOE-00044-00019335-00020056 These cannons melt armor with aggressive chemicals and leave a lasting effect on the target that deals damage over time. EhHtgzYpiOE-00045-00020129-00020340 Hopefully, they won't ruin the paintjobs. EhHtgzYpiOE-00046-00020388-00020453 And by the way! EhHtgzYpiOE-00047-00020469-00020826 We're starting to introduce HD graphics for powerful devices. EhHtgzYpiOE-00048-00020854-00021083 We'll tell you more on our social media soon. EhHtgzYpiOE-00049-00021145-00021286 It looks like we're good to go. EhHtgzYpiOE-00050-00021321-00021546 Check full update notes on our website. EhHtgzYpiOE-00051-00021546-00021736 We've put a lot of additional info there. EhHtgzYpiOE-00052-00021770-00021883 The link is in the description. EhHtgzYpiOE-00053-00021883-00023016 Wait, wait, wait! Remember, if a ship aims for you, do not stand still. Move, evade, scurry! EhHtgzYpiOE-00054-00023135-00023235 He has a point. EhHtgzYpiOE-00055-00023271-00023596 Be on the move, survive and happy hunting, Commanders! EhHtgzYpiOE-00056-00023636-00023866 Tell us in the comments what you like about this update. EhHtgzYpiOE-00057-00023906-00024103 And if you're up for more War Robots content, EhHtgzYpiOE-00058-00024103-00024160 We got some! EhHtgzYpiOE-00059-00024244-00024680 In this video, devs re-tell exciting backstories of legendary pilots. EhHtgzYpiOE-00060-00024715-00025073 Here, they explain the inner workings of our robots. EhHtgzYpiOE-00061-00025148-00025536 Join the War Robots subreddit for quality War Robots discussions, if you haven't already. EhHtgzYpiOE-00062-00025561-00025743 See you soon! EkJq_Gj4-KY-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi guys EkJq_Gj4-KY-00001-00000200-00000400 Welcome to the STICK WAR LORD channel EkJq_Gj4-KY-00002-00000400-00000600 I hope you enjoy watching this video ElMaiWOYWTk-00000-00000000-00000312 watch what I do with these bell peppers it might change your life ElMaiWOYWTk-00001-00000582-00001056 got our Big Green Egg fired up and coals are hot all right we're going in with our ElMaiWOYWTk-00002-00001056-00001572 Big Green Egg deflector plate now our great first thing we're gonna do is just put them ElMaiWOYWTk-00003-00001572-00002214 open side down and let them cook for about 10 minutes Next Step turn them over now you ElMaiWOYWTk-00004-00002214-00002580 need the Dan-O's we're gonna give them a little pop pop now you need some eggs ElMaiWOYWTk-00005-00002868-00003552 can't see now we let them go back to cooking it's time beautiful right top it off with pico ElMaiWOYWTk-00006-00003552-00004278 the final step Dan-O's crunchy put that on top so I already tried it I already know the results ElMaiWOYWTk-00007-00004278-00004716 the bottom line is I don't know if the Pico was the right thing on top of the egg with the bell ElMaiWOYWTk-00008-00004716-00005160 pepper should I try this again and maybe put sausage in it that's what I'm thinking let me ElMaiWOYWTk-00009-00005160-00005610 know in the comments let me know what you think about this would you try it Yum Yum Get Ya Sum. FoZLa6u3Fo0-00000-00000011-00000550 Your Natchez History Minute is brought to you by Natchez National Historical Park. FoZLa6u3Fo0-00001-00000657-00001374 At harvest time in 1729, the 400 settlers of the struggling French colony at Natchez FoZLa6u3Fo0-00002-00001374-00001985 were prepared to enjoy the proceeds of a bumper tobacco crop at local plantations. FoZLa6u3Fo0-00003-00001985-00002585 What they got instead was fulfillment of their worst nightmares – a massive Indian uprising FoZLa6u3Fo0-00004-00002585-00002956 and a slave rebellion rolled into one. FoZLa6u3Fo0-00005-00002956-00003625 Early on the morning of November 28th, a group of 30 Natchez Indians with their hereditary FoZLa6u3Fo0-00006-00003625-00004327 chief, the Great Sun, arrived at Fort Rosalie armed with muskets and announced their plan FoZLa6u3Fo0-00007-00004327-00004821 to bring meat back to the French from their deer hunt that day. FoZLa6u3Fo0-00008-00004821-00005449 At the same time, small groups of Natchez men showed up at all the French settlers’ FoZLa6u3Fo0-00009-00005449-00006136 homes under various pretenses for trade of chickens and corn for powder and bullets. FoZLa6u3Fo0-00010-00006136-00006879 These were all normal daily interactions between the French settlers and Natchez Indians. FoZLa6u3Fo0-00011-00006879-00007433 Suddenly the group of Natchez gathered at Fort Rosalie raised their muskets and fired FoZLa6u3Fo0-00012-00007433-00007844 point-blank on the French soldiers, killing them all. FoZLa6u3Fo0-00013-00007844-00008431 The sound of gunfire at the fort signaled death by musket fire or war clubs for white FoZLa6u3Fo0-00014-00008431-00009075 males at all the French houses, before they were scalped and beheaded. FoZLa6u3Fo0-00015-00009075-00009596 Some French women and children were killed as well, but most were taken as slaves and FoZLa6u3Fo0-00016-00009596-00010122 hostages along with many of the colony’s 200 enslaved Africans. FoZLa6u3Fo0-00017-00010122-00010650 A number of the Africans, however, took advantage of the opportunity to fight for their own FoZLa6u3Fo0-00018-00010650-00011140 freedom by assisting the Natchez in their uprising against the French. FoZLa6u3Fo0-00019-00011140-00011682 Only about 20 Frenchmen escaped the annihilation. FoZLa6u3Fo0-00020-00011682-00012255 The Natchez looted the wooden French fort as well as the houses and storehouses of the FoZLa6u3Fo0-00021-00012255-00012547 settlement, then burned them all. FoZLa6u3Fo0-00022-00012547-00013133 They raided the French galley loaded with European trade merchandise that lay docked FoZLa6u3Fo0-00023-00013133-00013758 Under-the-Hill, and they burned hundreds of acres of tobacco standing shoulder-high in FoZLa6u3Fo0-00024-00013758-00014104 the fields, awaiting a harvest that would never come. FoZLa6u3Fo0-00025-00014262-00014952 I am Ser Seshsh ab Heter-CM Boxley. This is your Natchez History Minute. F0Bfr3-dklA-00000-00001518-00001636 Hey Zolace fans! F0Bfr3-dklA-00001-00001655-00001928 Welcome back to another edition of Hijab Friday! F0Bfr3-dklA-00002-00001942-00002374 If you’ve been looking for the easiest way to add volume to your shawl, we’ve got you covered! F0Bfr3-dklA-00003-00002386-00002836 Today’s look may seem slightly more complicated than you’re used to, but trust us, it will F0Bfr3-dklA-00004-00002846-00002958 take no time at all! F0Bfr3-dklA-00005-00002962-00003302 You’ll also love the luscious drapes it creates on the front— it’s the perfect F0Bfr3-dklA-00006-00003318-00003472 way to enhance any look. F0Bfr3-dklA-00007-00003497-00003842 Today we’re using the Zehna Bubble Rectangle Shawl in the colour Latte. F0Bfr3-dklA-00008-00003864-00004227 It’s a neutral and soft colour that can be paired with most outfits. F0Bfr3-dklA-00009-00004227-00004652 And for the perfect outfit combination, we’ve matched this Zehna Bubble Rectangle Shawl F0Bfr3-dklA-00010-00004652-00005142 with our Paint by Wonders Jubah— a beautiful and comfortable piece that really allows your F0Bfr3-dklA-00011-00005142-00005242 shawl to shine. F0Bfr3-dklA-00012-00005242-00005572 So, grab 1 brooch, 3 pins and we can get started! F0Bfr3-dklA-00013-00005572-00006032 Start by placing the shawl over you making sure one side is shorter than the other. F0Bfr3-dklA-00014-00006052-00006586 Neatly line it around your face, and secure both ends together below your chin with a brooch. F0Bfr3-dklA-00015-00007814-00008386 Make a small fold on the shorter side and move it gently towards the back of your head F0Bfr3-dklA-00016-00008388-00008504 so it lays nicely on top. F0Bfr3-dklA-00017-00009084-00009300 Use a pin to secure it in place. F0Bfr3-dklA-00018-00009760-00010232 Now is where you can create as many folds as you like to help with making the voluminous layers. F0Bfr3-dklA-00019-00010284-00010676 You can do 2, 3, or 4, it’s really up to you. F0Bfr3-dklA-00020-00011248-00011668 Once you’ve made your folds, bring the shawl up and around you, carefully guiding it until F0Bfr3-dklA-00021-00011704-00011876 you reach the other side of your head. F0Bfr3-dklA-00022-00013596-00013932 Take another pin and secure it in place near the first pin. F0Bfr3-dklA-00023-00014447-00015040 If you need to add an optional pin to make it look neater, feel free to add one here. F0Bfr3-dklA-00024-00016208-00016600 If you are happy with the look as is, you can leave the long piece hanging for a different F0Bfr3-dklA-00025-00016616-00016688 kind of style. F0Bfr3-dklA-00026-00016688-00017056 Or, feel free to pin it up on your shoulder for another option. F0Bfr3-dklA-00027-00017112-00017488 Just make sure you adjust the length at the beginning depending on what style you prefer. F0Bfr3-dklA-00028-00018272-00018432 Then tidy up, and you’re done! F0Bfr3-dklA-00029-00018476-00018892 As you can see we’ve created tons of volume with the help of our Zehna Bubble Rectangle F0Bfr3-dklA-00030-00018904-00019312 Shawl, and, creatively folding and wrapping it to create additional layers. F0Bfr3-dklA-00031-00019360-00019540 This look will definitely impress your friends. F0Bfr3-dklA-00032-00019592-00019916 Make sure you give it a try the next time you go out on an occasion, and show them how F0Bfr3-dklA-00033-00019948-00020152 simple and easy it is to be fashionable! F0Bfr3-dklA-00034-00020204-00020604 We hope you loved this video and look forward to seeing you recreate it on social media. F0Bfr3-dklA-00035-00020624-00020980 Make sure to leave a comment below and upload a picture if you're able to try it. F0Bfr3-dklA-00036-00021012-00021416 Subscribe to our channel, and we’ll see you next week for another edition of Hijab Friday! F54bu5XZg0g-00000-00000450-00000754 10 days, 12 youngsters, in Maré Slum F54bu5XZg0g-00001-00000844-00001786 "Gambiarra" is to reinvent starting from simple materials up to the appearance of something unimaginable. F54bu5XZg0g-00002-00001816-00002516 It is like not only putting things together, it is art F54bu5XZg0g-00003-00002574-00003146 a new way of thinking a culture that everything can be recycled and reused. F54bu5XZg0g-00004-00004196-00004570 Twelve young people form it with the assistance of other members F54bu5XZg0g-00005-00004612-00005174 willing to discuss the dimension of plurality, not only of “Gambiarra” along with technology, F54bu5XZg0g-00006-00005232-00005554 but also from the slums and popular territories that make up the city. F54bu5XZg0g-00007-00006204-00006881 We know that the final destination of waste materials discarded in large urban centers goes to somewhere, F54bu5XZg0g-00008-00006944-00007888 so we came up with the idea of the possibility of collecting those such raw materials left somewhere, F54bu5XZg0g-00009-00007936-00008206 to create something new from it, F54bu5XZg0g-00010-00008242-00008956 including electronic waste and try to recreate them reframe them all. F54bu5XZg0g-00011-00009400-00010004 The idea is that we stop looking at technology as something that comes ready to be consumed, F54bu5XZg0g-00012-00010048-00010446 it is also an attempt in trying to have a different look of how such simple things can be recreated F54bu5XZg0g-00013-00010464-00010712 and, by doing so, it also works as a way of satisfying our needs as well as our wishes, F54bu5XZg0g-00014-00010712-00011006 or simply because we want to create something new from all of that. F54bu5XZg0g-00015-00011038-00011554 It is amazing, collecting all the discarded material and turn them into a piece of art F54bu5XZg0g-00016-00011554-00011948 or something else that can be usable. F54bu5XZg0g-00017-00012716-00013026 The “Gambiarra Favela Tech” is happening here at “BELA MARÉ “ F54bu5XZg0g-00018-00013068-00013476 shed, which has existed since 2011 as an aesthetic experimentation space in the “favela”(slums). F54bu5XZg0g-00019-00013508-00013888 We now have a little room here in the back shed called, “Bela Labe, ” F54bu5XZg0g-00020-00013906-00014158 and it is intended to live it with the doors open, F54bu5XZg0g-00021-00014197-00014626 so that, people of all different communities of Rio de Janeiro are able to take ownership F54bu5XZg0g-00022-00014644-00015112 and start discussing a bit more through workshops, debates, and lectures, F54bu5XZg0g-00023-00015134-00015462 the political dimension as well as the practice of technology. F54bu5XZg0g-00024-00016110-00016404 There are three very important informs they need to acquire. F54bu5XZg0g-00025-00016460-00016770 The first one is the environmental awareness; F54bu5XZg0g-00026-00016770-00017076 the second important point to remark, that is: F54bu5XZg0g-00027-00017076-00017684 loosing the fear of the black boxes. We have a series of black boxes F54bu5XZg0g-00028-00017684-00018200 containing a bunch of various components inside of them and if you do not have the knowledge of what those little pieces are, F54bu5XZg0g-00029-00018200-00018412 you will always be afraid of them. F54bu5XZg0g-00030-00018538-00018898 Therefore, the act of joining and gluing to these elements by themselves, F54bu5XZg0g-00031-00018922-00019480 we call it “Sevirismo,” which is basically doing things by you, without any assistance. F54bu5XZg0g-00032-00019730-00020046 Truly speaking is the same process of composing; F54bu5XZg0g-00033-00020046-00020700 doing things, arranging all them together, and you end up creating something new. F54bu5XZg0g-00034-00020742-00021198 From this workshop I started thinking “Gambiarra” as a much broader thing. F54bu5XZg0g-00035-00021438-00021924 I think Gambiarra Favela Tech is very much a beginning of a discussion, of a process, F54bu5XZg0g-00036-00021986-00022402 rather than a finalization or a response to something. F5ZlvuAkKry-00000-00000066-00000210 Uh-oh, enter the dragon. F5ZlvuAkKry-00001-00000356-00000640 I have been waiting outside for nine and a half minutes. F5ZlvuAkKry-00002-00000653-00000790 So? F5ZlvuAkKry-00003-00000803-00001057 So, when you were ready to be born did I keep you waiting? F5ZlvuAkKry-00004-00001071-00001364 Yes, you were pregnant with me for 11 months. F5ZlvuAkKry-00005-00001377-00001611 I wanted to make sure you were done! F5ZlvuAkKry-00006-00001791-00002132 Mrs. Benson, you're kind of drawing a crowd. F5ZlvuAkKry-00007-00002145-00002362 Oh, are you all Freddie's friends? F5ZlvuAkKry-00008-00002375-00002525 No, no, no, Mom, they're not all my friends. F5ZlvuAkKry-00009-00002539-00002746 Who wants to see his baby pictures? F5ZlvuAkKry-00010-00002812-00002942 Oh, good, I've got a bunch on my phone. F5ZlvuAkKry-00011-00002956-00003119 - Mrs. Benson... - Mom, do not show them-- F5ZlvuAkKry-00012-00003149-00003433 Here is Freddie wearing his special diapers. F5ZlvuAkKry-00013-00003446-00003630 So you're not actually traumatized? F5ZlvuAkKry-00014-00003643-00003847 No, I just took advantage of your insecurities F5ZlvuAkKry-00015-00003860-00004050 about being a new parent to get some cool stuff. F5ZlvuAkKry-00016-00004100-00004224 Thanks for the keyboard! F5ZlvuAkKry-00017-00004237-00004364 Yeah, uh, uh, uh. F5ZlvuAkKry-00018-00004441-00004574 Was there an apology in there? F5ZlvuAkKry-00019-00004587-00004888 Come on, an admission of guilt isn't enough? F5ZlvuAkKry-00020-00004901-00005058 Not in 2021. F5ZlvuAkKry-00021-00005071-00005355 Who do you think you are, a high-profile male celebrity? F5ZlvuAkKry-00022-00005408-00005668 You pretended to be hurt so that I would buy you stuff. F5ZlvuAkKry-00023-00005682-00005832 It's my keyboard now. F5ZlvuAkKry-00024-00005869-00005999 You're right. F5ZlvuAkKry-00025-00006036-00006236 Thank you for teaching me a moral lesson. F5ZlvuAkKry-00026-00006292-00006573 It's better than any gift you could have ever gotten me. F5ZlvuAkKry-00027-00006709-00006850 You're welcome, Millicent. F5ZlvuAkKry-00028-00006916-00007047 You know what? F5ZlvuAkKry-00029-00007123-00007270 Here, take the keyboard. F5ZlvuAkKry-00030-00007407-00007550 You're so easy! F5ZlvuAkKry-00031-00007617-00007770 When Millicent's father passed away F5ZlvuAkKry-00032-00007784-00008101 I never thought I'd meet someone who loved her as much as me. F5ZlvuAkKry-00033-00008144-00008361 Hmm, as much as I do. F5ZlvuAkKry-00034-00008501-00008658 I see why you divorced me. F5ZlvuAkKry-00035-00008745-00009068 Well, now it's time for me to divorce somebody else. F5ZlvuAkKry-00036-00009139-00009322 Wait, that came out weird. F5ZlvuAkKry-00037-00009376-00009509 I'm seeing someone. F5ZlvuAkKry-00038-00009589-00009726 No! F5ZlvuAkKry-00039-00009883-00009993 Just kidding. F5ZlvuAkKry-00040-00010023-00010123 [chuckling] F5ZlvuAkKry-00041-00010136-00010350 Honestly, I'm happy for you. F5ZlvuAkKry-00042-00010457-00010557 Thanks. F5ZlvuAkKry-00043-00010850-00011014 [whispering] It's working! F5ZlvuAkKry-00044-00011067-00011264 [sighing] We both knew this was bound to happen. F5ZlvuAkKry-00045-00011277-00011481 [whispering] We knew, too! We knew, too. F5ZlvuAkKry-00046-00011494-00011721 The only part I'm worried about is Millicent. F5ZlvuAkKry-00047-00011734-00011918 Maybe this is just too much for her. F5ZlvuAkKry-00048-00011965-00012205 I wish I had a way to know how she's gonna react. F5ZlvuAkKry-00049-00012218-00012375 Should we go talk to her right now? F5ZlvuAkKry-00050-00012475-00012769 No, I need to gauge her moods over the next week. F5ZlvuAkKry-00051-00012809-00013129 Oh, hey, Mrs Benson. Oh, look, a little baby person! F5ZlvuAkKry-00052-00013233-00013396 Freddie, I'm taking baby Stephanie F5ZlvuAkKry-00053-00013409-00013546 out for a walk in the fresh air. F5ZlvuAkKry-00054-00013560-00013757 Oh, I don't care what you do with her. F5ZlvuAkKry-00055-00013840-00013997 Oh, look at her! F5ZlvuAkKry-00056-00014010-00014164 She's so small. F5ZlvuAkKry-00057-00014230-00014367 Like a little meat loaf. F5ZlvuAkKry-00058-00014451-00014738 - Hi, baby. - What's up, little Stephanie? F5ZlvuAkKry-00059-00014908-00015171 [making silly noises] F5ZlvuAkKry-00060-00015185-00015295 [giggling] F5ZlvuAkKry-00061-00015308-00015438 We made her laugh. F5ZlvuAkKry-00062-00015452-00015735 Yeah, she thinks everybody is hilarious but me. F5ZlvuAkKry-00063-00015749-00015879 Here, let's test it out. F5ZlvuAkKry-00064-00015892-00016072 First, me and Carly will get her laughing. F5ZlvuAkKry-00065-00016116-00016212 Oh, you're so cute! F5ZlvuAkKry-00066-00016226-00016463 [making silly noises] F5ZlvuAkKry-00067-00016519-00016663 [giggling] F5ZlvuAkKry-00068-00016699-00016826 And now... F5ZlvuAkKry-00069-00017113-00017240 [giggling] F5ZlvuAkKry-00070-00017317-00017460 [giggling] F5ZlvuAkKry-00071-00017767-00018011 Oh, the baby does hate you. F5ZlvuAkKry-00072-00018048-00018324 Your great grandfather, long before you were born, F5ZlvuAkKry-00073-00018374-00018651 he led a troop called the Fencin' Bensons. F5ZlvuAkKry-00074-00018688-00018965 They performed with the Tingling Brothers Circus. F5ZlvuAkKry-00075-00019079-00019362 It was him, his brother and their seven cousins. F5ZlvuAkKry-00076-00019376-00019682 They were gifted fencers, wildly popular. F5ZlvuAkKry-00077-00019752-00019943 The Tingling brothers? F5ZlvuAkKry-00078-00020063-00020457 Yes, your great grandfather was a master at fencing, F5ZlvuAkKry-00079-00020517-00020754 but he became obsessed with it. F5ZlvuAkKry-00080-00020790-00021104 He forced my father to fence, and later, F5ZlvuAkKry-00081-00021134-00021271 my father made me. F5ZlvuAkKry-00082-00021357-00021524 Fencing is in our blood, Freddie, F5ZlvuAkKry-00083-00021578-00021865 and I never wanted you to become obsessed, F5ZlvuAkKry-00084-00021938-00022075 like our ancestors. F5ZlvuAkKry-00085-00022088-00022225 I thought you wanted me to be your girlfriend F5ZlvuAkKry-00086-00022238-00022358 since the first day you met me. F5ZlvuAkKry-00087-00022372-00022499 I have. F5ZlvuAkKry-00088-00022512-00022709 Well? I'm standing here with my lips all glossed up F5ZlvuAkKry-00089-00022722-00022979 and you're treating me like I'm your icky cousin Amanda. F5ZlvuAkKry-00090-00023062-00023193 Amanda is disgusting. F5ZlvuAkKry-00091-00023266-00023530 Freddie, I need to visit your Aunt Susan for a few days. F5ZlvuAkKry-00092-00023543-00023730 Apparently, her rash is spreading. F5ZlvuAkKry-00093-00023770-00024044 Spencer, I need to have Freddie stay here. F5ZlvuAkKry-00094-00024057-00024200 Eh, no problem. F5ZlvuAkKry-00095-00024214-00024360 Just make sure that Freddie gets to bed every night-- F5ZlvuAkKry-00096-00024374-00024457 Mom! F5ZlvuAkKry-00097-00024471-00024634 Boys without bedtimes never-- F5ZlvuAkKry-00098-00024647-00024831 [phone rings] Ugh, now what? F5ZlvuAkKry-00099-00024941-00025241 Oh, my God. The rash spread to her thighs. F5ZlvuAkKry-00100-00025281-00025432 I've got to go online and do F5ZlvuAkKry-00101-00025445-00025645 some cream and ointment research. F5ZlvuAkKry-00102-00025849-00025992 Your aunt sounds awesome. F5ZlvuAkKry-00103-00026116-00026416 Like your family's not full of freaks and mutants. F5ZlvuAkKry-00104-00026449-00026563 Touché. F5ZlvuAkKry-00105-00026576-00026840 I just don't see what's funny about Fred. F5ZlvuAkKry-00106-00026930-00027100 Well, it's not my fault he quit! F5ZlvuAkKry-00107-00027137-00027347 Hey, you don't have to call me names. F5ZlvuAkKry-00108-00027397-00027500 Oh, yeah? F5ZlvuAkKry-00109-00027514-00027660 Well, you're a bigger one! F5ZlvuAkKry-00110-00027754-00027881 Who was that? F5ZlvuAkKry-00111-00027894-00028004 My Aunt Jennifer. F5ZlvuAkKry-00112-00028194-00028298 I hear peeping. F5ZlvuAkKry-00113-00028311-00028435 Shhh! F5ZlvuAkKry-00114-00028588-00028688 [chirping] F5ZlvuAkKry-00115-00028701-00028888 I think there's a chick inside the wall. F5ZlvuAkKry-00116-00028992-00029245 Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle. F5ZlvuAkKry-00117-00029642-00030043 Okay, my uncle's a carpenter, so maybe he can bring over his... F5ZlvuAkKry-00118-00030056-00030266 [screaming] F8p8Zp8BmJU-00000-00000010-00000053 NORTH DIVISION FIRST TEAM F8p8Zp8BmJU-00001-00000053-00000060 NORTH DIVISION FIRST TEAM F8p8Zp8BmJU-00002-00000060-00000303 NORTH DIVISION FIRST TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE OFFENSE. F8p8Zp8BmJU-00003-00000303-00000310 NORTH DIVISION FIRST TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE OFFENSE. F8p8Zp8BmJU-00004-00000310-00000550 NORTH DIVISION FIRST TEAM ALL-CONFERENCE OFFENSE. >>> WELL, BSU MEN'S HOCKEY FANS, F8p8Zp8BmJU-00005-00000550-00000557 ALL-CONFERENCE OFFENSE. >>> WELL, BSU MEN'S HOCKEY FANS, F8p8Zp8BmJU-00006-00000557-00000687 ALL-CONFERENCE OFFENSE. >>> WELL, BSU MEN'S HOCKEY FANS, THE 2017 AND 18 REGULAR SEASON F8p8Zp8BmJU-00007-00000687-00000694 >>> WELL, BSU MEN'S HOCKEY FANS, THE 2017 AND 18 REGULAR SEASON F8p8Zp8BmJU-00008-00000694-00000887 >>> WELL, BSU MEN'S HOCKEY FANS, THE 2017 AND 18 REGULAR SEASON IS SET IN STONE ON PAPER. F8p8Zp8BmJU-00009-00000887-00000894 THE 2017 AND 18 REGULAR SEASON IS SET IN STONE ON PAPER. F8p8Zp8BmJU-00010-00000894-00001037 THE 2017 AND 18 REGULAR SEASON IS SET IN STONE ON PAPER. THIS AFTERNOON, THE BEAVERS F8p8Zp8BmJU-00011-00001037-00001044 IS SET IN STONE ON PAPER. THIS AFTERNOON, THE BEAVERS F8p8Zp8BmJU-00012-00001044-00001164 IS SET IN STONE ON PAPER. THIS AFTERNOON, THE BEAVERS UNVEILED THEIR SCHEDULE FOR THE F8p8Zp8BmJU-00013-00001164-00001171 THIS AFTERNOON, THE BEAVERS UNVEILED THEIR SCHEDULE FOR THE F8p8Zp8BmJU-00014-00001171-00001347 THIS AFTERNOON, THE BEAVERS UNVEILED THEIR SCHEDULE FOR THE UPCOMING YEAR. F8p8Zp8BmJU-00015-00001347-00001354 UNVEILED THEIR SCHEDULE FOR THE UPCOMING YEAR. F8p8Zp8BmJU-00016-00001354-00001531 UNVEILED THEIR SCHEDULE FOR THE UPCOMING YEAR. A 36-GAME SLATE FEATURES THE F8p8Zp8BmJU-00017-00001531-00001538 UPCOMING YEAR. A 36-GAME SLATE FEATURES THE F8p8Zp8BmJU-00018-00001538-00001714 UPCOMING YEAR. A 36-GAME SLATE FEATURES THE SEASON OPENER WITH A HOME AND F8p8Zp8BmJU-00019-00001714-00001721 A 36-GAME SLATE FEATURES THE SEASON OPENER WITH A HOME AND F8p8Zp8BmJU-00020-00001721-00001918 A 36-GAME SLATE FEATURES THE SEASON OPENER WITH A HOME AND AWAY WITH FROZEN FOUR F8p8Zp8BmJU-00021-00001918-00001925 SEASON OPENER WITH A HOME AND AWAY WITH FROZEN FOUR F8p8Zp8BmJU-00022-00001925-00002045 SEASON OPENER WITH A HOME AND AWAY WITH FROZEN FOUR PARTICIPANT MINNESOTA DULUTH F8p8Zp8BmJU-00023-00002045-00002052 AWAY WITH FROZEN FOUR PARTICIPANT MINNESOTA DULUTH F8p8Zp8BmJU-00024-00002052-00002255 AWAY WITH FROZEN FOUR PARTICIPANT MINNESOTA DULUTH OCTOBER 13th AND 14th. F8p8Zp8BmJU-00025-00002255-00002262 PARTICIPANT MINNESOTA DULUTH OCTOBER 13th AND 14th. F8p8Zp8BmJU-00026-00002262-00002485 PARTICIPANT MINNESOTA DULUTH OCTOBER 13th AND 14th. COACH SERRATORE'S REUNION F8p8Zp8BmJU-00027-00002485-00002492 OCTOBER 13th AND 14th. COACH SERRATORE'S REUNION F8p8Zp8BmJU-00028-00002492-00002662 OCTOBER 13th AND 14th. COACH SERRATORE'S REUNION AGAINST HIS SON MATT AND AIR F8p8Zp8BmJU-00029-00002662-00002669 COACH SERRATORE'S REUNION AGAINST HIS SON MATT AND AIR F8p8Zp8BmJU-00030-00002669-00002802 COACH SERRATORE'S REUNION AGAINST HIS SON MATT AND AIR FORCE ON OCTOBER 20th. F8p8Zp8BmJU-00031-00002802-00002809 AGAINST HIS SON MATT AND AIR FORCE ON OCTOBER 20th. F8p8Zp8BmJU-00032-00002809-00002952 AGAINST HIS SON MATT AND AIR FORCE ON OCTOBER 20th. THE CONFERENCE HOME OPENER F8p8Zp8BmJU-00033-00002952-00002959 FORCE ON OCTOBER 20th. THE CONFERENCE HOME OPENER F8p8Zp8BmJU-00034-00002959-00003236 FORCE ON OCTOBER 20th. THE CONFERENCE HOME OPENER OCTOBER 27th WITH FERRIS STATE F8p8Zp8BmJU-00035-00003236-00003243 THE CONFERENCE HOME OPENER OCTOBER 27th WITH FERRIS STATE F8p8Zp8BmJU-00036-00003243-00003466 THE CONFERENCE HOME OPENER OCTOBER 27th WITH FERRIS STATE AND ALSO A HOME AND AWAY SERIES F8p8Zp8BmJU-00037-00003466-00003473 OCTOBER 27th WITH FERRIS STATE AND ALSO A HOME AND AWAY SERIES F8p8Zp8BmJU-00038-00003473-00003516 OCTOBER 27th WITH FERRIS STATE AND ALSO A HOME AND AWAY SERIES JANUARY 12th AND 13th WITH Fr5W5rD_IBU-00001-00000200-00000400 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00002-00000400-00000600 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00003-00000600-00000800 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00004-00000800-00001000 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00005-00001000-00001200 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00006-00001200-00001400 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00007-00001400-00001600 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00008-00001600-00001800 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00009-00001800-00002000 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00010-00002000-00002200 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00011-00002200-00002400 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00012-00002400-00002600 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00013-00002600-00002800 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00014-00002800-00003000 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00015-00003000-00003200 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00016-00003200-00003400 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00017-00003400-00003600 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00018-00003600-00003800 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00019-00003800-00004000 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00020-00004000-00004200 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00021-00004200-00004400 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00022-00004400-00004600 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP Fr5W5rD_IBU-00023-00004600-00004800 pemula YouTube small Nama Chanel youtube Itu harus yang Gampang Dicari sehingga memudahkan Buat Creator lain Mensub Channel kita usahakan Nama Channelnya Dua kata yang mudah Di ingat dan Di cari NOSKIP FuLFXOD-9xM-00000-00001722-00002603 1. Insert the Audio CD in to your computer FuLFXOD-9xM-00001-00002889-00005703 2. Play the Audio with Windows media player FuLFXOD-9xM-00002-00005916-00008003 3. Click on 'Rip CD' FuLFXOD-9xM-00004-00020450-00022450 If you receive a message like this pls ignore it and continue FuLFXOD-9xM-00005-00022500-00024600 The Audio CD is now copied to the computer FuLFXOD-9xM-00006-00024610-00026210 Now let locate the Audios in the computer FuLFXOD-9xM-00007-00027175-00028073 5. Go to your computer "documents" and you shall find the audios there FuLFXOD-9xM-00008-00028116-00029616 6. Click on your computer user's name FuLFXOD-9xM-00009-00029616-00030916 7. Click on 'my music' FuLFXOD-9xM-00010-00030916-00033516 8. Open 'unknown artist' folder & u shall find your Audios there Fw19DZUTc20-00000-00000418-00001100 The neighborhood's ace is not a whiz kid. He is not a magical genie. He does not have Fw19DZUTc20-00001-00001348-00001705 grand college degrees or studies overseas. Fw19DZUTc20-00002-00001705-00002189 He is neither a robot nor an alien. However, everyone admires his superpowers! Fw19DZUTc20-00003-00002189-00002732 His formula is simple. The neighborhood's ace has known how to put technology at his Fw19DZUTc20-00004-00002732-00002856 service. When Alex was a kid he watched a documentary Fw19DZUTc20-00005-00002856-00003076 about an Indian called Sugata Mitra, who had made an interesting experiment in India by Fw19DZUTc20-00006-00003076-00003419 putting a computer in a public space of a very poor neighborhood and letting children Fw19DZUTc20-00007-00003419-00004031 use it. In this way, Mitra proved that children might learn to use computers and the internet Fw19DZUTc20-00008-00004031-00004368 on their own with a lot of ease and without any formal training. Fw19DZUTc20-00009-00004368-00004721 Then Alex went to the library, asked for a computer and used it for several days, accessing Fw19DZUTc20-00010-00004721-00005089 all of the programs, watching tutorial videos, fiddling about the computer. Fw19DZUTc20-00011-00005089-00005742 In just a matter of days, Alex already knew how to browse the internet using Google Chrome, Fw19DZUTc20-00012-00005742-00006223 write documents in Word, make calculations in Excel, prepare presentations in Power Point Fw19DZUTc20-00013-00006223-00006556 and Prezi, listen to and record music in iTunes, watch and edit images in InkScape, have teleconferences Fw19DZUTc20-00014-00006556-00007036 through Skype, and how to manage an e-mail account in Gmail to send and receive all kinds Fw19DZUTc20-00015-00007036-00007379 of information. He was very surprised to see many people would Fw19DZUTc20-00016-00007379-00008079 look for him in the town library so that he could help them with these programs, and he Fw19DZUTc20-00017-00008243-00008727 always obtained something as reward for his help: the shopkeeper would give him popsicles Fw19DZUTc20-00018-00008727-00009170 in exchange for his help keeping the accounts; the baker would give him buns in exchange Fw19DZUTc20-00019-00009170-00009727 for the logo he designed for his bakery. His neighbor would let him ride her bike when Fw19DZUTc20-00020-00009727-00010200 he wrote letters for her. One day Alex's neighbor asked him to scan Fw19DZUTc20-00021-00010200-00010608 an article that appeared on a magazine. That night, the neighborhood's ace could not Fw19DZUTc20-00022-00010608-00011184 sleep. Anguish about not knowing how to use the scanner made him feverish. With fever Fw19DZUTc20-00023-00011184-00011763 came hallucinations. He dreamt that the scanner was swallowing him, and when he run away, Fw19DZUTc20-00024-00011763-00012463 all kinds of devices began chasing him. Finally he reached an alley, where a video camera, Fw19DZUTc20-00025-00012485-00013137 a monitor, a DVD reader, some speakers, a microphone, a router, a printer, several tablets, Fw19DZUTc20-00026-00013137-00013837 a projector, a camera, and a bunch of wires were surrounding him in a threatening manner. Fw19DZUTc20-00027-00015059-00015759 In that moment Alex woke up with a firm idea in his mind: He would learn how to use technology Fw19DZUTc20-00028-00015768-00016468 so he would not be afraid of it. The municipal library became a true operations Fw19DZUTc20-00029-00016487-00017079 center, and the Chinese librarian became his accomplice. The first thing Alex did was learning Fw19DZUTc20-00030-00017079-00017779 how to use the multifunctional printer. He realized that besides printing pages, it was Fw19DZUTc20-00031-00017945-00018645 very easy to scan documents so that a true copy of them might be uploaded to the Internet. Fw19DZUTc20-00032-00018694-00019394 Then he went to the video camera with the help of the librarian, who was an expert on Fw19DZUTc20-00033-00019701-00020401 the matter. The librarian told Alex how to record a movie and then how to edit it in Fw19DZUTc20-00034-00020562-00020902 his computer. While he was teaching Alex, he also told about the possibilities of digital Fw19DZUTc20-00035-00020902-00021280 photography, explaining how to make good photos, how to download them on the computer, and Fw19DZUTc20-00036-00021280-00021829 how to use different programs in order to adjust the color and shapes. Fw19DZUTc20-00037-00021829-00022529 Then he learned how to use the video Beam, and after a while he was able to project his Fw19DZUTc20-00038-00022531-00022818 movies and photos to entertain his friends with them. Night sessions in the library became Fw19DZUTc20-00039-00022818-00023133 an attraction for everybody. The more things Alex knew how to do, the more Fw19DZUTc20-00040-00023133-00023413 acknowledgment and appreciation he got from his neighbors. Alex was an ace. The neighborhood's Fw19DZUTc20-00041-00023413-00023438 ace. Fw19DZUTc20-00042-00023437-00023941 When the library got a new device, such as a router or the last tablet, Alex was the Fw19DZUTc20-00043-00023941-00024280 first one to figure it out and tinker with it. The ace dominated everything. Fw19DZUTc20-00044-00024280-00024405 He did not have any problem in installing and setting up those mysterious interactive Fw19DZUTc20-00045-00024405-00024430 screens that the library received one day. FwKa1q5f0cM-00000-00001484-00001791 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00001-00001791-00002092 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00002-00002092-00002395 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00003-00002395-00002706 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00004-00002706-00003006 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00005-00003006-00003309 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00006-00003309-00003610 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00007-00003610-00003937 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00008-00003937-00004237 Nathan Kelly: Playing live... it's fun to provide the entertainment so to FwKa1q5f0cM-00009-00004237-00004537 speak. It's a surreal experience FwKa1q5f0cM-00010-00004537-00004841 having people there just to watch and listen FwKa1q5f0cM-00011-00004841-00005145 to what you came up with. It's really a cool feeling. FwKa1q5f0cM-00012-00005145-00005452 John: We're Crimson Wynter and I'm John Murphy and I play the FwKa1q5f0cM-00013-00005452-00005749 base and I also take care of vocal duties. Nathan: My name's Nathan Kelly. FwKa1q5f0cM-00014-00005749-00006065 I'm the drummer for the band. Sabbastian: And my name's Sabbastian. FwKa1q5f0cM-00015-00006065-00006369 I play guitar and sing vocals as well. FwKa1q5f0cM-00016-00006369-00006673 Collectively as individuals we've played together for about FwKa1q5f0cM-00017-00006673-00006983 2 years. But Crimson Wynter has been together for about 9 FwKa1q5f0cM-00018-00006983-00007297 months or so. John: It's a good question to ask like what our sound is because FwKa1q5f0cM-00019-00007297-00007597 I think that's a question we don't even fully understand ourselves. FwKa1q5f0cM-00020-00007597-00007887 Sabbastian: Well, it's been described as like 70's like FwKa1q5f0cM-00021-00007887-00008201 kind of on the progressive rock scene and FwKa1q5f0cM-00022-00008201-00008528 infused with a bit of metal. FwKa1q5f0cM-00023-00008528-00008828 John: We also kind of some a little bit FwKa1q5f0cM-00024-00008828-00009122 of punk elements with how Nathan FwKa1q5f0cM-00025-00009122-00009446 drums and how he incorporates his own style in FwKa1q5f0cM-00026-00009446-00009739 there. It's interesting just how everything comes together as far as FwKa1q5f0cM-00027-00009739-00010046 the writing style goes. Nathan: We have multiple elements in it. FwKa1q5f0cM-00028-00010046-00010346 All the way leading from your prog rock and your FwKa1q5f0cM-00029-00010346-00010657 hard rock towards your metal and everything. FwKa1q5f0cM-00030-00010657-00010964 When everything comes together it seems to work out nice. We're able to get everything to FwKa1q5f0cM-00031-00010964-00011257 flow the way we want to and we're very happy with ourselves. FwKa1q5f0cM-00032-00011257-00011561 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00033-00011561-00011855 John: Writing music for us. The way FwKa1q5f0cM-00034-00011855-00012165 we approach it. There's a couple different ways. Sometimes Sabbastian FwKa1q5f0cM-00035-00012165-00012479 comes in with quarter of a song written or FwKa1q5f0cM-00036-00012479-00012796 like most of the song written. Or sometimes all of the song FwKa1q5f0cM-00037-00012796-00013089 written. And he'll be like, guys what do you think about this? I threw this together and we're like FwKa1q5f0cM-00038-00013089-00013383 yeah, that's awesome. And we'll write different parts for an arrangement FwKa1q5f0cM-00039-00013383-00013700 like he'll throw in a drum track or 2. Sometimes we'll get together FwKa1q5f0cM-00040-00013700-00014003 and we'll be jamming you know. We'll be doing just random FwKa1q5f0cM-00041-00014003-00014320 stuff and we'll stop and say hey, you know. What was that FwKa1q5f0cM-00042-00014320-00014607 you were just playing right now? And he'll comment, well I don't know. It's like okay. Well that was really FwKa1q5f0cM-00043-00014607-00014914 cool. I like that what you were doing. And then we just kind FwKa1q5f0cM-00044-00014914-00015215 of take that and we roll with it and see what happens. FwKa1q5f0cM-00045-00015215-00015518 Sabbastian: I'd say in general as far as like melody or FwKa1q5f0cM-00046-00015518-00015845 lyrics, it's typically more of like the backing music FwKa1q5f0cM-00047-00015845-00016126 behind it all we'll come up with. Like the rifts and the drum FwKa1q5f0cM-00048-00016126-00016429 parts. And then once that's kind of solid then we're getting FwKa1q5f0cM-00049-00016429-00016763 a feel to that. Typically me or John will start like coming up FwKa1q5f0cM-00050-00016763-00017053 with some melodies and then we'll all like throw in some lyrics to it. FwKa1q5f0cM-00051-00017053-00017363 That's kind of true of my own writing as well. I'm very rifts first, FwKa1q5f0cM-00052-00017363-00017657 melody later. And I wouldn't say FwKa1q5f0cM-00053-00017657-00017967 it's anything like in disregard to the FwKa1q5f0cM-00054-00017967-00018274 melody. It's just...that's kind of what presents itself last FwKa1q5f0cM-00055-00018274-00018565 to us at least. John: I think it's a lot more like FwKa1q5f0cM-00056-00018565-00018885 focused on the motif until FwKa1q5f0cM-00057-00018885-00019192 the melody eventually eventually reveals itself. Because I think it's... FwKa1q5f0cM-00058-00019192-00019476 a lot of what I like thinking about when writing a song is FwKa1q5f0cM-00059-00019476-00019803 ... serving the song and putting FwKa1q5f0cM-00060-00019803-00020096 into the song what it deserves. Sabbastian: You need a good pancake batter FwKa1q5f0cM-00061-00020096-00020400 for the pancake. [laughing] FwKa1q5f0cM-00062-00020400-00020703 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00063-00020703-00021014 ♪ The overall FwKa1q5f0cM-00064-00021014-00021317 feeling of the Terrapin Station show. I mean I was really FwKa1q5f0cM-00065-00021317-00021614 excited. But there was a little part of me that was a bit nervous because this was FwKa1q5f0cM-00066-00021614-00021941 a bit of our pioneering show for the community FwKa1q5f0cM-00067-00021941-00022252 where we practice and write our music. So this wasn't just you know FwKa1q5f0cM-00068-00022252-00022559 Minneapolis where people are like ok sure it's another band you know. This is like FwKa1q5f0cM-00069-00022559-00022856 our home turf. And there's a little bit riding on you in that way. But FwKa1q5f0cM-00070-00022856-00023156 I think overall it became a really FwKa1q5f0cM-00071-00023156-00023470 fun experience for me. And it was something FwKa1q5f0cM-00072-00023470-00023733 I was able to walk away and yeah, that was a really good show. Nathan: Going into it FwKa1q5f0cM-00073-00023733-00024070 yeah, I'll admit. I'm sure they can admit too that yeah we were FwKa1q5f0cM-00074-00024070-00024374 nervous. If we weren't then we wouldn't have had the passion behind it. FwKa1q5f0cM-00075-00024374-00024684 Sabbastian: Definitely for the first few songs like I was bit FwKa1q5f0cM-00076-00024684-00024988 nervous. But kind of once we got playing FwKa1q5f0cM-00077-00024988-00025285 and more in the rhythm of things, the groove it kind of FwKa1q5f0cM-00078-00025285-00025602 died down, got more comfortable with it. But FwKa1q5f0cM-00079-00025602-00025909 it's really crazy just like being the focal point FwKa1q5f0cM-00080-00025909-00026216 of 50+ people. FwKa1q5f0cM-00081-00026216-00026529 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00082-00026529-00026846 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00083-00026846-00027153 Kiki: I'm Kiki Carter Webb and our band is called FwKa1q5f0cM-00084-00027153-00027454 Dancing Light. This is my husband, Greg Webb. FwKa1q5f0cM-00085-00027454-00027764 The Terrapin Station performance really FwKa1q5f0cM-00086-00027764-00028064 came about because we had a bunch of family coming to FwKa1q5f0cM-00087-00028064-00028358 visit for Greg's mother's 90th birthday. FwKa1q5f0cM-00088-00028358-00028665 And so they all wanted to FwKa1q5f0cM-00089-00028665-00028978 hear us play. They wanted to hear Sabbastian FwKa1q5f0cM-00090-00028978-00029302 and his band play. So we called Brian at Terrapin FwKa1q5f0cM-00091-00029302-00029596 and said hey, how about a show over at Terrapin while the family's FwKa1q5f0cM-00092-00029596-00029909 here? He thought it was a great idea and we put that FwKa1q5f0cM-00093-00029909-00030213 together. It was so much fun. Greg: We love Terrapin FwKa1q5f0cM-00094-00030213-00030510 Station. I mean playing at Terrapin Station has always been FwKa1q5f0cM-00095-00030510-00030804 a real treat for us from the very first time we performed FwKa1q5f0cM-00096-00030804-00031104 there and we've performed there several times over the years. I love FwKa1q5f0cM-00097-00031104-00031424 any environment that you know that FwKa1q5f0cM-00098-00031424-00031718 I guess comparable to that that's really designed for listening to FwKa1q5f0cM-00099-00031718-00032035 music. And there's really no other focus going on FwKa1q5f0cM-00100-00032035-00032338 there. Very different than playing in a bar where there's some other activity FwKa1q5f0cM-00101-00032338-00032652 that sometimes that is more important to the people in the room. FwKa1q5f0cM-00102-00032652-00032929 When you're just there and everybody's just there for the music it's so FwKa1q5f0cM-00103-00032929-00033249 beautiful. It so it allows you to really go deep FwKa1q5f0cM-00104-00033249-00033553 into the playing, into the performance and into FwKa1q5f0cM-00105-00033553-00033850 the interaction with the audience. The idea of bringing Crimson FwKa1q5f0cM-00106-00033850-00034177 Wynter in there to perform, I just knew that they would love FwKa1q5f0cM-00107-00034177-00034481 it. I just knew that, you know that it would give them an opportunity FwKa1q5f0cM-00108-00034481-00034778 that they hadn't really had yet. Kiki: The FwKa1q5f0cM-00109-00034778-00035078 night at Terrapin Station was just a wild night. We had family there. We FwKa1q5f0cM-00110-00035078-00035398 had friends there. We had the public there. It was open to the public FwKa1q5f0cM-00111-00035398-00035698 as well. And there was just such an energy of FwKa1q5f0cM-00112-00035698-00036012 anticipation both in performing for family FwKa1q5f0cM-00113-00036012-00036312 that lives far away. And our grandchildren being there. And FwKa1q5f0cM-00114-00036312-00036613 then having Crimson Wynter play. A real concert for FwKa1q5f0cM-00115-00036613-00036910 the first time. And it was just so much fun to watch those FwKa1q5f0cM-00116-00036910-00037217 boys come alive on stage. Greg: Having FwKa1q5f0cM-00117-00037217-00037524 our son get into music you know is...just FwKa1q5f0cM-00118-00037524-00037824 sort of a dream come true. We have other children who connect FwKa1q5f0cM-00119-00037824-00038138 with music but he is the first one who sort of FwKa1q5f0cM-00120-00038138-00038448 we feel the comradery of FwKa1q5f0cM-00121-00038448-00038758 being deeply into music. And you know FwKa1q5f0cM-00122-00038758-00039062 and passionately loving to play and to write FwKa1q5f0cM-00123-00039062-00039382 and to perform. FwKa1q5f0cM-00124-00039382-00039679 ♪ We've sort of been mentoring Crimson Wynter just in the FwKa1q5f0cM-00125-00039679-00039976 sense of offering them our FwKa1q5f0cM-00126-00039976-00040303 experience as musicians. FwKa1q5f0cM-00127-00040303-00040607 And doing a concert together just seemed like a FwKa1q5f0cM-00128-00040607-00040907 ... a really good idea. And I think they had some FwKa1q5f0cM-00129-00040907-00041211 question about you know how's that going to FwKa1q5f0cM-00130-00041211-00041531 work because of the difference in our musical styles. Kiki: We all had that FwKa1q5f0cM-00131-00041531-00041835 question. [laughing] Greg: Yeah, I think we did. When I was approaching FwKa1q5f0cM-00132-00041835-00042128 people to even to tell them about the concert FwKa1q5f0cM-00133-00042128-00042452 you know there was there was at first a little bit of wondering FwKa1q5f0cM-00134-00042452-00042749 well, now is this person going to like both of FwKa1q5f0cM-00135-00042749-00043072 these musical genres together or FwKa1q5f0cM-00136-00043072-00043356 is this person going to prefer one over the other? You know and it was FwKa1q5f0cM-00137-00043356-00043660 an inspiration behind the whole idea FwKa1q5f0cM-00138-00043660-00043980 of doing a show together. And I FwKa1q5f0cM-00139-00043980-00044284 started to just allow that to be what it was and to FwKa1q5f0cM-00140-00044284-00044587 trust that I didn't really have to FwKa1q5f0cM-00141-00044587-00044874 decide for the people coming to see us FwKa1q5f0cM-00142-00044874-00045195 what they were going to like or not like? And I can just say well FwKa1q5f0cM-00143-00045195-00045498 come out and experience it. FwKa1q5f0cM-00144-00045498-00045809 Kiki: It was FwKa1q5f0cM-00145-00045809-00046122 amazing to be FwKa1q5f0cM-00146-00046122-00046422 playing songs that we've been done for years like, "Yes it Does" FwKa1q5f0cM-00147-00046422-00046730 with Crimson Wynter. Because they were just... FwKa1q5f0cM-00148-00046730-00047056 had all this youthful energy. So powerful. FwKa1q5f0cM-00149-00047056-00047347 And there are too are the grandchildren coming up on stage. FwKa1q5f0cM-00150-00047347-00047654 The energy was electric for FwKa1q5f0cM-00151-00047654-00047977 me personally. FwKa1q5f0cM-00152-00047977-00048284 ♪ Greg: I had such a good time playing FwKa1q5f0cM-00153-00048284-00048585 music with Crimson Wynter. We had some beautiful rehearsals here FwKa1q5f0cM-00154-00048585-00048898 days and the weeks before, we did the Terrapin FwKa1q5f0cM-00155-00048898-00049199 show. And to do that with them on stage FwKa1q5f0cM-00156-00049199-00049509 it's kind of amazing really. In so many ways because FwKa1q5f0cM-00157-00049509-00049823 of course we've known Sabbastian all his life and he's FwKa1q5f0cM-00158-00049823-00050130 known John Murphy since he was probably in FwKa1q5f0cM-00159-00050130-00050443 3rd grade. And there was a long time there FwKa1q5f0cM-00160-00050443-00050753 where most of what they would do together is play video FwKa1q5f0cM-00161-00050753-00051067 games. You know, was never really...I never imagined FwKa1q5f0cM-00162-00051067-00051374 you know that there'd be a day not only that they both be so FwKa1q5f0cM-00163-00051374-00051678 focused on music but that we would get to FwKa1q5f0cM-00164-00051678-00051978 play with them on stage and be a part of a concert FwKa1q5f0cM-00165-00051978-00052285 together. And having the grandchildren FwKa1q5f0cM-00166-00052285-00052579 come up on stage and play percussion FwKa1q5f0cM-00167-00052579-00052896 it was a lot of fun. And I know for them it was FwKa1q5f0cM-00168-00052896-00053203 it was huge. I mean they were...just like FwKa1q5f0cM-00169-00053203-00053510 beaming afterwards like they had been a part of the band. FwKa1q5f0cM-00170-00053510-00053816 Kiki: They were rock stars. [laughing] [They were.] FwKa1q5f0cM-00171-00053816-00054110 John: I think the general feeling I get from playing with Sabbastian's FwKa1q5f0cM-00172-00054110-00054421 parents...I think practicing up to it it's kind of FwKa1q5f0cM-00173-00054421-00054731 a cool feeling. Because you get to play out of your style and FwKa1q5f0cM-00174-00054731-00055031 you get to play with you know something that's a little bit FwKa1q5f0cM-00175-00055031-00055345 softer and you know yadda... And you kind of get a different FwKa1q5f0cM-00176-00055345-00055635 sonic experience ... a musical experience. In a way it's a nice FwKa1q5f0cM-00177-00055635-00055949 sort of break for you as a FwKa1q5f0cM-00178-00055949-00056249 musician. Sabbastian: Playing with my parents and FwKa1q5f0cM-00179-00056249-00056556 we all had family in the audience. Even if we like FwKa1q5f0cM-00180-00056556-00056870 totally botched the show, they hate our songs, whatever. Like FwKa1q5f0cM-00181-00056870-00057173 they're still going to love us and care for us. [laughing] Nathan: The show feels FwKa1q5f0cM-00182-00057173-00057470 a little more intimate just because you have that family there. FwKa1q5f0cM-00183-00057470-00057757 And you feel a little bit less pressure on one FwKa1q5f0cM-00184-00057757-00058091 hand because you know that but yeah if you screw up FwKa1q5f0cM-00185-00058091-00058398 I mean they're still your family. But [laughing] then again you don't FwKa1q5f0cM-00186-00058398-00058695 want to screw up because you want your family to like your music so... John: True and FwKa1q5f0cM-00187-00058695-00059008 another aspect of that is that it's also your family so it's like FwKa1q5f0cM-00188-00059008-00059319 wow I don't know what these think of it because it's like FwKa1q5f0cM-00189-00059319-00059619 here's the first time. It's like hey mom, hey dad check out this FwKa1q5f0cM-00190-00059619-00059939 rip roaring heavy riff. FwKa1q5f0cM-00191-00059939-00060243 [I do] [laughing] This is what I do, you know. FwKa1q5f0cM-00192-00060243-00060547 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00193-00060547-00060850 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00194-00060850-00061164 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00195-00061164-00061464 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00196-00061464-00061768 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00197-00061768-00062068 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00198-00062068-00062368 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00199-00062368-00062669 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00200-00062669-00062969 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00201-00062969-00063269 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00202-00063269-00063570 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00203-00063570-00063900 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00204-00063900-00064214 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00205-00064214-00064517 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00206-00064517-00064821 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00207-00064821-00065121 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00208-00065121-00065432 ♪ FwKa1q5f0cM-00209-00065432-00065615 ♪ FxfrDAW31u8-00000-00001896-00002086 Woman: Hi Dr. Brindley: Good Morning FxfrDAW31u8-00001-00002088-00002300 Woman: How are you doing Dr. Brindley: I'm well FxfrDAW31u8-00002-00002300-00002833 Dr. Brindley: Can I have a scoop of Penn State Global Jet Set Java? FxfrDAW31u8-00003-00002833-00003086 Woman: You can Dr. Brindley: Thank you! FxfrDAW31u8-00004-00003635-00003843 Dr. Brindley: Looking forward to this FxfrDAW31u8-00005-00004900-00005310 Man: Here you go. Enjoy! Dr. Brindley: Thank you very much! FxfrDAW31u8-00006-00005522-00005705 Dr. Brindley: It's the best! FxfrDAW31u8-00007-00005783-00006284 Hi! I'm Roger Brindley, Vice Provost in Penn State Global FxfrDAW31u8-00008-00006284-00006556 And we're here at the Berkey Creamery for the renaming of FxfrDAW31u8-00009-00006556-00006772 Jet Set Java! FxfrDAW31u8-00010-00006787-00007036 In celebration of global education FxfrDAW31u8-00011-00007036-00007444 and our Education Abroad Fair on November 3rd FxfrDAW31u8-00012-00007444-00007613 We'll see you there! Fyhs_fLnroc-00000-00000598-00000776 If you live in a draughty home, it can be Fyhs_fLnroc-00001-00000777-00001001 hard to stay warm without spending a Fyhs_fLnroc-00002-00001001-00001245 fortune on your heating, Fyhs_fLnroc-00003-00001245-00001521 but there's lots you can do to stop up the draughts, like Fyhs_fLnroc-00004-00001521-00001755 putting a chimney balloon up your chimney Fyhs_fLnroc-00005-00001755-00002043 if you have an unused fireplace Fyhs_fLnroc-00006-00002043-00002294 or closing the gaps in floor boards with this Fyhs_fLnroc-00007-00002294-00002693 handy V-shaped strips. To help find those Fyhs_fLnroc-00008-00002693-00003051 draughts, and to find missing insulation, Fyhs_fLnroc-00009-00003051-00003239 did you know that you can borrow a Fyhs_fLnroc-00010-00003239-00003519 thermal imaging camera? Fyhs_fLnroc-00011-00003519-00003738 The thermal imaging camera makes heat Fyhs_fLnroc-00012-00003738-00004040 visible so you can see where the heat is Fyhs_fLnroc-00013-00004040-00005287 leaking out from your home. FyFu9MkCOgU-00000-00000000-00000048 >> Welcome. FyFu9MkCOgU-00001-00000048-00000390 Whether this is the first thing you are doing today, the last thing FyFu9MkCOgU-00002-00000390-00000869 to note, some are in the middle, we are excited you have joined us for FyFu9MkCOgU-00003-00000869-00001128 this conversation about the future of C-Suite leadership. FyFu9MkCOgU-00004-00001230-00001482 I'm Crosby Cromwell, Chief Partnerships Officer FyFu9MkCOgU-00005-00001482-00001607 at Valuable 500. FyFu9MkCOgU-00006-00001770-00002832 I am willing a pink dress with a bright pink bow and times of FyFu9MkCOgU-00007-00002832-00003000 concealer to hide the jetlag. FyFu9MkCOgU-00008-00003522-00004248 The Valuable 500 is a collection of 500 companies committed to FyFu9MkCOgU-00009-00004248-00004458 ending exclusion in business. FyFu9MkCOgU-00010-00004602-00005148 It has been moving too slowly for too long because the height levels FyFu9MkCOgU-00011-00005148-00005436 of leadership have not been at the helm of the conversation. FyFu9MkCOgU-00012-00005544-00005652 How do we change that? FyFu9MkCOgU-00013-00005652-00006222 Yes, it is about CEOs being active and boards being active, we are, FyFu9MkCOgU-00014-00006222-00006564 understanding, opening minds, changing the conversation. FyFu9MkCOgU-00015-00006659-00007145 To truly embed the change, it has to be embedded in executive ranks. FyFu9MkCOgU-00016-00007145-00007259 How do we do that? FyFu9MkCOgU-00017-00007259-00008034 Enter Generation Valuable, a new initiative that is about building FyFu9MkCOgU-00018-00008034-00008535 the C-Suite talent of tomorrow, using disabled voices and leaders FyFu9MkCOgU-00019-00008535-00008928 and you will meet one of them in a middle, as well as opening again FyFu9MkCOgU-00020-00009006-00009468 experience to the C-Suite leaders of the day and having intentional FyFu9MkCOgU-00021-00009468-00009834 conversations and make you aware of the disability experience within FyFu9MkCOgU-00022-00009834-00010272 your business and where this ability, inclusion, accessibility FyFu9MkCOgU-00023-00010272-00010662 may be missing within the ranks of your divisions. FyFu9MkCOgU-00024-00010662-00011022 We will turn to a conversation that we are thrilled to bring to FyFu9MkCOgU-00025-00011022-00011040 you. FyFu9MkCOgU-00026-00011040-00011928 It is two people from Sanofi, a French pharmaceutical multinational FyFu9MkCOgU-00027-00011928-00012282 company doing wonderful work around the world. FyFu9MkCOgU-00028-00012282-00012612 I love one of the title names, so I will read it, it is that they FyFu9MkCOgU-00029-00012612-00012954 chase the miracles of science to improve people's lives. FyFu9MkCOgU-00030-00013026-00013260 We will start with some biography. FyFu9MkCOgU-00031-00013668-00014190 Andria Cox is head off learning solutions for the medical learning FyFu9MkCOgU-00032-00014190-00014322 Institute at Zanotti. FyFu9MkCOgU-00033-00014412-00014741 Brendan O’Callaghan is executive vice president for global FyFu9MkCOgU-00034-00014741-00015054 industrial affairs and its international network of FyFu9MkCOgU-00035-00015054-00015258 manufacturing and distribution sites. FyFu9MkCOgU-00036-00015336-00015588 Let's start with Brendan and Andria. FyFu9MkCOgU-00037-00015588-00015726 Welcome to both of you. FyFu9MkCOgU-00038-00015726-00016152 I would love for you to begin with audio description and a bit about FyFu9MkCOgU-00039-00016152-00016176 yourself. FyFu9MkCOgU-00040-00016332-00016509 Let's start with you, Andria. FyFu9MkCOgU-00041-00016509-00016644 >> Hi, Crosby. FyFu9MkCOgU-00042-00016644-00016912 Thank you for having us here tonight. FyFu9MkCOgU-00043-00017100-00017322 We have got a lot of ground to cover. FyFu9MkCOgU-00044-00017532-00018186 I am a white woman, I have shoulderlength, some would say FyFu9MkCOgU-00045-00018186-00018432 chestnut, some would say auburn hair. FyFu9MkCOgU-00046-00018432-00018966 I'm in my early 40s and I have got grey eyes. FyFu9MkCOgU-00047-00018966-00019770 I am wearing a black sweater set that hides these lovely little FyFu9MkCOgU-00048-00019770-00020298 white flowers embroidered on it, with some pearls which are classy. FyFu9MkCOgU-00049-00020526-00021048 I have several invisible disabilities. FyFu9MkCOgU-00050-00021138-00021330 My drawings are she/her. FyFu9MkCOgU-00051-00022310-00022848 >> I am middle-aged, but that might be stretching it a bit. FyFu9MkCOgU-00052-00022848-00023946 I have got light blue eyes and I'm willing a classical Navy business FyFu9MkCOgU-00053-00023946-00024048 suit and white shirt. FyFu9MkCOgU-00054-00024156-00024582 I use glasses for distance. FyFu9MkCOgU-00055-00024582-00024852 I am a so called able-bodied ally. FyFu9MkCOgU-00056-00025152-00025398 My pronouns are he, him, his. FyFu9MkCOgU-00057-00026102-00026483 >> The three of us had the chance to talk and I was telling Brandon FyFu9MkCOgU-00058-00026483-00027144 it's important to us that we have leaders like Brendan who are FyFu9MkCOgU-00059-00027144-00027414 outside traditional HR and DEI roles. FyFu9MkCOgU-00060-00027677-00027756 That is so critical. FyFu9MkCOgU-00061-00027912-00028398 What do these programs mean for companies like Sanofi? FyFu9MkCOgU-00062-00028452-00028842 How does it look different, coming from a division that you are FyFu9MkCOgU-00063-00028842-00029280 leading where it is about all the pressure you are facing every day FyFu9MkCOgU-00064-00029280-00029670 with economic downturns, post-pandemic, if we are FyFu9MkCOgU-00065-00029670-00030030 post-pandemic, and other changes in the workplace and the great FyFu9MkCOgU-00066-00030030-00030408 resignation, and that is just how you move into the workplace in the FyFu9MkCOgU-00067-00030408-00030420 morning. FyFu9MkCOgU-00068-00030420-00030558 Talk to us about that. FyFu9MkCOgU-00069-00030788-00031092 >> We are a healthcare company, Crosby. FyFu9MkCOgU-00070-00031092-00031512 We are focused on chasing the miracles of science, so trying to FyFu9MkCOgU-00071-00031512-00031883 discover new medicines and vaccines that help people to live better and FyFu9MkCOgU-00072-00031883-00031956 longer l lives. FyFu9MkCOgU-00073-00032322-00032856 We see the impact on people and their families of the consequences FyFu9MkCOgU-00074-00032856-00033030 of diseases and illnesses. FyFu9MkCOgU-00075-00033030-00033372 We have a strong sense of purpose to help them address challenges. FyFu9MkCOgU-00076-00033468-00034230 We can do this better when we serve these people. FyFu9MkCOgU-00077-00034230-00034668 Commitment comes straight from the top and our CEO Paul Hodgson has FyFu9MkCOgU-00078-00034668-00034908 sponsored this personally since he joined the company three years ago. FyFu9MkCOgU-00079-00034908-00035304 It is part of a wider initiative across Sanofi and we have got 5 FyFu9MkCOgU-00080-00035304-00036138 ERGs to cater for underrepresented communities and the 92,000 women FyFu9MkCOgU-00081-00036138-00036658 and men the supporters of. FyFu9MkCOgU-00082-00036658-00037260 They cover gender, generation, pride, LGBTQI+, culture, origins, FyFu9MkCOgU-00083-00037260-00037686 and what will talk about what today is ability plus. FyFu9MkCOgU-00084-00037770-00038238 How do we create an environment where those of the organisation who FyFu9MkCOgU-00085-00038238-00038724 have challenges in relation to abilities can be the best version FyFu9MkCOgU-00086-00038724-00038886 of themselves when they come to work. FyFu9MkCOgU-00087-00039000-00039222 We do it because it is the right thing to do. FyFu9MkCOgU-00088-00039354-00039654 We also recognise that there is a business consequence to this and FyFu9MkCOgU-00089-00039654-00039822 very real and tangible benefits. FyFu9MkCOgU-00090-00039822-00040224 We think we can harness this if we do it well. FyFu9MkCOgU-00091-00040350-00040704 Statistics tell us that 15% of the world's population have some form FyFu9MkCOgU-00092-00040704-00040770 of disability. FyFu9MkCOgU-00093-00040770-00041154 It is over 1.2 billion people across the planet. FyFu9MkCOgU-00094-00041154-00041604 For us, and Sanofi, 13,000 of our employees. FyFu9MkCOgU-00095-00041760-00041970 80 percent of them are invisible. FyFu9MkCOgU-00096-00042090-00042438 We do not know about that unless people create an environment to FyFu9MkCOgU-00097-00042438-00042516 share that with us. FyFu9MkCOgU-00098-00042594-00042834 We have to create an environment for them to be at their best. FyFu9MkCOgU-00099-00042834-00043062 It is the largest minority group in the world. FyFu9MkCOgU-00100-00043356-00043890 If you are parents of a typical family, the 15% quickly grows to FyFu9MkCOgU-00101-00043890-00044412 over 50% of the world population are somehow touched by ability FyFu9MkCOgU-00102-00044412-00044478 challenges. FyFu9MkCOgU-00103-00044550-00044730 We really think it is our responsibility to better understand FyFu9MkCOgU-00104-00044730-00045204 the community, to better serve the needs in terms of the work that we FyFu9MkCOgU-00105-00045204-00045216 do. FyFu9MkCOgU-00106-00045342-00045798 There are economic benefits and we know that people with disabilities FyFu9MkCOgU-00107-00045798-00046122 represent up to 7% of GDP in some countries. FyFu9MkCOgU-00108-00046188-00046902 At 15% translates to close to $13 trillion of spending power every FyFu9MkCOgU-00109-00046902-00046926 year. FyFu9MkCOgU-00110-00047016-00047502 Companies that focus in this area, it is estimated, can generate 20% FyFu9MkCOgU-00111-00047502-00048258 higher revenue, double income for up to 30% higher margins, and that FyFu9MkCOgU-00112-00048258-00048612 the personal level it drives higher levels of customer brand loyalty FyFu9MkCOgU-00113-00048612-00048942 when the recogniser brand and associate it with companies doing FyFu9MkCOgU-00114-00048942-00049002 the right thing. FyFu9MkCOgU-00115-00049104-00049512 It also promotes loyalty within employees with higher levels of FyFu9MkCOgU-00116-00049512-00049920 retention, higher success in recruiting people when they see FyFu9MkCOgU-00117-00049920-00050220 that your values include this important area. FyFu9MkCOgU-00118-00050318-00050568 >> Brendan, so brilliant. FyFu9MkCOgU-00119-00050652-00051042 In years past, everything you just said was phenomenal and we would FyFu9MkCOgU-00120-00051096-00051204 pack up and go home. FyFu9MkCOgU-00121-00051204-00051564 We have got a leader that said what you said and it is all so true FyFu9MkCOgU-00122-00051564-00052128 and the fact you are getting this from the executive ranks is so FyFu9MkCOgU-00123-00052128-00052272 needed and what we are doing. FyFu9MkCOgU-00124-00052272-00052620 It is not only pack up and go home but now we know this information, FyFu9MkCOgU-00125-00052620-00052734 but to be do now? FyFu9MkCOgU-00126-00052734-00053124 You talked about how it is business sense to pay attention to FyFu9MkCOgU-00127-00053124-00053640 the community from a talent and innovation perspective. FyFu9MkCOgU-00128-00053640-00054186 Andria, you are a voice within Sanofi and you have raised your FyFu9MkCOgU-00129-00054186-00054641 hand and self identified with disability and wanting to use your FyFu9MkCOgU-00130-00054641-00054654 voice. FyFu9MkCOgU-00131-00054810-00054888 Why? FyFu9MkCOgU-00132-00055062-00055379 What are you leaving and save the company and why does it matter to FyFu9MkCOgU-00133-00055379-00055398 you? FyFu9MkCOgU-00134-00055538-00055824 >> Thank you, Crosby. FyFu9MkCOgU-00135-00055824-00056412 I will echo you that Brendon is brilliant and such a wonderful ally FyFu9MkCOgU-00136-00056412-00057312 and really personifies caring and leadership is a practice and FyFu9MkCOgU-00137-00057312-00057341 action. FyFu9MkCOgU-00138-00057474-00057576 Why use my voice? FyFu9MkCOgU-00139-00057990-00058614 I keep disappearing, so if anybody cannot see me, my shoulder keeps FyFu9MkCOgU-00140-00058614-00058800 disappearing into the abyss. FyFu9MkCOgU-00141-00058800-00058848 I am here. FyFu9MkCOgU-00142-00059352-00059526 Why not use your voice? FyFu9MkCOgU-00143-00059526-00059832 That is probably a better question. FyFu9MkCOgU-00144-00060017-00060738 We look and we say we all want to be seen and feel like, not feel FyFu9MkCOgU-00145-00060738-00060900 like but know that we belong. FyFu9MkCOgU-00146-00061086-00061548 I am part of the 80% with invisible disabilities and they are FyFu9MkCOgU-00147-00061548-00061608 numerous. FyFu9MkCOgU-00148-00061758-00062316 This has a significant impact on our daily lived experiences. FyFu9MkCOgU-00149-00062424-00062664 It is so natural, it is so natural. FyFu9MkCOgU-00150-00062664-00063120 If you are listening, if you have done this, be patient and kind with FyFu9MkCOgU-00151-00063120-00063432 yourself and know that you're on a learning experience because it is FyFu9MkCOgU-00152-00063432-00063684 so natural for people to make assumptions. FyFu9MkCOgU-00153-00063816-00064308 I don't have ADHD but our colleagues who have ADHD get label FyFu9MkCOgU-00154-00064308-00064782 as inattentive or they're not committed to this meeting. FyFu9MkCOgU-00155-00064902-00065244 They're distracted, they're doing other things and they might leave FyFu9MkCOgU-00156-00065244-00065370 their cameras are freight. FyFu9MkCOgU-00157-00065466-00065976 When I started with this, about two years ago in the organisation FyFu9MkCOgU-00158-00065976-00066468 and, quite frankly, this was before I had my wonderful partner in FyFu9MkCOgU-00159-00066468-00066486 crime. FyFu9MkCOgU-00160-00066654-00066906 I felt like the sanding gong. FyFu9MkCOgU-00161-00067002-00067356 If you are just starting the journey and just using your voice FyFu9MkCOgU-00162-00067356-00067770 to start speaking out about accessibility, there are a couple FyFu9MkCOgU-00163-00067770-00067872 of things to remember. FyFu9MkCOgU-00164-00067962-00068154 Advocacy fatigue is real. FyFu9MkCOgU-00165-00068274-00068868 You are speaking a language that people do not speak. FyFu9MkCOgU-00166-00069084-00069534 This is a lot of compassion for yourself, to move through the FyFu9MkCOgU-00167-00069534-00069726 process to help bring people along. FyFu9MkCOgU-00168-00069726-00070194 You are going to have to slow down to speed up. FyFu9MkCOgU-00169-00070194-00070590 Slow down and realise that you alone cannot do it. FyFu9MkCOgU-00170-00070590-00071160 Your voice can be a powerful instrument for change and it can FyFu9MkCOgU-00171-00071160-00071364 really get the conversation started. FyFu9MkCOgU-00172-00071436-00071916 To echo Brendan that our commitment comes from the top. FyFu9MkCOgU-00173-00071916-00072570 When I saw a complete stalemate with some accessibility initiatives, FyFu9MkCOgU-00174-00072570-00072737 I emailed Paul. FyFu9MkCOgU-00175-00072737-00073278 I said hi Paul, are we committed to this or not? FyFu9MkCOgU-00176-00073362-00073500 He said absolutely. FyFu9MkCOgU-00177-00073500-00074064 He said everybody must be able to see themselves in our company. FyFu9MkCOgU-00178-00074190-00074316 Stay close to this. FyFu9MkCOgU-00179-00074316-00074574 Tell us when we are doing it right. FyFu9MkCOgU-00180-00074574-00075048 Tell us when we are getting it wrong. FyFu9MkCOgU-00181-00075138-00075588 That commitment from the top make such a huge difference. FyFu9MkCOgU-00182-00075678-00076230 What we need then are the voices throughout the business to live FyFu9MkCOgU-00183-00076230-00076560 your truth and to know that you are safe to do that. FyFu9MkCOgU-00184-00076668-00077292 We take an externalisation approach. FyFu9MkCOgU-00185-00077352-00077862 You are not the problem, you never were and never will be. FyFu9MkCOgU-00186-00077862-00078282 The problem is in the mindsets which come with the ablest design FyFu9MkCOgU-00187-00078282-00078540 and come with ablest thinking. FyFu9MkCOgU-00188-00078636-00079242 Also internalised ablest am when we as disabled colleagues diminish FyFu9MkCOgU-00189-00079242-00079758 our own voice and power say look at them, I am not disabled enough. FyFu9MkCOgU-00190-00079854-00080112 We are trying to really eradicate that. FyFu9MkCOgU-00191-00080178-00080496 When you look at why I am using my voice. FyFu9MkCOgU-00192-00080496-00080772 It is because I have one. FyFu9MkCOgU-00193-00080844-00080982 It matters. FyFu9MkCOgU-00194-00080982-00081396 People listen and it is active. FyFu9MkCOgU-00195-00081480-00082032 It has opened up doors for people to reach out to me and Brendan to FyFu9MkCOgU-00196-00082032-00082218 share their lived experiences. FyFu9MkCOgU-00197-00082284-00082902 My goal is that regardless of how you feel in your community, your FyFu9MkCOgU-00198-00082902-00083382 family, where ever, we will get to the point if we are not already FyFu9MkCOgU-00199-00083382-00083934 that you will know that it is a safe place for you to work as your FyFu9MkCOgU-00200-00083934-00084402 whole self, living your truth, even if when you leave at the end of the FyFu9MkCOgU-00201-00084402-00084666 day, you don't unfortunately have that opportunity. FyFu9MkCOgU-00202-00084666-00084822 We love you as you are. FyFu9MkCOgU-00203-00084882-00085004 That's what my voice is about. FyFu9MkCOgU-00204-00085004-00085326 >> If I can maybe do share an anecdote. FyFu9MkCOgU-00205-00085326-00085596 Those folks on the court who maybe cannot see. FyFu9MkCOgU-00206-00085722-00085836 Andria and I were paired. FyFu9MkCOgU-00207-00085836-00086334 I was appointed as the executive sponsor and Andria is the executive FyFu9MkCOgU-00208-00086334-00086394 leader in it. FyFu9MkCOgU-00209-00086502-00086778 I did not know that Andria had a disability. FyFu9MkCOgU-00210-00086844-00087072 It was properly our second or third call. FyFu9MkCOgU-00211-00087072-00087354 As you can see she is a beautiful person and a beautiful looking FyFu9MkCOgU-00212-00087354-00087456 lady. FyFu9MkCOgU-00213-00087456-00088012 I had no idea on the first two calls and that she carried a FyFu9MkCOgU-00214-00088012-00088086 disability and to share that with me. FyFu9MkCOgU-00215-00088146-00088566 It was a great moment for me that to understand there are other FyFu9MkCOgU-00216-00088566-00088944 people in our company who have disabilities that we don't even FyFu9MkCOgU-00217-00088944-00089082 understand and we don't recognise. FyFu9MkCOgU-00218-00089154-00089598 Part of my education in all of this has really been Andria helping FyFu9MkCOgU-00219-00089598-00089880 me to better understand the community semiconductor put FyFu9MkCOgU-00220-00089880-00090342 business solutions in place, again, to help them be the best versions FyFu9MkCOgU-00221-00090342-00090540 of themselves when they come to work. FyFu9MkCOgU-00222-00090540-00090696 >> It is so well said. FyFu9MkCOgU-00223-00090696-00091380 And, Andria, we could see or feel and hear the passion inside that FyFu9MkCOgU-00224-00091380-00091476 what you are doing. FyFu9MkCOgU-00225-00091476-00091800 The goals that you are driving. FyFu9MkCOgU-00226-00091944-00092274 I myself am a person with an invisible disability I have had a FyFu9MkCOgU-00227-00092274-00092946 journey of moving away from ally to understand my own diagnosis. FyFu9MkCOgU-00228-00093096-00093426 The journey that you are moving on and what you are leading, it is FyFu9MkCOgU-00229-00093582-00093720 tantamount to change. FyFu9MkCOgU-00230-00093780-00093864 We are so excited. FyFu9MkCOgU-00231-00093864-00094344 I think it is evident, even the way that you are bouncing off one FyFu9MkCOgU-00232-00094344-00094698 another, already, what the possibilities are that could come FyFu9MkCOgU-00233-00094698-00095010 from these relationships is exactly what we want the generation FyFu9MkCOgU-00234-00095010-00095406 valuable to really start to create number change within organisations FyFu9MkCOgU-00235-00095406-00095874 but, as you think about traditional mentors/mentee, maybe it's reverse FyFu9MkCOgU-00236-00095940-00096288 mentoring, what are some of the qualities which will make it a FyFu9MkCOgU-00237-00096288-00096348 great relationship? FyFu9MkCOgU-00238-00096348-00096714 I know you have a key event coming up tomorrow if you want to tell us FyFu9MkCOgU-00239-00096786-00097020 about this. FyFu9MkCOgU-00240-00097098-00097464 What changed you hope to see come from it at the end of the day? FyFu9MkCOgU-00241-00097598-00097836 >> Maybe I can start. FyFu9MkCOgU-00242-00098046-00098184 What is a mentor and a mentee? FyFu9MkCOgU-00243-00098280-00098592 I was shared relationship. FyFu9MkCOgU-00244-00099354-00099942 I am a so-called able-bodied person but there are so many FyFu9MkCOgU-00245-00099942-00100350 colleagues out there that we don't recognise what we do. FyFu9MkCOgU-00246-00100350-00100890 I said on our first call I feel a fraud in this role because I really FyFu9MkCOgU-00247-00100890-00101274 don't know that I understand truly the challenges that many in our FyFu9MkCOgU-00248-00101274-00101514 workforce face when they come to work every day. FyFu9MkCOgU-00249-00101514-00101754 Of course, the people with physical disabilities we can see FyFu9MkCOgU-00250-00101754-00102108 that clearly but for others it is much more hidden. FyFu9MkCOgU-00251-00102180-00102792 Do we truly understand behaviours, responses perhaps in certain FyFu9MkCOgU-00252-00102792-00102833 situations. FyFu9MkCOgU-00253-00102959-00103416 When I think about mentoring and what I can offer to Andrea, I think FyFu9MkCOgU-00254-00103416-00103938 two mentors that come to mind for me one was my father and his mantra FyFu9MkCOgU-00255-00103938-00104220 to us all as kids growing up was the importance of education. FyFu9MkCOgU-00256-00104285-00104580 The importance of learning and lifelong learning. FyFu9MkCOgU-00257-00104640-00104976 As somebody who is in the advancing Middle Ages let's just FyFu9MkCOgU-00258-00104976-00105000 say. FyFu9MkCOgU-00259-00105000-00105354 I know I sound a lot to learn and I have a lot to learn from the FyFu9MkCOgU-00260-00105354-00105372 space. FyFu9MkCOgU-00261-00105474-00105828 The second mentor who was more a business mentor to me always taught FyFu9MkCOgU-00262-00105828-00105930 me to think big. FyFu9MkCOgU-00263-00106032-00106650 He taught me to lift my head out of the day-to-day model that we can FyFu9MkCOgU-00264-00106650-00107004 all be in on the challenges and priorities of the moment, always to FyFu9MkCOgU-00265-00107004-00107352 lift my head and try to see the big picture and see what we are trying FyFu9MkCOgU-00266-00107352-00107454 to chase ultimately. FyFu9MkCOgU-00267-00107633-00108138 Those are the two informative elements that I think about when I FyFu9MkCOgU-00268-00108138-00108648 try to pass on my experience and what little advice I can to Andria FyFu9MkCOgU-00269-00108648-00108761 and people in that space. FyFu9MkCOgU-00270-00108828-00109368 I think the most important thing I can be for the community is to be FyFu9MkCOgU-00271-00109368-00109782 all in which is language used within but when you're in a FyFu9MkCOgU-00272-00109782-00110208 conversation or you're in a meeting or you are in a forum, who are FyFu9MkCOgU-00273-00110208-00110298 fully engaged. FyFu9MkCOgU-00274-00110298-00110676 You are not on your mobile phone, you are not thinking of 10 of the FyFu9MkCOgU-00275-00110676-00111059 things, we are fully invested of the person of the team all the FyFu9MkCOgU-00276-00111059-00111216 group that you're talking with. FyFu9MkCOgU-00277-00111294-00111659 You can really listen to them actively, hear what they have to FyFu9MkCOgU-00278-00111659-00112008 say and then try to codevelop solutions which can maybe address FyFu9MkCOgU-00279-00112008-00112298 the challenges or opportunities at present. FyFu9MkCOgU-00280-00112298-00112566 >> Brendan, I love the phrase all in. FyFu9MkCOgU-00281-00112566-00112890 There is a disability phrase, nothing about us without us. FyFu9MkCOgU-00282-00112890-00113280 Which is transforming over time to nothing without us. FyFu9MkCOgU-00283-00113333-00113796 When I think of all in, I think of in this movement we are not only FyFu9MkCOgU-00284-00113796-00113964 all in but we are in everything. FyFu9MkCOgU-00285-00114114-00114372 That brings me to you, the relationship coming out of this FyFu9MkCOgU-00286-00114372-00114485 with the relationship. FyFu9MkCOgU-00287-00114485-00114678 What are you hoping to build? FyFu9MkCOgU-00288-00114678-00114900 A little bit about the event that you are running tomorrow. FyFu9MkCOgU-00289-00115411-00115722 >> I think the stars aligned. FyFu9MkCOgU-00290-00115722-00116040 I practice both presence in single tasking. FyFu9MkCOgU-00291-00116040-00116628 I did my dissertation on the psychological impact that doing FyFu9MkCOgU-00292-00116628-00117024 something unrelated to a work conversation has on your FyFu9MkCOgU-00293-00117024-00117078 colleagues. FyFu9MkCOgU-00294-00117185-00117588 So, when you have 30 minutes with Brendan, you have 30 minutes with FyFu9MkCOgU-00295-00117588-00117924 Brendan you have 30 minutes with me, you have 30 minutes with me. FyFu9MkCOgU-00296-00117990-00118572 What that really does is sets the stage that we are here, we have a FyFu9MkCOgU-00297-00118572-00119118 purpose, we are focused and what is our action plan? FyFu9MkCOgU-00298-00119118-00119268 What is the situation? FyFu9MkCOgU-00299-00119268-00119424 What is our action plan? FyFu9MkCOgU-00300-00119520-00120108 Leading up to what we're doing tomorrow, I would say looking at FyFu9MkCOgU-00301-00120258-00120768 what is important with mentees and mentors regardless of who is FyFu9MkCOgU-00302-00120768-00120858 mentoring her. FyFu9MkCOgU-00303-00120930-00121140 Brendan, you have a little bit more to get. FyFu9MkCOgU-00304-00121446-00121504 We have a strong partnership. FyFu9MkCOgU-00305-00121504-00122058 We have got a strong partnership and that leads to trust. FyFu9MkCOgU-00306-00122159-00122826 I can go into any situation without fear of being alone. FyFu9MkCOgU-00307-00122898-00122970 Right. FyFu9MkCOgU-00308-00122970-00123156 I'm not a solitary place. FyFu9MkCOgU-00309-00123156-00123342 We have got humour. FyFu9MkCOgU-00310-00123540-00124032 We certainly enjoy humour and when you are dealing with very serious FyFu9MkCOgU-00311-00124032-00124470 topics, sometimes you have to stop and have moments of brevity. FyFu9MkCOgU-00312-00124578-00125328 We are unfiltered, we are raw, we speak to uncover the truth and get FyFu9MkCOgU-00313-00125328-00125411 to the heart of the matter. FyFu9MkCOgU-00314-00125735-00125970 Brendan is certainly leading the way. FyFu9MkCOgU-00315-00126035-00126509 Another of the X COP members is also involved in this. FyFu9MkCOgU-00316-00127070-00127722 >> I am part of the people who supply the vaccines to many people FyFu9MkCOgU-00317-00127722-00128154 in the world. FyFu9MkCOgU-00318-00128154-00128532 We make over 5 billion doses of medicines and vaccines. FyFu9MkCOgU-00319-00128532-00129066 It is more than enough or have the world's population, I would say, on FyFu9MkCOgU-00320-00129066-00129120 a skill. FyFu9MkCOgU-00321-00129120-00129624 We operate in 60 manufacturing sites and supply 140 companies FyFu9MkCOgU-00322-00129624-00129714 around the world. FyFu9MkCOgU-00323-00129714-00129804 Truly massive skill. FyFu9MkCOgU-00324-00130044-00130626 34,000 colleagues, incredibly committed women and men, who help FyFu9MkCOgU-00325-00130626-00130824 us to carry out those activities. FyFu9MkCOgU-00326-00130956-00131166 I am supported by a team of about 16 people. FyFu9MkCOgU-00327-00131286-00131706 Andria has the opportunity to speak with my leadership team of 16 FyFu9MkCOgU-00328-00131706-00132156 people who are indirectly or directly responsible for 34,000 FyFu9MkCOgU-00329-00132156-00132174 people. FyFu9MkCOgU-00330-00132264-00132612 We are doing that because one of the things I can do is be an FyFu9MkCOgU-00331-00132612-00132654 advocate. FyFu9MkCOgU-00332-00132750-00132876 We can be spokespersons. FyFu9MkCOgU-00333-00132978-00133134 My voice carries so far. FyFu9MkCOgU-00334-00133134-00133554 My 60 leaders can carry it further and there are 34,000 people can FyFu9MkCOgU-00335-00133554-00133698 carry it even further. FyFu9MkCOgU-00336-00133788-00134118 You can see the passionate Andria brings and she will give some FyFu9MkCOgU-00337-00134118-00134712 powerful messages tomorrow and we can continue the journey in that FyFu9MkCOgU-00338-00134712-00134730 way. FyFu9MkCOgU-00339-00134930-00135208 >> Go ahead, Andria. FyFu9MkCOgU-00340-00135208-00135622 Has been one of the things that is beautiful about the deal is that it FyFu9MkCOgU-00341-00135622-00136002 is a controversial save space, ask me anything. FyFu9MkCOgU-00342-00136164-00136746 Whatever they ask or shareable not be repeated with identifiers. FyFu9MkCOgU-00343-00136746-00137100 If we uncover something that we need to address, we will do it FyFu9MkCOgU-00344-00137100-00137547 anonymously but that is about grabbing a coffee, a beer, and I'm FyFu9MkCOgU-00345-00137660-00138384 not sure if you allow drinking, but grab a coffee, a cup of tea, let FyFu9MkCOgU-00346-00138384-00138474 sit, have a conversation. FyFu9MkCOgU-00347-00138612-00138834 People want to be allies. FyFu9MkCOgU-00348-00138834-00139158 They do not know the etiquette. FyFu9MkCOgU-00349-00139218-00139542 How do I interpret if somebody has hearing loss? FyFu9MkCOgU-00350-00139542-00139944 How do I talk with a colleague who uses a wheelchair for mobility? FyFu9MkCOgU-00351-00139944-00140244 Can I ask someone if they have got a disability? FyFu9MkCOgU-00352-00140244-00140502 These are questions that some people do not know. FyFu9MkCOgU-00353-00140634-00141072 To have these unfiltered, raw conversations with the trust and FyFu9MkCOgU-00354-00141072-00141714 knowing that this is your space to do it, it opens up so many doors FyFu9MkCOgU-00355-00141714-00142212 and, to your point, our philosophy is 'nothing without us' and you FyFu9MkCOgU-00356-00142212-00142800 will see that on my banner on LinkedIn and we have put this FyFu9MkCOgU-00357-00142800-00143746 ability on the global page and it is still available to be watched FyFu9MkCOgU-00358-00143746-00143748 inside the company. FyFu9MkCOgU-00359-00143748-00144648 'Nothing without us' - involve us at every stage. FyFu9MkCOgU-00360-00144822-00145320 It is a very fantastic opportunity to be able to have this FyFu9MkCOgU-00361-00145320-00145734 conversation with the senior leaders at the company. FyFu9MkCOgU-00362-00145790-00146286 >> If I could, Crosby, to use personal reference on that, when I FyFu9MkCOgU-00363-00146286-00146880 started this journey six months ago, maybe, with Andria, I was awkward FyFu9MkCOgU-00364-00146880-00147090 in terms of the language I would use. FyFu9MkCOgU-00365-00147090-00147534 I thought I should not use the word 'disabled', I thought that was FyFu9MkCOgU-00366-00147588-00147906 discriminatory in some way, but Andria has made me comfortable with FyFu9MkCOgU-00367-00147906-00147972 that. FyFu9MkCOgU-00368-00147972-00148104 It brings a sense of identity. FyFu9MkCOgU-00369-00148272-00148860 Many people like me do not know how to approach or talk with a FyFu9MkCOgU-00370-00148860-00148980 person who has a disability. FyFu9MkCOgU-00371-00149094-00149454 Opening up those conversations and making that more comfortable is an FyFu9MkCOgU-00372-00149454-00149736 important part of the journey and an important starting point. FyFu9MkCOgU-00373-00149808-00150276 We can help each other at regular levels and let's say so-called FyFu9MkCOgU-00374-00150276-00150576 normal people, that there is an important part of the dialogue and FyFu9MkCOgU-00375-00150576-00150788 the education and awareness we are trying to build. FyFu9MkCOgU-00376-00150788-00151254 >> That is a journey and I am so appreciative and it's making me FyFu9MkCOgU-00377-00151254-00151494 emotional, how open you are about the journey and where you are FyFu9MkCOgU-00378-00151494-00151530 headed. FyFu9MkCOgU-00379-00151878-00152262 I think what you are all doing tomorrow is one of the mic drop FyFu9MkCOgU-00380-00152262-00152304 moments. FyFu9MkCOgU-00381-00152370-00152886 Responsibility for 34,000 people in your organisation and they will FyFu9MkCOgU-00382-00152886-00153450 have an idea of what accessibility and inclusion looks like and if we FyFu9MkCOgU-00383-00153450-00153852 could put out a call to action to everyone, it is not only a safe FyFu9MkCOgU-00384-00153852-00154314 space for questions but asking the leaders in the room and challenging FyFu9MkCOgU-00385-00154314-00154338 them. FyFu9MkCOgU-00386-00154968-00155712 Whatever the text from the room, we continue to see the ripple FyFu9MkCOgU-00387-00155712-00156012 effects at Sanofi and we thank both of you. FyFu9MkCOgU-00388-00156012-00156354 It is the continuation of a dream to see you doing this. FyFu9MkCOgU-00389-00156576-00156732 I have got to come to you, Brendan. FyFu9MkCOgU-00390-00156732-00156924 We have five minutes left. FyFu9MkCOgU-00391-00156924-00157014 It has gone so fast. FyFu9MkCOgU-00392-00157080-00157332 You have so many brilliant things to say. FyFu9MkCOgU-00393-00157332-00157704 Great leaders are great leaders because they have had great FyFu9MkCOgU-00394-00157704-00157752 leaders. FyFu9MkCOgU-00395-00157812-00158208 I was wondering if you have leadership advice that you feel has FyFu9MkCOgU-00396-00158208-00158358 helped you to rise through the ranks. FyFu9MkCOgU-00397-00158358-00158844 You have mentioned mentors in your past, during your time. FyFu9MkCOgU-00398-00158844-00159276 What is a moment or a thing that we should take away with us as we FyFu9MkCOgU-00399-00159276-00159450 think about leadership journeys? FyFu9MkCOgU-00400-00159572-00160014 >> I would reflect back to a couple of mentors I have had that have FyFu9MkCOgU-00401-00160014-00160200 inspired me on my journey. FyFu9MkCOgU-00402-00160350-00160896 I think what I remember most about wanting to reflect on this, it FyFu9MkCOgU-00403-00160896-00161514 filled me with confidence and the level of encouragement, self belief, FyFu9MkCOgU-00404-00161514-00161862 to try things, to have the courage to DR and Andria talked about FyFu9MkCOgU-00405-00162024-00162354 having the courage to speak up and make me feel as if the impossible FyFu9MkCOgU-00406-00162354-00162426 was possible. FyFu9MkCOgU-00407-00162588-00162936 As long as we give it the right level of focus and prioritisation, FyFu9MkCOgU-00408-00162936-00163398 we could make major things happen, way beyond perhaps expectation. FyFu9MkCOgU-00409-00163482-00163728 They are the kind of things that stayed with me a little bit. FyFu9MkCOgU-00410-00163854-00164208 Andria, you know, she inspires me every day and her energy and FyFu9MkCOgU-00411-00164208-00164736 passion, despite the challenges she has to overcome that visible, her FyFu9MkCOgU-00412-00164736-00165030 passion for the space and the work that she is trying to do to create FyFu9MkCOgU-00413-00165030-00165498 a better future for people like her with disabilities, it is truly FyFu9MkCOgU-00414-00165564-00166008 inspiring to me every day and I look at what I can do my role to FyFu9MkCOgU-00415-00166008-00166380 support her and the community that we both try to represent. FyFu9MkCOgU-00416-00166460-00166662 >> Well said. FyFu9MkCOgU-00417-00166662-00166890 It is hard to believe we are coming to the end of the session. FyFu9MkCOgU-00418-00166944-00167250 I want to turn to the last thoughts and open that up. FyFu9MkCOgU-00419-00167352-00167703 Andria, if it is about Sanofi and what you are trying to drive on FyFu9MkCOgU-00420-00167703-00168060 what you want for yourself and your career, I will call it out loud FyFu9MkCOgU-00421-00168060-00168534 that we had a planning conversation and Andria said she would be in the FyFu9MkCOgU-00422-00168534-00168678 C-Suite, this is her future. FyFu9MkCOgU-00423-00168936-00169236 You are the leader that we want in this program. FyFu9MkCOgU-00424-00169236-00169602 What are your final thoughts on what you want for this year of what FyFu9MkCOgU-00425-00169602-00169794 you are looking for, the company and yourself? FyFu9MkCOgU-00426-00169868-00170034 >> Thank you. FyFu9MkCOgU-00427-00170034-00170322 I was on the verge of crying when Brendan was speaking there. FyFu9MkCOgU-00428-00170322-00170490 I am glad I was able to hold that back. FyFu9MkCOgU-00429-00170664-00170802 Wow. FyFu9MkCOgU-00430-00170904-00171708 What I want for this year and every year, every day, every minute, FyFu9MkCOgU-00431-00171708-00172506 is for people to know that you belong, that you matter, that you FyFu9MkCOgU-00432-00172506-00173142 bring diversity of thought and creative processes and it takes us FyFu9MkCOgU-00433-00173142-00173172 all. FyFu9MkCOgU-00434-00173370-00173778 Like you were saying, for the call to action, which I will do, and I FyFu9MkCOgU-00435-00173778-00174210 will give you some feedback on it, find the one thing. FyFu9MkCOgU-00436-00174270-00174366 This is a journey. FyFu9MkCOgU-00437-00174366-00174792 Find one thing that you can do and do it until you do it well. FyFu9MkCOgU-00438-00174792-00175080 Then find another thing and do it until you do it well. FyFu9MkCOgU-00439-00175140-00175806 What is important for every C-Suite list into the conversation, FyFu9MkCOgU-00440-00175914-00176310 representation matters and we see this everywhere. FyFu9MkCOgU-00441-00176310-00177072 I want to see somebody like me in the C-Suite with the voice that FyFu9MkCOgU-00442-00177072-00177264 says, "I am disabled. FyFu9MkCOgU-00443-00177264-00177444 I am proud of it. FyFu9MkCOgU-00444-00177444-00177588 I bring value. FyFu9MkCOgU-00445-00177588-00177792 I am here for you. FyFu9MkCOgU-00446-00177792-00178278 Let's do this thing." That is what is really important. FyFu9MkCOgU-00447-00178350-00178818 If you are a C-Suite leader and have a disability and you are still FyFu9MkCOgU-00448-00178818-00179208 in the disability closet, you have made it to the top. FyFu9MkCOgU-00449-00179208-00179310 Share it with people. FyFu9MkCOgU-00450-00179310-00179430 We need to know this. FyFu9MkCOgU-00451-00179640-00180054 For my career progression, I always ask what life wants to do FyFu9MkCOgU-00452-00180054-00180552 with me and I think when you use your voice and talents for good, FyFu9MkCOgU-00453-00180618-00180930 the doors will open appropriately in the right place at the right FyFu9MkCOgU-00454-00180930-00181404 time and, in the meantime, I want people to know that if you are at FyFu9MkCOgU-00455-00181404-00181752 Sanofi, I am here for you and so is Brendan. FyFu9MkCOgU-00456-00181752-00181986 You have got a community and you belong. FyFu9MkCOgU-00457-00181986-00182418 If you are not at Sanofi and feel alone, you are not. FyFu9MkCOgU-00458-00182418-00182538 Find me. FyFu9MkCOgU-00459-00182538-00182634 Let's talk. FyFu9MkCOgU-00460-00182684-00182838 >> Beautifully said. FyFu9MkCOgU-00461-00182838-00183042 What are your last thoughts, Brendan? FyFu9MkCOgU-00462-00183252-00183570 We are short on time but what are your thoughts as we close out FyFu9MkCOgU-00463-00183570-00183594 today? FyFu9MkCOgU-00464-00183594-00183936 Both of you are building voices and it is. FyFu9MkCOgU-00465-00183936-00184146 We thank you for your time. FyFu9MkCOgU-00466-00184392-00184482 I will talk it over to you. FyFu9MkCOgU-00467-00184712-00185166 >> To finish where I started, we passionately believe, and it comes FyFu9MkCOgU-00468-00185166-00185694 from the top down, we passionately believe that we would be a better FyFu9MkCOgU-00469-00185694-00186078 organisation if we truly represent and reflect the communities, FyFu9MkCOgU-00470-00186078-00186585 patients, people that we serve and better understand the environment FyFu9MkCOgU-00471-00186585-00187056 and how to better help them to overcome very difficult challenges, FyFu9MkCOgU-00472-00187056-00187308 medical and illness -related challenges. FyFu9MkCOgU-00473-00187392-00187692 For us, we want to be truly representative of those FyFu9MkCOgU-00474-00187692-00187740 communities. FyFu9MkCOgU-00475-00187740-00188088 It is simply the right way to do it. FyFu9MkCOgU-00476-00188088-00188208 >> 100%. FyFu9MkCOgU-00477-00188208-00188592 As we close, to those streaming, wherever you are, we are in this FyFu9MkCOgU-00478-00188592-00188616 together. FyFu9MkCOgU-00479-00188616-00189312 If you are a leader, come in, we have got your back. FyFu9MkCOgU-00480-00189312-00189606 Look to Sanofi and companies doing the brilliant work. FyFu9MkCOgU-00481-00189606-00189846 We are with you in this process. FyFu9MkCOgU-00482-00189846-00190098 Have a good day. FyFu9MkCOgU-00483-00190098-00190188 Thank you for joining us. FyFu9MkCOgU-00484-00190430-00190602 >> Thank you. FyFu9MkCOgU-00485-00190602-00190681 >> Thank you. FA2uF8bp2W8-00000-00000003-00000191 The Krebs Cycle occurs in the mitochondrion, FA2uF8bp2W8-00001-00000192-00000386 which means then of course, pyruvate has to get into FA2uF8bp2W8-00002-00000386-00000758 the mitochondrion. The enzyme that would be predicted FA2uF8bp2W8-00003-00000758-00001072 by Krebs' 'super catalyst' notion for oxidizing FA2uF8bp2W8-00004-00001072-00001472 pyruvic acid was never found, despite a lot of searching. FA2uF8bp2W8-00005-00001472-00001898 Instead much later, in the 1950s, these 2 reactions, FA2uF8bp2W8-00006-00001898-00002194 both exergonic, were discovered in the mitochondrion. FA2uF8bp2W8-00007-00002194-00002510 And the first one is the oxidation of pyruvic acid by FA2uF8bp2W8-00008-00002510-00002778 the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase. As you can see, FA2uF8bp2W8-00009-00002778-00003078 it's an exergonic reaction, and the electron carrier FA2uF8bp2W8-00010-00003078-00003457 that grabs the electrons away from pyruvate is NAD+. FA2uF8bp2W8-00011-00003458-00003761 And it becomes NADH. And the other thing to point FA2uF8bp2W8-00012-00003761-00004086 out here, is that in this process, the first of the CO[2] FA2uF8bp2W8-00013-00004086-00004376 molecules that are to result from glucose oxidation FA2uF8bp2W8-00014-00004376-00004632 (or glucose respiration), has now come off. FA2uF8bp2W8-00015-00004632-00004862 And since there were 2 pyruvates per glucose, FA2uF8bp2W8-00016-00004866-00005098 we would say that 2 of the CO[2] molecules FA2uF8bp2W8-00017-00005098-00005400 have been accounted for, for the overall combustion of FA2uF8bp2W8-00018-00005402-00005542 a molecule of glucose. FA2uF8bp2W8-00019-00005542-00005796 The other reaction is a second one, taking one FA2uF8bp2W8-00020-00005796-00006014 of the products, acetyl-S-coenzyme A, FA2uF8bp2W8-00021-00006014-00006186 one of the products of the first reaction, and FA2uF8bp2W8-00022-00006186-00006593 linking it with oxaloacetate (OAA) to make the first FA2uF8bp2W8-00023-00006593-00006941 component of the citric acid cycle, namely citric acid. FA2uF8bp2W8-00024-00006942-00007404 It is in fact acetyl-S-coenzyme A then that is oxidized FA2uF8bp2W8-00025-00007406-00007654 by the 'super catalyst' Krebs cycle. FA2uF8bp2W8-00026-00007654-00008020 And the enzyme that does it, is citrate synthase, FA2uF8bp2W8-00027-00008020-00008332 shown here. So no mystery anymore! There is FA2uF8bp2W8-00028-00008332-00008640 an enzyme that links the oxidation of an organic acid FA2uF8bp2W8-00029-00008640-00008890 to the Krebs cycle, but the organic acid that's FA2uF8bp2W8-00030-00008890-00009178 actually being oxidized is not pyruvate, but FA2uF8bp2W8-00031-00009178-00009456 acetyl-S-Coenzyme A acetate. A word about FA2uF8bp2W8-00032-00009456-00009688 coenzyme A, which has a sulfhydryl group. FA2uF8bp2W8-00033-00009692-00010018 So, we often just call it coenzyme A-SH or CoA-SH. FA2uF8bp2W8-00034-00010018-00010406 Well, first of all it's a B vitamin derivative. In its structure FA2uF8bp2W8-00035-00010406-00010710 it has an adenine and the SH or Thiol group. FA2uF8bp2W8-00036-00010710-00011124 The full structure is not shown here. In its interaction FA2uF8bp2W8-00037-00011124-00011427 with pyruvate, pyruvate loses a carbon remember, FA2uF8bp2W8-00038-00011428-00011748 to become CO[2]. And the remaining 2 carbons of FA2uF8bp2W8-00039-00011748-00012080 pyruvate are the acetate. And the acetates form FA2uF8bp2W8-00040-00012080-00012376 a thioester linkage with the coenzyme A. FA2uF8bp2W8-00041-00012376-00012692 Coenzyme A is often referred to as activating FA2uF8bp2W8-00042-00012692-00012950 the molecules to which it binds in this way. FA2uF8bp2W8-00043-00012950-00013386 So acetic acid is essentially an activated acetate. FA2uF8bp2W8-00044-00013386-00013725 Activated is a nice word because it implies activity. FA2uF8bp2W8-00045-00013726-00014104 Active thioester linkages like the phosphoanhydride FA2uF8bp2W8-00046-00014108-00014432 linkages that we saw earlier, are high energy linkages FA2uF8bp2W8-00047-00014432-00014730 that release a lot of free energy when hydrolyzed. FA2uF8bp2W8-00048-00014730-00015008 So the thioester linkage in acetyl-coenzyme A FA2uF8bp2W8-00049-00015008-00015269 has now captured, at least for the moment, some of FA2uF8bp2W8-00050-00015269-00015463 the free energy that was originally in the FA2uF8bp2W8-00051-00015463-00015706 nutrient glucose way at at the top of glycolysis. FA2uF8bp2W8-00052-00015712-00016010 Let's take a look at the highlights of the Krebs Cycle. FA2uF8bp2W8-00053-00016010-00016228 And remember, this whole cycle, everything FA2uF8bp2W8-00054-00016228-00016434 you see here, happens twice per starting glucose FA2uF8bp2W8-00055-00016434-00016812 molecule. It is a series of reactions of which 4 are FA2uF8bp2W8-00056-00016816-00017204 redox reactions. And take a look: during that cycle, FA2uF8bp2W8-00057-00017204-00017554 2 more CO[2]s come off. For 2 turns of the cycle, FA2uF8bp2W8-00058-00017554-00017922 that's 4 of them, That represents the rest of the CO[2]s FA2uF8bp2W8-00059-00017922-00018236 that come off of respiration. There is in step five, FA2uF8bp2W8-00060-00018236-00018570 a substrate level phosphorylation. In higher organisms, FA2uF8bp2W8-00061-00018570-00018914 that results in the production, not of ATP, but of GTP. FA2uF8bp2W8-00062-00018914-00019288 In a subsequent reaction, the GTP transfers its FA2uF8bp2W8-00063-00019288-00019676 phosphate to ADP to make ATP, so the net result of FA2uF8bp2W8-00064-00019676-00019890 this substrate level phosphorylation is to FA2uF8bp2W8-00065-00019890-00020306 produce another ATP. That is one per cycle, or two more FA2uF8bp2W8-00066-00020306-00020620 ATP's per glucose per two turns of the cycle. FA2uF8bp2W8-00067-00020620-00020946 Bacteria actually makes the ATP right away. It's only FA2uF8bp2W8-00068-00020946-00021162 the higher organisms that have this intervening FA2uF8bp2W8-00069-00021162-00021496 GTP production. There's our thioester linkage on the FA2uF8bp2W8-00070-00021496-00021818 acetyl-coenzyme A, and I want to point out that the free FA2uF8bp2W8-00071-00021818-00022168 energy of hydrolysis of thioesters figures twice in the FA2uF8bp2W8-00072-00022168-00022532 mitochondrion. In the oxidation of acetyl-coenzyme A, FA2uF8bp2W8-00073-00022532-00022856 once outside the cycle itself, or actually at the beginning FA2uF8bp2W8-00074-00022856-00023172 of the cycle, in which acetyl-coenzyme A condenses FA2uF8bp2W8-00075-00023172-00023432 with oxaloacetate. A 2 carbon and a 4 carbon FA2uF8bp2W8-00076-00023432-00023668 compound come together to make the 6 carbon FA2uF8bp2W8-00077-00023668-00024136 citric acid. That is an energy requiring reaction fueled by FA2uF8bp2W8-00078-00024136-00024416 the hydrolysis of the thioester linkage. FA2uF8bp2W8-00079-00024416-00024691 And the second place is actually in Step 5. FA2uF8bp2W8-00080-00024692-00024994 The energy to form the GTP in higher organisms, FA2uF8bp2W8-00081-00024994-00025422 or the ATP in bacteria, comes from the hydrolysis of FA2uF8bp2W8-00082-00025422-00025777 a thioester linkage. I don't show that in step 5, but FA2uF8bp2W8-00083-00025777-00026088 you'll see it later. So the net result of one turn FA2uF8bp2W8-00084-00026088-00026358 of the Krebs Cycle is to produce 3 NADHs, FA2uF8bp2W8-00085-00026358-00026648 a single molecule of GTP in higher organisms, FA2uF8bp2W8-00086-00026648-00027100 or ATP in bacteria, and one FADH2, and the release of FA2uF8bp2W8-00087-00027100-00027432 2 molecules of CO[2]. Remember, just multiply FA2uF8bp2W8-00088-00027432-00027694 everything in that box by 2 per glucose FA2uF8bp2W8-00089-00027694-00027982 that you started with. FDcNyGbfyoy-00000-00000010-00000373 Get rid of that servant's baby immediately! FDcNyGbfyoy-00001-00000561-00000653 Let go of me! FDcNyGbfyoy-00002-00000653-00000987 You can throw that baby away wherever you want... long as it is out of this human world. FDcNyGbfyoy-00003-00001125-00001379 I am willing to leave this place... FDcNyGbfyoy-00004-00001389-00001589 ...but please let me raise my baby. FDcNyGbfyoy-00005-00001646-00001972 You are just a daughter of a servant... don't try to befriend with my son! FDcNyGbfyoy-00006-00002028-00002331 This shoulder is not for you to touch... take your hand off me. FDcNyGbfyoy-00007-00002408-00002628 Please find justice for me. FDcNyGbfyoy-00008-00002628-00002703 Mom!!! FDcNyGbfyoy-00009-00002810-00002868 Get out! FDcNyGbfyoy-00010-00002871-00003048 I really did not know anything... FDcNyGbfyoy-00011-00003062-00003525 She is already dead.... ...but why is she still holding grudges against me? FDcNyGbfyoy-00012-00003543-00003889 You should go and look for a fine wine... send my husband off. FDcNyGbfyoy-00013-00003943-00004488 We both are neither friends nor lovers... ...but, we cannot live without one another. FDcNyGbfyoy-00014-00004488-00004800 If she lives outside from here... one will hurt her. FDcNyGbfyoy-00015-00004821-00005142 Please make her to live here, mother... that she will suffer every single day. FDcNyGbfyoy-00016-00005207-00005257 Here, eat it! FDcNyGbfyoy-00017-00005257-00005612 If she won't agree to it, then will you please give her to me? FDcNyGbfyoy-00018-00005618-00005929 Mr. Sak is currently with Jivi, only just the two of them. FDcNyGbfyoy-00019-00005932-00006261 Love me forever. Your mind will always think only about me. FDcNyGbfyoy-00020-00006261-00006879 Some woman cannot make a man sleep with her... ...but she just uses cheap tricks by drugging him instead. FDcNyGbfyoy-00021-00006886-00007122 I love you very much, Jivi. FDcNyGbfyoy-00022-00007122-00007286 No, Sak. Don't do this. FDcNyGbfyoy-00023-00007294-00007600 Sak...Vi... It is not true, is it? FDcNyGbfyoy-00024-00007620-00007914 One is my little sister... ...and the other is my husband. FDcNyGbfyoy-00025-00007944-00008137 How could you take my husband, Vi? FDcNyGbfyoy-00026-00008163-00008487 I am willing to lose everything, except you. FDcNyGbfyoy-00027-00008511-00009045 You two messed up and did that... ...and now, you want me, your mother, to prepare your wedding? FDcNyGbfyoy-00028-00009050-00009396 Living or dying is yours and your baby's fate. FDcNyGbfyoy-00029-00009784-00009923 [The destiny of Jivi] FDcNyGbfyoy-00030-00010087-00010400 Available only on Sastra Film App FDcNyGbfyoy-00031-00010400-00010551 Having Sastra Film App FDcNyGbfyoy-00032-00010551-00010765 is the same as having a movie theatre in your hand. FGD5JtyecEQ-00000-00000000-00000200 FREE DOWNLOAD IN DESCRIPTION FNILoTJRJDy-00000-00005422-00005726 Here I removed one extra table, FNILoTJRJDy-00001-00005726-00005983 effectively ruining the run FNILoTJRJDy-00002-00005983-00006259 By ignoring bookshelves, I violated important any% requirment FNILoTJRJDy-00003-00014779-00015072 Here I noticed my time-loss and, tbf, bad decission making FNILoTJRJDy-00004-00018000-00018384 Trying to save run by obtaining table needed FNILoTJRJDy-00005-00026353-00026796 Saving some time by using instruments without switching FNILoTJRJDy-00006-00040020-00040379 You're required to have 4 seats here FNILoTJRJDy-00007-00040379-00040895 And I'm using chairs, 'cause it's easier to place them FNILoTJRJDy-00008-00040895-00041095 Sort of FOmqJx2LHCM-00000-00000000-00000720 "Ukrainian journalists already are now in dire need of a lot of stuff to make their work safe." FOmqJx2LHCM-00001-00001096-00001768 Media Lifeline Ukraine. With us today we have two guests. Here's my colleague Jantine van FOmqJx2LHCM-00002-00001768-00002320 Herwijnen. She's our Safety Coordinator at Free Press Unlimited. And with us FOmqJx2LHCM-00003-00002320-00003072 via Zoom is our colleague from Prague Maksym Eristavi, who is also a Ukrainian journalist. FOmqJx2LHCM-00004-00003160-00003808 Let me start with you Maksym. You are from Ukraine. The war has started, FOmqJx2LHCM-00005-00003808-00004408 you work with journalists on a daily basis. How are you to start off with? i think like a new FOmqJx2LHCM-00006-00004472-00005560 other ukrainian um it's been already a marathon so the initial shock and disbelief FOmqJx2LHCM-00007-00005560-00006248 of what was happening to the country is kind of worse off although every day you see the FOmqJx2LHCM-00008-00006360-00007064 the pictures and the videos and you call to your loved ones and you you know keep hearing FOmqJx2LHCM-00009-00007064-00007576 um horror stories that you would never imagine that will happen to your own city FOmqJx2LHCM-00010-00007576-00008384 and your own country um but yeah i think at this point a lot of people focused on what they can do FOmqJx2LHCM-00011-00008384-00009344 and ukrainian has a task in every ukrainian feels obligated uh to do uh whatever it takes FOmqJx2LHCM-00012-00009424-00010088 to end this occupation in this invasion what is still possible for journalists at this moment i FOmqJx2LHCM-00013-00010088-00010800 think that the resilience is uh is key word here because um unfortunately for ukraine i mean this FOmqJx2LHCM-00014-00010800-00011624 is the first uh that kind of a catastrophe since the world war ii but in terms of covering violence FOmqJx2LHCM-00015-00011624-00012320 and covering russian invasion um this is something that on much larger scale that we already faced in FOmqJx2LHCM-00016-00012320-00013319 since 2014 so luckily some journalists were more or less familiar with uh what is like to work FOmqJx2LHCM-00017-00013319-00014047 in um in a situation of urban warfare we also had a much smaller uh scale the same situation during FOmqJx2LHCM-00018-00014047-00014663 the maidan revolution in kiev however as you can imagine for the majority of journalists this is FOmqJx2LHCM-00019-00014663-00015376 not something they were ever prepared to and they were never tasked or never wanted or never thought FOmqJx2LHCM-00020-00015376-00015888 that they're going to be awarded and the war will come to their homes and their cities and their FOmqJx2LHCM-00021-00015888-00016464 villages i want to emphasize that ukraine is an exceptionally large country and we're talking FOmqJx2LHCM-00022-00016464-00017032 about tens of thousands uh you know thousands of journalists who work there on everyday basis FOmqJx2LHCM-00023-00017120-00018048 and i think you know uh even supplying them with basic safety necessities such as best protective FOmqJx2LHCM-00024-00018048-00018728 gear you know helmets we're already talking about supplies and thousands that are needed already now FOmqJx2LHCM-00025-00018792-00019648 um uh the same goes in just uh understanding that for many journalists even those who are FOmqJx2LHCM-00026-00019648-00020592 stayed even in the cities that are under constant bombardments they cannot work 100 and do their job FOmqJx2LHCM-00027-00020592-00021152 100 because there are so many life and death choices they have to make every day for their FOmqJx2LHCM-00028-00021152-00021976 families who stays who goes whether they decide to relocate so of course it impacts the way the FOmqJx2LHCM-00029-00021976-00022760 ability to cover events around you on top of the trauma and ptsd and horror that you kind of see FOmqJx2LHCM-00030-00022760-00023608 what is happening around nevertheless i'm in all of ukrainian journalists who are now working 24 7 FOmqJx2LHCM-00031-00023608-00024288 for almost two weeks there is one large newsroom there are no individual tv channels or news FOmqJx2LHCM-00032-00024392-00025040 agencies anymore everybody works in one effort to cover as much as possible and FOmqJx2LHCM-00033-00025168-00025648 this is also remarkable because again ukraine is such a large country so you have so many FOmqJx2LHCM-00034-00025648-00026448 regions and still even from the russian occupied territories in the south we keep receiving a lot FOmqJx2LHCM-00035-00026448-00027344 of reporting on everyday basis now of course these are two weeks we cannot go on forever like that uh FOmqJx2LHCM-00036-00027344-00028208 ukrainian journalists already are now in dire need of a lot of stuff uh to make their work safe but FOmqJx2LHCM-00037-00028295-00028992 this is something that we must already act now to uh to fix because of broken supply chains because FOmqJx2LHCM-00038-00028992-00029848 of difficulties of sending anything uh to were affected areas i think the the solidarity as you FOmqJx2LHCM-00039-00029848-00030527 mentioned is really really uh um yeah i think it's really helpful and hopeful in a way in this this FOmqJx2LHCM-00040-00030527-00031072 really dire situation of course to see and uh i think it's really promising that we see so many FOmqJx2LHCM-00041-00031072-00031639 news still coming from many areas in ukraine and i uh i really hope we can maintain that uh free FOmqJx2LHCM-00042-00031639-00032352 flow of information going in the coming period um that's actually why we're here today we launched FOmqJx2LHCM-00043-00032352-00032952 very recently the the lifeline for media lifeline for ukraine i still need to get used to the term FOmqJx2LHCM-00044-00032952-00033616 but yeah uh yanteen you're here with me um uh let's talk about uh what journalists need and what FOmqJx2LHCM-00045-00033616-00034160 we're already doing at the moment can you tell us a bit more about that so i think journalists FOmqJx2LHCM-00046-00034160-00034704 need safety they need protection so what we did before the conflict started we already prepared FOmqJx2LHCM-00047-00034704-00035224 for safe shelters for our partner organizations so we have quite some partner organizations FOmqJx2LHCM-00048-00035224-00035952 we provided those journalists with safety kits including medicines bandages uh FOmqJx2LHCM-00049-00035952-00036472 a flashlight so that they you know could keep themselves safe but then when the conflict started FOmqJx2LHCM-00050-00036472-00037008 you know we realized that people really had to go to safe spaces so we relocated i think about FOmqJx2LHCM-00051-00037008-00037768 50 journalists up to now we provided them with 100 vpn subscriptions so that they can be safe online FOmqJx2LHCM-00052-00037936-00038560 and now all kind of forms of safety and exactly being able to still report yeah so it's a digital FOmqJx2LHCM-00053-00038560-00039128 safety but also the physical safety so at the moment we uh are sending the the protective FOmqJx2LHCM-00054-00039128-00039680 equipment as vests and helmets they are on the way to poland and then you know with other FOmqJx2LHCM-00055-00039680-00040112 partners we will get them to ukraine especially to our partner organizations for them to be safe FOmqJx2LHCM-00056-00040296-00040656 and we see a lot more is needed for journalists to continue their work FOmqJx2LHCM-00057-00040656-00041336 so we're working on safe spaces called hubs inside the country and in poland FOmqJx2LHCM-00058-00041336-00042056 so it creates co-working spaces for journalists they can just borrow the equipment they need we FOmqJx2LHCM-00059-00042056-00042672 will have cameras for them to use laptops to use we will also provide psychological support for the FOmqJx2LHCM-00060-00042672-00043232 journalists that are in need of that after all they they've been to it till now yeah exactly FOmqJx2LHCM-00061-00043232-00043736 yeah that sounds amazing well actually you already covered my next oh okay question because it's FOmqJx2LHCM-00062-00043736-00044272 about you know what do we actually need to start doing but i think is this all already on the way FOmqJx2LHCM-00063-00044272-00044800 or should we yeah there are some things that we we still need to pick up uh at a later stage well FOmqJx2LHCM-00064-00044800-00045344 i think we need more safe spaces for journalists so at the moment we have two in poland and they FOmqJx2LHCM-00065-00045344-00046024 have been set up for a journalist in belarus so we can just you know use them now as well for FOmqJx2LHCM-00066-00046024-00046432 the journalists that are coming from ukraine but inside the country it's really difficult FOmqJx2LHCM-00067-00046432-00046968 at the moment to decide where we can have the hubs yeah but we are working on it and you know we have FOmqJx2LHCM-00068-00046968-00047560 a lot of uh contact with the journalists inside so they can also advise us on that yeah exactly FOmqJx2LHCM-00069-00047560-00048032 yeah great well that sounds amazing keep up the good work and i think one of the things FOmqJx2LHCM-00070-00048032-00048520 that is also really important and mentioned by our partner organizations and other news organizations FOmqJx2LHCM-00071-00048584-00049216 is that there's no income anymore so there's no advertisement anymore which is the main income uh FOmqJx2LHCM-00072-00049216-00049752 or members you know people just it's difficult for them to get the income so we also need to FOmqJx2LHCM-00073-00049752-00050320 pay for the salaries for journalists that they can just survive yeah exactly exactly well that's FOmqJx2LHCM-00074-00050320-00050848 very important yeah exactly yeah we want him to continue this um maxim do you have anything to FOmqJx2LHCM-00075-00050848-00051384 add to that we the the media lifeline ukraine you were part of the the launch of course on friday FOmqJx2LHCM-00076-00051384-00051984 um do you see any other challenges or needs that are coming up that are not mentioned uh already i FOmqJx2LHCM-00077-00051984-00052720 think that the the most important thing to add and again i'm not here you know as a talking ukrainian FOmqJx2LHCM-00078-00052720-00053264 journalist i'm actually part of the same effort and i think it's important to emphasize that FOmqJx2LHCM-00079-00053264-00054024 this effort is led by the journalists ukrainian journalist anjon was from the region um which FOmqJx2LHCM-00080-00054024-00054824 kind of er important thing at the moment to to do because in the country at war you got gotta know FOmqJx2LHCM-00081-00054824-00055496 um right the situation at the time right people how to bring all the necessities and all the FOmqJx2LHCM-00082-00055496-00056216 uh stuff that has been donated across the border um and luckily for us we've been working in the FOmqJx2LHCM-00083-00056216-00056952 region for many years including free press unlimited as well helping journalists not FOmqJx2LHCM-00084-00056952-00057776 on such scale but helping journalists every day in similar situations we've just had a massive crisis FOmqJx2LHCM-00085-00057776-00058488 in belarus when we had to help journalists to relocate and start their lives a new um after the FOmqJx2LHCM-00086-00058488-00059088 uh the pro-democratic revolution the same with russian journalists and from other countries FOmqJx2LHCM-00087-00059088-00059672 so i think at this point of course the biggest challenge is time time is running against us FOmqJx2LHCM-00088-00059728-00060488 you know there's uh there's gonna be no um no sense to send anything when journalists will FOmqJx2LHCM-00089-00060488-00061240 start dying we already have three journalists killed in the in the last two weeks in ukraine FOmqJx2LHCM-00090-00061240-00061967 so i think at the moment the biggest challenge is not so much to figure out what we need FOmqJx2LHCM-00091-00061967-00062736 but figure out how fast we can gather those resources and send them across the border because FOmqJx2LHCM-00092-00062736-00063336 the list is very simple this is all that will protect their lives everything that will you know FOmqJx2LHCM-00093-00063336-00064232 help to protect and secure them as they report and uh also anything that will help them to have those FOmqJx2LHCM-00094-00064232-00064936 uh at least temporary breaks whether a temporal relocation or temporary safety houses in ukraine FOmqJx2LHCM-00095-00064936-00065856 and outside ukraine this is already a dire need as a journalist you know ending the second week of FOmqJx2LHCM-00096-00065856-00066400 covering this nonstop um so yeah everything guys that you mentioned is critically important but FOmqJx2LHCM-00097-00066400-00067456 then again time is running against us we gotta act very fast and anyone who wants to join and chip in FOmqJx2LHCM-00098-00067456-00068160 and be solid uh show their solidarity with ukraine journalists they already have to do it yesterday FOmqJx2LHCM-00099-00068264-00068848 yeah completely agree thank you for that and uh it's really good you emphasize how this is locally FOmqJx2LHCM-00100-00068848-00069392 led of course and definitely i mean the the whole idea behind the lifeline is of course that we're FOmqJx2LHCM-00101-00069392-00069808 flexible and that we look at the needs that are actually relevant on a day-to-day basis they can FOmqJx2LHCM-00102-00069808-00070384 be different tomorrow or next week and uh we'll try to adjust to that as good as we can thank you FOmqJx2LHCM-00103-00070384-00070952 so much both for being with us today and uh i wish you both very good luck with the rest of the work FOmqJx2LHCM-00104-00070952-00071584 this was studio free press matters see you next time thank you for watching FOmqJx2LHCM-00105-00071744-00071794 you